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Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
Edited by
Dragica Vasileska
Published by In-Teh In-Teh Olajnica 19/2, 32000 Vukovar, Croatia Abstracting and non-proit use of the material is permitted with credit to the source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. Publisher assumes no responsibility liability for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained inside. After this work has been published by the In-Teh, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are an author or editor, and the make other personal use of the work. © 2010 In-teh www.intechweb.org Additional copies can be obtained from: [email protected] First published March 2010 Printed in India Technical Editor: Maja Jakobovic Cover designed by Dino Smrekar Cutting Edge Nanotechnology, Edited by Dragica Vasileska p. cm. ISBN 978-953-7619-93-0
Preface Semiconductor nanoelectronics has developed with unprecedented pace in the last twenty years. Year after year transistors have been continually scaled from micrometer to deep into nanometer regime (therefore the name Nanoelectronics). Up until this point it has been possible to scale conventional transistors but as the scaling process continues it becomes more dificult o follow Moore’s law as challenges in photolithography become too dificult to be overcome and to produce devices with yields that will ensure components cost that provides proit to the manufacturers. What will happen at the end of the technology roadmap is still not clear even to Intel Fellows. To ensure further performance improvement in transistors operation two alternative strategies are typically followed. The irst one is use of alternative materials, like strained Si and strained SiGe, for example, that offer higher mobilities for electrons and holes, respectively. The second avenue is to utilize alternative device structures. These alternative device structures come in different shapes: fully depleted silicon on insulator (SOI) devices, dual gate device structures, tri gate devices that are also known as FinFET device structures, MugFETs (multiple gate device structures), etc. A low chart that explains the advantages and the disadvantages of both devices employing different materials and devices using different device designs is shown in Table 1 below. Table 1. Non-classical metal oxide semiconductor ield effect transistors designs. Device
Ultrathin Body (UTB) SOI
BandEngineered Transistor
Vertical Transistor
Fully-depleted SOI
SiGe or Strained Si; bulk Si or SOI
Double-gate or surround-gate structure
Application/ D river
Higher performance, higher transistor density, lower power dissipation
VI Advantages
Improved subthreshold slope; VT controllability
Higher drive current; compatible with bulk Si and SOI
Higher drive current; lithography independent gate length
Higher drive current; Improved subthreshold slope; improved short channel effect (SCE)
Scaling Issues
Si ilm thickness, gate stack; worse SCE than bulk CMOS
High mobility ilm thickness (SOI); gate stack; integratability
Si ilm thickness; gate stack; integratability; process complexity; accurate TCAD
Gate alignment; Si ilm thickness; gate stack; integratability; process complexity; accurate TCAD
Device characterization; PD versus FD; compact
characterization; compact model and parameter extraction
model and parameter extraction; applicability to mixed signal applications
Eventually, even the transistor structures listed in Table 1 will not be small enough and further miniaturization of devices will be required. Next in lane are nanowire transistors, single electron transistors and quantum dot structures. The nanowire devices show more attractive scaling in performance as they are made smaller. Speciic applications for nanowire transistors in future include use in building high performance logic circuits as well as host of electronics applications on unconventional substrates, such as plastics, where such high performance devices have not been possible. A conventional ield effect transistor, the kind that makes all modern electronics work, is a switch that turns on when electrons are added to a semiconductor and turns off when they are removed. These on and off states give the ones and zeros that digital computers need for calculation. Interestingly, these transistors are almost completely classical in their physics. Only a few numbers that characterize their behavior are affected by quantum mechanics. However, if one makes a new kind of transistor, in which the electrons are conined within a small volume and communicate with the electrical leads by tunneling, all this changes. One then has a transistor that turns on and off again every time one electron is added to it; we call it a single electron transistor (SET). Furthermore, the behavior of the device is entirely quantum mechanical. The problem with SETs is that the switching behavior is most prominent at low temperatures. Nevertheless, cellular neural networks have been proposed by the University of Notre Dame team led by Craig Lent and co workers that utilize SETs.
Quantum dots, also known as nanocrystals, are a special class of materials known as semiconductors, which are crystals composed of periodic groups of II-VI, III-V, or IV-VI materials. Semiconductors are a cornerstone of the modern electronics industry and make possible applications such as the Light Emitting Diode and personal computer. Semiconductors derive their great importance from the fact that their electrical conductivity can be greatly altered via an external stimulus (voltage, photon lux, etc), making semiconductors critical parts of many different kinds of electrical circuits and optical applications. Quantum dots are unique class of semiconductor because they are so small, ranging from 2-10 nanometers (10-50 atoms) in diameter. At these small sizes materials behave differently, giving quantum dots unprecedented tunability and enabling never before seen applications to science and technology. Finally, at the bottom of the hierarchy of scaling we have the direct manipulation of molecules and atoms. A new ield has emerged, called molecular electronics. Molecular electronics (sometimes called moletronics) is an interdisciplinary theme that spans physics, chemistry, and materials science. The unifying feature of this area is the use of molecular building blocks for the fabrication of electronic components, both passive (e.g. resistive wires) and active (e.g. transistors). The concept of molecular electronics has aroused much excitement both in science iction and among scientists due to the prospect of size reduction in electronics offered by molecular level control of properties. Molecular electronics provides means to extend Moore’s Law beyond the foreseen limits of small-scale conventional silicon integrated circuits. The main purpose of this book is to describe important issues in various types of devices ranging from conventional transistors (beginning chapters of the book) to molecular electronic devices whose fabrication and operation is discussed in the last few chapters of the book. As such this book can serve as a guide for identiications of important areas of research in micro, nano and molecular electronics. We deeply acknowledge the valuable contributions that each of the authors made in writing these excellent chapters that this book consists of.
Dragica Vasileska
Contents Preface 1. The need for practical regulation of developing commercial nanotechnology
V 001
Charles R. McConachie and J.D.
2. Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
Jae-Sung Lee
3. Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
Dragica Vasileska, Katerina Raleva and Stephen M. Goodnick
4. Low-Dimensional Group III-V Compound Semiconductor Structures Nobuhiko P. Kobayashi 5. Analytic Approach to the Operation of RTD Ternary Inverters Based on MML
Juan Núñez, José M. Quintana and María J. Avedillo
6. Development of Superlattice Infrared Photodetectors
Shih-Hung Lin, Ying-Hsiang Wang, Che-Wei Chang, Jen-Hsiang Lu, Chun Chi Chen and Chieh-Hsiung Kuan,
7. “Bottom-up” Approaches for Nanoelectronics
Mrunal A. Khaderbad, Arindam Kushagra, M. Ravikanth and V. Ramgopal Rao
8. Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
Jae Ho Lee and Robert E. Geer
9. Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements
Kuang-Chao Fan,Fang Cheng, Yejin Chen, Bor-Shen Chen
10. Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations Ram Mohan and Yu Liang
11. Advances in Nanowire-Based Computing Architectures
Jun Wu, Sriram Venkateswaran and Minsu Choi
12. New Class of Coolants: Nanoluids
Sadollah Ebrahimi, Anwar Gavili, Maryamalsadat Lajevardi, Taghi Dallali Isfahani, Iraj Hadi and Jamshid Sabbaghzadeh
13. Intersubband Transitions in the Quantum Dot Layers for Quantum Conined Photodetector
Shiang-Feng Tang, Tzu-Chiang Chen, Shih-Yen Lin and Hsing-Yuan Tu,
14. Intersublevel Relaxation Properties of Self-Assembled InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Heterostructures
1Jiunn-Chy Lee and Ya-Fen Wu
15. Arithmetic Circuits Realized by Transferring Single Electrons
Wan-cheng Zhang and Nan-jian Wu
16. Single-Electron Circuits for Sigma-Delta Domain Signal Processing
Hisato Fujisaka
17. Carbon Nanotube Capacitors
Mark M. Budnik and Eric W. Johnson
18. Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
Kyle Jiang
19. Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
Mohd Ridzuan Ahmad, Masahiro Nakajima, Seiji Kojima, Michio Homma and Toshio Fukuda
20. Anti silver nanoparticle bacteria Chi-Yea Yang
The need for practical regulation of developing commercial nanotechnology
X1 The need for practical regulation of developing commercial nanotechnology Charles R. McConachie and J.D.
McConachie Law Dallas, Texas, USA
1. Introduction Nanotechnology began as a theoretical concept in 1959 in a talk by Nobel physicist Richard Feynman. By the 1980s the theory of nanotechnology became more of a fact when new microscopes were developed allowing scientists to see nanometers, down to one-billionth of a meter (Brown, 2008). Commercial development of nanotechnology has expanded significantly as can be seen by the fact that between March 2006 and August 2008 the total number of consumer nanotechnology based products manufactured in the US rose from 125 to 426. In Asia the increase has been from less than 40 products to 227 in the same time period (Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, 2009). A trip through Google with the search term “nanotechnology development” reveals approximately 5,320,000 different web sites (Google.com, 2009). It is submitted that nanotechnology is a rapidly growing phenomena that has had and will have profound impact on man and the environment. Some of the impact will be good, especially in the new consumer products becoming available in all kinds of areas from new roofing insulation materials to new, incredible medical devices (McConachie, 2008). It is anticipated and predicted that this same nanotechnology development without regulation to protect the environment, health and safety (EHS) will result in profound and disturbing harm to man and the environment (Renn & Roco, 2006). The purpose of this chapter is to identify nanotechnology regulation that exists, present the rationale for maintaining status quo ante as well as for the promulgation of regulation promulgation of further regulation and, with an understanding of what the risks are likely to be, suggest that because there is now no binding regulation of nanotechnology mankind needs to take appropriate action before the EHS goes through its 9/11 event.
2. The State of Nanotechnology Regulation On October 1, 2007, Dr. Patrick Lin, director of the Nanoethics Group in an article posted on the Nanoethics Group web site compared the development of nanotechnology with playing with fire; this because there is inadequate information and knowledge on the proper control of nanoparticles and what the dangers might be if there is a release of nanoparticles into the
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
atmosphere. Dr. Lin proposed that sufficient evidence exists to predict the existence of toxicological risks from nanotechnological exposure. As a result in his view nanotechnological particles should be regulated (Lin, 2007). Ironically, there is at the time this chapter is being prepared, in November 2009, an almost total dearth of governmental regulation of nanotechnology and nanoparticles. Indeed, it was not until December 2006 that any government in the world enacted binding law to regulate nanotechnology, and that government is the Berkeley, California City Council in the US (Phillips, 2008). The City Council promulgated new law amending its hazardous materials law to include nanoparticles (Elvin, 2008). This local ordinance required researchers and manufacturers to report to the City of Berkeley what nanotechnology materials are being worked with and how the articles are handled to maintain safety (Elvin, 2008). Another US city, Cambridge, Massachusetts, considered the same kind of local ordinance, but as of July, 2008, had only gone as far as voting to accept recommendations of an advisory committee to track developments and changes and report back to the council (Bergenson, 2008). Whether it is coincidence or foresight that the only two cities to have preceded this far in nanotechnology regulation happen to be home to two of America’s outstanding universities, Harvard and the University of California at Berkeley, is unknown. As of February 2009 twenty-two states in the US had passed nanotechnology legislation. The various states legislation encompasses grants for research, business development and the like. Not one of these state statutes addresses any regulatory aspect of nanotechnology (Nanotechnology Statutes, 2009). In the U.S., President Bush in 2004 signed into law the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (21-NRDA, 2004). While 21-NRDA contains important provisions for research and development, again, the Act does nothing to regulate by law nanoparticles. In 2007, and again in 2009 the US House of Representatives passed HR 554, the National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act of 2009. The House passage of HR 554 in 2009 was a part of the February 2009 stimulus package. In both 2007 and 2009 the House without amendment passed the NNIAA. Ironically, the NNIAA has not been reported out of Committee in the Senate as of late August 2009. There are no hearings scheduled for HR 554 by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation (HR 554, 2009). Even if the US Senate does take action with the NNIAA, the interesting aspect of the 2009 Amendments is that the bill contains any number of provisions for reporting, encouraging, studying, and advancing nanotechnology, while at the same time recognizing there are safety issues in nanotechnology development, and yet there is no new regulation of nanotechnology development or use in the 2009 Amendments. The perceived need for nanotechnology regulation in the United States is not great while in Europe the official view of the European Commission is that no new regulations in the EU are needed because existing regulation leaves no regulatory void. According to the official responsible for regulatory aspects of nanotechnology at the European Commission, Cornelis Brekelmans, “[w]e are not in a regulatory void.” At the Second Annual Nanotechnology Safety for Success Dialogue Workshop in October, 2008, Brekelmans stated that “We may decide to not authorize a product,” and later the Commission might review, modify, or cancel an authorization (EurActiv, 2008). Mr. Brekelman’s perspective was challenged at the same Workshop by the leader of Greens/EFA, Axel Singhofen, who argued that “the reality is not quite how you [Brekelmans] present it.” Contrary to Mr. Brekelmans stated views, Mr. Singhofen
The need for practical regulation of developing commercial nanotechnology
advocated that developers of nanotechnology products should have to prove their safety before being allowed to enter the market (Azonano, 2008). In both the US and Europe the prevailing government view either evidenced by word or lack of activity/interest is that the case for nanotechnology regulation of products being developed has yet to be made. On the other hand there are a number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Greens/EFA, Greenpeace and the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) that hold to a different line. In a 2006 article published in the Journal of Nanoparticle Research entitled “Nanotechnology and the Need for Risk Governance,” Renn and Roco held that the novel attributes of nanotechnology require the development of different routes to determine benefit-risk since regulation has not kept up with the development of new nanotechnology products (Renn & Roco, 2006).
3. A Look at the Risks from Nanotechnology The lack of safety regulation of nanoparticles persists despite considerable work and research. In 2006 the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) hosted a workshop in Switzerland concerning the “Conceptual Risk Governance Framework for Nanotechnology.” The participants agreed that nanotechnology is divided into four broad generations of technology products and processes (Renn & Roco, 2006). With each successive generation the risks increase because the nanoproducts become more active and complicated. The first generation, post 2000, consists of passive nanostructures. These steady function, or passive, nanoproducts consist for example of coatings, ultra precision engineering, polymers and ceramics. On March 5, 2008 Industrial Nanotech, Inc., announced that it was entering the commercial roof insulation market with lightweight thermal insulation based on its patented product line, Nansulate®, a passive nanoproduct (McConachie, 2008). The second generation of nanoproducts, in the 2005 time frame, consists of active nanotechnology, which might include transistors, amplifiers, targeted drugs and chemicals, nanoscale fluids and laser-emitting devices. An active nanostructure product changes its state during operation. By way of example, a drug delivery nanoparticle changes its morphology and chemical composition. The new resultant state may also be subject to change from other changes in the biological, electronic, mechanical and magnetic properties (Renn & Roco, 2006). The third generation or stage to begin next year, 2010, will be a system of nanosystems made up of various syntheses and assembling techniques. The third generation in medicine would include the production of an artificial organ made up of nanoscale cell tissues and scaffolds for cell engineering. In the area of nanoelectronics possible new devices would be based upon variables other than electrical charge. Third generation products with potential high risk include the behavior of engineered robotics, evolutionary artificial organs and modified viruses and brain cells (Renn & Roco, 2006). The fourth generation, projected to begin in 2015, is where a heterogeneous molecular nanosytem has a specific structure and yet plays a different role. It is envisioned that molecules in devices will be used in new functions with new functions and structures. Nanomedicine products of the fourth generation would include cell aging therapies, stem cell nanocell therapy new genetic therapies (Renn & Roco, 2006).
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is about the creation of new products made up of new parts or ingredients to be used in new ways. In determining whether going forward nanotechnology presents sufficient risk to EHS so as to either regulate or limit it’s admission to the marketplace, knowledge of what products based upon nanotechnology are being distributed in commerce and what products are being developed for use in commerce is a critical must. A great deal of the problem as pointed out by Renn and Roco is the “. . . uncertain/unknown evolution of the technology and human effects (for example, health changes at birth, brain understanding and cognitive issues and human evolution), as well as a framework through which organizations and policies can address such uncertainties” (Renn & Roco, 2006). Put another way, the extent of the dangers from nanotechnology development have not been fully appreciated because of the fact that the properties of nanomaterials are not predictable based upon known laws of chemistry and physics. What one thinks should happen may very well have a completely different result in a nanotechnological base product. Part of the reason for the quite possible different distinctions, and thus the risk, is the fact that structure in a nanotechnology product is quite important in how both biological and physical behavior play out (Davies, 2006). Citing Oberdorster and Maynard, Davies states: “We do not know enough about the toxicity and environmental effects to know whether . . . [nanotechnology] materials are also different in these respects, but it is likely, for example, that the toxicity of . . . [nanotechnology] materials is more related to their surface area than to their weight” (Davies, 2006). Another perspective of the EHS risks that come from nanotechnology development are concerns about how penetration of human skin by nanoparticles, inhalation of nanoparticles effecting the lungs and respiratory system, the breach of the blood-brain barrier by nanoparticles in the bloodstream may all cause harm to man. As noted by Brown, a recent experiment reported in Science Daily that showed men’s socks with an “odor fighting” feature when washed normally released ionic silver which after traveling through the wastewater process and entering natural waterways could very well harm the water ecosystems. This example shows that the law of unintended consequences clearly applies in any evaluation of EHS risks from nanotechnology (Brown, 2008).
4. A Worst Case Scenario? There has not been a recorded serious EHS event caused by nanoparticles. The technology is new and commercial development is only now becoming common. There has been research into what in the real world might be viewed as a worst case scenario. Research by NASA (Life Sciences), Wyle Laboratories and UT Medical School (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine) in Houston, Texas inquired into the toxicity of carbon nanotubes to the lungs of mice. Five mice treated (under anesthesia) died within one week. All of the nanotubes introduced epitheloid granulomas, or tumor-like nodules, in the lungs. In some instances this resulted in inflammation of the lungs within 7 days. The mice that survived were sacrificed at 90 days and subsequent examination showed pronounced nodules and extensive necrosis (Lam et al, 2004). In the real world such unprocessed nanotubes are quite light. They could become airborne if released and potentially reach the lungs.
The need for practical regulation of developing commercial nanotechnology
The researchers here concluded that carbon nanotubes are “more toxic than carbon black and can be more toxic than quartz” (Lam et al, 2004). The nanotubes used in the test were processed under different conditions with different heavy metals, such as nickel, iron and yttrium. A nanoparticle that is popular in medical applications consists of metal nanoshells, nanoparticles that are tunable to electromagnetic radiation. The typical metal nanoshell is spherical core, i.e. silica, that is surrounded by a thin – often gold - shell. Such nanoshells are thought to be very beneficial in reducing carcinoma of the breast. Cancerous cells incubated and exposed to infrared light died while cells with no nanoshells were unharmed (Hirsch et al, 2003). No one knows whether such nanoshells are safe. No one knows what happens to the nanoshells when cleared from the patient’s dead cells by the immune system, or when the nanoshells are discharged or released. Indeed, no one knows what happens to the patient over the long term. In 2003 the specter of nanotechnology disaster took a new turn when Prince Charles of Great Britain asked the Royal Society, the world’s oldest scientific club to have a dialogue concerning the enormous risks when faced with self-replicating. This examination of the “grey goo” problem that commenced in 1986 when Dr. Eric Hexler first began describing the danger of the grey goo in the context of nanotechnology nanotechnology (Radford, 2003). By 2004 The Prince and Dr. Hexler both recanted on the idea that there is some valid science suggesting that grey goo will likely or even ever be close to rescue. Prince Charles reduced his criticism of nanotechnology from grey goo, acknowledging that it was quite likely such would not take place (Sheriff, 2004). Dr. Drexler, who is regarded as a leading early nanotechnology expert, lost considerable reputation when Richard Smalley, the Rice University chemist who shared the 1996 Nobel Prize for discovering Buckminsterfullerene, called Drexler out in late 2004 by saying Drexler was terribly wrong in predicting grey goo, and this just two days before President Bush signed into law the 21-NRDA in which nanotechnology was recognized as an important link to the future (Regis, 2004). Even without gray goo being a realistic and serious EHS risk, there are sufficient unknowns to the safe use of nanotechnology so as to make credulous the concerns that developing nanotechnology, especially the third an fourth generations must be considered to contain risks that are not fully appreciated by man.
5. Nanotechnology Products Today A recent Internet posting contained the first widely available inventory of nanotechnology consumer products (Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, 2009). There were more than 1,000 products in the Consumer Products Laboratory in August of 2009. The total number of nanotechnology based consumer products has increased 376 percent since 2006.. A total of 483 companies produced nanotechnology products located in 24 countries. By product category the most prevalent nanotechnology consumer product is in health and fitness. The growth of health and fitness products between 2006. 2009 was from slightly less than 150 to more than 605 of the total 1,015 products. By contrast only one other consumer product category, home and garden, had more than 150 products last year. Within the eight major product categories are found sub-categories. One sub-category of Home and Garden is Paint. Multi-functional products are categorized as “Cross Cutting.”
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
“Coatings” is the sub-category of Cross Cutting, which means that a Coating consumer product based upon nanotechnology will have more than one purpose (Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, 2009). The regions of origin are reported in 2009 to be 540 of the 1,015 total from the US, 240 of 1,015 from East Asia, 154 products come from Europe and 66 products come from the rest of the world (Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, 2009).
6. Existing Laws That Might Regulate Nanotechnology With this kind of worldwide breakdown based upon region/country, it is not surprising that in determining what new regulation is necessary to protect man and the environment from the risks commonly recognized in new nanotechnology it is first necessary to have an understanding of what regulatory structures exist at the present, and if such structures are effective. An examination of US federal law that exists today provides a foundation. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is one of the oldest US consumer protection agencies. To market drugs or biologics in commerce the FDA must first approve an application and determine the product is both safe and effective (21 USC 355, 21 USC 360). Part of the approval process is that the drug or biologic will be manufactured in compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMPs) which include requirements concerning building facilities, such as design, lighting, ventilation, filtration, HVAC, plumbing, equipment and controls as well as controls of production and process (21 CFR 210, 21CFR211). FDA also is responsible for medical devices (21 USC 360). The approval process for medical devices is two-stepped. New, never before used devices must go through the full FDA review in what is described as a Premarket Application (PMA), while a medical device sold before October 1976 or that is substantially equivalent to a device lawfully on the market is submitted to FDA for clearance under what is known as a 510(K) notice (21 USC 360 1(k). The GMPs for devices, Quality Systems Regulation) mandate, as do the drug GMPs, that the production and process controls include environmental and contamination controls (21CFR820.70). There is support for the conclusion that as to drugs, biologics and medical devices the present US food and drug law is sufficient for purposes of regulating nanotechnology (Davies, 2006). Unfortunately, the same may not be as true with other existing US regulatory schemes. For example, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) administered by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been described as the primary vehicle to regulate nanotechnology because of its broad scope. One important question yet to be finally decided is whether nanoparticles may under this regulatory scheme be considered “new chemical substances.” Both the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) and Greenpeace argue that under the TSCA “all engineered” nanoparticles are “new chemical substances.” Because of the divergence of views in the US and the way the US political system operates it is by no means certain that the courts will ultimately agree with NRDC and Greenpeace (Davies, 2006). If the conclusion is nanoparticles are not “new chemical substances,” Davies argues that the TSCA’s “significant new use” rules (SNUR) could perhaps be utilized. In other words, the Administrator of EPA could conclude an existing chemical is to be regulated as though it were a new one. Whether this approach is practical is quite open to question. TSCA rulemaking is almost always a lengthy administrative process in which one chemical or
The need for practical regulation of developing commercial nanotechnology
chemical group is considered at a time by the Administrator. Besides publishing required notices in the Federal Register any affected person could challenge the EPA by filing objections to the proposed rule. The upshot of such an objection may well result in an administrative hearing that is appealed first to the Administrator and then reviewed by the court of appeals. Going through this process one chemical group or one chemical entity at a time is not feasible in a developing new industry where changes, new developments or uses come with lightning rapidity. It should be remembered that of the existing US laws with broad coverage TSCA is considered to be the primary vehicle for regulating nanotechnology (Davies, 2006). This is not a bright prospect. A second challenge to putting nanotechnology under the TSCA regulatory umbrella is when in the process TSCA should apply. If one assumes nanotechnology products fall under the EPA’s jurisdiction by virtue of TSCA, toxicity downstream at the time the final formulation occurs cannot be assumed or predicted. While regulation of nanotechnology would be focused on final products TSCA would look to manufacturers of the basic forms of nanotechnology and expect these entities to anticipate, track and trace all possible final uses of the basic products. Should two or more basic nanoparticles be combined or joined to make a final product the new identity would remove the product from TSCA’s present jurisdiction (Davies, 2006). An additional problem with TSCA being effective to regulate nanotechnology is the requirement that the EPA must first meet a number of requirements prior to taking any regulatory action. This is seen quite clearly in Corrosion Proof, et al. v. EPA (Corrosion Proof, 1991). Corrosion Proof concerned the EPA’s twelve-year proceeding to use the TSCA “to reduce the risk to human health posed by exposure to asbestos” (54 FR 29,460, 1989). The EPA was not the first US regulatory agency concerned over asbestos. In 1971, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) began limiting the exposure limit of asbestos, then @ 12 fibers per cubic centimeter (Corrosion Proof, at 1207, note 1, 1991). Between 1979 and 1989 the EPA conducted its administrative proceeding leading up to the issuance of a final rule in 1989 that prohibited “the manufacture, importation, processing, and distribution in commerce of most asbestos-containing products” (Corrosion Proof Fittings at 1207-1208, 1991). The Final Asbestos Rule was to be implemented in stages over a six-year period. A number of domestic and foreign parties challenged the Final Rule claiming among other things that the rule-making process was fatally flawed because of a lack of due process and the lack of substantial evidence necessary to support the EPA’s decision. In American administrative law the doctrine of “substantial evidence” as a foundation for regulatory agencies reaching substantive decisions is well established. One seminal case that sets out the basic framework for court’s to review EPA rule making for substantial evidence is Chemical Manufacturers Association v. EPA, where the appellate court held that determining substantial evidence meant whether (1) the regulated chemical in the environment was substantial in quantity and (2) whether exposure by humans to the chemical was significant/substantial (Chemical Manufacturers Association, 1990). In this context if the agency reaches a decision in exercising its judgment without reliance on set quantifiable risks, etc., it must alternatively “cogently explain why it has exercised its jurisdiction in a given manner” and provide a rational basis for what it did (Motor Vehicles Manufacturers Association, 1983).
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
In Corrosion Proof this is precisely what the court concluded the EPA had failed to do: We conclude that the EPA has presented insufficient evidence to justify its asbestos ban. We base this conclusion upon two grounds; the failure of the EPA to consider all necessary evidence and its failure to give adequate weight to statutory language requiring it to promulgate the least burdensome regulation required to protect the environment adequately (Corrosion Proof, at 1215, 1991). The courts have also found fault in the process of the rule making itself. The EPA failed to allow cross-examination of all witnesses and failed to notify the parties until after the close of the hearings that it intended to use analogous exposure estimates to support the final rule. By not giving such notice, the petitioners were not able to challenge these estimates and make a record during the hearing. The court found fault with denying crossexamination, but held that defect, alone, was not sufficient to overturn the Final Rule (Corrosion Proof, at 1212, 1991). EPA’s failure to give any timely notice of its intent to use analogous exposure data to calculate its benefit risk methodology, however, did not fare as well. The court held that the EPA’s analogous exposure data should have been available to the public’s scrutiny before the record closed (Corrosion Proof, at 1212, 1991). The precedent for this conclusion was a similar instance where the Consumer Product Safety Commission failed to allow the public to comment on a conclusion it made about how its rule would impact the swimming pool slide market in an earlier case, Aqua Slide ‘N’ Dive v. CPSC (Aqua Slide, 1978). What is seen from this examination of how the court has viewed EPA’s efforts to regulate asbestos is the very real chance that EPA would take years to develop a rule under TSCA to control/ban/phase out specific nanoparticles because of risks only to have the reviewing court invalidate the rule due to the failure of the government to follow the law. Given the fact that the pace of nanotechnology technology development is ever increasing such delays in regulatory oversight are simply not acceptable. OSHA was created in 1970 when the US Congress combined two existing occupational safety programs then located in the Department of Labor and what is now the Department of Health and Human Services (21 USC 651). The lead responsibility for enforcement of the OHSA Act was the Office of Safety and Health Administration located in the Department of Labor. The key to OSHA regulation is the “occupational safety and health standard,” which is “a standard which requires conditions, or the adoption of use of one or more practices, means, methods, operations or processes, reasonably necessary or appropriate to provide safe or healthful employment and places of employment” (21 USC 651). While the regulation of nanotechnology could occur under OSHA, it is submitted that using OSHA to protect employees would not be effective. To know which products have a nanotechnology basis is not easy. Fairly sophisticated equipment would be in order and OSHA would have to first determine, for example, the relevant parameters from which to measure toxicity emanating from a factory or the environment around it. Additionally, OSHA lacks the breadth of resources needed to effectively regulate nanotechnology in a growing workplace. Besides TSCA, the EPA is responsible for the enforcement of a number of other environmental protection laws such as The Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (Davies, 2006). These environmental laws generally authorize EPA to establish standards for acceptable pollution and then issue
The need for practical regulation of developing commercial nanotechnology
permits to applicants that meet the standards. By definition, a firm that emanates waste that does not meet the established standard cannot obtain a permit, which is necessary to discharge the waste at issue (League of Wilderness Defenders, 2002). All of these environmental laws suffer the same impediment to effective enforcement. Without sophisticated laboratory equipment and well-trained technicians locating nanotechnology products is quite challenging (Davies, 2006). In situations where the presence of nanoparticles is determined the issue then becomes the remedy. The EPA laws are not product specific and a complete ban of one or more nanoparticles from the environment may be fairly considered to be regulatory overkill. A possible exception to this statement is where one or more manufacturing facilities suffer leaks into the general environment of a nanomaterial that presents a substantial risk to the environment. New industrial and commercial applications of nanotechnology are ever increasing. The estimated 2015 annual nanotechnology market, i.e. the fourth generation discussed above, is estimated at $1T dollars. Even with or perhaps because of such growth toxicity concerns from nanotechnology products continue to persist. Going back to 2001 safety problems with nanomaterials have been well known (Chenggang Li et al, 2009). Donaldson, Stone et al, of Napier University’s Biomedicine Research Group reported in 2001 the very real health risks presented by ultra fine particles to the lungs (Donaldson et al, 2001). It is true, as Donaldson points out, that diseases in the lungs caused by inhaled particles are known as far back as the 14th Century. And while by the close of the 20th Century the significant death toll from asbestos and silica are coming to an end, a new particle-ultrafine is the subject of new concern. American regulatory agencies have no worldwide monopoly on pre-market review. In the EU the critical document necessary to have a medicinal product distributed and sold commercially is the Marketing Authorization Application (MAA). Without a MAA for a drug, biologic or device the product may not be lawfully sold in the EU. A sponsor of a medicinal product files its MAA with the appropriate authority of a member state or to the European Medicines Agency (Marketing-Authorisation-Applications). Starting in 2005 submissions for oncology, diabetes, HIV and genital diseases must be submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMEA). By virtue of this devolved system there are two approval procedures followed by the EU. The dual application process permits a sponsor of a new drug to apply for marketing authority (MA) in one member state and when approved to then request recognition of the MA by the remainder of the EU states (European Commission, at 28, 2006). A question raised by some is whether the EU agencies are fully equipped and capable to make decisions that adequately protect EHS. The EMEA has conducted meetings among specialists throughout the EU to build expertise, establish professional relationships among different EU experts and to identify and satisfy needs (European Commission, at 34, 2006). In early 2008 the EMEA published a paper on regulation of nanotechnology (MHRA, 2008). Medicines for humans other than homoeopathic drugs require pre-market approval based in broad bush upon the US concept of safety and efficacy. The regulation includes authority for inspection by governmental officials, enforcing good clinical practices, good manufacturing and distribution practices and good laboratory practices. Should a regulated entity fail to meet required standards and procedures or produce adulterated mislabeled medicines regulatory officials have authority to inspect the premises and books and documents, to undertake prosecutions for consumer safety and punish wrongdoers
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criminally and with confiscation orders. In sum other than the devolved system for medicine approval in the EU the differences between the US and the EU in the area of products requiring pre-market approval are not so different that there are sound reasons for concern. The same is not necessarily true in the EU for other nanotechnology products. Specifically as to nanotechnology a 2009 “Safety for Success” dialogue took place in Brussels to discuss among other topics regulation (Nanowerk, 2009). In the Safety for Success meeting there was general agreement that in three areas coordinated effort was required: 1. “Developing trustworthy information on products containing nanomaterials that are on or near the market” 2. “Meaningful public engagement on the basis of shared definitions of nanotechnology.” 3. “Ongoing regulatory reviews to provide clear guidance to industry on how to interpret regulatory frameworks . . . .” Additionally, more research on nanotechnology risks was considered a priority, including gaining more knowledge about nanomaterials in the environment to make further clarification regarding existing regulations given the uncertainties of biological properties with nanomaterials. Finally, the stakeholders of the Safety for Success called for the introduction of post-marketing monitoring systems for nanoproducts in commerce. From the record of the Safety for Success Dialogue it is submitted that the EU is certainly not as far along in the implementation of regulatory safety control of nanoproducts (with the possible exception of medicines and similar products) as the US. The reason may well be that the US has reached the conclusion that more regulation is necessary, but not yet implemented, while in the EU there is not yet general recognition that more regulation of nanotechnology development to protect EHS is indeed necessary. Recall that the official responsible for regulatory aspects of nanotechnology at the European Commission, Cornelis Brekelmans, has stated further regulation is not necessary as “[w]e [EU] are not in a regulatory void” (EurActiv, 2008). With regard to devices, the EU follows Directive 98/79/EC for in vitro diagnostic devices that took effect in 1998 (In Vitro Directive, 1998). This was the first time that requirements on safety, quality, and performance bringing in vitro devices under regulation have been put in place.
8. How the 9/11 of Nanotechology Will Occur The web page Responsible Nanotechnology sets out what many consider to be the most likely potential disasters from nanotechnology (CRNANO, 2004). War, economic meltdown, environmental meltdown from overproduction or leakage is the most obvious potential candidates. Without adequate regulation it is impossible to conclude that these risks are not real or cannot occur. Another view comes from a European team that comprises Nanologue (Nanologue.net). Nanologue takes a new look at the potential future, both positive and negative. causing hundreds, perhaps thousands of injuries/deaths. In a time line format going forward advances in nanotechnology as well as disasters are set out. The future events in the time line are, of course, not real, but they do demonstrate how in a real sense the dark side of nanotechnology may impact on EHS. For example,
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The UK Government publically criticized the Global Framework on Emerging Technologies for moving too slowly and introduced its own, watered down, guidelines. These are voluntary. 2011 Workers at a factory in Toulouse went on strike, refusing to work with nanoparticles following a number of medical complaints. Demonstrations spread across Europe. The number of occupational health court cases increased. A campaign by a major NGO was launched, calling for a moratorium on nanoscience and technologies until more is known about the health and environmental effects. 2012 In April, the process for delivering the Global Framework on Emerging technologies broke down and efforts to create a level playing field internationally were abandoned. A major explosion occurred at a plant on the outskirts of Seoul, which releases several tons of nanoparticles into the environment (Nanalogue.net). Under this scenario it does not get any better, with the result that the development of nanotechnology slows significantly.
9. Conclusion Nanotechnology offers great potential in improving the quality of life for man as well as the environment. If this potential is to be achieved nanotechnology must be both fostered and controlled. Government and business realize that the fostering of nanotechnology is best served with the infusion of capital for research, capitalization, manufacturing and distribution. Regulation is not a word normally favored by business and is viewed positively by government only when government is pro-regulation. Of course, not all governments have the same views on regulation at the same time. The US government during President Bush’s two terms was as a general rule more inclined to regulate business less than was government the proceeding eight years of President Clinton. Great Britain in the same way viewed regulation with less friendly eyes during the time Margaret Thatcher served as Prime Minister than when Labor and Tony Blair took over control of the Commons. Nanotechnology, of course, is not political and does not recognize the borders of countries. If a spill of nanoparticles were to occur in Korea and create environmental havoc as postured above, governments and borders mean nothing. To keep the spill in Korea from doing harm to EHS potentially anywhere in the world, governments of countries where nanotechnology is being developed must come together and put into place common regulation that, in sum, will prevent the potential Korean spill from ever taking place. Such international cooperation is quite unusual, but not impossible. For nanotechnology to prosper over the long term, there is no other choice.
10. References Azonano. (2008). No Regulatory Void on Nanotechnology, Says European Commission, http://www.azonano.com/News.asp?NewsID=8011, October 8, 2008.
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CRNANO. (2004). Civil Rights in the Nano Era: Disater Scenarios, July 19, 2004. http://crnano.typepad.com/crnblog/2004/07/disaster_scenar.htmlEurActiv. (2008). No Regulatory Void on Nanotech, Says Commission, http://www.euractiv.com/en/science/regulatory-void-nanotech-commission/ article-176050, October 7, 2008. European Commission. (2006). Regulatory and Quality Assurance Frameworks for PGX: A Comparative Study of the US, EU and Four Member States Part 3, European Commission, EUR 22214 EN. 2006, p. 37. Google Search. (2009). http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=nanotechnology + development&aq =f&oq= &aqi =g1. [Search conducted June 10, 2009 by the author.] In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive (98/79/EC) adopted, October 1998published, Official Journal of European Communities, December 7, 1998 (OJ No. L3317.12.98 p.1).Marketing-Authorisation-Applications. http:// www.eudrac.com/glossary/ Marketing-Authorisation-Applications.html MHRA. (2008). About Us, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, http://www.mhra.gov.uk/Aboutus/index.htmNanalogue.net. End of Project. Nananogue.net. http://www.nanologue.net/ Nanotechnology Statutes. (2009). http://www.ncsl.org/default.aspx?tabid=16835Nanowerk. (2009). Nanotechnology Safety for Success Dialogue, Nanowerk, http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=8830.phpProject on Emerging Nanotechnologies (2009). http://www.nanotechproject.org/ inventories/ consumer/ 21 CFR 210. Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 210. Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Processing, Packing, or Holding of Drugs; General. http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm 21 CFR 211. Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 211. Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Finished Pharmaceuticals. http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/ cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm 21 CFR 820.70. Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 820.70. Quality System Regulation. http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm 21 NRDA. (2004). 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act. Citation: 15 USC 7501 note, 117 STAT. 1924. 21 USC 355. Title 21 U.S. Code, Section 355. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: New Drugs. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/index.html 21 USC 360. Title 21 U.S. Code, Section 360. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: Registration of Producers of Drugs or Devices. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/ uscode/index.html 21 USC 651. Title 21 U.S. Code, Section 651. Occupational Safety Health Act et. seq. 54 FR.29,460 (1989). Volume 54 Federal Register, number 29, page 460. 1989. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/index.html HR 554. (2009). National Nanotechnology Initiative Amendments Act (NNIAA), http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-554 [The same bill was also passed by the House in the 110th Congress. See H.R. 5940, which passed the 110 Congress by 407 to 6, science.house.gov/Press/PRArticle.aspx?NewsID=2338 41k.] Aqua Slide ‘N’ Dive v. CPSC. Vol. 569 Federal Reporter Second, p. 831. 5th Circuit US Court of Appeals, 1978)
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Bergenson, Lynn L. (2008). City of Cambridge Adopts Recommendations for a Municipal Regulation of Health and Safety Policy on Nanomaterials, http://nanotech.lawbc.com/ 2008/08/articles/united-states/local/city-ofcambridge-adopts-recommendations-for-a-municipal-health-and-safety-policy-onnanomaterials/ Brown, Nancy J. (2008). Is New Regulation Needed, and if so By Whom?, Legal Backgrounder, Vol. 23 no. 33, 2008. Washington Legal Foundation. Chenggang Li, Haolin Liu, Yang Sun, Hongliang Wang, Feng Guo, Shuan Rao, Jiejie Deng, Yanli Zhang, Yufa Miao, Chenying Guo, Jie Meng, Xiping Chen, Limin Li, Dangsheng Li, Haiyan Xu, Heng Wang, Bo Li and Chengyu Jiang. (2009). Paman Nanoparticles Promote Acute Lung Injury by Inroducing Autophagic Cell Death through the Akt-TSC2-mTor Signaling Pathway, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, June 2009. Chemical Manufacturers Association v. EPA. Vol. 899 Federal Reporter Second, p. 344. 5th Circuit US Court of Appeals, 1990. Corrosion Proof Fittings, et al v. EPA. Vol. 947 Federal Reporter Second, p. 1201. 9th Circuit US Court of Appeals, 1991. Davies, J. Clarence. (2006). Managing the Effects of Nanotechnology, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, p.7. http://www.wilsoncenter.org/events/docs/Effectsnanotechfinal.pdf Donaldson, K.; Stone, V., Clouter, A; Renwick, L.; MacNee, W. (2001), Ultrafine Particles, Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2001;58:211-216; doi:10.1136/oem.58.3.211, 2001 Elvin, George. (2006). Berkeley Nanotechnology Regulations Take Effect, http://www.nanotechbuzz.com/50226711/berkeley_nanotechnology_regulations_ take_effect.php, December 2006. Hirsch, L.R.; Stafford, R.J.; Bankston, J.A.; Sershen, S.R.; Rivera, B.; Pierce, R.E.; Hazle, J.D.; Halas, N.J.; and West, J.L. (). Nanoshell-Mediated Near-infrared Thermal Therapy of Tumors Under Magnetic Resonance Guidance, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 100, no. 23, November 11, 2003, pp. 13549–13554. Lam Chiu-Wing; James John T.; McCluskey Richard; and Hunter Robert L. (2004). Pulmonary Toxicity of Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes in Mice 7 and 90 Days After Intratracheal Instillation, Toxicological Sciences, 77, 2004, pp.126-34. http://toxsci.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/77/1/126 League Of Wilderness Defenders/Blue Mountains Biodivdersity Project v. Forsgren. Volume 309, Federal Reporter Third, p. 1181, 9th Circuit US Court of Appeals, 2002. Lin, Dr. Patrick. (2007). Nanotechnology Bound: the Case for More Regulation. The Springer Journal, No. 2, August 2007, pp. 105-122. McConachie, Charles R. (2008). Practical Issues In Commercial And Regulatory Development Of Nanotechnology, Proceedings of NANO '08. 8th IEEE Conference, pp. 870-873, Arlington, Texas, August 2008. Motor Vehicles Manufacturers Association v. State Farm Mutual Insurance, 463 United States 29, 103 Supreme Court 2856, 77 Lawyer’s Edition 2d 443, 1983.
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Phillips, Theresa. (2008). Nanotechnology Testing and Regulations Inadequate, http://biotech.about.com/b/2008/01/16/nanotechnology-testing-andregulations-inadequate.htm, January 2008. [This is not to say there is no regulation al all. In the USA, certain products are regulated and if produced through nanotechnology, the existing regulation would apply. The best example is the US Food and Drug Administration must approve or clear biologics, drugs, medical devices, or food additives before these products may enter commerce, See 21 USC 321 et seq. Cosmetics and foods require no such premarket review.] Radford, T. (2003). Brave New World or Miniature Menace, The Guardian, April 29, 2003. Regis, E. (2004). The Incredible Shrinking Man, Wired, October 2004. Renn, O. & Roco, M.C. (2006). Nanotechnology and the Need for Risk Governance, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 8, 2006, pp. 153-191. Sheriff, L. (2004). Prince Charles Gives Forth on Nanotech, The Register, July 12, 2004.
Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
X2 Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation Jae-Sung Lee
Uiduk University South Korea 1. Introduction Our advancing information network society is based on various kinds of digital communication systems in which versatile silicon integrated circuits (ICs) are indispensable key components. For the next-generation networking systems, there is need for higher packing density, higher quality and higher speed of ICs. Much effort is needed to improve the quality of thin silicon dioxide (SiO2) used in submicron metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) field-effect transistors (FETs) in ICs. Since MOSFETs with thermal SiO2 were developed in 1960, SiO2 has been widely used as a gate insulator in MOSFETs and has played an important role in rapidly advancing IC development. The quality of the gate insulator or gate oxide is closely related to the control of driving current, which is one of the most important factors for the MOS device. From this point of view, the practical minimum value of gate oxide thickness is below 2 nm at present, and at the same time, defect-free oxide must be prepared for both gate oxide and inter-gate oxide. Many kinds of contaminations from various processes and electrical-stressed-induceddamage on SiO2 and the Si-SiO2 interface must be extensively examined and removed. Progressive silicon complementary MOS (CMOS) IC technologies are also based on reductions in the channel lengths of MOSFETs as well as on reductions in the gate oxide thickness. The reduction in the channel lengths leads to an increase in hot electron generation (for n-channel MOSFETs) owing to an increase in the electric field applied to the channel. The reduction in the gate-oxide film thickness results in an increase in the electric field applied to the thin gate-oxide films. Hot electron generation in short channel MOSFETs is followed by electron trapping in gate oxides on the silicon substrates. The electron trapping in gate oxides is the principal cause of instability for short channel MOSFETs, and electron traps in as-grown oxides need to be studied extensively. At any rate, improvement in the quality and reliability of thin SiO2 is one of the most important concerns for nextgeneration MOS IC development. The central theme of this work is to characterize the electrical reliability of MOS devices related to the nature of thin SiO2 film. This monograph deals with hydrogen or deuterium process employed in fabrication to improve MOS device’s reliability. The process of postmetallization anneal of the wafers at a low temperatures in hydrogen ambient is critical to CMOS fabrication technology to improve MOS device function by passivating the otherwise
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electrically active interface traps, but it sets the stage for subsequent hydrogen-related degradation. Recently, an alternative process during which the interface traps are passivated by deuterium instead of hydrogen was demonstrated. This phenomenon can be understood as a kinetic isotope effect. The chemical reaction rates involving the heavier isotopes are reduced, and consequently, under the electrical stress, bonds to deuterium are more difficult to break than bonds to hydrogen. However, it is difficult to identify whether the deuterium could passivate the whole silicon dangling bonds along the gate length. Deuterium diffusion takes place primarily through the silicon oxide (SiO2) in the MOS system because of the limited permeability of bulk Si, metal, and even poly silicon to deuterium. In the case of large scale ICs, therefore, the ability of deuterium to diffuse within the very thin gate oxide layer may be severely impeded, impacting the large-area devices.
2. Gate Oxide Reliability in MOS System The microelectronics industry, including the internet and the telecommunications revolutions, owes its success largely to the existence of the thermal oxide of silicon, i.e., silicon dioxide(SiO2). A thin layer of SiO2 forms the insulating layer between the control "gate" and conducting "channel" of the transistors used in modern integrated circuits. As circuits are made more dense, all the dimensions of the transistors are reduced ("scaled") correspondingly, so that nowadays the SiO2 layer thickness is 2 nm or less, and the reliability of such ultrathin oxide layers has become a major concern for continued scaling. The reliability of SiO2, i.e., the ability of thin film of this material to retain its insulating properties while subjected to high electric fields for many years, has always been an important issue and has been the subject of numerous publications over the last 43 years, since the realization that SiO2 could be used as an insulating and passivating layer in siliconbased transistors. Oxide reliability and the experimental methods for accelerated testing have been the subject of earlier review papers. For the relatively thick (> 10 nm) oxides used in earlier technologies, the breakdown mechanisms are actually fairly complex, and the detailed understanding of the intrinsic reliability has only come about in the more recent past. When a voltage is applied across the gate oxide, an electron current will flow if the gate voltage (Vg) is high enough and/or the oxide is thin enough. For thick oxides, the current is controlled by Fowler-Nordheim tunneling, while for thin oxides(≤ 3 nm) at voltages below about 3 V (corresponding to the barrier height between n-type silicon and the SiO2) the current is due to direct quantummechanical tunneling. The electrons flowing across the oxide will trigger several processes depending on their energy. The defect generation mechanism at the lower energy process, which dominates at the voltages where present MOSFETs operation, is attributed to hydrogen release from the anode with a threshold gate voltage of about 5 V. As a consequence of the reaction of the released mobile hydrogen, a variety of defects such as electron traps, interface states, positively charged donor-like sates, etc., gradually build up to the point where the oxide breaks down destructively. Low temperature post-metal anneal in hydrogen ambient is imperative from a fabrication standpoint since silicon dangling bonds at the Si/SiO2 interface are electrically active and lead to the reduction of channel conductance. Electron spin resonance (ESR) on deepsubmicron transistor Si/SiO2 interface has in fact identified in the stress-induced Pb defects a spread in the distance between the silicon atom at which the defect is localized and its
Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
nearest neighbors, which would correspond to a spread in the Si-H bond energy. Fig. 1. represents Pb defects at the (100) interface. Such defects appear as the source of interface trapped charges. Thermal activation of hydrogen from the Pb defect at the (111) interface has confirmed a spread in the bond energies of 0.08eV, and the spread of the energies of Pb defects at the (100) interface deems to be twice of that. The passivation process of Pb defects is described by the equation Pb + H2 → PbH + H
where PbH is the passivated dangling bond. In the case of bulk oxide defects generation, a model considers the interaction of the applied electric field E with the dipole moments associated with oxygen vacancies (weak Si-Si bonds) in SiO2. The oxygen vacancies, known as E’ centers, generate dominant hole traps during the electrical operation. Fig. 2 shows the E’ defect in SiO2 bulk system. The activation energy required for bond breakage is lowered by the dipolar energy, leading to a quantitative prediction for the field dependence of the activation energy for dielectric breakdown. Allowing for a distribution of energies of the weak bonds could account for a wide range of observations of the temperature- and field-dependence of SiO2 breakdown times, since the defect which dominates the breakdown process may change depending on stress conditions.
Fig. 1. Oxygen vacancy, Pb canter, at the Si/SiO2 interface.
