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English Pages 1048 Year 1976
Friedrich W Derz
chemBlFdirect chemPRODUCTindex
International Chemical Buyers Directory
chem PRODUCT index A-G
edited by Friedrich W Derz, dipl.-chem.
Walter de Gruyter- Berlin • New Ybrk 1976
Editorial Office:
XYZ-edition Friedrich W. Derz, dipl.-chem. Ebersstrasse 81 D 1000 Berlin 62 (West) Phone: (030) 78186 06
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: chemPRODUCTindex. (chemBUYdirect: International chemical buyers directory) 1. Chemicals-Catalogs. 2. Chemicals-Manufacture and industry-Directories. I. Derz, Friedrich W. II. Series. TP202.C53 660'.021'6 76-14445 ISBN 3-11-002141-2
CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek
Derz, Friedrich W. chemBUYdirect: Internat, ehem. buyers directory. - Berlin, New York: de Gruyter. — Derz, Friedrich W.: chemPRODUCTindex Derz, Friedrich W. chemPRODUCTindex. - 1. Aufl. - Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 1976 (chemBUYdirect / Friedrich W. Derz) ISBN 3-11-002141-2
© Copyright 1976 by Walter de Gruyter & Co., vormals G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung, J. Guttentag, Verlagsbuchhandlung Georg Reimer, Karl J. Trübner, Veit & Comp., Berlin 30. All rights reserved including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form - by photoprint, microfilm or any other means - transmitted or translated into a machine language without written permission of the publisher. - The quotation of registered names, trade marks etc. in this book does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from laws and regulations protecting trade marks etc. and therefore free for general use. For technical reasons, names of the areas are given as they are used by the respective administrations. No political implications are intended. Printed by H. Heenemann KG, Berlin. - Binding: Lüderitz & Bauer, Buchgewerbe G m b H , Berlin. - Cover design: Th. Bonnie, Hamburg. Printed in Germany.
Table des Matières
Explanations to chemPRODUCTindex Erläuterungen zum chemPRODUCTindex Indications concernant le chemPRODUCTindex
chem P R O D U C T i n d e x Alphabetic Section Alphabetisches Register Registre alphabétique
Summary chemBUYdirect International Chemical Buyers Directory consists of the volumes: chemPRODUCTindex chemSUPPLIERSdirectory chemADDRESSbook chemSYNONYMdictionary chemPRODUCTindex
includes over 300000 names (synonyms) in alphabetical order for chemical compounds and chemicals (organic and inorganic), radioactive-labeled compounds, isotopes, dyes, polymers etc. and their molecular formulas. Each name is assigned the CAS Registry Number (Chemical Abstracts Service Registry No.) — in the following abbreviated as CARNO — as available at the timé. All compounds for which no CARNO was accessable were assigned an Interim Number, abbreviated as ¡No.
includes the CARNO or iNo in numerical order. Each number is assigned a different quantity of identification codes. The identification code is the respective abbreviation for a supplier, (a manufacturer or a wholesaler). Under the respective CARNO, molecular formulas and formula weight (mass) are also given.
includes approx. 23000 companies. It consists of 3 parts: Part 1 company identification code index order: company identification code -*• company name with complete address including post code or postal code number (ZIP-code), telephone number, telex number, and telegram address. The codes are arranged according to national identification codes (in alphabetical order) of the countries. Within a country the codes are listed alphabetically. Under the identification code the complete address is given. Part 2 company name index order: company name -* company identification code. All companies included in the chemADDRESSbook are listed alphabetically. By alphabetical listing branch-offices (affiliates) of one company in different countries are listed together with the name of the original company (mother company). The identification code is given after the name of the company. Once the identification code ist known, the complete address can be found in part 1. Part 3 chemPOSTCODEindex - international is arranged according to the alphabetically-listed national identification codes of the countries. Within a country the postal code numbers are listed in alpha-nuiperical order. Under the p6st code or postal code number (ZIP-code) are listed the name of the city, the district, the company name and the company identification code. For countries without post codes, the city names are listed alphabetically as headings for the respective company. Within the alphabetical arrangement of the city names, special signs — for example, apostrophe — count as a letter before A. The company names are given in alphabetical order after the city names. By means of the chemPOSTCODEindex it is possible to find all companies located in the same or directly neighboring postal districts. Under the post code, first the cities, then the companies are arranged alphabetically.
Summary postCODEpostal-international
The publication of a postCODEpostal-international is planned. It includes a comparative description of the postal code systems of the countries. From the contents: International index of city names with national identification codes and postal code numbers. Synonyms for large, important cities in different languages. Index of all country names in different languages with national identification code. Multilingual dictionary for country and city names. General maps.
is arranged numerically by CARNO or iNo. Under each number all synonyms for the same chemical compound, which are also included in the chemPRODUCTindex, are arranged. chemPRODUCTindex and chemSYNONYMdictionary together result in a Synonymlexicon in the English language. Synonym categories are, for example, systematic name, Chemical Abstracts index name, trivial name, trade name, trade mark, etc. for the same chemical compound.
New editions and Updating chemSUPPLIERSdirectory ist revised yearly. Consequently changes in the production program and in the product offer of companies are caught. Supplementary lists to the chemPRODUCTindex, chemSYNONYMdictionary and chemADDRESSbook are published yearly. They are enclosed with the yearly revised chemSUPPLIERSdirectory and are also individually available. chemPRODUCTindex, chemSYNONYMdictionary and chemADDRESSbook appear in a new edition when the number of new additional chemical compounds and chemicals and the extent of address changes make it necessary. Through the yearly revised chemSUPPLIERSdirectory and the supplementary lists to the other volumes chemBUYdirect is always up to date. By means of this process the editorial staff can take more care and trouble in the handling of data than would otherwise be possible.
Explanations to chemPRODUCTindex The chemPRODUCTindex lists in alphabetical order about 300 000 names (synonyms) of chemicals (organis, inorganis, isotopically labeled compounds, isotopes, structurally defined dyes, active principles of pharmaceuticals etc.) and their molecular formulas. In order to make the knowledge of chemical nomenclature as far as possible unnecessary for the use of this system, each name in the list is referred to a registry number. These registry numbers are the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number of a certain compound abbreviated as CARNO (CAS Registry Number) and the interim Number abbreviated as ¡No. Knowing the registry number, one can find the desired information in the different volumes of chemBUYdirect, (chemSUPPLIERSdirectory and chemSYNONYMdictionary), which are organized according to the registry numbers. This system makes the use of the chemBUYdirect considerably easier. The names of chemical compounds and their synonyms do not change, although, perhaps, in a rare cases the assignment can change. Therefore, the usefulness of the chemPRODUCTindex will not diminish with time. We plan to keep the chemPRODUCTindex up to date by means of supplementary lists, which will contain additional synonyms of previously listed compounds and the names of new chemical compounds. Only when the additions to the chemPRODUCTindex have exceeded a certain volume will it be necessary to insert the accumulated changes into the original alphabetical list of names, i.e. to publish an entire new edition. The supplements of the chemPRODUCTindex and chemADDRESSbook will be embodied in the yearly editions of the chemSUPPLIERSdirectory. So the entire work, chemBUYdirect, can be kept current, at moderate cost to the user, by the supplementary lists to the individual volumes. (See also New Editions and Updating, page IX).
Contents of chemPRODUCTindex chemPRODUCTindex contains commercial chemicals for various purposes Laboratory chemicals, rare chemicals Research and Development chemicals Dyes whose structures have been published by the manufacturers. The C.I. numbers give a convenient reference to the Colour Index (CI.). It should be noted that these numbers (like classifications and post code numbers in some countries) are justified left and this is the way there are arranged. Synonyms for the active principles of pharmaceuticals, biochemicals (e.g. enzymes) and for natural products. Isotopes and labeled compounds. Since the nomenclature used for these compounds is still often non-standard, it was not always possible to list the various synonyms (in the chemSYNONYMdictionary) and the respective suppliers of these substances (in the chemSUPPLIERSdirectory) under the same registry number by computer. In case of doubt, the CARNOandiNo Updating list in the chemSUPPLIERSdirectory or chemSYNONYMdictionary should be consulted.
XII Polymers and copolymers, in so far as they are uniform and commercially significant. Mixtures and alloys: Only those names which are generally included in other handbooks are listed. A synonym for a certain mixture or alloy is also listed under the names of its components, in alphabetical order, and is thus easy to find. The proportions of such non-stoichiometric chemicals are given only in a few special cases to differentiate among similar mixtures. In the chemPRODUCTindex, one can normally find a synonym of a certain compound, written in the inverted form, so that the parent compound name is arranged before the prefixes (substituents) which are followed by unbound suffixes (modification). Heading compound (e.g. ammonium, 2-naphthalene) and principal function (e.g. -sulfonic acid) are printed in bold-face type. It follows a comma (comma of inversion). After the comma of inversion the other substituents (prefixes) follow in alphabetical order. After a further comma the modifications follow (e.g. monosodium salt, ethylester, hydroxide etc.). For example:
ammonium, (4-ja-[p-(o-Aminoanilino)-phenyl]-2-methyl4-[ethyl-(m-sulfobenzyl)-amino]-benzylidene[-3methyl- 2,5-cyclohexadien-1 -ylidene}-ethyl-(msulfobenzyl)-, hydroxide, innersalt, monosodium salt C 4 5 H 4 6 N 4 0 6 S 2 .Na
2-naphthalenesulfonic acid), 6-[(2,4-Diaminophenyl)azo]-3'-'((4-|p-[(2,4-diaminophenyl)-azo]-anilino)3-sulfophenyl}-azo)'-3,6'-azobis-(4-hydroxy-, trisodium salt C 44 H 35 N 13°U S 3- 3 N a [6473-14-9]
If one is unable to find a desired compound, this makes it possible to substitute a chemically similar compound. The chemPRODUCTindex together with the chemSYNONYMdictionary includes all the usual synonyms in the English language for one compound. There are several short acronyms for which a synonym follows in parentheses. The use of the CARNO as registry number in the chemPRODUCTindex allows the user to find information in other data collections and references which also use the CARNO. A chemPRODUCTindex user who obtains a CARNO from another source can immediately check in the chemSUPPLIERSdirectory whether there are suppliers of the desired compound. The registry numbers contain a proof figure (modulo 10) in the last place as an insurance against mistakes (typographical errors, inversions) (see also the introduction to the chemSUPPLIERSdirectory). The CARNO is thus particularly well suited to be an international catalog and invoice number. Below is a partial list of some publications and data services which also use
the CARNO (CAS Registry Number): American Chemical Society Publications (ACS) e.g.: Journal of Organic Chemistry Journal of Inorganic Chemistry SOCMA Handbook C.A. Index Guides, Vol. 71 and following C.A. Subject Indexes (since 1970) and Formula Indexes (since January 1972) C.A. Collective Indexes (since 8th C.I. period) Desktop Analysis Tool for the Common Data Base (1968) United States Adopted Names (USAN 10) Abstracts on Health Effects of Environmental Pollutions (HEEP) C.A. Biological Activities (CBAC)
Polymer Science and Technology (POST) C.A. Interpreted Subject File (ISF) C.A. Subject Index Alert (CASIA) and other magnetic tape services. CARNO is being introduced with increasing frequency in data collections and thesauri in order to avoid language problems and to increase the compatibility. The CARNO (CAS Registry Number) is more and more frequently replacing the catalog and product numbers of individual companies.
Explanations of the registry numbers Two kinds of numbers are used. CARNO (CAS Registry Number) [iii-itf-i] At present, it consists of up to eight digits. The last digit is the proof figure, modulo 10. To improve the legibility, the digits in front of the first hyphen are printed in bold-face type. MX as prefix means MiXture PM as prefix means PolyMer SU as prefix means Structure Unknown In the C.A. Indexes the CARNOs are used without the prefixes MX, PM, and SU. ¡No (interim Number) * 2-dichloroacetamido)1 ¿-propanediol C 1 3 H 1 5 C1 2 N0 4 N-Acetyl-m-phenylenediamine N-Acetyl-p-phenylenediamine Acetyl-m-phenylenediaminesulfonic acid C8H10N2O4S Nl-Acetyl-l,3-phenylenediamine-4-sulfonic acid 1 -Acetyl-3-phenylethylacetylurea C13H16N203 3-(2-Acetyl-l -phenylethyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin 3-(p-Acetyl-a-phenylethyl)-4-hydroxycoumarin P-D-p-Acetylphenylglucopyranoside C,4H1807 DL-N-Acetyl-C-phenyl glycine N-Acetyl-DL-phenylglycine N-Acetyl-N-phenylglycine N-Acetyl-N-phenylglycinedimethylamide C12H16N202 Acetylphenylhydrazine CgHI0N2O 1 -Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine P-Acetylphenylhydrazine C8H10N2O b-Acetylphenylhydrazine N-Acetyl-N'-phenylhydrazine 2-(p-Acetylphenyl)-hydroquinone N-Acetyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine Acetyl phenyl isatin (p-Acetylphenyl)-isocyanate (p-Acetylphenylmercapto)-acetic acid C9H2]N 4-Acetyl-4-phenylpiperidine.hydrochloride 0-Acetylphenylpivalate C13H1603 2-Acetyl-3-phenylpropionic acid ethylester 2-Benzyl-3oxobutanoic acid ethylester Cl3H1603 Acetylphenylsalicylate C15H,204 p-Acetylphenylsulfate ' 1 -(p-Acetylphenylsulf onyl)-3-cyclohexylurea C15H20N2O4S 1-[(p-Acetylphenyl)-sulfonyl]-3-cyclohexylurea C15H20N2O4S 1 -Acetyl-3-phenyl urea N-Acetyl-N'-phenylurea N-(p-Acetylphenysulfonyl)-N'-cyclohexylurea C15H20N2O4S Acetylphloretinic acid Acetylphloroglucinol trimethyl ether ar-Acetjlpholoroglucine. hydrate Acetyl phosphate Acetyl phosphate, dilithium salt Acetylphosphate, lithium potassium salt Acetylphosphate, potassium lithium salt Acetylphosphate, potassium salt Acetyl phosphate, 1- , 4 C Acetylphosphonic acid diethyl ester Acetylphosphoric acid, dilithium salt mono-Acetylphosphoric acid mono-Acetylphosphoric acid, disilver salt N-Acetylphthalimide N 1 -Acetyl-N 4 -phthaloylsulfanilamide C16H14N206S Ni [3087-16-9 N , 2Owf 6i S1 , . N a Aci an Green B S C,7H,fiN,07S,.Na [5141-20-8 '27 26 2 7 2 Aci an Green S F G [5858-61-7 Aci an Grenadine S C37H36N209S3.2Na [5863-90-1 Aci 3 8 2 18 15 N,O r S,C,oH,=.2 Na [4321-69-1 C22H16N609S2.2Na Aci an Hat Black GR [3734-67-6 C 2 0 H 1 8 N 4 O 9 S 2 .2Na Aci an Naphthol Red 6B [4321-69-1 N 3 0 8 S 2 C 1 8 H , 5 . 2 Na Aci an Naphthol Red G [633-96-5 Aci an Naphtol Red 6B C2oHU [1934-20-9 C16H,2N204S.Na Aci an Orange II [1936-15-8 C16H]2N204S.Na Aci an Orange G •400806 N 2 0 7 S 2 C 1 6 H , 2 . 2 Na Aci an Orange GX [5850-44-2 Aci anponceau 3R [1934-20-9 Aci an ponceau 6R N 2 O, 3 S 4 C 2 0 H I 4 .4 Na [2302-96-7 C16H12N204S.Na Aci an Ponceau 4GBL [6661-30-9 C 2 0 H 1 4 N 2 O 7 S 2 .2Na Aci an Red E [6472-50-0 C 3 2 H 2 0 Cl 2 N 4 O, 4 S 4 .4Na Aci an Red 5BL [2861-02-1 C^H, f i N 4 OoS,.2Na Aci an Red 3BS '34 26 4 8 2" [2150-60-9 Aci an Sapphirol B [4787-93-3 N 2 O 1 0 S 2 C 1 4 H 1 0 .2 Na Aci an Sapphirol S E [2611-82-7 C 1 4 H 1 0 N 2 O 7 S.Na Aci an Scarlet A [5863-49-0 Aci an Scarlet V3R N 2 0 7 S 2 C 1 8 H 1 6 . 2 Na [2650-18-2 Aci an Turqouise Blue BC 2 0 H 1 4 N 2 O 1 0 S 3 .3Na [5863-53-6 Aci an Turquoise Blue A E N 2 0 9 S 3 C 3 7 H 3 6 . 2 NH 3 [5905-37-3 Aci an Violet 10B C32H35N306S2.Na [5844-02-0 Aci an Violet 4BL C37H37N306S2.Na [1681-60-3 Aci an Violet 7BN C35H33N306S2.Na [1694-09-3 Aci an Violet 4BS N 3 0 8 S 2 C 1 6 H 1 3 . 2 Na [6226-80-8 Aci an Violet S4BN C39H41N306S2.Na [2706-28-7 Aci an Wool Red B C 2 4 H 2 0 N 4 O 7 S 2 .2Na [1934-21-0 Aci an Yellow Extra C]2HnN306S2.2Na [59-51-8 N 4 0 9 S 2 C 1 6 H 1 2 . 3 Na an Yellow GG [50-78-2 [1320-70-3 Acimetion C5H,, N 0 2 S [138-86-3 Acimetten C9H804 [1317-30-2 Acinitrazole C5H5N303S Acintene DP Dipentene Cn Aciquel C 6 H 1 6 A10,,.K
Acisal C9H804 Acisalin Eko C9H804 Acital C9H804 AcK, ( 2 2 3 Fr) Fr C7H7NO2 Acket A C L 60 C,HCI,N,0,.Na A C L 66 A C L 70 2 3 A C L 85 C 3 CI 3 N 3 O 3 Aclohol dehydrogenase, horse liver Aclor C 5 H 9 N0 4 .HC1 C 1 2 H, 0 N 2 O 5 S.Na Acme yellow acid yellow R S Acmite CI1 2? nH1 2„IN N2 Acna Black DF Base Acna Blue V Base C , . I 1 4 N 2 0.0,5H 2 0 4 : Acna Naphthol C C 17 H 13 IMW N O ,2 Acna Naphthol D C21H15NO2 Acna Naphthol O C18H,5NO3 Acna Naphthol R C,8H15NO3 Acna Naphthol S S C 1 9 H 1 6 CINO 4 Acna Naphthol B G C19H,7NO4 Acna Naphthol CA C 1 8 H, 4 CINO 3 Acna Naphthol F C2,H,5NO2 Acna Naphthol G C22H24N204 Acna Naphthol M C17H,2N2O4 Acna Naphthol OF C19H17NO3 Acna Naphthol PC C I 7 H 1 2 CINO 2 Acna Naphthol PT C,„H„NO, Acna Naphthol T Acne Blue V Salt r Acocantherin C 2 9 H-13 440 Acocanthin C32H; 12 Acofriose Acoin C23H25N3O3 Acoin, (base) C23H„ „ Acolen C-24H3405 2, Aeon C 2 ,0Nl-H 30 O Aconiazide C,5H13N3O4 Aconilchloride C 2 0 H 3 2 NO.C1 Aconine C25H41N09 Aconine, mixed isomers Aconine.hydrochloride Aconitase, pig heart Aconitic acid C fi H fi O fi cis-Aconitic acid C6H6O6 cis.trans-Aconitic acid trans-Aconitic acid cis-Aconitic acid anhydride Aconitic acid triallyl ester Aconitic acid tributyl ester Aconitic acid trimethyl ester Aconitic acid trioctyl ester trans-Aconitic acid UACBI cis-Aconitic anhydride trans-Aconitic anhydride Aconitic triethyl ester Aconitine Aconitine, compd. with 2,4,6-trinitroresorcinol C34H47N0„.xC6H3N308 Aconitine, hydrochloride C 3 4 H 4 7 N0 1 1 .HC1 Aconitine, hydrochloride, hydrate (2:7) C 3 4 H 4 7 N0 1 1 .HC1.3,5H 2 0 Aconitine, nitrate C ^ H ^ N O j pHN03 Aconitine.hydrochloride Aconitine.hydrochloride.hydrate (2:7) C 3 4 H 4 7 N0 1 1 .HC1.3,5H 2 0 Aconitine.hydrochloride.3,5-hydrate C 3 4 H 4 7 N0 n .HC1.3,5H 2 0 Aconitine chloride Aconitine nitrate Aconitine styphnate C34H47N0,,.xC6H3N308 Aconitinone C1]H12N2O.C9H8O4 Acopyrine Acoranone Acorin C36H60O6 "Acorn Sugar" C Acorone Acoschimperoside P Acoustic attenuation Acovenose Acovenoside A Acovenoside B Acovenosigenine A Acoxatrine C2, 33 H n28N203 ACPC C6H,,NO,
