366 4 30MB
English Pages 60 Year 2016
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b�/!!e ·stats:
"'Thank.you,· Bob! Well, gpod evening, and boy, are ou olks in for a reat nigh(; ·of top�class sporting entertainment! First of al,. though, for those pf you at home � ., who are unfamiliar with the ules, . how the gcime is play,,e;lt . .. . .. . � - : ' ·'"As �u know, Blood Bowl is an epic conlict · we�n f heavi - am � d . ;, � :.and quite insane warriors. Pl.yers pas s, throw or run with *e bail, attempting to'get it to the other end of the·ield, the End .Zone.f course, the other team must try . stop them, and recover the ball for thei-- ide. If a team gets the ball over the ' ltfii, into .their opponent's End ziJ .�, ·ts calle. � touchdown;-the te�m t�at scores '•the io,st touchdowns by the end. .pf the. match wi.s the game, and is decla-red ?lood. ' Bowl Champions) How do they do iH It's 1ike this ..."
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'{cq_m ! n ,o�iJO 'bhe Bl� od1 O!for . "Good evening sports fans. I'm Bob-Bfar.d 1. . tonight� contest. You join a capacity crowd, packed with me.m·bers from�e.erfrace from acrdss the known world, dll· hovl'ing like banshees in a1Jticipaibn·of tonight's . game. Oh, and res, there are some �arishees.... Well, kjck-pf is in about twe_ty mirnites, so we've just got ti!e tp r�f!P:?n thinl�·of the g me before �· And of course, joining *e is Ji.:J.�nson. Evening, Jm!" :n•• ..
'colTElTS )Velcome to Blood Bowl
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Bloo� Bowl Boot Camp ........... :
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Settfug up the Gme .. .. . . .. .... . . . . . .. . . . ::.....:� . .. 12 ; .. ".�·: The Kick-of...............................................................................: :: ': ... i2 . ' : : : The Sequence of Play • :...�.'..�3 ,·; .� / Player Actions . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .... . . . . . , . . :........................... 13 ... Turnovers : : : : ....... �3 ., Movement.. ........................................................................................................: ......................... :......... 14 . Tackle Zones : .'........ 14 Blocks . . . . . . .. :..............................................,.......................................................:........................ 14 �· �ock DolS& njis... . . .. . .. . ... ... . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .... 17 i .
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he Origins of Bld ----·
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Assemb�g your Teams Bod l! s a! o ' mmy f Wayne England
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� � i Citad�L:Games Workshop,
Gam � s Workshop Limited 20 1 6. Bld owl Bld Bowl The Game of Fan.t a y Fo tbal , . CW and all associated logs, mes, aces, veicles, weaons and 0haratters are either . , :·, ®or M and/or� Gms Wosop mited. llRights'Re�erved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced tord n a rerievl ystem, or transmi�ted;o aiy orm or by.any meaµs electtonic, llechanical, photocopying, recordng or othse , wiiout the prior'-ermission of the publisher6:
.�· .
T�s is a wprk of .ctf'n . llthe characters and evenrs ortrayed in this book. are icµal, �nd }Y rese;bla�G� ·t" people or incidents is purely coincidentl Bish Cataloguing-in-Pub _licati�m Data. . catalogue,.recor4 or thi� re�J �/ . : I ook s avaable rom the British Library. .
inted in China
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elcome to th.e-wosld of Blood· ;wl, wiere 'as the coach of your team,·you'll be seeking to defeat your rivals in as connng and violenf a ma.n: ;s .O�ibl;, a�d no .doubt to earn ame, ortuie and the adulation of your ans .along the way! Bld Bowl " "'is a spo . enjoyJ by nuue:ou� races; ffom s.eaky Goblins to lumbering Ogres, but there are·few who enjoy a god out of ,: :'��co;npetitive yi�le�ce more than �h� two t�ais induded. in th� game box: Hu. ans and Ores. Over the comng chaptes we'l explain �yerything you n.eed -to 'get Playing Blood B:owl, but irst, let's take a look at what you need_ to actually play he game. _ ,.. •
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Two blue;pfastic rames of Human players,.with six ... miniatires on each rame as well as addition l balls and .. , tBke ·s., •
> ... "'
.wo green pl-stic rames of Ore players, with s{-miniat�res 9n each frame as well as additional balls and"tok�ns. •
.one 56 page rule book (you're reading it!). tios fr assembling the miniatures included in the ox e o e ound on pages 50-56.
