Common Skin Diseases [18 ed.] 9780429196225, 9780340983508, 0340983507

The 18th edition of this classic dermatology book, formerly published as Roxburgh's Common Skin Diseases, has been

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English Pages 382 Year 2011

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Table of contents :
Cover......Page 1
Half Title......Page 2
Title Page......Page 4
Copyright Page......Page 5
Table of Contents......Page 6
Preface......Page 13
Glossary of terms frequently used in dermatology......Page 14
An overview......Page 18
Skin structure and function......Page 19
Summary......Page 29
Alterations in skin colour......Page 30
Alterations in the skin surface......Page 32
The size, shape and thickness of skin lesions......Page 33
Oedema, fluid-filled cavities and ulcers......Page 35
Secondary changes......Page 37
Symptoms of skin disorder......Page 38
Disabilities from skin disease......Page 39
Summary......Page 42
3: Skin damage from environmental hazards......Page 43
Damage caused by toxic substances......Page 44
Injury from solar ultraviolet irradiation......Page 46
Chronic photodamage (photoageing)......Page 47
Cold injury......Page 52
Summary......Page 53
Fungal disease of the skin/the superficial mycoses/infections with ringworm fungi (dermatophyte infections)......Page 55
Bacterial infection of the skin......Page 62
Viral infection of the skin......Page 69
Summary......Page 75
Scabies......Page 77
Pediculosis......Page 83
Insect bites and stings......Page 85
Helminthic infestations of the skin......Page 89
Summary......Page 90
The effects of travelling on skin disease......Page 91
Treatment and travel......Page 92
Skin in a cold climate......Page 93
Summary......Page 94
Urticaria and angioedema......Page 95
Erythema multiforme......Page 99
Annular erythemas......Page 101
Autoimmune disorders......Page 102
Systemic sclerosis......Page 104
Morphoea......Page 106
Dermatomyositis......Page 107
The vasculitis group of diseases......Page 108
Drug eruptions......Page 111
Summary......Page 114
Blistering diseases......Page 115
Dermatitis herpetiformis......Page 117
Epidermolysis bullosa......Page 118
Pemphigus......Page 119
Summary......Page 121
9: Skin disorders in AIDS, immunodeficiency and venereal disease......Page 122
Infections......Page 123
Other skin manifestations......Page 124
Treatment of skin manifestations of AIDS......Page 125
Drug-induced immunodeficiency......Page 126
Dermatological aspects of venereal disease......Page 127
Summary......Page 130
Atopic dermatitis......Page 131
Seborrhoeic dermatitis......Page 140
Discoid eczema (nummular eczema)......Page 143
Eczema craquelée (asteatotic eczema)......Page 145
Lichen simplex chronicus (circumscribed neurodermatitis)......Page 146
Contact dermatitis......Page 147
Venous eczema (gravitational eczema; stasis dermatitis)......Page 152
Summary......Page 153
Psoriasis......Page 155
Pityriasis rubra pilaris......Page 169
Lichen planus......Page 171
Summary......Page 174
Acne......Page 176
Rosacea......Page 189
Perioral dermatitis......Page 196
Summary......Page 197
Principles of wound healing......Page 199
Venous hypertension, the gravitational syndrome and venous ulceration......Page 201
Ischaemic ulceration......Page 205
Neuropathic ulcers......Page 206
Less common causes of ulceration......Page 207
Summary......Page 209
Tumours of epidermal origin......Page 211
Benign tumours of sweat gland origin......Page 214
Melanocytic naevi (moles)......Page 216
Degenerative changes in naevi......Page 221
Vascular malformations (angioma)/capillary naevi......Page 223
Dermatofibroma (histiocytoma, sclerosing haemangioma)......Page 227
Neural tumours......Page 228
Collagen and elastic tissue naevi......Page 230
Mast cell naevus and mastocytosis......Page 231
Cysts......Page 232
Summary......Page 234
Non-melanoma skin cancer......Page 236
Melanoma skin cancer......Page 248
Lymphomas of skin (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma)......Page 254
Summary......Page 256
Infancy......Page 257
Old age......Page 263
Summary......Page 267
Physiological changes in the skin during pregnancy......Page 268
Effects of intercurrent maternal disease on the fetus......Page 270
Skin disorders occurring in pregnancy......Page 271
Summary......Page 272
Introduction......Page 273
Xeroderma......Page 275
Autosomal dominant ichthyosis......Page 276
Sex-linked ichthyosis......Page 277
Non-bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma......Page 279
Bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma (epidermolytic hyperkeratosis)......Page 280
Lamellar ichthyosis......Page 281
Collodion baby......Page 282
Other disorders of keratinization......Page 283
Other genodermatoses......Page 285
Summary......Page 286
Porphyrias......Page 288
Necrobiotic disorders......Page 293
Reticulohistiocytic proliferative disorders......Page 295
Summary......Page 296
Disorders of hair......Page 297
Disorders of the nails......Page 305
Summary......Page 308
Skin markers of malignant disease......Page 310
Endocrine disease, diabetes and the skin......Page 314
Skin infection and pruritus......Page 317
Androgenization (virilization)......Page 318
Nutrition and the skin......Page 319
Hepatic disease......Page 321
Summary......Page 322
22: Disorders of pigmentation......Page 324
Generalized hypopigmentation......Page 325
Localized hypopigmentation......Page 326
Hyperpigmentation......Page 328
Summary......Page 332
Psychological aspects of skin disorder......Page 333
Topical treatments for skin disease......Page 335
Surgical aspects of the management of skin disease......Page 338
Systemic therapy......Page 340
Phototherapy for skin disease......Page 343
Summary......Page 344
The dermatological diagnosis......Page 346
Local anaesthesia......Page 347
Electrocautery and electrosurgery......Page 348
Curettage......Page 351
Full-thickness excision......Page 353
Mohs’ micrographic surgery......Page 358
Summary......Page 359
The science of ageing......Page 360
Photoageing......Page 362
Microdermabrasion......Page 363
Injectable fillers......Page 364
Ablative lasers – and fractional ablative lasers, radiofrequency ablation, Dermaroller, mesotherapy and injection of physiological products......Page 365
Cosmetic treatments for the body......Page 366
Summary......Page 367
The changing clinical spectrum......Page 368
The treatment of skin disease......Page 369
Index......Page 372

Common Skin Diseases [18 ed.]
 9780429196225, 9780340983508, 0340983507

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