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English Pages [304] Year 1989
Craftsman of the Cumberlands
Craftsman of the
Cumberlands Tradition & Creativity MICHAEL OWEN JONES
Publication of this volume was made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Copyright © 1989 by The University Press of Kentucky Paperback edition 1989 Scholarly publisher for the Commonwealth, serving Bellarmine University, Berea College, Centre College of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky University, The Filson Historical Society, Georgetown College, Kentucky Historical Society, Kentucky State University, Morehead State University, Murray State University, Northern Kentucky University, Transylvania University, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, and Western Kentucky University. All rights reserved. Editorial and Sales Offices: The University Press of Kentucky 663 South Limestone Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-4008 www.kentuckypress.com
09 08 07 06 05 765 4 3 The illustration “Types and subtypes of slat-back chair” on page 235 is from Patterns in the Material Folk Culture of the Eastern United States by Henry Glassie. © 1968 by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Press. Reprinted by permission. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Jones, Michael Owen. Craftsman of the Cumberlands : tradition and creativity / Michael Owens Jones
p- cm. —(Publications of the American Folklore Society) Bibliography : p. Includes index. ISBN 0-8131-9038-X (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Chairs—Kentucky—History—20th century. 2. Furniture—Kentucky— History—20th century. 3. Chair-makers—Kentucky—Psychology. I. Title. II. Series : Publications of the Americ an Folklore Society. New series (Unnumbered) NK2715.J57 1989
749'.32'097691—dc19 89-5542
This book is printed on acid-free recycled paper meeting the requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence in Paper for Printed Library Materials.
eo ® Manufactured in the United States of America.
yaya’ a wy, Member University of the Association TAS on American Pressesof
To the Memory of... My parents, Woodrow Owen Jones (1915-1973) and Anne Elizabeth (nee Blackford) Jones (1915-1976), the former a farmer as well as a tool designer, and the latter a public school teacher; their influence was strong and lasting. Richard M. Dorson (1916-1981), historian and folklorist, who inspired many of us in his charge, whether or not we followed the path of folklore studies quite as he did. Chester Cornett (1913-1981), chairmaker, who taught me about craftsmanship, and whose life and work forced me to reflect on the human condition.
Other Books by Michael Owen Jones Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension (co-editor, 1988) Exploring Folk Art: Twenty Years of Thought on Craft, Work and Aesthetics (1987) The World of the Kalevala (editor, 1987) Foodways and Eating Habits: Directions for Research (co-editor, 1981) | People Studying People: The Human Element in Fieldwork (co-author, 1980)
The Hand Made Object and Its Maker (1975) Why Faith Healing? (1972)
Contents Preface ix 1 The Chairmaking Business 1 2 The Masterpiece and the New Design 48 3 Man of Constant Sorrow 80 4 The Unique and the Antique 113 5 Security, Seclusion, and Self-Esteem 155 6 It Takes Half a Fool to Make Chairs 196
7 The Beauty Part and the Lasting Part 235 Bibliographical Notes 263 Index 284
This book is about craftsmen living in southeastern Kentucky in the 1960s. Known simply as “chairmakers,” many of them made baskets, musical instruments, and other furniture, such as tables and cabinets, as well as chairs.
Who were these craftsmen? How did they design and construct chairs? How did families, friends, and customers respond
to the craftsmen and their works? How did the attitudes and expectations of others affect the craftsmen and the things they made? I focus on one woodworker, Chester Cornett. Born in 1913, he learned chairmaking from his grandfathers and his uncle. Of the fifteen or more furniture makers I met or learned of, he seemed
the most knowledgeable and dedicated. Many admired his chairs for their comfort, durability, and appearance. He often experimented with materials, techniques of construction, and designs; for example, he created dining chairs with seven or eight legs and two-in-one rocking chairs with eight legs and four rockers. Although a master at his craft, Chester Cornett led a troubled
life. Through his chairmaking and other expressive forms, he attempted to cope with marital discord, poverty, and illness. Some of his chairs fulfilled a craving for old-timiness, security, and a sense of self-esteem. The discoveries about chairmakers in southeastern Kentucky raise larger questions. What compels people to give aesthetic value to some aspects of their daily lives, even the making of utilitarian objects? How does style develop? Why are traditions perpetuated? This study also concerns methods, including con-
cepts and ways of researching folk art. It grows out of my doctoral dissertation at Indiana University (1970), several articles
Xx Preface on folk art and aesthetics, and especially a book entitled The Hand Made Object and Its Maker (University of California Press, 1975).
The book I published in 1975 differed from other studies at the time in the amount of information on the craftsmen’s lives. The
few biographies of folk artists before it dealt with painters or sculptors, not with those who produced utilitarian objects like chairs. Most research on folk craft focused on the techniques of construction and the historical and geographical distribution of forms. My book was of interest to those who felt there was more
to the study of folk art than a preoccupation with painting and sculpture or an attempt to set the makers of objects within a cultural context as simply transmitters of tradition; they realized the pervasiveness of the aesthetic impulse and the importance of the individual. Ihave rewritten that book rather than simply reprinting it. The introduction and conclusion of the present version are entirely
new. In other chapters, while retaining some of the earlier themes and information, I have reorganized and expanded both description and analysis. I have substituted some illustrations and added others. My intent is to provide greater detail about chairs, chairmaking, and chairmakers in southeastern Kentucky and to place this descriptive matter within the broader context of
folklore research. People often ask folklorists how their field differs from anthropology or other related disciplines. They inquire about what folklorists do, and how and why they proceed in this fashion.
They want to know what folklorists can contribute that is uniquely theirs. As I reflect on my research among chairmakers in southeastern Kentucky in the late 1960s, I realize that what I
perceived to be significant, what I questioned and sought answers to, and what I reported grew out of my orientation as a folklorist rather than as a specialist in some other field. After all, I
had chosen to study traditions, and to do so in certain ways. What intrigued me was the continuities and consistencies in people’s symbolic expressions through time and space. I examined these expressions with regard to the immediate circumstances in which they were generated. I focused on the activity of
PREFACE x1 making chairs, including the tools, materials, and traditional techniques of construction. I compiled information about the experiences of chairmakers that shaped their perceptions, motivated them, and informed their craftsmanship, as well as gave meaning to what they made. I also explored the relationship between craftsmen and their customers, particularly the economics of chairmaking and the taste and aesthetics of consumers. Attention to these matters in this combination seemed to me, as a folklorist, to best answer the question of why specific objects existed and exhibited particular features. Much of what I learned about chairmaking had not been reported before, especially the ways in which the craft fulfilled a need to express and an urge to create. My research challenged
some long-standing assumptions about tradition and the individual; it offered new perspectives on some old issues concerning creativity and aesthetics. It seems fitting, therefore, to conceptualize this inquiry into the activities of chairmakers of the Cumberlands as a case study in the methods of folklore research. My thesis is that the chairs owe their traits and features to the tools, materials, and techniques used in construction; to designs learned from other chairmakers; to preferences and expectations of customers as stated by them or inferred by the craftsmen; and to each maker’s unique discoveries and inventions on the one hand, and his self-concept, values, and aspirations on the other. This study illustrates that many objects people make are both means of achieving some practical goal and ends in themselves, to be admired for their form. Technological and creative processes, therefore, are intertwined; evaluations of products admit considerations of both fitness for use and appearance. Moreover, tradition is not an enemy of creativity, innovation, or change. Modeling in behavior does not exclude perfecting skills and mastering techniques to produce excellent forms; neither does it exclude transforming designs rather than simply imitating and repeating them. Finally, it appears that even the simplest chair made by hand may communicate much. Produced by one person in interaction with others, using traditional techniques and inspired by de-
xii Preface signs that have been repeated through time and space, a handmade chair exhibits continuities and consistencies, as well as elements of originality and uniqueness, specific to the circumstances of manufacture. A crucial question is, what can be inferred about human behavior through a study of these objects? In conclusion, this book has three purposes. One is to report on chairs, chairmaking, and chairmakers in southeastern Kentucky for the intrinsic interest this subject might hold. A second is to reassess the meanings and application of certain terms. The third is to demonstrate the use of methods of folklore research. I hope the volume achieves these objectives, but more, that it contributes to the understanding of particular individuals, spe-
cific societies or subgroups, and perhaps the species of homo : sapiens as a whole—which, I believe, is the ultimate purpose of folklore studies.
| I am indebted to many individuals, not only for assistance in writing and publishing this volume, but also for their help, advice, and support in earlier research embodied in this book. I want to thank Professor Warren R. Roberts for introducing me to the study of folk art and technology and encouraging the original research project in 1965-67. To Professor David E. Smith I owe my gratitude for a number of kindnesses connected with my original investigations, from stimulating research to assisting me in obtaining the necessary funds. Professors Richard M. Dorson, John C. Messenger, and Roy Sieber provided constructive criticism and helpful insights. I benefited in the early years from discussions with many other people, including Henry Glassie,
Carlos C. Drake, Willard B. Moore, Robert B. Klymasz, and David Bidney.
I would like to express my appreciation as well to the many students in my classes who not only tolerated my attempts to express some of the ideas in this volume, but also helped me articulate them. To mention only a few of the graduate students over the years with whom I have had important exchanges of ideas about folk art, there are Anne Armstrong, Barbara Allen, Carole and Michael Bell, Jackson Braider, Jennie Chinn, Don Christensen, Norine Dresser, Robin Evanchuk, Kay Hardman
PREFACE Xi Enell, Deirdre Evans-Pritchard, Sara Selene Faulds, Magda Ferl,
Russell Frank, Rachel Fretz, Bruce S. Giuliano, Barry Glass, Susan Gordon, Verni Greenfield, Clodagh Harvey, Judith Haut, Michael Heisley, Joanne Farb Hernandez, Teresa Keeler, Roberta
Krell, Robert Leibman, Erica Meltzer, Susan O’Brien, Colin Quigley, Judith Samuel, Sue Samuelson, Anthony Shay, Sharon Sherman, David Shuldiner, Chris Simon, Amy Skillman, Steven Stern, Patricia Atkinson Wells, Diane Vidal, Daniel Wojcik, and Patricia Mastick Young.
In regard to the preparation of the present book I want to thank Simon J. Bronner, Leslie Prosterman, Eugene Metcalf, and ! others who urged me to return to the subject after a dozen years,
rewriting my earlier book as I had often said I wanted to do. Individuals who assisted in various ways, particularly through encouragement and the exchange of ideas over the years, include Kenneth L. Ames, Michael J. Bell, John A. Burrison, Kristin G. Congdon, Keith and Kathi Cunningham, C. Kurt Dewhurst, William R. Ferris, Gladys-Marie Fry, Robert A. Georges, Joyce Ice, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Yvonne Lockwood, Marsha MacDowell, Stephen Ohrn, Elliott Oring, Gerald L. Pocius, Richard Poulson, Thomas J. Schlereth, Robert Trent, John Michael Vlach, William A. Wilson, Don Yoder, and Charles Zug, III. 1 am indebted also to Judith Haut for editorial
suggestions and to John D. Alexander, Jr., for technical as-
Finally, I wish to thank the many people in southeastern Kentucky of two decades ago who answered my questions and
permitted me to photograph the chairs in their possession, particularly the several craftsmen who revealed to me details of their lives and art. Some of these people are identified in this book by their actual names; others are not. On 5 September 1981, Chester Cornett died in the Veterans Administration Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. The subject of my research twenty years ago and of the present book, he had been
ill for two years and had made no chairs during this time. Fortunately, however, the last chair he built was documented in detail by Herbie Smith and his wife, Elizabeth Barret, in a ninetyminute film called Hand Carved.
The Chairmaking Business The afternoon was hot, the humidity high, the air still. It was one of those dog days of August. My wife Jane and I headed northeast from Hazard on Highway 80, traveling slowly because the road was narrow and winding and because we were looking for a craftsman we had read about two months before in the Louisville Courier-Journal. How we would find him we did not know. The
brief article mentioned only a workshop near Dwarf, “deep in the mountains of Perry County.” The steep, wooded hills on our right did not invite human habitation. To the left, however, between the road and the river, an occasional wide spot held a home or country store amid the box elder and weeping willow trees. Suddenly the greenery was broken. In isolation stood a decrepit building that once had been a coal company office and weigh station but now seemed to be used as a house. Covered with gray and black shingles, the twostory building blended with the coal dust of the yard.
A sign mounted high on the south side of the structure proclaimed in bright orange letters that this was the home of
hand Mad Furniture maker of the Cornett chaires we make iney thin ar hit Cant be mad A similar sign adorned the building’s north side, we discovered
as we continued past the house and down the highway, not stopping until we were a mile away. I was about to begin my second year as a graduate student in folklore and American studies at Indiana University. Because I was interested in American folk art, the article about this chair-
2 Craftsman of the Cumberlands maker in the Louisville paper, dated 20 June 1965, had attracted my attention. At the urging of Warren Roberts, one of my men-
tors, my wife and I had driven from Bloomington, Indiana, to southeastern Kentucky in mid-August 1965 to meet Chester Cornett. Although familiar with European masterpieces of painting and sculpture through training in the history of art, | knew nothing about woodworking and had had no previous interest in chairs. I was writing my master’s thesis on the traditions of a Kansas
farmer who was my parents’ neighbor in a rural area near Wichita where I was born and reared. The traditional forms included custom, belief, and play, but not art. I had long been intrigued by the aesthetic impulse, however, having had aspirations at one time to be an easel painter and then a photographer. Thomas Hart Benton, the regionalist noted for his murals and lithographs depicting traditional life in the Ozarks, and W. Eugene Smith, a photographer from Wichita whose visual essays on a country doctor, a midwife, a Spanish village, and Welsh miners treated ordinary people with depth and feeling, inspired me. Although I took studio courses in art at the University of Kansas, I majored in American history, international relations, and art history. It was not until my senior year that I enrolled ina course in folklore studies. Early in the class, I realized that this
field was what I had been seeking for so long. I applied for admission to the graduate program in folklore at Indiana Univer-
sity; at the time, UCLA offered only the master’s degree in folklore studies, and I knew little about the program at the University of Pennsylvania (the University of Texas and Memorial University of Newfoundland had not yet established folklore programs).
By the summer of 1965, I had taken a dozen courses in folklore. I was writing my master’s thesis. I had done fieldwork
in southern Indiana on various topics. I was anticipating the preparation of a doctoral dissertation, one that would focus on contemporary folklore and be based on field research rather than the use of library or archive materials. But about what? I hoped this craftsman in southeastern Kentucky would warrant study. Emphasizing that his chairs were made without glue or
THE CHAIRMAKING BUSINESS 3 nails and that these large and elaborate works were created with a few simple tools, the newspaper article led me to believe there was sufficient complexity to chairmaking, and enough skill and
artistry in this man’s efforts, to engage a student of folk art in search of a suitable subject. We did not stop the first two times our car crept past Chester Cornett’s house. In the yard stood a barefoot man in dingy blue overalls, his long hair and beard masking his features. He was flanked by two teenage boys brandishing planks; their jerky movements indicated something might be wrong with them. Contributing to the foreboding quality of the scene was the coal dust, which smothered the grass and clung to the siding, deepening the shadows cast by the building as the sun set. The only bright spot was the craftsman’s hand-lettered sign, with the
promise it implied. :
The next day we forced ourselves to drive to the chairmaker’s
home from our motel in town. This time we stopped. I shuddered to think of my embarrassment later if I were to return to Bloomington empty-handed because I had been afraid to talk to the craftsman. What would I tell Professor Roberts, an experienced fieldworker, who had urged me to meet Chester Cornett
and who had equipped me with tape recorder and cameras? And besides, the morning sunshine had dispelled some of our misgivings of the night before. Introducing ourselves to Chester Cornett, we mentioned the newspaper article we had read about him, tried to explain our
interest in studying things that people make, and asked if we could photograph him at work. “Didn’t you fellas drive by here last night?” he asked. We were trying to find his house, I said lamely, and once we located it, it seemed too late to stop. Rushing on, I again expressed an interest in his work, saying I wanted to learn more about chairmaking. The situation was awkward, not only because I was unsure of myself and uncertain of what I wanted to know, but also because the chairmaker seemed equal-
ly ill at ease. He did, however, begin to tell us about shaping chair “posts” (legs) with a drawing knife, the task he had been engaged in when we drove up. We spent a week with Chester, asking him about his chair-
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rae NARS ADESSO on nin AES ASSESS SRA RRR REN SN Rae See SSS SRST SESE SEIS SESS RS SORA oR SEN ONO ALONE SNR Reesor sechartniee erie atten erento marron eter NA Spies canneries arma
SOcSRaeneeSR Beene ea SSSR SnesSOS caeRsSee UREA NESTE nceaioe aiacingERR aghie SRNR tionSR si oeante a eeeea eS crannies RS SESE anaes Se cae SO RRSAo BRERA oh ean Sin cna enue acca oes SERS SREY SELLE aaa ERS SR RIES SERRANO NR IRN OTS SRE RENIN Sai ROR NO SEN NS Ra KANE NAM R SERRE RNG ONS. SERS ER] TST NOR ERROR RRR ERS NC ORRIN So eae P RN TEETER Shteanagentea tse oeeaeetenen nee reahanuin esaeaeeaenee ee oem eee ROSAS ER RRR SY RS NN ORR OP SEER RN certain eee enamenreet Senne saa nattet he enn eh ne NS Sinsnaenna aerate sana RSS eRe ENGR SSPE RI
9 Chester's slat press had room enough to bend at least seven slats.
THE CHAIRMAKING BUSINESS 15 sure in the same direction at the ends of a piece of wood, but in the opposite direction in the middle. When a piece of wet wood is bent under constant pressure, it acquires curvature, which it retains after drying. Because the piece of wood was riven out of a
plank along the grain, it does not crack or break under pressure—the occasional exception being walnut, which few craftsmen other than Chester were willing to use for chairs.
Another handmade tool is the work bench or vise bench.
Chester's bench was half a split log about six feet long. Toward the middle were three hickory stobs or pegs. By inserting two wedges, Chester could hold chair posts or other pieces in place while he worked on them without their moving around. Made about 1957, his vise bench was of oak with locust legs. The stobs were 3 inches high by 1% inches square and were set into the log
about 6 inches deep; the two front pegs were about 6 inches apart and about 7 inches from the third stob. The two wedges were triangular in shape, about 8 inches long, 2% inches thick, and 1% inches in width, tapering to % inch. At the time I met him in August 1965, Chester was not using a
turning lathe. All other chairmakers | later met or heard about depended ona lathe to turn the rounds and posts of a chair. The lathe was usually an electric one, either bought new or used or else built from salvaged materials. The first chairs Chester made as a youth had square posts. He whittled the rounds with a knife. Later he turned posts and rounds on a handmade, footpowered lathe similar to one he had operated for his grandfather as a teenager in the 1920s. It is nearly impossible to shape a square piece of wood, even if
it is green, on a foot-powered lathe because it cannot be spun consistently fast enough to overcome the impact of a chisel blade
suddenly being thrust against it. Hence, the post or round is usually roughly hewed with an ax or drawing knife from a square to an eight-sided piece before it is placed in the lathe. About 1950 Chester ceased to use the foot-powered lathe. He could not find a blacksmith to repair certain parts, and lacking a
helper to operate the lathe, he found it awkward and tiring to pump the pedal and chisel a whirling post simultaneously. I wonder, however, whether Chester had come to consider the
16 Craftsman of the Cumberlands lathe an intrusion that distanced him from the materials he seemed to take great pleasure in handling. Unlike other chairmakers, then, Chester did not turn posts and rounds. He hewed them with an ax or hatchet, then carefully shaped them eightsided with a drawing knife, and finally used a pocketknife to cut “notchin’” reminiscent of chisel work done on a lathe. TECHNIQUES
Not every chairmaker procures all his materials or executes by himself all the many possible steps in making a chair. Because Chester was the first chairmaker I observed at work and because he did so much of the work himself, I use him as a model in the following description, with occasional reference to other craftsmen I met later. Even Chester did not always use the full range of steps described here. Sometimes Chester cut the timber in the hills, preferring to do
so in the fall and on the “olden moon” when the wood is
relatively dry and less subject to cracking during seasoning. Lacking an automobile or even work animals, he had to “pack in” the logs or log sections (“bolts”) on his back, or tie strips of hickory bark around the logs and drag them. But the trees that provided the bark woven into chair seats or bottoms could be stripped (skinned) in the woods (see figs. 10-13). Chester had a system of grading hickory, the source of bark, from 1 to 5, depending on length, number of knots, and straightness of the tree. A number 1 pole had no knots, was perfectly straight, and grew about 30 feet from the butt to the section where it began to
branch. The day I went into the hills with him to get bark we found a number 4 pole that had 15 feet of usable length, was slightly crooked, and contained numerous knots on the lower part of the log. While his grandfather Cal almost invariably used maple for the posts of a chair, yellow locust for the rounds, and the inner bark of a shagbark hickory pole for the seats, Chester tended to rely in the early years on locust for rounds and maple, white oak,
or ash for the posts, owing to the relative strength of these woods. He first used sassafras about 1950. “It’s good bendin’,
THE CHAIRMAKING BUSINESS 17 an’ you can shape it better’n any kind of wood I ever worked,”
he said. In addition, the tree grows in gnarled and twisted shapes already naturally bent for slats, rockers, or posts. About 1960 Chester began using walnut for chairs, making four dining chairs at the request of a customer. Walnut, he said, is “pretty, but it’I] burst up on you, an’ hit’s hard to bend—hit’ll break “fore it'll bend—unless it has a lot of white wood” (the thick wood between the bark and the inner part of a black walnut tree). He found a bit of white an attractive contrast on walnut chairs, but
some customers did not, Chester said. The two other chairmakers I interviewed who made black walnut chairs (Aaron and
Hascal) did not bend the posts. | Once he had a bolt cut in the hills or culled from a sawmill,
Chester split it into quarters to make the posts of a chair (fig. 6). He drove an ax into the bolt to start a cut and then split the log
using a hickory maul and dogwood glut, a method that preserved the natural strength of the wood by cleaving along the rain.
° Next Chester roughly shaped the planks into posts about 4 inches square by hacking many slight cuts into the plank and gently slicing them off so that the hatchet blade did not gouge into the wood. Then he cut off each corner of the square, thus forming an octagon-shaped piece. He cut off the ends to make the posts the same length and eliminate splintering. He prepared the dowels for rounds and pegs from smaller pieces of wood. For some of his cheaper chairs, he shaped the pieces entirely with a hatchet rather than finishing them with a drawing knife. He shaped slats in much the same way (fig. 14). Once he had roughly hewn a block to about 4 inches in thickness, he split it into slats /% or % inch thick. Two or more slats could be riven from a single board, like shake shingles, using the edge of a hatchet as
a froe or cleaving tool. Later he trimmed the slats at the drawing horse, “cooked” them in hot water to make them pliable (fig. 15),
put them in a press to dry, and finally dressed them with a drawing knife at the shaving horse once again.
After he hewed out pieces for the posts, Chester measured them with his hands and thumbs to mark off the holes for slats
18 Craftsman of the Cumberlands and rounds. Next he shaved them roughly with a drawing knife. The post in figure 8 is white oak, destined for the back leg of a settin’ chair. The face of the post, or stile, is cut out more deeply
for the sake of comfort and appearance. To do this, Chester oriented the post so the face was toward him and then took small
cutting bites to start the curve just above the seat. Turning the knife at a 30-degree angle, he began the cut at the extreme left
end of the knife, drawing it forward to the right end. The movement was long and smooth. To make the slats and posts pliable enough to put into the presses in which they seasoned into curved shapes, Chester cooked the slats for twenty minutes and the posts for an hour (or a week, if the posts were completely unseasoned). The board in the tub holds the pieces under the boiling water (fig. 15), preventing their floating to the top. The next step was to insert the slats and posts into a press. Sometimes Chester pressed more posts than needed for a chair in progress because he had orders for others and because a post might split. To increase the curvature of slats, Chester put small blocks of wood behind them. For the slats on his rocking chairs with eight posts and four rockers (the two-in-one rockers), he bent the slats a full 180 degrees; the blocks were therefore very large. ‘The slat
press in figure 9, containing three slats for a settin’ chair in progress, was made to accommodate as many as seven slats fora regular rocker.
Seasoning time depended on the type of wood, when it was cut, and the part of the chair for which a piece was to be used. The fastest drying wood is sassafras; it can be seasoned by the fire. Willow dries nearly as quickly. The wood requiring the most time to season is oak. Wood cut when the sap is up takes longer
to cure. Chester stored hickory pieces for rounds under a vegetable stand, sassafras by the stove in the living room or the oven in the kitchen, and other pieces in a cardboard box left on the stovepipe above the potbellied stove. He leaned presses with slats and posts against a tub in the yard with the fire burning for at least two days. Slats loosened in the presses as they dried; Chester also sometimes shook a press, determining from the rattle whether the slats were loose enough to remove. He air-
THE CHAIRMAKING BUSINESS 19 dried the rounds and the dowels for pegs at least six months and then cooked them in the oven for thirty to forty minutes before final assembly. A settin’ chair may take three or four months to season fully; the bark seat requires at least a week, during which time it should be sat on to put “swag” into it. After cooking, breaking, pressing, and seasoning the posts by
a fire, Chester shaved them once again to remove soiling and scarring. If he removed too much of the seasoned wood, he would have to drive the posts into the press again. In figure 16, Chester mortises the back posts for the slats— held in place by two wedges and three stobs projecting from the face of the handmade workbench. Each mortise required about twenty-five separate strokes with a hammer (or hatchet) and chisel. The next step was to check the angle at which to drill holes for
the rounds or stretchers (fig. 17) and then to determine the proper length of the slats (fig. 18). Chester trimmed off the excess length, beveling the end of the slat with his pocketknife to assure a proper fit in the mortise. On a few chairs he cuta hole all
the way through the post for the slat so it would stick out. Chester marked the rounds for the notchin’, that is, the decorative detail equivalent to turnings on posts and rounds fashioned on a lathe (fig. 19). He called the procedure “layin’ off the rounds” (or “postees”). With his pocketknife he incised the wood about ¥s inch deep at each mark and then cut notches. To complete the round, he carved a tenon on each end. Because they are less dry (having been seasoned a shorter time), the legs shrink around the stretchers or rounds, the tenon equalizing the pressure of the leg on the stretcher, which prevents its cracking.
The chair was then ready for assembly (fig. 20). Using a hickory maul to avoid scarring the wood, Chester drove the pieces of the back together. He tapped each joint with the head of
a hatchet, listening closely for the sound indicating that the pieces were secure.
Chester drilled holes in the posts at each end of a slat into which he later drove walnut pegs. “I have to use twelve pegs an’ hit takes a right smart time,” he said (fig. 21). At this time Chester was using walnut pegs on light-colored
20 Craftsman of the Cumberlands chairs such as hickory, sassafras, and white oak. He put the lighter-colored hickory pegs in chairs made of red oak or walnut.