[50-78-2] [50-78-2] [50-78-2] [15756-98-6] [65-45-2] [2093-78-9] •400908 [2782-57-2] [87-90-1] •401003 [138-15-8] [547-57-9] [14567-85-2] [101-54-2] [6254-98-4] [92-77-3] [135-64-8] [135-62-6] [92-79-5] [92-72-8] [92-73-9] [137-52-0] [132-68-3] [91-96-3] [135-65-9] [92-74-0] [92-78-4] [3651-62-5] [92-76-2] [6254-98-4] [36-06-6] [1397-75-7] [4598-54-3] [13715-74-7] [13715-74-7] [81-23-2] [68-26-8] [13410-86-1] [3818-88-0] [11000-31-0] •401207 •401309 •401401 [499-12-7] [585-84-2] •401503 •401605 •401707 •401809 •401901 •402006 •402108 •402200 •402404 •402506 •402608 [1353-70-4]»
[1373-87-1] [1378-51-4] [1378-52-5] [1378-53-6] [1378-51-4] [1378-52-5] [1378-52-5] [1378-51-4] [1378-53-6] [1373-87-1] •402700 [569-84-6] •402802 [1397-76-8] [488-73-3] [10121-28-5] [639-01-0] •403009 [642-33-1] [663-95-6] [32062-05-8] [639-15-6] [748-44-7] [52-52-8]
ACP M-673-A C 8 H 5 Cl 3 0 2 .Na AcPyAD C22H28N6014P2 Acquinite CC1 3 N0 2 Acraldehyde C3H40 Acramine Yellow C 1 3 H 1 0 N 2 .HC1 Acrammerine Acranil N 3 0 2 C 2 1 H 2 6 C1.2 C1H Acranil-dihydrochloride N 3 0 2 C 2 1 H 2 6 C1.2 C1H Acranil Att N 3 0 2 C 2 ,H 2 5 C1.2 C1H Acrasin Acrichin 8 C 2 2 H 2 8 CIN 3 0 Acrichin 8.dihydrochloride.dihydrate N 3 OC 22 H 28 C1.2 OH 2 .2 C1H Acricid C|5H18N206 Acricide Acridan acridan, 9-ChIoro-9-[p-(hexyloxy)-phenyl]-10-methylC 2 6 H 2 8 ClNO acridan, 3,6-Diamino-2,7-dimethylC15H,7N3 acridan, 9-[p-(Hexyloxy)-phenyl]-9-methoxy-10-methylC 3 7 H 3 1 NO 2 9-Acridanone Acridine C13H9N acridine, 8-Aminoacridine, 9-AminoC13HI0N2 acridine, 9-Amino-, compd. with 4-hexylresorcinol (1:1) C
[2439-00-1] [86-08-8] [76-06-2] [107-02-8] [134-50-9] *403101 [1684-42-0] [1684-42-0] [1684-42-0] [11002-78-1] [522-21-4] [6227-31-2] [485-31-4] [485-31-4] [92-81-9] [509-94-4] [6375-25-3] [5836-06-6] [578-95-0] [260-94-6] •403203 [90-45-9] [7527-91-5] •403305 [134-50-9] [2391-28-8]
acridine, 9-Amino, hydro, hydrochloride.mono-hydrate acridine, 9-Amino-, hydrochloride C ] 3 H 1 0 N 2 .HC1 acridine, 3-Amino-9-(p-aminophenyl)-2-methylacridine, 3-Amino-9-(p-aminophenyl)-7-methyl-, nitrate [10134-60-8] C 2 0 H 1 7 N 3 .HNO 3 acridine, 3-Amino-6-(diethylamino)-9-[p-(diethyl amino)[6441-76-5] phenyl]-2-methyl-, hydrochloride C 28 H 34 N 4 .HC1 acridine, 3-Amino-6-(dimethylamino)-9-[p[5809-28-9] (dimethylamino)- phenyl]C23H24N4 acridine, 3-Amino-6-(dimethylamino)-9-[p-(dimethyl amino)-phenyl]-, hydrochloride C 2 3 H 2 4 N 4 .HC1 [6441-75-4] acridine, 3-Amino-6-(dimethylamino)-2-methyl[5153-57-1] C16H17N3 acridine, 3-Amino-6-(dimethylamino)-2-methyl-, [5409-37-0] hydrochloride C, 6 H 1 7 N 3 .HCI [321-64-2] acridine, 9-Amino-l,2,3,4-TetrahydroC13H14N2 acridine,9-Amino-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-, hydrochloride [1715-84-0] C 1 3 H, 4 N 2 .HC1 acridine, 9-Amino-l,2,3,4-tetrahydro-, hydro •403407 chloride.hydrate acridine, AminoundecenylC24H30N2 [1323-56-4] acridine, 3,6-Bis-(dimethylamino)C' •.} 1 . c \ 5 [494-38-2] acridine, 6-Chloro-9-([4-(diethylamino)-butyl]-amino(2-methoxyC 2 2 H 2 8 C1N 3 0 [522-21-4] acridine, 6-Chloro-9-{[4-(diethylamino)-butyl]-amino(2-methoxy-, dihydrochloride N 3 OC 22 H 28 C1.2 OH 2 .2 C1H [6227-31-2] acridine, 3-Chloro-9-|[4-(diethylamino)-l -methylbutyi]amino}-, 10-oxide C 2 2 H 2 8 C1N 3 0 [10449-32-8] acridine, 5-Chloro-9-|[4-(diethylamino)-1 -methylbutyl]amino|-2-methoxy-, methanesulfonate [130-43-8] C 24 H 34 CIN 3 O 4 S acridine, 6-Chloro-9-([4-(diethylamino)-1 -methylbutyl]amino}-2-methoxyC 2 3 H 3 0 ClN 3 O [83-89-6] acridine, 6-Chloro-9-j[4-(diethylamino)-l-methylbutyi]amino]-2-methoxy-, dimethanesulfonate N 3 OC1 23 H 30 .20 3 SCH 4 [316-05-2] acridine, 6-Chloro-9-j[4-(diethylamino)-l-methyl butyl]amino}-2-methoxy-, dimethanesulfonate, monohydrate C 2 3 H 3 0 ClN 3 O.2CH 4 O 3 S.H 2 O [6598-46-5] acridine, 6-Chloro-9-([4-(diethylamino)- 1-methylbutyl]amino}-2-methoxy-, hydrochloride C 23 H 30 C1N 3 O.HCI [130-42-7] acridine, 6-Chloro-9-j[4-(diethylamino)-1 -methylbutyl]amino}-2-methoxy-, dihydrochloride C 2 3 H 3 0 ClN 3 O.2HCl [69-05-6] acridine, 9-Chloro-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro[5396-30-5] Acridine, compd. with 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene C 1 3 H 9 N.xC 6 H 3 N 3 0 6 acridine, 3,6-DiaminoC13HnN3 acridine, 3,6-Diamino-, dihydrochloride C 13 H 11 N 3 .2HC1 acridine, 3,6-Diamino-, dihydrochloride, dihydrate C^HnN^HCI^H-jO acridine, 3,6-Diamino-, hydrochloride C 1 3 H„N 3 .HC1 acridine, 3,6-Diamino-, sulfate C13Hi,N3.H204S acridine, 3,6-Diamino-, sulfate (2:1) N 3 C | 3 H | ,.0,5 04SH2
[6034-76-0] [92-62-6] [531-73-7] [6424-38-0] [952-23-8] [553-30-0] [2058-34-6]
acridine, 3,6-Diamino-, sulfate, hydrate C 1 3 H,,N 3 .H 2 O 4 S.H 2 O acridine, 3,6-Diamino-2,7-dimethylC 1 5 H, 5 N 3 acridine, 3,6-Diamino-2,7-dimethyl-, monohydrochloride C 15 H 15 N 3 .HC1 acridine, 3,6-Diamino-2,7-dimethyl-9-phenyl-, hydro chloride C 21 H 19 N 3 .HC1 acridine, 6,9-Diamino-2-ethoxyC]5H15N30 acridine, 6,9-Diamino-2-ethoxy-, lactate (1:1) acrylic acid, 2-Hydroxy-, dihydrogen phosphate, trisodium salt acrylic acid, 2-Hydroxy-, dihydrogenphosphate, trisodium salthydrate Acrylic acid, 2-hydroxyethylester C5H803 acrylic acid, 3-(4/5-lmidazolyi)C6H6N202 Acrylic acid, isobutyl ester C7H1202 Acrylic acid, isodecylester C13H2402 Acrylic acid, isopropylester C6H10O2 Acrylic acid, lead[ll]-salt Acrylic acid, magnesium salt acrylic acid, 2-(o-Methoxyphenyl)-3,3-diphenylC22Hlg03 acrylic acid, 2-MethylC4H602 acrylic acid, 2-Methyl-, dodecylester C16H30O2 acrylic acid, 3-[2-(0-Methyl-aci-nitro)-acetamido]C6H8N2O5 Acrylic acid, monomer acrylic acid, 5-Norbornen-2-ylmethylester CnH1402 acrylic acid, 2-PhenylC9H802 acrylic acid, 3-PhenylC9H802 acrylic acid, m-Phenylenediacrylic acid, p-PhenylenediAcrylic acid, polymer, ammonium salt Acrylic acid, potassium salt Acrylic acid, propylester C6H10O2 Acrylic acid, silver[I]-salt Acrylic acid, sodium salt acrylic acid, 2-(2-Thienyl)Acrylic acid, tributyltin[IV]-salt acrylic acid, Trichloro-, N-butyl ester acrylic acid, Trichloro-, ethyl ester acrylic acid, Trichloro-, methyl ester acrylic acid, Trichloro-, propyl ester acrylic acid, Trichloro-, N-propyl ester Acrylic acid, tridecylester C16H1302 Acrylic acid, uranyl salt Acrylic acid, zinc salt Acrylic acid, 1- , 4 C Acrylic acid[l- 1 4 C] Acrylic acid, 1,2,3- ,4 C 3 Acrylic acid, 2- 14 C Acrylic acid, 3- l 4 C Acrylic acid allyl amide Acrylic acid allyl ester Acrylic acid amyl ester Acrylic acid benzyl amide Acrylic acid benzyl ester Acrylic acid-(2-bromo-2,2-dinitroethyl)-ester Acrylic acid-2-bromoethyl ester Acrylic acid-2-buten-l-yl ester Acrylic acid trans-2-butenyl ester Acrylic acid-2-n-butoxy ethyl ester Acrylic acid-n-butylamide Acrylic acid-tert-butyl amide Acrylic acid-l,4-butylene ester Acrylic acid butyl ester C7H1202 Acrylic acid-n-butyl ester, monomer Acrylic acid-sec-butyl ester Acrylic acid tert-butyl ester C7H1202 Acrylic acid cetyl ester Acrylic acid-2-chloroethoxy ethyl ester Acrylic acid 2-chloroethyl ester Acrylic acid-p-chlorophenyl amide Acrylic acid p-chlorophenyl ester Acrylic acid cinnamyl ester Acrylic acid crotyl ester Acrylic acid-2-(2-cyanoethoxy)-ethyl ester C8H„NO3 Acrylic acid-2-cyanoethyl ester C6H7N02 Acrylic acid cyclohexyl ester Acrylic acid cyclopentyl ester Acrylic acid cyclyl ester Acrylic acid-n-decyl ester Acrylic acid diallylamide
[6556-26-9] [92-26-2] [135-49-9] [6359-38-2] [442-16-0] [1837-57-6] •409905 •410004' [818-61-1] [104-98-3] [106-63-8] [1330-61-6] [689-12-3] [867-47-0] [5698-98-6] [5129-14-6] [79-41-4] [142-90-5] [1404-61-1] [79-10-7] [95-39-6] [492-38-6] [621-82-9] •410106 •410208 •410300 •410402 [925-60-0] •410504 •410606 •410708 •410800 •410902 •411007 •411109 •411201 •411303 [3076-04-8] •411405 [14643-87-9] •411507 •411609 •411701 •411803 •411905 •406202 •412102 •412204 •412306 [2495-35-4] •412500 [5459-35-8] •412602 •412704 •412908 [2565-18-6] •406304 •413105 [141-32-2] [141-32-2] •413207 [1663-39-4] •413309 •413401 [2206-89-5] •408004 •413605 •413707 •412704 [7790-03-6] [106-71-8] •413901 •414006 "414108 •414200 •406406
57 Acrylic acid dibutyl amide Acrylic acid diethylamide Acrylic acid 2-diethylamino ethyl ester Acrylic acid-2-(diethylamino)-ethyl ester C 9 H 1 7 NO 2 Acrylic acid dihydroabietyl ester Acrylic acid-l,l-dihydroheptafluorobutyl ester Acrylic acid-2-dimethyl aminoethyl ester Acrylic acid-n-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-amide Acrylic acid-1,3-dimethyl butyl ester Acrylic acid-l,4-dimethyl-3,6-dioxaheptyl ester Acrylic acid-2,2-dinitropropyl ester Acrylic acid-2,2-dinotropropyl ester Acrylic acid-3,6-dioxaheptyl ester Acrylic acid-3,6-dioxaoctyl ester Acrylic acid dithylamide Acrylic acid-lH,lH,7H-dodecafluoroheptyl ester Acrylic acid-2,23>3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7-dodecafluoro heptyl ester Acrylic acid dodecyl ester Acrylic acid-n-dodecyl ester Acrylic acid enanthyl ester Acrylic acid-23-epoxypropyl ester Acrylic acid esters of glycol monoethylether C7H12O3 Acrylic acid, ester with hydracrylonitrile C 6 H 7 NO 2 Acrylic acid-2-(2-ethoxyethoxy)-ethyl ester Acrylic acid-2-ethoxyethyl ester C7H1203 Acrylic acid ethoxypropyl ester C8H1403 Acrylic acid-3-ethoxy propyl ester Acrylic acid ethyl amide Acrylic acid-2-ethyl butyl ester Acrylic acid ethylene ester Acrylic acid ethyl ester, monomer Acrylic acid-l- 14 C-ethyl ester Acrylic acid ethyl ester, 2,3- 14 C Acrylic acid-2-ethylhexyl ester CNH20O2 Acrylic acid-2-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-ethyl ester Acrylic acid-2-(5-ethyl-2-pyridyl)-ethyl ester C 1 2 H 1 5 NO 2 Acrylic acid-2-(ferrocenyl)-ethyl ester Acrylic acid-(ferrocenylmethyl)-ester Acrylic acid furfuryl ester Acrylic acid glycidyl ester Acrylic acid-2,2t3,3,4,4,4-heptafluoro butyl amide Acrylic acid-l,l-heptafluorobutyl ester Acrylic acid-lH,lH-heptafluorobutyl ester Acrylic acid-2)2,3,3,4,4t4-heptaFluoro butyl ester Acrylic acid heptafluorotutyl ester Acrylic acid heptyl ester Acrylic acid-n-heptyl ester Acrylic acid-lH,lH,9H-hexadecafluorononyl ester Acrylic acid hexadecyl ester Acrylic acid hexamethylene ester Acrylic acid-n-hexyl ester Acrylic acid hydrazide, polymer Acrylic acid-4-hydroxybutyl ester Acrylic acid-2-hydroxy ethyl ester Acrylic acid-l/2-hydroxy propyl ester Acrylic acid2-hydroxypropyl ester Acrylic acid isoamyl ester Acrylic acid isobutyl ester Acrylic acid isobutyl ester, monomer Acrylic acid isodecyl ester Acrylic acid isononyl ester Acrylic acid isopropenyl ester Acrylic acid isopropyl amide Acrylic acid isopropyl ester Acrylic acid-n-lauryl ester Acrylic acid methallyl ester Acrylic acid-3-methoxy butyl ester Acrylic acid-2-methoxy ethyl ester Acrylic acid methyl amide Acrylic acid methylester C4H602 Acrylic acid methyl- ,4 C-ester Acrylic acid methyl ester, 2,3- 14 C 2 Acrylic acid-2-(methylmercapto)-ethylester C6H10°2S Acrylic acid-2-methyl-3-oxabutyl ester, mixed isomers Acrylic acid-2-methyl-4-oxo-2-pentylamide Acrylic acid-2-(methylthio)-ethyl ester C 6 H, 0 O 2 S Acrylic acid-2-morpholino ethyl ester Acrylic acid-a-naphthyl amide Acrylic acid-jj-naphthylamide Acrylic acid-2-nitroisobutyl ester
•406508 •414506 [2426-54-2] [2426-54-2] •414608 •414700 •414802 •414904 •415009 •415101 •415203 •415305 •415407 •415509 •414506 •415805 •415907 •416002 •416104 •416206 •416308 [106-74-1] [106-71-8] •416400 [106-74-1] [1331-34-6] •416502 •406600 •416706 •416808 [140-88-5] •416900 •417005 [103-11-7] •417107 [122-93-0] •417209 •417301 [10525-17-4] •417403 •406702 •417607 •417607 •417801 [242-64-6] •417903 •418008 •418100 •413309 •418406 •418508 •418600 •418702 •418804 •418906 •419001 •419103 [106-63-8] [106-63-8] •419205 •419307 •419409 •406804 •419603 •419705 •419807 •419909 •420008 [1187-59-3] [96-33-3] •420100 •420202 [4836-09-3] •420304 •407001 [4836-09-3] •420508 •407103 •420702 •420804
Acrylonitr •420906 Acrylic acid-p-nitrophenyl ester [2664-55-3] Acrylic acid nonyl ester •421001 Acrylic acid "nonyl" ester •421103 Acrylic acid-n-nonyl ester •421205 Acrylic acid-5-norbornen-2-yl methyl ester •421307 Acrylic acid-9-octadecenyl ester •421409 Acrylic acid octadecyl ester •407205 Acrylic acid-tert-octyl amide •421705 Acrylic acid octyl ester •421807 Acrylic acid-2-octyl ester [2499-59-4] Acrylic acid-n-octyl ester •422004 Acrylic acid pentachlorophenyl ester •422106 Acrylic acid pentafluoropropyl ester •422208 Acrylic acid n-pentyl ester •422300 Acrylic acid-2-phenoxy ethyl ester [2210-24-4] Acrylic acid phenyl amide •422402 Acrylic acid phenyl ester •422504 Acrylic acid phenyl ethylene glycol ester •422606 Acrylic acid 2-phenylethyl ester •422708 Acrylic acid-(2-phenylvinyl)-ester •422800 Acrylic acid propargyl ester •422902 Acrylic acid-2-propargyl ester [925-60-0] Acrylic acid propyl ester C6H10O2 •423007 Acrylic acid-2-propyl ester •423109 Acrylic acid-n-propyl ester •423201 Acrylic acid-2-propynyl ester •422902 Acrylic acid-2-propyn-l-yl ester •423405 Acrylic acid-2-pyridyl ester •423507 Acrylic acid stearyl ester •423609 Acrylic acid-2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropyl ester •423701 Acrylic acid tetrahydrofurfuryl ester •423803 Acrylic acid-2,2,2-tribromoethyl ester •423905 Acrylic acid-n-tridecyl ester •424000 Acrylic acid-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl ester •424102 Acrylic acid-l,l,7-trihydroperfluoroheptyl ester •424204 Acrylic acid-l,l,9-trihydroperfluoro nonyl ester •424306 Acrylic acid-l,l,5-trihydroperfluoropentyl ester •424408 Acrylic acid-3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexyl ester •424500 Acrylic acid-3,3,5-trimethylhexyl ester •424602 Acrylic acid-3,5,5-trimethylhexyl ester •424704 Acrylic acid-2,2,2-trinitroethyl ester •424806 Acrylic acid 10-undecen-l-yl ester •424908 Acrylic acid undecyl ester [2177-18-6] Acrylic acid vinyl ester [107-02-8] Acrylicaldehyde C3H40 [2051-76-5] Acrylic anhydride •425003 Acrylic dyes •425105 Acrylic elastomer •425207 Acrylic ester acrylnitrile copolymers •425309 Acrylic esters •425401 Acrylic fiber •425503 Acrylic fibers, acrylonitrile casein, graft •425401 Acrylic fibres •425707 Acrylic foam •425809 Acrylic hydrazide •418600 Acrylic hydrazide, polymer Acrylic primary amines, mixed ethoxylated + sulfated •426108 sodium salt •408106 Acrylic resins •426404 Acrylnitrile butadiene copolymers •426506 Acrylnitrile chloroprene copolymers •426608 N-Acrylolacrylamide [107-13-1] Acrylon C3H3N [107-13-1] Acrylonitrile C3H3N •223905 acrylonitrile, 1 - Acetoxy•426802 acrylonitrile, a,|V Bis-(p-methoxyphenyl)•426904 acrylonitrile, 3-(p-Chlorophenyl)-2-phenyl[3061-65-2] acrylonitrile, 2-Hydroxy-, acetate, (ester) ( -J l.-NO [25014-41-9] Acrylonitrile, polymers •427009 acrylonitrile, Tnphenyl14 [3307-77-5] Acrylonitrile, 1- C 2 •427101 Aciylonitrile[2- H,] Acrylonitrilc[a- 2 H t ] •427203 •426404 Acrylonitrile/butadiene , copolymer •426404 Acrylonitrile butadiene copolymers [49003-56-9] Acrylonitrile + Butadiene + Styrene, copolymer PM[9003-56-9] Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin PM[9003-56-9] Acrylonitrile + Butadiene + Styrene resins •425503 Acrylonitrile casein graft •426506 Acrylonitrile chloroprene copolymers •427703 Acrylonitrile copolymers •427805 Acrylonitrile, nitrile- l4 C •427907 Acrylonitrile-2-phosphonic acid diethyl ester •428002 Acrylonitrile rubber PM[9003-54-7] Acrylonitrile + styrene, copolymer •428104 Acrylonitrile/styrene/butyl acrylate, terpolymer
Acrylonitr Acrylonitrile styrene resin Acrylonitrile + Styrene resins Acrylophenone C9HsO acrylophenone, a-Acetamido-4-nitroacrylophenone, f)-trans-(3,4- Dihydroxyphenyl)-2',4',5'trihydroxyacrylophenone, p-Methyl-(3-phenylacrylophenone, 3-(l -Naphthyl)-4'-nitroacrylophenone, 4'-Nitro- CARNO[6216-38-2] Actinidine Actinium Ac Actinium[ 2 2 7 Ac] Actiniump 2 8 Ac] Ac Actinium A Po Actinium B Pb Actinium C Bi Actinium C' Po Actinium C " T1 Actinium D Pb Actinium X Ra Actiniumboride Actinium K Fr "Actinium lead", ( 2 0 7 P b ) Pb Actinium nitrate, 2 2 7 A c Actiniumsilicide Actinobolin N2O6C]3H10_22 Actinobolin sulfate Actinocin Actinocinin Actinocrysin C62H89N,,Ol7 Actinodaphnine C18H17N04 Actinodaphnine,acetyl deriv. C20H19NO5 Actinodaphnine, benzoyl deriv. C25H21N05 Actinodaphnine, hydrochloride N04C18H17.Clh Actinodaphnine, hydroiodide C18H17N04.HI Actinodaphnine.hydrochloride N04C18H17.Clh Actinodaphninemethiodide N0 4 X 1 8 H| 7 .1CH 3 Actinodaphnine picrate.monohydrate C18H17N04.XC6H3N307.H20 Actinodaphnine sulfate.hydrate C18H17N04.0,5H204S.1,5H20
'428400 "428400 [768-03-6] •68304 •428706 •428808 •428900 •429005 •429107 [10078-46-3] •408800 [107-58-4] [4836-08-2] •429301 [814-68-6] •429403 •429505 •429607 [4836-08-2] [548-49-2] •429709 [814-68-6] •429403 •429505 [60-32-2] [97-18-7] •74500 [2016-36-6] •430104 [300-62-9] [10135-90-7] [11002-79-2] [1333-85-3] •430206 [7440-44-0] [7631-86-9]
[550 70-9] [66-81-9] [66-81-9] •430308 [1393-86-8] [298-59-9] [1393-86-8] [5962-79-8] •430400 [5962-79-8] [5962-79-8] [524-03-8] [7440-34-8] •430502 [14331-83-0] [15706-52-2] [15816-77-0] [15229-37-5] [15735-83-5] [14133-67-6] [14119-29-0] [15623-45-7] •430706 [15756-98-6] [14119-29-0] •430808 •430900 [11002-80-5] •431005 [524-11-8] •431107 [1415-72-1] [517-69-1] [1301-22-0] [1301-44-6] [6168-70-3] [6034-61-3] [6168-70-3] [6034-62-4] [6533-38-6] [6424-41-5]
Actinodaphnine sulfate.trihydrate C18HI7N04.0,5H204S.1,5H20 actinodaphninium, N-Methyl-, iodide NO4X18H17.ICH3 Actinogan Actinomycetin Actinomyein C62H86N12Ol6 Actinomycin I, streptomyces antibiocus Actinomycin I, C62H86N12016 Actinomycin IV C62H86N120]6 Actinomycin IV, from streptomyces antibioticus Actinomycin V, streptomyces antibiocus Actinomycin p C61H88N12016 Actinomycin A C41H56N8ON Actinomycin A IV C62H86N|2016 Actinomycin B C61 H 8 8 N | 2 0 1 6 Actinomycin B, C41H56NgOn Actinomycin C Actinomycin C 0 Actinomycin C, C62H86N12Oi6 Actinomycin C 2 C63H88N,20|6 Actinomycin C 3 C64H90N)2O|6 Actinomycin D C62H86N12Ol6 Actinomycin D, 3 H Actinomycin-D[ 3 H] Actinomycin E 2 Actinomycin Xg Actinomycin X^j) C62H86N120]7 Actinomycin X, C62H86N12016 Actinomycin X 2 Actinomycin X 3 Actinomycin X 4 Actinomycin C 0 a Actinomycin F 0 Actinomycin F , Actinomycin F 2 Actinomycin F 3 Actinomycin F 4 Actinomycin F 5 Actinomycin I Actinomycin I, C62H86N12016 Actinomycin I 2 Actinomycin I 3 Actinomycin I 0 a Actinomycin J Actinomycin J, Actinomycin KS4 Actinomycin-lactonase Actinomycinol Actinomycins Actinomycin-[thre-val-pro-sar-meval] C62H86N12°16 Actinomycin X , a Actinoquinol C,, 1111N04S Actinorhodin C32H28014 Actinorhodine C32H28014 Actinorone Actinorubin Actinospectacin C,4H24N207 Actinospectatin sulfate C14H24N207.H204S Actinospectinic acid Actinouranium U Actinoycin C, C62H86N12016 Actiphenol Actithiazic acid C9H15N03S Actithiazic acid methyl ester C10H17NO3S Activated alumina Activated alumina, is partially dehydrated Aluminum .trihydrate in the form of hard porous lumps Activated carbon C Activated earth Activated ergosterol C28H440 Activators, cyclic Active carbon Active constituent cosmetics Active dicumylperoxide C18H2202 Active earth Active sulfate Active valeric acid C5H10O2 Activol.hydrochloride C 6 H 7 NO.HCl Actol C3H603.Ag Actomol C8H12N2 Actospar N 2 C I 5 H 2 6 . 0 4 S H 2 . 5 OH 2 Ac-Try C13H14N203 Actylamide C16H13N05 Actylol C5H10O3
