British Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of British Diaries Written Between 1442 and 1942 [Reprint 2019 ed.] 9780520320710

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British Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of British Diaries Written Between 1442 and 1942 [Reprint 2019 ed.]

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BRITISH DIARIES An Annotated Bibliography of British Diaries Written between 1442 and 1942






































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PREFACE is one result of a bibliomania which started out, reasonably enough, as a mild curiosity about the nature of the documents which I was rifling for linguistic data. It began, nearly eighteen years ago, when I first looked at the shorthand of Pepys's diary to see what it would yield for the history of pronunciation. During the years, with that obvious logic which is obvious only to the person involved, the interest has increased until, like the Man Who Came to Dinner, it sits in my mind like the owner. Where it will end, who knows ? Perhaps I shall begin to keep a diary myself. The logical sequence in the present case is that, having published three years ago a descriptive list called American Diaries, it was patent that I should go back to where I began and compile a similar list of British diaries. The flattering welcome that reviewers and buyers gave to the American list was a fatal encouragement, and when in 1946 the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation awarded me a fellowship, the die was cast. Before setting forth the methods used in assembling the material, and so explaining away my sins of commission and omission, I had better make my justification for compiling a bibliography devoted simply to diaries. The reviewers of the earlier list, being mostly historians, welcomed the material it provided for general historical studies. Out of my affection, I could say a word in season about this attitude, which reminds me of the outlook of industrialists who, seeing a mountain torrent, can only dream dreams of hydroelectric power plants. But I am enough of a historian and antiquary myself to admit that one obvious use for these diary lists is as guides for general historical and antiquarian studies; for studies of popular ideas, fashions, taste, manners. Since I got into diary reading through linguistics, it also behooves me to mention the unequaled value of diaries as records, comparatively uncontaminated by stylistic conventions and fashions, of the everyday language of the times in which they were written. The diaries are splendid raw material for social historians and historical HIS BOOK




linguists, and I hope they will make fuller use of them by reason of this book than they have done hitherto. In a way, however, the book presents alternatives to social histories, for most of which I have little affection. In them, the fads, foibles, and fashions of former times are separately patterned out, too often like cold cuts in a butcher's window: in the diaries listed here, they occur as items in the seemingly unpatterned successions of daily living, and are still breathing. The glazed plates and judicious annotations of the histories of costume compare ill with say, Pepys's descriptions of his new suits and the pompous delight and extravagance or the particular motives and occasions that went with their purchase. Sentiment and sentimentality, fancy, conformity, annoyance, vanity, the spirit of the moment and the occasion, are the soul of social history, but it is only in diaries and their like that the soul may be found. Similarly, the list should prove useful to scholars searching out new facts and opinions about people, events, and movements; about writers, painters, musicians, clergymen, generals; about counties, towns, and villages; about wars, politics, religion, literature, art, agriculture, economics, industrialism. I shall be happy if my book proves helpful to seekers after truth and new facts. I hope, too, that among its users may be some shrewd and imaginative enough to use it for another end to which it is well suited, the study of errors, misstatements, delusions, and rumors, which facts are at least as important and interesting as the narrower basic truths. But mostly I offer the book as a guide to reading about a great many people in the way that they thought, felt, and acted, and entertained ideas about themselves. Biographies are the usual doors of escape from the general patterns and large views of general history into the details that suggest the patterns. But only the Worthies are embalmed: the farm laborer, the dull wastrel, the town councilor, merit no biography. Here in the diaries, however, are people of all kinds, even the unworthy and the unwashed; here, scepter and crown are level with shovel and spade. The Middle Ages not having been an age of diaries, the reader will have to rest content this side the tomb with that grotesque con-



vention, that algebraical formula, which is the medieval serf and plowman of Professor Owst's medieval preachers and Professor Owst's medieval colleagues. For a later period, though, the diaries provide what sociologists like to call a cross section of Englishmen, Scotsmen, Welshmen, and (despite the protests of a certain Eire-ish librarian and a certain IRA-te editor) Irishmen, from the sixteenth century until just before World War II. For those who are wont to ride with Gallup (not so many, these end-of-1948 days) and love the cross-sectional mind with its two monosyllabic opinions and percentile ignorance, for psychologists, sociologists, historians, genealogists, biographers, the book will have its various values. All I hope is that people who are interested in other people merely as individuals will use it, too. One historian who reviewed the American list, while welcoming the guidance it provided for historical research, doubted the value of a diary as a diary. I am not quite sure what was meant by "value," nor indeed what was meant at all. But if it was meant that there is nothing peculiar or special about a diary to distinguish it from other forms of personal writing, then I protest with the weight of all my experience. One of the curiosities that has grown with this bibliomania of mine is turned on how people write about themselves. I have long been a reader of letters, and recently I have been reading autobiographies a great deal: very soon, I shall be burdening the bookshelves with a guide to them. The diary and the autobiography have this in common: they are both written by people about themselves. But the autobiography has a history and the diary has none. I once tried to write a history of the diary, only to find that I could produce nothing but a chronology. Except for religious diaries and certain literary productions resulting from the reading of Pepys, Amiel, Barbellion, diaries are mostly written without reference to other diaries and without influence from them, and so the form has no history except in the most general sense. It is far otherwise with autobiographies. Autobiographers tend to read biographies and other people's autobiographies before writing their own; and it is under this tutelage that they present their patterns of living—judicial pictures which share the lineaments



and conventions of the most similar lives the writers knew. Autobiographies are nearly all literary works, written for publication and having, though rarely acknowledging, a literary parentage. There is not too much exaggeration in saying that they usually present type portraits made up of a careful selection of personal details. There is, it must be admitted, something of this selectiveness and patterning in diaries, too; and some diaries are written with an eye to publication. No diarist tells all, not even Pepys; the diarist omits and includes details of his living and thought according to the dominant views he has of himself. But a diarist rarely maintains one view of himself, and a diary which has a consistent pattern is a literary work and no diary at all. Any true diary includes a multitude of details about daily thoughts, emotions, and actions which would be pruned out in the careful topiary of a biography or autobiography. The diarist can see only the pattern of a day, not the pattern of a lifetime; if he is a true diarist, one day is likely to be at odds with another for any reader who thinks of people as having fixed characters. People in diaries, like people in real life, are prone to do and to think a variety of odd contrary things that would be regarded as inconsistent and inartistic in the patterned behavior of literature, biography, or autobiography. That for me is the real peculiarity and specialness, as well as one of the chief fascinations, of the diary as a way of writing. Only one other form of personal writing compares with it in this respect—the letter. But letters are intended for readers, and are likely to be colored by the relationship which exists between the correspondents: many a letter writer molds himself to the character which he thinks the recipient has of him. This in itself is a nice curiosity of human behavior which biographers might well take more heed of. At any rate, it makes letters much more artistic and patterned than diaries. In advancing these very fine and large generalizations on the nature of certain kinds of writing, I am well aware that they must be jettisoned in favor of any particular example, but in the generalizations lies my chief justification for assembling a book devoted solely to diaries. The methods used to collect the material for this book were at



bottom the same as those used for the American diary list, but more extensive since I was collecting autobiographies as well as diaries. First, the obvious bibliographical sources were combed: Arthur Ponsonby's three books on English, Irish, and Scottish diaries, and the Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. A search was made all through the Dictionary of National Biography for titles and clues; and I scanned all the bibliographies on the open shelves of the Henry E. Huntington Library, the bibliographies and footnotes in all works on history, antiquities, literature, and biography on those same shelves, and the indices to Notes and Queries (which, apropos of my purposes, unfortunately provided more queries than notes). This preliminary work was complemented by searching subject and regional bibliographies in the libraries of the University of California at Los Angeles and at Berkeley, the Harvard libraries and the British Museum reading room, the catalogues of the London Library and a number of British town libraries, and about two thousand booksellers' catalogues of the last thirty years. Since it had been my experience that titles mislead almost as often as they guide, the collection of titles was conducted with proper allowance for the art of obscuration by title: as a result, several hundred titles later proved useless, although many items were caught which might otherwise have been missed. Here I might put in a plea for the penny plain as against the tuppence colored in titles: of such possible titles as The Diary of Humphrey Potter, iyo8-iyi2; Queen Anne's Bounty; The Diary of Humphrey Potter, 1J08-1J12: or, Queen Anne's Bounty, I like best the first, should not object to the third, and loathe the second as a varnished gloss which gives nothing but a spurious sheen. Such false titles grow more common, and it is well that scholars, at least, should not succumb to the increasing vulgarization of the times. With the titles so gathered, a short-title catalogue of diaries was prepared for checking against library holdings. In this checking I followed the same method as I used for the American diaries. In several great libraries which provide open access I thumbed through every available book that might be suspected of harboring a diary,



relying upon my eye (somewhat practiced by now) to catch the characteristic dates and shapes of the diary form. As I explained before, the method has its defects; the more popular books are occasionally missing from the shelves when the searcher's thumb arrives, his eye may not keep pace with his thumb, some books are kept off the open shelves, and even the greatest libraries are far from complete, especially in privately printed books. I hoped, however, that all the obvious and a proper proportion of the minor and obscure diaries had been caught by the preliminary bibliographical searching. In this way, the collections of the following libraries in the United States and England were examined: University of California at Los Angeles and at Berkeley, Huntington Library at San Marino, Widener Library at Harvard, Yale University Library, Library of Congress, Cambridge University Library (the only one of the British "copyright" libraries that provides open access to its collection), London Library, Royal Empire Society Library, Friends' Society Library in London, Library of the Society of Genealogists in London. I also glanced through a few public lending libraries in London; but I had no time to examine the local collections in provincial libraries. The material so found was nearly three times as extensive as that in the preliminary list; nevertheless, there remained in the preliminary list a considerable number of titles which had not been covered by the book-search method. When the book searching had been done, these unfound tides were examined against the catalogues of the British Museum Library, Bodleian Library, Widener Library, Yale University Library, and New York Public Library, and the union catalogue of American libraries housed in the Library of Congress. Since practically all the titles were in one or another of these libraries, it was possible to check nearly all the titles originally collected against the books themselves. Apart from some items which I am sure are ghosts, the titles I have been unable to locate are marked by an asterisk in the list. My book on American diaries excluded unpublished manuscripts, and I had originally intended to exclude them from this book, too. The collection of unpublished diaries and microfilms of unpublished



diaries which Professor Wallace Notestein has gathered at Yale University was come upon so early in my work, however, and proved so tempting, that I decided to include as much material about unpublished diaries as I could gather without too great expense of time. I have examined the manuscript collections of the following libraries and gathered details of all the unpublished British diaries I can find in them: Harvard Library, Yale University Library, New York Public Library, Library of Congress, Clements Library at the University of Michigan, Huntington Library; British Museum Library, Royal Empire Society Library, Bodleian Library, Cambridge University Library, Friends' Society Library, India Office Library, John Rylands Library in Manchester, Edinburgh University Library, National Library of Scotland, Signet Library. Since it was obvious that there might be a great deal of similar material in other and smaller libraries in Great Britain and Ireland, I decided to seek help from the librarians. I sent about a thousand letters to town, university, cathedral, school, and learned-society libraries listed in the handbooks of the Library Association and the A.S.L.I.B., and to city and county archives. Not the least of the pleasures accompanying my work on this book was the warm and generous response that the librarians and archivists made to this circular letter; many of those who had no diaries to contribute wrote expressing their regrets and their interest in the project; a gratifyingly large number were prompt to send in excellently full details of their holdings. Each item so obtained is here listed with the name of the librarian or archivist who provided the information; with this acknowledgment of indebtedness go my sincere thanks, which I hope at some time to express in person. A few libraries were unable to provide the information, for lack of staff, or because they held so many diaries that they could not deal with them suitably by correspondence. Occasionally, however, I was then fortunate enough to enlist the help of a local student or scholar; thus, Mr. R. V. Osbourn, assistant lecturer in English in the University of Manchester, was kind enough to prepare full descriptions of the rich collections of the Manchester Central Library and Chetham's Library; Mr. A. Farrington listed the holdings



of the Royal Irish Academy; Mr. William Mackey those of Trinity College, Dublin, Mr. E. Gwynne Jones those of the University College of North Wales, and Mr. I. J. Sanders those of the National Library of Wales. The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research often came to my rescue with its regular listings of the locations of historical MSS. There remained a few of the larger town libraries which I think may own manuscript diaries but which, quite understandably, have not yet responded. I have sought to include, however, all information from them which reached me before the book went to press. Mr. W. Hassall of the Bodleian Library suggested that I should try to include details of privately owned manuscript diaries. I was hesitant about attempting this because of the unlikelihood of getting anything more than a scattering. When I finally decided to do so, it was because Yale University's microfilm collection included a fair number of privately owned items, Arthur Ponsonby had included several such diaries in his books, Colonel Malet had generously allowed me to have copied the details of the privately owned diaries listed in the National Register of Archives, and anything I could add would be so much to the general good, even if it were not very much. With proper trepidation, I sent about two hundred letters to national, town, and county newspapers and journals in Great Britain and Ireland. Despite the paper shortage, a large proportion of the newspapers were generous and scholarly minded enough to publish the letter. If the response from their readers has been rather less than I hoped, the interest of the editors was heart warming to a student who hankers after assurance that his own enthusiasms do not seem entirely crazy to other people. Although I have made reasonably extensive efforts to obtain an adequate representation of published and unpublished British diaries, I make no claim to having achieved completeness. I have noticed too many items that ought to have been included in the American list to hazard any such claim. In the course of examining the books in the historical, literary, periodical, biographical, religious, travel, regional, genealogical, and other appropriate sections of the libraries I worked in, I have undoubtedly missed a good many diaries: I trust



they are fewer than I fear they may be. I imagine that many diaries have been published in genealogies, town and county histories, and biographies which I have not seen, or which I thumbed through too hastily, and that local collections own many privately printed local items that I have not seen. Although diaries are sometimes published in newspapers and journals, I have lacked the courage and time to scan newspapers and I have examined thoroughly only the more promising popular weeklies and monthlies. I have gone carefully through all the appropriate learned periodicals and local historical and antiquarian society proceedings, however. The privately owned diaries listed here are probably only a small percentage of those that actually exist, and it is likely that there are manuscript diaries in various libraries which either did not receive my appeal or were unable to respond to it. Completeness is not only not claimed, but probably never could reasonably be claimed for such a list. But if readers will send me enough addenda, I promise to make them into a supplement. The method of handling the material is the same as in the book on American diaries. I have excluded travel narratives which are not day-by-day records, chronicles, commonplace books, ships' logs (though not diaries kept at sea, which seem to me to have a significant personal element), reminiscences, autobiographies, minutes, accounts, muster rolls, memoirs, all of which are sometimes called journals by their editors and publishers. I have also excluded parliamentary diaries and explorers' journals. I have dropped the impossible distinction between "diary" and "journal" which I unsuccessfully tried to maintain in the earlier book, and the books and manuscripts included here are diaries in my definition: a personal record of what interested the diarist, usuallly kept day by day, each day's record being self-contained and written soon after the events occurred, the style usually being free from organized exposition. As I intend to publish two other descriptive bibliographies of personal writings, one of British autobiographies, the other of Commonwealth diaries and autobiographies, I have imposed a geographical restriction on the material included here. Diaries relating to the British



dominions and colonies will be included in the Commonwealth list, as also will diaries relating to Asia, the whole of Africa, and Latin America: this strange imperialism is purely for my own convenience. Sea diaries have been put into one or the other list as seems most appropriate. Diaries kept in the United States and American possessions up to i860 are already treated in my former book, and so are the diaries of English travelers in the United States; these will therefore be included in neither list, and those American travel items which I have found to supplement the earlier book I have given to Professor Ada Nisbet, who is publishing a bibliography of British Travellers in America. On the other hand, I have included here the diaries of American travelers in England and, although I have made no attempt to search all the American libraries for American manuscript diaries, the list contains a fair representation of published and unpublished material of the kind. In general, the book includes diaries written by Englishmen, Scotsmen, Welshmen, and Irishmen in the British Isles, in Europe, and on the high seas, and also the diaries of American and other travelers in the British Isles, so far as they have been published in England and in English. The published diaries included here are often extracts included in biographies, histories, genealogies, and other books which are themselves not diaries. Such extracts are admitted only when they are extensive enough to establish some idea of the diaries as separate entities; a diary which has been published only in brief quotations has been excluded, unless the whereabouts of the original manuscript is known. I have given a few biographical details about the diarists whenever such information was available without special research. It has usually been derived from the diaries themselves, editorial notes, or data in biographies and autobiographies; or from the Dictionary of National Biography, Who's Who, and Who Was Who, the Cambridge Bibliography, and the Library of Congress catalogue. I have tried to give the dates of the diaries by months and years, as in the manuscript or as actually published; where I have included a



diary which I have not actually examined and of which I do not know the dates I have included the item according to the date of publication. All dates are given in New Style. As in the book on American diaries, I have added two or three lines describing the chief contents of each diary; these notes are intended to give a rough characterization of the document and to indicate the chief subjects, places, and persons with which it deals. Whenever it seemed worth while to do so, a word or two of evaluation has been added. These notes and comments are those of a general reader who is an enthusiast about diaries, not those of a specialist in history. It is hoped that the evaluations will indicate where the chaff lies and where the grain, but no exactness is claimed for such judgments, which are often the impressions of only ten or fifteen minutes of rapid reading. In noting contents, I have usually indicated my own special interests in literature and language, as well as the subjects of more general and historical interest. The diaries are arranged chronologically, by years, according to the date of the first entries. Diaries beginning in the same year are arranged under that year alphabetically by the diarists' names, with Anonymous taking first place. Reviewers of the American list welcomed this arrangement, but pointed out the defect that a reader seeking diaries about particular events or periods had to begin searching many years before the date of his interest, since some diaries cover a lifetime. T o minimize this labor without adding too great a litter of cross references, I have supplied an index of diaries which extend over more than ten years, with their time extent; this means that, apart from this index, only ten years of the bibliography need be examined for any particular event. I reckon ten years by the interval between the year of the first and the year of the last entries; thus, a diary covering the period May 1706 to November 1715 would not be regarded as a tenyear diary, but would be excluded from this time index. Gaps of time within a diary are ignored for the purposes of this reckoning. For the benefit of biographers, genealogists, and some others, I have also given a name index of all the diarists except Anonymous.



The request of several reviewers for a subject index was so much easier to make than to satisfy that I have rejected the idea, as I did when handling the proofs of the American list. I then tried several possible ways of indexing the material, but discovered none that would be really useful. The diaries deal with a large proportion of all the counties, towns, and villages in the British Isles and many in Europe; they mention thousands of people, and touch on almost every topic of human interest. I know of no useful way of indexing such material. Before the date of each diary I have given an adjective of characterization: public, religious, political, literary, military, travel, personal, social, and so on. There is no advantage in grouping these in an index when they can be so easily traced in the list itself, and there is danger in a subject index which by noting certain subjects and not others suggests that the others may not be dealt with. Every diary includes a multiplicity of subjects which I have been unable to note; my annotations are suggestive, not comprehensive. It must not be assumed that because a document is called a religious diary it does not include secular material; almost certainly it does. I trust that it will not be too great a chore to read through the list itself or those parts that are appropriate; it will do historians no harm to be reminded that at the same time as, say, Nelson was writing, so were a crowd of villagers, clergymen, Quakers, private soldiers, men of letters, and housewives; it might even be possible to learn a good deal about Nelson by learning about other pebbles on the English shore. It is a pleasant duty to acknowledge here the chief of my debts. To the late Lord Ponsonby's books on diaries, Mr. Bateson and his cohorts on the Cambridge Bibliography, the unwitting booksellers who sent out catalogues, a small army of bibliographers, I owe the debt of all those who labor in the same fields. To the librarians of the collections in which I worked and their assistants I tender warm thanks for unvarying kindness and helpfulness; the world of books owes more to the learned and quiet men who keep them than it is easy to acknowledge. To the many librarians of municipal and local libraries who sent me details of their manuscripts and to those who regretted they had



none I express my sincere gratitude for help given and interest shared. To the many newspaper editors who gave of their sadly limited space in publishing my request for privately owned diaries, and to the owners who responded, I render grateful acknowledgment. Special thanks are due to several scholars and students who have helped check material: to Miss Patricia Hann of London, Miss Audrey LaLievre, Mr. Arthur Munday, and Miss Audrey Rich, all of Cambridge ; Mr. George Mayhew of Harvard, Miss Gertrude Ruhnka and Dr. Jane Robinson of Los Angeles, and my former student, Professor Linda Van Norden of the University of California at Davis. To the following scholars I am greatly obliged for suggestions and generous help when needed: Professor Wallace Notestein and Professor Helge Kokeritz of Yale, Professor Douglas Bush of Harvard, Professor Miles Hanley and Mr. Louis Kaplan of Wisconsin, Professor Ada Nisbet of Los Angeles, Professor J. T . Higgins of the Illinois Institute of Technology, Professor James R. Sutherland of London, Professor Bruce Dickins of Cambridge, Professor H. B. Charlton and Mr. R. V. Osbourn of Manchester, Mr. W . Hassall of the Bodleian Library, the Rev. Frank Baker of Warsop, and Colonel G. Malet of the National Register of Archives. Mr. Edw. Hall, who has given a splendid collection of MS diaries to the Wigan Central Public Library, generously sent me his index cards covering it; I regret that space does not allow me to reproduce his loving and often witty notes in full. T o the Cambridge don who, seeing my huge pile of books,—myself hidden in the stacks—confided to his donnish friend, "Feller comes from America; raving mad; last one came from Poland," goes the gratified mirth of my cockney heart. T o the Irish librarian who regretted he had no diaries but suggested that if I were including Irish material I should call the book "Irish and English Diaries," and the Derry editor who printed my covering letter without the appeal itself but with a note of doubt that the learned professor had ever been to school, my gratitude for joining up with Cambridge to prove that, come high water and Americans, some things Irish and English and delectable never change.



To my brother George and Peggy his wife, to Fergus O'Connor, Margaret Robertson, Mara Mack, Fernand and Ann Renier, and many others I give once more my warm regards and thanks for endless kindness and hospitality during my stay in England in the cold winter of 1947 and its splendid summer. The book would hardly have been possible had it not been for the generous financial help of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and the University of California. Mr. Henry Allen Moe, the secretary of the Foundation, was an ever-bubbling fountain of kindness, and the Guggenheim Fellowship was a regular comfort. The Regents of the University of California not only granted me sabbatical leave for 1946-1947, but also for three years have given generous research grants which have made possible a good deal of assistance in checking the list. To Professors Sigurd B. Hustvedt and William Taylor, who took over some of my teaching while I was on leave, my best thanks. To Mr. W. H. Alexander and other members of the University of California Press, and to my wife Lois, who have all notably urged and assisted me toward the holy grail of accuracy, the humble thanks of a most fallible Lancelot. W I L L I A M MATTHEWS L o s Angeles, 1948

INDEX OF DIARIES EXTENDING OVER MORE THAN TEN YEARS 1504-1588, Lambarde 1532-1605, Birrel 1539-1613, Parry 1544-1608, Young 1550-1563, Machin 1564-1602, Forman 1570-1617, Mildmay 1570-1583, Walsingham 1571-1610, Melville 1577-1601, Dee 1586-1608, Wyot 1592-1603, Henslowe 1592-1643, Laud 1593-1616, Wilbraham 1595-1648, Oglander 1595-1629, Ward 1595-1610, Winthrop 1597-1614, Casaubon 1603-1654, Powell 1604-1641, Montague 1604-1628, Yonge 1607-1651, Derby 1608-1633, Ayshcombe 1611-1643, Cork 1616-1645, Young 1618-1634, Whiteway 1621-1641, Herbert 1622-1646, Roberts 1624-1647, Forbes 1625-1642, Rous 1626-1654, Crosfield 1628-1645, Burghall

1630-1658, Wallington 1632-1643, Dugard 1632-1660, Wariston 1633-1688, Ashmole 1633-1646, Hope 1633-1651, Mildmay 1634-1672, Wemyss 1635-1659, Greene 1636-1680, Whittingham 1637-1662, Baillie 1638-1648, Jeffries 1638-1648, Slingsby 1640-1654, Cuningham 1640-1706, Evelyn 1640-1688, Sanderson 1643-1686, Dugdale 1644-1681, Josselin 1644-1655, Penn 1646-1661, Leicester 1648-1679, Ward 1649-1661, Harcourt 1649-1671, Lamont 1649-1688, Mainwaring 1650-1684, Henry 1650-1683, Jackson 1650-1667, Nicoll 1652-1680, Brodie 1652-1663, Johnson 1654-1689, Reresby 1655-1668, Gordon 1655-1679, Moore 1656-1678, Mordaunt

1657-1695, Wood 1659-1703, Barlow 1659-1672, Rugge 1660-1678, Allin 1660-1680, Blundell 1660-1676, Brownlow 1661-1722, Borland 1661-1724, Gardiner 1663-1674, Lowe 1664-1717, Newton 1665-1676, Lauder 1665-1725, Pledger 1665-1692, Roch 1665-1677, Stockton 1666-1702, Heywood 1666-1705, Leeds 1666-1703, Yonge 1667-1676, Anglesey 1668-1708, Smith 1668-1697, Whidey 1671-1709, Brockbank 1671-1714, Frekc 1671-1693, Jolly 1671-1721, Sitwell 1672-1701, Sampson 1674-1723, Lee 1675-1693, Brown 1675-1704, Locke 1677-1697, Bohun 1677-1699, Bufton 1677-1724, Thoresby 1678-1724, Luttrell 1679-1691, Dampier


Diaries of More than Ten Years

1679-1709, Lowndes 1680-1692, Anon. 1680-1706, Newdigate 1681-1702, Aston 1681-1707, Bee 1682-1724, Stapley 1683-1717, Burrell 1684-1725, Nicolson 1685-1699, Richards 1686-1704, Turnbull 1687-17x0, Petiver 1688-1742, Bristol 1688-1704, Nasmyth 1688-1708, Granger 1688-1699, Rokeby 1689-1707, Kaye 1689-1743, Stapley 1690-1702, (Cromwell) 1690-1720, Murray 1690-1705, Richards 1692-1722, Calverley 1692-1729, Coe 1693-1720, Bury 1694-1716, Anon. 1694-1732, Savage 1695-1729, Le Neve 1696-1754, Clerk 1696-1714, Henry 1696-1713, Newcome 1697-1719, Bonhereau 1697-1707, Hume 1698-1729, Compton 1698-1724, Gordon 1699-1709, Evans 1700-1728, Blackader 1700-1745, Brown

1700-1716, Edgar 1701-1755, Clegg 1701-1743, Kelsall 1701-1712, Millner 1701-1731, Wodrow 1702-1713, Sharp 1703-1716, Briggins 1703-1713, St. Pierre 1704-1730, Isham 1705-1735, Hearne 1706-1731, Sanderson 1707-1737, Bell 1707-1719, Booth 1707-1722, Erskine 1707-1740, Nasmyth 1707-1743, Norris 1708-1730, Anon. 1708-1738, Rees 1709-1726, Morris 1709-1720, Rud 1711-1732, Housman 1711-1729, Walkden 1711-1762, Wright 1712-1757, Pace 1713-1773, Capps 1714-1728, Marchant 1715-1750, Rule 1715-1726, Wanley 1717-1755, Williams 1718-1760, Fretwell 1720-1780, Crosier 1720-1747, Rogers 1720-1731, Wither 1721-1756, Bayly 1721-1749, Walker 1722-1744, Byrom

1723-1779, Bagshaw 1723-1764, Howard 1723-1738, Oxford 1725-1795, Butterfield 1725-1744, Gordon 1725-1735, Hobson 1725-1756, Purefoy 1725-1791, Wesley (John) 1727-1763, MacDonald 1729-1751, Doddridge 1729-1764, Stukeley 1731-1794, Mascall I 73 I-I 747> Vertue 1733-1760, Monteage 1734-1760, Bulkeley I 734-I749> Ingham 1736-1756, Wesley (Chas.) 1736-1770, Whitefield 1737-1750, Kay 1737-1752, Weston 1738-1803, Mill 1739-1769, Gray 1740-1753, Anon. (2) 1741-1769, Hubbard 1741-1761, Melcombe 1741-1821, Oliver 1742-1752, Bennet 1744-1757, Beswick 1744-1812, Florry 1744-1784, Ryland 1745-1769, Darby 1747-1773, Gough 1748-1763, Boscawen 1748-1796, Douglas

Diaries of More than Ten Years 748-1778, Gyll 749-1769, Gisborne 750-1779, Baker 750-1784, Johnson 751-1763, Garrick 751-1763, James 751-1783, Orford 751-1797, Palmer 751-1793, White 752-1774, Northumberland 752-1775, Stevenson 753-I777> Glynne 753-I774» Ru"y 754-1765, Turner 755_I799> Downing 755-1814, Hervey 755-I79I> Neale 755-1807, Wharton 756-1800, Bray 756-1791, Coke 756-1816, Hamilton 756-1786, Hoskyns 756-1808, Powys 756-1770, Raper 757-1821, Thrale 758-1806, Knight 758-1802, Woodforde 759-1780, Downman 759-1770, Hollis 760-1773, Fawcett 761-1772, Anon. 761-1773, Cooke 761-1802, Fox 762-1775, Thomas 762-1776, Wigham

1764-1794, Boswell 1764-1826, Gray 1764-1799, Mewburn 1765-1794, Wale 1766-1777, Glynne 1767-1806, Anon. 1767-1792, Ball 1767-1796, Brown 1767-1832, Cullum 1767-1807, Malmesbury 1767-1794, Savage 1767-1792, Sharp 1767-1860, Wright 1768-1779, Cook 1768-1833, D'Arblay 1768-1783, Glenorchy 1768-1810, Maxwell 1768-1788, Prior 1768-1791, Stacpoole 1768-1814, Tompkins 1769-1826, Capper 1769-1808, Clark 1769-1783, Parnell 1769-1810, Windham 1770-1782, Cooper 1770-1830, Day 1770-1831, Jenkins 1770-1820, Wheatley 1770-1797, Wilkes 1771-1785, Ellis 1771-1828, James 1772-1814, Fletcher 1772-1790, Grubb 1772-1797, Humphrey 1772-1829, Lewin 1772-1821, Woods


1773-1789, Boone 1773-1791, Burn I 773" 1 795. p e d l c Y

1773-1786, Roberts 1774-1814, Bradburn 1774-1790, Dillwyn 1774-1784, Goddard 1774-1790, Hough 1774-1788, Hutchinson 1774-1821, Jones 1774-1826, Leadbeater 1774-1787, Mydleton 1775-1792, Blaikie 1775-1794, Chichester 1775-1811, Cullum 1775-1800, Laugher 1775-1785, Oxnard 1775-1809, Roe 1775-1795, St. Patrick 1776-1795, Romney 1776-1848, Times 1776-1818, Young 1777-1788, Abell 1778-1812, Charles 1778-1802, Longden 1778-1806, Scott 1779-1826, Belsham 1779-1801, Bishop 1779-1793, Carter 1779-1817, Cussons 1779-1846, Frampton 1779-1818, Hastings 1779-1832, Tindall 1780-1801, Clarke 1780-1796, Temple 1780-1798, White


Diaries of More than Ten Years

1781-1832, Clarke 1781-1815, Cooper 1781-1845, Dyott 1781-1833, Knight 1781-1798, Moses 1781-1797, Ord 1781-1813, Stanley 1781-1794, Torrington 1782-1816, Ashworth 1782-1810, Faviere 1783-1848, Berry 1783-1826, Conran 1783-1806, Hordern 1783-1833, Wilberforce 1784-1840, Entwisle 1784-1838, Jones 1784-1797, Pilkington 1784-1809, Rathbone 1785-1815, Burgess 1785-1795, Crewe 1785-1836, Cumberland 1785-1809, Meek 1785-1797, Trimmer 1786-1801, Anon. (1) 1786-1821, Anon. (2) 1786-1800, Grape 1787-1799, Bower 1787-1797, Cochrane 1787-1835, Jesup 1787-1833, Losh 1787-1809, Ryan 1788-1842, Allen 1788-1829, Colchester 1788-1821, Farington 1788-1832, Skinner 1789-1801, Elliott

789-1798, Heron 789-1820, Marten 789-1845, Nairne 789-1808, Steuart 789-1814, Walker 789-1820, Wynne (Eliz.) 789-1811, Wynne (Eug.) 790-1803, Bird 790-1846, Cowley 790-1829, Plumptre 790-1813, Steadman 790-1816, Wakefield 790-1832, Wilkinson 791-1824, Bagshawe 791-1803, Clarendon 791-1802, Cobb 791-1828, Crabb 791-1811, Holland 791-1812, Poole 791-1805, Waring 791-1840, Young 792-1807, Blore 792-1850, Brerton 793-1819, Anon. ( 1 ) 793-1818, Bagshaw 793-1819, Glenbervie 793-1813, Heywood 793-1814, Hoare 793-1808, Moore 793-1807, Ompteda 793-1814, Pearson 793-1838, Potter 793-1832, Shillitoe 794-1809, Cooke

794-1819, Cope 794-1839, Day 794-1818, Hastings 794-1819, Hodgkinson 794-1809, Stewart 795-1832, Anon. (1) 795-1812, Danvers 795-1860, Darling 795-1816, Marsden 795-1861, Terry 795-1814, Thornton 795-1832, White 796-1811, Beard 796-1827, Cary 796-1811, Green 796-1832, Kilham 796-1815, Miller 796-1850, Nelson 797-1845, Fry 797-1860, Hunter 797-18x8, Kirk 797-1818, Robertson 797-1844, Wynn 798-1810, Carrington 798-1846, Catchpool 798-1816, Dymond 798-1854, Forster 798-1824, Neville 798-1830, Page 798-1827, Trench 798-1828, Wordsworth 799-1852, Berry 799-1819, Dow 799-1815, Gomm

Diaries of More than Ten Years 1799-1811, Hoghton 1799-1829, Maton 1799-1810, Taylor 1799-1810, Thompson 1799-1817, Titherton 1800-1854, Burgoync 1800-1813, Clark 1800-1810, Fcnton 1800-1840, Gibbons 1800-1851, Gisborne 1800-1823, Leyden 1800-1832, Roe 1800-1811, Rose 1800-1871, Ward 1800-1816, Wilson 1801-1829, Addison 1801-1836, Cumberland 1801-1821, Grenfell 1801-1815, Jackson 1801-1840, Malmesbury 1801-1832, Porter 1801-1821, Wilmot 1802-1853, Hawker 1802-1846, Lucas 1802-1814, Maude 1802-1818, Romilly 1802-1845, Smart 1803-1852, Bourne 1803-1828, Chalmers 1803-1821, Francis 1803-1822, Richmond 1803-1842, Toase 1803-1831, Walker 1804-1849, Backhouse 1804-1859, Calvert

1804-1866, Everett 1804-1846, Heugh 1804-1839, Tomlinson 1805-1816, Anon. 1805-1844, Colquhoun 1805-1818, Cooke 1805-1849, Field 1805-1836, Hall 1805-1830, Mackintosh 1805-1827, Palmer 1805-1816, Ross 1805-1821, Simpson 1805-1820, Wesley 1806-1827, Ashburton 1806-1818, Budgett 1806-1842, Fox 1806-1853, Rastrick 1807-1849, Dundonald 1807-1847, Hardy 1807-1821, Lee 1807-1832, Leslie 1807-1862, Raffles 1807-1825, Weeton 1808-1846, Gurney 1808-1868, Harris 1808-1844, Palmerston 1808-1834, Pechell 1808-1842, Richardson 1808-1835, Rowntree 1808-1822, WellesleyPole 1808-1840, Wilkie 1809-1833, Bedingfield 1809-1837, Broadbelt 1809-1852, Broughton 1809-1819, Durnford


1809-1850, Erskine 1809-1899, Foley 1809-1871, Griffin 1809-1862, Stanley 1809-1820, Thomas 1809-1820, Ward 1810-1820, Bury 1810-1850, Croker 1810-1860, Hall 1810-1851, Napier 1810-1860, Paul 18x0-1849, Tuke 1811-1842, Clift 1811-1835, Crosse 1811-1831, Curry 1811-1868, Mogg 1811-1821, Pickmore 1811-1867, Robinson 1811-1838, Taylor 1811-1858, Yeardley 1812-1895, Beaver 1812-1846, Collins 1812-1837, Dudley 1812-1840, Heywood 1812-1883, Montefiore 1812-1828, Natt 1812-1845, Piggott 1812-1828, Scott 1813-1849, Ellis 1813-1841, Faraday 1813-1830, Finch 1813-1838, Holtzapfel 1813-1837, Strutt 1813-1848, Thackwell 1814-1832, Barclay 1814-1837, Barker

xxvi 1814-1860, 1814-1839, 1814-1838, 1814-1840,

Diaries of More than Ten Years

Grevillc Haggcr James Shelley (Mary) 1814-1828, Todd 1814-1856, Watkin 1815-1867, Bailey 1815-1902, Hennell 1815-1867, Sharpies 1815-1857, Ticknor 1816-1885, Beaumont 1816-1877, Hill 1816-1840, Lister 1816-1873, Turner 1817-1833, Carvosso 1817-1858, Lyell 1818-1839, Anon. (4) 1818-1829, DeLaBeche 1818-1843, Evans 1818-1830, Holland 1818-1857, Jackson 1818-1847, Moore 1818-1842, Perry 1818-1834, Timms 1819-1852, Clinton 1819-1843, Fox 1819-1872, Madden 1819-1852, Mantell 1819-1869, Pasley 1819-1829, Selwyn 1819-1863, Sorby 1819-1850, von Neumann 1819-1831, Wythe 1820-1855, Bagot

1820-1853, Baker 1820-1840, Bosanquet 1820-1876, Coleridge 1820-1875, Ford 1820-1846, Hay don 1820-1850, Johnston 1820-1833, Kitto 1820-1855, Pearson 1820-1863, Romilly 1820-1834, Shilton 1820-1847, Wilson 1820-1860, Wood 1821-1837, Barrett 1821-1832, Cobbett 1821-1849, Copleston 1821-1847, Eld 1822-1833, Howard 1822-1876, Keppel 1822-1836, Knill 1822-1853, Lockhart 1822-1879, Sopwith 1822-1865, Waddy 1823-1847, Anon. (2) 1823-1868, Epps 1823-1860, Fry 1823-1859, Kemp 1823-1833, Palmer 1823-1837, Taylor 1824-1839, Bannerman 1824-1868, Buckley 1824-1852, Capper 1824-1843, Fox 1824-1837, Glynne (Mary) 1824-1842, Merivale 1824-1837, Robson

1824-1841, White 1825-1891, Babington 1825-1861, Craik 1825-1874, Glynne 1825-1867, Mewburn 1825-1859, Owenson 1825-1840, Ramsay 1825-1858, Russell 1825-1885, Shaftesbury 1826-1865, Alexander 1826-1870, Alford 1826-1895, Gladstone 1826-1840, Webb 1827-1837, Curling 1827-1853, Opie 1827-1841, Pamplin 1828-1892, Bonar 1828-1855, Hamilton 1828-1877, Parry 1828-1882, Parsons 1828-1844, Stanley 1828-1884, Tregelles 1829-1842, Cameron 1829-1846, Finlay 1829-1876, Gregory 1829-1863, Griffith 1829-1877, Hall 1829-1882, Ley land 1829-1879, Murphy 1829-1853, Sedgwick 1829-1848, Shaw 1829-1872, Young 1830-1859, Braithwaite 1830-1842, Burney 1830-1892, Mueller 1830-1840, Rathborne

Diaries of More than Ten Years 1830-1898, Russell 1830-1858, Russell 1830-1841, Scott 1830-1852, Sharp 1830-1870, Shee 1830-1862, Vignoles 1830-1873, Wilberforce 1831-1854, Cockburn 1831-1866, Forster 1831-1842, Gross 1831-1847, Keith 1831-1884, Pattison 1832-1853, Blakey 1832-1903, Cambridge 1832-1872, Greville 1832-1858, Herford 1832-1844, Hodgson 1832-1842, Lacaita 1832-1869, Malmesbury 1832-1847, Raikes 1832-1882, Victoria 1833-1857, Fry 1833-1872, MacLeod 1833-1851, Macready 1833-1890, Palgrave 1833-1884, White 1834-1885, Bunbury 1834-1851, Jenkins 1834-1873, Morgan 1834-1873, Owen (bis) 1834-1854, Rees 1834-1852, Wicksteed 1835-1849, Allen 1835-1892, Connal 1835-1856, Ewing 1835-1867, Fox

1835-1850, Layard 1835-1855, Mends 1835-1862, Tanner 1835-1891, Winstanley 1836-1866, Ellis 1836-1875, HalliwellPhillipps 1836-1871, Rees 1837-1852, AddamsWilliams 1837-1847, Backhouse 1837-1870, Bacon 1837-1887, Bright 1837-1864, Cavendish 1837-1859, Chatterton 1837-1887, Claughton 1837-1878, De Rothschild 1837-1859, Murray 1837-1857, Powell 1837-1948, Soame 1837-1851, Southall 1838-1885, Harris 1838-1848, Hughes 1838-1859, Macaulay 1838-1857, Pease 1838-1864, Roberts 1838-1882, Sargent 1838-1899, Stone 1839-1852, Borradaile 1840-1875, Daniel 1841-1904, Cranbrook 1841-1891, Fowler 1842-1891, Cramp 1842-1888, Daunt 1842-1866, Hopkins


1842-1862, RofTe 1842-1857, Wire 1843-1894, Braithwaite 1843-1867, Brightwell 1843-1864, Carlisle 1843-1859, Goodall 1843-1862, Jeune 1843-1902, Pollen 1844-1888, Blanchard 1844-1856, Brown 1844-1874, Co well 1844-1862, Dalton 1844-1890, Manning 1844-1866, Nichols 1844-1874, Pollock 1844-1885, Watkins 1845-1869, Dennis 1845-1870, Griffith 1845-1868, Lear 1846-1870, Collinson 1847-1889, Allingham 1847-1861, Campbell 1847-1857, Cope 1847-1882, HarfordBattersby 1847-1873, Pearson 1847-1880, Redgrave 1847-1882, Wedderburn 1848-1876, Davies 1848-1869, Hanbury 1848-1894, Hornby 1848-1876, Kenealy 1848-1859, Robson 1848-1858, Senior 1848-1885, Sewell


Diaries of More than Ten Years

1848-1887, Shields 1849-1859, Beale 1849-1868, Ponsonby 1849-1870, Rossetti 1850-1860, Miers 1850-1906, Raven 1850-1893, Thorold 1850-1903, Vivian 1851-1874, Daly 1851-1901, Grant Duff 1851-1875, Moran 1851-1866, Morley 1851-1892, Pamplin 1851-1932, Salter 1852-1866, Jevons 1852-1874, Stevenson 1853-1894, Dodgson 1853-1866, Fox 1853-1867, Jones 1853-1908, Kemp 1853-1863, Richard 1854-1875, Amberley 1854-1880, Cavendish 1854-1873, Glasgow 1854-1910, Griffith 1854-1874, Ritchie 1854-1888, Walker 1855-1865, Burgess 1855-1908, CampbellBannerman 1855-1879, Eliot 1855-1866, Hallé 1856-1918, Eade 1856-1884, Knightley 1856-1881, Punshon 1856-1874, Tuckett

1856-1870, Williams 1856-1912, Wrench 1857-1883, Bain 1857-1905, Champness 1857-1915, Chancellor 1857-1891, McMullen 1857-1869, Moore 1857-1871, Ossington 1857-1880, Ramsay 1858-1912, Ruddy 1859-1872, Amberley 1859-1869, Frith 1859-1887, Thring 1860-1910, Batty, (Mrs. B.) 1860-1872, Cameron 1860-1880, Peacock 1860-1923, Sadler 1860-1888, Symonds 1861-1872, Batty 1861-1871, Vincent 1862-1914, Butler 1862-1887, CampbellBannerman, (Lady) 1862-1875, Hopkins 1862-18 76, Rees 1862-1900, Sim 1862-1890, Slingsby 1863-1873, Cory 1863-1885, Hannington 1863-1919, Newton 1863-1899, Stanley 1864-1920, Apperley 1864-1894, Barrow 1864-1920, Gladstone, (Mrs.Drew)

1866-1923, Daniel 1866-1916, Davies 1866-1939, Henson 1866-1880, Iddesleigh 1868-1878, Dawson 1868-1900, Dickson 1869-1895, Chichester 1869-1885, Schreiber 1870-1890, Beers 1870-1914, Blunt 1870-1906, Liddell 1870-1907, Ribblesdale 1871-1894, Fitzpatrick 1871-1893, Head 1871-1900, Lucas 1872-1885, Brown 1872-1918, Esher 1873-1903, Bosanquet 1873-1893, Davidson 1873-1895, Monkswell 1875-1919, Courtney 1876-1900, Goodsall 1876-1945, Thompson 1877-1921, Cook 1877-1887, Jefferies 1877-1890, Schlüter 1878-1903, Anon. 1878-1896, Benson 1878-1907, Collins 1878-1900, Evans 1878-1894, Hughes 1878-1911, James 1878-1906, TeignmouthShore 1879-1922, CobdenSanderson

Diaries of More than Ten Years 1879-1891, Drummond 1879-1900, Yerburgh 1880-1896, Holden 1880-1918, Meath 1881-1901, Gower 1881-1932, Plunkett 1882-1894, Bain 1883-1900, Collier 1883-1938, Cornish 1883-1928, Haig 1884-1924, Townshend 1884-1910, Walker 1886-1930, Bailey 1886-1948, Cockerell 1887-1914, Blumenfeld 1887-1902, Gissing 1887-1942, Morton 1888-1914, Field 1888-1913, King-Hall

1889-1914, Caddick 1890-1902, Sturt 1892-1903, McGregor 1892-1946, Ruddy 1893-1923, Hewlett 1893-1922, Wilson 1894-1934, Garraway 1894-1935, Shilston 1896-1928, Bennett 1897-1925, Benson 1898-1909, Brown 1898-1922, Fitzroy 1898-1928, Ricketts 1899-1924, Rawlinson 1899-1917, Ypres 1900-1913, Selous 1901-1940, Brammer 1902-1933, Benson


1903-1919, Cummings 1904-1915, Grenfell 1905-1948, Rich 1906-1923, Hewins 1906-1935, Williams 1908-1923, Riddell 1910-1932, Carr 1912-1922, Clarke 1914-1929, Dobbs 1916-1948, Burkinshaw 1916-1926, D'Abernon 1916-1944, Hall 1916-1930, Gregory 1916-1948, Sykes 1925-1944, Mattison 1930-1944, Collins 1932-1943, Agate 1937-1948, Crowley








22 23


. . . .


. . . .






. . . .




165 0



. . . .




165 1



. . . .







. . . .
















1 6 55






165 6






165 7






165 8








3 3







166 1





166 2





166 3





30 30


!539 r544 I549 I55°


I571 1577 1580


1584 1586


















i 5 9 i














167 0








J59 6





























1675 167 6

35 36




1677 167 8

36 37

1679 1680

38 39

1592 1593 J 595

*599 1602 1603 1604















xxxii TEA*

Contents PACE





168 1




























































169 1


































1697 1698

51 51

J 732

71 71

^ 1768










17 00






17 01


!73 6




17 02




J 773








i7°4 1705


*739 1740

75 75

*775 1776

109 112

17 06



x 74*


J 777












x 779









x 78I


171 0



171 1






171 2






171 3 171 4 171 5




x 749



82 83 83

1784 1785 1786

122 124 126








7 87


1 8 22




7 88


1 8 23


8 58


7 89








7 92



7 93


7 94


7 95


1 8 24


8 59


1 8 25


8 60


1 8 26


8 61


1 8 27




1 8 28


8 63


1 8 29




1 8 30


8 65

276 276

7 96




8 66

7 97



1 8 32


8 67


7 98


1 8 33


8 68


7 99


1 8 34


8 69



8 70

279 280

8 00


1 8 35



1 8 36


8 71

8 02


1 8 37


8 72


8 03


1 8 38


8 73


8 04


1 8 39


8 74


8 05


1 8 40


8 75


8 06




8 76


8 07




8 08


1 8 43


8 09


1 8 44




1 8 45


81 1


1 8 46


8 "


1 8 47




1 8 48








1 8 50




185 1


8 77


8 78


8 79


8 80




8 82


8 83


8 84


8 85


8 86


8 87




^ 5 2




1 8 53


8 88




1 8 54


8 89



8 90





8 20 821

197 200

1 8 55 1 8 56

xxxiv YEAR

Contents PACE





1893 1894 1896

293 294 294

I9O9 I9IO I9I2

299 299 3OO

I928 I929 I93O

3O9 3O9 3O9

1897 1898 1899 1900 190 1

295 295 296 296 296

! 9!3

1914 I9I5 19x6 1917

300 300 3°4 305 306

1931 1932 1933 1935 1936

309 309 310 310 310

1902 1903 i9°4 1905 1906 1907 190 8

297 297 297 297 298 298 299

1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1925

307 307 308 308 308 308 309

1937 1938 1939 1940 1942 Index

311 311 311 312 312 313

BRITISH DIARIES 1442 ANON, (one of the suite of Thomas Beckington, I390?-i4(>5, later bishop of Bath). Public diary, June, 1442-January, 1442/3; daily notes of embassy to France to arrange marriage of Henry VI and daughter of Count of Armagnac; somewhat personal, with notes of daily engagements and dinners. Journal of One of the Suite of Thomas Bektngton, ed. N. H. Nicolas (London, 1828). 1489 MACHADO, Roger (d. 1 5 1 1 ? ) , Clarenceux king-of-arms. Diplomatic diaries, 1489; embassy of French and English to Spain; 1490, to Brittany; formal notes of business. Return Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores (London, 1858), Vol. X. I504 LAMBARDE, William (1536-1601) of Greenwich, antiquary. Family diary, 1504-1588; genealogical data relating to parents, himself, relations and friends, and appointments, etc.; continued by his descendants to 1868. Genealogical Memoranda Relating to the Lambarde Family (pr. ptd., 1869). 1506 GUYLFORDE, Sir Richarde (1455P-1507), master of ordnance. Travel diary, April, 1506-February, 1507; daily notes on travel to and in the Holy Land; adventures; notes on shrines; full details. The Pylgrymage of Sir Richarde Guylforde (Camden Soc. Pubs., 1 8 5 1 ) : first published by Pynson, 1 5 1 1 . 1516 TORKINGTON, Sir Richard (/?. 1 5 1 7 ) , pilgrim. Travel diary, March, 1516-April, 1517; adventures from Rye in Sussex on trip to Jerusalem and back by way of Rome to Canterbury; brief entries; scattered. Ye Oldest Diarie of Englysshe Travell, ed. W. J. Loftie (London, 1884). BIRREL, Robert, of Edinburgh. 1532 Public diary, 1532-1605; a burgess's account of memorable incidents in Scotland; murder of Darnley; church and state events; royalty, burnings, hangings; social conditions, national and local. The Diarey of Robert Birrel (Edinburgh, 1798); Extracts from the Diarey of ... (Edinburgh, 1820); excerpts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1928), pp. 55-66. CO


British Diaries


X Peder. 535 Travel diary, 1535; travel notes of a visit to Scodand: written in Latin. C. F. Wegener (ed.), Archives of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, 1861-1865), Vol. Ill, p. 232.


X PAWIY, Robert. 539 Diary, 1539-1613; written in Welsh. Archaeologia Cambrensis, 6th ser., X V (1915), pp. 109-139.

ANON, (steward). 1544 Military diary, July-August, 1544; military details of the expedition against Calais; very interesting spellings. English Hist. Rev., X V I (1901), pp. 503-507. YOUNG, Sir Peter (1544-1628). Family diary, October, 1544-December, 1608; notes on himself, his family, and life in general; in Latin. Thomas Smith, Vitae Eruditissimorum etlllustrium Virorum (London, 1708). 1549 EDWARD VI, King of England (1537-1553). Public diary, 1549-1552; brief notes of his official duties and travels; diplomacy, trials, executions; pastimes. Literary Remains of Edward Sixth, King of England, ed. J. G. Nichols (London, printed for Roxburghe Club, 1857); reprinted for Clarendon Historical Reprints (London, 1884). 1550 MACHIN, Henry (1498?—1563?) of London, upholder. Public diary, 1550-1563; mosdy an elaborate account of public funerals, processions, and revels in London; trials and executions; religious troubles; social life and games of London; only occasionally personal, but then delightfully; language and spelling fascinating, revealing a sixteenth-century Sam Weller; an interesting and valuable record of contemporary life. The Diary of Henry Machin, ed. J. G. Nichols (Camden Soc. Pubs., XLII, 1848). 1564 FORMAN, Simon (1552-1611), astrologer. Astrologer's diary, January, 1564-January, 1602; schoolmastering, medical and astrological work; his clients, patrons, and the court; his health, legal troubles, imprisonments; interesting for contemporary ideas and manners. The Autobiography and Personal Diary of Dr. Simon Forman, ed. J. O. Halliwell (London, 1849).


British Diaries


Sir Peter, of Dublin. Religious diary, October, 1564-October, 1565; kept while proctor of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin; brief entries; ecclesiastical affairs and church services. MS Trinity College, Dublin; extracts in Proc. Royal Soc. Antiquaries Ireland, 5th ser., VI (1896), pp. 136-141. LEWYS,

1570 Richard (d. 1605), secretary to John Knox. Public diary, 1570-1573; contemporary Scottish historical record in diary form; events and policies concerning church and state; strife between supporters of Mary and those of James VI; opposed to Mary and Catholics; glimpses of Knox; valuable historical record. Journal of the Transactions in Scotland, ed. J. G. Dal yell (Edinburgh, 1806). MS National Library of Scodand 34.2.9 BANNATYNE,

Lady Grace ( 1 5 5 2 ? - ! 620) of Apethorpe, Northants. Private diary and autobiography, 1570-1617; her upbringing, family life, fifty years of married life; domestic routine, medical recipes, education of children, religious observances, catering; an interesting record of life in an Elizabethan household. Quarterly Review, CCXV (1911), pp. 119-138 (account and extracts). MILDMAY,

Sir Francis (i53o?-i59o), statesman. Public diary, December, 1570-April, 1583; notes on personal affairs and public events; travels, attendance at court; his official work for Queen Elizabeth; letters sent. Camden Miscellany, VI (1871). B. M. Harl. 6035 is a similar document for April, 1583-December, 1584, partly in Walsingham's and partly in a secretary's hand. 1571 LESLIE, The Rt. Rev. John (1527-1596), bishop of Ross. Public diary, April-October, 1571; details of his embassy to England on behalf of Queen Mary. Edited by David Laing in Bannatyne Club Miscellany (Edinburgh, 18291855), Vol. Ill, pp. 111-157. WALSINGHAM,

The Rev. James (1556-1614), principal of Glasgow University. Public diary, 1571-1610; a detailed record of the struggle to establish Presbytcrianism in Scodand; church business; university, public, and historical affairs and events; lively descriptions and dialogues; mosdy impersonal, but an excellent diary. The Diary of Rev. James Melville, ed. G. R. Kinloch (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1829); The Autobiography and Diary of..., ed. R. Pitcairn (Wodrow Club, Edinburgh, 1842); extracts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1928), pp. 80-118. MELVILLE,


British Diaries


15 77 DEE, Dr. John (1527-1608), astrologer. Astrologer's diary, January, 1577-April, 1601; his business and financial affairs; some notes on astrology; meetings with Queen Elizabeth, Raleigh, etc., on business; his health and domestic affairs and troubles; servant problems; entertaining and useful. The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee, ed. J. O. Halliwell (Camden Soc. XIX, 1842). MS Bodleian Library Ashmolean coll. 487-488 ANON.


Prison diary, June, 1580-June, 1585: kept by a Catholic prisoner in the Tower of London; mainly notes about new prisoners, hardships, and tortures. John Bayley, The History and Antiquities of the Tower of London (London, 1821), Vol. II, app. lxxii—lxxxii.

1584 Lupoid, of Pomerania. Travel diary, 1584-1585; travel notes kept during the journey of a Pomeranian noble through England and Scotland. Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., n.s., IX (1895), pp. 223-270.


Dr., royal physician. Medical diary, August, 1586-February, 1587; a "translation" and "interpretation" of a diary of the last six months of the life of Mary Stuart; in defense of Mary; detailed, factual, and rapid; difficult to tell how much is original and how much Mr. Cowan's. Samuel Cowan, The Last Days of Mary Stuart (London, 1907), pp. 159-280. BOURGOYNE,

Philip, of Barnstaple, town clerk. Public diary, 1586-1608; notes on chief public affairs; work as town clerk; deaths, prices, weather; social life in Devonshire; impersonal, but of local and antiquarian interest. Discussed in Arthur Ponsonby, More English Diaries (London, 1927), pp. 3739. Excerpts in J. R. Chanter, Sketches of the Literary History of Barnstaple (Barnstaple, 1866). MS owned by Alfred James. 1586/7 WYOT,

The Rev. Richard ( I 5 5 O ? - I 6 I 8 ) of Wethersfield. Religious diary, February, 1586/7; home life, farming, household; religious work, teaching, and reflections; mostly the introspection, troubles, and religious discussion of a Puritan divine. ROGERS,


British Diaries


M. M. Knappen (ed.), Two Elizabethan Puritan Diaries (Chicago, 1933), pp. 53-102. MS and typed and edited copy of the same at the Dr. Williams's Library, London, W.C.i. ANON.

1 5 8 8

Military journal, September-October, 1588 (O.S.); military details of the defense of Bergen-op-Zoom. H.M.C. Report, Earl of Ancaster's MSS (London, 1907), pp. 201-214. I (soldier). 5 9 I War diary, September-October, 1591; military details of the siege of Rouen. English Hist. Rev., X V I I (1902).


Sir Thomas (d. 1625), soldier. War diary, August-December, 1591; extended account of military operations in siege of Rouen; some details of everyday life of soldiers. Camden Miscellany, I, No. 4 {Camden Soc. Pubs., X X X I X , 1847). CONINGSBY,

1592 Philip (d. 1616), theater owner. Theater diary, 1592-1603; not really a diary but a daybook of receipts and expenses connected with play productions; London theaters; playhouse affairs. The Diary of Philip Henslowe, ed. J. P. Collier (Shakespeare Soc., 1845) is a corrupt text; Henslowe's Diary, ed. W. W. Greg (London, 1904; 1908). MS Dulwich College. HENSLOWE,

The Rt. Rev. William (1573-1645), archbishop of Canterbury. Ecclesiastical diary, June, 1592-May, 1643; loose diary entries, with previous yearly autobiographical notes; the principal events in his career; religious, state, court, and political affairs; his health; chiefly of historical value. The History of the Troubles and Trials of Rt. Rev. William Laud (London, 1695): Worlds (Oxford, 1847-1860), Vol. III. LAUD,

John (1563-1593). Private diary, December, 1592-March, 1593; partly in Welsh; personal affairs; fragmentary notes. The Notebook of John Penry {Camden Soc., 3d ser., L X V I I , 1944), pp. 38-40. PENRY,

1593 Robert, of Dene Prior, Moreshead, Devon. Yeoman's diary, 1593 (extracts in commentary); family history; moral advice to his descendants; on choosing a wife; education, pedigree; much vivid family detail. Devonshire Transactions, X X V I (1894), pp. 168-183. FURSE,

British Diaries [ 1595-97 WILB&AHAM, Sir Roger (1553-1616), lawyer. Legal diary, 1593-1616; notes on his legal and political work, especially during 6

his career as solicitor-general in Ireland; a few anecdotes and aphorisms. Camden Miscellany, X (Camden Soc. Pubs., 1902).


Sir John ( 1585-1655) of Nunwell, I.W. Country diary, 1595-1648; notes on country life in Isle of Wight; current events, places, people, and himself; his work as deputy-lieutenant, I.W. The Oglander Memoirs, ed. W. H. Long (London, 1888); A Royalist's Notebook, ed. F. Bamford (London, 1936). OGLANDER,

Dr. Samuel (d. 1643), master of Sidney Sussex, Cambridge. Religious diary, May, 1595-November, 1599, with some entries in 1601, 1621, 1625,1629; largely devotional; confessions of negligence and backsliding; college affairs and his work. Published in Two 'Elizabethan Puritan Diaries, ed. M. M. Knappen (Chicago, 1933). PP-103-135. MS Sidney Sussex College 95 fols.


WINTHROP, Adam (d. 1623) of Groton Manor, Suffolk, dothmaker. Private diary 1595-1610, with family notes from 1592; a general diary of estate and legal business; notes on family and domestic affairs, servants, births, deaths, accidents, weather; some notes on books, manners, London, Cambridge University; by the father of the first governor of Massachusetts. Extracts in Robert C. Winthrop, Life and Letters of John Winthrop (Boston, 1864), Vol. I, pp. 405-439; published in The Winthrop Papers (Mass. Hist. Soc., Boston, 1925).


Add. MSS 37419

1596 HONNYWELL, William (d. 1614) of Ashton, Devonshire, yeoman. Farming diary, January, 1596-August, 1602 (extracts); brief jottings, mainly of farming, sales, clothing, etc. The Antiquary, XXVI (1892), pp. 254-259.


Isaac ( 1559-1614), canon of Canterbury. Study diary, 1597-1614; Ephemerides Isaaci Casauboni, ed. John Russell (Oxford, 1850), 2 vols. MS Dean and Chapter Library, Canterbury D.i CASAUBON,

DE MAISSE, André Hurault, Sieur, French ambassador. Diplomatic diary, November, 1597-January, 1598; French ambassador at Court of Elizabeth; excellent picture of court and queen. The Journal of De Maisse, trans. G. B. Harrison (London, 1931).

1 5 9 8 - 1 6 0 4 ]

British Diaries


Thomas, organ builder. 1 5 yo Travel diary, February, 1598-April, 1599 (account and extracts); journey to Sultan of Turkey at command of Queen Elizabeth to convey a new organ as present from her; notes on journey and descriptions of public life, Levant, Turkey. The Antiquary, XVIII (1888), pp. 5-10, 55-59. DALLAM,

1599 Lady Margaret (1570-1633) of Hackness, Yorks. Domestic diary, August, 1599-July, 1605; excellent details of daily life and domestic work about a manor house; her duties and religious life; visits to London; sermons; recipes; a clear and valuable record of everyday life. Diary of Lady Margaret Hoby, ed. Dorothy M. Meads (London, 1930); extracts in Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., II (1908), pp. 153-174. HOBY,

Frederic, secretary. 1602 Travel diary, September-October, 1602; kept while traveling as secretary with the young Duke of Stettin-Pomerania during tour of England; full and interesting notes on people and places, e.g., London, Oxford, etc.; German text and English translation. Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., n.s. VI (1892), pp. 1-68. GERSHOW,

John (d. 1622) of Bradbourne, Kent, and the Inner Temple, barrister. Social diary, 1602-1603; anecdotes, gossip, sermon reports, journeys, fashions, and customs; a Shakespeare anecdote; death of Elizabeth; scrappy and mosdy a commonplace book, but a useful record of contemporary events and interests, especially public and religious. Diary of John Manningham, ed. J. Bruce (Camden Soc. Pubs., XCIX, 1868). MANNINGHAM,

1 6 0 3

Walter (1581-1656) of Llantilio, Monmouth, gendeman. Private diary, February, 1603-Iuly, 1654, with earlier family data; local births, deaths, marriages; farming work; travel and estate work as steward to Earl of Worcester; the Civil War; family and local affairs; sickness, mishaps, visits, etc.; brief but interesting notes. The Diary of Walter Powell, ed. Joseph A. Bradney (Bristol, 1907). MS Hereford Public Library. POWELL,

1 6 0 4

Edward Montague, 1st Baron (1562-1644), royalist. Parliamentary diaries, March-July, 1604; November-December, 1621; February-May, 1624; August, 1625; February-June, 1626; January-March, 1628/1629; MONTAGUE,

British Diaries


[ 1 6 0 7 - 1 0

November, 1640; February, 1640/1641; proceedings and debates in House of Commons and later in House of Lords. HM.C., Buccleuch MSS, III (1926), pp. 78-413, passim. Sir Thomas (d. 1607), courtier. Private diary, January, 1604-September, 1607; notes of his estate business and private affairs; domestic life, health, and medicine; public events and visits to court; a pageant at Hampton Palace; rather scrappy. MS Bodleian Library Ashmolean coll. 64 WINDEBANK,

Walter (1581-1649), M . P . for Honiton. Public diary, 1604-May, 1628; written at Colyton and Axminster, Devonshire; largely a register of public affairs; military troubles at home and abroad; weather and farming. Diary of Walter Yonge, ed. G. Roberts (Camden Soc. Pubs. X L I , 1848). YONGE,

1607 Thomas (d. 1 6 1 1 ) of Canterbury, auditor of the cathedral. Business diary, March, 1607-December, 1610; mainly expenses. The Diary of Thomas Coc\s, ed. J. M. Cowper (Canterbury, 1901). MS Canterbury Cathedral Library.


Robert. Travel diary, March, 1607-April, 1 6 1 1 ; an irregular but formal diary of a journey through Portugal, India, Persia, Turkey, etc., with notes on his official business, and on local peoples, customs, flora, fauna. A True and Almost Incredible Report (London, 1612; 1614; 1631); reprinted in Harleian Voyages, II. COVERTE,

James Stanley, 7th Earl of (1607-1651). Private diary and autobiographical notes, 1607-1651; mainly notes on genealogy and his own political career; little value. Transcript made by Canon F. R. Raines. MS Chetham's Library, Manchester No. 27988 (R. V. Osbourn) DERBY,


William. Social diary, 1608-1633; memoranda of miscellaneous events connected with other people; social affairs. H.M.C., 10th Report, App. VI. AYSHCOMBE,

l6lO Hans Jacob Wurmsser. Travel diary, March-May, 1610; in East Anglia; scenery and customs; trans, from French. William B. Rye, England as Seen by Foreigners (London, 1865), pp. 57-66. V O N VENDF.NHEYM,


British Diaries



Cork, Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of (1566-1643), Irish statesman. Public diary, January, 1611-August, 1643; hardly a break until shortly before his death; private affairs, business, law, church; public affairs in Ireland; estate work at Youghal; social and country life and work; aristocratic life; industrialism; visits to England; invaluable for social and political life in Ireland. Alexander B. Grosart (ed.), The Lismore Papers, 1st ser., 5 vols. (London, 1886). 1614

Greene, Thomas (d. 1640), town clerk of Stratford-upon-Avon. Public diary, 1614-1617; relating to events of local nature, particularly to the Welcombe enclosure; fragmentary. Published in C. M. Ingleby, Shakespeare and the Enclosure of Common Fields at Welcombe (Birmingham, 1885). MS Birmingham Corp. Misc. Doc. xiii, 26a, 27-29

l6l6 Pembroke, Lady Anne Clifford, Countess of (1590-1676).

Domestic diary, 1616-1619, with reminiscences from 1603; her married life and troubles; domestic and private life, clothes, amusements, piety; the management of her estates; a valuable and attractive record. The Diary of Lady Anne Clifford, ed. Victoria Sackville-West (London, 1923) ; also in Memoirs Illustrative of... the County and City of Yor\ (London, 18471848). Young, The Rev. John (1585-1654), dean of Winchester. Ecclesiastical diary, December, 1616-June, 1645; largely church business and administration in and about Winchester. The Diary of John Young, ed. F. L. Goodman (London, 1928). 1617

Assheton, Nicholas (1590-1625) of Downham, Lanes.

Country social diary, May, 1617-March, 1618; country life, sport, pleasures, and Puritan religious life in Lancashire; a lively record The Journal of Nicholas Assheton, ed. F. R. Raines (Chetham Soc. Pubs. XIV, 1848).

Gostlin, Dr. John (i566?-i626), master of Jesus College, Cambridge.

Business diary, October, 1617-August, 1625 (extracts); mainly payments, receipts, and loans. MS Cambridge Univ. Mm. 1.39 Fols. 172-173 (Copy from MS then belonging to Peter Le Neve, Norroy king-of-arms)

British Diaries



1 6 1 8

William (1599-1635?) of Dorchester. Public diary, November, 1618-March, 1634; largely news of local affairs in Dorset; public events, politics, London news, remarkable occurrences; impersonal, but includes some of his own verses. The Antiquary, XXXIX (1903), pp. 69-72; Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field ClubProc.,XIII. MS B.M. Egerton coll. 784 (Yale Univ. microfilm 270)


1619 ANON.

Diarium practicum, 1619-1622; records of medical history. MSB.M. Sloane coll. 1 1 1 2 : 1 (Yale Univ. microfilm 485)

1621 Sir Henry (1595-1673), courtier. Theater diary, 1621-1641; notes on plays; extracts from Sir George Buck's licensing books. MS said to be in library of Earl of Powis; see Notes and Queries, 6th ser., I (1880), p. 73. HERBERT,

1 6 2 2

of Stockleigh Pomeroy, Devon. Diary and household accounts, 1622-1646; domestic affairs in Devonshire. MS owned by Major Edward Chanter of Barnstaple, Devon.


1624 John (1593-1648) of Corse. Public diary, February, 1624-July, 1647; religious meditation; scriptural exposition; some notes on contemporary Scottish history; dull. Account of this diary in Quarterly Review (January, 1929), pp. 78-97. Photostats of the transcript made by John Milne available in John Rylands Library, Manchester, English MSS 1092. The transcript itself is in the library of the Hartley-Victoria Theological College, Manchester. Other copies to be found in library of Aberdeen University. FORBES,

1625 John, secretary to admiral. Naval diary, September-December, 1625; expedition to Cadiz; navai encounters, councils, orders; formal. The Voyage to Cadiz (Camden Soc., 1883).



British Diaries


Sir Richard (1600-1658), naval commander. 1. Military diary, October-November, 1625; retrospective details of unsuccessful expedition to Cadiz and vindication of it. 2. Military diary, July-October, 1627; retrospective and impersonal details of Grenville's expedition to the Isle of Rhee. Two Original journals (London, 1724). GRENVILLE,

Rous, The Rev. John (1584-1644) of Santon Downham, Suffolk. Public diary, 1625-1642 (intermittent); mostly military and foreign news; petitions and proclamations; satirical verses; scrappy. Diary of John Rous, ed. M. A. E. Green (Camden Soc. Pubs. L X V I , 1856). Mrs. Alice. Diary, 1625 &. MS The Rev. M. E. P. Comber, Wrenbury, Ches. 269) THORNTON,

(Yale Univ. microfilm

Edward Cecil, Viscount (1572-1638), admiral. Sea diary, October, 1625-February, 1626; description of naval action off the coast of Spain. Journal (London, 1626). WIMBLEDON,

1626 Thomas (1602-1663) of Queen's College, Oxford. University diary, January, 1626-February, 1654 (with gap 1640-1653); kept while fellow of Queen's; social life, university work, and curriculum; plays and public affairs; second part kept while rector of Spennithorne, Yorks, and describes clerical work, social, and religious life; an interesting and useful record. The Diary of Thomas Crosfield, ed. F. S. Boas (Oxford, 1935). CROSFIELD,

DE BASSOMPIÈRE, François (1579-1646), French ambassador.

Diplomatic diary, September-December, 1626 (extract translated from full French memoirs) ; his embassy to the English court; official social life and business. Memoirs of the Embassy of François de Bassompière, trans. G. W. Croker (London, 1819). Sir John (1582-1651). Travel diary, 1626 (quotations) ; a few pages of travel notes and advice; slight. Sir Thomas Isham's Diary, ed. Walter Rye (Norwich, 1875), contains these.





Military journal, June-July, 1627; eye-witness account of English assault and military operations in Isle of Rhee; impersonal. A Journal! of All the Proceedings of the Du\e of Buckingham in the Isle of Rhee (London, 1627).


British Diaries

[ 1 6 2 8 - 3 0

Bois, John (1561-1644), Bible translator. Literary diary, July, 1627-August, 1639; in Latin; notes of his Greek reading; mostly extracts and queries; with occasional verses and translations of his own. MS Cambridge Univ. Add. MSS 3856 173 fols. Sir Kenelm (1603-1665), sailor-diplomat. Naval diary, December, 1627-January, 1629; naval activities and notes on ports during voyage into Mediterranean. Journal of a Voyage (Camden Soc., 1st ser., XCVI, 1868). DIGBY,

1 6 2 8

The Rev. Edward (d. 1665) of Acton, Ches. 1. Public diary, 1628-1633; catalogue of violence—murder, adultery, epidemics, crimes, witchcraft; fuller account of incidents in Civil War. T . V. Barlow, Cheshire: Its Historical and Literary Associations (London, 1855). 2. Public diary, March, 1643-May, 1645 (extracts); Civil War at Drayton. J. R. Lee, A History of Market Drayton (London, 1861), pp. 128-133. BUKCHALL,

Capt. Dawtrey, of H.M.S. Pelican. Sea diary, September-November, 1628; kept during an expedition under the Earl of Lindsey to relieve La Rochelle; sea life and engagements. S. Ingram Bruce (ed.), Three Sea Journals of Stuart Times (London, 1936). COOPER,

Dr. John. Diary notebook, 1628-1637; n o t e s on Catholic affairs and church matters generally; politics, and personalities. Catholic Record Soc. Miscellanea, I (1905), pp. 97-116. S O U T H COTE,

Robert? ] Travel diary, June, 1628-December, 1629; travel notes kept during voyage of Sir Dodmore Cotton and Sir Robert Sherley to Persia as ambassadors of Charles I. MS Bodleian Library Carte coll. 271 51pp. [ STODART,




Travel diary, 1629; journey into Scodand from Lowther; Carlisle, Edinburgh; scenery, towns, trade, customs. Our Journal into Scotland, ed. C. D. (Edinburgh, 1894). 1 6 3 0

Robert, of Dronwy, Anglesey, gendeman-farmer. Country diary, November, 1630-May, 1636; very detailed short notes; farming work and affairs, weather, expenses, family, health, religion, taverns, games, and BULKELEY,

1 6 3 1 - 3 2 ]

British Diaries

1 3

sports; work as justice of the peace, mediation, prices; interesting record of a jolly country gentleman. Of great value for social and economic history. Anglesey Antiquarian Society's Transactions (1937), pp. 26-168. MS National Library of Wales 3150 B James, of Bolton. Public diary, ca. 1630; personal, London city life and contemporary politics; stated to be very interesting for life in the metropolis. See The Antiquary, X I X (1889). MS owned in 1889 by Alfred Wallis of Exeter. W A L L I N C T O N , Nehemiah (1598-1658) of Eastcheap, London, turner and Puritan. LEVER,

Religious diary, December, 1630-1658; domestic and public events in London; his examination by the Star Chamber for possessing forbidden books; God's mercies; church affairs, politics, historical events. Cf. his Historical Notices of the Reign of Charles I, ed. R. Webb, 2 vols. (London, 1869). MS Guildhall Library, London No. 204 517 pp. (Information from Raymond Smith, librarian) Sir John. * Sea diaries, 1631 and 1633-1636 (excerpts); on various ships he commanded in Royal Navy; log entries and notes on sea life. H.M.C., 10th Report, Lard Muncaster's MSS, App. pt. iv (1885), pp. 275-295. PENNINGTON,

1632 The Rev. Thomas, of Warwick, headmaster. Teacher's diary, April, 1632-February, 1643; religious work, preaching, teaching, reading; headmaster of Warwick grammar school; brief sermon texts and notes; local births and deaths; written in Latin. MSB.M. Add. MSS 23146 DUGARD,

Capt. Henry (1585?—1650?), quartermaster. War diary, May-September, 1632; impersonal military details of siege of Maastricht and taking of Venlo, under Prince of Orange. Journal of the Taking of Venlo (Delft, 1633); copy in Bodleian.


