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English Pages 82 [81] Year 1985
Volume 22 • 1984 • Number 5
00 of the AES. Derivation of formulae to determine the perturbations caused by the deformation of the Earth due to tidal effects. With the help of these formulae the corrections of the intermediate coordinates may be determined. Kombinat Geod./Kart. IWT, Leipzig IGD 84/1 665 528.2:629.783 Marchenko, A. N. O dinamicheskom metode sputnikovojj geodezii Geod., kartogr. i aehrofotos"emka. — Lvov (1983) 38. — p. 60-67 The dynamical method of satellite geodesy (RUS) AS 12.15.17 Key words: Earth's gravity field, satellite geodesy The determination of parameters of point masses from satellite observations by the dynamical method is discussed. The problem of improving the station positions, initial conditions, point masses and other parameters is solved as an incorrect one by the Trikhonov regularization. The disturbing potential in form of the
sum of point mass potentials is determined on a definite Hilbert space with reproducing kernel having asymptotic near to the spectrum of degree variances of the gravitational field of the Earth. The final algorithm is derived in . the form allowing for some additional conditions relating the values of the point masses to be determined. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 666 528.021.6:525.7 Matjashuk, I. S. Sravnenie metodov uehjota atmosfery pri radiodal'nomernykh izmerenijakh Geod., kartogr. i aehrofotos"emka. — Lvov (1983) 38. — p. 74—76 Comparison of the methods of accounting for atmospheric conditions in microwave distance measurements (RUS) AS 12.15.17 Key words: Earth's atmosphere, microwave distance measurement Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 667 519.2
Milford, K. S. A note on the calculations of the %2 and F-statistics (ENG) Survey Rev. - Tolworth Surrey 27 (1983) 210. - p. 179-183 AS 12.15.17 Key words: Approximation method, geodetical method, statistical analysis, statistical distribution For many survey applications, the calculation of both x 2 and F statistics are required for the analysis of the confidence regions pertaining to individual or correlated statistics. To facilitate the use and computation of these parameters, several selected approximations are given and methods are suggested for the inclusion during the routine least squares adjustment techniques. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 668 528.34:629.783 Pachelski, Vojciech Critical configurations of satellite networks Artificial satellites. - Warszawa-Lodz 18 (1983) 1. - p. 73-88 AS 12.15.17/12.15.37 Key words: Adjustment calculus, free net, net configuration, satellite geodesy As the so-called critical configurations of satellite networks the conditions occurring between the number of observed quantities and the number of unknown network parameters are analysed. Their fulfillment is indispensable for network restitution, at least for its shape. Satellite networks of geometric and orbital type as well as photographic, laser, doppler and radio-interferometric observations are discussed. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 669 528.22:528.021-187.4 Prolepin, M. T. / Shanurov, G. A. Metod dlinnobazisnojj radiointerferometrii i ego geodezicheskie prilozhenija Itogi nauki i techn. VINITI. Geod. i aehros"emka. - Moskva 21 (1983). p. 66-105 The VLBI method and its geodetic applications (RUS) AS 12.15.17 Key words: VLBI method Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 670
Rodgers, Paul D. New positioning power for the surveyor (ENG) J. Survey. Engin. - New York 109 (1983) 2. - p. 90-98 AS 12.15.17/12.15.09 Key words: Doppler observation, positioning, satellite geodesy A new field positioning capability is available for engineering surveys using the TRANSIT satellite transmissions and the JMR-2000 Global Surveyor. Three dimensional position transfers over "one-hop" distances of 500 km or more and accomplished in the field with a precision of 20 to 50 cm. The positioning power of the JMR-2000 is used in a wide range of surveying applications, including geodetic point positioning, three-dimensional position transfer over long baseline nonline-of-sight distances, simultaneous multiple site positioning and adjustment, and low-accuracy reconnaissance surveys. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 671 528.024:629.783
Roemmich, D. / Wunsch, C. On combining satellite altimetry with hydrographic data (ENG) J. Marine Res. - New Haven/USA 40 (1982). - p. 605-619 : 23 lit. Rzh 1983/7.52.142 AS 12.15.17 Key words: Geoid, hydrography, satellite altimetry The contribution of satellite-altimetric and gravimetric geoid heights in the study of the general circulation of water masses of the ocean is investigated. From the combination of altimetric and gravimetric geoid heights, obtained with a mean error of 10 cm, with hydrographic data, the current velocity of water masses may be determined with a mean error of 10 cm/s in a local region with a diameter of 100 to 1000 km. Kombinat Geod./Kart. IWT, Leipzig IGD 84/1 672 528.42.02:530.152.1
Roof, Edward F. Inertial Survey Systems (ENG) J. Survey. Engin. - New York 109 (1983) 2. - p. 116—135 AS 12.15.17/12.15.33 Key words: Inertial surveying, positioning The historical background of the development of inertial survey systems and the basic principles of inertial navigation systems are presented. Inertial survey systems and their operation are described. Some of the operational results in the use of inertial survey systems and the accuracy of inertial positioning systems are examined. Recent work accomplished at the U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories is also described. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 673 528.021.78:629.783 522.2(52) ¡528.021.78
Sasaki, Minoru Satellite laser ranging at the Simosato Hydrographic Observatory and its preliminary results (ENG) J. geod. Soc. Japan. - Tokyo 30 (1984) 1. - p. 29-40 : 3 fig. 5 tab. 24 lit. AS 12.15.17 Key words: Laser distance measurement, laser ranging system, satellite geodesy A satellite laser ranging system was installed at the Simosato Hydrographic Observatory. The system includes a receiving telescope of 60 cm diameter and a laser
subsystem which transmits pulses of 150 m J energy per pulse with 200 ps width in a repetition rate of 4 pps. The range observations to Lageos, Starlette and Beacon-C have been continued since March 1982. The total numbers of returns obtained by the end of January 1984 are 44,828 from 201 passes of Lageos, 35,757 f r o m 161 passes of Starlette and 111,364 from 287 passes of Beacon-C. The mean range accuracy per one return for these satellites is around 10 cm. To obtain much range data and to attain better precision for range residual some testings and improvements have been made. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan
IGD 84/1 674
521.2:629.783 Sato, Katsuhisa Broadcast and precise ephemeris comparisons on NNSS (JAP) J. geod. Soc. Japan. - Tokyo 29 (1983) 4. - p. 243-252 : 9 fig. 3 tab. 10 lit. AS 12.15.17 Key words: Ephemeris, Navy Navigation Satellite System, satellite geodesy The differences between Precise and Broadcast ephemerides are studied by comparing directly satellite positions to clarify characteristics of Broadcast ephemeris. It is found that typical magnitudes of errors in the X, Y and Z components are 100, 50 and 25 m, respectively. Their period is about 2 to 3 days. There are other errors, periods of which are 23 hours 56 minutes for the X and Y components and 23 hours 58 minutes for the Z component. These errors cause larger bias in determination of longitude on the NWL-10D reference ellipsoid than in that of latitude. One of the reasons for these errors is unbalanced distribution of satellite tracking stations of OPNET. Another reason may be large errors in the broadcast ephemeris because it is extrapolated for over 30 hours using only 12 to 24 hours data and ignores some parameters in its calculation. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan
IGD 84/1 675
528.02:551.32(99) -.621.396.96 528.2:629.783 Seeber, Guenter / Hinze, H. Bestimmung von Gletschereisbewegungen mit Doppler-Satellitenmessungen in der Antarktis Z. Vermess.-Wesen. - Stuttgart 109 (1984) 4. - p. 176-186 Determination of glacial ice movements by Doppler satellite measurements in the Antarctic (GER) AS 12.15.17/12.15.09/12.15.33 Key words: Antarctic, Doppler observation, ice (geoscience), satellite observation During the southern summer periods 1982 and 1983 drift parameters of an antarctic glacier on Anvers Island were determined by use of Satellite Doppler Translocation techniques. Horizontal motion of 10 to 20 cm per day was derived from simultaneous translocation observations of 8 days with one fixed station on rock. Results from seasonal solutions correspond very well with values derived from two different years. The determination of height variations is supported by gravimetric observations. It is shown that a translocation solution is possible over a distance of 1400 km and improves the determination of shelf ice motion by the factor of two. IGD 84/1 676 Techn. Univ. Dresden
AIDOS Systematics 12.15.21 Group I Geodesy Marine geodesy Determination of the figure of the Earth below seas and oceans Positioning on the water surface Variations of the sea level — oceanic tides Methods and means of measurements of marine geodesy Submarine earthquakes and geodetic measurements Gruppe I Höhere Geodäsie Meeresgeodäsie Bestimmung der Figur der Erde unter Meeren und Ozeanen Lagebestimmung auf der Wasseroberfläche Schwankungen des Meeresniveaus — Meeresgezeiten Methoden und Mittel der Messungen der Meeresgeodäsie Meeresbeben und geodätische Messungen 528.22(26) :528.02.082.54 An experimental implementation of interferometric techniques for sea level variation measurements and reflection coefficient phase determination (ENG) IEEE J. Ocean Eng. - New York 7 (1982) 4. - p. 155-160 : 14 lit. Rzh 1983/4.52.106 AS 12.15.21/12.15.33 Key words: Interferometry, reflection, sea level variation Results of experiments for the application of a double-static scheme of a radiointerferometer of the range S to determine the mean sea level variations with an accuracy of 3 to 9 cm. Surface irregularities and variations of the reflection angle of radio radiation from the water surface were determined. Kombinat Geod./Kart. IWT, Leipzig IGD 84/1 677 528.22(26) :528.47 Glumov, V. P. Morskaja geodezija Itogi nauki i techn. VINITI. Geod. i aehros"emka . - M o s k v a 21 (1983).p. 3-65 Marine geodesy (RUS) AS 12.15.21 Key words: Marine geodesy IGD 84/1 678 Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR 528.27:528.371 Laskowski, Piotr The effect of vertical datum inconsistencies on the determination of gravity related quantities Rep. Dep. geod. Sci. and Survey. - Ohio: State Univ. (1983) 349. - 87 p. AS 12.15.21/12.15.09 Key words: Geoid undulation, gravity determination, normal potential (Earth), sea surface, subaqueous relief, topography, vertical datum The Sea Surface Topography determines the deviation of the Mean Sea Level from the geoid. This deviation causes different vertical datums existing in different parts of the world to refer to slightly different zero-levels. Those zero-levels define different equipotential surfaces of Earth's gravitational potential or surfaces that are not even equipotential. Therefore, the terrestrial gravity data that
