Complete checkers [3rd rev. ed.] 1542464366, 9781542464369

Complete Checkers is the definitive guide to 3-move ballot checkers, a reference for the 21st century and beyond. Grandm

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Complete Checkers

Richard Pask

Complete Checkers

Richard Pask

M‫אבי גבלר ספרי‬

Avi Gobbler Publishing Honolulu

Copyright ©2017, 2018, 2019 Richard Pask All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews. Electronic redistribution is explicitly prohibited. For further information email the publisher: [email protected] M‫אבי גבלר ספרי‬ Original publication February, 2017 Avi Gobbler Publishing Honolulu, Hawai‘i 3rd Revised Edition August, 2019 2nd Revised Edition February, 2018 ISBN 978-1542464369 Front Cover Photo: Standing Infinity, Bob Newell, 2017; the stark black and white background and the turned, upright infinity symbol illustrate the contrast between the apparent simplicity of checkers and its limitless depth. Rear Cover Photo: Grandmaster Richard Pask, Kathy Pask, 2016. This book was typeset in LATEX Libertine and produced entirely with a suite of free, open-source software running on Linuxpowered workstations.

Table of Contents Publisher’s Introduction


Author’s Introduction


Guide to Using Complete Checkers


Part 1: 9-13s


Part 2: 9-14s


Part 3: 10-14s


Part 4: 10-15s


Part 5: 11-15s


Part 6: 11-16s


Part 7: 12-16s


Appendix 1: Index to Crossboard Games


Appendix 2: Index to Postal Games


Appendix 3: Index to Analyzed Games


Appendix 4: Index to Key Landings


Appendix 5: Index to Classic Late Midgames


Appendix 6: Guide to Classic Late Midgames


Appendix 7: Index to Endgames


Appendix 8: Index to Database Positions


Appendix 9: Cluster Index


Appendix 10: Modern GAYP Championship Matches


Appendix 11: 3-Move World Championship Matches


Appendix 12: My All-Time Top 20 3-Move Grandmasters


Other Books by the Author


About the Author

713 v

Richard Pask


Publisher’s Introduction For years Grandmaster Richard Pask has given me the privilege of editing, publishing, and distributing his checker writings, but Complete Checkers is his absolute masterwork, and to have the honor of preparing this book for publication is a humbling responsibility, something for which I am truly grateful. Complete Checkers is destined to become a reference for the ages, and will surely be the definitive work on 3-move play for a very long time to come. Many years in the making, Complete Checkers features 200 diagrams and cites 2,200 games. Mr. Pask has a literate style and a sense of logical organization that make the book easy to use, even if the subject matter can be deep and difficult. He has built upon the work of generations past, using today’s powerful computer engines to support his own vast expertise. The result is presented herein: hundreds of pages of sparkling exposition and analysis. In our modern era, publication and distribution is a much easier task than it once was, and putting the book into the hands of the checker-playing public is now readily accomplished. The electronic version of this book is available completely free of charge at the Checker Maven website, Thus, the book will be within reach of everyone, everywhere, without limitations based on financial means. The printed book of course cannot be free, but it is being offered at a very modest price. It is with great pleasure, and with abundant thanks to Mr. Pask, that this book is placed before you for your enjoyment and edification. Bob Newell Editor and Publisher Honolulu, Hawai‘i New Year’s Day, 2017

Richard Pask


Author’s Introduction Goal It is the ambitious goal of the author that Complete Checkers will stand alongside the landmark works listed below; seeking to be both a reliable work of reference and practical crossboard guide of value for many years. Guide to the Game of Draughts; Joshua Sturges, 1800 The Game of Draughts Simplified; Andrew Anderson, 1852 A Complete Guide to the Game of Draughts; James Lees, 1892 Master Play of the Draught Board; Francis Tescheleit, 19261933 The Encyclopaedia of Draughts; J. Alexander and J. Kear, 1950 Basic Checkers; Richard Fortman, 1978-1983

How the Book Came About Just prior to the 1983 UK & Ireland v USA international match, I compiled a handwritten manuscript covering what would turn out to be Key Landings 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10. Eventually this gave rise to Key Landings itself, the first edition of which was published in 1989. Inspired by Basic Checkers, whose origins are to be found in Derek Oldbury’s excellent The Square World magazine, I was prompted to begin a series of books covering all of the 3-move ballots. Solid Checkers, Part 5, the 11-15s, appeared in 1991, with the remaining parts coming out over the succeeding 6 years. Total Checkers: A Guide & Companion Volume 1 was issued in 1998, and included a supplement to the series covering all of the amendments of which I was then aware. In 1999, Key Openings provided a single-volume abbreviated version of the entire series, with an improved layout, while in 2005 The Golden


Complete Checkers

Dozen introduced the 12 new ballots. Having thus covered all 156 ballots once, between 2010 and 2015 I went through the entire process again, issuing what was essentially a second edition with the vastly improved 21st Century Checkers series. Complete Checkers incorporates all seven parts of 21st Century Checkers, including all amendments arising during the 2010-2016 period, and thus represents the culmination of a project which began over 30 years ago.

Purpose of the Book Complete Checkers aims to provide a reliable, solid defence against every major, and many minor, attacks arising out of both sides of all 156 3-move ballots. Basically, it is a case for the defence. At every stage where more than one option is given, it recommends one specific choice, representing my personal preference. Of course, no claim is made that these are the ‘best’ moves, but it is held that all of them are sound: never (knowingly) going into a loss and never (knowingly) passing up a win. In virtually every game I have sought to reach a definite conclusion, even to the extent of voluntarily going into crystallised bridge endgames, to avoid leaving the reader ‘in the lurch,’ and, apart from a few unavoidable instances, have steered clear of speculative lines. The end product may fairly be described as comprehensive, but is by no means exhaustive.

A Test-Bed of Importance When you consider that some chess databases consist of millions of games, 2200 seems a very small number indeed. However, when you are seeking to understand what makes every single game tick, and to commit all of the salient points to memory, it suddenly becomes extremely large! (For comparative purposes Kear’s Encyclopaedia features 1864 complete games.) The main criticism that Derek Oldbury had of Master Play was that many of the games and analyses it contained were anything but. In Complete Checkers I have sought to address this point most rigorously, with a strong focus on authenticity, reliability and relevance, and feel confident that an overwhelming percentage

Richard Pask


of the games will stand up to the most stringent scrutiny by the fraternity. Given this fact, I believe that Complete Checkers serves as a very high quality test-bed, allowing for valuable inferences about the game to be drawn. Some of the lessons which I have learned from its production are as follows: 1. For practical purposes, the game has limitless scope. I could, for example, easily have devoted the entire book to the study of a single ballot: 9-14 23-18; 14-23, 10-15 21-17; 7-10, 10-15 22-17; 15-19, 11-15 21-17; 9-13, 11-15 22-18; 15-22 and 11-15 23-19; 8-11, to name just six, coming to mind immediately. Throughout the process, the question was ‘How can I reduce the number of games to make it manageable?’ In other words, 2200 games is just a drop in the ocean, and the idea that any human being could fail to find the 3-move restriction sufficiently challenging is ludicrous. 2. To quote Dr Marion Tinsley, ‘Checkers is fundamentally a test of what you can see, rather than what you can remember.’ How could it possibly be otherwise, when there are so many opportunities for the opponent to vary from ‘the book’? Naturally, as Louis Ginsberg avers in his wonderful Principles of Strategy, it is essential for a successful player to fix in the memory ‘A good foundation of carefully selected lines of play,’ otherwise why bother to study Complete Checkers?, but it is critical, to quote Ginsberg once more, ‘that one understands the moves learned by rote.’ Edwin Hunt echoes Ginsberg’s view when he states, ‘If one relied on memory alone, it would be almost impossible to remember whether “the book” played 2-6 then 7-11, or 7-11 then 2-6.’ 3. Related to point 2, general principles have a vital role to play; the game being a subtle mixture of strategy and tactics. Naturally, no ‘system’ exists to beat the game, and ultimately knowledge must hold sway, but there has never


Complete Checkers been, and could never be, a great player who was unable to apply general principles with the utmost skill: Willie Ryan as much as Derek Oldbury. The correct weight to be assigned to features such as a strong double-corner, the control or occupation of squares 14 and 19 and the retention of a strong king-row, for example, gave early computer programmers such as Dr. Arthur Samuel a considerable headache. I would contend that Complete Checkers allows for this to be done with great accuracy. Of especial importance in this regard, as observed by Willie Ryan, Derek Oldbury, Dr Marion Tinsley, Louis Ginsberg and others, is the role of timing. In checkers, time is multi-faceted, and Complete Checkers contains innumerable examples of its correct application. 4. Tactics are important at the highest level, not merely for defeating novices. As Willie Ryan pointed out in his marvellous Tricks, Traps & Shots, tactics can manifest themselves in three main ways: as remote-control devices used to steer the opponent in a particular direction (in these cases, the action takes place ‘in the notes’); as very often the only way of defeating a losing move; and, in their most subtle form, devices deep enough, even at the point of impact, to be missed by grandmasters. 5. Pitches may fairly be described as ‘the soul of the game,’ their correct application being highly important during every phase. A huge number of examples can be found in the text. Naturally, spotting them in advance is the key thing. As Asa Long so astutely observed in America’s Best Checkers, ‘The student, of course, will say that this [a pitch] is easy to see now, but such was not the case some moves back when a sound defence was built upon the idea of this sacrifice.’ 6. The advice given to the beginner to retain two king-row men on squares 1 and 3 (or 30 and 32) should be ditched. There are, naturally, occasions when this is the best course of action, but very often it proves disastrous. Moreover, moving the

Richard Pask


man on square 2 (or 31) early, even when sound, almost always has attendant disadvantages. Personally, I would alter the general advice to the following. ‘Be completely flexible when it comes to moving your own king-row men, and definitely don’t make a policy of trying to retain all of them. Broadly, speaking, the man on square 4 (or 29) should be moved early on, and the man on square 2 (31) retained to avoid structural weakness.’ 7. Still on the subject of advice to beginners, the notion that seeking to obtain the first king is at the forefront of a player’s thoughts is very much open to question. Of course, if you have level pieces, a solid king-row and a king which is running riot behind opposing men, all is well! However, such examples are few and far between, and inevitably depend upon very weak play by your opponent. Granted, the sacrifice of a man for a king may be justified on psychological grounds; an opponent sometimes getting the jitters under such circumstances. Complete Checkers contains a number of examples where you may be forced to defend against an opponent’s roaming king, but their scarcity suggests that this is the exception rather than the rule. The key thing to remember was beautifully expressed by Dr Marion Tinsley in Checker Kings In Action: ‘It is always wise to decide immediately whether your opponent has blundered or played a brilliancy when he gives you a man. If you feel he has done the latter, then make haste to see how you can return the loan at the most opportune moment.’ 8. The application of the finesse is often overlooked. This is the kind of move which in effect says to your opponent, ‘Either you do x next or I will.’ Complete Checkers brings out many examples. 9. Practicalities should always be kept firmly in mind. Complete Checkers is fundamentally a guide for the crossboard player, recognising that continuations which may suit a postal player, or a computer program armed with exten-


Complete Checkers sive endgame databases, may well not be of relevance in over-the-board play. As John Alexander pointed out, when you are defending, a hairline draw is hardly of importance if a solid one is available. Contrariwise, a move which guarantees your opponent a hard time is to be favoured over one which allows for an easy out, even if a theoretical draw is to be had in both cases.

10. The endgame is not, as claimed by some authorities, necessarily the most important phase of the game. Personally, I rate the midgame highest, but it all depends on your style of play. Complete Checkers differs from the reference works detailed at the outset, in that it maintains a consistent style of play throughout, rather than a hodgepodge of a dozen different styles: one premised on clarity and clear-cut conclusions. This includes the computer analysis, which in truth represents a collaboration between the program, WCC Platinum, and myself. Of course the endgame is still important and, as a minimum, every ambitious player needs a keen grasp of the endgames detailed in Key Endings and Play Better Checkers & Draughts. Consideration must also be given to the those endgames, 22 in number, which Complete Checkers demonstrates may be more or less forced from the opening. This last point is crucial. Namely, unless the ballot itself is critically weak, you cannot be forced to defend a critical endgame. 11. As alluded to in point 10, although demanding many starred defensive moves, the 3-move restriction still allows ample scope for the development of an individual style. I make no claims that the style embodied in Complete Checkers is the ‘correct’ one. Of course not. Elbert Lowder was a far better player than me, and his do-or-die style was diametrically-opposed to mine. Even slavishly playing for shots and strokes at the cost of your own position is a perfectly legitimate style if you are prepared to lose a lot of games. Ultimately, the style you develop is a matter

Richard Pask


of personal preference. Only one thing is certain: the stronger players have a broadly successful style, while the weaker players have a broadly unsuccessful style! 12. Many subtle transpositions, particularly those with colours reversed, are overlooked: ‘ships which pass in the night,’ in the words of Richard Fortman. Complete Checkers brings to light several new ones, and through the use of the Cluster Index, makes explicit the interrelationships between the different ballots. 13. Finally, when trying to understand a particular variation and commit it to memory, the student should undertake to study it to the bitter end. That is, to a point where he is confident that no delicate endgame issues or little snaps remain. (An example is #2164.) Alfred Jordan, Samuel Gonotsky and Asa Long were renowned for their thoroughness in this respect: having a grasp of the standard lines which was far superior to the vast majority of players.

The 3-Move Restriction In my opinion, for the purposes of determining the ‘heavyweight’ checker champion of the world, the 3-move restriction reigns supreme. It has served its purpose admirably for over 80 years, and there is every reason to assume it will continue to do so throughout the 21st century. However, two criticisms of this convention, both exceptionally weak, have often found their way into print, and I’d like to address them now. 1. ‘To become a master or grandmaster requires dedication and the acquisition of a great deal of knowledge.’ There are two responses to this. First, as stated by Dr. Marion Tinsley, to become a master or grandmaster also requires, among many other things, crossboard ability. In fact, knowledge and crossboard ability are mutually reinforcing, and,


Complete Checkers as noted by Edwin Hunt, it’s hard to see how someone could reconstruct thousands of lines of play without understanding what makes them tick. Secondly, every other worthy field of endeavour requires dedication to reach the top. Why should checkers be different? 2. ‘The system of balloting reduces matches and tournaments to a lottery.’ Frankly, it’s hard to believe this could be said with a straight face. Although there may have been the occasional surprise, the results of tournaments and matches over the last 80 years have provided absolutely overwhelming evidence that with the 3-move restriction the better player wins.

Of course all of the conventions have their merits, my order of preference being 3-move, GAYP, 2-move and then 11-man ballot. Incidentally, for those like Tom Wiswell and Millard Hopper who argue powerfully for GAYP, it is telling that the percentage of wins recorded in modern GAYP world championship matches is 18%, while in the 3-move matches it is only 4% more, further evidence of the inherent scope present in even the most ‘exhausted’ ballots.

The Role of Computer Programs Chinook hit the scene in 1989, so there has now been ample time to assess the advantages and disadvantages of computer programs. I for one am very grateful for their existence, as it turns out that the pros greatly outweigh the cons. First, the pros: They have established what serious players since 1756 have always assumed, and required, to be the case: that our great game is sound. That is, in theory it should always end in a draw. (Ultimately, one or two 3-move ballots could be added or deleted, but this is of no moment whatsoever.)

Richard Pask


This, the scientific truth, means that its foundations can never be undermined. But, as Derek Oldbury tellingly observed in Move Over, artistic truth determines that over a series of games the more creative and skilful player will win. And, mark this, first and foremost, checkers is a game to be enjoyed by human beings! They have provided top-level, ever-willing sparring partners. They have re-demonstrated the scope of the game. They have, to some extent, made the general public aware of the fact that our game is a skilful one. They have aided serious players with their analysis, be it in preparing for competition or in the production of a book. Secondly, the cons: They have killed off championship-level postal play. They have given the general public a somewhat misleading impression vis-à-vis the ‘solving’ of the game. In short, although the reality has now more or less caught up with the hype, it is not quite there yet. Specifically, in 2017 the best ‘version’ of the late, great Dr Marion Tinsley could, in theory, defeat Chinook in an extended 3-move match. (No doubt this loophole will soon be closed, and the so-called man v machine issue can be put to bed permanently.)

Crediting This has always been a thorny issue which has split opinion. As Derek Oldbury pointed out in his monumental Complete Encyclopaedia, until fairly recently British and Irish writers tended to favour the original source, whereas American writers took


Complete Checkers

a more contemporary approach. When attributing a game to a particular analyst, I have naturally given what I believe to be the first source. When quoting a crossboard or postal game, particularly in the case of GAYP, I have often given preference to modern day players. In the case of analysis by WCC Platinum, which is necessarily joint, if a variation stands the test of time let Ed Trice and the late, lamented Gil Dodgen take full credit; if it proves to be faulty, blame me.

Amendments Although this book contains no ‘goat getters,’ ‘horseradish’ or ‘propaganda’ moves, and a lot of effort has been taken over its construction, there will inevitably be some errors. Here’s how I would categorise future amendments, starting with the least important. Typos. Trivial, but annoying if a book contains a lot of them or if they cause confusion. Additions. If these demonstrate major attacks which have been overlooked, they may be of value, but remember that Complete Checkers makes no claims, and does not seek, to be exhaustive. Improvements. Here, the critic would need to show that the balance of power within a variation has been substantially altered. Notwithstanding the accuracy of the analysis, this may well be contentious. Corrections. If proved to be correct, where the outcome of a variation is changed, then extremely valuable. (And hopefully rare!)

Acknowledgements First, enormous thanks go to Bob Newell for all the hours he has put in making this book, and countless others, available to the general public. Thank you very much Bob! It’s been a great joint effort.


Richard Pask

Secondly, I must pay tribute to all the great crossboard players, postal players, analysts and computer programmers whose work features in Complete Checkers. Thirdly, my thanks go to Liam Stephens for the research which he put into Appendix 8, the database positions. And finally, completely unsolicited, Jim Loy sent me a number of proposed amendments to my 21st Century Checkers series. Naturally, since the whole purpose of my final review was to sweep up errors, I had already identified most of these. However, a few got through the net and are acknowledged in the text. Mr. Loy also stood ready to undertake the database checks, so thank you Jim.

Final Thoughts In the introduction to the tenth edition of MCO (Modern Chess Openings), Larry Evans said that he felt ‘entrusted with the keys to the kingdom.’ I feel something similar now: ‘a grave responsibility,’ as Willie Ryan might say. However, knowing the care which has been put into this project and the quality of checkerists cited, I feel sure it will prove to be both reliable and popular. And for those studying Complete Checkers who are filled with ambition, I would like to close with two points made by the great Edwin Hunt: The need to adopt an intellectual attitude towards the game; The need to become alert and sensitive to its beauties.


Richard Pask October, 2016

Richard Pask


Guide to Using Complete Checkers 1. Ballot Number 121A (138): 11-16 23-19; 16-23. The official number of this ballot is 121A. Taking 9-13 21-17; 5-9 to be the first ballot, this is actually the 138th ballot out of the complete deck of 156. 2. POWER [B/W]. This is the extent to which a ballot favours one side or another; for example, [50/50] represents equality and [38/62] means that White has a marked advantage. 9-14 23-18; 14-23 is rated [85/15] and is at the breaking point of soundness. 3. TYPE. This is the period during which the 3 opening moves in question were originally (frequently) played. For example, in the 2-move era, after 9-13; 23-18 it was common to play 5-9, whereas 11-15 was very rare. An asterisk indicates that the development typically arose in the specified era. For example, 9-14 23-19; 5-9 27-23; 11-15 often arose in the GAYP era from 11-15 23-19; 9-14 27-23; 5-9 same. 4. Where a crossboard or postal game (P) is given, the firstnamed player is Black. 5. #1000. The 1000th complete game. There are 2200 complete games in all, with many others referenced in the notes. 6. In all of the diagrams, White is at the bottom moving upwards. 7. BTP/WTP. Black to play/White to play. 8. [R]. This signifies my recommended attack or defence at a given branching point. 9. CR. Colours reversed.

Complete Checkers


10. V6(T). This shows that Variation 6 branches from the Trunk line. 11. INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V14). Signifying an external transposition into Variation 14 of this ballot. 12. Into Variation 19. An internal transposition into Variation 19. 13. WCM. World Championship Match. 14. Symbols used: ! Good move. !! Brilliant move. ? Bad move. ?? Blunder. !? Interesting move. ?! Dubious move.

Part 1: 9-13s

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 1 (1): 9-13 21-17; 5-9 POWER: [56/44] TYPE: GAYP* GAMES: 8 Trunk: 9-13 21-17; 5-9 25-21; 11-15[R](9) 29-25[R](6); 9-14[R](4) 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 8-15 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16[R](3) 24-20 [26-23; 16-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-26 30-23; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 to a draw]; 16-19 25-21 [32-27; 4-8 25-21 same]; 4-8 32-27; 8-12 27-24 Forms Position, Diagram 1: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✇❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 1

Continue: 3-8[R](2) 14-9; 7-11 26-23[R](1); 19-26 30-23; 6-10 31-26 [The inferior 9-5? gets 10-14! in reply]; 1-5 9-6; 2-9 23-18; 12-16 26-23; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 10-14. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #1. V1(T): . . . 31-27; 6-10 9-6; 2-9 27-23; 12-16 23-18; 1-5 26-23; 19-26 30-23 Into Trunk V2(T): 12-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 7-16 31-27; 1-5 14-10; 6-9 10-6; 16-20 [9-14 21-17!; 14-21 6-1; 5-9? [16-20 draws] 1-5; 9-14 22-17! to a white win: N. Banks v S. Cohen 1939] 6-1; 15-18 22-15; 2-6 1-10; 9-14 10-17; 13-31 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 31-26 23-18;


Complete Checkers

26-22 18-14; 22-18 15-11; 18-9 21-17. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Tinsley 1949. #2. V3(T): 4-8 26-23; 8-11 25-21; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 16-20 [7-11 22-18; 16-20 32-27 same, while 6-10 is well met with 31-26; 10-17 21-14. Also, 1-5 is into #1762 CR Pask-Firth: J. Loy] 32-27; 7-11 22-18; 13-17 30-26; 11-16 19-15; 17-22 26-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-26 31-22; 20-24 15-10; 6-15 18-11; 24-27 14-10; 27-31 17-14; 2-6 22-17. Drawn. H. Freedman v R. Jordan 1902. #3. V4(T): 15-19 [8-11 17-14 gives White equality] 24-15; 10-19 2316; 12-19 17-14; 9-18 22-15; 6-9 25-22; 9-14 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 8-12 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 12-16(5) 15-10; 7-14 18-9; 8-12 [1-5 30-25; 5-14 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 8-12 22-17; 13-22 26-17 is another simple draw] 30-25; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 1-5 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. R. King v H. Devlin 1997. #4. V5(4): 1-6 23-16; 12-19 30-25; 7-11 31-27; 3-7 27-23; 19-24 2819; 6-9 19-16; 11-20 25-22; 2-6 21-17; 7-10 23-19; 20-24 17-14. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #5. V6(T): . . . 23-18(7); 1-5 18-11; 8-15 24-19 [30-25; 3-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 into the next note]; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 27-23 [30-25; 3-8 26-23; 9-14! 22-18; 13-22 18-9; 6-13 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 27-20; 10-15 31-26 [29-25 was played to a draw in an earlier game]; 4-8 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 26-22; 11-16 21-17; 5-9 32-27; 16-19 17-14!; 9-25 29-22; 13-17 22-13; 15-18 13-9. Drawn: R. Pask v WCC Platinum 2008]; 3-8 32-28; 9-14 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 11-16 18-9; 6-22 30-26; 5-9 26-17; 9-14 29-25; 14-18 23-7; 2-11 17-14; 16-23 14-10; 11-16 10-7; 16-20 7-3; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 21-17; 27-31. Drawn. J. Horr v N. Banks 1912. #6. V7(6): . . . 30-25(8); 9-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 INTO 9-13 21-17; 6-9 (T) V8(7): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 23-18; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 27-18; 3-8 17-14; 1-5 30-25; 12-16 32-27; 16-19 14-10; 6-15 27-23; 11-16 18-11; 8-15 23-18; 16-20 18-11; 19-24 22-18; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 26-22; 27-31 11-8; 4-11 18-14; 9-18 22-8; 31-27 21-17; 13-22 25-18. Drawn. Analysis by F. Dunne. #7.

Richard Pask


V9(T): 9-14(10) 22-18 [There is a lot of scope after this break]; 13-22 18-9; 6-13 26-17; 13-22 30-26; 11-15 [22-25 opens up a wide field of play, and is likely to be favoured by a crossboard player] 26-17; 8-11 29-25; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 16-20 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 31-26; 11-16 26-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 6-9 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 16-23 27-18; 2-11. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #8. V10(9): 12-16(11) INTO 12-16 21-17; 9-13 (V3) V11(10): 11-16 INTO 11-16 21-17; 9-13 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 2 (2): 9-13 21-17; 6-9 POWER: [52/48] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 6 Trunk: 9-13 21-17; 6-9 25-21; 11-15[R](6) 30-25[R](5); 9-14 [8-11 allows White the edge with the 17-14 double-exchange] 24-19 [22-18?; 15-22 25-9; 5-14! and Black stands best]; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 32-28 [22-18; 13-22 26-17; 7-11 17-13; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 13-6; 2-9 27-20 gives Black the edge]; 7-11[R](3) 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 2-7 23-16; 11-20 27-23; 7-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10 Forms Position, Diagram 2: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 2

Continue: 12-16[R](2) 23-18[R](1); 16-19 [9-13 is well met with 18-15] 21-17; 9-13 10-6 [18-14? to a black win: R. Pask v C. Brewer 1982 & L. Levitt v J. Grant 1995]; 1-10 18-15; 13-22 25-18; 10-14 18-9; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 9-6; 19-23 6-2 23-27. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #9. V1(T): . . . 25-22; 8-12 23-18; 9-13 18-14; 16-19 21-17; 19-23 10-7; 3-10 14-7; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 17-14; 27-31 22-18; 31-26 14-10. Drawn. Analysis by N. Rubin. #10. V2(T): 8-11 23-18; 11-16 21-17; 9-13 18-14; 13-22 25-18; 20-24

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[16-19 to a draw: D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958] 28-19; 16-23 29-25; 12-16 25-21; 16-20 21-17; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 10-7; 3-10 14-7; 4-8. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #11. V3(T): 2-6 [The natural 8-11 is also sound; being met with 19-15] 22-18 [19-15 to a draw: T. Wiswell v A. Bernstein Learn Checkers Fast Page 79]; 13-22 26-17; 8-11(4) 25-22; 12-16 19-12; 11-16 12-8; 4-11 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 17-10; 7-14 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 1-5 29-25; 3-8 23-19; 14-23 19-10. Drawn. P. McCarthy v E. Bruch 1983. #12. V4(3): 7-11 25-22; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 27-24; 3-8 24-20; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 17-10; 9-14 10-7; 11-15 7-3; 1-6 31-27; 6-10 27-24; 15-18 23-19; 22-26 3-7; 8-11 7-16; 10-15 19-10; 12-28. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #13. V5(T): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 27-24; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 32-28; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11 [28-19 easier]; 7-16 28-19; 3-8 17-13; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 2-7 13-9; 11-15 9-6; 15-24 6-2; 7-11 2-6; 11-15 6-9; 15-18 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 24-27 9-6; 10-15 19-10. Drawn. R. Hunt v M. Tinsley 1950. #14. V6(T): 9-14 INTO 9-14 22-17; 6-9 (V16)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 3 (3): 9-13 22-17; 13-22 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 8 Trunk: 9-13 22-17; 13-22 25-18; 11-15[R](8) 18-11; 8-15 21-17[R](5); 4-8 [5-9 17-13; 9-14 29-25; 4-8 23-19 same] 23-19[R](4) [This retains White’s slight edge. Instead, both 17-13 and 29-25 eventually transpose into Variation 1]; 5-9 17-13 [27-23; 8-11 17-13; 11-16 is comfortable for Black]; 9-14 29-25; 8-11 26-23[R](1) [25-21; 14-18 26-23; 18-22 same]; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 21-17 Forms Position, Diagram 3: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 3

Continue: 6-9 13-6; 2-9 17-13; 1-6 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 27-24; 7-11 32-28; 9-14 30-26; 15-18 26-17; 18-27 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 3-12 31-24; 14-21 13-9; 6-13 20-16; 12-19 24-6. Drawn. G. O’Connor v T. O’Grady 1927. #15. V1(T): . . . 27-23(3); 15-18 19-15 [32-27 is well met with 11-16] (2); 18-27 15-8; 12-16 32-23; 3-12 25-22; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 7-11 27-23; 11-16 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 17-22 26-17; 19-26 30-23; 1-5 14-10; 6-15 28-24; 2-6 17-14; 15-18 23-19; 16-23 24-19; 23-27 19-15; 27-31 14-10. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long

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1936. #16. V2(1): . . . 31-27; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 16-12 [27-23 also draws after 18-27 32-23; 14-18 23-14; 1-5 25-22!: correcting W. Hellman’s 16-12? v M. Chamblee 1951]; 19-23 2619; 3-8 12-3; 14-17 3-10; 6-31 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 31-26. Drawn. Analysis by A. Mantell. #17. V3(1): . . . 26-22; 3-8 31-26; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 25-21; 7-11 24-20; 11-15 28-24; 8-11 32-28; 1-5 19-16; 12-19 21-17; 14-21 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 15-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v C. Hollow 1949. #18. V4(T): . . . 24-20; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 17-13; 10-15 29-25; 5-9 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 7-10 20-16; 2-7 25-22; 9-14 27-23; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 31-27; 7-11 16-7; 3-10 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 23-19; 24-27 19-16; 27-31 16-11; 10-15 11-7; 15-19 7-2; 19-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 1-5 2-9; 5-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #19. V5(T): . . . 29-25(7); 4-8 25-22; 5-9 23-18; 8-11 26-23(6); 10-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 27-24; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 23-19 [32-28; 2-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-17; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 9-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-24 2-7; 1-6! [R. Pask] 7-14; 6-10 etc. . . draws]; 14-23 19-10; 12-16 21-17 [24-19; 16-20 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 20-24 with complications favouring Black: D. Oldbury v R. King 1992 & R. Beckwith v R. King 2010]; 16-20 17-13; 20-27 13-6; 2-9 31-24 [Database draw]; 11-15 24-20; 9-13 20-16; 1-5 16-11; 5-9 11-7; 9-14 7-2; 14-17 2-7; 17-26 7-11; 26-31 11-27; 31-24 10-6. Drawn. A. Jordan v T. Harrigan 1920. #20. V6(5): . . . 21-17; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 27-23 [26-23; 2-6 30-25?; 11-16! has led to several black wins over the years]; 2-6 32-27; 6-9 30-25; 9-14 25-21; 3-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-5 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 11-16 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 10-26 17-3; 26-30 3-7; 8-11 7-3; 11-15 3-7; 15-19 7-11; 16-20 11-15; 19-24 15-19; 24-28 27-23; 28-32 23-18; 32-27; 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. G. O’Connor v S. Cohen 1926. #21. V7(5): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19 INTO 9-14 24-20; 11-16 CR (T) V8(T): 6-9(9) INTO 10-15 22-18; 15-22 (V14)


Complete Checkers

V9(8): 12-16 [10-15 is well met with 26-22, after which, to quote Newell Banks, ‘Both sides are strong!’] 29-25; 10-15 18-14; 16-19 23-16; 11-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 22-18; 6-9 26-23; 8-12 30-26; 1-6 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 9-13 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 13-17 21-14; 6-13 26-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 32-28; 2-7 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by A. Jordan. #22.

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Ballot Number 4 (4): 9-13 22-18; 6-9 POWER: [20/80] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 32 Trunk: 9-13 22-18; 6-9 25-22(17); 1-6 24-19(8); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 23-18(5); 8-11 26-23; 11-16 30-26(2); 7-11 32-28; 16-20 19-15(1); 10-19 23-7; 3-10 26-23 Forms Position, Diagram 4: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 4

Continue: 10-14 28-24; 2-7 24-19; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 31-26; 10-17 18-15; 9-14 15-10; 17-21 10-3; 21-25 3-7; 25-30 7-2; 30-25 2-6; 25-18 6-9; 13-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 17-22 26-10; 5-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Bernstein 1946. #23. V1(T): . . . 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 29-25; 3-8 21-17; 8-12 26-23; 10-15 25-21; 6-10 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 11-16 20-11 INTO 9-13 22-18; 10-15 (V6) Drawn. R. Fortman v R. Davies (P) 1985. #24. V2(T): . . . 31-26(3); 10-14 29-25; 7-10 18-15; 3-8 22-18; 2-7 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 32-28; 17-21 28-24; 16-20 15-10; 7-14 19-15; 1216 15-10; 6-15 18-4; 21-25 30-21; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 4-8; 25-30 8-12; 16-19 24-15; 5-9 15-10; 9-14 26-22; 14-17 22-18; 30-26. Drawn. Analysis by R. Ward. #25.


Complete Checkers

V3(2): . . . 29-25(4); 10-14 18-15; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 15-11; 16-23 22-15; 7-16 27-18; 16-19 25-22; 2-7 31-27; 3-8 18-14; 12-16 22-18; 13-17 14-9; 5-23 27-18; 17-22 15-11; 8-15 18-2; 6-9 2-6; 9-13 6-10; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. W. Edwards v R. Fortman (P) 1979. #26. V4(3): . . . 27-24; 16-20 29-25; 20-27 31-24; 7-11 24-20; 3-7 32-27; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-15; 10-14 22-18; 13-17 30-26; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 15-11; 14-18 21-14; 13-17 19-15; 17-21 14-10; 21-30 23-14; 30-32 10-1. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Oldbury (P) 1987. #27. V5(T): . . . 27-24(7); 8-11 24-20; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 31-27 [32-28; 3-8 31-27; 10-14! 30-25; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 27-24; 5-9 24-19; 15-24 22-15; 11-18 28-19; 18-23 20-16; 8-12. Drawn]; 10-14 22-17(6); 13-31 32-28; 31-24 28-1; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 30-26; 11-15 1-6; 15-19 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 19-23 6-10; 5-9 22-18; 23-26 10-14; 9-13 20-16; 26-30 18-15; 30-25. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #28. V6(5): . . . 27-24; 3-8 29-25; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 32-28; 6-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 22-15; 11-18 19-16; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 11-7; 16-19 7-2; 18-23 2-6; 23-27 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 27-31 23-19. Drawn. R. King v R. Davies (P) 1985. #29. V7(5): . . . 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-13 24-19; 5-9 (V11) V8(T): . . . 24-20(12); 10-15 28-24(11); 7-10 29-25(10); 3-7 18-14; 918 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 24-19; 15-24 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 24-28 27-24; 2-6 24-19; 6-10 30-25; 10-17 25-21; 5-9 21-5; 7-10 5-1(9); 1014 1-6; 14-17 6-10; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 32-27; 17-21 27-20 [Database draw] Forms Endgame #1, Diagram 5: BTP; Continue: 2125 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 28-32 10-15; 32-28 17-14; 28-24 14-10; 25-30 10-6; 30-25 6-2; 25-22; 2-6 4-8; 6-10 24-28; 15-19 22-18; 10-7 18-22; 19-15 28-24; 7-10 24-28. Drawn. M. Lieber v J. Alexander 1927. #30. V9(8): . . . 20-16; 11-20 22-18; 8-11 5-1; 11-16 26-23; 20-24 1-6; 2427 31-24; 4-8 6-15; 16-20 18-14; 20-27 14-10; 27-31 10-7; 13-17 7-3; 31-26 3-7; 17-21 15-10; 26-22 10-15; 22-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #31.

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❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❲❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ❜❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 5

V10(8): . . . 23-19; 3-7 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25 INTO 9-14 22-18; 10-15 (V7) V11(8): . . . 29-25; 6-10 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 27-23 [Against 26-23; I believe the radical 18-22 double-exchange will hold up]; 18-27 32-23; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 31-24; 5-9 26-22; 9-14 24-19; 4-8 28-24; 8-11 24-20; 3-7 19-16; 11-15 16-12; 7-11 12-8; 15-18 22-15; 11-18. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #32. V12(8): . . . 30-25(13); Into Variation 17 V13(12): . . . 23-19(15); 11-15 18-11; 7-23 26-19(14); 3-7 27-23; 8-11 31-26; 9-14 29-25; 4-8 24-20; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 32-27; 5-9 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 20-16; 8-12 16-11; 10-15 28-24; 6-10 11-7; 13-17 7-2; 9-13 30-26; 17-22 26-17; 13-29 21-17; 14-21 23-7. Drawn. D. Oldbury v R. Fortman (P) 1989. #33. V14(13): . . . 27-18; 8-11 32-27; 4-8 26-23; 12-16 24-19; 8-12 30-26 Into Trunk V15(13): . . . 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-19(16); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 23-18; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-19 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 8-11 26-23; 11-20 23-19; 6-10 25-22; 20-24 30-26; 24-28 22-17; 1322 26-17; 7-11 31-27; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 27-23; 17-22


Complete Checkers

23-18; 22-26 19-15; 11-16 14-10; 26-31; 15-11. Drawn. E. Zuber v R. Fortman (P) 1967. #34. V16(15): . . . 23-18; 7-11 26-23; 4-8 24-19 [23-19 is easily met with 9-14, while 24-20 gets 10-14]; 15-24 27-20; 12-16 28-24; 1015 32-28; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 31-27; 3-7 18-15; 11-18 20-11; 7-16 22-6; 13-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-32 6-1; 32-27 14-10; 27-23; 25-22; 12-16 22-17. Drawn. R. Fortman v W. Edwards (P) 1979. #35. V17(T): . . . 26-22[R](29); 1-6 30-26 [24-19; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 2819; 4-8 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 is easy for Black, as is 24-20; 10-14 3026; 7-10 27-24; 3-7 32-27]; 11-15[R](28) 18-11; 8-15 22-17[R](25); 13-22 25-11; 7-16 24-20[R](21); 3-8 20-11; 8-15 29-25[R](20); 4-8 [10-14? transposes into a vicious attack worked up by Kenneth Grover from another move order, and loses after 26-22; 14-18 2314; 9-18 28-24; 2-7 21-17; 7-10 31-26; 5-9 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 9-14 25-21; 4-8 26-23; 12-16 24-20; 8-11 21-17; 14-21 23-14 [Database White win];] 25-22; 8-11 28-24(19); 9-14 24-20 [22-18; 15-22 2617; 5-9! 17-13; 10-15 24-20; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 12-16 27-24; 15-18 32-27; 10-15 to a draw]; 6-9 27-24(18); 9-13 23-19; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-22 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 22-25 19-10; 11-15 31-26; 25-30 26-23; 30-26 23-19; 26-22. Drawn. Analysis by L. Burrows. #36. V18(17): . . . 22-17; 15-18 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 2-9 23-19; 15-24 32-28; 18-23 26-19; 9-13 27-23 [20-16; 11-20 19-15; 13-17 28-19; 17-22 15-10; 22-25 10-6; 25-30 6-2; 30-25 2-6; 14-18 19-16. Drawn: M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992]; 5-9 31-26; 11-16 20-11; 24-27 26-22; 27-31 11-7; 31-27; 22-18; 27-24 19-15; 24-19. Drawn. Analysis by J. Cox. #37. V19(17): . . . 27-24[R]; 9-13 24-20; 6-9 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 23-19; 18-23 31-27; 23-26 27-24; 11-15 19-10; 26-30 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 30-26 15-11; 26-23. Drawn. R. Chamberlain v A. Huggins (P) 1975. #38. V20(17): . . . 28-24; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 29-25; 9-14 26-22 [25-22 into Variation 17]; 6-9 22-17; 12-16 27-24; 15-18 31-26; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 20-11; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 25-18; 14-30 17-13; 10-14 13-6;

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2-9; 11-7 14-17 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. E. Lowder v E. Hunt 1962. #39. V21(17): . . . 29-25; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 27-24(23) [23-18 is well met with 3-7!]; 3-7 24-19(22); 9-14 26-22 [Against 25-22; 6-9 draws]; 6-9 28-24; 9-13 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 32-28; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 24-19; 2-6 28-24; 23-27 31-26; 27-32 25-22; 32-27 22-13; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 27-23 9-6; 23-16 26-23; 10-15 6-2; 16-19 23-16; 12-28 20-16; 11-20 2-18. Drawn. A. Long v H. Freyer 1939. #40. V22(21): . . . 25-22; 9-14 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 6-9 31-27; 9-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 14-10; 16-20 26-23; 12-16 23-14; 16-19 10-7; 2-11 14-10; 19-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 15-22. Drawn. Analysis by V. Davis. #41. V23(21): . . . 26-22(24); 9-13 27-24; 3-7 24-19; 10-14 28-24; 6-10 Into Variation 21 V24(23): . . . 25-22; 10-14 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 3-7 28-24; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 31-22. Drawn. Chinook v M. Tinsley 1992. #42. V25(17): . . . 24-20(27); 7-11 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 [11-15 may draw too after 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-22; 6-9 31-27; 3-8 27-23; 8-12 23-19] 27-23; 4-8 32-28(26); 9-14 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 13-22 26-3; 8-12 31-26; 6-10 25-22; 20-24 3-8; 24-27 8-11; 27-31 11-15; 19-23 26-19; 31-26 15-6; 26-17 21-14; 2-18. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #43. V26(25): . . . 23-18 [32-27; 9-14! 22-18; 6-9 26-22 same!]; 10-14 26-23; 6-10 32-27; 2-6 27-24; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 6-10 25-21; 10-14 19-15; 13-17 22-6; 7-10 18-9; 10-26 29-25; 5-14 25-22; 26-31 22-17; 14-18 6-2; 31-27 17-14; 18-23 14-9; 23-26 2-6; 12-16 6-10; 8-12. Drawn. W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1965. #44. V27(25): . . . 23-18; 7-11 27-23 [24-20; 3-7 28-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 6-10 21-14; 10-17 and now 23-19 or 32-28 is easy for Black]; 3-7 24-20 [32-27; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 12-16 28-24; 8-12 24-19 same]; 12-16 32-27; 4-8 27-24; 8-12


Complete Checkers

24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 11-15 18-9; 15-24 20-11; 7-16 23-18 [9-5; 16-20 5-1; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 25-22; 27-31 23-18; 6-9 21-17; 10-14 17-10; 13-17 22-6; 31-15 29-25; 2-9 25-22; 15-6 1-10. Drawn: R. Hallett v Chinook 1994]; 16-20 26-22; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 9-5; 27-31 5-1; 12-16 21-17; 31-26 25-21; 16-20 18-14; 26-30 14-7; 2-11 1-10; 30-25 10-15; 11-18 22-15; 13-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #45. V28(17): 11-16 18-14 [24-19 lets Black off lightly after 8-11 28-24; 16-20 18-14; 9-18 22-8; 4-11 32-28; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15 and White is merely slightly better]; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 [6-10 is inadvisable, but permits of a technical draw after 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-25 29-22; 3-7 28-24; 12-16 22-17; 13-22 26-17 [Database draw]] 25-21; 6-9 29-25; 9-18 22-8; 4-11 27-23; 11-15 32-27; 16-20 25-22; 7-10 23-18; 3-7 18-11; 7-16 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 16-19 24-15; 14-18 15-11; 18-25 11-8; 25-30 8-3; 30-25 3-8; 25-22 28-24; 2-7 24-19; 7-10 8-11; 10-14 11-15; 22-25. Drawn. Analysis by J. McGill. #46. V29(17): . . . 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 26-22(36); 11-15 22-18(33); 15-22 25-18; 1-6 29-25 [27-23 gets 16-19!]; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 27-23(32); 13-17 24-19(31); 8-12 31-26(30); 4-8 18-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 5-9 28-24; 10-14 24-20; 14-23 20-16; 9-14 16-11; 14-18 11-4; 6-9 4-8; 9-14 8-11; 23-27 32-23; 18-27 15-10; 27-32 11-15; 32-28 10-6; 17-22 15-10; 14-18 10-14; 18-23 14-18; 22-25 30-21; 28-32 18-27; 32-16. Drawn. Analysis by L. Taylor. #47. V30(29): . . . 32-27 [Against 18-15; 6-9! draws]; 17-21 31-26; 4-8 19-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 27-24; 6-9 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 16-23 26-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #48. V31(29): . . . 31-26; 8-12 32-27; 4-8 24-19; 17-21 Into Variation 30 V32(29): . . . 24-19; 16-23 14-9; 5-14 18-2; 8-12 [7-10? gets 27-18; 3-7 2-11; 8-22 28-24! to a white win. R. Pask] 2-11; 3-8 27-18; 8-22 [Database draw] 31-27 Forms Endgame #2, Diagram 6: BTP Continue: 4-8 27-23; 22-26 23-19; 26-31 19-15; 13-17 15-10; 8-11

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❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 6

10-6; 11-16 6-2; 16-19 2-7; 17-22 7-11; 19-23 11-15; 31-27 15-18; 22-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #49. V33(29): . . . 24-20(35); 16-19 27-24 [22-18; 15-22 25-18; 7-11 2724; 19-23! also draws]; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 22-17(34); 13-22 25-18; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 8-12 29-25; 7-11 25-22; 3-8 19-16; 12-19 9-5; 19-24 5-1; 10-15 1-5; 15-19 5-9; 11-15 32-28; 23-27 30-26; 27-32 26-23; 19-26 28-10. Drawn. J. Mourning v E. Whiting (P) 1958. #50. V34(33): . . . 25-21; 8-12 22-18; 6-9 29-25; 3-8 25-22; 7-11 32-28 [19-15 and 19-16 are other reasonable options]; 11-15 19-10; 1216 20-11; 8-15 18-11; 9-25 10-7; 25-29 7-3; 29-25 3-8; 2-7 11-2; 4-11 28-24; 11-15 2-6; 15-18 21-17; 13-22 30-21. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #51. V35(33): . . . 27-23; 16-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-26 30-23; 5-9 25-22; 9-14 32-27; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 29-25; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 27-24; 4-8 19-16; 8-12 16-11; 14-17 23-19; 17-26 31-22; 12-16 19-12; 10-14 11-7; 14-17. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #52. V36(29): . . . 26-23(38); 16-19 23-16; 11-20 24-19; 8-11 27-23; 4-8 25-21(37); 1-6 29-25; 8-12 23-18 [25-22; 6-9 22-18; 12-16 19-12; 11-15 18-11; 9-27 32-23; 7-16 30-26 [31-27!; 2-6!]; 2-7 26-22; 7-10


Complete Checkers

31-27; 10-14 28-24 5-9 draws]; 11-16 25-22; 16-23 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 6-10 9-5; 12-16 31-27; 16-19 27-18; 19-23. Drawn. D. Oldbury v B. Case (P) 1961. #53. V37(36): . . . 23-18; 8-12 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 20-24 28-19; 16-23 11-8; 12-16 18-15; 3-12 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 16-19 7-3; 11-16 3-8; 19-24 14-10; 16-20 10-7; 2-11 8-15; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 15-19; 13-17 1926; 27-31 26-23; 31-26 23-27; 17-21 30-23; 21-30 27-31; 5-9 32-27; 1-6 23-19; 9-14 19-15; 6-9. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P.Thompson 1960. #54. V38(36): . . . 24-20; 1-6 25-22 [28-24, as played in Game #31 of The Legendary MFT , looks wide open for a black improvement] INTO 9-13 23-18; 12-16 (T)

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Ballot Number 4A (5): 9-13 22-18; 10-14 POWER: [20/80] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 46 Trunk: 9-13 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22[R](20); 6-9 [7-10? loses to 2217!; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 8-11 23-18 etc. . . , while 1-5? loses to 24-19!; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 28-24 etc. . . ] 22-18[R](18) [24-20; 7-10 22-18 into Variation 11] 7-10 25-22[R](5); 1-5 [3-7 31-26; 1-5 29-25 same] 29-25 [31-26; 3-7 29-25 same, or 24-19; 3-7 29-25 [28-24 into Variation 5] into Variation 2]; 3-7 31-26[R](2); 11-15 [14-17? loses to 21-14; 1017 25-21!; 11-15 21-14; 12-16 18-11; 9-25 30-21; 8-15 24-20; 5-9 20-11; 7-16 28-24; 4-8 26-22; 8-11 23-19; 16-23 27-18; 2-7 32-27; 7-10 27-23; 10-14 24-20. White wins. Analysis by W. Hellman] 18-11; 8-15 24-20 [23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-16 leads to equality after 24-20; 16-19 32-27; 9-14 27-24; 10-15 26-23]; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 27-24[R](1) Forms Position, Diagram 7: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 7

Continue: 2-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 18-23 22-18; 6-9 18-15 [1916; 12-19 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 7-16 20-11 and 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 9-18 26-22; 4-8 22-15; 7-11 15-10; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19 are decent alternatives, but the text supplies the power]; 10-14 15-10;


Complete Checkers

7-11 10-7; 23-27 32-23; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 7-3; 27-32 26-23 [The powerful 25-22 is initially met with 32-27]; 13-17 23-18; 17-22 19-16 [3-8; 22-29 8-15 is best met with 5-9 19-16; 12-19 15-24; 9-13 to a draw]; 12-19 3-7; 22-29 7-23 [Database draw] Forms Endgame #3, Diagram 8: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀❲❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❇❀✇❀✳❀❇❀ Diagram 8

Continue: 5-9 18-15; 9-14 15-10; 14-17 10-7; 17-21 7-3; 29-25 23-18; 32-27 20-16; 27-24 16-11; 24-19 11-7; 19-16 7-2; 16-12 3-7; 4-8 7-10; 8-11. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman. #55. V1(T): . . . 21-17; 4-8 27-24; 7-11 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 5-9 23-18; 12-16 25-21; 16-19 30-26; 2-7 26-23; 19-26 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 26-31 20-16; 11-27 18-2. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #56. V2(T): . . . 24-19; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 3122; 7-10 22-18(4); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 14-17 22-18; 4-8 18-14 [18-15; 10-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 2-7 is easy for Black]; 17-22 14-7; 2-11 [Database draw] 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 8-11 14-10; 11-15 27-24 Forms Endgame #4, Diagram 9: BTP; Continue: 15-18 10-7(3); 18-23 24-19; 22-26 19-15; 26-31 15-10; 13-17 7-2; 17-22 10-7; 31-27 7-3; 22-26 2-6; 26-31 6-10; 31-26 10-15; 27-24! 15-18; 24-27 3-7; 12-16 7-11; 16-20 11-15; 20-24! 15-11; 24-28 11-15 [A standard bridge given in Play Better Checkers & Draughts Page 23]; 26-31 15-19; 31-26 19-16; 27-31! 18-27; 31-24 30-23; 24-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #57.

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❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 9

V3(2): . . . 32-27; 12-16 10-7; 13-17 7-3; 17-21 3-7; 16-20 24-19; 21-25 30-21; 22-26. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman. #58. V4(2): . . . 25-21 [23-18 is comfortably met with the 9-14 exchange]; 4-8 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 14-9; 17-22 9-5; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 15-10; 12-16. Drawn. A. Vanderpool v L. Balderson (P) 1997. #59. V5(T): . . . 24-19(11); 3-7 28-24(8) [25-22; 1-5 28-24 [29-25 into Variation 2] same]; 1-5 25-22; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 30-25(6); 7-11 32-28; 2-7 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 9-18 2314; 17-22 27-23; 13-17 23-18; 17-21 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 4-11 24-20; 16-19 31-27; 19-23 27-24; 23-27 24-19; 27-31 19-15; 31-26 15-8; 22-25 29-22; 26-10 8-3. Drawn. N. Proffitt v G. Miller (P) 1997. #60. V6(5): . . . 29-25(7); 7-11 32-28; 4-8 30-26; 2-7 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 20-16 [Against 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 draws]; 15-24 2720; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 12-16 11-7; 16-20 25-21; 20-24 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #61. V7(6): . . . 30-26 [Against 32-28; 4-8 draws]; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 7-11 31-26; 15-18 17-13; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 26-22; 2-7 13-9; 12-16 19-12; 14-18 23-14; 10-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #62.


Complete Checkers

V8(5): . . . 27-24; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 31-26(9); 7-11 25-22; 1-5 29-25; 2-7 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 32-23; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 5-9 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 9-14 11-7; 14-17 7-2; 17-21 2-7; 10-14 7-10; 15-18. Drawn. G. W. Miller v J. Lattimer (P). 1997. #63. V9(8): . . . 30-26(10); 1-5 32-27; 4-8 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 27-11; 12-16 11-8; 9-14 28-24; 17-21 25-22; 16-20 22-18; 20-27 18-9; 5-14 31-24. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #64. V10(9): . . . 25-22; 1-5 32-27; 4-8 30-25; 8-11 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 13-17 24-20; 17-22 27-24; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 9-13 16-11; 19-23 11-7; 2-11 15-8; 22-26 31-22; 17-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #65. V11(5): . . . 24-20; 3-7 25-22(12); 1-5 28-24; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 3122; 7-10 29-25; 2-6! [Threatening 13-17] 25-21; 10-14 23-19; 14-23 27-18; 6-10 30-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-28; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 14-17 21-14; 10-26. Drawn. Analysis by V. Davis. #66. V12(11): . . . 27-24; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 25-18; 4-8 24-19(15); 8-11 29-25(13); 13-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 30-26; 2-7 28-24; 16-20 22-17; 20-27 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 32-16; 7-10 16-11; 9-13 26-22; 1-6 11-7; 14-18 22-15; 13-22 15-11; 6-9 7-2. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #67. V13(12): . . . 28-24; 13-17 24-20(14); 1-5 30-25; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 32-28; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 10-15 19-3; 12-26 31-22; 17-26 3-8; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #68. V14(13): . . . 30-26; 1-5 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 7-14 18-9; 17-22 9-5; 2226 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #69. V15(12): . . . 29-25(17); 8-11 25-22; 11-16 24-19; 7-11 32-27; 16-20 30-25(16); 11-16 18-15; 1-5 15-6; 14-18 22-15; 13-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 2-18 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-23 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #70.

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V16(15): . . . 30-26; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 19-26 31-22; 16-19 18-15; 9-14 15-11; 2-6 10-7; 6-10 7-2; 10-15 22-17; 1-5 17-10; 19-24 28-19; 15-31. Drawn. E. Lowder v J. Morrison 1996. #71. V17(15): . . . 24-20; 1-5 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 10-15 28-24; 12-16 2117; 14-21 32-28; 16-19 23-16; 7-10 16-7; 2-11 31-27; 10-14 27-23; 14-17 23-19; 17-26 19-10; 26-31 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 10-7; 31-27 7-3; 14-17 3-7; 27-24 7-16; 24-15 16-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #72. V18(T): . . . 24-19; 7-10 30-26 [22-18 into Variation 5]; 11-16 2218(19); 2-6 18-15; 14-18 23-7; 16-30 7-2; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 27-23; 1-5 25-22; 30-25 2-7; 25-27 7-16; 12-19 32-16; 13-17; 21-14; 9-18 31-26; 6-10 26-22; 18-25 29-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #73. V19(18): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 8-11 17-13; 1-5 13-6; 2-9 25-22; 9-13 29-25; 3-7 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 28-24; 16-20 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-16 22-17; 4-8 17-13; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 13-9; 7-10 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 17-22 2-6; 14-17 6-9; 22-26 23-18; 16-23 32-28; 23-32 9-13; 20-27 13-24. Drawn. A. Vanderpool v C. Marshall (P) 1998. #74. V20(T): . . . 25-22(36); 11-15 30-25(25); 6-9 22-18(21); 15-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22; 8-11 24-20; 1-5 29-25; 2-6 28-24; 3-7 22-18; 6-10 24-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22 7-10 22-17; 13-22 18-15; 11-18 23-7 [Database draw]; 22-26 19-15; 4-8! 7-2; 26-30 2-6; 9-13 6-10; 5-9 10-6; 30-26 32-28; 9-14 6-9; 14-17 9-14; 17-21 27-24; 2125 24-19; 26-31 20-16; 31-27 14-18; 25-30 16-11; 30-26 11-4; 26-23 18-14; 23-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #75. V21(20): . . . 22-17(23); 13-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22; 3-7 29-25(22); 1-6 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 15-18 13-6; 2-9 24-19; 7-11 27-24; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 25-22; 8-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 22-17; 15-24 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 6-2; 22-25 2-7; 14-18. Drawn. G. W. Miller v A. Vanderpool (P) 1997. #76. V22(21): . . . 22-17 [Against 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 draws] 7-10 17-13; 2-7 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-17 29-25; 15-18 25-21;


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17-22 21-17; 22-25 27-23; 18-27 32-23. Drawn. R. King v R. Hallett 2006. #77. V23(21): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 27-24; 7-10 22-18; 11-16 26-22(24); 1-5 18-15; 3-8 15-6; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 32-23; 2-9 25-21; 9-14 29-25; 16-20 31-27; 5-9 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 24-19; 11-16 22-18; 13-17 18-15; 9-13 15-11; 14-18 21-14; 13-17 14-10; 17-21 23-14; 16-32 25-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #78. V24(23): . . . 32-28; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 28-24; 2-6 25-22; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 22-17; 15-22 17-10; 9-14 26-17; 13-22 24-19; 11-15 20-11; 1524 11-7; 14-18 23-14; 22-26 31-22; 1-6 10-1; 3-26 29-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #79. V25(20): . . . 22-18(27); 15-22 26-10; 7-14 29-25; 6-10 25-22 [31-26; 3-7 25-22 same]; 3-7 31-26; 8-11 24-20; 1-5 28-24; 4-8 24-19; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 22-18(26); 14-23 27-18; 8-12 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 16-11; 7-16 20-11 [Database draw]; 2-6 11-7; 6-9 14-10; 9-13 7-2; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 2-7; 19-23 7-11; 5-9 10-6; 9-13 6-2; 22-26 2-6; 26-31 6-10 Forms Endgame #5, Diagram 10: BTP [This is Petterson’s Drawbridge. For a detailed solution, see Play Better Checkers & Draughts Page 28]. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #80. V26(25): . . . 27-23; 19-24 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 24-27 8-3; 27-31 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 11-15 19-16; 5-9 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 9-14 3-7; 14-17 7-14; 17-26 30-23; 31-26. Drawn. T. Sheehan v N. Proffitt (P) 1997. #81. V27(25): . . . 22-17(28); 13-22 26-10; 7-14 29-25; 6-10 25-22; 811 24-20; 1-6 27-24; 4-8 22-17; 15-18 24-19; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 3-8 31-26; 8-12 20-16; 11-20 26-22; 12-16 22-18; 16-19 18-2; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #82. V28(27): . . . 24-19(30); 15-24 28-19; 6-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 32-28(29); 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 4-8 27-23; 8-11 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 3-12 18-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 17-26 31-22. Drawn. G. Miller v W. Wilkins (P) 1997. #83.

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❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❲❀❲❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀❇❀✇❀ Diagram 10

V29(28): . . . 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-23 26-19; 4-8 22-18; 3-7 31-26; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 14-9; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 9-5; 13-17 5-1; 17-22 1-5; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 15-10; 12-16 10-6; 2-9 5-14; 2226 30-23; 19-26 14-18; 26-31 18-15; 31-26 32-27; 16-20. Drawn. M. Rex v W. McQueen (P) 1974. #84. V30(28): . . . 29-25(31); 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 Into Variation 28 V31(30): . . . 24-20(34); 7-10 23-19(32) [27-24; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19 same]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 30-25; 6-9 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 1-5 26-23 8-11 16-7; 2-11 22-18; 3-7 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 29-25; 10-14 25-21; 14-17 21-14; 11-15 18-11; 9-25. Drawn. N. Banks v W. Ryan 1937. #85. V32(31): . . . 30-25; 8-11 22-17(33) [27-24; 6-9 24-19; 15-24 2819; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 into Variation 31]; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 2-6 25-22; 6-9 27-24; 9-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 3-7. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. Classic Late Midgame #8. #86. V33(32): . . . 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 1-5 29-25; 5-14 25-22; 3-7 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 2-9 27-24; 9-13 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 31-26; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 26-22; 13-17 22-13;


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8-11. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. Classic Late Midgame #1. #87. V34(31): . . . 23-19(35); 7-10 27-23; 8-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19 Into Variation 31 V35(34): . . . 23-18; 14-23 26-10; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 27-23; 11-16 22-18; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 7-10 31-26; 1-5 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 22-18; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 32-28; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 16-20 22-18; 14-17 19-15; 11-16 18-14; 17-22 14-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #88. V36(20): . . . 24-19(47); 6-10 25-22; 11-15 28-24(44); 7-11 22-17(41); 13-22 26-17; 3-7 29-25; 11-16 17-13(39); 1-6 21-17; 14-21 25-22; 15-18 [8-11!?] 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 24-20(37); 10-14 27-24; 7-10 31-26; 14-17 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 17-22 32-28; 22-26 30-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 18-15; 11-27 19-16; 12-19 24-6. Drawn. K. Todd v M. Kemmerer (P) 1976. #89. V37(36): . . . 31-26; 10-14 26-22; 14-17 22-18; 16-20 18-15(38); 11-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 32-28; 11-16 19-15; 17-22 15-11; 610 11-7; 10-15 7-2; 15-18 2-7; 18-23 27-18; 20-27. Drawn. A. Millhone v G. Lindsay 2006. #90. V38(37): . . . 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 16-19 24-15; 7-16 15-11; 6-10 118; 17-22 8-3; 22-25 3-8; 25-29 8-11; 29-25 27-24; 20-27 11-20; 25-22 20-24; 22-15 24-31; 2-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #91. V39(36): . . . 25-22; 1-6 22-18(40); 15-22 19-15; 10-26 17-1; 7-10 30-23; 10-15 24-19; 15-24 27-11; 8-15 23-18; 15-19 18-14; 19-23 1-5; 23-26 14-10; 26-30 5-9; 22-25 10-6; 25-29 6-1. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #92. V40(39): . . . 17-13; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 27-11; 10-26 30-23; 8-15 21-17; 7-10 32-28; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 31-27; 4-8 17-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #93. V41(36): . . . 30-25 [32-28; 1-5 30-25 into Variation 43]; 1-5 2217(42); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-16 22-17; 16-20 29-25; 8-11 17-13; 11-16 25-22 [Against 13-9; 3-7 9-5; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 draws

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easily]; 3-7 22-17; 2-6 13-9 [Against 23-18; 15-22 19-15; 10-28 17-3; 4-8 3-7; 8-11 draws]; 6-22 23-18; 14-23 27-2; 16-23 2-6; 20-27 6-15; 22-26 31-24; 26-31. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #94. V42(41): . . . 22-18(43); 15-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22; 3-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 11-16 14-9; 17-22 9-5; 7-10 5-1; 10-14 1-5; 14-17 24-20; 22-26 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 31-22; 17-26 5-9; 13-17 23-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #95. V43(42): . . . 32-28 INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (V2) V44(36): . . . 29-25(45); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 Into Variation 28 V45(44): . . . 27-24(46) INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (T) V46(45): . . . 30-25; 15-24 28-19; 1-5 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 11-16 22-17; 13-22 25-18; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 7-10 22-17; 16-20 17-13; 3-7 13-9; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 9-5; 2-7 5-1; 7-11 1-6; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 32-28; 15-24 6-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #96. V47(36): . . . 24-20; 7-10 [INTO 10-14 24-20 7-10 (V16)] 2824[R](52); 11-15! 23-18[R](51); 14-23 27-11; 8-15 21-17; 13-22 25-11; 3-8 11-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-15 [11-16? loses: T. Landry v R. Pask 1982] 31-26[R](48); 8-11 [10-14? would be bad!] 26-22; 6-9 29-25; 9-14 25-21; 1-6 30-26; 4-8 22-17; 15-18 24-19; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 26-22; 15-24 22-18; 6-9 17-13; 24-27 13-6; 27-31 18-9; 10-15 6-2; 31-27 2-7; 27-18 7-11; 18-14. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #97. V48(47): . . . 32-28(49); 15-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 30-26; 8-12 29-25; 6-10 25-22; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 31-27; 10-15 18-14; 15-18 14-10; 11-15 10-7; 12-16 20-11; 18-23 27-18; 15-31. Drawn. K. Todd v J. Gibson (P) 1976. #98. V49(48): . . . 30-26 [29-25; 15-19 23-16; 12-28 20-16 is also strong]; 10-14 29-25(50); 8-11 25-22; 6-10 32-28; 4-8 23-19; 1-6 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 11-27 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 31-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #99.


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V50(49): . . . 32-28; 15-18 31-27; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 24-20; 6-9 28-24; 1-6 20-16; 9-13 16-11; 6-10 11-7; 13-17 23-19; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 7-2; 26-31 2-6; 17-21 6-9; 15-18 9-6; 10-15 19-10; 31-26 23-19; 26-23. Analysis by A. Mantell. #100. V51(47): . . . 23-19; 8-11! 25-22 [For 26-22 see the 10-14 24-20; 7-10 ballot] INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-15 (V28) V52(47): . . . 26-22(53); 6-9 22-18 Into Variation 11 V53(52): . . . 25-22; 11-15 Into Variation 31

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Ballot Number 5 (6): 9-13 22-18; 10-15 POWER: [30/70] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 12 Trunk: 9-13 22-18; 10-15 25-22[R](15); 6-10 [11-16? 18-11; 8-15 is strongly met with 24-20] 23-19(9); 11-16 18-11; 16-23 27-18; 8-15 18-11; 7-16 22-18 [32-27; 4-8 22-18; 3-7! 29-25 [18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 29-25 same]; 8-11 18-14 [24-20; 16-19 into Variation 2]; 10-17 21-14 same, or 24-20; 16-19 22-18; 4-8 into Variation 2]; 4-8 2925(2) [18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 29-25 same, or 32-27 into previous note]; 8-11 18-14 [32-27; 3-7 18-14; 10-17 21-14 same, or 25-22; 3-7 26-23; 16-20 24-19; 1-6 30-26; 6-9 into Variation 7]; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 32-27 [25-22; 1-6 32-27 is well met with 11-15 then 24-19 to a quick draw] Forms Position, Diagram 11: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 11

Continue: 1-6 [But now 11-15? may lose to 24-19] 26-23(1); 13-17 24-20 [31-26; 6-10 24-20 same]; 6-10 31-26; 17-21 27-24; 10-17 25-22; 11-15 22-13; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 21-25 24-20; 25-30 28-24; 30-26 23-19; 26-23 19-10; 11-15. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #101. V1(T): . . . 27-23; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 23-18; 16-20 24-19;


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6-10 31-27; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 18-14; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 15-11; 5-9 14-5; 7-10 5-1; 10-15 30-26; 22-31 1-6; 31-24 28-10; 20-24. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1963. #102. V2(T): . . . 24-20(4); 16-19 32-27 [29-25; 3-7 32-27 same, or 18-15; 3-7 15-6; 1-10 with a even position]; 3-7 29-25(3); 8-11 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 25-22; 1-6 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 2-18. Drawn. B. Case v D. Oldbury (P) 1961. #103. V3(2): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 15-18 29-25; 1-6 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 18-23 25-22; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 19-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 18-14; 10-15 14-10 23-27; 10-7 27-31; 7-2 31-27; 2-7 11-16 20-11; 27-20. Drawn. M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992. #104. V4(2): . . . 18-15(7); 10-19 24-15; 3-7 29-25(6) [28-24; 16-20 24-19; 1-6 29-25 into Variation 5]; 1-6 28-24; 16-20 31-27(5); 7-10 24-19; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-24 25-22; 2-7 21-17; 7-11 3026; 24-28 26-23; 12-16 19-3; 10-26 3-7; 11-16. Drawn. Analysis by H. Henderson. #105. V5(4): . . . 24-19; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 5-9 25-22 [31-27; 914 25-22 same]; 9-14 31-27; 2-7 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-11 18-14; 11-18 19-15; 18-23 14-9; 12-16 9-2; 16-19 2-7; 8-12 7-10; 12-16 15-11; 23-26 30-23; 19-26 10-15; 26-31. Drawn. Analysis by H. Henderson. #106. V6(4): . . . 30-25; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 25-22; 8-11 32-27; 11-15 27-24; 16-20 26-23; 20-27 31-24; 2-7 21-17; 5-9 29-25; 7-11 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 9-14 25-21; 12-16 11-7; 15-19 23-18; 14-23 7-2; 23-26 2-7; 2630 7-14; 30-25 14-18; 19-23 18-27; 25-18. Drawn. H. Lieberman v C. Hefter 1910. #107. V7(4): . . . 26-23; 1-6 24-19 [18-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 29-25; 8-11 32-27 into Trunk]; 8-11 29-25(8); 6-9 25-22; 16-20 30-26 [32-27; 3-7 30-26 same]; 3-7 32-27; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 13-17 22-13; 2-7 13-9; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-32. Drawn. C. Barker v J. Smith 1889. #108. V8(7): . . . 30-26; 3-7 29-25; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 6-10 22-18;

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14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 28-24; 7-10 24-20; 22-25 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 32-27; 13-17 19-15; 11-18 20-11; 17-22 23-19; 25-30 11-8; 30-25 8-3; 25-21 27-23; 18-27 31-24; 21-17 14-10; 6-15 19-10. Drawn. E. Whiting v R. Fortman (P) 1959. #109. V9(T): . . . 24-20[R](12); 5-9[R](11) 27-24[R](10); 10-14 INTO 9-13 24-20; 10-14 (T) V10(9): . . . 28-24; 10-14 INTO 9-13 24-20; 10-14 (V13) V11(9): 15-19 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 10-17 21-14; INTO 9-13 23-18; 12-16 (V4) V12(9): . . . 18-14(14); 10-17 21-14; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22(13); 8-11 28-24; 1-6 22-18; 13-17 24-19; 11-16 [This commonly arises from 11-16 24-20; 16-19] 27-24 [18-15; 16-20 19-16 [23-18 is natural, but favours Black slightly]; 12-19 23-16; 6-10 to a draw]; 16-20 31-27; 4-8 18-15; 6-9 32-28; 9-18 23-14; 17-22 26-17; 7-10 15-6; 2-18 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 8-11 15-8; 3-12 17-14; 12-16 14-10; 16-19 30-26; 5-9 10-6; 9-14 6-2; 14-17 2-7; 17-22 26-17; 19-23. Drawn. R. Stewart v R. Jordan 1897. #110. V13(12): . . . 30-21; 1-6 23-18; 6-9 28-24; 12-16 27-23; 8-12 32-27; 4-8 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 16-20 17-13; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 13-6; 2-9 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 14-17. Drawn. E. Fuller v D. Lafferty 1976. #111. V14(12): . . . 21-17; 1-6 29-25; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-14; 6-9 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 3-8 27-23; 11-16 25-21; 8-12 31-27 [14-10 is easy]; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 3023; 2-6 21-17; 6-10 23-19; 4-8 19-16; 8-11 16-12; 11-15 18-2; 9-25 2-6; 13-22 6-15; 25-30 15-18; 30-25 18-23; 25-30 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #112. V15(T): . . . 18-14(16) INTO 10-15 22-17; 9-13 (T) V16(15): . . . 26-22(17) INTO 9-13 23-18; 10-15 (V8) V17(16): . . . 23-19(18); 15-22 25-18 INTO 10-15 22-18; 15-22 (V8) V18(17): . . . 24-19; 15-22 25-18 INTO 10-15 22-18; 15-22 (V6)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 6 (7): 9-13 22-18; 11-15 POWER: [16/84] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 30 Trunk: 9-13 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 21-17[R](28); 13-22 25-11; 7-16 24-20[R](19); 3-8 20-11; 8-15 28-24[R](13); 4-8 24-20[R](11); 8-11 29-25[R](7); 5-9 25-22[R](5); 9-13 23-18[R](2); 6-9 27-23 Forms Position, Diagram 12: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 12

Continue: 1-6 20-16[R](1); 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 [Database draw] 32-28; 9-14 23-19; 14-17 31-27; 17-21 27-24; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 10-14 19-15; 14-18 20-16; 18-23 16-11; 23-27 11-7; 27-32 7-2; 32-27 2-9; 22-26 30-23; 27-11. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985. #113. V1(T): . . . 32-28; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 26-17; 9-14 23-19; 14-21 3126; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 9-14 28-24; 11-15 20-16; 14-17 22-13; 10-14 19-10; 12-28. Drawn. D. Oldbury v B. Case (P) 1958. #114. V2(T): . . . 27-24; 6-9 30-25(3); 9-14 25-21; 1-5 INTO 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (V17) V3(2): . . . 23-19(4); 9-14 26-23; 1-5 31-27; 2-6 32-28; 6-9 30-26;

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14-17 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 10-14 7-2; 14-18 2-7; 18-25 26-23; 15-18 23-14; 9-18 7-10; 17-21 10-14; 18-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v M. Rex 1948. #115. V4(3): . . . 31-27; 1-5 23-19; 9-14 26-23 Into Variation 3 V5(T): . . . 25-21(6); 10-14 26-22; 1-5 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 31-26; 12-16 32-28 [Against 17-13; 15-19! draws]; 6-9 26-23; 2-6 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 28-24; 22-25 21-17; 6-9 30-21; 9-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Thompson 1960. #116. V6(5): . . . 26-22; 9-13 25-21; 6-9 27-24; 9-14 30-26; 1-5 INTO 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (V17) V7(T): . . . 27-24; 5-9 23-19(9); 9-14 26-23; 6-9 32-28(8); 1-5 29-25; 14-17 31-26; 17-21 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 10-14 23-19; 1518 19-15; 14-17 15-8; 17-22. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #117. V8(7): . . . 29-25; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 23-18; 1-5 20-16; 11-27 18-11; 22-25 32-23; 25-29 11-8; 29-25 8-3; 25-22 3-8; 10-14 8-11; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 31-24; 22-18 24-20; 5-9 11-8; 9-13 8-11; 13-17 11-8; 2-7. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1974. #118. V9(7): . . . 29-25; 9-14 32-28(10); 6-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 1-5 23-19; 11-15 19-16; 14-18 25-22; 18-25 30-21; 15-18 16-11; 18-23 11-8; 10-14 8-3; 14-18 3-7; 18-22 7-10; 23-26 10-15; 26-30 20-16; 30-25 16-11. Drawn. S. Weslow v A. Huggins (P) 1967. #119. V10(9): . . . 23-19; 14-18 26-22; 6-9 20-16; 11-27 32-7; 15-24 7-3; 1-6 3-8; 24-28 8-11; 6-10 25-21; 28-32 22-17; 32-28 17-13; 28-24 13-6; 2-9 30-26; 9-13 26-23; 24-20 31-26; 12-16 26-22; 10-14 22-18; 16-19. Drawn. M. Tinsley v J. Wolcott 1986. #120. V11(T): . . . 29-25; 5-9 25-22(12); 9-13 23-18; 8-11 32-28; 6-9 26-23; 13-17! 22-6; 15-22 24-20; 2-9 27-24; 1-5 23-19; 11-15 20-16; 15-18 16-11; 10-14 11-7; 18-23 7-2; 9-13 2-6; 14-17 6-10; 22-26 31-22; 17-26 10-14; 26-31 14-18; 23-27 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 27-32 15-10; 31-27 18-22; 5-9 10-6; 9-14. Drawn. J. Hanson v L. Hall 1955. #121.


Complete Checkers

V12(11): . . . 23-19; 8-11 27-23; 9-13 32-28; 6-9 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 Into Variation 9 V13(T): . . . 29-25(17); 5-9 26-22; 4-8 31-26; 8-11 23-18(14); 12-16 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 32-27; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 10-14 25-21; 1-5 16-11; 2-6 11-7; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 7-2; 17-22 23-19; 22-26 27-23; 26-31 2-7; 10-14 18-9; 31-27. Drawn. Analysis by W. Coleman. #122. V14(13): . . . 25-21(15); 9-13 23-18; 6-9 27-24; 2-7 26-23; 1-5 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 10-14 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 7-10 11-8; 16-20 8-3; 20-24 3-7; 14-17 7-14; 17-26 23-19; 26-31 14-10; 24-27 32-23; 31-27 10-14; 27-31 14-10; 31-27 19-15; 9-14 10-17; 13-22 15-11; 5-9 11-7; 9-13 7-2; 22-26 30-25; 26-30. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #123. V15(14): . . . 27-24(16); 9-13 25-21; 11-16 24-19 [Both 23-18 which is met with the 15-19 exchange, and 32-27 which is met with the 16-19 exchange, are easy for Black]; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 2218; 1-5 18-15; 13-17 15-6; 9-13 21-14; 2-27 32-23; 16-20. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Hunt 1950. #124. V16(15): . . . 28-24; 9-13 25-21; 6-9 23-18; 1-5 26-23; 12-16 24-20; 10-14 27-24; 13-17 22-6; 2-9 32-27; 15-22 24-19; 22-26 19-12; 26-31 27-24; 14-17 21-14; 9-27. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #125. V17(13): . . . 26-22(18); 4-8 31-26; 8-11 29-25; 5-9 Into Variation 13 V18(17): . . . 27-24; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 29-25 [31-27; 5-9 27-24; 9-14 29-25; 6-9 25-22; 1-5 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 same]; 5-9 25-22; 9-13 31-27; 6-9 27-24; 1-5 24-19; 15-24 2819; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 20-16; 2-7 30-25; 14-17 25-21; 10-14 19-15; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 21-14; 18-25 26-23; 25-30 23-19; 30-26. Drawn. E. Lowder v A. Moiseyev 2001. #126. V19(T): . . . 29-25(26); 5-9 23-18; 16-20 24-19(25); 4-8 25-21(21); 10-14 26-22(20); 14-23 27-18; 3-7 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 6-10 32-27; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 14-9; 7-11 9-5; 17-22 18-14; 2-6 27-23; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 22-26 23-19. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. #127.

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V20(19): . . . 27-23; 6-10 26-22; 8-11 30-25; 1-5 31-27; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 28-24; 3-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 7-14 18-9; 22-26 9-5; 26-31 32-28; 2-7 5-1; 7-11 1-6; 11-15 6-10; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 10-7; 31-26 7-10. Drawn. W. Ryan v M. Tinsley 1946. #128. V21(19): . . . 25-22(23); 10-14 27-23(22); 6-10 32-27; 3-7 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 7-11 24-20; 2-7 30-25; 1-5 28-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 21-17; 22-26 18-14; 26-30 23-18; 30-25 14-9; 25-21 18-14; 21-25 9-6; 25-22 6-2; 22-13 14-9; 13-6 2-9 [Database draw]; 10-14 9-18; 7-10 18-23; 11-15 23-27; 15-18 27-32; 18-23 32-28; 10-14 28-32; 23-26 32-27; 14-18 27-31; 26-30 19-15; 30-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #129. V22(21): . . . 18-15; 9-13 28-24; 14-18 30-25; 3-7 26-23; 7-11 23-14; 11-18 22-15; 6-10 14-7; 2-18 25-21; 18-22 19-15; 1-6 24-19; 22-25 27-23; 25-30 23-18; 6-9 15-10; 8-11 19-15; 9-14 15-8; 14-23 31-26; 23-27 32-23; 20-24. Drawn. P. Thompson v R. Fortman (P) 1962. #130. V23(21): . . . 26-22(24); 10-14 19-15; 14-23 27-18; 3-7 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 22-18; 1-6 18-14; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 28-24; 20-27 32-14; 12-16 14-9; 16-19 30-26; 19-24 9-6; 24-28 6-2; 7-11 2-6; 28-32 6-10; 32-28 10-14; 11-15 21-17; 13-22 26-17. Drawn. M. Tinsley v K. Albrecht 1970. #131. V24(23): . . . 26-23; 3-7 31-26; 10-14 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-23 2619; 9-14 25-22; 8-12 19-15; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 14-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 16-12; 19-23 12-8; 7-10. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Thompson 1953. #132. V25(19): . . . 18-15; 10-19 24-15; 4-8 27-23; 3-7 26-22; 9-14 23-19; 7-11 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-18 22-15; 14-18 15-10; 6-15 19-10; 12-16 30-26; 8-11 10-7; 11-15 7-3; 16-19 32-28; 18-23 26-22; 23-27 3-8; 27-31 24-20; 19-23 8-11; 15-19 11-16; 31-26 25-21; 26-17 21-14; 1-6. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #133. V26(19): . . . 24-19; 4-8 28-24; 16-20 32-28; 5-9 29-25; 10-14 2521(27); 9-13 26-22; 3-7 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-26 [Against 30-26; 13-17! draws]; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 24-19; 8-12 30-25;


Complete Checkers

13-17 27-23; 20-24 19-16; 11-20 28-19; 20-24 25-22; 24-27 22-13; 27-31 26-22; 6-10 13-9; 31-27 22-18; 27-24 18-15; 12-16 15-6; 24-15 6-2; 15-19. Drawn. R. Burroughs v A. Lyman (P) 1984. #134. V27(26): . . . 25-22; 9-13 30-25; 3-7 25-21; 6-10 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 1-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 8-12 23-19; 14-18 17-13; 10-14 19-15; 18-22 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 14-18 7-3; 11-15 3-8; 22-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #135. V28(T): . . . 24-20; 7-11 28-24(36); 5-9 25-22(33); 9-14 23-19(31); 4-8 26-23(29); 15-18 22-15; 11-18 29-25; 3-7 30-26; 1-5 20-16; 13-17 32-28 [24-20; 5-9 26-22; 17-26 31-15; 7-11 16-7; 2-18 21-17; 14-30 23-7; 9-13 7-2; 6-9 etc. . . draws]; 5-9 [6-9 also draws] 26-22; 17-26 31-15; 7-11 16-7; 2-18 21-17; 14-30 23-7; 9-14 7-3; 14-18 3-7; 30-26 7-11; 8-15 19-1; 26-23. Drawn. W. Ryan v N. Rubin 1929. #136. V29(28): . . . 29-25(30); 3-7 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 Into Variation 28 V30(29): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 15-18 17-13; 6-9 [The 10-15 exchange is also powerful for Black and worthy of careful attention] 13-6; 2-9 29-25; 3-7 31-26; 11-15 INTO 10-15 21-17; 15-18 (V20) V31(28): . . . 29-25(32); 6-9 32-28; 1-5 23-19; 14-18 21-17; 9-14 26-23; 14-21 23-7; 3-10 27-23; 5-9 31-26; 9-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 16-11; 10-15 11-7; 19-24 7-3; 24-27 3-7; 15-19 7-10; 14-17 10-15; 19-24 20-16; 27-31 16-11. Drawn. A. Huggins v S. Weslow (P) 1967. #137. V32(31): . . . 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 4-8 27-23; 10-14 19-10; 6-15 22-18; 15-22 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 1-5 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 2-7 23-19; 14-18 19-10; 18-25 10-6 [Database draw]; 7-11 24-19; 25-30 6-2; 30-26 32-27; 26-31 27-24; 31-26 2-6; 26-22 6-9; 22-18 19-15; 12-16 9-6; 3-7 6-9; 16-19 15-10; 19-28 10-3; 8-12. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley & D. Lafferty. #138. V33(28): . . . 26-22(35); 4-8 32-28(34); 3-7 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 1014 29-25; 13-17 30-26; 6-10 25-22; 9-13 18-9; 10-15 21-14; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 27-24; 25-29 23-18; 8-11 26-23; 29-25 31-27; 25-21

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9-5; 21-25 14-10; 7-14 18-9; 11-15 23-19; 15-18 19-15; 25-22 24-19; 13-17 27-24; 1-6 5-1; 6-13 1-5; 18-23 15-10; 17-21 5-9; 21-25 10-6; 25-30 6-1; 23-27. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Oldbury (P) 1992. #139. V34(33): . . . 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 10-15 30-25; 15-22 25-18; 6-10 24-19; 1-5 29-25; 2-7 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 13-17 31-26; 12-16 19-12 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #140. V35(33): . . . 23-19; 9-14 25-22 Into Variation 28 V36(28): . . . 25-22(39); 5-9 23-18(38); 4-8 26-23(37); 10-14 23-19 [White has good options in both 27-24 and 28-24. On the first: 27-24; 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-6 30-26; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 21-17; 14-21 20-16; 11-20 18-4; 12-16 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 17-14; 13-17 31-26; 20-24 23-18 1-6 to a draw. On the second: 28-24; 6-10 23-19; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 19-10; 14-23 29-25!; 11-15! 31-26; 23-27!! 32-23; 8-11 23-18; 12-16 to a draw]; 15-24 28-19; 14-23 27-18; 6-10 31-27; 2-6 29-25; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 21-17; 12-16 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 16-19 9-6; 1-10 27-23 19-24 25-21; 24-28 23-18; 8-12 18-14; 12-16 14-7; 3-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 14-10; 19-24 10-7; 24-27 32-23; 28-32 7-3; 32-27. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #141. V37(36): . . . 27-24 [28-24; 10-14 27-23; 12-16 21-17! [32-28; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 22-17; 1-5 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1216 is easy for Black]; 14-21 23-19; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 20-16; 11-27 18-4; 1-6 32-23; 6-10 22-18; 2-7 31-26; 7-11 23-19; 10-14 19-15; 14-23 15-8; 3-12 26-19 [Database draw] leads to a problem-like finish for Black]; 10-14 31-27; 14-23 27-18; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-17; 13-22 30-25; 6-13 25-18; 10-14 18-9; 1-5 29-25; 5-14 25-22; 13-17 22-13; 2-6. Drawn. R. Fortman v P. Thompson (P) 1962. #142.


Complete Checkers

V38(36): . . . 30-25; 1-5 INTO 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (V25) V39(36): . . . 27-24; 5-9 26-22; 1-5 30-26; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19 INTO 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (V25)

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Ballot Number 6A (8): 9-13 22-18; 11-16 POWER: [20/80] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 25 Trunk: 9-13 22-18; 11-16 18-14 [Other moves permit transpositions]; 10-17 21-14; 16-20[R](36) 23-18[R](23); 12-16! 26-23[R](22); 69 31-26(16); 8-12 25-21(14); 4-8! 29-25(11); 2-6! 24-19(9); 6-10 25-22(3); 10-17 21-14 Forms Position, Diagram 13: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 13

Continue: 7-10! 14-7; 3-10 19-15(1); 10-19 18-15; 9-14 15-10; 14-17 10-7; 17-21 7-3; 1-6 3-7; 8-11 22-18; 6-9 7-3; 13-17 3-8; 11-15 18-11; 9-13 23-18; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 11-7; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #143. V1(T): . . . 18-15; 9-14 15-6; 1-10 23-18(2); 14-23 27-18; 16-23 2619; 8-11 22-17 [Or 19-16]; 13-22 18-15; 11-18 28-24; 20-27 32-7; 5-9 7-2; 9-14 2-7; 14-18 7-11; 18-23 11-15; 22-26. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #144. V2(1): . . . 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 26-19; 20-24 30-25; 11-16 25-21; 16-23 28-19; 23-26 18-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #145.


Complete Checkers

V3(T): . . . 28-24(7); 10-17 21-14; 1-6 25-21; 6-10 18-15[R](5); 10-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18[R](4); 20-27 32-23; 12-16 14-10; 7-14 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 26-12; 13-17 30-26; 17-21 26-23; 21-25 23-19; 25-30 19-16; 8-11! 15-8; 30-26 8-4; 26-23 4-8; 23-19 8-11; 19-24. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #146. V4(3): . . . 26-19; 7-11 15-10; 11-16 10-6; 16-23 27-18 20-27 32-23; 12-16 6-2; 13-17. Drawn. R. Fortman v Checkers Experimental (P) 1991. #147. V5(3): . . . 32-28(6); 10-17 21-14; 13-17 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 26-22; 17-26 30-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 15-10; 17-22 10-7; 22-26 7-3; 812 3-7; 9-13 7-10; 13-17 24-19; 17-22 19-16; 12-19 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #148. V6(5): . . . 30-25; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 25-21; 9-13 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 9-6; 22-26 6-2; 7-11 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 8-11 2-6; 26-31 6-10; 31-26 14-9; 11-15 10-19; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 26-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #149. V7(3): . . . 18-15; 10-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 13-17 28-24; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 15-6; 1-10 32-28(8); 10-14 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 5-9 25-21; 17-22 15-10; 9-13 10-6; 8-11 6-2; 22-25 2-7; 11-16 27-23; 25-29 7-11; 29-25 11-8; 25-22 8-12; 22-18 12-19; 18-27 30-25; 13-17 19-15; 27-31 15-10; 31-27 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #150. V8(7): . . . 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 8-11 32-28; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 5-9 15-11; 16-19 11-8; 12-16 8-3; 22-26 30-23; 19-26 3-8; 16-19 8-11; 26-31 11-16; 31-24 16-23; 9-13 28-19; 13-22. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #151. V9(T): . . . 18-15(10); 9-18 23-14; 7-11 [Both 16-19 and 6-9 are also good] 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 16-19 30-26; 12-16 25-22; 8-12! 14-10 [22-18; 6-9 14-10 also draws]; 5-9 22-18; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 24-19; 23-26 18-14; 9-18 10-7; 3-10 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 13-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 1-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #152. V10(9): . . . 26-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-26 30-23; 7-10 25-22; 3-7 23-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 7-11 15-10; 8-12 10-6; 11-16 18-14; 20-24 28-19;

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16-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #153. V11(T): . . . 24-19(13); 1-6 29-25; 6-10 28-24[R](12); 10-17 21-14; 2-6 Into Variation 3 V12(11): . . . 25-22; 10-17 21-14; 7-10! 14-7; 2-11! 30-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 21-17; 22-26 17-14; 26-31 28-24; 3-7 14-9; 7-10 9-6; 31-26 32-28; 11-15! 18-4; 10-14 6-2; 14-18 23-14; 16-32 24-19; 26-23 19-15; 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #154. V13(11): . . . 26-22; 7-10! 14-7; 3-10 30-25; 8-11 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 11-15 28-24; 1-5 29-25; 5-14 25-22; 2-6 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 16-23 24-19; 23-26 11-7; 26-30 7-3; 6-9 3-7; 9-14 22-17; 30-26 19-15; 10-19 17-10. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #155. V14(T): . . . 24-19; 1-6 [4-8 25-21; 1-6 same] 25-21[R](15); 4-8 Into Variation 11 V15(14): . . . 28-24; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 29-25; 4-8! Into Variation 3 V16(T): . . . 24-19[R](18); 8-12 31-26[R](17) Into Variation 14 V17(16): . . . 25-21; 4-8 29-25; 1-6 31-26 Into Variation 11 V18(16): . . . 25-21; 8-12 29-25(21); 4-8 31-26(19) Into Trunk V19(18): . . . 24-19(20) Into Variation 17 V20(19): . . . 30-26; 1-6! 24-19 [26-22; 6-10 now 21-17 is well met with 8-11 and 31-26; 10-17 21-14 is easy for Black after 8-11! 24-19; 2-6 19-15; 16-19 15-8; 6-10 23-16; 12-19 8-4; 10-17 25-21; 19-23 26-19; 17-26 18-15; 26-30 19-16; 30-26 15-11 to a draw] 6-10 25-22; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 18-15; 9-14 15-6; 2-9 2218; 13-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 14-17 22-18; 17-21 18-14; 21-25 23-19; 16-23 27-18. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #156. V21(18): . . . 24-19; 4-8 29-25 Into Variation 17 V22(T): . . . 25-21; 6-9 26-23 Into Variation 18


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V23(T): . . . 25-21(25); 8-11! 23-18; 11-16 26-23(24); 6-9 Into Variation 18 V24(23): . . . 29-25; 6-9 26-23 Into Variation 18 V25(23): . . . 24-19; 6-10! 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 29-25; 6-10 2521; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 26-22(26); 6-10 14-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 18-15 10-14 15-10; 17-22 10-6; 14-17!? [Time may prove 7-11! 6-1; 3-7 best here] 23-18; 22-26! 31-22 [30-23! warrants investigation]; 17-26 30-23; 13-17 6-1; 17-22 1-5; 22-26 5-9; 26-31 19-15; 31-24 28-19; 20-24 15-10; 7-14 9-13; 24-27 18-9; 27-31. Drawn. E. King v J. Loy (P) 1988. #157. V26(25): . . . 30-25(33); 13-17 25-21; 8-11 26-22(27); 17-26 31-22; 6-10! 22-18; 10-17 21-14; 20-24! 27-20; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 32-27; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 11-18 23-19; 18-22 27-24; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 24-15. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier #158. V27(26): . . . 23-18; 4-8 27-23(29); 11-16 14-9(28); 6-13 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 26-22 [18-15; 10-14 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 22-18; 13-17 15-10; 17-22 10-7; 23-26 7-3; 26-30 14-10; 22-25 10-6; 25-29 18-15; 29-25 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 25-22 24-20; 22-18 15-10; 30-26 6-1; 8-11 1-6; 26-22 6-1; 22-26 1-6; 26-22 also draws]; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 18-15; 17-22 15-10; 22-25 10-7; 25-30 7-3; 13-17 19-15; 17-22 23-18; 30-26 3-7; 26-23 7-2; 23-14 15-10; 14-7 2-4; 20-24 28-19; 16-23. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #159. V28(27): . . . 26-22 [32-27; 6-9 19-15; 9-13 15-10; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 10-6; 22-26! draws]; 17-26 31-22; 6-9 21-17; 9-13 32-27; 8-11 19-15; 3-8 15-10; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 10-3; 8-12 3-8; 11-16 27-24; 20-27 8-11; 19-23 11-20; 23-26 14-10; 26-30 10-6; 27-31 18-15; 30-25 22-18; 13-22 15-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #160. V29(27): . . . 19-15; 11-16 27-23(30); 17-22 26-17; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 31-22; 6-10 28-24; 20-27 32-23; 8-11 18-14; 10-15 14-9; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. R. Sulyma v S. Tribble (P) 1988. #161. V30(29): . . . 26-23(31); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23 [27-24; 20-27 31-24 has merit]; 19-26 31-13; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 18-15; 19-23 21-17; 5-9 15-10; 6-15 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #162.

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V31(30): . . . 28-24(32); 7-10 14-7; 3-28 21-14; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 8-11 10-7; 11-15 7-2; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 2-7; 15-19 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 16-19 7-11; 19-23 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #163. V32(31): . . . 27-24; 20-27 31-24;16-20 26-23; 20-27 14-10; 7-14 18-2; 17-22 23-18; 27-31 18-14; 31-26 15-10; 26-23 21-17; 8-11 10-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #164. V33(26): . . . 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 23-19(35); 13-17 27-23(34); 610 23-18; 17-21 19-15; 10-19 32-27; 11-16 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 16-19 26-22; 12-16! 15-11; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 11-7; 5-9 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 9-13 7-2; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 10-6; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. J. Childers v R. Fortman (P) 1994. #165. V34(33): . . . 26-23 [26-22; 17-26 31-22; 6-10 22-17; 11-16 30-25; 16-23 27-18; 7-11 draws]; 11-16 19-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 31-13; 16-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 23-18; 12-16 28-24; 20-27 32-23. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #166. V35(33): . . . 30-25 [26-22; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 11-15 14-9; 15-18 23-14; 17-22 9-6; 10-17 6-2; 7-11 2-6; 17-21 is easy for Black]; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 7-10! 14-7; 3-10 26-22; 5-9 28-24; 11-16 24-19; 10-14 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #167. V36(T): 6-9 23-18 INTO 9-13 23-18; 11-16 (T)


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Ballot Number 7 (9): 9-13 22-18; 12-16 POWER: [34/66] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 32 Trunk: 9-13 22-18; 12-16 24-20(18); 8-12 25-22(9); 10-15 18-14(5); 1619 23-16; 12-19 30-25(3); 6-9 14-10; 7-14 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 16-12 Forms Position, Diagram 14: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✇ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 14

Continue: 1-6 28-24(1); 4-8 32-27; 6-9 26-23; 9-14 23-19; 14-17 19-10; 7-14 22-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 17-26 31-22; 5-9 27-23 [Against 20-16; 8-11 draws]; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 18-15; 22-26 2319; 26-31; 19-16; 31-27 15-10; 27-23 24-19; 9-14 19-15; 23-18 10-6; 18-11 16-7; 3-10 12-3; 10-15 3-7; 15-18 7-11; 18-22 11-15; 22-25 6-2; 25-30. Drawn. R. Jordan v H. Freedman 1902. #168. V1(T): . . . 31-27(2); 6-9 [4-8? gets shot] 26-23; 9-14 25-21; 18-25 29-22; 15-19 23-16; 11-15 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 22-26 23-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. S. Cohen v S. Levy 1937. #169. V2(1): . . . 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 7-10 20-16; 11-20 22-17; 13-22 25-11; 10-15 29-25; 5-9 25-22; 9-14 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 6-9 23-19; 14-18 19-10; 18-25. Drawn. D. Oldbury v W. Hellman 1965. #170.

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V3(T): . . . 14-10; 7-14 27-23; 14-18 23-7; 18-25 29-22; 2-11 2623(4); 4-8 23-19 [If 28-24 then 6-9 draws; if 23-18 then 8-12 draws]; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 30-26 [20-16; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 2117; 5-9 31-27; 16-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 1-5 32-28; 15-18. Drawn: analysis by G. Bass]; 5-9 20-16; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 32-27; 16-20 27-23; 1-5 21-17; 20-24 23-19; 24-28 19-10; 9-14 10-6; 14-21 6-1; 21-25 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 5-9. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v J. Hanson 1929. #171. V4(3): . . . 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 5-9 23-18; 8-12 26-23; 6-10 28-24; 12-16 31-26 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 CR (V1) V5(T): . . . 30-25(6); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23 [18-14 into Trunk]; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 5-9 23-16; 6-10 16-12; 10-14 26-23; 15-19 23-16; 14-23 22-17 [22-18; 7-10 16-7; 2-11 25-22; 23-26 29-25; 26-30 28-24; 10-14 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 14-18 to a draw]; 13-22 25-18; 1-6 28-24; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 24-19; 2-6 29-25; 6-10 25-22; 11-15 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 15-24 11-7; 10-15 7-2; 23-26 2-6; 15-19. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v A. Jordan 1924. #172. V6(5): . . . 29-25(8); 5-9 21-17; 1-5 25-21; 6-10 27-24; 3-8 31-27 [23-19; 16-23 26-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 18-11; 8-15 31-27; 23-26 30-23; 2-7! to a draw]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27(7); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 15-18 22-6; 13-31 20-11; 19-26 30-23; 2-9 23-19; 31-27 19-15; 9-13 15-10; 14-18 10-7; 18-23 7-3; 23-26 3-8; 26-30. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v J. Alexander 1927. #173. V7(6): . . . 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 20-16; 11-27 18-2; 9-25 32-16; 25-29 2-9; 5-14 16-11; 14-17 11-7; 17-21 7-3; 29-25 26-23; 25-22 23-19; 22-18 28-24; 13-17 24-20; 17-22 19-16; 18-23. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1948. #174. V8(6): . . . 21-17 [Against 27-24; Black replies with 16-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 6-10! and is best]; 5-9 17-14 [29-25 into Variation 6]; 1-5 27-24; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 3-8 30-25; 8-12 25-21; 11-16 18-11; 9-25 29-22; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 27-23; 6-10 31-27; 10-14 22-18; 5-9 18-15; 13-17 15-10; 17-22 26-17; 19-26 17-13; 16-19 13-6 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by S. Levy. #175.


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V9(T): . . . 27-24(14); 3-8 24-19(12); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 10-14 20-11; 7-16 25-22(10); 4-8 22-18; 6-10 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 INTO 9-13 24-19; 6-9 (V9) V10(9): . . . 26-22(11); 4-8 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 16-20 30-26; 20-24 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-16 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 24-27 31-24; 16-20 13-9; 20-27 9-5; 27-31 5-1; 31-27 1-5; 27-18 5-9; 2-7 9-6; 18-23 6-15; 23-16 15-10. Drawn. G. O’Connor v S. Cohen 1926. #176. V11(10): . . . 19-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 26-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-6 25-22; 6-9 30-26; 4-8 22-17; 9-13 32-27; 13-22 26-17; 8-12 17-13; 12-16 13-9; 19-23 27-18; 14-23. Drawn. J. Cox v T. Wiswell 1930. #177. V12(9): . . . 25-22(13); 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 25-21; 6-10 32-27; 10-17 21-14; 8-12 20-16 [Against 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 2-6! 27-24; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 23-19; 10-14 18-9; 17-21 is best, and draws safely]; 11-20 22-18; 2-6 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 13-17 24-20; 6-9 14-10; 17-22 26-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-21 10-7; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by K. Grover. #178. V13(12): . . . 18-14 [32-27 may transpose into Variation 12]; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 24-15; 11-27 32-23; 2-6 30-25; 6-9 31-27; 9-18 23-14; 13-17 25-21; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 14-10; 11-15 21-14; 15-24. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #179. V14(9): . . . 28-24 [Against 18-14; 10-17 21-14; Black gains the advantage with 16-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22 [This may also arise from 12-16 21-17 9-13]; 4-8 29-25; 6-10 27-23; 10-17 23-16; 8-12 25-21; 12-19 21-14; 1-6 32-27; 11-15 14-10; 7-14 27-23; 6-10! 23-16; 14-18: analysis by M. Tinsley]; 4-8 18-14 [24-19 is easy for Black after 10-15! 19-10; 6-22 25-18; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25; 7-10! 25-22; 3-7 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 22-18!; 6-10 32-28; 10-17 27-24!; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 24-15; 2-6 28-24; 6-9 31-27; 9-13 24-19; 5-9 19-16; 22-26 30-23; 8-12 15-8; 12-26]; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 24-15; 11-18 26-22(17); 7-11 22-15; 11-18 14-10(15); 6-15 23-14; 3-7 25-22; 15-19 29-25; 8-11 22-18; 1-6 25-21; 6-9 30-26; 19-24 26-23; 24-28

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23-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 14-10; 12-16 18-15; 13-17 21-14; 9-18 10-7; 2-11 15-8; 5-9 8-3; 9-13 3-8; 16-20 8-12; 20-24 27-20; 18-22. Drawn. D. Oldbury v A. Huggins 1958. #180. V15(14): . . . 23-19(16); 3-7 25-21; 13-17 19-15; 17-22 21-17; 5-9! [M. Tinsley] 14-5; 7-10 30-26; 10-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 12-19 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 17-13; 11-15 26-17; 15-18 29-25; 19-23 25-21; 18-22 17-14; 22-26 31-22; 6-9 13-6; 1-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #181. V16(15): . . . 25-21; 8-11 23-19; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 30-25; 2-6 21-17; 13-22 14-9; 6-13 27-23; 18-27 25-11; 13-17 32-23; 17-22 11-8; 5-9 84; 9-14 23-19; 14-17 4-8; 17-21 8-11; 21-25 11-15; 3-7 19-16; 12-19 15-24; 7-11 24-19; 25-30. Drawn. Analysis by H. Henderson. #182. V17(14): . . . 23-19; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 30-26; 1-6 26-17; 6-9 29-25; 9-18 17-13; 2-6 31-26; 5-9 20-16; 18-22 25-18; 8-11 26-22; 11-20 22-17; 7-10 32-28; 3-7 28-24; 7-11 27-23; 20-27 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 27-31 7-2; 31-26 2-7; 26-22 7-11; 22-18. Drawn. W. Fraser v M. Tinsley 1952. #183. V18(T): . . . 24-19[R](30); 8-12 18-14(25); 10-17 21-14; 6-9 2622(23); 9-18 22-8; 4-11 25-22(22); 7-10 29-25 [22-18; 3-7 29-25 same]; 3-7 22-18(20); 10-14 18-9; 5-14 28-24(19); 16-20 32-28; 2-6 30-26; 11-16 19-15; 14-18 23-14; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 25-22; 17-21 22-17; 13-22 26-17. Drawn. Analysis by G. O’Connor. #184. V19(18): . . . 31-26; 2-6 25-21; 6-10 27-24; 16-20 32-27; 11-16 1915; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 30-25; 10-15 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 20-24 23-16; 24-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #185. V20(18): . . . 31-26(21); 11-15 27-24; 5-9 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 14-17 32-28; 2-6 28-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 18-14; 27-31 14-7; 6-10 26-23; 17-26 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 30-16. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1956. #186. V21(20): . . . 25-21 [Against 30-26; 1-6 is best, while 28-24 is well met with 16-20 32-28; 11-16! 31-26; 5-9! 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 13-17


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22-6; 1-19] 1-6 30-26; 6-9 28-24; 9-14 24-20; 13-17 22-13; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-30 14-9; 5-14 31-26; 30-23 27-9; 11-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. D. Oldbury v G. Davies 1972. #187. V22(18): . . . 28-24; 16-20 32-28; 7-10 23-18; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 2415; 2-7! 18-14 [Against 25-22; 1-6 29-25; 7-10 & 3-7 provisionally, keeping open the shot threat, is best]; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 27-24 20-27; 31-15; 16-19 25-22; 5-9 15-10; 9-14 29-25; 14-17 25-21; 17-26 30-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #188. V23(18): . . . 28-24; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 1-6 26-23 [24-19! is a very worthy, and seemingly unpublished, attack, which warrants careful attention. Continue: 6-9 25-21; 4-8 29-25; 11-16 19-15; 2-6 25-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 18-15; 16-20 22-18; 12-16 to a draw]; 6-9 23-19; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 10-14 24-20(24); 14-23 31-27; 9-14 27-9; 5-14 32-27; 2-7 27-23; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 18-14; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 26-31 14-9; 11-15 9-6; 15-19 6-2; 7-10. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1956. #189. V24(23): . . . 31-27; 14-23 27-18; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 24-20; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 20-16; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 16-11; 12-16 11-8; 4-11 158; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #190. V25(18): . . . 26-22[R](28); 16-20 [4-8 30-26; 16-20 same] 30-26; 4-8 [The radical 6-9!? appears to be sound for a draw after 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 9-18 22-8; 4-11 and now 25-21 or 19-15] 22-17; 13-22 26-17 Forms The Jack Cox Landing, Diagram 15: BTP Continue: 11-16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21[R](27); 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 29-25; 5-9 25-21; 9-13 28-24[R](26) INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 CR (T) V26(25): . . . 18-15; 2-7 INTO 11-16 21-17; 8-11 (T) V27(25): . . . 31-26; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 2-6 29-25; 8-11 2824; 7-10 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 3-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by J. McGill. #191. V28(25): . . . 25-22; 5-9 29-25; 10-14 28-24(29); 16-20 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-10 32-28; 2-7 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-19 24-15; 7-11 16-7;

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❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 15

3-19 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 4-8 25-22 [28-24 and 26-23 are sound alternatives]; 14-18 30-25 INTO 9-13 23-18; 5-9 (T) V29(28): . . . 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 1-5 26-22; 16-20 30-26; 4-8 28-24; 7-10 32-28; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 7-10 15-11; 8-15 18-11; 17-21 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 21-25 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 3-7 11-2; 9-13 2-9; 5-21. Drawn. W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1965. #192. V30(18): . . . 25-22(38); 8-12 29-25 [30-25; 16-20 24-19 into Variation 25]; 16-20 24-19 [18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 22-18; 13-17 24-19; 11-16 same]; 11-16 18-14(37); 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 22-18; 13-17 28-24(32); 4-8 18-15(31); 7-10 14-7; 3-10 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 5-9 30-25; 9-14 22-18; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 22-26. Drawn. M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952. #193. V31(30): . . . 32-28; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 6-10! 22-17; 5-9 30-26! [17-13; 9-14 18-9; 11-15 is easy]; 9-13 26-22; 3-7 18-14; 11-15 14-9; 7-11 9-5; 10-14 19-10; 14-21 10-6; 11-15 6-2; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 2-6; 21-25 6-9; 25-30 22-18; 15-22 24-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #194. V32(30): . . . 18-15(35); 4-8 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 31-26(33); 5-9 18-14; 9-18 19-16; 12-19 15-10; 6-15 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 3-10 26-22; 17-26 30-7; 15-19. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty. 1994. #195.


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V33(32): . . . 30-25(34); 17-22 25-21; 22-25 21-17; 25-30 17-14; 3-7 27-23; 30-25 32-27; 6-9 15-10; 20-24! 27-20; 25-22 10-3; 22-24 28-19; 9-27 31-24; 5-9. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #196. V34(33): . . . 30-26; 3-7! 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-16 18-14; 16-23 27-18; 6-9 22-17; 9-13 15-10; 13-22 10-3; 8-11 3-8; 11-16 8-11; 22-26 14-10; 26-31 10-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #197. V35(32): . . . 26-22(36); 17-26 31-22; 6-9! 30-25; 4-8 25-21; 8-11 2824; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 17-13; 2-6 19-15; 10-26 24-19; 16-23 27-2. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #198. V36(35): . . . 19-15!; 4-8! 23-19 [14-9; 5-14 18-9; 6-13 15-10; 7-14 23-19; 16-23 27-9; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 9-5; 3-7! 5-1; 7-10 1-5; 10-14 5-9; 14-17 9-14; 17-21 14-18; 22-25 leads to a man-down draw for White] Into Variation 32 V37(30): . . . 21-17; 6-9 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 7-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 4-8 32-27; 2-6 26-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 3-7 28-24; 13-17 22-13; 7-11 13-9; 11-27 9-2. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #199. V38(30): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 23-16 [24-15 allows Black to equalize after 11-18 28-24; 8-11 25-21; 4-8 with 23-19 or 24-19 getting 11-15 in reply]; 11-20 24-19; 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14 INTO 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (V36)

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Ballot Number 8 (10): 9-13 23-18; 5-9 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 16 Trunk: 9-13 23-18; 5-9 26-23[R](13); 11-16 [Or 10-14 first] 30-26 [Or 2419 first]; 10-14 24-19[R](10); 8-11[R](8) 28-24(5); 16-20 18-15(4); 11-18 22-15; 7-10 32-28; 2-7 19-16(3); 12-19 23-16; 10-19 24-15; 4-8 25-22(1) Forms Position, Diagram 16: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 16

Continue: 7-11 16-7; 3-19 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 14-18 29-25; 9-14 28-24; 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 1-28 26-22; 28-32 22-15; 32-27 25-22; 27-23 22-18; 23-19 18-9; 19-10 21-17. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. #200. V1(T): . . . 16-12(2); 14-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 9-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 7-14 27-23; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 31-26; 8-11 26-22; 10-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928. #201. V2(1): . . . 27-23; 1-5 23-19; 8-11 15-8; 3-12 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 6-9 26-23; 20-24 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 16-11; 7-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-11; 14-17 11-7; 19-23 28-19; 23-26 31-22; 17-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #202.


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V3(T): . . . 25-22; 1-5 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-19 24-15; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 4-8 27-23; 5-9 16-12; 9-14 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 23-19; 22-25 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 25-30 15-10; 6-15 19-10. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #203. V4(T): . . . 19-15; 7-10 15-8; 4-11 24-19; 12-16 19-12; 10-15 2217; 13-22 26-10; 15-22 25-18; 6-22 23-18; 1-5 21-17; 9-13 27-24; 20-27 32-23; 2-6 17-14; 13-17 23-19; 11-16 19-15; 6-9 15-10; 9-13 10-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. P. Thompson v R. Fortman (P) 1962. #204. V5(T): . . . 22-17[R]; 13-22 26-10; 6-22[R](6) 25-18; 9-13 29-25; 4-8 28-24; 16-20 18-14 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 CR (T) V6(5): 7-14 25-22; 6-10 29-25; 1-6 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 9-13 15-11; 3-7 28-24; 14-17(7) 21-14; 10-17 24-20; 17-21 25-22; 21-25 22-18; 25-30 11-8; 4-11 19-15; 13-17 15-8; 17-22 20-11; 7-16 18-15; 3026 15-10; 6-15 23-19; 15-24 27-11. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1983. #205. V7(6): 16-20 25-22; 7-16 22-18; 6-9 18-15; 2-6 15-11; 13-17 11-7; 17-22 7-2; 22-25 2-7; 25-29 31-26; 29-25 26-22; 25-18 21-17; 14-21 23-5; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 21-25 7-14; 25-30 5-1; 30-26 1-10; 26-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #206. V8(T): 7-10 28-24; 16-20 32-28; 2-7 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 13-17 2213; 7-10 15-11; 8-22 26-17; 4-8(9) 23-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-8; 3-12 28-24; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 18-23 25-22; 23-26 22-17; 26-30 17-14. Drawn. D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958. #207. V9(8): 12-16 28-24; 10-15 17-10; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 21-17; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 31-26; 24-31 17-13; 31-22 25-4. Drawn. D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1983. #208. V10(T): . . . 22-17(11); 13-22 26-10; 6-22 25-18; 9-13 18-14 INTO Key Landing Number 12 CR V11(10): . . . 18-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-11(12); 8-15 22-17; 1322 25-11; 7-16 24-15; 14-18 28-24; 4-8 24-20; 16-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 6-10 20-16; 10-15 16-11;

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15-19 21-17; 19-23 22-18; 23-26 17-14; 9-13 18-15; 26-30; 14-10; 13-17. Drawn. R. Stewart v S. Grover 1905. #209. V12(11): . . . 24-20; 14-18 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 20-16; 6-10 22-18; 1-6 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 18-14; 11-20 14-5; 10-15 5-1; 6-10 21-17; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 17-14; 10-17 25-21; 24-27 21-14; 7-11 31-24; 20-27 22-18; 27-31 26-23; 11-16 18-15; 31-26 23-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Fuller 1970. #210. V13(T): . . . 27-23(17); 11-16 21-17(15); 1-5 25-21; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-14; 7-11 29-25(14); 11-16 31-27; 16-20 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 6-10 14-7; 2-20 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 3-7 26-23; 7-10 21-17; 5-9 23-18; 11-16 18-15; 10-19 30-26. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958. #211. V14(13): . . . 32-27; 11-15 18-11; 9-25 29-22; 8-15 27-23; 6-10 23-16; 15-19 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 4-8 30-26; 2-7 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 7-14 31-27; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 27-24; 19-23 24-19; 16-20 19-15; 23-26 15-10; 26-31 11-7. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #212. V15(13): . . . 32-27; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24(16); 7-10 24-15; 10-19 21-17; 2-7 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 13-22 25-18; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 29-25; 6-10 18-15; 11-18 26-23; 18-27 31-6; 1-10 25-22. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber 1928. #213. V16(15): . . . 21-17; 8-11 18-14; 9-18 22-8; 13-22 25-18; 4-11 27-23; 3-8 23-16; 11-20 26-23; 8-11 31-27; 7-10 28-24; 6-9 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 1-5 9-6; 2-9 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 10-14 11-7; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 7-2; 15-19. Drawn. Analysis by S. Levy. #214. V17(13): . . . 18-15(18); 11-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 27-24; 1019 24-15; 3-7 28-24; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 21-17; 13-22 25-18; 6-10 24-19; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 2-6 29-25; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 25-22; 9-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v J. Ricca 1950. #215. V18(17): . . . 24-19; 11-16 26-23; 10-14 30-26 Into Trunk


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 9 (11): 9-13 23-18; 6-9 POWER: [25/75] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 3 Trunk: 9-13 23-18; 6-9 26-23[R](1) INTO 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (V17) V1(T): . . . 27-23(4); 11-16 32-27; 10-14 18-15; 16-20 23-19(3); 7-11 26-23(2); 11-18 22-15; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 3-7 26-23 Forms Position, Diagram 17: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 17

Continue: 8-11 15-8; 4-11 23-14; 11-16 19-15; 7-10 15-6; 2-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 22-18; 1-5 31-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 16-19 24-15; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman & D. Lafferty. #216. V2(1): . . . 22-17; 11-18 17-10; 18-23 27-18; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 10-6; 1-10 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 9-14 26-22; 2-9 22-15; 14-18 30-26 [Against 15-10; 13-17 draws]; 3-7 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 4-8 28-24; 7-11 15-10; 11-15 26-23; 15-18! 22-15; 13-17 21-14; 9-27. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #217. V3(1): . . . 24-19; 7-11 22-18; 11-16 26-22; 2-6 22-17; 13-22 30-26; 6-10 26-17; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 15-6; 1-10 28-24; 13-22 25-9; 10-14

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21-17; 14-21 9-6; 3-7 6-2; 7-10 31-26; 10-14 26-22; 21-25 22-18; 25-30 18-9; 30-26 2-6; 8-11 6-10; 11-15 10-14; 4-8 19-10; 26-28 2723; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #218. V4(1): . . . 18-15 INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (V22)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 10 (12): 9-13 23-18; 10-15 POWER: [38/62] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 13 Trunk: 9-13 23-18; 10-15 27-23[R](8); 6-10 32-27 [24-20 is well met with 5-9, while 21-17 gets 11-16]; 1-6[R](7) 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 26-22[R](6); 12-16 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 30-23; 6-10 [16-20 25-21; 6-10 same] 25-21[R](4) Forms Position, Diagram 18: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 18

Continue: 16-20 [8-12 23-18; 5-9 27-23; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 24-19 to a draw which looks better for White than it actually is] 2419[R](1); 8-12 23-18; 10-14; 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 2-6 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 6-9 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 13-17 19-15; 11-16 24-20; 17-22 20-11; 22-26 15-10; 26-31 18-15; 12-16; 10-6; 31-26. Drawn. M. Chamblee v W. Hellman 1951. #219. V1(T): . . . 23-18(2); 8-11 24-19; 5-9 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 20-24 27-20; 10-14 19-16; 14-23 16-7; 2-11 22-18; 8-12. Drawn. R. Pask v H. Gibson 1982. #220. V2(1): . . . 29-25; 8-11 24-19; 4-8 19-16(3); 8-12 16-7; 2-11 25-22; 5-9 23-19; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 16-19. Drawn.

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R. Chamberlain v A. Huggins (P) 1975. #221. V3(2): . . . 25-22; 8-12 23-18; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 27-24; 20-27 3115; 16-19 15-11; 19-23 18-15; 23-26 22-18; 26-31 11-7; 2-11 15-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #222. V4(T): . . . 25-22; 10-14 29-25(5); 8-12 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 2016; 5-9 31-26; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 25-21; 2-7 22-18; 13-17 18-15; 9-13 15-10; 17-22 26-17; 19-26 10-3; 13-22 16-11. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #223. V5(4): . . . 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 17-22 20-11; 8-15 28-24; 4-8 23-19; 15-18 19-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 24-19; 14-17 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 16-19 10-7; 19-23 27-24; 23-27 7-2; 27-32 2-6; 32-28 6-10; 28-19 10-14; 18-23 14-21; 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #224. V6(T): . . . 25-21; 8-11 30-25; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 2522; 18-25 29-22; 6-10 22-18; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 13-17 31-26; 17-21 26-23; 2-6 18-15; 6-9 23-18; 9-13. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #225. V7(T): 5-9 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 24-20; 15-18 2215; 11-18 20-11; 8-15 26-23; 4-8 30-26; 8-12 26-22; 1-6 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 31-26; 7-11. Drawn. Analysis by J. Bradford. #226. V8(T): . . . 26-23(14); 6-10 23-19 [Against 30-26; 1-6 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 26-22; 12-16 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 31-22; 6-10 27-23; 10-14 leaves Black well situated]; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 27-18; 8-15 18-11; 7-16 22-18; 3-7 30-26(12); 4-8 24-20(11); 16-19 18-15; 5-9 15-6; 1-10 21-17(10); 13-22 25-18; 19-23 26-19; 8-11 20-16; 11-20 18-15(9); 9-14 15-6; 2-9 [Database draw] 19-15; 14-17 29-25; 17-21 25-22; 21-25 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 25-30 14-9; 30-25 9-6; 7-10 15-11; 10-14 6-2; 25-22 2-6; 14-17 6-10; 17-21. Drawn. J. Childers v M. Tinsley 1994. #227. V9(8): . . . 29-25; 10-14 31-27; 14-23 27-18; 7-10 25-21; 10-14 18-15; 2-7. Drawn. P. Thompson v A. Huggins (P) 1963. #228. V10(8): . . . 32-27; 9-14 27-24; 10-15 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 14-18


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24-19; 15-24 22-15; 24-27 15-11; 8-15 21-17; 13-22 25-11; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #229. V11(8): . . . 18-15; 10-19 24-15 INTO 9-13 22-18; 10-15 (V6) V12(8): . . . 25-22(13); 4-8 29-25; 1-6 32-27; 16-20 24-19; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 5-9 30-26; 9-14 26-23; 2-7 25-22; 14-18 [Or 14-17] 23-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-11 22-18; 11-16 27-23; 20-24 18-14; 24-27 14-9; 27-31 9-2; 31-27 23-18; 16-23 2-7; 23-26 7-11; 27-23 11-4; 23-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #230. V13(12): . . . 18-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 30-26; 4-8 INTO 9-13 22-18; 10-15 (V6) V14(8): . . . 18-14; 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 30-26; 8-11 24-20; 11-15 26-22; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 22-17; 13-22 27-23; 18-27 25-11; 3-8 32-23; 8-15 28-24; 16-20 14-10; 20-27 31-24; 4-8 23-19; 15-18. Drawn. W. Edwards v P. Davis 1989. #231.

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Ballot Number 11 (13): 9-13 23-18; 11-15 POWER: [34/66] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 14 Trunk: 9-13 23-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 22-17[R](8); 13-22 25-11; 7-16 2925 [24-20; 16-19 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 same]; 4-8[R](7) 25-22[R](6) [24-20; 16-19 25-22; 8-11 same] 8-11 24-20 [Against 22-18; 10-14! removes all the sting, while 27-23 is well met with 16-20 24-19; 2-7 22-18; 5-9 32-27; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 26-17; 11-15 30-26; 7-10 17-14; 9-18 23-7; 3-10 21-17; 1-6 to a draw]; 16-19 22-17(2); 2-7 27-24; 11-15 32-27(1); 5-9 20-16 Forms Position, Diagram 19: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 19

Continue: 9-13 16-11; 7-16 24-20; 13-22 26-17; 15-18 [6-9! 20-11; 19-23 27-18; 15-22 is also sound, and may give White a scare] 20-11; 19-23 27-24; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 17-13; 10-14 30-25; 23-27 31-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 20-16; 19-23 16-12; 23-26 11-8; 26-30 8-4; 30-26 4-8; 26-22 8-11; 22-29. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1953. #232. V1(T): . . . 31-27; 5-9 17-13; 10-14 27-23; 1-5 23-16; 12-19 20-16;


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15-18 24-15; 7-11 15-8; 3-19 28-24; 19-28 30-25; 18-23 26-19; 14-18. Drawn. P. Thompson v R. Fortman (P) 1957. #233. V2(T): . . . 27-23[R]; 11-15 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 2-7 32-27; 5-9 2117[R](4); 9-13 17-14[R](3); 10-17 27-23; 15-18 23-14; 19-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 7-11 16-7; 3-17. Drawn. E. Hunt v W. Hellman 1946. #234. V3(2): . . . 27-24; 1-5 16-11; 7-16 24-20; 3-7 20-2; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 2-9; 5-21 22-17; 13-22 26-17. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #235. V4(2): . . . 22-17(5); 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 27-23; 19-24 28-10; 6-15. Drawn. G. Bass v R. Fortman (P) 1948. #236. V5(4): . . . 27-24; 9-14 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 7-11 167; 3-17 26-22; 18-25 30-14; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-5 19-15. Analysis by R. Fortman. #237. V6(T): . . . 21-17; 5-9 17-13; 16-20 24-19; 9-14 25-22; 8-11 27-23; 11-16 22-18 [31-27?; 14-17 28-24; [22-18 gets 1-5!] 10-14 32-28; 6-9! 13-6 1-10 22-13; 14-18 23-7; 16-32. Black win: D. Oldbury v E. Lowder 1985]; 14-17 18-15; 3-8 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 17-22 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 2-7 24-20; 7-11 13-9; 6-13 15-6; 1-10 32-28; 13-17 18-14; 10-15 19-10; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #238. V7(T): 16-20 24-19; 4-8 25-22; 5-9 22-18 INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-15 (V19) V8(T): . . . 24-20; 3-8 22-17(13); 13-22 25-11; 8-15 29-25(11); 4-8 25-22; 8-11 28-24; 5-9 27-23(9); 9-14 31-27; 6-9 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 1-5 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 (V3) V9(8): . . . 26-23(10); 9-14 30-26; 6-9 22-17; 1-5 17-13; 15-18 13-6; 2-9 24-19; 18-22 26-17; 9-13 27-24; 13-22 31-27; 5-9! 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 19-15; 14-23 15-8; 7-10 8-3; 10-14 3-7; 9-13. Drawn. Analysis by K. Albrecht. #239. V10(9): . . . 21-17; 9-14 17-13; 1-5 27-23; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 Into Variation 11

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V11(8): . . . 21-17(12); 5-9 17-13; 9-14 29-25; 4-8 27-23; 8-11 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 28-24; 1-5 INTO 9-14 23-18; 14-23 CR (V46) V12(11): . . . 27-23; 4-8 29-25; 5-9 25-22; 8-11 31-27 [28-24 into Variation 8]; 9-13 27-24; 6-9 23-18; 1-5 32-27; 10-14 27-23; 11-16 18-11; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 11-8; 27-31 20-11; 7-16 24-19; 16-23 26-19. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1954. #240. V13(8): . . . 27-23(17); 15-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18(16); 8-11 25-22(14); 6-9 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-27; 4-8 27-24; 1-6 24-15; 11-18 22-15; 10-19 25-22; 6-10 20-16; 8-12 31-27; 10-15 27-23; 14-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-20 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. McGrath (P) 1987. #241. V14(13): . . . 26-22(15): 4-8 30-26; 5-9 32-27; 1-5 18-15; 11-18 2215; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 19-23 27-18; 10-19 18-15; 13-17 21-14; 9-18 20-16; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 11-7; 2-11 15-8; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #242. V15(14): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 2925; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 32-27; 2-6 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 11-15 27-23; 6-10 23-16; 10-17 16-12; 7-10 12-8; 10-14 8-3; 15-18 3-7; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 23-19; 26-31 19-16; 31-27. Drawn. R. Burroughs v G. W. Miller (P) 1986. #243. V16(13): . . . 20-16; 8-12 22-18; 4-8 18-15; 7-11 16-7; 2-18 32-27; 10-14 26-23; 19-26 31-15; 12-16 30-26; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 28-24; 10-15 26-22; 8-11 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 27-23. R. Sulyma v G. W. Miller (P) 1988. #244. V17(13): . . . 27-24; 5-9 32-27; 1-5 22-17; 13-22 25-11; 8-15 21-17; 9-14 17-13; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 27-23; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 25-22; 7-10 31-27; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 23-18; 15-22 19-16; 12-19 24-8. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #245.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 11A (14): 9-13 23-18; 11-16 POWER: [17/83] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 30 Trunk: 9-13 23-18; 11-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-9 [Of course 16-20? 2419!; 8-11 22-18! transposes into a standard loss from the sister ballot, 6A] 22-18[R](17); 1-6 [7-11?! is woeful for Black after 26-23; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-20; 9-18 23-14; 16-19 25-22; 3-7 2016; 1-6 22-18; 15-22 14-9; 5-14 28-24; 19-28 30-26; 12-19 26-1: a computer-only ending!] 27-23[R](10); 8-11 32-27[R](6); 16-20 25-21[R](5); 11-15 [11-16? 29-25; 6-10 25-22; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17 to a white win] 18-11; 9-18 23-14; 7-16 29-25; 3-7 [6-10? 14-7; 3-10 loses to 25-22; 10-15 21-17; 5-9 26-23; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 30-26; 2-6 26-23] 26-23 [26-22; 4-8 22-18 [30-26; 6-9 22-18 same] 6-9 30-26 same]; 4-8 [6-9 23-18; 4-8 30-26 same] 30-26 [23-18; 6-9 30-26 same]; 6-9 23-18[R](4) Forms Position, Diagram 20: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 20

Continue: 2-6 [Against 7-10? 14-7; 2-11 18-14!; 9-18 26-23 wins] 26-23; 6-10 24-19; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 25-21 [Both 19-15 and the 25-22 exchange are much easier to meet]; 17-22 [7-11 19-15; 1722 15-10; 22-25 same] 19-15; 22-25 15-10; 7-11 10-6; 25-29 6-1;

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29-25 1-6; 9-13! 14-10[R](3); 25-29! 10-7; 29-25 6-1[R](2); 25-22 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 22-25 14-10[R](1); 8-11 7-3; 11-15 10-7; 15-18 7-2; 18-22 3-8; 22-26 31-22; 25-18 8-11; 16-19 1-6; 19-23 11-15; 18-11 27-18 [Database draw]; 11-16 18-14; 13-17 6-10; 20-24 28-19; 16-23 10-15; 17-22 15-18; 5-9. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #246. V1(T): . . . 1-6; 13-17 6-10; 8-11 27-23; 25-22 7-3; 22-18 3-8; 18-9 8-15; 20-24 28-19; 16-20 21-14; 9-11 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #247. V2(T): . . . 6-10; 25-22 10-15; 5-9 21-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-24; 22-15 7-3; 13-22 3-12; 9-14! 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #248. V3(T): . . . 6-10; 13-17 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 17-22 9-6; 25-30 6-2; 30-26 10-14; 26-19 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 11-18 14-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #249. V4(T): . . . 26-22; 9-18 23-14 [Against 22-15?; 2-6! wins]; 2-6 31-26; 6-10 22-18; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 25-21; 8-11 26-23; 17-22 24-19; 22-25 19-15; 25-30 15-8; 30-26 8-3; 26-19 3-10; 19-24 28-19; 16-32. Drawn. M. Long v J. Loy (P) 1991. #250. V5(T): . . . 24-19 [23-19; 4-8 19-15; 12-16 26-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 24-15; 16-19 30-26; 9-14; 18-9; 5-14 15-10; 6-15 27-23; 8-12 to a draw]; 11-16 25-21; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 26-22; 10-14 25-21; 2-7 30-26; 7-10 18-15; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 15-11; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 7-2; 27-31 2-7; 9-14. Drawn. R. Scott v M. Long (P) 1991. #251. V6(T): . . . 24-19(8); 16-20 25-21 [32-27 into Variation 5; 31-27 into Variation 8]; 12-16 19-12; 11-15 18-11; 9-27 32-23; 7-16 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18(7); 6-10 26-22; 10-15 21-17; 15-19 31-27; 19-26 30-23; 2-6 28-24; 6-10 18-14; 11-15 14-7; 3-10 12-8; 5-9 8-3; 9-14 3-7; 14-21 7-14; 21-25 14-10; 15-19 24-15; 25-30. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #252. V7(6): . . . 23-18; 6-10 21-17; 16-19 18-14; 10-15 14-10; 19-24! [Not 11-16? 10-7!] 28-19; 15-24 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 24-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Long (P) 1989. #253.


Complete Checkers

V8(6): . . . 31-27; 16-20 24-19(9); 11-16 INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-16 (V14) V9(8): . . . 25-21; 3-8 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 23-14; 8-15 26-23; 15-18 23-19; 13-17 30-26; 6-9 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 2-6 28-24; 9-13 24-19; 17-22 26-17; 13-29 19-16; 18-22 15-11; 6-9 11-2; 9-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. R. Scott v P. Dayton (P) 1991. #254. V10(T): . . . 26-23(11); 8-11 24-19 [31-26 into Variation 8, or 25-21; 16-20 24-19 [Or 31-26 into Variation 9, but not 29-25? which gets 12-16! in reply] same]; 16-20 25-21 [31-26 into Variation 8]; 11-16 29-25; 4-8 INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-16 (V17) V11(10): . . . 25-21; 8-11 24-20 [29-25 is well met with 13-17!, while 26-23 transposes into the first note of Variation 10]; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 29-25(16); 6-9 26-22(14); 18-23 27-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18 [32-27 is well met with 3-8 and 21-17; 14-21 22-18 with 16-19]; 14-23 25-22(13); 16-19 22-18(12); 7-16 20-11; 3-8 11-7; 2-11 18-14; 11-15 14-9; 12-16 9-6; 23-26 30-23; 19-26 31-22; 15-19 32-27; 16-20 6-2; 8-12 2-7; 4-8 7-10; 8-11 10-7; 11-16 27-24; 20-27 7-11. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #255. V12(11): . . . 31-27; 7-16 27-18; 3-7 20-11; 7-16 18-14; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 14-9; 12-16 9-5; 16-19 5-1; 4-8 1-5; 8-12 5-9; 12-16 9-14; 23-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. M. Long v V. Dowsey (P) 1990. #256. V13(11): . . . 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 3-8 11-7; 2-11 25-22; 11-15! 20-11; 15-24 11-7; 8-11 7-3; 4-8 31-26; 11-16 26-19; 16-23 3-7; 10-15 7-11; 15-19 11-4; 12-16 22-18; 23-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #257. V14(11): . . . 26-23; 3-8 23-14; 9-18 30-26(15); 8-15 20-11; 7-16 26-23; 4-8 23-14; 8-11 14-10; 16-19 27-24; 5-9 10-7; 9-14 31-26; 11-16 7-3; 2-7 3-17; 13-31 24-20; 15-18 20-11; 31-26. Analysis by E. Frazier. #258. V15(14): . . . 31-26; 8-15 20-11; 7-16 26-23; 2-6 23-14; 15-18 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 13-17 30-26; 6-9 14-10; 20-24 27-20; 18-23 21-14; 23-30 25-21; 9-18 10-6; 30-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #259.

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V16(11): . . . 28-24; 7-10 26-23; 18-22 24-19; 22-26 31-22; 2-7 11-2; 3-8 2-9; 5-14 20-11; 8-31 30-25; 4-8 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #260. V17(T): . . . 26-23(32); 9-18 23-14(26); 16-20 24-19(22); 1-6! 22-18; 8-11 31-26(18); 11-16 26-22; 16-23 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 6-10 27-18; 20-24 28-19; 10-15 18-11; 7-23. Drawn. M. Barker v N. Proffitt (P) 1993. #261. V18(17): . . . 27-23(21); 13-17 25-21(20); 17-22 30-26; 6-9 26-17; 9-13 32-27(19); 13-22 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 4-8 17-13; 7-11 15-10; 22-26 31-22; 8-12. Drawn. J. Loy v T. Sheehan (P) 1989. #262. V19(18): . . . 19-15; 13-22 15-8; 4-11 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 11-16 21-17; 7-11 17-13; 11-15 23-18; 15-19 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 6-2; 12-16 2-6; 16-19. Drawn. M. Banks v M. Long (P) 1993. #263. V20(18): . . . 32-27; 11-16 25-21; 17-22 30-26; 6-9 26-17; 9-13 14-9; 13-22 19-15; 5-14 18-9 Into Variation 18 V21(18): . . . 19-15; 4-8 25-22; 12-16 29-25; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 25-21; 6-9 21-17; 20-24 27-20; 8-12 17-14; 2-6 31-27; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 27-24; 11-15 18-11; 9-25 30-21; 6-9 32-28; 23-26 20-16; 12-19 24-15. Drawn. T. Sheehan v R. Podoff (P) 1993. #264. V22(17): . . . 22-18(23); 1-6 24-19 Into Variation 17 V23(22): . . . 22-17(24); 13-22 25-18; 1-6 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 30-25; 12-16 25-21; 6-9 31-26; 8-11 26-23; 4-8 24-19; 8-12 28-24; 9-13 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 7-10 9-6; 3-7 6-2; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 7-11 2-7; 17-22 7-10; 22-26 14-9; 26-31 10-14; 11-15 9-6; 15-19 24-15; 31-24 14-18; 24-19 15-10; 20-24 18-15; 16-20. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Cayton (P) 1990. #265. V24(23): . . . 30-26(25); 8-11 25-21; 11-15 24-19 [26-23?; 1-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 6-9 29-25; 8-11 31-26; 11-16 26-22; 7-11! [Jim Loy] 32-28; 2-6 28-24; 3-7 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-28 15-8; 7-11 and Black is very powerful]; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 1-6 29-25; 6-9 27-23; 8-11 32-27; 7-10! 14-7; 3-10 18-15; 11-18 23-7;


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2-11 25-22; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 15-11; 19-24 11-7; 24-28 26-23; 28-32 7-2; 12-16 2-7; 16-19 23-16; 32-23 7-10; 20-24 16-12; 24-28 12-8; 28-32 8-3; 32-28 3-7; 28-24 7-11; 24-19 11-15; 19-24 15-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #266. V25(24): . . . 25-21; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 25-22; 1-6 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 3-12 32-28; 6-9 30-26; 2-6 21-17; 7-11 14-10; 6-15 26-23; 9-14 17-10; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 10-7; 22-26 31-22; 11-15. Drawn. WCC Platinum v KingsRow 2002. #267. V26(17): . . . 22-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22(30); 1-6 29-25 [This is stronger than 22-18; which is well met with 7-10. Now both 29-25 and 31-26 are countered with 3-7, while 24-20 is powerfully met with 13-17!]; 7-10 31-26; 10-14 24-20; 14-17 27-23(28); 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 4-8 20-16; 8-12 16-11(27); 12-16 27-23; 5-9 25-21; 9-14 22-18; 6-9 11-7; 2-11 15-8; 3-12 18-15; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 26-22; 17-26 30-16. Drawn. M. Banks v G. W. Miller (P) 1995. #268. V27(26): . . . 27-23 [Against 15-11; Black draws a man short with 19-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 13-17]; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 16-11; 17-21 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 18-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #269. V28(26): . . . 27-24(29); 17-21 32-27; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 23-16; 14-18 16-11; 3-7 20-16; 8-12 24-20; 12-19 11-8; 4-11 15-8; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 8-3; 18-23 3-8; 23-27 25-22; 27-31 20-16; 13-17 22-13; 31-22 16-11; 19-23 11-7; 2-11 8-15; 23-27 28-24; 27-31 24-20. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #270. V29(28): . . . 20-16; 2-7 27-23; 8-11 15-8; 4-20 23-16; 6-9 32-27; 7-11 16-7; 3-10 27-23; 17-21 22-18; 10-14 25-22; 14-17 23-19; 20-24 19-15; 24-27 15-10; 27-31. Drawn. A. Lyman v T. Sheehan (P) 1996. #271. V30(26): . . . 15-10; 7-14 24-15; 1-6 25-22; 3-7 28-24; 7-11 2925(31); 11-18 22-15; 2-7 31-26; 7-11 24-19; 11-18 26-22; 8-11 22-8; 4-11 27-24; 13-17 24-20; 6-9 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 17-22 25-18; 14-23

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11-7; 15-18 7-2; 9-14 20-16; 23-27 32-23; 18-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #272. V31(30): . . . 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 13-17 31-26; 5-9 29-25; 9-13 2521; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 21-17; 8-12 15-8; 4-11 17-14; 12-16 32-27; 2-7 27-23; 6-10! 24-19; 10-17 19-12; 22-26 23-19; 26-31 19-15; 31-27 15-8; 17-22! Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #273. V32(17): . . . 24-20; 9-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22 [26-23 is also good]; 11-18 22-15; 16-19 25-22; 5-9 29-25(33); 9-14 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 13-17 31-26; 17-21 25-22; 8-11 15-8; 4-11; 32-27; 3-7 27-23; 1-6 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 19-23 26-19; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 13-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #274. V33(32): . . . 22-18; 13-17 27-23; 19-26 31-6; 1-19 18-14; 2-6 29-25; 19-23 25-22; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17 [28-24 is easily met with 12-16]; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 17-13; 15-18 13-9; 10-14 9-6; 23-27 32-23; 18-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #275.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 12 (15): 9-13 23-18; 12-16 POWER: [44/56] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 11 Trunk: 9-13 23-18; 12-16 18-14[R](11); 10-17 21-14; 6-10[R](10) 2420[R](5); 10-17 25-21; 1-6[R](4) 21-14; 6-9 14-10[R](3); 7-14 22-18; 14-23 26-12; 13-17 27-23[R](2); 9-13 28-24; 5-9 23-19[R](1) Forms Position, Diagram 21: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✇ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 21

Continue: 17-22; 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 13-17 20-16; 9-13 24-20; 2226 31-22; 17-26 30-23; 15-19 11-7; 19-26 32-28; 3-10 12-3. Drawn. H. Freyer v R. Martin 1958. #276. V1(T): . . . 32-28; 17-22 23-18; 13-17 24-19; 17-21 19-15; 2-6 28-24; 9-13 24-19; 13-17 19-16; 6-9 16-7; 3-19 12-3; 9-13 3-7; 19-23 7-10; 22-26 31-22; 17-26 18-15; 4-8. Drawn. B. Case v N. Rubin 1930. #277. V2(T): . . . 28-24; 9-13 32-28; 5-9 24-19; 17-22 19-16; 11-15 31-26; 22-31 29-25; 31-24 28-10; 9-14 10-7; 3-10 12-3; 14-18 3-7; 2-11 16-7; 18-23. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #278. V3(T): . . . 29-25; 9-18 22-15; 11-18 20-11; 8-15 26-23; 2-6 23-14;

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6-9 31-26; 9-18 26-23; 13-17 23-14; 4-8 27-23; 15-18 28-24; 1827 32-23; 8-11 23-19; 7-10 14-7; 3-10. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #279. V4(T): 16-19 21-14; 11-15 29-25; 2-6 25-21; 8-11 14-10; 7-14 27-23; 14-18 23-7; 18-25 7-2 [Marion Tinsley’s cook with 20-16 is also good, and was used by Don Lafferty to defeat Chinook in the 1992 Southern States Tourney. See Big League Checkers Page 51 for a similar idea]; 4-8 2-9; 5-14 20-16; 15-19 32-27; 1-6 27-24; 8-12 24-15; 12-19 15-11; 6-10 11-7; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 30-14; 3-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22. Drawn. P. McCarthy v P. Davis 1989. #280. V5(T): . . . 27-23(9); 10-17 24-19; 8-12 25-21; 1-6 21-14; 13-17 2213; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 32-23; 7-10 29-25; 11-15 25-22(7); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18(6); 8-11 30-25; 3-8 25-22; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 17-21 14-9; 21-25 9-6; 25-30 6-2; 11-15 19-10; 16-19 23-16; 30-23. Drawn. D. McKelvie v J. Tadgell 1912. #281. V6(5): . . . 22-17; 8-11 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 3-7 31-26; 5-9 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 14-23 6-2; 23-27 26-22; 27-31 30-25; 7-10. Drawn. M. Tinsley v G. LeClair 1954. #282. V7(5): . . . 26-22(8); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 25-21; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 3-8 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 16-23. Drawn. W. Ryan v N. Banks 1937. #283. V8(7): . . . 28-24; 16-20 25-22; 20-27 31-24; 5-9 23-18; 3-8 18-11; 8-15 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 10-7; 12-16 7-3; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 3-7; 24-27 7-11; 27-31 11-15; 31-27 15-18; 4-8 18-25; 8-11. Drawn. N. Banks v W. Ryan 1937. #284. V9(5): . . . 14-9 [Against 25-21; 10-17 21-14; Black equalizes with 16-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 1-6]; 5-14 24-19; 16-23 27-9; 1-5 25-21; 5-14 30-25; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 11-15 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 28-24; 8-11 26-23; 4-8 23-19; 2-6 29-25; 6-9 32-27; 9-14 27-23; 14-17 25-21; 17-26 31-22; 8-12 21-17; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 12-16 23-18; 10-15 11-7; 15-19 18-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #285. V10(T): 6-9 [Inferior] 26-23; 9-18 23-14 INTO 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (V29)


Complete Checkers

V11(T): . . . 24-20; [27-23!?; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 11-20 18-14 [32-27; 8-11 26-23; 4-8 30-26; 11-16 21-17; 8-12 25-21; 5-9 [16-19? lost: D. Lafferty v R. King 1996] 28-24; 1-5 24-19; 7-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 same]; 6-9 22-18; 8-11 32-27; 4-8 26-23 [25-22; 8-12 29-25; 11-16 26-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 30-26; 1-6 27-24; 20-27 31-15 INTO 11-15 22-17; 15-19 (V10)]; 8-12 30-26; 1-6 28-24; 6-10 24-19; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 25-22! [25-21 is easily met with the 7-10 exchange]; 2-6! [But here the 7-10 exchange loses after 29-25; 2-7 18-15; 10-14 22-18; 14-17 15-10!; 7-14 25-21. Analysis by D. Oldbury] 29-25 [Or the immediate 22-17 exchange, as per D. Oldbury analysis]; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 3-8 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 19-15; 13-22 15-11; 8-15 18-2; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn]; 16-19 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-9 27-24; 9-18 22-15; 11-18 24-15; 5-9 28-24; 9-14 24-19; 14-17 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 32-27; 1-6 27-23; 6-10 22-18; 3-8. Drawn. G. LeClair v M. Tinsley 1954. #286.

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Ballot Number 13 (16): 9-13 23-19; 5-9 POWER: [43/57] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 9-13 23-19; 5-9 27-23[R](10); 11-15[R](9) 22-18[R](7); 15-22 2518; 8-11 [10-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 [6-10 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 11-16 18-15; 1-5! etc . . . is a safer option for Black, as analysed by Walter Hellman] 24-20! [Best. Instead, 19-15; once claimed as a winner by Hellman, leads to an ancient draw by Andrew Anderson]; 6-10 28-24; 1-5 32-28; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-13 (V14)] 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 3227[R](3); 6-10[R](2); 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 29-25; 12-16; 25-22 Forms Position, Diagram 22: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✇❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 22

Continue: 1-5 26-23[R](1); 16-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-26 31-22; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 28-24; 2-7 30-25; 7-11 25-21; 11-16 22-18; 15-22 24-20. Drawn. A. Long v A. Cameron 1952. #287. V1(T): . . . 30-25; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-21; 5-9 27-24; 9-14 26-23; 16-19 23-16; 14-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1981. #288. V2(T): . . . 1-5 INTO 9-13 24-19; 5-9 (V5)


Complete Checkers

V3(T): . . . 28-24(6); 6-10 29-25(5); 10-15 25-22; 12-16 31-27(4); 7-10 21-17; 1-5 17-14; 10-17 23-19; 16-23; 26-10; 17-26 30-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 14-17 24-20. Drawn. G. Bass v V. Davis (P) 1935. #289. V4(3): . . . 24-20; 7-10 32-28; 1-5 28-24; 3-8 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 8-12 16-7; 2-11 30-26; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-23! 17-13; 15-18 13-9; 10-15 9-6; 23-27 6-2; 27-32 21-17; 18-22 17-14; 12-16 14-10; 22-25 10-7; 32-28 7-3; 28-19; 2-6 25-29; 6-10 29-25; 31-27 25-29; 3-8 29-25; 8-3. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #290. V5(3): . . . 32-27; 10-15 30-25; 15-22 25-18; 7-10 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 3-10 27-23; 11-15 29-25; 1-6 25-22; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1993. #291. V6(3): . . . 31-27; 6-10 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 29-25; 12-16 25-22; 1-5 27-23; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 32-23; 3-7 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 7-10. Drawn. D. Lafferty v R. Hallett 1990. #292. V7(T): . . . 23-18(8); 1-5 [8-11! is interesting] 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 8-11 32-27 INTO 9-13 24-19; 11-15 (V7) V8(7): . . . 22-17 [Soft]; 13-22 25-11; 8-15 29-25; 9-14 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 (T) V9(T): 9-14 22-18; 6-9 25-22 1-5 INTO Key Landing Number 17 V10(T): . . . 22-18(13); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 26-22(12); 9-14 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 27-23; 2-6 29-25; 6-9 25-22; 9-14 30-26(11); 4-8 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 15-18 24-20; 18-27 31-24; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 1-10 17-13; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 13-9; 11-15 9-6; 15-18 6-2; 7-10. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Tinsley (P) 1948. #293. V11(10): . . . 31-26; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 32-27; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-18 [14-18 is good] 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 11-7; 22-26 30-23; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-17. Drawn. E. Scheidt v W. Hellman 1972. #294.

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V12(10): . . . 25-22; 9-14 27-23; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 INTO Key Landing Number 7 V13(10): . . . 26-23(15); 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 1-5 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 3-8 30-26(14); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 17-13; 11-16 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 9-13 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 2622; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 14-23 27-18. Drawn. D. Oldbury v J. Marshall 1962. #295. V14(13): . . . 31-26; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 7-10 17-14; 10-17 15-11; 8-15 18-11; 6-10 27-23; 17-21 23-16; 21-25 30-21; 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #296. V15(13): . . . 19-15 INTO 9-13 23-18; 5-9 (V17)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 14 (17): 9-13 23-19; 6-9 POWER: [40/60] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 22 Trunk: 9-13 23-19; 6-9 27-23[R](18); 9-14[R](17) 22-18[R](14); 11-15[R](13) Forms Key Landing Number 24, Diagram 23: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 23

Continue: . . . 18-9[R](4); 5-14 25-22; 7-11 [8-11? is an ancient loss] 30-25; 1-5 22-17[R](2); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22 [Against 32-27; 11-16!, not 3-7? draws]; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 8-15 28-19; 1524 22-18; 12-16 18-9; 16-20 23-19[R](1); 10-14 31-26; 14-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 4-8 22-18; 8-12 21-17; 3-8 18-15; 24-28 15-10; 20-24 10-6; 8-11. Drawn. D. Oldbury v S. Cohen 1955. #297. V1(T): . . . 23-18; 10-14 18-15; 14-18 31-26; 3-7 9-5; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 5-1; 11-16 21-17; 16-19 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 19-23. Drawn. J. McGill v R. Fields 1973. #298. V2(T): . . . 32-27(3); 11-16 [Of course, 3-7? loses once more] 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 2-6 29-25; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 8-11 23-7; 3-19 25-22; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 14-18. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #299.

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V3(2): . . . 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 32-28; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19. Drawn. M. Tinsley v Chinook 1990. #300. V4(T): . . . 18-11; 8-15 23-18(11); 15-22 25-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 1-10 29-25; 4-8 25-22(10); 8-11 28-24(8); 11-15 32-27(6); 7-11 26-23; 3-8 30-26(5); 14-18 23-7; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 7-3; 25-30 3-12; 30-32 12-16; 2-7 16-19; 7-11 31-26; 32-27 26-22; 27-31 19-23; 11-16 22-18; 16-20 18-15; 20-24 23-27; 24-28 27-32; 31-26 15-10; 26-22 10-6; 22-18. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1963. #301. V5(4): . . . 24-20; 2-6 30-26; 6-9 27-24; 8-12 23-19; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-23 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 23-27 9-6; 27-32 6-2; 32-27 19-16; 12-28 31-24; 28-32 2-6; 32-28 24-19; 15-24 6-8. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #302. V6(4): . . . 22-17(7); 13-22 26-17; 3-8! 24-20; 8-12 17-13; 2-6 30-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 22-17; 15-18 32-27; 10-15 17-14; 15-19 14-9; 19-24 9-2; 24-31. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #303. V7(6): . . . 26-23; 14-18 23-14; 10-26 30-23; 7-10 31-26; 10-14 23-19; 15-18 19-15; 13-17 15-10; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 10-6; 2-9 23-18; 14-23 21-5; 26-31 5-1; 31-26 24-19; 26-22; 1-6 22-18; 32-28 23-26; 6-10 26-31; 19-16. Drawn. R. Pask v W. Edwards 1985. #304. V8(4): . . . 32-27; 11-15 22-17(9); 13-22 26-17; 15-18 17-13; 2-6 31-26; 10-15 27-24; 7-10 24-20; 15-19 20-16; 18-23 16-11; 23-27 26-22; 10-15 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10. Drawn. W. Hellman v N. Banks 1939. #305. V9(8): . . . 27-23; 7-11 28-24; 3-8 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 2-6 30-26; 6-9 26-23; 9-14 24-20; 15-24 22-18; 8-12 18-9; 11-15 9-6; 15-19! 23-16; 12-19 6-2; 10-15. Drawn. A. Mantell v G. Bass (P) 1935. #306. V10(4): . . . 28-24; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 32-27; 7-11 25-22 Into Variation 4 V11(4): . . . 24-20(12); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 1-6 18-9; 5-14 INTO Key Landing Number 7


Complete Checkers

V12(11): . . . 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 28-24 [25-22? may lose after 1-6 32-27; 6-9 29-25; 15-19 27-24; 10-15 22-18; 14-23 25-22; 2-6!]; 1-6 16-12; 6-9 32-27 [25-22 is hard for White]; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 30-25; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 14-17 20-11; 17-21 11-8; 21-30 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 30-25 8-4; 25-22 17-13; 10-14 4-8; 2-7. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #307. V13(T): 5-9 25-22; 1-5 INTO Key Landing Number 17 V14(T): . . . 22-17(16); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 7-11 32-27(15); 11-16! 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 8-15 28-19; 15-24 27-20; 1-5 22-18; 5-9 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 CR (V32) V15(14): . . . 31-27; 1-6 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 26-19; 8-15 21-17; 6-9 17-13; 2-6 30-25; 9-14 25-21; 3-7 22-17; 7-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 32-28; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 1714; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 19-15; 12-19 14-9. Drawn. W. Edwards v T. Watson 1987. #308. V16(14): . . . 32-27; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 1-10 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 26-23; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 27-20; 3-7! 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 4-8 23-19; 14-18 19-16; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 12-16 11-8; 18-23 8-4; 16-20 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 23-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #309. V17(T): 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 7-10 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (V22) V18(T): . . . 22-18(22); 11-15 18-11; 7-23 27-18; 8-11 25-22; 3-7 3227(20); 10-15 27-23(19); 7-10 23-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23 Forms Position, Diagram 24: BTP Continue: 1-6 30-26; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 1219 23-16; 15-18 22-15; 10-19 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 11-15 8-3; 14-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 19-23 3-8 23-26; 8-11 15-19. Drawn. R. Chamberlain v A. Huggins (P) 1975. #310. V19(18): . . . 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 1-5 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-16 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 14-17 21-14;

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❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 24

7-10 14-7; 2-25. Drawn. D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1974. #311. V20(18): . . . 30-25(21); 10-14 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 14-17 21-14; 918 32-27; 1-6 24-19; 7-10 26-22; 2-7 27-23; 18-27 31-24; 4-8 24-20; 13-17 22-13; 7-11 25-22; 11-25 29-22; 10-14 20-16; 6-10 13-9; 14-17 22-13; 5-14. Drawn. A. Huggins v R. Chamberlain (P) 1975. #312. V21(20): . . . 26-23 [29-25 is well met with 9-14, while 24-20 gets 11-16 20-11; 7-16 28-24; 4-8 26-23; 2-7 24-19; 8-11 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 and a comfortable draw]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 31-26; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 2-6 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 6-9 18-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 16-12; 9-13. Drawn. L. Taylor v E. Hunt 1961. #313. V22(18): . . . 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 3-7 28-24 [25-22; 1-6 28-24 same]; 1-6 25-22; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 30-26(23); 6-10 26-23; 9-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 24-19; 11-16 18-14; 17-22 27-24; 13-17 24-20; 17-21 20-11; 7-16 19-15; 21-25 14-10; 25-30 23-18; 22-26 31-22; 30-26 15-11; 26-17 11-8; 17-22 18-15; 16-19 15-11; 19-23 8-4; 23-26. Drawn. A. Long v E.Hunt 1936. #314. V23(22): . . . 22-18(25); 6-10 29-25(24); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 11-15 32-27; 2-6 INTO 10-14 23-19; 7-10 (T)


Complete Checkers

V24(23): . . . 27-23; 10-15 30-25; 15-22 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 2419; 7-10 29-25; 2-7 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v K. Grover 1974. #315. V25(23): . . . 27-23; 6-10 30-26(26); 9-14 22-17 [Against 24-19; 11-15 draws easily, while the tricky 23-19 is well met with 11-15 32-28; 2-6! 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 20-16]; 13-22 26-17; 5-9 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 2-9 29-25 [Against 32-27; 7-11! 29-25; 15-18 draws]; 15-18 24-19; 18-27 32-23; 9-13 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22. Drawn. A. Long v E. Bruch 1986. #316. V26(25): . . . 31-26(27); 11-15 23-18; 7-11 26-23; 12-16 24-20; 1519 30-25; 19-26 18-14; 9-18 22-8; 16-19 8-3; 26-31 3-8; 19-23 8-11; 31-27 25-22; 27-24 22-18; 5-9 29-25; 23-26 11-16; 26-30 18-15; 10-19 16-23; 24-27 23-18; 30-26 32-23; 26-19 18-23; 19-26 25-22; 26-17 21-5. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1974. #317. V27(26): . . . 29-25; 9-14 22-18; 10-15 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 22-18; 16-20 18-9; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 23-19; 27-31 19-15; 12-16 9-5; 16-19 5-1; 19-23 1-5; 13-17 21-14; 23-27 32-23; 7-10 14-7; 2-27. Drawn. D. Lafferty v E. Hunt 1961. #318.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 15 (18): 9-13 23-19; 10-14 POWER: [44/56] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 4 Trunk: 9-13 23-19; 10-14 27-23[R](2); 11-16[R](1) INTO 9-13 23-19; 11-16 (T) V1(T): 6-10 [7-10? is inferior, and may also arise from 10-14 24-19; 7-10 27-24; 9-13? same. After this, White presses with 22-18; 11-15 [Anything better?] 18-11; 8-15 26-22! [Bob Newell] and holds a winning position] INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (T) V2(T): . . . 19-15(6); 11-18 22-15; 7-11(4) [Good for a draw] 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 3-7 25-22; 7-11 29-25; 11-18 22-15; 2-7 24-19; 7-11 31-26(3); 11-18 26-22; 5-9 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24 Forms Position, Diagram 25: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 25

Continue: 11-15 19-10; 6-15 27-23; 15-18 24-20; 18-27 32-23; 1-5 23-19; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 19-15; 5-9 30-26; 9-14 25-21; 13-17 15-10; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 10-6; 26-31; 6-1 31-27; 23-19 27-24; 19-15 17-22. Drawn. P. Thompson v R. Fortman (P) 1962. #319. V3(2): . . . 30-26; 11-18 26-22; 5-9 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 27-24;


Complete Checkers

11-15 19-10; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-5 32-27; 14-17 21-14; 918 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 31-15. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #320. V4(2): 14-18 [A good mixer] 24-19; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 28-24; 7-10 24-20 [Also from 9-13 24-20; 10-15 28-24; 5-9 23-19; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 19-15; 9-14 [Or 7-10! 24-19; 3-7 26-23!; 9-14 into Variation 4] 24-19; 7-10 26-23 same] 3-7 30-26(5); 1-5 32-28; 13-17 20-16 [19-16; 10-19 25-22; 18-25 29-13 is easily met with 19-24!]; 8-11 15-8; 4-20 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 18-22 25-9; 6-13 21-14; 10-17 16-12; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 12-8; 7-10 8-3; 10-14 3-8; 5-9 8-11; 9-13 11-15; 14-17. Drawn. R. Fortman v L. Taylor 1958. #321. V5(4): . . . 32-28 [31-26? gets 7-11!]; 1-5 31-26; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 6-9! 15-10; 14-17! 21-14; 18-22 2617; 13-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 10-6; 9-18 30-25; 22-26 25-22; 18-25 29-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #322. V6(2): . . . 26-23(7); 11-16 INTO 9-13 23-19; 11-16 (V7) V7(6): . . . 22-17; 13-22 25-9 [26-10; 7-14 25-22; 6-10 [Not the unnecessary 6-9 into 11-15 23-18; 8-11 27-23; 10-14 23-19; 14-23 19-10; 7-14 26-19 CR] equalizes matters]; 5-14 27-23; 7-10 INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 (V2)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 15A (19): 9-13 23-19; 10-15 POWER: [25/75] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 23 Trunk: 9-13 23-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 [7-14? is dubious after 27-23!] 26-23(12); 7-10 23-18(6); 12-16 27-23; 16-20 32-27; 5-9 30-26; 15 18-14(4); 9-18 23-7; 3-10 26-23(2); 8-12 22-18(1); 15-22 25-18 Forms Position, Diagram 26: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 26

Continue: 10-14! 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 2-6 24-19; 11-16 22-18; 6-9 31-26; 13-17 28-24; 9-13 18-9; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 9-6; 22-26 6-2; 26-31 2-7; 31-26 7-10; 8-11 21-17; 11-15 10-14; 15-18 17-13; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #323. V1(T): . . . 23-18 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 is easy for Black]; 12-16 31-26; 5-9 21-17; 16-19 27-23 [25-21; 4-8 17-14 is also easy]; 20-27 23-7; 2-11 18-14!; 9-18 26-23; 10-14 17-10; 27-31 23-14; 31-26 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 26-22 10-6; 22-15 14-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #324. V2(T): . . . 22-18(3); 15-22 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 26-23; 5-9 23-18; 10-14 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 13-17! 22-6; 2-9 23-19; 15-22 24-20. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #325.