Sir Archibald Johnston, Lord ( I 6 I O ? - I 6 6 3 ) , Scottish statesman. Public diaries, 1632-1660 (with gaps); largely account of religious and public affairs in Scodand, with very full notes and copies of documents; impersonal account of Charles I and the Covenanters at Berwick; also his private diaries, concerned with his religious observances and introspection and prayers; his domestic life, his wife, his dreams; a good and important diary. Diary of Sir Archibald Johnston, 4 vols. (Scottish Hist. Soc., Edinburgh, 1896, 1911,1919,1940). WARISTON,


British Diaries J


6 3 3

Elias (1617-1692), astrologer. Private diary, July, 1633-October, 1688; the climb of a Lichfield saddler's son into high society; his career; astrology, alchemy, heraldry, medicine, antiquarianism; the doings of the great, and public affairs; a valuable and interesting record. The Diary and Will of Elias Ashmole, ed. J. T. Gunter (Oxford, 1927). Cf. MSS Bodleian Library, Ashmolean coll. 784, 826, 1136 (with notes in shorthand and a diary of a journey to the Fens, 1657). ASHMOLE,

Sir Thomas (d. 1646) of Craighall, Scotland, lord advocate. Public diary, 1633-1646; notes of chief public events in Scodand; his social and professional life in Edinburgh; domestic affairs, dreams, portents; the Covenanters; valuable. A Diary of the Public Correspondence of Sir Thomas Hope (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1843); account and extracts in Scottish Hist. Rev., Ill (1905-1906), pp. 423-436. HOPE,

Sir Humphrey (1592-1666) of Danbury, Essex, high sheriff. Country diary, July, 1633-May, 1651; extensive diary of country and social life at Danbury and in London; lawsuits, drinking bouts, amusements, religion, domestic life; the Civil War; a very interesting record. Quoted in St. John Mildmay, Memoir of the Mildmay Family (London, 1913). MS B.M. Harleian coll. 454 Fols. 1-107 (Yale Univ. microfilms 234- 2 44) MILDMAY,

1 6 3 4

Sir William (1604-1661) of Handforth, Ches. 1. Travel diary, 1634-1635; made up from notes; a Puritan's travels in Holland, United Provinces, British Isles; full descriptions of topography and social life. Travels in Holland (Chetham Soc. Pubs. I, 1844). 2. Travel diary, June-August, 1635; through north of England, Scotland, and Ireland, southwest England; full travel notes, topographical and social; some gossip. North Country Diaries (Surtees Soc., CXXIV, 1914), pp. 1-50; reprinted verbatim from MS. Also in Richardson's Imprints and Reprints and Hume Brown's Early Travelers in Scotland. BRERETON,

David, 2d Earl of (1610-1679). Public diary, 1634-1672; his business and estate affairs; coal mining; personal, domestic, historical events; particularly interesting for its details of Scottish industrial life. J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1928), pp. 119-132.



British Diaries


1635 John (1616-1659), recorder of London. Legal diary, January, 1635-1659 (with gaps); student and social life at Lincoln's Inn; law trials and law practice; public events; personal and social life; theaters. English Hist. Rev., XLIII (1928) and XLIV (1929).


Dr. John (1618-1671) of Jesus College, Cambridge. University diary, 1635-1638; clerical life and work; college affairs in Cambridge; an interesting and useful record. The Diary and Correspondence of Dr. John Worthington (Chetham Soc., XIII, 1847; XXVI, 1855; CXIV, 1886). WORTHINGTON,

John, mariner. 1636 Sea diary, January-October, 1636; impersonal account of activities of English fleet sent against Turkish pirates of Sallee. A True journalI of the Sallee Fleet (London, 1637).


Timothy, of Holmside. Farming diary, 1636-1680; brief notes of farming in north of England; crops, weather, etc. Archaeologia Aeliana, 3d ser., XXI (1924), pp. 197-211. WHITTINGHAM,

l637 Robert (1599-1662) of Glasgow. Public diary, 1637-1662; public affairs in Scotland; valuable for history of church and state, but impersonal; Presbyterian view of events and people. The Letters and Journals of Robert Baillie, ed. David Laing, 3 vols. (Edinburgh 1841-1842). A fourth volume was published by Bannatyne Club (No. 73,1867). BAILLIE,

Robert (1606-1654), steward of Northampton. Public diary, August, 1637-August, 1641; brief notes on public affairs, church and vestry matters; his work in Northampton; parliamentary and political news; legal affairs, and visits to Westminster; Puritan inclinations; condemnation of Oxford University morals; an interesting record. HM.C., gth Report, App. pt. ii, pp. 496-499. WOODFORDE,

The Rev. Ezekiel, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Travel diary, 1637; travel notes in England (Typed copy, made by Mr. Henry Collett, in MS B.M. Harleian coll. Emmanuel College) WRIGHT,

Joyce, of Hereford. 1638 Domestic diary, April, 1638-April, 1648; rents, disbursements, purchases, wages; family notes; Coningsbys. MS B.M. Egerton coll. 3054 (Yale Univ. microfilm 227) JEFFRIES,


British Diaries

[ 1 6 3 9 - 4 0

Sir Henry (1601-1658) of Scriven, M.P. and soldier. Civil War diary, October, 1638-1648; military engagements and politics of Civil War; life of country gendeman; religious and domestic life and character sketches; detailed account of batdes; sketches of Charles I; often modeled on Montaigne; a valuable record. The Diary of Sir Henry Slingsby, ed. D. Parsons (London, 1836), pp. 1-193. SLINGSBY,

1 6 3 9

John (1602-1650?) of Aston, Ches. Civil War diary, April-June, 1639; journey to York as privy chamberman to Charles I during first Bishops War; military affairs at Berwick; eyewitness of royal and military activities; topography; full notes, but rather impersonal. North Country Diaries (Surtees Soc., CXVIII, 1910): Journal of John Aston (Alnwick, 1 9 1 1 ) . ASTON,

Capt. Nathaniel, sailor. Sea diary, February, 1639-May, 1640; notes on cruises and naval affairs; administration and social life; Spain. MS B.M. Sloane coll. 758 BOTELER,

John Manners, 8th Earl of (1604-1679), courtier. Civil War diary, 1639; kept while attending on Charles I, up to the capture of Berwick; a formal report on court and military affairs. H.M.C., 12th Report, App. iv.


1 6 4 0

The Rev. Thomas, of Plymouth]. Religious diary, January, 1640-August, 1643; brief notes, line a day, in Latin, with abbreviations; his studies; family and domestic affairs; parish life and work; journeys to London; interesting for life of Devonshire clergy. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D . I I O I 20 fols. [BEDFORD,

Thomas, of Campvere. Public diary, 1640-1654; notes on chief public affairs in Scodand; largely impersonal. The Journal of Thomas Cuningham, ed. E. J. Courthope (Scottish Hist. Soc., Edinburgh, 1928), 276 pp. CUNINGHAM,

John (1620-1706), country gendeman. Private diary, 1640-1706; intermittent and often written up as memoirs; the occupations and pleasures of an ingenious, cultivated gendeman and virtuoso; art, inventions, curiosities, gardening, public affairs, politics, court, science; domestic life and the London scene; friendships with scholars and writers; less intimate and racy than Pepys, but an excellent and most valuable record. EVELYN,


British Diaries


Memoires for My Grandson, ed. Geoffrey Keynes (London, 1932). First four eds. of diary have each a different text, each a selection over the whole period; a new edition is in preparation by E. S. de Beer, beginning as from 1939. Memoirs Illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn, Esq., FJi.S., 2 vols., ed. William Bray (1818). (First Text). Same tide, 1819, 2 vols. (Second Text). Memoirs of John Evelyn, 5 vols. (1827). Re-ed. H. B. Wheatley, 1879, 4 vols., and again 1906. (Third Text). Diary and Correspondence of John Evelyn, 4 vols., ed. John Forster, 1850-1852, (Fourth Text); re-ed. Austin Dobson, 1906,3 vols. Passages, October, 1699-1706, claiming to be complete text, in The Abinger Monthly Record (1889-1893). Christopher (1617-1693) of Eggleston, Durham, judge. Family diary, March 1640-1688; selection mostly of genealogical data and appointments; very brief and scattered notes, of family interest; the selection omits copious notes on weather, farming, wrecks, Dutch wars, religion, dreams, comets, etc. F. C. Beazley, The Diary and Pedigree of Christopher Sanderson (London, 1905). SANDERSON,

Henry, of Elmley Lovett, Worcs. Civil War diary, April, 1640-April, 1643; a royalist sympathizer's account of public affairs in London and Worcester; Civil War happenings; a useful record of events. Diary of Henry Townshend, ed. J. W. W. Bund, 2 vols. (London, 1920). TOWNSHEND,

1 6 4 1

Ulick de Burgh, 5th Marquis of (1604-1657), Irish statesman. Civil War diary, 1641-1643; notes on the rebellion and on military and political affairs in Ireland. MS Library Company of Philadelphia, Ridgway Branch. CLANRICARDE,

a t-Ath, Toirdhealbhach, of Bantry Friary, co. Tyrone, Franciscan priest. Public diary, 1641-1647; a contemporary account of the wars in Ulster and Leinster waged by Sir Ferdhlimidh O'Neill and Eoghan Ruadh O'Neill; military activities and news. Original MS Cork University Library; transcript in Royal Irish Academy, Dublin; published in Analecta Hibernica, No. 3; the transcript, with translation from MS 1071 in Trinity College, Dublin, has been published in Louth Archaeol. Jour., V to VII (1921-1928). See also Historical Notices of Old Belfast and Its Vicinity, ed. R. M. Young (Belfast, 1896). O'MEALLAIN,

18 ANON.

British Diaries



Military diary, May-June, 1642; good military details of siege of Limerick. Journal Royal Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th ser., XIV (1904), pp. 163-187. ANON.

Military diary, May-June, 1642; details of siege of Limerick by the Irish. MS Trinity College, Dublin (William Mackey) ANON.

Civil War diary, August, 1642-December, 1645; military details of siege of Chester; narrative and diary. Rupert H. Morris, The Siege of Chester (Chester, 1924), pp. 215-236. ANON.

Civil War diary, September, 1642-July, 1646; military marches in England while serving with Prince Rupert; valuable information; interesting spellings. English Hist. Rev., XIII (1898), pp. 729-741. ANON.

1. Military diaries, 1642 and 1651; sieges of Limerick by the Irish and by Ireton. 2. Military journal, 1648-1651; several marches of the English army in Ireland. MS Trinity College, Dublin Catalogue No. 866 (William Mackey) J.,C. War diary, May-June, 1642; the chief military news of the rebellion in Ireland; pamphlet by an eyewitness. A New Remonstrance of Ireland (London, 1642). John. Civil War diary, 1642-1649; details of the Civil War in west; personal, military, and national notes. MS B.M. Add. MSS 35297 (Yale Univ. microfilm 267) T U C K E R , Capt. William. Business diary, November, 1642-February, 1643; kept in Ireland while agent for English adventurers after Irish lands; political affairs. John T. Gilbert (ed.), History of Confederation and War in Ireland (Dublin, 1882), Vol. II, pp. 170-201. C H E V A L I E R , Jean, of St. Helier. Civil War diary-narrative, 1643-1650; naval events in Jersey; military and political events; translated from French. HM.C., 2d Report (1871), pp. 158-165. D A V E N P O R T , William (d. 1655) of Bramhall, Ches. Civil War diary, 1643-1645 (extracts); brief details of military operations about Stockport. J. P. Earwaker, East Cheshire (London, 1877), Vol. I, pp. 430-433. SYMS,


British Diaries


John, town clerk of Gloucester. Civil War diary, August-September, 1643; military details of the siege of Gloucester. A Brief and Exact Relation of the Siege of Gloucester (London, 1643); John Washbourne, Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis (Gloucester, 1823), Vol. I. D O W S I N G , William (1596?—1679?) of Stratford, iconoclast. Puritan diary, January, 1643-October, 1644; registering the destruction he did in churches as parliamentary visitor appointed to demolish superstitious pictures and ornaments in Suffolk churches. The Journal of William Dowsing (Woodridge, 1786); The Rich Man's Duty (Woodridge, 1840), ed. C. H. T. White (Ipswich, 1885). D U G D A L E , Sir William (1605-1685), antiquary. Antiquary's diary, January, 1643-February, 1686; brief notes on public affairs, his historical and antiquarian work, and business. The Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir William Dugdale, ed. William Hamper (London, 1827), pp. 45-147. Diary for 1656 in Athenaeum (November 3, 1888); Diary for 1657 (life in Lincolnshire Fens). MS B.M. Lansdowne coll. 722 F O S T E R , Sergeant Henry. Civil War diary, August-September, 1643; military details; marchings and battles in Gloucestershire. A True and Exact Relation (London, 1643); reprinted in John Washbourne, Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis (Gloucester, 1823), Vol. I. DORNEY,

1644 Sir Thomas, of Roehampton, Surrey. Prison diary, April, 1644-April, 1645; kept while under arrest. Surrey Archaeol. Colls., X X X V I I (1924), pp. 1-36. D O U G L A S , Robert. Civil War diary, January-November, 1644; while with Scottish army in north of England; bald details of army movements. James Maidment (ed.), Historical Fragments Relative to Scottish Affairs (Edinburgh, 1832), pp. 49-80. D R A K E , Edward, of Colyton, Devon. Civil War diary, April-June, 1644; full military details of the siege of Lyme Regis by Prince Maurice's royalist army; impersonal and historical. Arthur R. Bayley, The Great Civil War in Dorset (Taunton, 1910), pp. 1 4 1 188. D R A K E , Nathan, of Halifax, Yorks. Civil War diary, May, 1644-August, 1645; military details of first and second siege of Pontefract Castle during Civil War; lively and full details. Surtees Soc. Miscellany, I (i860), 124 pp. DAWES,


British Diaries


JOSSELIN, The Rev. Ralph ( 1 6 1 6 - 1 6 8 3 ) of Earl's Colne, Essex. Country diary, August, 1644-July, 1681 (with autobiography from 1 6 1 6 ) ; a detailed record of parish life and work; family, personal, official life; politics and military news; religious meditations; reading; farm work and payments. The Diary of the Rev. Ralph Josselin, ed. E . Hocklifle (Royal Hist. Soc., London, 1908). The M S (much fuller) is owned by Col. G . O. Carwardine Probert of Bures, Suffolk. Typescript in Essex Record Office, Chelmsford: M S T / B 9 , 615 fols. PENN, Sir William ( 1 6 2 1 - 1 6 7 0 ) , admiral. Sea diaries. i.October, 1644-July, 1655 (extracts); naval service and cruises during the interregnum; largely log notes. 2. November, 1650-April, 1652 (extracts); service in the Centurion and in the Fairfax in the Mediterranean. Grenville Penn, Memorials of Sir William Penn (London, 1833), 12 vols., passim; HM.C., 13th Report, App. pt. ii ( 1 8 9 3 ) , pp. 71-82. 3 . 1 6 5 0 - 1 6 5 2 ; voyage to the southward; first voyage in the Fairfax. 4 . 1 6 5 3 ; journal of the Vanguard under Sir J. Jordan in the Dutch War. 5. 1654-1655; voyage in the Swiftsure to the West Indies, with General Penn. M S S owned by Mrs. K . Wynne Lynwood, Church Crookham, Hants; deposited at the Estate Office, Tempsford, Biggleswade. SYMONDS, Richard (1609-1660?). Civil War diary, May, 1644-October, 1645; rather bald military notes during Civil War; marches of royal army; antiquarian notes on churches. Diary of the Marches kept by the Royal Army, ed. C. J. Long (Camden Soc., 1st ser., L X X I V , 1859). BARRON, Bonaventure. 1645 Military journal, January-March, 1645; military details of siege of Duncannon Fort, Ireland; kept in Latin. John T . Gilbert (ed.), History of Confederation and War in Ireland (Dublin, 1888), Vol. I V , pp. 189-202. PALMER, Thomas, of Rye, Sussex, bailiff. Business diary, 1645 (extracts); kept during his stay in Yarmouth on port business. Sussex Archaeol. Colls., X I X ( 1 8 6 7 ) , pp. 202-206. SHAFTESBURY, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of ( 1 6 2 1 - 1 6 8 3 ) , statesman. 1. Public diary, January, 1645-July, 1650; a bald record of facts; attendance at quarter sessions; a little about political affairs; his business, health, journeys; some notes on his wife and social affairs. W . D. Christie, Life of Anthony Ashley Cooper (London, 1 8 7 1 ) , Vol. I, App.


British Diaries


2. Diary, August, 1646-1650 (extracts); events and public affairs while sheriff of Wiltshire. Wiltshire Archaeol. Mag., XXVIII (1894), pp. 22-27. TWYSDEN, Isabella, of East Peckham, Kent. Private diary, January, 1645-December, 1651; family notes; details of military and public affairs during Civil War. Archaeologia Cantiana, LI (1939), pp. 113-136. 1 BURGRAVE, Robert. Travel diary, 1646,1653; travels in the service of the Levant Company. MS Bodleian Library Ed. as pamphlet by Albert Rode (Hamburg, 1904)

CULLUM, Sir Thomas (I587?-I664) of Hardwick, Suffolk. Public diary, 1646-1647; memoranda concerning his work as sheriff of London; in account book. MS Bury St. Edmunds Public Library Muniment Room E2/29/1.2 (Information supplied by Miss L. J. Redstone) EYRE, Adam ( i 6 i 4 ? - i 6 6 i ) of Haslehead, Yorks, yeoman. Country diary, January, 1646-January, 1649; very lively; personal and family details; life of a prosperous yeoman; country life around Peniston; excellent social details; fishing; amusements; religion. Yorkshire Diaries (Surtees Soc., L X V , 1875), pp. 1-118. HARINCTON, John, M.P. for Kelweston. Public diary, March, 1646-December, 1653 (gap 1647-1649); law and religion; Long Parliament and Cromwell's second parliament; notes of parliamentary debates and business; public news and war news; some private affairs. MS B.M. Add. MSS 10114 Fols. 1 1 - 3 5 LEICESTER, Robert Sidney, 2d Earl of (1595-1677), statesman. Public diary, December, 1646-May, 1661; notes of public affairs; Civil War; kept during his retirement at Penshurst. Sydney Papers, ed. R. W. Blencowe (London, 1825). ANON.

Military diary, July-August, 1647; movements of Colonel Moore's army from Dundalk to the relief of Trim; batde near Dublin. H.M.C., 10th Report, Capt. Stewart's MSS, App. pt. iv (1885), pp. 83-85. [CULME, Lieut. Col. Arthur? ] Military diary, 1647; military details of expedition into Ireland; in and around Dublin. A Diary of Passages (London, 1647).


British Diaries



Travel diary, 1647-1649; kept by servant or tutor of Lord Robert Willoughby during tour in France; report on employer's activities; French society. HM.C., Ancaster MSS (1907), pp. 418-424. ANON.

I 6



Travel diary, July, i648-October, 1649; travels in France, Italy, and Switzerland; tourist's notes. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.120 36 fols. ANON.

Military diary, September, 1648-December, 1651; marches of army through Donnybrook, Dublin, Arklow, Ferns, Wexford, Rosse, Kilmacthomas, Dungarvan, etc. MS Trinity College, Dublin (William Mackey) ANON.

Civil War diary, June-August, 1648; military details of siege of Colchester. HM.C., 14th Report, App. pt. ix (1895), pp. 281-290. A N O N , (of Colchester). Civil War diary, July-August, 1648; a royalist citizen's daily account of the siege of Colchester. George F. Townsend, The Siege of Colchester (London, n.d.), pp. 86-108. ANON.

Civil War diary, June-August, 1648; military details of siege of Colchester; notes on soldier's life. The Antiquary, I (1880), pp. 21-25,160-163. ANON.

Civil War diary, 1648; notes on marches of Parliamentary forces. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 3d ser., IX, 15. BIRCH, Capt. Samuel. Civil War diary, May, 1648-April, 1650; details of army marches in north of England. HM.C., Du\e of Portland's MSS, III (1894), pp. 173-180. CLOPTON, Mr. [of Little Wratting, Suffolk? ]. Private diary, May, 1648-March, 1650; chiefly domestic; weather; journeys in North Essex. MS Essex Record Office, Chelmsford Avery coll. 99 fols. Apparendy incomplete (according to information from F. G. Emmson, archivist) WARD, The Rev. John (1629-1681) of Stratford-upon-Avon. Private diary, 1648-1679; really a rather scrappy collection of anecdotes and memoranda; interesting mosdy for notes on Shakespeare and for its Shakespearean association. Diary of the Rev. John Ward, ed. C. Severn (London, 1839).


British Diaries


1649 ANON. Military diary, March, 1649-September, 1650; marches of army through Dublin, Naas, Kilkenny area, Trim, and surrounding country, with details of military affairs. M S Trinity College, Dublin (William Mackey) ANON. (English nobleman). Travel diary, May, 1649-October, 1652; travels in France, Switzerland, Germany, by young nobleman, for education in social graces and in Latin, German, and mathematics; foreign wonders and marvels. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.76 64 fols. ESTON, Mr. Travel diary, October, 1649-October, 1654; in Latin; kept at Messina and Paris; mosdy brief notes of letters he wrote; of little general interest. MS B.M. Sloane coll. 608 Fols. 230-244 HARCOURT, Anne, Lady (widow of Sir Simon Harcourt [I6O3?-I642]). Religious diary, June, 1649-April, 1661 (extracts); religious life and observances; God's providences; introspection. Edward H. Harcourt (ed.), The Harcourt Papers (Oxford, 1880), Vol. I, pp. 169-196. JAFFRAY, Alexander (1614-1673) of Aberdeen. Public diary, 1649-1650; the notes of the Aberdeen provost who was Scottish commissioner to Charles II; religious affairs; Quaker. The Diary of Alexander Jaffray (London, 1833; Aberdeen, 1856). LAMONT, John, of Newton, Fifeshire. Public diary, March, 1649-April, 1671; an impersonal daily chronicle of the most remarkable public events in Scodand, especially in Fifeshire; the Kirk, batde, murder, accident, politics, law. The Diary of Mr. John Lamont (Maidand Club, Edinburgh, 1830; originally published 1810). MAINWARING, Sir Thomas (1623-1689) of Baddeley(?) and Peover, Ches. Private diary, January, 1649-March, 1688; business affairs in Cheshire; visits, journeys, social life, family affairs; "nothing remarkable" is the most frequent entry. MS John Rylands Library, Manchester Mainwaring coll. No. 20 2 vols. ANON. Military diaries, ( 1 ) July-November, 1650; (2) May-November, 1651; proceedings of the forces in Ireland under Sir Hardress Waller and Lord-Deputy Ireton by officers of the Parliamentary army; siege of Limerick; impersonal. John T . Gilbert (ed.), A Contemporary History of Affairs in Ireland (Irish Archaeol. Soc., Dublin, 1880). See Vol. Ill, pt. ii, pp. 218-263.


British Diaries


The Rev. Philip (1631-1696) of Broad Oak, Flintshire. Religious diary, January, 1650-February, 1684; religious life, introspection, preaching, and scholarship of the eminent nonconformist; some details of public and social affairs. Diaries and Letters of Philip Henry, ed. M. H. Lee (London, 1882). HENRY,

Sussex, The Rector of. Diary, ca. 1650; notes kept by the rector of Horstead-Keynes. MS owned by the Rector, Horstead-Keynes, East Grinstead, Sussex.


James, of Holme Cultram. Farming diary, April, 1650-October, 1683; notes of personal affairs, social life, and farming business, weather, crops, etc. Trans. Cumberland & Westmoreland Antiq. & Archaeol. Soc., n.s. X X I (1921), pp. 96-129. JACKSON,

Dr. Theophilus (d. 1695), Irish soldier. Military diary, March-July, 1650; kept while scoutmaster-general to Commonwealth army in Ireland; impersonal notes of military movements. Proc. Royal Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th ser., Ill (1893), PP- 44~54JONES,

John (1590-1667) of Edinburgh, attorney. Public diary, 1650-1667; impersonal notes on local, parliamentary, ecclesiastical events, and on natural history in Scotland. A Diary of Public Transactions (Edinburgh, 1836); excerpts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1928), pp. 176-186. The original diary was in two MS vols, of which vol. 1 (1637-1649) has been lost. NICOLL,

The Rev. Thomas (1630-1676), minister of St. Mary's, Newington-Butts. Religious diary, August, 1650-March, 1652 (extracts); fragment intended as preface to his works; illustrates his character—prayers, meditations, confessions, searching of heart; rather dull. Life of Rev. Thomas Wadsworth (London, 1680).




Military diary, June, 1651; details of siege of Limerick by Ireton. MS Trinity College, Dublin (William Mackey) ANON.

Military diary or narrative, August-September, 1651; proceedings of the forces under Lt. Gen. Monke after their parting from the army; march against Stirling and Dundee. C. H. Firth (ed.), Scotland and the Commonwealth (Edinburgh, 1895), pp. 1-18.


British Diaries



1652 Alexander (1617-1680) of Brodie, Scotland, lord of sessions. Religious diary, 1652-1680; the spiritual life of a Covenanter; his sins and bitter remorse; personal affairs while trying to live up to his ideals; some political and local matters, with visits to London; witchcraft; shrewd commentary. D. Laing (ed.), The Diary of Alexander Brodie (Spalding Club, Aberdeen, 1863), pp. 15-422. BRODIE,

William, fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. University diary and commonplace book, 1652-1663; extracts from classical and modern literature; notes of college, university, and personal news; Cambridge university life and work; meetings of fellows. MS Bodleian Library Top. Camb. e.5 Fols. 1-59 JOHNSON,


Joachim (d. 1658), engineer. Civil War diary, November, 1653-February, 1654; notes of a German in the service of the Commonwealth; service in France; adventures, escapes, hardships. C. H. Firth (ed.), The Journal of Joachim Hane (Oxford, 1896), 103 pp. HANE,

Sir Bulstrode (1605-1675), ambassador. Diplomatic diary, August, 1653-July, 1654; his work as ambassador in Sweden; diplomatic and commercial negotiations; reports of conversations and court social life. A Journal of the Swedish Ambassy (London, 1772), ed. H. Reeve (London, 1855), WHITELOCKE,


Sir John (1634-1689), governor of York, M . P . for Aldborough. Public diary, 1654-May, 1689 (earlier portion is autobiography; dated from 1660); official work and political life of a Royalist at court; his quarrels and brawls; parliamentary and court affairs and gossip; talks with Charles II; the interesting record of a self-praising hanger-on. The Memoirs of Sir John Reresby, ed. James Cartwright (London, 1875); best edition by A. Browning (Glasgow, 1936). RERESBY,

Henry. Sea journal, beginning December, 1654; expedition to West Indies; log details. Granville Penn, Memorials of Sir William Penn (London, 1833); Narrative of General Venables (Camden Soc., 2d ser., L X , 1900), pp. 144-169. WHISTLER,

1655 Robert, draper, alderman, major in Parliamentary army, Puritan mayor of Coventry. Public diary, November, 1655-May, 1656; kept during the year of his mayor-



British Diaries


alty; city affairs, administration, police, etc.; several references to Major-General Whaley, commander of the Coventry area, to punishments for Sabbath breaking, for selling ale without a license, and to the cleaning of the streets. MS Coventry Corporation A.105 46 fols. (Information supplied by Joan Lancaster, city archivist.) Cp. article by M. D. Harris in Trans. Royal Hist. Soc., 1920 (Yale Univ. microfilm 186) Patrick (1635-1699) of Auchleuchries, Aberdeen, soldier. Military diary, 1655-1668; his travels and life as a soldier of fortune, mainly in Germany, Sweden, Russia; in service of Peter the Great, Queen Christina, James II; disappointing in quality and detail. Passages from the Diary of General Patrick Gordon, ed. J. Robertson (Spalding Club, 1859), 244 pp.


William (1635-1663), scholar? ]. Teacher's diary, January-May, 1655; kept in Latin; mosdy notes on ill-health and medical treatment; kept apparendy while an usher at Westminster School; notes on reading, grammar, etc.; rather pedantic. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.216 63 fols. [JAMES,

Sir George, of Pollok. Religious diary, July, 1655-April, 1656; moral and religious life; introspection; reflection; Presbyterian. MS National Library of Scodand No. 3150 126 fols. (+30 inserted) MAXWELL,

The Rev. Giles (1635-1679) of Horstead-Keynes, Sussex. Country diary and accounts, 1655-1679 (extracts); notes of his clerical and parish work; social life; health; his family, meals, journeys; small details of practical farming. Sussex Archaeol. Colls., I (1847), pp. 65-127; extracts in F. S. Eardley, Horstead Keynes (London, 1939), pp. 79-113. MOORE,

1 6 5 6

Thomas, M . P . for Westmorland. Parliamentary diary, 1656-1659; Oliver and Richard Cromwell; impersonal; debates and procedure. The Diary of Thomas Burton, ed. J. T . Rutt, 4 vols. (London, 1828). BURTON,

Elizabeth (Carey), Viscountess, of county Down. Religious diary, 1656-1678; a confessional record of God's providences and her own daily unworthiness; prayers on occasions of private or public trouble. The Priuate Diarie of Elizabeth, Viscountess Mordaunt (Duncairn, 1856; 1861); excerpts in John Stevenson, Two Centuries of Life in Down (Belfast, 1920), pp. 341-346. MORDAUNT,


British Diaries


1657 DRUMMOND, Sir William, of Hawthornden. Private diary, 1657-1659; personal and social affairs at Hawthornden; meetings with neighboring lairds; visits to Edinburgh; estate business and religion; brief notes. Miscellany of Scottish Hist. Soc., VII (Edinburgh, 1941), pp. 3-54. MS National Library of Scodand. WOOD, Anthony & (1632-1695) of Oxford, antiquary. Antiquarian diary, 1657-1695; notes historical and antiquarian on Oxford University and town affairs; on Oxford scholarly and social life and personalities; and on scholarly matters relating to university and town; politics and religion; some gossip; notes on his own personal affairs, his reading, antiquarian pursuits, health, quarrels, finances; a valuable scholarly record, very detailed. The Life and Times of Anthony Wood, ed. Andrew Clark, 5 vols. (Oxford, Hist. Soc. 1891-1907). MS Bodleian Library Wood's Diaries 1-39

1658 ARCHER, Sir John (1598-1682) of Coopersale, Essex, lawyer. Legal diary, 1658 (extracts); notes on legal work, parliamentary and political affairs; domestic, family, and social life; kept in London. Essex Review XXX (1922). 1659 BARLOW, Edward (¿>. 1642) of Prestwich, Lanes. Sea diary, 1659-1703; in King's ships, East and West Indiamen, and other merchantmen; life at sea and ashore; the lure of the sea; excellent diary of voyages and observations of a common seaman and details of the sailor's life; modernized, but very interesting language and conversation. Barlow's Journal, ed. Basil Lubbock, 2 vols. (London, 1934). HAY, Andrew, of Craignethan. Private diary, May, 1659-January, 1660; interesting record of daily life and business of a Scottish gendeman; a Covenanter's religious life and moralizings; health, reading; politics, social, personal; long, detailed, and intimate notes; interesting spellings. The Diary of Andrew Hay, ed. A. G. Reid (Scottish Hist. Soc., Edinburgh, 1 9 0 1 ) , 261 pp.

RUGCE, Thomas (d. 1672?) of London. Public journal, April, 1659-March, 1672, entitled "Mercurius politicus redivivus," viz., "a collection of the most materiall Occurrances and Transactions in Publick Affairs"; public events and noteworthy doings, especially in London;


British Diaries


accidents and excitements; war, hangings, (ires, weather, plague, monstrosities; largely news-letter material; highly corroborative of Pepys. MSB.M. Add. MSS 10116-10117 Edward Montagu, ist Earl of (1625-1672), admiral. Naval diaries, March, 165^-September, 1665; events in his naval career; expedition to the Sound; the Restoration; operations against Tangier; the queen's homecoming; the batde of Lowestoft; Bergen-op-Zoom and the fighting against Dutch fleet and merchantmen; the important record of a leading naval figure. The Journal of the Earl of Sandwich, ed. R. C. Anderson (Navy Records Soc., L X I V , 1929). SANDWICH,

1 6 6 0

Lowestoft, sailor. Sir Thomas (1612-1685) Naval journals, October, 1660-July, 1678; his cruises and war service against the Dutch; mosdy in Mediterranean. The Journals of Sir Thomas Allin, ed. R. C. Anderson (Navy Records Soc., L X X I X [1939] and L X X X [1940]). ALLIN,

Capt. William (1620-1698), Royalist soldier. Military diary, 1660-1680; including memoranda and memoirs; his military service as captain of dragoons in the Royalist army; later social and domestic life in the country; Lancashire interest; Catholicism. Crosby Records: A Cavalier's Notebook, ed. The Rev. T. E. Gibson (London, 1880). BLUNDELL,

Sir John (1594-1679) of Belton, Lines. Country diaries and notebooks, July, 1660-June, 1676; memoranda concerning business, his property and estate; notes on public affairs; social and domestic life of rich country gendeman; farming, sport, recipes, and cures; his charities; fairly interesting. Elizabeth Cust: Records of the Cust Family, ser. II (London, 1909), pp. 64110. BROWNLOW,

Capt. John (ft. 1660), Royalist soldier. Military diary, ca. 1660; officer in the Royalist army; military affairs and campaigns. MS Cardiff Public Library 1.21 (Information from E. J. Rees, librarian) Capt. Gwyn's military memoirs, poems, etc., are contained in MS 2.269, which has been published.


Robert, servant. Travel diary, September, 1660-April, 1663; kept while traveling with his young master, Banister Maynard; a servant on the Grand Tour; France, Italy, Hungary, Bohemia, Germany, Holland, and Netherlands; accompanied by tutor. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.84 45 fols. MOODY,


British Diaries


Samuel (1633-1703), secretary to Navy Office. 1. Private diary, January, 1660-May, 1669; the nonpareil of English diaries; the observations and records of a man of infinite variety and zest, "ever with child to see new things"; his own work, domestic life, friendships, and pleasures, which took him into almost every section of English life, from the court to the docks; in its immediacy and variety it is one of the supreme portraits of a man, inside and outside, and a mirror of the times. Transcribed from Shelton's shorthand by the Rev. John Smith and first edited by Lord Braybrooke (London, 1825); a new transcription and edition by the Rev. Mynors Bright (London, 1887), which, as reedited by Henry Wheadey (London, 1900-1903), is the best edition. A new text and edition is being prepared by Francis Turner, the Pepysian librarian. For a discussion of the various texts, their history, and their corruptions, see William Matthews, "Pepys's Transcribers," Journal of English and Germanic Philology (1935), pp. 213-224. 2. Public diary, July-December, 1683; written in shorthand; narrative of voyage to Tangier with expedition; the removal of the Mole; naval life and its corruptions; accompanied by a multitude of general notes on naval life, contractors, seamanship, Spain, etc. John Smith's The Life, Journals, and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys (London, 1841) presents an extremely corrupt text; a new transcription and edition by Edwin Chappell, checked with a transcription by William Matthews, was published as The Tangier Papers of Samuel Pepys (Navy Records Soc., 1935). PEPYS,

l66l The Rev. Francis (b. 1633) of Glasford, Lanarkshire. Memorials, 1661-1722; autobiography and diary, July, 1682-December, 1722; his pilgrimage through life; God's providences; travel in America and Darien; preaching, prayer, clerical work; visits to Glasgow, etc.; introspection. MS University of Edinburgh Laing coll. 262 186 pp. BORLAND,

Thomas, of Tytherton, Wilts. Domestic diary, 1661-1724 (extracts); brief notes on household and domestic affairs, and weather; Wiltshire interest. J. J. Daniell, The History of Chippenham (Chippenham, 1894); pp. 189-192.


The Rev. Henry (1627-1695) of Gawsworth and Manchester, Nonconformist. Religious diary, September, 1661-September, 1663; religious meditations and work at Gawsworth; his spiritual life, conscience, God's mercies, and his health; domestic life and social pleasures; interesting language; a good record of Puritanism in Lancashire. The Diary of Rev. Henry Newcome, ed. Thomas Haywood (Chetham Soc. Pubs., X V I I I , 1849). M S Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun. A2.140 340 pp. NEWCOME,


British Diaries

[ 1 6 6 2 - 6 5

1 6 6 2

Hoc, The Rev. Thomas (1628-1691) of Kiltearn, Ross-shire. Religious diary, May, 1662-March, 1663; his parish work, sermons, studies, visits, and reflections; introspection; dejections. MS Edinburgh University Library Laing coll. 264 Walter (1625-1667) of Green-Know, Elginshire. Religious diary, August, 1662-November, 1665; God's mercies; a Covenanter's sufferings for religion; introspection and reflections; some details of family life. MS National Library Scodand. Wodrow 8vo. 31. No. 1 PRINCLE,

1 6 6 3

Dr. Edward (1644-1708), physician. Medical diary, 1663-1664; notes on his medical and anatomical work; social life and scholarly interest in antiquities and curiosities; notes on preachers; also diary of journeys in France in 1664 and 1668, with touristic and medical notes. Pardy published as Journal of a Visit to Paris in 1664, ed. G. Keynes (London) 1923). MS B.M. Sloane coll. 1906,1908 BROWNE,

Roger (d. 1679?) of Ashton-in-Makerfield, mercer. Country diary, January, 1663-March, 1674; apprentice in St. Helen's and shopkeeper in Ashton; a lively picture of village social life; the fun he had, the girls he courted, the ale he drank; militant nonconformity and his hopes and fears; interesting language; an excellent picture of Lancashire rural life and customs. The Diary of Roger Lowe, ed. W. L. Sachse (New Haven, 1938). MS Leyland Free Library, Hindley, Lanes. LOWE,

1 6 6 4

William and John, of Plymouth, merchants. Business diaries, 1664 and 1671 (extracts); brief notes on business, personal, and national affairs; gossip. The Antiquary, XIII (1886), pp. 242-244. MS Plymouth Institution, Plymouth (Yale Univ. microfilm 171) ALLEN,

Samuel ( 1 6 2 8 - 1 7 1 8 ) , Cambridge, alderman. University diary, September, 1664-June, 1717; sporadic notes of life in Cambridge; town and university; college life and events; notable visits and visitors; town administration; fair interest. The Diary of Samuel Newton, ed. J. E. Foster (Cambridge, 1890). NEWTON,

1 6 6 5

Sir John, Lord Fountainhall (1646-1722), attorney. Public diary, 1665-1676; a lively account of travels in England, Scodand,



British Diaries


France; chronicle of events connected with the Court of Session; observations on public affairs; social life and social conditions; good anecdotes and observations; a valuable source-book, but a written-up diary. Journals of Sir John Lauder, ed. Donald Crawford (Scottish Hist. Soc., Edinburgh, 1900), 326 pp. See also, The Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session (Edinburgh, 1759-1761), and Sir Walter Scott (ed.), Chronological Notes of Scottish Affairs (Edinburgh, 1822), both largely from the diary. Excerpts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1928), pp. 187-203. PLEDGES, Elias (b. 1665) of Litde Baddow, Essex. Religious autobiography and diary, 1665-1725; a Presbyterian's record of his spiritual life; introspection; religious observances; his behavior, prayers, and resolutions; some details of family life. MS Dr. Williams's Library, Gordon Square, London, W.C.i. ROCH, Capt. Jeremy, sailor. Sea diaries, February, 1665-February, 1692; five journals describing service in navy under Charles II, James II, and William III, with details of engagements between the English and the Dutch in 1666. Three Sea Journals of Stuart Times, ed. S. Ingram Bruce (London, 1936). STOCKTON, T h e Rev. Owen (1630-1680) of Chatsum.

Religious diary, April, 1665-August, 1677; observations of God's dealings with him; his preaching and daily religious activities; family affairs; public affairs; notes on his health. MS Dr. Williams's Library, Gordon Square, London, W.C.i. 1666 ANON, (one of the suite of the Earl of Sandwich). Travel diary, April-December, 1666; notes kept during a journey to Madrid; Earl of Sandwich's movements in Madrid, the author showing no knowledge of the political purposes; reference to entertainments; news from England of the Dutch War; an account of the Great Fire of London in a different hand. MS Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun. A2 I.22 206 pp. (R. V. Osbourn) CLARKE, Sir William ( 1 6 2 3 ? - 1 6 6 6 ) , secretary-at-war.

Public diary, April-June, 1666; details of naval affairs and arrival and departure of ships; notes on the plague, war news, etc.; impersonal. MS B.M. Add. MSS14286 43fols. HEYWOOD, The Rev. Oliver (1630-1702) of Northowian, Yorks. Religious diary, 1666-1702; a nonconformist minister's account of his religious duties and inner life; his health and his sufferings for nonconformity; valuable for its illustrations of the general and family history of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Autobiography and Diaries of Rev. Oliver Heywood, ed. J. H. Turner, 4 vols.


British Diaries


(Brighouse, 1882-1885). Additions in Yorkshire Genealogist, II (1890), and Yorkshire County Magazine, III (1893). Thomas Osborne, 1st Duke of ( 1 6 3 1 - 1 7 1 2 ) , statesman. 1. Public diaries, 1666-1704; mostly notes of naval affairs, public events, and public business; a few entries of a more personal nature. MS B.M. Add. MSS 28040 69 fols. 2. Private diary, January, 1705-July, 1712; largely business matters; family concerns; some notes on parliamentary affairs. MS B.M. Add. MSS 28041 37 fob. LEEDS,

Mary Rich, Countess of (1624-1678). Religious diary, July, 1666-April, 1672 (extracts); religious life, introspection, and meditation at Leighs Priory, Essex; some social life, domestic affairs, the afflictions arising from her husband's intemperate habits, and visits to London and the court, but mosdy the piety of an overwhelmingly pious lady; interesting spellings in the MS. Memoir of Lady Warwic\ (London, 1847), pp. 71-266. MS B.M. Add. MSS 27351-27355 and 27358 Y O N C E , Dr. James (1647-1721) of Plymouth, medical writer. Sea diary, 1666-1703; his work as naval surgeon; travel notes and descriptions of foreign towns and countries; visits to London; interesting. MS Plymouth Institution, Plymouth (Yale Univ. microfilm 271) WARWICK,

1667 Arthur Annesley, 1st Earl of (1614-1686), lord privy seal. Public diaries, July-October, 1667, May, 1671-October, 1675, October, 1675September, 1676; the first kept while treasurer of the navy; the others record his daily life and public business in London and at court; social, religious, political; a valuable record. Second diary published HM.C., 13th Report, App. pt. vi (1893), 261-278. MS B.M. Add. MSS 40860 and Add. MSS 18730 B U L S T R O D E , Sir Richard ( 1 6 1 0 - 1 7 1 1 ) , diplomat. Public diary, newsletters, October, 1667-December, 1675; minute account of court and country doings; impersonal but valuable historically; public affairs. The Bulstrode Papers (pr. ptd., 1897). ANGLESEY,

1668 The Rev. Dr. Thomas (1638-1710), fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. University diary and notebook, 1668-1708; notes of conversations, journeys abroad, contemporary incidents, Oxford affairs, and politics; interesting and useful. MS Bodleian Library Smith 141 139 fols. SMITH,




British Diaries


Colonel Roger, of Peele, Ches. 1. Court diary or memorandum book, January, 1668-June, 1671; kept while he was harbinger to King Charles II; journeys with king and court; expenses, etc.; rough brief notes. MS John Rylands Library, Manchester Mainwaring coll. 32 2. Business diary, April, 1684-July, 1697; public business and law, Cheshire and London; long and full entries; social life, Cheshire; business with Mainwaring; estate business, dinners, journeys in Cheshire and Shropshire; largely business. MS John Rylands Library, Manchester Mainwaring coll. 31 218 large



Sir Hugh, the younger (1632-1688). Military diary, October, 1669-September, 1672; journey to Tangier with his family; work there, building the Mole; military skirmishes, business, weather; formal. An Account of Tangier (London, 1787), pp. 103-235. CHOLMLEY,

William (1644-1718), Quaker. Travel diary, August, 1669-April, 1670; his second visit to Ireland, from London; Quaker life and meetings; factual entries. Pennsylvania Mag. Hist, and Biog., X L (1916), pp. 46-84. PENN,


Mr. (b. 1651).] 7° Medical diary, September, 1670-March, 1671 (fragment); kept while medical student at Utrecht; in Latin and shorthand; his reading and medical and classical studies; amorous and social affairs; interesting and amusing. MS B.M. Sloane coll. 161 Fols. 1-1& [GOOCHE?,


I 6

7 !

Quaker diary, June, 1671-April, 1673; with George Fox during travels from London to West Indies and New England; return to Bristol; a shorter and independent form of the 1694 edition of Fox's journal; said to be in El wood's writing. MS Bodleian Library Add. MSS A.95 24 fols. Jeffrey, of Gray's Inn, law student. Private diary, January-September, 1671; meetings of clubs; taverns, coffeehouses; books and prices; relatives; plays and actors; acquaintance with Aphra Behn; very interesting. Notes and Queries, CLIX (1930), p. 452 (account and quotations). BOYS,

The Rev. Thomas, of Colton, Lanes. Clerical diary, 1671-1709 (with letters); his parish life and work in Lancashire and Westmorland as vicar of Colton and Cartwell. BROCKBANK,


British Diaries


Diary and Letterboo\ of Rev. Thomas Broc\bant^, cd. R. Trappes-Lomax (Chetham Soc. Pubs., n.s., L X X X I X , 1930). FREKE, Mrs. Elizabeth (1641-1714) of county Cork. Domestic diary, November, 1671-February, 1714; an excellent account of the misfortunes of her married life in Ireland; domestic work, family affairs, quarrels, and troubles; household work and inventories; health and home medicine; social life. Cor\ Archaeol. Soc., XVI (1910) and XIX (1913): reprinted as Mrs. Fre\e, Her Diary, ed. Mary Carbery (Cork, 1913). ISHAM, Sir Thomas (1657-1681) of Lamport Hall, Northants. Social diary, 1671-1673; kept in Latin; a boy's amusements; country sports, gardening, social life in country house; an amusing and revealing record. Sir Thomas lsham's Diary, ed. Walter Rye (Norwich, 1875). JOLLY, The Rev. Thomas (1629-1703) of Manchester. Religious notebook, 1671-1693; reflections and spiritual life of a nonconformist minister; daily worship, clerical work; worship and study, and introspection. Notebook of Rev. Thomas folly, ed. H. Fishwick (Chetham Soc. Pubs., n.s., XXXIII, 1894). SITWELL, George, of Renishaw, Derbyshire. Almanac notes, 1671-1721 (extracts); brief and intermittent notes of domestic and social matters at Renishaw; local and family interest. four. Derbyshire Archaeol. & Nat. Hist. Soc., XII (1890), pp. 193-227. SPRAGGE, Sir Edward (d. 1673), admiral. Sea diaries, May, 1671-August, 1672; expedition for destruction and abandonment of Tangier; cruises off Holland. HM.C., 15th Report, Dartmouth Papers, III (1896). 1672 HOOKE, Robert (1635-1703), surveyor to City of London and secretary to Royal Society. Private diary, March, 1672-December, 1681; social activities and experiences; friends; his scientific and artistic work; London life after the Great Fire; coffee houses, taverns, bookshops, amusements; relations with members of Royal Society; brief notes; valuable. Diary of Robert Hoo\e, ed. Henry W. Robinson and Walter Adams (London,

1935). 527 PP-

MS Guildhall Library, London

Also B.M., Sloane coll. 4024

SAMPSON, The Rev. William (d. 1702) of Clayworth, Notts. Clerical diary and notebook, July, 1672-March, 1701; village social life; church affairs and work in a rural parish; finances; fair local interest. The Rector's Boo\, ed. H. Gill and E. L. Guilford (Nottingham, 1910), 167 pp.


British Diaries


1 6 7 3

William, Master of Craigends, Renfrewshire. Farming diary, 1673-1680; estate work and business; valuable for details of domestic life and manners, household arrangements, prices; Scottish country sports and amusements. The Diary and General Expenditure Boo\ of William Cunningham, ed. James Dodds (Scottish Hist. Soc., Edinburgh, 1887), 150 pp.


Sir Edward (1625-1684) of Surrenden, Kent, M . P . Country diary, March, 1673-September, 1675; life of a typical country squire and parliamentarian; events of country life; journeys to London, business and pleasure there; villages and towns of Kent; references to royalty and important people of time; visits to theater; marriages of his children; estate matters; Pepysian vein; at present being edited by owner. MS owned by Cyril E. Kenney, 36 Gloucester Place, Portman Square, London, W.i. 1674 DERING,

LEE, Lawrence (b. 1674) of Godalming, Surrey, butcher. Diary and memoirs, 1674-1723 (extracts); notes of private and social affairs; local happenings; church life and sermon notes; rather scrappy. Surrey Archaeol. Colls., X X V I I (1914), pp. 1-15. 1675 [ ( b . 1642) of Wonston, (Hants?)]. Teacher's diary, August, 1675-February, 1678; details of seeking job in London; work as schoolmaster at Colchester; full and very personal entries; school work; mathematical studies; religious life and studies; visits to London; a very pleasant little diary in a minute hand. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.1114 Fols. 1-77 ANON.


Travel diary, June, 1675-August, 1683; journey from Dublin through several parts of Ireland; farming and estate business in Kerry; rather scrappy notes. MS B.M. Lansdowne coll. 1228 Fols. 23-37 Thomas, of Kirkwall, Scotland. Local diary, January, 1675-May, 1693; brief and impersonal notes of births, deaths, accidents, and unusual incidents at Kirkwall, Orkney Islands. Diary, 1675-1693, ed. A. F. Steuart (Kirkwall, 1898). BROWN,

Sir John (1626-1682), physician and diplomat. Diplomatic diary, December, 1675-January, 1681/2 (extracts); notes of his diplomatic work and social affairs while ambassador in Turkey. HM.C., Finch MSS, II (1922), pp. 130-164. FINCH,


British Diaries


John (1632-1704), philosopher. Private diaries, November, 1675-October, 1704; very miscellaneous notes; travel in southern France, Paris, and Holland; notes on French husbandry, local industries, viniculture, customs, topography; medical, philosophical, and religious notes and reflections; odd notes on his reading; medical practice; his illnesses; notes on curiosities; some notes in shorthand, French, Latin, Greek; very scrappy and disappointing, but has biographical value. Extracts from the diary appear in Lord King's Life of John Locke (London, 1830), Vol. I, pp. 86-310, and also in R. I. Aaron and J. Gibbs (eds.), An Early Draft of Loc\e's Essay (Oxford, 1936). MS Bodleian Library (on deposit from the owner, the Earl of Lovelace) 10 vols. An eleventh vol. is B.M., Add. MSS 15642 T E O N G E , The Rev. Henry (1621-1690) of Spernall, War., naval chaplain. Sea diary, May, 1675-June, 1679 (with gap); aboard the Assistance and the Royal Oa/^; voyages to the Mediterranean; picturesque and very lively details of his work, food, social life, conditions; interesting spellings and language. Teonge's Diary (London, 1825). Reedited by G. E. Manwaring (London, LOCKE,

1676 Sir Pury (1655-1699) of London. Travel diary, January and Spring, 1676; travels in France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany; sights, towns and buildings, customs, architecture, works of art, libraries. Elizabeth Cust, Records of the Cust Family (London, 1898), pp. 339-352. R O C H E S T E R , Laurence Hyde, Earl of ( 1 6 4 1 - 1 7 1 1 ) , diplomat. Diplomatic diary, September, 1676-February, 1677, and September, 1677; details of his embassy to John Sobieski, king of Poland, and his mission to the Prince of Orange. The Correspondence of Henry Hyde... and of... Laurence Hyde, ed. S. W. Singer (London, 1828), Vol. I, pp. 589-641. W A R C U P , Edmund (1627-ca. 1712) of Southwark, bailiff. Public diary, February, i676-December, 1684; notes on public affairs and events, especially the Popish Plot and politics; valuable for its details of relations between the king and Shaftesbury. English Hist. Rev., X L (1925), pp. 235-260. CUST,

1677 Thomas, British consul at Tripoli. Consular diary, May, 1677-May, 1685 (with copies of letters to and from Samuel Pepys); arrival and departure of naval and merchant ships; relations with the Dey, etc.; official record. MS Bodleian Library Eng. hist, c.236 94 fols. BAKER,


British Diaries


Edmund (1645-1697), licenser. Business diary, March, 1677-April, 1697; mosdy details of his work as licenser of the press; public affairs. The Diary and Autobiography of Edmund Bohun, ed. S. W. Rix (Beccles, 1853), 148 pp. BOHUN,

John (b. 1650) of Coggeshall, Essex, weaver. Private diary, 1677-1699; brief notes of local affairs, births, marriages, and deaths at Coggeshall; church affairs and contemporary national events; personal business and social affairs. Extracts in Essex Archaeol. Trans., I (1855), pp. 117-127, and Fred Beaumont, A History of Coggeshall (London, 1890), pp. 219-229, 257-258. Three of the original 22 diaries in Brotherton Library, University of Leeds (MSS 8-10); fully described in H.M.C., Various, Vol. VIII, 569 ff., and HM.C. 18th Report, pp. 101-102. BUFTON,

Thomas, of Cookridge, Yorks. Travel diary, May-August, 1677; tour in Scotland; vigorous and hostile notes on Scottish life and scenes; lively. E. Hume Brown (ed.), Tours in Scotland (Edinburgh, 1892), pp. 1-48; first printed in The Diary of Ralph Thoresby (London, 1830). KIRK,

The Rev. Edward (1641-1704), archdeacon of Exeter. Court diary, October, 1677-April, 1678; kept while chaplain and royal tutor at court of Charles II; lively narration of scenes and gossip; princesses Anne and Mary. Camden Miscellany, IV (Camden Soc. Pubs., X X X I X , London, 1847). LAKE,

Ralph (1674-1724) of Leeds, antiquary. Antiquary's diary, September, 1677-September, 1724; his personal, religious, social, and scholarly life in Leeds; travels, visits to London; his devotion and introspection; Bible studies; careful and detailed notes on antiquities, churches, buildings, archaeology; his friendship with leading antiquaries and scholars of the time; a valuable record. The Diary of Ralph Thoresby, ed. Joseph Hunter, 2 vols. (London, 1830). The MS, which is much fuller, in library of Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Leeds 5 vols. (Information from Mrs. M. J. Hebditch, librarian) THORESBY,


Narcissus (1657-1732) of Chelsea, M . P . 1. Public diary, September, 1678-April, 1714; notes on the public events of his time; gossip and rumors; largely newsletter type. 2. Private diary, November, 1722-January, 1724; notes on his private affairs and daily activities; worship at Chelsea Church, with sermon notes; visits and social life; English in Greek characters. LUTTRELL,


British Diaries


A Brief Historical Relation (Oxford, 1857). MSB.M. Add. MSS 10447 Sir Robert (1635-1702), secretary for Ireland. Public diary, October, 1678; concerning his investigations into the Popish Plot. MS B.M. Add. MSS 38847 Fols. 224-229


Israel (1621-1680), ally of Titus Oates. Public diary, 1678-1679; a copious and elaborate diary of the events of the Popish Plot, subscribed "Simon Tonge's Journall of the Plot" (Israel's son). MS Pub. Rec. Office State Papers, Dom. Car. II, p. 409 TONCE,




Quaker diary, June-September, 1679; spiritual life; daily ecstatic visions and trances; in several hands. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.1338 68 fols. William (1652-1715), navigator and buccaneer. Sea journals, April, 1679-September, 1691; in loose journal form; his voyages round the world, exploring and buccaneering; relations with natives; accounts of them, their customs, industries, and countries; a good, vigorous record. A New Voyage Round the World (London, 1720); Dampier s Voyages, ed. John Masefield, 2 vols. (London, 1906). DAMPIER,

William (1652-1724), secretary to the Treasury. Diary notebooks, 1679-1709; notes on business, domestic, family, farming, and civil service affairs; accounts. Records of Buckinghamshire, XII (1929), pp. 125-136. LOWNDES,

Basil (d. 1686), buccaneer. Sea diary, March, 1679-January, 1682; his record of the buccaneering voyages of Captain Bartholomew Sharp; their exploits in the South Seas and at Darien; fights, piracy, and violence on land and sea; a most lively record. Alexander Exquemelin, The Buccaneers of America (London, 1685), Vol. II. MS B.M. Sloane coll. 3820 142 fols. RINGROSE,

Colonel Henry Sidney, Earl of (1640-1704), diplomat. Diplomatic diary, June, 1679-January, 1682; kept while minister at The Hague; political business and court affairs; social life in Holland. Diary of the Time of Charles II, ed. R. W. Blencowe, 2 vols. (London, 1843), passim. ROMNEY,

Capt. Bartholomew, buccaneer. Sea diary, 1679-1682; buccaneering exploits in the South Seas and at Darien and in Peru; piracy and violence on land and sea. MS B.M. Sloane coll. 44,46a, 46b, 47 SHARPE,

i68O-8I] ANON.

British Diaries L 6 8



Religious diary, March, 1680-May, 1681, and February-June, 1692; spiritual life, daily self-examination, and dejection; interesting spellings. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. Q.e. 26-28 James, of Brodie, Scotland. Religious diary, 1680-1685; a Covenanter's spiritual life and remorse; some business and public affairs. The Diary of Alexander Brodie, ed. D. Laing (Spalding Club, Aberdeen, 1863), pp. 423-508. BRODIE,

Sir James (d. 1684), soldier. Military diary, 1680; narrative of military and naval affairs at siege of Tangier, Royal Scots Regiment. Journal Soc. Army Hist. Research, I, special number (1922), 24 pp. HALKETT,

Robert, of Kynsham. Travel diary, May-June, 1680; notes of a journey from Kynsham to London; visits in and about London; details of the London scene, coffee houses, clubs, etc.; later notes of affairs and weather at Kynsham; also extracts from his poems; written in Latin and English. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. f.52 72 fols. HARLEY,

Samuel (d. 1699) of Rye, Sussex. Business diary, ca. 1680-1685; largely details of his activities in the wool trade; purchases and prices; life at Rye. MS owned in 1893 by C. H. S. Perceval (see Notes and Queries, 8th ser., IV [1893], pp. 147,277,374). JEAKE,

Philip, steward to Sir Robert Southwell. Business diary, March, 1680-Scptember, 1687; notes of his daily service and estate work with the Southwells. MS B.M. Egerton coll. 1627 Fols. 1-68. MADOX,

Sir Richard (1644-1710), country gendeman. Country diary, May, i68o-November, 1706 (fragments); private and domestic affairs; religious moods; agriculture; country work and country amusements; travel to France; a good picture of the life of a country gentleman. Lady Newdigate Newdegate, Cavalier and Puritan in the Days of the Stuarts (London, 1901). NEWDIGATE,

(of Edinburgh). Private diary, November, 1681-February, 1685 (fragment); notes of public and private affairs at Edinburgh. H.M.C., Laing MSS, I (1914), pp. 424-427. ANON,


British Diaries


Sir Willoughby (1640-1702) of Aston Hall, Ches. Private diary, March, 1681-October, 1702; mainly domestic and county affairs; Tory, churchman, sheriff of Cheshire; country life and visits to London. Cheshire Sheaf, 3d ser., XXIV (1927) and X X V (1928), passim. MS Liverpool Public Library Eq. 788 4 vols. B A S K E R V I L L E , Thomas (1630-1720) of Abingdon, Bucks. Travel diary, May, 1681-1682; journeys in eastern and midland counties, West Country, and Home Counties; useful notes on inns, estates, people, and country life; interesting spellings. HM.C., Portland MSS, II, pp. 261-314. BEE, Jacob (1636?—1711) of Durham. Social diary, September, 1681-February, 1707; mainly notes of births, deaths, marriages, and accidents in Durham; elections, local excitements, and amusements; weather; rather scrappy. North Country Diaries (Surtees Soc., CXVIII, 1910), pp. 43-63; also his register of births, marriages, deaths (Surtees Soc., C X X I V , 1914, pp. 54-175). B U X T O N , John, of Chanons, Norfolk, M . P . Travel diary, April-May, 1681; travel in France; south of France, Nimes, Aries, etc.; tourist notes; slight value. HM.C., Various Collections, II, pp. 273-284. D I N E L E Y , Thomas (1640-1690) of Bromsgrove, Worcs. Travel diary, 1681 (a narrative); visit to Ireland, and notes on travel, topography, customs, and social life during reign of Charles II. Kilkenny Archaeol. Jour., n.s., I (1856-1857), pp. 143-188; Jour. Royal Soc. Antiquaries, Ireland, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X X X I V , XLIII. ASTON,

1682 Richard, of Twineham, Sussex. Farming diary, 1682-1724; notes of farm work; accounts and payments; weather, fishing, and country life. Sussex Archaeol. Colls., II (1849), pp. 102-128. STAPLEY,

1683 Timothy (1643-1717) of Cuckfield, Sussex, barrister. Country diary, 1683-1717 (extracts); details of country life, but largely expenses and accounts; with classical quotations and illustrated by amusing drawings; presents from neighbors; his entertainments and some family affairs; a Roger de Coverley type. Sussex Archaeol. Colls., Ill (1850), pp. 117-172. E R S K I N E , John (1662-1743) of Carnock, lawyer. Public diary, 1683-1687; public affairs in Scotland; trials of Covenanters; some travel to Holland; Argyll expedition; social life and personal religious life. BURRELL,


British Diaries


Journal of the Hon. John Ers\ine, cd. Walter Macleod (Scottish Hist. Soc., Edinburgh, 1893), 259 pp.; excerpts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs, (Stirling, 1928), pp. 327-339.

1684 Capt. Thomas ( I 6 5 O ? - I 6 8 5 ) , highwayman. Rogue's diary, December, 1684-March, 1685; the travels and adventures of a rogue through England; inns; expenses; adventures with highwayman; may be a burlesque; printed while he was in Newgate. Memoires, Digested into Adventures, Receits, and Expences (London, 1685); pamphlet. DANGERFIELD,

The Rt. Rev. William (1655-1727), bishop of Carlisle. Clerical diaries, January, 1684-December, 1725; his parochial and diocesan work; his quarrels and troubles as bishop; local and public affairs, and religious life and work; his scholarly interests in history, archaeology, botany, and antiquities; a valuable and extensive record. Extensive extracts published in Trans. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq. and Archaeol. Soc., n.s., I (1901) to V (1905), passim; also X X X V (1935) and XLVII (1947). A full transcription (except for 2 vols.) is available in 18 MS vols, (including name index) at Carlisle Public Library, Bibliotheca Jacksoniana, Tullie House. (Information from Thomas Gray, librarian.) NICOLSON,

Patrick Lyon, 1st Earl of (1642-1695), privy councilor, lord of sessions. Business diary, 1684-1689; notes of his business in connection with the restoration of Glamis Casde, etc.; dealings with workmen and painters. The Bool( of Record of Patrick, 1st Earl of Strathmore, ed. A. H. Millar (Scottish Hist. Soc., 1890). STRATHMORE,

Mary, of Binstead. Private diary, November 1684-June 1690; notes on domestic, family, and social life; religious observances; notes on royalist politics. Woodforde Papers and Diaries, ed. Dorothy H. Woodforde (London, 1932), pp. 3-34. WOODFORDE,


1 6 8 5

War diary, June-July, 1685; record of Monmouth's insurrection. MS Pepysian Library, Cambridge Transcript in B.M. 31956

Add. MSS

Lieut. Col. Jacob (I66O?-I?OI) of Solsborough, Wexford, officer in Field Artillery. Military diaries, November, 1685-May, 1699; a journey to Vienna and Buda,



British Diaries


with notes on fortifications and artillery, and siege of Buda; service in the Netherlands under William III; travels on Continent, especially Italy and Mediterranean area; campaigns in Netherlands and Morea; engineering interests. MS B.M. Stowe coll. 444,447-451,458-459 Adam, of Salisbury, drummer. Military diary, June-July, 1685; marches of Wiltshire Regiment, Wiltshire militia; interesting spellings. Camden Soc. Misc., XII (1910), pp. 155-168. WHEELER,

1686 The Rt. Rev. Thomas (1634-1689), bishop of Chester. Public diary, 1686-1688; notes of his church work and entertainments; Catholic sympathies; support of James II; attendance on James in Ireland. The Diary of the Rt. Rev. Thomas Cartwright, ed. the Rev. J. Hunter ( Camden Soc. XXII, 1843); transcript, made in 1840, in Chester Cathedral Library. CARTWRIGHT,

Julius (b. 1655?) of Bedworth. Church diary, 1686-1695; diary of the minister of the Congregational church at Bedworth; descriptions of history of church, baptisms, deaths, etc. MS St. Mary's Hall, Coventry 61 fols. (Information from Joan Lancaster, archivist) SAUNDERS,

The Rev. John, of Alloa and Tyninghame. Religious diary, 1686-1704; his parish work and ministry; meetings of the General Assembly; notes on public affairs and chief events in Scotland; impersonal. Miscellany of Scottish Hist. Soc., I (Edinburgh, 1893), pp. 295-448. TURNBULL,

1687 (Edinburgh medical student). Student's diary, December, 1687-1689; scientific studies; music and literature; sports, social life, and religion; advice on study; student life; Rymer's lectures; an interesting record. MS National Library of Scodand 32.7.7 97 fols. ANON.

Henry Hyde, 2d Earl of (1638-1709), lord lieutenant of Ireland. Public and social diary, January, 1687-August, 1690; a detailed account of the 1688 Revolution; attendance at court and court business; personal and social affairs; family; work on his country estates, and sports; politics, state affairs, legal matters; religion and church affairs; visits to Oxford, etc.; a valuable diary. The State Letters of Henry Hyde, 2d Earl of Clarendon (London, 1765), Vol. II, pp. 155-262; The Correspondence of Henry Hyde, ed. S. W. Singer (London, 1828), Vol. II, pp. 141-332. MS B.M. Stowe coll. 770 (Copy B.M. Add. MSS 22578) CLARENDON,


British Diaries


Major Richard (1663-1720), M.P. for Great Yarmouth. Travel diary, March-June, 1687; travel in France; Paris, Orleans; tourist notes on towns, sights, defenses. Camden Soc. Misc., IX (1895), 48 pp. FERRIER,

Castilion, of Leeds, town clerk. Public diary, 1687-1688 (extracts); public and private affairs in Leeds; chief local events; social life; brief notes. Yorkshire Archaeol. and Topographical Jour., X (1889), pp. 159-164. MORRIS,

James (1663-1718), botanist Medical journal, 1687-1710, and private diary, 1688-1693; his work as apothecary to the Charterhouse; business and private affairs. MS B.M. Sloane coll. 3220-3226; 4024 PETIVER,



Military diary, 1688; record of a march from Torbay to London during the Revolution. MS B.M. Add. MSS 33970 (a French refugee living at York). Domestic diary and account book, July, 1688-July, 1690; written in French; relations with Fairfax family; social life with relations in York; apparendy Huguenot; religious observances and spiritual life. MS Bodleian Library Add. MSS A.56 42 fols. ANON,

Thomas (1645-1721) of Casde Bellingham. Military diary, August, 1688-September, 1690; kept while colonel and A.D.C. to William III; public events; batde of Boyne; national affairs; army movements; his social and private affairs. Diary o f . . .an Officer under William 111, ed. Anthony Hewitson (Preston, 1908), 1-142. BELLINGHAM,

John Hervey, 1st Earl of (1665-1751), Whig politician. Social diary, November, 1688-April, 1742; occasional notes on public affairs and politics; travel through England; family affairs; purchase of books, wines, clothing, horses; interest in music; estate affairs; a great deal about horse racing, gambling, and sport; a useful record of the pleasures of a country lord. The Diary of John Hervey (Wells, 1894). BRISTOL,

Mark (d. 1729) of Newcasde, attorney. Private diary, January-November, 1688; brief scattered notes, mainly about his family. North Country Diaries (Surtees Soc., C X X I V , 1914), pp. 176-189. BROWNELL,


British Diaries


Capt. Grenville, hydrographer. Sea diary, June, 1688-January, 1689; cruise on the yacht Merlin with Lord Dartmouth. HM.C., Dartmouth MSS, III (1896), pp. 54-59.


Ensign William, soldier. Military diary, October, 1688-April, 1691; army service in Low Countries and Ireland; with Wauchope's and Sir David Cooper's regiment; marches and engagements; interesting spellings; a short diary. MS B.M. Add. MSS 29878 38 fols. CRAMOND,

Benjamin, of Bolsover, Derby. Local diary, 1688-1708 (extracts); brief notes, mainly on legal and church affairs at Bolsover. Jour. Derbyshire Archaeol. and Nat. Hist. Soc., IX (1887), 55-68.


Sir John (d. 1696), country gentleman. Public diary, January, 1688-April, 1690; verbatim copy made in 1835 (original at Hatch); notes on political affairs in Kent relating to the Revolution; parliament, political meetings, military news; an interesting historical document; character of a Trimmer. MS B.M. Add. MSS 33923 Fols. 429-481 verso (See also Cambridge Hist. Jour., II [1926], pp. 48-62) N A S M Y T H , James. Private diary, 1688-1704; notes on his life and experiences in Edinburgh. MS St. Andrewsj University Library. R O K E B Y , Sir Thorr»as (1632-1699), judge. Religious diary, May, 1688-August, 1699; scattered entries, mostly concerning his religious thoughts, his judicial duties, and trials. A Brief Memoir of Mr. Justice Ro\eby (Surtees Soc. Pubs., XXXVII, Miscellanea, 1861, pt. 3). KNATCHBULL,

1 ( Jacobite officer). Military diary, 1689-1690; travels, fighting, military life in Ireland; battle of Boyne. Leopold von Ranke, History of England (Oxford, 1875), Vol. VI, pp. 128-143.



Military diary, June-October, French in Brabant; notes on chief A Journal of the Late Motions don, 1690). ASH, Capt. Thomas. Military diary, April-August, siege of Londonderry.

1689; movements and engagements with the Flemish towns; by an English officer. and Actions of the Confederate Forces (Lon-

1689; detailed but impersonal account of the


British Diaries


John Hempton, Siege and History of Londonderry (London, 1861), pp. 280305. DAVIES.The Rev. Rowland (1649-1721), dean of Cork. Public diary, March, 1689-September, 1690; an eyewitness's bald details of the Jacobite war in Ireland; his clerical service in Camberwell and Yarmouth; medical work; chaplain with army in Ireland; Limerick, Cork, Boyne; note on Evelyn. Journal of the Very Reverend Rowland Davies, ed. R. Caulfield (Camden Soc. Pubs. LXVIII, 1857). Dr., physician. Medical diary, February 1689-March 1707; cryptic entries, often single words, mosdy concerning his medical practice; domestic and financial affairs; public news and rumors; antiquarian interests; apparently kept in Yorkshire, near Huddersfield; Bendey and Crosby families. MS Bodleian Library Radcliffe Trust g.i 426 fols. (The manuscript is in very frail condition, and is kept as MS Reserved g) KAYE,

The Rt. Rev. William (1650-1729), bishop of Dublin. Prison diary, August-October, 1689; imprisonment in Dublin Casde; prison life, visits; political and war news; an interesting record. four. Royal Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th Ser., XIII (1903), pp. 189-252, 255-283. M E E K E , The Rev. Robert (1656-1724) of Slaithwaite, Yorks, minister. Religious diary, May, 1689-August, 1694 (extracts); very brief entries on the day's doings, weather, spiritual qualms, often concluding in a prayer; cryptic confessions; glimpses of the secular activities of the clergy at that time; farming, hunting; without charm, and only of private interest; full of names of neighbors and friends. Extracts from the Diary of the Rev. Robert Mee\e, ed. H. J. Morehouse and C. A. Hulbert (London, 1874). N I B E L L , James. War diary, August-October, 1689; brief notes on the chief occurrences in the Irish war; the siege of Limerick. James Macpherson, Original Papers (Dublin, 1775), Vol. I, pp. 222 ff. R., Alexander, soldier. Military diary, May-November, 1689; with Earl of Eglinton's troop of horse; events following Revolution; military activities in Scodand; interesting spellings. Trans. Glasgow Archaeol. Soc., I (1859-1868), pp. 38-50. RICHARDS, Captain [Jacob?] (1660P-1701), later colonel, military engineer. 1. Military diary, April-August, 1689; from London to the relief of Londonderry; military affairs. 2. Military diary, August-September, 1691; throws much light on the conduct of the second siege of Limerick; of interest to students of Irish history. KING,


British Diaries


MS Royal Irish Academy, Dublin SR, H.I.2and3 6ofols. (Seethe Rev. Thomas Witherow [ed.], Two Diaries of Derry [Londonderry, 1888]) Anthony and John, of Twineham, Sussex. Local diaries, 1689?—1743^ brief and scattered memoranda relating to Twineham; local events and people. Sussex Archaeol. Colls., X V I I I (1866), pp. 1 5 1 - 1 6 2 ; X X I I I ( 1 8 7 1 ) , pp. 36-72. STAPLEY,

Capt. John (d. 1726), Jacobite soldier and Catholic antiquary. Military diary, January, 1689-July, 1691; partly written up as narrative; an account of marches, campaigns, skirmishes, battles during the war in Ireland; a Catholic and Jacobite account with moral reflections; full entries which give a good picture of life of the soldiers; some notes on translation of Spanish books and on archaeology. The Journal of John Stevens, ed. R. H. Murray (Oxford, 1912). MSB.M. Add. MSS 36296 STEVENS,

The Rev. George ( 1 6 1 8 - 1 6 9 0 ) , governor of Londonderry. War diary, March-August, 1689; military details of war in Ireland; siege of Londonderry; hardships of the soldiers. A True Account of the Siege of Londonderry (London, 1689), pp. 11-42. WALKER,

169O (woman cousin of Oliver Cromwell). Religious diary, June, 1690-September, 1702; spiritual and physical troubles; God's providences and goodness. MS B.M. Add. MSS 5858 Fols. 213-221 (Copy made by the Rev. William Cole)



Public diary, July-August, 1690; account of battle of Boyne, kept by Dublin Protestant; not eyewitness account, writer in Dublin throughout, but valuable information on details of batde, actions of King, state of affairs in Dublin. A True and Perfect Journal of the Affairs in Ireland Since His Majestic's Arrival in that Kingdom. By a Person of Quality (London, 1690). William. Travel diary, 1690; impersonal notes on towns, buildings, and antiquities during a half-year's travel in Italy. A New Journal of Italy (London, 1691).