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Fig. 2. Oxygen vacancy, E’ center, in SiO2 bulk. 2.1 Hydrogen in Silicon and Silicon Dioxide The introduction of hydrogen into silicon-based materials is an important step for the fabrication of many electronic devices. Besides hydrogen's ability to relieve network strain and passivate shallow donor states, hydrogen can also passivate electrically active midgap states. The latter are commonly associated with silicon dangling bonds and are found at surfaces, grain boundaries, interfaces, and in bulk silicon. Incorporation of hydrogen during the growth of amorphous silicon (a-Si) films is essential for producing devices such as solar cells. Also, device quality silicon-based transistors are annealed in a hydrogen-rich environment on order to passivate defects at the Si-SiO2 interface. A fundamental understanding of the Si-H dissociation process is essential for analyzing and controlling these phenomena. The present calculations build on earlier theoretical work which found that hydrogen interacts strongly with impurities as well as with defects in bulk crystalline and the dangling bond, where Si-H bonds are formed with bond strengths of up to 3.6 eV, similar to those found in silane. Although the energy to take a neutral hydrogen atom from an isolated dangling-bond site to free space is 3.6 eV, the energy to move the hydrogen into a bulk interstitial site is only about 2.5 eV. Hydrogen exists in abundant quantities in bound forms in the oxide, the polysilicon gate, and the metal interconnects as a result of manufacturing process. Intrinsic defects generate electron-hole pairs and holes react with the bound forms to release mobile hydrogen. Hydrogen can migrate through the oxide as a neutral atom, as a positive ion (proton), or in other form, and reaches at the Si-SiO2 interface where it reacts and new defects are generated. If the interface is first dry annealed, a process that is known to depassivate defects such as dangling bonds, introduction of H passivates the defects via the reaction X + H → SiH
where X stands for a dangling bond and SiH stands for a Si-H bond. If the interface contains H-passivated dangling bonds (SiH), introduction of H may depassivate some of them through the reaction SiH + H → X + H2.
Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
During device operation electronic defects are created that limit device lifetimes, and hydrogen has been observed to be involved in this degradation process. For instance, hydrogen is known to play a role during hot-electron degradation in silicon-based transistors, as well as during light-induced degradation in a-Si:H solar cells. The created defects are isolated and immobile. Hydrogen desorption from silicon dangling bonds is usually considered to be the dominant mechanism by which interface or bulk defects are created. There is compelling evidence, however, that introduction of H induces additional defects at or near the interface. There defects can function as oxide traps, interface straps or border traps. Theoretical calculations so far focused on the behavior of hydrogen in bulk SiO2. A great deal has been learned about the bonding of H in nominally perfect SiO2 in different charge states and about cracking of H2 molecules. Theoretical investigations of H at the SiSiO2 interface have been lacking, however, because of the enormous complexity of the problem. 2.2. Deuterium Effect in Degradation of MOS Devices A large body of literature exists on hot electron and hydrogen related degradation of MOS devices. Degradation has been identified to be due to trap generation in the oxide as well as at the Si-SiO₂interface and the interface to polysilicon gates. While numerous experimental facts of the degradation have found a large variety of explanations, the actual mechanism of the damage has only been cursorily addressed. For damage within the oxide, electron hole defect recombination and the corresponding energy release have been identified as the likely cause. At the Si-SiO₂interface and the interface with polysilicon it is the release of hydrogen and the creation of dangling bonds that have been identified as causes of MOS device’s degradation. However, the actual mechanism as to how the energy of electron-hole recombination or the energy of hot electrons (or holes) creates the defect has not been fully explained. A new large isotope effect of hot electron degradation by using deuterium instead of hydrogen for interface passivation was found. The isotope effect can be used to distinguish hydrogen related hot electron damage from other mechanisms. It was initially discovered during scanning tunneling microscope (STM) experiments dealing with passivation and de-passivation of silicon surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). These experiments showed that it takes a certain number of electrons (typically of the order of 10⁶-10⁸) having a certain energy to remove hydrogen from the (100) silicon surface. The same experiments performed with the isotope deuterium instead of hydrogen required roughly a factor or one hundred more electrons to remove deuterium for electron energies above ~ 4 eV. Recent STM experiments now show that this isotope effect increases dramatically for electron below 4 eV. Silicon surface is passivated with hydrogen and then selectively depassivated by STM to form silicon nanostructure patterns that could be used for further chemical processing. In the course of these investigations, it is found that passivations with deuterium are significantly more resistant to STM depassivation. It takes higher voltages or significantly higher STM current densities to remove a given deuterium atom from the surface than necessary for hydrogen. The isotope effect is of the order of a factor of 100 at high STM voltages and much higher still at lower voltages. Typical measurement of the desorption yield for H and D is shown in Fig. 3. The strong dependence on the STM current is a signature of a process requiring multiple scattering events.
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These basic STM experiments led to investigations of hot electron degradation of CMOS devices that were annealed in a deuterium atmosphere. Again a large isotope effect was found with transistor lifetimes being extended by factors of 10-50. Smaller improvements were observed under circumstances of large background hydrogen or reduced deuterium diffusion (e.g., nitride spacers). The basic desorption mechanism toward which the isotope effect points is the creation (by hot electrons) of vibrational excitations of hydrogen bound to silicon (or polysilicon) at an interface. These vibrations and collisions with electrons having a few electron volts of energy can lead to desorption of the hydrogen, creating atomic hydrogen and a dangling bond. The freed atomic hydrogen subsequently can create further damage. The desorption mechanism itself determines critical energies and current densities and is therefore important for understanding and controlling degradation.
Fig. 3. Comparison of hydrogen and deuterium desorption yields at 3 V and 11 °K as a function of STM current showing an isotope effect and current dependence.
3. Deuterium Implantation in MOS Devices The passivation with the annealing process is thought to be due to deuterium (D)terminated, dangling bonds at the silicon surface, reducing interface trap density. This process relies on the diffusion of deuterium to the interface in the entire device area. Deuterium diffusion takes place primarily through the gate oxide, as depicted in Fig. 4, because of the limited permeability of bulk Si, metal, and even polysilicon to hydrogen or deuterium. Room temperature diffusion coefficient through Si is measured to be ≈ 10-15 cm2/s, compared with ≈ 10-11 cm2/s in SiO₂. The hydrogen diffusion through the
Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
polysilicon is further retarded at the grain boundaries, as has been demonstrated in a study of thin-film transistors (TFT). In the case of large scale ICs, therefore, the ability of hydrogen to diffuse within the very thin SiO₂layer may be severely impeded, impacting the largearea devices. This is particularly alarming since it has, in addition, been reported that H₂permeability in SiO₂is reduced as the oxide thickness decreases. Lyding et al. delivered the deuterium to the region of the gate oxide in an oven through thermal diffusion. This causes most of the deuterium to be wasted. In addition, during the sintering process, the deuterium may experience difficulty diffusing through some materials to reach the Si/SiO2 interface, especially in those cases where several layers of metallization are located between the deuterium gas and the Si/SiO2 interface. Deuterium is introduced into the semiconductor devices by implantation in our study, instead of by thermal diffusion as was done by Lyding et al. The implantation may be accomplished at any step of the semiconductor process flow. In general, deuterium implantation is provided so that, during subsequent thermal cycles, the deuterium will diffuse to the gate oxide/silicon interface and become chemically attached to the dangling bonds at the interface, this generally being the Si/SiO2 or polysilicon/SiO2 interface. The energy, dose and defects of the implant are optimized to affect this. Aluminum
Dielectric, SiO2
Silicide Poly Silicon Gate Oxide Source
Fig. 4. Schematic of the device structure, indicating the path of D+ diffusion through gate oxide from the edges of poly-silicon gate. 3.1. Calculation for Ion-Implant Process There is need for the mathmetical calculation for the ion implantation. TRIM(Transport of ions in matter) is Monte Carlo computer program that calculates the interactions of energetic ions with amorphous targets. TRIM is a group of programs which calculate the stopping and range of ions ( 10 eV ~ 2 GeV/amu) into matter using a quantum mechanical treatment of ion-atom collisions. This calculation is made very efficient by the use of statistical algorithms which allow the ion to make jumps between calculated collisions and then averaging collision results over the intervening gap. During the collisions, the ion and atom have a screened Coulomb collision, including exchange and correlation interactions between
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
the overlapping electron shells. The ion has long range interactions creating electron excitations and plasmons within the target. TRIM accepts complex targets made of compound materials with up to eight layers, each of different materials. It caculates both the final 3D distribution of the ions and also all kinetic phenomenons associated with the ion’s energy loss: target damage, sputtering, ionization, and phonon production. Fig. 5 is the Setup Window for TRIM execution. The widow is used to input the data on the ion, target, and the type of TRIM calculation that is wanted. Almost all inputs have online explanations.
Fig. 5. TRIM Setup Window to calculate ion-implant process.
4. Experimental Results 4.1. Device Fabrication In our study, both p- and n-MOSFETs were fabricated using standard CMOS processes for various channel lengths and widths down to 0.15 m. Fig. 6 shows schematic cross section of our n-MOSFET device and experimental set up for the voltage stress measurements. The effective oxide thickness of our devices has a range of 3 ~ 7 nm. The gate oxide films were produced with a conventional furnace in H2-O2 ambient. The hydrogen (H) or deuterium (D) implantation was performed at the back end of the process line (after first metallization) to passivate the defects which spreaded in gate oxide area.
Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
Ig N+ poly N+
P - well
Isub Fig. 6. Schematic cross section of n-MOSFET and experimental setup for the voltage stress measurements. Transistors from a given wafer were divided into two groups. One group was implanted by H+ ion with ≤ 60 keV and the other group was implanted by D+ ion with ≤ 80 keV. Ion dose was fixed at 1X1014/cm2 only for hydrogen implant as referential sample, while in case of deuterium implantation the ion dose have a range from 1X1010/cm2 to 1X1016/cm2 to find optimum process condition. Post-annealing was achieved at 400 ℃ for 30 minutes at N2 ambient for the whole devices to activate the injected ions and to annihilate damages due to the implant process. The implantation conditions for each ion were extracted through the computer simulation (TRIM tool). The total thickness from the top of first metal to the bottom of gate oxide was about 700 nm, including aluminum, silicon dioxide, and polysilicon layers, as shown Fig. 7. The control device was also prepared without our implantation processes to compare its electrical properties with those of our processed devices. Aluminum
Fig. 7. Cross-section picture for our processed wafer. Two via contacts are shown between silicon substrate and aluminum metal layer. To investigate the reliability of our devices, the degradation phenomenon such as channel hot carrier injection (HCI), negative-bias temperature instability (NBTI), and stress-induced leakage current have been studied.
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A voltage of Vg= Vd = ±3.0 V was applied to the 3 nm-thick-MOSFET gate at the room temperature to accelerate HCI gate oxide degradation. A source terminal is connected to substrate and grounded. Stress voltages of Vg=-2.8 V for NBTI was applied to the pMOSFET gate at the temperature of 50 ~ 100 ℃. The source and drain terminals were connected to the substrate and grounded. For gate oxide leakage current measurements, large area MOSFETs (W/L=500 μm/500 μm) were used to avoid the edge effect. While the constant voltage, Vg= ±3.5 V, was applied to gate terminal, the gate current was measured simultaneously. The percent shifts (%) of saturation drain current (Id) and the shift of threshold voltage (ΔVTH) were measured to determine device parameter degradation. The percent shifts (%) of the gate current (Ig) were also monitored to assess gate oxide wear-out. 4.2. Result The carrier separation experiment was conducted to measure the gate current Ig, the sum of source and drain currents Ids, and the substrate current Isub separately before stress, applying negative polarity of Vg. All currents flowing into the device are taken as positive. Fig. 8 shows Ig, Isub, and Ids versus sweeping Vg in our p- (a) and n-MOSFET (b) at 100 C, respectively. In p-MOSFET, the conduction mechanism for three current components indicates that the electron current, when tunneled to the substrate, produces electron-hole pairs by impact ionization from near Vg=-4.0 V. The impacted ionized holes flow out through the source/drain; hence, those “hot” holes generate negative Ids. Below Vg=-4.0 V, “cold” hole injection from silicon valence band and electron injection from polysilicon valence band become allowed, simultaneously. In n-MOSFET, the trend is quite similar to the case of p-MOSFET. However, Ids measured the electron current and Isub measured the hole current. Near Vg=-3.5 V, the increase of Isub tends to slow down, and changes the sign from positive to negative that means the impact ionization could be dominant. -7
at 100 C
10 Current (A)
PMOSFET W/L=20/0.15 Tox=3 nm
: Igate : Isub : Ids
Impact Ionization Current (A)
NMOSFET W/L=20/0.15 Tox=3 nm
Impact Ionization
at 100 C
: Igate : Isub : Ids
+Ids -1
Gate voltage (V)
+Isub -1
Gate voltage (V)
Fig. 8. Carrier separation I-V curves for 3 nm-thick gate oxide devices (W/L : 20 m/0.15 m) measured in negative bias : (a) p-MOSFET; (b) n-MOSFET.
Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
Before actual ion implantation its optimum condition was estimated through the computer simulation with TRIM. The material stack between aluminum and silicon substrate in our MOS device was composed of SiO2 [300 nm] / poly-Si [250 nm] / gate oxide [3~7 nm] / Sisubstrate. Fig. 9 shows the distribution of ion ranges for deuterium when the incident energy was 30 KeV for SiO2/poly-Si/Si structure and 85 KeV for Al/SiO2/poly-Si/Si structure. The each peak was close to the bottom of poly-Si gate, and then deuterium ion would be diffused into the gate oxide area through post-annealing process.
(a) (b) Fig. 9. Ion range calculation with the computer simulation for (a) SiO2/poly-Si/Si structure and (b) Al/SiO2/poly-Si/Si structure. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) measurement of Al/SiO2/poly-Si/Si structure which was implanted by deuterium on the top Al with 85 KeV energy and 1016/cm2 dose is shown in Fig. 10. The SIMS analysis was done after 400 ℃ post-annealing process. The deuterium concentrations at the two SiO2 interfaces are higher than that for aluminium area, indicating also deuterium concentration at the gate oxide region. Consequently, deuterium incorporation in the thin gate oxide (3 ~ 7 nm) was achieved at lower temperature through our implant process.
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Fig. 10. SIMS analysis for Al/SiO2/poly-Si/Si structure that was implanted with deuterium ion. Fig. 11 represents the variation of gate current for both H+ and D+ implanted p-MOSFETs. The current was measured at the gate terminal while the gate voltage was being swept from 0 to 3 V. The device with deuterium implantation showed a lower gate leakage current for the entire range of sweeping voltages. Because the generation of stress-related bulk-oxide traps is suppressed by deuterium incorporation, we can infer that the isotope effect is valid in our new implant process. Therefore, deuterium implantation might be used to improve the reliability, if the suitable implant condition is obtained. The normalized gate current is plotted as a function of stress time for p-MOSFETs with 3 nm-thick gate oxides in Fig. 12. The conventional, the hydrogen, and the deuteriumprocessed devices were stressed at a constant Vg=3.5 V voltage. The stress-induced leakage current is considered to be monitor for the defect generation in the gate oxide. From these curves, deuterium process shows fewer defects than hydrogen process, and the gate oxide implanted with deuterium, 1X1012/ cm2 dose, generates almost the same number of defects as the gate oxide annealed in H2. Trap generation rate increases with the deuterium ( or hydrogen) concentration in the gate oxide, which is the same result as in the hydrogen or deuterium annealing process.
Variation of Gate Current, %
Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
: D2, 1X10 /cm , 45KeV
: H2, 1X10 /cm , 60KeV P-MOSFET W=L=500 um
0.1 0.0
Sweep Voltage, V
Fig. 11. Change of gate leakage current, after a constant voltage stress (Vg=3.5 V), of largearea p-MOSFETs implanted with H2 and D2, respectively. 1
Increase of Gate Leakage, %
P-MOSFET W=L=500 um Stress at Vg=3.5V
: H2, 1X10 /cm , 60KeV : D2, 1X10 /cm , 45KeV : D2, 1X10 /cm , 45KeV : D2, 1X10 /cm , 45KeV : just H2 anneal
Stress Time, sec.
Fig. 12. Gate current transients during constant gate voltage, Vg = 3.5 V, for deuteriumimplanted p-MOSFETs. These curves represent the evolution of defect generation. NBTI of p+-gate p-MOSFETs has been the most serious issue for the reliability of ultra-thin gate oxide for continuous scaling down of devices. The isotope effect of the NBTI phenomenon was evaluated in our devices. Fig. 13 shows the saturation current and the threshold voltage dependence on the stress-time, respectively, for hydrogen- and deuterium-implanted p-MOSFETs. The degradation of deuterium-incorporated gate oxide is less remarkable than that of conventional gate oxide. Instead of hydrogen, using a deuterium can suppress the hydrogen-related precursors because the bonds to deuterium are more difficult to break than bonds to hydrogen.
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H imp. 10 /cm D imp. 10 /cm
: D imp. 10 /cm
: D imp. 10 /cm
NBTI stress : V g=-2.8V, 50 C
VTH (mV)
Id/Id (%)
: Conven. device
NBTI stress at Vg=-2.8V, 100 C
7.5 5.0 2.5
0.0 2 10
10 10 Stress Time (sec.)
Stress Time, sec.
(a) (b) Fig. 13. (a) Decrease of saturation current and (b) variation of threshold voltage depending on NBTI stress time for both hydrogen-and deuterium-implanted p-MOSFETs. In the channel hot carrier stress test, the Si/SiO2 interface is degraded by hot carriers that are travelling the device from source to drain. The accelerated stress tests performed on MOSFET typically results in localized oxide damage, which has been correlated to Si/SiO2 interface trap states. The generation of the interface trap states is due to hot carrier stimulated hydrogen desorption and de-passivation of the silicon dangling bonds. Fig. 14 shows the decrease of the saturation current by HCI stress for hydrogen- and deuteriumimplanted MOSFETs. The deuterium-implanted device shows the slight enhancement for both n- and p- types compare to the conventional and the hydrogen-implanted devices. We believe that the incident deuterium atoms were not fully replaced with as-bonded hydrogen atoms at the Si/SiO2 interface, and the damage area was restricted to the narrow channel area near drain. -10 2
-10 ¢Á
: D imp. 10 /cm
conventional device
: D imp. 10 /cm
-6 -5
200 300 400 Stress Time (sec.)
conventional device
HCI stress : Vd=Vg=3.0V, R.T.
: D imp. 10 /cm
-4 -2
: D imp. 10 /cm
: D imp. 10 /cm
: H imp. 10 /cm
: D imp. 10 /cm
-8 Id/Id (%)
: H imp. 10 /cm
HCI stress : Vd=Vg=-3.0V, R.T.
200 300 400 Stress Time (sec.)
(a) (b) Fig. 14. Decrease of saturation current depending on HCI stress time for both hydrogen- and deuterium-implanted (a) n-MOSFETs and (b) p-MOSFETs.
Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
In case of a large-area capacitor ( 100 X 100 μm2), the capacitance-voltage (CV) curve was measured at 1 MHz frequency, as shown in Fig. 15, for the deuterium-implanted nMOSFETs. A shift of threshold voltage was observed in the deuterium-implanted device, which is related to the interface states density. In addition, there is a reduction in the minimum capacitance, indicating that the net doping in the Si substrate has been decreased. We believe that the difference of threshold voltage between before and after D+ implantation is due to two different mechanisms. One is the elimination of the interface states by D+ implantation, while the other is the change in the net doping in the substrate, due to deactivation of channel dopants.
Capacitance (F)
: 30keV, 10 /cm imp. 14
: 60keV, 10 /cm imp.
-1 0 1 Sweep Voltage (V)
: Control
: 60keV, 10 /cm imp.
: 30keV, 10 /cm imp. 14
NMOS Cap. W/L=100/100 Tox= 3 nm
: 60keV, 10 /cm imp.
Capacitance (F)
: Control
: 60keV, 10 /cm imp.
NMOS Cap. W/L=100/100 Tox= 7 nm -11
-1 0 1 Sweep Voltage (V)
Fig. 15. Variation of CV characteristics for both the control and the deuterium-implanted nMOSFETs with (a) 3 nm-thick gate oxide and (b) 7 nm-thick gate oxide. 4.3. Discussion and Summary The generation of charge trapping in the existing precursor is explained by the strained bond model. The strained bonds exist not only at the SiO2/Si interface but also in the oxide bulk because strain extending 1-3 nm into oxide from SiO2/Si interface has been observed. When a strained Si-O bond in SiO2 is broken by a hydrogen ion under the high-pressure and high-temperature hydrogen anneal, structure is rearranged locally to relax the strain, generating a trivalent silicon and a nonbridging oxygen simultaneously. The trivalent silicon acts as a positively charged center after it traps an injected hole. The nonbridging oxygen may act as a neutral electron trap center. In the annealing process hydrogen or deuterium atom reaches at the gate oxide layer through upper layers, like aluminum, silicon oxide, silicon nitride, and polysilicon, by diffusion mechanism. In case of deuterium annealing, low levels of deuterium could be expected because the silicon nitride or polysilicon layer acts as a barrier to deuterium. Therefore, deuterium bond may not distribute uniformly along the channel area. Nonuniform distribution of deuterium bond tends to lack an isotope effect during electrical stress. By means of our suggested implantation, the deuterium bond could be distributed intentionally in the gate oxide layer. Fig. 16 illustrates the possible reaction for the generation of oxide traps in the deuteriumimplanted n-MOSFETs gate oxide with the energy band diagram. When the deuterium bond
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distributes through the gate oxide, two kinds of reactions, the interface and the bulk reaction, may occur independently. The interface reaction involves deuterium release that could produce positive deuterium ions. The deuterium ions bonded with non-bridging atoms in gate oxide bulk react with the energetic electrons or holes. The bond breakage is not accelerated as rapidly, because deuterium is twice as heavy compare to hydrogen, and the dissociation by injected electrons or holes is suppressed. In the process of dissociation the mass of the atom plays a significant role and a large kinetic isotope effect is the consequence. Gate Oxide Poly-Si e-
Oxide trap
Deuterium bond
Reaction h
h- Hole
Fig. 16. Illustration for the reaction of injection carriers with the deuterium bonds existing at Si/SiO2 interface and/or in SiO2 bulk.
5. Conclusion In the large-scale transistor structures, where gate oxide thickness of 7 nm and below is used, the post-metallization annealing (PMA) leaves a large number of Si/SiO2 interface states unpassivated. Furthermore, the un-bonded hydrogen atoms in the SiO2 is known as the main cause of the devcie degradation, such as NBTI and HCI. By means of our new method of deuterium implantation at the back-end process, we have improved the gate oxide reliability of MOSFETs, as compared with that of the conventional device. It was found that Si-D bonds (instead of Si-H) play a major role in suppressing the generation of oxide traps in our process. However, when the concentration of deuterium is redundant in gate oxide, excess traps are generated and degrades further the performance. We have suggested the new deuterium implantation process for the reliability of MOSFET, which is compatible with the conventional hydrogen annealing process.
6. Acknowledgment This work was supported by the Proton Engineering Frontier Project (PEFP) funded by the Korean Government.
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Improving Performance and Reliability of MOS Devices using Deuterium Implantation
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Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices Dragica Vasileska1, Katerina Raleva2 and Stephen M. Goodnick1 1Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ, 85287-5706, USA Sts Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia
1. Introduction The ever increasing demand for faster microprocessors and the continuous trend to pack more transistors on a single chip has resulted in an unprecedented level of power dissipation, and therefore higher temperatures at the chip level. Thermal phenomena are not directly responsible for the electrical functionality and performance of semiconductor devices, but adversely affect their reliability. Four major thermally-induced reliability concerns for transistors are: (1) degradation of device thermal characteristics due to heating effects, (2) failure due to the electrostatic discharge phenomenon, (3) stresses due to different rates of thermal expansion of transistor constituents, and (4) failure of metallic interconnects due to diffusion or flow of atoms along a metal interconnect in the presence of a bias current, known as the electromigration phenomenon. Self-heating of the device and interconnects reduces electron mobility and results in a poor or, at best, non-optimal, performance of these devices and structures. Fig. 1 shows the trend of the average power density for high-performance microprocessors according to the ITRS. No flattening or slower decelerated increase will occur after the introduction of the Silicon on Insulator (SOI) technology. It should be noted that the power density shown in Fig. 1 is the average power density, i.e. the total chip power divided by the chip area. In logic circuits, such as microprocessors, the power is non-uniformly distributed. There are portions of the chip of quite low power dissipation (memory blocks) and, on the other hand, portions running at full speed with high activity factors where the power density can easily be more than a magnitude higher than the average chip power density from Fig. 1. The latter portions will create hot spots with quite high local temperature. The power density in the active transistor region (essentially the channel region underneath the gate) is again much higher than the average power density in a hot spot when the transistor is in the on-state. Thus, the treatment of self-heating and the realistic estimation of the power density is quite a complex problem. Sometime within the next five years, traditional CMOS technology is expected to reach limits of scaling. As channel lengths shrink below 22 nm, complex channel profiles are required to achieve desired threshold voltages and to alleviate the short-channel effects. To fabricate devices beyond current scaling limits, Integrated Circuits (IC) companies are simultaneously pushing planar, bulk silicon CMOS design while exploring alternative gate stack materials (high-k dielectrics and metal gates), band engineering methods (using
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strained Si or SiGe), and alternative transistor structures, such as fully-depleted (FD) SOI devices, dual gate (DG) structures, and FinFETs. The problem with the SOI devices is that they exhibit self-heating effects (Majumdar, 1993; Pop, 2006). The buried oxide layer underneath the thin active silicon layer, having a thermal conductivity 100 times smaller than the value of bulk Si thermal conductivity, constitutes a large barrier for the heat removal from the active devices to the heat sink. Thus, it will become much more difficult to remove the heat generated in the active devices and considerable self-heating is expected to occur in the SOI transistors. This, in turn, causes a decrease of the on-currents and an increase of the off-current leading to a dramatic deterioration of transistor switching performance with consequences on the overall circuit performance. Also, the thermal conductivity of the thin silicon film decreases due to phonon boundary scattering. Note that the removal of heat from deep inside the structure becomes very important issue in Today’s nano-electronics Industry. Various novel semiconductor thermoelectric coolers and structures, such as thermionic (Shakouri et al.,1998) and nanowire (Chen & Shakouri, 2002) coolers have been proposed, developed, and investigated due to the advance of nanotechnology. For example, thermionic emission current in heterostructures can be used to achieve evaporative cooling by selective emission of hot electrons over a barrier layer from cathode to anode. Such structure can effectively build a temperature gradient within the range of electron mean free path (a few hundred nanometers), which can be used to remove the heat from a CMOS hotspot.
Average Power Density, W/mm
1.0 Intel Processors ITRS Estimates
0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1980
Fig. 1. Evolution of the average power density in microprocessors in the past and expectations of the ITRS until 2018. In summary, the self-heating effect is particularly important for transistors in SOI circuitry where the device is separated from the substrate by a low thermal conductivity buried silicon dioxide layer as well as copper interconnects that are surrounded by low thermal conductivity dielectric materials (Borkar, 1999). Accurate thermal modeling and design of
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
microelectronic devices and thin film structures at micro- and nanoscales poses a challenge to the thermal engineers who are less familiar with the basic concepts and ideas in subcontinuum heat transport.
2. Some General Aspects of Heat Conduction The energy given up by the constituent particles such as atoms, molecules, or free electrons of the hotter regions of a body to those in cooler regions is called heat. Conduction is the mode of heat transfer in which energy exchange takes place in solids or in fluids in rest (i.e. no convection motion resulting from the displacement of the macroscopic portion of the medium) from the region of high temperature to the region of low temperature due to the presence of temperature gradient in the body. The heat flow can not be measured directly, but the concept has physical meaning because it is related to the measurable scalar quantity called temperature. Therefore, once the temperature distribution T(r,t) within a body is determined as a function of position and time, then the heat flow in the body is readily computed from the laws relating heat flow to the temperature gradient. The science of heat conduction is principally concerned with the determination of temperature distribution within solids. The basic law that gives the relationship between the heat flow and the temperature gradient, based on experimental observations, is generally named after the French mathematical physicist Joseph Fourier, who used it in his analytic theory of heat. For a homogeneous, isotropic solid (i.e. material in which thermal conductivity is independent of direction) the Fourier law is given in the form
q(r, t ) T (r, t ) W / m2
where the temperature gradient is a vector normal to the isothermal surface, the heat flux vector q(r,t) represents heat flow per unit time, per unit area of the isothermal surface in the direction of the decreasing temperature, and is called the thermal conductivity of the material which is a positive, scalar quantity. Since the heat flux vector q(r,t) points in the direction of decreasing temperature, a minus sign is included in Eq. (1) to make the heat flow a positive quantity. When the heat flux is in W/m2 and the temperature gradient is in C/m, the thermal conductivity has the units W/(m C). Clearly, the heat flow rate for a given temperature gradient is directly proportional to the thermal conductivity of the material. Therefore, in the analysis of heat conduction, the thermal conductivity of the material is an important property, which controls the rate of heat flow in the medium. There is a wide difference in the thermal conductivities of various engineering materials. The highest value is given by pure metals and the lowest value by gases and vapors; the amorphous insulating materials and inorganic liquids have thermal conductivities that lie in between. Thermal conductivity also varies with temperature. For most pure metals it decreases with temperature, whereas for gases it increases with increasing temperature. At nanometer length scales, the familiar continuum Fourier law for heat conduction is expected to fail due to both classical and quantum size effects (Geppert, 1999; Zeng et al., 2003; Majumdar, 1993). The past two decades have seen increasing attention to thermal conductivity and heat conduction in nanostructures. Experimental methods for characterizing the thermal conductivity of thin films and nanowires have been developed
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and are still evolving. Experimental data have been reported on various nanostructures: thin films, superlattices, nanowires, and nanotubes. Along the way, models and simulations have been developed to explain the experimental data. This section summarizes some past work and the current understanding of heat conduction in nanostructures. We first give a brief overview on the fundamental physics that distinguishes phonon heat conduction in nanostructures from that in macrostructures. Then we discuss a few size effects in nanostructures that impact their thermal conductivity. Heat conduction in dielectric materials and most semiconductors is dominated by lattice vibrational waves. The basic energy quantum of lattice vibration is called a phonon, analogous to a photon which is the basic energy quantum of an electromagnetic wave. Similar to photons, phonons can be treated as both waves and particles. Size effects appear if the structure characteristic length is comparable to or smaller than the phonon characteristic length. Two kinds of size effects can exist: the classical size effect, when phonons can be treated as particles, and the wave effect, when the wave phase information of phonons becomes important. Distinction between these two regimes depends on several characteristic lengths (Chen, 2001). The important characteristic lengths of phonon heat conduction are the mean free path, the wavelength, and the phase coherence length (Reif, 1985). The mean free path is the average distance that phonons travel between successive collisions. The mean free path Λ is often estimated from kinetic theory as (2) 13 CV vP where CV and vP are the volumetric specific heat capacity of a phonon, and the phonon velocity inherent in a material. In silicon, for example, the phonon mean free path is on the order of ~300 nm (Ashegi et al., 1998). The phase of a wave can be destroyed during collision, which is typically the case in inelastic scattering processes, such as the phononphonon collision. - phonon mean free length (=1-2nm)
-Phonon mean free path (=300nm)
Phonon Boltzmann Transport Equation
Molecular Dynamics
Fourier Law
Classical SOI Structures
10 10 Silicon layer thickness (m)
Fig. 2. Regime map for phonon transport in ultra-thin silicon layers. Mean free path Λ is a distance that phonons travel on average before being scattered by other phonons. If the dimension of the silicon layer is smaller than Λ, the Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE) should be used for heat transfer analysis of the thin film. The dominant phonon wavelength, λ, at room temperature, is on the order of 2-3 nm. Analogous phonon wave simulations should be performed for devices with thicknesses comparable to λ.
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
Fig. 3. Phonon-boundary scattering is responsible for a large reduction in the thermal conductivity of a thin silicon layer where the thickness of the film, ds, is comparable to or smaller than the phonon mean free path, Λ. Fig. 2 compares the dimensions of several nanostructures (e.g., an SOI device and a superlattice structure) with the dominant phonon mean free path (MFP) and wavelength at room temperature. This graph also provides a general guideline for the appropriate treatment of phonon transport in nanostructures. Phonon transport can be predicted using the Boltzmann particle transport equations (BTE), which is required only when the scattering rates of electrons or phonons vary significantly within a distance comparable to their respective mean free paths. The BTE simply takes care of the bin counting of the energy carrier particles of a given velocity and momentum, scattering in and out of a control volume at a point space and time. Analysis of the heat transfer in microelectronic devices, interconnects and nanostructures using the BTE is very cumbersome and complicated, even for simple geometries, and has been the topic of research and development in the field of micro- and nanoscale heat transfer for the past two decades (Choi & Maruyama, 2003). Eq. (2) can only be considered as providing the qualitative behavior of a thermal conductivity from which the thermal conductivity is found to be proportional to the phonon mean free path (MFP). The phonon MFP is well known to become shorter as the system is hotter because the phonon population is increased, which causes the collision frequency among phonons to be high. Increased phonon collisions prevent the phonons with high energy in the hot region from moving to the cold region and vice versa. This means that the energy transport is low; consequently the thermal conductivity is low. Therefore, it can be inferred that phonon scattering governs the thermal conductivity. Detailed descriptions and analyses of the ballistic heat transfer in a semiconductor/ metallic layer are beyond the scope of this book chapter. However, the most prominent manifestation of ballistic heat transport in thin films would occur in the form of large reductions in thermal conductivity compared to the bulk values. Ballistic phonon transport in silicon films, or phonon-boundary scattering (see Fig. 3), has been investigated through large measured reductions in the lateral thermal conductivity compared to the bulk value near room temperature (Ju & Goodson, 1995; Liu & Ashegi, 2004; aLiu & Ashegi, 2005 ). The lateral thermal conductivity of the thin silicon layer decreases as the thickness of the film is reduced. Deviation of the thermal conductivity from the bulk value takes a sharp dive as the thickness of the film is reduced beyond 300 nm, which is the order of magnitude for the phonon mean free path in silicon at room temperature. For example, the thermal conductivity of the 20 nm thick silicon layer is nearly an order of magnitude smaller than the bulk value. The impact of phonon-boundary scattering on the thermal conductivity of a thin silicon layer can be predicted using the BTE solution and the theory described by Asheghi et al., such that it agrees very well with the experimental data.
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One way to estimate the impact of the micro/nanoscale effect is to use the modified thermal conductivity values for thin silicon and copper layers in conventional thermal simulation tools that use the continuum theory or diffusion equation. In order to perform more realistic estimates of the current degradation and the hot spot temperature we have followed the approach of Sondheimer (Sondheimer, 2001) that takes into account phonon boundary scattering by assuming it to be purely diffusive. Namely, the thermal conductivity of a semiconductor film of a thickness a, under the assumption that the z-axis is perpendicular to the plane of the film, the surfaces of the film being at z=0 and z=a, is given by:
a 2z a cosh d 2 ( )cos T 2(T )cos
(z) 0 (T ) sin3 1 exp /2
where (T) is the mean free path expressed as (T ) 0 (300 / T ) nm where room
temperature mean free path of bulk phonons is taken to be 0 290 nm. Selberherr (Palankovski & Selberherr, 2001; Sivaco Manuals) has parameterized the temperature dependence (Asheghi et al., 1998) of the bulk thermal conductivity in the temperature range between 250K and 1000K. In our case we find that the appropriate expression is:
0 (T )
135 a bT cT 2
Thermal conductivity (W/m/K)
where a=0.03, b=1.56×10-3, and c=1.65×10-6. Eqs. (3) and (4) give excellent agreement with the experimental and the theoretical data reported in a later Asheghi paper (Asheghi et al., 2005). Our group has utilized Eqs. (3) and (4) to obtain both the temperature and thickness dependence of the thermal conductivity for different temperatures, as shown in Fig. 4, compared to experimental data of Asheghi and co-workers (Asheghi et al., 2005) at 300K. This model for the thermal conductivity is then implemented into the energy balance equation for acoustic phonons in our electro-thermal device simulator, and different device technology nodes have been examined. 80
experimental data full lines: BTE predictions dashed lines: empirical model thin lines: Sondheimer
50nm 30nm
20nm 400 500 Temperature (K)
Fig. 4. Silicon film thickness dependence of the average thermal conductivity at T=300 K vs. active silicon layer thickness. Experimental data are taken from the work of Asheghi and coworkers (Asheghi et al., 2005).
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
In the ultra-fast laser heating processes at time scales of 10-15 to 10-12 seconds, as well as high speed transistors switching at timescales in the order of 10-11 seconds, the temperatures of the electron and phonon systems are not in equilibrium and may differ by orders of magnitude. Even after the phonon and electron reach equilibrium, the energy carried away by phonons can travel only to 10-100 nanometers; therefore, the temperature of the transistor can easily rise to several times its designed reliability limit. Under these circumstances, regardless of the cooling solution at the packaging level, a catastrophic failure at the device level can occur, because the impact of the rapid temperature rise is limited to the device and its vicinity. As a result, while the package level cooling solutions can reduce the quasi steady-state/average temperature across a microprocessor or at length scales in the order of one millimeter, it has very little impact at micro/nanoscales. Basically, there is no practical way to reduce the temperature at the device and interconnect level by means of a cooling device or solution; therefore, the options for thermal engineering of these devices are very limited. However, intelligent electro-thermal design along with careful floor planning at the device level can largely reduce the temperature rise within a device. This means that the role of the thermal engineer is to properly anticipate – perhaps in full collaboration with electrical engineers – and prevent the problem at the early stages and at the device level, rather than to pass the problem to the package-level thermal engineers.
3. Early attempts to Modeling Heating Effects in State of the Art Devices In order to understand the modeling of heating effects in commercial device simulators, we first derive the differential equation of heat conduction for a stationary, homogeneous, isotropic solid with heat generation within the body. Heat generation in general may be due to nuclear, electrical, chemical, or other sources that may be a function of time and/or position. The heat generation rate in the medium, generally specified as heat generation per unit time, per unit volume, is denoted H(r,t) and is given in W/m3. We consider the energy balance equation for a small control volume stated as: rate of heat entering through the bounding surfaces of V + rate of energy generation in V = rate of storage of energy in V. In other words the rate of heat entering through the bounding surfaces of V (term 1) is: Term1 q ndA qdV A
where A is the surface area of the volume element V, n is the outward-drawn normal unit vector to the surface element dA, q is the heat flux vector at dA; here the minus sign is included to ensure that the heat flow is into the volume element V, and the divergence theorem is used to convert the surface integral to volume integral. The remaining two terms are evaluated as: Term2 = Rate of energy generation in V = Term3 = rate of energy storage in V =
H (r , t )dV
T (r , t ) dV t
(6) (7)
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Combining Eqs. (5) – (7) yields:
q(r , t ) H (r , t ) C
T (r , t ) dV 0 t
The last equation is derived for an arbitrary small volume element V within the solid, hence the volume V may be chosen so small as to remove the integral and one obtains: q (r , t ) H (r , t ) CV
T (r , t ) t
Substituting q(r,t) from Eq. (1) into Eq. (9) finally yields the differential equation of heat conduction for a stationary, homogeneous, isotropic solid with heat generation within the body as: T ( r , t ) H (r , t ) CV
T ( r , t ) T (r , t ) c t t
The energy generation term in Eq. (10) is discussed in more details in Section 3.1 below. 3.1 Form of the Heat Source Term Lai and Majumdar (Lai & Majumdar, 1996) developed a coupled electro-thermal model for studying thermal non-equilibrium in submicron silicon MOSFETs. Their results showed that the highest electron and lattice temperatures occur under the drain side of the gate electrode, which, also corresponds to the region where non-equilibrium effects such as impact ionization and velocity overshoot are maximum. Majumdar et al. (Majumdar et al., 1995) have analyzed the variation of hot electrons and associated hot phonon effects in GaAs MESFETs. These hot carriers were observed to decrease the output drain current by as much as 15%. Thus, they concluded that both electron and lattice heating should be included in the electrical behavior of devices. As it has been recognized that the simulation of devices operated under non-isothermal conditions was of growing importance, the heat flow equation given in Eq. (10) has been added to conventional drift-diffusion and/or hydrodynamic models to account for the mobility degradation due to lattice heating. There has been a discussion on the form of the heat generation term, details of which can be found in an excellent paper by Wachutka (Wachutka, 1990). Briefly, three different models are most commonly used and these include: (1) Joule Heating, (2) electron-lattice scattering and (3) the phonon model. Although these three models yield identical results in equilibrium, under non-equilibrium conditions the results of the three models can vary significantly. Case 1: Within the Joule heating model, the thermal model consists of the heat diffusion equation using a Joule heating term as the source. The source term is computed from the electrical solution as the product of the local field and the current density (Gaur &,Navon, 1976)
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
This source term is similar to the one used by Leung and co-workers (Leung et al., 1997) and assumes that recombination heating is negligible. In this case the “hot spot” will occur near the location where the dot product of the field and of the current density is the largest. Simulations that have used this expression as a heating term suggest that the bulk of the heating will occur directly under the gate region where most of the voltage drop occurs and where the current density is the largest because of the restricted electron flow path due to the depletion regions. A study by Raman and co-workers on lightly doped drain (LDD) devices suggested that the location of the hot-spot occurs at the drain side of the gate. The complete Leung and co-workers expression used for the source term is
H JE+( R - G)( EG 3k BT )
where the second term represents the heating rate due to non-radiative generation (G) and recombination (R) of electron-hole pairs. EG is the semiconductor band-gap, kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is the lattice temperature. Case 2: Within the electron-lattice scattering model, the thermal system is represented as a single lattice temperature and is considered to be in thermal equilibrium. However, since the heat generation is due to non-equilibrium electron temperatures, the source term is then taken as a scattering term obtained from the relaxation time approximation and moments of the BTE. In essence, the transport is similar to case 1 in that the heat diffusion equation governs transport in the solid, except for the fact that the source term is now given as a moment of the relaxation time approximation, i.e.
3 k B Te TL 2 τ e L
n ems abs N sim t
In the above expression Te is the electron temperature, TL is the lattice temperature and τe-L is the electron lattice scattering time constant. Case 3: Phonon-model. Under thermal non-equilibrium conditions a system of two phonons is used as represented later in the text. In this case, the ‘lattice’ temperature is taken to be the acoustic phonon temperature TA, because this is the mode responsible for diffusion. The energy balance equations for the acoustic and optical modes were for the first time derived by Majumdar and co-workers starting from the phonons Boltzmann transport equation. In all our investigations we have pursued this approach for the description of the phonon bath. A variant of this approach, that has been pursued by the Leeds group (Sadi et al., 2007) and by Eric Pop and co-workers [Pop, 2006], counts the number of generated acoustic and optical phonons in a given branch and mode. Then, the total heat generation rate per unit volume is computed as H
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where n is the electron density, Nsim is the number of simulated particles and Δt is the simulation time. In our opinion, the best solution to the submicron heat transport problem only has been provided by Narumanchi and co-workers (Naramunchi, 2004). In their recent study they propose a model based on the solution of the BTE, accounting for the transverse acoustic and longitudinal acoustic as well as optical phonons. Their model incorporates realistic phonon dispersion curves for silicon. The interactions among the different phonon branches and different phonon frequencies are considered and the proposed model satisfies energy conservation. Frequency-dependent relaxation times, obtained from perturbation theory, and accounting for phonon interaction rules, are used. In the calculation of the relaxation rates, they have included impurity scattering and the three-phonon interactions (the normall (N) process and the Umklapp (U) process). U processes pose direct thermal resistance while N processes influence the thermal resistance by altering the phonon distribution function. In this study, the BTE is numerically solved using a structured finite volume approach. Using this model, experimental in-plane thermal conductivity data for silicon thin films over a wide range of temperatures are matched satisfactorily.
4. The ASU Approach to Solving Lattice Heating Problem in Nanoscale Devices To properly treat heating without any approximations made in the problem at hand, one in principle has to solve the coupled Boltzmann transport equations for the electron and phonon systems together. More precisely, one has to solve the coupled electron − optical phonons – acoustic phonons – heat bath problem, where each sub-process involves different time scales and has to be addressed in a somewhat individual manner and included in the global picture via a self-consistent loop. Let us consider the coupled system of semi-classical Boltzmann transport equations for the distribution functions of electrons f(k,r,t) and phonons g(k,r,t):
e k+q k k+q k k k+q k k+q Wa , q We, q Wa ,q t ve (k) r E r k f We,q q
t v p ( q ) r
g k+q k k k+q Wa ,q g We,q t p p k
k is the probability for electron transition from k+q to k due to emission of Here Wek+q ,q
k refers to processes of absorption. The system is nonlinear, as phonon q. Similarly Wak+q ,q the probabilities W depend on the product f•g of the electron and phonon distribution functions. The transfer of energy between electrons and phonons is due to the terms W, with a timescale of the order of 0.1 ps (see Fig. 5 below for more details). This equation set poses a multi-scale problem since the left hand sides involve different time scales: the velocity vp of the phonons is two orders of magnitude lower than the velocity ve of the electrons. Accordingly, the heat transfer by the lattice is much slower process than the charge transfer. Note that, when considering the electron lattice coupling, the energy transfer from electrons to the high-energy optical phonons is very efficient. However, optical phonons possess negligible group velocity and, thus, do not participate significantly in the heat diffusion.
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
They instead must transfer their energy to acoustic phonons, which diffuse heat. The energy transfer between phonons is relatively slow compared to electron-optical phonon transport and, thus, thermal non-equilibrium may also exist between optical and acoustic phonons. Fig. 5 shows the primary path of thermal energy transport and the associated time constants. High Electric Field
Hot Electron Transport
τ~ 0.1ps Optical Phonon Emission
τ~ 0.1ps
τ~ 10ps
Acoustic Phonon Emission τ~ 10ps
Heat Conduction in Semiconductor
Fig. 5. The most likely path between energy carrying particles in a semiconductor device is shown together with the corresponding scattering time constants. According to Fig. 5, the primary path of energy transport is represented first by scattering between electrons and optical phonons (TLO) and then optical phonons to the lattice (TA) (Tien et al., 1998). The BTE for the two kinds of phonons is then used to provide the energy balance of the process. As we already mentioned, the direct solution of the phonon Boltzmann equation itself is a very difficult task as it is difficult to mathematically express the anharmonic phonon decay process, and in addition to this one has to solve separate phonon Boltzmann equation for each mode of the acoustic and optical branches. As already noted in Section 2 above, some attempts to solve the problem within the relaxation time approximation have been made by Narumanchi and co-workers (Naramunchi et al., 2004). If we now include the electrons and holes into the picture with their corresponding Boltzmann transport equations, then the solution of the electron-hole-phonon coupled set of equations becomes a formidable task even for today’s high performance computing systems. Therefore, some simplifications of this global problem are needed. Since for device simulation we are mainly focused on accurately calculating the IV-characteristics of a device, the self-heating being a by-product of the current flow through the device can be treated in a more approximate manner, but which is still more accurate than the local heat conduction model. Majumder and co-workers (Lai & Majumdar, 1996; Majumdar et al., 1995), starting from the phonon Boltzmann equations derived energy balance equations separately for the optical phonon and the acoustic phonon bath. One can also derive these energy balance equations starting from the energy conservation principle. For electric field, E ≥ 106 V/m, electrons lose energy to optical phonons and optical phonons decay to acoustic phonons. Using the first law of thermodynamics, the energy conservation equations for optical and acoustic phonons are: WLO We WLO , t t coll t coll
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
W A WLO , ( A TA ) t t coll
We, WLO and WA are electron, optical phonon and acoustic phonon energy densities, respectively. We next use
dWLO C LO dTLO and dW A C A dTA
where CLO (specific heat capacity for optical phonons) can be estimated from Einstein model, while CA (specific heat capacity for acoustic phonons) from Debye model. Next, the collision terms are expressed using the relaxation time approximation (RTA): 3 1 3 2 k B Te m * v d k B T ph We , 2 2 2 n τ e ph t coll T TA , WLO CLO LO t τ LO A coll
(20) (21)
where Te is the electron temperature, vd is the electron drift velocity and Tph can be optical or acoustic phonon temperature depending on which kind of phonons electrons interact with. Combining Eqs. (17)-(21), one gets:
2 T T TLO 3 Te TLO nm*vd CLO LO A nkB 2 τeLO 2τeLO t τ LO A
T TA . T C A A ( ATA ) CLO LO t τ LO A
(22a) (22b)
For electric field, E0.4 V electrons are in the velocity overshoot regime which suggests that lattice heating does not significantly degrade the device characteristics. -8
x 10
y (m)
3 3.8
x (m)
7.5 -8
x 10
x 10
5.4 6 0
400 380
1.4 y (m)
3 3.8
5.4 6 0
320 2.5
x (m)
x 10
Fig. 12. Left panel - Acoustic phonon temperature for VG=1.2 and VD=1 V. Notice the significant heating of the lattice that equals the acoustic phonon temperature in our model. Right panel - Optical phonon temperature for VG=1.2 V and VD=1 V. Notice the region near the drain with higher optical phonon temperature with respect to the acoustic phonon temperature. 4.2 Thermal degradation with scaling of device geometry In addition to the previously noted observation regarding the influence of the velocity overshoot, we modeled larger fully-depleted SOI device structures and we also investigated the influence of the temperature boundary condition on the gate electrode on the current degradation due to heating effects. The geometrical dimensions of the simulated fullydepleted SOI MOSFETs are given in Table 2, while Table 3 gives the percentage of the current decrease due to heating effects with the variation of the gate electrode temperature for the device structures being considered. The calculated results show that the current degradation is more prominent for larger devices and for higher gate temperatures. For 80 nm and larger devices, simulated carriers are not in the velocity overshoot regime in the larger portion of the channel (especially near the source end of the channel). Snapshots of the lattice temperature profiles in the silicon layer for these devices when the gate temperature is set to 300K and 400K, are given in Fig. 13 and 14, respectively. From these snapshots one can observe that: (a) the temperature in the channel is increasing with the increase of the channel length, (b) the maximum lattice temperature region (hot spot) is in the drain and it shifts towards the channel for larger devices. This behavior is more drastic for higher gate temperatures (see Fig. 14).