Complete Checkers

V3(2): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 5-9 17-13; 8-12! 13-6; 2-9 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 25-22; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 21-17; 9-14 23-18!; 14-23 22-18; 24-28 18-15; 28-32 15-6; 23-26 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #326. V4(T): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 15-22 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 1714(5); 10-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 25-22; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 22-18; 5-9 18-14; 9-18 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 31-8. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #327. V5(4): . . . 29-25; 9-14 25-22; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 4-8 16-7; 2-11 17-13; 11-16 13-9; 8-12 9-6; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 6-2 [Against 22-17; 14-18! draws]; 10-15 2-7; 14-18 22-17; 19-24 7-11; 15-19 17-14; 19-23 11-15; 23-32 15-22. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #328. V6(T): . . . 30-26(9); 1-6 23-19(7); 6-9 27-23; 9-14 INTO 9-13 2319; 6-9 (T) V7(6): . . . 23-18; 3-7 27-23(8); 5-9 32-27; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 9-14! [7-11? gets 21-17!] 25-22; 14-18 27-24; 18-25 29-22; 7-11 22-18; 2-7 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 8-12 15-8; 4-11 18-14; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 9-6; 7-10 6-2; 10-15 2-6; 14-18 24-19 [6-10 is easily met with 18-25 10-19; and 25-30]; 18-25 19-10; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley & D. Lafferty. #329. V8(7): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 25-21; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 29-25; 13-17 26-22 [27-23; 18-27 32-23; is well met with 5-9!]; 17-26 31-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 21-17; 6-10 25-21; 10-15 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 19-10. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #330. V9(6): . . . 22-18(10); 15-22 25-18; 1-6 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 25-22; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 3-7 31-26; 6-9 Into Variation 20 V10(9): . . . 24-20; 3-7 28-24; 1-6 23-18(11); 12-16 30-26; 16-19 32-28; 5-9 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 15-22 2518; 4-8 24-15; 10-19 17-14 [Not 17-13?]; 9-13 14-9; 6-10 9-5; 8-12 5-1; 19-24 28-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 1-5; 12-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14;

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16-20 14-10; 23-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #331. V11(10): . . . 23-19; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 32-28; 5-9 30-26; 9-14 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 31-26; 2-7 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 27-23; 10-15 28-24; 6-10 [Into Scientific Checkers Made Easy Problem #43!] 23-19; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 19-16; 18-23 16-7; 23-27 7-2; 27-32 2-7; 22-26! 7-14; 32-28. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #332. V12(T): . . . 21-17(20); 7-10 17-14; 10-17 25-21; 3-7 21-14; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22(19); 1-6 30-25(18); 8-11 25-21(17); 6-9 14-10(15); 7-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 11-15 28-24; 4-8 27-23(13); 15-18 23-14; 9-18 [Database draw] 21-17; 18-22 17-13; 8-11 32-27; 11-15 27-23; 22-25 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 5-9 6-1; 9-14 23-19; 15-18 1-6; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley & D. Lafferty. #333. V13(12): . . . 24-19(14); 15-24 27-20; 9-14 31-27!; 8-11! 10-7; 11-15 7-3; 15-19 3-8; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 8-11; 27-31 23-19; 14-18 19-15; 18-23 15-10; 23-26 10-7; 26-30 7-3. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #334. V14(13): . . . 10-6; 9-14 6-1; 8-11 24-20; 15-19 27-23; 19-26 31-22; 11-15 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 18-22 21-17; 15-18 17-13; 22-26 14-10; 26-31 10-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #335. V15(12): . . . 22-18; 13-17 28-24(16); 17-22 26-17; 9-13 27-23; 1322 21-17; 22-25 17-13; 25-30 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 7-10 9-6; 2-9 13-6 [Database draw]; 30-25 6-2; 10-14 2-6; 25-22 23-19; 14-17 24-20; 17-21 6-9; 21-25 9-14; 25-30 32-28; 4-8 31-27; 30-25 27-24; 2521 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 11-18 14-23. Drawn. Analysis by G. Lindsay. #336. V16(15): . . . 27-23; 17-22 26-17; 11-15 18-11; 9-27 32-23; 7-16 28-24; 16-20 17-14; 20-27 31-24; 4-8 14-10; 8-11 10-7; 11-16 7-3; 1620 24-19; 20-24 23-18; 24-27 18-15; 27-31 15-11; 31-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #337. V17(12): . . . 27-23; 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 32-23; 7-10 2522; 5-9 28-24; 4-8 24-20; 11-15 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 16-11;


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9-14 26-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 11-7; 10-15 7-2; 14-18 22-17; 18-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #338. V18(12): . . . 27-23 [Stronger than when played 2 moves later]; 13-17! 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 32-23; 7-10 26-22; 5-9 28-24; 8-11 3025; 4-8 25-21; 11-16! 22-18; 16-20 24-19; 8-11 31-26; 11-16 26-22; 20-24 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 24-27 22-17; 27-31 17-10; 31-27 21-17; 27-18 17-13; 16-23 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #339. V19(12): . . . 30-21; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 15-6; 2-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 4-8 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 5-9 23-18; 1-5 19-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 9-6; 18-22 26-17; 13-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #340. V20(12): . . . 22-18[R](25) 15-22 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 [May also arise from 11-15 23-19; 9-13 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 10-15 18-11; 8-15 19-10; 6-15 same] 24-19[R](21); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25; 7-10 25-22; 8-11 27-23; 3-7 31-27; 5-9 22-18; 1-5 27-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-14 24-20; 11-15 (V6) V21(20): . . . 27-23 [29-25 runs similarly] (22); 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 7-10 23-18; 5-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 26-23; 1-5 32-28; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 28-24; 16-20 22-18; 20-27 31-24; 2-7! 30-26!; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #341. V22(21): . . . 30-25(24); 3-8 27-23; 8-11 24-19(23); 15-24 28-19; 7-10 25-22; 4-8 22-18; 11-16 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 2-6 21-17; 6-9 1714; 10-17 19-15; 1-6 15-8; 6-10 32-27; 10-14 27-24; 16-19 24-15; 12-16 8-3; 16-19 23-16; 14-30 22-18; 30-26 31-22; 17-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #342. V23(22): . . . 24-20; 1-6 32-27; 6-9 25-22; 4-8 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 16-11; 14-18 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-22 11-8; 15-18 8-3; 10-15 3-8; 22-25 29-22; 18-25. Drawn. J. Childers v G. W. Miller (P) 1992. #343. V24(22): . . . 24-20; 4-8 28-24; 7-10 27-23; 1-6 23-19; 3-7 29-25; 7-11 26-23; 5-9 30-26; 9-14 32-28; 15-18 26-22!; 18-27 19-16 12-19

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24-15; 10-19 31-15; 11-18 22-15; 8-12 15-11; 14-18 11-8; 6-9 8-4; 9-14 4-8; 18-23 8-11; 23-26 11-15; 26-30 15-19; 14-17 21-14; 30-21. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #344. V25(20): . . . 24-20; 7-10 27-23 [28-24; 3-7 27-23 same]; 3-7 28-24 [23-18; 5-9 28-24 same]; 5-9 23-18 [Against 23-19; 11-16 draws comfortably]; 12-16 32-28; 1-6 26-23 [Against 21-17; 9-14! draws]; 15-19 24-15; 10-26 30-23; 6-10 31-27; 10-15 27-24; 9-14 18-9; 15-19 24-15; 11-27 20-11; 7-16 22-17; 13-22 25-18. Drawn. Colossus v R. Fortman (P) 1992. #345.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 16 (20): 9-13 23-19; 11-16 POWER: [45/55] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 9-13 23-19; 11-16 27-23[R](7); 10-14[R](6) 22-17[R](4); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25 [24-20; 6-10 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (V28)]; 16-20 32-27; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 2319[R](3); 6-10[R](2) 25-22; 11-15 19-16[R](1); 1-6 22-17; 6-9 17-13; 15-18 13-6; 2-9 30-25; 9-13 26-22; 10-15 28-24 Forms Position, Diagram 27: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✇❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 27

Continue: 14-17 21-14; 13-17 22-13; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 25-21; 17-22 13-9; 22-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1985. #346. V1(T): . . . 26-23; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 3-8 16-7; 2-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 11-15 26-22; 8-12 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 12-16 24-20; 15-19 20-11; 19-26. Drawn. B. Case v A. Long 1952. #347. V2(T): 7-10 25-22; 6-9 [White has a nice game against both 2-7 22-17 and 11-15 19-16; 2-7 22-17] 26-23; 9-13 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 2-7 [13-17 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 2-7 24-20; 3-8 19-16; 8-12 23-19; 14-18 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 12-19 15-8 to an easy draw]

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19-16; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 26-23; 10-14 16-12; 7-10 12-8; 3-12 19-16; 12-26 31-6. Drawn. D. Oldbury v D. Lafferty 1981. #348. V3(T): . . . 25-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 28-24; 6-10 24-19; 2-7 30-26; 7-11; 19-16; 1-6 16-7; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 6-9. Drawn. L. Levitt v L. Munger 1949. #349. V4(T): . . . 19-15 [24-20 is a kindly line, best met with 6-10 20-11; 8-24 28-19 INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (V28)]; 16-20 24-19(5); 7-10 22-17 INTO 11-16 23-18; 16-20 (T) V5(4): . . . 32-27; 5-9! 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 1-10 29-25; 11-16 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 20-27 31-24; 2-7! 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 14-17! 21-7; 3-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #350. V6(T): 16-20 [8-11! is a fighting defence, suggested by Derek Oldbury, and is best met with 24-20 [32-27 is countered with 10-14!]; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 28-19; 7-16 and an even game with scope for both sides] 32-27 INTO 9-13 24-19; 11-16 (V1) V7(T): . . . 26-23(12); 10-14 22-17(10); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25(9); 7-11 25-22; 6-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 11-15 25-22; 16-20 22-17 [23-18 is easy for Black]; 8-11 17-13; 2-6 31-26; 12-16 19-12; 11-16 12-8(8); 3-12 13-9; 6-13 26-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 15-22 24-6; 22-26 6-2; 26-31 2-7; 31-24 28-19; 20-24 7-11; 14-18 19-15; 18-23. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1939. #351. V8(7): . . . 26-22; 15-19 24-15; 10-26 27-24; 20-27 32-23; 26-31 22-18; 6-10 18-9; 31-26 23-19; 16-23 9-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985. #352. V9(7): . . . 24-20; 6-10 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 2-6 26-22; 6-9 22-18 INTO 11-16 24-19; 7-11 CR (V12) V10(7): . . . 22-18; 6-10 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 1-5 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 7-11 25-22; 11-15 32-28(11); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 18-9;


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5-14 29-25; 11-16 25-22; 13-17 22-13; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 13-9; 3-10. Drawn. A. Long v T. Watson 1973. #353. V11(10): . . . 23-18; 15-24 18-9; 5-14 27-20; 3-7 30-26; 4-8 32-27; 8-11 27-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-14; 16-19 22-18; 19-24 18-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 14-10. Drawn. A. Long v B. Case 1952. #354. V12(7): . . . 19-15(13); 10-19 24-15; 16-20 26-23; 12-16 23-18; 16-19 30-26; 6-9 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 31-27! [21-17? is weak after 1-6 18-14 [17-14? 6-10! to a black win] 9-18 22-15; 13-22 25-18; 7-10 29-25; 5-9 etc. . . ]; 1-6 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 1611; 7-16 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 26-22; 9-14 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 28-24. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #355. V13(12): . . . 22-18; 16-23 26-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 8-11 27-23 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-13 (T)

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Ballot Number 17 (21): 9-13 24-19; 5-9 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 9-13 24-19; 5-9 28-24[R](11); 11-15 [11-16? 22-18; 16-20 32-28; 10-14 18-15! leaves White very powerfully arrayed] 22-18[R](9); 15-22 25-18; 1-5! [10-14? 29-25; 7-10 [8-11 24-20; 4-8 27-24; 6-10 32-28; 2-6 25-22 same] 25-22; 8-11 24-20; 4-8 27-24; 2-7 32-28. White win: W. Ferguson v R. Pask 1985] 29-25[R](5); 811 24-20[R](3); 3-8 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 10-14 26-23[R](1); 6-10 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22 Forms Position, Diagram 28: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 28

Continue: 7-10! 16-7; 2-11 23-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-28 [19-16; 11-15 16-11; 14-18 11-7; 18-25 30-21; 13-17 21-14; 10-17. Drawn: R. Pask v W. Ferguson 1985]; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 30-26; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 19-12; 10-15 26-23; 14-17 22-18; 15-22 23-19. Drawn. D. Oldbury v R. Pask 1990. #356. V1(T): . . . 25-22(2); 14-23 26-19; 6-10 32-28; 9-14 31-26; 11-15 16-12; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 12-8; 11-15 19-16; 4-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 13-17 22-13 [Database draw]; 15-18 23-19; 11-15 19-16; 18-23


Complete Checkers

16-11; 15-19 11-8; 10-15 8-3; 14-18 3-7; 23-27 7-10; 18-23 20-16; 27-31 16-11; 23-27 11-7; 27-32 7-2; 32-27 2-7; 15-18 7-11; 18-23 11-15; 27-24. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #357. V2(1): . . . 18-15; 11-18 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 6-10 26-22; 2-6 22-15; 10-19 11-7; 4-8 7-3; 8-12 3-8; 12-16 30-26; 16-20 32-28; 6-10 25-22; 19-23 26-19; 10-15 19-10; 14-17 21-14; 9-25. Drawn. L. Taylor v L. Balderson 1980. #358. V3(T): . . . 25-22(4); 11-16 24-20 [Against 32-28; 16-20! equalizes]; 3-8 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 23-19; 8-11 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 6-13 21-14; 10-17 31-27; 17-22 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 27-24; 12-16 32-27; 13-17 27-23; 22-26 24-19; 26-31; 19-12; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by H. Lieberman. #359. V4(3): . . . 18-14 [26-22; 11-16 31-26; 16-20 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 32-28; 3-8 to a draw]; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 30-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-23; 4-8 22-17; 11-16 24-20; 8-11 32-28; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 17-22 6-2; 22-26 2-6; 10-14 6-9; 14-18 23-14; 16-23. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #360. V5(T): . . . 32-28(7); 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 29-25; 6-10 2724(6); 10-15 25-22; 7-10 23-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 2-6 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 13-17 22-13; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 26-22; 10-15 22-17; 6-10 13-9; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 [Database draw] 9-6; 14-18 6-2; 10-15 2-6; 18-22 6-10; 24-28 [22-25 17-13; 25-29 13-9; 29-25 9-6; 15-18 to a draw] 20-16; 28-32 16-11; 15-18 11-7; 19-23 17-13; 32-28 21-17; 3-8 7-3; 8-12. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1956. #361. V6(5): . . . 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 27-24; 15-18! 26-22; 12-16 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 30-26; 16-20 25-21; 20-27 31-24. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #362. V7(5): . . . 24-20; 8-11 26-22; 3-8 32-28; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 7-11 30-25(8); 9-14 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 16-11; 14-18 11-8; 12-16 20-11; 18-23 27-18; 15-31 8-3; 10-14 3-8; 31-26 11-7; 2-11 8-15; 26-30 15-11; 14-17 21-14;

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30-21 11-15; 13-17. Drawn. E. Whiting v R. Fortman (P) 1961. #363. V8(7): . . . 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO 10-14 24-20; 11-15 (V8) V9(T): . . . 23-18(10); 1-5 [10-14!? is a fighting alternative] INTO 9-13 24-19; 11-15 (V7) V10(9): . . . 22-17; 13-22 25-11; 8-15 29-25; 9-14 25-22; 6-9 INTO Key Landing Number 25 CR V11(T): . . . 22-18(15); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 9-14 25-22; 4-8 22-18(14); 1-5 18-9; 5-14 23-18(12); 14-23 27-18; 8-11 26-23 [29-25 allows a soft draw with 11-15]; 6-9 29-25; 10-15 19-10; 7-14 32-27 [32-28; 3-7 28-24 same, or 31-27; 12-16 25-22; 2-6 27-24; 16-20 32-27; 6-10 24-19; 3-7 same]; 3-7 27-24; 7-10 25-22; 12-16 24-19; 16-20 31-27; 2-7 30-25; 11-16 19-12; 7-11 12-8; 11-16 8-3; 16-19 23-16; 14-32 3-7; 10-14. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1956. #364. V12(11): . . . 29-25(13); 8-11 INTO 9-13 24-19; 6-9 (T) V13(12): . . . 27-24; 8-11 24-20; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 [15-19? 16-11; 7-16 20-11. White win: D. Oldbury v R. Hallett 1985] 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 21-17; 6-9 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 2-9 30-26; 14-17 31-27; 22-31 32-28; 31-24 28-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #365. V14(11): . . . 29-25; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-13 24-19; 6-9 (T) V15(11): . . . 27-24 INTO 9-13 23-19; 5-9 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 18 (22): 9-13 24-19; 6-9 POWER: [38/62] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 12 Trunk: 9-13 24-19; 6-9 22-18(13); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 9-14 25-22; 4-8 29-25(8); 8-11 22-18; 1-6 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 23-18(1); 14-23 27-11; 7-23 26-19; 3-7 30-26 [22-18; 7-11 30-26; 11-16 26-23 same]; 7-11 26-23; 11-16 22-18 INTO 10-14 24-20; 7-10 (T) V1(T): . . . 32-28(7); 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18(6); 6-10 18-14(4); 7-11 14-7; 3-10 27-23(3); 11-16 23-18(2); 16-23 26-19; 17-26 31-22; 2-6 18-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-19 12-8; 19-23 8-3; 6-9. Drawn. P. McCarthy v C. Walker 1987. #366. V2(1): . . . 22-18; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 [Database draw] 18-15; 16-20 15-6; 2-9 23-18; 9-13! 31-27; 13-17 18-15; 17-21 15-11; 22-25 11-7; 25-29 7-2; 29-25 2-6; 25-22 6-9; 22-18 9-13; 18-22 13-9 [Perpetual]. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #367. V3(1): . . . 27-24; 2-6 22-18!; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 24-20; 6-9 31-27; 10-14 27-23; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 14-23. Drawn. Analysis by B. Case. #368. V4(1): . . . 27-23(5); 7-11 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 3-10 18-14; 12-16 14-7; 2-11 22-18; 16-20 26-23; 11-16 18-15; 20-24 15-10; 16-20. Drawn. S. Weslow v M. Apel 1934. #369. V5(4): . . . 27-24; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 26-19; 17-26 31-22; 3-7 24-20; 7-10 30-25 [22-18; 13-17 20-16; 17-22 16-11; 2-6 11-7; 6-9 7-2; 10-14 18-15; 14-18 2-6; 9-13. Drawn: M. Tinsley v R. King 1986]; 10-14 25-21; 2-6! 20-16; 6-10 16-11; 12-16 19-12; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #370. V6(1): . . . 27-24 [Against 22-18; 17-22 draws comfortably]; 6-10 24-20; 7-11 19-16!; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 11-15 23-18; 15-19. Drawn. R. Pask v E. Bruch 1983. #371. V7(1): . . . 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 22-17 [30-25? loses to 7-11!];

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13-22 26-17; 18-22 17-13; 15-19 21-17; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 32-28; 11-16 27-24; 19-23 24-19; 16-20 19-16; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 16-11; 10-15 17-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 11-7; 10-14 7-2; 15-19 2-6; 14-17 6-10; 1923 10-14; 17-21 28-24. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #372. V8(T): . . . 22-18(9); 8-11 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 1-6 Into Trunk V9(8): . . . 27-24; 8-11 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 514 29-25; 7-11 25-22; 2-7 22-17(11); 13-22 26-17 Forms Position, Diagram 29: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 29

Continue: 1-5 30-25(10); 14-18 23-14; 16-23 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 13-9; 7-10 14-7; 5-14 7-2; 15-18 2-6; 14-17 6-10; 17-22 25-21; 22-25. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #373. V10(9): . . . 17-13; 14-17; 21-14; 10-17 32-27 [31-26; 7-10 23-18; 1623 26-19; 17-22 32-28; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6. Drawn: Analysis by E. Hunt]; 7-10 27-24; 16-20 31-26; 20-27 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 27-31 26-22; 17-26 30-23. Drawn. L. Levitt v D. Lafferty 1988. #374. V11(9): . . . 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22(12); 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 22-18; 16-20 32-27; 11-16 30-26; 13-17 18-14; 10-15 19-10; 17-21 23-18; 21-25 18-15; 25-30 26-22; 30-26 22-18; 26-23. Drawn. C. Freeman v C. Barker 1890. #375.


Complete Checkers

V12(11): . . . 23-18; 14-23 31-27; 13-17 27-18; 16-23 21-14; 10-17 26-19; 7-10 18-14; 11-16 14-7; 16-23 7-2; 17-22 2-7; 12-16 7-11; 16-20 11-15; 22-26. Drawn. D. Lafferty v H. Cravens 1970. #376. V13(T): . . . 27-24[R](14) INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (T) V14(13): . . . 28-24(15); 11-15 INTO 9-13 24-19; 11-15 (T) V15(14): . . . 22-17(16); 13-22 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 9-13 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 23-18 INTO 10-15 22-18; 15-22 (V6) V16(15): . . . 23-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 9-14 27-23; 4-8 22-18; 7-11! 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 32-27 [Best]; 15-24 27-20; 1-5 30-25 [22-18; 3-7 is easy too]; 2-7 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 31-26; 15-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #377.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 18A (23): 9-13 24-19; 10-14 POWER: [28/72] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 17 Trunk: 9-13 24-19; 10-14 22-18[R](18); 5-9[R](17) 25-22[R](16); 6-10 2724[R](12); 1-5! [Unquestionably best, but not forced as 11-15 will draw as noted by Richard Beckwith. Continue: . . . 18-11; 8-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 7-11! [The published 4-8? is the real trouble maker] 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 4-8 30-25; 8-12 32-27; 11-15 17-13; 1-6 27-23 and White holds the advantage] Forms Key Landing Number 17, Diagram 30: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 30

Continue: . . . 29-25[R](3); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 32-23; 4-8 22-18[R](2); 8-11 25-22; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 19-15; 11-16! [12-16? loses: R. Hallett v D. Oldbury 1991] 20-11; 7-16 18-14; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 [Database draw] 14-9[R](1)16-20 9-5; 12-16 5-1; 20-24 1-5; 16-20 5-9; 2427 31-24; 20-27 23-19; 27-32 9-14; 32-27 14-18; 2-6 18-25; 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #378.


Complete Checkers

V1(T): . . . 15-10; 16-20 23-19; 20-24! 14-9; 24-28 9-5!; 28-32 5-1; 32-28 1-5; 28-24 5-1; 24-6 1-10 Forms Endgame #6, Diagram 31: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❲❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 31

Continue: 12-16! 10-15; 16-20 15-18 [15-19; 3-7 19-23; 22-26 31-22; 20-24! Drawn]; 22-26 30-23; 20-24! Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #379. V2(T): . . . 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23 [19-15 is easy for Black after 2-6 26-23; 14-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 22-18; 19-24 18-14; 13-17 25-21; 8-11! [Not 24-28? played twice by M. Borghetti: v L. Kondlo 2015 and v S Scarpetta 2017]]; 7-10 31-26; 8-11 22-18; 14-17 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 3-10 25-22; 17-21 26-23; 2-7 23-19; 7-11 [Famous Positions Page 171] 30-26; 11-16! 20-11; 21-25 11-7; 25-30 26-23; 30-25 22-17; 13-22 7-2; 22-26 2-6; 26-31 6-15; 31-27 15-11; 25-22 11-15; 27-24 18-14; 24-27 23-18; 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #380. V3(T): . . . 32-27(6); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 30-25(5) [29-25? gets 7-11!]; 7-11 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 3-7 18-15(4); 11-18 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 14-17 21-14; 18-22 26-17; 9-18 23-14; 2-18 17-14; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #381. V4(3): . . . 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 13-17 18-15; 11-18 26-22; 17-26 31-6; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 2-18. Drawn. W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1965. #382.

Richard Pask


V5(3): . . . 24-20 [An interesting exchange, brought out by Alex Moiseyev in his wonderful book, which leads to a transposition which may have been overlooked. Namely, 9-13 24-20; 10-14 22-18; 5-9 25-22; 6-10 28-24; 1-5 [10-15 my preference] 32-28; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19 same!]; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 [Even more interesting, and also favoured by Moiseyev! Standard published play gives 4-8, as in Hellman v Long 1952 US National Tourney, whereas this has the advantage of reverting to a variation which needs to be known anyway. Whether Moiseyev was aware of these transpositions is not at all clear. To use Richard Fortman’s analogy, I suspect it was a case of ‘ships which pass in the night.’] 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 27-23 Into Trunk V6(3): . . . 30-25(7); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 22-17 [32-27; 7-11 into Variation 3]; 13-22 25-11; 7-16 24-20; 3-8 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 14-18 2217; 9-13 17-14; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 14-10; 15-18 10-7; 11-15 31-27; 15-19 7-2; 19-23 2-7; 22-26 7-10; 26-31. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #383. V7(6): . . . 19-15(9); 10-19 24-15; 11-16 22-17(8); 13-22 26-10; 7-14 15-10; 16-19 23-16; 12-19! 18-15; 9-13 30-26; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 29-25; 11-15 32-27; 3-8 25-22; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-23 27-24. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #384. V8(7): . . . 29-25; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 16-20 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 3-10 31-27; 14-23 26-19; 2-7! 22-18 [Against 21-17; play 7-11]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 30-23; 7-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #385. V9(7): . . . 24-20(10); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 3223; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 22-18 [Against 23-18; the 13-17! pitch draws quickly: R. Pask]; 10-14! 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 19-15; 12-16! 15-8; 3-12 20-11; 7-16 18-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-11; 19-24 11-8; 24-28 8-3; 28-32 3-8; 2-7 8-3; 7-10 3-7; 10-14 7-10; 14-17 10-15; 17-21. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #386. V10(9): . . . 22-17(11); 13-22 26-17; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 17-13; 14-17


Complete Checkers

13-6; 2-9 21-14; 9-27 32-23; 7-11 30-26; 5-9 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 16-11. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #387. V11(10): . . . 31-27; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-23 26-19; 2-6 19-15 [White has scope]; 10-19 24-15; 3-7 28-24; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 30-26; 6-10 26-23; 10-14 24-19; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #388. V12(T): . . . 29-25(13); 2-6 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 23-18 [26-22 permits an easy draw after 11-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-26 30-23; 1-5]; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 19-12; 10-19 32-27; 11-16 27-23 [18-14; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 1-5 25-22; 8-11 27-23; 16-19 23-7; 3-26 31-22; 6-10 is a quick draw]; 6-10 25-22; 8-11 31-27; 10-14! 27-24; 16-20! 23-7; 14-23 26-19; 3-10. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #389. V13(12): . . . 28-24; 11-15! 18-11; 8-15 22-17 [32-28; 1-5 or 30-25; 1-5 32-28 into Variation 3]; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 30-25; 13-22 25-9; 1-5 9-6(15); 2-9 29-25; 4-8 25-22(14); 8-11 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 7-14 23-18; 14-23; 21-14; 13-17 27-18; 17-22 14-10; 22-25 10-6; 25-30 6-2; 30-25 18-14; 3-7 24-19; 25-22 19-15 11-18; 2-11. Drawn. D. Oldbury v R. Fortman (P) 1987. #390. V14(13): . . . 21-17; 15-18 23-14; 9-18 17-13; 8-11 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 11-16 25-22; 7-11 22-18; 16-20 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 20-27 31-24; 3-7 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V8) V15(13): . . . 29-25; 5-14 25-22; 3-8 22-17; 8-11 17-13; 2-6 31-26; 4-8 32-28; 15-18 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 11-16 21-17; 14-21 23-14. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #391. V16(T): . . . 28-24 [26-22 would be a huge sacrifice of strength; transposing into 9-13 23-18; 5-9!]; 6-10 26-22 [25-22 into Variation 13]; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 22-17 [32-28; 7-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 30-26; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 23-19; 8-11 19-15; 11-18 22-6; 1-10 25-22; 2-6 to a draw]; 13-22 25-11; 7-16 29-25; 16-20 32-28; 4-8 31-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 3-12 25-22; 9-13 28-24; 2-7 24-19;

Richard Pask


1-5 30-25; 5-9 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-15 16-12; 7-11 12-8; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 26-22; 18-23 27-18; 14-23 21-17; 23-26 17-14; 9-18 22-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #392. V17(T): 6-10 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-13 22-18; 10-14 (V36) V18(T): . . . 19-15(20); 11-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 3-7 25-22(19); 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 30-23; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 31-26; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 7-11 27-23; 11-16 22-17; 5-9 17-10; 9-14 26-22; 19-26. Drawn. G. W. Miller v G. Lopez (P) 1995. #393. V19(18): . . . 30-26; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 6-10 28-24; 5-9 24-19; 1-5 22-18; 13-17 18-15; 11-18 26-22; 17-26 31-6; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 2-18 29-25; 7-10 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 5-9 25-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #394. V20(18): . . . 28-24(22); 6-10 22-18(21); 5-9 Into Variation 16 V21(20): . . . 22-17 INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (T) V22(20): . . . 27-24 [22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22; 7-10 22-18; 6-9 is dead even] INTO 9-13 23-19; 10-14 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 19 (24): 9-13 24-19; 11-15 POWER: [46/54] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 13 Trunk: 9-13 24-19; 11-15 28-24; 6-9 22-18[R](7); 15-22 25-18; 9-14 [8-11 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 same] 18-9; 5-14 29-25[R](5); 8-11[R](4) 25-22[R](2); 11-15 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-23 26-19; 4-8 32-27[R](1); 8-11 27-23 Forms Position, Diagram 32: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 32

Continue: 11-15 31-26; 1-6 23-18; 3-7 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 10-14 30-26; 6-10 26-23; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17. Drawn. K. Albrecht v M. Tinsley 1970. #395. V1(T): . . . 22-18 [30-26 is easy to meet]; 8-11 32-28; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 3-7 30-26; 1-5 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 16-19 17-14; 2-6 31-26; 6-9 26-22; 9-13 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 19-23 14-9; 5-14 18-9. Drawn. J. Horr v A. Long 1923. #396. V2(T): . . . 24-20 [23-18; 14-23 27-18 into Variation 5]; 11-15 19-16 [32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; transposes into a soft line from 11-15 23-19; 9-13]; 12-19 23-16; 1-6 25-22(3); 14-18 22-17 [30-25 is strongly met with 7-11 16-7; 2-11]; 13-22 26-17; 18-22 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 22-26 31-22 [30-23 to a draw: J. Grant v A. Long

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1973]; 7-11 16-7; 3-26 30-23; 6-9 27-24. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #397. V3(2): . . . 27-23; 15-18 23-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 3115 [30-14; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22. Drawn: K. Grover v H. Freyer 1939]; 4-8 32-27; 7-11 16-7; 2-18 25-22 [19-15; 8-11 15-8; 3-12 27-24; 6-10 24-19; 18-23 25-22; 23-27 22-18; 27-32. Drawn: M. Tinsley v S. Bingham 1948]; 18-25 30-21; 6-10 20-16; 10-14 27-24; 14-17 21-14; 8-11 16-7; 3-17. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #398. V4(T): 7-11 25-22; 11-15 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 8-15 26-23; 1-5 [2-6 32-28; 6-9 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 30-26; 4-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22 3-7: Classic Late Midgame #8] 32-28; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 31-26; 5-9 21-17; 10-14 17-10?! [19-10! appears to win: J. Loy]; 13-17 22-6; 15-31 6-1; 11-16! 19-15; 16-20 24-19; 31-27 1-5; 27-23 10-6; 2-9 5-14; 23-16 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by S. Gonotsky. #399. V5(T): . . . 23-18 [24-20; 8-11 29-25 into Variation 2]; 14-23 27-18; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 3-7 31-27(6); 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6; 1-10 27-18; 13-17 21-14; 1017 24-19; 17-22 19-15; 12-16 15-11; 16-19 11-8; 7-11 8-3; 11-16. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #400. V6(5): . . . 31-26; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 2-7 32-27; 7-11 27-23; 1-5! 30-26; 5-9 26-22; 9-14 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 16-20. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #401. V7(T): . . . 23-18(12); 1-6 18-11; 7-23 26-19(11); 8-11 32-28(8); 1116 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 3-7 30-26; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 27-23 [26-23; 6-10 and now 1: 22-17; 13-22 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 and 2: 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 2-7 24-19; 16-20 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 11-16 and 3: 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 10-14 all draw, but 4: 23-18? loses to 2-7!]; 6-10 23-18; 10-15 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 15-22 25-18; 16-19 17-13; 19-23 13-6; 2-9 21-17; 11-16 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9. Drawn. R. Jordan v C. Barker 1900. #402. V8(7): . . . 24-20(10); 3-7 31-26(9); 11-15 27-24; 4-8 22-17 [26-23? gets 15-18!]; 13-31 30-26; 31-22 25-4; 9-14 32-28; 14-17 21-14;


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10-17 4-8; 17-22 8-3; 7-10 3-7; 2-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8. Drawn. J. Hanson v L. Lewis 1925. #403. V9(8): . . . 27-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22 INTO 9-14 22-18 5-9 (V9) V10(8): . . . 30-26 [22-18; 11-16 27-23; 16-20 25-22; 20-27 31-24; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 29-25; 3-7 32-27; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 13-17 is a soft draw]; 3-7 27-23 [32-28; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15 into Variation 7]; 9-14 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 22-17; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 32-28; 6-9 17-13; 15-18 13-6; 18-27 19-15; 11-18 24-19; 2-9 31-24; 12-16 19-12; 9-13 12-8; 13-17 8-3; 17-22 24-19; 22-29 19-15; 10-19 3-17. Drawn. A. Jordan v A. Hynd 1910. #404. V11(7): . . . 27-18; 12-16 26-23 [24-19; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 3-7 25-22; 9-14 32-27; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 to an easy draw]; 8-12 24-19; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 32-28; 3-7 19-15; 10-19 18-14; 9-27 31-8; 16-19 22-18; 7-11 18-14; 11-16 26-22; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 8-3; 23-27 14-9; 5-14 3-7; 2-11 22-17; 13-22 25-2. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v L. Ginsberg 1925. #405. V12(7): . . . 22-17; 13-22 25-11(14); 8-15 21-17(13); 9-14 17-13; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 1-6 30-25; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 7-16 27-11; 14-17 13-9; 6-13 25-21; 3-7 21-14; 10-17. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Fuller 1970. #406. V13(12): . . . 29-25; 9-14 25-22; 5-9 INTO Key Landing Number 25 CR V14(12): . . . 26-17; 9-14 25-22; 8-11 30-26; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 7-16 27-11; 3-7 22-18; 7-16 18-9; 5-14 31-27; 4-8 27-24; 10-15 17-10; 16-19 23-16; 12-28. Drawn. Analysis by M. Lieber. #407.

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Ballot Number 20 (25): 9-13 24-19; 11-16 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 4 Trunk: 9-13 24-19; 11-16 22-18[R](1) 8-11 INTO 9-13 22-18; 12-16 (V18) V1(T): . . . 28-24; 16-20 32-28 [Since this may also arise from 9-13 23-19; 11-16 27-23; 16-20 [10-14 more restrictive] 32-27 same, it is necessary to know how to play both sides]; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 23-18[R](5); 10-15 18-14 [26-23; 6-9 18-14; 9-18 23-14 same]; 6-9 26-23[R](4); 9-18 23-14; 1-6 30-26; 6-9 22-18[R](3); 15-22 25-18 Forms Position, Diagram 33: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 33

Continue: 7-10 14-7; 3-10 29-25 [26-23; 10-14 29-25 same]; 10-14 26-23; 2-6 28-24[R](2); 6-10 24-19; 13-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 10-15 19-10; 11-16. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1939. #408. V2(1): . . . 25-22; 6-10 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 24-19; 16-20 19-16; 10-15 18-11; 14-17 21-14; 9-27. Drawn. A. Cameron v A. Long 1952. #409. V3(1): . . . 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 3-8 14-9; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 7-10


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21-17; 11-16 29-25; 16-19 17-14; 10-17 9-6; 2-9 27-23; 19-26 31-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v S. Cohen 1958. #410. V4(1): . . . 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 1-6 29-25; 13-17 28-24; 17-22 26-17; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 30-26; 9-18 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 31-26; 2-6 17-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 21-17; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 25-21; 18-22 24-19; 22-26 19-12; 26-31 12-8; 31-24 8-3; 24-27 23-19; 27-24 19-16; 14-18. Drawn. A. Long v A. Cameron 1952. #411. V5(1): . . . 22-18(6); 10-15 25-22 [1: 26-22; 6-9 18-14; 9-18 23-14 into Variation 1. 2: 18-14; 6-9 26-22 [23-18; 15-22 25-18 into Variation 4] 9-18 23-14 into Variation 1]; 5-9 30-25 [29-25? gets 1-5!]; 1-5 18-14; 9-18 23-14 Into Variation 1 V6(5): . . . 23-19; 6-9 26-23; 1-6 30-26; 9-14 INTO 9-14 23-19; 11-16 (V13)

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Ballot Number 21 (26): 9-13 24-20; 5-9 POWER: [40/60] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 1 Trunk: 9-13 24-20; 5-9 22-18 10-14[R](1) INTO 9-13 24-20; 10-14 (T) V1(T): 10-15 25-22; 6-10(2) 27-24; 10-14 INTO 9-13 24-20; 10-14 (T) V2(1): 7-10(3) 27-24; 10-14 23-19; 14-23 19-10; 6-15 26-10; 2-6 10-7; 3-10 32-27 Forms Position, Diagram 34: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 34

Continue: 10-15 30-25; 1-5 27-23; 15-18 23-14; 9-18 22-15; 11-18 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-15 28-24; 5-9 31-26; 9-14 26-23; 6-10 24-20; 15-19 23-16; 10-15. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1950. #412. V3(2): 1-5 [15-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25; 1-5 18-15; 11-18 22-15 leaves White powerful situated] INTO 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (V8)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 22 (27): 9-13 24-20; 6-9 POWER: [38/62] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 16 Trunk: 9-13 24-20; 6-9 22-18[R](12); 10-15 18-14[R](10); 9-18 23-14; 16[R](9) 27-23[R](4); 15-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 32-27 [30-25; 2-7 32-27; 8-12 same]; 8-12 30-25[R](2) Forms Position, Diagram 35: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 35

Continue: 2-7 [4-8 27-24; 12-16 [2-7 same] 24-15; 10-19 22-18; 8-12 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 18-15; 11-18 20-11; 19-23 17-14 to a draw] 27-24; 4-8 24-15; 11-18 22-15; 10-19 31-27[R](1); 5-9 27-24; 7-11 24-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 20-16; 6-10 16-11; 12-16 19-12; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by G. Bass. #413. V1(T): . . . 21-17; 13-22 25-18; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 26-23; 19-26 3115; 7-10 15-11; 12-16 11-7; 16-19 7-3; 19-23 3-8; 23-26. Drawn. E. Fuller v J. Grant 1973. #414. V2(T): . . . 27-24(3); 4-8 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 8-11 26-23; 10-14 3026; 6-10 23-19; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-7; 2-20. Drawn. E. Fuller v M. Tinsley 1970. #415.

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V3(2): . . . 22-18; 11-16 20-11; 2-7 11-2; 4-8 2-9; 5-32 26-22; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 31-27; 23-26 30-23; 13-17 29-25; 17-21 25-22; 21-25; 22-17; 25-30 17-13; 30-26 23-18; 32-23. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #416. V4(T): . . . 28-24(7); 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 15-18 32-28(6); 11-15 30-26; 8-11 25-22(5); 18-25 29-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-23 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 27-24; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 20-16; 13-17! 22-13; 15-18 lets Black off lightly]; 5-9 23-19; 9-14 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 4-8 17-13; 2-6 31-26; 14-18 21-17; 18-23 17-14; 10-17 19-1; 23-30 [Database draw] 1-6 Forms Endgame #7, Diagram 36: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❲❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀❇❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 36

Continue: 30-26 6-10; 26-23! 13-9!; 17-22 9-6; 22-26 6-2; 26-31 10-14; 31-26 2-6; 26-22 24-19; 23-16 28-24; 22-26 14-18; 11-15 18-4; 16-11 6-10; 26-31 10-14; 11-15 4-8; 31-27. Drawn. A Long v W. Hellman 1962. #417. V5(4): . . . 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 23-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 21-17; 5-9 24-19; 11-15 18-11; 9-14 27-24; 14-21 11-7; 2-11 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 21-25 6-2; 4-8 2-6; 25-30 6-10; 30-26 10-14; 8-12 28-24; 26-23 14-17; 23-26 17-21; 26-23 21-25; 23-18 24-19; 13-17. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #418. V6(4): . . . 24-19 [21-17? looks appealing, but has a very poor track record]; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 3-8 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 30-26 [32-27; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 30-26; 15-18 22-15;


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7-10 14-7; 2-27 31-24; 12-16 also draws]; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-18. Drawn. E. Fuller v A. Long 1986. #419. V7(4): . . . 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 26-23 [28-24? gets 18-22!]; 8-11 28-24; 3-8 32-28(8); 6-9 30-25; 13-17 24-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 19-15; 16-19 [17-22! is an aggressive alternative] 23-16; 12-19 31-26; 9-13 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 2-6 22-18; 6-9 14-10; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 15-11; 8-15 18-11. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #420. V8(7): . . . 24-19 [30-26? loses after 6-9 32-28; 18-22! while 30-25; 6-9 32-28 is back into Variation 7]; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 18-27 32-23; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 30-26; 11-15 25-22; 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 31-24; 7-10 21-17; 15-18 24-19; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 18-23 6-2; 23-30 2-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1947. #421. V9(T): 15-18 28-24; 11-15 26-23; 8-11 23-19; 2-6 19-10; 6-15 30-26; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 26-17; 13-22 27-23; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 21-17; 5-9 23-18; 12-16 32-28; 1-6 17-13; 10-15 31-27; 22-26 27-23; 15-22 24-19; 9-14 19-12; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1962. #422. V10(T): . . . 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24(11); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 8-11 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 11-15 23-18; 14-23 26-10; 7-14 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 2-7 30-26; 7-10 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-23 11-7; 15-18 7-2; 10-15 17-14; 23-26 31-22; 18-25 21-17; 15-18 2-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. R. Pask v G. Miller 1995. #423. V11(10): . . . 21-17; 1-6 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 27-23; 7-10 23-16; 15-18 22-15; 13-29 15-11; 10-15 32-27; 15-18 28-24; 9-13 24-19. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Oldbury (P). 1989. #424. V12(T): . . . 28-24(14); 11-15 23-18; 8-11 27-23 [32-28 into Variation 15]; 1-6 32-28; 3-8 23-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 26-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 29-25(13); 16-20 25-22; 20-27 31-24; 2-7 22-17; 13-22 23-18; 7-11 18-14; 10-17 19-10; 11-16 21-14; 16-20 24-19; 8-11 10-7; 11-16 19-15; 20-24 28-19; 16-23 7-3; 12-16 3-7; 16-20. Drawn. A. Long v E. Hunt 1936. #425. V13(12): . . . 30-25; 16-20 21-17; 20-27 31-24; 13-22 25-11; 8-15

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29-25; 4-8 25-22; 2-6 23-18; 8-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 22-17; 11-15 18-11; 9-13. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Fuller 1970. #426. V14(12): . . . 23-18(15); 10-14 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22; 1118 22-15; 1-6 28-24; 3-7 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 7-11 30-25; 11-18 22-15; 2-7 27-23; 7-11 32-27; 11-18 23-14; 13-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 6-9 14-10; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 15-18 10-7; 18-22 24-20; 22-26 27-24; 26-31 7-2; 31-26 2-6; 26-22 14-10; 5-9 20-16; 4-8 16-12; 8-11 24-20; 11-15 10-7; 15-19 6-10. Drawn. A. Long v N. Banks 1934. #427. V15(14): . . . 27-24; 11-15 23-18; 8-11 32-27; 10-14 26-23; 7-10 2419; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 18-15 [30-26 gets 11-16 and White is pressed]; 11-18 22-6; 1-10 31-26; 4-8 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 26-22; 8-12 27-23; 10-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 13-17 30-26; 12-16 29-25; 16-19 23-7; 14-30 21-14; 9-18 25-21. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #428.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 23 (28): 9-13 24-20; 10-14 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 22 Trunk: 9-13 24-20; 10-14 22-18[R](24); 5-9[R](23) 27-24[R](13); 6-10! 25-22[R](11); 10-15! 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 7-14 30-26; 15-22 26-10; 2-7 Forms Key Landing Number 15, Diagram 37: WTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✇❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 37

Continue: . . . 10-6[R](7); 1-10 31-26[R](1); 10-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 9-13 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 12-16 20-11; 8-31. Drawn. A. Long v R. Pask 1989. #429. V1(T): . . . 29-25(4); 10-15 23-19; 9-13 19-10; 7-14 24-19(3); 14-18 19-15(2); 3-7 32-27; 7-10 15-6; 18-23 27-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-29 6-2; 4-8 2-6; 8-11 6-10; 29-25. Drawn. P. McCarthy v T. Watson 1985. #430. V2(1): . . . 20-16; 11-20 28-24; 20-27 32-14 [Database draw]; 8-11 14-9; 3-8 9-6; 11-16 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 6-2; 16-19 2-6; 19-23 6-10; 11-16 10-15; 16-20 15-19; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 25-22; 27-31 19-23; 12-16 22-18; 16-20 18-15; 20-24 23-27; 24-28 27-32; 31-26. Drawn. R. Pask v A. Long 1989. #431.

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V3(1): . . . 31-26; 14-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 25-22; 3-7 23-18; 7-11 21-17; 12-16 17-14; 16-19 14-10; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 24-15; 11-18. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #432. V4(1): . . . 23-19(5); 10-15 19-10; 7-14 24-19; 9-13 32-27; 13-17 29-25; 14-18 21-14; 18-23 27-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-29 19-15; 4-8 1510; 8-11 10-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-18 2-6; 18-23 6-10; 29-25 14-9; 12-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v L. Levitt 1950. #433. V5(4): . . . 21-17; 10-14! 17-10; 7-14 29-25(6); 14-17! 32-27! [If the immediate 25-22; 17-26 31-22; then 9-14! is easy for Black after 24-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 32-27; 8-11]; 3-7! 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 22-17; 9-13 23-19; 13-22 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 22-26 6-2; 26-30 2-6; 11-16 20-11; 8-15. Drawn. T. Watson v J. Morrison 2001. #434. V6(5): . . . 24-19; 9-13! 29-25 [Against 32-27; Black draws with 13-17 19-16; 12-26 31-13; 14-18 13-9; 18-23 27-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 9-6; 3-7 while against 28-24; Black draws with 3-7 32-28; 7-10 23-18; 14-23 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 11-16 20-11; 8-15]; 14-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 3-7 23-18; 7-10 28-24; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 32-28; 4-8 20-16; 10-14! 19-10; 12-19 24-15; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by J. Lees. #435. V7(T): . . . 24-19(10); 7-14 31-26; 3-7 32-27 [29-25; 1-5 32-27 into Variation 9]; 1-5 19-16(9); 12-19 23-16; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-15 16-11(8); 7-16 20-11; 5-9 28-24; 9-14 11-7; 14-18 24-19; 15-24 22-15; 4-8. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Fortman 1949. #436. V8(7): . . . 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 7-10 9-6; 14-17 6-2; 10-14 26; 15-18 6-9; 17-21 9-13; 18-23 13-17; 14-18 16-11; 23-27. Drawn. R. Pask v W. Edwards 1984. #437. V9(7): . . . 29-25; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 11-16 20-11; 8-31 26-22. Drawn. D. Lafferty v W. Hellman 1972. #438. V10(7): . . . 29-25; 7-14 25-22; 1-5 31-26; 9-13 24-19; 3-7 28-24 [32-27? is met with the 14-17! 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 11-16 20-11; 8-31 riposte] 7-10 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 5-14 20-11; 8-15 32-28; 15-18


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19-16; 18-27 26-22; 12-19 24-6; 4-8 6-2; 8-11 2-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v G. LeClair 1954. #439. V11(T): . . . 24-19; 1-5! 25-22(12) INTO 9-13 24-19; 10-14 (V9) V12(11): . . . 32-27; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 14-17 2114; 9-25 29-22; 8-11 30-25; 10-14 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 14-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 25-21; 3-7 15-11; 7-10 11-8; 10-14 8-3; 2-6 22-18; 6-9 18-15; 16-20 3-7; 20-24 27-20; 14-17 21-14; 9-27. Drawn. H. Freyer v K. Grover 1939. #440. V13(T): . . . 25-22 [28-24; 6-10 25-22 same]; 6-10 28-24 [27-24 into Trunk]; 10-15 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 7-14 30-26; 15-22 26-10; 2-7 Forms Key Landing Number 16, Diagram 38: WTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✇❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 38

Continue: . . . 10-6(20); 1-10 29-25(17); 10-14 25-22; 7-10 3228(14); 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 20-16; 11-20 22-18; 4-8 18-15; 12-16 15-6; 8-12 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 6-1; 19-23 27-18; 14-23 1-6; 9-14 6-10; 14-18 10-14; 3-8 15-10; 8-12 10-7; 12-16 7-3; 20-24 3-7; 16-20 7-11; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 11-15; 18-22 14-18; 22-26 18-22; 27-31 15-18; 26-30 18-27; 31-24. Drawn. L. Levitt v M. Tinsley 1950. #441. V14(13): . . . 24-19(15); 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 3-7 22-18; 7-11 31-26; 11-16! 20-11; 10-15 26-22; 15-19 23-16; 14-23 21-17; 12-19 17-13; 9-14 22-18; 14-17. Drawn. A. Long v E. Zuber 1986. #442.

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V15(14): . . . 23-19(16); 11-15 27-23; 8-11 31-27; 3-8 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 19-10; 14-23 10-7; 9-13 7-2; 23-26 32-28; 26-30 24-19; 30-25 19-16; 25-18 16-7; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 7-3. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #443. V16(15): . . . 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 31-27; 14-23 27-18; 3-7 2117; 7-10 32-28 [Against 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 10-14 9-6; 12-16 draws]; 9-13 24-19; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 20-16; 10-15 19-10; 1219 17-14; 19-23 10-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #444. V17(13): . . . 21-17(19); 10-14! 17-10; 7-14 29-25(18) 14-17! 32-28! [Now, in contrast with Variation 5, against the immediate 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-15! draws and 9-14? loses] Into Variation 5 V18(17): . . . 24-19; 9-13 29-25 [Both 27-24 and 32-28 transpose into Variation 6]; 13-17! 25-21; 17-22 27-24; 3-7 32-28; 7-10 23-18; 14-23 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 11-16 20-11; 8-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #445. V19(17): . . . 31-26; 9-14 26-22; 10-15 29-25; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 23-19; 8-11 19-15 [27-23; 18-27 32-23; 7-10 25-22; 11-15 20-16; 3-7 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 21-25 18-2 10-15; 19-10 12-28 also draws]; 12-16 15-8; 4-11 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 14-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 10-15 21-17; 16-19 17-14; 19-28 14-10. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #446. V20(13): . . . 29-25; 7-14 25-22; 1-5 22-17(21); 14-18 23-14; 9-18 27-23 [17-14; permitting 18-23 27-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 [Database draw], was suggested by M. Tinsley, and leads to a slight, but enduring, endgame advantage for White]; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 17-14; 3-7 21-17; 15-18 24-19; 18-27 31-24 [Database draw]; 8-11 17-13; 4-8 13-9; 7-10 14-7; 5-14 7-2 [Or 7-3; 14-17 3-7; 11-15 19-10; 8-11 7-16; 12-28 drawn]; 14-18 19-15; 18-23 15-10; 12-16. Drawn. W. Gardner v S. Cohen 1935. #447. V21(20): . . . 24-19(22); 9-13 32-28 [27-24; 3-7 32-28 same]; 3-7 27-24 [31-26? transposes into the note within Variation 10]; 7-10 23-18; 14-23 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 23-26 6-2; 26-30 28-24; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 2-7; 30-25 7-10; 25-18 10-19. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley


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1948. #448. V22(21): . . . 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17 [31-26 is soft after 14-18 22-15; 11-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 12-16 20-11; 8-15]; 14-18 17-14; 18-22 14-10; 12-16! 10-6; 22-26 31-22; 16-19 24-15; 11-25 [Database draw] 6-1; 8-11 1-6; 11-15 6-10; 15-18 10-15; 18-22 20-16; 25-30 21-17; 22-26 16-11; 26-31 15-10; 30-26 17-13; 3-8 11-7; 8-12 7-3; 4-8 13-9; 8-11 3-8; 11-16 8-11; 16-20 10-14; 20-24 9-6; 24-27 32-23; 26-19 14-10; 19-23 10-15; 31-26 6-2; 26-22 2-7; 23-26 7-10; 26-30 10-14; 30-25 14-18; 25-29 18-25; 29-22. Drawn. A. Moiseyev v R. King 2005. #449. V23(T): 7-10 [6-10?! 18-9; 5-14 might get 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 1017 27-24; 7-10 24-19; 3-7 32-27; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-21; 11-16 21-14; 10-17 27-24; 1-6 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 17-26 31-22; 6-10 30-25; 2-6 25-21; 6-9 21-17; 7-11 24-20 to a draw] 18-9; 5-14 INTO 10-14 24-20; 7-10 (V16) V24(T): . . . 28-24(27); 5-9 22-18(25); 6-10 25-22 Into Variation 13 V25(24): . . . 22-17(26); 13-22 26-10; 7-14 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V20) V26(25): . . . 24-19; [Both 32-28 and 23-19 are easily met. 1) 32-28; 6-10 24-19; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 7-11 26-22; 3-7 29-25; 11-15 18-11 8-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 13-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 1-5 30-25; 4-8 18-15; 11-18 22-6; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 2-18. Drawn. 2) 23-19; 6-10 27-23; 1-5 22-17?; 13-22 25-18; 10-15! 19-10; 14-17 21-14; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 26-17; 9-27 32-23; 7-21. Black win. A brilliant shot by Derek Oldbury]; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 6-10 22-17 [23-19 is well met with 1-5, while 22-18? gets 12-16!]; 13-22 26-17; 4-8 17-13; 2-6 31-27; 8-11 25-22; 10-15 27-24; 12-16 32-28; 1-5 21-17; 14-21 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 11-15 20-16; 9-14 22-17; 6-10 13-9; 15-19 9-6; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 16-11; 15-18 23-19; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #450. V27(24): . . . 22-17; 13-22 25-9 [Or 26-10] INTO 9-14 24-20; 10-15 (V9)

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Ballot Number 24 (29): 9-13 24-20; 10-15 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 11 Trunk: 9-13 24-20; 10-15 28-24[R](14); 5-9[R](12) 23-18[R](9); 1-5[R](7) 27-23[R](5); 6-10 23-19[R](4); 11-16 [10-14 19-10; 14-23 26-19; 7-14 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22 leaves White favoured] 20-11; 7-23 18-11; 8-15 26-19; 3-7 30-26[R](3); 7-11[Not 9-14? which draws narrowly after 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22] 22-18[R](2); 15-22 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25 Forms Position, Diagram 39: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 39

Continue: 11-15 [14-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 4-8 25-22; 11-15 23-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-26 31-22; 11-16 19-10; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 19-15; 12-16 22-18; 24-27 10-7; 2-11 15-8 is a draw without stress] 25-22[R](1); 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-23 17-13; 4-8 21-17; 811 13-9; 23-26 31-22; 11-16 32-28; 16-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-7. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #451. V1(T): . . . 26-23; 2-6 25-22; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 22-18; 6-9 32-28; 24-27 31-24; 8-11 24-19; 13-17 20-16; 11-20 18-15; 17-22 15-6;


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22-26 6-1; 26-31 1-6; 31-27 6-13; 27-18 13-17; 18-23 17-10; 23-16. Drawn. Analysis by H. Freyer. #452. V2(T): . . . 26-23 [32-27; 9-14 27-23; 4-8! 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 24-20; 11-15 leads to an easy draw for Black]; 9-14 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 2-7 24-20; 15-24 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 32-28; 24-27 31-24; 17-22 23-19; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 24-15. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1975. #453. V3(T): . . . 21-17; 7-11 17-14; 9-18 24-20; 15-24 22-6; 2-9 32-28; 24-27 31-24; 12-16 25-22; 9-14 22-18; 14-23 24-19. Drawn. D. Lafferty v P.McCarthy 1983. #454. V4(T): . . . 32-28; 10-14 23-19; 14-23 19-10; 7-14 26-19; 14-18 [Both sides have scope] 22-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 30-26; 2-7 28-24; 11-15 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-14 17-10; 7-14 31-26; 14-18 21-17; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 23-19; 15-18 17-14; 26-31 14-10; 31-26 19-15; 26-22 10-6; 18-23 15-10; 22-18 20-16; 23-26 16-11. Drawn. M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1947. #455. V5(T): . . . 21-17(6); 7-10 17-14; 10-17 27-23; 17-21 23-19; 6-10 32-28; 2-6 26-23; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 23-18; 3-7 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 12-16 30-26; 21-25 26-17; 25-30 17-14; 30-25 29-22; 11-15 18-11; 9-25. Drawn. W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1965. #456. V6(5): . . . 26-23 [32-28; 7-10! [6-10 is inferior after 18-14!] 27-23 [26-23 is double-edged after 10-14]; 3-7 INTO 9-13 24-20; 6-9 (V12)]; 6-10 23-19; 10-14 19-10; 14-23 27-18; 7-23 31-27; 3-7 27-18; 7-10 30-26; 10-14 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 14-17! 21-14; 9-18 32-27; 5-9 15-10; 9-14 24-19!; 14-17 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 17-21 27-23; 21-25 10-7; 2-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 8-12 26-23; 25-30 22-18; 30-26 23-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #457. V7(T): 6-10 [7-10? is powerfully met with 27-23! while 12-16? gets 26-23! [Jim Loy favours 32-28!]: Oldbury losing to Hellman in 1965. This should be compared with Variation 16 CR: what Derek Oldbury refers to as a parallel position] 21-17! [27-23 gets 10-14!]; 12-16 [1-5 25-21; 12-16 same] 25-21; 1-5(8) 27-23; 8-12

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32-28; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 15-22 30-25; 14-18 23-14; 10-15 25-18; 15-22 [13-22 may draw too] 26-23; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7! 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 4-8 21-17; 8-11 10-7; 11-15 19-10; 2-11. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #458. V8(7): 16-19 [Adventurous] 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 19-28 26-23! [Confining]; 7-10 27-24! [Ditto]; 2-6 23-19; 8-12 30-26; 3-8 26-23; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 23-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 20-16; 10-14 19-10; 6-15 16-11; 22-26 31-22; 14-17 22-18; 15-22 11-7; 22-26 7-3; 26-31 3-7; 31-26 13-9; 17-22 7-11; 26-23 9-6; 1-10 11-16; 12-19 24-6; 4-8 5-1; 8-12 6-2; 12-16 2-7; 16-20 1-6; 20-24 6-10; 24-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #459. V9(T): . . . 23-19(11); 6-10 27-23(10); 1-5 23-18 Into Trunk V10(9): . . . 26-23; 1-5 30-26; 9-14 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 10-26 19-10; 7-14 31-22; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 3-7 21-17; 8-11 23-18; 11-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992. #460 V11(9): . . . 21-17; 7-10 23-18; 1-5 Into Variation 5 V12(T): 6-10(13) 23-19; 5-9 27-23; 1-5 23-18 Into Trunk V13(12): 7-10 23-18; 3-7 27-23; INTO 10-15 23-18; 7-10 (V5) V14(T): . . . 23-18(16); 5-9 28-24(15) Into Trunk V15(14): . . . 21-17? [Questionable]; 7-10! 25-21; 1-5 Into Variation 16 V16(14): . . . 21-17? [Questionable. Against 27-24; 7-10 32-27; 3-7 23-18; 5-9 27-23; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 1118 22-15; 9-14 25-22; 14-18 31-27; 18-25 29-22; 1-5 leaves Black powerfully arrayed]; 7-10! 25-21; 6-9 23-18; 1-6 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 26-17; 9-18 30-26 [Does White have anything better?]; 18-22! 27-23; 6-10 28-24; 2-6 32-27; 5-9 24-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 9-14 23-19; 14-21 26-17; 4-8 20-16; 3-7 31-27; 8-11 27-23; 11-20 23-18; 7-11 18-14; 11-16 14-7; 16-23 7-2; 6-10. Black Win. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #461.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 25 (30): 9-13 24-20; 11-15 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 8 Trunk: 9-13 24-20; 11-15 22-17[R](12); 13-22 25-11; 8-15 21-17(5); 5-9 1713; 9-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 28-24(2); 14-18 [More complicated than 3-8 23-18 [Not 23-19?]; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 18-9; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 30-21; 1-5 but has greater utility] 23-14; 10-17 27-23 Forms Position, Diagram 40: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 40

Continue: 7-10 23-18(1); 1-5 31-27; 3-7 27-23; 17-21 32-28; 5-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-15; 16-20 15-11; 20-24 22-17; 24-28! 11-8; 28-32 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 32-27 8-3; 27-31 26-22; 9-14 16-11; 14-18 22-15; 10-19 17-14; 19-23 3-8; 31-27 14-9; 27-31. Drawn. C. McCarrick v D. Lafferty 1983. #462. V1(T): . . . 23-19 [32-28 into Variation 4]; 1-5 31-27; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 32-28; 2-7 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 16-12; 18-25 30-14; 10-17 26-23; 17-21 23-19; 6-10 13-9; 21-25 9-6; 25-30 6-2; 30-26 2-6; 26-23 19-16; 23-19 6-9. Drawn. Analysis by J. Drummond. #463. V2(T): . . . 27-24; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 31-27(4); 7-10 27-23; 1-5

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24-19(3); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 22-18; 5-9 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 16-11; 10-15 18-14; 9-18 26-22; 18-25 30-14. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #464. V3(2): . . . 32-27 [23-18 is strongly countered with the 10-14 exchange]; 3-7 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 7-10 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 23-18; 15-22 19-16; 12-19 24-8. Drawn. D. Oldbury v W. Hellman 1965. #465. V4(2): . . . 32-27; 7-10 27-23; 1-5 23-19 [23-18 is again met strongly with the 10-14 exchange]; 5-9 31-27; 9-14 27-23 Into Variation 1 V5(T): . . . 29-25[R]; 4-8 25-22; 5-9(9) 23-18; 8-11 27-24; 10-14(8) 26-23; 7-10 30-26; 3-7(6) 32-27; 1-5 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 13-22 26-3. Drawn. E. Frazier v W. Hellman 1967. #466. V6(5): 9-13(7) 18-9; 1-5 24-19; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 3-8 28-24; 8-12 31-26; 15-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 23-19; 15-18 19-15; 10-28 17-1. Drawn. L. Ginsberg v A. Long 1929. #467. V7(6): 3-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 22-17; 15-22 17-10; 9-13 26-17; 13-22 10-7; 11-15 7-3; 22-25 31-26; 1-6 32-28; 6-9 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 25-29 19-16; 12-19 3-12. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1938. #468. V8(5): 9-13 [Inferior. However, the radical 9-14 exchange draws easily after 18-9; 6-13 26-23; 10-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 2-7 25-22 etc . . . ] 32-27; 6-9 27-23; 1-5 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 INTO 9-13 24-19; 10-14 (T) V9(5): 6-9[R] [8-11 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 32-27 to a tame draw: M. Borghetti v S. Scarpetta 2017] 23-18[R](10); 8-11 INTO 10-15 22-18; 15-22 CR (T) V10(9): . . . 28-24; 8-11 32-28; 1-6 23-18; 10-14 26-23(11); 7-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 30-26 Into Variation 5 V11(10): . . . 27-23; 7-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-13 CR (V1)


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V12(T): . . . 28-24(13); 6-9 INTO 9-13 24-20; 6-9 (V12) V13(12): . . . 23-18; 8-11 27-23; 5-9 28-24; 10-14 23-19; 14-23 1910; 7-14 26-19; 3-7 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 4-8 25-22; 7-11 29-25; 11-18 22-15; 2-7 30-26; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 14-18 24-19; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 32-27; 10-14 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 31-15; 13-17 15-10; 8-12 10-6; 17-22 25-18; 14-23 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #469.

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Ballot Number 25A (31): 9-13 24-20; 11-16 POWER: [22/78] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 9-13 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 7-16![R](17) [Best by test] 22-18[R](11); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-14[R](5); 10-17 21-14; 6-9 27-24 [Against 26-22; 9-18 22-15; 5-9 25-22; 9-14 equalizes]; 9-18 24-15; 1-6 [5-9 28-24; 1-6 same] 28-24; 5-9 24-19; 9-14 32-27[R](1) Forms Position, Diagram 41: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 41

Continue: 8-11 [2-7 25-21; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 29-25; 3-8 into the next note] 15-8; 4-11 26-22; [Against 25-21; Black draws with 3-8 29-25; 2-7 27-24 [26-23; 6-10 30-26; 8-12; 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 11-20 26-22; 12-16 22-15; 16-19 to a draw]; 18-23! 25-22; 7-10 24-20; 8-12 22-17 [22-18; 6-9 20-16; 11-20 18-15; 14-18 15-6; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 6-2; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 to a draw]; 13-22 26-17; 14-18 30-25; 11-15 17-14; 10-17 19-1; 17-22 etc. . . ] 3-8 22-15; 11-18 30-26; 2-7 19-16; 6-9 27-24; 8-12 24-20; 12-19 26-23; 18-27 31-15; 14-17 20-16; 17-21 25-22; 21-25. Drawn. KingsRow v WCC Platinum 2002. #470. V1(T): . . . 25-21(2); 2-7 32-27; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 29-25; 3-8 26-22; 6-9


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22-15; 11-18 27-24; 13-17 30-26; 7-11 24-20; 11-15! 19-10; 17-22! 26-17; 9-13 10-6; 13-29. Drawn. Nemesis v KingsRow 2002. #471. V2(1): . . . 26-22(4); 3-7 32-27; 14-17 27-24(3); 17-26 30-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 19-16; 6-9 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 11-16 8-3; 16-20. Drawn. M. Banks v A. Vanderpool (P) 2003. #472. V3(2): . . . 31-26; 8-12 25-21; 18-25 21-14; 4-8 30-21; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 22-18; 7-10 27-23; 11-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #473. V4(2): . . . 31-27; 3-7 25-21; 14-17! 21-14; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 27-24; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 19-16; 8-12 32-28; 12-19 24-15; 7-11 15-8; 4-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #474. V5(T): . . . 25-22(9); 5-9 27-24(7); 3-7 24-15; 10-19 32-27 [29-25; 7-10 32-27; same]; 7-10 29-25 [18-15 is well met with 9-14! 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 10-19 30-25; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-20 22-18; 12-16 18-14; 4-8 14-10; 8-12 to a comfortable draw]; 1-5 18-14; 9-18 2215; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22(6); 11-15 27-24; 2-7 31-27; 10-14 27-23; 14-18! 23-16!; 18-25 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 25-29 16-12. Drawn. A. Vanderpool v M. Banks (P) 2003. #475. V6(5): . . . 26-22; 10-14 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15! 28-24; 6-10 2319; 2-7 19-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 5-9 16-12; 7-11 12-8; 15-18 22-15; 11-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #476. V7(5): . . . 29-25(8); 3-7 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 10-14 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 1-5 28-24; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-27 32-23; 13-17 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 22-25 17-14; 8-11 14-10; 11-15 10-6; 5-9 6-1; 9-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #477. V8(7): . . . 30-25; 8-11 18-14; 9-18 22-8; 4-11 27-24; 3-8 24-15; 10-19 32-27; 6-10 21-17 [Against 27-23; 2-7 draws easily]; 13-22 25-18; 2-6 27-23; 11-16 29-25; 6-9 26-22; 19-26 18-14; 9-18 22-6; 1-10 31-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #478. V9(5): . . . 27-24(10); 3-7 24-15; 10-19 25-22; 5-9 Into Variation 5 V10(9): . . . 18-15 [27-23 is quite a good 5th string attack!]; 5-9

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27-24; 9-14 25-22; 14-18 32-27; 18-25 29-22; 10-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 2-7 30-26; 7-14 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 8-11 15-8; 4-27 31-24; 14-18 24-20; 6-9 20-16; 9-14 16-12; 7-11 12-8; 11-16 8-3; 1-5 3-7; 16-19. Drawn. A. Vanderpool v R. Malone (P) 2003. #479. V11(T): . . . 28-24(16); 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18(14); 8-11 25-22(13); 4-8 29-25; 2-7 21-17; 8-12 25-21(12); 5-9 17-14; 1-5 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 12-16 17-13; 610 18-15; 11-18 27-23; 10-17 21-14; 19-26 31-15; 7-11 15-8; 3-12. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #480. V12(11): . . . 17-14; 6-9 32-28 [25-21; 1-6 into Variation 11]; 11-16 18-15; 9-18 15-11; 19-23 22-15; 23-32 11-2; 16-20 31-27; 32-23 26-19; 1-6 2-9; 5-14 15-11; 14-18 19-15. Drawn. KingsRow v Nemesis 2002. #481. V13(11): . . . 32-28; 4-8 27-24 [Or 25-22; 2-7 18-14; 11-16 22-18; 8-12 18-15 19-23 to a draw: WCC Platinum v Kingsrow 2019]; 3-7 24-15; 7-10 31-27; 10-19 27-24; 2-7 24-15; 7-10 26-22; 10-19 18-14; 13-17! 22-13; 11-16. Drawn with care. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #482. V14(11): . . . 21-17; 2-7 17-14; 8-12 32-28(15); 4-8 25-21; 12-16 22-18; 8-12 27-24; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 24-15; 10-19 18-15; 19-23 26-19; 16-23. Drawn with care. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #483. V15(14): . . . 22-18 [25-21; 4-8 30-25; 6-10 32-28; 10-17 21-14; 1216 25-21; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-18; 5-9 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 8-12 21-17! to a draw]; 4-8 25-22 [25-21; 8-11 32-28; 11-16 into Variation 14]; 12-16 29-25; 6-9 32-28; 8-12 Into Variation 12 V16(11): . . . 27-24 [23-18 and 22-17 are perfectly playable, but dissipate White’s advantage]; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 3-7 Into Variation 9 V17(T): 8-15 [Best in theory, but not in practice: the attack given is merely indicative of White’s strength] 23-18; 3-8 [7-11? gets 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 4-8 22-18; 15-22 25-18; while 5-9? is met with 18-11; 7-16 28-24; 4-8 22-18; and 15-19? gets 18-14; 10-17 21-14: all to probable white wins] 18-11; 8-15 27-24; 5-9 [15-19 24-15; 10-19 22-18; 4-8 32-27; 5-9 same] 32-27;


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15-19 [1-5? loses to 22-17!; 13-22 25-11; 7-16 29-25; while 9-14? loses to 22-17!; 13-22 25-11; 7-16 24-20; 16-19 29-25] 24-15; 10-19 22-18; 4-8 25-22; 12-16 [7-10? loses to 18-15!; 9-14 27-24; 2-7 24-20; while 6-10? loses to 29-25; 2-6 21-17; 7-11 27-24; 10-15 25-21] 29-25; 8-12 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 25-22; 7-10 27-23; 1-5 31-27; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 10-14 21-17; 14-21 19-15; 20-24 15-10; 24-27 10-6; 9-14 6-1; 27-31 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 5-9 1-6; 9-14. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman. #484.

Part 2: 9-14s

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Ballot Number 26 (32): 9-14 22-17; 5-9 POWER: [38/62] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 21 Trunk: 9-14 22-17; 5-9 17-13[R](25); 1-5[R](24) 25-22[R](12); 14-17 2114; 9-25 29-22; 10-15[R](9) [Not obviously best, but favoured by the big three] 24-19(2); 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-17; 11-15 27-24; 5-9 30-25; 8-11 25-21; 9-14 26-22 Forms Position, Diagram 42: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 42

Continue: 3-8 32-28[R](1); 11-16 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 13-6; 29 20-11; 8-24 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 4-8 6-2; 8-11 2-6; 11-16 6-9; 15-19 9-18; 19-26 18-23; 26-30 23-27; 24-28 27-32; 30-25 22-17; 16-19 17-13; 19-23 21-17; 12-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987. #485. V1(T): . . . 24-20; 15-24 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 15-22 6-2; 24-27 31-24; 22-26 2-6; 26-31 23-19; 14-18 6-2; 18-23 2-7; 11-15 19-10; 8-11 7-16; 12-28. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #486. V2(T): . . . 30-25[R](6); 11-16[R](4) 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 16-20 26-22; 3-8 18-14[R](3); 6-10 31-26; 10-17 25-21; 11-16 21-14;


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20-24 27-11; 8-24 23-19; 4-8 22-18; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 16-19 10-7; 12-16 7-3; 8-12. Drawn. Analysis by J. Ferrie. #487. V3(2): . . . 32-28 [18-15; 11-18 23-14; 6-10 22-17; 8-11 25-21; 4-8! 13-9! draws too]; 11-16 25-21; 7-10 18-15; 10-14 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 16-32 14-9; 5-14 17-1; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 32-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #488. V4(2): 7-10 25-21; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 [11-16? loses after 22-18; 8-11 26-22; 16-20 22-17; 11-16 31-26; 4-8 32-28] 27-24; 7-11 22-17; 5-9 26-22; 9-14(5) Into Trunk V5(4): 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 8-15 23-18; 15-19 [12-16? 18-11; 10-15 loses most artistically: a beautiful problem in play by M. Tinsley] 31-26; 4-8 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 5-1; 8-11 1-6; 9-13 6-10; 11-16 10-15; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 15-19; 23-26 19-28; 26-30. Drawn. Analysis by H. Lieberman. #489. V6(2): . . . 22-17(8); 6-10 24-20(7); 11-16 20-11; 7-16 17-14; 1017 13-9; 5-14 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 16-23 27-9; 2-6 9-2; 3-7 2-11; 8-15 [Database draw] 26-22; 17-26 31-22 Forms Endgame #8, Diagram 43: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 43

Continue: 12-16 22-17; 16-19 17-14; 19-23 14-10; 4-8 10-7; 8-12 7-3; 15-18 3-7; 18-22 7-11; 22-26 11-15; 12-16 15-11; 16-20 11-15; 26-31. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1953. #490.

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V7(6): . . . 30-25; 11-16 25-21; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 26-22; 10-14 17-10; 7-14 22-17; 14-18 13-9; 5-14 17-10; 8-11 21-17; 4-8 17-13; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 24-15; 11-18 13-9; 8-11 10-6; 11-15 6-1; 22-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #491. V8(6): . . . 23-18; 11-16 18-11; 8-15 INTO 11-15 22-17; 15-19 CR (T) V9(T): 11-15(10) 23-19; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 1417 31-26 [Or M. Tinsley’s 22-18!]; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-14; 4-8 14-7; 3-10 27-24; 10-14 24-20; 8-11 23-18; 14-23 19-15; 11-18 20-11; 6-10 26-19; 18-23 11-8; 17-22 8-4; 22-26 4-8; 26-31 8-11; 31-27 19-16; 12-19 11-7; 2-11 30-26; 23-30 32-7. Drawn. J. Ferrie v H. Freedman 1899. #492. V10(9): 10-14 22-18; 14-17 23-19 [18-14 is a natural, strong alternative] 7-10(11) 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 11-16 [12-16 28-24; 16-19 24-20 3-7 32-28 leaves White well situated] 28-24; 3-7 24-20; 16-19 32-28; 5-9 27-23; 7-10 23-16; 10-19 31-27; 19-24! 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 2-7 9-2; 17-21 2-11; 8-31 26-22; 12-19 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #493. V11(10): 11-16 18-14; 16-23 27-18; 6-10 32-27; 10-15 18-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 [2-6 27-24!; 4-8! is an alternative draw by Jim Loy] 27-23; 8-11 23-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 31-27; 2-7 27-23; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 7-10 9-6; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-18 6-2; 10-15 2-6; 15-19 6-9; 19-24 26-23; 18-27 9-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #494. V12(T): . . . 24-19(22); 11-16 25-22(17); 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22(16); 10-14 22-18 [28-24; 16-20 into Variation 17]; 14-17 28-24(14); 7-10 32-28(13); 3-7 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 2619; 17-22 15-10; 6-15 19-10. Drawn. K. Grover v W. Hellman 1946. #495. V13(12): . . . 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 16-20 30-25; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 3-10 22-17; 5-9 25-21; 4-8 32-28; 2-7 27-23; 20-27 23-18; 8-11 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 7-10 5-1; 11-16 1-5; 16-23 5-9; 10-14 9-2; 14-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #496.


Complete Checkers

V14(12): . . . 26-22(15); 17-26 31-22; 7-10 30-25; 3-7 22-17; 8-11 2521; 11-15 18-11; 16-20 17-14; 7-16 14-7; 2-11 21-17; 6-10 28-24; 4-8 32-28; 10-14 17-10; 11-15. Drawn. T. Wiswell v A. Cameron 1942. #497. V15(14): . . . 27-24; 16-20 31-27 [32-27; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 into Variation 21]; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-24 18-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 13-9; 11-15 19-16; 10-14 9-5; 15-18 5-1; 24-27 32-23; 18-27 1-5; 2-6! etc. . . Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #498. V16(12): . . . 30-21; 10-14 26-22; 7-10 22-17 [28-24; 3-7 22-17; 7-11 19-15; 11-18 29-25 same]; 8-11 29-25; 3-8 19-15; 11-18 28-24; 8-11! 24-20; 4-8 32-28; 16-19 23-7; 2-11 31-26; 11-15 26-22 [27-24; 8-11 26-22 same]; 8-11 27-24; 18-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 22-18; 12-19 18-2; 10-15 2-7; 15-18 7-11; 23-26 11-15; 18-23. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #499. V17(12): . . . 28-24; 16-20 25-22 [32-28; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; then M. Tinsley’s 3-12! equalizes]; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 1014 22-18(21); 7-10 18-9; 5-14 32-28(20); 3-7 26-22; 14-17 31-26 [Against 22-18; 17-22! 18-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 30-26; 11-16! 26-17; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 draws easily]; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 23-19(18); 11-15 19-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 27-23; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 23-18; 6-9! 13-6; 10-15 22-13; 15-31. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #500. V18(17): . . . 23-18(19); 17-21; 27-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 22-17; 9-13 26-22; 11-16 18-14; 10-15 23-18; 7-11 14-10; 15-19 10-7; 19-23 7-3; 16-19 3-8; 11-16 8-12; 23-27 17-14; 27-31 14-9; 20-24 12-8; 24-27 8-11; 16-20 11-15; 19-23 15-19; 27-32 19-26; 13-17 22-13; 31-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #501. V19(18): . . . 22-18; 17-21 28-24; 10-15 18-14; 11-16 14-9; 7-10 9-5; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 5-1; 19-24 1-10; 24-31 23-19; 16-23 26-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #502. V20(17): . . . 26-22; 14-17 31-26; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 18-14; 4-8 14-7; 3-10 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 27-23; 20-27 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 32-23; 6-10 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by A. Long. #503.

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V21(17): . . . 32-28; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 22-18; 14-17 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 17-21 2622; 14-17 31-26; 6-10 13-9; 3-7 22-13; 7-16 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 10-14 26-22; 16-19 23-16; 14-18 22-17; 15-19. Drawn. R. Fortman v R. Martin 1951. #504. V22(12): . . . 23-19(23); 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 27-24; 1019 24-15; 3-7 15-10; 6-15 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 7-10 22-17; 9-13 28-24; 13-22 25-11; 8-15 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 5-9 16-11; 12-16 11-7; 16-20 7-2; 9-13 2-7; 15-18 7-2; 19-24 2-6; 10-15 6-9; 4-8 30-25; 14-17 21-14; 24-27 32-23; 18-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. M. Tinsley v F. Gallagher 1957. #505. V23(22): . . . 24-20; 11-15 INTO 10-14 24-20; 6-10 (V5) V24(T): 11-15 25-22; 7-11 24-20; 3-7 29-25; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 INTO Key Landing Number 19 V25(T): . . . 25-22(26); 9-13 INTO 9-13 21-17 5-9 (V9) V26(25): . . . 23-19(27) INTO 9-14 23-19; 5-9 (V13) V27(26): . . . 24-20(28); 11-15 17-13; 1-5 INTO 10-14 24-20; 6-10 (V5) V28(27): . . . 26-22 [24-19 is well met with 11-15]; 11-15! 30-26; 9-13 INTO 9-13 21-17; 5-9 (V7)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 27 (33): 9-14 22-17; 6-9 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 17 Trunk: 9-14 22-17; 6-9 26-22[R](14); 11-15[R](13) 24-19[R](8); 15-24 28-19; 7-11[R](7) 27-24(3); 3-7 [Best!] 17-13(2); 1-6 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14(1); 10-17 21-14 Forms Position, Diagram 44: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 44

Continue: 18-23 31-27; 6-10 27-18; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 18-14; 1116 14-9; 5-14 30-25; 16-23 25-9; 12-16 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 29-25; 24-27 19-16; 8-12 6-2; 12-19 2-11; 27-31 11-15; 19-24 25-22; 24-28 15-19; 23-26 22-17; 26-30 17-13. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1953. #506. V1(T): . . . 25-22! [Alex Moiseyev’s fine cook: it has excellent shock value]; 18-25 29-22; 11-16 22-18!; 16-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16! 14-9 5-14 18-9; 8-12! 9-5 [Or the immediate 24-20; 6-10 2011; 7-16 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 16-20 6-2; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 32-23; 10-15 2-7; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 drawn]; 6-10 24-20 [Both 5-1 and 13-9 are easily met with 23-27! 32-23; 10-15 to draw]; 10-15 20-11; 7-16 5-1; 23-27! 31-24; 16-20 13-9; 20-27 32-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 1-6;

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4-8 6-10; 8-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #507. V2(T): . . . 30-26; 1-6 32-28; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 22-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 26-23; 6-9 17-13; 9-14 22-17; 11-16 19-15 10-26 17-3; 16-20 31-22; 20-27 22-17; 12-16. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #508. V3(T): . . . 30-26[R](5); 11-15 17-13[R](4); 15-24 13-6; 2-9 27-20; 811 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 1-5 31-27; 4-8! [10-15? loses after 27-24; 3-7 [4-8 is no better after 22-17] 32-28! 7-10 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 23-19!: a fine correction of Willie Ryan by Moiseyev, who seems to have specialized in this ballot!]; 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 14-9; 19-23 9-6; 7-10 6-2; 23-26 2-7; 26-30 7-16; 30-21 32-28. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #509. V4(3): . . . 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 26-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 13-22 18-9; 22-26 31-22; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 9-5; 2-6 25-22; 16-20 29-25; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 21-17; 12-16 18-14; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 14-10; 23-32 18-14. Drawn. Analysis by H. Maine. #510. V5(3): . . . 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 15-24 27-20; 2-9 22-17; 9-13 31-27(6); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 25-22; 3-8 30-25; 8-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 1-5 21-17; 5-9 32-27; 4-8 27-24; 9-13 25-21; 8-12 18-14; 11-16 14-7; 16-20. Drawn. M. Tinsley v J. Cox 1950. #511. V6(5): . . . 30-26; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 20-16 [A Tom Watson idea]; 12-19 23-16; 10-15! 29-25; 8-12 16-11; 14-18! 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 12-16 25-22; 15-19 22-17; 19-26 31-22; 16-19 17-14; 19-23 22-17; 23-26 11-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #512. V7(T): 8-11 22-18; 11-15! 18-11; 7-16 17-13; 4-8! 13-6; 2-9 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 1-6 30-25; 6-10 27-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 32-23; 11-16 1815; 10-14 22-18; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 15-11; 7-10 11-8; 22-26 8-3; 26-31 3-7; 31-27 7-14; 27-24 18-15; 24-27 14-18 27-24. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Tinsley 1986. #513. V8(T): . . . 22-18(12); 15-22 25-18; 7-11 17-13(11); 1-6 29-25; 3-7


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31-26(10); 11-15; 18-11 8-15; 24-20(9); 14-18 23-14; 9-18 26-23; 10-14 30-26; 6-10 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 28-24; 9-13 32-28; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 17-21 23-14; 21-30 27-23; 30-26 23-19; 15-18 24-20; 26-22 14-9; 7-10. Drawn. N. Rubin v W. Ryan 1935. #514. V9(8): . . . 23-19; 4-8 26-22; 14-18 22-17; 9-14 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 8-11 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 11-16 30-25; 16-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 23-27 19-15; 10-19 14-9; 5-14 17-1. Drawn. Analysis by A. Huggins. #515. V10(8): . . . 30-26; 11-16 24-19; 8-11 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 3122; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-21; 7-10! 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 18-15 [28-24; 16-20 offers White nothing]; 11-18 21-17; 14-21 23-7; 16-23 27-18; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #516. V11(8): . . . 24-19 [Played by E. Lowder against D. Lafferty in the 1984 US National Tourney]; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 9-13 30-25; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-17! [22-18? loses after 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 2-7!]; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 27-20!; 3-8 31-26; 8-11 23-19; 1-5 26-22; 5-9 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 15-24 28-19; 2-9 20-16; 9-13 16-11; 12-16 19-12; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #517. V12(8): . . . 30-26; 9-13 INTO 9-13 21-17; 6-9 (T) V13(T): 2-6! [Another Moiseyev innovation. It’s not ‘better’ than 11-15, but it does draw] 24-19; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 28-24; 4-8 30-26; 11-16 26-23; 16-20 32-28; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 7-11 19-15; 18-22 23-18; 12-16 14-10; 5-9 31-26!; 22-31 10-7; 3-19 24-15; 31-24 28-3; 9-14 15-8; 14-23. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #518. V14(T): . . . 24-19(15); INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (T) V15(14): . . . 17-13(16); 1-6 INTO 9-14 22-17; 5-9 (T) V16(15): . . . 25-22(20); 9-13 22-18(19); 13-22 18-9; 5-14 26-17; 11-15 29-25(18); 8-11 25-22; 4-8 30-25(17); 2-6 23-19 [Against 2419; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 15-24 27-20; 14-18 22-15; 10-26 31-22; 1-10 22-18; 8-11 25-22; 10-15 18-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10

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draws easily]; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 12-16 17-10; 7-14 28-24; 16-19 24-20; 19-24 32-28; 6-9 28-19; 18-22 25-18; 14-32 31-27; 32-16 20-4; 1-6 21-17; 3-7 4-8; 7-10 15-11; 9-13 11-7; 13-22 7-2. Drawn. E. Hunt v B. Case 1936. #519. V17(16): . . . 31-26; 2-6 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 18-14; 11-16 17-13 [22-18?; 8-11 17-13; 16-20! leaves Black well situated]; 6-10 22-17; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 13-9; 10-15 28-24; 15-18 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 18-22 9-6; 22-26 6-2; 26-31 21-17 [Or 24-20]; 2327 32-23; 31-27 23-18; 27-20 18-14; 8-11 10-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. A. Moiseyev v R. King 2003. #520. V18(16): . . . 30-26! [A Karl Albrecht cook]; 8-11 23-19; 4-8 29-25; 15-18 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 2-6 17-10; 7-14 26-22; 12-16 28-24; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 1-26 31-15; 11-18. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #521. V19(16): . . . 23-18! [An early innovation of which Willie Ryan would be proud!]; 14-23 27-18; 1-6! 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-9! 29-25; 12-16 32-27 [24-19; 16-23 26-19; 8-12 30-26; 2-6 32-27; 11-16 27-23; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 19-15; 13-22 15-11; 8-15 18-2; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 3-8 to a draw]; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-20; 9-18 20-11; 7-16 26-23; 4-8 23-14; 3-7 30-26; 8-12 25-21; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #522. V20(16): . . . 24-20(21) INTO 10-14 24-20; 6-10 (V5) V21(20): . . . 23-19 INTO 10-14 23-19; 6-10 (V3)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 28 (34): 9-14 22-17; 11-15 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 19 Trunk: 9-14 22-17; 11-15 25-22[R](26); 8-11[R](25) 17-13[R](23); 1116[R](21) 24-19[R](18); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18[R](17); 8-11 189; 5-14 29-25; 16-20[R](15) 25-22[R](10) Forms Key Landing Number 3, Diagram 45: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 45

Continue: 11-16[R](8) 30-25[R](4); 14-17[R](3) 21-14; 10-17 139; 6-13 25-21; 2-6 21-14; 1-5(1) 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 6-10 [7-11 17-13!; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 [10-14 is met with 24-20!] 23-18; 20-27 32-23; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn: D. Lafferty v J. Morrison 1986] 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 32-23; 7-11 14-7; 3-10. Drawn. K. Albrecht v D. Oldbury 1964. #523. V1(T): 6-10[R] 22-17[R](2); 13-22 26-17; 1-6 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 32-23; 3-8 18-15; 7-11 14-7; 11-27 7-2 [1915 also draws]; 6-9 17-13; 9-14 2-7. Drawn. Analysis by A. Reisman. #524. V2(1): . . . 14-9; 10-15 19-10; 7-14 9-5; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28;

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3-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 20-24! 27-20; 1-6 5-1; 6-10 1-6; 10-15 6-10; 14-18 10-7; 18-25 26-22; 25-30. Drawn. D. Oldbury v J. Marshall 1955. #525. V3(T): 3-8 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V3) V4(T): . . . 22-18(7); 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14 [26-22; 17-26 31-22 is inferior after 7-10 22-17; 2-7! See Let’s Play Checkers Page 55]; 1-5 23-18(6); 16-23 26-19; 17-22 27-23(5); 7-10 14-7; 3-10 18-15; 2-7 32-27; 5-9 23-18; 10-14 27-23; 14-17 31-27; 22-26 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 26-31 14-9; 31-24 9-2; 7-11 15-8; 24-15. Drawn. Analysis by P. Ketchum. #526. V5(4): . . . 18-15; 3-8 14-10!; 7-14 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 22-26 30-23; 14-18 23-14; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 19-15; 18-23 15-10; 23-26 10-7; 26-31 7-2. Drawn. R. King v M. Tinsley 1986. #527. V6(4): . . . 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 17-22 26-17; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 15-11; 7-16 27-23; 18-27 31-15; 3-8. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1939. #528. V7(4): . . . 22-17; 7-11 26-22; 11-15 23-18; 14-23 [15-24 is more complex and favours Black. The text has one point in its favour] 27-11; 16-23 31-27! [Against 11-8?; 10-15! wins. See Let’s Play Checkers Page 50]; 3-7 27-18; 7-16 30-26; 20-24 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn. J. Wyllie v C. Barker 1882. #529. V8(T): 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 10-15(9) 19-10; 6-15 22-18; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 30-26; 12-16 26-22; 3-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 8-12 9-5; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-26 31-22; 2-7. Drawn. D. Oldbury v J. Marshall 1950. #530. V9(8): 7-11 [Inferior and unnecessary] INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (T) V10(T): . . . 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 11-15 25-22; 15-19 22-17(13); 1015 17-10; 7-14 16-11; 19-24 26-23(11); 24-28 30-25 [31-26; 1-5! 30-25 same]; 1-5 31-26; 15-18 26-22; 20-24 27-20; 18-27 32-23; 14-17 21-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 22-18; 27-31 18-14; 31-26 14-10; 26-23 11-7; 23-18 7-2; 5-9 10-6; 9-13 6-1. Drawn. A. Long v E. Hunt 1936. #531.


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V11(10): . . . 26-22; 1-5 30-25; 24-28 22-17(12); 14-18 27-24 [Or 117; 2-11 27-24]; 20-27 32-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18. Drawn. W. Hellman v J. McGill 1973. #532. V12(11): . . . 31-26; 14-18 11-7 [26-23 is well met with 20-24] 2-11 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 28-32 17-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #533. V13(10): . . . 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 19-24 21-17(14); 10-14 18-9; 1-5 17-14; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 32-28; 5-14 28-19; 20-24 19-16; 14-18 26-22; 18-25 30-14; 24-27 31-24; 6-10 14-7; 2-27. Drawn. G. Whiting v M. Tinsley 1958. #534. V14(13): . . . 26-22; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 1-5 16-12; 7-11 22-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 17-13; 14-18 13-9; 10-14 9-6; 24-27 32-23; 18-27. Drawn. L. Ginsberg v G. O’Connor 1927. #535. V15(T): 11-15 25-22; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 1-5(16) 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 3-8 32-27; 2-7 [14-18! leads to a quick draw: M. Tinsley v A. Long 1981] 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-11 31-27; 11-16 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 8-12 19-15; 10-26 17-1. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #536. V16(15): 6-9 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 14-18 15-6; 18-25 6-2!; 9-14 32-27; 25-29 30-26; 29-25 26-22; 25-18 2-6; 1-10 27-23; 18-27 31-6. Drawn. R. Pask v Sage 1994. #537. V17(T): . . . 22-17 [29-25; 8-11 now 22-17 is the same, but 22-18? is an oft-repeated loss after 10-15: R. Pask v G. Miller 1990]; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 2-7! 30-26!; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 17-10; 7-14 22-17; 14-18 13-9; 5-14 17-10; 12-16 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 21-17; 16-20 18-14. Drawn. S. Cohen v G. O’Connor 1926. #538. V18(T): . . . 29-25(19) [22-17; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25 same]; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-17; 14-18! 23-14; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 14-5; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 23-18; 24-28 18-15; 28-32 31-26; 32-23 26-19; 20-24 21-17; 24-27 13-9; 2731 17-13; 31-27 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 1-10 15-6; 7-11 6-1; 27-23. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #539.

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V19(18): . . . 24-20; 3-8 20-11; 7-16 29-25 [22-18; 15-22 26-17 is well met with 16-19 23-16; 12-19]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17(20); 8-12 27-24; 4-8 32-27; 2-7 25-22; 5-9 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-11 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 20-16; 11-20 31-27; 14-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-19 12-8; 9-14 17-10; 6-15 8-3; 15-18 3-7; 19-23 13-9; 23-32 9-6; 1-10 7-23. Drawn. M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1952. #540. V20(19): . . . 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 4-8 22-17; 8-12 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V15) V21(T): 3-8 22-17; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11(22) 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 27-11; 8-15 31-27; 15-19 [15-18 22-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-10; 6-15 32-28; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23 is another easy-going draw] 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 2-7 22-18; 5-9 18-15 [28-24; 7-11 24-19; 1-5 19-15; 10-26 17-1; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 to a neat draw]; 10-26 17-3. Drawn. E. Lowder v M. Tinsley 1974. #541. V22(21): 8-11 [Inferior] 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V7) V23(T): . . . 23-19(24) INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V31) V24(23): . . . 29-25; 4-8 23-19; 6-9 17-13 [26-23 is inferior after 9-13 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 5-9 31-26; 2-6 26-23; 12-16! 19-12; 1519 24-15; 10-26 30-23; 6-10 28-24; 11-16 24-19; 8-11 32-27; 1-6! etc. . . ]; 2-6 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V31) V25(T): 15-19 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V28) V26(T): . . . 23-19; 7-11 INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 (V9)


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Ballot Number 29 (35): 9-14 22-17; 11-16 POWER: [47/53] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 27 Trunk: 9-14 22-17; 11-16 25-22[R](34); 8-11[R](28) 22-18[R](27); 1620 18-9; 5-14 Forms Key Landing Number 1, Diagram 46: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 46

Continue: . . . 29-25[R](17); 11-15! [Or else! See Let’s Play Checkers Page 99] 25-22[R](15); 7-11 17-13[R](12); 4-8 24-19(3); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28(1); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16 [22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 permits Black complete equality. For example, 26-22; 11-15 22-17; 3-8 30-26; 8-11 27-24; 20-27 3124; 15-18 24-20; 18-22 26-23 [20-16! also draws]; 11-15 20-16; 15-19 16-11; 19-26 11-7. Drawn: P. McCarthy v T. Landry 1985]; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-15 30-26; 3-8 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 8-11 23-19; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 16-11; 14-18 27-23; 18-27 31-15; 10-19 17-14; 19-23 11-8; 23-26 8-3; 26-30 3-8; 30-26 8-11; 1-5 11-15; 26-23 14-9; 5-14 15-18; 6-10 18-27; 14-18 13-9; 10-15 9-6; 15-19 6-1; 19-23 27-32; 20-24. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #542.

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V1(T): . . . 19-16(2); 12-19 23-16; 15-18 22-15; 10-19 32-28; 2-7 16-12; 7-11 27-23; 11-16 26-22; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 13-9; 10-15 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. N. Rubin v E. Hunt 1934. #543. V2(1): . . . 23-18; 15-24 18-9; 1-5 26-23; 5-14 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 32-28; 8-11 28-19; 11-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1975. #544. V3(T): . . . 30-25[R](10) Forms Key Landing Number 2, Diagram 47: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 47

Continue: 11-16[R](9) 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7! [8-11 is inferior and forms a position of very frequent occurrence; almost deserving the designation ‘Key Landing’ itself, as it comes up naturally from Key Landings #1, #2 and #3. After White replies with 22-18; Black has five plausible alternatives. Four of these appear to lose, with just one drawing. 1: 6-9? [The least likely choice] 13-6; 2-9 which crashes out to 26-22. 2: 1-5? [Very popular!] 18-9; 5-14 26-22 which of course is Dunne’s famous win/loss. For example: J. McCarthy v D. Lafferty 1995; F. Buckby v R. Pask 1995; G. Miller v R. Pask 1996; G. Lopez v T. Watson 2001. Also, see S O’Driscoll v J. Morrison 2005! 3: 3-7? [3-8? can’t possibly be better] 18-9; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 22-18; 24-28 9-5; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 21-17!; 11-15 26-22 to a win by Asa Long. 4: 10-15? [Hard to


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beat, but the win may well be there] 18-9; 15-24 25-22; 3-7 22-18; 24-28 9-5; 6-10 18-14! [Improves 26-22: T. Landry v J. Morrison 1989]; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 14-9; 7-11 9-6! [Better than 23-18 given by R. Fortman]; 1-10 5-1; 10-14 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 14-17 6-2; 17-21 2-7; 21-25 7-3; 15-18 23-14; 11-15 3-7; 15-19 7-10; 25-30 10-15; 30-23 27-18; 19-23 14-9; 16-19 15-24; 20-27 31-24. White wins as analysed by Leo Levitt. See also 1976 US National Tourney Page 138 and 1978 US National Tourney Page 98. 5: 11-15 [The sound one!] 18-9 [Better than 18-11: Chinook v Colossus 1993]; 15-24 25-22; 16-19! [Not 3-7? into losing option #3 above] 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 1-5 23-16; 5-14 16-11; 10-15 13-9; 6-13 22-17; 13-22 2610; 15-18 21-17 [Or 31-26 as given by Harry Jacob in Masterplay Page 237B]; 18-23 17-13; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 10-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn: Analysis by WCC Platinum] 22-18 [Against 19-15; 10-19 22-18; Black may transpose back with 1-5 18-9; 5-14]; 1-5[R](8) 18-9; 5-14 19-15[R](7); 10-19 25-22; 8-11 13-9(4); 6-13 22-17; 13-22 26-3; 19-26 31-22; 11-15 3-8; 15-19 8-11; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 23-18; 27-31 18-14; 16-19 14-10; 12-16 22-17; 31-27 32-23; 19-26 10-7; 26-31 17-13; 31-27 7-3; 16-19. Drawn. M. Chamblee v W. Hellman 1951. #545. V4(3): . . . 22-18[R](5); 6-9 13-6; 2-9 32-28; 9-13 18-9; 11-15 23-18; 15-22 26-17; 13-22 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 22-26 9-5; 26-31 5-1; 31-26 1-5; 26-22. Drawn. Analysis by J. Cox #546. V5(4): . . . 32-28(6); 19-24 28-19; 6-10 22-18; 11-15 18-9; 15-24 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 10-15 6-2; 7-11 2-7; 24-28 7-10; 15-18 23-14; 11-15 10-19; 16-32. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #547. V6(5): . . . 27-24; 19-28 13-9; 6-13 22-17; 13-22 26-3; 11-15 3-8; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 8-11; 16-19 11-16; 19-24 16-19; 23-27 32-23; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 18-14; 27-31 14-10; 28-32 23-18; 31-26 18-15. Drawn. J. Marshall v D. Oldbury 1950. #548. V7(3): . . . 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 22-18; 8-11 18-15 [Both 25-21; 10-14 18-9; 6-10 and 25-22; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 are easy for Black]; 11-18 23-7; 16-23! 27-18; 2-11 18-14; 20-24 25-22; 12-16! 14-9 [22-17 is well met with 16-20 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-15 6-2; 15-19 2-7; 11-16]; 6-10 9-6; 10-15 6-2; 15-19 2-7; 24-27 32-23; 19-26 13-9;

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26-30 22-17; 30-25 17-13; 25-22 9-6; 22-18 7-10; 18-23 10-7; 23-18 6-2; 11-15 7-11; 16-20. Drawn. H. Burton v D. Oldbury 1983. #549. V8(3): 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 6-10 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 8-11! 2622; 17-26 31-22; 2-6 22-18; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 [1-5 also draws] 19-15; 1-5 15-8; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 27-18; 5-23. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #550. V9(3): 15-18 [2-7? 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 6-10 21-14; 10-17 13-9; 17-21 23-18 is tantamount to a white win, even though an academic draw may exist for Black, while 3-7? is a loss after 22-17; 11-16 23-19; 16-30 31-26; 30-23 27-4; 20-27 32-23; 12-16 25-22; 1-5 22-18: D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1970 and 1-5?! almost suffers the same fate after 22-17; 11-16 the same 23-19 shot 12-16 25-22; and the saving 5-9! [Not 3-7?]] 22-15; 1118 24-19; 3-7 [2-7? 19-16!; [Not 26-22? to a draw, which Marion Tinsley has played both sides of!] 12-19 23-16; 10-15 16-12; 8-11 28-24 to a white win] 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 13-9; 12-19 26-22; 6-13 22-6; 2-9! 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 14-18 31-26; 1-5 16-12; 7-11 12-8; 11-16 8-3; 16-19 26-22; 18-23 21-17; 23-26 17-14; 9-18 22-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #551. V10(3): . . . 22-17; 15-18 30-25(11); 11-16 24-19; 2-7 26-22 [25-22; 18-25 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 8-11 14-9 10-14 is more complicated, but favours Black slightly]; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 31-26; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 23-14; 15-18 [Derek Oldbury was very proud of 1-6 here, playing it against both Asa Long and Chinook, but it doesn’t really seem to be an improvement] 26-22; 3-8 22-15; 11-18 14-10; 19-24 28-19; 16-23. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1981. #552. V11(10): . . . 24-19; 18-22 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 22-25 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 3-7! 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 25-29 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-15 6-2; 15-22 28-24; 20-27 32-23; 22-25 30-21; 29-25 23-19; 8-12 19-15; 11-18 2-11. Drawn. A. Long v N. Banks 1934. #553. V12(T): . . . 24-19(14); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16(13); 12-19 23-16; 2-7 17-13; 4-8 21-17; 14-21 30-25; 21-30 16-12; 30-23 27-2; 1-5 2-9;


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5-14 13-9; 10-15 9-6; 14-18 22-17; 8-11 6-2; 15-19 17-14; 19-23 14-10; 11-15 10-7; 3-10 2-7; 10-14 7-10; 15-19 10-17; 18-22 17-26; 23-30. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #554. V13(12): . . . 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 17-13 Into Trunk V14(12): . . . 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 6-9 17-13; 1-6 22-17; 9-14 30-25; 4-8 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 3-7 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 20-16; 11-20 25-22; 20-24 22-18; 24-27 18-9; 27-31 9-5; 31-27 23-18; 27-24 18-15; 24-20 5-1; 20-16 17-14; 16-23 21-17; 10-19 1-3. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1970. #555. V15(T): . . . 26-22 [17-13; 4-8 25-22 and Black may transpose back into the Trunk with 7-11]; 7-11 17-13; 4-8 30-26(16) INTO Key Landing Number 2 V16(15): . . . 22-17 [23-19?! is powerfully met with 6-9 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 3-7 26-23; 9-13 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 15-24 28-19; 11-16]; 15-18 24-19; 2-7 30-26; 11-16 Into Variation 10 V17(T): . . . 26-22(18); 11-15 31-26!; 7-11 17-13; 3-7 23-19; 1-5 22-17; 11-16 29-25; 16-23 27-11; 20-27 32-23; 7-16 25-22; 4-8 28-24; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 19-15; 10-19 17-1. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #556. V18(17): . . . 24-19; 11-15 19-16(24); 12-19 23-16; 4-8 29-25; 6-9 17-13; 2-6 26-23; 8-11 25-22(20); 1-5 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 2724; 20-27 32-14; 11-20 31-26(19); 20-24 28-19; 15-24 26-22; 24-27 22-18; 27-31 18-15; 10-19 14-9; 5-14 17-1. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #557. V19(18): . . . 31-27; 3-8! 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 15-18 23-19; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 16-11; 7-16 14-7; 19-23 7-2; 23-32 2-9; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. H. Burton v T. Watson 1989. #558. V20(18): . . . 31-26(21); 1-5 28-24; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 16-12; 11-16 26-22; 17-26 30-23; 16-19 23-16; 5-9 25-22; 7-10! 16-11; 10-14 11-7; 3-10 12-8; 15-18 22-15; 10-28 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #559. V21(20): . . . 28-24(22); 1-5 16-12; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 31-26 Into Variation 20

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V22(21): . . . 16-12(23); 1-5 31-26; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 28-24 Into Variation 20 V23(22): . . . 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 16-11; 7-23 27-11; 10-15 30-26; 14-18 32-27; 9-14 26-22; 15-19 22-15; 19-24 11-8; 3-12 15-11; 14-18 11-7; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 21-17; 10-15. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1964. #560. V24(18): . . . 29-25; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 19-16(25); 12-19 23-16; 11-15 26-23 [16-12 is well met with 6-9]; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 6-10 23-19 [31-26 is well met with the 10-15 exchange]; 10-15 19-10; 2-6 16-11; 7-16 27-23; 6-15 17-10; 20-24 32-28; 16-20 28-19; 15-24. Drawn. R. Jordan v H. Freedman 1902. #561. V25(24): . . . 17-13(26) INTO Key Landing Number 3 V26(25): . . . 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 26-22; 3-8 17-13; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V16) V27(T): . . . 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 3-8 23-16; 8-12 31-27; 12-19 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 17-13; 5-9 22-17; 10-15 17-10; 9-14 21-17; 14-21 29-25; 16-20 23-16; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 26-23; 6-15 25-22; 15-19 23-18; 24-27 18-15; 27-31 16-11; 19-23 11-8. Drawn. D. Oldbury v W. Fraser 1964. #562. V28(T): 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-10; 6-15 21-17; 5-9(30) 27-24; 2-6(29) 22-18; 15-22 24-15; 9-13 [7-10 30-25; 10-19 25-18; 6-10 32-27!; 1-6! [8-11? gets 27-24!] draws, but White is best] 32-27!; 6-9 26-23; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 28-24; 1-6 24-19 [27-23; 6-9 24-20 asks for 10-15? 20-16!]; 6-9 27-24; 13-17 24-20; 9-13 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 15-19 11-7; 19-23 7-2; 22-26 31-22; 17-26. Drawn. R. Stewart v N. Banks 1922. #563. V29(28): 1-6 [9-14 [Inferior] 17-10; 7-14 29-25; 8-11 25-21 transposes into 9-14 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 6-10 27-24; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22 same. Now, after 3-7, White has good options in both 22-17 and 21-17] 22-18; 15-22 24-15; 7-10 [9-13 32-27!; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 2-7 [3-7 15-11 draws] 30-25; 7-10 25-18; 13-22! 26-17; 10-19


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18-14; 19-23 17-13; 6-10! 14-7; 3-10 draws] 30-25; 10-19 25-18; 6-10 32-27; 8-11 18-14; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 31-6; 2-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-18 29-25; 4-8 25-21; 18-22 21-14; 22-31; 2-6 8-11; 6-10 31-27; 14-9; 11-16 10-15; 16-20 15-18; 3-8. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Fuller 1976. #564. V30(28): 1-6(33) 29-25; 5-9 17-13; 7-10 25-21; 8-12(32) 27-24; 4-8 32-27; 3-7(31) 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 10-15 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 23-18; 11-16 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 16-23 5-1; 6-9 13-6; 2-9. Drawn. E. Fuller v A. Long 1974. #565. V31(30): 9-14 24-20 [22-17 also draws, leading to a useful position arising from different move orders within the Double-Corner Dyke opening. Continue: 8-11 27-23; 2-7 [3-7 23-16; 11-27 31-24 and now 7-11 and 12-16 are comfortably met with 26-23 and 24-19 respectively] 23-16; 11-27 31-24; 7-11 26-23; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 19-15 to a draw]; 3-7 27-24; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 20-16; 8-11 22-18; 11-27 18-11; 7-16 31-15; 16-19 15-11; 6-9 13-6; 2-9. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1981. #566. V32(30): 9-14 27-24; 8-11 [Against 8-12 22-18! gives White the advantage] 21-17; 14-21 22-18; 15-22 24-8; 4-11 26-17; 11-15 3126; 15-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 10-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 19-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11. Drawn. E. Fuller v M. Tinsley 1976. #567. V33(30): 2-6 29-25; 5-9 25-21; 7-10 17-13; 8-12 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 3-7 [8-12 27-24; 9-14? loses: Spider Web] 22-17; 1-5 27-24; 15-18 24-15; 10-19 26-23; 19-26 31-15; 7-10 15-11; 8-15 2824; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 30-26. Drawn. R. Jordan v A. Heffner 1905. #568. V34(T): . . . 24-19 [26-22 [Allows Black to equalize]; 8-11 30-26 [22-18? gets 10-15! in reply. Of course, the position after 30-26 may also arise from the regular 25-22; 8-11 30-25]; 11-15! [16-20 cedes the centre, and is unnecessary, Black’s best continuation running 22-18; 5-9! 24-19; 11-15! 18-11; 7-16 26-22; 9-13! and a standard Bristol-Cross transposition, as originally noted by R. Fortman in the 3rd International Match Book] 22-18; 15-22

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25-9; 6-22 26-17; 4-8! [Much better than the natural 10-15, which transposes into a standard Glasgow CR] 29-25; 2-6! 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19! 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 8-11 27-23; 5-9 28-24; 7-10 to an easy draw]; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 17-13; 15-24 28-19 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 30 (36): 9-14 22-18; 5-9 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 21 Trunk: 9-14 22-18; 5-9 25-22(5); 11-16 18-15 [29-25; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 4-8 27-23 [15-11; 8-15 27-23; 6-10 23-16; 15-19 32-27; 10-15 16-12; 15-18 27-24; 19-23! 26-19; 9-13 to a draw]; 2-7 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-19 32-27; 6-10 is easy for Black] (3); 10-19 24-15; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 14-18 17-13(2); 9-14 29-25; 8-12 31-27(1) Forms Position, Diagram 48: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀❜❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 48

Continue: 12-16 27-24 [Not 26-22?; 4-8 22-17; 16-20 17-10; 18-23 27-18; 8-11 15-8; 6-29 8-4. Black win: R. Pask v W. Haddock 1986]; 16-20 26-22; 20-27 32-16; 18-23 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 25-22; 23-27 22-18; 27-31 21-17; 1-5 18-14; 6-10 14-7; 5-21 7-3. Drawn. R. Jordan v J. Denvir 1905. #569. V1(T): . . . 26-22; 4-8 22-17; 2-7 17-10; 7-14 31-27; 12-16 30-26; 16-20 26-22; 8-12 15-11; 19-23 22-15; 23-26 25-22; 6-9 13-6; 119 22-17; 19-24 17-10; 24-31 32-27; 31-24 28-19. R. Hallett D. Oldbury 1985. #570.

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V2(T): . . . 17-14; 9-13 29-25; 3-7 31-27 [32-27; 1-5 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 8-12 14-10; 7-14 15-11; 18-23 27-9; 5-14 30-26; 6-10 26-23 same]; 1-5 26-22; 8-12 14-10; 7-14 15-11; 18-23 27-9; 5-14 32-27; 6-10 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 12-16 22-18; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 28-24; 23-26 24-20; 26-31 11-7; 2-11 16-7; 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by A. Schaefer. #571. V3(T): . . . 24-19 [24-20; 16-19 23-16; 14-23! 26-19; 10-15 19-10; 1219 22-17; 6-15 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 favours Black: M. Tinsley v W. Fraser 1952] 8-11 22-17(4); 9-13 18-9; 13-22 26-17; 6-22 [INTO 12-16 21-17; 9-13 (V3)] 30-26; 11-15 26-17; 15-24 28-19; 10-14 17-10; 7-14 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V16) V4(3): . . . 28-24; 16-20 22-17; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 26-17; 6-22 30-26; 11-16 26-17; 10-14 17-10; 7-14 29-25; 3-7! 25-22; 7-10! 31-26; 2-7! 32-28; 7-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 26-22; 11-15 22-17; 15-19 17-10; 19-26 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by K. Grover. #572. V5(T): . . . 24-19(11); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22(9); 8-11 22-18; 11-16 29-25(8); 7-11 25-22(7); 1-5 27-24; 16-20 32-28(6); 20-27 31-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 28-24; 6-10 16-12; 10-15 20-16; 11-27 18-2; 27-32 2-6; 32-27 6-10; 27-23 10-14; 22-26 30-25; 26-30 25-21. Drawn. J. Hanson v K. Grover 1944. #573. V6(5): . . . 30-25; 20-27 31-24; 3-7 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 32-27 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-13 CR (V1) V7(5): . . . 18-15; 11-18 21-17; 14-21 23-5; 16-23 26-19; 3-8 25-22; 8-11 27-23; 6-9 32-28; 11-16 22-18; 9-13 28-24; 16-20 18-15; 2027 15-6; 2-9 31-24; 21-25 30-21; 13-17 21-14; 9-27 24-20; 27-31 19-15; 31-26 15-10; 26-23 10-7; 23-19 7-3; 19-15 3-8. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #574. V8(5): . . . 26-22 [32-28; 1-5 29-25; 16-20 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 25-22 7-11 into Variation 5]; 7-11 22-17; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 17-10; 9-13 23-18; 2-6 10-7; 3-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 30-25; 16-19 25-18; 17-22 32-28; 19-23 27-24; 23-27 24-19 [24-20?


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lost: A. Long v R. Hallett 1980]; 11-16 31-24; 16-23 14-10; 6-15 18-11. Drawn. Analysis by F. Dunne. #575. V9(5): . . . 26-22; 8-11 27-24; 1-5 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 25-22 [31-26; 11-15 26-22 [25-22; 15-18! 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-28 26-22 same]; 15-18! 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-28 25-22; 7-11! 30-25; 6-9 draws]; 11-15 32-28(10); 7-11 24-20 [30-25? loses to 6-9]; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 13-17 22-13; 2-7 20-16; 3-8 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 19-15; 12-19 23-16; 26-30 16-12. Drawn. D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958. #576. V10(9): . . . 30-25; 15-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-28 25-22; 6-10 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1994. #577. V11(5): . . . 24-20[R](24); 11-16[R](20) 20-11; 8-22 25-18; 4-8 [1216 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 25-22; 1-5 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-23 26-19 gives White the playing edge] 28-24(18); 8-11 29-25(17); 10-15 25-22; 7-10 24-20; 3-7 27-24; 1-5 32-28(14); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-19(13); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 17-14(12); 10-17 21-14; 15-19 31-26 [30-25 allows a snap draw with 18-22!]; 19-24 30-25; 24-27 26-22; 18-23 22-17; 23-26 17-13; 27-32 25-21; 32-28 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-15 6-2; 15-19. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #578. V12(11): . . . 17-13; 18-22 21-17; 15-19 31-27; 11-15 20-16; 22-26 30-23; 19-26 16-11; 26-31 27-24; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 11-7. Drawn. S. Cohen v S. Levy 1937. #579. V13(11): . . . 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 26-17; 11-15 31-27; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 17-14; 10-17 27-23; 21-25 30-14; 15-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-27. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #580. V14(11): . . . 32-27(16); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 21-17?(15); 14-21 23-18; 13-17? [Jim Loy’s suggested 12-16! is a powerhouse here and, incredibly, may even prove to be a winner!] 22-13; 15-22 26-17; 11-15 27-23; 15-19 24-15; 10-26 31-22; 12-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #581. V15(14): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 17-13; 12-16 13-6; 2-9 30-25;

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9-13 31-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 23-18; 22-26 27-23; 15-22 24-19; 22-25 19-12; 11-15 12-8; 26-31 8-3; 7-10 21-17; 25-30 17-13; 30-25 3-7. Drawn. Analysis by P. Doran. #582. V16(14): . . . 23-19; 14-23 32-28; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 23-27 20-11 [Against 31-24; 16-23 26-19; 9-13 20-16; 10-15 19-1; 12-28 draws]; 27-32 11-8; 32-28 26-23; 10-14 30-26; 6-10 2218; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-7; 2-20. Drawn. E. Markusic v Chinook 1992. #583. V17(11): . . . 24-19 Into Variation 5 V18(11): . . . 27-24[R]; 8-11 24-19; 11-16 29-25 [32-27; 16-20 29-25; 1-5 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 7-11 into Variation 5]; 7-11 25-22; 10-15!(19) 19-10; 6-15 28-24; 16-20 23-19; 14-23 19-10; 20-27 26-19; 9-13 31-24; 2-7 30-26! [32-27; 7-14 27-23? is a natural loss which has tripped up many. For example, A. Long v R. King 1986]; 7-14 26-23; 3-7 24-20; 7-10 32-28; 1-5 22-18; 5-9 28-24 13-17. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. Classic Late Midgame #3. #584. V19(18): 3-8![R] 28-24; 16-20 32-28; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 19-15 [24-20? is a curious loss which has again had wide appeal! For example, W. Edwards v T. Laverty 1989]; 10-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 18-15; 10-19 22-17; 8-11 17-10; 11-15 10-6 [10-7 also draws]; 9-14 6-1; 15-18 21-17; 14-21 23-14; 21-25 30-21; 19-24 28-19; 16-30. Drawn. T. Watson v J. Webster 1989. #585. V20(11): 10-15 [12-16?! can be attacked in a number of ways; an effective option being 28-24; 10-15 32-28; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22 [24-19 obviously warrants consideration]; 8-12 30-25; 6-10 24-19; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 27-24; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 31-26 to a draw by Alex Moiseyev] 28-24; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22; 1-5(23) 30-26[R](22); 3-7(21) 24-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 6-10 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 9-13 32-27; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 2-6 29-25; 6-9 25-21; 7-10 16-11; 10-14 22-18; 13-17 11-7; 17-22. Drawn. A. Cameron v M. Tinsley 1954. #586.


Complete Checkers

V21(20): 6-10 32-28; 3-7 [9-13 23-19; 11-15 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 8-11 27-23; 4-8 29-25; 2-6 25-22; 5-9 17-13; 15-18 [The 12-16 pitch offers Black nothing] 22-15; 11-27 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 31-15; 8-11 15-8; 3-12 28-24; 14-18 21-17 draws] 24-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 27-24; 8-11 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 16-20 31-27; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-15 26-22; 15-19 16-11; 2-6 11-7; 6-9 7-2; 19-23 27-18; 14-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #587. V22(20): . . . 22-17 [Since this has been shown to arise with Black from 9-13 24-20; 10-14, it is necessary to know how to play both sides]; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 3-7 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-16 2011; 8-15 27-23; 7-10 23-18; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 18-15; 19-23 22-18; 4-8 17-14; 6-9 15-10; 8-11 10-7; 23-26 31-22; 11-15 18-11; 9-25 7-3; 5-9 3-7; 9-14 7-10; 14-18. Drawn. S. Levy v S. Cohen 1935. #588. V23(20): 9-13 30-26; 6-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 10-15 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 3-7 18-14; 12-16 32-28; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 20-11; 8-15 29-22; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 31-26; 4-8. Drawn. Analysis by F. Dunne. #589. V24(11): . . . 26-22; 10-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V37)

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Ballot Number 31 (37): 9-14 22-18; 10-15 POWER: [34/66] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 20 Trunk: 9-14 22-18; 10-15 18-9; 5-14 25-22(27); 7-10 29-25(11); 3-7 2217(7); 11-16 25-22(2); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 17-13 [The early 22-18 surrenders White’s advantage after 14-23 27-11; 8-15! 24-20; 4-8 20-16; 8-12 32-27; 19-24 27-20; 12-19 etc. . . ]; 8-12 22-18(1); 14-23 27-11; 7-16 24-15; 10-19 26-22 Forms Position, Diagram 49: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 49

Continue: 4-8 22-18; 16-20 21-17 [30-26 is easily met with 12-16 32-27; 8-12 27-23; 20-24!]; 12-16 17-14 [Against 31-27; 8-12 17-14; Black draws easily with 1-5 18-15; 6-10 14-7; 2-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14 while against 31-26; 8-12 18-15; Black draws with 6-10 15-6; 2-9 13-6; 1-10 17-13; 10-14]; 1-5 30-25; 8-12 25-22; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 22-17 [14-10 is somewhat stronger, but 19-23 in reply leads to a secure draw]; 9-13 32-27; 13-22 27-24; 20-27 31-15. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1982. #590. V1(T): . . . 22-17; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 27-23 [27-24; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-5 32-27; 18-22 26-17; 19-23 27-18; 15-22 forms Lyman’s


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Problem Book #812 and favours Black]; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 23-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22! 26-17; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 14-9 [32-28 also draws]; 12-16 31-26; 16-19 26-22; 24-28 22-18; 1-5 17-14; 6-10 14-7; 5-14 18-9; 2-11 9-6; 11-16 6-2; 23-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #591. V2(T): . . . 23-19(4); 16-23 26-19; 7-11 25-22; 1-5 27-23; 11-16 1713(3); 16-20 30-26; 20-27 31-24; 2-7 22-17; 7-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 23-19; 14-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 19-15; 24-27 14-10; 6-9 13-6. Drawn. E. Hunt v B. Case 1962. #592. V3(2): . . . 32-27!; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 7-3; 32-27 24-20; 27-23 17-13; 15-19 20-16; 6-10 21-17; 10-15 16-11; 23-18 3-7; 18-25 30-21; 15-18 17-14; 8-15 7-11; 19-23 14-10; 12-16 11-20; 23-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. E. King v R. Fortman (P) 1985. #593. V4(2): . . . 17-13(5); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 24-20; 8-12 27-24; 4-8 32-27; 1-5! 27-23; 8-11 23-16; 12-19 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (V10) V5(4): . . . 24-19(6); 15-24 28-19; 7-11 INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V11) V6(5): . . . 24-20; 8-11 Into Variation 18 V7(T): . . . 24-20(10); 6-9 28-24(9); 9-13 23-19; 1-6 26-23; 6-9 2318(8); 14-23 27-18; 11-16 18-11; 8-15 20-11; 7-23 31-27; 23-26 30-23; 2-7 21-17; 7-11 24-20; 12-16 27-24; 9-14 25-21; 4-8 32-28; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 23-19; 24-27. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #594. V8(7): . . . 30-26; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 32-28; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 73; 9-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 26-23; 12-16! [Simpler than D. Oldbury’s 32-28] 19-12; 11-15 31-26; 32-27 23-19; 15-24 12-8; 4-11 26-23; 27-18 22-8; 24-27 8-4; 27-31 4-8; 2-7 3-17; 13-29. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #595. V9(7): . . . 22-17; 9-13 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 11-20 2724; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 26-23; 7-11 22-18; 13-22 18-9; 22-26 21-17;

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10-15 17-13; 11-16 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 16-19 23-16; 8-12 30-23; 12-26. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Hunt 1946. #596. V10(7): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 32-28; 9-13 31-27; 10-15 27-24; 7-10 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 1-6 22-18; 15-22 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 10-14 8-3; 14-18 3-8; 18-23 8-11; 22-26 20-16; 26-31 16-12; 23-27 12-8; 27-32 8-3; 3227 30-25; 27-23 3-7. Drawn. R. Fortman v R. King (P) 1985. #597. V11(T): . . . 23-19(16); 11-16 29-25; 16-23 27-9; 6-13 24-19(13); 15-24 28-19; 2-6 21-17; 8-11 17-14(12); 10-17 25-21; 3-7 21-14; 1-5 30-25; 6-9 22-18; 13-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-16 18-15 [19-15 is well met with 16-19 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 19-23 14-10; 23-26 7-2; 26-30 25-21; 30-25 10-7; 11-16 to a draw]; 16-23 15-10; 9-18 10-3; 23-26 22-15. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #598. V12(11): . . . 25-21; 11-15 32-27; 15-24 27-20; 6-9 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 3-8 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 12-16 20-11; 8-22 31-27; 1-6! Drawn. R. Fortman v E. King (P) 1985. #599. V13(11): . . . 26-23; 8-11 30-26; 11-16 24-19(14); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 25-22; 2-6 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 22-18; 1-5 32-27; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 13-17 22-13; 14-18 23-14; 16-32. Drawn. R. Fortman v R. Davies (P) 1985. #600. V14(13): . . . 32-27; 16-20 24-19 [23-18; 3-8 18-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 31-26; 1-5 26-22 is easy for Black]; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18 [23-18 is well met with 1-6 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 26-23; 3-7 25-21; 6-10 22-18; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 to a draw]; 8-11 19-16(15); 12-19 23-7; 2-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 14-10; 15-19 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 3-8 10-7; 8-12 7-2; 12-16 25-21; 16-19 2-7. Drawn. E. King v R. Burroughs (P) 1986. #601. V15(14): . . . 18-15 [The natural 25-22 is well met with 2-7! 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 1-5 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 7-10 to a draw]; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-16 25-22; 3-7 22-18; 7-10 31-26; 1-5 26-22; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-10; 13-17 22-13; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #602.


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V16(11): . . . 24-20(22); 3-7 22-17(20); 12-16 28-24(18); 8-12 32-28; 4-8 29-25; 1-5 17-13(17); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (V10) V17(16): . . . 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 17-13; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 22-25 30-21; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 21-17; 7-10 17-13; 10-14 13-9; 18-23 26-22; 14-18 9-6; 18-25 6-2; 23-27 2-7; 19-23 7-16; 15-18. Drawn. Analysis by J. Lees. #603. V18(16): . . . 29-25; 8-12 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 31-27; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 6-9 19-16; 9-13 16-12; 1-5 12-8; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 8-3; 16-19 3-7(19) 2-11 17-14; 10-26 30-7. Drawn. Analysis by P. Thompson. #604. V19(18): . . . 3-8; 19-23 8-11; 24-27 11-16; 27-31 16-19; 31-26 19-24; 26-31 24-19; 31-26 19-24; 26-31. Drawn [By perpetual]. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #605. V20(16): . . . 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 11-15 28-24(21); 12-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 15-19 20-11; 19-26 30-23; 8-15 29-25; 4-8 31-26; 8-12 27-24; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-10; 6-15 25-22; 19-24 21-17; 24-28 17-14; 1-6 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-27 32-23. Drawn. J. Marshall v D. Oldbury 1955. #606. V21(20): . . . 27-24!; 15-18! 32-27; 6-9 30-26; 9-13 20-16 [24-19 also draws]; 13-22 26-17; 12-26 31-6; 1-10 27-23; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 15-19 24-6; 2-25. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #607. V22(16): . . . 22-17(26); 11-16 24-19(23); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V11) V23(22): . . . 24-20(25); 8-11 28-24(24); 3-7 Into Variation 16 V24(23): . . . 27-24; 3-7 24-19 [32-27 into Variation 16]; 15-24 28-19; 14-18! 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 31-26; 1-5 13-9!; 6-13 29-25; 5-9! 14-5; 7-10 25-22; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 26-23 [Or 20-16]; 19-26 30-23; 10-

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14 5-1; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #608. V25(23): . . . 17-13; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 24-20; 2-7 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (T) V26(22): . . . 30-25; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 24-19; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 3-10 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 4-8 22-17; 8-11 28-24; 11-15 24-20; 15-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 6-9 17-13; 2-7 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-17. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1989. #609. V27(T): . . . 23-19(28); 7-10 25-22 Into Variation 11 V28(27): . . . 26-22[R](29) INTO 10-15 23-18; 9-14 (T) V29(28): . . . 23-18(30) INTO 10-15 23-18; 9-14 (V20) V30(29): . . . 24-20(31); 15-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 11-15 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (T) V31(30): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 25-22 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V27)


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Ballot Number 32 (38): 9-14 22-18; 11-15 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 19 Trunk: 9-14 22-18; 11-15 18-11[R](29); 8-15 25-22[R](25) 5-9 24-20(12); 7-11 22-17(8); 4-8 17-13(7); 3-7 28-24(5); 15-19 24-15; 10-19 2316; 12-19 29-25(4); 1-5 26-22(2); 6-10 13-6; 2-9 22-17(1) Forms Position, Diagram 50: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 50

Continue: 9-13 25-22; 8-12 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 32-28; 5-9 31-27; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 19-23 20-16; 23-26 24-19; 2630 19-15; 10-19 17-3; 9-14 3-7; 30-25 22-17; 13-22. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1987. #610. V1(T): . . . 32-28; 19-23 27-18 14-23 22-17; 9-14 17-13; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 28-24; 23-27 24-19; 27-32 25-21; 32-28 21-14; 8-12 20-16; 11-20 19-15. Drawn. H. Cravens v R. Martin 1974. #611. V2(T): . . . 32-28(3); 8-12 20-16; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 28-24 [25-22; 18-25 30-21; 5-9 26-22; 9-14 22-17 to a long draw: D. Oldbury v R. King 1992]; 12-16 24-19; 16-23 26-19; 18-23 19-16; 23-27 15-11; 27-31 11-8; 31-27 8-3; 7-10 3-8; 27-23

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8-11; 23-19; 16-12; 10-14 12-8. Drawn. H. Cravens v J. Grant 1973. #612. V3(2): . . . 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-28 [26-22 gets 7-10!]; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 31-27; 2-7 25-22 [27-24; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 26-22; 19-23 22-17; 14-18 28-24; 23-27 30-26; 27-32 24-20; 16-19 26-22; 18-23 17-14; 9-18 22-15; 23-27 21-17; 27-31 17-14; 31-26 14-10; 26-30 10-1; 30-21. Drawn]; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 30-21; 7-10 21-17; 5-9 27-24; 9-14 24-15; 14-21 15-11; 21-25 11-7; 25-30 7-2; 30-23 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #613. V4(T): . . . 26-22 [32-28; 8-12 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 11-16 20-11 7-23; 24-19; 1-5 29-25; 14-17 is easy for Black; while 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-28 [Or 29-25; 1-5] 1-5 29-25 into Variation 3]; 19-23 27-18; 14-23 21-17; 7-10 29-25; 9-14 31-27; 14-21 27-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 22-17; 1-5 25-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 17-13; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 32-27; 8-12 13-9; 10-15 9-6; 22-26 30-23; 15-22 23-19; 22-26 6-2; 21-25 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 11-15 23-16. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #614. V5(T): . . . 29-25(6) [Inferior]; 1-5 27-24 [28-24?; gets 14-18!]; 1417 21-14; 9-27 32-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 25-22; 8-12 22-18; 19-23 26-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 30-25; 12-16 28-24; 16-20 18-15; 20-27 31-24. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #615. V6(5): . . . 27-24; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 29-25; 1-5 32-27 Into Variation 2 V7(T): . . . 28-24; 12-16 17-13 [24-19!?; 15-24 23-18; 14-23 26-12 is lively!]; 8-12 29-25; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 25-22; 1-5 32-28; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 14-18 27-23; 18-27 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 31-8; 7-10 28-19; 10-14 19-16; 14-18. Drawn. G. Bass v R. Huntley (P) 1938. #616. V8(T): . . . 28-24(10); 4-8 23-19(9); 9-13 INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-15 (V28) V9(8): . . . 32-28; 9-13 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 2-7! 23-19; 15-18 2925; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 19-10; 6-15 30-26; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 20-16; 11-20 26-22; 20-24! 22-6; 1-10 27-20; 8-11 20-16; 11-


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20 31-27; 14-18 21-17; 12-16 19-12; 10-15 12-8; 15-19 8-3; 19-24. Drawn. Analysis by D. McGrath. #617. V10(8): . . . 29-25(11); 9-13 28-24; 4-8 23-19 INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-15 (V29) V11(10): . . . 27-24; 4-8 24-19 [32-27 into Variation 9]; 15-24 2819; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 1-5 16-11; 5-14 26-23; 6-9! 20-16; 15-19 16-12; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 11-8; 15-18 23-19; 18-23 8-4; 13-17 4-8; 9-13 8-11; 23-26 31-22; 17-26 11-15; 26-31 19-16; 31-26 29-25; 26-30 15-19; 14-18 19-15; 18-23 25-22; 23-26 22-18; 26-31 18-14. Drawn. L. Taylor v R. Gould 1954. #618. V12(T): . . . 24-19[R](16); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 27-24 Forms Key Landing Number 25, Diagram 51: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 51

Continue: 10-15 19-10; 6-22 26-10; 7-14 29-25; 1-5[R](15); 2522(13); 11-15 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 3-7 24-20; 18-22 21-17; 15-19 17-13; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 32-27; 12-16 27-23; 19-26 3023; 22-25 23-18; 25-29 18-14; 29-25 13-9. Drawn. B. Case v A. Long 1952. #619. V13(12): . . . 23-19[R]; 3-7 25-22[R](14); 9-13 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 31-26; 23-27 32-23; 2-7 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 10-14 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #620.

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V14(13): . . . 30-26; 9-13 26-23 [Against 25-22; 11-16 22-17 draws]; 7-10 24-20; 2-7 32-28; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 20-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #621. V15(12): 11-15 23-19; 2-6 19-10; 6-15 30-26; 14-18 21-17; 3-7 1714; 1-5 32-27; 7-11 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 11-15 14-10; 18-23 26-19; 15-24 10-6; 9-14 6-2; 5-9 2-6; 9-13 25-22; 14-17 6-10; 17-26 31-22; 24-27 10-14; 27-31. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #622 V16(12): . . . 22-17(22); 4-8 17-13(20); 1-5 23-19(18); 8-11 26-22(17) INTO 10-14 22-18; 11-15 (T) V17(16): . . . 29-25; 3-8 26-22 [27-23 is easily met with 14-17 while 26-23 gets 14-18 23-14; 9-18 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 18-23! 27-18; 8-11 31-26; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 6-10 13-9; 11-15 22-17; 15-24 17-13; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 26-22; 24-27 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 14-18 22-15; 10-19 and a neat draw]; 15-18 22-15; 11-18; 24-20; 7-11 27-23; 18-27 31-24!; 2-7 30-26; 11-15 32-27; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 14-18 23-16; 9-14 16-12; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 18-22 21-14; 22-31 12-8; 15-19 24-15; 11-18. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #623. V18(16): . . . 23-18; 15-22 26-17; 12-16 24-20; 8-11 29-25; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 31-26(19); 11-15 25-21; 18-22 26-17; 9-18 30-26; 18-22 20-16; 22-31 27-23; 19-26 32-27; 31-24 28-1. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Fuller 1946. #624. V19(18): . . . 30-26; 11-15 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 9-18 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 25-21; 9-13 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-22 17-14; 22-25 14-10. Drawn. A. Cameron v W. Ryan 1951. #625. V20(16): . . . 23-19; 8-11 17-13; 14-18 24-20(21): 15-24 28-19; 1116 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 9-14 30-26; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 3-7 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-11 21-17; 11-16 17-13; 16-23 13-6; 10-15 18-11; 1-10. Drawn. B. Case v E. Hunt 1962. #626. V21(20): . . . 26-23; 1-5 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 11-16 26-22; 16-23 2420; 18-25 27-11; 7-16 29-22; 16-19 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 32-27; 3-7 27-23; 19-26 31-22; 7-10 22-17; 2-7 28-24; 7-11 24-19 INTO 9-14 22-18; 10-15 CR (V15)


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V22(16): . . . 23-18(23) [Dead even]; 14-23 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 1620 24-19; 4-8 29-25; 10-14 26-23; 8-11 25-22; 6-10 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 1-5 24-20; 3-7 30-25; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 19-15; 11-16 20-11; 7-16; 15-10; 22-26 18-15; 26-31 23-18; 31-26 10-7; 2-11 15-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #627. V23(22): . . . 29-25(24); 7-11 22-17 [24-20 into Variation 10]; 9-13 25-22; 4-8 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 17-14; 3-7 32-27; 11-16 27-23; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 8-12 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 14-9; 7-11 9-5; 2-6 28-24; 6-9 21-17; 11-15 18-11; 9-14 11-7; 14-21 23-18; 1-6 7-2; 6-9 2-7; 10-14 27-23; 20-27 7-10; 14-17 10-15; 17-26 18-14; 9-18 15-24. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #628. V24(23): . . . 23-19; 9-13 27-23; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 INTO Key Landing Number 7 V25(T): . . . 23-18(26) INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 (T) V26(25): . . . 23-19(27); 6-9 25-22; 9-13 27-23; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 CR (V8) V27(26): . . . 24-19(28); 15-24 28-19; 6-9 25-22; 4-8 INTO Key Landing Number 6 CR V28(27): . . . 24-20; 6-9 INTO 10-14 22-18; 11-15 (V15) V29(T): . . . 18-9; 5-14 25-22(30); 15-19 INTO 9-14 22-18; 11-16 (T) V30(29): . . . 23-19(31); 7-11 [8-11 may well be better, but not yet fully tested] INTO 9-14 22-18; 10-15 (V27) V31(30): . . . 24-19(32) [Soft]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V27) V32(31): . . . 24-20 [Soft]; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (T)

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Ballot Number 33 (39): 9-14 22-18; 11-16 POWER: [38/62] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 24 Trunk: 9-14 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 5-14 25-22(11); 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 6-10 27-24(6); 2-6 24-15; 10-19 17-10; 7-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22 Forms Position, Diagram 52: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 52

Continue: 4-8 31-27(3); 8-12 26-23(2); 19-26 30-23; 3-7 28-24(1); 7-10 24-20 [22-18?; 6-9 24-19; 11-16! 32-28; 16-20 28-24; 1-6. Black win: Chinook v R. Cooper 1996. Strike 1!]; 6-9 27-24; 1-5 32-28; 9-13 22-18; 5-9 23-19; 14-23 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 11-15 6-2; 23-27 2-6; 15-19. Drawn. A. Huggins v J. Meyer (P) 1954. #629. V1(T): . . . 22-17; 7-10 28-24 [27-24?; 6-9! 17-13; 10-15! to a black win: L. Levitt v E. Fuller 1980. Strike 2!]; 11-15 23-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22 19-10; 6-15 27-23; 22-26 23-19; 15-18 32-28. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #630. V2(T): . . . 22-18 [22-17; 6-10 27-23; 11-15 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23 to an easy draw: H. Cravens v E. Bruch 1972]; 14-23 27-18; 6-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 26-22; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 11-16 17-13; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 13-9; 10-15 9-6; 15-19 6-2; 12-16


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2-7; 23-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. M. Tinsley v I. Stewart 1955. #631. V3(T): . . . 26-23(4); 19-26 30-23; 6-10 31-27; 1-6 28-24; 6-9 24-20; 3-7 22-18; 8-12 23-19; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 19-15; 14-23 15-8; 9-13. Drawn. Analysis by L. Taylor. #632. V4(3): . . . 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 1-6 32-27; 11-15 26-22(5); 3-7 22-17 [30-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 27-24; 7-10 to an easy draw: R. Pask v Cornell 1996]; 8-12 27-24; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 30-25; 23-26 31-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-29 19-15; 10-19 17-1. Drawn. R. Hallett v R. Martin 1984. #633. V5(4): . . . 27-24; 3-7 31-27; 8-12 30-25 [27-23?; 15-18! to a black win: L. Taylor v H. Cravens 1965. Strike 3!]; 14-18 21-17; 7-11 25-21; 12-16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-20 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 18-23 27-18; 20-27 26-22; 27-31 6-2; 31-26 2-7; 26-17 7-23; 15-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #634. V6(T): . . . 29-25; 8-11 25-22(8); 11-15 27-23(7); 4-8 23-16; 8-12 17-13; 12-19 13-9; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 32-28; 1-6 28-19; 6-13 26-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-11 23-18; 3-8 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 8-15 18-11. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987. #635. V7(6): . . . 17-13; 1-6 22-17; 4-8 27-24; 8-12 32-27; 7-11 26-23 [If 27-23; then 3-7 or 2-7 is easy for Black]; 19-26 30-23; 3-7 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 27-24; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 24-20; 19-24 28-19; 15-24. Drawn. A. Huggins v R. Fortman (P) 1964. #636. V8(6): . . . 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 11-20 25-22(10); 8-11 26-23; 3-8! [Better than 11-15 31-27; 7-11 17-13; 1-6 or 2-6 28-24] 23-19; 8-12 30-26!(9); 11-15 26-23; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 17-13; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 24-28 9-5; 28-32 5-1; 32-28 1-5; 2-7 5-1; 28-24 1-6; 24-15 23-19; 15-24 6-15. Drawn. T. O’Grady v M. Tinsley 1949. #637. V9(8): . . . 31-27 [30-25 is inferior]; 1-6 17-13; 11-15 28-24; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 32-28; 14-18 22-17; 9-14 30-26; 18-22 26-23; 22-25 17-13; 25-30 13-9; 7-11 9-6; 30-25 6-2; 25-22 2-6; 11-16 6-9; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 9-14; 20-27 14-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Hunt 1950. #638.

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V10(8): . . . 26-23; 8-11 23-19; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 31-27; 14-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 10-15 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 2-7 25-22; 7-14 22-17; 14-18 16-11. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1981. #639. V11(T): . . . 24-19[R](24); 8-11 25-22[R](20); 11-15 29-25; 15-24 28-19[R](18); 4-8 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 6-13 25-22[R](17); 2-6 2318[R](13); 16-23 26-19; 11-16 27-23; 7-11 30-26; 6-9 22-17[R](12); 13-22 26-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-20 14-10; 13-17 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 3-12 10-7; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 7-2; 19-23 2-7; 17-22 7-10; 23-26 10-15; 26-30 15-19; 30-25 19-23; 25-21 18-15; 22-25. Drawn. M Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #640. V12(11): . . . 32-28; 1-5 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 17-13; 14-18 23-7; 3-10 13-9; 16-23 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 14-18 2-6; 18-22 6-10; 23-26 10-14; 26-30. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #641. V13(11): . . . 27-24(15); 16-20 31-27(14); 11-16 22-18; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 18-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 32-28; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 18-14; 3-8. Drawn. S. Fairchild v H. Lieberman 1936. #642. V14(13): . . . 32-28; 20-27 31-24; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 23-18; 12-16 24-20; 1-5 18-14; 16-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 28-24; 10-14! [W. Ryan’s 5-9?, although drawable, is an invitation to disaster] 23-19; 14-18 19-10; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #643. V15(13): . . . 22-17(16) [Soft]; 13-22 26-17; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 27-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 11-15 17-14; 1-6 30-26; 15-18 26-23; 19-26 31-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #644. V16(15): . . . 32-28; 16-20 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 6-9 26-23; 9-14 INTO 9-13 24-20; 11-15 CR (V2) V17(11): . . . 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 27-18; 2-6 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 10-15 31-27; 1-6 27-23; 6-9 23-18; 15-19 18-15; 9-14 15-10; 12-16 10-7; 14-17 22-18; 17-22. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1985. #645.


Complete Checkers

V18(11): . . . 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-27(19); 4-8 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 18-9; 6-13 32-27; 8-11 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 11-20 26-23; 2-6 30-26; 6-10 26-22; 7-11 21-17; 10-15 17-14; 11-16 23-18; 13-17. Drawn. H. Freyer v A. Long 1939. #646. V19(18): . . . 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 4-8 25-22; 3-7 32-27; 14-18 2215; 7-11 21-17; 11-18 30-25; 6-9 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 31-6; 9-13 25-22; 2-9 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 11-15 19-10; 9-14. Drawn. A. Cameron v W. Ryan 1951. #647. V20(11): . . . 26-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 6-13 28-24(22); 16-20 29-25(21); 4-8 30-26; 1-6 25-22; 8-11 32-28; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 6-9 24-19 15-24 28-19; 9-14 26-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 23-18; 2-6 16-11; 6-9 18-15; 10-14 11-7; 3-10 15-6; 14-17 22-18 17-22; 6-1. Drawn. A. Huggins v R. Chamberlain (P) 1975. #648. V21(20): . . . 32-28 [31-26; 4-8 32-28 same]; 4-8 31-26; 10-15 19-10; 7-14 24-19; 8-11 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 7-10 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 11-15 21-7; 15-31 26-22; 2-11 23-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1956. #649. V22(20): . . . 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 28-24(23); 16-20 31-26; 2-6 23-18; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 12-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 6-10 30-26; 3-8 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-12 26-23; 1-5 22-18; 11-16 14-9; 5-14 18-9. Drawn. W. Edwards v E. Lowder 1973. #650. V23(22): . . . 30-26; 1-6 27-24; 16-20 32-27 Into Variation 20 V24(11): . . . 23-19(26); 16-23 27-9; 6-13 24-19 [25-22 is about even after, for example, 8-11 22-18; 10-15 18-14; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 26-23; 8-11 29-25; 16-20 25-22; 20-24 30-26; 11-16 14-10; 7-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 16-20 23-18; 2-7 18-14]; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 28-24; 7-11 [1-5 30-26; 7-11 same] 30-26; 1-5 26-22; 3-7 32-27(25); 4-8 21-17; 5-9 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 13-22 18-15; 11-18 23-5; 8-11 27-23; 11-16 24-20; 7-11 5-1 11-15 20-11; 15-24 1-5; 12-16 5-9; 16-20 23-19; 24-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. R. Fortman v E. Whiting (P) 1963. #651.

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V25(24): . . . 32-28; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 4-8 18-15; 2-6 25-22; 16-20 29-25; 12-16 19-3; 10-26 22-18; 26-30 3-7; 20-24 7-11; 24-28 11-15; 28-32 15-19; 32-28 18-15; 914 19-23; 28-24 15-11; 6-10 25-22; 30-25 22-18; 24-19. Drawn. Analysis by J. McGill. #652. V26(24): . . . 24-20 [Soft]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 34 (40): 9-14 23-18; 14-23 POWER: [85/15] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 48 Trunk: 9-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16[R](27) 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 69 14-10[R](24); 7-14 22-18; 14-23 26-12; 11-15[R](20) 25-22; 811[R](19) 24-19[R](18); 15-24 28-19; 1-6[R](4) 22-18; 6-10[R](3) 29-25 Forms Position, Diagram 53: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 53

Continue: 2-7[R](1) 31-26; 10-14 19-15; 14-23 15-8; 4-11 26-19 [Database draw]; 7-10 30-26; 11-16 26-23; 9-13 25-22; 5-9 32-27; 10-14 19-15; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-19 14-10; 22-25 10-7; 3-10 15-6; 25-30 6-2; 30-25 2-7; 25-22 7-11. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1963. #653. V1(T): 10-14(2) 19-15; 14-23 15-8; 4-11 31-27; 2-7 27-18 [Database draw]; 7-10 32-27; 10-14 27-23; 14-17 25-21 [23-19? is an old problem loss]; 17-22 21-17; 11-16 [Against 22-26 23-19; 26-31 19-15; 9-13 15-8; 13-22 18-14; 31-27 14-10 draws] 18-15; 22-26 23-18; 26-31 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #654. V2(1): 4-8 Into Variation 4

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V3(T): 11-16 31-26; 16-23 26-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 Into Variation 9 V4(T): 4-8(14) 29-25; 1-6(10) 22-18; 6-10(9) 25-22; 9-14(5) 18-9; 5-14 31-26! [Better than 30-26; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 26-23 into Variation 19]; 11-16 [Now 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 26-23 is into the easier Variation 9] 26-23; 8-11 30-25; 16-20 25-21; 20-24 22-18; 24-27 18-9; 10-14 9-5; 27-31 5-1; 31-27 1-5; 27-18 [Database draw] 19-15; 11-16 5-9; 18-11 9-18; 16-19 32-27; 19-23 27-24; 23-26 24-19; 26-30 19-15; 11-7 18-22; 2-6 21-17; 7-10 15-11; 6-9 17-13; 10-6 11-8; 9-14 8-4; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 18-25; 30-21 4-8. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #655. V5(4): 9-13 31-27; 5-9(6) 30-25; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6; 23-26 2521; 26-30 6-1; 8-11 27-23; 9-14 1-5; 11-15 5-9; 14-17 21-14; 30-26 14-10; 26-17 32-28; 17-22 23-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #656. V6(5): 2-6 27-23; 11-16 30-25; 5-9(7) 25-21; 10-14 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 16-11; 6-10 11-4; 10-19 4-8; 23-26 22-18; 26-31 8-11. Drawn. Analysis by S. Gonotsky. #657. V7(6): 6-9 25-21; 8-11 32-28; 16-20(8) 19-16; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 16-7; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 7-2 [Database draw]; 26-31 23-18; 31-27 1815; 27-23 15-10; 23-19 2-6; 19-16 10-7!; 3-10 6-15; 13-17 15-10; 16-11 10-14; 17-22 14-18; 22-26 18-23; 26-31 28-24!; 20-27 23-32. Drawn. Analysis by J. Clayton. #658. V8(7): 10-14 12-8; 3-12 19-15; 16-19 23-7; 14-23 7-2; 23-26 22-18; 26-30 2-6; 30-26 15-11; 9-14 18-9; 5-14. Drawn. B. Case v R. Gould 1954. #659. V9(4): 11-16 31-26; 16-23 26-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 25-22; 8-11 32-27; 6-10 27-23; 2-7 30-26; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 22-18; 14-17 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 7-10 11-7; 10-15 16-11; 3-10 23-16; 15-18 11-7; 10-15 16-11; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 7-2; 26-31 2-6; 31-26 23-19; 15-24 6-9. Drawn. Analysis by S. Gonotsky. #660. V10(4): 11-16(11) 19-15; 2-7 22-17; 1-6 25-22; 7-10 22-18; 10-19 18-15; 16-20 30-26; 19-24 26-22; 9-13 17-14; 6-9 22-18; 13-17 14-10;


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9-14 18-9; 5-14 10-6; 14-18 6-2; 18-23 2-6; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #661. V11(10): 2-7(13) 22-18; 11-16(12) 31-26; 16-23 26-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 25-22; 8-11 32-27; 11-16 27-23; 16-20 2218; 14-17 18-15; 1-6 19-16; 7-10 23-19; 10-14 16-11; 14-18 11-8; 17-22 8-4; 18-23 4-8; 22-26 8-11; 26-31 19-16; 6-9 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #662. V12(11): 7-10 31-27; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6; 1-10 27-18; 8-11 Into Variation 1 V13(11): 9-14 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 1-6 32-27; 2-7 31-26; 7-10 27-23; 10-19 23-16 [Database draw]; 14-18 25-21; 5-9 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 14-10; 6-15 16-11; 15-19 11-4. Drawn. M. Seavey v M. Tinsley 1949. #663. V14(4): 11-16(17) 19-15; 9-14 32-27; 5-9(16) 29-25; 9-13 30-26; 14-17(15) 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 3-7 [2-7 15-11; 7-10 11-7; 10-14 2218; 3-10 18-9 [Database draw]; 10-14 25-21; 16-20 23-19; 14-18 19-16; 18-22 9-5; 22-26 12-8; 4-11 16-7 is also strong for Black] 23-18; 16-19 18-14; 1-5 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 11-16 7-3; 16-20 25-21; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 22-18; 27-31 14-9; 5-14 18-9 [Database draw]; 31-26 23-19; 26-23 19-16; 20-24 16-11; 23-18 3-7; 18-14 9-5; 24-27. Drawn (With care). Analysis by M. Tinsley. #664. V15(14): 1-6 15-11; 6-10 25-21; 3-7 12-8; 16-19 8-3; 7-16 27-23; 19-24 22-18; 16-20 18-9; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 [Database draw] 26-22; 27-31 9-5; 31-27 22-18; 27-31 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 31-26 23-19; 2623 19-16; 23-18 14-10; 18-23 5-1; 23-19 16-11; 19-16; 3-7. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #665. V16(14): 16-20 [Against 16-19 29-25; 1-6 31-26; 5-9 27-23; 19-24 15-10; 6-15 23-18 draws] 30-26; 5-9 29-25; 9-13 15-11; 3-7 25-21; 7-16 22-17; 13-22 26-10 [Database draw]; 16-19 27-23; 19-26 31-22; 20-24 22-18; 24-27 18-15; 27-31 15-11; 31-26 10-7; 26-22 7-3; 22-18 3-7; 18-15 12-8; 1-5 21-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 15-10 8-3; 10-15. Drawn. E. Hunt & D. Lafferty v W. Hellman & M. Tinsley. 1964. #666. V17(14): 9-14 29-25; 5-9 [4-8 into Variation 13] 19-15; 11-18

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22-15; 14-18 30-26; 1-6 [2-7 and 4-8 are met with 31-27; while 9-13 and 9-14 are met with 15-11] 31-27; 2-7 26-23; 9-14 15-11; 7-16 23-19; 16-23 25-22; 18-25 27-2; 25-30 32-27; 30-26 27-24; 26-23 24-20; 23-18 20-16; 18-15 2-6; 15-19 6-10; 4-8 10-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #667. V18(T): . . . 29-25; 1-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 22-18 Into Trunk V19(T): 1-6 [9-14 29-25; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19 into Variation 17] 29-25; 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 25-22; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 [2-7 31-26 into Variation 9] 22-18; 19-26 18-9; 26-30 Forms Endgame #9, Diagram 54: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀❜❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 54

Continue: . . . 16-11; 30-25; 11-8 25-22; 8-4 22-18; 4-8 18-15; 9-5 10-14; 5-1 14-17; 31-26 17-21; 26-22 21-25; 22-17 15-10; 17-13 25-30; 1-5 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 23-18; 5-1 18-15; 16-20 15-11; 20-24 11-7; 1-5 10-6; 5-9 7-10; 24-19. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #668. V20(T): 9-14(23) 25-22; 5-9 29-25; 1-6(21) 30-26; 9-13 25-21; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 6-10 31-26; 8-11 26-22; 4-8 24-20; 11-15 21-17; 8-11 28-24; 2-6 23-19; 6-9 19-16; 3-7 12-8; 9-14 8-3; 14-21 16-12; 21-25 3-8; 10-14 8-3; 7-10 3-7; 25-30 7-16; 30-25 16-11; 25-18. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #669. V21(20): 9-13(22) 32-27; 14-17 27-23; 17-26 31-22; 1-6 25-21; 6-10


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24-20; 2-6 23-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 30-25. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #670. V22(21): 14-18 22-15; 11-18 24-20; 9-14 20-16; 2-7 28-24; 8-11 24-20; 1-6 31-26; 6-9 32-27; 11-15 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 15-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #671. V23(20): 11-16 25-22; 9-14 24-20; 5-9 20-11; 8-15 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 1-6 31-26; 6-10 28-24; 8-11 24-20; 9-13 29-25; 2-7 25-21; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 15-19 18-14; 11-15 14-9; 7-11 9-6; 19-24 6-2; 24-27 30-25. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #672. V24(T): . . . 32-27 [A choice of evils: 14-10 is my preference]; 9-18 22-15; 11-18 26-23; 8-11 23-14; 11-15 30-26; 1-6 26-23(26); 15-19 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 31-22 [Database draw]; 16-19 25-21; 4-8 21-17 [D. Oldbury has shown that 29-25? loses to 6-9!]; 811 17-13; 11-16 27-24; 19-23 24-19 [24-20; the older defence, is even harder and, ‘destined to total future neglect,’ according to M. Tinsley]; 16-20 22-18; 23-26 18-15; 26-30 19-16; 30-26 15-11; 26-23 [Stronger than 26-22; after which White draws with the 11-7 exchange: W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1965] 11-8 [Now 11-7? loses after 23-19!: A. Long v J. Anderson 1983]; 23-19(25) 16-11; 6-10 8-3; 10-14 11-8 [3-7?; 20-24 7-10; 5-9! is a pretty black win]; 14-17 8-4; 19-15 4-8; 15-10 8-11; 17-22 11-16. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #673. V25(24): 23-18 [Black is spoilt for choice!] 8-3; 18-14 16-11! [The 3-7 exchange loses]; 6-10 11-8! [The natural 3-8 loses via Lafferty’s ‘Voodoo Ending’]; 10-15 8-4; 14-10 4-8; 20-24 28-19; 1524 8-11; 24-27 11-16; 27-31 16-19; 31-26 29-25. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #674. V26(24): . . . 24-20? [Natural, but a loser]; 16-19 27-23; 6-9 23-16; 9-18 28-24 [The 16-11 exchange falls easily after 3-7 31-27; 7-16 26-23; 16-20 23-14; 15-19: goodnight man on 27!]; 7-10 16-12; 5-9! 20-16; 2-7! 25-21; 9-13! 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 4-8! 17-13; 8-11 24-20; 18-22 13-9; 10-14 9-6; 14-18 6-2; 15-19 2-6; 18-23 6-9; 23-26 29-25; 22-29 31-22 [Database Black win]; 29-25 22-18 [22-17 is beaten quickly with 3-8!]; 25-22 18-14; 22-18 9-5; 18-9 5-14; 19-23 14-18;

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23-27 18-23; 27-31 23-18 [Or 23-19; 11-15]; 31-27 18-14; 27-23 14-9; 23-18 9-6; 18-15 6-1; 15-10 1-5; 10-6 5-1; 6-2 [An identical finish is shown in Let’s Play Checkers Page 41 from 9-14 22-18; 5-9!]. Black Win. Analysis by A. Mantell. #675. V27(T): 5-9(54) 26-23; 12-16(45) 30-26; 8-12(31) 32-27; 10-14 1815; 11-18 22-15; 16-20(28) 25-22; 9-13 24-19; 4-8 22-18; 6-9 26-22; 2-6 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 15-8; 1-5 24-20; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 18-15; 10-17 23-18; 22-26 20-16; 26-31 15-11; 7-10 18-15; 10-14 11-7; 3-10 15-6. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #676. V28(27): 7-10(30) 24-20; 10-19 20-11; 3-7 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 7-16 24-15; 4-8 28-24; 6-10(29) 15-6; 1-10 26-22; 8-11 31-27; 10-15 2723; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 19-10 [Database draw]; 11-15 10-6; 14-18 6-1; 9-13 1-5; 27-31 5-9; 31-26 9-5; 26-17 21-14; 18-23 14-10; 23-26 10-6; 2-9 5-14. Drawn. Analysis by M. Loew. #677. V29(28): 16-19 24-20; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 3127!; 10-15 26-22; 14-18 21-17; 11-16 17-14; 9-13 25-21; 18-25 29-22. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #678. V30(28): 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 3-8 23-16; 8-11 15-8 4-27 3124; 6-10 24-19; 9-13 19-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 [Database draw] 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 16-12; 22-26 12-8; 26-31 29-25; 31-27 25-22; 27-23 Forms Endgame #10, Diagram 55: WTP Continue: . . . 28-24; 7-11 8-3; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 19-24 16-11; 24-27 3-7; 23-19 7-10; 19-16 11-8; 16-11 8-3; 2-6 10-14; 27-31 22-17; 31-27 17-13; 1-5 14-18; 6-10 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #679. V31(27): 16-20(41) 32-27; 11-15(37) 18-11; 8-15 23-18; 7-11(35) 21-17; 9-13(33) 25-21; 4-8 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7(32) 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 6-15 18-11; 16-19 11-8; 19-24 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 24-28 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 28-32 29-25; 32-28 8-3; 28-19 3-10; 1-5 17-13; 12-16 14-9; 5-14 10-17. Drawn. J. Childers v J. Caldwell (P) 1980. #680. V32(31): 11-16 26-23; 3-7 29-25; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 9-5; 14-17 18-15; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 15-6; 2-9 25-21; 9-14 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19


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❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀❇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 55

15-10; 13-17 22-13; 14-18. 1979. #681.