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One oldout:ardboard playing surace, with a Human team's pitch oh one side and an Ore team's ·pitci on the other side. �
Two cardboard 'dugouts', each with a Huma� team's sideline area on one side and an Ore team's on the other. Two sets of dice, one in the blue of a Human team and th� other set green or the Ore team: ·
Throw-in t�mplate. These should be carelly rem�-d I rom the. plastic rame using a pair of side-cung p.
deck of cards describing Special Plays and Sr Pa ,s well as reference cards or the mi�iatures nluded n e ·Blood Bowl game box. A
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. One rame containing a nge ruler, Scarer tempate nd .
Two double-side.d rules Feference sheets.
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One shee.t of waterslide decals, containing nms l te�m.symbols or both teams.
Don't look in the box or these, because there aren't any -you and your opponent are the coaches! To avoid 'conusion..with the teams' players (the plastic playing pieces), we will refer to you and the other real-life players as the teams' coaches. All references to players a-re to the Blood Bowl pieces.
Each set of plastic models includes two special coins. One side .of each shows a symbol appropriate to the team that the coin coie� with, while the other shows a Blood Bowl logo. These coins are used ot two purp;ses:
PING Frnw: This
is the ield on whfch the game of Blood Bowl takes place. It's currently big and green (a bit like an Ore), but don't worry -it'll soon be lowing red' It is divided into-�quares to regulate movement and combat; each square can hold only one Blood Bowl player at a time. The areas at either end of the ield are called the End Zones. team gets the ball into their opponent's End Zone, they score a tOuchdown. Tise are good things to score, as the eam with the most touchdowns wins the match and n then dance around a lot'
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In the centre of the ield is the half-way lne, nd nng length of the ield are the ines which show he boundaries of the wide zones. The ows of squares on either side of the.half-way line and.between the wo idezones ' ( 14 1 quares in all) are known as the ne of smge. The dierent areas of the ield are shown on he iam elow. .
, 'down the
Bwon BoL CoIN:
Firstly, you can use the coin to dete;mife w.ich side k.icks of irst in the match. One coach tosses the c�in and while it is / . . .;. in the air, the other coach calls 'heads' or the teaµ symbol or 'rails' or rh'e Blood Bowl. symbol. . •
The other use or the CJin is to track scores once the gam e.is , under way. To do this, each coach simply places the co_n on the Score track at the edge of their own side.of the pitch. If the ba-11 ever goes out of bounds, the . crowd ll enthusiastically throw it back into play. P�sition the Throw-in template on the sidelin; as sh�wn'below,. with the Blood Bowl logo centred on the last square the ball crossed beore it letplay. Roli a six-sided dice to determine he direcion the ball travels in, then roll two diee and add them together to see how many squares it will travel in that direction. Eg, if you rolled a 4, then a 2 and a 5, the ball would move 7 spaces directly'tow.ards the opposite. sideline., . THROW-N TEMPATE:
nR T� PAE: The Scatter template is used when t4e
dropped or a pass misses the t��get sguan::To u� e rh�. , remplate (you'll be told when to do thi . y the rules), position• the ce �rral square over the ootball. Roll th� eight-side ldf�e· . and move the ball to the square in � icated by the score. The eight-sided dice included with the game is only ever used ith the Scatter template. U�e it like a normal dice, readin� ·
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' pie2_� s· ?f�l�d f�c i�de QwcK REFE��E sls:, Th � se.� . all qf the most n;gularly used chafts.t1.d fab1 e,s rou tle.game� and vill s�ve you from flicking thrO'Mgh thtr�les when you· � r playing �match« :�
.to: · .t�• . '
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QUICK-START T�s On page 22, you illind rules orfting your . \ team, but if you wa�t-to �et startedq�ic�ly� you1c� . th'e Ore and Human teams' straight 9,ut of tqe gam
". : ; , ·,),, . . , _. . ;PA�q P!EcE s: 1?e £J�s�.cpl!lyltgpieces reptesen 'th� 12 . �-- �)layeis 'from ea�h team,:of whqm II i ay be m:he ield at any · �: fn a e t.�. Th�y srl� be assembled a� p�o t4e·insfru;tipns . . ;;,;..0n page 50. There_ -�re our .dife.ni.typ�s of player in Blood . B wl: Blt e� S �� } f�eis, Th�·o*rs and Lin�ie�. ferent . 'ra��s' t�am�� n. different binations :of playts._An , ;' Ore team;or,�alple; h'as no Catchers. : �� _
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Th�[er! are the -OSt glim�Jl' plfrer� on
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to throw an inch peect'Long Bomb to'the·waiting hands . of a player ar down the ield. Or at east that's the theoy; ·t ,, - .. ' .. . . . M, .�·, � sk the b l well t e � : .
