Bryozoan Studies 2010 [1 ed.] 978-3-642-16410-1, 978-3-642-16411-8

Bryozoa are a colonial animal phylum with a long evolutionary history, having existed from the early Ordovician (480 My)

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English Pages 442 [464] Year 2013

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Table of contents :
Front Matter....Pages i-xviii
Distribution over Space and Time in Epizoobiontic North Sea Bryozoans....Pages 1-12
The World’s Oldest-Known Bryozoan Reefs: Late Tremadocian, mid-Early Ordovician; Yichang, Central China....Pages 13-27
Molecular Distance and Morphological Divergence in Cauloramphus (Cheilostomata: Calloporidae)....Pages 29-44
Acanthoclema (Rhabdomesina, Cryptostomata) from the Devonian of Europe....Pages 45-58
Growth Rates, Age Determination, and Calcification Levels in Flustra foliacea (L.) (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata): Preliminary Assessment....Pages 59-74
Life on the Edge: Parachnoidea (Ctenostomata) and Barentsia (Kamptozoa) on Bathymodiolin Mussels from an Active Submarine Volcano in the Kermadec Volcanic Arc....Pages 75-89
Occurrence and Identity of “White Spots” in Phylactolaemata....Pages 91-103
Testing Habitat Complexity as a Control over Bryozoan Colonial Growth Form and Species Distribution....Pages 105-119
Distribution and Diversity of Erect Bryozoan Assemblages Along the Pacific Coast of Japan....Pages 121-136
Epizoic Bryozoans on Predatory Pycnogonids from the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica: “If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them”....Pages 137-153
Growth Rate of Selected Sheet-Encrusting Bryozoan Colonies Along a Latitudinal Transect: Preliminary Results....Pages 155-167
Patterns of Magnesium-Calcite Distribution in the Skeleton of Some Polar Bryozoan Species....Pages 169-185
Seagrass-Associated Bryozoan Communities from the Late Pliocene of the Island of Rhodes (Greece)....Pages 187-201
A New Species of the Genus Electra (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from Southern Oman, Arabian Sea....Pages 203-216
Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis Confirms the Species Status of Electra verticillata (Ellis and Solander, 1786)....Pages 217-236
Large Sediment Encrusting Trepostome Bryozoans from the Permian of Tasmania, Australia....Pages 237-249
Bryozoan Communities and Thanatocoenoses from Submarine Caves in the Plemmirio Marine Protected Area (SE Sicily)....Pages 251-269
The Genus Sparsiporina d’Orbigny, 1852 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata): Late Eocene to Holocene....Pages 271-287
Species of Alcyonidium (Ctenostomatida) from the Pacific Coast of North America: A Preliminary Account....Pages 289-302
Distribution and Zoogeography of Cheilostomate Bryozoa Along the Pacific Coast of Panama: Comparison Between the Gulf of Panama and Gulf of Chiriquí....Pages 303-319
High Resolution Non-destructive Imaging Techniques for Internal Fine Structure of Bryozoan Skeletons....Pages 321-326
Being a Bimineralic Bryozoan in an Acidifying Ocean....Pages 327-337
Hornera striata (Milne Edwards, 1838), a British Pliocene Cyclostome Bryozoan Incorrectly Recorded from New Zealand, with Notes on Some Non-fenestrate Hornera from the Coralline Crag....Pages 339-356
Schizomavella grandiporosa and Schizomavella sarniensis : Two Cryptic Species....Pages 357-365
A Diverse Bryozoan Fauna from Pleistocene Marine Gravels at Kuromatsunai, Hokkaido, Japan....Pages 367-383
Early Carboniferous Bryozoans from Western Siberia, Russia....Pages 385-399
The Use of Early Miocene Bryozoan Faunal Affinities in the Central Paratethys for Inferring Climatic Change and Seaway Connections....Pages 401-418
Palaeoecology, Preservation and Taxonomy of Encrusting Ctenostome Bryozoans Inhabiting Ammonite Body Chambers in the Late Cretaceous Pierre Shale of Wyoming and South Dakota, USA....Pages 419-433
Krka River (Croatia): Case Study of Bryozoan Settlement from Source to Estuary....Pages 435-448
Back Matter....Pages 449-463

Bryozoan Studies 2010 [1 ed.]
 978-3-642-16410-1, 978-3-642-16411-8

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