Drawn. E. Lowder v M. Tinsley

V33(31): 9-14(34) 18-9; 6-13 25-21; 4-8 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 29-25; 8-12 14-10; 2-7 25-21; 7-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 15-18 21-17; 18-22 17-14; 22-25 14-9; 25-30 9-6; 30-25 6-2; 25-22 2-7; 22-17 7-11; 17-13 11-15; 13-9 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 9-6 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-24; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #682. V34(33): 3-8 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 15-22 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 29-25; 4-8 19-16; 14-17 25-21; 8-12 21-14; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 1-5 22-18; 6-10 14-7; 2-11 27-23; 11-16 13-9; 5-14 18-9. Drawn. J. Marshall v R. Fortman (P) 1965. #683. V35(31): 15-19(36) 24-15; 10-19 21-17; 4-8 25-21; 20-24 27-20; 8-11 17-14; 6-10 14-5; 19-24 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 7-30 22-18; 3-7 2925; 2-6 25-22; 30-26 31-27; 26-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 10-15. Drawn. R. Fortman v Colossus (P) 1993. #684. V36(35): 3-8 18-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 7-11 29-25; 4-8 26-23; 11-16 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 2-11 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 19-16; 11-20 28-19; 20-24 19-15; 24-27 23-18; 27-31 18-14; 31-27 14-10; 27-23 10-7. Drawn. Colossus v R. Fortman (P) 1993. #685.

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V37(31): 10-14(38) 22-17; 8-12 [7-10 is another attack] 17-10; 7-14 26-22; 3-7 22-17; 7-10 17-13; 11-16 24-19; 10-15 18-11; 1418 23-5; 16-32 21-17; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 17-14; 6-9 13-6; 1-17 [Database draw] 25-21; 17-22 5-1; 27-31 21-17; 31-27 17-13; 27-23 1-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn (With reasonable care). Analysis by M. Tinsley. #686. V38(37): 10-15(40) 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 26-22; 8-12 (39) 22-15; 4-8 24-19; 7-11 25-22; 11-25 29-22; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 31-26; 3-7! 21-17; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 27-23; 10-15 18-11; 7-16 14-9; 20-24 23-18; 24-27 26-22; 27-31; 17-13; 31-26 22-17; 26-22 18-15. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #687. V39(38): 18-23! [7-11 22-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 24-19; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24 is easy for White] 27-18; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 4-8 24-19; 7-11 28-24; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 3-7 24-20; 6-10 21-17!; 1-5 19-16; 2-6 2218; 8-11 16-12; 10-15 12-8; 15-22 8-3. Drawn. E. King v W. Schumann (P) 1990. #688. V40(38): 9-13 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 25-21; 8-12 23-19; 7-11 19-10; 6-15 26-23; 11-16 29-25; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 4-8 1410; 8-12 17-14; 12-16 25-21; 1-5 31-26; 2-7 22-18; 15-31 24-15; 31-24 28-12; 20-24 12-8; 3-12 10-3. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #689. V41(31): 16-19(44) 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 11-20 22-17; 9-13(42) 1814; 13-22 25-18; 8-11 32-27; 4-8 26-23; 8-12 28-24; 11-16 24-19; 7-10 [1-5 29-25; 6-10 21-17!; 2-6 25-21; 3-8 27-24 also draws] 14-7; 3-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 29-25; 7-11 25-22; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 23-18. Drawn. J. Anderson v A. Long 1983. #690. V42(41): 7-11(43) 18-15; 11-18 28-24; 20-27 32-5; 8-11 26-23; 4-8 17-13; 8-12 31-27; 11-16 21-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 25-21; 3-7 29-25; 7-11 25-22; 11-15 13-9; 6-13 17-14; 2-7 14-9; 7-11 21-17; 11-16 17-14. Drawn. R. Fortman v J. Charles (P) 1981. #691. V43(42): 8-12 32-27; 4-8 [12-16 26-23; 4-8 28-24 same] 26-23; 12-16 28-24; 8-12 24-19; 9-13 18-14; 13-22 25-18 Into Variation 41


Complete Checkers

V44(41): 10-14 32-27; and now 8-12 Into Variation 27 or 16-20 Into Variation 37 V45(27): 11-15(53) 18-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 12-16(49) 2419; 16-20 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 9-13(46) 30-26; 6-9 32-27; 8-12 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 10-15 18-11; 7-16 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 7-16 19-15; 2-7 15-11; 7-10 11-7; 10-14 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 1-5 22-18; 20-24 26-22; 24-27 7-2; 27-31 2-7; 31-26 7-10; 26-17 18-15; 17-22 10-26; 13-17 21-14; 9-27 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #692. V46(45): 8-11(47) 32-27; 9-13 30-26; 6-9 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 2-6 26-23; 6-10 28-24; 10-15 31-26; 1-5 21-17; 15-19 24-8; 3-19 23-16; 7-10 16-12; 9-14 18-9; 5-21 22-18; 21-25 26-23; 25-30 23-19; 30-26 27-23; 20-24 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #693. V47(46): 7-11(48) 30-26; 2-7 32-27; 8-12 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-8; 3-12 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 6-10 26-23; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. P. Davis v M. Tinsley 1989. #694. V48(47): 8-12 30-26; 10-14 18-15; 3-8 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 7-10 32-28; 1-5 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-19 24-15; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 2-18. Drawn. J. Charles v D. Cayton (P) 1989. #695. V49(45): 4-8 29-25; 8-11 32-27; 11-16(50) 30-26; 10-14 18-15; 1620 24-19; 9-13 [Against 3-8 27-24!; 20-27 31-24; 7-11 15-10; 6-15 19-10; 11-16 10-7! draws] 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-19 27-23; 20-24 23-16; 24-27 31-24; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-27 2623; 27-31 23-19; 31-26 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #696. V50(49): 10-15(52) 25-22; 7-10(51) 30-26; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 22-17; 1-5 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 22-17; 2-7 27-24 INTO 10-14 22-18; 6-10 CR (V19) Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #697. V51(50): 6-10 21-17; 9-13 24-20; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 28-24; 7-11 24-19; 2-6 18-14; 11-15 14-7; 3-10 17-14; 10-26 19-1; 26-31. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #698.

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V52(50): 10-14 18-15; 11-18 21-17; 14-21 23-5; 7-11 27-23; 6-10 25-22; 3-7 24-19; 11-16 28-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 31-24; 7-11 2420; 2-6 19-16; 12-19 18-14; 10-26 30-7. Drawn. J. Sweeney v A. Long 1989. #699. V53(45): 11-16 24-19; 7-11 [8-11 is yet another good option, while 9-13 is met with 30-26; 8-11 32-27; 16-20 22-17; 13-22 2617] 32-27!; 11-15 [Against 10-14 30-26; 16-20 18-15; 11-18 22-15 draws] 18-11; 8-24 27-11; 3-7 23-18; 7-16 22-17; 9-14 18-9; 6-22 25-18; 16-20 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 12-16 30-26; 16-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #700. V54(27): 11-15 18-11; 8-15 [Against 7-16! 22-18; 10-15 18-11; 8-15 24-19!; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 32-27; 4-8 27-23 appears to be best] 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 4-8(55) 29-25; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 32-27; 5-9 Into Variation 49 V55(54): 12-16 29-25; 5-9 26-23; 16-20 24-19 Into Variation 45


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Ballot Number 35 (41): 9-14 23-19; 5-9 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: GAYP* GAMES: 17 Trunk: 9-14 23-19; 5-9 27-23[R](13) 11-15; 22-18; 15-22 25-18 7-11[R](12); 26-22[R](7) 11-15[R](6); 18-11 8-15 24-20 [30-26; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 22-18; 8-11 same]; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18 [30-26; 2-7 22-18; 8-11 same]; 8-11 30-26 [32-28; 2-7 30-26 same]; 2-7 32-28! [32-27? though natural, loses] Forms Position, Diagram 56: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 56

Continue: 10-15 19-10; 6-22 26-10; 7-14 29-25[R](5); 11-15[R](1) 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 19-15 [25-22; 9-13 19-15; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 same]; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 25-22; 9-13 31-27; 10-15 27-23 [Against 27-24; both 15-19 24-15; 14-18: W. Edwards v L. Levitt 1973 and the unfairly maligned 14-18 draw as noted by Jim Loy]; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 19-24 16-11; 24-27 11-7; 27-31 7-2; 31-26 2-6; 26-17 6-10; 14-18 21-14; 18-23. Drawn. L. Levitt v W. Edwards 1973. #701. V1(T): 9-13 25-22; 11-15(3) 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-8(2) [3-7 19-15; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 into Trunk] 20-16; 1-6 21-17; 14-21 22-18; 21-25

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18-15; 25-30 [6-10 also leads to a draw after 15-6; 25-30 6-2; 13-17 31-27; 30-26 27-24; 26-23 16-11. D. Oldbury v L. Levitt 1974] 16-11; 13-17 11-4; 17-22 15-11; 6-10 11-7; 30-25 7-2. Drawn. L. Levitt v J. McGill 1973. #702. V2(1): 1-6 31-27; 3-7 27-23; 13-17! [Not 6-10?: Classic Late Midgame #5] 22-13; 7-11 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 12-16 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 21-25 18-14. Drawn. D. Oldbury v S. Cohen 1955. #703. V3(1): 3-7 23-19; 7-10(4) 31-27; 1-5 27-23; 11-15 [5-9 28-24; 11-15 same] 28-24; 5-9 20-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958. Classic Late Midgame #3. #704. V4(3): 1-6 31-27; 6-10 27-24 [21-17; 14-21 22-18; 21-25 27-24; 25-30 also draws]; 11-15 20-16; 14-18 21-17; 18-25 17-14; 10-17 19-3; 12-19 24-15. Chinook v D. Lafferty 1995. #705. V5(T): . . . 23-19; 9-13 29-25; 1-6 25-22; 6-10 [But 12-16! 19-12; 11-15 may give White a jolt] 31-27; 3-7 Into Variation 4 V6(T): 11-16 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 7-11 22-17!; 4-8 17-13; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 13-6; 1-10 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 2-7 32-28; 12-16 28-24; 8-12 24-19; 11-15 22-18; 15-24 18-9. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #706. V7(T): . . . 19-15(10); 10-19 23-7; 14-23 26-19; 3-10 29-25 [32-27; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 30-26; 9-14 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 to a draw: N. Stephen v T. Wiswell 1958]; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 32-27(8); 4-8 27-23; 9-14 30-26; 8-11 22-17; 15-18 19-15; 18-27 15-8; 12-16 24-20; 6-9 20-11; 9-13 31-24; 13-31. Drawn. E. Bruch v T. Watson 1989. #707. V8(7): . . . 30-26(9); 4-8 26-23; 8-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 22-17! [31-26? proves to be one move too late!]; 6-9 17-13; 2-7 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-17 32-27; 17-22 27-23; 7-10 23-18; 22-25 31-26; 25-30 26-22; 30-26 22-17; 11-16 20-11; 26-23 18-15; 23-7 15-6. Drawn. J. Hanson v W. Ryan 1928. #708. V9(8): . . . 31-26; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 26-23; 9-14 32-28; 11-15 22-17; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 17-13; 2-6 30-26; 10-15; 19-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 26-22. Drawn. W. Ryan v H. Richter 1939. #709.


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V10(7): . . . 32-27! [Page Elbert Lowder!]; 11-16 24-20(11); 3-7 20-11; 8-22 26-17; 7-11 27-24 [17-13; 11-16 27-24; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 29-25; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 4-8; 22-17; 8-12 17-13; 2-6 also draws]; 11-15 30-26 [24-20? lost: A. Moiseyev v E. Lowder 1999]; 9-13 24-20; 13-22 26-17; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 31-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 29-25; 6-9 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 1-10 26-23; 15-18 23-19; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 16-11; 19-23 11-7. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #710. V11(10): . . . 29-25; 16-20 25-22; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 3025; 2-7 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 9-13 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 23-19; 7-11! 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 3-8 23-18; 11-16 19-15; 13-17! 22-13; 16-19. Drawn. D. Lafferty v E. Lowder 1995. #711. V12(T): 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 7-10 29-25; 10-15 [1216 25-22; 16-20 32-28; 20-27 31-24; is easy for White, while 3-7 25-22; 1-5 24-20; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-19; 6-10 19-16; 12-19 26-22; 17-26 30-16 is similarly non-threatening: M. Hopper v T. Wiswell 1951] 25-22; 6-10 32-28; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 [1-5 is soft] 31-27; 11-16 18-15; 9-13 15-11; 14-18 [13-17 also draws] 22-15; 10-14 27-24; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 7-23. Drawn. Analysis by G. Sherrow. #712. V13(T): . . . 22-17(18); 11-15 17-13(16); 14-18 19-16 [21-17?!; 9-14 25-21; 7-11 strongly favours Black]; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-5; 15-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 10-14 22-18 [22-17 is the Trunk line in Lees’ Guide and, although dismissed by D. Oldbury as ‘not the main line,’ does seem to have found favour on numerous occasions! Continue: 14-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 8-11 23-19 [24-19; 4-8 31-27; 8-12 27-24 same]; 4-8 31-27 [31-26; 8-12 26-23 same]; 8-12 27-23; 11-16 24-20; 7-11 28-24; 3-7 17-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 19-15; 11-18 20-2. Drawn: J. Wyllie v R. Martins 1867; A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1913; D. Oldbury v R. King 1992; R. King v R. Hallett 1998; A. Moiseyev v R. King 2000 and R. King v L. Kondlo 2008!]; 14-23 27-18; 8-11 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 7-10 31-26; 8-12 21-17(14); 10-15 2622; 12-16 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 11-16 18-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-26. Drawn. Analysis by R. Martins. #713. V14(13): . . . 24-20; 10-15 26-22; 12-16 28-24; 3-8 21-17(15); 8-12

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13-9; 6-13 17-14; 2-6 14-10; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 10-7; 11-15 20-11; 15-19 24-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-26. Drawn. H. Coltherd v R. Martins 1849. #714. V15(14): . . . 13-9; 6-13 18-14; 8-12 14-10; 2-6 21-17; 6-9 10-6; 1-10 5-1; 10-14 17-10; 9-14 1-6; 14-17 10-7; 17-26 7-3; 26-31 6-10; 13-17 10-19; 17-21 23-18; 16-23 24-19. Drawn. R. Martins v J. Wyllie 1864. #715. V16(13): . . . 26-23; 9-13 30-26(17); 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 811 25-22; 4-8 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 2-6 24-20 [17-13 and the 6-9 rebound shot leads to a ticklish ending, but a sound draw]; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 27-24; 6-9 17-13; 1-6 31-26; 9-14 26-22; 7-11 23-18! [The inviting 21-17? loses [M. Tinsley essentially falling into this with black against W. Ryan in 1946 CR from 10-14 24-19; 7-10] but 32-27 draws after 15-18 22-15; 11-18 21-17; 14-21 23-7; 3-10 20-16; 21-25 27-23; 25-30 23-18; 30-26 18-14; 10-17 16-11; 8-15 19-1. Drawn: A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1914]; 14-23 22-17; 15-18 32-28; 3-7 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 9-6; 18-22 6-2; 14-18 19-16; 12-19 24-15. Drawn. Analysis by R. Martins. #716. V17(16): . . . 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 1-5 25-22 [Not 23-18?] 8-11 22-18 [30-26 is well met with 10-14!]; 2-6 31-26; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14!; 6-10 23-18; 17-21 27-23; 10-17 32-27; 4-8 18-15!; 11-18 23-14; 8-11 27-23; 12-16 19-12; 11-15 20-16; 1518 23-19; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 12-8; 3-12 19-15; 12-19 23-16; 26-31 15-11. Drawn. J. Reed v C. Barker 1881. #717. V18(13): . . . 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 12-16 25-22; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 36 (42): 9-14 23-19; 11-16 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: GAYP* GAMES: 12 Trunk: 9-14 23-19; 11-16 26-23[R](15); 5-9[R](11) 22-17 [24-20; 9-13 2011; 8-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 4-8 22-17; 13-22 25-18; 8-11 29-25; 11-16 gives Black the advantage]; 7-11[R](9) 17-13; 11-15 [3-7 25-22; 11-15 same, while 16-20 25-22; 11-15 goes into the next note] 25-22; 3-7 [16-20 gives White the advantage after 30-26! Should Black continue with 2-7, after 21-17; 14-21 2925; 21-30 it is a well known CR transposition from 11-16 23-18; 16-20] Forms Key Landing Number 11, Diagram 57: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 57

Continue: . . . 29-25[R](7) 1-5[R](4) 22-17; 8-11 31-26; 4-8[R](1) 25-22; 16-20 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-20 19-15; 7-11 23-19; 20-24 14-10; 24-27 10-1; 9-14 18-9; 11-25 30-21; 5-14. Drawn. R. Martins v J. Wyllie 1864. #718. V1(T): 16-20 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 23-18; 22-25(3) 24-19; 25-29(2) 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 16-12; 10-17 12-8; 17-21 8-3; 29-25 3-10; 25-22 18-14; 9-18 27-

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24; 20-27 32-14; 22-17 14-9; 5-14 10-7; 14-18 7-16; 18-23 19-15; 17-14 15-11; 14-10 16-19; 23-27 28-24. Drawn. Analysis by J. Robertson. #719. V2(1): 9-14 18-9; 5-14 28-24; 25-29 19-15; 11-18 24-19; 29-25 1915; 10-19 17-1; 25-22 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 19-24 6-2; 24-31 2-11; 18-23 11-15; 22-25 16-11; 25-22 11-7; 23-27 32-23; 31-27 23-18; 27-23 30-25; 22-29 15-10; 23-14 10-17. Drawn. Analysis by C. Barker. #720. V3(1): 9-14 [10-15!? 16-12; 22-25 12-8; 15-22 8-3; 7-10 24-19; 11-15 19-16; 22-26 30-23; 15-19 23-18 to a draw: A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1913] 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 4-8 16-12; 11-15 12-3; 15-31 32-27; 31-24 28-19; 7-11 3-7; 11-16 19-12; 2-11 12-8; 11-15 8-3; 15-18 3-7; 22-26 30-23; 18-27 7-2; 14-18 2-9; 18-23. Drawn. S. Levy v S. Cohen 1937. #721. V4(T): 7-11(6) 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 27-20; 8-15 31-27; 15-18(5) 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 1-5 23-18!; 14-23 27-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 4-8 32-27; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 22-17; 6-10 13-9; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 19-24 16-11; 24-27 11-8; 27-31 8-3; 3126 17-13; 14-18 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 26-22. Drawn. A. Heffner v C. Barker 1886. #722. V5(4): 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 4-8 16-12; 2-7 12-3; 14-18 22-15; 19-23 27-18; 10-19 3-10; 6-29 13-6; 1-10 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #723. V6(4): 16-20 [Rarely played] 30-26; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 24-19 [27-23 also draws, but this is better]; 15-24 28-19; 8-12 2217; 4-8 27-24; 20-27 32-23; 11-16 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 16-20 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-22 13-6; 1-10 23-7; 22-25 7-2. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #724. V7(T): . . . 22-17(8); 8-11 31-26; 4-8 29-25 1-5 Into Trunk V8(7): . . . 31-26 [24-20; 15-24 20-11; 8-15 28-19; 15-24 27-20; 4-8 affords Black a lot of scope, but is perfectly sound]; 8-11 22-17; 4-8 29-25; 1-5 Into Trunk V9(T): 16-20(10) 30-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 23-19; 9-13


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[1-5 27-23; 9-13 32-27 into Variation 13] 27-23; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 10-14 25-22; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 32-27; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 17-22 15-10; 7-14 18-9; 22-25 9-6; 25-30 6-2; 13-17 23-18; 17-22 18-14; 30-25. Drawn. W. Gardner v S. Grover 1905. #725. V10(9): 8-11 24-20; 3-8 28-24; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 15-24 2011; 8-15 27-20; 4-8 17-13; 2-7 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 31-22!; 8-11 30-26; 11-15 29-25; 1-5 22-17!; 14-18 32-27; 7-10 27-24; 12-16 20-11; 18-22 25-18; 15-31 24-19 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 CR (T) V11(T): 6-9(12) INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-16 (T) V12(11): 16-20(14) 30-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 23-19; 6-9 27-23; 9-13(13) 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 [1-5 25-22; 11-15 32-27; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 2-7 22-17; 10-15 to a draw: J. Bradford v J. Duffy 1926] 25-22; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 [7-11 19-16; 2-7? 31-27! and the Phantom Fox Den rises once more!] 19-15 [19-16 to a draw: A. Cameron v B. Case 1940]; 10-19 23-16; 24-28 26-23; 14-18 22-15; 7-11 15-8; 3-26 31-22; 2-7 21-17; 7-11 17-14; 11-15 14-10; 15-19 22-18; 19-23 18-14; 23-26 10-7; 26-31 7-2; 31-26 2-7; 26-23 7-10; 23-19 14-9; 1-5 10-14; 19-24. Drawn. G. Davies v A. Long 1973. #726. V13(12): 1-6 32-27; 9-13 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 5-9 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 11-15 25-22; 9-14 16-11; 7-16 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 1619 21-17; 19-24 28-19; 15-24. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1973. #727. V14(12): 7-11 22-17 [24-20 draws, but cedes Black too much of the centre]; 11-15 25-22; 16-20 [5-9 17-13 into Trunk] 30-26; 2-7 23-18!; 14-30 19-16; 12-19 31-26; 30-23 27-2; 20-27 2-9; 5-14 32-16; 1-6 29-25; 14-18 22-15; 10-19 17-14; 19-23 21-17; 23-26 25-21; 26-31 17-13; 31-27 16-11; 8-15 14-10; 15-19 10-1; 27-23 21-17. Drawn. J. Bletcher v J. Birkenshaw 1879. #728. V15(T): . . . 27-23 [19-15? is weak for White after 10-19 24-15; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 2-7]; 7-11 22-17; 11-15 25-22; 5-9 17-13; 8-11 29-25; 3-8 31-27; 16-20 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 11-15 25-22; 6-10 13-6; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 6-2;

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26-31 2-7 [27-23; 20-27 2-7; 8-11 7-16; 14-18 23-14; 31-26 32-23; 26-12 14-10 is a quick draw]; 14-18 7-3 [7-10; 18-22 21-17; 22-25 17-14; 25-30 14-9; 8-11 9-6; 11-15 10-19; 1-10 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 31-24 28-19; 30-26 15-11; 26-23 19-16. Drawn: J. Morrison v R. King 1996 and R. Hallett v R. King 1998]; 8-12 3-7; 18-22 7-11; 22-25 21-17; 25-30 17-14; 30-25 14-10; 25-22 10-6; 1-10 11-16; 12-19 24-6; 31-24 28-19. Drawn. P. McCarthy v D. Oldbury 1978. #729.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 37 (43): 9-14 23-19; 14-18 POWER: [34/66] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 14 Trunk: 9-14 23-19; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 26-22[R](13); 7-11 22-15; 11-18 21-17[R](10); 3-7[R](6) 25-21[R](4); 7-11 [8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 11-15 30-26; 6-9 17-13; 9-14 32-28; 7-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 19-15; 5-9 13-6; 1-19 27-23; 18-27 31-15. Drawn: R. Gould v A. Long 1952] 17-14(1); 10-17 21-14; 2-7 29-25; 6-10 31-26 [25-21? draws, but gives Black the advantage]; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 30-14 Forms Position, Diagram 58: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 58

Continue: 11-16 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 24-19 [27-23; 11-15 2419; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 25-22; 7-11 22-18. Drawn: M. Tinsley v J. Caldwell 1970]; 16-23 27-18; 1-6 28-24; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1116 18-15; 16-20 15-10; 20-27 10-3; 27-31. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1962. #730. V1(T): . . . 24-20[R](2); 10-14 17-10; 6-24 28-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 [5-9 21-17; 2-6? 29-25; 9-14 17-10; 6-15 25-21; 15-19 21-17; 1-6 20-16; 4-8 17-14. White win: E. Lowder v A. Moiseyev 2002] 21-17; 1-6 29-25; 8-11 17-14; 2-7 30-26! [32-27; 11-15 30-26;

Richard Pask


6-9 26-22 same]; 6-9! [11-15? loses after 25-21!; 6-9 21-17!; 15-19 17-13; 18-23 13-6; 23-30 20-16! White win: M. Loew v M. Tinsley 1974] 26-22; 11-15 32-27; 15-19 22-15; 9-18 15-10; 7-14 27-23; 18-27 31-15. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #731. V2(1): . . . 30-26 [19-15; 10-19 24-15; gives up White’s advantage after 18-22 in reply: B. Case v S. Weslow 1962]; 11-16 19-15 [2623? gets 18-22 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 5-9! 14-5; 6-10]; 10-19 24-15; 5-9 17-13 [Both 17-14 and 28-24 are easily met with 9-13]; 9-14 29-25; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 26-22; 2-6 22-15; 16-20 31-26; 12-16 26-22(3); 8-11 15-8; 4-11 22-17; 6-10 25-22; 11-15 17-13; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 13-9; 22-26 9-6; 26-31 27-23; 19-26 32-27; 31-24 28-12. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #732. V3(2): . . . 25-22; 8-12 28-24; 19-28 22-17; 14-18 17-13; 16-19 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 28-32 14-10; 32-27 10-1; 27-23 26-22; 23-18 15-11; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #733. V4(T): . . . 31-26(5); 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 17-14; 11-15 28-24; 6-10 [6-9 also draws, but is unnecessarily difficult] 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 26-23; 12-16 29-25 [14-10; 7-14 24-20; 15-19 2011; 19-26 30-23. Drawn: A. Long v L. Lewis 1939]; 6-9 30-26; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 23-14; 9-18 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 24-19; 16-20. Drawn. M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992. #734. V5(4): . . . 19-15 [30-26 is strongly met with 5-9]; 10-19 24-15; 5-9 [12-16 also has merit] 28-24 [17-14; 9-13 25-21; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 11-15 30-25; 6-10 21-17; 13-22 24-20; 10-17 27-23; 18-27 25-11; 7-16 20-11; 17-21 32-23; 1-6 to a draw]; 9-13 24-20; 13-22 15-11; 8-15 27-23; 18-27 25-11; 7-16 20-11; 6-10 32-23; 10-15 29-25; 1-6 31-27; 6-9 27-24; 12-16 24-20; 9-14 25-22; 15-19 22-18; 19-26 30-23; 14-17 18-15; 17-22 23-18; 22-26 11-8; 4-11 15-8; 16-19. Drawn. R. Pask v W. Edwards 1986. #735. V6(T): 8-11 [More complicated than 3-7: whether it’s better or not is a matter of taste] (9) 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 6-10(8) 30-26; 10-15 25-21; 2-6 24-20; 3-7(7) [6-9? 17-13; 1-6 29-25; 3-7 26-22; 9-14 31-26; 12-16 32-28! to a white win by W. Ryan] 17-13; 5-9 [6-10? 27-24; 1-6 29-25; 10-14 31-27; 5-9 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 23-19; 7-10 32-28 to a white win: J. McCarthy v M. Tinsley


Complete Checkers

1983] 29-25; 12-16 26-23; 1-5 23-14; 9-18 31-26; 7-10 [5-9 26-23; 9-14 27-24; 18-27 32-23; 6-10 13-9 also draws] 26-23 [27-24?; gets 18-22!]; 10-14 27-24; 18-27 32-23; 15-18 24-19; 18-27 19-12; 11-15 12-8; 15-18 8-3; 27-31 3-7; 31-26 20-16; 26-30 7-2; 14-17 21-14; 30-21 2-9; 21-17 14-10; 5-14. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #736. V7(6): 12-16 [Original with D. Oldbury] 17-13 [17-14 also has merit]; 6-10! [5-9 29-25; 3-7! [Not 1-5? 26-22; 16-19 21-17; 3-7 27-24! to a white win: A. Long v W. Hellman 1962] into Variation 6] 26-23; 18-22 31-26 [27-24 was Oldbury’s original draw: this is cleaner]; 22-31 32-28; 31-24 28-12; 10-14 29-25; 15-18 23-19; 18-23 25-22; 23-26 22-17; 14-18 19-15; 11-16 20-11; 5-9 13-6; 1-19 17-14; 26-30 21-17; 30-26 11-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by A. Long. #737. V8(6): 11-15 [2-7 25-21 into Variation 9] 25-22!; 18-25 29-22; 6-10 27-23; 5-9 23-18; 3-7 18-11; 7-16 22-18; 1-6 [1-5 24-20; 16-19 17-13; 19-23 13-6; 2-9 is a draw preferred by the computer; while 16-20 24-19; 20-24 30-25! [31-26 to a draw: E. Frazier v E. Hunt 1962]; 1-6 17-13; 2-7 18-15; 9-14 [24-28 eventually lost: E. Frazier v D. Oldbury 1964] 25-22! gets Black into deep water per D. Oldbury, though not a forced win] 17-13; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 30-26 [18-15 is also good]; 12-16 32-28; 16-20 31-27; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 18-15; 20-24! 27-20; 10-14 15-10; 14-18 10-7; 9-13 7-2; 13-17 2-7; 18-22. Drawn. K. Grover v J. Hanson 1944. #738. V9(6): 2-7 25-21; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 11-15 30-26; 7-11 [12-16 24-20; 7-11 into Variation 7] Into Variation 6 V10(T): . . . 19-15(12); 10-19 24-15; 5-9 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 13-17 28-24; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 17-22 15-11; 8-15 27-23; 18-27 32-23 19-26 25-11; 3-8 30-23; 8-15 16-11; 15-18 29-25; 18-27 31-24; 1-5 25-21(11); 6-9 14-10; 9-14 10-7; 14-18 7-3; 18-23 24-19; 23-27 11-8; 4-11 3-8; 11-16 19-12; 2-7. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #739. V11(10): . . . 25-22; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 24-19; 5-9 10-6; 9-13 6-1; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 1-5; 13-17 5-9; 17-21 9-14; 21-25 19-15; 25-30 15-10; 22-26 10-6; 2-9 14-5. Drawn. E. Hunt v E. Frazier 1962. #740.

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V12(10): . . . 31-26 [30-26 is comfortably met with 3-7]; 8-11 1915; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 11-15 21-17; 3-7 17-14 Into Variation 4 V13(T): . . . 19-15(15); 10-19 24-15; 7-10 26-22(14); 10-19 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 11-15 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 29-25; 6-10 25-22; 1-6 22-17; 2-7 30-26; 7-11 27-24; 3-8 32-27; 11-16 24-20; 8-11 27-23; 15-18 13-9; 18-27 9-2; 19-24 28-19; 16-30; 31-24 14-18; 2-6 10-15; 17-13 18-23; 6-10 30-26; 10-19 26-30; 19-26 30-23; 13-9 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #741. V14(13): . . . 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 12-16 28-24; 16-19 24-20; 5-9 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 3-7 14-9; 7-11 9-5; 6-9 15-10; 18-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 26-17; 13-22 10-6; 1-10 5-1; 9-13 1-5; 4-8 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #742. V15(13): . . . 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 9-18 25-21; 8-11 19-15; 4-8 29-25; 5-9 24-20; 9-14 31-26; 1-6 26-23; 7-10 30-26; 10-19 23-7; 3-10 20-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 14-17 21-7; 2-20. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958. #743.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 38 (44): 9-14 24-19; 5-9 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 1 Trunk: 9-14 24-19; 5-9 22-18(1) INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V5) V1(T): . . . 27-24[R](2) INTO 9-14 23-19; 5-9 (T) V2(1): . . . 28-24 [22-17 is well met with 11-15]; 11-15 22-18(3); 15-22 25-18; 7-11 26-22 [The 18-15 break opens up a wide field of play, with Black having the edge]; 11-16 32-28 [Now the same as Colossus v Chinook 1993. Instead, 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 8-24 2720; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 22-17; 4-8 17-13; 8-12! gives Black the advantage]; 16-20 30-26; 8-11 [12-16! 19-12; 8-11 also has merit] 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 29-25 INTO 9-14 23-19; 5-9! (V11) V3(2): . . . 22-17; 9-13 32-28; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 7-11 25-22; 1116 21-17; 2-6 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 8-15 28-19; 15-24 27-20 Forms Position, Diagram 59: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 59

Continue: 4-8 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 6-9 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 8-12 16-11; 10-15 18-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Scheidt 1970. #744.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 39 (45): 9-14 24-19; 11-15 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: GAYP* GAMES: 1 Trunk: 9-14 24-19; 11-15 22-18(1); 15-24 18-9; 5-14 28-19; 8-11 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V27) V1(T): . . . 27-24[R](2); INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 (T) V2(1): . . . 28-24; 8-11 22-18(3); 15-22 25-9; 5-14 INTO 9-14 22-18; 11-15 CR (V12) V3(2): . . . 22-17; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 7-16 27-11; 3-7 25-22; 7-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19 [This more commonly arises from 11-15 23-19; 8-11 22-17; 9-14 25-22; 11-16 24-20; 16-23 27-11; 7-16 20-11; 3-7 28-24; 7-16 24-19 [Highly regarded by D. Oldbury]; 16-23 26-19 same] Forms Position, Diagram 60: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 60

Continue: 4-8 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 32-27; 16-20 17-13 [Better than 22-18; 10-15]; 2-7 29-25; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 2318; 5-9 25-21; 10-14 27-23; 20-24 18-15; 24-27 22-17; 27-31 17-10; 9-14 10-7; 12-16 19-12; 6-9 13-6; 1-26. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #745.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 40 (46): 9-14 24-19; 11-16 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 2 Trunk: 9-14 24-19; 11-16 22-18[R](3) 8-11[R](1) 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-14 22-18; 11-16 (V11) V1(T): 5-9 26-22; 7-11(2) 22-17; 16-20 [10-15? gets 17-10! in reply] 17-13 [30-26? should be obvious, but has caught many!]; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 25-22; 3-8 26-23; 8-12 29-25 Forms Position, Diagram 61: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 61

Continue: 11-16 22-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24!; 19-28 31-27; 1-5 27-23; 20-24 25-22; 24-27 23-19; 27-31 19-15; 10-19 17-1; 9-14 1-6; 31-26. Drawn. W. Ryan v S. Fairchild 1943. #746. V2(1): 8-11 22-17; 16-20 25-22; 9-13 18-9; 1-5 30-25; 5-14 22-18; 13-22 18-9; 6-13 25-18; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 17-22 14-9; 22-26 31-22; 2-6 9-2; 3-8 2-11; 8-31 32-27; 31-24 28-19. Drawn. S. Levy v S. Cohen 1937. #747. V3(T): . . . 22-17(4) [Soft] INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V34)

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V4(3): . . . 28-24(5); 16-20 32-28; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 23-19; 6-9 26-23; 1-6 30-26 INTO 9-14 23-19; 11-16 (V13) V5(4): . . . 27-24 INTO 9-14 23-19; 11-16 (V15)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 41 (47): 9-14 24-20; 5-9 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 0! Trunk: 9-14 24-20; 5-9 22-18[R](1) INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V11) V1(T): . . . 28-24(2); 11-15 23-19; 7-11 22-17; 3-7 INTO 11-15 24-20; 8-11 (V17) V2(1): . . . 27-24(3) [23-19; 11-15 27-23; same] 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 11-16! 20-11; 7-16 INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 CR (V9) V3(2): . . . 22-17 INTO 9-14 22-17; 5-9 (V27)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 42 (48): 9-14 24-20; 10-15 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 6 Trunk: 9-14 24-20; 10-15 22-17(9); 7-10 25-22(8); 3-7 29-25(7); 5-9 17-13; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 Forms Key Landing Number 19, Diagram 62: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 62

Continue: . . . 23-19(6); 15-24 28-19; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 30-26 [22-17; 11-15 30-26 same]; 11-15 22-17; 15-24 27-20; 4-8 26-23; 8-11 32-28(2); 2-7 31-26(1); 11-15 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-18 26-22; 18-23 22-18; 7-11 16-7; 23-26! 18-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 7-2; 19-24 28-19; 15-24. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1953. #748. V1(T): . . . 23-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 7-10 25-21; 18-23 21-17; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 16-11. Drawn. D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958. #749. V2(T): . . . 23-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 6-10 31-27(4); 11-15 27-24; 18-23 25-22(3); 2-6 22-17; 15-18 20-16; 10-14 17-10; 6-15 19-10; 12-28. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #750.


Complete Checkers

V3(2): . . . 25-21; 2-6 32-28; 23-26 20-16; 26-31 16-11; 31-27 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 27-24 19-16; 12-19 11-7; 10-14 7-2; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 2-7; 10-15 5-1; 14-18 1-6; 19-23 6-10; 15-19 7-11; 18-22 11-16; 22-26 10-14; 26-31 14-18; 24-27 18-22; 27-32 21-17; 32-28 17-14; 19-24 16-19 23-26! Drawn. P. Davis v M. Tinsley 1989. #751. V4(2): . . . 13-9(5); 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 5-1; 6-13 1-5; 13-17 31-26 [25-21; 17-22 20-16; 22-25 16-11; 18-23 11-8; 25-29 8-3; 29-25 3-8; 23-26 31-22 25-18. Drawn: D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1975]; 18-23 25-21; 23-30 21-7; 2-11 5-9; 30-26 9-14; 26-23 14-10; 23-16 10-7; 11-15 20-11; 12-16. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1953. #752. V5(4): . . . 32-28; 2-6 Into Variation 1 V6(T): . . . 22-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 8-12 32-27; 4-8 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 2-7 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 8-11 Into Trunk V7(T): . . . 17-13; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 Into 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (V19) V8(T): . . . 28-24; 3-7 23-19 Into 11-15 24-20; 8-11 (V17) V9(T): . . . 22-18[R](11) 15-22 25-9[R](10) 5-14 29-25; 7-10 Into 9-14 24-20; 11-15 (T) V10(9): . . . 26-10; 6-15 28-24; 1-6 21-17; 7-10 25-21; 11-16! 20-11; 15-19 24-15; 10-26 30-23; 8-15 [To here: M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1949] 29-25; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 17-13; 19-23 21-17; 6-10 17-14; 10-17 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 17-22 27-18; 22-25 18-14; 25-30 14-10; 30-25 31-26; 25-21 26-22; 21-25 22-17; 25-22 17-13; 22-18 10-6; 18-14 9-5; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #753. V11(9): . . . 28-24; 7-10 22-17 Into Variation 8

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 43 (49): 9-14 24-20; 11-15 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 9 Trunk: 9–14 24–20; 11–15 22-18[R](12); 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 7-11[R](11) 25-22; 6-9[R](10) 27-24[R](8); 3-7 [11-15 [Appears to be sound] 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 26-22; 3-8 32-28; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 31-26; 8-11 19-15 to a draw] 24-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18[R](7); 8-11 26-22[R](6); 1-5 Forms Key Landing Number 21, Diagram 63: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 63

Continue: . . . 32-28[R](2) [22-17; 9-13; 18-9; 13-22 30-26; 5-14 26-17; 11-15 32-27 [32-28? lost: Chinook v T. Laverty 1994]; 15-24 27-20; 7-11 31-26 to an easy draw: T. Watson v T. Laverty! 2001]; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 22-17; 9-13 28-24; 13-22 24-20; 14-18 23-7; 2-11 19-15; 11-18 20-11; 18-23 11-7; 12-16 7-2[R](1); 16-20 2-6; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 6-10; 5-9 10-15; 9-14 15-10; 27-31 10-26; 31-22 30-25; 22-29 21-17. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #754. V1(T): . . . 7-3; 16-20 3-8; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 8-11; 5-9 21-17; 27-32 11-15; 32-27 17-13; 9-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #755.


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V2(T): . . . 32-27(3); 11-15 18-11; 7-16 22-17; 9-13 27-24 Into Trunk V3(2): . . . 31-26(4); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15 [18-14 [A good alternative]; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 14-9; 11-16 19-15; 22-26 23-18; 26-31 15-11; 16-19 11-8; 7-10 18-15; 10-14 8-4; 12-16 15-10; 31-26 30-23; 19-26 4-8; 26-31. Drawn]; 11-16 15-11; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 18-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 11-8; 19-23 8-3; 7-10 15-6; 2-9. Drawn. M. Tinsley v L. Cowie 1974. #756. V4(3): . . . 30-25(5); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 11-8; 7-10. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1970. #757. V5(4): . . . 30-26 [31-27? would be criminal!]; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 11-8; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 18-14; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by N. Banks. #758. V6(T): . . . 31-27; 1-5 27-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 13-17 32-28; 17-22 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 15-18 16-11; 22-26 30-23; 18-27 11-7; 14-17 21-14; 10-17. Drawn. N. Rubin v E. Hunt 1934. #759. V7(T): . . . 22-17; 8-11 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 15-24 32-28 [32-27; 2-9 27-20; 7-11 26-22; 11-15 30-26 also draws]; 2-9 28-19; 7-11 30-25; 9-13 25-22; 1-5 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-30 21-7. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. #760. V8(T): . . . 28-24(9); 3-7 23-19; 11-15 27-23; 8-11 31-27; 9-13 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 19-12; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 22-13; 15-31 12-8; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 8-3; 1-6 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 31-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. B. Case v L. Taylor 1958. #761. V9(8): . . . 23-19; 3-7 27-23 Into Trunk V10(T): 11-15 22-17; 8-11 Into Variation 11 V11(T): 8-11 25-22; 10-15 22-17; 7-10 26-22; 4-8 23-18! [Better than 27-24]; 14-23 27-18; 6-9 [Best] 30-26; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 [12-16 32-27; 3-7 same] 32-27; 12-16 [1-5 is well met with 26-23] 26-23; 8-12 14-10; 7-14 18-9; 1-5 9-6; 2-9 27-24; 9-14 24-

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19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 22-18; 5-9 19-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-27 31-24. Drawn. D. Oldbury v G. Davies 1972. #762. V12(T): . . . 22-17; 5-9 INTO 9-14 22-17; 5-9 (V27)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 44 (50): 9-14 24-20; 11-16 POWER: [47/53] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 8 Trunk: 9-14 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 22-18[R](12); 15-22 25-9; 5-14 2925; 4-8 25-22; 6-9[R](11) 22-18[R](7); 8-11 [12-16?! 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 8-12 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-23 26-19; 9-14 27-23 to an original draw: Nexus v R. Pask 1999] 27-24[R](6); 10-15 [1-5 is well met with 32-27; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 7-10 24-20] 26-22 [24-19 is a lollypop line after 15-22 26-10; 7-14 31-26; 1-5 28-24; 3-7 24-20 to a draw: L. Levitt v T. Landry 1989; same as Variation 7 Note]; 7-10 24-19(3); 15-24 28-19 Forms Position, Diagram 64: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 64

Continue: 3-7 32-27(2); 11-15 18-11; 7-16 27-24(1); 16-20 22-18; 20-27 31-24; 1-5 30-26; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 17-22 24-20; 22-25 15-10; 7-14 18-9. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #763. V1(T): . . . 22-18; 1-5 30-25; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 17-22 14-9; 22-25

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9-5; 25-30 5-1; 30-25 1-6; 7-10 6-9; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #764. V2(T): . . . 32-28; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 22-18; 1-5 30-25; 2-7! 28-24; 16-20 25-22; 20-27 31-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 Into Trunk V3(T): . . . 32-27(4); 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19 Into Trunk V4(3): . . . 24-20[R] [30-26? loses after 1-6! 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 12-16! 19-12; 11-16 18-15; 10-19 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 2-9 32-28; 9-13 31-27; 13-17]; 3-7 28-24; 1-5 32-28; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 31-26[R](5); 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 18-14; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 11-16 7-3; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Cameron 1937. #765. V5(4): . . . 30-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-19; 7-10 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 2-6 22-18; 15-22 23-18; 11-15 18-11; 10-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987. #766. V6(T): . . . . 28-24; 10-15 26-22 [24-20 [32-28; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 30-26; 1-6 24-19; 6-10 to a draw: T. Watson v L. Balderson 1995]; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 23-19; 3-7 27-23; 1-5 31-26; as per Variation 7 Note: R. Pask v Colossus 1999] 7-10 24-20; 3-7 27-24 Into Variation 4 V7(T): . . . 28-24; 8-11 24-20(9); 1-5! [Better than 9-13] 22-17 [22-18 is easily met with 10-15 27-24; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 24-19; 3-7 31-26/30-26]; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14(8); 10-17 21-14; 11-15 32-28; 2-6 26-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 30-26; 6-9 20-16; 19-23 26-19; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 27-23; 18-27 31-24. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #767. V8(7): . . . 17-13; 10-14 32-28; 7-10 26-23; 18-22 23-19; 3-8 3026; 22-25 20-16; 11-20 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #768. V9(7): . . . 24-19; 1-5! [Again holding back 9-13] 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 26-22(10); 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 2-6 32-28; 7-10 15-11; 10-14 22-18; 14-17


Complete Checkers

18-15; 17-22 23-18; 13-17 18-14; 22-26. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #769. V10(9): . . . 32-28; 11-15 27-24; 7-11 26-22 INTO 9-13 24-19; 5-9 (V5) V11(T): 8-11 28-24; 10-15 [6-9 22-18 [24-20 is well met with 2-6!] into Variation 6] 24-20; 6-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18 [The position is even after this]; 15-19 [12-16 is also sound] 21-17; 10-15 18-14; 2-6 [Against 11-16 20-11; 7-16 White has 14-10!] 17-13; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 19-23 26-19; 15-24 30-25; 12-16 25-21; 24-28 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-5 31-27; 16-19 27-24; 19-23 24-19; 23-26 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 26-30 14-10; 20-24 10-1; 30-26 15-10; 24-27 32-23; 26-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #770. V12(T): . . . 22-17 [23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-16 22-18 leads to an even, open game]; 6-9 28-24 INTO 10-14 24-20; 11-16 (V9)

Part 3: 10-14s

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Ballot Number 45 (51): 10-14 22-17; 7-10 POWER: [49/51] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 18 Trunk: 10-14 22-17; 7-10 17-13[R](15); 3-7[R](13) 25-22[R](6); 14-17 2114; 9-25 29-22; 11-15 23-19(2); 5-9 26-23(1); 9-14 30-25; 7-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 31-27 Forms Position, Diagram 65: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 65

Continue: 9-13 25-21; 1-5 27-23; 5-9 21-17; 11-16 18-11; 8-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 20-11; 14-21 23-18; 21-25 11-7; 25-30 7-2; 30-25 2-7; 10-14 18-9; 25-18 7-11; 18-23 11-16; 23-18 16-20 [Or the perpetual with 16-11]; 18-14 9-6; 14-10 6-1; 13-17 20-24; 4-8 24-27; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 1-6; 10-1 19-10; 17-22 23-18; 22-26. Drawn. C. Barker v R. Jordan 1900. #771. V1(T): . . . 27-23; 7-11 32-27; 9-14 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 31-27; 11-16 26-23; 10-15 27-24; 15-18 24-20; 18-27 20-11. Drawn. R. Martin v N. Banks 1958. #772. V2(T): . . . 24-20(4); 7-11 23-18; 12-16 27-23; 15-19 30-25; 10-15 32-27(3); 6-10 25-21; 1-6 13-9; 6-13 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18


Complete Checkers

22-15; 11-18 20-11; 8-15 23-16; 13-17 26-23; 18-22 28-24; 22-25 14-10; 25-30 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 17-22 10-7; 2-11 16-7. Drawn. M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928. #773. V3(2): . . . 25-21; 5-9 32-27 [21-17; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 32-27 same]; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 21-17; 8-12 17-14; 10-17 22-6; 15-22 26-17; 1-10 17-13; 19-26 31-22; 16-19 13-9; 11-15 27-24; 10-14 9-6; 19-23 6-2; 23-26 2-7; 4-8 7-10; 14-18 10-19; 18-25 19-23; 26-31 24-19; 8-11 23-18; 31-27 19-15; 27-23 18-27; 11-18 27-24; 18-22 24-19; 25-30 20-16; 22-26 28-24; 26-31 24-20; 31-26 16-11; 26-23 19-26; 30-23 11-7. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v A. Jordan 1924. #774. V4(2): . . . 23-18[R] [The 24-19 exchange is well met with 7-11]; 5-9 18-11; 8-15 27-23; 9-14 31-27[R](5); 14-18 23-14; 10-17 27-23; 4-8 23-19; 7-10 32-27; 8-11 27-23; 1-5 23-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 22-6; 15-31. Drawn. A. Long v J. Horr 1923. #775. V5(4): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 31-26 [The hasty 22-18? led to eventual defeat: M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952]; 8-11 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 32-28; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 10-14 18-15; 14-18 15-11; 9-14 11-7; 17-22 7-2; 22-26 30-23; 18-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #776. V6(T): . . . 24-20(11); 14-18 23-14; 9-18 26-23(10); 10-14 28-24 [3026; 6-10 28-24 into Variation 7]; 6-10 31-26(7); 1-6 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 CR (V7) V7(6): . . . 30-26; 1-6 32-28; 14-17 23-14; 10-15 26-23(8); 17-22 25-18; 15-22 23-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 13-9; 6-13 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 27-23; 8-11 21-17; 2-6 23-18; 6-10 20-16; 11-20 18-15; 12-16 15-6; 16-23 6-2; 7-11 2-7; 11-16 29-25!; 22-29 7-10; 13-22 14-9; 5-14 10-12. Drawn. E. Bruch v T. Watson 1983. #777. V8(7): . . . 27-23(9); 15-18 14-10; 7-14 31-27; 11-15 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 24-20; 4-8 27-24; 8-12 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 12-16 26-23; 17-26 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 11-15 12-8; 26-31 8-3; 31-27 3-7; 27-18 7-10; 15-19 10-1; 19-23 13-9; 23-26 20-16; 26-31 16-11; 18-22 9-6. Drawn. R. Stewart v R. Jordan 1897. #778. V9(8): . . . 14-10; 7-14 26-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 24-19 [20-16; 11-20

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24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16 leads to a snap draw]; 15-24 28-19; 17-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 19-15; 22-25 29-22; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 15-10; 25-30 10-7; 4-8 7-2; 8-11 2-6; 11-15 27-24; 15-18 6-10; 18-22 24-19; 30-25 31-27; 22-26. Drawn. R. Jordan v R. Stewart 1897. #779. V10(6): . . . 21-17; 18-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 30-25; 5-9 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 1-5 17-14; 10-17 29-25 [26-23?; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 17-22 18-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 led to disaster: B. Case v L. Levitt 1954]; 5-14 25-21; 4-8 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 7-10 27-23; 2-7 32-28; 11-16 31-27; 14-18 23-14; 16-30 14-9; 17-22 9-2; 7-11 2-6; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #780. V11(6): . . . 24-19(12) 11-16 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 8-11 22-18; 4-8 26-22; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 23-18 [28-24; 16-20 23-18 to a draw: A. Jordan v N. Banks 1917]; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 18-14; 11-15 14-9; 15-18 9-5; 7-11 5-1; 6-10 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 18-22 6-2; 10-15 28-24; 22-26 31-22; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 30-21. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Fuller 1982. #781. V12(11): . . . 23-19; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 [Alex Moiseyev recommended 16-20! in his excellent Sixth, and it is indeed a strong alternative, but he didn’t bring out one key point. Continue: . . . 26-23?; 12-16 31-26; 8-12 26-22 now 7-10 lost? [H. Reynolds v C. Barker 1907] and Heffner’s 14-17 draws, but 14-18! 23-14; 9-18 21-17; 18-23! 27-18; 20-24 28-19; 16-23 25-21 [Nothing better]; 23-26 30-23; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 to a probable black win. Analysis by WCC Platinum] 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 31-27 [32-27 permits a snap draw with 18-23! 27-18; 6-9 13-6; 1-19: A. Huggins v D. Oldbury 1958]; 5-9 28-24; 9-14 24-19; 16-23 26-19; 14-17 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-18 29-25; 1-6 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 8-11 25-22; 6-10 22-18; 11-16 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 16-20 11-7; 20-24 7-2; 24-27 2-6; 27-31 6-9; 14-17 23-18; 31-27 19-15; 27-23 18-14; 4-8. Drawn. H. Zink v C. Barker 1907. #782. V13(T): 11-15 [Considered best by D. Oldbury] 25-22; 8-11 2420(14); 2-7! 29-25 [23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 31-27; 14-23 27-18; 15-19 29-25; 4-8 same]; 4-8 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 31-27; 14-23


Complete Checkers

27-18; 15-19 21-17; 19-23! [7-10 25-21; 12-16 32-27; 8-12 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 13-6; 1-10 21-17; 24-27 23-19; 16-23 26-19 is an alternative draw] 26-19; 6-10! 13-6; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 22-18; 1-10 25-21 [25-22 is an alternative draw by Macfarlane]; 10-15 18-14; 15-19 14-10; 12-16 17-14; 23-26 30-23; 19-26 21-17; 16-19 10-7; 3-10 14-7; 8-12 7-3; 11-15 3-7; 15-18 7-10; 19-23 10-15; 18-22 28-24; 26-30. Drawn. J. Milne v R. Jordan 1911. #783. V14(13): . . . 23-19 [If White is in a more accommodating mood!]; 2-7 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V31) V15(T): . . . 24-19(20); 9-13 28-24(17); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 [Also arises from 9-14 24-19; 11-15 28-24; 7-11 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 same] 29-25(16); 11-15 25-22; 6-9 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 8-15 26-23; 9-14 3228; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 22-17; 3-7 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 11-16 14-9; 16-23 17-13; 10-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-17; 14-18 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 18-22 9-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #784. V16(15): . . . 26-22; 11-15 22-17; 8-11 30-26; 3-8! 29-25; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 8-15 27-20; 4-8 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 2016; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 32-27; 11-15 17-13; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 27-23; 19-24 23-18; 15-19 18-14; 10-15 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 24-27 31-24; 22-31. Drawn. W. Gable v W. Ryan 1946. #785. V17(15): . . . 25-22(19); 5-9 27-24; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16(18); 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 20-16; 4-8 32-28; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 [22-25! led to the famous Eternal Sacrifice game: a L. T de Bearn v N. Rubin draw contested in 1930. This featured in Arthur Reisman’s excellent Encyclopaedia Britannica article. By comparison, the latest entry is paltry!] 11-7; 10-15 17-10; 15-19 23-18; 6-15 18-11; 3-10 11-7; 10-14 7-2; 19-23 2-7; 23-27! 31-24; 22-26! 30-23; 16-20 24-19; 1-5. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #786. V18(17): . . . 32-28?! [30-25? is beaten by both 11-15 and 2-7]; 11-15 28-24; 4-8! [Stronger than 3-8: S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber 1928] 20-16; 2-7! 16-11; 7-16 24-20; 15-24 20-4; 3-7! 22-18 [A definite loss, but 4-8; 24-27 31-24; 7-11 8-15; 10-28 17-10; 6-15; 23-18; 15-19 also led to eventual defeat: W. Hellman v D. Zevenia

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1964]; 13-22 26-17; 7-11 17-13; 24-28 4-8; 28-32 8-15; 10-26 30-23; 32-28 18-15; 28-24 15-11; 1-5 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 24-19 11-7; 1923 18-15; 23-19 15-10; 6-15 13-6; 21-25 29-22; 15-18 22-15; 19-3. Black Win. L. Hall v N. Rubin 1933. #787. V19(17): . . . 27-24; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 (V2) V20(15): . . . 24-20(21); 9-13 28-24; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 6-9 25-22 INTO 9-14 24-20; 11-15 (V8) V21(20): . . . 26-22(22); 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 30-25; 6-13 25-18; 3-7 29-25; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 5-9 18-15; 1-6 24-19; 9-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-11 28-24; 6-9 15-10; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 24-20; 19-23 22-17; 23-26 17-14; 9-13 10-6; 2-9 14-5; 26-31 18-14; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 5-1; 11-15. Drawn. A. Long v H. Freyer 1939. #788. V22(21): . . . 23-19(23); 9-13 27-23; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 (V2) V23(22): . . . 25-22; 9-13 24-19 Into Variation 17


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Ballot Number 45A (52): 10-14 22-17; 9-13 POWER: [25/75] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 10-14 22-17; 9-13 17-10; 6-15 [7-14? 25-22 leads to an eventual white win] 25-22(7); 15-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 7-10 28-24(5); 3-7 24-19(4) 7-11 30-25(1); 5-9 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 2-11 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 27-24 Forms Position, Diagram 66: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 66

Continue: 4-8 25-22; 12-16 26-23; 9-14 32-28; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-5 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-10; 19-23 10-6; 23-26 22-18; 14-23 31-22. Drawn. Nemesis v KingsRow 2002. #789. V1(T): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 11-15 17-14(3); 15-24! 27-20!; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 31-27(2); 6-10! 14-7; 2-11 27-24; 5-9 23-19; 9-14 30-25; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 22-26 17-14; 26-30 14-9; 30-26 9-6; 26-22 6-2; 22-26 2-7 [Or the perpetual draw with 2-6]; 11-15 19-10; 8-11 7-16; 12-28 20-16; 4-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #790. V2(1): . . . 32-28; 6-10! 14-7; 2-11 28-24; 11-15 31-26; 8-11 26-22; 12-16 22-17; 5-9 30-26; 4-8 26-22; 8-12 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 14-18

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23-14; 16-19 14-10; 19-28 10-7; 15-19 22-18; 28-32 7-3; 32-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #791. V3(1): . . . 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 27-24 [30-26 and 23-18 are good options; as is 17-14, which may transpose into the next note. Continue: 10-17 21-14; 1-6 27-24; 11-16 now both 14-10; 6-15 19-10; 16-20 31-27; 4-8 23-18 and 30-25; 16-20 23-18 or 25-21 are strong for White, though drawable]; 11-16 24-20 [30-26 and 17-14 are good options]; 10-14 17-10; 2-6 20-11; 6-24 23-19; 24-28 11-7; 28-32 21-17; 32-28 19-15; 1-6 30-26; 28-24 26-23; 12-16 1713; 24-20 23-18; 20-24 31-27; 24-31 18-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #792. V4(T): . . . 32-28 [Against 22-18; Black replies 13-17 21-14; 10-17 leaving White 4 good options in 18-14, 18-15, 23-19 and 24-19: a vast field indeed! None of them is by any means overpowering, but it’s an indication of the tremendous attacking scope inherent in the new ballots]; 1-6 24-19 [23-18 is also good]; 7-11 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 27-24; 6-9 24-20; 8-11 30-25; 2-7 25-22; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 19-23 26-19; 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #793. V5(T): . . . 22-18(6); 3-7 26-22; 7-11 28-24; 5-9 22-17; 13-22 18-14; 10-17 21-5; 2-6 32-28; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 23-18; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 18-14; 12-16 14-10; 16-20 10-7; 6-9 7-2; 19-24 15-10; 24-28 27-23; 28-32 2-6; 9-13 6-9; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 23-18; 4-8 10-7; 27-32! [8-12? loses] 7-3; 8-12. Drawn. Nemesis v Cake 2002. #794. V6(5): . . . 27-24; 12-16 32-27; 1-6 24-19 [22-18; 8-12 18-15; 10-19 24-15; 3-7 23-18; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 30-25; 2-7 25-22; 6-9 21-17; 4-8 31-27; 7-11 27-24 to a draw]; 8-12 27-24; 16-20 31-27; 10-14 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 7-10 25-22; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 7-10 15-11; 10-15 18-14; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 11-7; 6-10 23-18; 10-17 18-11. Drawn. WCC Platinum v KingsRow 2002. #795. V7(T): . . . 24-19(12); 15-24 28-19 [Or 27-20; 5-9 23-18; 11-16 to a draw: WCC Platinum v KingsRow 2019]; 1-6 23-18(10); 7-10! 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 26-23(8); 3-7 23-18; 16-23 14-9; 5-14


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18-9; 13-17 27-18; 6-13 18-14 [25-21; 17-22 18-14; 8-11 14-9; 11-15 9-5; 12-16 5-1; 16-19 1-5; 19-23 5-9; 4-8 21-17; 7-11 17-14; 22-26 31-22; 23-27 32-23; 15-18 22-15; 11-27 14-10 to a draw]; 8-11 14-9; 7-10 9-5; 4-8 5-1; 11-15 1-5; 8-11 5-9; 17-22 25-18; 15-22 9-5; 11-15 5-9; 15-18 9-5; 12-16 5-9; 18-23 9-5; 16-20 5-9; 20-24 9-5; 22-26 31-22; 24-27 22-18; 27-31 5-9; 31-26 29-25. Drawn. KingsRow v WCC Platinum 2002. #796. V8(7): . . . 25-22(9); 16-23 27-18; 12-16 31-27; 16-19 29-25; 8-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 23-19; 4-8 18-15; 11-18 22-6; 2-9 25-22; 9-14. Drawn. Nemesis v Wyllie 2002. #797. V9(8): . . . 25-21; 16-23 27-18; 3-7 29-25 [26-23!; 6-9 23-19; 13-17 opens up a whole new ball game]; 8-11 31-27 [32-27; 6-9 27-24; 11-16 31-27 same]; 6-9 27-24; 11-16 32-27; 2-6 26-23 [25-22; 16-20 24-19; 6-10 30-25; 10-17 21-14; 7-11 26-23; 4-8 14-10; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 10-7; 14-17 7-3; 17-26 19-16; 12-19 23-7 to a draw]; 16-20 2419; 6-10 30-26; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 25-21; 9-13 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 27-23; 22-26 23-19; 26-31 19-15; 31-26 15-10; 7-11! 16-7; 26-22 10-6; 22-15. Drawn. Analysis by Checkers 3.0 #798. V10(7): . . . 19-15 [25-22; 7-10 29-25; 3-7 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 is dead even]; 11-18 23-14; 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 22-18(11); 2-6 27-24; 6-9 29-25; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 30-26; 10-15 25-22; 15-19 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-25 9-6; 25-29 26-23; 29-25 6-1; 12-16 1-6; 5-9 32-27; 25-22 6-10; 22-25 10-15; 25-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #799. V11(10): . . . 30-26; 7-10! 14-7; 3-10 22-18; 10-14! 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 27-23; 2-6 25-22; 6-10 32-28; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 14-18 17-13; 19-23 21-17; 10-15 13-9; 23-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #800. V12(7): . . . 21-17(14); 13-22 26-17; 7-10 25-21; 3-7 29-25 [17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 29-25 into Variation 13]; 1-6 24-19(13); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 27-24; 5-9 25-22; 7-11 23-18; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 17-14; 10-26 30-23; 15-18 23-14; 11-16 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 14-9; 11-15 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 15-18 16-11; 18-22 21-17; 22-25 17-14. Drawn. KingsRow v Nemesis 2002. #801.

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V13(12): . . . 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9! 31-26; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 27-23; 11-16 30-25; 2-6 32-27; 8-11 25-21; 16-20 23-18; 6-9 21-17; 11-16 27-23; 9-13 18-15; 20-24 15-11; 24-27 11-2; 27-31 19-15; 31-26 15-11; 26-19 2-6; 19-15 11-7; 15-18 22-15; 13-22. Drawn. Cake v Nemesis 2002. #802. V14(12): . . . 23-18[R](15) INTO 9-13 23-19; 10-15 (V20) V15(14): . . . 26-22(16) INTO 9-13 23-19; 10-15 (T) V16(15): . . . 24-20 [Against 23-19; 7-10 equalizes]; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 1-6 24-15; 11-18 32-27; 8-11 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 2-6 28-24; 4-8 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 24-19; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 27-23; 3-8 23-19; 14-18 22-15; 11-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #803.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 45B (53): 10-14 22-17; 11-15 POWER: [35/65] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 11 Trunk: 10-14 22-17; 11-15 17-10; 7-14 24-19[R](4); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 6-10 [11-15 23-19; 9-14 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22?! [29-25 best] same CR] 22-18; 11-16[R](3) 29-25[R](1); 4-8 18-15; 9-13 15-6; 1-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 31-26 Forms Position, Diagram 67: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 67

Continue: 3-7 26-23; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 1722 25-21; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 11-8; 7-11 18-14; 11-16 14-10; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #804. V1(T): . . . 18-15(2); 4-8 15-6; 1-10 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 9-13 27-24; 16-20 22-18; 20-27 31-24; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-14 24-20; 11-15 (V6) V2(1): . . . 26-22; 1-6 22-17; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 30-25; 5-14! 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 4-8 31-26; 8-11 22-18; 16-20 26-22; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 22-18; 2-6 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 13-17 11-7; 17-22 7-2; 6-10! 2-6; 22-26 6-15; 26-31 27-24; 20-27 15-10; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 14-9. Drawn. Analysis by H. Meadows. #805.

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V3(T): 9-13 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 2-6 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 32-28; 11-15 29-25; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-15; 11-18 19-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 31-6. Drawn. J. Loy v L. Balderson (P) 1996. #806. V4(T): . . . 26-22(5); 6-10 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-15 (V18) V5(4): . . . 24-20(7); 8-11 28-24; 4-8 23-19; 15-18 26-23; 2-7 31-26; 6-10 26-22; 1-6 22-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 30-25(6); 9-13 22-18 [23-18?; 14-23 27-18; loses to 12-16! 19-12; 6-9]; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 19-15; 3-8 15-10; 6-15 23-19; 7-10 18-14 [20-16; 11-20 18-4; 10-14 to a draw]; 10-17 19-10; 12-16 21-14; 16-19 24-15; 11-18. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #807. V6(5): . . . 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16! 19-12; 10-14 21-17!; 14-21! 22-17; 7-10! [Instead of Frazier’s 9-13] 24-19; 9-13 19-16; 13-22 16-7; 21-25! [Simplifies the endgame] 30-21; 22-26 32-28; 26-31 21-17; 31-26 17-14; 10-17 18-14; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #808. V7(5): . . . 23-19(12) [Permits equality]; 6-10 25-22(11); 8-11 [1014 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 23-19; 6-10 25-22; 7-11?! [9-13 best] same] 27-23(9); 9-13 24-20(8) 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28 [19-16; 12-19 23-16; 1-6 32-28; 15-19 16-11; 3-8 30-25; 8-15 22-17; 13-22 25-11 to a draw] 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18 [30-25 to a draw: W. Flude v W. Hirst 1935]; 2-7 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 15-19 31-27; 17-21 22-18; 13-17 18-14; 1-6 11-7; 3-10 14-7; 6-10 7-2; 10-14 2-6; 14-18 6-10; 18-22 27-23; 22-31 23-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #809. V8(7): . . . 30-25 [22-17; 13-22 26-17 into Variation 10]; 3-7 32-27; 1-6 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 6-9 25-22; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 27-20; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 8-12 23-19; 9-13 20-16; 11-20 31-27 INTO 9-14 23-19 5-9 CR (V2) V9(7): . . . 26-23(10); 9-13 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 5-9 31-27 [29-25; 1-5 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 4-8 26-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 22-18


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to a draw]; 1-5 27-23; 3-7 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 [2-6 to a draw: E. King v G. Maddux (P) 1989] 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 19-15; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 15-10; 22-26 18-15; 26-31 23-18; 31-26 10-7; 2-11 15-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #810. V10(9): . . . 22-17; 9-13 27-23; 13-22 26-17; 11-16 29-25; 16-20 25-22; 20-27 31-24; 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 30-26; 11-15 3228; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 17-13; 3-8 13-6; 2-9 22-18; 8-11 26-22; 1-5 20-16; 11-20 18-15; 20-24 15-6; 24-27 6-2; 27-31 2-6; 31-27 6-13; 27-25 13-17; 25-30 17-10; 30-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #811. V11(7): . . . 26-22; 8-11 INTO 10-14 22-18; 11-15 (V12) V12(7): . . . 23-18(19) [Opens up a wide field of play]; 15-22 [My preference] 26-10; 6-15 [The same as 10-14 23-19 11-15, but here with the man on 15] 25-22(16); 3-7 21-17(13); 8-11 [7-10 looks more logical, and may become the preferred choice in time] 17-13 [27-23; 4-8 23-19; 7-10 17-13; 9-14 same]; 9-14 27-23; 4-8 23-19; 7-10 29-25; 2-6 25-21; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 31-26; 5-9 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 12-16 28-24 [30-25 is inferior after 16-19 26-22; 18-23 2217; 14-18 17-14; 23-26!: R. Fortman v D. Cayton (P) 1990]; 16-19 24-20; 19-24 20-16; 8-12 16-11; 24-27 32-23; 18-27 26-22; 14-18 30-25; 12-16 11-7; 27-31 7-2; 9-14! 2-9; 31-26 22-17; 1-5 17-10; 5-14 10-6; 26-22 6-2; 22-29 2-6; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #812. V13(12): . . . 27-23(14); 8-11 24-19 [An exchange which simplifies the position considerably, in whichever variation it is played; the game running in a narrow groove thereafter. On the alternatives: 1) Both 29-25 and 30-26 are met with 4-8 and an equal position. 2) 32-27; 1-6 29-25; 4-8 results in equality. 3) 21-17; 4-8 23-19; 7-10 17-13 9-14 into Variation 12]; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 31-26 [On the alternatives: 30-26; 11-15 draws, as does 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-26!, 2-6: J. Webster v D. Harwood 2005, but not 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-26? 2-7!] 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 21-17;

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18-25 30-21; 15-19 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 19-24 16-11; 24-27 14-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #813. V14(13): . . . 29-25(15); 8-11 24-19 [27-23; 4-8 as in 1) above]; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 27-23 Into Variation 13 V15(14): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-18; 8-11 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 Into Variation 14 V16(12): . . . 21-17(17); 3-7 25-22; 8-11 Into Variation 12 V17(16): . . . 27-23(18); 3-7 25-22 Into Variation 13 V18(17): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 25-22 Into Variation 15 V19(12): . . . 25-22 [The mildest of White’s six available attacks, but opens up an enormous field of play, lending itself ideally to the crossboard artist. How much scope does the game have? Well, I dare say a fair sized book could be produced on this variation alone!]; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 3-7 26-23; 5-9 30-26; 7-10 23-18; 1-5 18-11; 8-15 27-23; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 32-27; 10-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 27-24; 11-16 24-20; 7-11 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 11-27 31-24; 16-19 24-15; 17-22 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #814.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 45C (54): 10-14 22-17; 11-16 POWER: [25/75] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 20 Trunk: 10-14 22-17; 11-16 17-10; 6-15 [7-14? 25-22 leads to an eventual white win] 23-18[R](15); 15-22 25-18; 7-10 [1-6 27-23; 7-10 32-27; 3-7 29-25; 8-11 24-19; 4-8 25-22 same. 16-20 draws, but allows White a lot of attacking scope with 24-19; after which 7-10! is essential [8-11? falling to 21-17!]. Instead of 16-20, 8-11? loses after 24-20!; 16-19 29-25; 3-8 25-22; 1-6 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 6-9 27-24 etc . . . ] 29-25(13); 3-7 25-22; 1-6 27-23(6); 8-11 24-19; 4-8 32-27(4); 9-14 18-9; 6-13 22-17(1); 13-22 26-17 Forms Position, Diagram 68: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 68

Continue: 5-9 27-24 [30-26; 2-6 27-24 [26-22; 9-13 27-24; 16-20 23-18 also draws] 9-14 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 22-18; 23-26 3122; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 to a fine draw: M. Borghetti v A. Moiseyev 2013]; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-11 17-14; 9-13 14-9; 16-19 9-5; 11-16 18-14; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 5-1. Drawn. Nemesis v KingsRow 2002. #815. V1(T): . . . 27-24(2); 16-20 31-27; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-19

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23-16; 12-19 22-18; 8-12 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-10 15-6; 2-9 18-14; 9-18 23-14. Drawn. Nemesis v Cake 2002. #816. V2(1): . . . 30-25(3); 10-14 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 19-15; 11-18 14-9; 1619 23-14; 7-11 9-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-18 2-7; 19-23 27-24; 22-25 [Varies from A. Lyman’s 23-26] 24-19; 18-22 19-15; 12-16! 7-11; 25-29 11-4; 29-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #817. V3(2): . . . 21-17; 2-6 30-25; 6-9 25-21; 9-14 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 16-20 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 24-20; 8-11 19-15 [2824; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 14-9; 7-11 9-6; 23-27 13-9; 27-32 6-2 offers White nothing]; 11-27 20-2; 14-18 2-7; 10-15 7-11; 27-31 11-7; 31-27 7-11; 27-31. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman. #818. V4(T): . . . 31-27[R](5) Into Variation 6 V5(4): . . . 22-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 16-20 30-26; 11-15 3227; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 2-6 17-13; 10-14 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-26 31-22; 20-24 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 24-28 21-17; 28-32 14-9; 7-10 9-2; 10-19. Drawn. A. Lyman v L. Stubblefield (P). #819. V6(T): . . . 26-23(11); 8-11 24-19; 4-8 31-26(9); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 2218; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 16-20 23-18[R](8); 11-16 18-15[R](7); 16-23 27-18; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 32-27; 11-16 18-14; 16-19 27-23; 12-16 23-18; 8-12 15-11; 20-24 11-7; 24-27 18-15; 27-31 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 31-27 23-18; 16-19 7-2; 6-9 14-5; 27-23. Drawn. Nemesis v Cake 2002. #820. V7(6): . . . 26-23 [26-22; 17-26 30-23; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 28-24 leads to an eventual draw]; 17-22 18-15; 22-26 28-24; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 26-31 23-19; 7-11 19-15. Drawn. Cake v Nemesis 2002. #821. V8(6): . . . 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 20-24 2819; 11-20 26-22 [Against 19-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 32-27 [Or 32-28; 17-21!]; 11-15 14-10; 15-18! draws neatly]; 17-26 30-23; 20-24 23-18; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 18-15; 14-18 9-5; 18-23 15-11; 7-16 19-12. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #822.


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V9(6): . . . 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22 [18-14!; 17-21 26-22; 21-25 22-17; 25-29 17-13; 29-25 14-9; 7-10! 9-5; 25-22 5-1; 22-17 1-5; 17-14 5-1; 14-17 is a draw by repetition]; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 22-17; 2-7 28-24; 16-20 17-13(10); 11-16 18-15; 7-11 13-9; 11-18 9-2; 18-22 2-7; 10-14 7-11; 8-15 19-10; 14-17 23-19; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23. Drawn. M. Banks v A. Vanderpool (P) 2003. #823. V10(9): . . . 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 8-11 32-28; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 17-13; 6-10! 15-6; 7-11. Drawn. Nemesis v Wyllie 2002. #824. V11(6): . . . 24-20 [Or 22-17; 9-13 27-23; 13-22 26-17; 10-15 to a draw: KingsRow v WCC Platinum 2019]; 9-14 18-9(12); 5-14 20-11; 8-15 22-17; 4-8 28-24; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 24-20; 15-19 20-11; 19-26 30-23; 7-16 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 16-19 17-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 19-23 11-7; 9-13 7-2; 14-18 2-7; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by Chinook. #825. V12(11): . . . 20-11; 14-23 27-18; 8-15 18-11; 7-16 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 4-8 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 6-10 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 31-27; 7-11 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 10-14 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 9-6; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #826. V13(T): . . . 27-23[R](14); 3-7 29-25; 1-6 24-19; 8-11 25-22 Into Trunk V14(13): . . . 26-23 [18-15; 10-19 24-15; leads to a balanced position after 3-7 29-25; 1-6 25-22; 7-11! [7-10 draws too, but is harder] 30-25; 11-18 22-15; 9-14]; 3-7 29-25; 1-6 25-22 Into Variation 6 V15(T): . . . 21-17(21); 7-10 25-22(18); 9-14 17-13; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25; 3-7 25-21(17); 1-6 [May arise from 9-14 22-18; 10-15] 22-17; 8-11 24-20; 4-8 27-24; 14-18 26-23; 19-26! 30-14; 8-12! 31-27(16); 15-18 24-19 [20-16 leads to a quick draw]; 11-16! 20-11; 7-23 14-7; 2-11 28-24; 23-26 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 6-10 24-19; 11-16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 26-31 19-15; 31-26 23-18; 16-20 15-11; 26-22 18-15. Drawn. N. Proffitt v W. Wilkins (P) 2000. #827.

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V16(15): . . . 32-27 [May arise from 11-16 24-20; 16-19] 12-16! 14-9; 5-14 27-23 15-18 24-19; 18-27 19-12; 27-32 12-8; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 8-4; 16-20 4-8; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 8-11; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. Analysis by A. Long. #828. V17(15): . . . 24-20; 8-11 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 20-16; 8-12 13-9; 12-19 23-16; 1-5! 16-12; 14-18 32-27; 18-25 30-21; 5-14 27-20; 15-18 12-8; 14-17 21-14; 10-17. Drawn. J. Loy v T. Sheehan (P) 1998. #829. V18(15): . . . 17-13; 9-14 24-19 [25-22 into Variation 15]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 29-25(20); 15-24 27-11; 3-7 25-21(19); 7-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 31-26 [22-17 is well met with 2-6]; 2-7 13-9; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 22-13; 5-14 19-15; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 13-9; 10-15 9-6; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 6-2; 15-18 2-6; 14-17 6-10; 18-22 10-14; 22-31 14-21. Drawn. S. Gardner v A. Vanderpool (P) 2000. #830. V19(18): . . . 31-27; 7-16 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 25-21; 4-8 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 1-6 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 21-17; 10-15 8-3; 15-19 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 24-27 32-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #831. V20(18): . . . 32-28; 15-24 28-19 [27-11 is not hard to meet]; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 13-9; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 1-5 30-26; 14-17 22-13; 5-14 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 2-9 19-15; 10-19 26-23; 19-26 31-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #832. V21(15): . . . 23-19(22); 16-23 26-10; 7-14 INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-15 (T) V22(21): . . . 26-22(23); INTO 10-15 23-19; 11-16 (V11) V23(22): . . . 24-19 [25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 15-22 24-15; 7-11 26-17; 11-18 28-24; 9-13 17-14; 8-11 24-19; 1-6 shores up Black’s defence, while 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 is about even]; 15-24 28-19 [27-11; 8-15 23-18; 15-22 25-18 is about equal]; 8-11 25-22; 7-10 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22(24); 3-7 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 16-20 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 14-17


Complete Checkers

21-14; 10-17 31-26; 7-11 18-14; 11-16 14-10; 8-11 10-7; 2-6 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 6-10 14-9; 10-15. Drawn. N. Proffitt v W. Carter (P) 2003. #833. V24(23): . . . 29-25; 3-7 25-22 [Or 26-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 16-20 to a draw: WCC Platinum v KingsRow 2019]; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 7-11 17-13; 4-8! 30-25; 16-20 25-22; 11-15 23-18 [32-28? loses]; 1524 18-9; 10-15 32-28; 15-19 9-5; 19-23 27-18; 24-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by M. Banks. #834.

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Ballot Number 46 (55): 10-14 22-17; 14-18 POWER: [24/76] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 33 Trunk: 10-14 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 26-23[R](19); 6-9 23-14; 9-18 3026[R](17); 5-9[R](16) 17-14[R](10); 9-13 26-23[R](4); 11-15 [The natural 1-5? falls to 24-19; 11-16 28-24; 16-20 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 22-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 27-23; 20-27 3124; 5-9 23-18; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 15-10! Analysis by M. Tinsley] 23-19[R](1); 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 27-23 Forms Position, Diagram 69: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 69

Continue: 1-6! 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 31-26; 8-11 22-18; 6-9 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 2-11 26-22; 12-16 21-17; 16-19 17-14; 19-23 14-5; 23-26 18-14; 11-15. Drawn. D. Oldbury v R. Pask 1990. #835. V1(T): . . . 24-19(2); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 14-9; 1-5 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 5-14 25-22 [31-26; 3-10 26-22; 11-15 27-24; 14-18 24-20 leads to a speedy resolution]; 3-10 27-23; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14 [Against 19-15; 12-16 draws]; 11-16 29-25 [14-9 offers little: R. King v D. Lafferty 1996]; 17-21 25-22; 21-25 22-18; 25-30 14-9;


Complete Checkers

30-25 18-14; 25-22 9-6; 7-11 14-10; 13-17 10-7; 17-21 6-2; 21-25 2-6; 25-30 6-10; 30-26 10-6; 11-15 19-10; 26-19 7-3; 16-20 6-2; 19-23. Drawn. W. Ryan v M. Tinsley 1950. #836. V2(1): . . . 14-9; 1-5 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 5-14 24-19 [25-22; 3-10 27-23; 2-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19 into Variation 3]; 15-24 28-19; 3-10 25-22; 2-7 22-18(3); 14-23 27-18; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 17-22 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 14-9; 7-10 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 14-17 2-6; 17-21 6-10; 21-25 32-27; 25-30 27-24; 30-26 10-14; 26-30 24-19; 30-25 31-26; 22-31 29-22. Drawn. M. Loew v B. Case 1954. #837. V3(2): . . . 27-23; 14-17 [Much easier than 8-11, which transposes into Variation 1] 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 29-25; 8-11 25-21; 11-16 22-18; 4-8 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #838. V4(T): . . . 24-19; 11-16 26-23; 8-11 28-24(9); 16-20 14-9(8); 11-16 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23 [Against 31-24; Black replies with 1-5 18-15; 12-16 15-10; 13-17]; 12-16 18-15(7); 1-6 21-17(6); 13-22 25-18; 6-13 14-10(5); 7-14 18-9; 4-8 15-10; 8-12 10-6; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 6-1; 19-24; 1-6 3-7; 6-1 13-17; 1-5 17-21; 9-6 2-9; 5-14 7-11; 14-18 11-16; 18-23 24-28; 23-27 28-32. Drawn. R. Fortman v E. Whiting (P) 1961. #839. V5(4): . . . 15-10; 4-8 10-6; 2-9 14-5; 7-10 5-1; 8-11 1-6; 10-15 18-14; 15-18 14-9; 18-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 3-8 19-16; 11-15 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 15-19 8-3; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley & D. Lafferty. #840. V6(4): . . . 23-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 25-22; 6-10 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 19-23 9-5; 23-26 5-1; 26-30 1-5; 30-25 31-26; 25-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22 [Database draw]; 13-17 22-13; 16-19 13-9; 19-24 5-1; 24-27 1-6; 27-31 6-10; 14-18 9-5 Forms Endgame #11, Diagram 70: BTP Continue: 31-27 5-1; 27-24 1-5; 18-23 5-9; 23-27 9-14; 27-32 2117; 32-27 17-13; 24-19 13-9; 27-23 9-5; 2-6 10-1; 19-15 11-7; 15-10 7-3; 10-17. Drawn. A. Long v A. Huggins (P) 1961. #841. V7(4): . . . 9-5; 7-11 14-9; 16-20 31-27; 4-8 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 8-12 14-10; 2-7 10-6; 1-10 9-6; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 6-2; 17-21 2-11; 21-30

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❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❲❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❇❀✳❀ Diagram 70

5-1; 30-26 1-6; 26-31 27-23; 31-26 23-19; 26-23 19-15; 12-16 15-10; 16-19. Drawn. B. Case v M. Loew 1954. #842. V8(4): . . . 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 31-26; 4-8 22-18; 1-5 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-28 15-10. Drawn. D. Oldbury v R. Fortman (P) 1993. #843. V9(4): . . . 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 16-20 22-18 [28-24 into Variation 8]; 13-17 31-26; 12-16 [2-6! 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 4-11 14-9; 6-13 21-14; 13-17 is a good alternative for Black] 19-12; 3-8 12-3; 2-6 3-10; 6-31 23-18; 31-24 28-19; 20-24 14-10; 17-22 10-7; 4-8 7-2; 8-12 2-7; 11-16 32-28; 16-23 28-19; 23-27. Drawn. H. Maine v W. Coleman (P) 1961. 844. V10(T): . . . 26-23(14); 9-14 17-10; 7-14 24-19 [25-22; 18-25 29-22; 3-7 24-19 into Variation 12]; 3-7 28-24(12); 1-6 25-22 [19-15 into Variation 13]; 18-25 29-22; 7-10 22-18(11); 11-16 18-9; 6-13 3126; 8-11 26-22; 11-15 21-17; 2-6 17-14; 10-26 19-1. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Oldbury (P) 1993. #845. V11(10): . . . 22-17; 11-15 31-26; 6-9 17-13; 8-11 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 11-16 23-18; 16-23 18-11; 10-15 27-18; 14-23. Drawn. Colossus v R. Fortman (P) 1992. #846. V12(10): . . . 25-22(13); 18-25 29-22; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 11-15 28-24; 2-6 26-22; 6-9 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 8-15 32-28;

226 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18. Jordan. #847.

Complete Checkers Drawn. Analysis by R.

V13(12): . . . 19-15; 1-6 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 11-16 15-11; 8-24 27-11; 18-27 32-23; 10-15 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 18-22 21-17; 19-23 17-13; 23-26 29-25; 22-29 31-22; 29-25 22-18; 25-22 18-15; 4-8 11-4; 6-10 14-7; 2-18. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #848. V14(10): . . . 17-13; 9-14 26-23; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 2522; 18-25 29-22; 3-7 13-9; 8-11 27-24; 4-8 22-17(15); 11-16 9-6; 2-9 24-20; 8-11 17-13; 14-18 13-6; 18-27 32-23; 10-14 31-26; 1-10 26-22; 14-17 22-13; 10-14 13-9; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 9-6; 11-15. Drawn. A. Long v E. Hunt 1932. #849. V15(14): . . . 32-28; 11-16 24-20; 8-11 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 1-6 15-8; 6-13 20-11; 7-16 28-24; 17-22 8-3 16-20. Drawn. P. Thompson v J. Latham (P) 1956. #850. V16(T): 2-6 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 12-16 22-18; 7-10 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 14-10; 5-9 10-6; 11-16 28-24; 9-13 6-2; 13-17 2-6; 17-22 6-10; 22-26 18-14; 26-31 24-20; 16-19 10-15; 19-23 20-16; 4-8 15-10; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 11-7; 16-19 14-9; 19-24. Drawn. T. Colston v R. Fortman (P) 1956. #851. V17(T): . . . 31-26; 5-9 26-23(18); 9-14 17-10; 7-14 24-19 [25-22; 18-25 29-22; is well met with 11-15]; 11-16! 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 3-7 22-18; 1-6 18-9; 6-13 30-26; 8-11 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 26-22; 11-15 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. R. Fortman v J. Childers (P) 1994. #852. V18(17): . . . 24-19; 9-13 17-14; 11-16 26-23; 8-11 28-24; 16-20 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 30-26 Into Variation 8 V19(T): . . . 17-13(33); 5-9 21-17(32); 11-15 17-14(24); 1-5 26-23; 6-10 13-6; 10-17 23-14; 2-18 25-22; 17-26 30-14; 8-11 24-20(21); 15-19 20-16(20); 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 14-10; 12-16 10-6; 16-19 6-2; 19-23 2-6; 23-26 6-10; 5-9. Drawn. H. Cravens v J. Morrison 1988. #853.

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V20(19): . . . 31-26; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-24; 10-15 29-25; 5-9 2521; 9-14 26-22; 14-18 20-16 [22-17; 19-23 17-13; 18-22 lead to a long draw: M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1980]; 11-27 32-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #854. V21(19): . . . 24-19(22); 15-24 28-19; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 29-25; 11-16 27-23; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-17; 16-20 23-18; 5-9 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 14-23 6-2; 11-16 2-7; 23-26 31-22; 16-23 7-10; 12-16 10-14; 16-19. Drawn. Analysis by L. Ginsberg #855. V22(21): . . . 29-25(23); 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 11-15 27-24; 5-9 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 17-22 10-7; 22-25 7-3; 25-30 24-19; 30-25 3-7; 13-17. Drawn. K. Albrecht v H. Burton 1974. #856. V23(22): . . . 27-23; 15-18 29-25; 18-27 32-23; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 5-9 24-19; 11-15 31-26; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. E. Fuller v E. Bruch 1980. #857. V24(19): . . . 26-22(27); 12-16 17-14; 1-5 22-17; 8-11 25-21; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 14-10; 6-15 13-6; 2-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 4-8 24-20; 16-19 9-6; 19-23 6-2; 15-18 28-24; 23-26 30-23; 18-27 32-23; 7-10 24-19(26); 5-9 20-16(25); 11-20 2-6; 9-13 6-15; 8-11 15-8; 3-12 19-15; 12-16 15-10; 20-24 10-6; 16-20 6-1; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 1-6; 27-31 6-9; 14-17 21-14; 31-26. Drawn. Analysis by T. Wiswell. #858. V25(24): . . . 2-7; 8-12 7-16; 10-15 19-10; 12-26 10-6; 26-30 6-2; 9-13 2-6; 22-25 29-22; 30-25 6-9; 25-18 31-26; 3-8 26-22; 18-25 9-18; 8-11. Drawn. A. Long v E. Bruch 1980. #859 V26(24): . . . 23-19; 5-9 19-16; 9-13 16-7; 8-11 31-27; 11-15 29-25; 22-29 2-6; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 7-2; 15-18. Drawn. R. Fortman v T. Colston (P) 1956. #860. V27(24): . . . 25-21(31); 8-11; 17-14; 1-5 26-23; 11-16 29-25; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17 [24-20; 4-8 21-17 same]; 4-8 24-20(28); 8-11 2521; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 14-10; 6-15 13-6; 2-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 19-23 20-16; 11-20 21-17; 14-21 31-27; 5-14 27-2. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #861.


Complete Checkers

V28(27): . . . 31-26(29); 8-11 26-22; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 17-13; 10-26 30-16; 11-20 13-6; 7-11 25-21; 18-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 15-22 23-18. Drawn. W. Coleman v H. Maine (P) 1961. #862. V29(28): . . . 25-21(30); 7-10 14-7; 2-11 27-23; 19-26 30-14; 9-18 31-26; 11-16 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 1915; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-10; 6-15 13-9; 5-14 17-3. Drawn. J. Latham v S. Weslow (P) 1965. #863. V30(29): . . . 30-26; 8-12 24-20; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 20-16; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 27-20; 12-19 17-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-15. Drawn. E. Bruch v E. Fuller 1980. #864. V31(27): . . . 26-23 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 26-23; 1-5 23-14; 9-18 same]; 1-5 23-14; 9-18 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 18-25 30-21; 7-10 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 27-23; 3-7 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 7-11 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-24 23-18. Drawn. P. Thompson v J. Scott (P) 1959. #865. V32(19): . . . 24-20; 11-15 20-16 [Against 26-23; 1-5! equalizes]; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-5; 15-19 [11-15 23-19; 9-14 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 14-18 19-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-5; 15-19 [A reasonable alternative to the regular 15-18] 24-15; 10-19 same] 31-26 [Against 25-22; 8-11 22-18 [31-26; 11-15 into this variation] 19-23! equalizes]; 8-11 25-22 [Against 21-17; 7-10 27-24; 4-8 24-15; 10-19 32-27; 3-7 draws]; 11-15 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 21-17; 7-11 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 11-20 26-23; 7-10 29-25; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 22-18; 24-27 18-14; 10-15 14-9; 27-31 25-22; 31-27 23-18; 15-19 18-15; 27-23 15-11; 6-10 11-8; 10-15 17-14; 23-18 22-17; 19-24 8-4; 24-27 4-8; 27-32 14-10; 18-14 8-3; 14-21 9-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by M. Claypool. #866. V33(19): . . . 24-19 [Both 17-14 and 24-20 are well met with the equalizing 11-15]; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 17-14 [17-13? 12-16 21-17; 812 25-21; is powerfully met with the characteristic 19-23! thrust: R. Fortman v D. Cayton (P) 1990];12-16 21-17; 8-12 25-21; 19-23! [Much better than the delay with 4-8] 26-19; 16-23 14-10; 7-14

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17-10; 5-9 28-24; 2-7 31-26; 7-14 26-19; 4-8 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 9-13 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 16-20 9-6; 20-27 6-2; 27-32 23-18; 32-27 2-6; 27-23 6-15; 23-14 30-26; 3-7! 26-23; 14-9. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #867.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 47 (56): 10-14 22-18; 6-10 POWER: [23/77] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 10-14 22-18; 6-10 25-22 [Other moves transpose into milder 10-14s]; 11-15[R](23) 18-11; 8-15 29-25[R](17); 1-6 23-18[R](10); 14-23 27-11; 7-16 22-18[R](5); 3-7![R](4) 25-22; 4-8 24-20[R](3); 811 28-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23[R](1) Forms Position, Diagram 71: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 71

Continue: 10-15 32-28; 7-10 31-26 [30-26; 6-9 to an easy draw: W. Ryan v A. Cameron 1951]; 6-9 30-25; 2-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 23-19 [11-7; 12-16 to an easy draw: M. Tinsley v A. Cameron 1954]; 9-13 11-8; 24-27 8-3; 27-31 26-23; 31-27 3-7; 27-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-19 7-11; 19-23 11-15; 23-26 12-8; 26-30 8-3; 13-17 3-7; 6-9 7-10; 9-13 10-6; 14-18! 21-14; 30-21 15-22; 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #868. V1(T): . . . 22-17(2); 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 26-19; 16-23 31-27; 6-10 27-18; 10-17 18-14; 17-22 14-9; 11-15 9-5; 12-16 2011; 7-16 5-1; 16-19 1-5; 19-28 5-9; 2-6 9-2; 15-18. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #869.

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V2(1): . . . 32-28; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 22-17; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 31-27; 18-22 26-23; 22-25 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 25-29 23-18; 6-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #870. V3(T): . . . 26-23; 8-11 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 16-20 Into Variation 18 V4(T): 4-8 24-20; 8-11 28-24; 3-7 25-22 Into Trunk V5(T): . . . 24-20; 3-8 20-11; 8-15 22-17; 4-8 28-24(7); 8-11 24-20(6); 9-14 26-23; 15-18 23-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 17-13; 1822 25-18; 14-23 13-6; 2-9 20-16; 23-27 31-24; 10-15 19-10; 12-28. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #871. V6(5): . . . 25-22; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 17-13; 9-14 22-17; 19-24 26-23; 2-7 30-26; 7-11 32-28; 5-9 28-19; 15-24 23-19; 11-15 26-23; 24-28 31-26; 15-24 26-22; 28-32 23-19; 14-18 22-15; 32-27 15-11; 24-28 11-7; 27-24 7-2; 24-15 2-7; 9-14 7-2; 15-18 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #872. V7(5): . . . 32-27; 12-16 25-22(8); 8-12 17-13; 9-14 22-17; 16-20 26-23; 2-7 30-26; 7-11 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 5-9 26-22; 14-18 17-14; 10-26 19-1; 9-14 1-6; 26-31 6-9; 31-27 24-20. Drawn. A. Huggins v R. Chamberlain (P) 1975. #873. V8(7): . . . 26-23; 15-19 31-26(9); 10-15 25-22; 9-13 23-18; 8-11 27-24; 16-20 18-14; 20-27 14-9; 5-14 17-1; 27-31 1-5; 11-16 5-9; 15-18 22-15; 31-22 9-14; 2-7 14-9; 22-18 15-11; 7-10 11-8; 19-23. Drawn. A. Huggins v W. Jenkins (P) 1954. #874. V9(8): . . . 30-26; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 19-26 31-22; 16-19 22-18; 19-23 27-24; 23-26 24-19; 26-31 19-15; 31-26 17-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-9. Drawn. A. Huggins v W. Jenkins (P) 1955. #875. V10(T): . . . 24-20(15); 7-11 22-17(13); 9-13 [D. Oldbury preferred 3-7 first, to tempt 17-13] 25-22; 3-7 28-24(11); 14-18! 23-14; 4-8 2419; 15-24 26-23! [This is White’s best move. For example, against 22-18?!; 13-22 26-17 Black replies with the winning 10-15! [Not 12-16?? which would be embarrassing after 18-15!] following A. Moiseyev v R. King 2003. Note also that Leonard Hall’s draw in


Complete Checkers

The Inferno of Checkers Page 128 is faulty. Alternatively, going a man down with 14-9 simply gives White the labouring oar]; 6-9 22-18 [23-18; 12-16 18-15; 11-25 20-4; 13-22 27-20; 10-17 21-14; 9-18 30-21; 22-25 is easy for Black]; 13-22 23-19; 10-17 21-14; 2-6! 19-15; 24-28 27-23; 12-16 31-27; 22-26 27-24; 16-19 23-16; 9-13 30-23; 8-12 15-8; 12-26. Drawn. A. Huggins v W. Jenkins (P) 1956. #876. V11(10): . . . 27-24(12); 6-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28 [22-18 is also worthy of consideration]; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 4-8 31-27; 8-12 27-24; 11-15 23-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-26 30-14; 9-18 19-10. Drawn. R. Shuffett v B. Case 1961. #877. V12(11): . . . 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 15-19! 31-27; 6-9 [10-15 also draws] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 27-24; 19-23! 26-19; 6-10 19-15; 10-26 15-8; 4-11 30-23; 7-10 32-27; 10-14 24-19; 13-17 27-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 19-16; 12-19 24-8. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Oldbury (P) 1987. #878. V13(10): . . . 28-24(14); 9-13 23-19; 4-8 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 30-26; 3-7 INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-15 (V28) V14(13): . . . 27-24 [Soft]; 9-13 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 5-14 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 CR (V8) V15(10): . . . 24-19 (16); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 27-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-20 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 CR (V8) V16(15): . . . 22-17; 4-8 17-13; 8-11 23-19 INTO 9-14 22-18; 1115 (V17) V17(T): . . . 24-19(18); 15-24 28-19 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 CR (T) V18(17): . . . 23-18(21); 14-23 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 26-23; 16-20 24-19; 3-7! [11-15? is a famous loss] 22-18(19); 1-6 [The natural 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 14-17 runs into the next note] 18-9; 6-13 31-26 [30-26 permits an easy draw with 13-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-10 16-7; 2-11 26-22;

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17-26 31-22]; 11-15 26-22; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 22-18; 24-27 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 27-31; 23-18; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 19-15; 11-16. Drawn. L. Ginsberg v S. Gonotsky 1924. #879. V19(18): . . . 22-17; 11-15 30-26(20); 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 1219 23-7; 2-11 32-27 [26-23; 11-15 17-13; 15-18 31-27; 18-22 13-9; 22-26 9-6; 10-15 also draws]; 11-16 26-23; 1-5 31-26; 5-9 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 15-19 6-2; 14-17! 21-14; 19-24. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #880. V20(19): . . . 31-26; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 3227; 1-5 26-23; 11-16 17-13 [30-26 into Variation 18]; 10-15 13-9; 14-18! 23-14; 15-18 9-6; 16-19. Drawn. T. Wiswell v J. Cox 1960. #881. V21(18): . . . 22-17 [23-19; 24-20; and 30-25?! are all shown under 10-14 22-18; 11-15]; 4-8 17-13(22); 1-6 INTO 9-14 22-18; 11-15 (V16) V22(21): . . . 23-19; 8-11 17-13; 1-6 INTO 9-14 22-18; 11-15 (V16) V23(T): 12-16 [1-6 29-25; 11-15 18-11 8-15 into Trunk] 22-17; 16-20 17-13; 1-6 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 23-19; 4-8 26-22; 8-12! 22-17; 7-11 30-26; 3-8! 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 2-7 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 26-22; 23-26 25-21; 26-31 22-17; 6-10 13-9; 31-26 9-6; 26-22 6-2; 22-13 20-16; 11-20 2-4; 10-17 21-14; 13-9 14-10; 9-14 10-7; 14-18 7-3; 18-23 19-15. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #882.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 47A (57): 10-14 22-18; 7-10 POWER: [21/79] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 14 Trunk: 10-14 22-18; 7-10 25-22(15); 11-16 29-25(4); 8-11 18-15(3); 11-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 3-7 26-22(2); 9-13 31-26 [The inferior 30-26 is well met with 4-8!]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 28-19 Forms Position, Diagram 72: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 72

Continue: 4-8 21-17(1); 14-21 32-27; 7-11 23-18; 2-7 27-24; 5-9 24-20; 7-10 19-16; 10-19 16-7; 6-10 7-3; 8-12 3-7; 10-14 18-15; 14-17 15-10; 9-14; 7-2 19-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 21-30. Drawn. D. Lafferty v R. King 1996. #883. V1(T): . . . 32-27; 7-11 19-16 [22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 11-18 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 11-16 to a draw]; 11-20 22-18 [23-19; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 26-23; 8-11 22-18; 13-17 to a draw]; 6-10 18-9; 5-14 15-6; 1-10 23-19; 8-12 25-22; 2-7 27-23; 20-24 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16. Drawn. J. Childers v D. Vestal (P) 1978. #884. V2(T): . . . 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 4-8 27-24; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 32-27; 5-9 31-26; 9-13 26-23; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 23-14; 10-17 27-23; 8-11

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24-20; 7-10 25-21; 17-22 23-18; 2-6 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 2824; 17-21 14-10; 6-15 19-10; 11-15. Drawn. R. Fortman v W. Edwards (P) 1978. #885. V3(T): . . . 24-20; 10-15 27-24; 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 32-28 [19-15!?; 10-19 32-28; 2-6 22-17; 9-13 18-2; 13-29 2-7; 29-25 7-10; 5-9 10-7 to a draw]; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 28-19; 8-24 22-18; 12-16 18-9; 16-20 21-17; 13-22 26-17. Drawn. Analysis by W. Fraser. #886. V4(T): . . . 24-20(11); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23(9); 8-12 23-16; 1423 26-19; 4-8 32-27(7); 2-7 30-26(6); 8-11 29-25; 9-13 19-15; 10-19 22-18(5); 5-9 27-24; 3-8 24-15; 12-19 25-22; 7-10 21-17; 1-5 31-27; 9-14 18-2; 11-25 27-24; 13-31 24-6; 8-11. Drawn. J. McGill v D. McGrath (P) 1987. #887. V5(4): . . . 27-24; 3-8 24-15; 12-19 31-27; 11-18 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 20-16; 8-12 26-23; 19-26 27-24; 12-19 24-6. Drawn. R. Fortman v E. Shelor (P) 1983. #888. V6(4): . . . 22-18; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 27-24; 3-8 24-15; 12-19 30-26; 9-13 29-25; 6-9 31-27; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 27-23; 10-15 23-7; 15-31 25-22; 8-12 21-17; 31-26 7-2. Drawn. K. Todd v J. Caldwell (P) 1970. #889. V7(4): . . . 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-7 25-22; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 22-17; 6-15 17-10; 7-14 32-27(8); 8-11 30-26; 14-18 27-23; 18-27 31-24; 1-6 21-17; 6-10 17-13; 10-14 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 3-8 6-2; 15-18 24-15; 18-22. Drawn. D. Lafferty v E. Rolader 1975. #890. V8(7): . . . 20-16; 15-18 31-26; 8-12 32-27; 3-8 30-25; 1-6 26-22; 6-9 22-15; 19-23 27-18; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by J. McGill. #891. V9(4): . . . 18-15 [11-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 10-14 18-15 7-10 25-22 same]; 14-18 29-25; 9-14 20-16; 5-9 27-24(10); 8-12 16-11; 3-8 31-27; 18-23 27-18; 14-23 22-17; 9-14 17-13; 1-5 26-22; 12-16 22-17; 23-27 32-23; 19-26 30-23; 10-26 17-1; 8-15 1-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by J. Wyllie. #892.


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V10(9): . . . 16-11; 3-7 27-23; 7-16 32-27; 9-13 21-17; 14-21 23-7; 2-18 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 27-24; 10-15 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 21-30 24-19; 15-24 28-3. Drawn. M. Rex v L. Goans (P) 1980. #893. V11(4): . . . 18-15(14); 10-19 24-15; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 5-9 22-18; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 26-22(13); 6-10 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 3-7 2723(12); 1-5 30-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 25-21; 17-22 15-11; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 11-8; 7-10. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1994. #894. V12(11): . . . 22-17; 20-24 27-20; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 1-10 21-17; 2-6 17-13; 10-14 32-28; 14-17 31-26; 23-27 2016; 12-19 26-22; 17-26 30-16. Drawn. Analysis by N. Wexler. #895. V13(11): . . . 26-23 [28-24; 6-10 26-22 into Variation 11]; 6-10 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 3-10 21-17; 2-6 27-23; 11-15 32-27; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 17-13; 10-14 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 19-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #896. V14(11): . . . 24-19; 8-11 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V13) V15(T): . . . 24-20[R](16) INTO 10-14 24-20; 7-10 (T) V16(15): . . . 24-19(17) INTO 10-14 24-19 7-10 (V24) V17(16): . . . 26-22 10-15 INTO 10-15 23-18; 7-10 (V12)

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Ballot Number 48 (58): 10-14 22-18; 11-15 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 17 Trunk: 10-14 22-18; 11-15 [To fully understand the recommendations given under this ballot, the reader should consult the Cluster Index] 18-11; 8-15 26-22[R](15); 6-10[R](14) 22-17[R](12); 4-8 [1-6 23-19; 4-8 25-22!; 8-11 17-13 same] 23-19 [17-13 is too early after 1-6 23-19 15-18!]; 8-11[R](11) 17-13; 1-6(5) 25-22 [Against 27-23?; Black knocks out current published play with 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 7-16 28-19; 3-7 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 9-27! 32-23 7-11 etc. . . ]; 14-17 [14-18?! leaves White well placed after 21-17; 18-25 30-21; 3-8 29-25; 15-18 19-15] 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 5-9 [3-8? 22-17; 15-18 24-20; 18-22 27-23 to a white win: T. Landry v M. Tinsley 1983] 27-23 9-14; 31-26[R](2) Forms Position, Diagram 73: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 73

Continue: 14-17 [3-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 2819; 8-11 22-18; 14-17 same] 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 [3-8 22-18; 8-11 same] 22-18; 3-7 19-16[R](1); 12-19 23-16; 6-9 [More restrictive than 17-21] 13-6; 2-9 16-12; 17-21 2622 [12-8; 10-15 26-22; 7-10 8-3; 10-14 3-7; 14-23 same]; 10-14 12-8; 14-23 8-3; 7-10 3-7; 10-15 7-16; 15-19 16-11 [On the 2 options: 1)


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22-17; 9-13 16-11; 13-22 11-15; 19-24 15-19; 23-27 19-28; 27-32. Drawn: M. Tinsley v H. Burton 1975 2) 22-18; 9-13 18-14; 13-17. Drawn: A. Long v L. Edwards 1983] 19-24 11-15; 23-27 15-18; 9-13 20-16; 27-31 16-11; 24-27 11-7; 27-32 7-2; 32-27 2-7; 27-23 18-27; 31-24. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber 1928. #897. V1(T): . . . 18-14; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 14-7; 2-11 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 6-10 18-14; 11-16 14-7; 16-23. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #898. V2(T): . . . 24-20(3); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 14-17 31-26 Into Trunk V3(2): . . . 30-25(4); 14-17 25-21; 17-26 31-22; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 12-16 19-12; 10-14 21-17; 14-21 23-19. Drawn. H. Burton v M. Tinsley 1975. #899. V4(3): . . . 23-18; 14-23 22-17; 12-16 19-12; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 2819; 23-27 32-23; 7-11 23-18; 16-23 18-14; 11-16 14-7; 2-11 17-14; 16-20 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 6-2; 10-15 13-9; 11-16 9-5; 27-31 5-1; 15-19 1-6; 16-20 30-25. Drawn. H. Freyer v K. Grover 1939. #900. V5(T): 2-6[R] 31-26[R](8); 14-17[R](6) 21-14; 9-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 10-14 19-10; 6-15 27-23; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 30-25 [24-19 is soft: R. Pask v P. McCarthy 1985]; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 14-18 23-7; 16-30 7-2; 30-21 2-6; 21-17 6-10; 12-16 32-27; 17-22. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #901. V6(5): 14-18(7) 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 9-14 27-23; 5-9 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 21-17; 18-25 30-21. Drawn. B. Lucas v W. Edwards 1986. #902. V7(6): 3-8 25-22!; 14-18 [14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 24-20; 10-14 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16 is easy for White] 21-17; 18-25 30-21; 15-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 23-18; 11-16! 20-2; 10-14 17-10; 6-31 13-6; 1-10 21-17; 31-27 2-6; 27-23 6-15; 23-16 17-14; 16-20 15-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #903.

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V8(5): . . . 30-26(9) 3-8 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 19-16 [27-23 and 24-20 are drawable alternatives]; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 8-12 31-27; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 7-11 26-22; 6-10 23-18; 1-6 22-17; 5-9 17-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 17-22 11-7; 22-26 7-2; 26-30 18-15; 30-26 2-7; 26-23 7-10. Drawn. R. King v A. Moiseyev 2003. #904. V9(8): . . . 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 19-10; 7-14 30-23(10); 14-18 23-14; 9-18 29-25 [27-23 also draws]; 5-9 31-26; 9-14 25-21; 11-15 24-20; 15-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 12-19 26-22; 6-10 20-16; 10-15 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 18-22 16-11. Drawn. E. Fuller v E. Scheidt 1969. #905. V10(9): . . . 31-22; 14-17! 22-18!; 3-7 24-19; 7-10 19-16; 12-19 18-14; 9-18 27-23; 19-26 30-7; 11-15 28-24; 15-19 24-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #906. V11(T): 7-11 [Both 1-6 and 2-6 transpose into variations given under this ballot] 17-13; 1-6 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 3-7 30-26; 7-11 29-25; 18-23 26-19; 11-18 19-15; 18-23 27-18; 14-23 21-17; 12-16 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 2-7 19-16; 8-12 15-11; 12-19 11-2; 19-24 2-7; 24-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #907. V12(T): . . . 23-19(13); 7-11 22-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22 [White has sound options in both 29-25 and 26-23]; 2-6 22-17; 4-8 29-25; 6-9 27-23; 9-13 25-22; 15-18 22-6; 1-10 31-27; 13-22 23-18; 14-23 27-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v V. Ricciuti 1977. #908. V13(12): . . . 22-18 [30-26?!; 4-8 22-17; 8-11 17-13; 1-6 25-22; 14-18 to a black win: M. Tinsley v T. Landry 1983 or 31-26?!; 7-11 24-20; 1-6 27-24? [28-24 may draw]; 9-13! to a black win analysed by A. Moiseyev]; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 [Both 12-16 and 14-17 are more aggressive and have been favoured by M. Tinsley] 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 10-15 24-19 [31-26; 7-10 24-20; 3-7 27-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-19 15-24 28-19; 11-15 to an uneventful draw: R. King v A. Moiseyev 2009]; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 27-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 30-26; 8-11 INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-16 (V10)


Complete Checkers

V14(T): 7-11 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 6-10 INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-15 (V18) V15(T): . . . 24-20(22); 6-10 28-24[R](21); 1-6[R](20) 23-19; 9-13 25-22 [26-22? is comfortably met with 15-18! 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-28 25-22; 6-10]; 6-9 29-25[R](18); 4-8 26-23; 14-18[R](16) 2314; 10-26 19-10; 7-14 31-22; 3-7 24-19; 7-10 27-23 [32-28? loses to 2-7!]; 8-11 22-18; 13-17 20-16; 11-20 18-15; 12-16 15-6; 14-18 21-14; 18-27 19-12; 9-18 32-14; 2-18 25-22; 18-25 30-21. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #909. V16(15): 14-17 21-14; 9-18(17) 23-14; 10-26 19-10; 7-14 30-23; 13-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 3-7 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-10 24-19; 811 22-17; 5-9 32-27; 9-13 18-14; 13-22 14-7; 11-15 19-10; 2-11. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1995. #910. V17(16): 10-26 31-22; 7-10 23-18; 8-11 20-16; 11-20 18-11; 10-14 19-15; 14-17 25-21; 17-26 30-23; 9-14 [Or 3-7 11-8; 7-10! to a draw] 15-10; 13-17 10-7; 3-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 21-7; 27-31 7-3. Drawn. A. Scott v G. O’Connor 1926. #911. V18(15): . . . 32-28(19); 14-18 29-25; 7-11 INTO 9-13 22-18; 1115 (V31) V19(18): . . . 30-25; 14-18 20-16; 10-14 19-10; 12-28 22-15; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 26-22; 7-14 15-10; 14-17 22-15; 17-21 25-22; 21-25 22-18; 25-30 18-14; 13-17 14-9; 5-14 31-26; 30-23 27-9; 17-22 10-6; 4-8 6-1; 2-7 1-6; 7-10 15-11; 8-15 9-5; 22-26 5-1; 26-30 1-5; 30-26 5-9; 26-22 6-2; 15-18 2-7; 10-15 7-11; 22-17 9-13; 17-14 29-25. Drawn. Analysis by R. Allen. #912. V20(15): 4-8 23-19; 8-11 25-22; 14-18 29-25; 9-14 26-23; 2-6 30-26; 6-9 32-28; 1-6 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 18-23 26-19; 9-13 16-12; 6-9 19-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 9-14 27-23; 14-17 23-19; 17-26 19-10; 7-14 16-7; 3-10. Drawn. Analysis by A. Jordan. #913. V21(15): . . . 23-19 [25-22; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 1-6 results in equality, while 20-16?!; 12-19 23-16 may lose after 4-8 28-24; 8-11 24-20; 1-6 25-22; 9-13 29-25; 6-9 32-28 transposing into the first note of #307!]; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 27-23 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 CR (V8)

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V22(15): . . . 24-19(23); 15-24 28-19; 6-10 25-22 INTO 11-15 2319; 9-14 CR (T) V23(22): . . . 23-19 [All three alternatives result in even, open positions. Namely: 1) 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 4-8 . . . 2) 23-18; 15-22 26-10; 6-15 . . . 3) 23-18; 15-22 25-18; 14-23 27-18 . . . ]; 6-10 25-22; 9-13 27-23(24); 4-8 24-20; 15-24 28-19 8-11 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 CR (V8) V24(23): . . . 30-25; 7-11 27-23 INTO 10-14 22-17; 11-15 (V8)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 49 (59): 10-14 22-18; 11-16 POWER: [45/55] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 9 Trunk: 10-14 22-18; 11-16 26-22[R](9); 7-10[R](8) 24-19[R](1) 8-11 2217 [Both 30-26 and 28-24 are met with 16-20] 16-20 INTO Key Landing Number 9 V1(T): . . . 22-17; 16-19 24-15(7); 10-26 30-23 [17-10; 6-22 25-18; 8-11 30-23 same]; 8-11 17-10; 6-22 25-18; 3-7 29-25; 1-6 28-24(6); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22 Forms Position, Diagram 74: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 74

Continue: 7-10 24-20(3); 6-9 27-24; 4-8 31-27(2); 2-6! 23-19; 1418 22-15; 11-18 32-28; 18-22 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 22-26 27-24; 9-13 24-19; 26-31 28-24; 6-9 15-11; 8-15 19-10; 31-26 10-7; 26-22 7-3; 22-18 24-19. Drawn. P. McCarthy v R. Pask 1984. #914. V2(1): . . . 24-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 16-11; 12-16 11-8; 16-20 8-3; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 3-8; 27-31 8-11; 31-26 23-19; 26-23 19-16; 23-18 16-12; 10-15 11-16. Drawn. Chinook v D. Lafferty 1994. #915. V3(1): . . . 24-19(4); 4-8 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 6-13 27-24; 8-11 24-20;

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10-14 19-15; 11-27 20-11; 13-17 32-23; 17-22 11-8; 22-25 8-3; 25-30. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958. #916. V4(3): . . . 31-26(5); 11-15 22-17; 15-18 17-13; 4-8 24-20; 10-15 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 16-12; 6-9! 13-6; 2-9 12-3; 18-23 27-18; 14-30. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #917. V5(4): . . . 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 6-13 23-18; 10-15 18-14; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 14-10; 19-23 27-18; 15-22 10-7; 22-25 7-3; 8-12 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 15-18 11-15; 18-22 15-19; 25-30 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #918. V6(1): . . . 31-26 [25-22; 7-10 28-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 into Variation 1]; 6-10! [Much easier than the published 7-10] 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 27-24; 12-16 26-23; 15-19 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 32-23; 4-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #919. V7(1): . . . 23-16; 14-23 27-18; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 30-26; 8-11 32-27; 6-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 3-8 27-23; 8-15 23-16; 5-9 16-11; 9-14 26-23; 1-6 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 19-16; 9-13 16-12; 14-17 12-8; 17-26 31-22; 2-7 11-2; 4-11. Drawn. Analysis by J. McGill. #920. V8(T): 16-20 24-19; 8-11 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V9(T): . . . 25-22(14); 16-20 24-19(10); 8-11 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V27) V10(9): . . . 22-17(12); 9-13 18-9; 13-22 26-17; 6-22 30-26; 5-9 2617; 9-13 17-14; 8-11 24-19(11) INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V32) V11(10): . . . 23-18; 13-17 31-26; 1-6 14-9; 6-13 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-23; 20-27 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 32-23; 13-17 28-24; 11-15 24-20; 4-8 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-18 16-12; 18-22 12-3; 22-31 29-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #921. V12(10): . . . 30-25(13); 8-11 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V34) V13(12): . . . 29-25 [Not recommended]; 8-11 18-15 [24-19? gets White in a pickle!]; 11-18 22-15; 7-10 25-22 [24-19? is beaten by 4-8]; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 4-8 22-17; 14-18 17-13 [30-25 favours Black after 9-13 17-14; 13-17 15-11; 8-15 14-10; 17-22! 26-17; 20-24!]; 9-14 26-23; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 31-15; 2-6 30-26; 3-7


Complete Checkers

26-23; 5-9 28-24; 9-13 23-18!; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 6-9 15-10!; 7-14 18-15. Drawn! Analysis by WCC Platinum. #922. V14(9): . . . 24-19(15); 8-11 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V15(14): . . . 24-20(16); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (T) V16(15): . . . 18-15; 16-20 26-22 INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-16 (V8)

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Ballot Number 49A (60): 10-14 22-18; 12-16 POWER: [17/83] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 21 Trunk: 10-14 22-18; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 26-19; 8-12 2522(18); 6-10 31-26(8); 11-15 27-23(7); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25(5); 8-11 23-18(2); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 14-18! [11-15? 25-22; 15-24 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 24-28 [1-6 is no better] 22-18; 14-23 26-19; 3-7 11-8; 7-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 30-26; 11-16 26-23; 16-20 8-3; 20-24 14-10; 6-15 19-10; 24-27 3-8; 27-31 8-11!; 31-27 11-8; 27-18 10-7; 2-11 8-22 to a classic white win] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 19-10; 12-19 26-22(1); 18-23 22-18; 19-24 20-16; 24-27 16-12; 7-11 12-8; 3-12 10-7; 27-31 7-3 Forms Endgame #12, Diagram 75: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❲❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀❇❀✇❀ Diagram 75

Continue: 31-27 3-8; 11-16 8-11; 16-20 18-15; 27-24 11-8 [Against 25-22; 12-16 is best]; 24-19 15-11; 2-6 11-7; 6-10 14-9; 19-15 25-22; 1-5 9-6; 23-26 30-23; 15-11 8-15; 10-26. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1981. #923. V1(T): . . . 20-16; 2-6 32-27; 6-15 14-9; 3-8 16-12; 7-11 12-3; 18-23 27-18; 15-31. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1985. #924.


Complete Checkers

V2(T): . . . 22-17(4); 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 17-13(3); 8-11 13-6; 2-9 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 23-18; 1-6 21-17; 6-10 17-13; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 17-21 6-2; 22-25 19-15; 11-18 2-11; 12-19 11-15; 25-29 15-24; 29-25 20-16; 25-22 16-11; 22-17 11-7; 18-22. Drawn. A. Long v E. Hunt 1936. #925. V3(2): . . . 23-18 [26-22 is comfortably met with 9-14]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 1-6 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 16-11; 15-24 11-8; 7-11! 17-13; 24-27 8-3; 27-31 22-17; 11-15 3-8; 31-27 8-11; 27-18 25-22; 18-25 11-9. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #926. V4(2): . . . 22-18; 2-6 25-22; 9-13 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 22-18; 10-17 19-15; 12-19 15-8; 3-12 23-16; 12-19 26-22; 17-26 30-16. Drawn. F. Dunne v W. Strickland 1874. #927. V5(T): . . . 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 29-25; 6-10(6) 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 23-18; 8-11 32-27; 2-6 27-23; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 17-22 26-17; 10-15 19-10; 12-26 30-23; 7-21. Drawn. H. Cravens v G. Davies 1973. #928. V6(5): 8-11? 25-21; 6-10 30-25! [Not 23-18? 10-17 21-14; 13-17 into Variation 5]; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 25-21; 2-6 23-18; 6-10 3228!; 5-9 14-5; 10-15 19-10!; 7-30 16-7!; 3-10 21-7. White Win. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #929. V7(T): . . . 28-24; 10-14 19-10; 12-28 20-16; 4-8 16-12; 9-13 26-23; 13-17 22-13; 2-6 29-25; 6-15 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 5-9 13-6; 1-26 30-23; 8-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-10 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #930. V8(T): . . . 29-25(13); 11-15 30-26(10); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 26-22 [18-15?! led to a crushing defeat: M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-28(9); 11-15 27-24; 1-5 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 14-18 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 18-23 26-22; 23-26 22-17; 26-30 17-13; 914 13-9; 14-17 21-14; 30-21; 9-6 10-17; 19-10; 12-19 24-15; 7-14. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #931. V9(8): . . . 22-17; 2-6! [10-15? 19-10; 12-19 32-28! to a white win: A. Long v M. Tinsley 1981] 27-24; 14-18 32-28; 18-23 25-22 [17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 25-21; 3-8! to a draw]; 23-26

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22-18; 26-30 19-15; 12-19 15-8; 3-12 24-15; 10-19 31-26; 30-14 17-3. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #932. V10(8): . . . 22-17; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 17-13(11); 10-15 19-10; 12-19 13-6; 7-14 20-16; 1-10 25-22; 5-9 22-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 17-13; 10-15 31-26; 11-16 13-9; 14-18 9-6; 3-8 6-2; 8-11 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 19-24. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1932. #933. V11(10): . . . 31-26(12); 8-11! [9-13? 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 25-21; 6-10 27-24! is a white win] 27-23 Into Variation 2 V12(11): . . . 32-28!; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 31-26; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 26-23; 17-22 23-18; 8-11 27-24; 22-26! 30-23; 2-6 19-15; 12-26 15-8; 3-12 18-15. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #934. V13(8): . . . 22-17 [21-17; 9-13 29-25; 2-6! 25-21; 4-8 30-26; 11-15 poses no problems for Black]; 2-6 29-25(16); 4-8 17-13; 9-14 31-26; 14-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 25-22(15); 12-19 23-16; 8-12 21-17(14); 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-10 28-24; 1-6 23-19; 5-9 19-16; 15-18 16-7; 18-25 24-19; 25-30 7-2; 30-25 20-16; 25-22 16-12; 22-25 2-7; 9-14 19-15; 10-19 17-1; 3-10. Drawn. D. Oldbury v R. Hallett 1985. #935. V14(13): . . . 26-23; 12-26 30-23; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 28-24; 10-14 23-19; 14-18 19-10; 18-25 10-6. Drawn. R. Fortman v J. Nelson (P) 1974. #936. V15(13): . . . 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 26-23; 10-15 19-10; 12-26 30-23; 7-14 25-22; 11-15 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27. Drawn. E. Frazier v C. Guss (P) 1945. #937. V16(13): . . . 17-13; 4-8 30-26(17); 9-14 27-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 6-10 19-15; 10-19 32-27; 17-22 26-17; 19-23 27-24; 12-19 24-15; 5-9 13-6; 1-19 18-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 17-13; 11-15 13-9; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 14-17 2-7; 17-22 7-10; 23-26 10-15; 24-28 15-19; 8-12 20-16; 26-30. Drawn. A. Long v A. Huggins (P) 1961. #938. V17(16): . . . 31-26; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 27-24; 6-15 13-6; 1-10


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29-25; 10-14 25-22; 5-9 22-17; 9-13 17-10; 7-14 32-27; 8-12 27-23; 12-16 26-22; 19-26 30-23; 14-17 21-14; 16-19 23-7; 3-26 24-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by W. Payne! #939. V18(T): . . . 31-26[R](20); 6-10 27-23 [25-22 into Trunk]; 11-15! [Both 9-14 and 4-8 lose, but only against the most exacting attacks. 1) 9-14? 25-22; 5-9 32-27!; 2-6 [11-15 loses to 27-24; 9-13 16-11 and 9-13 to 27-24; 3-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25] 27-24; 4-8 29-25; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 23-16; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 26-22; 18-23 16-12; 23-27 21-17 . . . to a lengthy white win. 2) 4-8? 25-22; 2-6 29-25; 9-13 23-18; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 26-23; 6-15 23-16; 1-6 30-26; 8-12 28-24!; 12-28 20-16; 11-20 18-2 . . . to a white win] 16-11 [25-22 into Trunk]; 7-16 20-11; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 19-16! [11-7? 2-11 25-22 loses to 9-13!]; 8-15! [12-19? 23-16; 8-15 loses after 16-11; 15-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23] 32-27! [16-11? is strongly met with 12-16!, improving the published 10-14]; 12-19 23-16; 1-6 16-11; 15-19 26-22[R](19); 10-15 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 22-17; 9-13 25-22; 5-9 23-18; 15-19 18-15; 2-6 11-7; 4-8 7-3; 19-23 3-12; 10-19 [Database draw] 12-16; 6-10 16-11; 19-24 11-7; 10-15 7-10; 15-18! 22-15; 13-22. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #940. V19(18): . . . 25-22; 10-15 29-25 [Against 21-17; 15-18! draws]; 6-10 21-17; 19-23 27-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-21 [Database draw] 26-23; 10-14 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 25-22; 27-32 22-17; 32-27 17-13; 27-24 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 24-19 6-2; 19-15 11-7; 4-8 7-3; 8-12 2-7; 15-11 7-16; 12-19. Drawn. Chinook v R. Hallett 1994. #941. V20(18): . . . 30-26; 6-10 27-23; 9-13 25-22; 2-6 29-25; 5-9 32-27; 4-8 19-15(21); 12-19 23-16; 10-19 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 6-10 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 20-16; 19-23 16-12; 7-10 12-8; 10-14 8-3; 13-17 3-7; 9-13 7-11; 23-26 31-22; 17-26. Drawn. D. McKelvie v J. Dallas 1930. #942. V21(20): . . . 27-24; 9-14 31-27; 1-5 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 12-19 2316; 10-19 24-15; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 6-9. Drawn. L. Levitt v E. Lowder 1982. #943.

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Ballot Number 50 (61): 10-14 23-18; 14-23 POWER: [66/34] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 16 Trunk: 10-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16[R](17) 32-27; 16-20 26-23; 610[R](5) 30-26; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 23-18; 7-11[R](2) 22-17; 15-22 25-18; 9-14[R](1) 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 4-8 [11-15 26-23; 15-24 2819; 4-8 29-25 same] 29-25; 11-15 26-23; 15-24 28-19; 8-12 25-22 Forms Position, Diagram 76: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 76

Continue: 3-8 31-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-16 17-13; 10-15 22-17; 15-19 17-10; 19-26 27-23; 26-31 23-18; 31-26 18-15; 26-23 15-11; 23-18 11-7; 1-5 7-2; 18-15 10-6. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1953. #944. V1(T): 10-15 17-13; 15-22 13-6; 1-10 26-17; 11-16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 29-25; 4-8 25-21; 2-6 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 [8-11 23-18 to a draw] 24-19; 20-24 23-18; 24-27 18-15; 27-32 28-24. Drawn. J. Marshall v D. Oldbury 1958. #945. V2(T): 9-14 18-11; 7-16 26-23; 4-8 22-18; 5-9(4) 24-19; 8-12 25-22; 2-7(3) 29-25; 3-8 18-15; 9-13 15-6; 1-10 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 7-11 15-10; 22-26!


Complete Checkers

31-22; 11-16 10-7; 8-12. Drawn. E. Hunt v W. Hellman 1946. #946. V3(2): 3-7 29-25; 1-6 18-15; 9-13 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 6-9 28-24; 2-6 15-11; 6-10 11-2; 10-14 18-15; 14-18 23-5; 16-32 24-19; 32-27 5-1; 27-23 1-6; 23-16 15-11; 16-7 2-11; 1216 6-10; 16-19 10-15; 19-24. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Tinsley 1949. #947. V4(2): 8-12 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 3-8 29-25; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22 INTO 10-15 23-19; 6-10 CR (V5) V5(T): 11-15(14) 18-11; 8-15 30-26; 4-8(12) 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 7-10(10) 29-25 [18-14? may lose, although analysed to draw by D. Oldbury!]; 10-14 24-19; 6-10(9) 18-15; 1-6 19-16; 10-19 16-12; 610(6) 23-16; 2-7 25-22; 9-13 26-23; 8-11 [14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 5-9 22-18; 13-17 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 17-22 14-9 also draws] 28-24; 10-15 23-19; 14-18 19-10; 18-25 10-6; 25-30 6-2; 30-25 24-19; 25-22 2-6. Drawn (Perpetual). Analysis by A. Heffner. #948. V6(5): 19-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 6-10(8) 22-17; 11-15 19-16; 9-13(7) 16-11; 13-22 26-17; 15-18 23-19; 5-9 12-8; 3-12 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 31-6; 9-13 17-10; 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #949. V7(6): 15-19 16-11; 19-24 11-7; 2-11 17-13; 24-28 13-6; 28-32 2622; 10-15 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 32-23 6-2; 11-16 14-9; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. P. Thompson v R. Fortman (P) 1962. #950. V8(6): 11-16 22-18; 6-10 26-22; 2-7 18-15; 14-18 15-6; 18-25 6-2; 7-11 2-7; 3-10 12-8; 10-15 19-12; 11-16 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 19-10. Drawn. R. Fortman v P. Thompson (P) 1962. #951. V9(5): 2-7 25-22; 6-10 18-15; 14-18 15-6; 18-25 6-2; 8-11 19-15; 1118 23-14; 9-18 2-11; 25-30 26-23; 18-22 11-15; 22-25 23-18; 25-29 18-14; 30-25 15-10; 25-30 10-15. Drawn (Perpetual). Analysis by M. Tinsley. #952. V10(5): 9-14(11) 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 6-10 24-19; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 19-16; 7-11 [2-6? may lose to 22-17; 15-18 28-24!] 16-7; 2-11

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22-18; 15-22 26-17; 11-16 28-24; 3-8 24-19; 8-12 17-13; 14-18 23-7; 16-32. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #953. V11(10): 6-10 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 26-22; 6-10 22-17; 8-11 24-19; 11-15 27-23; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 14-5; 10-15 19-10; 7-21. Drawn. E. Bruch v D. Oldbury 1982. #954. V12(5): 9-14 [6-10 into Trunk] 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 6-10 24-19; 1-5(13) 22-17; 7-11 19-16; 2-7 16-12; 11-15 26-22; 8-11 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 14-18 23-14; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 22-18; 24-27 16-11; 7-16 14-7; 3-10 12-8; 27-31. Drawn. A. Huggins v R. Fortman (P) 1964. #955. V13(12): 8-11 19-16; 1-5 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 15-19 [15-18 to a quick draw] 31-26; 11-15 16-11; 7-16 22-17; 9-13 17-10; 3-8 10-6; 8-12 6-2; 15-18 23-14; 19-24 28-19; 16-32 [Or 16-30]. Drawn. Analysis by L. Hall. #956. V14(5): 11-16(15) 22-17; 8-12 30-26; 4-8 25-22; 9-13 29-25; 5-9 24-19; 1-5 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 17-14 INTO 10-15 21-17; 9-13 (V13) V15(14): 7-10(16) 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 8-12 [11-15 22-18; 15-24 18-9; 6-13 28-19 favours White] 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 4-8 23-19; 8-12 22-17; 11-16 27-23; 14-18 23-7; 3-10 25-22; 16-23 22-18; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 18-14; 10-15 17-13; 15-19 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-14 6-2. Drawn. Analysis by N. Banks. #957. V16(15): 8-12 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 7-10 into Variation 15] 30-26; 4-8 22-17; 11-16 Into Variation 14 V17(T): 11-15(18) 18-11; 8-15 26-23; 6-10 32-27; 4-8 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 29-25; 10-14 24-20; 7-10 25-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 3-7 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1981. #958. V18(17): 7-10 26-23; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 12-16 24-19; 16-20 29-25; 10-14 25-22; 6-10 22-17; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 30-26;


Complete Checkers

13-22 26-17; 4-8 31-27; 8-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-24 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 19-15; 6-10 15-8; 10-17 28-19; 3-12. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #959.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 50A (62): 10-14 23-19; 6-10 POWER: [28/72] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 1 Trunk: 10-14 23-19; 6-10 19-15(2); 10-19 24-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 3-7 28-24(1); 7-10 27-23 INTO 10-14 23-19; 7-10 (T) V1(T): . . . 22-17; 7-10 17-13; 1-6 30-26; 10-15 28-24; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 24-20 Forms Position, Diagram 77: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 77

Continue: 6-10 29-25; 10-14 25-21; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 27-23; 18-27 3223; 15-18 23-19; 18-23 26-22; 23-26 22-18; 14-23 31-22. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1992. #960. V2(T): . . . 27-23[R](3) INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (V21) V3(2): . . . 22-17 [26-23; 11-15 is even]; 9-13 27-23 INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (V14)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 50B (63): 10-14 23-19; 7-10 POWER: [26/74] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 10-14 23-19; 7-10 19-15(15); 11-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 3-7 25-22 [28-24; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 6-10 27-23 same]; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24(13) [26-23; 6-10 28-24 same]; 6-10 26-23(10); 2-7! 22-18(7); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25 Forms Position, Diagram 78: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 78

Continue: 11-15 32-27(1); 1-6 24-20; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 31-26 [Against 27-24; 6-9 draws comfortably]; 7-11 25-22; 17-21 27-24; 21-25! 30-21; 12-16 21-17; 6-9 23-18; 16-19 17-14; 19-28 14-5; 13-17 22-13; 15-31. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #961. V1(T): . . . 30-26(2); 1-6 24-20; 15-18 20-16 [32-27; 6-9 26-22; 10-15 23-19; 15-24 22-15; 14-18 also draws]; 18-27 32-23; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #962. V2(1): . . . 31-26(3); 7-11 25-22; 11-16 32-28 [Against 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 16-19 18-11; 19-28 draws easily]; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 24-27 22-18; 27-31 18-9; 31-27

Richard Pask


9-5; 27-18 5-1; 18-22 21-17; 22-18 19-16!; 12-19 1-6; 13-22 6-24; 18-23 24-28. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #963. V3(2): . . . 31-27(4); 1-6 24-20; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 27-24; 6-9 32-28; 9-14! 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 25-22; 17-26 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 30-16. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #964. V4(3): . . . 32-28(5); 15-18 23-19; 18-23 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 1-10 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #965. V5(4): . . . 25-22(6); 14-18 23-14; 10-26 30-23; 1-6 32-28; 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 23-18; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6. Drawn. D. Oldbury v E. Ingram 1976. #966. V6(5): . . . 24-20; 15-18 30-26; 18-27 32-23; 7-11 25-22; 11-15 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 15-19 17-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. E. King v E. Bruch 1980. #967. V7(T): . . . 24-19(8); 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 30-26; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 16-11; 18-25 29-22 [Database draw]; 15-19 11-7; 19-24 7-2; 1-6 26-23; 24-28 22-18; 28-32 2-7; 10-14 7-2; 32-28 31-26; 28-24 26-22; 24-19 23-16; 14-23 22-17; 9-13 2-9; 13-22 9-6. Drawn. D. Lafferty v A. Long 1980. #968. V8(7): . . . 30-26(9); 11-15 32-28; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 1-6 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 31-22; 12-16 22-18; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 19-16; 24-27 18-15; 7-10 15-11; 6-9 11-7; 10-14 7-2; 14-17 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. R. Pask v G. Miller 1996. #969. V9(8): . . . 31-27 [A remarkable position in which White has 12 playable options! In addition to the 4 moves already covered, White may play the following: 5) 29-25; 11-15 6) 24-20; 11-15 7) 31-26; 11-15 8) 32-28; 10-15 9) 32-27; 10-15 10) 30-25; 9-13 11) 22-17; 9-13 and 12) 23-19; 11-16. Yes, the scope of the 3-move restriction is truly incredible!]; 9-13 22-18; 10-15 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 12-16 24-20; 15-19 29-25 [32-28; 7-10 29-25 same]; 7-10 32-28; 10-15 25-22; 1-6 27-24; 6-10 22-18; 15-31 24-8; 31-26 20-11; 26-19. Drawn. R. Hallett v J. Webster 1992. #970.


Complete Checkers

V10(T): . . . 24-20(12); 1-6 32-27(11); 10-15 22-18; 14-32 31-27; 32-23 26-1; 9-14. Drawn. Analysis by K. Albrecht. #971. V11(10): . . . 32-28; 11-15 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 147; 2-11 31-27; 9-14 27-24; 5-9 29-25; 9-13 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 18-23 19-15; 11-18 26-19; 13-17. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #972. V12(10): . . . 32-27; 11-16 22-17; 16-20 24-19; 9-13 26-22; 5-9 30-26; 1-5 26-23; 2-7 31-26; 12-16! 19-12; 7-11 23-19; 11-15 19-16; 15-18 22-6; 13-31. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #973. V13(T): . . . 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 1-6 29-25 [Against both 26-22 and 28-24 the reply is also 10-15]; 10-15 28-24; 12-16 26-22(14); 14-17 21-14; 9-18 32-28; 6-10 24-19; 16-23 28-24; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 22-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. C. Crawford v E. Fuller 1980. #974. V14(13): . . . 24-20; 16-19 31-27!; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 21-17; 14-30 23-7. Drawn. D. Lafferty v A. Long 1982. #975. V15(T): . . . 27-23[R](16) INTO 10-14 24-19; 7-10 (V16) V16(15): . . . 24-20(17) INTO 10-14 24-20; 7-10 (V22) V17(16): . . . 22-17(18) INTO 10-14 22-17; 7-10 (V22) V18(17): . . . 26-23; 9-13 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 (T: Note)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 50C (64): 10-14 23-19; 11-15 POWER: [25/75] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 20 Trunk: 10-14 23-19; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 22-18[R](14); 15-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22; 8-11 22-17(4); 14-18 24-19; 9-13 17-14; 11-16 19-15; 16-20 30-25!(3); 12-16 25-22(2); 18-25 29-22; 4-8 27-23 Forms Position, Diagram 79: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✇❀✇❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 79

Continue: 2-7 22-18(1); 7-10 15-6; 1-17 21-14; 16-19 23-16; 8-11 16-7; 3-17 28-24; 20-27 32-23. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #976. V1(T): . . . 15-10; 8-11 31-27 [32-27; 11-15 27-24 to a draw]; 1115 28-24; 16-19 23-16; 1-6 10-1; 7-11 16-7; 3-26 1-6; 26-31 6-10; 15-18 10-14; 18-22 27-23; 20-27 23-19; 31-26 32-23; 22-25 23-18. Drawn. T. Sheehan v M. Long (P) 1993. #977. V2(T): . . . 31-26; 4-8 14-10; 2-7 26-22; 7-14 15-10; 5-9 22-15; 13-17 28-24; 16-19 10-6; 19-28 15-10; 9-13! 6-2; 8-12 2-6; 14-18 21-14; 3-7 10-3; 1-17 27-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #978.


Complete Checkers

V3(T): . . . 29-25 [Not as strong as 30-25; but certainly sound]; 4-8 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 1-6! 14-10; 3-7! [See The Science of Checkers and Draughts Page 104 for a similar idea] 10-1; 13-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #979. V4(T): . . . 24-19[R](10); 1-6[R](6) 22-17(5); 6-10 17-13 [Against 30-25; 4-8 draws easily]; 11-16 13-6; 2-9 31-26 [27-23 is strongly met with 3-7]; 16-23 26-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 27-24; 3-7 25-22; 9-13 24-20; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 30-23. Drawn. E. King v R. Sulyma (P) 1988. #980. V5(4): . . . 27-23[R]; 6-10 22-18; 3-8 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 9-13 INTO 11-15 23-18; 8-11 CR (V1) V6(4): 4-8(8) 29-25; 11-16(7) 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 16-20 25-22; 11-16 30-26; 2-6 22-17; 3-8 17-10; 6-22 26-17; 8-11 31-27; 1-6 17-13; 9-14 28-24; 6-10 13-9; 14-18 23-7; 16-23 27-18; 5-23 24-19. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #981. V7(6): 2-7 27-23; 7-10 22-18; 11-16 28-24; 16-20 18-15; 20-27 15-6; 1-10 31-24; 3-7 25-22; 9-13 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 11-15 25-22; 12-16 19-12; 14-17 21-14; 10-26. Drawn. R. Sulyma v E. King (P) 1988. #982. V8(6): 11-16 27-23; 4-8(9) 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 7-10 [8-11? loses to 28-24!] 30-26 [22-18 to an easy draw]; 1-5 19-15; 10-19 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 19-26 31-22; 16-19 32-27 5-9! 10-6; 9-13 6-1; 12-16. Drawn. R. Pask v D. Oldbury 1988. #983. V9(8): 9-13! 22-18 [29-25; 3-7 22-18 7-10 18-9; 5-14 same]; 3-7! 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 7-10! 25-22; 2-7! 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 28-24; 16-20 31-27; 4-8 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 13-17 21-14; 10-17. Drawn. W. Edwards v P. McCarthy 1993. #984. V10(4): . . . 27-23(11); 11-16 24-20 [24-19; 9-13! into Variation 9]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 30-26; 4-8 32-27; 2-7 22-17 [27-23 has merit]; 14-18 27-23; 18-27 31-15; 9-13 17-14; 1-6. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Lafferty (P) 1972. #985. V11(10): . . . 30-26; 4-8 29-25; 1-6 24-20(13); 3-7 28-24(12); 6-10 26-

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23; 10-15 31-26; 12-16 21-17; 14-30 23-19; 30-23 19-3 [Either way!]; 23-26 3-19; 26-17 19-23. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Oldbury (P) 1987. #986. V12(11): . . . 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 11-15 26-22; 6-10! 31-26; 10-17 22-6; 2-9 21-17; 9-13 25-21; 13-31 21-17; 31-24 28-3; 18-22 32-28; 22-26 28-24. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #987. V13(11): . . . 22-17; 14-18 17-13; 9-14! 24-19; 6-10 26-22; 2-6 2215; 11-18 27-24; 5-9 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 18-22 25-18; 14-23 15-10; 6-15 13-6; 15-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #988. V14(T): . . . 22-17(18); 14-18 17-13(17); 9-14 24-20(16); 8-11 28-24; 4-8 [11-15 23-19; 8-11 22-17; 4-8 17-13 [25-22 my preference]; 15-18 24-20; 9-14 28-24; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 same] 26-23(15); 15-19 [2-6?! is powerfully met with 31-26!; 12-16 26-22!] 24-15; 5-9 13-6; 1-26 31-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 32-27; 16-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v L. Levitt 1950. #989. V15(14): . . . 32-28; 12-16 26-23; 16-19 23-16; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 21-17; 14-21 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-12 19-15; 12-19 15-8; 3-12 27-23; 18-27 31-15; 7-10 15-6; 1-10. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982. #990. V16(14): . . . 26-23; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 4-8 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 3-7 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 27-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 32-23. Drawn. R. Fortman v G. W. Miller (P) 1977. #991. V17(14): . . . 17-14; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 19-15; 4-8 21-17; 16-20 17-13; 12-16 13-6; 1-19 26-22 [25-21; 8-11 27-23 to a draw]; 19-24 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 30-26; 16-19 26-22; 18-23 27-18; 19-23 18-14; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 22-18; 27-31 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 31-26 9-5; 8-11 5-1; 11-15 1-6; 15-19 6-9; 19-24 9-13. Drawn. J. Caldwell v K. Todd (P) 1979. #992. V18(14): . . . 26-23(21); 8-11 22-18 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 is dead even]; 15-22 25-18; 7-10 29-25; 11-16 31-26(19); 4-8 [1-6 25-22 into Variation 19] 18-15 [24-20; 8-11 25-22; 3-7 28-24; 1-6 24-19; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 to a draw]; 10-19


Complete Checkers

24-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23 [15-10; 8-11 27-23; 11-16 25-22; 9-13 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 10-6 to a draw]; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 15-11; 1-6 25-22 [32-27; 14-18 21-17; 18-22 to a quick draw]; 6-10 26-23 [32-27? lost: D. Oldbury v R. Fortman (P) 1987]; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 18-23 21-17; 23-26 14-10; 26-31 10-6; 2-9 32-27; 31-24 28-10. Drawn. M. Long v R. Sulyma (P) 1988. #993. V19(18): . . . 25-22; 1-6 31-26; 4-8 24-20(20); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16 [27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 3-7 20-16; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 6-13 21-14; 10-17 is a simple alternative]; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 16-11; 8-15 18-11 Into Variation 18 V20(19): . . . 22-17; 8-11 17-13; 3-7 24-19; 16-20 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-23 27-18; 10-15 26-22; 15-19 22-17; 7-10 16-7; 2-11 3026; 10-15 18-14; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 28-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #994. V21(18): . . . 27-23; 8-11 22-18(22); 15-22 25-18; 11-16 29-25; 7-10 31-27 Into Variation 18 V22(21): . . . 22-17 [32-27 allows Black to consolidate and equalize with 7-10 24-20; 3-7 27-24; 14-18! 23-14; 9-18]; 7-10 17-13; 15-18! [The 1-6 fill-in is fine against the 26-23 attack of Variation 18, but not here] 13-6; 18-27 32-23; 2-9 26-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 24-20; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 20-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 1-5 22-18; 13-17 18-15; 17-22 15-11; 7-10 11-7; 22-26 30-23; 10-15 19-10; 12-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #995.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 51 (65): 10-14 23-19; 11-16 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 6 Trunk: 10-14 23-19; 11-16 26-23[R](6); 6-10(3) 30-26; 1-6 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 14-18 17-13; 7-10 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 3-7(2) 22-17; 8-12(1) 27-24; 4-8 32-27 Forms Position, Diagram 80: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 80

Continue: 7-11 27-23; 11-27 24-15; 10-19 31-15; 12-16 26-23; 2-7 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 8-12 23-18; 20-24 18-14; 9-18 15-10; 6-15 19-3. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1981. #996. V1(T): 7-11 27-24; 11-18 24-15; 10-19 26-23; 19-26 31-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 11-15 24-20; 15-19 20-16; 19-23 16-11; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 11-7; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. W. Ryan v N. Rubin 1934. #997. V2(T): 2-7 27-24 [22-17 is fine too]; 7-11 22-17; 11-18 24-15; 1019 26-23; 19-26 31-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 11-15 32-28; 15-18 24-19; 18-23 19-15; 23-26 15-10; 6-15 13-6; 26-30 6-2; 15-19 2-6; 3-8. Drawn. N. Banks v A. Long 1934. #998.


Complete Checkers

V3(T): 9-13[R](4) INTO 9-13 23-19; 11-16 (V7) V4(3): 16-20 30-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 23-19; 6-10(5) INTO 9-14 23-19; 11-16 (V12) V5(4): 9-13 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 6-10 25-22 INTO 10-15 23-18; 12-16 (V3) V6(T): . . . 19-15(9); 16-20 24-19(7) INTO 11-16 23-18; 16-20 (T) V7(6): . . . 22-17(8); 7-11 17-10; 11-18 26-22; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 22-15; 1-6 28-19; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 32-28; 9-14 25-22; 6-10 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 2-9 22-17; 14-18 17-13; 9-14 30-26; 11-16 13-9; 16-19 9-6; 18-23 26-22; 23-26 6-2; 26-30 2-6 30-26; 22-17 14-18; 6-10 18-23; 29-25 23-27; 17-13 26-23; 10-15 19-24; 28-19 23-16. Drawn. Analysis by N. Banks. #999. V8(7): . . . 26-23; 12-16! 15-10 [15-11?!; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 6-10 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 favours Black]; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 7-10 22-17; 9-13 23-19; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 19-16; 2-7 29-25; 8-11 2522; 11-15! 21-17; 14-21 30-25; 21-30 31-26; 30-23 27-2 [Database draw]; 10-15 16-11; 3-7 [Best] 11-8; 4-11 12-8; 20-24 8-3; 7-10 2-7; 11-16 7-14; 15-19. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1000. V9(6): . . . 27-23(10); 9-13 INTO 9-13 23-19; 11-16 (T) V10(9): . . . 22-17; 16-23 17-10; 7-14 26-19; 8-11(11) 25-22; 6-10 27-23; 4-8 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 11-15 29-25; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 30-26; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 10-15 31-27; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 21-17; 14-21 27-23; 22-26 23-18. Drawn. J. Hanson v L. Ginsberg 1929. #1001. V11(10): 14-18 INTO 10-14 23-19; 14-18 (V12)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 52 (66): 10-14 23-19; 14-18 POWER: [44/56] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 13 Trunk: 10-14 23-19; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 21-17[R](12); 8-11 [9-13 is strongly met with 26-23] 17-13[R](11); 9-14[R](10) 26-23[R](7); 1116[R](6) 31-26[R](5); 16-20 [7-10 is strongly met with 25-21; 16-20 21-17!; 14-21 23-7; 3-10 27-23; 20-27 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 3216] 25-21; 4-8 29-25; 7-10 26-22[R](3); 2-7 22-15; 7-11 13-9[R](2); 6-13 15-6; 1-10 30-26 Forms Position, Diagram 81: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 81

Continue: 11-15 26-22; 14-18 23-7; 3-10 27-23[R](1); 20-27 23-18; 15-24 28-19; 27-31 32-27; 31-15 18-4; 10-15 4-8; 15-19 8-11; 19-23 22-18; 23-26 18-14; 26-30 11-15; 12-16 14-10; 13-17 21-14; 30-21 10-6; 16-20 15-19 21-17; 14-10 5-9; 6-1 9-14. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #1002. V1(T): . . . 22-18; 15-29 19-16; 12-19 24-6 [Database draw]; 29-25 6-2; 25-22 2-7; 22-26 7-10; 8-12 10-15; 26-22 28-24; 22-26 15-19; 26-22 19-23; 5-9 24-19; 9-14 32-28; 22-18 23-26; 13-17 26-31; 17-22 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 14-17 21-14; 18-9 19-16; 12-19 24-15. Drawn. R. Pask v P. McCarthy 1987. #1003.