Both the large number of pegs and the contrasting colors served decorative purposes. Only a thin peg or pin at each end of the top
slat in back was needed to protect the chair against abuse; the differential rate of seasoning of pieces prevented the chair’s coming apart under normal use. After Chester pegged the back of the chair, he assembled the
front posts and stretchers or rounds, and then attached the sides. The chair was ready for “barkin’” or “bottomin’,” that is,
weaving a seat (fig. 22). At any time, Chester might find it necessary to peel bark, a difficult and unpleasant task. On finding an appropriate tree, he had to fell it, remove the rough outer bark with a drawing knife, being careful not to cut into the inner bark, and strip off the inner bark with a pocketknife before any of it dried. “The worst thing I had to learn was jerkin’ bark,”
he said. He preferred to use the bark straight from the tree because it was easier to weave and lighter in color; often, however, he had to store bark and then soak it in a tub of hot water for twenty minutes or so (which darkens it) to restore its pliability. When weaving the seat, Chester used the thicker butt end of the strip of bark as the needle and the thinner tip for joining to another splint. In contrast to many chairmakers, he used bark of different widths and wove a variety of patterns, depending in part on the amount he hoped to charge for a chair. The widest strip was 2% inches, the narrowest was % inch; he varied the pattern of overlapping splints from two-weave to five-weave, for
the widest and narrowest strips. He said that the thicker and wider the bark, the longer it would last, and the easier and quicker it was to weave. He preferred narrow bark. The seat on one of the larger rocking chairs required about 160 feet of wide bark and 400 feet of narrow bark. Unlike some chairmakers, he wove the seat in the same pattern underneath as on the top. He
also turned the sap side of the bark down so the attractive diamond-shaped grain of the other side was up (some, like Aaron, split the bark in two, discarding the top half with its diamond grain; they preferred as smooth a surface as possible). The top stretcher, or seat round, was smooth rather than eight-
sided like the other rounds so as not to cut into the bark and
THE CHAIRMAKING BUSINESS 21 weaken it. On the chair in figure 22, this round is curved like the slats for greater comfort and because “it looks better thataway,” said Chester. To begin bottoming, he tied one end of a hickory splint to the curved round of the seat at the back of the chair on
the left side as it faced him. He carried the splint across the round, took it under and brought it back up; tension held it in place. Had the splint been uneven in width because of knots, or too wide, Chester would have trimmed it with his pocketknife. His grandfather used to make the top front stretcher oval rather than cylindrical to prevent the bark splints from drawing toward the center of the seat front and bowing in the front stretcher. Chester did not do this, first because of the extra time required, and second because his weaving was so tight that the splints did not draw together (as I write this, two decades later, the fronts of chairs he made for us in the mid-1960s still have not bowed in). In figure 22, the warp of the splints going from the front to the back of the chair is slightly loose near the front; at the back where he has begun the woof, the seat has tightened. Also apparent is
the pattern of three under and three over. “I use a three-weave on the inch stuff, I use a two-weave on the two-inch stuff, an’ on the half inch of real nar’ I use the four-weave. On the real nar’ | use the five weave.” The only chairmaker to do so, Chester inserted short pieces of bark at the back of the seat and at the front between the posts; this improved the appearance. Since a single strip of bark was not long enough for the whole seat, Chester had to join several strips. On the splint already in the seat he cut a small notch on each side near the end. Then he cut a hole in the end of the next strip that he would use. He slipped the notched splint through the hole in the other splint. This notch lockin’ always holds. Most craftsmen, and even Chester when he made cheaper chairs of wide splints in a twoweave pattern, did not splice the splints but merely overlapped them. The final steps in constructing a settin’ chair or a dining chair were to use a rasp to file the edges and tops of the four posts, and then to place the chair against a windowpane or on top of the kitchen table to ascertain whether it was level (fig. 23). Chester made rocking chairs in much the same way as he
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PRE RA ARR RER ERR RSET R Ae 270.9.5/ A MMAR Se Near ectrsatatetetotetetes fotateatelasesieieteaeiseenseees ees ghccaterieteteseeeoe cece AREER RK SRR RNS SL ITIRIT EDT Sree aleteca a eteeat aca egestas otusaarabat tated SE SEES RRR NE ROO RY peretehovesetatatetetetatetelalaacgararstenronnrnts tha eRe tance SIGS a peassanccaiseee pepe sttateaeneeaatetenninsetstotetetstensteneterspatepetotetatoseees eecaaanececeeeresenetetetetetebeceeeteneeenetes SSeS ace,
ee Ree eC Be ie ee > Sabatauicincaueiiiuancas munis nausea narra OSE UR RRC ORE RR TRONS aN Seoneaernn en oan ae ee = SECTS SE RO oR eo pcbatesees tats fades aratoneectarssensertegacenctatadetet Sefetenetatsteteteteteterere set SERRA RENE RR REO NRCC RON ROR SSS RR st cateatieteieteneeysninttinserinin a asheernieere soit iensnercacegaeeteattarete seme ae eae re ea Sears nurs seusaannmnnemeese nae tate sneer nese amore eee es Sellen
ee eee iE Stain enna do eee coe eee Sa eae Eee em ea SEE ames Ren eee rere stincretrrigtine tence
See Cae cae Bac cara tee genet ee Lae SS Re aR ROR eR ORE MERRIE NCR RRR oo RRO ARR SERENE RRO NE ERIN A SS ancien eee een SR RR
SE SS SSeS ane snes ea here naeerae ome Sec ne ac Re a Seemann RET SCS SUN EMER RRR SN aN en ROE Se me Fass eanea ean. ERS eR eRE ORR EOR RAN siinuuuss Sautueneaseis saan RRR eee SCEEEERRE RES Sah uaa emt ee SERS xT SE SE SS ORR
SEE SESS RR Unie uctaee cise aa meee a Bote Sere eee eet Soc ceeeeernt 2 ceeeemee ESSE SAS ee ee a oe
eS SS eee meee Reta ete SCNT CEEResse SESE AIR oy SOR RRR RRR RR RC oceinumtenisiniinctig ssegneneh octets sa =Reigate rerteine fsRRO RAR Ra RE RS eaeeeanSSE eSeeeerseaerateeaeeme hacpesticotnseieieeneeeerteine ie oe age seen een hae SSS tae iaSSncaa ES RS Cn aa acne ie Se eee OR ae SU IeNarn ONctan SSS cate re SOE ROR RRS eR aes eaoan pre BS ee aSEES
as Beg stetaacte ea RRS nied ER na ea nage atteapne eta aaa ae tesee tate ee Sea eee VE ES i a ee eenCoa ca See ee So ce |Re SEER ane RS RR Satomi anne aay OUR rt sen aang BN RN ORC Re eins eg eee ee Ce Seer eee neaaRRR so Rope au aeeeanaes aN Soap SES See ee OS een Se BR Ne sPOS RR ie in RRnaan RES ERRTN See esBe SENon ache Sea SUDNA Eeeeae ee neOe nepe heRET MaeRasa ena eeaeee
ae .RiSee Seco ERIE SSE ae Sr RRSSasSop Sas RRRSEES NS —— Bo EE ED = os aesRS: Se is aE SE Ea ie magnate See aCCnn Cc ‘Rees rr eae a.ea SR SS SRE CER a soni ea tia ea eee se ee eas ee Seon ee Pesan one Rome neeT re ER ee Be Eeerates em 2 Sees SEES eo ee ee See REE SE Rae Saat amen Se cee heme cua ees BNR SERS UREN RN OTIS OS RRR a ROD OER NSN OR SERN a sania aanaaraetemmeaae aeo Ea Re Ua sagen ea SESE escreren eae eens aeSoS Loc ae SASe AGS OS RUSE OBER KS SD SeesRST SoATEN Re CU RRSSR aeSecGen Sees EAs RO SIS RRR OS SS SUSU EERE CUSED ERRNO 3 AER SERRE ORR SERENE ae BESS SOG eee a Se cy NARMS corp hin see SR a Sona SHARE stile sce ceneoea eta! REUSE REN ECBEN ORS See ERR MeO BSS SSnd BR SS Se Cae GU Nee ne aC oS see fhe RE RE SRE eee ee soee oe ee oe STR NS SR age Se a eae SeiteEE BNSE LEeG euathsg nieRae ie onatinehagateonnnanapenneer ee ORES eeSE [SERS TUS a ooRRR ce ree SPR SR CSERNE Sscng ae oapias ee ane eeRNR HEE ES ee BERR as ME ER eRe OR RO Sere eee ee SSR RS REDE RRC GR SS PRR OSa RRR SERS SR RSE eR eaten aN erERT ae ee oss ee shianammehiaaete ements . »aa SSRRDEERE SESoe Sie tee BeRRR aaSESE Soe EES ER ROR EL ISsome FRE Sica RRs aeCOMER a ERRNRR eRe Sos eee ee cnRRP BER Mena SSSR ESE es eee ER Ee era NS NN ARO RARE Slay rn tiunicaaetene gteesSOMERS SORENESS RRR DS SOs oSto ieeeOe RN gtaSPBesant Mea Be CREE Spent en Sats ie ction ecient nena SEE Soe eee ee BESS: PR ERR RR aR RN Sa RR RR Ca RR Ss SS RBCS aR EN BR RENE Ra it CR aaern RE TO eT ee ee Pe RE LE Sea Re ESE, OR SS ORR Aa ea SR a aa Se aes SOR on ee ed eeee a ZEEE eS oo ee eR SEN Boge ena RUN RR ORR RN REN SOR CORE. SR OR Sth RRR BORN ORCA SR ns CaN aa RAE ENG Sete eee Se nan entourage Se Se RS oo ee acre was RSE a Fe Re a NERC eae eR ERE go ES ESE Bea a SO ER ON eGs Bg geeco RRS RRR LNSoe ceeEa SRR DSaRRR rs ROR SaAR ERRR Sa RE a RcRoe ERLCA ARRstSER SES eS SOaSer tuataeee Soe SR NON SRE oe eI ARE So Reais Uns eI Oe ace SORE Oscee ch SI Ue RR sR ce erect ee SSEa eee rae poiinisienstannnieese ea RC RN Sects ieeeREG eter BR SRSYOR SA ROR ERB SENS SSN Suan weer emai atria eae ERR eee ReeeSSS SERS ae SRR RBCS IROS ORO UDCSPREE RRR SOTO Re eae enSESS see SS Be Euteeecce teanra neaa oat ereno aSOR SNS CRA CE Siseigte mecca shyRMSE access Berroa CE RR RR RRR oN SUE iER eS eae en aha
PARLE Rees Soe eee SSR oe RS OR SR PAO ate eer PRR Re EINE SO CSN: SSSR RMON ON Oe A SORA NAR MRR FSIS. . Sine SEEN asst nk ness RESFS a ek. ies Pe ge ate ena ES Soe Baer ae RS Soo Rc cake a pk Es :ITE 2S ete ee ee nee ee Sas SO SS ee eS ee er. eS es Bete geek co SEE RRS SaaS SS Ss I RR SRR Nt ROS ORT ROS NO SS ON SRNR BRE? SE aa RR eS Re SSS SEE a enc ea ena atch Phe PR RRR ee AA ies Eee > SEESESSSSEESSE I Rai a aa Ss." Rea SRN eas ec i SoS eee ieae ECE Reema SRR eS RS aah SEER RS noSeca RR ae occa Son ota Sta Rene Soe ee ERE Pee noe erPRE ae” NCR eeOE Bp seen oe eeSAS Nc iasa ks Sieh esSsSRashe eRe aeoes eo SRO 2 SS DSR SRSA RIS RRR EDT RR OEE RESUS RR RDY ORE SS SS eR SSR eS a ee Sec fee Beg Seat RNa rete neat estan tatticestaraat cea eooa Staanrtiaee aa Sica. cSERR Se aeS a aSees SS ae SRE ROI CaeEC SR oe Roccopninnnn rR ne ; SR Sees Roeae eaeae menaap Peer ear ae SsSs Sea So Sea Sitar eee SS See Beis. RRS ae a Rt cs SG Sa SR a. cc ei coos ake a a cng ec ee Bese: ee BSR Sieeesometseenereeree - Soa i SoSR ae SSE oS. =arene Sc Seeeecerne Pees pecans ee so BSB Mn3 eR RRoeROR RS phim Poca Sa at RRR RR SERREaESOR REO co. ahar cacti ce ae aesaSe gas Sats SR ss
ee —“ge eS Be ee ST Se ee se SORMMRREMEBN ees sss ss csesgescsterereemmeemmeesermeseeee eee a aE : SaaS GOMER Seen tae SRR ss. Sa a SERS a SNS oo a TN” RS a on cua nant ae eR Cea a ae Soper roots scs esis scieesnaoeete mettre tee eam Ne RR NN aes Srenueeh ote asa % Seeammanean ns gs ah, ca aan ean akan hae ie ancemeeete sae Benes > RRR aan Shinn eee Soe Ce
BSS SIC. | RRR SU SR RRR : eS SS a SRS SSS Semen o: oheh ns et SRR sae i Se RC a ES SRN as SS bene so eR ee ee ee RR SO LS Se aiene es >.cigcta akan ee a fn Sea ea 2k: SEE, SERRE ss rec a PAR Ses REESE PRS iCREO Oe ee ae ES ae SSSR Bs ey a ok es ae SOS tae ei ae Se ReSaES RR. Ste aneS Se Soo ee ot Grrr ph Es aes ee ar ek SRS a RR EOE RS Reg eeRRScae RR a ee see ReSeana hesama gare Seoesasecre ek, 2 OR ag eae a PS ae ee Oe Sea :Beet 1 at eames | SACS Ne Cae as Belenoo eat Naame" SERN. ee ses
SSeS RRRRRR aaseseeseae eerPeSei eam. eeeeRae 2 IeSoa Sa Sees Rr ns SOpanies Sees & Benen: eee Ree.St. cnccee RaoaesSES patience is SENS keRe eRGas es SeeSERED a ES Se 3 SO RE ae oniON Reea ro BR 3ys: :Rede tat SoS SE Sie aetna Se SERRE Saks Gane SeBe SN
eee PSone ee BS ee ORctISstha ho Toes eee PoeeSeRR—pias SSamin ae eest Scie Cosas SS Sea Samer 3 BoA RR ee Peron Gpisiehen eosaaes ceaeBienes Kon ee CiaeR Seee eee Satis eS See Seon Seteee Geeee A aa SS EES SRR SR nn Scat) Be ik aieCR. Sieteens teens * oS eeee nn ARN |! Se... eS Sane cnn See aaaSSSR Beeman ws iing Se Gere earNR Oeshoo aeCeSc eeRRemeee Baas Seoaeeneon Be ie Seah RE Sea Bo aaah etme see ees See SERRE SE SoS SSenSO Re: SESE on eee "SERRA ee Seas ihSseae Recor eee sae SINcement CRE SoS aR. eaia Sas Se a Semmens Seerapene segSS SyieenBac eet=aR i eas eeSe Bier soocte: oc:scSins ctr es eeeSaeaeea Os. SRR. aRssSS aSwee SoS NEL age cletetenet erate eer arerevenectae rence eee,” aahdins. 5) Se ee ‘ 7 Saeeeiten ! Pi ee Pras 8 SCS EE eon PRR ee ee ST TT RES ee A eS A.) i i. cee ata nates stetetatetetetata's*. Br atch ch ret eetcechatet SoS SSSR SSR Ss er a po nineh a a te ete : Re SSS sues. Seemann Siero ste Ss ae Pe a Res use Sy RoR Ae RRR Sa cee SEpease = Saccc Sap ness RR Bs inSon kLAAR ae aeaNRERR NS. onc Sa Cnetn ies are SR- recat SESE RR BRR ee i testgaessa Rca BRR csnh PRR Snania SSR aaa SES aie Sein. SEO es SR SoSc ee Pecuestnmtmninns aac sccmeanti eoeeeRaeSBD atts Naa ats Sa RE ea teat ene “cseee SvsSee yccaunueen oye pane Seen abo ean hectic a. aon Ae pare en BS ei aseae a Seneres Ss 3 Hear taetentiacc ge FS 2 ees SRS Bee es ny Sere ca eee ey SE Siem cn ae Bie otek scot pence eae Ras 2 Se a SER Saas Se oer ne ae Bots ee Sawn ee: Sonnet PES cone cc a [SRS SSE ee ea Neonat
SoS oe ee RR Sr ksSe RSee as ey Beet Sec ee 2S eeeOS ee ee eeeRR oe EN SES Be ee SeShaiSSee we aaSe ae ee a eSaee esSSae a ae AeeRRR Pomeccni cement cus. SG RR eros. eS OCA ok RI, as Se at tS eA aS, ees... St. eae eee Seno Se | Re oe ORR. tS RRO NS Senne a
RS Se Bi eeenon eeeRR A ene tea eee Snee waa aesaaca Same eeeRNR Sl ae COR. Benenan satan Betray RRCAS a SRR oe Reece Se SEESea aR3eae OESe RN Bn oe MRO Ss ieaeete ESR TEER Sh ccc SRR. Sn aRthc. nesno RRsone RSSSeika RRR sie conte aaa Bochema sete a A ae RY ye fs a es a ee geen oe eee a Stone tag SSS Sea ee. | Seema sea Se Sa Re Senay SOR, SSRIS: ea Snes se i ences
deatttann waar Caen ene. NTS ine :3SONS SR OREE ca Barcus tnaameaccnons recon ES SSSes Se ee mags Ieinnentonesenc Saesnonnpressss ish manta sSRO BReee sc Sai Sa ee eeeapie : eee hes 5oe .Se:aie evince te eel te‘oa ics BRIO SeLLahaceeaetaeneee Ss ee Seen Rens RT Sanne merece . ‘ wiaeistore se x 2 ‘ss ‘ ns iia Men : . sated So: ‘Seaieiatarpeeangeen seine Sakae Se kk eee psn Re Se eeceae Seige acess mae ee ‘ Seeauuauncen nunca anes ; :ueursceeuang SAS eae:vena nee seat Shouse Cee atest: Panes : : ects ; : ; Se iic teawoman eames * ~ SRN ae siaieannan ccna te{Suances Se saa = a isnae nihnSuara sane ROSS aaa hanncnen eee : : eles Sener ; oe Bentist yet pass ie Rtas nme tn ‘: Rosai canara at Sea Seat aa Scone as Saommoneeemma a a Sasori
. ation Nansatusummnnene HeaBiante ; Ssh Sittin scaeeemnaneae Saute saan corehnaenae Scare So Siig setisch nee areas nen ES he 3: :ort, Sinvesumns ‘ :pte staan ea tiny ecoamntaae seepnn Shaseeman enna ee oe ass Se Sanaa Sa cept See ersten ny :ant ; = ;Secunia weet Wate Sitter neat Roca mche baat SSeSOSCR eaeSeseen Raessa nee Ss cats pian iiss abntna usta aiaecatice eteSeicememnemce eae Seater eee a aoaGeauga aBeene RSE a Ba
SS RRND Sane eo Re : * Si tutateSone tanta tor yin Meee nna eis Sestic Shean a Saas os ane rasss Aa a Senn int * Rats en 5 Shane) Saeteter teeiui enc Reta nash aoe Kaccutuacmmnnerer ce Skat es aes a aeons se Penman eeaecee REN cn ERM Neg Se RS SSR See. oor RN CN ORRIN RAE RRR Ko 2 ae ee Soe eG BS 2 TE+RII LORE saaincnnaigs a TE TETAS OSE oo, “Soeur RRSus eaeSeek. Se DOT ReRsike cee ata era eet BRAS OSES EE SSS
; ss BEER O N°. RE SRS Ps onennertig, 8 ly) ee 2 PSN iia... | RUG GS eee rte Sree RRS Se SEO Ree Coe _ ESS STON CROCE. HOSUR IRR Sr oieES ARR BERENS SSNEc RR enn cS aeSS Be cematin SRR SEES RR See TSEC ARUN RON Sem CREAR a a, SR SRR SO OREM oo sry n as canis eaSee Oa | SERRE co =o BEROR ARERR ORR RRR ce RNIeieeens ee are eoearueraeecen aamar TSeee: SLC See SEAS ERE SIDS SESE NSS RSS SNR OSORNO ES DRIER SI RARER EEL EOSIN ner narSey ee eee ee RC Sti RR oe oe
SSR SS See ROSES SOE 7S SRS eee ok ESS rewire). SERRE , RE TRS RSS SE SERS aRAS MES CS Be ES SERTRER. 2 SE ROSS MRR ee eeRC WSN eee oc SAREE ESRC ES Si Rok SRR SLFisAE 2 SURES USsen Say EET SR EE SE Saree SeeRe RSENS ures eau ayn ante a ee EASES ee So
SRR ae eeSoU a! ae Bee ee SERRE SSG ae ee ERI Re ere Rea Sane ISERS SET Se SENS oe eeee oes eS) ea
RS a RNS Se eR, Seomrconnnnens. cine Snug SES SSR ek IE PR hee RS a
SE ee ee ee eeee ee ee Peper saueeatate 2. =2Sree ES eee CS co acrAoei eee a on Ee SEE menos SEERUEESC CLS "| BBR“ een cosine een mend Cane SS SRR USE ISS RRS RRR vhs, SOUS ee Eg Sa ce -ERS Le | Se es won Ose a eee EEER ee et ec Sg Re ee Sapa “eee ee OMS La SER OE eee "RRR itas Seen, ONC NUT RUN UR | SE RRR Le : Beeseer -1,cea TERR ernest ee obaecacsmenntet eevee nnn tt aanc : RRRSatie VAT ONSET 5 Bos STEERER. RR SERRE RRS SEN, BRE 7 pe o aS:Rae. Se i Bes ge SE ee sO RNR OAR LON RRC REC ORR aA er mes: REESE, | CIRENRERS RO hi” SRR Re sc, oR a + ASRS SIRES ESR ERS aera OS xem as Beers econ . PENCE RAHN AARRERE aS Sc. ae - SS a ae neae Se REGS RESETS ESO AS=ee CE SaaS pS ann “SER aaSOU SRP SSS RnE SRNRES S ERS NERS A SNORE RRR cea ous a"OER “SR ee ERS SSRRR “liege Ree See “eae “SERRANO SOS Soames. ESS. + SRRBrrr a eat ERRRRR RAN SERRE SRRCOR S Sana CaSRE OR ae OOO RRR oe To ee em ee Se NT SONS 9 Rex, | Se : 2. RR RR Se VSO REE RRR SEE Se ne Beit. Sexaaes co) “ERS12.) BesSES Sees SES scumEERE retoneieNO a geUR 2 og, 2 ae AS SE oe 8 SRSA og SBR: Does SEAR a: ’.scan. cor) 0) ROR eeco he eae SARE ee: . ARSE ORR oo ORR TERE See SO I aSSe iCEES | Ee Sc, PRs ca SS one EG a IC. Sere =a Soar 3ae SES an :(TRS SRS SSNS SEERA er SER ERE ERR SOE DSSS ES CES BROS RRSESE ees aEOtg: aRee). eee Soom EES aLES anne
: LOSS a aa Rene NSS iae Soe aa Bee ee Dene S San a Ra aOR URRR NENG rei cnrer ecu Chae SESE Oa SRR ORRTRScssosneeey
Wee eee [OO ese Saaeiaennn mente enim re oa mune epi ecn gee erentem bye: heute cctrerarreyenga PT BRR “1 BBR” ORR eaeaee aetieinc sesamiae SRR Dan en RR CU RES RE ESERESREB OI IRD CNL SERRA? os Sn ee
Se. Se). RC RR: cs
+ SO "SRR ORD eS oS ea D UEC ie ooronoirn heh a heh ence ein cienerenmneen ee vote + ORR epee ec leceern
Sac aaa 7, IRR eaeeaneas RCSA CEE etenamtnnn rnin cire ca eennnee ene ene reteanneneeniae een een ee -. Sepa wl,
- ar Caen . “SDI aN gtcaet pe serene re teane er ecetasesinane TEMPERA a eoarereee eee acanecela etaresmeareterecn ee ererecatecararesetetasacetacatersatascatateeneeeeeet re ORI . See wre: wae aa
4 aR BE Mee ott ee elect tranetieiorey atten Srhbicnnenegecciesegueneeneeesne emanate ORB os gg PRS
ee aBae Ce ee ree re EE Se ee Soe oo. SRE eee BE ee CIEE SL ERs Sa eeBe RE aOAR ce SRO atgies Pe aoc REESE Riri dcSRE, ee ae 2 ESERIES RR Rc mma: eames ee Pav. eee SR SSR ape Ra Rg eect Ree eR Rseee, RSET a, SeeSRR Soe RR ores wee Dn RES Se rear eC “EE +, Seca aa Recreate. Sagas ean em oe yagi ESE | REEL Re ec non V Se “RG SE CRRA REE RO cc ES SS mu err O e Sea SSeS gene, SEC eRe 2 BS SRR sr Se.) Se “ARUN ay“Aptana aREE Ce Oo Boca RRS eS eee acces rec Sos. SRD SRLS so eR. “SRS Sees ec e Bysstite,. = eee MOEREEI fe ose eeee igs Sth ee SONIC Fae. RE ie, osA Be EERE RRR EE CEER, URS RRearner OE eae Ser PGES RE a int e. }°Ce] e Bea DSR URES OR Sees eee Seem,» eh cenenneneeemeeenn nem bentenen :Sec “SS ect BS ]ee m} aBSUS. “eoSlas hike, ESTees RS S|SR eee HR aiecomeeceenaaen 4, See ans:OST oes td Zee SASS oUt ne ROR eS SR nae. SR OkRO SS SsA TRE SRE RS SELES Bic Re ES ORR aeten ee ane, ae eR COR. RRR ee SORESA REED YSS PY EREae TE SROee aa oes Seasen eon RO yao po. BERS SEER ee PTR SC ne ee ee SES peer ae RE emi, ID Bipot sine snore ce nnnenee rss comin enna eal OUR Steep ose oes
ee ee ee
Roper acinar, acumen bois aie oe ee ce Bae TEESE SUE ROMERO NE elias rten Seer | ASSES Sa SSE
* « Seen NERS aNeeSG a, 10 EES RA RR eS «RR mi _CRG S eras Ruane ee Ser SeARRAS PORN CARR eeeceeenat > aaaeee Sc, Retro EE Sa
° See are ee GREY cE ee ER a ES MES RMR U RRR mu y RO ec ee em Ge RS Oh RE SSN NONE ESR RSS CC SEES RRS ROS SEER GURNEE gc 1) ANE ea PeISR ec Bc cria RNa Ibe Yr TOC e T m a e a ou : SoA LOR z ereOG aCONNER foe “I SS TRE ee so: ESR CN rece aENS Sh Sie prety Soa ee SEEPS RRRRCE RES: OO RRR i 0 DSRS eg iROME RNS Ra a,ene, GARE rat aire ete 2 1" RRR tac acskhtann Setivaane ceeemanearaaneer ant Bates Ree ee MONS RRRHOR SN CREO. Rittereroaeer eg SORRR tse sane ted eg uae a eeeeeee ORR
RCS SSN RR ASSESSES 02, SORE cs RRMA RRO T MARRS ROSS RRR RENNES Coeinivnnne necro Ne PRON RS AAG REE 2s ENTRAR _BEERS SESE RRR AY SRR MRA ere Re sec aciot teeta SRE eaeREN OeOSS PR OEE PORIRUA NESRRR A SARI ORV RRIERRESS: XONAR KAA CN NSsee th e Sa m e tl m e. *uROR S] nIDon] a n Bete aoe Sey Se SoeeR SOS SES CE Meet ae oa Sone : Be: SeEER 5oun BSUS ENSUE Bae ene OME a,MMMM SR Se SSRs RR CEC one ate, Seaver anaes
’ ETERS Si. UyFee Ree ee SEease EER SRECSES See BR-PRS eer Bn 0, EN NR RNR Rr in Re enh, Gh 7,CSN SRR SeNan OEE RN ee OS EO Se RREGOP SE h h t Sees SESoeERED DE RES 2 CS INORE RSE ORCA
ax an atcnet.