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Gate Length (nm)
Gate Oxide Thickness (nm)
Active SiLayer Thickness (nm)
BOX Thickness (nm)
Channel Doping Concentration (cm-3)
Bias conditions VGS=VDS (V)
Current (mA/um) Isothermal value (300K)
25 45 60 80 90 100 120 140 180
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
10 18 24 32 36 40 48 56 72
50 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
1×1018 1×1018 1×1018 1×1017 1×1017 1×1017 1×1017 1×1017 1×1017
1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8
1.82 1.41 1.14 1.78 1.67 1.57 1.37 1.23 1.03
Table 2. Geometrical dimensions of the simulated fully-depleted SOI MOSFETs Fig. 15 gives the ensemble averaged lattice and optical phonon temperatures along the channel in the silicon layer only for three technologies of devices being considered (25 nm, 80 nm and 180 nm). Notice that there is a bottleneck between the lattice and the optical phonon temperature in the channel which is more pronounced for shorter devices, due to the fact that the energy transfer between optical and acoustic phonons is relatively slow compared to the electron-optical phonon processes and the fact that the electrons are in the velocity overshoot (and since the channel is very short, they spent little time in the channel). To better understand the phonon temperature bottleneck, different cross-sections (at Si/SiO2 interface, at half Si-layer width, at Si/BOX interface) of the lattice and the optical phonon temperature profiles in the channel direction were investigated as well. We find that the bottleneck is decreasing from Si/SiO2 interface to Si/BOX interface. For shorter devices, it exists in the whole channel region, which is not a case for longer devices (thicker Si-layer and longer channel length). From the results we have presented here one can conclude that the higher the temperature in the channel and/or the longer the electrons are in the channel, the larger the degradation of the device electrical characteristics is due to the heating effects.
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
Type of simulation
Gate Electrode Temperat ure (K)
isothermal thermal thermal thermal
300 300 400 600
Type of simulation
Gate Electrode Temperat ure (K)
isothermal thermal thermal thermal
300 300 400 600
Type of simulation
Gate Electrode Temperat ure (K)
isothermal thermal thermal thermal
300 300 400 600
25 nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.2V Current Current (mA/um) Decrease (%) 1.929 \ 1.8176 5.78 1.7467 9.45 1.5997 17.1
45 nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.2V Current Current (mA/um) Decrease (%) 1.5645 \ 1.4717 5.93 1.3957 10.79 1.2612 19.39
60nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.2V Current Current (mA/um) Decreas e (%) 1.2457 \ 1.1885 4.73 1.1124 10.83 0.9882 20.79
80 nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.5V Current Current (mA/um) Decrease (%) 1.7810 \ 1.5850 11 1.4612 17.96 1.2571 29.42
90 nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.5V Current Current (mA/um) Decrease (%) 1.6671 \ 1.4805 11.19 1.3678 17.95 1.1784 29.31
100 nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.5V Current Current (mA/um) Decrease (%) 1.5743 \ 1.4004 11.05 1.2833 18.48 1.1158 29.12
120 nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.8V Current Current (mA/um) Decrease (%) 1.3657 \ 1.1439 16.34 1.0630 22.16 0.9256 32.22
140 nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.8V Current Current (mA/um) Decrease (%) 1.2341 \ 1.0416 15.6 0.9654 21.85 0.8311 32.27
180 nm FD SOI nMOSFET Vgs=Vds=1.8V Current Current (mA/um) Decrease (%) 1.0321 \ 0.8570 15.22 0.8100 21.52 0.6940 32.76
Table 3. Current decrease with gate temperature for different FD SOI technologies.
5. Open Problems From the discussion presented so far, we might conclude that device simulation without lattice heating has reached high levels of sophistication even in the quantum domain area. The inclusion of lattice heating is done using the energy balance picture by the group from Arizona State University or by including the heat flux term that accounts for the number of generated acoustic and optical phonons in a given mode.
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology 25 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.2V)
source contact
drain contact
8 source region
45 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.2V)
drain region
60 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.2V)
500 400
80 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.5V)
300 600 500
90 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.5V)
21 39
100 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.5V)
23 43
400 50
Fig. 13. Lattice temperature profiles in the silicon layer for FD SOI MOSFETs from Table 2 with gate temperature set to 300K. (25 nm –top, 100 nm-bottom).
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
25 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.2V)
source contact
drain contact
45 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.2V)
12 21
60 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.2V)
500 15
80 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.5V)
600 500
90 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.5V)
21 39
600 400
3 23 43
100 nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.5V)
600 500 400
300 50 100 150 200 250 300 Fig. 14. Lattice temperature profile in silicon layer for different device geometries of fullydepleted SOI MOSFET when gate temperature is set to 400K.
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650 500
25nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.2V)
lattice temperature optical phonon temperature
350 0
650 500 350 0 650
80nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.5V)
source 80
drain 160
180nm FD SOI nMOSFET (Vgs=Vds=1.8V)
500 350 0
x (nm)
Fig. 15. Averaged lattice(full) and optical phonon(dashed) temperature profiles in the channel direction in the silicon layer for 25 nm (top), 80nm (middle) and 180 nm (bottom) FD SOI n-channel MOSFETs with gate temperature set to 300K. Both of these approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. Important point is that understanding heat conduction surrounding nanostructures is just at the beginning. Many questions remain to be answered and new applications need to be explored. Some of these are discussed below. 1. The experimental studies carried out by Goodson’s group provide the first quantitative evidence of non-local phonon heat conduction effects surrounding nanostructures. The effects are more pronounced at low temperatures, as expected (Sverdrup et al. 2001). In their experiments, the heater (also serving as a temperature sensor) is defined by a pn- junction. Because the calibration is through measuring the resistance of the heater when the sample temperature is uniformly raised, there are lingering questions on how accurate it is to use such calibration data to infer the heater temperature due to the spatial temperature gradient that may overlap with the space charge region of the pn-junction. More experimental studies are needed to provide further experimental data for analysis and to push to even smaller structures. 2. When the heat conduction is nonlocal, the transport is highly non-equilibrium, the temperature used to represent the modeling results is at best a measure of the local energy density, rather than their typical thermodynamic meaning. On the other hand, in microelectronics, the device reliability is often associated with the temperature through the Arrehnius law, which is a manifestation of the Boltzmann distribution and is a result obtained under the assumption of local equilibrium. A valid question is what does this temperature means for a device. If, for example, the calculated temperature corresponding
Heating Effects in Nanoscale Devices
to the local energy density reaches the melting point, does it mean that local melting occur? The molecular dynamics simulations may shed some light on this question, as is discussed in Goodson et al.’s paper [Asheghi et al., 1998]. 3. The simulations so far are based on either Monte Carlo methods or the Boltzmann equation and take the various relaxation times as input parameters. These parameters are subject to a wide range of uncertainties. The phonon relaxation time, for example, were mostly derived from the modeling work in the 1950s and 1960s on the thermal conductivity of bulk materials. The relaxation time in these models is often obtained under various approximations, such as the Debye model for the phonon dispersion. There are many variables in these past models that can lead to different values of the relaxation time. There is a clear need for more accurate information on the relaxation times. Molecular dynamics simulation may be one way to obtain them. Similarly, electron-phonon scattering processes also need further consideration, particularly when electrons have very different temperatures from that of phonons. 4. In addition to the different application problems in microelectronics and in data storage, there are also new fundamental problems associated with nonlocal heat conduction. Past studies have considered phonons only. The concurrent electron and phonon nonlocal transport and nonequilibrium transport is an example. A recent proposal is to use the departure from equilibrium between electrons and phonons at a small contact point as a means to increase the thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency (Goshal et al., 2002). The transport in this case can well become nonlocal for both electrons and phonons. This possibility was raised, but has never been studied (Chen, 1996). 5. The above examples emphasize the small length scales involved in nano-devices and nanomaterials. Short time scales are also becoming increasingly important. Similar questions can be raised for transport at short time scales as for the small length scales. Lasers can deliver a pulse as short as a few femtoseconds (1 fs = 10-15 s). Energy transduction mechanisms at such short time scales can differ significantly from that at macroscale. Microelectronic devices are pushing to the tens of gigaherts clock frequency with a much shorter transient time. The device temperature rise in such short time scales can be very different from predictions of the Fourier law.
6. References Ahmed, S. S. (2005) . Ph.D. Thesis, Arizona State University, Advisor: Prof. D. Vasileska. Artaki, M. & Price, P. J. (1989). Hot phonon effects in silicon field-effect-transistors, J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 65, 1989, pp. 1317-1320. Asheghi, M.; Touzelbaev, M.N.; Goodson, K.E.; Leung, Y.K. & Wong, S.S. (1998). Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Single-Crystal Silicon Layers in SOI Substrates, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.120, 1998, pp. 30-33. Asheghi, M.; Touzelbaev, M. N.; Goodson, K. E.; Leung, Y. K.; & Wong, S. S. (1998). Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Single-Crystal Silicon Layers in SOI Substrates, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.120, 1998, pp. 30-33. Borkar, S. (1999). Design Challenges of Technology Scaling, IEEE Micro, Vol. 19, 1999, pp. 23-29. Cercignani, C. (1998). The Boltzmann Equation and its Applications, Vol. 67 of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 1988.
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Chen, G. (1996). J.Heat Transf., Vol. 118, 1996, pp. 539- . Chen, G. (2001). Ballistic-Diffusive Heat-Conduction Equations, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 86, 2001, pp. 2297-2300. Chen, G. & Shakouri, A. (2002). Nanoengineered Structures for Solid-State Energy Conversion, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 124, 2002, pp. 242-252. Choi, S.-H.; Maruyama, S. (2003). Evaluation of the phonon mean free path in thin films by using classical molecular dynamics, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 43, 2003, pp. 747-753. Ferry, D. K. (2000). Semiconductor Transport, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2000. Gaur, S. P. & Navon, D. H. (1976). Two-dimensional carrier flow in a transistor structure under non-isothermal conditions, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 23, 1976, pp. 50-57. Geppert, L. (1999). Solid state [semiconductors. 1999 technology analysis and forecast], Spectrum, IEEE, Vol. 36, 1999, pp. 52-56. Goshal, U. et al. (2002). , Appl. Phys. Lett.,Vol. 80, 1976,pp. 3006He, X. (1999). MS Thesis, Arizona State University, 1999, Advisor: Prof. D. Vasileska. Ju, Y. S. & Goodson, K. E. (1999). Phonon Scattering in Silicon Films with Thickness of Order 100 nm, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 74, 1999, pp. 3005-3007. Lai, J. & Majumdar, A. (1996). Concurent thermal and electrical modeling of submicrometer silicon devices, J. Appl. Phys. , Vol. 79, 1996, pp. 7353- . Leung, Y. K.; Paul, A. K.; Goodson,K. E.; Plummer, J. D. & Wong, S.S. (1997). Heating mechanisms of LDMOS and LIGBT in ultrathin SOI, IEEE Electron Device Lett., Vol. 18, 1997, pp. 414Liu, W. & Asheghi, M. (2004). Phonon-Boundary Scattering in Ultra Thin Single-Crystal Silicon Layers, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 84, 2004, pp. 3819-3821. a Liu, W. & Asheghi, M. (2005). Thermal Conductivity of Ultra-Thin Single Crystal Silicon Layers, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 128, 2005, pp. 75-83. b Liu, W.; & Asheghi, M. (2005). J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 98, 2005, 123523-1. Majumdar, A. (1993). Microscale Heat Conduction in Dielectric Thin Films, Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 115, 1993, pp.7-16. Majumdar, A.; Fushinobu, K. & Hijikata, K. (1995). Effect of hate voltage on hot electron and hot phonon interaction and transport in a submicrometer transistor, J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 77, 1995, pp. 6686- . Narumanchi, S. V. J.; Murthy, J. Y. & Amon, C. H. (2004). Submicron heat transport model in silicon accounting for phonon dispersion and polarization, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 126, 2004, pp. 946-955. Palankovski, V. & Selberherr, S. (2001). Micro materials modeling in MINIMOS-NT, Journal Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 7, November 2001, pp. 183-187. Pop, E.; Sinha, S. & Goodson, K. E. (2006) “Heat genareation and transport in nanometerscale transistors”, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 94, 2006, pp. 1587-1601. Raleva, K.; Vasileska, D.; Goodnick, S. M. & Dzekov T. (2008). Modeling thermal effects in nano-devices, Journal of Computational Electronics, DOI 10.1007/s10825-008-0189-3 © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2008, J. Computational Electronics, Vol. 7, 2008, pp. 226-230. Reif, F. (1985). Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics , McGraw-Hill, London, 1985.
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Sadi, T. Kelsall, R.W. & Pilgrim, N. J. (2007) "Electrothermal Monte Carlo Simulation of Submicrometer Si/SiGe MODFETs", IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol.54, No.2, February 2007, pp. Silvaco Manual (www.silvaco.com). Shakouri, A.; Lee, E. Y.; Smith, D. L.; Narayanamurti, V. & Bowers, J. E. (1998). Thermoelectric Effects in Submicron Heterostructure Barriers, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol. 2, 1998, pp. 37-47. Sondheimer, E. H. (2001). The Mean Free Path of Electrons in Metals, Advances in Physics, Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1952, reprinted in Advances in Physics, Vol. 50, 2001, pp. 499-537. Sridharan, S.; Venkatachalam, A. & Yoder P. D. (2008). Electrothermal analysis of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors, Journ. of Compt. Electronics Vol. 7, 2008, 236–239. Sverdrup, P. G.; Sinha, S.; Uma, S.; Asheghi, M. & . Goodson, K. E. (2001). App. Phys. Let. Vol. 78, 2001, pp. 3331 -. Tien, C. L.; Majumdar, A. & Gerner, F. M. (1998). Microscale Energy Transport, Taylor&Francis, 1998. Vasileska,D.; Raleva, K. &. Goodnick, S. M. (2008). Modeling heating effects in nanoscale devices: the present and the future, Journal of Comp. Electronics, DOI 10.1007/s10825-008-0254-y, 2008. Vasileska, Raleva and Goodnick, S.M. Self-Heating Effects in Nano-Scale FD SOI Devices: The Role of the Substrate, Boundary Conditions at Various Interfaces and the Dielectric Material Type for the BOX, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 56, No. 12, pp. 3064-3071 (2009). Wachutka, G.K. (1990). Rigorous Thermodynamic Treatment of Heat Generation and Conduction in Semiconductor Device Modeling, IEEE Trans. Comp. Aided Design, Vol 11, 1990, pp 1141-1149. Zeng, G.; Fan, X.; LaBounty, C.; Croke, E.; Zhang, Y.; Christofferson, J.; Vashaee, D.; Shakouri, A. & Bowers, J.E. (2003). Cooling Power Density of SiGe/Si Superlattice Micro Refrigerators, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2003, Proceedings Vol. 793, paper S2.2, December 2003, Boston, MA.
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Low-Dimensional Group III-V Compound Semiconductor Structures
X4 Low-Dimensional Group III-V Compound Semiconductor Structures Nobuhiko P. Kobayashi
University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, U.S.A. Advanced Studies Laboratories, University of California Santa Cruz and NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, U.S.A. Bio-Info-Nano Research and Development Institute, University of California Santa Cruz and NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, U.S.A. 1. Introduction 1.1 Epitaxial Growth Epitaxial growth of inorganic materials in the form of single-crystal thin films can be viewed as a special case of crystal growth that is essentially a first-order phase transition exhibited by a wide range of single chemical elements and a variety of compounds including insulator, metals, and semiconductors. Epitaxial growth of thin films can also be viewed as a unique case of those among various deposition processes of thin films. Epitaxial growth of thin films requires a combination of stringent crystal growth parameters that need to be dynamically tuned to establish appropriate growth environment. Everlasting quest to raise the level of perfection of single-crystal thin films by understanding and improving epitaxial growth processes has been a scientific subject that has inspired many scientists in the past. An early attempt of constructing a theory of crystal growth from vapor phase, including many essential aspects of crystal growth, treated surface features (e.g., steps and kinks) on a crystal surface in equilibrium with vapor by obtaining the rate of advancement of monomolecular steps as a function of supersaturation in the vapor and mean concentration of kinks in the steps.1 Influence of dislocations was also analyzed and growth rate of a surface containing dislocations was shown to be proportional to the square of the supersaturation for low supersaturation and to the first power for high supersaturation. Equilibrium structures of steps (e.g., the statistics of kinks in steps) were also studied in terms of surface temperature, binding energy parameters, and crystallographic orientation. Shape and size of a two-dimensional nucleus in unstable equilibrium with a given supersaturation at a given temperature were obtained. Analyses on the temperature dependence of the structure of perfect surfaces (i.e., surfaces free from steps at absolute zero temperature) showed that a perfect surface remains flat until the surface reaches a roughening transition temperature at which the surface undergoes a morphological transition by which the surface becomes rough dramatically.2 With the view more practical, a unified theory was developed to understand the physics of epitaxial thin films and applied to tailor epitaxial growth conditions to obtain perfect epitaxial thin films of uniform
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thickness.3 The pursuit of superior epitaxial growth will continues to motivate scientists and engineers in a variety of technical fields for the years to come as the growing demand for high-quality single-crystal thin films needs to be met for a wide range of advanced solidstate devices. Apparently in epitaxial growth, one of the prerequisites that drive ordinary thin film deposition into epitaxial growth is the use of a single-crystal substrate. A single-crystal substrate is characterized by its constituent atoms chemically bonded each other to form a three-dimensional network that can be described by specific translational and rotational crystallographic symmetries with the presence of long-range atomic ordering. When a thin film is epitaxially grown on a single-crystal substrate, the thin film grows as a single-crystal and a common interface is created between the single-crystal epitaxial thin film and the single-crystal substrate. A single-crystal epitaxial thin film exhibits a crystal lattice having a definite crystallographic orientation with respect to that of a single-crystal substrate, in other words, a single-crystal epitaxial thin film has a specific crystallographic registry with a single-crystal substrate. The surface of a single-crystal substrate, a part critically relevant to epitaxial growth, plays a major role in epitaxial growth, in particular, in the early stage of epitaxial growth. Surfaces of semiconductor single-crystal substrates are known to exhibit a variety of superstructures (surface reconstructions) that have translational and rotational symmetry different from those present in the bulk part of a semiconductor single-crystal substrate. Although various types of surface reconstructions are observed on surfaces of semiconductor single-crystal substrates under different epitaxial growth conditions, a semiconductor thin film grown on a semiconductor single-crystal substrate is eventually connected coherently to the single-crystal substrate, forming an atomically seamless interface between the grown single-crystal semiconductor epitaxial thin film and the singlecrystal semiconductor substrate. Epitaxial growth has been reviewed by numerous times and various theories intended to describe different aspects of epitaxial growth were developed. In particular, nucleation processes in the early stage of epitaxial thin film growth were extensively studied.4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Nucleation processes in epitaxial growth of thin films have been viewed as one of the scientific fields where experimental demonstrations and theoretical analyses progress sideby-side because the nucleation process in the early stage of thin film growth is an ideal case where experimental variable can be fairly well controlled. The study of the nucleation processes led us to recognize the importance of surfaces in the context of epitaxial growth of thin films. Based on thermodynamics, physical properties of, for instance, equilibrium surfaces can be deduced from the knowledge of the free energy associate with equilibrium surfaces. While a surface viewed as the interface between the surface of an epitaxial thin film and surrounding (e.g., vapor phase established in given epitaxial growth environment) is important for the nucleation in epitaxial growth of thin films, the interface between an epitaxial thin film and a substrate or between an epitaxial thin film and another epitaxial thin film is equally critical. The energy associated with the interface between an epitaxial thin film (or multiple epitaxial thin films) and a substrate is of great importance, in particular, when the thin film is made of a material different from that of the substrate. Further understanding of epitaxial growth of thin films in terms of morphological and structural evolution is clearly the goal that can only be attained by continuous efforts in both experimental and theoretical advancement.
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1.2 Heteroepitaxial Growth Among a wide range of material systems that can be obtained by epitaxial growth (i.e., a single-crystal thin film on a single-crystal substrate), several unrivaled characteristics exhibited by such material systems as those made of group III-V compound semiconductors are recognized as their flexibility of being assembled into hetero-structures where dissimilar group III-V compound semiconductors with various chemical compositions are coupled in the form of multiple thin films. Sophisticated epitaxial growth techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metal organic vapor chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) have been successfully implemented for the growth of group III-V compound semiconductor multiple thin films both at the level of high-volume manufacturing and cutting-edge research environment and widely used for a variety of electronic and optoelectronic devices including hetero-bipolar transistors, light-emitting-diodes, laser diodes, and multi-junction solar cells. Epitaxial growth of a thin film (or multiple thin films) of various group III-V compound semiconductors or related alloys on a substrate dissimilar to the thin films to be grown (i.e., heteroepitaxial growth), however can be exceptionally complex in contrast to simple epitaxial growth of similar materials (i.e., homoepitaxial growth such as a silicon thin film on a silicon substrate, a germanium thin film on a germanium substrate, and a gallium arsenide thin film on a gallium arsenide substrate). For instance, simple pictures of nucleation processes and evolution processes that work for homoepitaxial growth may no longer be valid for heteroepitaixl growth because new constraints, such as misfit strain associated with two dissimilar materials having different lattice constants or chemical incompatibility, are present in heteroepitaxial growth. When two materials having different lattice constants are connected via a two-dimensional interface, misfit strain needs to be included in the description of heteroepitaxial growth. Epitaxial growth of a single-crystal thin film on a single-crystal substrate with misfit strain would be recognized as one of the most challenging, yet most appealing, in both scientific and engineering subject that needs to be addressed to gain utmost benefits out of this concept technologically very important. Within thermodynamic framework, the key topic of heteroepitaxial growth of a singlecrystal thin film on a single-crystal substrate with mismatch is free energy associated with the interface (i.e., interface free energy) between the thin film and the substrate. A series of early investigations employed an array of dislocations that connected two infinite singlecrystals, giving a clear illustration of a very simple model for a heteroepitaxial structure analyzed semi-quantitatively.12,13 This simple model was further advanced by the establishment of models that dealt with a single dislocation to calculate three types of intercrystalline boundaries; a boundary due to a difference of atomic spacing, a twist boundary, and a symmetrical tilt boundary14, and later the model for two crystals having infinite thickness was refined by introducing mismatch as an independent parameter and treating the thin film as a film with finite thickness in contrast to the substrate having infinite thickness, putting an emphasis on epitaxial growth in which a thin film was grown on a thick substrate.15,16 From technological perspective, the goal is to find a route by which, for given misfit, an epitaxial thin film can be grown without generating crystallographic defects (e.g., misfit dislocations) detrimental to a targeting application, therefore it is essential to correlate misfit to the generation of misfit dislocations in terms of available growth parameters that can be experimentally tuned. The various concepts and forms of what is called critical thickness for
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heteroepitaxial growth with lattice mismatch were derived. Critical thickness for given misfit provides a useful guide in designing an epitaxial growth process as it gives a thickness beyond which the generation of misfit dislocations is substantially accelerated. For instance, the critical thickness for the growth of a GexSi1−x thin film on a Si substrates was evaluated by assuming that the generation of misfit dislocation sets in when the areal strain energy density of the film exceeds the energy density associated with the formation of a screw dislocation (i.e., energy balance) at a distance from the free surface equal to the film thickness.17 In addition to the energy balance, force balance was also used to predict a critical thickness for GaAs/GaAs0.5P0.5 multiple thin films with the motivation to reduce misfit dislocation density by (a) using film thicknesses below those at which misfit dislocations are formed between layers, (b) matching lattice parameters of the substrate to those of the multilayer taken as a whole; and (c) using misfit strain to drive threading dislocations out of samples.18 The concept of critical thickness defined for the transition at which a coherent thin film (a film fully strained and without dislocations) turns into an incoherent thin film (i.e., a film with dislocations) was analyzed within the framework of two models, Frenkel-Kontorowa and Volterra models. 19 It was recognized that the epitaxial growth is basically a dynamical process (i.e., a true equilibrium state is not reached during epitaxial growth), thus coherentincoherent transition essentially driven by free energy gradients and reaching equilibrium is hindered by energy barriers associated with the generation of misfit dislocations. Inherent nature of epitaxial growth occurring on a two-dimensional plane was explicitly analyzed.20 Dependence of equilibrium configurations of a single-crystal thin film on the strengths of substrate-thin film, thin film-thin film bonds, and the interfacial misfit was examined in two-dimension,20 in contrast to early analyses based on a one-dimensional model in which misfit was treated along only one crystallographic direction. The analysis postulated that misfits along two different crystallographic orientations may differ from each other and could be accommodated by cross grids of dislocations. A variety of practical cases have been analyzed to predict detrimental influences of misfit on epitaxial growth and a range of practical approaches have been proposed to minimize damaging influences of misfit and to take full advantage of heteroepitaxial growth.21,22,23,24,25,26 In addition to numerous attempts to describe epitaxial growth of thin films within the framework of equilibrium structures, approaches with atomistic view (i.e., ab initio calculations) have been also comprehensively investigated. Phenomenological models such as Frenkel-Kontorowa and Volterra models gave intuitive physical pictures, which was the main advantage; while the ab initio calculations were developed with the goal of obtaining, for instance interface energy more quantitatively accurately. Early atomistic approaches were used to directly calculate interface energy. 27,28,29 For group III-V compound semiconductors characterized by fairly strong covalent chemical bonds, however substantial discrepancies between outcomes of equilibrium approaches and those obtained from experiments were often noticed due partly to relatively high Peierls barriers. The important role of thermal fluctuations and the influence of free energy gradients were suggested30 and the dynamics of misfit dislocations relieved by continuous plastic deformation was described.31 The model, referred to as configuration-dependent reactive incorporation (CDRI) model,32.33.34 with an atomistic view for the epitaxial growth of group III-V compound semiconductor thin films was developed 37through kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations and introduced with inspiration of several pioneering experimental works35,36
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on the nature of the adsorption, dissociative reaction, and incorporation of arsenic molecules in homoepitaxial growth of gallium arsenide and related alloys. The CDRI model accounts for a range of surface kinetic processes such as37 sticking coefficients of the group III atoms, adsorption coefficients for the group V molecular species, intra-planar migration of group III atoms, inter-planar migration of the group III atoms, the group III local configuration dependent reaction rates for the dissociative molecular reaction of physisorbed group V diatomic molecules, the associative reaction of chemisorbed group V atoms to form diatomic molecules and its subsequent desorption. Epitaxial growth of thin films (quasi two-dimensional), serving as a basic building block, predominate most of electronic and optoelectronic devices commercially available. In contrast to epitaxial thin films, low-dimensional epitaxial structures, such as semiconductor three-dimensional (3D) islands (quasi zero-dimensional) and semiconductor nanowires (quasi one-dimensional), have opened a new paradigm for group III-V compound semiconductors, emerging as nanometer-scale low-dimensional structures. A range of coherent epitaxial low-dimensional semiconductor structures have been demonstrated on various substrates/surfaces physically incompatible. In this chapter, the first part will describe indium arsenide (InAs), one of group III-V compound semiconductor binary alloys, grown, by molecular beam epitaxy, into the form of three-dimensional (3D) islands (also referred to as self-assembled quantum dots) on gallium arsenide surfaces. Two-dimensional (i.e., nucleating clusters) to three-dimensional (i.e., 3D islands) morphological transition and size evolution/vertical alignment of InAs 3D islands in a single and multiple stacks will be illustrated. The lateral size and size dispersion are found to first increase drastically with a small amount of additional InAs deposition and then decrease and saturate, indicating the onset of a natural tendency for lateral size equalization. The vertical alignment of multiple stacks of 3D islands is a result of strain field generated by InAs 3D islands embedded within a GaAs matrix. In the second part, indium phosphide (InP), another group III-V compound semiconductor binary ally, nanowires grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on non-singlecrystal surfaces are described. Unlike conventional epitaxial growth of thin films, the proposed route for growing nanowires requires no single-crystal surface. In principle, only short-range atomic order, in contrast to long-range atomic order required for epitaxial growth of thin film, is necessary for nanowires. A template layer that possesses short-range atomic order prepared on a non-single-crystal surface is employed. Ensembles of InP nanowires grown on a template prepared on a non-single-crystal surface are found to be single-crystal and electrically/optically active, which unlocks attractive applications where III–V compound semiconductors are functionally integrated onto various incompatible material platforms.
2. Indium Arsenide Three-dimensional Islands 2.1 Background In a wide range of epitaxial growth of thin films, a thin film evolves by undergoing three major stages; nucleation of small nuclei (monolayer and double-monolayer islands, etc.), growth of nuclei, and coalescence of nuclei.38 Presence of misalignment of nuclei caused by the rotation of nuclei around their axis perpendicular to the surface on which nucleation progressed was a popular subject examined and discussed comprehensively within the
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scope of epitaxial growth of thin films, which suggested that misfit dislocations generated in a nucleus change misfit strain within the nucleus.39 Stability of small nuclei seen in the nucleation stage was studied in terms of their size, misfit, stiffness, and strength of filmsubstrate interaction, which led conclusions that strain energy associated with both crystallographic registry and misfit promotes three-dimensional growth (i.e., the formation of three-dimensional islands) when the misfit is large.40 Analysis of equilibrium configurations of growing epitaxial islands was also carried out by considering discrete characteristics of consecutive layers of a growing epitaxial three-dimensional (3D) island and interaction between them.41 The aim of studying epitaxial growth of 3D islands under equilibrium is to find mutual dependence among various physical aspects involved in the epitaxial growth of 3D islands resulted from layered growth within the islands. Such physical aspects includes, for instance, the number of atomic layers consisting of an island, the number of atoms contained in each layer, chemical bonding within and between layers, substrate interfacial bonding, natural misfit and number of misfit dislocations, over-all strain in an 3D island, the conditions required for stable coherent configurations, etc. For given misfit between an overgrowth and a substrate, the misfit may not be entirely accommodated by an integral number of identical misfit dislocations. Thus, the remaining misfit is accommodated by residual elastic strain within 3D islands. Ultimate goal is to form coherent 3D islands by engineering misfit strain with accurate and reproducible growth conditions. With highly-sophisticated controllability of every aspect of epitaxial growth conditions provided by, for instance, molecular beam epitaxy and metal organic chemical vapor deposition, epitaxial growth of group IV elemental and group III-V compound semiconductors on lattice-mismatched substrates (i.e., strained epitaxial growth) has been employed as a technique to demonstrate semiconductor 3D islands (also referred to as quantum dots) with nanometer-scale size. Such 3D islands have been extensively studied with the hope of developing further advanced electronic and optoelectronic solid-state devices. The formation of 3D islands is in principal driven by a specific mechanism by which given misfit strain is accommodated by morphological change accompanying with or without plastic deformation. The level of understanding physical pictures of epitaxial growth of 3D islands does not seem to have reached its completion even though enormous efforts have been made in both experimental and theoretical studies. Epitaxial growth of thin films, in contrast to epitaxial growth of 3D islands, implies that relevant growth processes occur over large area (i.e., size of the area, on a substrate, over which epitaxial growth proceeds does not have direct influence on the way epitaxial growth of a thin film progresses, in other words, size of the area over which epitaxial growth of a thin film progresses is considered to be infinite). Unlike thin films, 3D islands are characterized as small (lateral size ~several tenths of nanometers, and height ~several nanometers) isolated three-dimensional structures, each of which is connected to the surface of a substrate through very small area comparable to its lateral size as in Fig. 1.42 Semiconductor 3D islands, at least those drawing significant attention with the hope of superior optoelectronic devices in the last decade, are expected to exhibit unique physical characteristics associated with their unique features such as shape, size and electronic structures. Among various semiconductor 3D islands, two material systems; silicon/germanium grown on silicon surfaces and indium arsenide (InAs) grown on gallium
Low-Dimensional Group III-V Compound Semiconductor Structures
arsenide (GaAs) surfaces have been used as convenient vehicles for extensive study because of their inherent simplicity (e.g., chemical composition).
Fig. 1. Lattice image of InAs 3D island obtained by [110] cross-sectional transmission electron microscope lattice imaging. The width and height of the island are 27 and 9 nm, respectively.42 Comprehensive reviews in the field of 3D islands (also referred to as quantum dots) are available.43 In the following section, a series of studies on InAs 3D islands grow on GaAs substrates are described by focusing on three topics; two-dimensional to three-dimensional morphological transition, lateral size equalization, and vertical alignment of an ensemble of 3D islands, all of which are crucially important issues that need to be addressed in the course of implementation of ensembles of 3D islands as a part of solid-state devices. 2.2 Two-dimensional to Three-dimensional Morphological Transition Formation of coherent 3D islands driven by lattice mismatch between an overgrowth and a substrate has been a fundamental area of research both experimental and theoretical in the field of epitaxial growth in nanometer-scale represented by numerous examples, in particular, with semiconductors such as Ge/Si44,45 and In(Ga)As/GaAs material systems.46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57 The main focus is to understand the nature of surfaces changing from two-dimensional morphology (i.e., continuous thin films or low-profile, oneor two-monolayer height, two-dimensional clusters appearing in the early stage of highly strained epitaxial growth) to three-dimensional morphology (i.e., surfaces with 3D islands). From solid-state device perspective, early reports on laser oscillation58,59 from devices that employed InGaAs 3D islands embedded in a GaAs matrix led further studies to clearly correlate optical characteristics of ensembles of 3D islands and lasing characteristics. InAs/GaAs(001) material system has been a vehicle to further understand the atomistic nature of two-dimensional cluster (1ML high) to three-dimensional island (typically 2~4 nm high) transition. The level of understanding atomistic nature of the two-dimensional to three-dimensional (2D-3D) morphological transition observed in highly-mismatched heteroepitaxial growth has certainly improved dramatically in the past ten years. For many years, the 2D-3D morphological transition was believed to be associated with the formation of defects such as dislocations. However, experimental demonstrations with two semiconductor systems; InGaAs grown on GaAs and Ge on Si, clearly showed that the formation of coherent 3D
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islands (i.e., 3D islands without structural defects) is possible in the 2D-3D morphological transition, which has led extensive studies aiming at better atomistic and kinetic understanding of the 2D-3D morphological transition.33,49,51,52,53,60,61 Therefore, reviewing some of early studies on the 2D-3D morphological transition is worth to acknowledge how much the understanding has advanced. The growth mode characterized by the 2D-3D morphological transition is classically referred to as the Stranski-Krastanow growth mode; however there is clear evidence that the 2D-3D morphological transition in highlymismatched epitaxial growth is much more complex than the spontaneous change from 2D to 3D morphology described in the framework of the Stranski-Krastanow growth mode. In the following section, a series of systematic studies on InAs three-dimensional (3D) islands grown on GaAs(001) surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) are described. In situ ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) scanning tunneling microscope combined with atomic force microscope (STM/AFM) and ex situ photoluminescence (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) were used to study the growth of InAs 3D islands. The amount of InAs delivered onto the GaAs(001) surfaces was varied within the range that covered submonolayer to well-formed 3D islands prior to the onset of island coalescence to investigate the initial formation and the subsequent evolution of InAs 3D islands. The details of the sample preparation are as follows and also described elsewhere. 51,62 All samples were grown by MBE on silicon doped n+-GaAs substrates with orientation of (001) ± 0.1 degrees. The growth was monitored by reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The deposition rate of InAs was calibrated by RHEED on a InAs(001) substrate and determined to be 0.22 ML/s at the substrate temperature of 500 °C and with arsenic beam equivalent pressure of 6x10-6 Torr. InAs was deposited at 500 °C on a 500 nm GaAs buffer layer that showed clear c(4x4) surface reconstruction. The amount of InAs deposition given with respect to the GaAs(001) surface atomic density was confirmed to be reproducible within 0.022 ML. On in situ RHEED observation, weak spots superposed on faint streaks appeared at 1.57 ML of InAs coverage, indicating the onset of InAs 3D island formation. All samples were cooled down immediately after the deposition of InAs by shutting off electrical power to the substrate heater in order to minimize post-growth evolution of the grown surfaces so that the nature of InAs 3D island evolution as close as possible to the growth conditions was examined. No intentional annealing or growth interruptions was conducted as these post-growth thermal processes are known to promote a variety of post-growth evolution on grown surfaces.63,64 The morphological instabilities such as mounds were reported on samples grown with growth interruption65, which needed to be avoided as much as possible because the formation of 3D islands is extremely sensitive to underlying surface morphology. For instance, diffusion of species on a rough surface can be highly anisotropic.66 Samples were transferred to the UHV STM/AFM chamber through the UHV interconnect for in situ surface characterization. Samples used for ex situ PL and PLE were grown on semi-insulating GaAs substrates by following exactly the same procedure described above for the STM/AFM samples with one exception that they were capped with a GaAs thin film grown by migration enhance epitaxy at the substrate temperature of 400 °C.67
Low-Dimensional Group III-V Compound Semiconductor Structures
Fig. 2. STM images showing the evolution of InAs on GaAs(001) for depositions of (a) 0.87, (b) 1.15, (c1, c2) 1.25, (d ) 1.30, (e) 1.35, (f ) 1.45, and (g) 1.61 ML. The labels in the figure denote small 2D clusters (A), large 2D clusters (B), small Q3D clusters (C), large Q3D clusters (C), 3D islands (D), 1 ML high steps (S), and 1 ML deep holes (H).68 Fig. 2 shows a series of STM images of samples grown with the amount of InAs deliveries in the range from 0.87 to 1.61 ML.68 A varieties of surface features are clearly seen on the samples at different amount of InAs deliveries. 1 ML high steps (labeled S) with 200~400 nm wide terraces are seen, which is consistent with the GaAs substrates with tilt of approximately 0.1° used for the growth. The first InAs layer seen in panel (a), generally referred to as a wetting layer, appears to be incomplete up to 1.35 ML InAs delivery in panel (e), evidenced by 1 ML deep holes (labeled H). At 0.87 ML in panel (a), the holes cover approximately 20% of the surface. Clusters of up to few nm wide, lateral size 1011 cm2), referred to as small 2D clusters (labeled A) are seen. Additional InAs delivery, as seen in panel (b), leads to the formation of 1 ML high clusters with width ≥50 nm and lateral sizes up to hundreds of nm (referred to as large 2D clusters
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and labeled B) on top of the still incomplete wetting layer. These large 2D clusters are elongated in the [1-10] direction as seen in panel (b). At the deposition of 1.15 ML in panel (b), features that are 2-4 ML high with respect to the flat InAs surface and up to 20 nm wide (labeled C’), referred to as small quasi-3D (Q3D) clusters, start to appear. At 1.25 and 1.30 ML InAs delivery in panels (c1) and (d), in addition to the small Q3D clusters, clusters of height of 2-4 ML with lateral extension ≥50 nm, referred to as large Q3D clusters are present (labeled C). Furthermore, features consisting of a large Q3D cluster (C) topped by a small one (C’) up to 5 ML high (i.e., features with an extended base and a narrow top) are seen in panel (c2). A notable finding was that the Q3D clusters (small and large) disappear once at 1.35 ML, exhibiting a 2D-like surface. Then, as the InAs delivery is further increased to 1.45 ML, only small Q3D clusters reappear at a density 2 orders of magnitude higher well before the first 3D islands (7-14 ML high with a lateral size 1.57 ML. The bright spots are the InAs 3D islands. The ‘‘patches’’ (marked by two arrow-heads) are 2D clusters with one monolayer high with respect to their surroundings. The areal density of the InAs 3D islands is plotted in Fig. 5, which indicates that the areal density increases rapidly for InAs delivery from 1.57 to 1.74
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ML and then slows down from 1.74 to 2.18 ML, reaching a maximum value of ~6x102 m-2 before island-coalescence begins to set in. Correspondingly, the STM determined that the areal density of the quasi-3D clusters rises to a maximum of ~2x103 m-2 at 1.61 ML and then drops, reaching near zero for >1.75 ML InAs delivery. The InAs 3D island lateral size and height distributions are plotted in Fig. 6(a) and (b) for different InAs 3D island densities. The lateral size of a 3D island is defined as the full width at half maximum of the island height. As seen in Fig. 6(a), initially when the 3D island density is ~11 m-2 the islands have a narrow lateral size distribution, however as the island density increases to around 24 m-2, the island lateral size distribution broadens significantly without an evident peak. Concomitantly, the average lateral size seems to increase as well. Remarkably, further increase in island density (~58 m-2) makes the island lateral size distribution narrow again and the average lateral size also becomes smaller. Thereafter, with increasing island density, the lateral size distribution becomes narrower, while maintaining an essentially constant average lateral size, and then practically invariant as a function of coverage prior to the onset of island coalescence. The evolution of the InAs 3D island height distribution as seen in Fig. 6(b) appears to exhibit the similar but not identical trend to that of the lateral size distribution. Certain variation in the heights is observed at any given island density, which clearly indicates that the islands coexisting at a given evolution stage do not have definite shape (e.g., equilibrium shape), thus their formation is kinetically controlled. It is important to note that the transition from a narrow to a broad and back to a narrow island lateral size distribution under the growth conditions employed in the experiment occurs over a very small increase ( EL – Ef and
-eV < Ef - EH
(negative substrate bias) (3)
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where EL and EH are LUMO and HOMO energy levels of the molecule respectively and Ef is the metal Fermi level. The threshold for conduction for such type of a molecular junction is given by (Datta et al., 1997): (positive substrate bias) (4) eV > min [(Ef - EH/η), (EL – Ef/1-η)] -eV < min [(Ef - EH/1-η), (EL – Ef//η)]
(negative substrate bias)(5)
where η is the ratio of distance of substrate from the centre of the molecule to the distance of substrate from the tip.
Fig. 12. (a) I-V characteristics of bare gold substrate (b) I-V characteristics of the SAM on gold Figure 12 shows the STS plots of the gold substrate and of the 5-(4-(2-(4-(SAcetylthiomethyl) phenyl)ethynyl)phenyl)-10,15,20-tris(4-pyridyl) porphyrin SAM in ambient laboratory conditions. It is evident that the tunneling current is almost negligible before a certain cut-in voltage and rises sharply afterwards in case of porphyrin SAM on gold.
4. DNA for Nanoelectronics’ Applications DNA is fast becoming a material of choice for the bottom-up approach in the fabrication of nanometer-scale electronic devices. Eley and Spivey in 1961 first predicted the tentative use of DNA as molecular wires (Eley et al., 1961). Easy availability (second-most abundant class of biomolecules, next to proteins), self-assembly property and its ability to be manipulated in vitro has put DNA into one of the top-priority alternatives for the bottom-up approach. If biomolecules are to be chosen for the bottom-up self-assembly oriented approach, DNA should be given higher priority as compared to proteins because proteins are not robust to extreme physical and chemical conditions. Inherent programmability of DNA through variation of its base sequence is another attractive feature of the DNA. In addition to the above points, DNA also offers the possibility of in vitro precise manipulation which makes possible interesting device applications for nanoelectronics applications. 4.1 Relevant properties of DNA DNA is a duplex (double-stranded) polymeric molecule. Each strand is itself a polymer, consisting of nitrogenous bases namely purines (adenine and guanine) and pyrimidines (thymine, cytosine and uracil). The only exception that contains uracil molecule in the DNA is a bacteriophage PBS1 (Savva, 1995). Fig. 13 shows the chemical structure of the five bases.
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Fig. 13. Different bases in a DNA molecule (Neidle, 2008) These five bases form hydrogen-bonds between each other so as to stabilize the duplex structure of the molecule. Adenine forms double H-bonds with thymine or uracil whereas guanine forms a triple H-bond with cytosine (as shown in fig. 14). Adenine-Thymine
Fig. 14. Hydrogen bond formation between different purine-pyrimidine base pais (Neidle, 2008) The DNA molecule is negatively-supercoiled like a rope, twisted opposite to the direction of helix thus pushing the bases away from each other. This structural property helps in easy unwinding of the double-helix during the process of DNA replication. In the ambient physical conditions, three types of DNA conformations exist: A-DNA, B-DNA and Z-DNA. Out of these, B-DNA is the most common form of DNA available (hence most widely studied scientifically) and Z-DNA is the rarest form of DNA (forms under extreme stringent conditions). Different conformations are formed due to the change in the sequence of DNA, the amount and direction of supercoiling, chemical modifications of the bases and the solution conditions (like the concentration of heavy metal ions or polyamines). There are several geometrical attributes of different forms of DNA which play major roles in the formation of electronic templates. These attributes are listed in table-2 as follows: Geometry attribute B-form Z-form A-form Helix sense right-handed right-handed left-handed Repeating unit 1 bp 1 bp 2 bp Rotation/bp 33.6° 35.9° 60°/2 Mean bp/turn 11 10.5 12 Inclination of bp to +19° −1.2° −9° axis Rise/bp along axis 2.4 Å (0.26 nm 3.4 Å (0.34 nm) 3.7 Å (0.37 nm) Rise/turn of helix 24.6 Å (2.46 nm) 33.2 Å (3.32 nm) 45.6 Å (4.56 nm) Mean propeller +18° +16° 0° twist Diameter 26 Å (2.6 nm) 20 Å (2.0 nm) 18 Å (1.8 nm) Table 2. Geometrical attributes of A-, B- and Z-forms of DNA (Neidle, 2008; Ghosh et al., 2003)
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Another important physical feature that needs a mention is the presence of major and minor grooves in the DNA molecule (fig. 15).
Fig. 15. Schematic of DNA molecule showing major and minor grooves (Molecular Biology Web Book, 2009) The width of a major groove is ~ 2 Å and a minor groove is ~ 1.2 Å. Different template materials like porphyrins and others that bind to DNA usually prefer major grooves for this purpose. This is because of the greater exposure of bases through the respective groove (Molecular Biology Web Book, 2009). DNA being a biological molecule could be manipulated to the needs of electronics by biological means. Selective manipulation of the molecule is possible by the use of different enzymes (Molecular Biology Web Book, 2009) as listed below: Nucleases: Enzymes that degrade DNA by hydrolysis of the phosphodiester bonds in the strands. o Exonucleases hydrolyze phosphodiester bonds from the ends of DNA strands. o Endonucleases hydrolyze phosphodiester bonds within the DNA. Most frequently used nucleases are restriction endonucleases, which cleave DNA strands at a specific sequence location. Ligases: Enzymes that close the nicks; recover the broken phosphodiester bonds in a double-stranded (ds) DNA Polymerases: Synthesize polynucleotide chains from nucleoside triphosphates. Sequence of their products match with the pre-determined polynucleotide chains known as templates. All polymerases work in 5’3’ direction (by adding nucleotides to 3’-OH group of preceding nucleotide) After the manipulation process is done, DNA molecule could be separated on the basis of number of base-pairs in the molecule by gel-electrophoresis. The amplification / selective duplication of DNA molecules could be done using polymerase-chain reaction colloquially known as PCR. In this process, a RNA primer is required to start the reaction. Then DNA
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polymerase takes over, adding individual dNTPs present in the reaction mixture according to the sequence as desired. This process repeated n times give 2n copies of the desired DNA molecule (Saiki et al., 1985; Saiki et al., 1988). 4.2 Transfer of charge through DNA The much debated topic in the scientific community is the conductivity of bare DNA molecule. Scientists have reported DNA as superconducting (Kasumov et al., 2001), metallic (Fink et al., 1999; Cai et al., 2000; Tran et al., 2000; Yoo et al., 2001), semiconducting (Porath et al., 2000; Rakitin et al., 2001) and insulating (Braun E. et al., 1998; dePablo et al., 2000; Storm et al., 2001) as well. There could be a plethora of reasons for the ambiguity in the observations made, resulting in different conductivity profiles of bare DNA. Different lengths of DNA molecules could account for different conductivity observations. Some other reasons might include different base-pair sequences, whether DNA is in form of ropes or single molecules during experiment, effects of ions or counterions in the environment, due to deformation of DNA molecules (e.g. stretching changes the stacking of p-orbitals between base pairs), presence of free-standing or surface-bound DNA molecules, variability in sample preparation, variability in measurement conditions (humidity, thermal fluctuations in solution) and variability in detection protocols . With the observed conductivities of bare DNA, it is safe to infer that bare DNA is not useful for electronic applications. Hence to use DNA molecules in electronics, their conductivity need to be brought to the levels of semiconductors or metals. 4.3 Probable mechanisms of charge transfer in DNA The most studied form of charge transfer in DNA is the hole transfer process. The studies on electron transfer process are still in their infancy (Wagenknecht, 2005). There are three mechanisms of hole transfer that have been studied widely viz. molecular-wire mechanism, polaron-like mechanism, superexchange mechanism and hopping mechanism. This transfer process could go over few microns which renders the molecule suitable for nanoscale electronic applications. The hole transfer is an oxidative highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) controlled process. This implies that the Fermi level of the DNA molecule (as a bridge) is approximately at the level of the valence band of the metallic source and drain electrodes. In contrast, the electron transfer is a reductive lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) controlled process. Its implication is that the Fermi level of the DNA molecule is approximately at the level of the conduction band of the metallic source and drain electrodes. 4.4 Making DNA useful for electronic applications To change the conductivity levels of DNA, one could employ different chemical, physical and biological measures. In the following paragraphs, these measures will be discussed in some detail. The measures that might classify into chemical ones might include incorporation of transition-metal (Zn, Ni or Co) ion into DNA and introduction of metal-ligating intercalating planar chelators. The incorporation of transition metal ions into DNA has been widely studied by Wood et al (Wood, 2002). They have shown that M-DNA is a complex
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between transition-metal ions Zn2+, Ni2+ and Co2+ and duplex DNA which forms at pH ~ 8.5 (Aich et al., 1999).
Fig. 16. Zn2+ ions forming hydrogen bonds with neighbouring bases in M-DNA (Wood et al., 2002) The formation of the M-DNA depends on the nature and concentration of the metal ion as well as the pH and DNA concentration (when metal ions are present in excess amount). Figure 16 (Wood, 2002) shows how a metal ion trapped between a base pair in M-DNA would look like. Rakitin et al (Rakitin et al., 2001) demonstrated the change of semiconductive behavior of -DNA in its B-form to metallic behavior by incorporating zinc in every base pair i.e. M-DNA. The intercalating molecules that bind with the DNA molecules, preferably bind that portion of the DNA which has extrahelical structural elements. Typically, these molecules include metal-porphyrins and other coordination compounds like [PtCl4]-, cisplatin etc. Porphyrins usually bind to the major groove of DNA double helix to the extrahelical flip-out bases. The binding constant of porphyrins to DNA is ~ 106 M-1 (Jia et al., 2006). In the DNA-porphyrin complex, assuming the porphyrin molecules are placed at statistically equal intervals, the porphyrin-molecule-trapped metal ions serve as electron carriers and hence act as metallic nanowire. Physical measures include templating DNA with metals (Mertig et al., 2002; Rajwade, 2007), templating DNA with metallic nanoparticles (Braun G. et al., 2005) / semiconductor quantum dots (proposed), templating DNA with conducting / semiconducting CNTs (Keren et al., 2003; Xin, 2006) and templating DNA with conducting polymers like polyaniline (PANI) (Ma et al., 2004; Rajwade, 2007; Khaderbad et al., 2008). Covering DNA with metals require either continuously coating the molecule with metal or by the use of metallic nanoparticles. For continuous coating, the most common method used is electroless plating. It proceeds first with the formation of metal complexes or ions reacted with DNA to (specific) bonding sites on the molecule. Then, active sites are transformed to seeds by adding a reducing agent or by a reducing agent attached directly to the DNA. At last the seeds serve as catalysts for further reduction of metal in the third step and subsequently get enlarged (Fig. 17). This process is known as electroless plating. This method has been effectively used by E. Braun et al (E. Braun, 1998) for the synthesis of DNAtemplated silver nanowires. The process is described later in the chapter.