were reduced "to the geoid" are in fact in an inconsistent system. These inconsistencies in the global vertical datum can be modeled to the accuracy. In the near future the 10 cm accuracies will be required for the determination of geoid. We conclude that due to vertical datums inconsistencies the 10 cm level is actually the highest possible resolution that could be achieved using the terrestrial gravity data. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 679 528.47:551.24(261.2) Lassen, Horst / Linke, Gerhard / Braasch, Heinz W. Saekularer Meeresspiegelanstieg und tektonische Senkungsvorgaenge an der Nordseekueste Vermess.-Wesen u. Raumordn. — Bonn 46 (1984) 2. — p. 106-128 Secular sea level increase and tectonic subsidence processes on the coast of the North Sea (GER) AS 12.15.21/12.15.33 Key words: Geotectonics, levelling net, North Sea, sea level, subsidence measurement The following article is about the main results of the sea level variation problem of the southern North Sea area. Uninterpreted historic geodetic levellings of the surroundings of Cuxhaven, Hamburg and along the river Elbe from Hamburg to Cuxhaven were the fundamental material, so it was possible to extend the period of interpretation of about 120 years. The interpretation shows, that the readings of Cuxhaven's watergauge are very much distorted, because the zero of this water-gauge was sinking 16 cm between 1855 and 1912 or nearly 3 mm/year. The amounts which were derived for the rise of the sea level so far, are almost entirely due to the sag of the zero of the watergauge. It's not quite demonstrable by measuring methods if tectonic activities are there, even after a period of more than 100 years. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 680 528.541.4(26.02) Sakata, Shoji / Shimada, Seiichi Development of the ocean bottom tiltmeter (2) (JAP) J. geod. Soc. Japan. - Tokyo 30 (1984) 1. - p. 50-58 : 7 fig. 6 lit. AS 12.15.21/73.19 Key words: Sea bottom observation, tiltmeter We have been developing an ocean bottom tiltmeter applicable to continuous tilt observation in the ocean area. After we successfully carried out the long term stability test of tiltsensors combined with the attitude control apparatus, the underwater part was finally assembled. Then the tiltmeter was installed on the free surface of the sea bottom at 20 m depth off Hiratsuka in Sagami Bay. Observation showed that the drift rate is very high especially at the time of stormy weather. In October 1982 the tiltmeter was removed 10 m to the south from the previous location and was buried at 2—3 m depth. After burial, the drift rate decreased rapidly to a present mean value of about 5 fx. rad/month. Thus, we conclude that it is possible to detect short term tilt change of the order of 1 /x rad by an ocean bottom tiltmeter in a sand layer. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan IGD 84/1 681 AIDOS Systematics 12.15.25 Group I Geodesy Establishing of geodetic control networks Network design, optimum network configuration Geodetic-astronomic control points Measurements and evaluations of geodetic networks 3 bibl. geod. 5
Groppel Höhere Geodäsie Anlage geodätischer Festpunktnetze Projektierung von Netzen, optimale Netzkonflguration Geodätisch-astronomische Fundamentalpunkte Messungen und Auswertungen geodätischer Netze 528.33.02:551.24 Esikov, N. P. Opredelenie deformacii zemnojj poverkhnosti po neposredstvenno izmerennym ehlementam geodezicheskikh setejj Sovrem. dvizhenija i deformacii zem. kory na geodinamich. poligonakh. — Moskva (1983). - p. 135-138 Determination of earth surface deformations from direct measurements of the elements of geodetic networks (EUS) AS 12.15.25/12.15.09 Key words: Earth surface deformation, geodetic network Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 682 528.35 Kosteckaja, Ja. M. Vlijanie direkcionnykh uglov na tochnost' setejj trilateracii s iskhodnymi punktami Geod., kartogr. i aehrofotos"emka. — Lvov (1983) 38. — p. 51-56 The effect of bearings on the accuracy of trilateration nets with initial stations (RUS) AS 12.15.25/12.15.37 Key words: Geodetic net, trilateration The effect of the distribution of initial bearings on the accuracy of the station position in a trilateration net established between initial stations has been analysed. The analysis has shown that the positional accuracy is increased most effectively where the initial bearings on each margin of the net have 2 connecting sides each. For establishing trilateration nets between initial stations, the linear measurements are recommended to be supplemented by astronomical azimuth observations of 2 to 3 connecting sides on each margin of the net. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 683 528.381/.385:528.11 Niemeier, Wolfgang Zur Fehlertheorie von Nivellementsnetzen Vermess.-Wesen u. Raumordn. — Bonn 46 (1984) 2. — p. 78-96 On the theory of errors of levelling nets (GER) AS 12.15.25 Key words: Adjustment, error reflection, error theory, levelling net, accuracy prediction In this report an attempt is made to review the current literature on the theory of levelling networks. Starting point is the still now dubious characterization of levelled height differences by adequate estimates. Then some modern ideas on adjustment models are reported and the concepts of precision and reliability are outlined. Furtheron the formation and use of criterion matrices are discussed, followed by some critical remarks on the applicability of optimization concepts. Finally preliminary ideas on possible distortion of levelling networks are presented. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 684
Pelzer, Hans Systematische instrumentelle Fehler im Praezisionsnivellement Vermess.-Wesen u. Raumordn. — Bonn 46 (1984) 2. — p. 57—68 Systematic instrumental errors in precision levelling (GEE) AS 12.15.25/73.07 Key words: Error reflection, geometric levelling, level, levelling net, levelling staff, systematic error The effects of random and systematic errors in precision levelling are presented here. Among systematic error sources only those will be discussed which result f r o m the characteristics of the levels and levelling rods. On of these error sources, namely the influence of terrestrial magnetism, can be eliminated by design changes, others require more care in measuring techniques and calibration or in field work. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 685 528.335:528.1
Perelmuter, A. The use of the constraint elimination method for sequential solution of observation equations of free networks (ENG) Survey Rev. - Tolworth, Surrey 27 (1984) 212. - p. 243-251 : 7 lit. AS 12.15.25/12.15.37 Key words: Geodetic network, sequential solution of observation equations The paper deals with the sequential solution of observation equations. A method is developed based on the principle of constraint elimination, when the VarianceCovariance Matrix of the first stage is singular. Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain IGD 84/1 686 528.024.061
Remmer, Ole Refraktion und andere systematische Effekte im Nivellement Vermess.-Wesen u. Raumordn. — Bonn 46 (1984) 2. - p. 69—78 Refraction and other systematic effects in levelling (GER) AS 12.15.25/49.21 Key words: Geometric levelling, levelling net, precision measurement, refraction, systematic error In reviewing the works of researchers in the field of levelling refraction it is pointed out that the refraction depends on the second derivative (of temperature as a function of height over ground) and not on the gradient or first derivative and the subjects of the cited works are discussed in the light of this fact. Turning to secular point movements (the second big error source in levelling) emphasis is put on the determination of these movements by repeated levelling; several papers have pointed to the problem of the proper treatment of such levellings both in networks of regional and continental extent. Techn. Univ. Dresden
IGD 84/1 687
Skejjvalas, I. M. / Parshjaljunas, Eh. A. Parametricheskoe uravnivanie s ispol'zovaniem skhemy geodezicheskojj seti Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1983) 10. - p. 16-18 Parametric adjustment by use of the design of geodetic net (RUS) AS 12.15.25/12.15.37 Key words: Adjustment, geodetic network
For the parametric method of adjustment of triangulation, trilateration, and combined angular-linear nets the compilation of initial matrices is proposed to be performed simply from the design of the net. These matrices and measuring data represent initial information for a computer. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 688 AIDOS Systematics 12.15.33 Group I Geodesy Geodetic measuring methods Methods and techniques for geodetic measurements of distances, angles, heights Gravity measurements Assessment of the precision of geodetic measurements Gruppe I Höhere Geodäsie Geodätische Meßverfahren Verfahren und Technologien f ü r geodätische Messungen von Strecken, Winkeln, Höhen Schweremessungen Beurteilung der Genauigkeit geodätischer Messungen 528.517:528.3/.4 Ammann, K. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie und Praxis moderner weitreichender IR-Distanzmesser in Landesvermessung und Tunnelnetzen Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtechnik. — Winterthur 82 (1984) 3. — p. 70—77 Contribution to theory and practice of modern long-range infrared distance meters in national surveying and tunnel nets (GEE) AS 12.15.33/12.15.25/73.07 Key words: Determination of coordinates, electrooptical distance meter, geodetic network, horizontal control With the new generation of long-range infrared distance meters, distances up to 15 km can be measured with a relatively high accuracy of 1 mm/km ( = 1 ppm). In a triangulation net with an accuracy in direction of 3"cc" we obtain only a relative positional accuracy of 5 mm/km. The higher accuracy of electronic distance meters provides a much higher positional accuracy and allows more liberty concerning net configuration. Pre-requisite is the reliable determination of all auxiliary quantities (instrument and prism heights, vertical angle, instrument corrections, meteo, eccentric elements etc.) and the sufficient elimination of model errors (refraction, vertical deflections). Two special net examples of the Canton J u r a (Switzerland) are described in detail. Some information is given on the piercing accuracy in tunnel nets. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 689 528.024 Angus-Leppan, P. V. Preliminary study for a new levelling system (ENG) Austral. J. Geod., Photogramm. and Survey. — Kensington (1983) 39. — p. 69-81 : 3 fig. 3 lit. AS 12.15.33 Key words: Distance measurement, geometrical height measurement, motorized levelling, vertical angle measurement
