Context-Aware Computing 9783110556674, 9783110555684

The book addresses the impact of ambient intelligence, particularly its user-centric context-awareness requirement on da

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English Pages 481 [482] Year 2017

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Table of contents :
Part I: Fundamental
1. Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence
Part II: Context
2. Modeling Context
3. Addressing Context Uncertainty
4. Acquiring Context
5. Protecting Context Privacy
Part III: Context Awareness
6. Querying Context
7. Detecting Context Events
8. Energy Management in Context Querying
9. Context Query Efficiency Versus Expense
Part IV: Context-Aware Data Management
10. Context-Aware Preference Querying
11. Analyzing Sensitivity of Answer Ordering Change
12. Explaining and Scrubbing Context-Aware Query Results
13. Context-Based Information Refinding
Part V: Context-Aware Applications
14. A Context-Aware Ad-Hoc Meeting Planner Program
15. Context-Aware Learning
16. Context-Aware Management of Bilingual Aviation MRO Task Cards
17. FireVGuide: A Context-Aware Fire Victims Guide
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Context-Aware Computing
 9783110556674, 9783110555684

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Ling Feng Context-Aware Computing

Advances in Computer Science

Volume 3

Ling Feng

Context-Aware Computing

This work is co-published by Tsinghua University Press and Walter de Gruyter GmbH. Author Prof. Ling Feng Tsinghua University Dept. of Computer Science and Technology Haidian District 30 Shuangqing Road 100084 Beijing, China Ling Feng is a professor of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, in China. Her research interests include context-aware data management and services towards Ambient Intelligence, knowledge-based information systems, data mining and warehousing, and distributed object-oriented database management systems. Her work received the 2004 innovational VIDI Award by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, the 2006 Chinese Chang Jiang Professorship Award by the Ministry of Education, and the 2006 Tsinghua Hundred-Talents Award.

ISBN 978-3-11-055568-4 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-055667-4 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-055569-1 Set-ISBN 978-3-11-055668-1 ISSN 2509-7253 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress. Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at © 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Typesetting: Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd. Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck @ Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany

To My Parents Shaoqian and Shihuan

Preface Ambient Intelligence is a vision of future Information Society, where people are surrounded by an electronic environment that is sensitive to their needs, personalized to their requirements, anticipatory of their behavior, and responsive to their presence. It emphasizes on greater user-friendliness, user-empowerment, and more effective service support, with an aim to make people’s daily activities more convenient, thus improving the quality of human life. To make Ambient Intelligence real, effective data management support is indispensable. High-quality information must be available to any user, anytime and anywhere on any lightweight device. Beyond that, Ambient Intelligence also raises many new challenges related to context-awareness and natural user interaction, entailing us to rethink current data management technologies. The objective of this book is to tackle the impact of Ambient Intelligence, particularly its user-centric context-awareness requirement on data management strategies and solutions. Techniques of conceptualizing, capturing, protecting, modeling, and querying context information, as well as using diverse user and environment centric context information in building context-aware data management applications are discussed. The book is valuable for the computer professional who wishes to gain an understanding of advanced context-aware computing techniques in the Ambient Intelligent era. It is our hope that the book could stimulate an interest in context-aware data management research by combining the manifold areas of context-awareness and data management in the solid belief that a wide spectrum of relevant problems could be derived and addressed. Ling Feng Beijing China, 2017

DOI 10.1515/9783110556674-202

Contents Acknowledgments


Part I: Fundamental 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.7

Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence Ambient Intelligence 3 A Scenario 4 Challenges of Context-Awareness 5 What Is Context? 6 Context Definitions 6 Context Categorization 6 Characteristics of Context 7 Being Sensed 7 Through Constrained Devices 8 From Distributed Sources 8 Continuous Change 8 Mobility 9 Temporality and Spatiality 9 Imperfectness and Uncertainty 9 What Does Context-Awareness Imply? 10 Users’ Perspectives 10 Systems’ Perspectives 11 Context-Aware Querying 13 Basics of Context-Aware Queries 13 Context-Aware Querying Strategies 14 Supporting Context-Aware Data Management 17 Context Provider 17 Service Registry 17 Context Processor 19 Context Consumer 20 Recapitulation 20 Literature 21

Part II: Context 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3

Modeling Context 27 Six Context Representation Methods Key-Value 27 Entity-Relationship 27 Object-Orientation 28




2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4


Markup Schema 28 Logics 28 Ontology 28 Methods Comparison 29 Context Ontology 30 Context Formalism 30 Ontology Language – OWL 31 Logic Foundation of OWL – Description Logic (DL) Correspondence Between OWL and DL 35 A Simple Context Ontology Example 36 Context Events 37 Interpreting Context as Context Events 37 Temporality of Context Events 38 Temporal Operators on Context Events 40 Recapitulation 42 Literature 42


3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.5

44 Addressing Context Uncertainty Uncertainty 44 Aleatory Uncertainty 44 Epistemic Uncertainty 45 Uncertainty Processing Theories 45 Theory Overview 45 Probability Theory 46 Fuzzy Theory 52 Information-Gap Theory 53 Derived Uncertainty Theory 56 Uncertainty Processing Practices 57 Practice Overview 57 In Economics 57 In Engineering 62 In Ecology 69 In Information Science 72 In Databases 74 Context Uncertainty Management 87 Context Uncertainty 87 Probabilistic Context Events 88 Advanced Techniques of Context Uncertainty Management Recapitulation 94 Literature 95

4 4.1 4.2

102 Acquiring Context Challenges in Context Acquisition 102 Three Context Acquisition Mechanisms 103




4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 5 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.5

103 Offering Context Acquisition Services Unifying Context Acquisition Interfaces 103 Building a General Context Provision and Acquisition Adaptor A Declarative Specification Language for Context Acquisition Point Descriptors 106 Connector Descriptors 106 Constraint Descriptors 107 Quality Descriptors 110 Quality-Assured Context Acquisition 113 The Least Squared Error of Redundant Context Values 113 Failure of Context Providers 114 Recapitulation 115 Literature 115 117 Protecting Context Privacy Balancing Privacy and Smartness 117 Privacy Protection Techniques 118 Access Control 118 Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) 120 Hippocratic Databases 121 Anonymity 122 Encryption 123 Search Over Encrypted XML Context Information 124 A Three-Phased Search Framework 124 Data Encoding Phase 126 Candidate Identification Phase 132 Tree Search Phase 137 Life-Cycle Management of Context Information 142 Requirements for Self-Regulation of Context Information Limitations of Traditional Privacy Preservation Strategies A Life-Cycle Policy (LCP) Model 145 Use Scenarios of LCPs 147 LCP-based Context Privacy Protection Diagram 150 Challenges with LCP-Based Privacy Protection 151 Recapitulation 153 Literature 153

Part III: Context Awareness 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2

Querying Context 159 Seven Context Query Mechanisms SQL Based 159 XML Based 161


142 143

104 105


6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.2


Ontology Based 162 Event Based 163 Logic Based 164 Programming API Based Graphic Interface Based Mechanisms Comparison Recapitulation 171 Literature 171

167 168 168

7 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3

173 Detecting Context Events Integration of Stream and Event Processing 173 Stream and Event Processing Operators 173 Stream and Event Processing Methods 176 Stream and Event Processing Systems 177 High-Performance Context Event Detection 178 Indexing Stream Records 178 Condensed Composition of Stream Records 178 Partitioning Stream Records for Parallel Processing Recapitulation 198 Literature 198

8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 8.4.4 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 8.7 8.7.1 8.7.2 8.7.3 8.8

201 Energy Management in Context Querying Energy-Efficiency Requirement 201 Energy-Efficiency Problem 202 Solution Guidelines 202 Energy Management at Different Computing Levels 203 Energy-Efficient Hardware 204 Energy-Efficient Computer Systems 204 Energy-Efficient Cluster Systems 205 Energy-Efficient Applications 208 Models and Benchmarks of Energy Efficiency 209 Models and Metrics 209 Benchmarks 210 Energy-Efficient Query Processing and Optimization 210 Energy Management at Sensor Networks 211 Energy Management at Mobile Front Ends 212 Energy-Efficient Query Engines 213 Discussion 215 Redesigning Physical Context Database 215 Energy-Aware Query Processing and Optimization Strategies Dynamic Workload and Resource Management 216 Recapitulation 216 Literature 216




9 9.1 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.3 9.3.1 9.3.2 9.3.3 9.3.4 9.4


221 Context Query Efficiency Versus Expense Basics of Cloud Computing 221 Service Models of Cloud Computing 221 Characteristics and Benefits of Cloud Computing 222 Key Benefits of Cloud Computing 222 Concerns of Context Query Performance and Expense 222 Performance Management 223 Resource Charging 224 Tuning of Query Performance and Expense 224 Problem Formulation 225 Multiple Objective Optimization 227 A Genetic Approach for Multiple Objective Optimization 228 Performance Evaluation 229 Recapitulation 234 Literature 234

Part IV: Context-Aware Data Management 10 10.1 10.1.1 10.1.2 10.2 10.2.1 10.2.2 10.2.3 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 10.3.4 10.3.5 10.4 11 11.1 11.2 11.2.1 11.2.2 11.2.3 11.2.4