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Fig. 17. TEM image of Metallization on DNA: TEM image (2750X) of metallized DNA strands in solution phase. The metal clusters formed along the length of the DNA are approximately 50 nm thick. The thickness of this wire formed was never observed to be uniform and varied in the range of 10-100 μm (Rajwade, 2007) Polyaniline (PANI) deposition on DNA is of greater concern to researchers since PANI is a conducting polymer. The continuous conductive PANI nanowires are achieved at pH around 4.0. Ma et al have demonstrated that PANI can be reversibly doped and undoped on the basis of simple acid / base chemistry (by the addition of hydorchloric acid / ammonium hydroxide, respectively). The formation of continuous PANI nanowires over DNA has been acheived by Ma et al (Ma, 2004). Individual aniline molecules sit over DNA, which upon addition of horse radish peroxidase (HRP) and hydrogen peroxide (pH ~ 4) form continuous polyaniline nanowires.
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Fig. 18. AFM image of DNA/PANI complexes incubated in 100 μM aniline: 2.5 μm X 2.5 μm tapping mode image of DNA/PANI complex incubated in 100 μM aniline deposited on mica surface. The sectional analysis along the green line in the figure establishes the height of the DNA/PANI complex to be ~3.5 nm (Rajwade, 2007) Biologically, DNA metallization has also been suggested using telomerase (Weizmann et al., 2004). The first case that has been reported indicates the use of gold nanoparticle labeled nucleic acid complementary to the telomere sequence. The second case reports of covalent attachment of ester-functionalized gold nanoparticles to polyamino-functionalized telomere templates. 4.5 Realization of DNA-based electronic devices To make a working DNA-based electronic device, one should have a suitable DNA sample, a suitable substrate for immobilization of DNA. After the sample and substrate are available, one needs to take care of the alignment of DNA on the substrate. Next, the electrical characterization of DNA-based materials has to be done to determine whether the fabricated devices (interconnects and FETs) could be used for electronic purposes or not. 4.5.1 Suitable DNA samples and substrates The DNA samples that are used for electronics related applications are -DNA, salmonsperm DNA, calf-thymus DNA, poly(dG)–poly(dC) and poly(dA)–poly(dT) salts (Garcia, 2007). The substrate that one chooses must have a specific affinity towards the DNA molecules. For that it is necessary to modify the substrate surface or the DNA molecules or both. Garcia has proposed several substrates that could be used for the synthesis of DNAtemplated nanodevices in his doctoral thesis. The suitable substrates include muscovite mica, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), single-crystal silicon, thermally grown
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SiO2, alkylsilane SAMs and films, glass, thin gold films, synthetic polymer films, anionic surfaces and gold (Garcia, 2007). The attachment of DNA to the surface is ensured by suitable surface modifications as well as the modifications of DNA molecule itself. DNA modifications include thiolation, biotinylation etc of the molecule; henceforth it could bind to gold surface and streptavidin-coated surface respectively (Seidel, 2003). 4.5.2 Alignment of DNA on substrates The alignment of DNA molecules on the modified substrates can be done using either the molecular combing, hydrodynamic stretching or stretching by nitrogen blowing or spin coating or by PDMS stamps (Dewaratt, 2002; Garcia, 2007). In molecular combing, a minuscule drop of a dilute aqueous DNA solution is translated over a conditioned surface, followed by rinsing with purified water. DNA molecules at the interface facilitate surfaceattractive interactions. As the air blows and the drop moves, the DNA molecules at the interface get aligned on the surface after leaving the solution phase sticking with the substrate. In hydrodynamic stretching, a cylindrical chamber is filled with buffer solution containing DNA in it. The substrate surface is dipped vertically into the chamber. Then, the solution in the chamber is evacuated using a micro-liter pump. The DNA is stretched onto the surface by the lowering meniscus of the liquid. This process gives a better control over the stretching process of DNA on the substrate. In case of stretching by blowing nitrogen over the sample, random stretching takes place since the speed of stretching is in the order of few mm/s. There is less control over the stretching of the DNA over the modified surface in N2 blowing, as compared to hydrodynamic stretching (Dewarrat, 2002). Spin coating can be used effectively to align very small amounts of DNA sample on the substrate. However, this process suffers from a generic drawback of greater deposition of material at the edge of the substrate surface. Microfabricated PDMS stamps can also be utilized to align DNA on surfaces and this method provides a good control over DNA deposition (Garcia, 2007). Diez et al have reported that DNA could also be aligned on a plain substrate by the aid of other biomolecules like tubulin (Diez et al., 2003). Biotin coated DNA bound to streptavidin coated tubulin was stretched over the glass surface using a motor protein, kinesin. As the tubulin-DNA system progresses aided by kinesin, DNA gets attached to the glass surface by either pH dependent mechanism or due to the fact that glass has been coated with streptavidin. 4.5.3 Electrical characterization of DNA and DNA-templated materials To electrically characterize any molecule, it needs to be probed with the electrical contacts at its two ends to make contact to a single-molecule. There has been a substantial amount of work done to study the electronic transport through different molecules. Different methods that will be discussed in this section that could measure the electrical conductivity of DNA and related materials are mechanically controlled break junctions (MCBJs) (Kang et al., 2008), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) (Zareie et al., 2003), conductive or currentsensing AFM (Inoue et al., 2008), two- and four-probe methods (Hartzell, 2004). MCBJ technique is based on the premise of using single-atom contacts to measure the conductivity of single molecules. Kang et al (Kang et al., 2008) have done the
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characterization of DNA using this method. To fabricate the MCBJ device, a thin film of gold is patterned on an elastic substrate using e-beam lithography. The elastic substrate-gold system is clamped on the two sides by counter supports along the face of gold deposition. The substrate is then pushed from the bottom, to the point that gold film gradually gets thinner and breaks, leaving an atom-thick contact. The distance between the nano-contacts could be engineered by the movement of the pushing rod. In scanning probe microscopy (SPM) methods, one end of the DNA is bound to a metallic base (like gold) which has a bias with respect to the tip, which will measure the I-V characteristic of the DNA (Felice et al., 2007). Figure 19 depicts the way in which SPM techniques could be used to electrically characterize DNA.
Fig. 19. The substrate is insulating in the left case; the figures depict the measurement of I-V characteristics of DNA using SPM techniques (Felice et al., 2007) The simplest schematic of a two probe method is shown in figure 20. DNA is probed by two electrical contacts and a potential difference is applied across them. Thus, I-V characteristics of DNA are measured using this method.
Fig. 20. Two probe method of characterizing DNA (Felice et al., 2007; Hartzell, 2004) The two and four probe methods are used to calculate the sheet-resistance (resistivity per unit thickness) of different materials. Single DNA is to be spread across the pins of the four probe instrument for molecular characterization by either physical or chemical means, as discussed above. Figure 21 shows the working schematic of the four probe measurement method. Figures 22(a) and 22(b) show one of the possible configurations of the four-probe device, realized by Rastogi for his master’s thesis.
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Fig. 21. Four probe device configuration
Fig. 22(a). Optical microscope image of a single device containing the nanoelectrodes and the connecting-lines pattern (Rastogi, 2002)
Fig. 22(b). A magnified optical microscope view showing the details of the connecting lines (Ti/Au) about 20 nm thick, which connect the inner (inside yellow ring) electrode pattern (Pt - 4 nm thick) to the contact pads (130000 nm thick). They were written in the first step of E-Beam Lithography (Rastogi, 2002)
The principal challenge, after listing out the possible experimental techniques to characterize DNA molecule, is to ensure that DNA is stretched out linearly across the measurement system. It could be done either by physical means (as discussed in previous section of alignment of DNA) or by chemically modifying either DNA or the electrical contacts or both. Chemical modification can be done by either silanizing the contact surface so that DNA sticks to it or by labeling the DNA molecule with biotin and contact surface with streptavidin. Another method is to label the DNA with thiol-groups and make contacts with gold. Another approach is the combination of the above two methods to ensure that DNA is properly stretched between two electrodes or attaching complementary ss-DNA to the electrodes such that overhanging fragments of enzyme-digested ds-DNA could bind to them. 4.5.4 Realization of DNA-based electrical interconnects and field effect transistors E. Braun et al made first ever DNA- templated metal (silver) nanowires (Braun E. et al., 1998). Oligonucleotides with overhanging bases with two different sequences were attached
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to the 50 m parellel electrodes. Linear -DNA has the overhanging sequences, complementary to the overhangs attached to the electrodes. When -DNA was flown perpendicular to the faces of the electrodes, it got stuck with the complementary sequences on the electrodes. Thus, a -DNA bridge was formed between two electrodes. DNA metallization was done by deposition of silver ions on the negatively charged DNA molecule. The resultant the silver-DNA complex was reduced using a basic hydroquinone solution (pH ~ 10.5) forming small silver aggregates on the -DNA template. The silver template is further developed using an acidic hyroquinone solution (pH ~ 3.5) and silver ions under low light conditions forming a silver nanowire. The nanowire thus formed is an excellent alternative for DNA-templated electronic interconnects. Many different groups have demonstrated the formation of DNA-templated copper, aluminum, silver, gold as well as platinum nanowires (Monson et al., 2003; Knez et al., 2003; Kryachko et al., 2005; Mertig et al., 2002; Ongaro et al., 2005; Braun G. et al., 2005) that could be used as interconnects. Keren et al reported the selective metalization of the DNA (Keren et al., 2002). It used E. coli RecA protein bound to the homologous ss-DNA sequence. RecA is an ATPase that mediates homologous recombination process in bacterial systems. The RecA-DNA complex would bind to the ds-DNA on which selective metallization is to be done (as shown in figure 23). This complex would act as a mask during the electroless deposition of silver and finally gold on exposed ds-DNA. Moving on to the fabrication of DNA-mediated field effect transistors, synthesis of DNAtemplated carbon nanotube FET has been reported (Keren et al., 2003). This includes the selective-metallization-of-DNA concept and semiconducting carbon nanotubes are templated over RecA using anti-RecA antibodies. Other FETs include M-DNA based transistor (Nokhrin et al., 2007) and altered base pair mediated transistor (Maruccio et al., 2003). The M-DNA transistor works when a voltage applied perpendicular to its helix displaces metal ion and hence, differences in the site energies are created. This displacement can be controlled by changing the voltage applied. This could function as a gate, thus controlling the gate current. The altered base pair FET works with a modified base system: a deoxyguanosine (dG) derivative. In this case, the device behaves like a p-channel MOSFET with a maximum Vout/Vin ratio of 0.76.
5. Conclusion In this chapter, we have shown that a combination of top-down & bottom-up approaches offers an effective way to address the scaling challenges faced by the CMOS technologies. For copper interconnect technologies, it has been shown that porphyrin SAMs can be used as effective diffusion barriers, thus improving the device performance and life-time. Zn-P SAM preparation can be done using wet/vapor chemical method and can withstand BEOL process conditions. BTS studies on MOS structures confirm the effectiveness of zinc porphyrin SAM as a good copper diffusion barrier. Patterning the SiO2 surface using 5-(4Hydroxyphenyl)-10, 15, 20-tetra (p-tolyl) porphyrin SAM in order to achieve alternate hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces has tremendous potential in micro/nanofluidics. Barrier properties of meso-pyridil porphyrin SAM on gold shows that the porphyrins have interesting applications for realization of molecular devices. Bare DNA is not useful for electronics related applications. It has to be templated by some or the other material that takes the DNA conductivity to the level of semiconductors or
“Bottom-up” Approaches for Nanoelectronics
metals. Also, it is seen that different manipulations on the DNA could be done using nucleases or DNA-binding proteins leading to the DNA-mediated electronic interconnects or DNA-mediated field effect transistors. This opens up an entirely broad spectrum of research possibilities in the possible use of other biomolecules for electronic applications. This study also opens up the field of electronic transport studies in biomolecules that will give an electronic perspective to these materials.
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Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquidsolid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport Jae Ho Lee and Robert E. Geer
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering University at Albany, SUNY USA 1. Introduction The ‘scaling down’ of device and interconnect features in CMOS technology to the deep sub100 nm regime has motivated substantial research focusing on the development of nanoscale building blocks formed via self-assembled or ‘bottom-up’ synthesis to complement prevailing lithographic or ‘top-down’ CMOS processing. Examples of such nanoscale building blocks include metallic and semiconducting nanowires or nanobelts, carbon nanotubes and, most recently, n-layer graphenes. In particular, one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures have attracted much attention because of their unique electrical, optical, mechanical and thermal properties and their potential utility in a wide variety of nanoelectronic and optoelectronic applications. Non-carbon 1-D nanomaterials fabricated from bottom-up synthesis can be used as fundamental building blocks for nanoscale devices and circuits and may have the potential to replace certain, conventional top-down processes. In particular, silicon nanowires (SiNWs) may be an attractive alternative to conventionally processed Si transistors if their intrinsic self-assembly can be harnessed to obviate the need for complex lithographic techniques for device fabrication. In addition, SiNWs can potentially function as both the switch (i.e. transistor) and local interconnect (e.g. metal silicide nanowire) to form an inherently integrated nanoelectronic system – potentially on the same self-assembled nanostructure (Morales et al. 1998; Lu et al. 2007; Colli et al. 2007; Wu et al. 2004). Recent research has demonstrated that Si-based silicide nanowires may yield performance superior to conventional Cu interconnects at sub 10-nm wire widths which highlights the excellent potential for SiNW-based systems (Wu et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2000; Kim et al. 2005; Kim et al. 2003). And since NiSi has been shown to be a good electrical contact material for gate, source and drain in Si CMOS (Lavoie et al. 2003; Kittl et al. 2003; Morimoto et al. 1995), NiSi nanowires, in particular, comprise an attractive nanoscale building block material (Wu et al. 2004). Currently, several methods are available to synthesize silicon nanowires including laser ablation (Morales et al. 1998; Zhang et al. 1998), physical vapor deposition (Zakharov et al.
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2006), thermal evaporation (Yu et al. 1998), and chemical vapor deposition (Westwater et al. 1997; Cui et al. 2001; Hochbaum et al. 2005). In the literature these methods have been roughly categorized according to the underlying growth modes described, respectively, as solid-liquid-solid (SLS) growth (Paulose et al. 2003; Yan et al. 2000), vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth (Wagner et al. 1964; Givargizov et al. 1975), and oxide assisted growth (OAG) (Zhang et al. 2001a; 2001b; Zhang et al. 2003). For eventual technological impact it is essential to understand the fundamental processes by which SiNWs are synthesized as well as develop approaches to tailor the functionality of SiNWs through post-growth processing. This chapter reviews recent novel research results in both areas regarding SiNW-based materials. Section 2 presents a brief overview of the fundamental growth mechanisms of SiNWs. Sections 3 and 4 describe the experimental methodology for SiNW growth and the details of SLS and VLS SiNW synthesis, respectively, used for the research presented here. Section 5 details the utilization of postgrowth processing SiNWs in the formation of conductive core-shell nanostructures. This includes detailed electrical transport testing and modeling. Section 6 reviews the recent observation of a novel SLS-based SiNW growth mode in which nanowire growth is preferentially initiated at oxide-meditated etch pits in the crystalline Si wafer substrate. Lastly, Section 7 presents a brief summary of the work described in this chapter and highlights opportunities for future research and development.
2. Growth Mechanisms The solid-liquid-solid (SLS) growth approach is a relatively straightforward technique to synthesize silicon nanowires because it does not require a gas phase precursor such as SiH4 or SiCl4. Via the SLS process, as shown in Fig. 1, silicon nanowires can be directly grown on a silicon substrate which acts as the silicon source (Paulose et al. 2003). In the SLS process a catalyst is deposited on a single-crystal silicon substrate. The annealing of the catalystdeposited Si substrate results in metal-silicon alloy nano-droplet formation. Continuous diffusion of silicon atoms from the substrate to the droplet at elevated temperatures causes saturation of silicon atoms inside the alloy droplet which leads to precipitation of silicon at the surface of the droplet. The surface Si precipitate forms a Si growth front resulting in nanowire formation from the catalyst because of a negative temperature gradient at the droplet surface (e.g. due to a gas flow) (Paulose et al. 2003). < 5nm Metal catalyst Silicon wafer
Silicon wafer
Si Si Si Si Silicon wafer
Silicon wafer
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of solid-liquid-solid (SLS) nanowire growth. The vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth mechanism is widely cited method for nanowire synthesis. It utilizes silane (SiH4) or SiCl4 instead of a bare silicon wafer for the silicon source, or a laser ablated Si-metal catalyst target (Morales et al. 1998; Chen et al. 2002). The VLS growth mode was first described in detail decades ago (Wagner et al. 1964). A metal catalyst (Au in our experiments) is used in VLS growth as favored sites for absorption of the gas phase precursor. As temperature increases, the thin Au catalyst films break into nano-
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
scale droplets above the eutectic temperature and Au-Si alloy nanodroplets are formed that supersaturate upon continued exposure to the precursor gas, resulting in the precipitation of the solid nanowire, shown in Fig 2. In contrast to SLS growth, the alloy clusters can generally be observed at the tips of the wires. SiH4 + Ar SiH4 + Ar Si
1,2,3,4,5,10,20,100 nm
Metal catalyst Silicon wafer
Silicon wafer
Silicon wafer
Si Si
Silicon wafer
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) nanowire growth. In contrast to the SLS and VLS SiNW growth modes, SiNW synthesis via oxide assisted growth (OAG) is induced by the presence of silicon oxide instead of a metal catalyst. During the process Si-rich oxide clusters prefer to form Si-Si bonds among one another while oxygen-rich silicon oxide cluster prefers to form Si-O bonds with other oxygen rich SiOx clusters (Zhang et al. 2001a; 2001b; Zhang et al. 2003). Highly reactive silicon atoms in the deposited silicon-rich oxide clusters are strongly bonded to the silicon substrate. In the same cluster, exposed non-bonded, reactive silicon atoms exposed to the vapor phase act as nuclei for adsorption of additional reactive silicon oxide clusters (Zhang et al. 2003). The result is the formation of a self-assembled Si-rich oxide growth front exhibiting a wire-like morphology.
3. Experimental Methods For the SiNW synthesis described in this chapter p-type (100) and (111) silicon wafers with electrical resistivity in the 1-20 Ω•cm range were used. Wafers were cleaned with diluted hydrofluoric acid (5%) to remove the native oxide layer and ultrasonicated in acetone to remove organic contamination. The cleaned samples were immediately loaded into a physical vapor deposition (PVD) chamber (evacuated to 5×10-7 torr) for sputtering of a Au catalyst film with a thickness of 4 nm for SLS growth. For VLS nanowire growth, a Au catalyst film was deposited on the Si substrate with a thickness that varied from 1-100 nm. Following Au deposition the silicon samples were placed inside an annealing chamber. The annealing chamber was evacuated to a base pressure of approximately 5 Torr and backfilled with high purity (99.999%) Ar gas. The total pressure of the system was then raised to atmospheric pressure through an Ar gas flow. For SLS nanowire growth, the Au-deposited Si samples were annealed at 1000 °C (30 minute ramping time) under Ar (also 99.999 % purity) gas flow at 2,000 sccm. The annealing duration, as shown in Fig. 3, was varied from 10 minutes to 120 minutes after the temperature ramp to investigate the effect of annealing time on the Si nanowire diameter, length, and overall morphology.
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30 40
Fig. 3. Annealing duration conditions for SLS growth.
Time [min]
To investigate the SLS SiNW synthesis process, various experimental parameters including Ar gas flow rate and sample position within the chamber were varied. Au-deposited samples were positioned at various points from a lower temperature region within the chamber near the inlet of Ar gas (as compared to the center of the annealing chamber). Early stages of SLS SiNW growth were observed with a shorter annealing duration (typically, below 15 minutes – see Section 6). The temperature inside the oven could be reduced by utilizing an Ar flow with 2,000 sccm when the oven heater is turned off; however, there was a latent annealing duration of approximately 8 min while temperature cooled to ~ 800 °C. To eliminate this unnecessary duration and to enable investigation of the early stages of nanowire growth, 20,000 sccm of Ar was flown inside the chamber, which quenched the growth relatively quickly. Vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) SiNW growth was also investigated to optimize growth rate and diameter distribution. The Au catalyst film thickness was varied from 1 to 100 nm in thickness. Likewise, an optimized VLS SiNW growth rate in the reactor was achieved at a temperature of 500 °C. For core-shell metal and metal-silicide wire structures surface metallization of SiNWs utilized nickel and the tungsten. Metal deposition and subsequent thermal processing was carried out for as-deposited SiNWs to investigate surface silicide formation. Nickel was deposited on the nanowires via e-beam evaporation (calibrated for an effective blanket film thickness of 150 nm) on SLS and VLS SiNWs. Tungsten was deposited on VLS SiNWs with 2 nm and 4 nm thickness likewise using an atomic layer deposition (ALD) process. Nickel deposited SiNW samples were annealed using a rapid thermal annealing system at 550 °C for 5 min (for SLS, VLS nanowire samples) and at 600 °C for 5 min (for SLS nanowire samples) with a 10 min ramping time to compare resultant SiNW morphologies (subsequently investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)). Metal-coated SiNWs and as-grown SiNWs were dispensed on metal-patterned Si wafers to carry out two-point and four-point electrical conductivity measurements. Electrical contacts were formed using direct-write Pt electrode deposition within a dual-beam focused ion beam SEM (FIB-SEM). Structural and compositional properties of these wires were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
4. Synthesis of Silicon Nanowires
Diameter of nanowire [nm]
4.1 Solid-liquid-solid (SLS) growth Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of typical SLS SiNWs synthesized for various-length anneals at 1000 °C are shown in Fig. 4. The furnace temperature was ramped to 1,000 °C for 30 min under 2,000 sccm Ar flow. After the ramp the furnace temperature was held constant for durations ranging from 10 minutes to 120 minutes. The effects of SLSgrowth annealing duration have been reported (Lee et al. 2008). An approximately bimodal diameter distribution was observed. In the previous work (Lee et al. 2008), variation of the anneal duration and Ar gas flow rate served to quench the SiNW growth and also served to coarsely regulate nanowire diameter. This preliminary conclusion follows from the basic SLS growth mechanism if high Ar flow rates (~ 20,000 sccm) are sufficient to reduce the temperature at the alloy droplet below that necessary for SiNW growth.
160 120 80 40 0 0
80 100 120
Annealing duration [min]
Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of SiNWs synthesized at 1000 °C for anneal durations of (a) 10 min, (b) 15 min, (c) 45 min, (d) 90 min, (e) 120 min. Diameters ranged from 5 nm to 178 nm. (f) Dependence of annealing duration on SLS nanowire growth (Lee et al. 2008). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to carry out compositional and structural analyses of SLS nanowires (Fig. 5(a)). Nanowires were detached from the initial silicon wafer using ultrasonication in a methanol solution as described above. A selectedarea electron diffraction (SAED) pattern (Fig. 5(b)) was acquired from an individual SiNW and indicated a locally amorphous structure. The EDS spectra of as-deposited SiNWs on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) substrates indicated the presence of oxygen (Fig. 5(c)) and implied that the nanowires are likely SiOx in nature, consistent with the observation of an amorphous microstructure. It should be noted that nanowires grown via the SLS method are generally in an amorphous state, while crystalline nanowires have been typically observed via VLS growth. This may result from the high temperature of the SLS growth process and the relatively high growth rates of those nanowires, which lead to amorphous rather than crystalline microstructure.
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50 0 0
Fig. 5. (a) TEM micrograph of SLS-grown SiNW, (b) SAED pattern. (c) EDS spectra of SiNW. Si and O are the primary elements detected. The SEM-EDS was performed on an HOPG substrate. The carbon peak is due to the substrate. 4.2 Vapour-liquid-solid (VLS) growth SEM micrographs of VLS SiNWs synthesized for various catalyst Au thicknesses at 500 °C are shown in Fig. 6. It is clearly apparent that the VLS-grown nanowires show a linear morphology instead of the entangled structure exhibited by SLS grown nanowires. The tilted SEM micrograph (Fig. 6(e)) confirms the vertical growth of nanowires from the Si wafer. In Fig. 6(f) a silicon pillar structure was observed. (c) (b) (a)
Fig. 6. VLS SiNW growth density and SiNW morphology as a function of Au film catalyst thickness. SEM images of VLS SiNWs for Au catalyst thickness of (a) 1 nm, (b) 5 nm, (c) 20 nm and (d) 100nm. VLS SiNW diameters ranged from 5 nm to 120 nm, (mean ~ 60 nm). (e) Tilted SEM image to show vertical SiNW growth, (f) SEM imaging showing a Si pillar structure formed during SiNW growth. If sufficient processing control could be established, such large self-assembled Si structures may have potential for use in 3D IC interconnections upon metallization or metal silicidation. Ni was also used as a catalyst for VLS growth (Fig 7.). Experimental results show that the SiNW morphology from a Ni catalyst is similar to that of Au-catalyzed VLS SiNWs. Bi-directional growth was observed at the edge of one Ni-catalyzed VLS SiNW sample (Fig 7(b)).
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
Fig. 7. SEM micrographs, (a) VLS SiNW growth using Ni catalyst, (b) bi-directional growth. (a)
Fig. 8. (a) TEM micrograph of VLS SiNW to extract growth direction (), (b) lattice structure of VLS SiNW, (c) selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns from a SiNW. The SEAD pattern shows the perfect crystalline structure of an as-grown VLS SiNW. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of VLS SiNWs was also undertaken for compositional and structural analyses (Fig. 8) and for comparison with SLS-grown nanowires. VLS Si nanowires were detached from the initial silicon wafer using ultrasonication in a methanol solution as described above. Selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns (Fig. 8(c)) indicated a crystalline structure for all VLS nanowires investigated. It should be noted that nanowires grown via VLS are typically crystalline, while amorphous nanowires have been typically observed via SLS growth. Both trends agreed with the work presented here. The physical properties of both VLS and SLS SiNWs were further investigated with Raman scattering. Figure 9(a)-(c) shows Raman spectra of an as-grown SLS and VLS SiNW compared to that of the Si wafer substrate. The SLS SiNW Raman peak is located at 509 cm-1, and the VLS SiNW Raman peak is located at 517 cm-1 while the Si substrate Raman peak is located at 520 cm-1. All peaks correspond to the first-order transverse optical phonon mode (TO) in locally ordered Si. The substantial SiNW TO peak shift and broadening evident in the SLS SiNW results from the substantial local Si-Si disorder. This observation is consistent with prior Raman measurements of SiOx systems (Yu et al. 1998; Li et al. 1999; Li et al. 2005). Figure 9(d)-(f) compares the Raman spectra for the same phonon mode from an as-grown VLS SiNW, a similar VLS SiNW following 56 days of ambient exposure, and an as-grown SLS SiNW. Following substantial ambient exposure the Si Raman peak is broadened and shifted to 498 cm-1 indicative of significant oxidation and possible amorphization.
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Intensity [A.U]
30 20
(e) (d)
Raman Shift [cm ]
Fig. 9. (Left) Si-Si Raman band from (a) silicon wafer, (b) as-grown VLS SiNW, and (c) asgrown SLS SiNW. (Right) Si-Si Raman band from (d) as-grown VLS SiNW, (e) VLS SiNW after 56 days ambient exposure, and (f) as-grown SLS SiNW.
5. Core-shell Approaches for Metallic Channel Formation 5.1. Synthesis, metallization, structural and compositional characterization of SLS SiNWs To investigate the formation of conductive shells on SiNWs, nickel was deposited on asgrown SLS SiNWs via e-beam evaporation calibrated for an effective blanket film thickness of 150 nm. Post-deposition thermal processing was carried out for nickel silicide formation (550 °C for 5 minutes via rapid thermal annealing (RTA) and 600 °C for 5 minutes with a 10 minute ramp). The post-anneal nanowire surface morphology was sensitive to the anneal temperature and ramp rate. Rapid ramps resulted in an atomically-smooth Ni-SiNW surface morphology. Slow annealing resulted in a rough Ni-SiNW surface morphology indicative of non-uniform silicide domain formation, as shown in Fig. 10(a), (b), and (c). (c) (a) (b)
300 C 200
Ni O
100 0 0
O Si
ke V
600 400
200 O
C Ni
C (e) Ni
0 9
Fig. 10. (a), (d) SEM image and EDS spectrum of as-grown SiNWs after Ni deposition. (b), (e) SEM image and EDS spectrum of Ni-deposited SiNWs after slow annealing at 600 °C for 5 min in Ar ambient with oxygen filter. Note the rough NW surface morphology. (c), (f) SEM image and EDS spectrum of Ni-deposited SiNWs after rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at 550 °C for 5 min in N2 ambient, Note the smooth NW surface morphology. Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was performed for post-annealed Ni-deposited SiNWs on a HOPG substrate for compositional analysis. Figure 10(d), (e), and (f) shows EDS
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
spectra of SiNWs after Ni deposition, after slow annealing, and after RTA, respectively. These results confirm the presence of nickel on individual SiNWs after thermal processing. Note the substantial increase of the Lα peak (0.85 keV) relative to the Kα peak (7.47 keV) for the annealed Ni-SiNWs. This implies nickel silicide formation (Kim et al. 2005; Song et al. 2007 ; Lee et al. 2004). The EDS data in Fig. 10 also confirm the presence of oxygen in the SiNWs. The Ni decoration on the surface of a nanowire after RTA is also shown in the SEM and TEM images of Fig. 11(a) and (b).
Fig. 11. (a) SEM image of Ni decorated SLS SiNW after RTA on HOPG substrate, (b) TEM image of Ni decorated SLS SiNW after RTA. 5.2. Synthesis, metallization, structural and compositional characterization of VLS SiNWs Similar to the SLS SiNWs, nickel was deposited on as-grown VLS SiNWs by e-beam evaporation calibrated for an effective blanket film thickness of 150 nm. Post-deposition thermal processing was carried out for nickel silicide formation at 550 °C for 5 minutes via RTA. SEM micrographs in Figs. 12(c) and (d) show that deposited Ni does not coat VLS SiNWs conformally. The asymmetric coating induces mechanical deformation during RTA processing due to thermal expansion differences (Fig. 12(g)). To investigate nickel silicide formation during RTA processing, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was performed for as-grown SiNWs (Fig. 12(b)), post-annealed Ni-deposited SiNWs (Fig. 12(f)), Ni-etched nanowires after RTA (Fig. 12(i)), and Ni-etched nanowires without RTA (Fig. 12(k)). Samples for EDS analysis were transferred to a HOPG substrate for compositional analysis. EDS data confirmed that Ni was completely removed during the etching process in the absence of RTA. In contrast Ni was present for samples that underwent RTA. This implies Ni silicide formation at the Ni/SiNW interface since the Ni etchant used does not attack stoichiometric nickel silicide phases. Fast Fourier transform (FFT) diffraction patterns and TEM micrographs of Ni silicided nanowires suggest that they are crystalline (Fig. 13). VLS SiNWs were also coated with tungsten (2-4 nm thick layer) via an atomic layer deposition (ALD) process. This process was chosen for its ability to provide a conformal coating of W on the high surface area SiNWs. Following W ALD, the samples were annealed in the RTA furnace at 800 °C under a N2 flow to form W silicide. TEM-EDS was performed on the resulting structures to confirm the presence of W (Fig. 14) although it is not, in principle, possible to distinguish WOx from WSix from this data.
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology 120
60 40 20 0 0.0
80 40 0
16 0
Ni 8
20 0
Ni 1
12 0 80
40 0 0.0
2 .0
Fig. 12. (a) SEM micrograph of as-grown VLS SiNWs; (b) EDS of as-grown VLS SiNWs; (c) SEM micrograph after Ni coating; (d) (e) and (f) SEM images and corresponding EDS data for VLS Ni-SiNWs after RTA; (g) (h) and (i) SEM images and corresponding EDS data for post-RTA Ni-SiNWs followed by Ni etching; (j) and (k) SEM and corresponding EDS data for Ni-SiNWs after Ni etch (no RTA); (i) and (k) imply the presence of NiSix. (a)
Fig. 13. (a) TEM of a NiSix-coated nanowire, (b) fast fourier transform of the same nanowire
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
Fig. 14. (a) SEM image of Au catalyst particle at the head of a VLS SiNW, (b) corresponding EDS spectrum (c) SEM image at the center of the nanowire, (d) corresponding EDS spectrum, (e) SEM image of the edge of an ALD-W coated VLS SiNW (nominal W thickness ~ 2-4 nm), (f) corresponding EDS spectrum confirming presence of W. 5.3. Electrical transport of as-grown and metal-coated SiNWs As-grown silicon nanowires via SLS and VLS and metal/metal-silicide coated SiNWs (both SLS and VLS) were dispensed on SiO2-coated Si wafers patterned with a metal (Au) electrode pattern to carry out electrical conductivity measurements. Electrical contacts between the dispensed SiNWs and the Au electrodes were formed via direct-write FIBbased Pt deposition. Figures 15(a) and 15(c) display a SEM micrograph and associated current-voltage characteristic, respectively, of an as-grown SLS SiNW. The I-V response of the SLS SiNW is linear and the two-point resistivity of similar SiNWs ranged from 20 Ωcm to 2×105 Ωcm. The observed electrical resistivity range for as-deposited SiNWs rules out a dominant SiO2 stoichiometry, although it is not inconsistent with local SiOx compositions within the nanowire. (No current measurement was possible for open Pt electrodes confirming the insulative properties of the SiO2 dielectric in the electrical test structure). The resistivity of thermally processed Ni-SLS SiNWs (Section 5.1) was measured by twoand four-point electrical resistivity measurements (Fig. 15 (b), (d), (e)). Two- and four-point measurements yield resistances of 2 MΩ and 55 kΩ respectively, for the 9.2 µm long Ni-SLS SiNW with a diameter of 165 nm. Assuming, for the sake of simplicity, that the entire SiNW has been converted to a metal silicide phase the latter value implies an equivalent resistivity of 0.013 Ωcm. This data point is represented by a black circle in Fig. 15 (f). Figure 15 (f) also shows the electrical resistivity distribution of other as-grown SiNWs (blue squares) and NiSiNWs (red circles). The lowest measured effective electrical resistivity was 0.02 cm
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assuming complete silicidation. (This assumption is discussed in more detail in the following section). After thermal processing of evaporated Ni, the SLS SiNW conductivity is increased up to 7 orders of magnitude. (a)
Current [A]
Current [A]
100.0n 0.0
-600.0f -2
Voltage [V]
-200.0n -0.50 8
Voltage [V]
Device #
Current [A]
0.0 -5.0
5 4 3 2 1
-10.0 -0.50
Voltage [V]
0 1m
10 0 k
R e s is tiv ity [ -c m ]
Fig. 15. SEM micrographs of (a) as-grown SLS SiNW in 2-point test structure and (b) annealed Ni-SLS SiNW in 4-point test structure. (c) 2-point I-V data of as-grown SLS SiNW (29.2 µm length, 168 nm diam.), (d) 2-point I-V data of annealed Ni-SLS SiNW (9.2 µm length, 165 nm diam.), (e) 4-point I-V data of annealed Ni-SLS SiNW (9.2 µm length, 165 nm diam.), (f) electrical resistivity from as-grown SiNWs (blue squares) and annealed Ni-SiNWs (red circles). Arrow indicates resistivity drop using 4-point in place of 2-point I-Vs. Figure 16 shows representative SEM micrographs and associated current-voltage characteristic of an as-grown VLS SiNW, a W-coated VLS SiNW, and a NiSix VLS SiNW, respectively. The as-grown VLS SiNW exhibits the expected I-V response for undoped Si. W-coated and NiSix nanowires exhibit ohmic conductance (surface). Four-point electrical resistivity measurements were performed on 6 groups of nanowire devices: as-grown VLS SiNWs, NiSix VLS nanowires (Ni by e-beam evaporation), ALD W-coated nanowires (2nm W, non-annealed), ALD W-deposited nanowires (2nm W, annealed), ALD W-deposited nanowires (4nm W, annealed), and Ni catalyst SiNWs. Figure 17 shows the electrical resistivity distribution of all 6 groups of these nanowires including as-grown SLS SiNWs and as-deposited Ni-SiNWs as well as as-grown VLS SiNWs. For this plot it was assumed that all Ni-metallized SiNWs were completely converted to metal silicide (i.e. the entirety of
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
the SiNW cross-section is metallic) and that electrical conduction was confined to the Wregion of the W-coated SiNWs. As expected, metallization increased nanowire electrical conductivity by as much as 8 orders of magnitude. (a)
Current [A]
Current [A]
80.0p 40.0p 0.0 -40.0p
(e) Current [A]
300.0n 0.0 -300.0n -600.0n
-80.0p -120.0p -5
Voltage [V]
-900.0n -80.0m -40.0m
Voltage [V]
50.0n 0.0 -50.0n
-100.0n -2.0m
Voltage [V]
Fig. 16. (a) As-grown VLS SiNW, (b) ALD-W coated SiNW, and (c) NiSix SiNW on 4 point electrical test structures. (d) I-V plot of the SiNW shown in (a), (e) I-V plot of the ALD-W coated SiNW shown in (b), (f) I-V plot of NiSix nanowire shown in (c) 8 SLS nanowires As-grown Ni coated VLS nanowires As-grown Ni coated ALD W 2nm, as-deposited ALD W 2nm, after RTA ALD W 4nm, after RTA Ni catalist NWs
Device #
6 4 2 0 -5 10
Resistivity [-cm]
Fig. 17. Comparison of measured electrical resistivity from SiNWs. Device groups include as-grown SLS and VLS SiNWs, Ni-coated SiNWs, NiSix nanowires, ALD W-coated VLS SiNWs (2nm W-non-annealed, 2nm W-annealed, and 4nm W-annealed), and Ni catalyst SiNWs. 5.4. Modeling and simulation of electrical transport To further elucidate the silicidation and metallic conduction of metallized SiNWs analytical and finite-element modeling was carried out. The modeling was restricted to ALD W-coated SiNWs due to the relative uniformity of the W film. Firstly, it was necessary to estimate the
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
thickness of the post-RTA WSi2 layer relative to the thickness of a remnant W layer – in the event not all W was consumed during silicidation. Figure 18 schematically illustrates this situation wherein the post-RTA, W-coated SiNW is divided into three distinct radial regions: 1) a single crystalline Si core; 2) a WSi2 annular region; and 3) an outer W region. Based on simple stoichiometric arguments the annular width of the WSi2 region depends on the amount of Si and W consumed during the silicidation reaction. Based on bulk Si, W, and WSi2 unit cell sizes, the thickness of the WSi2 layer as depicted in Fig. 18 can be calculated as a function of consumed W fraction. These calculations are shown in Fig. 19(a). The overall electron transport across a WSi2-coated SiNW was simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics finite element analysis software. Figure 19(b) shows current flow through a modeled W/WSi2-coated SiNW. The current is confined primarily to the WSi2 region. (a)
(b) rSi+WSi2+W
Silicon nanowire
Silicon nanowire
Thickness of WSi2 [nm]
Fig. 18. Schematic of tungsten deposited nanowire (a) before silicidation, (b) after silicidation 9 (a) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10
Consumed W [nm] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
Radius of SiNW [nm] Fig. 19. (a) Thickness (radius) change of the metallic WSi2 annular region during silicidation for a 2 nm tungsten film as a function of W fraction, (b) representative result of COMSOL Multiphysics simulation. The Si-WSi2-W structure was used under voltage bias with a metal electrode. Current density was calculated along the nanowire axis. The red circular region denotes the current-carrying annulus. The resistivity modeling utilized a simple expression to incorporate finite size effects in the W and WSi2 annular films. Shown in Equation 1, this expression for thin film electrical resistivity is expressly for the case where surface scattering is dominant (Hauder et al. 2001; Wissmann et al. 2007; Lee et al. 2004): ρ = ρo + ρGB + ρSS + ρSR ≈ ρo + ρSS ≈ ρo {1+ (3/16)•lo/d}
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
Here, o is the bulk resistivity, ρGB is the grain boundary scattering contribution, ρSS is the surface scattering contribution, ρSR is the roughness contribution, lo is the electron mean free path, and d is thickness of the film. For W, o and lo are approximately equal to 8.7 -cm and 33 nm, respectively (Steinhogl et al. 2005). For WSi2 these values are 46 -cm and 10nm, respectively (Santucci et al. 1998). Therefore, an ideal annular resistivity for the 2 nm W-coated VLS SiNW would be 34. 8 cm. The best experimental resistivity of the 2 nm ALD W coating on the VLS SiNW in this measured for this work was 506 µΩ-cm. The order of magnitude difference implies that surface roughness, thickness variation, and, possibly, local compositional variations (e.g. oxidation) have a large effect on the effective W-coating electrical resistivity. For the case of the WSi2 coatings the best measured experimental resistivity was 910 µΩ-cm for an RTAprocess 4 nm ALD W coating on a VLS SiNW. Assuming full silicidation the thickness of WSi2 was 11 nm which translated to an ideal resistivity (using Eq. 1 via the COMSOL package) of 58 µΩ-cm. As for the case of the W film the order of magnitude difference between idealized model and experiment is attributed to disorder and compositional variation in the WSi2 coating. Modeling results show most current flows through the WSi2 shell layer as expected (Fig. 19(b)).
6. Novel Growth Mode of Solid-liquid-solid (SLS) Silicon Nanowires The growth processes for the SLS Si nanowires described in Sections 4 and 5 were optimized with respect to SLS SiNW diameter control and overall nanowire length for evaluation of Ni-based and W-based metallization, electrical transport, and comparison with VLS SiNWs. Those optimization studies also focused on the very early and intermediate stages of SLS SiNW growth and yielded critical insights regarding the initial nucleation of SLS nanowires. Specifically, a novel and previously unreported, high temperature solid-liquid-solid (SLS) silicon nanowire growth mode has been observed and investigated. In this novel mode SLS nanowire nucleation and subsequent growth was uniquely promoted by – and coupled to – the formation of thermally-etched pyramidal pits in the Si substrate which formed during the high-temperature anneal phase BEFORE the onset of SLS SiNW formation. The siliconoxide-mediated thermal pit formation process enhanced Si transport to Au-Si alloy droplets directly adjacent to the pyramidal pits. Consequently, SLS nanowire nucleation and growth was preferentially promoted at the pit edges. The catalytic nature of the pyramidal pits resulted in the observation of SLS nanowire ‘blooms’ at the pit locations. Subsequent nanowire growth – occurring both at the pit sites and from Au-Si alloy droplets distributed across the planar surfaces of the Si wafer – eventually occluded the pits complicating experimental observation of this mode. A rapid ramp of the Ar gas flow introduced to the SLS growth chamber at selected points in the annealing cycle was sufficient to quench nanowire growth and permit experimental observation of this novel mode. This newly observed process is termed ‘thermal pit-assisted growth.’ Section 6.1 describes the experimental configuration for growth mode analysis of SLS Si nanowires. Section 6.2 documents the experimental observations of the stages of thermal pit-assisted SLS SiNW growth and presents compositional analysis for determination of Au-Si alloy droplet disposition with respect to the pyramidal pits. Section 6.3 presents and discusses a schematic outline of the thermal pit-assisted growth mode.
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6.1. Experimental configuration for growth mode analysis of SLS Si nanowires Central to the observation of thermal pit-assisted SLS SiNW growth was the ability to differentially quench SiNW growth across the sample for comparative SEM analysis. As noted in Section 3 quenching was achieved by positioning Au-deposited samples near the chamber’s Ar gas inlet (as compared to the center of the annealing chamber) to exploit the large spatial and temporal temperature gradients. For short annealing durations (typically, below 15 minutes) the temperature near the Ar inlet was rapidly modulated via gas flow. Low Ar flows (~2,000 sccm) introduced upon deactivating the heater yielded a slow cool down (approximately 8 min to reduce chamber temperature below 800 oC and cease SLS SiNW growth – i.e. latent annealing). High Ar flows (~20,000 sccm) resulted in a rapid quench over tens of seconds and was effective at preserving early stage growth configurations and substantially reducing the duration of latent annealing. Figure 20 shows a SEM micrograph of a sample adjacent to the Ar inlet within the annealing chamber (low temperature/fast quench region). This single sample exhibited various regions reflecting different stages of SLS Si nanowire growth.
Fig. 20. SEM image of a sample placed close to the Ar inlet inside the oven (low temperature/fast quench region). This sample has three distinct regions in terms of differentiable SLS Si nanowire growth stages. Three regions were identified. In region (a) Au-Si alloy nanoparticles reside on the surface although SiNW nucleation had not yet occurred (the Au-Si particles are not visible in the magnification shown in Fig. 20). In region (b) so-called ‘germinated’ Si nanowires could be observed. In region (c) fully-formed Si nanowires were clearly present. Figure 21(a) shows Au-Si alloy particles from the region ‘a’ depicted in Fig. 20. Little if any SiNW nucleation is evident. The SEM micrographs shown in Figs. 21(b) and (c) were acquired in the ‘b’ region and clearly capture the initial formation of Si nanowires from droplets wherein the amorphous Si nanowire can be seen emerging or ‘germinating’ from the droplets. Flower-
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
like structures were observed (Figs. 21(d), (e)) from the ‘c’ region in which dense SLS SiNW nucleation was localized. SEM micrographs from deeper within the ‘c’ region also show dense mats of nanowires from the flower-like structures that had spread out and locally covered the substrate (Fig. 21(f)). The morphology of this latter feature is more consistent with SLS SiNW morphologies observed from regions of the substrate located at the center of the chamber. SLS nanowires originating from the flower-like structures were substantially greater in length and density than more isolated SLS Si nanowires nucleating nearby. On closer inspection, the flower-like nanowire clusters were seen to originate from pyramidal pits in the Si substrate. This growth mode has not been heretofore observed for SLS Si nanowires.
Fig. 21. SEM images of SiNWs at various regions on a single sample in growth. (a) Au-Si alloy particles, (b) and (c) germination of SiNWs, (d) and (e) flower-like nanowire nucleation regions, (f) normal morphology of nanowires. 6.2. Experimental observation of a novel SLS Si nanowire growth sequence Before elaborating on the observation of the ‘thermal pit assisted growth mode’ it is important to differentiate it from previously reported SLS growth processes. In SLS SiNW growth the Au-Si alloy droplet is generally observed at the bottom of the nanowire on the surface of the substrate. It has been previously observed that SiNWs can nucleate from alloy droplets inside pits on the silicon surface – pits that had been created by the inflow of the silicon to the alloy droplet (Paulose et al. 2003; Sekharet et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2008). This type of growth was also observed for the work reported here. An example is shown in Fig 22(a). SLS Si nanowire growth can also proceed without necessitating pit formation (Wang et al. 2006; Elechiguerra et al. 2004). Such a process was also observed for the work reported here (Figs. 22(b), and (c)). These conventional processes (growth modes) are typically used to explain the growth mechanism of SLS nanowires.
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Fig. 22. SEM images of: (a) nanowire and pit created by the inflow of the silicon to the alloy droplet, (b) nanowires directly grown from the substrate and nanoparticles, (c) nanowire germination and growth. However, these growth modes are distinct from the sequence depicted in Fig. 21. Due to the spatial and temporal thermal gradients afforded by sample placement in the chamber and the rapid Ar gas flow, a spatially-resolved ‘timeline’ for this novel growth process was documented via SEM imaging at appropriate positions on the substrate. A clear and more detailed series of micrographs documenting this thermally-quenched sequence of SLS Si nanowire growth steps is shown in Fig. 23.
Fig. 23. SEM images of nanowire synthesis steps via thermal pit assisted growth, (a) formation of ‘embryos’ on Si substrate, (b) thermal pit formation - the pyramidal pits are created by a thermal etching process, (c) initial nanowire growth between the pits, (d) coverage of pyramidal pit by SLS SiNWs (e) nanowires covering multiple pits, (f) nanowires coalescing from neighboring pyramidal pits to cover the substrate. Figure 23(a) shows the first step in thermal pit assisted SLS SiNW growth – a circular region approximately 10 m in diameter of local volume discontinuity (swelling) developed in the Si wafer substrate. Regions of the substrate which saw lower temperatures did not exhibit these features. The volume discontinuity is attributed to local oxidation of the Si substrate. Similar localized volume increases have long been observed during thermal oxidation processing of Si (section 6.3). Figure 23(b) shows the next step in this novel SLS Si growth
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
mode – thermally-induced formation of pits in circular oxidation regions. These pits were pyramidal in shape with sidewalls comprised of intersecting {111} planes in the (100) silicon wafer. It was observed for multiple samples and experimental runs that the pyramidal pits in the Si substrate were formed prior to SLS Si nanowire growth. Figures 23(c) and 23(d) show SiNW nucleation and growth which occurred preferentially at the pyramidal pits. Figures 23(e) and 23(f) shows coalescence of SLS SiNWs from the pyramidal pit regions. Figure 24 affords closer inspection of the pyramidal pit area at the onset of SLS SiNW nucleation. Firstly, Au-Si alloy droplet concentration is localized at the edge of the pyramidal pits (Fig. 24(a)). Secondly, the silicon oxide growth front defining the circular region encompassing the pyramidal pit is clearly visible (black arrows in Fig. 24(b)). The silicon oxide exhibits a granular or porous structure consistent with the local oxidationinduced volume change.