For a hundred years, levelling has been effective in determining precise height differences. However, in the modern context, it is too slow and too expensive. Using current technology, it should be possible to design a faster, more economical system. Discussion of the features of such a system shows that it should consist of two instruments carried in vehicles, each observing reciprocal vertical angles and distances in an automated mode. Special consideration has to be given to the problem of refraction, since this sets the limit to the length of sightlines. Of the possible methods for measuring the refraction, a new concept of refraction by reflection is favoured as it is simple and accurate. The procedure which results is a motorised, automated EDM-height traverse which can progress in steps of several hundred metres, whether the topography is flat or steep. The instruments provide precise measures of vertical angle, distance and refraction at each end. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden
IGD 84/1 690
528. Babajan, G. A. O nekotorykh voprosakh opredelenija tochnosti gidrodinamicheskogo nivelirovanija Prom-st' Armenii. — Erevan (1983) 9. — p. 22-25 Some problems of accuracy estimation of hydrostatic levelling (BUS) AS 12.15.33 Key words: Hydrostatic levelling Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 691 528.021.78:629.73 Degnan, John J. / Kahn, Werner D. / Englar, Jr. Thomas S. Centimeter precision airborne laser ranging system (ENG) J. Survey. Engin. - New York 109 (1983) 2. - p. 99-115 AS 12.15.33/12.15.17 Key words: Aircraft, laser distance measurement, satellite geodesy The Airborne Laser Ranging System (ALRS) is a proposed multibeam subnanosecond pulse laser ranging system on board an aircraft. It simultaneously measures the distances between the aircraft and six laser retroreflectors (targets) deployed on the Earth's surface with + 1 cm precision. Depending on the host aircraft and terrain characteristics, the system can interrogate hundreds of small targets distributed over an area as large as 6 X 104 sq kilometers in a matter of hours. Potentially, a total of 1.3 million individual range measurements can be made in one six hour flight. Trilateration techniques are used to derive the intersite vectors between laser ground targets with precisions as hight as one part in 107. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 692 528.514:528.541 Grejjm, I. A. Opticheskie dal'nomery i vysotomery geometricheskogo tipa Moskva: Nedra. 1983. — 320 p. : flg. Optical distancers and altimeters of geometric type (RUS) AS 73.07/12.15.33 Key words: Altimeter, range finder Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 693
528.024.1:528.45 Il'vickaja, O. M. / Sherstjukov, A. D. Issledovanie vlijanija dliny vizirnogo luchja na tochnost' geometricheskogo nivelirovanija na zastroennykh territorijakh Mold NIINTI Kishinev: 1983 323 M. - 7 p. The study of the effect of sight length on the accuracy of spirit levelling in built-up areas (RUS) AS 12.15.33/12.23.21 Key words: Geometric levelling Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 694 528.021.7(52) :528.517 Kimata, Fumiaki Electro-optical distance measurements in the southern part of Central Japan : Takatomi, Inuyama, Hamanako, Sangane, and Mukaiyama Baseline network (1977-1982) (JAP) J. geod. Soc. Japan. - Tokyo 29 (1983) 4. - p. 213-222 : 8 fig. 18 lit. AS 12.15.33/73.07 Key words: Electricoptical distance measurement, geodetic network, geoidimeter, Japan Measurements by a Geodimeter 6BL have been carried out annually since 1977, in the evening within a few hours around sunset, at Tokatomi, Inuyama, Hamanako, Sangane and Mukaiyama base-line network in the southern part of central Japan. Strain rates along base-lines are given by assuming a linear variation in length. During the period between 1977 and 1982, the maximum shear strain rates observed at these five base-line networks amount to 0.1—0.7 ^strain/y, which are consistent with the triangulation results during the last 60—100 years by the Geographical Survey Institute. On the other hand, axes of principal strain observed at these networks show various directions and only some of them are consistent with the results by the Geographical Survey Institute. Accumulation of horizontal strains in the southern part of central Japan seems to be irregular in time and space. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan IGD 84/1 695 528.021.7.061 Kimata, Fumiaki Diurnal variations of temperature lapse rate in planetary boundary layer near the ground (JAP) J. geod. Soc. Japan. - Tokyo 30 (1984) 1. - p. 59-60 :1 fig. 13 lit. AS 12.15.33 Key words: Electrooptical distance measurement, meteorological correction Meteorological corrections for electro-optical distance measurements can be determined accurately when the temperature lapse rate in the planetary boundary layer near the ground surface becomes very small. This letter discusses the diurnal variations of temperature lapse rate by making use of data from the Meteorological Research Institute. The lapse rate is analyzed from the monthly mean of atmospheric temperatures at altitudes from 10 m to 200 m above the ground. The period when the rate is within + 0.25 "C/100 m amounts to seven hours around sunset in summer but only one hour in winter. The rate changes very quickly in the morning. The maximum rate appears just at the time of sunrise and becomes very small a few hours after sunrise. Nagasawa, National Correspondent, Japan IGD 84/1 696
528.338(99) :528.14 Koehler, Martin / Ritter, Bernhard Geodaetische Verformungsmessungen auf dem Ekstroem- und FilchnerRonne-Schelfeis Z. Vermess.-Wesen. - Stuttgart 109 (1984) 4. - p. 154-161 Geodetic strain measurements on the Ekstroem and Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (GER) AS 12.15.33/12.15.09 Key words: Adjustment calculus, Antarctic, geodetic coordinate determination, ice (geosciences), precision measuring technique, strain measurement Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 697 528.021.087:331.875 528.541 Masse, R. H. / Schok, H. A. Automatisering van de registratie bij het waterpassen Geodesia. Nederl. geod. T. - Apeldoorn 25 (1983) 11. - p. 374-377 : 6 fig. 11 lit. Automatic registration for levelling (DUTCH) AS 12.15.33/73.07 Key words: Automation, levelling Automatic registration for levelling has been investigated. Two designs were constructed based on the registration of parallel shift of the line of sight by means of a pentaprism. The first design was used in combination with a Wild-ZL. The second design was adapted to be fitted to every current levelling instrument. A programmable electronic notebook stores the registered values. The first experiences look promising. Pouls, National Correspondent, The Netherlands IGD 84/1698 528. Ostrovskaja, S. A. Issledovanie tochnosti trigonometricheskogo nivelirovanija na malye rasstojanija s uchjotom refrakcii metodom refrakcionnogo bazisa Geod., kartogr. i aehrofotos"emka. — L'vov (1983) 38. — p. 89-95 Study of the accuracy of trigonometrical levelling for small distances with account for refraction using the method of the refraction base line (RUS) AS 12.15.33/12.15.37 Key words: Refraction, trigonometrical levelling Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 699 528. Tarasenko, N. I. Analiz vlijanija vibracii na tochnost' geometricheskogo nivelirovanija Inzh. geod. - Kiev (1983) 26. - p. 47-49 Analysis of the vibration effects upon the accuracy of spirit levelling (RUS) AS 12.15.33 Key words: Accuracy of geometric levelling, vibration Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 700 528.021 Tryggvason, Eysteinn The widening of the Krafla fissure swarm during the 1975—1981 volcanotectonic episode (ENG) Reykjavik : Nordic Volcanol. Inst., Univ. Iceland, 1983. - 48 p. : 20 fig. 1 tab. (Veroeff.-nr. 8304) AS 12.15.33 Key words: Distance measurements, Krafla volcano/Iceland, rifting events
An 80 to 90 km long section of the fissure swarm has widened during this sequence of rifting and volcanic events. Maximum widening of about 8 m occured 10 to 12 km north of the center of the Krafla magma reservoir, which is located below Leirhnjukur. From that location, the widening decreases northwards. A narrow strip, usually one to two km wide, along the fissure swarm is heavily fractured with numerous open fissures parallel to the fissure swarm. This fractured strip has subsided some 2 to 3 m relative to the flanks of the rifted zone. The flanks of the fractured zone have been uplifted relative to regions farther away. This uplift is not well determined, but tilt observations at several locations indicate about one metre uplift. Arnason, National Correspondent, Iceland IGD 84/1 701 528.021.4:528.517 Tryggvason, Eysteinn Distance measurements in the Gjastykki-Krafla-Myvatn area 1979—1982 : progress report (ENG) Nordic Volcanol. Inst., Univ. Iceland, 1983. — 48 p. : 8 fig. 27 tab. (Veroeff.-nr. 8301) AS 12.15.33/73.07 Key words: Distance measurements, ground deformations, Krafla volcano Iceland The Nordic Volcanological Institute made about 500 geodimeter measurements. These measurements show the episodic widening of the Krafla fissure swarm and the east-west contraction of the flanks of the Assure swarm. All lines that extend across the fissure swarm have increased in length by more than three metre from early 1978 to early 1982, and the measurements can be analyzed to show how much the fissure swarm widened during each rifting event. The main part of this report is tables, giving the calculated distances of the measured geodimeter lines, and the change in calculated distance between bench marks from one measurement to another. Arnason, National Correspondent, Iceland IGD 84/1 702 528.02.088:528.14 Utin, A. M. / Kiselev, V. I. O povyshenli tochnosti pervichnojj geodezicheskojj informacii Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1983) 10. - p. 32-33 On increasing the accuracy of primary geodetic information (RUS) AS 12.15.33/12.15.37 Key words: Accuracy, geodetic measurement The method of transformation of primary geodetic information based on utilization of more descrete high precision data is discussed. The said transformation is proposed to be carried out by use of parabolic function coefficients that approximate the parameters of high precision data obtained by the least squares method. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 703 AIDOS Systematics 12.15.37 Group I Geodesy Mathematical treatment of geodetic measurements Theory and methods of the mathematical treatment of geodetic measurements Theory of observation errors and method of least squares Adjustment and catalogue of the results of measurement Geodetic calculations Modern techniques of mathematics and computation for geodetic calculations