Context-Aware Preference Querying 239 Query Preferences in Databases 239 Qualitative Representation of Preferences 239 Quantitative Representation of Preferences 240 Implanting Context-Aware Query Preferences upon a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) 241 A Knowledge-Based Context-Aware Preference Model 241 Explicating Context-Aware Preferences in a Database World 243 Personalized Querying with Context-Aware Preferences 245 Contextual Ranking of Database Querying Results 249 A Motivation Example 249 Database and Context Space 250 Ranking Database Tuples Under Context Instances 250 Building Contextual Ranking Functions by Regression 251 Reducing Context Dimensionality in Contextual Ranking 255 Recapitulation 260 Literature 260 262 Analyzing Sensitivity of Answer Ordering Change Motivation 262 Sensitivity Analysis Techniques in Databases 264 Attribute Selection 264 Provenance and Lineage 265 Causality and Responsibility 265 Sensitivity Measurement and Computation 266


11.3 11.3.1 11.3.2 11.3.3 11.3.4 11.4 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.4.3 11.5


Sensitivity Analysis Problem for Answer Ordering Change 266 Review of the Probabilistic Database Model 266 Answer Ordering Change 268 Measurement of Answer Ordering Change 268 Sensitivity of Answer Ordering Change 272 Sensitivity Computation for Answer Ordering Change 273 Five Computation Modules 273 Sensitivity Computation Method 279 Performance 280 Recapitulation 288 Literature 289

12 12.1 12.2 12.2.1 12.2.2 12.2.3 12.2.4 12.3 12.4 12.4.1 12.4.2 12.4.3 12.4.4 12.5

291 Explaining and Scrubbing Context-Aware Query Results Motivation 291 Result Explanation and Uncertain Data Cleaning Techniques Explanation in General 292 Explanation in Databases 293 User Feedback 293 Cleaning Data Uncertainty 294 Design Principles for Answer Explanation Facility 294 Involving Users in Querying Uncertain Context Data 295 Result Explanation 296 Query Recomputation 307 Performance 308 Discussion 310 Recapitulation 312 Literature 312

13 13.1 13.1.1 13.1.2 13.1.3 13.2 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 13.3 13.3.1 13.3.2 13.3.3 13.4

314 Context-Based Information Refinding Characteristics of Information Refinding 314 Refinding Is a Common Activity 314 Differences from Information Finding 315 Difficulties in Information Refinding 316 Overview of Information Refinding Techniques 316 Web Information Refinding 317 Personal Information Refinding 320 Comparison of Different Refinding Techniques 325 Nature-Inspired Context-Based Refinding 327 Brain’s Memory Recall 327 Information Refinding by Structured Context 330 Web Revisitation by Context and Content Keywords 353 Recapitulation 380 Literature 380




Part V: Context-Aware Applications 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8

A Context-Aware Ad-Hoc Meeting Planner Program 389 Early Pioneering Context-Aware Applications 389 Motivation 390 Context-Awareness in ConPlan 391 ConPlan Design Considerations 391 ConPlan Framework 392 ConPlan Context Management 393 ConPlan Implementation 396 Recapitulation 398 Literature 398

15 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.4.1 15.4.2 15.4.3 15.4.4 15.5 15.6 15.7

400 Context-Aware Learning Learning in an Ambient Intelligent World 400 Motivation of Context-Aware Learning 400 Five Kinds of Learning Context 402 Enabling Techniques for Context-Aware Learning GPS-based Learning 402 Sensor-Based Learning 403 Personalized Learning 403 RFID-based Learning 405 Some Context-Aware Learning Prototypes 407 Challenges upon Context-Aware Learning 408 Recapitulation 409 Literature 410

16 16.1 16.2 16.2.1 16.2.2 16.3 16.3.1 16.3.2 16.3.3 16.3.4 16.4 16.4.1 16.4.2 16.5

Context-Aware Management of Bilingual Aviation MRO Task Cards Motivation 412 Generating Bilingual MRO Task Cards (TaskCardGeneratore2c ) TaskCardGeneratore2c Architecture 413 TaskCardGeneratore2c Implementation 415 Searching Bilingual MRO Task Cards (TaskCardFinder) 419 Existing Search Engines 419 TaskCardFinder Functionalities 421 TaskCardFinder Architecture 421 TaskCardFinder Implementation 422 User Study 429 On TaskCardGeneratore2c 429 On TaskCardFinder 429 Recapitulation 430 Literature 430


412 413


17 17.1 17.1.1 17.1.2 17.1.3 17.1.4 17.1.5 17.2 17.2.1 17.2.2 17.3 17.3.1 17.3.2 17.3.3 17.3.4 17.4 17.4.1 17.4.2 17.5 17.5.1 17.5.2 17.6 17.6.1 17.6.2 17.6.3 17.6.4 17.7



FireVGuide: A Context-Aware Fire Victims Guide Motivation 432 Two Real Fire Disasters 432 Reflection of the Real Fire Disasters 433 Necessity of FireVGuide 433 Assumptions of FireVGuide 434 Principles of FireVGuide 434 State-of-Art Firefighting Techniques 435 Supporting Firefighters 435 Supporting Fire Victims 436 Solution Requirements 436 Building Structure 437 Timeliness 438 Simple Interaction 438 Reliability 438 FireVGuide Architecture 439 Hardware Deployment 439 Software Architecture 440 FireVGuide Guidance Generation 441 Evacuation Route Generation 441 To-Do-List Generation for Trapped Occupants Evaluation of FireVGuide 446 User Interviews 447 Empirical Experience with FireVGuide 449 Effectiveness of FireVGuide 450 Efficiency of FireVGuide 453 Recapitulation 455 Literature 455 459



Acknowledgments We would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who have worked or are currently working with us on ambient smart and context-aware data management research and projects. These include Peter M.G. Apers, Tharam S. Dillon, Willem Jonker, Pieter Hartel, Nicolas Anciaux, Yuanchun Shi, Arthur van Bunningen, Harold van Heerde, Richard Brinkman, Wenwei Xue, Yuanping Li, Xiang Li, Tangjian Deng, Jianwen Chen, Hao Wang, Shoubin Kong, Jun Wang, Yiping Li, Qingwei Liu, Liang Zhao, Li Jin, and Bo Wang. We also wish to thank Lijun Bai, our executive editor, for his enthusiasm, patience, and support during the writing of this book. The work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

DOI 10.1515/9783110556674-204

Part I: Fundamental

1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence Abstract: Developments in ubiquitous computing and ubiquitous communication, together with intelligent user-friendly interfaces, eventually lead to a world in which computing functionality will be embedded in all kinds of objects, which are capable of recognizing and responding to individual human needs in a seamless, unobtrusive, and often invisible way. Such a vision is coined Ambient Intelligence (AmI), whose aim is to bring information technology to everyone, every home, every school, and every business. An example is a hotel room that can adapt automatically to its customer’s favorite room temperature and music choice. In the AmI world, for computers to be able to fit human environments, they must be in proper size and shape, appropriate for their users, and adaptable to the users’ world; in other words, they should be context-aware. This chapter addresses challenges raised by context-awareness on data management. Characteristics of context and its implications from the standpoints of both users and systems are discussed. Reference to relevant research activities and applicable technologies are meanwhile provided. Six context-aware data management strategies, using context-aware querying as a case in point, are further illustrated. A context-aware data management supporting platform, consisting of context provider, service registry, context processor, and context consumer, is provided, where context-aware data management is situated as context consumers.

1.1 Ambient Intelligence In comparison with several other terms like ubiquitous computing, pervasive computing, and wearable computing [14, 54, 64], which share a common vision with AmI on integration of networked embedded devices into people’s background, AmI takes this integration one step further by realizing environments that are sensitive to people’s needs, personalized to their requirements, anticipatory of their behaviors, and responsive to their presence [1, 13, 45, 51]. It thus emphasizes more on greater userfriendliness, user-empowerment, and more effective service support. Such a usercentric focus introduces several basic problems related to natural user interaction, context awareness, and ubiquitous wireless access to information, communication, and services in such environments like home and work space. Adding intelligence to the ambience of users raises many challenges to data management [4]. High-quality information must be available to any user anytime anywhere and on any device. The implementation of the AmI landscape relies heavily on these constant information flows from numerous sensors and services, monitoring not only the users but also external environments. Here, how to intelligently capture

DOI 10.1515/9783110556674-001


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

and map the data to appropriate behaviors of users in context is a key issue to be addressed. This section addresses the impact of AmI, in particular, its context-awareness requirement on data management strategies and solutions. Before eliciting concrete database requirements from AmI, let’s first look at a scenario envisioned in an AmI world.