nee ae ES Le pias URELEUae aeNe ee Te REE agai oe OB PEE SLEEP SSRSud SUE Po TS aeerenaeres
oan: UR TE OSE LT RRR eh oh Sia Bel Do oppo Ce eee eee: eee ite wee - 3 PTI ao RRR ne EN OT vie cL STR ASy c 2 7 11: Rape oc coches oc
eats Ol 2kanSE RRR eee LE obra eR CanSo SPE DO. uo”Soca” RRS ooo Spore ptspoet Jit ipODER GT ihcca SR woGTR REET aEs reee Rote UE TAD UtRR T 1eR RRR SSoa enEE ESRD Sy ee cine Rene ae a reere 2 TE 1) RMR aR ROS MRE LLNS mt on aarenaart Loh TLL. SERRE SRS SRS Reo a eRe cae tna RU | a aes Sos a reg 7 ESS Bo NRE EE Sa ee ceeremee memes eee eae UREN a SETS
CUR oe LP nad stelh BS pee oe ec eva areas noee STE, Doge a Ny.OE AiarSee PER TE “sR aarevere BSSSRR ER a SS IS D Sine can Dino TRa Ta Ri neon uuuniin LES crewman aian saeee oak aeRRS NS |: EC eeeaeeie SEEM | me eefadODD a AEPOURS RR oo eeeUT ee >| eee ae ES Ra Si Se 2 TS ReEESE Se) RRR oo net MP anon SORE CE SeneteR fennel aa Se BR eee LESS .aeSO Shoe, BERR SE. rE
weaS i BT JUS EE RRR «SE ethBibs “cee 8 °TL TTTP RRR SeSmee ac TR .ue Bae ee ET ro RRS DD Sn oeosnr. SERN a ,1S _oe e:we SLM TEES SLStet 1 RSE SS RISO beoe ote ctytan oS eyDobe seeeOED 0 iD SRR OSES SERA .Te unl.asorrs P77 BRS Se SRLS TeAY EDS po SEB vy RRR UT ESD ey nee: CS...” aeRO i .ney ns UE lie) RR TS see SRR USoaSa ot CO To LE REDS, eR let 0er SSE Sit le-0S ee os Teiggy sa,ARES SNe wo. SOT ott Van tent ULL SaaS rere Data DOT ESS EE : =PUES DagersSpite cyEi et1.7": RRS, . . . wr See rag SERERE TS ST a uh EERESESIN 0”Sal SRR RSSsaat ee eee nviPimae neo...AiO e Serer ne 6s SEER Beet ne ES A SPUR FR RRS teRS UE BRS ROR «ore .Do . . Por 3 nettSn TL lente neTy SEES ESSERE SEaac. ea ae ESOC RSC RaoSRR PSNR RON 8S aE Eg .. TORR CPN Bees AP "SRR SRE ORR SRGRREMR. | 22 SSSR SI ST Tog PEE seb. ERS SET: BooSeca Siee e eSE e eee e RE: Beer. ca URE scan “S ~ BD MLO ne 0 SEE AL, : SR oe "ER ne RRR ROS iia ES eee ES In SU
CL SESE) STBARR ee a Ne, SEE"aR eeSEEN RRs Seiad a ThaAE Chee Sir RRR
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oc aSRer... ike 8a “ERR ee TS pe ta 2Se EisSer SS ee Se ea eS POET CES -onee7 RRR eS ne ere eecoegig 2 REE Do IES Be
ae Ooee RRS ST Urankar. RRR : *. SELL. Ses esSE RRR SS SE SYD insBoe eee od_Nee ae ee” ee fy Niciusemenneme maeORR eenl eePOSNER. Soe TRESS SEER SaLANE RRR SS aWE Sekt The aoD teea EP OLS: i ee Pep «occ aia TEPoS US ebonSsSR
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_) ~. SSR kas LU USEESEEE LES.ae. 1 - SRR 2 INNIS SSE. aoe ress GeeS ELSBR ac SONS IS Pope eens nne neers were mts hat Dena lanTS :Doe Loe 2...” *: So nos, . ROR rc oe EE SoTeen See SIRE GR os Doo.Seam +, DOSEN op Sameer + 7Be SRR sETT Bea a .Delt ue -. ei “TEE RRRee CR Ss a TOSS (LS ES aR ae cnSR SOR CEESCL SS R SERRD Bisa ooo. ote Bi ec cn {Sahoo oe eee SEE EEE SE “OSS ae attett: MR Bue a SRS Siege enema Ss OE EES ORS TESS ERS RR : Tes: EEE ered Bio er o a Hee eet A oan wo, “SEP RN ee ace acta ionamin oe nt See MST SEER RRR SS So ee RRR SS nt et ee BST: 1 LS a a TL Beeeeytlteteea ta cusmtete te astro ner ee tee atene a aE eS ROS SE a tivo Mie eS ee eg SS Beers SINT acces tetatececeseeeenasaesateceletetereaesesesutatalatetaoeatataetea Cl Uo
THSseser one Se wa ha oaSMI Se OR ee pe SD teaOS | eesSh: Recor eR aE ESSE OOS SEERNN Ee ORE RN RSENS SS TRS S. SeEe° rrr Peon ERxxEo ELelena SAD wcSe S00. SESS SERN oeeeee wn ee 2 SSS SRS seueeaweeenmemenece Loot PORN Ne RSSSS TIEN BA OT .RRR 22)fot SOE Beer ae!TESTES SEARS ree | om Ee SECEMEEEBS -0.SSRRERASEESCSNeS fs oat eeoe Re RRR RE AES So. SS DER USES ERE SOO REAR oe a TRE Pete SL a, nn. aRRRRR RRR sc BO ove< TAQ Le td =EY ORNS SORRY SERS annaoe antec e LEE egaRR eeeaot Sete ateCESS See EereeeMeM sso stati tts ee ee ce . Reeser eeeSo Bree Sesh Res RR afoie SERN eee Se Nee soe SS RRR) Seen oc ATR gef PEEe “TITS 1.7. SRR eee SS ED oS SE |] Ra oc RRM NN RR ONE cng one > SSR OEE ULE SSoU Spb iene Sait Spee ee || ROR ee soapst etn So CORR ROS RCS CORDES SOS Bo LL el SS RSS SSRI a pesca ce eae ae Ci SESUnaNy.-./:ean EE clSRDOONRRRMEENES ae RR ee SOL Sg Riksiae ee Reena eee Pee SS: Bc: ORES RSS:ANS See eee PERSE Syl SERS on crintc oea aan pee NO «SRR SSO
ws a See ee Ree ea nO eS eee ee igugnur cuenta SE nd) SSR = OUR EEC eNO
SEES RR RSS Nn SRNhhh SORES CaeR ARN Re VO RRS... aR a:Bs Sipe.eee \ PNRM eet sn ane eee PURE tn desc oO ORCCNR RRRPoe RT RO REESE -: aOSE "ERE “ERT ISO ee ween, eee BS Bees ERRNO PRR Nea ERE SA, ERO RSC R OR SSR EES RRR |SE SO eee laces PeeE ee RR ns,SR SRS ss RRA PR | EES ERMAN oN RRR SN OUR oS. sa:Bi RoOBUTE DRESSES ANC +CNS rr EERE OS 2 CREE To RRA ea ARG ROR crane On aSEARS ROE SRRSE ER REE SeSEN EY a eS A Sor he SoSAN Se “SSNs eera Maer unr niente eee SSeS Senar re Res ANSE Cac SES sacs CN
Ssaee ea ROE... eOpnepentammaee at SSRIS. =Ree 2 SESE sassere stanaaennemnas soe ee ee ees SOLS EEPRRRRE ED ORR RRO oon snacied terres ete RR ee TEL aroan USNS SERS «|. |-ISS SSSA oT Tetate TE CERI caer annem arene SS Raat eS eto.STII =.esERAS OSes aioe,RMS |. BRReee oreSeen St Raa atte NOR Reoe OOoar MREERES SSRERERIRER TS SRR EPCS Sees 7Ie aetre ba oes on RRS RRRRIERS CY OCR ERG tones oa RSIS TET IN TERRORS RRS. aoe TERROR RRO RRS PROARM TOONS os ssCsSita ail. ERO eo Boe7+7 oR occRRR sae SHEE Ss TTS ORS gostereneonenntatestteatcnateeeniees Res . Ee SN RAEN Ban ORDERSot cre.” OOS |Wotc SoEe eae RRBERE ressASRR SCS BeeRRR STE RRR ge
———. aiaeee0—dldlU Ce, eee .lUllCU ot St DRORNERREEESS. © 3-02 Se SSE RUIIIIS: See ES REE eee SE RN ER ES TS ee
oe UE SeteiS:TREE SESE STEoTeySPSERRE x Mpa: ee SRR ROR. meneame oe PIRES os RRS | See SOS OORy “SEER 6 SS: EEE ch DESSERT eT pages BOS Sac Re Ss deestetcose SR Ricee eaten aaa Te SS PSR: Sr Po ATS OSSETIA URES NR wee OTL at a ot) oo deggie, BBR oR no RR SCRUM s.r RORROCCO ..- |”: SSRNRRS RRSORR seuitecsevereeeeeee SOE EEE Ot EatOTT ESSERE BIee cost “Taggyeenes . 7 RSS 2 Be *.SEE SRR oo ier cots | EE os DERMIS wn oe STEED reeaSee TC. --:- aanPoe wom “. Tees Lot teiineeees RRReM te Bpsssso cree. Bae eee ER Tae oesRORR eR RNSOR sis een REN so pap LL ee cece SOR NAS MER . pio Be SR TT CRRRRR SR alates ini ease SEE RSE cin eR RI USES 1 SOE pe ae
Do BsRRRMMIER. SSS ER RSanrenaenr SSE SES Crsmmmannnamnaiteni cae ERE CCceeoeSrSR Pare ateo Ry AEN SUSE eae . SSS Reesor Cea Seeaaa ees sans eames seer nn CRS oes ee PR SE ERR TLRON Se Rieter RU RRB, RaeERSe ES Se Scie wok | ies RRO YS RUROCRRODRN SAN SOR ae SoeNe eae ERTS SESS. Ss iene ee nn EERE OSE SoS RR OO ORR TSC ES Rs Ros >” aeraBe cee SERRA SO ERROR y REO :Be RU Sees / «1 ERE RR RO SSE ANCOR oo i peer rn REO rates 8aaSRR aeRR ROeee ON RU a EOS uni
LtBete Re PER DOTRR LROe ee SPR ! . RRR a pe Re TERE Sc a| RR Te 7ectines SSR TS eee Sea aceon oN na oo eas “es
SSE EIT TSE Bese coe TIT ORE TD Matte reece ees ae waa COR aan EES 2 ESS Re ee eect re TAreanuumann nue i sua eee PRR RRO SONS RRR SN
fet TSE Gs Soeureres meses Gig Rin meres viiiereenstanaaa — EELS Sais hemene Pe NN 2: eens ESS Ree ESRee 3ee ieeCCC ee
OPED UIA SO Pree Pee ets UeSeer oe REN RS SA cee See lait eae oea PER ARN ESR eR Sspen on Oe LL SR Pree ees BES Savesee OSPee a3 SER Re Seeee Rebonee Sctiatnnanmmmnsor rr17PeLee Rea. SSE SE Saas Ce
ee — ee Se ee ee We ee
(Eee Sonat eePRE ee PRS TLE TRS SR eaacre SLUSR ORR “ORE IS eae eae hs RO ROR Reece Eee ie a oe eer selene siege reece OSeee US SUE=EE See Ss ak Heres eee ee — SoeeeSues: Sac ERS SaaS SS RR SER LSS. 7 SER Serre neeSees yO aAiea ee eerste eanoeeenrhtie SRN a — ee oe oo es ee eae eeeSLA eaeaes eS Pie eee SSSR SRRSee SOS LOCETE Seen LLenERE SeSeeee SERS REO Sa aeae ee:auueeuaes ee. Se
ee Se. rr——“ ee ae Sn oeSU ee ee —eeCO
ESTEE ER See ee ee ReesUE SORER SHAT san NS CaSue SSee oo . JSS SE ae ERT Eg es eeen SER NESS Sc ge ee nee oe eS SeeSEES ea ee eee Se cag Se B Rees ee ee See ba ae eres SSE US Se Cee See See Se cera nee PRs OEE chee Sueurena eonmuna sentir SSooUSSee RR Si -PIee ee ee eeSeee PORN Naas ReMRE ERee RER RT Oe SES Scag Se CeEE
So See a ee nS Se SESE ee oe DOE aeeeee RES — ee Se — Se ee SS EES SER ai Seine Shcaatenaeensecan eS BUR a SR a a TREES aaaatahen SO Sree ERR RE BeetSR cerxieee eT RRS SRR ROaRES = SOE
ReARES Sceenrreee ocean Raita. EOIN sh, sotaie ait ie aera SOSSR cut Soc aa CUsasneniacaciinasanas RR Sc ESSERS RS pha eRe poainckit aEeeeSO Eee Sea Se aca SaER SoRe eet esevrais 3 TIES cana seirrmennenchieeereenneeennn
En ee BO Peet Cae pees cirCRESS ams OU Boge ee SS Pibeaesscacnnss SEs aia Ee RS ee a SRES SR SLES Tinka hen SSSR SER SENSESe OSNae ONSEN Se poceahanesninin amet aenentenrrtceet RESON: cers a BOR aR pesnceaeansae Renee arcs acess wena anannenaian “SSIES ES STERIC See ae Fe ae e ee
ee ——— siesaat i WE oo ee ee ARR, EeRS ae re cueey RiteesRRR NCR Seo Amerce SEES nes SR OR = Sees ee eS ec waieeeons STREET ness. Rena eetFEES aS oan hinceins Suan aaae aes SEES ae perornetersod ereata gieg epeesaneta eearea EES eae eee SRG Seas =net ee ee
eet unre ee : SENG Sea «a CSE pain ee See oe CC ee fo eee i Se Serena Og SS ae ee er oe See— 2 | FeeNN: a ee ueNSaaSSRs sspears SSO Bree Bam a rece ian a Peace nagaS Re ae ac a Ee See RRR cco co subinrranenmnnn charmer SER SRR RCS Soe cece eas Se SEN eee ee SOS SRT SERRA IEEE + ‘ SOR SS Seiten csatete asses ngST Sets oh SRS Brteaate: etc! xe treba! cay BP Secesstoretenste? Sees Sees ;ee Ba Re catenc e Socata Ren eR ste emacs f Seba : Se 3aaoe oiheseictotea Scammers are atetetectate Saag SC
2 SS Eonar a a gi SERRE Sos SSeS se SS Bes ee oe r _ _ a
so DOES i tas shinee ce ae SoS Binet Basis aaa * : US SSS Sea Se os Ronee ca Sets SS SoS SS SS
2 Lae Ren RO ee: mannan pers 3 tenn: cane ESESSy oeSaacunnnnennans : Gas SESS Sa aeSoepeneenentnnnnninn RoR SSR SEES eee See Rm — er aes ceSeen SRSSoon SRR Sc ern as Baoan comer SS ea bos SS ee Se RS SSoe aa Rae as Gencteamscent rarenisnetsteies Aonianeataereecoee Sens : sSieesniee
=. SSS : Bites Renaa SES oa EM ees as Sc ae ee SSSR: :SESS SES oe Pete :RS Socho Oo SER oo antsoetcnetn Skeecnsminnnens Sa SEER SRS: ‘ Pyusaseeesesaenss SRS SSSe ie See: ooh Oe 3mnetante seesSESS oe ee Ss Sooaeaeene sae ho Ses Seg stirsCOS eigenen :ee Seep iit SE BSSuir se S SEs SRG seisets see sees Soares Rosset Ree BS.SEES otosSeana a —r—“‘_sSs—S—S ee: ZS Se Reaae sera es Se OSES Re Soe Ron aR ee a SAseins SA SE Ss SE seats Boosneniaarsea Ba ORR Sanson ee bisepanneasn SES Seaicanes seefe Seon Sens oo as es eae SoS ee ee oe oo _ — el : oe sasssanin nos Se a oe | : | ae ——e oe llr SSS Seas eo Sha Saati BSSSEE S85 Seuss eee Ra es Seti - oo : rg aaa — . |; LON Ratan oe Sa Se Sees Senn SS RRR SSeS hisses Soeetemneaene es Sa So ferenasts : Sl Sa SRR peenmnee ass Sane eels ES : .. oe NNN Se Biter Sess oa CNN ay SCC seeseeeeaceneeetenennets aoutaterstatetotatctote RSemntes se SSS: rssnetiei saeteetenees Se SRNR ERNE Bite srercnsesstatetats 5s seleterteeenene: SS es SESS
achat eo a Ce ee eRe Sane SS Be ERE rere eee oe = a _ : _ Z
reenas tnSes RNee oeeocetaae Saacacaratonatos Seneenerat mena ga eens Oe eeteete : sepreteaeees Ses SoSoames esnanan Se Sie < _= : .& -_. oR | aSas oneeaten Se Seaton Sistine Segre Meters i OS eee Seiecien siemens = a ee SSNS ee Sa ee sete rr—N*“iOO ace sree SoU sents Se eee : Se o=oe Brcreseres se Soe Rane SS ns ere RESON a Riise Sees Seg: Rin Roce Binaries uae ieee ee : _. ; n
r———s aa cs eae |... = CG oe ~ 7. _ ? 5
—r—SR oe_aag 2Be 2Bape |eee ie... tiSepa — BeOS See RSG ys Ceaie aaa Seana SE Sueeeeee SS 63 Seespus Secccvte ee SSCS
:a_EN =. oe Se eeFe —— eee SS Sa aeigSEES Shuseessees CR aec ao oon — _. -__ _ .— . Spas eee ee SSRN SRR eeeeri SSS Beast Seen SitSoak OS ae Baentctapccese aSERRE Ses Pera Rasiaeees oe See See Seas BS SEC ..... Ssh akesteates SS Sethe Bass ang Seen SRS ames oie Seti sega /a -.| oR - .SES -Se Ses CT SNSR Aas ROE ORL eee meesecseret Reece Sie eSSEES See oe Senses BS 3Sees Steet See Soest SSS SS RRS Sri a SER Pr SS AS Seems WGinepri eoate arena seS soho ence * Bringer Se Seat aeeeu aan ie SaSEES Gesun 33Sean Sheets seecoe eySeSat ee _3_omens eesti: Sete eeSatess aSEER Bonen sean pian ioond eas _. 8le SS Snes Rare feSSS eSSe aesche Se“cas SaSeg Rites: oh SSS Soi aeSasa Sree ss eeReeS ee| -..— _. _: i. Basan ta aPi SS SSS Bear Romane Eu: soueeme se eects Be SEES ee oe SSeS Seas ece Sasa ca Some Sa Se , Ss Se SR Beet oe Soa aRxs ea ee oo _. ee oce eeeee eine oe SRN SER “ESS Seen SEES Se a. Nae ee— —— Seas Seki =oe Saas oe, eaten See ae ROR nite eee coe — eee 4ter Spee ae pees Sok _Rt Senet ee SES Es rr |See Rees __oe__.=. aSooernaes See eos SS Seaa onesees ee acess aS seeentne sete 6 be a e a. SE: settee a — Se ta Ree Sens teeta ies Se Ser Se, . nears Se See SOON eee St Se See Sse peti SS eerste Sees Roa as ss oe ostSee S&Sa Sts. SS 5 SRS Ss SSsae Secs —Sees oe sets_ cao SE eS : eee ee| Sees 2 SS CS eaestsanartarereny SS eesoo, Sa ae Sea Ses — sy oe a sists CS See Sees 8Rae - sects _ eG _= 2foBS Baek Soke esSemcon a partas ee ss - ee Sones: — eee bees bs saescuitteeants See os SE ecsioan Seen eS. - Sees . SeOe SSRasen RSSs Se: PANS ~ SSSEES SERENE
eee oe |-.sse Ee Gee | Rare ae — oo SRS Sonos eas2:is ...oS Sere Seen o Ree SES See aooo Se seamen: oe : _ oases ee SESS ee aEES SS _te os*— Sots Bens SS — _...Ce oo oh aS sense SS eects . ere SES CC os ssasete — ° Saar Pe: tis es ees teSees See ecaitets Sens Snes SSeS — San 3 |. Co —™ Ss Ress ees er SS Ses Sena es — CEES sete ee stn CS Sees Seana ve Ss a Se Ss SS rey ee S ce : . || | esti SoS ES ~ : meee see %Ba Sl aS SS .Biolenes ee Sor ce Saas aS =e— SeSE Seas Reena See Syersee as CESS — .:septees ORee osBet aes seaman , ES Se SS _-— Soe Se — . ee a CES _ stants Senesnre — Ses SSS Ss SRR Se Ses aaa SHES SESE Se Re a oe wie SSeS ee natn ae SEES Se cee — ' _ 5SESS a : See _ EE SERS Sse ait i eas scene Sats Eanes parts eases aR3. eeSSsects Ret SNS Beene RRS SEsSeana Rees ES Sees — Sees Perea set oo SES SS See ooeects st Sea Se _oe :Sees / _ mines : PEN x a SSE BRN es Sonatas oe sistas So sees oer dios Shaan seuaeeaa Seas : pre: a EAS _ seca : Sppets3 ssc SSS — SG BoE Saas statate SESRES Sie _ vi " SSml restate 7 set ese SRS as 4Sees ,oo.=:me — Ss SSS Cs . me Bec sees oe oo =[:SS a_ ass BAN SSS Ss Beane :E *2ee Ske Ss =e RSS Sess oo es SS Ne .Been Ss : — _sos |See : oo : -_. ee SSeS ee sits = See Rh _ scene SS a * Se Re se |poset ' ‘ss — : : See Bae cis oe oo ea=SS Beanies SS oe. — |me 4- SEES ee | RS (.BS :SS | =oe -— sents SE EPPO 38 secre oo SS eesSse SS aSnes a. Fe — |.SS : :::SSS .4:i :: . — o a le ee -_ 2 SS Sree seater SEES . ee — ES fae _ Siren ae SES SESS | bas SRS a — ne = | , | : :a4a: se .‘ol . 2osee ae Ses .Sk es ee Soe Boe opus ‘Botan aa2SES s CC eS SOS — SESS RRS y ~_ oC :pee _Bee 2eescanatetee ssteteteces eee Scien SS Sean re posctchenet State “ s Spares Sacer Seas Sates pict SASS ee Sasa sete SSE Ses —
. S ee ry pupae: enemies tee amc SSeS RS So SoS ees Sats seen Se aS Basin Sees Sr poe s SSE . 7
' : Lose ! : co” “ ie : ee ease_CD — SS sf) Ses Bote oo ae tier SES ss eS ERS SEBS eae tester Rss Se we . Ronen settee Petes Scene Seneaera: Rs
SSE ssetete rene — sere SES Sao —— eotoes - — peste, Pee SERS er esetetate Bates sont _
eee se os aS Suenos .. coe S55 SEES cs ea Sete — | a. | - |
See ae os SS Sees Se = 0 SEN Ss _-C_sadza.#szsn SES soe Se Be BERS : RS Soames . : : _ 7 Fs : : : , :
— | SSE SEES *Sees SeTihnkeees Serceace Sees SESS Seas oS Sees as Sosa Semoran SE Sci: Beenie. aSS — :SSS See = See Ses SSS TRSSees Ross: SES SRE Beposes React REN ee a. nit aSS SEES Peers ses 5ee ; SEES esseeeestass SEE Ss yee Saker Bence Sas Reece : Ses eae SRE Wiestenaretetee Seoot iSoS Scat aBesa ee xoe i Hits setae oan peck aeSas RCE Roses oS Bsns Sesctees Bese Sens Seen a SEE oo — Soe oaES SSre seeutecen . SESS SSS emeneea Pisses SESE RRR oy Somes neonate SeSS Sees SSSee mor oe . 7 peepee wien —22s Sane paths eects SR SERS She: eee ooeee SRS ee oeShee os-—— ees SEES SsSa Beane paasemsai Soe eeeSSE omen NState Saas SES Se =SS aS retains :ates ’ _ Ss : osSa saea aS eresSica neti : See SRNSSS Se Shien rhe SSSSH ae SE eroenatns ve ee BRR Se pikes aRe SEoo Bese: :SSeS ees mise Seee SRA Sos paste se Seas See RES Senos esses ae So So Soca SI SSS See -_ SeeaeeS
- Re _ SEES oe * ee SEES ee Ss ee | — See aE _peeSERS: .ieSe ROR . oe = es iCBesRance . ~— _enous | Sree ae Seas Ries Sh Bae ee . SES SeSa _ Sutera pes nko eres eobce Se Sk Rocaeaaaaos teeny nts See ae2 : _BEESESRESEE _ _. So seers oe “Sa Poe hiner SEES Beoe Seah Se So ahs iatees pons _ a8 S38 _.. ee . ~ . 4 : | =| ofetetetes See Rosen — RES Soe: SE See SOS, scuninaes Senne es SAR eR oe es . . . | ' : ; . Sse Se sores oo men Se 33 SEES -— me Seca Poses Sime Es Sea ee Ue ai etacaaten ae Rose SES SS —— eee Best Sasoa Soe scenecesse CoRR — oa ES SSeS *es Beast anes ee_. aaa So ‘ : :a/| rf_a aS : 77=SSSR .._Bona es Bees conte Suara Rese apace Breanne Resaeesaes rs ee Soe Se Bo Eat: — | eee -_ es :es: | ( oo SS Se SE SEES Soaeapeeees es Spt Sa cite Re Ss Se aaron RRR See Uhh Bymite Seaos eeetends SS |et5 SSeS See Stee So CC SEESpas —Sens sete: seen es oeseater i ShokeeeS Rapa . seen: oesets eeSeaman ee. eee Sos (a __ piste SHEERS ensESN eeee Sasata Sa So eeSepa - BS — - |.:oie i.oS Se Bacaan: ee ares S — = 4 _ : 7 F CC Be Bate EES cc :eee :oSSenses 7a. > sist Soe Saeed Se Saisasaat pee neat eens Sees —= Sees eey a toa a: ses ee Ba, Ree 8 SRS Se gue so -_ i— ees Css sie — Roras aSeat Sd ah ee me sess sss Re ee Ss SESS ee | oc . _ _ Ce . |... pases 5 Site Roos — Ff Si rr. Ss See SSS ae — 4 SS ‘5F———— amasccrene aes ee -. :oft:.“|774| Scottish ase Ss RN sates SN KON SEES SESE oon — Bereta Baneee Se _— i : Sees 7 ‘ :Sekhaes :.:— SESe Sia oopn Seatac: poeieatset Soe Seas SSEseestiess seen SSS StasSea DORR Shei =SA Soe ae —sie oa — SAREE SS erases SS ee SESS es Dl | i ROE sgsnsrsssrocene SS oe aera Se SES RoR Dl i -_ — .. A 7 oC . Dl ees oo . sisi ee Se Su Se mo | ss ae ee a |SO 2SeeSS- Site _ seam 7Shas_.Sees . —r—e Sees SS eeSSeS aeaenee Ba See See = se) eae = — se osSee Sa en oe nes yaar Sees a Sate SuiSion RoaSSE So Skane ae foes Seansaat . Sones eS So — =-: ae cn ee se See eenmmnnneos SSS sete earner SS Saenicnass esas SSRs oe:PR RRaeES pecaeaseines — Sees SS st SOS os ses :So So Se: Roan TSomnes RosmanesSee See: Beas Se SE Sosapace pion Se Sees SS Ses SS oe ne
eahetaeatns sees OOO a nec SS Sot os Sree Sh Ries, een a Sate * pr IS ose Si ee ah Batten Stas iat BES es 8 . — :
BOSS Se _ psiaas Sy ee SESS See SS See SS Say SS Sere ee Susman Suaeeeert cs shea Be ts meta Senn Se: sieenetn: = OSES Rescate 3 - 8 atehocsteteester sie — Soe cesta SSS SOS oo aiatefaens Rane hens SrtA Ses See Sas entre Eee as Saco Seas ‘ Seca Sass SS Scones _ o
Ce oS . = : ao i 7 ie ; Bees set i _ pea. sn Bere Sea — es oe Ses Se maces pi Se Cette Secchee Ses eae Saat Ske SSS ne Reese Seat RI sees
See Sie See — Soeaa SSE SeesSass ep SSeS reece ee Shee TERESI hinninintnecer naereeSIR neemmenenneecn eects St Se SRR ae TRE SERS SRR eee reteteteforoseaee Ae ssoperaantasotitetacefetetenssestageectatenaterstetets Tiina Sacenceceateeeeees ees rane erer rinese en nee eet eee SSR NOREEN SRShae AAR ASR, ener eletararecteerererer seer acestERE EASES coerce CS aaaae anne RR SuAAAS ae Ge ee CEES SERS O ERS RUoeRRR SERRANO ENA NG ECR RC oe RE eC
SE ee SR ARR CRE RO See RR RRO TERRE BEER ee ae EESE SSSR REO CRUE aaa Ee reeCORN ee See BR ee er ne cee
Raneanbonstemien artennarate cnn stint iirc estes ret ante eranemae yarn nena ER NCE ERERRY SESE Ee ane eee coeunannnane eee beer SSNs Ne SERENE arate SESE SR ORO SREP Se BCR eae ORIN SAE eater BAS ea RSROO ORO eivercecerans RE ee ete BRN Natio eee CEEEL SeSecs eae eee RR RR BSS RRS RRR ORONO NOR NER center areeenrns » RRR Festina Renae Ane SEN uence . SRS RRR RRR RSS RRNA OSE A RRR RRRsonore eee ESE eae Speamaeeeemaneear Bihari Secchi s eee SOR oR Re ORR RRR SORA ARR RRR RRS tees RE OR Re EeRN ee Steere eaeae See oe ee eeBSSe AEE Ca aSONA re ce eee edSORT SR RRR CE eeSennen OEnetinntencnnaeeeeereeee RTSARS COR Oe eS SRcee SRE RECESS SaashRENN RS aeecttin SRR SRRR Ua ODGCS ee eS Nene SRO RON Ses TCEIEE Sore gate ereasenececepeareraticnecasetecateterscacascrotensteontetes rearBee Ny eeareent ra taearetat tate fattest Rare era hsmanneauiceeN 3X sarees MEinatasiceeeg een reer SNRRE Sescis sekerhiunaenueronammnnenrere aes SS SRaes SERS ANE ENDNOTE enertiestiss ts rercsscitletiretesnsatestitsstatnoes AS Set PA NTAesREO RDS ARARERE REREAD RO ER Sere ON Sneseseast cera casmteertene aeRO RAEDCONS AS RRR SR ERetRE ENS SRP SREB SRE RRNA NS TREE RR ERE
SERRE REESE ERR ie Senne nasintiter ate aistesteer teeta tera Ses SPRAIN ENN ES ERA AR AIRY RAYNE St NON Stata toletet tataltoveletate tater REAM RR SARA N AKA SE KS ERA ERE RENE R ARS srbetonetat ecescceacesbrnbnatesat te wenersseceeesee eee eee i hanhanreeeiee ete SSNeunansseme nes
SNGSCORRR EER oa eee et ieee RRO MERA RRS RERER AT SUCRE etna irene neta eatet SRO SS SER SS EEE nS EM SRR SN reletarererenececaceneecanacacreresonrstrereaeiereecanecoeeeev a ctench oe eet eet SORES RIOR AR ASKER RE RE BE RBI NERS SANA ASR
NASSAR AK AK BARR SER ER NSIS ROSAS Nanay oe otto orem eaten eget ORR SN rere neater re eee eee eT rte Tate Ho NOR ERR ANS R RRNA AREX RONEN MRR Sree ON nary Sse Seceeaes Re ORR RS RNS Be ESS SARS CEES oon caine urea ane eee omnes SUR RRR RRR RRK RRR ARRRRS R RE R ERROR deatieseouactuniuae rene rsnennne tee eee BOSE ES ERR SR Sas sapere igen ater cee Sh tieiniennane er neremetens Sea sR
ee es eeaecnSENSE NTNOR SRRSa ee Sees Pee ee Or IOUS a22 aeesHa enantio a eeheeSRS ean SRS hs ae SS Bec R RE CaN Se SER Se eee
Le ea eeeSia ee em a nbenmarn eR cnucncuunparangnuvneney RRRas SRS BSS RNBee SS ROMER ERS UR So RCRD erence asian Renee taraMan amount oe een ee eeSAM Beiahee CRE ARR ane CA Sa aR an SRORR Ee SR EC RRRRR eae MRE ann SESE FE Sr ern Shchemeeceneney SEES EE EERE asta asRSENS SEER aeaaa SNORE PRONE rence arent: oe Sa ee ee Rane tee ceesoGaiden E DEERE aRure RR NSS eters haan aai Te SE RES SR SNES Soc See acae ee veneu cose eRRiopisaa SR TEES RR SERRE ROE REN a it:hi
Se Ue SR ee ERE Se ereEe eSNG eee es EES SUR< eee ERRORS eis SEES ee es eRSNS RUBUCS Riau eee aS Se ESE eee
ee aa na REESE RO SRERE REE CUO SERS nate ner neeSus Sphechoninaier rc eaiasen neg Setewmeeentenctanennte eee Bass SENTERO SNa SSO SR a SN a eee eeeeeeeeetSIS eeeAD aneRAR Se re res Beane neeeteeaaneaeeee eee Nainnsst RRS SARS ae Se Ria Aiieronessemenees Bocce: ee See ce SA See RRC RAS ER RARER RR spat nar antrennctanmnmnee SRE RNS KOA IESE ee PORN NES SESSA OREN CN REE E SURES ES PNAS RES CRUE recat SERS reece ecRRO ee SRR SNES ee SORES Materete ONeeeeeae SE SEER REN EEE Se ORR eae RRs ONE PRES Ne RRR RES nce RES RRR OR ESR RSEG SOREN RRR RRR ORT eee RR cence RR SRtrent RRRLAER SSA RA = SNe ORSERS RAED SESE DS Coa wineseaSERIES Er ReRONSON RR ET RRR
ESE SeSee NaeASS IRAEERERRESRRRE NSE RAE SA EA SRN RRR eS Re RRR SRR BeCEE eree atCN eReSRS < eesAN ee aoS a oe Ss S SORES EAR RO BREE ee rere eaaTNE ee ES RSS SSRN URUK ANE RR Raut RR See PASoem aas ae RUN RRSSE RRRESE EM SORE RY REA CANSUTR OE ROO SRS ee antS Og RINSE EN RRO tiieRaa oe Se SN SU TC SRE Seah uieangeunecnnmeanniuice avenue SES aa Rn ENeteneneeenn
SRE eeceseetaee ane ES eee ee RNS aa Ne Seu Biiortianiiteenaere Sarees See oeOR SC ocho RaeRUNNER Bes TREES RS ce ec SOROS CORRS REAR SRR SUE RED RRR RRRRRA RANI RENN E NNN ra SANE NOS RRC T RO SCR RRR ee Rue SSRN es ee a Pe ane Ge RRR EER RS Sharcemuan wennue nena mmaenuemennnrtes ne SESE eno ERE a RUA RUN annaeSNSe Se ee 8 ee Re cra ranegenacneer het Scene scone Neer eae A NEXK REN RR sretetaetatacetatitatotaratenere et cione RS Ott ae RSS ISN OR NS ROS BEEN Ngee ea ac acen aa acees sate a ececeats Ns salessettctetatatetes BentaraatstaranCorece srenvemrarete eet NRE AD ee satetataresereteteleatetat. tated
Faster iat nin nei RRR pata NN RR NNN SORRRARRRR CE RRR RRR SPR ATR REA ROMER eK tee ee MeN emer eee Se SS SSE SAS AERA RS Si AACS PR are BN - ee Pe es
ESE Ree sa Re BEBO SE RESO R SERENE ARERRRRRSR Sas ae eee tena Rute SENS ae oA See NS ees
ee eee iataaicessaeereeeeehat eet ee ON Laetrcemen rN Ne ORC ECR RE SUC O ROR RENAME ee ech cosets beeen Wtlunetenreerre es teeeeete reece CRESS ERIN ee Satetetatetetaresefenenrteestetmtetoteneten teens % SULA AERA
ESTEEER ORBAN noreSG atamanncucncnnngrnunuamncnannenren ea eletaceleenteran setteeNS eee MR SANS eRe AROS se toSe BROS RE RRR SNS ee RCT BRR SSRIS SSE ear SOR NE SERS SSSR ERE SERRE CeOa ee SRLS aSCE Se eS Re oo ee SRN hase aaeee NORE aeecatnem micerrar arene Secunia weaenioeeeuceniosiaaeeeeanane SEE aaa iene aerCTU oat NN RRR SEES ren ature oemaiaeee aereeSenuileauiccnnennad eee RS ERR Se aeeesORR Se OREM ass OOESRI ROCCE PRCT mastery ereteratetgecesesetesen teheneteteaae eae Reese ere PoP OSS NS OSS NSS = NORRIE SSS eR TRIS SRR SENOS RSS ane RRR SNSee Se RS aces < < ce Se Reeeitnanccsorcnance cue aera SERRE piece ineniveererenesactrersootece neers SE CRE oR ERROR lc tsetse: DSRS SSSR NSIS ORS SERRE eR ee ee AO RAS RAR ESR R RARE NRA S ERE RE BEER