Geodesy Gruppe I Höhere Geodäsie Mathematische Bearbeitung geodätischer Messungen
Theorie und Methoden der mathematischen Bearbeitung geodätischer Messungen Theorie der Meßfehler und Methode der kleinsten Quadrate Ausgleichung und Katalogisierung der Meßergebnisse Geodätische Berechnungen Moderne Verfahren der Mathematik und Rechentechnik f ü r geodätische Berechnungen 528.526.6:528.1 Abdelhamid Kamal, H. Adjustment of the calibration measurements of gyrotheodolites Acta Geod., Geoph. et Montan. — Budapest 18 (1983) 4. - p. 349—357 : 9 lit. AS 12.15.37/73.07 Key words: Adjustment of calibration, adjustment of gyrotheodolites, calibration of gyrotheodolites, gyrotheodolites The paper presents a simple formula for calculating the gyrotheodolite constant from the calibration measurements made at control stations. The formula is derived by applying the principles of least-squares adjustment. The mathematical model used in the adjustment consists of two simple adjustment types, which contain measured and unknown quantities. The proposed formula is valid for an arbitrary number of independent calibration measurements by gyrotheodolites or by gyroattachments. Veroe-Hetenyi, National Correspondent, Hungary
IGD 84/1 704
528.526.6:528.1 Abdelhamid Kamal, H. Adjustment of long extended traverse nets combined with orientation measurements by gyrotheodolites Acta Geod., Geoph. et Montan. - Budapest 18 (1983) 4. - p. 337-347 : 1 fig. 7 lit. AS 12.15.37/73.07 Key words: Adjustment of traverse nets, gyrotheodolite orientation, long traverse nets, nodal point The paper presents a compact solution of a network of traverses combined with the calibration of, and azimuth measurements by a gyrotheodolite used for orientation purposes. The proposed adjustment model is rigorous, based on the least squares principle incorporating the measurements and the instrumental constant of the gyrotheodolite as well as the available control points of the surveyed area. Veroe-Hetenyi, National Correspondent, Hungary IGD 84/1 705 528.1:528.236 Blais, J. A. R. Linear least-squares computations using Givens transformations (ENG) Canad. Surveyor. - Ottawa 37 (1983) 4. - p. 225-233 AS 12.15.37 Key words: Least squares computation, transformation Givens transformations provide a direct method for solving linear least-squares estimation problems without formint the normal equations. This approach has been shown to be particularly advantageous in recursive situations because of characteristics related to data storage requirements, numerical stability and computational efficiency. The following discussion will concentrate on the problem of
updating least-squares parameter and error estimates using Givens transformations. Special attention will be given to photogrammetric and geodetic applications. Mainville, National Correspondent, Canada IGD 84/1 706 528.02:519.6 Bode, K. A. W. / Knickmeyer, E. H. Der Rang einer Summe positiv semidefiniter Matrizen und ein Beispiel zur Anwendung in der Geodaesie Schriftenreihe Wiss. Studiengang Vermess.-Wesen, Hochschule d. Bundeswehr. - Muenchen (1984) 10. - p. 5 - 2 4 The rank of a sum of positive semi-definite matrices and an example of application in geodesy (GER) AS 12.15.37 Key words: Normal equation system, matrix, matrix calculus, model(math) In order to determine the same unknowns according to the Gauss-Markoff-model there exist various groups of observables. If these groups are uncorrelated with one another, then the matrix of normal equations for a total adjustment is the sum of the normal equation matrices of the individual groups. The theorem is proved, that such a sum of positive semi-definite matrices essentially has the rank of the union of the columns or of the rows of the individual terms of the sum. Different versions of factorization of the terms of the sum are included. The theorem finds an application in an analytically represented example of a threepointlevelling-network, observed at two epochs. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 707 528.1(0758) Bol'shakov, V. D. Teorija oshibok nabljudenijj 2 izd., Ucheb. dlja stud. geod. vuz. i fak. Moskva: Nedra. 1983. 223 p. : fig. The theory of observational errors (RUS) AS 12.15.37 Key words: Geodetic observation, observational error Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 708
528.236:528.14 Bowring, B. R. Differential relationships with applications to adjustment in height controlled space Survey Rev., Tolworth, Surrey 27 (1983) 210. - p. 157-162 AS 12.15.37/12.15.05 Key words: Adjustment, coordinate system A simple method for the derivation of differential relationships between shifts in Cartesian coordinates and other systems is developed from the elementary theory for a sphere. Applications are made to the method of adjustment in space with height control. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 709 519.233.2:528.1 Caspary, Wilhelm Parameterschaetzung in linearen Modellen mit Hilfe von Projektoren Schriftenreihe Wiss. Studiengang Vermess.-Wesen, Hochschule d. Bundeswehr. - Muenchen (1984) 10. - p. 25-47 Parameter estimation in linear models using projectors (GER) AS 12.15.37 Key words: Linear equation, mathematical model, theory of probability
Under the criteria of unbiasedness and minimum variance the basic equations for estimation in linear models are developed. Starting from the standard GaussMarkoff model the case of a singular coefficient matrix and of a singular dispersion structure is examined. The result is that for the adjusted observation vector, for certain linear functions of the parameters and for the variance factor general estimators exist, which are valid for all variations of the model. During the derivation of the equations the properties of projectors are used to simply and geometrically interpret the outcome. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 710 528.063:681.3
Frankich, Kresho Surveying computations: backsight — turning point — foresight (ENG) Canad. Surveyor. - Ottawa 37 (1983) 4. - p. 247-254 AS 12.15.37/63.23 Key words: Electronic computer, surveying computation Surveying computations are an integral part of the surveying profession. Until only a few decades ago they were performed by logarithms, mechanical calculators and slide rules. Mathematical models had to be given in forms suitable for the computational means available to the profession. The invention of digital or high-speed electronic computers led to a revolution in data handling and problems solving practices. The application of modern computers and calculators in surveying necessitates a radical reorganization of scientific research and everyday engineering work. Analytical methods of computations have not lost their importance, although the domains of their applications have changed. Computers brought a variety of numerical methods which, together with approximation theory, have become the most important part of surveying computations. Mainville, National Correspondent, Canada IGD 84/1 711 528.02.061:517.5
Glasmacher, Hans / Krack, Klaus Umkehrung von vollstaendigen Potenzreihen mit zwei Veraenderlichen Schriftenreihe Wiss. Studiengang Vermess.-Wesen, Hochschule d. Bundeswehr. - Muenchen (1984) 10. - p. 49-69 The inversion of complete power series with two variables (GER) AS 12.15.37 Key words: Function series, electronic data processing Two different solution methods are presented for the automation of the reversal problem of a complete power series with two variables. The required programming input is demonstrated by program listings and the practical explanation is proved by a numerical example. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 712 528.024.1
Ivanov, V. G. Ylijanie ugla i na rezul'taty nivelirovanija Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1983) 9. - p. 19-22 The effect of i-angle on the results of the levelling (RUS) AS 12.15.37/12.15.33 Key words: Angle i, levelling, line of sight, spirit level Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 713
528.27.061 Kartvelishvili, K. M. / Lordkipanidze, G. P. / Beshidze, A. M. Popravka k normal'nojj sile tjazhesti za atmosfery Soobshh. AN GSSR. - Tbilisi (1982) 108. - p. 541-543 The atmospheric correction to normal gravity (RUS) AS 12.15.37/12.15.09 Key words: Correction, standard gravity Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 714
528.33/.38:528.1 Koenig, Rolf Ein Konzept zur interaktiven Planung, Ausgleichung und Analyse geodaetischer Netze Schriftenreihe Wiss. Studiengang Vermess.-Wesen, Hochschule d. Bundeswehr. - Muenchen (1984) 10. - p. 119-128 A concept of interactive planning, adjustment and analysis of geodetic nets (GER) AS 12.15.37/12.15.25 Key words: Adjustment, geodetic network The interest in computer aided design, adjustment and analysis of geodetic networks has lately considerably increased. This paper, starting with the usual procedure of a surveying project, describes a concept for a modular programme by flow charts. The design problems are to be solved according to the trial-and-error manner. The interactions to be taken into consideration between human being and computer equipment have been made evident. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 715 681.306.006.01:528 Mentes, Gy. Kueloenboezoe geodeziai f eladatokra programozhato intelligens terepi adatgyuejtoe Geod. es Kartogr. - Budapest 35 (1983) 6. - p. 432-435 : 4 fig. 3 lit. Intelligent field data recorder, programmable for different geodetic tasks (HUN) AS 12.15.37/63.23 Key words: Automatic control, field data recorder, interchangeable solid state, memory module The programmable intelligent field data recorder is developed in the Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy, of Sciences. The field data recorder is suitable to receive data via a keyboard and a serial interface directly from the instrument. It can directly process data in the field and permits the verification of measurements, thus eliminating errors and the costly repeat of measurements. The recorded data are stored in an interchangeable solidstate slide-in memory module. The recorder can be connected to computers via its bidirectional data transfer lines. The field data recorder can be applied very effectively to different geodetic measuring tasks by means of its interchangeable programme memory module. Veroe-Hetenyi, National Correspondent, Hungary IGD 84/1 716 528.14 Monin, 1.1. K teorii parametricheskogo sposoba uravnivanija Geod. i Kartogr. — Moskva 9. — p. 6—8 On the theory of the parametric adjustment methods (RUS) AS 12.15.37 Key words: Adjustment, parametric method Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 717