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V2(T): . . . 30-26 [23-18? gets shot!]; 11-18 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 6-9 13-6; 1-17 25-21; 18-22 21-14; 22-31 14-10; 31-24 28-19; 20-24 19-15; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 11-7; 16-19 7-2; 19-23 10-6; 5-9 6-1; 9-14 1-6; 24-27 6-10; 14-18 15-11; 18-22 10-14; 27-31. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Chamblee 1951. #1004. V3(T): . . . 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 2-7 16-12 [28-24? loses to 8-12! 24-19; 5-9!]; 6-9 [Best] 13-6; 1-10 26-22(4); 10-15 21-17 [22-17 is comfortably met with 8-11]; 14-21 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 15-19 22-17; 19-23 14-10; 7-14 17-10. Drawn. A. Bernstein v J. McGill (P) 1963. #1005. V4(3): . . . 26-23 [21-17 is an instant draw]; 8-11 28-24 [30-26; 5-9 21-17 is a quick draw]; 10-15 30-26 [21-17; 14-21 23-14; 15-18 draws, but 23-19? loses to 5-9!]; 7-10 [5-9 is stronger since 23-19; 18-23 19-10; 23-30 12-8; [10-6? loses to 30-26; 6-2; 14-18 2-6; 1115 6-13; 7-11] 3-12 10-3; 14-18! 24-19; 11-16 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 20-24 leaves Black well situated] 23-19; 11-16 26-23; 5-9 21-17; 14-30 23-5; 16-23 27-11; 20-27 32-23; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1006. V5(T): . . . 24-20; 3-8 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 25-21 [31-26 is met with 7-11]; 18-22 30-26; 22-25 29-22; 14-17 21-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-25 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 5-9 16-12. Drawn. A. Scott v A. Jordan 1912. #1007. V6(T): 6-10 [3-8 is strongly met with 31-26] 24-20; 1-6 [14-17? is doubtful after 23-14; 17-21 14-9!; 5-14 25-22; 14-17 31-26] 28-24; 14-17 23-14; 17-21 27-23; 10-17 32-28; 3-8 [7-10 31-26; 11-15 25-22; 4-8 [3-7 29-25; 7-11 19-16 also draws] 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 23-18; 6-9 13-6; 3-8 22-13; 15-31. Drawn: E. Lowder v D. Lafferty 1995] 31-26; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 8-11 28-24; 4-8 19-15; 11-27 20-4; 12-16 24-19; 16-23 26-19; 27-31 4-8. Drawn. Analysis by H. Fricker. #1008. V7(T): . . . 24-20(9); 11-16 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 4-8 28-24; 3-7 24-20 [31-26; 14-17 24-20 same]; 14-17 31-26; 6-10 25-22(8); 18-25 29-22; 8-11 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 18-15; 9-14 15-6; 1-10 30-25; 14-18 23-7; 16-30 25-21; 17-22. Drawn. E. Hunt v J. Hanson 1934. #1009.

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V8(7): . . . 19-16; 12-19 26-22; 17-26 30-16; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 10-14 11-8; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 8-3; 22-26 29-25; 26-30 3-8; 30-26 8-11; 2-6. Drawn. A. Long v Chinook 1992. #1010. V9(7): . . . 25-21 [19-15; 4-8 24-19; 7-10 25-21; 5-9 strongly favours Black]; 11-16 19-15; 16-20 24-19; 4-8 29-25; 7-11 28-24!; 18-23 27-9; 20-27 31-24; 11-18 26-22; 5-14 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 6-9 13-6; 1-28 25-22; 8-11 22-17; 2-7 17-10; 7-14. Drawn. Analysis by J. Kear. #1011. V10(T): 4-8 24-20; 7-10 25-21 [11-15 23-19; 8-11 22-17; 4-8 25-22; 15-18 [Quite good] 22-15; 11-18 17-13; 7-11 24-20 same]; 2-7 28-24; 10-14 29-25; 7-10 26-23; 3-7 [18-22 25-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 13-6; 1-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 [Not 5-9? which should have lost after 21-17; 9-13 24-19; 22-25 30-21; 13-22 32-28! [Or 31-27!]; 22-25 31-27; 25-30 27-24: T. Watson v R. Pask 1986] 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 3-7 30-26; 22-25 26-23; 25-30 32-28; 7-10 31-26; 14-18 23-7; 30-16 28-24; 16-19 24-15; 11-18 7-2; 8-11 to a draw] 31-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-14; 9-18 32-28; 17-21 19-15; 5-9 26-22; 12-16 27-23; 18-27 22-17; 11-18 20-2 Continue: 27-31 24-19; 9-14 2-9; 1-5 17-10; 5-14. Drawn. J. McKerrow v R. Martins 1859. #1012. V11(T): . . . 17-14; 9-13 [The ancient Andrew Anderson defence with 4-8 24-20; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 28-24; 8-11 26-23; 2-6 is also sound if Black wishes to avoid the Mixed development] INTO 11-15 22-17; 9-13 (V1) V12(T): . . . 26-22(13); 7-11 22-15; 11-18 21-17 [Continuing the run-off with 30-26 offers White nothing, though it proved very popular in the 7th International Match!, while 19-15; 9-14 24-19; 5-9 28-24; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 6-10 27-23; 11-15 is comfortable for Black: D. Oldbury v T. Landry 1988. Another option is 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 9-14 28-24; 5-9 24-19; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 19-15; 3-8 to a draw: D. Lafferty v E. Lowder 1995]; 8-11 24-20 [17-14; 11-16 19-15; 16-20 24-19; 3-7 is about even]; 9-13 17-14; 4-8 25-21 [19-15?; 13-17 31-26; 17-21 26-23; 2-7 to a black win: W. Hellman v A. Long 1948]; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 27-24; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 18-22 30-25; 3-7 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 14-10; 12-16 18-15; 2-6 29-25; 16-20 25-22; 23-26 22-18; 26-30 10-7; 13-17 21-


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14; 30-26 31-22; 6-10 15-6; 1-26. Drawn. J. Hanson v E. Hunt 1934. #1013. V13(12): . . . 19-15(15); 12-16 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 16-19 26-22(14); 19-23 15-10; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 22-15; 7-10 15-6; 2-18 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 18-25 27-18; 1-6 29-22; 6-10 30-25; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 4-8 25-21; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23. Drawn. M. Chamblee v W. Hellman 1951. #1014. V14(13): . . . 24-20 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (V14) V15(13): . . . 26-23; 6-10 INTO 9-14; 23-19 14-18 (V15)

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Ballot Number 53 (67): 10-14 24-19; 6-10 POWER: [43/57] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 24 Trunk: 10-14 24-19; 6-10 22-17(20); 9-13 [A change of heart: the early removal of the man on 2, permitted by 11-15, leads to a highly spindly black position which is very susceptible to attack] 2824(18); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22(12); 11-15 29-25(9) 7-11 23-18(3); 14-23 27-18; 11-16 18-11; 8-15 31-27; 16-23 27-11; 3-8 11-7; 2-11 22-17(2) Forms Position, Diagram 82: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 82

Continue: 10-15! 17-14; 11-16 24-20(1); 15-19 20-11; 8-15 [Database draw] 14-10; 19-23 10-7; 12-16 7-3; 15-19 3-7; 23-26 30-23; 19-26 7-11; 16-19 25-22; 26-31 [Not 26-30? as in Master Play!] 22-18; 31-26 18-14; 26-22 14-10; 19-23 10-7; 1-5 7-2; 5-9 2-6; 9-13 6-10; 22-18 10-15; 4-8. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1015. V1(T): . . . 14-10; 16-20 10-7; 20-27 32-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 7-3; 8-12 3-7; 4-8. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1962. #1016. V2(T): . . . 21-17 [22-18 is well met with the 11-15 exchange, rather than 10-15? which gets the powerful 25-22! in reply: see


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7th ‘Rump’ US National Tourney]; 11-15 25-21; 12-16 24-20; 15-19 20-11; 8-15 17-13 [Or the quick draw with 17-14]; 1-5 22-17; 1923 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-19 14-10; 4-8 10-7; 8-12 7-3; 12-16 3-7; 23-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. C. Barker v J. Kirk 1900. #1017. V3(T): . . . 22-17; 11-16 17-13(8); 2-6 25-22(6); 16-20 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 20-27 31-24; 8-15 22-17(5); 15-18! 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23! 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 14-18 19-15; 18-22 24-19; 22-26 2-6(4); 1-10 15-6 [Database draw]; 26-31 6-2 [19-15 drew: M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928]; 23-27 32-23; 31-27 23-18; 27-23 18-15; 23-16 15-10; 16-11 13-9; 12-16 9-6; 16-20 6-1; 20-24 1-6; 24-28 6-9; 28-32 9-14; 4-8 14-18; 8-12 10-6; 12-16. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v L. Ginsberg 1925. #1018. V4(3): . . . 13-9; 26-31 9-6; 1-10 15-6 [Database draw]; 23-27 3223; 31-27 6-1; 27-18 1-6; 3-8 30-25; 18-23 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v R. Ward 1927. #1019. V5(3): . . . 32-28; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 1-5 21-17; 5-9 23-18; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 11-7; 10-15 7-2; 23-26 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 26-30 22-18; 30-26 19-15; 26-23 17-14; 23-19 14-5; 19-10 2-9; 12-16 5-1; 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by L. Ginsberg. #1020. V6(3): . . . 30-26(7); 16-20! [8-11? lost to 24-20!: N. Banks v R. Stewart 1922] 32-28; 3-7 25-22; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 16-7; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 24-19; 26-30 7-3; 6-9 13-6; 1-10. Drawn. Analysis by A. Inglis. #1021. V7(6): . . . 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 8-15 27-20; 4-8 31-27; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 8-12 16-11; 10-15 25-22; 12-16 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 6-15 [Forms Scientific Checkers Made Easy Problem #17!] 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 19-26 30-23; 16-20 21-17; 20-24 23-19; 15-18 13-9; 24-27 11-7!; 3-10 9-6; 27-31 6-2. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1022. V8(3): . . . 25-22 [31-26?!; 1-6 25-22; 16-20 17-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 is certainly not appetizing for White!]; 16-20 23-18 [17-13; 2-6 into Variation 3]; 14-23 27-11; 20-27 31-24; 8-15 30-26; 4-8 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 2-6 21-14; 6-15 26-23; 12-16 14-10 [14-9; 16-19 23-16; 15-18

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22-15; 8-11 15-8; 3-28 9-5 is sweet!]; 8-11 32-27; 16-20 23-18; 1-5 10-6; 5-9 6-2; 9-13. Drawn. Analysis by S. Gonotsky. #1023. V9(T): . . . 22-17; 7-11 17-13 [29-25 into Variation 3]; 2-6 30-25(11) [29-25; 11-16 into Variation 3]; 15-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 22-18; 14-17 21-7; 3-10 32-28!(10); 8-11 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 [Database draw] 23-18; 22-25 18-14; 25-30 13-9; 11-15 14-10; 15-19 9-6; 30-25 6-2; 25-22 10-7; 4-8 7-3; 8-11 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 15-18 11-15; 19-23 27-24; 23-26 2-7; 26-30 7-10; 22-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1024. V10(9): . . . 13-9 [Soft]; 6-13 32-28; 13-17 28-19; 17-22 18-15; 2225 15-6; 1-10 23-18; 10-15 19-10; 12-16 20-11; 8-22 10-7; 4-8 7-3; 8-12. Drawn. A. Jordan v N. Banks 1915. #1025. V11(9): . . . 32-28 [A novel move in a legendary match which was far from ‘boring’; incidentally, the rarely seen 24-20 shot offers White nothing after 10-14 in reply]; 11-16 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 1-5 [8-11 draws too, but this is more clear-cut] 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 10-15 29-25; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 19-24 30-26; 24-28 13-9; 6-13 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 28-32 10-6; 4-8 6-2; 8-11 2-6; 11-15 6-10; 15-19 21-17; 32-28 31-26; 19-24 26-22; 24-27 22-18; 27-31 17-13; 31-26 18-14; 26-23 14-9; 5-14 10-17; 23-18 13-9; 28-24 9-6; 24-19 6-1. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber 1928. #1026. V12(T): . . . 29-25; 11-15 25-22 [26-22 into Trunk]; 7-11 23-18(14); 14-23 27-18; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 26-19; 8-15 30-26 [Against 21-17; 2-6 30-26; 15-18 draws]; 2-6 26-23; 6-9 21-17(13); 9-14 17-13; 16 32-28; 15-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-26 31-22; 4-8 24-19; 8-11 28-24; 11-16 22-18; 14-23 24-20; 23-27 20-11; 27-31 19-15; 31-27 12-8; 3-12 11-7; 27-23. Drawn. D. Lafferty v W. Hellman 1972. #1027. V13(12): . . . 31-27; 9-13 23-18; 3-8 18-11; 8-15 27-23; 4-8 22-17 [23-18; 8-11 32-28; 1-5 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 21-17; 14-21 22-18 also draws]; 13-22 23-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 19-10; 22-26 21-14; 26-31. Drawn. R. Martin v R. Fortman 1951. #1028. V14(12): . . . 22-17(17); 11-16 23-18!(16); 14-23 27-11; 16-23 26-19;


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8-15 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6! 19-10; 6-15 [Database draw] 14-10; 4-8! 30-26(15); 8-11 26-22 [24-20; 12-16 26-23; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 18-14; 16-19 14-9; 11-15 9-6; 15-18 6-2; 18-22 2-7; 23-26 7-11; 26-30 11-15; 19-23 and now both 31-27 and 15-18 draw!]; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 32-27; 19-24 27-23; 24-28 22-17; 28-32 17-13; 32-28 13-9; 28-24 9-6; 15-18 23-14; 3-7 10-3; 1-17 3-7; 11-15 7-10; 15-19. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1962. #1029. V15(14): . . . 31-26 [24-20; 8-11 31-27; 15-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 32-27; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 3-8. Drawn: A. Long v M. Barker 1988]; 8-11 26-22 [24-20; 15-19! to a draw: W. Hellman v E. Langdon 1956. Note that 12-16? at the last move loses to 32-27!]; 12-16! 24-20; 16-19 22-17; 19-23 17-14; 15-18 14-9; 18-22 9-6; 22-26 6-2; 26-31 10-7; 3-10 2-7; 11-15 7-14; 23-26 30-23; 31-26. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1030. V16(14): . . . 17-13 [26-22 into Variation 8]; 3-7! [Not 2-6?] 13-9; 8-11 9-5; 15-18 24-20; 2-6 19-15 [27-24?; 18-27 32-23; gets 14-18! in reply]; 10-19 30-25; 6-9 32-28; 9-13 27-24; 18-27 24-8; 4-11 31-24; 14-18 26-22; 18-23 22-18; 7-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 23-26 14-10; 26-30 10-7; 30-21 7-3; 21-17 3-8; 11-15 20-11; 15-18 11-7; 18-23 8-11; 23-27 7-2; 27-31 2-6; 1-10 11-16; 12-19 24-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1031. V17(14): . . . 32-28 INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (V14) V18(T): . . . 27-24(19) INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (V14) V19(18): . . . 25-22 [26-22?; 5-9 22-18; 13-22 30-26; 14-17! [Credit Jim Loy; this improves 1-5?: T. Landry v E. Lowder 1973] 21-5; 2-6 26-17; 10-15 19-10; 7-30 and ‘It looks black for White,’ as Tom Wiswell would say] 11-15 30-25; 15-24 28-19 INTO 9-13 21-17; 6-9 (T) V20(T): . . . 22-18(21); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 1-6 INTO 9-13 24-19; 6-9 (T) V21(20): . . . 27-24[R](29); 9-13[R](22) INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (T) V22(21): 11-15(28) 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 411 28-24; 7-10 29-25; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 25-22 [An historic position!];

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3-7(26) 31-27(25); 1-6 [Defence #1!] (23) 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 6-9 26-23 [32-28 has been claimed to win for White, but Black draws with 10-15 in reply]; 10-15 21-17; 12-16 32-27 [30-25; 16-19 23-16; 11-27 32-23; 7-11 25-21; 2-7 17-14; 11-16! to a draw]; 16-19 23-16; 11-20 18-11; 7-16 30-26; 2-7 26-23; 7-10 23-18; 9-14! 18-9; 10-15 17-14; 13-17! 22-13; 16-19 [This was one of the games which first attracted me to draughts: an absolutely brilliant gem]. Drawn. H. Richards v W. Ryan 1933. #1032. V23(22): 1-5 [Defence #2!] (24) 22-18; 14-17! [10-15? loses after 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 7-10 23-18 [Simplest] 14-23 27-18; 12-16 30-26; 16-19 32-28; 2-6 18-14] 21-14; 10-17 23-19; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 16-19 24-15; 7-16 27-24; 16-20 24-19 [32-27 is a good alternative]; 2-7 18-14; 20-24 15-10; 7-11 10-6; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 6-2; 12-16 2-7; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1033. V24(23): 2-6 [Defence #3!] 22-18; 14-17 [6-9 24-19; 13-17 27-24; 1-5 30-25; 17-22 26-17; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 22-18; 13-22 18-9; 7-11 23-19; 11-15 21-17 to a draw] 21-14; 10-17 23-19; 6-10 18-14; 1-5 32-28; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 24-20; 10-17 27-24; 12-16 19-12; 7-10 12-8; 11-15 8-3; 10-14 3-7; 15-18 7-10; 22-26 30-23; 18-27 20-16; 27-31 16-11; 31-27 24-20; 27-23 11-7; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1034. V25(22): . . . 24-19! [Also strong]; 1-6! [1-5? might have lost to 32-27!: R. Pask v D. Harwood 2002] 22-18 [32-27; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 14-18 to a draw]; 13-17 18-9; 6-13 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 7-10 18-14; 11-16 14-7; 16-23 26-19; 2-11 32-27; 17-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1035. V26(22): 2-7 31-27; 1-5 [Defence #4!] (27) 23-18! [An improvement on the published 22-18]; 14-23 26-19; 5-9! [11-16? loses] 27-23; 9-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 3-12 18-14; 17-22 23-18; 16-20 24-19; 7-11 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 16-19 11-7; 12-16 7-3; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1036. V27(26): 1-6 [Defence #5!] 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 6-9 30-25; 10-15


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24-19!; 15-24 21-17; 7-10 [9-14 18-9; 11-15 17-14; 12-16 9-6; 16-19 14-9; 7-10 6-2; 10-14 2-6; 24-28 6-10; 15-18 22-15; 19-24 10-17; 13-29 9-6; to a draw] 17-14!; 10-17 25-21; 12-16! 21-5; 16-19 5-1; 11-16 1-6; 3-8 6-10; 8-12 10-15; 19-23! 26-19; 16-23 15-19; 23-26 19-28; 26-30. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1037. V28(22): 11-16 [Not fashionable, but is arguably Black’s best response to 27-24] 24-20; 9-13 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 2218; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 [Now into the famous 14th game of the 1951 Wiswell-Hopper GAYP (Go-As-You-Please) world championship match] 26-22; 11-15 30-26 [Mr. Hopper continued: . . . 30-25; 15-24 22-18; 12-16 18-9; 16-20 9-5 [25-22 into Variation 28]; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 23-18; 27-31 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 31-26 14-9; 3-7 5-1? [25-21 draws] 7-10 1-6; 10-14 25-21; 26-22 6-10; 14-17! 21-14; 22-17 9-5; 2-6 10-1; 17-10. Black win. And the crowd went wild!]; 15-24 22-18; 12-16 18-9; 16-20 26-22; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 23-18; 27-31 22-17; 31-26 9-6; 2-9 17-14; 10-17 21-5. Drawn. Analysis by J. Robertson. #1038. V29(21): . . . 28-24; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-13 24-19; 11-15 (T)

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Ballot Number 54 (68): 10-14 24-19; 7-10 POWER: [30/70] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 19 Trunk: 10-14 24-19; 7-10 28-24(16); 11-16 32-28(10); 16-20[R](9) 2217[R](8); 9-13 25-22; 5-9 19-15[R](4); 10-19 24-15; 6-10 [8-11? 15-8; 4-11 17-10; 6-15 30-25; 3-7 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 1-5 29-25; 1116 18-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 2-6 15-11!; 7-16 22-18. White win: W. Fraser v M. Tinsley 1952] 15-6; 1-10 23-19 [Both 30-25 and the 22-18 break are well met with 12-16]; 8-11 30-25 [27-23 allows Black to equalize with 3-8! 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 20-24]; 11-15 [12-16?! has shock value, but is not recommended. Continue: . . . 19-12; 11-16 27-23; 2-6 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 25-22; 10-15 17-13; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 16-11; 27-31 28-24; 31-27 24-20 and White has a lot of attacking scope] 27-23; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-10; 19-24 10-6; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 6-1[R](3); 27-31 1-5[R](1); 3-7 [2-7? would be unwise!] 5-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 [Database draw] 26-23; 812 23-18; 31-26 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 26-23 15-10 Forms Endgame #13, Diagram 83: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀❇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 83

Continue: 12-16 10-7; 16-20 7-2; 20-24 2-7; 24-27 7-11; 23-19


Complete Checkers

11-8; 19-23 8-12; 27-31 12-16; 31-27 16-20; 27-32 20-24; 32-28 24-20; 28-32. Drawn. D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958. #1039. V1(T): . . . 1-6; 8-12 6-1(2); 12-16 1-5; 9-14 5-9; 14-17 21-14; 16-19 25-21; 3-8 14-10 [9-5; 8-12 5-9; 12-16 14-10; 31-27 22-18; 27-23 18-15; 23-30 9-14; 19-24. Drawn: D. Lafferty v R. King 1996]; 31-27 22-18; 27-23 9-14; 23-30 10-7; 2-11 18-15; 11-18 14-16; 30-26 29-25; 26-30 25-22; 30-25 22-18; 25-22 18-14; 22-18 14-9; 18-14. Drawn. W. Ryan v M. Tinsley 1946. #1040. V2(1): . . . 6-10; 9-14 10-17; 3-7 17-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 [Database draw] 26-23; 12-16 23-18; 31-26 18-15; 26-17 15-8; 17-14 8-3; 1619 3-7; 19-23 7-11; 23-27 11-15; 27-31 15-19; 31-26 19-15; 26-31. Drawn. Analysis by J. Childers. #1041. V3(T): . . . 22-18; 3-7 6-1; 7-10 1-5 [26-22; 10-14 18-15; 27-31 1-6; 31-26 6-10; 26-17 15-11; 8-15 10-19; 17-22 to a draw: A. Long v R. Hallett 1986]; 10-14 18-15; 8-12 15-11; 27-32 11-8; 32-27 8-3; 27-24 26-23; 14-18 23-14; 9-18. Drawn. A. Huggins v W. Van Leer (P) 1965. #1042. V4(T): . . . 19-16(7); 12-19 24-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 23-16; 8-12 30-25(5); 12-19 22-17; 13-22 25-11; 3-8 27-23; 8-15 23-16; 9-14 29-25 [16-11 is well met with 1-5]; 1-5 [1-6 also draws after 25-22; 6-10 26-23; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 22-18; 14-17] 25-22; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 31-27; 22-31 17-13; 31-24 28-10. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1043. V5(4): . . . 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 1-6 30-25(6); 6-10 22-17; 13-22 2511; 20-24! 28-19; 3-8 11-7; 2-20 19-16; 8-12 16-11; 9-13. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1044. V6(5): . . . 26-23 [Original with Alex Moiseyev]; 6-10 28-24; 2027 31-24; 9-14 30-25 [Nothing better]; 14-18 [There are other ways of taking the shot] 23-7; 2-27 22-17; 13-22 25-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1045. V7(4): . . . 30-25? [Way back in 1936, George O’ Connor showed that, attacked correctly, this leads to a very powerful Black ending. The 10-piece databases now reveal that this ending is, in fact, a win!]; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7 [24-8 also loses]; 2-11 24-19;

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4-8 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 8-12 11-7; 1-5 27-23; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 7-2; 12-16 2-9; 5-14 31-27; 16-19 [The trunk line of O’Connor’s play, and adopted by Alex Moiseyev against Ron King in their 2009 WCM] 28-24; 19-28 27-24; 20-27 26-23; 15-19 22-6; 19-26 17-10 [Database Black win]; 26-30 6-1 [Or 6-2]; 27-31 25-22 . . . Black Win. Analysis by G. O’Connor. #1046. V8(T): . . . 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 22-17; 6-10 26-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 12-16 28-24; 3-8 29-25; 8-12 25-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 1-5 30-26; 5-9 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 19-24 22-18; 24-28 10-7; 2-11 18-15; 11-18 23-5. Drawn. R. Hallett v W. Ryan 1950. #1047. V9(T): 3-7 [Black has options in 9-13 and 14-18. 1) 9-13 24-20; 6-9 [3-7 reverts to Variation 9] 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 27-24; 11-16 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 7-16 into the famous 1974 L. Levitt v A. Long game; White obtaining a strong ending after 25-22; 16-20 19-16 etc. . . 2) 14-18? 22-15; 9-14 21-17; 14-21 24-20; 10-14 20-11; 6-10 15-6; 8-24 28-19; 1-10 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 3-7 22-17; 7-11 19-15!; 11-18 26-22; 10-15 17-10; 12-16 23-14: L. Balderson v A. Moiseyev 2000] 24-20; 9-13 20-11; 7-16 27-24; 16-20 31-27; 5-9 [6-9 22-18; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 18-15; 11-18 26-22; 1-6 same] 22-18; 8-11 [2-7? 18-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 11-16 30-25; 13-17 22-13; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17 to a white win: L. Cowie v A. Moiseyev 2002] 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 18-15; 11-18 26-22; 1-5 22-15; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 12-16 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 2-7 15-11; 7-10 26-23; 10-14! [10-15 also draws] 28-24; 6-9 22-18; 13-17 24-19; 17-22 19-12; 22-26 11-7; 26-30 18-15; 30-26 23-19; 14-17 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. Analysis by A. Fogle. #1048. V10(T): . . . 24-20(11); 9-13 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 6-9 22-17 [22-18? led to a dramatic loss: D. Lafferty v L. Levitt 1982]; 13-22 25-18; 4-8 29-25 [32-28? 8-11 28-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 11-15 to a black win: M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1989]; 8-11 25-22; 3-7 32-28; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 31-27; 10-15 22-17; 13-31 30-25; 31-24 28-3. Drawn. L. Levitt v D. Lafferty 1982. #1049.


Complete Checkers

V11(10): . . . 22-18(13); 16-20 26-22(12); 8-11 22-17 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V10) V12(11): . . . 32-28; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 18-15; 11-18 26-22; 2-7 22-15; 3-8 30-26; 12-16 25-22; 7-10 22-17; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 23-18; 15-22 26-17; 19-23 27-18; 8-11 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 9-13 17-14; 1-6 24-19; 16-23 14-9; 5-14 18-2. Drawn. L. Taylor v M. Apel 1960. #1050. V13(11): . . . 22-17; 9-13 25-22 [Both 24-20 and 32-28 lead to very even positions] (14); 5-9 30-25? [On the alternatives: 1. 32-28?!; is inferior, being strongly met with 14-18! 22-15; 13-22 26-17; 9-14 15-11; 8-15 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 3-8 28-19; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 etc. . . 2. 22-18; 13-22 26-17; is well met with 16-20 17-13; 8-11! and Black stands best. 3. 24-20; is about even after 3-7 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 7-11 etc. . . ]; 16-20 32-28 [22-18 is no better after 13-22 26-17; 8-11! 17-13; 3-7 25-22; 11-16 29-25; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 4-8 25-22; 14-18! 23-5; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 31-24; 10-28. Black win: N. Banks v W. Ryan 1937] Into Variation 7 V14(13): . . . 26-22; 5-9 30-26?(15) [Or 32-28?; 16-20 30-26 into Variation 7] Into Variation 13 V15(14): . . . 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 31-27; 2-7 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 7-11 22-18; 13-22 19-16; 11-15 18-11; 10-15 25-18; 15-22 11-7 [23-19; 20-24 11-7; 1-5 same]; 1-5 23-19; 20-24 7-3; 24-27 32-23; 14-17 21-14; 9-27. Drawn. A. Morley v C. Carter (P) 1956. #1051. V16(T): . . . 27-24[R](24); 11-16(17) 32-27 Into Trunk V17(16): 11-15[R] 24-20[R](21) 15-24 28-19; 9-13 [8-11 is inferior after 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 22-17; 14-18 [4-8 permits the 26-23 lock-up] 17-14; 10-17 21-14] 32-28[R](18); 5-9 [6-9 22-18; 3-7 25-22; 8-11 draws, but is harder] 22-18 [22-17? is inferior]; 8-11 [10-15? 19-10; 6-22 26-10; 2-6 28-24; 6-15 30-26!; 8-11 26-22!; 3-7 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 7-10 24-19 wins neatly] 25-22; 4-8 30-25; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 22-17; 15-22 25-18; 13-22 26-10; 2-6 10-7; 3-10 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 12-16 23-19; 16-23 20-16; 11-20 18-4; 23-26 22-18; 26-30 18-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 4-8 30-25; 8-11 25-22; 28-24

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20-27; 31-24 9-13; 21-17. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #1052. V18(17): . . . 22-18(20); 8-11 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-22(19); 6-9 30-26; 1-5 32-27; 3-7 27-24; 4-8 24-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 22-18; 17-21 25-22; 7-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 8-12 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 31-27; 14-18 13-9; 11-15 27-24; 18-23 9-6; 15-18 6-2; 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1053. V19(18): . . . 26-23; 10-15 31-27; 6-9 25-22; 3-8 30-25 8-12!; 27-24; 4-8 23-19; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 19-15; 18-22 25-18; 14-23 24-19; 2326 20-16; 26-31 16-11; 31-26 11-4; 26-23 4-8; 23-16 15-10; 1-5 10-6; 13-17 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1054. V20(18): . . . 22-17 [Soft]; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 [11-15 23-19; 9-14 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 [10-15 best] same] 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 25-22; 4-8 26-23; 11-15 31-27; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 8-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18 [A parallel position arose between the same principals in game #645]; 6-10 21-17; 10-15 18-14; 15-19 32-28. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long. #1055. V21(17): . . . 22-18 [32-27 allows Black to gain a tempo with 8-11 and equalize]; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 24-20(23); 4-8 26-22; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 28-24(22); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-15 (V32) V22(21): . . . 30-25; 12-16 28-24; 8-12 INTO 11-15 23-18; 8-11 (V24) V23(21): . . . 19-15 [26-22 is well met with 3-7]; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 6-10 INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (V22) V24(16): . . . 22-18; 11-16 18-15(26); 3-7 28-24; 16-20 32-28; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 2-7 30-26(25); 14-18 23-14; 9-18 26-23; 8-11 23-14; 11-18! [A M. Tinsley equalizer from 1958] 21-17; 4-8 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 12-16 25-21; 7-11 14-10; 16-19 10-7; 11-16 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 7-3; 20-27 3-12; 19-23 17-14; 23-26 15-11; 18-23 11-7; 26-31 7-2; 6-9 14-10; 23-26 2-7; 27-32 7-11; 26-30. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1056. V25(24): . . . 31-26; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 25-21 [Against


Complete Checkers

25-22; play 7-11]; 6-9 21-14; 9-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 7-11 15-10; 11-16 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 30-26; 13-17 10-6; 1-10 14-7; 11-15 26-23; 17-21 7-2; 21-25 2-7; 25-30. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958. #1057. V26(24): . . . 26-22(27) [Soft, but played surprisingly often]; 8-11 22-17; 16-20 INTO Key Landing Number 9 V27(26): . . . 25-22 8-11 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V13)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 55 (69): 10-14 24-19; 11-16 POWER: [34/66] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 2 Trunk: 10-14 24-19; 11-16 28-24[R](4); 7-10[R](1) INTO 10-14 24-19; 7-10 (T) V1(T): 16-20 19-15; 7-10! [All other moves are markedly inferior. For example: 1. 7-11 is powerfully met with 22-18! 2. 9-13 with 22-17!; 13-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22 3. 8-11 15-8; 4-11 with 22-18! 4. 6-10 15-6; 1-10 with 22-17! 5. 14-18 23-14; 9-18 with 24-19!] 24-19; 9-13! [3-7? loses to 22-18!] 22-17! [22-18? loses to 5-9!]; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 3-7! [1-5? loses to 32-28!] 25-22(3); 20-24! [7-11? loses to 30-25!] 27-20; 7-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 11-27 32-23; 6-13! [5-14? loses to 26-22] 23-18 Forms Position, Diagram 84: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 84

Continue: 10-15(2) 19-10; 12-16 20-11; 8-22 26-17; 13-22 [Database draw] 21-17; 4-8 [5-9 17-13; 4-8 same] 17-13; 5-9 [8-12 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 5-9 6-2; 9-14 same] 13-6; 2-9 10-6; 9-14 6-2; 8-12 2-7; 14-17! [12-16? loses by the ‘Shuttle Position’] 7-11; 17-21 31-27;


Complete Checkers

22-25 27-23; 25-29 23-19; 29-25 19-15; 25-22 15-10; 22-18 10-7; 18-14. Drawn. W. Hellman v L. de Bearn 1934. #1058. V2(1): 10-14 [Harder] 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 2-7 31-27; 8-11 27-23; 7-10 22-18; 4-8. Drawn. Analysis by A. Long. Classic Late Midgame #10 (After 1 move). #1059. V3(1): . . . 32-28 [Not as strong as 25-22; but worth a try as a ‘twister’] INTO 11-16 23-18; 16-20 (V7) V4(T): . . . 22-17(5); 14-18 23-14; 9-18 INTO 10-14 22-17; 14-18 (V33) V5(4): . . . 22-18(6); 8-11 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V6(5): . . . 27-24 INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-16 (V9)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 56 (70): 10-14 24-19; 14-18 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 0! Trunk: 10-14 24-19; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 23-14; 9-18 21-17[R](1) INTO 10-15 21-17; 15-18 (T) V1(T): . . . 19-15(2) INTO 9-14 23-19; 14-18 (V13) V2(1): . . . 28-24(3); 8-11 21-17! INTO 10-15 21-17; 15-18 (V16) V3(2): . . . 26-23 [26-22 is well met with 7-11 22-15; 11-18 21-17 [30-26; 8-11 is easy]; 8-11 28-24; 4-8!]; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 21-17 [30-26 is comfortably met with 5-9]; 8-11 25-21 [Best. Instead, 17-14?!; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 30-26 [15-11?; as given in Solid Checkers, may lose after 7-16 27-23; 18-27 31-15; 4-8! 25-22; 2-7!]; 4-8 25-21; 19-23! 26-19; 18-22 15-10; 8-11 gives Black a strong game]; 4-8 29-25; 11-16 INTO 10-15 21-17; 15-18 (V32)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 57 (71): 10-14 24-20; 6-10 POWER: [49/51] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 3 Trunk: 10-14 24-20; 6-10 22-18[R](5); 11-15[R](1) 18-11; 8-15 INTO 10-14 22-18; 11-15 (V15) V1(T): 10-15(2) 28-24; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22; 1-6 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V20) V2(1): 11-16 20-11; 8-22 25-18; 4-8 28-24; 8-11 24-19 [INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (V20)]; 9-13 [Although I prefer 9-13, because of its links with 9-13 24-19; 6-9, there is little to choose between it and 11-16 of Variation 4] (4) 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-16 [1-6 is my preference, as shown under the earlier ballot, but both 11-16 and 11-15 are popular alternatives] (3) 25-22; 1-5 22-18; 3-8 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 26-19 Forms Position, Diagram 85: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 85

Continue: 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14 [Database draw]; 11-16 14-10 [14-9 is also strong]; 7-14 31-27; 16-23 27-9; 12-16 9-5; 16-19 32-27; 13-17 5-1; 17-22 1-5; 2-7 5-9; 7-11 9-14; 11-16 14-18; 19-23 18-25; 23-32. Drawn. W. Edwards v A. Long 1984. #1060.

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V3(2): 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18! 26-23; 10-14 30-26; 1-6 3228; 13-17! [6-9? to a miraculous draw: D. Oldbury v W. Hellman 1965] 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9! 26-22; 17-26 31-15; 9-13 27-24; 14-18 24-20; 7-10 15-6; 2-9 16-11; 9-14 19-15; 13-17. Drawn. N. Banks v W. Hellman 1939. #1061. V4(2): 11-16 18-15; 1-6 15-11; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 10-17 21-14; 7-16 26-23; 2-7 [6-10 also draws easily] 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 31-27; 9-13 27-24; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 19-23. Drawn. H. Boucher v A. Fogle (P) 1959. #1062. V5(T): . . . 22-17(6); 11-15 17-13 [28-24 is into Variation 6, while 25-22 is comfortably met with 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 1-6 or 15-19]; 1-6 28-24 [Against 25-22?!; play 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 15-19 or 8-11 and Black is best]; 8-11 23-19; 15-18; 26-23; 3-8 [14-17 is also good!] INTO 11-15 24-20; 8-11 (V17) V6(5): . . . 28-24 [Both 23-19 and 27-24 are well met with 11-15. Finally, against 23-18?!; 14-23 27-18; Black secures a definite endgame advantage with 1-6 32-27; 10-15 26-23; 7-10 30-26; 3-7 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-19 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 22-18; 23-27 24-19; 27-32 25-22; 6-9 etc. . . ]; 11-15 22-17; 8-11 17-13; 1-6 Into Variation 5


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Ballot Number 58 (72): 10-14 24-20; 7-10 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 20 Trunk: 10-14 24-20; 7-10 22-18[R](19); 11-16[R](16) 20-11; 8-22 25-18; [Or W. Docherty’s off-beat 26-17!?; 9-13 28-24; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 to a draw] 4-8 2824[R](14); 8-11 24-19[R](11); 9-13 [3-7? allows White to gain a tempo and may even lose] 18-9; 5-14 29-25[R](7); 3-7 25-22; 1-5 22-18(3); 11-16 18-9; 5-14 23-18(1); 14-23 27-18; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 30-26 [31-26; 31-27; 32-27; 32-28 and 18-14 are all easy to meet]; 11-16 26-23; 16-20 32-27; 2-7 18-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-26 3122 [Database draw]; 7-11 12-8; 11-16 8-3; 16-19 3-7; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 7-2; 6-9 23-18; 27-31 2-6 Forms Endgame #14, Diagram 86: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❲❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❇❀✳❀ Diagram 86

Continue: 31-27 18-15; 27-23 15-11; 20-24 11-7; 24-27 7-2; 27-31 6-10; 31-27 2-6; 27-24 6-1; 24-19 1-5; 9-14 10-17; 23-26. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #1063. V1(T): . . . 27-24; 16-20 31-27; 7-11 32-28(2); 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 14-18 23-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-18 26-23; 18-22 23-18; 16-19 18-15;

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12-16 15-10; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by V. Davis. #1064. V2(1): . . . 26-22; 6-9 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 9-14 18-9; 11-15 19-16; 12-26 30-23; 10-14 9-5; 2-7 5-1; 7-11 1-6; 11-16 6-9; 15-19 9-18; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by L. Hall. #1065. V3(T): . . . 32-28[R](4); 6-9 22-18; 13-17 27-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 25-22; 11-15 20-16; 15-19 31-27; 19-24! 27-20; 10-15 16-11; 14-18 21-14; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by V. Davis. #1066. V4(3): . . . 23-18(5); 14-23 27-18; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 6-9 32-27; 2-7 27-23; 7-11 30-26; 9-14 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-30 21-7. Drawn. H. Burton v D. Lafferty 1979. #1067. V5(4): . . . 27-24(6); 11-15 32-28; 6-9 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 30-21; 15-18 16-12; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 12-8; 18-22 8-3; 7-10. Drawn. G. Bass v A. Skurcenski (P) 1955. #1068. V6(5): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 15-24 27-20; 2-9 23-19; 9-13 30-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 17-22 26-17; 1322 15-11; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1069. V7(T): . . . 26-22(10); 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-8! 22-18(9); 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-7! 25-22(8); 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 8-11 27-24; 6-10 30-25; 11-15 23-18; 7-11 25-21; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 11-7; 23-27 22-18; 13-17 21-14; 10-17. Drawn. B. Case v E. Hunt 1962. #1070. V8(7): . . . 30-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 8-11 27-24; 6-10 25-21; 10-14 [Playing to the gallery: 11-15 is easy] 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 16-20 9-6; 20-27 6-2; 7-11 2-7; 11-16 7-11; 16-20 23-18; 20-24. Drawn. T. Colston v H. Freyer (P) 1959. #1071. V9(7): . . . 30-26; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-16! 26-22; 14-18 22-15; 13-17 21-7; 2-18 23-14; 16-32 25-21; 12-16. Drawn. J. Marshall v J. Howe Jr (P) 1958. #1072. V10(7): . . . 27-24; 11-15 30-25; 3-7 26-22; 7-11 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 1-5 29-25; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 22-18; 6-9 32-28; 24-27


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31-24; 12-16 20-11; 10-15. Drawn. D. Lafferty v B. Case 1962. #1073. V11(T): . . . 24-20(13); 10-15 20-16(12); 15-22 16-7; 3-10 26-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 10-15 17-10; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25; 6-15 25-22; 1-6 31-26; 5-9 27-23; 19-24 23-18; 15-19 18-15; 9-14 15-11; 6-10 11-8; 10-15 22-17; 14-18 17-13. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1970. #1074. V12(11): . . . 27-24; 15-22 26-10; 6-15 23-19; 9-14! 19-10; 2-6 3126; 6-15 26-23; 15-18 29-25; 18-27 32-23; 5-9 25-22; 9-13 24-19; 1-5 30-26; 3-7 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 11-15 16-11; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. R. Scott v J. Lattimer (P) 1985. #1075. V13(11): . . . 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 6-10 24-20; 3-7 27-24; 1-6 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V11) V14(T): . . . 27-24; 8-11 24-19(15); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 1-5 31-27 [22-18; 11-16 18-9; 5-14 28-24 into Variation 1 or 32-27 into Variation 3]; 6-9 INTO 11-15 24-20; 8-11 CR (V4) V15(14): . . . 24-20; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 6-10 28-24; 3-7 32-28 [32-27? loses to 1-5! 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 12-16!] 1-6 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V11) V16(T): 9-13(18) 18-9; 5-14 [INTO 9-13 22-18; 10-14 (V47)] 2824; 11-15! [The Lowder/Oldbury defence with 6-9?! has been in a state of flux for many years. A powerful attack runs as follows: 25-22; 11-15 [1-5 32-28!; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 811 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 27-23; 4-8 22-17; 13-22 26-17 is no improvement] 23-19; 14-18 22-17!; 13-22 26-17; 9-14 30-26; 1-6 26-23 to a probable white win] 23-19; 8-11! [3-7? 25-22; 1-5 26-23! is a white win by J. Loy] 26-22; 14-18! 31-26(17); 10-14 [Best] 19-10; 6-15 26-23; 12-16 21-17; 14-21 23-14; 16-19 32-28; 4-8 14-10; 2-6 10-7; 3-10 20-16; 11-20 22-17; 13-22 25-4; 19-23 27-18; 20-27 4-8; 6-9 8-12; 10-14 18-15; 27-31. Drawn. W. Lemler v E. Whiting (P) 1954. #1076. V17(16): . . . 21-17 [Also good]; 4-8! [2-7? 31-26; 4-8 26-23; 1-5 23-14; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 32-28; 13-22 14-9 to a white win] 32-28!; 2-7 17-14; 10-26 30-14; 13-17 19-10; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10

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14-7; 3-10 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-15 27-24; 1-5 29-25; 5-9 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 8-11 10-7; 11-15 7-3; 15-18 25-21; 17-22. Drawn. R. Fortman v V. Monteiro (P) 1967. #1077. V18(16): 10-15 28-24; 15-22 26-10; 6-15 23-19; 15-18 21-17; 3-7 19-15; 7-10! [12-16? 17-14; 1-6 24-19!; 16-23 31-26 to a white win: E. Lowder v W. Edwards 1989] 15-6; 1-10 25-21; 9-14 30-26; 5-9 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 14-18 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22 14-10; 15-18! [22-25? 27-23; 25-30 10-7; 30-25 7-2 to a white win: R. King v D. Lafferty 1996] 24-19; 22-25 10-7; 25-30 7-3; 18-22! [30-25? 19-16 to white wins: A. Cameron v M. Tinsley 1946 and P. McCarthy v D. Lafferty 1996] 19-16; 12-19 3-12 22-26! 31-22; 19-24 27-23; 30-26 23-18!; 26-17 20-16; 17-21 16-11; 21-25! [21-17? 11-7; 17-21 18-15; 21-25 15-11; 25-22 12-16; 22-26 16-19; 24-28 to a white win: E. Fuller v D. Lafferty 1988] 11-7; 25-30 12-16; 30-26 16-19; 26-22! 19-28; 22-15. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #1078. V19(T): . . . 28-24(22); 11-15 23-19 [22-17 is powerfully met with 8-11 17-13; 3-7 23-19; 15-18 26-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-14; 9-18 19-15; 4-8 24-19; 17-21 31-26; 7-10 26-22; 18-23 27-18; 5-9 22-17; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 22-18; 811 18-14; 2-7! and the burden of proof lies with White]; 8-11 26-23(20); 3-7 22-17 [30-26; 9-13 22-17 same]; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 32-28; 6-9 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 9-13 27-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 16-7; 2-11 24-19; 1-5 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14. Drawn. K. Todd v J. Caldwell (P) 1975. #1079. V20(19): . . . 27-23(21); 3-8 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 26-17; 9-13 30-25; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 31-26. Drawn. E. Whiting v L. Dibble (P) 1965. #1080. V21(20): . . . 22-17; 15-18 17-13; 18-23! 27-18; 14-23 25-22; 9-14 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 14-18 21-17; 2-7 31-27; 10-15 19-10; 7-21 26-19; 3-7 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 7-10 25-22; 11-15 22-17; 8-11 1714; 10-17 19-10; 6-15 23-19; 15-18 19-15. Drawn. W. Hellman


Complete Checkers

v E. Frazier 1967. #1081. V22(19): . . . 23-19(23); 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 3-7 [Also arises from 10-14 24-19; 7-10 27-24; 11-16 [11-15 my preference] 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18 [Soft]; 8-11 same: A. Long v W. Hellman 1948] 26-22 [25-22?!; asks for trouble after 11-16 29-25; 7-11 19-15; 10-19 21-17; 14-21 18-14; 9-27 31-8; 5-9! etc . . . Analysis by M. Tinsley]; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 10-14 INTO 11-15 23-18; 8-11 CR (V1) V23(22): . . . 27-24(24); 10-15 22-18; 15-22 26-10 [25-18 leads to an even, open game after 14-17 21-14; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 26-17; 9-27 32-23: P. McCarthy v T. Landry 1985]; 6-15 21-17; 1-6 23-19; 15-18 17-14; 3-7 19-16 [19-15?! is inferior after 9-13! [Forcing the desired line. Instead, 12-16 first allows White an easy out with 30-26!; 16-19 31-27! and the 18-23 shot: the importance of correct timing once more] 32-27; 12-16 30-26; 16-19 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 13-17 [Basil Case’s 11-16 exchange is also strong after 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 19-23 14-10; 23-32 10-1; 8-12 16-11; 18-23 22-17; 13-22 25-18; 32-27 11-8; 4-11 15-8; 23-26 18-15 etc . . . An unpleasant ending unless you are a computer!] 22-13; 8-12 15-8; 4-11 25-21; 18-22 13-9; 6-13 14-10; 7-14 24-19; 22-26 27-24; 11-15 19-10; 26-31 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 31-27 15-11; 14-18 10-7; 18-22 7-3 to a touchy draw, as analysed by Walter Hellman and Willie Ryan]; 12-19 24-15; 8-12 15-8; 4-11 32-27; 11-15 30-26; 9-13 26-22; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 14-9; 5-14 27-23; 18-27 25-11; 7-16 31-24; 14-18 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1082. V24(23): . . . 22-17 INTO 10-14 22-17; 7-10 (V20)

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Ballot Number 59 (73): 10-14 24-20; 11-15 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 12 Trunk: 10-14 24-20; 11-15 22-18[R](16); 15-22 25-18[R](12); 7-10[R](8) 26-22; 8-11 27-24; 10-15 24-19[R](7); 15-24 28-19; 3-7[R](3) 1915; 7-10 15-8; 4-11 29-25[R](1); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 6-9 25-22 Forms Position, Diagram 87: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 87

Continue: 10-15 [2-6 31-27; 10-15 27-24; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 3228; 22-25 23-19; 11-15 to a draw: M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1992] 22-17; 13-22 30-26; 22-25 32-28; 15-22 26-10; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 19-15; 2-6 10-7; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 31-27. Drawn. B. Case v E. Hunt 1962. #1083. V1(T): . . . 31-27; 10-15 27-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 32-28(2) [30-25; 1-5 32-28; 6-10 same]; 6-10 30-25; 1-5 22-17!; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-6 25-22; 6-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 22-17; 15-24 17-13; 24-27 13-6; 27-31 6-2; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #1084. V2(1): . . . 23-19 [29-25; 6-10 23-19 same]; 6-10 29-25; 1-5 32-27; 5-9 27-23; 2-6 30-26; 13-17 22-13; 15-18 26-22; 18-27 20-16; 11-20


Complete Checkers

22-17; 27-31 25-22; 20-27 19-15; 10-19 17-1; 9-14 1-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Thompson 1960. #1085. V3(T): 6-10(6) 32-28; 3-8(5) 30-26; 11-16(4) 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 18-15; 9-13 15-6; 1-10 29-25; 8-11 22-18; 2-7 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 16-12; 10-14 12-8; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11. Drawn, A. Jordan v N. Banks 1914. #1086. V4(3): 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 29-25; 9-13 18-9; 514 25-22; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-22 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 22-25 14-10; 25-30; 10-7; 2-11 16-7. Drawn. A. Jordan v N. Banks 1917. #1087. V5(3): 1-6 29-25; 3-8 [3-7? 28-24; 4-8 31-26 to a classic white win: W. Roberts v S. Gonotsky 1924] 30-26; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 18-15; 9-13 22-18; 5-9 26-22; 2-7 31-27; 7-11 27-24; 12-16 19-3; 10-26 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 14-18. Drawn. J. Marshall v B. Case (P) 1959. #1088. V6(3): 3-8 32-28; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 6-10 [4-8 is comfortably met with 30-25] 30-26 Into Variation 3 V7(T): . . . 23-19; 14-23 19-10; 6-15 31-26; 23-27 32-23; 4-8 21-17; 3-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 29-25; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 9-13 23-18; 5-9 25-21; 1-5 20-16; 11-20 18-11. Drawn. B. Case v J. Marshall (P) 1959. #1089. V8(T): 6-10(11) 26-22; 8-11 [1-6 27-24; 8-11 24-19; 3-8 same] 2724; 3-8 (9) 24-19; 1-6 32-27; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 16-11; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 20-16; 15-18 21-17; 10-15 27-24; 22-25 29-22; 18-25 24-20; 6-9 11-7; 2-11 16-7; 9-13 17-14; 4-8 7-3; 8-12 3-7; 25-30 7-10; 15-18 10-15; 18-22 14-10. Drawn. N. Banks v A. Jordan 1914. #1090. V9(8): 10-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10(10) Into Variation 3 V10(9): 3-8 32-28; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 7-10 30-26 Into Variation 3 V11(8): 8-11 [12-16 20-11; 8-22 26-10; 6-15 21-17 creates a wide

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open, even position] 26-22 Now 7-10 Into Trunk Or 6-10 Into Variation 8 V12(T): . . . 26-10; 6-15 21-17(14); 8-11 17-13 [28-24; 4-8 17-13; 914 same]; 9-14 28-24; 4-8 31-26?(13); 1-6? [12-16! is a remarkable correction discovered by Jim Loy] 25-21; 15-19 24-15; 11-18 23-19; 7-10 29-25; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 32-7; 2-11 25-22; 11-15 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 6-10 13-9; 10-15 9-6. Drawn. R. Jordan v J. Horr 1905. #1091. V13(12): . . . 32-28; 15-19 24-15; 11-18 23-19; 14-17 [8-11! 19-15; 18-23! is a good alternative] 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 8-11 27-23; 1-6 29-25; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 31-24; 11-15 19-10; 7-14. Drawn. E. Hunt v L. Taylor 1961. #1092. V14(12): . . . 28-24(15); 8-11 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 9-13 21-17; 5-9 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 1-5 32-28; 2-6 31-26; 6-10 27-23; 10-17 25-21; 15-19 21-14; 11-15 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 8-11 23-19; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 19-16; 10-14 16-7; 14-17. Drawn. H. Freedman v R. Jordan 1902. #1093. V15(14): . . . 25-22; 8-11 30-26; 4-8 29-25; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 3-8 27-24; 11-15 20-16; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 24-20; 1-6 20-11; 6-10 22-17; 12-16 17-13; 9-14 11-8; 16-20 8-3; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 26-23; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 25-22; 27-31 22-17; 31-26 23-19; 26-22 19-15; 10-19 17-10. Drawn. R. Jordan v H. Freedman 1902. #1094. V16(T): . . . 22-17(17); 6-10 INTO 10-14 24-20; 6-10 (V5) V17(16): . . . 28-24; 6-10 INTO 10-14 24-20; 6-10 (V6)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 60 (74): 10-14 24-20; 11-16 POWER: [43/57] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 10-14 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 28-24(13); 6-10 24-20(3); 1-6 2218(2); 15-22 25-18; 3-8 26-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18(1); 6-9 30-25; 7-11 25-22; 10-15 32-28 Forms Position, Diagram 88: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 88

Continue: 13-17 22-6; 2-9 21-17; 14-21 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 1518 14-10; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 10-7; 21-25 29-22; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by A. Mantell. #1095. V1(T): . . . 31-26; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 29-25 [23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 6-9 29-25 same]; 6-9! [7-11? loses to 23-18!] 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 21-17; 16-19 32-27; 2-7! [2-6? lost: W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955] 27-23; 19-24 23-19; 24-27 30-25; 27-31 25-21; 31-27 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 27-23 19-15; 23-30 15-8; 7-11 8-3; 11-16 3-7; 16-20. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1096. V2(T): . . . 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-16 20-11; 3-7 22-18; 7-16 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 26-23; 6-9 17-13;

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16-19 23-16; 12-19 13-6; 2-9 31-27; 9-13 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-19 23-16; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1097. V3(T): . . . 22-18(9); 15-22 25-18; 4-8 29-25(7); 8-11 25-22(6); 913 18-9; 5-14 23-18(5); 14-23 27-18; 12-16 26-23(4); 16-20 24-19; 20-24! [2-6? is strongly met with 32-27!] 30-26; 24-28! 31-27; 2-6 27-24; 6-9 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 3-12 23-19; 7-10 26-23; 10-14 18-15; 12-16 19-12; 13-17 22-6; 1-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1098. V4(3): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 24-20; 16-19 30-25 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V33) V5(3): . . . 24-20; 10-15 23-18; 14-23 26-10; 7-14 30-26; 2-7 26-23; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 32-27; 17-22 27-23; 22-25 [22-26 to a quick draw] 14-10; 25-30 10-6; 30-25 6-2; 25-22 2-6; 22-17 6-10; 17-22 10-6; 22-17 6-10; 17-22. Drawn. J. Marshall v D. Oldbury 1955. #1099. V6(3): . . . 24-19 [24-20; 10-15 25-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 into Variation 5] INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 CR (T) V7(3): . . . 26-22(8); 8-11 22-17; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 30-26; 15-22 26-10; 2-7 29-25; 7-14 25-22; 1-6 22-18; 6-10 31-26; 10-15 26-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 14-18 19-10; 18-25 10-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 25-30 24-20; 30-26 23-19; 26-22 2-6; 22-18 6-9; 3-7 20-16; 7-10 9-6; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 6-9. Drawn. M. Tinsley v H. Freyer 1958. #1100. V8(7): . . . 24-19[R]; 8-11 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 CR (T) V9(3): . . . 22-17 [23-19; 4-8 22-17; 15-18 same. Also, 32-28 is well met with 4-8]; 4-8 23-19 [17-13; 1-6 23-19; 15-18 same or 26-22; 8-11 22-18; 15-22 25-18 into Variation 7]; 15-18 17-13; 1-6 26-23(11); 8-11 31-26(10); 11-15 26-22; 3-8 INTO Key Landing Number 14 V10(9): . . . 24-20 [32-28 is comfortably met with 11-16 24-20; 14-17!]; 11-15! [3-8? loses to 32-28!] 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 30-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-14; 9-18 26-22; 17-26 31-15; 7-11


Complete Checkers

25-22; 11-25 29-22; 6-10 27-23; 8-11 23-18; 2-6 22-17; 5-9 17-14; 10-17 19-15; 9-14 18-2; 11-18. Drawn. K. Grover v A. Long 1939. #1101. V11(9): . . . 24-20; 18-23 27-18; 14-23 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 32-28(12); 15-24 28-19; 7-11 25-22; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 22-17; 9-13 19-15; 11-18 26-19; 13-22 30-26; 22-25 19-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 31-6. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1102. V12(11): . . . 25-22; 15-24 26-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 30-23; 7-11 31-26; 12-16 19-12; 24-27 26-22; 27-31 22-17; 31-26 23-19; 26-23 19-16; 23-18 16-7; 2-11 32-27; 6-10 27-23; 18-27 13-9. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #1103. V13(T): . . . 22-18[R](15); 15-22 25-18[R](14); 4-8 28-24; 6-10 Into Variation 3 V14(13): . . . 26-10; 7-14 25-22; 6-10 28-24; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 1-6 24-19 [24-20; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 31-26; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 6-9 27-24; 2-7 2419; 7-11 32-27; 13-17 27-24; 17-22 24-20; 22-26 19-16; 11-15! 18-11; 10-15 11-7; 26-31 7-2; 31-26. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley]; 11-16 27-24; 16-20 32-28; 20-27 31-24; 7-11 24-20; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 6-9 30-26; 13-17 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 28-24; 14-30 21-5. Drawn. D. Vestal v M. Rex (P) 1978. #1104. V15(13): . . . 22-17(16); 6-10 28-24 Into Variation 9 V16(15): . . . 23-18 [27-24 and 23-19 are both soft]; 14-23 27-11 or 26-10 INTO 11-16 23-18; 10-14 (V2/V3)

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Ballot Number 61 (75): 10-14 24-20; 14-18 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 0! Trunk: 10-14 24-20; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 23-14; 9-18 21-17 INTO 10-15 21-17; 15-18 (V17)

Part 4: 10-15s

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 62 (76): 10-15 21-17; 6-10 POWER: [32/68] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 10-15 21-17; 6-10 17-14(7); 9-18 23-14; 10-17 22-13; 12-16 2521(3); 16-19 29-25; 7-10 25-22; 1-6 24-20(1); 5-9 27-24; 9-14 32-27; 8-12 27-23; 2-7! [Better than 3-7] 23-16; 12-19 31-27 [21-17 offers White nothing]; 4-8 22-17 Forms Position, Diagram 89: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 89

Continue: 8-12 27-23; 3-8 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 1519 23-16; 8-12 24-19; 11-15 28-24; 15-18 19-15 [16-11 to a quick draw]; 12-28 20-16; 10-19 17-3; 6-10 3-7; 10-15 7-11; 28-32 16-12; 19-24 12-8; 15-19 11-16; 18-23 8-3; 32-27 16-20. Drawn. M. Tinsley v H. Freyer 1958. #1105. V1(T): . . . 22-17; 5-9 17-14; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 32-7; 2-11 26-23; 10-14 24-19(2); 15-24 28-19; 8-12 30-26; 3-8 26-22; 6-10 22-18; 11-15 18-9; 15-24 9-6; 24-28 6-2; 10-15 2-6; 15-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by B. Case. #1106. V2(1): . . . 24-20; 3-7 31-27; 8-12 27-24; 4-8 23-19; 7-10 30-26 INTO 9-13 24-20; 6-9 (V4)


Complete Checkers

V3(T): . . . 24-20(6); 16-19 25-22; 7-10 27-24(4); 10-14 29-25; 1-6 25-21; 14-18 22-17; 18-23 26-22; 3-7! [Better than 2-7] 31-27 [Only move]; 23-26 30-16; 8-12 17-14 [22-18; 12-19 17-14; 15-22 24-8; 4-11 27-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 32-23; 7-10. Drawn] 12-19 22-17; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 17-14; 4-8 [Simplest] 21-17; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 24-15; 11-18. Drawn. Analysis by A. Huggins. #1107. V4(3): . . . 29-25(5); 1-6 25-21 Into Trunk V5(4): . . . 22-17; 1-6 29-25; 5-9 25-21; 9-14 27-24; 8-12 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 12-19 31-27; Into Trunk V6(3): . . . 26-23 [White’s three alternatives all permit equality, but open up a wide field of play. Namely, 1) 24-19; 16-23 26-10; 7-14 2) 25-22; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 8-11 28-24; 4-8 26-23; 1619 23-16; 11-20 24-19 3) 26-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18]; 16-19 23-16; 11-20 25-22; 7-10 24-19 [29-25; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19 allowed Black to seize the initiative with 11-15!, leading to an unforced win: D. Oldbury v E. Lowder 1985]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 18-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 2-11 [3-10 is easy too] 25-22; 3-7 22-18; 11-16 31-26; 16-23 26-19; 7-10 30-25; 10-14 18-9; 5-14. Drawn. D. Oldbury v J. Marshall 1950. #1108. V7(T): . . . 17-13[R](12); 1-6 23-18(9); 12-16 24-20 [25-21; 16-19 24-20 same]; 16-19 25-21; 8-12 27-24(8); 10-14 26-23 [31-27; 14-23 27-18; 7-10 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 3-7 29-25; 15-18 24-19; 18-27 32-23 to a draw]; 19-26 30-23; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 13-6; 10-26 31-22; 2-9 29-25; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 25-21; 3-7 32-28; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18 [21-17; 14-21 23-18 is an alternative draw]; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 [Database draw] 18-14; 1722 23-18; 22-26 19-15; 26-31 15-10; 31-26 10-3; 26-22 28-24; 22-15 14-9; 15-19 24-15; 11-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987. #1109. V8(7): . . . 29-25; 3-8 27-24; 10-14 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 13-6; 10-26 31-22; 2-9 23-19 [24-19 is soft]; 7-10 25-21; 10-14 19-10; 14-23 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 23-26 10-7; 26-30 7-2; 30-26 14-10; 26-23 10-7; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 7-3; 4-8 2-6; 23-18 6-10; 8-11! 10-19; 11-16. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1110.

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V9(7): . . . 22-18[R]; 15-22 25-18; 11-15 [10-15 is troublesome for Black after 26-22; 7-10 29-25; 3-7 31-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 1418 25-21!; 18-25 26-23: D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1987] 18-11; 8-15 29-25; 9-14[R](11) 23-19[R](10); 7-11 25-21; 14-18 26-23 [24-20? allows a good counter with 15-24 28-19; 3-7 21-17; 18-22!]; 18-22 23-18; 6-9! [5-9? permits a strong attack with 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 20-16!; 11-20 21-17; 8-11 18-15] 13-6; 2-9 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-28 [Against 27-23; 3-7 draws]; 4-8 30-26; 22-25 19-16; 12-19 20-16; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-6. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #1111. V10(9): . . . 24-20; 4-8 28-24 [25-22; 8-11 28-24; 14-17 32-28; 5-9! same]; 14-17 [15-19! 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 8-12 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-11 may prove to be an easier option for Black] 32-28; 5-9 25-22; 8-11 23-18; 10-14 27-23; 7-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 31-27; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-15; 14-18 23-5; 16-32 15-11; 12-16 5-1; 16-19 11-8; 32-27 8-3; 27-31 3-8; 19-24 1-5; 24-28 5-9; 17-21 8-11; 28-32 11-7; 2-11 9-2; 10-14 22-17; 31-22 17-10. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #1112. V11(9): 4-8 23-19; 8-11 26-22; 9-14 27-23; 3-8 [11-16 is a narrow draw] 32-27 [23-18!; 14-23 22-17 is a Maurice Chamblee alternative] 14-17 31-26; 11-16 [5-9 also draws] 25-21; 15-18 22-15; 7-11 21-7; 11-18 23-14; 16-32 26-22; 2-11 22-17; 32-27 30-25; 27-20 25-21. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1113. V12(7): . . . 25-21(13); 1-6 23-18 [29-25 is comfortably met with 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 9-13 17-14; 6-9 while 1713 gets 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 7-10 and an even game]; 11-16 18-11; 8-15 17-13; 16-19 24-20; 4-8 27-24; 9-14 2217; 8-11 29-25; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-8 32-27; 12-16 25-21; 8-12 30-25; 18-23 27-18; 15-29 24-8; 29-25 20-11; 7-16 13-9; 6-13 14-10; 25-30 26-22; 30-25 22-18; 16-19 18-15; 19-23 15-11; 12-16 8-4; 16-20 4-8; 5-9 10-6; 9-14 6-1; 14-17 21-14; 23-26 31-22; 25-9. Drawn. M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1947. #1114. V13(12): . . . 23-19 INTO 10-15 23-19; 6-10 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 63 (77): 10-15 21-17; 7-10 POWER: [19/81] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 28 Trunk: 10-15 21-17; 7-10 17-14[R](30); 10-17 22-13; 11-16 23-19[R](16); 16-23 26-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 25-22[R](8); 12-16 29-25[R](7); 1619 [2-6? lost to 25-21; 5-9 27-23!: L. Rosenfield v M. Tinsley 1952] 25-21[R](6); 10-14 22-17[R](5); 2-7 17-10; 7-14 27-23[R](2); 19-26 31-22; 3-7 22-17 [30-26; 7-10 22-17 into Variation 1]; 7-10 24-20[R](1); 8-12 28-24 [Against 32-27; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22 14-10; 15-19 10-7; 5-9 7-2; 9-14 2-7; 14-18 7-10; 19-23 2724; 23-27 10-15; 18-23 draws: A. Bernstein v J. McGill (P) 1963, while 30-26 is well met with 15-19!]; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14 [Database draw]; 18-23 14-10; 5-9 10-7; 9-14 7-2; 15-18 2-7; 23-27 32-23; 18-27 24-19! [Forces the endgame which follows. Instead, 7-10 allows Black an easier out with 14-18 24-19; 27-31! [27-32 draws as per the trunk line] 19-15; 4-8!]; 27-31! [27-32? lost: W. Edwards v D. Oldbury 1982]; 19-15; 14-18 15-11; 18-23 7-10; 23-27 10-15 [11-7; 27-32 10-15; 32-27 30-25 same]; 27-32 30-25; 32-27 11-7 Forms Endgame #15, Diagram 90: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❲❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❇❀✳❀ Diagram 90

Continue: 27-23 [27-24? lost: S. Cohen v D. Oldbury 1955]

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7-2; 31-26 2-7 [Against 2-6; 26-30 25-21; 30-26 21-17; 26-22 17-13; 23-18 15-10; 4-8! draws]; 26-30 25-21; 30-25 21-17; 25-22 17-13; 23-18 15-10; 4-8! 7-3; 22-17 13-9; 17-13 9-6; 18-14 10-17; 13-22. Drawn. Analysis by L. Hall. #1115. V1(T): . . . 30-26 [17-13; 14-18 30-26; 8-12 same]; 8-12 17-13 [Against 32-27; 12-16 26-23; 5-9! 24-20; 16-19! 23-16; 9-13 draws]; 14-18 32-27; 12-16 26-23; 10-14 13-9; 16-20 9-6; 18-22 6-2; 22-26 2-6; 26-30 6-9; 14-17! 21-14; 4-8 9-6 [23-19; 15-18 19-16; 8-12 9-6; 12-19 24-15; 30-26. Drawn: W. Hellman v A. Long 1962]; 30-26 23-19; 15-18 19-16; 8-12 16-11; 26-23 6-10; 23-32 10-15; 20-27 15-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985. #1116. V2(T): . . . 31-26(3); 8-12 26-22; 14-18 22-17; 4-8 17-14; 8-11 [18-22 14-10; 8-11 same] 14-10; 18-22 10-6; 12-16 6-2; 22-26 30-23; 19-26 2-6; 16-19 6-10; 26-31 24-20 [10-14; 31-26 21-17; 19-23 27-18; 15-22 32-27; 22-25 27-23; 26-19 24-8; 3-12. Drawn: Chinook v A. Long 1992]; 31-24 10-14; 5-9 14-5 [Database draw]; 11-16 20-11; 24-20 5-9; 20-16 11-7; 3-10 21-17; 15-18 9-6; 10-15 6-10; 16-20 28-24; 19-28 10-19. Drawn. A. Huggins v S. Weslow (P) 1967. #1117. V3(2): . . . 24-20; 8-12 20-16(4); 3-7 21-17; 14-21 30-25; 21-30 31-26; 30-23 27-2; 4-8 32-27; 19-23 27-18; 12-19 2-6; 19-23 6-10; 23-27 10-14; 8-12 18-15; 12-16. Drawn. D. Oldbury v S. Cohen 1955. #1118. V4(3): . . . 31-26 [27-24; 4-8 31-26 same]; 4-8! [Holding back 5-9] 27-24; 5-9 32-27; 9-13 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 12-19 20-16 [Against 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18! draws, but 8-12? loses]; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 24-20; 14-18 20-11; 18-22 26-17; 13-22. Drawn. E. King v E. Zuber (P) 1981. #1119. V5(T): . . . 24-20; 8-12 20-16 [22-17; 2-7 17-10; 7-14 into Variation 3]; 2-7 22-17; 5-9 17-10; 7-14 27-24 [Against the immediate 16-11; 19-23! 27-18; 15-22 draws]; 9-13 16-11; 14-18 31-26; 12-16 11-7; 3-10 24-20; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 20-11; 10-14 11-7; 15-18 7-2; 19-23 2-6; 23-27 32-23; 18-27. Drawn. R. Bailey v M. Rex (P) 1980. #1120.


Complete Checkers

V6(T): . . . 22-17; 5-9 24-20; 8-11 27-24; 4-8 17-13; 2-6 30-26 [Stronger than 31-26; 9-14 to a draw]; 8-12 31-27; 9-14 27-23 [Against 25-21; 12-16! draws]; 3-7 23-16; 12-19 25-21; 14-18 2016; 11-27 32-16 [Database draw]; 10-14 28-24; 6-10 13-9; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 9-6; 15-19! 24-15; 7-10 15-11; 10-15. Drawn. R. Fortman v S. Weslow (P) 1969. #1121. V7(T): . . . 22-17 [24-20 [27-23; 8-12 into Variation 8 or 30-26; 8-12 27-23; 3-7 32-27 into Variation 12]; 15-19! 20-11; 8-15 29-25; 10-14 25-21; 3-7 22-17; 7-10 30-26; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 2-7 27-24; 7-11 32-27; 11-16 17-13; 16-20 13-9; 14-18 9-6; 18-22! 26-17; 15-18 24-15; 10-19. Drawn: M. Tinsley v R. Jones 1975]; 16-19 24-20; 8-11 27-24; 4-8 17-13; 8-12 29-25; 2-6 30-26; 5-9 Into Variation 6 V8(T): . . . 27-23(15); 8-11 25-22 [32-27; 11-16 30-26; 3-7 25-22 into Variation 12]; 11-16 24-19(12); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 30-26(9); 2-7 22-18; 10-15 19-10; 7-14 18-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 25-22; 3-7 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 17-21 14-9; 21-25 9-6; 25-30 6-1 [Against 6-2; 16-19 23-16; 11-20 2-11; 30-23 11-15; 20-24 draws]; 16-19! 23-16; 30-23 31-27; 12-19 27-18; 7-10 1-6; 10-15 18-14; 15-18 6-10; 18-22. Drawn. D. Lafferty v G. Waldron 1993. #1122. V9(8): . . . 22-18; 16-20 25-21(10); 10-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 20-24 26-22; 2-6 22-17 [32-28; 3-8 22-18; 6-9 31-26; 24-27 26-22; 27-31 22-17; 31-27 17-10; 27-24 19-15; 24-20. Drawn: S. Cohen v D. Oldbury 1955]; 6-10 17-13; 11-16 13-9; 16-20 31-26; 3-7 9-6; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 [Database draw] 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-10 6-2; 10-15 2-6; 15-19 6-10; 17-21 10-15; 24-28! 15-24; 20-27 32-23; 21-25 23-19; 25-30 26-23; 30-26 23-18; 26-23 18-15; 23-18. Drawn. D. Oldbury v A. Huggins 1961. #1123. V10(9): . . . 30-26 [32-27; 3-7 30-26; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 26-22; 2-6 22-17; 6-9 17-13; 10-14 to a quick draw: M. Tinsley v Chinook 1990; or 25-22; 20-24! to a draw; or 31-27; 2-7! to a draw]; 11-16 25-21 [26-22; 20-24 25-21; same]; 20-24 26-22(11); 16-20 31-26; 10-14! [Easier than 5-9] 18-9; 5-14 19-16 [22-18; 14-17 21-14; 24-27 is easy for Black] 12-19 23-16 [Database draw]; 2-7 16-12;

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7-11 26-23; 11-15! 22-17; 24-27 17-10; 27-31 32-28; 31-27 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 27-23 19-16; 23-18 10-6; 18-15 6-1; 20-24. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #1124. V11(10): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 26-22; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 22-17; 5-9 32-27; 9-13 27-20; 13-22 19-15; 11-27 31-24; 22-26 20-11; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by A. Mantell. #1125. V12(8): . . . 32-27; 3-7 30-26; 5-9 29-25(14); 9-14 24-19(13); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 14-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 8-11 22-17; 16-20 25-22; 2-6 17-13; 11-16 18-15; 10-14 22-18; 14-17 15-11; 7-10 18-14; 17-22 14-7; 6-10 7-2; 22-26 2-6; 10-14. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1993. (Also: A. Long v Chinook 1992) #1126. V13(12): . . . 25-21; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-17; 7-11 1916; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 [Database draw] 17-13; 10-15 13-9; 15-19 9-6; 19-24 6-2; 24-28 27-23; 28-32 26-22; 20-24 23-19; 8-12 2-6; 32-27 6-9; 14-17 21-14; 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1127. V14(12): . . . 24-19 [23-18 is well met with 16-20 18-11; 7-16 2623; 10-14 29-25; 2-6 25-21 9-13 22-18; 6-9 24-19; 13-17 to a draw: M. Tinsley v L. Rosenfield 1952]; 15-24 28-19; 9-13! 22-18; 13-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 2-6 22-17; 6-9 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 7-11. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1974. #1128. V15(8): . . . 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 3-7 25-22; 10-14 23-19 [24-19 is a good alternative]; 7-10 27-23; 4-8 29-25; 5-9 25-21; 9-13 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 2-7. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. Classic Late Midgame #8. #1129. V16(T): . . . 24-19(21); 15-24 28-19; 9-14 25-22 [25-21; 8-11 29-25; 6-10 25-22; 3-7 now against 22-18; 1-6 draws and against 22-17; 11-15 draws]; 8-11 22-18 [29-25; 3-7 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 5-14 same]; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 29-25(19); 7-10 25-21(18); 4-8 26-22; 16-20 30-26(17); 11-16 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 2-7 32-28 [Against 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 6-10 14-9; 7-11 9-6; 17-22 6-2; 22-26! draws]; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 6-10 13-9 [22-18; 8-11 13-9; 10-14 same]; 10-14! 22-18; 8-11 9-6; 7-10 18-9; 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by A. Mantell. #1130. V17(16): . . . 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-26 [30-26; 11-16 into Varia-


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tion 16]; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 27-23; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 11-8; 20-24 8-3; 24-27 26-22; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 [27-31 3-7 to a draw] 3-8; 27-31 22-17; 6-10 8-11; 15-19 11-20; 19-26 32-27; 31-24 20-27. Drawn. Chinook v D. Lafferty 1995. #1131. V18(16): . . . 25-22; 14-17 27-24 [32-28; 4-8 27-24; 16-20 19-16 draws]; 16-20 23-18! [Original with Alex Moiseyev]; 20-27 32-23; 11-16 18-14; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 23-18; 15-19 13-9; 17-21 22-17; 19-24 14-10 [17-13; 16-20 14-10 same]; 16-20 17-13; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 9-6; 2-9 13-6 [Database draw]; 27-31 26-22; 12-16 6-2; 16-19 10-7; 19-23 22-17; 31-26 17-13; 4-8 18-14; 8-12 7-3; 26-31 3-7; 31-27 7-10; 12-16 10-7; 23-26 30-23; 27-9 13-6; 1-10 7-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1132. V19(16): . . . 26-22; 14-17 22-18(20); 17-22 30-26; 7-10 26-17; 1015 19-10; 6-22 17-14; 2-7 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 1-6! 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 6-2; 11-15 2-6; 15-24 6-15; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 23-19; 27-32 13-9; 22-26 9-6; 26-31 15-11; 32-27 19-15; 27-24. Drawn. M. Tinsley v H. Boucher 1958. #1133. V20(19): . . . 31-26; 7-10 27-24; 17-21! [Better than 16-20] 24-20; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 23-19; 10-14 29-25; 24-28 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 18-23 14-9; 23-27 32-23; 1-5 25-22; 5-14 22-17; 6-10 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-10; 28-32 10-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1134. V21(16): . . . 24-20(26); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 9-14 27-23(22); 2-7 25-22; 8-12 31-27; 14-18 23-14; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 27-24; 4-8 32-27; 6-10 13-9; 5-14 22-13; 8-11 29-25; 1-5 25-21; 11-16 26-22; 14-18 21-17; 18-25 30-21; 16-20 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 14-10; 15-18! 24-15; 16-19 10-7; 19-23 27-24; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1135. V22(21): . . . 25-22(23); 14-18 22-17; 2-7 16-12; 19-23 26-10; 7-21 28-24; 18-22! 24-20; 8-11 32-28; 6-9! 13-6; 1-10 27-23; 5-9 28-24; 4-8 23-18; 10-14 24-19; 14-23 19-16; 9-13 16-7; 3-10 12-3; 10-14 20-16; 14-17 3-7; 22-26 31-22; 17-26. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1979. #1136. V23(22): . . . 16-12; 8-11! 27-24; 4-8! 32-27(24); 11-16 24-20; 8-11

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27-24; 6-10 31-27; 14-17 25-21; 10-14 [The tempting 17-22 pitch does not win] 29-25; 1-6 27-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 25-22; 9-13 30-25; 5-9 23-18; 14-30 21-5; 30-21 22-18; 15-22 24-8; 16-19. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1137. V24(23): . . . 24-20(25); 15-18 25-21; 2-7 29-25; 5-9 31-27; 18-23 27-18; 14-23 28-24; 19-28 26-19; 9-14 19-16; 1-5 30-26; 14-18 21-17; 18-23 26-19; 6-9 13-6; 11-15 19-10; 7-30. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1138. V25(24): . . . 25-22; 11-16 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 1-6 32-27; 2-7 27-23; 16-20! 23-16; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 24-20; 15-19 22-17 [30-25? lost: D. Oldbury v W. Edwards 1982]; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 14-10; 7-14 16-7; 3-10 12-8; 14-17 8-3; 10-14 3-7; 14-18 20-16; 18-22 28-24; 19-28 26-19; 28-32 19-15; 32-27. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1139. V26(21): . . . 23-18(27); 15-22 25-18; 8-11! 29-25 [24-20 allows Black a quick draw with 16-19 27-23; 11-16! 20-11; 3-8 23-16; 8-22 26-17; 12-19 etc. . . ]; 16-20 26-22 [24-19 is well met with the 4-8 waiting move, while the inferior 26-23 gets the 9-14 exchange]; 4-8 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 14-18! 22-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 8-11 28-24; 3-7 31-26; 1-5 13-9; 6-13 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 2-6 19-15; 6-9 14-10; 13-17 21-14; 9-18 10-6; 18-23 6-1; 12-16 1-6. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1995. #1140. V27(26): . . . 25-22 (29); 9-14 24-19(28); 15-24 28-19 Into Variation 16 V28(27): . . . 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16 Into Variation 22 V29(27): . . . 26-22; 9-14 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 23-19; 16-23 27-9; 1-5 29-25; 5-14 25-22; 3-7 24-19; 7-10 32-27; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 31-26; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 14-17 19-16 [18-14; 17-21 14-7; 2-11 23-18; 6-10 13-9; 10-14 to a draw]; 12-19 23-16 [Database draw]; 17-21 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 11-16! [10-15? loses] 8-3; 16-20 3-8; 20-24 8-12. Drawn. J. McGill v A. Bernstein (P) 1963. #1141. V30(T): . . . 17-13!? [‘Blind-spot’ strategy taken to an extreme!]; 9-14 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 [12-16 23-18; 16-20 26-23 [White might normally avoid this]; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19


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same CR!] 24-19; 11-15 28-24; 8-11 29-25; 4-8! 25-21; 2-7 32-28 [30-25; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-10; 7-14 25-21 [23-19 is interesting]; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 8-11 to a draw: A. Long v P. Ketchum 1933]; 15-18 24-20 [30-25; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-8; 3-19 to a draw]; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 30-25; 8-11! 26-23; 19-26 31-8; 3-19 20-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1142.

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Ballot Number 64 (78): 10-15 21-17; 9-13 POWER: [21/79] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 24 Trunk: 10-15 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 11-16[R](29) 24-19(17); 15-24 28-19 [Attack #1!] (16); 6-9 22-18; 8-11 25-22(15); 16-20 29-25(13); 11-16 19-15(4); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28(3); 4-8 25-21(2) Forms Position, Diagram 91: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 91

Continue: 8-12 15-10(1); 19-23! 26-19; 2-6 28-24; 6-15 19-10; 1317 22-6; 5-9 14-5; 7-32 6-2; 20-27 31-24; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by A. Mantell. #1143. V1(T): . . . 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 1-6 15-11; 7-16 24-15; 3-7 26-23 [15-11?!; is strongly met with 16-20!]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 30-26; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 15-8; 6-10. Drawn. Analysis by A. Mantell. #1144. V2(T): . . . 27-23 [15-10; 8-12 25-21 into Trunk]; 1-6 23-16; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 31-27 [18-15; 9-18 15-11; 7-16 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 is easy for Black]; 7-11 14-10; 6-15 27-23; 11-16 18-11; 20-24 11-8; 24-27 8-3; 27-31 3-8; 13-17 22-6; 31-29 8-11; 19-26 30-23; 2-9 11-20. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1145.


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V3(T): . . . 27-23; 19-24! 23-19; 4-8 25-21; 24-27 32-23; 20-24 1410; 7-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 24-28 26-22; 28-32 22-17; 32-28 10-6; 2-9 17-10; 28-24 19-16; 8-12 16-11; 24-20 11-8; 12-16 15-11; 3-12 10-7. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1146. V4(T): . . . 18-15(7); 9-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 1-6 22-18(6); 13-17 25-21; 4-8 31-26(5); 6-9 30-25; 9-13 25-22; 7-11 27-24; 20-27 32-23; 11-16 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 16-20 21-14; 20-24. Drawn. S. Cohen v A. Stums (P) 1956. #1147. V5(4): . . . 30-26; 6-9 19-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 31-6; 2-9 15-10; 9-13 10-6; 13-17 6-2; 7-11 14-10; 17-22 2-6; 11-16 10-7; 3-10 6-15; 5-9. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1148. V6(4): . . . 31-26; 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 4-8 22-18 [Against 30-26; 7-10 15-6; 2-18 22-15; 3-7 draws easily]; 7-11 25-22; 11-16 14-10; 16-23 15-11; 8-15 18-11; 12-16; 27-18; 16-19 18-14; 20-24 22-18; 24-28 30-26; 19-24 26-22; 24-27 32-23; 28-32 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 32-27 22-18; 27-31 23-19; 31-26 18-15; 26-23 19-16; 13-17 9-6; 2-9 16-12. Drawn. A. Huggins v H. Freyer (P) 1958. #1149. V7(4): . . . 32-28(8); 4-8 25-21; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 19-15; 10-19 21-17; 2-7 17-14; 13-17 22-6; 1-17 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 5-9 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 15-10; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 10-7; 12-16 7-3; 8-12 3-7; 19-24 28-19; 16-23. Drawn. M. Chamblee v L. Munger 1950. #1150. V8(7): . . . 25-21; 1-6 19-15(11); 7-11 15-8; 4-11 23-19(9); 16-23 26-19; 12-16 19-12; 11-15 18-11; 9-25 11-8; 25-29 8-4; 29-25 4-8; 2-7 31-26; 6-9 32-28; 9-14 27-23; 14-18 23-14; 13-17 8-11; 7-16 1410; 25-22 21-14; 22-31 10-6. Drawn. Analysis by A. Huggins. #1151. V9(8): . . . 22-17(10); 13-22 26-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 2-7! 32-28; 6-10 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 1015 28-24; 15-18 23-14; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by A. Mantell. #1152. V10(9): . . . 30-25; 2-7 32-28; 6-10 28-24 INTO 10-15 22-17; 9-13 (V6)

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V11(8): . . . 32-28(12) INTO 10-15 22-17; 9-13 (V7) V12(11): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 3-8! 18-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 17-13; 20-24 27-20; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 32-23; 7-10 21-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 11-15 20-11; 15-24. Drawn. A. Mantell v O. Keen (P) 1938. #1153. V13(T): . . . 30-25; 11-16 25-21(14); 1-6 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 21-17; 3-8 25-21; 7-11 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 8-12 15-8; 7-11 14-10; 6-15 27-23; 11-16 18-11; 20-24 8-3; 24-27 11-7; 27-31 3-8; 19-24 28-19; 31-27 23-18; 16-30 7-2; 30-25 17-14; 27-23; 2-6. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1991. #1154. V14(13): . . . 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 4-8 25-21; 1-6 Into Variation 13 V15(T): . . . 25-21; 16-20 29-25 [32-28; 11-16 29-25; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 4-8 into Variation 7]; 11-16 25-22 Into Variation 8 V16(T): . . . 27-11 [Attack #2!]; 8-15 32-27; 6-9 23-18; 7-11 27-24; 12-16 24-19; 16-23 26-10; 2-6 28-24; 6-15 30-26; 4-8 26-23; 13-17 22-6; 15-22 25-18; 1-17 18-14; 3-7 23-18; 8-12 24-19; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 19-24 7-3; 11-16 3-7; 16-20 7-11; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 18-15; 17-22 15-10; 27-31 10-6. Drawn. E. King v R. Burroughs (P) 1986. #1155. V17(T): . . . 23-19(21); 16-23 26-10 [Attack #3!] (20); 6-15 2723(19); 8-11 32-27(18); 4-8 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 11-16 29-25; 8-11 25-21; 16-20 24-19; 11-16 30-25; 1-6 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 13-17 21-14; 6-13 14-9; 13-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 9-5; 10-14 5-1; 3-8 1-5; 2-6! [Avoiding the snap!] 22-18; 6-10 18-9; 8-11 9-6; 10-14 19-15; 11-18 28-24; 18-22 5-9; 14-17 9-14; 17-21 14-17; 22-26 17-22; 26-31 23-18; 16-19 24-15; 31-24. Drawn. W. Hellman v R. Fortman 1958. #1156. V18(17): . . . 23-19 [22-18; 15-22 25-18; 11-16 29-25; 16-20 32-27; 4-8 25-21; 8-11 into Variation 17] ; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 5-9 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 2-6 31-26; 6-10 29-25; 1-5 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-16 25-21; 16-23 22-18; 12-16 18-9; 10-15. Drawn. R. Fortman v W. Edwards (P) 1979. #1157.


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V19(17): . . . 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 28-24; 10-14 25-21; 1-6 24-19; 6-10 22-18; 2-7 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 18-14; 22-26 29-25; 26-30 25-22; 30-25 22-18; 25-21 19-15; 21-17 15-10; 17-22 10-3; 22-15. Drawn. W. Edwards v R. Fortman (P) 1979. #1158. V20(17): . . . 27-11 [Attack #4!]; 8-15 32-27; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 30-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 8-12 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 29-25; 9-14 [See also #370] 25-21; 2-6! 20-16; 6-10 1611; 12-16 19-12; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1159. V21(17): . . . 22-17[R] [Attack #5!] (22) INTO 10-15 22-17; 9-13 (V13) V22(21): . . . 24-20 [Attack #6!] (26); 8-11 27-24(25); 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 32-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 4-8 22-17(23); 19-23 26-10; 7-21 24-19; 5-9 31-27; 9-14 27-23; 1-6 29-25; 14-17 19-16; 11-15 16-12; 8-11 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 12-8; 3-12 19-16; 12-19 25-22; 17-26 30-7. Drawn. C. Brumfiel v R. Fortman (P) 1983. #1160. V23(22): . . . 29-25(24); 5-9 25-21; 1-6 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 15-18 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 20-16; 11-20 26-23; 18-27 31-15. Drawn. H. Looser v R. Fortman (P) 1982. #1161. V24(23): . . . 30-25; 1-6 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 2925; 6-9 31-27; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 8-12 26-22; 12-19 25-21; 7-10. Drawn. D. Lafferty v A. Long 1982. #1162. V25(22): . . . 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25; 3-8 25-22; 6-10 27-23; 10-17 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 4-8 2316; 8-12 31-27; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 7-10 19-16; 17-21 16-7; 2-11 23-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 1-5 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 15-18 23-19; 17-22. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1163. V26(22): . . . 25-21 [Attack #7!] (27); 8-11 24-20 INTO 9-13 22-18; 12-16 (T)

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V27(26): . . . 22-18 [Attack #8!] (28); 15-22 25-18; 16-20 29-25; 8-11 26-22; 6-9 23-19; 2-6! 31-26; 12-16! 19-12; 13-17 22-13; 3-8 12-3; 11-16 3-10; 6-31 13-6; 1-17 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 14-18 9-6; 18-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 31-26 23-19; 1623 28-24; 26-31 24-19; 31-27 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1164. V28(27): . . . 23-18 [Attack #9! Remarkably, White has yet another option with 14-9!? [Attack #10!]; but it is a double-edged sword after 5-14 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 13-17 9-5; 16-20 with both sides strong!] 8-11 24-20 INTO 10-15 21-17; 11-16 (V31) V29(T): 15-18 [A once controversial defence which permits a huge array of white attacks. The text is merely a sample] (30) 22-15; 11-18 26-22; 12-16 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 30-23 [31-22 is an excellent alternative]; 6-10 25-22; 1-6 29-25; 8-12 23-18; 5-9 18-15; 10-19 24-15; 9-14 28-24; 16-19 24-20; 4-8 [14-17 32-28 also seems sound] 32-28; 14-18 31-26; 2-7 20-16; 7-10 16-11; 10-14 11-4; 6-9 28-24; 19-28 26-23; 28-32 15-11; 14-17 23-5; 32-23 25-21; 17-26. Drawn. E. Shelor v R. Fortman (P) 1983. #1165. V30(29): 6-9 [The same comments apply here as to 15-18. Although possibly a theoretical draw, 6-10? is certainly to be avoided. Continue: . . . 23-18!; 10-17 25-21; 11-16 [1-6 21-14; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 2-6 21-14; 6-10 14-9!; 5-23 27-18! to a white win] 18-11; 8-15 21-14; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 30-25; 4-8 25-21; 6-10 22-18!; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 26-23; 17-22 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 8-11 [7-10 9-6; 10-14 may hold up] 9-6; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 [Database draw] as given under Appendix 8] 24-19 [23-18!; 12-16 14-10!; 7-23 26-12; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 24-19 is an unusual, but strong, alternative]; 15-24 28-19; 9-18 23-14 [22-15 is a good option]; 1-6 [7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-18 also draws] 22-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 29-25; 6-9 25-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 1115 31-27; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11; 26-31 27-24 [Database draw]; 10-15 11-8; 15-18 8-3; 18-23 3-8; 31-27 24-19 . . . Drawn. D. Cayton v R. Fortman (P) 1990. #1166.


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Ballot Number 65 (79): 10-15 21-17; 11-16 POWER: [46/54] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 16 Trunk: 10-15 21-17; 11-16 17-13[R](27) 16-20[R](26) 22-18(9); 15-22 2518; 8-11 29-25 [24-19; 11-16 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 into Variation 2]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-21(2); 7-10 26-22 [24-19; 11-16 into Variation 4]; 3-7 22-17(1); 11-15 24-19 [30-26; 7-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19 same]; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 30-26 Forms Position, Diagram 92: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 92

Continue: 4-8 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-15 13-9 [32-28; 15-18 23-19; 8-12 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 18-22 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 6-10! 15-6; 1-10 to a simple draw]; 6-22 23-18; 14-23 27-4; 22-25 21-17; 25-30 4-8; 30-25 8-11; 25-21 17-13; 10-14 13-9; 21-17 11-7; 17-21. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #1167. V1(T): . . . 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 31-26; 4-8! [Stops 18-14; because of 11-15 in reply] 24-19; 11-16 Into Variation 5 V2(T): . . . 24-19(8); 11-16 19-15(3); 4-8 23-19 [15-10; 6-15 2319; 15-24 28-19; 16-23 27-9; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 22-17; 12-16! is comfortable for Black: R. King v A. Moiseyev 2009]; 16-23 27-9; 7-10 25-22; 10-19 22-18; 3-7 32-27; 7-10 9-5; 12-16 13-9; 6-13 27-24;

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20-27 31-6; 2-9 18-15; 9-14 15-10; 8-12 10-7; 14-18 26-22; 18-25 30-21; 16-19 7-3; 19-23 3-7; 23-27 7-11; 27-32! 28-24; 32-28 24-19; 28-24. Drawn. R. Jordan v R. Stewart 1897. #1168. V3(2): . . . 26-22(4); 14-17 31-26; 7-10 28-24 [25-21; 3-7 21-14; 10-17 22-18; 4-8 into Variation 5]; 10-14! 25-21; 3-7! [More consistent than 4-8 and leads to an easier draw] 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 21-14; 6-10 27-18; 16-23 26-19; 20-27 32-23; 10-17 13-9; 17-22 18-14; 22-26 23-18; 26-31 9-6; 2-9 14-5. Drawn. E. Bruch v Chinook 1990. #1169. V4(3): . . . 25-21 [25-22 is inferior]; 7-10 26-22; 3-7 30-25(5); 1417 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 25-21; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 19-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 16-20 14-9; 6-10 21-17. Drawn. M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1947. #1170. V5(4): . . . 22-18 [31-26; 4-8 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 same. Instead, 22-17? is a loss]; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 31-26(7); 4-8 28-24; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 18-15(6); 2-6 30-25; 17-21 25-22; 7-11 22-18; 10-14 18-2; 11-18 23-14; 16-30. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1989. #1171. V6(5): . . . 30-25; 17-21 25-22; 21-25 22-17; 25-30 18-15; 2-6 15-11; 8-15 17-14; 10-17 19-1; 30-25 23-18; 7-11 26-23; 25-22 18-14; 11-15 23-19; 16-23 27-11; 20-27 32-23; 22-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v Chinook 1990. #1172. V7(5): . . . 19-15; 7-10 15-11; 17-22 11-7; 2-11 28-24; 4-8 13-9; 6-13 24-19; 22-26 31-22; 1-5 30-25; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-21; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 12-16 14-10; 16-19. Drawn. M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1913. #1173. V8(2): . . . 26-22 [25-22 is inferior]; 7-10 22-18 [25-21 into Trunk]; 14-17 31-26; 3-7 25-22; 11-16 18-14 [24-19; 4-8 18-14 same]; 4-8 24-19; 8-11 22-18 [Against 28-24; 11-15 23-18 draws]; 10-15 19-3; 2-7 3-10; 6-31 28-24; 1-6 23-18; 17-22 32-28; 22-25! 30-21; 31-26 14-9; 26-23 9-2; 23-32 18-14; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1174. V9(T): . . . 25-21(13); 8-11 23-18(10); 7-10 26-23 Into Variation 13


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V10(9): . . . 24-19(11); 15-24 28-19; 11-16 22-18; 7-10 26-22 Into Variation 20 V11(10): . . . 23-19(12); 7-10 19-16; 12-19 22-18; 15-22 24-8; 4-11 26-17; 10-15 30-26; 15-18 29-25; 11-15 26-23; 3-7 23-14; 9-18 31-26; 7-11 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 15-19 26-22; 11-15 14-9; 5-14 17-10; 19-24 28-19; 15-24. Drawn. D. Lafferty v T. Watson 1983. #1175. V12(11): . . . 29-25; 7-10 23-18; 4-8 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V15) V13(9): . . . 23-18[R](20); 8-11 26-23; 7-10 25-21[R](19); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25[R](14) INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V15) V14(13): . . . 30-25! [Rare, but perfectly sound] (15); 3-7! [Best] 22-17 [22-18; 15-22 25-9; 1-5 leads to a very even position]; 15-18! [Best] 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 4-8 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-15 13-9; 6-22 23-18; 14-23 27-4. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1176. V15(14): . . . 31-26!(16) INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V17) V16(15): . . . 23-19(18); 4-8 [Anything better?] 31-26(17); 2-7 2925; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 26-22; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 13-9; 8-11 30-26; 11-16 26-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 19-23 17-10; 7-14 25-22; 18-25 27-11; 20-27 32-23 [Database draw]; 25-30 23-19; 30-26; 9-6 [The bridge ending offers White nothing]; 1-10 11-7; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 7-2. Drawn. M. Long v D. Cayton (P) 1985. #1177. V17(16): . . . 29-25 [Inferior] INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V16 Note) V18(16): . . . 22-17 [30-26; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 leads to an easy draw for Black, while 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 30-26 transposes into the same play]; 15-18 29-25; 4-8 24-19; 2-7 30-26; 11-16 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V10) V19(13): . . . 24-19 [30-26 INTO 10-15 23-18; 12-16 (V5)]; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 Into Variation 20 V20(13): . . . 24-19 [23-19; 7-10 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14

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29-25; 3-7 25-22; 7-11 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 22-18; 14-23 26-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 13-9; 15-19 30-26; 4-8 26-22; 11-15 20-16; 8-12 16-11; 19-23 11-7; 15-19 7-2; 12-16 32-28; 23-26 22-18. Drawn: A. Long v E. Lowder 1960]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 26-22 [25-21; 7-10 26-22 same] (22); 7-10 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25 [22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 3-7 same]; 3-7 22-18(21); 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 22-18; 4-8 30-25 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V7) V21(20): . . . 22-17; 7-11 25-22; 11-15 23-18; 15-24 18-9; 1-5 27-23; 5-14 22-18; 24-27 18-9; 10-15 31-24; 20-27 9-5; 15-18 23-14; 4-8 32-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-27. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1962. #1178. V22(20): . . . 25-22 7-10 29-25; 4-8 25-21(25); 8-11 22-17(23); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (V7) V23(22): . . . 19-15(24); 10-19 30-25; 3-8 21-17; 19-24 17-14; 2-7 32-28; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 8-12 25-21; 19-23 26-19; 12-16 19-12; 11-16 28-19; 16-32 12-8; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 8-3; 27-31 3-10; 6-22 13-6; 1-10 14-7. Drawn. J. Morrison v D. Lafferty 1978. #1179. V24(23): . . . 30-25 [32-28 is comfortably met with 3-8 30-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15]; 10-14 32-28; 3-8 22-17; 11-15 18-4; 14-18 23-14; 16-32 26-22; 9-18 22-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jacob. #1180. V25(22): . . . 18-15; 9-14! [3-7? loses to 25-21] 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 25-21 INTO 10-15 24-19; 15-24 (V12) V26(T): 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 15-22 24-15; 7-11 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 29-25; 5-14 26-22; 3-7 22-15; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 32-27; 8-11 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 14-17 25-22; 1726 31-22; 11-16 22-17; 4-8 17-13; 8-12 13-9; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. R. Jordan v C. Barker 1900. #1181. V27(T): . . . 17-14(28); 9-18 23-14; 8-11 22-17 [24-20; 16-19 27-24; 3-8 32-27; 6-9 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 9-18 24-15; 12-16 17-14; 1-6 30-26; 16-19 forms a complex midgame favouring Black] INTO 10-15 22-17; 11-16 (V10)


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V28(27): . . . 22-18(31); 15-22 25-18; 16-20 17-13(29) Into Trunk V29(28): . . . 26-22; 7-10 17-13; 8-11 24-19; 11-16 29-25; 3-7 2521(30); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 Into Variation 4 V30(29): . . . 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 22-17 [25-21 is also easy to meet]; 16-23 27-18; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 18-14; 10-15 14-10; 15-19 10-6; 11-16 6-2; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 2-7; 4-8 7-10; 20-24 10-15; 24-27 17-14; 27-31 14-10; 31-26 32-28. Drawn. R. Pask v Cornell 1996. #1182. V31(28): . . . 23-18(32); 8-11 24-20; 9-13 17-14; 16-19 27-24; 6-9 25-21; 1-6 INTO 10-15 23-18; 12-16 (V10) V32(31): . . . 24-20 [On the alternatives: 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 17-10; 6-24 27-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 12-16 leaves Black comfortably placed, while 25-21 is inferior after 16-19]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 10-15 24-20; 15-19 (V12)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 66 (80): 10-15 21-17; 15-18 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 26 Trunk: 10-15 21-17; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 23-14; 9-18 24-19[R](17); 8-11 [6-9 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 28-24; 8-11 24-20; 1-6 17-14; 3-7 1915; 9-13 15-8; 4-11 30-26 to a draw: Chinook v D. Lafferty 1991] 17-13[R](15); 7-10 26-23(6); 10-14 31-26(4); 4-8 28-24; 6-10 2521; 11-16 29-25(3); 3-7 13-9; 8-11 26-22; 11-15 Forms Position, Diagram 93: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 93

Continue: . . . 9-6(2); 2-9 24-20; 15-31 22-6; 1-10 20-2; 10-15 2-6; 9-13 25-22(1); 15-19 23-16; 12-19 [Database draw] 6-10; 5-9 10-17; 19-23 32-28; 31-27 30-25; 23-26 17-14; 9-18 22-15; 27-23. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1987. #1183. V1(T): . . . 6-9; 15-18 25-22; 18-25 9-18; 12-16 18-15; 13-17 21-14; 31-27 30-21; 27-11 14-10. Drawn. W. Ryan v K. Grover 1939. #1184. V2(T): . . . 22-17; 1-6 17-13; 7-11 30-26; 18-22! 26-17; 15-18 19-15; 10-26 17-1; 5-14 25-22; 18-25 24-19; 16-23 27-9. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987. #1185.


Complete Checkers

V3(T): . . . 21-17; 14-21 23-7; 16-23 27-18; 3-10 24-19 [29-25; 8-11 25-22; 2-6 22-17; 5-9 17-14; 10-17 24-19; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 1511; 6-10 13-6; 10-15 to a draw]; 8-11 29-25; 2-6 25-22; 5-9 32-27; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 18-14; 10-17 22-13; 15-19 13-9; 11-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952. #1186. V4(T): . . . 28-24; 11-16 31-26; 6-10 13-9(5); 3-7 26-22; 14-17 22-6; 5-14 25-21; 1-10 29-25; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 27-24; 14-18 23-14; 1623 14-9 [24-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 23-27 19-16 to a quick draw]; 10-14 24-19; 14-18 21-14; 23-27 32-23; 18-27 19-15; 11-18 9-6; 2-9 14-5. Drawn. W. Edwards v T. Watson 1985. #1187. V5(4): . . . 26-22 [25-21; 4-8 into Trunk]; 1-6 22-15; 14-18 23-7; 16-23 27-18; 3-28 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 12-16 18-15; 2-7 25-21; 16-20 30-26; 20-24 22-18; 7-10 26-22; 10-19 18-14; 8-11 22-17; 11-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Fraser 1952. #1188. V6(T): . . . 25-21[R] [28-24; 11-16 26-23; 10-14 into Variation 4]; 10-14 29-25; 4-8 26-23; 3-7[R](12) 28-24; 6-10 24-20[R](11) [31-26; 11-16 into Trunk]; 11-15 [The ill-timed 1-6? loses to 30-26] 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 Forms Key Landing Number 20, Diagram 94: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 94

Continue: . . . 30-26[R](9); 7-11 19-15 [13-9!; 6-13 20-16!; 11-20 26-22 is flashy, but offers White nothing: Black drawing with both 20-24 and 13-17]; 10-19 23-7; 2-11 26-22; 11-15 22-17[R](8);

Richard Pask


6-10 13-9[R](7); 8-11 27-24; 12-16 9-6; 16-19 6-2; 19-28 2-7; 5-9 7-16; 9-13 25-22; 18-25 16-11; 13-22 11-9. Drawn. D. Oldbury v A. Huggins 1961. #1189. V7(6): . . . 31-26; 8-11 26-22; 12-16 13-9; 16-19 9-6; 19-24 6-2; 24-31 2-7; 5-9 7-16; 9-13 16-11; 31-26 20-16; 15-19 22-6; 13-29. Drawn. D. Oldbury v S. Cohen 1954. #1190. V8(6): . . . 27-24; 18-23 22-17; 6-10 13-9; 23-27 9-6; 27-32 6-2; 8-11 2-6; 12-16 31-27; 32-23 24-19; 15-24 6-8; 14-18 20-11; 23-26. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1191. V9(6): . . . 31-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-15 16-12(10); 1519 12-8; 11-16! [19-24? loses to 25-22!: Derek Oldbury living dangerously against Ron Johnson in 1974] 20-11; 7-16 8-3; 16-20 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 20-24 27-20; 18-27 20-16; 14-18 16-11; 18-23 3-8; 23-26 11-7; 2-11 8-15. Drawn. Chinook v D. Lafferty 1994. #1192. V10(9): . . . 26-22; 6-10 30-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 27-24; 17-21 16-12; 21-30 12-8; 30-23 8-3; 18-25 3-26; 25-30 26-23; 11-15 20-16; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 16-11; 9-14. Drawn. R. Fortman v T. Colston (P) 1956. #1193. V11(6): . . . 30-26 [32-28; 1-6 24-20 [30-26 is well met with 14-17]; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 28-19 into Variation 6]; 11-15 32-28 [26-22? loses to 2-6!]; 7-11 13-9 [26-22? again loses to 2-6!, while 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 is into Variation 6]; 1-6 26-22; 6-13 24-20 Into Variation 22 V12(6): 11-16 28-24; 16-20 30-26; 2-7(13) 32-28; 5-9 26-22; 7-10! 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-26 31-22; 6-10 13-6; 14-18 22-15; 10-19 2415; 1-19 21-17; 8-11 17-14; 11-16. Drawn. A. Long v Chinook 1992. #1194. V13(12): 8-11(14) 26-22; 3-8 22-15; 11-18 31-26; 2-7 32-28; 5-9 26-22; 1-5! 22-15; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 21-17; 7-11 15-10; 6-15 19-10; 11-15 10-7; 8-11 25-21; 11-16 7-3; 16-19 3-7; 19-23 7-10; 23-32 10-19; 20-27. Drawn. N. Rubin v W. Ryan 1937. #1195. V14(13): 3-7? 32-28!; 7-11 [5-9 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 19-15!


Complete Checkers

[Correcting 31-26?; 2-7 into Variation 13] to a White win] 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 24-19; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 13-9; 8-11 28-24; 11-16 9-6!; 1-10 26-23; 5-9 31-26; 9-13 26-22. White Win. Analysis by T. Wiswell. #1196. V15(T): . . . 17-14(16) INTO 11-15 22-17; 15-18 (V4) V16(15): . . . 28-24! [19-15 is a real mixer, being well met with 4-8, while 25-21; 4-8! is into Variation 32]; 11-16! 26-23 [19-15; 5-9 is even]; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 19-15; 16-19 24-20; 4-8 17-14; 2-6 25-21; 19-23 31-26; 18-22 26-19; 7-11 21-17; 11-18 19-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 14-7; 3-10 17-13; 10-15 30-26; 22-31 32-28; 31-24 28-10. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #1197. V17(T): . . . 24-20(29); 8-11[R](28) 17-13[R](23); 7-10 25-21[R](20); 10-14 28-24 [29-25; 4-8 28-24 [26-23; 11-15 30-26; 3-7 28-24 [2622 is easily met with 14-17!, while the 21-17 shot offers White nothing: L. Kondlo v M. Borghetti 2015, and 23-19; 15-24 28-19 is similarly tame after 7-11: M. Borghetti v L. Kondlo 2015] into Variation 22] same]; 4-8 29-25; 3-7 24-19; 6-10 26-23[R](18) Into Variation 6 V18(17): . . . 13-9; 18-23 27-18; 14-23 25-22; 5-14 31-27(19); 1-5 27-9; 5-14 26-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #1198. V19(18): . . . 22-18; 23-27! 32-23; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 11-15 1916; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 14-18 11-8; 18-23 26-19; 15-24. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #1199. V20(17): . . . 26-23 [28-24; 11-15! 26-23; 10-14 into Variation 21]; 10-14 31-26(21); 4-8 25-21; 3-7 29-25; 6-10 28-24; 11-15 23-19; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 26-23; 9-13 30-26; 13-17 32-28; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 1-6 16-12; 6-9 [See Move Over Page 115] 27-23; 18-27 25-22; 9-13 12-8. Drawn. B. Case v D. Oldbury (P) 1958. #1200. V21(20): . . . 28-24; 11-15! 25-21; 3-7 30-26; 4-8 23-19(22); 7-11 19-10; 6-15 29-25; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 32-28; 1-5 26-22; 12-16 22-17; 1619 17-10; 18-23 27-18; 15-29 24-15; 11-18. Drawn. W. Hellman v J. Grant 1973. #1201.

Richard Pask


V22(21): . . . 29-25; 6-10 13-9 [32-28; 1-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19 into Variation 6]; 7-11 26-22; 1-6 32-28; 6-13 24-19; 15-24 22-6; 2-9 28-19; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 19-15; 5-9 15-10; 11-15 10-7; 8-11 27-24; 12-16 7-3; 9-14 3-7; 16-19 7-23; 18-27 20-16; 27-32 16-11; 15-18 117; 13-17 7-2; 17-22 2-6; 22-29 6-9; 29-25 24-20; 25-22 20-16; 14-17! 21-14; 22-17. Drawn. R. Hunt v M. Tinsley 1950. #1202. V23(17): . . . 25-21(24); 4-8 17-13; 7-10 26-23; 10-14 29-25; 3-7 2824; 11-15 32-28; 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 INTO Key Landing Number 20 V24(23): . . . 28-24(27); 11-15 17-14; 4-8 26-23; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 29-25; 6-10 31-26; 10-17 23-14; 17-21 27-23(25); 2-6 23-19; 15-18 32-27; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 26-22; 10-15 19-10; 14-17 22-15; 7-14 24-19; 14-18 15-10; 17-22 27-23; 18-27 25-18; 27-31 19-15; 31-27 10-6; 3-7. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1994. #1203. V25(24): . . . 26-22; 8-11 27-23(26); 2-6 22-17; 15-18 14-10; 6-15 23-14; 12-16 [15-18 also draws, but is less clear-cut: B. Case v W. Hellman 1963] 14-10 [Against 25-22; 16-19 32-28; 19-23 24-19 [14-10; 7-14 17-10; 3-8 22-17; 5-9 10-7; 15-19 24-15; 11-18 17-14; 9-13 7-3; 8-12 14-9; 23-27 to a draw: D. Lafferty v R. King 1996]; 15-24 28-19; 23-27 22-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 draws]; 7-14 17-10; 16-19 20-16; 11-27 32-16; 15-18 10-6 [16-11 runs similarly]; 5-9 6-2; 9-13 [Or 9-14] 2-6; 13-17 30-26; 21-30 16-11; 30-23 11-7; 3-10 6-13. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1204. V26(25): . . . 22-17; 15-18 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 11-15 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 5-9 10-6; 9-14 23-19; 2-9 19-10 [Database draw]; 14-18 10-6; 9-14 6-2; 14-17 25-22; 18-25 2-6; 25-29 6-9; 29-25 9-13; 25-22 24-19; 3-7 20-16; 7-10 16-11; 12-16! 19-12; 10-15 13-9; 22-18 11-7; 17-22. Drawn. B. Case v E. Hunt 1962. #1205. V27(24): . . . 17-14 INTO 11-15 22-17; 15-18 (T) V28(17): 7-10 [12-16 20-11; 8-15 28-24; is a complicated alternative favouring White] 25-21; 3-7 [8-11 28-24; 10-15 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 1-6! also draws] 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 27-20 INTO 9-14 23-19; 14-18 (V1) V29(17): . . . 17-14(30) INTO 11-15 22-17; 15-18 (T)


Complete Checkers

V30(29): . . . 25-21(33); 8-11 29-25(32); 5-9 17-13 [17-14 is easily met with 9-13]; 9-14 26-23; 11-15 30-26 [24-20; 4-8 28-24; 7-10 30-26 same]; 7-10 24-20(31); 4-8 28-24; 3-7 23-19; 8-11 26-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 9-13 32-28; 13-17 Into Variation 20 V31(30): . . . 26-22; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 22-15; 7-11 31-26; 11-18 26-22; 2-7 22-15; 7-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 11-16 18-14; 16-23 14-7; 23-27 32-23; 6-9 13-6; 1-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1206. V32(30): . . . 24-19 [Inferior]; 4-8! 29-25; 11-16 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 19-15; 5-9 17-14; 9-13 31-26; 1-5 26-22; 2-6 27-24; 16-19 30-26; 8-11 15-8; 18-23 24-15; 23-30 21-17; 30-21 22-18; 13-22 15-10; 6-15 18-2; 12-16 8-4; 16-19 32-27; 22-26 14-10; 26-31 27-24; 19-23 2-6. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1947. #1207. V33(30): . . . 17-13(34); 5-9 25-21; 8-11 29-25 Into Variation 30 V34(33): . . . 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 30-26 [31-26; 8-11 26-23; 2-6 23-14; 6-9 30-26; 9-18 26-23; 1-6 same]; 1-6 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 31-26; 8-11 26-23; 2-6 23-14; 6-9 25-22 [24-20; 9-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-15 28-24; 5-9! 17-13; 9-14 27-23; 3-8 23-19; 7-11 19-10; 12-16 22-18; 14-23 24-19; 8-12 10-6; 23-26 19-15; 11-18 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum]; 9-25 29-22; 12-16 17-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 4-8 24-19; 16-23 27-18; 5-9 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 14-23 28-24; 11-15 6-2; 15-18. Drawn. Analysis by C. Barker. #1208.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 67 (81): 10-15 22-17; 6-10 POWER: [20/80] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 10-15 22-17; 6-10 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6[R](12) 2521[R](10); 11-16 [6-9? 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 2-6 30-26; 12-16 21-17; 16-19 17-13 into Variation 13] 29-25[R](7); 16-19 25-22 [21-17; 6-9 25-21 same]; 6-9 22-17; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 15-18 [Although the radical 15-19!? 24-15; 7-10 15-6; 2-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23 is a Database draw, it opens up its own can of worms and isn’t worth it] 27-23 [14-10; 7-14 17-10; 18-22 21-17; 22-25 17-13; 2-7 10-6; 25-29 is about even: W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1937]; 18-27 32-23; 8-11 [After 12-16!?, D. Oldbury’s preference, 14-10 [Not 24-20; 7-10! to an easy draw]; 7-14 17-10; 16-20 31-27! is strong for White] 14-10[R](6); 7-14 17-10; 11-15 21-17[R](4); 5-9 17-13; 9-14 [After 2-7 13-6; 7-14 [Database draw] 24-19; 15-24 28-19 Black must tread very carefully] 10-6[R](3); 2-9 13-6 [Database draw] Forms Endgame #16, Diagram 95: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 95

Continue: 15-18 31-27[R](1); 18-22 6-2; 22-26 2-6; 26-30 6-10; 14-17 10-14; 17-22 14-17; 22-25! [22-26? loses] 17-22; 25-29 24-19; 30-25 23-18; 4-8! [Best] 27-24 [28-24 runs similarly, while 22-26?


Complete Checkers

loses!]; 8-11 24-20; 12-16! 19-12; 11-15 18-11; 25-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1989. #1209. V1(T): . . . 23-19(2); 18-22 6-2; 22-25! 19-15 [Against 2-6; 25-30 6-10; 14-18! 19-15; 3-8 draws]; 25-30 2-6; 12-16 24-20 [15-11; 16-20 24-19; 30-25 19-16; 25-22 11-7; 3-10 6-15; 14-17 16-11; 17-21 11-7; 21-25 7-3; 25-30 3-7; 4-8 to an easy draw]; 16-19 15-11; 19-23 11-7; 3-10 6-15; 23-26! 31-22; 30-26. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1210. V2(1): . . . 24-20 [Soft]; 18-27 31-24; 14-18 6-2; 18-23 2-7; 3-10 20-16; 12-19 24-6; 4-8 6-2; 8-12 2-7; 23-27 7-11; 27-32 28-24; 3228 24-20; 12-16 [See also the ending of #1168]. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Atkinson 1968. #1211. V3(T): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19 [Database draw]; 4-8 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 8-11! 6-2; 14-17 2-6; 17-22 6-9; 22-25 23-18; 25-30 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 3-12 9-14; 16-19 18-15; 19-24 14-18; 24-28 15-10; 28-32 10-6; 32-28. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #1212. V4(T): . . . 23-19(5); 15-18 21-17; 18-22 17-13; 4-8 10-6; 2-9 13-6 [Database draw]; 8-11 6-1; 22-25 1-6; 25-30 24-20; 30-25; 31-27; 25-30 27-23; 3-8! 23-18; 30-26 6-10; 5-9 28-24; 9-13 10-14; 2631 14-10; 31-26 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1213. V5(4): . . . 31-27; 12-16 21-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 10-6; 2-9 13-6 [Database draw]; 4-8 6-2; 8-12 2-6; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 6-10; 14-18 10-14; 19-23 14-10; 23-32 10-19; 32-27 19-23; 27-20 23-14. Drawn. R. Hallett v D. Oldbury 1991. #1214. V6(T): . . . 24-19; 11-16 [2-6 also draws, but whether it is easier is open to debate] 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 4-8 21-17; 8-11 17-13; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 [Database draw] 10-6; 9-14 6-1; 14-17 1-6; 17-22 6-9; 22-25 9-14; 25-30 14-18; 30-25 31-27; 16-20 19-15; 25-30 15-8; 30-26 18-14; 26-19 8-4; 3-7 4-8; 19-15 8-3; 7-11 3-7; 11-16 7-10! [Or 14-10!]; 15-6 28-24. Drawn. Analysis by E. Markusic. #1215. V7(T): . . . 21-17; 16-19 17-13 [29-25 is shown under Trunk]; 8-11 24-20(8); 4-8 INTO 10-15 22-17; 11-16 (V11)

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V8(7): . . . 29-25; 4-8 25-21(9); 12-16 24-20; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 21-17; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 32-27 [17-13; 22-25 30-21; 8-12 26-22; 7-10 to an easy draw]; 8-12 27-23; 7-10 17-13; 3-7 26-17; 19-26 30-23; 1619 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 10-15 17-14; 19-23 27-18; 15-22. Drawn. E. Hunt v D. Lafferty 1962. #1216. V9(8): . . . 24-20 INTO 10-15 22-17; 11-16 (V11) V10(T): . . . 24-19 [26-23; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19 same] (11); 15-24 28-19; 11-16 26-23; 6-9 31-26; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 25-22; 2-6 [7-10 also drew: R. Pask v G. Miller 1995] 27-23; 6-10 30-26; 10-17 22-13; 7-10 29-25; 4-8 25-21; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 2819; 8-11 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-16 22-17; 16-23 17-10. Drawn. R. King v W. Edwards 1994. #1217. V11(10): . . . 25-22; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 8-11 28-24; 12-16 22-18; 4-8 30-25; 8-12 25-21 [26-23; 16-20 24-19; 11-16 25-21; 6-9 same]; 6-9 26-23; 16-20 24-19; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-10; 7-11 10-6; 3-7 21-17; 20-24 27-20; 9-13 31-27; 13-22 32-28; 2-9 27-24; 19-23 24-19; 22-26 19-15; 26-30 15-8; 30-26 18-15! 9-18; 8-3. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1937. #1218. V12(T): 12-16(15) 25-21; 16-19 26-22; 1-6(14) 22-17; 6-10 30-26; 8-12(13) 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 12-16 24-20; 8-12 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-23; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 32-27; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 23-18; 9-13 27-23; 24-28 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 10-15 18-14; 15-18 14-10; 18-27 31-24; 28-32. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1219. V13(12): 2-6? [11-16? 24-20; 8-11 27-23! also loses] 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 8-12 [6-10 14-9; 5-14 13-9 is no good either: A. Cameron v W. Ryan 1951] 29-25; 4-8 25-21!; 12-16 24-20; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-24; 10-14 32-27; 14-18 21-17!; 8-12 17-14; 18-22 26-17; 19-23 27-18; 15-22 14-10; 6-15 17-14; 22-25 14-10; 25-30 10-7; 30-25 7-3; 25-22 3-8. . . White Win. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1220. V14(12): 11-16? 22-17 [24-20 may be even stronger]; 16-20 [Does Black have anything better?] 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 30-26; 11-16 17-13; 2-6 27-23!; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 32-27; 6-10 13-9; 10-17 21-14. White Win. J. Ferrie v H. Lieberman 1927. #1221. V15(12): 11-16 [15-19?! [This may draw, but is not advisable: 15-


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18 and the radical 2-6 coming in the same category] 24-15; 11-18 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 1-6 27-23; 12-16 22-18 to a white win: H. Koff v M. Tinsley 1950. However, Black missed a draw in the ending] 25-22; 16-19 22-18 [Opens up a vast field of play] (16); 15-22 26-17; 7-11 24-15; 11-18 28-24; 12-16 29-25; 1-6 30-26; 3-7 17-13 [This could be held back with 26-23]; 8-12 [8-11 also draws] 26-22 [R. Fortman suggested this to win, but Black appears to be okay]; 4-8! 22-15; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 15-11 [24-20; 16-19 32-28 offers White nothing]; 8-15 24-19; 16-23 25-22; 18-25 27-2. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1222. V16(15): . . . 30-25 [Another good option for White]; 2-6 14-9; 5-14 26-23; 19-26 22-18; 14-23 27-2; 26-30 2-9; 30-21 9-14; 1-6 14-18; 6-10 24-19; 8-11 32-27; 3-8 18-15; 11-18 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 31-6. Drawn. D. Oldbury v A. Long (P) 1963. #1223.

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Ballot Number 68 (82): 10-15 22-17; 7-10 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 14 Trunk: 10-15 22-17; 7-10 17-14[R](15); 10-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 3-7 [6-9 leads to weak endings for Black, while 11-16 is well met with 27-23 and 12-16 with 25-21] 25-21(5); 11-16 29-25 [21-17; 16-19 2925 into Variation 4]; 16-19 25-22(4); 6-9 22-17; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 30-14 Forms Key Landing Number 22, Diagram 96: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✇❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 96

Continue: 7-11 14-9(3); 5-14 17-10; 11-16 21-17 [27-23 into Variation 3]; 15-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 16-20 23-19(1); 20-27 31-24; 8-11 24-20; 11-15 17-13; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 10-7!; 2-11 13-9; 1-5 9-6; 5-9 6-2; 9-13 2-6; 11-15! 19-10; 8-11! Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987. #1224. V1(T): . . . 24-19(2); 20-24 19-15 [23-18; 8-11 10-7; 24-27 31-24; 11-16 19-15 to a draw: J. Morrison v A. Long 1986]; 2-6 28-19; 8-11 15-8; 6-24 8-3; 4-8 17-14; 8-11. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1987. #1225. V2(1): . . . 31-27; 12-16 17-13; 8-12 23-18; 4-8 18-15; 16-19 10-6;


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1-10 15-6; 2-9 13-6; 19-23 27-18; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by K. Albrecht. #1226. V3(T): . . . 27-23; 11-16 14-9; 5-14 17-10; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 31-26; 8-12 21-17; 4-8 17-13; 2-6 10-7 [32-27; 15-18! 24-15; 18-23 2619; 8-11 15-8; 6-31. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan]; 15-18 24-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 7-3; 18-23 28-24; 23-30 24-15; 30-26 32-27; 26-22. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1987. #1227. V4(T): . . . 21-17; 6-9 26-23 [25-21 into Trunk]; 19-26 30-23; 9-18 23-14; 1-6 27-23; 15-18 25-21; 18-27 32-23; 7-11 24-20; 6-9 31-27; 9-18 23-14; 11-15 14-9; 5-14 17-10; 15-18. Drawn. R. Hallett v D. Oldbury 1991. #1228. V5(T): . . . 24-19[R](13); 15-24 28-19; 11-16 27-23[R](10); 6-9 2318[R](9); 16-23 26-19; 1-6 30-26[R](7); 8-11 25-22[R](6); 11-16 26-23; 6-10 31-26; 10-17 22-6; 2-9 29-25; 7-10 26-22; 16-20 18-15; 10-14 32-27; 9-13 25-21; 4-8 15-10; 8-11 10-6; 11-16 6-2; 13-17 22-13; 14-18 23-14; 16-32. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #1229. V6(5): . . . 25-21; 9-13 26-23; 6-9 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 4-11 32-27; 1619 23-16; 11-20 29-25; 7-11 14-10; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 10-7; 11-16 7-3; 2-7 3-17; 13-29. Drawn. H. Looser v M. Rex (P) 1979. #1230. V7(5): . . . 31-26; 8-11 32-27(8); 11-16 27-24 [Against 26-23; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 draws easily]; 16-23 26-19; 7-10 [Natural] 14-7; 2-11 19-15; 12-16 [Ditto] 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 6-10 29-25 [30-26?; loses softly after 9-13 29-25; 10-15] 9-13 2521; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 11-15 26-23; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1231. V8(7): . . . 25-21; 11-16 29-25 [26-23 offers White nothing after 16-20 32-27; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 29-25; 9-13]; 16-23 26-19; 6-10 3227; 10-17 21-14; 7-11 30-26; 11-16 26-23; 2-7 25-21; 7-11 19-15; 16-20 15-8; 4-11 14-10; 12-16 10-7; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 7-2; 11-15 2-6; 15-19 6-10; 19-26 10-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1232. V9(5): . . . 31-27; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 1-6 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 6-10 30-26; 10-17 22-13; 7-10 27-23; 4-8 25-21; 11-15 19-16; 12-19

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23-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 26-22; 15-19 22-17. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. #1233. V10(5): . . . 19-15(11); 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 2213; 16-19 25-22; 7-10 [Not 11-15?? of course!] 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 12-16 32-28 [23-18; 14-23 31-27; 2-6 27-18; 6-10 32-27; 10-15 18-14; 16-20 27-23; 11-16 14-10; 19-24. Drawn: M. Tinsley v E. Bruch 1977]; 11-15 30-25; 2-6 25-22; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 31-27; 16-20 23-16; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 17-14 [26-23 is no better; Black drawing easily]; 10-17 16-11; 22-31 11-7; 31-24 28-10. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Fortman 1949. #1234. V11(10): . . . 25-22 [26-23; 6-9 31-26 into Variation 9]; 16-23 2619; 8-11 29-25; 11-16 27-23; 6-10 31-26(12); 10-17 22-13; 4-8 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 2-6 25-22; 8-11 22-17 [19-15; 11-16 15-11; 16-19 is easy for Black]; 7-10 18-14; 11-16 14-7; 16-23 7-3; 12-16 3-7; 16-19 7-11; 19-24 11-16; 24-27 16-20; 27-31 20-24; 5-9 24-20; 31-27 1714; 9-18 30-26; 23-30 32-14. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1235. V12(11): . . . 22-17; 4-8 25-22; 2-6 22-18; 8-11! [D. Oldbury’s move order with 16-20? allows the powerful 31-26! rejoinder] 32-27 [17-13; 10-17 19-15 is well met with 16-19 15-8; 19-26 31-22; 17-26 30-23; 7-11 8-3; 11-16 3-7; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15 to a draw, while 31-26? is out of kilter after 6-9!]; 6-9 27-24; 16-20 30-25; 20-27 31-24; 9-13 25-21; 13-22 24-20; 10-17 21-14; 22-25 19-15; 25-30 15-8; 30-25 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 25-21 9-5; 21-17 23-18; 17-13 18-15; 13-9 15-11; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1236. V13(5): . . . 25-22(14) [26-23; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 31-26 into Variation 9]; 11-16 29-25; 16-19 25-21 Into Trunk V14(13): . . . 27-23; 15-19 24-15; 11-27 32-23; 6-9 23-18; 8-11 28-24; 11-16 31-27 [24-19; 16-23 26-19; is comfortably met with 7-10 14-7; 2-11]; 4-8 26-23; 8-11 [16-20 24-19; 8-11 same] 24-19; 16-20 25-21 [25-22; 11-16 29-25; 1-6 same]; 11-16 29-25; 1-6 25-22 [30-26; 9-13! 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 6-10 25-22 same]; 9-13! 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 6-10 30-26 [30-25 is easily met with 13-17]; 7-11 22-18; 10-14 9-6; 2-9 26-22; 11-15 18-11; 14-18 22-15; 9-14 11-7; 14-18 23-14;


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16-32. Drawn. M. Tinsley v L. Edwards 1983. #1237. V15(T): . . . 25-22(16); 11-16 INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V11) V16(15): . . . 24-20(17) INTO 10-15 24-20; 7-10 (V4) V17(16): . . . 17-13(19); 9-14 25-22; 11-16 24-19(18) INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V4) V18(17): . . . 24-20; 3-7 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (V19) V19(17): . . . 23-19 [White also has obscure options available with 24-19; 23-18 and 26-22] INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 (V9)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 69 (83): 10-15 22-17; 9-13 POWER: [34/66] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 26 Trunk: 10-15 22-17; 9-13 17-14[R](30); 11-16[R](27) 23-18(11); 15-22 25-18; 6-9 29-25(5); 8-11 24-20; 1-6 28-24(4); 11-15 18-11; 9-18 32-28(3); 7-10 26-23; 10-14 24-19(2) Forms Position, Diagram 97: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 97

Continue: 6-9 11-7(1); 2-11 30-26; 13-17 19-15; 18-22 25-18; 1619 15-8; 4-11 23-7; 14-30 21-14; 3-17 20-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-26 31-6. Drawn. D. Oldbury v D. Lafferty 1964. #1238. V1(T): . . . 30-26; 13-17 11-8; 4-11 26-22; 17-26 31-8; 14-17 20-11; 3-7 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 7-32. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #1239. V2(T): . . . 30-26; 3-7 11-8; 4-11 26-22; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 22-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-20; 19-23 20-16. Drawn. J. Marshall v M. Tinsley 1957. #1240. V3(T): . . . 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 31-26; 7-10 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 5-9 25-22; 3-8 23-18; 8-15 20-11; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 21-17; 19-23


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26-19; 15-24 20-16; 24-27 16-12; 27-31 12-8; 31-27 8-3; 10-15 17-14; 27-23 14-5; 23-14 11-7; 2-11 3-7; 14-17 7-16; 17-26 30-23; 15-19 23-18; 19-23. Drawn. D. Lafferty v E. Frazier 1962. #1241. V4(T): . . . 27-24; 13-17 26-22 [32-27? loses after 17-22! 26-17; 9-13 25-22; 6-9, while against 31-27 Black draws with 9-13 25-22; 6-9 27-23; 11-15 18-11; 9-25 21-14; 3-8 30-21; 8-15 20-11; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 26-22; 16-20 23-18; 20-24 19-15; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 14-10 etc. . . ]; 17-26 31-22; 9-13 30-26; 3-8 26-23 [32-27 is soft after 6-10 27-23; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 20-11; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19 to a comfortable draw for Black]; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 20-11; 7-16 14-10; 6-9 23-18; 13-17! 21-14; 16-20 18-11; 20-27 32-23; 9-27 22-17; 27-31 17-13; 31-26 10-6 2-9; 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1242. V5(T): . . . 27-23; 8-11 32-27(9); 16-20 29-25 [24-19; 11-16 29-25; 1-6 same] (8); 1-6 24-19 [23-19; 4-8 19-15 into Variation 8]; 11-16 19-15(7); 7-11 [Much easier than 7-10] 15-8; 4-11 26-22; 2-7 28-24; 6-10 31-26(6); 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 24-19 [25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 11-15 to a draw]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 [13-17 also draws] 27-24; 20-27 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 16-23 26-19. Drawn. L. Taylor v P. Davis 1976. #1243. V6(5): . . . 30-26; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-21 [24-19 transfers the advantage to Black after 10-14!: M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1948]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 11-15 18-9; 16-19 23-16; 12-28 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 28-32 27-23; 32-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. H. Kelley v J. Morrison 1980. #1244. V7(5): . . . 25-22; 6-10 30-25; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-21; 4-8 18-15; 10-14 22-18; 13-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 2-7 18-9; 7-11. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1245. V8(5): . . . 23-19; 1-6 19-15; 4-8 29-25; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 26-22; 5-14 22-15; 2-7 30-26; 12-16 25-22; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 16-19 17-14; 19-23 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 18-22 24-19; 7-11 14-10; 11-18 10-1. Drawn. R. Fortman v A. Skurcenski (P) 1956. #1246. V9(5): . . . 24-19; 16-20 19-15 [32-27; 11-16 29-25; 1-6 into Vari-

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ation 5] (10); 11-16 29-25; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 4-8 25-22; INTO 10-15 21-17; 9-13 (T) V10(9): . . . 29-25; 12-16 [Much easier than 11-16, after which White has good options in 25-22: M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958; or 32-27; 1-6 into Variation 5; or 19-15 into Variation 9] 19-12; 11-15 18-11; 9-27 32-23; 7-16 25-22; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 5-9 30-26; 9-13 26-22; 1-6 17-14; 16-19 23-7; 3-26 31-22; 6-10 12-8; 2-6 8-3; 6-9 [Into #101 CR!] 3-7; 10-14 7-10; 14-23 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1247. V11(T): . . . 24-20(13); 8-11 23-18(12) 15-22; 25-18; 16-19 29-25 [27-24 is comfortably met with 19-23 26-19; 11-15]; 3-8 25-22; 19-23 26-19; 6-10 21-17; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 1-6 27-23; 6-9 23-18; 4-8 32-27; 8-11 20-16; 11-20 27-24 [30-25 is met similarly]; 20-27 31-24; 12-16 19-12; 10-15 18-11; 9-25 30-21; 7-16 24-20; 13-22 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1248. V12(11): . . . 25-22 INTO 9-13 22-18; 12-16 (T) V13(11): . . . 21-17[R](26); 13-22 25-11; 8-15 24-19[R](22); 15-24 27-11; 7-16 23-18 [Obviously best: 28-24; permits a snap draw with 16-19]; 4-8 [3-7? 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 30-25; 4-8 28-24; 8-11 25-21!; 16-20 [6-9 loses to 32-27: analysis by W. Ryan] 24-19; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 21-17; 19-24 17-13; 12-16 26-22!; 16-19 15-10!: a neat win by D. Oldbury] 29-25 [28-24; 8-11 29-25 same]; 8-11 28-24[R](21); 6-10[R](18) 14-7; 3-10 25-21[R] [24-20; 16-19 25-21; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 into Variation 14] (15); 10-14 [16-20 is also sound] 18-9; 5-14 26-22(14); 16-20 22-17; 20-27 17-10; 2-6 31-24; 6-15 21-17; 12-16 30-26; 15-18 17-14; 11-15 14-10; 16-19 24-20; 19-23 26-19; 15-24 20-16; 18-23. Drawn. R. Fortman v J. Scott (P) 1958. #1249. V14(13): . . . 24-20[R]; 16-19 26-22; 1-6 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 2-6 30-26; 19-24 26-22; 12-16 32-28; 16-19 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 11-15 6-2; 19-23 28-19; 15-24. Drawn. Analysis by J. Claggett. #1250. V15(13): . . . 25-22(17); 5-9 22-17(16); 1-5 17-13; 16-20 13-6; 20-27 31-24 [32-23 is also soft]; 2-9 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 11-16


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32-27; 14-17 27-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 18-14. Drawn. Analysis by R. Rehbein. #1251. V16(15): . . . 24-20; 10-15 30-25; 1-6 25-21; 6-10 21-17; 16-19 17-14; 10-17 22-6; 2-9 32-27; 15-22 26-17; 11-15 27-23; 19-26 31-22. Drawn. E. Bruch v E. Ransome (P) 1961. #1252. V17(15): . . . 26-23; 16-20 31-27 [24-19 is comfortably met with 2-6 25-22; 5-9, which may arise from several move orders in this midgame, while 31-26 lead to a snap draw after 20-27 18-15; 10-19 23-7; 2-11 32-23: M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1989]; 5-9 25-21 [24-19 is easily met with 9-14 18-9; 11-15]; 10-15 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 2-7 30-26; 15-18 24-19; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 12-19 26-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1253. V18(13): 2-7(19) 24-20; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 32-27; 5-9 26-23; 1-5 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 26-22; 10-15 27-24; 14-18 23-14; 16-19 14-10; 19-28 10-7; 28-32 7-2; 32-28 2-6; 15-19 6-10; 19-23 10-14; 23-27 31-24; 28-19 14-10; 19-23 22-17; 23-19 17-14; 11-15 14-9; 15-18 9-6; 18-23. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1946. #1254. V19(18): 6-9(20) 26-23; 11-15 18-11; 9-27 32-23; 1-6 11-8; 6-10 24-19; 16-20 31-27; 2-7 30-26; 5-9 [7-11 23-18; 5-9! also draws] 8-4; 9-14 4-8; 14-17 25-21; 10-14 8-4; 7-10 4-8; 3-7 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 18-22 23-18; 22-26 18-14; 26-31 8-12; 31-24 16-11; 7-16 12-28; 17-22 14-10; 22-26 10-7; 26-30 7-3; 30-26 3-7; 26-23 7-10; 23-18. Drawn. D. Oldbury v R. Hallett 1991. #1255. V20(19): 16-20 31-27 [24-19; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 18-15!; 11-18 31-27 has shock value, but Black’s position is sound]; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 24-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 2-6 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 6-10 19-16; 12-19 18-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 30-7; 20-24 7-2; 24-28. Drawn. J. McGill v R. Pask 1984. #1256. V21(13): . . . 32-27; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 25-21; 5-9 26-23; 10-15 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 2-7 14-9; 16-20 30-26; 15-18 26-23; 18-22 23-19; 1-6 9-2; 11-16 2-11; 16-32 11-15; 32-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. J. Marshall v R. Fortman (P) 1965. #1257.

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V22(13): . . . 24-20(25); 6-10 20-11; 10-17 28-24 [29-25; 7-16 into Variation 25]; 7-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 32-28; 24-27 31-24; 5-9 29-25; 4-8 24-19 [Not 25-22?; 9-14! 22-13; 15-18] (23); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 23-18 [25-22; 9-13 23-18 same]; 9-13 25-22 [18-14 is well met with 1-6]; 1-6 19-16 [Against 18-14; 6-10 draws easily]; 6-10 16-7; 2-11 18-14; 11-15 14-7; 3-10 20-16; 10-14 16-12; 17-21 26-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1258. V23(22): . . . 20-16(24); 9-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 17-21 25-22; 2-7 16-12 [19-15; 14-18 23-14; 8-11 15-8 3-19 draws]; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 7-10 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 11-15 14-7; 3-10 19-16; 10-14 16-11; 17-22 11-7; 15-18 23-19; 22-26 30-23; 18-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1259. V24(23): . . . 23-19; 2-6 19-10; 6-15 20-16 [24-19; 15-24 28-19 is well met with 9-13]; 9-13 24-19 [25-21; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 16-11; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1-5 to a draw]; 15-24 28-19; 1-6 25-22; 6-10 22-18; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 18-15; 10-14 16-12; 14-18 19-16; 8-11! 15-8; 18-23 8-4; 23-27 4-8; 27-32. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1260. V25(22): . . . 29-25 [23-19; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 is dead even, while 14-10; 7-14 24-20 is well met with 3-8! 20-11; 15-18 26-22; 8-15 28-24; 18-25 29-22; 15-19 24-15; 14-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 30-23; 2-6 to a draw]; 6-10 24-20 [25-21; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 1-6 23-16; 6-10 to a draw]; 10-17 20-11; 7-16 25-21; 17-22 26-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 30-26; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 5-9 17-13; 3-8 13-6; 1-10 21-17; 2-6 27-24; 8-11 17-14; 10-17 26-23; 19-26 31-13; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 6-10 16-11; 19-24 28-19; 15-24. Drawn. R. Fortman v L. Goans (P) 1983. #1261. V26(13): . . . 25-22 [23-19; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 21-17; 13-22 25-11; 8-15 into first note of Variation 25, or 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 26-22; 9-18 22-15; 7-11 31-26; 11-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 2117; 13-22 25-18 to a draw. Note that 26-22?! at the first move is highly inferior after the 15-19 3 x 3]; 8-11 24-20 INTO 9-13 22-18; 12-16 (T) V27(T): 15-19(28) 24-15; 11-18 28-24; 8-11 24-20; 11-15 26-22; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 27-24; 10-17 21-14 18-27 25-11; 7-16 20-11; 3-7


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32-23; 7-16 14-10; 5-9 [Best. Instead, 16-20 29-25!; 20-27 31-24 [Database draw]; 5-9 24-20; 9-14 23-19 is delicate for Black] 2925; 9-14! [16-20 23-19; 20-27 31-24; 9-14 24-20 into the previous note] 25-22; 16-20 31-27; 4-8 30-25; 12-16 25-21; 8-12 22-17; 2-6 10-7; 6-10 7-2; 1-5 2-7; 5-9 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 16-19 23-16; 12-28 27-23; 28-32 7-11; 15-18 23-19; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1262. V28(27): 6-9 [15-18?! may or may not be a theoretical draw. In the hands of a skilled crossboard performer, it is certainly a good mixer] 24-19(29); 15-24 28-19; 9-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 11-15 27-24; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 30-25; 1-5 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-7 25-22; 8-11 24-20; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. Classic Late Midgame #4. #1263. V29(28): . . . 24-20 [A good alternative] INTO 9-13 24-20; 6-9 (T) V30(T): . . . 26-22 [Very rare!]; 6-10 30-26; 1-6 17-14; 10-17 21-14 INTO 9-13 23-18; 10-15 (V8 Note)

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Ballot Number 70 (84): 10-15 22-17; 11-16 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 13 Trunk: 10-15 22-17; 11-16 23-18[R](10); 15-22 25-18; 9-14 [Logical and best: 9-13 and 16-20 are both inferior, while 8-11 favours White slightly after 17-14; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 24-20; 3-8 26-23; 8-15 2011; 7-16 23-14; 2-7 29-25; 6-9 28-24! etc . . . ] 18-9 [17-10; 6-22 same]; 6-22 26-17; 8-11 [Against 7-11!? White secures a definite advantage with 27-23; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19] 29-25[R](9); 4-8 [11-15 is inferior, being well met with 24-19; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 28-24] 24-20[R](6); 16-19 17-14[R](5); 11-15 25-22; 1-6[R](4) 22-17 Forms Position, Diagram 98: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✇❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 98

Continue: 15-18[R](3) 27-24 [Against 30-25; 7-11 20-16; 11-20 27-23 leads to a snap draw]; 19-23[R](1) 14-10; 6-15 31-26; 7-10 26-19; 18-23 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 17-22 21-17; 22-26 17-13; 26-31 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 31-26 [8-11 24-19; 31-26 same] 24-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 32-27; 23-32 30-7; 3-10. Drawn. P. Davis v M. Tinsley 1989. #1264. V1(T): 7-10(2) 14-7; 3-10 24-15; 10-19 17-14; 8-11! [18-22? lost: A.


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Moiseyev v M. Borghetti 2011] 31-26; 2-7 32-27; 11-15 20-16; 6-9 27-24; 9-13 24-20; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 16-11; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928. #1265. V2(1): 18-22 [This gains Black a tempo on the Variation 1 line and appears to be perfectly sound] 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 17-14; 2-7 32-27; 8-11 20-16 [This is much simpler than the Heffner man-down option with 21-17]; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 22-25 21-17; 6-9 30-21; 9-18 28-24; 18-23 24-20; 23-27 15-11; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1266. V3(T): 6-10 [7-10? is beaten by 14-7; 3-10 17-14!; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 20-16!] 27-24; 8-11 31-26 [Or the more complicated 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-6 31-27; 23-26! 30-23; 6-10 13-9; 10-17 9-6; 17-22! to a draw]; 19-23 26-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 14-7; 3-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 14-10; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. L. Ginsberg v S. Gonotsky 1925. #1267. V4(T): 2-6 22-17; 8-11 [6-9? 14-10 is strong for White: D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1975] 27-24; 6-10 31-26; 1-6 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 13-9; 14-18 9-6; 12-16 6-2; 10-14 2-6; 18-23 30-25; 23-30 6-9; 30-21 9-18; 15-22 24-8; 3-12 20-2. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1268. V5(T): . . . 25-22; 7-10 [11-15 17-14 into Trunk] 20-16; 11-20 2724; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 22-18; 8-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 28-24; 12-16 30-25; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 25-21; 10-14 18-9; 5-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1989. #1269. V6(T): . . . 24-19(8); 16-23 27-18; 12-16 28-24; 16-20 32-27(7); 8-12 30-26; 5-9 26-23 [17-13? loses to 12-16!]; 9-13 17-14; 2-6 14-9; 6-10 24-19; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 9-6; 10-14 18-9; 1-10 23-18; 11-16 27-23; 20-24 22-17; 24-27 18-15; 27-31 156; 31-27 23-18; 16-23. Drawn. A. Heffner v R. Stewart 1905. #1270. V7(6): . . . 31-27; 8-12 30-26; 1-6 26-23; 11-16 24-19 [25-22; 7-10 24-19; 6-9 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 3-7 also draws]; 6-9 17-13; 7-10 13-6; 2-9 25-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 7-11 23-18;

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16-23 18-14; 10-17 27-18; 17-22. Drawn. H. Henderson v N. Banks 1910. #1271. V8(6): . . . 17-14 [17-13; 1-6 favours Black: A. Moiseyev v R. King 2005]; 1-6 21-17; 6-9 30-26; 9-18 26-23; 2-6 23-14; 6-9 31-26; 9-18 26-23; 11-15 23-14; 16-20 25-21; 7-11 14-9; 5-14 17-10; 12-16 10-6; 16-19 6-2; 19-23 27-18; 15-22 2-6; 20-27 32-23; 11-16 6-10; 22-26. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber 1928. #1272. V9(T): . . . 27-23; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 29-25; 2-6 17-13; 48 25-22; 8-11 30-26 [22-18; 7-10 30-26 same]; 7-10 22-18 [Against 32-27; the 10-15 exchange draws]; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 26-17; 11-15 13-6; 1-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 3-7 14-9; 711 9-6; 19-23 27-18; 15-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v L. Rosenfield 1952. #1273. V10(T): . . . 17-14 [White has 6 other options, but none of them threaten Black. Namely, 1) 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 17-10; 6-24 27-11; 8-15 [Which may arise CR from an off-line of 11-16 2318; 9-14] leads to an even, open game. 2) 23-19 [Ideal for the crossboard player]; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 again leads to an even, open game. 3) through 6) 17-13; 24-20; 25-22; and 26-22 all favour Black after 16-19 23-16; 12-19]; 9-18 23-14; 8-11 21-17; 4-8 25-21; 6-10 29-25(11); 1-6 24-20; 16-19 25-22 [17-13; 10-17 21-14; into Variation 11]; 12-16 27-24; 19-23! 26-12; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 25-29 32-27; 8-11 31-26; 6-9 [11-15?? leads to instant defeat of course] 13-6; 2-18 26-23; 18-22 23-19; 5-9 12-8 [27-24 first permits Black a slight endgame edge after 11-15 19-10; 714]; 3-12 27-24; 22-26 30-23; 9-14 23-18; 14-23 19-16; 12-19 24-8. Drawn. A. Jordan v J. Dougherty 1913. #1274. V11(10): . . . 24-20; 1-6 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 29-25(12); 6-9 13-6; 2-18 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 12-16 31-26; 16-19 27-24; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 32-27; 8-12 27-23; 12-16 23-18; 15-29 24-8 [Or 24-6]; 16-19. Drawn. A. Long v A. Huggins (P) 1962. #1275. V12(11): . . . 27-24; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 32-27; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 2617; 19-23 29-25; 23-27 24-19; 5-9 31-24; 11-15 19-10; 7-21 24-19; 8-11 25-22; 9-14 22-17; 14-18 19-15; 3-8 15-10; 18-23 10-7; 11-15. Drawn. A. Long v D. Oldbury (P) 1963. #1276.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 71 (85): 10-15 22-17; 15-19 POWER: [17/83] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 31 Trunk: 10-15 22-17; 15-19 24-15; 11-18 23-14; 9-18 26-23[R](19); 6-9 2314; 9-18 30-26[R](13); 5-9! [1-6? and 2-6? both lose] 17-14[R](9) [28-24; 8-11 17-14; 9-13 26-23; 1-5 same]; 9-13! [1-5 is very tough for Black after 21-17; 9-13 25-21; 13-22 26-17; 2-6 29-25; 12-16 28-24; 8-11 17-13; 4-8 14-9; 5-14 25-22; 18-25 24-19; 16-23 27-2 [Database draw]: E. Frazier v W. Hellman 1967] 26-23[R](7); 1-5! [8-11? 14-9; 1-5 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 5-14 31-26; 3-10 26-22. White win: F. Buckby v H. Burton 1989] 28-24[R](6); 8-11 24-20[R](3); 11-15! [3-8? 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-15 22-17; 13-22 31-26; 22-31 32-28; 31-24 28-3; 8-11 23-18; 4-8 21-17. White win: S. Bingham v M. Tinsley 1948] 21-17; 13-22 27-24; 18-27 25-11; 7-16 32-23; 3-7! [Preferable for humans!, although 3-8 20-11; 8-15 is another Database draw] 20-11; 7-16 [Database draw] 29-25[R](2); 2-6! [16-20? loses to 25-22!; 20-27 31-24; 2-6 24-20; 6-9 22-18; 9-13 14-9; 5-14 18-9 etc. . . ] 25-22; 6-9! [16-20? runs into the previous loss after 22-18; 20-27 31-24; 6-9 24-20: Cornell v R. Pask 1996 and M. Borghetti v A. Moiseyev 2013] 14-10; 9-14 [16-20 10-7; 20-27 31-24; 9-14 7-2; 5-9 2-7; 9-13 7-10 same] 10-7; 5-9 7-2; 9-13! [16-20? loses to 2-6! as noted by Richard Beckwith] 2-7; 16-20 7-10 [Of course, the hasty 22-18? would lead to a snap draw]; 20-27 31-24; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 24-20 [18-14; 22-26 14-9; 26-31 24-20 into Variation 1]; 22-26 23-19[R](1); 26-31 18-14; 13-17 10-15; 17-22 [Despite Black’s critical predicament, 4-8, 17-21 and 31-26 also draw here!] 14-10; 22-25 10-7; 25-30 7-2; 30-26 2-7 Forms Endgame #17, Diagram 99: BTP Continue: 26-30 15-18 [Against 15-11; 31-26! 19-15; 12-16! draws]; 31-27 19-15; 27-24 15-10; 4-8 7-3; 30-26 18-15; 26-23 3-7; 24-19 15-24; 8-11 7-16; 12-28. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1277.

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❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❲❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❲❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❇❀✳❀ Diagram 99

V1(T): . . . 18-14; 26-31 14-9 [23-19 into Trunk]; 13-17 10-15 [9-6; 17-22 [31-26? loses: R. Fortman v D. Oldbury (P) 1993] 6-2; 22-25 10-15 same]; 17-22 9-6; 22-25 6-2; 25-30 2-7; 30-25 23-18; 31-26 18-14; 25-22 14-9; 26-23 9-6; 23-18 15-11; 18-23 6-2; 22-18 7-10; 23-19 2-7; 19-23 10-6; 12-16 6-10; 16-19 10-15; 4-8 15-22; 8-15 7-10; 23-18 22-25; 18-23 20-16; 23-26 25-30; 26-22 10-14; 22-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1278. V2(T): . . . 14-10; 16-20 29-25; 20-27 31-24; 5-9 25-22; 9-14 24-20; 4-8 23-19 [22-18; 14-17 18-14; 17-22 23-18; 22-26 10-6; 2-9 14-5. Drawn: J. Clayton v L. T. deBearn 1960]; 8-11 10-7; 11-15 19-10; 2-11 10-6; 11-15 6-2; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 2-7; 15-18. Drawn. H. Burton v F. Buckby 1989. #1279. V3(T): . . . 24-19(5); 11-16 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 16-20 22-18(4); 13-17 14-9 [19-15 let Black off lightly after 17-22 21-17; 12-16 17-13; 16-19: W. Hellman v M. Chamblee 1951]; 5-14 18-9; 17-22 9-5; 22-25 21-17; 25-30 17-13; 30-25 5-1; 25-22 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 7-10 6-2; 3-8 2-6; 10-14 19-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 [Database draw] 23-19; 14-17 6-2; 17-21 2-7; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 32-28; 21-25 7-2; 25-30 15-10; 22-26 31-22; 30-26 2-7; 26-17 7-11; 17-14 11-16; 14-7 16-23; 7-11 23-18; 11-16 28-24; 16-11 24-19; 11-16 18-23; 16-11 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 12-16. Drawn. M. Chamblee v W. Hellman 1951. #1280.