Fig. 24. SEM images: (a) the center of a pit showing Au-Si alloy particles on the edge of the pit; (b) the border of the pit area. In (b) The growth front separating the crack oxidized region from the Si surface is clearly visible (black arrows). The material disposition associated with the regions in and around the pyramidal pits shown in Figs. 23 and 24 was investigated via SEM-based energy dispersion spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Representative SEM-EDS spectra acquired in and near a cluster of pyramidal pits are shown in Fig. 25. Figure 25(a) shows a SEM-micrograph of the pit cluster and positions where EDS spectra were acquired. An EDS spectrum acquired from the bright region at the edge of the pits is shown in Fig. 25(b) and confirms the presence of Au, Si, and O, as expected for the presence of Au-Si alloy droplets (see Fig. 24(a)) and SiOx. The lower contrast region between the pits (but within the circular oxidized region) reveals no Au (Fig. 25(c)) and implies that Au-Si alloy droplets congregate preferentially at the pit edges (although the spectrum confirms the presence of oxidized Si). Away from the circular region confining the pits, EDS of the bare Si substrate does show smaller amounts of oxygen (Fig. 25(d)) which is attributed to the native oxide. Interestingly, EDS data from the very center of a pit (Fig. 25(e)) shows no appreciable Au or O. Trace amounts of O are observed further up the pit walls, closer to the pit edge (Fig. 25(f)). Combined with the SEM image data of Figs. 21, 23 and 24, the EDS data of Fig. 25 enabled the formulation of a SLS SiNW growth mechanism promoted by the pyramidal pits. An elaboration of this mechanism is provided in the following section.
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600 400
30 25
15 10 5 0 2.0
300 0 0.0
0 2.0
15 10 5 0 2.0
O 0.5
30 25
20 15 10
5 2.1
400 0 0.0
0 2.0
0 0.0
O 0.5
1000 800
5 0 2.0
600 300 0 0.0
O 0.5
Fig. 25. SEM-EDS spectra at a thermal pit cluster. (a) SEM image of the pit cluster; (b) EDS spectrum at a high-contrast region near a pit-edge (position 1); (c) EDS spectrum at a lowcontrast region between pits (position 2); (d) EDS spectrum at the silicon substrate away from the pit cluster (position 3); (e) EDS spectrum at the center of a pyramidal pit (position 4); (f) EDS position at the sidewall of a pyramidal pit near the edge (position 5). 6.3. Mechanistic description of thermal-pit-assisted SLS Si nanowire growth Based on extensive SEM micrograph and SEM-EDS analysis (consistent with data shown in Figs. 21, 23, 24, and 25) of thermal pit assisted SLS SiNW growth it is concluded that a fourstep sequence typifies this growth mode: (1) Nucleation/growth of circular silicon oxide regions; (2) thermal-driven pyramidal pit formation; (3) enhanced Au-Si alloy droplet formation at pyramidal pit edges; and (4) onset of SLS SiNW growth from enhanced Au-Si alloy droplets. The first step in the aforementioned sequence is consistent with previous observations of the decomposition and removal of SiO at high temperatures (1100 °C) from Si wafers, leaving nearly circular regions several microns in diameter (Rubloff et al. 1986; Tromp et al. 1985). In this process, solid state SiO2 reacts with solid Si atoms to form volatile SiO groups. This reaction and the subsequent release of SiO are consistent with the circular regions shown in Figs. 23 and 25 and the porous microstructure within these regions seen in Fig. 24(b). The oxidation kinetics in the circular regions are also consistent with pyramidal pit growth at high temperatures (> 1000 oC). As noted in Section 6.2, Fig. 23(b) indicates that the thermally-etched pyramidal pits are formed along (111) planes from the (100) silicon wafer in agreement with observations of other research groups (Ueda et al. 2004; Reisman et al. 1990; Suzuki 2000a; 2000b). Trace amounts of oxygen enhanced this thermal etching process at high temperatures (Reisman et al. 1988, Reisman et al. 1990) with pits originating at Si substrate dislocation sites (Yazdi et al. 2007). This supports our observation of pyramidal pit growth in the circular oxidized regions of the Si substrate (Figs. 23(a) and 23(b)). The source of the oxygen is attributed to solid state SiO2 (Reisman et al. 1988), not gas-phase oxygen from the chamber. Indeed, research has shown that pyramidal pit formation occurred preferentially under low oxygen partial pressure (below 3x10-5 atm) during annealing in Ar
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
(Suzuki 2000a; 2000b; Suzuki 2001). Those researchers observed no pit formation at higher partial oxygen pressures. This is consistent with our experimental configuration. High purity industrial grade Ar (99.999%) was utilized in our experiment with an oxygen filter loop. The estimated partial pressure of oxygen in our system is at least 10-6 atm from the Ar gas and does not approach levels close to 3x10-5 atm even considering other oxygen sources (e.g. quartz tube furnace, sample holder, vacuum excursions, etc…). The formation of volatile SiO groups as a driving force for the pyramidal etch front is confirmed by the EDS spectrum in Fig. 25(e). No oxygen or Au is evident at the very center of the pit while small trace amounts of oxygen (but no Au) are revealed on the pyramidal pit sidewall nearer the pit edge. The relatively high SiO partial pressure at the pit results in adsorption on Au nanoparticles near the pit edges. This has two primary results. Firstly, Si saturation occurs in the Au-Si alloy droplets at the pit edges comparatively faster than for Au-Si alloy droplets formed on the planar Si wafer surface away from the pyramidal pits. Secondly, oxygen from the SiO species adsorbed on the Au nanoparticles is available to react with the Si substrate thus driving the circular SiOx growth front and promoting additional pyramidal pits. As the pits cluster, their etch fronts converge, enhancing local concentration of Au-Si alloy droplets leading to a density of SLS SiNW nucleation sites. This speculation is wholly consistent with the observation of a relatively high density of Au-Si alloy nanoparticles adjacent to the thermally generated pits (Figs. 23(c) and 24(a)). Also, AuSi alloy droplets at the pit edges exhibited, on average, larger diameters as compared to alloy nanoparticles formed at the planar Si wafer surface away from the pits. As a natural consequence, SLS Si nanowires nucleate and grow more rapidly from the Au-Si alloy droplets at the thermally-generated pit edges as compared with Au-Si alloy droplets at the planar Si wafer surface. This speculation is strongly supported by SEM micrographs shown in Figs. 23(e), (f). It is essential to differentiate the mechanism described above with so-called oxide-assisted growth (OAG). In OAG thermal evaporation or laser ablation is used to evaporate SiO or SiO2-Si. The resulting SiO vapor decomposes into Si and SiO2 resulting in a nanowire-like growth front as described in the literature (Zhang et al. 2001a; 2001b; Zhang et al. 2003). In our experiment, the volatile SiO results specifically from pit formation. Nanowire growth is specifically catalyzed by Au nanoparticles at the pit edges which serve as SiO adsorption sites. The Au nanoparticles simultaneously promote Si nanowire formation through the SLS process and maintain local SiOx growth further promoting pit formation. This process is described, schematically in Fig. 26. An Au-coated Si wafer is loaded into the chamber. As the sample is heated the Au film dewets to form Au nanoparticles, resulting in Au-Si alloy droplets on the substrate. At selected regions, larger Au-Si alloy droplets are formed via ripening effects. Dangling bonds associated with substrate silicon atoms promote local oxidation (from both low partial pressure gas phase oxygen and solid oxide sources) as shown in Fig. 26(a). Continued oxidation and SiO volatilization lead to the formation of circular SiOx regions (Fig. 26(b)) and eventually to pyramidal pit etching (Fig. 26(c)). Continued pit etching results in an increase in volatile SiO concentration which promotes relatively faster Si saturation of Au-Si alloy droplets (Fig. 26(d)). This promotes more rapid SLS SiNW growth compared with nucleation on the planar Si substrate. If pyramidal pit density is sufficient a mat-like morphology of thermal pit assisted SiNWs coalesces and forms a dense network or SiNWs.
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O2 Ar gas flow
Si Au SiO2
Ar gas flow O2
Si substrate
Si substrate
SiO2 Si
O2 Ar gas flow
Si substrate
Ar gas flow O2
SiO2 Si
Si substrate
Fig. 26. Schematic illustration of mechanism of thermal pit assisted growth mode, (a) oxidation of germinated silicon, (b) oxidation of silicon substrate, (c) reaction between solid state SiO2 and Si, resulting in volatile SiO and etched pit. Volatile SiO groups can adsorb to Au-Si alloy droplets at the pit edge. (d) nanowire growth from accumulated Au-Si alloy droplets.
7. Conclusion Self-assembled Si nanowires were synthesized via SLS and VLS growth processes and characterized as a template for surface metal silicide formation for electron transport. Also, the fundamental kinetics and growth mechanisms of SLS Si nanowires were investigated. The diameter of all nanowires investigated ranged from 5 nm to 180 nm. The diameter of asgrown SLS SiNWs was controlled, to an extent, through the annealing time. Post-growth Ni deposition and thermal processing was carried out for nickel silicide formation at the SLS SiNW surface. The surface morphology of post-annealed SLS NiSiNWs was sensitive to anneal temperature and ramp rate. Rapid ramps resulted in an atomically smooth Ni-SiNW surface morphology. Slow annealing resulted in a rough NiSiNW morphology indicative of nonuniform domain formation. The presence of Ni on the surface of SLS SiNWs after RTA processing was confirmed via SEM and TEM imaging. EDS measurements also confirmed that the nickel remains on the SLS SiNW surface after thermal processing. Moreover, the substantial increase of the Lα peak (0.85keV) relative to the Kα peak (7.47 keV) in the EDS spectra for the annealed Ni-SiNWs strongly implies nickel silicide formation. Electrical conductivity measurements were performed on as-grown SLS Si nanowires and metal-silicide coated SLS Si nanowires by two-point and four-point methods. NiSi-coated SLS SiNWs exhibited an improvement in electrical conductivity of several orders of magnitude compared with that of as-grown SLS silicon nanowires. VLS Si nanowire synthesis was carried out to study formation of surface metal silicide layers. That process utilized a SiH4/Ar mixture at 500 °C. The diameters of VLS SiNWs were modulated by catalyst thickness and annealing duration. TEM analysis confirmed grown VLS SiNWs were crystalline with a growth direction. TEM-EDS results showed ALD W was successfully deposited on the surface of SiNWs (~ 2 nm, 4 nm thickness). E-beam evaporated Ni was deposited on VLS SiNWs. SEM-EDS confirmed Ni remained on the VLS nanowire surface after etching the excess Ni. This observation strongly implied NiSi formation. Fourier transform analysis of TEM selected-area-diffraction-patterns likewise
Templated Si-based nanowires via solid-liquid-solid (SLS) and vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth: Novel growth mode, synthesis, morphology control, characteristics, and electrical transport
implied NiSi formation. Simulation and modeling were performed to investigate electrical transport on W silicide layer. I-V characteristics of W-coated VLS SiNWs and Ni-decorated SiNWs showed an improvement in electrical conductivity (~ 8 orders of magnitude) compared with that of as-grown VLS silicon nanowires. Electrical resistivity measurements confirm ohmic behaviour for electron transport. ALD Ni will be a prospective candidate for silicide formation on SiNW surfaces in the future due to the conformal nature of its deposition and growth. A previously unreported SLS growth process was observed. For that growth process it is concluded that the high temperature formation of pyramidal etch pits in the Si wafer substrate resulted in local enhancement of Au-Si alloy droplet formation through production of volatile SiO groups from a solid state SiO2-Si reaction. Saturation of the Au-Si alloy droplets at the pyramidal pit edges due to adsorption of SiO groups occurred more rapidly than Si saturation of Au-Si alloy droplets at the planar Si wafer surface. This resulted in relatively faster SLS SiNW nucleation and growth. This growth mode is termed ‘thermal pit assisted growth.’ The authors would like to acknowledge the Semiconductor Research Corporation, DARPA, and the New York State Office of Science, Technology and Research, for their support of this work. The authors would also like to acknowledge Eric T. Eisenbraun, Kun Ho, Rama Kambhampati, Juntao Li, Miguel A. Rodriguez, Daniel Greenslit and Isaac Lund for experimental support and technical discussions.
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Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements
Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements Kuang-Chao Fan1,2, Fang Cheng1, Yejin Chen1 and Bor-Shen Chen2 1Hefei
University of Technology, 2National Taiwan University 1China, 2Taiwan
1. Introduction By definition, the nano-scale ranges from 100nm to 0.1nm. Any new development with size or function falls into this range is named “nanotechnology”. The approach of nano-scale research can be in two ways: the bottom-up and the top-down. The bottom-up structure is built up with molecular particles and is the focus of science researches. The top-down approach is to miniaturize visible components from macro- to micro-size and finally downscale to nano-size. This is the way that the engineering technology can discover. The mission of an engineer is to develop some technologies that can benefit to the industries. Most of the current industrial technologies still remain in the meso- to macro-scale level of the feature size. During the past decade, the MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) and energy beam lithography technologies have attracted many researchers to the material processing in sizes from micro to high nano scales (100nm to 10nm). In order to follow the fashion, MEMS has been renamed to NEMS (Nano-Electro-Mechanical System) in recent years. The NEMS, however, can only provide manufacturing process in two and half dimensions (2.5D) through layer deposition, etching, etc. For the true 3D micro parts fabrication the concept of micro machine tools has to be realized. This is the new focus after the nanotechnology in the world, namely the “micro/nano system” (Ni, 2004; Sawada, 2007). A typical example can be found from Sasaki (2007) who successfully used an ultraprecision 5-axis micro-milling machine to cut a complex sculpture BOSATSU model in 2mm size. It is understood that the metrology should always follow the step of manufacturing to ensure the quality of the products. For any 3D profile the 3D measurement must be employed. Conventional probes for dimensional measurement of parts in macro scale are no more capable for the meso- to micro- sized parts that require accuracy to the degree of 100nm to 10nm. The technology of micro/nano-scale 3D measurement is still a bottleneck for the industry. This Chapter will address probe technologies for micro/nano measurements. Both of the non-contact and contact types of probes will be reviewed. For the non-contact probe, the principles and applications of focus probe and confocal microscope will be addressed. For
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the contact type, the fabrication of micro probe with quality spherical tip will be introduced. A newly developed 3D touch probe for a micro-CMM (Fan, 2006) will be described.
2. Non-contact probes for micro/nano measurements With the rapid development of micro system technologies and the increasing market need of various micro objects, the measurement system of 3D micro/nano profiles with nanometer accuracy is urgently demanded. Currently, 3D micro/nano structures can be measured by some non-contact techniques to the nanometer accuracy, such as the hologram diffraction method, optical focus probe method, and SPM (Scanning Probe Microscope) methods. They are all sensitive to the reflectivity of the measured surface and thus only limited to a single material at a time. In this section, two types of non-contact probes are introduced. One is the focus probe, which is insensitive to surface material but only allows point measurement. The second is the confocal microscope for area measurement. 2.1 Focus probe Laser focus probe is based on the astigmatic principle. Its optical path can be expressed by Fig. 1. A light from a laser diode is primarily polarized by a grating plate. Having passed through a beam splitter and a quarter wave plate (mounted on the beam splitter), it is focused by an objective lens onto the object surface as a spot approximately 1 m in diameter, about 2 mm from the sensor. The reflected beam signal is imaged onto a fourquadrant photo detector within the sensor by means of the quarter wave plate. The photodiode outputs are combined to give a focus error signal (FES) which is used to respond to the surface variation. At the focal plane the spot is a pure circle. When the object moves up or down away from the focal plane, the spot appears an elliptical shape in different orientations. The corresponding focus error signal (FES) provides an S-curve signal proportional to the object movement, as shown in Fig. 2. Previous studies showed that on a single material, such as DVD disk, this probe can accurately measure 3D surface to nanometer accuracy (Fan, 2000; Mastylo, 2004). Products fabricated by NEMS process are, however, mostly built up different materials on the silicon substrate. Like other types of scanning probes, such as the hologram diffraction method or the SPM (Scanning Probe Microscope) methods, non-contact probes always have different characteristics curves with respect to different materials. A solution that utilizes the normalized FES (NFES) technique is proposed to cope with this problem. When the probe measures a sample surface with high reflectivity, the NFES signal is:
S H [( A C ) ( B D)] /( A B C D)
If the probe measures a sample surface with low reflectivity, the signals of the four quadrant sensors reduce K times at the same time, and the NFES is:
S L [( A / K C / K ) ( B / K D / K )] /( A / K B / K C / K D / K ) [( A C ) ( B D)] /( A B C D)
Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements
As shown in Eq. (2), the S-curve of sample surface with low reflectivity is the same as the one of high reflectivity. It proves that the probe could measure the 3D profile successfully no matter the surface contains any kind of material.
Photodiode IC Laser Diode
Polarization Beam Splitter
1/4 Plate
Objective Lens P1
Test Surface
Fig. 1. Optical system of the focus probe Plane 1
Plane 2
FES Plane 1 Plane 2 µm
Plane 1 Plane 2 Plane 3
Plane 3
Plane 3
Fig. 2. Focus error signal (FES) with respect to the distance Calibration tests were conducted on different materials with the focus probe mounted onto a nanopositioning machine, made by SIOS Co. model NMM1 (Fan, 2007). Fig. 3 plots the calibrated FES and NFES curves of different materials. Due to the different reflective ratios each material has independent FES curve. After employing the normalization technique, all the NFES curves are almost the same. Measurement range is about 6μm, resolution is 1nm, and accuracy is about a few nanometers depending on the matrerial. Fig. 4 presents two measured samples, one is a MEMS part and the other one is a PTB step height of 69nm. The first case demonstrates the capability of measuring composite material. The second case verifies the accuracy of this probe.
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8 6
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0
4 2 0
-2 -4 -6 -8
Displacement (um)
-10 0
Displacement (um)
Fig. 3. Calibrated FES and NFES curves for silicon surface (left) and mirror surface (right)
Fig. 4. Measured samples: MEMS Nickel on ALGaN (left) and PTB 69nm step height (right) 2.2 Confocal microscope In recent years, the technique of confocal microscopy, first described by Minski (1957), has become a more and more powerful tool for surface characterization, in parallel with the development of computer-based image processing systems. The basic principle of confocal microscopy (Minski named it double focusing microscopy) is shown in Fig. 5. Light emitted from a point light source (for example a laser beam focused onto an illumination pinhole) is imaged onto the object focal plane of a microscope objective (the first focusing). A specimen location in focus leads to a maximum flux of light through the detector pinhole (the second focusing), whereas light from defocused object regions is partly suppressed. The variation of the detected intensity is a function of distance change. It, however, can only measure point by point. The white light confocal microscope was then proposed to measure one area profile at a time in conjunction with digital image processing technique. However, in order to detect the whole surface profile one more scanning principle has to be added, such as the point scan by rotating a Nipkow disk (Jordany, 1998) or the structure light projection method with DMD (Bitte, 2001).
Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements
Fig. 5. Principle of laser confocal microscopy
Telecentric Lens
Image Fiber Micorscope
Collimated Lens
specimen Stage
Fig. 6. Image fiber LED confocal microscope A low cost confocal microscope probe for area detection has been developed (Fan, 2007). The system principle is shown in Fig. 6. It uses a high intensity LED to project light through an image fiber bundle onto the work surface. The fiber bundle consists of 80000 fibers with about 150µm in diameter each. The hexagonal grid pattern of the fiber bundle projected onto the work surface can be treated as a structural light. In the collected image frame the grey level change of the pixels is proportional to the distance out of focal plane of the probe. Fig. 7 shows an example of the photo spacer profile measurement on the LCD color filter plate. The result is the same as the one measured by a commercial white light interferometer. The thickness of the color filter’s RGB film can also be obtained in the same graph. The accuracy of this fiber bundle confocal microscope relies on the accuracies of the positioning stage and the characteristic curve of the grey level vs. focal distance. Current system accuracy is about 100nm. It is low cost and suitable for micro level measurements.
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Fig. 7. Measured color filter film and the spacer
3. Contact probe for micro-CMM 3.1 The needs for contact probes Ultrahigh precision 3D surface measurement technologies have been paid much attention in research during the last ten years. Although many non-contact measurement systems have been developed and commercialized successfully for meso- to micron- or micron- to nanoscaled 3D geometric measurement, such devices cannot cope with the side wall geometry measurement of high aspect ratio micro holes, grooves, and edges. The design and manufacturing of the contact probe becomes one of the critical factors to achieve the measurement capability. In addition, the probe only provides information at the moment of contact to the object being measured. To measure the full scale of any micro part, the object has to be precisely moved by an ultraprecision 3-axis positioner. Combining the contact probe system with the positioning system is generally called the coordinate measuring machine (CMM). Conventional CMM, as a versatile dimensional metrology tool, can only measure macro- to meso-scaled parts because of the size limitation of the probing system. The system design and integration of a contact type micro/nano-scaled three dimensional coordinate measuring machines (3D CMM) (Fan, 2006) has become increasingly important. This kind of micro-CMM requires higher measurement accuracy and resolution than conventional macro-scale 3D CMM. Several researches have developed micro- or nano-CMM that can measure meso- to microscaled parts in nanometer resolution, mostly with specially designed probe systems. The principle of touch-sensing mechanism can be categorized to two types, namely the touchtriggered probe and the touch-analog probe. The triggering probe only detects the moment of contact and outputs a triggered signal to lock the current position displayed by the CMM. A typical example of this type can be found in the Mitutoyo Corporation (UMAP 130). It is based on the detection principle using a vibrating element whose amplitude is reduced on contact with a surface (Masuzawa, 1993). This effect is independent of the approach direction, so true 3D measurements are possible. The touch-analog type is designed with moveable suspension plate or frame in the mechanism and the motion can be detected by built-in sensors. A variety of such probe systems have been designed, such as the silicon-
Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements
based (Haitjema, 2001), flexture structure-based (Kung, 2007), and NPL probe (Peggs, 1999). More details can be found in (Weckenmann, 2006). The probing ball has to be made as small as possible. Most of the above-mentioned probes produce the stylus by gluing a commercially available micro sphere onto a metal stem. Such a process will inevitably incur the offset error of the ball to the center of the stylus. Even though many probe systems announce the measuring uncertainty from 50nm to 20nm, the technique of probe radius compensation has never been mentioned. A new analog contact probe is designed and a ptototype is made in this study. This contact probe is composed of a monolithic fiber stylus with a ball tip, a floating plate and focus sensors. The ball tip is fabricated using optical fiber with melting and solidification processes, which can ensure the required diameter, roundness and center offset to the tolerance less than 1μm. The design principle and calibration of the innovative probe are explained in the follwing sections. 3.2 Fabrication of stylus A technique of fabricating monolithic probe stylus with melting and solidification processes of a thin glass fiber to form a micro-sphere tip has been developed by the authors (Fan, 2006). The single mode (SM) glass fiber with 125μm diameter is selected to manufacture the ball tip. Glass fiber has sufficient mechanical strength to perform contact measurements. It can be easily fused within an appropriate heating field. The fiber tip absorbs the arc discharging power and melts instantaneously. The is the principle of fiber splicing, as shown in Fig. 8. Due to the surface tension, the melting part of the fiber starts to form a spherical tip gradually during solidification. The FITEL S199S model single mode fiber fusion splicer is the basic apparatus employed in this experiment, as shown in Fig. 9. The principle of the fiber splicerA fabricated fiber is mounted onto a V-groove fiber holder and the fiber fixture is precisely positioned by an XY stage. With proper selection of the process parameters in the splicer the end face of the glass fiber can be melted and then solidified to a micro-sphere due to the surface tension phenomenon. However, the sphere will droop due to the gravity effect. Therefroe, a rotary stage is added to keep rotating the melt fiber while it is solidified in order to compensate the gravity effect. The quality of the fiber probe can be controlled by process four parameters, including arc power, fusing times, cleaning arc power offset and cleaning time. The optimal fabricating parameters are obtained for getting precise probe diameter, best probe roundness and smallest center offset using the Taguchi method (Fan, 2008). The image of one of the probes viewed at four angular positions is shown in Fig. 10. The corresponding measured results are summarized in Table. 1. All errors can be controlled to within 1 μm. In practice, the fiber stylus may produce elastic deformation under contact force, which will yield complex mechanics. The stylus has to be hardened. One solution is to insert the fiber stem into an medical injection needle so that the stem can be very rigid. Besides, the tip ball is coated with a chromatic film by deposition process with rotating technique so that the ball can resist the wear.
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Fig. 8. Principle of fiber fusion splicing
Fig. 9. Experiment setup for fiber tip fabricating
Angle of view
Center offset
Table 1. Measurement results of the tip at four angles (in μm)
Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements
Fig. 10. Image of one fiber probe at different views 3.3 The suspension mechanism The main task of the suspension mechanism is to give the probe a stable rest position and a tilt angle relative to the contact force in three orthogonal directions. Fig. 11 shows the proposed mechanism of a contact probe. The glass fiber probe stylus is fixed to a floating plate which is suspended by four evenly distributed wires connected to the probe case. The contact force will cause tilt motion of the plate and four wires will perform elastic deformation. Four mirrors mounted onto respective extended arms will amplify the up/down displacement at each mirror position. As shown in Fig. 12, these displacements can be detected by four corresponding focus probes developed in this work, as described in section 2.1. The dimension of the mechanism can be simulated by finite element method to obtain optimum design. Because of the symmetrical geometry, the force-motion sensitivity should be symmetrical in X-Y plane.
Fig. 11. The suspension mechanism of the contact probe
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Fig. 12. Structure and motion of a touch-analog probe 3.4 Sensor integration The sensor used in this touch analog probe is based on the laser focus probe which is reconfigured from the DVD pickup head. Being a mass produced device, the pickup head is cheap and very accurate. The laser focus probe adopts astigmatic principle, as described in section 2.1. The displacement of the reflection mirror will output a focus error signal (FES) from the embedded quadrant photodetector. This FES performs extremely linear curve in the focusing range with a resolution to 1nm. The pickup head is reconfigured with a special design, as shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 14 shows the integration of four sensors in the probe head without the floating mechanism. Since the FES signal is analog to the tip displacement after contact, the combination of four FES signals can reveal the angle and displacement of the probe ball, being a contact scanning mode.
Fig. 13. Reconfigured DVD pick-up head
Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements
Fig. 14. Photo of the probe head 3.5 Calibration of the contact probe (1) Contact force calibration A highly sensitive force measurement appratus has been designed and its schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 15a. A thin leaf plate is built in the base. When a small force is applied to its end, a bending angle can be detected by an angular sensor, which is made from a DVD pickup head based on the principle of autocillimator, as shown in Fig. 15b. This force sensor has been calibrated by some known weights and its linear range of force to voltage is appraent in the range of 1mN. In the experiment, a microscope CCD is used to control the velocity of probe contact, as shown in Fig. 16a. Changing the contact point of the probe ball to its normal direction, the corresponding contact force can be measured. Calibrated results are shown in Fig. 16b from which it can be seen that the forces are nearly balanced in horizontal XY plane. The average contact force calibrated is 109µN.
(a) Fig. 15. Force sensor, (a) Schematic diagram, (b) Under load
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60 300
Fig. 16. Contact force calibration, (a) experimental photo, (b) 3D force plot (2) Contact displacement calibration The moments of touch, trigger and analog motion of the probe relative to the measured part are different, as shown in Fig. 17. Before contact, the probe is at rest with no output signals from the focus sensors. The trigger point is at the time the sensors detect the tilt motion of the floating plate. The distance between the touch and the trigger points is called the pretravel distance, and distance after the trigger point is called the overtravel or the analog distance. Within the analog range, the sensor output is linear to the displacement. The trigger point is the intersection of two linear lines. The actual displacement can be calibrated by a linear stage with a laser interferometer as the feedback sensor. Repeating this program for ten times, the standard deviation is calculated and the result is 8.9nm. For the directional tests of contact, 24 directions with 15 degrees separation on the horizontal plane are tested. Fig. 18 shows quite symmetrical result with only 20nm variation at trigger points. Compared to normal 3-point support CMM probe that will appear 3 lobes characteristics, this 4-point support probe exhibits insignificant lobing effect, being insensitive to the contact direction. This contact probe can be equipped to a microCMM, which is being developed by the author’s group.
4. Conclusion This chapter addresses the needs of probe technology for micro/nano measurements of meso/micro parts. Three kinds of probes have been developed, namely the focus probe, the confocal microscope, and the contact probe. The focus probe is for pint-to-point measurement of 3D profile featuring high resolution (1nm) and high accuracy (a few nanometers) and insensitive to material property by normalization technique. The confocal microscope using fiber image bundle technique can measure area profile large vertical range but the accuracy is limited to 0.1µm at the present. The contact probe can measure side walls with minimum contact force of 50µN. It has to be equipped into a high precision microCMM to achieve 3D measurement with either touch trigger mode or touch analog mode. For different measurement requirements we shall select proper probes.
Probe Technologies for Micro/Nano Measurements
Fig. 17. The output signals before and after contact
- 2. 6 24
- 2. 65
4 5
- 2. 7
- 2. 75
- 2. 8
9 16
Fig. 18. Probe response to different contact angles
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5. References Minsky, M. (1961). Microscopy apparatus, USA patent 3013467. Masuzawa, T.; Hamasaki, Y. & Fujino, T. (1993). Vibroscanning method for nondestructive measurement of small holes, Ann. CIRP, Vol. 42, 589–92. Jordany, H.; Wegner, M. & Tiziani, H. (1998). Highly accurate non-contact characterization of engineering surfaces using confocal microscopy, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 9, 1142–1151. Peggs, G. N., Lewis, A.J. (1999). Design for a compact high-accuracy CMM, Annals CIRP, Vol. 48, 417-420. Fan, K. C.; Lin, C. Y. & Shyu, L. H. (2000). Development of a Low-cost Focusing Probe for Profile Measurement, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1-7. Bitte, F.; Dussler, G. & Pfeifer, T. (2001). 3D micro-inspection goes DMD, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 36, 155-167. Haitjema, H.; Pril, W.O. & Schellekens, P. (2001). Development of a Silicon-based Nanoprobe System for 3-D Measurements, Annals CIRP, Vol. 50, 365-368. Mastylo, R.; Manske, E. & Jäger, G. (2004). Development of a focus sensor and its integration into the nanopositioning and nonomeasuring machine, TM-Technisches Messen, Vol. 71, No. 11, 596-602. Ni, J. (2004). Future direction of micro/meso-scale manufacturing, invited speech, Proceedings of the 6th ICFDM’2004, Xi’an, China, June 21-23. Sawada, K. (2004), Explanation of ultra precision (nano) machine tools, keynote speech, Proceedings of the 1st ICPT, Hamamatsu, Japan, June 9-11. Fan, K. C.; Fei, Y. T.; Yu, X. F.; Chen, Y. J.; Wang, W. L.; Chen, F. & Liu, Y. S. (2006) Development of a low cost micro-CMM for 3D micro/nano measurements, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 17, 524-532. Fan, K.C.; Hsu, H.Y.; Hung, P.Y.& Wang, W.L. (2006). Experimental study of fabricating a micro ball tip on the optical fiber, J. of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, Vol. 8, 782787. Weckenmann, A.; Peggs, G. & Hoffmann, J. (2006). Probing systems for dimensional microand nano-metrology, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 17, 504-509. Fan, K.C., Chen, Y.J. and Wang, W.L. (2007) Probe technologies for micro/nano measurement, Invited paper, Proceedings of IEEE-Nano, 989-993, August 2-5, Hong Kong. Fan, K.C.; Jager, G.; Chen, Y. J. & Mastylo, R. (2007) Development of a non-contact optical focus probe with nanometer accuracy, Proceedings of the 7th EUSPEN conference, 278281, May 20-24, Bremen, Germany. Küng, A.; Meli, F. & Thalmann, R. (2007). Ultraprecision micro-CMM using a low force 3D touch probe, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 18, 319-327. Sasaki, T.; Ishida, T.; Teramoto, K.; Kawai, T. & Takeuchi, Y. (2007), Ultraprecision micromilling of a small 3-D parts with complicated shape, Proceedings of the 7th EUSPEN conference, 388-391, May 20-24, Bremen, Germany. Fan, K.C.; Wang, W.L. & Chiou, H.S. (2008). Fabrication optimization of a micro-spherical fiber probe with the Taguchi method, J of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 18, 0150111, 1-8.
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
10 X
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations Ram Mohan and Yu Liang
North Carolina A & T State University Greensboro, NC, USA
1. Introduction Metallic nanowires show great potential for applications in minimization of electronic devices due to their extraordinary mechanical strength and electrical properties. Their desirable property characteristics with the smallest dimensions for efficient transport of electrons show potential for use as interconnects and critical devices in nanoelectronics and nano-optoelectronics (Chen, et al., 2006). These metallic nanowires also show potential for applications in electronic packaging, nanoelectronic and nano mechanical devices. A significant issue in the application of these metallic nanowires is their structural strength and stability under mechanical and thermal loading conditions. The deformation behavior of these nanowires under different mechanical loads (for e.g., tensile, bending) is poorly known. Experimental investigations of these behaviors are impractical due to their size and the complications of applying these loading conditions via nano load cells within high resolution microscope systems. Computational techniques based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the representative atomistic configuration of the metallic nanowires provide an effective means of understanding the mechanical deformation behavior of these nanowires. In this chapter, we discuss the tensile and flexural dynamic deformation behavior of the Nickel (Ni) nanowires due to tensile loading and flexural bending via molecular dynamics simulations. The tensile and flexural deformation behaviors based on the atomistic model configurations of Nickel nanowires are analyzed. The stress-strain constitutive behavior, tensile strength and the Young’s modulus for various Ni nanowire configurations are investigated and presented. The natural frequency of the flexural deformation of these nanowires via molecular dynamics simulations is obtained and analyzed. The simulation of the deformation behavior in metallic nanowires modeled as atomistic systems at finite temperatures is a dynamic process and is conducted using classical molecular dynamics. Focusing on the mechanical behavior of nanowires, it is known that the properties of material configurations at nanometer dimensions can be rather different from those of the bulk material. In the past decades, the rapid progress of miniaturization of electronic devices and nanoscale measurement systems has aroused an interest in nanometer scale materials such as nanowires (Ju, 2004) (Liang, 2003) (Park, 2005) (Silva et. al., 2004), (Silva,
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2004) and nanotubes (Liew et. al., 2004). These are not only known for their applications in nanometer scale integrated circuits but also for nanoscale tips of scanning tunneling microscope (STM) (Young, 1966) and atomic force microscope (AFM) (Binnig et.al., 1986). This chapter investigates the tensile and flexural deformation of Nickel (Ni) nanowires using the classical molecular dynamics (Frenkel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997) (Plimpton, 1995), (Rapaport, 1997) (Schlick, 2002) simulation method. Molecular dynamics simulations provide a means to predict mechanical behavior of nano material systems. Experimental techniques for such mechanical behavior of the nano dimensional nanowire configurations, as discussed in this chapter are not only practical but are also difficult. Prior work in the literature exists on the deformation of the Copper and Gold nanowires (Chang & Fang, 2003) (Ikeda et. al., 1999) (Ju et. al., 2004) (Liang & Zhou, 2003) (Liew et. al., 2003) (Park & Zimmerman, 2005) (Silva et. al., 2004) (Silva, 2004) via molecular dynamics (MD) methods. In this chapter, a nanowire configuration formed from the single crystals of Nickel in the (longitudinal), and (transverse) directions is employed. In particular, this chapter focuses on the mechanical properties of Nickel nanowires by means of molecular dynamics methods. The yielding and the fracture mechanisms (e.g., stressstrain relation of Ni nanowires, which are elongated by a tensile deformation are investigated. The effects of strain-rate, specimen size and ensemble temperature (Chang & Fang, 2003) (Cheung & Yip, 1994) on the tensile deformation behavior are addressed. Most of the current literature is focused on the tensile deformation of nanowire configurations of different materials with very limited and non-existent work on their bending deformation behavior. In addition to this tensile deformation, this chapter also focuses on the flexural deformation of the Nickel nanowire beams under flexural bending conditions via molecular dynamics modeling and simulations. This chapter is organized as follows. Brief discussions on the theoretical basis of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation methods which in essence are numerically similar to the solution of the multi-body dynamics problems in mechanics are presented. This is followed by a brief discussion on the computation of nano level stresses from the atomic displacement and velocity fields in such MD simulations. These numerical methodologies briefly described in this chapter form the basis of the general purpose molecular dynamics solver (LAMMPS: Large-Scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) from Sandia National Laboratory (Plimpton, 2005). The force field interactions between the Nickel atoms are modeled based on the embedded atom potential (EAM). This is followed by the discussions on the analysis of the tensile and flexural bending deformation behavior of Nickel nanowires under various boundary, loading and temperature conditions.
2. Overview of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Molecular dynamics techniques are generally employed in the simulations of atomistic or molecular level systems. The solution approaches are similar to multi-body problems of mechanics. Computationally, a MD simulation consists of step-by-step numerical solution of the classical Newton equations of motion. The general form of the equations of motion used in MD simulations is given by
Fi i ( X )
d 2Xi dvi ( X ) mi m mi a i i dt X i dt 2 .
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
In this chapter N is the total number of atoms, Π is the potential energy function, and X denotes the positions of atoms; mi, vi, and ai are the mass, velocity and acceleration of atom i. Any molecular level system can be completely formulated by the positions X and velocity V (or momentum P) of atoms. The above equation is similar to the Newton equations of motion employed in continuum mechanics but applied at the atom level. The dynamic behavior of the time-dependent atom motion is computed using an integrator such as the Verlet integrator (Cheung & Yip, 1994) to calculate the trajectories of the atoms. The timescale involved in the MD simulations is of the order of O (10-12 – 10-15 sec) and the lengthscale is of order O (10-10 – 10-7 m). Figure 1 shows the general solution flow of the molecular dynamics simulations. (0) Start of MD simulation: t=0.
(1) Initialization ensemble’s configuration: atoms’ (generally by experiment) and velocity (randomly set)
(2) Exert the tension on nanowires with strain ε = t έ
(4) Move atoms ahead one step (10-15-10-12 sec) by Verlet or Predictorcorrector strategies (integration of Newton equations of motion).
Time increment: t = t + ∆t
(3) Compute the out-of-balance force of each atom in accordance with the ensemble potential energy (Π)
(5) Tune the thermostat/volume via velocity scaling, Langvin “white” noise, Berendsen friction, Hoover/Nose’s algorithm.
(6) End of MD simulation: result analysis and correlation verification.
Fig. 1. Solution Flow of Molecular Dynamics Simulation As illustrated in Figure 1, the numerical solution of Newton’s equations of motion (Eq. 1) involved in the MD simulations consists of the following steps: (1) An initial configuration (the location coordinates and velocity of atoms at time t=0). The initial coordinates of the atoms are generally obtained from experiments (Plimpton, 2005). In this work, the atoms of Nickel nanowires are initially configured according to the structure of Nickel crystal (FCC with lattice constant of =ג3.52Å) (Plimpton, 2005). The initial velocity of atoms is usually determined from a random distribution such that the molecular system has a zero initial momentum, as defined by Eq. 2.
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P Pi mi vi 0 N
(2) . The velocities of atoms are also chosen randomly using Maxwell-Boltzmann and Gaussian distribution. For a given temperature T, the probability of an atom at velocity v is given by (Frenkel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997) (Schlick, 2002) i 1
i 1
mi (vi ) k T 2 B
1/ 2
1 mi vi2 exp 2 k BT
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant and T is absolute temperature. One of the difficulties in molecular dynamics simulation is calculating the temperature of the system, because temperature is a statistical quantity. However, if there are a large enough number of atoms, a statistical average temperature can be estimated from the instantaneous temperature (Frenkel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997) (Schlick, 2002), which can be found from the kinetic energy of the system. This instantaneous kinetic temperature is given by
1 3 Nk B
Pi 2 i 1 mi N
. This instantaneous kinetic temperature is an indication of the mechanical activity at the atomistic level. This temperature is employed in the simulation studies discussed in this chapter to understand the effect of temperature on the tensile deformation presented in a later section behavior of Nickel nanowires. (2) Apply an external load/displacement/strain to the initial configuration. In this work, an external axial strain ε=έt where έ is a constant strain-rate has been used for the tensile deformation and an external bending loading force is used for the flexural deformation. (3) The deformation of the system under the action of an external force is computed using the potential energy function. Commonly used potential energy functions are empirical potentials, semi-empirical potentials, and ab-initio (first principles) potentials (Frankel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997). Only empirical potentials are applicable for practical large-scale problems. Embedded atom method (EAM) (Frankel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997) (Plimpton, 2005) (Schlick, 2002) is one such empirical potential that provides a precise and efficient description for metals and metal alloys. This potential is used in this study. (4) The dynamical behavior of the atomistic system is computed using the potential Π and its gradient ∆Π. The time integration gives a snapshot of the atomic configuration (called trajectory) that changes at each discrete time level. No analytical method is applicable for the solution of dynamic system (Eq.1). Commonly used numerical techniques include Verlet, leap-frog, velocity-corrected Verlet, Beeman and predictor-corrector methods (Frankel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997) (Plimpton, 2005) (Schlick, 2002), etc. The MD simulation code (LAMMPS (Plimpton, 2005)) used in this study employs the velocity verlet scheme (described by Eqs. 5-8 below) to simulate the tensile and flexural deformation behavior of nanowires.
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
X (t t ) X (t ) v(t )t
1 a(t )t 2 (t 3 ) 2 .
1 ) v(t ) a(t )t (t 2 ) 2 2 ( X (t t )) a(t t ) m .
v(t t ) v(t
(5) (6) (7)
a (t t )
(8) . (5) During the simulation of dynamic systems, the velocities of atoms need to be updated constantly to make the temperature of ensemble stable. The commonly used consistency strategies are velocity scaling, Langvin “white” noise, Berendsen friction, and Hoover/Nose’s (Frankel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997) (Schlick, 2002). Velocity scaling is used to maintain the temperature in this work on the tensile and flexural deformation of Nickel nanowires. Molecular dynamics is a great tool, but there are limitations. Due to its high computational cost for large time-scale and length-scale problems, molecular dynamics method is only applicable for small scale problems. With the availability of parallel computing systems, LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) (Plimpton, 2005), an efficient parallel MD simulation code developed by Sandia National Lab is employed. A brief description of LAMMPS is presented next.
2.1 Major Features of LAMMPS The MD simulations require keeping track of the nearby particles of each atom. For computational efficiency, LAMMPS uses Verlet neighbor lists (Chialvo & Debenedetti, 1990) (Frenkel & Smit, 2001) (Rapaport, 1997) to keep track of nearby particles. As an extension of cutoff-radius methods, Verlet neighbor methods set neighbor cutoff radius as potential cutoff plus a “skin”. The updating will not be triggered till a molecule travels a distance greater than the skin thickness. In this way, the updating of neighbor list (Chialvo & Debenedetti, 1990) becomes much less frequent. In this work, the skin size is set to be 0.03 (Plimpton, 2005). On parallel, multi-processor computing systems, LAMMPS uses spatial-decomposition techniques (Plimpton, 2005) to partition the simulation domain into smaller 3D subdomains. Each sub-domain is assigned to each processor. Processors communicate and store "ghost" atom information (Plimpton, 2005) for atoms that border their sub-domain. A single macroscopic state that consists of different microscopic states is defined by an ensemble (Plimpton, 2005). Ensembles with specific characteristics that can be defined in LAMMPS include: Microcanonical ensemble (NVE): The thermodynamic state is characterized by a fixed number of atoms, N, a fixed volume, V, and a fixed energy; E. NVE corresponds to an isolated system.
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Canonical Ensemble (NVT): This is a collection of all systems whose thermodynamic state is characterized by a fixed number of atoms, N, a fixed volume, V, and a fixed temperature, T. Isobaric-Isothermal Ensemble (NPT): This ensemble is characterized by a fixed number of atoms, N, a fixed pressure, P, and a fixed temperature, T. Grand canonical Ensemble (mVT): The thermodynamic state for this ensemble is characterized by a fixed chemical potential, m, a fixed volume, V, and a fixed temperature, T. In this work, NVE ensemble is employed for the tensile and flexural deformation behavior of Nickel nanowires. In the molecular dynamics simulations, periodic boundary conditions are commonly used to enable representing infinite size material configurations with only a small number of atoms. The particles do not interact across the boundary and do not move out of their enclosed periodic box. Such periodic boundary conditions are generally used with LAMMPS. However, to simulate the tensile and flexural behavior of Nickel Nanowires in this work, the molecular system is set to be non-periodic. 2.2 Stress Definition in MD (Virial Stress) Cauchy stress, which represents force per unit area of the deformed solid, is commonly used in classical mechanics problems (Frankel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997). However, this is not applicable for discrete systems such as those in molecular dynamics problems. LAMMPS uses virial stress (Zhou, 2003) (Zimmerman et. al., 2003) to describe the macroscopic (continuum) stress in accordance with the microscopic quantities. Given the phase status of atoms, the macroscopic stress tensor in a macroscopically small, but microscopically large volume Ω is given by (Zhou, 2003) (Zimmerman et. al., 2003):
1 1 {mi (vi , v )(vi , v ) ( X j , X i , ) f ij , } i 2 j ,
f ij ,
i X j
. Here mi is the mass of the i-th molecule in Ω, Xi is its position ( and indicates Cartesian components), vi its velocity, ū the local average velocity, and fij is the force on molecule i exerted by another molecule j. This virial stress is used to compute the stress values for the tensile and flexural deformation behavior in the present simulations.
3. Tensile Deformation of Nickel Nanowires The strain-stress relationship and the tensile deformation behavior of Nickel nanowires investigated via MD simulations are presented next. The effect of temperature, strain rate and specimen size on the mechanical properties (e.g., the maximum yielding stress and Young’s modulus) are studied and discussed.
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
3.1 Computational Model Configuration of Tensile Nickel Nanowires Figure 2 shows the computational model configuration of Nickel nanowires used in this work. The Nickel nanowires are made of Nickel FCC crystals with initial surface orientation of , and (Liang & Zhou, 2003). The lattice constant of faced-centered cubic (FCC) (Frankel & Smit, 2001) (Haile, 1997) (Schlick, 2002) Nickel crystal is =ג3.52 Å. V0
5-20 ג
5 - 20 ג
100 1
-V0 Fig. 2. Configuration of Tensile Nickel Nanowires for Tensile Deformation In this work, the length (L) of Ni nanowires was set to be 60 גin the directions for the MD simulations of the tensile deformation behavior. Different cross-sectional sizes that
range from 5 to 20 גfor a side formed the different Nickel nanowire configurations. Constant velocities ±V0 are enforced on the top and bottom layers of the nanowires. These top and bottom layers define the boundary layer and have identical size of 1 lattice constant, along the crystalline direction. Based on the velocities over boundary layers (±V0), the nanowire model system deform under strain rate given by:
2V0 L
(11) . Here L is the length of Nickel Nanowires (Liang & Zhou, 2003). Different velocities were employed in the simulations to give different strain rate conditions. Table 1 shows the velocity of boundary layers (V0) and the resulting strain-rate. It should be noted that in LAMPPS the velocity is always expressed as lattice-constant ( )גper picosecond.
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έ(1/s) V0 (ג/ps) 1.67×107 5×10-4 1.67×108 5×10-3 1.67×109 5×10-2 5×10-1 1.67×1010 Table 1. Tension Velocity of Nickel Nanowires and the Resulting Strain Rate The tensile behavior of Ni nanowires and the influencing factors investigated through the MD simulations are presented next. 3.2 Effect of Strain Rate Figure 3 presents the tensile stress-strain behavior obtained from 5×5×60 and 10×10×60 Nickel nanowires at various strain rates (1.67×107 – 1.67×1010 s-1). These simulations are based on an NVE ensemble at temperature T=300K. It is observed that a higher strain-rate led to higher oscillations in the stress-strain curve.
(A) 5×5×60; (B) 10×10×60 Fig. 3. Stress-Strain Curve of Nickel Nanowires under Various Strain-rates at T=300K. The Young’s modulus is determined from the results of tensile stress – strain curve for the strain ε < 0.08 using a linear regression. Table 2 and 3 shows the Young’s modulus and maximum yielding stress of Nickel nanowires respectively under tensile loading. Strain-rate( έ) 5×5×60 10×10×60 1.67×107 191.27 184.2127 1.67×108 189.82 192.0556 1.67×109 184.33 190.3636 1.67×1010 182.71 187.2973 Table 2. Young’s Modulus (GPa) of Nickel Nanowires for Various Strain-rates This data indicates that strain rate does not significantly influence the Young’s modulus and the maximum yield stress.
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Max. Yielding Stress (GPa) 5×5×60 10×10×60 1.67×107 15.7178 15.4835 1.67×108 15.6100 16.6046 1.67×109 16.2640 15.6100 1.67×1010 15.3314 17.0836 Table 3. Maximum Yielding Stress (GPa) of Nickel Nanowires for Various Strain-rates Figures 4 and 5 present the progressive deformation and failure of 5×5×60 Ni nanowires for the strain rates 1.67x107 and 1.67x1010 (s-1) respectively. As seen from these results, it is observed that the yielding slip planes, cross slip and the breaking neck (Chang & Fang, 2003) (Schlick, 2002) (Silva, et. al., 2004) of Nickel Nanowires are influenced by the strainrate. The two deformation configurations presented in figures 4 and 5 are an intermediate configuration during the deformation and the final yielding configuration. These figures clearly show that the strain rate influences the yielding slip planes, cross slip, and the breaking neck of the Ni nanowires.
Fig. 4. Tensile Deformation and Failure of 5X5X60 Nickel Nanowire; Strain Rate = 1.67×107 (s-1)
Fig. 5. Tensile deformation and failure of 5×5×60 Nickel nanowires; strain rate=1.67×1010 (s-1) 3.3 Effect of Nanowire Cross Section Size For a specific strain-rate (1.67×1010 s-1 or 1.67×107 s-1), Figure 6 presents the comparison of the simulated strain-stress behavior of Nickel nanowires for varying cross-sectional dimensions (5-20 ( )גLiang & Zhou, 2003). The results indicate that cross-sectional dimension does not significantly affect the Young’s modulus of Nickel Nanowires. The larger crosssectional dimension leads to larger maximum yielding stress. Further, it is observed from Figure 6 that larger cross-sectional dimension nanowires have less numerical oscillations
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amplitude compared to the smaller cross-sectional dimension nanowires. This phenomenon may be caused due to the dynamic wave effect or phonon drag that impedes the motion of dislocations (Liang & Zhou, 2003). Table 4 and 5 shows the Young’s modulus and maximum yielding stress of tensile Nickel nanowires, respectively for various cross-sectional dimensions. These results indicate that the cross-sectional size does not significantly affect the Young’s modulus and the maximum stress obtained from the simulations.