528.02.061.2 Ostrovskaja, S. A. Issledovanie zavisimosti mezhdu vzaimoobratnymi koehfficientami vertikal'nojj refrakcii Inzh. Geod. - Kiev (1983) 26. - p. 41-46 The study of the relation between the reciprocal coefficients of the vertical refraction (RUS) AS 12.15.37 Key words: Vertical refraction Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 718
528.02.061.2 Ostrovskaja, S. A. / Dzhuman, B. M. Uchjot vertikal'nojj refrakcii vidoizmenjonnym metodom refrakcionnogo bftsiss Inzh. Geod. - Kiev (1983) 26. - p. 38-40 Accounting for vertical refraction using a modified method of the refractional basis (RUS) AS 12.15.37 Key words: Vertical refraction Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 719
519.651 Schwintzer, Peter Zur Bestimmung der signifikanten Parameter in Approximationsfunktionen Schriftenreihe Wiss. Studiengang Vermess.-Wesen, Hochschule d. Bundeswehr. — Muenchen (1984) 10. - p. 71-91 The determination of significant parameters in approximation functions (GER) AS 12.15.37 Key words: Approximation theory, correlation To solve the problem of how to find the significant parameters in empirical functions, a modified Cholesky-decomposition of the quadratic form of the parameter vector is used. The decomposition results in a set of uncorrelated values, which can be investigated one by one in a multiple statistical test. This procedure finally leads to the desired combination of the relevant parameters. A numerical example demonstrates the steps of computations and the practicability of the proposed method. Techn. Univ. Dresden
IGD 84/1 720
(528.34:516.3):551.24 Vasil'eva, L. F. / Vasil'ev, A. B. O matematichekojj obrabotke prostranstvennykh geodezicheskikh setejj, sozdavaemykh na geodinamicheskikh poligonakh Sovrem. dvizh. i deform, zem. kory na geodinam. poligonakh. — Moskva (1983) 143-146 On mathematical, processing of three-dimensional geodetic networks established in geodynamic test areas (RUS) AS 12.15.37/12.15.09 Key words: Geodynamics, spatial geodetic net Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/1 721
AIDOS Systematics 73 Group I Geodesy Design, manufacture and proof of instruments Annotation : Problems of theory, calculation, designing, manufacture, examination and proof of instruments and devices (for applications see the respective sections) Gruppe I Höhere Geodäsie Konstruktion, Fertigung und Prüfung von Geräten Anmerkung: Fragen der Theorie, Berechnung, Projektierung, Fertigung, Untersuchung und Prüfung von Geräten (Anwendungen der Geräte in den entsprechenden Abschnitten) AIDOS Systematics 73.07 Group I Geodesy Construction and proof of geodetic instruments Distance measuring instruments Instruments for measuring angles and directions Instruments for measuring height and inclination Plotting tables, combined devices Instruments for measuring oriented directions Gyroscopes, compasses Accessories Gruppe I Höhere Geodäsie Konstruktion und Prüfung geodätischer Geräte Geräte zur Streckenmessung Geräte zur Winkel- und Richtungsmessung Geräte zur Höhen- und Neigungsmessung Kartiertische, Gerätekombinationen Geräte zur Messung orientierter Richtungen Kreisel, Bussolen Zusatzgeräte 528.52-553 Geiger, Axel Aufbau und Funktionsweise von Kompensatoren in optischen Sekundentheodoliten und elektronischen Theodoliten Schriftenreihe Wiss. Studiengang Vermess.-Wesen, Hochschule d. Bundeswehr. - Muenchen (1984) 10. - p. 203-220 Structure and function of compensators in optical one-second-theodolites and electronic theodolites (GER) A S 73.07
Key words: Compensator, electronic measuring method, one-second-theodolite The principle of vertical circle compensators and their classification are treated in this paper. Especially the principle and the function of the compensators of the widely used optical one-second-theodolites as well as the electronic theodolites, including systematic drawings are described in detail. The most important technical data are put together in a table. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 722
528.531.088.24 Kiriljuk, I. S. Issledovanie vlijanija temperatury na fazovuju pogreshnost' takheometra EhOT-2000 Inzh. geod. - Kiev (1983) 26. - p. 54-56 The study of thermal effect on the phase error of the tadieometer EOT 2000 (RUS) AS 73.07 Key words: Tacheometer EOT 2000 Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1 723 528.517.088.3 Meier, D. / Rueger, J. M. Accuracy of the Mekometer scale (ENG) Canad. Surveyor. - Ottawa 38 (1984) 1. - p. 27-33 AS 73.07/12.15.33 Key words: Accuracy, Mekometer The results of recent investigations into the absolute scale of Mekometer measurements and frequency measuring techniques are summarized. On this basis a revised procedure is proposed for the reduction of Mekometer distances. Mainville, National Correspondent, Canada IGD 84/1 724 528.021.6:528.516.061 Rueger, J. M. The reduction of Mekometer measurements (ENG) Austral. J. Geod., Photogramm. and Survey. — Kensington (1983) 39. — p. 39-68 : 4 fig. 5 tab. 39 lit. AS 73.07/12.15.37 Key words: Distance measurement, refraction, rangefinder Although the Kern Mekometer ME 3000 has been specially designed to render any atmospheric corrections unnecessary, such corrections are required whenever the highest possible precision and, even more so, accuracy is to be achieved outside a laboratory environment. The reasons for the necessity of such corrections are given. A new approach to Mekometer reductions (similar to the so-called MEIER HIRMER approach) is then presented and explained with the aid of a numerical example. To conclude, the theoretical background of the "compensation curves" as supplied by Kern & Co. and the " frequency error curves " as supplied by COMRAD Ltd. is given and the conversion of these graphs for use in the reduction scheme explained. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 725 528.541.82.089.6 Tille, Roland Einige moderne Verfahren zur Kalibrierung von Nivellierlatten Schriftenreihe Wiss. Studiengang Vermess.-Wesen, Hochschule d. Bundeswehr. — Muenchen (1984) 10. - p. 221-241 Modern techniques for the calibration of levelling rods (GER) AS 73.07 Key words: Calibration, comparator, invar tape levelling rod The during the last ten years developed comparator equipments for the calibration of invar tape levelling rods are brought into comparison. It proves that at present three different procedures have been applied which are characterized as statical-visual, dynamical-analogous and dynamical-digital. The most important components of the comparators are analyzed regarding their influence on the accuracy and some results obtained from comparison calibrations are represented. Finally the impact of calibrations on precision levelling is shown. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/1 726
International Federation of Surveyors
bibliograpkia geodaetica
AIDOS Systematics
GRUPPE II ANGEWANDTE GEODÄSIE UND TOPOGRAPHIE AIDOS Systematics 13.23.05 Group II Surveying and topography Geodetic foundations of topographic and engineering-geodetic work Establishing of local horizontal and vertical control networks, construction and factory networks Filling-in of first-order networks for engineering-geodetic tasks Geodetic determination of tie points and control points Measurements methods (intersection methods, traversing, detailed triangulation) and evaluation methods for establishing local control networks Gruppe II Angewandte Geodäsie und Topographie Geodätische Grundlagen für topographische und ingenieurgeodätiscfae Arbeiten Anlage von lokalen Lage- und Höhenfestpunktnetzen, Bau- und Werksnetzen Verdichtung von Landesnetzen für ingenieur-geodätische Aufgaben Geodätische Bestimmung von Anschluß- und Paßpunkten Messungsmethoden (Einschneideverfahren, Polygonometrie, Kleintriangulation) und Auswerteverfahren zur Anlage lokaler Festpunktnetze
528.48:528.247 Brovar, V. V. Gravitacionnoe pole v zadachakh inzenernojj geodezii Moskva: Nedra, 1983. - 112 p. Gravitational field in the problems of engineering surveying (EUS) AS 12.23.05/12.15.09 Key words: Engineering surveying, gravity field Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11194 528.412.2:528.14 Corbyn, J. A. On the computation of resection results by least squares Survey Rev. - Tolworth, Surrey 27 (1983) 210. - p. 147-156 AS 12.23.05/12.15.37 Key words: Adjustment calculus, directional error, distance (geom.), FORTRAN, iteration, least-squares adjustment, programme (dat.), resection Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/11195
Surveying and topography
528.4(075.8) Levchuk, G. P. / Novak, V. E. / Lebedev, N. N. Prikladnaja geodezija; geodezicheskie raboty pri izyskanijakh i stroitel'stve inzhenernykh sooruzhenijj Prikl. geod. - Moskva: Nedra, 1983. - 399 p. Applied geodesy. Geodetic operations in reconnaissance surveys and construction of engineering structures (EUS) AS 12.23.05/12.23.21 Key words: Engineering surveying, surveying Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11196 528.486 Norak, Zdenek Zur Absteckung rechtwinkliger Netze mittels Polarverfahrens Vermessungstechnik. — Berlin 32 (1984) 8. — p. 258—259 Setting-out of rectangular nets by means of the polar technique (GER) AS 12.33.05 Key words: Setting-out, polar technique, rectangular net The establishment of rectangular nets may be rationalized by the application of the polar technique using a distance measuring instrument coupled with a theodolite, by a programmable pocket calculator and by an auxiliary device for setting-out. The accuracy is determined for setting-out of a distance from one and from two stations and for control of setting-out. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/11197 528.411.061.2:528.45 Ostrovskijj, A. L. / Trevogo, I. S. Issledovanie gorizontal'nojj refrakcii v triangnljacionnojj seti primorskogo goroda Geod. i Kartogr. — Moskva (1983) 11. — p. 19—24 Tbe studies of lateral refraction in the triangulation net of a seaside town (RUS) AS 12.23.05 Key words: Lateral refraction, triangulation net Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11198 528.41.088:528.14 Pavlova, N. V. / Kondakova, Z. V. Ocenka tochnosti trianguljacionnogo metoda opredeleni ja koordinat Izmerit. tekhn. - Moskva (1983) 9. - p. 37 Accuracy estimation of the triangulation method of coordinate determination (RUS) AS 12.23.05/12.15.37 Key words: Coordinate determination Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11199 528.414.063 Rjabov, N. V. Odnoznachnoe opredelenie uglovojj nevjazki razomknutogo khoda Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1983) 8. - p. 38-39 Unambigous determination of an angular closing error of a free traverse (RUS) AS 12.23.05 Key words: Angular error, free traverse Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11 200 4 bibl. geod. 5
