182 16 25MB
German Pages 104 [101] Year 1985
Volume 22 • 1984 • Number 6
ISSN 0006-1239
bibl. geod., Berlin 22 (1984) 6,459-548
EVP 15.- M
CONTENTS A 78-- 82
Page 462
Group I Geodesy Mathematical geodesy Physical geodesy Geodetic astronomy/astrometry Space geodesy Marine geodesy Establishing of geodetic control networks Geodetic measuring methods Mathematical treatment of geodetic measurements Construction and proof of geodetic instruments Geophysical instruments
1727--886 1727--741 1742--776 1777--795 1796--815 I 816--817 1818--834 1835--858
463 463 468 479 485 492 493 498
1869--885 1886
509 514
Group II Surveying and topography Geodetic foundations of topographic and engineering-geodetic work Topographic surveying on land Topographic and engineering-geodetic maps Topographic surveying of the sea bottom Application of geodesy in construction engineering and traffic engineering Application of geodesy in mining Application of geodesy in agriculture, forestry and water resources management and for environmental protection
II 228--257
II 228--232 II 233--235
515 517
II 236--237 II 238
518 519
II 239--253 II 254--256
520 524
II 257
Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing Fundamentals of photogrammetry and remote sensing Terrestrial photogrammetry Photogrammetric acquisition of information. from the air Photogrammetric determination of control points Photogrammetric plotting Application of photogrammetric techniques to map production Application of photogrammetry for nontopographic purposes Photointerpretation Non-photographic recording of information from the air and its interpretation Design and checking of photogrammetric instruments
III 288--350
III 288--289 III 290--291
526 527
III 292--294
III 295--298 III 299--319
529 531
III 320--323
III 324--327 III 328--346
539 540
III 350
BIBLIOGRAPHIA GEODAETICA International Geodetic Documentation Booklet of reports of the International Association of Geodesy International Federation of Surveyors Technical University of Dresden, GDR Published by the National Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic Prof.Dr.-Ing. habil. L o t h a r S t a n g e , president Edition by the Centre of International Documentation of Geodesy, Technical University of Dresden, Section Geodesy and Cartography Dr.-Ing. H e i n z F i n g e r , manager
bibliographia geodaetica
Volume 22 1984 No. 6
p. 459-548
Berlin 1984
Sources of supplies Orders and subscriptions of the "bibliographia geodaetica" should be sent: — in the'German Democratic Republic to the Deutsche Post, Zentralvertrieb des PZV (B), 7930 Herzberg/Elster, or to the Akademie-Verlag, DDK — 1086 Berlin, Leipziger Str. 3-4; — in socialist countries to a book-shop for foreign-language literature, or to the responsible post-office; — in the Federal Republic of Germany and Berlin (West) to a book-shop, or to the supply depot KUNST UND WISSEN, Erich Bieber OHG, Wilhelmstr. 4-6, D - 7000 Stuttgart 1; — in other West-European countries to a book-shop, or to the supply depot KUNST UND WISSEN, Erich Bieber GmbH, Dufourstr. SI, CH — 8008 Zürich; — in the remaining foreign countries to the International Book and Journal Trade; to the Buchexport, Volkseigener Aussenhandelsbetrleb der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, DDR - 7010 Leipzig, Postfach 160, or to the Akademie-Verlag, DDR - 1086 Berlin, Leipziger Str. 3-4. Information of additional sources of supplies is given by the Bureau Central de l'AIG, 39ter, rue Gay Lussac, F — 75005 Paris.
bibliographia geodaetica Herausgeber: Nationalkomitee f ü r Geodäsie und Geophysik der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Verlag: Akademie-Verlag, DDR - 1086 Berlin, Leipziger Straße 3-4; Fernruf: 2 23 62 21 oder 2 23 62 29; Telex Nr.: 114420; Bank: Staatsbank der DDR, Berlin, Kto.-Nr.: 6836-26-20712. Chefredakteur: Dr.-Ing. Heinz Finger. Redaktion: Zentralstelle f ü r Internationale Dokumentation der Geodäsie, Technische Universität Dresden, Sektion Geodäsie und Kartographie, DDR - 8027 Dresden, Mommsenstraße 13; Fernruf: 4 63 28 23 (RIS 1107). Druckgenehmigung: Ag 451/51/84. Satz und Druck: Druckwerkstätten Stollberg VOB, DDR - 9150 Stollberg (Erzgeb.) III/6/50 1284 (421). Erscheinungsweise: Die „bibliographia geodaetica" erscheint jeden zweiten Monat. Bezugspreis eines Jahrganges 120,— M zuzüglich Versandspesen (Preis f ü r die DDR 90,— M). Bestellnummer dieses Heftes: 1073/22/6. © 1984 by Akademie-Verlag Berlin • Printed in the German Democratic Republic.
Dear user of the "bibliographia geodaetica", We have already informed you in 1983 that we are going to use modern electronic data processing for information and documentation purposes. The announces rearrangements will be performed in the beginning of 1985 and we should like to offer you the possibilities of this system. The scientific branch "geodesy" is published in several bibliographies in printed form. Set A — General problems of geodesy, photogrammetry and cartography and related fields Set G — Higher geodesy, geodetic measuring techniques and their treatment, selenodesy and planetodesy Set I — Applied geodesy and topography Set F — Photogrammetry and remote sensing SetK — Cartography The decentral evaluation, elaboration and the input of documents into the data storage of the system is made in German or English. Set G is attempted to be published mainly in English. Starting issue 1 of the volume 23 of 1985, the "bibliographia geodaetica" as the bibliography of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) will comprise the set A and G. The "bibliographia geodaetica" has been revised by the Centre for International Documentation of Geodesy in Dresden since 1963. The sets I, F and K may be supplied in 1986 by your bookshop or by the publishing house. In 1986, the sets I, F and K may be also be supplied by your book-shop or by the publishing house. As a transition solution, in 1985 the sets I, F and K can be obtained directly from the publishing house. In the bibliographies, published in printed form, mainly generally interesting problems concerning geodesy are documented. All accessible documents which are analyzed and indexed by evaluation institutions and national correspondents of the IAG are fed into the data storage. The "Automated Information and Documentation System" (AIDOS) is applicable to retrospective recherche as well as to selective information proceeding. You are in advantage to use these possibilities and we ask you therefore, to send a verbally precise information concerning your problems to the Zentralstelle fuer Internationale Dokumentation der Geodaesie (Dresden Centre for International Documentation of Geodesy) at the Dresden University of Technology of the G.D.R. You will receive against payment a printed copy of all documents which are interesting for you concerning your special subject and which have been fed into the data storage until now. Retrospective recherche will be only effective after 1 to 2 years of development of the storage. Yours faithfully, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lothar Stange President of the National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic and of Commission VI, International Geodetic Bibliography of the International Association of Geodesy
Dr.-Ing. Heinz Finger Chief Editor and Manager of the Centre for International Documentation of Geodesy at the Dresden University of Technology
Liebe Bezieher der „bibliographia geodaetica"! Bereits 1983 informierten wir Sie, dass Untersuchungen gemacht werden, die moderne elektronische Datenverarbeitung fuer Information und Dokumentation einzusetzen. Ab 1985 erfolgt nun die angekuendigte Umstellung, und wir moechten Ihnen die Moeglichkeiten des Systems vorstellen. Unser Fachgebiet wird in mehreren Bibliographien erfasst, die gedruckt vorliegen werden. Reihe A Reihe G Reihe I Reihe F Reihe K