catchin. theootball. Catchers.§· ecialise in wainng ·� . ' .• �· . ' fn tie>End Zone or that all-impottapt.4chdown passo, fome sailing in out ?f the blne: The OllY prpbli n big .. , •· , ' � - "' � Catther is.if �ome9ne,s,h.ould catch you! .. �l, •
qpen ield, however, .they are unmatched -a-. � J.db,
. The Human team has two B iitzers, two Catchers, yo ..:· , , � fhtowers a.d six Lin�men. It has four !e� re�!�lls " a Fan factor 6f 6.
' . ' .. ·Catchers.are tlopposite of Blockers. Light� i\loured and very a�ile, t�ey can't aford to get in�o i�hiJ�;t
.. .
. . � _11.. 1 ..�------�--�----"" -',�ll
n� � � . theiay through the opposing line when they have :to .c� . . t-. - , . ' . Reayers player if Oberwald is a typical Blitzer: strong fast, ; , . . . . an ihst a bit too flash! � /. , -� · : .R1: "' .t , •
The Ore team has two Blitzers;two Bl�ckbrc Bloc two Tht�wers and six Linemen. It a��o �as thr� e te; re-rolls and a Fan .Factor of 6 - team re-rolls and Fan ' :· 1 Factor will be e>lained late;.
: :i_;JI� � zers rejust abo�t the best all-round play�.�, -:the �eld; _ qu�te ast and agile, but strong no g to s sh .
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Black Ore Blockers are very strong and wear extd armour to
protect themselves in the powerul head-to-h;a;,blocks that are their speciality. However, they are not all th at ah ; �id ' . against :n agile opponent with room to dodge, they almost .al,ays come of second best. Bl�ck Ore Blockers are a special type �fplayer unique to the Ore team. PERms: There
are eight cards, one or each of the Drc player types and one for each of tle Human types. The player card shows the �haracter,stic� and skills of each of the diferent types of player in . e team:
Skills: In addition to their characteristics;a pla� er may have one or more skills, which ·rep�eseit specl al tal�.h:ts or ·· abilities. For example, all Throwers.ha�e th� ) s� skifl to �how ' their extraqrdinary ability at th.rowi\g \he ball. .
;'l .
STAR PAER CDS: The. our Star Player , cards are qn�y ised •
with the optional rules.or Creating a Blood B?wl Team. o! won't need them or your irst couple of games, so put them to ' ' ' . one side or the time being. .
,M�vement Allowance (abbreviated to MA): This shows the number of squares the' player may move ira turn.
• • .
'ossibly the most iportant components in. the game! Only one ball is uselai a time:. The ball can be 'held� by a player by simply slotting it\ntttie: � fe"on their.base.
. '
- ::,·.. . ' •' �}� "�;-j..· �. . "�-"" ' RUER: This
... (.•,
Human Team.Footialls
' l' ' �"'.: ..� . d ·;·: � � •\._� . · i ' -·
OrcIeain Foorballs
is used to mea�ur.'fi:,rf}ge when P�snc �E: a player throw-the ball. When you are instrgcted ,to ·m easure ' � ' . die range, place the 'o' at one 'end over the head of the player . tht�wiig the ball and the line that runs up the � i d dle of the rul�; �v�r the head of the player the ball is being throwp to. If th"e receiving player overlaps a boundary line be_tween two ''.ranges on the ruler, use the longer of the two 'choi;es. \,
< :
Ducors:'.Eaci,coach is given one Dugout at the start of the t ' . match. It is used to hold players tha' ae m:reserve or who. have been injured, and also to keep track of the.score, how . many turns have elapsed and the number of team re-rolls the team has left. �
Reserves Box
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Knocked Out (KO'd) Players �ox .