Gideon, Huguenot. War diary, 1690; a Huguenot's account of his service with the British army during the Irish Jacobite war. Trans. Royal Irish Acad. (January, 1 9 1 3 ) ; Louth Archaeol. Jour., VIII (1933). BONNIVERT,


British Diaries


The Rt. Rev. Narcissus (1638-1713), archbishop of Dublin. Ecclesiastical diary, December, 1690-Deccmber, 1696; church affairs, Dublin and Ireland. MS Marsh's Library, Dublin Z.2.2.3 17 fols. (Also available is a typewritten copy MARSH,

Samuel, army surgeon. Military diary, June-July, 1690; a lively account of the royal campaign in Ireland; the activities of James II, general events, and siege of Limerick. A Journal of the Three Months Royal Campaign (London, 1690). MULLENEAUX,

The Rev. James, of Penpont Religious diary, ca. 1690-ca. 1720; notes of his family and domestic life in Scodand, but mainly a spiritual and religious autobiography. MS National Library of Scodand No. 3045 73 fols.


Colonel Michael (1673-1721) of Solsborough, co. Wexford. 1. Military diary, August-September, 1690; a good detailed account of military activities during the siege of Limerick. A Jacobite Narrative, ed. John T. Gilbert (Dublin, 1892), pp. 282-298. 2. Military diaries, September, 1696-June, 1697, and March-July, 1705; the first, a journey from London to Torbay and with Colonel Gibson's expedition to Newfoundland, and notes of his ordnance work in the fortification of St. John's; the second, with the Allies in Flanders; military movements; his work in ordnance. RICHARDS,


Stowe coll. 463 and 469 I 6

9 *

Military diary, June-July, 1691; eyewitness account of siege of casde and capture of Irish town of Athlone; storming of casde by English army wading across Shannon; technical detail; brief but interesting pamphlet. A Diary of the Siege of Athlone: By an engineer of the army (London, 1691). ANON.

Military diary, August-October, 1691; movements and campaigns of British army in Ireland; regular and detailed account by English soldier; siege and capture of Limerick; appended are articles of surrender agreed upon on October 3, 1691; informative but dull. A Diary of the Siege and Surrender of hymeric\ (London, 1692). A D D I S O N , Thomas, of Carlisle. Private diary, September, 1691-August, 1693; kept while in customs service at Carlisle; commissioner for sick and wounded; notes of his movements, people met; sermons, some at Chapel Royal; notes of correspondence from 1665 in same volume. MS owned by E. S. de Beer, 1 1 Sussex Place, Regent's Park, London, N.W.i.


British Diaries


Godert de Ginkel, ist Earl of (1630-1703), soldier. War diary, March-September, 1691; military movements and batdes in Ireland; surrender of Limerick; impersonal and historical daily account. An Exact Journal of the Victorious Progress of their Majesties' Forces (London, 1691). ATHLONE,

1692 Sir Walter (1669-1722) of Esholt, Yorks. Private diary and memorandum book, March, 1692-1722; mosdy family affairs and social matters, with farming and estate work; local sports and events; Jacobite rebellion; a good diary of country work and social life; preceded by autobiographical details. Yorkshire Diaries (Surtees Soc., LXXVII, 1883, pp. 43-148). MS B.M. Add. MSS 27418 (Yale Univ. microfilm 189) CALVERLEY,

COE, William (b. 1665) of Mildenhall, SuffolkFarming diary, March, 1692-May, 1729; notes on farming work and country life and work; local events, alarms, excitements, violences, marvels; his health and personal and social life; religious life; spiritual lapses (cards, idleness, drinking, worldliness, sleeping in church) and his contrition; interesting. MS Cambridge Univ. Library Add. MSS 6843 Fols. 87 (Cf. East Anglian, n.s., XI, XII [1905-1908]) Abraham (1671-1704) of Hull, antiquary. Antiquary's diary, 1692-1699 (with earlier autobiographical notes); his religious life; public events; notes on customs, fashions, politics, weather, natural history, archaeology, topography, and matters of antiquarian interest; often amusing and lively. Ephemeris Vitae, or a Diary of My Own Life (Surtees Soc., LV, 1869), 347 pp. D E LA P R Y M E ,

Daniel Finch, 2d Earl of (1647-1730), statesman. Naval journal, February-August, 1692; details of Barfleur campaign and batde with French. Naval Miscellany, II (Navy Records Soc., XL, 1910), pp. 168-201.





Religious diary, January-December, 1693; notes on a Puritan's spiritual life; his prayers, temptations, weaknesses; his study and resolutions; very general. MS Dr. Williams's Library, Gordon Square, London W.C.i. B U R Y , Elizabeth (1644-1720) of Clare, Suffolk. Religious diary, August, 1693-April, 1720; a Puritan woman's spiritual life; covenanting, prayers, self-examination. An Account of the Life and Death of Elizabeth Bury (Bristol, 1720), pp. 57178.


British Diaries


Dr. Henry (I629?-I700) of London, physician. Private diary, October, 1693-September, 1694; frequent entries on the state of health of the capital, mortality bills, various anecdotes of crimes, curious diseases; two entries for July, 1695: a medical case, and description of a journey to Tunbridge Wells; remainder is a collection of stories about famous contemporaries; particular interest in Titus Oates and his associates; lively style; often quotes actual speech. Extracts from the Learned and Ingenious Dr. Henry Sampson's MS. Diary Boo\s. MS B.M. Sloane coll. 4460.7 SAMPSON,

ANON, (of London).

Business diary, December, 1694-May, 1716; notes on the work of a London midwife, the births she attended, and her fees. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.i 141 76 fols. LEEDS, Peregrine Hyde Osborne, 2d Duke of (1691-1731), admiral. Naval diary, May-June, 1694; details of a naval expedition to Brest; kept aboard the Royal William. A Journal of the Brest Expedition (London, 1694). MORE, The Rev. John (b. 1654) of Earls Croom, Worcs. Diary extracts, June, 1694-March, 1700 (extracts copied from Prattinton's Collections for Worcestershire); his religious work and troubles; becomes a Baptist; some domestic affairs; his eccentricities; a Dryden note; brief notes. MS B.M. Add. MSS 25463 Fols. 197-199 SAVAGE, Mrs. Sarah (1664-1732) of Broad Oak, Flints. Religious diary, July, 1694-November, 1732; prayers, observances, spiritual life; fears, hopes; Nonconformist; daughter of the Rev. Philip Henry. John B. Williams, Memoirs of Mrs. Sarah Savage (Boston, 1821), passim. ANON, (of Wigan).

Public diary, July, 1695-January, 1696 (fragment); notes on local affairs; Wigan and Lancashire. MS Atkinson Central Library, Southport (Information supplied by J. Leather, deputy chief librarian) FIENNES, Cclia. Travel diary, 1695-1697 (mainly narrative); travelogues on various journeys from Wiltshire through England; mainly notes on topography, towns, villages, watering places, estates and country houses, gardens; comments on roads, inns, meals, travel conditions; shrewd, observant notes, forming an interesting picture of rural England. Through England on a Side-Saddle, ed. R. W. Blencowe (London, 1888); re-ed. from MS (London, 1948).


British Diaries


Richard, of Oxford University. Religious diary, 1695; the religious life and introspection of a student at University College; his sickness and miseries; studies. Francis E. Paget, A Student Penitent of 1695 (London, 1875). GRAHAM,

Peter (1661-1729), Norroy king-of-arms. Heraldry diary, 1695-1729 (extracts); heraldry notes relating to Norfolk. Norfolk Archaeology, II (1849), pp. 23-34, " 1-126, 369-389.


1 6 9 6

William (1628-1702) of Ford Hall, Derby. Private diary, January, 1696-December, 1698 (extracts); social and domestic life in Derbyshire; visits, unusual events; notes on books read; Nonconformist religious life and sermons. William H. G. Bagshaw, The Bagshaws of Ford (London, 1886), pp. 22-37. BAGSHAW,

Sir John (1676-1755) of Penicuik, baron of the Exchequer. Public diary-memoirs, mainly 1696-1754, extracted by author from his diary; public affairs in Scodand; his work as commissioner of the Union and baron of Exchequer; public events, social life, and business interests of a Scottish country gendeman; excellent and valuable. Memoirs of the Life of Sir John Cler\, ed. John M. Gray (Scottish Hist. Soc., 1892), 278 pp.; reprinted by Roxburghe Club (Edinburgh, 1895). CLERK,

The Rev. Matthew (1662-1714), Nonconformist divine. Religious diary, June, 1696-March, 1714 (extracts); religious life, work, and reflections; Chester, Broad Oak, Hackney; his ministry and family life. Sir John B. Williams, Memoirs of the Life of Rev. Matthew Henry (London, 1828). HENRY,

Henry (1665-1701), Oriental traveler. Travel diary, February-April, 1696; a visit to the Holy Land and Aleppo; detailed notes on landscape, religious services, and convents; a Christian pilgrimage. A Compendium of Modern Travels (London, 1757), Vol. I. MAUNDRELL,

William, of Glanderstone, Scotland. Travel diary, April-August, 1696; a tour in England, Holland, etc.; at Dutch court; notes on places, towns, and industries. Caldwell Papers (New Club Series, Paisley, 1883, First Part). MURE,

The Rev. Henry ( 1 6 5 0 - 1 7 1 3 ) of Tattenhall, Ches., and Middleton, Lanes. Religious diary, 1696-April, 1 7 1 3 ; full entries after his father's example; private diary, but with intention of providing record for his children; history of early life; account of education at Manchester and Oxford; combines introspective record of his spiritual life, his failings, and God's mercies, with account of NEWCOME,


British Diaries


parochial and diocesan affairs; his scholars; his preaching; his illnesses and cures; family events; interesting record of education, and valuable picture of the life of a country parson. M S Manchester Central Library 922.3, N 21 326 pp. ( R . V . Osbourn)

1697 ANON. Travel diary, June, 1697; a tour from England to Holland and Germany; touristic notes; notes on The Hague and diplomacy. H.M.C., 8th Report, pt. i: Earl of Jersey's MSS, pp. 99-101. BLATHWAYT, William ( I 6 4 9 ? - I 7 I 7 ) , secretary-at-war. Public journal, April-October, 1697; travel in Holland and Belgium in connection with peace treaty; notes on military movements and King William's activities; impersonal. MSB.M. Add. MSS 22031 30 fols. BONHEREAU, Dr. Elie (d. 1719), librarian. Account of his diary; latter part dealing with life in Dublin from 1697, as Huguenot refugee, to ca. 1719; was first librarian of Marsh's Library in Dublin. Proc. Huguenot Soc. London, X V (1934), No. 1, gives an account of the diary. HUME, Sir David (1643-1707), of Crossrig, Scottish judge. I. Personal diary and reminiscences, April, 1697-January, 1707; domestic and personal affairs while he was senator of the College of Justice. Domestic Details by Sir David Hume (Edinburgh, 1843), 126 pp. 2. Public diary, May, 1701-March, 1707; kept while judge of Court of Session; chief occurrences, proceedings, debates, in parliament and privy council; not intimate, but some personal comments. A Diary of the Proceedings in the Parliament (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1828). MEARE, John (I649?-I7IO) of Oxford, scholar. University diary, September-December, 1697; public and academic affairs at Oxford, where he was principal of Brasenose College. Oxford Magazine, January 2 5 , 1 9 1 1 . ROBERTS, Hugh (d. 1702) of Merion, Pa. Travel diary, December, 1697-March? 1698; voyage from Pennsylvania to England and Wales; brief travel notes of moderate interest. Pennsylvania Mag. Hist, and Biog., X V I I I (1894), pp. 199-205.


ANON. Travel diary, September-December, 1698 (extracts); written by one of those who sailed on the first expedition on board the Endeavour; Darien scheme for


British Diaries


colony of Scots at Darien, Panama, together with extracts from journal of Capt. Macdowall. J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1928), Vol. I, pp. 348-367. C O M P T O N , The Rev. Thomas (b. 1698) of Great Holland, Essex. Religious diary and autobiography, 1698-1729 (account and extracts); religious work and parish life in Essex; family affairs of the Comptons; village life in Great Holland. Essex Review, IX (1900), pp. 33-37. MS owned by John Taylor. GORDON, The Rev. William (d. 1724) of Barr, Ayrshire. Religious diary, 1698-1724; his religious observances, prayers, and reflections; theological matters; earlier part kept while bursar at Glasgow University. MS Edinburgh University Library Laing coll. 271 RICHARDS, John, of Warmwell, Dorset. Country diary, March, 1698-December, 1701 (extracts); brief notes on quiet farming life; some merchant business; family affairs, wife, children; cock fighting and horse racing; some items in Italian. Retrospective Review, n.s., I (1853), pp. 97, 201, 408. R O S E , Hugh. Travel diary, September-November, 1698; account of the Scottish, African, and Indian fleet during the voyage from Madeira to Panama, in connection with the Darien colonizing scheme. Francis R. Hart, The Disaster of Darien (New York, 1929), pp. 192-216. 1699

William (1667-1714) of Bank Top, near Worsborough, attorney. Business diary, March, 1699-August, 1703; almost entirely notes of financial transactions; law practice between Sheffield and Barnsley; of local interest only. MS Sheffield City Libraries Special Coll. Misc. Documents 173 pp. (J. P. Lamb, librarian) E V A N S , Francis, secretary to bishop of Worcester. Clerical diary, July, 1699-June, 1709; a unique picture of a bishop's life at the time; the duties and work of Bishop Lloyd, appointments, licensing surgeons, death of William III, church and state politics; sport. Diary of Francis Evans, ed. David Robertson (Worcestershire Hist. Soc., Oxford, 1903). ADAMS,

Charles (1667-1721), antiquary. Travel diary, 1699; journey from Dunkirk to Rome; good descriptions of churches and religious houses; interview with the Pope; only an account of the diary has been published, not the text. HM.C., 3rd Report (1872), p. 261. C. J. Eyston of East Hendred, Wantage, was owner of the MS at that time. EYSTON,


British Diaries


Thomas. Religious diary, 1699-1703; life of an English Catholic abroad. Bedingfield Papers (Catholic Rec. Soc. Miscellanea, VI, 1909).


John (1669-1709) of Solsborough, Wexford, general. Military diaries; July, 1699-September, 1700, travel in Italy, Constantinople, Vienna, military interest, forts, scenery; May, 1704-October, 1705, two campaigns in Portugal, mostly about artillery and strategy, movements of armies; February, 1706-January, 1707, expedition to Barcelona, fleet movements, campaign, his own activities; Marlborough and other generals; drawings. MS B.M. Stowe coll. 462,467,471 RICHARDS,


Travel journal, 1699; tour through England, North Wales, and Ireland. MS Cardiff Public Library 82 pp. I7OO Lieut. Col. John (1664-1729) of Dumfriesshire. Private and war diary, October, 1700-October, 1728; service in Cameronian Regiment in Marlborough's campaigns in Netherlands and in 1715 Jacobite rebellion; governor of Stirling Casde; but mostly personal and religious experiences, with reflections; interesting record. Andrew Crichton, Life and Diary of Lieut. Col. John Blackader (Edinburgh, 1824), pp. 141-545; H. S. Baynes, Life and Diary of Lt. Col. J. Blackader of the Cameronian Regiment (Edinburgh, 1824); [ 13]—578 pp. Also partly in Select Passages from the Diary and Letters of the late John Blackader, Esq., ed. John Newton (Edinburgh, 1806). BLACKADER,

James, of Glasgow, merchant. Religious diary, September, 1700-March, 1745; Calvinistic religious life in Glasgow; self-examination and condemnation. Diary of George Brown (Glasgow, pr. ptd., 1856), App. BROWN,

Devereux, of Ipswich. Legal diary, 1700-1716; his record book as justice of the peace for Ipswich. MS Ipswich Public Library Si/9/1.1 One book at time of inquiry (June, 1947) at the Public Record Office for repair (Information supplied by Dorothy M. White, librarian) EDGAR,

Mr., a Scotsman.] Personal diary, March, 1700-1709; an extensive record, mosdy in Latin; notes on dreams, curiosities, astrology; social and family life; a very curious, whimsical document of Rabelaisian quality; interesting. MS B.M. Harleian coll. 6727-6744 18 vols. [HODGES,


British Diaries


Sir George (1650-1709), admiral. Sea journals, April, 1700-January, 1703; account of the expedition to the Sound, and attacks on Cadiz and Vigo; logbook and strategic notes. The Journal of Sir George Rootle (Navy Records Soc., 1897). S H R E W S B U R Y , Charles Talbot, Duke of (1660-1718), secretary-of-state. Travel diary, November, 1700-January, 1706; kept during his retirement and residence abroad; France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Holland; society and social life and gossip; courts, public affairs, anecdotes; travel notes and observations on notable people and places; interesting. HM.C., Buccleuch MSS, II, 746-799. ROOKE,




0 1

Political diary, May, 1701 (extract); political affairs of the day. Notes and Queries, 2d ser., X (i860), pp. 324-325. Diana (later Mrs. Orlebar) (1671-1716) of Henbury, Glos. Social diary, September, 1701-September, 1708 (extracts); her marriage; country social life; visits; much about meals, dinners, and menus; visits to London; mosdy gastronomic interest; very interesting spellings. Frederica St. John Orlebar, Orlebar Chronicles (London, 1930), pp. 160-168. ASTRY,

The Rev. James (1679-1755) of Malcalf. Country diary, 1701-1755 (extracts); the very amusing record of a nonconformist minister and doctor; his religious work, services, sermons; his farming; country life and persons; domestic and social life; travel notes; medical work; his reading; a very varied and active life. Extracts from the Diary ...of the Rev. James Clegg, ed. Henry Kirk (London, 1899) (Yale Univ. microfilm 1883.) K E L S A L L , John (1683-1743) of Dolobran, Wales. Quaker diary, February, 1701-July, 1743; Quaker life and worship in North Wales; meetings in Dolobran and Dolgyn; travel; notes, personal and social. Ed. O. M. Edwards in 2 vols. (London, 1895). MS (original and typed copies) at Friends' Society Library, London, N.W.i Cupboard 7 8 vols. (Yale Univ. microfilms 230-232) M A R R I O T , Mr. (b. 1680) of London, dissenter. Religious diary, April, 1701-February, 1703; notes on sermons, introspections, and painful meditations; a member of Shower's congregation at Old Jewry. MS B.M. Add. MSS 22490 172 fols. M I L L N E R , John, Irish sergeant. War diaries, 1701-1712; notes of twelve campaigns of the Allies; War of Spanish Succession; Marlborough's campaigns; France, Holland, Germany; marches, batdes, etc. A Compendious Journal of All the Marches (London, 1733). CLEGG,


British Diaries


Francis, merchant. Sea diary, December, 1701-November, 1704; the notes of a London merchant kept during voyages to the West Indies and elsewhere; sea life. S. Ingram Bruce (ed.), Three Sea Journals of Stuart Times (London, 1936).


The Rev. Robert (1679-1734) of Eastwood, Scottish historian. Public diary, March, 1701-December, 1731; materials in diary form collected for his history of the most remarkable providences; mosdy relating to the Scottish Church, the Assembly, and Scottish ministers; together with notes of his own church and parish work, his family and domestic affairs, and public troubles. Analecta, 3 vols. (Maidand Club, Edinburgh, 1842-1843). WODROW,

Francis. 1J02 Travel diary, 1702; topographical and social notes during a visit to Cambridge, London, and Oxford. J. E. B. Mayor (ed.), Cambridge under Queen Anne (Cambridge, 1 9 1 1 ) . BURMAN,

James Buder, 2d Duke of (1665-1745), statesman. Military diary, June-November, 1702; report to House of Lords on his expedition for capture of Cadiz; military and naval details of the failure; bald. MS B.M. Add. MSS 38159 37 fols. (copy)


The Rt. Rev. John (1645-1714), archbishop of York. Ecclesiastical diary, 1702-1713 (extracts); brief and cryptic records of his ecclesiastical work and administration, with notes of his interviews with Queen Anne and other activities in connection with the Church. The Life of John Sharp, by his son, Thomas Sharp, ed. Thomas Newcome, 2 vols. (London, 1825), passim. SHARP,

1703 Peter, of London, grocer. Private diary, July, 1703-June, 1716; Quaker domestic life and worship; business affairs and daily pursuits; weather, the Great Frost in 1715; London sights; social life; an entertaining diary. Eliot Howard, Howard Papers (London, 1895), No. 1 1 . BRIGGINS,

John, of near Llanrydd, Denbigh? ] Teacher's diary, April-May, 1703; kept mosdy in Latin; notes on his work as schoolmaster and clergyman; local affairs and events in Wales; his reading; his relations with Sir Thomas Hanmer; personal, and often amusing. MS B.M. Add. MSS 28799 [JONES,

Timothy (1687-1703) of London. Religious diary, August-November, 1703; a brief religious record of spiritual life; copied by his brother, Samuel, in 1714. MS Bodleian Library Add. MSS A 49 68 pp. MARRIOTT,


British Diaries


•ST. PIERRE, Colonel, of Royal Dragoons. Military diary, 1703-1713; operations in Portugal and Spain. Military Journal of Colonel De St. Pierre, ed. }. E. R. James (Chatham, 1882).




Military diary, August, 1704-May, 1705; impersonal details of the siege and capture of Gibraltar by Prince of Hesse; bald and historical details. An Exact Journal of the Taking of Gibraltar (London, 1710). ANON.

Travel diary, 1704; a tour in northern England and Scotland; topographical notes. M S National Library of Scodand No. 2506 HARE, T h e Rt. Rev. Francis (1671-1740), chaplain to Duke of Marlborough. Military diary, May-June, 1704; march to the Danube; brief notes of army movements. G . M. Trevelyan (ed.), Select Documents for Queen Anne's Reign (Cambridge, 1929), pp. 96-102. ILLIDGE, Lieut. Richard, of Nantwich, Cheshire, farmer. Private diary, July, 1704-May, 1707; average of four brief entries a month; his wife's illnesses; weather; deaths of local persons; little value. M S Manchester Central Library F.923.5 2 vols. (R. V . Osbourn) ISHAM, Sir Justinian, 4th baronet (d. 1730) of Lampton Hall, Northants. Country diary, 1704-1730 (excerpts); domestic life and work in country; sport; religious life; trips to London and tours on Continent; theater, social life, Sacheverell affair, Frederick the Great as a youth; an interesting diary, which has not been fully published. Quoted in Sir Thomas Isham s Diary, translated and privately printed by the Rev. Robert Isham (1875). See also The Diaries of Sir Justinian Isham (Royal Hist. Soc. Pubs., 3d ser., 1,1907). POCOCK, T h e Rev. Thomas, naval chaplain. Sea diary, March-September, 1704; voyage on the Ranelagh; details of ship life and his work. Memoirs Relating to Lord Torrington (Camden Soc., 2d ser., X L V I , 1889), App. pp. 177-200. SCOTT, John, of Donaghadee, county Down. Social diary, December, 1704-July, 1708 (extracts); social notes; preaching; travel; love affairs; slight but interesting. John Stevenson, Two Centuries of Life in Down (Belfast, 1920), pp. 346-356,



British Diaries


1705 William Cowper, 1st Earl (1665-1723), lord chancellor. Public diary, October, 1705-September, 1714 (occasional entries); his political activities; parliamentary and legal affairs; the courtier's life at court of Queen Anne; meetings of cabinet; a valuable record of public life and service. The Private Diary of Earl Cowper, ed. E. C. Hawtrey (Roxburghe Club, 1833). 58 PPH E A R N E , Thomas (1678-1735), antiquary. Antiquarian diaries, July, 1705-June, 1735; antiquarian pursuits; notes on his scholarship; collections; reading, etc. Reliquiae Hearnianae: being extracts from his MS diaries, ed. P. Bliss (London, 1869); cp. also Remarks and Collections of (Oxford Historical Society, 1885-1921), 11 vols. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. K (Hearne) 1-145. COWPER,

James (d. 1707) of Edinburgh. Religious diary, January, 1705-April, 1707; an incantation in diary form on God's dealings with him, the Lord's sparing him; notes on sermons; interesting for form if not for content. (Same author as under 1688P) MS Edinburgh University Library Dc.7.81 NASMYTH,

Joseph, barrister of Inner Temple. Travel diary, August-September, 1705; London to Edinburgh; Derby, York, Newcasde; notes on topography and estates; beauty spots, manners, and customs; vigorous and anti-Scottish; popular excitement at time of the Union. A Journey to Edenborough in Scotland, ed. William Cowan (Edinburgh, 1903), 182 pp. MS Edinburgh Central Library. TAYLOR,



Religious diary, September, 1706-March, 1707; kept in London, apparently by a woman; religious feelings through the day; Newington, Islington, Bow churches, etc.; interesting spellings. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.1334 31 fols. Robert (1660-1741), historian. Domestic diary, April, 1706-July, 1731 (1707-1708 missing, and 1706 and 1709 in Latin); full of domestic detail. MS St. John's College, Cambridge Aa.3.61-66 6 vols.




Religious diary, Sptember, 1707-March, 1709; kept by a young London wigmaker; religious introspection and feelings through the day. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. C.861 30 fols.


British Diaries


Deborah ( 1 6 6 4 - 1 7 3 8 ) of Bradford. Quaker diary, 1 7 0 7 - 1 7 3 7 ; a brief account of her ministry and travels through England. A Short Journal of the Labours and Travels of Deborah Bell (London, 1 7 6 2 ) ; also in Friends' Library, V (Philadelphia, 1 8 4 1 ) , pp. 1 - 2 3 . BELL,

George ( 1 6 3 5 - 1 7 1 9 ) of Chester. Private diary, September, 1 7 0 7 - 1 7 1 9 ; notes of family affairs, business; accidents, public happenings; mosdy record of death and violence. The Diary of George Booth (Chester, 1928); reprinted from Chester Archaeol. four., X X V I I I . BOOTH,

The Rev. Ebenezer ( 1 6 8 0 - 1 7 5 4 ) of Stirling. Religious diary, November, 1 7 0 7 - 1 7 2 2 (full diary); religious experiences and meditations; 1 7 2 2 - 1 7 2 8 , few brief entries; biographer gives quotations grouped to show Erskine's character, his faith, his domestic affairs. Life and Diary of Rev. Ebenezer Ers\ine, ed. Donald Fraser (Edinburgh, ERSKINE,


NASMYTH, James Jr., of Edinburgh. Religious diary, May, 1 7 0 7 - 1 7 4 0 ; spiritual life; God's mercies; notes of sermons. MS Edinburgh Univ. Library Dc.7.81 Sir John ( I 6 6 O ? - I 7 4 9 ) , admiral. Sea journals, 1 7 0 7 , 1 7 1 0 , 1 7 1 1 , 1 7 1 6 , 1 7 1 8 - 1 7 2 1 , 1 7 2 7 , 1 7 3 4 - 1 7 3 7 , 1 7 4 0 - 1 7 4 3 ; kept at Turin and during naval service in Mediterranean, Baltic, and at Lisbon. MSB.M. Add. MSS 2 8 1 2 7 - 2 8 1 4 1 NORMS,



Private diary, 1 7 0 8 - 1 7 3 0 ; kept by steward of Sir Nathaniel Curzon at Kedleston, Derby; personal notes of social engagements, journeys, purchases, etc. MS William Salt Library, Stafford 2/41/42 Fols. 22V-82V COOKE, Capt. Edward (ft. 1712), sailor. Sea diary, August, 1708-April, 1 7 1 1 ; captain on the Duchess under command of Woodes Rogers during voyage to South Seas; notable events, topography, natives, the cruise; notes on American West Coast; account of Alexander Selkirk. A Voyage to the South Seas and Round the World (London, 1712). DEANE, John Marshall, private in Foot Guards. Military diary, March-December, 1708; military service in War of Spanish Succession; services in Low Countries; batde of Oudenarde; siege of Lille; only military details. A Journal of the Campaign in Flanders, ed. John B. Deane (pr. ptd., 1 8 4 6 ) .

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of Pcnrallt Kibwr, Wales. Farming diary, 1708-1738; farming work and social life; local affairs; a yeoman in Pembrokeshire. Trans. Hist. Soc. West Wales, IX (1920-1923). REES AP REES,

Capt. Woodes (d. 1732), governor of the Bahamas. Privateer's diary, 1708-1710; life aboard a privateer; taking of Spanish vessels; mutiny, weather, cruises, etc.; account of rescue of Alexander Selkirk from Juan Fernandez Island. Life Aboard a British Privateer (London, 1889; originally published 1712). ROGERS,

1709 Sir Thomas (1661-1733) Dublin, physician. Travel diary, April-May, 1709; Dublin to Connaught; topographical notes; towns, villages, scenery. Irish Archaeol. Soc. Misc., I (1856), pp. 161-177. MOLYNEUX,

Dr. Claver (1659-1727) of Wells, Somerset. Country diary, March, 1709-March, 1710, and June, 1718-August, 1726; life of a small provincial town; social and domestic life; medical practice and techniques; farming work; music and religion; plays; a charming and valuable diary. The Diary of a West Country Physician, ed. Edmund Hobhouse (London, MORRIS,



RUD, Edward, fellow of Trinity College. University diary, January, 1709-January, 1720; scholarly, administrative, and university affairs at Cambridge; especially concerned with Trinity and Dr. Bendey. The Diary of Edward Rud, ed. H. R. Luard (Cambridge, i860). 1710 James, 3d Viscount (d. 1716). Travel diary, « . 1 7 1 0 ; notes on his travels in Italy. MS Hereford Public Library Local coll. 920 (L. M. Bickerton, librarian)


Jonathan (1667-1745), dean of St. Patrick's. Private diary, September, 1710-June, 1713; the "Journal to Stella"; in letter form; a conversational mixture of state secrets, politics, and intrigues, with domestic details, personal interests, and love affairs; his health and social life and opinions; gossip and passing events; written in the conversational "little language"; the best reflection of social life in time of Queen Anne. Journal to Stella, ed. Geo. A. Aitken (London, 1901); ed. Frederic Ryland (London, 1923: vol. 2 in Bohn's Standard Library originally, now appears in Bohn's Popular Library); ed. Ernest Rhys in Everyman's Library (London and N.Y., 1924). SWIFT,


British Diaries

[ 1711

Zacharias Conrad. Travel diary, 1710; a young German's visit to Cambridge and London; critical and informative notes on scholarship, antiquities, buildings, university. J. E. B. Mayor (ed.) Cambridge Under Queen Anne (Cambridge, 1911). W H I T W O R T H , Charles Whitworth, Baron (1675-1725), diplomat. Travel journal, March-July, 1710; a journey from Moscow to London while envoy to Russia; notes on stages, and travel conditions. MSB.M. Add. MSS 37359 Fols. 190-200 VON UFFENBACH,

(of London). I7II Business diary, January, 1711-August, 1712; mosdy occupied with collection of rents and debts, seizures, household purchases, food, listening to sermons (Westminister Abbey, etc., St. Lawrence, and city churches); coffeehouses; fair interest. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D. 1 1 1 4 Fols. 81-119 C O L L E T T , Joseph, governor of Fort St. George, Madras. Travel diary, 1 7 1 1 ; account of adventurous voyage to India; capture at Rio de Janeiro by French; son left as hostage. MS owned by Collett family; typescripts in B.M. and Royal Geographical Society libraries. (Henry Collett.) H O U S M A N , Mrs. H. (d. 1735) of Kidderminster. Private diary, April 1711-May 1732 (extracts); illustrating spiritual life and faith of Mrs. Housman; includes prayers and meditations; purely introspective. Richard Pearsall, The Power and Pleasure of the Divine Life (London, 1744). L E A K E , John, of Hart Hall, Oxford, nonjuror. Travel diary, June 1711-July 1712; tour in Holland in charge of son of vicar of Stepney; at University of Leyden; visit to English camp in Flanders. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.428 W A L K D E N , The Rev. Peter (1684-1769) of Stockport, Lanes. Religious diaries, 1711, 1725, and 1729 (extracts); the work of a Presbyterian minister in Lancashire, at Thornley and Stockport; rural life, agriculture, farming, social life, parish work; religious observance and reflections. Extracts from the Diary of Rev. Peter Walkden, ed. William Dobson (Preston, i860); extracts for 1711 in Trans. Hist. Soc. Lancashire and Cheshire, XXII (1879-1880), pp. 117-142; an account in T. C. Smith, History of the Parish of Chipping (Preston, 1894). W R I G H T , Thomas (b. 1 7 1 1 ) of Dyer's Green, Durham. Private diary and autobiography, 1711-1762; his boyhood in Durham; school days; apprenticeship to a clockmaker; journalism; work as a teacher of watch and almanac making; travels in Ireland; relations with the nobility; also accounts. MS B.M. Add. MSS 15627 30 fols. (Extracts will be found in Louth Archaeol. Soc. Jour., II, pp. 171-185) ANON,


British Diaries


1712 HARROLD, Edmund, of Manchester, wigmaker. Religious diary, June, I7I2-September?, 1 7 1 5 ; introspective; thoughts suggested by sermons; state of his physical and spiritual health; repentance for sins; attempts at self-discipline, especially in drinking; prayers; meditations, in form of epigrammatic essays; effect of spiritual improvement on business; spiritual life of Protestant; his work, reading, and social life. M S Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun. A 2 137 178 pp. ( R . V . Osbourn) Partly published in Collectanea Relating to Manchester {Chetham Soc. Pubs., L X V I I I , 1 8 6 6 ) , pp. 1 7 2 - 2 0 7

PACE, Mary (Mrs. Weston). Quaker diary, 1 7 1 2 - 1 7 5 7 ; notes of Quaker religious life, work, and travels in England; visit to America in 1750; bare details. The Eliot Papers, ed. Eliot Howard, No. 1 1 . TYLDESLEY, Thomas ( 1 6 5 7 - 1 7 1 5 ) of Garstang and Blackpool, Lanes. Country diary, March, 1712-November, 1 7 1 4 ; the life and sport of a Lancashire country gentleman; Roman Catholic; reactions to death of Queen Anne; troubles of his faith; public affairs; religious life; social and domestic affairs. The Tyldesley Diary, ed. J. Gillow and A . Hewitson (Preston, 1 8 7 3 ) , pp. 15-180.

CAPPS, John, of Biddlesden House, near Andover, Hants, butler. Country diary, 1 7 1 3 - 1 7 7 3 ; account of election in Ludgershall, a rotten borough; country affairs, prices, journeys, fires, riots, etc. M S owned by Mr. R . T . H . James, of Grove Cottage, Chute Cadley, nr. Andover, Hants. 1714 COWPER, Mary, Countess Cowper ( 1 6 8 5 - 1 7 2 4 ) , lady-in-waiting. Court diary, October, 1714-July, 1720 (with four-year break); full notes of court gossip, scandal, and intrigue; attendance on Princess of Wales; sharp sketches of court ladies; public affairs; Rebellion of 1 7 1 5 and politics; strain between K i n g and Prince of Wales; valuable and entertaining. Diary of Mary, Countess Cowper (London, 1864, 1865). HART, James ( 1 6 6 3 - 1 7 2 9 ) of Edinburgh, minister. Travel diary, September, 1714-January, 1 7 1 5 ; Edinburgh to London; commission from Church of Scodand to George I with congratulations on his accession; York, Lincoln, Cambridge, Oxford; topographical and descriptive notes. M S Edinburgh University Library Dc. 7.80 Ed. Principal Lee (Edinburgh, pr. ptd., 1832)


British Diaries


The Rev. James, of Dulwich College. Travel diary, March-May, 1714; travel in France; Paris, Loire, Normandy, Brittany; a tourist's notes and descriptions of usual kind. MS B.M. Add. MSS 29477 Printed in W. Young, History of Dulwich College (London, 1889), Vol. II, pp. 350-374 HUME,

MAX, John Erskine, nth Earl of (1675-1732), Jacobite. Military diary, 1714-1715; the movements and engagements of the Jacobite forces from the earl's arrival in Scodand to his embarkation for France. A Journal of the Earl of Mar's Proceedings (London, 1715). Thomas, of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. Farming diary, 1714-1728 (extracts); brief but lively details of domestic and social life in rural Sussex; agricultural notes of a yeoman farmer. Sussex Archaeol. Colls., X X V (1873), pp. 63-203. MS owned by J. H. Kelsey, Risden, Wadhurst, Surrey (Yale Univ. microfilm 233) [ S W I F T , Jonathan (1667-1745), author? ] Literary diary, July-September, 1714; from time of leaving London until settling in Dublin; account of the week described by the libelous Hue and Cry; spurious? MARCHANT,

Dr. Sw .. t's Real Diary (London, 1715). CLARKE,


1715 Military diary, November, 1715; account of the Scottish insurrection (Rebellion of 1715); a daily narrative of events up to failure at Preston; brief descriptive notes by an eyewitness; restrained but colorful; useful historically. Scottish Hist. Soc. Misc. (1893). MS Edinburgh Univ. Library Laing coll. 257 O'FLANNAGAN, M r .

Jacobite diary, October-December, 1715; His Majesty King James the Third's journey from Commercy to St. Malo; "accompany'd by Mr. O'Flannagan and St. Paul." Scottish Hist. Rev., XXI (1923-1924), pp. 253-266. R U L E , of Glenmuick, Scodand. Schoolmaster's diary, August, 1715-1750; with miscellaneous memoranda and accounts; his books and reading; his work and business as a teacher; his sons' education; notes on religious life and sermons. MS National Library of Scodand 34.7.12 R Y D E R , Dudley (1691-1756) of Hackney, later attorney-general. Law student's diary, June, 1715-December, 1716; a selection from the detailed and intimate record of a sensitive and intelligent young student in London; his family and private life and love affairs; social life among law students; the coffee-

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houses and taverns; the London scene; excitements of the 1715 Rebellion; discussions of contemporary literature, ideas, and problems; a well-written and intimate journal, which forms one of the best records of social life at the time, and is one of the best of English diaries; transcribed from shorthand. The Diary of Dudley Ryder, ed. William Matthews (London, 1939). The MS is owned by the Earl of Harrowby at Sandon Hall, Staffs, who has also a full transcription made by William Matthews. Among the other Ryder MSS owned by the Earl of Harrowby are further diaries in shorthand by Dudley Ryder, extending up to a few days before his death (but with gaps); and the estate and business diaries and journals of his son, Nathaniel. The Rev. John (1692-1761) of Rothbury, Durham, and Glenfield, Leics. Clergyman's diaries, 1715-1722; his student days at Cambridge; his work as a curate at Rothbury; his search for a wife and a living; parish life and scandals; his pursuit of the ladies and his amours; social details; a very personal and lively record. Pardy published in North Country Diaries (Surtees Soc., CXVIII, 1910), pp. 64-167. MS B.M. Add. MSS 22560 (Yale Univ. microfilm 268) W A N L E Y , Humphrey (1672-1726), antiquary. Scholar's diary, March, 1715-June, 1726 (with index); occurrences relating to the Earl of Oxford's library and collections while under his care (the Harleian collection); building up an assembly of manuscripts, books, medals; inquiries and news about MSS; a detailed record of antiquarian work for the great collection now in the B.M.; valuable records of antiquarians, booksellers, and scholars of the time; readers and visitors in the library; relations with Warburton, churchmen, scholars, copyists, booksellers, binders, and, of course, Harley; a fascinating bookish record. MS B.M. Lansdowne coll. 771 and 772 (These are now being edited) See also MS Lansdowne 677, which is Wanley's memorandum book, with notes of books, antiques, etc., worth purchasing, and other matters relating to the collection. THOMLINSON,


Travel diary, July, 1716; travel through Flanders and Holland; details of what he saw; mainly pictures and buildings. MS Leicester Museum Muniment Room 6D43/1 (Information from Eleanor Swift) 1717 The Rt. Rev. George (1685-1753), bishop of Cloyne. Travel diaries, January, 1717-April, 1718; notes during his second visit to Italy; sightseeing in Rome, Calabria, Naples, etc.; spotty notes. BERKELEY,

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MS B.M. Add. MSS 39307-39310 Pardy printed in Wor\s, ed. Alexander C. Fraser (Oxford, 1901), Vol. IV, pp. 225-318 James Erskine, Lord (1679-1754), lord justice clerk. Public and social diary, 1 7 1 7 - 1 7 1 8 (extracts); his official duties as senator of the College of Justice; the Kirk; family life; servants in Scodand; his health and spiritual condition; wise, kindly; religious with occasional moral vagaries; delightfully fresh and frank. Diary of a Senator of the College of Justice, ed. J. Maidment (Edinburgh, 1843).


Anthony (1668-1738), poet. Literary diary, January-December, 1717 (with miscellaneous earlier notes); brief jottings; notes of visits; mosdy theological, philosophical, and literary criticism; reading of classical and modern authors (Dryden's translations and other translations). MS B.M. Add. MSS 22584 HAMMOND,

The Rev. William, of Edinburgh. Clerical diary, February-May, 1717; notes on religion and parish work; church affairs and political events in Scotland. Miscellany of Spalding Club, I ( 1 8 4 1 ) , pp. 227-253. MITCHELL,

Joseph (1692-1755) of Kidderminster. Religious diary, August, 1717-March, 1755; a dissenter's notes on his religious life and meditations; his business affairs; his health and sickness; more like daily essays. Extracts from the Diary of Joseph Williams, ed. Benjamin Fawcett (Romsey, 1816). WILLIAMS,

1 7 1 8

James (1699-1772) of Thorp, Yorks, yeoman. Country diary, December, 1718-December, 1760 (extracts); family notes, social life, and public events in Yorkshire. Yorkshire Diaries (Surtees Soc., L X V [1875], pp. 193-241). FRETWELL,

John (1682-1759) of Bedale, Yorks, exciseman. Country diary, 1 7 1 8 - 1 7 1 9 ; notes on country life, work, and pleasures at Bedale; social life; his antiquarian interests. Yorkshire Archaeol. and Topograph. Jour., X V (1900), pp. 61-84.


John. 1719 Travel diary, January, 1719-May, 1720; notes kept during a journey from Gombroone to London; probably an employee of the East India Company. MS Leicester Muniment Room 4 D42/165 (Information from Eleanor Swift) GEEKIE,


British Diaries


OTT, The Rev. John Henry, of Bexhill, canon of Lichfield. Private diary, August, 1719-March, 1720; kept in Latin, French, and English; his social affairs in London; his religious life and work; reflections and moralizings; his reading and literary friendships and anecdotes; a good account of a meeting with Steele and Blackmore ("a noble entertaining discours about genius"). MSB.M. Add. MSS 27616 Fols. 96-107 ANON.




Travel diary, May, 1720-August, 1721; trip from London through Paris and France, Rhineland, Low Countries, and back; religion and politics; usual notes on towns, buildings, trade, people, and customs. MSB.M. Stowe MSS 790 192 fols. John, of Maldon, Essex. Private diary, ca. 1720-1780; travels to London, Ipswich, Norwich, Holland; East Bergholt, and meeting with Golding Constable, father of the painter; references to American Revolution; amusing and lighthearted. MS Essex Archaeological Society, Holly Trees Museum, Colchester (E. J. Reedsdale). CROSIER,

William. Travel diary, 1720; touristic notes during a trip in Italy. H.M.C., 10th Report, App. IV.


Erasmus, of Picton Castle, Wales. University diary, August, 1720-September, 1722 (extracts); social life of a gentleman-commoner at Oxford University; university affairs and studies. Douglas Macleane, A History of Pembroke College (Oxford Hist. Soc., X X X I I I , 1897), pp. 323-329; Notes and Queries, 2d ser., Nov. 10, i860. PHILIPPS,

The Rev. Benjamin (1686-1771) of Carlton, Beds. Country diary, 1720-1747; local affairs and social life; interesting information on country life of the district, and of the personalities; shordy to be published by Beds. Hist. Rec. Soc. MS County Record Office, Bedford C. R. T . 25/1 (on temporary loan, 1947) (Information from Barbara Crook, archivist) ROGERS,

Sir Richard (1672-1729), author. Business diary, July, 1720-September, 1721; fragmentary; mainly notes of correspondence and payments; minor biographical value. The Correspondence of Richard Steele, ed. Rae Blanchard (London, 1941), pp. 536-542. STEELE,

Jacob (1656-1736), bookseller. Business diary, December, 1720-February, 1723; relating to his estate at Led-



British Diaries

[ 1 7 2 1 - 2 2

bury; household affairs, etc.; estate work; farm, estate, payments, accounts; no literary interest. MS B.M. Add. MSS 28276 Fols. 5^74 Charles, M . P . for Christchurch. Private diaries, 1720-1731; kept while he was commissioner for woods and forests, south of Trent. MS owned by Ellice Hicks-Beech, Esq., Deane House, Blasingstoke, Hants. WITHER,

1721 Mrs. (Catherine (1721-1774) of Dublin. Private diary, October, 1721-April, 1756 (account and excerpts); domestic, social, and society life in Dublin; particularly interesting for plays and theater. Proc. Royal Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th ser., VIII (1898), pp. 141-154. MS Record Office, Dublin. BAYLY,

Thomas (1673-1723) of Melksham, Wilts. Country diary, February, 1721-December, 1722; a delightful diary by a country squire in the time of Sir Roger de Coverley; farming, social life, religion and church affairs; estate work; sport, dogs, and horses; his neighbors, taverns, clubs; family life; visits to London and Bath; excellent John A. Neale, Charters and Records of Neales of Berkeley (London, pr. ptd., 1906), pp. 169-208; extracts in Wiltshire Archaeol. Mag., X I (1867), passim. SMITH,

The Rev. Thomas (1704-1780) of Edinburgh. Private diary, November, 1721-December, 1724, and August, 1732-March, 1749; short notes of his domestic and family life and his personal activities; notes on his reading; notes on the progress of the Seven Years War, 1758-1761. MS University of Glasgow Library (W. R. C., librarian)


1722 John (1692-1763) of Manchester, poet. Religious diary, 1722-January, 1744; mosdy written in his Universal Shorthand; his domestic life, private affairs, his teaching of shorthand, and his pleasures; chess, reading, theater; reading of Eusebius, Cicero, Erasmus, and French religious writers, with thoughts arising from books and sermons; religious and scientific discussions with members of Royal Society; Law and Manchester nonconformity; interesting biographically. The Private Journal and Literary Remains of John Byrom, ed. R. Parkinson (1Chetham Soc. Pubs., X X X I I , X X X I V , X L , X L I V ) . MS Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun. A2.167 270 pp. (R. V. Osbourn) BYROM,


British Diaries

6 7

The Rev. Samuel (1696-1772) of West Haven, Conn. Travel diary, October, 1722-November, 1723 (extracts); an American clergyman's visit to England; travel and religious notes. E. E. Beardsley, Life and Correspondence of Samuel Johnson (New York, I874)>PP-I&"531723 BAGSHAW, The Rev. Edward, vicar of Casdeton, Derbyshire. Clerical diary, 1723-1779; brief notes of parish and personal affiairs; religious work and village life. Journal Derbyshire Archaeol. and Nat. Hist. Soc., II (1880), pp. 74-89. HOWARD, Mrs. Katherine (1672-1765) of Boughton, Ches. Country diary, 1723-1764 (with autobiographical sketch); medley of comings and goings, visits to London and in Cheshire and Suffolk; family affairs and fortunes; affairs of friends; life of a country society lady; prodigies and public disasters; earthquakes; quite amusing. Included in The Diary of George Booth (Chester, 1928), a reprint from Chester Archaeol. Jour., XXVIII. JOHNSTONE, Alexander, of Kirkland. Religious diary, January, 1723-1726 (account and quotations); a record of his spiritual and religious life; notes of sermons; notes on the political and ecclesiastical problems and events of the time. Records Scottish Church Hist. Soc., IV (1932). OXFORD, Edward Harley, 2d Earl of (1689-1741), collector and statesman. Travel diary, August, 1723-October, 1738; various journeys in company with his chaplain and friends in England and Scodand; eastern and Midland counties, the north and Scodand; notes on topography, estates, scenery, antiquities. HM.C., Portland MSS, VI (1901), pp. 64-181. JOHNSON,



Sailor's diary, May-June, 1724; purporting to be kept by an English sailor marooned by Dutch on Ascension Island; discovery of spring just as cask of water was exhausted; apparendy genuine narrative. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. C.871 22 fols. BARNARD, John, of nr. Boston, Lines. Religious diary, February, 1724-September, 1728; introspective; few objective references; meditations; thoughts occasioned by reading; prayers; self-examination into state of his soul. MS Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun. A2.139 255 pp. (R. V. Osbourn) K E N N E D Y , The Rev. John, of Benburb, Ireland. Clerical diary, June, 1724-November, 1730; brief notes of farming and parish work of Presbyterian minister in county Down.


British Diaries

John Stevenson, Two Centuries of Life in County Down pp. 358-363.

[1725 (Belfast, 1920),

1725 (a Cambridge undergraduate). Travel diary, July-September, 1725; with two undergraduate friends, the unknown diarist set out from Cambridge and journeyed as far north as Halifax and Wakefield and on the return journey included Oxford, Bath, and Bristol, thence returning to Cambridge; describes the country seats, towns, and anything of importance seen en route; the two friends were Mr. Smith and Mr. Berney, and they were joined at Bath by Mr. Wyche. The MS was originally in the library of Hockwold Hall, Norfolk, the seat of the Wyche family. MS Bath Municipal Libraries 38:43 8vo., 135 pp. (Information supplied by Miss E. S. Russ, deputy director) ANON,

Rebekah (1685-1775) of Stone Dean. Quaker journal, April, 1725-March, 1795 (continued by her son, Prince); records visits of Quakers to Jordans; "account of public Friends at Jordans meeting and whence they came"; with some personal notes; meetings, funerals; Quaker hospitality. MS at Friends' Soc. Library, London, N . W . i . (Account in Friends' Quarterly Examiner, July, 1946.)


The Rev. Robert, of Rathfriland, county Down. Domestic diary, January, 1725-1744 (extracts); brief scattered notes of social life, family affairs, and family and domestic life.


John Stevenson, Two Centuries of Life in Down (Belfast, 1920), pp. 356-358. John (d. 1735) of Dodworth Green, Yorks, country gentleman. Country diary, January, 1725-January, 1735; notes of chief events in his parish; village social life; many funerals; his health; fair interest. Yorkshire Diaries (Surtees Soc., L X V , 1875), pp. 243-329. P U R E F O Y , Henry, of Bucks. Country diaries, 1725-1756 (with break of nine years); mosdy trivial and prosaic; quoted as links between the letters in the collection; country life. MS deposited with Buckinghamshire Archaeol. Soc., Aylesbury. (Extracts in G. Eland's Purefoy Letters, 2 vols. [London, 1931].) HOBSON,

The Rev. John ( 1 7 0 3 - 1 7 9 1 ) , Methodist Methodist diary, 1725-1791; begun at Oxford and continued through his church career, his missionary work, and his labors for Methodism; missionary journeys in Georgia, Germany, and Holland, but diary largely devoted to his interminable journeys in England, his organization of the Methodist societies, the revival of popular preaching of Christianity, and the bringing of Christian teaching out of the church into the towns and villages; his endless visits, his reading and editorial work, and the popular educational aspects of Methodism; WESLEY,


British Diaries


apart from its great importance in the history of the Methodist movement, and its biographical value, it is a most excellent survey of England in the eighteenth century, especially of the areas and social levels apt to be neglected in the study of neo-classicism; partly written in shorthand. Extracts from the diaries were published at intervals during Wesley's lifetime; a gathering of the diaries from 1735-1790 was published in four volumes as The Journal of the Rev. John Wesley (London, 1827); the standard edition is The Journal of John Wesley, ed. N. Curnock, 8 vols. (London, 1910); the Everyman Library contains a selection in four volumes; useful one-volume selections are edited by Nora Ratcliff (London, 1940), and by Percy L. Parker, The Heart of John Wesley's Journal (London, 1903). (Note: according to Mr. W. J. Carlton, various shorthand diaries by Wesley are owned by George Stamp of Great Grimsby, the Coleman family of Norwich, and Bishop Hendrix of Kansas. Most of MSS in Methodist Book Room, City Road, London, E.C.i.) Sir Richard (1690-1759), M . D . , F.R.S., man-midwife. Medical diary, November-December, 1726; physician's notes on Mary Toft of Godalming, the woman who claimed she had borne seventeen rabbits; exposé of a fraud scientifically. An Exact Diary of What Was Observed (London, 1726). MANNINGHAM,

Archibald (1702-1760) of Temple, Scotland. Private diary, March, 1726-February, 1730; short notes of his social and domestic life in Scotland; his reading; monthly lists of the books he read from April, 1727-December, 1729. M S University of Glasgow ( W. R. C., librarian) WALKER,

1727 Edward, Jr. Travel diary, February-March, 1727 (extracts); from Leith to Barcelona as supercargo aboard the Christian of Leith; extracts relate to Gibraltar. BURD,

Scottish Hist. Rev., X V I ( 1 9 1 8 - 1 9 1 9 ) , pp. 325-334. John Dutton (1686-1729) of Leominster, Herefordshire. Legal diary, 1727-1728; two leaves of an unsigned manuscript diary; country life and work; hunting; the writer was a justice of the peace and a country gentleman with business in the county town; there was an article on this diary fragment by Herbert Southam in Notes and Queries, December 1 1 , 1937. MS Hereford Public Library Local coll. 929.2 ( L . M. Bickerton, librarian) COLT,

H., S. (army officer). Military diary, March, 1727-March, 1728 (account and excerpts); kept during siege of Gibraltar; good material on daily life of troops. Sir John Fortescue (ed.), Following the Drum (Edinburgh, 1931), pp. 1-25.


British Diaries


The Rev. Murdock, of Durness, Sutherland. Clerical diary, 1727?-!763 (selections mosdy undated); the life and worries of a poor Scots parson with a huge family; parish life and work. Comhill Magazine, CLII (November, 1935), pp. 570-580. MACDONALD,

1728 John Percival, 1st Earl of (1683-1748), Irish politician. Public diary, 1728-1733; full notes of public affairs, political activities, and news; parliamentary debates and conversations; court life and intrigues; meetings with Hanmer and Walpole; items about Georgia and Oglethorpe; social life, theater, gossip, music, reading; private affairs; a good diary of the ruling group. HM.C., Earl of Egmont MSS (London, 1920), 1,477 pp. MS B.M. Add. MSS 17720 30 fols. EGMONT,

John Baptist, trumpeter. Prison diary, May, 1728-September, 1729; his life while in the Marshalsea prison for debt; his benefit concerts and compositions; very full notes about prison life, ways, and personalities; urbane humor; in a more intimate and detailed way resembles Ned Ward's work on London low life; now being worked on by William Matthews. MS Bodleian Library Rawlinson coll. D.34 510 pp.


1729 The Rev. Philip (1702-1751), Nonconformist. Religious diary, 1729-1751; outstanding incidents and spiritual meditations; chief events of his life, and reflective essayettes on God's providences and the sacraments; from shorthand. The Correspondence and Diary of Rev. Philip Doddridge, ed. J. D. Humphreys (London, 1831), Vol. V, pp. 249-529. DODDRIDGE,

The Rev. William (1687-1765) of Grantham, Lines., antiquary. Antiquarian diaries, 1729-1764; with letters, commonplace book material, etc.; notes on his antiquarian, scholarly, and scientific interests; travel in various parts of the country; notes on social life; anecdotes of scholars and antiquarians; miscellaneous, but very informative and useful. The Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley (Surtees Soc., LXXIII, 1880; LXXVI, 1883). An antiquarian diary covering 1743-1746, and another fragmentary diary covering 1730-1751, which are not printed by the Surtees Society, appear in MSS Bodleian Library, Eng. Misc. e.195, 30 fols., and e.196, 158 fols., respectively. STUKELEY,


British Diaries



1730 HARRIS, Howel (1714-1773), a principal founder of Welsh Calvinistic Methodism. Religious diary, ca. 1730? (extracts); translated from original Latin into English; confessions of sins of early years; account of conversion and prayers at beginning of new life. Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hanes Y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd (Trans, of Calvinistic Methodist Hist. Soc.), II (1917). 1731 ERSKINE, T h e Rev. Ralph ( 1 6 8 5 - 1 7 5 2 ) of Dunfermline.

Religious diary, October, 1731-August, 1739; biography, with quotations from this diary, to illustrate character and faith of Erskine; introspective meditations; also account of schism of 1739 in Presbyterian Church and formation of new Secession Church. Life and Diary of the Rev. Ralph Erskine, ed. Donald Fraser (Edinburgh, 1834).

MASCALL (later Laugher), Elizabeth (1702-1794) of Worcester, Methodist. Religious diary, October, 1731-April, 1794 (extracts); worship; religious life; family affairs; visits around Worcester. A. W. Matthews, Elizabeth Mascall (London, 1902). VERTUE, George ( 1 6 8 4 - 1 7 5 6 ) , engraver.

Travel diaries, 1731-1747 (various dates); tours in Surrey, Sussex, and adjacent counties; interest in antiquities and fine arts; notes on buildings, churches, pictures, art treasures, Oxford, etc.; miscellaneous. MS B.M. Add. MSS 23081 183 fols. (A selection relating to a trip in Surrey in 1747 in Home


Mag., X I V [ 1 9 1 2 ] , pp. 2 3 3 - 2 3 7 )

1732 LOVEDAY, John ( 1 7 1 1 - 1 7 8 9 ) of Caversham, Oxon, antiquary. Travel diary, 1732; an Oxford student's tour through England, Wales, Ireland, and Scodand; notes on places, libraries, estates, customs, language; good descriptions. Diary of a Tour in IJ32 (Roxburghe Club, Edinburgh, 1890); extracts in four. County



Soc., V I I ( 1 9 1 2 - 1 9 1 4 ) , pp. 1 6 8 - 1 7 7 .

1733 HERVEY, T h e Rev. James ( 1 7 1 4 - 1 7 5 6 ) , theologian.

Religious diary 1733-1734; life and thought of the famous devotional writer while an Oxford student. MS Methodist Book Room, City Road, London, E.C.i.


British Diaries


Stephen {b. 1681) of London, accountant. Public diary 1733, 1738-1741, 1743, 1746, January, 1757-May, 1760; London life and London events; personal business and pastimes; each day's weather; South Sea House and Customs House; a full and interesting record. MS Guildhall Library, London No. 205 8 vols. (Information supplied by Raymond Smith, librarian) MONTEACE,

1734 William (1691-1760) of Brynddu, Anglesey. Country diary, March, 1734-June, 1743, and August, 1747-September, 1760 (account and copious extracts); an excellent diary of the life of a Welsh squire; his private, domestic, and social life; farming and travels; various adventures; religious life; politics; a most lively and illuminating record. B. Dew Roberts, Mr. Bul\eley and the Pirate (London, 1936), 194 pp. MS at National Library of Wales 3150 (Yale Univ. microfilm 188) Hamblas A MSS 18-19, University College, Bangor. See also G. Nesta Evans, Social Life in Mid-Eighteenth Century Anglesey (Cardiff, 1936), which is largely based on these diaries. BULKELEY,

Matthew, of Dublin. Domestic diary, 1734-1738; miscellaneous notes kept by a member of the household of Baron Wyndham, lord chancellor of Ireland; his own doings and those of his master; adds little to existing information; page a month. MS owned by Mr. F. E. Dixon, 15 Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin.


Benjamin. Diary, 1734—1749; called "an account of Benjamin Ingham"; Methodist life and work. MS John Rylands Library, Manchester Eng. MSS 1062 INGHAM,

1735 The Rev. Jeremiah (1714-1784), dean of Exeter. Travel diaries, July, 1735-September, 1743 (mosdy summer jaunts); travels chiefly in southern counties and Wales; notes on seats, estates, churches, monuments, pictures, etc. MSB.M. Add. MSS 15776 MILLES,

Robert Hunter (1713-1764) of New York City. Business diary, April, 1735-January, 1736; kept while he was traveling with his father on a business venture in England; business affairs and social life in London; travel; domestic affairs; literature and reading; lengthy and interesting entries by an intelligent young American. Pennsylvania Mag. Hist, and Biog., L X I V (1940), pp. 164-217, 356-406. MORRIS,


British Diaries


Mr., of King's College, Cambridge. Travel diary, July-August, 1735; tour through Kent; topographical notes. Archaeologia Cantiana, XLIII ( 1 9 3 1 ) , pp. 267-280.


B., R. (of Liberton). Religious diary, June, 1736-November, 1738; religious observances and introspection; family life; her health; religious fears; kept by a woman friend of George Drummond, provost of Edinburgh. MS Edinburgh University Library Dc.i.82-83 Augustus Hervey, 3d Earl of (1724-1779), admiral. Sea journals, June, 1736-February, 1740; brief logbook accounts of winds, course, ship's duties, voyages; too technical for much interest; ships mosdy in the Mediterranean; March-April, 1741, journal of the attack on Cartagena. MS B.M. Add. MSS 12129 BRISTOL,

Sir Alexander (1703-1785) of Prestonfield, Midlothian, physician. Private diary, July, 1736-April, 1737; touristic notes of a trip in France and Italy with Allan Ramsay; later notes up to 1780 extracted; chatty items on social and public affairs in Scodand. Mrs. Atholl Forbes (ed.), Curiosities of a Scots Charta Chest (Edinburgh, 1897), pp. 99-303 passim. DICK,

George (1687-1766), lord provost of Edinburgh. Religious diary, June, 1736-November, 1738; religious observances and melancholy religious self-examination. DRUMMOND,

MS Edinburgh University Library


The Hon. William, 2d son of Thomas, Earl of Pomfret. Travel diaries, 1736-1744; three short diaries of travels in Europe and West Indies. MS owned by Wilfred Finch (d. 1940) of Burley-on-the-Hill, Rudand; also Yale Univ. microfilm. W E S L E Y , The Rev. Charles (1707-1788), Methodist. Methodist diary, March, 1736-November, 1756; begins with his conversion and his missionary work in Georgia; then his ministry and travels in England among the Methodist societies; similar to his brother's diary, less comprehensive, but a valuable source for the history of Methodism and a picture of England behind the neo-classical brocade. The Journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley, ed. Thomas Jackson, 2 vols. (London, 1849); re-ed. J. Telford (London, 1909). FARMER,

The MS is in Methodist Book Room, City Road, London, E.C.i. The Rev. George (1714-1770), Methodist Methodist diaries, 1736-1770; his religious studies and ordination; his relations with Wesley and Methodism, and with the Countess of Huntingdon; WHITEFIELD,


British Diaries


travels in England and the American colonies; innumerable meetings; the preaching and revivalism of one of the great popular orators; valuable for the history of the revival of heart religion in England and America, and for revelations of the conditions of life among the poor and in the colonies; tends to be ejaculatory. Extracts were published at various times during his life; most easily accessible in a one-volume selection: Whitefield's Journals, ed. William Wale (London, 1905); extracts published in the various Lives, including John Gillies (ed.), Worlds of the Rev. George Whitefield, 6 vols. (London, 1771-1772). See also his journal 1744-1745 in Church Hist., VII (1938), pp. 297-345.

1737 William (1711-1800), chemist. Medical diary, 1737-1742; scientific studies in chemistry; his medical work and cases; kept in Latin. MS Carlisle Public Library Bibliotheca Jacksoniana, Tullie House (Thomas Gray, librarian) BROWNRIGG,

KAY, Robert {b. 1715) of Baldingstone, near Bury, Lanes. Religious diary, April, 1737-July, 1750; mosdy religious life and observances; farming work; gardening and husbandry; sermons heard; self-examination; family affairs; the 1745 Rebellion in Lancashire. MS John Rylands Library, Manchester English MSS 1033 n8fols. Sir William (1696-1761), antiquary. Scholar's diary, June, 1737-March, 1739?; scholarly activities and comments on the London libraries which he attended. Memoir of William Oldys, cd. James Yeowell (London, 1862). OLDYS,

George Edward. Travel diary, beginning October 1, 1737; starting from London. MS owned by Earl of Longford.


Mary (1712-1766) of Wapping, Quaker. Quaker diary and autobiography, April, 1737-February, 1752; largely consisting of diary of Quaker life, work, and travel in England and America; meetings; visits to Friends; worship; the American scene. MS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i Cupboard 5 WESTON,

1738 The Rev. John (1712-1805) of Shedand Isles. Clerical diary, 1738-1803; parish work at Dunrossness, and Cunningsburgh in Shedands, Sandwick in North Hebrides; social, domestic, and personal life with reflections; wrecks and storms; farming and fishing; a good general diary. The Diary of the Rev. John Mill, ed. G. Goudie (Scottish Hist. Soc., EdinMILL,

173 9~4°]

British Diaries


burgh, 1889), 227 pp.; excerpts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1942), Vol. II, pp. 37-60. Micajah (1695-1753), lord mayor of London. Mayor's diary, September, 1738-October, 1739; his official duties and work and social ceremonies as lord mayor. W. P. Treloar, A Lord Mayor's Diary (London, 1920). PERKY,



7 3 9

Travel diary, 1739; tour in north of England and in Scodand; topographical notes. MS National Library of Scodand Nos. 2144 and 2145 Henry Hare, 3d Baron (1693-1749), antiquary. Travel diary, 1739; brief notes of a tour through Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk. HM.C., Portland MSS, VI (1901), pp. 70-71.


Thomas (1716-1771), poet 1. Travel diaries: 1739, tour in France and Italy, with brief notes on towns and antiquities; August-October, 1765, tour in Scodand, with brief notes on stages and antiquities; September-December, 1769, journey to Lake District, written for Warburton, with notes on scenery and folk stories. MSS of the first two in B.M. Add. MSS 32561 Fols. 1 1 2 - 1 1 9 and 140154 (copies). Published in Edmund Gosse's edition of Gray's Wor\s (London, 1884), Vol. I. 2. Gardening diary, January, 1755-March, 1756; detailed report on his flowergardening, with related weather notes; some Latin entries on his health; a few book notes. Gentlemen's Magazine, n.s., XXIV (Sept., 1845), pp. 229-235. GRAY,




Military diary, January-April, 1740; bald military and naval details of the expedition against Cartagena. A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena (London, 1744). (of Oxford). University diary, March, 1740-April, 1753 (excerpts); transcript of entries relating to Oxford events; from a diary owned in 1913 by Mrs. F. P. Morrell of Blackhall, Oxford. MS Bodleian Library Top. Oxon. e.145 12 fols. ANON,


Religious diary, July-September, 1740; notes kept by an early Methodist in North Wales. MS University College, Bangor General coll. No. 34


British Diaries

[ 1740

John, and C U M M I N S , John, sailors. Sea diary, September, 1740-May, 1742; an amusing account of a voyage to the South Seas with Captain Cheap, kept by the gunner and the carpenter of the Wager; good details of adventures in South America and among the Indians of that continent. A Voyage to the South Seas (London, 1743); reprinted (London, 1927). BULKELEY,

Richard, sheriff of London. Public diary, September, 1740-September, 1741; journal of official business of sheriff of London; details of elections of officials, including lord mayor; business in law courts; official banquets and sermons. A Journal of the Shrievalty of Richard Hoare, Esq. (Bath, 1815). (Only 25 copies printed.) HOARE,

John, midshipman on Centurion. Sea diary, September, 1740-January, 1743; kept during Anson's exploring voyage around South America; to China and around the world; notes on the chief incidents, adventures, and hardships. An Authentic Journal of the hate Expedition (London, 1744). PHILIPS,

William (d. 1740), Methodist. Methodist diary, September-October, 1740; account of his preaching with Howell Harris in South Wales; stoned by the crowd at Bristol; contact and friendship with Wesley; reflections and prayers; brief but interesting account of events in the early days of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist movement led by Harris; the author was stoned to death while preaching in Brecon, on one of his itineraries. MS Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun. A2, 116 214 pp. ( R . V. Osbourn) SEWARD,

George, trader. Travel diary, February, 1740-June, 1742; account of a journey from St. Petersburg to Resht on business; an eighteenth-century copy. MS B.M. Add. MSS 39892 Fols. 1 - 1 1 verso THOMPSON,

Richard (1719-1798), one of the founders of Welsh Calvinistic Methodism. Religious diary, 1740-1741 (extracts); in Welsh. Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Hanes Y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd. (Trans, of Calvinistic Methodist Hist. Soc.) 1 , 1 9 1 6 .


Edward (1684-1757), admiral. Naval diary, January-April, 1740; account of naval actions during the expedition to Cartagena; a defense against Smollett's attack on the conduct of the expedition. A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena (London, 1744). VERNON,


British Diaries


1741 Henry, president of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. University diary, October, 1741-November, 1769; university matters; administration, business meetings, senate, elections; notes on fellows. MSB.M. Add. MSS 5852 Pp. 108-156 (Copy by William Cole, antiquary) M E L C O M B E , George Bubb Dodington, Lord (1691-1762), dandy and M.P. Society diary, March, 1741-February, 1761; details of his intrigues and bargains as a political place-hunter; social and society life and fashions; elections and politics; a self-justification of his own activities, which is somewhat dull. The Diary of Bubb Dodington, ed. Henry P. Wyndham (Salisbury, 1785). MS Houghton Library, Harvard Univ. Eng. MSS 188 8 vols. O L I V E R , Peter (1713-1791), physician. Diary and autobiography, 1741-1821; his boyhood in Massachusetts and Boston; misfortunes of his family before the Revolution; his courtship and marriage; his flight to England in 1776; life with his family and other American loyalists in exile; medical studies and practice in North Wales; his family and domestic affairs, and public news; the diary dates from 1779. Extracts in Diary and Letters of Thomas Hutchinson, ed. Peter Oliver (Boston, 1883). MS B.M. Egerton coll. 2674 68 fols. HUBBARD,

1742 John (1714?—1759) of Warburton, Ches. Methodist diary, June, 1742-August, 1752 (some fragmentary); kept during early years of the Methodist Revival while he was right-hand man to Wesley; growing tension between him and Wesley; history of Methodism in Lancashire and Cheshire neighborhood ("Bennet's Round"); an important record. MS Methodist Book Room, 25-35 City Road, London, E.C.i (Information by the Rev. Frank Baker) H E R T F O R D , Frances, Countess of (b. 1699). Private diary, January-March, 1742; contents unknown. MS owned by Duke of Northumberland; MS 114 at Alnwick Casde. BENNET,

.1743 Mrs. Sarah, of West Bromwich. Quaker diary, April, 1743-April, 1748; religious life, introspection, and observation; reading and study; meetings, visits; her sorrows and God's mercies. MS Dr. Williams's Library, Gordon Square, London, W.C.i. SAVAGE,

1744 George, of Gristhorpe, Yorks. Country diary, 1744-1757; life on a small Yorkshire estate; vivid picture of



British Diaries


domestic and social life; Scarborough elections; weather; maids; farming work; sports; public affairs; politics; lively and personal details. M S owned by E . Stanley Jones, of Newlands, Middlecave Road, Malton, Yorks. (Information from Miss E. M. Lascelles, of Slingsby.) F L O U R Y , Miss (1744-1832) of county Meath, Ireland. Private diary and autobiography, 1744-1812; author was the daughter of John Florry, ironmaster, of Cleobury Mortimer, who died in 1788 in Birmingham; she managed her father's business for some years before his death; of local interest; an interesting personal record of her trials; friends, excursions, events, etc. M S Birmingham Reference Library No. 259854 201pp. (Information supplied by T . J. Patrick, librarian) M A R C H M O N T , Hugh Hume, 3d Earl of (1708-1794), Scottish statesman. Political diary, July, 1744-February, 1748; political affairs and public events in London; relations with Chesterfield, Pelham, Argyll, etc.; Scottish military affairs; conversations. Sir George Rose (ed.), A Selection from the Papers of the Earls of Marchmont (London, 1 8 3 1 ) , Vol. I. N E L S O N , John (1707-1774), Methodist Methodist diary, May-July, 1744; his army career; pressed into army for preaching; pacifist and preacher; imprisonment; condemnation of army morals; finally released; the very popular record of a Methodist martyr. An Extract of John Nelson's Journal (Bristol, 1767); many editions. The Rev. John Collett (1723-1792) of Northampton. Religious diary, January, 1744-March, 1784 (extracts); the religious life and work, the reading and reflections, of a Baptist clergyman. William Newman, Rylandiana (London, 1835), pp. 26-37. MS Angus Library, Regent's Park College, London. V I N E Y , Richard, of Birstal, Yorks. Moravian diary, January-December, 1744; work as superintendent of Yorkshire Moravian societies, as successor to Spangenberg; interesting astrological data; a very detailed and methodical diary, recording his daily employment, state of mind, health, weather, chief occurrences, observations, each under these headings; the activities of the brethren, their love-feasts and observances; travel in Yorkshire; his personal affairs; interesting for its local details. Cf. Proc. Wesleyan Hist. Soc., X I I I - X V for extracts. MS B.M. Add. MSS 44935 122 fols. There is a photostat in the John Rylands Library, Manchester RYLAND,

(Jacobite officer). 1745 War diary, June, 1745-February, 1746; military details of invasion from France; Young Pretender's expedition up to Inverness. George Lockhart, The Loc\hart Papers (London, 1817), Vol. II, pp. 437-478.



British Diaries


(Jacobite officer). War diary, July, 1745-April, 1746; military movements and actions during Young Pretender's expedition into Scodand, up to Culloden. George Lockhart, The Loc\hart Papers (London, 1817), Vol. II, pp. 479-510.


(of Edinburgh). Public diary and narrative, September-November, 1745; a Whig's notes of events in and around Edinburgh; social life and activities of Jacobites; lively and outspoken. C. E. S. Chambers (ed.), The Woodhouselee MS. (London and Edinburgh, 1907), 96 pp. ANON,


Military diary, November-December, 1745; marches of the Pretender's army from the time it entered England until its return to Scodand; bare details of movements. Historical Papers Relating to the Jacobite Period (Spalding Club, Aberdeen, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 283-286. The Rev. John, of Aberdeen, minister. Public diary, September, 1745-1746 (extracts); local excitements of the Rebellion; military and political affairs in the Highlands. Miscellany of the Old Spalding Club, I (1841), pp. 345-399. BISSETT,

George, of Glasgow, merchant. Religious diary, October, 1745-April, 1753; the religious life, observance, and introspection of a self-condemning Calvinist. Diary of George Brown (Glasgow, pr. ptd., 1856). BROWN,

Dr. John (1710-1771) of York, antiquary. Military diary, June-August, 1745; taken from report of Aeneas Macdonald, a banker in Paris; narrative of the embarkation and arrival of Prince Charles in Scodand; also June-July, 1746; taken from the report of Flora Macdonald while in Edinburgh. Henry Paton (ed.), The Lyon in Mourning, by the Rev. Robert Forbes (Edinburgh, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 281-294,296-305. BURTON,

Elizabeth (1722-1801) of Manchester. Public diary, August, 1745-January, 1746; public and private affairs during the Jacobite rebellion; the entry of the Jacobites into Manchester; full and lively details. The Journal of Elizabeth Byrom, ed. R. Parkinson (Chetham Soc. Pubs. XLIV, 1857). BYROM,

Duncan. Jacobite diary, July-September, 1745; narrative based on conversations; Prince Charles's embarkation and arrival for the invasion of Scodand. CAMERON,


British Diaries


Harry Paton (ed.), The Lyon in Mourning, by the Rev. Robert Forbes (Edinburgh, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 201-209,317-318. Abiah (1716-1794) of Sunderland. Quaker diary, 1745-1769 (extracts); family life, Quaker preaching; journeys in England; entertainments; religious exercises. Jour. Friends' Hist. Soc. X (1913). DARBY,

MS (in full) Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i

Case 31

John. Jacobite military diary, November, 1745-January, 1746; Prince Charles's march to and from England, and back to Bannockburn; brief notes. Henry Paton (ed.), The Lyon in Mourning, by the Rev. Robert Forbes (Edinburgh, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 192-197. MACLAURIN, Colin (1698-1746) of Edinburgh, mathematician. Public diary, September, 1745; details of the defense of Edinburgh during the Young Pretender's Rebellion. MS National Library of Scodand No. 299 Fols. 1 - 1 3 (Typed copy) GOODWILLIE,

James, of Manchester. Jacobite military diary, December, 1745-April, 1750; service with Jacobites; sentenced and committed to service in India; later, military life there; interesting spellings. Jour. Soc. Army Historical Research, III (1924), pp. 208-226. MILLER,

Henrietta Cavendish, Countess of. Travel diary, April-June, 1745; a tour through Yorkshire and Durham into Scotland; notes on topography, estates, social life, etc. HM.C., Report Portland MSS, VI (1901), pp. 182-191.