Allgemeine Fragen der Geodaesie, Photogrammetrie und Kartographie und saemtliche Nachbardisziplinen Hoehere Geodaesie, geodaetische Messverfahren und ihre Bearbeitung, Selenodaesie und Planetodaesie Angewandte Geodaesie und Topographie Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Kartographie
Die dezentrale Auswertung, Erarbeitung und Eingabe der Dokumente in den Speicher des Systems erfolgt in Deutsch oder Englisch. Es wird angestrebt, die Reihe G vorwiegend in der englischen Sprache zu veroeffentlichen. Die „bibliographia geodaetica" als Referateorgan der Internationalen Assoziation der Geodaesie (IAG), seit 1963 von der Zentralstelle fuer Internationale Dokumentation der Geodaesie in Dresden bearbeitet, wird ab 1985, Jahrgang 23, die Reihen A und G umfassen. Die Reihen I, F und K koennen Sie ab 1986 ebenfalls ueber Ihren Buchhaendler oder den Verlag beziehen. Fuer 1985 ist eine Uebergangsloesung durch Direktbezug beim Verlag moeglich. In den gedruckten Bibliographien werden vordergruendig fachlich allgemein interessierende Probleme dokumentiert. In den Speicher werden aber saemtliche den Auswerteinstitutionen und Nationalkorrespondenten der IAG zugaenglichen und von ihnen analysierten und indexierten Dokumente gebracht. Das „Automatisierte Informations- und Dokumentationssystem" (AIDOS) ist sowohl fuer die selektive Informationsverbreitung als auch fuer retrospektive Recherchen einsetzbar. Es besteht fuer Sie der Vorteil, diese Moeglichkeiten zu nutzen, wenn Sie verbal Ihre Fragestellungen praezisieren und der Zentralstelle fuer Internationale Dokumentation der Geodaesie an der Technischen Universitaet Dresden, DDR mitteilen. Sie erhalten dann gegen Bezahlung einen Ausdruck all der Dokumente, die zu der von Ihnen bearbeiteten Thematik in den Speicher bisher eingegeben worden sind. Die retrospektive Recherche wird erst nach ein bis zwei Jahren Aufbau des Speichers aussagekraeftig sein. Mit freundlichen Gruessen Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Lothar Stange Vorsitzender des Nationalkomitee fuer Geodaesie und Geophysik der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik und der Kommission VI, Internationale Bibliographie der Geodaesie der Internationalen Assoziation der Geodaesie
Dr.-Ing. Heinz Finger Chefredakteur und Leiter der Zentralstelle fuer Internationale Dokumentation der Geodaesie an der Technischen Universitaet Dresden
Authors (The figures behind the authors indicate the number of the abstract; the Roman numerals indicate the group of the abstract) Reprint only with permission of the editorship No. 6/1984 Abbot, R. J. I 886 Abours, S. 1796 Ackermann, F. E. III 299 Ahmed, F. A. III 324 Albert, M. III 288 Altman,W. 1749 Antonov, E. P. I 742 Antonov, V.A.III 300 Area, S. I 818 Arnold, K. I 743 Aronina, L. V. II 329 Baeumker, M. 1859 Bagcht, A. K. III 301 Bai, E. I 869 Baldi, P. 1744,1777, I 819,1 820, II 228 Balmino, G. I 745 Barlier, F. I 745 Barros, S. I 788 Bauersima, 1.1797 Becker, M. I 835 Belolikov, A. N. A 79 Benevides-Soares, P. 1778 Benning, W. II 240 Bereza, A. D. 1870 Bergsma, E. III 328 Bertotti, B. I 727 Beutler, G. I 728 Bhattacharji, J. C. 1746 Blaha, G. I 729 Bock, Y. 1798,1886 Boehnhardt, H. 1799 Bolgov, I. F. A 80,1 871, II 241 Borkowski, K. 1800 Bouw, Th. III 312 Bowring, B. R. I 730 Brandl, N. I 836 Bray, A. I 837 Bursa, M. I 779,1780, 1781 Byvshev, V. A. 1821 Caputo, M. I 747 Cepek, A. I 860
Cerutti, G. I 872 Charamza, F. 1860 Churilin, G. G. III 344 Clauzet, L. B. F. I 778 Congalton, R. G. III 302 Conrad, M. I 838 Conradi, A. S. 1873 Counselman, C. C. 1886 Crosila, F. 1822 Cross, P. A. I 823 Curran, P. J. III 325 Delbard, R. III 292, III 329 Dobrica, D. I. II 238 Done, P. II 238 Dottavio, C. L. III 347 Dottavio, F. D. III 347 Drewes, H. I 748 Dunford, Ch. III 348 Ebner, H. III 303 Egger, D. 1839 Ehlers, M. III 304 Elbersen, W. III 330 Elstner, C. I 749 Endo, T. I 731 Epp, H. III 327, III 331 Eren, K. I 840 Etchegorry, M. I 813 Farinella, P. 1727 Fedorov, K. N. I 782 Fedorov, V. I. II 242 Feil, D. I 782,1 838 Filippo, M. Di 1750 Finarevskijj, 1.1. III 305 Forster, B. III 332 Fräser, D. C. II 243 Froehlich, H. I 841 Frubrich, M. III 309 Ganshin, V.N. 1732 Gaposchkin, E. M. I 801 Gasperini, P. I 776 Gebrande, H. 1751 Gergen, J. G. III 295 Geri, G. I 750,1 752 Glyzin, E. D. A 80
Gmeinwieser, R. I 733 Goade, C. C. 1802 Gorbatov, V. A. III 346 Goullee, R. J. 1861 Grabmeier, K. A. III 306 Gralingen, H.-P. II 233 Grigorashenko, A. I 871 Gruen, A.W. III 289 Guljaev, Ju. P. II 244 Gur'janov, A. Eh. I 783 Gushhina, L. M. II 245 Hagiwara, Y. 1734 Haljala, S. I 735 Hamann, K. II 234 Harlau, E. A. I 787 Hartmann, G. K. I 843 Harvey, W. M. II 238 Hattingen II 233 Hefty, J. I 784 Heinig, J. I 844 Henriksen, S. W. III 296 Herda, M. II 246 Heusden, W. van III 333 Hirsch, O. I 845 Hofmann-Wellenhof, B. 1753 Iblary, M. G. I 754 Ikhuoria, I. III 334 Ilk, K. H. I 733,1 755 Itoh, Taisaku III 335 Jackson, J. I 862 Jouannet, D. III 329 Jurkina, M. 1.1 756 Kaeaeriaeinen, J. 1757, 1824 Kaehler, M. III 307 Kahler, D. III 290 Kähmen, H. I 846 Kaidzu, M. I 771 Kakkuri, J. I 758,1 847 Kalugin, Ju.V. 1848 Kamphausen, F. II 255 Kaniuth, K. I 785 Karamyshev, A. F. I 826 Kautzleben, H. A 81
Kienko, Y. P. III 336 Killmayer, A. III 337 Kiselev, N.V.II 247 Kiviniemi, A. I 749 Klemola, A. R. I 787 Kleusberg, A. I 803 Koenig, G. III 307 Kolaczek, B. I 804 Kolouch, D. III 308 Komar, P. V. III 248 Korsun', A. A. I 825 Kostelecky, J. I 759 Kostenich, V.S. II 248 Kotal, M. II 235 Krarup, T. I 736 Krische, E. U. III 343 Kroitzsch, V. III 309 Kugler, H. III 338 Kuhbier, P. II 236 Kukkamaeki, T. J. 1760 Kulakov, I. N. I 826 Kuntz, E. I 849 Kus, A. J. I 800 Kuzmina, N. P. III 320 Laan, R. III 310 Lambert, B. P. I 827 Langley, R. B. I 815 Latty, R. S. III 349 Lazerov, V. M. I 732 Lederle, T. I 786 Lehmuskoski, P. I 760 Leitinger, R. I 848 Levchuk, G. P. II 229 Lichtenegger, J. III 293 Liebsch, H. II 256 Ljubivaja, L. S. III 311 Ljubushin, A. A. I 850 Lohmar, F. J. 1819, II 228 Loser, R. I 874 Lucas, J. R. III 297 Lukin, A. N. I 761 Lysenkov, A. P. III 340 Maekinen, J. I 832 Makarovic, B. II 237 Manukjan, A. G. I 770 Marchesini, C. I 762, I 818,1 819,1 822, II 228 Margulev, M. L. I 863 Markuze, Ju. 1.1737 Marson, F. I 750 Marson, 1.1 763,1 837, I 872,1 875 Martinec, Z. 1768 Martynenko, M. A. I 850 Masters, E. G. I 764,1 814 Matsumoto, N. I 711 Maurer, W. I 876 Mayerova, M. I 769 Mead, R. A. III 302
Meier, S. 1851 Meier-Hirmer, B. 1849 Menukhov, 1.1.1 852 Merry, C. L. I 873 Messerschmidt, E. I 828 Mierlo, J. van I 864 Milana, G. I 747 Milani, A. I 727 Mizin, A. M. II 241 Molenaar, M. Ill 312 Molodenskijj, S. M. I 765 Montag, H. I 805 Morelli, C. I 763 Moritz, H. I 738 Mott, G. Ill 349 Mueller, H. I 829 Mulder, N. J. Ill 313 Mundy, S. A. Ill 314 Murai, S. Ill 315 Nagasawa, K. 1739 Nelson, R. F. Ill 349 Neshhadimov, L. S. 1830 Nguyen, T. I 845 . Niemeier, W. II 230 Noel, F. I 788 Nottarp, K. 1782,1 836 Novikov, Y. P. II 249 Novotny, O. I 766 Oderwald, R. G. Ill 302 Okubo, S. I 731 Ollikainen, M. I 806 Ostach, O. M. I 740 Ozawa, 1.1 767 Panteleev, V. L. I 853 Papo, H. P. I 831 Paunonen, M. I 807 Pavlov, N. N. 1789 Pec, K. I 768 Pedroli, B. Ill 339 Pelzer, H. II 230 Perelmuter, A. 1831 Perry, L. H. Ill 298 Peterson, D. M. I 790 Pick, M.I 769 Pikalkin, V. M. Ill 340 Piuzzi, A. I 813 Platonenko, M. Ill 341 Popov, I. M. II 248 Popov, O. E. I 883 Preusser, H. Ill 342 Price, D. R. I 823 Przewlocki, S. II 250 Puell, H. I 854 Quiel, F. Ill 343 Quinn, A. O. Ill 316 Rasulov, P. M. I 825 Rayhorn, J. I 747 Razumov, O. S. I 865 Reinhart, E. I 808