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th'rogh�tiie. drills here, you'vt'gone ife� trailing _; .... r ,. . into two thFoug� the rules the�se1ves 'read ; They're divid�l � •·• � se.ctions: the irst part has all ofthe most important 'core' " while the second part fas optional advanced rules that o. ' "or �Eicher, more exdting game. We recommend that •·m u ' " • V � " -· >"' '{ f- ,. ,,,. , �"''
player pn stand up i� . the qegi�niig of an Action at a cost of three'squares . ,-' r, . th�tr·npvement. If t.e play�r has less than thr·ee squares of ' moy�m�ns: theyjuqsnoll 4'+·to stand _up . iftbe, San� up ' ' succes�ully, 'th;y _;y no� move any urther unless they Go .. ' Fo�V \se,e Jixtq Rule,s page 29 ). Failure to st�nd succ��sfully " • forany rea'o'n is n'�f � tuno.er. .
. .��·'· �: ��!s:'A coac .ma¥ ,
: ·:.
�u.stitute t players or inj4red ••::::::.::�::::::::::: ::
If the ball lands in a square occupied by a standing player, then the player must attempt to catch the.ball. Pone and Stunned.players may never attempt to catch ie ball. Either team's players may attempt to catch the ball - f a player rom the other team manages to catch t� e ball, they can rightl. yell and jump around a lot!
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If the ball is dropped or not caught, or the baH bounces to a square with a Pron� or.Stunned player, or a player is pushe� .. ' to or lands in t:e ball's square, or th. square wiere·a !hro� ball lands is unoccupied (or is occupied by a Prone or Stunned , player) then it will bou�ce. This is a tech'nical'term or the . thing jumping about all O'er the place·'bile the,players l ' " ' stumble about trying to grab it! To ipd.oat where the ll. bounces to, roll or scatter. :
Per oppos ing t�ckle zone �n the player .. :
. . . . . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Throwi:g a Quick Pass :........ .' . . ........................ + ; Thrqwing a Short Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . +o
5 2+
. ..
3': 4t
: Catching an acrnrate pass .. � Catching a scattered pass, bounciig ball; kick-of , or throw-in . Per opposing tackle zone on th� player. �,
Note: Extra rules on page 3 1 all�. or Thfo�ers to um>le the pass and �or op>onents to afteipt.pass interceptions.
i· •"
D6 Roll Required
If the ball lands in an empty square or a s quare occupied by a Prone or Stunned player, then it will bounce. If a thro-in results in the ball going of the pitch again, i. will be thrown in again, ;entred on the last square it was in beore it let the pitch. Throw-ins canot be intercepted.
• , ,
If a ball thrown by a player isn't caught by a player rom the m?ving team, this causei a turnover and .e moving team:s tu;n ends.'The turnover doe.s _not take place until the ball inally comes to rest. Th.� means that f the ball misses the target but is still caught by a player rom the moving t.m, then a turnover does not take place. The ball could even '" scatter or bounce out of bounds, or be thrown back ·into a� empty squar� , and as long as it was caught by a pl�er.from the moving team then tie turnover would be avoided,
J • .
:- . YeRY IMPOT:
No matter how many re·ro 11s you h ave( or.i they are, you may ne�er re-roll a single dice roll > �-v�;,ype "" ' more than once. > .
-' ·
A pl�yer �ith;ihe Do.dge .skill s all�wed to �! re-rolt the D6 if-they ail to dodge . �ut �f ��?,' opposing player's tac'l.� zone.!oweve;, j�e player may only re-roll on�Jailed( Q odge rnll per tum: So, if th.e player �ept'on 10ying • . and ailed a second Dodge roll, they'could no!•US ; the skill again. The Dodge·skill lso, f used, 'afects the results rolled with the Block dice (see the. rules·or . Blocks). '
·:eam re·rolls represent how w�ll trai�e d J team is. A coach may use ·a team re-roll t4 re-roll.�my �H�e � Qll ( ot4 e r than �' .. ' ' ., \ . ;. � .Scattet;iist!nce, Direction, Armor, Injury or.Casualty .. � -· . ,,.ro.lls) made by a payer ln th;;ir own team and wio is still . roll was 1i.oe ��e,pitch d�ring their o'�"un (!ven fthe dice fuccessf�l).' The result of he'new rol must be ac:epted in , rplace of. the tst, even f . t is �orse. A coach l ay not use more than plle' ·t�am re-roll pe�'�n.and may �ot use a team re-roll . 1 . ( to ,ree, thfe opposing coach .to re::ol a dke roll.