SS puting ESE nmte erm eRRS cateetatetar eer SESS SUS Soa RS SRE RD TESamen REUNION BREE REE ERE RES CREE ESR SE ESR SREEECEE HAMAS NRE ARARENS MARR EE ARRAN RESOROS aceasta nantes eereeeeeme Sa SNA Sauna chauinaumanenee renee EES RNCCR eS AROS SCRE a ce eR er Ba ee reer Cee are eeratERK COREE RSRRR OU ERR CIS PSesSEES aSERS RAN eR SEM ee en SR ERR Ee eee Sa eo ee eS See aN Oe Se as Suen poeebenuaiuuer nenuaserenen aa ERNST ete enccg user manne R RA einatagesnbaaeeannamereeeeeny Pace RRR ECS rhe RRR ELLOS EXERESS ED sReee ORR ERATE SRNR ESKER ERSaniceuteceuerea SANS SBR EER RRRNaS R ER:rrgane eer cca cu ccc SESS See eaeSNES nee a aeSu Se
ee SeECESR aoebagatnmnninnisuanneneneeaeennettets Ue a aEEC eSOO Sere REAR RNS Seta Ee RN SEEN er Ree SESee Sa Cee cee TES MRD SSeS CASES SRN RCE UECOR Ronee Saemaaaer vere seeSeats 33 Rope re SURE rata connege mens eee ERR RRR IRR RE ERR IN SRR SOUR penrtcrsthe oe ee serinePRE SeeSS ee SUE ec teae ieyeTR strSESE eRe RN eRe CANCE CARRERA aR SERA avec eae eset
SEES ESSE RON ee cnr enero CE CCAR ARREARS erecernrestsartrecteaniavete INN See RRR Rachie resecrecisnnnnemecee te SUMAN SEO SRORN SAD NSS IPSN DISD SERIES REE PEE EEERRREE ES RRR aa Rieter GA Ra
PaO ON a OOO SS ueratecscntannusen net RRR PERRIN SOR RR SRR ROR SEAR SEERA RRR SEE Re Soe nS pRRA NE eenTn renee NR EET COS Caen ee nec olnnntcy Ses Secee Shots tesenescntarac ae nea et RY SE SRS ecsearens tac aretavanntntenareee tettenti ee haere orem ROSNER SRP SRS NSS TNS Ree SRA Ss cacieecrceneersae eto RO ohasodetatenaaree Pee scree eee OO SOE EEE MEE
ER RR SOS I Ie RRM toa ea entenraa nieenarn neacaconeneoeme ieee oO RRM OR Een NRE Ua OG ee SRR nS Ee Sceoreee SR eee CER ee — SG ees eee Seer eT SOROS SR RRO BEN BERS RRR RRS SR RRR RU EON EE oes eae Se BSR tere eteCORRE SSS ees Cee RO SRR ctu ed ERS ORNS LCRA NORE RApaCREEPER OREN eR: Se che eresEESea URES aw SER ations ogee SERS SENSOR ROR SeSERS eae See SNS OeSeas Sa ae eeeR SoeaN eeeae evar eeenre rhe aemmoER meee Sa SOROS SRA RRR OTSONS SRSERE aSRNS ST ER RR ORE ES PEERS ERRARR RR RRSSRS TASER OER EE RN eee RS
SRRBe R tieeSRAORN ERENN RNa eRRDR OOamratea ORR DS rere OMRON EES SERRE SE DRS EER aARMA etaaetee neSUR ee ee EEE eiREST SAUTER a RR SIRs RRR ssSec s'eiah EERneiamoar RRR SUR Sei RINE RI 5 OS eitNESS NR SERENE NSEShei E SER SSRaatetcieaneencneaentinaert ERsete ARNE ASSRE SARS RRS RARER MAT BRllNUNS N SEEN eee SE RRR REE SEES recnaaran cam eens cieeim teetaMRR ERMi So SATIS SiC ne ih SRR MNOS pate stvevantatetetetaneteeeeets Poe RE SERA NANSEES ARRAN ERASE NS RTA RSENS NANA RRS EESSOs SS:
TEESE ners eeNn ets SEES Ra a oa aa cars Samaritan sae CaS Raa ES Serotec ec rasatctaneresetenyatatataoceatatanstatneetotgtetetenrneosescecstatata RSENS D RN CT CRT spe eeeescpateteopetatctotetamattoeoe satat tepatata tage BERRA PEAT UY, x Reece eeeearatens
SESS EA SKM ERE REX EE TERN reeeeeres acerUSN esasahetetesategonenatetoteenmepeareetetenetetetetaeetetramteteaeteee Paes re POURS OR remeron SR ATR REeeRane PRR TARR RRReRe Ee eee SESS NESSES ee SE EON SRMER I SetR serena sates cteneneeet tee eee EN Naan ent ARERR AR Luoniiaenunne nomena eeeen eneer eee ae eesreet SERRE REAR Ree NR Ce eTSGRRR
RR oe Geeon eee UR cee ierCURR eeePERRIS Fs eaee hereuemeacenes henna SERRE cere ARERR RRSR RE CREMP EN CREE ROP Escenas ace en Ce PERE EEE ENR RehetecesnceracarateenNrN Eee SEL RER EERERRR Oe RE ee Siictctaotcc Oe EN8RR ENRSS AEARAAS EERE SSEEEE hahha aneateeanreacieeneae meee meet tere ea remeets NeT eet OR SRO RS HESS ee Ee ee “SREEEERiitiereettentii taterSeteeDOSY en ee PAAR KN RTs BARA RADY ONS R RRR eee eels,
— SO aeieenna ES ea me aces eee US RR Ca ee ce SRR RaneSRG ences eeRaa Soret x ESOS OMee Re NC wns RR SR nena nee oe ees ernstaan eocis asoaaRE Ee a aa RRs orERAN eS ESE SESE sence ee SoU SELES aeET Saeed “EEE SR ere ae ES oe BSSo eS EES NOR BIN ore ES SRS RRBRARE EN RN saseenrecoracetsanteeeees BRR SIS SRR ea Se Ra RRR sie RR RE tah Sitcarennrrarststerer tere sietie GREER tiieecereeeeeee eee SRI ON Seer keee te eee eee SERS Re isreceereete
ee Se ee SSA care ea ee OR See Rae. VN TERE uaantENr ona oR Veet rae eee PON NR auc erence eee agarseeemey Ba Remnant ner ene cee See eres RERSERE SESS CORSE CSE Peete cree DRCE CHR RUC Ss Benen eg Srrbrtne CDSN Ris RE SSAA SESSA REN SSB SRR AME FERRERS REESE ER SCs RRR NNaeeRCN RRS TIESTO SRYmeena etatvantcnnne ree COCO ORO RNEE Saeecresteceeeeereae inner serene SRE RRRER Oho SD Nernenneeeees TERRE EERE ECEaA ESSE EaRU a Seca ee Skea Sete 29, Butte sa ee 8 we KAN. Serta arecereeces SO MTR OR I NMR RK ROC eotearetetptataceiececaracacetter otters eK a RENEE SEE ENTE actcecaret ae ar ekteee aire iateteate ee es SEEPS SEER EE A aA PIAA al erelelateeecetecee ee eaereeecebeecececece See SeSiice canna NE Sot es Senceee = Sas
ee BURR aes SN Herren er Soa NaeSENN oncompen ona nnnnseaneeee near een oeeees BRAN Ra Rae ERR ER RARER ERROR near meee SEER eee ERE ee eeneRSC Sceesiiounetsre STN RRA Ne eC NS a TERS SERRE oatsee ccsesetaacaootearaeters eee SEB ET wun NACA SetarteeeRARE OO ROR RSS ACRES tr ee a SRR BESSA aa aR ES RR OR Asa anacacota ence are neaninerec arene NAT reeeh eccrine aR RRR RONSON OMe ERRAND RATER ER ARERR AER CR RS SEES eebeeettiesegaseebetraerececeeetac ee eteraecec eters cocacanane nea a NERS A
. * mi on his fi | some from the amiunate WOO O turned finials —_1 Y 45 (Instead themawa ip . .heJ use simp e Carve inati f walnut 44 Lamina IngI pieces O
and sassafras for the armrests of the Ne 45 ned finial that ester Cno Design chair. Tur
New Design chair.
.In Ld Iny C ee SWaS ; A;nO y 1S .
S O 1 a nu e hester’s first mental image the seat of the chair was o
di oven hickor bark but he later deci ed h
1r O ewou V checkerboard patter , Pp y:
VY ake; insed ilygryventua ethe l d hi h h could eaSuy Make
creek untu if turne ar OY .
V y b k f li ht color; he id not weave acne e
V d O he
older bark that he had : He fel tth
th fi hai he Was Con-
ti h Id h onl thesnou best ualitaarK structing. Vanf t
h narrowest wiatn.
eSGRRES Et thOo.RR BEE iSELES ed PcTS : ce nasheigageeeees TER POT US HBS co cn OSE eeE SEES cn) te eg ABREU CET) UE SE aES Se SPE ESR TeeR foie On se. CARRE UBER ee eR aE Ju? USRELS SMI see 7 aa ge. ae Sa So 7 ae cee ere eRe We ME on eets cc’.heee eer oneness SkBERN nc Plot MELEE re + Ber? WoBo Teme rot) SRE etic agecee or a ote okee BR a VALUE SS ce : ae RES JES LEE PI cue aie reete dtl aie MS | RR Oe cc Re eee Re Ue eg UPS SASS poe: ORE ae 2 URE EES BESTS Bt MESSI. woSERRE - BEE . SHB le CHEETA rie Ts OE TEE RE GSE oh Be SEA OTS SMUBB es Sg SR~~REE
ee ee ee ee ee
TEE SEE SEceSat OTE REE SSE a SE eerARnner reememeeereg OURESEIEISES Rte Ton Spey Sh SR PORES SESE Sos Scepter ore emcee. oNes SSBR Me™TT
CREM RES USRARA 71Sesas a Penee Oeee aE.cc.
Recemeperapeprecbon fs. (i pe eennnee enec KirnRE seers Sk TEARS ES RRM SS ERR re eT pee aaaSE SRcai ae RaaemeR Nes OR AS. SSRBee BRR ee crerrynn con cin do oetaeRE ore orateRE eek SSE SOR Sats RRR RESAR Sete wa Be SRO SS: SOR ESS ene RC: rr
oe RRR ee eeSEeeeeeeeee... oe SR OEsire aeaioeSSS neAEE Seee ee “IRR cs ee cae ERGor os
EERE on, see a ete oe cenaps came tia eeene ee SERS SIS SEN CoS SRLS, SORDID LORE RE a “ . OSESeoER CSIR SR tices SRN NRSC SERRE oR REARNO eR: -ae Beene Van ea pene ERE SAREE ORR US ng RR REE” DORON RD SRN SO SKS. os SM Oe aa
TIRES EE ESSE SPE FS SRS SE here ttn eae sug nie ah cutee hate ee MMM Sagat
ee oeeemma a5 re Ee. ee ee ee ee wee Be ee SUS ae oe es SES Ee CE Re gee 0A St SES eeenOh erage oO RRCaig SSR TeREEEEE sn eecrnnunnns: 2 ME Shscere pee a iReh cone an7 SERRE oe SO ereee ogeeeae cgi Saeee PR SOROS RRORON NT chine wis oagithgeeerigc Tees ae
Re SERN Reece Rema ee eS Sean gases eS Ee Wi! SSS Snare nines REE oe ve SHEE NESSEE SE NNSS gaa ERR RR CREE Tea LOSE pie cis enti iag e ee Re aaemreetese So
ESR RRR SS a RKES ciesSee n os Soccer ONERE ORE REEDS ROR DOLCE REO. SSRett ORS SE JESSE oeERC SSRRR a SS A Sevitieranetnreeeecr OT SEER RRR ERRns csCORR Ci CE ocean ereyieeessige "eer EEEeee SNE os paren SE ayia Eager an ca ee resin ea ea nce SehtAape PRSURE eS Bae Aes
aS 5333 aR RRR OREN oc oN ERO RI SSR RRR ORT ERNE SEERESEERESEEREES SORRY EEE EOI Sagem ctibiaieseeenans its cannes a
CESSES SED UISeRUA NORE RR CoRR Ron rece ODEeho ESLtt SUSE oersiiees gtd SUES ity SSE SEER Se Ce atone cero atagee aaa suet a EET Re ee ee 2 ESE ES RE eae cent teSorgen Seago le
re ee JRE Ree ag ne nS ea tae eet meat RRR SESE EA
ee. x eee esas ee SSS ROCCO Fe Naar RRR en USES acenteeeger SACEERE EES ee cme eae eee ER RRR OS CeCR connie naan un aia ee cent ne DISSE pene ree caaae termaaa meamem eae ree ma SRR Sian ES ea a TERRI RRT caaeeeeeneee ees EAUE SCR ot sees Serer tare eee soeceSe eee BRS REED,RE Out OUR Reon 3aTen SEES SS oraRRR tee eh cree congener cee REESE a SSRs SOS RRR SRT OS CS
SEESEE See st ee ee ee RRR Sane eR
TERESA RR SSCS ES OR NR AR Briain Sea estieeienoveemeeehenien terns ene Samarieemeeeeeae Saas eR eR OC ROBERN CRASS RS iiss eae ss
Rao nS ER ES EO See Sf tre oi ERR SES po) Eure aABsaSRSee ee AC: Sena RM eto eaTTL ECR CRORE CORRE SERRE GaMicckntes SSS aR CRO GREEN SOOO SECEC Renee NS ea 2SESRIRR SEES ie R EeSen ee rece ee wx nanan uuweaten Skee once eea TRI ARSE ee eee SOR ee te eae: Wen Le eee Re otSEES Seagate eaeeaege eines etd Lun! Be IR spc eeRERR eee RESUS can SURRY GareTTSe BSR Rgee cer tt RE eee RE RT ee RRO RE 2s eRmrcrenat: | SESE Sn REE EeTT CE ere aRORRN Sigreemer ee ES Bor hor eR Oo ee Retake ian Ses SRR cc". SRR NN SOR a Sees 7 eu ot RRR en "SORES RS EEE ReRES aCONSE ee OER TL RRR SRane. Se eae On RAR ROE RUNS, SEERSS "|. SRS Pec xsnegip EER OCR RROD, Oo a SSCS rR cc rc cr aia aaa aa ODD CE SEMREME Crete etea SE ES ES ieee eerste ae SEE Re cicero Sess cre canara nar en MRC tee ier serianianies ea SR ae
CE SRSeneees 8 RR ene EES Oeeee a eee Ree eee eee Pee ea REE een tere ere eR Bea aes eR RN Anescera peta tuROSSER eas ean ee TERN os Soba aansutnsntaci cntnryr cram ee SAU are ns oe scnniee RRRRRR ceo ana SERRA ESS Sa Ee eee ane nce tere eeeeee es emer ree neSRR RRCRRA eR NERA nieacsoees
[USERS SETS conchae rg cacao hie mania one aemem geaeemmnnsmnstina etna cheer WM Soe aay is Set oe eee eee
SESE. BOSS See Ses. CoMR decomONE eee ancien aes ereen ae aa eta inaCRE ta Mra Seo eterna erste SERDAR rggSECU A Ree SRete EE O eae eer ee Gat es EES ee eC AGEN eaeRC,oe ES ea a ER RS NRE ORES CAS Nee SSS SS Sea coenecas e EE Bree Reena: Borgutececnunemneeines meen . SBR ERE AAS aeEEE ca teocemee een tac ER eons RRR terete ts RR cnn EERE OSES RRS SRS SOARS CREE ROS oS - BEERS,SRO eee a RS RE RERUN aoe RR Shane teeOS NT RRS Sins. > RRS Se e CEL SEER SRA EE SNRRAN BanecgSmee ere eerees eareuor foRe RT RRR RR Seca noROTTS SR EE ROC Rs NE RR REESE
ESS ee aR Rae URS”
y ear e trans Or! neSSRIS it 1Se ya i BEOREN ee Se eecoaSe eS Sas RS OC ce * ERR Sea aeenaitc Oe acca eae ceee SeoeDe ES cae SRS i eta ere meniec ine aun eR EL Boonen ROSNER: oa tenn ea SoU A Siena arene eras ancora enn the eN c Smee
seven- S | at rocker (Oo Pp po Sl te) . eS ee EEE CO SSS Ree e ew Vesign Chall like the Bookcase Masterpi
unusual as a; awhole, ad COnaozen or but morehalf experiences
Ld * .
tributed to the desi ’ Ch Vy O e esign. S generation. e essential technolog eda on tne Wa ester na evised to transform a six-slat was based Vy V1
;. e
rocker 1g into a seven-siaf one ( 1g e 47)°He had made a e
separate section consisting of two pieces of t about ni
ten inches 4 lonween with mem a slat bet th d finial an inials at one end. .
e res ape e finials of the six-slat rocker so they became dowels incheninhe di Ththehseparate } out about “% incn In% diameter. affixed
section tO e top O e s1x-Slat rocking cnair (11 rs ©That ni ht es
e Mma 1s dream.
Chester had b try] to think of VY
pieces O wood he had been b company, tal b begi uying at a lumber beginning with the manutfact 34 cture of the masterpiece. In earlyJune 967 , ne na settled ona esign or a bedstead with a checker-
lr Ci —— oe
"SEER ee SS EIS hh rt rts~—~i“‘i‘“‘“C*é Peon th eR a Se ee ee ae eS ON ENTS AN cS RRCEBACE RS SR RCC SomRene RE NS SRE CGURE MRR RESe oR RARER Se eeSSSaig. SSS Re Scions RUE aSENN RRa 3RES EGS nic aRCORR SAE ce ANON reese hee Aa SRS CRY CSERE REOSS ORRIN RENN Se SARE EN ener SARSRRIRERN teen Rtg ACORN Beare SNe iar so Sear RRR et Sue “ESN RES Re Care Nee cs eee SN ORR TERE EO ea Auiinneiaae es nc ee ame mE me NS SENS SO Seance SERRE ROE a ea Breet NE oi eae ae RTT NR eR eT RS CORBA BRAN
EEE ESeR a BS aeSESS SonncooR
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ec ee eae “ag deel er Ss | | . Besrees ae le fg Dl a oe
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Eo oiaenr Se seaanhreaa.RRR Secs ee Sa Se Ree SE SS Eee CRE=. occ SUE eee Se a.Se eee Re eS
Soren Seams SSSR ON ROR Neve ae eee Sean pmeaenanti Ses eae or. ata cineatmuane leanne Renn So acne 3 Seaenep SAR a . DEER RN Nee ace Meteeennene ARAN pabenn setae sient RRNA yep pee Seni te Ene ONS Sees evar ‘ ug anaes SERS See “r See
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Seber Satan aSEE 7. Se Foes So Seance Oe = See — so fr SEARS en Be REO aS Giese rr —™ wen pe SRS ae See = seate SITES SS eSSRR aN RERRARAAS pans oo —— SEEEES oars — ee SEEEESEEE EES . JSontanaeohe Se a | .ROSES a Soe ese Zeta ES. ar—~——C Se r—“‘_OCOCOCOSW aaa ss eae — — Se ee eee SR * Pita SS esBRE Sea s_.LhLUmrmrmr— BOE SONU TSuan Syrcenntens incase enero eer uous oeRa aR eet Sinfetetpeaes OsRea eintetenreceis tet ENA eeeSeas eae See eee SR Races PRUE See SENOS RRR ER See oe See = sae ee| wae ..INPEN Soe es Le erates Riemer Raman eure Seat: rioters Sera saree ota serassserenennt sehen arenas PAR eran fete SRA erring SN op haere ree
eer a Oma eunonee ne es Se OST Seehinntes Se a —rrt—“‘“_O—S—h sepa CSE,
: .ester SEOESEE eresthi made emulati rocker ationisof fact e orofswam I in chai ctory-mad p willow ev} (about 1960 eee Seer egts Sea eenSS Sue ne Pa —..rt~—~—r— Rex Sos eee MCCS Nana Settee ..rt—wr”—~—C Eotesaeecntenas
Sse oes SARS BS SRI a eeraerce a SoC NS eo maeetenomre arrestee settembre RENNER eects aerate ce siratentsccatetetenece retain SUNT EE RUSE ES serait
O hviaence progress ck. The back of th ture of the chai placement of
r high if r stool i elg t of the are eattractiv e ust be stiles, ich which to functiproperl ’ e€ arms but to i the inds ofairs, chai ive and1add " the ster liked theiddle mi ’slatif ab they ad started h comfor b t of certai C , atures or forms ey would have | p slat and ng, orcraftsman’s ad S produce ooked a c ight appear , upgrad| scribe ing thexplai enareer. ton use mi 10n, Up a ‘ almost SMS CO y nd explain an indivi ounds a antim onsider th ividual’ em the ] in fi g : witn s ester’s f1mad ,r e;years chair quare irst ir.laterrrom he airs, 1(fiig. 66) sts.po Aairchai ockin
a' :nSu |e
url esien mentati ° st Ss itoethe. Ss chairs .
130 Craftsman and the Cumberlands is slat back with turned posts. Not yet aware that Chester made panel-back chairs on other occasions, including three decades later (fig. 65), but having seen many slat-back chairs, I assumed that there was a progression from panel-back to slat-back chairs. “When did you change the design to the slat-back chair?” I asked him as we talked about his early panel-back rocking chair. Chester said, “In the chairmakin’ business you make all kinds of different chairs an’ different types of backs.” I thought he had not answered my question. For two years I organized his works sequentially on the basis of what I assumed was a steady evolution in style. When a chair exhibited what I surmised to be both early and late features, I thought of it as a transitional work; even so, many chairs did not make sense, especially when their dates of manufacture conflicted with the “stylistic evidence.” Eventually I realized that Chester, in fact, had answered my question; it’s just that his response was not what I was looking for or could appreciate at the time. My perspective had been that of easel painting and of sculpture, not craft work. After telling me that in the chairmaking business a craftsman knows a variety of
designs that he makes whenever the need or desire arises, he added: “I’ve made different types of chair seats. Chair seat like that a chair you’re settin’ in there is a different chair.” He was referring to a settin’ chair with a panel bottom rather than a woven hickory bark seat. Like other chairmakers, Chester was pragmatic. He knew many chair designs, including different types of backs as well as seats, and employed them when called upon to do so or when he thought they would find a willing buyer. For example, ina letter to a customer dated 10 November 1966, Chester writes that he is nearly finished building the chair the customer had ordered. He enclosed a Polaroid snapshot of it and also a picture of a different chair he had just completed. He concludes his letter: “If there is iney thin that you dont Like about the Rocker I Will Wate one
Weak Befor I Crate hit Let me no if you are satfide with hit There are a lot of difernt dezins” [emphasis added].” Seven days later, Chester wrote to the man, “I ame sendin some more Pictures of differnt dezines that I have the Prises of [emphasis added].” In sum, experimentation led to the conceptualization of dif-
THE UNIQUE AND THE ANTIQUE 131 ferent forms. Knowledge of varied designs meant increased sales. Although the chairmaker had his own preferences, and certain underlying propensities and proclivities might inform his work, a particular design—especially an older one—could appear at any time. CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION
A peculiar mixing of design elements in four chairs made in the early spring of 1967 resulted directly from customer influence (fig. 70). A man in North Carolina wanted walnut dining chairs similar to dining chairs that Chester had just made (fig. 71). The finials are elongated, the slats curve upward toward the center, and there are double pegs in the ends of slats. But the customer also found an earlier chair of Chester’s attractive (fig. 41, center). This is a redbud settin’ chair—not a dining chair—which is not as tall as a dining chair and has stiles on the back posts. Lacking other information, and on the basis of these three sets of chairs, one might assume a steady progression from a period of settin’ chairs with stiles and no finials (the chair made in 1961)
to a transitional period of dining chairs with stiles (the North Carolina chairs of 1967) and a later period of dining chairs with finials and no stiles (1966-67). One would not know from their appearance the order in which the chairs were made or the direct part played by the customer directly in the execution of what, in fact, was the most recent design. “Boy, that’s a nice chair there,” said Beechum in reference to the California rocker, which Chester made in 1967 (fig. 73). Built
of red oak, it was Chester’s second version. This chair was influenced indirectly by the customer; the first (fig. 74) was directly influenced by him. Together the chairs illustrate several ways that elements of design originate, and how they develop or change. Having seen an article about Chester in Appalachian South,
Willard Moore (then living in Berkeley, California) wrote to Chester in the fall of 1965. Moore had a set of four dining chairs.
They had spindle backs and pointed finials, and the seats were caned rather than woven of hickory bark splints (fig. 75). He wanted a rocking chair reminiscent of the dining chairs.
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=a Seni fie aE LS LES. peat ts aes ranePty pegs seo Sey: REESeereeen sears Es Ses —a...a.ee a. Secor Visca *mento. SE SMES, aeSEE TRIE eeeSeis a Doss = EES Bc ae ae Roane SOBRE: Socmennmeans SOUS See Pe cor Seechaeneeenees eeneat nanananene Sey Sioa seinen anes BEES REE ease CLR AE See Seeseeeenees Rages NESSSORE Sas oe —.LUE Sena ets eee ates:aRete SN Rs Rests — oes SONU oenceee Seen Ee ae oeett
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Ba sess Ra BESS ARSE SR ssuonepaneetens aratete setae ee oe See ts Se Petras ee cree ceeneects tee SS Soo
of ( ‘hes Ca ’s wie.
THE UNIQUE AND THE ANTIQUE 147 day while I was a-gettin’ ready to cook some wood and he asked me if I was a-gonna eat it.” Still, Chester contended that if the
chairs were not pegged they would not sell, as “people like it, and it makes the chair look better; holds the slats, too.” Only two pegs, one at each end of the top slat, are structurally necessary if a chair is made in accordance with the principle of differential seasoning of the parts. Forty to two hundred pegs are a bit excessive, although some of the chairs Chester made in 1967 of wood purchased at a lumber company required the use of
a few more pegs because the wood was already seasoned. The pegs on older furniture made by other craftsmen are hidden from view, rather like the pins in the backs of Aaron’s chairs. Pegs in most of Chester’s chairs since the mid-1950s were visible; sometimes they were highly exaggerated in size, shape, number,
or visual appearance. By the early 1960s there were two small pegs at the end of each slat, and beginning about 1964 Chester made the pegs of a wood that contrasted in color with the wood of the chair, except in cheap chairs made with nails or in chairs that the customers specified were to be solid walnut, a demand
that Chester took literally. If Chester had really wanted the chairs to look antique, then he should have limited the pegs to two per chair and hidden them. Chester also thought the tall rocking chairs, which he occasionally built after about 1962 or 1963, were old-fashioned in appearance. Again, they are unique, not antique. The mountain-style rocking chairs made years ago by other craftsmen are less than four feet high, whereas some of Chester’s chairs are six feet or taller. No one made such tall chairs in the past, for, in Chester's words, “A rockin’ chair in the house, if you ain’t got much room, is right in the way. You can’t hardly get around ‘em.” Few houses in the area or cabins in the mountains had much room. Two other traits that Chester considered to be antique are the oc-
tagon-shaped posts and rounds, and the notches or incised lines that correspond with turnings. Neither quality is old-fashioned in the form manifested on Chester’s chairs—although both are reflective of stages in the traditional process of turning chairs on a lathe.
148 Craftsman of the Cumberland On the legs of some chairs made in the past by other craftsmen one finds a few incised lines; they were not put there solely for decorative effect or out of nostalgia for the past. “Well, they do
that so the mark will stay stationary there,” explained Chester. “Don’t matter whether they would sand it or whatever, the mark wouldn’t disappear so they could see it right off. An’ hit really looks nice on a chair—pencil mark or a mark caused by a chisel or a knife. You kin see it right on it. Those marks is put there while it’s
still in the turnin’ lay. But I put my marks on there—used to— with a pocketknife. I jest marked an’ rolled the post around on my legs.” Chairs that Chester made in 1966 and 1967, especially, had pencil marks all the way around each post at the places where holes were to be drilled, and Chester left them there. “Looks more handmade thataway,” he said. Other chairmakers like Aaron erased or sanded off the pencil marks, but Chester had emphasized a trait he considered old-timey to such an extent that it became characteristic of him. The eight-sided posts are not found on antique chairs either, but are peculiar to Chester’s works from the mid-1950s through the 1960s. Chester’s grandfathers, great-uncles, and other “oletime chairmakers” did make posts eight-sided sometimes, using an ax, before turning them on the foot-powered turning lathe. Customers would not be likely to see this, of course, unless they were present during construction. “You can’t turn a square piece on a foot-powered turnin’ lay,” said Chester. The chairmaker would have to “split “em out, then hew ’em out—you'd have to straighten ‘em out with an ax—into eight-square finish with an ax, an’ then you'd center that with a compass to find the center.” At that point the post was turned on the lathe and chiseled into a cylindrical form. Chester’s first chairs were neither eight-sided nor turned.