Reiss, P. III 303 Remondi, B. W. 1802 Rengers, N. III 322 Revzon, A. L. II 257 Ritter, B. I 855 Rivkin, S. S. I 870 Rizos, C. I 814 Rueger, J. M. I 856 Ruskov, A. M. II 251 Rychlewski, G. III 326 Sakuth, U. 1878 SchafErin, B. I 866 Schenk, D. II 231 Schlueter, W. 1811 Schmidt-Falkenberg, H. III 321 Schwedelbach, K. 1879 Schneider, M. I 809 Schoeler, H. A 82 Schoeps, D. I 743 Schuh, H. I 791 Schuhr, W. III 317 Schwan, H. I 786 Schwintzer, P. 1867 Seckel, H. I 849 Seeber, G. 1810 Seeger, H. I 811 Sekiguchi, N. I 792 Shul'c,V. G. 1880 Sidlichovsky, M. I 793 Sigl, R. I 812 Sima, Z. I 779 Simon, Z. I 775 Sissakian, V. III 322 Slater, P. N. III 289 Slipenko, L. N. II 251 Soeters, R. III 322 Souriau, A. I 813 Spiridonov, A. 1.1 881 Stambouloglou, E. III 291 Starostenko, V. 1.1770 Stolbov, Y. V. II 252 Stolz, A. I 814 Suetti, J. I 869 Sukhikh, V. I. III 344 Szangolies, K. III 323 Szczechowski, B. III 327 Takalo, M. I 832 Tanaka, M. 1857 Taplashvili, I. A. I 858 Tayman, W. P. III 350 Tazima, M. I 771 Tiedje, G. II 253 Toro, B. I 875 Trevogo, I. S. II 232 Trieckeijj, N. N. I 882 Tscherning, C. C. I 736 Unguendoli, M. I 820 Vanicek, P. I 815
Vanin, A. G. Ill 294 Verioe, A. 1772,1 773 Vermeer, M. I 774 Verstappen, H. T. Ill 345 Vladejjshhikov, S. P. 1881 Vodenikov, Y.N. 1884 Voevoda, V. M. Ill 346
Volkov, V. 1.1833 Vondrak, J. I 794 Vozikis, E. Ill 318 Wells, D. E. I 815 Wende, W. 1785,1795 White, N. 1790 Wiersema, G. Ill 319
Wilson, P. M. 1811,1854 Wolber, S. II 233 Wunderlich, T. 1834 Zeman, A. I 775 Zerbini, S. I 744,1 776, 1777,1801,1820 Zyl, C. A. van I 741,1885
bibliographia geodaetica New series, Volume 22, No. 6 1984 AIDOS Systematics 12.01 GENERALITIES General problems of geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry and cartography Management, steering, cooperation with other branches of economy History of development National scientific-technical organizations International co-operation Research, invention affairs, innovators Information activities, reference books, terminology Standardization, metrological ensuring Organization, planning, economy Staff and training Quality proof and quality ensuring Labour and health safety ALLGEMEINES Allgemeine Fragen der Geodäsie, Photogrammetrie and Kartographie Leitung, Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Wirtschaftszweigen Historische Entwicklung Nationale wissenschaftlich-technische Organisationen Internationale Zusammenarbeit Forschung, Erfindungswesen, Neuerer Informationstätigkeit, Nachschlagewerke, Terminologie Standardisierung, metrologische Sicherstellung Organisation, Planung, Ökonomie Kader und Ausbildung Qualitätskontrolle, -Sicherung Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz 528(092) Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Mikhajjlov : Nekrolog Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1983) 12. - p. 55-56 Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Mikhajjlov : obituary (RUS) AS 12.01.09/12.15.13 Key words: Geodetic astronomy, Mikhajjlov Biography and activity of the outstanding Soviet astronomer and geodesist, academician A. A. Mikhajjlov (1888—1983) are briefly described. A. A. Mikhajjlov made a great contribution to the theory of computation of eclipses and organization of their observations, the development of a unique equipment and the corresponding observations for the experimental verification of the conclusion about (relativistic) deviation of the rays of light in the gravitational field of the Sun etc. A. A. Mikhajjlov took p a r t in pendulum gravity observations by Moscow in 1916—1917 which marked the beginning of his f u r t h e r f r u i t f u l activity in the field of gravimetry and the theory of the figure of the Earth. He took the lead in the total gravimetric survey of the U.S.S.R. and was one of the founders of the n e w discipline — geodetic gravimetry. His teaching activity in the Moscow university and in MIGAiK is briefly described. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/A 78
528(092) Belolikov, A. N. K 100-letiju so dnja rozhdenija professora N. G. Kellja Izv. vuzov. Geod. i ahrofotos"jomka. — (1983) 6. - p. 139-142 The 100th anniversary of Prof. N. G. Kell (RUS) AS 12.01.09 Key words: N. G. Kell Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/A 79
528.02 Glyzin, E. D. / Bolgov, I. F. Geodezicheskie izmerenija kak metodologicheskaja problema Geod. metody kontrolja tochnosti v stroitel'stve. — Kujjbyshev (1983). — p. 20-24 Geodetic measurements as methodological problem (RUS) AS 12.01.33 Key words: Geodesy, methodics Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/A 80 92 Maupertuis Kautzleben, Heinz Maupertuis und die Geodaesie Vermessungstechnik. - Berlin 32 (1984) 8. - p. 269-270 Maupertuis and geodesy (GER) AS 12.01.09 Key words: Geodesy, Maupertuis Maupertuis (1698 to 1759) was the sixth president in the history of the Academy of Sciences of Berlin. In the history of geodesy he is mentioned as the director of the expedition of the Academy of Paris to Lapland f r o m 1736 to 1737 to measure the arc length of a latitude. For the first time, the result proved, in comparison with appropriate measuring results in France, the theoretical statement of Newton, that the Earth must be a flattened spheroid. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/A 81 92 Gruber Schoeler, Horst Otto von Gruber 1884-1942 Vermessungstechnik. - Berlin 32 (1984) 8. - p. 270-271 Otto von Gruber 1884 to 1942 (GER) AS 12.01.09 Key words: Geodesy, photogrammetry Otto von Gruber was one of the most important personalities of German surveying in the first half of this century. On the occasion of his 100th anniversary some of his works — above all in photogrammetris field — are appreciated. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/A 82
Technical University of Dresden Section Geodesy and Cartography
bibliographia geodaetica
AIDOS Systematics
Geodesy, geodetic measuring techniques and their treatment GRUPPE I HÖHERE GEODÄSIE Höhere Geodäsie, geodätische Meßverfahren und ihre Bearbeitung AIDOS Systematics 12.15.05 Group I Geodesy Mathematical geodesy Co-ordinate determination, co-ordinate transformation, reference bodies and systems used for computing processes The Earth as a sphere, a spheroid, an ellipsoid... Mapping of the Earth body on reference surfaces Relations between the figure of the Earth and reference surfaces Solving of geodetic main problems Gruppe I Höhere Geodäsie Mathematische Geodäsie Koordinatenbestimmung, -transformation Für Rechenprozesse verwendete Körper und Systeme Erde als Kugel, Sphäroid, Ellipsoid . . . Abbildung des Erdkörpers auf Näherungsflächen Beziehungen zwischen Erdfigur und Näherungsflächen Lösung geodätischer Hauptaufgaben 528.232:523.1 Bertotti, B. / Farinella, P. / Milani, A. Linking reference system from space (ENG) Astron. and Astrophys. - Berlin-West 133 (1984) 2. - p. 231-238 AS 12.15.05/12.15.17 Key words: Astrometry, Earth's rotation, HIPPARCOS mission, reference systems We stress the interest for many purposes of very accurate links among the different astronomical reference systems, and in particular between the one defined by astrometric star catalogues and that bound to the Earth. We propose to realize such a link by using an astrometric space-borne telescope, similar to that projected for the HIPPARCOS mission, to observe Earth-bound laser beacons pointed towards the sky. By this method, the angular distances between beacons and stars will be accurately measured, yielding finally very precise values of the parameters describing the relative motion of the two reference systems. (Author's summ.) IGD 84/1 727 Techn. Univ. Dresden
