Computing and Combinatorics: First Annual International Conference, COCOON '95 Xi'an, China, August 24–26, 1995 Proceedings [1 ed.]
354060216X, 9783540602163
This book constitutes the proceedings of the First Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, COCOO
Pages 662
Year 1995
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Table of contents :
The complexity of mean payoff games....Pages 1-10
Approximation of coNP sets by NP-complete sets....Pages 11-20
How to draw a planar clustered graph....Pages 21-30
An efficient orthogonal grid drawing algorithm for cubic graphs....Pages 31-40
Constrained independence system and triangulations of planar point sets....Pages 41-50
Three dimensional weak visibility: Complexity and applications....Pages 51-60
Rectangulating rectilinear polygons in parallel....Pages 61-70
Efficient randomized incremental algorithm for the closest pair problem using Leafary trees....Pages 71-80
Computing infinite relations using finite expressions: A new approach to the safety issue in relational databases....Pages 81-90
Set-term unification in a logic database language....Pages 91-100
Computations with finite closure systems and implications....Pages 101-110
Maximum tree-packing in time O (n 5/2 )....Pages 111-120
Optimal algorithms for finding connected components of an unknown graph....Pages 121-130
The multi-weighted spanning tree problem....Pages 131-140
Algorithmic graph embeddings....Pages 141-150
Analysis of quorum-based protocols for distributed (k+1)-exclusion....Pages 151-160
A highly fault-tolerant quorum consensus method for managing replicated data....Pages 161-170
Constructing Craig interpolation formulas....Pages 171-180
Currying of order-sorted term rewriting systems....Pages 181-190
Stack and queue number of 2-trees....Pages 191-202
Shortest paths in random weighted graphs....Pages 203-212
Simple reduction of f -colorings to edge-colorings....Pages 213-222
Output-size sensitiveness of OBDD construction through maximal independent set problem....Pages 223-228
Small weight bases for hamming codes....Pages 229-234
Toeplitz words, generalized periodicity and periodically iterated morphisms....Pages 235-243
A construction for enumerating k -coloured Motzkin paths....Pages 244-253
On public-key cryptosystem based on Church-Rosser string-rewriting systems....Pages 254-263
Extending the Hong-Kung model to memory hierarchies....Pages 264-269
On log-time alternating Turing machines of alternation depth k ....Pages 270-281
New bound for affine resolvable designs and its application to authentication codes....Pages 282-291
Dense packings of 3k(k+1)+1 equal disks in a circle for k = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5....Pages 292-302
Efficient parallel algorithms for some tree layout problems....Pages 303-312
Conservative algorithms for parallel and sequential integer sorting....Pages 313-323
An optimal algorithm for proper learning of unions of two rectangles with queries....Pages 324-333
Disjunctions of negated counting functions are efficiently learnable with equivalence queries....Pages 334-343
Non-empty cross-3-intersection theorems of subsets....Pages 344-349
Convexity of minimal total dominating functions in graphs....Pages 350-356
Transformations for maximal planar graphs with minimum degree five....Pages 357-365
An asynchronous parallel method for linear systems....Pages 366-371
On a kind of sequence of polynomials....Pages 372-378
Hamiltonian cycles in 2-generated Cayley digraphs of abelian groups....Pages 379-383
Pandiagonal magic squares....Pages 384-387
PFFM and Quasi-Morishima matrices....Pages 388-391
Edge-face total chromatic number of outerplanar graphs with Δ (G)=6....Pages 392-395
Sets computable in polynomial time on average....Pages 396-399
Rankable distributions do not provide harder instances than uniform distributions....Pages 400-409
Transformations that preserve malignness of universal distributions....Pages 410-419
Intersection suffices for Boolean hierarchy equivalence....Pages 420-429
Searching rigid data structures....Pages 430-435
A better subgraph of the minimum weight triangulation....Pages 436-445
Sequence decomposition method for computing a Gröbner basis and its application to bivariate spline....Pages 446-451
A broadcasting algorithm on the arrangement graph....Pages 452-455
A fast maximum finding algorithm on broadcast communication....Pages 456-461
Broadcasting in general networks I: Trees....Pages 462-471
Uni-directional alternating group graphs....Pages 472-481
On separating proofs of knowledge from proofs of membership of languages and its application to secure identification schemes....Pages 482-489
Compact location problems with budget and communication constraints....Pages 490-495
Minimum dominating sets of intervals on lines....Pages 496-509
Two-dimensional pattern matching on a dynamic library of texts....Pages 510-519
Structure in approximation classes....Pages 520-529
Improved lower bounds for the randomized Boppana-Halldórsson algorithm for MAXCLIQUE....Pages 530-538
MNP: A class of NP optimization problems....Pages 539-548
Semidefinite programming and its applications to NP problems....Pages 549-558
Analysis and experimentation on list update algorithms....Pages 559-565
An exact branch and bound algorithm for the Steiner Problem in Graphs....Pages 566-575
A physical model for the satisfiability problem....Pages 576-581
An efficient algorithm for local testability problem of finite state automata....Pages 582-590
Scheduling task-tree with additive scales on parallel/distributed machines....Pages 591-596
Single-vehicle scheduling problem on a straight line with time window constraints....Pages 597-606
An on-line algorithm for some uniform processor Scheduling....Pages 607-616
An algebraic characterization of tractable constraints....Pages 617-626
Limit property of unbalanced development in economic network....Pages 627-632
Document processing, theory, and practice....Pages 633-642
Matching and comparing sequences in molecular biology....Pages 643-646
Primal-dual schema based approximation algorithms....Pages 647-647
....Pages 648-649