[6424-41-5] [6034-62-4] [1338-58-5] [1402-37-5] [1402-38-6] •431209 [1402-51-3] [1402-38-6] •431301 •431403 [1402-66-0] [1397-78-0] [1402-38-6] [1402-66-0] [1397-78-0] [11035-11-3] [1402-39-7] [1402-38-6] [1402-65-9] [11027-14-8] [1402-38-6] •431505 •431505 [1402-42-2] [1402-56-8] [1402-60-4] [1402-38-6] [1402-61-5] [1402-62-6] [1402-63-7] [1402-40-0] [1402-43-3] [1402-44-4] [1402-45-5] [1402-46-6] [1402-47-7] [1402-48-8] [1402-49-9] [1402-38-6] [1402-52-4] [1402-53-5] [1402-55-7] [1402-54-6] [1402-64-8] [1402-44-4] [37288-09-8] •431709 •431801 [1402-38-6] [1402-59-1] [15301-40-3] [1397-77-9] [1397-77-9] [1340-41-6] [1397-79-1] [11002-81-6]« [1404-66-6] •431903 [15117-96-1] [1402-38-6] [526-02-3] [539-35-5] [6032-95-7] •432008 •432008 [1333-86-4] MX[8031-18-3] [50-14-6] •432202 [1333-86-4] •432304 [80-43-3] MX[8031-18-3] •432406 [116-53-0] [51-78-5] [128-00-7] [65-64-5] [6160-12-9] [1218-34-4] [6034-63-5] [97-64-3]
59 [15117-96-1] AcU U [523-51-3] Aculeatine [5581-35-1] Acutran CnHl2Cl3N [15623-45-7] AcX, ( 2 2 3 R a ) Ra •432508 Acyclic organics •432600 Acyclic plasticizers "Acyclolaminoformylmethylpyridiniumchloride", [1338-54-1] iodine complex l-[(2-Acyclxyethylamino)-formyl]-pyridiniumchloride, [1338-54-1] iodine complex AcyHacyl carrier protein)-desaturase [37256-86-3] Acylanid C43H660,4 [1111-39-3] PM[9012-37-7] Acylase •432702 Acylase, bacterial •432804 Acylase, porcine kidney "432906 Acylase I •432906 Acylase I, (E.C. •433103 Acylase I, hog kidney PM[9012-37-7] Acylase I •433103 Acylase I, from hog kidney [37278-42-5] Acylcarnitine-hydrolase •433307 Acyl carrier protein [37288-21-4] (Acyl carrier protein)-phosphodiesterase •433409 Acyl choline acyl-hydrolase [9014-34-0] Acyl coenzyme A-desaturane Acyl coenzyme A (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate)-dehydrogenase [37251-07-3] •433501 Acyl coenzyme A products N-(Acyl colamino formyl methyl)-pyridinium chloride [1341-07-7] CN2O3 [9055-17-8] Acylglycerol-palmitoyltransferase Acylguanamine •433603 PM[9003-32-l] Acylic acid ethyl ester, polymer [50-78-2] Acyline C9H804 •433705 N-Acyl-N-methyltaurine, sodium salt Acylmuramoylalanine-carboxypeptidase [37288-68-9] [9067-82-7] Acylneuraminate-cytidylyltransferase [37288-13-4] Acylneuraminate-9-phosphatase [50-78-2] Acylosal C9H804 l-[N-(2-Acyloyloxyethyl)-carbamoyl]-pyridinium [1341-07-7] chloride CN203 [37278-06-1] Acyl phosphate-hexose-phosphotransferase [37289-31-9] 5'-Acylphosphoadenosine-hydrolase [50-78-2] Acylpyrin C9H804 Acylsphingosine-deacylase [37289-06-8] [37257-18-4] acyltransferase, Acyl-(acyl carrier protein)[37257-19-5] acyltransferase, Dihydroxyacetone phosphate[97-64-3] Acytol C5H10O3 Acylosal C9H804 [50-78-2] [37257-09-3] acytransferase, Sphingosine[50-76-0] AD C62H86N12Oi6 [73-24-5] AD, (Adenine) [140-91-0] Ada C 2 H 6 A1N0 4 •433807 ADA, (adenosine desaminase) •42002 ADA, N-(2-acetamido)-iminodiacetic acid [112 41-4] Adacene^ 12 C,2H24 Adakane? 12 C12H26 [112-40-3] [77-65-6] Adalin C7H13BrN202 •434300 1 -Adamantanamanine Adamantanamine [768-94-5] Adamantanamine-hydrochloride C| 0 H ]7 N.HC1 [665-66-7] [768-94-5] 1-Adamantanamine C10HI7N •434402 1 -Adamantanamine-hydrochloride 2-Adamantanamine.hydrochloride [10523-68-9] •434504 1-Adamantanamine citrate.mono-hydrate •434606 1-Adamantanamine fumarate •434606 L-Adamantanamine fumarate •434208 1-Adamantanamine sulfate [281-23-2] Adamantane [768-94-5] adamantane, 1-AminoC10H17N adamantane, 1 -Amino-, hydrochloride [665-66-7] C, 0 H 1 7 N.HCI •434902 adamantane, 1-Bromo•435007 adamantane, 2-Bromoadamantane, 1-Chloro[935-56-8] [7346-41-0] adamantane, 2-Chloro•435109 adamantane, l-(m-Methylbenzyl)•435201 adamantane, 6-Phenyi•435303 adamantane, 1,3,5-Trimethyl•435405 1-Adamantaneacetic acid •435507 1-adamantane acetic acid, 3-Bromo-, methyl ester •435609 1-adamantane acetic acid, a-Chloro-3,5,7-trimethyl[23074-42-2] 1 -Adamantanecarbonitrile 1-Adamantanecarbonyl chloride •435803 [5511-18-2] 1 -Adamantanecarboxamide [5511-18-2] 1 -Adamantanecarboxylamide
Adenine [16269-10-6] 1 -Adamantanecarboxylate •435803 Adamantane-1-carboxyl chloride [828-51-3] 1-Adamantanecarboxylic acid 1-Adamantanecarboxylic acid, ester with 17[;[1491-81-2] hydroxyestr- 4-en-3-one C29H40O3 •435803 1-Adamantanecarboxylic acid chloride •436204 13-Adamantanediacetic acid •436306 1 -Adamantanemethanol •436408 1 -Adamantanemethylamine 1-adamantanemethylamine, a-Methyl-, hydrochloride [1501-84-4] C ] 2 H 2 ] N.HC1 •436500 Adamantane-2-one [768-95-6] Adamantanol [768-95-6] 1-Adamantanol [700-57-2] 2-Adamantanol 2-Adamantanone [700-58-3] 1-Adamanthanamine.hydrochloride C ]0 H| 7 N.HC1 [665-66-7] [665-66-7] Adamantine C ] 0 H I 7 N.HCI [828-51-3] Adamantoic acid [768-95-6] Adamantol [768-95-6] 1-Adamantol •27009 N-(l-Adamantyl)-acetamide 1-Adamantyl acetic acid •435405 [665-66-7] 1-Adamantylamine.hydrochloride [13392-28-4] 1 -(1 - Adamantyl)-1 -aminoethane C, 2 H 2 ] N •436806 1-Adamantyl bromomethyl ketone [23074-42-2] 1-Adamantyl cyanide •266206 1-Adamantyl ethanone •437003 1-Adamantyl isothiocyanate •266206 1-Adamantyl methyl ketone •437207 3-(l-Adamantyl)-3-oxopropionic acid ethyl ester 6-1 -Adamantyl)-2-thiouracil •437309 •437401 6-( 1 - AdamantyD-uracil N-( 1 - AdamantyD-urea •437503 [595-81-3] Adamon C,9H24Br202 [1314-15-4] Adams' catalyst 02Pt [578-94 9] Adamsit Adamsite C 1 2 H 9 AsClN [578-94-9] Adamsite, (var.) HAl30„Si3.K..H20 [1318-94-1] [76-99-3] Adanon C 2 1 H 2 7 NO Adanon.hydrochloride C 2 1 H 27 NO.HCl [1095-90-5] [1397-80-4] Adansonin [547-17-1] Adaptinol C72H,|604 [146-54 3] Adazine C18H19F3N2S ADC Acid Brilliant Milling Violet 4BS C41H45N306S2.Na [4129-84-4] [633-03-4] ADC Brilliant Green Crystals C27H33N2.H04S ADC Malachite Green Crystals C 2 3 H 2 5 N 2 .C1 [569-64-2] ADC Methyl Violet 2B [1335-69-9] [67-78-7] Adcortyl C25H3,F08 [2814-77-9] ADC Permanent Red Toner R C]6H10ClN3O3 [2512-29-0] ADC Pigment Yellow G CI7H16N404 [6486-23-3] AdC Pigment Yellow 10G C16HI2C12N404 [2525-85-6] ADC Toluidine Red B C,7Hl3N303 ADC Victoria Blue B C 3 3 H 3 2 N 3 .C1 [2580-56-5] Addenosine-5-monophosphoric acid C| 0 H| 4 N 5 O 7 P [61-19-8] Additives •437605 •437707 Additives for lubricating oils -I- greases •437809 Additives for mineral oils, high duty •437901 Additives for mineral oils, high pressure •438006 Additives for paint removers Additives for running-in oils •438108 Additives for two-cyclo gasoline •438200 Adecene 8 C8H]6 [111-66-0] •438302 Adeernal, beef [396-01-0] Ademine C12HUN7 Ademol C8H6F3N304S2 [148-56-1] Adenie-jJ-D-arabinofuranoside •438506 Adeniin C19H2808 [1397-81-5] [73-24-5] Adenine N5C5H5 adenine, N 6 ,9-Bis-(trimethylsilyl)•438608 adenine, 9-(2-Deoxy-|3-D-ribofuranosyl)C10Hl3N5O3 [958-09-8] [1300-77-2] adenine, DiacetylC9H9N502 adenine, DibutyrylCl3H17N502 [1300-99-8] adenine, DipropionylCnH13N502 [1300-88-5] adenine, N-Furfuryl[525-79-1] adenine, d-GlucosylCnH15N506 [1328-70-7] Adenine, hydrochloride, hemihydrate [6055-72-7] C5H5N5.HC1.0,5H20 [5667-20-9] adenine, N-HydroxyC5H5N50 [5142-22-3] adenine, 1-Methyl•438700 adenine, 2-Methyl[520-54-7] adenine, 7-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl)Adenine, nitrate, hemihydrate N 5 C 5 H 5 .NO 3 H.0,5 OH2 [6034-66-8]
Adenine [6034-65-7] Adenine, picrate C 6 H 3 N 3 0 7 .xC 5 H 5 N 5 [6034-67-9] Adenine, picrolonate C, 0 H 8 N 4 O 5 .xC 5 H 5 N 5 adenine, 9-(i-D-psicofuranosylCnH|5N505 [1874-54-0] [58-61-7] adenine, 9-p-D-ribofuranosylC^H^S^C^ [321-30-2] Adenine, sulfate N 5 C 5 H 5 .0,5 0 4 S H 2 Adenine, sulfate, dihyrate C 5 H 5 N 5 .0,5H 2 0 4 S.H 2 0 [6509-19-9] "438904 Adenine.dihydrochloride [22177-51-1] Adenine.hydrochloride Adenine.hydrochloride.hemihydrate [6055-72-7] C 5 H 5 N 5 .HC1.0,5H 2 0 Adenine[ , 5 N] •439009 AdeninepH] "439101 3 Adenine[ H-GL] •439203 14 "439305 Adenine, 2- C 3 •439407 Adenine, 2- H 3 •439509 Adenine[2- H] •439601 Adenine, 2,8-3H 3 Adenine[2,8- H 2 NL] •439703 ,4 •439805 Adenine, 6- C 3 Adenine[8-' C] •439907 •440006 Adenine, 8- , 4 C 14 Adenine[8- C] •440108 ,4 Adenine[8- C].hydrochloride •440200 3 •440302 Adenine, 8- H 3 •440404 Adenine[8- H] Adenine[b- ,4 C].hydrochloride •440506 •440700 Adenine antimetabolite Adenine-^-D-arabinofuranoside •438506 Adenine-|3-D-arabinofuranoside[adenine-2- 3 H-NL] •441009 3 Adenine[8- H]-(3-D-arabinoside •441101 Adenine bisulfate •441203 [22177-51-1] Adenine chloride [958-09-8] Adenine deoxyribonucleoside CiqHjjN^Oo [958-09-8] Adenine deoxyribose C]0Ht3N5O3 Adenine-2-deoxyriboside •441407 •441509 Adenine-desoxyribose, base •441601 Adenine desoxyriboside [1300-77-2] Adeninediacetyl deriv. C9H9N502 Adeninedibutyryl deriv. C 1 3 H 1 7N 5 0 2 [1300-99-8] Adenine-2,8-diol •441703 Adeninedipropionylderiv. C u H, 3 N 5 0 2 [1300-88-5] [146-14-5] Adenine flavine dinucleotide C 2 7 H3 3 N 9 O i 5 P 2 [1328-70-7] Adenine-D-Glucoside Cj, H ] 5 N 5 0 6 [321-30-2] Adenine hemisulfate •441805 Adenine hemisulfate.mono-hydrate Adeninemonobutyryl deriv. C 9 H, | N 5 0 [1300-79-4] [1300-70-5] Adeninemonopropionyl deriv. C8H9N50 Adeninenicotinamidedinucleotidephosphate [53-59-8] C21H28N7O17P3 [6034-66-8] Adenine nitrate Adenine nitrate.hemihydrate N 5 C 5 H 5 .NO 3 H.0,5 [6034-66-8] OH 2 •442002 Adenine nucleotide, gold[I]-salt •442104 Adenine-N-oxide 1 "442104 Adenine-N -oxide •442400 Adenine-N-oxide, 8- 14 C •442502 Adenine phosphate [6034-65-7] Adenine picrate C 6 H 3 N 3 0 7 .xC5H 5 N 5 [6034-67-9] Adenine picrolonate C 1 0 H 8 N 4 O 5 .xC 5 H^N 5 [146-14-5] Adenine-riboflavine dinucleotide C27HJJN90]5P2 Adenine-9-|3-D-ribofuranoside C|0H|3N5O4 [58-61-7] •442604 Adenine-9-D-ribofuranoside [58-61-7] Adenine-D-ribose C10H13N5O4 [58-61-7] Adenineriboside C]0H13N5O4 "442706 Adenine riboside-3'(2')-phosphoric acid [321-30-2] Adeninesulfate N 5 C 5 H 5 .0.5 0 4 S H 2 [6509-19-9] Adenine sulfate.dihydrate C 5 H 5 N 5 .0,5H 2 0 4 S.H 2 0 "442808 Adenine sulfate, 8- l 4 C •442900 Adenine[8- 14 C]-sulfate •443005 Adenine, 14 C-UL •443107 DL-Adenocarpin a-Adenocarpine •443209 D-Adenocarpine •443301 DL-Adenocarpine [6793-63-1] PM[9002-72-6] Adenohypophyseal growth hormone [751-44-0] Adenopterin C2(H24N805 [58-61-7] Adenosine C]0H]3N5O4 •328007 adenosine, 5'-Acetyl-2',3'-isopropylideneadenosine, 3'-Amino-3'-deoxy-N,N-dimethyl[58-60-6] C12H18N6O3 adenosine, 3'-(a-Amino-p-methoxyhydrocinnamamido)[53-79-2] 3'- deoxy-N,N-dimethylC22H29N705 adenosine, 3'-(a-Amino-p-methoxyhydrocinnamamido)3'- deoxy-N,N-dimethyl-, monohydrochloride [3506-23-8] C 2 2 H 2 9 N 7 O 5 .HCI
60 adenosine, 3'-(a-Amino-p-methoxyhydrocinnamamido)3'- dioxy-N,N-dimethyl-, dihydrochloride C 2 2 H 2 9 N 7 0 5 .2HCl adenosine, 3'-(a-Amino-p-methoxyhydrocinnamamido)3'-dioxy-N,N-dimethyl-, sulfate C 2 2 H 2 9 N 7 O 5 .H 2 O 4 S adenosine, N-Benzyl-5'-0-mono-methoxy trityl deoxyadenosine, 2'-Deoxy-, 5'-phosphoric acid C10H14N5O6P adenosine, 2-FluoroC 1 0 H ) 2 FN 5 O 4 adenosine, N-FurfurylC15H17N505 adenosine, N-(4-Hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenyl)-, (E)adenosine, 2',3'-Isopropylideneadenosine, 5'-(4-Methoxytrityl)adenosine, 1-Methyl-, hydrochloride adenosine, 2',3-oIsopropylidene-5-0-(p-toluenesulfonyl)Adenosine, 3'-phosphate-5'-pyrophosphate, 5'-ester with- 2,4-dihydroxy-N-)2-[(2-mercaptoethyl)carbamoyl]-ethyl}- 3,3-dimethylbutyramide C 2 iH 3 6 N 7 0 1 6 P3S Adenosine, picrate C 1 0 H 1 3 N 5 O 4 .C 6 H 3 N 3 O 7 Adenosine, 5'-pyrophosphate, barium salt, tetrahydrate C 1 0 H 1 5 N 5 O 1 0 P 2 .l,5Ba.2H 2 O Adenosine, sesquihydrate C 1 0 H 1 3 N 5 O 4 .l,5H 2 O adenosine, N',N 6 ,0 2 5,0 3 tTetrabenzoyl3 5 adenosine, N,N,N £,0 £-Tetrabenzoyl-2'-deoxyadenosine, 5'-p-Toluenesulfonyladenosine, 5'-Trityladenosine, 5'-0-TritylAdenosine.l,5-hydrate C ] 0 H ] 3 N 5 O 4 .l,5H 2 O AdenosinepH] Adenosine[2- 3 H] Adenosine[2,8- 3 H] Adenosine, 8- 14 C Adenosine[8- 14 C] Adenosine, 8- 3 H ((/-Adenosine d-Adenosine, (2'-desoxy-adenosine) Adenosine-mono-acetamide Adenosine acetonide Adenosine-3V5'-adenosine Adenosine Concentrates Adenosine-cyclic-3',5'-(hydrogenphosphate) C 1 0 H, 2 N 5 O 6 P Adenosine-cyclic-3',5'-monophosphate C, 0 H, 2 N 5 O 6 P Adenosine^'^'-cyclic monophosphoric acid Adenosine 2':3'-cyclic monophosphoric acid, sodium salthydrate Adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphoric acid Adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphoric acid, sodium salt adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphoric acid, 8-ThioethylAdenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphoric acid, Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane salt Adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphoric acid, tris salt Adenosine 3'¿'-cyclic monophosphoric acid.monohydrate Adenosine-2V3'-cyclic phosphate Adenosine-2',3'-cyclic phosphate, ammonium salt Adenosine-2'3'-cyclic phosphate, cyclohexylguanidinium Adt'nosine-cyclic-i',5'-phosphate C( 0 H 1 2 N 5 0 6 P Adenosine-3 , ,5'-cyclic phosphate, 3 2 P Adenosine-3'-,5'-cyclic phosphate[ 32 P], triethylammonium salt Adenosine-3',5'-cyclic phosphate[ 3 H] Adenosine-3'-,5'-cyclic phosphate[ 3 H-GL], ammonium salt Adenosine-3',5'-cyclic phosphate, 8- , 4 C Adenosine-3'3'-cyclic phosphate[8- 14 C], ammonium salt Adenosine-3',5 , -cyclic phosphate, 8- 3 H Adenosine[8- 3 H]-3'^'-cyclic phosphate, ammonium salt Adenosine cyclic-3',5'-phosphate-phosphodiesterase Adenosine-2',3'-cvclic mono-phosphoric acid adenosine 3'^'-cyclic mono-phosphoric acid, 8-Bromoadenosine-3',5'-cyclic mono-phosphoric acid, 8--Methoxyadenosine-3'^'-cyclic mono-phosphoric acid, 8-ThiomethylAdenosine-2',3'-cyclophosphate, sodium salt Adenosine-3'3'-cyclophosphate C 1 0 H| 2 N 5 O 6 P Adenosine-2'3'-cyclophosphoric acid Adenosine-2' r 3'-cyclophosphoric acid, barium salt Adenosine-2' r 3'-cylil-phosphate
[58-58-2] [6164-90-5] •443505 [653-63-4] [146-78-1] [4338-47-0] [6025-53-2] •443607 •443709 •443801 •443903
[85-61-0] [6128-21-8] [6034-77-1] [6055-76-1] •444008 •444100 •444202 •444304 •444304 [6055-76-1] •444508 •444600 •444702 •444804 •444906 •445001 •445103 [958-09-8] •192905 •443607 •445409 •445501 [60-92-4] [60-92-4] •445603 •445807 [60-92-4] •445909 •446004 •446106 •446106 •446300 •445603 •446708 •446800 [60-92-4] •446902 •447007 •447109 •447201 •447303 •447405 •447507 •447609 [9036-21-9] •445603 •447803 •447905 •448000 •448102 [60-92-4] •445603 •448306 •445603
61 Adenosine deaminase Adenosine deaminase, (E.C. Adenosine deaminase, calf intestine Adenosine deaminase, calf intesting Adenosine demainase Adenosine desaminase, bovine Adenosine-2'3'-diacetate Adenosine dibutyryl-3\5'-cyclic monophosphate, sodium salt Adenosinediphosphate C, 0 H ] 5 N 5 0 , 0 P 2 Adenosine diphosphate, barium salt.tetrahydrate C , 0 H 1 5 N 5 O 1 0 P 2 .l ,5Ba.2H 2 0 Adenosine[ 3 HJ-5'-diphosphate, trammonium salt Adenosine-2',5'-diphosphate Adenosine-2',5'-diphosphate, dilithium salt Adenosine diphosphate[2- 3 H], ammonium salt Adenosine-3'3'-diphosphate, dilithium salt Adenosine-5'-diphosphate C, 0 H , 5 N 5 0 , 0 P 2 Adenosine-5' diphosphate, barium salt Adenosine-S'-diphosphate, disodium salt Adenosine-5'-diphosphate, monosodium salt Adenosine-5'-diphosphate, sodium salt Adenosine-5'-diphosphate, tribarium salt Adenosine-5'-diphosphate, trilithium salt Adenosine-5'-diphosphate, trisodium salt Adenosine-5'-diphosphate, tris salt Adenosine-5'-diphosphate, tris salt, tris-(hydroxy-
«433807 "433807 •448806 •448806 •433807 •449105 •449207 •449309 [58-64-0] [6034-77-1] •449401 •449503 •449605 •449707 •449809 [58-64-0] •449901 [2922-74-9] •450000 [58-64-0] •450102 •450204 [58-64-0] •450306
methyl)-aminomethane salt •450306 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[ , 4 C], trilithium salt •450500 14 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[ C-G], sodium salt •450602 ,4 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[ C G], trilithium salt •450704 ,4 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[ C-IJL], sodiu^i •450806 3 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[ H-GL] •450908 3 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[ H-GL], trisodium salt •451003 14 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[8- C] "451105 14 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[8- C], trilithium salt •451309 14 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[8- C], trisodium salt •451401 Adenosine-5'-diphosphate[a- 3 2 P], trisodium salt •451503 Na Amanil Fast Scarlet 8BA C 3 8 H 2 8 N 6 0 1 3 S 3 .3Na Amanil Fast Scarlet 4BS Amanil Fast Turquoise LB C 3 5 H 2 7 N 7 O ] 0 S 2 .2Na C->2H. fiNftOfiS9.Cu.2N a N 6 O 8 S,C„H Amanil Fast Violet N 32 24'.2 Na 2 Na Amanil Fast Violet 2RL 22 Amanthrene Orange RRT C 3 0 H 1 2 Br 2 O 2 Amanthrene Red Brown C41H20N2O4 Amanthrene Red Violet RH C 1 8 H 1 0 CI 2 O 2 S 2 Amanthrene Supra Black BBN C34H,4N206 Amanthrene Supra Dark Blue BO C 34 H 16°2 Amanthrene Supra Flavone GCN C 2 8 H, 4 N 2 O 2 S 2 Amanthrene Supra Green JF C 3 6I H 20°4 Amanthrene Supra Navy Blue BN C 3 4 H 1 3 C1 3 0 2 Amanthrene Supra Navy Blue BNR C^H^CIP; Amanthrene Supra Olive Green B C31H15N03 Amanthrene Supra Orange RRT C 3 0 H 1 2 Br 2 O 2 Amanthrene Supra Red FBB C29H14N20 Amanthrene Yellow A2G C , a H18 l s N2^4 ,0, "28 Amantine C 5 H, 4 NO Amantocillin C 1 Q H 9 7 N i 05S Amanyl Garnet RB C 3 2 H 2 3 N 5 0 7 S 2 .2Na Amaranth N 2 O ] 0 S 3 C 2 0 H ] 4 .3 Na Amaranth, (the dye) N 2 O 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H 1 4 .3 Na N 2 O 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H 1 4 .3 Na Amaranth A Amaranth B N H 1 4 .3 Na *i22Oo1100Ss33C c 2200iAmaranth S N 2, O 0 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H 1 4 .3 Na Amaranth BPC N 2 O 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H 1 4 .3 Na Amaranth B.P.C. N 2 O 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H ] 4 .3 Na Amaranthe N 2 O 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H ] 4 .3 Na Amaranth Extra N 2 O 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H 1 4 .3 Na Amaranth Lake N 2 O 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H 1 4 .3 Na Amaranth Maroon N 2 O 1 0 S 3 C 2 0 H ] 4 .Lake Amaranth S Specially Pure N 7 0,nS,C^,H, 4 .3 Na 2 10 3 20 14"" Amaranth USP "20,H,,.3 14" Na Amaranth WD N2, 0 10iSoC 9n H, 4 3 20 14".3 Na