528.22/.23:519.2:517.9 Beutler, G. Probleme der Parameterbestimmung in physikalischen Systemen Mitt. Satelliten-Beobacht.-Station Zimmerwald. — (1982) 8. - 173 p. Problems of determining parameters in physical systems (GER) AS 12.15.05 Key words: Mathematical geodesy, mathematical statistics, physical geodesy The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that a broad class K 4 of tasks of determining parameters (tasks which can be expressed through common differential equation systems) can be solved using one single, simple piece of mathematical apparatus, the premise being that the basic differential equation systems can be solved "only" by means of numerical integration. Schoen, National Correspondent, FRG IGD 84/1 728 528.28:528.14 Blaha, Georges Tensor structure applied to the least-squares method, revisited (ENG) Bull. geod. - Paris 58 (1984) 1. - p. 1-30 AS 12.15.05/12.15.37/43.41 Key words: Adjustment calculus, differential geometry, least-squares method, space (math), space-time geometry The geometrical approach to the least-squares, based on differential geometry with tensor structure and notations, describes the adjustment theory in a simple and plausible manner. The development relies heavily on orthonormal space and surface vectors, and on the extrinsic properties of surfaces linking the two kinds of vectors. In order to relate geometry to adjustments, the geometrical concepts are extended to an n-dimensional space and u- or r-dimensional surfaces. Connection is made to Hilbert spaces by demonstrating that the tensor approach to the least-squares is a classical case of the Hilbert-space approach. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 729 528.232 Bowring, B. R. The direct and inverse solutions for the great elliptic line of the reference ellipsoid (ENG) Bull. geod. - Paris 58 (1984) 1. - p. 101-108 AS 12.15.05 Key words: Geodetic line, reference ellipsoid New formulae are given for the line of the great elliptic on the reference ellipsoid providing solutions to both the forward and the inverse problems of exceptional accuracy. The solution incorporates a closed equation for the great elliptic azimuth, and the derivation of this equation is presented and illustrated. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 730 528.223:525.622 Endo, Takeshi / Okubo, Shuhei A correction to "partial derivative of Love numbers" (ENG) Bull. geod. - Paris 58 (1984) 1. - p. 73-74 AS 12.15.05/43.43 Key words: Love numbers A small error in the computations of S. Okubo and M. Saito has been corrected. (Bull. geod. 57 (1983) 2. - p. 167-179)
The correction removes certain previously peculiar results and slightly affects p a r tials within the inner core. Techn. Univ. Dresden
IGD 84/1 731
528.23 Gan'shin, V. N. / Lazerov, V. M. Primenenie rekurentnykh formul dlja reshenija glavnykh geodezicheskikh zadach Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1984) 1. - p. 17-20 The use of recursive formulas for solution of the principal geodetic problems (RUS) AS 12.15.05 Key words: Mathematical geodesy, principal problem of geodesy The recursive formulas that being realized on the computer allow an efficient solution both of the direct (computation of rectangular coordinates, meridian convergence and the scale of representation from geographical coordinates) and the reverse principal geodetic problems in the rectangular coordinate system and in Gauss' projection are given. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 732 528.23:514.18 Gmeinwieser, Robert / Ilk, Karl Heinz Zeichenprogramm zur parallelperspektivischen Darstellung raeumlicher Funktionen unter Beachtung der Sichtbarkeitsverhaeltnisse Veroeff. Bayer. Kommiss. internat. Erdmess. — Muenchen (1982), astron. geod. Arb. No. 42. - p. 116-122 A character programme for the representation of spatial functions in parallel perspective subject to considerations of visibility (GER) AS 12.15.05 Key words: Harmonic functions, mathematical geodesy, perspective constructions Planes which are embedded in a three-dimensional space have to be represented in a two-dimensional projection plane to illustrate them. An example of this is the plastic representation of linear combinations of surface spherical harmonics superimposed on the surface of a sphere with a suitable radius. For graphic reasons the covered surfaces should not be represented. Schoen, National Correspondent, FRG IGD 84/1 733 528.23:51X564 Hagiwara, Y. A simple method for deriving the transformation formula of spherical harmonic expansion coefficients and its application (ENG) J. Geod. Soc. Japan. - 30 (1984). - p. 92-106 : 8 fig. AS 12.15.05 Key words: Analysis, spherical harmonic function, transformation formula Suppose an arbitrary function expressed in a surface spherical harmonic expansion series w h e n the pole is translocated at an arbitrary point on the surface of a sphere. The coefficients of the expansion series are functions of the latitude and longitude of the translocated pole. Ganeko has derived the general transformation formula of spherical harmonic expansion coefficients in a form of the modified Jacobi polynomials. It can be applied to theoretical problems of geodesy and geophysics including the translocation of the polar axis. This paper shows a simple method for deriving Ganeko's transformation formula and its inverse one, with their applications to the global geoidal height. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan IGD 84/1 734
528.236 Haljala, Sakari Transformations of national plane coordinate systems by the method of finite elements Proceedings of the 9th meeting of the Nordic Geodetic Commission, Gaevle, 13-17 Sept. 1982. - Gaevle, 1983 Vol. 2. - p. 465-472 : 3 fig. 2 lit. AS 12.15.05 Key words: Coordinates, transformations The Finite Element Method, better known as an interpolation method for digital height models, has been used to transform one national plane coordinate system covering the whole country to another. The background for the choice of the method is presented, method described and results discussed in the paper. Konttinen, National Correspondent, Finland 1GD 84/1 735 528.23
Krarup, T. / Tscherning, C. C. Evaluation of isotropic covariance functions of torsion balance observations (ENG) Bull. geod. - Paris 58 (1984) 2. - p. 180-192 AS 12.15.05/12.15.09 Key words: Covariance function, gravity potential, mathematical geodesy, physical geodesy Torsion balance observations in spherical approximation may be expressed as secon-order partial derivatives of the anomalous (gravity) potential, T, 32T _ 82T _ 92T _ d2T a2T T l 3 2 3 _ T l 2 2 ~axiax3' ax2ax3' -axiax2' aXl "a!^ where x 1( x 2 and x 3 are local coordinates with x t "east", x 2 " n o r t h " and x 3 " u p " . Auto- and cross-covariances for these quantities derived from an isotropic covariance function for the anomalous potential will depend on the direction between the observation points. Techn. Univ. Dresden
IGD 84/1 736
528.23 Markuze, Ju. I. Issledovanie formuly Ferrero Izv. vuzov. Geod. i aehrofotos"jomka. — (1983) 5. — p. 34—40 The examination of the Ferrero formula (RUS) AS 12.15.05/12.15.37 Key words: Ferrero formula, mathematical geodesy, triangulation net In application to a chain of triangles and to a continuous triangulation net it is proved that the R.M.S. error estimated f r o m the Ferrero formula turns out to be less than the error obtained after adjustment of the net with account for all the conditions. The fact is due rather to the correlation of the closing errors of the figure conditions than to the non-distortion because of initial data errors or systematic effects. National Correspondent, USSR Dobrokhotov, IGD 84/1737 528.2.001"71" Moritz, H. Past and future in geodesy (ENG) Allg. Vermess.-Nachr. — Karlsruhe (1984) 1. — p. 3 - 6 AS 12.15.05/12.15.09 Key words: Geodesy, geodynamics, gravity field, positioning, reference system