Complete Checkers

V4(3): . . . 23-18; 2-6 18-15; 6-9 22-18; 13-17 15-10; 17-22 10-6; 22-25 6-1 [21-17; 25-30 17-13; 30-25 27-23; 7-11 to a draw]; 25-30 1-6; 9-13 18-15; 4-8 6-2; 7-11 15-10; 30-26 31-22; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 2-7; 8-12 7-11; 19-24 11-18; 24-31. . . Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1281. V5(3): . . . 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-15 23-19; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-23; 4-8 21-17; 8-11 17-14; 10-26 31-22; 12-16 19-12; 5-9 23-19 [Against 23-18; 2-7! draws easily]; 9-14 19-10; 11-15 12-8; 14-17. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1282. V6(T): . . . 21-17; 13-22 14-9; 5-14 27-24; 18-27 25-9; 8-11 32-23; 12-16 29-25; 4-8 24-19; 8-12 25-22; 7-10 9-5; 16-20 31-27; 10-14 5-1; 11-16 19-15; 3-8 1-5; 2-6 5-1; 6-9 15-10; 9-13 10-7; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 7-3; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 3-12; 19-23. Drawn. M. Tinsley v Chinook 1990. #1283. V7(T): . . . 28-24(8); 8-11 14-9 [26-23; 1-5 into Trunk]; 1-5 26-22; 5-14 22-8; 4-11 31-26; 2-6 26-22; 6-9 24-20 [Against 27-23; 11-16 draws]; 7-10 27-23; 10-15 32-28; 11-16! 20-11; 15-19 23-16; 1219 22-18; 14-23 21-17; 13-22 25-18. Drawn. A. Huggins v P. Thompson (P) 1963. #1284. V8(7): . . . 26-22 [25-22 also has merit]; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 28-24; 4-8 32-28; 8-11 23-19; 2-6 19-10; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 14-10; 19-24 1511; 24-28 11-7; 28-32 7-2; 32-28 22-18; 12-16 10-7; 3-10 2-7; 13-17 7-14; 17-22. Drawn. E. Fuller v W. Edwards 1973. #1285. V9(T): . . . 26-23; 9-14 17-10; 7-14 25-22 [28-24; 8-11 31-26; 3-7 25-22; 18-25 29-22 into Variation 13]; 18-25 29-22; 3-7 22-18(10); 1-5 18-9; 5-14 23-18 [31-26; 8-11 into Variation 17]; 14-23 27-18 [Database draw]; 8-11 18-14 [21-17; 7-10 18-14; 11-15 14-7; 211 17-14; 15-18 31-26; 11-16 32-27; 16-19 14-10; 12-16 10-7; 4-8. Drawn. M. Tinsley v G. Bass 1949]; 11-15 14-9; 15-18 21-17; 7-10 17-13; 18-22 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 10-14 6-2; 14-17 2-7; 4-8 7-10; 17-21 10-15; 21-25 28-24; 25-30 24-20; 30-25 31-27; 22-26 27-23; 25-22 20-16; 12-19 23-16. Drawn. J. Hanson v E. Hunt 1934. #1286. V10(9): . . . 22-17; 7-10 31-26; 12-16 26-22; 8-12 23-19; 16-23 27-9;

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1-5 32-27(12); 5-14 [Database draw] 27-23; 12-16 28-24; 16-20 2419; 4-8 22-18(11); 8-11 18-9; 11-15 19-16; 20-24 17-13; 24-27 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 10-14 16-12; 27-31 6-2; 31-26. Drawn. P. Thompson v A. Huggins (P) 1963. #1287. V11(10): . . . 17-13; 2-7 22-18 [13-9; 8-12 9-5; 20-24 5-1; 24-27 1-5; 27-31 5-9; 31-27 9-18; 10-14 18-9; 27-25 19-15; 12-16 also draws]; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 8-12 23-19; 17-22 13-9; 22-26 9-6; 26-31 6-2; 7-11! [Decisive] 16-7; 31-26 19-15; 26-23 7-3; 23-14 15-10; 14-7 2-11; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by A. Mantell. #1288. V12(10): . . . 9-6; 2-9 [Database draw] 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 10-15 9-6; 14-18 22-17; 15-19 6-2; 18-23 2-7; 4-8 7-10; 12-16 10-14; 23-27 32-23; 19-26 14-18; 26-31 18-23; 8-12 28-24; 16-20 23-27; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1289. V13(T): . . . 31-26; 5-9 26-23(18); 9-14 17-10; 7-14 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 28-24(16); 3-7 30-26(14); 1-6 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 6-13 26-22; 4-8 24-20; 11-15 27-24; 10-14 32-28; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 13-17 22-13; 2-6 [A position of frequent occurrence. For example, #703] 21-17; 14-21 13-9; 6-13 23-18. Drawn. R. Fortman v E. Whiting (P) 1959. #1290. V14(13): . . . 22-18(15); 1-6! 18-9; 6-13 24-20; 7-10! 27-24; 11-15 32-28; 10-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19 [Database draw]; 4-8 19-15; 2-7 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 11-15 7-2; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 2-6; 19-24 30-25; 14-18 6-10; 18-23. Drawn. R. Pask v Cornell 1996. #1291. V15(14): . . . 22-17 [30-25; 1-6 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 6-13 25-22 into Variation 13 or 24-20; 7-10 22-18; 1-6 18-9; 6-13 into Variation 14]; 7-10 30-25; 1-6 25-22; 11-16 24-19 [32-28; 4-8 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 8-12 28-24; 19-28 27-24. Drawn: M. Banks v J. Childers (P) 1992]; 4-8 17-13; 8-11 22-18; 16-20 18-9; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 21-17; 15-24 23-18. Drawn. G. Lopez v A. Lyman (P) 1993. #1292. V16(13): . . . 22-18(17) [30-25; 3-7 22-17; 7-10 25-22; 11-16 into Variation 10]; 1-6 18-9; 6-13 23-18; 11-15 18-11; 3-8 27-23; 8-15 [Database draw] 28-24; 4-8 30-26; 12-16 26-22; 8-11 21-17; 16-20


Complete Checkers

23-18; 20-27 32-23; 2-7 17-14; 15-19 23-16; 11-20. T. Colston v C. Guss (P) 1954. #1293. V17(16): . . . 30-26; 3-7 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22 [27-24; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 32-28; 4-8 26-22; 2-7 28-24; 8-11 to a draw]; 11-15 22-17 [23-18 to a quick draw]; 7-10 27-24 [28-24; 15-18 17-13; 18-22 13-9; 22-26 9-5; 26-31 5-1; 4-8 1-5; 2-6 23-18 to a draw]; 4-8 17-13; 8-11 13-9; 11-16 9-5; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 32-23; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 5-1; 7-11 1-6; 11-15 6-9; 15-24 9-18; 24-27 23-19; 27-32 21-17; 32-27 18-15. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Frazier 1967. #1294. V18(13): . . . 17-13; 9-14 26-23; 7-10 13-9; 8-11 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-16 28-24; 3-7 9-5; 16-20 22-17; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 26-22; 11-15 2318; 14-23 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 20-27 32-23; 16-20 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 20-24 18-15; 24-27 23-18; 27-31 14-10; 2-6 10-7; 31-26 7-2; 6-9 15-10; 26-23 18-15; 23-18 15-11; 18-15 2-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1979. #1295. V19(T): . . . 17-13; 5-9 21-17(29); 8-11 25-21(28); 9-14! 17-10; 7-14 26-23(26) [There are a wide range of move orders available over the next 8 moves; a number of which are demonstrated in the main body of the text. Here are just 10 more examples. 1) . . . 26-23; 11-15 29-25; 4-8 28-24 3-7 30-26(x); 8-11 into Variation 19. 2) . . . 26-23; 11-15 29-25; 4-8 28-24; 3-7 31-26(x); 15-19! into Variation 26. 3) . . . 26-23; 11-15 28-24; 4-8 29-25; 3-7 30-26(x) 8-11 into Variation 19. 4) . . . 26-23; 11-15 28-24; 4-8 29-25; 3-7 31-26(x) 15-19! into Variation 26. 5) . . . 26-23; 11-15 29-25; 4-8 30-26; 12-16 28-24; 16-20 into Variation 23. 6) . . . 26-23; 11-15 30-26; 12-16 28-24; 16-20 29-25; 4-8 into Variation 23. 7) . . . 2623; 11-15 28-24; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 29-25; 3-7 into Variation 19. 8) . . . 28-24; 3-7 26-23; 11-15 30-26; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 into Variation 19. 9) . . . 29-25; 4-8 26-23; 11-15 28-24; 3-7 30-26(x) 8-11 into Variation 19. 10) . . . 29-25; 4-8 26-23; 11-15 28-24; 3-7 31-26(x) 15-19! into Variation 26. Note: at (x) 23-19 is into Variation 27]; 11-15 30-26; 4-8 28-24(23); 8-11 29-25; 3-7 26-22(21); 11-16 22-17 [24-20; 6-10 20-11; 7-16 13-9; 1-6 9-5; 15-19 22-15; 19-26 31-22; 10-19 is easy for Black]; 6-10 24-20(20); 1-6 20-11; 7-16

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23-19; 16-23 25-22; 18-25 27-9; 15-19 9-5; 19-23 5-1; 25-29 31-27; 23-26 27-23; 29-25 23-18; 6-9! 13-6; 2-9 [Database draw] 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 25-22 18-14; 22-18 14-10 [14-9; 18-14 1-6; 26-31 6-2; 14-10 5-1; 10-14 1-5. Drawn. A. Moiseyev v M. Borghetti 2013]; 18-14 10-7; 14-10 7-3 [7-2; 26-31; 2-6 10-14; 6-9 14-10; 9-13 31-26. Drawn: D. Oldbury v E. Bruch 1985]; 26-31 3-8; 31-26. Drawn. Analysis by M .Tinsley. #1296. V20(19): . . . 23-19 [Lets Black off lightly. Also, E. Bruch v T. Landry 1983]; 16-23 25-22; 18-25 27-9; 25-29 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 6-2; 7-11 17-14; 19-23 14-10; 29-25 10-7; 11-15 7-3; 15-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992. #1297. V21(19): . . . 23-19; 6-10 26-23(22); 1-5 21-17; 14-30 23-14; 10-17 19-3; 30-26 31-22; 17-26 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 15-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 26-31 23-18; 31-27 24-20; 27-23 18-15. Drawn. M. Tinsley v S. Bingham 1948. #1298. V22(21): . . . 26-22; 11-16 13-9; 16-23 24-19; 15-24 22-6; 1-10 27-20; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22. Drawn. R. Hunt v K. Grover 1950. #1299. V23(19): . . . 29-25; 12-16 28-24; 16-20 26-22(25); 2-7 32-28(24); 8-12 24-19; 15-24 22-15; 3-8 28-19; 7-11 31-26; 11-18 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 16-11; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 11-8; 10-15 26-22; 15-19 22-15; 14-18. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #1300. V24(23): . . . 31-26; 8-11 22-17; 6-10 23-19; 3-8 26-23; 8-12 13-9; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 9-6; 22-26 6-2; 26-30! 2-6; 11-16 6-15; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 17-13; 30-26 32-28; 26-22 13-9; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 24-19; 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by I. Stewart. #1301. V25(23): . . . 23-19; 8-11 19-10 6-15; 26-23 1-6 23-19; 6-10 31-26; 2-7 26-23; 3-8 13-9; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 9-6; 22-26 19-16; 26-31 16-12; 31-26 12-3; 26-28 6-2; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 3-10; 11-16 27-23; 28-24 32-28; 24-27 23-18; 16-19. Drawn. J. Scott v W. Straw (P) 1956. #1302. V26(19): . . . 28-24; 3-7 29-25; 4-8 26-23; 11-15 31-26(27); 15-19 24-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 23-16; 12-19 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 30-26; 2-7 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 26-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-


Complete Checkers

19 25-22; 19-24 22-17; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1303. V27(26): . . . 23-19 [30-26; 8-11 into Variation 19]; 7-10! 30-26! [31-26 is met with 6-9!]; 8-11 26-23; 2-7 32-28; 1-5 21-17; 14-30 23-14; 10-17 19-3; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 3-7; 30-25 7-11; 17-22 2724; 19-23 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 22-26 31-22; 25-18 28-24. Drawn. Chinook v M. Tinsley 1992. #1304. V28(19): . . . 17-14 [26-23 is well met with 1-5! 23-14; 9-18 while 28-24; 11-15 25-21; 9-14 [1-5 also draws] 17-10; 7-14 26-23; 4-8 29-25; 3-7 30-26; 8-11 is into Variation 19]; 1-5 28-24 [Or the immediate 26-23; 6-10 13-6; 10-17 23-14; 2-18 25-22 17-26 3014/31-8 to a draw]; 11-15 26-23; 6-10 13-6; 10-17 23-14; 2-18 25-22; 17-26 30-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 [Database draw] 27-23; 5-9 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 32-28; 10-14 24-20; 9-13 23-19; 15-24 2819; 12-16 19-12; 11-15. Drawn. W. Edwards v E. Fuller 1973. #1305. V29(19): . . . 26-23(30); 9-14 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-26; 3-7 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-15 18-11; 8-15 26-22; 4-8 22-17; 15-19 17-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 21-17; 11-16 17-14; 19-24 28-19; 16-23. Drawn. F. Gallagher v A. Bernstein (P) 1958. #1306. V30(29): . . . 26-22; 9-14! 22-15; 7-11! 15-10; 6-15 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 28-24; 3-7 24-19; 7-10 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 31-6; 2-9 13-6; 1-10 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 10-15 22-17; 14-18. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1995. #1307.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 72 (86): 10-15 22-18; 15-22 POWER: [49/51] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 14 Trunk: 10-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18 [Against the obscure 26-17!?; Black builds up nicely with 11-15 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 4-8 17-13; 15-18: D. Lafferty v R. King 1996]; 9-13[R](14) 29-25[R](6); 11-15 [11-16 into Variation 19] 18-11; 8-15 25-22; 4-8 23-18[R](3); 8-11 2723[R](2); 5-9 [6-10 32-27; now 5-9 into Variation 1 or 1-6 into Variation 14] 21-17[R](1); 1-5 30-25; 7-10 25-21; 9-14 [3-7 32-27; 914 18-9; 5-14 same] 18-9; 5-14 32-27 Forms Position, Diagram 100: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 100

Continue: 3-7 [3-8 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 12-16 28-24; 8-12 24-19; 6-9 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 18-9; 13-22. Drawn: D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1970] 24-19; 15-24 27-20; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 10-19 17-1. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1953. #1308. V1(T): . . . 32-27 [24-20; 6-10 28-24 into Variation 5]; 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-6 27-24; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 23-19; 1-5 19-10; 7-23


Complete Checkers

26-19; 3-7 30-26; 7-10 26-23; 11-15 23-18; 10-14 18-11; 14-17 21-14; 9-25. Drawn. R. Hallett v D. Oldbury 1985. #1309. V2(T): . . . 26-23 [24-20; 6-10 28-24; 5-9 into Variation 5]; 7-10 24-20 [23-19; 6-9 27-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 draws comfortably]; 3-7 30-26; 6-9 27-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-27; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 2319; 7-10 27-23; 17-21 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23. Drawn. T. Colston v J. Thorpe (P) 1941. #1310. V3(T): . . . 24-19(4); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 6-10 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 CR (T) V4(3): . . . 23-19(5); 6-10 INTO 10-15 23-19; 6-10 (V9) V5(4): . . . 24-20; 8-11 28-24 [27-24; 6-10 24-19; 15-24; 28-19 59; 22-18; 2-6 26-22 INTO Key Landing Number 13 CR]; 6-10 23-18; 5-9 27-23; 1-5 23-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 3-7 18-11; 7-23 31-26; 9-14 26-19; 2-7 24-20; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 30-23; 7-10. Drawn. T. Watson v E. Lowder 1989. #1311. V6(T): . . . 24-19(8); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25 [23-18; 6-10 29-25; 8-11 same]; 8-11 23-18 [25-22; 6-10 22-18; 2-6 26-22 same or 27-24; 6-10 25-22; 2-6 23-18; 6-9 26-23 same]; 6-10 25-22(7); 2-6 26-23; 6-9 27-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25 [Or 30-26]; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 22-18; 14-17. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1970. #1312. V7(6): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 27-23; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 30-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 23-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 18-15; 11-18 19-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 31-6. Drawn. L. Head v A. Jordan 1905. #1313. V8(6): . . . 23-19(13); 7-10 19-15(12); 10-19 24-15; 5-9 29-25; 1-5 26-23 [26-22; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 22-15; 5-14 28-24; 2-7 24-19; 7-11 30-26; 11-18 26-22; 3-7 22-15; 7-11 31-26; 11-18 26-22; 13-17! 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 27-23; 11-16 to a draw: E. Lowder v R. King 1995]; 12-16 30-26(10); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22(9); 11-18 22-15; 16-19 23-16; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 31-26; 4-8 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 14-18 19-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 28-24; 9-14 24-19; 13-17 19-15; 17-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952. #1314.

Richard Pask


V9(8): . . . 28-24; 11-18 24-19; 16-20 26-22; 3-7 22-15; 13-17 23-18; 14-23 21-14; 6-10 27-18; 10-17 19-16; 8-12 25-21; 12-19 21-14; 2-6 32-27. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #1315. V10(8): . . . 31-26; 3-7 28-24 [25-22!; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-25 28-24 [Or the immediate 23-18]; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 26-3. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury]; 8-12 15-8; 4-11 32-28(11); 6-10 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 25-22; 16-19 27-23; 2-6 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 23-18; 10-26 18-2. Drawn. Analysis by G. Bass. #1316. V11(10): . . . 24-19 [26-22?; 6-10 24-20; 10-15 21-17; 15-19 18-14; 19-26 30-23; 9-18 23-14; 16-19 25-21; 19-23! 27-18; 12-16 32-27; 1619 is a black win which has been scored on countless occasions]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 16-20 23-18; 14-23 19-15; 11-18 26-19; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. Analysis by G. Vidlak. #1317. V12(8): . . . 27-23[R] [My preference with White]; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 26-17; 13-22 30-26; 5-9 26-17; 9-13 17-14; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 29-25; 11-16 25-22; 4-8 31-26; 16-20 32-27; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 26-22; 3-7 14-10; 7-14 18-9; 1-5 22-18; 5-14 18-9; 2-7 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 9-5; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 23-19; 27-31 19-16; 31-27 5-1; 27-23 15-11; 7-10. Drawn. S. Cohen v J. Hanson 1927. #1318. V13(8): . . . 18-14; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 29-25; 11-16 25-22; 6-9 22-18; 1-6 26-22; 16-20! 30-25; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 9-18 23-14; 3-7 31-26 [14-10!; 7-14 15-11; 6-9 is an easier option for White]; 4-8 26-23; 13-17 32-28; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 23-14; 8-11 27-23; 5-9 14-5; 6-9 21-14; 9-27 25-22; 27-31 22-18; 31-26 19-15; 26-22 15-8; 22-15 8-3. Drawn. Analysis by R. Flood. #1319. V14(T): 6-10(16) 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 25-22; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 27-23; 1-6(15) 32-27; 9-13 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 11-16 24-19; 1524 27-11; 7-16 28-24 to a draw] 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 [11-15 18-11; 7-16 22-18; 3-7 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 18-15; 9-13 draws] 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 30-26; 9-13 18-15; 13-22 15-6; 2-9 26-17; 9-13 17-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 31-24; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 12-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952. #1320.


Complete Checkers

V15(14): 9-14 [9-13 into 3rd note of Trunk] 18-9; 5-14 31-27; 1-6 24-20; 3-8 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14! 18-9; 6-13 22-17; 13-31 32-27; 31-24 28-3. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1321. V16(14): 11-15(19) 18-11; 8-15 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 23-18; 610(17) Into Variation 14 V17(16): 9-13(18) Into Trunk V18(17): 7-10 27-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 22-18; 3-7 INTO 9-14 24-20; 11-15 (T) V19(16): 11-16 29-25; 9-13 18-14; 16-20 24-19; 8-11 23-18; 6-9 19-15; 11-16 27-23 INTO 10-15 22-17; 9-13 (V9)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 73 (87): 10-15 23-18; 6-10 POWER: [32/68] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 17 Trunk: 10-15 23-18; 6-10 18-14[R](19); 9-18 24-19; 15-24 22-6; 1-10 28-19[R](15); 11-15 [11-16 26-23; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 27-24 same] 27-24[R](14); 8-11[R](11) 25-22[R](6); 11-16 26-23[R](3); 16-20 [5-9 22-17; 16-20 31-27 same] 31-27; 5-9 22-17; 4-8 17-13[R](2); 8-11 13-6; 2-9 29-25; 11-16! [9-14? crashes out to 21-17!: N. Banks v W. Ryan 1937] 21-17[R](1); 7-11! 17-13; 9-14 13-9 [25-21 into Variation 1] Forms Position, Diagram 101: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 101

Continue: 14-18! [3-7 loses softly to 25-21] 23-7; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 15-29 7-2 [Database draw]; 11-16 [Willie Ryan’s original preference and arguably best, although 3-8, 11-15 and 12-16 all draw! For example: 1) 3-8 9-6; 11-16 into Trunk 2) 11-15 9-5!; 12-16 5-1!; 15-19 23-18; 16-20 1-6; 19-23 6-10; 20-24 10-15; 24-27 2-6; 27-31 6-10 to a narrow draw: Chinook v M. Tinsley 1992 3) 12-16 9-5; 11-15 into 2)] 9-6 [2-6; 3-8 [3-7 runs similarly: W. Hellman v E. Frazier 1967] 6-10; 8-11 9-6 [10-14; 16-20 23-19; 20-24 9-6; 24-28 14-18; 28-32 6-2; 32-27 2-6; 11-16 18-22; 16-23 22-26; 29-25! Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan]; 16-20;


Complete Checkers

6-2 11-16 23-18 same]; 3-8 2-7; 8-11 7-10; 16-20 23-18; 11-16 6-2; 20-24! [The main point of this ending: the natural 16-19? is defeated by 2-6!] 10-15; 16-20 15-19; 24-28 2-7; 20-24 7-11; 24-27 11-15; 27-31 18-14; 28-32 15-18; 31-27 14-10; 32-28 10-6; 27-24 18-15; 24-20. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #1322. V1(T): . . . 25-22; 7-11 22-17; 9-14 17-13; 14-18 23-7; 3-10 13-9; 16-23; 27-18 20-27 32-23; 15-22 9-6; 10-15 6-2; 11-16 2-7; 15-19. Drawn. E. Frazier v W. Hellman 1967. #1323. V2(T): . . . 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 29-25; 2-6 25-22 [25-21; 8-11 21-17; same]; 8-11 22-17; 15-18 19-16; 1228 27-24; 20-27 32-7. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1939. #1324. V3(T): . . . 22-17(5); 16-23 26-19; 5-9 29-25 [17-13; 2-6 29-25 9-14 same]; 9-14! 17-13; 2-6 25-22(4); 12-16 19-12; 15-18 22-15; 10-28 31-26; 4-8 26-22; 8-11 22-17; 7-10 30-26; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 2114; 11-16 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-15 6-2; 15-19 2-6; 18-23 26-22; 23-27 32-23; 19-26 6-10; 16-19. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Hunt 1946. #1325. V4(3): . . . 31-27 [30-26!; 4-8 26-22; 15-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-28 25-22; 8-11 31-27; 11-16; 27-24; 7-11 24-20; 6-10 draws with care]; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 25-22; 11-16 26-23; 7-11 21-17; 14-21 22-17; 15-18 23-7; 3-10 24-20; 16-23 27-18; 10-15 18-14; 15-18 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-15 6-2. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1326. V5(3): . . . 21-17; 16-23 26-19; 5-9 17-13; 2-6 29-25; 9-14 30-26 [25-21 into Variation 3 or 31-27; 15-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-28 25-22; 7-10 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 26-22; 10-15 18-14; 15-19 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 19-23 6-2; 10-15 to a draw]; 7-11 26-23; 3-8 25-21; 15-18 22-15; 11-27 32-23; 8-11 31-26; 11-15 26-22; 12-16 19-12; 15-18 22-15; 10-26. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1327. V6(T): . . . 21-17(10); 11-16 26-23(9) [25-21 into Variation 3 or 25-22 into Variation 5]; 5-9! 25-21(7); 16-20 31-27 Into Trunk V7(6): . . . 17-13 [Inferior to 25-21] (8); 16-20 13-6; 20-27 3124; 2-9 25-22; 7-11! 29-25!; 3-8 25-21; 11-16 24-20 [32-28 draws

Richard Pask


narrowly]; 15-24 20-11; 8-15 23-18; 15-19 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 9-13 11-7; 4-8 7-3; 8-11 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 14-18 21-17; 18-25 30-21; 13-22 11-25. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt & M. Chamblee. #1328. V8(7): . . . 31-27; 4-8! 25-21; 8-11! 17-13; 16-20 Into Trunk V9(6): . . . 31-27; 16-23 27-11; 7-16 26-23; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 25-21; 16-20 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 20-27 32-23; 12-16 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 16-20 23-18; 20-24 18-14; 24-27. Drawn. W. Ryan v N. Banks 1937. #1329. V10(6): . . . 31-27; 11-16! [Best] 26-23 [25-22 [An even, open line] 16-23 27-11; 7-16 21-17; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 22-18; 10-15 18-14; 16-20 14-10; 20-27 32-23; 11-16. Drawn: A. Moiseyev v R. King 2009]; 5-9 Now 21-17 Into Variation 8 and 25-22; 16-20 Into Trunk V11(T): 15-18 26-22; 2-6 22-15; 12-16(13) 19-12 10-28 25-22; 8-11 22-18(12); 6-9 21-17 [29-25 9-14; 18-9 5-14 30-26; 4-8 26-23; 1115 25-22; 8-11 31-27; 7-10 is a reasonable alternative for White. Analysis by W. Hellman]; 9-14 17-10; 7-23 31-27; 23-26 30-23; 11-15 29-25; 5-9 25-22; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 27-24; 3-7 12-8; 15-19 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-25. Drawn. R. Hunt v R. Fortman 1949. #1330. V12(11): . . . 21-17 [A more subtle attack]; 11-15 29-25; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 25-21; 11-16 17-13; 5-9! [15-19? 22-18; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 18-15; 7-10 13-9! to a white win: R. Fortman v R. Martin 1951] 2623; 9-14 31-27; 16-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 7-11 16-7; 3-26. Drawn. Analysis by B. Case. #1331. V13(11): 7-11!? 21-17; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 22-18; 5-9 32-28; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 11-16! 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-20 18-14; 3-7 31-26; 7-11! 15-8; 4-11 17-13; 12-16 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-18 2-7; 10-14 7-11; 16-19 11-16; 20-24! 16-23; 18-27 28-19; 27-31. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1332. V14(T): . . . 21-17 [Soft]; 15-24 27-20; 8-11 [12-16 is also okay] 25-22; 11-15 29-25; 4-8 25-21; 8-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-19 22-18; 7-10! [A nice finesse] 14-7; 3-10 18-15; 11-18 26-23; 18-27 31-6; 2-9. Drawn. R. Pask v D. Harwood 2002. #1333. V15(T): . . . 27-20; 11-16! 20-11; 8-15 21-17(18); 12-16 25-22 [25-


Complete Checkers

21; 16-19 29-25; 4-8 25-22 same]; 16-19 29-25; 4-8 25-21; 8-12 32-27(17); 10-14 17-10; 7-14 22-17(16); 2-7 17-10; 7-14 26-22; 1418! [3-7? loses after 22-17; 14-18 27-24!] 22-17; 12-16 17-13; 3-7 21-17 [31-26; 16-20 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 15-19. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley]; 16-20 [7-10? 27-24; 16-20 31-26; 20-27 26-23; 19-26 30-7. White win: T. O’Grady v M. Tinsley 1950] 17-14; 19-23 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 23-26 30-23; 18-27 24-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1334. V16(15): . . . 27-24 [26-23!; 19-26 30-23; 3-7 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 27-23; 11-16 31-26; 5-9 22-18; 16-20 26-22; 20-24 22-17; 24-27 17-10; 27-31 draws]; 14-18 22-17; 18-23 17-14; 23-27 24-20; 27-32 14-10; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 21-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 14-18. Drawn. L. Stubblefield v A. Cook (P) 1996. #1335. V17(15): . . . 17-14! [A Jerry Childers idea]; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 5-9! 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 2-9 32-27 [31-27 and 26-23 are also easy draws]; 12-16 27-24; 16-20 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 20-27 31-24; 15-18 23-19. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1336. V18(15): . . . 28-24; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 21-17; 4-8 25-22; 5-9 17-13; 2-6 29-25; 9-14 25-21; 7-11 22-17; 8-12 32-28; 3-7 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 23-19; 11-15 31-26; 15-24 28-19; 18-22 19-15; 22-31 15-11; 7-16 20-11; 31-26 11-7; 26-22 7-2; 6-9 13-6; 22-13 6-1; 10-15 2-6; 13-17 6-9; 15-18 1-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1979. #1337. V19(T): . . . 27-23(20); 1-6 32-27; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 11-16 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 8-12 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 7-11 17-14; 11-18 22-15; 3-7 26-22; 16-20 30-26; 12-16 22-18; 8-12 27-23; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 31-27; 7-11 25-21; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 23-14; 19-24 28-19; 16-30. Drawn. A. Long v E. Hunt 1932. #1338. V20(19): . . . 26-23; 1-6 30-26 [23-19; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 27-18; 7-16 gives Black the edge]; 9-13 INTO 9-13 23-18; 10-15 (V8 Note)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 74 (88): 10-15 23-18; 7-10 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 13 Trunk: 10–15 23–18; 7–10 27-23[R](12); 3-7[R](11) 24-20[R](6); 15-19[R](5) 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11[R](4) 32-27; 11-18 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 2-11 21-17[R](3); 6-10 [8-12 27-23; 6-10 25-21 same] 25-21; 8-12 [9-14 27-23; 8-12 into Variation 1] 27-23 Forms Position, Diagram 102: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 102

Continue: 4-8[R](1) [11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 20-16 same] 23-19; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 [9-14 31-26; 14-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 17-14; 19-23 22-17. Drawn: L. Sanders v M. Tinsley 1947 & J. Grant v R. Pask 1990] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 29-25 [31-26; 1-6 26-23; 17-22 23-18; 6-9 18-15; 9-18 16-11. Drawn: M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987]; 17-21 [1-6 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 6-10. Drawn: M. Tinsley v Chinook 1994] 25-22; 1-6 22-18; 8-11 16-7; 6-10. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. #1339. V1(T): 9-14(2) 29-25; 11-15? [Inferior: 4-8 draws easily] 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8? [14-18 to a narrow draw] 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 5-9


Complete Checkers

10-7; 9-14 7-3; 8-11 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 14-18 11-16. White Win. T. Wiswell v M. Hopper 1951. (Also: E. Hunt v J. Hanson 1934 & B. Bawden v D. Oldbury 1963) #1340. V2(1): 10-15 29-25; 4-8 31-27; 15-18 [9-13? is inferior after 1714!] 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 1-6 21-17; 12-16 28-24; 8-12 17-13; 11-15 20-11; 18-23 27-18; 15-29 24-19; 12-16! 19-12; 29-25 11-7; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 7-2; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1341. V3(T): . . . 27-23 [25-22 is well met with 9-13!]; 6-10 25-22; 9-13 31-27; 5-9 27-24; 10-14 29-25; 1-5 23-19; 8-12 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 14-18 15-10; 9-14 10-7; 13-17 7-2; 17-22 2-7; 22-29 7-10; 29-25 10-17; 18-23. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1948. #1342. V4(T): 9-14 25-22; 7-11 [Against 14-18 29-25 is best] 29-25; 11-18 22-15; 5-9 32-27; 9-13 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 10-19! 16-11 [25-22; 6-10 16-11; 12-16 same]; 12-16 25-22; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-23 30-25; 1-5 17-13; 10-15 25-22; 14-18 22-17; 16-19 17-14; 23-26 3122; 18-25 14-10; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 5-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1343. V5(T): 9-13 [9-14! 18-9; 6-13 28-24; 1-6 [5-9 23-18; 1-6 same] 23-18; 5-9 32-28; 12-16 21-17; 9-14 18-9; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 20-11; 13-22 26-17; 6-22 30-26; 7-16 26-17; 18-23 24-20; 2-6 20-11; 8-15 25-21; 15-18 29-25; 4-8 17-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn: E. Lowder v J. Morrison 1995] 28-24; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 30-26; 6-10 32-28; 1-6 [5-9 31-27; 1-5 same] 31-27; 6-9! 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 10-14 16-12; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 26-22; 15-19 22-17; 13-22 25-18. Drawn. A. Huggins v D. Oldbury 1961. #1344. V6(T): . . . 32-27; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15(8); 11-18 22-15; 7-11 27-24(7); 11-18 24-15; 9-14 28-24; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 24-19 [25-22; 18-25 29-22; 6-10 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 1-10 to a draw: J. Hanson v K. Grover 1944]; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 25-22 [3127; 15-19 25-22; 18-25 29-22 into the next note, or 26-22; 18-23 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-7 25-22; 7-11 to a simple draw]; 18-25 29-22; 15-19 26-23 [31-27; 1-6 22-17; 6-10 26-22; 5-9 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-13 23-19; 14-18 22-6; 2-9. Drawn: D. Lafferty v M.

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Tinsley 1987]; 19-26 30-23; 5-9 22-17; 2-6 17-10; 6-15. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #1345. V7(6): . . . 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 9-14 30-26; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 27-24; 11-15 31-27; 6-10 25-22; 5-9 29-25; 9-13 27-23; 1-5 23-16; 14-17 21-7; 2-27. Drawn. Analysis by A. Long. #1346. V8(6): . . . 27-24(9): 7-10 24-15; 10-19 31-27; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 11-20 26-23; 8-11 22-17; 7-10 25-22; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. R. Fortman v N. Banks 1958. #1347. V9(8): . . . 27-23(10); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 23-16; 11-20 26-23; 8-11 2218; 6-9 25-22; 7-10 22-17; 11-16 17-13; 1-5 13-6; 2-9 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 18-15; 24-28 15-6; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 6-2. Drawn. D. Oldbury v B. Bawden 1963. #1348. V10(9): . . . 21-17 [22-17; 9-13 17-14; 6-9 is comfortable for Black]; 11-16 18-15; 7-10 17-14; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 2-18 22-15; 5-9 2522; 9-14 27-23; 14-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 31-22; 16-19. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1349. V11(T): 11-16!? 18-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 10-14 29-25; 6-10 31-27 INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-15 (V18) V12(T): . . . 26-23; 10-14 24-19(13); 15-24 28-19; 11-16 27-24; 16-20 31-27; 8-11 22-17; 11-16 17-10; 6-22 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 12-16 21-17; 16-20 23-19; 20-24 18-15; 24-27 17-13; 2-7! [Decisive] 14-10 [Simplest]; 7-14 13-9. Drawn. M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1948. #1350. V13(12): . . . 23-19; 14-23 19-10; 6-15 27-18; 3-7 30-26 [21-17 is well met with 7-10]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 26-23; 1-5 32-28; 11-15 22-18; 15-24 18-9; 5-14 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 29-25; 15-24 22-18; 12-16 18-9; 16-20 21-17; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. (cf #1038) #1351.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 75 (89): 10-15 23-18; 9-14 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 22 Trunk: 10-15 23-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23[R](10); 15-18 22-15; 11-18 21-17(4); 14-21 23-14; 6-10 31-26; 10-17 24-19(2); 8-11 27-23; 7-10 [The 17-22 shot is inferior, giving White endgame chances] 2522; 11-15 [11-16 22-13; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 is met with 28-24 or 22-17 and not 23-18? which loses] 22-13; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22 [23-18; 3-7 26-23; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 25-22; 2-6 [1-6 into Variation 1] 22-18; 16-20 18-15; 21-25 30-21; 12-16 19-12; 10-26. Drawn: T. Laverty v P. McCarthy 2001] Forms Position, Diagram 103: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ❜❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 103

Continue: 2-6(1) 23-18; 3-8 32-28; 11-16 28-24; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 24-20; 1-5 22-17; 5-9 17-14; 10-17 19-15; 9-14 18-2; 11-18 2-7; 17-22 7-10; 18-23 10-15; 22-26 20-16; 12-19 15-24; 26-31 24-28; 31-26 13-9; 26-22. Drawn. D. Oldbury v L. Levitt 1982. #1352. V1(T): 3-7[R] 22-18 [22-17; 1-5! 26-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 23-18; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 14-23 is again easy for Black]; 1-6 26-22; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 22-17; 2-7! 23-18; 16-23

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18-14; 10-15 14-10; 7-14 17-1; 15-19 1-6; 12-16 6-10; 23-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. W. Edwards v R. Pask 1987. #1353. V2(T): . . . 25-22; 12-16 22-13; 8-11 29-25(3); 4-8 26-23; 16-20 24-19; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 8-11 25-22; 11-16 18-15; 2-6 15-11; 16-19 32-27; 1-5 22-17; 21-25 30-21; 5-9 28-24; 19-28 27-23; 28-32 23-18; 32-27 17-14 [11-7; 3-10 17-14; 10-17 21-5. Drawn: M. Tinsley v F. Reed 1958]; 27-23 14-5; 23-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v J. Gallagher 1957. #1354. V3(2): . . . 27-23; 16-20 24-19; 4-8 23-18; 7-10 29-25; 8-12 18-15; 11-18 28-24; 20-27 32-7; 3-10 25-22; 1-5 22-18; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 14-18 10-6; 9-13 6-2; 13-17 2-6; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 1916; 12-19 23-16; 26-31. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1355. V4(T): . . . 31-26[R](9) [24-19; 8-11 31-26; same]; 8-11 24-19[R](5); 6-10 21-17; 14-21 23-14; 10-17 Into Trunk V5(4): . . . 24-20; 11-15 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 7-11 28-24(8) 2-7 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 26-23; 4-8 32-28(6); 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 21-17; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 18-14; 24-27 14-7; 3-10 11-7; 1014 17-10; 6-15 23-18; 15-19. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1356. V6(5): . . . 21-17; 15-19 24-15; 7-10 18-14(7); 10-26 30-23; 3-7 17-13; 1-5 22-18; 16-19 23-16; 8-12 18-15; 11-18 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 18-22 11-8; 22-26 8-3; 26-30 3-8; 30-26 8-11; 12-16 11-20; 26-22. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1357. V7(6): . . . 32-28; 10-26 30-23; 6-10 28-24; 10-15 17-14 [18-14 is met with 1-6]; 15-19 24-15; 16-19 23-7; 3-26. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1358. V8(5): . . . 23-18; 14-23 26-10; 6-15 27-23; 3-7 28-24; 4-8 23-18; 12-16 30-26; 8-12 32-28; 16-19 21-17; 1-6 18-14; 6-10 14-9; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 17-13; 10-14 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 14-18 22-17; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #1359. V9(4): . . . 24-20; 8-11 25-22 [31-26 into Variation 5]; 18-25 29-22; 7-10 22-18 [28-24; 6-9 31-26; 3-8 23-19; 9-13 27-23? is powerfully


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met with 1-6!]; 4-8 18-9; 6-13 23-19; 11-15 27-23; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 23-18; 3-7 31-27 [Or 31-26]; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 18-14; 10-17 2114; 23-26 30-23; 13-17 14-10; 17-22 23-19; 22-26 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1360. V10(T): . . . 22-17(20); 7-10 25-22(13); 15-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 8-11 26-23(12); 11-16 31-26 [17-13 is well met with 16-19]; 16-20 28-24(11); 4-8 24-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 6-9 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 1-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985. #1361. V11(10): . . . 17-13; 10-15! 28-24 [Better than 23-18]; 15-18 22-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-28 26-22; 2-6 30-26; 12-16 22-17; 6-10 26-22; 10-15 17-10; 15-19 23-18; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 18-15; 27-31 10-6; 20-24 6-1; 24-27 15-10; 16-19 23-16; 31-26 32-23; 26-12. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1362. V12(10): . . . 28-24; 11-15 24-20; 4-8 27-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 2-7 16-12; 8-11 17-13; 11-15 21-17; 14-21 30-25; 21-30 3127; 30-23 27-2; 1-5 2-9; 5-14 13-9; 10-15 9-6; 14-18 22-17; 18-22. Drawn. L. Levitt v R. Hallett 1950. #1363. V13(10): . . . 24-20(17); 15-19 27-24; 11-15 25-22; 8-11 17-13(16); 4-8 22-17; 3-7 32-27(15); 12-16 29-25(14) 8-12 25-22; 1-5 27-23; 1418 23-14; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 30-25 [14-9; 5-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 23-27 31-24; 11-15 30-26; 7-11 26-23; 2-7 23-18; 14-23 17-14; 10-26 19-3; 6-10 draws]; 23-26 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 16-11; 7-16 14-7; 2-11 17-14. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Tinsley (P) 1948. #1364. V14(13): . . . 30-25 [27-23; 1-5 INTO 10-15 23-19; 11-16 (V6) and 26-22; 1-5 INTO 10-15 23-19; 11-16 (V7 Note)]; 1-5 INTO 10-15 23-19; 11-16 (V7) V15(13): . . . 31-27; 14-18 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 15-19 24-15; 11-18 29-25; 8-11 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 1-5 14-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 2319; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 10-19 17-1. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1365. V16(13): . . . 32-27; 3-7 INTO 11-15 24-20; 8-11 (V27)

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V17(13): . . . 26-23(19); 11-16 24-19(18); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 16-20 30-26; 11-15 32-28 [19-16? lost: M. Tinsley v E. Scheidt 1970]; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 17-13; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 3-8 22-17; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 23-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. G. Bass v R. Fortman (P) 1947. #1366. V18(17): . . . 23-19; 16-23 27-9; 6-22 25-11; 8-15 21-17 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 29-25; 3-7 26-23; 11-15 to a draw: M. Tinsley v E. Scheidt 1974]; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 32-27; 11-16 30-26; 1-5 25-21; 16-19 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 26-22; 2-6 22-18; 15-22 24-15; 22-25 28-24; 25-30 24-19. Drawn. E. Rolader v M. Tinsley 1970. #1367. V19(17): . . . 17-13 3-7; 25-22; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 31-27; 7-11 28-24; 4-8 24-20; 1-5 20-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 22-17; 11-16 32-28; 16-20 26-23; 8-12! [8-11? loses to 30-25!] 28-24; 12-16 30-25; 15-19 24-15; 10-26 17-1; 26-31 27-23; 31-26 23-18; 26-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Ryan 1946. #1368. V20(10): . . . 22-18 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 26-23; 11-15 is soft, while 24-20; 15-19 22-17; 7-10 is into Variation 13]; 14-23 26-10; 7-14 27-23(24); 11-15 25-22; 8-11 32-27(21); 4-8 22-17; 2-7 17-10; 7-14 29-25; 3-7 30-26; 6-9 24-19; 15-24 27-20 [28-19 7-10; 25-22; 9-13 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 27-24 [Or 19-15!; after which Black must employ care] 11-15 26-22; 8-11 24-20; 15-24 22-18; 11-15. Drawn: D. Lafferty v E. Bruch 1984]; 7-10 25-22; 9-13 23-19; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 1-5 31-27; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 10-7; 8-11 7-2; 11-15 27-23; 19-24 2-7; 24-27 7-11; 15-18 22-15; 27-31 15-10; 31-22 11-15; 22-26 23-19; 13-17 10-7; 17-22 7-2; 14-18. Drawn. L. Levitt v D. Oldbury 1982. #1369. V21(20): . . . 29-25(23) [24-19; 15-24 28-19 is easy for Black after 6-10, my preference, or the 11-15 exchange, or 3-7]; 4-8 32-27; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 24-19(22); 3-7 28-24; 6-10 24-20; 1-6 30-26 [31-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 6-9! draws] 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-22; 10-15 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 8-12 27-24; 12-16 13-9; 16-19 9-6; 19-28 6-2; 28-32 2-7; 32-28 7-16; 15-19 16-23; 18-27


Complete Checkers

31-24; 28-19 25-22; 10-15 22-17; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1370. V22(21): . . . 21-17; 14-21 23-14; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 25-22; 8-11 31-26; 11-15 27-24 [22-17; 15-18 17-13; now 19-23! 26-19; 18-22 gives White pause for thought, improving 1-5 27-24; 2-7 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 20-16 as published by R. Fortman]; 3-7 22-17; 1518 24-15; 18-22 15-10; 6-15 26-23; 15-18 23-19; 22-26 30-23; 18-27 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 27-31 19-16; 31-26 10-7; 2-11 16-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1371. V23(21): . . . 30-25; 4-8 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 3-7 23-18; 12-16 32-27; 8-12 24-20; 16-19; 18-15 11-18 27-23; 19-26 31-15; 13-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1994. #1372. V24(20): . . . 24-19(25); 3-7 25-22 [27-23; 7-10 25-22 same]; 7-10 27-23; 11-15 29-25; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 6-13 23-18; 11-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-23 25-22; 8-11 31-27; 23-26 30-23; 11-15 27-24; 12-16 14-10; 1-5 23-18; 13-17. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Tinsley 1979. #1373. V25(24): . . . 25-22; 11-15 27-23 [Instead, 22-17, which is drawable but inferior to 27-23, has led to 2 notable black wins after 14-18! 1) 17-14? [30-26 is best]; 12-16 21-17; 16-19 17-13; 8-12 29-25; 12-16 14-10; 16-20 31-26; 2-7 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 15-18. Black win: M. Tinsley v E. Bruch 1976. 2) 17-14?; 8-11 30-26; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 21-17; 4-8 29-25; 3-7 17-13; 8-11 26-22; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 27-24; 14-17 9-5; 17-26 31-22; 12-16 13-9; 18-23 22-18; 15-29 24-8; 1-6 20-11; 7-16. Black win: P. McCarthy v T. Laverty 2001] Into Variation 20

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 76 (90): 10-15 23-18; 11-16 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 10-15 23-18; 11-16 18-11; 8-15 22-18[R](17); 15-22 25-18; 16-20 [4-8 29-25; 16-20 24-19 same] 24-19 [29-25; 4-8 24-19 same]; 4-8 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 same] 29-25[R](16); 9-14[R](15) 18-9; 5-14 25-22[R](12); 8-11 [6-10 27-23; 8-11 same] 27-23[R](8); 6-10 22-18[R](5); 14-17! [1-5? loses] 21-14; 10-17 Forms Position, Diagram 104: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✇❀✇❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 104

Continue: . . . 19-15[R](2); 3-8 32-27[R](1); 2-6 28-24; 11-16 2419; 7-11 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 6-9 30-25; 1-5 22-17; 9-14 17-10; 5-9 10-7; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 23-14; 16-32. Drawn. K. Grover v A. Long 1939. #1374. V1(T): . . . 15-10; 7-14 18-9; 1-5 9-6; 2-9 23-19; 20-24 19-16 [26-23 is well met with 24-27! See E. Bruch v W. Edwards 1989 for a startling continuation]; 11-20 28-19; 9-13 19-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 [Database draw] 15-10; 5-9 10-6; 9-13 [Or 9-14] 6-2; 13-17 2-6; 17-21 6-10 . . . Drawn. Analysis by B. Case. #1375. V2(T): . . . 31-27(3); 1-6 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 7-11 26-23 [19-16;


Complete Checkers

12-19 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 2-11 28-24; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 26-22; 17-26 30-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan]; 17-22 23-18; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 19-15; 10-19 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 2-11. Drawn. M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992. #1376. V3(2): . . . 19-16(4); 12-19 23-16; 2-6 26-22 [32-27; 6-10 28-24 [16-12 is well met with 1-5!] 17-21 is comfortable for Black]; 17-26 31-22; 6-10 30-26; 1-6 22-17; 6-9 17-14; 10-17 18-15; 11-18 28-24; 20-27 32-5. Drawn. A. Long v E. Zuber 1984. #1377. V4(3): . . . 32-27; 11-16 19-15; 1-6 18-14 7-10 14-7; 3-19 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-9. Drawn. E. Hunt v M. Chamblee 1946. #1378. V5(T): . . . 22-17(7); 11-15 19-16(6); 12-19 23-16; 1-5! 32-27; 5-9 INTO 9-13 23-19; 11-16 (T) V6(5): . . . 32-27; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 3-8 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 8-12 24-20; 11-15 17-13; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 19-23 16-11; 14-18 11-7; 10-14. Drawn. T. Watson v L. Levitt 1983. #1379. V7(5): . . . 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 2-6 [Both 20-24! 28-19 11-20 26-23 [White has sound alternatives]; 20-24! [Typical Grover] 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 32-28; 7-11 19-16; 11-20 28-19; 20-24! 30-26; 24-28 26-22 to a draw: K. Grover v R. Fields 1946 and 11-15 22-17 into Variation 5 also draw] 26-23; 6-9 32-27; 9-13 INTO 9-13 24-20; 11-15 CR (V2) V8(T): . . . 26-23(10); 6-10 22-17(9); 2-6 17-13; 11-16 31-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 17-22 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 1-5 28-24; 6-10 24-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 7-11 16-7; 3-10 9-6; 14-18 6-2; 10-14 2-6; 22-26 30-23; 18-27. Drawn. Analysis by L. Taylor. #1380. V9(8): . . . 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22 [19-16 also draws]; 17-26 31-22; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 7-11 15-8; 3-19 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1381. V10(8): . . . 22-17(11); 7-10 26-22; 3-8 30-26 [27-23 into Variation

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12 while 17-13; 11-15 22-17 [Better than 27-23]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 30-25; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-5 31-26; 20-24! 27-20; 18-23 26-22; 23-26 also draws]; 11-16 27-23; 8-11 22-18 [17-13; 11-15 32-27; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 22-15; 10-14 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 16-32 14-9 also draws]; 20-24 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 16-20 23-18; 10-15 19-10; 2-6 28-19; 6-22 17-14; 22-25 14-10; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 20-24. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1382. V11(10): . . . 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 26-23 [19-15? is a lollypop loss: L. Levitt v J. Anderson 1973]; 3-7 30-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 24-20; 6-10 32-28; 10-14 28-24; 14-17 23-18; 16-23 24-19; 17-22 19-15. Drawn. A. Long v K. Grover 1939. #1383. V12(T): . . . 26-22; 8-11 27-23; 7-10 22-17(13); 3-8 25-22; 11-16 17-13; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 20-24 25-22; 11-15 32-27; 16-20 22-17; 2-7 23-18; 14-32! 17-14; 10-17 19-3; 32-27 21-14; 27-23 28-19; 23-16. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1384. V13(12): . . . 22-18(14); 6-9 25-22; 1-5 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 3-7 32-27; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 10-14 9-6; 2-9 24-20; 7-11 19-15; 11-18 20-11; 12-16 11-7; 16-20 7-3; 20-24 27-20; 18-27 3-7; 14-18. Drawn. D. Lafferty v E. Lowder 1975. #1385. V14(13): . . . 30-26; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 26-23; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 31-27; 7-11 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 10-14 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1386. V15(T): 6-10 [8-11 25-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 into Trunk] 25-22; 2-6 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 8-11 into Trunk or 10-14?! 18-15!; 14-18 22-17; 9-13 15-10! and White is strong: R. Fortman v M. Tinsley 1949] 18-15 [22-17!; 9-13 26-22; 5-9 27-23; 8-11 32-27 is a strong alternative]; 9-14 27-23; 6-9 15-6; 1-10 22-17; 9-13 23-18; 14-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 31-27; 8-11 27-18; 20-24 1916; 11-20 28-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 32-27; 14-17 26-23; 17-22 23-18; 13-17. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Tinsley (P) 1948. #1387.


Complete Checkers

V16(T): . . . 26-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 8-11 29-25 Into Variation 12 V17(T): . . . 26-23(19); 16-20 24-19(18); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 25-22; 6-10 29-25; 2-6 30-26 INTO 11-15 24-20; 12-16 (T) V18(17): . . . 23-18 [White has other playable options with 22-18 and 21-17]; 7-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 3-7 26-23; 6-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 8-11! [7-10? loses] 14-9; 17-22 9-6; 2-9 19-15; 11-18 23-5; 7-10 27-23; 10-15 23-18; 15-19 5-1; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1388. V19(17): . . . 24-20(21); 16-19 22-18(20); 15-22 25-18 INTO 11-15 24-20; 15-18 (V3) V20(19): . . . 21-17; 7-10 17-13; 4-8 25-21; 9-14 27-24 INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V17) V21(19): . . . 24-19 [27-23 and 21-17 are also playable]; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 INTO 11-16 23-18; 10-14 (V2)

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Ballot Number 77 (91): 10-15 23-18; 12-16 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 10-15 23-18; 12-16 26-23[R](9); 16-19[R](5) 23-16; 11-20 18-11; 8-15 22-18 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 gives Black a tiny edge, as does 30-26; 4-8 26-23; 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11]; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 24-19 [29-25; 8-11 24-19 same]; 8-11 29-25; 11-15[R](3) 18-11; 7-23 27-18; 6-10 30-26 [25-22; 1-6 30-26 same] Forms Position, Diagram 105: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 105

Continue: 1-6 [3-7 25-22; 1-6 26-23; 9-13 32-27; 6-9 28-24 9-14 same, or 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 2-7 26-23; 1-5 23-19; 5-9 28-24; 2027 32-23; 9-13 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17; 19-15. Drawn: Chinook v D. Lafferty 1991. Also, the unusual 3-8 is sound] 25-22 [18-14 is a nondescript draw]; 10-14 26-23; 6-10 32-27(1); 3-7 28-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-15; 7-10 15-6 2-9. Drawn. N. Banks v A. Jordan 1914. #1389. V1(T): . . . 31-26[R]; 3-7[R](2) 18-15; 10-19 23-16; 7-10 22-17; 1418 28-24; 20-27 32-7; 2-20 17-13; 9-14 26-22; 20-24 22-17; 14-18 13-9; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #1390.


Complete Checkers

V2(1): 2-7 [Originally given to lose by Heffner] 18-15; 10-19 2316; 9-13 16-12 [Later presented as a problem by Samuel Cohen: Black to move and draw]; 7-10 [7-11 26-23; 11-16 32-27; 3-7 12-8; 7-10 8-3; 10-15 same] 32-27; 10-15 26-23; 3-7 12-8; 7-11 8-3; 11-16 28-24; 16-19 23-16; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 3-7; 22-26 7-10; 15-19! 24-15; 26-31 10-14; 31-24 14-23; 24-19. Drawn. B. Case v W. Ryan 1929. #1391. V3(T): 9-14(4) 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 6-10 30-26; 11-15 26-23; 15-24 28-19; 2-6 [7-11 19-16; 3-8! [Not 2-7?: Phantom Fox Den] also draws] 22-17; 6-9 17-13; 3-8 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-17 27-23; 17-22 23-18; 22-25 18-14; 25-30 14-9; 30-25 9-6; 8-12 6-2; 7-11 2-7; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 7-10; 19-23 15-11; 23-26 31-22; 25-18. Drawn. A. Jordan v S. Gonotsky 1924. #1392. V4(3): 6-10 27-23; 2-6 25-22; 9-13 30-26; 5-9 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 6-10 32-27; 10-15 21-17; 15-19 17-14; 1-5 16-12; 11-16 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 16-19 15-10; 7-11 10-6; 11-16 [11-15 also draws] 6-2; 19-24 28-19; 16-30 2-6. Drawn. Analysis by A. Alexander. #1393. V5(T): 8-12 [16-20 30-26; 8-12 same] 30-26; 16-20 21-17; 7-10(8) 17-13; 4-8(6) 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25 INTO Key Landing Number 2 V6(5): 3-7! [Best: both sides need to be known] 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5(7) 18-9; 5-14 25-21; 4-8 29-25; 11-16 [11-15 is well met with 19-16] INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V3) V7(6): 14-17[R] 25-21 [Or the immediate 26-22 exchange to a more complex draw: R. King v Chinook 1996]; 11-16 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 [Or 4-8] 29-25; 4-8 22-17; 8-11 18-15; 1118 23-7; 2-11 19-15 [Or 25-21]; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1394. V8(5): 9-13 [Harder] 17-14 6-9; 24-19; 15-24 28-19 INTO 10-15 21-17; 9-13 (V13) V9(T): . . . 21-17(13); 9-13 24-20 [17-14; 16-19 24-20 same]; 16-19 17-14 [27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 17-14 6-9 into Variation 11 or 25-21; 6-9 27-24; 8-12 17-14 1-6 into Variation 10]; 6-9 27-24(11);

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1-6 32-27(10); 8-12 25-21; 12-16 27-23; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-26 30-23; 15-22 24-19; 9-14 19-12; 11-15 28-24; 6-9 17-13; 15-18 13-6; 18-27 24-19; 2-9 31-24. Drawn. J. Marshall v D. Oldbury 1962. #1395. V10(9): . . . 25-21; 8-12 21-17 [32-27 into Variation 9]; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 20-16; 11-27 18-11; 10-15 31-24; 6-10 29-25; 9-14 25-21; 12-16 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 16-19 23-16; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by W. Wray. #1396. V11(9): . . . 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 3-8 27-23(12); 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-11; 9-27 31-15; 13-17 22-13; 5-9 13-6; 1-19 25-22; 8-15 29-25; 4-8 25-21; 2-7 21-17; 7-10 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 15-18 139; 8-12 26-22; 18-25 30-21. Drawn. G. O’Connor v J. Bradford 1927. #1397. V12(11): . . . 27-24; 1-6 25-21; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 26-17; 9-18 24-15; 7-10 17-14; 10-19 31-26 [The 14-10 pitch, followed with 21-17, no doubt draws, but a man is a man!]; 8-12 29-25; 19-23! 26-19; 18-23 21-17; 23-26 30-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 17-14; 27-31 14-10; 31-26 10-7; 5-9 7-2; 9-14 2-7; 4-8 7-16; 26-30 19-15; 12-19 20-16; 30-21 16-12. Drawn. W. Edwards v D. Oldbury 1982. #1398. V13(9): . . . 22-17(14); 15-22 25-18; 9-14 [Black also has 16-20] 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 11-15 27-23; 8-12 INTO 10-15 22-17; 11-16 (V9) V14(13): . . . 24-20 [24-19, a favourite with John Napier, leaves Black comfortably situated after 16-23 26-10; 7-23 27-18; 6-10 with the option of filling in with 1-6/3-7 as required]; 16-19 21-17; 9-13 Into Variation 9


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 78 (92): 10-15 23-19; 6-10 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 7 Trunk: 10-15 23-19; 6-10 22-17[R](7); 1-6 [15-18?!, which may be sound, led to a white win after 24-20: R. King v D. Lafferty 1996] 25-22 [17-13; 11-16 25-22; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 29-25 same, or 17-13; 11-16 21-17; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 25-21; 11-16 29-25 same]; 11-16 29-25 [17-13; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 29-25 same]; 16-23 26-19; 7-11[R](6) [The closed line] 17-13; 11-16 [3-7 22-17; 11-16 25-22; 16-23 27-11; 8-15 [7-16 32-27!; 8-11! 24-20; 16-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23 to a draw] 24-19; 15-24 28-19; now 4-8 into the next note, or 7-11 31-26; 4-8 into Variation 3] 22-17; 16-23 27-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 [One of the most dangerous landings in the game of checkers!] Forms Position, Diagram 106: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 106

Continue: . . . 25-22[R](5); 8-11 [3-7?! is inferior for Black after 22-18; 8-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 17-22! 26-17; 7-10 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 14-23 6-2; 16-19 2-6; 12-16 6-10; 23-26 30-23; 19-26 10-15; 26-30 15-18; 30-26 11-7; 5-9. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury] 31-26 [32-28; 3-7 31-26 same; or 22-18 [Inferior]; 12-16 [9-14 also good] 19-12; 10-15

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18-14; 9-18 30-26; 11-16 17-14; 18-22 to a draw; or 31-27?; 11-15 27-24; 3-7 32-28; 7-11 30-26; 9-14 [11-16 also wins] 26-23; 5-9 to a black win] 3-7[R](3) 32-28[R](1) [30-25?! is inferior, but draws after 11-16 26-23; 16-20 23-18; 20-24 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 24-27 32-23; 12-16 19-12; 10-26 etc. . . ]; 9-14 [11-16 [Inferior] leads to a narrow draw after 22-18; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10!: D. Oldbury v S. Cohen 1950; while 11-15? loses to 30-25!: E. Lowder v Chinook 1994] 26-23 [30-25 also draws after 11-16 [Simple] or 11-15 [Tricky]]; 11-16 [The never-played 5-9 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 30-26; 14-18 23-5; 16-30 5-1 also draws easily] 19-15 [30-26?; [22-18?; 7-11 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 16-20 same] 7-11 2218; 16-20 18-9; 5-14 19-16 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-16. Black win. Analysis by J. Lees]; 10-26 17-1; 26-31. Drawn. D. Oldbury v E. Frazier 1964. #1399. V1(T): . . . 26-23?(2); 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 2-7. Black Win. D. Oldbury v F. Bucklow 1953. #1400. V2(1): . . . 22-18?; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-25 [32-27 also lost: J. Buchanan v J. Horr 1905]; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-15; 11-18 26-22; 18-23 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9. Black Win. D. Oldbury v H. Burton 1974. #1401 . V3(T): 3-8(4) 32-28; 9-14 [11-16 22-18; 16-23 26-19; 8-11 into the Oldbury v Cohen game given under the Trunk, or 11-15 30-25; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 22-18; 8-11 17-14 to a narrow draw] 26-23; 11-16 19-15; 10-26 17-1; 26-31 22-17. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1981. #1402. V4(3): 9-14? 26-23; 3-7 30-26; 12-16 19-12; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 12-8; 14-18 22-15; 10-19 8-3; 7-10 3-8; 10-15 8-11 15-18; 11-16 18-23; 32-28 23-30; 16-23 24-27; 23-32; 30-26 32-27; 5-9 28-24; 2-7 24-19; 7-11 27-31!; 26-23 19-15; 11-18 17-14. White Win. M. Lieber v A. Jordan 1924. #1403. V5(T): . . . 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 3-7 31-26! [25-22? is a loss of frequent occurrence, transposing into Variation 1 after 11-15 3228; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 31-26]; 11-15 19-16! [32-28? loses: E. Bruch v R. Jones 1982]; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7;


Complete Checkers

2-11 26-23; 11-16 32-28; 15-19 23-18; 16-20 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 19-23 25-22; 23-26 14-10; 6-15 13-6!; 15-19 18-14; 26-30 22-18. Drawn. H. Freedman v R. Stewart 1900. #1404. V6(T): 8-11 [The open line] 17-13; 11-16 [3-8 transposes into the 5th note of Trunk] 24-20; 16-23 27-11; 7-16 20-11; 3-7 28-24; 7-16 22-18; 4-8 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 16-19 25-22; 8-11 22-17; 19-24 [2-7 32-27; 19-24 27-23; 11-15 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 24-28 31-27; 28-32 27-24; 32-27 24-20 is comfortable for White, while 11-15 is easily countered with 20-16] 32-28; 11-15 28-19; 15-24 26-23; 2-7 31-26 [23-19; 7-11 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 10-19 17-1. Drawn: M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928]; 7-11 20-16; 11-20 26-22; 12-16 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 16-19 18-9; 19-26. Drawn. M. Lieber v G. O’ Connor 1927. #1405. V7(T): . . . 21-17(9); 1-6 17-13 [25-21 into Trunk]; 11-16 25-21(8) [26-23; 8-11! 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 27-20; 7-16 2011; 3-7 25-21; 7-16 23-18; 4-8 22-17; 16-19 with an even position; or 27-23; 16-20 32-27; 8-11 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 11-16! 29-25; 4-8! 26-22; 8-11 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 with Black winning per J. Loy]; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 29-25 Into Trunk V8(7): . . . 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 16-23 26-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22 11-15 [3-8 is okay too] 27-23; 4-8 INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 CR (V8) V9(7): . . . 22-18(10); 15-22 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 9-13 27-23; 8-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 22-18 [23-18; 2-6 26-23 same]; 2-6 26-22 INTO Key Landing Number 13 CR V10(9): . . . 27-23 [The unusual 26-23 is best met with 1-6: Chinook v E. Lowder 1994]; 9-14 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 INTO 9-13 23-19; 6-9 (V14)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 79 (93): 10-15 23-19; 7-10 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: GAYP* GAMES: 5 Trunk: 10-15 23-19; 7-10 26-23(1); 9-14 22-17 [22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 8-11 now 23-18; 14-23 27-18 is well met with the 11-16 exchange, 22-17 with 15-18 and 30-26 with 6-9!]; 11-16 25-22; 5-9 17-13; 3-7 INTO Key Landing Number 11 V1(T): . . . 22-18(2); 15-22 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 29-25; 4-8 26-23 [25-22; 6-9 26-23; 8-12 same]; 8-12 25-22; 6-9 22-18; 1-5 30-26; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 32-28; 3-7 28-19; 7-11 20-16; 11-20 31-27 INTO 9-14 23-19; 5-9 CR (V2) V2(1): . . . 27-23[R](9); 9-14[R](7) 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 2925[R](6); 11-15 25-22[R](3); 8-11 INTO Key Landing Number 8 V3(2): . . . 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 2522; 4-8 26-23(4); 11-15 30-26; 8-12 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 6-9 17-13; 3-7 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-17. Drawn. B. Case v N. Banks 1941. #1406. V4(3): . . . 22-17; 8-12 26-23(5); 6-9 17-13; 3-7 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-17. Drawn. R. Pask v N. Wexler 1983. #1407. V5(4): . . . 32-27; 11-15 30-25; 15-19 25-22; 19-24 20-16; 12-19 27-20; 10-15 17-10; 19-23 26-19; 15-24 10-7; 3-10 20-16; 24-28 16-11; 28-32 11-7; 32-28 7-3; 10-15 3-7; 15-19 22-17; 19-23 17-14; 1-5 7-11; 23-27 31-24; 28-19 21-17; 6-9 14-10; 19-15 11-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-21. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1975. #1408. V6(2): . . . 24-20; 11-15 28-24 [29-25 into Variation 3]; 8-11 29-25; 6-9 25-22; 9-13 31-27; 3-7 INTO 9-14 24-20; 11-15 (V8) V7(2): 11-16 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 10-14 29-25; 3-7(8) 25-22; 16-20 31-27!; 8-11 19-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 24-19; 4-8 19-16; 12-19 23-16;


Complete Checkers

14-23 27-18; 20-24 28-19; 11-20 22-17; 20-24 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 19-15; 24-27 32-23; 9-14 18-9; 11-27 9-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1409. V8(7): 16-20 32-27; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 6-10 24-19 Forms Position, Diagram 107: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 107

Continue: 3-8 [9-13 18-9; 5-14 is comfortably met with 25-22; 11-15 19-16] 26-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 8-12 18-9; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 1-5 9-6; 2-9 25-22; 9-14 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 13-17 18-11; 17-26 30-23; 21-25 23-18; 25-30 18-15; 12-16 15-6; 16-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1410. V9(2): . . . 22-17(11); 9-14 [11-16 26-23; 8-11, the Dodger line, is a strong alternative] 25-22; 11-16 26-23(10) Into Trunk V10(9): . . . 27-23 INTO 9-14 23-19; 11-16 (V15) V11(9): . . . 21-17; 9-14 25-21 Into Variation 9

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 79A (94): 10-15 23-19; 11-16 POWER: [25/75] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 9 Trunk: 10-15 23-19; 11-16 19-10; 6-15 [7-14? 22-17 leads to an eventual white win] 22-18[R](1) INTO 10-14 22-17; 11-16 (T) V1(T): . . . 21-17(10); 7-10 17-13(9); 9-14 25-21(6); 16-20 29-25 [22-17; 3-7 29-25 same, or 26-23; 3-7 22-17; 8-11 29-25 same]; 3-7 22-17; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 25-22; 7-11 Forms Position, Diagram 108: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 108

Continue: . . . 24-19(2); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 13-9; 8-11 22-18; 1-6 17-13; 11-15 18-11; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 7-3; 5-14 3-8 [Against 30-26; 14-18 draws]; 6-9 13-6; 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman. #1411. V2(1): . . . 31-26(3); 4-8 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 15-19 [More clear-cut than 2-6] 17-14 [Against 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 19-24 28-19; 11-15 draws]; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 30-25; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 20-24 14-10; 24-27 10-6; 1-10 15-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1412.


Complete Checkers

V3(2): . . . 13-9(4); 1-6 17-13; 4-8 22-17; 15-19 24-15; 11-18 30-25; 18-22 25-18; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 27-18; 5-23 31-27; 12-19 27-18; 19-23 18-14; 8-12 14-7; 2-11 17-14; 11-16 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-15 6-2; 15-19. Drawn. T. Sheehan v W. Schumann (P) 1999. #1413. V4(3): . . . 23-19(5); 16-23 27-9; 20-27 32-23; 5-14 13-9; 4-8 17-13; 2-7 22-17; 15-19 23-16; 11-20 9-6; 8-11 6-2; 14-18 30-26; 18-22 26-23 [2-6 gets 11-16!]; 10-15 23-18; 22-25 18-14; 25-30 14-10; 7-14 17-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1414. V5(4): . . . 23-18 [30-25 is well met with 4-8, while 30-26? loses to 4-8]; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 4-8 30-26; 16-20 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 14-10; 7-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 15-22 26-10; 20-24! 28-19; 11-15 13-9; 15-24 9-6; 12-16 6-2; 16-20 23-19; 24-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1415. V6(1): . . . 24-20; 16-19 25-21; 3-7 27-24; 1-6 32-27 [22-17 8-11; 32-27 same]; 8-11 22-17; 12-16 27-23(7) [29-25; 4-8 27-23 same]; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 25-22 INTO 10-15 23-18; 9-14 (V13) V7(6): . . . 30-25(8) [26-22; 4-8 31-26; 8-12 30-25 same]; 4-8 2622; 8-12 31-26; 19-23 27-9; 5-14 26-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 14-23 25-22; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 23-26 20-11; 26-30 29-25; 30-26 11-8; 26-23 8-3; 19-24 28-19; 23-16 3-8; 16-11 8-3; 11-16 3-8. Drawn. A. Cook v M. Banks (P) 1994. #1416. V8(7): . . . 26-23 [No strength in this]; 19-26 30-23; 14-18 23-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 31-26; 18-23 27-18; 15-31 24-8; 4-11 28-24; 31-27 24-19; 27-23 19-16; 23-18 14-10; 7-14 16-7; 18-15 7-2. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1417. V9(1): . . . 17-14 [Gives up White’s advantage]; 9-18 24-19; 16-23 26-19; 15-24 22-6; 1-10 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 27-24; 5-9 29-25; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 3-7 23-18; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 31-27; 7-16 27-18; 9-13 25-21; 16-20 21-17; 20-27 32-23; 12-16 18-14; 10-15 23-18; 15-19 18-15; 19-23 14-9; 23-26 17-14; 26-30 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1418. V10(1): . . . 24-20(11); 16-19 27-24; 9-14 32-27 [22-17; 7-10 25-22; 3-7 17-13 into Variation 6]; 1-6 22-17; 7-10 25-22; 3-7 17-13 Into Variation 6

Richard Pask


V11(10): . . . 26-23(12); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 7-11 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 9-6; 1-10 21-17 [Wide open from here: this game is just a sample]; 8-11 29-25; 10-15 27-24; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 24-20; 4-8 32-27; 3-7 17-13; 7-10 27-23; 8-12 23-19; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 31-27; 11-15 27-24; 9-13 20-16; 22-26 30-23; 10-14 19-10; 12-26 10-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1419. V12(11): . . . 27-23(13); 8-11 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 24-19 [31-27; 16-20 29-25; 7-10 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 3-10 24-19; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 28-24; 9-13 25-22; 2-7 to a draw: WCC Platinum v KingsRow 2019]; 7-10 29-25; 1-6 25-22; 3-7 INTO 10-14 22-17; 11-16 (T) V13(12): . . . 22-17(14); 7-10 17-13; 9-14 25-22 Into Variation 1 V14(13): . . . 24-19; 15-24 27-11; 8-15 22-18 [White has a vast amount of scope] INTO 10-14 22-17; 11-16 (V23 Note)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 80 (95): 10-15 24-19; 15-24 POWER: [52/48] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 12 Trunk: 10-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19 6-10[R](5) 22-17[R](4); 9-14 [11-16 permits White equality after 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 1-6 17-13; 3-8 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 27-11; 7-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19 to a draw] 25-22; 11-15 27-24; 8-11[R](3) 23-18[R](2); 14-23 17-14; 10-17 2114; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 31-27; 5-9 [1-6 27-18; 6-9 same, or 2-6 27-18; 6-9 32-28; 9-14 18-9; 5-14; 26-23 1-6 same] 27-18; 1-5 Forms Position, Diagram 109: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 109

Continue: . . . 32-28[R](1) [With the black man on 2, 32-28 is best and 29-25 of Variation 1 is inferior; with the black man on 1, 32-28 and 29-25 are equally good; the latter having some winning chances]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 2-6 30-26; 6-9 [4-8? to a pretty white win: B. Lucas v R. Pask 1998] 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 1916; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 [9-13 16-11!; 14-18 11-7 to a similar draw: D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958] 16-11 [29-25? ; 9-13 16-11; 10-14 to an oft-registered black win: M. Tinsley v E. Fuller 1970]; 18-25 29-22; 10-14 26-23; 9-13 11-7; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11. Drawn. E. Lowder v M. Tinsley 1979. #1420.

Richard Pask


V1(T): . . . 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 2-6 25-21; 6-9 32-28; 9-13 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 . . . Drawn. Classic Late Midgame #9. V2(T): . . . 32-28; 11-16 22-18; 15-22 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 7-14 2415; 14-17 21-14; 3-7 26-17; 7-10 15-6; 2-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 19-15; 24-27 15-10; 27-32 29-25; 32-27 17-14; 27-23 25-22; 23-19 10-7; 19-15 7-2; 4-8 30-25; 8-11 25-21; 11-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Docherty 1957. #1421. V3(T): 5-9 [7-11 is also met with the 23-18 pitch, and leads to a complicated position with the strength equally divided] 17-13; 2-6 30-25; 7-11 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 [May also arise CR from an offshoot of #627!] 32-28; 3-8 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 31-26; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 1-5! 16-11; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-19 14-10; 6-15 13-6. Drawn. W. Ryan v M. Tinsley 1950. #1422. V4(T): . . . 22-18 [27-24? is inferior after M. Tinsley’s 11-16 2218; 16-20 31-27; 1-6! 25-22; 8-11]; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 27-20; 9-14 25-22; 4-8 22-18 [Against 22-17; 8-11 29-25; the unusual 3-8! is best, retaining Black’s edge]; 8-11 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 31-27; 7-11 20-16; 11-20 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 20-24 22-18; 1-6 18-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #1423. V5(T): 9-14(12) 22-18; 5-9(11) 25-22; 7-10(8) 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 14-23(7) 27-18; 3-10 21-17; 1-5(6) 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 8-11 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 4-8 32-27; 11-16 27-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 8-11 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 31-27; 11-16 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 18-15; 24-27 19-16; 27-31 23-19; 31-27 15-10. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1424. V6(5): 10-15 18-11; 8-15 26-23; 15-19! 23-16; 12-19 29-25; 4-8 17-14; 9-18 22-15; 2-7 30-26; 7-10 31-27; 6-9 15-6; 1-10. Drawn. J. Duffy v J. Bradford 1926. #1425. V7(5): 3-10 26-23; 12-16 22-17; 8-11 17-13; 16-20 32-28; 4-8 28-24; 8-12 24-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 13-6; 1-10 30-26; 11-15 26-17; 12-16 17-13; 2-6 29-25; 15-19 25-22; 19-26 27-23; 10-15 22-17; 6-10 31-22;


Complete Checkers

20-24 13-9; 15-19 23-18!; 14-23 22-18. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v W. Ryan 1925. #1426. V8(5): 6-10(10) 22-17; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 17-13; 2-6 31-27!; 8-11 29-25; 10-15(9) 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 1-5 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 20-16; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 6-10 13-9; 10-15. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Hunt 1946. #1427. V9(8): 11-15 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 21-17; 1-5 26-23; 15-19 23-14; 9-18 16-12; 19-23 25-22; 18-25 27-18; 25-29 32-28; 6-9 13-6; 10-14 18-9; 5-21. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1428. V10(8): 11-16 18-15; 7-10 22-18; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 18-15; 11-18 21-17; 14-21 23-5; 16-23 26-19; 3-7 29-25; 7-11 25-22; 11-15 27-24; 10-14 19-10; 6-15 24-19; 15-24 32-28; 24-27 31-24; 2-7 24-19; 7-11 22-17; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by A. Long. #1429. V11(5): 7-10 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V27) V12(5): 11-16 22-18; 8-11 25-22; 16-20 29-25; 11-16 18-15; 4-8 22-18; 7-10 25-22; 3-7 22-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 17-13; 7-11(13) 30-25; 11-18 26-22; 2-7 22-15; 7-11 31-26; 11-18 26-22; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 22-17; 15-19 17-10; 19-26 10-6; 1-10 27-24; 20-27 32-7. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1979. #1430. V13(12): 14-17! [Stronger] 21-14; 10-17 [Very commonly arises from the Pioneer, although unforced from there. This is an excellent example of ‘blind-spot’ strategy] 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 23-18; 16-23 15-11; 8-15 18-11; 23-26 30-23; 10-15 11-8; 12-16 23-18; 15-19 18-14; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 23-18; 27-31 14-10; 6-15 18-11; 31-26 22-18; 2-6 11-7; 6-10 8-3!; 26-23 3-8; 23-14 8-12; 16-19 12-16; 19-23 16-19; 23-26 7-2; 14-17 2-6; 10-14 6-9; 14-18 9-6; 1-10 19-24 20-27 32-7. Drawn. Analysis by J. McTeer. #1431.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 81 (96): 10-15 24-20; 6-10 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 9 Trunk: 10-15 24-20; 6-10 28-24[R](10); 1-6[R](8) 23-18(1); 12-16 32-28 [The unusual 22-17, although apparently sound, gives Black the best of it after 15-22 25-18; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 17-13; 11-16 2011; 8-22 26-17; 4-8 29-25 and now 7-10 to a draw: A. Long v E. Lowder 1982; or 7-11 to a draw: D. Lafferty v R. King 1986 and D. Lafferty v E. Lowder 1988. Also, 27-23? is a probable loser after 8-12 32-28 [22-17; 15-22 25-18; 3-8! is no better]; 3-8 22-17; 15-22 25-18; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 etc. . . ]; 10-14 27-23; 15-19 24-15; 9-13 18-9; 11-27 31-24; 5-14 20-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19 Forms Position, Diagram 110: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 110

Continue: 6-10 [7-11 26-23; 6-9 22-17; 13-22 25-18; 4-8 29-25; 2-7 25-22; 7-10 retains Black’s slight edge: M. Tinsley v E. Scheidt 1974] 19-15; 10-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 14-17; 21-14 7-10; 14-7; 2-11 23-19; 4-8 22-17; 13-22 25-18. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1953. #1432. V1(T): . . . 23-19[R] [32-28 is of course well met with 15-19 24-15;


Complete Checkers

10-19 23-16; 12-19]; 15-18 [The rare 11-16!? 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 8-11 22-17; 3-8 31-26; 9-14 26-22 gives White at least an even position] 22-15; 11-18 26-22[R](6); 7-11[R](5) 22-15; 11-18 32-28! [30-26 is well met with 8-11 32-28; 11-15!]; 3-7[R](2) 30-26 [2522; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 27-23; 9-14 and now both 30-26; 11-15 and 31-26; 11-15 result in equality]; 7-11 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 10-14 22-17; 14-18 17-13; 9-14 [The standard 2-7?! is powerfully met with 21-17!; 18-22 27-23; 22-25 19-16; 12-19 23-16 etc. . . ] 19-15; 18-23 27-9; 11-18 31-27; 5-14 24-19; 8-11 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 4-11 26-23; 18-22 27-24; 22-26 24-19; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 14-9; 23-27 9-5; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1433. V2(1): 10-14(4) 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 [3-7 30-26; 7-11 into Variation 1] 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 27-23; 9-13(3) 30-26; 6-10 23-19; 2-7 19-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 17-26 31-22. Drawn. Chinook v D. Lafferty 1994. #1434. V3(2): 6-10 23-19; 2-7 30-26; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 26-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-11 16-7; 3-10. Drawn. S. Cohen v J. Marshall 1954. #1435. V4(2): 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 30-26; 6-10 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 10-14 [Black also has 10-15] 27-23; 12-16! 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 2-6 21-17; 3-7 31-27; 16-19 17-13; 11-15 20-16; 6-10 16-11; 10-17 11-2; 18-22 27-23; 22-31 23-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1436. V5(1): 12-16 19-12 9-14; 22-15 10-28 25-22; 6-10 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 [10-15 31-27 also draws] 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 10-26 30-23; 8-11 21-17; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 17-14; 15-18 14-9; 18-27 31-24; 2-7 9-6; 7-11 6-2; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 2-6; 11-16 19-15; 16-19. Drawn. D. Oldbury v W. Edwards 1954. #1437. V6(1): . . . 32-28; 10-14 26-23(7); 8-11 30-26; 4-8 26-22; 7-10 22-15; 11-18 31-26; 2-7 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 9-13 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-11 [5-9 may be a little stronger: D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982] 22-18; 5-9 26-22; 12-16 27-24; 16-19 23-7; 3-19 24-15; 14-23 22-18; 23-26 21-17; 13-22 15-10; 6-15 18-4. Drawn. D. Oldbury v J. Marshall 1954. #1438.

Richard Pask


V7(6): . . . 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 7-11! 30-25; 9-13 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 3-7 24-19; 5-9! 26-22; 14-18 27-23; 18-27 31-24; 7-11 15-10; 6-15 19-10; 9-14 10-7; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 7-3; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 19-23 16-11; 23-26 11-7; 2-11 3-7; 26-31 7-16; 31-27 16-12 [16-11 also draws]; 27-23 12-16; 23-27 16-12. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1439. V8(T): 10-14(9) 22-18; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 25-22; 1-6 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V20) V9(8): 9-13 INTO 9-13; 24-20; 10-15 (V12) V10(T): . . . 23-18 [Both 22-17!?; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 and 21-17!?; 9-14 25-21 [Or 17-13]; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 favour Black. Also, 27-24!? may return to the Trunk after 1-6 23-18; 12-16 32-27. Finally, 23-19?!; 15-24 28-19 and 22-18!?; 15-22 25-18 and 22-18; 15-22 26-17 are all rarely seen. The last-named looks particularly interesting]; 1-6 27-23 [28-24 into Trunk]; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 32-27; 11-18 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 3-10 2016; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 27-23; 9-13 28-24; 6-9 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 22-18. Drawn. D. Lafferty v S. Weslow 1962. #1440.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 82 (97): 10-15 24-20; 7-10 POWER: [52/48] TYPE: GAYP* GAMES: 0! Trunk: 10-15 24-20; 7-10 28-24[R](4) 3-7[R](1) INTO 11-15 24-20; 8-11 (V17) V1(T): 9-13(2) 23-18; 3-7 27-23 INTO 10-15 23-18; 7-10 (V5) V2(1): 9-14(3) 22-17 INTO 9-14 24-20; 10-15 (V8) V3(2): 10-14 22-18 INTO 10-14 24-20; 7-10 (V18) V4(T): . . . 22-17(6); 3-7 17-13 [The 17-14 bust is attacked with 6-9, while the weak 25-22 gets 9-13!]; 9-14 25-22(5); 11-16 20-11; 7-16 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (V19) V5(4): . . . 28-24; 5-9 23-19 INTO 11-15 24-20; 8-11 (V17) V6(4): . . . 23-18(8); 3-7 28-24(7) INTO 11-15 24-20; 8-11 (V27) V7(6): . . . 27-23 INTO 10-15 23-18; 7-10 (T) V8(6): . . . 27-24(9); 9-13 INTO 9-13 24-20; 10-15 (V16 Note) V9(8): . . . 21-17?; 9-13! INTO 9-13 24-20; 10-15 (V16)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 83 (98): 10-15 24-20; 15-19 POWER: [53/47] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 10-15 24-20; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24[R](11); 7-10[R](10) 24-15; 10-19[R](9) 21-17[R](7); 11-15[R](6) 32-27; 6-10 17-14; 9-18 2623; 19-26 30-7; 3-10[R](5) 20-16 Forms Position, Diagram 111: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 111

Continue: 8-11(2) 16-7; 2-11 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 5-9 29-25; 4-8 27-23; 1-5 [8-12 31-27; 1-5 same] 31-27; 8-12(1) 25-21; 10-14 27-24; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 13-17 28-24; 17-22 24-19; 22-25 21-17; 14-21 23-18. Drawn. S. Cohen v A. Heffner 1927. #1441. V1(T): 11-16 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 8-12 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 14-17 [20-24 19-15; 24-27 23-19; 27-31 15-11; 31-26 19-15; 26-23 25-21. Drawn: J. Anderson v R. Pask 1984] 25-21; 20-24 21-14; 9-27 19-15; 27-31 28-19; 31-27 15-11; 27-23 19-15. Drawn. L. Levitt v D. Lafferty 1974. #1442. V2(T): 8-12[R](3) 27-24; 12-19 22-18; 15-22 24-6; 1-10 25-18; 4-8 [5-9 28-24; 2-7 29-25 [This or 31-26 is best. 24-19 draws, but gets into hot water: E. Lowder v P. McCarthy 1989]; 7-11 31-26;


Complete Checkers

10-14 26-23; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 14-23. Drawn: M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928] 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 14-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 2-6 22-17; 6-10 17-13; 11-15 19-16; 15-19. Drawn. N. Banks v G. O’Connor 1927. #1443. V3(2): 10-14(4) 16-12; 8-11 27-23; 11-16 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 14-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 1-6 22-17; 6-9 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 23-18; 24-27 17-14; 9-13 19-15; 27-31 15-10; 31-26 10-6; 2-9 14-5. Drawn. S. Cohen v S. Levy 1937. #1444. V4(3): 5-9 16-12; 8-11 27-23; 11-16 28-24; 1-6 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 16-20 29-25; 20-27 31-24; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 25-22; 10-14 22-18; 1417 18-15; 17-22 23-18. Drawn: J. Gilliland v S. Cohen 1965. #1445. V5(T): 2-11 27-23; 1-6 22-17 [25-21; 8-12 31-27; 4-8 27-24; 3-7 and now 23-18 draws, but 24-19? loses to 6-10!]; 11-16 20-11; 3-7 11-2; 8-11 [8-12 also draws] 2-9; 5-30 28-24; 4-8 23-19; 15-18 24-20; 18-23 19-16; 11-15 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 15-19 8-3; 11-15 3-7; 23-27 31-24; 19-28. Draws. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1446. V6(T): 11-16 20-11; 8-15 INTO 12-16 23-18; 16-19 (V2) V7(T): . . . 32-27(8); 9-14 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 8-12 22-17; 12-19 1710; 6-15 21-17; 5-9 25-21; 4-8 17-13! [31-27? loses to Richard Beckwith’s 9-13! 17-14; 1-5 etc. . . ]; 9-14 13-9; 14-18 29-25; 7-10 21-17; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 17-14; 10-17 9-6; 1-10 26-22; 17-26 31-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1447. V8(7): . . . 22-18 [Inferior]; 6-10 INTO 10-15 21-17; 9-13 CR (V17) V9(T): 11-18 22-15; 10-19 INTO 11-15 24-20; 15-18 (V8) V10(T): 11-15 22-18; 15-22 24-15; 7-10 25-18; 10-19 32-27; 6-10 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 10-15 22-17; 8-11 17-10; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 27-23; 24-28 23-18; 2-6 18-14; 6-15 14-10; 15-18 21-17; 28-32 17-14; 32-28 26-22; 18-25 30-21; 28-24 21-17; 24-19 10-7; 3-10 14-7; 11-15 7-2; 15-18 17-14; 18-22 14-10; 4-8 10-7; 8-12 7-3. Drawn. Chinook v D. Lafferty 1995. #1448.

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V11(T): . . . 22-18(12); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (T) V12(11): . . . 21-17 [Heavily analysed by Alf Huggins and D. Oldbury]; 11-15(14) 27-24; 7-10 17-13; 9-14 20-16(13); 2-7 22-18! [25-21; 5-9 into 1st note of Variation 13]; 14-23 25-22; 23-27! 3223; 7-11 16-7; 8-11 23-16; 11-27 31-24; 15-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 3-19. Drawn. D. Oldbury v Borchek 1981. #1449. V13(12): . . . 25-21; 2-7 32-27 [20-16; 5-9 31-27; 1-5 and now the dubious 21-17 shot may be necessary to draw, as Alf Huggins’ preferred 29-25? seems to lose by 8-11! 16-12; 14-17 21-14; 9-18]; 8-12 22-17; 4-8 29-25; 5-9 [7-11! 27-23; 12-16 25-22; 5-9 31-27; 1-5 30-25; 3-7 looks interesting] 27-23; 8-11 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 1-5 27-23; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 20-16; 11-27 28-24; 19-28 26-1. Drawn. Analysis by A. Huggins. #1450. V14(12): 9-13 [Not as strong as 11-15, but has greater utility] 17-14 INTO 9-13 23-18; 12-16 (V11)

Part 5: 11-15s

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 84 (99): 11-15 21-17; 8-11 POWER: [49/51] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 4 Trunk: 11-15 21-17; 8-11 17-13[R](6); 9-14[R](4) 22-18(3); 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 27-23; 4-8 24-20(1); 8-11 28-24 INTO 9-13 24-20; 11-15 (T) V1(T): . . . 23-19 [24-19? is inferior and possibly a loser]; 7-10 32-27(2); 8-11 27-23; 3-7 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 31-27; 15-19 27-23; 19-24 23-18; 6-9 13-6; 10-15 22-13; 15-31 6-2. Drawn. S. Cronin v J. Webster 1995. #1451. V2(1): . . . 31-27; 8-11 27-23; 3-7 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 32-28; 1-5 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19; 9-18 11-7; 17-22 7-2; 18-23. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. King 1986. #1452. V3(T): . . . 25-21[R] [23-19; 11-16 24-20 represents a mediocre Glasgow for White, since 17-13 has been committed early] INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (T) V4(T): 4-8 [11-16 24-20; 3-8 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 15-22 25-18 gives White a good centre, while 3-8 is a rarely seen alternative. Continue: . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14! [A good waiting move. Instead, 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 9-14 16-12 and White stands best] 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 29-25; 8-11 25-21 to a draw] 23-19; 1518(5) 22-15; 11-18 25-21; 7-11 [Instead, 9-14 is dubious. Continue: . . . 29-25; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 24-20; 17-21 26-23; 6-10 23-14; 10-17 27-24! [27-23; 8-11 31-26 led to white wins: R. King v Chinook 1994 and L. Levitt v H. Devlin 1995, but perhaps not forced]; 1-6 32-27; 8-11 19-16!; 12-19 24-8; 3-12 27-23 and White is very powerful. Analysis by M. Tinsley] 24-20 INTO 10-14 23-19; 14-18 (V10)


Complete Checkers

V5(4): 9-14 [Inferior, but probably sound. The play given here may be subject to improvement] 25-21; 14-18 [15-18 22-15; 11-18 into the latter note of Variation 4] 29-25; 11-16 21-17; 16-23 26-19; 5-9 17-14; 10-26 30-5; 15-18 24-20 [31-26; 7-10 13-9; 6-13 19-16; 12-19 24-6 is comfortably met with 1-10! as given in The British Draughts Player many years ago]; 7-10 31-26 Forms Position, Diagram 112: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✇❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 112

Continue: 10-14 26-22; 3-7 22-15; 7-11 27-24; 11-18 19-15; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 24-19; 22-26 28-24; 2-7 20-16; 26-31 21-17; 18-22 1511 [13-9!; 6-13 17-14; 31-26 32-28; 26-23 15-11; 8-15 19-3; 12-19 24-15; 23-18 is a neat alternative by Walter Hellman]; 8-15 19-3; 12-28. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #1453. V6(T): . . . 17-14 [A good mixer]; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 22-13; 4-8 26-23; 5-9 23-18; 15-22 25-18; 7-10 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 15-19 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-25 30-21; 1-5 [Routine from here out] 31-26; 5-14 26-22; 12-16 22-17; 14-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 8-12 23-18; 16-19 17-14; 19-23 14-9; 23-26. Drawn. D. Lafferty v J. Webster 1978. #1454.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 85 (100): 11-15 21-17; 9-13 POWER: [62/38] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 22 Trunk: 11-15 21-17; 9-13 25-21; 8-11(22) 30-25; 4-8(21) 24-19; 15-24 2819; 11-15(11) 17-14; 15-24 [10-17 21-14; 15-24 27-20 same] 27-20; 10-17 21-14; 8-11(9) 32-28; 12-16(3) 22-17; 13-22 25-18 Forms Position, Diagram 113: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 113

Continue: 6-10 [16-19 23-16; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 1-6 21-14 same] (2) 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 1-6(1) 21-14; 16-19 23-16; 6-10 28-24; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 5-9 24-19; 2-6 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 6-10 16-12!; 10-17 12-8!; 3-12 19-15. Drawn. M. Hopper v T. Wiswell 1951. (Also: E. Lowder v M. Tinsley 1979) #1455. V1(T): 2-6 21-14; 16-19 23-16; 6-10 28-24; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 5-9 22-17!; 9-13 17-14; 13-17 24-19; 1-6 16-12; 6-10 20-16!; 11-20 18-15. Drawn. P. Davis v M. Tinsley 1989. #1456. V2(T): 6-9 31-27; 1-6 29-25; 9-13 25-21; 6-9 28-24; 13-17 24-19; 17-22 26-17; 9-13 19-12; 13-22 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 22-26 21-17; 26-31 [26-30 23-18; 30-26 9-6!; 2-9 17-13; 26-23 13-6; 23-14 6-2; 7-10 2-6; 10-15 27-23; 15-18 6-9; 14-5 23-14; 5-1 14-10 is an alternative


Complete Checkers

draw] 17-13; 31-24 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 11-15 6-2; 7-10 23-19; 3-7 2-18; 24-22. Drawn. Analysis by W. Taylor. #1457. V3(T): 6-10(8) 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6(5) 29-25; 6-10 [11-15 is into Variation 5, while 12-16 25-21; 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 31-24; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 24-19; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 14-9 is easy for White] (4) 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 23-19; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 11-15 31-26; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 14-7; 3-10 26-23; 11-15 17-14. Drawn. W. Ryan v M. Tinsley 1946. #1458. V4(3): 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 31-24; 7-10 [5-9 25-22; 7-10 26-23 same] 25-22; 5-9 26-23; 10-14 24-19; 3-8 [3-7 is easy to meet] 28-24; 9-13 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 17-22 14-10; 22-26 10-7; 2631 7-2; 31-26 23-18; 26-23 18-15; 11-18 2-7; 23-16 20-4. Drawn. Analysis by H. Jackson. #1459. V5(3): 11-15(7) 29-25; 1-6(6) 23-18! [Both 23-19? and 25-21? lose]; 7-11 14-10; 13-17 [6-9 25-21; 15-19 10-6; 3-7 22-17!; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 31-27; 13-22 27-24; 2-9 24-8 is a neat alternative draw] 22-13; 15-29 10-1; 29-25 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 5-9 6-1; 25-30 26-23; 9-14 1-6; 30-25 6-9; 14-17 23-18; 17-21 9-14; 25-22 18-15; 11-18 14-23; 21-25 23-26; 22-17 20-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 31-13. Drawn. J. Smith v A. Jackson 1886. #1460. V6(5): 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 31-24; 5-9 25-21; 9-14 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 14-18 15-10; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 28-24; 22-26 24-19; 26-30 19-15 [Now identical to #490 CR!]; 30-26 15-11; 26-22 11-7; 22-18 21-17!; 18-14 17-13; 1-6 10-1; 3-10 1-5. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1461. V7(5): 2-6 29-25; 11-15 25-21; 7-11 23-19!; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 14-9; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 15-19 21-17. Drawn. R. Johnson v L. Levitt 1974. #1462. V8(3): 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 31-24; 7-10 25-22; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 29-25; 3-8 25-21; 11-15 22-17; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 19-23 10-6; 1-10 20-16; 12-19 24-6. Drawn. J. Scott v P. Ketchum 1925. #1463. V9(T): 6-9 [13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6 2-27 32-23; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 2218; 15-22 26-17 results in equality, while the immediate run-off

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with 6-10 is slightly inferior to the Trunk as White has not been forced to commit 32-28] 32-27; 9-18 22-15! [23-14? is a probable loser]; 5-9(10) 23-18; 7-11 26-23; 13-17 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 22-25! 29-22; 9-14! 17-10; 2-7 22-17; 7-21 15-10; 21-25 23-19; 25-30 27-23; 30-25 31-26; 25-30 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 30-14 7-2; 14-7 2-4. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #1464. V10(9): 1-6 [2-6 is well met with 26-22, while consideration must also be given to 7-10 15-6; 1-10] 26-22; 7-11 31-26; 11-18 22-15; 13-17 25-21; 2-7 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 8-12. Drawn. Analysis by J. Stiles. #1465. V11(T): 11-16(17) 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 8-11 [16-20 17-14; 10-17 2114; 8-11 same] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-20(16) 25-22 [Karl Albrecht’s zwischenzug with 31-26! is also worthy of attention]; 6-10 31-26; 10-17 22-13 Forms Position, Diagram 114: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 114

Continue: 2-6(14) 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 6-10 29-25; 10-15(12) 2522; 15-19 32-28; 1-6 22-17; 6-10 18-14; 19-24 28-19; 11-15 27-23; 15-24 23-19; 24-27 26-23; 27-31 23-18; 31-27 18-15; 27-24 15-6; 24-15 6-2; 15-11 2-6; 11-8 13-9; 8-11 6-10. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1970. #1466. V12(11): 10-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 11-15(13) 25-21; 15-19 [14-17 into Variation 13] 27-23; 19-24 23-19; 14-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 24-27


Complete Checkers

23-18; 27-31 18-15; 31-27 9-6; 1-10 15-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1989. #1467. V13(12): 14-17 25-21; 11-15 21-14; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 27-23!; 17-21 26-22; 21-25 23-18; 1-5 18-11; 5-14 32-27; 25-30 27-23; 30-25 22-18; 14-17 18-15. Drawn. D. Lafferty v R. Fortman 1975. #1468. V14(11): 12-16(15) 19-12; 3-8 12-3; 2-6 3-10; 6-31 32-28; 31-24 28-19 [Database draw]; 20-24 23-18; 24-27 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 27-31 18-15; 31-26 29-25; 26-23 15-11; 23-18 10-7; 18-14 7-2; 1410 11-8; 16-19 8-3; 1-6 2-9; 5-14 13-9. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1469. V15(14): 11-16 29-25; 7-10 26-22; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-21; 3-7 13-9; 7-11 22-17; 1-5 17-10; 5-14 10-7; 2-6 19-15; 11-18 7-2; 6-9 21-17; 14-21 23-5; 21-25 2-7; 25-30 7-11; 30-26 11-15; 26-31 27-23; 31-26. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Ryan 1946. #1470. V16(11): 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 16-20 29-25; 1-6 25-21; 6-9 31-26; 11-16 26-22; 2-6 22-17; 9-13 14-9; 13-22 9-2; 7-11 2-7; 3-10 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 16-23 27-18. Drawn. J. Anderson v E. Bruch 1983. #1471. V17(11): 10-15(18) 19-10; 6-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 13-22 26-17; 11-16 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 8-11 31-27; 2-6 17-13; 6-10 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1472. V18(17): 10-14(19) 17-10 6-24 27-20; 12-16 32-27; 8-12 27-24; 7-10 23-18; 10-15 22-17; 15-22 25-18; 13-22 26-17; 1-6 31-26; 6-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 26-23; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 24-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1473. V19(18): 5-9 [6-9 grants White equality after the 17-14 doubleexchange] 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 27-23; 16-20 [8-11 32-27; 16-20 same] 32-27; 8-11 22-17; 13-22 25-18; 11-16(20) 29-25; 1-5 26-22; 6-9 25-21; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 14-18 22-15; 9-14 15-11; 14-18 23-14; 16-32 10-7; 20-24 14-10; 32-27 7-3; 27-23 3-8. Drawn. J. Smith v A. Jackson 1886. #1474. V20(19): 6-10 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 11-16 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10

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26-22; 2-6 22-17; 6-9 17-13; 1-6 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 14-18 23-5; 16-32. Drawn. J. Smith v A. Jackson 1886. #1475. V21(T): 5-9 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19 Into Variation 19 V22(T): 5-9[R](23) INTO 9-13 21-17; 5-9 (T) V23(22): 6-9(24) INTO 9-13 21-17; 6-9 (T) V24(23): 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-14; 8-11 22-18; 6-9 27-24; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 24-15; 9-18 28-24; 16-19 24-20; 1-6 29-25; 4-8 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 31-26; 8-11 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 25-22; 3-8 20-16; 15-19 16-12; 19-26 12-3. Drawn. L. Ginsberg v S. Gonotsky 1925. #1476.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 86 (101): 11-15 21-17; 9-14 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 0! Trunk: 11-15 21-17; 9-14 25-21 [I once mentioned to Hugh Devlin that this ballot appeared to have no life of its own. He disagreed most emphatically! Continue . . . 17-13?!; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 13-9!?; 6-13 27-24; 19-23 [Best?] 26-19; 8-11 and it’s a crossboard artist’s dream!] INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (T)

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Ballot Number 87 (102): 11-15 21-17; 15-19 POWER: [40/60] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 13 Trunk: 11-15 21-17; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24[R](12); 7-10 24-15; 10-19 32-27[R](8); 3-7[R](7) 22-18[R](6); 6-10 25-21[R](3); 8-11 [1-6 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 same, while the 10-15 defence is open to question. Continue . . . 18-11; 8-15 17-13; 4-8 13-6; 1-10 21-17!; 5-9 29-25!; 9-14 25-21; and now 8-12? loses to 27-23!: E. Lowder v Chinook 1992, while 2-6 27-24; 8-12 may just hold up] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 27-24[R](1); 11-15 18-11; 9-18 24-15; 7-16 15-11 Forms Position, Diagram 115: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 115

Continue: 6-10! 29-25; 5-9! 31-27 [28-24; 10-15 31-27 same]; 10-15 28-24; 9-13! 26-23; 18-22! 25-18; 15-22 [Database draw] 23-18; 13-17 18-14; 17-21 14-10 22-25; 10-7 25-29; 7-3 29-25; 3-8 16-19 24-15; 2-7 11-2; 4-18. Drawn. E. Frazier v W. Hellman 1967. #1477. V1(T): . . . 29-25; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 27-24(2); 9-18 24-15; 4-8 25-21 [28-24; 16-19 24-20; 18-23 20-16; 8-12 15-11; 6-10 11-8; 10-15 8-3; 23-27 31-24 19-28 16-11 is an alternative draw by Hellman]; 8-12


Complete Checkers

31-27; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 28-24; 9-14 24-20; 16-19 21-17; 14-21 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 21-25 14-10. Drawn. L. Levitt v C. Binsack 1950. #1478. V2(1): . . . 26-22; 9-18 22-15; 4-8 25-22; 2-7 22-17; 7-11 17-14; 11-18 27-23; 19-26 31-15. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1479. V3(T): . . . 18-15(5); 1-6 25-21(4); 8-12 29-25; 4-8 17-13; 9-14 27-23 [25-22; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 7-11 26-17; 11-18 27-24; 18-23 24-15; 6-10 14-7; 2-18 is a good draw by Moiseyev]; 5-9 23-16; 10-19 25-22; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 31-27; 8-11 22-17; 11-20 17-13; 7-11 13-6; 11-16 27-23; 10-15 26-22; 19-26 30-23; 15-19. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1963. #1480. V4(3): . . . 17-13; 9-14 25-22; 5-9 29-25; 7-11 27-24; 11-18 22-15; 14-18 24-20; 18-23 25-22; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 22-18; 10-14 26-22; 610 13-6; 2-9 20-16; 11-20 18-15; 23-27 15-6; 19-23 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. M. Tinsley v G. Bass 1948. #1481. V5(3): . . . 17-14; 10-17 27-24; 1-6 24-15; 17-22 26-17; 7-10 30-26; 10-19 25-21; 9-13 17-14; 8-11 31-27; 13-17 27-24; 17-22 26-17; 19-23 24-19; 23-26 19-15; 26-31 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 31-26 24-19; 2622 19-15; 22-13 15-8; 13-17. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1482. V6(T): . . . 27-24 [Easy for Black after this]; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 22-18 [31-27; 9-14 17-10; 6-15 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 to a draw: W. Hellman v P. Semple 1952]; 6-10 25-21 [17-14; 10-17 26-22; 1726 30-16; 8-12 16-11 offers White nothing: M. Loew v E. Lowder 1972]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 31-27; 8-11 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 11-20 26-23; 7-11 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 23-19; 24-27 19-16; 1-6 16-11; 14-18 22-15; 10-19 17-14; 27-31 11-7; 6-10 7-3; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. W. Hellman v D. Lafferty 1964. #1483. V7(T): 2-7!? [No doubt sound, but introduces problems of its own] 25-21; 7-10 22-18; 10-14 17-10; 6-22 26-17; 8-11 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 11-15 17-13; 9-14 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 22-15; 5-9 13-6; 1-26 31-22. Drawn. KingsRow v Nemesis 2002. #1484. V8(T): . . . 22-18; 6-10 25-21(10); 10-15 18-11; 8-15 29-25(9); 3-7

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25-22; 7-10 17-13; 9-14 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 4-8 31-27; 8-11 28-24; 1-6 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 32-27; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 2723; 11-16 24-20; 15-19 20-11; 19-26. Drawn. P. Thompson v R. Fortman (P) 1962. #1485. V9(8): . . . 32-27; 4-8 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 8-12 27-24; 2-6 17-13; 7-10 31-27; 9-14 27-23; 5-9 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 15-18 24-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 21-17. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Frazier 1967. #1486. V10(8): . . . 17-14(11); 10-17 26-23; 19-26 31-6; 1-10 25-22; 5-9 30-26; 8-11 29-25; 10-15 26-23; 9-13 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 18-14; 8-12 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 12-16 25-22; 16-19 15-10. Drawn. R. Fortman v P. Thompson (P) 1962. #1487. V11(10): . . . 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 14-23 31-27; 1-10 27-18; 10-15 18-11; 8-15 25-22; 3-7 29-25; 7-10 32-27; 4-8 27-24; 5-9 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-14 25-21; 8-12 22-17; 2-7 17-13; 15-18 23-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 24-15. Drawn. D. Lafferty v E. Fuller 1969. #1488. V12(T): . . . 22-18(13) INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-19 (V7) V13(12): . . . 17-14(14); 9-18 22-15; 7-11 27-24; 11-18 24-15; 5-9 28-24; 8-12 24-19; 4-8 31-27; 2-7 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 9-14 30-25; 7-11 27-24; 11-18 22-15; 14-17 25-21; 3-7 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 19-15; 17-21 26-22; 21-25 22-18; 25-30 18-14; 7-11 15-10; 12-16 10-7; 16-19 24-15; 11-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #1489. V14(13): . . . 25-21 [Soft] INTO 11-15 22-17; 15-19 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 88 (103): 11-15 22-17; 8-11 POWER: [53/47] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 3 Trunk: 11-15 22-17; 8-11 23-19[R](1) into 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (T) V1(T): . . . 17-14(4); 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 26-23(2); 16-19 23-16; 11-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 30-26; 9-18 26-23; 1-6 23-14; 6-9 31-26; 9-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14 Forms Position, Diagram 116: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 116

Continue: 2-6 [4-8 25-22; 8-12 29-25; 7-11 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 12-16 26-22; 16-19 22-17; 19-23 14-10; 23-26 17-13; 26-30 25-21. Drawn: D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1974] 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 22-18; 6-10 25-22; 10-17 22-13; 7-10 26-22; 3-8 22-17; 8-12 18-14; 11-15 14-7; 15-24. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Ryan 1946. #1490. V2(1): . . . 25-22(3); 4-8 29-25 [24-19; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 into Variation 3]; 6-9 24-19 [26-23?!; 9-18 23-14; 1-6 to a black win: D. Oldbury v E. Lowder 1979]; 16-23 27-18; 8-12 28-24; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 32-28; 1-6 14-10; 7-23 28-24; 19-28 26-1; 9-13 25-21; 28-32 30-26; 32-28 22-17; 13-22 26-17 [Database draw]; 28-24 17-13; 24-19 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 19-15 6-2; 5-9 2-6 [21-17 is easier]; 9-13

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[Against 9-14 31-27! draws] 31-27; 3-8 27-24; 8-12 6-9; 15-18 9-5; 18-14 24-19; 11-15 19-10; 14-7 5-9; 7-11 9-14; 11-15 21-17; 13-22 14-18. Drawn. R. Stewart v W. Beattie 1894. #1491. V3(2): . . . 24-19; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 25-22 [1) . . . 25-21; 1-6 31-26; 4-8 29-25 and now 11-16 is an improvement over 15-18 to a draw: M. Hopper v T. Wiswell 1951, while 2) . . . 27-23; 1-6 32-27; 4-8 30-26; 15-19 23-16; 11-20 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 gives Black a comfortable position]; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 [1-6 and the run-off is also quite good for Black, as in the King-Francis WCM 2003] 31-26; 12-16 25-21; 1-6 22-17; 15-18 30-25; 16-19 17-13; 11-16 21-17; 6-10 25-21; 18-22 27-24; 22-31 24-6; 2-18 32-27; 31-24 28-12. Drawn. Analysis by J.McKerrow. #1492. V4(1): . . . 17-13; 9-14 25-22 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 89 (104): 11-15 22-17; 9-13 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 9 Trunk: 11-15 22-17; 9-13 24-20[R](1) INTO 9-13 24-20; 11-15 (T) V1(T): . . . 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 23-19(5) [INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V21)] 15-18 26-23(4); 13-17 19-15 [31-26; 17-21 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-16 22-17; 4-8 14-10 [24-20 gets 5-9! in reply]; 6-15 1910; 7-14 17-10; 8-11 24-20; 5-9 28-24; 9-13 23-18; 2-6 18-14; 6-15 14-10; 16-19 32-28; 19-23! 26-19; 13-17 to a draw is an interesting alternative]; 4-8 24-19; 6-9 28-24; 9-13 24-20(2); 2-6 32-28; 17-21 28-24 Forms Position, Diagram 117: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✇ ❜❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 117

Continue: 6-10 15-6; 1-17 23-14; 11-15 19-10; 17-22 25-18; 5-9 14-5; 7-32 31-27; 32-23 24-19; 23-16 20-4; 12-16 5-1; 16-19 1-6; 1923 6-10; 23-27 10-15; 27-31 15-18; 31-27 29-25; 13-17 25-22; 17-26 30-23; 21-25. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Lowder 1958. #1493. V2(1): . . . 25-21; 2-6 32-28(3); 17-22 15-10; 6-15 19-10; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 14-9; 5-14 10-7; 3-10 21-17; 14-21 23-7; 1-6 7-3; 6-10 27-23; 10-14 3-7; 11-15 19-10; 8-11 7-16; 12-26 30-23. Drawn. Analysis by A. Anderson. #1494.

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V3(2): . . . 30-25; 17-22 21-17; 6-9 24-20; 1-6 32-28; 12-16 19-12; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 12-3; 26-30 25-21; 11-15 3-7; 22-26 31-22; 18-25 29-22; 6-10 7-14; 9-25 17-14; 30-26 14-10 [Not 27-24?]; 26-22 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by J. Drummond. #1495. V4(1): . . . 19-15 [24-20 is my preference, and is shown from the other ballot]; 4-8 24-19; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 13-17 27-23; 2-6 23-18; 17-21 26-23; 11-16 32-27; 16-20 18-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 12-16 19-3; 10-26. Drawn. P. McCarthy v D. Oldbury 1988. #1496. V5(1): . . . 24-19(8); 15-24 28-19; 11-16 25-21(7) 6-9 29-25; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 26-19(6); 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 [13-17 31-26; 12-16 to a draw: D. Lafferty v Chinook 1995] 27-23; 16-20 31-27; 13-17 30-26; 1-6 19-16 [Not 18-15? of course!]; 12-19 23-16; 6-9 18-15; 9-18 21-14; 7-11 15-8; 3-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 20-24 1410; 24-27 26-22; 27-31 22-17; 31-27 17-13; 27-23 10-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by W. Payne! #1497. V6(5): . . . 27-18; 12-16 26-23; 4-8 32-27; 16-19 23-16; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 18-15; 16-19 31-26; 12-16 25-22; 3-7 15-10; 5-9 14-5; 7-14 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 16-20 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 17-22 23-19; 22-26 1915; 26-31 15-10; 31-24 21-17. Drawn. M. Tinsley v J. Caldwell 1977. #1498. V7(5): . . . 25-22; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 1-6 21-14; 6-10 30-25; 10-17 25-21; 2-6 21-14; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 4-8 27-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 31-24 [32-23 also draws]; 8-11 24-20; 12-16 19-12; 10-15 17-13; 15-22 13-9; 7-10 14-7; 5-14 7-2; 22-26 32-27; 26-31 27-24; 31-27 24-19; 27-24 19-16; 11-15. Drawn. R. King v D. Oldbury 1992. #1499. V8(5): . . . 25-21; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 26-22 [29-25; 6-9 26-22 same]; 6-9 29-25; 9-18 22-15; 5-9 25-22; 1-6 27-24(9); 16-20 23-18; 20-27 31-24; 7-10 15-11; 8-15 18-11; 9-14 24-20; 3-7 11-8; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 30-23; 13-17 23-18; 6-9 8-3; 7-10 20-16; 17-21 16-11; 12-16 19-12; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1500.


Complete Checkers

V9(8): . . . 15-10!; 7-14 27-24; 6-10 24-20; 8-11 22-18; 13-17 30-26; 3-7 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 9-13 18-9; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 16-20 9-5; 20-24 23-18; 24-27 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 27-31 5-1; 31-27 1-5; 14-18 22-15; 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1501.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 90 (105): 11-15 22-17; 15-18 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 11-15 22-17; 15-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14(6); 10-17 21-14; 8-11 2420(4); 6-9 28-24(3); 3-8 26-23 [24-19; which was played by the late, great Elbert Lowder on several occasions, offers White nothing after the 11-16 break]; 1-6 30-26(1); 9-13 26-22; 6-9 22-15; 11-18 24-19 Forms Position, Diagram 118: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 118

Continue: 7-11 32-28; 18-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 28-24; 9-18 23-14; 13-17 24-20; 17-21 14-10; 21-25 20-16; 25-30 27-24; 22-26 31-22; 30-26 22-17; 26-22 17-13; 22-18 29-25; 18-14 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 14-10 6-2; 10-15 19-10; 12-28. Drawn. A. Huggins v D. Oldbury 1961. #1502. V1(T): . . . 32-28(2); 18-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 30-26; 9-18 23-14; 6-9 26-17; 9-18 29-25; 7-10 24-19; 5-9 27-23; 18-27 31-24; 9-13 25-22; 4-8 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 2-9 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 11-15 19-10; 9-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Fraser 1952. #1503. V2(1): . . . 23-19; 18-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 30-25; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 25-18; 4-8 32-23; 8-11 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 16-19 24-15; 7-16


Complete Checkers

15-11; 2-7 11-2; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 2-9; 5-23. Drawn. M. Tinsley v J. Marshall 1957. #1504. V3(T): . . . 26-23; 3-8 23-19 [28-24 into Trunk]; 18-22 25-18; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 30-25; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 25-18; 4-8 32-23; 8-11 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 2-6 11-2; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 2-9; 5-23. Drawn. W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1965. #1505. V4(T): . . . 24-19; 11-16 26-23; 4-8 28-24; 16-20 31-26; 6-9 3228(5); 7-11! 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 3-17 25-22; 18-25 29-6; 1-10 24-19; 8-12 26-23; 2-7 30-26; 10-14 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 16-12; 7-10 12-8; 10-14 8-3; 14-17 26-23; 18-22 23-18. Drawn. W. Fraser v R. Fortman 1958. #1506. V5(4): . . . 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18! 19-15; 12-16 23-19; 16-23 1511; 8-15 25-22; 18-25 27-11; 20-27 30-21; 9-18 32-14; 2-6 29-25; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 11-7; 14-17 21-14; 1-6 10-1; 3-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1507. V6(T): . . . 24-20(7); 8-11 28-24; 3-8 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-9 Into Trunk V7(6): . . . 24-19(8); 8-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14 Into Variation 4 V8(7): . . . 26-23[R](15); 6-9 [8-11? 23-14; 6-9 30-26; 9-18 26-22! to a white win] 23-14; 9-18 30-26[R](14); 1-6 26-23[R](13); 6-9 [8-11 23-14; 6-9 31-26; 9-18 same] 23-14; 9-18 31-26; 8-11 [2-6? is powerfully met with 17-13!; 8-11 26-23; 10-14 25-22; 18-25 29-22 etc . . . ] 26-23; 2-6[R](12) 23-14; 6-9 24-19(10); 9-18 17-14 [25-22; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 22-18; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 27-18; 9-13 17-14; 3-8 14-10; 11-15 18-11; 8-15. Drawn: D. Lafferty v H. Kelley 1995]; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 4-8 27-24(9); 10-14 24-20; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 20-16; 18-23. Drawn. R. Fortman v E. Whiting (P) 1959. #1508. V9(8): . . . 27-23; 11-16 28-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 32-23; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 12-16 15-10; 8-11 22-18; 14-17 10-7; 16-19 23-16; 11-20. Drawn. R. Gould v W. Hellman 1934. #1509. V10(8): . . . 17-13[R](11); 9-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 4-8 24-19; 11-16 27-23; 8-11 28-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 32-23; 10-14! 18-9;

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5-14 22-18 [Nothing better]; 7-10 18-9; 11-15 9-6; 15-24 23-18; 3-7 6-1; 7-11 1-6; 10-15 18-14. Drawn. J. Francis v D. Lafferty 1995. #1510. V11(10): . . . 24-20; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 23-18; 15-22 25-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 17-10; 7-14 29-25; 14-18 28-24; 3-8 24-19; 8-11 19-15; 18-23 15-8; 4-11. Drawn. R. Fortman v W. Fraser 1958. #1511. V12(8): 10-14 17-10; 7-14 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 3-7 22-17 [Stronger than 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 [10-15 is a good alternative] 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 6-10 14-7; 16-19 24-15; 11-27. Drawn: J. Marshall v M. Tinsley 1957]; 7-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 32-27; 69 24-20; 16-19 14-10; 19-23 27-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1512. V13(8): . . . 25-22! [A computer cook, leading to a strange Black development. There is plenty of scope here!]; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 4-8 17-13; 2-6 31-26 [2117 also has merit]; 11-16 24-19; 16-20 23-18; 20-24 21-17; 8-11 18-14; 11-16 26-23; 7-11 14-7; 3-10 23-18; 16-23 28-19; 23-26 18-14; 11-15 14-7; 15-24 7-2; 6-10 2-7; 10-15 17-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1513. V14(8): . . . 31-26; 2-6 [Although 1-6 may draw, either this or 8-11 is best: 8-11 26-23; 1-6 23-14; 6-9 30-26; 9-18 26-23; 2-6 same] 26-23; 6-9 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 8-11 26-23; 1-6 Into Variation 8 V15(8): . . . 17-13; 8-11 [Good ‘blind spot’ tactics on White’s part, inasmuch as Black has been forced into a line he might have thought he didn’t need to know. Namely, the transposition into 11-15 22-17; 8-11; 17-13; 15-18 [9-14 simpler] 23-14; 9-18 same: the Maid of the Mill. Obviously, in theory Black is favoured. However, if Black knows nothing about the line and White knows a lot, then in practice things may well work out differently!] 2420(17); 4-8 21-17; 10-15 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 23-18; 7-10 27-23; 5-9 32-27(16); 3-7 28-24; 1-5 24-19; 9-14; 18-9; 5-21 23-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 30-26; 9-13 26-17; 13-22 27-24; 21-25 18-15; 11-18


Complete Checkers

31-26; 22-31 29-6; 7-11 6-2; 31-26 2-7; 11-15 19-10; 8-11 7-16; 12-28. Drawn. W. Beattie v R. Martins 1880. #1514. V16(15): . . . 30-25; 1-5 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 11-15 32-27; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 [Or 8-11 20-16. Drawn: Analysis by J. Lees] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 29-25 [13-9 also draws]; 22-29 19-16; 12-19 27-23 19-26 31-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1515. V17(15): . . . 21-17; 10-15 25-21; 4-8 26-23; 18-22 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-16 27-24!; 16-20 30-25; 20-27 25-18; 8-11 31-24; 7-10 18-14; 3-7 29-25!; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 32-23; 5-9 23-18; 1-5 24-20; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 10-19 17-3. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #1516.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 91 (106): 11-15 22-17; 15-19 POWER: [52/48] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 10 Trunk: 11-15 22-17; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22[R](14); 811[R](12) 27-23[R](8); 4-8[R](4) 23-16; 11-20 22-18[R](3); 8-11 [A good waiting move, forcing White to break his position. Instead, the immediate 9-14 permits absolute equality] 32-27; 9-14 18-9 [17-10? as per Basic Checkers is not recommended!]; 6-22 26-17; 5-9 [11-15 29-25; 5-9 same] 29-25; 11-15 [7-10 25-22; 11-15 same or 7-10 25-22; 9-14 30-26; 11-15 same] 25-22[R](2); 7-10 30-26 Forms Position, Diagram 119: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 119

Continue: 9-14[R](1) 26-23; 3-7 [2-7 runs similarly] 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 17-13; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 14-18 22-17; 18-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 19-15; 23-27 24-19; 27-31 14-9; 31-26 9-6; 1-10 15-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1517. V1(T): 3-7 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 14-18 22-17; 1-5 9-6!; 2-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 9-6; 7-10 6-2; 18-22 2-7; 10-14 7-10; 22-25 10-19; 25-30 26-23; 17-22. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1518


Complete Checkers

V2(T): . . . 30-26 [Holding back 25-22]; 7-10 26-23 [Ditto]; 9-14 23-19 [Ditto]; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 17-13; 14-18 19-16; 10-14 31-26; 7-10 13-9; 10-15 26-22; 15-19 22-15; 14-18 9-6; 1-10 15-6; 19-24 27-23; 18-27. Drawn. Colossus v Chinook 1993. #1519. V3(T): . . . 29-25; 7-10 31-27; 10-15 17-13; 9-14 22-17; 6-10 2623; 2-6 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 8-12 17-10; 6-15 21-17; 12-16 [3-7 17-14; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 19-15; 1-6 28-24; 22-26 1511; 7-16 14-9; 5-14 24-19; 16-23 27-2. Drawn: E. Lowder v D. Oldbury 1979] 17-14; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 18-15; 23-26 14-10; 3-8 28-24; 26-31 13-9; 5-14 24-19; 16-23 27-9. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1520. V4(T): 11-16(5) 17-13; 9-14 22-18; 5-9 29-25; 4-8 31-27; 7-10 [7-11 21-17; 14-21 18-15; 11-18 23-5 is about even] 18-15; 2-7 [1-5? loses to 15-11!; 8-15 25-22] 25-22; 7-11 30-25; 11-18 22-15; 16-20 23-16; 10-19 25-22; 20-24! 27-20; 1-5 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 8-11 16-7; 3-17 21-14; 18-23 14-10; 6-15 13-6; 23-30 6-2; 15-18 2-7; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #1521. V5(4): 6-10 23-16; 11-20 22-18; 1-6(7) 17-13; 4-8 [7-11 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-12 26-23; 3-7 same] 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 3-8! [Better than 10-15 26-23; 7-10 31-27; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 28-24: shown under the 9-14s via the Variation 7 route] 26-23; 8-12 32-27 [31-27 has merit]; 10-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 7-10 [11-16 18-11; 16-20 24-19; 7-16 21-17; 20-24 23-18; 16-23 28-19 also draws] 24-20; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 15-18(6) 23-19; 18-22 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 10-19 17-1. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982. #1522. V6(5): 2-7 [12-16 is easily met with 28-24] 28-24; 15-18 23-19; 11-15 20-16; 18-23 24-20; 15-24 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 14-18 11-7; 1822 7-2; 22-26 2-9; 10-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1523. V7(5): 9-14 [2-6?! 17-13; 7-11 32-27; 3-8 26-23; 10-15 30-25; 15-22 25-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 21-17! leads to a white win] 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 INTO 9-14 22-18; 11-16 (V8) V8(T): . . . 30-25(11); 4-8 22-18; 11-16 17-14 [27-23; 8-12 17-14 same or 25-22; 8-12 27-23; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 17-14 same]; 8-12

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27-23; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 9-13 29-25(9); 6-9 31-27 Forms Position, Diagram 120: BTP Diagram 120

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ Continue: 1-6 27-23; 3-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 7-11 237; 2-11 21-17; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 22-15; 13-31. Drawn. Analysis by A. Anderson. #1524. V9(8): . . . 31-27(10); 6-9 27-23!? [29-25 into Variation 8]; 3-8 2316; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 20-24 19-15; 24-27 21-17; 27-31 29-25; 31-27 25-21; 27-24 15-10; 7-11 10-6; 1-10 14-7; 11-16 7-3; 24-27 3-8; 16-20 8-11; 20-24 11-15; 24-28 23-19; 27-23 19-16; 23-30 16-11; 28-32 15-19; 32-27 11-8; 2-7 19-23; 27-31 23-26 [8-3? loses to 30-25!]; 30-14 17-3. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958. #1525. V10(9): . . . 32-27; 6-9 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 1-6 29-25; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 18-15; 9-14 15-11; 6-10 11-8; 2-7 8-3; 5-9 3-8; 10-15 8-3; 7-11 3-8 [3-7 also draws]; 14-18 21-17; 18-23 17-14; 23-30 14-5; 30-21 22-18; 15-22 8-24. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1526. V11(8): . . . 22-18 [Inferior]; 9-14 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 11-15 INTO 10-15 22-17; 9-13 CR (V13) V12(T): 9-14(13) 17-10; 6-15 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V28) V13(12): 9-13 [7-10 [Inferior] 27-24; 8-12 [9-14 is no better]


Complete Checkers

24-15; 10-19 32-27; 3-7 22-18 favours White] INTO 11-15 21-17; 9-13 (V24) V14(T): . . . 26-22 8-12 22-18; 4-8 30-26; 12-16 Into Variation 8

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 92 (107): 11-15 22-18; 15-22 POWER: [55/45] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 24 Trunk: 11-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 12-16[R](18) 29-25[R](15); 9-13[R](9) 18-14[R](6); 10-17 21-14; 16-20 23-18; 6-10[R](5) 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6[R](2) 26-23; 13-17 [6-9 24-19; 8-11 [1-6 into Variation 2 2nd note] 31-26!; 13-17 19-15; 4-8 into Variation 1 1st note] 31-26 Forms Position, Diagram 121: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 121

Continue: 7-11[R](1) 23-19 [24-19? would be hasty!]; 3-7 [The 11-16 shot offers Black nothing] 19-15 [26-22?; 17-26 30-23; 8-12 19-15; 5-9!! is an astonishing black win]; 8-12 [6-10? 15-6; 1-10 24-19; 8-12 27-23! leads to a white win] 15-8; 4-11 24-19; 6-10 28-24 [27-23 is well met with 1-6 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 6-9 to a draw]; 11-16 [1-6? loses quickly to 32-28!] 18-15; 16-23 15-6; 1-10 27-18 [26-19? is, of course, fatal]; 20-27 32-23; 17-21 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 10-15 9-6; 7-11 6-2; 11-16 2-7; 16-20 7-11; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 26-22; 19-24. Drawn. A. Heffner v R. Stewart 1905. #1527. V1(T): 6-9 [8-11 24-19; 4-8 19-15; 6-9 23-19; 17-22 26-17; 9-13 19-16!; 13-22 16-12; 1-6 27-23 is easy for White, while 8-12 24-19;


Complete Checkers

4-8 28-24; 8-11 [17-21? may lose to 32-28!] 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 3-12 32-28 or 24-19 is about even] 24-19; 9-13 19-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 22-26 23-18; 26-31 30-25; 31-24 28-19; 1-6 9-2; 7-10 15-6; 3-7 2-11; 8-29. Drawn. H. Hutzler v J. Denvir 1900. #1528. V2(T): 1-6 [13-17 24-19; 1-6 27-23; 8-11 31-27 same] 26-23; 1317 [6-9 24-19!; 2-6 18-15; 9-18 23-14; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 30-25 is comfortable for White] 31-26; 8-11(3) 24-19; 4-8 28-24; 8-12 1915; 3-8 23-19; 11-16 26-22; 16-23 [17-26 30-23; 6-10 [Not 7-10?] to an easy draw] 22-13; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 24-19; 5-9 30-25; 11-16 25-22; 23-26 27-23; 26-31 32-27; 31-24 15-10; 6-15 18-4; 24-15 13-6. Drawn. D. Oldbury v L. Levitt 1976. #1529. V3(2): 17-21 18-15!; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 26-22; 6-9 22-17; 9-18 23-14; 11-15 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 3-8 30-26; 21-25(4) 26-23; 25-30 23-19; 30-26 10-7; 2-11 19-10 11-15 10-7; 26-31 7-3; 8-12 3-7; 15-18 7-11; 31-26 24-19; 18-22 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 32-16. Drawn. W. Beattie v J. Richmond 1891. #1530. V4(3): 5-9 [Not as strong as 21-25, but interesting] 26-23; 21-25 10-6; 25-30 6-1; 30-26; 1-5 26-19; 5-14 2-7; 14-18 15-22; 24-15 22-26; 27-24 20-27; 32-23. Drawn. Chinook v Colossus 1993. #1531. V5(T): 8-11 24-19; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 31-27; 11-16 25-22; 6-9 19-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 18-15; 9-14 15-11; 5-9 11-8; 1-5 8-3!; 14-18 22-15; 2-7 3-10; 19-24 28-19; 9-14 10-17; 13-31 32-28; 31-24 23-18; 16-23 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by J. Cox. #1532. V6(T): . . . 24-19; 16-20 26-22(8); 5-9 21-17; 8-12 25-21; 4-8 30-26; 1-5 28-24; 8-11 32-28; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 24-8(7); 3-12 23-19; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-8; 14-18 22-15; 13-31 15-11. Drawn. Analysis by A. Schaefer & C. Kelly. #1533. V7(6): . . . 23-16; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 19-16; 3-7 26-23; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 14-18 23-14; 15-18 22-15; 10-28 14-9; 13-22 9-2; 7-10 2-7; 10-15 7-10; 15-19 10-15; 19-24. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1534. V8(6): . . . 28-24; 8-11 19-16; 4-8 16-12 [25-22; 5-9 32-28; 10-14

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30-25; 6-10 18-15; 10-19 24-15; 11-18 22-15; 13-17! favours Black]; 11-16 26-22; 8-11 31-26; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 6-9 24-19 [26-22; 7-10 24-19 same]; 7-10 26-22; 2-7 18-15; 11-18 22-6; 1-10 25-22; 7-11 22-18; 13-17 30-26; 9-13 18-9; 11-15 21-7; 15-31 7-2; 31-22 32-28; 13-17 9-6; 17-21 6-1; 21-25 1-6; 25-30 2-7; 3-10 6-15; 30-26 15-19. Drawn. W. Jackson v J. Wyllie 1870. #1535. V9(T): 10-14(14) 24-19; 16-20 [The 7-10 shot is, of course, terrible for Black, but it was favoured by one of the early computer programs] 28-24[R](13); 8-11 [6-10 19-16!; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 same] (12) 19-16 [19-15?!; 4-8 24-19; 20-24 [9-13 is stronger] 27-20; 9-13 18-9; 11-27 32-23; 5-14 26-22 rapidly led to a drawn conclusion: T. Wiswell v W. Fraser 1956]; 4-8 [6-10 25-22; 4-8 [9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 4-8 16-12 into later note] same] 25-22 [White doesn’t commit 16-12 until 6-10 is played. Instead, 26-22; 6-10 24-19; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 favours Black]; 6-10 16-12; 11-16 [9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 11-16 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 23-18 is about even] 22-17; 9-13(10) 18-9; 5-14 [13-22 first is inferior; permitting White additional attacking options] 23-19; 16-23 27-9; 20-27 32-23; 13-22 26-17; 10-15 17-13; 8-11 30-26; 11-16 26-22; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 22-17; 16-20 18-15; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 12-8; 3-12 15-10; 7-14 17-10; 27-31 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 31-26 6-2; 26-22 2-7; 12-16 10-6; 1-10 7-14. Drawn. T. Wiswell v W. Fraser 1956. #1536. V10(9): 8-11 17-13; 10-15(11) 13-6; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 30-25; 1-10 25-22; 5-9 24-19; 11-15 [2-7 22-18; 10-15! also draws] 32-28; 1524 28-19; 2-7 22-18; 7-11 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 19-16; 20-27 16-7; 27-31 7-2; 31-26 2-6; 26-19 6-24; 14-23 21-17; 23-26. Drawn. Analysis by J. McCourt. #1537. V11(10): 14-17 13-6; 2-9 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 1-6 26-23; 17-21 31-26; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 23-19; 16-23 27-9; 20-27 32-23; 10-15 9-6; 15-19 23-16; 11-20. Drawn. Analysis by J. Drummond. #1538. V12(9): 8-12 26-22; 4-8 31-26 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V19) V13(9): . . . 18-15 [Obtaining complications. Instead, 25-22; 6-10 presents White with four major options: 1) 19-16; 8-12 27-24;


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20-27 31-24; 12-19 24-6; 1-10 favouring Black; 2) 28-24; 8-12 32-28; 1-6 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 12-16 22-17; 6-10 15-6; 16-19 2316!? [17-10; 7-14 23-16; 14-32 and Black is strong]; 14-32 17-13; 32-27 to a draw: R. King v A. Moiseyev 2000; 3) 22-17; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 26-17; 5-14 23-18! [An excellent finesse]; 14-23 27-18; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 31-27; 8-11 27-18; 11-16 32-27; 16-19 27-23 [30-26? should have led to a black win: T. Wiswell v W. Fraser 1956] to a simple draw; 4) 18-15; 14-18 15-6; 18-25 21-17; 1-10 30-21; 9-13 28-24! [23-18?; 13-22 26-17; 20-24 27-20; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 17-14; 8-11! and Black is strong: M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1989]; 13-22 26-17; 8-11 23-18; 4-8 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 27-23 to a fine draw by Jack Cox]; 8-12 28-24 [19-16; 12-19 23-16; 4-8 [A parallel development to 11-15 23-19; 8-11 22-17; 4-8 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 17-13; 9-14 [7-11 best] 29-25; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 same but CR with a move out. Also shown to arise from 11-15 21-17; 8-11. Just as here, White is very strong, in the Variation 13 note, Black is very strong] 16-12; 7-10 27-23; 10-19 23-16; 2-7 25-22; 6-10 32-27; 9-13 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 14-18 30-25; 10-15 to black wins, although perhaps not forced: D. Oldbury v E. Lowder 1979 & D. Lafferty v E. Lowder 1989]; 7-10 32-28; 4-8 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-19 24-15; 2-7 16-12; 9-13 26-23!; 5-9 30-26!; 1-5 23-19!; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 19-16!; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 23-19; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 6-9 21-17!; 18-23 [22-26 17-14; 7-11 also draws] 1611; 7-16 24-20; 23-27 20-4; 27-31 19-16; 31-27 16-11; 27-23 15-10; 23-19 11-7; 19-15 7-2; 15-6 17-14; 9-18 2-9. Drawn. D. Oldbury v E. Lowder 1979. #1539. V14(9): 16-20 [8-11 24-20; 4-8 into Variation 18] 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 [6-10 25-22; 10-17 22-13; 8-11 24-19 same, while 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14 offers Black very little] 24-19; 6-10 [4-8 27-23; 6-10 25-22; 10-17 22-13 same] 25-22; 10-17 22-13; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-18; 11-15 [A good simplifying measure: 7-10 also leads to an easy draw] 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 2-6 30-26; 5-9 26-22; 9-14 28-24; 20-27 32-23; 3-7 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 6-10 14-9; 7-11 9-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-24 23-18; 1-5 2-6; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 6-9. Drawn. T. Wiswell v W. Fraser 1959. #1540. V15(T): . . . 18-14(17); 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 29-25; 10-17

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25-21; 1-6 21-14; 8-11 26-22; 4-8 30-25; 16-20 24-19(16); 6-10 3126; 10-17 22-13; 8-12 19-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 12-16 25-21; 16-19 26-22; 19-23 22-17; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 23-27 14-10. Drawn. R. Stewart v A. Heffner 1905. #1541. V16(15): . . . 22-18; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 6-10 16-12; 10-17 18-15; 17-22 28-24; 22-26 24-19; 26-30 19-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-19 12-3. Drawn. R. Stewart v N. Banks 1922. #1542. V17(15): . . . 24-19 [The premature 18-15; 10-19 24-15 is strongly met with the forceful 7-11!]; 16-20 29-25; 10-14 Into Variation 9 V18(T): 8-11(26) 29-25; 4-8 [10-14 24-20; 7-10 25-22; 12-16 27-24; 4-8 24-19; 8-12 32-27; into Variation 25] 24-20; 12-16(20) 26-22; 8-12 28-24; 9-13 32-28; 6-9(19) 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 13-17 [14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 27-24; 1014 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 17-22 9-5; 22-26 30-25; 26-30 25-21!; 30-26 5-1; 26-31 21-17 is slightly in favour of White] 22-13; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-32 14-9; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 16-20 6-2; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 2-6; 3-7. Drawn. D. Oldbury v L. Levitt 1976. #1543. V19(18): 10-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 18-15; 11-18 20-11; 7-16 22-6; 1-10 25-22; 3-7 22-18; 7-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 27-24; 16-20 14-10; 6-15 19-10; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. J. Scott v S. Gonotsky 1929. #1544. V20(18): 10-15(25) 25-22; 12-16(23) 21-17; 8-12 [7-10 17-13; 8-12 same] 17-13; 7-10 27-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-27 Forms Position, Diagram 122: BTP Continue: 3-7(21) 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 22-18; 1-5 [The illtimed 10-14? proves costly after 18-9; 1-5 19-15!] 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 19-15; 16-19 15-8; 19-28 18-14; 12-16 [28-32 8-3; 7-11 23-18; 32-27 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 10-15 6-2; 22-26 30-23; 15-22 23-18; 27-23. Drawn: D. Oldbury v L. Levitt 1976] 20-11; 7-16 23-18; 6-10 14-7; 2-11


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❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 122

8-3; 16-19 3-7; 11-16 18-14 [Not 7-11??]. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v L. Ginsberg 1925. #1545. V21(20): 1-5(22) [14-17? loses to 23-18; 3-7 18-14; 1-5 13-9!; 6-13 27-23; 17-21 23-19] 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 27-24; 5-9 [3-7 2218; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 17-26 31-22; into Variation 20] 22-18; 10-14 19-15; 3-8 24-19; 2-7 15-10; 6-22 13-6; 22-25 30-21; 14-18 21-14; 18-27 31-24; 16-30 24-19; 30-26 6-2; 26-23 19-15; 11-18 2-4. Drawn. J. Wyllie v W. Barker 1873. #1546. V22(21): 2-7 [Favours White] 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 13-9!; 6-13 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 7-10 27-24; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 3-7! 23-18; 14-23! 19-15; 11-18 2-11; 23-27 11-7; 27-32 20-11; 32-28 24-19; 28-24 19-15; 24-19 15-10; 19-15 10-6; 15-8 31-27; 1-10 7-23; 22-26 23-19; 26-31 27-24; 8-11 24-20. Drawn. Analysis by R. Martins. #1547. V23(20): 15-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 914(24) 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 22-17; 6-10 [2-7 also draws] 32-27; 3-8 [2-6? is met strongly with 30-25! while 27? 27-24; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 21-17!; 14-21 24-20 is a white win analysed by James Lees and much utilised by Tom Wiswell in his exhibition play] 27-24; 2-6 24-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 30-25; 1-6 25-22; 6-10 21-17; 8-12 23-18; 19-23 26-19; 15-24 28-19; 16-23 17-13. Drawn. Analysis by A. Anderson. #1548.

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V24(23): 9-13 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 32-27; 2-7 18-15; 7-10 15-11; 10-14 21-17; 14-21 27-24; 6-9 [Forceful] 24-15; 13-17 22-6; 1-19 23-18; 16-20 18-15; 20-24 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 26-31 11-7; 3-10 15-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1549. V25(20): 10-14 25-22; 12-16 28-24; 8-12 24-19; 7-10 32-28; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 3-7 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 30-25; 10-14 25-21; 13-17! 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 19-15; 11-27 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by J. Sturges. #1550. V26(18): 9-13(27) 23-19 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-13 (T) V27(26): 10-14(28) 24-19; 8-11 28-24; 6-10 29-25; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-13 24-19; 11-15 (T) V28(27): 10-15 18-11; 8-15 INTO 10-15 22-18; 15-22 (V16)


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Ballot Number 93 (108): 11-15 23-18; 8-11 POWER: [54/46] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 22 Trunk: 11-15 23-18; 8-11 27-23[R](24); 4-8[R](18) 23-19 [Easily White’s best move. Instead, 24-20; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 32-27; 11-18 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 2-11 gives Black a working advantage: D. Oldbury v E. Lowder 1979, while 32-27; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11! 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 9-14 30-26; 2-7 25-22; 7-11 29-25; 11-18 22-15; 5-9 gives Black a strong game: T. Wiswell v M. Hopper 1951]; 10-14[R](9) 19-10; 14-23 26-19; 7-14[R](8) 24-20 [Again best. Instead, 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 2-7 gives Black a strong game]; 6-10[R](4) 22-17; 9-13[R](2) 30-26 [31-27 [Original with D. Oldbury, who considered it an improvement]; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 27-23; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 2819; 3-8 25-22 into Variation 1: R. Pask v D. Oldbury 1990]; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 26-23[R](1) Forms Position, Diagram 123: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 123

Continue: 2-7 [11-15 29-25; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22 into Variation 1] 29-25; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-15 19-10;

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7-14 28-24; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 32-28; 12-16 24-19; 14-18 23-14; 16-23. Drawn. R. Pask v M. Tinsley 1983. #1551. V1(T): . . . 29-25 [Favoured by Kenneth Grover in Let’s Play Checkers]; 11-15 [Simplest] 25-22; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 31-26; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-22. Drawn. R. Pask v T. Watson 1988. #1552. V2(T): 11-15 [14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 [2-6 is well met with 32-27] 31-27; 9-18 25-22; 18-25 27-18 evens things up and gives Black pause for thought] 17-13; 15-24 13-6; 2-9 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 [3-7 or 3-8 is met with the preparatory 32-28] 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-7(3) [9-13? loses, transposing into the next note after 30-26; 5-9 31-27; 3-7 20-16; 1-5 29-25] 20-16; 9-13 29-25; 1-6 [On Black’s two alternatives: 1) 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 5-9 25-21; 9-14 30-26; 1-6 26-23; 6-10 22-18 to an easy draw; 2) 5-9? 31-27!; 1-5 30-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 9-14 27-23; 5-9 19-15 to a white win] 21-17!; 14-21 22-18; 5-9 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 7-10 25-22; 14-17 31-26; 9-14 [10-14 11-7; 6-10 same] 11-7; 6-9 7-2; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 10-7; 19-24 2-6; 24-27 6-1; 14-18 22-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982. #1553. V3(2): 3-8 20-16; 9-13 30-26 [White’s king-row men can be moved out in different orders]; 5-9 31-27; 1-5 29-25; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 10-7; 8-12 7-3; 12-16 3-7; 16-20 27-23; 19-24 22-18; 24-27 25-22; 27-31 7-10; 20-24 10-17; 31-27 [A devious trick lies in wait for Black in this ending if he overplays his hand!]. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982. #1554. V4(T): 14-18(6) 22-15; 11-18 32-27; 9-14 [8-11 19-15; 3-8 21-17 leaves White well situated] 30-26; 5-9 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 6-10 27-23; 9-13(5) 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 3-7 28-24; 14-17 2114; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 22-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 23-18. Drawn. D. Lafferty v J. Morrison 1986. #1555. V5(4): 1-5 22-18; 8-11 26-22; 3-7 28-24; 14-17! [9-13 leads to an easy draw] 22-6; 2-9 31-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 2016; 14-18 23-14; 10-26 19-3; 12-28. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1556.


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V6(4): 11-15 19-10; 6-15 21-17; 14-21 30-26; 21-30 31-27; 30-23 27-4; 9-14 4-8; 2-7(7) 32-27; 5-9 29-25; 9-13 25-21; 1-6 27-23; 6-10 8-11 [22-18 doesn’t amount to much]; 7-16 20-11; 12-16 22-18; 16-19 18-9; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by J. Cox. #1557. V7(6): 5-9 [12-16 also draws] 29-25; 9-13 25-21; 1-5 [2-6 32-27; 1-5 same or 1-6 32-27; 3-7 8-11; 7-16 20-11; 12-16 27-23; 6-10 to a simple draw] 32-27; 2-6 27-23; 6-9 22-18; 13-17 18-15; 12-16 2011; 3-12 23-19; 17-22 11-7; 22-26 7-2; 14-17 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1558. V8(T): 6-15 19-10; 7-14 30-26; 12-16 26-23; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 22-15; 11-18 32-27; 1-6 24-20; 16-19 27-23; 19-26 31-15; 3-7 28-24; 7-11 24-19; 11-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 6-10 19-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 22-17. Drawn. T. Wiswell v W. Fraser 1956. #1559. V9(T): 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 15-18(17) 26-22; 11-15(13) 17-13; 7-11 22-17 [13-9 possesses tricks, but this is stronger]; 2-7(12) 32-27; 1-5 [11-16 is inferior, favouring White after 27-23; 18-27 139!] 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 27-23; 18-27 31-24; 15-18(10) 19-15; 10-28 17-1; 18-23 1-6. Drawn. Analysis by J. Lees. #1560. V10(9): 8-11(11) 30-26; 15-18 26-22 [19-15 drew: D. Oldbury v R. Pask 1990]; 11-15 20-16; 5-9 [Not 3-8? into Variation 11!] 16-11!; 7-23 24-19; 15-24 22-15; 10-19 17-1; 9-14 25-22. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1561. V11(10): 7-11 30-26; 15-18 [5-9? loses] 26-22; 11-15? [3-7 draws narrowly] 20-16; 3-7 13-9!; 6-13 24-20; 15-24 22-6; 13-22 25-9; 1219 6-2; 5-14 2-4. White Win. Analysis by R. Martins. #1562. V12(9): 6-9 [Somewhat underrated: White is fractionally better, but Black has chances. Against 18-23 White secures an easy draw with 24-20 [D. Oldbury favoured 13-9]; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 [Not 11-15?] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 25-22; 18-25 29-22 8-11 14-10 etc. . . ] 13-6; 2-9 24-20!; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 19-15!; 13-22 15-6; 1-10 30-26; 3-7 26-17; 18-23 25-22; 11-15 17-13; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 23-26 13-9; 26-30 9-6; 8-11 6-2; 30-26 22-17; 26-22 17-14; 15-18 29-25; 22-29 2-6; 18-23 6-10; 29-25 10-3; 25-22 14-9;

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11-15 3-7; 15-18 32-28. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1563. V13(9): 18-23 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 14-18 31-27; 710(15) 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10(14) 14-7; 3-19 25-22; 18-25 27-18; 19-23 29-22; 12-16 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 18-15; 24-27 19-16; 812 15-10; 12-19 10-7; 2-11 30-26; 23-30 32-7. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #1564. V14(13): 23-26 30-23; 12-16 28-24; 16-19 23-16; 8-11 15-8; 3-28 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 2-7 27-23; 6-10 14-9; 10-15 23-18; 15-19 1814; 19-23 22-18; 23-26 18-15. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1565. V15(13): 7-11 28-24; 2-7 24-19; 11-16 17-14; 7-10(16) 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 6-9 15-6; 1-10 27-18; 16-23 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 14-10; 12-16 10-7; 16-19 7-3; 11-16 3-7; 23-26 30-23; 19-26. Drawn. T. Watson v R. Pask 1988. #1566. V16(15): 7-11? 14-10; 16-20 21-17; 11-16 10-7!; 3-10 27-24!; 20-27 30-26!; 23-30 32-7; 30-14 7-2; 16-23 2-27; 1-6 27-24; 6-9 24-19; 9-14 15-10; 8-11 10-7; 14-17 7-3 17-22; 3-7. White Win. Analysis by P. Bradt. #1567. V17(9): 6-9 [14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 7-10! 14-7; 3-10 26-22; 1-5 31-27; 5-9 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 9-14 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 13-17 24-20; 10-14 leads to a drawn conclusion] 25-22; 9-13 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V17) V18(T): 10-14(19) 22-17; 15-22 17-10; 6-15 25-18 [A change of heart!]; 15-22 26-17 INTO 10-14 22-18; 6-10 CR (V18) V19(18): 9-13(20) 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 23-18; 12-16 24-20; 8-12 28-24; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 32-28; 7-10 [6-10 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 1-6 21-14; 6-10 30-25; 10-17 25-21; 7-10 21-7; 3-10 18-14 is easy for White] 14-7; 3-10 26-23; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 30-25; 5-9 25-18; 10-15 24-19; 15-22 19-15; 11-27 31-24. Drawn. Analysis by L. deBearn. #1568. V20(19): 11-16(23) 18-11; 16-20 31-27 [A favourite with Kenneth Grover: the early movement of the man on 31, although sound


Complete Checkers

in this instance, has the usual attendant disadvantages]; 7-16 22-18; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 10-15 [Against 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17 is best, while 10-14? loses quickly to 21-17! and 3-8 is untenable after 18-15] 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 6-9(21) 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 2-6 30-26; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 26-23; 5-9 22-17; 15-18 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 15-19 24-15; 3-7 10-3; 1-26 3-7; 26-30 7-10; 14-17 21-14; 30-21 14-9; 18-22 10-15; 21-25 9-6; 22-26 6-2; 25-22 2-7; 26-31 15-18; 22-15 7-2; 31-24 28-10; 16-19 2-7; 20-24 7-11; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by E. Clark. #1569. V21(20): 3-7 26-23; 16-19(22) 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 15-29 24-8; 2925 30-26; 6-10 8-3; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 3-10; 6-15 14-10; 25-21 10-7; 21-17 7-3; 15-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 17-10. Drawn. Analysis by E. Clark. #1570. V22(21): 6-10 30-26; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 25-21; 6-10 23-18; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 27-23; 20-27 14-10; 7-14 18-2; 15-19 2-7; 27-31 7-3; 1115 23-18; 5-9 18-11; 19-24 28-19; 16-30 22-17. Drawn. Analysis by E. Clark. #1571. V23(20): 3-8 INTO 10-15 23-18; 7-10 (T) V24(T): . . . 26-23 [18-14; 9-18 24-19; 15-24 22-8; 4-11 and now both 28-19 and 27-20 lead to highly involved positions favouring Black]; 10-14(25) 30-26; 6-10 24-19 [22-17?!; 15-22 25-18; is powerfully met with 1-6!]; 15-24 27-20; 12-16 [4-8 28-24; 12-16 same] 28-24; 4-8 22-17 [32-28; 8-12 22-17; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 26-22 same]; 8-12 26-22 [32-28; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 26-22 same]; 10-15! 17-10; 7-14 32-28; 2-6 24-19 [The unusual 22-17; 15-22 25-18; is best met with 6-10 17-13; 10-15 and Black can work up a definite endgame advantage]; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 Forms Position, Diagram 124: WTP Continue: . . . 31-26 [White has 2 drawable alternatives. 1) . . . 22-17; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 19-15; 10-26 31-22; 16-19 17-10; 19-23 22-17; 13-22 25-18 etc. . . and 2) . . . 31-27; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 1-5 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 14-18 23-7; 3-10 21-17! etc. . . ]; 1-6 22-17; 11-15 18-11; 14-18 23-7; 16-30 7-2; 9-13 2-9; 13-22 25-18; 5-23 21-17. Drawn. A. Anderson v J. Wyllie 1844. #1572.

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❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 124

V25(24): 4-8 [Also good] 30-26; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17 INTO 11-15 22-17; 15-19 (V8)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 94 (109): 11-15 23-18; 9-14 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 17 Trunk: 11-15 23-18; 9-14 18-11[R](16); 8-15 22-18[R](10); 15-22(6) 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 27-23; 11-15(4) 24-20 [The soft 24-19; 15-24 28-19 is easily met with 10-15, rather than the unnecessarily hard 7-11]; 6-9 [7-11 31-27; 3-7 27-24; 6-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 1115 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 to a soft draw: T. Wiswell v M. Hopper 1951] 31-27; 7-11 28-24; 9-13(2) Forms Key Landing Number 13, Diagram 125: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 125

Continue: . . . 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 [Best in my opinion] (1) 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 [2-6? loses to the subtle 30-25!; as opposed to 32-28?; which returns to the Trunk after 16-19] 32-28; 2-6 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 23-19; 1-5 19-16; 10-14 16-7; 14-17. Drawn. D. Oldbury v W. Hellman 1965. #1573. V1(T): 2-7 [Black’s 6 alternatives all fail. 1) 10-14? 18-9; 1-5 9-6!; 2-9 26-23 to a white win. 2) 1-5? 18-14!; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 32-28 to a white win. 3) 1-6? 18-14!; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 26-23 to a white win. 4) 2-6? 18-14!; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 30-25!

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as noted in the Trunk to a white win. 5) 3-7? 21-17! to a white win. 6) 3-8? 26-23!; 12-16 32-28; to a white win] 21-17; 1-6! [1-5? 18-14; 12-16 26-23; 3-8 24-19!; 15-24 22-18!; 13-22 32-28; 10-17 28-3; 7-10 3-7 is the famous James Ferrie shot, which has been executed on countless occasions] 26-23; 6-9 32-28; 10-14 17-10; 7-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 30-26; 17-21 19-15; 3-8 15-10; 21-25 10-6; 25-30 6-1; 9-14! [30-25? 18-15! is the equally famous Jesse Hanson coup. Tom Watson hooked Bill Edwards on this in the 1980 British Open in Guernsey] 18-9; 11-15 1-6; 15-19 23-16; 30-23 6-10; 12-19 10-15; 23-26 15-24; 26-17 20-16. Drawn. A. Cameron v W. Ryan 1933. #1574. V2(T): 1-5 [Superior to 9-13 in my view] 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16(3) 26-23; 2-7 21-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-21 32-28; 10-14 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 11-15 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 10-6; 7-11 6-2. Drawn. C. Barker v A. Heffner 1886. #1575. V3(2): 3-7 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-28; 14-18 [Not the obliging 11-16? 20-11; 7-16 which loses to 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 30-26!] 23-14; 10-26 30-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 16-20. Drawn. B. Murray v R. Pask 1984. #1576. V4(T): 6-9(5) 22-18 INTO 9-14 24-20; 11-16 (T) V5(4): 10-15 31-27; 7-10 24-20; 6-9 Into Trunk V6(T): 14-23[R] 27-11; 7-16 25-22; 4-8 [Against the early 10-15 White finesses with 26-23. Now 4-8 is met with 24-19; 15-24 2819 and an even position with possibilities for both sides, while 16-19 23-16; 12-19 gets 22-18; 15-22 24-15; 2-7 32-27; 4-8 30-25; 7-10 25-18; 10-19 31-26 and an easy draw] 26-23 [Best. Against 24-20; Black develops a good position with 16-19 21-17 [22-18? 8-11 32-27 [Or 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 32-27; 3-7! to a black win] and the 11-16 shot to a black win!] 8-11 29-25; 5-9 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 3-7 31-27; 9-14 etc. . . ]; 16-20 [Against 16-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 22-18; 8-11 30-26 takes all of the sting out of Black’s game; White utilising a range of different 3 for 3s to draw as the occasion demands] 24-19; 8-11 30-26; 11-16[R](7) 29-25; 10-14 22-18; 5-9 26-22; 3-8 31-27; 2-7 18-15; 9-13 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 15-10; 7-14 18-2; 23-26 22-18; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 28-24


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[Or 2-6]; 20-27 32-14; 12-16 14-10. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #1577. V7(6): 2-7 22-18; 5-9 32-27; 9-13(8) 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-8; 3-12 18-15; 13-17 [6-10 15-6; 1-10 leads to an easy draw after 26-23; 7-11 29-25; 12-16 25-22; 16-20 21-17; 10-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 17-14; 24-27 22-18 etc. . . ] 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 17-21 26-23! Drawn. M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952. #1578. V8(7): 10-15(9) 19-10; 6-22 26-17; 11-15 29-25; 12-16 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 15-18 [16-19 leads to a quick draw after 25-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-18; 15-22 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 21-17. Drawn: E. Bruch v J. Grant 1989] 21-17; 7-11 14-10; 11-15 17-14; 16-19 25-21; 19-23 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 23-27 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 27-31 21-17; 31-26 10-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1579. V9(8): 10-14 29-25; 7-10 [The natural 11-16? loses after 25-22; 7-11 28-24; 6-10 22-17 etc. . . ] 26-22; 3-8 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 9-13 25-22; 12-16 19-3; 10-26 27-23; 26-30 22-18; 6-9 3-7; 30-25 1815; 1-5 23-19; 25-22 15-11; 22-26 31-22; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1580. V10(T): . . . 22-17(13); 5-9 17-13; 1-5 25-22 [26-23; 4-8 23-19; 8-11 INTO 10-14 22-18; 11-15 (T)]; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 4-8 27-23(12); 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 8-11 32-27 [3127; 7-10 27-24; 10-15 26-22; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 19-15. Drawn: D. Lafferty v Chinook 1994]; 7-10 27-23(11); 3-7 [A wide open, even position after this] 23-16; 11-20 26-22 [26-23 to a draw: M. Rex v E. Ingram 1950]; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 7-11 24-19; 14-17 19-15 [Or 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9]; 11-25 30-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1581. V11(10): . . . 27-24; 10-15 26-22; 3-8 30-26; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 22-17; 15-22 24-15; 11-18 17-13; 22-25 13-6; 25-30 26-23; 18-27 31-24. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1582. V12(10): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 3-7 27-23; 7-11 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 6-10 32-27;

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11-15 13-9; 15-24 27-20; 14-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 10-14 9-5; 2-6 5-1; 6-9 1-6; 9-13 6-10; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 10-14; 22-26 18-15; 26-30 15-10; 30-25 10-6; 25-21 6-1; 13-17 14-18; 21-25 1-6; 17-22 18-23; 25-30 6-10; 22-26. Drawn. R. Pask v P. McCarthy 1986. #1583. V13(10): . . . 24-20; 4-8 22-17; 15-19 25-22 [27-24 is comfortably met with 5-9 24-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 etc. . . ]; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 17-13; 5-9 22-17; 7-11 27-24; 3-7 31-27 [Clearly one of Elbert Lowder’s favourite landings: he played it 4 times with white against Tinsley in 1970, 1977, 1979 and 1982 respectively, and once against Brian Kilgour in 1989!]; 1-5 27-23(15); 12-16 [The 14-18 pitch could be played immediately] 32-27(14); 14-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 27-18; 15-31 24-8; 31-27 20-11; 7-16 30-26; 27-31 26-22; 31-26 14-10; 6-15 25-21; 26-17; 21-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1977. (Also: M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958) #1584. V14(13): . . . 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 26-22; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 10-15 12-8; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 8-3; 15-19 3-8; 23-26 30-23; 1926 22-18; 26-31 8-11; 16-20 11-7; 2-11 18-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1970. #1585. V15(13): . . . 20-16 [Inferior to 27-23, but evidently sound]; 11-20 27-23; 20-27 23-16; 12-19 32-16; 14-18 28-24 [Lowder lost with 16-12 against Tinsley in their 1979 WCM, but improved his later play to draw against Kilgour]; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 16-12; 18-23 12-8; 23-27 8-3; 7-10 3-8; 27-31 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 31-27 8-11; 27-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 11-2; 18-23 14-10; 6-15 13-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1982. #1586. V16(T): . . . 18-9; 5-14 22-17(19) [22-18; 14-23 27-11; 8-15 is rarely taken and is about even; invariably leading to an open crossboard game]; 8-11 [12-16 24-19 favours White, being a favourite with M. Tinsley, and was shown to arise CR from 10-15 21-17; 11-16] 25-22 [26-23; 11-16 and now 30-26; 23-19; and 24-19; all result in even positions]; 4-8 29-25 [24-20 is well met with 12-16 29-25; 16-19 27-24; 8-12]; 12-16 24-19; 16-23 27-9; 6-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 32-27[R](18); 8-12 25-21; 16-19[R](17) 27-24; 12-16


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24-20; 1-5 20-11; 7-16 14-9 [14-10; 16-20 22-17; 13-22 26-17 etc. . . Drawn: D. Lafferty v A. Long 1982]; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 16-20. Drawn. S. Cohen v D. Oldbury 1954. #1587. V17(16): 15-19 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 7-11 30-26; 11-15 17-13; 16-20 [3-7 14-9; 16-20 same] 14-9; 3-7 [2-7 26-22!; 7-10 22-18; 15-22 2724; 20-27 31-6; 1-10. Drawn: D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1978] 21-17 [Simplest]; 7-11 26-22; 11-16 9-6; 1-10 22-18; 15-22 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. W. Fraser v T. Wiswell 1956. #1588. V18(16): . . . 26-23 [25-21; 8-12 [7-11 has merit from this order of moves] 32-27 into Variation 16]; 8-12 [The 16-19 3x3 also draws here [As it does in #1, #52 and #287]: R. Pask v J. Morrison 1989] 30-26; 16-19 [1-5 32-27; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-21; 16-19 ran similarly: D. Oldbury v R. Hallett 1991] 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-21; 2-6 [1-6? is an old problem loss by W. Benstead, frequently utilised to advantage by Tom Wiswell in his exhibitions] 27-24 [27-23; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 23-18; 24-28 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 2832 17-13; 32-28 21-17; 28-24 18-14; 10-15 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 15-18. Drawn: Chinook v D. Lafferty 1995]; 6-9 24-20; 19-23! 26-19; 15-24 28-19; 10-14. Drawn. D. Lafferty v J. Morrison 1986. #1589. V19(16): . . . 24-20; 15-19 27-24; 7-11! [Recommended by Moiseyev] 24-15; 11-18 22-15; 10-19 25-22; 8-11 22-17; 6-10 32-27; 11-15 27-24; 3-7 29-25; 4-8 17-13; 1-6 25-22 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V31)

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Ballot Number 95 (110): 11-15 23-18; 10-14 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 0! Trunk: 11-15 23-18; 10-14 18-11; 8-15 26-23[R](1) INTO 10-14 22-18; 11-15 (T) V1(T): . . . 22-17(2); 6-10 17-13 [Against the unusual 27-23; Black equalizes with 4-8 26-22; 1-6! 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 25-18; 5-14 18-9; 6-13]; 1-6 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 (V10) V2(1): . . . 22-18(3) INTO 10-14 22-18; 11-15 (V23 Note 3) V3(2): . . . 24-19 [Both 27-23 and 24-20 are comfortably met with 4-8]; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 26-23; 6-10 INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 CR (V2)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 96 (111): 11-15 23-18; 12-16 POWER: [25/75] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 20 Trunk: 11-15 23-18; 12-16 18-11; 8-15 24-20; 9-14[R](19) 20-11; 7-16 22-18[R](8); 15-22 25-9 [In 1983, Marion Tinsley told me that Jeff Clayton had devoted over 500 lines of analysis to the 26-17 jump here. So much for the ridiculous notion that the 3-move restriction is exhausted!]; 5-14 [Although 6-13?! may prove to be a theoretical draw [See R. King v A. Moiseyev 2003], it is most definitely not a practical proposition!] 29-25[R](5); 6-9 [16-20 25-22; 6-9 same] 25-22; 16-20 28-24[R](4); 4-8 24-19; 8-11 Forms Position, Diagram 126: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 126

Continue: . . . 27-23[R](1); 9-13 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 [Database draw] 19-16; 17-22 23-19; 7-10 16-11; 13-17 11-7; 10-14 18-9; 3-10 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 14-18 31-27; 17-21 2-7; 21-25! 30-21; 22-26 7-10; 26-31. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #1590. V1(T): . . . 19-16 [26-23; 2-7 19-16 same] (2); 2-7 26-23; 9-13 [Against 1-5? D. Oldbury analysed 32-28! to win] 22-18 [31-26 is

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well met with 1-5: M. Tinsley v E. Rolader 1976 & A. Moiseyev v W. Docherty 2001]; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-24 16-12; 10-15 18-14; 11-16 14-9; 16-20 [15-18 9-6; 16-20 same] 9-6; 15-18 6-2; 7-11 30-26 [2-6; 18-23 31-26; 11-16 26-19; 16-23 6-10; 24-27 10-15; 27-31. Drawn: D. Lafferty v R. King 1988]; 11-16 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 18-23 32-28. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1962. #1591. V2(1): . . . 22-17; 9-13 19-16; 13-22 16-7; 2-11 26-17; 3-8 [11-15 30-26; 3-8 same] 30-26; 11-15 26-23(3); 8-11 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 24-20; 15-19 20-11; 19-26 11-7; 14-18 7-2; 18-23 2-7; 10-15 7-11; 15-19. Drawn. Analysis by L. Taylor. #1592. V3(2): . . . 17-13; 15-19 32-28; 10-15 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 13-9; 14-18 31-27; 18-22! 26-17; 15-18 17-14; 19-23 21-17; 23-32 9-6; 1-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1593. V4(T): . . . 26-23; 4-8 22-18 [30-26; 2-7 22-18; 1-5 same or 28-24; 8-11 24-19 into 1st note of Variation 1]; 1-5 30-26; 2-7 26-22; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-11 32-27; 8-12 28-24; 10-15 31-26; 3-7 21-17; 7-10 26-23 [D. Oldbury allowed this ending to arise from a Bristol Cross when a far easier alternative was available. My feeling is that, knowing it could be virtually forced from 11-15 23-18; 12-16, he was putting Black’s defence to the test. Usefully, it is covered in detail in his remarkable Move Over]; 11-16 1811; 10-15 23-18; 16-19 11-8; 19-28 18-11 [Database draw]; 28-32 27-23; 32-27 23-18; 27-23 18-14 Forms Endgame #18, Diagram 127: BTP Continue: 23-26 14-9; 20-24 [Analysis by W. Ryan to here] 11-7; 24-27 7-2; 27-31 8-3; 12-16 2-7; 16-20 7-11; 20-24 9-6; 24-28 11-15; 28-32 6-1; 32-27 3-8; 27-23 15-10; 31-27 8-12; 27-24 1-6; 24-19 6-9; 19-24 9-6; 24-19 6-2; 23-27 2-7; 27-24 7-11; 19-23 11-16; 24-27 16-19; 23-16 12-19; 27-23 19-16; 26-30 16-11; 23-26. Drawn. D. Oldbury v S. Cohen 1955. #1594. V5(T): . . . 28-24; 4-8 24-20(7); 16-19 29-25; 2-7 25-22(6); 6-9 32-28; 9-13 27-24; 10-15 20-16; 8-11 24-20; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-23 17-14; 18-22 21-17; 15-19 16-12; 22-26! 31-22; 23-27 30-25; 27-31 25-21; 31-27 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 27-23 12-8; 3-12 10-7. Drawn. Analysis by R. Hunt. #1595.