(A) strain-rate = 1.67×1010 s-1 (B) strain-rate = 1.67×107 s-1 Fig. 6. Strain-stress curve of Nickel nanowires for Various cross-sectional dimensions Strain-rate( έ) 5×5×60 1.67×107 191.27 1.67×1010 182.71 Table 4. Young’s Modulus (GPa) of Nickel Dimensions
10×10×60 20×20×60 184.2127 187.2973 184.0893 Nanowires for Various Cross-sectional
Strain-rate( έ) 5×5×60 10×10×60 20×20×60 1.67×107 15.7178 15.4835 1.67×1010 15.3314 17.0836 17.1271 Table 5. Maximum Yielding Stress (GPa) of Nickel Nanowires for Various Cross-sectional Dimensions 3.4 Effect of Temperature Temperature plays an important role in the deformation behavior of nanomaterial systems. Molecular dynamics simulations as presented and discussed in this chapter provide an effective predictive methodology to understand the deformation behavior of nanomaterial systems (such as the nanowire). This section focuses on the effect of varying temperature on the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of Nickel nanowires (Chang & Fang, 2003). For this analysis, molecular dynamics simulations are performed for various temperature conditions of the molecular ensemble. Figure 7(A) shows the stress-strain behavior at temperature ranging from 300K to 900K in steps of 100K. Figure 7(B) includes
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
the stress-strain behavior at a higher temperature of 1600K which is close to the melting point of Nickel (1728K) along with the behavior at room temperature (300K) and an elevated temperature (600K). The simulated stress – strain deformation behavior obtained from Figure 7(A) indicates that: The maximum yielding stress decreases as the temperature of the ensemble increases With the increase of ensemble temperature, the thermal oscillations due to numerical corrections and temperature scaling also become dominant.
(A) In the temperature range 300-900K (B) Near melting point. Fig. 7. Stress-Strain behavior of 5×5×60 Nickel nanowires at various temperatures Figure 8(A) shows the change in the maximum yield stress of Nickel nanowire at varying temperatures ranging 100K-1600K. As can be expected, the maximum yield stress decreases with increasing temperature. Figure 8(B) shows the associated Young’s modulus of Nickel nanowires obtained from molecular dynamics simulations at various temperatures. As seen from this figure, the Young’s modulus of Nickel nanowires decreases fairly linearly as the temperature increases.
(A) Maximum yield stress (B) Young’s modulus Fig. 8. Effect of Temperature on the Maximum Yield Stress and Young’s Modulus of Nickel Nanowires (5×5×60)
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Figure 9 illustrates the superior ductility of Nickel nanowires around melting temperature. As seen from figure 9 obtained from the molecular dynamics simulations, it is observed that when the ensemble is maintained at 1600K, the nanowires can be greatly extended without a ductile fracture. Further discussions of molecular dynamics simulations on the transition from brittle to ductile are presented in Cheung and Yip (Cheung & Yip, 1994).
Fig. 9. Deformation configuration of 5×5×60 Nickel nanowire at T=1600K
4. Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires This section focuses on the flexural deformation behaviour of Nickel nanowires due to flexural bending based on their molecular configurations using molecular dynamics simulations. In particular, the deformation vibration frequencies obtained from the molecular dynamics simulations are compared with the natural frequencies based on classical beam theory for two different boundary conditions. 4.1 Computational Model Configuration and Analysis of Flexural Nickel Nanowires Figure 10 presents the configuration of Nickel nanowire beams and the corresponding molecular model. The molecular model configuration is based on single crystals of Nickel in the (longitudinal direction), and (transverse directions) directions and with a dimension of 120×10×1 cubic lattice constants (rectangular cross section with a longer span). Two types of boundary conditions are employed in the simulations: 1. Both ends pinned (i.e., simply supported), 2. Both ends clamped. The nanowire beam deflects under the action of applied loading and when the loading force is removed, the displaced beam would try to return to its original position. The inertia of the beam would cause the beam to vibrate. The transient flexural bending dynamic behavior of the molecular configuration of Nickel nanowire beams are investigated and analyzed. The transient molecular dynamic simulations compute the new position of the atoms in the Nickel nanowire beam subjected to the flexural loading and the boundary constraints. The time increments are however significantly small in these dynamic simulations. A Mean Square Displacement (MSD (u(t))) is defined and used as a measure of the average distance an atom in the model travels over a certain time interval period. This is defined as:
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
1 msd (u (t )) N
1 u (t ) N i 1 N
2 i
(r (t ) r (0)) N
i 1
b=1 ג h=10 ג
Y:001 Z:010 X:10
Fig. 10. Configuration of Nickel Nanowire Beams for Flexural Deformation and Molecular Model The displacement ui(t)=ri(t)-ri(0) is the distance traveled by molecule i over some time interval t, and the squared magnitude of this vector is averaged over many such time intervals. This MSD displacement value is used in the analysis of time dependent displacement response of the Ni nanowires. The dynamic displacement response under two different boundary conditions for flexural bending is studied. 4.2 Simply Supported Nickel Nanowire Beam The Nickel nanowire beam configuration as shown in figure 10 is simply supported (rotations are possible at the ends) and is subjected to a dynamic concentrated point load at the center of the nanowire beam. Two different load values (F=0.01eV/Å and 0.03eV/Å) are analyzed.
Fig. 11. Transient Dynamic Vertical Displacement at the Center (simply supported ends)
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Figure 11 presents the dynamic mean square vertical displacement variation with time at the center of the nanowire beam under these two loading conditions. These are based on the averaged vertical displacement of the atoms in the cross-sectional plane at the center in all cases. The dynamic vertical displacement at the center is proportional to the loading value and increases with a higher magnitude of external loading. The natural frequency of the dynamic vibration as computed from the displacement - time profile is however independent of the magnitude of external loading. The computed angular frequency from the predicted time dependent deflection of the molecular model of the Nickel nanowire beam shown in Figure 11 is 2.4166E+09 Hz. The natural frequency for the case of a simply supported beam based on classical beam theory analysis is given by (Megson, 1996) (Voltera & Zackmanoglou, 1965) (Tedesco et. .al., 1999)
n n
(13) Using a Young’s Modulus value of E = 190 GPa (1.1859 eV/A3) obtained from molecular dynamics modeling of the tensile stress strain deformation of Nickel nanowires discussed in the earlier section, the mode 1 frequency value obtained from the classical beam theory is 2.5244E+10 Hz. This frequency as obtained from the classical beam theory is at least one order higher than the frequency obtained from the time dependent deflection using molecular dynamics simulations. The classical elastic beam theory based on continuum mechanics principles also indicate that the natural frequency of vibration of a simple supported beam is independent of the magnitude of the external loading and depends only on the beam cross sectional moment of inertia, cross-sectional area, length and modulus of elasticity of the material. The natural frequency obtained from molecular dynamics simulations for the loading and simply supported boundary conditions as presented in figure 11 is also independent of the magnitude of the external loading. 4.3 Clamped Nickel Nanowire Beam The previous section considered the case of a simply supported boundary condition configuration where the rotation at the ends of the flexural beam is permitted. The same nanowire beam is fixed at both ends (displacement and the rotation at the ends are zero) and is subjected to external loading force at the center. As before, two different loading values are investigated. Figure 12 presents the computed dynamic displacement response of the loaded center of the nanowire beam. As seen from figure 12, the dynamic displacement magnitude depends on the external loading value while the frequency of the dynamic displacement is independent of the external loading values. This is in direct correlation with the analytical results of natural frequency based on the classical beam theory. The computed angular frequency obtained from the predicted time dependent deflection of the clamped Nickel molecular beam shown in Figure 12 is 2.3271E+09 Hz. The frequency of vibration based on the classical beam theory for this case of clamped ends is given by (Megson, 1996) (Voltera & Zackmanoglou, 1965) (Tedesco et. .al., 1999)
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
K L n
EI ; K 1 4.73 AL4
(14) Using the same Young’s Modulus for the Nickel nanowire as before, the mode 1 natural frequency as obtained based on the classical beam theory is 5.7225E+10 Hz. This frequency obtained from the classical beam theory for this clamped Nickel nanowire beam configuration is at least one order higher than the frequency obtained from the time dependent center point load deflection using the molecular dynamics simulations. The classical beam theory based on continuum mechanics principles also indicate that the natural frequency of a clamped beam is independent of the external loading and depends only on the beam cross sectional moment of inertia, cross-sectional area, length, and modulus of elasticity of the material. This was also the case in the frequency of the nanowire beams obtained from molecular dynamics simulations as presented in figure 12.
Fig. 12. Transient Dynamic Vertical Displacement at the Center (clamped ends) 4.4 Effect of Large Loading The flexural, bending failure behavior of these Nickel nanowire beams with a larger loading is studied. As the loading is increased, the failure profile from the molecular dynamics simulations clearly shows the effect of boundary conditions. A shear slip failure along the mid-plane at the center of the nanowire beam where the shear forces are higher is seen in the case of nanowire beam with the clamped ends. The simply supported nanowire beam configuration presents a similar failure at the center of the nanowire beam but did not show predominant shear slip failure. Figure 13 shows the deformed shape at failure with a larger load for both the boundary condition cases discussed earlier. Molecular dynamics modeling provides effective means of understanding the deformation of Nickel nanowires using the molecular model configuration. These simulations are effective in understanding the deformation and failure behavior of these material systems and are especially useful as the
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experimental techniques are not practical and conducive for such length scale material systems.
(A) Simply Supported Ends. (B) Clamped Ends Fig. 13. Deformed Shape on Failure (left: simply supported; right: clamped)
5. Summary and Concluding Remarks As the metallic nanowires are increasingly used in electronic devices, it is essential to understand their mechanical deformation behavior, structural and mechanical stability under external mechanical and thermal loading conditions. This mechanical strength and stability are important considerations during the life cycle of these electronic devices, as well as in other applications of such metallic nanowires. Computational modeling and simulations based on molecular dynamics modeling and the associated inter atomic potential provide an effective means to understand these mechanical behaviors. These computational modeling and simulations are based on the molecular model configurations of these metallic nanowires. In this chapter, molecular dynamics modeling of the two fundamental mechanical behaviors of Nickel Nanowires, namely the tensile deformation and failure of Nickel nanowires; and the flexural bending deformation behavior of Nickel nanowire beam configurations are presented and discussed. The tensile deformation behavior focused on the stress-strain behavior and the tensile failure of the nanowires. The flexural deformation behavior focused on the vibration characteristics of the nanowire beams subjected to external loading and its release. Nanowire inter-connectors in electronic devices often are subjected to such loading conditions and these enabling molecular computational modeling and simulations for nanotechnology applications provide an effective means for such analysis. The molecular dynamics simulations for the tensile mechanical deformation behavior in Nickel nanowires employed the molecular configurations of Nickel (FCC crystal structure). The deformation behavior of these atomic molecular configurations is modeled based on the force field interactions between the Nickel atoms at a finite temperature. These simulations are conducted using a classical molecular dynamics code LAMMPS (Large Scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) from Sandia National Laboratory. The force field interactions between the Nickel atoms are modeled based on the embedded atom potential (EAM). Molecular dynamics modeling of the tensile behavior of Nickel nanowires under different strain rates were conducted to predict the stress-strain behavior and Young’s Modulus of these nanowires. The tensile deformation behavior indicated that the Young’s Modulus was independent of the cross sectional area of the nanowire and the strain rate employed in the tensile deformation. Also, as the temperature increases, the Young’s modulus of Nickel
Tensile and Flexural Deformation of Nickel Nanowires via Molecular Dynamics Simulations
nanowire is found to decrease with improved ductility. At a temperature close to the melting temperature, the molecular Nickel nanowire configuration behaves as a highly ductile, fluid material system. The bending and flexural deformation and vibration behavior indicated that the frequency of the vibrations as compared from time displacement deformation behavior of the molecular configurations of the Nickel nanowire beams are independent of the magnitude of external loading. This was the case for both the simply supported and clamped end boundary configurations discussed in this chapter. This is consistent with the natural frequency based on the classical beam theory for such boundary and loading conditions. The magnitude of natural frequency was however higher when compared with the classical beam theory. The displacement magnitude was also significantly higher in the case of a larger loading. A higher loading however causes the failure of the simulated Nickel nanowire beam. A shear-slip type of failure along the mid plane at the mid-point of the beam was observed with a larger bending flexural loading. This shear-slip failure is predominant in the case of the clamped boundary condition. Experimental investigations of the mechanical behavior of metallic nanowires are impractical and computational molecular modeling and simulations as analyzed and discussed in this chapter provide effective means for such analysis.
6. Acknowledgements The support in part by the Office of Naval Research (Award Number: N00014-09-1-0842) is acknowledged by Mohan. Liang thanks W. Liang and M. Zhou at Georgia Tech for sharing their experiences on the application of molecular dynamics. Thanks to S. Plimpton for the assistance with LAMMPS. The molecular configuration diagrams presented in this chapter were generated using VMD (Humphrey et. al., 1996).
7. References Binnig, G.; Quate, CF.; Gerber, CH. (1986). Atomic Force Microscope, Phys. Rev. Lett, 56.,930933. Chang, WJ.; Fang, TH. (2003). Influence of Temperature on Tensile and Fatigue Behavior of Nanoscale Copper Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 64. 1279-1283. Chen, H.; Lin, C.; Chen, W.; Hsu, Y.; & Uang, R. (2006). Process Dependent ThermalMechanical Analysis and Design of Novel Nanowires Based Anisotropic Conductive Film Assembly, Proceedings of International Conference on Microsystems, Packaging and Assembly, IEEE Paper 1-4244-0735-4/06, Taiwan, IEEE. Cheung, KS.; Yip, S. (1994). A Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Crack Tip Extension: The Brittle to Ductile Transaction, Modeling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 2, 865-892. Chialvo, AA.; Bebenedeti, PG. (1990). On the Use of the Verlet Neighbor List in Molecular Dynamics, Computer Physics Communications, 60, 2, 215-224. Frankel, D.; Smit, B. (2001). Understanding Molecular Simulations: From Algorithms to Applications, Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-267370-0, San Diego. Haile, J. (1997). Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Elementary Methods, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-81966-2, New York.
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Humphrey, W.; Dalke, A.; Schulten, K. (1996). VMD – Visual Molecular Dynamics, J. Molec. Graphics, 14, 33-38. Ikeda, H.; Qi, Y.; Cagin, T.; Samwer, K.; Johnson, WL.; Goodard III, WA. (1999). Strain Rate Induced Amorphization in Metallic Nanowires, Physical Review Letters, 82, 29002903. Ju, SP.; Lin, JS.; Lee, WJ. (2004). A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Tensile Behavior of Ultra-thin Gold Nanowires, Nanotechnology, 15, 1221-1225. Liang, WW.; Zhou, M. (2003). Size and Strain Rate Effects in Tensile Deformation of Cu Nanowires, Proceeding of the 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Norfolk, VA. Liew, KM.; He, XQ.; Wong, CH. (2004). On the Study of Elastic Plastic Properties of MultiWalled Carbon Nanotubes under Axial Tension using Molecular Dynamics Simulation, ACTA Material, 52, 2521-2527. Megson, THG. (1996). Structural Stress Analysis, John Wiley & Sons Inc., ISBN 0 470 23563 2, New York. Park, HS.; Zimmerman, JA. (2005). Modeling Inelasticity and Failure in Gold Nanowires, Physical Review B, 72, 54-106. Plimpton, SJ. (2005). LAMMPS, A Large Scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, www.cs.sandia.gov/~sjplimp/lammps.html Plimpton, SJ. (1995). Fast Parallel Algorithms for Short Range Molecular Dynamics, J. Comp. Physics, 117., 1-19. Rapaport, D. (2004). The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0 521 82568 7, Cambridge. Scarola, VW.; Mahan, GD. (2002). Phonon Drag Effect in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Physical Review B, 66, 205405. Schlick, T. (2002), Molecular Modeling and Simulation – An Interdisciplinary Guide, Springer-Verlag Inc., ISBN 0-387-95404-X, New York. Silva, EZ.; Silva, AJR.; Fazzio, A. (2004). Breaking of Gold Nanowires, Computational Materials Science, 30, 73-76. Silva, EZ. (2004). Theoretical Study of the Formation, Evolution and Breaking of Gold Nanowires, Phys. Rev. B, 69., 115411. Tedesco, JW.; McDougal, WG.; Ross, CA. (1999). Structural Dynamics – Theory and Applications, Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-0673980526. Volterra, E.; Zackmanaglou, EC. (1965). Dynamics of Vibrations, Charles E. Merrill Books Inc., ASIN B000BSN9QS, Columbus. Young, RD. (1966). Scanning Tunneling Microscope, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 37, 275. Zhou, M. (2003). A New Look at the Atomic Level Virial Stress: On Continuum Molecular System Equivalence, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 2347-2392. Zimmerman, JA.; Webb, EB.; Hoyt, JJ.; Jones, RE.; Klein, PA.; Bammann, DJ. (2003). Calculation of Stress in Atomistic Simulation, Modeling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng., 12, 319-332.
Advances in Nanowire-Based Computing Architectures
11 X
Advances in Nanowire-Based Computing Architectures Jun Wu, Sriram Venkateswaran and Minsu Choi
Missouri University of Science and Technology United States
1. Introduction The end of photolithography as the driver for Moore’s Law is predicted within seven to twelve years and nanotechnologies are emerging that are expected to continue the technological revolution (Bourianoff et al., 2003). Recently, numerous nanoscale logic devices have been proposed based on nanoscale components such as CNTs and SiNWs; computing architectures are also being proposed using them as primitive building blocks. One of the most promising nanotechnologies is the nanowire crossbar-based architecture, a two-dimensional array (i.e., nanoarray) formed by the intersection of two orthogonal sets of parallel and uniformly-spaced nanometer-sized wires (Dehon et al., 2003; Rueckes et al., 2000), such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and silicon nanowires (SiNWs). Experiments have shown that such wires can be aligned to construct an array with nanometer-scale spacing using a form of directed self-assembly and the formed crosspoints of nanoscale wires can be used as programmable diodes, memory cells or FETs (Field-Effect Transistors); therefore, nanoscale logic devices can be realized. Nanowire crossbars offer both an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity is to achieve ultra-high density which has never been achieved by photolithography (a density of 1011 crosspoints per cm2 has been already achieved (Melosh et al., 2003)). The challenge is to make them simple enough to be manufactured and reliable enough to be used in everyday computing applications. Ultra-high density fabrication could potentially be very inexpensive if researchers can actualize a chemical self-assembly, but such a circuit would require laborious testing, repair and reconfiguration processes, implying significant overhead costs. All reconfigurable computing architectures based on nanowire crossbars are commonly envisioned to be used for synchronous circuits and systems. Thus, a complex clock distribution network should be fabricated along with nanowire crossbars and precise timing control should be practiced to avoid all timing-related faults induced by physical design parameter variations caused by nanoscale nondeterministic assembly.
2. Benefits and Challenges Unlike the conventional clocked counterparts, a new asynchronous architecture for carbon nanotube (CNT) and silicon nanowire (SiNW)-based reconfigurable nanocomputing systems is proposed to address aforementioned issues in this chapter. The proposed
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asynchronous nano-architecture is based on delay-insensitive data encoding and self-timed logic referred to as the Null Convention Logic (NCL) – making it totally clock-free. The potential benefits can be summarized as follows: 1. Manufacturability: Distributing the clock signal is not needed. All clocking-related hardware components can be removed from the overall hardware design. This not only saves on circuit area, but also facilitates the homogeneity of the system – an important issue for manufacturing based on molecular self-assembly. 2. Scalability: The overall circuit is self-timed – meaning that all timing information is embedded in the encoding. This unique aspect of the proposed asynchronous architecture provides better scalability than its clocked counterparts, since the timing is locally handled. The timing complexity remains the same even though the size of the circuit gets larger. 3. Robustness: Due to non-determinism of the directed self-assembly paradigm, nanowire crossbar circuits are anticipated to exhibit large variations in physical parameters. Since any physical variation in an electrical parameter may have its own negative effect on the timing behavior of the circuit, being able to design delay-insensitive circuits (i.e., correct operation of the circuit is independent of the timing) is a significant capability and it would greatly increase the robustness of the circuit to design parameter variations. 4. Modularity: Asynchronous circuits can be divided into modules that are designed without considering other modules, especially with respect to timing relationships. Modularity facilitates configurability of circuits. 5. Defect and Fault-Tolerance: In addition to the complete removal of many timing-related failure modes, testing complexity is reduced in that stuck-at-1 faults simply halt the circuit. Also, in case of dual-rail encoding, 11 is considered as an invalid code. So, any permanent or transient fault that results in this invalid codeword can be eventually detected. Only stuckat-0 faults and some other transient faults need to be exercised with applied patterns. Design time and risk as well as circuit testing requirements are expected to be decreased because of elimination of complexity of clock and its associated critical timing issues. In order to be a viable nanotechnology, the nanowire crossbar-base systems should be: 1. Structurally simple and scalable enough to be fabricated by bottom-up manufacturing technique. 2. Robust enough to tolerate extreme parametric variations. 3. Defect and fault-tolerant enough to overcome the extreme defect densities, aging factors and transient faults. 4. Able to support at-speed verification and reconfiguration.
3. Nanoscale Devices and Computing Architecture 3.1 CNT and SiNW Crossbar-Based Nanoscale Devices Unlike CMOS, chemically-assembled nanoscale components (such as CNTs and SiNWs) are unlikely to be used to construct complex aperiodic structures (Goldstein et al,. 2001; Goldstein et al,. 2002; Mishra et al,. 2002). Thus, unconventional architectures are often desirable. One of the most promising computational nanotechnologies is the crossbar-based architecture (Kuekes et al,. 2000; Kuekes et al,. 2001; Chen et al,. 2003; Ziegler et al,. 2002; Stan et al,. 2001), a two-dimensional array (nanoarray) formed by the intersection of two orthogonal sets of parallel and uniformly-spaced nanometer-scale wires, such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and silicon nanowires (SiNWs). A typical nanoscale crossbar structure is
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shown in Fig.1. Experiments have shown that such nanoscale wires can be aligned to construct an array with nanometer-scale spacing using a form of directed self-assembly (Nicewarner et al,. 2002; Huang et al,. 2001; Cui et al,. 2001; Mirkin et al,. 2000;)
Fig. 1. Typical nanowire crossbar architecture One or more crosspoints can be grouped together to form a memory or logic device. Lieber research group have shown electro-mechanical switching devices using suspended nanotubes (Rueckes et al,. 2000). The NT-NT junction is bistable with an energy barrier between the two states. SiNWs can be substituted for the lower wire, and these junctions can rectifying such that the connected state exhibits p-n-diode rectification behavior. Thus, diode-resistor logic can be realized in nanoscale. Doped SiNWs exhibit FET (Field Effect Transistor) behavior (Huang et al,. 2001). That is, oxide can be grown over the SiNW to prevent direct electrical contact of a crossed conductor. The electrical field of one wire can then be used to gate the other wire by locally evacuating a region of the doped SiNW of carriers to prevent conduction. In other words, as the gate voltage is changed, conductance increases or decreases between the source and drain. CNTs also demonstrate FET behavior (Bachtold et al,. 2001; Derycke et al,. 2001; Soh et al,. 1999) and can be also used as memory devices (Finkelstein et al,. 2003; Rueckes et al,. 2000) or interconnects (Dekker et al,. 1999). Molecular resonant tunneling diodes, often called negative differential resistors (NDRs), have also been realized (Bhattacharya et al,. 2001; Chen,J. et al,. 1999; Chen ,J. Et al,. 2000; Yu et al,. 1999). Devices with useful peak-to-valley ratio have been measured at room temperature (Chen,J. et al,. 2000). These molecules can be used as the basis of logic families (Chen,J. et al,. 1999) or as the core of a molecular latch which also provides signal restoration and I/O isolation (Goldstein et al., 2002). 3.2 Nanoscale Universal Computing Architecture DeHon et. al. h shown how to organize the CNTs, SiNWs and molecular-scale devices that are now being developed into an operational reconfigurable computing system (referred to as the NanoPLA) (Dehon et al,. 2003; Naeimi & Dehon et al. 2004). The molecular-scale wires can be arranged into interconnected, crossed arrays with switching devices at their crosspoints. Similar nanoscale reconfigurable homogeneous architecture, namely NanoFabric, has been also proposed by Goldstein et. al. ((Goldstein et al,. 2002). Lieber research group referred to such a nanoscale reconfigurable homogeneous structural paradigm for
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computing as the Universal Computing Architecture (UCA). Such nanoscale computer architectures share common characteristics - they support unconventional nanoscale manufacturing paradigm via simple homogeneous periodic structures and reconfigurability for post-fabrication design mapping. In general, nanowire-based reconfigurable systems based on the UCA concept are referred to as the Nanowire Reconfigurable Crossbar Architecture (NRCA). There are considerable on-going research and development efforts to fabricated nanoscale crossbar-based circuits and systems using advanced lithography as well. For example, researchers at HP successfully fabricated 8*8 (i.e., 64 bits) crossbar memory arrays (Paulson et al,. 2005; Chen, Y et al,. 2003) using nano-imprint lithography (Mcalpine et al,. 2005; Hiroshima et al,. 2002; Xia et al,. 1999). Non-volatile bistable Rotaxane molecules are sandwiched between two orthogonal metal wires to form a non-volatile memory cell. About 75% of the memory cells are tested functional and all the other cells are either stuckopen or stuck-closed: therefore, non functional. It is also easily predictable that even higher defect densities will be induced as the size of such devices scale down. Therefore, enhancement of lithographic resolution and defect tolerance are two key challenges that advanced lithographic fabrication methods, such as nano-imprint lithography, face. 3.3 Bottom-Up Paradigm for Nanowire Crossbar Assembly CNTs and SiNWs are the most promising building blocks for nanoscale computing systems. Unfortunately, synthesis of such nanowires and high-density integration of devices and systems based on nanowires are fully different from conventional top-down lithographic fabrication techniques, because such nanowires must be synthesized first, then assembled into functional devices and systems in a bottom-up manner. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) method (Huang et al,. 2001) is an effective way to hierarchically assemble 1D nanostructures into integrated nanosystems based on fluidic flow. In this method, SiNWs or CNTs can be aligned by passing a suspension of NWs through microfluidic channel structures. Ordered monolayers are formed over a large area and transferred to substrates by the LB method. It has been demonstrated that virtually all of the NWs are aligned along the flow direction. Alternating the flow in orthogonal directions in a two-phase assembly process results in crossbar structures having high yield.
Fig. 2. Hierarchical patterning by fluidic flow and LB method (Whang et al. 2004)
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The aligned, controlled spacing NW structures produced by the LB assembly method exhibit fluctuations in the average alignment direction and poor end-to-end registry. So, interconnected finite-size arrays of nanoscale devices are more desirable than monolithic structures for integrated nanosystems, because hierarchical organization reduces the probability that small numbers of defects will cause catastrophic failure in the whole system. Hence, by adjusting the array size to be less than the average NW length it is possible to minimize the number of NWs that fail to span the width of an array due to poor end-to-end registry. Following uniform transfer of NWs of a specified spacing onto a substrate, photolithography is used to define a pattern over the entire substrate surface, which sets the array dimensions and array pitch, and then the NWs outside the patterned array are removed by gentle sonication. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) images of both parallel NW arrays and crossed NW arrays are shown in Fig.2.((b) and (c)), respectively. 3.4 Overview of Asynchronous Design Methods - Null Convention Logic for ClockLess Computing Asynchronous circuits fall into two main categories: delay-insensitive and bounded-delay models. Paradigms, like NCL (Null Convention Logic), assume delays in both logic elements and interconnect to be unbounded, although they assume that wire forks are isochronic (Fant et al,. 1996). This implies the ability to operate in the presence of indefinite arrival times for the reception of inputs. Completion detection of the output signals allow for handshaking to control input wavefronts. On the other hand, bounded-delay models such as Huffman circuits (Unger, 1969), burst-mode circuits (Nowick & Dill, 1991), and micropipelines (Sutherland, 1989) assume that delays in both gates and wires are bounded. Delays are added based on worse-case scenarios to avoid hazard conditions. This leads to extensive timing analysis of worse-case behaviour to ensure correct circuit operation. Since NCL exhibits neither of these characteristics, it is well-suited for the proposed clock-free nanowire crossbar architecture and bounded delay models are not addressed further. Null Convention Logic (NCL) is a delay-insensitive logic which is one of the Asynchronous circuits categories. NCL circuits utilize dual-rail or quad-rail logic to achieve this delayinsensitivity (Bandapati et al,. 2003). In dual-rail logic, a signal D consists of two wires D0 and D1; which may assume any value from the set DATA 0, DATA 1, and NULL. The DATA 0 state (D0 = 1, D1 = 0) corresponds to a Boolean logic 0, the DATA 1 state (D0 =0, D1 = 1) corresponds to a Boolean logic 1, and the NULL state (D0 = 0, D1 = 0) corresponds to the empty set meaning that the value of D is not yet available. The two rails are mutually exclusive, so that both rails can never be asserted simultaneously; this state is defined as an illegal state (Bandapati et al,. 2003). NCL is self-timed logic paradigm in which control is inherent. Whenever the circuit inputs become available, it does not need timing analysis for correct operation. NCL circuits switch between DATA (data representation) and NULL (control representation). According to the Seitz's weak switching conditions: outputs transfer from DATA to NULL only until all inputs of a combinational circuit transition from DATA to NULL; likewise, outputs transfer from NULL to DATA only until all inputs of a combinational circuit transition from NULL to DATA; most delay insensitive systems (Singh et al,. 2002) have at least two register stages, including NCL (Smith, 2006). We call them NCL registers; they are connected by request and acknowledge handshaking signals (Ki and Ko). NCL uses symbolic completeness of expression to achieve self-timed behaviour. A symbolically complete expression is defined
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as an expression that only depends on the relationships of the symbols present in the expression without a reference to the time of evaluation. Traditional Boolean logic is not symbolically complete; the output of a Boolean gate is only valid when referenced with time. NCL uses threshold gates with hysteresis for its composable logic elements. There are 27 threshold gates in all, as Table 1 shows. One type of threshold gate is the THmn gate, where 1 ≤m < n. A THmn gate corresponds to an operator with at least m signals asserted as its set condition and all signals de-asserted as its reset condition. THmn gates have n inputs. At least m of the n inputs must be asserted before the output will become asserted. Because threshold gates are designed with hysteresis, all asserted inputs must be de-asserted before the output will be de-asserted. Hysteresis is used to provide a means for monotonic transitions and a complete transition of multi-rail inputs back to a NULL state before asserting the output associated with the next wavefront of input data. Fig. 3 shows the basic symbol of THmn gate and TH34w2 gate.
Fig. 3. THmn gate symbol Another type of threshold gate is referred to as a weighted threshold gate. Weighted threshold gates are denoted as THmnWw_1..w_R. Weighted threshold gates have an integer value, m = w_R > 1, applied to inputR4. Here 1 = R < n; where n is the number of inputs; m is the gate's threshold; and w_1, w_2,...w_R, are the integer weights of input1, input2, ...inputR, respectively. For example, consider a TH34W2 gate, whose n = 4 inputs are labeled A, B, C, and D. The weight of input A, W(A), is therefore 2. Since the gate's threshold, m, is 3, implies that in order for the output to be asserted, either inputs B, C, and D must all be asserted, or input A must be asserted and any other input, B, C, or D must also be asserted. NCL threshold gates may also include a reset input to initialize the gate's output.
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Table 1. 27 Fundamental NCL Gates (Smith, 2006). By employing threshold gates for each logic rail, NCL is able to determine the output status without referencing time. NCL switches monotonically. All combinational logic clouds switch from a condition of all NULL to a condition where some of the wires are at DATA. Once a wire has switched to DATA, it remains there until the combinational logic cloud is returned to NULL state. This monotonic switching behaviour makes NCL designs glitchfree. Because every threshold element in NCL exhibits inherent storage behaviour due to hysteresis, storage cells such as latches or flip-flops are unnecessary. Data can be pipelined by creating registration elements from the gate primitives. Using these same registration elements, data can be fed back on itself to create sequencers in much the same way sequencers are built in traditional logic. Data Output: The proper conditions have been met to provide DATA at the output of the registration element.
4. Proposed Architecture-Clock Free Nanowire Crossbar Architecture 4.1 Programmable Gate Macro Block (PGMB) The primitive unit of the proposed architecture is referred to as the Programmable Gate Macro Block (PGMB). Each block is made of one AND-plane and one OR-plane formed by the diode crossbars. Vertical nanowires with pull-up resistors form product terms and horizontal wires with pull-down resistor add them using OR-logic. So, each PGMB can be programmed to embed a NCL gate macro function in SOP (Sum-Of-Product) form. It also
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has a feedback loop which drives the output back to an input wire. The maximum number of inputs to any threshold gate is 4. Along with this, it needs a feedback to implement any of the 27 threshold gate macros. Notably, there is no need to add complemented primary inputs as done in NanoFabric (Goldstein et al., 2001), since inversion can be easily done in NCL by crossing a dual-rail signal, D, consists of two wires, D0 and D1. Therefore, there is no need to use FET-based (Field Effect Transistor) inverters as done in NanoPLA (Dehon et al,. 2003). This unique encoding-level inversion capability is another significant merit of the proposed architecture. Fig.4 shows the programming of TH23 and TH34W2 gates on PGMB where small dots represent activated programmable crosspoints. The output of the TH23 gate is given by the logic Z = AB + BC + CA + (A+B+C)Z', where Z' is the previous output of the TH23 gate which is fed back to the input nanowire. Likewise, the output of the TH34W2 gate is given by the logic Z = AB + AC + AD + BCD + (A + B + C + D)Z'. Notably, these two gates embedded in PGMB are core building blocks in NCL full adder design, which will be discussed in the next subsection.
Fig. 4. TH23 and TH34w2 gates configured on PGMB. All 27 gate macros can be programmed on PGMB and additional row nanowires and column nanowires can be added as redundancy in case of high defect rate. 4.2 Addressing Decoding strategy Snider et. al. (Snider et al., 2005) has show that the demultiplexers are expected to be the key components in interfacing submicrometer-scale and nano-scale electronic circuit. Demultiplexers are used for interfacing nanoelectronic circuits and outside conventional CMOS (Kuekes et al, 2001). We can through a small number of micro-scale wires to control a large number of nano-scale wires by forcing a 'selected' or 'unselected' voltage onto nanowires (Snider et al,. 2005). In our proposed clock-free nanowire crossbar architecture, we use it to control programmable junction(crosspoints) of different PGMBs. Fig.5 shows the implementation of a demultiplexer forming by a diode crossbar and resistors. The address lines of the demultiplexer are micro scale wires which could be implemented on a CMOS substrate, and the output lines are nanowires (Snider et al,. 2005). The relationship between the number of input microwires(M) and the number of output nanowires(N) is N=2M; If we have eight outputs which need at least three inputs for constituting a
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demultiplexer. For example, each PGMB's size is 6*10, for covering all crosspoints which can be programed, demultiplexers located on rows and columns are needed respectively. See Fig.6.
Fig. 5. A demultiplexer consist of diode crossbar and resisors,input address is A2,A1,A0 (Snider et al., 2005).
Fig. 6. Two demultiplexers control one PGMB for selecting different crosspoints. 4.3 Configurable Logic Block(CLB) For the purpose of reconfiguring all of the 27 threshold gates arbitrarily, we need to design a reconfigurable architecture to make it work no matter what kind of logic those gates possess. We designed three different Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB) and named them CLB-1, CLB2, CLB-3. Fig.7 shows that each CLB consists of four PGMBs which are surrounded by nanowires, and demultiplexers. Horizontal nanowires cross over vertical nanowires forming the crosspoints. In order to utilize the programmability of crosspoints for configuring logic functions, we use different demultiplexers to select them. Output signals from the top demultiplexer determines which nanowires are selected as the input signals of the PGMB. The demultiplexer along adjacent edges of nanowire/nanowire crossbar is used for selecting different PGMBs to receive the input signals. We program each crosspoint through controlling the up-side and right-side demultiplexer at the same time. For example, we program the crosspoints to ON state or OFF state by driving the up-side demultiplexer's
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output nanowires with positive voltage and driving the right-side demultiplexer's output with negative voltage. In this case we assume those unselected outputs are driven with ground, then the intersection of driven nanowires have a voltage drop which is different from other unselected crosspoints in the crossbar. This allows us to configure crosspoints sensitive to voltage drops across them (Snider et al,. 2005)..
Fig. 7. The first version of Configurable Logic Block (CLB-1). Fig.8 shows the other two versions of CLB. The main difference between them is the number of demultiplexers. For CLB-1, there is only one demultiplexer on the right-side, so only one crosspoint can be selected at one time. For CLB-2, there are two demultiplexers on the right side, so two crosspoints can be selected at the same time, however, the location of the two crosspoints have to be in the different group of PGMBs(assume the above two PGMBs are group1, another two PGMBs are group2). For CLB-3, there are four demultiplexers on the right side, so four crosspoints can be selected at the same time, the precondition is four crosspoints from the four different PGMBs respectively. Compare above mentioned three types of CLB architecture, it is possible to see the advantage of those who has less demultiplexers is easier to control, but it need more time to access crosspoints. We will analysis and compare the detail data of different CLBs in Mathematical Analysis section.
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Fig. 8. The second and third version of Configurable Logic Block(CLB-2 and CLB-3). 4.4 Case Study: Asynchronous Full Adder A full adder can be implemented by using threshold gates as shown in Fig.9.
Fig. 9. 1-bit full adder implement by threshold gates (Smith, 2006). As the figure shows, it consists of two TH23 gates and two TH34w2 gates. This requires three inputs which are X, Y for addition and Ci for carry in, two outputs are summation S and carry-out Co. These bits are represented by X0, X1, Y0, Y1, Ci0, Ci1, Co0, Co1, S0, S1 encoded in dual rail logic respectively; then we use our proposed architecture to implement 1-bit full adder. As mentioned above, crosspoints can be programmed by demultiplexers, and the input signals can be routed to the corresponding PGMBs. Co0 and Co1 are the output signals of
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TH23 gates; they are also the input signals of TH34w2 gates. Fig.10 shows these two signals are propagated to the TH34w2 PGMBs and located in the free nanowires.
Fig. 10. 1-bit full adder implement by CLB-1. 4.5 NCL Register NCL Register stage consists of three threshold gates. Fig.11 shows how the 1-bit NCL register is implemented by threshold gates. There are two TH22 gates are used to generate a handshaking signal which helps in synchronizing the circuit. There are two signals: 'REQUEST FOR DATA' and 'REQUEST FOR NULL' generated by the registers that are passed on the previous register. Ki (input of successive stage) and Ko (output of previous stage/input of next stage) are the handshaking signals, I0, I1, O0, O1 are input and output data rails respectively.
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Fig. 11. 1-bit NCL register implement by threshold gates. Fig.12 shows the 1-bit NCL register is implemented by our proposed NRCA. As the same routing method of 1-bit full adder, we route required signals into different crosspoints on the crossbar, and get the logic output. Since Ko is the invert value of output, the inversion can be easily done in NCL by crossing a dual-rail signal. For example, when the output is Boolean logic 0 (Ko0 = 1, Ko1 = 0), after crossing the dual-rail signal, it becomes (Ko0 = 0, Ko1 = 1), which corresponds the Boolean logic 1, output data successfully be inverted.
Fig. 12. 1-bit NCL register implement by CLB-1.
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4.6 Connection between Combination Logic and NCL Registers As NULL Convention Logic for Clock-Less computing section mentioned, we need handshaking signals to connect two delay-insensitive NCL registers with delay-insensitive combination logic circuit (Fig.13).
Fig. 13. NCL combinational logic block with input and output registrations. The case of Asynchronous Full Adder can be used as an example to explain the details (Fig.14). For a 1-bit full adder, there are three inputs X0, X1, Y0, Y1, Ci0, Ci1 encoded in dual rail logic respectively, 3-bit NCL register is needed; also because the full adder has two outputs Co0, Co1, S0, S1 encoded in dual rail logic respectively, so another 2-bit NCL register is needed. Assume the initial value of Ki is zero, and then we get all zero for the outputs from 3-bit NCL register, now the system is on NULL state; at the same time, 2-bit NCL register which accepts outputs from full adder are all zero. Therefore the feedback handshaking signal Ko becomes 1. After feedback it to the previous 3-bit NCL register as an updated Ki, the system state makes a transition to the DATA state, finally we can get the correct output result of Full Adder. The input registration alternates NULL and DATA waves and those waves are initiated by the output registration’s feedback signal.
Fig. 14. Full Adder implementation with input and output registrations.
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5. Hierarchical Architecture Hierarchical interconnection architecture has been widely chosen by FPGA designs due to the easiness of programming and flexible routing. The proposed asynchronous NRCA is also based on hierarchical structure to interconnect PGMBs. The first level is Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB), which consists of 4 PGMBs, which is level 1. Level 2 consists of four CLBs using the same principle. Level 3 consists of four 4*CLBs and level 4 consists of four 16*CLBs and so on. The number of levels depends on what kind of logic circuit are processing. Level 1 has been introduced in the previous section. Hierarchical structures used at higher levels are described in this section. 5.1 Level 2 – 4*CLB Each CLB has 16 distinct inputs and 4 outputs, the architecture shows on Fig.15. Interconnect switching block is used for interconnecting the input/output signals to the different blocks or up to the next level. A 4-bit NCL register would be a good design example for explaining this architecture. Fig.16 shows how to implement the logic circuit by using 4*CLB architecture. There are D0~D3 and Q0~Q3 are input and output data rails respectively, Ki and Ko are handshaking signals.
Fig. 15. level-2:4*CLB architecture.
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Fig. 16. 4-bit NCL register implemented at level-2 structure. 5.2 Hierarchical Interconnect Switching The design of Hierarchical Interconnect Switching is one of key elements for the whole system, there are several programmable interconnect strategies used by various designers, one of very popular interconnect technique is pass transistor interconnect. We use this technique for our proposed architecture so that the interconnect switching system can be controlled flexibility through different arrangement of pass transistors. It constitutes by transistors and latches, the latch is used for storing the gate input of the transistor, we can also use SRAM to store the value for the switch input, and it can be programmed during the configuration phase (Singh et al., 2002).
Fig. 17. Six Pass Transistors Interconnects (Lee et al., 1999).
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Fig. 17 shows the different arrangements of various interconnect schemes using pass transistors. This scheme contains 6 transistors and for each interconnect point, it would has 3 different directions to be chosen. According to this property, we can build up our own interconnect switching matrix for routing a set of inputs to a set of outputs (Fig.18).
Fig. 18. 8*4 Switching Matrix
6. Parameters Cost of the final manufactured product is become more and more important to a digital electronics. There are numerous factors such as area, manufacturability and so on would influence the cost. So analyzing them from mathematical angle is necessary. To show the design trade-offs of the three CLBs design, two difference benchmarks will be used; namely area performance and execution complexities. Section VI models the area, execution steps and timing issues of these structures. 6.1 Area The following feature size parameters are used in this chapter: Nv: The number of nanowires of vertical. Nh: The number of nanowires of horizontal. M : The number of microwires of demultiplexers. Nd: The number of nanowires which outputs from demultiplexers. Pn: The nanowire pitch for nanowires which are inputs to diodes. Pm: The microwire pitch for microwires. Dn: Diameter(width) of each nanowires. Dm: Diameter(width) of each microwires. Ad: The area of each demultiplexers. For the 45nm node, the lithographic interconnect pitch is 105nm [ITRS 2001]. Technology developments suggest we can build and assemble 10nm pitch nanowires with crosspoints at every nanowire-nanowire crossing (Dehon et al., 2003). So Pn = 10nm, Pm = 105nm. And nanowires with diameters down to 3nm have been demonstrated (Cui et al. 2001). Compare the area from different design of CLBs from Fig.7.and Fig.8., we can see the basic area composition of each tile.
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Width = Pn(Nv-1) + Pm(M-1)
Height: Pn(Nh-1) + Pm(M'-1)*2
Area = Width * Height
The only difference between CLB-1,CLB-2,CLB-3 is the number of demultiplexers. So “M” (number of microwires of demultiplexers on the right side) is different fro m each other (M=5(CLB-1); M=4(CLB-2); M=3(CLB-3)). Fig.19 shows the area comp arison of different design of CLBs, the CLB-3 is the smallest since the four demultip lexers can be located on the same plate by using the assembly techniques.
600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 1 2 3 Number of demultiplexers Fig. 19. Area comparison of three different designs of CLBs 6.2 Execute steps of each CLB For improving the design, we not only take into account the area, we also consider about the complexity of the operation. One of factors is the number of steps for processing a logic circuit. Because it is directly impact the efficiency of design. The relationship between numbers of crosspoints needed to be programmed and the average steps for processing all of them is shown in Table 2. It shows that as increasing of number of points, the average steps are also increasing, but for different CLBs, the average steps are also different. Numbers Average Steps of Points CLB-1 CLB-2 CLB-3 2 2 1.947 1.947 4 4 3.684 3.555 6 6 5.2105 4.926 8 8 6.5263 6.0625 10 10 7.6316 7.0013 Table 2. Execution steps comparison of different designs of CLBs
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CLB-2 and CLB-3 have 2 and 4 demultiplexers on the right side respectively. We distinguish the first two PGMBs as a group, and the last two PGMBs as another group. For the CLB-2; as Fig.8 shows, it has capability of programming 2 points at the same time, only when the 2 points are distributed to the 2 different groups respectively, because each multiplexer controls 2 PGMBs at one time. Applying the same principle, the CLB-3 has the probability of programming 4 points at the same time, and the precondition is that 2 points have to be distributed to each PGMBs respectively because each demultiplexer can control only one PGMB.
7. Testing and Defect & Fault – Tolerance Defects and faults are the worst problems with the nanoscale integration. Conventional fault-tolerant and reliable design techniques are primarily optimized for highly stable process technologies where reliability characterization of chip materials and circuit operation are well understood. However, conventional methods will become inadequate in the near future due to increased defect and failure rates, especially in case of nanoscale integration. New research in multi-scale fault-tolerance and reliability techniques is, therefore, critically needed for commercial adoption of emergent nanotechnologies (Heath et al., 1998). It is anticipated that NRCA will have significantly higher defect density than CMOS, as high as 10% (Huang et al., 2004; Jacome et al., 2004). High-density fabrication could potentially be very inexpensive if researchers can actualize a chemical self-assembly, but such a circuit would require laborious testing, diagnosis, repair and reconfiguration processes, implying a significant overhead cost, as well. Crossbar arrays and supporting nanoscale interfaces are also susceptible to transient faults that are usually caused by interferences such as crosstalk and radiation. Thus, reliability of NRCA is also an issue as the size of devices shrink and the integration density increases. 7.1 Defect-Unaware Testing and Reconfiguration For the proposed clock-free nanowire crossbar architecture, we will take a different direction to overcome its defects. When we embed a large-scale system on the proposed clockless nanowire crossbar system, it is certainly time-consuming and impractical to scan through all programmable crosspoints of the given nanowire crossbars to locate defects. Instead, the given physical system design can be placed and routed without being aware of defects. Then, each PGMB can be functionally tested to significantly reduce the test space. After testing, PGMBs and switching resources affected by those defects (i.e., stuck-OPEN crosspoints) can be further reconfigured to tolerate them. There are three possible ways to tolerate defects in PGMB. The first way is to reconfigure the order of primary input variables by reconfiguring the incoming switching block. In case of TH23, there are 3!=6 different ways to rearrange the order of inputs. Any order that can be used to avoid defective crosspoint(s) in the first three rows can be selected. The second way is to rearrange the order of columns of the given PGMB. Since all threshold gate macros have a simple Sum-of-Product (SoP) structure, by the commutative law, the order of these product terms can be rearranged without affecting the functionality of the gate. The third way is to include redundant rows and columns in each PGMB. Any row or column with an excessive number of defects that cannot be tolerated by the first two methods can be simply purged out by replacing it with a spare wire in this case. In case the PGMB under consideration is too
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defective to repair, it should be discarded and another PGMB should be used to realize the given threshold gate function. 7.2 Defect - Aware Approach Defect Aware Approach needs to generate a defect map for the given PGMB, and compare the pattern of defect free crosspoints with the required pattern. This approach makes use of the available redundant crosspoints to instead of the defective crosspoints on each PGMB. According to the architecture of PGMB, columns are used for the AND plane, it can be interchanged without affecting functionality, that means for each threshold gate, it can be represented in several different ways without affecting the logic functionality. The defect rate of this approach is lower than Defect Unaware Approach, but the drawback being it needs more time for testing and reconfiguration because each PGMB has to be tested to locate all defective crosspoints, and make sure avoid them when the netlist is actually placed and routed. The proposed clock-free architecture uses NCL encoding. Stuck-at-1 faults simply halt the circuit, since the NCL circuit cannot make a transition from DATA (either 01 or 10) to NULL (00) - therefore, can be easily screened out. Also, in case of dual-rail encoding, 11 is considered as an invalid code. So, any permanent or transient fault that results in this invalid codeword can be eventually detected as faulty. Only stuck-at-0 faults and some other transient faults need to be exercised with applied patterns. 7.3 Parametric Simulation Results The illustration of the behaviour of programmability with varying defect rates for both the techniques is illustrated in Fig.20. The defect-aware approach surely outperforms the defectunaware approach, but the defect-unaware approach still shows good programmability when the defect rate is considerably lower.