Geodetic measurements involve more and more highly specialized technology. Automatic processing of the great amounts of data obtained becomes indispensable. Theory becomes highly mathematized. Who will do geodesy in the future? The technologist, the informatician or the mathematician? I believe there will still be place for the geodesist as our universities educate him. Advanced technology will be indispensable, and informatics and mathematics will increase their importance. But the geodesist will be needed to use the observations meaningfully for the tasks of geodesy: a nontrivial subject reducing neither to technology nor to informatics or to mathematics. More technology will imply more, not less, geodesy. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 738 528.22/.23 Nagasawa, K. Two-dimensional interpolation with B-spIines — Its application for the Bouguer anomaly distribution in Fukaya area — (ENG) J. Geod. Soc. Japan. - 30 (1984). - p. 131-145 : 6 fig. AS 12.15.05/12.15.09 Key words: Bouguer anomaly, mathematical geodesy, physical geodesy Geodetic measurements are usually carried out at a number of randomly spaced points on the ground. Hence the data are obtained for these survey points. In the several methods for this purpose, the one employing B-spline seems the most convenient and appropriate for the geodetic data. In this paper, first, we explain the method for two-dimensional smoothing and interpolation with B-splines and, second, we apply it to the Bouguer anomaly data in Fukaya area. From a contour map, we can see the interpolation is reasonably done except for its boundary area. This is because the data are sparsely distributed in the area. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan IGD 84/1 739 528.21/.23 Ostach, O. M. Reshenie zadachi Stoksa dlja ehllipsoidal'nojj granichnojj poverkhnosti metodom funkcii Grina Sb. nauch. tr. CNII geod., aehros"jomki i kartogr. - (1982) 233. - p. 3-20 The solution of the Stokes problem for an ellipsoidal boundary surface by the method of Green functions (RUS) AS 12.15.05/12.15.09 Key words: Earth ellipsoid, green function, stoke formula, mathematical geodesy For the case of the ellipsoid of revolution as the boundary surface the Green function solving the third boundary-value problem of the potential theory which the Stokes problem is reduced to has been derived. The solution has the accuracy of the squared flattening of the reference ellipsoid. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 740 528.236.5 Zyl, C. A. van Transformation of co-ordinates from one Gauss Conform two degree belt to an adjoining one South African Survey Journal. - 19 (1983) 113. - p. 15-23 AS 12.15.05 Key words: Co-ordinate transformation, Gauss conform
A simple practical method of calculating the co-ordinates of a point on a neighbouring Gauss Conform panel using readily available formulae is presented. This method makes use of auxiliary polars and requires the a priori knowledge of the co-ordinates of at least one point in both systems. Shortened versions of the conventional transformation formulae between the plane and the ellipsoid are also given. Merry, National Correspondent of R. South Africa IGD 84/1 741 AIDOS Systematics 12.15.09 Group I Geodesy Physical geodesy Theory and methods for exploring the figure and the gravity field of the Earth Constants of the Earth, physics of the Earth Movements of the Earth's crust, geotectonics Geodynamic investigations, gravity measurements Gravimetry for potential-theoretical foundations Gruppe I Höhere Geodäsie Physikalische Geodäsie Theorie und Methoden zur Erforschung der Figur und des Schwerefeldes der Erde Konstanten der Erde, Physik der Erde Erdkrustenbewegungen, Geotektonik Geodynamische Untersuchungen, Schweremessungen Gravimetrie f ü r potentialtheoretische Grundlagen 551.24:627.8 Antonov, E. P. O nabljudenijakh deformacijj zemnojj kory v rajjone Inguri GEhS Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1983) 11. - p. 27-29 On crustal deformation monitoring in the area of the Inguri hydroelectric power station (RUS) AS 12.15.09/89 Key words: Earth's crust movement, power station Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 742 528.22/.23 Arnold, Kurt / Schoeps, D. Lateral inhomogeneities of density in the interior of the Earth (ENG) Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik. — Leipzig 93 (1984) 3. — p. 185—201 AS 12.15.09/12.15.05 Key words: Gravity, lateral inhomogeneity of density, seismology Lateral inhomogeneities of density of mass in the lower mantle of the Earth are derived. The density anomalies fulfil the conditions resulting f r o m the station anomalies of the velocities of the seismic waves and they harmonize with the gravity field. The amount of the density anomalies has the order of ± 1 • 10"2 g cm - 3 , this value being governed by the amount of the station anomalies. The sign of the density anomalies changes if passing downwards from the upper mantle into the lower parts of the mantle. The amounts of the lateral density inhomogeneities in the lower mantle have a relation with the amounts of the velocity anomalies of the seismic waves at these depths that is comparable with the relation of these amounts for the upper mantle. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden
IGD 84/1 743
551.244(262) :629.783 Baldi, P. / Zerbini, S. Movimenti crostali nell'area del Mediteraneo: simulazione di una rete geodetica per misure laser a satelliti artificiali Boll. Geod. e Sci. affini. - Firence 3 (1983) Crustal movements in the Mediterranean Basin : Simulation of a satellite laser ranging network (ITA) AS 12.15.09/12.15.17 Key words: Crustal movement, satellite geodesy The possibility of measuring the present rate of plate motion in the Mediterranean region by means of laser ranging observations of artificial satellites is investigated. A simulation of the network was performed by taking into account laser stations which are either already operational or being planned, and^a few locations where mobile systems could subsequently, be deployed. Vitelli, National Correspondent, Italy IGD 84/1 744 528.21/.22 Balmino, G. / Letoquart, D. / Barlier, F. Le projet GRADIO et la determination a haute resolution du geopotentiel Bull. geod. - Paris 58 (1984) 2. - p. 151-179 The GRADIO project and the high-precision determination of the geopotential (FRE) AS 12.15.09/12.15.17 Key words: Geopotential, GRADIO, gravity field, micro-accelerometer, satellite gradiometry Satellite gradiometry arises as one of the methods for improving our knowledge of the global Earth gravity field at high resolution: by means of micro-accelerometers on board a low orbiting spacecraft, linear combination of the gravity tensor components 3 2 U/9 Xi 9 Xj are measured in a satellite-fixed reference f r a m e {x;}. Based on this technique, a project named GRADIO is presently under study in France and could fly in 1990 at the earliest. After the scientific objectives of that experiment have been reviewed, the measurement specifications are given as coming from various analytical studies. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 745 528.223 Bhattacharji, J. C. Improvements on existing geopotential coefficients models for precise determination of 1° degree global geoid and mean gravity anomalies (ENG) Bull. geod. - Paris 58 (1984) 1. - p. 31-36 AS 12.15.09 Key words: Earth's gravity field, geoid/gravity potential, gravity anomaly, gravity potential The concept of an idealised earth having 1 deg averaged heights over its land surface is introduced as a means to improve upon the existing geopotential coefficient solutions without the use of additional observed data, in order to provide more precise knowledge of the earth's gravity field in the form of 1 deg global geoid and 1 deg mean free-air gravity anomalies especially over the mountainous regions with the visible topography condensed into the actual geoid, first by referring them to the idealised earth and then by reducing the same to the actual earth on applying appropriate corrections for the differences between the two earths. IGD 84/1 746 Techn. Univ. Dresden