Surveying and topography
528.33/.35.088.3 Schindler, Gernod Richtungs-Strecken-Netze mit hohem Vernetzungsgrad mittels RECOTA des VEB Carl Zeiss JENA Vermessungstechnik. - Berlin 32 (1984) 8. - p. 256-257 Angle-length nets with a high degree of network densiflcation by means of the RECOTA of the VEB Carl Zeiss JENA (GER) AS 12.23.05/73.07 Key words: Angle-length net, network densiflcation Model computations on a Active net showed that with incrasing densiflcation degree the accuracy in the net is increased. For the realization of the demanded accuracy in the first case of application, an angle-length net with a high densiflcation degree was measured by two RECOTA instruments, an accuracy of sp 0.5 mm was obtained. The control points of the structure were determined by multiple intersection with the THEO 010 A of the exterior position net of high precision with an accuracy of S p 0.2 mm. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/11 201 528.414.063 Shupel', S. A. O vychislenii uglovoj j nevjazki teodolitnogo khoda Geod. i Kartogr. — Moskva (1983) 8. - p. 39 On computation of the angular closing error of a theodolite traverse (RUS) AS 12.23.05 Key words: Angular error, theodolite traverse Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11 202 Siehe auch IGD 84/II 226 und IGD 84/II 227. AIDOS Systematics 12.23.09 Group II Surveying and topography Topographic surveying on land Obtaining information about the terrain by using geodetic methods (tacheometric surveying, plane table surveying and other methods) and means for field survey and for supplementary measurements Cadastral surveying Gruppe II Angewandte Geodäsie und Topographie Topographische Aufnahme des Festlandes Gewinnung von Informationen über das Gelände mit geodätischen Methoden (tachymetrische Aufnahme, Meßtischaufnahme und andere Verfahren) und Mittel zur Geländeaufnahme und für Ergänzungsmessungen Katastervermessung 528.44 Danial, N. F. Area cutoff by coordinates (ENG) Survey Rev. - Tolworth, Surrey 27 (1984) 212. - p. 269-281 : 6 tab. 1 lit. AS 12.23.09 Key words: Area cutoff, cadastre The method of calculating areas by coordinates is commonly used in land partitioning. Formulae and examples are given. Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain IGD 84/11 203
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528.44(493) :681.3 I t t e r b e e k , O. Automatisering van faet Belgische Kadaster Geodesia. Nederl. geod. T. - Apeldoorn 26 (1984) 6. — p. 210-215 Automation of the Belgian Cadastre (DUTCH) A S 12.23.09/63.23 Key words: Cadastre, automation, Belgium Techn. Univ. D r e s d e n I G D 84/11 204 528.44(492) Koster, M. C. de Kadastrering van de Zeeuwse wateren en taet territoriale zeegebied Geodesia. Nederl. geod. T. - Apeldoorn 25 (1983) 6. - p. 181-186 : 3 fig. 2 lit. Cadastral survey of the Zeeland estuary and its territorial coastal waters (DUTCH) A S 12.23.09 Key words: Cadastre, N e t h e r l a n d s c a d a s t r e A t t h e t i m e of the first c a d a s t r a l s u r v e y in t h e Netherlands, 1815—1832, the land outside the dikes w a s not registred. It w a s not until some years ago t h a t both t h e Zeeland e s t u a r y a n d its a d j o i n i n g w a t e r s w e r e registered. E n t r y a n d registration into the c a d a s t r a l survey w a s s u b j e c t e d to t h e Civil Code, t h e t r e a t y as to the territorial w a t e r s a n d their a d j o i n i n g area, declination contracts, the Delta Works Act, a n d t h e r e - a l l o t m e n t a n d re-allocation Acts. T h e m a n o r i a l claim for accretion, dating back to the period b e f o r e French N a p o leonic rule, w a s of p r i m e i m p o r t a n c e to this e n t r y a n d r e g i s t r a t i o n ; t h e claim for accretion (in case it still existed) w a s given p r e f e r e n c e to provisions laid d o w n in t h e Civil Code relating to accretion as claimed by r i p a r i a n proprietors. Pouls, National Correspondent, t h e N e t h e r l a n d s IGD 84/11 205 528.45(494) Messmer, W. Wie Basel vermessen wird Vermess. P h o t o g r a m m . K u l t u r t e c h n i k . — W i n t e r t h u r 82 (1984) 4. — p. 97—106 The surveying of Basel AS 12.23.09/12.23.13 Key words: Cadastre, c a d a s t r e surveying, electronic d a t a processing, l a n d i n f o r m a t i o n system, u r b a n surveying Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/11 206 528.42/.44(492) :681.3 Osch, G. M. v a n / Schipper, L. Bepaling van een voor info'rmatie-uitwisseling geschikt wiskundig model voor in het terrein gemeten krommen Geodesia. Nederl. geod. T. - Apeldoorn 26 (1984) 6. - p. 197-200 : 5 fig. Investigation of methods suitable for mathematical representation of terrestrially measured curves (DUTCH) A S 12.23.09/63.23 Key words: Automation, a u t o m a t i c d r a w i n g , the N e t h e r l a n d s A u t o m a t i o n of m a p m a k i n g requires a choice b e t w e e n various m a t h e m a t i c a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s for various f o r m s of lines. T h e a u t h o r s describe the method developed by t h e N e t h e r l a n d s C a d a s t r a l Service. P r o b l e m s a r e treated while in t h e application of these m e t h o d s for a u t o m a t e d d r a w i n g of lines. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/II 207
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528.42/.44(492):681.3 Raamsdonk, J. van Uitbreiding van het Systeem Detailmeting '76 met lijncodering Geodesia. Nederl. geod. T. - Apeldoorn 26 (1984) 6. - p. 201-206 :10 flg. 3 lit. "Systeem Detailmeting '76" extended with line coding (DUTCH) AS 12.23.09/63.23 Key words: Cadastre, digital data bank, line coding "Systeem Detailmeting '76" has been set up primarily to facilitate the efficient processing of survey measurements of cadastral boundaries. The Netherlands Cadastral Service gets increasingly involved in terrestrial measurements on behalf of the production and maintenance of the Netherlands Large Scale Basic Map in analogue and in digital form. "Systeem Detailmeting '76" has been extended with the addition of line coding to carry out these extensive topographic projects. Line coding involves automated coding of all measured objects. The system produces a digital data bank for topographic objects: the so-called topobank. Not only information on lines is stored in the data bank but also semantic information. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/II 208 528.02:681.3 Wenk, R. Mobile Datenerfassung Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtechnik. — Winterthur 82 (1984) 4. — p. 115-120 Mobile data recording AS 12.23.09/63.23/73.07 Key words: Data processing, data recording, data storage, mechanical computation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/II 209 AIDOS Systematics 12.23.13 Group II Surveying and topography Topographic and engineering-geodetic maps Content of large-scale topographic and engineering-technical maps and plans and their assignment to definite purposes Land maps Symbols and methods of representation Automation of the production and revision of large-scale topographic, engineering-technical maps and plans as well as of land maps (on the basis of geodetic methods of information acquisition) Digital terrain models Gruppe II Angewandte Geodäsie und Topographie Topographische und ingenieurgeodätische Karten Inhalt und Zweckbestimmung großmaßstäbiger topographischer und ingenieurtechnischer Karten und Pläne Liegenschaftskarten Signaturen und Darstellungsverfahren Automatisierung der Herstellung und Laufendhaltung großmaßstäbiger topographischer, ingenieurtechnischer Karten und Pläne sowie von Liegenschaftskarten (auf der Grundlage geodätischer Verfahren der Informationsgewinnung) Digitale Geländemodelle
Surveying and topography
528.422.2.063.4 Ahmed, Fouad A. Optimization techniques in curved area calculation Survey Rev. - Tolworth, Surrey 27 (1983) 210. - p. 163-168 AS 12.23.13 Key words: Accuracy increase, area computation, error consideration, polynomial Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/11 210 528.422(086.5) :681.3 Ebner, H. / Eder, K. Digitale Hoehenmodelle heute und morgen Mitt.-Bl. Dt. Ver. Vermess.-Wesen, Landesver. Bayern . — Muenchen 36 (1984) l . - p . 11-28 Digital height models — today and tomorrow (GEE) AS 12.23.13 Key words: Digital height model IGD 84/11211 Techn. Univ. Dresden 528.42:528.7:528.14 Kapokakis, E. S. Least squares collocation in digital terrain modelling (ENG) Photogramm. Ree. - London 11 (1984) 63. - p. 303-309 : 2 fig . 5 lit. AS 12.23.13/12.15.37 Key words: Collocation, digital terrain model IGD 84/II 212 Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain 528.42(084.3-ll)(492) :681.3 Rietman, J. / Spigt, B. / Zeillemaker, C. Rotterdamse grondslag in een nieuwe jas Geodesia. Nederl. geod. T. — Apeldoorn 25 (1983) 10. - p. 301-312 :11 fig. The automation of activities concerning the framework of control points in Rotterdam (DUTCH) AS 12.23.13 Key words: Framework of control points, large-scale mapping In order to computerize the process of large-scale mapping of topography and cable and pipe line networks, an important step was made in 1971 in the automation of the activities concerning the framework of control points (F.C.P.). This automation caused fundamental changes in the organization structure. A subdepartment was established especially for the F.C.P. measurements. Also from the technical point of view differences can be noticed. According to the latest views densification networks in built-up areas are designed in a mesh-like fashion and adjusted in two phases due to the W-test of observations. Pouls, National Correspondent, The Netherlands IGD 84/11 213 528.42(084.3-11) :528.7(494) :681.3 Spiess, E. Die Vorschlaege zur Neukonzeption des Uebersichtsplanwerkes Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtechnik. — Winterthur 82 (1984) 3. — p. 61-69 Proposals to the innovation of the outline plan-work (GER) AS 12.23.13/12.29.25 Key words: Data processing, large-scale map, mapping, orthophoto, surveying, Switzerland Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/II 214
Surveying and topography