Complete Checkers Diagram 127

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✇❀❇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ V6(5): . . . 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 6-9 25-22; 9-13 31-27; 1-5 27-23; 19-24 23-19; 24-28 30-25 [Against the immediate 16-12; 7-11 26-23; 11-16 30-26; 16-20 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 12-8; 7-11 8-3; 11-15 26-22; 15-24 22-18; 24-27 18-9; 27-31 draws]; 3-8 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 8-4; 19-23 26-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 19-15; 26-30 25-21; 30-26 4-8; 26-23 32-27; 23-32 8-3; 5-9 3-10; 9-14 10-17; 13-22. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Loew 1952. #1596. V7(5): . . . 24-19 [29-25; 16-20 25-22; 6-9 into Trunk or 26-23; 16-20 29-25 [24-19; 8-11 19-16; 2-7 29-25; 6-9 25-22 into Variation 1]; 6-9 25-22; 2-7 22-18; 1-5 24-19; 8-11 19-16; 9-13 into Variation 1]; 16-23 27-9; 6-13 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 2-6 26-23; 6-9 30-26; 3-8 32-28; 1-5 28-24; 8-12 24-19 [See #1067!]; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 2316; 15-19 16-11; 19-23! 26-19; 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by K. Grover. #1597. V8(T): . . . 22-17(16); 4-8 26-23(15); 15-19 31-26(14); 5-9 [8-12 2522; 5-9 17-13; 2-7 same. However, 6-9 17-13; 10-15? [1-6 draws] 13-6; 2-9 25-22; 14-18 23-14; 9-25 29-22; 8-12 has famously been knocked out with 27-24!; 16-20 21-17; 20-27 32-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23 etc. . . ] 17-13; 2-7 25-22; 8-12! [1-5? loses to 29-25!] 22-17(11); 1-5 29-25; 3-8 25-22; 7-11 22-18(9); 10-15 17-1; 15-31 13-6; 31-24 23-18; 24-20 6-2; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 1-6; 11-16 6-10;

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16-19 21-17; 12-16 18-14; 23-26 30-23; 19-26 10-15; 26-31 15-18 16-19; 18-22 19-23; 14-10 23-26; 10-7 26-30. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1994. #1598. V9(8): . . . 23-18(10); 14-23 27-18; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 28-24; 11-16 24-19; 23-26! 30-23; 8-11 32-28; 16-20 17-14; 10-26 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 26-30 7-2; 30-26 18-15; 26-22 2-7; 9-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Fortman 1953. #1599. V10(9): . . . 27-24; 11-15 24-20; 8-11 30-25; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 32-28; 24-27 28-24; 27-31 24-19; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 11-8!; 24-28 8-3; 28-32 3-7; 12-16 7-11; 32-28 11-20; 28-24 20-27; 31-24 23-19!; 24-15 26-23; 15-11 22-18; 11-16 18-15; 10-26 17-1; 9-14 25-22; 1619 22-17; 14-18 13-9; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. Analysis by R. Hunt. #1600. V11(8): . . . 27-24(12); 1-5 24-15; 10-19 22-18; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 14-18 32-27; 9-14 29-25; 3-8 26-22; 5-9 15-10; 6-15 13-6; 7-10 6-2; 19-23 [Analysis by R. Hunt to here] 2-7; 23-32 7-11; 32-27 11-4; 27-23 22-17; 20-24 28-19; 23-16 17-13; 16-11 13-9; 18-22 25-18; 14-23 9-6. Drawn. M. Rex v D. McGrath (P) 1979. #1601. V12(11): . . . 22-18(13); 3-8 27-24 [29-25 into Variation 13]; 16-20 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 8-11 29-25; 7-10 25-22; 11-16 22-17; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 16-11; 20-24 28-19; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 13-6; 1-10 11-7; 10-14 7-2; 24-27 2-7; 14-18 7-10; 18-22 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1602. V13(12): . . . 29-25; 3-8 22-18 [22-17; 1-5 into Variation 8]; 8-11 27-24; 10-15 32-27; 15-31 24-8; 31-24 28-19; 7-11 8-3; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 [Database draw] 25-22; 16-20 3-8; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 8-11; 19-24 11-7; 24-27 22-17; 27-32 17-13; 32-28 13-9; 28-24 9-6; 24-19 6-2; 10-15 7-10; 14-18 2-7; 18-22. Drawn. Analysis by R. Hunt. #1603. V14(8): . . . 30-26; 3-7 25-22; 5-9 17-13; 1-5 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 29-25; 8-12 26-22; 10-15 17-14; 16-20 22-17; 6-10 13-9; 12-16 31-26; 7-11 14-7; 5-14 17-10; 18-23 27-18; 15-31 7-3; 11-15 3-8; 19-23 25-22; 16-19. Drawn. Analysis by R. Hunt. #1604.


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V15(8): . . . 25-22; 16-19 [8-12 17-13; 16-19 same] 17-13; 8-12 22-17 [27-24; 3-8 29-25; 5-9 22-17 same]; 3-8 29-25; 5-9 27-24; 8-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 24-20; 18-27 32-23 INTO 9-14 24-20; 10-15 (T) V16(8): . . . 27-23; 16-20 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25(18); 4-8 25-22; 6-9 23-19; 9-13 26-23(17); 2-7 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 8-11 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 11-15 19-10; 7-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Bailey 1970. #1605. V17(16): . . . 19-16 [22-18; 14-23 31-27; is well met with 20-24! 27-18; 8-11 19-16; 11-20 28-19; 20-24! 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 26-22; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 22-18; 13-17 19-15; 11-16: Black drawing the bridge ending with the, effective, Opposition]; 2-7 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 8-11 30-26; 14-18! 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-27 32-14; 10-15 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 15-18 21-17; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 23-18; 26-30 18-14; 30-26 10-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1606. V18(16): . . . 26-22! [Developed by Marion Tinsley]; 10-15 [Noted as sound by Tinsley, but with no play. I prefer it to 4-8] 30-25; 4-8 31-27; 8-11 28-24; 6-10 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 1-5 29-25; 5-14 25-22; 10-15 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 3-7 18-14; 15-19 23-16; 11-20. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1607. V19(T): 7-11 26-23; 4-8 27-24; 15-19(20) 24-15; 10-26 30-23; 2-7 [6-10 28-24; 8-12 24-19; 2-6 [Not 9-13? 22-18; 5-9 32-28 to a white win: E. Lowder v D. Lafferty 1992] same] 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 8-12 22-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 25-18; 1-6 32-27; 6-10 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 3-10 [Database draw] 27-23; 5-9 29-25; 10-15 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 15-18 14-10; 18-27 31-24; 13-17 10-7; 17-21 25-22; 21-25. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #1608. V20(19): 8-12 30-26; 9-13 32-27; 5-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 [Best, although 1-5 22-17; 13-22 25-18 will draw] 22-17; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 1-5 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 13-17 22-13; 14-18 23-14; 16-32 14-9; 11-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1609.

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Ballot Number 97 (112): 11-15 23-18; 15-19 POWER: [49/51] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 11 Trunk: 11-15 23-18; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 27-24(3); 7-10 24-15; 10-19 2117(1); 12-16 [8-11 is sound too, but text is rock-solid] 18-15; 8-12 22-18; 3-7 25-21 [25-22; 7-10 17-14 [17-13 is well met with 10-14] 10-17 22-13; 4-8 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22!; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 15-6; 2-9 22-18; 14-23 31-27; 8-11 27-18; 16-20 to a draw]; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 17-14; 12-16 28-24; 16-19 24-20 Forms Position, Diagram 128: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 128

Continue: 7-10 14-7; 2-11 15-8; 4-11 21-17; 6-10 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 15-22 6-2; 1-6 2-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 30-25; 14-18 25-21; 11-15 20-16; 23-26 16-11; 26-30 11-7; 22-25 29-22; 18-25 7-3; 15-18 3-7; 25-29 7-10; 29-25! 10-15; 18-23 15-24; 23-27 32-23; 30-26 31-22; 25-20 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1610. V1(T): . . . 32-27; 3-7 21-17(2); 12-16 INTO 10-15 23-18; 7-10 (V10) V2(1): . . . 27-24; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 31-27; 2-7 27-24 [21-17; 12-16 27-24; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 same]; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 21-17; 12-16


Complete Checkers

18-15 [17-13 to a draw: P. Semple v W. Ryan 1938 or 18-14 to a draw: A. Moiseyev v R. King 2003]; 8-12 [9-13 to a draw: T. Wiswell v M. Hopper 1953] 22-18; 19-23 [Here, 9-13 lead to an eventual, unforced, white win!: T. Wiswell v M. Hopper 1953] 26-19; 16-23 25-22 [17-13; 23-27 25-22 same]; 23-27 17-13; 27-31 15-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 18-11; 10-15 11-7; 15-19 7-2; 4-8 2-7; 31-27 7-10; 8-11 29-25; 11-16. Drawn. D. Lafferty v R. King 1996. #1611. V3(T): . . . 22-17[R](9); 8-11[R](7) 27-24 [17-14 is strongly met with 3-8 26-22; 12-16: M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1958]; 4-8 24-15; 7-10 17-13; 10-19 21-17; 11-16[R](6) 25-21; 3-7[R](5) 29-25; 1923[R](4) 26-19; 16-23 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 11-16 18-15; 16-20 25-22; 7-10 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 15-11; 14-18 11-8; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 31-26; 24-27 26-19; 27-31 19-15; 18-23 8-3; 31-26 15-11; 20-24. Drawn. A. Long v M. Loew 1960. #1612. V4(3): 7-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 31-27; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 2824; 11-16 25-22; 2-7 22-17; 16-20 24-19; 7-11 19-15; 11-16 15-10!; 6-22 13-6; 1-10 27-18; 16-19 14-7; 12-16. Drawn. T. Landry v R. Pask 1985. #1613. V5(3): 2-7 29-25 7-10 [19-23 26-19; 16-23 is well met with 28-24; 12-16 25-22!] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 31-27; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 28-24; 11-16 24-19; 16-20 25-22; 3-7 22-17 into Variation 4 V6(3): 9-14 17-10; 6-22 25-18; 11-16 [12-16 29-25; 8-12 25-22; 1-6 22-17; 3-7 same, or 3-7 29-25; 7-10! to a simpler draw] 29-25; 3-7 25-21; 8-11 21-17; 1-6 17-14; 11-15! [16-20 32-27; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 13-9; 6-13 27-24; 20-27 31-15; and now 16-19 draws, whereas 2-6? lost: L. Chandler v R. Pask 1996] 18-11; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 26-19; 7-23 13-9 [White has many options, but none of them really threaten Black]; 6-13 31-26; 23-27 32-23; 12-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 2-6 19-15; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 10-7; 13-17 7-2; 14-18 2-6; 17-22 6-10; 18-23 10-14; 22-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1614. V7(3): 7-11(8) 27-24; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 26-22; 3-7 22-18; 15-22 24-15; 9-13 25-18; 13-22 28-24; 5-9 21-17; 9-13 24-19; 7-10 15-11;

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2-7 11-2; 1-5 2-9; 5-23 30-25; 23-26 25-18; 13-22 18-14; 10-17 29-25; 22-29 31-13. Drawn. Analysis by B. Case. #1615. V8(7): 12-16 25-22 Into Variation 13 V9(3): . . . 21-17(16); 12-16 17-14(12); 8-12 27-23 [25-21 is inferior after 19-23!: D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958]; 4-8 32-27(11); 16-20 [8-11? loses] 23-16; 12-19 25-21; 9-13 [8-12 29-25 9-13 same] 29-25; 8-12 18-15(10); 6-9 22-18; 13-17 26-23; 19-26 31-6; 1-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 2-6 25-22; 7-11 22-17; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 14-9; 5-14 18-9. Drawn. W. Coleman v H. Maine (P) 1961. #1616. V10(9): . . . 21-17; 6-9 27-24 [25-21? lost after 20-24! 27-20; 1-6 26-23 [20-16 may draw]; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 23-19; 3-8 28-24; 8-11 20-16; 11-27 31-24; 12-16 19-12; 10-15 18-11; 9-25. Black win: Chinook v D. Oldbury 1994]; 20-27 31-15; 2-6 25-21; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 28-24; 12-16 24-20; 16-19 30-25; 19-24 26-23; 24-27 23-19; 27-31 19-16; 31-26 16-11; 7-16 14-7; 3-10 20-11; 26-23. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1617. V11(9): . . . 25-21; 8-11 [Better than 16-20 23-16; 12-19 32-27; transposing into Variation 9] 29-25; 9-13 32-27; 6-9 14-10; 7-14 21-17; 14-21 INTO 10-15 22-17; 11-16 CR (V10) V12(9): . . . 27-23(13); 8-12 32-27 [17-14 into Variation 9]; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 17-14; 9-13 25-21; 6-9 29-25; 1-6 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 2-7 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-11 158; 4-11 28-24; 11-16 24-20; 6-9 20-11; 13-17 21-14; 9-27. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1618. V13(12): . . . 25-21(14); 8-12 17-13; 4-8 22-17; 7-10 [19-23? 26-19; 16-23 may lose here after 28-24; 8-11 24-19; 11-16 29-25: E. Bruch v M. Tinsley 1994] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 29-25; 8-11 27-23; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 31-27 [32-27 is met with 19-23!]; 11-15 [11-16? lost: J. Marshall v A. Huggins 1960] 18-11; 7-16 25-21; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. Analysis by W. Gigg. #1619. V14(13): . . . 27-24; 8-12 24-15; 7-10 17-13(15); 10-19 22-17; 4-8 Into Variation 3


Complete Checkers

V15(14): . . . 25-21; 10-19 18-15; 4-8 22-18; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 1714; 12-16 29-25; 2-7 21-17; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 17-13; 8-11 25-21; 16-20 [The 6-10 slip has merit] 21-17; 20-24 17-14; 11-16 30-25; 23-26 31-22; 24-27 32-23; 19-26 14-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 18-11 [Database draw]; 26-30 25-21; 30-25 22-17; 25-22 17-13; 22-18 11-7; 18-15 72; 10-14 2-6; 16-19 6-1; 14-18 1-6; 18-23 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by A. Huggins. #1620. V16(9): . . . 18-14(18); 9-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22(17); 11-18 22-15 INTO 9-14 23-19; 14-18 (V13) V17(16): . . . 27-24; 11-18 24-15 INTO 9-14 23-19; 14-18 (V14) V18(16): . . . 18-15; 9-14 22-17; 14-18 INTO 10-14 22-17; 14-18 (V33)

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Ballot Number 98 (113): 11-15 23-19; 8-11 POWER: [53/47] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 41 Trunk: 11-15 23-19; 8-11 22-17[R](49); 11-16[R](17) 24-20; 16-23 [15-24 runs the same way] 27-11; 7-16 20-11; 3-7 28-24[R](14); 7-16 24-20; 16-19 Forms Key Landing Number 12, Diagram 129: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 129

Continue: . . . 25-22; 9-14[R](6) 29-25[R](5); 5-9[R](3) 17-13; 4-8 22-17[R](2); 8-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 25-22[R](1); 15-19 23-16; 12-19 31-26; 19-24 20-16; 14-18 22-15; 10-19 16-11; 9-14 17-10; 6-15 21-17; 15-18 17-14; 18-23 26-22; 23-26 22-18; 26-30 14-9. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982. #1621. V1(T): . . . 32-28 [Not 31-26? of course!]; 15-18 31-27; 1-5 27-24 [Or 28-24; 2-7 24-19; 7-11 19-15; 10-26 17-1; 11-15 13-6; 15-19 to a draw]; 18-27 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 17-1; 9-14 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1622. V2(T): . . . 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 32-23; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 22-18. Drawn. R. Pask v G. Miller 1996. #1623.


Complete Checkers

V3(T): 19-24(4) 32-28; 5-9 28-19; 9-13 26-23; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 1916; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-15 20-16; 15-18 22-15; 13-29 23-19; 14-18 16-11; 10-14. Drawn. Analysis by S. Gonotsky. #1624. V4(3): 2-7 [4-8 into Variation 6] 22-18; 14-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 [Or 6-9 26-22; 9-18 22-15; 7-11 [19-24 also has merit] 15-8; 4-11 31-27; 5-9 27-18; 19-23 to a draw] Into Variation 6 V5(T): . . . 22-18; 14-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 29-25; 4-8 Into Variation 6 V6(T): 4-8 [Against the early 19-24 22-18! is best: M. Tinsley] 29-25; 9-14(8) 22-18; 14-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7(7) 31-27; 6-10 27-18; 10-17 25-21; 1-6 21-14; 6-10 30-25; 10-17 25-21; 19-23 26-19; 17-22 19-15; 22-26 18-14; 26-30 15-10; 5-9 [White can now take the quick draw with 10-3; or prolong matters with 14-5; as he wishes]. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982. #1625. V7(6): 6-9 [8-11 25-22; 11-15 31-27; 6-9 to an even draw: A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1913] 14-10; 9-14 25-22; 5-9 20-16! [32-28? lost: R. King v A. Moiseyev 2000] ; 1-5 [Against 9-13 31-27; draws easily] 10-6; 9-13 6-1 [Or 16-11; 8-15 31-27; 2-9 27-11; 14-17 11-7; 19-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23. Drawn: Analysis by S. Gonotsky]; 14-17 16-11!; 8-15 31-27; 15-18 22-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 27-18; 12-16 15-11; 22-26 30-23; 19-26 11-8; 16-19 8-3. Drawn. M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1914. #1626. V8(6): 10-15(10) 17-13; 2-7 21-17; 7-10(9) 20-16; 19-23 26-19; 1524 22-18; 12-19 17-14; 10-17 25-22; 17-26 30-16; 8-12 [24-28 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 6-10 13-6; 10-15 8-3; 15-22 3-8; 1-10 8-6 to a muchrepeated classic draw: A. Huggins v D. Oldbury 1961] 16-11; 6-10 13-6; 10-15 6-2; 15-22 32-28; 24-27 31-24; 1-6 2-9; 5-14. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982. #1627. V9(8): 8-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-10 32-28; 9-14 25-21; 5-9 28-24; 12-16 [11-16 leads to a pretty, classic draw: M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1913 & J. Morrison v D. Lafferty 1986] 22-18; 15-22 24-19; 11-15 19-12; 22-26 31-22; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 17-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 21-17. Drawn. H. Burton v R. Pask 1989. #1628. V10(8): 19-24 17-14; 9-18 22-15; 10-19 32-28; 6-10 [8-11 25-22;

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6-10 into Variation 12] 25-22; 5-9(12) 22-18; 9-14(11) 18-9; 1-5 9-6; 2-9 20-16; 9-14 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 5-9 31-22; 9-13 21-17; 14-21 22-18; 13-17 [10-14 is an alternative draw: M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1913; White later utilizing the 30-26 pitch] 18-15; 8-11 16-7; 12-16 19-12; 10-19 7-3; 19-23. Drawn. M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952. #1629. V11(10): 8-11 [10-14 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 8-11 [Or 24-27 31-24; 8-11 23-19 to a draw] 28-19 same] 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 10-14 3023; 9-13 18-9; 1-5 31-26; 5-14 26-22; 13-17 22-13; 2-6 INTO 9-14 23-19; 5-9 (V2) V12(10): 8-11 [1-6 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 8-11 into Variation 13] 22-18; 10-15(13) 26-23; 15-22 23-7; 2-11 28-19; 1-6 21-17; 6-10 17-13; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 26-17; 24-28 31-26; 28-32 26-22; 32-27 22-18. Drawn. W. Ryan v N. Rubin 1935. #1630. V13(12): 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 1-6 [2-6 30-23; 11-15 to a draw: R. King v L. Kondlo 2008] 30-23; 6-10 31-26; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985. #1631. V14(T): . . . 25-22 [On a par with 28-24] (15); 7-16 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 5-9 28-24 [29-25; 4-8 and now 28-24 is well met with 16-20, 30-26 with 8-11, and 25-22 with 9-14]; 10-15 24-20 [Against 29-25; Black has a comfortable draw with 16-20]; 16-19 30-26; 1-6 29-25; 2-7 17-13; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 11-15 [7-10 31-26!; 9-14 32-28! is another good option for Black] 32-27; 7-11 31-26; 15-18 17-14; 18-22 14-5; 22-31 5-1; 31-24 1-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1632. V15(14): . . . 11-8 [Perfectly sound, and an ideal choice for the adventurous player]; 4-11 17-13; 9-14 [11-16 25-22; 9-14 same] 25-22; 11-16 22-17 [29-25; 7-11 22-17 same]; 7-11 29-25; 11-15 31-27(16); 16-19 27-24; 5-9 [Not the inviting 12-16? 26-22!; 2-7 24-20; 7-11 32-27; 14-18 30-26 and White is powerful] 26-23; 1926 30-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 32-27; 10-14 27-24; 14-18 21-17; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by J. Cox. #1633.


Complete Checkers

V16(15): . . . 32-27; 16-20! [16-19 transposes into R. King v R. Beckwith 2010, 3 times!, and permits an easy draw with 27-24; 5-9 26-23 etc. . . ] 26-23; 12-16 25-22; 5-9 27-24 [Not 30-26? to a Black Win: M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1974]; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 30-26; 24-27 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 13-6; 2-9 23-16; 27-31 26-23; 9-14 16-11; 1-6 11-7; 6-10 7-2; 31-27 23-18; 14-23 2-7; 10-14 7-10. Drawn. Analysis by J. Cox. #1634. V17(T): 4-8(21) 25-22 [17-13 is forced from other ballots, so is arguably superior]; 9-13(19) 27-23; 6-9 23-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 1-6 [2-6 is inferior, though sound, after 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 30-26; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 11-15 16-11; 7-16 20-11 etc. . . ] 30-25; 15-18 22-15; 11-27 32-23; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25 Forms Position, Diagram 130: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 130

Continue: 13-17(18) 21-14; 10-17 25-22 [19-16; 12-26 31-13; 8-11 24-19; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 13-9 [Not 25-22?] Drawn: L. Levitt v D. Oldbury 1976]; 17-26 31-22; 8-11 24-20; 11-16 [Against 7-10 22-17; draws: P. Davis v D. Lafferty 1984] 20-11; 7-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-10. Drawn. L. Levitt v M. Tinsley 1950. #1635. V18(17): 8-11 25-22; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 31-27 [A common landing]; 3-7 27-24; 13-17! 22-13; 10-14 13-9; 7-10 9-5; 11-15 5-1; 15-18 1-6!; 2-9 21-17; 18-27 17-13; 27-32 13-6; 14-18 6-2; 10-14 19-15! [Not 2-6? to a black win: R. King v A. Moiseyev

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2000]; 32-28 24-19; 18-23 [The point: 28-24? loses to 15-10!] 1510; 14-18 19-15; 18-22 10-6. Drawn. Analysis by J. Drummond. #1636. V19(17): 15-18 [Quite a good alternative, since 9-14 has not been committed] (20) 22-15; 11-18 17-13; 7-11 24-20 INTO 10-14 23-19; 14-18 (V10) V20(19): 9-14 [Inferior] 17-13 INTO 11-15 21-17; 8-11 (V5) V21(17): 9-13(27) 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 24-20; 4-8(23) 2723; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 23-18; 15-22 25-18 Forms Position, Diagram 131: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 131

Continue: 1-6(22) 29-25; 8-11 28-24; 13-17 25-22; 17-21 22-17; 6-9 17-13; 7-10 13-6; 2-9 14-7; 3-10 31-27; 10-15 26-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 12-16 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 10-7; 27-32. Drawn. D. Oldbury v D. Lafferty 1982. #1637. V22(21): 8-11 29-25; 7-10 [1-6 28-24 into Variation 21] 14-7; 3-10 26-23; 5-9 31-27; 10-15 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 15-18 14-10; 11-15 25-22; 18-25 30-21; 15-18 27-24; 18-23 20-16; 12-19 24-15. Drawn. D. Oldbury v D. Lafferty 1982. #1638. V23(21): 6-9(24) 28-24; 1-6! [4-8 32-28; 1-6 [11-16 to a draw: Chinook v R. Pask 1989] now 19-15 same or 26-22! which is powerful for White: P. Davis v D. Lafferty 1984] 19-15; 4-8 32-


Complete Checkers

28; 12-16 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 31-22; 16-19 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-25 29-22; 5-14 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 27-23; 11-15 28-24; 6-10 24-20; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11; 26-31 11-7. Drawn. D. Oldbury v D. Lafferty 1982. #1639. V24(23): 6-10(25) 27-24; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-8; 4-11 19-16; 1219 24-8; 3-12 25-22; 1-6 28-24; 6-10 24-19; 7-11 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-7 25-22; 7-10 32-28; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 12-19. Drawn. E. Lowder v W. Hellman 1958. #1640. V25(24): 3-8 [Black has 2 other options, but neither amounts to much. 1) 18-22!? 25-18; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 25-22; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 17-26 31-22 and White stands better. 2) 11-16 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 3-7 28-24 and again White is best] 19-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 13-17(26) 27-23; 11-15 [2-6 is well met with 23-18; 6-10 18-15! to a draw] 28-24; 15-19 24-15; 7-10 15-6; 2-27 32-23; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-21; 5-9 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 11-16 14-9; 15-19 23-18. Drawn. J. Morrison v D. Lafferty 1986. #1641. V26(25): 11-15 [Or 2-6 29-25; 13-17 25-21 [Not 26-22?] 11-15 27-23; 15-18 28-24; 18-27 32-23; 5-9 14-5; 6-9 21-14; 9-27 24-19 to a draw: A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1914] 29-25; 15-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 12-16 [Or 13-17 25-21; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 31-27; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-18 to an easy draw: M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1914] 20-11; 8-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 26-22; 8-12 19-15; 13-17 22-13; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 25-21. Drawn. R. Martins v G. Jewitt 1880. #1642. V27(21): 3-8(29) 25-22; 11-16 [9-14 into Variation 45] 27-23; 7-11 [16-20 is strong for White after 32-27; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 9-14 17-13; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 29-25; 5-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 16-12; 6-10 19-16; 11-15 13-9; 17-21 22-17; 15-19 25-22; 19-24 26-23; 24-28 22-18; 28-32 17-13; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 12-8!: A. Long v D. Oldbury 1974] 24-20!; 15-24 28-19; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 22-18; 1-6 21-17 Forms Position, Diagram 132: BTP Continue: 6-10(28) 17-13; 24-27 13-6; 2-9 31-24; 10-15 26-22; 15-19 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-27 20-11; 8-15 32-23; 5-14 29-25; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 25-21; 19-24 30-26; 24-27 26-23; 27-31 22-18; 31-27

Richard Pask


❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 132

18-9; 27-18 21-17. Drawn. L. Levitt v D. Oldbury 1976. #1643. V28(27): 2-7 32-28! [18-15? loses]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25; 9-13 25-21!; 13-22 26-17; 8-12 [11-16? loses] 17-13; 5-9 21-17; 7-10 31-26; 10-15 26-22; 24-27 17-14; 19-23 14-5; 6-10 5-1; 27-31 1-6; 31-26 30-25; 26-17 25-21; 15-22 21-7; 11-15 6-10; 15-18 10-15; 23-26 7-2; 26-30 2-7; 18-23 15-18; 23-26 18-25; 30-21 7-10; 21-17 13-9; 26-31 9-6; 31-26 6-2; 26-23 10-15; 17-22 2-7; 23-18. Drawn. R. Jones v D. Oldbury 1982. #1644. V29(27): 15-18(31) 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 17-14; 11-15 28-24; 1216(30) 26-23; 16-20 30-26; 9-13 32-28 Forms Position, Diagram 133: BTP Continue: 6-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 25-22; 18-25 29-13; 2-6 19-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22. Drawn. R. Jordan v A. Jordan 1894. #1645. V30(29): 7-11 26-23; 9-13 23-19; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 32-28; 1-5 INTO 11-15 23-18; 8-11 CR (V5) V31(29): 9-14 25-22; 6-9(45) 17-13; 2-6 29-25; 4-8 [9-14 22-17; 1115 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 4-8 23-19; 6-9 17-13; 2-6 is my recommended way of arriving at this position with Black, as shown under the 9-14s] 24-20[R](42); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 27-24; 14-17 21-14; 9-18


Complete Checkers

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✇❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 133

26-23 [1) . . . 22-17? 5-9! [This has been questioned] 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 9-14 25-22; 14-21 23-18; 7-11! 31-27; 3-7! 20-16; 11-20 18-4; 7-11 30-26; 11-16 26-23; 21-25 22-18; 25-30 4-8; 30-26 18-15; 10-14 to a black win. 2) . . . 31-27; 5-9 20-16; 10-14 19-10; 12-28 22-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 14-18 leaves Black strongly situated, and perhaps an actual win]; 18-27 32-23; 10-14[R](41) 19-10; 6-15; 13-9 Forms Position, Diagram 134: BTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 134

Continue: 14-17[R](34) 22-13; 5-14 25-22[R](33); 1-6 [8-11 is weak after 31-26 into Variation 40 2nd note] 23-19[R](32); 7-10 30-25; 14-17 25-21; 17-26 31-22; 8-11 21-17; 3-8 17-14; 10-26 19-1;

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12-16 1-6; 16-19 24-15; 11-18 6-10; 8-12 10-15; 18-22; 13-9 26-30. Drawn. H. Coltherd v J. Way 1858. #1646. V32(31): . . . 31-26; 14-18 23-14; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-28. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1969. #1647. V33(31): . . . 13-9; 15-18 [R. Fortman recommended 7-11 30-26; 3-7! as a winning black attack, but after 23-19 [Or 25-21 to a draw: R. Hallett v R. King 1998]; 15-18 26-22 [Or 19-15 to a draw: R. Hallett v R. King 1998 & R. Beckwith v R. King 2010]; 18-23 9-5; 23-27 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-11 24-19; 11-18 31-24; 18-23 19-15; 23-27 24-19; 27-31 20-16 White’s draw seems secure] 31-27; 8-11 30-26; 11-15 26-22! [9-5? loses to 7-10 23-19; 3-7 20-16; 14-17 25-21; 18-22 21-14; 10-17 19-3; 12-28 26-23; 28-32 etc. . . ]; 7-11 23-19; 14-17 22-13; 18-23 19-10; 23-32 9-6; 32-28 6-2; 28-19 10-6; 1-10 2-7; 19-23 7-14; 12-16 13-9; 16-19 9-6. Drawn. Analysis by J. Sturges. (Also, essentially, A. Moiseyev v R. King 2000) #1648. V34(31): 14-18(37) 23-14; 7-10(35) 14-7; 3-10 30-26; 5-14 25-21; 1-6 [8-11 26-23; 1-6 22-17 same] 22-17; 8-11 26-23; 15-18 24-19; 18-27 31-24; 14-18 [11-15 also draws after 20-16; 6-9 17-13; 14-18 13-6; 10-14 19-10; 12-28] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22 14-10; 6-15 19-10; 22-26 10-7; 12-16 [26-31 7-3; 31-27 3-8; 12-16 8-15; 16-19 20-16???. Black win: WCC v R. Pask at speed 1999] 7-3; 26-31; 3-8 16-19. Drawn. J. Morrison v D. Lafferty 1986. #1649. V35(34): 7-11(36) [Inferior. In addition, Black may play 15-19 into Variation 38] 31-26; 3-7 [Not 12-16? of course!] 25-21; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 26-23! [Stronger than the usual 9-6]; 7-10! [25-29? loses to 9-6] 14-7; 5-14 [Database draw] 7-3; 25-29 30-26; 29-25 3-7; 25-29 7-10; 29-25 10-17; 25-22 17-14; 22-31 23-18; 31-27 14-10; 27-23 18-14; 8-11! [23-19 14-9; 8-11 led to a very delicate draw: P. Davis v D. Lafferty 1984] 14-9; 23-18! 9-6; 18-14 10-17; 1-10 17-22; 12-16 22-18; 16-19 21-17; 10-15 18-14; 19-24 14-10; 15-19 10-7; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1650. V36(35): 8-11 31-26; 12-16 26-23; 3-8 25-21; 8-12 14-10; 7-14 30-25; 14-18 23-14; 16-19 21-17; 19-28 9-6; 1-10 14-7 [Database draw]; 28-32 7-3; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 32-27 9-6; 27-23 25-21; 14-


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18 22-17; 15-19 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 19-24 6-2; 15-19 11-15; 18-22 2-7; 22-26 7-11; 26-30 17-14; 23-27 11-16; 27-23 16-11; 23-27. Drawn. J. Morrison v R. King 2006. #1651. V37(34): 7-11(38) 23-18; 14-23 31-26; 5-14 26-10; 14-18 [11-15 30-26; 14-18 10-6; 1-10 24-19; 15-24 22-6 to a draw] 22-15; 1118 [Database draw] 25-22; 18-25 30-21; 8-11 21-17; 11-15 17-14; 15-18 14-9; 18-23 9-6; 23-27 6-2; 27-32 24-19; 32-27 19-15; 27-23 15-11; 23-18 11-8; 12-16 20-11; 3-12 11-8; 12-16 2-7; 1-5. Drawn. A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1913. #1652. V38(37): 15-19(39) [A strange choice on Black’s part which asks for trouble] 24-15; 14-18 23-14; 7-10 15-6 [14-7; 3-19 25-21; 5-14 [Database draw] 30-26 clearly provides a more sustained attack, but this brings out an interesting point]; 1-26 30-23; 5-14 25-22; 3-7! [8-11? loses: a fine ending worthy of study] 22-18; 14-17 23-19; 17-22 19-15; 22-25 18-14; 7-11 15-10; 11-15 10-6; 15-18 6-2; 8-11 2-6; 25-30 6-10; 18-23 14-9; 30-25 9-6; 25-22 6-2; 23-26 2-6; 26-30 6-9; 30-26. Drawn. Analysis by J. Sturges. #1653. V39(38): 7-10(40) 25-21!; 14-18 23-7; 3-10 30-26; 5-14 26-23; 8-11 23-19; 1-6 22-17; 15-18 19-15; 10-28 17-1; 18-22 1-6; 11-15 6-10; 15-19 10-15; 19-23 15-18; 22-26! [Compare with Variation 9 note] 31-22; 28-32 18-27; 32-23. Drawn. J. Morrison v R. King 1991. #1654. V40(39): 8-11 [Inferior] 31-26; 14-18 [Or 14-17 22-13; 5-14 2522; 14-17 23-19; 7-10 [17-21? should have led to a white win: I. Edwards v E. Scheidt 1973] 13-9; 1-5 22-13; 5-14 13-9 and White is strong: a narrow draw analysed by J. McFarland] 23-14; 3-8 Into Variation 35 V41(31): 5-9 [15-18? 22-15; 5-9 30-26!; 9-14 20-16!; 8-11 15-8; 10-15 19-10; 12-28 25-22; 6-15 13-9; 3-12 22-18; 15-22 26-3: white win] 23-18; 8-11 20-16; 11-27 18-2; 27-32 2-7; 10-14 7-11; 32-28 19-15; 14-18 22-17; 28-24 25-22; 18-25 30-21; 24-20 [24-19 runs the same way] 15-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 11-18; 20-16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-11 14-10; 11-7 10-6; 7-10 6-1; 3-8 31-27; 8-11 27-24; 1216 [10-15 18-14; 15-10 14-16; 12-28 is a quick draw] 24-19; 16-23 18-27 [Into a beautiful 2 v 2 ending]; 10-14 1-6; 11-15 27-23; 15-18

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23-26; 14-17 6-10; 17-13! 26-31; 13-17 10-15; 18-22 15-18; 17-21 18-25; 21-30. Drawn. D. Oldbury v D. Lafferty 1982. #1655. V42(31): . . . 22-17(43) [Requires careful handling]; 14-18 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 23-18; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-20 17-14; 22-25 21-17; 25-29 31-26; 12-16 27-23; 16-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-19 32-27; 8-12 27-23; 12-16 26-22!; 19-26 30-23; 29-25 28-24!; 20-27 14-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 18-11; 25-18 23-7. Drawn. Analysis by J. McIndoe. #1656. V43(42): . . . 26-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 19-10; 7-14 31-22; 14-18! 22-15; 11-18 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 3-7 24-19(44); 5-9 28-24; 9-14 24-20; 14-17 26-23; 17-21 23-14; 21-30 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 30-26 27-24; 7-11 6-2; 10-14 13-9; 14-17 32-28; 26-22 9-6; 1-10 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 22-18 6-1; 8-12 1-6; 18-14 28-24; 14-18 24-19; 18-23 6-9; 23-16 2-7. Drawn. D. Oldbury v W. Hellman 1964. #1657. V44(43): . . . 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23 [Left as drawn here in Lees’ Guide!]; 8-11 24-20 [25-21 draws cleanly after 6-10 21-17 as does 23-18; 6-10 24-20 per the following note, but 25-22 and 24-19 are both narrow drawing propositions: analysis by D. Oldbury]; 6-10 28-24? [23-18 does not lose as D. Oldbury suggested! Continue 5-9 13-6; 10-15 25-21!; 1-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14 and all is well!]; 10-15! 25-22 [Or 23-19; 15-18 25-21; 18-23 21-17; 23-27! 17-14; 27-32 14-10; 32-27 10-7; 27-23 to a black win]; 12-16 22-17; 15-18! 23-14; 1-6. Black Win. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1658. V45(31): 3-8(46) 26-23; 5-9 17-13; 11-16 INTO Key Landing Number 11 V46(45): 11-16(48) 24-20; 16-23 [15-24 runs similarly] 27-11; 7-16 20-11; 3-7 28-24; 7-16 24-20(47); 16-19 Into Trunk V47(46): . . . 24-19 [A favourite with D. Oldbury]; 16-23 26-19 INTO 9-14 24-19; 11-15 (V3) V48(46): 4-8 [Inferior. Also, 14-18? 29-25; 11-16 26-23; 6-9 2314; 9-18 17-13; 16-23 24-19; 15-24 22-6; 1-10 28-19; 4-8 27-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 14-9; 5-14 31-27; 16-23 27-9 to an


Complete Checkers

archetypal novice v expert win] 17-13 INTO 11-15 21-17; 8-11 (V5) V49(T): . . . 22-18(50); 15-22 25-18; 11-16 27-23 [26-23?!; 9-13 29-25; 5-9 25-22; 16-20 30-26; 10-14 18-15; 4-8 22-17 [15-10?: D. Lafferty v E. Lowder 1989 seems to lose by force after 6-15 19-10; 1-5! 22-18; 8-11 10-6; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 6-1; 3-7] 13-22 26-10; 7-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 2-7 28-24; 7-11 24-20; 9-13 31-26; 1-5 26-22; 3-7 21-17; 7-10 is a deeply unattractive proposition for White. No doubt there is better play available]; 16-20 32-27; 4-8 29-25; 10-14 26-22; 7-10 31-26 [30-26! [Better]; 3-7 18-15; 9-13 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-19 24-15; 8-12 27-23 [Best]; 12-19 23-16; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 16-12; 2-6 12-8; 6-9 8-4; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-23; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 4-8; 10-14 22-18 to a draw] INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V19) V50(49): . . . 27-23(52); 9-13(51) 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 26-17; 13-22 30-26; 5-9 26-17; 9-13 17-14; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-16 32-27; 7-11 22-18; 16-20 31-26 INTO 10-15 22-18; 15-22 (V12) V51(50): 9-14 [Soft] INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-14 (T) V52(50): . . . 26-23(55); 4-8 22-17(54); 15-18 23-14; 9-18 17-14(53); 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 [18-22 is a good alternative, but does not win as claimed in Lees’ Guide] 29-25; 6-10 31-26; 10-17 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 1-6 26-22; 6-10 22-17; 11-15 27-23; 15-18 24-20; 18-27 32-23; 8-11 23-18; 12-16 19-12; 10-15 17-13; 15-22 [Database draw] 13-9; 22-26 9-6; 26-31 6-2; 31-26 20-16; 11-20 2-11; 26-23 11-16; 23-18 14-10; 18-23 10-6; 5-9 6-2; 9-13 16-11; 13-17 11-15; 17-22 2-6; 22-26 15-10; 26-31 10-7; 3-10 6-15; 31-26 12-8. Drawn. R. King v A. Moiseyev 2000. #1659. V53(52): . . . 24-20; 10-15! 19-10; 6-15 17-13 [17-14; 12-16 21-17; 16-19 [1-6! 25-21?!; 18-23! 27-18; 15-22 30-25; 22-26! 31-22; 16-19 to a black win: R. King v E.. Lowder 1995] 25-21?! [17-13; 8-12 27-24; 12-16 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 1-6 22-18; 15-22 24-8; 3-12 20-11; 7-16 28-24 may prove to be White’s best continuation, but the whole line is fraught with danger for the second player]; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 32-27; 1-6! leaves Black very powerfully arrayed];

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12-16 31-26; 1-6 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 16-19 27-24? [27-23 may be necessary to draw]; 7-10 22-17; 8-12 32-27; 12-16! (corrects Lees’ Guide] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-7 13-9; 6-13 30-25; 2-6 27-23; 13-17 25-21; 6-10 23-18; 15-31 24-8 [24-6 loses more quickly]; 16-19 . . . to a long Black Win. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1660. V54(52): . . . 21-17 [30-26 is strongly met with 15-18] 9-13 [9-14 25-21; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 17-13; 18-22 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-11 32-27; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 1-5 19-15; 11-18 30-26; 6-10 26-17; 18-22 27-24 is a good Black attack by M. Tinsley] 23-18; 6-9 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23 Into Variation 17 V55(52): . . . 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 7-14 25-21; 4-8 27-23; 11-16 29-25; 2-7 22-18; 6-10 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 14-18 21-14; 10-17 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 13-17 14-9; 8-11 24-20; 17-22 28-24; 22-25 32-28; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 9-6; 1-10 20-16; 12-19 24-6. Drawn. D. Lafferty v D. Oldbury 1982. #1661.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 99 (114): 11-15 23-19; 9-13 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 13 Trunk: 11-15 23-19; 9-13 22-18[R](16); 15-22 25-18 [Remarkably, 2617!?; 13-22 25-18 has been published, as noted by Liam Stephens, and appears to be perfectly sound]; 10-14[R](9) 18-9; 5-14 2723[R](8) [26-22; 8-11 27-23 same]; 8-11 26-22 [29-25; 6-10 25-22 into Variation 8]; 6-10[R](5) 22-18; 1-5[R](4) 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15[R](3) [4-8 25-22; 11-15 same] 25-22 [30-26; 4-8 25-22 same or 31-26; 4-8 25-22 into Variation 2]; 4-8 [14-17 is old published play by Andrew Anderson to draw, but 14-18? lost: P. Fondren v D. Oldbury 1974; although a draw may be available] 30-26[R](2); 8-11 Forms Position, Diagram 135: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 135

Continue: . . . 22-17[R](1); 13-22 26-17; 15-18 [This is best. Although 11-16 24-20; 15-24 20-11; 7-16 28-19; draws, Black’s 3 continuations in 2-7, 3-7 and 3-8 all have a tendency to drift into difficult endgames. A recent example was Game 40 of the 1996 King-Lafferty WCM, in which the former went into a loss which was missed. At the time, the score was 5-5 and 29 draws!] 19-15; 18-27 15-8 [15-6 is inferior after 2-9 17-10 [32-23; 9-13! 17-10;

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7-14 same] 7-14 32-23; 9-13! 24-20!; 3-7 31-26!; 13-17 23-19 to a draw]; 12-16 32-23; 3-12 31-26 [24-20 also draws, but is nondescript. Continue: 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 19-23 16-12; 7-11 12-8; 11-15 8-3. Drawn: M. Tinsley v J. Marshall 1957]; 16-20 24-19; 7-11 26-22; 11-15 17-13; 15-24 28-19; 2-7! 13-9; 20-24! 9-6; 14-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-26. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1662. V1(T): . . . 32-27; 2-6 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 3-8 17-13; 15-18 31-26; 18-22! 26-17; 11-15 23-18; 14-32 17-14; 10-17 19-3; 32-27 21-14; 27-20. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1954. #1663. V2(T): . . . 31-26; 8-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 3227 [22-18; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 19-15; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-14; 22-26 23-18; 26-31 15-10. Drawn: E. Zuber v D. Lafferty 1982]; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-11; 2-6 22-18; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 18-15; 6-9. Drawn. A. Long v R. Ward 1927. #1664. V3(T): 11-16 [Leads to a very routine development] 24-20; 3-8 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 31-26 [25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 8-11 30-25; 7-10 25-21; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 22-18 is another easy draw]; 8-11 25-22; 11-16 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 15-10; 7-14 18-9; 22-26 9-5; 26-31 5-1; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. S. Scarpetta v R. King 2012. #1665. V4(T): 14-17 [Underrated] 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 1-5 [17-22? loses to Tinsley’s 32-27!: typical of the man’s genius] 29-25; 2-6 31-26; 17-21 25-22; 6-10 24-20; 10-17 32-27; 4-8 [11-15 19-10; 7-14 27-24; 4-8 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 8-12 15-10; 3-8 10-7; 8-11 7-3; 11-16 3-7; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 7-11; 19-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 21-25 19-16; 25-30; 16-12 also draws: WCC v R. Pask 1999] 23-18; 7-10 27-23; 5-9 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 10-14 7-2; 14-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23. Drawn. Analysis by A. Anderson. #1666. V5(T): 7-10(7) 22-18; 6-9 31-26; 11-16 29-25; 16-20(6) 32-27; 4-8 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V22) V6(5): 1-6 25-22; 16-20 32-27; 3-7 18-15; 4-8 30-25; 13-17 22-13; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 2-7 25-22; 7-11 22-17; 11-18 19-15; 10-26 17-1; 9-14 24-19; 26-30 1-6; 30-26 19-15; 12-16 6-10; 18-22 10-


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17; 26-30 17-26; 30-32. Drawn. D. Oldbury v E. Lowder 1983. #1667. V7(5): 11-16 24-20; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 20-11; 10-26 31-22; 7-16 29-25; 3-7 25-21; 4-8 22-18; 7-10 28-24; 16-20 30-26; 20-27 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 32-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 1-5 18-14! Drawn. Nexus v R. Pask 1999. #1668. V8(T): . . . 29-25; 8-11 25-22 [27-23; 6-10 25-22 same]; 6-10 27-23; 11-15 24-20 [31-27 into Variation 17 note]; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18 [32-27; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 2-6 27-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 slightly favours Black]; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 8-11 30-25; 7-10 [11-16 20-11; 7-16 25-21; 3-7 22-18; 16-20 [Or 7-10] 18-14; 20-24 23-18; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 is an oft-played alternative] 23-18; 13-17 22-13; 3-7 20-16; 11-20 18-15; 12-16. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Frazier 1967. #1669. V9(T): 7-11(10) INTO 10-15 22-18; 15-22 (V8) V10(9): 10-15 [Rarely used, but perfectly sound and a good option for the crossboard artist] (13) 18-11; 7-23(12) 27-18 [2619? led to a bizarre loss: R. King v D. Oldbury 1992]; 12-16 29-25; 5-9 25-22; 16-20 24-19; 8-11(11) 26-23 [30-25 is worthy of consideration]; 6-10 30-26; 2-7 32-27; 4-8 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 8-12 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-8; 3-12 18-15; 12-16 15-10; 7-14 17-10; 16-19. Drawn. J. Kear v W. Gardner 1900. #1670. V11(10): 6-10 18-15 [1) 30-25; 2) 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 8-11 to a draw: Sage v R. Pask 1999 and 3) 26-23 are other options]; 1-6 22-18; 8-12 26-23; 3-7 32-27!; 10-14! [4-8? loses] 30-26; 13-17 28-24; 4-8 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 15-11; 8-15 18-11; 9-13 11-8; 14-18! 23-7; 2-11 8-3; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 3-7; 19-28 27-23; 28-32 22-18; 32-27 7-10; 27-31 10-1; 31-26 23-19; 26-23 18-14; 23-16 1-5. Drawn. A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1914. #1671. V12(10): 8-15 19-10; 6-15 [7-14?! to a questionable draw: Colossus v R. Pask 1999] INTO 9-13 23-19; 10-15 (V20) V13(10): 13-17! (15) [As D. Oldbury remarked, this is in the

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original spirit of the opening: Black operating on one wing and White on the other] 21-14; 10-17 29-25; 5-9 25-22; 17-21 [Oddly, this appears to be best] (14) 27-23; 8-11 24-20 [32-27; 4-8 24-20 same]; 4-8 32-27; 6-10 27-24 [22-17! is worthy of attention]; 1-6 [Against 9-13 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 1-10 28-24; 10-15 20-16; 11-27 18-4; 27-32 is old published play to draw, while 19-15! may even win per J. Loy; although E. Lowder v Chinook 1994 was a draw] 22-17; 9-14 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 11-15; 17-13; 2-6 31-26; 15-18 23-14; 10-17 26-23; 8-11 23-18; 17-22 18-14; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 9-5; 14-18 5-1; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 1-6; 22-26 30-23; 18-27 6-10; 14-17. Drawn. E. Lowder v D. Oldbury 1983. #1672. V14(13): 9-13 [According to general principles this is best, but analysis by Alex Moiseyev shows that it loses!] 27-23; 8-11 32-27; 4-8 [11-16 loses to 24-20; 7-11 27-24; 1-5 [6-9 19-15; 1-6 same] 19-15; 5-9 15-8; 4-11 23-19!; 16-23 26-19; 17-26 31-22 etc. . . ] 24-20; 1-5 27-24? [19-16! is Moiseyev’s brilliant White win]; 6-9 31-27; 2-6 [17-21 has been analysed to lose by D. Oldbury in The Square World Page 117, but permits a technical draw for Black [Liam Stephens]: not White’s problem!] 19-15; 17-21 24-19 [23-19; 7-10 27-23 same]; 7-10 27-24; 3-7 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-19 24-15; 8-12 15-8; 12-19 8-3; 7-10 3-7; 10-14 [10-15 has also been given to draw] 7-11; 14-23 11-15; 19-24 26-19; 9-14 19-16; 24-27 15-19; 27-31 19-24; 6-9 16-11; 21-25 30-21; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 24-27; 31-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by J. Drummond. #1673. V15(13): 5-9 [Against the unusual, but sound, 8-11, White gains a slight edge with 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 28-24 or 29-25] 27-23 INTO 9-13 23-19; 5-9 (T) V16(T): . . . 22-17(17); 13-22 25-11 [26-17?!; 15-18 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 2-7 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 10-14 to a black win: D. Oldbury v R. King 1992]; 8-15 INTO 10-14 24-20; 11-16 CR (V13) V17(16): . . . 26-23(18); 6-9 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22 [31-26; 11-15 25-22; 1-6 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-23 26-19; 3-7 32-27; 4-8 leads to a comfortable draw for both sides: R. Pask v Sage 1999]; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 11-16 30-25; 7-10


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25-21; 3-8 22-18; 1-5 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 19-15; 16-20 23-19; 17-22 15-11; 8-15 19-10; 22-26 24-19; 26-30 10-7; 2-11 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 32-7. Drawn. Analysis by W. Gardner. #1674. V18(17): . . . 27-23; 8-11 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V50)

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Ballot Number 100 (115): 11-15 23-19; 9-14 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 16 Trunk: 11-15 23-19; 9-14 27-23[R](22); 8-11[R](19) 22-18 [32-27?; 6-9! 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 4-8 to a black win: R. King v J. Morrison 1991]; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25 Forms Key Landing Number 6, Diagram 136: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 136

Continue: 11-15[R](8) 25-22[R](7); 4-8(3) 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 10-15(2) 19-10; 6-15 22-18; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 31-27; 8-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16(1) 32-27; 1-6 [Or 2-6 18-14!] 18-14!; 16-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 2-7 21-17; 11-15 17-13; 15-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-17. Drawn. D. Oldbury v J. Marshall 1955. #1675. V1(T): 2-6 30-26; 12-16 [Or 3-7 32-27; followed with the 11-16 shot to a quick draw] 26-23; 6-10 21-17; 10-15 18-14; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 14-10; 23-26 18-14; 16-19 10-7; 3-10 14-7; 19-23. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1676. V2(T): 8-11 22-17; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 6-9 17-13 [Or 23-19; 11-15 19-16 to a draw for variety: Chinook v M. Tinsley 1994]; 3-7 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-


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17 21-14; 1-17 30-26. Drawn. A. Cameron v M. Tinsley 1956. #1677. V3(T): 7-11[R](6) Forms Key Landing Number 8, Diagram 137: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 137

Continue: . . . 22-18[R](4); 15-22 26-17; 11-15 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 30-26; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 6-9 17-13; 3-7 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-17 31-27; 17-22 27-24. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #1678. V4(3): . . . 24-20 [The unusual 31-27 is best met with 6-9 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 3-7]; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 22-18; 4-8 31-27(5); 8-11 18-15; 11-18 21-17; 14-21 23-5; 2-6 20-16 [27-23; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 20-16; 12-19 same]; 10-15 19-10; 12-19 27-23; 6-15 23-16; 15-19 16-11; 19-24 26-23; 24-27 23-19. Drawn. R. Stewart v N. Banks 1922. #1679. V5(4): . . . 20-16; 3-7 26-22; 9-13 18-9; 8-11 30-26; 11-20 22-18; 20-24 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 7-11 17-13; 10-14 9-6; 1-10 18-9; 11-15 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 24-28 6-2; 15-24 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by H. Smith. #1680. V6(3): 6-9 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 32-27 Into Variation 8 V7(T): . . . 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 25-22; 15-19 2316; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 4-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 31-27; 8-11

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23-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-10; 21-17; 10-15 18-14; 15-19 14-9; 19-23 17-13 [9-5 led to a lengthy, unforced, black win, with errors on both sides!: D. Oldbury v E. Scheidt 1976]; 23-26 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 26-31 6-2; 31-26; 2-6 11-15. Drawn. J. Wyllie v F. Dunne. 1894. #1681. V8(T): 6-9 25-22; 9-13 24-20; 11-15(16) 32-27; 15-24 28-19 Forms Key Landing Number 7 CR, Diagram 138: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 138

Continue: 4-8(12) 22-18; 1-5(11) 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 8-11 30-25; 11-16(10) 20-11; 7-16 25-21; 3-7(9) 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 7-10 15-6; 2-9. Drawn. A. Long v T. Watson 1983. #1682. V9(8): 2-7 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 3-8 17-14; 7-11 15-10; 11-16 10-7; 16-20 14-9; 8-12 7-3; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 23-18; 27-31 18-14; 31-26 22-18; 26-22 18-15. Drawn. T. Watson v A. Long 1983. #1683. V10(8): 7-10 25-21 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V18) V11(8): 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 1-6 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-11 30-25; 12-16 18-14; 11-18 20-4; 2-7 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-26. Drawn. R. Jordan v J. Ferrie 1896. (Also G. Davies v L. Levitt 1973) #1684. V12(8): 7-11(13) 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11


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27-23; 4-8 26-22; 10-15 20-16; 11-20 30-26; 15-19 [14-18 and 13-17 also draw] 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 8-11 16-7; 3-17 26-23; 17-26 31-22. Drawn. Analysis by A. Anderson. #1685. V13(12): 2-6(14) 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 4-8 [The 17-22 exchange is strongly met with 27-23! and not 16-11?] 18-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 27-23; 10-14 [8-12 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 10-15 26-22; 17-26 31-22 leads to a simple draw] 16-12; 8-11 23-19; 17-21 26-23; 13-17 31-26; 7-10 12-8; 3-12 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 14-18 7-2; 10-15. Drawn. D. Oldbury v B. Case (P) 1958. #1686. V14(13): 1-5 22-18 4-8 (15) Into Variation 8 V15(14): 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 2-6 [17-22 26-17; 13-22 is strongly met with 19-15!, rather than 23-18, and Black winds up in a Skullcracker ending: T. Goldsboro v A. Long 1927] 23-18; 1722 26-17; 13-22 18-15; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 27-23; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 23-18; 5-9 31-27; 10-14 27-23; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 14-23. Drawn. J. Wyllie v R. Yates 1876. #1687. V16(8): 4-8(17) 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 30-25; 2-6 25-21; 6-9 28-24; 1-5 32-28; 3-7 21-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-21 23-18; 21-25 18-15; 11-18 22-6; 7-11 6-2; 25-30 2-6; 13-17. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1688. V17(16): 1-5(18) 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 30-25; 3-8 25-21; 2-6 28-24; 6-9 32-28; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 23-18; 10-14 18-11; 14-17 21-14; 9-25. Drawn. Analysis by J. Robertson. #1689. V18(17): 2-6 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 28-19; 10-15 (6-9 17-13; 3-8 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-11 etc. . . is a snap draw] 19-10; 6-15 17-10; 7-14 20-16; 12-19 23-16; 4-8 16-11; 8-12 26-22; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 17-14; 22-25 21-17; 25-30 11-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #1690. V19(T): 5-9(20) INTO 9-14 23-19; 5-9 (T)

Richard Pask V20(19): 7-11(21) INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 (V2) V21(20): 6-9 INTO 10-14 24-19; 6-10 (V22) V22(T): . . . 22-17; 7-11 INTO 10-15 23-19; 7-10 (V9)



Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 101 (116): 11-15 24-19; 15-24 POWER: [58/42] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 28 Trunk: 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19 [27-20 is weak, but sound, and capable of producing many white wins! Against it, one decent attack runs 8-11 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 4-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 etc. . . ]; 8-11[R](37) 22-18; 11-16(26) 25-22; 16-20(16) 22-17; 4-8(12) 17-13; 8-11(11) 26-22; 9-14(7) 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 [14-17 21-14; 10-17 31-26; 12-16 19-12; 3-8 12-3; 17-21 3-10; 6-31 32-28; 31-24 28-19; 20-24 23-18; 24-27 19-15; 11-16 18-14 is easy for White] 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 11-15(6) 32-28 [19-16, which I previously favoured, though sound permits Black too strong an endgame]; 15-24 28-19; 1417(5) 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22 Forms Position, Diagram 139: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 139

Continue: 6-10(1) ([Attack #1!] 29-25; 7-11 23-18; 11-16 27-23; 20-24 18-15; 10-14 25-21; 24-27 22-18; 27-31 18-9; 31-27 23-18; 16-23 9-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. S. Levy v S. Cohen 1937. #1691. V1(T): 7-10(2) [Attack #2!] 23-18; 3-8 [3-7 29-25; 7-11 same or 6-9 13-6; 2-9 29-25; 3-7 [3-8 22-17; 8-11 same] 22-17; 7-11 into the

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next note] 29-25; 8-11 22-17; 11-16 [6-9 13-6; 2-9 is easy for White after 27-23; 9-13 25-22; 20-24 18-14; 24-27 14-7; 27-31 23-18; 31-26 19-15; 26-23 15-8; 23-21. Drawn: M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1914] 27-23; 20-24 18-14; 24-28 [24-27 14-7; 2-11 19-15; 11-18 23-14. Drawn: L. Ginsberg v E. Hunt 1929] 14-7; 2-11 25-22; 6-10 22-18; 28-32 18-14; 11-15 14-7; 15-24. Drawn. V. Johnson v E. Hunt 1929. #1692. V2(1): 3-8(3) [Attack #3!] 29-25; 7-10 [8-11 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 6-10 [Or 7-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn: A. Long v N. Rubin 1929 & A. Long v M. Tinsley 1985: what a remarkable man!] 14-9; 10-15 27-23. Drawn: W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949] 23-18 Into Variation 1 V3(2): 7-11(4) [Attack #4!] 29-25; 6-10 [3-7 into Variation 2 note] Into Trunk V4(3): 6-9 [Attack #5!] 13-6; 2-9 29-25; 9-13 25-21; 7-11 21-17; 3-7 17-14; 11-16 22-18; 13-17 18-15; 17-22 15-11; 22-26 11-2; 2631 19-15; 31-24 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1693. V5(T): 7-11 [Soft] 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 29-25; 11-15 26-23; 3-7! [Best] 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 15-18 23-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 6-10 21-14; 10-17. Drawn. Chinook v M. Tinsley 1992. #1694. V6(T): 11-16 [Soft] 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 [6-9 13-6; 2-9 29-25; 9-14 25-21; 7-10 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 7-11 also draws] 22-18; 3-8 29-25 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V7) V7(T): 10-14(8) 19-15; 12-16 15-8; 3-12 22-17; 7-10 29-25; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 [Against 12-19 play 27-23!] 27-18; 12-19 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 25-22; 19-24 22-17; 7-11 30-25!; 24-27 32-23; 11-15 18-11; 9-27 31-24; 20-27 11-7; 27-31 25-21; 31-26 7-2; 5-9 17-14; 9-18 2-9; 26-22 21-17; 1-5 9-6; 18-23 17-14; 22-17 14-10. Drawn. M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1913. #1695. V8(7): 10-15(9) 19-10; 7-14 [6-15?! 13-6; 2-9 [1-10 is also weak after 21-17!] is powerful for White after 30-25!; 7-10 22-17; 15-22 25-18; 20-24 27-20; 10-15 32-27! [Improves 17-13: S. Scarpetta v R. King 2012]; 15-22 23-18] 32-28; 2-7 [11-16 28-24 and now both


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6-10 13-6; 2-9 and 3-7 are comfortably met with 24-19] 28-24; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 13-6; 10-26 31-22; 1-10 24-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 11-15 19-16; 12-26 30-23; 10-14 9-6; 15-18 2925; 20-24 27-20; 18-27. Drawn. W. Hellman v N. Banks 1939. #1696. V9(8): 11-16(10) 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (T) V10(9): 11-15 18-11; 7-16 29-25; 3-8 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 30-25 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V16 Note) V11(T): 9-14 [Soft] 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22 INTO Key Landing Number 3 V12(T): 9-13(14) 30-25 [17-14 may be fractionally better, but this has greater utility]; 13-22 26-17; 4-8(13) 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 INTO 11-15 21-17; 9-13 (V11) V13(12): 10-14 17-10 [18-9?; 5-14 17-10; 6-24 32-28; 7-11 28-19; 3-8 was a blunder: E. Hunt v V. Johnson 1929]; 6-24 32-28; 4-8 [3-8 28-19; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 8-11 31-26 to an easy draw: Nexus v R. Pask 2000; R. King v A. Moiseyev 2000 & R. King v A. Moiseyev 2005] 28-19; 8-11 21-17; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 17-14; 1-6 25-22; 2-7 29-25; 6-10 31-26; 10-17 22-13; 7-10 25-21; 3-7 26-22; 7-11 13-9; 5-14 22-18; 10-15 19-10; 16-19 23-7; 14-32. Drawn. J. Reed v C. Barker 1882. #1697. V14(12): 10-14(15) 17-10; 6-24 32-28; 4-8 [7-11 28-19; 11-16 21-17; 3-8 18-15 meets Black’s threats easily] 28-19; 8-11 21-17 [Enormous scope after this: text is but an example]; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 26-22; 2-6 17-13; 9-14 29-25; 3-7 25-21; 6-10 30-25; 1-6 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 6-10 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 17-22 13-9; 19-24 9-6; 22-26 31-22; 24-31 22-18; 3126 6-2; 7-11 15-8; 26-22. Drawn. Analysis by H. Henderson. #1698. V15(14): 9-14 [Soft] 18-9; 5-14 29-25 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V24)

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V16(T): 10-14(19) 22-17; 9-13(18) [16-20 into Variation 14] 18-9 [17-10; 6-22 26-17; 13-22 same]; 13-22 26-17; 6-22 30-26; 5-9 [4-8 26-17; 8-11 [2-6 29-25; 8-11 same] 29-25; 2-6 17-14; 6-9 21-17; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 12-16 25-21; 16-19 32-28; 1-6 17-13 to a draw: Colossus v R. Pask 2000] 26-17; 9-14(17) 17-10; 7-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 31-26 [22-17 also draws: W. Hellman v B. Case 1953, but this is more thematic]; 2-7 [On the alternatives. 1) 2-6 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 14-18 23-14; 16-30 21-17; 30-26 11-7; 3-10 14-7 to a draw. 2) 3-7 27-24!; [Not 22-18? which loses to 7-10] 1-6 24-20; 6-10 32-28; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 22-17; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 23-7; 16-30 7-3. Drawn: E. Hunt v L. Ginsberg 1929. 3) 1-5 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 7-10 22-18; 16-20 18-9; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 23-18; 15-22 32-23; 22-25 21-17; 25-30 23-18; 30-25 17-13 to a draw] 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 7-10 22-18; 16-20 18-9; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 23-18; 15-22 32-23; 10-14 9-6; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 23-16. Drawn. M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1913. #1699. V17(16): 2-6 [4-8 29-25; 2-6 same, while 9-13 17-14; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 16-20 22-18; 13-17 31-26; 12-16 is a snap draw] 2925; 4-8 25-22; 7-10 17-13; 8-11 27-24; 16-20 32-27; 11-16 [Or the immediate 10-15 to an easier draw: L. Kondlo v R. King 2008] 31-26; 10-15 [3-8 22-18; 10-14 26-22; 8-11 22-17; 6-10 13-6; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 6-2; 14-18 23-7; 16-32. Drawn: L. Kondlo v R. King 2008] 19-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 23-18; 16-19 18-11; 19-28 27-23; 28-32 23-18; 32-27 22-17 [11-7; 10-15 18-11; 3-10 22-17; 10-15 26-22; 27-23 17-13; 23-18 22-17; 18-22 17-14. Drawn: N. Rubin v A. Long 1929]; 27-31 26-22; 31-27 18-14; 10-15 11-7; 3-10 14-7; 27-23 17-13; 23-19 22-17. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1953. #1700. V18(16): 7-11 17-10; 6-24 27-20; 3-7 31-27; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 29-25; 12-19 25-22; 7-10 [Or 11-15 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 22-15; 14-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-27. Drawn] 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-6 20-16; 10-15 19-10; 6-15. Drawn. Borchek v D. Oldbury 1982. #1701. V19(16): 4-8(25) 29-25 [The most solid option. White has a lively alternative with 22-17 here, which affords the chance of


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gaining a tempo. Continue: 9-13 [9-14 is soft] 17-14 [30-25 is the Switcher transposition]; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9 [27-24; 10-17 24-20 also draws]; 5-14 18-9; 1-5 27-24!; 5-14 24-20; 8-11 26-22 to a draw: J. Bradford v S. Gonotsky 1925]; 10-14(24) 27-24; 16-20 31-27; 7-10(23) 32-28; 3-7(21) 18-15; 14-18(20) 23-14; 9-18 26-23; 7-11 23-7; 11-18 22-15; 2-18 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 21-17; 8-11 30-26; 5-9 17-13; 18-23 27-18; 10-15 13-6; 15-31 25-22. Drawn. R. Yates v J. Wyllie 1867. #1702. V20(19): 9-13 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 10-19 24-15; 7-11 16-7; 2-18 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 28-24; 10-15 26-23; 8-12 23-19; 15-18 19-15; 5-9 30-26; 13-17 15-11; 18-23 27-18; 14-30 21-5; 20-27. Drawn. R. Martins v J. Wyllie 1867. #1703. V21(19): 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5(22) 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 2-7 [3-7 22-18; and now both 14-17 and 13-17 draw] 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 12-16 15-11; 8-15 27-24; 20-27 23-18; 14-23 26-1; 27-31 [16-19 21-17. Drawn: W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1964] 1-6; 16-19 21-17; 7-11 17-14; 31-27 14-10; 3-8 10-7; 8-12 7-3; 11-16. Drawn. S. Cohen v D. Oldbury 1955. #1704. V22(21): 6-9 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 1-10 18-15; 10-19 23-16; 14-18 16-12; 8-11 26-22; 11-15 30-26; 9-14 28-24; 2-7 26-23; 7-10 23-19; 3-7 12-8; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 19-3; 26-30 25-21; 30-26. Drawn. D. Oldbury v Chinook 1994. #1705. V23(19): 6-10 32-28; 1-6 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 6-9 15-10; 12-16 18-15 [Permits a quick draw. Instead, 28-24; 16-19 24-15; 8-12 25-22; 12-16 21-17; 14-21 10-6 retains the tension: WCC v R. Pask 2000]; 16-19 23-16; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 10-3; 2-7 3-17; 13-31 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 31-26 23-19; 9-14. Drawn. A. Jordan v H. Lieberman 1920. #1706. V24(19): 16-20 [Soft; as is 9-13 18-14; 10-17 21-14 which transposes into a variation of the Boston] 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (T) V25(19): 9-13 [7-11!? 22-17; [29-25 is stronger] 10-14 into Variation 18] 18-14; 10-17 21-14 INTO 11-15 22-17; 9-13 (V7) V26(T): 10-14(27) 25-22; 6-10 [11-16 into Variation 16] 29-25;

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1-6 [11-16 27-24; 3-8 [1-6 same] 32-28; 7-11 24-20; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22 to a draw: R. Beckwith v R. King 2010] 27-24; 11-16 32-28; 16-20 31-27; 4-8 [9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 6-13 21-14; 10-17 25-22 with White holding a slight edge: R. Beckwith v R. King 2010] Into Variation 23 V27(26): 9-14[R](34) 18-9; 5-14 25-22[R](33); 11-15 32-28 [22-18; 15-22 26-17; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 27-24; 15-18 22-15; 12-16 19-12; 10-28 17-10; 7-14 gives Black a slight edge, while 27-24 4-8 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 25-22 transposes into the same play]; 15-24 28-19; 7-11[R](30) 22-18; 1-5[R](29) 18-9; 5-14 29-25 Forms Position, Diagram 140: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 140

Continue: 4-8[R](28) 25-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 [15-24 27-20 [189; 6-13 27-20; 10-15 26-22 to a draw: R. Beckwith v R. King 2010] into Variation 28] 26-17; 8-11 [6-9 30-26; 8-11 same] 30-26; 6-9 [Against 3-7 the 19-15 pitch is again the key to a safe draw] 1915; 11-18 [10-19 23-7; 3-10 27-24; 9-13 24-19; 13-22 26-17; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22 14-10; 22-25 19-15; 25-30 15-11. Drawn: M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928] 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 2-9 21-17; 14-21 23-5; 15-19 [21-25 26-23; 25-30 5-1. Drawn: N. Banks v R. Stewart 1922] 5-1; 21-25. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1707. V28(27): 11-15 25-22; 15-24 27-20; 4-8 22-18; 6-9 26-22; 8-11 22-17; 12-16 [3-7 is well met with 30-26] 17-13; 3-7 13-6; 2-9 31-


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26; 10-15 26-22; 7-10 22-17; 15-22 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 15-19 [Both 15-18 21-17 and 22-26 6-2; 26-31 2-7; 31-26 7-10; 26-19 10-17 also draw] 6-2; 19-26 30-23; 22-26 2-7; 26-31 7-3; 11-15 20-11; 31-26. Drawn. J. Ferrie v R. Jordan 1896. #1708. V29(27): 6-9 26-22; 3-8 27-24; 1-5 30-25; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-7 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 22-18; 4-8 18-15; 12-16 19-3. 10-26. Drawn. J. Denvir v L. Lewis 1930. #1709. V30(27): 4-8 22-18; 8-11(31) 18-9; 6-13 29-25; 11-15 [10-14 25-22; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 27-20 is soft] 27-24; 7-11 25-22; 11-16 21-17; 16-20 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 20-27 31-24; 12-16 24-20; 2-6 20-11; 6-15 [Database draw] 23-18; 15-19 18-14; 19-24 11-7; 3-10 14-7; 24-27 7-2; 27-31 2-7; 1-6 7-2; 6-10 26-23; 17-26 23-18; 31-27 30-23; 10-15 18-11; 27-18. Drawn. E. Frazier v D. Oldbury 1964. #1710. V31(30): 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 8-11 22-18; 11-15 18-9; 15-24(32) 27-20; 6-13 23-18; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19. Drawn. J. Bolton v J. Hanson 1915. #1711. V32(31): 6-13 27-24; 7-11 [2-6? loses to 21-17!] 29-25; 11-16 25-22; 3-7 [16-20? loses to 30-26!] 30-26; 7-11 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 16-20 17-14; 20-27 31-24; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 19-15; 18-27 15-8. Drawn. J. Denvir v J. Bradford 1930. #1712. V33(27): . . . 26-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-24 18-9; 6-13 27-20; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 25-22; 16-19 29-25; 11-15 30-26 [25-21; 1-5 30-26 same]; 1-5 25-21; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 20-16; 5-9 16-12; 9-14 12-8; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-23 8-3; 23-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. R. Stewart v A. Schaefer 1905. #1713. V34(27): 9-13(35) 18-14; 10-17 21-14; INTO 11-15 22-17; 9-13 (V5) V35(34): 4-8(36) 25-22; 11-16 Into Variation 19 V36(35): 3-8 [Or 11-15!? 18-11; 7-16 25-22; 4-8 22-18 to a highly original draw: E. Lowder v D. Lafferty 1995] 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14 INTO 10-15 22-17; 7-10 (V5)

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V37(T): 9-14(44) 22-18; 5-9 [8-11 into Variation 27] 26-22; 711(43) 27-24; 11-16(40) 22-17; 16-20 [9-13 18-9; 13-22 25-18; 6-13 29-25; 16-20 31-27 transposes into the next note] 31-27; 3-7 [9-13 18-9; 13-22 25-18; 6-13 29-25; 3-7 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 19-15 is comfortable for White] 19-15; 10-26 17-3; 26-31; 18-15; 2-7(38) 3-10; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 27-23; 6-15 23-19; 20-27 19-10; 1-5 32-23; 31-26 23-19; 26-23 21-17; 23-16 17-13; 9-14 10-6; 11-15 6-1; 14-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985. #1714. V38(37): 6-10 15-6; 1-10 30-26; 31-22 25-18; 10-15 18-11; 8-15 29-25; 9-14 25-22; 14-18 22-17; 18-22(39) 27-23; 20-27 23-18; 27-31 18-11; 31-26 3-7; 26-23 7-10; 23-18 17-13; 22-26 13-9; 26-31 9-5; 31-26 5-1; 26-22 1-5; 18-23 10-6; 2-9 5-14. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #1715. V39(38): 12-16 17-13; 18-22 13-9; 22-26 21-17; 26-31 17-13; 31-26 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 15-18. Drawn. J. Cox v W. Ryan 1930. #1716. V40(37): 11-15(41) 18-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22 INTO 9-13 22-17; 13-22 (V5) V41(40): 3-7 32-28; 11-16(42) 24-20; 1-5 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 22-17; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 25-18; 5-14 18-9; 6-13 23-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 31-26; 16-23 26-19; 7-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn. R. Beckwith v R. King 2010. #1717. V42(41): 1-5 30-26; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 29-25; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 24-20; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 8-11 28-24; 6-10 25-21 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V18) V43(37): 8-11 22-17; 11-16 25-22; 4-8 [16-20 17-13; 4-8 22-17; 8-11 same] 17-13; 8-11 22-17; 16-20 30-26; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 26-22; 2-7 22-18; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 29-25; 3-8 31-26; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 23-7; 15-18 7-3; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 3-7; 11-16 7-10; 16-19 25-22; 18-25 27-18; 25-30 18-14; 30-26. Drawn. R. McMillan v G. Buchanan 1896. #1718. V44(37): 10-14(45) 22-18; 8-11 Into Variation 26 V45(44): 9-13 22-18; 8-11 Into Variation 34


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Ballot Number 102 (117): 11-15 24-20; 8-11 POWER: [54/46] TYPE: GAYP GAMES: 31 Trunk: 11-15 24-20; 8-11 28-24; 4-8(17) 23-19; 15-18(6) 22-15; 11-18 2622; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 30-26; 8-11(5) 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-15(4) 27-23; 9-13(3) 32-28; 6-9 19-16; 12-19 23-16 Forms Position, Diagram 141: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 141

Continue: 9-14(1) 26-23; 2-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 16-11; 1-6 31-27; 15-19 [6-9 11-7; 3-10 27-24; 15-19 24-6; 14-17 21-14; 9-25. Drawn: M. Pomeroy v A. Jordan 1914] 23-16; 6-9 21-17; 14-21 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 21-25 24-19; 25-30 19-15; 30-26 15-10; 26-23 11-7. Drawn. C. Barker v J. Wyllie 1882. #1719. V1(T): 2-6 16-11; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 20-16; 9-14 16-12; 19-23(2) 26-19; 6-9 11-7; 3-10 12-8; 10-15 19-10; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 8-3; 5-9 3-7; 9-14 28-24; 25-30 24-19; 13-17. Drawn. J. Horr v A. Long 1923. #1720. V2(1): 5-9 11-8 19-23 [Or 6-10 8-4; 1-5 4-8; 3-7 8-11!; 7-16 12-8; 16-20 8-3; 19-23 26-19; 10-15 19-10; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 to a neat

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draw] 26-19; 1-5 21-17; 14-21 22-18; 21-25 18-15; 25-30 28-24; 30-25 15-10; 6-15 19-10; 25-22 10-6; 22-18 24-19; 9-14 6-1; 14-17 1-6; 17-21 8-4; 21-25 4-8; 18-14 8-11; 14-9 6-2; 25-30 19-15; 9-6 2-9; 5-14 15-10; 14-17 10-6; 30-26 31-22; 17-26. Drawn. H. Newcomb v A. Jordan 1922. #1721. V3(T): 9-14 20-16; 14-18 23-7; 2-27 31-24; 5-9 19-10; 6-15 [Database draw] 26-23; 3-7 [12-16 will draw, but after 23-18; 16-19 18-11; 19-28 21-17; 1-6 22-18; 9-13 17-14; 13-17 18-15 White has endgame chances: M. Tinsley defeating J. Nelson in 1974] 32-28; 1-5 23-18; 7-11 21-17; 12-16 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 9-6; 24-27. Drawn. Analysis by W. Veal. #1722. V4(T): 9-14 27-23; 2-7 [11-15 into Variation 3] 32-28; 11-15 20-16; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 19-10; 6-15 22-13; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 1-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 6-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-8. Drawn. R. Jordan v A. Heffner 1905. #1723. V5(T): 10-14 [9-14 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 into Variation 4] 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 6-10 32-28; 1-6 27-23; 9-13 19-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 6-10 28-24; 2-7 26-23; 8-11 24-19; 11-15 16-11; 7-16 19-12; 15-19 23-16; 10-15 16-11; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 21-17; 22-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber 1928. #1724. V6(T): 9-14(15) 22-17; 15-18(13) 17-13! [Better than committing 26-23 immediately. 11-15 23-19; 8-11 22-17; 4-8 17-13 [25-22 my preference]; 15-18 24-20; 9-14 28-24 same]; 11-15(10) 26-23; 8-11 [6-9 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 8-11 same] 31-26; 6-9(9) 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 1-6(7) 22-17; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 30-25; 10-17 25-21; 22-26 21-14; 26-30 19-15; 30-26 15-8; 26-22 32-28; 22-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19 [Continued from here, at length, on hundreds of occasions!]. Drawn. W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1964. #1725. V7(6): 3-8 22-17; 18-22 25-18; 15-22 17-13; 1-6 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-14 30-25; 14-23 25-18; 23-26(8) 29-25; 26-30 [7-10 21-17 into Variation 8] 32-28; 7-10 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 12-16 25-22; 30-26 28-24; 26-17 21-14; 16-19 14-10; 19-28 10-1; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 9-6; 8-11 6-2; 11-15. Drawn. A. Jordan v H. Newcomb 1922. #1726.


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V8(7): 7-10 21-17; 23-26 29-25; 26-30 25-21; 30-26 18-14; 9-18 20-16; 11-27 32-7; 26-23 19-15; 23-18 7-2; 18-11 2-9; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. R. King v A. Moiseyev 2000. #1727. V9(6): 5-9 21-17 [25-22 is inferior after 18-25 29-22; 1-5 22-17; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 26-22; 3-7 into Variation 19]; 14-21 23-5; 15-18 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 23-18; 7-10 24-19; 3-7 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 32-28; 2-6! 18-15; 22-26 28-24!; 26-31 24-20; 31-27 20-11; 27-18 30-26!; 18-23 11-7; 23-16 15-11; 16-19 11-8; 10-15! [19-15? 8-3; 10-14 29-25!; 21-30 7-2; 30-23 2-11. White win] 7-2; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 26-22; 10-14 22-17; 14-18 5-1; 21-25 29-22; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1728. V10(6): 10-15(11) 19-10; 6-15 INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-15 (V14) V11(10): 5-9 26-23; 1-5 32-28!; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-14; 9-18 25-22; 18-25 30-14; 11-16(12) 20-4; 3-8 4-11; 7-32 24-19; 6-9 13-6; 2-18. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. (Also, R. King v S. Scarpetta 2012) #1729. V12(11): 6-9 [Thoroughly explored in days of yore!] 13-6; 2-18 29-25; 11-15 19-10; 7-14 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 5-9 [8-12 31-26; 12-16 15-10; 5-9 25-21 into the next note, or 14-17 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 22-26 31-22; 18-25 17-14 to a draw. Finally, 8-11 15-8; 3-12 3126; 5-9 same] 31-26; 8-11 [Now 1) 8-12 25-21; then 9-13 15-10: R. Yates v J. Wyllie 1876 to a draw or 12-16 15-10: R. Yates v J. Wyllie 1876 to what should have been a draw!, or 2) 9-13 15-10 to a draw: R. Yates v J. Wyllie 1876] 15-8; 3-12 26-22; 18-23 27-18; 14-23 22-18; 23-26 25-22; 26-30 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 30-26 14-9; 26-23 18-15; 23-18 15-11 [One of the great merits of GAYP is that opening systems are thoroughly tested, with the same midgame or endgame often being revisited on numerous occasions. And judging from Gould’s Memorable Matches, many of the old-time players liked to play endgames out to the bitter end! In this respect, a James Wyllie v Ron King match would most definitely have been a fascinating and hard-fought encounter. As GAYP world champion for many years, Ron is deserving of high praise: an innovative, exciting, resourceful and relentless grandmaster]. Drawn. R. Yates v J. Wyllie 1876. #1730.

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V13(6): 6-9(14) 17-13; 1-6 [2-6 favours White after 32-28! [Better than 26-23]; 15-18! 26-23; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-14; 9-18 25-21; 6-10 21-14; 10-17 29-25; 17-22! 25-21; 1-6 21-17; 7-10 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 22-25 30-21; 18-22 15-10; 6-15 31-26; 22-31 17-14 31-24; 28-10 to a technical draw] 26-23; 15-18 Into Variation 11 V14(13): 5-9 17-13; 1-5 [15-18 into Variation 11] Into Variation 13 V15(6): 12-16 19-12; 15-18 22-15; 10-28 21-17; 11-15 17-13; 9-14 25-22; 6-10 29-25; 1-6 [8-11 25-21; 1-6 same] 25-21; 8-11 [14-17 21-14; 10-17 is well met with 27-23; 8-11 31-27] 22-17; 14-18 27-24; 18-22(16) 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-18 26-17; 18-22 31-27; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 12-8; 3-12 24-19; 7-10 19-16; 12-19 27-23; 18-27 32-7. Drawn. Analysis by J. Lees. #1731. V16(15): 18-23 26-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 31-27; 15-18 24-19; 2-7 19-16; 10-15 17-14; 23-26 30-23; 15-19 16-11; 7-16 14-10; 19-26 10-1; 26-31. Drawn. E. Markusic v D. Oldbury 1976. #1732. V17(T): 3-8[R](32) 23-19[R](27); 9-14 22-17 [26-23; 5-9 22-17 into Variation 26]; 5-9 17-13[R](26); 1-5[R](24) 26-23[R](23); 1518[R](21) 31-26; 11-16 [14-17 is weak after 21-14; 10-17 23-14; 9-18 26-22; 17-26 30-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 32-28; 9-13 22-18; 13-17 18-14; 17-22 14-9: M. Tinsley defeated R. Jones in 1982, although Black can draw with super-fine play] 2011; 8-15 26-22; 4-8 Forms Key Landing Number 14, Diagram 142: WTP Continue: . . . 21-17[R](19); 14-21 23-14; 10-26 19-1[R](18); 9-14 30-23; 21-30 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 7-11 6-2; 30-26 23-19; 11-16 19-15. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1981. #1733. V18(17): . . . 19-3; 8-11 30-23; 21-30 32-28; 9-14 24-20; 11-15 27-24; 30-26 23-19; 6-10 29-25; 14-18 3-8; 26-22 25-21; 18-23 8-11; 22-18 21-17; 23-27 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 27-31. Drawn. D. Oldbury v E. Frazier 1964. #1734. V19(17): . . . 22-17; 8-11 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 11-16 22-18; 15-22 19-15; 10-28 17-1(20); 22-26 13-6; 2-9 23-19 [1-6? as played by N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952 may lose. However, 27-24 draws after 9-14 24-20; 7-11 1-6; 26-31 6-9; 31-26 9-18; 26-19 18-23; 19-26


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❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 142

30-23 etc. . . Analysis by D. Oldbury] 16-23 27-18; 26-31 1-6; 9-13 18-14; 7-11 6-10; 11-16 10-15; 16-20 15-19; 20-24 32-27; 28-32 27-20; 32-27 19-24; 12-16 20-11; 27-20. Drawn. Analysis by J. Snoddy. #1735. V20(19): . . . 17-3; 22-26 23-19; 16-23 27-18; 26-31 21-17; 6-10 [Although unforced, 12-16 led to a black win: M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1956] 13-6; 2-9 3-7; 9-13 7-14; 13-22 [Database draw] 1815; 22-26 30-23; 31-26 23-18; 26-22 14-10; 12-16 10-7; 16-19 7-11; 5-9 11-7; 19-23 7-10; 9-13 10-6; 23-26 6-9; 26-31 18-14. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. #1736. V21(17): 14-18 23-14; 9-18 21-17; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 25-21; 1822(22) 27-11; 8-15 24-20; 5-9 [4-8 32-27; 5-9 [8-11 is inferior, but appears to draw after 27-23; 12-16 23-18 etc. . . : R. Hallett v L. Levitt 1980] 27-23; 9-14 same] 32-27; 9-14 27-23; 4-8 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 22-18; 14-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. W. Edwards v R. Pask 1986. #1737. V22(21): 15-19 24-15; 10-19 29-25! [Against the immediate 1714; 19-24! 27-20 18-22! is interesting]; 12-16 17-14; 18-22 25-18; 19-24 27-11; 8-22 31-27; 23-26 30-23; 22-26 23-18; 26-30 27-23; 30-26 23-19; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 19-15; 4-8 32-28; 26-22 28-24; 8-11 15-8; 22-15 24-19; 15-24 14-10. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #1738.

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V23(17): . . . 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 5-9 27-23; 9-14 31-27; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 16-23 26-19; 8-15 30-26; 4-8 26-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 23-18; 8-11 32-28; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 24-19. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #1739. V24(17): 11-16 [15-18 26-23; 1-5 into Variation 17 or 14-18 2623; 1-5 into Variation 21] 20-11; 7-23 26-19; 14-18 30-26; 8-11 [9-14 26-23; 8-11 25-22; 18-25 29-22 same] 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 9-14 26-23; 1-5(25) 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 24-19; 23-26 32-27; 26-30 27-23; 2-7 [1) 5-9 31-27; 9-14 22-18; 30-26 18-9; 26-31 27-24; 31-27 23-18; 27-20 11-7; 2-11 9-2 to a draw: Analysis by W. Ryan or 2) 10-14 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 19-15; 30-25 15-10; 18-23 11-7 to a draw: W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1956] 11-2; 30-25 2-9; 25-27 31-24; 5-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1981. #1740. V25(24): 6-9 13-6; 2-9 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 1-5 31-27; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 15-18 24-20; 4-8 27-24; 18-23 32-28; 11-15 20-16; 15-18 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 12-19 17-10. Drawn. E. Lowder v M. Tinsley 1979. #1741. V26(17): . . . 26-23; 1-5 30-26 [32-28; 9-13 30-26 same]; 9-13 3228; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 15-18 16-12; 18-23 26-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 24-19; 5-9 19-16; 10-14 29-25!; 13-17 25-22!; 17-26 31-22. Drawn. J. Hanson v E. Hunt 1934. #1742. V27(17): . . . 23-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 12-16 32-28(31); 8-12 25-22(30); 16-19 27-23(28); 4-8 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 14-18 17-13; 18-25 29-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 24-15; 10-19 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 1-5 27-24; 8-12 24-19; 6-9 13-6; 2-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #1743. V28(27): . . . 29-25(29); 6-9 [1-5 is worthy of consideration] 1713; 4-8 13-6; 2-9 22-17; 9-13 25-22; 14-18 17-14; 18-25 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-23 27-18; 15-22 30-21; 10-15 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 22-26 31-22; 15-19 24-15; 11-25. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #1744. V29(28): . . . 26-23?; 19-26 30-23; 1-5 29-25; 6-9 17-13; 14-18


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13-6; 2-9 23-14; 10-26 31-22; 9-13 27-23; 7-10 21-17; 5-9 25-21; 9-14. Black Win. D. Oldbury v E. Markusic 1976. #1745. V30(27): . . . 17-13 [26-23 into Variation 31]; 16-19 27-23; 4-8 [15 transposes into the same play] 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 1-5 [Forces the ending which follows, and is superior to the immediate 14-18 which permits an easier draw with 31-27 rather than 21-17 in reply] 31-27; 14-18 21-17; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-14 23-19; 14-21 22-17; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 21-25 9-6; 25-30 6-2; 14-18 2-6. Drawn. M. Tinsley v T. Wiswell 1953. #1746. V31(27): . . . 26-23; 8-12 32-28; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 30-26; 14-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 4-8 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 1-5 [15-18 24-15; 710 is a quicker draw] 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 5-9 31-27 [26-22; 7-10 22-18; 15-22 24-8; 9-14 20-16; 14-21 8-3. Drawn: D. Lafferty v K. Hanson 1975]; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 20-11; 19-23 26-19; 15-31 17-13; 9-14. Drawn. E. Markusic v D. Lafferty 1976. #1747. V32(17): 9-13(33) 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 3-8 26-22; 5-9 30-26; 1-5 32-28; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 11-16 [6-9 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 2-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 20-16; 11-20 31-26; 9-13 29-25 is an interesting alternative] 20-11; 8-15 24-19!; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 6-9 22-18!; 11-16 17-13; 8-11 13-6; 2-9 27-24; 16-20 31-27. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1748. V33(32): 9-14(34) 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 26-22; 6-9 22-17; 11-15 17-13; 2-6 30-26; 4-8 29-25; 1-5 32-28; 15-18 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 8-11 26-22; 11-20 22-15; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 28-24; 3-8 24-19; 8-12 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 18-23 15-11; 7-16 24-20; 23-27 20-11; 6-10. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1976. #1749. V34(33): 10-14 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 3-8 26-22; 6-10 30-26; 1-6 32-28; 9-13 Into Variation 32

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Ballot Number 103 (118): 11-15 24-20; 12-16 POWER: [40/60] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 9 Trunk: 11-15 24-20; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 22-18[R](12); 15-22 25-18; 8-11 29-25[R](10); 4-8 [10-15 [A fighting defence which is sound] 25-22; 4-8 [6-10 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; and now 4-8 [Best] gets 19-16 or 2-7 19-15; 10-19 23-16 to draws ] 21-17; 8-12 [6-10 is well met with 17-14 while 16-20 gets Karl Albrecht’s 30-25] 28-24; 16-20 32-28 to a draw] 25-22; 8-12 [16-20 28-24; 8-12 same, while 10-15 is into the previous note] 28-24[R](8); 16-20 24-19[R](7); 2-7 30-25[R](4); 9-13 18-15[R](3); 11-18 23-14 [The unusual 22-15 is well met with 13-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-10 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 13-9 3-8 to a draw]; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 [6-9 is inferior here, although it will draw: N. Banks v A. Long 1934] 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 32-28[R](1); 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 10-15 19-10; 5-9 14-5; 7-21 [Database draw] 5-1; 21-25 1-6; 3-7 6-2; 7-10 2-7; 10-14 7-10; 14-17! [D. Oldbury’s idea: to keep off square 22 until the white king is committed. Instead, 14-18 10-15; 18-22 15-19; 25-30 27-23 led to a classic draw: A. Long v W. Hellman 1962] 10-15 Forms Endgame #19, Diagram 143: BTP Continue: 25-30! 15-19; 30-25! 19-23; 17-22 28-24; 25-21 24-19; 21-17 19-15; 17-14 15-11; 14-10 23-19 [11-8 is met with Oldbury’s 10-15! to a quick draw]; 22-25 11-8; 10-7 8-3; 7-11 27-23; 25-30 31-26; 11-16 3-7; 30-25 7-10; 25-30 10-15; 30-25 15-18; 25-30 18-22; 16-11 22-17 [19-16 to a quick draw]; 11-7 17-21; 7-10 26-22; 10-14 22-17; 14-9. Drawn. D. Oldbury v W. Hellman 1965. #1750. V1(T): . . . 22-17(2) [A. Long v W. Hellman 1962]; 13-22 26-17; 6-10 32-28 Into Trunk V2(1): . . . 27-23; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 7-11 14-7; 3-10 Into 10-14 22-17; 14-18 (V21)


Complete Checkers

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❲❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 143

V3(T): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 22-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 26-22; 5-9 [The 10-14 exchange is sound too] 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 10-7; 13-17 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 12-16 7-2; 16-19 2-7; 1-5 7-10; 19-23 18-15; 23-26 15-11; 26-30 11-7; 22-25 7-2; 25-29 2-6; 29-25 6-9; 25-22 32-28; 17-21 9-13; 30-26 28-24; 20-27 31-24. Drawn. B. Case v G. Vidlak 1952. #1751. V4(T): . . . 19-16(5); 12-19 23-16; 10-14 26-23; 6-10 30-26 [22-17; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 30-26 same]; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-17 [22-18 is easy for Black after 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 11-15 etc. . . ]; 13-22 26-17; 11-15 31-26; 15-18 17-13; 10-15 16-12; 7-11 13-9; 11-16 9-5; 15-19 32-28; 1-6 5-1; 18-22! 1-17; 22-31 17-14; 19-26 14-18; 31-24 28-19; 16-23 18-27; 26-31. Drawn. E. Fuller v J. Coll 1973. #1752. V5(4): . . . 32-28 [Arises from 10-15 23-18; 11-16 in the 2nd edition of Willie Ryan’s Modern Encyclopedia of Checkers]; 9-13 19-15(6); 10-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-8; 3-12 18-14; 6-9 22-18; 1-6 28-24; 12-16 26-23; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 19-15; 24-27 23-19; 2731 19-16; 31-27 15-11; 7-10. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1753. V6(5): . . . 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 18-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 23-18; 12-16 26-23 [1) 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-20 24-19; 15-24

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28-19; 1-6 22-18; 20-24 19-15; 11-16 14-9; 5-23 26-12. Drawn. 2) 24-19; 16-23 26-19; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 30-26; 10-14 26-23; 1-5 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 16-20 10-6; 20-24 6-2; 24-27. Drawn: Analysis by W. Ryan]; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 30-26; 10-14 18-9; 5-14; 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22 [See Famous Positions Page 122]; 13-17 22-13; 24-27 13-9; 27-32 9-6; 32-28 6-2; 28-24 2-6; 24-15 6-9; 15-18 23-19; 14-17 21-14; 18-23. Drawn. Analysis by G. Crookston. #1754. V7(T): . . . 30-25; 11-16 [Best] 18-14! [32-28 is strongly met with 10-14, while 24-19 loses to 10-14 [The latter possibly transposing into Anderson’s historic Second Double Corner win over Wyllie in 1847]]; 9-18! 23-7; 3-10 22-18; 5-9 25-22 [32-28; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 25-22; 1-5 into the next note]; 1-5 22-17 [32-28 is well met with 9-14 18-9; 6-13 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 16-19 24-15; 14-18 to a draw: analysis by M. Tinsley and D. Lafferty]; 9-14 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 5-9 27-23 [31-26 is well met with 10-15]; 20-27 31-24; 10-15 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1755. V8(T): . . . 27-24; 16-20 24-19; 2-7 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 9-13 2623(9); 6-9 32-27 INTO 9-13 24-20; 11-15 CR (V2) V9(8): . . . 32-27; 5-9 26-23; 10-15 INTO 9-13 24-20; 11-15 CR (T) V10(T): . . . 28-24; 16-20 24-19 [29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-12 into Trunk]; 2-7 19-15(11); 10-19 23-16; 4-8 26-23 [1) 16-12; 6-10 29-25; 11-16 26-23; 8-11 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14 to a draw. 2) 29-25; 8-12 32-28; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-8; 3-12 21-17; 6-10 25-21 or 17-13 to a draw]; 8-12 30-26; 12-19 23-16; 6-10 29-25; 10-14 26-23; 1-6 25-22; 6-10 32-28; 10-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-27 18-2. Drawn. M. Chamblee v B. Gambrell 1947. #1756. V11(10): . . . 26-22 [19-16; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 25-22 into Variation 4]; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 [Or 9-13 30-26; 8-12 same. However, the order of moves is relevant here, and it brings out some of the subtleties of the game. When 9-13 is played first, White may play 30-26; followed with 8-12 into the Trunk. Alternately, he may play 3126, which is a very plausible option, followed with 10-15 19-10;


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6-15 18-14; and then 15-18 [L. Levitt v H. Devlin 2005] or 7-10 or 8-12 to a fairly even draw. Conversely, when 8-12, my preference, is played first, Black gains an edge against 31-26; 30-26 again transposing into the Trunk. Interestingly, Leo Levitt played 8-12 first against R. Burroughs in 1974. The argument for playing 8-12 first is that it affords Black the chance to gain the upper hand; the disadvantage is that 31-26 is unlikely to appeal to White and he may feel forced into playing the stronger 30-26. The argument for playing 9-13 first is that White may well choose the softer attack with 31-26; the disadvantage is that 31-26 is a decent option which Black needs to know how to defend against. So the question is: do you go with Leo Levitt from 1974 or Leo Levitt from 2005? After 8-12 31-26; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 15-19 27-23; 11-16 now 23-18 to a long draw: W. Hellman v J. Clayton 1958 or 22-17 to a long draw: L. Taylor v E. Markusic 1972] 30-26; 9-13 Into Trunk V12(T): . . . 28-24(13); 16-20 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 Into Variation 10 V13(12): . . . 22-17(14); 9-14 25-22; 16-20 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 17-13; 8-11 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 3-7 26-23; 7-16 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 16-19 22-18; 10-14 18-15 [31-27? is strong for Black after 14-23 27-18; 19-23!]; 19-24 29-25; 1-5 25-22; 24-27 32-23; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 31-24; 20-27 22-18; 27-31 11-8; 4-11 15-8; 6-10 8-3; 31-27 30-26; 27-31 26-23; 31-27 23-19; 27-23 18-15; 23-16 15-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by G. Bass. #1757. V14(13): . . . 23-19 [Soft, but opens up crossboard territory. Other moves favour Black to a lesser or greater degree, but have sufficient strength to merit use when a crossboard battle is called for. 1) 27-24; 16-20 . . . 2) 23-18; 8-11 . . . 3) 21-17; 9-13 . . . ]; 16-23; 27-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 10-15 28-24; 6-10 30-26; 1-6 22-18 [32-27 is well met with 3-7]; 15-22 26-17; 11-15 24-20; 15-18 20-16; 18-27 32-23; 14-18 23-7; 2-20. Drawn. Nemesis v KingsRow 2002. #1758.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 104 (119): 11-15 24-20; 15-18 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 19 Trunk: 11-15 24-20; 15-18 22-15[R](18); 10-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22[R](8); 8-11(3) 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 29-25; 6-10(2) 21-17 Forms Position, Diagram 144: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 144

Continue: 9-13(1) 17-14; 10-17 25-21; 1-6 21-14; 2-7 22-18; 13-17 18-15; 17-22 26-17; 19-26 30-23; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 31-22. Drawn. D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958. #1759. V1(T): 3-8 25-21; 8-12 [1-6 17-13; 8-12 same] 17-13; 1-6 22-17; 10-15 31-27; 15-18 23-14; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1760. V2(T): 3-8 22-18; 6-10 18-15; 8-12 15-6; 1-10 25-22; 9-14 31-27; 2-7 22-17; 7-11 17-13; 11-15 13-9; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 21-17; 14-21 23-7; 5-14. Drawn. K. Grover v M. Tinsley 1950. #1761. V3(T): 8-12[R](7) 22-18(5); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25 [27-24; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 32-27 [22-17; 6-10 32-27; 10-15


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drew: R. Pask v W. Firth 1987]; 6-10 into Variation 9]; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-17; 6-10 27-24(4); 11-15 32-27; 7-11 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 1219 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 24-19;18-27 31-24; 1-5 19-16; 14-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Ryan 1952. #1762. V4(3): . . . 27-23; 11-15 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 14-18 32-27; 18-22 16-12; 22-25 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 25-29 27-23; 1-6 23-16; 7-10 14-7; 2-20 31-27; 6-10 27-23; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 26-22; 24-27 23-18; 27-31 22-17. Drawn. I. Stewart v M. Horton (P) 1953. #1763. V5(3): . . . 21-17 [29-25; 4-8 21-17 same] (6); 4-8 29-25; 9-14 17-10; 6-15 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 25-21; 8-11 27-24; 1-5 31-27 [32-27; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 27-23; 9-13 23-16; 12-19 31-27; same]; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 27-23; 9-13 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 3-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 19-16; 22-26 16-12; 26-31 12-8; 31-27 8-3; 7-10 24-19; 27-24 3-8; 24-15 28-24; 13-17 24-19; 15-24 8-6; 17-22. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1764. V6(5): . . . 27-24[R]; 7-10 24-15; 10-19 32-27; 6-10 Into Variation 8 V7(3): 6-10 22-18; 1-6! [Better than the 9-14 exchange] 29-25; 8-11 [7-11 25-22; 3-7 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 4-8 same] 25-22; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 3-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-13 [10-14 28-24; 6-10 24-19; 9-13 same or 10-15 28-24; 7-10 23-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 15-18 19-15; 10-28 17-1 to a draw] 28-24; 6-9 24-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1765. V8(T): . . . 27-24(16); 7-10 24-15; 10-19 32-27 [25-22; 8-12 into Variation 6]; 6-10 25-22(13); 8-12 27-24(9); 1-6 24-15; 10-19 29-25; 6-10 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 4-8 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 31-27; 8-11 27-24; 12-16 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 11-15 12-8; 3-12 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 21-17; 27-31 17-13; 31-27 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 27-23 6-1. Drawn. A. Long v J. Horr 1923. #1766. V9(8): . . . 22-18[R](11); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 27-24 [20-16; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 is a lollypop draw]; 11-15 20-16[R](10); 2-7 24-20; 14-18 22-17; 19-24 28-19; 15-24

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16-11; 7-16 20-11; 12-16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 26-22; 18-25 30-21. Drawn. K. Albrecht v D. Oldbury 1964. #1767. V10(9): . . . 21-17; 14-21 22-18; 15-22 24-6; 1-10 26-17; 3-7 17-13; 2-6 31-27 [31-26 to a draw: J. Ferrie v J. Wyllie 1894]; 7-11 27-24; 10-15 30-26; 15-18 24-19; 6-10 13-9; 11-15 28-24; 10-14 19-10; 14-17. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1768. V11(9): . . . 29-25 [21-17 into Variation 13]; 9-13 22-18(12); 12-16 20-11; 2-7 11-2; 1-6 2-9; 5-32 25-22; 10-15 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 4-8 17-14; 8-11 14-9; 11-16 9-6; 16-20. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987. #1769. V12(11): . . . 27-24; 10-15 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 1-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 22-18; 4-8 18-14; [18-15?; 13-17!] 10-17 21-14; 8-11 23-18; 3-7 19-15; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 25-21; 16-19 14-10; 12-16 15-11; 19-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1770. V13(8): . . . 21-17; 8-12 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 1-6 25-21(15); 8-11 17-13; 3-7 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 24-19; 2-7 22-18; 7-11 21-17(14); 11-16 28-24; 16-20 30-25; 20-27 31-24; 23-26 25-21; 26-31 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 31-27 24-20; 6-10 14-7; 27-24 13-6; 24-22. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1771. V14(13): . . . 28-24; 23-27 21-17 [30-26; 27-32 24-20; 32-28; 19-15; 10-19 18-14; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 31-8 to a draw]; 27-32 24-20; 32-28 31-26; 10-14! 17-1; 28-24 13-6; 24-31. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1772. V15(13): . . . 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 3-7 25-22; 9-14 27-23; 6-10 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 10-15 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1773. V16(8): . . . 21-17 [Or the run-off with 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 3-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23 [Database draw]; 6-10 etc. . . with Black having the edge]; 8-11 17-13(17); 4-8 25-22; 9-14 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 3-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 27-23; 6-10 29-25 [22-18; 1-6 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 30-25; 9-13 25-21; 16-20 23-16;


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14-18 16-12; 18-25 26-23. Drawn]; 10-15 25-21; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 16-20 18-11; 20-24 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 26-31 11-8; 31-27 8-3; 27-23 19-16; 10-15 16-11. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1774. V17(16): . . . 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 17-14; 12-19 26-22; 9-18 22-8; 3-12 32-27; 6-10 30-26; 10-15 25-22; 5-9 20-16; 9-14 27-23; 7-10 31-27; 1-6 16-11; 6-9 23-16; 12-19 11-8; 14-18 8-4; 18-25 29-22; 9-14 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 22-18; 24-27 18-9; 27-31 26-22; 31-26. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #1775. V18(T): . . . 23-14; 9-18 22-15; 10-19 25-22 [21-17; 5-9 25-22 same]; 5-9 21-17; 7-10 17-13(19) 9-14 29-25; 8-11 27-24; 4-8 24-15; 10-19 22-18; 14-23 31-27; 12-16 27-18; 8-12 18-15; 11-18 20-11; 12-16 32-27; 1-5 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v K. Grover 1950. #1776. V19(18): . . . 29-25; 9-14 25-21 [17-13 into Variation 18]; 8-11 17-13; 3-8 22-17; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 8-12 27-24; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 26-22; 23-27 24-20; 1-5 31-24; 6-9 13-6; 2-25 30-21; 19-23. Drawn. D. Lafferty v T. Laverty 1985. #1777.

Part 6: 11-16s

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 105 (120): 11-16 21-17; 7-11 POWER: [18/82] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 4 Trunk: 11-16 21-17; 7-11 17-14[R](1); 10-17 22-13; 11-15 INTO 10-15 21-17; 7-10 (T) V1(T): . . . 17-13(8); 3-7 24-19 [24-20; 23-18; 22-18; 22-17; and 25-21 are all well met with 16-19!]; 11-15 28-24(7); 9-14 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25(5); 16-20 32-28; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 25-21(4); 6-10 21-14; 10-17 19-15(2) Forms Position, Diagram 145: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 145

Continue: 8-11 [D. Oldbury considered this defence to be ‘showboating,’ with 1-6 being his preference] 15-8; 4-11 24-19; 11-16 19-15; 7-10 15-6; 2-9 13-6; 1-10 [Database draw] 26-23; 10-15! 30-26; 17-21! 23-18; 15-22 26-17; 21-25 17-14; 25-30 14-10; 30-25 10-7; 25-22 7-3; 22-18 3-8; 18-15 27-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 31-26; 15-18 8-12; 19-24! 28-19; 20-24 19-16; 24-28 12-8; 28-32 8-11; 32-28 16-12; 28-24 12-8; 24-19 8-3; 19-24. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1778. V2(1): . . . 19-16 [Appears to offer White little] (3); 12-19 24-15; 2-6 26-23 [27-23 is also playable]; 8-12 23-19; 17-22 27-23; 12-16


Complete Checkers

19-12; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 30-23. Drawn. C. Brumfiel v R. Fortman (P) 1982. #1779. V3(2): . . . 26-23!?; 17-22 [8-11 is also good] 23-18 [Now 19-15 is comfortably met with the 8-11 exchange]; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 18-14 [28-24; 1-5 24-19; 7-10 27-23; 20-24 30-26; 22-25 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23 to a simple draw]; 1-5 13-9 11-16 31-26 [White might as well take this neat forced draw. Although 27-23 draws, it favours Black, and E. Markusic missed a win when D. Oldbury adopted it against him in their 1985 Florida Open clash]; 22-31 30-25; 31-24 28-12; 20-24 12-8; 7-11 8-3; 11-15 3-8; 24-27 8-11; 15-19 [15-18 permits a snap draw with 11-15; 18-23 14-10!] 11-15; 19-24 25-21; 24-28 21-17; 28-32 15-18; 27-31 9-6; 2-9 17-13. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1780. V4(1): . . . 19-15 [25-22 is well met with 7-10!]; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-21; 6-10 21-14; 10-17 Into Variation 1 V5(1): . . . 24-20; 1-5 20-11; 8-24 27-20; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 14-17 31-27; 10-15 27-24; 7-10 32-28!(6); 5-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 9-14 16-12; 17-21 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by R. Martin. #1781. V6(5): . . . 23-18?; 12-16 32-28; 2-7 18-14; 17-21 22-17; 21-25! 30-21; 15-18 INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (T: Note) V7(1): . . . 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 26-22; 16-20 29-25; 11-16 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO 10-15 21-17; 11-16 (V4) V8(1): . . . 24-19(11); 9-14 17-13(10); 11-15 22-18(9); 15-22 25-9; 5-14 28-24; 3-7 Into Variation 1 V9(8): . . . 28-24; 3-7 Into Variation 1 V10(8): . . . 25-21 INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V4) V11(8): . . . 24-20(12) INTO 11-16 24-20; 7-11 (V8) V12(11): . . . 25-21 INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V2)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 106 (121): 11-16 21-17; 8-11 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 14 Trunk: 11-16 21-17; 8-11 17-14(16); 10-17 22-13; 4-8 24-19(12); 9-14 2522(11); 16-20 [14-17? loses after 29-25; 17-21 22-18; 16-20 25-22; 11-16 22-17; 7-11 26-22; 3-7 13-9! [28-24; 7-10 18-14; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 24-19!; 15-24 22-18 also wins] 6-13 18-14; 5-9 14-5; 7-10 28-24 etc. . . ] 29-25(10); 11-16 25-21(4); 14-17 21-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-25 30-21; 7-10 26-22(3); 5-9 22-18 [21-17?; 9-13! was a typo by R. Fortman]; 9-13 Forms Position, Diagram 146: WTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 146

Continue: . . . 18-15(2); 3-7 15-6; 1-10 23-18(1); 16-23 18-14; 1017 21-14; 23-26! [12-16? lost in short order: W. Edwards v D. Oldbury 1988] 31-22 [Database draw] 8-11 14-9 [22-18; 13-17 14-9; 17-22 9-6; 22-26 6-1; 11-16 18-15; 26-31 to a draw by D. Oldbury]; 7-10 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 14-17 22-18; 17-22. Drawn. H. Cravens v E. Bruch 1972. #1782. V1(T): . . . 28-24; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 16-23 18-14; 12-16 27-18; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24. Drawn. Analysis by J. McGill. #1783.


Complete Checkers

V2(T): . . . 28-24; 8-11 18-15 [18-14 also draws]; 11-18 23-7; 3-10! 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 32-23; 1-6 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1784. V3(T): . . . 21-17; 5-9 17-13; 1-6 26-22; 3-7 28-24; 10-14 22-18; 7-10 32-28; 14-17 31-26; 10-14 18-15; 14-18 23-5; 16-32 24-19; 32-27 5-1; 27-23 1-10; 23-16 10-14; 17-21 26-22; 20-24 28-19; 16-23. Drawn. Analysis by B. Case. #1785. V4(T): . . . 22-18(9); 7-10 18-9; 5-14 25-22(7); 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 30-25(5); 17-26 31-22; 11-15 28-24; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 22-17; 9-14 17-13; 15-18 13-9; 3-7 25-21; 18-22 9-6; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 6-2; 7-11 [7-10 2-6; 10-14 6-9; 17-21 9-25; 21-30 also draws] 2-7; 22-26 7-3; 26-30 3-8; 30-26 8-15; 17-22. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #1786. V5(4): . . . 22-18(6); 17-22 28-24; 3-8 30-26; 22-25 26-22; 25-30 22-17; 30-25 18-14; 25-21 14-7; 21-14 7-3; 14-17 3-7; 17-14 7-3; 14-17. Drawn. Analysis by O. Mauro. #1787. V6(5): . . . 23-18; 16-23 18-14 [18-15 also draws: W. Ryan v H. Rudolph 1946]; 17-26 14-7; 3-10 27-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 30-23; 10-15 23-19!; 15-22 19-15; 11-18 28-24; 20-27 32-5. Drawn. O. Mauro v J. Keene 1943. #1788. V7(4): . . . 25-21(8); 3-7 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 22-18; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 19-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. R. Chamberlain v A. Huggins (P) 1975. #1789. V8(7): . . . 26-22; 14-17! 31-26; 8-11 28-24; 10-14! 25-21; 3-7! 2218; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 26-19; 20-27 21-14; 6-10 32-23; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 7-14 18-9 [A fine piece of forceful analysis. The reader should compare this with #1169, which employs a very similar defensive motif]. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #1790. V9(4): . . . 19-15; 7-11 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 15-10; 6-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 16-23 27-9; 11-15 25-22 [26-23; 12-16 25-22 same]; 12-16 26-23; 16-19 23-16; 8-12 30-26; 12-19 32-28; 7-11 [7-10 is simpler and also draws] 9-5; 2-6 22-17; 6-10 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 11-16 13-9. Drawn. Chinook v E. Bruch 1996. #1791.

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V10(T): . . . 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 7-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22 Into Variation 4 V11(T): . . . 25-21 [Against 26-22; 7-10 is the key to Black’s draw]; 16-20 29-25 [26-22 is soft after 7-10 in reply]; 6-10 25-22; 11-15 22-17; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 11-15 32-28 [26-23; 15-18 30-25; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 16-11; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 31-26; 9-13 26-22; 20-24! 27-20; 18-27 32-23; 1-5 20-16; 15-19 23-18; 14-23 22-18 to a fine draw by Edwin Hunt]; 15-18 30-25; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 26-22; 2-7 16-12 [22-17 is easily met with 15-19]; 1-6 28-24; 7-10 31-26; 3-7 22-17; 7-11 12-8; 11-16 26-23; 15-19 24-15; 10-26 17-1; 26-31. Drawn. D. Lafferty v E. Frazier 1962. #1792. V12(T): . . . 23-18(14); 16-20 24-19(13); 11-16 27-23; 7-10 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 25-22; 17-21 32-27! [3127? loses to 6-9 13-6; 2-9 28-24; 1-5 22-17; 9-13 26-22; 5-9 32-28; 21-25! 30-21; 3-8 etc. . . A splendid win by Tom Wiswell]; 3-8 19-15; 10-19 22-17; 2-7 17-14; 6-10 13-9; 10-17 9-6; 1-10 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 7-10 18-14; 10-15 14-10; 16-20 10-7; 11-16 6-2; 15-19 2-6; 20-24 6-9; 24-27 9-13; 17-22 26-17; 19-26 30-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. Analysis by O. Mauro. #1793. V13(12): . . . 25-22; 7-10 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 11-15 2723; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 22-18; 14-23 26-19; 20-24 32-28; 3-8 30-26; 8-12 26-23; 10-14 25-22; 1-5 22-18; 6-10 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 11-15 9-6; 15-18 6-2; 18-27 2-6; 27-32 6-15; 32-27. Drawn. Analysis by A. Huggins. #1794. V14(12): . . . 25-21(15); 9-14 29-25 [24-19 into Variation 11]; 16-20 25-22; 7-10 22-17 [24-19 is well met with 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 2-7]; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-18 28-24; 3-8 24-19; 8-12 19-15!; 10-26 17-10; 6-15 30-14 [Database draw]; 15-18 14-10; 18-22 21-17; 22-25 17-14; 25-29 10-7; 29-25 14-10; 25-22 7-3; 22-18 3-8; 18-15 10-7; 15-11 8-15; 5-9 13-6; 1-19 7-3; 19-24 3-8; 24-28 8-11; 28-32 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 32-28 24-20; 12-16. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #1795. V15(14): . . . 24-20 [25-22 is well met with 16-19, while 26-22;


Complete Checkers

9-14 24-19 transposes into Variation 11 1st note]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 11-15 24-20; 15-18 (V16) V16(T): . . . 17-13[R](17); 16-20 INTO 11-16 21-17; 16-20 (V1) V17(16): . . . 25-21(18) INTO 11-16 22-17; 8-11 (V6) V18(17): . . . 24-20 [Obviously inferior from this ballot, and given merely to highlight an interesting transposition]; 9-14 25-21 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V27)

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Ballot Number 107 (122): 11-16 21-17; 9-13 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 11-16 21-17; 9-13 25-21[R](11); 5-9[R](9) 23-18[R](6); 10-15[R](4) 18-11; 8-15 24-19 [24-20? is met with the murderous 6-10! 20-11; 7-16]; 15-24 [16-23 27-11 same] 27-11; 7-16 30-25 [29-25 is inferior, permitting the single-corner cramp with 9-14 17-10; 6-15, although it is unquestionably sound: E. Morrison v E. Markusic 1986]; 3-7 [Likewise, the ‘automatic’ 4-8 is inferior for Black after 17-14; 9-18 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 and now 25-22 or 21-17 although again it draws. For variety, Black may try 2-7, a typical computer move, although it offers little after 17-14; 9-18 22-15; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 21-17; 13-22 25-18; 6-9] 17-14[R](3); 9-18 22-15; 7-11[R](1) 15-8; 4-11 21-17 [1) 32-27; 6-10 21-17 [27-23; 1-5 25-22; 11-15 23-18; 15-19 22-17; 13-22 26-17 19-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-20 14-9 to a draw: N. Banks v A. Long 1934]; 13-22 25-18 1-5 26-23 [29-25; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 11-15 25-21 to a draw: E. Fuller v T. Landry 1973]; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 28-24; 16-20 24-19 to a draw: M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952. 2) 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 6-10 21-17; 13-22 25-18; 2-6 32-27; 10-15 is easy for Black. 3) 26-22; 16-19 32-27; 6-9 27-24; 19-23 22-17; 13-22 25-18; 2-7 24-19; 7-10 21-17; 1-5 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 draws with a little care]; 13-22 25-18; 6-10 29-25 [32-27 covered earlier] Forms Position, Diagram 147: BTP Continue: 1-5 18-14 [28-24 [32-27 covered earlier]; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 25-21; 14-18 24-20; 18-25 20-11. Drawn: M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992]; 10-17 25-21; 17-22 26-17 [Database draw]; 11-15 17-14; 15-18 28-24; 18-22 [2-7 32-27; 18-22 31-26; 22-31 24-20; 31-24 20-2. Drawn: M. Tinsley v L. Edwards 1983] 21-17; 22-25 14-10; 25-30 17-13; 30-25 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 25-22 32-27; 5-9 6-2; 9-14 27-23; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 31-24; 22-18 2-7; 14-17


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7-11; 17-22 24-20; 22-26 19-15. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #1796.

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 147

V1(T): 16-19(2) 32-27; 4-8 27-24; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 2-7 15-11; 7-16 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 21-17; 13-22 25-18; 8-11 29-25; 16-19 25-21; 19-23 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #1797. V2(1): 16-20 [7-10?! 15-11; 10-15 25-22; 15-19 [6-10? 22-17 to a White win: L. Edwards v M. Tinsley 1983] and now the weirdlooking 31-27! almost wins for White] 32-27; 4-8 26-23; 13-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 8-11 23-18; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 17-14; 2-7 14-9; 7-10 9-6; 10-15 6-2; 22-26! 31-22; 15-19. Drawn. J. Wyllie v J. Ferrie 1894. #1798. V3(T): . . . 32-27! [Trying to finesse Black into Variation 1]; 710! [Refusing to play ball. With 7-10, Black gains a tempo and virtually forces matters to a drawn conclusion. Instead, 16-19 17-14; 9-18 22-15 was E. Markusic v L. Levitt 1974] 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 9-14 18-9; 6-22 25-18; 16-19 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 29-25; 6-10! 14-7; 2-11 25-22 [Against 27-24; 4-8 is easy, while 31-26 is well met with 12-16 27-23; 4-8 25-22; 11-15]; 11-15 22-17 [3126 is met with 12-16]; 4-8 17-14; 8-11 31-26; 15-18 14-10; 11-16 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 24-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1799.

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V4(T): 1-5 [10-14 17-10; 7-23 27-18 gets a crossboard game, but gives White a definite advantage to work with] 29-25; 8-11(5) 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 24-20!; 10-17 28-24; 17-21 27-23; 7-10 24-19; 3-7! [3-8? eventually loses to 32-27!] 32-28; 10-14 31-27; 11-15 18-11; 7-10 27-24; 14-17 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-10; 9-14 10-7; 19-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 21-30 19-16. Drawn. Analysis by E. Fuller. #1800. V5(4): 7-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-20 26-23; 3-7 18-15; 11-18 2215; 9-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 24-19; 6-9 31-26; 13-17 26-22; 17-26 30-14; 9-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 8-11 14-10. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1801. V6(T): . . . 29-25(7); 10-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 17-10; 6-24 27-11; 8-15 21-17; 4-8 17-14; 12-16 25-21 [31-27?; 8-11 14-10; 7-14 23-18; 14-23 26-12; 1-6 30-26; 6-10 25-21; 11-16 to a black win: M.Tinsley v E. Lowder 1956]; 8-11 23-18; 16-19 [Huge scope after this] 32-27!; 11-16! 18-11; 16-20 11-8; 3-12 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 12-16 22-18; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 18-14; 11-15 14-10; 15-19 10-7; 19-26 31-22; 16-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1802. V7(6): . . . 24-19(8); 8-11 28-24 [30-25?; 11-15 28-24; 7-11 is catastrophic for White; Sam Cohen defeating Derek Oldbury]; 16-20 30-25; 9-14 22-18; 13-22 18-9; 6-13 26-17; 13-22 25-18; 2-6 18-14 [18-15 also draws]; 10-17 21-14; 1-5 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 2114; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 23-18! [31-26 also draws, but this is better]; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 14-17 24-20; 17-22 23-18; 22-26 18-14; 26-31 14-9; 31-26 9-6; 26-22 6-2; 22-17 2-7; 17-14 7-16; 4-8 32-28; 14-18 16-11; 8-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1803. V8(7): . . . 30-25 [24-20?; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 is a powerhouse for Black]; 10-15 17-14 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 27-11; 8-22 25-18; 12-16 with an even position]; 9-18 23-14; 16-20 22-17 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 gives Black the edge]; 13-22 25-11; 8-15 29-25; 12-16 26-23; 15-19 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 31-22; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 21-17; 11-15 18-11; 2-7 11-2; 1-5 2-9; 5-30 28-24; 30-26 24-19; 16-23 27-18; 20-24 18-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1804.


Complete Checkers

V9(T): 16-19(10) 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 11-15 21-17; 9-13 (V24) V10(9): 8-11 [1) 16-20 24-19; 8-11 23-18; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 27-18 favours White. 2) 10-15 23-19!; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 17-14; 12-16 27-23 leads to a wide open game, where White has a slight edge. 3) 6-9?! 30-25!; 10-15 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-20 26-23; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19 leaves White strongly situated] 29-25; 16-20 17-14 [913 22-18; 12-16 25-22; 8-12 29-25; 16-20 18-14 is a more immediate transposition into this Edinburgh]; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 22-18; 13-17 24-19; 11-16 INTO 9-13 22-18; 12-16 (V30) V11(T): . . . 23-18 [Both 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 5-9 17-13; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 and 24-20; 16-19 23-16 12-19 give Black the edge]; 5-9 27-23 (12) [25-21 into Trunk] INTO 9-13 23-18; 5-9 (V13) V12(11): . . . 18-14; 9-18 22-15; 13-22 25-18; 10-19 24-15; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 3-7 32-27; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 2-7 31-27; 7-10 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 29-25; 10-15 18-11; 8-15 25-22; 15-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23. Drawn. A. Long v N. Banks 1934. #1805.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 108 (123): 11-16 21-17; 9-14 POWER: [47/53] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 0! Trunk: 11-16 21-17; 9-14 25-21 [17-13?!; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 transposes into Note A of 11-15 21-17; 9-14. Unless followed up with the enterprising 13-9!?, there is little point in White adopting this inferior line. Given its complexity, it comes as no surprise that, in addition to Hugh Devlin, it has been used in serious competition by both Elbert Lowder and Tim Laverty. A detailed analysis of this involved, unbalanced position would occupy a fair-sized book] INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (T)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 109 (124): 11-16 21-17; 16-20 POWER: [46/54] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 10 Trunk: 11-16 21-17; 16-20 17-13[R](15); 10-15(1) INTO 10-15 21-17; 11-16 (T) V1(T): 8-11[R] [9-14 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 5-14 into Variation 10] 2218; 10-15[R](10) 25-22(9); 7-10 29-25(7); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19(5); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16(2); 12-19 23-16; 2-7 25-21 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V12) V2(1): . . . 32-28(4); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18(3); 8-11 18-9; 11-15 1916; 12-19 23-16; 1-5 16-11; 5-14 26-23 Forms Position, Diagram 148: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✳ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 148

Continue: 14-17 31-26; 10-14 25-22; 6-10 13-9; 3-7 22-13; 7-16 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 15-19 26-22; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 6-2; 15-19 22-18; 19-26 18-9; 16-19 27-23; 19-24. Drawn. Analysis by N. Wexler. #1806. V3(2): . . . 25-21 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (T) V4(2): . . . 23-18 [Needs more exploration]; 14-23 27-11; 3-8 11-7

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[19-15!; 10-19 11-7!; 2-11 22-17 is an interesting option]; 2-11 22-17?! [White has easier draws available with both 25-21 and 32-28]; 10-14 17-10; 6-24 25-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 8-11 17-14; 1-6 [Does Black have anything stronger?] 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 14-18 2-7; 4-8 7-16; 12-19. Drawn. D. Lafferty v K. Albrecht 1978. #1807. V5(1): . . . 23-19(6); 14-18 19-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 3-10 2419; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 10-14 16-11; 6-10 27-24; 20-27 32-23; 1-6 25-21; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 31-22; 6-10. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1808. V6(5): . . . 25-21 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (T) V7(1): . . . 24-19(8); 15-24 28-19; 11-16 INTO 10-15 21-17; 11-16 (V22) V8(7): . . . 30-25 INTO 10-15 23-18; 12-16 (V5) V9(1): . . . 26-22[R] INTO 10-15 21-17; 11-16 (V13) V10(1): 9-14 [Inferior to 10-15] 18-9; 5-14 25-22 [M. Tinsley’s 26-22 is arguably even stronger]; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 14-17 29-25; 8-11 19-16; 12-19 23-16 Forms Key Landing Number 4, Diagram 149: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀❜❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 149

Continue: 17-21 [1-5?! 16-12!; 17-21 25-22; 10-15! 13-9!; 6-13 18-14; 13-17 22-13; 15-18 14-9!; 5-14 13-9; 20-24! 27-20; 14-17


Complete Checkers

9-5; 18-22 32-27 to a draw: M. Tinsley v L. Sanders 1946] 25-22; 6-9!(12) 13-6; 2-9 26-23; 9-13(11) 23-19; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 16-7; 3-10 27-18; 1-5 31-27; 5-9 27-24; 20-27 32-23; 10-14 18-15; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 23-19. Drawn. J. Hanson v L. Ginsberg 1915. #1809. V11(10): 1-5? 32-28; 9-13 31-26; 5-9 28-24; 10-14 [10-15 fares no better after 23-19; 13-17 22-6; 15-31 6-2] 24-19; 14-17 16-12; 7-10 12-8; 3-12 19-15; 10-19 23-7. White Win. Analysis by L. Hall. #1810. V12(10): 10-15? [A most natural move, but a loss] (14) 18-14; 1519 [15-18 22-8; 3-19 26-22; 1-5 22-17!; 20-24 27-20; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 20-16 or 17-14 to a white win] 22-18; 1-5(13) 32-28; 19-24 [19-23 26-19; 6-10 16-12; 10-17 12-8; 3-12 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 31-8; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 18-15! to a white win by Hugh Henderson] 28-19; 6-10 13-9; 10-17 18-14; 3-8 27-23; 8-12 14-10; 7-14 16-7; 2-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 14-18 7-2; 5-14 2-6; 20-24 6-9; 24-28 9-13; 18-22 13-9; 14-18 9-14; 22-25 14-23; 25-29 23-18; 29-25 31-27. White Win. A. Huggins v D. Oldbury 1961. #1811. V13(12): 6-10 14-9; 10-15 [10-14 18-15; 11-18 9-6; 1-10 26-23; 19-26 31-6; 2-9 13-6; 7-11 16-7; 3-10 6-2 to a white win: T. Landry v R. Pask 1991] 18-14; 15-18 14-10; 7-14 16-7; 2-11 9-6; 1-10 27-23; 18-27 31-6 [32-7 also wins]; 11-15 6-2; 15-18 2-6; 14-17 6-10; 20-24 10-15; 18-22 15-19; 22-31 19-28; 17-22 32-27; 31-24 28-19; 22-25 13-9; 25-29 19-15; 29-25 15-18; 3-8 18-15. White Win. S. Cohen v D. Oldbury 1955. #1812. V14(12): 1-5? 22-17; 10-15 18-14; 6-9 [6-10 is Black’s only hope for a draw] 13-6; 2-18 17-14!; 15-19 14-10; 7-14 16-7; 3-10 27-23; 18-27 31-6. White Win. Analysis by L. Head. #1813. V15(T): . . . 25-21 [A good option] (16) INTO 11-16 22-17; 16-20 (V1) V16(15): . . . 17-14 [A good mixer]; 9-18 [Best] 23-14; 10-17 2213; 8-11 24-19 [25-22; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 26-23; 7-10 same]; 7-10 25-22; 11-15 26-23; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 14-17 31-26 [22-18; 11-16 31-26 same] (17)

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11-16 22-18; 2-7 18-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 17-22 18-15; 22-26 30-23; 12-16 19-12; 10-26. Drawn. Analysis by J. Stiles. #1814. V17(16): . . . 23-18; 17-26 30-23; 11-16 18-15; 3-8 31-26; 2-7 26-22; 7-11 22-17; 11-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 8-11 14-9; 6-10 9-6; 10-15 18-14; 1-10 14-7; 15-19 7-3; 19-23 3-8; 11-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1815.


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 110 (125): 11-16 22-17; 7-11 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 6 Trunk: 11-16 22-17; 7-11 17-14 [Attack #1] (4); 10-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 3-7 25-21(1) 11-15 INTO 10-15 22-17 7-10 (T) V1(T): . . . 26-23(2); 11-15 INTO 10-15 22-17; 7-10 (V13: Note) V2(1): . . . 25-22(3) [24-20; 6-9! 28-24!; 9-18 26-23; 1-6 23-14; 16-19 24-15; 11-18 30-26; 6-9 32-28 allows Black to equalize]; 11-15 INTO 10-15 22-17; 7-10 (V13) V3(2): . . . 27-23; 16-19 INTO 10-15 22-17; 7-10 (V14) V4(T): . . . 24-19 [Attack #2] [R](11); 9-14! 25-22; 11-15 1713[R](10); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18[R](7); 3-7![R](5) 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 4-8 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (V15) V5(4): 3-8 [The object of White’s attack] 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 30-25; 15-24 27-11; 8-15 13-9; 6-13 22-17; 13-22 25-11 [One feels that White should win from here, but such is not the case] Forms Position, Diagram 150: BTP Continue: 10-15 29-25; 15-19 [1-6 25-22; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 3227 same] (6) 23-16; 12-19 [Database draw] 32-27; 1-6 25-22; 6-9 31-26; 9-13 27-23; 19-24 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 24-27 23-19; 27-31 26-23; 31-26 18-15; 26-22 23-18; 22-17 14-10; 17-22 19-16 [10-7 allows a quick draw with 4-8]; 22-26 18-14; 26-23 14-9; 23-18 9-5; 4-8 11-4; 18-20. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1816. V6(5): 12-16 [The published 15-18? loses to 31-26!] 32-27; 15-18 31-26; 16-20 23-19; 20-24! 27-20; 18-23 26-22; 23-26 19-16; 26-30 22-17; 14-18 17-13; 30-26 21-17; 26-23! 11-7; 2-11 16-7; 18-22 25-18; 23-21. Drawn. Analysis by F. Miller. #1817. V7(4): . . . 29-25; 11-15! 22-17; 15-24 27-11; 3-7(8) 25-22; 7-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 4-8 30-26 [31-26; 8-11 26-23; 5-9 30-26 same];

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❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 150

8-11 26-23; 5-9 31-26 [32-28; 11-15 31-26 same]; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. R. Pask v T. Watson 1985. Classic Late Midgame #4. #1818. V8(7): 3-8 [I wouldn’t normally show more than one way to draw, but this brings out an interesting transposition] 25-22(9) 8-15 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (V21) V9(8): . . . 11-7 [Inferior]; 2-11 25-22; 11-15 31-27; 5-9 32-28; 8-11 27-24; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 [Conceding the draw. Instead, 11-16 22-18; 8-11 26-22; 16-20 30-26; 11-16 is much stronger] 1916; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 16-11; 15-18 22-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1975. #1819. V10(4): . . . 29-25 [Both 27-24 and 28-24 are met with the stifling 8-11!]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 17-13 Into Variation 7 V11(4): . . . 25-22 [Attack #3] (18); 11-15 24-19(17); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18(16); 9-14(15) 18-9; 5-14 29-25(13); 3-8! 25-22; 11-15 32-28(12); 15-24 28-19; 8-11 17-13; 4-8 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 2622; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 22-17; 11-16 7-3; 16-20 17-14; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 14-9; 27-31 9-5; 31-27 5-1; 2-7. Drawn. D. Oldbury v J. Marshall 1955. #1820. V12(11): . . . 17-13; 15-24 27-11; 8-15 31-27; 15-18 22-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 4-8 27-23 [27-24; 8-12 is slightly easier for


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White]; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 28-24; 10-15 23-19; 15-18 19-15; 18-23 15-11; 23-26 24-19; 26-31 11-8; 31-27 8-3; 27-23 19-15; 23-18 15-11; 18-15 13-9; 15-8 3-12; 1-5 12-16; 14-18 16-19; 5-14 19-15; 18-22 15-10; 14-18 10-14; 18-23 14-18. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Cameron 1937. #1821. V13(11): . . . 26-22(14); 3-7! 29-25; 11-15 17-13; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22 Into Variation 4 V14(13): . . . 17-13; 3-7! Into Variation 4 V15(11): 10-14 [Again Black has the luxury of 2 good choices!] INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (V18) V16(11): . . . 29-25; 9-14 17-13 Into Variation 7 V17(11): . . . 23-18; 16-19 18-11; 8-15 17-13; 4-8 24-20; 9-14 27-24; 3-7 22-17; 8-11 29-25; 5-9 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 (V13) V18(11): . . . 24-20 [Attack #4] (19) INTO 11-16 24-20; 7-11 (V17) V19(18): . . . 23-18 [Attack #5] (21); 11-15! 18-11; 8-15 24-20(20); 16-19 25-22; 4-8 27-24; 9-14 17-13; 5-9 22-17 [32-27? is strongly met with 14-18!: J. Hanson v S. Cohen 1927, which is subject to improvement]; 8-11 31-27 [29-25; 3-7 31-27 same]; 3-7 29-25 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 (V13) V20(19): . . . 24-19 [Soft]; 16-23 27-11 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (T) V21(19): . . . 17-13 [Attack #6] (22); 9-14 25-22; 11-15 INTO 10-15 22-17; 7-10 (V17) V22(21): . . . 26-22 [Attack #7. It’s always worth considering the merits of a dynamic 7-11/26-22 compared with a more staid 811/25-22, but in this case it offers White little more than a minor transposition]; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 9-14 [10-14 is a good option, being slightly stronger here than in Variation 15] 18-9; 5-14 25-22 Into Variation 13

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 111 (126): 11-16 22-17; 8-11 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 5 Trunk: 11-16 22-17; 8-11 17-14[R](6); 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 4-8(5) 26-23; 16-19 24-15; 11-18 28-24; 8-11(3) 24-19; 11-16(2) 31-26; 6-9(1) Forms Position, Diagram 151: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 151

Continue: . . . 26-22; 1-6 22-15; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 18-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 25-22; 9-14 32-27; 5-9! 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-13. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. #1822. V1(T): 16-20 [Unusual, but perfectly sound] 26-22; 6-10 22-6; 1-17 25-21; 17-22 23-18; 7-11 [5-9 21-17; 7-10 18-15; 9-13 15-6; 2-9 17-14 is a reasonable alternative] 21-17; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 27-18; 12-16 15-10; 16-19 17-13; 3-8 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 8-12 18-14; 12-16 6-2; 22-26 30-23; 19-26 29-25. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Dixon 1958. #1823. V2(T): 11-15 19-10; 6-15 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 15-19 [1-6 31-26; 1519 23-16; 12-19 same] 23-16; 12-19 31-26; 1-6 [7-11 22-18; 11-16 18-15; 16-20 32-28; 2-7 15-10; 5-9 14-5; 7-14 26-22; 3-8 27-23 to a draw: P. Davis v M. Tinsley 1989] 32-28; 7-11 22-18; 3-7 30-25


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[27-24 to a snap draw: D. Brattin v M. Tinsley 1975]; 6-9 25-21; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 11-8; 7-10 8-3; 10-14 3-8; 5-9 27-24; 18-23 24-15; 23-30. Drawn. W. Fraser v L. Goodfellow 1956. #1824. V3(T): 6-9 24-19; 1-6(4) 31-26; 8-11 26-22; 11-16 Into Trunk V4(3): 7-11 31-26; 2-6 26-22; 11-15 19-10; 6-15 14-10; 8-11 23-14; 9-18 30-26; 5-9 26-23; 9-14 27-24; 18-27 32-23; 12-16 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 16-20 24-19; 11-15 19-16; 20-24 29-25; 24-27 25-22; 27-31 23-18; 1-5 18-11; 5-14. Drawn. R. Butler v M. Tinsley 1978. #1825. V5(T): 16-20[R] INTO Key Landing Number 23 V6(T): . . . 25-22(7); 11-15! 17-13 [30-25; 9-14 into Variation 13 note]; 9-14! INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (T) V7(6): . . . 23-18(12); 3-8! 26-23(8); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 24-15; 10-19 30-26 INTO 11-16 23-18; 7-11 (V14) V8(7): . . . 17-13(9); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-20; 16-19 25-22; 4-8 27-24; 9-14 22-17 [32-27; 5-9 27-23; 1-5 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 14-17 21-14; 9-25 29-22; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 24-20; 5-9 20-11; 9-14 to a draw]; 5-9 29-25; 8-11 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 (V13) V9(8): . . . 25-22(11); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-20(10); 16-19 17-13 Into Variation 8 V10(9): . . . 24-19; 16-23 27-11; 7-16 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V14) V11(9): . . . 17-14 [24-20; 9-14 18-9; 6-22 25-18; 16-19 20-16; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14 to a draw: R. Fortman v D. McGrath (P) 1982]; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 27-23; 8-15 23-14; 6-9 14-10 7-14 25-22; 16-19 22-18; 14-23 31-27; 15-18 24-15; 2-7 26-19; 18-22 27-23 [28-24 is easier for White]; 7-10 15-6; 1-10 32-27; 4-8 30-25; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 23-16 [Database draw]; 10-14 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 26-30 [Black need not concede the quick draw; retaining a definite advantage with 11-15] 27-24; 30-21; 24-19. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #1826. V12(7): . . . 24-19(13); 9-14! INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V34)

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V13(12): . . . 17-13(14) 9-14! 25-22; 11-15! INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (T) V14(13): . . . 26-22 [24-20 transfers the advantage to Black after 16-19 23-16; 12-19]; 9-14 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V34: Note)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 111A (127): 11-16 22-17; 9-13 POWER: [20/80] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 9 Trunk: 11-16 22-17; 9-13 17-14[R](1) 10-17 21-14 INTO 9-13 22-18; 11-16 (T) V1(T): . . . 24-20 [About even after this. Indeed, if anything, Black has the edge. White has nothing else of merit. For example, 25-22 transposes into 11-16 21-17; 9-13 25-21 same, while 26-22; 10-15 30-26; 5-9 transposes into 11-16 21-17; 9-13 25-21; 5-9 30-25 1015 same]; 13-22 20-11; 7-16! [Played by D. Oldbury in the 1956 British Open Championship and best!] 25-18; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25(6); 8-11 25-22(5); 5-9 21-17(3); 9-13 27-23(2); 3-7 23-16; 1120 30-25; 6-9 25-21; 1-5 32-27 Forms Position, Diagram 152: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 152

Continue: 7-11! [Superior to 4-8] 27-23!; 4-8 17-14!; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 18-4; 9-27 [Of course, 9-25 also draws easily] 31-24; 20-27 [Database draw] 4-8; 27-31 [Looks threatening for White, but the

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draw is well in hand] 28-24; 5-9 24-20; 9-14 26-23; 14-17 22-18; 31-26 23-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1827. V2(1): . . . 27-24; 4-8 24-15; 10-19 32-27; 6-10 27-24; 10-14! [An incredible stroke] 17-10; 2-7 24-15; 7-23 26-19; 11-25 30-21; 8-11 31-27; 3-7 27-23; 7-10 23-18; 1-6 [1-5 also draws] 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 28-24; 17-22 14-10; 6-15 19-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1828. V3(1): . . . 27-24(4); 3-8 24-15; 10-19 31-27; 6-10 27-23; 19-24 28-19; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 23-19; 4-8 22-18 [19-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 21-17; 9-13 30-25; 1-5 17-14; 10-17 25-21; 11-15 21-14; 15-19 to an easy draw]; 8-11 21-17; 1-5 17-13; 24-28 13-6; 2-9 26-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 25-21; 10-15 22-17; 14-18 16-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1829. V4(3): . . . 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 11-20 21-17; 9-13 Into Variation 1 V5(1): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 11-20 32-27 [1) 26-23 [Offering to play a man down]; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 23-19; 8-12 30-25; 6-9 to an easy draw 2) 31-27 [25-22; 8-11 31-27 same]; 8-11 25-22 [27-23; 11-15 25-22 same]; 11-15 27-23; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 32-23; 6-10 which is similarly easy]; 8-11 [Much better than 6-9] 27-24 [Remarkably, this poor move is the best White has available]; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 25-22; 6-10 20-16; 10-17 22-13; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 5-9 13-6; 1-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1830. V6(1): . . . 18-14(7); 10-17 21-14; 8-11 29-25 [27-23; 3-7 23-16; 11-20 29-25; 4-8 into Variation 5] Into Variation 5 V7(6): . . . 18-15(8); 10-14 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 28-24; 5-9 22-17; 9-13 17-10; 6-15 30-26; 15-18 21-17; 13-22 26-17; 1822 17-14; 22-25 14-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1831. V8(7): . . . 27-24(10); 10-15 18-11; 8-15 32-27(9) [31-27; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27 same]; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27;


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3-8 [5-9 also draws] 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 23-14; 2-7 24-19; 6-9 14-10; 7-14 19-15; 14-17 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. E. King v G. W. Miller (P) 1988. #1832. V9(8): . . . 29-25; 5-9 21-17 [25-22; 4-8 21-17 same]; 4-8 25-22; 3-7 17-13 [22-18; 15-22 24-15 draws, but doesn’t threaten Black]; 9-14 24-20 [The 22-17 shot draws here, but it’s better for White to delay it]; 6-10 22-17 [Best]; 14-21 30-25; 21-30 31-27; 30-23 27-4; 19-23 4-8; 1-6 8-11 [8-3 also draws, but of no advantage to White]; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1833. V10(8): . . . 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27 [1) 31-27; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27 same, or 2) 29-25; 5-9 32-27 [Or 31-27 first] 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 3-8 into Variation 11]; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 3-8 18-14(11); 10-17 21-14; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 27-23; 15-18 23-16; 6-10 14-7; 2-20 25-22; 18-25 30-21; 5-9 21-17; 1-6 26-22; 6-10 22-18; 9-13 18-14; 13-22 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1834. V11(10): . . . 29-25; 5-9 18-14; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 2-11 25-22; 6-10 21-17; 10-15 27-23; 8-12 17-14; 11-16 14-10; 15-19 23-18; 19-24 28-19; 16-23. Drawn. E. King v W. Savage (P) 1988. #1835.