• .
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. , ·-.l · . . \ • l'4� . f th� hulber'1of re -rolls
they :Bach coach mus\ keep track ha::e l�f n _th� �li�k !Aeir )ugout', E, e� tim a iach u s#R t a m i,�Y must·m.�·t"eit �.��?l � �pnter one �pace low wr�s along the '.!c§ ha,�im � - . : At· •r > 6 v�. .� t.e wo teams ·i ' ha., ce to :est and recup\!ratf, l s'their � 16 �heiF.starti�g l�;� L . '�am fe- 01Jr I l ·�.· � , - �� �t· '
pro�de4�!n a f te·r�l,
" A pUyer with
the Pass sk111 is ·alowe'd to re " roll tie n6 f the� miss a pas� ' � �; .,_:. ' .
\:� '�V
, A playe ; With the Sure v
. .,
IIYER RE-ROLtli -�;eplay$s'have skil� that al ::�em to re-roll th� dice •
. •
·�ass'skill whiCh llows them o re-rol the dice f they miss ' ' 1 ' � I f a pass . A coacnayse any number ofplayer re-rol� ii the s�me_m: and·a sgl�p4yer may use a sllny4nf�.�er of . dce ol may-not qe re-rolle" more than one�. *
?;above, while others allow a player to carry out a special . ' Action. A ull-description of each skill is g�ven later. You'll �n���. to reer to the' rule.s or skills quite a lot .during youz .rst gates - but dpn't worry, th� ef!CtS of the skills will soon . ecome v�y amiliar. . �
SKILLS '"Many playes are desced as having one or more . ,skils. Th � s e are speci�l abilities that· � odify the player's �' . , . peformance. S o�e skils allow d!Ce re-rolls as describ�d
Many players have skills such::s.Catch, Pass, etc. Unless stated otherwise in.the skill's d�scripti� n;you never.have to use a skillJ ust-because the payer has it, and.yo� ;fn choose to-use .a skill that aects a dice roll ater rolling the lice. Fqr ' exampl�, you could say you were going.to use t.e Catch s•kill . �it�er .beon;· or _ater making a Catch rolf
.�tertain ircum.stances. For example, a Thrower-has the >- -- -; -� j . � imes in the sme match. However, as noted abbve,.a -
Hands �kill is ., ' allowed to r?-roll the D6 if they aii to pick up the ball. I � addition,.ifyou are using the . Extra Ru�es, if an 9pposing playe: has the )trip Ball skilt; tQ�Y lay not use it againsp a player who i_as s 4re Hands.
Some skills are also used in· your opponent's turn. In this . case you m" ;hoose to use the skill ater an..opposing player carries out an Action .or moes a square. If both coaches want ;to us� a skill to afect the same Action or nove, the. the . c�ath whose turn is tak�g place.must use their skilllrst. .