AIDOS Systematics 12.23.17 Group II Surveying and topography Topographic surveying of the sea bottom Topographic and thematic surveying of the shelf, the ocean bottom and the sea bottom Content of sea bottom maps Coastal and sea surveying Methods and means for determining the co-ordinates of observation stations and measured objects Gruppe II Angewandte Geodäsie und Topographie Topographische Aufnahme des Meeresbodens Topographische und thematische Aufnahme des Schelfs, des Ozean- und Meeresbodens Inhalt von Karten des Meeresbodens Küsten- und Seevermessung Methoden und Mittel zur Bestimmung der Koordinaten von Meß- und Aufnahmepunkten 528.47(492) Tuitman, W. / Riedijk, K. J. Nauwkeurig plaatsbepalen onder water Geodesia. Nederl. geod. T. — Apeldoorn 26 (1984) 6. — p. 207—210 : 7 fig. Accurate positioning below the water surface (DUTCH) AS 12.23.17 Key words: Positioning, sea bottom For the construction of the Storm Surge Barrier in the Eastern Scheldt, acoustic systems are used for positioning below the water surface. In this case, both the repeatibility and the absolute accuracy are important. The authors give a description of the short baseline system used (Simrad HPR 209), and an analysis of the accuracy. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/11 215 AIDOS Systematics 12.23.21 Group II Surveying and topography Application of geodesy in construction engineering and in traffic engineering Engineering surveying operations in the designing, construction and using of industrial, civil-engineering, residential and public buildings Reconnaissance, setting-out and route- and location surveys Deformation measurements, subsidence and settlement measurements Methods and means of engineering surveying Gruppe II Angewandte Geodäsie und Topographie Anwendung der Geodäsie im Bau- und Verkehrswesen Ingenieurgeodätische Arbeiten bei der Projektierung, Errichtung und Nutzung von Industrie-, Ingenieur-, Wohn- und Gesellschaftsbauten Erkundungen, Absteckungs- und Trassierungsarbeiten Deformationsmessungen, Setzungs- und Senkungsmessungen Methoden und Mittel der Ingenieurgeodäsie
Surveying and topography 528.517.8:528.48
Baran, P. I. K voprosu sozdanija lazernykh priborov dlja geodezicheskogo kontrolja stroitel'no-montazhnykh rabot Inzh. geod. - Kiev (1983) 26. - p. 59-61 On development of laser instruments for geodetic checking of construction and assembly operations (RUS) AS 12.23.21 Key words: Laser instrument Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11 216 528.024.6:528.482 Barkhudarjan, A. M. / Beglarjan, A. G. / Ambarcumjan, P. V. Primenenie metoda gidrodinamicheskogo nivelirovanija pri montazhnykh rabotakh Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1983) 9. - p. 17-19 The use of hydrodynamic levelling in assembly operations (RUS) AS 12.23.21 Keywords: Hadrostatic levelling Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/11 217
528.021:531.719.28 Elimer, Wilfried Untersuchung und Einsatz von potentiometrischen Wegaufnehmern Schriftenreihe Wiss. Studiengang Vermess.-Wesen, Hochschule d. Bundeswehr. - Muenchen (1984) 10. - p. 183-202 Investigation and application of potentiometers (GER) AS 12.23.21/73.07 Key words: Length measurement, length measuring instrument, physical monitoring/bridge (civil engin.) As well as other linear transducers, precision potentiometers can be employed for the measurement of small linear displacements. The paper deals with the special features of these potentiometers in comparison with other transducers. A series of measurements is analysed to identify advantages and disadvantages of the former and to find the best conditions for the application of such linear potentiometers. A practical example is given. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/II 218 528.482 Karsay, F. et al. A Budapest Sportcsarnok geodeziai munkai Geod. es Kartogr. - Budapest 35 (1983) 6. - p. 418-425 :14 flg. Geodetic tasks in the construction of the Sports Hall in Budapest (HUN) AS 12.23.21 Key words: Engineering geodesy, setting-out of pillars, sports hall The construction of the Budapest Sports Hall was completed in 1982. It has a circular form with a diameter of 103 m. This closed hall can be used for different events e.g. boxing, skating etc. The setting-out of the foundations and of different constructional elements is described. Veroe-Hetenyi, National Correspondent, Hungary IGD 84/II 219
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528.024:621.375 528.482:624.2
Knabenschuh, Horst Durchbiegungsmessungen an einem Brueckenueberbau mit rotierendem Laser Vermessungsingenieur. — Wiesbaden 35 (1984) 2. — p. 59—68 Deflection measurements on a bridge-superstructure with a rotate laser (GER) AS 12.23.21/12.23.09 Key words: Bridge, deformation measurement, engineering surveying Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/11 220 528.482
Nikolaev, S. A. Statisticheskie issledovanija osadok inzhenernykh sooruzhenijj Moskva: Nedra. 1983.112 p. : flg. Statistical studies of settlement measurements on engineering constructions (RUS) AS 12.23.21/43.41 Key words: Mathematical statistics, settlement Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11 221 528.482:621.396.67
Terekhova, G. A. Geodezicheskikjj kontrol'reflektorov bol'shikh antenn Geod. i Kartogr. — Moskva (1983) 9. — p. 12-17 Geodetic checking of the reflectors of large antennas (RUS) AS 12.23.21 Key words: Engineering surveying, reflector Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR
IGD 84/11 222
Zabolockijj, F. D. / Ostrovskaya, S. A. Uchjot vlijanija bokovoj j refrakcii pri stvornykh nabljudenijakh Geod., Kartogr. i Aehrofotos"jomka. - L'vov (1983) 37. - p. 19-26 The account for lateral refraction in alignment operations (RUS) AS 12.23.21 Key words: Alignment, refraction Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/11 223 528.48:681.3
Zharnovskijj, A. A. O sozdanii banka dannykh dlja izyskanijj inzhenernykh sooruzhenijj Geod. i Kartogr. - Moskva (1983) 7. - p. 36-40 On development of a data bank for reconnaissance of engineering constructions (RUS) AS 12.33.21/63.23 Key words: Data bank, engineering constructions Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/II 224 528.482:528.71
Cooper, M. A. R. Deformation measurement by photogrammetry (ENG) Photogramm. Ree. - London 11 (1984) 63. - p. 291-301 : 2 flg. 43 lit. ASi12.23.21 Key words: Deformation measurement, photogrammetry Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain IGD 84/11 225
Surveying and topography
528.3/.4(95) Done, P. Surveying in Papua New Guinea : theory and practice (ENG) Land and Minerals Surveying. - 2 (1984) 5. - p. 244-254 : 3 fig. 6 pic. 24 lit. AS 12.23.05 Key words: Papua New Guinea, surveying Geodetic network distortion is discussed in relation to the correct reduction of observations. An assessment is also made of geodetic control, with regard to Papua New Guinea, and of computational aspects related to geodetic control. Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain IGD 84/11 226 528.3/.4(95) Done, P. Development-related survey work in Papua New Guinea. Part 1 (ENG) Survey Rev. - Tolworth, Surrey 27 (1984) 212. - p. 253-267 : 4 fig. AS 12.23.05 Key words: Papua New Guinea, geodesy, surveying The main aspects considered are those of geodetic and control surveys, hydrography, cadastral work and the broad field of engineering surveying, much of the latter being related to major mineral extraction project work. Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain IGD 84/11 227
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy
bibliographia geodaetica
AIDOS Systematics
AIDOS Systematics 12.29.05 Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing Fundamentals of photogrammetry and remote sensing Mathematical basis of photogrammetry Afflne and projective descriptive geometry for photogrammetric'processes Optical and photogrammetric imaging Stereoscopic vision and measurement. Types and properties of photograms Gruppe III Ptaotogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Grundlagen der Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Mathematische Grundlagen der Photogrammetrie Affine und projektive darstellende Geometrie für photogrammetrische Prozesse Optische und photogrammetrische Abbildungen Stereoskopisches Sehen und Messen Arten und Eigenschaften der Meßbilder 528.8:528.71 Distancionnye metody i sredstva izuchenija prirodnykh resursov Zemli Leningrad: Vses. n.-i. geol. in-t. 1982. 156 p. : fig. Remote sensing methods and instruments to study the natural resources of the Earth (RUS) AS 12.29.05/12.29.13/12.29.41 Key words: Interpretation, remote sensing, resources of the Earth The collection of papers is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of N. G. Kell, a great scientist, who made a considerable contribution to the development of scientific research connected with the application of aerial and space methods to study the natural resources of the USSR. In the proceedings the results of recent research works of the laboratory of aeromethods developing the ideas of N. G. Kell in the field of photogrammetry, special kinds of aerial and space surveys and the processing of material obtained for the solution of various problems encountered in geological investigations and the study of natural resources are published. A special paper is dedicated to the role of Kell's ideas in the development of remote sensing methods in the study of natural resources of our country. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/1II 233
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Fleming, E. A. ICAS Specification for Aerial Photography : a look at their influence on manufacturers, contractors and users (GNG) Canad. Surveyor. - Ottawa 37 (1983) 3. - p. 145-155 AS 12.29.05 Key words: Aerial photography, specification Aerial photography specifications for small-scale mapping in Canada have been in a process of evolution since they were first issued in 1950. To determine the effectiveness of the Specification an analysis of the inspection records for the past five years of small-scale photography contracted under the specifications was made. It was found that those photographic items that are essential to the photogrammetrist (lack of y-parallax, overlap) are very well controlled by this method of defining and enforcing requirements, but other important items which affect but do not noticeably impede the work of the photogrammetrist (errors in exposure and processing) have not been effectively controlled. Other methods should be investigated for achieving improvements in the future. Mainville, National Correspondent, Canada IGD 84/111 234 528.7
Gates, J. W. C. Photogrammetry in science and technology (ENG) Photogramm. Ree. - London 11 (1984) 63. — p. 267-279 : 5 fig. 19 lit. AS 12.29.05 Key words: Photogrammetry An individual view is provided of the function of the art and science of photogrammetry. Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain IGD 84/111 235 528.8:629.783 528.711.7