“When I started makin’ chairs I made ‘em foursquare on accounta I wasn’t strong enough to turn that turnin’ lay myself. And the turnin’ lay b’longed to my grandfather an’ he, uh, he didn’t like for the boys to prank with it, he was afraid they’d tear it up.” Chester made and occasionally used his own lathe, but it was
THE UNIQUE AND THE ANTIQUE 149 cumbersome to handle, difficult to repair, and tiring to operate. It was virtually impossible for one man to wield a lathe effectively while turning posts and rounds. “It kinda gives your leg out an’ makes it ache. You run it maybe four or five hours a day, if
you've got a whole bunch of stuff to turn, it really gets you. It takes two big men to pedal one of them things all day.” “The last turnin’ lay I made,” said Chester in the mid-1960s, “hit’s been about fifteen years ago.” The power wheel broke. He could find nobody to weld it properly, he said, “an’ it jest kept givin’ me trouble, an’ I jest quit plumb foolin’ with a turnin’ lay of any kind.” So how did he make chairs? “T just turned loose an’ started makin’ it nothin’ but handmade—ever’ thing by hand.” That was about 1953, around the time when Ruth left. During the years that followed, Chester developed in his own mind a distinction between handmade chairs with octagonshaped pieces made with a drawing knife and homemade chairs produced by hand on a turning lathe. Both types differed from factory-made chairs, whose pieces were sawed by machinery in a factory, then glued, nailed, and screwed together. “That ole man’s a genius considerin’ what he has to work with,” said Hascal. “A man needs planers, jointers, and everything else to make chairs.” Not Chester. All he needed, and all he ever really wanted, was a sharp instrument in his hands so that he could shape his raw materials as directly as possible. CONTINUITIES AND CONTRADICTIONS
Perhaps the most interesting contradiction of all is that a man who tasted, smelled and felt the wood he worked with, and who wanted to be in contact with his materials, in 1967 bought him-
self planers, jointers, and everything else needed to make chairs. He made several chairs with the equipment, using the planer to shape eight-sided pieces of wood so the chairs would
still be recognizable as his and would continue to be “old- |
fashioned.” He also used a router on the drill press to make notches on the
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SGRRSEASS SSSrocker Ra a 2 :(hence F — were wing
i SEER. ICSE! stl, Sea RR Betncne suesncaan ananassae RS SOREN N se ee a SSS SS ase ee SRA RR RR. Se Re Rok: SRO RN... cee. |. apnea ean a aR Rae SRS SS SSS SOR ROSS Satis. some os
SEERi.SEES SR SSheticeanccecen a cst -S i)Seaman SS ae: Se bss Sesto a ene eS - i- i ee Pens eee Se SR Dec aeSm Ra' RO Pc ag enoaran SSSeS SRR eas
Sar ca Bo Be Re Rs ee See SS a rms a es er ma e as a ae ae RR RRSe RR.See. eens eenee ee ORR BRR OO RD EUR re sseeaesae Soe cm ceninns. uence cS ROT ° . ae OCR ccc 7
ESS Sa 22 anna ei Soo RUNG SRR ROS Sees aRStress Ba sata Se MR nnn go TAA ee geen Oia: aieSSesas 5g eeSRR gs Sag ts 2 RRR ep anon se Ss SR SRR RR sn! a aSicha Ba vis ra 0s eh ac cen
ee ee ee =SSE Seca So SS ae >< ) < ee ee = oR ‘Pipe
FkSaeco Sate eee Sag een cena re eee Sea. n I O n 1 e C e t O t e tw O- 1 n m Big aeS cnSeSe Ma a: Si as SERS SRA SR SRE CO ccs MNES MeN Se wtSacer tessa tate tneR. NO ee cS a renee SC .m a eee ee SRR SRR Ase ahain ceric eis pple serch Nc ae Gees: Se aaRR eens SS. cc So ae 2 sreieistecesetereteeeeeeeeear eae a Sogn SS ccteosacc aacc a cmneNmsaa © cc Sa SR
SERS RRSee a aeee ecu SSE a eS eeeaaisShe aa onan eee SOSA S 2c SS a aes t
ERS SESS Sete RS 2aoespo ns RRR SoS Sunoeeoaeescaee so eam BS senna SOR SSSR SCRE REESESAR OSSoseaSSS RasSS RRR aa aSS SORBENT
ee et«eeck 2. | ee a«Sas | iSea 12 Same b .y- . SSSR a eee SS SR SS ea . 2 os ee ee eee eee TS. SEES nee nner eee eR a Bg oat Stasis suis cists ae Sh ‘ SEERRRRES SS mesmo Banisheeesunt ctawnshtss SSeS RR Saeco. 3 SSS SRS atte oan a ce SOG LO Sa ee Se
SSS ESR oie nL NRE RE URRY PRETO Bentsen seetigge oo coconoocesnratesecesereinnt u er Or
Raniiancninennnnnenianies ——ee rr ieee Bes aSSS SS, Se REESE SSS SSeS cccs SS See Eek: ae os STae SS Beobamaaant iN ness eh Bares SRS eoemanane Rani oS snaRRE so Ctat hos a no SSE Rint Se eco ei ee SnnaEEER, .-s,.hnckssemneee “SSS SRR eee Scnee Shi SeSEE Bete resent aeRs: SESS SSS SS ae eS chi Hic ae Raussen eee eo SG BSR DES PERRI ea tae eT SERRE Eee ee Rae Saati bites sen te OR a ae Stennis nae sen ne SSS ee Seaaheako soe nh Siete eee ate rena meee ee ee eR oo ea Se ORR LEE ROR RRS RR a Sea Resta. ee Sra eRe ReSOR oe itaES oa aaTAR Ree SS aS SSoapiaecenecgieeeeaasies saa ceca rhc asTRS eae Bais ScoBeioremrnn =aiaeacta See 0s. Se etc aace eaeae SSE Bo ee Sap Ske Bemis ns sian anasto ae RS SESS eS a Shi SSSR iS Rees °Sines Be eS a: Gann oR S Saaooaciersti. s.r fe8SRR :Peeeeenies: : SS Riiiaasiete srt Shen cscs %SERN ARID a aioe Bonomi sr saa matinee 28 Beceem : Se sain eee SRS Seen ceascent oS OseSSS Brice ses eter. eee a. ( es2 iat BRKSaco SheeBarat Seine eset Sats Seee SERS ieee Ss See = ..Eonar eee ea . . — oS Se Seis Sates pe me sae cher SRR — pee aS cySeen eam See ae PRE 8ae Seen Seat Sere Soe . Sa Sasa eran ens es Sena panne oeENS NaN poe Se Se iC oe sua eon ee eae SRR See OS pease Sasa . * oe Se es SRE aee eeeSee Ses ee ‘s.— eee ReaSoe on . rene Se ene eae % < _ See |. See Beene SSN Pee ee _Sas | .Sees Rap SN Rtn cee._. . See Se : Apa SEN SRG eS fe PN |.eee Seon aSeSaeed eS — — | ..aes ES SORE .. ane OOS en Os Sts aie OB SS . saeaneeene .Seats es se asee SANG
.J ER.;|. °
oe So | — —. oe Sa i fe os ae See -. Saae es on aS ; as Soe ee . See -_. Sas ONG Sea oe. See SS oo eee ee—i.oe .. ee aRS “ oe eeia See See ae. _ ae Sas Re ES es . Sa Se se= ) 000 sooseeSES REET. Rees SES EE pee ORS ENS) 1 LeRoi Seats eanmncctisiccc ns Scr aes it clalat lagen 1 1 apie ia CSE intinin aautintieeannaeitentneiny, seca Went Sy
EES LLLfee AaSet 11 RRS RRRSee See RAR SCC eeerence TESTES pepe Rae Diack: hebbarnaceeniebticbinesneneens lehusinneiic ug ened SEES] Levens ae SERS: ae i nen PTET! RESTS | SRS ARRON ANS eee©SRE cena cient eRe SPEDE age DY nc LR RS ae eta a eterna eercreregessticns cer SD DL nE sth SACLE IC MANNS 1 | SSSR SLING Oe elatass rastesn scstiscretiesetermtpetettrensneerenagesesinnecs, deteceretvtetete teen renecstey
PERreteSRRSLAT UIE SRE BORE TS SEE SR See 2 ates SEIS eae ines aanpntncanernengan mene USE SESSTent ke Lhe ROO SC ORR Gya priet UT Se SNLeta TISlet RRR UTE Gaetan ue reeset ceneeeneatate OP SNL scl1202 RRRRRR eS NR EROS MaeSRI eatsOgata wot ryeerr Mt Teteteth LL cd «BRR Ra etececatlasneeatta eta Myer en ONEbine Deyn: Setting re ea Se eS secrete
BSLSSS USAID IS REINER ESR SRR Ra eee aRRR atc crawitn: th, ete ea eomeaneeenete Aone SSEchen SR Sn re ed . SRI LD LST SSS ROMO umnfs fiesteje seca fe et+EY = . Fee er©| SEAT SDSS ato Tan SME CETUS Eo SSS SR oan Semen ni Uitte” Seas ss So Sins Cec ee iene diegtet naaue manatee nye cgeeticenn ey
DORE LOSES IEE 1 aR Raa RRR RRR Nase Meese Sr nS SE 2 Ree So Lol OE oh tice aanamaai ate ta pit di)0hace Rc SS 0 SCT SRRi 0aerensin ee gcc pS eSADE Be is PRUE bch oR RRR OSES UE enn caution caer wOBD SOUR en UNL: So) RSS Stee ga aR toes trata SOU TESISS TL LID) RRR eta es ee iD NSS SE RSE tata asiagtatetetee clestisgene etbstatiensrsanata ctl
Tye RSE LILLS ISIE vf RRR SSS OSC ge er SST ATS SOS ol Sage To Se Eee oe areas isacecenicnee eset
Bee ETUMAGISLISS Sets Eigen ete See SSRN ae eae TREES ES SET RRR SO esac ahaa hehnmeanugane gene ss nance Sey ee EET SReaeSasa tncoageelccracrtinrein 2 toh a cate TTDaca aE SIERO RTS POSETnL TL ELIE EISCUES Ut ITS SSSR SSS easier asaSRR atecenis leietientat Sate =yah RUMOR eta Rete esti ESThat IScet RII tess I SME arr Neeeatabatatatet cr otcteranceonce a ticatas tatesete PEEL: U0 eh 2eae SSROSS Sh aRSSaRNS se neag atsER Pr SAAR SES PcMORG 9 RRR eR asReee Oe SESE TEs SEMEN ESE SR SOM IRS TS. ce oesRS ee eacA RE RRR oscwer etn ORPiper RSS OOD OS RRR SESS POSTE Re TATE & OS SRS Ae Scene I SS Resa oS oe 7 RRR SSS eh nanunmsiaeinameemaatcns ah oe nececsesanad ata UES Tin ERR Serica (Se on nee 2S RRR BARROS CESe ce set ani omnes eure nine ne ee meen eSPER SREPATS UR SOUT SRSDrRs daiSSRs ct ane, or Remete cn 2 RRR a Eon ae fat cySince sirennese OOSLois LESS RRR TToumtsiegeaineespemaentry RRR SE ascoecseaieem ieee manent pode Peet, SSS ht RRR a Sere ST he IR RSSRC ae eee Nise enaeORM a eatRGR me EOC a ROR OR RON ERAS ESS SR pees Ber ON ea Ra a eeaeaeteeccec anc 22S SISTA TS aaa aataie sy ENT TT RRS RRS Sac ee ies irsses Rais agiatinnert ties ar anigleeneccrin ena BSLDDT MIOCULD IES | SLUR ODD RRS RR a sass rs eles acs BB A Re te pvenermeacn aE aS CREASE RR RR OR I .
OIC eeSIE” RERRESIE. aoTSURES RRR CRORE NE tee DATES ESET + SS ccna See 0 WtSSSR aR cS1SS OT RRR teeTETRA On SE SEAN oonTET haa we TRA SEIS CUTIE] SRRsesssstst RRR RR RSS SSSA on SOUS ULI 10 SRR ise,RES acy atts COIR. cee ccsDT Eeanne ETSLD IU DS ag aeT SUVS0SRS SRDae Inn SSSR eee esate tec SE SnOR eT SSR a SERINE Reerete ti SI"it A itt SPR RRREREMBAR IS. TT etERR hihi) Le ASSD na aiid Leny SSeS8SEAGel URLS 1 RRS ear RRR TTT OD NOS at ee MTS SE a Ses SEER RSS See ORDER, at Sah sgt2teSet DT! SBE aSSS ASOC TSS TER Sh eee A IMI etSy Cee BIR STANRE eyes tor CSR ONDNe RBBBIMD. os Scnseitetatsoetercscsetsereserstearsectanisttsty' gets thco lS CK ESS SOO SESS SRtaraia OS ERY EET RRR ecm URES MNde oan SGA hySS1s) ea OT TUNE SOE TISnn Lo RSS REE ORR ce Ee NaR an CORE RISTO SS Raa ecceeanis ne Ts SEAR ESS CRN NS SRNR OR ROSTER
no By Oe, ORRIN os: wie 0os ager Bee, we ATR a Se ne RS ere SS SoetaIDRIS 0-2 tetssetet aoe a RSs? ES Sones ESE EC DRI ERE CKS SER UTCNN REESSENIS SeETOUT Siae0AM cS0-000 ee ne Sescenester asits iy ANS Shr Sagi SERRE ISteES EERE aVD 2SRR IRE DSC EELTUgREEAT IUERESTIN SEER RRO to RRgtcE ee EeEE DStPra “RRS es OLS OEE eet) LARUE SUSI DyGoiateatatnns RMS, CS :ee Hooshidasss a RSS 7+ EIR a on a CRs, Boers, IS SESE Det SET DO DP pT nInnnichilins ae cette See See SE se TB TAPS SETS OT Taasy THREE ESD RRR ees ES SST Res eee = SRE URaROREOS Ss ROR ‘ Le EEA TS oes SRR. OS paar oc gapeee LSS Bee Sg Serna 2 SRR ee ea SMALL Stat: SRR RS ae 8 RRR Sas Rese RR TE SRR RRASRERESS ea coe Th eee SLRS neSanat SRE ee RS S Boa Se ORR ee opent See Nie “hag Se Seana essen earn i rr ee SENSIS. TD RRR SBN. ised cNecae a ERR RAS SANNA RSS 8a 200s Sen RS SEL "la re. SSE Sago acaOU poe LAC cia neath Nee eaethats eae RRR SSCS ooRNS acauguinet SSE eeReN NTCNNSI ee NT Se UES DUDE CD SDS DE OUT ARSE TSS TE RIS ae nSeleteneteeey Sn cnn AAACN: aioe. SAREE Terre PEERS. coe eteteRt natitaneataramemrccnceencetecestecertiss acneneney
~ TESST AE RRR RRR” SRR Bah ST, IRR2 SSSR a OOESSERE nD nero nSROR SSR RR aR RE ee Dest anase SEtet SS SS TIS cones RRR oORAN I RR a aOTERO alataSERS,” in none NESS I Tate TeOSSETIA it" TTI RRR Sito eae ea ee SN ROSEN ASOSRE RR BRIN ARNMRR NS otenanetala eA ASTOTT rican A Sa ANA Aca SRS aA ASSN oro RRRee rreveteeat
SR RRS SESN ERECR RERRR RC hc Ec1RE NONSS REaR SR ER ugh EASES Se oo See rere hs RR SOO ua Pecan ET RRR OOS SCORERS sn RUC 3 RES SANE SRER NS Rea ae. cua che PUP ERE 1 RAGE Re UI RON ERENT ETT, Seeace POPC SERRE REteRERRRISDS eR on eenaeae nie eerie a ED SUED EINERR See ae a eR Be ec ie ale hr ete ARERR eine tenia teen SR RRRons ag sconce Stee SSoihe
PSS PSotSANDS oR RRs ERR ate SEL COR USAC nnSR aRARE ER MSR PORRR ORRRR RRBERR Reena eT SEE TRE eae esata tats crscatser tat tarts toe eatAROS SR RON NON RR RS ESS LW HAsterner She SIR
7 RRR RS Ren NAAN n sr OacoR RS S RRRR OE rEneuemee een SOROS aR RRR RRS RR Pea eeREUTER 3 SUSE eeeoR eesRRR ee Beene nnaNO SERRE SSO ao aRERUNS ROALD REE pectote SENSES Sie ERE SSORR GR RRR LR Sie Ro DDADMIN Yo vancssnononshc res stssenresnasenesrneieeserremeteererseemeaeenes NaN ecocererareronerecanacene aaree ronaeanae tee nee eae eee neeeoneeee terete anette tenet otenoaanaraotateeatosanearamiemeteearaeecaaarenereremerneeenensoweeenenvasesteestossesmanterstesnemsassoatenenetseeteneneetes CSR DIaOCRN NRPS MMMEMEEDRS oh socon’anocainiacssssveatsscssnareretetarnpoetoroneteteteresoratnton eracncpe reat osetecererenwraravarntetoresasatetenntenntetaioratenetetctatonetetetehet nr stirenat a cantetitetenatetatetetetaan at seleatansptatasetitataaetenntetatats tens rteneenseenteeeeaeatooreametn teeter ater taterucemetenerenetens:
BEES ISOM UNIT RRRroSee si com Sassen eee SO seasrast a SSS RRA MARtSenn eccrine OertCnegeee! ameSEER memes SECSL eeeoR a eMC Shoe OOS ORCS OOS eo ene eSNG en ARN a i SOROS RRRey LETT eg
TE Src 2SSIS ee se prone etagh atnc naeSe ee ES EEE SE SSS SR aeestr tea RRR To Se Se Soe ERR SSS SS (EECSSE SURES en icine ere sageoe et a eR eee SSS DERE ER RROD ERESree: isSoe eno cee Ba eS LAG Ce ence ee ade ee FESS USES ESLER SG NON RRRRE RN ER SE Se Re og RR RN SEEEEUIIISEIT RIESE RcSSR 2 De nS eRce SS RRO SR OUT eC SRNR SUNN RRRRE SS EE SES GOI Races SISSIES SEE pam SR as RR Berio. hasan ctenen Renan ge ogee EERE So SSSR SS SSCS SS SLR a RRCORO 8 RRR Sain ities sea ERIE ca SER Recemere mmc nocat ere mine aninnenppeta ote 5S eS REE NSS RR oe eR Seni SASSI IE SRS SSS ie 0 RS Sd oS DSS ERASERS Sates ee Ratna ee airmen oun se Mek NR RRS ERRE Oa » — — és ”, DONORS cSeeSOAR SRRaaa ER TSS eee ees Peer ite, Se SEES, RReeROO, ccs SESS. Rees =< SARA”: RRR ga IST, " ERRRSARCEREGROERESESSS | “1 Ac Sanpen nea MEESEA TS SScapaoe ca SORES, cae ne
oe eeOEies, “Eee Spc.ee - s- ”eee, Sareeaee an, Re RS RR Ca a
Rees h. SeSSM oo ERR OTS SEER a Sosa ssaneue eae TESS SRS cir rr SPRUCE SERS SERRE 0. RR ARES22 races SUSIE 2feeSER SAR cg uence erect ae EEE SEES Sc 25jg Rr eROER IR gictnntinn seenee BS Oe PeUSEEIIIN ReeaSe Beet ° =Rane REN NNORR SENERT SOOO Se Renan ccna PERO USERS RC SRR|SeTOR URE ae SER.Rs - aaeS ee
pemeree. Seer aoSer RRSuRR ee RRenee ae te Be eeSARL ORR NEN ea eeee SERS GR ORR. (hc SSR a x Ceara OY.RR NateRSI A aT RRR oySee ceed TEE ag RNR SOR eesRS eerecees NCR St eeee POTS SE eee RR Re See os GER URED HE eel 2 GARE. SSR er Bi an RR SR SUR RAC "EO RIMS RE sg DURES Oa ae RS oe nee TRESS ae2PEE EE ON RGR. "UE aaa AE ROR aeCaOREO TERE Ri UR es Pe eS DOERR EMER ST cee ORO RURISBie BeSRC aa SSE _ eae. EER TectrSS wh SSRIS SRE ae OSALA SOR RR«Se RRR TERE SEARS RRR 0enn ire Aaa SRS See DER EEEEISSS EhRRR SRO| nS SORES oe See CES tO ts ERR RO eR RRR 22 SEERCEE A SRO eg Rene rete eine PS nnnNNN een DMM ns)pee Neen Reena ean TEE RNa OR A ERO ORL 2 ERR ee Sc Sea a PRROER: s edhe [EERIE EASE SSS RR RR oR se FR ee a ESSE EL, Upea ies:cen ee & Renae See RO OS, oo ROE SRN a we (eS ea OC 5 STRESSES SS RCO RE er ids ee SES ee SOEs SRR CR RI Seer ee EN SR Aa NE CN «OG Seek Saas Seee oeSe fly ARTE gHncesc: Pocoee cereSSSR ae er eAceenean tase SUSE Pe Tone TERROR eR 0 SEEM J OEE RUSMEER SEAR ORR ee neSRN, penn sy cunencennnn ennai caeamanee REPRE RSS EASES SERRA EN SEEN eke SRS ODN So OSE ei SERS igigaerne samen Ne nent saneER eS EsT eg TES chess STEERS SSE a a SB RE PO UEPSS AOSD ES Se canes ea eeies SRSSea ORRnines R AERIS ESS RRR SSSSRR on SES SR ONES Lone cannes eteNSE esaSSRIS i SURES 1S VET. HTPRRRE See SUES eamUREN RR RS SAAN ENNIS. Se SERRA SEO SRL IR ERGO RRS RR 7eos OILML SEREINSR REREAD Se EE guee ore ihgs ns | eames ge eeMAUS en, REERRS Se ae crcte se anneemeeenunemttie ee et ee a oe eee neeaemoat eee, SCRE Rss pare cecten a. ean RO a ST 33 Sos (COREE SAMSOONSL = ets RS R RRR RS RRR
BEE Ae Se eng
Se ER Sears SN a 1
SS eC f ge rr , r.
Thee ice ieee ose, Sit eee So ee aaPp]. )7e. bd ; SSE ESS Ee ea ea ee ee SES SS ee BA ce Se 109 Ma le settin Cc air Eee eae eee cee Ret ae eee
ee cee te aight teats teeiece cline choi shebheeibeisseaietactes:
FREER SE CEASE eet conagee EEE eetenet ee AE Seba iteeaneneceon sees
Beconsond Oeoh es ENR RR oa re en m a e REE ee Pa RR SR RAR“eR ESSE RRR SERSRRR SSwnat SRE SERA acect ad| En SERS oes Shana aurea See ESR BSR aRSE CER NG IRR EE RO RS 2SES pone 6 EESURSIOIN Lr Sitiigthttees SS aR ER Ee e
REA SES RR RO z a n el O r Oo Siew see et at Seo eee SSO ROS RRS TONER RR CROs eR RR r RON CE ROE SOOT EOE AME RAR RRR ASRS SERS Se Eee hetero neu eesntesenetan as anne ae
Bae Saas MEER Co MR CORRS Sepa anan mee
CNgenre CERT UENO ROOT eeeSEMPRE Le RR aE PORCnSR Bi Sake a eB SER er a ee SRR LCRA SSOR are ot SE , RES ee RRR AN SARS RR aa Seite ED. ease eee o ae RS
ae SESRRS eg SRS eee BRR SEBES eee 2Fain SE oa . “aeee“Ea ERROR ee ST aatdns RRR . PSRene. igger 35 RE eee SERS aaa eRSee STRSR EE SEER NRO 196 O arr S C al ° Be © ee RR RS aes aN = ce SCee ARee aR OR ORR RRS RCC RRSSRE SONG BS at. Se BSR NS BREE g 2 R RSPR CRE yt SON OR SRR ER RS ER RE ARNO: Byes TRS RRR eee rea Sa SSinuaoes saat eugnunnnnnnenaeee nr cmneneminannen niin annem nie ene a oa
Re arieeres Se SGRRS ceteyae vereeeaeee so ne RN NOR RRR RRR SO RSE SUR eR OREO Ned
Fee eee one RRR RNS ORCC Rae ORCS SRE eee ae Re RRR SSmeres Ree ee Secs otnaeORR. Beene Se RR URTE LeeRRR oaataee eee EO SRS Gi oe SP RR RC a aa Seon RE Se Be Ren ity, core aiSE =BeSee ER aeTans Shee ecg RR BE: Se RRR EE ARETE RRR. SSPE SeSee hagemeemnaes RR eRe RR Ss as ER
a ;Sa ee ap oe ok ef See aa "Gr ee 4eee we SN seasae| oe te, SO ERS SRN < SES aE A raeaeonnaaei, SR Saas
Bn coSeSE RS SO SY SUR RUS neg SAO ;: -et. oe0SER TR USSEE Bh OS eSeeneseend EEL ae eg See 5 cases Beek a tel Le SESS EES ote “RS RR ae 20 Sahni NaS < SENS ORR See? a SS Seas
“ORR. rn AUT “RRR NSN SRSsean RRR :SO = TTS UE UTNE Ts” 1 DBRS ASeS SERS Ronse eee RRC a oe eesn
Rae uA Nee Re
EL Heee ticcntsetes mG arsteterecereteranntutereteserereteteereteercen ee ee eee Eee REN ER 2teeBF SR PIN ONS RRR ROARS RRS a3 ORatau eSseeaaenn aSSENSED cs 5 Re eesame aeem eee SSN Ses SERN ERS a oN Sennen uname ea tataae uakBee cements ee Sie BRS ene eR Se RRs ee eae Se RRR eS eeee Pee eee eee tee Sous Ses Sees ROR me SSE eee eee BRR Ne Pea ence a pecisic amuse Seana Beas SCRE URES EO NORCO eS SEE ee ERERRA SSE eee oemRR meme Auesnaseees ~ “08, CAO A ratetaratelete’ En iin tna eo “ Rey ea atte atate arenrerere oe o anetet Sa ae ee Gea er eet etSSR BREESE ta anancroauiae eerie a EES: Ree eC co gaeSSecatSashnooea Beene aRnemaaacanmemareae OR SS SRN Re aeeteneteeeS RY Co
Re cE RS es OR poe eres eeERee
OS RE agoeSUR ger cunts nN Crege ee Peso Bb avenue Be inane anaere ac caren ee enna
IBS Ra yar eaOREN aaa eae ena eee aN BREED RR ORR Bee es= NORE ee Se a ee Sa, «CORRODE joann
DESEES Sea aa Cara Seen: -caaeenocenned oe teaseRRRS ee rate eA eeseek R aR. ROR SEEES akg cc cantante taCEES ce* ae aNSao gn Ra nee RRR iNest Boas ae RRR ‘ Sa arnSseanneer ene ERR Peo Sieoaseeauis RS Rome ee Rn RREEE RRR RE a,RRR SSSR RR Nn AOR DCs oS CERRO EE ee ESRC SRS SRR SSRec OCOD. ORS SOE RRS ORRIN | oe TSE aS RRS os pe SARE REN Soest mae Re. Ba earn tans RR gr ERR Senter Rae "SERRE esate ERO RRsatee meme neSee cee Se. SORIA SOS NRcs el iNun RROOPSTR RROee ASSNS ERT es an See fee re a senaniou eee Re SESS ESR RSSSd TR oe ae SERENE. 1 SoA hace: Se So Sen ROR CO ACCRR RSS R ba ER aNRReeRN«a CS SeRARER. ee ERE RONAN Rear -.|. See Se RS Sera Sea F oe sada ee eee Seen 3S Ss ee. SOa.iss : . Beseweecoake eee ee SONS ES eee ERE EAS ERE Sa EES Se . —— RONG ere Sune eS gees SES See Sigs SS —SSE ; 3 een res Eee eaten Rea nae a Seas Son ae Se ESN 8 Seema — Eeae SS Soe SNSr Soesee eee eeseee Se ae Ss Bescon — Sok Se: oS | : : seem eeeenneaee eae nse Bi Byte nenenntnn SSRASRE etypSpeencenees ccicinaesu BeeneNERS Soe SS Sk PERS on poNeonaRS Casa Seseeenaee ae - a SSN SN SR ee |. reat
Saeaeees Sees on Samaras eens SoD so pene ee meres SSS CS SSR oe a. .