Capt. James. Jacobite military diary, October, 1745-April, 1746; the marches of Ogilvie's regiment of the Highland army during the Jacobite Rebellion. Miscellany Spalding Club, I (1841), pp. 275-343.


Thomas, constable of Manchester. Public diary, November-December, 1745; accounts of exciting events in Manchester during the 1745 Rebellion. Trans. Lanes, and Cheshire Antiq. Soc., VII (1889), pp. 142-159. WALLEY,



74 6

Sea diary, August, 1746-August, 1747; a voyage to the Levant; notes on islands and countries; manners and customs of Mohammedans; encounters with Turkish gunboats, plague, and other adventures; discursive and dull. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 334 pp.


British Diaries


The Rev. John. Military diary, February-September, 1746; account by the Presbyterian chaplain at Fort William of the 1745 Rebellion in Scotland. Henry Paton (ed.), The Lyon in Mourning, by the Rev. Robert Forbes (Edinburgh, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 83-101. CAMERON,

William. Religious diary, 1746; a Moravian's tour in South Wales; notes on Welsh religious life. ¡our. Calvinistic Methodist Hist. Soc., X V I (1931), X V I I (1932). See also John Rylands Library, Manchester Eng. MSS 1076, item 21 This is a similar diary for 1746. HOLLAND,

Capt. Alexander, Young Clanranald, and MacDonald of Glenaladale. Jacobite military diary, April-December, 1746; mostly a joint narrative of Prince Charles's adventures after Culloden. Henry Paton (ed.), The Lyon in Mourning, by the Rev. Robert Forbes (Edinburgh, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 320-354. MACDONALD,

Donald, of Gualtergill, Jacobite. Jacobite military diary, February, 1746-September, 1747; a vivid narrative of Prince Charles's escape, and of the writer's subsequent adventures and fortunes. Henry Paton (ed.), The Lyon in Mourning, by the Rev. Robert Forbes (Edinburgh, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 154-185. MACLEOD,

Capt. Malcolm, Jacobite. Jacobite military diary, June, 1746-August, 1747; a narrative of Prince Charles's escape, and other incidents of the 1745 Rebellion. Henry Paton (ed.), The Lyon in Mourning, by the Rev. Robert Forbes (Edinburgh, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 130-153. MACLEOD,

Capt., Jacobite. Jacobite military diary, April-December, 1746; account of Prince Charles's adventures after Culloden. Henry Paton (ed.), The Lyon in Mourning, by the Rev. Robert Forbes (Edinburgh, 1895), Vol. I, pp. 365-374. O'NEILLE,

1747 James (1721-1798) of Stockport, Lanes. Quaker diary, June, 1747-February, 1752; attendance at meetings in Lancashire; his work and business as weaver; domestic and social life; gardening; interesting spellings. MS Friends'Society Library, London, N.W.i BoxV Extracts from this in Jour. Friends' Hist. Soc., X V (1918) BACKHOUSE,


British Diaries


GOUCH, Richard (1735-1809) of Enfield, antiquary. Antiquarian diary, August, 1747-January, 1773 (gap 1751-1755); a few notes each year; sermons, gardening, births, marriages, and deaths; public events; also a weather journal; mostly relating to Enfield; cryptic entries. MS Bodleian Library Top. gen. e.6 98 fols. 1748

BOSCAWEN, Hon. Frances Evelyn (1719-1805) of London, and St. Michael, Cornwall. 1. Domestic diary, January-December, 1748; kept for her sailor husband; the daily life of herself and her family in London; the books she read; social and society life; a lively and amusing record. Cecil Aspinall-Oglander, Admiral's Wife (London, 1940), pp. 67-134. 2. Private diary, January-October, 1763 (fragment in almanac); mosdy notes of visits and social life; high society (including Elizabeth Montague), mosdy in Surrey. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. f.71 102 fols. DOUGLAS, The Rt. Rev. John (1721-1807), bishop of Carlisle, and of Salisbury. 1. Travel diary, 1748-1749; tour through Germany, Holland, and France. Select Wor\s, ed. W. Macdonald (Salisbury, 1820). 2. Public diary, June, 1764?-February, 1796; scattered notes on domestic life and social engagements; work with Lord Bath and as canon of Windsor; court life and politics; visit to Spa; interesting for methods of ecclesiastical advancement in his time. MSB.M. Egerton coll. 2181 59 fols. FEATHERSTONHAUCH, Lady, of Uppark, Sussex. Travel diary, 1748-October, 1753 (extracts); travel in France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany; notes on men and manners, scenery, towns, social and court life; interesting record. Quoted by Lady Georgiana Chatterton in Memorials of Admiral Lord Gambier

( L o n d o n , 1 8 6 1 ) , Vol. II, pp. 1 6 - 7 0 .

GREENE, Miss Ireland (1728-1795) of Hale, Lanes. Travel diary, February, 1748-August, 1749; two visits to London and a trip to Scarborough; travel and social notes; society, amusements, and plays, routs and auctions, pleasure gardens; a pleasant, mild, social record. Ronald Stewart-Brown, Isaac Greene (Liverpool, 1921), pp. 33-68. GYLL, Thomas (1700-1780) of Barton, Yorks, lawyer. Country diary, February, 1748-October, 1778; brief notes of deaths, births, marriages, accidents; reminiscences of Yorkshire worthies; mainly antiquarian interest. North Country Diaries (Surtees Soc., CXVIII, 1910, pp. 169-229). Typewritten copy of MS available in Yale University Library.



British Diaries


Major, of Hedleyhope, Northumberland. Military diary, 1748; details of military affairs and movements on Vc border. Proc. Soc. Antiq. Newcastle, 3d ser., IX, pp. 15-24.


Mrs., of Staveley. Domestic diary, 1749-1769; family and domestic affairs; doings of her husband, :he rector, and her family. MS Sheffield Public Libraries Jackson coll. JISBORNE,

The Rev. Thomas (1715-1780) of North Carolina. Quaker diary, February, 1749-November, 1750 (English section); a record of 2,500 miles travel in England, visiting Friends and their meetings; long and rather dull notes. Southern Hist. Assoc. Pubs., IV (1900), pp. 233-247. MICHOLSON,

1750 John (1717-1779) of London, solicitor. Personal diary, 1750-1779; mixed languages; his daily occupations; friends, social life, reading, and infirmities; brief notes; fair interest. Sussex Archaeol. Colls., LII (1944). BAKER,

William (1698-1756) of Blandfield, Virginia. Travel diary, June-October, 1750; an American colonist's visit to England; details of politics and public affairs, social life and visits; rather colorless notes of things done and seen and places visited. Virginia Mag. Hist, and Biog., X X X V I (1928), pp. 161-169. C A R R , John, of Colchester. Private diary, ca. 1750 (last half of eighteenth century); local affairs in Colchester; lighting of streets at night; arrival of Stadtholder of Holland; protests against French war; prices of corn and food. MS owned by Colchester and Essex Museum, Colchester (E. J. Reedsdale) BEVERLEY,

Walter, of Mayfield, Sussex, schoolmaster. Teacher's diary, 1750 and 1758-1759 (extracts); country teaching; troubles with school managers; social life and drunken conviviality; piety; smuggling. Sussex Archaeol. Colls. IX (1857), pp. 182-207. JOHNSON, Elizabeth. Methodist diary, November, 1750-July, 1784 (extracts); Wesleyan religious life; spiritual affairs, prayers, etc. An Account of Elizabeth Johnson (Bristol, 1799). GALE,

Sir Charles Hanbury (1708-1759), diplomat. Diplomatic diary, July, 1750-March, 1751; an account of his short and uneasy residence in Berlin. MS Newport Public Library Williams coll.




British Diaries

1751 William, of Entcrkine, Ayrshire. Travel diary, September-December, 1751 (account and extracts); notes of a tourist in France; topographical and towns; social conditions. Scottish Hist. Rev., VI (1909), pp. 362-372. CUNNINGHAM,

Lady Arabella (1708-1792) of Tralee, Ireland. Travel diary, 1751; journey from Dublin to London; thence to Belgium; picturesque and lively descriptions and comments; social and society life in Brussels and Spa; travel conditions. MS owned by Miss Amy Percival See Arthur Ponsonby, Scottish and Irish Diaries (London, 1927), pp. 148-152 DENNY,

David (1717-1779), actor. Travel diaries, May-June, 1751 (his first trip to Paris); visits to plays and operas, with dramatic criticism, and to sights; 1763, rather scrappy notes in France and Italy. The Diary of David Garric\, ed R. C. Alexander (New York, 1928); The Journal of David Garric\, ed. G. W. Stone (New York, 1939). GARRICK,

Samuel (1716-1773) of Hitchin, Baptist. Religious diary, March, 1751-May, 1763; his religious life and ministry; introspection; comments upon his congregation. An Abstract of the Gracious Dealings of God (London, 1805), App. JAMES,

Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of (1717-1797), author. 1. Travel diary, July, 1751-September, 1784; travel notes and notes on estates, buildings, gardens, art treasures, paintings, etc. during miscellaneous visits to English estates. Journals of Visits to Country Seats, ed. Paget Toynbee ( Walpole Soc. Annual, Vol. XVI, 1928), pp. 9-80. 2. Public diaries, 1751-1783; largely in form of historical memoirs but often day-to-day form; parliamentary affairs, foreign news, public affairs, court life and gossip. Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Second, ed. Lord Holland, 3 vols. (London, 1846); (also in Vols. BI and VII of his Worlds [London, 1798-1825]); Memoirs of the Reign of King George the Third, ed. Sir D. Le Marchant, 4 vols. (London, 1845); Journal of the Reign of King George the Third, ed. R. Bentley, 2 vols. (London, 1859); The Last Journals of ... during the Reign of George the Third, ed. A. F. Steuart, 2 vols. (London, 1910). 3. Business diary, June, 1757-July, 1789; business notes, and printing, at the Strawberry Hill press. A Journal of the Printing Office at Strawberry Hill (Boston, 1923). ORFORD,

1752—53 ]

British Diaries


PALMER, John, mayor of Torrington, Devon. Public diary, 1751-1797; notes of business in Torrington; an unofficial record of town administration. Trans. Devonshire Assoc., L X I X (1937). WHITE, Gilbert (1720-1793) of Selborne, naturalist. Naturalist's diaries, January, 1751-1793; daily notes of planting and other garden work at Selborne; growing melons, cucumbers, etc.; horticultural and related work; brewing, winemaking; materials, weather, etc.; country life; natural history observations. M S B.M. A d d . M S S 31846-31851 and 35139 Extracts from 1768-1793 sections used by A i k i n in printing the Naturalist's Calendar ( 1 7 9 5 ) ; also in Journals of Gilbert White, ed. W . Johnson (London, 1931) 1752 NORTHUMBERLAND, Elizabeth Seymour, 1st Duchess of ( 1 7 1 6 - 1 7 7 6 ) . Public diary, September, 1752-May, 1774; chiefly notes of public events, state, and social ceremonies; gossipy, piquant descriptions and character sketches of the court and its life; country life abroad; a visit to Voltaire; a good diary. The Diaries of a Duchess, ed. James Greig (London, 1926). POCOCKE, T h e Rt. Rev. Richard (1704-1765), bishop of Ossory, traveler. Travel diary, June-July, 1752; travel notes; upper class social life in Dublin and Donegal; customs, trade, society; extensive descriptions. A Tour in Ireland in 1752, ed. G . T . Stokes (Dublin, 1891). STEVENSON, T h e Rev. Seth Ellis (1724-1783) of Retford, Notts. 1. Clerical diary, January, 1752-October, 1755; domestic and farming life of the pluralist rector of Treswell and headmaster of Retford Grammar School; considerable detail of farming business, and pictures of a hard-fisted squarson; a revealing and sordid record, mitigated by love of gardening; important record. M S W i g a n Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 204 pp. and typed copy ( A companion volume of accounts in University College, Nottingham) 2. Clerical diary, 1760-1775; parish work in Nottingham. M S University College, Nottingham (Yale Univ. microfilm 265) WIGHT, Joshua, of C o r k . Quaker diary, 1752-1756; account and a few quotations; Quaker travel and ministry. Jour. Friends' Hist. Soc., X X I (1924). T


GLYNNE, Sir John, of Harwarden. Private diaries, 1753-1754, 1759-1768,1770, 1774,1775, 1777; kept in printed journal books; memoranda of his personal life and financial affairs; expenses;


British Diaries

[ 1754—55

visits and visitors; elections in Flint; militia; estate matters of Harwarden; Hawke's victory in the Mediterranean; kept in English. Glynne of Harwarden MSS deposited in National Library of Wales, Nos. 1 - 1 5 . Dr. John (1698-1775) of Dublin. Quaker diary, September, 1753-December, 1774; details of his sins, spiritual struggle, moral reflections, religious exercises, prayers, and punishments; day-byday notes apparendy for the guidance of readers; also notes on his medical practice in Ireland. A Spiritual Diary, 2 vols. (London, 1776). RUTTY,

1754 Henry (1707-1754), novelist Travel diary, 1754; his last journey, along the English shore and abroad; excellent sketches and humanitarian sentiment with philosophical asides. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon (London, 1755), ed. Austin Dobson (London, 1892). FIELDING,

Thomas (1729-1789) of East Hoathly, Sussex, shopkeeper. Country diary, February, 1754-July, 1765 (excerpts); vivid and amusing details of social life in a Sussex village; his personal affairs, told with a confessional frankness; his drunken orgies and marital troubles; local amusements, friends, customs; a very entertaining diary; only a very small part of it has been published. MS now at Yale University, where it is being edited for publication; extracts in Sussex Archaeol. Colls., XI (1859), pp. 179-220; Diary of Thomas Turner, ed. F. M. Turner (London, 1925). TURNER,

Ralph, of Gisborough, Yorks. Farming diary, September, 1754-December, 1756; farming in the North Riding and local occurrences; visits and payments in North Riding and South Durham. MS Durham University 942.74 W2 (Information supplied by David Ramage, librarian)


1755 John (b. 1726/7) of Coventry. Public diary, 1755—1799; notes made in rough chronological order; births, marriages, and deaths of Coventry people and of his own family; personal, local, and general notes, in more or less diary form. MS Coventry Corporation A.128 60 fols. (Information supplied by Joan Lancaster, city archivist) DOWNING,

The Rev. William, of Haworth. Methodist diary, September, 1755-March, 1757 (fragmentary); important for his work in spiritual life of Haworth; his preaching travels far beyond his parish.



British Diaries


MS in Hartley-Victoria College, Manchester, 16 Description in Proc. Wesley Hist. Soc., X X I V (Information supplied by the Rev. F. Baker of Warsop) Hon. William (1732-1815), soldier. Military and private diaries, 1755-1814; military activities, campaigns, and movements in North America; French and Indian War; Montreal; travels in British Isles; extremely broad interests and acquaintances. Journals in North America and Europe (Bury St. Edmunds, 1906), 548 pp. HERVEY,

ILLINGWORTH, Thomas (b. 1730) of Addingham, Yorks. Methodist diary, May, 1755-March, 1759; work of Methodist lay preacher in West Riding; struggles as teacher in Silsden; analysis of his spiritual life; intimate picture of Yorkshire life and customs; work of the Rev. William Grimshaw, the Wesleys, Whitefield; struggles with Anglicans; a valuable record. MS 242 pp., owned by the Rev. F. Baker of 40 Appleton St., Warsop, Notts, who has transcribed and edited it with a view to publication. LUMB (Milnes), Mrs. Anne, of Silcoates, Yorks. Country diaries, 1755 and 1757 (excerpts); small details of life in a Yorkshire village; deaths, births, visits, teas, etc.; worked into editor's text. Diaries of Mrs. Anne Lumb, ed. Charles M. Gaskell (London, 1884). Samuel (1729-1792) of Cork. Quaker diary, March, 1755-November, 1791 (extracts); Quaker religious life and observances; ministry in Ireland; tour in America in 1771. Some Account of the Life of Samuel Neale: Friends' Library (Philadelphia, NEALE,

1847), Vol. XI, pp. 1-72.

The Rev. George (1717?—1772) of Stitchel and Hume. Clerical diary, 1755-1761; daily life and pursuits of a Scottish country parson; excellent details of parish work and the customs and habits of the time; domestic life, social pleasures, travels; household work and gardening; medicine and science; extensive and critical reading in history and the classics; friendship with writers; valuable for its literary interests and its record of a wholesome intellectual life; excellent. Diary of George Ridpath, ed. Sir J. B. Paul (Scottish Hist Soc., Edinburgh, 1922), 410 pp.; extracts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, I94 2 )» PP- 102-127. RIDPATH,

John (1724-1792), civil engineer. Travel diary, June-July, 1755 (preceded by autobiography); diary of a journey to Holland, with engineering interest. Journey to the Low Countries (Leamington Spa, 1938). MS Library of Trinity House, London. SMEATON,


British Diaries


Robert. Travel diary, 1755; through various parts of Ireland. •Journal of Robert Stephenson (Dublin, 1757).


of Durham, squires and clergymen. Memorandum books, various years, 1755-1807; accounts, receipts, and engagements, memoranda, and letter-summaries. MS Durham Univ. Library 9 vols. (David Ramage, librarian) WHARTON F A M I L Y ,



7 5


Military diary, April-June, 1756; notes on the siege of Minorca. MS B.M. Add. MSS 42520 William (1736-1832) of Guildford, Surrey, historian. Country diary, 1756-1800 (extracts); brief notes on social life in Surrey and London. Surrey Archaeol. Colls., X L V I (1938), pp. 26-58. The diary was privately printed in 1876. BRAY,

Margaret (1715-1774) of Polton, Midlothian. Travel diary, June-December, 1756; in letter-diary style; pleasant descriptions of places, men, and public affairs, mosdy during a tour in Belgium and Holland; social life, society, religion; an unusual travel record. Letters and Journals of Margaret Calderwood, ed. Alexander Fergusson (Edinburgh, 1884); extracts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1942), pp. 82-101. CALDERWOOD,

Lady Mary (1726-1811). Social diary, 1756-1791; largely in letter form; court gossip; social life and amusements; cardplaying; domestic details; her travels and her health; of minor interest. Letters and Journals of Lady Mary Coke, ed. J. A. Home, 4 vols. (Edinburgh, 1889-1896); The Diary of Lady Mary Co\e, 5 vols. (pr. ptd., 1889). COKE,

Marshe ( I 7 0 3 ? - I 7 6 5 ) , lord mayor of London. Public diary, 1756-1757; kept during his mayoralty; official activities; sidelights on private life and habits. MS Guildhall Library, London No. 100 (Information supplied by Raymond R. Smith, librarian) DICKENSON,

Isaac, of Cumberland. Farming diary, 1756-1761; the life and work of a yeoman farmer, Quaker, and attorney; legal business; farming; family affairs; religious observances. MS owned by Mrs. Hickson; see Arthur Ponsonby, More English Diaries (London, 1927), p. 14.



British Diaries


Mary (later Mrs. John Dickenson) of Toxall. Personal diaries, 1756-1816; social and public life at court; domestic and social life; reading; Mrs. Delany, etc. At Court and at Home, ed. E. and F. Anson (London, 1925). HAMILTON,

The Rev. Hungerford (1723-1792) of Much Birch, Herefordshire. Clerical diary, 1756, 1759, 1777, and 1786; son of Sir Hungerford Hoskyns of Harewood, Herefordshire; had the living of Much Dewchurch and the perpetual living of Much Birch; detailed record of weather, the writer's health, his garden, and the books he read. MS Hereford Public Library Local coll. 920 4 vols. (Information from L. M. Bickerton, librarian) K N Y V E T O N , John (1729-1809) of Bromley, Kent. Naval diary, March, 1756-June, 1762; naval service during Seven Years War; medical work and horrors on man-of-war; batde scenes; conditions of crew. Ernest Gray (ed.), Surgeons Mate (London, 1942). HOSKYNS,

John, of Sutton Place, Kent. Country diary, March-November, 1756; notes of work on woods and farms of Sutton Place. MS B.M. Add. 5488 Fols. 68-72 (copy)


Mrs. Caroline Girle (1737-1808) of Hardwick House, Oxon. Society diary, 1756-1808; private affairs and social life; high society at court and at Bath; her travels, with notes on scenery, towns, estates; family affairs, weather; somewhat disappointing. Passages from the Diary of Mrs. Powys, ed. Emily Climenson (London, 1899). MS B.M. Add. MSS 42163 (Yale Univ. microfilm) POWYS,

Elizabeth (d. 1778). Domestic diary, 1756-1770 (extracts); her domestic duties, social pleasures, management of her suitors; a shrewd and vigorous personality, with considerable humor; valuable for details of contemporary life and manners; also recipes. The Receipt-Bool^ of Elizabeth Raper, ed. B. Grant (London, 1924). RAPER,

Col. Horace (1729-1812), soldier. Military diary, August, 1756-January, 1758; military and diplomatic career in France; two campaigns during the Seven Years War; full, precise, informative details of war, but impersonal. A Journal of the First Two Campaigns, ed. G. G. Butler (Cambridge, 1914). ST. PAUL,

1757 John, III (b. 1734) of London. Private diary, February-November, 1757; interesting details of personal and social life in London; and travel notes on a journey into Cornwall. Eliot Howard, Eliot Papers (London, 1895). ELIOT,


British Diaries


Sir Andrew ( 1 7 0 8 - 1 7 7 1 ) , diplomat Diplomatic diary, December, 1757-August, 1758; in Germany, while envoy and minister to the court of Prussia; public business and court life. Memoirs and Papers of Sir Andrew Mitchell, ed. Andrew Bissett (London, 1850), Vol. II, pp. 1-47.


(Piozzi), Mrs. Hester Lynch ( 1 7 4 1 - 1 8 2 1 ) , author. 1. Daily journals and memoranda, 1757, 1761, 1773, 1790, 1800, 1802, 1810, 1 8 1 7 - 1 8 1 9 , 1820, 1821 (some duplications); brief notes of social engagements, dinners, parties, musical society, visits and visitors; her extensive reading, writing, and letters; her health, walks, family and personal affairs; occasional verses and literary memoranda; written in almanacs. M S John Rylands Library, Manchester English MSS 616 2 boxes containing 23 small notebooks 2. Travel diary, July-September, 1774; daily notes of places visited during a tour in Wales with Mr. Thrale, Dr. Johnson, and her daughter Hester. A . M. Broadey, Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Thrale (London, 1910), pp. 155-219. 3. Travel diary, September-November, 1775; a tour in France with Dr. Johnson; touristic notes on topography and the Paris sights; mosdy interesting for the few items about Dr. Johnson. The French Journals of Mrs. Thrale and Dr. Johnson, ed. M. Tyson and H. Guppy (Manchester, 1932). M S John Rylands Library English MSS 617 4. Travel diaries, September, 1784-March, 1787; written up from time to time; her French and Italian journals of travel with her husband in France and Italy; a tourist's observations, but fairly personal; customs, social life, society, manners, art, literature; written in her enthusiastic style. MS John Rylands Library English MSS 618 2 notebooks. A written-up form of this, the draft for her book, exists as English MSS 619 (7 notebooks) in the John Rylands Library, which also has the revised MS, which was sent to the printer and published, 2 vols. (London, 1789), numbered as English MSS 620622. 5. Travel book, 1789; a record of a journey through north of England and part of Scodand; topography, etc. M S John Rylands Library English MSS 623 6. Diary, 1776-1809; a combination of diary, commonplace book, and general record of the Johnson circle; a very important source book. Thraliana, ed. K . C. Balderstone, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1942). THRALE



Military diary, 1758-1764; written in form of autobiography for these dates; no other dates given; lively account of conditions in army during Seven Years


British Diaries


War; includes account of West Indian Islands, especially Guadeloupe; conditions of slaves, plantations, types of vegetation; interesting. A Soldier's Journal (London, 1770). Edward, Jr., of Wolverley Court, near Kidderminster, ironmaster. Private pocket and account books, 1758-1806 (a few years lacking); a diary April-May, 1767, of a journey to France with Mr. West; a book of notes on gardens, houses, bridges, crosses, etc.; friend of Shenstone the poet. MS Kidderminster Public Library Knight coll. 283-294 10 vols. (Information supplied by L. W. Horsfall, librarian) KNIGHT,

The Rev. James (1740-1803), vicar of Weston, Norfolk. Clergyman's diaries, October, 1758-October, 1802; kept while fellow and scholar at Oxford, curate in Somerset, at Oxford again (1773), and thenceforth at the college living in Weston; notes on public and scholarly affairs at Oxford, London, and Norwich; but mosdy the tranquil details of parish life in a quiet Norfolk village; social and domestic life; village personalities, friends, neighbors, servants, and his family; intimate details of the minor excitements and disturbances of village life; its pleasures, daily life, and amusements; a fond record which provides a photographic picture of eighteenthic\ Archaeol. Soc., 1904. CAMPBELL,

Sir Rowland (1795-1879) of Kidderminster. Public diaries, 1816-1822, 1846-1855, 1870-1877; first group concerns the Hills' school at Hazelwood, with reformed education; later diaries concern his post office career, reforms, initiation of cheap postage, and official opposition. MS Tottenham Museum, 391 High Rd., London N.17 11 volumes (Information supplied by A. W. McClellan, director) HILL,

Anne, Miss, of Halifax, Yorks. Private diary, 1816-1840; social life in Halifax; visit to Paris; details of woolen trade. MS in Halifax Public Library Partly printed in local newspaper, and copies of these (119 articles, about 150 columns) in Sowerby Bridge Public Library, Yorks. (Information from Frank Haigh, librarian) LISTER,

Lady Clementina (d. 1830). Public diary, June, 1816-July, 1817; conversations of Napoleon with her hus-



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band, Sir Pulteney Malcolm; troubles between Napoleon and the governor; impressions of people and occurrences; life of Napoleon on St. Helena (apparently in part dictated). A Diary of St. Helena, ed. Sir A. Wilson (London, 1899). N E W T O N , The Rev. Benjamin (1762-1830) of Wath, Yorks. Country diary, July, 1816-December, 1818; his parish and his work there; notes on his parishioners and the social life of Wath; country sports; hunting, racing, fishing; liberal intellectual interests; his reading; the pleasing, lively record of a cultured and witty country parson. The Diary of Benjamin Newton, ed. C. P. Fendall and E. A. Crutchley (Cambridge, 1933). POLIDORI, Dr. John William (1795-1821), physician and author. Medical diary, April-December, 1816; traveling physician with Byron; journey in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy; Byron, Shelley, and various Continental writers appear frequendy. The Diary of Dr. Polidori, ed. W. M. Rossetti (London, 1909). S O A M E , Mrs., of Thurlow, Suffolk. Private diary, January-December, 1816; card playing; home life and social; a visit to Beverley, Yorks, entered in Gedge's Own Memorandum Book. MS Muniment Room, Public Library, Bury St. Edmunds E12/1 (Information supplied by Miss L. J. Redstone) STONER, The Rev. David (1794-1826) of Barwick, Yorks. Methodist diary, January, 1816-September, 1824 (extracts); his work as a Methodist minister at Huddersfield; circuit work and travels in Yorkshire and Lancashire; Bradford, Liverpool; his spiritual life and God's providences. Memoirs of Rev. David Stoner (London, 1828), pp. 69-198. T U R N E R , Dr. Thomas (1793-1873) of Manchester, surgeon. Medical diary, August, 1816-December, 1873; notes of travel in England and abroad; science and natural history interests at Manchester; marriage and domestic life; medical practice and writings; religious life. Memoir of Dr. Thomas Turner, by a relative (London, 1875). W I L L I A M S , J. (b. 1793) of London, draper. Private diary, April, 1816-January, 1817 (extracts); his personal and social life and amusements; plays, races, book-buying; his versifyings; public events, sights, prices; an amusing record of life of a young Londoner. Notes and Queries, 9th ser., XII (1903), passim. 1817 A R B U T H N O T , The Rev. Alexander, dean of Cloyne. Travel diary, May-June, 1817; London and Paris; social and touristic notes. Sir Alexander J. Arbuthnot, Memories of Rugby and India (London, 1910), pp. 321-327.


British Diaries


William (1750-1834), Methodist. Methodist diary, January, 1817-June, 1833; Methodist religious life and work; travels through England; introspection and love-feasts. A Memoir of William Carvosso (London, 1837).


Ann (1797-1826) of Northcott, Devon. Quaker diary, June, 1817-February, 1826; her travels and ministry in southwest England and Ireland; religious life; her health. A Memoir of the Life and Ministry of Ann Freeman (London, 1826). FREEMAN,

HAY, John. Horticultural diary, August-October, 1817; full daily account of tour in Flanders, Holland, and northern France; entries of specialized interest; details of plants grown, methods of cultivation, types of greenhouses, etc.; also interesting information on local customs, curiosities. Journal of a Horticultural Tour (Edinburgh, 1823). Matthew Davenport (1792-1872), prison reformer. Literary diary, March, 1817-March, 1818; literary reading and studies; journalistic work; social and private life; visits to London (meetings with other reformers, Romilly, Howard, etc.). MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.88 142 pp.


Washington (1783-1859), American author. Travel diaries, June-September, 1817 and July, 1823; a trip from Liverpool to Runcorn with W. C. Preston, and from London to Edinburgh and a tour through Scodand; later travel in England; interesting notes on persons, places, literary and story material, scenery. Tour in Scotland 1817, ed. Stanley Williams (New Haven, 1927) and Journal of Washington Irving (1823-1824), ed. Stanley Williams (Cambridge, Mass., 1931). IRVING,

James (d. 1840) of Salford, Lanes. Religious diary, January, 1817-July, 1826; Swedenborgian worship; angelic manifestations. Diary, Spiritual and Earthly (London, 1910). JOHNSTON,

Sir Charles (1797-1875), geologist. 1. Scientific diary, August, 1817-September, 1818; travel in Scodand, France, Italy; notes on natural history and geology. 2. Scientific diary, January, 1832-July, 1834; his social and scientific life and friendships; travel in Scandinavia, with geological interests. 3. Scientific diary, August-October, 1858; travel in Switzerland, with geological interests. Life, Letters, and Journals of Sir Charles Lyell, ed. Mrs. Lyell, 2 vols. (London, 1881), passim. LYELL,


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Henry (1790-1828) of Cambridge, lawyer. Travel diary, September, 1817-June, 1819; two years of travel for health in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France; notes on art and scenery; good descriptions. The Diary of an Invalid (London, 1819). MATTHEWS,

David (d. 1841), artist. Art diary, April, 1817-April, 1819; mainly tours of exhibitions, museums, and mineralogical collections in England. MS Yale University Connecticut MS PENNANT,

Henry (1813-1895) of Norwich, publicist. Public diaries, 1817-1818; mnemonic notes of public affairs, politics, and social life. John K. Langton, Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, 2 vols. (London, 1898). REEVE,

George (1791-1866), civil engineer. Travel diary, June-December, 1817; visit to Portugal, Spain, southern France; notes on buildings and monuments; drawings; kept by the brother of the engineer. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.203 91 fols. RENNIE,

William (1797-1881) of Darlington, mercer. Quaker diary, January, 1817-May, 1818; his work as shopkeeper; Quaker religious life and observances and customs; family and social life; his reading (general) and criticisms; a pleasant diary. Typed copy: Friends' Soc. Library, London N.W.i. Extracts in Journai Fr,ends' Hist. Soc. XIX (1922). ROBSON,

Colonel. Travel diary, July, 1817; a journey to Edinburgh, lavishly grangerized with engravings, cuttings from contemporary magazines and newspapers, and original drawings. The author's introduction describes the memorandum as "notices of what we saw upon this journey to serve as a rough guide to our friends who may hereafter visit the Scotch capital." MS Edinburgh Central Library 297 pp. (R. Butchert, librarian) SMITH,

Richard (1784-1824) of Manchester. Seven Quaker journals, January, 1817-July, 1824; daily occupations and work as cotton spinner; journeys to Philadelphia; residence in Leek (Staffs) and Quaker religious life there; voyage to Gambia and trading, residence Bathurst and Berkou; travels and Quaker ministry; interesting general notes on American life; visits to Indians and to Negro settlements. MS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i Cupboard 5 (Journal Friend/ Hist. Soc. XIII [1916] and XIV [ 1917], passim) SMITH,

192 ANON.

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[ 1 8 1 8

1 8 1 8

Society diary, 1818; notes of a dandy and man about town; clothes, food, drinks; copied from a newspaper. Notes and Queries, 10th ser., VII (1907), p. 243. (of London). Social diary and commonplace book, July, 1818-December, 1824; sporting events; theater, court, political gossip, polling in provinces, and civic life, mainly in city of London. MS Guildhall Library, London No. 3730 104 pp. (Vol. V of an original series) (Information from Raymond Smith, librarian) ANON,


Travel diary, 1818; tour from Ireland to Scodand: Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow, Perth, Edinburgh, Manchester, Shrewsbury, Holyhead; notes on towns, scenery, etc. MS National Library of Scodand No. 2795 (Edinburgh citizen). Religious diary, May, 1818-December, 1839 (gaps); recording his visit to London and return to Manchester in 1818, and later notes of preachers and sermons. MS National Library of Scodand No. 166 58 fols.


John. Travel diary, 1818; tour in the Highlands; notes on scenery and beauties. MS National Library of Scodand No. 2509


John Cleaver, of London. Business diary, January-September, 1818; scrappy record of share dealings, social contacts, and tour of Italy; poor. MS Wigan Central Library Edward Hall coll. BANKS,

The Rev. John (d. 1852) of Oban. Travel diary, October-November, 1818; a Congregational minister's preaching tour through Argyllshire; missionary work and meetings. Missionary and Ministerial Life in the Highlands (Edinburgh, 1853), pp. 87105.


John, of Coventry, silkman. Public diary, June, 1818; kept by the mayor of Coventry at the time of the Coventry election of June 1818, when there were riots. MS Coventry Corporation A.158 7 fols. (Information supplied by Joan Lancaster, city archivist) CLARKE,

(Sir) H. T . (b. 1796) of London, geologist. Scientific diaries, 1818-1820, and 1829; early tours in England and Wales,



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France, Switzerland, and Italy, with personal observations, as well as geological notes. MS National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Dept. of Geology (Miss D. H. Edwards, librarian) Robert (1773-1849) of Griff, Nuneaton, War. Private diaries, April, 1818-January, 1843 (with gaps, particularly 1818-1823 and 1823-1826); kept by the father of George Eliot, novelist; his work as an estate agent, and private affairs. MSS owned by Charles H. Evans, Esq., librarian, Charterhouse, Godalming, Surrey, who explains that the dates are disconnected as the diaries have been split up among descendants. EVANS,

George (1794-1871), historian. Scholar's diary, September, 1818-December, 1822 (extracts); notes on his philosophical and historical studies and reading. Mrs. H. Grote, The Personal Lije of George Grote (London, 1873), passim. GROTE,

The Hon. John, afterwards 4th Baron Henniker. Travel diary, October, 1818-August, 1819; notes of a tour in Italy in a caléche; written up at Messina, 10th August, 1819. MS Ipswich Public Library Si/2/501.1 1 book, green leather; incomplete; references to an earlier tour in Switzerland (Information supplied by Dorothy M. White, librarian) HENNIKER,

P. Thomas. Travel diary, June-August, 1818; journey through North Wales and Ireland; from Kidderminster to Holyhead, Dublin, Kilkenny, Fermoy, Mallow, Killarney; conventional. MS Trinity College, Dublin (W. E. Mackey) HICKS,

Henry Edward Fox, 4th Baron (1802-1859). Society diary, 1818-1830; social life in high society; gossip, anecdotes, descriptions, and opinions of the famous men and women of the time; writers, courtiers, statesmen; outspoken and amusing. The Journal of the Hon. Henry Edward Fox, ed. Earl of Ilchester (London, 1923). HOLLAND,

The Rev. Jeremiah, of Wisbech, Cambs. Clerical diary, 1818-1857; clerical affairs; local events; work at Wisbech grammar school, of which diarist was master; Fens drainage; agricultural riots. MS Wisbech Museum, Wisbech, Cambs. 65 notebooks (E. J. Reedsdale, acting curator) JACKSON,

Thomas (1779-1852), poet. Literary diary, August, 1818-1847; a m ° s t extensive and detailed record of his literary work and career; gossip and anecdotes about celebrities; his literary MOORE,


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[ 1818

friendships (Byron, Macaulay, Wordsworth, Sheridan, Scott, etc.); his recitals and social life; gay, personal, and often superficial, but an excellent mirror of the times, and all-important as a source book for the Romantic Movement and the grand monde. Lord John Russell (ed.), Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence, 8 vols. (London, 1853-1856); a one-volume selection is J. B. Priesdey (ed.), Tom Moore's Diary (London, 1925). A MS in the National Library of Scodand, No. 9 1 1 , fols. 60-62, is a journal of a visit to Sir Walter Scott at Abbotsford in October and November, 1825; used in Lockhart's Life of Scott. Thomas Love (1785-1866), novelist. Literary diary, July-September, 1818; kept at Marlow; reading and critical thoughts; social, literary affairs; modern classics; correspondence with Shelley; some notes on writing; sailing on Thames. MSB.M. Add. MSS 36815 Fols. 1-9


John ( 1 7 8 1 - 1 8 4 4 ) of Ipswich. Quaker diary, May, 1818-December, 1842; Quaker life and ministry; business affairs and misfortunes; shopkeeping; bankruptcies; general social and political life in Suffolk; travels on business and religion. MS Friends'Soc. Library London, N . W . i Box T PERRY,

Mrs. Mary (1808-1834) Wilton, Somerset. Methodist diary, September, 1818-March, 1834 (extracts); Methodist life and work in Somerset and Devon; her devotion and introspection. Memoirs of the Late Mrs. M. Timms, ed. R. Morgan (Watchet, 1835).


The Rev. John (1757-1826) of Whitechapel. Religious diary, January, 1818-January, 1826 (extracts); his puritanical religious life and work in Whitechapel; congregational school; founder of deaf and dumb asylum; educational and charity work in the London slums. Memoirs of Rev. John Townsend (London, 1828).


Dr. James (d. 1858), military surgeon. Napoleonic diary, July 1818-September, 1819; kept while in residence at Longwood, St. Helena, in personal attendance upon Napoleon and as medical attendant to the household; long full entries about gossip and complaints of the French household; military and literary conversations with the Bertrands and Montholon; hears reports on Napoleon's health and habits, but prevented from actually attending him; very interesting for atmosphere, with Napoleon always in background; a good narrative of the entourage; Hamlet without Hamlet, but with a good deal of the ghost; very interesting. MS (original) in Archives Nationales, Paris. MS Bodleian Library Curzon coll. 1 148 fols. This is a copy made by A. E. Ross in 1 9 1 1 .



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Samuel (1792-1840), landscape painter? ] Travel diary, April, 1818-October, 1820; travel notes of an artist in Italy, Greece, and Turkey; guidebook detail; contacts with Kinnaird; some adventures; accompanied partly by the Rev. Henry V. Elliott and Edward B. Elliott. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 110 pp. [WILLIAMSON,

Julia (1789-1873) of Galhampton, Somerset. Private diary, February-November, 1818; social and domestic life; details of her love for James Power. Woodforde Papers and Diaries, ed. Dorothy Woodforde (London, 1932).


(of London). Travel diary, July-August, 1819; pleasure and business trip to Dublin and back; acute observation and dry humor; one of the better travel diaries. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 44 pp. and typed copy ANON,

The Rev. Henry Fynes (1781-1852), scholar and M . P . Literary diary, January, 1819-October, 1852; his reading and classical studies in literature and theology; the books he wrote; reflections on books; visits; many entries in Greek and Latin. Literary Remains of Henry Fynes Clinton, ed. C. J. F. Clinton (London, 1854), Pt. II. CLINTON,


Travel diary, September-October, 1819; Continental tour; Switzerland, Rhineland, Belgium; drawings; scenery, buildings, beauties. MS Bodleian Library Add. MSS B94 86 fols. Fox, John, of London, solicitor. Travel diary, 1819-1843; walking tours in England; sightseeing and comments on people and his own affairs; amusing details and good descriptions. MS owned by Sir John C. Fox (Cp. Arthur Ponsonby, More English Diaries [London, 1927], pp. 17-19) Capt. Jenkin, R.N. Travel diary, May-June, 1819; tour in England and Wales; notes relating to his social and literary interests there. Trans. Hist. Soc. West Wales, I ( 1 9 1 1 ) , pp. 97-144. JONES,

Sir Frederick (1801-1873), palaeographer. Scholar's diary, 1819-1872; full and exact details of his scholarly and antiquarian work; daily reading; private occupations; notes on palaeographical and antiquarian questions; a good deal of information about the scholarly and literary world and figures of the time. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Hist, c.140-182 43 vols. MADDEN,


British Diaries


Mary Ann (1802-1822) of Nuneaton. Religious diary, January, 1819-May, 1822 (extracts); the religious reflections and yearnings of a saintly young Independent. R. M. Mallabone, Memoirs of Mr. James Mallabone (London, 1823). MALLABONE,

Gideon Algernon (1790-1852) of Lewes and Brighton. Medical diary, March, 1819-June, 1852; a detailed record of his scientific and medical career; natural historian and geologist; scientific studies and friends; his personal and social life; contemporary manners and events; an interesting diary. The Journal of Gideon Mantell, ed. E. C. Curwen (Oxford, 1940). MS is in New Zealand. Typescripts are, however, owned by the Hove Public Library ( K . C. Harrison, librarian) and by the Sussex Archaeological Society at Lewes. MANTELL,

Phillip, Freiherr von ( 1 7 8 1 - 1 8 5 1 ) , Austrian statesman. Diplomatic diary, September, 1819-February, 1850; a daily record of his work and social life in London; notes and anecdotes on the chief figures in politics, society, literature, and music in London, Paris, and Vienna; a valuable and acute picture of Regency and Victorian society from an aristocratic viewpoint; valuable criticism of arts; comparable to Greville's Memoirs. Diary of Phillip von Neumann, tr. and ed. E. B. Chancellor, 2 vols. (London, 1928). MS available in a complete transcription in the Library of the Institute of Historical Research. NEUMANN,

Richard (ca. 1780-ca. 1830) of 6th Dragoons, major general. Farming diary, 1819-1823; brief entries of farming in South Wales and on estates in Ireland; visits to London, Bath, and Bristol; annual lists of stock given. MS Bath Muncipal Libraries Nos. 1253-1254 2 vols. (Information supplied by Miss E. S. Russ, deputy-director) O'DONOVAN,

Sir Thomas Sabine (1804-1884), admiral. Naval diary, March, 1819-February, 1869 (extracts); naval life and cruises; country life at Rydal (Wordsworth's friends); service in Crimea transporting; at Devonport Dock; his social and domestic life; an interesting diary. Louise M. S. Pasley, Memoir of Sir Thomas Pasley (London, 1900), pp. 1 5 295, passim. PASLEY,

Richard (1780-1859), American ambassador. Diplomatic diary, February, 1819-April, 1825; his diplomatic business and official social life in London; the Court of St. James's; visits to the country; personal life and opinions; Castlereagh and other celebrities; valuable. Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London (Philadelphia, 1833; a second series, Philadelphia, 1845); various editions. RUSH,


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SELWYN, E l i z a b e t h .

Travel diaries, 1819-1829; summer holidays traveling through England, Wales, and Scodand; notes on scenery, towns, beauties, etc. Journal of Excursions (London, 1824); Continuation of Journal of Excursions (Kensington, 1830). Edwin (1792-1864) of Orgreave, nr. Rotherham, farmer and colliery owner. Business diaries, 1819-1863; forty-six diaries, each entered in a printed almanac; personal activities on the farm and as colliery owner; chiefly local in interest, though some of the colliery details may have wider appeal as part of the history of coal mining; probably well worth detailed study. MS Sheffield City Libraries Special Collections, Miscellaneous Documents, 1326-1341 (J. P. Lamb, librarian) SORBY,

Richard (1749-1824), tea merchant. Travel diary, July-August, 1819; a tour through south of England and in France (Havre, Rouen, Paris); notes on meals, sights, and antiquities. MSB.M. Add. MSS 39936 Fols. 116-128 (fragment)


Stephen, F . R . S . Travel diary, June-September, 1819; short notes extracted from journal of tour in France and Germany; anecdotes, comments on hotels, curiosities, etc.; disjointed fragments, but quite lively. Extracts from a Journal (London, 1820). WESTON,

John, of Chandos Lodge, Eye, Suffolk. Memoranda kept diary-fashion, 1819-1831, with accounts relating to estate of his brother, Thomas; includes electioneering at Eye, 1831; subsidiary to correspondence and accounts of the Wythe family. 1 MS Ipswich Public Library S 1/8/2.3 book (Information supplied by Dorothy M. White, librarian) WYTHE,


1 8 2 0

Engineer's diary, August-December (1820?); private log of voyages between Hamburg and Berlin on paddle-barge Kurrier; technical details of early steamboats; some personal items. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 1 1 2 pp. and typed copy (medical student, from Sheffield; student at London). Student's diary, September, 1820-June, 1821; observations on the lectures and the lecturers; account of his course, day by day; interest in reference to celebrated lecturers, and in the indication of the syllabus. MS Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun. A3 108 152 pp. (R. V. Osbourn)



British Diaries


ARBUTHNOT, Mrs. Society diary, 1820-1823; notes on court life and politics. M S owned by Duke of Wellington, Stratfield House, near Reading, Hants. BAGOT, Miss Mary, of Blithfield, Staffs. Social diary, 1820-1855 (extracts); social life of a clergyman's daughter; country life and visits; religion; literary interests, with a Johnson anecdote. Mrs. Charles Bagot, Utiles with the Past (London, 1902), pp. 157-284. BAKER, William ( 1 7 8 7 - 1 8 5 3 ) of Bridgwater, Somerset. Scientific diary, January, 1820-March, 1853; natural history interests and work in Somerset; work with the literary and antiquarian societies; a pleasant diary. John Bowen, A Brie} Memoir of William Baker (Taunton, 1854). BOSANQUET, The Rev. R. W . Private diaries, 1820-1840; deal principally with foreign travel, family visits, and parochial work in the north of England, and occasional references to farming. M S owned by C. C. Bosanquet, Esq., Christ Church College, Oxford. COLERIDGE, Sir John Taylor (1790-1876), country gendeman. Literary diary, June, 1820-January, 1876 (extracts); notes on his domestic and social life at Ottery St. Mary's; literary life and friendships, with Wordsworth and other writers; reading. Lord Bernard Coleridge, This for Remembrance (London, 1925), pp. 29-96. FORD, John ( 1 8 0 1 - 1 8 7 5 ) of York, teacher. Teacher's diary, June, 1820-June, 1875 (extensive extracts); full details of his long career of teaching in Bootham and York; notes on his religious life and reflections. Memorials of John Ford, ed. S. Thompson (York, 1879). HAYDON, Benjamin Robert (1786-1846), painter. Artist's diary, 1820-1846 (with earlier autobiography); an apologia pro vita sua; a full picture of his life, his career, and work as a painter; his financial ups and downs; full and attractive sketches of eminent friends (Keats, Wilkie, Lamb, Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, Wellington); notes on politics and the Reform movement; his inner life, moods, depressions; one of the great English self-portraits. T o m Taylor, Life of Benjamin R. Haydon, 3 vols. (London, 1853). HUNT, Henry ( 1 7 7 3 - 1 8 3 5 ) , radical politician. Prison diary, June, 1820-April, 1821; kept while serving sentence passed for his part in Peterloo meeting; prison conditions and treatment; appeals to prison commissioners and county magistrates against harsh treatment; interesting for details of the conditions which were discussed in the House of Commons, and became the subject of an inquiry. M S Manchester Central Library F.923.2 H 1 0 2 148 pp. (R. V. Osbourn)


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Priscilla (1808-1852) of Earlham, Norfolk. Quaker diary, May, 1820-November, 1850 (extracts); Quaker religious life; social and domestic affairs; friendship with the Frys and Gurneys; visits and journeys; her wedding; a pleasant diary. Extracts from Priscilla Johnston's Journal (Carlisle, 1862), pp. 1-189.


John (1804-1854), printer. Personal diary, 1820-1833 (extracts); his wretched boyhood; deaf from childhood; workhouses; shoemaker's apprentice; self-improvement; printer to Church Mission Society; travels in Russia and Persia; very full notes on the miseries of the poor, with good observation and vivid incidents. J. E. Ryland, Memoirs of John Kitto (London, 1856), passim. KITTO,

John Stuart (1806-1873), economist. Travel diary, June-October, 1820; tour to and in south of France; addressed to his father; Paris, Orleans, Toulouse, etc.; touristic notes; society, visits, music; kept in letters. MS B.M. Add. MSS 31,909 Note: a diary, July-August, 1832, kept by Mill during a walking tour with Henry Cole in south of England, was offered for sale by Quaritch in 1939 (Catalogue 559) MILL,

William (1773-1835) of Stepney. Religious diary, 1820-1825; life and work of a Baptist in East London. MS Angus Library, Regent's Park College, London.


William (1780-1856) of Crosthwaite, farmer and naturalist. Private diary, October, 1820-August, 1855 (extracts); occasional brief notes on natural history; includes various travel diaries, August-September, 1822; journey to Scotland, Edinburgh Casde and Holyrood House, Falkirk, Perth, Killiecrankie, Loch Lomond; interest in antiquities, methods of agriculture, peasants' way of life; October, 1820, visit to Vale of Dudden; August, 1855, tour in Cumberland; Wordsworth. Papers, Letters, and Journals of William Pearson, ed. by his widow (London, 1863). PEARSON,

The Rev. Joseph (1791-1864), fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. University diary, January, 1820-1863 (extracts, copy); extracts relating to Professor Sedgwick of Cambridge; social and academic life in Cambridge; gossip, controversy, etc.; selective, specialized, but interesting. MS belonged in 1879 to the Rev. Edward Allen of Porthkerry Rectory, Cowbridge, South Wales Cambridge Univ. Library Add. MSS 5098-5099 and 6804-6842 30 vols. ROMILLY,

Richard Phillips, of Southwell, Notts, local historian. Country diary, March, 1820-May, 1834; very brief notes on weather and local events in Notts; country life and work. SHILTON,


British Diaries

MS Nottingham Public Library Gray, librarian)

M 457-8

(Information from Duncan

Elizabeth (b. 1792), married Sir John MacNeill. Travel diaries, 1820, 1828, 1847; tours abroad; in Italy, Ardlussa (Scodand), Turkey; travel notes. Memoir of the Right Hon. Sir John MacNeill... by their granddaughter (London, 1910). WILSON,

The Rev. J. (1797-1869) of Somerset. Methodist diary, 1820P-1860?, (extracts); church services; sermons heard and preached, his religious experiences; mission work among the poor. Henry W. Williams, The Life of the Rev. }. Wood (London, 1871), passim.


1821 Richard (member of Burney family). 1. Personal diary, 1821; brief notes written when he was eight; his games, family, nursery rhymes. 2. Teacher's diary, November, 1834-September, 1837; notes on his work as a teacher; his reading and lessons; religious life; versemaking. MS New York Public Library Berg coll. BARRETT,

Mary (1807-1833) of Tallentire Hall, Cumberland. Travel diary, April-August, 1821; a girl's description of a visit to her family in France; notes on social life of French, travel, her school; dislike of France and the French; amusing drawings; amusing description of children, people, customs, shops, Paris. The Diary of a Girl in France, ed. by Commander the Hon. H. N. Shore, R.N. (London, 1905). BROWNE,

William (1766-1835), politician and journalist. Public diary, 1821-1832; written daily; travels through English countryside; daily experiences and radical political opinions; a vivid and opinionated record; valuable for social scene, scenery, and reflection of contemporary radicalism. Cobbett's Rural Rides, ed. Pitt Cobbett (London, 1893). COBBETT,

The Rt. Rev. Edward (1776-1849), bishop of Llandaff. Clerical diary, January, 1821-July, 1849 (extracts); church, parish, and diocesan work; social life; literary and scholarly interests; travels and sermons. William 'J. Copleston, Memoir of Rep. Edward Copleston (London, 1 8 5 1 ) , pp. 96-213, passim. COPLESTON,

The Rev. Henry (1793-1859) of Salwarpe, Durham. Travel diary, May-August, 1821 (extracts); trip to London, and another to France and Switzerland; brief social and tourist notes on scenery, etc. Percy W. L. Adams, A History of the Douglas Family (Bedford 1921), pp. 545-548. DOUGLAS,


British Diaries

MS Nottingham Public Library Gray, librarian)

M 457-8

(Information from Duncan

Elizabeth (b. 1792), married Sir John MacNeill. Travel diaries, 1820, 1828, 1847; tours abroad; in Italy, Ardlussa (Scodand), Turkey; travel notes. Memoir of the Right Hon. Sir John MacNeill... by their granddaughter (London, 1910). WILSON,

The Rev. J. (1797-1869) of Somerset. Methodist diary, 1820P-1860?, (extracts); church services; sermons heard and preached, his religious experiences; mission work among the poor. Henry W. Williams, The Life of the Rev. }. Wood (London, 1871), passim.


1821 Richard (member of Burney family). 1. Personal diary, 1821; brief notes written when he was eight; his games, family, nursery rhymes. 2. Teacher's diary, November, 1834-September, 1837; notes on his work as a teacher; his reading and lessons; religious life; versemaking. MS New York Public Library Berg coll. BARRETT,

Mary (1807-1833) of Tallentire Hall, Cumberland. Travel diary, April-August, 1821; a girl's description of a visit to her family in France; notes on social life of French, travel, her school; dislike of France and the French; amusing drawings; amusing description of children, people, customs, shops, Paris. The Diary of a Girl in France, ed. by Commander the Hon. H. N. Shore, R.N. (London, 1905). BROWNE,

William (1766-1835), politician and journalist. Public diary, 1821-1832; written daily; travels through English countryside; daily experiences and radical political opinions; a vivid and opinionated record; valuable for social scene, scenery, and reflection of contemporary radicalism. Cobbett's Rural Rides, ed. Pitt Cobbett (London, 1893). COBBETT,

The Rt. Rev. Edward (1776-1849), bishop of Llandaff. Clerical diary, January, 1821-July, 1849 (extracts); church, parish, and diocesan work; social life; literary and scholarly interests; travels and sermons. William 'J. Copleston, Memoir of Rep. Edward Copleston (London, 1 8 5 1 ) , pp. 96-213, passim. COPLESTON,

The Rev. Henry (1793-1859) of Salwarpe, Durham. Travel diary, May-August, 1821 (extracts); trip to London, and another to France and Switzerland; brief social and tourist notes on scenery, etc. Percy W. L. Adams, A History of the Douglas Family (Bedford 1921), pp. 545-548. DOUGLAS,




Eld, George (1791-1862) of Foleshill, antiquary, farmer, mayor. 1. Farming diary, June, 1821-August, 1826; details of the working of a farm at Hawkesbury; sowing, harvesting, mowing, etc.; details of servants hired and wages paid during 1819-1829. MS Coventry Corporation A.159 (Information supplied by Joan Lancaster, city archivist) 2. Business diary, May, 1843-1847; records of his executorship to Mr. Parrott of Hawkesbury Hall; running of the farm; personal encounters with members of the family, servants, and neighbors, the Manor Court at Oldbury; the colliery; meals entered in pencil. MS Coventry Corporation A.221 24 fols. (Information from Joan Lancaster, city archivist) Foster, Emily (i8o4?-i885) of Bedford. Travel diary, March, 1821-August, 1823; a lively account of a visit to Germany, mosdy at Dresden and Saxon court; German life and customs; romantic interests; meeting with Washington Irving. The Journal of Emily Foster, ed. Stanley Williams and Leonard B. Beach (Oxford, 1928). MS in Yale University Library continues this. Lee, Dr. Robert. Private diary, 1821-1827; kept while in attendance on the Hon. William Lamb (later Lord Melbourne); reports of conversations and dinner parties; Lamb's comments on Scott, Lady Caroline's on Lord Byron; otherwise disappointing. Extracts from the Diary of Dr. Robert Lee (pr. ptd., London, 1897). Long, Henry Lawes (1795-1868) of Hampton Lodge, Surrey. Travel diary, September-November, 1821; a trip to Haddington; travel notes; estates and antiquities; social life and sport at Keith, visiting Col. Alexander MacLean, Sir Walter Scott. Records and Letters of the Family of the Longs, ed. Robert M. Howard (London, 1925), Vol. II, pp. 429-467. Lyon, Capt. George Francis (1795-1832), traveler. Exploring journal, May, 1821-October, 1823; chiefly valuable for full and intimate account of Eskimos and their customs observed during voyage of discovery for Northwest Passage with Sir William Parry. Private Journal (London, 1824). Meyrick, Llewellyn, of Queen's College, Oxford. Travel diary, summer 1821; from London through St. Albans, Dunstable, Northants, Coventry, Lichfield, Shrewsbury, etc.; notes on towns, scenery, buildings. MS B.M. Add. MSS 28802


British Diaries

ROGERS, Sarah (1772-1855), sister of poet. Travel diary, July-October, 1821; tour on Continent with her niece, Martha, and her brother, Samuel Rogers; Paris, Switzerland, and return; a tourist's notes on scenery, beauties, etc.; also a few notes in August, 1827; a visit to Belgium. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.230 Fols. 1-43 WILLIAMS, Edward Ellerker (1793-1822), friend of Shelley. Literary diary, October, 1821-July, 1822; travels in Italy; almost exclusively relating to Byron, Shelley, and Trelawney; very brief notes. Journal of Edward Ellerker Williams, ed. Richard Garnett (London, 1902); extracts in Shelley's Prose Wor\s (ed. B. Forman), Vol. IV, pp. 310-326. ANON.


Business diary, 1822; private notes of a Wakefield bookseller. MS York Minster Library


BEATTIE, Dr. William (1793-1875), physician. Travel diary, June, 1822-October, 1826; diaries of three visits, attending the Duke and Duchess of Clarence in Germany; notes on travel, antiquities, scenery, towns, beauties; with record of social life, society, and court in Germany; written-up. Journal of a Residence in Germany, 2 vols. (London, 1 8 3 1 ) . BINGHAM, John (1810-1827) Hague Lane, Derby. Methodist diary, November, 1822-February, 1827 (extracts); his life as a Methodist preacher in Yorkshire and north of England; circuit travels; his spiritual life and prayers; family life. John Bustard, A Memoir of John Bingham (London, 1832), pp. 3 1 - 1 0 1 . BINGHAM, Mary Helen (1808-1825) of Hague Lane, Derby. Methodist diary, June, 1822-February, 1825 (extracts); religious experiences; introspection of a young girl; her dejections and outpourings in prayer; her sicknesses. John Bustard, A Memoir of Mary Helen Bingham (London, 1832), passim. HADLOCK, Capt. Samuel (1792-1833) of Cranberry Isles, Maine. Travel diary, 1822 (English section); an American showman's tour with his Indians and small circus; travel through England and Ireland: at fairs, inns, etc.; a delightful, garrulous, and naively deceptive record of the life and work of a predecessor of Barnum: later sections take Hadlock and the many times revamped Indians into the courts of Europe. Rachel Field, God's Pocket (New York, 1934). HOWARD, Rachel (1804-1837) of Tottenham, Middlesex. Quaker diary, November, 1822-November, 1833 (extracts); religious life and observances; introspection; visits; social and charity work; travels; Bible classes; religious reflections. Memoranda of Rachel Howard (London, 1839), pp. 97-235.


British Diaries


Morgan Woodward (1803-1867) of Dublin. Social diary, December, 1822-August, 1824; social life, society, and Irish customs in and around Dublin; his travels and work in the cloth business; a pleasant diary. Cora S. Gould, Great Trees from Little Saplings Grow (pr. ptd., New York, i93i),pp. 123-141. JELLETT,

Sir Henry (1809-1904), admiral. Naval diary, February, 1822-April, 1876; his naval career, cruises, ships; social life and sports at sea and ashore; a varied, unpretentious, and lively record. A Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns, 3 vols. (London, 1899). KEPPEL,

The Rev. Richard (1787-1857) of Braunton, and St. Petersburg. Religious diary, May, 1822-October, 1836 (extracts, together with earlier reminiscences); his religious life and studies; work under London Missionary Society in southern India, and Russian Bible Society in St. Petersburg and Baltic countries; his work there and his difficulties with government, plague, and other inconveniences. Charles M. Birrell, The Life of Rev. Richard Knill (London, i860), pp. 98201. KNILL,

LAY, John, of Buffalo, merchant. Travel diary, August, 1822-January, 1824 (extracts); an American businessman's travels in Scodand and England; tourist's notes and meetings with famous writers. Buffalo Hist. Soc. Pubs., IV (1896), pp. 125-145. Mrs. Sophia (d. 1837), and her husband, John Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854). Literary diaries, January, 1822-1853; mostly kept by Mrs. Lockhart until her death; brief memoranda of work and engagements; literary and social life in Scotland; meetings with famous writers, and some comments on dinners and diners (Scott, Dickens, etc.); mainly biographical value. MS National Library of Scodand Nos. 1585-1613


Capt. James (d. 1830) of Stratford-upon-Avon, antiquary. Public diary, October-November, 1822; account of his election and proceedings as mayor of Stratford. MS Shakespeare's Birthplace Library, Stratford-upon-Avon Wheler coll. 106 16 fols. (Information from Levi Fox, director) SAUNDERS,

Thomas (1803-1879) of Newcastle, engineer. Engineer's diary, January, 1822-January, 1879 (copious extracts); his life in London; the many interests of a curious mind; antiquities, science, engineering, music, pictures, shows, politics, ideas; friendship with eminent writers (Ruskin, etc.); soirées and contemporary culture; the industrial revolution and its invenSOPWITH,


British Diaries


tions; business, education, religion, factories, benefit societies; an excellently varied picture of the Victorian Age by one of its most typical and successful figures. Benjamin W. Richardson, Thomas Sopwith (London, 1891), pp. 15-360, passim. The Rev. Samuel Dousland (1804-1876) of Burton-on-Trent. Methodist diary, November, 1822-March, 1865 (extracts); his conversion, and work in the Methodist ministry in Bristol and London; circuit life and work at Bath, London, Clifton; his general reading; work as governor of Wesley College, with records of Methodist education, journalism, and administration. Adeline Waddy, The Life of Rev. Samuel Waddy (London, 1878), pp, 1 8 302, passim. WADDY,

Miss Anna Louisa (b. 1796), daughter of General G. Townshend Walker. Travel diary, July-August, 1822; kept during sojourn on Continent in company of her father; shrewd comments on her father and on the things and places she saw. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 67 pp.


Mrs. Helen, second wife of General G. Townshend Walker. Travel diary, April, 1822-January, 1824; travel on Continent; society en route; General Walker and her devotion to him; the General living on his laurels; apt comment on first wife's diary (q.v.). MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 2 vols. WALKER,

William, of Hitchin. Religious diary, 1822-1824; kept by minister of Hitchin, Herts; Quaker interest. MS owned by Herbert Minnis (ref. Reginald Hine, History of Hitchin [London, 1927]). WAYNE,

Robert (1772-1837) of Hawick. Diary or notebook, beginning November, 1822 (account and extracts); notes on his reading and on local excitements and events. Trans. Hawic\ Archaeol. Soc. (September, 1910).





Travel diary, September, 1823; a Scotsman's travel to eastern Scottish borders; high-flown sentiments on Melrose and Dryburgh abbeys, etc.; poor. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 21 pp. (of Edinburgh). Public diary, February, 1823-December, 1847; a discursive account of contemporary events in Edinburgh and elsewhere; the writer seems to have taken great



British Diaries


interest in public finance and government, and a large part of the journal consists of extracts copied from the newspapers of the time; no indication of his identity. MS Edinburgh Central Library 4 vols. (R. Butchert, librarian) ANON.

Travel diary, 1823; tour in Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire; illustrated, with notes on scenery, towns, beauties. MS Cardiff Public Library 142 pp. Major D'Arcy. Travel diary, 1823-1829; visits to Russia, Greece, and Near East; account of rescue of Edward }. Trelawney from the chieftain Odysseus. MS Bodleian Library Don. e. 13 204fols. BACON,

Francis (1803-1893), judge. Travel diary, 1823-1824; journey to France, Germany, Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Channel Islands; literary and historical interest; now being prepared for publication by owner. MS owned by Leonard Clark, 6 Ashwood Villas, Headingley, Leeds. BAYLEY,

Robert (1797-1844), lawyer. Travel diary, October-December, 1823; a public mission to Corsica; observations of people, customs, religion; local sights and notes; impersonal, but a good account of everyday life in Corsica. Sketches of Corsica (London, 1825). BENSON,


Travel diary, 1823; record of a visit to Edinburgh, with description of Sir Walter Scott in the Law Courts. MS owned by D. L. Douie, Esq., 12 Charlbury Road, Oxford. John (1806-1869), physician. Medical diary, February, 1823-October, 1868 (copious extracts); his career as a physician, and his labors on behalf of homeopathic medicine. Diary of the Late John Epps, ed. Mrs. Epps (Edinburgh, 1875), passim. EPPS,

FRY, Major Oliver (d. 1868) of Roscommon, Ireland. Private diary, February, 1823-fa. i860 (extracts); minute details of public and private life; Ireland; political and national affairs and comments; Dublin, Carrickfergus; military life; social visits to London; epidemics; travels in Ireland; good diary. Annals of the Late Major Oliver Fry (Bradford, pr. ptd., 1909), pp. 42-81. Dr. John, of Glasgow. Travel diary, 1823-1824; tour in France and Italy; excellent descriptions of scenery and places, with comments; some minor adventures, but mosdy impersonal. See Arthur Ponsonby, Scottish and Irish Diaries (London, 1927), p. 7.



British Diaries


Leah. Social diary, Octobcr-December, 1823; kept during a vacation at Papplewick Hall, Notts; social notes. Trans. Thoroton Soc., X X X V ( 1 9 3 1 ) , pp. 1 1 7 - 1 4 8 .


Grover, of Brighton. Quaker diary, December, 1823-February, 1859 (occasional entries); his conversion; Friends' meetings in Sussex; visits from traveling Friends; religious reflection and experiences; the journal 1857-1858 relates to a visit to the West Indies. MS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N . W . i S.86 and S.87 KEMP,

Charles John (1805-1882), historian of Yarmouth. Private diary, June, 1823-October, 1833; accounts of tours to York, Edinburgh, and Margate; of elections of 1 8 3 1 ; of concert given by Paganini; otherwise entries are of purely local interest. Leaves from the Diary and Journal of the late Charles J. Palmer, ed. Frederick Danby Palmer (Great Yarmouth, 1892). PALMER,

Sir Henry ( 1 8 0 0 - 1 8 8 6 ) , poet. 1. Literary diary, April, 1823-August, 1824; mostly notes on his reading, criticism, and reflections; some literary conversations with Southey and Coleridge. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. f.57 66 fols. 2. Travel diary, June, 1826; a tour in the Low Countries in company with Robert Southey. Eng. Misc., e. 191 45 fols. MS Bodleian Library 3. Religious diary, 1837; a record of spiritual life and theological thoughts. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc., f .56 TAYLOR,

(Bramston) Clarissa Sandford (1800-1844). Social diary, December, 1823-January, 1832 (with preceding autobiography); social life and society in London; literary anecdotes; notes on celebrities; also travel notes in France and Italy; a detailed and interesting record. The journal of Clarissa Trant, ed. C. G. Luard (London, 1925). TRANT

The Rev. Nathaniel Sheldon. Travel diary, September, 1823-November, 1824; an American clergyman's visit to Liverpool, London, Ely, Cambridge, Bath, Bristol, Edinburgh; and France; churches; sermons; historic spots; detailed, serious reporting. Journal of a Residence during Several Months in London (Hartford, Conn., 1830). WHEATON,


I 8 2


Travel diary, June-November, 1824; notes of an Oxford student while traveling in Europe in the family of a Colonel Roberts. MS Toronto Public Library Henry Scadding coll. 178 pp.


British Diaries


Sir Alexander (1769-1840) of Elsick, Scotland. Public diaries, 1824-1839; random reflections on current events; caustic notes on himself and the people of Aberdeen and the surrounding country; very frank, lively, and immediate notes, highly colloquial and opinionative, giving an excellently amusing picture of good local society, the Victorian scene, and of personages and eccentrics in the neighborhood; partly written in interleaved volumes of a published family history. MS National Library of Scodand Nos. 1685-1691 BANNERMAN,

Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of (1804-1881), statesman. Travel diary, 1824; fragmentary account of journey to Flanders and the Rhineland. Univ. of Texas Studies in English (1943), pp. 94-114. B U C K L E Y , Joseph (1804-1868) of Manchester, tea merchant. Quaker diary, November, 1824-May, 1868 (extracts); mosdy relates to Quaker religious life and worship; Lancashire meetings; his ministry and visits; travels in England and attendance at yearly meetings, etc.; travels in Europe; social life. Memoirs of Joseph Buckley (Glasgow, 1874). BEACONSFIELD,

Samuel (1782-1852) of London, Quaker. Quaker diary, July, 1824-August, 1852 (extracts); Quaker meetings and worship; travel and visits; social life in England and Ireland of a ministering Friend. K. Backhouse, Memoir of Samuel Capper (London, 1855), pp. 27-217, passim. C L A R E , John (1793-1864), poet. Country diary, 1824-1825 (extracts); brief notes of his country pursuits. J. L. Cherry, Life and Remains of John Clare (London, 1873), pp. 81-88. F I E L D , R., of London. Private diary, January, 1824-December, 1825; religious and private affairs; apparently a customs officer at London Docks. MS owned by Mrs. J. Webb, Chislehurst, Port Hill Road, Shrewsbury. CAPPER,

Fox, Maria (1793-1844) of Tottenham, Middlesex. Quaker diary, December, 1824-March, 1843 (extracts); Quaker ministry, travels, and meetings in England, Holland, and Germany; in England visits to London, Brighton, Bath, Tottenham, etc.; social life and work; social and philanthropic visits; marriage and family life; reflections. Memoirs of Maria Fox (London, 1846), pp. 46-455, passim. G L A S S F O R D , James (d. 1845), advocate. Travel diary, 1824-1826; one of the commissioners of inquiry into the state of education in Ireland; September, 1824, very full day-to-day account of a tour of inspection of schools and prisons; September-October, 1824, tour of Leinster; September-October, 1826, in Connaught; detailed information of educational situation; remarks on political condition of Ireland; strong anti-Catholic bias. Notes of Three Tours in Ireland (Bristol, 1832).


British Diaries


Henry (younger son of Sir S. R . Glynne, 8th Baronet). Private diary, 1824; personal memoranda; visits; activities of brothers and sisters. Glynne of Harwarden M S S deposited in National Library of Wales, No. 26.


Mary (later, Lady Lyttleton). Private diaries, 1824-1825, 1827-1829, 1 8 3 1 , 1837; notes on personal and domestic affairs; events of a visit to Paris in 1829; kept in English. GLYNNE,

Glynne of Harwarden M S S deposited in National Library of Wales, Nos. 2


HAY, Robert (1799-1863) of Linplum, Egyptologist. Travel diary, March-November, 1824; January, 1826-July, 1827; and 1830; kept in Egypt and Mediterranean, Greece, etc.; travel notes on social life and scenery; historical, antiquarian, and archaeological sketches. MSB.M. Add. M S S 31054 235fols. John Herman ( 1 7 7 9 - 1 8 4 4 ) , poet. Literary diary, 1824-1842 (extracts); mainly notes of social occasions; meetings with Wordsworth, Coleridge, Bowles, Rogers, Lockhart, etc.; brief with little description. Leaves from the Diary of a Literary Amateur (Hampstead, 1 9 1 1 ) . MERIVALE,

Eleanor (daughter of 2d Lord Milford). Travel diary, July-October, 1824; a tour through France, L o w Countries, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy; notes on scenery, towns, buildings, etc. M S Bodleian Library Eng. Misc., g. 14 POWYS,

Elizabeth ( 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 4 3 ) of Liverpool. Quaker diary, 1824-1837 (with preceding autobiography); her work in the Quaker ministry; her inner life and public work and travels, including a visit to U.S.A. MS Friends' Society Library, London, N . W . i Cupboard 7 ROBSON,

The Rt. Rev. Daniel ( 1 7 6 6 - 1 8 3 0 ) , bishop of Edinburgh. Religious diary, December, 1824-September, 1829; his religious life and work; personal religion, prayers, and inner life; his reading and domestic life. Remains of Rev. Daniel Sandford (Edinburgh, 1830), Vol. I, pp. 109-255. SANDFORD,

John Talwin ( 1 7 8 2 - 1 8 6 6 ) of Ipswich. Travel diary, July, 1824-April, 1825; very extensive notes of Continental tour: Switzerland, Italy, southern France, Paris; antiquities, scenery, pictures, churches, touristic notes. Memoir of John T. Shewell (Ipswich, 1870), pp. 67-408. SHEWELL,

The Rev. Charles, Chaplain on H . M . S . Cambrian. Sea diary, October, 1824-September, 1825; full journey of travel and sight-



British Diaries


seeing in the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor; lively descriptions and local anecdotes. Journal of a Voyage up the Mediterranean, 2 vols. (London, 1826). W H I T E , The Rev. Joseph Blanco ( 1 7 7 5 - 1 8 4 1 ) of Liverpool. Religious diaries, February, 1824-January, 1841 (extracts); theological studies at Oxford; friendship with Arnold, Newman, Whately; work in Church of England, and tutorial work; the humanitarian movement Life of Rev. Joseph Blanco White, ed. J. H. Thom, 3 vols. (London, 1845), passim. ANON.

1 8 2 5

Travel diary, June-August, 1825; tour in Normandy and Picardy; notes on scenery, churches, etc.; has been ascribed to John Earle. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.234 216 pp. ANON.