[92-75-1] [135-62-6] [92-74-0] [92-79-5] [86-19-1] [5840-22-2] [135-64-8] [92-76-2] [2429-79-0] [2868-75-9] [992-59-6] [2429-81-4] [6420-38-8] [5001-72-9] [2429-70-1] [92-21-7] [2429-74-5] [2610-05-1] [72-57-1] [2610-05-1] [10401-50-0] [10300-74-0] [1937-34-4] [6405-94-3] [6637-88-3] •681801 [123-41-1] [21150-20-9] [537-17-7] [6058-44-2] [768-94-5] [665-66-7] [130-20-1] [1324-71-6] [128-58-5] [128-58-5] [4378-61-4] [1324-55-6] [131-92-0] [3989-75-1] [116-71-2] [129-09-9] [128-70-1] [2379-78-4] [128-66-5] [128-58-5] [3599-08-4] [1324-54-5] [2475-31-2] [12237-72-8] [2475-31-2] [2379-81-9] [3271-76-9] [4395-53-3] [4395-53-3] [3263-31-8] [1324-35-2] [6451-09-8] [5462-29-3] [6369-65-9] [116-71-2] [129-09-9] [128-58-5] [1324-54-5] [1324-54-5] [3271-76-9] [1324-35-2] [2379-79-5] [82-18-8] [62-49-7] [10004-67-8] [2429-70-1] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [1325-18-4] [915-67-3] [915-67-3] [915-67-3]
95 Amarine Amarine.hemihydrate N 2 C 2 ,H 18 .0,5 OH, iso-Amarine Amarogentin C32H Amaromycin 25 139 NO Amarsan C8H,0ASNO, Amar Supra White BRN Amarthol AS CI7H13N02 Amarthol AS-D C l ( i H l s NO ^18 15 ^ 2 Amarthol AS-E C 1 7 H 1 2 CINO 2 Amarthol AS-BO C21h]5NO2 Amarthol AS-BR C36H28N2O6 Amarthol AS-BS C17H12N2O4 Amarthol AS-GR C22Hi7NO2 Amarthol AS LB CI9H13CIN2O2 Amarthol AS-OL C H NO 3 Amarthol AS-phenyl 1 8 1 5 19 17 Amarthol AS-RL "18 H15NO, Amarthol AS-SG C24H,8N2O3 Amarthol AS-SW C2]H15NO2 Amarthol AS-TR C18H14CINO2 Amarthol Fast Blue BB Base c H 20 N 2°3 Amarthol Fast Blue BB Salt C 1 17 7H20N2O3 Amarthol Fast Bordeaux GP Base C7H8N2O3 Amarthol Fast Bordeaux GP Salt C7H8N2O3 Amarthol Fast GARNET GBC Base C h14H . 15 C N3' ^HCI Amarthol Fast Orange R Base C6H6N2O2 Amarthol Fast Orange GC Base C 6 H 6 CIN.hci Amarthol Fast Orange GC Salt C6H6CIN.HCI C7H8N2O3 Amarthol Fast Red B Base C 7 H 8 CINO.HCI Amarthol Fast Red R Base C7H8N2O2 Amarthol Fast Red GL Base c7HaN,o. Amarthol Fast Red GL Salt 2 2 Amarthol Fast Red KB Base C 7 H 8 CIN.HCI Amarthol Fast Red KB Salt C 7 H 8 CIN.HCI Amarthol Fast Red RC Base C 7 H 8 CINO.HCI Amarthol Fast Red RC Salt C 7 H 8 CINO.HCI Amarthol Fast Red B Salt C7H8N2O3 Amarthol Fast Red TR Base C 7 H 8 CIN.HCI Amarthol Fast Red TR Salt C 7 H 8 CIN.HCI Amarthol Fast Scarlet R Base C7H8N2o3 Amarthol Fast Scarlet G Base C7h8N2O2 Amarthol Fast Scarlet GG Base C6H5ci2N Amarthol Fast Scarlet GG Salt C6H5CI2N Amarthol Fast Scarlet GGS Base C6H5ci2N Amarthol Fast Scarlet G Salt C7H8N2O2 Amarthol Fast Scarlet RC Base C7H8N2O3 Amarthol Fast Violet B Base C15H16N2O2 Amarthol Fast Violet B Salt C,5H16N2O2 Amarthol Fast Yellow GC Base C 6 H 6 CIN.HCI Amarthol Fast Yellow GC Salt Amar White RWS C 2 8 H 2 4 N 4 0 8 S 2 .2Na Amaryl Blue BR Amaryl Brilliant Blue R Amaryl Brilliant Magenta B Amaryl Brilliant Orange RX Amaryl Brilliant Orange 3RX Amaryl Brilliant Pink B Amaryl Brilliant Red 6BX Amaryl Brilliant Red 8BX Amaryl Brilliant Red EB Amaryl Brilliant Rose 3B Amaryl Brilliant Violet RR Amaryl Brilliant Yellow 6G Amaryl Brilliant Yellow 5GX Amarylline C16H17N04 Amarylline, hydrochloride, hydrate C 16 H 17 NO 4 .HCI.H 2 O Amarylline.hydrochloride.hydrate C 16 H 17 NO 4 .HCI.H 2 O Amaryl Navy Blue RX Amaryl Orange G Amaryl Turquoise Blue 2GX Amaryl Turquoise Blue 3GX Amaryl Yellow R Amaryl Yellow RX Amazon Yellow X2485 C 3 2 H 2 e ,Cl 2 N 6 0 4 Ambamide C 7 H l 0 N 2 O 2 S.HCl Amban Ambarine 0 2 Si.y0H 2 Ambathizon C 1 0 H 1 2 N 4 OS Ambazone C8HnN7S Ambazone-monohydrate C 8 H 1 ] N 7 S.H 2 0 Amben C 7 H 7 NO, Ambenoniumchloride C 2 8 H 4 2 C1 2 N 4 0 2 .2C1 Amber C 1 0 H 1 6 °
[573-33-1 [6011-11-6
"681903 [1397-87-1 [1402-80-8 [97-44-9 [12224-13-4 [92-77-3 [135-61 [92-78-4 [132-68-3 [91-92-9 [135-65-9 [1830-77-9 [132-61-6 [135-62-6 [92-74-0 [92-79-5 [86-19-1 [135-64-8 [92-76-2 [120-00-3 [120-00-3 [96-96 [96-96-8 [2298-13-7 [99-09-2 [141-85-5 [141-85-5 [97-52-9 [4274-03-7 [89-62-3 [89-62-3 [6259-42-3 [6259-42-3 [4274-03-7 [4274-03-7 [97-52-9 [3165-93-3 [3165-93-3 [99-59-2 [99-55-8 [95-82-9 [95-82-9 [95-82-9 [99-55-8 [99-59-2 [99-21-8 [99-21-8 [137-04-2 [137-04-2 [2606-93-1 [12270-68-7 [12270-67-6 [12270-87-0 [12270-78[12270-79-0 [12270-82-5 [12270-84-7 [12270-85-8 [12270-81-4 [12270-83-6 [12270-88-1 [12270-90-5 [12270-92-7 [476-28-8
[6150-58-9 [6150-58-9 [12270-71-2 [12270-77-8 [12270-69-8 [12270-70-1 [12270-91-6 [12270-93-8 [6358-85-6 [138-37-4: •682008 [14639-89-5 [104-06-3 [539-21 [6011-12-7 [150-13-0 [115-79-7 [1397-88-2
Amber acid C4H604 Ambergris Amberine 0 2 Si.xH 2 0 Amber Red MT-200 C25H20N4O5 Ambesid, soluble C6H8N2O2S Ambeside C 7 H 5 ci 2 NO 2 Ambiben Ambilhar C6H6N4O3S Amblygonite = AlLi.(F/0H/P0 4 ) Ambodryl C^H^BrNO C, 7 H, n BrNO.HCl Ambodryl.hydrochloride Ambomycin Ambonestyl C12H]9N3 Ambra CmH„0 Ambra-13,18(28)-dien-8a-ol Ambramicina C 2 2 H 2 4 N 2 0, Ambramycin C22H24N208 Ambrein C30H52O Ambrettolic acid, lactone C 16H28°2 Ambrettolid C16H2802 Ambrettolide CI6H2802 lOaH-ambros-11 ( 13)-en-12-oic acid, 2a,4a,6ß Trihydroxy-, y-lactone, acetate Ambrosiin Ambucaine C17H28N203 C, 7 H 2 8 N 2 O 2 Ambucetamide Ambuphylline C 7 H 8 N 4 O 2 .C 4 H„ NO Ambuside C , 3Hi n 1 6f i'ClN 3 0 5 S 2 Ambutonium C20H27 N , 0 Ambutonium bromide C 2 0 H 2 7 N 2 O.Br AMC C12H180 AMCHA C8Hi5N02 Amchem 61-207 C 1 3 H 1 7 CI 2 NO Amchem 61-265 C 3 H 5 N0 4 .Na Amchem 64-50 C 9 H 10 ClNO 2 Amchem Grass Killer C 2 HC1 3 0 2 Amcid Fast Red Violet 2R C 3 4 H 2 6 N 2 0 6 S.Na Amdex C 9 H 1 3 N,0,5H 2 0 4 S AMDP 5p-Amdrostan-3a,17|3-diol Amebacilin C26H3407 Amebacillin C26H3407 Ameban C 7 H Q AsN,0, 2^4 Amebarsone C 7 H 9 AsN,0. 2 4 Amebicide C29H40N2O4.2HCI Amebil N NOCIICQH '9 5 Amechol C8Hj81>h_»2.v^i (-)-AmeJiaroside Amenoron C20H24O2 Amenyl C 2 2 H 2 4 N 2 0 5 .HC1 Amercide C 9 H 8 C1 3 N0 2 S American Cyanamid 12,009 C8H19O2PS3 American Cyanamid 12,013 American Cyanamid 12,415 C6HI3N2o4PS American Cyanamid 12,433 C 6 H 9 N 2 O 4 PS American Cyanamid 12,503 C14H17N2O4PS American Cyanamid 18133 C 8 H 1 3 N 2 O 3 PS American Cyanamid 18,682 C 9 H 2 0 NO 3 PS 2 American Cyanamid 24,055 CI0H14N4O American Cyanamid 3422 c10H,4NO5PS American Cyanamid 38,023 C,0H16NO5PS2 American Cyanamid 3,869 C 4 H 1 0 NO 3 PS 2 American Cyanamid 3,911 C 7 H j 7 O 2 PS 3 American Cyanamid 4,049 Ci0H,9O6PS2 American Cyanamid 43,064 C 7 H, 4 NO 2 PS 3 American Cyanamid 5,223 American Cyanamid CL-23,697 C j 3H 29N 3.C2 H^02 C 1 0 H 1 6 NO 6 PS American Cyanamid CL-24055 C10H14N4O American Cyanamid CL-26,095 C10H16NO5PS2 American Cyanamid CL-28865 C 8 H I 2 NO 6 PS American Cyanamid CL-35,217 CnH18N05PS2 American Cyanamid CL-38064 C10H16NO5PS2 American Cyanamid CL-47031 C7H14NO3PS2 American Cyanamide 12,008 C8H19O2PS3 American Cyanamide 47031 C 7 H 1 4 NO 3 PS 2 American Cyanamide 47470 American Cyanamid E F 23,441 C 8 H 1 6 N O „ P S , American penicillin ^13 29 3 American Vermilion Americium Am (0 4 CrPb)x.yPb'4-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenesulfonic acid, disodium salt C 3 9 H 3 9 N 9 0 7 S 2 .2Na
*747808 »747900 »748005
113 6-Amino-3-({4'-[(2,6-dianiino-3 r S-disulfophenyl)-azo]2,2'-dichloro-4-biphenylyl}-azo}-4-hydroxy-2naphthalenesulfonic acid), trisodium salt [6375-57-1] C 2 8 H 2 1 CI 2 N 7 O 1 0 S 3 .3Na 4-Amino-3-{{4'-[(2,4-diamino-5-methoxyphenyl)-azo]-4biphenylyl}-azo)-5-hydroxy-6-(phenylazo)-2,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid, disodium salt C35H29N908S2.2Na [10211-64-0] 4-Amino-3-({4'-[(2,7-diamino-l-naphthyl)-azo]-biphenyl4-yl}-azo)-5-hydroxy-6-[(4-nitro-2-sulfophenyl)-azo]2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, trisodium salt C38H28N,0O12S3.3Na [6360-59-4] 3-Amino-4-({4'-[(2,4-diamino-5-nitrophenyl)-azo]-4biphenylyl)-azo)-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, disodium salt C 2 8 H 2 2 N 8 O g S 2 .2Na [6486-35-7] 6-Amino-3'-'((p-|p-[(2,4-diaminophenyl)-azo]-anilino|, , phenyl)-azo) -3,6 -azobis-(4-hydroxy-2-naphthalene [6826-47-7] sulfonic acid), disodium salt C 3 8 H 3 l 3 N 1 0 O 8 S 2 .2Na 5-Amino-3-'"("(7-'((p-|p-[(2,4-diaminophenyl)-azo]anilino|-phenyl)-azo)'-8-hydroxy-6-sulfo-2naphthyl)"- azo)'"-4-hydroxy-2,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid, trisodium salt C38H30N10OnS3.3Na [6844-72-0] 4-Amino-3-({4'-[(2,4-dianiinophenyl)-azo]-4-biphenylyl}azo)-5-hydroxy-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, disodium salt N 6 0 7 S 2 C 2 8 H 2 3 . 2 Na [6486-32-4] 6-Amino-3-4S [119-59-5] aniline, 4,4'-SulfinyldiC12H]2N2OS aniline), 4,4'-Sulfonylbis-(N-isopropylC|gH24N202S aniline, 4,4'-SulfonyldiC12H12N202S aniline, 2,2',6,6'-Tetrabromo-4,4'-methylene dianiline, 2,3,4,6-Tetramethylaniline, 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylaniline, N',N',N",N"-Tetramethyl-3,4',4"-methyl idynetriC23H27N3 aniline, 2,3,5,6-Tetramethyl-4-nitroaniline, 2,3,4,6-TetranitroC6H3N508
[13838-11-4] [80-08-0]
•1046408 •815407 •768105 [6258-99-7] •1046704 [3698-54-2]
Aniline.hyd aniline, 2,4,6,N-Tetranitro-N-methylaniline, p-Thiocyanato-, hydrochloride aniline, 2,4'-ThiodiC12H12N2S aniline, 4,4'-ThiodiC12H]2N2S aniline, 2-(p-Toluoyl)aniline, 2-(o-Tolyloxy)aniline, 4-(p-Tolyloxy)aniline, 2-(p-Tolylthio)aniline, Tribromoaniline, 2,4,6-TribromoC 6 H 4 Br 3 N aniline, 2,4,6-Tribromo-, hydrobromide C 6 H 4 Br 3 N.HBr aniline, 2,3,4-Trichloroaniline, 2,4,5-TrichloroC 6 H 4 C1 3 N aniline, 2,4,6-Trichloroaniline, 2,4,6-Trichloro-, hydrochloride aniline, o-(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy)aniline, p(Tricyanovinyl)-N,N-dimethylaniline, 2,4,5-Trifluoroaniline, 2,4,6-Trimethoxyaniline, 3,4,5-Trimethoxyaniline, 3,4,5-Trimethoxy-N-(3',4',5'-trimethoxybenzyl)aniline, 2,3,4-Trimethylaniline, 2,3.5-Trimethylaniline, 2,3,6-Trimethylaniline, 2,4,5-Trimethyl C9HI3N aniline, 2,4,6-TrimethylC9H13N aniline, 3,4,5-Trimethylaniline, o-[2-(l,3,3-Trimethylbutyl)-5,7,7-trimethyloctyl oxy]aniline, 2,2'-(Trimethylenedioxy)-dianiline, 3,3'-(Trimethylenedioxy)-dianiline, 4,4'-(Trimethylenedioxy)-dianiline, o-[p-(l,4,4-Trimethylpent-2-yl)-phenoxy]anillne, 2,4,6-Trinitroaniline, p-TritylAniline[ 14 C-UL] Aniline[ ,4 C-UL].hydrochloride Aniline[ 1 5 N] Aniline[ ,5 N].hydrochloride Aniline[ 2 H 5 -RL] AnilinepH 7 ] Aniline, 3 H Aniline[ 3 H 7 ].hydrochloride Aniline[ 3 H-GL].hydrochloride Aniline[ 3 H RL] Aniline[l- 14 C].hydrochloride Aniline-23,4^,6-pH5] Aniline-D-5 Aniline-D-7 AnilinefN^J AnilinefN^J-hydrochloridepH] Aniline[N 2 HJA4,6pH 3 ].hydrochloride[ 2 H] Aniline[UL-«iq Aniline[UL- 14 -7-hydroxy-13naphthalenedisulfonic acid, trisodium salt N 5 O n S 3 C 3 8 H 2 7 . 3 Na 3-({4'-[(6-Anilino-l-hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphthyl)-azo]3,3'-dimethoxy-4-biphenylyl}-azo)-4-hydroxy-2,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid, trisodium salt N 5 O 13 S 3 C 30 H 31 .3 Na 7-( 4'-[6-Anilino-1 -hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphthyl)-azo]3r3'-dimethoxy-4-biphenylyl)-azo)-8-hydroxy-1,6naphthalenedisulfonic acid, trisodium salt C 4 0 H 3 1 N 5 O 1 3 S 3 .3Na
[6408-20-4] [6408-23-7]
[6222-55-5] [6227-15-2]
[6227-17-4] "1058908
[6222-60-2] [6375-82-2] [119-40-4] [119-19-7] [119-19-7] [119-40-4]
[6428-76-8] [119-40-4] [119-19-7]
Anilino-l-hy 3-/{4'-[(6-Anilino-l-hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphthyl)-azo]33'-dimethoxy-4-biphenylyl|-azo)-4-hydroxy-lnaphthalenesulfonic acid, disodium salt C 4 0 H 3 1 N 5 O 1 0 S 2 .2Na 3-(|4'-[(7-Anilino-l-hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphthyl)-azo]33'-dimethoxy-4-biphenylyl}-azo)-4-hydroxy-lnaphthalenesulfonic acid, disodium salt C 4 0 H 3 1 N 5 O 1 0 S 2 .2Na 7-({4'-[(6-Anilino-1 -hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphthyl)-azo]33'-dimethyl-4-biphenylyl}-azo)-8-hydroxy-1,6naphthalenedisulfonic acid, trisodiumsalt C 4 0 H 3 1 N 5 O 1 1 S 3 .3Na 2-"('{4-({4-[(6-Anilino-1 -hydroxy-3-sulfo-2- naphthyl)azo]-3-ethoxy-7-sulfo-l -naphthyl|-azo)- 1 -naphthyl)'azo)"-p-benzenedisulfonic acid, tetra sodium salt C
4-{{4-[(6-Anilino-l-hydroxy-3-sulfo-2-naphthyl)-azo]3-ethoxy-7-sulfo-l-naphthyl}-azo)-4'-(5-sulfo-2Hnaphtho[l,2-d]triazol-2-yl)-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonic acid, pentasodium salt C52H38N80]7S53Na 4-'3,5-dinitro-, trisodium salt 4 S 3 .3Na benzenesulfonic acid, 4-[3-Methyl-5-oxo-4-(phenyl azo)2-pyrazolin-l-yl]-, cyclohexylamine salt C , 6 H 1 4 N 4 0 4 S . Ctf inHBn N " benzenesulfonic acid, 3-(3-Methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-lyl)benzenesulfonic acid, 4-(3-Methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-lyl)benzenesulfonic acid, m-(3-Methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-lyl)C10H10N2O4S benzenesulfonic acid, p-[10-(Methylthio)-decyl]benzene sulfonic acid, 4-Nitro-, methyl ester benzenesulfonic acid, 4-Nitro-, potassium salt benzenesulfonic acid, m-Nitro-, sodium salt C6H4NNa05S benzenesulfonic acid, o-NitroC6H5N05S benzenesulfonic acid, p-NitroC6H5N05S benzene sulfonic acid, 5-Nitro-2-phenoxy-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, 5-Nitro-2-(3-{7t_[(p-sulfophenyl)azo]- phenyl(-triazeno)-, disodium salt benzene sulfonic acid, 5-Nitro-2-[p-(l,l,3,3-tetramethyl butyl)-phenoxy]benzenesulfonic acid, 4-(p-Nitro-o-toluidino)benzenesulfonic acid, 5-Nitro-2-(o-toluidino)benzenesulfonic acid, 5-Nitro-2-p-toluidinoC13H12N2O5S benzenesulfonic acid, p-[2-(Nonylthio)-ethyl]-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, p-Octyl-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, p-[3-(n-Octylthio)-propyl]-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, 2-Oxo-4-imidazolin-4,5-ylenedi-, disodium salt C 1 5 H 1 2 N 2 0 7 S 2 .2Na benzenesulfonic acid, 2-(5-Oxo-3-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-lyl)-
[5863-98-9] * 1366605 [616-85-3]
[6370-16-7] [10343-55-2]
[10214-00-3] "1366707 * 1366809 "1366901 '1367006
[6408-33-9] "1367108 [133-64-2] [96-71-9] "1367200 [104-15-4] [6797-90-6] [118-07-0]
[16485-32-8] "1367302 "1367404 [119-17-5] •1367506 "1367608 •1367700 [127-68-4] [80-82-0] [138-42-1] •1367904 [28866-91-3] •1368009 •1368101 •1368203 [91-28-1] •1368305 •1368407 •1368509 [6826-44-4] "1368601
benzenesul benzenesulfonic acid, o-(5-Oxo-3-phenyl-2-pyrazolin1-yl)C15H12N204S benzenesulfonic acid], 2,2'-oxybis-Oxybis-{5-[(2hydroxy-1- naphthyl)-azo]-, disodium salt N 4 0 9 S 2 C 3 2 H 2 2 . 2 Na benzenesulfonic acid, 4,4'-oxydi-, dihydrazide C12HhN405S2 benzenesulfonic acid, Pentafluoro, barium salt Benzenesulfonic acid, pentyl ester C . . 111 „() jS benzenesulfonic acid, p-[6-(Pentylthio-hexyl)]Benzenesulfonic acid, N-phenyltrimethylammonium salt Benzenesulfonic acid, piperazine salt(2:l) Benzenesulfonic acid, potassium salt benzenesulfonic acid, p-[8-(Propylthio)-octyl]Benzenesulfonic acid, sesquihydrate 03SC6H6.3/20H2 Benzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt Benzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt.mono-hydrate benzenesulfonic acid, o-[(2-Sulfoethyl)-amino]C8HuN06S2 benzenesulfonic acid, o-(2-Sulfo ethylamino)benzenesulfonic acid), 3,3'-{Sulfonylbis-[(2-nitrop-phenylene)-imino]}-bis-(6-anilino-, disodium salt C36H28N6012S3.2Na benzenesulfonic acid, 3,3'-(Tetrabromophthalidylid ene)-bis-(6-hydroxyC20Hl0Br4O|0S2 benzenesulfonic acid, Tetrapropylene-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, ar-(Tetrapropylene)-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, p-(7-Thiadodecyl)-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid), 2,2'-Thiobis-(5-aminobenzenesulfonic acid, p-Thiocyanato-, sodium salt.mono-hydrate benzenesulfonic acid, 6-[(2-p-Toluidino-l- naphthyl)azo]-3,4'-azodi-, disodium salt C29H23N506S2.2Na benzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,5-Trichlorobenzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,5-Trichloro-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,5-Trichloro-3-(3-methyl-5oxo-2-pyrazolin-1 -yl)C10H7Cl3N2O4S benzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,5-Trichloro-3-}3-methyl-5oxo-4-[(p-sulfophenyl)-azo]-2-pyrazolin-1 -yl)-, monosodium salt C16H11Cl3N407S2.Na benzenesulfonic acid, 2,3,4-Trihydroxybenzenesulfonic acid, 3,4,5-TrihydroxyC6H606S benzenesulfonic acid, 2,3,4-Trimethylbenzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,6-Trimethylbenzenesulfonic acid, (2,4,6-Trimethylnonyl)benzenesulfonic acid, (2,4,6-Trimethylnonyl)-, ammonium salt benzenesulfonic acid, (2,4,6-Trimethylnonyl)-, diethanol amine salt benzenesulfonic acid, (2,4,6-Trimethylnonyl)-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, (2,4,6-Trimethylnonyl)-, triethanol amine salt benzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,6-Trinitro-, dihydrate benzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,6-Trinitro-, sodium salt.dihydr ate benzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,6-Trinitro-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid, 2,4,6-Trinitro-, trimethylamine salt benzenesulfonic acid, p-(Undecylthio)-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid), 3,3'-Ureylenebis-(6-aminoC13H14N407S2 benzenesulfonic acid), 3,3'-Ureylenebis-[6-(paminobenzamido)C27H24N609S2 benzenesulfonic acid], 5,5'-Ureylenebis[2-(paminobenzamido)benzenesulfonic acid], 5,5'-Ureylenebis-[2-(p-amino benzamido)-, disodium salt N 6 0 9 S 2 C 2 7 H 2 4 . 2 Na benzenesulfonic acid}, 5,5'-Ureylenebis-{2-[(2-amino8-hydroxy-6-sulfo-1 -naphthyl)-azo]-4-methoxy-, tetrasodium salt C35H30N8O17S4.4Na benzenesulfonic acid), 3,3'-Ureylenebis-(6-amino-4methoxyC15HlgN409S2 benzenesulfonic acid), 5,5'-Ureylenebis-(2-amino-4methoxybenzenesulfonic acid)', 3,3'-Ureylenebis-'(6-(p-([l(m-aminophenyl)-3-carboxy-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-4-yl]azo(-benzamido)-, tetrasodium salt N H 0 1 5 S 2 C 4 7 H 3 6 . 4 Na benzenesulfonic acid)', 3,3'-Ureylenebis-'(6- (p-([l-(maminophenyl)-3-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin- 4-yl]-azo|benzamido)-, disodium salt
[6391-19-1] [80-51-3] * 1368703 [80-45-5] * 1368805 '1368907 * 1369002 '1369104 '1369206 [5928-72-3] [515-42-4] '1369308 [5858-12-8] '1369400
[6373-79-1] [297-83-6] [25321-18-0] '1369502 '1369604 '1369706 '1369808 [6406-33-3] * 1369900 '1370009 [5858-11-7]
[6360-00-5] '1370101 [5858-14-0] '1370203 '1370407 '1370509 '1370601 '1370703 '1370805 '1370907 [2508-19-2] '1371002 »1371206 "1371104 «1371308 "1371400 [5858-13-9] [5858-15-1] "1371502