"Note t1af'y�u can't 'go b ;:k' � ti�e �nd use a �kill o� re� &� r/ . . t } roll to afect an earlie.r Actioh. For example, if a playe. was ' blitzing,' you cou�n't have ·.im throw a ·Block, m�v� ·a. couple , of squares, and_ then,say, "�ctu.a lly,·I tiin� �.II use. my Pro ski(! to re-roll that block'! -'t,e skill or re-roll must'be used' directly before or ater the event' it will aect o. not ai: ap.. •
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t�:#j# �·'Y '",. � ·ii�l' Yf::+ "' t " _ ''' • and. may ,b e used in overtime, but teams do iot rec�,ye new allocations of re�rolls a� they normally w.�uld �i the start of ' a new half. The irst team to score wins th� match. If'�ither . .£ . �r team .scores; t\en the match is decided by a pen?lty·shoot-olt., . �u !ie .�re event.that, i; t� am has.�o plyer� ib se' Uii ' :o:d �}is, bith teaps'"futitm'afkets · are �o.ved o �ard · " 1 each coach ro1ls :J6 , hlghest score wins, re-�oll i(esf Fa1c h . unu�ed team re-�oll adds I to the D6 �co�e. , . , ,· along th� t:rn track �q spaces �;d if ote tam could ield�. ; at le!Sf�ne playerthen that team is aWarded a toichdo� - - : · If this takes the number of turnuo eight or �ore or both te� �,,_Jh � n �h� half ends. I there ar � t ! t�rns let i;�he : ' . $'' ' . . . .. . A team s;ores- a to�chjiown. �uring their turn whep.dne-.o� : l i . a i,� ien .contmue pfaymg·as ij a dnve�.1as· 1ust ended (i},, , . ... • thefr players s �tanding i! the opposing te'a's·Eni Zoie clear i� pitch androU or KO'd play�ts:» _ � �hile holqing �h e ball at the end of any of your pl�ye��' Actions.. As soon as this h'appens, play stop;, the crowd cheers · and-whistles, and .theerl�aders dance ab�ut waying pom-•·-,, - l pons. The.coacp )f fhe s�qring team h#s our permis�fqn '� to :leap.about 'and:cheer a blt too, while' movi�g thei- Sc6;� cou'nter one space along the.Sce�e track. . , . , . �- ·' · .. STOP! You have read all of the rules hat ·you need to Any player may enter e ither. End Zone at any time/ eye� if lot �pow in order to play a ga�e of Blo�d,Bowl using the , carrying the ball. If th;ball is thrown to them and they Cttch teams and team cards Provided witlt.the game. Why not.�.. " ('- : + 4- -..: " , it, or.t� a�� �ble :o pic' up the b�ll while in the£t o�� blient'� have a game or two.beore,you go on to the ollowing ' . En� ;oie, t1e player scores a �ouchdown. Nore:however, Extra Rules section . . . that·in order te s::ore a touchdown the player must ena their Actio1.standlng0 l� the;End Zone(Jf the player ailedo make .' - . 4-,·� - , _ f a Dpqge toll, o; . example, and tbui; was Knocked Q9l �l the , � . . . . :... ·* ��.,i ;;-�,.f, f Epl Zone then tr�x would � or�.zore a to:hqown. } J? prayer. . fro� the n��i.�r,:�.ente.r s �or ras already ii;) t �i:iposing ,, Zone an as or ohta{is the ball, thenjtrey may t�aµ's.End . not �oiuntarily lea� e th�.E.d Z �ne for a� reasoi iring he . ... � t• sam� itt\bn n�� ia/ jey hand-of r pas he �111:- ih.y; ar. - ;i ·' � -\i fl t � A't*"* +�•·' ar too i-tent the touchdown tli ' se! "it:�l: " o: �goring l • ., , ·
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gobli.aid At this there wa� a gteat d�al of shf. ..!ing i. Jte . , ... ran�s as they removed their ootW.ar i: a' Yesperiie attempt ,' to .d out just what th� .umbet 'el����is.' Typlcally, this : degenerated- into bra�Hng ater·a Gdblin discovered �h�t a gre1t jqke it w�s. tg ��e. his b_o_o ..on a,d.· sta�p on ·all his .mates' )�re'feet whhj ii� io''�ails .. Ighoring ie inrequent ,.. howis ifPain, th ; bwaif:C onti;ued .·:� ' .
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"This does not mean lhat thikwer� enly �[even members' of a sett; or team, i� .the'. weri�also �ndwn. 'warri�rs could gp of a� d �ome on at will, � � fQtifth; sa.ered ber w�s not exceeded'. Dne ., , �•./\.� . could also hit.dw bppbnent at any time, a� long. rs ·orye;4,id iof use a weapo�!:Ni:!said thdt bn;� body·was one's �eip� �ld, although .he allowed iaM oi� all yeapons wer� fo_rbidden o�}h� ar.ena. u is. als�:�;Ll� \ tha� the arnfa for this coflirt wa: a �ectangilar ield et :; , . � .. , within'�·huge ·b ofl!"· •
• �.