1.1.1 A Scenario John is a business man working for a global chain restaurant corporation. One morning just after arriving at the office, he got an urgent message to travel to the headquarters situated in a nearby country for an important decision-making meeting held in the afternoon. Through his electronic personal assistant (PA), John got to know the earliest flight that he could catch up with will depart in 3 hours, and his PA further checked out that there were still some seats available. Considering that he needed to arrange several reports and have them ready on his PA for the meeting, John commanded his PA to find the fastest transportation to the airport, as he wanted to win as much time as possible for his preparation before setting out. There were three choices, i.e., by train, by car, and by shuttle bus. John’s PA queried two separate external databases for the departure times and durations of the train and bus. It meanwhile calculated the approximate time needed to drive to the airport, taking John’s driving speed and traffic status during that period into account. Following the PA’s advice, John arrived at the airport on schedule by his car and boarded the plane. On the flight, John browsed through several articles issued from a news center. One of them about IT services left him a deep impression. However, at that time, he had not realized the influence of this article on the acceptance of his proposal at the afternoon’s meeting. John’s speech at the meeting was well received. Specifically, he was able to justify his proposal by referring the attendants to the article that he read a few hours ago in the plane. With the help of John’s PA, this article was re-localized and retrieved from the news center site. This time it was presented clearly on a big screen inside the meeting room. The meeting finished very late that day. John wanted to go first for dinner before flying back home. His PA recommended a few nearby restaurants that were still open, with an oriental restaurant coming in first, as John’s PA knew that John liked oriental food very much. It was almost midnight when John’s plane landed on his home city. For safety reason, the PA suggested John taking a route different from the morning one. Although this route was a bit longer, it avoided passing through a dark wood. Accompanied with his private PA, which broadcasted the selected news, John finally arrived home safely.

1.1 Ambient Intelligence


1.1.2 Challenges of Context-Awareness The above scenario depicts an ambient data management paradigm, distinct from the current conventional one. It breaks away from the traditional stationary desktop computing paradigm, giving users the capability of acquiring the most desirable information anytime anywhere with any lightweight handheld device via wireless communication channel [2, 3]. In the scenario, user’s database access does not occur at a single location in a single context, as in desktop computing, but rather span a multitude of situations and locations covering the office, plane, meeting room, home, and so on. Till now, decades of efforts have been made in improving content-based data access due to the long-historical stationary database constraint. Nevertheless, AmI promotes us to go further for context-based data access. “Get the report which I prepared last night before dinner in the hotel for this afternoon’s meeting” and “Find restaurants nearby which I have not visited for half a year” are examples of such queries. Apparently, exploiting various context information can assist data managers to better understand users’ information needs, and facilitate them to make the best of data in carrying out daily life and work. From a data manager’s point of view, this context information also provides hints on how to process data requests in the most optimal way, as it carries a kind of semantics related to what, why, when, where, and how to use data sources. We believe that by context-awareness, the interaction and understanding between data managers and users can be enriched than ever. On the other hand, keeping data managers aware of context entails a thorough re-examination of currently existing data management techniques, raising a number of interesting and challenging questions as follows. – By context-awareness, can we make data managers more adaptable, responsive, personalized, dynamic, and anticipatory, as charted by AmI, than before? –

Compared with traditional data management, what are the fundamental issues underlying context-aware data management?

To bring context-awareness feature into data management, how to acquire, categorize, model, and protect context information?

How to use context information to answer a user’s data request?

What are the context-aware data management strategies? How to support, manage, and execute these strategies?

How to provide context-aware data management supports to users? How to design a friendly and easy-to-use context-aware query language for users? How to effectively and efficiently interact with users, given a small device with a constrained computing capability and energy power?

The purpose of this book is to answer these questions.


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

1.2 What Is Context? 1.2.1 Context Definitions Context is an essential element in AmI. There are several attempts in the literature to define the notion of context, ranging from being very broad to being very narrow and application-specific. Broadly, according to Dourish, “Context is a slippery notion. Perhaps appropriately, it is a concept that keeps to the periphery, and slips away when one attempts to define it [19]”. Dourish opposed seeing context as something separable from the content of an activity. As an example, during a conversation the location of this conversation could turn from context into content when it becomes the subject of the conversation. Lieberman and Selker viewed context from a computer programming’s perspective. Traditionally, the field of computer science tries to be context-independent: the same input provides the same output, independent of the context of the input [44]. They thus came up with a more concrete definition of context. “Context can be considered to be everything that affects the computation except explicit input and output [44].” Getting close to the application side, one of the most cited definitions of context is from Dey et al. “Context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity. An entity can be a person, place, or object that is considered relevant to the interaction between a user and application, including the user and applications themselves [9].” According to Dey, a system is context-aware if it uses context to provide relevant information and services to the user, where relevancy depends on the users’ task. Gray and Salber further clarified the term interaction by indicating whether it points to what is achieved by doing this interaction (e.g., the task), or the interaction itself (e.g., the user interface or dialogue), and provided a definition for sensed context [26]. “Sensed context are properties that characterize a phenomenon. They are sensed and are potentially relevant to the tasks supported by an application or the means by which those tasks are performed [26].” From a data management perspective, this book refers context to user’s external objective environment and internal subjective status. It implies user’s information need during the interaction between the user and data management system. Contextawareness is to use context in serving user’s information need [23].

1.2.2 Context Categorization There are many possible ways to categorize context information [9, 10, 23, 65]. Two typical categorization methods are operational categorization and conceptual categorization.

1.3 Characteristics of Context

Context Categorization Background (e.g., interest, habit, preference, working area, subjective opinion, etc.)

User−Centric Context


Context Acquisition

from user’s profile

Dynamic Behavior (e.g., intention, task, activity, etc.)

from user’s agenda

Physiological State (e.g., body temperature, heart rate, etc.)

from body sensors

Emotional State (e.g., happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, anger, surprise, calm, etc.)

via multimodal analysis of user’s visual & acoustical features

Physical Environment (e.g., time, location, temperature, humidity, noise, light, vibration, etc.) Environmental Context


Social Environment (e.g., traffic jam, discount information, surrounding people, etc.) Computational Environment (e.g., surrounding devices, etc.)

from sensors like GPS

via service providers or (propagated) communication or inferred from user’s activity inferred from user’s environment and activity

Figure 1.1: Conceptual categorization of context information [23].

Based on how context information is acquired, modeled, and treated, Henricksen and Indulska categorized context information into sensed, static, profiled, or derived context [29]. As this categorization is closely related to the way how context information is handled, it is an operational categorization. The book conceptually distinguishes user-centric context from environmental context, as shown in Figure 1.1. Most of the context categorizations in the literature fall into either of the above two kinds [10, 18].

1.3 Characteristics of Context As AmI evolves from distributed mobile computing [55], the acquisition of context information inherently takes place among distributed sources in a mobile environment. The characteristics of context are highly influenced and determined by its acquisition way.

1.3.1 Being Sensed A majority of context like location and temperature is sensed through sensors or sensor networks. Data management solutions view a sensor network as a database.


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

Some architectural issues, including sensor modeling, imprecise data replication, data compression and prediction, in-network processing, fault tolerance, and timeliness, etc., are addressed in Ref. [7, 41]. A quality-driven approach is usually adopted where users can indicate the confidence they want from query answers (e.g., ±1∘ C of the exact answer). TinyDB [46] is another system delivering a database solution to sensor networks. It focuses more on when, where, and how the data is acquired. It works with sensors running the TinyOS operating system, and does processing like filtering and aggregation as much as possible in the network. A TinyOS query example is like SELECT temp FROM sensors WHERE temp>threshold.

1.3.2 Through Constrained Devices What makes the sensing more complicated is that it is done most of the time by cheap, small, and therefore constrained devices. The limited computing power of such devices incurs unreliability and difficulty in running applications on such a low-level platform [12]. Another serious factor influencing the sensing quality is battery capacity and energy cost. One effective way is to put energy management to a high application level, and switch applications to modes with lower power consumption when idle [55]. There is a trade-off of having a sensor-based database system. On one hand, due to optimization on the sensor level, there is less power spent on transmission, but on the other hand, more power is required by sensors for processing this data.

1.3.3 From Distributed Sources Being sensed by many different sensors, context information come from diverse distributed sources. To get desirable information from these distributed sources, aggregators are usually used to gather context about an entity (e.g., a person in [17]). Some special sensor-oriented querying techniques, such as the one developed in Quasar [41], can also be used to address this issue. This characteristic brings about the requirement of high-interrelation on context-aware data management.

1.3.4 Continuous Change A crucial property of many sorts of context is the continuity, i.e., the user’s context constantly changes. This may lead to a proactiveness requirement on data management and applications [33]. It causes enormous amount of data to be stored, compressed, and discretized, resulting in data impreciseness.

1.3 Characteristics of Context


1.3.5 Mobility Closely related to the previous characteristic is the mobility of objects from which to get context information. According to Gareth Jones and Peter Brown, mobility is a prime field for context-aware retrieval due to the three reasons [33]: (a) Information is now being made available in situations where it was not available before. (b) A mobile user is often in an unfamiliar environment and needs information about that environment. (c) It is favorable to use context to help to select the information which is needed in this new environment. Adaptation to the current situation and caching are two techniques to handle the mobility during mobile information access in Ref. [53].

1.3.6 Temporality and Spatiality Mobility draws forth the prominent temporal-spatial character of contextual information. Examples for reasoning with time in temporal ontologies for context-awareness are given in Ref. [11]. Ter Horst et al. introduced the notion of extended spacetime to reason about context events, taking time and space into account [62]. Koile et al. introduced the notion of activity zones, i.e., regions in which the same activities occur, to trigger certain specific events [36]. Harter et al. described a context-aware application which particularly focuses on users’ location using Bats - an ultrasound position determination system [28]. Hightower and Borriello integrated WLAN with ultrasound and infrared tracking technologies, and used particle filters for location estimation [31].

1.3.7 Imperfectness and Uncertainty Due to the characteristics of dynamics, constrained devices, diverse distributed sources, and continuity, etc. there is a high chance that the acquired context information is not perfect. Henricksen and Indulska characterized four types of imperfectness about contextual information [65]. – Unknown. No information is available about the property. –

Ambiguous. There are several different reports about the property, which could for example be someone who is tracked by GPS and by WLAN.