benzenesulfonic acid)), 3,3'-(4,4'-Ureylenebis-{a-[(2carboxyphenyl)-azo]-acetamido(-bis-(4-methoxy-, tetra sodium salt N 8 0 1 6 S 2 C 3 6 H 3 2 . 4 Na benzenesulfonic acid, 5,5'-{Ureylenebis-2-[(2,4diaminophenyl)-azo]}-di-, disodium salt C25H24N10O7S2.2Na benzenesulfonic acid), 3,3'-Ureylenebis-(6-{p-[(2,4dihydroxyphenyl)-azo]-benzamido}N 8 O 1 3 S 2 C 3 9 H 3 0 . 2 Na benzenesulfonic acid, 3,3'-Ureylenebis-(4-methoxy-, sodium salt benzenesulfonic acid}, 2,2'-[Ureylenebis-(2-methyl-pphenyleneazo)-(2-methyl-p-phenyleneazo)]-bis-{5-[(psulfophenyl)-azo]-, tetrasodium salt N h 0 1 3 S 4 C 5 3 H 4 4 . 4 Na benzenesulfonic acid), 4,4'-(p,p'-Ureylenebis- {[4(phenylazo)-7-sulfo-1 -naphthyl]-azo})-bis-(, tetrasodium salt C 4 5 H 3 2 N , 0 O ] 3 S 4 .4N a benzenesulfonic acid, p-VinylC8H803S benzene sulfonic acid, p-Vinyl-, sodium salt Benzenesulfonic acid, zinc salt C6H603S,0,5Zn Benzenesulfonic acid.l,5-hydrate 03SC6H6.3/20H2 Benzenesulfonic acid.sesquihydrate 03SC6H6.3/20H2 Benzenesulfonic a c i d [ 3 5 S ] , sodium salt benzene-1-sulfonic acid, 2,4,5-Trichloro-, sodium salt o-benzenesulfonic acid, 2-Amino-5-(p-chlorophenoxy)-, sodium salt Benzenesulfonic acid butyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid-2-butyl-2-ethyl-1,3-propanediol diester Benzenesulfonic acid chloride C6H5CI02S Benzenesulfonic acid-p-chlorophenyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid cyanomethyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid (p-(dimethylamino)benzylidene)hydrazide B e n z e n e sulfonic acid ethyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid hydrazide benzenesulfonic acid hydrazide, m-(5-Oxo-l-phenyl-2pyra zolin-3-yl)benzenesulfonic acid hydrazide, p-(Phenylazo)benzenesulfonic acid, p-Hydroxy-, calciumsalt (2:1) 0 4 S C 6 H 6 . 0 , 5 Ca benzenesulfonic acid, p-Hydroxy-, compd. with quinine (1:1) C20H24N2O2.C6H8O4S B e n z e n e sulfonic acid-N-methylamide Benzenesulfonic acid methyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid pentyl ester C^H^C^S Benzenesulfonic acid propargyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid propyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid-2-propynyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid-2-propyn-l-yl ether30 1 -[Benzene-3-sulfonic acid-6-sulfone (4hydroxybenzene- 3-carboxylic acid)]-3-methyl-2pyrazolin-5-one B e n z e n e sulfonic acid 3,3,4,4-tetrafluoro-2-butyl ester B e n z e n e sulfonic acid 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid 2,2,2-trichloro ethyl ester Benzenesulfonic acid 2,2,2-trifluoro ethyl ester Benzenesulfonic anhydride CI2H10O5S2 Benzenesulfonic chloride C6H5C102S Benzenesulfononic acid, barium salt Benzenesulfon = o-toluidide Benzenesulfono-2'-toluidide benzene sulfonyl, 2,3,4-Trichloro-, chloride 0-(Benzenesulfonyl)-H.acid 0-(Benzenesulfonyl)-H. acid N-Benzenesulfonyl H Acid C, 6 H , 3 N 0 9 S 3 N-Benzenesulfonyl-N'-n-butylurea CuH16N203S Benzenesulfonyl chloride
benzenesulfonylchloride, p-BromoC6H4BrC102S benzenesulfonyl chloride, p-ChloroC6H4C1202S benzene sulfonyl chloride, 4-Chloro-2,5-dimethyl-
C8H8C1202S benzenesulfonylchloride, 4-Chloro-3-nitroC6H3CI2NO4S benzenesulfonyl chloride, 3,4-DichloroC6H3C1302S benzenesulfonylchloride, p-IodoC6H4C1I02S benzenesulfonyl chloride, p-MethoxyC7H7C103S benzenesulfonylchloride, p-Methyl C7H7CIO2S benzenesulfonyl chloride, m-NitroC6H4CINO4S benzenesulfonylchloride, p-NitroC6H4CINO4S benzenesulfonyl chloride, 4,4'-OxydiC|2H8Cl2O^S2 benzenesulfonyl chloride, Pentafluoro-
[5858-16-2] '1371604
[6655-87-4] '1371706
[6409-83-2] [98-70-4] '1371808 [7645-18-3] [5928-72-3] [5928-72-3] •1371900 •1372005 •741004 [80-44-4] '1372209 [98-09-9] [80-38-6] '1372301 '1372403 '1372505 [80-17-1] "1372607 '1372709 [127-83-3] [146-41-8] '1372801 [80-18-2] [80-45-5] •1372903 [80-42-2] •1372903 •1373100
'1373202 »1373304 '1373406 •1373508 '1373600 [512-35-6] [98-09-9] [515-72-0] •1358903 •1373804 "1373906 •703606 •703606 [83-22-7] [3149-00-6] [98-09-9] [98-58-8] [98-60-2] [88-49-3] [97-08-5] [98-31-7] [98-61-3] [98-68-0] [98-59-9] [121-51-7] [98-74-8] [121-63-1] •1374205
241 benzenesulfonyl chloride, p - ( P h e n y l a z o ) benzenesulfonyl chloride, 2,3,4-Trichlorobenzenesulfonyl chloride, 2,4,5-Trichlorobenzenesulfonyl chloride, 2,4,6-Triisopropylbenzcnesulfonylchloride, 2,4,6-TrimethylB e n z e n e sulfonyl c h l o r i d e p H J benzenesulfonylchloride[35S], p-IodoBenzenesulfonyl cresidines N-Benzenesulfonyl-23-dimethylindoline, mixture of isomers benzenesulfonyl fluoride, m - A c e t y l benzenesulfonyl fluoride, o - A m i n o benzenesulfonylfluoride, p - A m i n o C6H6FN02S benzenesulfonyl fluoride, 3 - A m i n o - 4 - c h l o r o benzenesulfonyl fluoride, m-[3-Amino-4( h e x a d e c y l o x y ) - benzenesulfonamido]benzenesulfonyl fluoride, 4-Amino-3-nitrobenzenesulfonyl fluoride, m-(2-Amino-4thiazolyl)benzene sulfonyl fluoride, 3-Nitro-4-(octadecyl)N-Benzenesulfonylglutamic acid Benzenesulfonylhydrazide CeH8N202S Benzenesulfonylhydrazine Benzenesulfonylhydroxamic acid N-(Benzenesulfonyl)-hydroxylamine Benzenesulfonyl isocyanate N-(Benzenesulfonyl)-methylamine 4-Benzenesulfonyl-3-nitrobenzenesulfonyl fluoride Benzenesulfonyl-5-nitro-o-toluidide C, 3 H ] 2 N 2 0 4 S 6-(Benzenesulfonyloxy)-3-"('(4-{l - p - [ U ,7-dihydroxy-3sulfo-2-naphthyl)-azo]-phenylf-cyclohexyl)-phenyl)'azo)"-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid, disodium salt C44H36N4012S3.2Na 6-(Benzenesulfonyloxy)-6'-hydroxy-33'[cyclohexylidenedi- p-phenylenebis-(azo)]-bis-(4hydroxy-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid), disodium salt N4OI2S3C44H36.2 Na 4-(Benzenesulfonyloxy)-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid 3-'((4'-{[p-(Benzenesulfonyloxy)-phenyl]-azo|- 2,2'dimethyl-4-biphenylyl)-azo)'-4-hydroxy-2,7naphthalenedisulfonic acid, disodium salt C36H28N4O,0S3.2Na 3-"(4-'({4'-([p-(benzenesulfonyloxy)-phenyl]-azo}-33dimethyl-4-4-biphenylyl)-azo)'-3-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyra zolin-l-yl)"-4-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt N607S2C36H29SCl.Na 2-(4-{[4-(Benzenesulfonyloxy)-m-tolyl]-azo)anilino)-5nitrobenzenesulfonic acid, sodium salt C25H20N4O8S2.Na B e n z e n e sulfonyl toluidine N-(Benzenesulfonyl)-o-toluidine Benzenesulfo-sodium chloramide Benzenesulfo-o-toluidine C6H6ClN02S.Na 2-Benzene-sulphonamido-5-methoxy-ethoxy-
•1374307 "1373906 •1374501 •3575404 •1374705 •1356203 •1374909 •1375004
benzenethiol, 2,5-DichloroC6H4C12S benzenethiol, 3,4-DichloroC6H4C12S benzenethiol, 3,4-Dichloro-, SS-ester with O.O-dimethyl
thioperoxymonophosphate benzenethiol, 2,4-Dimethylbenzenethiol, 2,5-Dimethylb e n z e n e thiol, 2,6-Dimethylbenzenethiol, 3,5-Dimethyl-
•1378503 •1378605 C8H10S
C12H8C1203S 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarbonitrile 1,2,4,5-Benzene tetracarboxylic acid 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylic acid, tetramethyl ester
CHHI4O8 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylic acid-l,2 r 4 r 5-diimide
•1375106 •217903 •704109 [98-62-4] •730405 •791708 •858004 •917204 •1375902 •1376109 [80-17-1] [80-17-1] [599-71-3] •1376201 [2845-62-7] •1372801
with methylamine (1:1) benzenethiol, p - N i t r o benzenethiol, p-n-Nonylbenzenethiol, Pentachloro-
phosphorothioate C10HI0C15O3PS benzenethiol, Pentachloro-, zinc salt benzenethiol, Pentafluorobenzenethiol, o-(Salicylideneamino)benzenethiol, 2,3,5,6-Tetrafluorobenzenethiol, 2,4,5-TrichloroBenzenethiol, zinc salt Benzenethionophosphonic acid-0-(p-nitrophenyl)-0ethyl ester Benzenethonium chloride 1,2,4-benzenetriamine, 5 - N i t r o 1,2,4-benzenetriamine, N ' - P h e n y l Ct2H13N3 1,2,4-Benzenetriamine.dihydrochloride 1.2.4-Benzenetriamine.trihydrochloride
1.3.5-Benzene triamine 1,3,5-Renzenetriamine.trihydrochlortde 1,3,5-Benzenetricarbonitrile 1,3,5-Benzenetricarbonyl chloride B e n z e n e tricarbonyl chromium Benzenetricarbonyl tungsten 1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxamide
[6459-68-3] •1376609
1 j p - B e n z e n e t r i c a r b o x y l acid trimethyl ester 1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxyl chloride 1,2,3-Benzenetricarboxylic acid 1.2.3-Benzenetricarboxylic acid.dihydrate
1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylic anhydride 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylic-1,2:4,5-dianhydride C
1 0
2 ° 6
1,2,4,5-Benzenetetramine.tetrahydrochlonde Benzenetetramine.tetrahydrochloride 1,2,4,5-Benzenetetramine tetrahydrochloride 1 ,23,5-Benzenetetrol Benzenethidine C23H29N03 Benzenethiol C6H6S benzenethiol, m - A m i n o C6H7NS benzenethiol, o - A m i n o benzenethiol, p - A m i n o benzenethiol, o - B r o m o CgHgBrS benzenethiol, p - B r o m o benzene thiol, 4 - B r o m o - m - m e t h y l benzenethiol, p-tert-Butylbenzenethiol, - C h l o r o benzenethiol, m - C h l o r o benzenethiol, p - C h l o r o C6H5C1S benzenethiol, p-Chloro-, S-ester with 0 , 0 - diethyl phosphorodithioate C11H16C102PS2 benzenethiol, 5-Chloro-2-methylbenzenethiol, 2,4-DichloroC6H4CI2S
[5787-11-1] •1378809 •1378901 [133-49-3]
benzenethiol, Pentachloro-, S-ester with O.O-diethyl
1.2.4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid 1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid,5- H y d r o x y -
[5954-10-9] [117-97-5] •1379006 •1379108 •1379200 •1379302 •1379404 •1379506 [121-54-0] •1336705 [136-17-4] •1379700 •1379802 [108-72-5] •1379904 •1380003 [5929-09-9] •1345104 •1380207 •1380309 •1380401 •1380503 [569-51-7] •1380605 [528-44-9]
1,2,4-benzenetricarboxylic acid, 5-PhenylC
[6408-90-8] •1373804 •1358903 [127-52-6] •1373804
1 5
I 0 ° 6
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid, tri-n-octyl ester C
1.2.4-Benzenetricarboxylic 1.3.5-Renzenetricarboxylic 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic
[89-04-3] •1380503
acid.chloride acid acid-l/2-mono-allyl ester acid 1,2-anhydride
C9H4O5 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-ester
[554-95-0] •1380809 [552-30-7] •1380901 •1381006 [5929-09-9]
Benzene-1,3^-tricarboxylic acid chloride
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid decyl octyl ester
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid dibenzyl butyl ester
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid dibutyl decyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid 0 , 0 ' - d i b u t y l - 0 " - p h e n y l
[635-10-9] •1377204
ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid 1,2-dimethyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid di"octyl" ester
1,2,4,5-Benzenetetracarboxylic acid tetramethyl ester C
benzenethiol, m-Nitro-, hydrogensulfate, (ester), compd.
1^,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid benzyl dibutyl ester pyrimidine, sodium salt C,3H|5N304S.Na Benzenesulphonic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenylester
[635-10-9] [89-05-4]
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid 1/2-mono-methyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid 1-mono-methyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid 2-mono-methyl ester
[89-32-7] •1377306 •1377408 •1377306 •1377704 [3691-78-9] [108-98-5] •917704 [137-07-5] •917806 [6320-02-1] [106-53-6] •1378003 [2396-68-1] •1378207 •1378309 [106-54-7] [5823-17-6] •1378401 [1122-41-4]
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid 4-mono-methyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid triallyl ester 1 r 3,5-Benzenetricarboxylic acid triallyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid triamyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid triethyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid triheptyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid trihexyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid triisodecyl ester
•1381404 •1381506 •1381608 •1381700 •1381802 "1381904 •1382009 •1382101 •1382203 •1382305 •1382407 •1382509 •1382601 •1382703 •1382805
1^,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid triisononyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid triisooctyl ester C
1.2.4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid trimethyl ester 1 . 3 . 5 - B e n z e n e tricarboxylic acid trimethyl ester
[133-97-1] •1382907 •1380401 •1383206
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid trinonyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tri-n-octyl ester C H
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tri-(n-octyl/n-decyl)ester 1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic acid tripentyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tripropyl ester 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tris-(2-ethylhexyl)-ester
•1383308 •1383400 •1383502 •1383604
Benzenetri 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tris-(6-methylheptyl)ester C33H5406 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid tri-n-tridecyl ester 1.2.4-Benzenetricarboxylic anhydride 1.3.5-Benzene tricarboxylic trimethyl ester 1.2.4-Benzenetricarbxylic acid tributyl ester 1.3.5-Benzenetriethanol benzenetrimethanol, Hydroxy-, monoallyl deriv.
242 [133-97-1] »1383706 •1383808 •1380401 •1384005 •1384107
[1319-97-7] 1 2 1 6 ° 4 "1384209 133-benzenetrimethanol, a'.a^a'-Trimethyl•1384301 benzenetriol, (p-Nitrophenylazo)[87-66-1] 1.2.3-Benzenetriol C6H603 [533-73-3] 1.2.4-Benzenetriol C6H603 [613-03-6] 1.2.4-Benzenetriol, triacetate C12H1206 [108-73-6] 1.3.5-Benzenetriol C6H603 [108-73-6] Benzene-s-triol C6H603 [135-77-3] 1.2.4-Benzenetrioltrimethylether C 9 H, 2 0 3 •1384403 1.3.5-Benzenetrisulfonic acid, trisodium salt •1384505 1,3,5-Benzenetrisulfonyl chloride "1380207 Benzenetungsten tricarbonyl [477-75-8] 9,10-o-benzenoanthracene, 9,10-Dihydro[65-85-0] p-Benzenoic acid •1384709 Benzenoid chemicals, fluorinated [500-85-6] Benzenoneindophenol C12H9N02 •1351606 Benzenoneindophenol, sodium derv. •1384903 Benzensenesulfonamide [98-10-2] Benzensulfonamide 2-Benzensulfonamido-5-(p-methoxyethoxy)-diazine C13H15N3O4S [339-44-6] benzensulfonic acid, o-[3,5-Bis-(hydroxymercuri)-(3resorcyloyl]-, sodium salt C 1 3 H 1 0 Hg 2 O 8 S [6060-47-5] benzensulfonic acid, 5-Chloro-3-{[l-(2-chloro-4-sulfo phenyl)-3-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-4-yl]-azo}-2-hydro xy-, disodium salt Cl6H12Cl2N408S2.2Na [6054-91-7] benzensulfonic acid, 2,5-Dichloro-4-(5-hydroxy-3methyl-4-[(p-sulfophenyl)-azo]-pyrazol-1 -yl}-, disodium salt N 4 0 7 S 2 C 1 6 H 1 2 C1 2 .2 Na [3791-68-2] benzensulfonic acid, o-[)-Resorcyloyl-, ammonium salt [4693-49-6] C 1 3 H 1 0 O 6 S.H 3 N •704007 benzensulfonyl fluoride, m-Amino-, hydrochloride [80-17-1] Benzensulfonylhydrazine C6H8N202S [1849-36-1] benzenthiol, p-Nitro•1385202 Benzenthiol, triphenyllead[IV]-salt [82-05-3] "Benzenthrone" [98-07-7] Benzenyltrichloride C 7 H 5 C1 3 [85-95-0] Benzestrol C20H26O2 [5987-85-9] Benzestrol diacetate C24H30O4 [5928-85-8] Benzestrol dibenzoate C34H3404 [131-87-3] Benzestrol dimethylether C„H,n07 [5987-84-8] Benzestrol dipalmitate C52H8604 [5928-86-9] Benzestrol dipropionate C26H3404 [1538-09-6] Benzethacil N 2 C 1 6 H 2 0 .2 N 2 0 4 S C ] 6 H L 8 [121-54-0] Benzethonium C 2 7 H 4 2 N0 2 .C1 [121-54-0] Benzethonium chloride C 2 7 H 4 2 N0 2 .C1 Benzethonium chloride.monohydrate [5929-09-9] C 2 7 H 4 2 NO 2 .H 2 O.CI [121-54-0] Benzethonium chloride 1622 C 2 7 H 4 2 N0 2 .CI [14051-33-3] Benzetimide C23H26N202 [121-54-0] Benzetonium chloride C 2 7 H 4 2 N0 2 .C1 [1538-11-0] Benzhdrylamine penicillin C16H1; N-Benzhdryl iminodiacetic acid, disodium •1385304 salt.dihydrate [15351-00-5] Benzhepazone CnHlaN?0 [144-11-6] Benzhexol C20H3,NO [52-49-3] Benzhexol.hydrochloride C 2 0 H 3 I NO.HC1 [52-49-3] Benzhexolchloride C 2 0 H 3 ] NO.HC1 [147-24-0] Benzhydramine.hydrochloride C 1 7 H 2 1 NO.HCl •1385406 Benzhydrazide •1385508 benzhydrazide, m-Methoxy•1385600 benzhydrazide, o-Methoxy•1069609 benzhydrazide, p-Methoxy•1385804 benzhydrazide, p-Phenyl•1385906 benzhydrazide, 3,4,5-Trimethoxy•1386001 Benzhydrazide, 7- , 4 C [73-48-3] Benzhydroflumethiazide C15H14F3N304S2 [91-01-0] Benzhydrol C13H120 [15599-37-8] benzhydrol, a-(l-Aminohexyl)C19H25NO benzhydrol, a-(4-Anilinophenyl)-4,4'-bis-(sulfoanilino)-, sodium salt C37H29N306S2.Na [1324-78-3] benzhydrol, 4,4'-Bis-(diethylamino)C2iH30N2O [134-91-8] benzhydrol, 4,4'-Bis-(dimethylamino)C17H22N20 [119-58-4] benzhydrol, p,p'-Bis-(dimethylamino)•1386205 benzhydrol, 2-Chloro-a-[2-(dimethylamino)-ethyl][791-35-5] C 1 7 H 2 0 C1NO benzhydrol, 2-Chloro-a-[2-(dimethyiamino)-ethyl]-, hydrochloride C 17 H 20 C1NO.HC1 [511-13-7] C
benzhydrol, 4,4'-Dichloro-a-cyclopropylC16H)4C120 [14088-71-2] benzhydrol, 4,4'-Dichloro-a-(dichloromethyl)C 1 4 H 1 0 Cl 4 O [3567-18-8] benzhydrol, 4,4'-Dichloro-a-(ethoxymethyl)C 1 6 H 1 6 C1 2 0 2 [6012-83-5] benzhydrol, 4,4'-Dichloro-a-ethylC I 5 H 1 4 C1 2 0 [3439-05-2] benzhydrol, 4,4'Dichloro-a-methylCI4H]2C120 [80-06-8] benzhydrol, a-[2-(Dimethylamino)-l -methylethyi]-2methylC19H25NO [2260-38-0] benzhydrol, 3,3'- Dimethyl-4,4'-bis-(methylamino)C17H22N20 [5840-20-0] benzhydrol, HexachloroC 1 3 H 6 C1 6 0 [1330-59-2] benzhydrol, a-(2- Pyridyl)* 1386307 benzhydrol, a-[2-(4-pyridyl)-cyclopropyl]-, hydrochloride C 2 1 H| 9 NO.HCl [2364-72-9] benzhydrol, N,N,N',N'-Tetraethyl-4,4'-diamino*1386409 14 Benzhydrol, 7- C "1386501 Benzhydrol-4,4'-dichloro-a-(trichloromethyl)[115-32-2] Benzhydroxamic acid [495-18-1] Benzhydroxamic acid, potassium salt "1386705 Benzhydroxamic acid, sodium salt "1386603 Benzhydrylacetate * 138603 Benzhydrylamine [91-00-9] benzhydrylamine, N-(2-Chloroethyl)-N-ethylC I 7 H 2 0 C1N [82-91-7] Benzhydrylamine.hydrochloride [5267-34-5] Benzhydrylamine resin.hydrochloride "1387106 Benzhydrylan throne •1109906 10-Benzhydryl-9-an throne "1110005 9-Benzhydryl-10-anthrone " 1109906 Benzhydryl azidoformate "1221405 Benzhydrylbenzene C19H16 [519-73-3] Benzhydrylbromide '1387606 Benzhydryl carbazate '1387708 Benzhydrylchloride [90-99-3] Benzhydryl chloroethyl ether "1387800 N-Benzhydryl-N-(2-chloroethyl)ethylamine.hydrochloride C 17 H 20 C1N.HC1 [5965-87-7] Benzhydryl chromide "1387606 N-Benzhydryl-N'-cinnamylpiperazine C26H28N2 [298-57-7] Benzhydryl cromide "1387606 S-Benzhydryl-L-cysteine "1388109 N-Benzhydryldiethylamine C17H21N [519-72-2] N-Benzhydryl diethyl phosphoro amidate "1388201 N-Benzhydryl-3,5-dihydroxy-3-methylvaleramide C19H23N03 [5973-99-9] O-Benzhydryldimethylaminoethanol C L 7 H 2 1 NO [58-73-1] 0-Benzhydryldimethylaminoethanol, 8-chlorotheophyllinate C17H21N0.C7H7C1N402 [523-87-5] 2-Benzhydryl-p-dimethylaminoethylether C17H21NO [92-12-6] Benzhydryl ether "1388303 2-(2-Benzhydrylethylamino)-l-phenylpropane N-(3,3Diphenylpropyl)-a-methylphenethylamine C24H27N [390-64-7] 1-(2-Benzhydrylethyl)-hexamethylenimine [3426-08-2] C21H27N l-(2-Benzhydrylethyl)-piperidine.hydrochloride [3329-14-4] C 2 0 H 2 5 N.HC1 [117-34-0] Benzhydrylformic acid C14Hl202 Benzhydrylformic acid-2-diethylamino)-ethylester [64-95-9] C20H25NO2 "1388405 N-Benzhydrylideneaniline "1095905 9-Benzhydrylidene-10-anthrone •1109906 9-Benzhydrylidene-1 o-anthrone [2051-90-3] Benzhydrylidenechloride C 13 H 10 C1 2 [10031-75-1] Benzhydrylidenediisocyanate C]5H10N2O2 4-Benzhydrylidene-l,l-dimethylpiperidinium [62-97-5] methylsulfate C 2 0 H 2 4 N.CH,O o 3 w4 S "1388701 4,4'-Benzhydrylidene diphenol •1388803 p,p'-(Benzhydrylidene)-diphenol •1388905 p.p^Benzhydrylidene diphenol [12125-47-2] Benzhydrylidenedisocyanate C15H10N2O2 "1389000 Benzhydrylidene fluorene "1389000 9-Benzhydrylidene fluorene l-(Benzhydrylmethoxy)-2-2-benzodiazaborole, 2-PhenyllH-l,4-benzodiazapine-3-carboxylic acid, 7-Chloro 2,3dihydro-2,2-dihydroxy-5-phenyl-, dipotassium salt [15585-90-7] C 16 H 13 CIN 2 0 4 .2fC lH-l,4-Benzodiazapine-3-carboxylic acid, 7-chloro-2, 2-dihydroxy-5-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-, dipotassium salt [15585-90-7] C 1 6 H 1 3 C1N,0 4 .2K •1404406 7-|3-Benzo-l,3-diazaspiro[4.5]decame-2,4-dione 7,8-Benzo-1,3-diazaspiro[4,5]decane-2,4-dione •1404406 7,8-Benzo-1,3-diazaspiro(4,5)decane-2,4-dione •59800009 7,8-Benzo-l r 3-diazaspiro(4 r 5)-decane-2,4-dione (fl-tetralone hydantoin) •1404406 1,5-benzodiazepin, 2,4,7,8-Tetramethyl-, sulfate •1404804 13-benzo[b]diazepine, 3-Nitro•1404906 lH-l,4-benzodiazepine, 7-Chloro-2,3-dihydro-l-methyl5-phenyl-, hydrochloride C 16 H ]5 ClN 2 .xHCi [15180-10-6] lH-lrS-benzodiazepine, 2,3-dihydro-, 2,2,4-Trimethyl •1405001 3H-l,4-benzodiazepine, 7-Chloro-5-cyclohexyl-2-(methyl amino)-, 4-oxide C ] 6 H 2 0 CIN 3 O [3509-06-6] 3H-l,4-benzodiazepine, 7-Chloro-2[(cyelopropylmethyl)- amino]-5-phenyl-, 4-oxide [15687-07-7] C19H18CIN3O 3H-1,4-benzodiazepine, 7-Chloro-2-(methylamino)-5phenyl-, 4-oxide C16Hl4CIN30 [58-25-3] 3H-l,4-benzodiazepine, 7-Chloro-2-(methylamino)-5phenyl-, 4-oxide, monohydrochloride C l 6 H l 4 ClN 3 O.HCl [438-41-5] 3H-l,5-benzodiazepine, 3-Nitro•1405103 2H-l,4-benzodiazepine-2-thione, 7-Chloro-l,3-dihydrol-methyl-5-phenylC 1 6 H, 3 CIN 2 S [2898-13-7] Benzodiazepinone CI6Hl3ClN20 [439-14-5] l,S-benzodiazepin-2-one, 4,7,8-Trimethoxy[lH,3H]•1405205 1 H-l,5-benzodiazepin-2(3H)-one, 4-(p-Nitrophenyl)•1405307 1H-l,5-benzodiazepin-2-(3H)-one, 4,7,8-Trimethyl•1405409 (lH3H)-l,5-benzo-2-diazepinone, 4,5-dihydro-, 4,7,8Trimethyl •1405501 2H-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, 7-Chloro-5-(l-cyclohexen1- yl)-l,3-dihydro-l-methylC 1 6 H 1 7 C1N 2 0 [10379-14-3] 2H-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, 7-Chloro-l-(cyclopropyl methyl)-1,3-dihydro-5-phenylC, 9 H , 7 C1N 2 0 [2955-38-6] 2H-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, 7-Chloro-l-[2(diethylamino)- ethyl]-5-(o-fluorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-, dihydrochloride C 2 I H 23 C1FN 3 0.2HC1 [1172-18-5] 2H-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, 7-Chloro-l,3-dihydro-3hydroxy-5-phenylC|5HnClN202 [604-75-1] 2H-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, 5-(o-Chlorophenyl)-7nitro- 1,3-dihydroC ] 5 H 1 0 ClN 3 O 3 [1622-61-3] 2H-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, l,3-Dihydro-7-nitro-5phenylCI5H„N3O3 [146-22-5] 2H-l,4-benzodiazepin-2-one, 7-Bromo-l,3-dihydro-5-(2pyridyl)C 1 4 H 1 0 BrN 3 O [1812-30-2] [253-66-7] 1.2-Benzodiazine 6 2 1.3-Benzodiazine [253-82-7] C A 6N 2 1.4-Benzodiazine C«HFI6 N.2 [91-19-0] 2,3-Benzodiazine COH.N [253-52-1] 6^2 2.5-benzodiazocine, 1 -(p-Chlorophenyl)-1,2,3,4,5,6hexahydro-, dihydrochloride C 16 H 17 C1N 2 .2HC1 [13822-05-4] 1,3-Benzodiazole C [51-17-2] -"77 H 6f i N,2 2,1-Benzodiazole C7H6N2 [271-42-1]