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' • } : , ,, ;. I� was while those who remained swept up the � � s; th�... :
,they discovered a strange green s1race jus. under.the :,. bl�oly mud of the battleiel:, a surac� engaved-\'i�h� ·, _pecuiiar sY�bols and lines. The' ield was scrubb�d;�leai ,.5_.· . . The workers were·hushed, aware of the signijcance 0bf i ind. �t last, the sacred Gridiro� _spoken of i · .revealed. The Dwarf seer, �ho:hai ad�ptJd th ;·na e �£:· t' . · Sacred Commis�ioner Roze�El, after-a priest' of ii.stand :��'iient10ned in :h� b � ok, oe re a pra"er t> Nu le�ld , began to organise the irst sett meeting: ms m1nd_· iirn -ei_:; : u :u}� ip��t?ti : :e t Yf� > l;n or the f�ture,)ms , �� , . {, . -touglest sects reetmg m a phys1cai ,ofenng -to th- g;eat. ". '"· . / " . >. -·the Blood Bowl! •
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. '-All eyes turned to regard the shape ·of the batt}·e ���� -in wh.h . they had garh,re,d, where. 1.arge. sqjadro� s or· e ARLY� yEAR S {.�, ' ,�,: . 0, @ rc stu.fT "ed ,.�\"· , :.� . ·: . ' «. ..i" vulture? �ere \ing feeble attempts to get airb'o.rne again.� ··During his tiie as Sac.red Comnissioner,.R6ze-El.iad� great ,. , ark � r '" � \ "It seems o ' ;o:tinued the Dwarf m a lo'.UJ ice tq l'eg�i�'' strides in recreating Nufl �' 6riginal thei� attention, "that Nufle �as seen o�r dilemi � � js in ; ;· , eces��s of the t�wpl ; �iie� ,a£ �;ma �k :'' U-pr� �e;:�d · ' , : to resolve it. I suggest -that a team is put forward rom each side, ani �;pamphlets a'nd scroll were ounI, givig'o t4er of . that our diferences' be. resolved aicient game's ritfals. A team ofsee;s and scribes �as·;ft in fhis fashion.'!- ,. ''... ;the •• t (. " ; I . . ....� .:, � : • " .. . •· "" , ,t?'work translating and r�ttinslating' th�se, uiul a ast, ', y . . . A murmur of assent rippled..through the crowd, soon rising , of knovledge· was :a ssemblecl.�hese. quicktyhelped�lary ·
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r;� ognisable across a ·mtit,, )d Bowl ield by the splattering of • te and it's no surprise the �frH�go.wild when h.e has the ball i� his . . · .,
l hero. He's tall, superit a.. �i'W.ong, with a ira�e and co-ordin�ti�n ..
a ,
l '
,, ,
The major tournaments ate watched by cbu.tless numoers of !¥mans, Ore , lves, O g;es, bw s, Trolls,Gobli�s. and ·
' , "
. � . �
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, ,..
Haflings·, and many more esoteric �i�ers:besides. Just . . ( how many watch and play the game _is dificult to determine
oecause it is so. V�a�s.re�d: Ru;;o �rs persist.that the game has permeated the 'lower. levels �f astral and. daemonic . ' · ··plan ��;aid hop�s. a r� tir i h .; hat �1 �w 'e �rs we shall .��witi�ss exdi.ang( teams of Dae.� o�s and. �le11ent3ls.joiping
� : �
· ·
all the reguiars in the Blood. Bo:l!, As. ihe long departed · , ' .. > • � Commgsiqnen Thtee-Horn am'µs�y said' o� iany occasions, •
• .
,, , .
"This is'Blooi;'Blilf buddy, anythig could happenJ'!. X,.tbetter . '"�' ; \ �.� ' .
,. �. .�
b e1ieve it!' •- '1' '" �"
·· i . .