Fig. 20. Programmability comparison for defect-aware and -unaware approaches It also shows almost all the gates are programmed even at 30% defect rate and then programmability (ratio of successfully programmed PGMB's to the total number of PGMB's) reduces, which is inevitable. This is much better in terms of programmability as compared
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to the defect aware technique but it takes time to generate defect map and then perform mapping and placement, but is very good at utilizing the inherent redundancy. This helps when we have a highly defective fabrication process; the algorithm bypasses the defective crosspoints and places the crosspoints without affecting the functionality of the gate. For both the techniques 20% of the rows have been dedicated to the OR crossbar logic. When the defect rate is considerably lower than 5%, the defect-unaware approach still shows good programmability.
Fig. 21. Programmability VS Number of rows for defect-unaware and defect-aware. Figure 21. provides useful analysis for the behaviour of programmability with change in dimension of the PGMB at different defect rates. These graphs also indicate the superiority of defect aware approach over the unaware approach. 7.4 Functional Test Algorithm (FTA) The proposed functional test algorithm is a post configuration test scheme which makes use of the Boolean function of the threshold gate being implemented to test the programmable crosspoint locations on the PGMB. Each THmn gate has its own distinctive programmable co-ordinate locations. The proposed test scheme aims to test only those programmable ON crosspoints in the given programmable PGMB. This algorithm uses the functional expression that is unique to each THmn gate. The functional test scheme uses "test tuples" for the purpose of testing the programmable crosspoints. Test tuples are joint combinations of input bit patterns and previously asserted output. Table 3 can be used to clearly understand this concept. Consider the implementation of TH23 gate. Assume there is a fault at the coordinate location (1, 3). The fault at this ON point gives a faulty output F*=1 when input 001 is used. The desired output in case there is no fault at any crosspoint is F=F'(the previously asserted output). In case the previously asserted output is set to 0 and followed up with input pattern 001, it will be possible to stimulate the fault. By using a combination of F' and input bits, we can detect faults in the programmable crosspoints. These sets of inputs used to detect the faulty crosspoint locations are called "test tuples". Test tuples having one to one correspondence with the programmable cross- points are called lower order test tuples. Higher order test tuples can test for defects in more than a single crosspoint simultaneously.
AB F F*(1,1) C 000 0 0 001 F’ F’ 010 F’ 1 011 1 1 100 F’ F’ 101 1 1 110 1 1 111 1 1 AB F F* C (5,4) 000 0 0 001 F’ F’ 010 F’ F’ 011 1 1 100 F’ F’ 101 1 1 110 1 1 111 1 1 Table 3. Truth Table crosspoint defect
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
F*(3, F*(3 3) ,6) 0 F’=1 0 0 F’=1 0 0 F’=1 1 F’ F’ 1 F’ F’ F’ F’ F’ F’ F’ F’ F’ 1 F’ F’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F’ F’ 1 F’ F’ F’ F’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F* F* F* F* F* F* F* F* (5,5) (5,6) (6,1) (6,2) (6,3) (6,4) (6,5) (6,6) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F’ 1 F’ F’ F’ F’ F’ 0 1 F’ F’ F’ F’ F’ 0 F’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F’ F’ F’ F’ F’ 0 F’ F’ 1 1 1 1 F’=0 1 1 1 1 1 1 F’=0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 for TH23 Gate and all faulty functions that can be resulted from single
A pseudo code for the functional test algorithm is described in Table 4. START 1. Define PGMB dimensions and threshold gate to be programmed. 2. Map THmn gate onto the PGMB and generate the corresponding truth table. 3. IF OR plane defect detection is the prime objective THEN Set test tuples with low priority tuples having direct correspondence with programmable crosspoints to be used ahead of the high priority ones. ELSE Set test Tuples In order of decreasing priority levels. 4. Use next test input tuple to check for programmable defect. 5. IF False output is observed THEN Increment fault count and note possible defect location. ELSE The tested location is defect free. 6. Go to Setp 4. 7. Summarize the results of the test. STOP Table 4. Pseudo code describing the Functional Test Algorithm
Advances in Nanowire-Based Computing Architectures
7.5 Fault-Tolerant Placement Schemes Using FTA Table 5 shows the number of OR locations utilized to implement few of the commonly and importantly used THmn gates. TH12
4 6 10 8 5 8 7 Table 5. The number of programmable OR locations for THmn gates Having studied the mapping patterns of THmn gates and defect distributions, it has been noticed that the OR plane is vulnerable to have a physical defect overlap with a programmable ON location of any threshold gate macro. Since a majority of programmable ON crosspoints fall on a single OR plane, it is essential to ensure OR plane reliability. With the inclusion of a redundant OR wire, the reliability of the OR plane can be enhanced. With the inclusion of a redundant OR wire, in case an OR point is defective, the connection can be moved to the redundant wire without programming other crosspoints in the column which contribute to the product term. Another advantage of introducing the OR plane is that since the OR planes are ORed together, the realization is not altered in any manner. As far as testing overheads are concerned, with the addition of a redundant row, only single additional input test tuple needs to be used to test the single OR location. If redundant OR row is not introduced, in case of a defect at OR location, the entire column will have to be moved to another location and all the corresponding crosspoint locations will have to be tested using additional test tuples for defects. Not only will the number of programmable locations increase with this approach, but the testing space will also increase drastically. In case of some of the THmn gates such as TH12, TH23w2 where no more than 50% of the programmable OR locations are used, it would be better to rearrange the columns instead of using a redundant OR row. In this section, different modelling and placement schemes that could be used to address these mapping issues are presented.
8. Conclusion In this chapter, we introduced our new proposed clock-free nanowire crossbar architecture based on delay-insensitive logic known as Null Convention Logic. The complex clock distribution network can be removed from the hardware and many clocking-related failure modes can be intrinsically eliminated by the proposed clock-free architecture. Based on this architecture, we can construct a hierarchical architecture for executing more complex logic function, such as the 4-bit NCL register and so on. For defect tolerance, we proposed two mapping and placement techniques, namely Defect Unaware Approach and Defect Aware Approach. Even though the defect-aware approach is better than the defect-unaware approach especially when the defect rate is higher, it requires much more laborious testing (i.e., each PGMB should be tested to locate all defective crosspoints) and reconfiguration (i.e., all defective crosspoints should be avoided when the netlist is actually placed and routed) tasks. However, the defect-unaware approach can be simpler since the netlist is directly mapped without considering any defects. After that, PGMBs and can be functionally tested to locate ones with faults. These faulty ones then can be tested and reconfigured to avoid defects. Our future direction is to develop automated design optimization tools, testing schemes, and maximize the utility of PGMBs in spite of the inherent fabrication defects.
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New Class of Coolants: Nanoluids
12 X
New Class of Coolants: Nanofluids Sadollah Ebrahimi1, Anwar Gavili1, Maryamalsadat Lajevardi1, Taghi Dallali Isfahani1, 2, Iraj Hadi1 and Jamshid Sabbaghzadeh1
1 National Laboratory Center of Laser Technology, Iran University of Science and Technology, School of Metallurgical and Materials Science, Narmak, Tehran, Iran
1. Introduction Today more than ever, ultrahigh-performance cooling plays an important role in the development of energy-efficient heat transfer fluids which are required in many industries and commercial applications. However, conventional coolants are inherently poor heat transfer fluids. Nanofluid a term coined by Choi in 1995 is a new class of heat transfer fluids which is developed by suspending nanoparticles such as small amounts of metal, nonmetal or nanotubes in the fluids. The goal of nanofluids is to achieve the highest possible thermal properties at the smallest possible concentrations (preferably1mm) needs a long time to get exposed and results in excessive cost or fabrication difficulties Error! Reference source not found.]. In addition, the high costs for access to X-ray from a synchrotron limit the technique from wide applications. The commercial appearance of SU-8 in 90s started to change the situation. SU-8 is imageable with X-ray, UV and electron beam. Compared with PMMA, it requires much less exposure energy. In fabrication of 600μm standing microsctructures with X-ray exposure, PMMA requires a typical bottom dose of 4000 J/cm3, while SU-8 requires 30 – 52 J/cm3, only about a hundredth exposure energy of what PMMA requires [12]. Such high sensitivity to exposure proves sufficient even under UV exposure. Therefore, SU-8 photoresist gradually becomes the most popular resist for the LIGA process and UV-LIGA technique with wavelength of 356-405nm has been rapidly developed. SU-8 is a negative tone, near-UV photoresist developed and patented by IBM in 1989 [13]. The photoresist is based on the EPON SU-8 epoxy resin from Shell Chemical. Depending on the percentage of the organic solvent and so the viscosity of the resist, the thickness of a single-spin SU-8 film can reach more than 500μm. SU-8 resist is well known for its excellent mechanical properties and low optical absorption in the near-UV range which results in uniform exposure conditions across the thickness [14] [15]. It has been reported that 1000µm thick microstructures with 40:1 aspect ratio was produced in a single lithography cycle [16] and a 1200µm thick microstructure with 18:1 aspect ratio in a double spin lithography process [17], both of which are of good vertical sidewalls and geometry. However, SU-8 is difficult to be stripped, and frequently, oxygen plasma process is required to remove SU-8 after electroforming. This property limits its applications to permanent components or micromoulds of only convex shapes most time. Meanwhile the needs for thick and strippable micromoulds lead to the development of some new resists.
Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
Niedermann et al. [] presented DiaPlate 133 as a negative tone strippable photoresist for electroforming. A 60µm thick nickel foil with 32µm diameter holes and a 300µm thick nickel microgear were successfully electroformed using this resist. However, distortion seemed severe when the feature size was less than 50µm and a complicated long time soft bake is required when the thickness of the resist was greater than 200µm. Srinivasa Rao et al [] used JSR THB 151N resist, which requires a short time in soft baking, to develop 130µm thick and 2.6:1 aspect ratio electroforming moulds with near vertical sidewalls. Lee and Jiang [] studied KMPR, a photoresist newly developed by MicrochemTM, and microcomponents with an aspect ratio of 18:1 were fabricated. BPR100 is another negative tone thick photoresist with a single-spin film thickness ranging from 40 to 130µm. It has been applied to a variety of electroplating and etching processes used in wafer level packaging. However, its dark blue colour absorbs irradiated beam energy, causing uneven exposure from top to bottom of a thick layer. This make it difficult to be used for thick moulds. The fabrication processes and the results of SU-8, KMPR and Shipley BPR 100 are presented as follows. 2.1 SU-8 Fabrication Process SU-8 photoresist series have many grades for applications of different thickness. Take SU-8 2075 for example, it contains 73.45% solid and is intended for a thickness range from 75 to 225µm. In its process, the attention should be focused on softbake time and exposure dose for the optimum dimensional accuracy and sidewall profile of the microstructures. The processing parameters can be found in [21]. An optimized process for producing 500 μm thick SU-8 2075 moulds is used here as an example to introduce SU-8 process. First, a 6ml SU-8 2075 photoresist is directly cast on a 4 inch silicon wafer coated with a thin layer of gold deposited by using thermal evaporation. After the photoresist spreads evenly, a soft bake at 65°C for 2 hrs and then 95°C for 8hrs is carried out on a levelled hotplate. The softbake step is performed to evaporate all the solvent in the resist and solidify the coated resist layer. UV exposure density is 12.6mW/cm2. In the UV exposures, hard contacts are used between the SU-8 layer and the mask. A chrome mask is used in the exposure step. The total exposure dose is 3019mJ/cm2. A postbake at 65°C for 2min follows and then 95°C for 20min. The polymerisation process occurs during the exposure and postbake steps. More specifically, the photoacid is generated in the resist during the exposure step and the crosslinking of epoxy groups takes place in the post bake step. The crosslinked SU-8 structures are then retained on the wafer after developing in the EC solvent for 10min. Figure 1 shows an SU-8 mould for electroforming a microgear. Other SU-8 grades such as SU-8 2002, SU-8 2005 and SU-8 2050 are for different thicknesses. Their fabrication process are similar to SU-8 2075, but the processing parameters such as spin speed, baking time and exposure do need to be determined from experiments and optimised for each application case.
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Fig. 1. SU-8 mould for producing microgears using electroforming. 2.2 Fabrication of KMPR micromoulds KMPR photoresist is a chemically amplified negative tone epoxy photoresist. It was developed with the intention to resolve the stripping problem inherent with SU-8. Similar to SU-8, a KMPR process includes spin coat, prebake, exposure, post-exposure bake and development, and an additional resist stripping step is possible after electroforming. The particular KMPR series commercially available from MicroChem include 1005, 1010, 1025 and 1050 to cover thicknesses from 5 to 115 μm. More process details can be found from the MCC KMPR datasheet [22]. KMPR 1025 is taken as an example to demonstrate its process here. In a single layer lithography process, KMPR 1025 photoresist is first spun coated up to 60 µm thick on a metalized wafer and soft baked. If the required micromoulds are thicker than 60 µm, a multiple spin deposition can be applied. A multiple spin deposition process consists of spin deposition, soft bake, spin deposition and soft bake again, until the thickness reaches the requirement before the UV exposure, PEB and development steps. In a single spin deposition process for making 60 µm KMPR photoresist layers, the following steps are used. (1) The spin deposition is conducted at 1000 rpm for 30 seconds. (2) The wafer is soft baked on a hotplate at 100oC for 20 mins. (3)Then the coated wafer is exposed to UV light at a density of 1135 mJ/cm2 using a chromium coated glass mask. The UV light source can be provided by a mask aligner with a wavelength range of 365 to 436 nm. (4) Post exposure bake (PEB) is carried out on a hotplate immediately after the exposure for 3 mins at 100oC. (5) The wafer is developed in 2.38% TMAH MF26A solution (Chestech, UK) for 6 mins in room temperature and the micromoulds should appear on the substrate. (6) Finally, the wafer is blown dry using N2 gas. In a multiple layer deposition process, Steps (1) and (2) above will be repeated until the thickness reaches the requirement before moving to step (3). It is noted that the soft bake time for a multilayer deposition is different from that for a single layer. For the first layer, 100oC for 20 mins baking condition is adequate. However, for the second layer and onwards, 100oC for 30 mins baking time is more appropriate. The increase in baking time is understood as that the previous layer tends to soak some solution from the newly deposited resist and it takes longer time to evaporate the solution from the both layers.
Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
Figure 2 illustrates an SEM image of a 180 µm thick micropiston mould made of KMPR. The resist was deposited in two spin and soft bake cycles, in which the spin deposition was carried out at 700 rpm for 30 seconds and the soft bake temperatures were at 100oC for 20 mins for the first layer and 30 mins for the second layer. The SEM images show that dimensions can be controlled at a high resolution and sidewall about in 90±1°.
Fig. 2. An SEM image of a 180 µm thick KMPR photoresist moulds deposited using a multiple spin process. 2.3 BPR100 Fabrication Process The fabrication process of BPR100 mould is slightly different from that of SU-8 and KMPR in that a post bake is not required before development. An optimized process of producing 100μm BPR100 micromoulds is introduced as an example. A metalized substrate is first cleaned using acetone and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) separately. Then the substrate is pre-baked on a levelled hotplate at 120°C for 90s. After being naturally cooled down to room temperature, the substrate is spun coated with one layer of BPR100 photoresist. The coating consists of spreading spin and level spin. In the spread spin, the spin speed is ramped to 500 rpm at 100 rpm/second acceleration and held for 10 seconds. In the level spin, the speed is ramped to 800 rpm at 100 rpm/second acceleration and held for 30 seconds. This will result in a 100 μm layer. Further details for achieving different thickness can be found in [23]. A thicker layer can be achieved with a multilayer deposition process, involving repeated spin coating and baking cycle. After the photoresist had been coated, the substrate is soft baked to evaporate the solvent. This is done in two steps. First, the baking temperature is ramped from 20°C to 65°C at a rate of 5°C/min, held for 3 mins at 65°C, and then from 65°C to 95°C at the same rate, held for 7 mins at 95°C. After being cooled down, the baked substrate is then exposed using the same mask aligner for 80 seconds. The exposed substrate is subsequently developed in a solution of Eagle 2005 and deionized water in the ratio of 1:24 at 39°C for 5~10 mins depending on agitation of the developing solution. A hard bake is followed at 105°C for 5min. The resultant BPR100 moulds are examined using an SEM. Figure 3 shows two micromoulds made in Shipley BPR 100. The moulds are 200 μm deep and have straight sidewalls, providing excellent conditions for forming quality thick metallic components.
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
Fig g. 3. Micromoulds made in Shipley y BPR 100 resist.
3. Electrochemic cal co-depositiion of metal/na anoparticles 3.1 1 Electrochemical Deposition In a typical electrod deposition setup, shown in Figurre 4, two electrod des are submergeed in a plaating solution. One O of the electrodes is the anodee, linked to a blocck of the source metal, wh hile the other is th he cathode, linked d to the micromoulds with areas to o be deposited with w the meetal. The two elecctrodes are powerred by an external power supply. The plating solu ution is a salt s of the metal for deposition. For F Nickel deposiition, nickel sulfaamate solution iss used, wh hich consists of niickel (85~95g/L),, nickel chloride (8~12g/L) ( and bo oric acid (25~35g/ /L).
Fig g. 4. Schematic representation of aan electrodeposition cell Th he mechanism of how a cation meerges with an eleectron from the caathode to form a metal ato om on the substrrate is arguable in n two main theorries [24]. Accord ding to one theorry, the cattion is discharged d and neutralised d preferentially in i to an active siite on the substraate. If
Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
there is no active site within a distance for the cation to discharged, a new nucleus is formed. This theory postulates a lower potential is needed for the cation to grow on an existing crystal than to create a new crystal [24]. The other theory suggests that the cation is neutralised and discharged at random, and form into a metal atom on the surface of the substrate. The metal atoms then orient themselves into the lattice and grain size that is characteristic to the metal. This theory assumes that the discharged metal atoms have the appropriate mobility [24]. In electroforming practice, the usual problems are air bubbles, uneven growing of deposited metal and grain size control. Continuous research has been conducted in this arer for improving the quality of deposition. Apart from improving agitation conditions, including using ultrasonic agitator, pH and temperature control, and small additives, the configurations of the electrodeposition, such as Hull cell, and variations on voltage patterns have been explored, and good results have been achieved for particular applications. Further reading can be found in references [25, 26, 27, 28]. 3.2 Nanoparticles and their preparation for electrochemical co-deposition Composite materials provide a useful way to change the properties of the materials. Electro co-deposition of nanoparticles with metals is one of the recent developments in electroforming field. The micro composite components often demonstrate superior properties. Ceramic nanoparticles are widely adopted as the fillers and they are commercially available. For example, fumed Al2O3 nanoparticles of high purity can be purchased from CABOT CooperationTM. It is well known that the nanoparticles tend to agglomerate into clusters due to their high surface energy. The phenomena can be observed in SEM analysis. A small amount of Al2O3 nanoparticles is first diluted in DI water and dispersed using a mechanical stirrer for 30 mins. An ultrasonic agitation of the Al2O3 suspension is followed for 15 mins. A little of diluted Al2O3 suspension is dropped on a metal stub and dried up slowly. After gold sputtering, the prepared sample can be examined under the SEM microscope. It can be seen from Figure 5 that the nanoparticles are still agglomerated to some extent and the particle size is estimated to be around 30 nm. The HRTEM micrograph in Figure 6 indicates that the nanoparticle size is in the range from 25nm to 50nm.
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
Fig. 5. High magnification SEM micrograph of Al2O3 nanoparticles Nanoparticles should be well dispersed in the electrolyte in order to achieve uniform distribution in the metal matrix. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid agglomeration of nanoparticles in the solution as much as possible. For this reason, the dispersion property of the nanoparticles in the nickel electrolyte was investigated by performing zeta potential measurements. The tests were carried out in a Zeta Potential Analyzer (Zetamaster, Malvern instruments, U.K.). The suspension was diluted to 0.2g/L by DI water and the pH value was adjusted with NaOH and HCl. The obtained results will be present and discussed in the next section. In the composite electroforming processes, the Al2O3 nanoparticles is firstly dispersed in the DI water using a mechanical stirrer for 30mins and then the suspension is ultrasonically agitated for 15mins. After the nickel sulfamate electrolyte is heated to the desired temperate, the Al2O3 suspension was slowly mixed into the electroforming bath, which is agitated continuously using a magnetic stirrer. The prepared composite bath is maintained at the constant temperature and agitation for about 30mins prior to electrodeposition. The loading of Al2O3 nanoparticles in the bath, operating temperature and the current density have been studied to find the effects of electroforming conditions on the properties of electroformed microcomponents.
Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
Fig g. 6. HRTEM im mage of Al2O3 nan noparticles used in this study (B By courtesy of CABOT C Co ooperationTM) h been co-dep posited into Ni matrix, together wiith Al2O3 nanoparticles, Caarbon nanotubes have as reported by Wei and Jiang [29]. A commercial nickel sulfamate sollution (PMD Cheemicals Ltd d, UK) was used as the host electrolyte for preparin ng the nickel and nanoparticles co olloidal batth. Al2O3 nanopaarticles (SpectrAllTM 81) of a high h purity and raw w Multi-Walled Carbon C Naanotubes (MWC CNTs) were used d as the second d phase materiaals for the com mposite deposition. First, All2O3 nanoparticlees and MWCNTs were added into two beakers conttaining ver, the nanopartiicles and CNTs teend to agglomeraate due nicckel sulfamate eleectrolyte. Howev to the Van Der Wallls force. Besides, the hydrophobicc nature of CNTs makes them diffiicult to m dodecyl sulphate (SDS) as a ssurfactant was used u to disssolve in most solutions. Sodium im mprove the disperrsion of nanoparticles and CNTs in n the solution. Th hen, the two beak kers of collloidal solution were w placed in an n ultrasonic bath agitation for 30 minutes before mixing m thee solutions in onee beaker. In orderr to improve the contact c between tthe Al2O3 nanopaarticles and MWCNTs, thee mixture was altternatively agitateed using the ultrrasonic and mech hanical or a total of 30 miins before conduccting any experim ment. Table.1 show ws the stirrring methods fo com mposition of the prepared electrod deposition bath.
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Nickel Sulfamate
Nickel Chloride
Boric Acid
Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate
Alumina Nanoparticles
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Table 1. Composition of the bath for Ni-Al2O3/CNTs electrodeposition. A study on their dispersion behaviour in the nickel sulfamate bath was conducted. It was found that the addition of SDS makes the dispersion of Al2O3 nanoparticles and MWCNTs easier with the aid of sonication. Zeta potential measurements of the diluted solution taking from the prepared nickel composite bath show that the surfaces of Al2O3/MWCNTs are positively charged in the pH value of a wide range from 2 to 14. Therefore, Al2O3 nanoparticles and MWCNTs will migrate to the cathode in the electrical field. The experiments were performed in a 1L glass beaker using a potentiostat/galvanostat power supply (TENMATM 72-6153). A magnetic stirrer was used to agitate the bath to keep the solution with a uniform concentration and reduce the agglomeration of nanoparticles and CNTs during the experiments. The current density was varied in the range of 10~50mA/cm2. The temperature and pH were maintained at 50±2ºC and 4.3±0.1 respectively during the experiments. 3.3 Analysis of microstructures, surface morphology and composition After electrodeposition, the resultant microcomponents were ultrasonically cleaned in deionized water for 30s to get rid of the loosely attached Al2O3 nanoparticles and MWCNTs. The surface morphology was characterized using a scanning electron microscope, and the content of nanoparticles and MWCNT incorporated in the Ni matrix was evaluated from the aluminium and carbon signals using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX) coupled with the SEM. Microhardness tests were conducted in a hardness machine (MVK-H1, Mitutoyo) using a load of 100g force and a dwelling time of 15s. Fig. a shows an SEM image of a micro gear electrodeposited from a bath containing 0.05g/L MWCNTs and 3g/L Al2O3 nanoparticles. Clearly, the gear is uniformly grown through the SU8 micromould and its sidewalls are very smooth, while its top surface morphology is distinct from that of electroformed pure Ni, as shown in Figure 7b. The previous study has shown that the peaks of nickel pyramids are round and even flat in the co-deposition of Ni-Al2O3 nanocomposite. However, unlike Al2O3 nanoparticles, CNTs are electrically conductive material. Hence, the embedment of MWCNTs on the cathode surface enlarges the electrodeposition area, and accordingly leads to a spherical growth of deposit. Even a low MWCNT loading in the bath still shows its effects as observed in Figure 7b. Increasing the MWCNT loading in the bath enhances the trend of spherical growth of the deposit. Figure 8 shows a surface of a micro gear electroformed from a bath containing 0.3g/L MWCNTs and 3g/L Al2O3 nanoparticles. It can be seen that the surface is very rough and
Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
theere are lots of miccro gaps. It was also a found that th he two ends of M MWCNTs are emb bedded in the nickel matrix x and other partss of tube are above the nickel surrface attached by y Al2O3 nanoparticles as sh hown in the miccrograph of a hiigh magnification n, Fig9. This cou uld be plained as that CNTs C have a high h electrical condu uctivity along th heir axial direction, and exp theerefore, the tubee ends of CNTs are easily depo osited in the nicckel matrix durin ng the deposition process.. The high curvatture of nanotubess leads to high su urface energy of carbon c oms, which makees MWCNTs surrface attract Al2O3 nanoparticles. The density of applied ato currrent has a dram matic effect on the morphology off the deposit, as it is found that a high currrent density willl lead to breakdown of the uniform m growth of the d deposit, forming a very rou ugh surface. A low current denssity was thereforre used in the ex xperiments to fab bricate miicrocomponents.
(b) (a) Fig g. 7. (a) An SEM image i of a micro ogear deposited in n a nickel sulfam mate solution conttaining 0.005g/L MWCNTss and 3g/L Al2O3 nanoparticless. (b) A zoomed d view of its surface s mo orphology.
Fig g. 8. SEM microgrraphs of Ni-Al2O3/MWCNTs Nan nocomposite surfaace morphology
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Fig g. 9. An SEM Miccrograph of Ni-All2O3/MWCNTs Nanocomposite N in n high magnificattion Th he content of Al2O3 nanoparticles in i the nanocompo osite is affected b by the bath compo osition and electroforming g conditions. Fig gure 10 shows a spectrum of ED DX examination on o the v surrface of Ni-Al2O3/MWCNTs naanocomposite. It was found that the average volume percentage of Al2O3 embedded in th he nanocompositte electroformed from a bath conttaining v percentag ge of embedded Al2O3 3g/L nanoparticless is around 9±2.5%. The average volume om a bath contain ning 3g/L Al2O3 nanoparticles an nd 0.05g/L MWC CNTs is eleectrodeposited fro aro ound 6.65%. The results of ED DX examination and x-ray mapp ping indicate th hat the nanoparticles are uniformly u distrib buted in the Nii matrix. As exp pected, the high her the ncentration of Al2O3 nanoparticlees in the bath, th he more nanoparrticles are incorp porated con intto the composite electroform e with no observed tend dency to precipitaation.
Fig g. 10. Energy disp persive spectrum of Ni-Al2O3/MW WCNTs nanocomp posite.
Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
4. Mechanical prroperties of na anocomposites s 4.1 1 Microhardness s Ass many factors influence the harrdness of electro oformed Ni-Al2O3 microcomponeents, a sysstematic study was w carried out to investigate th he effects of the major factors, su uch as tem mperature, curreent density and d loading of All2O3 nanoparticlees. In this study, the miicrohardness of the Ni-Al2O3 nanocomposite electrodeposited d at 45°C and 55°C resspectively with th he similar pH an nd current densitty was compared d. It was found th hat the low wer temperature and higher curren nt density result in i a relatively hig gher hardness as shown s in Fig. 11. The hard dness of deposits usually falls witth the rise in tem mperature of the plating p nditions. It can be explained th hat increasing teemperature will lead to high caathodic con ov verpotential, whicch favours the formation f of finee grains and theerefore results in n high hardness.
g. 11. Microhardn ness of nanocomp posites made from (a) 45°C and ((b) 55°C respectiv vely at Fig thee similar pH valu ue and current den nsity. perature applicattions, the effect of post heat treeatment on mech hanical For the high temp y using a microhaardness tester. Nii-Al2O3 strrength of Ni-Al2O3 composite was characterized by miicrocomponents were w electroform med using a curreent density of 25m mA/cm2 from th he bath con ntaining 20g/L Al2O3 nanoparrticles. After stripping off thee photoresist moulds, m miicrocomponents were w treated in a vacuum heatin ng furnace with a vacuum presssure of 10-5 Pa. The applied d temperature was gradually ram mped up to 600°C C at a ramping rate r of 5°C C/min and then it was cooled do own to room temperature slowly aafter dwelling at 600°C forr 1hr. Microhardn ness tests were performed p on thee post treated sam mples and the hardness waas found HV0.2 300, 3 which is stilll higher than tha at of electroform med pure nickel. It was fou und that a higheer annealing temperature softened the Ni-Al2O3 n nanocomposite while w a rellatively lower ann nealing temperature less than 200°C almost had no o obvious effects on the miicrohardness of the t sample. In co omparison betweeen the electrofo ormed pure Ni and a Ni nanocomposites, itt can be conclud ded that the ann nealing effect is minimized due to the exiistence of Al2O3 nanoparticles, which w hinders th he nickel grains from growing bigger du uring the annealin ng process [31].
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4.2 Elastic property Since the appearance of LIGA technology, Ni as a MEMS material has been widely used, but its mechanical properties were not paid much attention only until the recent 10 years. Measurements of mechanical properties of electroplated or LIGA-deposited Ni now have been extensively conducted by many researchers using different techniques. The reported Young’s moduli range from 148.04GPa ~ 159.90GPa by Kim [32], 175±7GPa by Ballandras et al [3], and 190.5GPa by Zhou et al [4]. Apart from the difference of methods they used, the Young’s modulus of electrodeposited Ni is also strongly influenced by the fabrication conditions, including the temperature and current density. Luo et al Fig.[5] and Fritz [6] investigated the effects of temperature and current density in electrodeposition. They both found that Young’s modulus decreased with respect to increasing the mean current density. In Figure 12, the Young’s moduli of Ni reported in references [35] and [36] are compared with that of Ni–Al2O3 nanocomposite obtained from bending and nanoindentation tests in this study.
Ni/Al2O3 Bending Tests Ni/Al2O3 Nanoindentation Ni Reference [14] Ni Reference [18]
Young's Modulus (GPa)
180 160 140 120 100 80 60 0
Current density (mA/cm ) Fig. 12. Comparison of Young’s Modulus of electrodeposited pure Ni and Ni–Al2O3 nanocomposite at different current density It is found that the Young’s modulus of Ni–Al2O3 nanocomposites is dramatically affected by the current density. Nevertheless, Ni–Al2O3 nanocomposite still has an increased elastic property than the pure Ni thin films as indicated in the comparison. According to the well-known rule of mixtures [7], such an enhancement is likely due to the addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles, which have a higher Young’s modulus of roughly 300GPa. In addition, the Al2O3 nanoparticles also influence the growth of microstructures of the nickel matrix in the course of electroforming process, which will accordingly affect the intrinsic property, such as the Young’s Modulus.
Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
5. Examples of potential p applic cations Niickel has been ussed as a dominan nt metal in LIGA A technology for o over twenty yearrs, and acccordingly researcch on strengthenin ng nickel propertties by incorporatting particles into nickel maatrix is expecteed to improvee the serving performances o of microdevicess and miicrocomponents made m of pure nick kel. Teh and co-workerss [8] proposed thaat the incorporatiion of diamond n nanoparticles into nickel e electro oforming to enha ance greatly the overall stiffness of the maatrix formed in electroless nicckel film attributted to the extrem me hardness, stiffn ness, and temperrature resistance of the diaamond particle. As more diamon nd nanoparticless are incorporateed into the matrix, the ressidual stress in the t composite fillm is reduced, making m it more ssuitable for fabriicating susspended microsttructures. It wass found that an electrothermal m microactuator maade of Nii-nanodiamond co omposite film could reduce the power requiremen nt by 73% from 0.924 to 0.2248W, compared with w a pure nickeel device for the same s 3μm displaccement. In additio on, the nanocomposite miccroactuator can ex xhibit reversible displacement oveer 3μm, which is larger o for only wiith 1.8μm displa acement [9]. Thee authors then further f thaan pure nickel one inv vestigated the efffects on the performance of electtrothermal microactuators deposited by thee incorporation of diamond nan noparticles in nickel electrolytic bath, in terms of the meechanical strength h, coefficient of thermal t expansion (CTE) of the naanocomposite maaterial, and the improvemeents of power con nsumption and operational reliabiility in the devicees [40]. milar effects werre also found in n the Ni-Cordierrite nanocompossite thin film by y these Sim ressearchers [41]. Th he as-deposited niickel-cordierite fiilms exhibit better thermal compattibility wiith silicon than niickel. The addition of cordierite pa articles significanttly reduces the reesidual strress as shown in Figure F 13. The insset shows a magn nified view of the released double folded beaam.
Fig g. 13. (a) A partiallly released, interrnally stressed nicckel microresonattor; (b) A fully relleased, un nannealed, residu ual stress free, nick kel-cordierite miccroresonator kers [2] fabricated d Ni–Al2O3 micro pillars using P PMMA moulds an nd the Waang and co-work con nventional nickell sulfamate bath containing c Al2O3 particles. In the p process, they mon nitored thee changes of currrent density for pure p Ni and Ni–A Al2O3 deposition n. It was found th hat the
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addition of the particles in the plating bath causes the deposition process to change from mass transport controlled to partially kinetic controlled. This is reasonable because Al2O3 particles are non-conductive and their distribution in the vicinity of the cathode and their embedment in the deposit affect the reduction process of nickel ions. They also found that the deposition rate decreased as compared to the theoretical prediction. Fig. 14.14 shows an array of Ni–Al2O3 micro pillars (500μm tall and 200μm diameter) electrodeposited from a bath containing 7g/l Al2O3 particles. Results of mechanical tests showed that microhardness was substantially improved with the incorporation of particles. Following the same route, they also studied other MMC microcomponents, for example, Ni–SiC , NiCo–SiC and NiCu–Al2O3.
Fig. 14. Ni–Al2O3 posts grown from a bath containing 7g/l Al2O3 particles It was found that the average volume percentage of Al2O3 embedded in the nanocomposite electrodeposited from a bath containing 3g/L Al2O3 nanoparticles and 0.05g/L MWCNTs is around 6.65%. The results of EDX examination and x-ray mapping indicate that the nanoparticles are uniformly distributed in the Ni matrix. The microhardness of the NiAl2O3-MWCNT composite microcomponents is found in the range of HV0.1 350~400. This value is greater than that of a pure Ni microcomponent produced from a similar bath without nanoparticles (HV0.1 280 ~ 330). Wei and Jiang [29] fabricated Ni-Al2O3 microcomponents for a micro engine. Figure 7a is a composite microgear of Ni, Al2O3 and MWCNT for the device. The composition and mechanical properties have been discussed above. Figure 15 shows a Ni-Al2O3 composite micropiston for the microengine. It was electrodeposited from a bath containing 7g/l Al2O3 particles. The improved hardness of the nanocomposite Ni components will reduce the wear and extend the life, which is important in the design of microengines.
Electrochemical Co-deposition of Metal-Nanoparticle Composites for Microsystem Applications
Fig g. 15. A micro Ni––Al2O3 piston eleectroformed from m a bath containin ng 7g/l Al2O3 partticles. ompared with nicckel which has been widely used as a structure m material for buildiing up Co miicrocomponents and devices, copper is mainly y used as a m material for elecctronic intterconnections an nd electrical micro odevices. Gan an nd co-workers [433] studied the feassibility of electrodepositing copper matrix x nanocomposite with Al2O3 nan noparticles onto silicon d a microchanneel array of Cu–A Al2O3 nanocompo osite as waafers. They succeessfully fabricated sho own in Figure 16. Microstructuraal examination and a nanoindentaation experimentss were performed on the nanocomposite. n Itt was found that the presence of tthe Al2O3 nanopaarticles on and in the bath interfeere with the graain growth proccess during the electrodepositio o smaller grain size s compared with w pure copperr. The mechanicaal tests acccordingly lead to sho owed that the miicrohardness incrreased from 1.29G GPa to 1.62GPa w with the addition n of the nanoparticles, whicch is a 25% increaase.
g. 16. vertically alligned microchan nnels in the Cu–A Al2O3 nanocomposite film Fig
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6. Summary and conclusions Electrodeposition of microcomponents is suitable for mass fabrication of high precision metallic microcomponents. Recent research has combined electrodeposition with nanomaterials and produced nanocomposite components. The research results currently available have demonstrated obvious advantages of the new development. This chapter introduces the latest nanocomposite electrodeposition techniques, characterization results and some applications. After a general introduction to electrodeposition, the chapter presents the processes of producing high quality and thick micromoulds using three photoresists in SU-8, KMPR and Shipley BPR 100. SU-8 has been used for making moulds of over 1 mm in depth using UV exposure, but it may be difficult to strip. Oxygen plasma is widely used to remove the SU-8 moulds after metal deposition. KMPR was designed with the intention to overcome the stripping difficulty in electrodeposition applications. So far, the reported thickness of the moulds exposed using UV is limited to a few hundred microns. Shipley BPR 100 is another thick photoresist. Its dark blue colour absorbs irradiated light, making an even exposure through a thick layer very difficult. So far the reported thickness of Shipley BPR 100 layers is limited to about 200 μm. However, Shipley BPR 100 moulds can be completely dissolved, which makes it attractive for making relatively thin structures. Setting and material preparation for nanocomposite co-deposition are introduced. Al2O3 nanoparticles and MWCNT have been used as the fillers. The proposed treatment of the nanomaterials against agglomeration in electrodeposition is proven effective. The co-deposited components have been examined. Because of the composite materials, the top of the components is a bit bumpy, but the side walls are smooth. Microstructure analysis shows that carbon nanotubes have been deposited into the structure in separate distribution. EDX analysis shows that the average volume percentage of Al2O3 embedded in the nanocomposite electroformed from a bath containing 3g/L nanoparticles is around 9±2.5%. The composite components have been analysed in term of hardness and elastic property. Overall, nickel composite is found harder than pure nickel. In addition, the deposition conditions are related to the hardness. It is found that lower temperature and higher current density result in a relatively higher hardness. Young’s modulus of the composite components are generally higher than pure electrodeposited nickel. However, low deposition current resulted in higher Young’s modulus. The chapter provides some practical applications of the co-deposited nickel composite components, ranging from microresonators to microengines. In these applications, the microcomposite components show some excellent properties in thermal expansion, hardness, and wear resistance. These properties vary with the percentage of embedded naoparticles, which makes the composite components tuneable to suit their applications. Currently, the technology for electrochemical co-deposition of Ni-nanoparticles is just emerging, but it has demonstrated its obvious advantages for various applications. This technology has potential to be much developed to suit wide engineering applications.
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Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
19 X
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System Mohd Ridzuan Ahmad1, Masahiro Nakajima1, Seiji Kojima2, Michio Homma2 and Toshio Fukuda1 1Department
of Micro-Nano Systems Engineering 2Division of Biological Science Nagoya University JAPAN
1. Introduction The conventional approach to characterize cellular biology is called biochemistry. This developed science is used for studying physiological aspects, mainly genetics, by characterizing protein and other biomaterials. Since single cells are difficult to study, a collection of cells are used for characterizing cellular physiology and inturn used to describe behavior of single cell (Brehm-Stecher & Johson, 2004). However, in addition to this advance understanding of cellular genetics, information about mechanical properties of cells is also needed. The molecular structure of the cell-wall is only partially understood, and its mechanical properties are an area of “near-total darkness” (Harold, 2005). Moreover, the approximation of single cell behavior from a group used in conventional approach also requires further justification whether it can be applied to all cell types (Shapiro, 2000). The knowledge of the cell mechanics could be valuable in the future for biomedical applications, for example, variations in cell mechanics of healthy and unhealthy cells can be linked to a specific disease. Available experimental techniques to probe single cells include micropipette aspiration, optical tweezers, magnetic tweezers (Bausch et al., 1999), atomic/molecular force probes (Gueta et al., 2006), nanoindenters, microplate manipulators, optical stretchers (Thoumine et al., 1999) and nanoneedle (Obataya et al., 2005).. The functionality of nanoneedles is not limited only to the stiffness measurements but it can also be used for single cell surgery (Leary et al., 2006) which can be further applied to a novel single cell drug delivery system (Bianco et al., 2005) or as a delivery tool for nanoparticles (Brigger et al., 2002). Conventional drug therapy suffers from the problems of inefficacy or nonspecific effects; hence, nanosystems are being developed for targeted drug delivery (Stylios et al., 2005). In order to successfully deliver materials; e.g. bioactive peptide, proteins, nucleic acids or drugs inside the cell, carriers must be able to penetrate the cell wall or cell membrane without causing death or create any mechanotransduction to the cell (Goodman et al., 2004), i.e. the process
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of converting physical forces to biochemical signals and integrating them into cellular responses (Huang et al., 2004). Therefore, the knowledge of biomechanics of the cell is crucial in providing prior-estimation of required insertion force to deliver drug material inside the cell. Without having this information, the insertion process may be unsuccessful due to inadequate applied force or the cell may be seriously damaged due to the excessive applied force. This chapter focuses on the following two needs, i.e. the needs for the understanding of the mechanical properties of single cells and the needs for the novel nanotools for the single cells probing. The first need was fed by highlighting our findings on the effects of three factors, i.e. cell sizes, environmental conditions and growth phases, on the strength of the single W303 yeast cells. The second need was served by showing our findings on the development of nanoneedles which can be used for single cell local stiffness characterizations and single cell surgery.
2. ESEM-Nanomanipulation System We have developed an integrated environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM)nanomanipulator system. Unlike the conventional SEM, ESEM enables soft, moist, and/or electrically insulating materials to be imaged without prior specimen preparation. Fig. 1(a) shows the image of the ESEM instrument. A low pressure (up to around 1333 Pa) gas can be accommodated around the sample. When this gas is water, hydrated samples can be maintained in their native state. Sample temperature can be controlled (0−40 °C) by using the cooling stage assembled inside the ESEM chamber. By controlling the chamber pressure (10−2600 Pa) and sample temperature, single cell mechanical characterization and analysis can be conducted by using a nanomanipulator and image analysis. There are two main advantages of the ESEM system compared to the AFM system. The first advantage is that AFM system is difficult to provide a real-time sample observation and the image is mainly constructed after the scanning of the AFM tip on the sample surface is finished. Therefore, it is difficult, if not impossible, to directly observe the response of the object during the sample manipulation. On the other hand, ESEM system provides real-time sample observation which can be obtained before, during and after the manipulation. This real-time observation capability of the ESEM system has many advantages such as in analyzing the dynamic response of the sample and sample selection/sorting for certain properties like cell size, become much easier. The mechanical characterization and analysis capabilities which can be done on the sample can also be enhanced. The second advantage is related to the manipulation aspect. The AFM system can only provide two-dimensional (2D) manipulation, due to the difficulty of the real-time observation. Although 2D manipulation can measure the stiffness property of the sample, it lacks in the flexibility of manipulation thus limiting the area of sample which can be analyzed. Unlike AFM system, ESEM-nanomanipulation system can provide both 2D and 3D manipulations on the sample, thus increasing the flexibility of the measurement such as the stiffness characterization in different area of the sample like bottom surface can be realized. The characterization of mechanical properties of the cell requires no interference from other external pressures or forces on the cell surface. These external forces such as the osmotic pressure may prevent investigation of the true mechanical properties of cell experimentally.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
ESEM system can provide environmental conditions for the cells in their native state without any effect of the osmotic pressure. Cells can be sustained by releasing low pressure of H2O molecule gas inside the ESEM chamber to provide high relative humidity (up to 100%). Therefore, the stiffness data obtained from this experimental setting shows better representation of the mechanical properties of the cell. Nanomanipulation is an effective strategy for the characterization of basic properties of individual nano-scale objects and to construct nano-scale devices quickly and effectively. Previously, we have constructed a hybrid nanorobotic manipulation system integrated with a transmission electron microscope (TEM) - nanorobotic manipulator (TEM manipulator) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) - nanorobotic manipulator (SEM manipulator) (Nakajima et al., 2006). This system allows effective sample preparation inside SEM with wide working area and many degrees of freedom (DOFs) of manipulation. It has high resolution measurement and evaluation of samples inside a TEM capability. The sample chambers of these electron microscopes are set under the high vacuum (HV) condition to reduce the disturbance of electron beam for observation. However, to observe the watercontaining samples, e.g. bio-cells, drying treatment processes are additionally needed. Hence, direct observations of water-containing samples are normally quite difficult in these electron microscopes. This limitation was overcome by using ESEM. In the present study, we used the nanorobotic manipulators inside ESEM. It has been constructed with 3 units and 7 degrees of freedom (DOFs) in total (Fig. 1(b)). The ESEMnanomanipulator system can be easily incorporated with various kinds of nanoprobes for single cell analysis as shown in Fig. 1 (c). (b) Nanomanipulator
(a) ESEM
(c) Nanoprobes
3 µm
2 µm
3 µm
5 µm
Fig. 1. Overview of the (a-b) ESEM-nanomanipulator system incorporated with (c) various kind of nanoprobes.
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3. ESEM Observation of Single Cells Wild type yeast cells (W303) were used for observation and measurements by ESEM nanomanipulation system. The W303 cells were cultured on YPD plates (1% yeast extract, 2% peptone, 2% glucose, 2% agar) in a 37 °C incubator for 24 hours and dispersed in pure water. Several micro liters of dispersed cells were placed on aluminum block on the cooling stage. The HV mode is operated at 16.7 °C and 3.03 x 10-3 Pa pressure. All yeast cells appeared concave and broken under HV mode. The ESEM mode is operated at 0.0 °C and ~600 Pa pressure and acceleration voltage is set at 15 kV. Under the ESEM mode, decreasing the pressure from ~700 Pa, water gradually evaporates and the samples can be seen underneath. Their images are shown with HV and ESEM modes as shown in Figs. 2(a)-(b). The remaining water can be seen at the intercellular spaces of yeast cells as black contrast (Fig. 2(b)). Almost all yeast cells appear sphere shaped by water-contained condition under the ESEM operation. In order to reveal the influence of an electron beam observation under HV and ESEM modes, yeast cells were cultured once again after observation. Yeast cells were observed under the ESEM mode, and after the observation, we collected the cells from the observation stage (aluminum block) by a sterilized toothpick and inoculated onto the fresh YPD plate, and grew them overnight. To compare the cell viability with untreated cell, water-dispersed yeast cells were inoculated on the same plate for the control. The cultured plate is shown in Fig. 3. The plate was divided into three regions; cultured after water dispersion, SEM observation and ESEM observation. The numbers of yeast cells colony on the ESEM mode were higher than on the HV mode. From this experiment, the living cell rate on the ESEM mode is almost same order with initial condition of the water dispersion method.
10 µm
30 µm
Fig. 2. Images of W303 yeast cells under (a) HV mode and (b) ESEM mode.
Water Dispersion
After SEM Observation
After ESEM Observation
Fig. 3. Cell culture plate of W303 yeast cells after observations under SEM condition (bottom
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
left of the plate area) and ESEM condition (bottom right of the plate area) as compared to the control cell culture by a standard water dispersion method (upper area of the plate).
4. The Effects of the Cells Sizes, Environmental Conditions and Growth Phases on the Strength of Individual W303 Yeast Cells 4.1 Determination of the Penetration Force and the Cell Stiffness The indentation experiments (Fig. 4(a)) were conducted by using the integrated ESEMnanomanipulation system. The cells were fixed on the cooling stage in perpendicular direction with an AFM cantilever (0.02 or 0.7 N/m spring constant). The AFM cantilever is controlled by the nanomanipulator and used to apply the compression force on each cell. The penetration of a single cell by the AFM cantilever in this experiment was based on a direct observation of the cell when it was bursted by the AFM cantilever. Due to the shape and size of the indenters, i.e. pyramidal or tetrahedral tips (sharp or flat), the cell bursted phenomenon can not be avoided as soon as the cell wall is penetrated (Obataya et al., 2005a). The ESEM can provide real-time observation, i.e. a cell being approached, touched, indented, and finally penetrated/bursted by the AFM cantilever can be seen clearly. Therefore, as far as this paper is concerned, the penetration of a single cell by the AFM cantilever was based on the occurrence of the cell bursting via real-time observation.
φ Tip Cell
δ Nanomanipulator
Aluminum substrate (a) Cell indentation experiment
10 µm Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of (a) an indentation experiment by using (b) sharp and (c) flat AFM pyramidal cantilever tips under the ESEM mode. For the HV mode, (d) a tetrahedral cantilever tip was used.