Travel diary, 1825; tour into North Wales via mid-Wales, illustrated and with notes on scenery, beauties, buildings, etc. MS Cardiff Public Library 238 pp. A N O N , (antiquarian). Travel diary, June-July, 1825; a visit to see the antiquarians and antiquities of Ireland; Dublin to Londonderry; the members of the Irish Society of London; high jinks at party; notes on farming and social customs. A Narrative of an Excursion to Ireland (London, 1825 ?). A R N O L D , Dr. Thomas (1795-1842) of Rugby. Travel diaries, summer 1825, 1826-1827, '828; tours in Scotland, France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany; notes mosdy on scenery; with some social life and visits and reflections; brief extracts. Arnold's Travelling Journals, ed. A. P. Stanley (London, 1852), pp. 3-135. BABINGTON, Charles Cardale (1808-1895), botanist. Botanical diary, 1825-1891; brief entries mainly about field trips and tours and findings in British Isles, Channel Islands, Iceland; meetings of societies. Memorials, Journals, and Botanical Correspondence of Charles C. Babington (Cambridge, 1897). C R A I K , The Rev. Henry, of Bristol. Religious diary, September, 1825-June, 1861 (extracts); experiences as student at St. Andrews and Edinburgh and as tutor and Baptist minister in Somerset; chiefly in Bristol; details of sermons, parochial affairs, meditations. Passages from the Diary and Letters of Henry Crai\ of Bristol (Bristol, 1866). F I E L D I N G , The Rev. Henry, prison chaplain. Prison diary, 1825-1827 (extracts); work among prisoners at New Bailey Prison, Salford, Lanes; brief notes. Trans. Lanes & Cheshire Antiq. Soc„ X L V (1928), pp. 21-31.


British Diaries

Sir Stephen Richard, 9th Baronet, of Harwarden. Personal diaries, 1825 and 1840-1874 (with a few years lacking); notes of his personal activities, kept in printed diaries; tours in France, Spain, Wales; railways; prices; charities; notes on W. E. Gladstone in No. 51; kept in English. Glynne of Harwarden MSS deposited in National Library of Wales, Nos. 3441 and 43-54. No. 42, kept by the Glynne sisters in 1838, also contains many notes written by Sir S. R. Glynne in 1848-1851. GLYNNE,

The Rev. John (1800-1842) of Torquay, Methodist. Methodist diary, January, 1825-May, 1830 (extracts); his life work, travel, thought, and prayer; schools; social reading and meetings, in southwest England (Devon, Somerset, etc.). Memorials of Rev. John Henley, ed. John G. Avery (Weymouth, 1856), pp. 20-210. HENLEY,

Thomas Jefferson (1792-1862), author. Travel diary, August, 1825-February, 1826; full notes in France, Italy, Germany; scenery, art, social life, etc.; literary interest. Two Hundred and Nine Days, 2 vols. (New York, 1827).


Alphonso Henry (1804-1832), clerk to London Missionary Society. Religious diary, June, 1825-February, 1826 (extracts); religious observance and inner life; ideas about the ministry; work for London Missionary Society; his health; Dr. Abernethy; plans for the University of London. Biographical Notices and Remains (London, 1833), pp. 17-48. HOLYFIELD,

Doroteya Kristoforovna (1785-1857), Russian princess. Diplomatic diary, 1825-1830; Russian mission to London; political affairs in England; Canning's struggle for premiership; treaty of London; diplomatic social life; her own activities; sharp and witty sketches of contemporaries. The Unpublished Diary and Political Sketches of Princess Lieven, ed. H. Temperley (London, 1925). LIEVEN,

Francis (1785-1867) of Darlington, solicitor. Legal diary, 1825-1867; notes of events in Darlington, where he was chief bailiff and railway solicitor; public affairs and local matters; railways and industrial development; changes in social life; weather, etc. Darlington Public Library has vols. 2, 5, and 6 (M. Lowther, librarian); extracts printed in The Larchfield Diary (London and Darlington, 1876). O W E N S O N , Sydney (Lady Morgan) ( 1 7 8 3 ? - ! 859), Irish writer. Literary diary, May, 1825-January, 1859 (extracts); her reading and writing; meetings with important literary, political, and social figures; conversations; a lively account of society and social life, mosdy in London; a good and valuable diary. Passages in My Autobiography (London, 1859); re-ed. W. H. Dixon, Autobiography, Diaries, and Correspondence, 2 vols. (London, 1862).



British Diaries


Margaret, of Edinburgh, spinster. Domestic diary, January, 1825-August, 1840; family and domestic life in Edinburgh; her trials and tribulations; unfortunate love affair with an elder; her social life; family and friends; her reading and religious thoughts and observances; school teaching at Fochabers; the pessimistic record of a sad and drab life, but a full record which is often interesting. MS National Library of Scotland 22.5.6-10 5 vols. (See "The Journal of a Mediocrity," Chambers's Journal, April, 1921) RAMSAY,

Mary (niece of Samuel Rogers, poet). Travel diary, 1825; tour to Paris with her aunt Sarah and her uncle Samuel Rogers; tourist's notes. MS Bodleian Library Eng. misc., e.231 Fols. 1-50 ROGERS,

Sir James, of Ashiesteel, general. Military diaries, January-October, 1825 and 1830-November, 1858; notes on his military life and travels: Persia, India, Turkey; domestic and social life in Scotland; visits, etc. MS National Library of Scotland Nos. 3224-3331 RUSSELL,

Sir Walter ( 1 7 7 1 - 1 8 3 2 ) , novelist. Literary diary, November, 1825-April, 1832; his literary work and life at Abbotsford and Edinburgh; social life and anecdotes; public events and people; his business and money troubles; his moods, tastes, and pleasures; an intimate diary to which he was devoted, and one of the best of British diaries. The Journal of Sir Walter Scott, 2 vols. (London, 1890). The MS of the diary is in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, and a photostatic copy in the National Library of Scodand: see John G. Tait, Sir Walter Scott's Journal and : ts Editor (London, 1938). In Lockhart's Life of Scott (Edinburgh, 1862), Vol. IV, is also found an account of the voyage of the "Lighthouse" yacht, written by Scott in diary form and covering July-September, 1824. SCOTT,

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of (1801-1885), statesman. Public diary, August, 1825-July, 1885 (copious extracts); notes on public iffairs, politics, and Parliament; his public work and work for reform; the humanitarian movement; an austere and evangelistic record of his own religious life, with his philanthropy, his religious inspirations, his controversies, and quarrels, and his grim pursuit of amelioration for others; a valuable and interesting record of a man and a movement. Edwin Hodder, The Life and Wcrr\ of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, 3 vols. (London, 1887), passim. SHAFTESBURY,

The Rev. Peter Bayley (1765-1836) of Llanrug and Llanberis, Caernarvonshire. Private diary, 1825; notes of an Anglican minister and antiquary in Wales; his



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parishioners; family affairs; tithes; farming; visits to Holyhead and Liverpool; weather, etc.; English. MS University College, Bangor No. 1633, Bangor MSS ANON.

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Travel diary, July-August, 1826; a Yorkshire gentleman's tour in Scodand; to Edinburgh and central and southwest Highlands; illustrated with sketches of landscapes, people met, and architecture. MS Mitchell Library, Glasgow B.240800 (A. B. Paterson, librarian) Mrs. Sophia (1806-1865) of Ipswich. Quaker diary, January, 1826-November, 1865 (extracts); Quaker meetings and her ministry; introspection and religious life; social, family, domestic affairs. Memorials of William H. Alexander and Sophia Alexander (London, 1867), pp. 15-163. A L F O R D , The Rev. Henry (1810-1871), dean of Canterbury. Scholarly and religious diary, July, 1826-December, 1870 (extracts); school and Cambridge; curate at Ampton; literary, editorial, and scholarly work; Tractarian movement; lecturing in Cambridge; life in Cambridge; minister in London and dean of Canterbury; his clerical work there and textual studies on Greek Testament; poems, writings, and lectures; politics; health, family and personal; a valuable diary. Life, Journals, and Letters, ed. F. Alford (London, 1873), pp. 19-464, passim. F R O U D E , The Rev. Richard Hurrell (1803-1836) of Oxford. University diary, 1826-1828; kept while tutor at Oriel; his spiritual life and introspection; self-disciplining; morbid self-condemnations. Remains of Richard Hurrell Froude, 2 vols. (London, 1837).


William Ewart (1809-1898), statesman. Private diary, 1826-1895 (extracts); notes on his chief employments; people he saw, books he read, letters he wrote; his political activities and speeches; interviews with Queen Victoria; his exercise and health; social life; and a little about the theater; begins at Eton and extends to end of his career; rather bald and disappointing.


John Morley, Life of Gladstone, 3 vols. (London, 1903), passim. Thomas (1816-1826) of Liverpool. Private diary, January-May, 1826; brief notes Arthur Ponsonby, English Diaries (London, MS is owned by Grey family. P A Y N E , Robert, of Barford, Northumb. Farming diary, 1826-1830 (extracts); notes social life and happenings. Proc. Soc. Antiqs. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 4th 42), passim.


of a boy; of family interest only. 1923), p. 422.

on farming work and country ser., VIII (1937-38), IX (1939-


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Edward, artist. Travel diary, July-November, 1826; a tour in Norway, with views of scenery and beauties; fjords and mountain scenery; sketches. Norway (London, 1834). PRICE,

Thomas William (1807-1885) of Tretire, Herefordshire, astronomer. 1. Student's diary, 1826; interesting details of his studies in natural science as a young man. 2. Scientific diary, 1827-1840; his astronomical studies. MS Hereford Public Library Local coll. 920 (L. M. Bickerton, librarian) 1827 WEBB,

Edward (1788-1836) of Limerick. Quaker diary, July, 1827-July, 1836 (extracts); life, work, meetings of a ministering Quaker in Limerick; travel and visits in Ireland. A Memoir of Edward Alexander (London, 1849), passim. ALEXANDER,

Richard Grenville, 1st Duke of (1776-1839). Public diary, July, 1827-August, 1829; kept at French, Spanish, and Italian courts; public and political affairs of the time and English news; travel in Europe, with descriptions of places; society and social life and culture; his antiquarian and art interests; a somewhat guarded but interesting record. The Private Diary of Richard, Du\e of Buckingham and Chandos, 3 vols. (London, 1862). B U C K I N G H A M AND CHANDOS,

Edward Spencer. Travel diary, 1827-1837; Continental travel; apparendy a government official; brief account and quotations. Notes and Queries, 2d ser., X (i860), p. 266. CURLING,

Charles H., of Hampton Wick, Middlesex, ex-naval officer. Private diary, February, 1827-March, 1829; irregular and scrappy entries of litde value. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. LAPIDGE,

Lindsay, of Edinburgh, accountant. Social diary, February, 1827-June, 1834; including an account of dinner when Scott acknowledged Waverley; social life in Edinburgh; public events and local politics; lectures and amusements; theaters; his business; a sound local diary. MS National Library of Scodand No. 192 91 fols. MAKERSY,

Edward Raleigh of The Globe, journalist. Notebook and occasional diary, January, 1827-1836 anecdotes and reminiscences; Dublin and Ireland, with visits to London and Paris; literary antiquarian; social notes; journalism; his dreams; law cases; literary friends and anecdotes; an interesting varied document. MS B.M. Egerton coll. 2156 77 fols. MORAN,


British Diaries


Amelia (1769-1853), novelist. Literary diary, January, 1827-July, 1853; her literary life, work and friendships (Cooper, etc.); her reading; travels in France and Germany; domestic and social life in Norwich; Quaker religious life and worship, and her activities in the anti-slavery movement. Cecilia Brightwell, Memorials of the Life of Amelia Opie (Norwich, 1854), pp. 199-394. OPIE,

Humphrey (1780-1837) of Callan, Ireland, schoolmaster and draper. Schoolmaster's diary, January, 1827-July, 1835; work as teacher and draper in county Waterford; local work and peasant life; public and local events; folklore; social life, fairs, prices, accidents; scenery and natural history; an extensive, detailed, and attractive diary; Irish text and English translation. Diary of Humphrey O'Sullivan, ed. M. McGrath, 4 vols. (Irish Texts Soc.,


1936-37) • MS Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Ann (1806-1834) of Sampford-Courtenay, Devon. Religious diary, April, 1827-January, 1834 (extracts); religious life and observances in Devonshire; her joys, depressions, and sickness, and God's mercies; cholera epidemic in Devon. Extracts from the Diary of Ann Palmer (Exeter, 1838, 1850; London, 1839).


W., of Battersea, Surrey. Private diary, 1827-1841; private notes kept at Battersea. MS owned by the Rev. Henry E. Ruddy, Braunston Rectory, Rugby,Northants.


Frederick Culling, aide-de-camp. Military diary, 1827; sea journey from Falmouth to Lisbon; expedition with Sir H. F. Bouverie; his service in Portugal, and notes on political events in Portugal and Great Britain; historical interest. MS Brotherton Library, University of Leeds No. 36 131 fols. (Information from R. Offor, librarian) SMITH,

Hugh Edwin ( 1 8 1 1 - 1 8 5 3 ) of Oxford, geologist. Scientific diary, January, 1827-June, 1836 (extracts); the early part describes his personal and social life, with his natural history interests; the later part relates to his journeys in central France, Smyrna, etc., and his geological studies. Sir William Jardine, Memoirs of Hugh Strickland (London, 1858), pp. xi-clvi. STRICKLAND,

Miss Ann ( 1 8 1 2 - 1 8 3 1 ) of Hackney, Middlesex. Methodist diary, January, 1827-February, 1831 (extracts); her ill-health; religious life and introspection; social work in London; her reading. F. A. Cox, Memoirs of Ann Tomes (London, 1832), pp. 6-88. TOMES,


British Diaries


Elizabeth Mary Grosvenor, 2d Marchioness of (1797-1891). Travel diary, May-November, 1827; tour in Sweden, Norway, Poland, and Russia; aristocratic tourist; usual notes on scenery, buildings, towns, art, culture, etc.; and meetings with royalty and aristocracy. Diary of a Tour (London, 1879). WESTMINSTER,

Thomas (1814-1828) of Darlington. Schoolboy's diary, September, 1827-January, 1828 (extracts); notes on his schooling and sports; some notes on Quaker meetings. Journal Friends' Hist. Soc., X X I V (1927), pp. 21-30. WHITWELL,


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Political diary, December, 1828-December, 1829; the writer was a close friend of M. T . Sadler, M.P. for Newark and Aldborough; the diary is concerned with Sadler's activities and contains an account of the Newark election of 1829. MS Leeds Public Libraries 923.25 A 1 5 L 1 vol. (Information from F. A. B. Hutchins, librarian) George, of Sheffield, wine and spirit merchant. Business diary, January, 1828-December, 1829; record of his personal history, business details, and local events; chiefly interesting for wine prices. MS Sheffield City Libraries Sheffield coll. B.B288 S 168 pp. (J. P. Lamb, librarian, informant) BAWER,

The Rev. Andrew Alexander (1810-1892) of Edinburgh. Religious diary, August, 1828-November, 1892; full details of his studies for the ministry at Edinburgh University; his religious life and ministry at Jedburgh and Edinburgh; parish life; revivals; his personal and social life; transcribed from Byrom's shorthand. BONAR,

Diary and Letters of Rev. Andrew Bonar, ed. M. Bonar (London, 1894). James Paul (1803-1881). Travel diary, October, 1828-September, 1829; tour in Italy, France, Switzerland; description of scenery, country, cities, customs; etc. Journal of a Tour in Italy (London, 1930). D Y M O N D , Mary (1808-1855) Lewes. Quaker diary, October, 1828-January, 1837 (extracts); Quaker religious life at Clapton; teaching in Stoke Newington; meetings and introspection. Memoir of Mary Dymond, ed. Henry Dymond (London, 1857). COBBETT,

Edward Law, 1st Earl of (1790-1871), statesman. Political diary, January, 1828-January, 1832; kept while member of Wellington's ministry; privy seal; cabinet business; parliament; very little besides; valuable. A Political Diary, ed. Lord Colchester (London, 1881), is a full selection. MS Public Record Office G.D. 9/29-31 (Colchester Papers) ELLENBOROUGH,

2l6 HAMILTON, John (1800-1883)

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St. Ernan's, Donegal.

Religious diary, March, 1828-January, 1855; largely his own religious life and work in Ireland and sometimes abroad; with notes on Irish social life, politics, religion, and controversies. Sixty Years' Experience as an Irish Landlord (London, n.d.), passim. HATHERLEY, The Rt. Hon. William Page Wood, 1st Baron ( 1 8 0 1 - 1 8 8 1 ) , lord chancellor. Legal diary, November, 1828-March, 1829 (extracts); legal studies at Lincoln's Inn; politics; religious and legal affairs; his practice at parliamentary bar; notes on political affairs; his reading and literary interests and friendships (Coleridge, etc.). W . R. W. Stephens, A Memoir of Lord Hatherley (London, 1883), Vol. I, pp. 150-191. LEVER, Charles James (1806-1872), novelist. Student's diary, 1828; kept by him during his stay at Gottingen University; describes student life at the university; gives extracts in prose and poetry from French and German literature; pencil drawings of scenery and of castles on the Rhine. MS Royal Irish Academy, Dublin SR.3.B.52 (A. Farrington, informant) MARGRATH, Edward (d. 1855), secretary of the Athenaeum Club. Travel diary, 1828; tour through Burgundy, Dauphiny, Savoy, Piedmont, northern Italy, Carinthia, and Tyrol; return via Switzerland and Paris. MS in Athenaeum, London, S.W.i (Information from Eileen Stiff, librarian) PARRY, John Orlando (1810-1879) of Denbigh, actor and entertainer. Musical diaries, 1828-1834 (extracts); a musician's tours to Wales and the Eisteddfods, to Paris and Italy; sightseeing and music in Italy; good descriptive notes and lively anecdotes of the social and musical scene. Cyril B. Andrews (ed.), Victorian Swansdown (London, 1935). An account of his diaries, with quotations, covering the period 1828—i877( ? ) and referring mosdy to Wales, appears in Trans. Honorable Soc. Cymmrodorion (1938), pp. 87-102. The MS of a tour in North Wales in 1828, and an "Every-day Book" covering 1850-1851, also volumes of notes on his travels in Europe in 1826-1846, are in the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, Dept. of Art, accession Nos. 17522-17558. (Miss D. H. Edward, librarian). PARSONS, Christopher (1807-1882) of Southchurch and Southend, farmer and naturalist. Private diaries, 1828-1882; the diaries are uniform in size, etc., and of a type sold by local stationers and booksellers; they contain no information of general


British Diaries


interest, and very few notes referring to this locality; usually there is little more than a note on the weather under each printed date. MS Southend-on-Sea Public Library 55 vols. (William Pollitt, librarian) [JohnThomas?]. Travel diary, July-September, 1828; tour from Bordeaux; journey to the Pyrenees; touristic notes on scenery, etc.; personal experiences. (Same as under 1781 ?) MS John Rylands Library, Manchester Eng. MSS 1090 STANLEY

Montague (1809-1844) of Dundee, artist. Religious diary, March, 1828-May, 1844 (extracts); religious and spiritual life; travels in Wales; his painting; mostly sense of sin and religious melancholy. D. T. K. Drummond, Memoir of Montague Stanley (Edinburgh, 1848), pp. 12-103. STANLEY,

Edwin Octavius (1806-1884) of Falmouth, engineer. Quaker diary, September, 1828-July, 1884 (extracts); notes on temperance work and social work; Devon and Wales; West Indies; family and business life; work for slaves in West Indies; description of West Indies; good as source for Quaker social work. Sarah E. Fox, Edwin Octavius Tregelles (London, 1892), pp. 10-451, passim. TREGELLES,

Abraham (d. 1870) of Keighley, York, wool comber, poet. Workingman's diary, January-April, 1828; his hilarious course towards improvident marriage on nothing but hope; radical sympathies; some doggerel. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 26 pp. and typed copy WILDMAN,

(of Birmingham). 1829 Social diaries, 1829-1837 (sample extracts); notes of Birmingham manufacturer; business, social, domestic. Midland Antiquary, IV (1885), pp. 131-132. ANON,


Travel diary, June, 1829-February, 1830; tour made from Tottenham in the county of Middlesex to Scotland, the Lakes, and Derbyshire; scenery, buildings, topography. MS St. Andrews University Library DA625.J7E29 252 pp. The Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke (1809-1898) of Killerton, Devon. Private diary, June, 1829-January, 1837 (extracts); student at Oxford, with notes on reading, debates, sport, friends (Gladstone, Newman, Froude); personal life and politics in Devon. Memoir and Letters of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, ed. A. H. D. Acland (London, 1902), pp. 28-64. ACLAND,


British Diaries

Beriah (1807-1863), antiquarian. Travel diary, May-September, 1829; a tour from Carlisle through the Scottish Highlands; romantic notes on scenery and beauties. Journal of a Tour through the Highlands (Norton Hall, 1830). BOTFIELD,

(Mrs. Mawson), Jane. Religious diary, 1829-1842; mental discipline; religious experiences; health and weather; Sunday school and temperance work; family life. CAMERON

Memoir of Mrs. Jane Mawson (pr. ptd., Newcasde, 1846). George (1799-1875), historian. Travel diaries, June, 1829-1846; account and quotations; notes on political and social affairs in Greece. English Hist. Rev., X L I ( 1926). G I L P I N , Mary Ann ( 1 8 1 3 - 1 8 3 8 ) of Bristol. Quaker diary, July, 1829-February, 1838; introspection and inner light; family life and children; Quaker observances and meetings. Memoir of Mary Ann Gilpin (London, 1840). FINLAY,

Lucy (1803-1876) of Claverham, Somerset Quaker diary, July, 1829-May, 1876 (extracts); introspection; ill-health; consolations; meetings; Somerset. Leaning on Her Beloved (Leominster, 1877).


Edward Humphrey (1792-1872) of Plasnewydd, Denbighshire. Country diary, January, 1829-December, 1863 (extracts); weather, planting, farming, catde; social; business and journeys; hunting, shooting, and Ashing; valuable for economic conditions in North Wales; race meetings; people; valuable for local history; good varied diary of country life and work. GRIFFITH,

T . A. Glenn, The Family of Griffith (London, 1934), passim. Samuel (d. 1836) of Pettistree, Suffolk, yeoman, farmer. Personal and farming diary, 1829-1832; also concerns family and local affairs; farming at Pettistree and Whitton, Suffolk. MS Ipswich Public Library Si/8/3.1 (Information furnished by Dorothy M. White, librarian) H A L L , William King (1826-1886), admiral. Sea diaries, 1829-1877; private diary of a life in the navy; good detail of social life and work.


L. King-Hall (ed.), Sea Saga (London, 1935), pp. 77-262. Joseph (b. 1807), engineer. Engineering diary, May, 1829-January, 1830, and autobiography (1807-1841); Armenian in Egyptian service; journal in England; tour through England; architectural and engineering notes; bridges, canals, roads, harbors; applicability to Egypt; very full notes; useful for study of industrialism. MSB.M. Add. MSS 37448 436 fols. HÉKÉKYAN BEY,


British Diaries


The Rev. Roger (b. 1753 or 1754) of Bebington, Wirral Peninsula, Ches. Personal diary, March, 1829-October, 1837; personal and domestic events at Bebington and at Barton, near Preston; chiefly local interest. MS Lancashire County Record Office, Preston DX 267-278 12 small vols. (Information from R. Sharpe France, archivist) JACSON,

John (1813-1883) of Hindley, Lanes, gendeman. Local diary, September, 1829-September, 1882; local events and personalities; much about travels in England and Continent, especially to cathedral cities; church antiquities. MS Leyland Free Library, Hindley, Lanes 2 vols. (Information from Herbert Swift, librarian) LEYLAND,

Thomas, docker. Workman's diary, 1829-1879 (selections); notes on working conditions, wages, holidays, ship launchings, general events; rather impersonal. Life and Letters To-day, X X X (1941), pp. 7-18. MURPHY,

Samuel. Private diary, 1829; included among diaries of his cousin, John Barber Scott of Bungay. MS Ipswich Central Library (Information from Dorothy M. White, librarian) SCOTT,

The Rev. Joseph (1797-1853) of Brighton. Religious diary, August, 1829-March, 1853 (extracts); notes of his parish work and ministry in Brighton, and on his personal religious life and introspection; the Ebenezer Chapel. Samuel Milner, A Memoir of Rev. Joseph Sedgwic\ (London, 1853), passim. SEDGWICK,

Thomas Kynaston (1812-1834) Eton. School diary, February, 1829-1830; an epic record of rowing at Eton, of the wet-bobs and dry-bobs; day-to-day athletics and sport at Eton; rather amusing; written in Greek. Eton in 1829-1830, ed. and trans. E. Warre (London, 1903). SELWYN,

George (b. 1810) of Saddleworth, York, architect. Business diary, January, 1829-August, 1835, and July-August, 1848; travel on business for his father, a textile manufacturer; a few references to business; his reading; his drawing and painting; his walking tours in Lancashire, Derbyshire, and Cheshire; and his business journeys to Scodand, the entries being primarily descriptions of scenery and architectural features; several sketches of halls and casdes; reference to family events; interest limited to the comments on the many old buildings visited. MS Manchester Central Library 927.2 S 15 4 vols. (R. V. Osbourn) SHAW,


British Diaries


Mrs. Susan (1810-1896) of Frome, Somerset. Travel diaries, 1829-1832; holiday tours in Lake District, Wales, Cornwall, and Scodand; travel conditions. MS owned by M. S. Money-Kyrle, Esq., of 70 Belmont Road, Hereford 4 vols. Y O U N G , The Rev. Julian Charles (1806-1873) Ilmington, War. Personal diary, February, 1829-October, 1872; records of his religious work and parish life; travels in France and Scodand, with descriptions; work at Godshill, Isle of Wight; his reading, literary interests, and criticism; studies in spiritualism and mesmerism. Julian Charles Young, A Memoir of Charles Mayne Young (London, 1871), pp. 121-466; Last heaves from the Journal of Charles Mayne Young (Edinburgh, 1875). SHEPPARD,


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3 °

Angler's diary, June, 1830-February, 1831; notes on fishing in the Thames. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.89 56 fols. B R A I T H W A I T E , Anna (1788-1859) of Birmingham. Quaker diary, August, 1830-September, 1859 (extracts); notes on Quaker religious and domestic life in Birmingham. J. Bevan Braithwaite, Memoirs of Anna Braithwaite (London, 1905). B U R N E Y (Wood), Fanny Anne (b. 1812). Social diaries, June, 1830-February, 1842; travels through England and Belgium; two years' residence in Madeira; remainder in England; her family, domestic, and social life; literary and musical friendships and interest. A Great-Niece's Journals, ed. Margaret S. Rolt (Boston, 1926). C H A L M E R S , Anne (1813-1891) of Edinburgh. Public diary, 1830; kept during visit to London with her father; shrewd observations on clergy, parliament, anti-slavery meetings. Letters and Journals of Anne Chalmers (London, 1923), passim. D I X O N , Sophie. Travel diary, May, 1830; careful description of the famous "sights" in Dartmoor, with a preference for "rugged grandeur"; style is vigorous, and criticisms of false rusticity, etc., show independent judgment. A Journal of Ten Days' Excursion on the Western and Northern Border of Dartmoor (Plymouth, 1830). M U E L L E R , The Rev. George (1805-1898) of Bristol. Religious diary, November, 1830-January, 1892; a detailed account of his religious work in Bristol, and of his organization of missions and work for orphans in Bristol; family, domestic, and some social notes; a German setded in England. An Autobiography of Rev. George Mueller, ed. G. F. Bergin (London, 1905), passim.


British Diaries


Frederic James (1819-1835) of Islington. Quaker diary, March, 1830-April, 1835; religious sentiments of a godly youth; meetings, reflections, and health; religious reading and morality; studies. Extracts from the Diary of Frederic James Post (London, pr. ptd., 1838). P R I N C E , Miss Elizabeth W. (b. 1805) of Liverpool. Religious diary, May, 1830-April, 1831; religious life of a Sunday school teacher, which develops into a thwarted romance; sermons by the Rev. Charles Swain, her unfortunate affection for whom was wasted; Mr. Hall (owner) thinks it has value for psychologists as well as social historians; includes a trip to Wales. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 96 pp. and typed copy R A T H B O R N E , Miss Kate F. P., of Dunsinea, near Dublin. Private diary, ca. 1830-ca. 1840; favorite niece of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, the mathematician; notes of his lessons to her in algebra and astronomy; expenses. MS owned by Mr. F. E. Dixon, 15 Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 40 pp. POST,

Frances Anna Maria (Elliot), Lady (1815-1898) of Minto. Social diary, November, 1830-January, 1898 (extracts); notes of Continental travel in the 30's; social and public life in Scotland and England; political and court life with her husband, Lord John Russell; travel notes; her reading, literary tastes, and literary friendships; a valuable picture of the times. Lady John Russell: a memoir, with selections from her diaries and correspondence, ed. Desmond MacCarthy and Agatha Russell (London, 1910). RUSSELL,

Charles (d. 1841) of Foreign Office. Social diaries, September, 1830-September, 1841 (gaps); mosdy notes on social engagements; European and Asiatic travels; dinners with Lockhart. MS National Library of Scotland Nos. 1614-1622 SCOTT,

John (1812-1853) of Croydon, Surrey. Quaker diary, February, 1830-November, 1852 (extracts); Quaker religious life and observance, travel and meetings in England and France; his work as teacher and superintendent of the Quaker school at Croydon; notes on Quaker educational work and principles. Memoir of John Sharp (London, 1857), pp. 16-227. SHARP,

William Archer. Public diary, July, 1830-May, 1870; somewhat reactionary notes and opinions on the chief political, military, literary, musical, artistic, and social affairs of the time; life in high society. My Contemporaries (London, 1893). V I G N O L E S , Charles Blacker (1793-1875), civil engineer. Engineering diaries, 1830-1862; the building of the Dublin and Kingston Railway, and other railway and engineering projects in British Isles and abroad. SHEE,


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Used in Olynthus J. Vignoles's Life of C. B. Vignoles (London, 1889). MS B.M. Add. MSS 35071,34528-34536 10 vols. The Rt. Rev. Samuel (1805-1873), bishop of Oxford. Ecclesiastical diary, 1830-1873 (extracts); notes on his parish work at Brighton, and on his work and administration as bishop of Oxford; his travels, visits, reading, sermons, ecclesiastical disputes, conversations with Gladstone; his visits to court; brief and hurried jottings which are best on his domestic life. A. R. Ashwell, Life of Samuel Wilberforce, 3 vols. (London, 1880), passim.


Emma (1787-1876), American schoolmistress. Travel diary, December, 1830-May, 1831; letters and extracts from journal of American schoolmistress traveling in Europe; visits Paris; acquaintance with Lafayette; in England hears Irving ("Catholic Apostolic Church") preaching; visits Windsor Casde; journeys through England to Scodand; visits to schools preluding that of Robert Owen; lively and interesting picture of French and English society. Journal and Letters, from France and Great Britain (Troy, New York, 1833). WILLARD,

Mrs., of Sevenoaks, Kent. * ^ 3 * Domestic diary, 1831-1832; domestic and topographical; Sevenoaks and Kent. MS Sevenoaks Public Library L.770 (Information supplied by George C. W. Bennett, librarian) ALNUTT,

Benjamin Goodman (b. 1 8 1 1 ) of Leicester. Private diary, October, 1831-April, 1839; brief notes of his domestic and family life, social affairs, and sport in Leicester. Isabel C. Ellis, Records of Nineteenth Century Leicester (pr. ptd., 1935), pp. 183-192. CHAMBERLAIN,

Henry Thomas, Lord (1779-1854), Scottish judge. r. Public diaries, January, 1831-January, 1854; a Whig's record of the chief political, public, and legal affairs of his time, especially in Scodand; the Scottish Reform Bill; industry; parliament; disruption of the Scottish Church; mostly impersonal, but some social life and travel; a valuable public record. Memorials of His Time (Edinburgh, 1856), continued as Journal of Henry Cockburn, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1874); excerpts in J. G. Fyfe, Scottish Diaries and Memoirs (Stirling, 1942), pp. 326-424. 2. Legal diaries, March, 1838-April, 1854; kept while on circuit throughout Scodand; legal life and procedure and anecdotes; with an interesting over-all view of Scottish life, scenery, and customs. Circuit Journeys (Edinburgh, 1888). COCKBURN,

Charles Robert (1809-1882), naturalist. Scientific diary, 1831-1836; notes of his scientific observations; the voyage of the "Beagle" to South America, Australia, New Zealand, and Africa; very full DARWIN,


British Diaries


and vivid notes, marked by personality, curiosity, and enthusiasm; on natural history, native tribes, weather, travel, his own movements; more than scientific interest. Journal of Researches in Geology and Natural History (London, 1839); many later editions. Josiah, of Tottenham, Middlesex. Quaker diary, June, 1831-1866; Quaker religious life, introspection, and reflection; some comments on social life and politics. Extracts from My Note-Book,, 2 vols. (Tottenham, 1865-1867).


Samuel Chilton (d. 1844) of Alderton, Suffolk. Farming and personal diary, 1831-1842; chiefly concerning farming at Aiderton and Hollesley, Suffolk; local events. MS Ipswich Public Library SI/8/3.2 1 book (Dorothy M. White, librarian, informant) GROSS,


Travel diary, August-September, 1831; brief notes of a tour in Ireland, visiting Cork. four. Cor\ Hist. & Archaeol. Soc., X X X V I I I (1933), pp. 30-37. Mrs. Margaret E. J. C. A., of Ravelston. Domestic diary, January, 1831-August, 1847; her religious life and thought; prayers; family life and friends; domestic work. MS National Library of Scodand No. 984 479 fols. KEITH,

Frances Ann (1809-1873), actress. Theatrical diary, April, 1831-August, 1832; details of her theatrical career, plays, acting, and actors; her reading of contemporary literature; her social pleasures; an attractive diary. Record of a Girlhood, 3 vols. (London, 1878). KEMBLE,

Robert Murray (1813-1843) of Dundee. Religious diary, September, 1831-June, 1840 (extracts); his religious studies and ministry; preachers and sermons in Edinburgh; religious reflections and thoughts on Presbyterian theology; the life of the poor in Edinburgh and Dundee; his sins; religious revivals. A. A. Bonar, Memoir and Remains of R. M. M'Cheyne (Edinburgh, 1892), pp. 12-129. M'CHEYNE,

Henry Blake, American traveler. Travel diary, September, 1831-April, 1833; tour through England and Europe and residence in Scotland; the crossing; monuments; interest in churches and sermons. Journal of a Residence in Scotland (Boston, 1834). MCCLELLAN,


British Diaries


The Rev. Mark (1813-1884) of Lincoln College, Oxford. 1. Student's diaries, June, 1831-1879 (with gap 1844-1851); begin as records of what he read and wrote; these form the basis of his published memoirs; also commonplace book and literary criticism; rest are largely engagement books. 2. Study journal, June, 1833-October, 1834; a record of his studies. 3. Accounts and diary, September-October, 1855; account of a tour in France and Germany. 4.Private diaries, March, 1843-April, 1884 (some overlapping); a consistent record of his reading and studies; critical opinions, often trenchant; notes on his literary friends and booksellers, Oxford academic and clerical life, Oxford social life, his own critical writings and literary journalism, his health and aspirations; his travels abroad; the record is a frank and intimate one and valuable for studies of Pattison, Oxford, and contemporary literature. MS Bodleian Library Pattison coll. 1 - 3 2 , 1 1 3 , 1 1 5 , 1 2 8 - 1 3 7 PATTISON,


Travel diary, 1831; record of a tour in the Orkney Islands. MS Norwich Museum. Sir George (1787-1870), admiral. Social diary, January, 1831-August, 1833 (extracts), while staying with Mrs. Fitzherbert; high society life. Shane Leslie, Mrs. Fitzherbert (London, 1939), pp. 296-306. SEYMOUR,

Emily (1819-1839) of Porton, Beds. Scholar's diary, July, 1831-May, 1839; notes on her reading and studies; an erudite and staid young woman; her natural history studies; family life; descriptions of places where she lived,—Woodbury, Exeter, London, etc. Journal of Emily Shore (London, 1898). SHORE,

Ebenezer ("Eben Fardd," 1802-1863), Welsh poet. Private diary, 1831-1832; his work as a schoolteacher; his literary activities; journeys to Caernarvon; melancholia; much about his intention to emigrate to America; in Welsh. MS University College, Bangor No. 2118, Bangor MSS THOMAS,

Miss Louisa E. (d. 1839) of Worcester and Hay. Religious diary, 1831-1837 (with prior memoranda from 1814); religious life of an invalid young lady, who later became wife of the Rev. Edward Foley; naive and amusing at times, but mainly a funereal record relating to her family and friends, and God's providences. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 67 pp. WILMORE,

1 8 3 2

Lieut. Col. Lovell, of Andover, Hants. Military diary, July, 1832-April, 1834; service in Portugal and Spain; travel;



British Diaries


military life and war; social and general conditions; climate; campaigns, attacks, bombardments of Peninsular War. Rough Leaves from a Journal (London, 1835). Robert (1795-1878) of Queen's College, Belfast. Scholar's diary, September, 1832-July, 1853 (extracts); philosophical studies and reading; teaching and writing in Belfast; visits to Cobbett, Godwin, Allan Cunningham, etc. Memoirs of Robert Bla\ey, ed. Henry Miller (London, 1879), pp. 68-223, passim. BLAKEY,

William, of Turnham Hall, nr. Selby, York, gendeman-farmer. Business diary, 1832-1834; besides giving details of personal and business expenditure, there is much information relating to farming conditions, crops grown, when and how reaped, etc., laborers' wages, reference to meetings held in re alteration in Corn Laws. MS Leeds Public Libraries No. 81 (F. G. B. Hutchins, librarian) BURTON,

H. R. H. George, Duke of (1819-1904). Public diary, January, 1832-October, 1903 (extracts); an enormous and consistent record of his whole life, beginning with childish notes on his games, Victorian moral education at Brighton, with confessions of childish sins; passing on to the realized morality and regularity of his public life, with notes on his state duties, social engagements, public affairs, and on the royal family, his own family, aristocracy, and public figures. Edgar Sheppard, A Memoir of the Du\e of Cambridge, 1 vols. (London, 1906), passim. CAMBRIDGE,

Dr. Edward, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1. Travel diary, summer, 1832; a visit to the Shedand Islands; notes on natural history and geology. Orkney and Shetland Miscellany, III (1910) to VII (1914), passim. 2. Travel diary, June-August, 1834; notes on a tour to Shedand Islands; mainly notes on natural history. Old Lore Miscellany, IX (1921-1933). CHARLTON,

John Payne (1789-1883), scholar.] Literary diary, January, 1832-December, 1833; his literary and scholarly interests and work; literary patrons, scholars, librarians; the British Museum; the London stage; interesting and useful. An Old Man's Diary (London, pr. ptd., 1871-1872), four parts. [COLLIER,

Frederick Peter, of Hitchin, Herts. Hunting diary, 1832-1839; as used for his book on The Noble Science; Hertfordshire interest. MS at Hitchin Priory (Reginald Hine, informant) DELM£-RADCLIFFE,


British Diaries


DENMAN, Miss Frances ( 1 8 1 2 - 1 8 9 0 ) of Russell Square, London. Social diary, July, 1832-April, 1833; daily round of a charming young lady; London, Isle of Wight, Midlands, and Derbyshire; domestic life and family anecdotes; her father was lord chief justice; valuable material for the life of the chief justice. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 173 pp. and typed copy DUNCAN, Mrs. Mary Lundie ( 1 8 1 4 - 1 8 3 9 ) of Cleish. Religious diary, September, 1832-December, 1838; religious life, evangelism, and introspection in Scotland; a desperately model religious life. Memoir of Mrs. Mary Duncan, by her mother (New York, 1842), pp. 76-300, passim. GREVILLE, Henry William ( 1 8 0 1 - 1 8 7 2 ) , courtier. Society diary, 1832-1872; the social record of a courtier and man about town; social gossip and news of court life, and London society; political affairs, entertainments, fashions; public and social events; his career and friendships as gendeman usher to Queen Victoria, and while attached to the Paris embassy; an interesting record. Leaves from the Diary of Henry Greville, ed. Countess of Strafford, 6 vols. (London, 1883-1884). HERFORD, Edward (b. 1 8 1 5 ) of Manchester, public prosecutor. Private diary, January, 1832-1836, July, 1838-April, 1846, and March, 1857March, 1858; early life; young man of leisure; dances; gossip; references to political events and local reactions; later as prosecutor in cases against Chartists at Liverpool assizes; remarks on Manchester borough council meetings; reference to work as founder of lyceums; comments on self-discipline; notes on local and church affairs; some interest in social life in vol. I, and some in references to municipal affairs in vol. II. MS Manchester Central Library B.P. MSS 923.4 H32 3 vols. (R. V . Osbourn) HODGSON, The Rev. John (1779-1844) of Hartbury, antiquary. Antiquary's diary, July, 1832-February, 1844; antiquarian studies and relations with Northumbrian antiquaries; his social life; religious work. James Raine, A Memoir of Rev. John Hodgson (London, 1857), passim. HULTON, Jessop G . de B., surgeon. Private diary, August, 1832-May, 1836; diary of naval surgeon on H.M.S. Palinurus, sent on survey of islands of Indian Ocean and south coast of Arabia; eye for curiosities of all kinds: vegetation, local customs and, in particular, antiquities and ancient inscriptions; lively and interesting. Journal of the Late Jessop G. de B. Hulton, Esq., M.D. (Preston, 1844).


British Diaries


Sir James (1813-1895), Italian and English statesman. Public diary, November, 1832-September, 1892 (extracts); notes on political affairs and social life and society in England and Italy; the Risorgimento. Charles Lacaita, An Italian Englishman (London, 1933). LACAITA,

James Howard Harris, 3d Earl of (1807-1889), statesman. Political diary, February, 1832-October, 1869; notes on public and political affairs; the Reform movement; his work as foreign minister in the Derby cabinet; some society notes and social life; an important record. Memoirs of an Ex-Minister, 2 vols. (London, 1884). R A I K E S , Thomas (1777-1848), clubmanSocial diary, January, 1832-April, 1847; notes on his social and political life; the affairs and personalities of high society, with gossip and rumors; the affairs of a clubman; fashions; travel notes; reasonably interesting. A Portion of the Journal of Thomas Raises, 4 vols. (London, 1856-1857). MALMESBURY,

of Atherstone? Travel diary, beginning April, 1832; visits Henley-in-Arden, Stratford-uponAvon, Woodstock, Oxford, Dorchester, Henley-on-Thames, Slough, and London. Narrative breaks off at page 127; illustrated with pasted-in maps and engravings. Followed by a brief account (9 pp.) of a journey by train to London in August, 1851, in company with his father, written by W. Sands, Jr., aged 15; of general interest. MS Birmingham Reference Library Catalogue No. 259856 151 pp. (T. J. Patrick, librarian) SCOTT, David (1806-1849), painter. Artist's diary, September, 1832-April, 1834; travel in Switzerland and Italy, and art studies in Rome; opinions on painting; social life and work; friendship with Severn, Williams, etc. William Bell Scott, Memoir of David Scott (Edinburgh, 1850), pp. 57-176. SANDS, W . ,

Queen of England (1819-1901). Private diaries, 1832-1882 (extracts); an ingenuous domestic record of the life and days of a queen; her daily business and activities; ceremonies and social life; relations with her ministers; her love of Albert and life with him; her reading and religion; expeditions and social life at Balmoral, and her raptures over Highland scenery and customs; Albert's sporting ventures; conversations; a good revelation of a simple soul. Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands (London, 1862); More Leaves (London, 1883); Viscount Esher, The Girlhood of Queen Victoria (London, 1912). VICTORIA,

John (d. 1 8 4 1 ) of Town-end, Denbighshire. Business diary, January, 1832-November, 1839, in two parts; bookkeeper with Brown, Shipley & Co., in Liverpool.


228 MS Cardiff Public Library brarian)

British Diaries 2-937

[ 1833

(Information from E. J. Rees, li-

of Hull. 1833 Travel diary, January-September, 1833; kept by a young girl, possibly related to William Etty, the painter; tour of southern England and Wales; calls on friends and relatives; naive and chatty; sketching tour, accompanied by William Etty; incomplete. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 134 pp. ANON.,


Travel diaries; 1833 and 1834; tours to Belfast, and through Clydesdale and western Highlands; scenery and beauties. MS National Library of Scotland No. 2776 The Rt. Rev. Nathaniel (d. 1840), bishop of Meath. Clerical diary, 1833; official visitations in his diocese; family matters; weather; entries made at Dublin or Ardbraccan; two pages a month. MS owned by F. E. Dixon, Esq., 15 Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin. ALEXANDER,

Mrs., of Norwich. Travel diary, 1833; tour to Scodand and return; visit to Mrs. Burns (Jean Armour), widow of poet; hearsay about Scott. MS National Library of Scodand No. 1674 91 fols. BEECROFT,

James Fenimore (1789-1851), American novelist. Travel diary, June-September, 1833; notes kept in London. MS Yale University Za.


FRY, Joseph (1777-1861), husband of Elizabeth Fry. Quaker diary, August, 1833-1857; account and extracts; notes on Quaker religious life and travel. Friends' Hist. Soc. Jour., XXVIII (1931). Edward William (1801-1876), orientalist. Travel diary, October, 1833-June, 1835; a visit to Egypt and residence there; Oriental studies; full and lively descriptions of places and people, customs, and events. Stanley L. Poole, Life of Edward William Lane (London, 1877), pp. 41-84. LANE,

Miss Marianne (1818-1902) of Hampton Wick, Middlesex. Private diary, January-December (1833?); a charmingly ingenuous record of her tuition and her sister's by their music master, Mr. Williams; great skill in conveying trivial dialogues of music room; occasional domestic items; Mr. Hall compares the piece to Pet Marjorie's. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. Typed copy also available LAPIDGE,


British Diaries


The Rev. Norman (1812-1873) Glasgow. Religious diary, November, 1833-April, 1872; his early studies and Scottish college life; his ministry and religious life; affairs of Church of Scodand; his appointment as moderator. Donald MacLeod, Memoir of Norman MacLeod, 2 vols. (New York, 1877), passim. MACLEOD,

William Charles (1793-1873), actor. Theatrical diary, January, 1833-February, 1851; detailed record of his work in the theater; criticism of his own and other actors' performances; his often quarrelsome relations with his colleagues, playwrights, and audiences; relations with eminent writers; domestic and social life in London and at Elstree; his reading; an opinionative diary that makes good reading, and is a valuable source book. Macready s Reminiscences, ed. Sir F. Pollock (London, 1875); The Diaries of William Charles Macready, ed. W. Toynbee, 2 vols. (London, 1912). MACREADY,

Francis Turner (1824-1897), anthologist. 1. Literary diary, July, 1833-February, 1890; his literary friendships, his reading, and criticism; visits to Italy; public life in London; social and domestic life, especially in Lyme Regis. Journals and Memories of His Life, ed.G. F. Palgrave (London, 1899), 14-219, passim. 2. Travel diary, April, 1848; visit to Paris with B. Jowett, A. P. Stanley, and R. B. Morier; some literary interest. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.249 177 pp. PALGRAVE,

Grant, American traveler. Travel diary, October, 1833-April, 1834; Liverpool, London, Scottish towns; accounts of institutions; humorous account H la Washington Irving. Men and Manners in Britain; or a Bone to Gnaw for the Trollopes (New York, 1834).


Walter (1811-1893), assistant secretary of Royal Society, and author. Scholar's diaries, March, 1833-October, 1884 (selection); notes on literary and scientific matters; meetings of the Royal Society; the most eminent Victorians in literature and science; his work for the Royal Society; his social life and scholarly interests. The Journals of Walter White (London, 1898). WHITE,




Private diary, November, 1834-September, 1836 (intermittent); records of a man of culture and humor, a keen critic and patron of the theater; charming details of his children; sketches (including James Bruce and Robert Owen, and theatrical figures); followed by a travel diary in September, 1836, in which he acted as a tutor to a friend.


British Diaries

MS Wigan Central Public Library typed copy

Edward Hall coll.

[1834 57 pp. and also a


Travel diary, June-July (1834?); a pedestrian tour in Switzerland; tourist's notes and log of distances, scenery, etc. Diary of a Solitaire (London, 1835). Richards, of London and Beckenham, solicitor. Private diary, 1834-1838; family and personal events, church affairs, travel in and around Kent; some shorthand. MS Beckenham (Kent) Central Library L/B8/920 272 pp. (Information supplied by J. L. Wilson, librarian) ADAMS, E .

Sir Charles James Fox (1809-1886), botanist. Botanical diaries, October, 1834-June, 1885; botanical and other natural history studies; travels in Britain, Europe, Africa; social and literary life and public affairs. The Life, Letters, and Journals of Sir Charles Bunbury, ed. Mrs. Henry Lyell, 3 vols. (London, 1894). BUNBURY,

Miss (ca. 1814-1862), spinster. Religious diary, 1834-1851; the life of a religious zealot; her attempts to convert the Duke of Wellington, and her failure—and love affair; includes the large correspondence. The Letters of the Du\e of Wellington to Miss T., ed. Christine T. Herrick (London, 1924). JENKINS,

Samuel (1780-1868), traveler. Travel diary, July, 1834-April, 1836; travel and residence in Norway; notes on social and economic life of the country; informative. Journal of a Residence in Norway (London, 1837).


Wilkinson, probably associated with Leyland, Lanes. Travel diaries, August-October, 1834, August-October, 1836; first tour through France and Italy; second tour through Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Luxemburg; of general interest; scenery, towns, etc. MS Lancashire County Record Office, Preston DDF/18 40 fols. (R. Sharpe France, archivist) MATHEWS,

The Rev. James (1799-1873) of Belfast. Religious diary, January, 1834-July, 1873; weekly entries; his religious life and work in the Established Church; notes on public affairs and politics in the north of Ireland; his reading and some private matters. Recollections of My Life and Times (Belfast, 1874), passim. MORGAN,

Mrs. Caroline (d. 1873). Social diary, January, 1834-1873 (extracts); her social and domestic life with



British Diaries


her scientist husband; her husband's work and activities; visits from Darwin, Carlyle, Dickens, Tennyson; interesting for place of the scientist in the social life of the period and for its details of eminent Victorians. Richard Owen, Life of Richard Owen, 2 vols. (London, 1894), passim. Sir Richard (1804-1892), professor of anatomy. Scientific diary, 1834-1873 (scattered quotations mixed with quotations from his wife's diary); much about geology and paleontology. Richard Owen, Life of Sir Richard Owen, 2 vols. (New York, 1894). OWEN,

David Rice, of Llandovery, printer and bookseller. Diaries and almanacs, 1834, 1836, 1838-1840,1843,1854. MS Cardiff Public Library 1.651 7 vols. (Information from E. J. Rees, librarian)


John, of Hampstead. Local diary, 1834-1840; current events and local affairs at Hampstead; his work as keeper of Hampstead Heath; local interest. MS Hampstead Public Library, London N.W.3 H920.STE. (Information suplied by J. T. Bailey, librarian) STEVENSON,

William. Estate diary, July, 1834-January, 1836; records of an official in the Breadalbane household; inventories, payments, and receipts; the daily business of a steward. MS Houghton Library, Harvard Eng. MSS 578


John Green ( ¿ . 1 8 1 3 ) , artist and archaeologist. Painter's diary, January, 1834-March, 1838; student life at Royal Academy; burning of the Houses of Parliament; visits to London sights; pungent notes on Turner, Etty, Horsley, etc.; written in Mavor's shorthand. MS owned by W. J. Carlton, 37, The Avenue, Andover, Hants. Mr. Carlton also owns other shorthand diaries from 1677 to 1838; these are to be donated to the University of London library. WALLER,

The Rev. Charles (1810-1885) of Leeds. Religious diary, December, 1834-February, 1852 (extracts); details of his work and parish affairs as Unitarian minister in Leeds; liberal politics and Reform movement. Philip Henry Wicksteed, Memorials of Rev. Charles Wicksteed (London, 1886), pp. 112-135. WICKSTEED,

1835 Hannah S . (1813-1880) of Clapton. Quaker diary, April, 1835-September, 1849 (extracts); Quaker religious life and sentiment at Ipswich; introspection; marriage and domestic life in London. A Beloved Mother, by her daughter (London, 1884), pp. 34-109, passim. ALLEN,


British Diaries


Dr. William (1814-1861), physician to Queen Victoria. Travel diary, September-October, 1835; notes on walking tour in Germany; Rhineland, Gottingen, Harz Mountains, Berlin; scenery and touristic notes. MS Cambridge Univ. Add. MSS 6651 59fols. BALY,

Sir Michael (1817-1893) of Glasgow, merchant. Public diary, May, 1835-December, 1892 (extracts); his public life and public work in Glasgow; public events; social life; notes on his eminent visitors; travel in Scodand and England, with visits to London; his reading and acquaintance with Scottish scholars; religious life; the very readable record of a solid Scottish worthy. Diary of Sir Michael Connal, ed. J. C. Gibson, (Glasgow, 1895). CONNAL,

DE Ros, William Lennox Lascelles, 23d Baron (1793-1874), diplomat. Diplomatic travel diary, July, 1835-January, 1836; with Earl of Durham to Black Sea and Crimea; official tour in light of Russian menace; descriptions of scenes; official social life. Journal of a Tour in the Principalities (London, 1855). E W I N G , The Rt. Rev. Alexander (1814-1873), bishop of Argyll. Clerical diary, June, 1835-February, 1856 (extracts); his clerical work and religious life; church administration; theological problems; friendship with Jowett; domestic life; travel and ministry in Scodand. Alexander J. Ross, Memoir of Rt. Rev. Alexander Ewing (London, 1877), pp. 27-279, passim. James (1773-1861), horticulturist. Travel diary, August-October, 1835; visits to gardens and botanical collections in Germany, Belgium, and France; sponsored by Duke of Bedford. Journal of a Horticultural Tour (London, 1837). Fox, Caroline (1819-1871) of Penjerrick, Cornwall. Literary diary, March, 1835-March, 1867 (letters interspersed); meetings and correspondence with chief writers, artists, and scholars of the time, Mill, Wordsworth, Carlyle, Sterling, etc.; character sketches and anecdotes; personal and religious affairs; travels; a good-humored and very pleasant literary record. Horace N. Pym, Memories of Old Friends (London, 1882). G A S K E L L , Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-1865), novelist. Domestic diary, March, 1835-October, 1838; domestic affairs, especially relating to her daughter, Marianne. My Diary (pr. ptd., 1923). FORBES,

Sir Austen Henry (1817-1894), archaeologist. Travel diaries, August-October, 1835, with the painter Brockedon, in France; April-November, 1841 (gaps), archaeological work and travel in Persia; August, 1842-March, 1843, in European Turkey and Constantinople; August, 1849-May, 1850, archaeological expedition from Constantinople to Khabour (Nineveh and LAYARD,


British Diaries


Babylon) and Mosul. Most of these are travel diaries with archaeological purpose relating to Biblical sites; they are partly used in his Early Adventures (London, 1887), and his Autobiography (London, 1903). MS B.M. Add. MSS 39091,39092-3,39094-5,39096. Mrs., of London.] Travel diary, September, 1835; notes of a tour in France; Dieppe, Rouen, Havre, Paris; amusing and witty; dangers of travel by newfangled steamboat. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 78 pp. M A R R Y A T , Capt. Frederick (1792-1848), novelist. Travel diary, April-July, 1835; travel notes in France, Germany, Switzerland; places and people. Olla Podrida (London, 1840). [LIGHT,

Sir William Robert (1812-1897), admiral. Naval diary, February, 1835-October, 1855; his career and personal life at sea; social life in Canada and Ireland; full treatment of naval affairs during Crimean War and siege of Sebastopol; long and full extracts; very useful. Bowen S. Mends, Life of Admiral Sir William Robert Mends (London, 1899), passim. S M I T H , The Rev. Chas. Lesingham (1806-1878), Christ's Coll., Cambridge. Travel diaries, August-September, 1835, and July-September, 1836; travels in the Scottish Highlands and the Hebrides; touristic descriptions and impressions of scenery and places. Excursions through the Highlands (London, 1837). MENDS,

Sarah, Quaker. Quaker diary, June-September, 1835; religious visit to Shetlands, Orkneys, and north Scodand, in series of letters home; travel notes and religion; visits to Friends' meetings. MSS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i Box G SQUIRE,

William (1815-1866) of Sidcot, Somerset. Quaker diary, February, 1835-December, 1862 (extracts); Quaker life and observance in Somerset; travel to Madeira, Norway; with travel notes and descriptions of Quaker life and work abroad; his work in the temperance and anti-slavery movements. Memoir of William Tanner, ed. John Ford (London, 1868), pp. 18-152. T H O M A S , John, of Llanllwhi, Wales. Diaries 1835-1836; kept in almanacs. MS National Library of Wales Add. MSS 264-B W E B B E R , Mary and Charles. Travel diary, June-July, 1835; tour in England and Wales; notes on scenery and beauties. MS Bodleian Library Top. gen. e.59 42 fols. TANNER,


British Diaries


James Winckworth ( 1 8 1 6 - 1 8 9 1 ) of London and Chester, auctioneer. Private diary, January, 1835-March, 1891; social and family events, with occasional interesting detail of prices of goods, wages, and hotels; now being edited. MS owned by C. W. Winstanley, 68 The Mainway, Chorley Wood, Herts.


1836 The Rev. Samuel, headmaster of Shrewsbury School. Religious diary, June-August, 1836; details of the ceremonies and formalities concerning his appointment as bishop of Lichfield. MS Shrewsbury School Library S.v.78 (J. B. Oldham, librarian) BAKER,

The Rev. George Elwes (1793-1853) of Cambridge. University diary, from 1836; his parish work as rector of Newton; university life and work as Norrisian Professor and master of Jesus College. Memorials of the Life of George Elwes Corrie, ed. M. Holroyd (Cambridge, 1890), passim. CORJUE,

The Rev. Robert. Religious diaries and papers, 1836-1866 (with gaps); texts; names of places and chapels; receipts; notes of lectures and chapel engagements; brief notes written in Welsh. National Library of Wales. MSS 10218A, 10219A. ELLIS,

Mrs. Henrietta Elizabeth Molyneux, of Middle Hill, Worcs. Literary diary, March, 1836-July, 1875; notes on her domestic, social, and family life in Worcestershire; work with her husband on literary and scholarly affairs; literary and scholarly friendships; much about her own domestic affairs and details of her husband's daily work; very full and pleasant record of a devoted life. MS Edinburgh University Hc.2.43-46 4 vols. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS,

Capt. Edward, of 1st Royal Lanes militia. Travel diary, July-September, 1836; a tour in Ireland; tourist's topographical and archaeological notes. MS John Rylands Library, Manchester English MSS 1029 JONES,

Koolee Meerza, grandson of emperor of Persia. Travel diary, 1836; full and naive account of European and English customs and institutions; royalty, nobility, ceremonies; from astronomical apparatus to lunatic asylums and performing fleas; an enthusiastic childlike observation of a world of wonder; trans, from Persian. Journal of a Residence in England, 2 vols. (London, n.d.). NAJAF,


British Diaries

William, of Llandovery, printer and bookseller. Diaries, 1836,1855,1857» 1859-1861,1866-1869, MS Cardiff Public Library 2.647 13 vols. Rees, librarian)



(Information from E. J.

Samuel, of Cheltenham. Travel diary, 1836; excellent account of Paris under the Orleans dynasty; on return diarist went up to Oxford and took holy orders. Cheltenham Public Library Typescript ed. by Henry Collett (Information from Henry Collett) SHEDDEN,

Esther Phillips. Travel diary, 1836; tour in Glamorganshire and South Wales; scenery and beauties. MS Cardiff Public Library 92 pp. WILLIAMS,

Sir John Bickerton (1792-1855), Nonconformist writer. Public diary, February, 1836-April, 1843 (extracts); brief notes describing court occasions; his own knighthood (the first knight dubbed by Victoria); social life and dinners; death of Lady de Lisle and King William; coronation of Victoria; formal. Extracts from the Diary of Sir John Bickerton Williams, ed. R. P. Williams (London, 1896). WILLIAMS,




Travel diary, 1837; a tour to Sligo and Longford; topographical and antiquarian comments in English; with notes or extracts (mainly in Irish) at end of notebook; also pencil sketches of archaeological objects, caves, etc.; of interest to Irish antiquarians; music on page 59. MS Royal Irish Academy, Dublin S.R.23.L.44 74 pp. (A. Farrington, informant) The Rev. Charles (1821-1861) of Llangibby, Mon. Private diary, January, 1837-April, 1852; weather, clerical duties, recreations; farm work. MS Newport Public Library 3 1 1 2 - 3 1 1 3 , qM 453.4 (Information supplied by John Warner, librarian) ADDAMS-WILLIAMS,

Anna (1820-1848) of Earlham, Norfolk. Quaker diary, December, 1837-November, 1847; Quaker religious life; education and reading; domestic and social life at Earlham; work of a visiting Quaker; eminent Quaker families (e.g., Elizabeth Fry's); Norfolk; travel in France; marriage; and sickness. A Brief Sketch of the Life of Anna Backhouse (Burlington, N.J., 1852), pp. 9-136, passim. BACKHOUSE,


British Diaries


BACON, Jane M. Social diaries, 1837-1843, 1846-1851, to 1870 (some years missing); brief, occasional notes of engagements, visits, social life, etc. MS Cambridge Univ. Add. MSS 6253 (Bundle of 23 almanacs, etc.) BELL, James Stanislaus. Travel diary, April, 1837-February, 1840; a business man's trip and residence in Circassia, negotiating trade; extensive travels and descriptions of people, places, and customs. Journal of a Residence in Circassia, 2 vols. (London, 1840). BRIGHT, John ( 1 8 1 1 - 1 8 8 9 ) , statesman. Public diary, 1837-1887 (selection); an important record of public affairs and politics; reform movements and humanitarianism. The Diaries of John Bright, ed. Philip Bright (London, 1930). BROADBENT, John (1803-1842), architect. Architect's diaries, 1837 and 1840; architectural work; notes on St. Anthony's Church, the tower for Walton parish church, etc., etc. M S Liverpool Public Library Eq. 794 2 vols, in 1 (Information supplied by J. F. Smith, librarian) CAVENDISH, Francis William Henry ( 1 8 2 0 - 1 8 9 3 ) , diplomat. Public diary, February, 1837-July, 1864; work with Lord Russell and Lord Clarendon in Foreign Office; French and British politics; society gossip; European travel; notes on Crimean War and public affairs; moderate interest. Society, Politics, and Diplomacy (London, 1 9 1 3 ) . CHATTERTON, Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles, Lady (1806-1876), author. Literary diary, May, 1837-April, 1859; social and literary life and society in England and France; eminent literary friends ( D e Vigny, etc.). Edward H. Dering, Memoirs of Georgiana,

Lady Chatterton

(London, 1878),

PP- 37-M7CLAUGHTON, The Rt. Rev. Thomas Legh (1808-1892), bishop of Rochester, and of St. Albans. Religious diary, December, 1837-July, 1887 (with long gaps); personal and family life at Oxford and as parish priest at Kidderminster; religious thoughts and his own unworthiness; his poetical compositions, partly in Latin; only four entries after becoming bishop of St. Albans; interesting for nineteenth century religious social life. MS owned by Francis W . Steer, of Patmers, Duton Hill, Great Dunmow, Essex 97 fols. DE ROTHSCHILD, Lady Louisa ( 1 8 2 1 - 1 9 1 0 ) , philanthropist. Society diary, July, 1837-January, 1878 (extracts); quiet details of family life in London; her reading; court life and society; Victoria and Albert; musical


British Diaries


evenings and musicians; visits to Italy; Jewish life; sport and family country life; a valuable record. Lucy Cohen, Lady De Rothschild and Her Daughters (London, 1935), pp. 6-174. Dr. Pliny (1809-1892) of Northampton, Mass., alienist. Medical diary, May-June, 1837 (English section); travel and residence in England; his medical studies and work with the insane; social life; wide interests; Mrs. Opie and Quaker society. Memoirs of Pliny Earle, ed. Franklin B. Sanborn (Boston, 1898), pp. 69-93. EARLE,

Sir Charles Augustus (1806-1895), diplomat. Diplomatic diaries, September, 1837, and January, 1855-December, 1859; first describes Victoria as girl-queen at Windsor; second describes his mission to Persia, with social, travel, and topographical notes. Selections from the Writings of Sir Charles Augustus Murray, ed. Edith Murray (Edinburgh, 1900), Vol. I. MURRAY,

Lewis, of Cardiff. Diary, 1837-1857; local affairs and social life in South Wales. MS Cardiff Public Library 1.141 2 vols. (Information supplied by E. J. Rees, librarian)


Henry Walcot (1823-1848). Private diary, June-September, 1837; inscribed at Penheale, Launceston, Cornwall. MS Toronto Public Library, Toronto, Ontario. SIMCOE,


Curators' diaries, 1837 to present time; records of the library and museum. MSS owned by the Sir John Soame Museum, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2. Eliza (1823-1851) of Birmingham. Quaker diary, June, 1837-August, 1851; religious introspection, exercises, and reflections; her daily affairs. A Brief Memoir of Eliza Southall (Philadelphia, 1861), pp. 21-170; Portions of the Diary (Birmingham, 1855). SOUTHALL,

Anon. 1838 1. Travel diary, August-September (ca. 1838); in north of France; antiquities and buildings. 2. Travel diary, August-September, through Belgium and Holland; scholarly and art interests. MS Cambridge Univ. Add. MSS 4215,4216


British Diaries


John Thomas (1809-1894) of Pcmbury, translator. Travel diary, July, 1838-August, 1841 (extracts); travel in Germany and Italy; notes on places and people; especially on his reading, his literary and musical interests, and acquaintances. A Memoir of John T. Betts, ed. Letitia Jenkins (London, 1895), pp. 15-43. BETTS,

Sir Charles (1799-1860), archaeologist. 1. Archaeological diary, February-May, 1838; tour through western Asia describing people, buildings, traveling conditions; archaeological interests; lively descriptions. A Journal Written during an Excursion in Asia Minor (London, 1839). 2. Archaeological diary, February-May, 1840; a similar diary in Lycia, especially relating to archaeology. An Account of Discoveries in Lycia (London, 1841). FELLOWS,

George (1809-1886), judge. Legal diary, July, 1838-May, 1885; an extensive record of his legal studies and career as lawyer and judge; scholarship, writing, lecturing; his literary friendships; a useful and varied journal. The Autobiography of George Harris (London, 1888). HARRIS,

William, of Trysglwyn, nr. Amlwch, Anglesey. Farming diary and account book, 1838-1848; Baptist observance in Anglesey; celebration of Victoria's coronation at Amlwch; local emigrants to U.S.A., etc.; in English. MS University College, Bangor No. 1483, Bangor MSS HUGHES,

Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron (1800-1859), historian. Literary diaries, November, 1838-December, 1859 (extracts); travels in Italy; his studies, reading, criticism and writings; notes on theater and plays; political affairs. George Trevelyan, Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay, 1 vols. (London, 1876), passim; Richmond C. Beatty, Lord Macaulay (Norman, Okla., 1938), quotations. MS Trinity College, Cambridge 11 vols, with a gap 1839-1848 MACAULAY,

Jehangeer, and M E R W A N J E E , Hirjeebhoy, of Bombay, naval architects. Social diary, March, 1838-April, 1841; the amusement side of their stay in England; social life, visits to sights, plays, exhibitions, factories. Journal of a Residence (London, 1841).


Edward (1767-1858), railway projector. Social diary, 1838-1857; the business and social affairs of an important and prominent industrialist, associated with Stephenson in development of railways; his domestic affairs, entertainments; social life and fashions; Quaker religious life and self-examination; industrialism as modified by Quaker ideals. The Diaries of Edward Pease, ed. Sir Alfred Pease (London, 1907). PEASE,

British Diaries




Travel diary, May, 1838-January, 1839; New York to Liverpool; and tour through Scotland, England, Ireland, etc.; an American's notes on British towns, scenery, and life. MS New York Public Library 41.M.119 R O B E R T S , David (1796-1864), Scottish painter. Painter's diary, August, 1838-June, 1864; his studies and travels in Italy form the greatest part of the selection; his career and work as a painter; studies and criticism of paintings and antiquities; meetings of Royal Academy. James Ballantine, The Life of David Roberts (Edinburgh, 1866), pp. 80-225. S A R G E N T , John Grant (1813-1883) of London. Quaker diary, February, 1838-November, 1882; travels in the Quaker ministry in England, France, Norway, Ireland, U.S.A.; Quaker meetings, religious life and observances; his own spiritual life. Selections from the Diary of John Grant Sargent (Newport, 1885), pp. 4-305. STONE, John (1818-1899), town clerk of Bath. Private diary, November, 1838-January, 1899; continued in his old age until his death by his son, John Harris Stone; articled to Bath solicitors, went to London, set up in practice in Bath; town clerk 1860-1898; brief daily entries of personal activities; rough pencil index 1872-1887; the same for obituary lists 1859-1899. MS Bath Municipal Libraries 991-995 5 vols. (Information supplied by Miss E. S. Russ, deputy-director) W E B B , William. Travel diary, June-September, 1838; tour from Cambridge to the Highlands, and back to Liverpool; mosdy touristic notes in Highlands; notes on Lakes; scenery and beauties. MS Cambridge Univ. Add. MSS 5871 64 fols. W H I T E H E A D , Thomas (b. 1818) of London. Quaker diary, January, 1838-August, 1839, with a few later notes; religious observances and introspection. MS owned by the Rev. C. N. Whitehead, St. Michael's, Wigan, Lanes. (Yale Univ. microfilm By3 Whitehead) ANON.

1 8 3 9

Travel diary, August-September, 1839; visit to Isle of Wight; holiday notes. MS B.M. Add. MSS 36532 33 fols. BORRADAILE, John (b. 1815) of London and Calcutta, merchant. Business diary, 1839-February, 1852; first two years summarized, latter part with gaps; business and domesdc affairs; his ups and downs in business and fluctuations of market; business relations and his moods; family affairs; illustrates growth of industrialism in England; a valuable record. MS Wigan Central Library Edward Hall coll. 381 pp.


British Diaries


George (1793-1872) of Thompson, Conn. Business diary, February-May, 1839; an American businessman's journey in England studying industrial methods and conditions; the out and home trip; interesting details of travel conditions and of industry, the towns, and social life in England; unusual and useful. Lowell Hist. Soc. Pubs., II (1926), pp. 325-371. BROWN E L L ,

The Hon. Mrs. Mary Georgiana (Dawson) (d. 1848). Travel diary, October, 1839-February, 1840; a very full journal of travel in Greece, Turkey, Egypt, and the Holy Land; lively and interesting descriptions of people, sights, and places, as well as personal and family matters. Diary of a Tour in Greece, 2 vols. (London, 1841). DAMER,

Sir John (1795-1866), physician. Medical diary, May, 1839-October, 1847 (extracts); travel in Spain; military life and medical work in West Indies and South Africa. S. M. Mitra, The Life and Letters of Sir John Hall (London, 1 9 1 1 ) . HALL,

Ernest Charles (1819-1869) of London, Chartist politician, poet, and novelist. Chartist diary, July, 1839-May, 1847; life of man of means; social calls; balls; visits to opera; references to his own writing; romantic novels, farce, and tragedy; entries brief and irregular after beginning of political career, 1846; secretary to Chartist Co-operative Society; remarks on his lectures and on meetings of Chartists. Some interest for London society life, and some information on the Chartist movement. MS Manchester Central Library B.R. MSS 923.2 J 18 2 vols. R. V. Osbourn) JONES,

The Rev. William (1814-1890) of Ramsey, Isle of Man. Private diary, March, 1839-February, 1844; diary forms an almost continuous record from March, 1839, until August, 1839, and then becomes increasingly fragmentary; of some general interest, although confined to local and personal incidents; William Kermode was a man of upright character, reflective, and benevolent; his ordination as deacon took place in 1839; he then held two curacies before his appointment as chaplain of St. Paul's, Ramsey. The diary is abandoned after the premature death of his wife in February, 1844. MS Manx Museum, Douglas, I.o.m. No. 1584 (Ralph Fastnedge, secretary) KERMODE,

Harriette Story (1809-1863) of Boston, Mass. Travel diary, May-September, 1839; accompanying Daniel Webster and his wife on a private trip to England; London, Oxford, Windsor, Wales, and Scotland; society and political receptions. Daniel Webster in England, ed. Edward Gray (Boston, 1917). PAGE,


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Christian, of The Faroes. Travel diary, summer 1839; in Shetlands, Orkneys, and Scotland; largely concerned with farming, fishing, economic possibilities, and actualities; translated from Danish. Reminiscences of a Voyage to Shetland (Lerwick, 1896). PLOYEN,

Caroline Le Roy (1797-1882) of Washington, D.C. Travel diary, May-December, 1839; travel in England with her husband; Daniel Webster, the American statesman; English and Continental life and ways, from a woman's viewpoint; glimpses of Victoria, Wellington, etc.; political and society life. Mr. W. and I; Being the Authentic Diary of Caroline Le Roy Webster (Binghampton, N.Y., 1942), pp. 1-239. WEBSTER,

Thomas Peploe (1817-1845) of Great Haywood, Staffs, artist. Artist's diaries, January, 1839-November, 1844; tours through Staffs on painting expeditions, and visits to London; painting local people; sketches inserted; interesting personal details. MS Stafford Public Library 5 almanacs (Information supplied by H. Hepworth, librarian) WOOD,


BLICHJ.D. 4° Travel diary, June, 1840; tour from Hanover to Prague and Dresden; notes on towns, buildings, antiquities. MS B.M. Add. MSS 4x287 Throne. Travel diary, January, 1840-March, 1845; others undated; written up; brief sketches of hotels, inns, landlords, country characters; country journeys, curiosities, shopkeepers, dinners, and amusements; interesting. Sketches from the Diary of a Commercial Traveller (London, 1847). D A N I E L , The Rev. Alfred (d. 1875) of Frome, Somerset Clerical diary, 1840-1875; record of organizations and church services; contains references to, and specimens of, the early efforts of the Toy and Albion presses, later to become the Daniel Press. MS Bath Municipal Libraries 1114-1149 36 vols. (Information furnished by Miss E. S. Russ, deputy-director) DAVIS, Thomas Osborne (1814-1845), poet and Irish patriot. Public diaries, 1840-1845, two small coverless notebooks and some loose sheets, containing altogether about 97 pages of penciled jottings and memoranda. These consist of political and historical reflections, comments on scenery and travels in the south of Ireland, ideas for essays, rough maps, and drawings. Extracts in Thomas Davis, The Memoirs of an Irish Patriot 1840-1846, by Sir Charles Gavan Duffy (London, 1890). MS Royal Irish Academy, Dublin SR. 12.P. 19. CRICK,


British Diaries


Louise Grey, Countess of. Private diary, January-July, 1840; dealing with the last months of the Earl's life (1792-1840). MS owned by present Earl of Durham.