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Ballot Number 112 (128): 11-16 22-17; 16-20 POWER: [46/54] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 2 Trunk: 11-16 22-17; 16-20 17-14[R](1) INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (T) V1(T): . . . 25-22(2); 8-11 22-18 [Taking the centre. Against anything else, Black gains at least equality; steadfastly refusing to allow White to transpose into the slightly advantageous lines available after the superior 22-18. 1) 24-19 is met with 11-15 2) 29-25 is met with 9-14 3) 17-13 is met with 9-14 into Variation 3 4) 30-25 11-15 transposes into Variation 6 5) 23-18 is met with 10-14! 17-10; 7-23 26-19; 4-8] INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V25) V2(1): . . . 24-19(3); 8-11 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V19) V3(2): . . . 17-13(4); 9-14 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 5-14 2925; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22 INTO Key Landing Number 3 V4(3): . . . 26-22(7); 8-11 22-18(6); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 24-19(5); 15-24 28-19; 4-8 30-26 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V15) V5(4): . . . 29-25 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V15) V6(4):. . . 30-26; 11-15 23-18 [Against 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 2114; Black gains the advantage with 12-16!]; 3-8 18-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 17-14; 9-18 22-8; 4-11 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 1524 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24 [Database draw]; 12-16 26-23; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 19-10; 27-31 22-18; 31-26 18-15; 26-22 15-11; 5-9 10-7; 9-14 7-3; 14-18 3-8; 18-23 8-12; 23-27 11-8; 27-31 12-16 [Obviously this line is not desirable for a human being handling the white side!]. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1836. V7(4): . . . 23-18 [Or 23-19!?; 7-11 and instant originality!]; 10-15! 18-11; 8-15 17-13; 9-14 25-22 [10-15 21-17; 11-16 23-18; 16-20


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[8-11 my preference] 18-11; 8-15 17-13; 9-14 25-21 same]; 4-8 22-17; 7-10 26-23; 8-11 29-25; 3-7! 23-19 [24-19 also draws]; 5-9! 27-23 [25-22 may draw, but 30-26?; loses after 11-16 26-22; 16-23 27-11; 20-27 32-23; 7-16 31-27; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 19-23 22-18; 23-26! etc. . . ]; 20-27 31-24 Forms Position, Diagram 153: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 153

Continue: 14-18! 23-5; 11-16 17-14 [25-22?; loses to 16-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 17-14; 2-7! etc. . . ]; 16-23 14-9 [24-19? lost: S. Levy v S. Cohen 1937]; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 25-22; 12-16 22-18; 7-11 18-14; 16-20 21-17; 20-24 14-10; 6-15 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 1-10 5-1; 11-16 1-6; 24-27 6-2; 23-26 32-23; 26-31 2-6; 19-26 30-23 [Remarkably, this exact same line of analysis was created quite independently by Samuel Levy, from a completely different ballot, 12-16 23-18; 16-20, and published in the Levy-Cohen match book]. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #1837.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 113 (129): 11-16 22-18; 7-11 POWER: [22/78] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 23 Trunk: 11-16 22-18; 7-11 25-22(26); 3-7 29-25(22); 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 21-17(13); 9-13 17-14(12); 6-10 27-24(10); 10-17 24-15; 17-21 32-27(6); 11-16 18-14(5); 2-6 22-18; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 18-14 Forms Position, Diagram 154: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✇❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 154

Continue: 8-12 27-24 [28-24; 4-8! 27-23; 8-11 24-19; 16-20 14-10; 7-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7 to a draw: R. King v A. Moiseyev 2005]; 1620 24-19(4); 20-24 19-15(2); 4-8 28-19; 7-11 14-10(1); 11-18 26-22; 17-26 31-15 [Database draw]; 5-9 10-7; 9-14 7-2; 14-18 2-7 [2-6; 18-23 25-22 [6-9 permits 23-26! and a clean draw]; 23-27 6-9; 27-31 9-14; 31-27 14-18; 27-31 18-14; 31-27. Drawn: M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1987]; 13-17 7-10 [25-22; 18-25 7-11; 25-29 11-4; 29-25 4-8; 25-22 8-11; 22-18. Drawn: W. Hellman v E. Frazier 1964]; 18-23 10-14; 23-26 30-23; 21-30 14-21; 30-26 21-25; 26-31 19-16; 12-26 25-30; 8-12 30-23. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1962. #1838. V1(T): . . . 15-10; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 10-7; 8-11! 25-22; 11-16 7-2;


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16-20 2-7; 19-24! 7-11; 15-18 22-15; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 26-23; 2732 15-10; 32-27 23-18; 17-22 11-7; 27-23 14-9; 5-14 18-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1839. V2(T): . . . 26-23(3); 7-11! 14-10; 11-16 19-15; 24-27 31-24; 1620 24-19; 20-24 25-22 [10-7? led to a black win: E. Frazier v D. Oldbury 1964]; 17-26 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 24-27 30-23. Drawn. Analysis by W. Stacey. #1840. V3(2): . . . 14-10; 7-14 26-23; 5-9! 19-15; 24-27 31-24; 12-16 24-19; 14-18 23-5; 16-23 15-11; 23-26 30-23; 21-30. Drawn. Analysis by J. McGill. #1841. V4(T): . . . 31-27; 4-8 26-23; 7-11 14-10; 11-15 10-7; 5-9 7-2; 12-16 2-7; 8-12 7-2; 9-14 2-7; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 17-26 30-16; 21-25 7-11; 15-18 11-15; 18-22 24-19. Drawn. M, Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1947. #1842. V5(T): . . . 26-23 [Soft. Has the 15-11 sacrifice line ever been taken in important play?]; 13-17 22-13; 5-9 13-6; 1-26 31-22; 1619 18-14; 8-12 14-9; 12-16 22-17; 16-20 25-22; 7-11 17-14; 11-16 9-5; 4-8 14-9; 8-12 27-23; 19-26 30-23 [Database draw]; 21-25 5-1; 25-30 23-18; 30-25 1-6!; 20-24 28-19; 16-23 6-10; 23-27 9-5; 12-16 10-15; 27-32 5-1; 32-28 22-17. Drawn. A. Long (aged 87!) v Chinook 1992. #1843. V6(T): . . . 31-27(9); 7-10 15-6; 1-10 27-24(7); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 10-14 19-16; 2-7 22-18; 14-23 26-19; 13-17 19-15; 4-8 32-27; 5-9 27-24; 9-14 24-19; 14-18 16-12; 8-11 15-8; 7-11 8-3; 11-16 19-15; 17-22. Drawn. W. Dailey v W. Crook (P) 1940. #1844. V7(6): . . . 27-23; 11-16 28-24(8); 8-12 24-20 [32-27 into Variation 8]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 10-14 20-16; 19-24 15-11; 14-17 16-12; 24-28 12-8; 2-7 11-2; 4-11 2-7 [2-6 is also playable]; 11-16 7-11; 16-19 32-27; 28-32 11-15; 32-23 15-24; 5-9 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 21-30. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Frazier 1967. #1845. V8(7): . . . 32-27; 8-12 28-24; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 27-24; 2-7 24-19; 5-9 18-15; 11-27 20-2; 27-31 2-7; 10-14 26-23!; 14-17 7-11!; 17-26

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11-15!; 9-14 19-16; 12-19 15-24; 14-18 23-14; 13-17 30-23; 21-30. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1846. V9(6): . . . 28-24; 13-17 22-13; 5-9 13-6; 1-28 18-14; 11-15 14-9; 7-11 9-5; 11-16 5-1; 16-20 1-5; 15-19 5-9; 19-24 9-14; 2-7 25-22; 8-12 14-18; 7-11 22-17; 24-27 32-23; 28-32 17-13; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 18-22; 27-32 13-9; 32-27 23-18; 11-16 9-6; 16-20 6-2; 4-8 2-6; 8-11 6-10; 11-16 10-15; 20-24. Drawn. W. Hellman v E. Scheidt 1968. #1847. V10(T): . . . 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 27-24; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 1410(11); 7-14 22-18; 14-23 31-27; 15-18 24-15; 4-8 26-19; 2-7 28-24; 8-12 24-20 [27-23; 18-27 32-23; 13-17 24-20; 17-22 15-11 [23-18 gets precisely nothing]; 7-16 20-11; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 26-31. Drawn: K. Grover v H. Freyer 1939]; 18-22 27-23; 22-26 15-11 [This is best. Nemesis’ suggested win with 23-18 amounts to very little after 26-31 20-16; 7-10 15-11; 6-9 18-15; 10-14 117; 14-18 7-2; 9-14 2-6; 31-27 32-23; 18-27 6-9; 14-18 9-14; 18-23 15-10; 27-32 16-11; 32-27]; 7-16 20-11 [Database draw]; 26-31 23-18; 6-10 11-7; 5-9 7-2; 10-14 18-15; 14-18 2-6; 9-14 6-9; 18-23 9-27; 31-24 30-25; 13-17. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan & J. Bradford. #1848. V11(10): . . . 24-20; 6-9 14-10; 7-14 22-18; 14-23 28-24; 19-28 26-10; 9-14 20-16; 14-17 16-11; 17-21 10-7; 13-17 7-3; 5-9 3-7; 4-8 11-4; 2-11 4-8; 11-15 8-11; 15-18 11-15; 18-22. Drawn. E. Scheidt v W. Hellman 1968. #1849. V12(T): . . . 27-24 [25-21; 6-10! 17-14; 10-17 21-14 into Variation 10]; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 17-14; 6-9! 31-27; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 1-6 [Dead even after this] 16-11 [24-19 to a simple draw]; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 28-12 [Database draw]; 6-10 25-21 [22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 25-21; 17-26 30-23; 2-7 23-18; 7-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn: R. Chamberlain v A. Huggins (P) 1975. White is not in time for First Position]; 2-7 22-18; 5-9 30-25; 7-11 12-8; 10-14 26-23; 11-16 8-3; 16-19 23-16; 14-23 25-22; 23-26 22-18; 26-31 3-7; 31-27 7-11; 4-8 11-4; 27-23. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #1850. V13(T): . . . 18-15(17); 11-18 22-15; 9-14 25-22(14); 14-18 22-17;


Complete Checkers

18-22 17-14; 22-25 21-17; 25-29 27-24; 7-11 15-10; 6-15 14-10; 1518 24-15; 18-22 17-14; 11-18 26-17; 18-22 10-7; 2-11 14-10; 22-25 30-21; 29-25. Drawn. L. Lewis v N. Rubin 1935. #1851. V14(13): . . . 15-11(16); 7-16 27-24; 2-7 24-15; 7-11 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 5-9 25-22 [28-24; 16-19 24-20; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 9-13 30-26; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-23 32-28; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 to a draw]; 14-18 22-17; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 17-14(15); 1-5 21-17; 18-22 14-10; 6-15 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 15-19 9-6; 5-9 6-2; 14-18 32-27; 19-23 27-24; 16-20 2-7; 20-27 7-16; 9-14 31-24; 23-26 30-23; 18-27. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1852. V15(14): . . . 31-27; 9-14 17-10; 6-15 [Database draw] 30-26; 1-5 21-17; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 27-24; 26-31 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 31-26. Drawn. R. Fortman v D. Oldbury (P) 1989. #1853. V16(14): . . . 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 14-18 21-17; 6-9! 17-14 [17-13 is comfortably met with 1-6]; 2-6! 27-24; 19-23! 26-19; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 [Database draw] 19-15; 17-21 24-20; 9-13 20-16; 13-17 28-24; 5-9 24-20; 9-13 16-12; 17-22 12-8; 22-29 8-3; 7-11 15-8; 13-17 3-7; 17-22 7-10; 18-23. Drawn. Analysis by J. Hanson. #1854. V17(13): . . . 22-17(18); 9-13 17-14 [25-22; 6-10! 17-14; 10-17 21-14 into Variation 10]; 6-9 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 13-17 25-22; 11-15 18-11; 9-25 21-14; 7-16 30-21; 1-6 27-24; 4-8 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 26-23; 18-27 32-23. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #1855. V18(17): . . . 27-24(21); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 31-27 [21-17; 9-13 17-14 into Variation 12, while the immediate 24-20 is well met with the cramping 9-13!]; 7-11 24-20(20); 6-10 20-16(19); 11-20 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 1-6 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 4-8 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 11-15 25-22; 9-14 8-3; 15-18 22-15; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 15-6; 2-27. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1856. V19(18): . . . 27-24; 10-14 32-27; 14-18 21-17; 4-8 17-14; 9-13 2521; 18-25 27-23; 11-16! 20-4; 1-6 23-16; 6-10 14-7; 2-27. Drawn. Analysis by P. Thompson. #1857. V20(18): . . . 21-17; 4-8 17-13; 9-14 24-20; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 26-23;

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19-26 30-23; 8-12 25-21; 5-9! 27-24; 9-13 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-6! 32-28; 6-9 28-24; 11-15 20-16. Drawn. Analysis by K. Albrecht. Classic Late Midgame Position #3. #1858. V21(18): . . . 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 9-18 22-8; 4-11 21-17; 11-15 17-14; 6-9 14-10; 7-14 31-27; 2-6 27-23; 19-24 28-10; 6-15 32-27; 1-6 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 22-17; 6-9 17-13; 9-14 25-22; 18-25 30-21. Drawn. B. Case v M. Tinsley 1954. #1859. V22(T): . . . 22-17(23); 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 17-14 [2925 is into Variation 17, while 27-23 is best met with 9-13 23-16; 13-22 26-17; 11-20 and a wide open position for both sides]; 1115 18-11; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 8-15 28-24; 6-10 24-20; 7-11! 16-7; 2-11 21-17; 5-9 17-13 [29-25 is well met with 9-14]; 10-14 13-6; 1-10 26-22; 15-19 29-25; 10-15. Drawn. J. Charles v R. Fortman (P) 1985. #1860. V23(22): . . . 24-19(24) INTO 11-16 24-19; 7-11 (T) V24(23): . . . 24-20(25) INTO 11-16 24-20; 7-11 (V2) V25(24): . . . 30-25 INTO 11-16 23-18; 7-11 (V14) V26(T): . . . 24-19[R](27) INTO 11-16 24-19; 7-11 (T) V27(26): . . . 18-14(28) INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (T) V28(27): . . . 24-20(29) INTO 11-16 24-20; 7-11 (V2) V29(28): . . . 26-22 INTO 11-16 23-18; 7-11 (V13)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 114 (130): 11-16 22-18; 8-11 POWER: [47/53] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 0! Trunk: 11-16 22-18; 8-11 25-22(1); 16-20 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V25) V1(T): . . . 24-19[R](2) INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V2(1): . . . 18-14(3) INTO 11-16 22-17; 8-11 (T) V3(2): . . . 24-20(4) INTO 12-16 24-20; 8-12 (V30) V4(3): . . . 26-22 INTO 11-16 23-18; 8-11 (V9)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 115 (131): 11-16 22-18; 16-19 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 4 Trunk: 11-16 22-18; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22(1); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO 9-14 22-18; 11-16 (T) V1(T): . . . 27-24[R](6); 9-14[R](5) 18-9; 5-14 24-15; 7-10 32-27 [Soft] (2); 10-19 27-24; 3-7 24-15; 7-10 31-27; 10-19 27-24; 2-7 24-15; 7-10 25-22; 10-19 22-17 [26-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 8-11 28-24; 4-8 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 is another soft draw]; 8-12 17-10; 6-15 21-17; 15-18 17-14; 4-8 14-10; 8-11 10-7; 11-16. Drawn. L. Taylor v P. Thompson 1960. #1861. V2(1): . . . 25-22[R]; 10-19 22-17; 6-10(4) 17-13; 2-6 [1-6? may lose after 26-22; 3-7 22-17: D. Oldbury] 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 4-8(3) 22-17; 8-12 [Frequently arises CR from 10-15 22-17; 11-16] 32-27; 11-16! [11-15?, which commonly arises from 9-14 22-17; 11-16, loses to 27-24! [The ‘web’]; while against both 3-8 and 12-16, White draws with 27-24] 27-23; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 3-8 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 CR (V15) V3(2): 11-15 [Perfectly sound, but Black must constantly guard against drifting into the ‘web’] 22-17; 4-8 32-27; 8-11 [1-5 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 8-11 27-24 same, or 3-7 27-24; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-5 31-27 6-10 26-23 to a draw] 27-24; 1-5 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 24-19 18-27 31-24; 3-8 24-20; 8-12 20-16; 11-20 19-15; 10-19 17-1. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1862. V4(2): 2-7[R] 17-10; 7-14 INTO 9-14 22-18; 11-16 (T) V5(1): 7-10 [Better than previously thought] 24-15; 10-19 18-15 [The much favoured 32-27 is easily met with 9-14! 18-9; 5-14 into Variation 1] INTO 12-16 23-18; 16-19 (T) V6(1): . . . 18-15(7) INTO 12-16 23-18; 16-19 (V5)


Complete Checkers

V7(6): . . . 21-17; 9-14! 17-10; 7-23 27-18; 3-7 25-22 [Both 32-27 and 31-27 are well met with 6-10]; 6-10 29-25 [Soft] (8); 10-15 18-11; 8-15 22-17; 5-9 25-22; 7-10 31-27; 4-8 17-13; 1-6 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-14 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 22-18; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 9-13. Drawn. T. Wiswell v H. Freyer 1937. #1863. V8(7): . . . 18-15 [Best]; 1-6 29-25; 5-9 25-21; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 32-27; 11-15 22-17 [22-18; 15-22 26-17 is well met with 19-23 27-18; 9-14 18-9; 6-22]; 9-14 27-24 Forms Position, Diagram 155: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 155

Continue: 7-11 17-13; 14-18 21-17; 18-22 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 22-25 23-19; 11-16 19-12; 25-30 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 30-25 12-8; 25-21 8-3 21-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1864.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 116 (132): 11-16 22-18; 16-20 POWER: [46/54] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 30 Trunk: 11-16 22-18; 16-20 18-14[R](25); 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 Forms Key Landing Number 23, Diagram 156: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 156

Continue: . . . 25-22[R](19); 11-15[R](11) 24-19[R](8); 15-24 2819; 4-8 [6-10 29-25; 10- 17 22-13 into Variation 11] 29-25; 8-11 25-21[R](4); 11-16 26-23; 6-9 22-18[R](3); 1-6 21-17[R](1); 9-13 30-26; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 17-13; 2-6 32-28 [31-26; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 26-22; 10-14 22-17; 14-21 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18. Drawn: D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1975]; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 6-24 28-19; 14-18 13-6; 5-9 23-5; 16-32. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1953. #1865. V1(T): . . . 31-26(2); 7-11 19-15; 16-19 23-7; 3-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 14-7; 2-11 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 9-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. D. Shields v R. Pask 1984. #1866. V2(1): . . . 30-25; 6-10 31-26; 10-17 21-14 Into Variation 19 V3(T): . . . 30-25; 9-18 22-15; 3-8 25-22; 5-9 22-18; 1-6 18-14; 9-18


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23-14; 16-23 27-18; 12-16 21-17; 16-19 31-26 [17-13; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 31-26 20-24 same]; 20-24 17-13; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 26-22; 19-23 32-28; 24-27 22-17; 27-31 17-14; 31-26 14-9; 6-10 15-6; 26-22 18-14; 22-17 14-10; 17-14. Drawn. Analysis by J. McGill. #1867. V4(T): . . . 22-18 [26-23 is well met with 6-10 and now against 31-26; 10-17 22-13 Black equalizes with 5-9! 13-6; 1-10, while against 30-26; 10-17 22-13; 11-16 26-22; 7-10 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 14-17 is easy] 11-15 18-11; 7-23 27-18(6); 12-16 25-22 [31-27 is well met with 16-19 32-28; 2-7 25-21; 3-8]; 2-7 14-10(5); 7-23 26-12; 6-10 31-27; 5-9 30-25; 10-15 27-23; 9-14 25-21; 20-24 22-17 [32-28; 24-27 22-17; 27-31 17-10; 31-27 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 27-23 same]; 24-27 17-10; 27-31 32-28; 31-26 23-19; 15-24 2819; 26-23 19-16; 23-18 16-11; 18-15 10-7; 15-8 21-17; 3-10 12-3. Drawn. E. Bruch v A. Long 1974. #1868. V5(4): . . . 31-27; 7-11 27-23; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 18-14 [22-17; 5-9 2319; 16-23 26-19; 20-24 17-13; 1-6 32-28; 24-27 28-24; 10-14 19-15; 14-23 15-8; 27-31 also draws]; 10-17 22-13; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 23-18; 20-24 26-22; 24-28 22-17; 10-15 18-14; 16-19 14-10; 15-18 10-7; 18-23 7-3; 11-16. Drawn. Analysis by W. Subkow. #1869. V6(4): . . . 26-19; 6-9 30-26(7); 9-18 26-23; 18-22 25-18; 5-9 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 3-7 27-23; 1-6 23-18 [32-27; 6-10 14-9 into Variation 8!]; 6-10 14-9; 7-11 31-27; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6; 23-26 6-1; 26-31 32-28; 31-24 28-19; 20-24 1-6; 2-7. Drawn. M. Chamblee v W. Hellman 1946. #1870. V7(6): . . . 31-26!; 9-18 26-22; 20-24! 27-20; 18-23 22-18; 3-7 25-22; 7-10 20-16 [18-15; 2-7 15-6; 1-10 20-16; 10-14 22-18; 7-10 18-9; 5-14 16-11; 14-18 11-7; 10-14 draws]; 2-6 16-11 [22-17; 6-9 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 1-10 18-9; 5-14 into previous note]; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 11-7; 15-19 7-3; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1871. V8(T): . . . 29-25; 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 1-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 30-26(10); 10-17 22-13; 4-8 25-22(9); 8-11 26-23; 7-10 22-18; 3-7 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19 [Database draw]; 7-11 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 2-7! [The natural 11-15? lost: N. Banks v W. Ryan 1937 & D. Harwood v R. Pask 2002] 9-6; 11-16 6-2; 7-11

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2-6; 10-15 19-10; 16-20 24-19; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1872. V9(8): . . . 26-23; 8-11 25-21; 11-16 23-18; 16-23 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 23-26 31-22; 12-16 22-17; 16-19. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1956. #1873. V10(8): . . . 31-26; 10-17 22-13; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 7-10 27-23; 20-24 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 3-10 26-22; 12-16 22-17; 2-7 30-25; 7-11 25-21; 16-19 18-14; 10-15. Drawn. W. Ryan v A. Cameron 1951. #1874. V11(T): 6-10 29-25; 10-17 22-13; 11-15(15) 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 [Both the 11-15 exchange and 7-10 also draw] 26-23; 7-10 18-15 [31-26! is a good option here, favoured by Chinook. In reply, the 10-14 exchange is best, with both 3-7 and 3-8 being weak]; 2-7(12) 15-6; 1-10 23-18; 16-23 31-26; 3-8 [7-11 26-19 3-7 same] 26-19; 8-11 27-23; 20-24 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 10-14 9-6; 24-27 6-2; 27-31 19-15; 11-27 2-11; 31-26 30-23; 27-31. Drawn. R. Fortman v M. Tinsley (P) 1948. #1875. V12(11): 3-7 15-6; 1-10(14) 31-26; 7-11(13) 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 2-7 [The natural 10-14 exchange loses: L. Levitt v M. Tinsley 1951] Into Variation 11 V13(12): 5-9? [A loser which leads to one of Wiswell’s wizardly wins!] 13-6; 2-9 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 10-14 19-15; 14-23 27-18; 20-24 30-26; 12-16 26-22; 16-19 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 19-23 14-9; 24-27 18-14; 27-31 9-6; 31-26 6-2! White Win. M. Krantz v T. Wiswell 1948. #1876. V14(12): 2-9 13-6; 1-10 31-26; 7-11 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 19-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. Analysis by R. Martin. #1877. V15(11): 7-10 24-19; 11-16(18) 27-23; 4-8(17) 25-22; 10-14 2218; 14-17(16) 18-14 [The 19-15 sacrifice line also has merit: P. McCarthy v E. Markusic 1983]; 8-11 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 17-22 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 20-24 28-19; 16-23 14-10; 12-16 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 16-20 9-6; 2-9 11-7; 9-14 7-2; 14-17 2-7; 22-25 30-14; 23-26 31-22; 1-6 10-1; 3-26. Drawn. L. Levitt v M. Tinsley 1951. #1878.


Complete Checkers

V16(15): 8-11 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 3-7 26-22; 7-10 22-18; 20-24 3227; 16-20 9-5 14-17; 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 19-15; 11-18 28-19; 18-22 19-15; 12-16 15-10; 16-19 30-25; 22-29 27-23; 19-26 31-13; 29-25 13-9; 25-22 9-6. Drawn. H. Freedman v R. Jordan 1902. #1879. V17(15): 10-14 25-21; 4-8 26-22; 8-11 30-25; 20-24 22-17; 16-20 17-10; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 27-31 32-27; 31-24 28-19; 2-6 19-15; 12-16 21-17; 16-20 15-11; 6-15 11-7; 3-10 14-7; 15-18. Drawn. E. Lowder v M. Tinsley 1970. #1880. V18(15): 11-15 27-23 [From this particular order of moves, 28-24 is available and may be superior]; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 25-22; 4-8 22-18; 3-7 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 8-12 32-28; 12-19 18-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 30-16; 24-27 31-24; 7-10 16-11; 10-14 24-19; 14-18 28-24; 18-23 24-20. Drawn. B. Case v A. Long 1952. #1881. V19(T): . . . 24-19(24); 11-16 25-21(23); 16-23 27-18; 4-8 31-27; 8-11 28-24 [26-23; 6-9 29-25; 1-6 28-24 same]; 6-9 26-23; 1-6 2925(22); 11-16 24-19(20); 6-10 30-26; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 26-22; 9-13 18-15; 10-14 25-21; 2-6 15-11; 6-9 22-18; 13-17 11-7; 1722 7-2; 22-26 19-15; 26-31 32-28; 31-24 28-19; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 2-6; 14-18 23-14; 16-23. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #1882. V20(19): . . . 25-22(21); 16-19 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-26 30-23; 6-10 23-19; 10-14 27-23; 20-24 22-17; 24-27 17-10; 27-31 10-6; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 6-1; 31-27 1-5; 27-18 5-9; 2-7. Drawn. T. O’Grady v H. Lieberman 1915. #1883. V21(20): . . . 30-26; 16-19 24-15; 7-10 14-7; 3-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 6-10 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 14-18 10-6; 9-14 6-1; 5-9 1-6; 18-23 6-13; 23-30 13-17; 14-18 17-14; 19-23 25-22; 23-32 14-23; 30-25 22-18; 25-22 18-15; 2-7 23-18; 7-11 18-25; 11-18. Drawn. T. Goldsboro v H. Reynolds 1927. #1884. V22(19): . . . 30-26; 11-15 18-11; 9-18 23-14; 7-16 26-23; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 29-25; 2-6 23-19; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 6-9 23-19; 10-14 18-15; 14-17 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. Analysis by J. Kear. #1885. V23(19): . . . 25-22 [27-23; 6-9 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 11-16 19-15; 20-24 28-19; 16-23 31-26; 2-6 26-19; 6-10 15-6;

Richard Pask


1-26 30-23; 7-11 to a draw: A. Moiseyev v M. Borghetti 2013. Also, 26-23; 6-9 25-21 is dead even]; 16-23 27-18; 6-10 32-27; 10-17 22-13; 4-8 26-23; 8-11 29-25; 7-10 25-22; 3-7 30-25; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 2-7 25-21; 7-11 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 18-22 14-10; 22-26 31-22; 16-19 10-7; 11-16 7-3; 19-24 28-19; 16-32. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #1886. V24(19): . . . 26-23 [Rarely seen; perhaps because the 6-10 runoff is such an effective counter]; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 30-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 2114; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 [White is clearly an advocate of keeping the double-corner intact!] 23-18; 12-16 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 19-16; 11-20 28-19; 20-24 19-16; 24-27 23-19; 27-31 18-15; 10-14 16-11; 31-26 15-10; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1887. V25(T): . . . 25-22(35); 8-11 22-17(26); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 INTO Key Landing Number 1 V26(25): . . . 29-25(27); 4-8 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19 Into Trunk V27(26): . . . 24-19(34); 10-14 19-15(32); 4-8 22-17; 9-13 [7-10? is horrible after both 17-13! and 30-25!] 17-10; 7-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25(31); 11-18 26-22; 2-7 22-15; 7-10 23-19; 3-7 31-26(30); 1-5 26-23(29); 20-24 27-20; 7-11 32-27(28); 11-18 30-26; 13-17 27-24 [19-16 also draws]; 18-27 26-23; 27-31 23-18; 14-23 21-7; 31-26 7-3; 23-27 19-16; 12-19 3-12; 19-23. Drawn. A. Long v E. Hunt 1936. #1888. V28(27): . . . 30-26; 11-27 32-23; 6-9 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 16-12; 10-14 12-3; 13-17 20-16; 18-22 25-18; 14-30 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #1889. V29(27): . . . 25-22 [Not 28-24?]; 14-18 30-25; 20-24 27-20; 18-23 20-16; 23-30 32-27; 30-26 27-24; 26-17 21-14; 10-17 15-11; 8-15 19-1; 12-19 24-15; 17-21 1-6; 21-30 6-2; 30-26 2-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1890. V30(27): . . . 30-26; 14-17! 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 7-11 22-18; 11-16 18-14; 16-23 27-18; 13-17 25-21; 12-16 14-10; 16-


Complete Checkers

19! 21-14; 19-23 10-7; 6-10 15-6; 1-17. Drawn. S. Cohen v H. Fricker 1925. #1891. V31(27): . . . 30-25; 11-18 26-22; 3-7 22-15; 7-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 25-22 [Taking the shot immediately also draws]; 2-7 22-17; 13-22 31-26; 22-31 32-27; 31-24 28-3; 20-24 15-8; 24-27 3-10; 6-22 21-17; 27-31 8-3; 31-26 3-7. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Chamblee 1946. #1892. V32(27): . . . 22-17; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 26-17; 6-22 30-26; 5-9 26-17; 9-13 17-14; 4-8 29-25; 11-16 25-22(33); 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-18; 2-7! 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 14-9; 13-17 19-15; 11-18 23-14; 17-22 28-24; 22-25 24-19; 16-23 27-18; 12-16 18-15; 16-19 15-10; 7-11; 10-7 11-15; 7-3 15-18; 3-7 19-24; 7-10 24-27; 32-23 18-27; 31-24 20-27. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Chamblee 1951. #1893. V33(32): . . . 14-9; 7-10 25-22; 3-7 28-24; 1-5 22-18; 5-14 18-9; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 16-23 18-14; 8-11 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 11-15 18-11; 7-16. Drawn. P. Davis v L. Edwards 1983. #1894. V34(27): . . . 30-25; 10-14 22-17; 7-10 24-19 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V35(25): . . . 24-19(38); 8-11 26-22(36); 10-14 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V36(35): . . . 18-14(37); 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14 Into Variation 19 V37(36): . . . 25-22 Into Variation 27 V38(35): . . . 26-22; 8-11 24-19(39) Into Variation 35 V39(38): . . . 22-17(41); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 29-25(40) INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V15) V40(39): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 30-26 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V15) V41(39): . . . 30-26 Into Variation 34

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 117 (133): 11-16 23-18; 7-11 POWER: [36/64] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 16 Trunk: 11-16 23-18; 7-11 18-15(13); 11-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 9-14 25-22; 5-9 22-17(6); 14-18 17-14(2); 9-13 29-25; 3-7! [Holds everything together. Instead, the oft-played 16-19? loses to 27-24] 28-24; 16-19 32-28(1); 12-16 24-20; 8-12 20-11; 7-16 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 16-23 24-19 Forms Position, Diagram 157: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 157

Continue: 4-8 14-10; 6-9 10-6; 1-10 15-6; 9-14 6-1; 13-17 1-5 [3126; 23-27 19-16; 12-19 26-22; 17-26 30-16 to a draw: M. Tinsley v G. Bass 1948]; 17-22 5-9; 22-29 31-26 [9-13; 18-22 19-15!; 29-25 13-9; 14-18 9-14; 22-26 31-22; 23-27 14-32; 25-11. Drawn]; 1417 21-14; 29-25; 30-21; 23-30 14-10. Drawn. Analysis by C. Cantor. #1895. V1(T): . . . 24-20; 18-23 27-18; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 21-14; 12-16 20-11; 8-29 14-9; 7-10 9-5; 10-14 30-25; 29-22 26-10 [Database draw]; 19-23 5-1; 13-17 1-5; 17-22 5-9; 23-26 10-6; 26-30 6-1; 4-8 1-6; 30-25 31-27; 8-11 6-10; 22-26 9-14; 26-31. Drawn. Analysis by C. Cantor. #1896.


Complete Checkers

V2(T): . . . 17-13(5); 9-14 29-25; 16-20 26-22(4); 12-16 30-26(3); 16-19 27-24 [22-17?; loses to 20-24!, while 13-9; 6-13 15-10; 20-24 22-15 14-18 27-20; 18-23 26-22; 23-26 leads to a controversial position. Conrad Cantor believed Black was strong, and possibly held a winning position, while Marion Tinsley spoke of Black ‘squeaking through’! After the unpublished 32-27! the best reply appears to be 8-11! 15-8 4-11 etc. . . leading to a secure draw]; 20-27 32-16; 8-12 16-11; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 22-15; 3-7 15-10 [11-8 also draws]; 7-16 26-23; 19-26 31-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985. #1897. V3(2): . . . 31-26 [Against 22-17; Black draws easily with the 1619 shot]; 16-19! [3-7? lost to the 27-24 shot: P. Davis v Checkers 1992, while the questionable 8-12, which may lose to 26-23!, led to a black win after 15-11?: R. King v R. Beckwith 2008] 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 8-12 16-11; 18-23 26-19; 3-7 11-8; 4-18 22-15; 1418 28-24; 12-16 19-12; 6-9 13-6; 1-28. Drawn. Analysis by C. Cantor. #1898. V4(2): . . . 26-23; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 31-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 30-26; 11-15 26-23; 15-18 23-19; 3-7 19-15; 7-10 15-6; 2-9 21-17; 14-30 27-24; 20-27 32-5. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1899. V5(2): . . . 26-23 [28-24 has been questioned, but may simply return to the trunk after 9-13 17-14 [24-20 favours Black slightly after 13-22 26-17; 16-19 30-26; 18-22! 17-13; 3-7 26-17; 7-11 17-14; 11-18 27-23; 19-26 31-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-18]; 16-19 32-28! [Better than 24-20]; 3-7 29-25]; 9-13 23-14; 13-22 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 3-7 21-17; 16-19 25-21; 7-10 14-7; 2-25 29-22; 6-9 17-13; 8-11 13-6; 1-10. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1900. V6(T): . . . 27-23(7); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (T) V7(6): . . . 26-23(8); 16-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 12-16 23-18; 16-19 (V5) V8(7): . . . 29-25(10); 9-13 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 16-19 25-22; 12-16 32-27(9); 8-12 15-10; 6-15 18-11; 3-8 11-7; 2-11 21-17; 16-20 17-14; 11-15 14-9; 12-16 27-23; 8-12 9-5; 13-17 22-13; 4-8 13-9; 8-11 26-22;

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19-26 30-23; 15-19 22-18; 19-26 31-22. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1985. #1901. V9(8): . . . 31-27; 8-12 15-10; 6-15 18-11; 16-20! 11-8; 4-11 2724; 20-27 32-7; 2-11 [3-10 also draws, but this is best] 28-24 [Against 21-17; 1-6 draws]; 12-16 24-19; 16-23 26-19; 1-6. Drawn. Analysis by D.. Oldbury. #1902. V10(8): . . . 27-24(11); 16-20 22-17; 20-27 17-10; 8-11 15-8; 6-15 32-23; 4-11 29-25; 11-16 25-22; 3-7 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 16-23 2619; 9-14 30-26; 2-6 26-23; 6-10 22-17; 7-11 31-26. Drawn. A. Huggins v R. Fortman (P) 1964. #1903. V11(10): . . . 28-24; 16-19 24-20(12); 14-18 29-25 [21-17; 18-25 29-22; 9-13 30-25 leads to a puny draw for White after the 12-16 shot, while 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 18-22! 26-17; 13-22 21-17; 3-7 17-13; 1-5! is strong for Black]; 9-13 32-28; 3-7 20-16; 18-23 27-18; 8-11 15-8; 4-20 31-27; 7-11 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 25-22; 10-15 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-11 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1982. #1904. V12(11): . . . 32-28; 9-13 27-23; 2-7 23-16; 12-19 24-20; 14-18 29-25; 1-5 31-27; 6-9 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 9-18 15-10; 7-14 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 27-23! [25-22? first loses to 3-7!]; 11-15 [Black can still try for the win with 3-7, but it cannot be forced now] 25-22; 3-7 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 21-17; 14-21 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #1905. V13(T): . . . 26-23[R](19); 3-7 24-19[R](14) INTO 11-16 24-19; 7-11 (V25) V14(13): . . . 30-26; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17(16); 6-10 17-14 [27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 same]; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 27-23; 8-12 [9-13 lost: E. Lowder v M. Tinsley 1982; although a later draw was missed] 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 26-22(15); 9-18 22-15; 4-8 25-22; 5-9 22-17; 16-20 29-25; 9-13 25-22; 6-9 15-10; 9-14 10-7; 14-21 7-3; 8-12 3-7; 2-11 27-24; 20-27 31-8. Drawn. M. Chamblee v E. Hunt 1946. #1906. V15(14): . . . 27-24; 9-18 24-15; 4-8 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 22-18; 2-7 26-22; 16-19 22-17; 9-13 17-14; 13-17 31-27; 17-21 27-24; 21-25


Complete Checkers

24-20; 25-30 20-16; 8-12 28-24; 19-28 15-11; 12-19 11-2; 30-26 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by F. Tescheleit. #1907. V16(14): . . . 27-24(17); 7-10 24-15; 10-19 32-27; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 11-16 22-18 [22-17; 6-10 25-22; 8-12 22-18; 1-6 gives Black a slight endgame pull: J. Hanson v E. Hunt 1934]; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 2522; 2-7 22-17 [Against 31-27; 6-10 draws]; 7-10 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 17-13; 4-8 22-17; 8-12 31-27; 15-18 27-24; 18-27 24-15; 10-19 17-1; 19-24 28-19; 16-30. Drawn. Analysis by G. Buchanan. #1908. V17(16): . . . 21-17! [27-23 is met with 8-12 23-16; 12-19 18-14 [22-17; 6-10 into Variation 14 1st note]; 9-18 22-8; 4-11 32-27; 5-9, while the 18-15 exchange is countered with 9-14]; 9-13! 2723(18); 6-9! 23-16; 11-20 32-27; 7-10 [Forcing matters] 18-14; 9-18 22-6; 1-10 26-23; 13-22 25-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 14-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 8-11 23-19; 2-7! 22-18; 7-10! 19-16; 10-15 16-7; 15-22 7-3; 22-26 27-23; 26-31 23-18; 31-26 18-15; 26-23 15-11; 23-19 3-7; 19-23 7-3; 23-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1909. V18(17): . . . 27-24; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 17-14 [32-27 is comfortably met with the cunning 7-10!]; 6-9 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 2-6 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-17 18-15; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 11-15 26-23; 15-18 23-14; 9-18 24-19; 18-22 19-15; 5-9 15-10; 9-14 10-7; 22-26 31-22; 17-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1910. V19(13): . . . 22-17(20) INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V19) V20(19): . . . 24-20 [The unusual 27-23!? is worthy of consideration. In reply, the natural 3-7 would appear to be best] INTO 11-16 24-20; 7-11 (V18)

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Ballot Number 118 (134): 11-16 23-18; 8-11 POWER: [43/57] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 9 Trunk: 11-16 23-18; 8-11 18-14(9); 9-18 22-8; 4-11 26-23(4); 16-20 2522(3); 11-15 24-19(2); 15-24 28-19; 7-11 30-26(1); 11-15 19-16; 1219 23-16; 2-7 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 Forms Position, Diagram 158: WTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 158

Continue: . . . 21-17; 14-21 29-25; 21-30 16-12; 30-23 27-2; 1-5 2-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 17-22 6-2; 10-14 2-6; 14-17 6-10; 17-21 10-14; 21-25 32-28; 25-30 28-24; 20-27 31-24. Drawn. A. Long v E. Hunt 1936. #1911. V1(T): . . . 22-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 30-26; 5-9 26-17; 9-13 17-14; 11-15 29-25; 12-16 32-28; 2-7 14-9; 15-19 31-26; 3-8 25-22; 8-12 9-5; 7-10 21-17!; 1-6 5-1; 10-15 1-10; 19-24 10-19; 24-31 19-15; 31-27 15-18; 27-31 18-15; 31-27. Drawn. K. Grover v W. Hellman 1938. #1912. V2(T): . . . 23-18; 7-11 29-25; 6-9 30-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 1-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 3-7 31-26; 6-9 19-16;


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12-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-16 22-17; 9-13 25-22; 10-15 17-10; 15-19. Drawn. M. Tinsley v E. Bruch 1977. #1913. V3(T): . . . 24-19; 10-14! 25-22; 6-9 22-17; 7-10 17-13; 1-6 29-25; 3-7 31-26; 11-16 28-24; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 21-17; 16-23 26-19; 7-11 30-26; 6-9! 13-6; 2-9 19-16 [25-21; 11-16 26-23; 9-14 17-13; 18-22 13-9; 22-26 9-6; 26-31 6-2; 31-26 32-28; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 24-19. Drawn: D. Lafferty v A. Long 1985]; 12-28 27-24; 20-27 32-7. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #1914. V4(T): . . . 25-22(6); 16-20 29-25(5); 11-15 21-17; 5-9 25-21; 9-14 17-13; 7-11 26-23; 3-7 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 31-24; 1-5 32-27; 12-16 24-20; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 7-10 28-24; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 22-18; 15-22 24-19; 11-15 19-12; 15-18 21-17; 18-27 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 15-18 6-2; 27-32; 2-6 22-26 30-23; 18-27. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1915. V5(4): . . . 21-17 [26-23 into Trunk]; 5-9 17-13; 11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 22-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 13-6; 2-9 26-17; 3-7 29-25; 7-10 25-21; 9-14 30-26; 12-16 17-13; 16-19 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 1116 27-24; 20-27 32-23; 10-15 22-17; 15-19 17-10; 19-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1916. V6(4): . . . 24-20; 10-15 25-22(8); 5-9 27-24(7); 9-14 22-17; 6-10 32-27; 16-19 29-25; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 7-16 27-24; 16-20 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 20-27 31-24; 15-18 23-19; 2-6 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 17-13; 10-15 13-9; 15-19 9-6; 19-23 6-2; 23-26 2-7; 26-30 7-11. Drawn. M. Tinsley v H. Freyer 1958. #1917. V7(6): . . . 21-17; 6-10 17-13; 1-6 29-25; 9-14 27-24; 16-19 25-21; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 22-17; 16-20 31-27; 12-16 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 16-19 23-16; 2-7 27-23; 20-27 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 32-23; 8-12 23-18; 14-23 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 23-27 9-6; 27-32 6-2; 32-27 2-11; 27-24 11-15; 10-14 13-9; 14-18 15-22; 24-15 16-11; 15-8 22-18; 8-11. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #1918. V8(6): . . . 21-17; 5-9 17-13; 9-14 25-22; 16-19 27-24; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 3-7 20-11; 7-16 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 14-18! 22-17; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 26-19; 15-24 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 14-10; 18-23

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13-9; 16-20 31-26; 23-27 32-23; 1-5 26-22; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 18-15; 24-27 23-18; 27-31 10-7; 2-11 15-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1919. V9(T): . . . 26-23[R](13); 16-20[R](10) INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V38) V10(9): 4-8(11) 24-19 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V15) V11(10): 10-15(12) INTO 10-15 23-18; 12-16 (V5) V12(11): 9-13 24-19 INTO 9-13 22-18; 12-16 (V25) V13(9): . . . 22-17 INTO 11-16 22-17; 8-11 (V7)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 119 (135): 11-16 23-18; 9-14 POWER: [46/54] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 11-16 23-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19[R](13); 16-23 27-9; 6-13 2218[R](11); 8-11 [12-16 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 29-25; 4-8 same] 18-14[R](4); 10-17 21-14; 4-8 [11-15 25-22; 4-8 same] 25-22[R](3); 11-15 29-25[R](1); 12-16 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 (V16) V1(T): . . . 28-24(2); 8-11 29-25; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 25-21; 19-24! 14-9; 24-28 26-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 9-5; 7-11 21-17; 2-7 17-14; 11-15 30-26; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 20-16; 10-14 16-11; 14-18 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-23 11-7; 23-26 31-22; 18-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1920. V2(1): . . . 26-23; 12-16 30-26; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 31-24; 13-17 24-20; 16-19 32-27; 3-7 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 7-10. Drawn. W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1965. #1921. V3(T): . . . 26-22; 12-16 22-18; 16-19 25-22; 11-16 29-25; 8-11 3026; 3-8 32-27; 8-12 27-23; 1-5! 25-21; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 2-6 31-26; 20-24 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 26-30 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 30-26 11-2; 26-22 2-9; 22-6 18-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1922. V4(T): . . . 25-22(10) [28-24; 12-16 25-22 [24-20; 4-8 25-22 same] same]; 12-16 28-24(8); 4-8 24-20 [29-25; 10-15 24-20 same]; 10-15 29-25 [21-17; 8-12 29-25 same]; 8-12 21-17; 16-19 [Superior to 15-19] 25-21; 19-24 17-14(7); 15-19 Forms Position, Diagram 159: WTP; Continue: . . . 32-28(6); 11-16 20-11; 7-16 14-9 [22-17; 13-22 26-17; 16-20 17-13; 19-23 28-19; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 18-15; 27-31 14-10 or 14-9; 2-7 to a draw]; 16-20 22-17(5); 13-22 26-17; 1-5 18-14; 3-7 30-26; 7-11 17-13; 19-23 26-19; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 28-24; 27-31 19-15; 11-18 9-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC

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Platinum. #1923.

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 159

V5(4): . . . 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 20-24 30-23; 24-28 [A vast amount of scope for White after this; text is just a sample] 18-15; 3-7 22-18; 28-32 18-14; 1-6 23-18; 32-28 9-5; 28-24 19-16; 12-19 5-1; 6-9 14-5; 24-28 31-26; 28-24 1-6; 2-9 5-1; 19-23 26-19; 7-10 15-6; 24-22 21-17; 22-26 1-5; 13-22 5-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1924. V6(4): . . . 26-23 [14-9?; 19-23! 26-19; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 has been played to a black win on at least 3 occasions: E. Gibson v J. McGill 1976; E. Fuller v H. Cravens 1978; E. Fuller v R. Hallett 1979]; 1926 30-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 14-10; 16-19! 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 19-23 28-19; 23-26 18-15; 26-30 22-18; 30-25 10-7; 3-10 15-6; 1-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1925 V7(4): . . . 18-14; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 14-10; 15-19 32-28 [17-14 permits the 19-23 exchange and Black rests easy]; 16-20 17-14; 19-23 [This theme runs through several variations] 26-19; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 19-15; 27-32 21-17; 3-8 14-9; 32-27 17-14; 27-23 28-24; 23-19 22-18; 19-28 9-6; 2-9 14-5; 12-16 10-7; 16-20 7-3; 8-12 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1926. V8(4): . . . 29-25(9) [21-17; 4-8 29-25; 10-15 same]; 10-15 21-17; 4-8 25-21; 16-19 17-14; 1-5 32-27; 19-23 [Compare with #1491 CR] 26-10; 5-9 14-5; 7-32 5-1; 11-16 30-26; 16-20 22-17; 13-22


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26-17; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 17-13; 27-31 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 31-26 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1927. V9(8): . . . 22-17!? [18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 29-25; 4-8 into Trunk, while against 26-23 Black equalizes with 4-8 28-24; 1015]; 13-22 26-17; 16-19 [10-15 may be worthy of consideration] 29-25 [The 17-14 exchange also draws]; 4-8 25-22; 8-12 17-13; 12-16 30-26; 16-20 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 14-9!; 7-11 22-17 [32-27 is well met with 2-7!]; 11-16 32-27; 3-8 26-22; 8-12 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 1-10 22-18; 15-22 27-24; 20-27 31-6. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #1928. V10(4): . . . 26-23; 12-16 28-24; 4-8 24-19; 16-20 18-14; 10-17 2114; 20-24 25-22; 8-12 29-25; 11-16 30-26 [25-21; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 30-26 same]; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 25-21; 1-6 22-18; 6-9 26-22 [18-15 is met with 9-14]; 16-20 31-26; 10-14 18-15; 24-27 15-11; 27-31 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-18 22-15; 31-22. Drawn. E. Frazier v J. Marshall (P) 1963. #1929. V11(T): . . . 21-17(12); 8-11 17-14; 10-17 25-21; 11-15 21-14; 4-8 Into Trunk V12(11): . . . 22-17; 13-22 25-18 INTO 10-15 22-17; 11-16 CR (V10: Note 1) V13(T): . . . 22-17(14); 16-20 25-22 8-11 26-23; 11-15 29-25 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V15) V14(13): . . . 24-20; 16-19 INTO 11-15 23-18; 9-14 (V19)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 120 (136): 11-16 23-18; 10-14 POWER: [45/55] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 2 Trunk: 11-16 23-18; 10-14 26-23[R](1) INTO 10-14 22-18; 11-16 (T) V1(T): . . . 18-15(2) INTO 10-14 23-19; 11-16 (V6) V2(1): . . . 24-20(4); 14-23 20-11; 8-15 27-11(3); 7-16 21-17; 3-7 22-18; 7-10 25-21 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V14) V3(2): . . . 26-10; 6-15 28-24; 4-8 21-17; 7-10 17-13; 1-6 22-17; 3-7 25-21; 8-11 30-26; 11-16 24-20; 7-11 27-23; 9-14 29-25; 2-7 32-27 Forms Position, Diagram 160: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 160

Continue: 5-9 [The immediate 16-19 also has merit] 25-22; 1619 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 23-19; 24-28 19-16; 28-32 16-12; 32-28 12-8; 28-24 8-3; 24-19 3-8; 19-16 8-12; 16-19 12-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1930. V4(2): . . . 27-23!? [Unusual, but apparently sound. Has anyone ever taken a flier with 22-17?! or 24-19?! I wonder?]; 8-11 32-27; 4-8 22-17; 16-20 17-10; 6-22 [7-14 is good too: text is simpler] 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 11-15 25-22 [24-19; 15-24 28-19;


Complete Checkers

8-11 25-22; 7-10 same]; 7-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-22; 10-15 27-23; 3-8 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 31-24; 20-27 10-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1931.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 121 (137): 11-16 23-18; 16-20 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 10 Trunk: 11-16 23-18; 16-20 24-19[R](11); 10-14[R](10) 18-15[R](9); 7-10 [7-11 is well met with 26-23; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 3126, while the weak 14-18?! gets 21-17! in reply] Forms Key Landing Number 10, Diagram 161: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 161

Continue: . . . 22-17 [27-23; 9-13! [Not 3-7?] 22-17 [Not 22-18? 5-9 25-22; 2-7 to a black win: D. Lafferty v Chinook 1991. Don Lafferty’s lifetime score against Chinook was 8 wins, 7 losses and 109 draws. Shout it from the rooftops, Don Lafferty was a genius!] into Trunk]; 9-13! [2-7? loses to 26-22!] 27-23[R](8); 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 3-7! [1-5? loses to 32-27!; 3-7 25-22; 5-9 2218; 7-11 21-17!: a win scored on literally hundreds of occasions. The 14-17 3x3 also works out poorly, although it is probably drawable] 31-27[R](7); 1-5! [7-11? falls to 21-17!] 25-22; 20-24! 27-20; 7-11 22-17!; 11-27 32-23; 6-9! [The natural 8-11? loses to 30-25!] 19-15[R](6); 10-19 17-10 [Best. Instead, 23-16; 12-19 17-10 allows Black to gain a tempo with 8-11 and 11-15, leading to an easier draw]; 9-14 23-16; 12-19 26-23 [This retains a slight


Complete Checkers

advantage for White. Instead, the rarely played 26-22 leads to equality]; 19-26 30-23 [Database draw]; 8-12 [Although definitely sound, 8-11 can lead to a tedious ending for Black. For example, W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1939] 28-24[R](5); 4-8 23-19[R](4); 1418![R](3) 19-15 [20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11. Drawn: A. Long v W. Hellman 1948]; 18-23 21-17[R](2); 23-27 17-13; 27-31! [27-32? is into a losing ending after the 10-6 exchange] 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 31-26 24-19[R](1); 26-22 15-10; 22-18 10-7; 18-14 7-3; 14-10 6-2; 5-9 2-7; 9-14 7-2; 8-11 3-8; 11-15 2-6; 10-1 19-10. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1939. #1932. V1(T): . . . 6-2; 5-9 24-19 [If 2-6; then 26-23 draws]; 26-22 15-10; 22-18 10-6 [Or 10-7]; 9-13 6-1; 13-17. Drawn. Analysis by D. Lafferty. #1933. V2(T): . . . 24-19; 23-26 20-16; 26-31 16-11; 31-27 11-4; 27-23 21-17; 23-16 17-13. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1962. #1934. V3(T): 8-11? 10-7; 11-15 19-10; 2-11 10-7; 12-16 7-3; 5-9 3-8; 16-19 8-15; 19-28 20-16; 28-32 16-11; 32-28 11-7; 9-13 7-2; 13-17 15-10. White Win. I. Edwards v R. Fields 1973. #1935. V4(T): . . . 24-19; 8-11 10-7; 2-6 7-2; 5-9! 2-7; 6-10 7-16; 10-15 19-10; 12-26. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1936. V5(T): . . . 23-19; 4-8 19-15; 14-18 21-17; 18-23 17-13; 23-26 10-6; 2-9 13-6; 26-31 6-2 [28-24 into Trunk]; 31-26! 2-6; 26-22 15-10; 8-11 10-7; 11-15 [Continue . . . 7-3; 22-18 3-8; 15-19 20-16; 19-23 16-11; 23-26 6-10; 12-16 10-15; 18-23 11-7; 16-20. Drawn: M. Borghetti v A. Moiseyev 2013]. Drawn. M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1947. #1937. V6(T): . . . 17-13 [Leads to a quick draw]; 10-15 13-6; 2-9 19-10; 14-17 21-14; 9-27 10-7; 27-31 26-22; 12-16 20-11; 8-15. Drawn. R. Pask v Chinook 1989. #1938. V7(T): . . . 32-27 [This is a good twister. Instead, the thoughtless 25-22? would be a disaster]; 7-11! [Of course, 1-5? loses as noted in the Trunk] 26-22; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 11-16 30-26; 14-18 22-15; 10-14 26-22; 14-18 23-14; 16-32 14-10; 32-27

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31-24; 20-27 22-18; 27-31 10-7; 2-11 15-8; 31-26 18-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10. S. Levy v S. Cohen 1937. #1939. V8(T): . . . 26-23 [28-24?!; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 32-28; 3-7 29-25; 1-5 2522; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 is strong for Black, as is 26-22?!; 5-9 30-26; 2-7 27-23; 8-11! 15-8; 4-11 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 12-16!]; 13-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 12-16 [Better than 3-7 31-26 into Trunk] 19-12; 10-26 30-23; 8-11 25-22; 2-7 22-17; 4-8 17-10; 7-14 31-26; 11-15 26-22; 8-11 28-24; 6-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23 [Database draw]; 3-7 12-8; 15-19 23-16; 11-20 8-3; 20-24 22-17; 24-27 18-14; 27-31 14-9; 31-26 17-13; 26-22 9-6; 7-11 6-2; 10-14 2-7; 11-16. Drawn. Analysis by M. Chamblee. #1940. V9(T): . . . 26-23 [22-17?! favours Black after 14-23 27-18; 8-11 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 17-10; 6-24 28-19; 7-10 etc. . . ]; 8-11 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V10(T): 10-15 [Perfectly sound, though rarely played. Instead, 8-11? would be unwise! Being serious for a moment, 9-13? is a loser after the 18-14 exchange, the 9-14 exchange is questionable and Ryan’s 7-11 is inferior after the 18-15 cut] 19-10; 7-23 26-19; 6-10 22-18; 8-11 25-22; 1-6 27-23; 3-7 [11-16? lost: D. Oldbury v D. Lafferty 1982] 22-17; 4-8 30-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 31-26; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 8-12 23-19; 20-24 29-25; 11-15 32-28; 24-27 17-13; 15-24 28-19; 27-31 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 31-26 19-15; 26-22 14-10; 22-29 10-1. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #1941. V11(T): . . . 26-23 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V38)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 121A (138): 11-16 23-19; 1623 POWER: [80/20] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 11-16 23-19; 16-23 26-19 [27-18? loses; Black’s winning attack being initiated with 12-16]; 8-11(11) 27-23; 11-15(8) 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 9-13(7) 29-25; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 18-15; 4-8 [5-9; 24-20 4-8 same, while 6-9 allows White to simplify with 19-16] 24-20; 5-9(6) 28-24; 9-13 [9-14 is well met with 15-10] 31-26; 17-21(4) 25-22; 6-9 32-28; 7-11(2) 15-10; 11-15 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 9-14 26-23; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11; 26-31 [Database draw] 11-7; 31-27 7-2; 13-17 16-12; 17-22 20-16; 22-26(1) 30-23; 27-18 Forms Endgame #20, Diagram 162: WTP

❀❜❀❲❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀❇❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 162

Continue: . . . 16-11; 21-25 11-8; 25-30 8-4; 30-25 4-8! [2-7? loses]; 25-21 8-11; 18-22 2-6; 22-17 6-9; 17-13 9-14; 21-25 11-15; 2522 15-11; 22-26 11-16; 26-23 16-11; 23-19 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman (Ending by A. Hynd. Boland’s Bridges Pages 71/77). #1942.

Richard Pask


V1(T): 22-25 16-11; 25-29 11-8; 29-25 8-4; 25-22 4-8; 27-23 Forms Endgame #21, Diagram 163: WTP

❀❜❀❲❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀❲❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❇❀❇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 163

Continue: . . . 8-11; 22-17 2-6; 17-13 11-8; 23-18 6-2! [8-11? loses]; 13-9 8-11; 18-22 11-8! [11-16? loses]; 22-17 2-7; 17-13 7-11; 13-17 11-7; 17-22 7-2; 22-18 8-11. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman (Ending by W. Bryden. Boland’s Bridges Pages 87/91). #1943. V2(T): 1-5(3) 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 15-10; 14-17 19-15; 7-14 24-19; 3-7 [2-6 20-16; 3-7 28-24; 6-10 15-6; 7-10 24-20; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 6-2; 21-25 30-21; 10-15 19-10; 12-26 to a draw] 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 11-15 19-10; 2-11 23-18; 14-23 26-19; 17-22 [11-15 is another way to draw] 10-6; 22-25 6-2; 25-29 2-6; 29-25 6-9; 25-22 9-14; 22-25 14-9; 25-22 9-14. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman. #1944. V3(2): 9-14 15-11; 8-15 19-10; 14-17 [2-6 23-19; 6-15 19-10; 14-18 22-15; 7-14 15-10; 14-18 10-6; 1-10 20-16; 12-19 24-6; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 forces a quick draw] 24-19; 7-14 19-15; 12-16 20-11; 3-7 15-10; 7-16 23-18; 14-23 26-12; 17-26 30-23. Drawn. M. Bryant v G. Miller (P) 1997. #1945. V4(T): 7-11(5) 15-10; 6-15 19-10; 2-7 25-21; 7-14 23-18; 14-23 2114; 1-6 26-19; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 [Database draw] 32-27; 13-17 27-23; 10-14 30-26; 17-21 26-22; 21-25 22-18; 14-17 19-15; 25-30 15-10;


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30-26 23-19; 26-23 [Nothing better] 18-15; 23-16 10-6; 11-18 20-4; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman. #1946. V5(4): 6-9 15-11; 8-15 19-10; 7-14 25-21; 1-5 24-19; 14-18 23-14; 9-18 21-14; 13-17 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 17-22 23-18; 3-7 19-15; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 14-10; 16-19 10-7; 2-11 15-8. Drawn. J. Loy v G. W. Miller (P) 1997. #1947. V6(T): 6-9 31-26; 17-21 [9-13 32-27; 17-21 27-24; 5-9 25-22 into Trunk] 25-22; 9-13 32-27; 7-11 [5-9 27-24 into Trunk] 15-10; 2-7 22-18; 7-14 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 3-10 20-16; 8-12 [10-15 and 14-18 are also published, but no stronger] 16-11; 14-18 11-7; 18-22 [Black has a lot of scope, but White’s man-down draws all appear to be fairly automatic] 26-17; 13-22 [Database draw] 7-2; 10-14 2-7; 12-16 7-10; 14-17 10-15; 22-25 27-23; 25-29 15-19; 16-20 19-15; 29-25 23-18; 25-22 18-14. Drawn. Analysis by A. Lyman. #1948. V7(T): 7-11 30-26; 11-16 29-25; 10-14 25-22; 4-8 32-27; 16-20 1915; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 13-22 26-10; 2-7 24-19; 7-14 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 6-10 [Nothing better] 15-6; 1-10 23-18; 14-23 19-16; 12-19 24-6. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #1949. V8(T): 4-8(10) 22-18; 11-16 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 into Variation 11] 24-20; 8-11 28-24; 9-13 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 22-18; 15-22 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 7-10 22-18; 1-6 [1-5 is also easy to meet] 18-9; 6-13 25-22; 3-7 29-25; 10-15 32-28; 16-19 [7-10 21-17] 23-16; 12-19 22-18 to a draw by G. Lopez] 32-28; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 13-17 22-13; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 24-19; 23-27(9) 31-24; 11-16 20-11; 7-23 24-20; 23-27 [3-7 29-25; 1-5 21-17; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 28-24; 7-10. Drawn: Nemesis v KingsRow 2002] 29-25; 27-31 25-22; 31-27 30-25; 27-23; 28-24; 23-27 21-17; 27-31 24-19; 31-27 22-18; 27-31 19-15; 31-26 25-21; 3-7 [Or 3-8] 14-9; 7-10 20-16; 10-19 [12-19 is easily met with 18-14] 16-11; 6-10 [26-22 or 26-23 are easily met with 18-14] 18-15; 26-22 15-6; 1-10 9-5. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1950. V9(8): 11-16 [The 11-15 exchange also has merit] 20-11; 7-16 19-15; 16-20 15-11; 12-16 [Black has much scope!] 28-24; 20-27

Richard Pask


31-24; 23-27 24-20; 16-19 21-17; 27-32 29-25; 32-27 11-7; 3-10 14-7; 2-11 17-14. Drawn. Cake v Nemesis 2002. #1951. V10(8): 9-13 [9-14 into Variation 11] 22-18; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 32-27 [25-21; 17-22 32-27; 6-9 same]; 6-9 25-21; 17-22 21-17; 1-6 24-20; 9-13 19-15; 6-9 [4-8? is strongly countered with 23-19! Now 7-10 30-25; 12-16 19-12; 10-19 gets 25-21 and White is strong, while 6-9 is met with 17-14; 13-17 15-10; 9-13 10-6!; 2-9 19-15 and White is similarly powerful] 15-8; 4-11 28-24; 7-10 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 3-10 27-23; 2-6 24-19; 6-9 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 9-14 25-21; 5-9 29-25; 11-15 20-16; 15-24 23-19; 24-27 16-11; 27-31 11-7; 31-27 7-2; 14-18 22-6; 13-29. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1952. V11(T): 9-14[R] 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 4-8 [13-17 into Variation 10] 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15[R](13) 30-26 [22-17; 15-18 29-25; 18-27 32-23; 8-11 30-26 also draws, but the text is best]; 6-9[R](12) 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 9-13 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 3122; 7-10 29-25; 8-11 32-27; 3-7 18-15; 11-18 22-6; 1-10 [Database draw] 25-22; 10-14 22-18; 14-17 18-15; 17-22 15-11; 7-16 20-11; 22-25 27-24; 25-30 24-20; 30-26 11-8; 2-6 8-3; 6-9 23-18. Drawn. A. Long v J. Horr 1923. #1953. V12(11): 8-11 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-18 22-15; 10-19 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 6-10 32-27; 1-6 26-22; 6-9 [10-15 31-26; 6-9 same] 31-26; 10-15 27-23; 19-24 23-19; 15-18 22-15; 24-27 15-10; 27-31 26-22; 31-26 [9-13 gets 29-25; 31-27 11-7; 2-11 10-6 to an easy draw] 29-25; 26-17 19-16; 17-22 25-18; 14-23 10-6; 9-13 6-1; 3-7 11-8; 13-17 21-14 7-10; 14-7 2-20. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1954. V13(11): 14-18 22-15; 11-27 32-23; 8-11 29-25; 11-15 21-17; 6-9 25-21!; 9-14 [7-11 30-26; 9-14 24-20 same or, at last move, 26-22 is slightly easier for White] 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 30-26; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19(14) 26-23; 19-26 31-22; 2-6 16-11; 14-18 22-15; 10-19 17-14; 19-23 21-17; 23-26 11-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. J. Loy v A. Vanderpool (P) 1998. #1955. V14(13): 15-18 17-13; 1-6 31-27; 10-15 27-24; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 [Data-


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base draw] 16-11; 9-13 20-16; 13-17 16-12; 18-22 26-23; 15-18 23-19; 22-26 19-15; 26-31 24-19; 31-27 11-7; 3-10 15-6; 17-22 6-2; 18-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1956.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 122 (139): 11-16 24-19; 7-11 POWER: [34/66] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 27 Trunk: 11-16 24-19; 7-11 22-18[R](28); 3-7 25-22[R](19); 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19[R](16); 4-8 29-25[R](15); 8-11 22-18; 9-13[R](12) 2622[R](6); 6-9 18-15[R](5); 11-18 22-6; 1-10 25-22; 9-14 Forms Position, Diagram 164: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 164

Continue: . . . 22-18[R](4); 7-11 18-9; 5-14 30-25[R](3); 2-7 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 16-20 23-18[R](1); 7-10 22-17; 13-22 1815; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-7. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Cameron 1954. #1957. V1(T): . . . 22-18(2); 11-16 32-28; 13-17 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 17-22 14-9; 22-25 9-5; 25-30 5-1; 30-25 1-6; 25-22 6-2; 22-18 2-11; 19-23. Drawn. R. Cast v B. Talis (P) 1937. #1958. V2(1): . . . 32-28; 11-16 28-24; 13-17 22-13; 7-10 13-9; 10-14 9-6; 14-18 23-14; 16-32 24-19. Drawn. R. Hunt v E. Scheidt 1946. #1959. V3(T): . . . 27-24; 16-20 32-28; 20-27 31-24; 11-15 24-20; 15-24


Complete Checkers

28-19; 2-7 20-16; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 17-22 18-14; 13-17 14-9; 7-10 16-11; 10-14 11-7; 14-18 7-2; 18-23 2-7; 22-26. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #1960. V4(T): . . . 31-26; 7-11 22-18; 2-7 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 26-19; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6; 7-11 6-2; 11-15 2-7; 15-19 [Black can also crown the other way] 7-11; 19-24 11-15; 24-27 30-26; 23-30 32-23; 12-16 23-18; 30-26 18-14; 26-31 14-10; 31-27 10-7; 27-24. Drawn. F. Buckby v R. Pask 1994. #1961. V5(T): . . . 27-24; 16-20 31-26; 20-27 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 10-17 2114; 9-18 32-14; 1-6 25-21; 13-17! [Simplest] 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 19-15; 5-9 21-17; 18-22 26-23; 22-26 23-18; 9-13 30-23; 13-22 15-10; 7-14 18-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1962. V6(T): . . . 25-22(10); 6-9 30-25(7); 10-14 27-24; 7-10 24-20; 2-6 18-15; 11-27 20-11; 10-15 31-24; 14-17 19-10; 6-15 21-14; 9-18 24-19; 15-24 22-15; 1-6 25-21 [25-22 is a reasonable option]; 6-9. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1970. #1963. V7(6): . . . 32-28(8); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18 [Against 21-17?!; 14-21 22-18; Black plays 1-5! 19-15; 10-19 27-24; 11-15 18-11; 16-20 2415; 7-16 15-11; 2-6 11-7; 6-9 and stands best] 1-5 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 13-17 [14-17 also draws] 22-13; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-32 14-9; 11-16 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 16-20 6-2; 7-10. Drawn. Analysis by B. Case. #1964. V8(7): . . . 19-15(9); 10-19 30-25; 19-24! 27-20; 7-10 31-27; 10-15 21-17; 9-14 17-10; 13-17 22-13; 15-31 32-28; 31-24 28-19; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 [Database draw] 10-7 [An involved ending where White must use care: 11-8 also draws here]; 24-27 7-3; 27-31 3-8; 2-6 11-7; 31-27! 23-18; 6-10 25-21; 27-23 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 23-18 7-2; 18-9 13-6; 1-10 8-11; 10-14 11-15; 12-16 2-6; 16-20 6-10; 14-17 15-18; 20-24 10-14; 17-21 18-22; 24-27 14-18; 27-32 18-23; 5-9 2318; 32-27 22-17; 9-13 17-22. Drawn. Analysis by T. Wiswell. #1965. V9(8): . . . 22-17 [Soft]; 13-22 26-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 27-11; 7-16 31-27; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-28; 1-5 1713; 10-15 22-17; 14-18 13-9; 5-14 17-10; 18-22 21-17; 15-18 17-13;

Richard Pask


19-23 27-24; 23-27 10-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1966. V10(6): . . . 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17! 25-21(11); 6-10 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 11-16 31-26; 16-23 26-19; 17-22 21-17; 1-6 27-23; 6-9 32-27; 9-13 18-15; 2-6 23-18; 22-26 30-23; 13-22 14-9; 5-14 18-2; 22-26 15-6; 26-31 2-11; 31-8. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1967. V11(10): . . . 25-22; 6-10 22-13; 10-17 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 5-9! 13-6; 1-10 19-15; 10-19 27-23; 19-26 31-13; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 13-9; 16-19 30-26; 12-16 9-5; 2-7 5-1; 7-11 1-6; 11-15 6-10; 15-18 32-27; 16-20 10-14; 19-24 14-23; 24-31 26-22; 20-24 23-27; 24-28 27-32; 31-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1968. V12(T): 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 16-20(14) [Not 11-15? which gets 23-18! in reply] 22-18 [31-26 is very strong too]; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-15 [A position of frequent occurrence] 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 12-16 19-12; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 [Database draw] Forms Position, Diagram 165: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 165

Continue: . . . 12-8; 19-23 [19-24 8-3; 6-10 3-8; 24-27 same] 8-3; 6-10(13) 3-8; 23-27 8-11; 27-31! [27-32? loses to 11-16!] 11-16; 2-6! 16-19; 6-9! 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 9-13! 10-6; 14-17 [31-27 6-1; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 same] 22-18; 17-22 6-1; 31-27 1-5; 13-17! 19-23;


Complete Checkers

27-32 18-14; 22-26 5-9; 26-31 23-18; 32-27 9-13; 17-22 18-25; 31-26 30-23; 27-9 13-6; 21-30. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #1969. V13(12): 23-27 3-8; 27-31 [6-10 into Variation 12, while 27-32? loses to 18-15!] 8-11; 31-27 [6-10 into Variation 12] 11-16; 27-24 16-19; 24-15 18-11; 6-10 22-17; 10-15 11-8; 15-19 8-3; 19-24 17-14; 24-27 14-9; 27-31 9-5; 2-6 3-7; 31-27 5-1; 6-9 7-10; 27-23 1-5; 9-13. Drawn. N. Rubin v W. Ryan 1935. #1970. V14(12): 1-5 22-18; 16-20 18-9; 5-14 Into Variation 12 V15(T): . . . 21-17 [22-18; 8-11 29-25 into Trunk]; 9-13 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 6-9 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 14-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 30-26; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 13-9; 22-26 9-6; 2-9 18-15; 11-18 23-5; 16-23 27-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1971. V16(T): . . . 27-11; 7-16 22-18(18); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 10-15 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 8-11 28-24(17); 6-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18 [Database draw]; 2-6! [1-5? 21-17; 5-9 32-27; 11-16 18-11; 9-14 27-23; 14-21 24-19; 16-20 22-17 to a white win: R. King v P. McCarthy 1997] 21-17; 6-9 17-13 [32-28; 1-5 1713; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 13-9; 11-16 9-5; 14-18 22-17; 18-22 5-1; 22-26 1-6; 26-31 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 31-26 16-11; 26-22 17-13; 10-14 to a draw: R. Pask v Cornell 1996]; 9-14 18-9; 10-14 9-6; 1-10 13-9; 11-16; 9-5 14-18 22-17; 18-23. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Omans 1952. #1972. V17(16): . . . 27-24; 6-10 24-20; 1-6! 22-17; 6-9 17-13; 15-18 13-6; 18-27 32-23; 2-9 23-19; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 16-11; 9-13 11-8; 1418 8-3; 10-15 3-7; 18-22. Drawn. R. Pask v T. Landry 1987. #1973. V18(16): . . . 32-27; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15 22-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-24; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 31-27; 7-11 30-25; 1-5 25-21; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 10-7; 5-9 7-3; 18-23 27-18; 14-30 3-7; 19-23 7-16; 15-18 21-17; 18-22 17-13; 9-14. Drawn. R. Burroughs v G. Maddux (P) 1986. #1974. V19(T): . . . 28-24(25); 16-20 25-22; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 23-18(21);

Richard Pask


9-13 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 4-8 22-18(20); 5-9 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-16 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 30-26; 20-27 19-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 32-16; 6-10 16-11; 10-14 26-23; 1-5 11-8; 2-6 8-3; 6-10 3-8; 10-15 18-11; 14-17 21-14; 9-25. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #1975. V20(19): . . . 32-28; 5-9 30-26 [22-18 is countered well with 9-14 18-9; 1-5 and an even position]; 9-14 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 14-18 26-23; 18-25 29-22; 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 31-22; 12-16 27-23; 8-12 22-18. Drawn. H. Reynolds v A. Long 1937. #1976. V21(19): . . . 32-28(24); 4-8 21-17 [22-17; 9-14 into Variation 24]; 7-11! 19-16 [22-18 gives up all of White’s advantage after 15-22 19-15; 10-19 23-7; 2-11 17-13; 11-16 26-17; 9-14 17-10; 6-15 30-26 [29-25 is fine too]; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 26-22; 10-14 27-23; 20-27 31-24. Drawn: M. Tinsley v R. Hallett 1990]; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 9-13 29-25(22); 8-12 31-26; 5-9 23-18; 10-14 17-10; 13-17 22-13; 15-31 10-7; 11-15 25-22; 6-10 13-6; 15-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15; 1-19 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 31-26 23-18. Drawn. M. Chamblee v W. Hellman 1951. #1977. V22(21): . . . 23-18(23); 6-9 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-21 19-16; 11-15 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 10-14 8-3; 15-19 3-7; 11-15 7-10 [Against 31-26; Black draws comfortably with 14-18 7-10; 18-25 29-22; 1-6! 10-1; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 1-6; 27-31]; 1-5 10-17; 5-9 22-18 [27-23; 19-26 30-23; 21-25 23-18; 15-19 17-14; 25-30 14-5; 30-26 29-25; 26-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22. Drawn: W. Hellman v M. Loew 1952]; 13-22 18-11 [Database draw]; 19-24 11-7; 24-28 7-2; 9-13 2-6; 28-32 27-23; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 23-18; 27-32 6-9; 32-27 9-14; 13-17 14-9; 27-23 18-14; 22-26 9-13; 17-22 13-17; 22-25 29-22; 23-27 30-23; 27-25. Drawn. M. Tinsley v B. Case 1954. #1978. V23(22): . . . 23-19; 8-12 [Easily best] 19-16; 12-19 17-14; 10-26 30-7; 15-18 7-3; 18-22 3-7; 13-17 24-19; 5-9 19-15; 9-13 7-11; 610 15-6; 1-10. Drawn. A. Skurcenski v N. Ramsey (P) 1959. #1979. V24(21): . . . 22-17 [21-17; 9-14 17-13; 7-11 29-25; 5-9 25-21; 4-8 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 31-24; 1-5 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 15-18 to a comfortable draw]; 9-14 32-28; 4-8 29-25; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 6-9 17-13; 11-16 13-6; 15-19 24-15; 10-26


Complete Checkers

30-23; 1-10 25-22; 5-9 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 22-18; 24-27 18-15; 27-31 15-6; 31-27 6-1; 27-18 1-6; 18-23 6-13; 23-16. Drawn. M. Loew v W. Hellman 1952. #1980. V25(19): . . . 26-22 [The 18-14 bust offers White precisely nothing after 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-23 27-18; 6-9 32-27; 1-6!: J. Loy]; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 28-19[R](27); 4-8 22-18; 8-11 25-22; 9-13[R](26) 29-25 Into Trunk V26(25): 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25 Into Variation 12 V27(25): . . . 27-11; 7-16 30-26; 9-14 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 10-15 25-22; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 22-17; 9-13 32-27; 13-22 26-17; 4-8 27-24; 16-19 2316; 12-19 31-26; 8-12 17-13; 14-18 13-9; 12-16 24-20; 18-23 20-11; 23-30. Drawn. A. Huggins v S. Weslow (P) 1967. #1981. V28(T): . . . 21-17(29) INTO 11-16 21-17; 7-11 (V8) V29(28): . . . 22-17(30) INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V4) V30(29): . . . 28-24; 9-14 24-20 [Best] (31) 11-15 20-11; 15-24 2720; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-17; 3-7 31-27; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 26-22; 6-9 17-13; 2-7 13-6; 14-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 1-10 23-18; 7-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 14-10; 11-15 10-7; 15-18. Drawn. R. Fortman v E. Whiting (P) 1961. #1982. V31(30): . . . 22-18; 5-9 26-22 [25-22; 16-20 30-25; same, or 32-28; 16-20 25-22; 11-16 30-25 same. Finally, White has 24-20 which favours Black. For example, 11-15 18-11; 8-24 20-11; 24-28 25-22 [27-24; 3-8 25-22; 8-15 31-27; 15-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 2724; 4-8 24-15; 2-7 26-23; 7-11 15-10; 6-15 22-17; 15-18 to a draw with Black slightly better] 3-7 27-24; 7-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 10-15! 22-17; 6-10 16-11; 1-6 and again Black stands best]; 16-20 30-26! 11-16 32-28; 8-11 19-15; 10-19 24-8; 4-11 22-17; 6-10 28-24; 2-7! [Simplest] 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 1-10 18-9; 16-19 23-16; 12-28 27-23 [Best to clear out immediately. However, 9-6; 28-32 27-23; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 6-2; 27-32 2-6; 32-27 23-19 also draws]; 28-32 23-18; 15-22 26-17; 10-14 17-10; 7-14 25-22; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1983.

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 123 (140): 11-16 24-19; 8-11 POWER: [49/51] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 15 Trunk: 11-16 24-19; 8-11 22-18[R](20); 10-14[R](14) 26-22[R](13); 16-20 [7-10 22-17; 16-20 [10-15 19-10; 6-22 25-18; 2-6 17-10; 6-22 28-24!; 3-7 30-25; 22-26 31-22; 16-20 22-18; 7-10 favours White slightly] same] 22-17; 7-10 [Although rarely played, 11-16 is dead even after 17-10; 6-22 25-18; 7-10 18-14;10-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18; White developing naturally with 29-25; 30-26; and 32-27] Forms Key Landing Number 9, Diagram 166: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 166

Continue: . . . 30-26[R](10); 11-16! [4-8? 19-15! transposes into the white win shown under #1888] 26-22[R](7); 9-13 18-9; 5-14 22-18 [The reply to 28-24; is 3-7!]; 13-22 18-9; 6-13 25-18; 4-8 [2-6 is about as good, but less clearly defined; a typical continuation being 18-15; 3-8 29-25; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 11-15 28-24; 6-9 23-18; 16-23 18-11; 10-14 27-18; 14-23 24-19; 23-26 22-18; 26-30 11-7; 30-25 7-3 etc. . . ] 29-25 [18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 29-25 same]; 8-11 18-14[R](2); 10-17 21-14; 13-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 1-6 22-18; 6-10[R](1) 14-7; 3-10 28-24 [18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11! to a quick draw: B. Lucas v R. Pask 1998]; 2-7 32-28; 10-14 18-9; 7-10 9-6;


Complete Checkers

10-14 19-15; 11-18 [Database draw] 6-2; 18-22 2-6; 22-26 6-9 [6-10; 14-17 10-15; asks for 16-19??, but 26-30 instead draws easily]; 14-17 23-19! [Played thousands of times, but still a great shot!]; 16-32 9-13; 20-27 13-24; 12-16. Drawn. R. Pask v L. Levitt 1989. #1984. V1(T): 2-7 [Not as clear-cut as 6-10, but perfectly sound] 19-15! [28-24 is often given as strong for White, but is actually dead even after 3-8! [Not 6-10?] in reply]; 7-10 15-8; 10-17 18-14; 17-22 8-4; 22-26 4-8; 26-30 8-11; 30-26 27-24; 20-27 11-20; 26-19 32-16; 12-19 20-24; 19-23 24-19; 23-27 28-24; 27-31 [3-7, 3-8 and 27-32 also draw!, but 6-10? loses] 19-15; 31-27 24-19; 27-23 19-16; 3-7 16-12; 7-11! 15-8; 23-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1985. V2(T): . . . 18-15(6); 11-18 23-7; 3-10 [The extra jump with 1623 27-18; 3-10 is perfectly sound, notwithstanding older views! Continue . . . 31-26; 1-6 [1-5 32-27; 2-7! 25-22; 5-9 same] 32-27; 2-7 25-22; 6-9 26-23 into Variation 4] 25-22(5); 16-23 27-18; 15 32-27(4); 2-7 [Tom Watson has always preferred 5-9: there’s nothing to choose between them] 18-15 [27-23; 7-11 31-27; 59 into Variation 4, or 21-17; 5-9 27-23; 7-11 23-19 [31-27 into Variation 4]; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6; 23-26 6-1; 26-30 1-6; 30-26 6-1. Drawn: M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928]; 10-19 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 5-9 28-24(3); 12-16! Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. McCarthy 1983. #1986. V3(2): . . . 22-18; 12-16 15-11; 7-10 11-7; 10-14 18-15; 14-18 7-2; 16-19 2-7; 9-14 15-10; 18-22. Drawn. R. Hallett v D. Oldbury 1985. #1987. V4(2): . . . 31-26; 5-9 26-23; 2-7 32-27; 7-11 21-17 [28-24; 10-14 24-19; 11-16 18-15; 14-18 23-5; 16-32. Drawn: A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1914]; 11-15 18-11; 9-14 11-7; 14-21 23-18; 12-16 7-2; 16-19 2-7; 19-23 7-14; 23-32 18-15; 32-27 15-10; 21-25 22-18; 27-23 10-6. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v L. Ginsberg 1925. #1988. V5(2): . . . 27-23; 2-6 25-22; 6-9 [10-14 tempts 28-24?; 20-27 31-24; 13-17!, and is best met with 22-18; 6-9 18-15; 1-5 same] 22-18; 1-5 18-15; 10-14 15-11; 14-18 23-14; 16-23 14-10; 23-27 32-23; 13-17

Richard Pask 21-14; 9-27 31-24; 20-27. 1928. #1989.

561 Drawn. S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber

V6(2): . . . 28-24; 2-6 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 3-10! 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 32-28 [24-20 is sound, but can lead into endgame difficulties]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 19-23 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 23-26 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #1990. V7(T): . . . 28-24(9); 9-13 18-9; 13-22 25-18; 5-14 18-9; 6-13 32-28; 4-8 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25(8); 3-7 [1-6 25-22; 3-7 same] 25-22; 1-6 22-18; 7-11 27-23 [26-23; 19-26 31-22; 2-7 28-24; 7-10 24-19; 10-14 18-2; 11-25 2-7; 25-30 7-10; 30-26 10-15; 26-31 19-16; 31-24 16-12. Drawn: E. Lamont v A. Jordan 1922]; 11-16 21-17 [31-27 is easily met with 6-10]; 13-22 26-17; 19-26 31-22; 8-12 17-14; 20-24! 28-19; 16-23 22-17; 23-26 17-13; 26-30 14-9; 30-26 18-14; 26-22. Drawn. M. Tinsley v M. Chamblee 1947. #1991. V8(7): . . . 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-18 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 18-15; 16-19 15-11; 19-23 11-7; 23-27 31-24; 2027 7-2; 27-31 2-7; 1-6 28-24. Drawn. L. Ginsberg v A. Jordan 1922. #1992. V9(7): . . . 17-13; 3-7 26-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 7-10 25-21; 10-14 29-25; 2-7 28-24; 4-8 32-28; 7-10 18-15; 14-18 23-7; 16-32 22-18; 20-27 25-22; 9-14 18-2; 5-9 13-6; 1-19 2-6; 8-11 7-3; 11-16. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #1993. V10(T): . . . 28-24(11); 4-8 30-26; 9-13 18-9; 13-22 25-18; 5-14 18-9; 6-13 32-28; 11-16 Into Variation 7 V11(10): . . . 17-13; 3-7 31-26 [30-26; 11-16 into Variation 9]; 12-16 19-12; 4-8 12-3; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 3-10; 6-31 13-6; 31-24 28-19; 1-10 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 [Database draw] 32-27(12); 2-6 19-16; 6-9 16-7; 17-22 25-18; 14-32 29-25; 32-27 25-22. Drawn. R. Pask v P.McCarthy 1984. #1994. V12(11): . . . 19-16; 20-24 16-7; 2-11 32-27; 24-31 30-26; 31-22 25-9; 17-21 9-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-18 2-7; 18-22 7-11; 21-25 11-16; 25-30 16-20; 22-26 20-24; 26-31 24-28. Drawn. B. Case v W. Hellman 1953. #1995.


Complete Checkers

V13(T): . . . 25-22; 7-10! 30-25 [27-24; 16-20 19-16 [31-27; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 is strong for Black]; 12-19 23-7; 14-23 26-19; 20-27 now 31-24; or 32-23; 2-11 is slightly in favour of Black]; 16-20 [3-7 is a good alternative] 22-17 Into Trunk V14(T): 16-20(15) 26-22; 10-14 [4-8 into Variation 15] Into Trunk V15(14): 4-8 [3-8, 9-13 and 9-14 are all inferior; transposing into other ballots, while 10-15?! 19-10; 6-22 25-18; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 was a flyer taken against me by Colossus in 1999] 26-22; 16-20 22-17; 9-14(19) 18-9; 5-14 Forms Key Landing Number 5, Diagram 167: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 167

Continue: . . . 25-22; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 22-18 [White’s only good move. Incidentally, I am giving detailed play here, because the reader needs to know the Black side from other ballots. 1) 19-16?; 12-19 23-16; 11-15 16-12 [32-28 loses to 15-18!]; 7-11! 26-23; 6-9! 17-13; 2-7 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 10-26 31-22; 1-10 21-17; 15-19! 17-13; 19-24 27-23; 24-27 23-18; 27-31 22-17; 31-26 18-14; 26-22 32-28; 22-18! 29-25; 18-9 13-6; 20-24 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 7-30. Black win: J. Morrison v H. Devlin 1995. 2) 29-25?; 11-15! [Not the puny 11-16? into a standard draw after 17-13] 19-16? [32-28! draws: J. Loy]; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 32-28; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 27-23 [16-11 permits 14-18!]; 6-10 16-12; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 to a black win. 3) 17-13?; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16;

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11-15 to a black win. 4) 32-28?; 11-16! 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 2-6 29-25; 5-9 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 23-18; 20-27 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 27-31 to a black win]; 11-16(16) 18-9; 6-22 26-17; 2-6 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-5 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 31-26; 5-9 26-22; 10-14 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 16-23 27-18. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. #1996. V16(15): 11-15[R](17) 18-11; 7-16 26-22; 3-8 17-13; 8-11 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 2-7 [11-15 25-22; 15-24 23-19; 16-23 27-9; 10-14 22-17; 14-18 9-5. Drawn: T. Watson v R. Pask 1984] 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 6-10 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 7-10 32-28; 10-14 9-6; 14-18 23-14; 16-32. Drawn. T. Watson v R. Pask 1985. #1997. V17(16): 1-5 18-9; 6-22(18) 26-17; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 [5-9 also draws] 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 29-25; 3-7 25-22 [31-26; 11-16 25-22 same]; 11-16 31-26; 6-10 22-17; 5-9 14-5; 7-11 17-14; 10-17 5-1; 17-21 1-6; 21-25 6-9; 11-15 19-10; 25-30. Drawn. J. Langan v N. Rubin 1937. #1998. V18(17): 5-14 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 11-15 29-25; 6-9 17-13; 15-18 13-6; 2-9 32-28! INTO 9-13 23-19; 11-16 (T) V19(15): 9-13 [Inferior] 30-26; 13-22 26-17 INTO Jack Cox Landing V20(T): . . . 28-24; 11-15! 24-20(21); 15-24 20-11; 7-16 27-11 INTO 9-13 21-17; 5-9 CR (V9) V21(20): . . . 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 16-20 32-28 INTO 11-15 23-19; 8-11 (V49)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 124 (141): 11-16 24-19; 16-20 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 0! Trunk: 11-16 24-19; 16-20 23-18[R](1) INTO 11-16 23-18; 16-20 (T) V1(T): . . . 22-18(2); 8-11 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V35) V2(1): . . . 22-17 INTO 11-16 22-17; 16-20 (V2)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 124A (142): 11-16 24-20; 7-11 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 2-MOVE* GAMES: 12 Trunk: 11-16 24-20; 7-11 28-24[R](2); 3-7[R](1) INTO 12-16 24-20; 812 (T) V1(T): 9-14 22-18 [White has nothing better]; 3-7 18-9; 5-14 INTO 12-16 24-20; 8-12 (V27) V2(T): . . . 22-18(8); 3-7 25-22 [28-24 INTO 12-16 24-20; 8-12 (T), or the inferior 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14 INTO 11-16 22-17; 7-11 (V2: Note)]; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 29-25 [27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 29-25 [31-27; 4-8 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 into Variation 4]; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 same]; 9-14 18-9; 6-13! [Rare, but best!] 27-23(5); 8-12 23-16; 12-19 22-18(3); 5-9 Forms Position, Diagram 168: WTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 168

Continue: . . . 31-27 [The immediate 18-15; 11-18 26-23; 18-27 is no threat to Black after either 32-16 or 31-6]; 1-5 18-15; 11-18 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 7-11 [13-17 to a draw: D. Lafferty v E. Bruch


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1995] 16-7; 2-11 25-22; 4-8 26-23; 10-14 22-18; 8-12 28-24; 11-15 18-11; 14-17 21-14; 9-27. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #1999. V3(2): . . . 32-27(4); 4-8 27-23 [22-18; 8-12 and the 20-16 3 x 3 is no threat, and nor is the immediate 20-16 3 x 3]; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27 [22-18 is easily met with the logical 1-6, although the 19-23 2 x 2 will also draw]; 10-14 [Restrictive, but 5-9! 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 is slightly better, since 22-18? now loses to 1-5! with 23-18; 10-14 18-15; 16-20 15-11; 20-24 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 26-31 being required to draw] 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 22-18 [The immediate 23-18 also draws]; 5-9 18-15; 1-5 23-18; 14-23 28-24; 19-28 26-12. Drawn. M. Rex v D. McGrath (P) 1979. #2000. V4(3): . . . 31-27; 4-8 22-18; 1-6 27-24; 10-15 25-22; 13-17! [Sets off a chain reaction] 21-14; 6-10 20-16!; 10-17 22-13; 15-31 2415; 11-18 16-11; 7-16 32-27; 31-24 28-3; 18-23 3-8; 5-9 13-6; 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2001. V5(2): . . . 20-16(6); 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 22-18; 8-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 25-22; 15-18 [15-19 22-18; 4-8? 32-27; was an uncharacteristically soft loss: J. Latham v N. Wexler 1989] 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-18 28-24; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 24-19; 4-8 19-15; 8-12. Drawn. Analysis by N. Wexler. #2002. V6(5): . . . 21-17!; 5-9 [1-6 to a draw: E. Gibson v A. Bernstein (P) 1959] 20-16; 11-20 27-24; 20-27 31-6; 1-10 17-14; 10-17 25-21; 9-14 32-27(7); 7-11 27-23; 8-12 22-18; 12-16 18-9; 17-22 26-17; 13-22 23-18; 16-19 21-17; 11-16 17-13; 22-26 30-23; 19-26 9-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2003. V7(6): . . . 28-24 [The immediate 22-18 allows Black a quick out after 14-23 21-14; 23-27 32-23; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 etc. . . ]; 2-6 32-27; 7-11 27-23; 8-12 24-20 [22-18; 6-9 24-20; 12-16 same]; 12-16 22-18; 6-9 23-19; 16-23 26-19; 14-23 21-5; 23-27 5-1; 27-31 1-6; 31-27 6-9; 27-23 19-16; 11-15. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2004. V8(2): . . . 21-17(17); 9-14 25-21(16); 3-7 28-24 [Originally by way of 12-16 24-20; 8-12 28-24; 9-14 22-17; 3-8 25-22 same] (13); 16-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 12-16 [Best] 20-11; 8-15 23-18; 14-23 27-11; 7-

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16 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 30-25(9); 4-8 22-18; 8-11! [Much cleaner than 6-9] 25-21 [26-23; 6-10 now 25-21; 10-17 21-14 into next note or 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 10-14 to an easy draw]; 6-10 32-28 [26-23; 10-17 21-14; 16-19 23-16; 11-20 18-15; 1-6 to an easy draw]; 10-17 21-14 [Database draw] 1-6 28-24 [26-23; 16-19 23-16; 11-20 18-15; 6-9 15-10; 9-18 10-3; 18-23 28-24; 20-27 31-24. Drawn]; 6-10 2420; 10-17 18-15; 11-18 20-2; 18-22 2-6; 22-25 26-22; 17-26 31-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2005. V9(8): . . . 26-23(10); 6-10 22-17; 4-8 31-27; 8-11 27-24; 1-6 30-25; 11-15 24-20; 15-19 20-2; 19-26 2-9; 26-31 14-7; 5-30. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #2006. V10(9): . . . 31-27(11); 6-10 22-17; 4-8 32-28 [26-23 into Variation 9]; 1-6 30-25; 8-11 27-24; 11-15 24-20; 16-19 20-16; 6-9 16-11; 7-16 14-7; 9-13 17-14; 15-18 26-22; 18-23 22-18. Drawn. A Long v H. Devlin 1987. #2007. V11(10): . . . 32-28(12); 6-10 22-17; 4-8 31-27; 1-6 Into Variation 10 V12(11): . . . 32-27 [Unusual, but sound. Finally, 22-18; 6-10 14-9; 5-23 26-12; 10-15 leads to an easy draw: G. Bass v J. Crosby (P) 1913]; 16-19 [The obvious reply] 22-18; 4-8 26-22; 8-11 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-10 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 10-15 31-27; 15-19 23-16; 11-20 22-18; 7-11 [Not 7-10?] 18-14; 11-16. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2008. V13(8): . . . 29-25(14); 5-9 17-13 [28-24? is powerfully met with 1-5!]; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 INTO Key Landing Number 19 V14(13): . . . 30-25(15); 11-15 20-11; 7-16; 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 6-22 26-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 27-24; 11-15 14-10; 5-9 24-20; 15-18 20-16; 9-14 32-27; 19-23 27-24; 18-22 24-20; 23-26 10-7; 2-11 16-7; 26-30 7-2; 22-26 31-22; 30-26. Drawn. D. Lafferty v Chinook 1993. #2009. V15(14): . . . 17-13; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-15 (V19) V16(8): . . . 17-13; 3-7 22-18 [28-24 is inferior after 16-19 24-15;


Complete Checkers

10-19 23-16; 12-19 25-21; 6-10, while 25-21 is into Variation 15]; 5-9 28-24; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22; 14-23 27-18; 11-15 [The 9-14 pitch is also good] 18-11; 7-16 20-11; 8-15 22-17; 4-8 29-25; 2-7 32-27 [31-27 is also met with 8-12]; 8-12 25-21; 1-5! 27-23; 12-16 31-27; 7-11 17-14; 9-18 23-14; 15-18 30-25; 16-20 26-22; 11-15 22-17; 19-24 27-23; 18-27 14-9; 5-14 17-1. Drawn. D. McGrath v J. Childers (P) 1979. #2010. V17(8): . . . 22-17(18); 3-7! [Black does not need to commit 9-14 here] 23-18 [Nothing better. 1) 17-14 is inferior as noted under Variation 2; 2) 17-13; 9-14 [16-19 is also available and good] 25-22 into Variation 15; 3) 25-22; 9-14 [16-19 is also available and good] into Variation 8] INTO 11-16 22-17; 8-11 (V11: Note) V18(17): . . . 23-18 [27-24 is easily met with 3-7]; 3-7 INTO 12-16 24-20; 8-12 (V34)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 125 (143): 11-16 24-20; 16-19 POWER: [53/47] TYPE: GAYP* GAMES: 20 Trunk: 11-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 9-14[R](13) 18-9; 5-14 2522; 10-15[R](10) 22-17 [22-18 is perfectly okay, but led to defeat after 14-23 27-11; 8-15 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 7-10 21-17; 8-12 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 6-10 26-22?; 10-14!: R. Pask v D. Harwood 2002]; 6-10 [7-10 is inferior after either 27-24! or 20-16] 29-25 [17-13; 8-11 29-25 same. Instead of 29-25; White has 2 poor alternatives. 1) 26-22; 2-6 22-17; 4-8 27-24 [31-26? loses to 6-9!]; 15-18 24-15; 10-19 17-10; 7-14 and Black is well situated. 2) 13-9?; 4-8 29-25 [Both 27-23; 8-12 and 26-22; 14-18 leave Black strongly placed] 1-5 giving Black a powerhouse game]; 8-11[R](7) 17-13[R](6); 4-8 [2-6 25-22; 4-8 same or 19-24 28-19; 15-24 25-22 into Variation 7] 25-22 [Best. Instead, the inferior 13-9 transposes into the earlier note]; 2-6 22-17 [27-24? allows Black to press with 14-18 22-17; 18-23, often resulting in a black win; although unforced. For example: R. Pask v H. Devlin 1986 and R. Pask v G. Cann 1995]; 8-12[R](5) Forms Position, Diagram 169: WTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✇❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 169

Continue: . . . 27-23[R](1); 3-8 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23;


Complete Checkers

8-12 28-24! [32-27?; 12-16 27-24; 14-18! 23-14; 1-5 31-26; 15-18 and a classic black win: P. Thompson v M. Tinsley 1956]; 15-18 24-19; 18-27 31-24; 11-15 20-16; 15-18 24-20; 18-22 19-15; 12-19 20-16; 14-18 15-11; 19-24 11-2; 1-5 2-9; 5-14 32-28; 24-27 16-11; 18-23 11-7; 14-18. Drawn. N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952. #2011. V1(T): . . . 27-24; 14-18 32-27(2); 10-14 17-10; 7-14 21-17; 14-21 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 15-18 14-9; 6-10 24-19; 18-22 27-24; 10-14 9-6; 1-10 19-16; 12-19 24-6. Drawn. R. Stewart v N. Banks 1922. #2012. V2(1): . . . 20-16(3); 11-27 32-14; 1-5 31-27; 12-16 26-22; 16-20 27-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 14-9; 5-14 17-1. Drawn. A. Long v J. Horr 1923. #2013. V3(2): . . . 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 1-5 32-27(4); 12-16 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 16-19! 23-16; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 24-19; 22-25 16-12 [31-27; 6-10 16-12 same]; 6-10 31-27; 10-17 12-8; 3-12 27-24; 17-22 19-16; 12-19 24-8; 25-30 8-3; 7-10 3-7; 10-15 28-24; 22-26 20-16; 26-31 24-20. Drawn. N. Banks v A. Jordan 1915. #2014. V4(3): . . . 31-27 [30-25? is inferior after 18-23 26-22; 23-26 2521; 26-30! 22-18; 15-22 24-8; 30-25 31-27; 22-26 etc. . . ]; 12-16 27-23! [Clean. Instead, 30-25; 6-10 25-21? [27-23! returns to this variation]; 10-17 21-14; 18-22! 26-17; 7-10 14-7; 3-10. Black win: D. Lafferty v E. Lowder 1992]; 18-27 32-23; 6-10 23-18; 1017 30-25; 15-31 24-8; 3-12 20-2. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2015. V5(T): 19-24 28-19; 15-24 26-23 24-28 [8-12? is powerfully met with 23-18!] 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-15 18-14; 15-18 14-9; 6-10 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22 9-5; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 13-9; 10-14 31-27 [9-6; 1-10 5-1; 14-17 1-6; 17-21 6-15; 11-18 20-16 to a draw: A. Jordan v M. Pomeroy 1914. Note that D’Orio’s famous block win may arise out of this]; 8-12 9-6; 1-10 5-1; 14-18 1-6; 11-15 6-9; 15-19 9-6; 19-24 6-15; 24-31 30-25; 22-29 15-22; 29-25 22-29; 31-26 29-25; 26-23. Drawn. A. Jordan v N. Banks 1915. #2016. V6(T): . . . 25-22 [27-24; 4-8 32-27; 8-12 17-13; 1-6 [1-5 27-23; 5-9! same] 27-23; 6-9! led to a strong Black game: A. Jordan v M.

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Pomeroy 1913 [Three times!]]; 4-8! [Better than 14-18] 26-23 [This is double-edged. Instead, 17-13 returns to the Trunk]; 19-26 30-23; 8-12 27-24 [28-24 [Inferior]; 1-5 32-28?; 2-6! to a black win: R. Pask v Colossus 1994]; 11-16! [Better than 1-5, although 31-26; 14-18! 23-14; 3-8 made for a neat draw: H. Devlin v R. Pask 1986] 20-11; 7-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 16-20 32-27 [17-13 also draws] INTO 10-14 23-18; 14-23 (T) V7(T): 19-24(9) 28-19; 15-24 25-22; 8-11 17-13; 4-8(8) 13-9; 24-28 [8-12 22-17; 24-28 same, or 11-15 into Variation 8] 22-17; 8-12 [11-15 is inferior after 17-13; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 30-25!; 8-11 25-21; 1-5 [15-18 21-14; 18-22 26-17; 1-5 14-10; 7-21 9-6; 2-9 13-6 lands Black in a bad endgame] 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 5-14 13-9; 3-10 9-5; 15-18 5-1; 18-22 26-17; 14-21 1-5 and White holds the advantage] 26-22!; 11-15 17-13; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 30-23; 7-11 27-24; 12-16 31-26; 2-7 26-22; 7-10 22-17; 1-5 9-6; 5-9 6-2; 9-14 2-6; 14-21 13-9; 21-25 9-5; 25-30 5-1; 30-26 23-18; 15-22 6-8; 3-12 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2017. V8(7): 11-15 [If 2-6 then 22-18! [Not 22-17?; 4-8 into Variation 5]; 14-23 27-18 and White is powerful] 13-9; 4-8 9-6!; 2-9 26-23; 7-11 [Best] 20-16; 11-20 23-18; 14-23 27-4; 9-14 30-26; 1-5 22-17; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 24-27 32-23; 18-27 31-24; 20-27 26-23; 27-31 23-19; 31-26 19-16; 26-23 16-12; 23-18 14-10. Drawn. Analysis by R. Fortman. #2018. V9(7): 8-12 17-13; 4-8 25-22; 14-18 [The inferior 8-11 is well met with 13-9!: R. King v A. Moiseyev 2009] 22-17; 10-14 17-10; 7-14 20-16; 3-7 27-23 [Not forced, but probably the best White has. Instead, 27-24; 8-11 24-20; 2-6 [1-6 32-27; 6-10 [6-9 also draws] 13-9!; [27-24? loses to 2-6!] 19-24 28-19; 15-24 26-23; 12-26 31-8; 24-31 8-3; 7-11 3-7; 11-15 7-11; 15-18 20-16 to a draw] 30-25; 18-23 21-17!; to a draw: E. Fuller v W. Hellman [Or names reversed?] 1946] 18-27 32-23; 8-11 [Nothing better] 23-18!; 14-23 21-17; 11-20 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 19-28 26-3; 1-6 3-8; 6-9 13-6; 2-9. Drawn. Analysis by A. Moiseyev. #2019. V10(T): 8-12(12) 22-17; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 27-24; 11-15 32-27; 3-8(11) 27-23 [17-13; 1-5 27-23; 8-11 23-16; 12-19 same]; 8-11 23-16; 12-


Complete Checkers

19 17-13; 1-5 21-17!; 14-21 25-22; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 10-14 20-11; 21-25 30-21; 14-17 21-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-25. Drawn. G. Dearborn v R. Jordan 1905. #2020. V11(10): 12-16 [7-11 27-23; 3-7 same] 20-11; 7-16 24-20; 3-7 2011; 7-16 25-22; 16-20 [14-18?! almost led to disaster: M. Lieber v S. Gonotsky 1928] 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 6-9 17-13; 2-7 13-6; 14-18 2314; 10-26 31-22; 1-10 27-23; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 23-18; 7-11 22-17; 10-15 18-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2021. V12(10): 8-11 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 3-8 23-16; 8-12 31-27; 12-19 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 1-5 [6-9 29-25; 2-7 18-15; 9-13 15-6; 1-10 25-22; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 23-18; 16-20 18-15; 20-24 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 17-26 28-19; 26-31 15-11; 7-16 1912. Drawn] 18-9; 6-13 [5-14 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 14-17 21-14; 6-10 14-7; 2-27 26-23; 19-26 30-23. Drawn: R. Martins v J. Wyllie 1864] 29-25; 2-7 [On the two alternatives: 1) 10-14 25-22; 2-6 23-18!; 14-23 28-24; 19-28 26-12 to a draw. 2) 2-6! 23-18!; 16-20 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 20-24 14-10; 6-15 26-23; 19-26 28-10; 26-31 25-22 to a draw] 23-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 7-10 [7-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 same] 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 22-18. Drawn. J. Ferrie v J. Denvir 1905. #2022. V13(T): 10-14(20) 18-15; 14-18(16) 27-23[R](14); 18-27 32-16; 7-10 16-12; 10-19 31-27; 19-23 27-18; 3-7 12-3; 9-13 3-10; 6-31 30-26; 31-22 25-18 [Database draw]; 4-8 [Inviting 20-16?] 28-24; 1-6 24-19; 6-10 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 29-25; 13-17 25-21; 17-22 14-10; 22-26 19-16; 26-31 16-7; 2-11. Drawn. R. Jordan v L. Head 1905. #2023. V14(13): . . . 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 6-10 [Need to know this as Black from other ballots] 15-6; 1-17 27-24(15); 19-23 26-19; 18-23 31-26; 8-11 19-16 [25-22?! [Inferior]; 4-8 29-25; 17-21 22-18; 5-9 to a black win: M. Tinsley v W. Fraser 1952]; 17-21 26-19; 13-17 32-27 Forms Position, Diagram 170: BTP Continue: 2-6 [4-8? loses to 25-22: M. Tinsley escaping defeat when Banks replied with 19-15? in their 1952 match!] 16-12; 4-8 19-15; 11-18 25-22; 17-26 30-14; 6-10 [6-9 24-19; 9-18 19-15; 18-22

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❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✇❀✇ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 170

same] 24-19; 10-17 19-15; 17-22 20-16; 22-26 27-24; 26-31 24-20; 7-11 16-7; 3-19 12-3. Drawn. Analysis by J. Wyllie. #2024. V15(14): . . . 25-22 [Rather nondescript]; 18-25 30-14; 2-6 29-25; 8-11 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 25-22 [Positive]; 12-19 22-18 [The follow-up]; 6-10 32-27; 10-17 27-24; 19-23 26-19; 17-22 19-15; 5-9 15-8; 3-12 20-16; 12-19 24-15; 13-17 28-24; 17-21 24-20; 2125 15-11; 7-16 20-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2025. V16(13): 7-10(17) 20-16; 14-18 [2-7? is very weak after 16-12!] 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 2-18 28-24; 9-14 24-19; 5-9 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 9-13 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 13-17 21-14; 8-11 16-7; 3-17 19-16; 17-22 16-11; 6-10 11-7; 22-25 7-2; 1-5 2-6; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 6-10; 14-17 32-27; 17-22 27-23; 25-30. Drawn. J. Wyllie v G. Jewitt 1880. #2026. V17(16): 19-23(19) 26-19; 7-11 15-10; 6-24 28-19; 1-6 25-22; 6-10 27-23; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 [9-13 22-18; 8-11 same] 22-18; 9-13 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 4-8(18) 25-22; 11-15 [8-12 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 20-16; 12-19 23-16 is another mild draw] 30-26; 15-24 22-18; 3-7 18-9; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 23-19; 24-28 19-16; 17-21 16-12. Drawn. N. Banks v R. Stewart 1922. #2027. V18(17): 2-7 25-22; 11-15 19-16; 14-18 23-14; 10-26 30-23; 7-10 16-11; 10-14 31-27; 13-17 27-24; 15-18 23-19; 18-23 19-15; 23-


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27 24-19; 27-31 11-7; 3-10 15-6. Drawn. M. Chamblee v W. Hellman 1951. #2028. V19(17): 7-11?! 27-24; 11-18 24-15; 8-12 28-24; 4-8 24-19; 3-7 26-22; 9-13 32-27!; 5-9 27-24; 7-10 20-16; 2-7 24-20; 1-5 31-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 18-25 21-14; 9-18 29-22; 18-25 30-21; 5-9 26-23; 6-10 15-6; 9-14 6-2; 7-10 2-6; 10-15 19-10; 12-26. Drawn. Analysis by J. Keene. #2029. V20(13): 8-11 [INTO 12-16 24-20; 8-12 (V31)] 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 11-16 [3-8? is truly woeful. It is not a ‘trap’ and can be easily visualized] 20-11; 7-16 25-22 [18-15 is given under the other ballot]; 10-14 29-25; 6-10 18-15; 9-13 15-6; 1-10 22-18; 2-7 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 10-15 21-17!; 14-21 23-18; 7-11 18-14; 16-20 14-9; 3-8 [3-7 also draws] 9-6; 11-16 6-2; 8-12 2-7; 15-18 22-15; 21-25 30-21; 19-24 28-19; 16-30. Drawn. T. Wiswell v M. Hopper 1951. #2030.

Part 7: 12-16s

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 126 (144): 12-16 21-17; 9-13 POWER: [52/48] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 12 Trunk: 12–16 21–17; 9–13 25-21[R](6); 16-19[R](3) 23-16; 11-20 17-14[R](2); 10-17 21-14; 6-10 [8-11 24-19; 4-8 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 into the next but one note] 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 1-6 [Black gains nothing with 2-6] 21-14; 6-10 [8-11 24-19; 4-8 30-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 27-23; 6-10 22-17; 13-22 26-17 same] 30-25; 10-17 25-21; 2-6 21-14; 6-10 [6-9 offers Black nothing after 22-18; 13-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22 then 8-11 or 8-12] 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 8-11 24-19 Forms Position, Diagram 171: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 171

Continue: 4-8 [11-15 27-23; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 32-27 [23-18; 8-11 32-28 also draws] into Variation 1] 27-23 [27-24; 20-27 31-24 is inferior after the immediate 10-15 2 x 2]; 8-12[R](1) 28-24 [31-26; 11-16 26-22; 10-15 to a draw: M. Tinsley v B. Case 1954, while 23-18 is well met with 12-16! and 32-27 gets 11-16! 28-24; 7-11 14-7; 3-10 and a delicate ending]; 20-27 31-24; 11-15 32-27; 7-11 [15-18 offers Black nothing after 24-20; 18-22 [Or 3-8 17-13; 1017 23-14] 23-18] 14-7; 3-10 [Database draw] 17-14; 10-17 19-10; 17-22 24-20; 22-26 27-24; 26-31 23-19; 31-27 10-7; 5-9 [27-23?


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lost to 7-2!; 23-16 2-6; 11-15 20-11; 15-18 24-20: A. Mantell v M. Lieber 1924] 7-3; 9-13 3-8; 11-16 20-11; 27-20 19-15. Drawn. L. Ginsberg v S. Gonotsky 1925. #2031. V1(T): 11-15 32-27; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-15 [10-15 2 x 2 to a quick draw: R. Hallett v J. Morrison 1980]; 19-16; 15-18 23-19; 18-22 16-12; 22-26 19-16; 26-31 24-20; 31-26 16-11; 7-16 14-7; 3-10 20-11. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1987. #2032. V2(T): . . . 30-25!?; 5-9 24-19; 9-14 27-23; 8-11 22-18; 13-22 189; 6-13 26-17; 13-22 25-18; 2-6 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 14-9; 10-14 29-25; 14-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22 [To here: H. Burton v M. Hannigan 1995]; 4-8 23-18; 20-24 19-16; 11-20 28-19; 20-24 2217; 7-11 19-15; 11-16 15-10; 16-19 18-14; 19-23 10-7; 3-10 14-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2033. V3(T): 5-9(5) 22-18; 13-22 26-17; 9-14(4) 18-9; 6-22 24-19; 8-12 [INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V3)] 30-26; 11-15 [2-6!? 26-17; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 29-25 to a hard-fought draw: R. King v M. Tinsley 1986] 26-17; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 [10-14 is shown from the other ballot] 29-25; 8-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 25-21 [25-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-24!; 16-20 22-17 to a draw: M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1952]; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 23-18!; 16-23 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 12-16 27-18; 16-19 31-26; 1-5 32-28; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15. Drawn. B. Case v M. Tinsley 1954. #2034. V4(3): 1-5 17-13; 16-20 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 7-10 24-19; 15-24 2819; 11-15 18-11; 8-24 32-28; 4-8 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 10-14 30-25; 14-17 21-14; 9-18 23-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 27-24; 2027 31-24; 18-23 22-17; 23-26 17-14; 26-30 25-21. Drawn. W. Hellman v A. Long 1948. #2035. V5(3): 8-12 [16-20 is well met with 29-25] INTO 11-16 21-17; 9-13 (V10) V6(T): . . . 24-20(12); 11-15 20-11; 7-16 25-21(10); 5-9 23-18(9); 16-20 18-11; 8-15 26-23(8); 4-8 23-18 [30-26; 8-11 [9-14 is also good, but the inferior 1-5, which is the published response, loses a valuable tempo] 23-18 into Variation 7]; 8-11 30-25(7); 2-7 28-24;

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10-14 17-10; 7-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 6-10 21-17; 1-5 23-19; 15-24 18-14; 9-18 22-6; 13-22 25-18; 24-28 6-2; 28-32 2-6; 32-28 6-10; 28-24. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #2036. V7(6): . . . 30-26; 1-5 26-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 28-24 [23-18?; 14-23 27-18; 15-19 31-26 [Say]; 3-7 to a black win]; 6-9! 29-25 [23-18?; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 2-7 31-27; 15-19 23-16; 11-20 27-23; 20-24. Black win: S. Gonotsky v J. Hanson 1929, but 23-19 is sound after 3-8 32-28; 14-18 19-16; 18-25 29-22; 8-12 16-7; 2-11 27-23; 20-27 31-24 etc. . . ]; 3-8 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 8-12 31-26! [Improves 31-27; 2-7 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 15-19! 14-9; 11-16 9-6; 16-20 6-1! to a harder draw for White: L. Ginsberg v A. Long 1929]; 12-16 17-14; 10-17 21-5; 13-17 22-13; 15-29 5-1; 11-15 26-22; 29-25 23-18; 15-19 22-17; 25-22 18-15; 22-18 15-11; 18-15; 11-8 2-6; 1-10 15-6; 17-14. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #2037. V8(6): . . . 27-23; 9-14 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 [20-24 gets complications] 26-23; 8-11 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 20-24 23-19; 15-18 22-15; 13-22 11-8; 3-12 15-11; 14-18 11-8; 18-23 8-3; 24-27 31-24; 22-26 24-20; 26-31 29-25; 31-27 19-16; 12-19 3-7; 2-11 30-26; 23-30 32-7. Drawn. E. Hunt v E. Scheidt 1931. #2038. V9(6): . . . 30-25 [22-18 favours Black after 15-22 17-14; 9-18 23-7; 2-11 26-17; 13-22 30-26; 11-15 26-17; 6-9]; 9-14 27-24; 8-11! 24-19; 15-24 28-12 INTO 12-16 24-20; 10-15 CR (V11) V10(6): . . . 23-18(11); 5-9 18-11; 8-15 27-23 [26-23; 16-20 23-18 [25-21 into Variation 6]; 3-8 18-11; 8-15 27-23 same]; 16-20! 23-18 [25-21 into Variation 8]; 3-8 18-11; 8-15 26-23; 20-24; 28-19 1524; 23-18 [25-21; 4-8 23-18 same] 4-8; 25-21; 24-28 30-26 [Easier than 31-26; 1-5 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 29-25; 2-7 25-21; 11-15 18-2; 9-25 2-9; 5-14 26-23 or 26-22 to a close draw]; 1-5 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 29-25; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 26-23 [Or 31-27]; 11-15 18-2; 9-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2039. V11(10): . . . 28-24!? [Inferior when countered correctly]; 16-20! 23-18; 8-11! 17-14 [Baling out]; 10-17 25-21; 2-7 21-14; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 1-6 21-14; 6-10 30-25; 10-17 25-21; 4-8 21-14; 7-10


Complete Checkers

14-7; 3-10 26-23; 8-12 23-19; 13-17 22-13; 15-22 32-28; 11-15 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 22-26 23-18; 15-22 19-16; 12-19 24-6; 5-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2040. V12(6): . . . 22-18(14); 13-22 26-17; 16-19 23-16; 11-20 17-13 [2419; 8-11 17-13 same]; 8-11 24-19(13); 11-15 18-11; 7-23 27-18; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 5-9 32-27; 11-16 27-23; 2-7 25-21; 10-14 18-15; 16-19 23-16; 7-11 16-7; 3-19 22-17; 19-23 17-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. King 1986. #2041. V13(12): . . . 25-22; 4-8 29-25 [24-19; 10-15 19-10; 7-23 27-18; 6-10 29-25; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-21; 11-15 22-17; 2-7 17-10; 7-14 13-9; 8-11 30-26; 11-16 26-23 [28-24 also draws] same]; 8-12 24-19; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 27-18; 12-16 30-26; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 25-21; 6-10 26-23 [22-17 also draws]; 10-15 22-17; 2-7 17-10; 7-14 13-9; 15-19 28-24!; 19-28 31-27; 3-7 9-5; 7-10 23-19; 16-23 27-9 [Database draw]; 10-14 9-6; 1-10 5-1; 10-15 1-6; 15-19 6-10; 14-18 10-14? [21-17! draws, but such waiting moves often appear counterintuitive]; 18-23 21-17; 19-24. Black Win. E. Hunt v H. Mason 1962. #2042. V14(12): . . . 24-19 [23-18?! is on a knife edge after 11-15! 18-11; 8-15 into 11-15 21-17; 9-13 23-18?!; 12-16! 18-11; 8-15 same: T. Wiswell v W. Fraser 1956]; 8-12 25-21; 5-9 INTO 11-16 21-17; 9-13 (V7)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 127 (145): 12-16 21-17; 9-14 POWER: [46/54] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 18 Trunk: 12-16 21-17; 9-14 17-13[R](16); 16-19[R](14) 24-15[R](13); 10-19 23-16; 11-20 26-23[R](9); 8-11[R](8) 22-18 [25-21 into Variation 9]; 7-10 18-9; 5-14 25-22 [25-21; 4-8 into Variation 9. Text may also arise from 12-16 22-18; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 11-20 21-17 [25-22 my preference]; 7-10 [6-10 my preference] 17-13 [25-21 my preference]; 8-11 25-22; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23 same]; 4-8 [1417 31-26; 10-15 29-25; 4-8 same or 10-15 31-26; 4-8 29-25; 14-17 [15-18?! was an inferior choice: P. Davis v D. Oldbury 1983] same] 29-25[R](5); 14-17 31-26 Forms Position, Diagram 172: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 172

Continue: 10-15[R](4) 25-21[R](2); 1-5 21-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-25 3021; 11-16 21-17[R](1); 8-12 17-14; 3-7 26-22; 15-19 23-18; 7-11 28-24!; 19-28 22-17; 11-15 18-11; 16-19 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 12-19. Drawn. Chinook v M. Tinsley 1992. #2043. V1(T): . . . 26-22 [A mild vary]; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 18-14; 23-26 14-10; 8-12 10-6; 16-19 6-2; 26-31 2-6; 31-24 6-10; 12-16 10-15;


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3-8 22-17; 8-11 15-8; 24-27 32-23; 19-26. Drawn. R. Pask v D. Oldbury 1990. #2044. V2(T): . . . 28-24 [13-9; although drawable, transfers the advantage to Black after 6-13 25-21; 3-7 21-14; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 23-19; 18-22 26-17; 13-22: M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1974]; 8-12 25-21(3); 1-5 21-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-25 30-21; 11-16 32-28; 5-9 21-17; 16-19 2316; 12-19 [Database draw] 17-13; 9-14 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 17-21 6-2; 21-25 26-22; 25-30 22-17; 30-25 17-13; 25-22 2-6; 22-18 6-10; 3-7! 10-3; 19-23. Drawn. A. Long v D. Oldbury (P) 1963. #2045. V3(2): . . . 23-19; 11-16 19-10; 6-15 25-21 [32-28 is inferior, although drawable, after 17-21 22-17; 2-6: E. Bruch v D. Oldbury, both sides!, 1976]; 16-19 21-14; 19-28 14-9; 12-16! [This is forceful, gaining a tempo; although both 3-7 and 3-8 are sound] 26-23 [27-23; 3-8 23-18; 8-11 18-14; 2-7 9-5; 20-24 14-9; 16-20 30-25; 24-27 32-23; 28-32 9-6; 1-10 23-18; 20-24 5-1; 24-27 1-6; 27-31 to a more involved draw]; 15-19! 22-18; 19-26 30-23; 3-7 18-15; 1-5 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 7-10 15-11; 10-15. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1974. #2046. V4(T): 11-15 [Often given to lose, but is quite sound. Another option is with 17-21?!, but this is premature and weak after 22-17; 11-15 25-22; 8-12 28-24; 3-8 23-19; 8-11 26-23; 11-16 23-18; 1623 18-11; 23-26 30-23; 21-25 11-8; 25-30 [10-15 32-28 is another shaky draw: D. Oldbury] 8-3; 10-15! to an extremely tenuous draw: D. Oldbury] 23-18 [28-24; 3-7 23-19; 17-21! to a draw]; 8-11 18-14 [25-21; 2-7! 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 to an easy draw]; 3-7 25-21; 1-5 28-24; 11-16 14-9! [A cute shot]; 5-14 27-23; 20-27 23-18; 14-23 21-14; 10-17 26-1; 17-26 30-23; 7-10 23-18; 27-31 1-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. D. Oldbury v A. Long (P) 1963. #2047. V5(T): . . . 22-18(7); 14-17 31-26(6); 10-15 18-14; 11-16! [8-12?!, forgetting his own analysis!, led to an eventual classic white win: M. Tinsley v Chinook 1992] 28-24; 15-18 29-25; 1-5 14-10 [25-22; 18-25 30-21; 8-12 24-19; 3-8 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 14-10; 6-9 to a draw]; 6-15 23-14; 3-7 26-23; 8-12 14-9 [23-19 looks quite good, but is no stronger]; 5-14 23-19; 16-23

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27-9; 20-27 32-23; 7-11 9-6; 2-9 13-6; 17-22 25-18; 15-22 23-18; 11-16 6-2; 16-19 2-7; 12-16. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #2048. V6(5): . . . 18-14; 3-7 23-19 [14-9?!; is strongly countered with both 11-15! and 10-15!]; 11-15 29-25; 15-24 28-19; 17-22 25-18; 10-17 31-26; 8-12 18-15; 7-10 27-23; 2-7 INTO 11-15 24-20; 12-16 CR (V4) V7(5): . . . 31-26; 10-15 23-18 [This is soft. Instead, 29-25; 14-17 into Trunk]; 14-23 26-10; 6-15 29-25; 8-12 22-17; 11-16 17-14; 16-19 25-22; 2-7! [1-5 permits unnecessary complications after 13-9] 30-25; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 12-19 25-21; 1014 22-17; 14-18 17-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2049. V8(T): 7-10! [A new approach proposed by M. Tinsley after his 1992 loss to Chinook. Three points suggest themselves: first, it’s so natural, you wonder why this was not considered at the outset in preference to 8-11; secondly, while this may be slightly superior to the normal line from a defensive standpoint, it perhaps doesn’t offer the same winning chances; and thirdly, by playing out 3-7 early on, it does create a slight weakness in Black’s single-corner: to gain a point you must give a point] 22-18 [25-21 is also good; transposing into Variation 9 after 8-11 22-18; 4-8 same]; 3-7! [8-11 into Trunk of course] 18-9; 5-14 23-19! [Attacks Black’s single-corner and prevents 10-15. Instead, 25-22; 14-18 22-15 10-26 30-23 is woefully soft]; 8-12 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 14-17 31-26; 8-11 22-18; 11-16 25-21; 16-23 26-19; 1-5 21-14; 10-17 18-15; 17-22 19-16; 12-19 27-24; 20-27 32-16; 7-10 15-11; 10-14 16-12; 14-18 12-8; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 8-3; 9-14 3-7; 22-26 30-23; 18-27 7-10; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2050. V9(T): . . . 25-21; 8-11 26-23(12); 4-8 22-18(10); 7-10 18-9; 5-14 2925; 11-15 [Or 3-7 into the note of Variation 11 option #2 if Black wishes to double-up defences] 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-7 25-22; 8-11 [14-17 21-14; 10-26 30-23; 8-11 23-18; 7-10 also draws, but this is best] 22-17; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 30-26; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14;


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7-11 [20-24 also draws] 16-7; 3-17 27-23; 18-27 32-16. Drawn. Analysis by E. Frazier. #2051. V10(9): . . . 29-25; 7-10 22-18; 10-15!(11) 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 11-18 30-26; 8-11 28-24; 11-15 23-19; 3-8 19-10; 6-15 26-23; 8-12 23-19 [Here, WCC prefers 31-26; 12-16 26-22; 18-25 23-19; 16-23 27-11; 20-27 32-23; 25-30, losing no sleep over the two men on squares 13 and 21: a database draw]; 2-6 19-10; 6-15 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 18-27 32-23; 12-16 13-9; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 19-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2052. V11(10): 8-12? [Natural, but appears to be a loser. Black has 2 further options: 1) 5-9?! [This kind of fill-in rarely seems to work out well] 25-22; 10-15 23-19! [R. Pask improving Rubin’s 28-24 v Ryan in their 1935 match]; 15-24 28-19; 14-23 27-18 and although Black can draw, it’s hardly air-cooled. 2) 3-7! [Certainly logical, and reminiscent of Tinsley’s idea] 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 11-15 2522; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 30-23; 8-11 [And here, WCC prefers 8-12 23-18; 7-10 32-28; 10-14 18-9; 1-5 19-15; 5-14 15-11; 14-18 11-8; 18-22 8-3; 22-25 3-8 25-30, having no qualms about the two men on 12 and 20, as it knows it can exchange with 6-9 at an opportune moment into a database draw! Sound familiar?] 19-16; 11-15 16-12; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 12-8; 15-18 23-14; 10-17 to an easy draw] 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 3-7 22-17 INTO 12-16 22-18; 16-19 (V27) V12(9): . . . 22-17; 6-10 26-23; 4-8 23-19; 11-15 30-26; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 32-28; 11-15 26-23; 15-24 28-19; 10-15 19-10; 2-6 29-25; 6-15 17-10; 7-14 25-22; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 3-8 23-19 [2217; 15-18 23-19; 8-12 same]; 8-12 22-17; 15-18 24-20; 18-23 19-15; 10-19 17-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2053. V13(T): . . . 23-16 [Where possible, it is best in situations such as this to take the double-exchange; the disadvantage of the text being that it leads to a rather cramped development. Other examples include 11-15 21-17; 8-11 17-14; 9-18!; 11-16 21-17; 16-20 17-14; 9-18!; 12-16 21-17; 16-19 24-15!; 12-16 21-17; 16-20 17-14; 9-18!; 12-16 22-17; 16-19 24-15!; and 12-16 22-18; 16-19 24-15! In the case of 11-16 21-17; 8-11 17-14 of course, this option

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is not available: the reason why ‘Oliver’s Twister’ is a difficult debut]; 11-20 25-21; 8-11 22-17; 4-8 26-23; 11-15 30-26; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 2-11 26-23; 11-15 29-25; 3-8 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 31-22; 14-18 22-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 17-14; 8-11. Drawn. E. King v E. Gill (P) 1976. #2054. V14(T): 16-20 [8-12 22-18; 16-20 same] 22-18; 8-12(15) 18-9; 5-14 INTO 11-16 21-17; 16-20 (V10) V15(14): 10-15 [11-15 is inferior after 18-11; 8-15 25-22] 18-9; 5-14 25-22 [The conservative option, but strong enough!]; 7-10 29-25; 8-12 INTO 11-16 21-17; 16-20 (V1) V16(T): . . . 25-21(17) [Seeking Pioneer lines after 8-12 or 16-20, but Black has stronger play available]; 16-19 24-15 [23-16; 11-20 17-13 into Variation 13 is no doubt best]; 11-25 29-22; 8-11 28-24 [17-13; 4-8 28-24 [22-18 is well met with the 14-17 exchange] same]; 4-8 17-13 [24-20; 8-12 17-13 [22-18 gets 10-15! and Black is best, or 32-28; 11-15 17-13 and Moiseyev’s 5-9! improves Pat McCarthy’s 14-18 v Ron King in their 1997 World Championship Match] same or the immediate 22-18; after which 10-15 retains Black’s edge]; 8-12 24-20 [24-19 is well met with the natural 11-15, while 22-18 gets the 14-17 exchange]; 10-15 22-18 [After 22-17?; both 6-10! and 7-10! seem to give Black a powerhouse game]; 15-22 26-10; 7-14 [6-15 is also good, but White draws after 27-24; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 32-28!] 23-19! [Appears to equalize matters, and better than Con McCarrick’s 31-26 v Asa Long in the 1989 5th International Match, which led to an eventual, unforced, black win. Mr. Long is one of the three all-time greats of the 3-Move Restriction. We will never see his like again]; 3-7 27-23; 6-10 31-26; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 7-10 16-7; 2-11 26-22; 17-26 30-23; 10-14 23-19; 14-17 32-27; 17-22 27-23; 22-26 23-18; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 19-16; 10-15 16-7; 15-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2055. V17(16): . . . 24-19; 14-21 19-12; 11-15! [A change of heart: in a symmetrical position such as this, albeit with highly unusual features, taking the centre when available must be best] 22-17(20); 5-9 17-13(18); 9-14 25-22 [If 28-24? first, D. Oldbury declined


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8-11 25-22 same, demonstrating a powerful attack for Black with 15-18! 24-19; 8-11 13-9; 6-13 26-22; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 22-6; 1-10 28-19; 7-11!]; 8-11 28-24; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 27-23; 11-16 24-20; 7-11 32-28 [31-27? loses after 15-19! 32-28; 19-24! [Or 6-9! first] etc. . . ]; 1-5 31-27 [29-25 is strongly met with 2-7!]; 4-8! 29-25 [Best]; 5-9 27-24 Forms Position, Diagram 173: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✇ ❜❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 173

Continue: 15-19 24-15; 11-27 20-4; 27-31 4-8; 9-14 8-11; 14-18 22-15; 31-29 28-24 [11-16; 29-25 16-11; 25-29 to a see-saw draw]; 3-7 11-16; 21-25 30-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-27. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #2056. V18(17): . . . 28-24 [25-22; 9-13 28-24; 8-11 same]; 8-11 25-22(19); 9-13! 23-18! [24-20? loses to 6-9! 27-24; 9-14 32-28; 4-8: D. Oldbury] 6-9! 26-23; 11-16 18-11; 16-20 23-18; 7-16 32-28; 2-6 31-26; 4-8 18-15; 10-19 24-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 26-23; 9-14 22-18; 13-22 18-9; 10-15 [22-26 has merit] 30-26; 22-31 9-6; 31-24 28-10; 8-11 23-18; 16-19 6-2. Drawn. F. Bastiman v M. Bryant (P) 1992. #2057. V19(18): . . . 24-20 [17-13; 9-14 25-22 [24-20? gets 15-18!] into Variation 17]; 4-8 [9-13 tempts 25-22? and the win shown under Variation 18, but instead may be safely met with 27-24; 13-22 26-17] 25-22; 9-13 17-14! [This is easily best. Instead, 23-18; overlooking the deceptive shot which follows, leads to a definite

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endgame advantage for Black after 21-25! 30-21; 10-14 17-10; 7-30 20-16; 11-20 31-26; 30-23 27-4: M. Tinsley v A. Long 1947. Here, Black may continue with Tinsley’s 20-24, or 6-10 or 2-7; all of which afford winning chances. Incidentally, the ‘other’ Tinsley v Long Minotaur practice game, quoted in D. Oldbury’s The Square World, Page 305, which supposedly took place in 1955, is a phantom. Not only did it not happen, but the faulty move order given therein was not present in the genuine 1947 game]; 10-17 23-18; 15-19 27-23; 6-10 23-16; 1-5 32-28; 10-15 29-25; 2-6 18-14; 15-19 31-27; 6-9 14-10; 7-14 16-7; 3-10 12-3; 19-23 27-18; 14-23 26-19; 17-26 30-23; 21-30 19-16; 30-26 23-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2058. V20(17): . . . 28-24(21); 5-9 24-20 [22-17 into Variation 18 or 2218; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 29-25 into Variation 21. Finally, 23-18 is well met with 15-19! 24-15; 10-19 18-14 [Say]; 9-18 22-15 and an even, complex position]; 8-11 27-24 [22-17 into Variation 18]; 9-14 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 6-13 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 4-8 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 2-6 31-26; 6-9 17-13; 10-14 [Allows a snap draw. However, against 9-14 White has a sound draw available with 13-9; 14-18 23-14; 10-17 32-27 [Or 26-23: M. Tinsley]; 8-11 9-5; 7-10 26-23; 17-22 23-19; 15-18 19-16; 11-15 16-11; 18-23 27-18; 22-25 11-8; 15-22 8-4; 10-14 4-8; 14-18 8-11; 18-23 11-15; 25-29 20-16; 29-25 16-11; 23-27 24-20; 27-32 20-16; 25-29 15-19; 29-25 19-15] 13-6; 1-10 30-25!; 21-30 23-19; 30-16 20-2; 14-17 2-7; 10-14 7-11; 15-18 11-4. Drawn. M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1975. #2059. V21(20): . . . 22-18 [27-24; 8-11 24-20; 5-9 28-24 into Variation 20]; 15-22 25-18; 8-11 29-25; 5-9 28-24; 11-16 25-22 [24-20? is strongly met with 7-11!]; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 27-24 [Of course, 2217? is catastrophic]; 10-14 24-19 [12-8!; 3-12 22-17; 7-10 26-22 is worth a look]; 7-10 32-28; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 22-17; 15-22 1710; 2-6 26-17; 6-15 28-24; 1-5 [Cleaner than 9-13] 31-26; 15-18 [Nothing better] 23-14; 9-18 24-19; 16-23 26-19; 18-23 19-16; 5-9 [Preparing for the clearance] 16-7; 3-10 17-13; 9-14 12-8; 14-18 8-3; 10-14 3-7; 23-26 30-23; 18-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2060.


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Ballot Number 128 (146): 12-16 21-17; 16-19 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 0! Trunk: 12-16 21-17; 16-19 24-15[R](5); 10-19 23-16; 11-20 25-21[R](3); 8-11[R](1) 22-18 INTO 12-16 22-18; 16-19 (V21) V1(T): 6-10(2) 22-18 INTO 12-16 22-18; 16-19 (T) V2(1): 7-10 22-18 INTO 12-16 22-18; 16-19 (V25) V3(T): . . . 22-18(4) INTO 12-16 22-18; 16-19 (V30) V4(3): . . . 17-13; 9-14 INTO 12-16 21-17; 9-14 (T) V5(T): . . . 23-16; 11-20 17-13; 9-14 INTO 12-16 21-17; 9-14 (V13)

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Ballot Number 129 (147): 12-16 21-17; 16-20 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 11 Trunk: 12-16 21-17; 16-20 17-13[R](13); 8-12[R](1) INTO 11-16 21-17; 16-20 (V1) V1(T): 11-15 [Theoretically, this is the best move: getting to the centre first. However, 8-12 is generally favoured because of its restrictive qualities] (11) 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11(10) 22-18; 9-14!(8) 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 11-15!(7) 19-16; 14-18(4) 23-14; 10-17 29-25; 4-8(3) 25-21 [If White plays 16-12; Black can avoid the trials and tribulations of Variation 3 by playing 7-10 to a solid draw]; 8-12(2) 21-14; 12-19 32-28 Forms Position, Diagram 174: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 174

Continue: 1-5 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 20-24 27-20; 19-23 30-25; 7-11 28-24; 3-8 [23-27 31-26!; 27-32 26-22; 32-27 24-19; 3-7 22-18; 6-10 19-16; 27-23 18-15; 11-18 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 10-15 25-21; 18-22 14-9; 5-14 17-10; 23-18 10-6; 2-9 13-6 is another easy draw] 24-19; 8-12 19-15; 11-18 25-21; 6-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn. E. Lowder v M. Tinsley 1978. #2061.


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V2(1): 1-5 21-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-25 30-21; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 5-9 21-17; 9-13 32-27; 13-22 26-17; 15-19 17-13; 7-11 16-7; 3-10 27-23; 19-26 31-22; 10-15. Drawn. E. Bruch v E. Langdon 1950. #2062. V3(1): 17-21 [Black needs to take care after entering the dusthole] 22-17; 4-8 16-12; 8-11 25-22 [Better than 17-14; since it guarantees White a strong game. After 17-14 instead, Black draws easily with 6-10!: avoiding 1-5? and the 13-9! 6-13 25-22 retort. See also #1809 main note]; 11-16! [15-19? 22-18!; 19-24 17-14! gives White a powerhouse game. For example, J. Hanson v W. Davis 1925; although Black escaped with a fortunate draw. Or 1-5?: after which White gets on his desired trap with 13-9!; 6-13 17-14 anyway!] 17-14; 15-19! [16-19? 14-9; 7-10 22-17; 19-24 2623; 24-28 31-26! [Correcting Richard Jordan’s 27-24? exchange v Harrah Reynolds in the 1st International Match. However, Jordan, along with Marion Tinsley and Samuel Gonotsky one of the 3 greatest players of all time, in my opinion, won anyway!] to a white win] 22-17; 19-24 26-23; 24-28 23-18; 16-19 12-8; 3-12 27-24; 20-27 31-15; 1-5 32-27; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 27-23; 9-13 15-10; 13-22 10-3; 28-32 14-9; 5-14 18-9; 12-16 23-18; 16-19 18-15; 19-23 15-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2063. V4(1): 14-17 29-25; 4-8 23-18 [25-21?! is inferior after 8-12 2114; 10-17! [12-19? 23-16; 10-17 is extremely delicate for Black, forming a position of frequent occurrence which typically arises out of Key Landing Number 3 as follows: 11-15 [14-17? 2114; 10-17 19-16!; 12-19 23-16; 11-15 same] 19-16 [32-28 is my preference]; 12-19 23-16; 14-17? 21-14; 10-17 same] 32-28; 12-19 23-16; 7-10! 16-11; 1-5 after which 27-24! is essential to draw per D. Oldbury analysis]; 15-19 [8-11 25-21; 15-19 21-14; 10-17 same] 25-21; 8-11(5) 21-14; 10-17 32-28; 6-9 13-6; 1-10 22-13; 19-23 26-19; 10-15 19-10; 7-32 16-7; 3-10. Drawn. A. Huggins v R. Fortman (P) 1964. #2064. V5(4): 8-12 21-14; 10-17 32-28; 3-8(6) 18-14; 1-5 22-18 Forms Position, Diagram 175: BTP Continue: 17-22! [The attractivelooking 17-21? loses] 26-17; 19-23 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 12-19 24-15;

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23-27 30-25 [28-24 doesn’t amount to anything]; 27-31 25-21; 3127 15-10; 6-22 14-9; 5-14 17-3; 8-12 13-9. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #2065.

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀❜❀✇❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 175

V6(5): 1-5 18-14; 19-23! 27-18; 12-19 18-15; 19-23 [7-10 also draws] 26-19; 17-26 31-22; 6-10 [7-10 also draws] 15-6; 2-25 3021; 20-24 19-15; 24-27 21-17; 27-31; 17-14; 31-27 15-10; 27-23 10-6; 23-19 6-2; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 2-7; 10-15 7-10; 15-18 13-9; 5-14 10-17. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #2066. V7(1): 4-8 [Inferior: why cede the centre?] 22-18! [Strangely, published play favours 29-25]; 14-17 19-16; 8-12 [10-15 18-14 favours White] 29-25; 12-19 23-16 INTO Key Landing Number 4 V8(1): 4-8 [Inferior: again voluntarily ceding the centre] 25-22; 8-12 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 into Variation 7] 29-25; 9-14 [11-16? 18-15; 3-8 25-21; 7-11 22-17 to a white win: M. Chamblee v M. Tinsley 1948] 18-9; 5-14 22-18! [Of course]; 14-17 [Best] (9) INTO 11-16 21-17; 16-20 (V10) V9(8): 10-15 [Leads to heavy complications favouring White, and has a very poor track record] 18-9; 15-24 23-18; 7-10 9-5; 24-28 2521; 11-16 [A position of frequent occurrence. Most commonly, it arises out of Key Landing Number 1 thus: . . . 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 7-11 17-13; 4-8 24-19 [30-25 my preference]; 15-24 28-19; 11-16?!


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[11-15 is easily best] 22-18; 8-11 18-9; 11-15 9-5!; 15-24 23-18; 24-28 same] 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-9 [Best. Instead, the natural 16-19 permits only the most hypothetical of draws. Continue . . . 14-9; 19-24 26-23 [30-25: A. Cameron v W. Ryan 1951]; 3-7 30-26! [Improving 30-25: J. Coll v A. Long 1973]; 7-10 [7-11? 26-22!; 12-16 23-19!; 16-23 27-18 to a white win: L. Taylor v M. Tinsley 1974 among others] 23-18!; 10-14 [12-16? loses to 18-15!; 10-19 26-22: K. Todd v R. Fortman (P) 1967] 18-15; 14-17 15-11; 17-21 11-8; 21-25 8-3; 25-29 3-8; 29-25 8-11; 25-21 11-15; 21-25 15-18 etc. . . ] 13-6 2-18; 30-25 [26-23 is another strong move, which Walter Hellman and Derek Oldbury worked on independently]; 16-19 27-23; 18-27 31-15 [Database draw]; 20-24 [3-7? 25-22; 20-24 22-18; 24-27 32-23; 28-32 18-14; 32-27 23-18; 27-31 26-23; 31-27 15-10; 7-11 23-19; 27-23 19-15; 11-16 10-7; 23-19 15-10; 16-20 7-2; 20-24 and now Derek Oldbury, playing Richard Hallett in 1991, played 10-7? [Both 2-6 and 2-7 win] permitting a draw with 19-23 [Played by Hallett]. However, a later error by Black led to a white win. This important correction by Liam Stephens] 15-11; 12-16 25-21; 24-27 32-23; 28-32 23-18; 32-27 18-14; 16-19 26-22; 27-23 21-17 [14-10 doesn’t offer much]; 23-26 11-7; 3-10 14-7; 19-24 7-2; 24-27 2-7; 27-31 7-10; 31-27 10-14; 27-23 14-9; 23-19 9-13; 19-15. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #2067. V10(1): 9-14 22-18; 5-9!? [8-11 18-9 5-14 into Variation 1] 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 1-5 25-21; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 4-8 16-12; 11-16 32-28; 7-10 18-14; 9-25 30-7; 2-11 26-22; 6-10 22-17; 10-15 28-24; 15-18 23-14; 11-15 27-23; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 13-9; 15-18 24-20; 18-27 9-6; 16-19 6-2; 19-23 2-7; 3-10 14-7; 23-26 7-2. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #2068. V11(1): 10-15(12) 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-12 INTO 10-15 21-17; 11-16 (V20) V12(11): 9-14 INTO 12-16 21-17; 9-14 (V14) V13(T): . . . 17-14(16); 9-18 23-14; 10-17 22-13; 11-15 25-22 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 same]; 8-11 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25(15); 8-12 22-18 [26-23? allows Black to gain a tempo, one of the many facets of time of which the novice is completely oblivious, with

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7-10! Continue . . . 31-26; 11-16 25-21; 5-9 23-18; 16-23 26-19; 2-7 30-26; 7-11 26-23; 3-8! 32-28; 10-14 19-15; 14-17! 21-5; 6-9 13-6; 1-26 to a black win: M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1978. Just one example, of hundreds, of the genius of Tinsley]; 11-16 26-23; 7-10 18-15; 3-8 25-22; 5-9 31-26(14); 10-14 23-18 [22-18? loses to 1-5!]; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 26-19; 2-7 32-27; 7-10 22-17; 10-14 17-10; 8-11 15-8; 6-31 13-6; 1-10 8-3; 31-27; 3-7. Drawn. Analysis by J. Duffy. #2069. V14(13): . . . 22-18; 10-14 30-25 [31-26? loses, as shown under the second note of Variation 13]; 14-17 25-22; 17-26 31-22; 2-7 [The 6-10 double-exchange also draws, as shown by R. Fortman] 22-17 [32-28 offers nothing after 7-10 28-24; 8-11! 15-8; 10-14 to an easy draw]; 7-10 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 16-23 27-18; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 7-3; 19-23 18-15; 23-26 3-7; 12-16 7-11; 8-12 15-10; 16-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2070. V15(13): . . . 22-18; 7-10 18-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 2-11 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 7-10 26-23; 5-9 30-26 [31-26; 8-12 23-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 13-6; 1-10 18-14; 10-17 22-13 to a draw]; 8-12 22-18; 10-15 19-10; 6-22 26-17; 11-15 13-6; 1-10. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2071. V16(13): . . . 25-21 INTO 12-16 22-17; 16-20 (V12)


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Ballot Number 130 (148): 12-16 22-17; 16-19 POWER: [50/50] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 13 Trunk: 12-16 22-17; 16-19 24-15[R](14); 11-18[R](13) 23-14; 9-18 2623[R](10); 6-9 23-14; 9-18 30-26[R](7); 1-6 [8-11 26-23; 1-6 23-14; 6-9 31-26 9-18 same] 26-23[R](6); 6-9 23-14; 9-18 31-26[R](5); 8-11 [The best move for 3 reasons: it gains a tempo in getting to square 15 if the 17-14 exchange is taken next; it allows the option of the 10-14 exchange against 26-23 if required; it prepares for the possibility of the 10-15 line-up. By contrast, 2-6 allows White to gain a slight advantage with 17-13. After a serious of further, minor inaccuracies, this eventually led to Black’s downfall: F. Moran v R. Pask 1987] 26-23[R](4); 2-6[R](3) 23-14; 6-9 28-24 [1713; 9-18 27-23; 18-27 32-23 is another reasonable continuation]; 9-18 Forms Position, Diagram 176: WTP

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 176

Continue: . . . 17-14 [#1!] [R](2); 10-17 21-14; 11-15[R](1) 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 27-23 [Continue: 10-14 32-28; 5-9 24-20; 9-13 28-24; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11. Drawn: R. Pask v F. Buckby 1983]. Drawn. W. Ryan v W. Hellman 1949. #2072.

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V1(T): 7-10 14-7; 3-10 24-19; 10-14 [11-15 19-16; 5-9 16-11; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 25-18; 10-15. Drawn: W. Edwards v P. McCarthy 1993] 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 4-8! [5-9? loses to 32-28!] 27-24; 14-18 22-15; 11-18 19-16; 8-12 32-28; 12-19 24-15. Drawn. N. Banks v A. Jordan 1914. #2073. V2(T): . . . 25-22 [The 27-23 exchange is also well met with 4-8]; 18-25 29-22; 4-8 27-23; 8-12 17-13; 11-16 22-18; 16-20 23-19; 20-27 32-23; 10-14 18-9; 5-14. Drawn. D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1987. #2074. V3(T): . . . 10-14 17-10; 7-14 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 3-7 28-24; 7-10 22-17; 4-8 [11-15 23-19; 5-9 17-13; 15-18 13-6; 2-9 27-23; 18-27 32-23; 4-8 19-16; 10-15 16-12; 15-18 12-3; 18-27. Drawn: W. Ryan v A. Cameron 1951] 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-15 18-14; 15-19 24-15; 11-18 14-9; 5-14 17-10; 18-22 21-17; 22-26 17-13; 26-30 10-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. W. Hellman v B. Case 1963. #2075. V4(T): . . . 17-14 [#2!]; 10-17 21-14; 11-15 28-24 [25-22; 18-25 29-22; is easily met with 4-8 27-23; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 32-23 to a draw]; 4-8 26-23 [25-21; 8-11 24-20; 3-8 21-17; 15-19 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 8-12 17-13; 12-19 26-22; 19-23 22-17; 23-26 29-25; 26-30 25-21; 11-16 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. R. Pask v F. Moran 1987]; 2-6 23-19; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 19-16; 8-12 16-11; 18-23 27-18; 15-22 11-7; 10-14 7-2; 14-18 24-19; 22-26. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2076. V5(T): . . . 17-14 [#3!]; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 28-24 [31-26 is into Variation 4, while 25-22; 18-25 29-22 is easily met with 11-15 27-23; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 32-23 to a draw]; 11-15 32-28 [31-26 is into Variation 4]; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 2-6 31-26; 6-10 26-22; 11-15 19-16; 15-19 22-18; 19-26 18-9. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2077. V6(T): . . . 17-14 [#4!]; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 28-24; 11-15 32-28; 6-10 25-21; 10-17 21-14; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 2-6 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-12 27-23; 7-11 22-18; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 31-26; 10-14 18-9; 5-14


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26-22; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 15-10; 19-23 10-6; 23-26 6-2; 26-30 2-6; 30-25 6-10; 25-18 10-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2078. V7(T): . . . 17-14 [#5!] [31-26; 8-11 26-23; 1-6 23-14; 6-9 30-26; 918 into Trunk]; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 28-24; 11-15 32-28(8); 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-21; 1-6 30-26; 6-10 19-15; 10-19 27-23; 18-27 31-8; 3-12 21-17; 12-16 26-22; 16-19 17-13; 19-23 29-25; 23-26 25-21; 26-30 22-17; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 13-9; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. E. Markusic v P. Davis 1976. #2079. V8(7): . . . 30-26; 4-8 26-23(9); 8-11 31-26; 11-16 25-21; 3-8 24-20 [14-10; 7-14 26-22; 18-25 29-22; 8-11 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 16-20 14-9; 5-14 17-10 also draws]; 8-11 29-25; 1-6 26-22; 6-9 32-28; 2-6 28-24; 6-10 24-19; 15-31 22-8; 9-27 20-2. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #2080. V9(8): . . . 25-21; 8-11 24-20; 1-6 29-25; 6-9 26-22; 9-13 31-26; 3-8 27-24; 2-6 32-28!; 6-9 24-19; 15-24; 28-19; 18-23 19-16; 23-30 16-12; 9-18 12-3; 18-23 3-10; 23-27 22-18; 13-17 21-14; 30-21 10-7; 21-17 7-16; 17-10 16-19. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #2081. V10(T): . . . 17-14 [#6!] [Although the run-off is generally viewed as ‘best,’ the disadvantage is that it obtains a draw: no more and no less. By contrast, while the text move allows Black to build up a good centre, it is hardly an overpowering one, and gives rise to more winning opportunities. In short, the definitive variations in this ballot are the Trunk, Variation 12 and Variation 13. Also, 28-24; 8-11 17-14; 10-17 21-14 same. In addition, White has rarelyseen options with the following: 1) 17-13; 5-9 2) 27-24?!; 10-15 3) 26-22?!; 5-9 22-15; 10-19 4) 25-22?!; 18-25 29-22; 5-9 5) 27-23?!; 18-27 32-23; 8-11. Needless to say, all of these favour Black to a greater or lesser degree]; 10-17 21-14; 8-11 28-24; 11-15 26-23; 4-8 23-19(12); 8-11 19-10; 6-15 30-26; 1-6 32-28 [26-22? may lose after 3-8 32-28; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 22-17; 8-11 27-24; 6-10 31-26 [25-21 puts up more of a fight]; 11-16! 20-11; 7-16 14-7; 2-11. Black win: M. Tinsley v H. Burton 1978]; 18-22 25-18(11); 15-22 26-17; 6-9 29-25; 9-18 31-26; 11-15 17-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-11 25-21; 5-9 21-17;

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9-13 17-14; 18-22 26-17; 13-22 14-10; 22-26 27-23; 26-31 23-19; 3-8 10-7; 31-27 19-10; 27-20 7-3; 8-12. Drawn. H. Christie v L. Ginsberg 1927. #2082. V11(10): . . . 26-17; 6-9 25-22; 9-25 29-22; 11-16 27-23; 16-20 1713; 20-27 31-24; 7-10 22-17; 2-7 23-19; 15-18 19-15; 10-19 24-15; 18-23 17-14; 7-11 15-8; 3-12. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #2083. V12(10): . . . 30-26!; 8-11 32-28!; 6-10 23-19 [25-21; 10-17 21-14; 1-6 29-25; 6-10 23-19 leads to a similar draw]; 10-17 19-10; 7-14 26-22; 17-26 31-8; 3-12 25-22 [Database draw] Forms Position, Diagram 177: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 177

Continue: 5-9 [12-16 is also easy] 29-25; 9-13 25-21; 2-6 27-23; 1-5 22-18; 6-9 24-20; 13-17 18-15; 17-22 23-19; 22-26 15-10; 26-31 20-16. Drawn. H. Devlin v K. Albrecht 1995. #2084. V13(T): 10-19 [Although 11-18 is the theoretically-best move, since it establishes a well-supported man on square 18 and equalizes the position, the disadvantage is that it permits a run-off draw if White so wishes. By contrast, the text move, while theoretically inferior, gives both sides more sides more room for manoeuvre, and is likely to be favoured by the more adventurous player. Another point in its favour is that it is forced from two other ballots anyway] 23-16; 11-20 25-22 INTO 12-16 21-17;


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16-19 (T) V14(T): . . . 23-16; 11-20 17-13; 9-14 25-22 INTO 12-16 21-17; 9-14 (V13)

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Ballot Number 131 (149): 12-16 22-17; 16-20 POWER: [51/49] TYPE: 2-MOVE GAMES: 12 Trunk: 12-16 22-17; 16-20 17-14[R](11) [Without doubt, this is the theoretically-best move. Its advantage is that, unless Black carries out the repeated run-off, White consolidates his position with the 24-19 exchange, establishing the man on square 14, and obtains an edge; to a greater or lesser degree. Its disadvantage is that, against this run-off, the best White can obtain is a draw]; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-9[R] [With the man standing firm on square 11, this run-off is perfectly okay] (9) 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 1-6 [11-15 gets 24-19; 15-24 28-19] 30-26 [24-19; 6-9 30-26; 9-18 2623; 2-6 23-14 same]; 6-9 [11-15 24-19; 15-24 28-19] 26-23 [24-19 into earlier note]; 9-18 23-14; 2-6 [11-15 is yet again comfortably met with 24-19; 15-24 28-19] 24-19[R](7) 6-9 31-26[R](5); 9-18 19-15[R](4); 8-12[R](2) 15-8; 4-11 27-24![R](1); 20-27 32-14 [Database draw] Forms Position, Diagram 178: BTP

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ Diagram 178

Continue: 12-16 25-21 [25-22; 11-15 29-25; 16-20 25-21; 7-11 14-10; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 22-17; 24-27 10-6; 27-31 26-22; 11-15 17-14. Drawn: S. Gonotsky v G. O’Connor 1927] 16-19 29-25;


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11-16 [11-15 25-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10. Drawn: D. Lafferty v M. Tinsley 1975] 26-22; 16-20 22-17; 20-24 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 24-27 10-6; 27-31 6-2; 31-27 21-17; 27-23 17-14; 23-18 14-10; 18-15 10-6; 19-23. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v L. Ginsberg 1924. #2085. V1(T): . . . 26-23? [This losing move has been played on numerous occasions; care being needed to bring off the win]; 11-15! 23-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 [Database Black win] 25-21 [25-22 runs similarly, while 27-23 loses to 15-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22 [32-27 loses to 5-9, while 25-21 loses to 19-23]; 19-23 29-25 [22-17; 23-26 32-27; 26-30 27-23; 10-15! to a black win]; 23-26 25-21; 26-30 21-17; 10-15! to a black win]; 10-14 29-25; 5-9 27-23 [25-22; 9-13 27-23; 12-16 same]; 12-16 25-22; 9-13 32-27; 13-17! 22-13; 15-19 13-9; 19-26 9-6; 14-18 28-24; 26-30 6-2; 30-26 2-7; 26-22. Black Win. Analysis by G. Bass. #2086. V2(T): 11-16(3) 26-23; 8-11! [Although 7-11 23-14; 11-18 14-10 draws, it gives White some slight endgame chances] 15-8; 4-11 23-14; 11-15 25-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-17; 5-9 17-13; 16-19 136; 19-24 28-19; 15-31. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2087. V3(2): 18-23 [Flashy in appearance, but offers little] 27-18! [2619; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14 draws, but gives Black some winning chances]; 11-16 25-21; 8-12 15-11; 7-10 26-22; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 3-8 17-10; 8-15 10-7; 15-19 7-2; 19-24 28-19; 16-23. Drawn. D. Oldbury v M. Tinsley 1958. #2088. V4(T): . . . 27-24 [Of course, 26-23? is a horrible blunder after 11-15! in reply]; 20-27 32-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 [Database draw] 2522; 8-12 26-23 [22-17? loses quickly after 5-9! 29-25; 9-13 25-22; 11-16 26-23; 4-8. Black win]; 11-16 29-25; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 25-22; 5-9 22-17; 11-15 18-11; 9-13 11-7; 13-22 23-18; 16-23 7-2; 23-27 2-6; 10-15 18-11; 12-16 6-10; 16-19 10-15; 19-23 11-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2089. V5(T): . . . 25-21(6); 9-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 29-25 [21-17?; 8-12 31-26; 5-9! transposes into the loss shown under Variation 4]; 8-12 31-26? [31-27!; 11-16 27-23; 5-9 25-22; 4-8 22-18; 8-11 21-17 into Variation 4]; 5-9 25-22; 9-14 26-23; 11-15

Richard Pask


22-17; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 17-13; 8-11 13-9; 11-15 9-6; 15-24 6-2; 10-15 23-19; 15-18 2-6; 24-27 6-10; 27-31 10-17; 18-22 17-26; 31-22 19-15; 22-18 15-10; 12-16 10-6; 18-14. Black Win. L. Ginsberg v A. Long 1922. #2090. V6(5): . . . 19-16!?; 9-18 16-12 [Hardly choice-looking, but remarkably it offers White winning chances; a testament to those creative geniuses: August Heffner and Elbert Lowder]; 11-15 2724; 20-27 32-14; 15-19 25-22; 8-11 22-17 [22-18; 4-8 29-25; 11-16 18-15; 16-20 15-10; 19-23 10-6; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 6-2; 8-11 same]; 4-8 [Black recognizes the distant danger of White holding his backward men and takes evasive action. Instead, 11-16 17-13; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 31-27; 16-20? [Inferior] 29-25; 10-14 13-9; 14-17 9-6; 17-22 25-18; 19-23 18-15; 23-32 15-11 led to a very delicate ending for Black: R. Hallett v E. Lowder 1983] 17-13; 11-16 13-9; 16-20 9-6; 19-23 6-2; 8-11 29-25; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 28-24; 27-31 24-19; 31-26 19-15; 11-18 2-11. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #2091. V7(T): . . . 25-22 [At least as good as 24-19. Instead, 31-26? loses rapidly after 11-15! 26-23; 7-10 14-7; 3-10]; 6-10 22-17; 11-15 29-25(8); 15-18 27-23 [25-21 is best met with 18-22 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 22-25 13-9; 25-29 9-6; 29-25 6-2; 25-22 2-11 8-15 14-10; 15-18 to an involved draw favouring Black: M. Borghetti v L. Kondlo 2015]; 18-27 32-23; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 24-20; 10-15 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-10; 5-9 14-5; 7-21 5-1; 21-25 1-6; 25-30 22-18; 8-11 6-10; 30-26 18-14; 26-23 14-9; 23-19 9-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-18 2-7; 19-15 10-19; 3-10 20-16; 18-22 19-23; 10-14 16-11; 14-17. Drawn. G. O’Connor v S. Gonotsky 1927. #2092. V8(7): . . . 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 19-16; 4-8 29-25 [Seeking a clear-cut finish; 16-12 will also draw]; 20-24 [Going along with White; 11-15 16-12 is more involved] 27-20; 8-12 25-21; 12-19 17-13; 10-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 32-27; 10-15 27-23; 19-26 31-22. Drawn. R. Pask v J. Anderson 1990. #2093. V9(T): 11-15(10) 24-19 [Of course!]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 22-13; 4-8 [7-10 25-22; 11-15? 19-16; 2-7 26-23; 5-9 to


Complete Checkers

a white win: R. King v M. Tinsley 1986] 25-22; 8-12 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V11) V10(9): 8-12 INTO Key Landing Number 23 V11(T): . . . 24-19(12) [Against any move other than 17-14; Black can, by timing his moves correctly, obtain some form of advantage. That said, if White is seeking to win, then the options covered in Variations 11, 12, 13 and 16 offer him the best chance]; 9-14 25-22; 11-15 17-13 [29-25; 15-24 28-19 into Variation 12]; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 [If Black is serious about trying to win, then M. Tinsley’s 7-11! is the move] 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-12 [Instead, 11-15 19-16; and now both 8-11 25-22 [8-12 25-22; 12-19 23-16 back into the Pioneer], which may transpose into 12-16 21-17; 16-20 and 15-18 16-12; 8-11 26-22; 11-16 are somewhat stronger than the text, which is simply a matter of convenience] INTO 9-14 22-17 11-15 (T) V12(11): . . . 25-22(13); 11-15 29-25 [17-13 into Variation 13 or 2318; 8-11 17-13 into Variation 15]; 9-14 24-19 [Against 17-13; 7-11! is again the move]; 15-24 28-19; 7-11! 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 23-16; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 2-7 21-17; 4-8 16-12; 5-9 25-22; 7-10 30-25 [26-23; 9-14 17-13; 1-6 31-27; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 30-23; 8-11 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 6-10 32-28 also draws]; 8-11 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 1-10 26-23; 11-16 25-21; 15-19 31-26; 20-24 22-17; 24-27 26-22; 19-26 32-23; 26-31 22-18; 31-27 18-9; 27-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1975. #2094. V13(12): . . . 17-13(16); 11-15 25-22 [24-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-11 25-22 same]; 8-11 24-19(15); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 19-16; 4-8 29-25; 8-12 22-17; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 16-12! (14); 10-15 25-22; 7-10 27-23; 19-24 23-18; 15-19 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-7 32-27 [32-28 also draws after 19-23 28-19 [26-19 may also draw]; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 12-8! [Best: 19-15 draws, but both 22-17? and 30-25? lose by the 3-8 shot]; 3-12 22-17; 27-31 26-22; 31-27 19-15! [30-26? loses]; 7-10 14-7; 27-23 17-14; 6-10 13-6!; 10-26 6-2; 23-14 30-23. Drawn: Analysis by D. Oldbury] 19-23 26-19; 3-8 [6-10 led to an easier draw: M. Tinsley v R. King 1986] 12-3; 24-28 3-10; 6-24 13-6; 1-26 30-23 [Database draw]; 28-32 18-14; 32-28 Forms Position,

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Diagram 179: WTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✇❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 179

Continue: . . . 14-10! [23-19? loses to 28-32 27-23; 32-27 23-18; 27-23 19-15; 24-27! 31-24; 20-27 15-11; 23-19 11-7; 19-23 7-3; 27-31 3-7; 31-26 7-11; 23-19 11-7; and 26-22. Black win: Analysis by Don Lafferty]; 28-32 10-7; 5-9 7-3; 9-13 3-8; 13-17 8-12; 3228 23-19; 17-22 12-16; 22-25 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #2095. V14(13): . . . 25-22?!; 10-15 [9-14! is almost an outright winner here; White’s replies in 16-12; 32-28; 26-23; 22-18 and 27-23 all having been shown to lose. However, 30-25! secures a narrow draw, although the line is hardly recommended. The win against 27-23; if sound, is perhaps the most impressive. Continue: 19-24 23-19; 5-9 30-25; 14-18! 22-15; 9-14 32-27; 24-28! 27-23; 14-18! 23-14; 28-32 26-23; 32-27 31-24; 20-27 and a position of which Julius D’Orio would be proud! Analysis by H. T. Smith and F. W. Slade continues with 16-12; 27-31 15-11; 7-16 14-7; 2-11 to a black win, but holding onto the extra 2 pieces with 25-22; 27-31 23-18; 31-27 is even more entertaining. Since the position may also arise in the following way, it is one to look out for: 9-14 22-17; 11-15 25-22; 8-11 17-13; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 22-17! [I have already noted that 22-18? is a highly popular loss]; 16-20 [11-15 is my preference] 25-22?! [Inferior to 19-16]; 11-15 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 15-19 same] 27-23 [16-12 into Variation 13];


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19-24 23-18; 7-11! [15-19 16-11!; 7-16 32-28; 19-23! 26-12; 24-27 31-24 20-27 leaves Black with a powerful back-row, but a man’s a man nonetheless!: played to a draw by C. Young v W. Ryan 1933] 16-7; 2-11 30-25; 3-7 Forms Position, Diagram 180: WTP

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 180

Continue: . . . 32-27! [26-23?; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 18-14 9-18 23-14; 5-9!! [Breathtaking!] 14-5 27-31 13-9; 6-13 17-14; 31-26 14-9; 26-17 21-14; 11-16 25-22; 16-19 32-27; 13-17 22-13; 15-18. Black win: E. Fuller v E. Scheidt 1979]; 24-28 26-23; 28-32 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 32-23 14-9; 5-14 17-3; 11-16 3-7; 15-18 22-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19 25-22; 19-24 7-10; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 22-17. Drawn. E. Fuller v J. Dougherty 1928. (Also: T. Watson v T. Landry 1989) #2096. V15(13): . . . 23-18; 4-8 26-23; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19 INTO 11-15 24-19; 15-24 (T) V16(13): . . . 23-18 [26-22?! is strongly met with 11-15!, while the bizarre 23-19? may actually loses to 9-13! and the 6-9 run-off]; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 17-13; 4-8 25-22; 8-12 29-25; 9-14 22-17; 7-11 26-23 INTO 11-16 22-17; 16-20 (V7)

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Ballot Number 132 (150): 12-16 22-18; 16-19 POWER: [38/62] TYPE: 3-MOVE GAMES: 33 Trunk: 12-16 22-18; 16-19 24-15[R](48); 10-19 23-16; 11-20 25-22[R](30); 6-10[R](21) 22-17[R](16); 8-11 29-25[R](13); 1-6! [4-8? amounts to a loss after 17-14; 10-17 21-14: J. Coll v L. Levitt 1973] Forms Key Landing Number 18, Diagram 181: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 181

Continue: . . . 17-13[R](12); 10-15 25-22; 7-10 26-23[R](9); 37[R](8) 28-24[R](4); 4-8 24-19[R](1); 15-24 32-28; 9-14 28-19; 1417 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 6-10! [8-12? 30-25! and now 7-10 loses to 18-15! while 11-16 loses to 22-17!] 22-17 [Against 30-25; the 10-14 exchange draws easily]; 8-12 30-25; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 25-21; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 14-18 23-14; 16-32. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985. #2097. V1(T): . . . 23-19(3); 8-12 27-23[R](2); 20-27 31-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-28; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 9-13 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 10-14 18-9; 7-10 22-18 [9-6; 11-15 6-2; 15-24 22-18; 12-16 20-11; 10-15 18-14. Drawn: A. Long v E. Hunt 1936]; 12-16 19-12; 10-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Long 1981. #2098.