i . Bixee nN ie Sse Satecs eae = Se RRR < Sees Sie SCRE See Semana SRR SR Ree oo eee
. ‘ oe. eeRR Bes |, =. ee -— oe.messes Sn3Sona on SE SSS SaRN en;¥Se — BRR vip Sa Ss Se oo eee Oe oo ae eer Rae eas Sees Se SORE Pe a. sei — Coe Reese Se ss aa ee RY ee Se . a. FF ,Eos —ane RG ea gee See SoS SANS se |eos See Ae a —r—e™ ee RRO 8eee eee See eee .See -Soe oe : . Sa ae . aS . . . See Senses arene Se east ERS eee See iC . Bits REX : nS SAN ; oe Be ee a :., ee enee oe sees — fo SERS Ree a Sos SS 5 oe Sa aa eens Ra RES | oe BSS Sano eeCC og ee ‘ 3creas SAN See Ee eee Ae . 3aaa Sees wore OR Rea Sats es One . . Reon SSeS Seep SSeS sire Sens wRaa Uea Gs SEER RRND SA “s Scene ss emer nee ttn Rin Gennes Rae Gee SR ean
—— sees seo aR SnSERS oe 2 Sea | sek oe ekeSon Se SSSR SoasRonn Se Sua sees iets retest siitelebictetenses ROSSI tet SOIT SRS nae: tireeenetetatas SEES BARA eta ieentice HORACE RS SRS eaceseeaaanet eeetatanarataet eee SASS
ritstets se etebacerecoeen REE RRRNES canes Sa erases See eeatecere Seen on >: paneer a ee ate SNe otter —
: , . Res Bee. . ES a Ses ee eee oe ee 1 3F Rs . i:..a. SERS SERS et Hey : 3 Se Sa ee CC See PR ae 3 6. — : oc oeAoo . . FE Reg s a= oe ee ST SRE eR SRN SONS Lian sn
scene nnrennnater vee ethene SE— es a . ae Pocicret Boe reSoraretets SRS RANA Ren ea teeton tag SANS Sate SSae acesace suniamencie Water aSee aserate
Bess 8 LARS ae . Sees eena== eee ENN sounnee nsOS Reo oSeeRrRRa.SR ee
. eet esate -. Se — 2Bee eo Se so — —
> Ff oo :; :See RS ee eS . ae eae CeRe :*ee = ee— Fe es By Ree . ES Se ,.| een Ne * Seay aap eee SK EEE! SEARS Sos Se = SNe : See Re ota eG es
See ae ee feKes aces ee SEG Rear Reaan SeORS ase a OS Se iSe Re SSS RRS Bs SSeS SOS —aS REE SRE See . Be ees Se Soh SET aS ae Fee — oe: RB ROR SSSER ERE SS ._
: 1: 3roa oo a
. — BREEN sate seh oo- Be SSS: |e , ae Be Be ae SER RRS aRosee
Bape kaos sear Sees ae So RO SSSR aR. SR RONEN PO EES BENTO . eS Se ca Bos SSeS Rec SESSA Sa SSS RES RES ESR SORRY SUsachet SEES / ‘eevee een eaearias ScNe eNareoas Re SEN aeSESS ies Seon SS eaoaeae SSSN ee — tS EES Ba ve Reese RR saa ce Cs SRR ee eos Se = SERS See Nas een pcs Serene See oo “2ne : Sees Ree ees ee ce ee =Sareea %Se iSSeS aSeaa aePRN ee SEES SBR. aeSata SERA BS ; ieee RoR ees See Seas RRR RRS RRS SORES Reet esesoe Ree SNS Set SRNR See eee te ESSER To Se Shoe aSea — Remeeersec EES: RES See : SEE Re ARS Ses anemia mseS: See a_ aera BREee < . Sees Beata eee oe Be EC ENSES EGE aS Saree SOR SARS SUE ee-SMSO ae Se So ee Cs ee
Sores . Sees. yea eSSee Speen: SRSS oe oe -C ee “aey 1a | Saco PRON Ree ate Seeatenbi SE Eee ee SSeS SERS SONS oe So SPOON So SERS Sea Bcteeanen SRR RS ql
re an eee rn ee ee Pos aye i... Se Sr oe i 2. Ae SERS n — i. | Seed ac DC Cm eR SRS SE ee ::a. ° oo REE . SS Se RS a ee ae Sees e b See he _ vee 9. Baas sat er SSeS RE a < us ° . SRS tee Bl SENN | : A a _—eSe a 3 SEC . e nc y h r on 1; nN Re Peo : tc In l 1 62 — eo or the ° SENOS eS Se 2 Uh a Nn , BS Ses pane Fine we . S S t peeves Ly i ee nN . Ta ( 1 ec a Sa aS oe Se . “ a RAN < . ERsBases: Sas ee eee SR,SERS a oo RS Suen ee . .ae Ee ye ak Se . SSS we :; Be ° ;Bees aie Set ya 3a Cs | Se aN ae — a z:ee —iat ss ss aa. ee3 RS EES . SRR asee; aee -eaee ve Ey Ree See tee See aSA _~=-ss |. SEU Reece a— nena Shs : _Se See es . oe ee ene ee se : SocoRE Se REN ee ee Sooo Se ee SER pea ee - Re Reenits geen ai Rees See Se Se Brecon SENS SESS ee . Beene oe ‘. SRR Ne Bee aN SOS INS Ricueeanna Sears SR SRC SEEGER SEER BERENS ESR SO Recents: SRS es
8 erste Sonananenies santanaeR Sy Soe AEEeRe SG SSSea SERS SSS See Sas eneSauer Paiteteternt SOSA as ae Rese ERS PSSEES BREN ooaeraRaa aera SESE
|: .eSSRR _ . : See we ee SESS SC eee — |. saints Scapa SESE ROR SR Sa Rew ooACER a oRRSS SOE SOON Sta‘ See ae SERS Benet x _— Sa eeeBase SER RR
2 SRS mena aes Ul BoNx ERS
. RR: Senate — . oo | SES
. Sones pant Cs SS SReES a om SEARS ee ESpea SeSoa aSNS SRN aeRRS Roe CC aaeSBS =. RASS NS. e SoS m aRNme BES |oF SRS RRO RN BREEN Sk3 REO ERS SNS .OS) eee ~ ROR Seas SEER See ES EE
= =—e—s
iuiasusmnaane Seca SORE ETHERS SO SRN COSTA OER RSS nk Renee LER eatetevecenetoress Borns tee pssst eee Sere:
1 th
h3ing abi 7 , I esaid “fig bit diff t takecorners the bestoff way:to ggested the j Ha | | ype scoot make ’ idea; thaners oth on he drawi ’ mBoth ésethe chai Ings tohohew | em
Sa 1S fatne f : e Wa , an us t m O expensi Pp red ‘ they dif t chai : ,.stinormn ive . Also liter S ir sh intere prett yt 4 y are at1 ho t ame y mad in tha ood— : e of a tthe le in in the ntati 10n waln ut. T ore fam fragi p sla . he ; reve Some c ’t, iwhic exhibi of; ’ usto Aa ipit the inite no mers ce : like rona a was unusu hi 1CO in the would mitt el and er, sh , Said Aaro th e slatsis in rademar pan Sal t
post re scal his ther, f e those I ereinyou'v 1S lessortape but ound the ed.”
1 e fa ou n in a k
os not ,b| /| ee,airWhy to h r
oe SS
iBee Se ee oe cee . es oe ae Bee es ee Ra _ Soe — See ae ee eee See. S _ee -—o —=. a ceer - epee Se _—— :3 EAE - A_ RN i ae as — C
a REE RRS: _pgeigreenass Sse ae oo : -— i. oe eee oN ssnetsnicnnaee _ oe a Seine sis Baie aacttgs sirircaincn' eS eke, Be ache s as eS Seehbacntetett Bese rasa Scuner sagen poe oOsere soba nantetetes ee Reenneste SRE Hane Sehitosesents TERRES SEES —ens es SE RS Sen eeroe aes SERGE Serene RS eiecaeere EE Se : oo tects
— Stan eS era . SaaS eer one PESOS aetetnspie ee _ _ oo = eee eee SS Sees RNR SRR RE eS areas Se eee Sse space
SRS Se Boe a een: we sees poe a . — ae TEES eR a NN Neseeeies See Seats KS Reins SOR 1 Aa sent SARS SRE Rea oe Sees Rees Sn uRN SN Rng Sroeone Seana See ae
ie Soa oes Shae SameBaie ROE cone oe Sy i -& _eaeee_ BORER seer eae eeSoses 5eexSteer ae oe SS Re ses RS Seas eae peneSeeonts See ~ Ren Se Be a, Ss tessone eee RRASe eerie on se ae aa So So ae sneeny Teese arrest EERE ESD Paces ROR Peeees meee Ns PgR NNR RUNS ees sascha yeres raed reece Sees CERRY RRS Serena — — . _— |
SS aaae rea oe ae=3|Soe —Sh aee: See an Si ee ee eS 8BE — eea ROS —. Sees SOR . Ss a So o |.Se|eee ae a ee ES See ee pea . oe |BStaten . .a = ae_. Soeoeaes SON a een See tes | SE Gs SESS Seo E 4ea | Re SU ean _ SS Senrenk eee aa uate BR Se eens Se ae SU RS Se cee Se ees ee a . TEES sia eee aae.ets ae ees eee eaeee tesee a— oSosaaSe .SSSRS 4 . | _ ee a Cs. ae ea SERN OS aeoe SS ues So fsCs SR oe qe ae ee So ee Bee ee .oe ax=Nes ee _ | | | ee a a Bees peCEROERe Se ae . Se ate eee ee Sena. ea — oe BERS gaa Se : ce RR, Oe SER AOC a. RStaaee Sane a ene oe RSG es 7 CA oo |.oo — oe Bee oeseS:Reeecoeaes SesSRNo ee: SERRE Spann or a aaa Sens Se mares Sues x ae SE ae ERR RONEN SOONG Seceuene Suibeee Seen senate Ba Ae — | :
Tes oaths re A eae ieeeoe See Sec SeeBe Societe Sots SORE ease Rees: Sa See Seo Rs Seen RE escereSees SSSoo os- Romaine Soa POR sooo Se paces Se SR. re SS a Soe soesee es an 2 Shue as ee Se Se Sa SEE RR Ronee scares cee SR See OR Sane ae oo arena enemas Rear: — ee See
Seinen Seen Sa yee. Ray SS RS Se ae eS rea SE Re Be serene SNC Se a Sieee ea Se sneak eee se eee nes pcan Ore See
aa 1. Be EO SERS Sent ee = — ep enenad oS : / | ... se Sees — ees — Be — a ee
- 1 i cy | => Aes ae Se RSs Beas om Bes ee eee OS SES See rae SALE Reena esas AR. ai REN CCS =. regen ee Nee
TREES oe eae SRORS RR esses Seek eee Sore Siena prone Mean eae ronment Ses RR SAN ceaeney SN es RSE Se Sees SNe cee Soe es Seta See cs ee ae
Barensrens PN ese Boe Somers eS Bee esRe Se Be cos SeaSe eeae SeSos aon SE Se ae se ae aSe aS . eS eer SeSBSeas ey Sc SeaeERAS aes SIE _ Bese | - a aeoS Seater an reeSeNS Se Seen weer een cya ee Nee rsa ce SRS Pe etl ee saat ne Ra AG es ae SHR ee ee ee tee Ese aS RAS RS ener Seta KA Nes Rn eee apenas SEN SR a nae ar _Rance . oO a 8 SNS ae SRE Ser RRR Sen SRO Reena — Sais
SESS SRST ce eee = NS tes ata Sees Pero N=ree 5: we SSApis Peat + aes iets eeBSS & Se ee OS SES Sos SOS: SRK iRcaenen Sena SESST Seee eee Seen Soe ST eee Se atte Bees ence eee SoS a ae oe Seana Re pees oe Se oS eee SEE Ses RRS ee . tee aaa 8aaa|.Sa oeSones SS Oe =ae SOR ECAR SONS Semone SN SO aS ENN SRN eeBoney es Sees oere a SS
_ :22 oeSee Se ce Be et Ree SRO aes RR eeBO SSee Sete /L| -/. ._. — 5 RS aeSep SSSSas SerSo reaERS Noes PORTERS RS| __ : .aeSee Se RS Sear: ee See Sees SN —. See Sone x Soe oeSaas S eta ue ane ER —ESE Re: ae yea aoa oe A Bia". eroSe ae oeake SORA a RN eteen ¢ oes Pe TN RSs SERA NO SNe Ree ss oeCPN ee : _ Ee ~ =Se ee Soars : Sync Se os ats YS Se Sa See Aees FOR Fee NEE ARAN Sapte sunasannacicts Stee SRoeeecee Reena Sores oe cee me oe aa ae oe oe ee Ranur een See oS Sey Se es at — _ ee ok Rca se a oer re Sa 2 ee oS SORE Rees aes a =. Bere oo Rete Bee ote eee oe top geRe Res Set Sear Ses Ses . oes ees Sea RIES Se SCR penne: nee SRY ge eee as Seay Se SRS SAN Seen aeneeeaa Bea ace eeBeen. SRRSa Poscearoant: ear a SORES ereseen SeERS paket SS mesh Ross SCR O EE PASS SOR Rene:Nees Sonera Bee so ARERR Sa SSeS: SSAA EERroan SeCS eee.— ~oo a —:. a onceeae ARReae ae oscee eae pegs Seas— SES=Peer Serres TS ESE ee syReon cE ey Sehck eminent ae EEE Se oe Saas See eaepoees SSS aces >oe SS see oo SO Se 8 * ee See Sona cares oseke SSS Renee Sees eee Se eee ee Ss es ae Soo Seer Soe SKE Ss Eee a eee oo . i oe e: : - . — Poet oa oes a Baste aes a ORS aR penne Pca scene a ae 2S:
Rise oe oO SS Ie See oo a Be ae - _ : 4 ‘ERS ’ 7 .oe : os Saoo SSE SeSee . —oe . See SSea—=Re SAN
eee Sree Sa_ Se ee ae — as ae —Ree esaees .eeaeooSEAS penea -. ES SS Recher: Se ae eaPea Ca RR Saas eeeneS 3Ses See oa Saas ese Bas aN See REC me SeBo Men ene asee OER = Seeyre ees RR Se — 2Bee | . eeeee ae ret come See Bete” pikees A ae Sarees nt ste Seas rks— Reins ayee Sas Sees ce SU Bec i erate oe ae ge Eee oe Beer RS rene Se Re Senet poeta Sa SR Se BR es Baran vant re oe 7As - me oe SER SRC es. cS oe ook 2 SORE eS te sae ges eee BAS ae _— Ses Sat Res Roe oe ee . :.. :v]See —— % eee eetieercre Seat CR aieSoe scorer 7aoe es oe ee2oe presSo Beene Sochesgucnehacaieg Sa— Sonne pheso Cae eae __ee | _— Riese eect anaes ae eto STae aeen ~Soe eae ane nica een _ lett See
See oo iaSoe Sani _|. ae . s Sees Ser aoaPete gate acrates S .oo —See Soe ee /. -_—— OE See eese2Sec oe soe eas SESS CF —a |.
BRS pesBee BaeDeSte een Ng aNSN SesSOR SASSS oe -aN eS ne ee ay Se Pe ‘ a en ese ries S ce es eetsae Net CRERS Pe. aaaSee BEShoe be NN BeSesuhees es nea weSeat Seen Sees Se Bera ee Sores Se See aes Se Be eSee ee 3Bess Sees Seer soe: eeRane onmeee eee rateae Se -7See Soe roeugeaseey SA ee Sk SON eres Se ABest So BS SORSepeer Seek ORCCees Setar nee setae ESSN RES age RRRSE a Sacer oe eea = sa Riga .SSSR oe ronan Se ae
.- :-a.:oeoe s — a . $5 me Saee oe eo sacar uy SN Se See SOs ey
a . NE : oO - .Ses Ea arethe Poeoo amanse ay Aor SESS Ree ca Sata Scr SSNS ie- ROR See ae: esSee Sanat oes oe —co :2: :S.‘i a soe ee es ae ee -7 .-. >» .a=SOS ee on SRR |... Ree ek. SIRS: RS Se Rea :-- 2Sats _ . SS Re Bae eee SRS Se SSawes : - — a . oe ee 3 ON SAS & SES Re SSS eas cca ered Scent Se Bey oe Nees oc ae eee sorte See Sine SND Sts AREAS sere cas me EUR ae sa Bas SRE OS ROS = ‘
Bee Sie ee oe | 7CS oo iReSeo 2eeJ 4esse Sees Rasa 3See Suge RES see Cares s-SN a0 -r=ee -s Se BOR Se ee or Ro NS ase oo See a a ae owes Ses pee Sania ote 2)ress a Sete EeaSee le 5nSRe oeSe op Sage peckeenne OO Soe sree |.
SSeS SN Cewewreeer sp Se Spee cone ace Raat eS aS oS Saereenae SB ONS PERE Se Ses o - | SGN aSee Re aaSa Specks sage: ae eS ues SAE oe ae — : a— a ee SAO Uigcattis Degrees me SOU sh Lee : Ho eesBS See Sree Va es Re e Bs a @ os ae i. _ene = SERRE Rte esRea BRS Seanpoe — Pe |oC . oe oe ms »Le oo a.oy aa an ar me a.aoe epee RGR coe | oN Soot aeaee Re RS -rece |.aa. SS — SS es Be pases — .-See a Sees See | ee ee: Sees _ 8| ~ _ eS: Reet gee: Ronanaaas oes -_ ~CtC SR SES Sey enaeee . es Cees! oe Senn Serer See — : oo Seo, Seen ee Si a Ce oe a epee ee Se Beeieee a esRS SOE secre ai. oo a. Oe ee 8pare eee reeatinstean Scomaen Suita BIN sche poke saci Se Spee aca eo sgheseeies me see Sea ae ge Seek Re ORD cahinaaenoomae Spaceonccn 3 SEES a
Ee page Seana te Oo PEREEESEEER a Seaeentyts Seas RRR oS ene can Rens Be SSS ee
ee eee cece SRR Seas meng a aR 2 Bent ciara eng pee a ee ven OREN Pa a ue Sa
-r— ] PRS ES
Cs. oe Se repre Ssasoss .aaaiReneS eure CC RESaeRBee ee SSeSRares Sees Weare s Repent SOO eetesee as peers ne eee ee See _cheweenns Bia ane eeooNirRNAce pe SEES .oe a enn Se ce aS SERS Ceng Sees Seapets eit Roane ERROR sce
eee ee CeRRR UR nes Rennes ee ae Css aS SUR cs Ce |i-ss aeSoS es Ss ae cosetaae Css Roee esEe Sennen eens—r—e punnnen Seees ae ee. =a /— = ees tae a Se a Seana : -. ei stent : se Saas Renee As. — .— Spobey .ae ee er _.Se ee acta See —r—e EEE eS ee_.—is aee -. —hUhUr : eens .eeees =same [_— . ete Sesota Sate ot Soe Biren se sie SEES SNS Ona SS Eramenirs SEEN ERROR EY pereRere RRS Ba 5
se ../ .—ee—e Cs oe =.= , :— Sl—r— 5 eS os ——=—sSasaC ete See Re Senne ok . cates SS: Se secon Ree eo Sees Sea SRG
peeSee SreeoeSeances ee . cactaats teeters Petition SeeSON re Saturna es See ESepa REE SEE eee para Oe enemas eae . - _—=—
| Se SEER eS = . ees
,istinctl Wa panel-back y 7a _rocker : aaron n |mad in,ement hi
| rlier chai ch then . vit ? Hepotentia said hecus made some chair without; omers alway ec d others ed th is earli
3 J ind ce | |: | | -tint" of chai ! s | ant |m : | e fina é; ) cor erge. Th e _ . ike th ined | : a S wanted ) h WI .*erpotenti otch ! g g 7’ airs with it
7 hose t ethetI Ctive k ns
I ore, he began making all cha WwW ne ch in the
cen O we op edge of the sla u ae a ee ie O
; istincti r 1sce rod : und Ver ges | uper e
n.‘ ey “But f ) ‘ wouldn’th 7 in the sh O , e them ri r tho f V rings and nubs ut s
you gottaarms,” na 2 eithconcluded ne Cus on 1ers he said, .not realizin round Vwant” e rounded was the z major element of Ver s and Hasca oan aron main .
works, thto| | de : it part from j
218 Craftsman of the Cumberlands Chester was more explicit than Verge in his assessment of Aaron’s early chairs. Of the rocker shown in figure 111, he said, “That’s a good lookin’ chair if they was a few improvements in it.” He listed eight.
¢ He would have bent the crest [the top slat] “to fit the head better.”
¢ “The top slat oughta been wider where it goes into the postees.” ¢ “You need the panels nar’er than that to make it comf’tabler.” ¢ “I'd a put more rounds in it, put in at least two rounds b’low the seat.”
¢ “Hit shoulda had more designs [turnings] b’low the arms, kinda like the decoratin’ b’low the seat.”
¢ “T never did like this type of arm,” by which he meant the barrel
design, the only element in the chair of which Verge approved because it was similar to his; Chester, however, usually made
flat arms, although he had used barrel arms on quite a few
chairs. ¢ “Now that decoratin’,” Chester noted, “hit’s unusual an’ a little
bit differnt. I’ve never seen decoratin’ like that b’fore. That’s what people are lookin’ for.” Chester agreed that “the number of panels is right for the chair. But if he’d made a real crook in the backs like I made ‘em he’d a had toa made the panels nar’er an’ he’d have to have more of ’em.” ¢ “The chair needs patchin’—you need to patch the gapsin’twixt the bark.” The gaps in the seat were formed when the splints drew away
, from each other as they dried. To my knowledge only Chester used winter bark (skinned in early fall) taken directly from the tree. Aaron and other men in his area used summer bark, which has more sap and consequently shrivels up more when it seasons. In addition, Aaron and others stripped off and discarded the top half of the inner bark; thus the splints were only half as thick as Chester’s and the edges turned down as they dried, leaving gaps which Chester found objectionable. Chester was more impressed with Aaron’s recent works, as was Aaron. “That’s a new design on me,” Chester said about a chair made in 1967 (fig. 113). “I’ve never seen that decoratin’
oe a So capes * aa ae Sean SOUR ae Sees Suae ee
aaeBiron SHE SRE RS setseteeess asSUES eee Se. SEES .poe oo ee Se SRNR Soe cS eee i or te aes cores oo Lees ESSE SSoe ee SSeS SRE succes ee es Ee SS . SR _orgs .SsoeRRS oe aseae RSE St |.Se staat igaesniss . Seana APRESS OUOON SSS eeea
aieee Sera as case, she stomata pr Se nnteae BOS enea Sata SSS aR Ramee ° eae selene a ioeuenres Spas SR eee SP ra See .ieee eae Saanae ee Paeneee gorte Peer ae PitaeeeeE .reeseeepS REN eeRe =aaa See SS Been ae Sonags sae SSS RN Se RTC aaa Fane matee caBe xSo BS sekSees SETS Seater cee PSs Sore eS oe :é. :Sae ‘ges - ASR com Se Sass Sees cs oo eo ee ire SERS Sore ane SSS eee: Pare eer Bess SN en etSoak SENS EES Suse SeeS Se . i. :
Se See aa aSOS SS xRRR SeeSERRE ESE eaeaei ee ae oeSeSESE eeoN5Vonaa Seese: eS iave Sateen aSa RS aaa SEE peor eae eS eSSree a axe Re Ns ..oeae . Seae SesSie see NERA eee RARER See em BENS Sean ae stares eee. a SONGS RR eeeONaeERASE SaoSore oeees2Oe eSen Se SRRCRE EoaR ores a ast
— eee EeeSee aeSee Ba RRA Ree aie — Ss . oeSoe ROS RS: oo eer oe SeeSE _—eePec a aeaeisee Ser es tas Re eaeee SS RR Ree. Seesesees oaCe SeasRes Ce Sk |.- -7aeR oost7} Ss eee eo ee a eras Eee Sen aes oe ees Seas ee . RR eg Reco See. ae Son Bes ai aBanao eects eeparnn Re .as ceoeee o. Seo oo .. ss SR Saeniee SERS SN — ao Pee c :/7.| : a > as—_ as ewanSSN Sh SRMoe ct BODE Seeen BR ORI: aSes RRA Benes sei Beene tessene ae Ee .Re NS eee es Oe : SRY SSSonSHH Seema seats | owe — a ee a a eee oo ocegeeaes Be eae sig poeta! Seen sy SORES Sane aan eo Semen e aie BP nse RNR Pa Sens Fs DO SORES Ses ape RC pee relate tag ee ae < oe Ree age ences a0 RGR ORR 26 eae ss oS @ eas Se sy _. Se sak et Re SenaEE Se naa ss — eense eS ee ee esasPeon Sets: SS aSeSeBeeRSS : otsae = Se ¥ ne 2 ’iets aeee4: =:iae eae ee RES eos ee See Seek Ree me ea eee See Pees eee . RRS eee ae oe So Ee Sree SHR Jha Hes Behe ses se Senescence ee Sas Wee ae SRNR - eatgecntis Se DETR “8 sas cn Re ean BRS oe Ree as week oe KS
: wa SO se oo ee nee Sea ee Sa — a - .we: . Sa — eS a . Pe SeeS ee 5 oe eS aeSreee Ssa. SS os se — . stn See tC[| eS rete BRR ae 2caeae onl aes _oe eesSee REN octaan Bec Sere SO 3oo REases‘ eeft §| ——Bae: ee aSe Reese ,aeeoo SRN aes — —Re se baa fs s SAE RS yeaa sees co =ES —.— BR Meee Sere Re ae sent . . * eee SSRN eoenaeapenaS Sees moras eee Setar at So Ree. So aes SANA os Se: ROY Sa eee gee eas SORBRERS:- BON RSS A a
Seay RRR RRA ERR ORE ORR KORENSS Sooo SEER Sone RBR EN Ss ae ES Roger Bee RNS Re ogee SA Re Se ee SN ; | cee Se Sas ae Soe SRC x Se Sc ee eae Rae ere eS . pene Beers EE Seay SEE Ste PORT. 3S
SES Oey Lee Bonet Sees eS Slo— uate _— %E: so SSe: :. eer RS Ga — RC SSSRR See Ee CORI “ GRRRTES can cicionrtateaeoece SEEReRe ES SSSR RRER SRR ns GR RN oe pean Sot Ee Pabeateranenea See “EEE EES RSeNO Shes etoneteee [EES = RSA See. oe Lee Sevens eitesssenncrreesonecee eee SOREN a BB etaSatateseterefarctcvetacetatetes ssreceratetes SSE Sonne TIES SESE Se oc srorer ere race eteieietehe uneseeranateereeee oeeyecenetecnteeecestenetotettetar reece US RRS EE EC oa SPEER cc ERS = Resta rosntaret
2 aeTEER RSE ESS Sees: aeSaSRR S ODERS ORR NOI. pe See ee ze Si SS Rioreeneen Seonceun nieBARRA timcROMN RDSER SONS RRR Race ronen ene ssseen AS SASS NSS = Bae SreeeR CREASES oso insuresN canna stent atetataty | cele ee OREN RI ocanssatn [EEE SEES aagesees ss SN LI verrere SEES Basser PSS EES Sees IEEE reieetcatseepeees SE NeiNratatetererent Fone = 8 SS eighuaumaneamneeeenatee SSRN - Sone Witann eric s ares RR RSScoFEES SERRA SES eraCREST ROR SECIS RRR ooo SERS SSSR SSSR Seas
IRSEES SE Stieaence > NERO TREES RR ce © eR RR SOON Recep SRSoe Sao eR IERSEES RRS STEEN SNe carepetatierettetetentatieeietereistetsreisiene ceeR OAAE ORS oRRN RRRRape te a SSE a SN ARS SE Sn - Riueaeanee orem ees Ree SNA RR ENS rpctenneci utahSe ascii neara SS Cp CO SESS See SERRE RNS EER SEES Soa: racarreneasireaneateh th ee ”a aaa FEE Se PaaS SSE isRRR PS Re RNa SESS RMS RNS SRRORAC RRS SENN SRR SoS RR SRN REESE SSRN SOREN ate REESE ESSE Se het ORION BREAD Se RES BE Bassnnoaneensinonis Rieter eto snes Se rarreceneatn sretespeaketa SEE oSa *Geren Narain SRR eapa «aSanur eR SRNR Rena SERRE SRIRAM RIERNRS SSTEO ec Teaaaeeere SESE SASS SSDS SS RT 2eee SRE REEE ELeEe e ccnn TEESE SRS ~Sagara eSnot SEMIS tNRRS ORES SRE. -REE aap eRe SRS eet ee SSUES oe: ect ne enema ee OAR SRR SUR 2S ORE Seeoecr tens ateaeaneeeeee PEA RIIOC OOSeR Bee SR eeRS SEES Soe SR SR SERRE SR R |oe SR eS oe aaecna SSN ceORS RONEN SEER Re eeS B Sees. ss Riek SES Bea Ce SSS BRN MERE «aa eee oS SEER SRS SRI SMO REN CESS ARRON COR op eta See ECS. SOC Spirit tetera, + ee hese SN RNS ote tor acataletesecerenn eae oe +a EeSl. secatesesenwceseestetetennas eset eters eterna BERT ge oye ire cotetetentes TERRI “TEREST RCo Ri. ote Senitenenenannesen ere Neate eeTIER Sesee NaN a eet
SOR USS SEMEN Conn ae Be ee eeasset So RS ee: ACes eee EEE ReeSEES A So Sei aia od SENS Se :iRenee SRS eee. ee Bese See SOs SSO TERR rrigepesiteehamee etreCER o «,” Naren eee te oeshee esEe is oe SRR SseeSeem eeSSE SES a SEES eee SS Sh
ON BAS NS ee Tr “Rae “Iara ae SE SSRIS Setanta ten Peery SR. SRR ER RE eeSeRR Sere seein Ro Be eG eee: Te eSoerTS ASE SOR PRE ES Re.Tate? SS Re eeNn SESE aRRS SUR SESEE: ee eS or” Bess Rea ot AN SAMO ined MES ER OstetRSRLEN On AA EN Soe ORE NT aoe athe SER a7), TERRE Cc rimegenag age etASR eeaRSME eat eae eT Soe PERRO SARE TL EER SR EE Se Re Sg HERES ae ER EES > Se a! ee *,. AOR ae Se tS See eee ie Re i SOREN SER I OO ER. Serine Seats se
SES as"TELE EESARSaeae RReecreeee ee SR” Se Sees SS: "Shs RE nS REESE EE CRO Sse 5SERN Seeeccrage | SAE RRO RESen CORON SN BER Se. Sees Sots oo SRERR PeRRR ee EE BRR oeee SRE SERNaS RENREE a cece: SABRES Nea
OO"EERE TS SaneSere ose Bee a ee SPERMS ee Se tiene SohRes ees Ro Seca RRO, Ea as eeSeSTE: SON SRR Rn aN we UEEES: eRe NOOR a : BORER SRON SRR EEN SERRE ENR Senn a eee SOS ieoessoos
Ranma TEE, Ree Seg Sees Ee we, RkSRS eeriSee ae fenSES §RRs ees
poeosononneee nano “ih. SRR ess Ge rN OCS ROAR ORR SRRERROG LS Sanh ONCE = Seas
SESE = pebpeaeeamn nnn a aane eon beeen Coen an Se DOR REN Saad
ECS SE Besser oe eRe eon oR OS ENN SOS: Ree io vaeneananaiccnna ana aaN. *, 2h, SRE SRN nee Cee ST SEE RRS 4 BERS:
SERS oe RSIS SS eeSAR LLRRR EREnnSE BeoaANS SES SS PEE en a bsEE [or aDET sh ee Areas RRR RRS. «| - TLL. Le 7 Rao aso. Citete! els lane eee SSC REO TNS. SERRE int TESS See eS _ SRE ES TREES rect eeer ee ps OS RCC eae PPE RRR Ee D Ree ES RR SSE - Re ay
Bec ee Pucei TE Lunn RRRSRRRaS eee ae ee SEAN Se suiteSON ho SS=See oS NS Se HISSSS eek an ANS cea NR oS eeec S; ORE Serta SE Ec RRR RRReRe Seen: EIN SENS LORCA RRR Se. . ISS rr eneRRRenNRRN 3 eee ENE *. ean csoo nick. “Akagi RRS PSS SERRE. CSET |.es. cre So RARER TS Seieaeae Resse MAN HSI | SSRs RRO * 7SSS AER Reece Re SON So,RR Stee - RAS
SA RRR ORAM Conan AbeROARS EEN SRN ER RRR aces i. 2=SESS See ae. ~ TEES In 7) epeagiooaeeees - +, SOROS ARD acetal heee See Saeco: NESSES SRO SCS. - 1: TE NN 7 Seeeseeeseees etl EERRA ie Seen SNR EE SASESSE SEES 2 PSSST
TER Za,POOR +ESN RRR ie See SSE tae cee ences oseeeROCCE SESS SSR ET ERR TEES SONAR "= mhACARI ReABN Paeegnaanisaen aes ee EEEED, “ ARES ern SesSZ oASe TERE fat” aEee Saree es oe a> k2 [REE cc ae See SRNR RNS Seeae ee eae ae ea SONA DE with FER eeAN SERN eR RA Ree ee STIS, Se SRR pai aa. are aS ea oe eR SR To” Ee Soe Tenadless eaetatetrtetareceleoretececeecet a SORE -*. eS ev SS me SS eae SR cies Sug clear agentes x mestereten tart Besse oan eeReese ET So a RES Bees See :By Rea ac, 1RES ae RES SS TE CARR Retna ccs eee SPEER SERRE pees Sees PoeSRR ~ FRR Rae SionRESUS RE See SO RS PRN ec a “TD. ee ooen Bossnr osecccrcece a BN oeSe. ee Rogaine ae ITS 2:FE RRri BR VSN SERRE nae RNG ETT RARER N.S Oe BS Re SEE "SRR 3Sen Sere SSE RNis les RE Sa Se RRR SOR. SERRE eeener RT SE ROO ces Series Ta Se Rae
ns Sa eR e REN Re Sea oS RR EE See
ESOS ROO “DoS Ls RRSRae eater | RR See: SRR EERO ce LS TtntSRS Sea SR DRA «2 AST Reese hehe ge ete pee SESE TSS SARS RTS RSERNEN . LEED RES ee See SSRN SS| eae SSE? TL ReRRR ee Baree nerSeete