_THE GAM� hsE(f �
. · :.�'.· i ·� �� .. :
• neJpit.t th.e appallin chaos that seems to reig�\,;h enever the ;istle blows, there are a great many rules .in the game of
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' ��jor3loodiowt stars.:ome
in �l shaps a�d size° Some ans idolis� players brcause they are hand � o � e, or s t�ong or . . , very chaimati:. Others, tholgh, a;ualy notice and appreciate good tactical playing, and a majority .are great ans of long- . · serving Gouged Eye captain, arag Ghoul-Chewer. Varag's unusually tactical brain (or an Od) and his violent playing yfe �as ensured him a good-sized crowd of rabid a�s. •
Varag was originally a oreman at the Wolleg lead 11iies n eastem Drakwald, but was captured by slavers rom the The ollowing year.he was spotted By the coach of their Blood Bowl team, the celebrated . Gort Sever:imb, while he was putting one of his :captm:s on the5ritical list. ,Quickly rec� gnizing the potential playing � advantages of having a player who could make a few rudimentary decisions, Coach Sevet:limb took a tremendous chance# i> a.nd put tht inexperienced· Varag at the he)d of his 24 z4 Eye team (most bf the 2473� Eye team h�d b�en massacred by ' .>�eace' Mang�lsson of the Vyn�eim Valkyries the year beore). . . ival Gouged E�e tribe n 247 r .
an instant hit, and despite. a few complicatiom involving s �me ���r�d�astic puni:shn:�nts f� r player , . � subor�ination, has �emainel at the head of the increasingly-successul Gouged Eye te�m. 'His inest hour _so �r was ' ·,, ago. Now, he has set.his sights on noulding a te� ' braves to a second Chaos Cup win a few years leading his team of y9ung . . ,, the Blood Bowl Championship · . . rthy of winning too! to· ,: � t
•?. Ghoul-C_hewer was
. ··
· ·'
. ,
6 ,4 7' . ' 2 48'8; :
. . . BRIGHT CRUSADERS: The Crusaders could be a truly great '
L ' Human players ar� the best all-round �lood Bowl players in
. the Old World. Ihey may lack the sheer strength of the Ores, , .... 'the agility of the High Elves, the toughness of the Dwarfs, "'�tpe re�zy of the Dark Elves, or the speed of the Skaven, but . . . ' i '1. � � ey do not sufe' any of these players' weakness.e s either. It i. hardly·surprisfng then that iumans account or ov.e r 50%
.'!: ;�t
of all Bloo. Bowl players -·so long as you include Skeletons,
Ghouls and Vampires playing or Undead teams, and mutants )# , A • · .:" 'Playing or Chaos teams! ·
Blood Bowl team, if it wasn't or one serious handicap - they ' never, ever, cheat! While other teams are preparing or the match by brib.ing reerees ; th � Crusad�� are peroriiig charity .atche$ -· a act that will "stop them milg a m .ajot ' tournament until they shape u' a�d leo tp ay 'di�t�! .� . .
. �
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THE MARAUDERS: Once known as te Middenhdi · •
Marauders, they changed their na�e when. they were oreed to sell their stadium and take to the opeh road ollmyi,� th�
collapse of the NAF in '8 9 . Many say th�t.th.i s. was the m'king of them, and there ls no doubt that the Marauders are no�. one of the top Blood Bowl tea�s playing the game. A return _ match against arch-rivals the Reikland Reavers (whq defea�ed the Marauders at Blood Bowl XXIHs eagerly anticipated'
by Blood Bowl ans throughout the world, and in qlite a few .
places beyond!
TE REIND �S: The Reavers are the inest all
round team in the sport, with no other team coming close to matchi�g their consistent winning ��cord (our ti'mes ; . . � • ' T � , Blood Bowl winners, n'i neteen times Chaos Cup winners)� . the tea Under the. captaincy o'f sta.r Blitzer Grifo;er.tld, .
' . .-
t. "
continues to go rom strength tp strength.
T: VNHEIM VAL� S: The Valkyries are- �j:be�bru.ta.ly " �>'
honest, a pack of raving mania'c s. Only on the·ield of play, you understand, or they are berse�kers, inftiaies of an obscure .
Norse religion who work themselves intq a killing'renzy
which usually only lasts the. leigt� of the match. If it lasts
longer then ans arr �arned o 'avoia �t�eipting to :collect autograph� after t,h g iie ! ' .. , � . :
TE EL GITs: Thi� is an evil te'am made �p mainly �f
evil human players, ;hough they dd oc.casioiall field eviC i .. . Hobgoblins, . evil Ocs, evil Dark Elves, pr in act any ,. �o�her'� ,. .. t " ,