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V2(1): . . . 31-26 [30-25?! is inferior, and led to a black win, although it is no doubt drawable: A. Long v R. Vigman 1989]; 11-16 18-11; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 7-16 22-17; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-23 14-9. Drawn. N. Banks v A. Long 1934. #2099. V3(1): . . . 30-26 Into Variation 7 V4(T): . . . 23-19(5); 15-24 28-19; 11-15 18-11; 7-23 27-18; 10-14 31-27 [31-26 is no stronger]; 14-23 27-18; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 22-17; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 17-13; 10-15 13-9; 20-24 9-6; 15-18 6-2; 24-27 32-23; 18-27. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1981. #2100. V5(4): . . . 30-26; 4-8 23-19(7); 15-24 28-19; 8-12 26-23; 11-15(6) 18-11; 7-16 31-26; 10-14 22-18; 2-7 32-28; 6-10 13-6; 7-11 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 11-15 27-24; 20-27 6-1; 15-24 28-19; 27-32 22-17; 16-20 17-13; 20-24 13-9; 10-15 19-10; 32-27 23-19; 27-23 19-15; 23-18 15-11; 18-15. Drawn. A. Long v M. Tinsley 1981. #2101. V6(5): 9-14! [This may well prove to be easier for Black] 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 11-16 18-14; 6-10 15-6 2-18 23-14; 17-22 13-9; 16-19 9-6 [Or 32-28 immediately]; 7-11 32-28; 22-26! 31-22; 11-16. Drawn. H. Burton v M. Tinsley 1978. (Also: A. Bernstein v M. Tinsley 1946!) #2102. V7(5): . . . 28-24; 8-12 32-28; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 [Or the natural 11-15 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 7-11 19-15; 11-18 23-19; 18-22 19-15; 10-19 17-1. Drawn: E. Markusic v T. Landry 1983. At his best, Tom Landry was capable of the most superb crossboard play] 21-14; 10-17 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 17-21 16-12; 2125 12-8; 25-30 8-3; 30-32 3-1. Drawn. M. Tinsley v A. Cameron 1954. #2103. V8(T): 4-8 Into Variation 44 V9(T): . . . 27-23; 4-8 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 8-12 22-17(11); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-28(10); 3-8 31-27; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 19-15; 10-19 17-10; 11-16 27-23; 20-24 26-22; 19-26 30-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19. Drawn. W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1949. #2104. V10(9): . . . 31-27; 11-15 27-23; 15-24 26-22; 12-16 22-18; 24-27

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18-9; 10-15 9-5; 15-18 23-14; 20-24 32-23; 6-9 13-6 2-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2105. V11(9): . . . 32-28; 10-14 26-23; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 30-26; 20-24 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 14-30 28-19; 30-25 22-18; 10-14 18-15; 3-10 15-6; 14-17 21-14; 9-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2106. V12(T): . . . 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 3-8! [The equalizer. Of course, the ‘natural’ 4-8 is awful, as mentioned under the Trunk] 26-23 11-15; 18-11; 8-15 31-26 [30-26 is also sound, and is not merely an irrelevant change of move order]; 9-18 23-14; 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 2-6 30-26; 4-8 26-22; 6-9 22-17; 9-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 15-19 25-21; 7-11 14-9; 5-14 17-10. Drawn. R. Stewart v R. Jordan 1893. #2107. V13(T): . . . 17-13; 1-6 26-23 [29-25 into Trunk]; 10-15 30-25(15); 15-22 25-18; 7-10 29-25; 3-7 25-22; 4-8 23-19(14); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 8-12 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 11-16 19-15; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 28-24; 20-27 32-14. Drawn. A. Long v W. Edwards 1989. #2108. V14(13): . . . 28-24; 8-12 24-19 Into Variation 5! V15(13): . . . 30-26; 15-22 26-17; 4-8 [11-15 is logical and worthy of consideration] 29-25 [23-19 is an option available to White on several occasions in this variation]; 7-10 25-22; 8-12 28-24; 3-7 24-19; 9-14 22-18; 11-15 18-11; 7-16 19-15; 10-26 17-1; 26-30 1-6; 2-9 13-6; 30-25 6-2; 25-22 32-28; 5-9 2-7; 22-18 7-11; 18-22 11-7; 22-18 [Perpetual]. Drawn. A. Long v E. Lowder 1990. #2109. V16(T): . . . 29-25; 1-6 26-23(18); 8-11 28-24 [23-19 is easily met with 11-15 18-11; 7-23 27-18; 4-8 30-26; 10-14]; 10-15 32-28(17); 7-10 24-19 [30-26 allows Black to consolidate after 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 4-8 25-22; 8-12 17-13; 11-16 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 22-15; 10-14 26-22 to a draw]; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 4-8 18-9; 6-13 23-18; 3-7 31-26; 8-12 26-23; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 18-15; 11-18 23-14; 7-11 14-9; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 15-11 [Nothing better]; 17-22 25-18; 19-23 9-5; 23-32 5-1. Drawn. Analysis by M. Tinsley. #2110. V17(16): . . . 21-17; 7-10 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 3-10 30-26; 5-9 26-23;


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9-14 25-21; 4-8 32-28; 8-12 17-13; 2-7 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 14-17 21-14; 10-26 31-22; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 22-17; 7-10 15-11; 10-15 11-8; 15-18 17-14. Drawn. E. Frazier v D. Oldbury 1964. #2111. V18(16): . . . 27-23 [28-24 could be met with 7-11] 8-11 32-27; 1015! [Credit Asa Long for this excellent, thematic move] 18-14(20); 9-18 23-14; 6-9 26-23; 9-18 23-14; 7-10 14-7 3-10 22-17; 5-9 1713(19); 2-6 25-22; 4-8 [9-14 is well met with the 27-24 exchange, rather than 27-23; 4-8 same] Forms Position, Diagram 182: WTP

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 182

Continue: . . . 27-23! [30-26?; 9-14! transposes into the loss given under the 2nd note of the Trunk CR]; 9-14 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 30-26; 11-15 19-16; 8-12 16-11; 24-27 31-24; 15-18 22-15; 10-28 11-7; 6-10 7-2; 10-15 26-23; 12-16 2-6; 15-18 6-10; 18-27 10-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2112. V19(18): . . . 30-26; 9-14 17-13; 2-6 27-23! [Not 25-22? which loses to 4-8!: the CR loss given under the 2nd note of the Trunk once more]; 11-16 25-22; 4-8 Into Trunk CR! V20(18): . . . 21-17; 4-8 17-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 8-12 16-7; 2-11 25-21; 6-9 26-23; 11-16 30-26; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 19-24 22-18; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 26-22!;

Richard Pask


27-31 22-17; 31-26 18-15; 10-19 23-16; 14-18 17-14; 9-13. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2113. V21(T): 8-11(24) 22-17; 9-14 [6-10 into Trunk] 18-9; 6-22 [Surely best, although 5-14 17-10; 7-14 will draw] 26-17; 5-9 [11-15 29-25; 5-9 same] 29-25; 11-15 25-22; 4-8 30-26; 7-10 [8-11 17-13; 9-14 26-23; 7-10 same] 17-13; 9-14! (22) 26-23; 8-11 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 2-6 27-23; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 13-9; 3-8 22-17; 15-18 17-10; 18-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. E. Hunt v A. Long 1936. (Also: D. Oldbury v R. Pask 1990) #2114. V22(21): 2-6? 26-23; 8-11(23) 23-18; 3-8 27-23; 8-12 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 11-16 18-11; 16-19 23-16; 12-28 11-7; 10-15 7-2; 15-19 2218; 19-23 2-7; 23-26 7-11; 6-10 [26-30 11-15; 1-5 21-17; 6-10 15-6; 30-25 17-14; 25-22 14-10; 22-15 6-1; 15-6 1-10. White win: W. Gardner v R. Stewart 1903] 13-6; 10-15 18-14; 1-17 11-18. White Win. L. Ginsberg v E. Hunt 1929. #2115. V23(22): 8-12 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 3-8 22-18; 20-24 27-20; 8-11 2016; 11-20 31-27; 10-14 18-15; 1-5 15-11; 14-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 9-18 19-15. White Win. K. Grover v A. Long 1939. #2116. V24(21): 7-10 29-25 [22-17 of Variation 25 serves all 3 related ballots, but this is too good to ditch] (25); 8-12 26-23; 4-8 31-26; 10-14 18-15 [May arise from several other ballots, including 11-16 22-18; 8-11: S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber 1928] 6-10! [14-18? 23-14; 9-18 21-17! etc . . . might have won this great match for Lieber] 15-6; 1-10 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 9-13 [The natural 9-14 may also draw] 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 22-18; 6-10 14-7; 3-10 26-23; 8-11 23-19; 20-24 19-16; 11-20 28-19; 20-24 18-15; 10-14 15-10; 14-18 10-6; 5-9 6-2; 9-14 2-7; 24-27 32-23; 18-27 7-11; 27-32 19-15; 14-18 25-22; 18-25 30-21. Drawn. N. Rubin v E. Hunt 1934. #2117. V25(24): . . . 22-17; 9-14(27) 18-9; 5-14(26) 29-25; 8-11 26-23; 1115 25-22; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 17-10; 6-15 30-23; 4-8 23-19; 15-24 28-19 [Database draw]; 8-11 27-23; 11-15 19-10; 2-6 21-17; 6-15 17-14; 3-7 14-9; 7-11 [7-10 9-6; 10-14 6-2; 15-18 to a draw: R. Vigman v A. Long 1989] 32-28; 11-16 9-5; 15-19 31-26; 1-6 5-1; 6-9 1-6; 9-14 6-10; 14-17 10-14; 17-21! [Not 17-22? 26-17; 19-26


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14-18; 26-30 17-14. White win]. Drawn. R. King v M. Tinsley 1986. #2118. V26(25): 6-22 26-17; 5-9 17-14 [Does White have anything better?: he could seek to transpose into Variation 21]; 9-18 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 3-10 [The position is very open after this; the continuation being somewhat arbitrary] 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 2-6 21-17; 6-9 17-13; 10-14 13-6; 1-10 31-26; 10-15 26-23; 11-16 28-24; 4-8 24-20; 8-11 30-25; 15-19 22-18; 19-26 18-9; 16-19 9-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2119. V27(25): 3-7 17-13; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25 8-12? (28) 25-22; 4-8 22-17; 8-11 26-23; 11-15 30-25; 7-11 25-22; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 28-24! [Improving 27-24? to a draw: W. Hellman v E. Frazier 1967]; 9-13 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-27 31-24; 12-16 18-14; 16-19 14-7; 19-28 7-3; 11-16 17-14; 15-19 3-8; 19-23 8-12; 16-20 14-10; 23-26 12-16; 26-30 10-7; 30-25 22-18; 25-22 18-15; 22-26 16-19; 1-5 7-2; 5-9 2-6; 9-14 6-9; 14-18 19-24; 20-27 32-14. White Win. Analysis by W. Hellman. (Also D. John v M. Bryant (P) 1994) #2120. V28(27): 8-11! [Against 7-11?!, White attacks with 26-23! [Improving 25-22; 11-15 22-17; 8-11 26-23; 15-18 [4-8 30-25; 15-18 same] 30-25 4-8 [Against 11-15, the 23-19 exchange draws] 23-19; 11-15 [10-15 also draws] 19-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 31-26; 11-16 26-23; 15-19 28-24!; 19-26 24-19; 16-23 25-22; 18-25 27-2; 10-15. Drawn: E. Fuller v M. Tinsley 1982]; 11-15 23-19!; 15-24 28-19 securing a commanding position. Instead of 7-11?!, 10-15?! 26-23; 7-10 comes to the same thing: Asa Long narrowly failing to defeat Elbert Lowder in 1990] 25-22; 11-15 22-17; 4-8 26-23; 7-11 (29) 28-24; 8-12 30-25; 15-18 24-19; 11-16 32-28; 2-7 19-15; 10-26 17-3; 26-30 3-7; 30-26! 31-15; 6-9 13-6; 1-19. Drawn. Analysis by W. Hellman. #2121. V29(28): 15-18 23-19 [M. Tinsley’s 28-24 may be stronger, but it doesn’t win]; 7-11 19-15 [Simplifying matters and best]; 10-19 17-10; 6-15 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 2-11 21-17 [Routine from here out]; 11-16 17-14; 18-23 13-9; 16-20 14-10; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 9-6; 15-19 6-2. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2122. V30(T): . . . 21-17(46); 6-10 17-13 [25-21 into Trunk]; 1-6 25-22!

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[25-21; 8-11 into Variation 13 or 26-23; 8-11 28-24 [25-22 same]; 10-15 25-22 same]; 8-11 26-23(37); 10-15 28-24(34); 7-10 29-25(33); 4-8! [3-7? 23-19!; 4-8 18-14!; 9-18 19-16; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 22-8; 12-19 8-3 to a brilliant white win: A. Long v M. Loew 1960] 25-21(32); 8-12 23-19(31); 3-7 Into Variation 1 V31(30): . . . 24-19; 15-24 32-28; 9-14 28-19; 11-16 18-9; 5-14 2218; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 18-15; 9-13 15-6; 14-18 23-14; 16-32. Drawn. E. Frazier v W. Hellman 1967. #2123. V32(30): . . . 24-19; 15-24 32-28; 8-12 28-19; 11-16 25-21; 9-14 Into Variation 31 V33(30): . . . 30-25; 4-8 32-28; 8-12 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 25-21; 17-22 18-15; 11-18 23-7; 2-11 27-23; 6-10 23-18; 11-16 18-15; 16-23 15-6; 23-27 31-24; 20-27. Drawn. R. Hallett v D. Oldbury 1991. #2124. V34(30): . . . 29-25 7-10; 28-24(35) Into Variation 30 V35(34): . . . 25-21(36) Into Trunk V36(35): . . . 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 Into Variation 37 V37(30): . . . 29-25; 4-8 26-23; 10-15 23-19(43); 15-24 28-19; 7-10 19-16(39); 10-14 16-7; 14-23 27-18; 3-10 30-26(38); 8-11 26-23; 10-14 32-27; 11-16 18-15; 14-17 22-18; 17-22 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 15-11; 6-10 11-8; 10-15 27-24; 20-27 31-24. Drawn. W. Ryan v C. Binsack 1950. #2125. V38(37): . . . 31-27; 8-11 25-21; 10-14! [20-24? 27-20; 10-14 loses to 21-17!: C. Binsack v T. Wiswell 1951] 22-17; 14-23 27-18; 20-24 30-26; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 24-27 32-23; 11-15 18-11; 9-27. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2126. V39(37): . . . 30-26(41); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-21 [19-16 is easily met with 2-7]; 3-7 22-17(40); 8-12 26-22; 11-15 27-23; 15-24 22-18; 24-27 18-9; 10-15 31-24; 20-27 23-18 [9-5 gets 15-18: a standard wind-up]; 15-22 32-23; 7-11 23-18; 22-26 9-5; 6-10. Drawn. B. Case v R. Gould 1954. #2127. V40(39): . . . 27-23; 11-15 19-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 20-24! [11-15? loses to 32-27!] 32-28; 11-15 28-19; 15-24


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31-26; 8-11 26-22; 11-15 22-18; 15-22 23-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 24-27 19-15. Drawn. R. Pask v R. King 1997. #2128. V41(39): . . . 25-21 [The 18-15 exchange offers White nothing after 9-14]; 8-12 22-17(42); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 32-28; 3-8 30-26; 11-16 19-15; 10-19 17-1; 19-24 28-19; 16-32. Drawn. H. Burton v W. Edwards 1973. #2129. V42(41): . . . 30-26; 3-7 Into Variation 5 V43(37): . . . 28-24(44); 7-10 Into Variation 30 V44(43): . . . 25-21; 7-10 28-24[R](45); 8-12 23-19; 3-7 Into Variation 1 V45(44): . . . 23-19; 15-24 28-19 Into Variation 41 V46(30): . . . 28-24(47); 8-11 26-23; 6-10 25-22; 10-15 21-17; 7-10 17-13; 1-6 Into Variation 30 V47(46): . . . 26-23; 6-10 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 1-6 Into Variation 16 V48(T): . . . 23-16; 11-20 25-22(49); 8-11 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-19; 11-15 19-16; 4-8 22-17 INTO 9-14 22-17; 11-16 (V18) V49(48): . . . 24-19; 10-14 18-15 INTO 12-16 23-18; 16-20 (V1)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 133 (151): 12-16 22-18; 16-20 POWER: [47/53] TYPE: 2-Move GAMES: 0! Trunk: 12-16 22-18; 16-20 25-22(1); 8-12 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V25) V1(T): . . . 24-19[R](2) INTO 12-16 24-19; 16-20 (T) V2(1): . . . 18-14(3) INTO 12-16 22-17; 16-20 (T) V3(2): . . . 26-22 [Or the highly unusual 23-19!?; against which Black may reply with 11-15 18-11; 7-23 26-19; 2-7 25-22; 8-11 29-25; 4-8 19-15; 11-18 22-15; 10-19 24-15 obtaining a very comfortable game]; 8-12 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V38)


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Ballot Number 134 (152): 12-16 23-18; 16-19 POWER: [46/54] TYPE: 2-Move GAMES: 11 Trunk: 12-16 23-18; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 27-24[R](5); 7-10[R](4) 24-15; 10-19 18-15[R](2); 11-18 22-15; 9-14[R](1) 25-22; 5-9 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (T) V1(T): 8-11 [Unusual, but perfectly sound. Instead, 3-7 25-22; 812 32-27; 4-8 27-24 gives White the edge] 15-8; 4-11 32-27 [Failing to press immediately simply permits Black to consolidate]; 610 27-23; 3-7 23-16; 11-20 25-22; 7-11 22-18; 10-15 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25 is natural, and quickly resolves into a draw] 26-22; 1-6 [9-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26; 11-16 [15-19 31-27!; 2-6 29-25; 6-10 27-23; 11-16 22-17 same] 26-23; 2-6 [1-5 22-17 leads to a quick draw] 29-25; 6-10 [6-9 22-17 leads to a quick draw] 22-17; 15-19 31-26; 1-5 17-13; 10-15 25-22; 20-24 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 15-18 to a draw] 30-26; 6-10 [Again, 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23 is natural, and a sound option] 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 17-13; 19-23 26-19; 15-24. Drawn. J. Bradford v P.Ketchum 1926. #2130. V2(T): . . . 21-17(3); 11-15 18-11; 8-15 22-18 [32-27; 6-10 17-14; 9-18 26-23; 19-26 30-7; 3-10 27-23 is about even, while 25-21; 4-8 29-25?; is powerfully met with 9-13!]; 15-22 25-18; 9-14 17-10; 6-22 26-17; 4-8 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 11-15 32-27; 2-7 30-26; 7-10 17-14; 10-17 22-13; 5-9 13-6; 1-10 27-23 19-24 28-19; 15-24 23-18. Drawn. B. Case v E. Frazier 1948. #2131. V3(2): . . . 32-27; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 27-23; 3-7 INTO 10-15 23-18; 7-10 (V9) V4(T): 9-14 18-9; 5-14 24-15; 11-18 22-15 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-19 (V1) V5(T): . . . 18-15(12); 11-18 22-15; 7-11 26-22(10); 11-18 22-15; 9-14 25-22; 5-9 22-17; 14-18 17-13(8); 9-14 29-25; 8-12 30-26(7)

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Forms Position, Diagram 183: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✇❀❜❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 183

Continue: 12-16 26-22; 4-8 27-24; 16-20 22-17(6); 20-27 32-16; 8-11 17-10 [15-8; 3-19 17-10; 6-15 21-17; 18-23 17-14; 2-7 13-9; 7-11 14-10; 1-5 9-6; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 6-2; 11-16 2-6; 16-20 10-7; 24-27 31-24; 20-27; 25-22 and a draw] 11-20 31-26; 3-8 26-22; 18-23 22-17; 23-26 17-14; 26-31 14-9; 31-27 15-11; 8-15 10-7; 2-11 9-2. Drawn. A. Long v W. Hellman 1948. #2132. V6(5): . . . 31-26?; 20-27 32-16; 8-11 15-8; 3-19 22-15; 6-9!! [If this doesn’t move you, take up another game] 13-6; 1-10 15-6; 2-9 26-22; 9-13 22-18; 14-23 25-22; 23-26 22-18; 26-30 18-15; 30-26 15-10; 26-23 10-6; 19-24 28-19; 23-16. Black Win. Analysis by N. Banks. #2133. V7(5): . . . 31-26 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (T) V8(5): . . . 17-14; 9-13 29-25; 3-7 30-26(9); 1-5 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 8-11 15-8; 4-20 25-22; 13-17 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 21-17; 18-22 1714; 22-25 26-23; 25-30 23-19; 30-25 19-15; 25-22 28-24; 20-27 31-24; 22-18 15-10; 18-9 10-3. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2134. V9(8): . . . 31-26 INTO 9-14 22-18; 5-9 (V2) V10(5): . . . 27-24; 11-18 24-15; 9-14 26-22(11); 3-7 32-27 [28-24 is well met with the immediate 7-10]; 7-10 30-26; 10-19 22-15; 8-11


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15-8; 4-11 25-22; 6-10 27-24; 11-15 21-17; 14-21 22-18; 15-22 24-6; 1-10 [2-9 also draws] 26-17; 5-9 17-13; 10-15 13-6; 2-9 28-24; 9-14 24-20; 14-18 31-26; 21-25 29-22; 18-25 26-22. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2135. V11(10): . . . 28-24; 5-9 26-22! [24-19?!; 2-7! 26-22; 8-12 32-28; 18-23 22-17? [28-24; 7-11 15-8; 4-11 is still powerful for Black, but it’s superior to the text]; and now 14-18! may be a winner: improving 7-11 as played by W. Hellman v A. Long in their 1948 World Championship Match]; 9-13 24-20; 3-7 20-16; 13-17 [8-11 15-8; 4-20 22-15; 6-10 15-6; 1-10 is also sound for a draw] 22-13; 8-11 15-8; 4-20 30-26; 7-10 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 2-7 26-23 [22-17; 14-18 is easy]; 6-9 13-6; 14-18 22-15; 10-26 31-22; 1-10 22-18; 7-11 18-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2136. V12(5): . . . 21-17(16); 9-14(15) 17-10; 7-23 27-18; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 6-10 29-25(13); 4-8 18-15 [32-27 into Variation 13]; 5-9 15-6; 1-10 25-22; 9-14 31-27; 10-15 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 8-11 28-24; 3-7 23-18; 14-23 27-18; 7-10 32-28; 2-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 22-17; 11-15 18-11; 9-13. Drawn. R. Martin v M. Tinsley 1974. #2137. V13(12): . . . 32-27; 4-8 29-25; 1-6 25-22(14); 5-9 27-24; 3-7 24-15; 10-19 22-17; 7-10 18-15; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 30-16; 6-10 15-6; 2-9 16-12; 8-11 12-8; 11-15 8-3; 15-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v K. Grover 1974. #2138. V14(13): . . . 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 3-8 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 10-17 26-22; 17-26 30-16; 5-9 16-11; 9-14. Drawn. M. Tinsley v H. Freyer 1958. #2139. V15(12): 11-16 [An excellent choice if complications are desired] INTO 11-15 23-18; 15-19 (V9) V16(12): . . . 22-17 [The unusual 27-23 is comfortably met with 9-14 18-9; 5-14 23-16; 11-20]; 11-15(17) 18-11; 8-15 27-23; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 3-8 23-16; 8-12 31-27; 12-19 27-23; 9-13 23-16; 13-31 30-26; 31-22 25-11; 5-9 11-8; 9-14 8-4; 14-18 4-8;

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18-23 8-12; 7-10 16-11; 23-26. Drawn. Analysis by J. Stiles. #2140. V17(16): 11-16 [Again, a fine choice if complications are wanted] INTO 11-15 23-18; 15-19 (V8)


Complete Checkers

Ballot Number 135 (153): 12-16 23-18; 16-20 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-Move GAMES: 7 Trunk: 12-16 23-18; 16-20 24-19[R](10); 10-14[R](3) 26-23[R](1); 8-12 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V1(T): . . . 18-15 [22-17?!; 14-23 27-18; 8-12 favours Black, as mentioned under 11-16 23-18; 16-20]; 11-18 22-15; 8-12 25-22; 4-8 22-17(2); 7-11 17-10; 11-18 28-24! [29-25?! is inferior after 6-24 28-19; 3-7 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 31-26; 2-7 26-22; 7-11 22-15; 11-18 30-26; 20-24 27-20; 18-23 etc. . . ]; 6-15 19-10; 2-7 10-6; 1-10 24-19; 18-23 [Simplest] 27-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 8-11 30-26; 11-15 32-28; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 26-22; 24-28 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-16 [Of course, 19-15 also draws]; 12-26 31-13; 7-10 29-25; 28-32 25-21; 32-27 18-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2141. V2(1): . . . 29-25?; 7-10 22-18 [Anything better?]; 14-23 27-18; 3-7 31-27 [White may now transpose his moves in various ways, but all to no avail]; 7-11 [9-13 also wins] 28-24; 9-13 26-22; 5-9 30-26; 10-14 26-23; 13-17!! 22-13; 2-7 25-22; 7-10 21-17; 14-21 22-17; 11-16 18-14; 9-18 23-7; 16-23 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 6-9 13-6; 1-26. Black Win. Analysis by C. Freeman. #2142. V3(T): 11-15(9) [A fighting move] 18-11; 8-24(6) 28-19; 9-14(5) 26-23; 4-8 22-18; 5-9 [8-11 18-9; 5-14 19-16; 11-15 23-18; 15-22 259; 6-13 29-25 leaves White well situated] 25-22; 8-11(4) 30-26; 3-8 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 8-12 24-20; 1-5 [11-16 20-11; 7-16 29-25; 1-5 32-27 same] 32-27; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 29-25 INTO 11-15 23-19; 9-13 CR (V1) V4(3): 8-12 [Also arises from 9-14 22-18; 5-9] 29-25; 1-5 31-26; 3-8 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-23 26-19; 8-12 22-18; 9-14 18-9; 6-13 25-22; 10-14 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 20-24 [2-6 also draws] 18-15 [If White does not wish to permit the shot, he has 30-26]; 24-27

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32-23; 13-17 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 2-27 16-11. Drawn. Analysis by J. Alexander. #2143. V5(3): 4-8 22-18; 8-11 25-22 INTO 12-16 24-19; 16-20 (V2) V6(3): 7-23 [An excellent and largely unexplored move: both sides are strong!] 26-19; 8-11(7) 22-18; 4-8 [2-7 25-22; 4-8 [9-13 29-25; 4-8 same] same, while 9-14 18-9; 5-14 25-22; 4-8 [11-15 22-17; 15-24 28-19; 4-8 29-25 same] 22-17; 11-15 29-25 15-24 2819; 8-11 30-26 favours White] 25-22; 2-7 29-25; 9-13 31-26; 5-9 [10-15 19-10; 6-15 27-23!; 1-6 23-19; 15-24 28-19; 20-24 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 7-10 25-22; 5-9 26-23; 24-28 30-26; 3-7 21-17 to a draw] Forms Position, Diagram 184: WTP

❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀❜❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 184

Continue: . . . 18-14!; 9-18 22-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-14; 1017 21-14 [Easy for White to negotiate matters from here]; 1-5 26-22; 6-10 30-26; 10-17 25-21; 8-12 21-14; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 22-18; 10-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 14-17 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2144. V7(6): 9-14(8) 22-17; 8-11 25-22; 4-8 30-26; 8-12 [11-15 is well met with 17-13] 17-13; 11-16 26-23; 6-9 13-6; 2-9 29-25; 3-7 2824; 9-13 22-18; 13-17 18-9; 5-14 23-18; 14-23 21-14; 10-17 27-18; 20-27 32-23; 17-22 25-21; 22-25 19-15; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 18-14; 25-30 15-10; 7-11 10-7. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2145.


Complete Checkers

V8(7): 9-13 [The least aggressive of the 3 options covered] 22-18; 8-11 18-15; 11-18 27-24; 20-27 32-7; 2-11 21-17; 13-22 25-18; 6-10 29-25; 5-9 31-26; 3-8 [10-14 19-15 leads to a simple draw] 26-22; 10-14 [11-15 also draws] 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 25-22; 1-6 30-26; 6-10 26-23; 11-15 28-24; 9-13 19-16; 14-17 23-18; 17-26 18-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2146. V9(3): 9-14 [Not 8-12?? of course!] 18-9; 5-14 26-23; 11-15 22-18; 15-24 18-9; 6-13 28-19; 8-11 21-17; 13-22 25-18; 2-6 30-25; 4-8 2522; 8-12 29-25; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 18-14; 12-16 25-21; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 22-17; 16-19 14-10; 7-14 17-10; 19-24 18-14; 23-26 31-22; 24-31 22-17; 31-26 10-7; 3-10 14-7; 26-23 17-14; 20-24 7-2; 24-27 14-10; 1-5 21-17; 27-31 17-14; 31-26 10-7; 23-18 14-10; 18-15 2-6; 5-9 6-13; 15-6. Drawn. A. Jordan v N. Banks 1917. #2147. V10(T): . . . 26-23(11); 8-12 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V38) V11(10): . . . 22-17 INTO 12-16; 22-17 16-20 (V16)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 136 (154): 12-16 24-19; 16-20 POWER: [48/52] TYPE: 2-Move GAMES: 3 Trunk: 12-16 24-19; 16-20 22-18[R](6); 10-14[R](2) 26-22[R](1); 8-12 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (T) V1(T): . . . 25-22; 8-12 INTO 11-16 22-18; 16-20 (V27) V2(T): 11-15(5) 18-11; 8-24 28-19; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 [9-14 22-18; 5-9 gives White the playing edge, and was shown under 9-14 22-18; 5-9] 23-18; 9-13 [9-14 18-9; 5-14? [6-13! is okay, however; a natural continuation being 22-18; 2-6 26-22; 6-9 31-26; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 14-23 27-18 to an easy draw] 22-17 [This, and White’s succeeding move, represent the standard flanking response when the opponent occupies the centre prematurely]; 11-15 19-16; 1519 29-25; 6-9 25-22; 9-13 32-28; 10-15 17-10; 7-14 27-23; 2-6 16-11; 6-10 23-16; 20-24 28-19; 15-24 11-7; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 7-2; 24-28 16-11; 17-21 11-7; 3-10 2-7; 10-15 26-23. White win: R. Vigman v M. Tinsley 1989] 29-25; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 21-17; 5-9(4) 26-23; 3-8(3) 32-28 Forms Position, Diagram 185: BTP

❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀✳ ❜❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 185

Continue: 8-12 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 11-16 25-21; 15-19 22-18; 13-22


Complete Checkers

27-24; 20-27 31-15; 16-19 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 11-16 7-3; 19-24 28-19; 16-23 [Database draw] 3-8; 22-26 14-10; 26-31 18-14; 31-26 30-25; 23-27 10-7; 2-11 8-15; 26-23 14-10; 27-32 10-7; 32-28 7-2; 23-19 15-24; 28-19 21-17; 19-15 17-14; 1-5 2-6; 12-16 14-10. Drawn. W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955. #2148. V3(2): 1-5 17-14; 3-8 32-28; 8-12 28-24; 13-17 22-6; 15-29 6-1; 11-15 23-19; 15-18 19-15; 12-16 15-11; 18-23 27-18; 20-27 31-24; 16-20 11-8; 20-27 8-3; 2-6 [5-9 also draws] 1-10; 5-9 14-5; 7-23. Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #2149. V4(2): 1-6 26-23; 7-10 [6-9 into Variation 3] 30-26; 11-16 18-11; 2-7 11-2; 10-15 2-9; 5-30 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 30-25 17-13; 3-7 27-24; 20-27 31-24; 25-30 32-28; 7-11 24-19; 15-24 28-12; 11-15. Drawn. N. Banks v W. Hellman 1958. #2150. V5(2): 8-12 INTO 11-16 24-19; 8-11 (V14) V6(T): . . . 23-18(7) INTO 12-16 23-18; 16-20 (T) V7(6): . . . 22-17 [19-16? [Even Elbert Lowder would quake at playing this! Of no real value, I have included it purely to show how a great champion handles an unorthodox move. Instead, the equally rare 19-15 is perhaps fractionally preferable, although Black still obtains a strong game after 11-18 22-15; 10-19 2316; 8-12 27-23; 12-19 23-16; 4-8 etc . . . Finally, disregarding the appalling 27-24 exchange, 28-24 looks like a plausible mixer should White be in a do-or-die situation]; 8-12 22-17; 12-19 2316; 4-8 16-12; 11-15 25-22; 9-13 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 6-10 29-25; 10-17 25-21; 15-18 21-14; 18-25 30-21; 8-11 27-23; 13-17 26-22; 17-26 31-22; 11-15 . . . Black Win: M. Tinsley v R. Vigman 1989] INTO 12-16 22-17; 16-20 (V11)

Richard Pask


Ballot Number 137 (155): 12-16 24-20; 8-12 POWER: [42/58] TYPE: 2-Move GAMES: 30 Trunk: 12-16 24-20; 8-12 28-24[R](30); 3-8[R](27) 22-18[R](13); 16-19[R](12) 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 25-22[R](11); 6-10[R](10) 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17[R](9); 8-12! [11-15? may lose to the 27-23! press, while the 11-16 exchange, although drawable, strongly favours White after 20-11; 8-15 17-13; 4-8 25-22. Finally, 1-6!? 17-13 [Best?]; 8-12 25-22; 11-15 into Variation 4] 25-22 [26-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 25-22 same or 17-13; 1-6 25-22; 11-15 into Variation 4]; 11-15 26-23[R](4); 19-26 30-23; 15-19! [7-11 is sound, but favours White after 17-13 [The immediate 23-18 exchange lets Black off lightly. For example, G. Pearson v D. Oldbury 1988]; 4-8! [Against 1-6? the 23-18! exchange may be a winner] 13-9; 1-6 9-5; 15-18 22-15; 10-26 31-22; 14-18 2215; 11-18 to a draw] 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 7-11! [4-8 may draw after 16-12; 8-11 22-18; 14-23 27-18; 10-15 18-14 15-18 but not worth the hassle] 16-7; 2-11 22-18[R](2); 14-23 27-18 [Database draw]; 10-15 18-14; 15-18 14-10; 11-15 10-7; 19-23 7-3 [White can prevent the upcoming exchange if he wishes, with 31-27; 23-26 7-3; 18-22 3-7; 15-18 7-10 22-25 into Variation 1]; 23-26[R](1) [In Solid Checkers I recommended 18-22, but it’s essentially 50-50. Given the chance to simplify things, Black might as well take it] 31-22; 18-25 [Draw agreed here: N. Banks v M. Tinsley 1952; B. Case v W. Hellman 1963; M. Tinsley v A. Long 1981; M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985; R. King v M. Tinsley 1986] 3-7 Forms Endgame #22, Diagram 186: BTP Continue: 15-18 [Black needs to exercise caution because of the backward men on squares 1 and 4] 7-11; 18-22 17-14; 22-26 21-17; 26-31 14-10; 25-30 17-13; 30-26 32-28; 31-27 10-7; 26-23 7-3; 23-18 3-7; 1-6. Drawn. R. Gould v M. Tinsley 1946. #2151. V1(T): 18-22 3-7; 15-18 7-10; 22-25 31-27; 23-26 17-14; 25-30 10-15; 18-22 14-10; 22-25 10-7; 4-8 7-2; 25-29 21-17; 30-25 17-14;


Complete Checkers

❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❲❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✇❀ Diagram 186

26-30 14-10; 25-22 10-7; 8-12. Drawn. S. Gonotsky v M. Lieber 1928. #2152. V2(T): . . . 17-13; 10-15 22-17(3); 14-18 17-14; 18-23 27-18; 1522 14-10; 11-15 10-7; 15-18 7-3; 19-23 21-17; 22-25 17-14; 18-22 14-10; 23-26. Drawn. M. Tinsley v N. Banks 1952. (Also: W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1955 & R. Pask v D. Oldbury 1990) #2153. V3(2): . . . 31-26; 1-6! 27-23; 11-16 [19-24 allows the quick out with 32-27!] 32-27; 4-8 22-17; 6-10 13-9; 15-18 17-13 [Or 9-6; 18-22 6-2!; 22-31 2-7; 19-26 7-3; 31-24 3-28; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14 and a pretty, unpublished draw]; 10-15 9-6; 8-12 6-2; 16-20 23-16; 12-19 2-7 [Or 2-6]; 14-17 21-14; 19-24. Drawn. Analysis by E. Hunt. #2154. V4(T): . . . 17-13 [Allowing Black to keep his centre renders the position even]; 1-6 27-23(5); 4-8 23-16; 12-19 21-17; 14-21 30-25; 21-30 31-27; 30-23 27-4; 7-11 [19-23 22-18; 23-26 4-8; 7-11 8-15; 10-19. Drawn: D. Oldbury v G. Pearson 1988] 22-18; 19-23 4-8; 23-26 8-15; 10-19. Drawn. J. Horr v S. Cohen 1927. #2155. V5(4): . . . 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 7-11 31-26(6); 11-15 [Against the natural 19-24 White draws with 27-23; 24-28 20-16!] 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 14-18 16-11; 10-15 17-14; 18-23

Richard Pask


27-18; 15-22 14-9; 22-25 11-7; 2-11 9-2. Drawn. M. Tinsley v R. Gould 1946. #2156. V6(5): . . . 32-28(8); 11-15 27-23(7); 19-26 30-23; 15-19 23-16; 1219 20-16; 19-23 16-11; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 18-22. Drawn. J. Bradford v R. Scobbie 1927. #2157. V7(6): . . . 27-24; 4-8 31-26; 8-11 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 15-18 23-19; 11-15 20-16; 18-23 16-11; 23-27 24-20; 15-24 28-19; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn. D. Oldbury v R. Hallett 1985. #2158. V8(6): . . . 30-26? [27-23; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 32-28 into Variation 6]; 4-8 27-23; 11-15 23-16; 12-19 20-16 [32-27 has been claimed to draw, but the whole line is surely best avoided by White]; 8-11! 16-7; 2-11 31-27; 11-16 32-28; 14-18 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 16-20 14-10; 6-9 13-6; 19-24 28-19; 15-31. Black Win. Analysis by R. Fortman. #2159. V9(T): . . . 26-23 [Unusual, and inferior to 22-17]; 19-26 30-23; 11-15 23-18 [22-17 transfers the advantage to Black after 8-11, rather than the over-cautious 8-12 which permits a return to the Trunk after 25-22: R. Pask v D. Oldbury 1990]; 14-23 27-11; 7-16 20-11; 8-15 22-17; 1-6 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-19 32-27; 6-10 14-7; 2-11. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2160. V10(T): 9-14 18-9; 6-13!? [5-14 22-17; 6-10 29-25 into Trunk. Text is undoubtedly sound and opens up a wide field of play. Instead, of 6-10 or 9-14, the questionable 19-24?! is strongly met with 29-25!] 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 22-18; 4-8 29-25; 5-9 32-28 [18-15; 11-18 26-23; 18-27 32-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 25-22; 8-12 30-26; 11-15 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 15-18 17-14. Drawn: D. Oldbury v R. Pask 1990]; 7-10! [1-5? loses after 25-22; 8-12 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 7-10 28-24 but a draw was conceded because the round was already won: H. Burton v R. Hallett 1984] 18-15; 11-18 26-23; 18-27 31-6; 1-10 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-11 25-22; 9-14 30-26; 11-16 26-23; 10-15 28-24 [Ben Boland would be proud!]; 16-20 24-19; 15-24 22-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2161. V11(T): . . . 21-17 [Both this and 27-23; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 sacrifice White’s advantage in return for an open, crossboard game]; 6-


Complete Checkers

10 [9-13 is more aggressive, and has been adopted by Marion Tinsley in exhibition play] 27-23 [18-15; 11-18 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 8-12 16-11; 7-16 20-11; 9-13 26-23; 13-22 25-18; 12-16 29-25; 5-9 to a draw: W. Hellman v K. Grover 1938]; 8-12 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 26-23; 19-26 31-6; 1-10 20-16; 9-14 17-13; 10-15 25-22; 14-17 16-12; 17-26 30-23; 5-9 13-6; 2-9 32-28; 9-14. Drawn. D. Lafferty v T. Landry 1983. #2162. V12(T): 9-14 18-9; 5-14 Into Variation 27 V13(T): . . . 23-18(25); 9-13 18-14(18); 10-17 21-14; 6-10 25-21(14); 10-17 21-14; 16-19 24-15; 11-25 29-22; 1-6 30-25 [Not 27-23?; 6-9!]; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 27-23; 13-17 [15-18 also draws] 22-13; 6-9 13-6; 2-27 32-23; 7-11 25-22; 11-16 22-18; 15-22 26-17; 4-8 17-14; 8-11 1410; 11-15 10-7; 15-19. Drawn. J. Horr v A. Long 1923. (Also: D. Lafferty v A. Long 1984 & A. Long v M. Tinsley 1985) #2163. V14(13): . . . 14-9(16); 5-14 24-19; 16-23 27-9; 1-5 25-21(15); 5-14 30-25; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 25-21; 11-15 21-14; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 147; 2-18 26-22 [20-16 also draws of course, but the text contains a little snap!]; 18-25 29-22; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 32-28; 15-19! Drawn. Analysis by H. Lieberman. #2164. V15(14): . . . 26-23; 5-14 22-18; 14-17 18-14; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 14-7; 2-11 25-21; 17-22 30-25; 11-15 25-11; 8-15 29-25; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 4-8 25-22; 8-12 21-17; 15-18 22-15; 13-22. Drawn. R. Fortman v J. Hanson 1933. #2165. V16(14): . . . 22-17(17) [One of several famous gambit lines associated with this ballot]; 13-22 25-18; 10-17 29-25; 17-21 25-22; 5-9 22-17; 7-10 27-23; 1-6 17-13; 10-15 26-22 [32-27 allows a quick draw after 15-22 26-17; 6-10 13-6; 2-9 23-18; 10-15 17-13; 15-22 13-6; 21-25 30-21; 22-26 31-22; 16-19 24-15; 11-25 6-2; 12-16 20-11; 8-15 27-23; 25-30 2-7; 30-26 7-11; 26-19 11-18] Forms Position, Diagram 187 BTP; Continue: 9-14 18-9; 15-19 24-15; 11-25 20-11; 8-15 9-5; 15-18 23-14; 6-9 13-6; 2-18 [Database draw] 5-1; 25-29 1-6; 21-25 30-21; 18-23 21-17; 29-25 17-13; 12-16 6-10; 23-26 31-22; 25-18 10-14; 18-9 13-6. Drawn. A. Long v R. Hallett 1990. #2166.

Richard Pask


❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀❜❀✳❀❜❀❜ ✇❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✳❀✇ ❜❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 187

V17(16): . . . 22-18; 10-17 26-23?! [25-22?!; 17-21 26-23 same. Instead, 25-21 seems to hold up better after 17-22 26-17; 13-22 30-26; 1-6 26-17; 16-19 24-15; 7-10 29-25; 10-19 25-22; 11-15 18-11; 8-15: Black still being comfortably situated]; 17-21 25-22 [The published 24-19? lets in 13-17! which appears to be a crusher]; 16-19! 24-15; 13-17 22-13; 5-9 13-6; 1-26 31-22; 7-10 27-24; 2-6 30-26! [32-27? [32-28? also loses]; 6-9 27-23; 9-13 23-19; 11-15 18-11; 8-15 30-26; 4-8 26-23; 8-11 23-18; 21-25 18-14; 10-26 29-22; 26-30 19-10; 11-15. Black win: Analysis by A. Heffner]; 6-9 26-23; 21-25 22-17; 25-30 23-19; 11-16 20-11; 8-22 17-13; 9-14 32-28; 10-15 19-10 [Database draw]; 30-26 . . . Drawn. Analysis by A. Heffner. #2167. V18(13): . . . 21-17(23); 16-19 24-15; 10-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 1322 25-18; 7-10 27-23(20); 10-14 18-9; 5-14 23-16; 12-19 32-28(19); 1-5 31-27; 5-9 29-25; 9-13 25-21; 14-18 26-23; 19-26 30-14; 6-10 15-6; 2-18 20-16; 8-12 16-11; 12-16 11-7; 4-8 7-3; 8-12 3-7; 16-19 7-10; 19-23 10-14; 23-32 14-23; 12-16 23-18; 32-27 [Not 16-19? of course!] 18-15; 27-32 15-18. Drawn. M. Tinsley v W. Hellman 1955. #2168. V19(18): . . . 20-16; 8-11 16-7; 2-18 31-27; 6-10 27-23; 18-27 32-16; 10-15 16-11; 14-18 11-7; 15-19 7-3; 18-23 29-25; 23-27 26-23; 19-26 30-23. Drawn. S. Cohen v J. Horr 1927. #2169.


Complete Checkers

V20(18): . . . 26-22(22); 10-14 18-9; 5-14 30-26(21); 1-5 27-23 [2016; 19-24 27-20; 12-19 29-25; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 32-27? [25-21 draws]; 19-24 27-23; 6-10 25-21; 24-28 23-19; 28-32 22-17; 32-28 19-16; 14-18 16-7; 2-11. Black win: A. Long v A. Jordan 1922]; 5-9 23-16; 12-19 32-27; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 29-25; 19-24 25-21; 24-28 22-17; 6-10 27-24; 28-32 24-19; 32-28 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 15-24 6-1; 14-18 1-5; 24-27 31-24; 28-19 5-9; 19-15 20-16. Drawn. R. Stewart v N. Banks 1922. #2170. V21(20): . . . 22-18 [29-25 is well met with 14-18. Derek Oldbury had a high opinion of the text; considering it an improvement over 30-26]; 14-23 27-18; 12-16 [Completely guts the game and is best; after which the continuation given is somewhat arbitrary. Instead, 19-23 has an aggressive appearance, and was played with success by Oldbury against W. Gigg in 1961. Richard Hallett later played it to a draw against Derek in their 1985 match] 20-11; 6-10 15-6; 8-22 30-26 [30-25; 1-10 25-18; 19-23 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-17 same]; 1-10 26-17; 19-23 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 22-18; 10-15 31-27; 15-22 27-18; 22-26 17-13; 26-31 18-14. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2171. V22(20): . . . 32-28; 12-16 20-11; 2-7 11-2; 8-11 2-9; 5-32 15-6; 1-10 29-25; 10-15 25-22; 11-16 22-17; 32-27 31-24; 16-20 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 20-27 23-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2172. V23(18): . . . 27-23(24); 5-9 [Much better than the immediate 16-19] 21-17 [32-28 is strongly countered with 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 9-14 25-22; 14-18 31-27; 18-25 29-22; 1-5 etc. . . ]; 16-19 24-15; 10-19 23-16; 12-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 13-22 25-18; 7-11 32-28; 9-13 26-22; 19-23 29-25; 23-26 30-23; 13-17 22-13; 11-16 20-11; 6-10 15-6; 8-29 28-24; 1-10 24-19; 2-7 23-18; 7-11 13-9; 10-14 9-6; 14-23 6-2; 29-25 2-7. Drawn. Analysis by J. Jack. #2173. V24(23): . . . 32-28 [Described by D. Oldbury as ‘bizarre but sound’]; 16-19 [Also reached from an obscure Ayrshire Lassie: see Gould’s Memorable Matches Page 122] 24-15; 10-19 18-15; 11-18 22-15; 8-11 15-8; 4-11 27-23; 6-10 23-16; 12-19 31-27; 11-15

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20-16; 7-11 16-7; 2-11 25-22; 10-14 27-23; 11-16 21-17; 14-21 23-18; 16-20 18-11; 20-24 26-23; 19-26 28-19; 26-31 11-7; 31-27 7-3; 27-23 19-15; 5-9 15-10; 9-14 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 3-7; 14-18 7-11; 18-22 11-16; 13-17 10-6; 22-26 16-19; 23-16 30-23. Drawn. Analysis by D. Oldbury. #2174. V25(13): . . . 24-19(26) [Soft, allowing Black to equalize: White sacrifices his double-corner for Black’s single-corner!]; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 27-20; 7-16 20-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 4-8 [10-14 18-15 to draws: A. Moiseyev v M. Borghetti 2013; M. Borghetti v L. Kondlo 2015; L. Kondlo v M. Borghetti 2015] 31-27 [29-25 and 23-19 are also easy to meet]; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25; 8-11 25-22; 6-9 27-24; 9-13 24-20; 11-15 32-27; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 14-17 21-7; 2-20 26-23; 19-26 30-23; 1-6 23-19; 6-9 19-16; 9-14 27-23; 14-17 22-18. Drawn. G. O’Connor v J. Hanson 1927. #2175. V26(25): . . . 21-17 [Both 22-17; which has to be inferior to 22-18; and 32-28 are easily met with 16-19]; 9-13 23-18 Into Variation 18 V27(T): 9-14(29) 22-18; 3-8 18-9; 5-14 23-19; 16-23 27-9; 6-13 26-23; 10-15(28) 31-27; 1-6 23-19; 15-18 25-22; 18-25 29-22; 6-9 27-23; 7-10 32-28; 10-14 30-26; 2-7 22-18; 13-17 [7-10 also draws] 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 14-30 21-5; 8-12 5-1; 12-19 24-8; 4-11 1-6; 30-26 6-2; 26-23 28-24; 11-16! 20-11; 7-16. Drawn. A. Jordan v A. Long 1922. #2176. V28(27): 11-15 [1-6 25-22; 11-15 same] 25-22; 1-6 23-18; 6-9 18-11; 8-15 32-28; 7-11 31-26; 2-6 [9-14 26-23; 2-6 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-9 same] 26-23; 10-14 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 6-10 22-18; 13-17 20-16; 11-20 18-15; 17-22 15-6; 22-26 6-1; 26-31 1-6; 31-27 6-13; 27-18 13-9; 4-8 30-26; 14-17 21-14; 18-23 26-22; 23-16. Drawn. Analysis by H. Shearer. #2177. V29(27): 10-15 [A perfectly reasonable alternative to 3-8 or 9-14. However, 4-8? falls to a beautiful thematic attack as follows: 24-19!; 10-15 19-10; 6-15 23-18!; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-18!; 14-23 27-18!; 15-22 25-18 etc. . . ; the cramp on Black’s single-corner being irresistible] INTO 12-16 24-20; 10-15 (V19)


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V30(T): . . . 22-18(34); 3-8[R](31) [Another switch from Solid Checkers. Although 16-19 is fractionally stronger, there is very little in it, and it therefore makes sense to ‘double-up’ here] INTO 11-16 24-20; 7-11 (V2) V31(30): 16-19 [Given both for the sake of completeness and for assessing the worth of 22-17 mentioned under Variation 37] 2316 12-19 [INTO 11-16 24-20; 16-19 (V20)] 27-23(33); 4-8 23-16; 8-12 32-27; 12-19 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-15 [25-22 is given under the other ballot]; 10-14 15-11; 6-10 25-22; 9-13 22-18(32); 10-15 18-9; 5-14 30-25; 15-18 25-22; 18-27 31-15; 2-6 11-8; 3-12 15-11; 6-10 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 29-25; 24-27 11-7; 27-31 7-2; 13-17 22-13; 31-29 2-6; 10-15 19-10; 14-18. Drawn. S. Levy v S. Cohen 1937. #2178. V32(31): . . . 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-26 30-23; 5-9 29-25; 9-13 25-22; 16-19! 23-16; 1-6 31-27; 14-18 22-15; 13-22 27-24; 10-19 24-15; 22-26 21-17; 26-31 17-14; 6-10 [31-27 to a longer draw: N. Banks v R. Stewart 1922] 14-7; 3-19. Drawn. A. Huggins v D. Oldbury 1961. #2179. V33(31): . . . 25-22; 4-8 29-25; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 22-17; 11-15 27-24; 8-11 17-13; 14-18 26-23; 18-27 32-16; 10-14 30-26; 14-18 31-27; 7-10 16-7; 2-11 26-22; 3-8 21-17; 1-5 25-21 18-25 17-14; 10-17 21-14; 15-19 24-15; 11-18 20-16; 25-30 16-11; 8-15 14-10; 15-19 10-1; 19-23 27-24. Drawn. J. Wyllie v W. Barker 1881. #2180. V34(30): . . . 23-18(37); 3-8 [16-19 was played by Asa Long v John Horr in their 1923 match, but it’s debatable whether it’s stronger or not. I don’t think it is] 28-24(35) Into Variation 13 V35(34): . . . 22-17(36) INTO 11-16 22-17; 8-11 (V11: Note) V36(35): . . . 27-23; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 INTO 10-15 23-18; 7-10 (T) V37(34): . . . 21-17 [22-17; being played to the side, is obviously inferior to 22-18; and was shown under 11-16 22-17; 8-11. Here, as mentioned before, 16-19 is definitely in order; 3-8 giving up

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too much strength for the sake of convenience. Finally, 27-24 is likewise clearly inferior to 28-24; and allows Black to equalize with 3-8] INTO 11-16 21-17; 8-11 (V18)


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Ballot Number 138 (156): 12-16 24-20; 10-15 POWER: [40/60] TYPE: 3-Move GAMES: 20 Trunk: 12-16 24-20; 10-15 22-18[R](19); 15-22; 25-18 8-12! [This has replaced the 11-15 18-11; 8-15 20-11; 7-16 defence which, although sound, permits White far too much attacking scope. It’s also worth noting that, hypothetically, this could arise from 11-15 24-20; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 22-18; 15-22 25-18; 10-15 [Inferior; 8-11 being easily best] 18-11; 8-15 same. Continue: . . . 23-19; 16-23 27-11; 3-8 11-7; 2-11 21-17 and let Black do the worrying! Finally, 6-10 27-24; 8-12 29-25 runs into the next note]; 29-25[R](8) 16-19 [Best by test, although 6-10 is unquestionably sound. Continue: . . . 27-24; 10-15 25-22; 7-10 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 9-14! 18-9; 5-14 22-18; 1-6 18-9; 6-13 32-28; 3-8 28-24; 10-14 21-17; 14-21 26-22; 13-17 22-13; 2-6 31-26; 6-10 26-22; 10-14 22-18; 14-17 13-9; 17-22 9-6; 22-26 6-2; 26-31 19-15; 31-26 24-19; 26-22; 2-6 22-17; 6-10. Drawn: Nemesis v Cake 2002] 23-16; 12-19 27-23 [27-24 is ineffective after 4-8 24-15; 9-14 18-9; 11-18 and now both 26-22; 5-14 22-15 7-11 and 28-24; 5-14 24-19; 7-11 favour Black]; 4-8 23-16; 8-12 18-15(6); 12-19 15-8; 3-12 Forms Position, Diagram 188: WTP Continue: . . . 25-22(4); 6-10 32-27(3); 1-6 27-23(1); 10-15 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 6-10 16-12; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 12-8; 7-11 8-3 [21-17; 11-16 8-3; 16-20. Drawn: T. Sheehan v S. Gardner (P) 2000]; 11-16 26-23; 16-20 23-19; 24-27 31-24; 20-27 19-16; 27-32. Drawn. KingsRow v Cake 2002. #2181. V1(T): . . . 20-16; 10-15 27-23(2); 6-10 16-11; 7-16 23-18; 19-23 18-11; 9-13 26-19; 16-23 11-8; 12-16 22-18; 16-20 8-3; 23-27 31-24; 20-27 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 2-6 3-8; 6-9 14-10; 9-14 8-11; 14-18. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2182. V2(1): . . . 27-24; 6-10 16-11; 7-16 24-20; 19-24 20-11; 9-13 2819; 15-24 11-8; 12-16 8-3; 16-20 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 24-27 31-24;

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❀❜❀❜❀✳❀✳ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✇❀✳❀✇ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 188

20-27 3-8; 10-15 17-14; 15-18 14-10; 18-23 8-11; 27-31. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2183. V3(T): . . . 31-27; 1-6 27-23; 10-15 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 7-11 167; 2-11 32-27; 6-10 27-24; 10-14 22-17; 11-16 17-10; 16-20 26-23 [Nothing better]; 19-26 30-23; 20-27 23-19; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2184. V4(T): . . . 32-27(5); 6-10 27-23 [25-22 into Trunk]; 12-16 20-11; 7-16 25-22; 9-14 22-18 [31-27 is easily met with 5-9]; 5-9 18-15; 9-13 15-6; 1-10 [2-9 also draws] 30-25 [26-22; 19-26 30-23; 10-15 is easy for Black, while the 23-18 2 for 2 may be countered with 2-7 12-8; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 to a draw]; 2-6 25-22; 6-9 22-17; 13-22 26-17; 19-26 31-22; 9-13 28-24; 16-20 24-19; 20-24 19-15; 10-19 17-10. Drawn. Analysis by J. Loy. #2185. V5(4): . . . 31-27; 6-10 27-23 [25-22 into Variation 3]; 12-16 2011; 7-16 25-22; 2-7 32-27 [21-17 is well met with 9-13 and runs similarly to the text]; 10-15 21-17; 9-13 17-14; 1-6 30-25; 6-9 2318; 7-11 14-10; 13-17 22-6; 15-31 27-24; 19-23 24-19; 16-20 25-22; 11-15 6-2; 15-24 28-19. Drawn. Cake v Nemesis 2002. #2186. V6(T): . . . 32-27(7); 12-19 27-23; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 18-15; 9-14 15-11; 5-9 25-22; 9-13 22-18; 6-9 18-15; 2-6! 30-25; 1-5 11-7; 310 25-22; 19-24 28-12; 10-19 23-16; 14-17 21-14; 9-25. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2187.


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V7(6): . . . 31-27[R] [In theory, not the strongest continuation, but has a good record as a win-getter, and was often used by Tom Wiswell with success in his exhibitions]; 12-19 25-22 INTO 11-15 22-18; 15-22 (V23) V8(T): . . . 28-24 [A natural continuation; cramping Black to the nth degree]; 6-10 24-19(16); 9-14 18-9; 5-14 29-25(9); 3-8 [A 21st century stabilizer, after which Black can rest easy] 25-22; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 27-20; 7-16 20-11; 8-15 31-27; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 2723 [22-18; 14-23 27-18; 4-8 18-14; 10-17 21-14. Drawn: J. Francis v E. Morrison 2008]; 19-24 22-18; 1-6 18-9; 6-13 [Database draw] 23-18; 2-6 26-23; 4-8 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 13-17 23-19; 8-11 30-26 [14-10; 6-15 19-10 is an easy bridge draw for Black]; 17-21 26-22; 21-25 22-18 [Or the quick draw with 19-15; 11-18 22-15]; 25-30 19-15; 11-16 15-11; 16-19 18-15; 24-28 11-8; 19-23 8-3; 30-26 14-10; 6-9. Drawn. A. Vanderpool v S. Gardner (P) 2000. #2188. V9(8): . . . 26-22; 3-8 27-24(10); 11-15 20-11; 7-16 30-25; 1-5 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 5-14 29-25; 16-20 25-22 [31-27; 8-11 25-22; 2-6 22-18; 6-9 21-17; 14-21 18-15; 11-18 23-7 gives White nothing]; 20-27 31-24; 2-7 22-18 [22-17; 8-11 17-13; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 13-9; 7-10 9-6; 17-22 6-2; 22-26 2-7; 10-15! 19-10; 26-31 7-16; 12-26 10-7; 26-30 7-3 is another draw without stress: T. Sheehan v J. Loy (P) 2000; while 24-20 is well met with 7-11! 22-18; 11-16 18-9; 10-14 20-11; 8-24 23-19; 4-8 9-6; 8-11 6-2; 11-16 19-15; 16-19 2-7 19-23]; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 [Database draw] 18-14; 7-11 32-28; 17-22 24-20; 11-16 20-11; 8-24 28-19; 22-26 19-16; 12-19 23-16; 4-8. Drawn. R. Podoff v S. Gardner (P) 2002. #2189. V10(9): . . . 30-25(11); 11-15 20-11; 15-24 27-20; 7-16! 20-11; 8-15 22-18; 15-22 25-9; 1-5 29-25 [9-6; 2-9 29-25; 4-8 25-22; 8-11 is easy for Black]; 5-14 [Database draw] 25-22; 2-7 32-28; 4-8 31-27; 8-11 27-24; 11-16 24-20; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 20-16; 10-15 22-17; 7-10 16-11; 14-18 11-7; 19-24 28-19; 15-24 7-2; 18-23 2-7; 10-15 7-11; 15-19. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2190. V11(10): . . . 21-17 [Like all gambit lines, this is double-edged. Nathan Rubin, perhaps the most eloquent writer of them all— it’s a crying shame that he didn’t get to write a beginner’s book—

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wrote about it in his Los Angeles Mercury ‘On the Square’ column, but it seems that on this occasion Willie Ryan knew more than him] (15); 14-21 22-18; 1-6! 29-25; 10-14 18-9; 6-13 Forms Position, Diagram 189: WTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀❜❀❜ ❜❀✳❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ❜❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ Diagram 189

Continue: . . . 25-22(14); 7-10 27-24(13); 10-14! [Stronger than 2-6] 31-26(12); 2-6 [Of course, Black has a quick draw with 1317/21-25 if he wants it] 22-18 [The flashy 23-18; 14-23 19-15; 11-25 20-11; 8-15 26-1 shot is inferior, although it is a Database draw: J. D’Orio v N. Rubin 1931]; 6-9 26-22; 14-17 32-27; 17-26 18-15; 11-18 20-11; 8-15 23-5; 26-31 19-10 [Database draw]; 13-17 5-1 [10-7; 17-22; 7-2; 12-16 24-20; 31-24 20-11. Drawn: W. Ryan v C. Young 1933]; 17-22 10-7; 22-25 7-2; 4-8 2-6; 8-11 6-10; 25-29 1-6; 29-25 24-19!; 31-15 10-19; 25-22 6-9; 11-16 19-15; 16-20 15-19; 22-18 9-13! Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2191. V12(11): . . . 22-18; 14-17; 32-27; 17-22 18-15; 11-18 20-11; 8-15 19-10; 22-25 23-14; 25-29 14-9; 29-25 24-20!; 25-22 30-26; 22-25 9-5 . . . Drawn. W. Ryan v B. Case 1929. #2192. V13(11): . . . 22-18! [Superior to 27-24]; 11-15! [Against 13-17?! White replies with 27-24! rather than 18-14?! and gets the upper hand] 18-11; 8-24 20-11; 13-17! 27-20; 17-22 23-19; 22-25 31-26 [32-28; 25-29 31-27; 29-25 27-24; 25-22 11-8; 4-11 19-16; 12-19 24-8 is another easy draw]; 25-29 32-27; 29-25 27-23; 10-14 11-7;


Complete Checkers

2-11 19-16; 12-19 23-7; 14-17 7-3; 25-22 26-23; 22-26 23-19; 26-31. Drawn. Analysis by W. Ryan. #2193. V14(11): . . . 19-15 [In my opinion, White’s best course of action once the gambit line has been initiated]; 11-18 23-14; 16-19 25-22; 7-10 [12-16 20-11; 8-15 31-26; 21-25 30-21; 4-8 32-28; 15-18 22-15; 7-10 15-6; 2-18 27-24; 18-23 24-15; 23-30. Drawn: W. Ryan v H. Reynolds 1934] 14-7; 2-11 32-28; 11-16 20-11; 8-15 31-26; 12-16 [Or 4-8] 27-23; 4-8 23-18; 8-12 18-11; 21-25 30-21; 19-24 28-19; 16-30. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2194. V15(11): . . . 22-18; 1-5 18-9; 5-14 27-24; 11-15 20-11; 7-16 30-26; 16-20 29-25; 20-27 31-24; 8-11 26-22; 2-6 22-17; 15-18 24-20; 18-27 32-23; 11-15 25-22; 15-24 22-18; 6-9 17-13; 12-16 13-6; 16-19 23-16; 14-23. Drawn. N. Proffitt v W. Wilkins (P) 1998. #2195. V16(8): . . . 30-25 [Against 18-14; 9-18 23-14; 10-17 21-14 Black equalizes with 3-8 29-25; 1-6] 10-15 32-28 (17); 15-22 25-18; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 26-22; 3-8 29-25 [22-17; 7-10 29-25; 1-6 same]; 1-6 22-17; 7-10 25-22 Forms Position, Diagram 190: BTP

❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✇❀✳❀✳❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ Diagram 190

Continue: 6-9 24-19 [22-18; 11-15! 20-11 [18-11 is no better]; 15-22 11-7; 2-11 17-13; 11-15 13-6; 22-26 31-22; 15-18 22-15; 1026 to a draw]; 11-15 20-11; 15-24 28-19; 8-24 27-20; 9-13 23-19; 14-18 22-6; 2-9 19-15; 13-22 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2196.

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V17(16): . . . 21-17; 15-22 25-18; 9-13 17-14(18); 13-17 26-22; 1726 31-22; 7-10 14-7; 3-10 29-25; 10-15 18-14; 2-7 14-10; 7-14 25-21; 4-8 22-17; 14-18 23-14; 16-19 32-28; 19-23 27-18; 15-22 14-10; 1216 10-7; 16-19 24-15; 11-18 7-2; 8-12 2-7; 18-23 17-14; 23-27 14-10; 27-31 7-11; 22-25 21-17. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2197. V18(17): . . . 18-14; 13-22 26-17; 1-6 17-13; 4-8 14-9; 5-14 23-19; 16-23 27-9; 12-16 9-5; 16-19 24-15; 11-18 31-26; 6-10 29-25; 10-15 26-23; 18-27 32-23; 8-11 5-1; 11-16 20-11; 7-16 25-22; 15-19 23-18; 19-23 1-6; 2-9 13-6. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2198. V19(T): . . . 28-24(20); 8-12 [Superior to the 15-18 alternative and simpler to boot!] 22-18 [32-28 is easily met with 6-10]; 15-22 25-18 Into Variation 8 V20(19): . . . 21-17 [Markedly inferior to 22-18 and 28-24, but has the advantage of securing crossboard play with a vast amount of scope for both sides] (22); 8-12 [Black has been granted a move to consolidate his position and takes it] 17-13(21); 9-14 22-18; 15-22 26-10; 6-15 23-18; 15-22 25-18; 16-19 27-24; 19-23 13-9; 5-14 18-9; 23-26 30-23 [Or 31-22]; 1-5 29-25 [Or 9-6]; 5-14 31-26; 11-15 26-22; 4-8 24-19; 15-24 28-19; 7-10 25-21; 3-7 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 17-21 15-10; 7-14 18-9; 8-11 9-5; 11-15 32-28; 15-19 23-16; 12-19 5-1. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2199. V21(20): . . . 23-18; 7-10 25-21; 9-14 18-9; 5-14 17-13; 16-19 27-24; 3-7 22-17; 1-5 32-27 INTO 10-15 23-19; 11-16 (V6) V22(20): . . . 22-17 [The comments applied to 21-17 are equally relevant here] (23); 8-12 [Gaining time once more] 27-24 [25-22 is met with 6-10]; 9-13 25-22; 5-9 32-27; 6-10 30-25; 16-19 23-16; 12-19 27-23; 1-6 23-16; 9-14 16-12; 4-8 26-23; 15-18 22-15; 11-27 24-19; 13-22 25-9; 6-13 31-24; 13-17 21-14; 10-17 [Black’s mandown draw virtually plays itself] 29-25; 17-21 25-22; 21-25 22-18; 25-30 18-14; 2-6 19-15; 30-26 24-19; 26-22 28-24; 22-18 14-10; 7-14


Complete Checkers

15-11; 8-15 19-1 [Database draw]; 18-15 20-16; 14-18 1-6; 18-23 6-9; 23-27 9-6; 27-31 6-9; 31-27 24-20; 27-23. Drawn. Analysis by WCC Platinum. #2200. V23(22): . . . 23-18 [Both 27-24; 15-19 and 23-19; 16-23 26-10; 6-15 transfer the edge to Black] INTO 10-15 23-18; 12-16 (V14)


Richard Pask


Appendix 1: Index to Crossboard Games Of the 2200 games given, 1059 (48%) are crossboard games. Albrecht, K (7): 131, 395, 523, 856, 1767, 1807, 2084 Alexander, J (2): 30, 173 Anderson, A (1): 1572 Anderson, J (3): 690, 1471, 2093 Apel, M (2): 369, 1050 Atkinson, E (1): 1211 Bailey, R (1): 1605 Balderson, L (1): 358 Banks, N (52): 6, 85, 193, 283, 284, 305, 427, 553, 563, 578, 580, 772, 998, 1015, 1025, 1061, 1086, 1087, 1090, 1186, 1271, 1314, 1320, 1329, 1347, 1389, 1406, 1424, 1443, 1469, 1517, 1518, 1542, 1578, 1629, 1662, 1676, 1679, 1696, 1707, 1796, 1805, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2027, 2073, 2099, 2147, 2150, 2153, 2170 Barker, C (13): 108, 375, 402, 529, 717, 722, 771, 782, 1017, 1181, 1575, 1697, 1719 Barker, W (2): 1546, 2180 Bass, G (1): 1481 Bawden, B (1): 1348 de Bearn, L (1): 1058 Beattie, W (3): 1491, 1514, 1530 Beckwith, R (1): 1717 Bernstein, A (1): 23 Bingham, S (1): 1298 Binsack, C (2): 1478, 2125


Complete Checkers

Birkenshaw, J (1): 728 Bletcher, J (1): 728 Bolton, J (1): 1711 Borchek Program (2): 1449, 1701 Boucher, H (1): 1133 Bradford, J (5): 1397, 1425, 1712, 2130, 2157 Bruch, E (17): 12, 316, 371, 707, 777, 857, 859, 864, 954, 967, 1169, 1471, 1782, 1791, 1868, 1913, 2062 Buchanan, G (1): 1718 Buckby, F (2): 1279, 1961 Bucklow, F (1): 1400 Burton, H (10): 549, 558, 856, 899, 1067, 1279, 1401, 1628, 2102, 2129 Butler, R (1): 1825 Cake Program (8): 794, 802, 816, 820, 821, 1951, 2181, 2186 Caldwell, J (1): 1498 Cameron, A (14): 287, 409, 411, 497, 586, 625, 647, 765, 1574, 1677, 1821, 1874, 1957, 2103 Case, B (51): 101, 102, 232, 277, 301, 347, 354, 386, 490, 506, 519, 592, 619, 626, 653, 655, 659, 748, 752, 754, 761, 837, 842, 877, 944, 1070, 1073, 1083, 1198, 1205, 1254, 1308, 1391, 1406, 1432, 1464, 1480, 1700, 1751, 1855, 1859, 1865, 1881, 1969, 1978, 1995, 2034, 2075, 2127, 2131, 2192 Chamblee, M (35): 28, 174, 212, 219, 398, 412, 421, 451, 455, 536, 540, 545, 641, 1004, 1014, 1063, 1114, 1150, 1167, 1170, 1280, 1322, 1342, 1350, 1378, 1756, 1842, 1870, 1892, 1893, 1906, 1937, 1977, 1991, 2028 Childers, J (1): 227 Chinook Program (40): 42, 104, 291, 300, 460, 577, 583, 705, 734, 894, 910, 915, 941, 1010, 1126, 1131, 1140, 1154, 1169, 1172,

Richard Pask


1192, 1194, 1203, 1283, 1297, 1304, 1307, 1376, 1434, 1448, 1519, 1531, 1598, 1694, 1705, 1791, 1843, 1938, 2009, 2043 Christie, H (1): 2082 Cohen, S (29): 21, 169, 176, 297, 410, 447, 538, 579, 588, 703, 721, 747, 1118, 1190, 1318, 1435, 1441, 1444, 1445, 1587, 1594, 1691, 1704, 1812, 1891, 1939, 2155, 2169, 2178 Coll, J (1): 1752 Colossus Program (2): 1519, 1531 Coltherd, H (2): 714, 1646 Cornell Program (2): 1182, 1291 Cowie, L (1): 756 Cox, J (4): 177, 511, 881, 1716 Cravens, H (6): 376, 611, 612, 853, 928, 1782 Crawford, C (1): 974 Cronin, S (1): 1451 Dallas, J (1): 942 Davies, G (4): 187, 726, 762, 928 Davis, P (15): 231, 280, 609, 694, 751, 1171, 1209, 1243, 1264, 1269, 1456, 1467, 1894, 2059, 2079 Dearborn, G (1): 2020 Denvir, J (5): 569, 1528, 1709, 1712, 2022 Devlin, H (3): 4, 2007, 2084 Dixon, W (1): 1823 Docherty, W (1): 1421 Dougherty, J (2): 1274, 2096 Duffy, J (1): 1425 Dunne, F (2): 927, 1681 Edwards, I (1): 1935


Complete Checkers

Edwards, L (2): 1237, 1894 Edwards, W (20): 231, 304, 308, 437, 650, 701, 735, 902, 984, 1060, 1187, 1217, 1285, 1305, 1353, 1398, 1437, 1737, 2108, 2129 Fairchild, S (2): 642, 746 Ferrie, J (6): 492, 1221, 1684, 1708, 1798, 2022 Fields, R (2): 298, 1935 Fortman, R (17): 2, 321, 436, 504, 513, 947, 1028, 1156, 1234, 1330, 1347, 1373, 1468, 1506, 1511, 1599, 2165 Francis, J (1): 1510 Fraser, W (11): 183, 562, 1188, 1503, 1506, 1511, 1536, 1540, 1559, 1588, 1824 Frazier, E (17): 466, 740, 1081, 1241, 1294, 1323, 1399, 1477, 1486, 1669, 1710, 1734, 1792, 1845, 2111, 2123, 2131 Freedman, H (8): 3, 168, 492, 561, 1093, 1094, 1404, 1879 Freeman, C (1): 375 Freyer, H (11): 40, 276, 440, 646, 788, 900, 1100, 1105, 1863, 1917, 2139 Fricker, H (1): 1891 Fuller, E (21): 111, 210, 406, 414, 415, 419, 426, 564, 565, 567, 624, 781, 857, 864, 905, 974, 1285, 1305, 1488, 1752, 2096 Gable, W (1): 785 Gallagher, F (1): 505 Gallagher, J (1): 1354 Gambrell, B (1): 1756 Gardner, W (3): 447, 725, 1670 Gibson, H (1): 220 Gilliland, J (1): 1445 Ginsberg, L (17): 405, 467, 535, 879, 1001, 1018, 1267, 1476, 1545, 1809, 1988, 1992, 2031, 2082, 2085, 2090, 2115

Richard Pask


Goldsboro, T (1): 1884 Gonotsky, S (28): 171, 172, 173, 201, 213, 405, 773, 774, 879, 897, 1018, 1019, 1026, 1265, 1267, 1272, 1392, 1426, 1476, 1544, 1545, 1724, 1988, 1989, 2031, 2085, 2092, 2152 Goodfellow, L (1): 1824 Gould, R (6): 618, 659, 1509, 2127, 2151, 2156 Grant, J (3): 414, 612, 1201 Grover, K (16): 315, 440, 495, 573, 738, 900, 1101, 1184, 1299, 1374, 1383, 1761, 1776, 1912, 2116, 2138 Grover, S (2): 209, 725 Hall, L (2): 121, 787 Hallett, R (17): 77, 292, 570, 633, 935, 941, 970, 1047, 1214, 1228, 1255, 1309, 1363, 1987, 2124, 2158, 2166 Hanson, J (16): 121, 171, 403, 573, 708, 738, 1001, 1009, 1013, 1286, 1318, 1711, 1742, 1809, 2165, 2175 Harrigan, T (1): 20 Harwood, D (1): 1333 Head, L (2): 1313, 2023 Heffner, A (8): 568, 722, 1270, 1441, 1527, 1541, 1575, 1723 Hefter, C (1): 107 Hellman, W (169): 1, 9, 44, 52, 101, 102, 127, 170, 186, 189, 192, 200, 219, 232, 234, 294, 301, 305, 351, 357, 360, 361, 364, 382, 386, 397, 400, 408, 417, 422, 438, 456, 465, 466, 468, 490, 495, 506, 508, 528, 532, 539, 542, 545, 557, 574, 581, 584, 594, 624, 640, 649, 653, 655, 698, 730, 739, 748, 752, 754, 755, 760, 763, 765, 869, 882, 898, 907, 944, 946, 1002, 1004, 1014, 1016, 1027, 1029, 1052, 1058, 1061, 1081, 1103, 1156, 1178, 1198, 1201, 1211, 1218, 1229, 1233, 1254, 1280, 1294, 1300, 1308, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1339, 1345, 1427, 1432, 1453, 1464, 1477, 1480, 1483, 1486, 1489, 1493, 1505, 1509, 1564, 1573, 1590, 1591, 1596, 1608, 1640, 1657, 1669, 1678, 1696, 1700, 1725, 1729, 1736, 1738, 1739, 1743, 1750, 1775, 1786, 1795, 1821,


Complete Checkers

1822, 1826, 1838, 1845, 1847, 1849, 1850, 1855, 1865, 1870, 1873, 1889, 1892, 1893, 1912, 1921, 1932, 1934, 1969, 1977, 1980, 1993, 1995, 2028, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2072, 2075, 2104, 2123, 2132, 2148, 2150, 2168 Hellman, W & Tinsley, M (1): 666 Henderson, H (1): 1271 Hollow, C (1): 18 Hopper, M (3): 1340, 1455, 2030 Horr, J (11): 6, 396, 775, 1091, 1720, 1766, 1953, 2013, 2155, 2163, 2169 Huggins, A (7): 180, 1123, 1189, 1344, 1502, 1811, 2179 Hunt, E (51): 8, 11, 16, 39, 234, 299, 313, 314, 318, 425, 519, 531, 543, 592, 626, 740, 759, 849, 909, 925, 933, 946, 1009, 1013, 1070, 1083, 1092, 1205, 1212, 1216, 1286, 1325, 1338, 1378, 1427, 1577, 1692, 1742, 1797, 1882, 1886, 1888, 1906, 1911, 1960, 1996, 2038, 2042, 2114, 2115, 2117 Hunt, E & Lafferty, D (1): 666 Hunt, R (8): 14, 124, 596, 638, 1202, 1299, 1330, 1959 Hutzler, H (1): 1528 Hynd, A (1): 404 Ingram, E (1): 966 Jackson, A (3): 1460, 1474, 1475 Jackson, W (1): 1535 Jewitt, G (2): 1642, 2026 Johnson, R (1): 1462 Johnson, V (1): 1692 Jones, R (1): 1644 Jordan, A (30): 20, 172, 404, 774, 1007, 1025, 1086, 1087, 1090, 1173, 1274, 1313, 1389, 1392, 1403, 1626, 1645, 1652, 1671, 1695,

Richard Pask


1699, 1706, 1721, 1726, 1992, 2014, 2016, 2073, 2147, 2176 Jordan, R (24): 3, 110, 168, 402, 561, 568, 569, 771, 778, 779, 783, 1091, 1093, 1094, 1168, 1181, 1645, 1684, 1708, 1723, 1879, 2020, 2023, 2107 Kear, J (1): 1670 Keene, J (1): 1781 Kelley, H (1): 1244 Ketchum, P (2): 1463, 2130 King, R (21): 4, 77, 449, 520, 527, 883, 904, 967, 1217, 1452, 1499, 1611, 1651, 1654, 1659, 1665, 1717, 1727, 2041, 2118, 2128 KingsRow Program (12): 267, 470, 471, 481, 789, 795, 796, 801, 815, 1484, 1758, 2181 Kirk, J (1): 1017 Krantz, M (1): 1876 Lafferty, D (101): 111, 195, 291, 292, 318, 348, 374, 376, 438, 454, 462, 485, 555, 560, 577, 610, 635, 705, 711, 727, 757, 766, 883, 890 894, 910 915, 960, 968, 975, 990, 1027, 1049, 1067, 1073, 1074, 1109, 1122, 1126, 1131, 1140, 1154, 1162, 1175, 1179, 1183, 1185, 1192, 1203, 1216, 1224, 1225, 1227, 1238, 1241, 1307, 1312, 1385, 1408, 1430, 1434, 1440, 1442, 1448, 1454, 1466, 1468, 1483, 1488, 1510, 1522, 1553, 1554, 1555, 1589, 1598, 1611, 1621, 1625, 1627, 1637, 1638, 1639, 1641, 1647, 1649, 1655, 1661, 1747, 1749, 1769, 1777, 1792, 1807, 1963, 2009, 2032, 2046, 2074, 2094, 2162 Landry, T (3): 1613, 1973, 2162 Langan, J (1): 1998 Langdon, E (1): 2062 Laverty, T (1): 1777 LeClair, G (3): 282, 286, 439 Levitt, L (22): 349, 374, 433, 441, 701, 702, 943, 989, 1049, 1352, 1363, 1369, 1379, 1442, 1462, 1478, 1529, 1543, 1635, 1643, 1878, 1984


Complete Checkers

Levy, S (9): 169, 579, 588, 721, 747, 1444, 1691, 1939, 2178 Lewis, L (3): 403, 1709, 1851 Lieber, M (13): 30, 201, 213, 773, 897, 1026, 1265, 1272, 1403, 1405, 1724, 1989, 2152 Lieberman, H (5): 107, 642, 1221, 1706, 1883 Lindsay, G (1): 90 Loew, M (5): 837, 842, 1596, 1612, 1980 Long, A (141): 1, 8, 11, 16, 40, 113, 240, 287, 288, 299, 314, 316, 346, 347, 352, 353, 354, 396, 409, 411, 417, 419, 422, 425, 427, 429, 431, 442, 448, 467, 508, 531, 542, 552, 553, 565, 566, 574, 581, 590, 619, 639, 645, 646, 690, 699, 726, 730, 739, 763, 775, 788, 849, 859, 869, 882, 898, 907, 909, 923, 924, 925, 933, 958, 968, 975, 996, 998, 1002, 1010, 1016, 1029, 1052, 1055, 1060, 1101, 1116, 1162, 1178, 1194, 1207, 1212, 1338, 1361, 1374, 1377, 1383, 1402, 1564, 1577, 1590, 1591, 1608, 1612, 1631, 1663, 1664, 1678, 1682, 1683, 1714, 1720, 1733, 1740, 1766, 1797, 1805, 1838, 1843, 1868, 1881, 1882, 1886, 1888, 1897, 1901, 1911, 1934, 1953, 1960, 1976, 1993, 1996, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2035, 2090, 2097, 2098, 2099, 2100, 2101, 2108, 2109, 2114, 2116, 2132, 2163, 2166, 2176 Lowder, E (31): 39, 71, 126, 453, 541, 544, 650, 681, 711, 943, 1136, 1295, 1311, 1337, 1372, 1385, 1420, 1493, 1539, 1584, 1585, 1586, 1640, 1667, 1672, 1741, 1819, 1880, 1904, 2061, 2109 Lucas, B (1): 902 Markusic, E (5): 583, 1732, 1745, 1747, 2079 Marshall, J (15): 295, 525, 530, 548, 606, 945, 1099, 1108, 1240, 1395, 1435, 1438, 1504, 1675, 1820 Martin, R (7): 276, 504, 611, 633, 772, 1028, 2137 Martins, R (7): 714, 715, 718, 1012, 1514, 1642, 1703 Mason, H (1): 2042 Mauro, O (1): 1788 McCarrick, C (1): 462

Richard Pask


McCarthy, P (13): 12, 280, 366, 430, 454, 729, 914, 984, 1003, 1496, 1583, 1986, 1994 McGill, J (4): 298, 532, 702, 1256 McKelvie, D (2): 281, 942 McKerrow, J (1): 1012 McMillan, R (1): 1718 Miller, G (3): 423, 969, 1623 Millhone, A (1): 90 Milne, J (1): 783 Moiseyev, A (6): 126, 449, 520, 904, 1659, 1727 Morrison, J (11): 71, 343, 853, 1179, 1244, 1555, 1589, 1641, 1649, 1651, 1654 Munger, L (2): 349, 1150 Murray, B (1): 1576 Nemesis Program (16): 471, 481, 789, 794, 797, 801, 802, 815, 816, 820, 821, 824, 1484, 1758, 1951, 2186 Newcomb, H (2): 1721, 1726 Nexus Program (1): 1668 O’Connor, G (11): 15, 21, 176, 535, 538, 911, 1397, 1405, 1443, 2092, 2175 O’Grady, T (3): 15, 637, 1883 Oldbury, D (119): 44, 118, 170, 180, 187, 192, 205, 207, 208, 211, 295, 297, 311, 317, 348, 356, 382, 456, 465, 523, 525, 530, 548, 549, 560, 562, 570, 576, 606, 703, 704, 729, 743, 749, 762, 835, 916, 935, 945, 954, 966, 983, 990, 1039, 1057, 1099, 1108, 1118, 1123, 1128, 1189, 1190, 1214, 1228, 1238, 1255, 1309, 1344, 1348, 1352, 1369, 1395, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1437, 1438, 1449, 1496, 1499, 1502, 1505, 1522, 1525, 1529, 1539, 1543, 1553, 1554, 1573, 1587, 1594, 1621, 1625, 1627, 1637, 1638, 1639, 1643, 1644, 1655, 1657, 1661, 1667, 1672, 1675, 1701, 1704, 1705, 1710, 1725, 1732, 1734, 1745,


Complete Checkers

1750, 1759, 1767, 1811, 1812, 1820, 1921, 1987, 2044, 2088, 2111, 2124, 2158, 2179 Omans, R (1): 1972 Pask, R (42): 220, 304, 356, 371, 423, 429, 431, 437, 537, 735, 835, 914, 969, 983, 1003, 1182, 1256, 1291, 1333, 1353, 1407, 1551, 1552, 1566, 1576, 1583, 1613, 1623, 1628, 1668, 1737, 1818, 1866, 1938, 1961, 1973, 1984, 1994, 1997, 2044, 2093, 2128 Pomeroy, M (6): 1173, 1626, 1652, 1671, 1695, 1699 Reed, J (2): 717, 1697 Rex, M (1): 115 Reynolds, H (2): 1884, 1976 Ricca, J (1): 215 Ricciuti, V (1): 908 Richards, H (1): 1032 Richmond, J (1): 1530 Richter, H (1): 709 Rolader, E (2): 890, 1367 Rosenfield, L (1): 1273 Rubin, N (13): 136, 277, 514, 543, 759, 787, 997, 1195, 1630, 1851, 1970, 1998, 2117 Ryan, W (64): 9, 85, 128, 136, 283, 284, 351, 357, 360, 397, 400, 408, 468, 514, 528, 539, 557, 584, 594, 625, 647, 698, 708, 709, 746, 785, 836, 997, 1032, 1040, 1047, 1184, 1195, 1218, 1300, 1324, 1329, 1368, 1391, 1422, 1426, 1453, 1458, 1470, 1490, 1574, 1630, 1716, 1739, 1762, 1775, 1786, 1795, 1850, 1874, 1889, 1932, 1970, 2036, 2037, 2072, 2104, 2125, 2192 Sage Program (1): 537 Scarpetta, S (1): 1665 Schaefer, A (1): 1713

Richard Pask


Scheidt, E (7): 294, 744, 905, 1847, 1849, 1959, 2038 Scobbie, R (1): 2157 Scott, A (2): 911, 1007 Scott, J (2): 1463, 1544 Seavey, M (1): 663 Shields, D (1): 1866 Shuffett, R (1): 877 Smith, J (4): 108, 1460, 1474, 1475 Stewart, I (1): 631 Stewart, R (18): 110, 209, 563, 778, 779, 1168, 1270, 1404, 1491, 1527, 1541, 1542, 1679, 1713, 2012, 2027, 2107, 2170 Strickland, W (1): 927 Sweeney, J (1): 699 Tadgell, J (1): 281 Taylor, L (9): 313, 321, 358, 618, 761, 1050, 1092, 1243, 1861 Thompson, P (5): 54, 116, 132, 1085, 1861 Tinsley, M (286): 2, 14, 18, 23, 28, 42, 52, 54, 104, 113, 115, 116, 118, 120, 124, 127, 128, 131, 132, 174, 183, 186, 189, 193, 195, 200, 205, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 215, 227, 240, 282, 286, 288, 300, 311, 315, 317, 346, 352, 361, 364, 395, 398, 406, 410, 412, 415, 421, 426, 433, 436, 439, 441, 448, 451, 453, 455, 460, 485, 505, 511, 513, 527, 534, 536, 540, 541, 544, 552, 555, 564, 566, 567, 576, 578, 580, 586, 590, 596, 609, 610, 631, 635, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 645, 649, 663, 681, 694, 704, 727, 734, 743, 744, 749, 751, 755, 756, 757, 760, 766, 781, 836, 899, 908, 916, 923, 924, 947, 958, 960, 989, 996, 1015, 1039, 1040, 1055, 1057, 1063, 1074, 1085, 1100, 1103, 1105, 1109, 1114, 1116, 1128, 1133, 1136, 1167, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1183, 1185, 1186, 1188, 1202, 1207, 1209, 1224, 1225, 1227, 1229, 1233, 1234, 1237, 1240, 1264, 1269, 1273, 1283, 1295, 1297, 1298, 1304, 1312, 1314, 1320, 1322, 1337, 1339, 1342, 1345, 1350, 1354, 1361, 1367, 1368, 1372, 1373, 1376, 1402, 1408, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1424, 1430, 1452,


Complete Checkers

1456, 1458, 1466, 1467, 1469, 1470, 1481, 1489, 1490, 1498, 1503, 1504, 1517, 1518, 1525, 1551, 1578, 1584, 1585, 1586, 1599, 1605, 1629, 1631, 1635, 1647, 1662, 1663, 1676, 1677, 1694, 1707, 1714, 1729, 1733, 1736, 1738, 1740, 1741, 1743, 1746, 1749, 1759, 1761, 1762, 1769, 1776, 1796, 1819, 1822, 1823, 1825, 1826, 1842, 1859, 1873, 1878, 1880, 1897, 1901, 1904, 1913, 1917, 1937, 1957, 1963, 1972, 1978, 1986, 1991, 2011, 2032, 2034, 2041, 2043, 2046, 2059, 2061, 2074, 2088, 2094, 2097, 2098, 2100, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2118, 2137, 2138, 2139, 2148, 2151, 2153, 2156, 2168 Vidlak, G (1): 1751 Waldron, G (1): 1122 Walker, C (1): 366 Ward, R (2): 1019, 1664 Watson, T (18): 308, 353, 430, 434, 558, 585, 707, 777, 1175, 1187, 1311, 1379, 1552, 1566, 1682, 1683, 1818, 1997 Way, J (1): 1646 WCC Platinum Program (4): 267, 470, 795, 796 Webster, J (4): 585, 970, 1451, 1454 Weslow, S (2): 369, 1440 Wexler, N (1): 1407 Whiting, G (1): 534 Wiswell, T (13): 177, 497, 881, 1340, 1455, 1536, 1540, 1559, 1588, 1746, 1863, 1876, 2030 Wolcott, J (1): 120 Wyllie, J (17): 529, 715, 718, 797, 824, 1535, 1546, 1572, 1681, 1687, 1702, 1703, 1719, 1730, 1798, 2026, 2180 Yates, R (3): 1687, 1702, 1730 Zink, H (1): 782 Zuber, E (2): 442, 1377

Richard Pask

653 50+ Games 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8=: 8=:

M. Tinsley W. Hellman A. Long D. Oldbury D. Lafferty W. Ryan N. Banks B. Case E. Hunt

286 games 169 games 141 games 119 games 101 games 64 games 52 games 51 games 51 games

Richard Pask

Appendix 2: Index to Postal Games Of the 2200 games given, 221 (10%) are postal games. Bailey, R (1): 1120 Balderson, L (2): 59, 806 Banks, M (6): 263, 268, 472, 475, 823, 1416 Barker, M (1): 261 Bass, G (6): 236, 289, 306, 616, 1068, 1366 Bastiman, F (1): 2057 Bernstein, A (3): 1005, 1141, 1306 Boucher, H (1): 1062 Bruch, E (1): 1252 Brumfiel, C (2): 1160, 1779 Bryant, M (2): 1945, 2057 Burroughs, R (5): 134, 243, 601, 1155, 1974 Caldwell, J (4): 680, 889, 992, 1079 Carter, C (1): 1051 Carter, W (1): 833 Case, B (7): 53, 103, 114, 1088, 1089, 1200, 1686 Cast, R (1): 1958 Cayton, D (4): 265, 695, 1166, 1177 Chamberlain, R (7): 38, 221, 310, 312, 648, 873, 1789 Charles, J (3): 691, 695, 1860 Checkers Experimental Program (1): 147 Childers, J (6): 165, 343, 680, 852, 884, 2010 Cohen, S (1): 1147



Complete Checkers

Coleman, W (3): 844, 862, 1616 Colossus Program (4): 345, 684, 685, 846 Colston, T (6): 851, 860, 1071, 1193, 1293, 1310 Cook, A (2): 1335, 1416 Crook, W (1): 1844 Dailey, W (1): 1844 Davies, R (3): 24, 29, 600 Davis, V (1): 289 Dayton, P (1): 254 Dibble, L (1): 1080 Dowsey, V (1): 256 Edwards, W (5): 26, 35, 885, 1157, 1158 Fogle, A (1): 1062 Fortman, R (78): 24, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 109, 130, 139, 142, 147, 165, 204, 233, 236, 241, 253, 265, 293, 319, 345, 363, 390, 424, 593, 597, 599, 600, 636, 651, 683, 684, 685, 691, 839, 843, 845, 846, 851, 852, 860, 878, 885, 888, 936, 950, 951, 955, 985, 986, 991, 1077, 1121, 1157, 1158, 1160, 1161, 1165, 1166, 1193, 1246, 1249, 1257, 1261, 1290, 1364, 1366, 1387, 1485, 1487, 1508, 1779, 1853, 1860, 1875, 1903, 1982, 2064 Frazier, E (2): 937, 1929 Freyer, H (2): 1071, 1149 Gallagher, F (1): 1306 Gardner, S (3): 830, 2188, 2189 Gibson, J (1): 98 Gill, E (1): 2054 Goans, L (2): 893, 1261 Guss, C (2): 937, 1293

Richard Pask


Horton, M (1): 1763 Howe Jr, J (1): 1072 Huggins, A (27): 38, 119, 137, 221, 228, 310, 312, 629, 636, 648, 841, 873, 874, 875, 876, 938, 955, 1042, 1117, 1149, 1275, 1284, 1287, 1789, 1903, 1981, 2064 Huntley, R (1): 616 Jenkins, W (3): 874, 875, 876 Keen, O (1): 1153 Kemmerer, M (1): 89 King, E (12): 157, 593, 599, 601, 688, 980, 982, 1119, 1155, 1832, 1835, 2054 King, R (2): 29, 597 Lafferty, D (1): 985 Latham, J (2): 850, 863 Lattimer, J (2): 63, 1075 Lemler, W (1): 1076 Long, A (7): 841, 938, 1223, 1275, 1276, 2045, 2047 Long, M (8): 250, 251, 253, 256, 263, 977, 993, 1177 Looser, H (2): 1161, 1230 Lopez, G (2): 393, 1292 Loy, J (7): 157, 250, 262, 806, 829, 1947, 1955 Lyman, A (4): 134, 271, 819, 1292 Maddux, G (1): 1974 Maine, H (3): 844, 862, 1616 Malone, R (1): 479 Mantell, A (2): 306, 1153 Marshall, C (1): 74 Marshall, J (6): 683, 1072, 1088, 1089, 1257, 1929


Complete Checkers

McGill, J (3): 887, 1005, 1141 McGrath, D (5): 241, 887, 1601, 2000, 2010 McQueen, W (1): 84 Meyer, J (1): 629 Miller, G (3): 60, 83, 1945 Miller, G W (10): 63, 76, 243, 244, 268, 343, 393, 991, 1832, 1947 Monteiro, V (1): 1077 Morley, A (1): 1051 Mourning, J (1): 50 Nelson, J (1): 936 Oldbury, D (19): 27, 33, 53, 103, 114, 139, 390, 424, 843, 845, 878, 986, 1200, 1223, 1276, 1686, 1853, 2045, 2047 Podoff, R (2): 264, 2189 Proffitt, N (6): 60, 81, 261, 827, 833, 2195 Ramsey, N (1): 1979 Ransome, E (1): 1252 Rex, M (7): 84, 893, 1104, 1120, 1230, 1601, 2000 Savage, W (1): 1835 Schumann, W (2): 688, 1413 Scott, J (3): 865, 1249, 1302 Scott, R (3): 251, 254, 1075 Sheehan, T (7): 81, 262, 264, 271, 829, 977, 1413 Shelor, E (2): 888, 1165 Skurcenski, A (3): 1068, 1246, 1979 Stewart, I (1): 1763 Straw, W (1): 1302 Stubblefield, L (2): 819, 1335

Richard Pask


Stums, A (1): 1147 Sulyma, R (5): 161, 244, 980, 982, 993 Talis, B (1): 1958 Thompson, P (14): 130, 142, 204, 228, 233, 319, 850, 865, 950, 951, 1284, 1287, 1485, 1487 Thorpe, J (1): 1310 Tinsley, M (4): 293, 1364, 1387, 1875 Todd, K (5): 89, 98, 889, 992, 1079 Tribble, S (1): 161 Vanderpool, A (10): 59, 74, 76, 472, 475, 479, 823, 830, 1955, 2188 Van Leer, W (1): 1042 Vestal, D (2): 884, 1104 Weslow, S (6): 119, 137, 863, 1117, 1121, 1981 Whiting, E (10): 50, 109, 363, 651, 839, 1076, 1080, 1290 1508, 1982 Wilkins, W (3): 83, 827, 2195 Zuber, E (2): 34, 1119 10+ Games 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6=: 6=: 6=:

R. Fortman A. Huggins D. Oldbury P. Thompson E. King G. W. Miller A. Vanderpool E. Whiting

78 games 27 games 19 games 14 games 12 games 10 games 10 games 10 games

Richard Pask


Appendix 3: Index to Analyzed Games Of the 2200 games given, 920 (42%) are analyzed games. Albrecht, K (4): 239, 971, 1226, 1858 Alexander, J (10): 279, 554, 559, 780, 1393, 1790, 1837, 2080, 2081, 2143 Allen, R (1): 912 Anderson, A (5): 1494, 1524, 1548, 1666, 1685 Banks, M (1): 834 Banks, N (4): 758, 957, 999, 2133 Barker, C (2): 720, 1208 Bass, G (4): 413, 1316, 1757, 2086 de Bearn, L (1): 1568 Bradford, J (1): 226 Bradford, J & Ryan, W (1): 1848 Bradt, P (1): 1567 Buchanan, G (1): 1908 Burrows, L (1): 36 Cantor, C (3): 1895, 1896, 1898 Case, B (7): 368, 1106, 1331, 1375, 1615, 1785, 1964 Chamblee, M (10): 245, 302, 362, 598, 620, 622, 654, 1199, 1744, 1940 Chamblee, M & Hunt, E (1): 1328 Checkers 3.0 Program (1): 798 Childers, J (1): 1041 Chinook Program (1): 825


Complete Checkers

Claggett, J (1): 1250 Clark, E (3): 1569, 1570, 1571 Claypool, M (1): 866 Clayton, J (1): 658 Coleman, W (1): 122 Cox, J (6): 37, 546, 1532, 1557, 1633, 1634 Crookston, G (1): 1754 Davis, V (4): 41, 66, 1064, 1066 Doran, P (1): 582 Drummond, J (5): 463, 1495, 1538, 1636, 1673 Duffy, J (1): 2069 Dunne, F (3): 7, 575, 589 Ferrie, J (1): 487 Flood, R (1): 1319 Fogle, A (1): 1048 Fortman, R (21): 237, 248, 344, 500, 767, 868, 870, 1000, 1191, 1336, 1349, 1357, 1382, 1472, 1482, 1760, 1771, 1852, 1905, 2018, 2159 Fraser, W (1): 886 Frazier, E (23): 140, 158, 246, 247, 249, 252, 255, 258, 323, 325, 327, 328, 330, 383, 384, 499, 807, 940, 1084, 1124, 1239, 1715, 2051 Freeman, C (1): 2142 Freyer, H (1): 452 Fricker, H (1): 1008 Fuller, E (1): 1800 Gardner, W (1): 1674 Gigg, W (1): 1619 Ginsberg, L (2): 855, 1020

Richard Pask


Gonotsky, S (5): 399, 657, 660, 1023, 1624 Grover, K (3): 178, 572, 1597 Hall, L (4): 956, 1065, 1115, 1810 Hanson, J (1): 1854 Head, L (1): 1813 Heffner, A (14): 491, 547, 723, 786, 948, 1112, 1315, 1390, 1690, 2006, 2067, 2091, 2149, 2167 Hellman, W (45): 51, 86, 129, 135, 141, 217, 229, 235, 242, 378, 380, 381, 387, 418, 486, 661, 662, 668, 669, 670, 671, 731, 732, 741, 742, 764, 769, 871, 872, 931, 1053, 1054, 1096, 1148, 1204, 1327, 1479, 1500, 1610, 1801, 1949, 2065, 2068, 2120, 2121 Hellman, W & Lafferty, D (1): 216 Henderson, H (4): 105, 106, 182, 1698 Huggins, A (6): 515, 1107, 1151, 1450, 1620, 1794 Hunt, E (19): 179, 196, 238, 373, 420, 623, 750, 838, 1030, 1097, 1113, 1142, 1282, 1289, 1846, 1900, 1936, 1975, 2154 Hunt, R (4): 1595, 1600, 1603, 1604 Inglis, A (1): 1021 Jack, J (1): 2173 Jackson, H (12): 143, 144, 145, 148, 151, 155, 156, 159, 162, 166, 167, 1459 Jacob, H (1): 1180 Jordan, A (2): 22, 913 Jordan, R (1): 847 Kear, J (2): 1011, 1885 Keene, J (1): 2029 Kelly, C & Schaefer, A (1): 1533 Ketchum, P (1): 526


Complete Checkers

Lafferty, D (12): 32, 320, 389, 391, 962, 964, 978, 1078, 1111, 1914, 1918, 1933 Lafferty, D & Tinsley, M (4): 138, 329, 333, 840 Lees, J (4): 435, 603, 1560, 1731 Levy, S (2): 175, 214 Lieber, M (1): 407 Lieberman, H (3): 359, 489, 2164 Lindsay, G (1): 336 Loew, M (1): 677 Long, A (6): 503, 737, 828, 1059, 1346, 1429 Loy, J (1): 2185 Lyman, A (10): 55, 58, 484, 818, 1411, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1946, 1948 Maine, H (1): 510 Mantell, A (10): 17, 100, 675, 1095, 1125, 1130, 1143, 1144, 1152, 1288 Markusic, E (1): 1215 Martin, R (2): 1781, 1877 Martins, R (4): 713. 716, 1547, 1562 Mauro, O (2): 1787, 1793 McCourt, J (1): 1537 McGill, J (8): 46, 191, 652, 891, 920, 1783, 1841, 1867 McGrath, D (1): 617 McIndoe, J (1): 1656 McKerrow, J (1): 1492 McTeer, J (1): 1431 Meadows, H (1): 805 Miller, F (1): 1817

Richard Pask


Moiseyev, A (12): 278, 307, 355, 482, 483, 518, 556, 615, 710, 1197, 1359, 2019 O’Connor, G (2): 184, 1046 Oldbury, D (60): 5, 117, 146, 198, 199, 203, 225, 296, 379, 416, 458, 464, 533, 607, 673, 678, 745, 880, 926, 949, 972, 981, 1006, 1129, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1163, 1219, 1220, 1231, 1235, 1236, 1268, 1277, 1278, 1332, 1428, 1501, 1520, 1526, 1561, 1565, 1617, 1618, 1658, 1728, 1753, 1764, 1768, 1774, 1784, 1803, 1902, 1915, 1928, 2056, 2066, 2095, 2174 Payne, W (2): 939, 1497 Rehbein, R (1): 1251 Reisman, A (1): 524 Robertson, J (3): 719, 1038, 1689 Rubin, N (1): 10 Ryan, W (37): 87, 97, 123, 125, 223, 224, 332, 428, 628, 736, 848, 861, 961, 1022, 1043, 1044, 1102, 1127, 1135, 1242, 1245, 1260, 1303, 1326, 1351, 1356, 1358, 1365, 1370, 1609, 1688, 1748, 1816, 1872, 1999, 2083, 2193 Schaefer, A (1): 571 Shearer, H (1): 2177 Sherrow, G (1): 712 Smith, H (1): 1680 Snoddy, J (1): 1735 Stacey, W (1): 1840 Stewart, I (1): 1301 Stiles, J (3): 1465, 1814, 2140 Sturges, J (3): 1550, 1648, 1653 Subkow, W (1): 1869 Taylor, L (4): 47, 632, 1380, 1592


Complete Checkers

Taylor, W (1): 1457 Tescheleit, F (9): 370, 432, 446, 693, 784, 1423, 1516, 1521, 1907 Thompson, P (2): 604, 1857 Tinsley, M (52): 43, 133, 401, 498, 521, 550, 614, 656, 664, 665, 672, 674, 676, 679, 686, 687, 692, 696, 697, 706, 733, 804, 867, 901, 917, 929, 934, 952, 959, 973, 976, 1110, 1146, 1164, 1174, 1210, 1248, 1262, 1281, 1296, 1334, 1384, 1386, 1439, 1765, 1778, 1808, 1856, 1899, 1941, 2048, 2110 Veal, W (1): 1722 Vidlak, G (1): 1317 Ward, R (1): 25 WCC Platinum Program (352): 13, 19, 31, 45, 48, 49, 56, 57, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 82, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 112, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 160, 163, 164, 181, 185, 188, 190, 194, 197, 202, 206, 218, 222, 230, 257, 259, 260, 266, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 285, 290, 303, 309, 322, 324, 326, 331, 334, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 350, 365, 367, 372, 377, 385, 388, 392, 394, 443, 444, 445, 450, 457, 459, 461, 469, 473, 474, 476, 477, 478, 480, 488, 493, 494, 496, 501, 502, 507, 509, 512, 516, 517, 522, 551, 587, 591, 595, 602, 605, 608, 613, 621, 627, 630, 634, 643, 644, 667, 682, 689, 700, 724, 753, 768, 770, 776, 790, 791, 792, 793, 799, 800, 803, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 817, 822, 826, 831, 832, 854, 896, 903, 906, 918, 919, 921, 922, 930, 932, 953, 963, 965, 979, 987, 988, 994, 995, 1024, 1031, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1045, 1056, 1069, 1082, 1098, 1132, 1134, 1145, 1159, 1176, 1206, 1213, 1222, 1232, 1247, 1253, 1258, 1259, 1263, 1266, 1321, 1341, 1343, 1355, 1360, 1362, 1371, 1381, 1388, 1394, 1409, 1410, 1412, 1414, 1415, 1417, 1418, 1419, 1433, 1436, 1446, 1447, 1461, 1473, 1507, 1512, 1513, 1515, 1523, 1534, 1549, 1556, 1558, 1563, 1579, 1580, 1581, 1582, 1593, 1602, 1606, 1607, 1614, 1622, 1632, 1650, 1660, 1693, 1755, 1770, 1772, 1773, 1780, 1799, 1802, 1804, 1815, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1833, 1834, 1836, 1839, 1862, 1864, 1871, 1887, 1890, 1909, 1910, 1916, 1919, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1931, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1962, 1966, 1967, 1968,

Richard Pask


1971, 1983, 1985, 1990, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2015, 2017, 2021, 2025, 2033, 2039, 2040, 2049, 2050, 2052, 2053, 2055, 2058, 2060, 2063, 2070, 2071, 2076, 2077, 2078, 2087, 2089, 2105, 2106, 2112, 2113, 2119, 2122, 2126, 2134, 2135, 2136, 2141, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2160, 2161, 2171, 2172, 2182, 2183, 2184, 2187, 2190, 2191, 2194, 2196, 2197, 2198, 2199, 2200 Wexler, N (3): 895, 1806, 2002 Wiswell, T (3): 858, 1196, 1965 Wray, W (1): 1396 Wyllie, J (2): 892, 2024 20+ Games 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7:

WCC Platinum Program D. Oldbury M. Tinsley W. Hellman W. Ryan E. Frazier R. Fortman

352 games 60 games 52 games 45 games 37 games 23 games 21 games

Grand Totals 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:

WCC Platinum Program M. Tinsley W. Hellman D. Oldbury A. Long D. Lafferty R. Fortman W. Ryan

356 games 347 games 216 games 198 games 154 games 119 games 116 games 101 games

Richard Pask


Appendix 4: Index to Key Landings Landing


#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25

9-14 22-17; 11-16 9-14 22-17; 11-16 9-14 22-17; 11-15 11-16 21-17; 16-20 11-16 24-19; 8-11 11-15 23-19; 9-14 11-15 23-19; 9-14 11-15 23-19; 9-14 11-16 24-19; 8-11 11-16 23-18; 16-20 9-14 23-19; 11-16 11-15 23-19; 8-11 11-15 23-18; 9-14 11-15 24-20; 8-11 9-13 24-20; 10-14 9-13 24-20; 10-14 9-13 24-19; 10-14 12-16 22-18; 16-19 9-14 24-20; 10-15 10-15 21-17; 15-18 9-14 24-20; 11-15 10-15 22-17; 7-10 11-16 22-18; 16-20 9-13 23-19; 6-9 9-14 22-18; 11-15

Jack Cox

9-13 22-18; 12-16

Richard Pask


Appendix 5: Index to Classic Late Midgames Late Midgame


#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10

87 None 1858, 584, 703 1818, 1263 703 (Note) None None 1129, 86, 399 (Note) 10-15 24-19; 15-24 V1(T) 1059

Richard Pask


Appendix 6: Guide to Classic Late Midgames Number 1: Fifth Position

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀

Diagram 191: White to move and draw

Continue: . . . 20-16!; 11-20 27-23; 20-24 22-18; 24-27 18-9; 10-14 [27-31 23-18; 10-14 18-15; 31-27 15-11; 27-23 19-15; 23-19 15-10. Drawn] 9-6; 27-31 6-2; 31-27 2-6; 27-18 6-9; 13-17 19-15; 18-11 9-18; 17-22 18-25; 11-15 25-22! Drawn.

Number 2: Lucas’ Position

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀

Diagram 192: White to move and win


Complete Checkers

Continue: . . . 20-16!; 11-20 18-15; 20-24 15-6; 24-27 6-2; 27-31 2-6; 31-27 6-13; 27-18 13-9. White Win.

Number 3: Cowan’s Coup

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀❜❀✇❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀

Diagram 193: White to move and draw

Continue: . . . 19-16!; 12-28 [12-26 24-19; 14-23 21-7; 26-31 73; 31-27 3-8. Drawn] 23-19; 14-23 21-7; 28-32 7-3; 32-27 3-8. Drawn.

Number 4: Strickland’s Draw

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀❜❀❜ ✳❀❜❀✳❀❜❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀❜ ✇❀✳❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✇❀

Diagram 194: White to move and draw

Continue: . . . 23-18!; 14-23 27-18; 16-23 24-19; 20-24 [11-16

Richard Pask


31-27; 7-11 21-17; 23-26 18-14; 16-23 14-7! Drawn] 21-17!; 24-28 17-13!; 11-16 31-27; 7-11 19-15!; 10-19 27-24. Drawn.

Number 5: Hefter’s Win

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀

Diagram 195: White to move and win

Continue: . . . 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 19-15; 17-22 18-14; 22-25 [22-26 loses fast by 20-16] 23-19; 25-30 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 30-26 7-3; 26-22 14-9; 22-18 9-5; 18-14 [11-16 loses by First Position] 3-7; 14-18 7-16; 18-23 5-1; 13-17 1-6; 17-22 6-10; 22-26 10-7; 26-31 16-11!; 23-16 11-15. White Win.

Number 6: Ross’ Win

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀

Diagram 196: White to move and win


Complete Checkers

Continue: . . . 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-15; 17-22 23-18; 13-17 18-14; 17-21 14-9; 22-25 9-5; 25-29 5-1; 29-25 1-6!; 7-10 15-11; 10-14 6-10; 14-18 10-15; 25-22 11-7; 18-23 7-2; 22-26 19-16!; 12-19 15-24; 26-31 24-28; 31-27 28-32; 27-24 2-7; 24-19 7-10; 19-24 10-14; 24-27 14-17; 27-31 17-22. White Win.

Number 7: Bell’s Win

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✇❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀

Diagram 197: White to move and win

Continue: . . . 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-15; 17-22 23-18; 13-17 18-14; 17-21 24-20; 22-25 15-10; 7-11 10-7; 11-15 7-3; 25-29 [15-18 3-7; 18-23 7-10; 23-27 10-15; 27-32 14-10; 25-29 10-7; 29-25 15-18. White win] 3-7; 29-25 7-10; 15-18 10-15; 25-22 30-26; 22-31 15-22; 31-27 14-10; 27-23 10-7; 23-19 7-3; 19-15 3-8. White Win.

Richard Pask


Number 8: Robertson’s Draw

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀❜❀❜❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✇❀✳❀

Diagram 198: White to move, Black draws

Continue: . . . 22-18; 14-17 21-14; 10-17 18-14; 17-22 14-9; 22-25 9-6; 25-30 6-2; 8-11! [7-11? 31-26; 13-17 2-6; 17-21 6-9; 21-25 9-14; 25-29 14-17; 29-25 17-21; 25-29 26-22; 29-25 23-18; 25-29 18-15!; 11-25 19-15. White win: ‘Fred Allen’s win’] 2-6; 30-25 23-18; 25-22 18-14; 13-17! [22-18? 6-9; 18-23 14-10; 23-16 10-3; 16-19 3-8; 11-15 9-14; 19-23 8-11; 15-19 11-15; 19-24 15-18; 23-27 14-10; 13-17 10-15; 27-32 15-19; 32-28 20-16; 17-21 16-11; 21-25 18-23. White win] 14-9; 17-21 9-5; 21-25 5-1; 25-30 1-5; 30-26 5-9; 26-23 6-10; 23-16 10-3; 16-19 9-14; 19-23 14-10; 23-19 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 15-18 11-15; 19-24 10-14; 18-23 20-16 [Not 14-18?]; 12-19 14-18; 23-26 18-25; 26-30. Drawn.


Complete Checkers

Number 9: Dunne’s Draw

❀✳❀✳❀✳❀❜ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀

Diagram 199: White to move and draw

Continue: . . . 30-25! [30-26? loses softly]; 15-24 22-18; 24-27 18-9; 27-31 9-6! [Easier than 9-5]; 31-26 [10-15 25-22; 4-8 23-18; 8-11 6-2; 31-26 or 31-27 then 20-16. Drawn] 23-18; 26-23 18-14; 10-17 21-14; 23-18 14-9!; 18-14 9-5; 13-17 6-2; 17-21 25-22; 21-25 2-6. Drawn.

Number 10: Jackson’s Draw

❀✳❀✳❀❜❀✳ ✳❀✳❀✳❀✳❀ ❀✳❀❜❀✳❀❜ ❜❀❜❀❜❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✇❀✇ ✇❀✇❀✇❀✳❀ ❀✳❀✳❀✳❀✳ ✳❀✇❀✳❀✳❀

Diagram 200: White to move and draw

Continue: . . . 30-25! [30-26? again loses]; 15-24 22-18; 24-27

Richard Pask


18-9; 27-31 9-5! [9-6?; loses after 31-26 23-18; 26-22 as this time, with the man on 3 instead of 4, the 18-14 saver is not available]; 10-15 25-22; 3-7 23-18 7-11 18-14; 31-27 14-10; 27-23 10-7; 23-18 7-3; 18-25 5-1; 25-22 [15-18 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 25-22 1-6; 15-19 6-10; 19-24 11-15; 24-28 10-14. Drawn] 1-6; 15-19 3-8; 11-15 8-11; 15-18 11-15; 19-23 6-10; 23-26 10-14. Drawn.

Richard Pask


Appendix 7: Index to Endgames Endgame

Ballot & Game

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22

9-13 22-18; 6-9 (#30) 9-13 22-18; 6-9 (#49) 9-13 22-18; 10-14 (#55) 9-13 22-18; 10-14 (#57) 9-13 22-18; 10-14 (#80) 9-13 24-19; 10-14 (#379) 9-13 24-20; 6-9 (#417) 9-14 22-17; 5-9 (#490) 9-14 23-18; 14-23 (#668) 9-14 23-18; 14-23 (#679) 10-14 22-17; 14-18 (#841) 10-14 22-18; 12-16 (#923) 10-14 24-19; 7-10 (#1039) 10-14 24-20; 7-10 (#1063) 10-15 21-17; 7-10 (#1115) 10-15 22-17; 6-10 (#1209) 10-15 22-17; 15-19 (#1277) 11-15 23-18; 12-16 (#1594) 11-15 24-20; 12-16 (#1750) 11-16 23-19; 16-23 (#1942) 11-16 23-19; 16-23 (#1943) 12-16 24-20; 8-12 (#2151)

Richard Pask


Appendix 8: Index to Database Positions Introduction In principle, every position with 10 pieces or less could/should be verified using the databases, establishing the soundness of the related variations to an even greater degree. Here, as per my request, Liam Stephens has just checked out the more interesting ones. In some cases, he has also provided additional information, although I of course assume overall responsibility for its accuracy. Of particular interest is where the weaker side has alternative moves which draw. Whether these moves prove easier to handle than the published continuations remains to be seen. Certainly, the continuations from these 170 positions, given in the main body of the text, represent a treasure trove of late midgame and endgame play. Note: here the word ‘also’ means ‘in addition to the move given in the main text.’ Game B x W Result Notes #20 5x5 Draw 9-13, 9-14 and 11-16 also draw. #30 5x5 Draw 28-32 also draws. #36 5x5 WW 32-28 is a winner against both 1519 and 16-19. 7-11 27-23; 11-15 17-14; 8-12 32#46 5x5 Draw 28 is Ryan’s powerful continuation. #49 4x4 Draw Against 28-24; 4-8 is the only move to draw. #55 4x4 Draw #57 5x5 Draw Against 23-18; 11-16 is the only move to draw. #75 5x5 Draw 9-13, 9-14 and 22-25 also draw. #80 5x5 Draw


Complete Checkers

Game #113 #129 #138 #142

BxW 5x5 5x4 5x5 4x4

Result Draw Draw Draw Draw

#227 #246 #333

5x5 5x5 5x5

Draw Draw Draw




#357 #361 #367 #378 #417 #431 #447(1) #447(2) #449

5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 4x4

Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw

#490 #653 #654 #655 #658 #660 #662 #663 #664(1) #664(2) #665 #666

4x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 4x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5

Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw

Notes Against 32-28; 11-16 also draws. 7-10, 25-29 and 25-30 also draw. Both 9-14: A. Bernstein v F. Gallagher (P) 1958 and 13-17 draw. Against 19-15; 9-13 also draws. 11-8 and 12-16 also draw. Against 21-17; 5-9, 8-11 and 12-16 also draw. 4-8, 10-14, 10-15 and 11-16 also draw.

Against 18-15; 10-14 also draws.

3-7 also draws.

Against 6-1; 8-12, 25-29 and 25-30 also draw.

5-9 also draws.

32-27 also draws.

9-5 also draws.

Richard Pask


Game #668 #673 #675 #677 #679 #686 #841 #925 #940 #941 #968 #1000 #1003 #1015

BxW 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5

Result Draw Draw BW Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw

#1018 #1019

5x5 5x5

Draw Draw

#1024 #1029

5x5 5x5

Draw Draw




#1041 #1046

4x5 5x5

Draw BW

Notes Against 16-19, 22-17 also draws.

5-1 also draws. 16-19 and 16-20 also draw.

9-13 also draws. 8-12 also draws. For what it’s worth, every legal white moves draws! 3-8 and 4-8 also draw. 3-8, 4-8 and 31-27 also draw. However, the innocent looking 23-26 pitch loses: L. Stubblefield v Chinook 1992. Again, of no relevance, but all 10 of White’s moves draw! A position of very frequent occurrence! The technical difficulties involved in consummating this win correctly against the best defence are, in my opinion, beyond any human being. Checkers too easy? Ridiculous! (RJP)


Complete Checkers

Game #1058 #1060

BxW 4x4 5x5

Result Draw Draw




#1109 #1115 #1117 #1121 #1122 #1123 #1124 #1127 #1132 #1141 #1166(1)

5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5

Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw!

#1166(2) #1177 #1183 #1205 #1209(1) #1209(2)

5x5 4x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5

Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw

#1209(3) #1212

5x5 5x5

Draw Draw

Notes Many white wins have been registered after the correct 11-16. Again, a position which has arisen on countless occasions: arguably of more relevance than some of the ‘standards.’ (RJP) A classic. 15-19 also draws.

4-8, 12-16 and 27-32 also draw. Against 6-2; Black draws with 14-17, while against 23-18; 14-23 27-18; Black draws with 12-16. Nonetheless, Black should avoid this line like the plague! (RJP) 2-6 and 10-14 also draw. 25-29 also draws. 14-17 also draws. Both 8-11 and 12-16 draw. After 24-19; 15-24 28-19; Black draws with 4-8 6-2; 8-11 2-6; 1417 6-10; 17-22 etc . . . Must be known. 2-7, 3-8 and 14-17 also draw.

Richard Pask


Game #1213 #1214 #1215 #1254 #1262 #1277(1)

BxW 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5

Result Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw




#1277(3) #1280 #1286 #1287 #1289 #1291 #1293 #1296 #1305 #1322 #1375 #1469 #1477 #1491

5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 4x4 5x4 4x4 5x5 5x5

Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw




#1594 #1603

4x5 5x5

Draw Draw

#1608 #1610 #1620 #1650

5x5 5x5 4x4 5x5

Draw Draw Draw Draw

Notes 5-9 and 22-25 also draw.

4-8 also draws. The infamous ‘Ash Can’ defence: 8-12, 25-29 and 25-30 all draw. Favoured by Chinook, which can keep it! Another classic. 7-10 also draws.

A masterpiece! 3-8, 11-15 and 12-16 also draw. 31-27 also draws.

Continue: 28-24 17-13; 24-19 and now both 1-6 and 31-26 draw. Against 18-14; rather than 19-16; 7-11 is the key to Black’s draw. 12-16 also draws. Against 3-7; rather than 25-22; 1518 is essential to draw.


Complete Checkers

Game #1651 #1652 #1653 #1659 #1710 #1722 #1736 #1750

BxW 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x4 4x4

Result Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw

#1774 #1778 #1782 #1795 #1796 #1816 #1826 #1827 #1836 #1838 #1843 #1848 #1850 #1853 #1854 #1872

5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 4x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5

Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw

Notes 5-9 also draws.

14-10 also draws. Against 5-1; both 21-25 and 37 draw. The following position arose in the D. Lafferty v M. Apel game played in the 1962 National Tourney. Black: 12, 20, kings on 11 and 29; White: 26, 27, kings on 3 and 30. Black lost with 11-15?, but a draw is available with the odd-looking 11-8! All 5 of Black’s moves draw. 8-11 is the only move to draw. 12-16 and 15-19 also draw. 2-6, 2-7, 5-9 and 16-19 also draw.

28-24 also draws.

2-7 and 5-9 also draw.

10-14 also draws.

Richard Pask Game #1896 #1911 #1932 #1940 #1942 #1946 #1948 #1953 #1956 #1965 #1969 #1972 #1978 #1984 #1994 #2005 #2023 #2031 #2042 #2045 #2067 #2084 #2085 #2086 #2089 #2095 #2118 #2148 #2151 #2166 #2167

BxW 4x4 4x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 4x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 4x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x5 4x4 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x4 5x5

689 Result Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw BW Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw

Notes 13-17 also draws.

1-5 and 1-6 also draw. 16-12 also draws. 7-3 and 28-24 also draw. 23-18 and 25-21 also draw. 16-12 also draws. 25-21 also draws.

9-13 also draws.

26-22 also draws. 12-16 also draws, but 3-7? loses! 11-15, 11-16 and 7-10 also draw. 26-23 and 28-24 also draw.

14-10 and 18-15 also draw. 19-23 also draws. 31-26 and 32-27 also draw. Predictably, being in such a commanding position, every single black move draws.


Complete Checkers

Game #2188 #2189 #2190 #2191(1)

BxW 5x5 5x5 5x5 5x4

Result Draw Draw Draw Draw

#2191(2) #2200

5x5 3x4

Draw Draw


4-8, 12-16, 13-17 and 25-29 all draw. After 25-29, White draws with 1-6!; 29-25 6-10!; 25-22 1015; 22-17 15-18! 4-8 and 12-16 also draw.

Richard Pask


Appendix 9: Cluster Index Ballot 9-13 21-17; 5-9 9-13 21-17; 6-9 9-13 22-17; 13-22 9-13 22-18 6-9

9-13 22-18; 10-14 9-13 22-18; 10-15 9-13 22-18; 11-15

9-13 22-18; 11-16 9-13 22-18; 12-16

9-13 23-18; 5-9 9-13 23-18; 10-15 9-13 23-18; 11-16 9-13 23-18; 12-16 9-13 23-19; 5-9 9-13 23-19; 6-9

Transposing Ballots 9-14 22-17; 5-9(2). 11-15 21-17; 9-13. 11-16 24-19; 8-11. 9-13 21-17; 5-9. 9-14 22-17; 6-9. 10-14 24-19; 6-10. 11-15 21-17; 9-13. 11-15 24-19; 15-24. 9-13 22-18; 11-15(4). 9-13 22-18; 12-16. 9-13 23-18; 6-9. 9-13 23-18; 12-16. 9-13 24-20; 5-9. 9-13 24-19; 10-14. 10-14 24-20; 7-10. 9-13 22-18; 6-9. 9-13 23-18; 10-15(2). 9-13 22-18; 10-14. 9-13 23-18; 11-15. 914 22-18; 11-15(2). 10-14 22-18; 6-10. 10-14 22-18; 11-15. 10-14 24-19; 7-10. 9-13 23-18; 11-16(2). 11-16 22-17; 9-13. 9-13 24-19; 11-16. 10-15 21-17; 9-13. 1015 22-17; 9-13 (2). 11-16 21-17; 9-13. 11-16 23-18; 8-11. 9-13 22-18; 12-16. 9-13 23-19; 5-9. 11-16 21-17; 9-13. 9-13 22-18; 10-15. 10-15 22-17; 9-13. 1015 23-18; 6-10. 9-13 22-18; 11-16. 9-13 22-18; 6-9. 9-13 22-18; 10-15. 10-15 24-20; 15-19. 9-13 24-19; 5-9. 11-15 23-19; 9-13. 9-13 22-18; 10-14(2). 9-13 23-18; 6-9. 9-13 23-19; 10-14. 9-13 23-19; 10-15. 913 24-19; 6-9 10-14 23-19; 6-10. 10-14 24-19; 6-10(3). 10-15 23-19; 6-10.

692 Ballot 9-13 23-19; 10-14 9-13 23-19; 10-15 9-13 23-19; 11-16

9-13 24-19; 5-9 9-13 24-19; 6-9 9-13 24-19; 10-14 9-13 24-19; 11-15

9-13 24-19; 11-16 9-13 24-20; 6-9 9-13 24-20; 10-14 9-13 24-20; 10-15 9-13 24-20; 11-15

9-14 22-17; 5-9 9-14 22-17; 6-9 9-14 22-17; 11-15

Complete Checkers Transposing Ballots 9-13 24-19; 10-14. 10-14 22-17; 9-13(2). 11-15 23-19; 9-13. 9-13 23-19; 10-14(2). 10-14 23-19; 1116(2). 10-15 23-18; 11-16. 11-16 24-19; 8-11. 9-13 22-18; 6-9. 9-13 23-19; 5-9. 9-14 24-20; 11-16. 9-13 22-18; 12-16. 9-13 24-19; 5-9(2). 10-14 24-19; 6-10. 9-13 24-20; 10-14. 9-13 24-20; 11-15. 9-13 23-19; 5-9. 9-13 24-19; 5-9. 9-13 2419; 6-9. 10-14 24-19; 6-10. 11-15 22-18; 15-22. 9-13 23-19; 11-16. 9-13 24-20; 10-15. 9-13 24-20; 11-15. 1015 21-17; 6-10. 10-15 22-17; 9-13. 9-13 22-18; 10-15(2). 9-13 24-20; 5-9(2). 10-15 24-20; 6-10. 10-15 24-20; 7-10(2). 9-14 22-18; 11-16. 10-15 23-18; 11-16. 11-15 21-17; 8-11. 11-15 22-17; 9-13. 1115 24-20; 12-16(2). 9-14 22-17; 6-9. 9-14 24-20; 5-9. 9-14 24-20; 11-15. 9-13 21-17; 6-9. 9-14 22-17; 11-16. 9-14 24-20; 10-15. 1015 21-17; 11-16. 10-15 22-17; 7-10. 10-15 24-20; 7-10. 11-15 21-17; 8-11. 11-15 2117; 9-14. 11-15 22-17; 8-11. 11-15 24-19; 15-24. 11-16 22-17; 7-11(2). 11-16 22-17; 8-11(2). 11-16 24-20; 7-11. 12-16 22-17; 16-20.

Richard Pask Ballot 9-14 22-17; 11-16

9-14 22-18; 5-9

9-14 22-18; 10-15 9-14 22-18; 11-15 9-14 22-18; 11-16 9-14 23-18; 14-23 9-14 23-19; 5-9

9-14 23-19; 11-16 9-14 23-19; 14-18

9-14 24-19; 11-15 9-14 24-20; 10-15 9-14 24-20; 11-15

693 Transposing Ballots 9-14 22-17; 11-15(3). 9-14 24-19; 11-16. 10-15 21-17; 11-16(6). 10-15 23-18; 1216. 11-15 22-17; 15-19. 11-15 23-18; 914. 11-15 24-19; 15-24(2). 11-16 21-17; 8-11. 11-16 21-17; 9-14. 11-16 21-17; 1620(3). 11-16 22-17; 8-11(2). 11-16 22-17; 16-20. 11-16 22-18; 16-20. 11-16 23-18; 9-14. 12-16 22-18; 16-19. 9-13 24-19; 11-15. 9-13 24-20; 10-14. 9-14 23-19; 5-9. 9-14 24-19; 5-9. 9-14 2420; 5-9. 10-14 24-20; 6-10. 10-14 24-20; 7-10(2). 10-15 24-10; 6-10. 11-16 23-18; 7-11. 12-16 21-17; 9-13. 12-16 23-18; 16-19(3). 9-13 22-18; 6-9. 9-14 22-18; 11-15(2). 9-14 24-19; 11-15. 10-14 22-18; 6-10(3). 9-14 22-18; 11-15. 9-14 24-19; 11-16. 1115 22-17; 15-19. 11-16 22-18; 16-19(2). 9-13 23-18; 11-15. 9-14 22-17; 5-9. 9-14 24-19; 5-9(2). 10-14 22-17; 11-15. 10-15 23-19; 7-10. 11-15 23-19; 8-11. 11-15 23-19; 9-14. 9-13 24-19; 11-16. 9-14 24-19; 11-16(2). 10-14 23-19; 11-16. 10-15 23-19; 7-10. 10-14 23-19; 14-18. 10-14 24-19; 1418. 10-15 21-17; 15-18. 11-15 23-18; 15-19(2). 11-15 23-19; 8-11 9-13 24-20; 10-14. 10-15 24-20; 7-10. 1115 23-18; 12-16. 9-13 23-19; 10-15. 9-14 24-20; 10-15. 10-14 22-17; 7-10. 10-14 22-17; 11-15. 10-15 22-18; 15-22. 10-15 23-19; 7-10.

694 Ballot 9-14 24-20; 11-16 10-14 22-17; 7-10 10-14 22-17; 11-15 10-14 22-17; 11-16 10-14 22-17; 14-18 10-14 22-18; 6-10 10-14 22-18; 11-15

10-14 22-18; 11-16 10-14 23-18; 14-23 10-14 23-19; 6-10 10-14 23-19; 7-10 10-14 23-19; 11-15

10-14 23-19; 11-16

10-14 23-19; 14-18 10-14 24-19; 6-10

10-14 24-19; 7-10 10-14 24-20; 6-10 10-14 24-20; 7-10

Complete Checkers Transposing Ballots 9-13 22-17; 13-22. 11-15 23-18; 9-14. 10-14 23-19; 7-10. 10-14 24-20; 7-10. 10-14 22-18; 11-15. 10-15 23-19; 11-16(3). 10-14 24-19; 11-16. 11-15 23-18; 15-19. 11-15 24-20; 12-16. 9-14 23-18; 14-23. 11-15 23-18; 8-11. 9-14 22-18; 11-15(2). 10-14 22-17; 1115. 10-14 24-20; 6-10. 11-15 23-18; 9-14. 11-15 23-18; 10-14(2). 11-16 23-18; 10-14. 11-16 24-20; 16-19. 9-14 22-17; 6-9. 9-13 23-19; 6-9. 10-14 23-19; 6-10. 10-14 22-17; 11-15. 10-14 22-17; 11-16. 10-14 22-18; 11-15. 10-15 23-18; 7-10. 11-15 24-20; 8-11. 9-14 23-19; 11-16. 10-14 22-18; 11-15. 10-14 22-18; 11-16. 10-14 24-19; 11-16. 11-16 23-18; 10-14. 10-14 23-19; 11-16. 11-15 21-17; 8-11. 11-15 23-19; 8-11. 9-13 23-19; 6-9. 9-13 23-19; 11-16(2). 913 24-19; 10-14. 9-14 22-17; 6-9. 9-14 24-20; 5-9. 10-14 23-19; 6-10. 10-14 2419; 7-10. 10-14 24-20; 6-10. 11-15 23-19; 9-14. 10-14 22-18; 7-10. 10-14 23-19; 7-10. 1014 24-19; 11-16. 9-14 22-17; 5-9(2). 9-14 22-17; 6-9. 1014 24-20; 11-15(2). 9-13 22-18; 10-14. 9-13 24-19; 6-9 9-13 24-20; 10-14. 10-14 22-18; 7-10. 10-14 23-19; 7-10. 10-15 24-20; 7-10.

Richard Pask Ballot 10-14 24-20; 11-15 10-14 24-20; 11-16 10-15 21-17; 7-10 10-15 21-17; 9-13 10-15 21-17; 11-16 10-15 21-17; 15-18 10-15 22-17; 7-10 10-15 22-17; 9-13 10-15 22-17; 11-16

10-15 22-18; 15-22

10-15 23-18; 7-10

10-15 23-18; 9-14 10-15 23-18; 12-16

10-15 23-19; 6-10 10-15 23-19 7-10

695 Transposing Ballots 9-13 24-19; 5-9. 9-14 24-20; 11-16. 11-15 23-19; 9-13. 11-16 21-17; 7-11. 10-14 23-18; 14-23. 10-15 22-17; 9-13. 10-15 23-18; 12-16. 10-15 24-20; 15-19. 10-15 21-17; 9-13. 11-16 21-17; 7-11. 1116 21-17; 16-20(3). 12-16 21-17; 16-20. 9-13 22-18; 11-15. 10-14 24-19; 14-18(3). 10-14 24-20; 14-18. 11-15 24-19; 15-24. 11-16 22-17; 7-11(5). 9-13 22-18; 10-15. 10-15 21-17; 9-13(3). 10-15 22-18; 15-22. 11-15 22-17; 15-19. 10-15 21-17; 11-16. 10-15 22-17; 6-10(2). 10-15 23-18; 12-16. 11-15 23-18; 15-19. 11-16 23-18; 9-14. 9-13 22-17; 13-22. 9-13 22-18; 10-15(2). 9-13 24-19; 6-9. 9-13 24-20; 11-15. 11-15 22-18; 15-22. 11-15 23-19; 8-11. 11-15 23-19; 9-13. 9-13 24-20; 10-15. 10-14 22-18; 7-10. 10-15 24-20; 7-10(2). 11-15 23-18; 8-11. 11-15 23-18; 15-19. 12-16 23-18; 16-19. 12-16 24-20; 8-12. 9-14 22-18; 10-15(2). 10-15 23-19; 11-16. 10-14 23-19; 11-16. 10-15 21-17; 1116(2). 11-16 21-17; 16-20. 11-16 23-18; 8-11. 12-16 24-20; 10-15. 10-14 23-18; 14-23. 10-15 21-17; 6-10. 10-15 22-18; 15-22. 9-13 23-19; 10-14. 9-14 22-17; 11-15. 1014 22-17; 7-10(2). 10-14 23-19; 7-10. 1015 22-17; 7-10. 10-15 23-19; 6-10. 11-15 23-18; 10-14. 11-15 23-19; 9-14(2).

696 Ballot 10-15 23-19; 11-16 10-15 24-19; 15-24 10-15 24-20; 7-10 10-15 24-20; 15-19 11-15 21-17; 8-11 11-15 21-17; 9-13 11-15 22-17; 9-13 11-15 22-17; 15-18 11-15 22-17; 15-19 11-15 22-18; 15-22 11-15 23-18; 8-11 11-15 23-18; 9-14

11-15 23-18; 15-19 11-15 23-19; 8-11

Complete Checkers Transposing Ballots 10-14 22-17; 11-16. 10-15 23-18; 9-14(3). 12-16 24-20; 10-15. 10-15 21-17; 11-16. 10-15 22-17; 7-10. 10-15 21-17; 11-16 11-15 23-19; 8-11(2). 11-15 22-17; 15-19. 11-15 24-19; 15-24. 11-16 21-17; 9-13. 10-14 23-19; 14-18. 11-15 24-19; 1524(2). 10-15 21-17; 15-18(3). 9-13 23-18; 12-16. 9-14 22-17; 5-9. 11-15 21-17; 15-19. 11-15 23-18; 8-11. 12-16 24-20; 10-15. 10-14 23-19; 11-15. 10-14 24-19; 7-10. 10-14 24-20; 7-10. 11-15 23-19; 8-11. 9-13 22-18; 12-16. 9-13 23-18; 11-15. 914 22-18; 11-15. 10-14 22-17; 7-10. 10-15 22-18; 15-22. 11-15 23-18; 10-14. 11-16 22-17; 7-11(2). 11-16 22-17; 8-11. 11-16 23-18; 9-14(2). 12-16 23-18; 16-19(2). 9-13 22-18; 12-16. 9-13 23-18; 5-9 9-14 22-17; 11-15(3). 10-14 22-17; 7-10. 1115 22-17; 8-11. 11-15 22-17; 9-13. 11-15 23-18; 8-11. 11-15 23-19; 9-13. 11-15 23-19; 9-14. 11-15 24-19; 15-24. 11-16 22-17; 7-11. 11-16 22-17; 8-11. 11-16 23-18; 10-14. 11-16 24-19; 8-11.

Richard Pask Ballot 11-15 23-19; 9-13

11-15 23-19; 9-14

11-15 24-19; 15-24

11-15 24-20; 8-11

11-15 24-20; 12-16 11-15 24-20; 15-18 11-16 21-17; 7-11 11-16 21-17; 8-11 11-16 21-17; 9-13 11-16 21-17; 16-20 11-16 22-17; 7-11

697 Transposing Ballots 9-13 23-19; 5-9. 9-13 23-19; 11-16. 913 24-20; 11-15. 9-14 22-18; 5-9. 11-15 22-18; 15-22. 12-16 23-18; 16-20. 9-13 23-19; 5-9. 9-14 22-18; 11-15. 9-14 24-19; 11-15. 10-14 22-18; 6-10(3). 10-14 22-18; 11-15(3). 10-14 24-20; 11-16(2). 11-15 23-19; 8-11. 9-13 23-19; 6-9. 9-14 22-18; 5-9(2). 9-14 22-18; 10-15. 9-14 22-18; 11-15. 9-14 24-19; 11-15. 10-14 24-20; 11-16. 10-15 24-19; 15-24. 11-15 22-18; 15-22. 11-15 23-19; 8-11. 11-15 23-19; 9-13. 11-16 22-17; 7-11. 12-16 22-17; 16-20. 9-14 24-20; 5-9. 9-14 24-20; 10-15. 1014 24-20; 6-10. 10-14 24-20; 7-10. 10-15 23-18; 9-14. 10-15 24-20; 7-10(3). 10-15 23-18; 11-16. 12-16 21-17; 9-14. 10-15 23-18; 11-16. 10-15 24-20; 15-19. 11-16 21-17; 8-11. 11-16 24-19; 7-11. 9-13 22-18; 12-16. 12-16 24-20; 8-12. 9-13 21-17; 5-9. 12-16 21-17; 9-13(2). 11-16 21-17; 8-11. 12-16 21-17; 9-14(2). 12-16 21-17; 16-20(2). 9-14 22-17; 11-15. 9-14 22-18; 10-15(2). 10-15 22-17; 7-10(2). 10-15 23-18; 1116. 11-16 21-17; 7-11(2). 11-16 22-18; 7-11. 11-16 23-18; 7-11. 11-16 24-19; 7-11. 11-16 24-20; 7-11.

698 Ballot 11-16 22-17; 8-11

11-16 22-17; 16-20 11-16 22-18; 16-19 11-16 22-18; 16-20

11-16 23-18; 7-11 11-16 23-18; 8-11 11-16 23-18; 10-14 11-16 23-18; 16-20 11-16 24-19; 7-11 11-16 24-19; 8-11

Complete Checkers Transposing Ballots 11-16 21-17; 8-11. 11-16 22-18; 8-11. 1116 23-18; 8-11. 11-16 24-20; 7-11. 12-16 24-20; 8-12. 11-16 21-17; 16-20. 11-16 24-19; 16-20. 12-16 22-17; 16-20. 11-15 21-17; 15-19. 12-16 23-18; 16-19. 9-13 24-19; 10-14. 10-14 22-18; 11-16(3). 11-15 24-19; 15-24. 11-16 22-17; 1620(3). 11-16 22-18; 8-11. 11-16 23-18; 8-11. 11-16 23-18; 16-20. 11-16 24-19; 16-20. 12-16 22-17; 16-20. 12-16 22-18; 16-20(2). 12-16 23-18; 16-20. 12-16 2419; 16-20. 11-16 22-17; 8-11. 11-16 22-18; 7-11(2). 11-16 22-18; 8-11. 10-14 24-20; 11-16. 10-15 23-18; 11-16. 9-13 23-19; 11-16. 10-14 23-19; 11-16. 10-14 24-19; 11-16. 11-16 24-19; 16-20. 9-13 23-19; 11-16. 11-16 22-18; 7-11(2). 11-16 23-18; 7-11. 9-14 22-17; 11-16. 9-14 23-19; 11-16. 1014 22-18; 7-10. 10-14 22-18; 11-16(2). 10-14 24-19; 7-10(2). 10-14 24-19; 11-16. 11-15 24-19; 15-24. 11-16 22-17; 16-20. 11-16 22-18; 8-11. 11-16 22-18; 16-19. 11-16 22-18; 16-20(3). 11-16 23-18; 8-11. 11-16 23-18; 16-20. 12-16 23-18; 16-20. 12-16 24-19; 16-20(2).

Richard Pask Ballot 11-16 24-20; 7-11

11-16 24-20; 16-19

12-16 21-17; 9-13 12-16 21-17; 9-14 12-16 21-17; 16-19 12-16 22-17; 16-20 12-16 22-18; 16-19 12-16 23-18; 16-19 12-16 23-18 16-20 12-16 24-19; 16-20 12-16 24-20; 8-12 12-16 24-20; 10-15

699 Transposing Ballots 11-16 21-17; 7-11. 11-16 22-17; 7-11. 11-16 22-18; 7-11(2). 11-16 23-18; 7-11. 12-16 24-20; 8-12. 9-14 22-18; 10-15(4). 9-14 22-18; 11-15 9-14 22-18; 11-16. 10-14 22-18; 11-16. 10-14 23-19; 14-18. 10-15 24-20; 15-19. 11-16 21-17; 7-11. 12-16 24-20; 8-12. 9-13 21-17; 5-9. 9-14 22-18; 5-9. 12-16 21-17; 16-19(2). 12-16 21-17; 1620. 12-16 22-17; 16-19. 12-16 22-17; 16-19 12-16 21-17; 16-20. 12-16 22-18; 16-20. 12-16 23-18; 16-20. 12-16 24-19; 16-20. 12-16 21-17; 9-14. 12-16 21-17; 16-19(4). 10-15 24-20; 15-19. 11-16 22-18; 1619(2). 11-16 23-18; 7-11. 12-16 22-18; 16-19. 12-16 24-19; 16-20. 12-16 22-18; 16-20. 12-16 23-18; 16-20. 11-16 22-18; 8-11. 11-16 24-20; 7-11(4). 11-16 24-20; 16-19. 12-16 21-17; 9-13. 12-16 24-20; 8-12.

Richard Pask


Appendix 10: Modern GAYP Championship Matches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1976 D. Oldbury v L. Levitt 1979 D. Oldbury v E. Lowder 1982 D. Oldbury v D. Lafferty 1984 D. Lafferty v P. Davis 1986 D. Lafferty v J. Morrison 1989 D. Lafferty v E. Lowder 1991 R. King v J. Morrison 1992 R. King v D. Oldbury 1995 R. King v E. Lowder 1996 R. King v J. Morrison 1998 R. King v R. Hallett 2000 R. King v A. Moiseyev 2003 R. King v J. Francis 2006 R. King v J. Francis 2006 R. King v J. Morrison 2008 R. King v L. Kondlo 2010 R. King v R. Beckwith 2012 R. King v S. Scarpetta 2014 R. King v S. Scarpetta 2016 S. Scarpetta v M. Borghetti 2018 M. Borghetti v L. Kondlo

1-1-22 7-2-10 0-1-23 5-0-15 0-0-24 4-3-16 4-1-17 5-5-14 8-2-9 2-0-21 6-2-14 3-3-18 1-0-22 2-0-271 3-0-18 1-0-23 2-1-21 2-2-20 1-2-172 0-1-23 0-5-15

Total games played = 477 (448 published) Draws = 389 (82%); Wins = 88 (18%) Of the 88 wins, 54 (61%) were Black wins; 34 (39%) were White wins Games opened with 11-15 = 416/448 (93%) Games opened with 9-14 = 22/448 (5%) Games opened with 11-16 = 6/448 (1%) Games opened with 10-15 = 4/448 (1%) 1 2

These games have yet to be published The match was concluded when King forfeited games 21 and 22

Richard Pask


Appendix 11: 3-Move World Championship Matches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

1934 N. Banks v A. Long 1936 A. Long v E. Hunt 1948 A. Long v W. Hellman 1949 W. Hellman v W. Ryan 1951 W. Hellman v M. Chamblee 1953 W. Hellman v B. Case 1955 W. Hellman v M. Tinsley 1958 M. Tinsley v D. Oldbury 1962 W. Hellman v A. Long 1963 W. Hellman v B. Case 1965 W. Hellman v D. Oldbury 1967 W. Hellman v E. Frazier 1979 M. Tinsley v E. Lowder 1981 M. Tinsley v A. Long 1985 M. Tinsley v A. Long 1987 M. Tinsley v D. Lafferty 1989 M. Tinsley v P. Davis 1991 D. Oldbury v R. Hallett 1994 R. King v W. Edwards 1996 R. King v D. Lafferty 1997 R. King v P. McCarthy 2002 A. Moiseyev v E. Lowder 2003 A. Moiseyev v R. King 2005 A. Moiseyev v R. King 2009 A. Moiseyev v R. King 2011 A. Moiseyev v M. Borghetti 2013 A. Moiseyev v M. Borghetti 2015 M. Borghetti v L. Kondlo 2017 M. Borghetti v S. Scarpetta

3-7-27 3-1-35 1-2-47 4-4-42 6-1-29 4-1-33 0-3-35 9-1-24 2-2-36 2-1-37 7-1-27 5-0-31 15-0-10 3-0-34 6-1-28 2-0-36 10-0-20 7-4-27 14-1-13 5-5-30 7-5-26 12-0-17 8-2-25 8-3-25 4-4-32 7-6-27 3-6-29 6-1-29 1-6-29

Total games played = 1072 Draws = 840 (78%); Wins = 232 (22%)


Complete Checkers Of the 232 wins, 68 (29%) were Black wins; 164 (71%) were White wins Of the 156 ballots, 10 have yet to appear: 9-13 22-18; 10-14. 9-13 22-18; 11-16. 9-13 23-18; 6-9. 9-13 23-19; 10-15. 9-14 23-19; 11-16. 10-14 22-17; 11-15. 10-14 22-17; 11-16. 11-15 24-20; 8-11. 11-16 22-17; 9-13. 12-16 23-18; 16-20.

Richard Pask


Appendix 12: My All-Time Top 20 3-Move Grandmasters 1st: 2nd: 3rd:

Marion Tinsley Walter Hellman Asa Long


4th : 5th : 6th : 7th : 8th : 9th : 10th :

William Ryan Edwin Hunt Don Lafferty Basil Case Nathan Rubin Maurice Chamblee Newell Banks


11th : 12th : 13th : 14th : 15th : 16th : 17th : 18th : 19th : 20th :

Derek Oldbury Eugene Frazier Michele Borghetti Alex Moiseyev Ron King Leo Levitt Richard Hallett Pat McCarthy Elbert Lowder John McGill

England USA Italy USA Barbados USA USA Ireland USA Scotland

Note: in light of the 2017 WCM result, it seems clear that Mr Scarpetta should feature somewhere in the top 20. Time will tell where.

Richard Pask


Other Books by the Author Beginner/Intermediate (6) Draughts From Square One 1992 Starting Out In Checkers/Draughts 2001: Published by Everyman Play Better Checkers & Draughts 2004 (Total Checkers: A Guide & Companion Vol 2) How to play Checkers/Draughts 2013: Published by Parragon Checkers for the Novice (Logical Checkers Vol 1) 2018 Logical Checkers Vol 2: Freestyle Expert 2019 Key Series (4) Key Openings 1999 Key Themes 1991 Key Landings 1990 Key Endings 1992 Solid Checkers (8) Part 1 9-13s 1995 Part 2 9-14s 1992 Part 3 10-14s 1997 Part 4 10-15s 1996 Part 5 11-15s 1991


Complete Checkers Part 6 11-16s 1994 Part 7 12-16s 1995 Total Checkers: A Guide & Companion 1998 Vol 1

Matches & Tournaments (3) 5th International Match Book 1990 7th International Match Book 2002 World Championship Draughts 1992 Miscellaneous (7) The EDA Handbook 1st Edition 1991 The EDA Handbook 2nd Edition 1999 GAYP 2003 Read All About It!: The Unknown DEO 2004 Move Over: A Supplement 2005 The Golden Dozen: The Twelve New Ballots 2005 The Legendary MFT 2007 21st Century Checkers (7) Part 1 9-13s 2010 Part 2 9-14s 2011 Part 3 10-14s 2012 Part 4 10-15s 2013 Part 5 11-15s 2014 Part 6 11-16s 2015 Part 7 12-16s 2015

Richard Pask


About the Author Richard Pask, BSc (Hons), PGCE, NPQH, MA Draughts Grandmaster since 1989 English Match Champion: 1995-2006 (40-0 & 34 draws) British Open Championship: 2nd in 1984, 1986 and 1990 (23-2 & 35 draws) Board 1 for England: 1984 and 1988 Home Internationals (6-0 & 26 draws) UK and Ireland v USA: 1983 and 1989 (2-3 & 35 draws) County Championships (Avon): 1984-1997 (10-1 & 33 draws) Avon Open Champion: 1987-1989 (35-2 & 25 draws) Total score between 1984 and 2002: 161 wins, 13 losses and 334 draws (65%) Books written on the game: 34 Mr. Pask was born in Weymouth, on the south coast of England, on 1st December 1961, and apart from spells at Bath University and the University of the West of England in Bristol, has lived there all of his life. Coming from a musical family, but one with no background in checkers, his interest in the game was only sparked when, at the age of 11, he stumbled across books by Willie Ryan and Tom Wiswell in his local library. However, it was not until he was 17, when he joined the EDA (English Draughts Association) and ACF (American Checker Federation), that he began to study the game seriously. Benefitting from regular practice with local expert Harry Gibson, and helpful advice received from Tom Wiswell, with whom he carried on extended correspondence for many years, Mr. Pask made steady progress, and in 1983 became the


Complete Checkers

youngest player ever to compete in the UK & Ireland v USA international series. Following this great match, he began corresponding with Richard Fortman (over 200 letters during their friendship) and visiting Derek Oldbury (around 30 times in 11 years). These associations assisted in enabling him to establish himself as a seasoned player during the years from 1983-1991. Although he lost his 1990 match for the British Championship with Mr. Oldbury by the score of 0-3 and 13 draws, he was not at all discouraged, and believes that subsequent matches might well have turned out differently. Becoming a full-time teacher in 1993 largely crimped Mr. Pask’s crossboard ambitions, although he successfully competed for the English Match Championship five times between 1995 and 2006, and forced him to concentrate on his book writing activities. For a year he wrote a weekly series of beginner’s articles in his local paper, and in 2001 and 2013 was successful in reaching a worldwide audience with Starting Out in Checkers/Draughts and How to Play Checkers/Draughts. He is most grateful to Bob Newell for making many more of his productions available to the general public through his excellent Checker Maven website. Given that hundreds of thousands of checkers sets are sold throughout the world every year, and that only a tiny percentage of people are aware of the skilful game which ‘lies beneath,’ the vast majority not even knowing the correct rules, Mr. Pask contends that checkers may legitimately lay claim to being the world’s most underrated game. Mr. Pask is married to Kathy, a flautist and retired primary school teacher, and has a son, Robert, born in 1994, a trumpeter, who is just completing a history degree. Outside of the game, Mr. Pask loves singing, having studied under local professional James Davis for 12 years, classic films and, with his son, watching football (soccer), boxing and darts. He also follows chess closely and has played hundreds of games of backgammon against the excellent GNU Backgammon program. Having narrowly avoided

Richard Pask


death on three occasions, he is ever grateful for the opportunity to give something back to the game which he loves.

Photo of Richard Pask by Kathy Pask