Harriet Catherine Egerton, Countess of. Travel diary, April-June, 1840; tour in Palestine and Near East; notes on topography, places; social life and activities. Journal of a Tour in the Holy Land (London, pr. ptd., 1841). ELLESMERE,

Elizabeth (1817-1903) of West Ham, Essex. Quaker diary, February, 1840-Septembcr, 1841; tours with Elizabeth Fry in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark; excellent and charming pictures of Quaker religious and social life. Elizabeth Fry's Journeys on the Continent, ed. R. Brimley Johnson (London, 1931). GURNEY,

James Robert (1812-1873) Abbotsford, lawyer. Travel diary, September-November, 1840 (extracts); notes kept during a tour in Germany and Italy; towns, buildings, antiquities, social life. Memoirs of James Robert Hope-Scott (London, 1884), Vol. I, pp. 218-251. HOPE-SCOTT,

Richard, of Sheffield, steel merchant. Private diary, 1840-1843; started as a scrapbook but gradually becomes written narrative of his life as an apprentice to a firm of steel, saw, and file manufacturers; an attractive picture of adolescent life; of local interest. MS Sheffield City Libraries Special Collections, Miscellaneous Documents, 1761 263 pp. (J. P. Lamb, librarian) HOWLDEN,

William (1813-1895) of Dundee. Religious diary, August, 1840-March, 1843 (extracts); notes relating to the Rev. Robert M'Cheyne and his religious work in Dundee; services, prayers, sermons; Presbyterian observances. M'Cheyne from the Pew, ed. K. Hewat (Stirling, 1896). LAMB,

Dr. Louis (1809-1888) of London. Public diary, July-November, 1840; written on his travels with Sir Moses Montefiore for the relief of the Jews of Damascus; public affairs in this connection at Alexandria and Constantinople. The Damascus Affair, ed. Paul Goodman (Ramsgate, 1940). MS owned by Raphael Loewe of 85 Milton Road, Cambridge, and his brother Michael. LOEWE,

Miss Sarah (1791-1843) of Gt. Yarmouth, dressmaker. Prison diary, April-August, 1840; her daily activities in connection with prisons in Yarmouth; also other records, 1823-1842, of her social work among prisoners there. MARTIN,


British Diaries

MS Great Yarmouth Public Library by A. A. C. Hedges, librarian)

3 vols.

243 (Information furnished

Miss Sarah, schoolgirl. Diary, February, 1840; a schoolgirl's decision to keep a diary: "I have written this to laugh over when it is nearer the holidays!" After this brilliandy diaristic start, silence! Mr. Hall cherishes it as possibly the shortest diary on record. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll.


Mrs. Lucretia (1793-1880) of Philadelphia. Quaker diary, May-September, 1840; an American Friend's journey from New York to Liverpool and attendance at the World's Convention in London; travel through England, Ireland, Scodand; visits to Quaker meetings and schools. James and Lucretia Mott, ed. Anna D. Hallowell (Boston, 1884), pp. 146-175. MOTT,

Isaiah, of Albany, N.Y. Travel diary, November, 1840-February, 1841; New York to Liverpool; tour through England, France, Italy; an American's notes on English towns, buildings, scenery. MS New York Public Library.


1841 C RAN BROOK, Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Earl of (1814-1906), statesman. Public diary, August, 1841-March, 1904; his legal and parliamentary career; home secretary, secretary for Ireland; India Office; president of council; his own ambitions and fears, with some social and family notes; rather dull. A. E. Gathorne-Hardy (ed.), A Memoir, 2 vols. (London, 1910). Sir Robert Nicholas (1828-1891) of Tottenham, Middlesex, M.P. Public diary, February, 1841-May, 1891 (extracts); conservative political affairs; Quaker religious life; banking, philanthropy, and charity work; country life and sports; literary interests; a good Victorian picture. John S. Flynn, Sir Robert N. Fowler: A Memoir (London, 1893), pp. 12-343, passim. FOWLER,

The Rev. John (1819-1884) of Dingwall. Religious diary, September, 1841-June, 1842, with entries to 1849; work of a Free Church minister in Scotland; his own spiritual life and religious experiences. Alexander Auld, Life of Rev. John Kennedy (London, 1887), chapters 2 and 5. KENNEDY,

1 Dr. H . E . (owner). Medical diaries, 1842-1846; records of medical practice, especially in obstetrics. MS owned by Dr. H. E. Collier, 1 Lark Hill, Worcester Deposited at Friends' Meeting House, 3 Sansome Walk, Worcester


Charles (1801-1889), PAPER manufacturer and M.P. for Edinburgh. Private diary, January, 1842-December, 1846; record of day-to-day occupa-



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tions; he was present at the Disruption of Scottish Church; contains casual mentions of well-known personalities of his time, and includes references to papermaking researches; of general interest. MS Edinburgh Central Library 360 pp. (R. Butchert, librarian) Thomas (b. 1810) of East Grinstead, Surrey. Country diary, June, 1842-June, 1891 (brief extracts); social life and public affairs in a Surrey village. Wallace H. Hills, History of East Grinstead (East Grinstead, 1906), pp. 183186. CRAMP,

O'Neill (1807-1894), Irish Nationalist. Political diary, September, 1842-March, 1888; writings on Irish history; support of Home Rule; political activities and personalities; miscellaneous anecdotes; lively and personal. A Life Spent for Ireland (London, 1896), passim. DAUNT, W . J.

(Rigby), Lady Elizabeth (1809-1893), author. Literary diary, November, 1842-October, 1848; notes on books, paintings, current periodicals; literary and other celebrities, especially in Scodand (Lockhart, Wilson, etc.); society life and social affairs, especially in Edinburgh; the religious and public scene; visit to Russia; useful for background of the times. Journals and Correspondence of Lady Eastla\e, ed. C. E. Smith (London, 1895), passim. EASTLAKE

James David (1809-1869), geologist. Travel diary, winter 1842-1843; travels in the Alps of Savoy, etc. MS St. Andrews University Library DQ823.F7 549 pp.


Eliza Ann (1806-1866) of Brandy Carr, Lines. Quaker diary, November, 1842-February, 1866 (copy); Quaker religious life and observances; health and spiritual life; visits to neighboring meetings; God's mercies. MS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i Box V HOPKINS,

Lieut. Thomas Edmund (b. 1820) of 85th Infantry Regiment. 1. Travel diary, December, 1842-November, 1843; notes kept during journey in Holland and Belgium; social life and sport in military circles; prior to joining his regiment in Barbados. 2. Military diary, February-September, 1848; social life at military garrisons in Ireland. Memoirs of a Vanished Generation, ed. Mrs. Warrenne Black (London, 1909). KNOX,

Charles (d. 1847) of Harrogate, surveyor. Local diary, January, 1842-February, 1847; private and business affairs; Harrogate medical springs; coming of railways to Harrogate; extracts from letters of REEVES,


British Diaries


relatives in U.S.A. (from Missouri and Illinois); recipes for brewing; notes of the weather; interesting for life in Harrogate Spa during the period. MS Harrogate Public Library's local collection 258 pp. (John Stuffins, librarian, informant) Edwin, printer. Social diary, March, 1842-June, 1862; imitation of Pepys; visits London scenes; theaters, shows, dinners, and London life in general. Time's Tuneful Tabor (London, pr. ptd., 1858).


Helen (1818-1885), author. Diaries, January, 1842-January, 1847; economics interest; associated with John Stuart Mill. MS London School of Economics R (S.R.) 1033 185 fols. (Marjorie Plant, librarian)


William, of Colchester. Private diary, 1842-1857; largely archaeological; discoveries of Roman remains; building of railway; new bridge; notes on town grammar school; the Devil's footprints in the Colchester snow; very interesting details of life in small country town in early Victorian days. MS Colchester and Essex Museum, Colchester (E. J. Reedsdale, of Wisbach, informant) WIRE,




Prison diary, 1843-1849; notes and records kept by the surgeon at Lancaster Castle. MS Wigan Public Library. (Lapidge family, of Portsmouth). Family diary, March-December, 1843; occasional pointless notes of visits, illnesses, and deaths. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll.


Martha (1823-1895) of Banbury. Quaker diary, September, 1843-August, 1894 (extracts); Quaker religious life; family life; reading; meetings; health and introspection; home life and philanthropy; social work, mosdy in England. Elizabeth B. Emmott, Loving Service (London, 1896), pp. 32-281, passim. BRAITHWAITE,

Cecilia L. (1811-1875), author and etcher. Private diary, 1843-1867; her work and social life. MS Norwich Public Library (Informant George Hayward, librarian)


Alexander Oswald. Diary, October, 1843-September, 1844; kept at Tobermory. MS St. Andrews University Library TA.140.B8E43 Vol. 1 only



British Diaries


George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl of (1802-1864), statesman. 1. Public diary, November, 1843-June, 1864 (extracts); his private and social life at Casde Howard and in London; travel in the East; religious and social work in London; his reading, the theater, eminent literary friends (Dickens, Macaulay, etc.); dinners, receptions, official ceremonies, public and political life; a plain, but very detailed and valuable record of eminent contemporary society. Extracts from the Journals of the Earl of Carlisle, ed. Lady Caroline Lascelles (pr. ptd., 1924), 420 pp. 2. Travel diary, June, 1853-May, 1854; travels in Greece and Turkey during the Crimean War; military and naval matters; notes on towns and scenery. Diary in Turkish and Gree\ Waters (London, 1854). CARLISLE,

The Rev. Robert, of Leith. Religious diary, 1843; journey to Ayr to organize a chapel. MS Edinburgh University Library 182 pp.


William, huntsman. Hunting diary, 1843-1859; kept while head huntsman of Belvoir Hunt; vivid descriptions of hunts; comments on participants. Thomas F. Dale, The History of the Belvoir Hunt (Westminster, 1899).


Thomas (1822-1896), novelist. Private diary, August, 1843-June, 1844; written for Frances ("Fanny") Ford, later his wife; personal and social life in London, and travel in England. MS owned by his granddaughter, Mrs. H . V . d'Agostino, 2475 Palisade Ave., Spuyten Duyvil, New York 63 (Information from Ada Nisbet) HUGHES,

Mrs. Margaret Dyne ( 1 8 1 8 - 1 8 9 1 ) of Oxford. University diary, December, 1843-July, 1862; domestic and social life at Oxford, where her husband was master of Pembroke College; entertainments and opinions; the great men of Oxford; the Prince of Wales (Edward V I I ) as a student; interesting. Pages from the Diary of an Oxford Lady, ed. M. J. Gifford (Oxford, 1932). JEUNE,

The Rev. William Henry Edward (b. 1819) of Silk Willoughby, Lines. Tutor's diary, November, 1843-November, 1851 (extracts); kept while private tutor in the home of Duke of Sutherland; and to sons of Lord Carnarvon; his study for the ministry; parish work as curate at Westport and Purton; his religious life and reflections. Recollections and Letters of Rev. William McKnight, ed. Edith I. Thomson (London, 1907), pp. 26-158, passim.


S., of Battersea, Surrey. Private diary, 1843-1851; private notes kept at Battersea; mainly sermon texts. MS owned by the Rev. Henry E. Ruddy, Braunston Rectory, Rugby, Northants.



British Diaries


John Hungerford (1820-1902), painter. Painter's diary, November, 1843-November, 1902 (copious extracts); his art study and work as a painter; travels in Egypt, France, Belgium, and Italy; his religious life; domestic, social, and personal life. Anne Pollen, John Hungerford Pollen (London, 1912), passim. POLLEN,

The Rev. Francis Chenevix (1805-1886) of Islip, author. 1. Travel diary, September, 1843-September, 1844; tour in south of France and in Spain for his health; notes on state of religion; touristic notes on scenery, towns, antiquities. Diary of Travels in France and Spain (London, 1845). 2. Travel diary, July (1846 ?); a walking tour in Switzerland; Mont Blanc. A Wal\ round Mont Blanc (London, 1847). TRENCH,

Mrs. Julia Bainbridge (1815-1898) of Shrewsbury. Religious diary, March, 1843-May, 1847 (extracts); daily events; Biblical studies; religious life and her work in temperance movement; teetotal meetings. J. M. F. Fletcher, Mrs. Wightman (London, 1906), pp. 23-50. WIGHTMAN,

BELL, G . J .



Travel diary, January-March, 1844; journeys from London to Holland, Hanover, Prussia, Saxony, Vienna; tourist's notes, with medical and scientific interests; anatomy. MS National Library of Scotland No. 32.7.3 William Henry (1808-1872) of Mill Yard Chapel, Whitechapel, antiquary and pastor. Antiquary's diary, January, i844-April, 1846; one of a series of volumes; regular entries in form of brief notes; daily record of the work of the Exchequer Department of Public Record Office; notes of Black's medieval studies; only slight reference to his Mill Yard ministry. Principally interesting for the details of the Record Office, where he was assistant keeper. MS Chetham's Library, Manchester Mun. A2 1 1 1 172 pp. Cf. article in Notes and Queries, Vol. 192, No. 4, February 15, 1947 (R. V. Osbourn) BLACK,

Edward Leman (1820-1889) of London, journalist. Literary diary, June, 1844-July, 1888; brief notes largely arising from work as theater and music critic of Daily Telegraph; useful for history of theater and entertainment in London; Arundel Club; social life and friendships; brief and rather bald notes, but useful. The Life and Reminiscences of Edward Leman Blanchard, 2 vols. (London, 1891). BLANCHAKD,

Ford Madox (1821-1893), painter. Painter's diary, September, 1844-January, 1856; mostly a detailed account of



British Diaries


his painting; his poverty, struggles, and ill-health; domestic life and family; relations with other Pre-Raphaelites; his immediate feelings and thoughts; a good diary. Pre-Raphaelite Diaries and Letters, ed. William M. Rossetti (London, 1900), pp. 61—202. Dr. Karl Gustav, physician. Travel diary, May-August, 1844; notes of a physician accompanying Friedrich Augustus, king of Saxony, in a journey in England and Scotland; extensive notes of places, scenery, ceremonies, industries, estates; London, Midlands, Lancashire, Scotland; a useful record; translated from German. The King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scotland (London, 1846). CARUS,

George (1822-1885). Religious diary, 1844-1874 (extracts); notes on his spiritual life, religious experiences, and reflections. Ruth Cowell, Memorials of a Gracious Life (London, 1895), pp. 194-256. COWELL,

Thomas M . , of Glamorgan. Welsh diaries, 1844 and 1862; kept by solicitor and clerk of the peace to Glamorgan; South Wales interest. MS Cardiff Public Library 2.1085 (Information from E. J. Rees, librarian) DALTON,

Frederick (d. 1872) of Toothill Grove, York. Travel diary, October, 1844-June, 1845; journey in Europe; France, Malta, Egypt, Italy, Germany with T. Pease; tourist's notes, with notes on Quaker life abroad. MS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i S.50 FRYER,

The Rev. William Hepburn (1812-1850) of Dirleton, Scotland. Religious diary, December, 1844-January, 1845; details of his religious life, work, and introspection; at Lisbon. John Baillie, Memoir of the Rev. W.H. Hewitson (London, 1851), pp. 97-116. HEWITSON,

Dr. George (1797-1855) of Berwick, naturalist. Travel diary, 1844; notes of a visit to Jardine Hall. Proc. Berwickshire Naturalists' Club (1873-1875), pp. 406-418.


Henry Edward (1808-1892), cardinal. Religious diary, 1844-1890 (extracts); his church work; his conversion; Newman and the Oxford Movement; relations with Newman; interviews with Pope Pius IX; travels in Belgium and Italy; mostly introspection, self-examination, and self-disparagement. E. S. Purcell, Life of Cardinal Manning, 2 vols. (London, 1896), passim. MANNING,


British Diaries


Lady Judith (Cohen) (d. 1862). Travel diary, November, 1844-August, 1845; tour to Mediterranean, Egypt, and Palestine; touring notes; social life; religious life; eminent society. Notes from a Private Journal (London, 1844). See also diary in Lady Montefiore's Honeymoon, ed. Lucien Wolf (London, 1902). MONTEFIORE,

Miss M. A. I. [daughter of John Nichols, antiquary?]. Travel diaries, 1844-1866 (gaps); journeys to various places in England and on Continent; some family matters; much antiquarian detail; cuttings on antiquarian matters, engravings, drawings, etc. MS owned by Norman S. Angus, Esq., 30 Folds Crescent, Sheffield 8 4 vols. P A L G R A V E , William Gifford (1826-1888), diplomat. Travel diary, 1844; notes of a tour from London to Italy. MS Yale University Library Wm. M. Odom coll. NICHOLS,

Sir Frederick ( 1 8 1 5 - 1 8 8 8 ) , lawyer. Legal diary, July, 1844-December, 1874 (copious extracts); largely details of his career and work as a lawyer and political affairs; his interest and work in the arts, literature, music, and the theater, and literary friendships; social life, and notes on celebrities; interesting and useful. POLLOCK,

Personal Remembrances, 2 vols. (London, 1887). William (1804-1874), teacher. Educational diary, October, 1844-August, 1845; his residence as a fellow at St. Columba College in Ireland; educational experiments and teaching; religious discipline and pedagogy. Journal of a Residence (Oxford, 1847), pp. 37-150. S O M E R S E T , Edward Adolphus Seymour, 12th Duke of (1804-1895). Sporting diary, October, 1844-April, 1845; yachting in the Mediterranean and elsewhere; pigeon shooting; descriptions of Corfu and other Mediterranean islands. Letters, Remains, and Memoirs of the Du\e of Somerset, ed. W . H . Mallock and Lady Ramsden (London, 1893), chapter X . SEWELL,

Joseph, of Manchester. Travel diaries, January-June, 1844, to Italy via France; and October, 1 8 5 1 January, 1852, tour to Rome and Naples; notes of places visited; personal jottings of little value; itinerary and some note of expenses. MS Manchester Central Library 923.9 S 126 2 vols. (R. V . Osbourn) STANLEY,

John (b. 1 8 1 1 ) of Bolton, lawyer. Legal diary, beginning 1844; notes of his legal work and duties as coroner in Bolton; the religious life and remorse of a man who had once been an actor; local events, social life; church activities; literature and the theater in Bolton; his meditations. Autobiography of a Lancashire Lawyer, ed. J. Clegg (Bolton, 1883). TAYLOR,


British Diaries


Ann ( 1 8 1 3 - 1 8 8 5 ) of Ipswich, ministering Quaker. Quaker diary, September, 1844-January, 1885 (with autobiography); Quaker life and work and travels; residence in Belgium; Northants, Birmingham, Ireland; meetings; her family and domestic life. Extracts from the Memoranda and Letters of Ann Wat\ins (Ipswich, 1888). WATKINS,

1 8 4 5

John (1768-1845), lawyer and historian. Social diary, 1845 (extracts); legal work; social life, literature, theaters; London. Emily Henderson, Recollections of the Public Career and Private Life of ]ohn Adolphus (London, 1871).


The Rev. Thomas William, of Launton, Oxon. Travel diaries, June-July, 1845, and July-August, 1848; church matters and education; high churchman; Paris and Amiens; visits to cathedrals and Catholic clerics; conversations on religious education and missionary work. Journal in France (London, 1849). ALLIES,

The Rev. Robert Nathaniel (1817-1892) of East Blatchington, Sussex. Country diaries, October, 1845-May, 1869 (selections); the notes of a naturalist in Sussex; mostly his observations of birds, walks, and shooting; relations with other naturalists. Notes on Sussex Ornithology (London, 1925). DENNIS,

Aubrey Thomas (1814-1902), poet. Literary diary, March, 1845-December, 1846 (extracts); meetings with Wordsworth, Coleridge, Tennyson, Taylor, Carlyle, Gladstone, Dr. Pusey, etc.; family and personal affairs; Irish social conditions; thoughtful and interesting. Wilfrid Ward, A Memoir of Aubrey Thomas De Vere, based on Diaries and Correspondence (London, 1904), pp. 67-125. D E VERE,

The Rev. John, of Merthyr Tydvil. Clerical diaries, 1845,1860-1864,1866-1867, I ^7o; rector of Merthyr. MS Cardiff Public Library No. 3504 1 1 vols. (Information from E. J. Rees, librarian)


Edward (1812-1888), painter and humorist. Travel diaries, 1845-1868 (various dates); travels in central and southern Italy, Albania, Turkey in Europe, and Corsica; notes on places, people, towns, scenery, painting; illustrated with his own drawings and paintings. Journals of a Landscape Painter in Central Italy (London, 1846); Southern Italy (London, 1849); Turkey (London, 1851); Albania (London, 1852); Corsica (London, 1870). LEAR,


British Diaries


QUILLINAN (née Wordsworth), Dorothy (1804-1847), daughter of the poet. Travel diary, May, 1845-May, 1846; residence in Portugal; sporadic entries; landscape, inhabitants; rhapsodic descriptions; attack on English prejudices. Journal of a Few Months' Residence in Portugal, 1 vols. (London, 1847). THACKERAY, William Makepeace ( 1 8 1 1 - 1 8 6 3 ) , novelist. Diary-almanac, 1845; a few notes of social engagements; only of minor biographical interest. M S New York Public Library Berg coll. ANON, (of E d i n b u r g h ) .


Personal diary, January, 1846-March, 1850; notes of a man educating himself; Edinburgh life; music, studies, and lectures on practical and cultural and intellectual matters; weather; walks. M S National Library of Scodand No. 3107 74 fols. COLLINSON, Samuel ( 1 8 1 2 - 1 8 9 0 ) of Nottingham, stockbroker and poet. Private diary, June, 1846-August, 1870; personal life and Nottingham activities; lectures; volunteers; reading; public affairs; shrewd observations. A few extracts will be found in Trans. Thoroton Society, X L V I I (1943), pp. 53-61. MS Nottingham Public Library M.382-383 2 vols. (Information supplied by Duncan Gray, librarian) GRACE, The Rev. John (1800-1865) Brighton. Clerical diary, June-December, 1846 (extracts); life of Baptist minister at Brighton and Eastbourne; most of material drawn from personal recollections and correspondence; quotations from diary merely bald accounts of sermons, preaching tours, etc. Recollections of John Grace (London, 1893). HUGGINS, William Sidney (1822-1862). Travel diary, 1846; an American's tour in Scotland. M S Yale University Diaries, misc. collections HUXLEY, Thomas Henry (1825-1895), biologist. Scientific travel diary, December, 1846-October, 1850; four cruises of the "Ratdesnake" in Australasian waters and South Pacific; scientific work; travel notes; native races, etc. Diary of the Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, ed. Julian Huxley (London, 1935). SAFFORD, Daniel (1792-1856) of Boston, Mass. Travel diary, May, 1846-October, 1853; his tour in Europe as delegate to the World's Evangelical Convention in London; tours through Scodand and England; later, tourist travel for his health. Ann E. Safford, A Memoir of Daniel Saflord (Boston, 1861), pp. 172-217.


British Diaries


The Rt. Hon. Sir James (1779-1859), statesman. Public diary, January-May, 1846; political affairs; the Colonial Office; written at Downing Street. STEPHEN,

Caroline E. Stephen, The First Sir James Stephen (pr. ptd.,> Gloucester, 1906). ANON.,

of Halifax, Yorks.


Religious diary, 1847; Halifax minister; Nonconformist life in the area. MS Halifax Public Library (Information from Frank Haigh, librarian) A L L I N G H A M , William (1820-1889) Donegal, poet. Literary diary, June, 1847-October, 1889; literary life, work, and friendships in London and country; Browning, Tennyson, Carlyle, etc.; visits and conversations; somewhat superficial and disappointing. Diary of William Allingham, ed. H. Allingham and D. Radford (London, 1907). C A M P B E L L , John Campbell, 1st Baron (1779-1861), lord chancellor. Public diary, 1847-1861; occasional entries concerning his political and legal work; social life; Brooks Club; his later career. Life of John, Lord Campbell, ed. Mrs. Hardcasde, 2 vols. (London, 1881), passim. C O P E , Charles West (1811-1890), painter. Artist's diary, January, 1847-December, 1857; his work and studies as painter; notes on Victorian painters and Royal Academy; social life. Reminiscences (London, 1891), pp. 166-252. The Rev. Thomas Dundas (1822-1883) of Keswick. Religious diary, December, 1847-August, 1882; religious life, parish work, and teaching at Keswick; his inner life, and evangelism. Memoir of Rev. Thomas Dundas Harford Battersby (London, 1890), pp. 7 1 199, passim. HARFORD-BATTERSBY,

Charles, of Liverpool. Local diary, 1847; a hosier's work and social life in Lancashire. MS Manchester Central Library.


Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquis of (1797-1863). Public diary, December, 1847-December, 1848; kept in Paris; background of revolution; shrewd analysis and comment; much factual detail. A Year of Revolution, 2 vols. (London, 1857).


The Rev. Thomas (1809-1873) of Market Lavington, Wilts. Clerical diary, January, 1847-1873; life and work of a curate and vicar in various Wiltshire parishes; a dull chronicle of parish visiting and social calls; but good picture of the life of an earnest Tractarian priest. MS owned by the Rev. J. H. Adams, Landulph rectory, Saltash 33 vols.



British Diaries


Richard (1804-1888), painter. Artist's diaries, February, 1847-December, 1880; his studies and career as a painter; work at the Royal Academy; friendship with London painters, and anecdotes about them; London society and social life; country life; useful for its anecdotes. F. M. Redgrave, A Memoir of Richard Redgrave (London, 1 8 9 1 ) , passim. WAUGH, Edwin ( 1 8 1 7 - 1 8 9 0 ) of Manchester, poet and miscellaneous writer, "the Lancashire Burns." Literary diary, July, 1847-February, 1851; substantial daily entries; meditations on sermons; his failings and self-discipline; poverty, illness, and melancholy; domestic unhappiness; separation from wife; his reading and conversations; several poems; publication of " T i m Bobbin"; work as assistant secretary to Lancashire Public School Association; some interest in notes on secular education, but value primarily biographical. MS Manchester Central Library Q. 928.28 W87 540 pp. (R. V. Osbourn) REDGRAVE,

Sir David ( 1 8 3 5 - 1 8 8 2 ) , M.P. for South Ayrshire. Public diary, March, 1847-March, 1882 (extracts); notes on political and public events; his own political work and career; parliament; social life; extensive travels in Europe, America, India, Australia, etc. Mrs. E. H . Percival, Life of Sir David Wedderburn (London, 1882), passim. WEDDERBURN,

1848 The Rev. Matthew Drake ( 1 7 8 8 - 1 8 5 1 ) of Thringstone, Leics. Public diary, January-September, 1848; at Messina; interesting account of revolution against Neapolitan government; very detailed account, lively and amusing. BABINGTON,


Add. MSS 38067


Sir Stevenson Arthur ( 1 8 3 2 - 1 8 9 3 ) , philanthropist. Private diary, November, 1848-June, 1857 (extracts); notes on travel and religion; his military service in the Crimean War; siege of Sebastopol. Some Records of the Life of Sir Arthur Blackwood (London, 1896), pp. 2 5 169. DAVIES, William, of Abergele, Denbighshire. Farming diary, 1848-1876; records of farming at Brynffanigl Farm; valuable data about prices, wages, etc.; written in English. BLACKWOOD,

National Library of Wales. MSS 10755B-10765B HANBURY, Charlotte (1830-1900) of Richmond. Country diary, March, 1848-December, 1869; philanthropic work; ragged school at Bonchurch; country social life and domestic affairs at Blackdown, Somerset. An Autobiography, ed. Mrs. Arthur Head (London, 1901), pp. 21-87.


British Diaries


R. B. (b. 1833) of Leeds, bookseller. Bookseller's diary, 1848; the author was fifteen when he wrote this diary and he is chiefly concerned with work in his father's bookselling business. MS Leeds Public Libraries 920.4 H24L 1 vol. (Information from F. A. B. Hutchins, librarian) HAMUSON,

Sir Geoffrey Phipps (1825-1895), admiral. Naval diary, 1848-1894 (excerpts); naval life, mostly afloat; cruises; service; social and personal affairs. Mrs. Fred Egerton, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Geoffrey Phipps Hornby (London, 1896), passim. HORNBY,

Edward Vaughan (1819-1880), Irish lawyer. Legal diary, March, 1848-February, 1876 (extracts); details of his legal work and cases; Fenians; notes on politics; his reading and critical views. Arabella Kenealy, Memoirs of Edward Vaughan Kenealy (London, 1908), pp. 179-246. KENEALY,

John (1815-1875), Irish journalist. Rebel's diary, May, 1848-1853; his career as an Irish rebel; his prison life and transportation; diatribes against English; his experiences and moods; experiences in Bermuda and Tasmania; journalistic, but vivid in its scenes and incidents. Jail journal, ed. Arthur Griffith (London, 1914); also published at New York (1868) and Glasgow (1876). MITCHEL,

Ernest Augustus Edgcumbe, 3d Earl of (1797-1861). Political diary, November, 1848-May, 1849; eye-witness accounts of politics and military happenings during the revolutions at Rome and Palermo; political generalizations. Extracts from Journals (London, 1850). MOUNT-EDCCUMBE,

Elizabeth J . J . (1828-1859) of Saffron Walden. Quaker diary, July, 1848-Octobcr, 1859 (extracts); religious life and introspection; meetings; progress of religion in her soul; her illnesses and prayers. A Memoir of Elizabeth Robson (London, i860), pp. 17-42. ROBSON,

Nassau William (1790-1864), economist. Travel diaries, 1848-1858; tours in France, Italy, Ireland, Turkey, Greece, Egypt; some social and topographical notes, but mainly devoted to his studies of political economy and social conditions, with lengthy reports of interviews and conversations with eminent foreign statesmen on such matters; useful but impersonal. Journals Kept in France and Italy (London, 1871); Journals ... Relating to Ireland (London, 1868); Journal Kept in Turkey and Greece (1858); Conversations and Journals in Egypt and Malta, 2 vols. (London, 1882). SENIOR,


British Diaries


Elizabeth Missing (1815-1906), author. Literary diary, August, 1848-February, 1885 (extracts); her reading and literary work in London; literary friendships (Wordsworth, etc.); travels in England and France; domestic and social life in Isle of Wight; her religious life, teaching, etc.; the Oxford Movement. The Autobiography of Elizabeth Missing Sewell, ed. E. L. Sewell (London, 1907), passim. SEWELL,

Frederic James ( 1 8 3 3 - 1 9 1 1 ) , painter. Painter's diary, January, 1848-August, 1887 (extracts); his art studies, and his career as a painter and teacher of painting; his social life and friendships with Rossetti and other Pre-Raphaelites; an interesting record. The Life and Letters of Frederic James Shields, ed. Ernestine Mills (London, 1912), pp. 10-285. SHIELDS,


S. Sophia, ed.]


Social diary, 1849-ca. 1859 (extracts); social life in London, entertainment in London; conventional Continental travel; the Victorian scene; interesting spellings. Recollections of a Spinster Aunt (London, 1908), passim. Thomas (1795-1881), author. 1.Travel diary, June-August, 1849; a tour in Ireland; lively comments and descriptions of Ireland and Irishmen. Reminiscences of My Irish Journey in 1849 (London, 1882). 2. Travel diary, August, 1858-September, 1858; with introduction, notes, and commentaries; Hamburg, Rügen Island, Berlin, Breslau, Brieg, Striegau, Kolin, Prague, Dresden, Leipzig, Aachen, Malines; visits to battlefields; interesting descriptions of German villages and scenery. Journey to Germany, 18¡8, ed. Richard Albert Edward Brooks (New Haven, 1940). CARLYLE,

John (1788-1872) of Dorking. Quaker diary, 1849; kept on trip with William Forster to Denmark and Sweden, via France and Germany, to present petition against slavery; travel notes; visits to hospitals; Christian conversations. MS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i Box Q MARSH,

Herman (1819-1891), American novelist. Travel diary, October-December, 1849; his voyage to England, with life aboard ship; his literary work and details of his troublesome contacts with publishers in London. Raymond M. Weaver, Herman Melville, Mariner and Mystic (New York, 1935), 182 pp. Complete text in Eleanor M. Metealf (ed.), Journal of a Visit to London and the Continent (Cambridge, Mass., 1948). MELVILLE,


British Diaries


The Rev. John (1797-1850), dean of Hereford. Archaeological diary, July-August, 1849; kept while examining barrows and earthworks near Silsbury Hill and Avebury, Wilts. Diary of a Dean (London, 1851); Memoirs of Antiquities of Wiltshire (London, 1851), pp. 82-107. PATTERSON, James Laird, monsignor. Travel diary, October, 1849-October, 1850; travel to Holy Land, to seek a solution for his religious problems; embracing of Roman Catholicism; full notes of travels, with interest mainly in churches, convents, religious services, and feasts; his own steady trend toward Roman Catholicism; colorful descriptions of people and places on tour. Journal of a Tour in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece (London, 1852). MEREWETHER,

Col. Arthur (1837-1868), soldier. Social diary, 1849-1868; weather, sport, social notes; military life; games, racing, theatricals, dinner parties; plays, operas in London; love affair in Greece; no great interest. MS owned by General J. Ponsonby; cp. Arthur Ponsonby: English Diaries (London, 1923), pp. 397-399. PONSONBY,

William Michael (1829-1919), man of letters. 1. Literary diary, May, 1849-January, 1853; the diary of the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood; his record as secretary; the Germ; their meetings; exhibitions; public relations. Preraphaelite Diaries and Letters, ed. W. M. Rossetti (London, 1900), pp. 2093 9 ° ' ROSSETTT,

2. Literary diary, July, 1862-March, 1870 (extracts); his travels in France and Italy; art criticism; London social life and meetings; the literature and art of the Pre-Raphaelites and associated writers and artists. Rossetti Papers, ed. W. M. Rossetti (London, 1903). Albert Richard (1816-1860), author. Travel diary, June-July, 1849; France and Switzerland; ascent of Mont Blanc. James Monroe Thorington, Mont Blanc Sideshow (Philadelphia, 1934), pp. 85-110. SMITH,

John Whitmore (1835-1856) of Trinity College, Dublin. Religious diary, June, 1849-June, 1856; religious reflections and introspection and emotions of undergraduate at Trinity. Octavius Winslow, Hidden Life (London, 1859), pp. 18-185, passim.


1850 George (1818-1850) of Reading. Religious diary, July-September, 1850; spiritual history of a reformed drunkard and sinner; an illness; published as moral tract showing God's mercy. Francis Trench, George Adey (London, 1851), passim. ADEY,


British Diaries


The Rev. Alexander (1822-1855) BanffReligious diary, May, 1850-December, 1852 (extracts); his conversion and religious life and meditation. Norman L. Walker, Life in the Spirit (London, 1859), pp. 9-128, passim. ANDERSON,

Benjamin John, of East Dereham, Norfolk. Gauntry diary, 1850-1888 (selections); life and work of a Tractarian parson; social and church history; parish and diocesan quarrels; travels; country life; personal and trivial matters excised by editor; interesting, but inferior to Kilvert and Woodforde. A Norfolk Diary, ed. H. B. J. Armstrong (London, 1949). ARMSTRONG,

Marie Louise ("Ouida") (1839-1908), novelist. Private diary, April, 1850-May, 1853; Ouida at this time was 1 1 - 1 3 years old; includes her first visit to France; and an account of the 1851 Exhibition; lively and observant, if often ungrammatical; copious precocious philosophizing on life. H. G. Huntington, Memories: Personages, Peoples, Places (London, 1 9 1 1 ) , pp. 228-296. D E LA R A M E E ,

Rebecca (1821-1856), Quaker. Quaker diary, November, 1850-June, 1856; Quaker religious life and introspection; social and domestic life; her sicknesses; journey to New York State. A Sister's Memorial (London, 1857), pp. 27-105. FARRAND,

Mrs. S. M., of Rio de Janeiro. Travel diary, July, 1850-June, i860; preparations for bridal voyage; intimate record of domestic and social life in South America; devoted wife and mother; visit home in 1853; record of voyages between England and Brazil; often amusing. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 474 pp. MIERS,

Sherard (1822-1875), rear-admiral. Arctic diary, May, 1850-September, 1851; account of the unsuccessful search for Sir John Franklin's Arctic expedition. Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal (London, 1852). OSBORN,

The Rev. John James, D.D. (1833-1906) of Fressingfield, Suffolk, antiquary. Antiquary's diaries, 1850-1906; personal, parochial, and antiquarian, with many entries concerning Suffolk campanology. MS Ipswich Public Library Unaccessioned June, 1947 About 54 books (Information from Dorothy M. White, librarian)


The Rt. Rev. George (1825-1895), bishop of Rochester, and of Winchester. Clerical diary, August, 1850-December, 1893 (extracts); religious life and de-



British Diaries


votion; work as bishop; diocesan work in Rochester and in Winchester; travel in U.S.A., etc. C. H. Simpkinson, The Life and Wor\ of Rev. George Thorold (London, 1896), pp. 23-389. Richard Glynn, of Sketty-Hall, Wales. Travel diaries, memoranda books, and accounts, 1850-1903, mainly voyages in various parts of the world. MS Cardiff Public Library No. 1.597 56 parts (Information from E. J. Rees, librarian) VIVIAN,

1 8 5 1

John (1822-1894), critic and editor. Literary diaries, January-October, 1851, and January-August, i860; work on Westminster Review while George Eliot was living at his house in Strand; his editorial work, reading and business; social life and health; interesting. Gordon S. Haight, George Eliot and John Chapman (New Haven, 1940), pp. 123-251. MS Yale University MSS Vault, Section 14, Drawer 3 CHAPMAN,

New York City, judge. Charles Patrick (1816-1899) 1. Travel diary, March-April, 1851; American's tour and social life in London; meetings with Wellington, Herschel, etc. 2. Travel diary, May-June, 1874; his tour in Ireland. MS New York Public Library DALY,

R. E . , of Limerick. Religious diary, May-June, 1851; religious visits to the poor; parish work and charity; scenes from Irish life; writing classes; a lively diary, apparendy by a puritan clergyman. MS Dr. Williams's Library, Gordon Square, London, W.C.i DUNNE,

Elizabeth ( 1 8 3 1 - 1 8 5 6 ) of Pebworth, Glos. Religious diary, February, 1851-February, 1856 (extracts); her religious life and introspection; Sunday-school work; church work and visiting; her increasing piety; ill-health; relates to various places in Gloucester and Warwick. Henry J. Piggott, Memoir of Elizabeth George (London, 1858), pp. 12-235. GEORGE,

Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone (1829-1906). Public diaries, 1851-1901; a complete record of political and diplomatic life and travels in England, Europe, Palestine, India; colonial and domestic affairs; passing events; social life; a valuable historical record of epigrams, anecdotes, jokes, but rather impersonal. 'Notes from a Diary, 14 vols. (London, 1873-1905); A Victo A. T. Bassett (London, 1930), is a selection of the best stories from the diaries. GRANT DUFF,


British Diaries


Frederick Mortimer (b. 1798) of Ridgeway, Southampton. Travel diary, October, 1851-January, 1852; notes kept during a tour in Sweden; topography, scenery, towns; social life in high society. The Lewin Letters, ed. Thomas H. Lewin (London, 1909), Vol. II, pp. 82-108. LEWIN,

Benjamin (1820-1886), American diplomat. Diplomatic diary, May, 1851-January, 1875; kept while secretary to American legation in London; private secretary to Buchanan, Dallas, Adams, Johnson, Schenck, and Modey. MS Library of Congress 42 vols. MORAN,

Henry (1822-1894), literary historian. Theatrical diary, August, 1851-April, 1866; a somewhat impersonal record of the contemporary theater, with criticism of the plays he saw. The Journal of a London Playgoer (London, 1891). MORLEY,

William, of Trefiw, Caernarvonshire. Diaries and notebooks, 1851-1892; scattered notes of horticultural, agricultural, and botanical interest; interspersed with notes on personal and family affairs and public events; Christian reflections; written in English. MS National Library of Wales 7492B-7506B S A L T E R , Dr. John Henry (1841-1932) of Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex. Country diary, January, 1851-April, 1932; a full, long record of country life; his medical practice; freemasonry; social life, hunting, sports; his impressions of local and public affairs and personalities and opinions on them; from Crimean War to the First World War; a very interesting record. Diary and Reminiscences of Dr. John Henry Salter, ed. J. O. Thompson (London, 1933). PAMPLIN,

James (1805-1860), politician. Public diary, January, 1851-October, 1859; his political and economic work and interests; personal and family life; the court and society; his reading and literary interests; copious extracts. Emilie I. Barrington, The Servant of All, 1 vols. (London, 1927), passim. WILSON,

1852 William Henry (1837-1857) of Huddersfield. Religious diary, May, 1852-December, 1857; his conversion and ecstatic religious life; chapels, Sunday schools, and tracts; meetings; his last sickness. Early Promise, ed. Daniel Walton (Huddersfield, n.d.). BILLINGTON,

James Redford, of Inner Temple. Travel diary, August-September, 1852; travel with Charles Sargent through Switzerland, Italy, and Tyrol; ascent of Mont Blanc and other mountains; walking; picturesque scenery. Extracts from My Journal (Norwich, pr. ptd., 1853). BULWER,


British Diaries


Elihu (1810-1879) of New Britain, Conn. Travel diary, April, 1852-April, 1855 (English section); his travel and crusade in England on behalf of world peace, penny postage, and the anti-slavery movements. The Learned Blacksmith, ed. Merle Curti (New York, 1937), pp. 75-127. BURRITT,

Theodore (1819-1898), German author. Travel diaries, July, 1852-November, 1857; a young German's notes on Victorian social life in London and the country. Journeys to England (London, 1939). G I S B O R N E , Lionel (1823-1861), naturalist. Scientific diary, April-August, 1852; details of expedition inquiring into possibilities of joining Adantic and Pacific at Darien; scientific interests; notes on fellow passengers; natives; countries, customs, natural history. The Isthmus of Darien in 1852 (London, 1853). FONTANE,

Edward Arthur, of London, student, apprentice. Student's diary, March-December, 1852; course in arts in extension; self-help and mid-Victorian morals and cultural oudook. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 71 pp. and typed copy JEVONS, William Stanley (1835-1882), economist. Student's diary, August, 1852-May, 1866 (extracts); scrappy quotations concerning his early studies and foreign tours; University of London. Letters and Journals of William Stanley Jevons (London, 1886).


Stewart, of Edinburgh. Student's diaries, January, 1852-November, 1853; an Edinburgh University medical student; bare notes of daily life, medical studies, social life; miscellaneous lectures and musical notes. MS National Library of Scotland Nos. 2550-2551 LITHGOW,

Major George (1828-1856) of Royal Engineers. 1. Military diary, April, 1852-February, 1856; a soldier's travel and social life in Montreal, Quebec; personal and military life in Crimean War. Canada and the Crimea (London, 1862). 2. Military diary, August, 1855-February, 1856 (extracts); mosdy concerning his own life and work in the Engineers during the Crimean campaign; wintering there; Sebastopol siege. Six Months at Sebastopol, ed. W. B. Ranken (London, 1857). STEVENSON, David (1815-1886) of Edinburgh, civil engineer. Business diary, May, 1852-November, 1874 (with letters); mosdy details of his life and work as a railwayman. Fifty Years on the London and Northwestern Railway, ed. L. Turner (London, 1891), pp. 49-138. RANKEN,


British Diaries


1853 DAUNT, The Very Rev. Achilles (1832-1878), dean of Cork. Religious diary, March, 1853-August, 1862; student at Trinity College, Dublin; parish work and sermons in Dublin; chaplain in Düsseldorf. E. R. Wynne, Spent in the Service (London, 1879), pp. 49-210, passim. DODCSON, Charles Lutwidge ("Lewis Carroll") (1832-1898), humorist and mathematician. 1. University diary, October, 1853-March, 1894 (quotations); social life and theater at Oxford; scholarship, mathematics, and his writing. Stuart D. Collingwood, The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (London, 1899), PP- 53-3 2 4» passim. 2. Travel diary, July-September, 1867; to Russia and back with Dr. Liddon; amusing notes on Russian social life, culture, architecture; quizzical notes. The Russian Journal, ed. John F. McDermott (New York, 1935), pp. 7 3 - 1 2 1 . Fox, Albert (1836-1867) of Liverpool, merchant. Quaker diary, October, 1853-December, 1866; reflections on war; religious life and feeling; his sins and introspection; religious visits and travels; travel in Spain on business; sociological interests, but mainly religious. John Jones, Albert Fox, the Devout Merchant (Liverpool, 1867). GARRARD, Charles T., of Kentucky. Business diary, March-June, 1853; an American's travel in England, inspecting and purchasing catde for importation into Kentucky; mosdy in Yorks, Lanes, and London; interesting and useful. Kentucky Hist. Soc. Register, X X I X ( 1 9 3 1 ) , and X X X (1932). HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel (1804-1864), American novelist. Literary diary, August, 1853-1857; his consular work in Liverpool; trips into Scodand, Lake District, etc.; careful descriptive notes and observations; sketches of places and men and manners; literary life. English Note-Boo^s (with Our Old Home) forming Vol. VII of the Riverside edition of Hawthorne's works (Boston, 1883); Mrs. Hawthorne's bowdlerized version of the journal, however, is replaced by The English Note-Boo\s, ed. Randall Stewart (New York, 1941), 667 pp. JONES, Agnes Elizabeth (1832-1868) of Cambridge. Nurse's diary, April, 1853-June, 1867 (extracts); religious life; social work and devotion; in women's hospitals and asylums; nursing and infirmary work; Liverpool; pioneer of workhouse nursing; interesting work of Nightingale kind. Memorials of Agnes Elizabeth Jones, by her sister (London, 1871), pp. 27-360, passim. KEMP, Caleb Rickman, of Dorking. Quaker diary, May, 1853-September, 1908; attendance at Quaker meetings in


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[ 1854

Dorking and Bedford Lodge; visits to meetings in southern counties, etc.; religious emotions and reflections; Quaker social life; his health and family affairs. MS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i Vols. S3-S8 The Rev. Ebenezer (and his son, Henry Richard, M.P.). Public diaries, January, 1853-December, 1863; notebook recording events at odd times during these years; reflections on politics, social affairs, disarmament; Cobden; Bright; interesting; written in English. MS National Library of Wales 10199B RICHARD,

The Rev. Joseph (1808-1867) Cirencester. Religious diary, September, 1853-August, 1862 (extracts); prefatory autobiography up to his becoming a member of a Baptist sect; extracts from diary deal with his spiritual experiences and ministerial activities, preaching, etc.; mainly introspective and dull. Life, Diary, and Letters of the Late Joseph Tanner (Oxford, 1870). TANNER,

1854 John Russell, Viscount (1792-1878), statesman. Private diary, February, 1854-1875; a detailed account of his private and social affairs up to his courtship and marriage to Kate Stanley; then notes of outstanding events; Harrow, Edinburgh, Cambridge; and travel notes. The Amberley Papers, ed. Bertrand and Patricia Russell, 2 vols. (London, 1937)' passim.


Sir John Montagu (1832-1921), soldier. War diary, February-November, 1854; his experiences in the Crimean War; batde of Alma; wounded and sent home. MS County Records Office, Bedford D.D.X. 143/20 (Barbara Crook, archivist) BURGOYNE,

Lady Lucy Lytdeton (1841-1925), maid-of-honor. Society diary, 1854-October, 1880; life of upper classes; Gladstone circle, and court; excellent varied representation of Victorian life and ideas, social, religious, political. The Diaries of Lady Frederic\ Cavendish, 2 vols. (London, 1927). CAVENDISH,

Mrs. Henry (Frances Isabella). War diary, April, 1854-September, 1855; from departure of army from England to fall of Sebastopol; with her soldier husband; eyewitness account of siege. Journal Kept during the Russian War (London, 1855). DUBERLY,

David, 7th Earl of ( 1 8 3 3 - 1 9 1 5 ) , sailor. Naval diary, January, 1854-December, 1873; his career as navy cadet and captain; details of his cruises. Memoirs of the Earl of Glasgow, ed. F. M. Norman (Edinburgh, 1918).



British Diaries


The Rev. David (1841-1910) of Boutnewydd, Caernarvon. Religious journals, 1854-1910; notes and meditations of an Anglican schoolmaster and curate in North Wales; in Welsh.


MS University College, Bangor

Nos. 1636-1674

Bangor MSS

George Augustus Frederick, Baron (1818-1880), general. Military diary, July, 1854-May, 1856; notes of his service in the Crimean War; campaigns and battles; Balaclava; charge of the Light Brigade. PAGET,

The Light Cavalry Brigade in the Crimea (London, 1881), pp. 1-160. Louisa (1833-1861) of Middlesbrough. Religious diary, June, 1854-February, 1858; entries only on the Sabbath; notes of Quaker religious life; introspection and reflection. PEASE,

Selections from the Private Memoranda of Louisa Pease (London, 1862). (Thackeray), Lady Anne (1837-1919), author. Literary diaries, February, 1854-May, 1874; notes on her reading and writing, on literary society and writers; social life and travel. Letters of Anne Thackeray Ritchie, ed. Hester Ritchie (London, 1924), pp. 6 1 154. R O B I N S O N , Dr. Frederick, of Scots Rifle Brigade, surgeon. Military diary, March, 1854-December, 1855; the journey out to the Crimea; account of his work as a surgeon and military life and battles; Inkermann, Balaclava, Sebastopol. Diary of the Crimean War (London, 1856). R U S S E L L , Miss Helen J . M., of Ashiesteel. Social diary, November, 1854-March, 1855; her studies and lessons; daily activities of a well-bred young girl: music, reading, country life in Scodand; prim formal picture of Victorian domestic life; a good period piece. MS National Library of Scotland No. 3233 31 fols. RITCHIE

S., I., soldier. Military diary, December, 1854-August, 1855; an impersonal account of the expedition of the British army to Jamaica and return. A Brief and Perfect Journal of the Late Proceedings (London, 1855). Reprinted in Harleian Miscellany, III. T A Y L O R , George Cavendish, of 95th Regiment. Military diary, February, 1854-October (1856?); notes on his service in the Crimean War; account of campaigns and batdes; taking of Sebastopol. Journal of Adventures, 2 vols. (London, 1856). Sir Charles Pyndar Beauchamp (1817-1894), general. Military diaries, 1854-1888; largely about life in army; social life and general conditions; personal affairs; war in Crimea, China, and observation of AustroPrussian and Franco-Prussian wars; intimate and lively; pardy from letters. Days of a Soldier's Life (London, 1894). WALKER,


British Diaries


Sir Charles Ash (1810-1870), general. Military diary, September, 1854-September, 1855; a bare record of military campaigns and battles in the Crimean War; Sebastopol, Alma, Inkermann; notes on mismanagement of the army; rather bare and dull record. Crimean Diary and Letters of Sir Charles Windham, ed. H. Pearse (London, 1897). WINDHAM,

Capt. Vincent, of 95th Regiment. Military diary, September, 1854-March, 1855; kept in the Crimea; personal account of hardships and miseries of troops and himself. Sherwood Foresters' Regimental Annual (1909), pp. 28-51. WING,

1 8 5 5

George Henry (1803-1881), author. 1. Travel diary, August-September, 1855; a brief account of a visit to the Isle of Man. R. A. J. Walling, George Borrow (London, 1909), pp. 197-228, 263-267. 2. Travel diary, August-September, 1857; a brief record of a tour in Wales. Y Cymmrodor, XII (1910), pp. 159-170. 3. Travel diary, September, 1858; brief topographical notes of a tour in Scotland and the Highlands; antiquities, folklore; rough drawings. MS New York Public Library Berg coll. BORROW,

Dr. George, of Glasgow. War diary, June-November, 1855; a civil surgeon in the hospitals at Scutari, etc., during the Crimean War; his work and medical conditions; Florence Nightingale and nursing service; camp life and life of soldiers; written up. Camp Life as Seen by a Civilian (Glasgow, 1871). BUCHANAN,

Ann, of Leicester, Quaker. Quaker diary, January, 1855-June, 1865 (occasional entries); attendance at Quaker meetings; visits from Friends; brief notes of travels as a ministering Quaker and of activities of her husband, Joseph Burgess. MS Friends' Soc. Library, London, N.W.i Box D BURGESS,

Sir Henry (1836-1908), Prime Minister. 1. Travel diaries in summers of 1855, i860, 1862-1864; first as an undergraduate in France and Switzerland; second, his honeymoon tour in France, Switzerland, and Italy; the others, in France and Spain; a tourist's notes on scenery, towns, antiquities, art, etc. 2. Private diaries, 1886-1908; extremely brief and cryptic notes of social and political engagements and business; biographical interest only. MSB.M. Add. MSS 41248 A-D, 41249 A-W CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN,

Jane Baillie Welsh (1801-1866), woman of letters. Personal diary, October, 1855-June, 1856; records of her ill-health, moods,



British Diaries


depressions; her domestic worries; her feelings about her husband; very frank, intimate, and revealing, and often lively and humorous. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, ed. J. A. Froude (London, 1883), Vol. II, passim. George (1819-1880), novelist. (Mary Ann [Evans] Cross). 1.Literary diary, 1855-1877 (extracts); brief notes on her writing, reading, music, travels, health; reception of her novels; her intellectual pursuits and despondencies; her love for George Henry Lewes (1817-1878) and her life with him (1854-1878). G. W. Cross, Life of George Eliot, 2 vols. (London, 1884), passim. 2. Literary diary, January-December, 1879; verses, reading, business notes; reflections on Lewes' death; verses; work and health; brief notes. MS New York Public Library Berg coll. (Yale Univ. microfilm 1874) ELIOT,

W. Tyndal, of Bangor, Wales. Student's diaries, 1855-1861; personal diary kept by a Welsh medical student and apothecary in London; work at Bloomsbury Dispensary, Royal London Orthopedic Hospital, and St. Luke's Hospital for Lunatics; religious life; public excitements; peace celebrations; written in English, with some shorthand. MS National Library of Wales 10209A, 10210B, 10211B GRIFFITH,

GUEDALLA, M r s . H .

Travel diary, 1855; a tour to Jerusalem and Alexandria, in company of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore. Diary of a Tour to Jerusalem (London, 1890). Sir Charles (1819-1895), musician. Musician's diaries, December, 1855-January, 1866; his work with the Hallé Orchestra in Manchester; musical life and friendships; reading, etc.; also diaries of tours in Australia and South Africa in 1890 and 1895. Life and Letters of Sir Charles Hallé (London, 1896). HALLÉ,

William (1824-1856) of Rugeley, poisoner. Poisoner's diary, January-November, 1855; his activities as a bookmaker and at church; and fond notes on his victims; written as false scent; brief notes; only macabre interest. Life and Career of William Palmer (London, 1856). PALMER,

1856 George Mifflin (1792-1864), U . S . Minister to England. Diplomatic diary, December, 1856-May, 1861 (English section); kept while he was Minister at the Court of St. James's; discreet, modest, general entries in a political setting; court and national news and comments; his social life and society; some gossip and comments on celebrities; many items of literary interest. Diary of George Mifflin Dallas, ed. Susan Dallas (Philadelphia, 1892). DALLAS,


British Diaries


Sir Peter (1825-1915) of Norwich, physician. Medical diary, 1856-July, 1918; his practice as a physician in Norwich; medical scholarship; public life and work in Norwich, with accounts of civic functions and ceremonies in his mayoralty. The Autobiography of Sir Peter Eade, ed. S. H. Long (London, 1916), pp. 5 1 207.


GLADSTONE, W. H., of Eton College. School diary, December, 1856-June, 1857; personal diary recording events at Eton and his daily activities at school. Glynne of Harwarden MSS deposited in National Library of Wales, No. 55. KNIGHTLEY, Lady Louisa (1842-1914) of Fawsley. Court diary, April, 1856-July, 1884; Queen Victoria and the royal family at Windsor and Balmoral; social life and society, the London season, country house life in Northants; political parties and politics, women's work, reform, and women's suffrage; an interesting and useful feminine survey of the Victorian scene. The Journals of Lady Louisa Knightley, ed. Julia Cartwright (London, 1916). LONGMAN, W i l l i a m ; a n d TROWER, H .

Travel diary, June-August, 1856; tour in Swiss Alps, Piedmont, and Italian Lakes country. Journal of Six Weeds' Adventures (pr. ptd., 1856). PUNSHON, William Morley (1824-1881) of Doncaster. Methodist diary, June, 1856-January, 1881 (extracts); his work as a Methodist circuit preacher, Clifton and London; travels on Continent and in Canada and U.S.A.; his religious feelings and spiritual life; work of missionary society and Methodist conferences. F. W. Macdonald, The Life of William Morley Punshon (London, 1887), pp. 105-496, passim. TUCKETT, Francis Fox ( 1 8 3 4 - 1 9 1 3 ) of Frenchay, Glos. Mountaineering diary, June, 1856-July, 1874 (extracts); notes of a pioneer climber in Swiss and Bavarian Alps and Dolomites; Alpine exploration and scenery. A Pioneer in the High Alps (London, 1920). TUPPER, Martin Farquhar (1810-1889), author. Travel diary (1856?); account of a Grand Tour in Belgium, Rhineland, South Germany, Switzerland, northern Italy, and France; the right conventional comments on the conventional sights. Paterfamilias' Diary of Everybody's Tour (London, 1856). WILLIAMS, The Rev. Dr. Rowland (1817-1870) of Halkyn, Flintshire. Clerical diary, July, 1856-January, 1870 (extracts); fellow of King's College,


British Diaries


Cambridge; his scholarly and literary reading and opinions; theology and philosophy; his parish work and social life as vicar of Broadchalke. The Life and Letters of Rev. Rowland Williams, 2 vols. (London, 1874), passim. Edward Nason (d. 1912) of Baslow, army surgeon. Private diary, 1856-1912; very full (nearly 2,000,000 words); opens in Crimea, where he was a surgeon; daily record of life in India during the 1857 Mutiny and after, with mess gossip and comment; life on troopship coming home; marriage and army life in England until 1862; from then on details of journeys about England and trips abroad; much parish and family matter; comments on scientific progress; descriptions of functions at Chatsworth and people met there (diarist was an authority on history of Chatsworth); newspaper cuttings, photographs, bills, and other documents. Selections being prepared for publication by Norman S. Angus of 30 Folds Crescent, Sheffield 8, who supplied the information above. MS owned by Dr. F. A. Wrench, Hutcliffe House, Abbey Lane, Sheffield. WRENCH,

1857 Louisa (1803-1883) of High gate. Domestic diary, August, 1857-January, 1883; her domestic life in London; with some notes on literary life and booksellers. James S. Bain, A Bookseller Loo\s Bac\ (London, 1940), pp. 39-89. C H A M P N E S S , Thomas (1832-1905) of West Ham, Essex. Methodist diary, November, 1857-June, 1905; his work as a Wesleyan missionary in Sierra Leone; his English circuit work, and parish work in Leeds, Louth, Bolton, and Rochdale; his social reform and temperance activities. Eliza M. Champness, The Life Story of Thomas Champness (London, 1907), pp. 47-319. C H A N C E L L O R , Henry Alexander Robertson (1841-1915) of Newton. Society diary, July, 1857-1915; rather dull regular brief notes of engagements and activities of a society man in Scotland, from schooldays on; undeveloped and uncommunicative record; where he went and what he did; brief mnemonic notes and no more; disappointing. MS National Library of Scodand 17.2.5-45 41 vols. BAIN,

HAWTHORNE, M r s . S .

Travel diary, April-July, 1857; an American lady's tour in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and Scotland; historical, literary, and social interests. Notes in England and Italy (New York, 1869). M C M U L L E N , R. T., yachtsman. Sporting diary, June, 1857-June, 1891 (excerpts); his yachts, cruises, and races; weather and adventures; mostly English Channel; very repetitive. Down Channel (London, 1903), passim.


British Diaries


MOORE, Richard (d. 1870) of Kirkham, solicitor. Local diary, 1857-1869; miscellaneous notes of local interest, kept by a Lancashire solicitor and clerk to magistrates. MS Lancashire County Record Office, Preston DDD/217-227, 230 12 vols. (R. Sharpe France, archivist) NEWMAN, John Henry (1801-1890), cardinal. Religious diary, April-June, 1857; ' n Munich and Italy; political and religious affairs; scholarly work, religious and historical studies and reflections; audiences with Pope Pius IX; at Vatican and library; with miscellaneous notes; rather scrappy. MS Cambridge Univ. Add. MSS 5751 320 pp. OSSINGTON, John Evelyn Denison, Viscount (1800-1873), speaker of House of Commons. Political diary, April, 1857-August, 1871; his official record as speaker of House of Commons; proceedings, debates, legislation, his rulings and points of order; occasional private opinions. Notes from My Journal, ed. L. A. Denison (London, 1899). RAMSAY, Lieut. Col. Balcarres Dalrymple Wardlaw (1822-1885), soldier. Military diary, March, 1857-August, 1880; details of his military career; service in Malta, India; the Indian Mutiny; residence in Spain and Italy; interesting. Rough Recollections of Military Service and Society, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1882), passim. ANON, (of Somerset). Farming diary, 1858; day-to-day farming and weather notes; probably parish of Crickett, nr. Ilminster, Somerset. MS Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden (Information supplied by Miss I. M. Anderson) BAMFORD, Samuel (1788-1872) of Moston, Lanes, reformer and poet. Public diary, February, 1858-December, 1861; his last weeks of employment at Somerset House; retirement at Moston; poverty contrasted with public recognition of his services to the cause of Reform; livelihood from readings and recitings to mechanics' and literary institutes; support to local Reform associations, and attendance and speeches at banquets and meetings; local affairs; valuable for account of his later life, for information on Reform movements, mechanics' institutes, and the "Lancashire Poets." MS Manchester Central Library

923.2 B99

4 vols.

(R. V. Osbourn)

BATTERSEA, Lady Constance (1843-1931), philanthropist. Social diary, December, 1858-1859 (extracts); her childhood and schooling; visits to relatives; London social life; social work in East London; court and society; social life; political affairs and political friendships; Jewish life and


British Diaries


problems; her work for women; travels abroad; eminent literary friendships (Matthew Arnold, etc.); a good and important diary. Lucy Cohen, Lady de Rothschild and Her Daughters (London, 1935), passim. Paul (1809-1876) of Virginia, Braddan, Isle of Man. Private diary, 1858; covering the period March to the end of the year—"As to proceedings herein comprising memoranda, correspondence, interviews, etc."; work as secretary to newly-founded Manx Society. MS Manx Museum, Douglas, I.o.M. No. 1794 (Information of Ralph Fastnedge, secretary) BRIDSON,

T. (b. 1842), geologist. Private diaries, 1858-1912; kept at Llandderfel, Llangollen; geology, natural history. MS owned by the Rev. Henry E. Ruddy, Braunston Rectory, Rugby, Northants 8 vols. In addition, there are small diaries covering 1906-1912 RUDDY,

The Hon. Mrs. (Annie) Eliot (1845-1926). Domestic diary, beginning December, 1858 (extracts); notes on childhood, nursery, and schooling; servants; social life and visits. Lucy Cohen, Lady de Rothschild and Her Daughters (London, 1935). YORKE,

1859 Kate Stanley Russell, Lady (d. 1874). Society diary, 1859-January, 1872; scattered entries up to her marriage in 1865; then detailed; notes on political affairs and society life; her family, domestic and social life; rich in detail, and an interesting record of Victorian society. The Amberley Papers, ed. Bertrand and Patricia Russell, 2 vols. (London, 1937). passim.


The Rev. M . K . S., vicar of Allestree. Clerical diary, 1859; adventures and wreck during voyage from Bermuda; and 1862-1869, daily incidents at Allestree. MS owned by H. E. Milliken of Malvern; cf. Arthur Ponsonby, More English Diaries (London, 1927), p. 16. FRITH,

John Richard (1837-1883), historian. University diary, August-November, 1859; fragmentary notes of his life at Oxford. J. R. Green and G. Robeson, Studies in Oxford History, X L I (Oxford Hist. Soc., 1901), pp. vii-xv. GREEN,

Sir William (1828-1890). Social diary, January, 1859-April, 1868; letters, memoirs, diary; a detailed, extensive, and somewhat literary view of social life in London; a very lively picHARDMAN,


British Diaries


ture of entertainments and people, with anecdotes; vigorous and a good diary, though the comparison with Pepys is over-flattering. A Mid-Victorian Pepys, ed. S. M. Ellis, 1 vols. (London, 1923-1925); The Hardman Papers: a further selection, ed. S. M. Ellis (London, 1930). John (b. 1820) of Lambeth and Wandsworth, schoolmaster. Teacher's diary, August, 1859-March, 1866; memoranda of a forceful and keen young man; the maladministration of a denominational school; a visit to Lancashire; family items. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 176 pp. and typed copy HORROCKS,

Dr. Alonzo Benjamin (1815-1887) of Chicago, physician. Medical diary, April-October, 1859 (extracts); his tour in England and Scotland, visiting hospitals; lectures; together with touristic notes on buildings, monuments, antiquities, pictures, etc.; some social comments. Memorial of Alonzo Benjamin Palmer (Cambridge, Mass., 1890), pp. 21-126. PALMER,

John J., of Birkenhead. Diaries, 1859 and 1861; 2 vols. MS Cardiff Public Library brarian)



(Information from E. J. Rees, li-

Edward (1821-1887), headmaster of Uppingham school. Teacher's diary, January, 1859-July, 1887; his life at Uppingham and his way to success; educational work and pedagogy; religion and inner life; his friendships; school life and administration; an interesting and revealing record of Victorian educational ideas and systems; very full selection. G. R. Parkin, Life of Edward Thring, 2 vols. (London, 1898), passim. THRING,

i860 Edmund John (1841-1865), poet. Literary diary, January, 1860-March, 1861 (extracts); life as a student and poet in Ireland; his walks and nature observations; largely devoted to his reading of contemporary literature and opinions. The Life and Letters of Edmund Armstrong, ed. G. F. Armstrong (London, 1877), pp. 84-172. ARMSTRONG,

Mrs. Beatrice Braithwaite. University and travel diaries; October, 1860-December, 1861, in India; September, 1863, in Brittany; Easter and Trinity terms, 1890, Oxford in term time; JulyOctober, 1890, at Royal Holloway College, and Oberammergau; 1909-1910, in Canada. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.103-104 ff. 41-47; Top. Surrey, f.i; Top. Oxon., e. 182-183 BATTY,

British Diaries

I 8 6 0 ] BENNETT, R .

2 7 1


Travel diaries, i860 and 1861; tours in Tyrol and Scodand; notes on scenery. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. f.24 C A M E R O N , The Rev. Samuel, minister in Perthshire. Clerical diary, ca. 1860-1872; religious life and resolutions; clerical work; notes on his reading and public events, but mosdy about his conscience. MS owned by Miss Amy H. Cameron of Edinburgh; see Arthur Ponsonby, Scottish and Irish Diaries (London, 1927), pp. 103-105. L A N G L E Y , S., secretary. Literary diary, January-December, i860; kept while secretary to W. M. Thackeray; notes on Thackeray's friendships, literary opinions, business affairs; his secretarial work; notes of books and commissions; and apparently notes for a future character study of Thackeray. MS New York Public Library Berg coll. Edward ( 1 8 3 1 - 1 9 1 5 ) of Bottisford, Lines, antiquary. Antiquary's diary, January, 1860-1880; Catholic worship; scholarly interests, antiquarian and archaeological; private life and business in Lines and south Yorks; social life, reading, and researches in the great libraries; gardening, farming, family life. MS John Rylands Library, Manchester English MSS 125 2 vols. PEACOCK,

Dr. Michael Thomas, of Barnsley, Yorks, physician. Medical diary, 1860-1923; his work and studies as a physician; scientific interests; travels in Switzerland, with notes on travel conditions; domestic, family, and social life; his reading, and love of Gilbert and Sullivan; the tastes of the Victorian era. SADLER,

MS Bodleian Library

Eng. Misc. e.204-217

Charles William George (1809-1856) of Moray. Country diary, ca. i860; jottings on sport and nature observations in Moray, pieced together by editor. S T . JOHN,

Natural History and Sport in Moray (Edinburgh, 1863). John Addington (1840-1893), critic. Literary diary, 1860-1888 (extracts); his studies, social life, and friendships at Balliol; his melancholy and illnesses; self-analysis; travel notes in Switzerland and Italy; literary and artistic studies and criticism; an interesting and useful diary. Horatio Browne, John Addington Symonds, 2 vols. (London, 1895), passim. Revised edition, 1903. T A Y L O R , Shephard Thomas, of Norwich, physician. Medical diary, September, 186o-November, 1864; studies at King's College, London; hospital and medical work; lectures; social and religious life in London; visits to Norwich. The Diary of a Medical Student (Norwich, 1927). SYMONDS,


British Diaries


Welsh diary, 1861; notes of the carrier from Trefiw, Caernarvon. MS National Library of Wales Add. MSS 268-B. John (1837-1905) of Rothwell, nr. Leeds, antiquary and local historian. Antiquary's diary, January, 1861-February, 1872; accounts of lectures and other activities at the mechanics' institutes; notes on local history and much moralizing. MS Leeds Public Libraries 928.28 B32L 1 vol. (Information from F. C. B. Hutchins) BATTY,

Sir William Robert. Travel diaries, 1861, in Italy; 1864, in Paris; 1865, in Naples, Pompeii, Etruria; notes on towns, buildings, antiquities. Extracts from Sir William Claytons Journals, ed. George Sherwood (London, pr. ptd., 1921), 277 pp.


The Rev. Francis Macaulay (1815-1898) of Brightwell, nr. Wallingford. 1. Private diary, August, 1861-November, 1864; kept at East Tisted and Witney; parish and family matters; national events; holidays at Seaview and in New Forest. 2. Travel diary, 1865; rather commonplace account of holiday in North Wales. MS owned by R. M. Fynes-Clinton of 25 Eldon Square, Reading.


Rakhal Das, of Bengal. Student's diary, April, 1861-July, 1862; student life at University College, London; social and intellectual life; trips into the Home Counties, Ireland, France; some later items in India; translated from Bengali. The English Diary of an Indian Student (Dacca, 1903); copy at Harvard.


Thomas (1807-1874), poet and novelist. Literary diary, January-September, 1861; the domestic affairs, finances, gardening, and literary criticism of a minor novelist and journalist who wrote for boys; precursor of Jefferies. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. MILLER,

John Amyatt Chaundy (1826-1905) of London, genealogist. Antiquarian diary, January, 1861-January, 1871 (with gap 1864-1866); personal and intimate matter in a mass of regional genealogical and heraldic data; his vexations in London lodgings; private affairs and antiquarian enthusiasms of a bachelor. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 2 vols. VINCENT,


British Diaries


1862 BUTLER, Lady Elizabeth Southerden, artist. Artist's diary, March, 1862-October, 1914 (extracts); art study in Rome and Florence; social life in England, Italy, Egypt with her soldier-husband; diplomatic and military life; her family and First World War tragedy; her painting. An Autobiography (London, 1922), passim. CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, Lady Sarah Charlotte (wife of Sir Henry CampbellBannerman). 1. Travel diaries, 1862-1864; tours with her husband in France and Spain. MS B.M. Add. MSS 41250 A-C 2. Private diary, 1881-1887; v e l 7 brief entries, occasional; weather, social engagements, visitors, travels, personal notes; biographical value only. MS B.M. Add. MSS 41251 A - B GILFILLAN, The Rev. George (1813-1878), poet. Literary diary, December, 1862-May, 1864; his religious work and preaching; his poetical and general reading; his own poetry; Scottish social life. Robert A. and Elizabeth S. Watson, George Gilfillan: Letters and Journals (London, 1892). HOPKINS, Gerard Manley (1844-1889), poet Literary diary or notebook, April, 1862-May, 1865; consisting largely of poetical notes; and travel diary, July, 1868-February, 1875; holiday and life in Switzerland; nature descriptions, often written up; paintings; little religious or personal matter. The Note-Boo/^s and Papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins, ed. Humphry House (Oxford, 1937), pp. 3 - 5 3 , 1 0 3 - 2 1 7 . REES, The Rev. Thomas. Welsh diaries, 1862-1876 (with gaps); a few notes of minor interest; Welsh subject. MS National Library of Wales Add. MSS 390-A SIM, George (1835-1908) of Aberdeen, naturalist. Scientific diaries, 1862-1900; private diaries which embody many of his scientific journeys and investigations through Aberdeenshire and along the Kincardineshire coast. MS Aberdeen Public Library Lo. 508 Si4 12 vols. (Information from M. K. Milne, librarian) SLINGSBY, E. H. (owner). Diaries, 1862-1890; domestic and general, relating to Yorkshire and North Lanes. Owned by E. H. Slingsby, Esq., Public Record Office, London, W.C.2 (no facilities for students).


British Diaries

[ 1863

The Rt. Rev. Christopher (1807-1885), bishop of Lincoln. Travel diary, May-July, 1862; full details of tour in Italy; mainly on religious and ecclesiastical matters; observations on state of religion in Italy; churches, services, Italian religious practices. Journal of a Tour in Italy, 2 vols. (London, 1863). WORDSWORTH,




Travel diary, 1863; tour in Pembrokeshire, with visits to Swansea, Cardiff, etc. MS Cardiff Public Library 88 pp. (Johnson), William (1823-1892) of Eton, poet and teacher. Teacher's diary, 1863-1873 (extracts); his work as a tutor at Eton; his reading and writings; political anecdotes; literary friendships; travel in Scotland, the Lakes, Austria, and the Near East; written for publication. Extracts from the Letters and Journals of William Cory, ed. F. Warre Cornish (Oxford, 1897), passim.


Alison, nurse. Travel diary, January-May, 1863 (letter-diary); travels in Riviera, Italy, Munich, Cologne, etc., with R. L. Stevenson; descriptions, touristic and religious comments; gossip and notes on R. L. S. and his health. Cummy's Diary, ed. R. T . Skinner (London, 1926).


The Rt. Rev. James (1847-1885), 1st bishop of Equatorial Africa. Religious diary, November, 1863-August, 1885 (excerpts); studies, sport, and social life at school and Oxford; parish work in Devonshire; missionary work in Uganda; up to the day of his murder; a varied and interesting diary. Edwin C. Dawson, James Hannington (London, 1887), passim; The Last Journals of James Hannington, ed. E. C. Dawson (London, 1888). HANNINGTON,

Thomas Wodehouse Legh, 2d Baron (1857-1942), statesman and diplomat. Diplomatic diary, November, 1863-December, 1919; his political and diplomatic career; parliamentary life; work and social life as ambassador in Paris. Retrospection (London, 1941).


Sir Henry Morton ( 1 8 4 1 - 1 9 0 4 ) , explorer. Private diary, November, 1863-June, 1899; his work and travels as a journalist; travels in Africa; connection with Livingstone; his parliamentary career; and retirement. Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley (London, 1909), passim. STANLEY,

The Rev. Henry Baker (b. 1822), master of Greatham hospital. Travel diary, November, 1863-June, 1864; tour in Palestine; scenery, geology, natural history, scriptural associations; incidents with natives and animals. The Land of Israel (London, 1866).