Imprecise. The reported information is correct but too imprecise, for example, from a person it is only known that s/he is in a certain building, but we need the exact room in which he or she is.

Erroneous. The information about the property is not the same as the actual information.


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

Gu et al. and Ranganathan et al. provided some modeling solutions for uncertainty by adding a probability predicate [27, 50]. The work of Antifakos et al. demonstrated that indicating the degree of imperfectness of information and using it in the computation can lead to better decision making [5].

1.4 What Does Context-Awareness Imply? Beyond the traditional so-called “ilities” - nonfunctional requirements like reliability, availability, maintainability, responsiveness, manageability, and scalability, etc., context-awareness raises a number of particular expectations for data management from both users and systems’ perspectives.

1.4.1 Users’ Perspectives Adaptiveness and Personalization There is a growing demand for adaptiveness on small and constrained devices in mobile computing environments. For example, choosing whether to fetch the header or the whole e-mail message is subject to the network speed. Adaptiveness and personalization are continuing to be a key to context-aware data management. Three typical ways to achieve personalization are the following [49]. – Rule-Based Matching (based on user profiles or communities). An example is “If the user is a sportsman, display the sport’s equipment advertisement.” –

Context-Based Matching (depending on the current context). An example is “If the user is on the sport’s page, display the sport’s equipment advertisement.”

Category-Based Matching (based on attributes/features). Content producers classify their contents based on certain attributes, and users rate their priorities according to these attributes. Proactiveness Proactiveness is one of the most important requirements in AmI [23]. It means to process information on behalf of a user in such a way that an action can be taken without requiring his/her attention [33]. This implies knowing what a user would want to do with the requested information, and detecting his/her behaviorial patterns. Tennenhouse even coins the new term proactive computing, which stands for the movement from human-centered to human-supervised or even unsupervised computing [61]. Proactiveness calls for effective information extraction techniques to identify situations and some forms of reasoning mechanisms to determine an appropriate action to take.

1.4 What Does Context-Awareness Imply?

11 Privacy and Security The mostly mentioned concern for context-awareness in AmI environments is about users’ privacy, trust, and security. Early work on context-awareness done by Newman et al. evidenced that during experiments in tracing users during the day with badges, users did not wear them because of privacy issues [48]. Kindberg et al. argued that using visible tangible objects to do transactions (e.g. a barcode scanner) can help make transactions more trusted by the users [35]. But meanwhile, they also point out that some other aspects such as ease-of-use are at least equally important to users. Gandon and Sadeh proposed to deal with the privacy and security issue through privacy preferences [24]. They used access control rules to express who has the right to see certain context information under different conditions. They also used obfuscation rules to hinder users from certain details, Leonhardt and Magee applied the context-based obfuscation approach to access control, but with a focus on users’ location information [42]. Traceability For systems’ proactiveness to be understandable and controllable by users, traceability is in need [16]. It means that a user should be able to know what is happening in the background, and why it happened. Having the system or tool present-at-hand is a way to realize its traceability [9]. One example is the dashboard of a car, by which the user can have the car present-at-hand in case something goes wrong. Another example is the network signal indicator of a mobile phone. Three system design principles are listed in Ref. [9]. – Systems should display their own internal states and configuration to the users. –

The deep system structure should be revealed so as to support inspection and adaption.

Interfaces should offer direct experience of the structures by which information is organized.

1.4.2 Systems’ Perspectives Dynamic Connection Because of highly-constrained sensors and mobile objects, one serious issue confronting context-aware data management is dynamic connection. That is, connection could be lost when a sensor is out of reach or temporary unavailable, and it has to be re-established once available again. To address this issue, on one hand, we can cache data. On the other hand, observing that information from a disconnected sensor can also be acquired via


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

another sensor or combinations of sensors, Goslar and Schill suggested that a context database should store how to read values instead of the actual values [25]. DeVaul and Pentland presented a dynamic decentralized resource discovery framework. It uses semantic descriptions to see what kind of services are available. Different components can be registered to a directory registration service when they are available, and de-registered when they are not available anymore [16]. Other applicable techniques toward dynamically interchangeable components include agent techniques and goal-oriented solutions. For example, the goal of finding a certain user’s location can be achieved via WLAN-triangulation. However, when WLAN is not available at the moment, some alternatives like GSM-triangulation or a GPS will be in place. Dynamics in different connections challenges the underlying data management strategies. A lot of existing data management solutions are based on the assumption that the network topology changes only slowly, which are apparently inapplicable to data management in AmI environments [5]. Tight Interrelationship Not only does high-level inferred context depend on low-level sensed context but also different kinds of low-level context parameters are interrelated. For instance, the amount of computers in a room and the energy usage of this room are closely related. The tight interrelation makes it possible to predict some context parameters based on others [30]. Deshpande et al. exploited such interrelations to do optimizations over TinyDB by using correlation between voltage and temperature [15]. However, because contextual data structures are so highly interconnected, when modeling context, we have to ensure that the models are not too complex due to the limited capabilities of human users and local devices. Breaking the data structures down into smaller parts can be a help to address this issue [25]. Learning and Reasoning Due to the interrelationship among different levels of context, some inference mechanisms are needed in order to derive some context from other context. Schmidt was one of the first who did so by using cues, which take the value of one sensor and provide a symbolic or subsymbolic output [57]. Taking the output cues “the user is running” and “the user has a high pulse,” for example, a context such as “the user is jogging” can be determined. Korpipää et al. exploited a set of techniques including Bayesian networks to recognize high-level context [37]. Doing reasoning calls for a way to represent context knowledge [60].

1.5 Context-Aware Querying

13 Alternative Representation and Conversion Confronted with different context information from diverse sensors and possibly from different domains, a flexible context representation mechanism is needed so as to provide conversion among different kinds of context information. Bressan et al. discussed a method of using Prolog rules to convert across different context representations [8]. Such an alternative context representation problem bears similarity to the schema or data integration problem in the database community, which has existed for over 20 years and has extensively been tackled using Description Logics [43]. Metadata about Context Information Metadata about context information are like temporal-spatial features and certainty degree, etc. They indicate the time and place at which a context-associated measurement takes place, accuracy of the measurement, as well as the trade-off between requested accuracy and energy consumption cost, etc. [26]. Metadata incurs collaboration between the data management side and the sensor side. To deal with context metadata, proper representation of these meta information is demanded in modeling context. Storage and Logging of Context Information Context-awareness requires data management systems to be proactive and to detect patterns according to users’ behaviors. Relevant reactions in response to different contexts thus need to be stored beforehand. A number of questions related to what, where, and how to store context information arise. Meyers and Kern recommended to store context information at a high level [48]. This has two advantages. First, storage space can be reduced by only storing the high-level context information (e.g., being in a meeting) instead of storing all sensory details like temperature and exact location, since the former can be derived from the latter. The second advantage is that at a high level, more computing power is available for data compression to reduce the enormous amount of sensed context information.

1.5 Context-Aware Querying Query is the most fundamental operation users pose to database systems, where context plays an essential role in context-aware querying.

1.5.1 Basics of Context-Aware Queries A context-aware query is a query whose query answering depends not only on the data stored but also on the context under which the query is issued.


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

A context-aware query can thus be viewed as a parameterized query with two parameters – database and context. The same query, raised by different users, or by the same user under different contexts, may lead to different kinds of answer delivery. This is different from the traditional noncontext-aware query, whose answering depends only on the database. Definition 1. Let db denote a database including both database schemas and database records, and let [[Context]] denote a multidimensional contextual space. A contextaware query is a triple CQ(db, [[Context]]) = (INexp , INimp , OUT), where – INexp is the explicit query request input from the user; – INimp is a further constraint over the user’s explicit query request, which makes user’s implicit query assumptions explicit. – OUT is the query output sent to the user. A traditional noncontext-aware query is a tuple NCQ(db)=(INexp , OUT), with an explicit query input from the user INexp and a query output OUT to the user. ◻

1.5.2 Context-Aware Querying Strategies Context-awareness penetrates three phases of a database query, i.e., user’s query request, system’s query refinement, and query answer [23]. User’s Query Request Strategy 1: Context as On-the-Spot Query Condition Highly dynamic, intelligent, and responsive ambient environments prompt users to ask ad hoc queries anytime and anywhere. These on-the-spot queries usually involve the current context (like time, location, etc.) as the query referential points. Some typical examples are listed below. – “Look for the earliest flight that I can catch.” Only the flights whose departure time is later than the current context time are meaningful query candidates. –

“Look for a nearby restaurant for eating.” Only the restaurants near the user and meanwhile are open are useful query results.

“Look for the fastest route to the airport.” The current context – traffic status must be taken into account in computing the fastest route. Traditional locationdependent queries in wireless mobile environments [20, 32, 38, 58, 59, 65, 66] fall into this scope.

