Crystal Structures - Volume 3 [III, 2 ed.] 0470968648

Detailed crystal structures of the inorganic compounds type Rx(MX4)y, Rx(MnXp)y, hydrates and ammoniates

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English Pages VIII;981 [991] Year 1965

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Table of contents :
Title Page
Table of Contents
Contents of Volume 1 and 2
VIII. Compounds of the Type Rx(MX4)y
A. Compounds RMX4
B. Compounds R2MX4
C. Compounds R(MX4)y
Bibliography, Chapter VIII
IX. Compounds of the Type Rx(MnXp )y
A. Compounds RxMyXz, z < 5
B. Compounds RxMyX5
C. Compounds RxMyX6
D. Compounds RxMyX7
E. Compounds RxMyX8
F. Compounds RxMyXz, z > 8
Bibliography, Chapter IX
X. Hydrates and Ammoniates
A. Monohydrates
B. Dihydrates
C. Trihydrates
D. Tetrahydrates
E. Pentahydrates
F. Hexahydrates
G. Higher Hydrates
Bibliography, Chapter X
Name Index
Formula Index
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Crystal Structures - Volume 3 [III, 2 ed.]

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Preface This volume follows without significant change the methods of presentation established for the two preceding volumes. Substances are classified for description as in the loose-leaf edition except that Chapter IX has been expanded to include a number of structures that previously would have been placed in the miscellaneous Chapter XI. This has been done by putting in Chapter IX all the more complicated compounds RxCMnXp)y instead of merely those for which n = 1. In the bibliography tables of Volumes 1 and 2, as in this volume, references to new cell dimensions appearing in U. S. National Bureau of Standards publications have been designated as NBS preceded by the year. This was done also in the loose-leaf edition but a statement of the meaning of this symbol was inadvertently omitted from the preceding volumes. These references have not been listed separately because they are not determinations of structure; nevertheless they are often the most accurate cell dimensions currently available and as such are useful to the person interested in atomic positions. Within the year specified they are to be found in an issue of Reports of Standard X-Ray Diffraction Powder Patterns and the same data are summarized in an NBS Monograph which, however, is liable to be dated the succeeding year.


Contents of Volume 3

Inorganic Compounds R x(MX4)y, Rx(MnXp)y, Hydrates and Ammoniates VIII. Compounds of the Type RAl\1X 4) y A. Compounds RMX 4 • B. Compounds R 2MX4 • C. Compounds RAMX 4)y . Bibliography, Chapter VIII IX. Compounds of the Type Rx(MnX p ) y A. Compounds RxMIIXz, z < fi B. Compounds R xM yX 5 C. Compounds R xM yX6 D. Compounds R xM lIX7 E. Compounds RxMIIXs F. Compounds RxMIIXz, z > 8 Bibliography, Chapter IX . X. Hydrates and Ammoniates. A. Monohydrates B. Dihydrates . C. Trihydrates . D. Tetrahydrates E. Pentahydrates F. Hexahydrates G. Higher Hydrates Bibliography, Chapter X

1 1 68

1.1)2 •

246 279 279 297 324 420 452 474 508

529 529 590 678

703 759 783

834 902 927

Name Index. Formula Index .