[EEE Sa Soe eas EE, RS ORRIN 4 ONC OA RE SSeS a SSS SRR rs SROs ceoat OOO ORR RRRs eat nn SN eROR itt weananenn eeeROUEN. nana REAR RAR! 2 8200S SONA. 0n1. 2.1.11 SAMAR REAM. ctl eetahanas.! | SMM REMMI 58,11: aa ee eS RBM aM «25, MRS carer ecnsersesestassAcsasisetsteseenentesatehtaaveesenenseonce WinsecaNses meNCNCMSenRteNaISe
BRS RN RR RS SRR RRR eR ren urs oat enor eee * bd ESAS NSC 220 SSSI RDO oa ass RRR ORR cate ets RR cos A ORR SES Se nec OE DU ORO RCS SRD Beene emp DSN o "RRR eet RRR RR cee asta NRO ss RRR RSS oa ns overt ORSON atesnntassetereteseenaenteanrnesteoenessateteerteemeeuentartnetreeeeiette
BSR eNOS RRR sn esate. RORRR SOP RRthao. OR RRR Roane santo RMN es cresnar anes seattenatateeeetreseeeteseesemeeeementeees BSSoo SSR ssnesSRS ORR see RRR os Searcon meee EER anes eer iarstc tia aseityusereerettreearaetareeteeseeo etetetie teas
ERS RSS SRS RRO RRR sR eens ast RRR RRR a aes ee Rann cunhnsnh ea eanrmmnnemaaamtrerneetem ESSER aesBSS See BRR RRs RR nh RRR RE seta ROO SSSA ena RRR RRR fan SRNR Reese aseRRS naeRNRRosa-apaRRRge eo aaenateceechataesweatiterseossiteannriaaseerstesteaatnneemeteeeet it S oO e a to cut O e arm DRS 0-2. 0 ARR OR aaa antRSR SRR °osc -wsceac luis nesnanaeetattareeete tanta eS PSC SRNR oho RRR RN RCo cas an 80:11, BRR RUMOR Pan NAN. C0s SRR cess eceaac eases RRR IRIN siececeronectcoan ARMM sosrecssarecsytaacanetactoaneceteenpeecectcsacccseaisasaereretereseueatetesat eetenataseaad
EO SO to! t a OTN RORI ere ors oso SSOP: se tibosarere Atri s OAS SRR Caceres ste lac teaser necosts RNIN oa recast etre SMM MRM srecereres toarecslacnrassrerereneaelecendstyessceyecscteetesetelatetateostetecetatetetatatateta
BONS eR OSS. a/0.s sc RRSDNOORSRSDSRNO SS 23113 RR RR RORROOSORSRRAE ste ao tater 2a s RRR RRO RRR stat taste tat-f- te SSO SNORE sss’, 0.. ON ARR RRR Baar RAS ORM HRA RUS G /
SESE Secor Reo conser RRR RRR ta cee se ceane eciesietesnrtoeese nape teste t eee AR RRA RRR RN SHS SRG
RUSS SRO oa URES snc RS RRC RRR SS ERIS RNS SRO RMMRES once tare tsta aaa iana aan ESSERE ga ean teenie mete ey erie oe RRC RE
SEER Ss aa tere RO ERR RR POR aca. fots etn RR RR ais ne NO ER NN oO ASSO SM PRN RR ARR 8.8 tcresssisceatsertstyeestsacalacaresnetstetstcdatiamatesniecetsarsseterereseatannenten
SERRE aaa tot rtatetatatesacesetetetosoreceneeetoteeamanteneemnennneeeeseeereeneeeeeoerebetetceraseteneasetanara etetetetetetesecerersnaessaessssseamtatatetenesoeminane aatmeecreeseneroambepeceaneneeatcagete ee setaf tatetescoatotaa teint doennntae hbenhibetobogeeeeoeertie ene
ESERIES aera rata«si. acacranas benictanseretlneegettroeseeoeesteer tremorRRR temetteremctreosem serie ssccenseteeteetnitestsmettnantstcesaenantetantanaeemaniesmeetanesetes amma eNNceteneeseti ne ku ceuearnaumunennur cua muneneeeaaeeen ae BS Sca SOoeRRSRSN sERRRON RRR UR RR RRR RN ORR RNASE RCS Yemen tanteeeemanan atest esis ORR Bresette meas tag aoe-= = 1-1 RNR eR ROMER MUNN taesatenstenetstesefatetessseaerertetatanstesatabettstanneeetenseaneeeetetenntoteeeetssenssteentstessetssnantes beepers ape sasareeecneseeearecacoreeeesieameensecprstaeeeneratanemeeemmmaeeamnereeeesmepecennte
Teele crepe scatter orate SOO. ERE SRS SRE NO RS RRS ROS TR RO eerteterereteta seo RRs SERRE NURSE R SASK BEN ASSO Bi cSessGnseS oop DONS” Se1o0" as MMMM orssenatecacesesrenmrerenrataretetetessssenearesscatetsertamnserenanarerstetaranssstarsermsececesteseeetanenesssonats Oueteeetateasesmmeeeteterstatesssiseres: MPCMMIMEMRO tetaseseNeestetetarsteteestonstatatetaaatasefatatatataeatssesnaenyevesevecenncecetenatsseanen RS ae sesasenNR SRO EIssn sss NM OMSMOMMIN cee sacesnretasattetenscosasnsacenetetanenenetetstetetesetersesesteseretamenetetntetotetettetaeatasetcbonatotatearenaatetatecetettocasetotetatetatete tel MDmMROROMDDN cs fatecnecteaettanesaseteenseteeenatotetatteeceselstatate!yiaeeset atateteertatetetatteeet
TEESE eee CSR Shee au miemtarniermen ane aig ma ee ae Ree eat RRR eat ar erent aan eae a pense asea sean SST RAP 2 Ss SARA NBORD. a sacatocabarereleesctaterutedesacesapseatetetetotetetetetlegeteesteaannaetotetsetee stem SRN ROO ORE s Ssee REET AN RN BSS UR SRR RRR ss. SPURRNNR. ssn snte sec testtetnnneeannnstetarrreraerme erent eee meme eee meme remem EE REIT Neem SSeS Sana aNMSRNRDI ors? obaeasoeaenbentpenaee rons cacesstrnasatsncesecnsscrsesraneapanetenesetaeen setensterssvssressnsterennerteteneretesrterenasenmeeneneaeceetenemmceararemnasteneneratecsueamaroeapeeeaoteeeat SRA SAAR ERRAND ERS RRR RESIN
ESEEC SRR SE SNe ARNE BENS SON eS SSR ERR RS OR TEER CR RANBIR NANOR erateRenata er PAO ROAR ER IRee ae oe RT CTE STC SSN etarare eenRaa EN RAMA soo SORE BREN BERENSON Sa Basen: sreseserseecemremeteeatat Soe Seca NN ns ena aaa oR san SES Sen ese SRN nn eamhe inti toupee
SRE ESB et Uae RRR iEERE ot See SANA R S ReeSANE a Ss rheRRR aeneeneueneey SEES SES eR RRR 3S RRR crs Ra RetrSRA anea ee Sannin aC mT
PSEA RC RR SCR SSS SERS TREES eee ta erereetennaeertee eNO Sa ore A NN eS POO rants RORY hat arta ARR aren EU TAR een eterevetneatesetennnesecenete
felelelelyteleteteletetsietee teres oie aN 2 aSSSSS aha re?o!otacavatutanetoreteliteletasmry sektenetyr erg’ WAS Saker sya —_ Nes tatenencunner ns Staats ss sors swreerce® Stn nhRHR SiR oN ERERY pfetatetotatetecetaty ters fatal DEAE Re pastevesesarstererntesstott hoists cone Recenee EASeatICO eee nissan NCO asses WRK cee Cio ae"asahah attr anatetetctatetecrteetya ESSE CES RRR ac oooaeeacoes tee eas a lecerern ores NAN Tete SEAN STI SIS SPURT MRSS SECS SSS OR MSO RR MMM osscecescsetecorcteses
HERES SSS oR hectic eR area Se SERS RR Ca RRS RS stiRR SS RIA OR TERESI esr SRR Soe OA CRGee ecm sso SARS
ee eSSReen SSSR SRSear RRSS RN RR RRR ES RRS . TEESE Sree sas verse arerataainnte= eleseretolate areswenter aia SSR ioe teeseeantieeniereeutennmnterenet RNIN eerie eternatarassetnemneseneitentaneegptanstete! ia
eRe ROSE 1 ROSES RR RRR RRR RO OnnoSP ghtte enhBR tinninnn seen EEERNS SESS Sachets ra cate eee EDS ROR ERRnua ERnanan ERAteARR SOC ee UR ease restscttstinssprutnnte semen setae steers gta. temttrtteneig eatin Mess entre tentetetne mtn niet eR NRE SEU RINT
SSR os aaa SAGO ele atheehnnctanemantvesen iene taemaeenne eae oe RR NO RRR TR UR Ns aera RR ee ERR CORN SSR SRSAreore SOS BSCS RSS ono RRS toss ROR ROR NUR SR RS SRR AReR SS oatecateteante ana ROS RRSHES Rt a teresirr's se RT ORR CSROSS ES ORERR RR RR OR URAHARA AES RAO SO ORNS spatahesetenatetetatetetatetatatatatatONteseretetelate?seeeeag et total tare re en RRS iuusnsnratanunaann sesame teeta eet meee eae a Nefatotatecscesesspesosasecconseseneregatee talemeroseseabcnaeerteeer ere ocazatepentatatannteteeneatenetatst
RANA SRR ons RRB AMR sesseaesctreeete saabasatabataratatatatatatetatetetaneceenatssenstatecstatobetatatscotatsranteeatenatrtecetstateateente ceases neteaatatasetebeee toto g ara ncbessgnasenastenernaetensiepenstreaetbestecseceater avert tereteareteaeietttendertanmreaeentetete
SERENE ROBO aR RR ROA RRS RES SESSA oO RR ORES RRR Ss eseaetheeettoanertaieite eensteee hte oe RRM RRRL et RUMORS rset tteratnresnstantesnantert me artenneumetonte tenet tetera ines reeset termee mamma ease aateemeatemaetereateeteeseeemenemermtemaeresnermamertnecege eet
eee atest rrarantaanteenabetetaeetet er RN es. NR SE URN RON EES Nets seaisceceee se eae Seema a eas eee eRe ns RR ORE RRR Se RRR RRS RRR RERR sean cing sats ae SEES SORE RUN RRR Rs arene eR RS ee ans RRR RR ETRE RUN i rence rintianattntinir ne isearantea EERRRRR RRE Nseitiatanaetetanaterererstrtehoneaanteneeeetists RMR reese RN eacoeeteteseceeetetsinaestamestsntatebabnerstotshrsaaesesznveneseetiemsnnzseatebatosirersneeseey ets atte anaes og SAE RR ARN BRR etreswescirseteeteesrsnseteste
Bienes trastatacesacoteseratetctstatatatrtatecnceeetetesster soe ose ROMER res reoeretber eset pratesetieastetatstaegteneracetetelese etaienannstetarstnnetevateteses natecetat ORNS ORS RRR RNR Vavacrese sesesccecesacnteieteterecstaratsteretety
BONS ae Racca Seesone peti SSCS SSR eh SEE REI RS SIS NISC * SRE ROSS RSS et NO RRR cee oom eAeannaeuuuymnreeneeeRee OO ENRON rr riannigtsyinier eatanensiataonmnememtemmenreeneneeeteteeteety
RN Reesueneamn RORY 0's EO an ts SS REC RCRRER ESR pS ae RRR RR RN RAN Simhat Et ND DEN OURS U RENNIN i aacae RN CLASES RA RRR NSE eae ee eRieee RURRO RRR SURO RUN ractseyachatheass-riereuse me meaneroe aceene emen emma rime ee etree Settee Nee CSR RR ies RRR EL aR NRO REI MMRDA Yanna a tatat NUM E toeeceeiisntetersra asst eoesnahenanratstmeneteoeetaeetoeeeeataneteeeeeeetnet
SERN REO SORE SRR wut COO uwRURS OR RUN OSRR eaten ER RRR asORR ERR RR iSNR RSRR aRRRR SRR RS RR SNR eR RRR aeRR RaRO RRR RRS ECR RRRNRRS SORA RRO SRRS SAAN NNN eterna eeeee NS RR Nec roeseateeeeebeneatataeasgeeheenererneenehamsauaeaaeeaereeereereeceaseamtereatamabativastenestesasssamnsitacsnressatmmmetetatasstatacatatasssatesespaestesnacepetatameseesrereeepeetetatetssasssreaneenetetagatatetanatstat Tet
SNA se tatatstanraterseeteterente reeset eaeeeoo MMC esesetatonasstenetesstasesamtaratetatehtesteaetasstctaprasfosetesetesenasesatesateSateteSereeutecntntresyanystetarapasrasesepgetersganetayeqatagoatenrsnenberogeeserectcemenisansestsratarsceeoreaeetarataeeteeateteeateaaeeearenetete
SoS a telat SBM RRR castes Seeritieuueesmameae cuaetanan ate teeter Soother tneuameeeenre ee tse
SCer a erecayetscenareneta cece encesesrseteente aoe Nestea aeeaet es SMR RIMM sons ezesoesriscenatatensarogsaotetermtetesesatatysaanmecenetesstonntngetenessecransmseasteteteameeeensansenseesaaeanar emer secre ame areeseneemastestatessomtarsenentecessescaberietamsenetenmseatatatesspenctesctesetenn
SER RRS SRE SRR RE hnRRREO RSC ASS RSS RR RRS en oR RK ois RRRRenn Nr RR etorat ae stearate atiea aeRRR ERR RR Ren nee RR eee OR RN ceseratereteiestorecntenenaratesetetecetnraceretet eee as ee Le olen RNR at ccaseteseeatees SRR ONEROUS ENE NRE RRS NANOS WE tess scteteccctisatnesvaneeesteneeseete ee
& Wengoeneereee sma $e SRPES SERRE ecco eec is SIEALETER TEESE ES NER SSA See ERS Sree NESSIE Seda ick etaaaraeution anaes age
saauuamnaeneeeeccmeat ee oe RR i SO
eon SARS setetetehatc ete eciticsl tro tatacacacarpaeteae rac oher eae OR EIR ocean Nears So NI GMD NNN RMMMN MM ahaa naiatatetoteatatetatitavenscatennratisesetestastetettietetetelatelatersberatatate otetandsalatasaetctateteh Oatatsteetytetrey eres]
FESS RRS SEAN aE RRA RAR RUNS aS Ree ae ee SESS Ee SORBET EARNER SHORE aneasRUDRA Sans RR RO RRO RNNAD RU OSU DSRS RY SRR aS Soran titateent eacetsteceneetotetsteresnteceteras tern C ena tes RT RRR RUC a ean cueummnenaiuunrmeameamcuremmeamnmammemenne eRe EE SER EEE ee eee eenepentatatets SIRE RRR ROR RARER RRR RRR RRR aes nsOEE cate RRARE OARS RO SSN ga ROC OOONER Se aaa caine se RU RHRR ESAERR RRRBR RRR UE ERR RXRSOR RR RO RE ERS RRNA SEES RRS oRRR ESR RRR ESR OR OOS ND SOURS NOR So ETS SOROS OREN SRNRCNN RON RR OER RUSS RRS PRE eRORR Ne TSN OAS SDRRR aor inerrant tans OR SNS anes ROS ORSesto OREORSRR BNNN RRS SEER Re Min misaciseananee neta aaa aeRO SE eR SRR eee oreieasnacaoea eee REE RIS ercen oR RN ioe ih RR RRR OCR ATC ORR RS RRR RRS NR SORES ROR Roane Rennes SUES NR CAUSA REE OS REE NORE RR peareeree ease emuanses at aerete erecta rans taheanttetetsoetetamearetetetetatsss SRNR RRM a Nea NN SN REN i Nr ooo rae anerevetosetareranaconestaeNtadselalesaresctatoseatetensdyeseresmetrarestenesstangsaerssacerasssesecestensaseet sree stansegeserte anseatelatatatenseenscentectetety
SARA SR NS BR ES RRO RNS BRR oo RR RN CEE RR SER eS Rts EN See ee RS ARRAN RAND RENN aaa taeresereereen emma eRe eaten eee Aeseenaerinrranernte nein aremee eee Sea Rereatccatatarsepereetetae iesestensnanerneenen eee ae ereealeteterantetatetetetetentietetetes
naan chara RR ies RR Nesire arene aanRRR en eauaNNees esON sueeaa NG 4 ORS SS EROS sits SOR POON RsRA eeeCORRE areca RO RRR URE rn ER Nee ansRES RR RRR SN sesenarelaransteconeeessiiat Neat ren tas RPC rece NAANRN ses." ROM OURO choco etatetenetenrsetanetotetasnnstysetetsterstcio Maureen cetera eae irntttattites ORR SE A RRS SRR EER RR crate RNAS SO eee Se RNAne e Nore RECS EIN ORE ROR RNR SERRE a nee RRR eee sc oR Rs RRR chee cuenta ati eee ent ee aranehatacicseescsteepeatatete dst RSMO ANeS tera aE Lat act fora oss BPMN IOE A octatatesesstoteAtgtalcssmartetabtatseceseassenssssseseseesatatatatereseterateenuicietecotsittetny aesetenraeeetata I eanencerentemee ate oatoretetebetatetatateessnostacenmnenentoentatepge eee
NR tatarssstete gene Te ERs ese ees seitesas See reat ietetaranoestreantecervsatst atta RSAC er eenttaneeratboerar alent unk incpearoeserereoonese RRS RS misiangunerneeinee tse
TERRES AIRRE asiRAR Dae A A ere eoteseas taaamreasenteresatceteseseseteseronntnate coats ttetnesvancosesesenmanrtrerteeetetatemte senhotarennenananinanttastatarstetstensmunasessasseetirstindreene anette seeneeaticeeeeereete RASSSANS RE RRR eatenNba serene neatetoteteratetenetatetriatetetaretstatetntateeevrteratotetatetetatetescsstecetite eee ON mC eceaeemreetececeter eae arateieeae mana aTatatanantrstetatetatotateretatete’|
eS esesreomacnmnepententctehtaassreteecezatesteezseeeseaerteseaneerese mote emma eeeeeeeteeereeere ee ree emer etreereteaeieee etter eee ee Sosa SERRE SSS areata ttotatatitatat teenie
230 Craftsman of the Cumberlands hundred-dollar banjer.” Morris's baskets, however, seemed to be much better designed and made. Two other men should be mentioned. Coy, who was born in 1894 in North Carolina, lived in a mountain hollow near Wooton for more than forty years. He claimed to have been called to the
area by the founders of the Frontier Nursing Service at Wendover to make chairs, a craft he learned from his stepmother who showed him pictures of chairs. In the 1960s he still occasionally made chairs, which he said he sent to an outlet in Massachu-
setts, but the only customers I know about were tourists who stopped in front of the Hyden town courthouse where Coy was peddling his stools. “Them look jest like factory-made chairs. He’s copied them off
a factory-made chair shore ‘nough,” said Chester in regard to Coy’s chairs (fig. 123). Hascal even suggested that one of the chairs was not handmade at all but rather was a factory-made chair that Coy was falsely claiming as his own. Coy was elderly and in poor health when I met him in 1967. His sons refused to make chairs, he said, or to help him make chairs (one is a farmer, the other a coal miner). Coy was then producing only a few stools
and rolling pins. The other man was O.P. Jackson. Born in 1891, he had had, he
proudly repeated several times, only five months of formal schooling. His son, who lived close by, made beds, chests and tables in cherry and black walnut in direct emulation of the imitation Early American high-style furniture produced in the furniture factories in Berea. “I never liked to make chairs and still don’t; you can’t make no money at it,” said O.P.’s son, who claimed to have taught his father how to use a lathe and how to make chairs. Until 1930 O.P. whittled chairs with a pocketknife; together father and son “packed ’em” five miles to Wayland to sell, receiving $1 for a settin’ chair and $5 for a rocking chair. “Boy a dollar them days looked big as a bedspread,” said the son; “we thought that was a lotta money.” Thirty years later they had increased the price of a rocking chair ninefold, but hoped to get still more. O.P. contended that the box-bottom chairs (fig. 124) and stools he once made were based on his own ideas. “I don’t have no
ee a ae OE os OR ee a eee er ee era Cr 2 SE RRS cae ee See ee ESN SS CES SRE SSE SRE ESTES E OR RE EUS Ce aa ee ae ee Liha nane tenses touts coins otis bh phn eet anette ning nda oe ah al aa ai ccd
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Reet n CeO RRR RRR SR Sa NUNES RO RRS ROO OL ORR RON, SRA a SUR PEER Se eee oh eae i ea eee ma eR coe
SER RRR. 1 a RRND RReee aOR NTR O ORO Sea NO 0! SRS oe ERO Rae GSee ROCceca a ES, SR RR Re ree ERR tee RRR i a RR .Baca. oson Ses | SENS eeNOTSES eee SEs eas RRR
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SRR MKRRERERED. oa Sito titties ats Setiiacattnn ie aati RRR RO AS OREN CRC RNR PRED CC RRS CEO N ARTS 9.000 RNR IRENE CeS ea sn leone aS SD NORE RACY SOON TNA SCN ASR CERRO ESSER Bun NBR S RRA RRR ENN ANEMIC SOCR RI SORRNR os sri ateretetemeteanatecetyetetate |
SESS SSG SSS RoR aN ODN ENRON. SAME NT SRNGRC rus AES 3 Sega eR SSS Stee eR RRR OS SSE SS SsOSDIR rye SSSR ROESOLS SIRT te ec Pesan re Riwun se atuoneee a RRSRR SS RRR OSS ee oS SeSRS ee eee eeRERRENARRRISS atARR Bee 4 Se Bee SGeenmrenne CRS SOE BEEUUE ES CRSee RRS cS 1 eR lSeee a eee pa = LAA Sonn ea SCSTS RR ROOROOTORNRGE eR NR eS ea ORE RR RS ceeneneee Se «+ - : emmeemneRNTIC C NT ROSAS REN OS ORL RSSU SUR SNRRSSREN NSE RO otices eaten SNES ra OESORRR Sspenne Lehn anes eenON BR Beane av haa Se et CERN See LICENSE SEES SSS Se eT RRSetena nh ORE IN -c0 Rp anEEE sa cath aerate SUniet eerno Reaeatin eRRS CISC DUPE sgttOOS ISS RRS SRNR Ooeen RSS osae Sey Semnye se oc seSSSR cue, Sageamee ce dec ae SR HERES SS oe EE nee eee Ne nee AMEE certs ts carinyeu mare ecererereeert TIES ERR ane Raster nce RENN UAE OCER SRE OS IC eR CONS SER SES RS RR «oR RS RSS CeO ENR: RAE iF SS BS Ste SRSCoc nant See aR ES Seno ante RRR SS Om SERRE:ne ao pean aoee SSSER SS Bie eon: Oe RNS CeSTKSRE Rae RN PRON aaa coeR peste!RC Seis ENoR LAE CSR RRR [ISNA gSSE ne So eeeeeBESS Se os Senn ee ORR eG aeSRR paneer See So Rae aetonyeeSe iee Sinnineiiie., = SRR BaEe“SS 38 Soe Scere eae OR Meee ee OeMappa RR Se ween ea ae Beetecnnese eaeunten SE Ree Saata reannpen nmeeecan se eummeetem AON Bee US RRR ot us Suntr cnnuniteenec anu heate e arta R eeSRROMER ee SST ae REN SRORRIN RSeee Sa SS er a eR es ee cinemannuanennermenee CORREA SESS Bae eaenaees Seats FRET C TS NTN CREE RRM EN RRR RRR EST ETN RN ERR S SCREENED SCOR SENS re CIN e, CE ea eee eSSecSLi aEcoco eee Se EeRa ae OOS. RRR Batign chen CE wane heen da Biol sennssuctegemmemmeemntoemree RTT ORES arcane Set SRR MRM RRND SOSoe Sika. Rei hae eee Oi CRRRRE SS RECESS ae aS ee ee Re Reeesa.SOU 2 Bean eS. RNS reeeeeeCN SERRE RRRRRS ScnsSRE RRSOS oc Se ae eee iS Serene aa Ree RUau mg SSrnSEE EERE SRO Coot CER ER ECE NASON kt ROBO eather ee upeicamsea maumries octet eee ns oR SREY Ye Nt OREN SION ERS Seas BSL R RR ero cetetete sh eee tenant abetrceenie saree eee ee topea eeteteteteeteantnn nti oo OE EES
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RRL RO ROMER SMB nonce ac cel SENTERO RES PR ian SSSR aisnarra SeatEOIN ASRNRCS. RR ROSSER a RE DNORR a ROR Sa oc eaancinemin ete Re. OER RRR Linen, atts a ee ORS RRceRRR aetna ROSE a SS SSSRE SORE REOSNR R BERRA EIS SER ORR nc ae a CS ec an REIL oS SRR OS eS RN aoe tea Re e RRR sennphiener ya cman segs neat SSSR Oe NEOUS aS ees ESET ASR Re
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Ee Soa Site erase etcan ERR SRSERCO SESSERR PRE RN agaRO Pee SRR Nee Cca ORNS neOueeROR te ee AL ante RRR. Sa RS RR aReanaees RRR cee eR et nO NS CR RR ORcreme RS PRES Cae mE sianonn Naren asa ren uinne Se RsON eo. Ream nt RRC aaRL neoc RO Caan cure Sn es < Ea areata are ee SURE CERRER |. RRR a Ss SESS SRR ee ee SRO 7. NOR OER RNS ence gn tome ee ans aoa ea RR RS eee OR ee
ee ERR ae Se ces eee ae ERR DRESSES Sa ee EE SEs Se Ueaceacamencs orate i Sa RR RRR SNe OS SSeeRas c cchcnagentiers Ney Sa ERE ORSON aoOAS ARON SRORARSN a SEAR fo Es Sl ehzoat neuen enna nesSOR ueemnnen eee eRRRR RRRROOM natintonnen cement neenes eunerecuimn a ice ae cegua eR ent ccrgerancn cientRO en ac eeeREET BREN an) os GR ORR ORC TR EROSoeCREME,
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Rees eee Bait ca ena ce eee RUE NS RSs gi a Setranenreetere SeaSE URCAN I ERSCCAIR RUM AC RIEUNS Cs. oR RO CRABS REL reer apres Ste canes ocaptneln esgettie ste tes SESS SONA MNP OA ES cetacean et a atte BRUNCH SCRE RR EER Re NOLS SN ONS RCE IRS RGSS RNS 1OeSER SS SRS TRS RRR eecemee meee err SPREE ARs CER sca eine ae aAe trot ae aseeegatrarent. STARR RS SSSR NR RToe HOUR RR er? SHURE RUN RGSS CCRC ara ania aS He Mn A UU er Loa asa eR OND Sie ae eg Sonneee aussiece Sn csaraaattn sagen ctESR AI,ER EAR ESR ae SecuniaRRS Se ertee steer Sinica vie eantecn ctant ecg certs TRSEES esiegret a SSG Rennae aaAERae SRS aec Reeccc SOU Wa SURO eRe, .| Sueeertenye cht engageta RES CRF oie RSoeiN oe ceaeS asNE SEReneS eS Ba oR
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ERE GROSSES RRR RR UR RS RSS a gE a EES ASeS lr SSRI ee SSR See CSS RR SRRSa RRR a ae SS Uir ieoes eccentric, RR ee ee SRE Se ee SEUSS og. eee ER
es (OEE URSIN SSE EE ag eh Sh ON pecenatie sssarto na RNG Ny ARE RG RO SECRET EAE Sn eg ithae aaa e e MC ANE SSC Ti eee tateninpe, noone ren tonwecy SERENE eae
RS eRe RRR ea aR eae censored nts dea nae ue wun ea dunn: en ee: IRE S R honeocanrs. suck cuuece sue niens coe mae eRe et oe eo SES OS i ee
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ERS SERSaree OS Oo ORR aR ca a umn enact Shae SRNR SKINNER ASKS RRR NI Ree ne RR el SR SERS CRT SRE SURR DCRR EC ER UN SS RARE CERES ORDi CRE SS RRR citRRRSe a een aae ar ak EASES Gacy erannesSerer ‘SRR ES HOMES caSR tieSNS CORRBRRS oho RR a ot ee RS SSE SS SR cee cei ign Speen buhSeen SASL soSURES 2COAR SERRE Se RR DERcee=ROOM ROR Peeeeee
SRR ree So gad ee eatEERIE nee omar a SASS ad ennge aoS naeeerennn eames ols RE SEER a OR CoeaER oe RES aetna eeeaie ha eh REE. CR ote metcr ERS ee gi RES SE Se Ck oreOe eee SEGRE ate 0Soh SERIE SIS Scr Seiad GE SERS Su recuse OR Se7CCRC Re SO SecooO ee ESSER OR SERRE SoG RT ho OR oR oe aoe oo a MR oh 1. Gaerne tate ea eee, deena nara Sad Sa TS Se co se mea Soe Smee eG
FERS SSetd SRRoe, TE Soa CERES OSE ae STEER aR PERE RESge SECBS SOREN ER NARS Rs ROR RE SESSaha OOS aCGE IC le eee he ORE alee cree uaa osCSCR cage Mea ERTS EER SEE eSOEE SE SSE San E RSG RRS Ss SE Rc eR CTS CeO ike eee otal et ng oSbege cece OR ASS SER SRE SS SR SRE Se hacore sarge onsen Bre ou aoe SS aac Se ee SSCS SSS SIREN SR ae RS EOS ESN SS SNCS PRC er ORE NEN RS Se EOD REMI ERR GR IES OSE eR CR ce od enon Cog he Cg PRR RES SEERA Nt CORRE Sots Eee RRR RUS HSS SRE SS SOR Seti oi cata ameieee SARI oS ae en uot tae SER MRER MRR MGE RENE ARERR TREK ESR RR BN reenter ett graren etter igh ag he oh aceon eater Si oile sibs eee neat sine te DUR SMPES So SESiOa CURRIN OSB RIED SSS PEN MERU IR DORR TINS
So ReSREge Soares eee RES ES ESS 0SnaOsEeES RR SRR RRR ES SEE ORS SEES SaSRR OS oeoe DSRS So aS GSee ee aieFER a eaeSSS Ea aeS TIRE SH ONT SS SSE Ee SR Sn ERE SR oN SRE Ee ccRG RN Reeee aSeaioae seaeSEE Sat i cuaruae ae SE Sere SS otha aoc my gc a eG aSSE sO a geSOO SRN AASERCRR Ea CEE SR ee CSR SR BSugebenremntes SRE SE SS Se RSM SR SER ee eee cine aeSER ERIE gies0S00 ooSER SERUM ea ON gk So) SS eeae ee
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BRC. ORS ae ew Se UE ee SISOS SEER GoNeen Sige naietiaunatranamtencc eh Sua a ae Rane SOR Sco ets CS SoeRO ORE, 2 FR eee eeRUS A a STE Oa No UReeae eer SOR aan ee RANTS OLR REE OMEN NEgSRE S RES esSRR SS eg EEgeee
OSA SSE aS a SSS Ghetinatt eean SES ge eee Re wR ARES ESR SR aaaBRU ara GiseS ng Mane eM SR ciara ee ee ORR igIoSES REG SR cS oe BUR OSS, ER eeeSCR Ree HS BRR aI aDREN ea NS AEE SR RRR RE RE RN a Ta RE aeteSSE RE | SSSRhaan OSG SR ES Ne ae Se Be ee Bean aaeESS eT aSSa a ORO RN SRE RO Si Bese So SEES oo ach couaaiamenian cnnahtte atoiSE unearned anaes Ge See SE Btpo og RRESS tae EO “ag og SeteaSEER SS SUS go gesSES Se RCS Sighs RECS Ea SE RRS SaRRS ie oo OE LOS neSeSLES eSSR SeSSeSShak on TUES pS ASE SSEeSSE SL ane OAT ge COO a age se elnicagege eke bu matty an sae irate peanuts Re aE RENO eNO NI NON LON RRR SURES Ri ORK ore RE NN RRR ES NSE RUSS REE TN RSC RS ORE Re aE ATES ETE eC STE ENT STF SEE EE SING a! Ingagsesey:
y y Coy, , y, in
e rdchairs e a eged] made b Co of Wooton, Kent ck wo settin
937 ( f ) and in e ear y 950s. The later one may not be handmade
at all .