Strategy 2: Context as Recall-Based Query Condition/Query Target For human users, context under which data was accessed in the past is always easier to remember than detailed data content itself. Identifying data items by context

1.5 Context-Aware Querying


besides content empowers users with more convenient and friendly query capabilities. For example, a user might feel difficult to recall the title of an article. By contrast, the context under which to read the article, such as the place where the article was read, the people present when it was read, or the activity being carried out at the same time, etc., can be easier to remember. In fact, the observation that context can serve as a powerful cue for recall has a solid foundation in the psychological field, where researchers have developed a theory about episodic or autobiographical memory [6, 21, 63]. They noticed that human beings naturally organize the memories for past events into episodes, and that the location of the episode, who was there, what was going on, and what happened before or after are all strong cues for recall [56]. Studies by Eldridge et. al also confirmed this theory and lead to the construction of a prosthetic episodic memory device called memory prosthesis [11, 22, 39], and a wearable rememberance agent [52]. Here are three query-by-context examples. – “Look for the article about ‘IT services’ which I read on the plane this morning.” The query condition is based on the previous context time and simultaneous activity. –

“Look for the name of the restaurant which I went to for dinner most frequently last year.” This is an aggregate query whose query condition is context time. In addition to retrieving database content by context, it is also possible to query the context under which a certain database access happens.

“Look for the place where I read that news about ‘IT services’.” The query condition is based on content, but requesting the past context information location. System’s Query Refinement With Strategies 1 and 2, users can directly pose context-based queries, where context information is explicitly used in query formulation. Beyond that, context itself can also help the database system to better understand user’s need, since it conveys a rich set of semantics related to what, why, when, and where to use the data. In order to make query results truly usable and supportive, thus achieving greater userfriendliness as demanded by AmI, it is desirable to capture such an implicit query background, hidden behind context, and translate it into explicit query constraints. This stage is treated as query refinement stage. Strategy 3: Context as Query Constraint The query refinement process infers different kinds of query knowledge from context to make implicit users’ assumptions explicit in their queries. – Understanding user’s query intention. Database systems aims at facilitating users to find useful information to solve their problems. When a user issues a query, s/he usually has some purpose in mind. For example, s/he retrieves restaurant information in the city because s/he wants to invite the clients to a lunch in a few minutes


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

according to his/her agenda. In this case, only open restaurants are meaningful to the user, which depends on the current context time. From the system’s point of view, database access should be directed by user’s specific task, and this could be found out from user’s agenda. Here, trying to understand user’s query intention and enforcing corresponding query constraints is an important step to improve the usability of databases. –

Personalizing user’s data request. The usefulness of data is also quite subjective, and varies from context to context even for the same user. For instance, for safety reason, a user driving at midnight does not like the database showing him/her the roads, which need to pass through a dark forest. Also, during the daytime rush hours, the database system should be considerate enough not to return the roads going through the city center, or the sites having traffic jam at that moment.

Tuning abstraction level of query content. Besides constraining query conditions, context can be exploited to adjust the level and granularity of abstraction for querying of the same data content. For example, a user with a big screen nearby would prefer to display a picture at high-resolution, while with only a handheld mobile device, a low-resolution requirement is fine enough. Similarly, data at a high aggregate/summarized level is more appropriate than the one at detailed low level, which may otherwise cause the user to scroll down the small screen for reading the answer. Apparently, by tuning the query content to an appropriate level, and integrating this requirement into the query request, query processing and optimization can be performed in a single step, and the cost incurred is proportionate to what the user wants and gets. System’s Query Answer Apart from assisting query formulation, another important use of context for queries in AmI environments is to determine the manner such as what, when, where, and how to deliver query outputs to the users. Clearly, sending query results must not interrupt or distract the users from performing their primary tasks or annoy nearby people. Here are three strategies regarding query output. Strategy 4: Context as Protective Screen for Sensitive Query Results In ambient environments, a sheer amount of data will be shared and disseminated in response to different users’ requests. In order to build up trust and confidence to ambient data managers, it is important for the database system to protect sensitive data from being disclosed to the third party. For example, a police querying a traffic accident scene may want the license plates of the damaged cars to be superimposed with a black bar within the query result, if there is any unauthorized person around him/her. As another example, consider the viewing of news items that contain shocking scenes. An adult may access the whole content, however, a child may not. Also, the system may not want an adult to see it in a public environment, given that there may be some children around [34].

1.6 Supporting Context-Aware Data Management


Strategy 5: Context as Criteria for Query Result Measurement Given the limitation of small devices, it is more convenient for users if the query answer could be sorted in such a way that the most potentially useful items shown in front. Such an ordering work can be performed based on user’s interests, obtained from the profile, For example, if the user likes oriental food, the restaurants serving Asian meals can be displayed ahead of others. Strategy 6: Context as Guide to Query Result Delivery The output modality must be adapted to user’s current context. For example, if the user is driving, it would be convenient to have a speech query output. However, if the user is talking with someone, postponing the delivery of query results by giving a vibration alert or screen-displaying the query results will be more appropriate. The presentation of query results on a big screen would be welcomed for a group of people who are interested in the query answer. In addition, context-aware queries differ in how deep they delve into the context notion, for example, the necessity of time and probability information and the inclusion of confidentiality functions. The execution of context-aware queries also depends on the level of conceptualization of the context to which extent reasoning and inference must be applied to get from low-level to high-level context.

1.6 Supporting Context-Aware Data Management To tackle the challenges of proactiveness, tractability, inference, etc. raised by contextawareness in AmI, a context-aware data management supporting framework consists of four major components, namely, context provider, service registry, context processor, and context consumer, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. Different challenges raised by context-awareness are tackled by different components, as shown in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.

1.6.1 Context Provider Context providers are responsible for providing context in the form of services, taking into account all characteristics of context. Different kinds of contexts are taken care by different services, like location services, temperature services, and multimodal services, etc. Due to the interrelationship, more reliable information can be sought by combining several context parameters. These services are also responsible for acquiring and supplying metadata about the context, and furthermore can provide part of the privacy and security features at a sensor level.

1.6.2 Service Registry The communication between context providers and context processors is done via the service registry. The distributed context providers register themselves at the registry.


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence


CONTEXT PROVIDERS Like: Temperature sensors Location sensors Rain sensors User agenda etc.



Learner Learning and reasoning

Context DB Log / History User preferences Proactive rules

Privacy and obfuscation rules

Context augmented with knowledge

Like: Context-aware DBMS’ Televisions Phones Answering machines External parties Restaurants Cooking programs Museums Art galleries

Figure 1.2: A context-aware data management supporting platform.

Table 1.1: Characteristics of context tackled by different components. Characteristic

Context Provider

Service Registry

Being sensed Through constrained devices From distributed sources Continuous change Mobility Temporality and Spatiality Imperfectness and uncertainty







Context Database

Context processors access context information, provided by context providers, by doing a request to the registry. The later ensures that only appropriate context processors can have access to certain context information. For example, the body heat of a person returned from a body sensor can only be accessed by his/her delegated context processors. In this way, privacy and security can be accommodated. Another advantage of having a service registry is that it is possible, to dynamically (de-)register services. By doing this, dynamic connections resulting from mobility and the continuous change of context information can be supported. Finally, the service registry can incorporate conversion services which can deal with alternative representations using metadata.


1.6 Supporting Context-Aware Data Management

Table 1.2: Implications of context-awareness tackled by different components. Implication Adaptiveness and personalization Privacy and security Proactiveness Traceability Dynamic connection Interrelationship Learning and reasoning Alternative representations Meta data Storage and logging

Context Provider

Service Registry



Rules X X X X


Context Database X








Here, techniques developed in the field of Web services can be applied [24]. For instance, with Jini, a Java-based connection technology, various Jini-compatible devices can form a dynamic network and interact with each other. This requires relatively much processing power which, together with the fact that we are dealing with small constrained devices, leads among others to the question of how much processing power and intelligence shall be injected into context providers.

1.6.3 Context Processor The context processor stores and logs some of past, present, and future context information related to a user, environments, and corresponding past actions of the user in a context database. For the sake of privacy and security, data in this database is protected using encryption and access rights. There are two reasons for having this context database available. First, to deal with dynamic connections, caching some context information at the context processor’s side can ensure the consistent providing of user related information, even when a user is not connected to the network. More importantly, from these logged context information and related actions, the context processor can learn and reason about user’s preferences and behavior patterns which will lead to proactively generated rules by the system. Because of the nature of context, learning and reasoning techniques for metadata, particularly with uncertainty, in the discourse of time and space, appear to be more important than in noncontext-aware computing systems. For instance, according to a user’s context, his/her next possible action can be inferred. In this way, context consumers can adapt to a user based on these rules, by which the system becomes personalized. As an example, consider a person who each time when s/he enters a room, turns on the light. After several times, the proactive rules can be learned by the learner and then stored in


1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

the context database. With this rule, the context-aware light button will automatically turn on the light, whenever this user enters the room. For the context processor, it is important to structure the preferences and rules in a way which is clear to the user, so that s/he can view and edit them. Furthermore, the rules need to take into account metadata, especially accuracy, among others for giving the user the possibility to specify a minimum accuracy level for triggering a rule. Since the behavior of the consumers is completely based on the rules and preferences stored in the database, the proactiveness in this way becomes traceable. Note that, in supplying context consumers with these actionable context knowledge, the context processor will invoke a set of privacy and obfuscation rules to avoid the misuse of context and context-awareness.

