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English Pages 48 Year 1998
'11La f/£1 zine,
Publisher/Eclitor: Dana Countryman Layout ancl Design: The Same Guy Proolreacler: Tricia Meier Mailing Services: Keith B. Ellis Printing Services: Consoliclatecl Press Seattle, WA This Issue's Contributing Writers: J.R. Williams Ken Saari Brae/ Bigelow Ernie Clark Kevin John Eel Kaz
Coming in out #9 Issue (Ma,):
lli,~Q.°d§ibut are otherwise lackluster compos1t1ons or mundane, sy[~ano~1ons of popular standards with celestial titles like "Star Dust" ahd "Out of This World." The very first "Outer Space Exotica" album (originally released as an album of 78's in 194 7) is generally accepted to be "Music Out of the Moon" on Capitol, and it was arranged and condu cted by Les Baxter. It is one of three marvelous rec ord albums rel eased around 1950 with original compositions by Harry Revel and featurin g Dr. Samuel Hoffman n on the eerie Theremin. The other two are Les Baxter's RCA Victor album "Perfume Set to Music" and Billy May's Capitol album "Music for Peace of Mind." All three were released both;~.. as triple 78 RPM album sets and as individual ten inch LP albums; the two on Capitol we~later combined on one twelve-inch LPLes Baxter's instrumentation on "Music Out of the Moon" is unusual and experimenta l. The Theremin, wor~s voice~ a piano are prominent in a rela lively small grou ~j varying instrumentation including_ violins, harp, organ, woodw1nd'Sfan RJertuss1on. At times, a mild swing/iazz aura dominates, ane.?t o ·· · s~ the mood is rapturous. The overall resuit is a listenifiti'ex ce tha1 lives up to the title, albeit in a quaint and somewhat dated manner. The amazing cover, featuring a scantily
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youn~wim_an seemingly emerging from amoon-like surface, was
: its time. ~ In 1955, a r~cord~entitled "Harry Revel's Music from Out of Space," arranged>a d conducted by Stuart Phillips was released on :f; MGM. It haa,.a nt, J>I standout co~er, 'If. picts ~ a ~teriou~man with long, floating hair, sus~nded in space amidst orbiting spheres. The liner notes reference the three previous Revel Theremin albums, and state that this work is, in part, acon tinuation of those wur~s. The ~ music does sound related, but unfortunately, the Theremin is "'" . ,. not to be found here. A mostly wordless chorus similllr to that on "Mu- ing starsl -~1he nex~~ch of "outer space exotica" records appeared in the hn Glenn's actual journey into orbit. One of ~ early '60s, the ti'm ~'if.l~ of these, "Futtfta," a Bernie original music·' -c;,..,. Green, was am;n·g the.very l 'P.o. eox .ftts-c
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SEE OUR WEBPAGE FOR THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF LP'S Rock I Audiophile I Bachelor Pad I Bluegrass I Blues I Brazilian I Calypso I Classical I Comedy I Country I Elvis Presley l Exotica I E-Z Listening I Folk I Funk I Hawaiian I Imports / lndie labels/ International Artists I Jazz I Latin I Lounge I Metal I Original Cast I Personalities I Pop Artists I Promos I Psych I Punk I Rap I Reggae I Rhythm & Blues I Soul I Soundtracks I Spoken Word / 10" LP's I 12" Singles & 12· E.P.'s I Various Artists LP's - (All categories)
(45's , 78'S, & MORE J Hard to find 45's & 78's - (All categories) /Box Sets I Elvis Presley Items I Extended Plays I Imports I Picture Discs I Picture Sleeves I Stereo Jukebox 33's & 45's I Two - Sided Hits/ 16" Transcription Records (PAPER GOODS , TAPES,_ETC,J Books I Cassettes I Compact Discs I Eight Track Tapes I Magazines I Elvis Items I Memorabilia I Movie stuff I Newspapers I Paperbacks I Photos I Pinback Buttons I Posters I Press Kits - (Rock & Movie) I Reel To Reel Tapes I Sheet Music- (from 1920's • 90's) I Songbooks IT-Shirts I Tourbooks I Videos I Links to music dealers and more !!
tself! They laugh when Jerry Lewis steps up LO the microphone ... and they've laughed so long and so hard and so well, that his talent as a singer has re "1.,_,c
:i Ed Kaz delivers this wonderful "Liner Notes Article" with an insight completely his own; his literary style, his sincerity, and his ~
rtythmic drive makes you wonder why he hasn't been writing long before this. But this oversight can be remedied right now. Pull up your easiest chair and relax ... as Ed Kaz, one of America's most obscure music journalists-writes about The Art of the Liner Note... - Dana Countryman, Editor " -5 Cool And Strange Music! Magazine Everett, WA
]........................................................................................... t 'l'he AR'l' of the LIN~R NO'l'~ ! • •
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The White Album ruined everything. No picture, no title, no song listing; just a plain cover with tiny raised
letters gently whispering "THE BEATLES". On that cold, gray day, November 25th, 1968, rock-star arrogance had cast ""' an entire industry asunder . -5 -0 ~
Sometimes they could be regarded as a literary masterpieces, but more often than not Liner Notes had the feel of a term paper slapped-together fully three minutes before the bell. Whatever the case, Liner Notes were put on the back of LP's for a sole reason: to persuade the frugal consumer of the late '50s and early '60s to part with his or her hard-earned Lincolns.
