Buddhist Manuscript Cultures: Knowledge, Ritual, and Art 0203929594

Buddhist Manuscript Cultures explores how religious and cultural practices in premodern Asia were shaped by literary and

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English Pages 230 Year 2008

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Table of contents :
Book Cover......Page 1
Title......Page 8
Copyright......Page 9
Contents......Page 10
Figures......Page 12
Acknowledgements......Page 15
Contributors......Page 17
1 Introduction: Rethinking Buddhist manuscript cultures......Page 20
Part I Ideologies......Page 36
2 Why did the Gandharan Buddhists bury their manuscripts?......Page 38
3 Materiality and merit in Sri Lankan Buddhist manuscripts......Page 54
Part II Production......Page 70
4 Redaction, recitation, and writing: Transmission of the Buddha’s teaching in India in the early period......Page 72
5 Diverse aspects of the Mongolian Buddhist manuscript culture and realms of its influence......Page 95
6 From words to books: Indian Buddhist manuscripts in the first millennium CE......Page 114
Part III Curating......Page 126
7 Between Zhongfeng Mingben and Zhao Mengfu: Chan letters in their manuscript context......Page 128
8 Two Buddhist librarians: The proximate mechanisms of Northern Thai Buddhist history......Page 143
9 Emending perfection: Prescript, postscript, and practice in Newar Buddhist manuscript culture......Page 159
Part IV Art and architecture......Page 176
10 Flowers for the Dhamma: Painted Buddhist palm leaf manuscript covers (kamba) of Sri Lanka......Page 178
11 From text to image: Copying as Buddhist practice in late fourteenth century Sukhothai......Page 191
Bibliography......Page 208
Index......Page 225

Buddhist Manuscript Cultures: Knowledge, Ritual, and Art

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