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Force (F)-cantilever indentation (I) curves were determined from the experiment. A typical F-I curve using a sharp cantilever tip shows a response of a cell before and after the penetration as shown in Fig. 5. The value of F was calculated by using (1), where k, φ and L are the spring constant, the displacement angle in radians and the length of the cantilever, respectively. Values of φ, L and I were determined from direct measurements of ESEM images using an image analysis software (ImageJ, developed at National Institute of Health), while k was obtained from the manufacturer (Olympus Corp.). Equation (1) was derived from the Hooke’s law, i.e. F=k, where is the displacement of the cantilever which was obtained by using = φ(2/3)L. F k (2 / 3)L
The Hertz-Sneddon models which based on the shape of the tips, i.e. conical, spherical, and cylindrical, were used to estimate the Young’s modulus of the cells as expressed in (2)-(4). Parameters of E, v, α, R and a are the Young’s modulus, the Poisson’s ratio (v = 0.5 for soft biological materials (Lanero et al., 2006)) of the elastic half space (cell’s surface), the half opening angle of a conical tip, the radius of curvature of a spherical tip and the radius of a cylindrical tip, respectively. Values for α, R and a were obtained from ESEM images. Values for these parameters are summarized in Table 1. Fcone
Compression Force, F (nN)
4 E R 1/2 I 3/2 3 1 v2
Fcylindrical 2
E I2 1 v2
E aI 1 v2
Experimental Data Hertz-Sneddon Model Before penetration
After penetration
150 100 50 0 0.00
Cantilever Indentation, I (um)
Fig. 5. Typical force – indentation (F-I) curve under ESEM mode using a sharp tip. The curve shows points before penetration (green arrow) and after penetration (pink arrow) of the cell.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
The blue line shows the best fit of the Hertz-Sneddon model of the experimental data until the penetration point (dotted line). Parameters
20 nm
316 nm (ESEM mode) 206 nm (HV mode)
Table 1. Values for parameters used in the estimation of the Young’s modulus of the single cells. The models predict that the load depends on the indentation according to a power law related to the tip geometry (Lanero et al., 2006). In order to choose the correct tip geometry an equation of the form F=mIb was fitted to force versus indentation curves using commercial fitting software (DataFit), where the exponent b depends on the tip shape. For the sharp pyramidal tip under ESEM mode, we obtained a value of b close to 3/2, characteristic of the spherical tip. The curves were then fitted by using the spherical model. Interestingly, under HV mode, the value of b close to 2 was obtained. Therefore, the canonical model was applied under HV mode. Finally, for the flat pyramidal tip, the b value close to 1 was obtained which is for the cylindrical model. The fitting model for the sharp tip using the spherical tip was reported by Lanero et al. (Lanero et al., 2006) while Touhami et al. (Touhami et al., 2003) used the conical tip as their fitting equation. Obataya et al. (Obataya et al., 2005a) used the cylindrical equation to model their flat nanoneedles. The Hertz-Sneddon models were derived from the classic Hertz’s mechanics model for linear elastic material (Sneddon, 1965). For flat cylindrical punch relating to an applied force, F, with an indentation depth, I, yields the following expression for the initial unloading (load is released after indentation) response, dF/dI^(1/2)(1-v^2)/E, where c is coefficient (c=2/(π)1/2) and A is the contact area. The equation was based on the flat-ended punch, but holds true for any punch that can be described by a smooth solid revolution (spherical, conical, elliptical, etc.) (Pharr et al., 2002). Berkovich and Vickers indenters (3 and 4 sided pyramidal cones, respectively) commonly applied in instrumented indentation techniques cannot be described as bodies of revolution. However, it has been found experimentally and by means of finite element simulations that the deviation from the above equation of pyramidal and other geometrical shapes is negligible (Pharr et al., 2002). The constant c=1.142 for the pyramidal indenter and c=1.167 for tetrahedral indenter differ little from c = 2/(π)^(1/2) = 1.1284 from the above equation. In other words, the derived equation for the sharp conical tip can be used without large error, even the sharp indenter is not a true body of revolution. The final equations of the Young’s modulus based on the Hertz-Sneddon models, i.e. (2)-(3), and the parameter’s values (Table 1) for three different tip shapes, i.e. conical (HV mode), spherical (ESEM mode) and cylindrical (ESEM mode and HV mode), are expressed in (5)-(7). Ecell 6.681
Fcone I2
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Ecell 3.977 10 3
I 3/2
Ecell (1.187 10 6 )
Ecell (1.825 10 6 )
(ESEM mode)
(HV mode)
Fig. 6 shows typical F-I curves using the spherical and cylindrical models under ESEM mode while the inset shows a curve using the conical model under HV mode as obtained in our experiments. The curves are shown until the bursting point of the cells which is the maximum force which the cell can sustain before the cell is bursted. After the bursting point, the force will drop for a while due to the reversed force and will increase again when the tip traverses inside the cell or touch the bottom of the cell wall (Fig. 5). Starting from Fig. 6, data after the bursting points are not shown in the following figures. The reason for this exclusion is that the data were no longer representing the cell stiffness property since the cells were seriously damaged. The curve leading up to the failure is expected to give a combined elastic property of indenting the whole yeast cell and the localized deformation of the surface ruled by the properties of the cell-wall surface. Therefore, the reported E values in this paper indicate the maximum strength of the cell before bursting from a local indentation point. The E values must be higher than the local elastic cell property as the strength of the cell is dominated by the whole cell stiffness (Smith et al., 2000). Nevertheless, examining the cell strength based on the Young’s modulus parameter per se is not adequate since its value may remains constant at different situations, e.g. cell growth phases (Smith et al., 2000). Therefore, the penetration force was used to determine the cell strength under several factors, i.e. cell sizes, environmental conditions and cellular growth phases. Compression Force (uN)
Compression Force, F (nN)
300 250 200
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 Cantilever Indentation (um)
Experimental Data Hertz-Sneddon Conical Model Hertz-Sneddon Spherical Model Hertz-Sneddon Cylindrical Model Penetration Force
100 50 0 0.00
0.10 0.15 0.20 Cantilever Indentation, I (um)
Fig. 6. Typical force – indentation (F-I) curves under ESEM mode using spherical and cylindrical models for sharp and flat tips, respectively. Inset shows the F-I curve under HV mode using conical model.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
4.2 The Effect of the Cell Sizes on the Strength of the Single Cells The penetrations of single yeast cells using sharp and flat cantilever tips (Figs. 4(b)-(c)) are shown in Figs. 7(a)-(b). The required force to penetrate a single yeast cell under the ESEM mode using a sharp tip for different cell sizes are shown in Fig. 8. The comparison between sharp and flat tips to penetrate each cell is shown in Fig. 9. The environmental settings for ESEM mode are set to 600 Pa and 0.0°C. These parameters are chosen to vaporize water so that the majority of the cell surface can be seen for mechanical manipulation. Results clearly show a strong relationship between cell size and strength, the latter increases with an increase in cell size (Fig. 8). Yeast cell walls consists predominantly of glucan with (1,3)-β and (1,6)-β linkages, and mannan covalently linked to protein (mannoprotein) (Klis et al., 2006; Lesage & Bussey, 2006). Mechanical properties are a function of β-glucans, whereas mannoproteins control porosity (Lesage & Bussey, 2006). Thus it can be inferred that the βglucans composition increases when the yeast cell size increases. This prediction is consistent with other studies stating that small and large yeast cells exhibit similar glucan and mannan contents, but further fractionation of the glucan showed five-times less alkaliinsoluble glucan in the smaller sized cells (Srinorakutara, 1998). This may be another reason why the large yeast cells appear to be stronger than the smaller cells (Srinorakutara, 1998). The alkali-insoluble glucan plays a role in maintaining cell rigidity (Fleet & Manners, 1976). Nevertheless, the elastic properties of the cells at different sizes remain unchanged (Table 2). The small and large yeast cells contain different composition levels of alkali-insoluble glucan (Srinorakutara, 1998). The increase in this glucan in the large cells does not change the properties of the molecule itself but rather increase the number of molecules, without changing its elasticity properties. Consequently, the elasticity of the whole cell also remains unchanged and independent of cell size. On the other hand, since there are more glucan molecules in the larger cells, the thickness of the cell wall also increases (Smith et al., 2000). Hence, the amount of force needed to penetrate the cell also increases due to more moleculebarriers during the indentation which leads to penetration. The average penetration forces for 3, 4, 5 and 6 μm cell diameter ranges are 96 ± 2, 124 ± 10, 163 ± 1 and 234 ± 14 nN, respectively (Fig. 8). This was expected since the yeast’s cell wall is remarkably thick (100 - 200 nm) (Walker, 1998), whereas its plasma membrane is only about 7 nm thick (Walker, 1998).
Penetration point
Force direction
5 μm
Penetration point
Force direction
5 μm
Fig. 7. Penetrations of yeast cells by different cantilever tips, i.e. (a) sharp cantilever tip and (b) flat cantilever tip.
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These results are comparable to reported penetration force of 1 nN for a human epidermal melanocytes that is the only cell membrane without cell wall structure (Obataya, 2005). Since the mechanical strength of the cell is provided by the cell wall and not the cell membrane, therefore the melanocytes are easily penetrated compared to yeast cells. Additionally, the effect of local (small contact area between tip and cell surface and global (large contact area between tip and cell surface) penetrations are also an important factor in the amount of applied force. This can be seen from our results for the local penetration (96 to 234 nN) compared to reported average of 149 ± 56 μN for global bursting of the yeast cell (Smith et al., 2000). The average Young’s modulus obtained from (6), i.e. 3.24 ± 0.09 MPa is reasonable compared to reported local cell stiffness values of 0.73 MPa (Pelling et al., 2004) and 1.12 MPa (Lanero, 2006), since the E values obtained in this paper representing not only the local elastic property of the cell but also the whole cell stiffness. In addition to the cell size factor, we showed that the shape of the indenter also plays an important role in predicting the penetration force of a single cell. This can be confirmed from Fig. 9 where the penetration force can be reduced 40-50% by using a sharp cantilever tip compared to a flat tip. This provides a good indicator for future cell surgery where a minimal penetration force is required for preventing serious cell damage or undesirable mechanotransductions due to a large cell deformation (Huang et al., 2004). The Young’s modulus (E) of the cells estimated using the spherical model (sharp tip) and the cylindrical model (flat tip) obtained from (6) and (7), respectively, showed that the E values of the cell remained constant at about 3 MPa. Hertz Model (Cell Size: 3(1)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 3(2)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 3(3)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 3(4)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 3(5) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 4(1)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 4(2)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 4(3)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 4(4)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 4(5)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 5(1)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 5(2)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 5(3)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 5(4)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 6(1)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 6(2)) Hertz Model (Cell Size: 6(3))
Compression Force (nN)
250 200 150 100
234 ± 14 nN
163 ± 1 nN 124 ± 10 nN 96 ± 2 nN
Penetration forces at different cell sizes
0 0.00
0.20 0.30 0.40 0.10 Cantilever Indentation (um)
Fig. 8. Penetration force using a sharp tip at different cell sizes. Experimental data are fitted using the spherical model. The curves are shown until the penetration points. Inner bracket () indicates the cell number for each cell size. Cell size is in µm. Cell Size (µm)
Young Modulus (MPa)
3.27 ± 0.23
3.28 ± 0.12
3.31 ± 0.11
3.29 ± 0.10
Table 2. Young’s modulus of the single cells at different cell sizes.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
The link between the cell strength with the increase cell size as reported in this paper is somehow against the Laplace law. Laplace law governs the tension of an ideal thin-wall sphere, i.e. Wall tension=Transmural pressure*Radius of the curvature*½ (Morris & Homann, 2000). From this equation, the more curved a membrane (small cell), the less tension experienced by the cell wall for a given transmural pressure (the pressure difference between inside and outside of the cell). The less tension the cell wall, the less possibility the cell wall to failure. This mean a smaller cell is less likely to be ruptured than a larger cell. This notion could be true if the thickness of the cell remains constant independent of cell sizes. Since the cell wall plays a main role in cell stiffness than the membrane cell, any different in the cell wall thickness would give different stiffness property of the cell. Smith et al. (Smith et al., 2000) showed that the thickness of the cell wall increases as the cell growth. Kliss et al. (Klis et al., 2006) also revealed that cells increase their size during their lifetime before undergone a cell division. During this growing process, the composition of the glucan is increasing which inturn increases the thickness of the cell wall (Smith et al., 2000). The heterogeneity of the cell wall composition and cell wall thickness will give different stiffness property to the cell and therefore the Laplace law which governs the surface tension of the cell may play a minor role in predicting the strength of the cell.
Compression Force (nN)
300 250 200 150
285 nN 265 nN
Hertz Model (Sharp Tip_Cell Size: 4) Hertz Model (Sharp Tip_Cell Size: 5) Hertz Model (Flat Tip_Cell Size: 4) Hertz Model (Flat Tip_Cell Size: 5)
162 nN 130 nN
100 50
Penetration force
0 0.00
0.10 0.20 0.30 Cantilever Indentation (um)
Fig. 9. Comparison of penetration force using sharp (using the spherical model) and flat tips (using the cylindrical model) for 4 and 5 µm cell sizes range. Young’s modulus of the cells remains constant at about 3 MPa. The curves are shown until the penetration points. 4.3 The Effect of the Environmental Conditions on the Strength of the Single Cells The required force to penetrate a single yeast cell under HV mode using sharp and flat tips for different cell sizes are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. Insets are images of penetration of a single yeast cell using sharp (Fig. 10) and flat (Fig. 11) cantilever tips. Higher spring constant of the cantilever, i.e. 0.7 N/m was used for the compression experiment as lower spring constant values failed to penetrate the cell. Fig. 4(d) shows the image of a tetrahedral cantilever tip used in this experiment. The penetration force to burst a
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cell wall increases about twenty times from ESEM mode to high vacuum (HV) condition (cells which 5 μm diameter were used for comparison and analysis) (Figs. 8 and 10). Since this data under high vacuum condition is reported for the first time, it is difficult to compare with other reports. Nevertheless, the increase in penetration force from ESEM to HV modes which was obtained in our experiment can be logically understood. Cell wall construction is tightly controlled since polysaccharide composition, structure and thickness of the cell wall vary considerably, depending on the environmental conditions (Klis et al., 2006). Therefore, we can infer that under extreme condition of high vacuum, yeast cell tries to survive by increasing its wall thickness as suggested by the increased compression force needed to penetrate its cell wall (Figs. 10 and 11). Other possibility is that under high vacuum condition, cells become too dry which eventually increases their cell hardness. These findings reveal that besides the shape of a cantilever tip, other external factors such as environmental conditions also influence the penetration force of a single cell. Like the ESEM mode, cell size remains the internal factor that influences the penetration force under high vacuum condition. By using a sharp tip, an average of 3 μN penetration force was required for a 5 μm diameter cell. As expected, this force increased (up to 14 μN) when a flat cantilever tip was applied, for cells with an average diameter of 4 to 6 μm.
Compression Force (um)
3.11 µN
3.0 2.5
500 nm
500 nm
2.79 µN
2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.00
Penetration force Hertz Conical Model 1 (Cell Size: 5) Hertz Conical Model 2 (Cell Size: 5)
0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 Cantilever Indentation (um)
Fig. 10. Force-indentation curves until the penetration points using a sharp tip (conical model) for about 5 µm cell size under HV mode. For a quantitative evaluation of the elasticity of the cell, the Hertz-Sneddon mechanics model for conical and cylindrical tips as expressed in (2) and (4) are used for sharp and flat tips, respectively. Average elastic properties of yeast cells under the influence of two environmental conditions are shown in Table 3, where the cell stiffness increases about ten times under HV mode. The cell surface becomes rigid when it is placed in the HV mode. It is believed that in the absence of water, cell surface becomes harder than in the presence of
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
water. This leads to a significant increase in the Young’s modulus (26.02 ± 3.66 MPa) obtained from (5) under HV mode as compared to the ESEM mode (3.31 ± 011 MPa) as expected. 4.4 The Effect of the Growth Phases on the Strength of the Single Cells All cells have a unique growth phase curve during their life cycle which is normally divided into four phases; lag, log, saturation and death phases. In the present study we did not investigate the death phase. These phases can be easily identified from the optical density (OD) absorbance-time curve (Fig. 12). Lag phase located at the initial lower horizontal line where the cells adapt themselves to growth conditions and the cells mature and divide slowly. Log phase, can be seen from an exponential line where the cells have started to divide and grow exponentially. The actual growth rate depends upon the growth conditions. Saturation phase resembles a final upper horizontal line where the growth rate slows and ceases mainly due to lack of nutrients in the medium. 16.0
14.37 µN
Compression Force (uN)
14.0 12.0
1 µm
1 µm
9.20 µN
8.54 µN
Penetration force
Hertz Cylindrical Model 1 (Cell Size: 4) Hertz Cylindrical Model 2 (Cell Size: 4) Hertz Cylindrical Model 3 (Cell Size: 6) Hertz Cylindrical Model 4 (Cell Size: 6)
2.0 0.0 0.00
12.52 µN
0.20 0.40 0.60 Cantilever Indentation (um)
Fig. 11. Force-indentation curves until the penetration points using a flat tip (cylindrical model) for 4 to 6 µm cell sizes under HV mode. Environmental Conditions (Pa)
Young Modulus (MPa)
ESEM mode (~ 600)
3.31 ± 0.11 (n=4)
HV mode (~ 0.00314)
26.02 ± 3.66 (n=6)
Table 3. Young’s modulus of the single cells at different environmental conditions. During the death phase, all of nutrients are exhausted and the cells die (Tortora et al., 2003). It is believed that the mechanics of the normal cells have different properties at each of the phases. In this section, the mechanical properties of W303 yeast cells at four different growth phases (early, mid, late log and saturation) are discussed.
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Since each cell has a unique growth phase, we determined the growth phase of W303 yeast cells by measuring the absorbance at 660 nm using a Spectrophotometer (Hitachi: U-2000) at one hour intervals (Fig. 12). The growth rate (absorbance per hour) was about 0.23 as can be seen from the slope of the curve. Samples were stored at -80ºC (Sanyo: MDF-291AT) to hold its growth before the compression experiment. The compression experiments were done at 6 hour intervals starting at early log phase and ending at saturation phase. Penetration force was analyzed for each phase as shown in Figs. 13(a)-(d). As expected, the force needed to penetrate a single cell increased from early log to saturation phase (161 ± 25, 216 ± 15, 255 ± 21 and 408 ± 41 nN), whereas, the elastic properties of the cells seem constant for all the phases obtained from (6), i.e. 3.28 ± 0.17, 3.34 ± 0.14, 3.24 ± 0.11 and 3.38 ± 0.11 MPa (Table 4). These mechanical properties of the W303 yeast cells at different growth phases are in an agreement with reported increment of average surface modulus of S .cerevisiae cell wall to be 11.1 ± 0.6 N/m (log phase) and 12.9 ± 0.7 N/m (saturation phase) with no significant increase in the elastic modulus of the cell, i.e. 112 ± 6 MPa (log phase) and 107 ± 6 MPa (saturation phase) (Smith et al., 2000). Their values for elastic modulus are quite high is also reasonable since they measured the whole elastic properties of the cell by compressing a single cell between two big flat indenters as compared to a local cell indentation in our case. From this analysis, it can be inferred that the thickness of the W303 cell wall is increased during the growth phase since the penetration force increases at each phase, and at the same time, maintaining their elastic properties during the growth phase as verified by the constant elastic modulus values shown in Table 4. The increase in the cell thickness does not affect the elastic properties of the cell but the penetration force will be increased due to more molecules need to be penetrated. We believe that the increase in the thickness of cell wall is mainly due to an increment of β-glucans molecules (Lesage & Bussey, 2006).
OD660nm Absorbance
3.000 Late Log
2.500 2.000 Mid Log
1.500 1.000
Early Log
Experimental data
0.000 0
10 12 14 Time (hours)
Fig. 12. The growth phase cycle for W303 yeast cells based on the OD660nm absorbance measurement.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
427 (b) Mid Log
Hertz Model (EL_Cell 1) Hertz Model (EL_Cell 2) Hertz Model (EL_Cell 3) Hertz Model (EL_Cell 4) Hertz Model (EL_Cell 5) Hertz Model (EL_Cell 6) Hertz Model (EL_Cell 7) Hertz Model (EL_Cell 8)
Compression Force (nN)
Compression Force (nN)
(a) Early Log 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
161 ± 25 nN
500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Hertz Model (ML_Cell 1) Hertz Model (ML_Cell 2) Hertz Model (ML_Cell 3) Hertz Model (ML_Cell 4) Hertz Model (ML_Cell 5) Hertz Model (ML_Cell 6) Hertz Model (ML_Cell 7) Hertz Model (ML_Cell 8) Hertz Model (ML_Cell 9)
Cantilever Indentation (um)
400 300 200
255 ± 21 nN
100 0 0.00
(d) Saturation
(c) Late Log Hertz Model (LL_Cell 1) Hertz Model (LL_Cell 2) Hertz Model (LL_Cell 3) Hertz Model (LL_Cell 4) Hertz Model (LL_Cell 5) Hertz Model (LL_Cell 6) Hertz Model (LL_Cell 7) Hertz Model (LL_Cell 8)
Cantilever Indentation (um)
0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Cantilever Indentation (um)
Compression Force (nN)
Compression Force (nN)
216 ± 15 nN
500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Hertz Model (Sat_Cell 1) Hertz Model (Sat_Cell 2) Hertz Model (Sat_Cell 3) Hertz Model (Sat_Cell 4) Hertz Model (Sat_Cell 5) Hertz Model (Sat_Cell 6) Hertz Model (Sat_Cell 7) Hertz Model (Sat_Cell 8)
408 ± 41 nN
0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Cantilever Indentation (um)
Fig. 13. The force-indentation curves (fitted using spherical model) for single cells at each growth phases (a) early log, (b) mid log, (c) late log and (d) saturation. The curves are shown until the penetration points.
Cell Growth Phase
Young Modulus (MPa)
Early Log
3.28 ± 0.17 (n=8)
Mid Log
3.34 ± 0.14 (n=9)
Late Log
3.24 ± 0.11 (n=8)
Saturation 3.38 ± 0.11 (n=8) Table 4. Young’s modulus of the single cells at different cell growth phases.
5. Nanoneedles for Single Cells Mechanical Characterizations 5.1 Determination of Cell Stiffness and Cell Surgery Based on Nanomanipulation We propose several approaches for achieving two biomechanic tasks, i.e. determining the stiffness of a single cell and performing single cell surgery as shown in Fig. 14. In the cell stiffness measurement, two approaches are designed. The first approach, to the best of our knowledge, is a novel technique in determining the stiffness of the cell. In this technique, the nanoneedle and the cell can be modeled as two springs in series. In order to model the nanoneedle as a spring, firstly, the nanoneedle should be able to buckle linearly and secondly, it should have lower or the same spring constant as the cell. This technique prevents the damage to the cell since the indentation is minimized from the buckling effect
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of the nanoneedle which avoids excessive indentation being applied to the cell, the so-called “soft nanoneedle”. The schematic of this approach is shown in Fig. 14(a). The second approach for the measurement of cell stiffness is based on a “hard nanoneedle” which relies totally on the deformation of the cell in order to measure its stiffness. By knowing the applied compression force and the deformation of the cell, the stiffness of the cell can be measured (Fig. 14b). In order to fabricate the hard nanoneedle, strong material which is hard to bend is needed. We used Tungsten material to construct the hard nanoneedle. To prevent excessive indentation force on the cell by the hard nanoneedle, this process has to be performed by avoiding any sudden pressure which can interrupt chemical activities of the cell, e.g. mechanotransduction effect. The other preventive step is to use a lower cantilever spring constant. We used 0.09 N/m cantilever spring constants. The hard nanoneedle can also be used for single cell surgery. In theory, all hard nanoneedles must be able to penetrate the cell, however, in practice, for the yeast cells, only some nanoneedles (Si-Ti and W2 nanoneedles) can penetrate the cells while others (e.g. W0.09 nanoneedle) are only limited to cell stiffness measurement only. This is because to penetrate the cell, more compression force is needed. This excessive force may exceed the force limits of the nanoneedle causing failure. This so-called “cell surgery” operation is shown schematically in Fig. 14(c). F
STIFFNESS MEASUREMENT APPROACH 2 APPROACH 1 Hard Nanoneedle Soft Nanoneedle (Si Nanoneedle) (W0.09 Nanoneedle)
Substrate (b)
Si-Ti and W2 Nanoneedles
Buckling Deformation
Fig. 14. The schematics diagrams for the nanoneedles indentation experiments indicate local single cell stiffness measurement using (a) soft Silicon (Si) nanoneedle and (b) hard nanoneedle which is based on Tungsten deposition on the cantilever (spring constant = 0.09 N/m) (W0.09). Single cell surgery is shown in (c) by using hard Si-Ti and W2 nanoneedles.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
5.2 Fabrication of Soft and Hard Nanoneedles Four kinds of nanoneedles were fabricated. Fig. 15 shows the general fabrication processes for each of the nanoneedles. The standard Platinum coated tetrahedral cantilever tips having a spring constant of 2 N/m (Olympus Corp.) were used in the fabrication of Si, Si-Ti and W2 nanoneedles. Whereas for the W0.09 nanoneedle, the standard sharp pyramidal cantilever tip which has a 0.09 N/m spring constant (Olympus Corp.) was used. The soft Silicon (Si) nanoneedle was fabricated by using only Focused Ion Beam (FIB) etching as shown in Fig. 15(a). The parameters for the etching process are 30 kV of acceleration voltage and 8.561 1018 of ion dose. The time required to complete the process is between 20 to 45 min. The diameter and the length of the Si nanoneedle are about 150-170 nm and 7 µm, respectively. The quantitative analysis of the detailed material of the soft nanoneedle was performed using an energy dispersion spectrometry (EDS) method (Ametex Inc.). In general, this type of spectroscope identifies and counts the impinging X-rays based upon their characteristic energy levels. The X-ray spectrum, used in quantitative analysis, is generated by the nanoneedle in response to the spot from an electron beam on the center area of the nanoneedle. The intensity of the X-rays is measured by EDS as shown in Fig. 16. From the EDS analysis, the main element of the soft nanoneedle is Silicon (83.03 %) while the rest is Oxygen. The first type of hard nanoneedle, i.e. Silicon-Titanium (Si-Ti) nanoneedle, was fabricated by coating the former Si nanoneedle with Ti material by sputtering as shown in Fig. 15(b). The time for the sputtering operation is about 3 min to obtain a coating of approximately 20 nm of Ti material. The coated area of the Ti material is only on the one side of the nanoneedle facing the Ti source during the sputtering operation. Nevertheless, this coating increases the strength of the basic Si nanoneedle from easily buckling to unbuckling. The typical diameter and length of the Si-Ti nanoneedles are about 185-200 nm and 4 µm respectively. The second type of hard nanoneedle (W0.09) was fabricated by first flattening the apex of the sharp pyramidal cantilever tip by using FIB etching. Then W material was deposited on the flat surface by using a small area of FIB deposition, i.e. 100 nm2 as shown in Fig. 15(c). The ion dose parameter for deposition is 2.672 1020. The time for the deposition is about 13 min. The typical diameter and the length of the W0.09 nanoneedles are about 250 nm and 3 µm respectively. Finally, the third type of hard nanoneedle (W2), was fabricated by first flattening the apex of the sharp tetrahedral cantilever tip by using FIB etching, then followed by W deposition of large area of FIB deposition, i.e. 160 000 nm2, and finally trimmed to produce nanoneedle structure by using FIB etching as shown in Fig. 15(d). The diameter and length of the W 2 nanoneedle are around 150-170 nm and 3 µm. The actual images of each nanoneedle are shown in the Fig 17. All of the fabricated nanoneedles have flat ended tips.
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
Platinum Titanium Silicon Aluminum
Etching area
(a)Silicon (b) Silicon-Titanium nanoneedle nanoneedle Coated by sputtering
Spring constant = 2 N/m
(c) Tungsten (W0.09) nanoneedle
Tungsten deposition
Etching area
Silicon nitride
Spring constant = 0.09 N/m
Etching area
(d) Tungsten (W2) nanoneedle Tungsten deposition
Trimmed by etching
Spring constant = 2 N/m
Fig. 15. Fabrication procedures of nanoneedle: (a) Silicon nanoneedle, (b) Silicon-Titanium nanoneedle, (c) Tungsten (W0.09) nanoneedle and (d) Tungsten (W2) nanoneedle, respectively. Si
O 1.00
5.00 keV
Fig. 16. The determination of the precise material of the soft nanoneedle was done by using energy dispersion spectrometry (EDS) method. From this data, the main component of the soft nanoneedle is Silicon as expected.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
5.3 Application of Soft Nanoneedle: Single Cell Whole Stiffness Characterization The whole stiffness response of a single cell, i.e. the deformation of the entire cell upon the applied load from a single point indentation, to the best of our knowledge, has not been previously reported. The difficulty to achieve such data is due to the stiff indenter which may penetrate or burst the cell. Our soft nanoneedle can be used for preventing the cell penetration by its ability to buckle during indentation. The mechanism of the cell deformation is stated as the following; upon indentation of the soft nanoneedle on the cell, local deformation occurred below the tip of the nanoneedle. Further indentation has induced the whole cell to deform in addition to the local cell deformation. The ability to produce a large local point indentation could give more information regarding the mechanical property of the organelles inside the cell.
5 µm (c)
4 µm (d)
3 µm
4 µm
Fig. 17. Actual images of (a) Si, (b) Si-Ti, (c) W2 and (d) W0.09 nanoneedles.
Before buckling
After buckling
Cell Soft Nanoneedle
5 µm
5 µm
Fig. 18. Single cell global stiffness measurement from a single point using the Si nanoneedle. Two images show the Si nanoneedle at (a) straight condition and (b) buckling condition.
Cutting Edge Nanotechnology
The global stiffness measurement of single cells from single point indentation was performed using a Si nanoneedle as shown in Fig. 18. The measurement was performed using a standard indentation procedure. The Si nanoneedle started to buckle after the cell deformed for about 0.5 µm. From this point, the buckling rate of the Si nanoneedle increased with the increase of the indentation depth. Fig. 19 shows the force-cell deformation response of a single cell using the Si nanoneedles. By using (5) (based on Hertz-Sneddon conical tip model) as described earlier, the spring constant and Young modulus of single W303 yeast cells were estimated as presented in Table 5. The values of kcell for about the same physical parameters of two yeast cells, i.e. 0.92 ± 0.12 N/m and 0.95 ± 0.36 N/m show strong mechanical property similarity. The values which represent the whole cell spring constants are reasonable as compared to the reported local spring constant of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell (0.06 ± 0.025 N/m) (Pelling et al., 2004). The values of whole Ecell, i.e. 3.64 MPa and 3.92 MPa are also rational since they represent the whole cell stiffness property as compared to the reported local Young modulus of the yeast cell, i.e. 0.72 ± 0.06 MPa (Pelling et al., 2004). Our method shows improved data sensitivity as compared to the other global stiffness measurement method that relies totally in a compression of a single cell between one big indenter and a substrate. Data from this method may not represent the actual global cell stiffness as extra dissipation force may be included in the measurement as reported by (Smith et al., 2000) for the global cell spring constant and Young modulus of yeast cell as 11.1 N/m and 112 MPa.
Compression Force (nN)
Experimental Data (Cell 1) Experimental Data (Cell 2) Hertz-Sneddon Model (Cell 1) Hertz-Sneddon Model (Cell 2)
1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 Cell Deformation (um)
Fig. 19. Force-deformation curves of single cells using the Si nanoneedle. Experimental data were fitted with the Hertz-Sneddon conical tip model. Cell Physical Parameters Height (µm)
Cell Stiffness Characteristics
Diameter (µm)
Spring Constant (N/m)
Young Modulus (MPa)
Cell 1
Cell 2
Table 5. The global characteristics of two single cells from local single point indentation using buckling Si nanoneedle.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
5.4 Application of Hard Nanoneedle: Single Cell Local Stiffness Characterization The local stiffness property, i.e. the deformation of the surface of the cell upon the applied load, on several points on mother cell and daughter cell, to the best of our knowledge, has never been reported. In order to achieve multi-point indentations on a single cell, we have used the standard indentation technique together with the image analysis to measure the cell deformation and compression force. The compression force was calculated using (1) and the value of φ was obtained from the bending of the cantilever. These values (cell deformation and compression force) were then fitted in (4) (Hertz-Sneddon cylindrical tip model) to obtain the local stiffness of the cell. W0.09 nanoneedle which has small value of cantilever’s spring constant (0.09 N/m) was used in this experiment as shown in Fig. 20. Three random indentation points on each mother and daughter cell were performed as shown in Figs. 20(a) and (b) respectively. The cells can be recognized as mother and daughter cells from a direct image observation or from the cell volume comparison. The shape of the cells was assumed to be a prolate spheroid, and the volumes were calculated by using the formula V=(π/6)lw2, where V is the volume, l is the height, and w is the width at maximum circumference (diameter) (Johnston et al., 1977). Thomas et al. (Thomas et al., 1980) reported about 38% difference in cell volume between fully separated mother and daughter cells of Candida utilis type of yeast cell. In our experiment, the volume difference of the mother and daughter cells is about 45% and this is reasonable since the daughter was not fully grown as it was still intact with its mother at the time of measurement. The results from the indentations are shown in Fig. 21 and data were summarized in Table 6. From the data, all the three points on the mother and daughter cells show very good agreement to each other in local stiffness profile, i.e. for mother cell (1.47 MPa, 1.43 MPa and 1.47 MPa) and for daughter cell (1.11 MPa, 1.09 MPa and 1.09 MPa). On the other hand, the data revealed the heterogeneous local stiffness property between mother and daughter cell. This can be comprehended since the daughter cell was still in its early growth phase and the insertion of new cell wall macromolecules, as required for its strength, into its existing polymer network (Klis et al., 2006) was still carried out at the time of measurement and therefore its Young’s modulus exhibited slightly lower value than the mother cell. (a) Third point Mother cell Second point
First point 5 µm
5 µm
5 µm
(b) First point Daughter cell
5 µm
Second point 5 µm
Third point 5 µm
Fig. 20. Local stiffness measurement using the W0.09 nanoneedle on three points of the (a) mother cell and (b) daughter cell.
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The local stiffness characteristic of the mother cell as reported here falls in the same stiffness range as the data obtained from the literature. Peeling et al. (Pelling et al., 2004) reported 0.72 ± 0.06 MPa of the local stiffness property of the yeast cell. Lanero et al. (Lanero et al., 2006) reported 1.79 ± 0.08 MPa, 1.12 ± 0.02 and 2.0 ± 0.2 MPa for coated cell, uncoated cell and coated cell-bud scar of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae respectively. As compared to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, baker-type yeast cells which has been widely used for the cell stiffness analysis, we have shown, for the first time, the mechanical property of the W303 strain, wild-type yeast cell. 5.5 Application of Hard Nanoneedle: Single Cell Surgery The large stiffness and the small diameter of the Si-Ti and W2 nanoneedles have bring additional functionality to those nanoneedles. Fig. 14(c) shows the schematic of single cell surgery. In this experiment, we are not interested in the measurement of the elastic property of the cells but rather the ability of the nanoneedles to penetrate the cell without creating any cell bursting. As compared to our previous work (Ahmad et al., 2007), the penetration activities were followed by the cell bursting which killed the cell. This is unwanted scenario if we want to perform the future drug delivery and the single cell surgery. From the experimental real-time observation under ESEM, we can see clearly that a single cell was punctured by a nanoneedle without any cell bursting as can be seen from Fig. 22. Fig. 23 shows the force-cell deformation response of a single cell using Si-Ti nanoneedle and W2 nanoneedle at three stages of indentation, i.e. early indentation (blue line), after penetration (pink line), and late indentation, i.e. the nanoneedle was touching the substrate (red line). Compression Force (nN)
70 Mother
50 40 30 20
Experimental Data (Mother Pts. 1-3) Experimental Data (Daughter Pts. 1-3) Hertz-Sneddon Model (Mother Pts. 1-3) Hertz-Sneddon Model (Daughter Pts. 1-3)
10 0 0
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 Cantilever Indentation (um)
Fig. 21. Force-indentation curves of mother and daughter cells using the W0.09 nanoneedle. Experimental data were fitted with the Hertz-Sneddon cylindrical tip model.
Mother cell Daughter cell
Cell Height (µm)
Cell Diameter (µm)
Point 1 Point 2
Young Modulus (MPa) 1.43
Point 3
Point 1
Point 2 Point 3
1.09 1.09
Table 6. The local stiffness characteristics of mother cell and daughter cell using w0.09 nanoneedle.
Single Cell Analysis inside Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM)-Nanomanipulator System
At the first stage, the nanoneedle was indenting the cell without penetration of the cell as can be seen from the first inset of Fig. 23(a). The second stage begins when the nanoneedle started to penetrate the cell. The values of force and cell deformation at the point of penetration by using Si-Ti and W2 nanoneedles were about 550 nN (0.42 µm) and 778 nN (0.56 µm). The increase in the penetration force by using the W2 nanoneedle was due to the small bending of the nanoneedle prior penetration. This stage can be recognized from the drop in force value as can be seen from the second inset of Fig. 23(b). Since the penetration force before the penetration was quite high, the drop force was large due to the high momentum of the reversed force. Further indentation in the second stage had brought the nanoneedle in contact with the other cell wall that was supported by the substrate as can be seen by the sudden rise of force value as shown in the third inset of Fig. 23(c). In order to confirm the success of the injection of the nanoneedle without cell bursting, we intentionally hit the nanoneedle on the other side of the cell wall to break it as shown in Fig. 24. The injection without cell bursting is very important in single cell surgery and drug delivery systems. Nevertheless, the work on single cell surgery is still under investigation and more researchers are needed in this area to develop better devices for single cell surgery. One of the works in single cell surgery was done by (Obataya et al., 2005b). They measured force between 1 to 2 nN to penetrate a human epidermal melanocyte cell. The value of the force is small compared to the penetration force obtained in this paper because unlike the yeast cell, the human epidermal melanocyte cell does not have the cell wall. The cell wall which exists in the yeast cell is the main component which governs the stiffness properties of the cell (Klis et al., 2006). (a)
Before penetration
After penetration
Cell Hard Nanoneedle
4 µm
4 µm
Fig. 22. Single cell surgery without cell bursting using Si-Ti nanoneedle.
Compression Force (nN)
1200 Penetration point
1000 800
600 400 200
Penetration of Cell 1 by Si-Ti nanoneedle Penetration of Cell 2 by W2 nanoneedle
0 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 Cell Deformation (um)
Fig. 23. Force-cell deformation curve using Ti-Si and W2 nanoneedles at three different stages, i.e. (a) before penetration, (b) after penetration and (c) touching the substrate.
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Part of nanoneedle inside the cell
2 µm Fig. 24. Single cell surgery without cell bursting using Si-Ti nanoneedle. The dotted line represents the inserted nanoneedle inside the cell. The values for a, b and c are 2.16 µm, 1.19 µm and 0.30 µm respectively.
6. Conclusion
In this chapter, two important needs for the single cells analysis, i.e. the understanding of the mechanical properties of single cells and the implementation of the nanodevices in single cells mechanical property characterizations, have been addressed. The advantages of the integrated ESEM-nanomanipulation system rely on its capability to perform in-situ local direct observation and manipulation of a biological sample and the ability to control the environmental conditions. The ESEM-nanomanipulation system has a great capability for conducting single cells analysis. To the best of our knowledge, we, for the first time, have demonstrated the effect of the internal influences (cell size and growth phases) and the external influence (environmental conditions) on the cell strength. The penetration force is proportional to the increase in cell size, during the cell growth and under high vacuum condition. The elastic modulus of the cell increases dramatically under high vacuum condition but remain unaffected during the cell growth. Furthermore, we have highlighted the mechanical properties characterization of individual yeast cells from W303 strain using four types of nanoneedles, i.e. Si, Si-Ti, W0.09 and W2 nanoneedles. We have demonstrated via experimental verification that all four types of nanoneedles described are very effective for yeast cell local stiffness characterization. This capability has numerous future applications especially in human disease detection. In addition to the mechanical characterization, Si-Ti and W2 nanoneedles can also be applied in single cell surgery due to their strength. Penetrations of single cells have been successfully performed using either of these nanoneedles. This single cell surgery can be further applied in the future single cell drug delivery applications.
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Anti silver nanoparticle bacteria
20 X
Anti silver nanoparticle bacteria Chi-Yea Yang
Department of Biotechnology, Vanung University TAIWAN
1. Introduction Nanoparticles (NPs) are in the 1- to 100-nm size range and can be composed of many different base materials. Particles in the nanometer size range do occur both in nature and as a result of industrial processes. NPs have been widely used today, especially in the latest developed science materials. Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs), one of the most popular antimicrobial materials had been generally utilized in the textile industry and medical engineering (7, 13). Different Ag-NPs fabricating methods will make different physical or chemical property. Besides from silver nanofibers and plasma nanoparticles, most textile processing methods involve the dipping method that produce a lot of Ag-NPs containing waste water. The entire industrial Ag-NPs containing waste water still has not any proper efficient method to grip them out from the waste before it was drained into the environment (1, 6). A novel bacteria mutant was isolated from the ordinary laboratory analysis, and was revealed and identified. This mutant strain could degrade 5 different trade mark Ag-NPs, directly. Under the textile NPs operation concentration, which exhibit a complete antimicrobial activity, all these five different products of commercial Ag-NPs will be degraded into none antimicrobial activity by this mutant within 4 hours. Atomic absorbance analysis observed that the Ag-NPs were absorbed by the cell directly. Nanotechnology was expected to have a revolutionary impact on life science. A variety of material production processes occur at nanometer length scales (4). Such as, textile Ag-NPs antimicrobial activity, gold nanoparticles super catalase activity and most NPs offer some unique advantages as sensing and drug delivery (2). Due to different fabrication methods, such many varieties of NPs were available: polymeric nanoparticles, dendrimers, metal nanoparticles, liposomes and other types of nano-assemblies (11). They are multipurpose agents with a diversity of biomedical applications including high sensitive diagnostic assays and radiotherapy enhancement (2), as well as drug and gene delivery analysis (5). Since Ag-NPs excellent antimicrobial activity had been applied onto textile industry, cosmetic products and food preservation followed, but the nanoparticle safety problems were confirmed by less positive reports when some others status on the contrary side (3, 4). Most NPs were never been presented in human life. When more and more NPs have been developed and applied into the environment, how could we estimate the environmental impact (9)? Anyway, today NPs have to be used incessantly and enormously; here we isolate a novel Klebsiella mutant strain, an opportunistic pathogen found in the environment
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and on mammalian mucosal surfaces, which could degrade many different kinds of Ag-NPs, directly, within 2~4 hours. After this Klebsiella mutant had precipitate down the NPs, the solution turn to none antimicrobial activity, at all, and the waste could be drained out into the aquatic environment. It means that, this Klebsiella mutant could be served as a powerful bioremediation tool for industrial Ag-NPs containing waste management.
2. Experiments 2.1. Bacteria strains Bacteria strains used in this study were Staphylococcus aureus ATCC6538P, Escherichia coli BCRC 16081 and Salmonella enterotidis BCRC10744 . These strains were obtained from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Rockville, MD, U.S.A.); Culture Collection and Research Center (CCRC, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan). 2.2. PCR primers design The primer sequences were chosen from the conserved regions of the bacteria 16S rDNA. The sequences of the PCR primers designed were as follows: forward primer, 16S-350F (5’-CCTACGGGAGGCAGCAGT-3’), corresponding to E. coli 16S rDNA (accession number J01859), and reverse primer, 16S-820R (5’-CGTTTACGGCGTGGACTAC-3’). Primers were synthesized with a model 394 DNA-RNA synthesizer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, Calif.). 2.3. DNA isolation and PCR amplification Genomic DNA from Klebsiella sp. was extracted and purified using Genomic Tips (Qiagen, Valencia, Calif.) with Genomic DNA Buffer Set (Qiagen). The concentration of DNA was determined by UV spectrophotometer (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.). DNA fragment was amplified by using the primer set 16S-350F and 16S-820R that were targeted to universally conserved regions. The amplification reactions were performed with a GeneAmp 2400 PCR thermocycler (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, Conn.). The reaction mixtures contained 15 pmol of primers, 200 μM each deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate, 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 1.5 mM MgCl2, 1 U of DynaZyme DNA polymerase (Finnzymes Oy, Espoo, Finland) and 3 μl of the cell-free DNA, in a final volume of 50 μl. The PCR mixtures were then subjected to 95 for 5 min followed by 35 cycles of 95 for 30 s, 56 for 30 s, and 72 for 30 s, and after amplification an extended step of 5 min at 72 . The PCR products were confirmed by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis, and proceeded for sequence analysis by the Sequencer (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, Conn.). All these sequences were alignment and blasted in the NCBI databank. 2.4. Silver nanoparticle antimicrobial activity analysis The antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticle was tested quantitatively by a viable cell count method, depending on JIS-L-1902-2000 standard method. S. aureus was grown in BHI broth (Difco) and incubated aerobically for 16h at 37 °C. Another two Gram-negative bacteria, S. typhimurium and E. coli , were separately cultivated in TS broth (Difco) at 37 °C for 16 h. Each 30 mL tube of bacterial cell culture was then
Anti silver nanoparticle bacteria
centrifuged for 5 min at 4 °C and 7000 xg, decanted, washed with 0.1% peptone (Difco), centrifuged for 5 min, and decanted. The cell pellet was placed into 100 mL of BHI or TS broth and diluted to 10% of the original broth concentration with 900 mL of sterile distilled 6
water to obtain an inoculum of (1.0~2.5) ×10 colony-forming units (CFU)/ mL. Then, 0.5 mL of the inoculum was aseptically added to each of the microtube containing 0.5 mL Ag-NPs solution, and keep agitation at 50 rpm in 37 °C for 18 hours. For each analyzed bacteria, an inoculum of cell suspension in a microtube without Ag-NPs solution was used as a control. Aliquots of 0.1 mL of cell suspension were periodically taken from the microtube, and plated in duplicate on BHI agar for S. aureus cells or on TS agar for S. typhimurium and E. coli cells. The plates were incubated in an aerobic chamber for 16 hours at 37 °C. The number of colonies on each plate was counted and calculated to the inhibit activity. 2.5. Antagonism analysis of the mutant with silver nanoparticle Klebsiella sp. mutant was cultured at 37 °C overnight from a single colony. Aspirate 0.5 ml cultured broth (1.0~2.0X109 cfu/ml) mixed with different Ag-NPs to the final concentration of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 %. After incubate at 37 °C for different period of time (1~4 hours), the mixtures were boiled for 10 minutes to inactive the bacteria, and centrifuged in 10,000 xg for 10 minutes, followed by aspirate 0.5ml, cell free, clear supernatant for antimicrobial activity analysis.
3. Conclusion Today, nanotechnology is a major innovative scientific and economic growth area. However nanomaterial residues may have a detrimental effect on human health and the environment. To date there is a lack of quantitative ecotoxicity data, and recently there has been great scientific concern about the possible adverse effects that may be associated with manufactured nanomaterials (6, 8, 10). Nanomaterial properties were different from the parent compounds, more than 50% of the atoms in NPs are on the surface, resulting in greater activity than bulk materials this make the NPs have a complete dissimilar chemical, biological activity than parent compounds (12). Ag-NPs have been known for it’s inhibit and bactericidal activity and more than 85% major pathogens were inhibited by this new material (7). Unfortunately, in our laboratory routine analysis, we isolate a mutant strain which could resistant to Ag-NPs bactericidal activity. The occurrence was seems like to the bacterial multidrug resistance revolution. This Klebsiella mutant is a gram negative rod bacilli, and all the biochemical identification analysis of API 40H exhibit that this novel mutant was Klebsiella sp.. By the bacteria conserved 16S rRNA sequence analysis and alignment in the GeneBank, we could make sure that this mutant was Klebsiella pneumoniae. All these analyzed Ag-NPs (NTX-205, 305, LG-05, 06, VY707) were purchased from the cooperative companies products (Table 1), and renumbered. The antimicrobial activity analysis was preceded by the modified standard method of JIS-L-1902-2000, and all these five Ag-NPs exhibit a strong antimicrobial activity with less than 1.0 % concentration against gram positive or gram negative bacteria (Table 1). After this Klebsiella mutant had inactive Ag-NPs containing solutions, the cell free supernatant exhibits no antimicrobial
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activity anymore, then the analyzed bacteria could grow up on the plate again rather than the control group without any colony on the plate. It means that, this Klebsiella mutant could degrade these five different kinds of Ag-NPs, properly, and make the Ag-NPs containing solution turned to harmless and safety normal waste water. The industrial scale production and wide variety of applications of manufactured NPs and their possible release in considerable amounts into the natural aquatic environment have produced an increasing concern among the nanotechnology and environmental science community. Assessing the risks of these NPs in the environment requires an understanding of their mobility, reactivity, ecotoxicity and persistency (6, 12). In addition, release of engineered NPs containing waste into the aquatic environment is largely an unknown. NPs provide surfaces that could bind and transport toxic chemical pollutants, which maybe a mutagen or a nutrition molecular. Industrial NPs was the newest molecular of microorganism who had never been touched within the past few billion years. Unfortunately, microorganism must could faced up the industrial NPs, but the quantity have to be concerned, because that must will make the ecotoxicological problems turned to more complex, and the environment may will be no more predictable. How much environmental damage could be estimated? Never know. Oberdorster et al. investigated the effect of water-soluble fullerene aggregates, nano-C60, on HDF, HepG2, and NHA cells in culture. Nano-C60 demonstrated significant toxicity in cell culture studies, while a highly hydroxylated, water-soluble fullerene, C60 (OH)24 did not (10). It means that each new engineered nanoparticle should be analyzed relative ecotoxicological analysis. In contrast to environmental harmful effects, NPs could interact with some toxic chemical compounds and alleviate the chemical toxicity. But we almost could make sure that no engineered NPs was produced to treatment the toxic chemical compounds containing waste, today. Different nanoparticles fabricated from different carrier, cortex, protocol and modification. In these five different Ag-NPs analysis results, different kinds of NPs will not influence this Klebsiella mutant degradation activity, even the Ag-NPs concentration was increased to 2.0 %, the mutant still could degrade Ag-NPs containing solution down to none bactericidal activity within 4 hours. At the cellular level, bacteria may be largely protected against the uptake of many types of NPs since they do not have mechanisms for transport of colloidal particles across the cell wall (7). But quite a lot of results were available for Ag-NPs due to their use as bactericides. The bacterial cell membrane proteins were damaged in the presence of Ag-NPs, finally resulting in death of the organisms (13). Another study reported that C60 adsorption onto the gram-negative E. coli was 10 times higher than on gram-positive Bacillus subtilis (11). The interaction of NPs with the cell is size-dependent and seems to depend on the shape of the NPs (11). Most of the countries, NPs containing waste had been extensively, directly drained into environment through the industrial manipulation of such many Ag-NPs containing items. Due to the environmental impact of Ag-NPs was under evaluated, most country governments were still uncertain, unknown, how to manage the relative products. People could not withdraw the science development, but we have to evaluate the risk assessment of NPs, carefully, before the bioterrorism was happened on us. We proposed that this Klebsiella
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mutant could be served as a powerful tool for NPs containing waste management and slow down the environmental impact. Instead, ecotoxicology in this emerging area must provide a basis for predicting systematically how Ag-NPs biological behavior relates to its structure, composition and morphology. In vitro cell culture experiments are well suited for developing mechanistic models to inform material development. All these results could set as reference data for future efforts to characterize the environmental and health impacts of the other engineered NPs. Ultimately, such positive environmental and toxicological studies will be imperative to ensure the NPs design process yields both effective and safety engineered products.
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Original concentration
Concentration1 of 100% inhibit activity2
Production country
1. the concentration was refer to the original solution by volumn/volumn (v/v). antimicrobial inhibit activity=[1 sample cfu/control cfu] x 100% Table 1. The antimicrobial activity of the five different silver nanoparticles.