1l ~ Just who wrote Liner Notes? Anyone from a moonlighting trade-magazine
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writer, to an oily A&Rguy, to ahapless DJ. Thestyle, manner, and taste of The Liner Note veered wildly in those halcyon days: For every respected music journalist like Ralph J. Gleason, there were several hundred "Sandy Beaches" hastily scribbling platter prose in between midnight transmitter-readings at some Godforsaken thousand-watter in the 138th market. Nevertheless, they all shared adaunting task. It wasn't easy to get someone to plunk down $2.99 for ANOTHER Honky Tonk Plano album, when in fact this person already owned SEVEN OTHER Honky Tonk Piano albums. You had to make 'em decide-based on YOUR notes- that THIS Honky Tonk Piano album was the ULTIMATE Honky Tonk Piano album (That is, until the NEXT Honky Tonk Piano album).
'As lonq as inventive qroups Jibe The Buffalo Bills are enqaqed in barbershop sinqing, there can be little chance that the art can qrow moribund ...'
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And somewhere a Liner Noter is smiling.
~ There were times when it appeared as though the Liner-Noter was assuming that P"k> the reader knew absolutely NADA about music:
(The Password is ... WHY?)
~, se4 J03u1s. SU 1ua1u1 S!4 lR!jl ' [JOM OS pue PJU4 OS puu lluo1 OS pa4llne1 OA/O!fl puu "'OU04dOJO!W 041 01 dn sda1s S!M"J war ua4M qllne1 h04.L
Eighth Issue! •Feb. '98 - May '98
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(&CA) 'Allen Ludden sinq? ... that's just what we said! Jae Pleis, a fellow who's produced and arranqed some of the best sellinq records in the music business, brobe the news to me. He called and said, 'Allen Luddencansinqandl'dlibeyoutohearhim.' I was so curious, I said, 'O.K." -JirnFoqlesonq
f,oo/ And~ Musicr - - - - - - - ' : : : . . Magazine
Alas, the poor Liner Noter remains the unsungest of the unsung heroes. It is high time we saluted this grand lost art. Let us now flip our records over and revisit some Classic Liner Moments ...
'Lou Stein's sextet is typical of this bacbroom band. Always the stress was on melody and vibrato. The combination was a smooth as the aqed lager that was beinq served with the hill beef or cheese sandwiches.'
...or it could have been that these stereophonic superlatives were aimed squarely at the casual music-appreciator who would buy LP's on-impulse at the Mom &Pop store-back in the days when Lenny Dee would reside comfortably between the Alpo and the Preparation H.
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§ Jmy Co/oilila Enfurfalm at Yoar Party (DuslgIJ Rucords) ::? 'There are very few people who know how many facets there re~
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They laugh when Jerry Lewi s steps up to the microphonc ... and th ey've laughed so long and so hard and so well, that his talent as a singer has re
ally are to the much talented Jerry Colonna. Most believe that all he can do is use his voice for a five o'clocll whistle. Not so, not so. Although, there have been some who quit worll in the middle of the day after hearing Jerry blast off!"
(. .. And immediately fit d I k le iOrWO( mans comp. I
in case
YOu t.df!LJt H.· ,r,
Dr. JI.array Banks: Jast ln Casa Yoa Tfilllk Yoa'ru
( ...trying to escape?)
My Pludgu of Low
'This album has me equally excited because I thinll it is the best .f2 """ all-around pop album since "Sgt. Pepper." He can do no wrong. Joe Jef" E 0
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frey could sing BOTH parts of 'Indian Love Call' and malle it sound good. He's a most versatile young man." -Sandy Beach, WKBW Radio, Buffalo New Yorll
(I sure hope that "Indian Love Call" will be included on the expanded CD version!)
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ber watching Tony Orlando set fire to his cummerbund.. .) Where have you gone, oh Gallant Liner Noter? A nation turns it's lonely eyes to you. For the answer, simply take astroll to your . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . local supermarket, and read the fine print....
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(Among the "sounds of the Woodstock age" (performed by the notorious Pickwick soundalike group "Tribes'} are "Rose Garden (?)" and "KNOCK THREE TIMES(???)" Those who were there will ALWAYS remem-
is a combination of Will Dr.Murray &mks Rogers, Bob Hope, Red Sllelton, and Groucho Marx as a personality; but when it comes to real psychology-he tops them all.In all the 25 years I have been affiliated with Town Hall here in San Francisco, I have never. never experienced the thrill of a spealler. and that of an audience of about t 500 women who really RAISED THE ROOF ofthe CURRAN THEATRE.'
you our wild re-creation of the sounds of the Woodstocll age. Tribes are into it.Heads unite'.
Normal (MmlJll Anoe.) 'lean hardly find the adjective to describe this
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