1.6.4 Context Consumer Context consumers can be either context-aware data management systems or external parties like restaurants, museums, machines, etc., since all of them make use of context during functioning. database management systems (DBMS) are positioned as context consumers. A context consumer example could be a context-aware multimedia database system, which stores all videos and scenes one watched before. When the person poses to this database a query like “which scene of The Bourne Identity did I watch yesterday before going to the supermarket?”, the system could (if allowed) consult this user’s delegated context processor about the time the user went to the supermarket and based on this, present the right scene to the user. Subsection gives a series of context-aware database query examples to be executed by a context-aware database management system, which is also a context consumer.

1.7 Recapitulation One key requirement for computer systems to be Ambient Intelligent is to be contextaware. This chapter addressed the impact of context-awareness on data management, from context, context-awareness, to context-aware data management platform. Having followed the approach of identifying the characteristics of context in a practical manner in combination with a functional data management architecture, it is possible to say where to tackle which problems and to what extent existing techniques can be used. We can thereby, on one hand, work on context processors, particularly focusing on a context modeling technique to express and store context information, with support for metadata and preference rules. The latter is generated proactively and defined by users. On the other hand, we can focus on context providers and service registry, where existing platforms for providing context information to the context processor



can be employed. Desired techniques in delivering context-aware data management solutions will be addressed in the following chapters.

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1 Context-Aware Data Management Toward Ambient Intelligence

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Part II: Context

2 Modeling Context Abstract: Modeling context is the first step in building context-aware computing systems and applications. It determines the organization and access manner of context information in context-aware applications. This chapter lists six typical context representation methods. An ontological context representation language OWL with its Description Logic foundation is particularly described. To tackle context dynamics, context can further be interpreted as context events, whose temporal properties and relationships can be captured and expressed through temporal operators.

2.1 Six Context Representation Methods Six typical context representation methods exist in academia and industry. They are key-value, entity-relationship, object-orientation, markup-schema, logics, and ontology. Each has strength and weakness in handling context reasoning, information distribution, validation, quality assurance, formalization, applicability, and suitable users.

2.1.1 Key-Value Key-value is the most simple context representation method. It uses a key-value data structure to describe different context elements and their values. For instance, Location:campus describes that context element Location takes the value campus. A recursion description like Address:(Building:FIT, Room:216) is also possible. Due to the simply and easy support to context data management and patternmatching queries, the key-value representation method is widely adopted by early context-aware systems [20, 21]. However, it is not powerful to capture rich semantics and relationships of context elements. It is also weak in coping with distributed context information with associated properties, such as incompleteness, fuzziness, and verification.

2.1.2 Entity-Relationship To enrich the simple key-value representation, the entity-relationship method is developed. It structures context information using a set of entities, each describing a physical or conceptual object [12–14]. Properties of entities are denoted as attributes. An entity can be linked to its attributes or other entities via uni-directional relationships called associations. Associations could be viewed as assertions about the associated entities. A context description is just a set of such assertions. DOI 10.1515/9783110556674-002


2 Modeling Context

2.1.3 Object-Orientation Beyond entity-relationship, the object-oriented modeling method is also adopted to achieve encapsulation and re-use of context information. For instance, the concept cue in Ref. [22] behaves like a class container. It abstracts and encapsulates one or more physical or logical sensors. When new sensors of different characteristics are present, only changes in the involved cues are made. As the object-oriented representation method defines classes, objects, types, and instances for context information in an abstract way, it enables easy integration and fusion of distributed context sources. It can also make changes of the hardware easy and transparent to the upper context-aware applications. Such general-purpose modeling languages and tools as ORM (Object-Role Modeling Language) and UML (Unified Modeling Language) can be used to describe context information.

2.1.4 Markup Schema A markup schema can be defined to describe context information in a level-wise manner. It usually contains a set of attributes and contents, each associated with a markup tag to convey the corresponding semantic meaning. The modeling language used is generally XML (eXtensible Markup Language). Two typical applications of the markup-schematic representation method are UAProf (User Agent Profile) [28] and CC/PP (Composite Capabilities/Preferences Profile) [26]. The markup-schematic modeling method can tackle the partial verification and formalism requirements, since scheme definition of context information is highly formalized. There also exist some verification tools for type checking.

2.1.5 Logics To facilitate context reasoning, logic is incorporated in context modeling, where context information is usually defined in terms of fact, expression, and rule. From basic facts and expressions, derived facts and expressions can be logically inferred. For instance, the sensed context information in Ref. [11] was represented in the first-order predicate logic, and is further composed into more complex sensed context expressions with meta-propositional properties, such as the quality of context information or the operational parameters of the underlying sensors, etc. The logic-based context representation approach is good at formalization and reasoning, but weak in partial verification and applicability.

2.1.6 Ontology Many context-aware applications model context information using various domainspecific ontologies. The term ontology origins from its usage in philosophy, where it


2.1 Six Context Representation Methods

means the study of being or existence as well as the basic categories [25]. An ontology in the area of computer science represents the effort to formulate an exhaustive and rigorous conceptual schema within a given domain, typically a hierarchical data structure containing all the relevant elements and their relationships, as well as the rules and regulations within the domain [10]. As ontology defines a common vocabulary for information sharing in a specific domain, it has many advantages in constructing context-aware systems. First, ontology is suitable for representing personalized information, because it provides an adequate ground for the representation of coarse to fine-grained user interests in a hierarchical way. It can act as a key enabler to deal with user preferences. Second, it offers the possibility to explore the potential capability of context reasoning based on Semantic Web technologies. COBRA-ONT [10] was an example ontology for context-aware systems. It uses OWL (Web Ontology Language) to describe places, agents, events, and associated properties in an intelligent meeting room domain. Ref. [16] presented an ontology for sensor-based context information, using RDF (Resource Description Framework) as the description syntax. With RDF, context information sharing and communication among collaborative sensory devices become easy. So far, ontology-based languages are preferable for context representation due to their powerful capabilities of OWL and RDF in semantics, formality, distributed knowledge composition, and partial knowledge validation [24].

2.1.7 Methods Comparison Table 2.1 outlines the capabilities of the six context representation methods in addressing a variety of context-related requirements, including reasoning, distributed Table 2.1: Comparisons of six context representation approaches.

Reasoning Distribution heterogeneity Validation Quality assurance Formalization Applicability Suitable users







poor poor

poor poor

poor good

poor good

good good

good good

poor poor

poor good

good good

good poor

good poor

good good

poor good systemdeveloper end-user

good good systemdeveloper end-user

good good systemdeveloper

good good systemdeveloper

good poor systemdeveloper

good good systemdeveloper end-user


2 Modeling Context

heterogeneity and knowledge composition, validation, quality assurance, formalization, and applicability of context information, as well as suitable users. The choice of an appropriate context model is subject to the requirements of specific context-aware applications. Among the six approaches, ontology is the most powerful one. Many contextaware application developers turn to the ontology-based solution [24, 25], since it can offer a shared conceptualization of the domain, ensuring a common ground and a critical semantic foundation for distributed collaboration and interaction in context-aware applications. If context information is mapped onto an ontology, coherent communication among multiple parties involved in context-aware applications is supported, and understanding the meaning of the shared context information can substantially be enhanced.

2.2 Context Ontology While ontology sets up a conceptual framework to enforce an agreement on how context is described, it does not lose any of the flexibility of allowing upper application developers and users to express and view parts in their own familiar expression languages. A mainstream ontology language is OWL, endorsed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). This section describes the formalism of context ontology, OWL, and the logical foundation of OWL.

2.2.1 Context Formalism Definitions in an ontology associate the names of concepts in a specific domain with a description of what the concepts mean, as well as some formal axioms that constrain the interpretation and well-formed use of these concepts. In line with the formal definition of ontology in Ref. [9], an ontology consists of a static structure, an L -axiom set, and the instantiation of the static structure. Definition 2. The structure of an ontology CO is a 5-tuple COstruct = (C, ≤C , R, ≤R , 3), where – C is a set of concepts; – R is a set of relations; – ≤C is a partial order on C, forming hierarchies of concepts; – ≤R is a partial order on R, forming hierarchies of relations; – 3 is a 3 : R → C+ , binding concepts to relations with the following property. Assume 3(r) = (c1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , cm ) and 3(r󸀠 ) = (c󸀠1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , c󸀠n ), where r, r󸀠 ∈ R and c1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , cm , c󸀠1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , c󸀠n ∈ C. If (r ≤R r󸀠 ), then (m = n) and ∀(1 ≤ i ≤ m) (ci ≤C c󸀠i ). ◻

2.2 Context Ontology


Definition 3. For a relation r ∈ R binding two concepts c1 , c2 ∈ C, 3(r) = (c1 , c2 ), c1 is called the domain of r and c2 is called the range of r. ◻ The relationships between two concepts and the relationships between two relations in the ontology have the following definitions. Definition 4. Let C be a set of concepts, and R be a set of relations. – For ∀c1 , c2 ∈ C, if (c1 ≤C c2 ), then c1 is called a subconcept of c2 , and c2 is called a superconcept of c1 . – For ∀r1 , r2 ∈ R, if (r1 ≤R r2 ), then r1 is called a subrelation of r2 , and r2 is called a ◻ superrelation of r1 . Definition 5. Let L be a logical language. An L-axiom set for the ontology CO is a set of L -axioms in the logical language L , stating true assertions and general knowledge about the static structure of the context ontology CO. ◻

Definition 6. Let I be a set of instances. The instantiation of the ontology CO is a pair COins = (IC , IR ), where – IC is a function IC : C → I A , mapping concepts to a set of concept instances; – IR is a function IR : R → I A , mapping relations to a set of relation instances. ◻ Definition 7. An ontology is a triple CO = (COstruct , COaxiom , COins ), where COstruct is the structure of CO, COaxiom is an L -axiom set for CO, and COins is the instantiation of CO’s structure COstruct . ◻

2.2.2 Ontology Language – OWL The OWL, endorsed by the W3C, attracts great academic and commercial interests at the implementation level of context ontology. It constitutes a family of knowledge representation languages for authoring ontologies [27]. The OWL family languages are characterized by formal semantics and RDF/XML-based serializations. Variants of OWL OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full are three variants of OWL in the order of expressive capability. Each of them is a syntactic extension of its simpler predecessor [30]. OWL Lite supports classification hierarchy and simple constraints. It permits cardinality values of 0 or 1 in terms of cardinality constraint. Development of OWL Lite tools has proven almost as difficult as development of tools for OWL DL. OWL Lite is not widely used today.