528.22:550.34(234.41) Caputo, M. / Milana, G. / Rayhorn, J. Topography and its isostatic compensation as a cause of seismicity of the Apennines (ENG) Tectonophysica. - Amsterdam 102 (1984). - p. 333-342 AS 12.15.09 Key words: Isostatic compensation, seismology, topographic compensation The load generated by the Apennines and its isostatic adjustment is simulated on an elastic spherical model, and an estimate made of the maximum shear stress field produced. For this purpose a load on a shell with isostatic compensation is considered showing that the couple effect associated with the displacement of the compensation greatly increases the maximum shear stress as compared with the case of no displacement. When the results of the present study are compared with those obtained from seismicity and from the gravity anomalies of the Apennines, it is found that the largest earthquakes in the region and its most seismically active part are in the area of the largest shear stress and of large gravity anomaly gradient. Vitelli, National Correspondent, Italy IGD 84/1 747 528.236.4:551.241(4-015) Drewes, Hermann Geodaetische Modellbildung zur regionalen Plattenkinematik im mediterranen Raum Veroeff. Bayer. Kommiss. internat. Erdmess. — Muenchen (1982), astron. geod. Arb. Nr. 42. - p. 155-170 Geodetic model construction of regional plate tectonics in the Mediterranean area (GER) AS 12.15.09/12.15.25 Key words: Three-dimensional geodetic coordinate systems, plate tectonics In the Mediterranean we meet a complex geokinematic pattern. The paper studies geodetic concepts for the modelling of relative motion of those lothospheric blocks based on the geophysical model of plate tectonics. The goal is the determination of kinematic plate parameters from geodetic observations. Starting with the presentation of observation and evaluation models for coordinate shifts and distance changes it is shown, that any arbitrary relative point motion can be predicted with a r.m.s. uncertainly less than + 1 cm per year, if distance changes between selected stations are observed with + 5 cm in a ten years interval. Schoen, National Correspondent, FRG IGD 84/1 748 528.27:528.563 Elstner, C. / Altman, W. / Kiviniemi, A. Results of local gravity measurements needed for the comparison of absolute gravity data 18th General Assembly of IUGG, Hamburg, 10-27 Aug. 1983. - 9 p. : 3 fig. 6 lit. AS 12.15.09/73.07 Key words: Gravity difference, gravity gradient, gravimeter Local gravity differences and gravity gradients were measured with LaCosteRomberg and Scintrex gravimeters at the absolute gravity station in Potsdam. The results obtained are presented and the nonlinear part and the gravity gradient caused by the asymmetrical mass distribution in the vicinity of the sites is investigated. Konttinen, National Correspondent, Finland IGD 84/1 749
528.27 Filippo, M. Di / Geri, G. / Marson, F. et al. Microvariazioni della gravità in Italia con particolare riguardo all'area geoterminca di Travate Atti 2° Convegno GNGTS, Roma, 12-14 Dee. 1983 Microgravity variations in Italy with particular reference to the Travale geothermal field (ITA) AS 12.15.09/12.15.33 Key words: Levelling, geothermal field, microgravity network Microgravity surveys have been conducted in Italy in different areas for different purposes. Three microgravity nets were established for seismic analysis. No changes due to seismic condictions were observed ; rather observed changes were ascribed to local environmental conditions. Microgravity nets have also been used to measure uplift, mainly associated with exploitation of the Travale geothermal field. Results of four years of observations show either a good correlation between gravity and elevation changes or the existance of mass movements within the reservoire. Vitelli, National Correspondent, Italy IGD 84/1 750 528.22:551.2/.3 Gebrande, Helmut / Schmedes, Eberhard Ausbau der Seismologischen Station Wettzell (WET) Veroeff. Bayer. Kommiss. internat. Erdmess. — Muenchen (1982), astron. geod. Arb. No. 42. — p. 53-55 Extension of the Seismological Station Wettzell (WET) (GER) AS 12.15.09 Key words: Geodynamics, physical geodesy, seismology A 3-component broad wave station with digital registration (PCM technique) was suggested to complement supplementary terrestrial measurements as part of the extension of the Wettzell satellite observation station into a fundamental station for research purposes, mainly in the geodynamic field. The instrumentation required for the extension was purchased by the Institut f u e r Angewandte Geodaesie out of its own f u n d s and comprised: — 3 STS broad band seismometer (2 horizontal and 1 vertical seismometer, makers Streckeisen) — 1 3-component galvanometer-amplifier (makers Lennartz) — 1 3-component ink recording monitor (observatory Fuerstenfeldbruck) — 1 8changel digital apparatus (PCM) with temporary storage and event trigger (makers Lennartz). Schoen, National Correspondent, FRG IGD 84/1 751 528.27.081.3 Geri, G. et al. Consideration about gravity and elevation changes observed in the Travale geothermal field (ENG) Bull. d'Inf. Bur. Grav. Intern. - Paris (1983) 53. - p. 196-206 AS 12.15.09 Key words: Levelling network, microgravity, physical geodesy Renewal of exploitation in the Travale geothermal field begun in 1973. Since then a precise levelling network has been set up and several observations made. In 1973 a microgravity network was established as well, and reobserved four times.
Finally in 1983 an absolute gravity site has been included into the gravity net. Results of combined gravity and height measurements have been indicative of physical phenomena developing within the reservoir. Vitelli, National Correspondent, Italy IGD 84/1 752 528.333
Hofmann-Wellenhof, B. Representation of the gravitational potential by multipoles (ENG) Mitt. geod. Inst, techn. Univ. Graz. — Graz, 1983 Folge 47. - 208 p. : div. fig. AS 12.15.09/12.15.05 Key words: Method of finite elements, multipole potential, numerical quadrature, sparsely populated matrices The aim of this article is a representation of the gravitational potential V as the potential of an n-fold layer (n 2 ; 3). Sparsely populated matrices develop with a discretization of the problem. This advantage has to be paid for a stronger singularity of the kernel. The author has encountered to it with the representation of the multipole potential as the sum of dipole and monopole potentials. He does not consider that the kernels of these summands subside slowly. Hence follows, that in general the possibility of the integration with respect to partial surfaces is not possible. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 753 528.27(620)
Ibiary, M. G. General features of gravity anomalies in Egypt — In relation to geologic structures — (ENG) J. Geod. Soc. Japan. - 30 (1984). - p. 114-121 : 6 fig. AS 12.15.09 Key words: Egypt, geology gravity anomaly The African continent has significant gravity anomalies delineating its coastal basins as well as those of the East African Rift System. The gravity anomalies in Egypt reflect more or less the subsurface geological structures. The northern coastal plains, the Nile Canyon, the Arabu-Nubian shield in the Eastern Desert and the plain Western Desert with its magnificent oases, all show their meaningful Bouguer anomalies. The Red Sea, the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba, as a unique structural feature, show Bouguer anomalies indicating simple rift structures. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, J a p a n IGD 84/1 754 528.22/.23
Ilk, Karl Heinz Ein Beitrag zur Dynamik ausgedehnter Koerper — Gravitationswechselwirkung Dt. geod. Kommiss., Techn. Univ. Muenchen, Fak. Bauingenieur- u. Vermess.-Wesen, R. C (Dissertation B) Muenchen (1983) 288. - 181 p. : div. flg. Contribution to the dynamics of extended bodies — interaction of gravitation - (GER) AS 12.15.09 Key words: Balance equation, gravitational potential, harmonic functions, interaction of gravitation In the present study, the mutual gravitation of extended bodies is considered aiming at a redefined formulation of the balance equations and the equations of motion of a system of N rigid bodies.