British Diaries


1864 Capt. Newton Wynn (1846-1925), sportsman. Hunting diary, March, 1864-1920; a few entries each season; fox hunting in the Welsh mountains; notes on runs and hunters; also hunting hares, otters, martens, and foumarts. A Hunting Diary (London, 1926). APPERLEY,

Lieut. Col. John, of Kingham, Oxon. Private diary, August, 1864-November, 1894; a very extensive record of personal affairs; social and family life near Chipping Norton; his travels in England and on the Continent; visits to London; notes on sport, military affairs, and public events; cuttings and photographs; a whimsical and entertaining record of himself and the times. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Hist. d. 18-81 BARROW,

Shirley (1816-1874), editor of Punch. 1. Literary diary, 1864; daily entries; much family history; notes on Thackeray, Dickens, Leech, and other Punch contributors; a witty record of a man about town. MS Houghton Library, Harvard Eng. MSS 601.20 2. Literary diary, 1865-December, 1873; his work on Punch; contributions and notes on eminent contributors; literary life and friendships in London; his social and family life; an interesting and lively record. George Somes Layard, A Great "Punch" Editor (London, 1907), pp. 229-577, passim. BROOKS,

(Mrs. Drew), Mary (1847-1927), daughter of W. E. Gladstone. Society diary, January, 1864-August, 1920; a very full picture of social life and public affairs in Victorian London society; full in period 1870-1886, then sporadic; very good reading. Mrs. Gladstone: Her Diaries and Letters, ed. Lucy Masterman (London, 1930). GLADSTONE

The Rev. William (1810-1894) Toronto, Ontario. Travel diary, January-November, 1864; notes of a mission to England on behalf of Trinity College, Toronto; interviews with English bishops and clergy; S.P.C.K.; at colleges and among dons raising funds. Journal of a Mission to England (Toronto, 1869). MCMURRAY,

Adolphus Warburton. Travel diary, June-July, 1864; very detailed accounts of climbs in the Swiss Alps. The Alps in 1864, ed. Alex. B. W. Kennedy (Edinburgh, 1902). MOORE,

Joseph James (b. 1836) of Leiston, Suffolk. Quaker diary, October, 1864-June, 1870 (with preceding autobiography);



British Diaries


notes on his Quaker ministry and travels; England, U.S.A., Russia, Australia, South Seas, New Zealand; his adventures; social life; sociological and topographical observations. Leaves from the Journal of Joseph James Neale, ed. Joseph J. Green (London, 1910?).

RICHMOND, The Rev. Thomas Knyvett, canon of Bristol. Literary diary, February, 1864-December, 1866 (short extracts); very interesting notes mainly concerning his reading and literary interests. A. M. W. Stirling, The Richmond Papers (London, 1926), passim.

1865 AWDRY, Miss S. V., of Seagry, Chippenham, Wilts. Travel diary, July-August, 1865; an ingenuous and charming record of a yacht cruise to Ireland and Isle of Man; social proprieties and behavior. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. [ ? FOLEY, Henry, of Canterbury.] Travel diary, August-September, 1865; journey via Paris to Switzerland; travel conditions; hotels; guidebook details; drawings. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. GOOCH, Sir Daniel (1816-1899), engineer. Engineering diary, July, 1865-August, 1869 (with gaps); mainly concerning his work in laying the Atlantic cable. Diaries of Sir Daniel Gooch, ed. Sir T. Martin (London, 1892). PRITCHARD, Dr. Edward William (1825-1865) of Glasgow, poisoner. Private diary, 1865; the records of a man who murdered his wife and motherin-law. See Arthur Ponsonby, Scottish and Irish Diaries (London, 1927), pp. 16-17.

1866 ASHWORTH, John (1813-1874) of Rochdale. Quaker diary, January, 1866-October, 1874 (extracts); ministerial work in north of England; travel in U.S.A.; social work in institute for the destitute in Rochdale. A. L. Caiman, Life and Labours of John Ashworth (Manchester, 1875), pp. 98-339, passim. COGHILL, James Henry, of New York. Travel diary, August, 1866-September, 1867; an American's account of his tour in Great Britain and on the Continent; usual observations and descriptions on the standard sights. Abroad (New York, 1868).


British Diaries


The Rev. Wilson Eustace, vicar of Frome and of East Pennard, Somerset Clerical diary and business notebooks, 1866-1923 (with gaps); at St. Mark's, Whitechapel; at Trinity Church, Frome; at East Pennard, Somerset; clerical work; parish life; his literary and printing interests, some examples of Daniel Press items. He had helped with the original printing at Frome and afterwards acquired the Albion Press from his brother, Dr. C. H. O. Daniel, and continued to print parish notices, etc. Some of the items in the diaries of father and son are not listed in the bibliography of the Daniel Press. MS Bath Municipal Libraries 1150-1201 52 vols. (Information supplied by Miss E. S. Russ, deputy director) D A V I E S , The Rev. John, of Pandy. Religious diaries, 1866, 1875-1876, 1886-1916 (with some gaps); relating to the Abergavenny district; his preaching and travels among Welsh Calvinist Methodists; Sunday meetings, engagements, etc. MS National Library of Wales. 11385A (in Welsh), 11386A-11400A (in English) DANIEL,

The Rt. Rev. Herbert Hensley (b. 1863), bishop of Durham. Ecclesiastical diary, May, 1866-January, 1939 (extracts); his parish work in Bethnal Green, Barking, and Ilford; ecclesiastical work and administration as dean of Durham, bishop of Hereford, and of Durham; church politics, work, and administration; not intimate, but a useful survey of Church of England. Retrospect of an Unimportant Life, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1942). HENSON,

Sir Stafford Northcote, 1st Earl of (1818-1887). Political diaries, 1866, 1869, 1880; Reform Bill; Disraeli; Gladstone; yacht voyage to Mediterranean and opening of Suez Canal; Conservative defeat; Irish Bill; good views of chief statesmen; and shrewd, cultivated notes on home and foreign affairs. Life, Letters, and Diaries, ed. Andrew Lang, 2 vols. (London, 1890), passim. IDDESLEIGH,

Mary, of Hitchin, Quaker. Quaker diary, January-December, 1866; Quaker religious, social, and family life in Hitchin. MS Hitchin Public Library 135 pp. (Information supplied by R. F. Ashby, librarian) SEWELL,

1 8 6 7

Miss Cecile, of Seagry, nr. Chippenham, Wilts. Travel diary, September-October, 1867; a trip to Paris with the family; doing the Paris Exhibition; guidebook detail but reflects Victorian outlook. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. D A V I S , The Rev. Francis Neville (b. 1867) of Rowner, Hants, antiquarian. Autobiography and diary from 1867; his work with Oxfordshire Record SoAWDRY,


British Diaries


ciety, and church and Hampshire scholarly societies; detailed diary of everyday life in his parish and neighborhood. MS University College, Southampton ( Strong Room, cupboard 3) Not to be consulted or published until 1996 (Information from W. Henderson, librarian) Charles John Huffam (1812-1870), novelist. Literary diary, January-December, 1867; very brief notes, some in shorthand; his engagements; his readings; his second trip to America and his readings there; bald memoranda of biographical interest only. MS New York Public Library Berg coll.


(Clark), Josie. Travel diary, 1867; touristic notes during a trip to England. MS Yale Univ. Library Diaries, Misc. Collections


of Winchester school. Schoolboy's diary, May, 1867-September, 1869; cricket games at school; social life and sport at Winchester; a schoolboy's affairs; Winchester gossip; slangy; amusing in its way. MS Bodleian Library Top. Hants, e.9 Pp. 72-194 SCOTT, G . R . ,

1868 Henry (1811-1878), landscape painter. Painter's diary, December, 1868-November, 1878; mainly autobiographical, with interpolations by A. Dawson, his son, and quotations from his letters; entries from his diary introduced; gives full details of ideas and progress of his pictures, with some brief notes on family matters. Alfred Dawson, The Life of Henry Dawson (London, 1891). DAWSON,

William Joseph, of Preston, solicitor. Local diary, 1868-1900; miscellaneous notes of local interest; clerk to the justices. MS Lancashire County Record Office, Preston DDD/193-216, 228-229, 231-237 32 vols. (R. Sharpe France, archivist) DICKSON,

Miss F. M. (b. 1852) of Islip. Travel diary, June-August, 1868; a girl's account of the scenic delights of Switzerland. A Journal Abroad in 1868 (London, 1869).


1869 The Rev. William, of Drewsteignton, Devon. Diaries, 1869-1895; kept by the incumbent; regular daily entries. MS owned by the Rev. A. R. W. Peak, the Rectory, Drewsteignton, Devon. 6 vols.



British Diaries


The Hon. Mrs. Maria Georgina (1837-1901), lady-in-waiting. Travel diary, January-May, 1869; a tour to Egypt in the suite of the Prince and Princess of Wales; full entries; fresh and delighted observation; court life, society and entertainment in Egypt, Turkey, and Greece; ceremonials; ingenuous notes. Journal of a Visit to Egypt (London, 1869). GREY,

Lady Charlotte (1812-1895), collector. Collector's diary, May, 1869-November, 1885; devoted mosdy to her extensive travels in Europe and her collection and studies of ceramics and antiques; some social notes. SCHREIBER,

Lady Charlotte Schreibe/s Journals, ed. M. J. Guest, 2 vols. (London, 1911). ANON.

i 8

Travel diary, 1870; tour in the Hebrides and central Highlands; notes on scenery and beauties. MS National Library of Scodand No. 2562. B E E R S , Frank, huntsman. Hunting diaries, August, 1870-April, 1890 (extracts); with the Grafton Hunt; descriptions of runs; fox hunting; adventures incidentally described; but mosdy bald, with no expansion. John M. K. Elliott, Fifty Years' Vox-Hunting (London, 1900), pp. 114-192. B L U N T , Wilfrid Scawen (1840-1922), country gentleman. Public diaries, 1870 (Paris), and November, 1888-August, 1914; a personal narrative of the public questions of the day; amateur diplomat, liberal, and champion of causes; controversial and outspoken, with good sketches of personalities; the imperial scrambles of the time; Africa and Near East; also notes on country life and sport, natural history, literature; a valuable anti-imperialist, critical record of his times. My Diaries (London, 1938). The Rev. Francis (1840-1879), country clergyman. Country diary, January, 1870-January, 1879; detailed accounts of parish life and work in west of England and North Wales; lively scenes and descriptions of country work, social life, and people; his reading and daily work; an excellent diary by a nineteenth-century Parson Woodforde. Kilvert's Diary, ed. William Plomer, 3 vols. (London, 1938-1940); a onevolume selection edited by Plomer (London, 1944). KILVERT,

Rajah of Travel diary, January-November, 1870; visit to England (mosdy) and Europe; activities of a royal tourist in England; court and sights; interesting for Victorian life and attitudes; written in English. Diary of the Late Rajah of Kolhapoor (London, 1872). KOLHAPOOR,


British Diaries


Adolphus George Charles (b. 1846), lawyer. Legal diary, January, 1870-June, 1906 (extensive extracts); his legal career and work on circuit; work as a civil servant; parliamentary affairs and politics; the Boer War; London society and social life; literary friendships (Carlyle, Jowett, Arnold, George Eliot, etc.); an interesting journal. Notes from the Life of an Ordinary Mortal ( London, 1 9 1 1 ) , pp. 93-356. LIDDELL,

Lady Emma ( 1 8 3 3 - 1 9 1 1 ) of Caldwell, Ayrshire. Society diary, May, 1870-August, 1907 (extracts); daily life; lively notes on society; fashion; reading; Franco-Prussian War; France, Italy, diplomatic life. Letters and Diaries of Lady Ribblesdale, ed. Beatrix Lister (London, pr. ptd., 1930). RIBBLESDALE,

Sir William Howard (1820-1907), journalist. War diary, July, 1870-January, 1871; a journalistic report on the FrancoPrussian War; military activities as seen from German headquarters. My Diary during the Last Great War (London, 1874). RUSSELL,

Felix M . (d. 1872). War diary, August, i87o-March, 1871; long, daily entries; journalistic reports of life of people; scenes, hardships, and horrors, etc.; impersonal. My Private Diary of the Siege of Paris, 2 vols. (London, 1875).


1871 John (1818-1889), and H O O K E R , Sir Joseph Dalton ( 1 8 1 7 - 1 9 1 1 ) , botanists. Scientific diary, 1871; a tour in Morocco and the Great Atlas; a loose, retrospective record of Moorish people, institutions, geography, sights; especially full on Moorish natural history and botany. Journal of a Tour in Morocco and the Great Atlas (London, 1878). BALL,

Henry C . Travel diary, 1871; a sexagenarian's tour in Italy; notes on scenery, sights, ceremonies, and his fellow travelers. Two Months in Italy (Liverpool, 1872). BELOE,

Dr. Thomas, of London, physician. Travel diaries: 1871, in the Tyrol; 1877 and 1880 in Spain; 1874 in Norway; 1894 in Germany; usual touristic notes on scenery, towns, and chief sights. Tours and Excursions on the Continent, ed. A. Hartshorne (pr. ptd., 1901).


Mrs. Caroline (1852-1904) of Highbury. Religious diary, January, 1871-November, 1893 (extracts); her religious life and sentiments; social and missionary work; family and domestic affairs. Charlotte Hanbury, The Life of Mrs. Albert Head (London, 1905), pp. 42160, passim. HEAD,

1 8 7 2 - 7 3 ]

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2 8 1

Matilda and Anne. Travel diaries, 1871-1900; visits to Rome; notes on popes, royalty, churchmen, Catholicism; social life, domestic affairs, artistic life. Two Englishwomen in Rome (London, 1938).


1872 Charles B. P., of Rock. Diary notebook, 1872-1903; farming, weather, crops, stock, prices; relating to three farms at Rock; in summary form; interesting for farm methods and economics. MS owned by C. C. Bosanquet, Esq., Christ Church Coll., Oxford. BOSANQUET,

Thomas Lloyd. Public diaries, 1872-1885; entries describe the weather and current events; "largely made up of what the diarist apparendy read in the newspapers, but contain a sprinkling of local items which may have come within his personal knowledge." MS Leeds Public Libraries Nos. 70-78 9 notebooks (Information from F. A. B. Hutchins, librarian) BROWN,

Reginald Baliol Brett, Viscount (1852-1930), government official. 1. Public diaries, May, 1872-1918; mosdy political, parliamentary, and court business and events; earlier part has notes on travel and literature. Journals and Letters of Viscount Esher, ed. Maurice V. Brett, 4 vols. (London, I934)2. Public diary, May, 1910-December, 1915; notes on public affairs and politics; the First World War; discussions with the royal family. The Captains and the Kings Depart (New York, 1938), passim. W A L L E R , S. E., painter. Travel diary, June-July, 1872; tour in Iceland; notes on local customs, scenery, dress, etc.; personal. Six Wee\s in the Saddle (London, 1874). ESHER,

1873 James Whitelaw (1849-1880) of Paisley, engineer. Scientific diary, September, 1873-March, 1877; travel in south of France and in Australia; collecting natural history specimens; detailed account of natural history; climate, life of countries; sketches; general interest MS Paisley Public Library P.C. 137 283 pp. (Information supplied by Catherine R. McEwan) CRAIG,

The Rev. Samuel (1806-1898), theologian. Religious scholar's diary, July, 1873-December, 1893; travels in Europe; anecdotes of English and German scholars; Biblical reading and textual studies. DAVIDSON,


British Diaries


The Autobiography and Diary of Rev. Samuel Davidson, ed. A. }. Davidson (London, 1899), pp. 105-324. Sir Albert Hastings (1841-1918), admiral and explorer. Sea diary, May-September, 1873; cruise as second mate on whaling ship Arctic; to Baffin's Bay and Gulf of Boothia; full details and descriptions of icescape, animals, Eskimos. A Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay . . . (London, 1874). MARKHAM,

Mary Porrett, Lady (1849-1895). Social diaries, July, 1873-June, 1895 (extracts); notes on political and public life and affairs; social and personal life in London and country; travel to U.S.A.; writers and artists; a very lively record of life in eminent company. A Victorian Diarist, ed. E. C. F. Collier (London, 1944). MONKSWELL,

Florence Alice (1858-1930) of Renishaw. Personal diary, September, 1873-November, 1877; a sentimental and charming record of a girl's life in the country; with notes of travel in Europe, and of visits to London and its social life. Two Generations, ed. Osbert Sitwell (London, 1940), pp. 147-308. SITWELL,

(of Mansfield, Notts). Public diary, January, 1874-November, 1879; local events at Mansfield; little personal interest. MS Nottingham Public Library M.379 200 fols. (Information supplied by Duncan Gray, librarian) ANON,


Public diary, 1874-1879; brief, impersonal notes on public affairs, and outstanding parliamentary speeches and legislation; Disraeli and Gladstone. Diary of a Late Administration (London, 1879). 1875 Catherine, 1st Baroness Courtney of Penwith. Private diary, October, 1875-July, 1919; social and public affairs. MS London School of Economics R (S.R.) 1003 (Information from Marjorie Plant, librarian) COURTNEY,

Richard Henry (1851-1891) of Massachusetts. Travel diary, July, 1875-Scptember, 1876; a young American in English high society; aristocratic social life; Gladstone, Disraeli, etc.; country house life and hospitality; political affairs; later travel in Europe and Egypt; a warm and grateful record. Hospitable England in the Seventies (London, 1921). DANA,

1 8 7 6 - 7 7 ]

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2 8 3

Henry. Travel journals; 1875, to Great River Petchora in land of Samoyeds; 1876, ornithological trip to Holland; 1877, journey to the Yenisei 1881, in Norfolk. MS Cambridge University Library Add. MSS 4471,4472,4474 SEEBOHM,

1 8 7 6

of county Cork, Ireland. Country diary, April-December, 1876; kept by Sarah, Anne, Mary, and Charlie, the four Bowen children; charming and lively details of country life, games and amusements. Elizabeth Bowen, Bowen's Court (London, 1942), pp. 326-341. BOWEN F A M I L Y ,

Walter, sailor. Sea diary, 1876-1900; kept while navigating officer on board the Great Eastern, when she was employed on the Adantic cables, and later when in command of several of the Eastern Telegraph Company's cable ships; present at bombardment of Alexandria, and the later Egyptian troubles in the eighties, of which the diaries include a full account; pardy in shorthand. MS owned by Robert H. Goodsall, Stede Hill, Harrietsham, Kent. GOODSALL,

Dr. Herbert (1876-1945), musician. Private diary and autobiography, 1876-1945; the entries are made in seventyone printed diaries, and include many details of purely personal interest, accounts of domestic events and social activities, as well as travels abroad and music criticism; they also describe his meetings with famous men, notably Brahms. MS Brotherton Library, University of Leeds No. 80 (Information from R. Offor) THOMPSON,

(ed. Osbert Sitwell). 1 8 77 Religious diary, 1877 (extracts); the notes of a religious aunt; pleasant details of Victorian family life and worship. Life and Letters To-day, XIII (1935), pp. 49-54. ANON.

COOK, A . M .

Public diary, March, 1877-July, 1921 (gap 1886-1912); chiefly notes of political events and public affairs. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.166-177 Richard (1848-1887), naturalist. Diaries and notebooks, 1877-1887; nature notes, personal entries, books he was reading or wanted to read, plots of his novels, notes for his essays; a very important literary record. MS (16 vols.) owned by Samuel J. Looker, of South Green, Billericay, Essex. He published a redaction of four of them in 1940, through the Grey Walls Press. See also S. J. Looker (ed.), The Nature Diaries and Note Boo\s of Richard jefferies (Gray Walls Press, 1948). JEFFERIES,


British Diaries


Auguste (d. 1917), maid. Domestic diary, October, 1877-August, 1890; her life with the Gladstone family in and out of Downing Street, as maid to the daughters; domestic life and devotion to the family; travels with the family; religious life, social pleasures, concerts, etc. A Lady's Maid in Downing Street, ed. Mabel Duncan (London, 1922). SCHLÜTES,

Thomas, of Kerrowkeeill, Malew, Isle of Man, tailor and crofter. Business diary, 1877; jottings, memoranda, prices, and measurements in connection with his tailoring work; occasional references to church music and practices, weather, his neighbors, and the croft. MS Manx Museum, Douglas, I.o.M. No. 1498 (Ralph Fastnedge, secretary) TAGGART,




Society diary, September, 1878-October, 1903; a society column on society life and the lighter political and public affairs; anecdotes, gossip, conversations, rumors; fairly amusing. The Note-Books of a Spinster Lady (London, 1919). BENSON, The Rt. Rev. Edward White (1829-1896), archbishop of Canterbury. Ecclesiastical diary, February, 1878-September, 1896 (extracts); notes of his clerical work and administration in his various episcopates; travels on the Continent; public and church affairs in the House of Lords; his private affairs; social and family life; reading and studies; often a pleasant diary, with a dry and pointed humor. Arthur C. Benson, The Life of Rt. Rev. Edward White Benson (London, 1901), pp. 174-547, passim. John Churton (1848-1908), critic. Literary diary, 1878-1907 (extracts); literary friendships and interviews (Swinburne, Browning, Carlyle, etc.); literary journalism, reviewing, textual work, teaching; Birmingham and London; personal and social life. L. C. Collins, The Life and Memoirs of John Churton Collins (London, 1912), passim. COLLINS,

Jane (1826-1906) of Eton College. School diaries, 1878-1900 (selections); family affairs and non-Eton excluded; visits, social engagements in Eton society, routine of daily life at Eton; misdeeds of boys and her help for them; sports, cricket games; her own studies; her disciplining of the boys, etc.; amusing. Major Gambier-Parry, Annals of an Eton House (London, 1907), pp. 308-381. EVANS,

Isaac, Welsh author. Scribbling diaries, 1878,1886,1894. MS Cardiff Public Library 4.592 Rees, librarian)


3 vols.

(Information from E. J.


British Diaries


Henry (1843-1916), novelist. Literary diary and notebooks, November, 1878-May, 1911 (many gaps); notes and sketches of his literary work and ideas; work in progress; literary life and meetings and friends in England and Europe; reading and criticism; his reaction to places; an important personal and critical record. The Note-Booths of Henry fames, ed. F. O. Matthiessen and K. B. Murdock (New York, 1947). JAMES,

Mrs. L . M. (b. 1839), widow. Personal diary, July, 1878-July, 1880; the unpleasant lot of a soured middleaged widow living with and upon a round of relatives in England; mid-Victorian domesticities and family life. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 274 pp. SIMPSON,

The Rev. T . , canon of Worcester. Clerical diary, September, 1878-January, 1906 (copious extracts); account of his service as chaplain to the Prince of Wales; his church work; social and society notes. Some Recollections (London, 1 9 1 1 p a s s i m . TEIGNMOUTH-SHORE,

1879 Thomas James (1840-1892), publisher. Literary diary, May, 1879-1922; his social life, his work, reflections; notes on literature and publishing; personal and social life; a very good record of the literary and book world. The Journals of Thomas fames Cobden-Sanderson, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1926). COBDEN-SANDERSON,

Professor Henry (1851-1897) of Glasgow University. Travel diaries: 1879, to the Rocky Mountains; 1883-1884, to Central Africa; summer, 1891, to the New Hebrides; travel notes, but mainly geological and geographical data. George A. Smith, The Life of Henry Drummond (London, 1898), passim. DRUMMOND,

AvA,Hariot Georgina Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness of(1843-1936). Travel diaries, 1879 and 1884; in letters to her mother; interested and fresh descriptions of Russia and Turkey; people, ceremonies, entertainments, and the doings of her own family. My Russian and Turkish Journals (London, 1916). D U F F E R I N AND

David (b. 1834) of Wallington, Surrey. Antiquarian diaries, 1879-1883 and 1887; historical and antiquarian interest relating to Wales and the Welsh; civil servant. MS Cardiff Public Library 1.640 6 vols. (E. J. Rees, librarian, informant) JONES,


British Diaries


Sir Francis George (1863-1941), poet School diaries, January-December, 1879, and September, 1882-July, 1883 (with added reminiscences); kept while a pupil at Clifton, then a new school; a town boy's notes on his studies, sports, games, and social life, especially sports; the teachers; mosdy of interest to other Cliftonians. The Diary of a Fag (London, 1904); The Diary of a Praeposter (London, 1927).


Henry {b. 1842) of Haslingden, Lanes, schoolmaster. Private diary, January, 1879-December, 1881; school records and family affairs; local genealogy, local families; gravestones and local data, indexed; travels in neighborhood; church and Sunday-school work. MS Rawtenstall Public Library In special collection 652 pp. (Information supplied by H. C. Caistor, librarian) STEPHENSON,

Beauchamp, sportsman. Hunting diary, 1879-1900; fox hunting, runs, and hunters in Essex; usual kind of entry. Leaves from a Hunting Diary in Essex, 2 vols. (London, 1900).


1880 Sir Edward Bruce (1824-1893), general. Travel diary, August-September, 1880; notes kept during a journey to the sources of the chief rivers of the Armenian highlands. Alexander Innes Shand, The Life of Sir Edward Bruce Hamley (Edinburgh, 1896), Vol. II, pp. 25-48. HAMLEY,

Capt. Henry (1823-1900) of Bramcote Hills, Notts. Private diary, 1880-1896; contains many interesting references to Notts and Derbyshire personalities, country gentry, magistrates; sport, weather, family matters. MS owned by Holden family (Information from Wilfred H. Holden, 32 Southwick Street, London, W.2) HOLDEN,

Mary, Countess of (d. 1918), philanthropist. Private diary, December, 1880-April, 1918 (selections); notes on her personal, family, and social life; but mosdy a record of her endless philanthropic and social work for distressed children and women; a good record. Diaries of the Countess of Meath, ed. her husband, 2 vols. (London, 1928). MEATH,

George Robert (d. 1908) of Bristol, accountant. Travel diary, September-December, 1880; voyage to New Zealand for sake of health; daily happenings on shipboard; people, sights, communal life; descriptions of London, Sydney, Melbourne. MS owned by Nelson V. Pearson, 24 Lightwoods Hill, Warley Woods, Smethwick. PEARSON,

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John, of Port Madoc, Wales. Welsh diaries, 1880 and 1885. MS Cardiff Public Library 2.1044

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(E. J. Rees, informant)

l88l Ronald Charles Sutherland, Lord (1845-1916), connoisseur. Public diaries, 1881-1901; public events, politics, society, literature, and art; England, France, Italy; full notes; and a useful survey of contemporary life, fashions, and events. Old Diaries (London, 1902). GOWER,

Anna (1845-1887), Christian Scientist. Religious diary, August, 1881-December, 1887; scattered extracts mainly concerning her religious life and reflections; notes on her own health; vivid records of her dreams and visions. E. Maitland, Life, Letters, Diary, and Wor\ of Anna Kingsford, 2 vols. (London, 1896). KINGSFORD,

Sir Horace Curzon (1854-1932), statesman. Public diary, January, 1881-March, 1932; early life in Ireland; ten years' ranching in Wyoming; Irish Agricultural Cooperative movement; parliamentary affairs; Home Rule; 1916 Rebellion; agriculture in Ireland; U.S.A. cooperation; association with Theodore Roosevelt; negotiations with U.S.A. about war. MS Horace Plunkett Foundation, 10 Doughty Street, London, W.C.i (Information from M. Digby, secretary) PLUNKETT,

RUDDY, F . H .

Private diaries, 1881-1882; kept at Llandderfel, Llangollen. MS owned by the Rev. Henry E. Ruddy, Braunston Rectory, Rugby, Northants. 1 8 8 2

James (b. 1872) of London, bookseller. Business diary, 1882-1894; brief: daily memoranda on authors, books, and sales. James S. Bain, A Bookseller Looks Bac\ (London, 1940), pp. 127-163.


The Hon. Stephen (1854-1936). Personal diary, March, 1882-July, 1883; excerpts arranged by subject; notes on contemporary authors, actors, statesmen, and clergymen. Memories (London, 1913), pp. 48-183. COLERIDGE,

1 8 8 3

Sir John Mowlem (1845-1918). Travel diary, November, 1883-May, 1884; a tour to Caria, the Pyramids, and Italy; touristic notes of a latter-day Grand Tour; scenery, sights, antiquities. My Diary (London, 1904). BURT,


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The Rev. Cams Vale (1864-1929) of Sheffield. 1. Clerical diary, 1883; records anniversaries of events of local and general interest, as well as historical events, such as the births and deaths of kings, bishops, and men of classical times; of little value to students. MS University of Leeds Brotherton coll. 32 fols. (Information from R. Offor, librarian) 2. Clerical diary, June-July, 1900; written whilst Collier was curate in charge of Burton Agnes in the East Riding of Yorkshire; he records all the events in connection with the church during the temporary absence of the rector over these two periods; of little value to students. MS University of Leeds Brotherton coll. 70 fols. COLLIER,

The Rev. James (1860-1938) of Sidmouth, Devon. Country diary, April, 1883-June, 1938; chiefly relates to shooting over dogs in Suffolk, Berkshire, and Devon; hawking; fishing in Devon, Dorset, Scodand; birds, weather, natural history; visits to Belgium, Switzerland, France, Scodand, and Wales. MS owned by Mrs. Miriam Page, of Ivythorn Manor, Street, Somerset 8 vols.


Douglas Haig, 1st Earl (1861-1928), field marshal. Military diary, February, 1883-January, 1928; service with cavalry and at staff college; India, Sudan, South Africa; the strategy and events of the First World War and the chief batdes in France; the victory and the peace; a significant record of that war. Alfred Duff Cooper, Haig, 2 vols. (London, 1935-1936). HAIG,

(Mrs. Charles), Julia. Public diary, January-May, 1883; public events and politics in Dublin during the Phoenix Park trials. Nineteenth Century, LX (October, 1906), pp. 559-575. ROUNDELL

1884 John, of Birkenhead. " Travel diary, 1884; visit to North Wales. MS Cardiff Public Library 15 pp. SIDGWICK, Henry (1838-1900), scholar. Scholar's diary, July, 1884-May, 1892 (intermittent); details of his literary and scholarly life and work; psychical research; political economy; life at Girton and in Cambridge generally; his reading and classical studies; political interests and friendships (Balfour, etc.); an interesting record. Arthur and Eleanor M. Sidgwick, A Memoir (London, 1906), pp. 381-523, passim. PRICE,

Sir Charles Vere Ferrers (1861-1924), major general. Military diaries, February, 1884-May, 1924 (extracts); his military service with



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the Marines; campaigns on Northwest Frontier, South Africa, and in First World War; the Kut campaign; a useful source book. Erroll Sherson, Townshend of Chitral and Kut (London, 1928), passim. George (1821-1910) of Aberdeen. Private diaries, 1884-1910; earlier volumes concerned with personal life and relationships, with public affairs and personages in Aberdeen; later volumes more generally with public men and public affairs. MS Aberdeen Public Library L0.920.4.W15 12 vols. (Information from M. K. Milne, librarian) WALKER,

1885 Frederick, of Gainsborough, Lines. Business diary, 1885-1888; kept while foreman in charge of sinking of artesian well in Gainsborough district; geological interest. MS Gainsborough Public Library (Information supplied by F. Houghton, librarian) ATHERTON,

Henry, of Ballayelse, Arbory, Isle of Man. Religious diary, June, 1885-November, 1887; diary of a Manx evangelist. MS Manx Museum, Douglas, I.o.M. No. 249 (Ralph Fastnedge, secretary) CUBBON,

William, of London, solicitor. Legal diary, July, 1885—July, 1894; notes on law courts and judges; social life among lawyers and liberals; amorous fancies; much versifying; "literary" style. Leaves from a Lawyer's Diary (London, 1895). H O L L O WA Y ,

Christian Victor (1867-1900) of King's Royal Rifles. Military diary, June, 1885-October, 1889; school life, sports, cricket; later, sport and soldiering in India, at Aldershot, and in Egypt. T. Herbert Warren, Christian Victor (London, 1903), pp. 52-299, passim. SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN,

1886 John Cann (1864-1931), critic. Literary diary, January, 1886-May, 1930; student at Oxford; travel in Europe; literary society, work, reading, criticism, and literary friendships in London; the Athenaeum; scholarship; literary conversations; country social life; political friends; valuable. Letters and Diaries of John C. Bailey, ed. Sarah K. Bailey (London, 1935). BAILEY,

Sydney, late director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Scholar's diary, beginning January, 1886, and still current; contacts with Morris, Ruskin, etc.; Morris' secretary; later, secretary to Wilfrid Scawen Blunt; literary executor of Morris, Blunt, and Thomas Hardy; literary and scholarly friendships as director of the Fitzwilliam Museum. The author writes, "I should COCKERELL,


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say that few people, themselves of small importance, have had so many interesting contacts as I have.... Many of these are recorded in my diary." Mr. Cockerell's address is 21 Kew Gardens Road, Kew, Surrey. W. Frederick. Missionary diary, July, 1886-September, 1887 (only a few entries in latter year); experiences in Palestine; work and travel for Church Missionary Society, visiting stations and Arabs. MS John Rylands Library, Manchester English MSS 705 27 fols. and loose papers CONNOR,

I WAN, Llwyd Ap. Emigrant's diary, 1886-1887; voyage to Patagonia; daily record of movements, personal activities, and events among the Welsh colony in Patagonia; letters; in English and Welsh. MS National Library of Wales 9652A, 9653A James (b. 1829), doctor? Travel diary, October, 1886-January, 1887; daily entries for enjoyment of his friends at home; detailed account of travels; mosdy travel information about Palestine and Egypt. Diary Jottings in Palestine and Egypt (pr. ptd., London, 1887). JUDD,

Thomas Kerr. Travel diary, December, 1886-March, 1887; details of negotiations in attempt to secure trading concessions in Turkey; useful information about Turkish way of life and government, and about relations between Turkey and England and Russia. Constantinople in i88j, ed. Henry Blosse Lynch (pr. ptd., 1895?). LYNCH,

Sir Richard (1826-1902), Anglo-Indian official. Parliamentary diary, 1886-1895; a vivid description of Gladstone's two Home Rule parliaments, from the conservative viewpoint. MS B.M. Add. MSS 38916-38928


James P. Travel diary, May-August, 1886; an American's tour in England; touristic notes on scenery, towns, antiquities, customs. A Summer in England and Scotland (New York, 1887).


1887 Ralph David (b. 1864), journalist. Public diary, June, 1887-August, 1914; from Victoria's Jubilee to First World War; himself and the changing public scene; journalism, politics, and public affairs. R. D. B.'s Diary (London, 1930). BLUMENFELD,

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George Robert (1857-1903), novelist. Literary diary, December, 1887-November, 1902 (extracts); brief notes of reading and literary work; travel in Italy and France; his reactions to social life and literary fame. Letters of George Gissing, ed. Algernon and Ellen Gissing (London, 1931), pp. 204-390, passim.


Alfred (1854-1943) of Birmingham, bricklayer. Workman's diary, January, 1887-January, 1942; a very detailed day-to-day account of a workingman's life in England and in various parts of the United States; deals with his work, personal and household expenses, and family and social life, with stories of adventures in Victorian England and nineteenthcentury industrial America; interesting for the social historian. Autobiography in separate volume (to 1882 only). MS Mitchell Library, Glasgow B 596848 48 vols. (Information from A. B. Paterson, librarian) MORTON,

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Michael (pseud, for Katherine Bradley \b. 1848], and Edith Cooper [1862-1913], poets). Literary diary, 1888-1914; record of thought and events; drafts of their poetry; much of it about the literature and literary celebrities of the time. Wor\s and Days, ed. T. and D. C. Sturge Moore (London, 1933). FIELD,

William Henry (1827-1895), American journalist. Travel diary, January-June, 1888; an American's visit to Ireland; very full details on interviews with governing authorities and with peasants and townsmen; crowd scenes, pictures of living conditions, popular opinions; much color and eager research. Ireland under Coercion, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1888). HURLBERT,

George (b. 1850), admiral. Sea diaries, 1888-1913 (extracts); work, cruises, daily affairs, friends, personal life. Sea Saga, ed. L. King-Hall (London, 1935), pp. 263-334. KINO-HALL,

Miss Evelyn. 18 8 9 Private diary, October-December, 1889; kept at Venice in the household of Robert Browning during his last illness; health chart; friends; funeral arrangements, funeral. MS Browning Library, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. BARCLAY,

Helen (1843-1927) of Birmingham, traveler and governor of Birmingham University. Travel diaries, 1889-1914; in many parts of the world: Palestine, Egypt, South



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Africa, India, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, China, Australia, Java, U.S.A., West Indies, Argentina, Peru, Philippines, Burma. MS Birmingham Reference Library No. 336851 12 vols, typewritten (T. J. Patrick, librarian) GURNET, Emelia Russell (1823-1896). Travel diary, March-May, 1889; topographical and scenic notes during trip in Sicily. Letters of Emelia Russell Gurney, ed. E. M. Gurney (London, 1902). Alice (1848-1892) of Boston, Mass. Literary diary, May, 1889-March, 1892; kept while invalided in Leamington and London; sharp-tongued, witty portraits and comments; English society; her moods; an excellent diary. Alice James: Her Brothers, Her Journal, ed. Anna R. Burr (New York, 1934), pp. 86-253. JAMES,

VEREY, Miss I. E., of Streadey, Reading. Travel diary, September, 1889; boating tour down the Severn; Shrewsbury to Gloucester, Oxford, Abington, Streadey, following the line of travel afforded by canals and rivers. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 1890 CAVELL, E., of Sheffield, evangelist. Religious diary, January, 1890-January, 1892; record of his visits for the Sheffield Town Mission to private houses; the mission was a nonconformist, but not sectarian, evangelizing enterprise, especially concerned with promoting abstinence and education; general interest. MS Sheffield City Libraries Sheffield Collection,B.C316S 265 pp. (J-P. Lamb, librarian) CONRAD, Joseph (1857-1924), novelist. Travel diary, June-August, 1890; travel up the valley of the Congo; details of countryside, flora, fauna; very little personal; navigation directions; illustrated. MS Houghton Library, Harvard Eng. MSS 46. STURT, George ("George Bourne") (1863-1927), author and wheelwright. Literary diaries, October, 1890-May, 1902; the detailed, self-revelatory, and philosophical views of a novelist at work; self-education and culture; his reading and opinions on books and art; conversation pieces; village social life and personalities; country life and work; a good diary. The Journals of George Sturt, ed. Geoffrey Grigson (London, 1941). Mrs. Eleanor. Welsh diary, 1890; Welsh interest. MS National Library of Wales Add. MSS 268-B



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1892 The Rev. James (1832-1910) of Edinburgh, moderator of Church of Scodand; and his wife. Religious diaries, September, 1892-1898 (kept by the Rev. James up to October, 1892, and then by his wife), and January, 1894-December, 1903 (written by the Rev. James and copied by his wife); the religious life and parish work of the minister of St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh; public life, preaching, visiting, social engagements; Edinburgh life; brief notes. MS National Library of Scodand Nos. 557-566 MCGREGOR,

The Rev. Henry E., of Rugby. Private diaries, 1892-1902; and his engagement diaries, 1919-1946; kept at Manchester, Grimsby, Rugby, etc. Owned by diarist at Braunston Rectory, Rugby, Northants; also three vols, of early memories of Llandderfel and London from 1885 on.


Enoch (1862-1897) London, poet. Literary diary, 1892-1897; notes on life and work of a modernist poet and a "Catholic Diabolist." MS owned by Sir Max Beerbohm, Athenaeum Club, London, W.i. SOAMES,

Isobel (Mrs. Isobel Field). Literary diary (December?), 1892-November, 1894; fragmentary and disconnected; devoted to recording conversations of R. L. Stevenson. Isobel Strong and Lloyd Osborne, Memories of Vailima (London, 1902), pp. 7-103. STRONG,

Sir Algernon (1832-1921), civil servant. Public diary, July, 1892-June, 1898; politics and public men in England; much about Gladstone, whose secretary he was; Home Rule; political and public affairs; social and society life. Private Diaries of Sir Algernon West, ed. H. G. Hutchinson (London, 1922). WEST,

1893 Dr. James Watson (d. 1925), surgeon. Sea diary, 1893; on board the Aurora; the record of a sealing and whaling voyage, by the surgeon of the ship; founded on brief journal notes; illustrated with photographs and sketches. MS University of Glasgow 227 pp. (Information from the librarian, W. R. C.) ALLAN,

Maurice (1861-1923), novelist. 1. Literary diary, January, 1893-May, 1923 (excerpts; copy of a destroyed original); brief notes of his yearly progress; reading, writing, work of magazines, lecturing; a yearly self-appraisal as a writer; family and general affairs. HEWLETT,


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MS B.M. Add. MSS 41075 123 fols. typed 2. Travel diary, April, 1914; a tour in Greece and Italy with his daughter; hospitality of monasteries; full account of Easter service. L. Binyon, The Letters of Maurice Hewlett (London, 1914), pp. 251-290. Miss Ida Ashworth (daughter of Sir Henry Taylor). Literary diary, December, 1893-March, 1895; notes on the social and literary circles of her father, Sir Henry Taylor; Colvin, the Meynells, etc.; entertaining reports of literary opinions; slight, but interesting. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Misc. e.192 Fols. 1-19.


Sir Henry Hughes (1864-1922), field marshal. Military diaries, June, 1893-June, 1922 (extracts); objective notes and meditations on military and political affairs; Boer War and First World War; his own conversations with Churchill, Haig, and other eminent soldiers and politicians; historical, political, and military interest. Sir C. E. Callwell, Life and Diaries of Sir Henry Wilson, 2 vols. (London, 1927), passim. WILSON,

1894 Charles J . , of Camden, N . J . Travel diary, May-August, 1894; an American tourist's sightseeing in London and through England and Ireland. A Bachelors Rambles through the British Isles (Camden, N.J., 1895). BUTLER,

George Hervey (1846-1935), b. Dominica, West Indies, painter. Painter's diary, 1894-1934; his life and work as painter in Italy, especially Florence; sketches. MS Liverpool Public Library E 16332 37 vols. (Information sup plied by J. F. Smith, librarian)


Richard Durant (1870-1935) of West Hardepool, surveyor. Private diary, 1894-1935; family history, raising of six children; national events; holidays; middle-class family. MS Mrs. N. M. Bayly, 6 Fairholme Road, Burnley, Lanes. SHILSTON,

1896 The Rev. Henry Charles (1859-1919), dean of Norwich and author. Literary diary, May, 1896-February, 1897; largely notes of his reading and literary criticism, with some notes on antiquarian and social matters, and travel; reprinted from Cornhill Magazine. Pages from a Private Diary (London, 1898). BEECHING,

Enoch Arnold (1867-1931), novelist. Private diary, April, 1896-December, 1928; his own mental development and acquisition of knowledge; literary career and social life; record of a literary BENNETT,


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craftsman; with notes on people, books, places, in England and France; criticism of writers, personally and professionally. The Journal of Arnold Bennett, 3 vols. (London, 1932-1933). In the Houghton Library, Harvard (Eng. MSS 28F), is the MS of a journal, October, 1908-June, 1909, concerning Old Wives' Tale, etc.; literary influences; criticism of Henry James and Wilde; and notes on books read. The Rev. Thomas Alexander ( 1 8 5 3 - 1 9 3 1 ) , theologian. Ecclesiastical diary, 1896; a visit to Rome concerning the papal enquiry into English ordinations. A Roman Diary (London, 1910). LACEY,

Frederick Guthrie (1870-1900), soldier and sportsman. Sporting diary, January, 1896-October, 1899; a detailed record of his activities as a golfer, with descriptions of play and courses, etc. J. L . Low, A Record of Frederic^ Guthrie Tait (London, 1900). TAIT,

1897 Arthur Christopher (1862-1925), scholar. Scholar's diary, 1897-1925 (selections); notes on university social and scholarly life at Magdalene; literary interests and friendships; his work and social life; excellent observation and detail. The Diary of Arthur Christopher Benson, ed. Percy Lubbock (London, 1926). BENSON,

James Cruickshank (1820-1899), antiquarian. Travel diary, May-June, 1897; tour in Perthshire and Inverness-shire; full details concerning matters of antiquarian interest. Journal of a Summer Tour (London, pr. ptd., 1898). ROGER,

Sir Arthur Seymour (1842-1900), composer. Musician's diaries, 1897-1900; brief entries recording his day's work in a line or so; only biographical interest Herbert Sullivan and Newman Flower, Sir Arthur Sullivan (London, 1927), pp. ioofF. SULLIVAN,

1898 Henry Francis (1840-1920) of London, merchant. Private diary, June, 1898-October, 1909; business and private affairs; social life in London in musical, art, and literary circles; a cultured, shrewd old bachelor; acquaintance with leading figures of political world; information by Madame Novikoff, his friend, about the Dreyfus case; a useful record. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 177 pp. and typed copy. BROWN,

Sir Almeric William (b. 1851), official. Public diary, August, 1898-May, 1922; from his appointment as clerk of the



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Privy Council to his retirement; public, political, and cabinet affairs; Boer War and First World War; some personal matters. Memoirs, 2 vols. (London, 1925), passim. Charles S. (1866-1931), painter. Painter's diary, 1898-July, 1928 (extracts); his work as an artist; critical notes on painters and painting; friendship with Shannon; his reading and critical views, with notes on writers and the theater; enthusiastic and interesting. Self-Portrait, ed. Cecil Lewis (London, 1939), passim. RICKETTS,

Diana.] 1899 Travel diary, November, 1899-September, 1900; visit by an intelligent Englishwoman to friends in Queensland; breathless style and quaint spelling; personal affairs and observations; good details of station life; illustrated. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 59 pp. typescript [RAMSDEN,

Henry Seymour, Lord (1864-1925), general. Military diaries, December, 1899-August, 1924 (selection from over sixty volumes); covers his whole army career: Egypt, India, Boer War, Canada, but mostly First World War; details of military life, work, campaigns, and personal and social life; brisk and business-like. Soldier, Artist, and Sportsman, ed. Sir F. Maurice (London, 1928). RAWLINSON OF T R E N T ,

Sir John Denton Pinkstone French, 1st Earl of (1852-1925), field marshal. Military diaries, October, 1899-June, 1912, and August, 1914-June, 1917; his service in Boer War; military details, strategy, and headquarters during First World War; with notes on political aspects of the war. Some War Diaries, Addresses, and Correspondence, ed. Hon. G. French (London, 1937).


Edmund, naturalist. * 9®® Naturalist's diary, February, 1900-May, 1913 (written up); detailed observations of bird and animal life, and natural history. SELOUS,

Realities of Bird Life (London, 1927). Percival. Country diary, January-December (1900?); a literary record of country life and scenes; social and village life and sports; shooting, otter hunting; natural history. Pages from a Country Diary (London, 1904). SOMERS,

I9OI Alfred, of Worksop, Notts. Private diary, 1901-1940 (lacking 1916-1917); notes on weather and private affairs. MS Yale University Knollenberg coll., Addition 7 38 vols. BRAMMER,


British Diaries


1902 BENSON, Stella (1892-1933), novelist. Private diary, 1902-1933; her private affairs; social and domestic life; literary work and affairs. MS Cambridge Univ. Library Add. MSS 6762-6802 1903 CUMMINGS, Bruce Frederick (W. N. E Barbellion, pseud.) (1889-1919), biologist. Personal diary, January, 1903-June, 1919; his studies in natural history, with sensitive descriptions of animal life and nature; the London scene and background of war; his ill-health and sufferings; sexual experiences; mostly the melancholy thoughts and emotions of a desperately disillusioned man in the eye of death; one of best English diaries. The Journal of a Disappointed Man (London, 1919) ; A Last Diary (London, 1920).

JONES, Henry Festing (1851-1928), editor. Travel diary, April-May, 1903; undertaken for the purpose of depositing the MSS of three books by Samuel Butler at Varallo Sesia, Acireale, and Trapani; reminiscences of Butler by Italians quoted; some of Buder's own notes on Italy. Diary of a Tour Through North Italy to Sicily (Cambridge, 1904). J9°4 ANON. Travel diary, 1904; a tour through England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, in three volumes; there may have been a fourth volume, as the Irish tour is not described in the three volumes in the library of the R.I.A.; contains anecdotes, descriptions of people and places, and detailed comments on the fine arts. MS Royal Irish Academy, Dublin S.R.24K.37-39 (Information from A. Farrington)

GRENFELL, Francis (1880-1915), soldier. Military diary, 1904-1915 (extracts); military service in India and in France during the First World War; excellent picture of a young officer. John Buchan, Francis and Riversdale Grenfell (London, 1920), passim. 19°5 RICH, S. M., of London. Private diary, 1905-1948; personal and family events; Jewish religious and liberal movement in England; South London Liberal Jewish Synagogue; schoolteaching in London; official of Charles Lamb Society; theater; middle-class life in London. MS owned by diarist, 67 Cricklade Avenue, London, S.W.2; to be given to Jewish Historical Society.


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1906 W. A. S., Conservative M . P . Public diary, 1906-1923 (extracts); set in history memoirs; notes on Conservative politics, and public affairs; imperial matters. The Apologia of an Imperialist, 2 vols. (London, 1930), passim. HEWINS,

Sir William Purdie (1843-1923), lord mayor of London. Mayor's diary, November, 1906-November, 1907; account of his official duties and work, and his social activities while lord mayor; preceded by an autobiography of his official career. A Lord Mayor's Diary (London, 1920). TRELOAR,

T . Eurwedd, of Llanelly, Wales. Personal diaries, 1906-1935; domestic affairs, gardening, social, cultural, and literary matters of Welsh interest; notes on domestic and foreign public affairs; written in Welsh. MS National Library of Wales. 10692A-10695A, 10696C, 10697B-10705B. WILLIAMS,

1907 The Rev. W. A. Houston. Travel diary, October (i907?)-February, 1908; a tour in Ireland, with comments on Irish church; services; organ recitals. Dr. Collisson in and on Ireland (London, 1908?). COLLISSON,

Miss Sybil Mary, of Westminster. Private diary, January, 1907-February, 1910 (with gaps); a period diary of religious activities; Westminster Abbey; social and domestic life; suffragettes and feminists and their troubles; Canon Hensley Henson and his clashes with church authorities and journalistic ventures; the diarist's admiration for him. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll. 260 pp. and typed copy CURTIS,

Stephen (b. 1888), author. Literary diary, January, 1907-June, 1909 (selections); kept in London and Paris; reflective notes on life, religion, and literature. Journals and Letters of Stephen McKenna, ed. E. R. Dodds (London, 1936), pp. 93-134. MCKENNA,

Philip Sidney (1883-1914) of Bromley, Kent. Travel diary, January-September, 1907; travel notes and life in Germany and Kelantan (N. Malay peninsula). Poems, Letters, and Memories (London, pr. ptd., 1916), pp. 28-54. NAIRN,

Mrs. Dorothy Vernon (b. 1877) of Groombridge. Literary diary, October, 1907-August, 1913; her marriage and domestic life with "Mark Rutherford" at Groombridge; their life together and mutual interWHITE,





ests; books, literature, country life, natural history; their visitors, and literary and religious friends; mosdy devoted to her husband. The Groombridge Diary (Oxford, 1924). 1908 RIDDELL, George Allardyce Riddell, Baron (1865-1934). Public diaries, October, 1908-November, 1923; political and public affairs and his part in them; the Liberal party and its leaders; political and public events and journalism during the First World War; his observations of sixteen peace conferences in England and Europe as newspaper representative; reports and inside news. Lord Riddell's War Diary (London, 1933); More Pages from My Diary (London, 1934); Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference (London, 1933). 1909 KING-HALL, Stephen (b. 1893), commander, R.N. Sea diaries, 1909-1917 (excerpts); a record of private affairs and social life in the navy; his service and engagements during the First World War. Sea'Saga, ed. L. King-Hall (London, 1935), pp. 335-506. POWYS, Llewellyn (b. 1884), novelist. Personal diary, 1909-1912 (quotations); kept during his stay at tuberculosis sanatorium in Switzerland; with later travel in Africa; a gay and lively record. Louis Marlow, The Welsh Ambassadors (London, 1936), pp. 212-240. TRAHERNE, Patrick (1885-1917), schoolmaster. Teacher's diary, September, 1909-ApriI, 1917; details of his teaching at English public schools; class work, social and personal life; sports; critical views of educational methods and teachers and discipline; his holiday travels; his work as novelist. A Schoolmaster's Diary, ed. S. P. B. Mais (London, 1918). 1910 CARR, William Guy (b. 1895), sailor. Naval diary, December, 1910-February, 1932 (with wide gaps); account of naval career; running away to sea; apprentice to a shipping company; sailing ships; America and the Far East; journeys to all parts of the world; the Royal Navy; the First World War; mine-sweeping; anti-submarine work; in British submarines. Hell's Angels of the Deep (London, 1932), 288 pp. SCOTT, Capt. Robert Falcon (1868-1912), explorer. Antarctic diary, November, 1910-March, 1912; a full and regular journal, giving the technical account of progress of the expedition, as well as a personal

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relation; has both geographical and human interest; with its famous last entry just before his death. Diary of an Antarctic Expedition (London, 1913). 1912 Tom (b. 1884), editor of News Chronicle. 1. Public diary, January, 1912-June, 1922; notes of journalism, Daily Mail; Northcliffe's activities; the career and rise of Northcliffe and Daily Mail; his exploits. My Northcliffe Diary (London, 1931). 2. Public diary, January, 1926-October, 1933, with introduction; history of Daily News, Chronicle, Westminster Gazette, and Liberal party; Lloyd George and politics; his editorial work and business meetings with politicians, writers, etc. My Lloyd George Diary (London, 1939). CLARKE,

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9 3

Isabel (1851-1932), later Lady Talbot de Malahide. Domestic diary, summer 1913; social and domestic affairs at Malahide Castle. Samuel Gurney, Isabel (Norwich, 1935), pp. 133-138.


(a soldier). 1914 War diary, August, 1914-May, 1917; matter-of-fact notes on fighting and his daily experiences of trench warfare on Western Front; later flying. In Spite of All Rejoicing, intro. Henry Williamson (London, 1929). ADDISON, The Rt. Hon. Christopher Addison, Baron (b. 1869), minister of health. Political diary, June, 1914-January, 1919; dictated; personal and cabinet affairs during First World War; his work in cabinet and parliament; health; munitions; industry; valuable. Four and a Half Years, 2 vols. (London, 1934).


Major M. H . (1873-1915) of 33d Q.V.O. War diary, November, 1914-April, 1915; sailing from India; service with Light Cavalry in Mesopotamia; killed on reconnaissance. With the Hi Q.V.O., ed. E. S. J. Anderson (pr. ptd., 1915). Copy in Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, S.E.i. ANDERSON,

Douglas Herbert (b. 1890), soldier.] War diary, August, 1914-May, 1917; a good daily record of military life in the trenches; Western Front; work at clearing stations, flying, and odd jobs. A Soldier's Diary of the Great War (London, 1929). [BELL,


British Diaries


Francis Leveson, Viscount (1844-1919), diplomat. Public diary, July, 1914-July, 1919; his private record of public affairs at Paris during the years of First World War while he was ambassador; his diplomatic work; public affairs and statesmen; war news; an important record. The Diary of Lord Bertie of Thame, ed. Lady Algernon Gordon Lennox, 2 vols. (London, 1924). B E R T I E OF T H A M E ,

Sir Anthony Alfred (1855-1929), surgeon. War diary, 1914-1918; experiences as consulting surgeon with the British Army. MS Royal College of Surgeons' Library, London, W.C.2 (Information supplied by Mr. W. R. Le Fanu) BOWLBY,

Lieut. William Sorley (b. 1889), critic. War diary, September, 1914-April, 1916; his training in Scodand and service at Gallipoli, Lemnos, Egypt, Palestine; his own doings and thoughts and works; hospital reminiscences; notes on soldier poets; a good diary. My War Diary (Galashiels, 1941). BROWN,

Harry, of Swindon, York. War diary, December, 1914-January, 1915; service in France as a medical orderly; returned home sick. MS Imperial War Museum, London, S.E.i 33 pp. typed BYETT,

The Rev. Andrew, of Great Leighs, Essex. War diary, August, 1914-December, 1919; a huge manuscript; echoes of the First World War in an Essex village; kept by the rector; local activities and especially rumors; day-to-day diary; bulletins, etc.; much miscellaneous material unconnected with war. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Hist. e.88-i77c 92 vols. CLARK,

William La Touche (1891-1916), brevet major. War diary, July, 1914-December, 1915; services as A.D.C. in 3d Division; military movements, campaigns in France during First World War. Leslie H. Thornton, The Congreves (London, 1930), pp. 211-310. CONGREVE,

Rosalind. 1. War diary, September, 1914-May (1916?); affairs of First World War. MS London School of Economics R (S.R.) 1003 (Information from Marjorie Plant, librarian) 2. Travel diary, 1925; journey to Near East. MS London School of Economics R (S.R.) 1003 3. Travel diary, 1929; journey to Greece, Italy, and Sicily. MS London School of Economics R (S.R.) 1003 DOBBS,


British Diaries

[ 1914

DON, Archibald William (1890-1916), artist. War Diary, August, 1914-Septembcr, 1916; medical service in France and Salonika; sensitive reflections on war. Charles Sayle, Archibald Don: A Memoir (London, 1918), pp. 85-169. Major Ian, of Royal Scots Fusiliers. War diary, October, 1914-February, 1915; with Royal Scots Fusiliers in France; landing at Zeebrugge; returned sick to England. Extracts from Diaries and Letters (pr. ptd., 1915). Copy in Imperial War Museum.


Lord Bernard (d. 19x4), soldier. War diary, August-November, 1914; military operations in France; hardships and dangers, escapes; details of trench life. MS owned by Duke of Richmond and Gordon; cf. Arthur Ponsonby, English Diaries (London, 1923), p. 424.


Francis H. (d. 1946), captain, R . N . War diary, August, 1914-December, 1918; his services and gallantry in naval service, especially as commander of anti-submarine decoy ship. MS Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, S.E.i 7 vols.


The Hon. Aubrey Nigel (1880-1923), M.P. War diary, August, 1914-May, 1916 (extracts); with Irish Guards in France; intelligence officer at Salonika; war experiences there and with Turks. Mons, Anzac, and Kut (London, 1930), passim. HERBERT,

Mary. War diary, July-September, 1914; a tour in Italy, Germany, and Switzerland; caught on Continent by beginning of war; her adventures in evading internment. In the Enemy's Country (London, 1915). HOUGHTON,

Lady Harriet Julia. War diary, August-September, 1914; her experiences when caught in Germany at the outbreak of the war; German reactions to their early victories. A Wartime Journal (London, 1915). JEPHSON,

H. A. J. (b. 1892) of Basingstoke, architect War diary, September, 1914-November, 1918; training in England; landing in Gallipoli; evacuation from Suvla and Anzac; service in Mesopotamia; Kut; service as dispatch rider; later service in France as an officer. MS owned by diarist, Hillside, Worting, Basingstoke.


Cecil W . ] War diary, August, 1914-February, 1916; work as a signaler in England and France; daily life in the trenches; sport and rest periods. Battery Flashes, by "Wagger" (London, 1916). [LONGLEY,


British Diaries


Michael (b. 1862), journalist. War diary, August, 1914-November, 1918; a Times journalist's recording of news and happenings in London during the First World War, with notes on the reactions of himself and other Londoners. In London during the Great War (London, 1935). MACDONAGH,

Sarah Broom (d. 1916), author. War diary, September, 1914-April, 1916; medical work in Belgium, England, Russia, and Persia during the First World War. My War Experiences in Two Continents (London, 1919). MACNAUGHTON,

(Murry), Katherine (1888-1923), author. Literary diary, February, 1914-October, 1922; her literary life and work in London; domestic life; analysis of her illness; observations and comments on social life and people; notes and sketches for stories; quick and mordant. Journal of Katherine Mansfield, ed. J. Middleton Murry (London, 1927). MANSFIELD

Mrs. Constance, of London, journalist War diary, 1914-1918; domestic and literary record of life in a small household in the Home Counties during First World War; war conditions; written for her sons. MS Imperial War Museum, London, S.E.i MILES,

Lieut. J. B. W. War diary, August-October, 1914; life as a machine-gun officer in the Scottish Borderers on Western Front in First World War. Diary of Lieut. J. B. Pennyman (London, 1915).


Major P . H., of 47th London Division. War diary, 1914-1918; service throughout the war; very full diary; illustrated. The War Diary of an Artillery Officer (649 pp. mimeographed).


PiLKiNCTON, C., of Artists' Rifles.

War diary, September, 1914-February, 1915; service in France; attached to Scots Guards. MS Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, S.E.i 124 pp.

Capt. Edward Devonport (b. 1883) of Grenadier Guards. War diary, August, 1914-June, 1918; his service on Western Front; batdes, trench warfare; personal activities and reflections; weather; soldiers' life, etc.; later becomes very brief notes. MS Cambridge Univ. Add. MSS 7065-7070 (Original and typewritten copy) RIDLEY,

William Mansfield, Viscount (1855-1921), soldier. War diary, August, 1914-September, 1921; rather impersonal notes of the war and military life; general events and politics; public reactions. From Day to Day, 2 vols. (London, 1928-1929). SANDHURST,


British Diaries


Leslie Kinloch (d. 1916). War diary, August-September, 1914; with British Belgian Red Cross unit; describes German entry into Brussels. MS Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, S.E.I 21 pp. TWEEDIE,

Mary King. War diary, August, 1914-December, 1915; experiences with a simple French family during early months of war. My War Diary (New York, 1917). WADDINGTON,

I915 (Powell), Agnes Margaret. War diary, October, 1915-June, 1916; her First World War service in canteens on Western Front. The Canteeners (London, 1917). DIXON

John Graham, of 29th Division, major general. War diary, March, 1915-January, 1916; detailed notes of his experiences; journey, landing at Gallipoli and subsequent fighting; with A.S.C.; military details and eye-witness accounts of the scene. Gallipoli Diary (London, 1918). GILLAM,

Sir Ian (1853-1947), general. War diary, March-October, 1915; a very detailed account of Gallipoli; landing, campaign, strategy; lively, shrewd, and informal observations and views recorded at the time. Gallipoli Diary, 2 vols. (London, 1920). HAMILTON,

The Hon. Ralph Gerard Alexander (1883-1918), master of Belhaven. War diary, January, 1915-March, 1918; account of his daily life and work with the artillery in France. The War Diary of the Master of Belhaven (London, 1924).


Capt. Francis Clere, of Leinster Regiment. War diary, May, 1915-December, 1918; life in trenches in France; Somme; Ypres; lively anecdotes of daily life and fighting; descriptions and anecdotes. Stand to (London, 1 9 3 7 ) . HITCHCOCK,

Alfred Ashurst (d. 1 9 1 7 ) of Grenadier Guards, lieutenant. War diary, March-June, 1915, and September, 1916-January, 1917; with the Royal Fusiliers on the Somme; with the Grenadier Guards on service in France generally; killed in action. MS Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, S.E.i 2 vols. MORRIS,

Lance-Corporal George, of 3d Division. War diary, January, 1915-August, 1916; service with Gordon Highlanders on Western Front; wounded; hospital experiences; a conventional record. MS National Library of Scotland Nos. 944-947 RAMAGE,


British Diaries


Rowland (d. 1924). War diary, January-December, 1915; political and military news of the war as heard by an Englishman at Nice. The Diary of an English Resident in France (London, 1916).


Capt. Oskar (b. 1880), surgeon. Military diary, August, 1915-November, 1918; fairly regular diary of his medical work and service in Egypt, Gallipoli, Palestine, and Italy; informative, but rarely personal or descriptive. Diary of a Yeomanry M.O. (London, 1921). TEICHMAN,

Sir Basil Home (1861-1939) of Scodand Yard. Public diary, January, 1915-November, 1918; details of police work during the war; the chief public and political events; his last days at Scodand Yard. The Scene Changes (London, 1937), pp. 256-420.


1916 A. Sydney (b. 1908) of Hounslow. Private diary, 1916 to the present time; medley of sport, literature, personal items, books, thoughts, ideas, and action; notes on what he has seen or heard. MS owned by the author, 130 Bulstrode Ave., Hounslow, Middlesex. BURKINSHAW,

Helen Venetia, Viscountess (b. 1866), diplomat's wife. Public diary, October, 1916-October, 1926; a fragmentary record of her service with the Red Cross in France and Italy during the war, and afterwards of diplomatic and social life with her husband in Germany. Red Cross and Berlin Embassy (London, 1946). D'ABERNON,

The Rev. R. E., army chaplain. War diary, June, 1916-October, 1919; with 32d Division (artillery) in France; long notes; military news and activities; religious work, services, and burials; social life and help to men; personal notes; interesting for its immediacy and frankness. Artillery and Trench Mortar Memories (London, 1933), pp. 99-592. GRICE-HUTCHINSON,

Edward (b. 1898) of Barnsley and Surbiton, bibliophile. Private diaries, 1916-1944 (irregularly maintained); diary of the First World War, of mid-war years, and of Second World War in Wales and Middle East; diary of a man seeking himself, from the dim gropings and muddle of his material affairs in the mid-1920's, through the protracted ordeal, spiritual and material, of the depression period, to the introspection and attempt at articulation of the "Bryneithen" war diary, and the voyage out to the Middle East in the autumn of 1921; kept by the editor of Miss Weeton's Diary (see under 1807), and the collector of the valuable group of diaries now deposited at the Wigan Central Public Library. MS Wigan Central Public Library Edward Hall coll.



British Diaries

[ 1917

Major Ludovic (d. 1918). Military diary, June, 1916-August, 1918; service with trench mortars on Western Front; military details, but much of his personal experiences and opinions. Artillery and Trench Mortar Memories (London, 1933), pp. 595-656. M A C S W I N E Y , Terence, lord mayor of Cork. Prison diary, May, 1916; extracts from diary kept while imprisoned during that month in Richmond Barracks, Dublin, in the 1916 uprising; short, but interesting. Capuchin Annual (Dublin, 1942). M O R R I S , John Herbert (d. 1918) of Royal Field Artillery, lieutenant. War diary, June, 1916-March, 1918; service with the Royal Artillery and later with the Royal Flying Corps in France; killed in action. MS Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, S.E.i 11 vols. SCOTT, Lieut. A. B., of 32d Division. Military diary, July, 1916-January, 1919; with trench mortar battery; mosdy military notes and activities; some personal and about friends; conditions and billets. Artillery and Trench Mortar Memories (London, 1933), pp. 19-96. W A L W Y N , Capt. R. N., commander of H.M.S. Warspite. War diary, 1916; copy of a private journal of the Batde of Judand. MS Bodleian Library Eng. Hist, c.192 30 fols. HEATHCOAT-AMORY,

William, architect. ipi 7 War diary, May, 1917-March, 1919; with Friends' Relief Committee in France; war; aiding refugees and wounded; Western Front and southern France; notes on architecture. A Scavenger in France (London, 1920). C O N W A Y OF A L L I N G T O N , William Martin Conway, 1st Baron. War diary, July, 1917; visit to Western Front in party of British members of parliament MS Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, S.E.i. 34 pp. FAY, Sir Sam (b. 1856), government official. War diary, January, 1917-April, 1919 (extracts); meetings with cabinet; administration of railway transport and labor; the problems and difficulties of his work; visits to France. The War Office at War (London, 1937), passim. H O P E , Thomas Suthren. War diary, July-December (1917?); with reminiscences; service in the trenches of Western Front; Ypres; personal life soldiering; at base; wounded; hospital life. The Winding Road Unfolds (London, 1937). BELL,


British Diaries


Reginald Hugh (b. 1900), military writer. War diary, December, 1917-September, 1918; vivid and sensitive notes on army life; western France; the Somme; life in trenches and batde. Little Brother Goes Soldiering (New York, 1930). L A N D H E T H , The Rev. James, of Montrose. Country diary, July-December (1917P); his parish work and ministry at Glenesk, Forfarshire; notes on weather, natural history, scenery; with moral reflections thereon. A Grampian Diary (Paisley, n.d.). SAVAGE-ARMSTRONG, Francis Savage Nesbitt (d. 1917) of South Staffs regiment, lieutenant colonel. War diary, January-April, 1917; service with Rifle Brigade and Warwickshire regiment in France; killed in batde of Arras; brief entries. MS Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London, S.E.i STORRS, Sir Ronald (b. 1881), diplomat. Political diary, April-December, 1917; political life and events in Egypt, Palestine, Mesopotamia, while political governor; travel notes; antiquities. Orientations (London, 1937), pp. 238-334. W E S T , Arthur Graeme (1891-1917), soldier. Military diary, March-November, 1917; his service in the war, as private and officer; detached description of training and war service; criticism of methods and their futility; meditations on life; revealing details of his misanthropy and spiritual sufferings. The Diary of a Dead Officer (London, 1920). KIERNAN,


Tilney (b. 1863) of Flixton, solicitor. War diary, January, 1918-June, 1919; experiences in Egypt, Jerusalem, Palestine; travel; work with prisoners. A Country Lawyer in Peace and War (Truro, 1937), pp. 73-218. BARTON,

1919 Lady Isabella Augusta (1859-1932), Irish author and critic. Literary diary, August, 1919-March, 1930 (selection); the Abbey Theatre; playwrights and poets, especially Yeats and Shaw; the political troubles and civil war; excellent pictures of social life; an important record that would be better for direct copying, rather than in the present arranged form. Lady Gregory's journals, ed. Lennox Robinson (London and Dublin, 1946). S Y K E S , Lillian D. (b. 1903) of Leeds, teacher. Private diary, from 1919 to present; day-to-day affairs; life at University of Leeds; church work and school work; an ordinary person's reactions to the war. MS owned by diarist, 32 Harlech Terrace, Leeds 1 1 . GREGORY,


British Diaries

[ 1 9 2 0 - 2 3

1 9 2 0

Edgar Vincent, 1st Viscount (1857-1941), diplomat. Diplomatic diary, July, 1920-October, 1926; from Versailles to the collapse of Germany; peace conferences and treaties; details of his diplomatic work, with comments on the European scene; an important record. Versailles to Rapallo (London, 1929); Rapallo to Dawes (London, 1930); Lawes to Locarno (London, 1930). D'ABERNON,

Frank, Irish rebel. Prison diary, April, 1920; notes on eleven days of hunger strike; Mountjoy Prison, Dublin, during Irish rebellion. Days of Fear (London, 1929). GALLAGHER,

1 9 2 1

Alfred C . W . Harmsworth, 1st Viscount (1865-1922), newspaper proprietor. Travel diary, July, 1921-February, 1922; dictated impressions and opinions during journey round world, especially in relation to the Empire; journalistic. My Journey Round the World (London, 1923). NORTHCLIFFE,

1922 John St. Loe (1860-1927), editor of The Spectator. Personal diary, October, 1922-July, 1924; travel in France and England; reflections on everyday incidents, fleeting events and fancies; books, plays, writers, ancient and modern, music, people; a "pinning of butterflies" in daily reflective essayettes. The River of Life (London, 1924). STUACHEY,

1923 Russell (1892-1924), archaeologist. Travel diary, March, 1923-January, 1924 (selection); travel in the Mediterranean lands; archaeological work at Tozear; a delicate and intimate record of a love affair. The Diary of Russell Beresford, ed. Cecil Roberts (New York, 1937). BERESFORD,

James, of Thame, innkeeper. Innkeeper's diary, 1923-1930; his career as highbrow and literary innkeeper of The Spreadeagle at Thame; his academic clientele at Poets' Pub. An Innkeeper's Diary (London, 1931).


Lieut. Osl. Frederick Herman (b. 1888), Jewish official. Public diary, January, 1923-August, 1931; while chairman of Palestine Zionist Executive; visits to Palestine and Syria; negotiations with Balfour, Amery, and commissions of inquiry; Zionist movement and council; Jewish agency; AmerKISCH,


British Diaries


ican Zionists; what was taking place in Palestine and elsewhere; his own activities; meetings; progress of settlers. Palestine Diary (London, 1938). I925 Alfred (1868-1944) Leeds. Public diary, January, 1925-September, 1944; day-by-day account of local events and of Socialist activities; many references to Edward Carpenter, Keir Hardie, Ramsay Macdonald, and other Socialist leaders, all of whom he knew personally. MS Leeds Public Libraries Mattison coll. 16 vols. (F. G. B. Hutchins, librarian, informant) MATTISON,

1928 Roger (pseud.), miner and student. Educational diary, October, 1928-June, 1934; his Oxford bursary, and educational, social, personal, and political experiences there; his work in adult education in mining areas, with notes on travel, speakers, and social conditions; journalistic, but valuable. A Pitman Loo\s at Oxford (London, 1933); Oxford into Coal-Field (London, I934)1929 DATALLER,

DAWES, General Charles Gates (b. 1865), American ambassador at London. Diplomatic diary, May, 1929-Novembcr, 1931; his work and social life as American ambassador at court of St. James; Ramsay Macdonald; negotiations for settlement of European finances. Journal as Ambassador to Great Britain (New York, 1929). 1930 John C., of Rotherham, miner. Private diary, 1930-1948; day-to-day life as a coal miner; depression; war conditions; political opinions; the war years. MS owned by diarist, 8 Beever St., Goldthorpe, Rotherham. COLLINS,

1 HOLT, John, of Bradford. 931 Private diary, August, 1931-August, 1937; kept while in business in the textile trade; the depression; his entry into the legal profession; lengthy. MS owned by diarist, Southfield, Station Parade, Harrogate.

1932 AGATE, James Evershed (1877-1947), theatrical critic. Social diary, June, 1932-December, 1943; prompted by Arnold Bennett's;


British Diaries

[ 1933-36

social and personal life; London social scene; books; but mosdy theater, plays, actors; valuable. Ego, 9 vols. (London, 1935-1944). George (b. 1904), author. Literary diary, May-August, 1932; literary life and everyday scenes and happenings in London; plays and theater. Passage through the Present (New York, 1933). BUCHANAN,

J 93 3

Sydney (b. 1888) of London, author. Literary diary, September, 1933-February, 1935; anecdotes of the publishing and newspaper world, including letters to the press; personal viewpoints on a variety of topics and people, fashions, literary critics, novels; visits to Riviera and Switzerland; an entertaining diary. Strictly Personal (London, 1934); More Strictly Personal (London, 1935). HORLER,

Sir Arnold Talbot (b. 1884), soldier. Political diary, August, 1933-August, 1939; parliamentary affairs and his work as M.P.; political events and commentaries; impressions of the social and public scene; travel in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy. Wal^s and Tal\s (London, 1934); Wallas and Talks Abroad (London, 1937); More Thoughts and Tal\s (London, 1939). WILSON,


John (d. 1938), novelist. Literary diary, May, 1935-iuly, 1938; the travel, reading, artistic, and religious thought and emotions of a young man; his last four years; writing; struggle against tuberculosis; village life in the Tyrol. Four Years (London, 1939). BULMAN,

Arthur Stuart Menteth (b. 1880), novelist. Public diary, February-July, 1935; "a record of triviality, a chronicle of small beer"; reactions to normal occasions; reflections on local, domestic, and public affairs; literary flavor and interests. A Year that the Locust (London, 1935). HUTCHINSON,




School diary, September-September (no year); a fairly recent diary of life at Harrow; the notes of a healthy and well-adjusted boy; social life, studies, and sports in public school; home life in holidays. Young Colt's Diary, ed. Charles Terrott (London, 1936). W I L L I A M S O N , Henry (b. 1897), author. Private diary, January-December, 1936; a year in the life of an author; inci-


937~3 9 ]

British Diaries


dents of the literary world; most of time spent in the country; interest in fishing; visit to Germany; account of conditions under Hider regime; meeting with Frank Buchman of Oxford Group; nature talks for B.B.C.; account of friendship with T. E. Lawrence. Goodbye, West Country (London, 1937), 399 pp.