2 Modeling Context

OWL DL takes Description Logic as its formal foundation. It provides the maximum expressiveness while retaining computational completeness (either 8 or ¬8), decidability (there is an effective procedure to determine whether 8 is derivable or not), and the availability of practical reasoning algorithms. OWL Full is based on different semantics from OWL Lite or OWL DL. It preserves some compatibility with RDF Schema, allowing an ontology to augment the meaning of the pre-defined (RDF or OWL) vocabulary. It is unlikely that any reasoning software will be able to support complete reasoning for OWL Full [18]. Main Constructors of OWL Languages in the W3C OWL family are capable of creating classes, properties, defining instances, and its operations [27]. Instance. An instance is an object. Class. A class is a collection of objects. A class may contain individuals, instances of the class. A class may have any number of instances. An instance may belong to none, one, or more classes. Operators Languages in the OWL family support various operations on classes such as union, intersection, and complement. They also allow class enumeration, cardinality, and disjointness. Besides, a class may be a subclass of another, inheriting characteristics from its superclass superclass. All classes are subclasses of the root class owl:Thing. The empty class owl:Nothing is the subclasses of all the rest classes. No instances are members of owl:Nothing. owl:Thing and owl:Nothing can be used to assert facts about all or no instances. Property. A property is a directed binary relation that specifies class characteristics. It can be an attribute of instances and sometimes acts as a data value or link to other instance(s). Properties may possess logical capabilities such as being transitive, symmetric, inverse, and functional. Properties may also have domains and ranges.

2.2.3 Logic Foundation of OWL – Description Logic (DL) Description Logic (DL) is a family of formal knowledge representation languages [6], which are (most of the time decidable) fragments of first-order logic, and are closely related to Propositional Modal & Dynamic Logics. It is the descendant of semantic networks and KL-ONE, and is used in artificial intelligence for formal reasoning on the concepts of an application domain (known as terminological knowledge). DL is of particular importance in providing a formal and computational foundation for ontological languages such as the W3C standard OWL. In fact, many current OWL inference tools do reasoning by first translating the OWL ontology into a DL knowledge base, and rely on the latter to perform logic inferences. Correspondence exists between OWL class and axiom constructors and DL syntax.

2.2 Context Ontology

33 Description Logic in General Description Logic describes a domain in terms of concepts (classes), roles (relationships), and individuals. A DL knowledge base is comprised of two parts, i.e., a TBox (schema) and an ABox (data) [18]. TBox introduces the terminology (i.e., the vocabulary of a domain). It is comprised of concepts (e.g., Person, Employee, Role, Company) gathering sets of individuals of the common characters, and roles (e.g., hasActivity, hasRole) representing binary relationships between individuals. ABox contains assertions about named individuals (e.g., Person(Peter) , Role(engineer) , hasRole(Peter, engineer)) in the TBox vocabulary. Description Logic ALCF There is a variety of Description Logics with different constructors and operators. The base description logic language of practical interest is Attribute Language (AL), which is the minimal description logic language [23]. Concept. AL allows atomic negation, concept intersection, universal restrictions, and limited existential quantification. Complementing AL with any concept (not just atomic concepts) allowed, ALC constitutes a centrally important description logic. The top concept ⊤ and bottom concept ⊥ denote the concept with all or no individuals, respectively. Role. Roles can have full quantification restriction ∀ or existential quantification restriction ∃. For instance, ∀ hasRole.Role denotes all individuals having roles, and ∃ hasRole.Role denotes some individuals having roles. Number restriction (≥ nR and ≤ nR) and min/max cardinality constraint (≥ nR.C and ≤ nR.C) can be enforced for rich expressivity [2, 23]. In ALC, concepts and roles can be either atomic or constructed using operators of intersection ⊓, union ⊔, or negation ¬ (e.g., Person ⊓ Employee). The inverse role of R is represented as R– (e.g., hasEmployee is the inverse role of IsEmployeeOf– ). Concept Expression. A concept expression can contain a set of concepts and (quantified) roles, which are connected via ⊓, ⊔, or ¬ (e.g., Employee ⊓ ∃ hasRole. {manager}). Feature. ALCF introduces the notion of feature (similar to attribute), which can be viewed as a function between two individuals [15]. For example, hasID can be viewed as a feature of concept Person, but hasFriend can only be a role of Person, since a Person instance can have many Friend instances. Similar to concept and role, feature can be either atomic or composite built through a chain of features, called feature chain. For example, feature chain (hasPartener ∘ hasID) of Person denotes the Partener’s ID of a Person instance. Let f and f 󸀠 be two feature chains of a concept. f ↓ f 󸀠 shows feature agreement (for each individual of the concept, its feature chains f and f 󸀠 have the same value). f ↑ f 󸀠 shows feature disagreement


2 Modeling Context

(for each individual of the concept, its feature chains f and f 󸀠 have different values). f ↑ shows an undefined feature (individuals of the concept don’t have a value for f ). Description Logic with Concrete Domains ALCF (D) Gray and Salber [11], Hollunder and Nutt [15], and Schmidt-Schaub" and Smolka [23] incorporate concrete domain D into ALCF, leading to the description logic language with concrete domains ALCF(D). The concrete domain D in ALCF(D) is comprised of a set dom(D) (domain of D) and a set pred(D) (predicates of D). Each predicate name P is associated with an arity n and an n-ary predicate PD ⊆ dom(D)n . A concrete domain D is admissible, if and only if (1) the set of its predicate names is closed under negation and contains a name for BD , and (2) the satisfiability problem for finite conjunctions of the above mentioned form is decidable. Formal definitions of the syntax and semantics of ALCF(D) can be found in Refs. [11, 15, 23]. Definition 8. Let Concept , Role , and Feature be disjoint sets of concept, role, and feature names. Let C, D ∈ Concept be two concept names, R ∈ Role ∪ Feature be a role or feature name, Pred ∈ pred(D) be an n-ary predicate name, and u1 , u2 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , un be feature chains. The following expressions are also concepts. – C ⊔ D (disjunction), C ⊓ D (conjunction), and ¬C (negation); – ∃R.C (existential quantification) and ∀R.C (full quantification); – Pred(u1 , u2 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , un ) (predicate); – u1 ↓ u2 (feature agreement) and u1 ↑ u2 (feature disagreement). ◻ Definition 9. The semantics of ALCF(D) can be defined via an interpretation I = (dom(I), .I ), where – dom(I) is a set representing the abstract domain of the interpretation. The abstract domain and the concrete domain are disjoint, i.e., dom(I) ∩ dom(D) = 6. – .I is an interpretation function, which – maps each concept name C ∈ Concept to a subset CI of dom(I). – maps each role name R ∈ Role to a subset RI of dom(I) × dom(I), – maps each feature name f ∈ Feature to a partial function f I from dom(I) to dom(I) ∪ dom(D), where f I (x) = y is written as (x, y) ∈ f I . If u = f1 f2 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ fn is a feature chain, then uI is defined as the composition f1I ∘ f2I ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∘ fkI of the partial functions f1I , f2I , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , fkI . Let symbols C, D, R, P and u1 , u2 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , un be defined as in Definition 8. The interpretation function can be extended to complex concepts as follows. – (C ⊔ D)I = CI ∪ DI , (C ⊓ D)I = CI ∩ DI , (¬C)I = dom(I) \ CI ;

2.2 Context Ontology

– – –


(∃R.C)I = {x ∈ dom(I) | ∃y : (x, y) ∈ RI ∧ y ∈ CI }, (∀R.C)I = {x ∈ dom(I) | ∀y : (x, y) ∈ RI → y ∈ CI }; Pred(u1 , u2 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , un )I = {x ∈ dom(I) | ∃r1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , rn ∈ dom(D) : uI1 (x) = r1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , uIn (x) = rn ∧ (r1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , rn ) ∈ PD }; (u1 ↓ u2 )I = {a ∈ dom(I) | ∃b ∈ dom(I) : (a, b) ∈ uI1 ∧ (a, b) ∈ uI2 }, (u1 ↑ u2 )I = {a ∈ dom(I) | ∃b1 , b2 ∈ dom(I) : (b1 ≠ b2 ) ∧ (a, b1 ) ∈ uI1 ∧ (a, b2 ) ∈ uI2 }.