l,4-benzodioxan-2-methylamine, N-Butyl-8-ethoxy-, hydrochloride, ( ± ) C 1 5 H 2 3 N0 3 .HC1 l,4-benzodioxan-2-methylamine, N-IsopentylC,4H21NO2
[1341-36-2] [119-84-6] •1405603 [6915-57-7] [493-09-4] •1405705 [493-09-4] [16509-23-2] [17162-23-1] [2164-33-2] •1405807 [4733-52-2] [59-39-2] [135-87-5] [493-09-4] •1405909 •1406004 [1553-32-8] [4442-60-8] [7487-49-2] [6038-78-4] [4730-07-8]
l,4-benzodioxan-2-methylamine, N-(3-MethoxypropyI)[10449-30-6] CI3H19NO3 •830808 1,4-Benzodioxan-4methylamine l,4-benzodioxan-6-ol, 3-[(Butylamino)-methyl]-8- chloro[13957-41-0] 5-ethoxyC 1 5 H 2 2 C1N0 4 1 -[(1,4-benzodioxan-4-ylmethyl)-amino]-butane [4442-60-8] C13H19NO2 1 -(1,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl>-1 -benzylhydrazine [61-74-5] C16H18N2O2 (l,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl)-guanidine [2165-19-7] C,„HI3N3O2 (l,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl)-guanidine sulfate [5714-04-5] N 3 O 2 C 1 0 H 1 3 .0,5 0 4 S H 2 •277203 l,4-Benzodioxan-6-yl methyl ketone (±)-N-{[l-(l,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl)-4-phenyl-4piperidyl]-methyl|-acetamide C23H28N203 [748-44-7] dl-N-([l-(l,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl)-4-phenyl-4-piper [748-44-7] idyl]-methyl}-acetamide C23H28N203 8-( 1,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl-1 -phenyl-13,8-triaza spiro[4,5]decane-4-one C22H25N303 [1054-88-2] 8-(l,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl)-l-phenyl-l,3,8-triaza spiro[4.5]decan-4-one C22H25N303 [1054-88-2] (±)-l-(l,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl)-piperidine.hydro [6211-27-4] chloride C I 4 H 1 9 N0 2 .HC1 l-(l,4-Benzodioxan-2-yl-methyl)-piperidine [59-39-2] C14H,9NO2 1 -(1,4-Benzodioxan-2-ylmethyl)piperidine.hydrochloride [135-87-5] •1406300 13,2-benzodioxaphosphole, 2-Chloro•1406402 1,3,2-benzodioxaphosphole, 2,2-Dihydro-2,2,2-tri chloro13,2-benzodioxaphosphole, 2,2,2-Trichloro•1406504 4H-13,2-benzodioxaphosphorin, 2-Ch!orohexahydro-4[2921-31-5] methyl-, 2-sulfide C 8 H 1 4 C10 2 PS 13>2-benzodioxastibole-33-disulfonic acid, 2-(2Hydroxy-4,6-disulfophenoxy)-, pentasodium salt 0 1 4 S 4 C 1 2 H 9 Cb.5 Na [6779-96-0] 13,2-benzodioxastibole-4,6-disulfonic acid, 2 (2[87-49-0] Hydroxy-3,5-disulfo-phenoxy)C| 2 H 9 0 1 6 S 4 Sb l,3,2-benzodioxastibole-4,6-disulfonic acid, 2(2-Hydroxy-3,5-disulfo-phenoxy), tetrapotassium salt Cl2H5K40,6S4Sb [147-65-9] l,3,2-benzodioxastibole-4,6-disulfonic acid, 2 (2Hydroxy- 3,5-disulfophenoxy)-, tetrasodium salt C 1 2 H 5 Na 4 0 1 6 S 4 Sb [147-66-0] 1,4-benzodioxin, 2,3-DihydroC8H802 [493-09-4] l,4-benzodioxin-2-methylamine, N-Butyl-5-chloro[13838-00-1] 8-ethoxyC 1 5 H 2 0 ClNO 3 1,3-Benzodioxol [271-97-6] •202904 1,3-benzodioxol, 6-Acetonyl•1406800 13-benzodioxol, 5-Bromo1,3-benzodioxol, 5-(Chloromethyl)•1406902 •1407007 benzo[d]dioxol, 5-(2-Nitro vinyl)"1407109 benzo[d]dioxol, 5-(2-Quinolinyl)1,3-benzodioxolane, 5-(2- Bromopropyl)•1407201 •1407303 Benzo[d]dioxolan2-one
Benzo[d]diox Benzo[d]dioxol-6-carboxylic acid methylester C9H8O4 benzodioxole, 4-[3-(n-Octylsulfinyl)-propenyl]C
1,3-Benzodioxole 1,3-henzodioxole, 6-Amino1,3-benzodioxole, 6-Amino-, hydrochloride 1,3-benzodioxole, 6-Nitro1,3-benzodioxole, 5-Propenyl3H-l,3-Benzodioxole Benzo[d]dioxole benzo[d]dioxole, 5-Nitro1,3-Benzodioxole-5-acetonitrile 1,3-Benzodioxole-6-acetonitrile l,3-Benzodioxole-6-acrylic acid 1,3-Benzodioxole-6-propionic acid 1,3-Benzodioxol-5-methanol benzo[e]-1,3-dioxolo[4,5-l][2]benzazecinium, 4,5,6,7, 12,l3-Hexahydro-9,lO-dimethoxy-5,5-dimethyl-, methyl sulfate, compd. with methanol (1:1) C22H26NO5.CH4O.CH3O4S benzo[e][l,3]dioxolo[4 > 5-k][3]benzazecin-14(6H)-one ) 3,4-Dimethoxy-6,l 5-dimethyl-5,7,8,l 5-tetrahydro-, compd. with Chloroform C22H 2 5N0 5 .CHC1 3 benzo[e J1,3]dioxolo[4,5-kI3]benzazecin-14(6H)-one, 3,4-Dimethoxy-6,15-dimethyl-5,7,8,15-tetrahydro.mono hydrochloride C 2 2 H 2 5 N0 5 .HC1 benzo[eJl 3]dioxolo[4,5-k][3]benzazecin-14'6-benzothiazolyl)"-6-methyl-, disodium salt N 6 0 7 S 4 C 3 9 H 2 8 .2 Na [6406-35-5] 7-benzothiazolesulfonic acid, 2-{4-[(5-Hydroxy-3methyl- l-phenyl-4-pyrazolyl)-azo]-phenyl|-6benzothiazolyl)-6- methyl-, sodium salt C 3 1 H 2 2 N 6 0 4 S 3 .Na [6359-80-4] 7-benzothiazolesulfonic acid, 2-"'{4-"(4-'((4-|3- [(2Hydroxy-1 -naphthyl)-azo]-benzamido)-2-sulfophenyl)azo)'-3-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-l-yl)"-phenyl)"'6-methyl-, C 41 H 30 N 8 O 9 S 3 .2Na [6844-76-4]
benzothiaz 7-benzothiazolesulfonic acid, 2-"'(4-"(4-'{(4-|3-[(2Hydroxy-1 -naphthyl)-azo]-benzamido|-2-sulfo phenyl)azo)'-3-methyl-5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-1 -yl)"- phenyl)"'-6methyl-, disodium salt C4]H30N8O9S3.2Na [6844-76-4] 7-benzothiazolesulfonic acid, 2-|p-[(2-hydroxy-lnaphthyl)-azo]-phenyl|-6-methyl-, monosodium salt C24H17N304S2.Na [5850-96-4] 7-benzothiazolesulfonic acid, 2-{p-[(l-Hydroxy-4-sulfo2-naphthyl)-azo]-phenyl}-6-methyl-, disodium salt C24H17N307S3.2Na [2150-33-6] 7-benzothiazolesulfonicacid, 2-|p-[(2-Hydroxy-6-sulfo1 -naphthyl-azo]-phenyl|-6-methyl-, disodiumsalt C24Hi7N307S3.2Na [5858-97-9] 7-benzothiazolesulfonic acid, 6-Methyl-2-'(4-(jl- [(omethoxyphenyl)-carbamoyl]-acetonyl}-azo)-3sulfophenyl)'-, disodium salt C25H22N409S3.2Na [10190-68-8] 7-benzothiazolesulfonic acid, 6-Methyl-2-[p-(3-methyl5-oxo-2-pyrazolin-l-yl)-phenyl]C18H15N304S2 [5855-99-2] 7-benzothiazolesulfonic acid, 6-Methyl-2-'((4-j2[l-(phenylcarbamoyl)-acetonyl]-azo|-phenyl)-6benzothiazolyl)'-, sodium salt C31H23N505S3.Na [10190-69-9] benzo[d]thiazole-7-sulfonic acid, 2-(p-Aminophenyl)6-methyl"880206 6-benzothiazole sulfonyl chloride, 2-(Methylthio)"1466508 benzothiazole-2-sulphenamide, N-tert-Butyl[95-31-8] Benzothiazole-2-thiol C7H5NS2 [1321-08 0] 2-benzothiazolethiol, 5-Chloro-, 1 -dodecyl pyridinium salt C 1 7 H 3 0 N.C 7 H 3 C1NS 2 [5406-97-3] 2-benzothiazolethiol, 6-Chloro-, zinc complex C 7 H 4 ClNS 2 .0,5Zn [5825-90-1] 2-Benzothiazolethiol,compd. with 2-aminoethanol (1:1) C7H5NS2.C2H7NO [5902-85-2] Benzothiazole-2-thiol, compd. with 2,6-dimethylmorphol ine (1:1) C 7 H 5 NS 2 .C 6 H 1 3 NO [1320-95-2] Benzothiazole-2-thiol, derivatives "1466600 2-Benzothiazolethiol, diethyldithiocarbamate, (ester) C12H,4N2S3 [95-30-7] 2-benzothiazolethiol, 6-EthoxyC9H9NOS2 [120-53-6] 2-Benzothiazolethiol, l-(2-hydroxyethyl)-pyridinium salt C7H10NO.C7H4NS2 [5468-43-9] benzothiazole-2-thiol, 6-Nitro»1466702 2-Benzothiazolethiol, potassium salt [7778-70-3] 2-Benzothiazolethiol, sodium salt [2492-26-4] Benzothiazole-2-thiol, zinc salt [155-04-4] 2-Benzothiazolethiol, potassium salt [7778-70-3] benzothiazolethione, 3-[N-(l -Naphthyl)-anilinomethyl]2(3H) "1466804 benzothiazole-2-thione, 3-(P-Naphthyl-Nphenylaminomethyl)"1466906 benzothiazole-2-thione, 3-(N-Piperidinomethyl) "1467001 2(3H)-benzothiazolethione, 3-Morpholinomethyl"1467103 2(3H)-benzothiazolethione, 3-(Piperidinomethyl)"1467205 2(3H)-benzothiazolethione, 4-(Piperidinomethyl)"1467307 2-benzothiazolinethione, 3-(3-Nitroanilinomethyl)"1467409 2-benzothiazolinethione, 3-(p-Nitroanilinomethyl)"1467501 2-benzothiazolinone, 3-[(Trichloromethyl)-thio]C8H4Cl3NOS2 [3567-79-1] 2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone, 3-Methyl"1467705 benzothiazolium, 3-Benzyl-2-methyl-, bromide "1467807 benzothiazolium, 3-Ethyl-2-[5-(3-ethyl-2-benzothia zolinylidene)-1,3-pentadienyl]C23H23N2S2 [7187-55-5] benzothiazolium, 3-Ethyl-2-[5-(3-ethyl-2-benzothia zolinylidene)-1,3-pentadienyl]-, iodide C 2 3 H 2 3 N 2 S 2 .1 [514-73-8] benzothiazolium, 3-Ethyl-2-[3-(3-ethyl-2-benzo thiazolinylidene)-propenyl]-, salt with 2,4,5-tri chlorophenol, compd. with 2,4,5-TrichlorophenoI C 2 ,H 2 1 N 2 S 2 .XC 6 H 3 C1 3 0.C 6 H 2 C1 3 0 [5779-59-9] benzothiazolium, 3-Ethyl-2-[4-(3-ethyl-2-benzothia zolinyIidene)-propenyl]-, 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxide C21H2]N2S2.C6H2C130 [7775-97-5] benzothiazolium, N-Methyl-, iodide "1467909 benzothiazolium, 3-Methyl-2-(methylthio)-, p-toluensul fonate "1468004 benzo[d]thiazolium, 3,6-Dimethyl-2-(p-dimethylamino phenyl)-, molybdatotungstatophosphate N 2 SC| 7 H| 9 .xjH 3 [P(Mo,W 1 2 O 4 0 ]} [1326-11-0] benzothiazolium-p, 3-Methyl-2-(methylthio)-, p-toluene sulfonate "1468004 benzothiazolium iodide, 2-Amino-6ethoxycarbonylmethyl-3 -methyl "773104 benzothiazolium iodide, 2-Amino-6-methoxy-3-methyl"826608 2-Benzothiazolol "1468402 2(3H)-benzothiazolone, 3-Phenyl"1468504 benzothiazolone-2-imide, 1-Methyl"1468606 Benzothiazol-2-sulfen-N-cyclohexylamide [95-33-0]
262 Benzothiazol-2-sulfenediethylamide 5-benzothiazolsulfonic acid, 2-Methylthiobenzothiazol-7-sulfonic acid, 6-Methyl-2-{[l-(phenylcarbamoyl)-acetonyl]-azo}-, sodium salt C24H20N4O5S2.Na 2-Benzothiazol thiol N-(2-Benzothiazolyl)-acetoacetamide 2-Benzothiazolylamine 2-Benzothiazolyl-p-carboxyethyl sulfide 2-Benzothiazolyl carboxymethyl sulfide S-Benzothiazol-2-yl diethyldithiocarbamate Benzothiazolyldisulfide CI4H8N2S4 2-Benzothiazolyl disulfide 0-(2-Benzothiazolyl)-glycolic acid (2-Benzothiazolyl)-guanidine 4,4'-(3H-2,l-Benzothiazol-3-ylidene)-dipyrocatechol S.Sdioxide 3-(Benzothiazol-2-ylmercapto)-propionic acid y-(Benzothiazol-2-ylmervapto)-butyric acid 0-(2-Benzothiazolyl)-phenol (2-Benzothiazolylthio)-acetic acid 4-(2-Benzothiazolylthio)-butyric acid (2-Benzothiazolylthio)-formic acid ethyl ester 3-(2-Benzothiazolylthio)-propionic acid (2-Benzothiazolylthio)-sodium C7H5NS2.Na 13,2-benzothiazothiolium, 6-Chloro-4-methyl-, chloride Benzothiazyl-2-cyclohexylsulfenamide C13H,6N2S2 2-Benzothiazyl-N,N-diethylthiocarbamoyl sulfide 2-Benzothiazyl-N,N-diethylthiocarbamylsulfide C12H14N2S3 2-Benzothiazyl-N,N-dimethylthiocarbamyl sulfide Benzothiazyldisulfide C14H8N2S4 2-Benzothiazyl disulfide[ 3 5 S] benzothienone, 5-Chloro-2-hydroxy-4-methyl2-Benzothienone CnH8OS Benzothiofuran C8H6S Benzothiolic acid, sodium salt Benzothiolic acid ethyl ester Benzothiophene 1 -Benzothiophene C8H6S 1-benzothiophene, 3-Bromo2-Benzothiophene 23-Benzothiophene Benzo[b]thiophene C8H6S benzo[b]thiophene, 3-Acetylbenzo[b]thiophene, 3-BromoBenzo[c]thiophene Benzo[b]thiophene-4-acetic acid benzo[b]thiophene-3-carbonitrile, 2-Amino-4,5,6,7-
[2720-65-2] "1468800
[10130-29-7] "1468902 * 1469007 [136-95-8] "1469109 "96004 [95-30-7] [120-78-5] [120-78-5] "1465709 * 1469405 [115 41-3] "1469109 "1469609 »1469701 "96004 "1469905 "1470004 * 1470106 [2492-26-4] "1470208 [95-33-0] [95-30-7] [95-30-7] "1470300 [120-78-5] "1470402 "1470606 [135-00-2] [95-15-8] "1470708 "1470800 [95-15-8] [95-15-8] "1470902 "1471007 [95-15-8] [95-15-8] "278400 "1471201 [270-82-6] "1471405
tetrahydro"913804 benzo[b]thiophene-3-carboxamide, 2-Amino-4,5,6.7tetrahydro"913906 benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid, 6-Acetamido-2,3dihydro-3-oxoC„H9N04S [6199-89-9] benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid, 6-Amino-2,3dihydro-3-oxoC9H7N03S [6199-90-2] benzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid, 2,3-Dihydro-3oxoC9H603S [6421-82-5] Benzo[b]thiophene-2,3-dione C8H402S [493-57-2] benzo[b]thiophene-3-methylamine, 5-Bromo-N-(2chloro ethyl)-N-ethyl. C13H,5BrCl [7696-00-6] Benzo[b]thiophene-3-ol [520-72-9] benzo[b]thiophene-3-ol, 2-(2-Hydroxy-1acenaphthylenyl)-, bis-(hydrogen sulfate) C20H12O8S3 [6252-77-3] Benzo[b]thiophen-3-ol C 8 H 6 OS [520-72-9] benzo[b]thiophen-3-oI, 2-(2-Hydroxy-l-acenaphthylenyl) -, bis-(hydrogen sulfate), (ester), disodium salt C20H12O8S3.2Na [10169-28-5] Benzo[b]thiophen-2(3H)-one "1471701 benzo[b]thiophen-3(2)-one, 2-(2-Oxo-1 -acenaphthenyl idene)C20H,0O2S [6252-78-4] Benzo[b]thiophen-3(2H)-one C8H6OS [130-03-0] benzo[b]thiophen-3(2H)-one, 6-Amino-2-(2-oxo-1 acenaphthenylidene)-, tribromo deriv. C 2 0 H 8 Br 3 NO 2 S [1323-92-8] benzo[b]thiophen-3(2H)-one, 2-(Bromo-2-oxo-l-ace naphthylidene)C20H9BrO2S [1323-93-9] benzo[b]thiophen-3-(2H)-one, 7-ChloroC8H5CIOS [3260-86-4] benzo[b]thiophen-3(2H)-one, 5-Chloro-4,7-dimethylC10H9ClOS [82-61-1] [l]benzothiopyrano[43-b]indole, 6,11-Dihydro-, 5,5dioxide, picrate C15H,,N02S.C6H3N307 [14451-39-9]
263 5H-[1]benzothiopyrano[23-b]pyridin-5-one, 6-|[2(Diethylamino)-ethyl]-amino}-2,4,9-trimethylC21H27N3OS Benzothiozane C10H12N4OS m-benzo-toluidide,, 4'-Amino-6'-chloroCHH13CIN2O
m-benzotoluidide, 4'-Amino-N-ethylC16H18N2O m-benzotoluidide, 6'-HydroxyC14H13N02 o-Benzotoluidide Benzo-o-toluidide, 2-Amino-4'(diethylamino)C18H23N3O
o-benzotoluidide, 4'-Amino-5'-methoxyo-benzotoluidide, 4'-(4-Amino-m-tolyl)C21H20N2O benzo-o-toluidide, 4-Methoxy-N-methylthioo-benzotoluidide, 2,3',4'-Trichloroo-benzotoluidide, 3,3',4'-Trichloroo-benzotoluidide, a,cc,a-Trifluorop-Benzo toluidide p-benzotoluidide, a-Hydroxyiminoo-Benzotoluidine p-Benzotoluidine Benzo[l,2-a: 3,4-a': 5,6-a"]triacenaphthylene Benzotriazinedithiophosphoric acid dimethoxy ester C 1 0 H 1 2 N 3 O 3 PS 2 1,23-Benzotriazin-4(3ll)-one C7H5N30 l,2,3-benzotriazin-4{3H)-one, 3-(Mercaptomethyl)-, S-ester with O.O-diethyl phosphorodithioate C12H16N3O3PS2
[13988-28-8] [104-06-3] [121-22-2] [5856-00-8] [93-63-0] [584-70-3] [16231-75-7] "1317608 [5856-01-9] •1471905 •1472000 •1472102 •1472204 [582-78-5] •1472306 [584-70-3] [582-78-5] [148-48-0] [86-50-0] [90-16-4]
l,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-one, 3-MorpholinoC„H12N4O2
1^3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-one, 3-(3,4-Xylyl)l,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-one, 3-(3,5-Xylyl)l,2,3-benzotriazin-4(3H)-one, 3-(Mercaptomethyl)-, 0 , 0 dimethylphosphorodithioate C ] 0 H ] 2 N 3 O 3 PS 2 Benzo triazin-4-one 1 H-benzotriazol, 1-HydroxyBenzotriazole benzotriazole, 6-Amino, dihydrochloride benzotriazole, 2-(5-tert-Butyl-6-hydroxy-m-tolyl)5-chloroC6H4CIN3 benzotriazole, 5-Chlorobenzotriazole, 5-MethylC7H7N3 1,2,3-Benzotriazole 1 H-Benzotriazole 1 H-benzotriazole, 5-Methyl2H-benzotriazole, 2-(o-Aminophenyl)-5,6-dimethoxyBenzo[d]-l,2,3-triazole 1 H-Benzotriazol-1 -ol 2-,„S,.2Na 4 10 Brasilamina Blue RW C34H27N5O10S2.2Na Brasilamina Brown GN C31H24N806S.2Na Brasilamina Brown GR C31H22N608S.2Na Brasilamina Congo 4B N 6 0 6 S 2 C 3 2 H 2 4 . 2 Na Brasilamina Copper Blue R C34H27N5O10S2.2Na Brasilamina Fast Brown 3RA C29H21N507S.2Na C29H21N507S.2Na Brasilamina Fast Red F C32H23N507S2.2Na Brasilamina Garnet B C34H25N708S2.2Na Brasilamina Green B N 8 O 1 0 S 2 C 3 4 H 2 4 .2 Na Brasilamina Green G C34H28N606S2.2Na Brasilamina Red 4B C34H28N6016S4.4Na Brasilamina Sky Blue 6B C34H27N508S2.2Na Brasilamina Violet 2B N 6 0 8 S 2 C 3 2 H 2 4 . 2 Na Brasilamina Violet 3R C26H,8N406.2Na Brasilamina Yellow G C20H,4N2O7S2.2Na Brasilan Azo Bordeaux Brasilan Black BS N 6 0 9 S 2 C 2 2 H ] 6 . 2 Na Brasilan Brown RN N 4 0 8 S 2 C 2 6 H 1 8 . 2 Na Brasilan Chrome Orange R C13H9N305 Brasilan Chrome Violet B C16Hl2N205S.Na Brasilan Fast Fuchsine G C16Hl2N208S2.2Na Brasilan Fuchsine D C16H13N307S2.2Na Brasilan Metanil Yellow C18H15N303S.Na Brasilan Orange A C,6H12N204S.Na Brasilan Orange 2G N 2 0 7 S 2 C 1 6 H 1 2 . 2 Na Brasilan Red S C20H,4N2O4S.Na 0, Brasilazet Blue GR C 14H „12N 44^2 Brasilazina Oil Orange CI6H,2N2O Brasilazina Oil Red B C24H20N4O Brasilazina Oil Scarlet C22H16N4O Brasilazina Oil Scarlet 6G Ci 8 H 1 ( Brasilazina Oil Yellow O C „ H , ,N 2 O Brasilazina Oil Yellow R , C,14 4 H 15N 3 Brasilazina Oil Yellow G C12H„N3 Brasilazina Orange 3R C 1 3 H 1 4 N 4 .HCI Brasilazina Orange Y C 1 2 H 1 2 N 4 .HCI Brasilazol Black ro C32H24N608S2.2Na Brasilin C]6H1405 brasilin, Hydroxy-, aluminum salt C16H1403.xH3A103.3H20 Brass Brassicol C6C15N02 Brassicol Super C6C15N02 Brassidic acid Brassilic acid C,3H2404 Brassylic acid C.RHIOO,, Brassylic acid dimethyl ester Brassylic acid ethylene ester Brassylic chloride Braunite Mn7Ot2Si Braunitzer reagent III Bravaisite HA106Si2.H20 Braxorone C21H27Br03 Brazilan Azo Rubine 2NS N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H, 4 .2 Na Braziletto C16H,405 Brazilin C16H1405 Brazil powder Brazil Yellow X-2866 C,7H16N4O4 Brazing flux Brazinol Brazinyl acetate Brazinyl formate Brazinyl isobutyrate Brazinyl propionate Brecolane NDG C H 4 10°3 Bredon citrate C 1 4 H l 9 N 3 0 . x C 6i Hn fi iu07
•1945104 •1945206 "1290308 •1945400 •1945502 "1944305 "1944305 •1945808 "1945900 •1946005 •1946107 "1946209 [561-86-4] [9054-65-3] [1248-18-6] [2602-46-2] [72-57-1] [6420-09-3] [6428-98-4] [2429-71-2] [2586-57-4] [3811-71-0] [2893-80-3] [573-58-0] [6449-35-0] [2429-82-5] [2429-84-7] [2429-70-1] [3626-28-6] [4335-09-5] [992-59-6] [2610-05-1] [2429-72-3] [2586-60-9] [6472-91-9] [5858-33-3] [1064-48-8] [5850-16-8] [2243-76-7] [2092-55-9] [4197-07-3] [3567-66-6] [587-98-4] [633-96-5] [1936-15-8] [1658-56-6] [2475-45-8] [842-07-9] [85-83-6] [85-86-9] [3118-97-6] [1689-82-3] [97-56-3] [60-09-3] [4438-16-8] [532-82-1] [3626-23-1] [474-07-7]
[1339-94-2] "1946301 [82-68-8] [82-68-8] [506-33-2] [505-52-2] [505-52-2] [1472-87-3] [105-95-3] "1946403 [1309-54-2] •1946505 [1319-13-7] [2527-11-9] [3567-69-9] [474-07-7] [474-07-7] [1393-64-2] [2512-29-0] •1946607 •1946709 •132605 •1946903 •1947008 •1947100 [111-46-6] [1949-20-8]