1937 Joseph, of Casdetown Bere, county Cork, rent collector. Private diary, 1937 to present time; news of public and world events; weather; local events, marriage, deaths, shipping, rumors, sports, meetings. MS owned by Mr. Crowley, as above. CROWLEY,

Frank Laurence (b. 1894), critic. Public diary, December, 1937-Dccember, 1938; a day-by-day journal of the psychological terror of approaching war; public affairs and public sentiment; how England attuned itself to the coming war. Journal under the Terror (London, 1939). LUCAS,


John (pseud.), cyclist.


Travel diaries, April-October, 1938; various cycling tours in England. I Got on My Bicycle (London, 1939). 1939 Rom (b. 1899), former Polish author. Private diary, February-October, 1939; private life and country life in Sussex before the war; trivialities (alleged to be important), social, natural, domestic; reflections; pleasant holiday in France. Of No Importance (London, 1940). LANDAU,

Edgar Harry (b. 1 9 1 4 ) of Birmingham, librarian and archivist. Private diary, September, 1939-1947; compiled chiefly by mounting extracts of letters from and to the compiler during his army service with Royal Signals in B.E.F., Home Forces, and B.L.A.; solely concerned with the life of the ordinary soldier and that of his family in the war period. MS owned by E. H. Sargeant, 24 Calverley Rd., King's Norton, Birmingham 8 vols. SARGEANT,

E. A. (b. 1921) of Potter's Bar, Middlesex. Public diary, August, 1939-June, 1945; written for Mass-Observation; work as shop assistant; record of conversations, opinions, thoughts of all sorts of people; an observer's record of everyday life during the war. MS owned by diarist, 27 Ormesby Drive, Potter's Bar, Middlesex. W E Y M O U T H , Dr. Anthony (pseud, of I . G. Cobb), doctor and writer. War diaries, September, 1939-February, 1941; the life of a doctor and B.B.C. STEBBING,


British Diaries


Talks editor in war-time; meetings with Ian Hay, Mme. Tabouis, Low, Masaryk, Shaw, Cammaerts, etc.; personal notes of his work; the events of the Second World War as they happened in London; public and social life; an honest record of events and how people lived; a good diary. A Psychologist's War-Time Diary (London, 1940); and Plague Year (London, 1942). I94O Charles Patrick Ranke, journalist. War diary, November, 1940-August, 1941; West End social life in London; journalism and the Home Guard; the Blitz; personal but journalistic. Oß the Record (London, 1941). GRAVES,

Naomi Gwladys, preacher. Public diary, August-September, 1940; rumors about the war; effects on civil life in London and Winchester; the war from the civilian's viewpoint. Outside Inf ormation (London, 1941). ROYDE-SMITH,

I942 John Charles (b. 1912) of Birmingham. Prisoner's diary, March, 1942-September, 1945; events and conditions while a prisoner of war in Japanese hands, particularly during building of Burma-Siam railway. MS owned by diarist, 30 Esme Road, Birmingham About 1000 pp. SHARP,

INDEX [ N O T E S , ( I ) Anonymous diarists are excluded from the index. (2) Tided diarists are indexed by their tides, but their family names are given as cross references. (3) Pseudonyms are given as cross references to actual names. (4) References are to pages.] Amberley, John Russell, Viscount, 262 Kate Stanley Russell, Lady, 269 Abbot. See Colchester Amory, Mrs. {Catherine, 109 Abdy, Rev. Stotherd, 101 Ancell, Samuel, 1 1 6 Abell, James, 114 Acland, Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke, Anderson, Lieut. Aeneas, 151 Rev. Alexander, 257 217 Rev. Christopher, 155 Acton, William, 46 John, 192 Adams, E. Richards, 230 Major M. H., 300 William ( 1 6 6 7 - 1 7 1 4 ) , 52 W., 126 William (1779-1834), 146 William, 183 Addams-Williams, Rev. Charles, Anglesey, Arthur Annesley, 1st Earl of, 235 Addison, Rt. Hon. Christopher 32 Addison, Baron, 300 Apperley, Capt. Newton Wynn, 275 Thomas, of Carlisle, 47 Arbuthnot, Rev. Alexander, 189 Thomas, of Llanelly, 155 Mrs., 198 Adey, George, 256 Archer, Sir John, 27 Adolphus, John, 250 Armitage, Whaley, 133 Agate, James Evershed, 309 Armstrong, Andrew, 130 Aikin, Arthur, 144 Benjamin John, 257 Edmund John, 270 Dr. John, 122 Arnold, Dr. Thomas, 209 Ailesbury, Thomas Bruce Brudenell, Ash, Capt. Thomas, 44 4th Earl of, 126 Ashburton, Alexander Baring, 1st Alexander, Edward, 213 Rt. Rev. Nathaniel, 228 Baron, 164 Mrs. Sophia, 2 1 2 Ashmole, Elias, 14 Alford, Rev. Henry, 2 1 2 Ashworth, Cornelius, 121 Allan, Dr. James Watson, 293 John, 276 Allen, Hannah S., 231 Assheton, Nicholas, 9 John, 1 1 4 Aston, John, 16 William, 128 Sir Willoughby, 40 William and John, 30 Astry, Diana, 54 Allies, Rev. Thomas William, 250 Atherton, Frederick, 289 Allin, Sir Thomas, 28 Athlone, Godert de Ginkel, 1st Earl of, Allingham, William, 252 48 Allwyn, John, 164 Auckland, William Eden, 1st Baron, Alnutt, Mrs., 222 128




Austin, Herbert Henry, 172 Awdry, Miss Cecile, 277 Miss S. V., 276 Ayshcombe, William, 8 B.,R.,73 Babington, Charles Cardale, 209 Rev. Matthew Drake, 253 Backhouse, Anna, 235 Hannah Chapman, 160 James, 81 Bacon, Major D'Arcy, 205 Jane M., 236 Badcock, Lieut. Col. Lovell, 224 Bagot, Miss Mary, 198 Bagshaw, Rev. Edward, 67 William (1696 diary), 50 William (1793 diary), 138 Bagshawe, Mrs. Catherine, 135 Bailey, Hinton Richard, 186 John Cann, 289 Baillie, Matthew, 129 Robert, 15 Bain, James, 287 Louisa, 267 Baker, John, 83 Rev. Samuel, 234 Thomas, 36 William, 198 Ball, Hannah, 98 John, and Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton, 280 Ballard, Joseph, 186 Baly, Dr. William, 232 Bamford, Samuel, 268 Banks, John Cleaver, 192 Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph, 99 Bannatyne, Richard, 3 Bannerman, Sir Alexander, 207 "Barbellion." See Cummings Barclay, Miss Evelyn, 291 John, 183 Barcroft Family, 167

Barker, Edmund Henry, 183 Barlow, Edward, 27 Barnard, John, 67 Barrett, Richard, 200 Barron, Bonaventure, 20 Barrow, Lieut. Col. John, 275 Barton, Tilney, 307 Baskerville, Thomas, 40 Battersea, Lady Constance, 268 Batty, Mrs. Beatrice Braithwaite, 270 John, 272 Bawer, George, 215 Bayard, Maria, 183 Bayley, Francis, 205 Bayly, Mrs. Katherine, 66 Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, nt Earl of, 207 Beake, Robert, 25 [Beale, S. Sophia, ed.], 255 Beard, John, 145 Beattie, James, 106 Dr. William, 202 Beaumont, William, 188 Beaver, George, 178 [Beckington, Sir Thomas], 1 [Bedford, Rev. Thomas], 16 Bedingfield, Lady Charlotte, 169 Bee, Jacob, 40 Beeching, Rev. Henry Charles, 294 Beecroft, Mrs., 228 Beers, Frank, 279 Bell, Deborah, 58 [Douglas Herbert], 300 G.J.,247 James Stanislaus, 236 William, 306 Bellingham, Thomas, 43 Beloe, Henry C., 280 Belsham, Rev. Thomas, 1 1 6 Bennet, Grace, 148 John, 77 Rev. William, 124

Index Bennett, Enoch Arnold, 294 R. D., 271 Benson, Arthur Christopher, 295 Rt. Rev. Edward White, 284 Robert, 205 Stella, 297 Bentham, Jeremy, 119 Sir Samuel, 118 Beresford, Russell, 308 Berkeley, Rt. Rev. George, 63 Berry, John, 150 Mary, 121 Bertie of Thame, Francis Leveson, Viscount, 301 Bessborough, Henrietta Frances (Spencer) Ponsonby, Countess of, 104 Beswick, George, 77 Betts, John Thomas, 238 Beverley, William, 83 Billington, William Henry, 259 Bingham, John, 202 Mary Helen, 202 Binyon, Edward, 96 Birch, Capt. Samuel, 22 Bird, John, 133 Birkbeck, Morris, 183 Birrel, Robert, 1 Bishop, Mrs. Betty, 116 Bissett, Rev. John, 79 Black, William Henry, 247 Blackader, Lieut. Col. John, 53 Blackwood, Sir Stevenson Arthur, 253 Blaikie, Thomas, n o Blakey, Robert, 225 Blanchard, Edward Leman, 247 Blathwayt, William, 51 Bligh, J. D., 241 Lieut. William, 127 Bloomfield, Robert, 165 Blore, Thomas, 136 Blumenfeld, Ralph David, 290 Blundell, Capt. William, 28 Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 279


Bogle, George, 92 Bohun, Edmund, 38 Bois, John, 12 Bonar, Rev. Andrew Alexander, 215 Bonhereau, Dr. Elie, 51 Bonnivert, Gideon, 46 Boone, Susanna, 106 Booth, George, 58 Boothby, Capt. Charles, 161 Borland, Rev. Francis, 29 Borradaile, John, 239 Borrow, George Henry, 264 Bosanquet, Charles B. P., 281 Rev. R.W.,198 Boscawen, Hon. Frances Evelyn, 82 Boswell, James, 95 Boteler, Capt. Nathaniel, 16 Botfield, Beriah, 218 Bourgoyne Dr., 4 "Bourne, George." See Sturt Bourne, Rev. Hugh, 158 Boutflower, Charles, 169 Bowen Family, 283 Bower, Anna Catherina, 127 Bowlby, Sir Anthony Alfred, 301 Bowles, George, 92 Boyle. See Cork Boys, Jeffrey, 33 Bradburn, Samuel, 107 Bradley. See Field Braithwaite, Anna, 220 Martha, 245 Brammer, Alfred, 296 Bray, William, 88 Brereton, John, 137 Sir William, 14 Brett. See Esher Bridson, Paul, 269 Briggins, Peter, 55 Bright, John, 236 Brightwell, Cecilia L., 245 [Brindle,I. J.?], 138



Bristol, Augustus Hervey, 3d Earl of, 73 John Hervey, 1st Earl of, 43 Broadbelt, Mrs. Ann, 169 Broadbent, John, 236 Brockbank, Rev. Thomas, 33 Brodie, Alexander, of Brodie, Scodand, 25 Alexander, of Maine, Elgin, 92 Alexander Oswald, 245 James, 39 Brooks, Shirley, 275 Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, 1st Baron, 169 Brown, Ford Madox, 247 George, 79 Henry Francis, 295 James, 53 John, 186 Nicholas, 98 Corp. Robert, 138 Thomas, 35 Thomas Lloyd, 281 Lieut. William Sorley, 301 Browne, Dodwell, 129 Dr. Edward, 30 Mary, 200 William George, 152 Brownell, George, 240 Mark, 43 Brownlow, Sir John, 28 Brownrigg, William, 74 Bruce, Robert, 186 Brudenell. See Ailesbury Buchanan, Dr. George, 264 George, 310 Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Grenville, 1st Duke of, 213 Buckley, Joseph, 207 Buckminster, Rev. Joseph Stevens, 158 Budgett, Mrs. Sarah, 164 Bufton, John, 37

Bulkeley, John, and Cummins, John, 76 Robert, 1 2 William, 72 Bullock, Robert Henry, 186 Bulman, John, 3 1 0 Bulstrode, Sir Richard, 32 Bulwer, James Redford, 259 Bunbury, Sir Charles James Fox, 230 Bunting, Jabez, 158 Burd, Edward, Jr., 69 Burgess, Ann, 264 John, 124 Burghall, Rev. Edward, 12 Burgoyne, Sir John Montagu ( 1 8 3 2 1 9 2 1 ) , 262 Sir John ( 1 7 8 2 - 1 8 7 1 ) , 152 Burgrave, Robert, 21 Burkinshaw, A . Sydney, 305 Burman, Francis, 55 Burn, Major-General Andrew, 106 Burnaby, Rev. Andrew, 97 Burney, Charles, 103 (Wood), Fanny Anne, 220 Frances. See D'Arblay Burns, Robert, 127 Burr, Aaron, 167 Burrell, Timothy, 40 Burritt, Elihu, 260 Burrow, Reuben, n o Burt, Sir John Mowlem, 287 Burton, Hon. — , 9 1 Dr. John, 79 Thomas, 26 William, 225 Bury, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria, 173 Elizabeth, 48 Bussell, Peter, 164 Buder, Charles J., 294 Lady Eleanor, 124 Lady Elizabeth Southerden, 273 James. See Ormonde Thomas, 145

Index Butterfield, Rebekah, 68 Buxton, John, 40 Byett, Harry, 301 Byng. See Torrington Byrom, Elizabeth, 79 John, 66 Byron, George Gordon Noel, 6th Baron, 180 C., A., 145 Caddick, Helen, 291 [Cage, M r . — ] , i 2 2 Calderwood, Margaret, 88 Caldwell, J., 99 Calverley, Sir Walter, 48 Calvert, Hon. Mrs. Frances (Pery), 160 Sir Harry, 138 Cambridge, H. R. H. George, Duke of, 225 Cameron, Duncan, 79 (Mrs. Mawson), Jane, 218 Rev. John, 81 Rev. Samuel, 271 Campbell, Alexander, 188 Rev. John, 192 John Campbell, 1st Baron, 252 Sir Neil, 183 Rev. Thomas, n o Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 264 Lady Sarah Charlotte, 273 Capper, Mary, 101 Samuel, 207 Capps, John, 61 Carey. See Mordaunt Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard, 7th Earl of, 246 Carlyle, Jane Baillie Welsh, 264 Joseph Dacre, 155 Thomas, 255 Carow, Isaac, 183 Carpenter, Jonathan, 107 Carr, John, 83 William Guy, 299


(Harrington, John, 148 "Carroll, Lewis." See Dodgson Carter, Rev. John, 1 1 6 Cartwright, Catherine, 101 Rt. Rev. Thomas, 42 Carus, Dr. Karl Gustav, 248 Carvosso, William, 190 Cary, Rev. Henry Francis, 145 Casaubon, Isaac, 6 Catchpool, John, 148 Cavell, E., 292 Cavendish, Francis William Henry, 236 Henrietta. See Oxford Lady Lucy Lytdeton, 262 Cecil. See Wimbledon Chalmers, Anne, 220 Rev. Thomas, 158 Chamberlain, Benjamin Goodman, 222 Chambers, Charles, 165 Champness, Thomas, 267 Chancellor, Henry Alexander Robertson, 267 Chapman, John, 258 Charles, Rev. Thomas, 114 Charlton, Dr. Edward, 225 Chatterton, Henrietta Georgiana Marcia Lascelles, Lady, 236 Chevalier, Jean, 18 Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 2d Earl of, n o Rev. William, 278 Children, John George, 156 Cholmley, Sir Hugh, 33 Clanricarde, Ulick de Burgh, 5th Marquis of, 17 Clare, John, 207 Clarendon, Henry Hyde, 2d Earl of, 42 Maria, 135 Clark, Rev. Andrew, 301 Isaac Stockton, 152 Rev. John, 101 Sir Richard, 122



Clarke, Adam, 119 John, 192 Mrs. John Plomer, 118 Peter, 62 Tom, 300 Sir William, 31 Claughton, Rt. Rev. Thomas Legh, 236 Clayton, Sir William Robert, 272 Clegg, Rev. James, 54 Clerk, Sir John, of Penicuik, 50 John, of Eldin, 116 Clifford. See Pembroke Clift, William, 175 Clinton, Rev. Henry Fynes, 195 Clopton, Mr., 22 Clutterbuck, Robert, 140 "Cobb, I. G." See Weymouth Cobb, Mrs. Mary, 137 Cobbett, James Paul, 215 William, 200 Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas James, 285 Cochrane, Thomas. See Dundonald Capt. William, 127 Cockburn, Sir George, 186 Henry Thomas, Lord, 222 Cockerell, Charles Robert, 173 Sydney, 289 Cocks, Thomas, 8 Coe, William, 48 Coghill, James Henry, 276 Coke, Lady Mary, 88 Colchester, Charles Abbot, 1st Baron, 129 Cole, Rev. William, 96 Coleraine, Henry Hare, 3d Baron, 75 Coleridge, Sir John Taylor, 198 Hon. Stephen, 287 Collett, Elizabeth, 125 Joseph, 60 Collier, Rev. Carus Vale, 288 Dr. H. E., 243 [John Payne], 225 Collingwood, Cuthbert, 1st Baron, 165

Collins, Capt. Grenville, 44 John C., 309 John Churton, 284 William, 178 Collinson, Samuel, 251 Collisson, Rev. W. A. Houston, 298 Colquhoun, Lady Janet, 161 Colt, John, 310 John Dutton, 69 Compton, Rev. Thomas, 52 Congreve, William La Touche, 301 Coningsby, Sir Thomas, 5 Connal, Sir Michael, 232 Connor, Timothy, 114 W. Frederick, 290 Conrad, Joseph, 292 Conran, John, 122 Conway of Allington, William Martin Conway, 1st Baron, 306 Cook, A. M., 283 Capt. James, 99 Cooke, Anne, 93 Capt. Edward, 58 George Frederick, 140 Thomas William, 162 Cooper, Anthony Ashley. See Shaftesbury Austin, 119 Capt. Dawtrey, 12 Edith. See Field James Fenimore, 228 John, 103 Mrs. Mary, 169 Cope, Charles West, 252 Rev. Richard, 140 Copleston, Rt. Rev. Edward, 200 Cork, Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of, 9 Cornish, Rev. James, 288 Corrie, Rev. George Elwes, 234 Corry (Johnson), William, 274 Courtney, Catherine, 1st Baroness Courtney, 282 Coverte, Robert, 8

index Cowan, Charles, 243 Co well, George, 248 Cowell-Stepney, Sir John Stepney, 169 Cowley, Henry Wellesley, 1st Baron, r 34 Cowper, Mary, Countess Cowper, 61 William Cowper, 1st Earl, 57 Crabb, Rev. James, 135 Crabbe, Rev. George, 1 3 1 Craig, James Whitelaw, 281 Craik, Rev. Henry, 209 Cramond, Ensign William, 44 Cramp, Thomas, 244 Cranbrook, Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Earl of, 243 Creech, William, 98 Crewe, Lady Frances Anne, 125 Crick, Throne, 241 Croker, John Wilson, 173 Crosfield, Thomas, 1 1 Crosier, John, 65 Cross (Evans), Mary. See Eliot Crosse, Dr. John Green, 175 Crowley, Joseph, 3 1 1 Cruger, Henry, n o Cubbon, Henry, 289 Cullum, Sir Thomas, 21 Sir Thomas Gery, n o Family, 98 [Culme, Lieut. Col. Arthur? ], 21 Cumberland, George, 125 Cummings, Bruce Frederick (W. N . P. Barbellion, pseud.), 297 Cuningham, Thomas, 16 Cunningham, Alison, 274 Rev. Francis Macaulay, 272 William, Master of Craigends, Renfrewshire, 35 William, of Enterkine, Ayrshire, 84 Curling, Edward Spencer, 213 Curry, John, 175 Curtis, Miss Sybil Mary, 298 Curwen, Samuel, n o


C us sons, George, 1 1 6 Cust, Sir Pury, 36 Cuder, Samuel, 1 1 2 D'Abernon, Edgar Vincent, 1st Viscount, 308 Helen Venetia, Viscountess, 305 Dale, Capt. John, 137 Dallam, Thomas, 7 Dallas, George Mifflin, 265 Dalton, Thomas M., 248 Daly, Charles Patrick, 258 Damer, Hon. Mrs. Mary Georgiana (Dawson), 240 Dampier, William, 38 Dana, Richard Henry, 282 Dangerfield, Capt. Thomas, 41 Daniel, Rev. Alfred, 241 Rev. Wilson Eustace, 277 Dan vers, Charles, 142 D'Arblay (née Burney), Frances, 100 Darby, Abiah, 80 Darling, William, 142 Darwin, Charles Robert, 222 Dataller, Roger (pseud.), 309 Daunt, Very Rev. Achilles, 261 W. J. O'Neill, 244 Davenport, William, 18 Davidson, Rev. Samuel, 281 William, 129 Davies, Rev. John, 277 Rev. Rowland, 45 William, 253 Davis, Miss, 173 Rev. Francis Neville, 277 Thomas Osborne, 241 Davy, William, 138 Dawes, General Charles Gates, 309 Sir Thomas, 19 Dawson, Henry, 278 John,93 Day, Hon. Robert, 103,140 Susanna, 147



Deane, John Marshall, 58 De Bassompière, François, 11 De Beaumont, Elie, 95 De Burgh. See Clanricarde Dee, Dr. John, 4 De Ginkel. See Athlone De La Beche, Sir H. T., 192 De la Pryme, Abraham, 48 De la Ramée, Marie Louise, 257 Delmé-Radclitfe, Frederick Pater, 225 De Maisse, André Hurault, Sieur, 6 Denison. See Ossington Denman, Miss Frances, 226 Dennis, Rev. Robert Nathaniel, 250 Denny, Lady Arabella, 84 Dentand. See Tracy De Quincey, Thomas, 158 Derby, James Stanley, 7th Earl of, 8 Dering, Sir Edward, 35 De Ros, William Lennox Lascelles, 23d Baron, 232 De Rothschild, Lady Louisa, 236 De Vere, Aubrey Thomas, 250 Devonshire, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of, 129 Dewhurst, Capt. Roger, 123 Dick, Sir Alexander, 73 Dickens, Charles John Huffam, 278 Dickenson, Marshe, 88 Dickson, Sir Alexander, 184 William Joseph, 278 Digby, Sir Kenelm, 12 Dillwyn, L. W., 170 William, 107 Dineley, Thomas, 40 Dixon (Powell), Agnes Margaret, 304 Sophie, 220 Dobbs, Rosalind, 301 Doddridge, Rev. Philip, 70 Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge ("Lewis Carroll"), 261 Dodington. See Melcombe Don, Archibald William, 302

Dorney, John, 19 Douglas, Rev. Henry, 200 Rt. Rev. John, 82 Robert, 19 Sylvester. See Glenbervie Douie Family, 205 Dow, Lorenzo, 150 Downham, Major Thomas, 175 Downing, John, 86 Downman, Lieut. Col. Francis, 91 Dowsing, William, 19 Drake, Edward, 19 Nathan, 19 Drummond, George, 73 Professor Henry, 285 Sir William, 27 Duberly, Mrs. Henry (Frances Isabella), 262 Dudley, Elizabeth, 178 Duflerin and Ava, Hariot Georgina Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Marchioness of, 285 Dugard, Rev. Thomas, 13 Dugdale, Sir William, 19 Dummer, E., 41 Duncan, Rev. Henry, 112 Mrs. Mary Lundie, 226 Dundonald, Sir Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of, 165 Dungett, John, 186 Dunn, James, 160 Dunne, R. E., 258 Dunton, John, 15 D'Urban, Sir Benjamin, 167 Durham, Louise Grey, Countess of, 242 Durnford, Rev. Richard, 170 Dymond, Ann, 149 Mary, 215 Dyott, William, 119 Eade, Sir Peter, 266 Earle, Dr. Pliny, 237 Easdake (Rigby), Lady Elizabeth, 244

Index Eden. See Auckland; Henley Edgar, Devcreux, 53 Edgcumbe. See Mount-Edgcumbc Edward VI, King of England, 2 Egerton. See Ellesmere Egmont, John Percival, ist Earl of, 70 Eld, George, 201 Eliot, George, 264 fohn, III, 89 Ellenborough, Edward Law, ist Earl of, 215 Ellesmere, Harriet Catherine Egerton, Countess of, 242 Elliott, Arthur, 143 Lady Grace Dairymple, 131 Ellis, Sir Henry, 180 Rev. fohn, 104 Rev. Robert, 178, 234 Elphinstone. See Keith Entwisle, Rev, Joseph, 123 Epps, fohn, 205 Erskine, Rev, Ebenezer, 58 fohn ([662-1743), 40 fohn (1675-1732). See Mar Rev, Ralph, 71 William, (70 Esberger, Dr. Christian Frederick, 95 Esher, Reginald Baliol Brett, Viscount, 281 Essex, fames, to6 Eston, Vir., 23 E^ans, Francis, 52 fane, 184 Robert, 193 Evelyn, fohn, ID Everett, Rev. fames, 123, [60 Ewing, Rt. Rev. Alexander, 232 Eyre, Adam, 21 Evston, Charles, 52 Evton, T , ,'95 Paradav, Michael, :8i 'Firdd, Eben.' See THomas


Farington, Joseph, 129 Sir William, 96 Farmer, Hon. William, 73 Farquharson, Alexander, 94 Farrand, Rebecca, 257 Farrington, William, 123 Faviere, Maximilian, 121 Fawcett, Rev. John, 92 Fay, Sir Sam, 306 Featherstonhaugh, Lady, 82 Fellows, Sir Charles, 238 Fenton, Richard, 152 Fenwick, Lieut. Thomas Howard, 138 Ferrier, Major Richard, 43 Field, fames, 162 Michael (pseud, for Katherine Bradley and Edith Cooper), 291 R., 207 Fielding, Henry, 86 Rev, Henry, 209 Fiennes, Celia, 49 Finch, Daniel. See Nottingham Sir fohn, 35 Rev, Robert, c8i Finlay, George, 218 Fitzgerald, fohn, t j8 Lady Lucy, 145 Lady Sophia, 125 Fitzpatnck, Dr. Thomas, 280 Fitzroy, Sir Almeric William, 295 Flaxman, Mrs. Anne (Mrs. fohn), 127 fohn, [27 Fleming, Mariorie, 170 Fletcher, Isaac, J8 Mrs. Mary, 104 V , 145 Florrv, Miss, '8 Folev, Rev. Edward W, i->o 1 Henrv', 276 Folliott, George, 97 Pontane, Theodore, 160

322 Forbes, Major Ian, 302 James, 232 James David, 244 John, 10 Rt. Rev. Robert (1708-1775), 94 Rev. Robert (1843 diary), 246 Sir William, 137 Ford, John, 198 William, 131 Forman, Simon, 2 Forster, Josiah, 223 William, 149 Foster, Emily, 201 Sergeant Henry, 19 Fothergill, Elizabeth, 101 James, 308 Fountainhall. See Lauder Fowke, Richard, 162 Fowler, Sir Robert Nicholas, 243 Fox, Albert, 261 Caroline, 232 Mrs. Charles James, 164 Henry Edward. See Holland John, 195 Maria, 207 Sarah (née Champion), 93 Rev. William Johnson, 178 Frampton, Mary, 117 Francis, Marianne (Burney) 159 Franks, Rev. James, 123 Freeman, Ann, 190 Freke, Mrs. Elizabeth, 34 Fretwell, James, 64 Frith, Rev. M. K. S., 269 Froude, Rev. Richard Hurrell, 212 Fry, Elizabeth, 147 Joseph, 228 Major Oliver, 205 Frye, John, 131 Major William Edward, 186 Fryer, Frederick, 248 Furse, Robert, 5 Fyers, Col. William, 170

Index Gale, Walter, 83 Gallagher, Frank, 308 Gardiner, Thomas, 29 Garrard, Charles T., 261 Garraway, George Hervey, 294 Garrick, David, 84 Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 232 Gathorne-Hardy. See Cranbrook Geekie, John, 64 Gell, Sir William, 152 George, Elizabeth, 258 Gershow, Frederic, 7 Gibbins, William, 152 Gibbon, Edward, 93 Gibson, Dr. John, 205 Gilbert, Mary, 97 Gilfillan, Rev. George, 273 Gillam, John Graham, 304 Gillmor, Lieut. Clotworthy, 173 Gilpin, Mary Ann, 218 Gisborne, Mrs., 83 John, 153 Lionel, 260 Gissing, George Robert, 291 Gladstone (Mrs. Drew), Mary, 275 W. H., 266 William Ewart, 212 Glanville, John, 10 Glasgow, David, 7th Earl of, 262 Glassford, James, 207 Glenbervie, Sylvester Douglas, Lord, r


Glenorchy, Willielma, Viscountess, 100 Glynne, Henry, 208 Sir John, 85 Mary (later Lady Lytdeton), 208 Rev. Stephen (later 7th Baronet), 98 Sir Stephen Richard, 9th Bart., 210 Goddard, Mrs. Lucy, 107 Gomm, Sir William Maynard, 151 Gooch, Sir Daniel, 276 [Gooche? Mr.], 33 Goodall, William, 246

Index Goodfcllow, Matthew, 72 Goodsall, Walter, 283 Goodwillie, John, 80 Gordon, Patrick, 26 Peter, 170 Rev. Robert, 68 Rev. William, 52 Gordon-Lennox, Lord Bernard, 302 Gossip, Leah, 206 Gosdin, Dr. John, 9 Gough, Richard, 82 Gower, Ronald Charles Sutherland, Lord, 287 Grace, Rev. John, 251 Graham, Richard, 50 Grange, James Erskine, Lord, 64 Granger, Benjamin, 44 Grano, John Baptist, 70 Grant Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone, 258 Grape, Rev. Charles, 126 Graves, Charles Patrick Ranke, 312 Gray, Faith, 95 Thomas, 75 Green, John Richard, 269 Thomas, 145 Greene, Miss Ireland, 82 John, 15 Thomas, 9 William, 114 Greenhill, Rev. John Russell, 118 Gregory, Lady Isabella Augusta, 307 Lucy, 218 William, 149 Grenfell, Francis (1880-1915), 297 Francis H. (d. 1946), 302 Lydia, 155 Grenville, Sir Richard, 11 Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke, 184 Henry William, 226 Richard. See Buckingham and Chandos Col. Robert Fulke, 1 1 9


Grey, Louise. See Durham Hon. Mrs. Maria Georgina, 279 Thomas, 212 Grice-Hutchinson, Rev. R. E., 305 Griffin, Jane (later Lady Franklin), 170 Griffith, Rev. David, 263 Edward Humphrey, 218 Rev. John, 250 W. Tyndal, 265 Grimshaw, Rev. William, 86 Grimston, Sir Harbotde, 100 [Groome, Rev. William], 1 1 1 Gross, Samuel, 218 Samuel Chilton, 223 Grosvenor. See Westminster Grote, George, 193 Grubb, Sarah, 105 Guedalla, Mrs. H., 265 Gurney, Elizabeth, 242 Emelia Russell, 292 Isabel, 300 Joseph John, 167 Priscilla, 187 Guylforde, Sir Richarde, 1 Gwyn, Capt. John, 28 Gyll, Thomas, 82 H., S., 69 Hadlock, Capt. Samuel, 202 Hagger, Mary, 184 Haig, Douglas Haig, 1st Earl, 288 Haldane, J., 147 Haldar, Rakhal Das, 272 Halkett, Sir James, 39 Hall, Edward, 305 James, 162 Sir John, 240 John Vine, 173 William King, 218 Hallé, Sir Charles, 265 Halliwell-Phillipps, Mrs. Henrietta Elizabeth Molyneux, 234



Hamilton, Mrs. Caroline, 1 1 5 Sir Ian, 304 John, 216 Mary, 89 Hon. Ralph Gerard Alexander, 304 Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood. See Dufferin and Ava Hamley, Sir Edward Bruce, 286 Hammond, Anthony, 64 Hanbury, Charlotte, 253 Hane, Joachim, 25 Hannington, Rt. Rev. James, 274 [Hanson, J.O.P], 184 Harcourt, Anne, Lady, 23 Mary, Lady, 1 3 1 Hardman, Sir William, 269 Hardy, Lady, 165 Mrs. Mary, 107 Hare, Rt. Rev. Francis, 56 Henry. See Coleraine Harford-Battersby, Rev. Thomas Dundas, 252 Harington, John, 21 Harley, Edward. See Oxford Robert, 39 Harmsworth. See Northcliffe Harper, Mrs. Elizabeth, 97 Harris, George, 238 Howel, 71 Mrs. Isabella, 167 James. See Malmesbury James Edward. See Malmesbury James Howard. See Malmesbury Harrison, R. B., 254 Harrold, Edmund, 61 Hart, James, 61 Harvey, Margaret Boyle, 171 Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 1 st Marquis, 141 Warren, 1 1 7 Hatfield, Mary, 135 Hatherley, Rt. Hon. William Page Wood, 1st Baron, 216

Hawker, Col. Peter, 156 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 261 Mrs. S., 267 Hawtrey, Capt. John, 171 Hay, Andrew, 27 John, 190 Robert, 208 Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 198 Head, Mrs. Caroline, 280 Hearne, Thomas, 57 Heathcoat-Amory, Major Ludovic, 306 Heber, Rt. Rev. Reginald, 162 Heffer, Edward Arthur, 260 Hekekyan Bey, Joseph, 218 Helyer (Grove), Harriet, 171 Henley, Rev. John, 210 [Morton, Eden, 1st Baron? ], 130 Hennell (Bray), Caroline, 187 Henniker, Sir John (afterwards 1st Baron Henniker), 120 Hon. John (afterwards 4th Baron Henniker), 193 Henry, Rev. Matthew, 50 Rev. Philip, 24 Henslowe, Philip, 5 Henson, Rt. Rev. Herbert Hensley, 277 Herbert, Hon. Aubrey Nigel, 302 Charles, 1 1 4 Henry. See Pembroke Sir Henry, 10 Herford, Edward, 226 Heron, Robert, 1 3 1 Hervey, Augustus. See Bristol Rev. James, 71 John. See Bristol Rev. Romaine, 143 Hon. William, 87 Hesdin, Raoul, 141 Heugh, Rev. Hugh, 161 Hewins, W. A. S., 298 Hewitson, Rev. William Hepburn, 248 Hewlett, Maurice, 293 Hexham, Capt. Henry, 13

Index Hey wood, George, 178 Rev. Oliver, 31 Capt. Peter, 139 Hicks, P. Thomas, 193 Hill, H., 223 Lydia, 118 Matthew Davenport, 190 Rev. Rowland (1744-1833), 106 Sir Rowland (1795-1879), 188 Hitchcock, Capt. Francis Clere, 304 Hoare, Richard, 76 Sir Richard Colt, 139 Hobbes, Robert, 153 Hobhouse. See Broughton Hobson, John, 68 Hoby, Lady Margaret, 7 [Hodges, Mr.], 53 Capt. Thomas Law, 149 Hodgkinson, Mary, 178 Richard, 141 Hodgson, Rev. John, 226 Hog, Rev. Thomas, 30 Hogg, Thomas Jefferson, 210 Hoghton, Daniel, 151 Holden, Capt. Henry, 286 Holland, Elizabeth Vassal Fox, 135 Henry Edward Fox, 4th Baron, 193 William, 81 Hollis, Thomas, 91 Holloway, William, 289 Holt, John, 309 Holtzapfel, Miss Charlotte, 181 Holyfield, Alphonso Henry, 210 Honnywell, William, 6 Hooke, Robert, 34 Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 171 Hope, Sir Thomas, 14 Thomas Suthren, 306 Hope-Scott, James Robert, 242 Hopkins, Eliza Ann, 244 Gerard Manley, 273 Hordern, Joseph, 122 Horler, Sydney, 3 1 0


Hornby, Sir Geoffrey Phipps, 254 Horner, Francis, 149 Horrocks, John, 270 Horstead-Keynes, the Rector of, 24 Hoskyns, Rev. Hungerford, 89 Hough, Lieut. Henry, 178 John, 108 Houghton, Mary, 302 Housman, Mrs. H., 60 Howard, George W. F. See Carlisle Mrs. Katherine, 67 Rachel, 202 Howland, Harriet, 175 Howlden, Richard, 242 Hubbard, Henry, 77 Huggins, William Sidney, 251 Hughes, Isaac, 284 Thomas, 246 William, 238 Hulton, Jessop G. de B., 226 Hume, Sir David, 51 Hugh. See Marchmont Rev. James, 62 Humphry, Ozias, 105 Hunt, Henry, 198 Hunter, Joseph, 147 Hurlbert, William Henry, 291 Hutcheson, Charles, 122 Hutchinson, Arthur Stuart Menteth, 310 Elisha, 108 Thomas, IQ8 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 251 Hyde, Laurence. See Rochester Henry. See Clarendon Iddesleigh, Sir Stafford Northcote, 1st Earl of, 277 Illidge, Lieut. Richard, 56 Illingworth, Thomas, 87 Ingham, Benjamin, 72 Irving, Peter, 165 Washington, 190

326 Isham, Sir John, 1 1 Sir Justinian, 4th baronet, 56 Sir Thomas, 34 Iwan, L l w y d Ap, 290 J.,C.,i8 Jackson, Sir George, 155 James, 24 Rev. Jeremiah, 193 Jacson, Rev. Roger, 2 1 9 Jaflray, Alexander, 23 James, Alice, 292 Bartholomew, 104 Henry ( 1 7 9 9 - 1 8 9 8 ) , 184 Henry ( 1 8 4 3 - 1 9 1 6 ) , 285 John Thomas, 1 8 1 Samuel, 84 [William], 26 Jeake, Samuel, 39 Jefferies, Richard, 283 Jeffries, Joyce, 15 Jellett, Morgan Woodward, 203 Jenkins, Miss, 230 James, 103 Jenkinson. See Liverpool Jephson, Lady Harriet Julia, 302 Jesup, Mary, 127 Jeune, Mrs. Margaret Dyne, 246 Jevons, William Stanley, 260 Johnson, Elizabeth, 83 Rev. Samuel ( 1 6 9 6 - 1 7 7 2 ) , 67 Dr. Samuel ( 1 7 0 9 - 1 7 8 4 ) , n 1 William, 25 Johnston, Dr. George, 248 James, 190 Priscilla, 199 Johnstone, Alexander, 67 Jolly, Rev. Thomas, 34 Jones, Agnes Elizabeth, 261 Rev. David ( 1 7 3 5 - 1 8 1 0 ) , 167 David (b. 1834), 285 Capt. Edward, 234 Ernest Charles, 240

Index Jones, Henry Festing, 297 Capt. Jenkin, 195 [ J o h n ? ] , 55 Sir John Thomas, 1 7 5 Capt. L . T . , 1 4 1 Theophilus, 24 Thomas, 1 3 5 Rev. William ( 1 7 5 5 - 1 8 2 1 ) , 108 William ( 1 7 6 0 - 1 8 3 8 ) , 1 2 3 Josselin, Rev. Ralph, 20 Judd, James, 290 K a y , Robert, 74 Kaye, Dr., 45 Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount, 153 Mrs. Margaret E . J. C . A., 223 Kelsall, John, 54 Kemble, Frances Ann, 223 Lieut. Col. Stephen, 106 K e m p , Caleb Rickman, 261 Grover, 206 Kenealy, Edward Vaughan, 254 Kennedy, Sir James Shaw, 173 Rev. John, of Benburb, Ireland, 67 Rev. John, of Dingwall, 243 Kenrick, Archibald, 127 Keppel, Sir Henry, 203 Kermode, Rev. William, 240 Kerr, Edward, 1 6 1 Kershaw, William, 184 Kielmansegge, Count Frederick, 93 Kiernan, Reginald H u g h , 307 Kilham, Hannah, 145 Kilvert, Rev. Francis, 279 [ K i n g , Peter], 1 3 1 Rt. Rev. William, 45 King-Hall, George, 291 Stephen, 299 Kingsford, Anna, 287 K i r k , Henry, 147 Thomas, 37 Kisch, Col. Frederick Herman, 308

Index Kitto, John, 199 Knatchbull, Sir John, 44 Knight, Cornelia, 120 Edward, Jr., 91 Knighdey, Lady Louisa, 266 Knill, Rev. Richard, 203 Knox (Vere), Jane Sophia Hope, 181 Lieut. Thomas Edmund, 244 Knyveton, John, 89 Kohlapoor, Rajah of, 279 Lacaita, Sir James, 227 Lacey, Rev. Thomas Alexander, 295 Laing, Samuel, 230 Lake, Rev. Edward, 37 Lamb, H . A. J., 302 William, 242 Lambarde, William, 1 Lamont, John, 23 Landau, Rom, 3 1 1 Landreth, Rev. James, 307 Lane, Edward William, 228 Langley, S., 271 Lapidge, Charles H., 213 Miss Marianne, 228 Larpent, Francis Seymour, 179 Lascelles. See Chatterton Laud, Rt. Rev. William, 5 Lauder, Sir John, Lord Fountainhall, 30 Laugher, Bridget (Mrs. Penn), i n Law, Edward. See Ellenborough [John], 1 1 5 Lawrence, Love, 123 Lay, John, 203 Layard, Sir Austen Henry, 232 Leadbeater (Shackleton), Mrs. Mary, 108 Leake, John, 60 Lear, Edward, 250 Lee, Lawrence, 35 Dr. Robert, 201 Rev. William, 166


Leeds, Francis Godolphin Osborne, 5th Duke of, 136 Peregrine Hyde Osborne, 2d Duke of, 49 Thomas Osborne, ist Duke of, 32 Leicester, Robert Sidney, 2d Earl of, 21 Le Neve, Peter, 50 Leslie, Rt. Rev. John, 3 Colonel T., 166 Lethieullier, John, 89 Lettsom, Dr. John Coakley, 181 Leveland, Gervase, 95 Lever, Charles, 252 Charles James, 216 James, 13 Leveson. See Bertie of Thame Lewin, Frederick Mortimer, 259 Richard, 105 Lewys, Sir Peter, 3 Leyden, Dr. John, 153 Leyland, John, 219 Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 103 Liddell, Adolphus George Charles, 280 Lieven, Doroteya Kristoforovna, 210 [Light, Mrs.], 233 Lister, Anne, Miss, 188 Lithgow, Stewart, 260 Litde, Rev. James, 149 Liverpool, Hon. Charles C. Cope Jenkinson, 3d Earl of, 171 Locke, John, 36 Lockhart, Mrs. Sophia, and her husband, John Gibson Lockhart, 203 Loewe, Dr. Louis, 242 Long, Henry Lawes, 201 Longden, Henry, 1 1 5 [Longley, Cecil W.], 302 Longman, William, and Trower, H., 266 Losh, James, 128 Love, Rev. John, 1 1 1 Loveday, John, 71 Low, Rev. George, 108

328 Lowe, Roger, 30 Lowndes, William, 38 Lowther, C., 12 Lucas, Frank Lawrence, 3 1 1 Matilda and Anne, 281 William, 156 Lumb (Milnes), Mrs. Anne, 87 Luttrell, Narcissus, 37 Lyell, Sir Charles, 190 Lynch, Thomas Kerr, 290 Lyon, Capt. George Francis, 201


Patrick. See Strathmore Lytdeton. See Cavendish

Madden, Sir Frederick, 195 Maddock, Rev. Abraham, 97 Madox, Philip, 39 Mainwaring, Sir Thomas, 23 Major, Sir John, 1 1 8 Makersy, Lindsay, 213 Malcolm, Lady Clementina, 188 Mallabone, Mary Ann, 196 Malmesbury, James Edward Harris, 2d Earl of, 155 James Harris, 1st Earl of, 99 James Howard Harris, 3d Earl of, 227

Macaulay, George Mackenzie, 146 Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 238 M'Cheyne, Robert Murray, 223 McClellan, Henry Blake, 223 M'D., A.; and C., A., 157 MacDonagh, Michael, 303 MacDonald, Capt. Alexander, 81 Rev. Murdock, 70 McGregor, Rev. James, 293 Machado, Roger, 1 Machin, Henry, 2 McKenna, Stephen, 298 [Mackenzie, Hon. Francis? ], 175 John Randoll, 168 MacKinnon, Henry, 171 Mackintosh, Sir James, 162 McKnight, Rev. William Henry Edward, 246 Maclaurin, Colin, 80 MacLeod, Donald, 81 Capt. Malcolm, 81 Rev. Norman, 229 McMullen, R. T., 267 McMurray, Rev. William, 275 MacNaughton, Sarah Broom, 303 Macready, William Charles, 229 MacRitchie, Rev. William, 143 Macswiney, Terence, 306

Manners. See Rutland Manning, Henry Edward, 248 Manningham, John, 7 Sir Richard, 69 Mansfield (Murry), Katherine, 303 William. See Sandhurst Mantell, Gideon Algernon, 196 Mar, John Erskine, n t h Earl of, 62 Marchant, Thomas, 62 Marchmont, Hugh Hume, 3d Earl of, 78 Margrath, Edward, 216 Markham, Sir Albert Hastings, 282 Marriot, Mr., 54 Marriott, Timothy, 55 Marryat, Capt. Frederick, 233 Marsden, John, 143 Marsh, John, 255 Rt. Rev. Narcissus, 47 Marten, William, 131 Martin, Miss Sarah, 242 Marwood, Thomas, 53 Maryborough. See Wellesley-Pole Mascall, Elizabeth, 71 Mathews, Wilkinson, 230 Maton, Dr. William George, 151 Matthews, Henry, 191 Mattison, Alfred, 309 Maude, Rev. John Barnabas, 157 Maundrell, Henry, 50

Index Maxwell, Lady Darcy, 100 Sir George, 26 Colonel Montgomery, 184 Mayne, John, 185 Meare, John, 51 Meath, Mary, Countess of, 286 Meek, James, 125 Meeke, Rev. Robert, 45 Meinhard, Major, 179 Melcombe, George Bubb Dodington, Lord, 77 Melville, Herman, 255 Rev. James, 3 Mence, Miss Sarah, 243 Mends, Sir William Robert, 233 Mercer, Cavalie, 187 Merewether, Rev. John, 256 Merivale, John Herman, 208 Merwanjee, H. See Nowrojee Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus, Baron, 153 Mewburn, Francis, 210 William, 96 Meyrick, Llewellyn, 201 Miers, Mrs. S. M., 257 Mildmay, Lady Grace, 3 Sir Humphrey, 14 William, 65 Miles, Mrs. Constance, 303 Mill, Rev. John, 74 John Stuart, 199 Miller, Sgt. Benjamin, 146 James, 80 Thomas, 272 Milles, Rev. Jeremiah, 72 Millner, John, 54 Mitchel, John, 254 Mitchell, Sir Andrew, 90 Rev. William, 64 Mogg, William, 176 Molyneux, Sir Thomas, 59 Monks well, Mary Porrett, Lady, 282 Montagu. See Sandwich


Montague, Edward, 1st Baron, 7 Monteage, Stephen, 72 Montefiore, Lady Judith (Cohen), 249 Sir Moses Haim, 179 Moody, Robert, 28 Moore, Adolphus Warburton, 275 Rev. Giles, 26 Dr. John, physician, 137 Sir John, general, 139 Richard, 268 Thomas, Continental trader, 162 Thomas, poet, 193 Moran, Benjamin, 259 Edward Raleigh, 213 Mordaunt, Elizabeth (Carey), Viscountess, 26 More, Rev. John, 49 Morgan, Lady. See Owenson Edward, 146 Rev. James, 230 Morley, Henry, 259 Morris, Alfred Ashurst, 304 Castilion, 43 Dr. Claver, 59 John Herbert, 306 (Clark), Josie, 278 Robert Hunter, 72 Morrison, James, 128 Morton, Alfred, 291 Moses, Evan, 120 Mott, Mrs. Lucretia, 243 Moule, Morris, 132 Mount-Edgcumbe, Ernest Augustus Edgcumbe, 3d Earl of, 254 Mueller, Rev. George, 220 Mulleneaux, Samuel, 47 Mure, William, 50 Murphy, James Cavanagh, 134 Thomas, 219 Murray, Sir Charles Augustus, 237 Rev. James, 47 Mary, 1 1 2 Mydelton, Rev. Joseph, 109



Nairn, Philip Sidney, 298 Nairne, Carolina, Baroness, 132 Najaf, Koolee Meerza, 234 Napier, Sir Charles James, 174 Naples, Joshua, 176 Nasmyth, James, 44 James [same as above? ], 57 James, Jr., 58 Natt, Rev. John, 179 Neale, Samuel, 87 Neave, Joseph James, 275 Needham, Rev. John, 123 Nelson, Dorothea Maria, 146 Horatio, Viscount, 153 John, 78 Neville, Mary, 149 Newbolt, Sir Francis George, 286 Newcome, Rev. Henry, 29 Rev. Henry [son of the preceding], 50 Newdigate, Sir Richard, 39 Newman, John Henry, 268 William, 199 Newton, Rev. Benjamin, 189 Rev. James, 93 Samuel, 30 Thomas Wodehouse Legh, 2d Baron, 274 Nibell, James, 45 Nicholas, Ann Susannah, 161 Nichols, Miss M. A. I., 249 Nicholson, Rev. Thomas, 83 Nicoll, John, 24 Nicolson, Rt. Rev. William, 41 Nimmo, Alexander, 164 Normanby.Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquis of, 252 Norris, Sir John, 58 Northcliffe, Alfred C. W. Harmsworth, 1st Viscount, 308 Northcote. See Iddesleigh Northumberland, Elizabeth Seymour, 1 st Duchess of, 85

Nottingham, Daniel Finch, 2d Earl of, 48 Nowrojee, Jehangeer, and Merwanjee, Hirjeebhoy, 238 Nunn, Rev. William, 171 O'Connell, Daniel, 143 O'Conor, Charles, 100 O'Donovan, Richard, 196 O'Flannagan, Mr., 62 Oglander, Sir John, 6 Oldys, Sir William, 74 Oliver, Peter ( 1 7 1 3 - 1 7 9 1 ) , 77 Peter ( 1 7 4 1 - 1 8 2 2 ) , 1 1 3 O'Meallain, at-Ath, 17 O'Neille, Capt., 81 Opie, Amelia, 214 Ord, Craven, 120 Orford, Horace Walpole, 4th Earl, 84 Ormonde, James Butler, 2d Duke of, 55 Osborn, Sherard, 257 Osborne. See Leeds Ossington, John Evelyn Denison, Viscount, 268 O'Sullivan, Humphrey, 214 Oswald, Richard, 121 Ott, Rev. John Henry, 65 "Ouida." See De la Ramée Owen, Mrs. Caroline, 230 Sir Richard, 231 Owenson, Sydney, 210 Oxford, Edward Harley, 2d Earl of, 67 Henrietta Cavendish, Countess of, 80 Oxnard, Edward, 1 1 1 Pace, Mary (Mrs. Weston), 61 [Page, Benjamin? ], 149 Harriette Story, 240 Samuel, 1 1 1 Paget, George Augustus Frederick, Baron, 263 Pakenham, George Edward, 74

Index Palgrave, Francis Turner, 229 William Gifford, 249 Palmer, Dr. Alonzo Benjamin, 270 Ann, 214 Benjamin Franklin, 181 Charles John, 206 John, of Torrington, Devon, 85 John, of Cambridge, 163 Thomas, 20 William, 265 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3d Viscount, 168 Henry Temple, 2d Viscount, 136 Pamplin, S., 246 W.,214 William, 259 Parish, John, 166 Parnell, Sir John, 102 Parry, John Orlando, 216 Robert, 2 Parsons, Christopher, 216 Pasley, Sir Thomas, 115 Sir Thomas Sabine, 196 Patterson, James Laird, 256 Pattison, Rev. Mark, 224 Paul, Sir John Dean, 157 Robert, 174 Payne, Robert, 212 Peacock, Edward, 271 Thomas Love, 194 Pearson, George Robert, 286 Jane, 139 Rev. Thomas, 252 William, 199 Pease, Edward, 238 Louisa, 263 Pechell, Katherine Annabella Bisshopp, Lady, 168 Pedley, John, 106 Pel ham. See Chichester Pembroke, Lady Anne Clifford, Countess of, 9 Henry Herbert, 10th Earl of, 117


Penn, Sir William (1621-1670), 20 William (1644-1718), 33 Pennant, David, 191 Thomas, 102 Pennington, Sir John, 13 Pennyman, Lieut. J. B. W., 303 Penry, John, 5 Pepys, Samuel, 29 Percival. See Egmont Percy, Rt. Rev. Thomas, 107 Perry, John, 194 Micajah, 75 Petiver, James, 43 Philipps, Erasmus, 65 Philips, John, 76 Phillips, Susanna Elizabeth (Burney), 126 Phipps. See Normanby Pickmore, R. R., 176 Pierce, Capt. Nathaniel, 185 Piggott, Harriett, 179 Pilditch, Major P. H., 303 Pilkington, C., 303 Richard, 124 Piozzi. See Thrale. Playfair, William Henry, 176 Pledger, Elias, 31 Ployen, Christian, 241 Plumptre, Rev. James, 134 Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon, 287 Pocock, Rev. Thomas, 56 Pococke, Rt. Rev. Richard, 85 Polidori, Dr. John William, 189 Pollen, John Hungerford, 247 Pollock, Sir Frederick, 249 Ponsonby, Col. Arthur, 256 Henrietta F. See Bessborough Poole, Rev. Sir Henry, 136 John, 109 Porrett. See Monkswell Porter, Rev. John Paul, 155 Post, Frederic James, 221 Potter, Richard, 139



Powell, Lieut. David, 134 Lewis, 237 Walter, 7 Powis, Littleton, 132 Powys, Mrs. Caroline Girle, 89 Eleanor, 208 Llewellyn, 299 Price, Edward, 213 John ( 1 7 3 4 - 1 8 1 3 ) , 92 John (1884 diary), 288 John J. (1859 and 1861 diaries), 270 Pridgeon, John, 22 Prince, Miss Elizabeth W., 221 Pringle, Walter, 30 Prior, Francis, 100 Prisiart, Shon William, 147 Pritchard, Dr. Edward William, 276 Punshon, William Morley, 266 Purefoy, Henry, 68 Quillinan ( née Wordsworth), Dorothy, 251

Quincy, Josiah, 109 Samuel, 1 1 3 R., Alexander, 45 R., C., 176 Rack, Edward, 1 1 7 Raffles, Rev. Thomas, 166 Raikes, Thomas, 227 Ramage, Lance-Corporal George, 304 Ramsay, Lieut. Col. Balcarres Dalrymple Wardlaw, 268 Margaret, 2 1 1 [Ramsden, Diana], 296 Ranken, Major George, 260 Ransom, Mercy, 157 Raper, Elizabeth, 89 Rastrick, John Urpeth, 165 Rathbone, Hannah Mary, 124 Miss Kate F. P., 221 Raven, Rev. John James, 257 Rawdon-Hastings. See Hastings

Rawlinson of Trent, Henry Seymour, Lord, 296 Redgrave, Richard, 253 Rees, David Rice, 231 Rev. Thomas, 273 William, 235 Rees ap Rees, 59 Reeve, Dr. Henry (1780-1814), 163 Henry ( 1 8 1 3 - 1 8 9 5 ) , 191 Reeves, Charles, 244 Rennie, George, 191 Reresby, Sir John, 25 Reynolds, Hannah (née Darby), 93 Rhinelander, Philip, 239 Ribblesdale, Lady Emma, 280 Rich, Mary. See Warwick S. M., 297 Richard, Rev. Ebenezer, 262 Richards, Capt. [Jacob], 45 Lieut. Col. Jacob, 41 John, of Warmwell, Dorset, 52 John, of Solsborough, Wexford, 53 Col. Michael, 47 Richardson, George, 168 Richmond, Rev. Legh, 159 Rev. Thomas Knyvett, 276 Ricketts, Charles S., 296 Rickman, Thomas, 1 1 3 Riddell, Elisa Ellery, 141 George Allardyce Riddell, Baron, 299 Capt. Robert, 132 Ridley, Capt. Edward Devonport, 303 Ridpath, Rev. George, 87 Rigby. See Eastlake Ringrose, Basil, 38 Ritchie (Thackeray), Lady Anne, 263 Roberts, David, 239 Hugh, 51 Thomas, 107 Family, 10

Index Robertson, Lieut. General Archibald, 94 Sgt. D., 147 James, 99 Robinson, Dr. Frederick, 263 Henry Crabb, 176 Robson, Elizabeth (1771-1843), 208 Elizabeth J. J. (1828-1859), 254 James, 128 William, 191 Roch, Capt. Jeremy, 31 Roche, Capt. Joseph, 171 Rochester, Laurence Hyde, Earl of, 36 Roe, Rev. Peter, 153 William, 1 1 2 Roffe, Edwin, 245 Robert Cabell, 155 Roger, James Cruickshank, 295 Rogers, Rev. Benjamin, 65 Francis, 55 Mary, 211 Rev. Richard, 4 Sarah, 202 Capt. Woodes, 59 Rokeby, Sir Thomas, 44 Romilly, Rev. Joseph, 199 Sir Samuel, 157 Romney, George, 1 1 3 Col. Henry Sidney, Earl of, 38 Rooke, Sir George, 54 Rose, Rt. Hon. George, 153 Hugh, 52 Ross, John, 163 Rossetti, William Michael, 256 Roundell (Mrs. Charles), Julia, 288 Rous, Rev. John, 11 Routh, Martha, 141 Rowntree, Elizabeth, 168 Royde-Smith, Naomi Gwladys, 312 Rud, Edward, 59 Ruddy, F. H., 287 Rev. Henry E., 293 T., 260


Ruding, Rogers, 107 Rugge, Thomas, 27 Rule, of Glenmuick, Scodand, 62 Rumney, Thomas, 163 Rush, Richard, 196 Russell, Barnabas, 103 Frances Anna Maria (Elliot), Lady, 221 Miss Helen J. M., 263 Sir James, 211 John, painter's diary, 96 John, traveler's diary, 137 John Russell. See Amberley Kate Stanley. See Amberley Martha, 141 Major William (1748-1784), 117 Sir William Howard (1820-1907), 280 Rutland, John Henry Manners, 5th Duke of, 143 John Manners, 8th Earl of, 16 Rutty, Dr. John, 86 Ryan, James, 128 Ryder, Dudley, 62 Ryland, Rev. John Collett, 78 S., I., 263 Sadler, Dr. Michael Thomas, 271 Safford, Daniel, 241 St. John, Charles William George, 271 St. Patrick, Rev. George, 112 St. Paul, Col. Horace, 89 St. Pierre, Col., 56 Salmon, J. D., 224 Salter, Dr. John Henry, 259 Sampson, Dr. Henry, 49 Rev. William, 34 Sam well, Dr. David, 115 Sanderson, Major, 83 Christopher, 17 Robert, 57



Sandhurst, William Mansfield, Viscount, 303 Sands, David, 144 W.,227 Sandwich, Edward Montagu, ist Earl of, 28 Sandy, George, 130 Sanford, Rt. Rev. Daniel, 208 Sargeant, Edgar Harry, 3 1 1 Sargent, John Grant, 239 Saunders, Capt. James, 203 Julius, 42 Savage, John, 99 Mrs. Sarah (1644-1732), 49 Mrs. Sarah (1743-1748 diary), 77 Savage-Armstrong, Francis Savage Nesbitt, 307 Savery, William, 148 Scattergood, Thomas, 142 Schaumann, August Ludolf Friedrich, 168 Schaw, Janet, 109 Schleswig-Holstein, Christian Victor, 289 Schlüter, Auguste, 284 Schreiber, Lady Charlotte, 279 Scott, Lieut. A. B., 306 Rev. Alexander John, 163 Charles, 221 David, 227 G . R., 278 John, 56 John Barber, 179 Joseph, 1 1 5 Capt. Robert Falcon, 299 Samuel (1719-1788), 118 Samuel (1829 diary), 219 Sir Walter, 2 1 1 Scudamore, James, 3d Viscount, 59 Searles, Robert, 176 Sedgwick, Rev. Joseph, 219 Seebohm, Henry, 283 Selous, Edmund, 296

Selwyn, Elizabeth, 197 Thomas Kynaston, 219 Senior, Nassau William, 254 Seward, William, 76 Sewell, Elizabeth Missing, 255 Mary, 277 William, 249 Seymour, Edward Adolphus. See Somerset Elizabeth. See Northumberland Sir George, 224 Henry. See Rawlinson of Trent Robert, Lord, 130 Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of, 20 Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of, 211 Sharp, Granville, 99 Rt. Rev. John ( 1 6 4 5 - 1 7 1 4 ) , 55 John ( 1 8 1 2 - 1 8 5 3 ) , 221 John Charles (b. 1912), 3 1 2 Sharpe, Capt. Bartholomew, 38 Sharpies, Joseph, 187 Shaw, George, 219 Shedden, Samuel, 235 Shee, William Archer, 221 Shelley, Lady Frances, 185 Mary Wollstonecraft, 185 Sheppard, Mrs. Susan, 220 Shewell, John Talwin, 208 Shields, Frederic James, 255 Shillitoe, Thomas, 140 Shilston, Richard Durant, 294 Shilton, Richard Phillips, 199 Shore, Emily, 224 Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, Duke of, 54 Sidgwick, Henry, 288 Sidney, Henry. See Romney Robert. See Leicester Silliman, Benjamin, 163 Sim, George, 273 Simcoe, Henry Walcot, 237

Index Simmons, Major George, 171 Simond, Louis, 174 Simpson, Mrs. L. M., 285 Mrs. M., 163 Sitwell, Florence Alice, 282 George, 33 Osbert (ed.), 283 Skene, James, 157 Skinner, Rev. John, 130 Slingsby, E. H., 273 Sir Henry, 16 Smart, Sir George, 157 Smeaton, John, 87 Smith, Colonel, 191 Albert Richard, 256 Rev. Charles Lesingham, 233 Ebenezer, 156 Elizabeth Murray, 102 Frederick Culling, 214 Lydia, 163 Richard, 191 Rev. Dr. Thomas ( 1 6 3 8 - 1 7 1 0 ) , 32 Thomas ( 1 6 7 3 - 1 7 2 3 ) , 66 Major William, 166 Soame, Mrs., 189 Soame Museum, curators' diaries, 237 Soames, Enoch, 293 Somers, Percival, 296 Somerset, Edward Adolphus Seymour, 12th Duke of, 249 Sopwith, Thomas, 203 Sorby, Edwin, 197 Southall, Eliza, 237 Southcote, Dr. John, 12 Southey, Robert, 187 Southwell, Sir Robert, 38 Sowerby, John (pseud.), 3 1 1 Spencer, Rev. Frederick Charles, 187 Spilsbury, Capt. John, 1 1 7 Spragge, Sir Edward, 34 Squire, Sarah, 233 Stacpoole, William, 101 Stanhope, John Spencer, 174


Stanley, Catherine, 172 Sir Henry Morton, 274 James. See Derby John Thomas, 1st Baron, 120 [John Thomas, same as above? ], 217 Joseph, 249 Montague, 217 Stapley, Anthony and John, 46 Richard, 40 Steadman, Rev. William, 134 Stebbing, E. A., 3 1 1 Steele, Sir Richard, 65 Stephen, Rt. Hon. Sir James, 252 Stephenson, Henry, 286 Robert, 88 Steuart, Mrs. Amelia Ann Sophia, 132 Stevens, Capt. John, 46 Stevenson, David, 260 John, 231 Robert, 166 Rev. Seth Ellis, 85 Stewart, Mrs., of Bonskeid, Scotland, 158 [Mrs., of Bath?], 182 Lieut. General Sir William, 142 Stock, Rt. Rev. Joseph, 177 Stockton, Rev. Owen, 31 [Stodart, Robert?], 12 Stone, John, 239 Stoner, Rev. David, 189 Storrs, Sir Ronald, 307 Strachey, John St. Loe, 308 Strathmore, Patrick Lyon, 1st Earl of, 4i Strickland, Hugh Edwin, 214 Strong, Isobel (Mrs. Isobel Field), 293 Rowland, 305 Strother, Mr., 124 Strutt, John James, 182 Stuart, Capt. James, 80 Stukeley, Rev. William, 70 Sturt, George ("George Bourne"), 292 Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour, 295

336 Swabey, Lieut., 177 Swain, Rev. Joseph, 177 Swan, Rev. Charles, 208 Swave, Peder, 2 Swift, Jonathan, 59 [Jonathan? ], 62 Sykes, Sir Christopher, 136 Lillian D., 307 Symonds, John Addington, 271 Richard, 20 Syms, John, 18 Taggart, Thomas, 284 Tait, Frederick Guthrie, 295 Talbot. See Shrewsbury Tanner, Rev. Henry, 1 1 2 Rev. Joseph, 262 William, 233 Taylor, Rev. Dan, 96 George Cavendish, 263 Hannah, 151 Helen, 245 Sir Henry, 206 Sir Herbert, 177 Miss Ida Ashworth, 294 John, 249 Joseph, 57 Shephard Thomas, 271 William, 231 Teacle, Littleton D., 151 Teedon, Samuel, 136 Teichman, Capt. Oskar, 305 Teignmouth-Shore, Rev. T., 285 Temple, Henry. See Palmerston Henry John. See Palmerston Sir Richard, 290 Rev. William Johnston, 118 Teonge, Rev. Henry, 36 Terry, Stephen, 144 Thackeray, William Makepeace, 251 Thackwell, Sir Joseph, 182

Index Thomas, Aaron, 150 Rev. D., 172 Ebenezer ("Eben Fardd"), 224 John, of Llanllwhi, Wales, 233 John, of Port Madoc, Wales, 287 William, 94 Thomlinson, Rev. John, 63 Thompson, George, 76 Dr. Herbert, 283 Richard, 151 Thomson, Sir Basil Home, 305 Thorburn, Grant, 229 Thoresby, Ralph, 37 Thornton, Mrs. Alice, 1 1 Henry, 144 Thorold, Rt. Rev. George, 257 Thrale (Piozzi), Mrs. Hester Lynch, 90 Thring, Edward, 270 Tibbott, Richard, 76 Ticknor, George, 187 Tillard, J., 63 Times, Daniel, 1 1 3 Timewell, Private John, 172 Timms, Mrs. Mary, 194 Tindall, Mrs. Isabella, 1 1 7 Tisdall, James Thomas Townley, 1^5 Titherton, Mary, 151 Toase, Margaret de Jersey, 159 Todd, Matthew, 185 Tomes, Miss Ann, 214 Tomkins, Martha, 146 Tomlinson, Matthew, 161 Tompkins Family, 101 Tone, Theobald Wolfe, 132 Tonge, Israel, 38 Tonson, Jacob, 65 Torkington, Sir Richard, 1 Torrington, John Byng, 5th Viscount, 120 Townley, Richard, 134 Townsend, Isaiah, 243 Rev. John, 194

Index Townshend, Sir Charles Ferrers, 288 Henry, 17 Tracy, Mr., and Dentand., Mr., 98 Traherne, Patrick, 299 Trant (Bramston), Clarissa Sandford, 206 Tregelles, Edwin Octavius, 217 Treloar, Sir William Purdie, 298 Trench, Miss F. M., 278 Rev. Francis Chenevix, 247 Miss Maria Melesina Chenevix, 150 Trimmer, Mrs. Sarah, 125 Tristram, Rev. Henry Baker, 274 Trower, H., 266 Tucker, Captain Thomas Edward, 182 Capt. William, 18 Tuckett, Francis Fox, 266 Tuke, Samuel, 174 Tupper, Martin Farquhar, 266 Turnbull, Rev. John, 42 Turner, Thomas (1729-1789), 86 Dr. Thomas (1793-1873), 189 William, 182 Tweedie, Leslie Kinloch, 304 Twining, Richard, 197 Thomas, 120 Twysden, Isabella, 21 Tyldesley, Thomas, 61 Tyler, Rev. John, 101 Upcott, William, 159 Valpey, Joseph, Jr., 182 Van Schaack, Peter, 1 1 5 Vaughan, Sir Charles Richard, 174 Verdon, J., 53 Verey, Miss I. E., 292 Verling, Dr. James, 194 Vernon, Edward, 76 Vertue, George, 71 Victoria, Queen of England, 227 Vignoles, Charles Blacker, 221 Villiers. See Clarendon


Vincent, John Amyatt Chaundy, 272 Viney, Richard, 78 Vivian, Richard Glynn, 258 Von La Roche, Sophie, 126 Von Neumann, Phillip, 196 Von Ompteda, Baron Christian, 140 Von Uffenbach, Zacharias Conrad, 60 Von Vendenheym, Hans Jacob, 8 Von Wedel, Lupoid, 4 Waddington, Mary King, 304 Waddy, Rev. Samuel Dousland, 204 Wadsworth, Rev., 24 Wakefield Family, 134 Wale, Thomas, 97 Walkden, Rev. Peter, 60 Walker, Mrs. Anna, 132 Miss Anna Louisa, 204 Archibald, 69 Sir Charles Pyndar Beauchamp, 263 Rev. George (1618-1690), 46 George (1821-1910), 289 Mrs. Helen, 204 Josias, 159 Sir Patrick, 148 Rev. Thomas, 66 Wallace, James P., 290 Waller, John Green, 231 S. E., 281 Walley, Thomas, 80 Wallington, Nehemiah, 13 Walpole. See Orford Walsh, John, 105 Walsingham, Sir Francis, 3 Walwyn, Capt. R. N., 306 Wanley, Humphrey, 63 Warburton, John, 64 Warcup, Edmund, 36 Ward, Rev. John, 22 Ralph, 86 Robert Plumer, 172 Dr. Samuel, 6 Thomas Asline, 154



Warde, Charles, 133 Waring, Mary, 136 Wariston, Sir Archibald Johnston, Lord, 13 Warton, Thomas, 118 Warwick, Mary Rich, Countess of, 32 Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin, 180 Watkin, Absolom, 185 Watkins, Ann, 250 Waugh, Edwin, 253 Wayne, William, 204 Webb, Thomas William, 213 William, 239 Webber, Mary and Charles, 233 Webster, Caroline LeRoy, 241 Wedderburn, Sir David, 253 Weeks, Rev. Joseph Wingate, 1 1 5 Weeton, Miss Ellen, 166 Wellesley. See Cowley Wellesley-Pole, William, 168 Wemyss, David, 2d Earl of, 14 Wesley, Rev. Charles (1707-1788), 73 Charles, Jr. (1757-1834), 164 Rev. John, 68 West, Sir Algernon, 293 Arthur Graeme, 307 Westcott, John, 177 Westminster, Elizabeth Mary Grosvenor, 2d Marchioness of, 215 Weston, Mary, 74 Stephen, 197 Weymouth, Dr. Anthony (pseud, of I. G.Cobb), 3 1 1 Whaley, Mr., 73 Whalley, Dr. Thomas Sedgewick, 122 Wharton Family, 88 Wheatley, Lucy Margaret, 104 Wheaton, Rev. Nathaniel Sheldon, 206 Wheeler, Adam, 42 William, 172 Whisder, Henry, 25 White, Rev. Charles Henry, 146 Mrs. Dorothy Vernon, 298

White, Rev. Francis Henry, 161 Gilbert, 85 Rev. Henry, 1 1 9 James, 164 Rev. Joseph Blanco, 209 Rev. Sampson, 144 Walter, 229 Whitefield, Rev. George, 73 Whitehead, Thomas, 239 Whitehurst, Felix M., 280 Whitelocke, Sir Bulstrode, 25 Whiteway, William, 10 Whidey, Col. Roger, 33 Whittingham, Timothy, 15 Whitwell, Thomas, 215 Whitworth, Charles Whitworth, Baron, 60 Wicksteed, Rev. Charles, 231 Widger, William, 121 Wigham, John, 142 Mabel, 94 Wight, Joshua, 85 Wightman, Mrs. Julia Bainbridge, 247 Wilberforce, Rt. Rev. Samuel, 222 William, 122 Wilbraham, Sir Roger, 6 Wildman, Abraham, 217 Wilkes, John, 104 Wilkie, Sir David, 168 Wilkinson, Susanna, 135 Thomas, 128 Willard, Emma, 222 Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury, 83 Edward Ellerker, 202 Mrs. Eleanor, 292 Esther Phillips, 235 J., 189 John, 227 Sir John Bickerton, 235 Joseph, 64 Rev. Peter Bayley, 2 1 1 Rev. Dr. Rowland, 266 T . Eurwedd, 298

Index Williamson, Henry, 3 1 0 [Samuel], 195 Willis, R. L., 135 Wilmore, Miss Louisa E., 224 Wilmot, Catherine, 156 Martha, 159 Wilson, Alexander, 133 Sir Arnold Talbot, 3 1 0 Elizabeth, 200 Sir Henry Hughes, 294 James, 259 Robert, 204 Sir Robert Thomas, 154 Wimbledon, Edward Cecil, Viscount, 11 Windebank, Sir Thomas, 8 Windham, Sir Charles Ash, 264 Rt. Hon. William, 102 Wing, Capt. Vincent, 264 Winslow, John Whitmore, 256 Winstanley, James Winckworth, 234 Winthrop, Adam, 6 Wire, John, 1 1 2 William, 245 Wither, Charles, 66 Wodrow, Rev. Robert, 55 Wood, Anthony 27 Rev. J., 200 Thomas Peploe, 241 William Page. See Hatherley Woodberry, Lieut. G., 182 Woodforde, Rev. James, 91 Julia, 195 Mary, 41 Nancy, 137


Woodforde, Robert, 15 Samuel, 126 Woods, Margaret, 105 Woolman, John, 105 Wordsworth, Rt. Rev. Christopher, 274 Dorothy, 150 Wormall, Henry, 144 Worthington, Dr. John, 15 Wraxall, Mr., 182 Wrench, Edward Nason, 267 Wright, Rev. Ezekiel, 15 Ichabod, 99 Miss Lucy, 165 Thomas, 60 Wynn, Frances Williams, 148 Wynne, Elizabeth, 133 Eugenia, 133 Harriet, 160 Wyot, Philip, 4 Wythe, John, 197 Yeardley, Mrs. Elizabeth, 188 John, 177 Yeoman, John, 109 Yerburgh, H . Beauchamp, 286 Yonge, Dr. James, 32 Walter, 8 Yorke, Hon. Mrs. (Annie) Eliot, 269 Young, Arthur, 1 1 3 Elizabeth, 136 Rev. John, 9 Rev. Julian Charles, 220 Sir Peter, 2 Sir William, 105 Ypres, Sir John Denton Pinkstone French, 1st Earl of, 296