Let T be a TBox. An interpretation I is a model of T , if and only if it satisfies AI = BI for all terminological terms A = B in the T . ◻ Logic Inference in ALCF (D) A DL-based system not only stores terminologies and assertions but also offers services that reason about them. DL do two types of reasoning: one for TBox and the other for ABox. TBox Reasoning. The main deduction service for a TBox is to test whether a generic relationship is a logical consequence of the declarations in the TBox. Subsumption is a key reasoning problem, which computes the subconcept-superconcept relationships between the concepts in the TBox. Let T be a TBox, and let C, D be two concept names. D subsumes C with respect to T (written as C ⊑ D), if and only if CI ⊆ DI holds for all models I of T . Other important reasoning problems considered include satisfiability, equivalence, and disjointness. Satisfiability problem is to check whether in some interpretation a concept denotes a nonempty set (i.e., noncontradictory). Equivalence problem is to check whether two concepts are equivalent. Disjointness problem is to check whether the disjoint result of two concepts is an empty set. In the AL language, the satisfiability, equivalence, and disjointness reasoning problems can be reduced to the subsumption problem. Furthermore, if the DL system allows the full negative constructor, these problems can be reduced to the unsatisfiability problem, and have the same reasoning complexity. ABox Reasoning. The basic reasoning problem for the ABox is consistency checking, i.e., checking whether there is an ABox that is consistent to the TBox. As the ABox contains assertions about individuals, its basic instance checking task is to test whether a given individual is an instance of a specified concept. Instance checking can be reduced to the consistency problem. Shaerf [19] shows that ABox consistency problem can be reduced to concept satisfiability.

2.2.4 Correspondence Between OWL and DL Correspondence exists between W3C OWL and Description Logics. An instance in OWL corresponds to a DL individual. A class in OWL corresponds to a DL concept.


2 Modeling Context

Table 2.2: OWL class constructors in Description Logics. Class constructor in OWL

Expression in DL


intersectionOf unionOf complementOf one of toClass hasClass hasValue minCardinalityQ maxCardinalityQ cardinalityQ

C⊔D C⊓D ¬C {x1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ xn } ∀R.C ∃R.C ∃R.{x} ≥ nR.C ≤ nR.C = R.C

Person ∪ Employee Person ∩ Employee ¬ Employee {Jone, Patrick, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , Bill} ∀ hasRole.Role ∃ hasRole.Role ∃ hasActivity.{repair} ≥ 10 hasRole.Role ≤ 1 hasRole.Role = 1 hasRole.Role

Table 2.3: OWL axiom constructors in Description Logics. Axiom constructor in OWL

Expression in DL


subClassOf sameClassAs subPropertyOf


sameIndividualOf disjointWith differentIndividualFrom inverseOf

x 1 ≐ x2 C ⊑ ¬D {x1 } ⊑ ¬{x2 } R ≐ S–

Person ⊑ Employee Employee ≐ Staff hasEmployee ⊑ hasContactPerson Jone = J.Smith Employee ⊑ ¬ Customer {Jone} ⊑ ¬ {Patrick} hasEmployee ≐ IsEmployeeOf–

The subclass-superclass relationship in OWL corresponds to logical subsumption and DL concept inclusion relationship. The root class owl:Thing in OWL corresponds to DL top concept ⊤. The empty class owl:Nothing in OWL corresponds to DL bottom concept ⊥. A class property in OWL corresponds to a DL role. Tables 2.2 and 2.3 illustrate the expression of major OWL constructors in DL, where C and D are DL concept names, R and S are DL role names, and x1 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , xn are DL individual names.

2.2.5 A Simple Context Ontology Example Figure 2.1 shows a context ontology example containing user-centric internal context and external context. User’s static profile, dynamic behavior, emotion, and physiological status are internal context information, while physical, social, and computational environments are external context. A DL description of the context ontology is shown in Figure 2.2.

2.3 Context Events


Class User range ObjectProperty hasContext domain Class Context subClassof Class



ExternalContext subClassof

subClassof Class










Physiological Status

Physical Environment

Social Environment

Computational Environment

Figure 2.1: A context ontology example.

User ⊑ ∀ hasContext.Context ExternalContext ⊑ Context InternalContext ⊑ Context PhysicalEnvironment ⊑ ExternalContext Profile ⊑ InternalContext Behavior ⊑ InternalContext Emotion ⊑ InternalContext PhysiologicalStatus ⊑ InternalContext SocialEnvironment ⊑ ExternalContext ComputationalEnvironment ⊑ ExternalContext Figure 2.2: A DL description of the context ontology example.

2.3 Context Events Context can be represented as a set of Description Logic (DL) concept expressions. To capture context’s dynamics, context can be interpreted and translated to a set of context events, described in context event expressions. Context events occupy the time when they occur. Temporal properties and relationships of context events can be expressed through temporal operators.

2.3.1 Interpreting Context as Context Events Each Description Logic concept expression can be interpreted as a basic or complex event. The DL concept expression, containing only the membership of an atomic DL


2 Modeling Context

concept C(a) or role R(a, b) (where a and b are concept instances), corresponds to a basic context event. A combination of basic context events through the Boolean operators (∧, ∨, =)̸ forms a complex context event, corresponding to a DL concept expression, where concepts and/or roles are connected via the DL constructors (⊓, ⊔, ¬). The DL special top concept ⊤ and bottom concept ⊥ correspond to any event and an impossible event, respectively. Definition 10. Function Expr(ce) maps a DL concept expression ce to a context event expression, which is recursively defined as follows. – Expr(C(a)) is a basic context event expression, where C(a) denotes membership of atomic concept C; – Expr(R(a, b)) is a basic context event expression, where R(a, b) denotes membership of atomic role R; – Expr(⊤) = ⊤e is a basic context event expression, representing any event; – Expr(⊥) = ⊥e is a basic context event expression, representing an impossible event; – Expr(Pred(u1 , u2 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , un )) is a basic context event expression, where Pred(u1 , u2 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , un ) denotes holding of predicate P over feature chains u1 , u 2 , ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , un ; – Expr(¬C(a)) is a complex context event expression, where Expr(¬C(a)) = ¬Expr(C(a)); – Expr(¬R(a, b)) is a complex context event expression, where Expr(¬R(a, b)) = ¬Expr(R(a, b)); – Expr(C ⊓ D(a)) is a complex context event expression, where Expr(C ⊓ D(a)) = Expr(C(a)) ∧ Expr(D(a)); – Expr(C ⊔ D(a)) is a complex context event expression, where Expr(C ⊔ D(a)) = Expr(C(a)) ∨ Expr(D(a)); – Expr(∃R.C(a)) is a complex context event expression, where Expr(∃R.C(a)) =(Expr(R(a, b1 ) ∧ Expr(C(b1 ))) ∨ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∨ (Expr(R(a, bn ))∧ Expr(C(bn ))); – Expr(∀R.C(a)) is a complex context event expression, where Expr(∀R.C(a)) =(Expr(R(a, b1 )) ∧ Expr(C(b1 ))) ∧ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ∧ (Expr(R(a, bn ))∧ Expr(C(bn ))). ◻

2.3.2 Temporality of Context Events A context event is an atomic occurrence (happening completely or not at all) in the world [3]. It can be either an instantaneous event (e.g., turning off the light in a room, entering the room, etc.) or a persistent event (e.g., staying in a shop to buy something, having a traffic jam, etc.). The former lasts for a very short moment [3, 5], while the later may take some time, represented as a time range. From a discrete collection and sampling standpoint, an instantaneous context event occurs at a time point.

2.3 Context Events

39 Absolute Occurrence of Context Events Expressing the temporal occurrence of a context event by means of a precise and absolute time point or time range along a time line is apparently one way. (1) Time Point vs. Time Interval There is a distinction between time point and time range of the following Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) syntax specifications. time-point = time-range = clock-time = time-interval= time-unit =

clock-time; ’[’,clock-time,clock-time,’]’; [Year:Month:Week:Day:]Hour:Minute:Second; number, time-unit; Year|Month|Week|Day|Hour|Minute|Second| Microsecond.

where [Year:Month:Week:Day:] is optional. The domain of time point t, denoted as Dom(t), is assumed to be discrete with an equal-distance. A partial temporal order ≤t is used to declare two time points t and s in sequence. t t ) s states that t is earlier (later) than s in the time line. (t =t s) indicates two exactly the same time points. ≤t (≥t ) denotes not earlier (later) than temporal relationship. A time range [t– , t+ ] has a starting time point and an ending time point, where – + (t , t ∈ Dom(t)) and (t1 ≤t t2 ). The time length of [t– , t+ ] is the time difference of t+ and t– , represented as (t+ –t t– ). When (t– =t t+ ), the time range degrades to a time point, becoming a special case of time range with a zero time length. A time range [s– , s+ ] is a sub-range of [t– , t+ ], denoted as [s– , s+ ] ⊆t [t– , t+ ], if and only if (s– ≥t t– ) and (s+ ≤t t+ ). A time point t belongs to time range [t– , t+ ], denoted as t ∈t [s– , s+ ], if and only if (iff) t falls in the time range, i.e., (t– ≤t t) ∧ (t ≤t t+ ). (2) Temporal Relationships of Time Intervals The temporal logic community has defined the following temporal range relationships [2, 3]. Let t = [t– , t+ ] and s = [s– , s+ ] be two time ranges. – BEFORE(t, s)= TRUE, and inversely, AFTER(s, t)=TRUE, if and only if (t+