Accounts of the potential energy of mutual gravitation of isolated bodies. Presentation of the balance equations of a system of extended bodies under sole mutual gravitation. The balance equations are given with respect to a spacefixed reference frame. The relation of the changes of the potential energy of the gravitational field caused by a (translational or rotational) displacement of an extended body to the forces, torques and tidal forces is shown. Finally, a compilation of formulae is given. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 755 528.21/.23 Jurkina, M. I. Sovmestnoe predstavlenie gravitacionnogo potencíala razlozheniem po sfericheskim funkcijam i prostym sloem Sb. nauch. tr. CNII geod., aehros"jomki i kartogr. - (1982) 233. - p. 73-86 The combined representation of the gravitational potential by the expansion into spherical harmonics and by a single layer (RUS) AS 12.15.09/12.15.05 Key words: Geopotential, physical geodesy, mathematical geodesy Some critical r e m a r k s concerning the possibilities of representation of the geopotential on the earth's surface by the spherical harmonics are given. The inconvenience of utilization of asymptotic expansions is emphasized. The f u n d a m e n t a l equations of the Molodensky' theory a r e expressed for the case of representation of the anomalous gravitational field of the Earth by both t h e expansion of t h e geopotential into spherical harmonics and the residual single layer on the earth's surface. Such representations are principally irreproachable if the coefficients and the degree of the highest harmonic are fixed. The expansion should not be attached any physical meaning to. Thereby the accepted definition of the normal height is remained. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 756
528.024.8:528.541.4 525.6 Kaeaeriaeinen, Jussi On the N-S tilt recorded with a long water-tube instrument in Lohja, Finland 18th General Assembly of IUGG, Hamburg, 10-27 Aug. 1983. — 5 p. : 2 fig. 1 tab. 5 lit. AS 12.15.09/12.15.33/73.07 Key words: Earth tide, water-tube tiltmeter To complete the earlier observations, already performed with the water-tube tiltmeter in E-W direction a new instrument of similiar design has been constructed in N-S direction in the same underground tunnel complex. The short description of the instrument is given and the obtained tidal parameters for the N-S tilt are presented. Konttinen, National Correspondent, Finland IGD 84/1 757 528.37/.38(48) :551.244 Kakkuri, J. A study on Fennoscandian land uplift Hellenic Journal for Geodesy and Surveying. — Thessaloniki 5 (1984) 1. — p. 1 - 1 0 : 4 fig. 2 tab. 14 lit. AS 12.15.09/12.15.33 Key words: Fennoscandian land uplift
The Fennoscandian land uplift phenomenon has been studied by the author. Analysis of the local gravimetric geoid of Finland has shown that there is a 10 metre deep depression pit in the geoid. Due to the subcrustal flow of mantle material the local geoid rises up by 1.5 mm/a. The ratio of apparent land uplift velocity to that of the geoid is approximately 10. This means that the remaining uplift which will happen in the centre of the uplift area is about 100 m. This result is in good agreement with earlier studies of the subject. Konttinen, National Correspondent, Finland IGD 84/1 758 528.225:539.3:551.2 Kostelecky, J. On the Problems of Determining the Elastic Constant from the Analyses of Satellite Motion Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechoslov. - P r a h a 35 (1984) 1. - p. 112-116 : 2 tab. 11 lit. AS 12.15.09/12.15.17 Key words: Earth's model, Love number, elasticity of the Earth, satellite motion The influence of different models of the Earth on the determination of the Love constant k 2 f r o m the analysis of satellite orbit inclination is studied. The source for studying these phenomena are the papers of Smith (1974) and Wahr (1981). The error in the determination of k2, using the simple model, is studied by applying Wahr's result. Simek, National Correspondent, CSSR IGD 84/1 759 525.24:550.38 528.541.2 Kukkamaeki, T. J. / Lehmuskoski, P. Influence of the earth magnetic field on Zeiss Ni 002 levels Finnish Geodetic Institute. — Helsinki (1984) 84:1. - 11 p. : 3 fig. 3 tab. 3 lit. AS 12.15.09/73.07 Key words: Magnetic effect on levelling instrument, precise levelling The influence of the earth magnetic field on Zeiss Ni 002 automatic levels has been investigated. The largest magnetic effect was 0.16 mm/km in the magnetic North direction in Southern Finland. The magnetic coefficients for the different instruments are essentially different, but they do not change for the same instrument more than 0.01 mm/km from year to year. The magnetic effect can be eliminated f r o m old levellings, performed with this type of instruments, using magnetic charts. The experiments show that the magnetic effect does not prevent the use of these instruments in high precision levellings. Konttinen, National Correspondent, Finland IGD 84/1760 528.21:528.47 Lukin, A. N. Uchjot vysoty geoida v sovremennykh priemo-indikatorakh kosmicheskikh navigacionnykh sistem Probl. mor. sudovozhd. — Moskva (1983). — p. 25—29 Accounting for the geoidal heights in the modern receiver displays of the space navigational systems (BUS) AS 12.15.09/12.15.21 Key words: Geoid, geoidal height, navigation Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 761
538.21(234.3) :629.783:621.396.96 Marchesini, Claudio Un profilo del geoide lungo le Alpi ed il mare Adriatico determinato con tecniche spaziali Boll. Geod. e Sci. affini. - Firenze 1 (1984) A geoid profile across the Alps and the Adriatic sea determined by satellite techniques (ITA) AS 12.15.09/12.15.17 Key words: Doppler measurement, geoid, physical geodesy The geoid undulations are determined along a North-South profile with two satellite techniques: Doppler observations on land and radar-altimeter on sea. Comparison and correction techniques of both data sets are also described. A good agreement between geoid on sea and on land has been found. Vitelli, National Correspondent, Italy IGD 84/1 762 528.27.081.3:528.563 Marson, I. / Morelli, C. Absolute gravity measurements 1976/77 in Europe and the U.S.A. with the Italian transportable apparatus: Results and perspectives (ENG) Braunschweig; Wiesbaden: Vieweg [ca. 1983] AS 12.15.09/12.15.33 Key words: Absolute gravity, crustal deformation, Europe, gravity measurement, U.S.A. Since 1976, 31 absolute gravity measurements were carried out in 17 station in Europa and 6 in the United States of America with the transportable apparatus of the Istituto di Metrologia "G. Colonnetti" — Torino, in order to improve the world gravity standard, to begin the study of the scale linearity along the line Hammerfest—Nairobi in IGSN 71 and to establish new absolute references. The uncertainty of the measurements is of the order of 10 /¿Gal. In the present report are discussed the results of the absolute measurements and the new perspectives offered by absolute measurements of such a high accuracy both for a new global supernet and as absolute reference for the Crust deformations and the variations of the geodetic reference system. Vitelli, National Correspondent, Italy IGD 84/1 763 528.22.024.8:629.783 Masters, E. G. Applications of satellite geodesy to geodynamics UNISURV S-25, University of New South Wales (1984) AS 12.15.09/12.15.17 Key words: Altimetry, crustal deformation, laser ranging, physical geodesy, satellite geodesy Analyses of satellite laser range data for crustal deformation are presented. These analyses have common theory and error sources with the application of altimetry data to ocean dynamics. Both types of data are examined. Substantial research effort is expended on the development of expertise with GEODYN. This expertise is applied to both solid-Earth and ocean dynamics investigations. Spectral Analysis is used to determine periodic errors in the sea surface height data. Knowledge of these errors can enhance solutions for the M2 tide. The method reduces the crossover residual variance by 30 %. However, this is not enough to allow successful tidal determination. Possible reasons for problems with systematic errors are discussed. Gilliland, National Correspondent, Australia IGD 84/1 764 2 bibl. geod. 6