Bremen Blue Bremen Blue Bremen Green Brentamine Fast C14H14N404.K Brentamine Fast Brentamine Fast Brentamine Fast Brentamine Fast Brentamine Fast Brentamine Fast
H2Cu02 H 2 CuÖ 2 Black, potassium salt Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue
2B Base B Base BB Base 2B Salt B Salt VB Salt
C17H20N2O3 C14H16N2O2 C17H20N2O3 CI7H20N2O3 C14H16N2O2
Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine Brentamine
Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast
Bordeaux GP Base C 7 H R N,O 2W3 Corinth V Salt C 1 5 H 1 4 N 5 O 3 .CI Garnet GBC Base C 1 4 H I 5 N 3 .HC1 Garnet GBC Salt C 1 4 H 1 5 N 3 .HCI Orange GC Base C 6 H 6 CIN.HCI Orange GC Salt C 6 H 6 CIN.HCI Orange GR Base C6H6N2O2 Orange GR Salt C6H6N2O2 Red AL Salt C 1 4 H 9 NO 2 Red B Base C7H8N2O3 Red ITR Base C„H18N2O3S Red B Salt C7H„N,O, C 2„1H° 1, 5, N O ,
Brenthol AN Brenthol AS C 1 7 H 1 3 NO 2 Brenthol CT C 1 8 H 1 4 CINO 2 Brenthol FO C 1 9 H 1 7 NO 4 Brenthol GB - H18N2O3 Brenthol MN I7H12N2O4 Brenthol OT «H„NO, Brentosyn BB Brentosyn FR C 1 8 H 1 5 NO 3 Brentosyn OTN C18H,5NO2 Brerizschleimsaure C5H4O3 Brenztrauben acid Brestan C 2 0 H ] 8 '0 , S n Brestan 60 C,„H ( ),Sn
[1308-57-2] [1308-57-2] [6358-51-6] [120-00-3] [119-90-4] [120-00-3] [120-00-3] [119-90-4] [6254-98-4] [96-96-8] [6369-01-3] [2298-13-7] [2298-13-7] [141-85-5] [141-85-5] [88-74-4] [88-74-4] [82-45-1] [97-52-9] [97-35-8] [97-52-9] [132-68-3] [92-77-3] [92-76-2] [92-73-9] [86-19-1] [135-65-9] [135-61-5] [12235-60-8] [135-62-6] [135-61-5] [88-14-2] [127-17-3] [900-95-8] [900-95-8] [124-03-8] [59-41-6] [61-75-6] [61-75-6] [6416-18-8]
Bretol Q>nH. '20 444 N.Br Bretylium C,,H]7BrN Bretylium toluenesulfonate Bretylium p-toluenesulfonate C,,H17BrN.C7H70,S Brevicid, (DDR) N 2 0 2 C 1 8 H 1 2 .2 K Brevicke, (impure Natrolith) O 10 Al 2 Si 3 H 2 .2 Na.20H 2 [1318-95-2] endo-Brevicomin *1947202 exo-Brevicomin CC[20290-99-7] Brevidil E C"16 [111-00-2] l f i N,0 Zu44'.2Br Brevidil M [6101-15-1] N 2 O 4 C ] 4 H 3 0 .2 0H 2 .2 Cl Brevifolin [90-24-4] Ci0H12O4 Brevilure •1947304 Brevinarcone [947-08-0] C 1 0 H, 6 N 2 O 2 S.Na Brevinytal sodium [309-36-4] C 1 4 H 1 8 N 2 0 3 .Na Brevital C ] 4 H,, ; N , 0 [151-83-7] 2 33 Brevitalsodium [309-36-4] C 14H1I ;N 2 0 3 .Na Brevium Pa [7440-13-3] Brevolin [1403-13-0] »1947406 Brewer's chemicals •1947508 Brewer's pitch •1947600 Brewers yeast •1947702 Brewing chemicals [16263-38-0] Brickerite H 5 As0 5 .Ca.Zn [961-71-7] Bridal C]7H22N2 [151-83-7] Brietal C14H18N203 [309-36-4] Brietalsodium C 1 4 H 1 8 N 2 0 3 .Na [2606-93-1] Brightener Agent No. 3 0 C 2 8 H 2 4 N 4 0 8 S 2 .2Na •1947804 Brighteners •1893205 Brightening Agent, fluorescent •1947804 Brightening agents •1947804 Brightening dyes [12262-57-6] Bright Green Zh •1948205 BR1J [9002-92-0] Brij 35, polyoxyethylene(23)-lauryl ether PM[9002-92-0] Brij 35, (Polyoxyethylene[23]-lauryl ether) [60-11-7] Briliant Fast Oil Yellow C14HI5N3 [630-98-8] Briliant Green base C27H34N20 •1948307 Brillant Green [1324-71-6] Brillant Green Zh C36H18Br204 •1948501 Brillan Yellow [12236-57-6] Brillfast Black Brillfast Citron Yellow N 2 SC 17 H 19 .X|H 3 [P(MO,W 12 O 40 ]) [1326-11-0] Brillfast Deep Green N 2 C 25 H 29 .HO 4 S.x{H 3 LP(Mo,W) 12 O 40 ]} [1325-75-3] Brillfast Geranium N 2 0 3 C 2 4 H 2 2 .x|H 3 [P(Mo,W) 1 2 0 4 ]l [1326-00-7]
Brillfast Maltese Blue N 3 C 32 H 40 .X|H 3 [P(MO,W) I2 O 40 ]} Brillfast Sky Blue N 2 C 23 H 28 C1.X(H 3 [P(W,MO) 12 O 40 ]| Brillfast Violet Brillfast Vivid Magenta 3B N 2 O 3 C 28 H 3I .X|H 3 [P(MO,W) 12 O 40 ]|.OH Brillfast Vivid Magenta 6B N 2 O 3 C 30 H 35 .OH.X{H 3 [P(MO,W) 12 O 40 ]} Brilliant Acid Black BNA Export N5OHS4C28H21.4 Na Brilliant Acid Black BN Extra Pure A N 5 0 1 4 S 4 C 2 8 H 2 1 .4 Na Brilliant Acid Blue Brilliant Acid Blue 6B C 4 5 H 4 5 N 3 0 7 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue R C 4 2 H 4 7 N 3 O é S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue AS C 3 7 H 3 6 N 2 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue BR C 4 3 H 4 9 N 3 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue DH Brilliant Acid Blue A Export C 2 7 H 3 2 N 2 O e S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue N Extra C 3 7 H 3 6 N 2 O e S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue G C 4 7 H 4 9 N 3 0 7 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue GI C 4 7 H 4 9 N 3 0 7 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue ] C 4 7 H 4 9 N 3 0 7 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue V Extra C 2 7 H 3 2 N 2 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Blue VS C 2 7 H 3 2 N 2 O e S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Cyanine 6B C 4 5 H 4 5 N 3 0 7 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Cyanine G C 4 7 H 4 9 N 3 0 7 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Flavine 5J C22H i3NOgS2 Brilliant Acid Green 6B C 3 7 H 3 5 ClN 2 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Green B C 3 7 H 3 5 ClN 2 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Green NG C 2 7 H 2 6 N 2 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Red 3A N 3 0 8 S 2 C, 9 H 1 7 .2 Na Brilliant Acid Red 6A C 2 0 H l 8 N 4 O 9 S 2 .2Na Brilliant Acid Red G N 3 0 8 S 2 C 1 8 H I 5 .2 Na Brilliant Acid Rhodamine B C 2 7 H 3 0 N 2 O 7 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Rosamine 6B C 2 0 H, 8 N 4 O 9 S 2 .2Na Brilliant Acid Rubine M N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H I 4 .2 Na Brilliant Acid Scarlet 3R N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H 1 4 .2 Na Brilliant Acid Scarlet G C 2 0 H l 4 N 2 O 4 S.Na Brilliant Acid Violet 4B C 4 1 H 4 5 N 3 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Violet 6B C 3 5 H 4 9 N 3 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acid Violet 6BN C 3 2 H 3 5 N 3 0 7 S 2 .Na Brilliant Acridine Orange 8R C 1 8 H 2 2 N 3 .CH 3 O 4 S Brilliant Acridine Orange E C17H19N3 Brilliant Alizarin Blue Brilliant Alizarine Blue R Brilliant Alizarine Cyanine R C 2 5 H 2 0 N 2 O 5 S 2 .Na Brilliant Alizarine Light Blue 3FR C 2 0 H 2 0 N 2 O 5 S.Na C 2 0 H 2 0 N 2 O 5 S.Na Brilliant Alizarine Milling Blue BL N 2 O 8 S 2 C 3 2 H 3 0 .2 Na Brilliant Alizarine Milling Blue FBL Brilliant Alizarine Milling Blue FRL Brilliant Alizarine Milling Blue G N 4 O 1 0 S 2 H 3 2 .2 Na Brilliant Alizarine Milling Green 3GL S Brilliant Azo Fuchsine 2GF N 3 0 9 S 3 C 2 3 H I 9 .2 Na Brilliant Azo Fuschine 10B C 2 4 H 2 0 N 4 O 9 S 3 .2Na N55O 0 8s S 2 .2 Brilliant Azurine 5R C:3344HH2277N .2Na : Brilliant Azurine R C•41 O 1 0 SS22-.2Na 4 1 HH333 3 NN55Ol0 C H N H SS Brilliant Azurine 5G 34 4°12 2^ 2- 2 N a 34 26 4°12 Brilliant Azurine RR O 1 0S S 2 C 3 4 H 2 7 .i N 55 O 1 0 2 C 3 4 H 2 7 .2 Na Brilliant Basic Blue R C 25 H 27 C1N 2 .HC1 Brilliant Benzo Blue 6B N 6 0 1 3 S 3 C 3 4 H 2 8 .3 Na Brilliant Benzo Blue 6BA-CF C 3 4 H 2 8 N 6 0 1 6 S 4 .4Na Brilliant Benzo Blue 6BS C34H28N60,6S4 Brilliant Benzo Fast Green BL C 3 4 H 2 7 N 5 0 1 2 S 3 .3Na Brilliant Benzo Violet BA-CF C 3 0 H 2 5 N 5 O 8 S 2 .2Na Brilliant Black C 3 0 H 2 0 N 4 O 1 3 S 4 .4Na Brilliant Black B N b v 4i3S 4 C 30 H 20 .4a Brilliant Black BN N 5^ O14*^4 . A C^-28 m H ,21 , / ! Na Brilliant Black NAF N 5 0| 4 S 4 C 2 8 H 2 1 .4 Na Brilliant Black N.FQ N 5 O l 4 S 4 C 2 8 H 2 ,.4 Na Brilliant Blue 5B C 25 H 27 C1N 2 .HCI Brilliant Blue R Brilliant Blue Base HM Brilliant Blue Base HR Brilliant Blue Base SM Brilliant Blue FCF N 2 0 9 S 3 C 3 7 H 3 6 .2 NH 3 Brilliant Blue FCF, (Biological stain) N 2 0 9 S 3 C 3 7 H 3 6 .2 N H 3 Brilliant Blue F.C.F. N 2 0 9 S 3 C 3 7 H 3 6 .2 NH 3 Brilliant Blue 6G C 23 H 24 C1N 2 .C1 Brilliant Blue GPL
[1325-87-7] [1325-79-7] [1325-82-2] [1326-03-0] [1326-04-1] [2519-30-4] [2519-30-4] •1948603 [6104-59-2] [5863-46-7] [3486-30-4] [6505-30-2] [12234-71-8] [129-17-9] [3486-30-4] [6104-58-1] [6104-58-1] [6104-58-1] [129-17-9] [129-17-9] [6104-59-2] [6104-58-1] [1324-04-5] [4857-81-2] [4857-81-2] [6424-86-2] [6441-93-6] [4321-69-1] [3734-67-6] [3520-42-1] [4321-69-1] [3567-69-9] [5858-42-4] [5850-95-3] [4129-84-4] [5844-03-1] [1324-50-1] [6528-42-3] [494-38-2] •1948705 [6379-02-8] [4368-56-3] [4368-56-3] [4474-24-2] [12219-34-0] [12219-48-6] [6471-01-8] [12219-91-9] [6844-74-2] [10130-32-2] [6420-12-8] [6535-51-9] [6473-21-8] [6771-85-3] [3943-82-6] [6428-80-4] [2610-05-1] [3841-14-3] [5905-27-1] [6227-14-1] [4197-00-6] [6483-65-4] [2519-30-4] [2519-30-4] [2519-30-4] [3943-82-6] [2580-78-1] [12226-79-8] [12226-80-1] [12226-77-6] [2650-18-2] [2650-18-2] [2650-18-2] [3521-06-0] [12270-97-2]
Brilliant P
331 Brilliant Blue GS C 2 7 H 3 2 N 2 0 6 S 2 .Na Brilliant Blue J C 4 7 H 4 Q N 3 0 7 S,.Na Brilliant Blue Lake N209S3C37H36.2 N H , Brilliant Blue MR C 23 H 20 N 4 O 9 S 3 .2Na Brilliant Blue Salt SM Brilliant Bordeaux 2B C 20 H 14 N 2 O 7 S 2 .2Na Brilliant Bordeaux 4B C 20 H, 4 N 2 O 7 S 2 .2Na Brilliant Bordeaux B C 20 H l4 N 2 O 7 S 2 .2Na Brilliant Bordeaux S C 20 H I4 N 2 O 7 S 2 .2Na Brilliant Brown C; Brilliant Carmine 3B N 2 0 9 S 2 C 1 7 H 1 2 .3 Na Brilliant Carmine 4B J C l8 H 1414N 72O fi6S.Ca Brilliant Carmine 6B C l 8 H 1 4 N 2 0 6 S.Ca Brilliant Carmine L N 4 0 1 4 S 4 C 443' ,H 136 f r 4 Na Brilliant Carmine BS Caprinic acid Capric acid, cadmium salt Capric acid, cobalt[II]-salt Capric acid, diethanolamide, (amine/acid ratio = 2/1) (2:1) capric acid, Ethylester C12H2402 Capric acid, manganese[II]-salt capric acid, Methylester C],H2202 Capric acid, nickel[Il]-salt Capric acid[1-"C], sodium salt Capric acid[2,3- 3 HJ n-Capric acid C)0H20O2
•2325500 •2325602 •2325704 •2325806 [4304-40-9] [1403-16-3] [57-53-4] [976-71-6] [50-81-7] [50-81-7] •1894106 [56-25-7] [56-25-7] [56-25-7] •1894106 [7548-82-5] [76-90-4] [1317-40-4] [59-01-8] [6062-26-6] [128-37-0] [119-47-1] [128-37-0] [302-22-7] [532-27-4] [11002-18-9] [458-09-3] [7287-19-6] [7681-85-8] [7681-85-8] [133-15-3] [1405-36-3] [1405-37-4] [135-23-9] [478-15-9] [6033-71-2] [6033-71-2] [6254-92-8] [6254-92-8] [478-15-9] [478-15-9] [6033-74-5] [6033-72-3] [6033-73-4] [6033-72-3] [478-15-9] [478-15-9] [6033-74-5] [6033-73-4] [58-38-8] •2326105 [50-14-6] [1344-49-6] [520-74-1] [495-74-9] •2326207 •2326309 [485-50-7] [6375-78-6] [6375-78-6] [1303-99-7] [6421-72-3] [112-31-2] •2326401 [60-32-2] [489-51-0] •2326503 [11002-19-0] [1405-36-3] [1405-37-4] [11002-19-0] [1405-36-3] [1405-37-4] [7199-02-2] [334-48-5] •2274002 •2326707 •2326809 [110-38-3] •2327006 [110-42-9] •2327108 •2327200 •2327302 [334-48-5]
391 Capric acid allyl ester Capric acid amide Capric acid chloride Capric acid diethanolamide, ( C O O H / N H 2 = 1:2) Capric acid ethyl ester Capric acid hexadecyl ester Capric acid isoamyl ester Capric acid isobutyl ester Capric acid isopentyl ester Capric acid methyl ester Capric acid 1-naphthyl ester Capric acid 2-naphthyl ester Capric acid propyl ester Capric acid tetrahydro-2-furfuryl ester Capric alcohol C,0H22O Capric aldehyde C10H20O Capric amide Capric anhydride Capric ether C12H2402 y-Caprilactone Capriloyl chloride Caprin C9H804 Caprin, monoC]3H2604 mono-Caprin Cl3H2604 Caprinaldehyde CI0H20O caprinamide, cis-lO-(Hexylcyclopropyl)C19H37NO Caprinates L-Caprine C6H]3N02 Caprinic acid, see also -» Capricacid... Caprinic acid, aluminum salt Caprinic acid, barium salt Caprinic acid, calcium salt Caprinic acid amyl ester C15H30O2 Caprinic acid-4-cyano-2,6-dibromophenyl ester Caprinic acid diethanol amide C]4H2gN03 Caprinic acid ethyl ester Caprinic acid vinyl ester Cl2H2202 Caprinic alcohol CtaH220 Caprinic aldehyde Cl0H20O Caprinic ether C12H2402 Caprinitrile Caprinolactam Caprinone Caprinonitrile Caprinophenone Caprinoylchloride Caprinoyl peroxide Caprinylin Capriphenone Caproaldehyde C6H]20 Caproamide C6H)3NO Caprocid C6H13N02 Caproic acid C6Hl202 Caproic acid, allylester CgH]602 Caproic acid, ammonium salt Caproic acid, n-amyl ester CnH2202 caproic acid, 6-Benzamidocaproic acid, 6-Benzamido-2-bromoCaproic acid, carboxyl sodium 1 4 C caproic acid, Ethylester C8Hl602 Caproic acid, gadolinium(3 + ) salt Caproic acid, iron[III]-salt Caproic acid, sodium salt caproic acid, 6,6'-(Thioureylene)-diCaproic acid, zinc salt Caproic acid[l- , 4 C] Caproic acid[l- l 4 C], sodium salt Caproic acid[2- 14 C] Caproic acid[carboxyl- 14 C], sodium salt n-Caproic acid C6H1202 n-caproic acid, N-(Benzyloxycarbonyl)-e-aminoCaproic acid allyl ester n-Caproic acid amide Caproic acid amyl ester Caproic acid benzyl ester Caproic acid citronellyl ester CI6H30 Caproic acid cyclohexyl ester Caproic acid-N.N-dimethylamide Caproic acid 2-ethoxy ethyl ester Caproic acid ethyl ester Caproic acid-2-ethyl hexyl ester Caproic acid-p-formyl phenyl esteraprophenone Caproic acid hexyl ester Caproic acid isoamyl ester C., I Caproic acid isopentyl ester Caproic acid isopropyl ester Cjl 1 ^O ,
•627407 •2326401 [112-13-0] •2326809 [110-38-3] •2327802 [2306-91-4] •2327904 •2328009 •2328101 •2328203 •2328305 •2328407 •2328509 [112-30-1] [112-31-2] •2326401 •2328703 [110-38-3] •2328805 [111-64-8] [50-78-2] [1322-59-4] [1322-59-4] [112-31-2] [141-39-9] •2326503 [327-57-1] [334-48-5] •667107 •1261809 [13747-30-3] [5933-87-9] •2329400 [136-26-5] [110-38-3] [4704-31-8] [112-30-1] [112-31-2] [110-38-3] •2329502 [1009-89-8] [504-57-4] •2329502 [6048-82-4] [112-13-0] [762-12-9] •2329706 [6048-82-4] [66-25-1] [628-02-4] [60-32-2] [142-62-1] [123-68-2] •948903 [540-07-8] •1314905 •1314803 •2330101 [123-66-0] •2330203 •2330305 •2330407 •1742003 •2330703 •2330805 •2330101 •2331002 •2330101 [142-62-1] •2331206 •2331308 [628-02-4] [540-07-8] •1567700 [10580-25-3] •2331502 •2331604 •2331706 [123-66-0] •2331900 •2332005 [6378-65-0] [2198-61-0] [2198-61-0] [2311-46-8]
Caprylic ac Caproic acid-p-methoxyphenyl ester Caproic acid methyl ester Caproic acid 1-naphthyl ester Caproic acid 2-naphthyl ester Caproic acid propyl ester Caproic acid vinyl ester C8H1402 Caproic aldehyde C6H120 Caproic aldehydesemicarbazone C7H]5N30 Caproic anhydride 1-mono-Caproin Caprokol C,2H1802 Caprolactam B-Caprolactam e-Caprolactam, mercuric chloride complex 6-Caprolactam, zirconium tetrachloride complex e-Caprolactam enol methyl ether Caprolactone C6H10O2 y-Caprolactone C6Hl0O2 e-Caprolactone e-Caprolactone, polymer Caprolene Capronaldehyde C6H120 Capronaldehyde diethyl acetal Capronaldehyde dimethyl acetal Capronic acid C6HI202 Capronic acid[l- , 4 C], sodium salt Capronic acid-n-butyl ester C|0H20O2 Capronic acid propyl ester C9H1802 Capronin Capronitrile capronitrile, e-Chloro1,6-Capronolide C6H10O2 Capronophenone capronophenone, 4-OxoCaprophenone Caprostanol Caprostanone Caproyl acetate Caproyl alcohol n-Caproylaldehyde C6H120 Caproylchloride C 6 H , , CIO Caproyl coenzyme A 4-Caproyl-3-hydroxy-5-oxo-2 r 5-dihydro-2-furylacetic acid C 1 2 H I 6 C) 6 Caproylperoxide Capryl acetate Capryl alcohol C8HlsO "Capryl alcohol", (2-Octanol) sec-Capryl alcohol Caprylalcohol sec-Caprylic alcohol C8HlgO Caprylaldehyde C8HleO n-Caprylaldehyde Caprylamide CgH17NO Caprylamine Caprylate de glycerol Capryl chloride Capryl chloride, (C 8 H 1 5 CIO) Capryldinitrophenyl crotonate C]8H24N206 2-Capryl-4,6-dinitrophenyl-crotonate C ] 8 H 2 4 N 2 O ti Caprylene C8H16 Caprylene[l- 1 4 C] Caprylic acid Caprylic acid, ammoniumsalt CgH1602.H3N Caprylic acid, antimony[III]-salt Caprylic acid, barium cadmium salt Caprylic acid, barium salt Caprylic acid, cadmium salt Caprylic acid, cerium salt C8H1602.xCe Caprylic acid, copper[II]-salt Caprylic acid, N-cyclohexyl-N-methylamine salt Caprylic acid, dicyclohexylamine salt Caprylic acid, dioctylamine salt caprylic acid, 2,2' Ethylenedioxydiethylester C22H42O6 Caprylic acid, ethyl ester C10H20O2 Caprylic acid, n-hexyl ester C|4H2802 Caprylic acid, lithium salt caprylic acid, 6-MethylCaprylic acid, methylester C9H1802 Caprylic acid, morpholine salt Caprylic acid, ( + )-3-oxo-4-estren-17p-ylester C28H44O3 caprylic acid, Pentadecafluoro-, methyl ester Caprylic acid, sodium salt, 8- 1 4 C Caprylic acid, sodiumsalt C8H1602.Na Caprylic acid, triethanolamine salt
•1085003 [106-70-7] •2332209 •2332301 •2332403 [3050-69-9] [66-25-1] [6033-78-9] [2051-49-2] •2332505 [136-77-6] [105-60-2] [105-60-2] •1220300 •1220402 •1212904 [502-44-3] [695-06-7] [502-44-3] •2333008 [1339-88-4] [66-25-1] •2333100 •2333202 [142-62-1] •2330101 [626-82-4] [626-77-7] •2329706 [628-73-9] •2333600 [502-44-3] [942-92-7] •2333702 [942-92-7] •2333804 •2333906 [142-92-7] [111-27-3] [66-25-1] [142-61-0] [5060-32-2] [3687-73-8] [2400-59-1] •147308 [111-87-5] [123-96-6] [123-96-6] [123-96-6] [124-13-0] [124-13-0] [629-01-6] •2334103 •2334205
[111-64-8] [111-64-8] [131-72-6] [131-72-6]
•2334307 [124-07-2] [5972-76-9] •1127000 •1261309 •1261901 [2191-10-8] [7435-02-1] •2334909 •2335004 •2335106 •2335208
[106-10-5] [106-32-1] [1117-55-1] •2335300 •2335402 [111-11-5] •2335504 [360-70-3] •2335606 •2335708 [1984-06-1] •2335800
Caprylic ac
C vji L tC):.. "Caprylic acid, triethylene glycol diester" Caprylic acid, zinc salt (2:1) O 2 C 8 H, 6 .0,5 Zn Caprylic a c i d [ l - l 4 C ] Caprylic acid[2,3- 3 ll] Caprylic acid[8- 14 C], sodium salt n-Caprylic acid C8H1602 Caprylic acid allylester C, ] H 2 0 O 2 Caprylic acid-n-amyl ester n-Caprylic acid-n-amyl ester C, j H 2 6 G 2 Caprylic acid benzyl ester Caprylic acid butyl ester Caprylic acid-n-butyl ester Caprylic acid-sec-butyl ester Caprylic acid dihydroxy-l/2-propylester C,,H2204 Caprylic acid-n-dodecyl ester Caprylic acid esters Caprylic acid ethyl ester C]0H20O2 Caprylic acid heptylester C15H30O2 Caprylic acid hexadecyl ester Caprylic acid -n-hexyl ester C]4H2802 Caprylic acid isobutyl ester Caprylic acid isopentyl ester Caprylic acid isopropyl ester Caprylic acid-3-methylbutylester C ] 3 H ?26f i O2, Caprylic acid methyl ester C _ 9a rHi ll f8i 0O2, Caprylic acid 1-naphthyl ester Caprylic acid 2-naphthyl ester Caprylic acid nonylester Cl7H3402 Caprylic acid propyl ester Caprylic acid tetraethylenepentamine condensate Caprylic acid tetramethylene ester C20H38O4 Caprylic acid p-tolyl ester Caprylic acid vinyl ester Caprylic alcohol C8H180 Caprylic alcohol, secondary C8H180 sec-Caprylic alcohol C8HlaO Caprylic alcoholsecondary C8Hl80 Caprylic aldehyde c8h16o Caprylicaldehydeoxime CgH, 7NO Caprylic aldehydesemicarbazone C9H19N30 Caprylic anhydride Caprylic diethanolamine Caprylic ether C,6H340 Caprylic-(o-lactam Caprylin mono-Caprylin ri-Capryllactam Capryl methane sulfonate 8-Caprylolactam (o-Caprylolactam T|-Caprylolactam y-Caprylolactone Caprylonitrile Caprylophenone Capryloylperoxide Capryl-o-phthalate C24H3804 Caprylylacetate C10H20O2 Caprylyl alcohol Caprylyl chloride Caprylylic acid-l,4-butanediol diester C20H38O4 Caprylylisobutyrate Cl2H2402 Caprylyl peroxide CAPS CAPS, (3-cyclohexylamino-l-propanesulfonic acid) Capsaicin C18H27N03 "Capsaicin, synthetic" Capsaicine C|8H27N03 Capsaicinemethylether C19H29N03 Capsanthin C40H56O3 Capsebon CdS Capsicin Capsicum extract Captagon.hydrochloride C|8H23N502.HC1 Captamine Captamine.hydrochloride C 4 H j, NS.HC1 Captan 35 Captan[ S] Captax C7H5NS2 Captodiame C21H29NS2 Captodiamin C21H29NS2 Captodiamine C21H29NS2 Captodiamine.hydrochloride C 2 1 H 2 9 NS 2 .HCI Capuride C9H18N202 Caput mortuum Fe203 Carachol C24H,40=.Na