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education never been to school more’ nN fi ve months y lif *
y ee Ww 2g ce ina wnile. You o1n one es makin | in’ Ww 1 ign.on 1 just started e . chairs with box bottoms an’ ever Y one like ‘em SO I kept m ki ’ ut you kno there’s otta be new desi ns on h il Ye
e :e e’
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em. , who also claimed e to° have originated the double
- Om Cnalr, Sal at SOMeEDO y in the Wayland area got the idea from him about 1960, and that is indeed th wL. evan tO Inake Mat Kind OF CNnalr e e e
fore, ver to disco t hinh fact d borrowed the box-bottom that hethhad . e€ 1ae€a OxXe
Kentuck, althou Co Mma hd y mayhhave developed the idea indepen-
— Se ne =~ = SO ee — = oo SRG a - - .. Es -— | Cs SES a_a fh=|.Seteasorensrenens Os Scns eee = Se Heee RaRR eoCE SeNSLe eeSaeeeSoeerases RRSateen eee ee ec : Ce #4. SR a SERN RR: See SARK BSUS EERE RE
Po S SoniSanceunoneencnncn HAS SERRE EE SENSE ORESORE Niece mntinnn ae 39.8 030 ee ue Ses Sree ieee cennceeeeey setter reenter RERARH MARK ASSES Hirde.
oS SS SS SSS SES SER apenas mites Sane eens teetante OR SS a KAA No Seeneuuniekeneeeee OREM REAR RE TE REED 1 ID n
Poe|. |. eee ‘ oe Bo =Zoe ERE Eeee NS8 Orchid, Louisa County, \ — Virginia, Square-post slat3 back C. chair, southeast of Gum
a Spring, Louisa County, a oaes B Virginia. D. Mule-ear slat-back
mi chair, north of Alpharetta, eto Fulton County, Georgia. palnear E. Mule-ear slat-back chair from 1Ege Louisa, Louisa County, Virginia. F. Mule-ear slat-back 1 ro chair inSouth Paxville, Clarendon = B.-4,County, Carolina. Henry
pi Glassic, Patterns in Material Folk . i— Culture of the Eastern United D
\E States, pp. 230-31.
. IN cea ca TY yp SARIN) =
S Lon na
chairs (both rockers and settin’ chairs), and bark-back chairs. Some chairs have woven seats, others are panel-bottom. Types and subtypes are traditional (not just the researcher’s analytical constructs) when reflecting “native cognitive categories” and serving as models for craftsmen, thereby exhibiting, or testifying to the existence of, continuities and consistencies in human thought and behavior. Aaron’s first settin’ chair, for example, was closely patterned after a mule-eared chair made by a neighbor; Aaron conceived of
it as typifying handmade rather than factory-made chairs, and therefore as traditional in form, material, and manufacture. Chester’s two-in-one chairs constitute a distinct category of chairs. Although the overall form was unprecedented in other men’s works and not emulated by contemporaries or successors, it extended or transformed concepts of traditional form and design (e.g., handmade, ladder-back, mule-eared). Some craftsmen repeated or reproduced certain design elements within a general form, which therefore are traditional. A rocking chair by Chester’s uncle eighty years ago has finials, barrel arms and turnings (fig. 63); so does a rocker that Chester made fifty years ago (fig. 66). Rockers constructed by Verge, Hascal, and Aaron in the mid-1960s also have barrel arms; on some of the chairs by the latter two the arms have flattened surfaces on top, so there are no turnings on the arms (e.g., figs. 102 and 114).
Some symbols are traditional, and some traditions or transformations of them are symbolic. The heart motif on Chester’s chair for his daughter represents love. Chairs of walnut and extensive ornamentation are seen as expensive, special, and suggestive of social and economic status. Plainness and simplicity of design might be associated with austerity, lack of ostentation, and nonmaterial values. To Aaron, the slat-back form and evidence of personalization of design stood for traditional values and ways of doing things in the region with which he identified strongly. Factory-made chairs suggested to some a lack of per-
sonal pride in making chairs and connectedness with people. The deeply curved slats on some of Chester’s chairs were like “somebody huggin’ you,” protective and providing security.
240 Craftsman of the Cumberlands Apprenticeship is another area of traditionalism in chairmaking. Chester began making things by hand as a small child, later
operating the turning lathe while his grandfather Cal made chairs and aiding his uncle Linden as he wove seats. Aaron’s training came when he joined Verge and Hascal at the chair shop. Hascal had helped his father Verge and uncle Everett with
minor tasks. O.P.’s son taught him to use a turning lathe and other equipment. Coy’s stepmother gave him rudimentary instruction and showed him illustrations of chairs as models. The tradition is that of learning through doing under another's supervision rather than that of formal classroom education or reliance on instruction manuals. The process entails establishing a work rhythm, modeling behavior, and immediate feedback (as well as narrating, ritualizing, and other expressive behavior characteristic of firsthand interaction) that communicate and reinforce ideas about the best ways to do things and the appropriate forms to make. Tools, techniques of construction and choices of materials constitute
yet another dimension of tradition in chairmaking. A person can
construct a chair from pieces whittled with a pocketknife or shaped with an ax. Those who made chairs for their own use often did this rather than going to the expense of obtaining a turning lathe and the trouble of learning how to use it. They knew, however, that those who made chairs as a livelihood employed more elaborate equipment, including lathe, workbench, slat and post presses, drawing horse, and so on. Working wet wood typified traditional chairmaking. The absence of glue,
screws, and nails in chairs surprised people unaware of the arcane method of making chairs using a combination of green lumber, partially seasoned wood, and fully dried pieces. This was the mystery or secret of chairmaking, known by those who
, learned the craft directly from others. Tradition was entailed in the most frequent choices of mate-
rials and the conventional wisdom regarding wood characteristics. Chairmakers cited the same attributes of each wood, perhaps having made similar discoveries but sometimes seeming to repeat what they had heard from others. Remarks about walnut virtually took the form of a litany: “It’s a pretty wood but
awful easy burst,” said all chairmakers, some of whom had never actually used it. While craftsmen typically chose a common hardwood for settin’ chairs, which was the “right” choice, given the chair’s heavy use and the value of durability, walnut traditionally was used, if at all, for fancy and expensive chairs, serving as an index of wealth and status or a vehicle of special meanings. Some people thought of the activity of chairmaking as tradi-
tional because they associated it with an older way of life. A nephew and two cousins of Chester who had helped him make chairs in their youth, the farmer Morris who made some chairs for his own use, and Chester’s wife viewed chairmaking as a typical subsistence endeavor from the past that was out of place
in a contemporary cash economy. On the other hand, Chester and Aaron esteemed old-time chairmaking forms and construction techniques for what they expressed or symbolized about craftsmanship, aesthetics, and a way of life with which they identified. Finally, some individuals were conceived of as traditional—as types who embody a complex of behaviors, values, and ways of
doing things continuing from the past. When examining photographs of chairs by Aaron (about whom he knew nothing), Chester praised Aaron as an “ole-time chairmaker” because of the form and design of the chairs and the construction techniques and skills that were apparent. To Beechum and Hascal, Chester epitomized the traditional (and master) chairmaker. Some townspeople spoke of Chester as a “character” because of his old-fashioned appearance and ways. Why did some chairmakers emulate the construction techniques, the forms, or the designs of other craftsmen? Why did some of them sometimes transform the traditional, producing innovations? Why were some people drawn to the tradition of chairmaking as an occupation or a preoccupation while others were repulsed? Aaron reproduced his neighbor Henry’s chair to learn how to make chairs. In the chair shop he emulated Verge and Hascal because he was learning but also because he was of subordinate status. Having learned not simply forms and designs but an
242 Craftsman of the Cumberlands interrelated complex of construction techniques, material selection, and conventional wisdom, he continued to reproduce the chair forms. Gradually, he transformed the techniques and designs to distinguish his works from those of the chair shop and
himself from the other chairmakers. He opted for the ladderback style with multiple turnings or decorative ornaments because to him this was traditional, making his chairs stand out from mass-produced, factory-made chairs. Because they were traditional, he thought his chairs more attractive. They were also
more uniquely his, of concern to him perhaps because of his unpleasant memories of life in northern cities where he was just another anonymous worker in a factory. In traditional chairmaking he seemed to find himself. The craft allowed him to live at home in the mountains, gave him a degree of independence,
and provided him the means of doing something well with which he could be pleased. Chester responded to customer stipulation and selection. He
built odd chairs to attract buyers and to attract attention to himself, enlarging his consumer base. Having become known for strange chairs and new designs, there was the expectation of more from him and the promise of publicity. He increased the number and prominence of pegs in chairs in the belief that this distinguished him from other chairmakers, bringing him customers. He experimented with materials, construction tech-
niques, and designs because of his skill, capabilities, and dedication to chairmaking. Rather than simply reproduce a chair, he would focus attention on an aspect of it, exploring how to make rocking or “settin’” a more pleasurable experience, how
to build a chair out of readily available but otherwise wasted materials, or how to develop a single design element into a complex pattern. Sometimes he ritualized the making of chairs, losing himself in thought and immersing himself in chairmaking as a way of coping with emotional problems. The solidity, large size, and sense of enclosure unique to some of his chairs sym-
bolically expressed his need for seclusion and protection. His preoccupation with tradition, and his claims to traditionalism even in the face of techniques and designs that were transformations or innovations, identified him with a period prior to the
times of stress. He was a chairmaker because he grew up with the craft, because he found in it a source of identity as well as livelihood, and because he was driven to it periodically as escape; it was a means of coping, a way of adjusting, and a solution to personal problems. Some people who knew how to make chairs refused to do so. It reminded them of subsistence living and the deprivations associated with it; chairmaking would not provide them with an adequate income, they were not particularly talented, or they derived little satisfaction from making things by hand or for a living. For Verge and Hascal, making chairs sometimes was a way of
making money. Verge turned out chairs of one size, using a simple design and wide bark for the seat because standardization maximized productivity and because plainness in form was
a moral virtue. Hascal often claimed to innovate or to want to innovate, but his chairs were strikingly similar to his father’s whose values he challenged, not through chair designs, but by describing licentious behavior in which he allegedly engaged. If and when he made chairs, Hascal repeated or reproduced traditional designs because of the dominance of his father, his own fixation on the idea of breaking free, and the paralysis that ensued. Coy made the kinds of chairs his stepmother urged him to ' produce and that the Frontier Nursing Service purchased from him in large quantities. To Chester, Aaron, and Hascal, Coy’s chairs were uninspired and uninspiring, too closely resembling factory-made chairs. Morris and Courtney were farmers who made chairs only for their own use; lacking equipment, knowledge, and customers, they turned to models that were most easily emulated. O.P. bottomed chairs in later years with rushes that he bought from a store; he was too old to locate and strip hickory bark in the woods as he had once done and as other chairmakers did, and his son refused to help him. Some of O.P.’s chairs had box bottoms; a principal motive for using the design,
he implied, was economic. “I don’t have no education, never been to school more’n five months in my life,” he said, “but you know, there’s gotta be new designs once in a while.” He com-
244 Craftsman of the Cumberlands plained that someone else in the area had recently taken up chairmaking using this design, competing with him for customers.
The chairmaker repeats or reproduces designs to learn his craft. Once he becomes proficient, he finds he has acquired a set of behaviors so numerous and so integrated that it requires great dedication, desire, and ability to disentangle the behaviors, or to transform or abandon one of them. Construction techniques or designs are used or rejected owing to persons or ideas associated with them, their relationship to the maker’s identity, or custom-
er selection or stipulation. Innovation may be the product of experimentation or seemingly idle play with materials, as well as the outcome of others’ suggestions or expectations and of emotional states and psychological processes. Of special importance
in understanding why forms are repeated and activities are emulated is the fact that, first, they have proven effective and, second, they define the situation, providing models for what to do and how to do it. While novelty is exciting, familiarity is comfortable. The two forces compel much of human behavior. I encountered a curious situation in the 1960s. A museum
director had declined the opportunity to purchase some of Aaron’s chairs for the museum’s collection; they seemed too refined. He thought Chester’s unsanded and unvarnished chairs epitomized folk things. In contrast, the owner of a book-
store and gallery chose not to purchase Chester’s chairs. The sophisticated design and utility of his work assailed her notion of what folk craft objects ought to be.
Which craftsmen and whose chairs were most traditional? Chairs by Courtney, Coy, Verge, and Hascal evince the greatest continuities and consistencies in form and design. Except for Coy perhaps, none of these men identified himself exclusively or even principally as a chairmaker; indeed, several even denied they were chairmakers. None was very good at chairmaking, nor did any of them further the craft by developing ways to exploit the materials, enhance the comfort and appearance, or improve the construction of chairs. When we consider not only design elements, but also appren-
ticeship, tools and procedures, and especially involvement in
and dedication to chairmaking, Chester and Aaron stand out as traditional craftsmen. Indeed, they made traditional chairmaking central to their lives, deriving their essential identity from it.
On the other hand, they were the most innovative. By taking | tradition to heart, Chester and Aaron developed the skills and will to utilize, as well as transform, others’ knowledge, procedures, and designs. They needed the comfort of tradition and the stimulation of novelty, which together yielded a sense of self and self-esteem. CONCEPTUALIZATION AND IMPLEMENTATION
Some people construct chairs for their own use. Perhaps they cannot afford to purchase one, or they want to learn new skills,
respond to a challenge, or seek diversion. Each step in the process may be a learning experierice, and the product may bea chair that “could be improved upon.” Others build chairs for a living. If they work in a factory, they probably do not know, or rarely interact with, the consumer. The product and its manufac-
ture are likely to be standardized; designs may be predetermined and construction largely mechanical. A few craftsmen make chairs not only as a livelihood but also as custom production. They fulfill specific requests and are sensitive to customer
selection. Objects may be personalized and expressive. The processes of conceptualization and implementation discussed here characterize the manufacture of handmade or homemade chairs intended for sale by a maker who has direct experience with some customers. A chairmaker must decide what, exactly, is to be constructed. Of
what materials? Using what techniques and tools? If a chair of a
certain design and material has been ordered, then the craftsman’s choices are narrowed. When the chairmaker builds un-
solicited works for which he then seeks customers, the constraints on forms, materials, and construction techniques are more ambiguous. He can construct chairs according to his own sense of beauty and goodness. He may repeat what has proved
successful in the past, either appealing to the lowest common
denominator of taste or to a narrow range of interests and
246 Craftsman of the Cumberlands values. He might try something new. While the choice is his alone, bearing on it are concerns about income, willingness to cater to the whims of others, and personal preferences and predilections, as well as exigencies of the moment (such as whether construction is routine work or fulfills expressive needs). Before he can build it, the craftsman must visualize the chair. It is likely to fall into an existing category, its overall design a familiar one. This is because in learning to make forms he has
learned typical forms themselves. Moreover, he is creating an object that serves a practical purpose, whether for settin’ or for rocking. Those forms produced widely over time and space must have something to recommend them, and many consumers and prospective customers want no other. Utility and expectation precipitate the image of a particular form, be it a settin’ chair or a sewing rocker, a slat-back chair or a bark-back one, or “a chair just like the one made for ____..” The craftsman may have a feeling, a desire to do something different: to use an atypical material, to turn a different kind of spool on the leg or stretcher, to make the chair special somehow.
The chair’s image is vague, or only part of the form is sharply
focused. Trying to clarify it brings to mind images of other chairs, or aspects of them, and perhaps of tools or construction techniques. To achieve what he feels he wants, the chairmaker may have to experiment, discarding what doesn’t work. If he is repeating a design, then the craftsman is likely to emulate existing techniques of construction. When selecting an unfamiliar wood, however, or one that is difficult to work, he must ascertain its characteristics and imagine how he will shape it to achieve the chair he wants to make. If he is transforming a familiar design and bringing into existence something novel, he will probably recall prior experiences with various materials and procedures, choosing some as precedents, while developing other, unprecedented solutions through trial and error.. Conceptualization and problem-solving do not end when the implementation process begins. Decisions, choices, visualization, experimentation, and other processes continue as the craftsman manipulates materials and constructs the chair. And while build-
ing one chair, he may imagine another. Unanticipated difficulties
could provoke a change in procedure. The grain or color of a wood may have an unexpected effect. Correcting a mistake might alter what was originally envisioned. The rhythm of work and sensations in working can influence the outcome. As one
aspect of the chair takes shape, perhaps the earlier desire, vaguely felt, suddenly crystallizes into an image. During the building of the chair, and certainly after it is completed, there is a process of feedback and response. The craftsman
has perceptual evidence by which to judge his capabilities, the defensibility of his initial vision, the skills required to master techniques. The form is perfect, all things considered, or it is
not. The chair is just what the customer hoped for or it is disappointing. It is practical but not very attractive, visually appealing but not too useful, satisfying in both form and function or a complete failure. Whether others wax enthusiastic, complain, or make suggestions for changes, the craftsman infers much from their reactions. Some of these attitudes, values, and
expectations may influence what he makes, how he makes it, and of what material. Like their customers, chairmakers have criteria of beauty and utility often expressed as preferences and as standards of excellence. Chester preferred the light color of freshly peeled bark in a seat, for example, and splints of narrow width. He used the entire thickness of bark for strength, whereas Aaron and others split the bark, discarding the top half with its diamond pattern and coarser grain as unattractive. Aaron made small pins to hold the slats in place and hid the pins in the back of the chair; over the years Chester gave increasing prominence to pegs, turning them
into decorative features. All chairmakers seemed to find pleasing the juxtaposition of different colors and textures. To produce
cheap chairs quickly, some craftsmen inserted slats of green rather than seasoned wood; later these loosened, rattling when the chair was used. All knew the “right” way to make chairs, but they did not always take the time or have the patience to season the various pieces properly. Some criteria were stated as rules of design and construction. “T don’t like a low seat with a real high back,” said Verge. “I
248 Craftsman of the Cumberlands always made my own front posts 19 inches and the back posts 41% inches,” he insisted. Also, he was appalled at ornamentation. “For myself, I like a decent, plain-made chair.” Verge refused
to make chairs with square posts or to bend the back posts backward or outward. According to Chester, if a chair was made from square posts rather than turned ones, then horizontal slats would not look right; such a chair required a crosspiece at the top
and another above the seat with a wide vertical panel in the center flanked by two narrow panels (fig. 63). Chairs with eightsided pieces demanded slats, not panels. “That’s the only thing about it,” he said, “you got to kind of make your back go in with
the postees.” He also contended that he always bent the back posts above the seat, or carved them to thrust backward. Craftsmen sometimes do not verbalize preferences or articulate standards but let the chairs speak for themselves. Or they imply their biases when remarking on the works of other chairmakers rather than explaining their standards during the construction of their own chairs. However their opinions find expression, the craftsmen’s values and attitudes regarding useful design affect what they create and how. INTERACTION IN FOLK ART
As late as the 1960s (and perhaps in some quarters today), scholars tended to assume that by definition folk art lacks originality, that craftwork is overwhelmingly utilitarian without aesthetic concern or expressive qualities, that “country” furniture imitates high-style fashions, and that, once established, tradition dictates form. A study of chairmaking in southeastern Kentucky challenges these assumptions and uncovers a situation of greater complexity than had been thought to exist, particularly in regard to why the chairs exhibit the characteristics they do. Given the fact that in the craft of chairmaking someone constructs something for sale to another person, an object’s charac-
ter owes much to the tools, materials, and techniques of construction, as well as to the customer and the craftsman. Many chairmakers found walnut difficult to work, for example; if they
used it, then they tended to bend the slats and posts little, if at
all, in contrast to the way they shaped chairs of other woods. A turning lathe produces an entirely different surface from a drawing knife or an ax. When Chester used a router on his new drill
press, he produced rough notching in contrast to the sharply incised ornamentation he had made with a pocketknife. Customers influence the nature of the product through stipulation of design elements, materials, and construction. The ugliest chair he ever made, said Aaron, was a one-armed high chair requested by an arthritic woman in Hazard. On another chair, he substituted flat arms, modeled after those on Chester’s recent chairs, for the barrel arms he usually made because that was what the customer requested. Craftsmen also infer custom-
ers’ expectations through what they have selected in the past, the comments they have made, and the ways in which they have treated chairs. Given a choice between a chair whose seat is of
wide bark and one bottomed with narrow strips, insisted
Chester, the customer will select the latter. Aware that some
customers let their chairs weather, he also made seats with wide bark, which is more durable, he said. Ultimately, however, control over form rests with the individual who uses the tools to manipulate the materials creating the object to be purchased. Is the craftsman an ole-time chairmaker or does he just prank around with it? Does he make chairs for the sake of the money or for the sake of makin’a good chair? Does he
emphasize the beauty part or the lasting part? In addition to motivation for making chairs and the degree of professionalism
and dedication, an individual’s values, criteria of beauty and utility, skill, and style affect the things he makes. Chairs are supposed to be useful. Finials that break if the chair
is tipped against the wall or turnings that weaken the chair are not acceptable on settin’ chairs; a sewing rocker should not have arms. While constraining a craftsman, utility also offers opportunities to explore. How do you prevent a rocking chair from tipping over backward? How do you increase accessibility in a high chair? How do you prevent the feet of a settin’ chair from damaging linoleum floors? In the chairs he built, Chester addressed these issues, and more. Many chairs made by hand are communicative, expressive, or
250 Craftsman of the Cumberlands even symbolic. People attribute meanings to chairs and consider
their ownership (or lack of it) a reflection on their aesthetics, values, or station in life. To one woman it was “sort of an honor, I
guess” to own a handmade chair in a world of mass-produced
furniture. Although he liked many of the chairs he made, Chester contended that some were “too fancy for a poor man like
me.” The brother of the woman who purchased the chair with hearts that Chester had made for his daughter said he “wouldn’t give fifteen cents” for it. Chairs are the objects of associations. They may stand for something as a symbol. Some of Chester’s chairs and tools reinforced a museum director’s ideas for an exhibit of “vanishing industries” from a “bygone era.”
If the objects are symbolic to people after they are constructed, then they and the process of making them are likely to be meaningful to the craftsmen who build them. Because of the
materials, design elements, or other features, chairs may be special and intended to make a statement about the relationship
between the craftsman and the person for whom the chair is made. A chair that is difficult to construct might stand for the craftsman’s mastery. Features associated with the past and prized for this association could become symbolic, a visible sign of invisible ideas and qualities. The identity of chairmaker might evoke a cluster of unpleasant associations or build self-esteem. Tradition plays a part, not as a force but as a source of ideas
about how to do things. Traditional forms and processes may serve as models, having proved effective in the past or being taken as a definition of people and their ways. All the chairmakers made certain types or subtypes of chairs associated with the area. Aaron, in fact, balked at the idea of a Windsor chair, which I described to him; he considered it inappropriate to himself and to southeastern Kentucky. In addition, both Aaron and Chester cultivated traditional forms and processes as a way of defining themselves. The chairs have the features they do because of the immediate circumstances in which they were made. This situational context encompasses every feature and circumstance mentioned before. : Folklore studies in particular, among the several fields in which traditions sometimes are examined, direct attention to the actual
situation of manufacture and use of objects (or the performance context, in the case of storytelling, singing, and so on). After all,
folklorists look for, document, and analyze traditions. These they elicit from individuals or observe in people’s interactions, noting when and under what circumstances traditions were learned or manifested. To answer the question of why products of traditional manufacture exhibit particular characteristics, those engaged in folklore research concentrate on circumstances in which these things are conceptualized and brought into existence. This requires attention to at least the following four matters: ¢ Technology: The tools, techniques of construction, and materials, as well as the uses to which the object is to be put and the means of utilizing the object. ¢ Producer: the craftsman’s self-concept, motivations, and aspira-
tions, knowledge of and skill at this endeavor, values and intentions, and criteria of formal excellence, in addition to preferences and predilections, on the basis of which a characteristic mode of execution, construction, and presentation develops. ¢ Consumer: Customer stipulation of form, materials, and design elements, as well as customer selection of, treatment of, and comments about such object from which the craftsman is likely
to infer values, attitudes, preferences, and associations that inform the customer’s expectations, satisfaction, and object use. ¢ Product/Producer Interface: Models and precedents for a work,
the requirements of useful design (e.g., appearance, access, strength, durability), the process of conceptualization as it affects and is affected by implementation, and the craft identity, activity, or product as a vehicle of expression or locus of symbols. As I discovered in my research, every chair had its story. The
craftsman remarked on some circumstance under which it was built, purchased, or used. He dated it, identified its materials, described the procedures or problems in manufacture, commented on some of its features and sources, and sometimes assessed its quality, attractiveness, and utility. A customer re-
252 Craftsman of the Cumberlands ferred to the date, price, and circumstances of purchase, commented on the chair’s construction, design, or use, and expressed opinions, attitudes, and values through treatment of the chair as well as statements about the object or its maker. ART, AESTHETICS, CREATIVITY, AND STYLE
In my study of traditional chairmaking I heard the word “art” only once. “These are just a marvel to look at as art,” said Hascal
in regard to some of Chester's chairs. “Beautiful,” “pretty,” “nice,” and “looks good” cropped up occasionally. So did “fits your back perfectly,” “sets good,” and “lasts good.”
When I asked what they thought art is, a few individuals alluded to arrangements of flowers or leaves and cones, and the
like, or knickknacks having only a decorative purpose. Such things were not labeled art but were referred to as “a pretty” or as “pretties.” I heard some young children use the terms “a pretty”
and “pretties” in reference to a broken toy, or a chewing gum wrapper, and other objects that appealed to them, but seemed to
have no useful purpose. Beechum’s miniature corn sleds provoked similar responses (fig. 128); they were the sort of thing
that should be put on a fireplace mantel and admired, said several people who saw the sleds or photos of them. Despite contending that he made chairs “for the beauty part,” Chester identified himself as a chairmaker only, not an artist, an artisan, or a craftsman. Searching for an example at my urging, Chester hazarded a guess that the wooden jewelry a visitor had made and proudly shown us might be “art.” In response to my question about what art is, Aaron told me about a man who could have been a “real artist,” for he made excellent drawings. One was a pencil sketch of a boy beside a lake fishing, his pole stuck into the bank with the line adrift and the boy asleep, a straw hat tipped forward on his head and a can of worms beside him. Aaron’s sister-in-law and friends suggested as examples of art paintings by a local woman. I pressed Aaron, asking him if he thought chairs and chairmaking are art. He reflected on the issue while closely inspecting a completed chair, sanding a bit here and filing a little over
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