Molodenskijj, S. M. Ob izmenenii gravitacionnogo polja pri uprugikh deformacijakh Zemli Izv. AN SSSR. Fiz. Zemli. - (1983) 9. - p. 3-21 On gravity field variations with the elastic deformations of the Earth (RUS) AS 12.15.09 Key words: Earth's gravity field, deformation of the Earth The theory of temporal variations of the Earth' gravity field with local and global elastic deformations caused by the source of general type is discussed. For local deformations the approximation by a homogeneous non-self-gravitating semispace is used. The models of a point source of shear strains of dipole type with an arbitrary system of principal strain axes, a three-dimensional model of a tectonic fault with an arbitrary orientation of Buergers vector as well as the simple models of the post-glacial up-lift of Fennoscandia are discussed. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 765 528.23:528.27
Novotny, Oldrich Simplified theory of series for the gravitational and geomagnetic potential (ENG) Studia Geophys. et Geodaet. - Praha 27 (1983) 4. — p. 346-353 AS 12.15.09/12.15.05 Key words: Earth's potential, Legendre polynominal A simple proof is given for the well-known addition theorem of Legendre polynomials by means of recursion formulae for Legendre polynomials. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 766 528.223:551.24(52)
Ozawa, I. Observation of the dilatational strain of the earth crust in the old Osakayama tunnel for many years (ENG) J. Geod. Soc. Japan. - Vol. 30 (1984). - p. 122-130 : 5 fig. 1 tab. AS 12.15.09 Key words: Earth's crust movement, Japan, strain measurement The observation of the extensions of the crust has been performed in the three orthogonal directions, they are in the vertical, in S 38° W and in S 52° E in the old Osakayama Tunnel since around 1970. Then, the dilatational strain has been obtained by summation of these observed extensions. The partial correlation coefficient between the annual deviations and the f r e quency of the felt earthquake at Kyoto city was fairly large value (—0.438). The forerunning compressions were usually observed in the time of the heavy precipitations which rained after few precipitations. It is interpreted that this forerunning compression is caused by the load of the precipitation and by the water pressure of the saturated water in the shallow part of the ground. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan IGD 84/1 767 528.21/.23
Pec, Karel / Martinec, Zdenek Expansion of geoid heights over a triaxial Earth's ellipsoid into a spherical harmonic series (ENG) Studia Geophys. et Geodaet. - P r a h a 27 (1983) 3. - p. 217-232 AS 12.15.09/12.15.05 Key words: Earth's ellipsoid, geoid, series expansion, spherical harmonics Presentation of an algorithm permitting the expansion of geoid heights over a triaxial Earth's ellipsoid into a spherical harmonic series. The harmonic function
expansion of the gravitational potential is assumed to be known. If we use a statement of harmonic functions for the geoid height in a harmonic function expansion of the gravitational potential, the condition W = const provides a non-linear equation system for the coefficients of the harmonic function expansion. This equation system is linearized and the coefficients of the linear equation system are given in an explicit form. The solution of the linear equation system then provides the desired harmonic function coefficients. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 768 528.27:525.12 Pick, MiloS / Mayerova, Milica Gravitational effect of the Mohorovicic discontinuity (ENG) Dedicated to the 100th birthday of Professor Frantisek Fiala Studia Geophys. et Geodaet. - P r a h a 27 (1983) 4. — p. 332-345 AS 12.15.09 Key words: Gravity field, Moho-discontinuity The present paper introduces a chart of the Moho-discontinuity and its gravitational effects on some characteristics of the Earth's outer gravity field provided the density at the Moho interface changes at a jump, or continuously in the transitional zone by 0.05 g/cm 3 . Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 769 528.21:528.27 Starostenko, V. I. / Manukjan, A. G. Reshenie prjamojj zadachi gravimetrii na sharoobraznojj Zemle Izv. AN SSSR. Fiz. Zemli. - (1983) 12. - p. 34-49 The solution of the direct problem of gravimetry on the spherical Earth (RUS) AS 12.15.09 Key words: Earth's gravity field, gravity measurement Two algorithms for solution of the direct problem of gravimetry are discussed: that using expansion into spherical harmonics (thereby the recursive formulas for computation of the mean values of such functions for the blocks formed by the geographical grid are derived), and that using numerical integration within a spherical rectangular parallelepiped. The advantages of the second algorithm that has the computing speed 1—2 orders higher than the first one and is free from the errors that accumulate when recursive formulas are used have been pointed out. For a number of examples the estimate of the errors of gravitational field determination because of non-account for the earth's ellipticity is given. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 770 528.221/.223 (527) Tazima, M. / Matsumoto, N. / Kaidzu, M. Relation between seasonal variation of the Omaezaki Peninsula and sea level change (ENG) J. Geod. Soc. Japan. - 30 (1984). - p. 107-113 : 7 fig. AS 12.15.09/12.15.33 Key words: Levelling, uplift of peninsula, Omaezaki sea level change As a part of the earthquake prediction project, GST is recently conducting leveling surveys four times a year in the Omaezaki peninsula. Through this frequent survey, it was shown that the Omaezaki peninsula uplifts and subsides once a year. Among possible causes, the elastic deformation through buoyancy effect was taken as the most important mechanism that causes the annual variation of the elevation of the peninsula. The vertical motion estimated through two dimensional FEM model is in the same order of what was observed. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan IGD 84/1 771
528.37/.38(48) :551.244 Verioe, Aarne Pà jakt efter den obekanta mekanismen i landhoejningen Proceedings of the Nordic Symposium, Luleà, 2—4 June 1982, Vol. 1. — p. 79-83 : 4 fig. 6 lit. Hunting the unknown mechanism of land uplift (FIN) AS 12.15.09/12.15.33 Key words: Land uplift, levelling, block movements Local repeated levellings have recently been carried out in Finland, and the results have been compared with seismic information and the bedrock structure. Significant height changes, in the circumstances of the Fennoscandian Shield, have been measured both in seismically active and inactive areas. They can be interpreted as symptoms of small scaled block movements. Konttinen, National Correspondent, Finland IGD 84/1 772 528.38(480) :551.244 528.024.1 Verioe, A. Inventory of relevellings along the Finnish part of the Blue Road Geotraverse Earth Evolution Sciences. — Berlin (1981) 1. — p. 77-79 : 2 fig. 10 lit. AS 12.15.09/12.15.33 Key words: Blue Road Geotraverse, fault and fracture zones, land uplift, levellings and relevellings In addition to primary precise levellings in Finland, other lines in connection with recent mapping activities have been relevelled. Likewise several short lines across faults and fractures have been set up. In connection with research along the Blue Road Geotraverse levellings of the area in question are considered for detailed investigations. Konttinen, National Correspondent, Finland IGD 84/1 773 528.21(48) :629.783 Vermeer, Martin A new SEASAT altimetric geoid for the Baltic Finnish Geodetic Institute. — Helsinki (1983) 83:4. — 10 p. : 9 fig. 5 tab. 11 lit. AS 12.15.09/12.15.17 Key words: Geoid computation, SEASAT altimetric geoid Using a complete set of SEASAT observations over the Baltic and Lake Ladoga, a local crossover adjustment was performed yielding a precise, high-resolution geoid for these areas. Before adjustment, tide gauge data f r o m 24 stations in Finland and Sweden was used to correct for sea level variation effects; afterwards, the local solution was transformed into the system of the global SEASAT solution of Ohio State University. Agreement with a recently determined Finnish gravimetric geoid is good. Konttinen, National Correspondent, Finland IGD 84/1 774 523.31-423.3:528.22 Zeman, A. / Simon, Z. Indirect Effect on the Constant Solid Earth Tidal Wave Edice VUGTK-ìtada 8-Referàty VtJGTK-Zdiby (1983). - 12 p. : 3 fig. 3 tab. 6 lit. AS 12.15.09 Key words: Earth tides, indirect effect The computation of the indirect effect was carried out for 23 continental points along 4 longitudional and 1 meridional profiles. The results are listed for vertical component, for horizontal NS and EW components. The values of