[137-22-4] [557-09-5] "2335902 •2334409 •2335708 [124-07-2] [4230-97-1] [638-25-5] [638-25-5] •1542207 •2336303 [589-75 3] [589-75-3] [1330-55-8] •2336405 •2336507 [106 32 1] [4265-97-8] •2336609 [1117-55-1] •2336701 "2336803 •2336905
[2035-99-6] [111-11-5] •2337000 •2337102 [7786-48-3] •2337204 •2337306 [109-41-1] •2337408 [818-44-0] [111-87-5] [4128-31-8] [4128-31-8] [123-96-6] [124-13-0] [929-55-5] [6033-80-3] •2337500 •2337602 [629-82-3] [935-30-8] •2334205 [1330-55-8] [935-30-8] •2337806 [935-30-8] [935-30-8] [935-30-8] [104-50-7] [124-12-9] [1674-37-9] [762-16-3] [131-15-7] [112-14-1] [111-87-5] [111-64-8] [109-41-1] [109-15-9] [762-16-3] •2338003 •2338105 [404-86-4] •2338207 [404-86-4] [6033-81-4] [1363-22-0] [1306-23-6] MX[8023-77-6] •2338401 [1892-80-4] [108-02-1] [13242-44-9] [133-06-2] •2338503 [149-30-4] [486-17-9] [486-17-9] [486-17-9] [904-04-1] [5579-13-5] [1309-37-1] [145-41-5]
Caracide C10H21N3O [90-89-1] •2338605 Caracurin[VII] •2338707 Caracurine I •2338809 Caracurine V [466-85-3] Caracurine VII •2338901 Caracurine Va [12041-88-2] Caradrin C30H42O8 [1390-62-1] Caraganin [491-93-0] Carajura c,7h,40, [491-93-0] Carajurin C17H1405 •2339108 Carajurone [491-93-0] Carajura CI7H,4OÎ: [1400-11-9] Carakin Cl5H24N3015 •2339200 Caramel MX[8028-89-5] Caramel Brown •935002 Caramine [77-22-5] Caramiphen C18H27N02 [125-85-9] Caramiphen.hydrochloride •2339404 Caramiphen edisylate Caramiphenethanedisulfonate C18H27Nf02.0,5C2H606S2 [125-86-0] Caramiphenethanesulfonate C]8H27N02.C2H603S [7528-12-3] Caramiphenium chloride CI8H27N02.HC1 [125-85-9] Caramiphen methylsulfomethylate C19H30NO2.CH3O3S [13830-03-0] DL-Carane [554-59-6] Caranine [477-12-3] Carapin C27HO,07 [3463-88-5] Caraway oil MX[8000-42-8] Carbacetoxy-..., c o m p a r e also -) (Acetoxycarbonyl)"2339506 Carbachol [51-83-2] Carbacholchloride C6HI5N202.C1 [51-83-2] Carbacholin [51-83-2] Carbacholine C f i H, S N , 0 , . C 1 [51-83-2] [51-83-2] Carbacholinechloride C6H15N202.C1 [107-13-1] Carbacryl C3H3N [6804-07-5] Carbadox C,iH,0N4O4 [99-14-9] Carballylic acid C6H806 •2339700 Carbarn, N C S •2339802 Carbarn, V a p a m [75-12-7] Carbamaldehyde CH3NO [113-00-8] Carbamamidine CH5N3 [5416-67-1] p-Carbamate CL0H9NO2 [298-46-4] Carbamazepen C15H12N20 [298-46-4] Carbamazepine C]5H12N20 [90-89-1] Carbamazine C10H2]N3O [5964-98-7] Carbamazine.ethiodide C 1 0 H 2 I N 3 O.C 2 H 5 I [463-77-4] Carbamic acid CH3N02 •284300 carbamic acid, N-Acetyl-, ethyl ester [109-58-0] carbamic acid, (2-Aminoethyl)C3H8N202 [142-27-8] Carbamic acid, 2-aminoethyl ester C3H8N202 [143-06-6] carbamic acid, (6-Aminohexyl)C7H]6N202 [1111-78-0] Carbamic acid, ammonium salt CH3N02.H3N carbamic acid, Benzyl-, 2-hydroxyethyl ester C,0Hl3NO3 carbamic acid, N-(Benzyloxy)-, ethyl ester carbamic acid, [Bis-(l-aziridinyl)-phosphinyl]-, benzyl ester C12Hl6N303P carbamic acid, [Bis-(l-aziridinyl)-phosphinyl]-, ethyl ester C7H,4N303P carbamic acid, Bis-(2-chloroethyl)-, ester with Ltyrosine C,4H18C12N204 carbamic acid, Bis-(2,2-dimethyl-l-aziridinyl)-phos phinyl]-, ethyl ester C,,H22N303P carbamic acid, Butyl-, ester with 2-(hydroxymethyl)2-methylpentylcarbamate C- 11 33 H 26 2 6 N2 2 0 44 carbamic acid, Butyl-, methylester C6H,3N02 carbamic acid, N-Butyl-, o-sec-Butylphenyl ester carbamic acid, N-Butyl-, ethyl ester carbamic acid, Butylethylthio-, S-propyl ester C,0H21NOS Carbamic acid, calciumsalt NO 2 CH 3 .0,5 Ca carbamic acid, (p-Chloro-a,a-dimethylphenethyl)-, ethylester C13H18C1N02 Carbamic acid, cyclohexylamine salt carbamic acid, Dibenzyldithio-, zincsalt C 1 5 H 1 5 NS 2 .0,5Zn carbamic acid, N.N-Dibenzyl dithio-, potassium salt carbamic acid, Dibutyldithio-, sodiumsalt C9H19NS2.Na carbamic acid, Dibutyldithio-, zinc complex C 9 H 1 9 NS 2 .0,5Zn carbamic acid, N,N-Dibutyldithio-, sodium salt carbamic acid, N,N-Di-n-butyldithio-, nickel[II]- salt carbamic acid, N-(2,2-Diethoxyethyl)-, benzyl ester
[4663-83-6] '1652900 [1980-45-6] [302-49-8] [13837-96-2] [1661-29-6] [4268-36-4] [2594-21-0] •2340207 [591-62-8] [1114-71-2] [543-88-4] [14261-75-7] •2340309 [138-54-5] •2340401 [136-30-1] [136-23-2] •2340503 •2340605 •1556203
393 carbamic acid, Diethyl-, ester with (m-hydroxyphenyl)trimethylammonium bromide Cl4H23N202.Br carbamic acid, N,N-Diethyl-, copper[II]-salt carbamic acid, N-[2-(Diethylamino)-ethyl]-, p-nitrophenyl ester carbamic acid, Diethyldithio-, anhydrosulfide with 0 , 0 diisopropyl phosphorodithioate CNH24NO,PS, carbamic acid, Diethyldithio-, anhydrosulfide with O.Odipropyl phosphorodithioate, compd. with H 2 S (1:1) C,,H24NO2PS3.H2S carbamic acid, Diethyldithio-, 2-benzothiazolyl ester C12H,4N2S3 carbamic acid, Diethyldithio-, cadmium salt carbamic acid, Diethyldithio-, diethylamine salt carbamic acid, Diethyl dithio-, lead[II]-salt carbamic acid, Diethyldithio-, selenium deriv. C5HjjNS2.xSe carbamic acid, Diethyldithio-, silver[l]-salt carbamic acid, N,N-Diethyl dithio-, bismuth salt carbamic acid, N,N-Diethyldithio-, lead[ll]-salt carbamic acid, Diethyldithio-, sodium salt C 5 H n N S 2 . N a carbamic acid, N,N-Diethyldithio-, sodium salt.dihydrate Carbamic acid, 2,2-diethyltrimethyleneester C 9 H 1 8 N 2 0 4 carbamic acid, Diisobutylthio-, S-ethylester C,,H23NOS carbamic acid, N.N-Diisopropyl thio-, S-(2,3,3trichloroallyl)- ester carbamic acid, Dimethyl-, ester with 3-hydroxy-5,5dimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1 -one C , , H, 7 N 0 3 carbamic acid, Dimethyl-, ester with 3-hydroxy-lmethylpyridinium bromide C9H13N202.Br carbamic acid, Dimethyl-, l-isopropyl-3-methylpyrazol5-yl ester C10H|7N3O2 carbamic acid, Dimethyl-, 3-methyl-l-phenylpyrazol5-yl ester C13H15N302 carbamic acid, Dimethyl-, 3-methylpyrazol-5-yl ester C7H„N3O2 carbamic acid, Dimethyl-, 2-nitrophenyl ester carbamic acid, N,N-Dimethyl-, 5,6-dimethyl-2(dimethylamino)- pyrimidin-4-yl ester carbamic acid, N,N-Dimethyl-, phenyl ester carbamic acid, Dimethyldithio-, ammoniumsalt C 3 H 7 NS 2 .H 3 N Carbamic acid, dimethyldithio, iron[III]-salt NS 2 C 3 H 7 .0,33 Fe carbamic acid, Dimethyldithio-, phenylmercurysalt C9H1,HgNS2 carbamic acid, Dimethyldithio-, sodiumsalt C 3 H 7 NS 2 .Na carbamic acid, 2,4-Dimethyl-dithio-, ammonium salt carbamic acid, N,N-Dimethyl dithio-, carboxymethyl ester carbamic acid, N,N-Dimethyldithio-, nickel[II]-salt carbamic acid, N,N-Dimethyl dithio-, selenium salt carbamic acid, N,N-Dimethyldithio-, sodium salt carbamic acid, N,N-Dimethyldithio-, triphenyl tin[IV]salt carbamic acid, [(1,6-Dimethylergolin-8-yl)-methyl]-, benzyl ester C25H29N302 carbamic acid, Diphenyl-, 4-carboxy-2-nitrophenyl ester carbamic acid, Diphenyl-, 2-(diethylamino)-ethylester, monohydrochloride C19H24N202.HC1 carbamic acid, Diphenyl-, 2-(diethylamino)-ethyl ester C19H24N2O2 carbamic acid, Diphenyl-, 2,4-hexadienyl ester C19H19NO2 carbamic acid, N,N-Diphenyldithio-, sodium salt carbamic acid, Diphenylthio-, S-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]-ester CI9H24N2OS carbamic acid, Dipropylthio-, S-ethyl ester C9H19NOS carbamic acid, Dipropylthio-, S-propyl ester C10H21NOS carbamic acid, Dithio-, ammonium salt CH 3 NS 2 .H 3 N carbamic acid, Dithio-, compd. with piperazine C 4 H,oN 2 .XCH 3 NS 2 carbamic acid, Dithio-, O-ethyl ester, potassium salt carbamic acid, Dithio-, isobutyl ester, potassium salt carbamic acid, Dithio-, isobutyl ester, sodium salt carbamic acid, Dithio-, isopentyl ester, potassium salt carbamic acid, Dithio-, propyl ester carbamic acid, Dithio-, 3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexyl ester
[6032-91-3] •2340809 •2340901 [5827-03-2]
[5827-04-3] [95-30-7] •2275709 •2341200 •2341302 [17156-83-1] •2341404 •1839607 •2341302 [148-18-5] •2341700 [6009-77-4] [2008-41-5] [2303-17-5] [122-15-6]
carbamic ac Carbamic acid, ester with 6-amino-1,la,2,8,8a,8b-hexahy dro-8-(hydroxymethyl)-8a-methoxy-1,5dimethylazirino [2',3':3,4]pyrrolo[l,2-a]indole-4,7-dione Cl6H20N4O5 Carbamic acid, ester with l-(3-butoxy-2hydroxypropyl)- 5-ethyl-5-phenylbarbituric acid C20H27N3O6 Carbamic acid, ester with 5-Butyl-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)barbituric acid C12H|8N406 Carbamic acid, ester with cholinechloride C 6 H 1 5 N 2 O 2 .CI Carbamic acid, ester with 4-hydroxy-3-[4-hydroxy-3-(3methyl-2-butenyl)-benzamido]8-methyl-7[(tetrahydro- 3,4-dihdroxy-5-methoxy-6,6dimethylpyran-2-yl)-oxy]- coumarin C31H36N2On Carbamic acid, 7-(4-ester)-with 4-hydroxy-3-[4-hydroxy3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-benzamido]-8-methyl-7-[(tetra hydro-3,4-dihydroxy-5-methoxy-6,6-dimethylpyran-2yl)- oxy]-coumarin C31H36N20,, Carbamic acid, ester with 2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methyl pentylbutylcarbamate C]3H26N204 Carbamic acid, ester with 2-methyl-2-propyl-l,3propane diolbutylcarbamate C13H26N204 Carbamic acid, ester with 2-methyl-2-propyl-l,3propanediol isopropylcarbamate C12H24N204 Carbamic acid, ethyl-, 5-[4-[o-(propylthio)-phenyl]l-piperazinyl}-pentyl ester C2lH35N302S carbamic acid, Ethylenebis-(dithioC4H8N2S4 carbamic acid), Ethylenebis-(dithio-, bis-(anhydro sulfide) with dimethyldithiocarbamic acid C
[101-26-8] [119-38-0] [87-47-8] [2590-99-0] •2341802 •2341904 •2342009 [3226-36-6] [301-05-3] [2899-92-5] [128-04-1] •2342101 •2342203 •2342305 •2342407 •2342509 •2342601 [17692-51-2] •1420708 [668-37-1] [15585-88-3] [6160-02-7] •2342805 [3735-90-8] [759-94-4] [1929-77-7] [513-74-6] [3703-84-2] •2342907 •2343002 •2343104 •2343206 •2343400 •2343502
carbamic acid), Ethylenebis-(dithio-, diammoniumsalt C 4 H 8 N 2 S 4 .2H 3 N carbamic acid), Ethylenebis-(dithio-, dipotassium salt C 4 H 8 N 2 S 2 .2K. carbamic acid, Ethylenebis-[dithio-, disodiumsalt C 4 H 8 N 2 S 4 .2Na Carbamic acid, ethylenebis-(dithio-, manganesesalt C 4 H 8 N 2 S 4 .Mn carbamic acid), Ethylenebis-(dithio-, manganese zinc complex Carbamic acid, ethylenediamine salt Carbamic acid, ethylenediamine salt Carbamic acid, ethyl ester C3H7N02 Carbamic acid, ethyl ester, calciumbromide complex N0 2 C 3 H 7 .0,25 Br 2 Ca Carbamic acid, ethyl ester, compd. with Calciumbromide (4:1), dihydrate N0 2 C 3 H 7 .0,5 Br 2 Ca.0,5 O H 2 carbamic acid, ethylidenedi-, diethyl ester C8H,6N2O4 Carbamic acid, ethynylcyclohexylester C9H13N02 Carbamic acid, 1-ethynylcyclohexylester C9H13N02 Carbamic acid, hexamethylenedi-, diester with choline bromide C,8H40N4O4.2Br Carbamic acid, hexamethylenediamine salt carbamic acid, Hydroxy-, ethyl ester C3H7N03 Carbamic acid, P-hydroxyphenethylester C9H„NO3 Carbamic acid, 2-hydroxy-3-(o-tolyloxy)-propyl ester, hemihydrate N04C,,H15.0,5 OH2 carbamic acid, Isobutyl-, ethyl ester C7H,5NO: Carbamic acid, isobutylester NO, carbamic acid, Isopentyl-, thymylester C]6H25N02 Carbamic acid, isopentylester C6H13N02 Carbamic acid, lead[II]-salt Carbamic acid, magnesium salt(l :l).hydrate carbamic acid, (Mercaptoacetyl)-methyl-, ethylester, S-ester with O.O-diethylphosphorodithioate C
1 0
2 0
carbamic acid, Methyl-, 4-biphenylyl ester C14H13NO2 carbamic acid, Methyl-, m-sec butylphenylester C12H17NO2 carbamic acid, Methyl o-sec-butylphenyl ester carbamic acid, Methyl 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-tolyl ester C]7H27N02 carbamic acid, Methyl 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7benzofuranyl ester C,2H15NO3 carbamic acid, Methyl 4-(dimethylamino)-m-tolylester C„H16N2O2 carbamic acid, Methyl-, 4-(dimethylamino)-3,5-xylyl ester C12H18N202 carbamic acid, Methyl-, ester with eseroline CI5H21N3O2
[13246-02-1] [12182-46-6] [51-83-2]
[303-61-1] [4268-36-4] [4268-36-4] [78-44-4] [13941-04-3] [111-54-6]
[5822-83-3] [3566-10-7] [10039-34-6] [142-59-6] [301-03-1] [1338-87-0] •2343604 •2348303 [51-79-6] [541-24-2]
[6159-47-3] [539-71-9] [126-52-3] [126-52-3] [306-41-2] •2343706 [589-41-3] [94-35-9] [6156-77-0] [539-89-9] [543-28-2] [578-20-1] [543-86-2] •2343808 •2343900
[2595-54-2] [5579-05-5] [673-19-8] •2215205 [1918-11-2] [1563-66-2] [2032-59-9] [315-18-4] [57-47-6]
carbamic ac c a r b a m i c acid, Methyl-, ester with salicylanilide C15H14N2O3 c a r b a m i c acid, Methyl-, ethyl ester C4H9NO2 c a r b a m i c acid, Methyl-, o-isopropoxyphenylester C„H,5NO3 c a r b a m i c acid, Methyl-, m-(l-methylbutyl)-phenylester C,3H19NO2 c a r b a m i c acid, Methyl-, 4-(methylthio)-3,5-xylylester C„H15NO2S c a r b a m i c acid, Methyl-, 1-naphthylester C]2H11N02 c a r b a m i c acid, N-Methyl-, -chlorophenyl ester C a r b a m i c acid, 1-methylbutylester C6H|3N02 c a r b a m i c acid, Methyldithio-, potassiumsalt C2H5NS2.K c a r b a m i c acid, Methyldithio-, sodiumsalt C2H5NS2.Na c a r b a m i c acid, Methyldithio-, sodium salt, dihydrate C2H5NS2.Na.2H20 c a r b a m i c acid, Methyldithio-, sodium salt C a r b a m i c acid, methylester C2H5N02 c a r b a m i c acid, N-Methyl-N-nitroso-, ethyl ester c a r b a m i c acid, tert-Octyl-, ethyl ester C a r b a m i c acid, tert-pentylester C6H13N02 c a r b a m i c acid, PhenylC7H7N02 c a r b a m i c acid, (2-Phenylcinchoninoyl)-, ethyl ester C,9H16N2O3 C a r b a m i c acid, a-phenyl-p-tolylester C14H]3N02 c a r b a m i c acid, Propylthio-, O-tert-butyl ester C8H17NOS C a r b a m i c acid, 1 -(2-propynyl)-cyclohexyl ester C10H15NO2 c a r b a m i c acid, N-(3-Pyridyl)-, ethyl ester c a r b a m i c acid, Thio-, ammonium salt c a r b a m i c acid, Thio-, ethyl ester c a r b a m i c acid, N-(o-Tolyl carbamoyloxy)-, methyl ester c a r b a m i c acid, (2,2,2-Trichloro-l-hydroxyethyl)-, ethyl ester C5H8C13N03 c a r b a m i c acid, N-(3,3,5-Trimethylcyclohexyl)-dithioc a r b a m i c acid, N-(3,4,5-Trimethylcyclohexyl)-dithio-, ammonium salt c a r b a m i c acid), Trimethylenebis-(dithio-, zinc salt C5H10N2S4.Zn c a r b a m i c acid, N-[Tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methyl]-, ethyl ester c a r b a m i c acid, N-Vinyl-, tert-butyl ester C a r b a m i c acid allyl ester C a r b a m i c acid-2-aminoethyl ester C a r b a m i c acid benzyl e s t e r C a r b a m i c acid p-benzylphenyl ester C a r b a m i c acid-(p-benzylphenyl)-ester C14H13N02 C a r b a m i c acid butyl ester C a r b a m i c acid-n-butyl e s t e r C a r b a m i c acid sec-butyl ester C a r b a m i c acid tert-butyl ester C a r b a m i c acid tert-butyl methyl ester C a r b a m i c acid 2-chloroethyl ester C a r b a m i c acid-3-p-chloro-phenoxy-2-hydroxy propylester Carbamic ester Carbamic Carbamic Carbamic Carbamic
acid cyclohexylester acid decylester acid di isopropyl ester acid, ester with 2-(hydroxymethyl)-2-
methylpentyl i s o p r o p y l c a r b a m a t e C,2H24N204 C a r b a m i c acid ethyl ester C3H7N02 C a r b a m i c acid ethyl ester, compd. with Calcium bromide (4:l).dihydrate N 0 2 C 3 H 7 . 0 , 5 Br 2 Ca.0,5 OH2 Carbamic acid[,4C]-ethyl ester C a r b a m i c acid-mono-ethyl ester, potassium salt C a r b a m i c acid-p-ethyl-fi-hydroxyphenethyl ester C„H15NO3 C a r b a m i c acid-l-ethyl-l-methylpropylester C7H15NO2 C a r b a m i c acid-l-ethyl-l-methyl-2-propynyl ester C7H„NO2 C a r b a m i c acid hydrazide CH5N30 C a r b a m i c acid-ureido)'- phenyl)"azo)"'-acetoacetanilide, trisodium
C , 2 H, 2 F e 0 3 C12H!2Fe03
(Carboxy-n-cyclopentadienyl)-(methoxy-Ttcyclopentadienyl)- iron C l 2 H 1 2 Fe0 3 5-Carboxydehydroacetic acid Carboxydichloromethane phosphonic acid triethyl ester
4-Carboxy-3-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-5-methylisoxazole 4-Carboxy-N,N-diethylbenzenesuIfonamide 7-Carboxy-12,17-diethyl-3,8,13,18-tetramethyl-2porphinepropionic acid 1-(6-Carboxy-3,4-dihydro-2,4-dioxo-l(2H)-pyrimidinyl)C, 0H ] 2N 2Og 1 -deoxy-|3-D-ribof uranose 1-Carboxy-23-dihydroxybenzyl methyl ketone C10H10O5 1 -Carboxy-3,4-dihydroxy-7dimethylaminophenazoxonium chloride
[1271-57-4] [1271-57-4] [1271-57-4] •2435601 [5823-12-1] •2435703 •1357706 [6784-82-3] [314-50-1]
[1562-85-2] [89-35-0] [536-08-3] [536-08-3]
[1206-69-5] [99-11-6]
2-Carboxy-3,5-dihydroxynaphthalene C, |H 8 0 4 3-Carboxy-5,6-dihydroxyphenylgallate C I4 H| 0 O 9 5-Carboxy-2r3-dihydroxyphenylgallate C| 4 H ]0 O 9 (2-Carboxy-33-dihydroxyphenyl)-propan-2-one 4-Carboxy-2,6-dihydroxypyridine C 6 H 5 N0 4 l-(2-Carboxy-3,4-dimethoxybenzylidene)-2isonicotinoyl hydrazine C 1 6 H| 5 N 3 0 5 (2-Carboxy-2,2-dimethoxy ethyl)-phsophoric acid, tris(cyclohexylamine)-salt
[2-(2Carboxy-3,4-dimethoxyphenacyl)-3-methoxy-4,5(methylenedioxy)-phenethyl]-trimethylammonium chloride C 24 H 30 NO 8 .CI 1 -Carboxy-7-[139065-4]i -»Cochineal Carminic acid, lake O 1 3 C 2 2 H 2 0 .Lake Carminic acid, lithium salt Carminic acid, sodium salt Carminic acid aluminum calcium lake 0, 3 C 2 2 H 2 0 .xAl.yCa Carmoisine N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H 1 4 .2 Na Carmoisine L C 2 0 H 1 4 N 2 O 7 S 2 .2Na Carmoisine S N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H 1 4 .2 Na Carmoisine Aluminium Lake N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H 1 4 .2 Na Carmoisine BA-CF N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H 1 4 .2 Na Carmoisine B L C 2 0 H ] 4 N 2 O 7 S 2 .2Na Carmoisine GRN N 2 0 7 S 2 C 2 QH ] 4 .2 Na Carmoisine L a k e i, n O i i
[3599-32-4] [82-02-0] •2454708 •2454800 •2454902 •2455007 •2455109 [132-00-3] [7681-28-9] [543-15-7] [300-37-8] [68-90-6] [317-34-0] [61-25-6] [452-35-7] [317-34-0] [498-15-7] [498-15-7] •2455201 [498-15-7] [554-60-9] [498-15-7] •2455201 [498-15-7] [498-15-7] •2455405 [2975-34-0] [3567-38-2] [472-70-8] [1642-54-2] [536-95-8] MX[8000-34-8] [78-44-4] [78-44-4] [1397-75-7] •2455507 [3673-49-2] [36-88-4] [1642-54-2] [94-91-7] •2455609 [480-59-1] •2455701 [5281-04-9] [476-39-1] •2455905 •2456000 •2456500 [1390-65-4] [1836-22-2] [5281-04-9] [3374-30-9] [3486-30-4]
[860-22-0] [3536-49-0] [129-17-9] •1923906 [476-39-1] [1339-95-3] [476-39-1] [3564-21-4] [3564-21-4] [476-39-1] [476-39-1] [1390-65-4] [1390-65-4] •2455905 [476-39-1] [1328-60-5] •2456000 •2456500 [1390-65-4] [3567-69-9] [3746-79-0] [3567-69-9] [3567-69-9] [3567-69-9] [3746-79-0] [3567-69-9] [476-39-1]
Carmoisine LAS N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H 1 4 .2 Na Carmoisine LS C 2 0 H 1 4 N 2 O 7 S 2 .2Na Carmoisine W N 2 O 7 S 2 C 2 0 H 1 4 .2 Na Carmurit C14H16N40 Carnallite Cl3KMg.6H20 Carnation Red Toner B C , H 1 7 N5q 0 77 —244 17 Carnation Red Toner Y C24H18N4O4 Carnatite Carnauba wax Carnauba wax, compare also -> Carnube wax MX[8015-87-0] Carnaubyl alcohol Camegine C13H19N02 Carnegine, hydrobromide, hydrate C13H19N02.HBr.H20 Carnegine, hydrochloride, hydrate C 1 3 H 1 9 NO 2 .H 2 O.HCI Carnegine, picrate C13H19N02.C6H3N307 Carnegine.hydrobromide C13H,9N02.HBr Carnegine.hydrobromide.hydrate Ci3H19N02.HBr.H20 Carnegine.hydrobromide.monohydrate C13Hl9N02.HBr.H20 Carnegine.hydrochloride.hydrate C13Hi9N02.H20.HC1 Carnegine.hydrochloride.mono-hydrate C 1 3 H 1 9 NO 2 .H 2 O.HCI Carnegine methyliodide C14H22N02.I Carnegine picrate C13Hl9N02.C6H3N307 carneginium, N-Methyl-, iodide C14H22N02.I Carnelio Bronze Scarlet N 2 0 6 SC 1 8 H i 3 CI.Ba/Ca/Mn Carnelio Deep Lithol Red N 2 O 4 SC 2 0 H ] 4 .Ba/Ca Carnelio Deep Maroon Toner N206SC2,H,4.Ca/Mn Carnelio Geranium Lake C17 , 7 H 12 ,,N,0