Jedrzejewska, Elzbieta Cel i zalozenia programu EARTHNET Biul. Inform. - Warszawa 27 (1982) 6. - p. 45-48 : 1 tab. Aims and principles of the EARTHNET programme (POL) AS 12.29.05/12.29.25 Key words: Poland, remote sensing, satellite image Organization of the supply of satellite images by the ESA (European Space Agency) in the frame of the EARTHNET programme confirmed in 1976. The programme is a part of the system for aquisition, preliminary treatment, storing and supply of images of the satellites LANDSAT, SEASAT, NIMBUS, and HOMM and of planned European and Japanese satellites. Information on surveys of the territory of Poland are obtained by LANDSAT-4 installed in 1982. Kombinat Geod./Kart. IWT, Leipzig IGD 84/111 236 528.74:634
Myers, B. J. / Benson, M.-L. / Craig, I. E. Shadowless or sunlit photos for forest disease detection? Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 1. — p. 63-72 AS 12.29.05/12.29.37 Key words: Aerial photograph, decoding, forestry, multispectral image, vegetation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 237
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
535.31:528.71 Ziemann, Hartmut / El-Hakim, Sabry F. On the definition of lens distortion reference data with odd-power polynomials (ENG) Canad. Surveyor. - Ottawa 37 (1983) 3. - p. 135-143 AS 12.29.05/73.11 Key words: Lens distortion Odd-power polynomials were determined for all lens distortion reference data ever included in the various editions of the Canadian Specification for Aerial Survey Photography. The degree of polynomials as well as the number of valid digits of the polynomial coefficients were varied in an attempt to best fit the given data. For 15 of the 19 lens types included in the investigation, the maximum deviation between bestfitting polynomial and given data was smaller than or equal to the resolution with which the original data were given. Mainville, National Correspondent, Canada
IGD 84/111 238
AIDOS Systematics 12.29.09 Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing Terrestrial photogrammetry Methods of terrestrial survey Use of instruments in terrestrial photogrammetry Gruppe III Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Terrestrisch-photogrammetrische Aufnahme Verfahren der terrestrisch-photogrammetrischen Aufnahme Nutzung von Geräten der terrestrisch-photogrammetrischen Aufnahme
528.029.67(21) Collins, B. J. / Madge, B. The photo-radiation method of terrestrial photogrammetry : sources of error, accuracies and applications (ENG) Photogramm. Ree. - London 11 (1984) 63. — p. 281-289 : 5 fig. AS 12.29.09 Key words: Photo-radiation, terrestrial photogrammetry The paper analyses the factors affecting the accuracy of the photo-radiation method of terrestrial photogrammetry which was devised and developed by the authors whilst engaged in monitoring movement of material on beaches in South Wales. Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain IGD 84/111 239
AIDOS Systematics 12.29.13 Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing Photogrammetrie acquisition of information from the air Using of equipment and techniques of air photography and of aerocosmic survey Using of accessories Survey aircraft and survey flight operations Survey flight planning Aerial photography
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Gruppe III Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Photographische Erfassung von Informationen aus der Luft Nutzung von Ausrüstungen und Verfahren der Luftbild- und aerokosmischen Aufnahme Nutzung von Hilfsgeräten Bildilugzeuge und Bildflugarbeiten Bildflugplanung Aerophotographie 528.711.1:771.5 Dando, R. C. A. Compact air film processors and their applications (ENG) Photogramm. Rec. - London 11 (1984) 63. - p. 249-265 :10 fig. AS 12.29.13/65.33 Key words: Film processor, photographic laboratory The essential features of equipment for mobile processing are outlined with reference to the development of small photographic laboratory vehicles for use in the field. Cotter, National Correspondent of Great Britain IGD 84/111 240 528.8.04(202) :553 Gonin, G. B. Kosmicheskaja s"jomka Zemli i ejo rol' pri izuchenii prirodnykh resursov Distanc. metody i sredstva izuch. prirod. resursov Zemli. — Leningrad (1982).-p. 22-37 Space survey of the Earth and its role in the study of natural resources (RUS) AS 12.29.13 Key words: Natural resources, remote sensing Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111241 528. Gorbachjov, V. V. / Ovchinnikov, G. I. Nazemnoe spektrofotometricheskoe ehtalonirovanie mnogozonal'nykh aehrofotosnimkov Tr. N.-i. centra izuch. prirod. resursov. — (1983) 13. — p. 103—111 Terrestrial spectrophotometry calibration of multispectral aerial photographs (RUS) AS 12.29.13/12.29.37 Key words: Calibration, multispectral photograph The problem of identification of natural formations from zonal luminosity coefficients may be solved by use of a calibration function derived from the test objects with stable spectral characteristics in the zone of the spectrum under consideration. The experiments conducted under laboratory conditions and during aerial survey flights showed the possibility of using the method of terrestrial calibration of multispectral aerial survey data for determination of luminosity characteristics of the Earth's surface. The accuracy estimates for the determination of zonal luminosity coefficients with the calibration function derived from ground truth that accounts for distortions due to the atmosphere and the survey system are given. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR 5 bibl. geod. 5
IGD 84/111 242
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446 538.88:625.713
Herinckx, L. C. / Eikenaar, G. / Loedeman, J. Remote Sensing en straatbomen. I—III Geodesia. Nederl. geod. T. — Apeldoorn I. 25 (1983) 6. - p. 189-192 : 3 fig. 11 lit. II. 25 (1983) 7/8. - p. 221-226 : 7 fig. 2 tab. 10 lit. III. 25 (1983) 9. - p. 266-281 : 23 fig. 8 tab. 31 lit. Remote sensing and urban trees. Part I—III. (DUTCH) AS 12.29.13/12.29.41 Key words: Remote sensing, vegetation, interpretation In part I a general dissertation is given of the possibilities and differences of aerial photography and scanning. Parts II and III deal with the use of false-colour photographs for vegetation damage surveys. The possibilities and problems, when using false-colour photographs in the detection of vegetation damage, are described. Pouls, National Correspondent, the Netherlands IGD 84/111 243 528.74(202) :550.34:627
Leonov, N. N. / Strom, A. L. Ispol'zovanie kosmicheskikh snimkov pri ocenke sejjsmicheskojj opastnosti rajjonov gidrotekhnicheskogo stroitel'stva Sb. nauch. tr. Vses. proekt.-izyskat. i Nil Gidroproekt. — (1983) 89. — p. 40-45 The use of space photographs in estimation of seismic events in the areas of hydrotechnical construction (RUS) AS 12.29.13 Key words: Hydrotechnical construction, seismology, space photography Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 244 528.74(202) :711.4
Mitjagin, S. D. Vozmoshnosti ispol'zovanija materialov kosmicheskikh s"jomok v gradostroitel'nom projektirovanii Gradostroitel'stvo. - Kiev (1983) 35. - p. 67-72 Possibilities of using space survey data in planning of town building (RUS) AS 12.29.13 Key words: Space photography, town-planning Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 245 528.8.042.3:528.9
Novakovskijj, B. A. Fotogrammetricheskie aspekty sovmestnogo ispol'zovanija aehrokosmicheskogo i kartografidieskogo metodov v geograficheskikh issledovanijakh Vestnik Moskovskogo Univ. Ser. 5 Geogr. — Moskva (1983) 4. — p. 73—78 Photogrammetric aspects of combined utilization of aerospace and cartographic methods in geographical studies (RUS) AS 12.29.13 Key words: Geography, remote sensing Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 246 528.837:629.73
Tomlins, G. F. Some considerations in the design of low cost Remotely-Piloted Aircraft for civil remote sensing applications (ENG) Canad. Surveyor. - Ottawa 37 (1983). - p. 157-167 AS 12.29.13 Key words: Remote sensing, remotely piloted aircraft
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Early in 1982, B.C. Research began to evaluate the feasibility, advantages and limitations of using Remotely-Piloted Aircraft ( R P A ) to acquire aerial photography in environmental applications. Advantages associated with these aircraft include low costs, ease of operation, low noise levels, portability, safety and very low speed-low altitude capability. In the first phase of this program, a three-meter span fixed-wing aircraft was constructed from a commercial model kit and modifled to carry a remotely-operated 35 mm camera system. In summer 1982, this system was used to acquire aerial photography in a variety of applications including forestry, pollution detection, wildlife habitat assessment, site mapping, publicity, wildlife inventories and shoreline mapping. Mainville, National Correspondent, Canada IGD 84/111 247 AIDOS Systematics
Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Photogrammetric determination of control points Selection of control points for the photogrammetric and geodetic determination Photogrammetric work for determining control points (as junction points for geodetic measurements) Radial triangulation, aerial triangulation Analytical aerotriangulation Adjustment of strip and block triangulation Gruppe III Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Photogrammetrische Bestimmung von Paßpunkten Auswahl von Paßpunkten für die photogrammetrische und geodätische Bestimmung Photogrammetrische Arbeiten zur Bestimmung von Festpunkten (als Anschlußpunkte für geodätische Messungen) Radialtriangulation, Aerotriangulation, analytische Aerotriangulation Ausgleichung von Streifen- und Blocktriangulation 528.33:528.72/.73 Murashova, A. A. Issledovanie zavisimosti tochnosti fotogrammetricheskikh setejj ot geometrii raspolozhenija opornykh tochek O N T I C N I I G A i K . - Moskva (1983) No. 104 Study of relations between the accuracy of photogrammetric nets and geometry of control point distribution (RUS) A S 12.29.21 Key words: Accuracy of photogrammetric net Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 249 AIDOS Systematics
Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Photogrammetric plotting Fundamentals of the photogrammetric single-photograph plotting and doubleimage plotting Graphical, optical-mechanical and analytical rectification, differential rectification, rectification with subjective and mechanical projection Working with stereoplotting instruments (orientation) Analytical plotting Using of photogrammetric plotting instruments (comparators, analogue plotters, analytical plotting, stereoplotters, differential rectifiers, point transfer instruments) .^J Automation of the plotting processes Digital recording of measurement results
Photogrammetry and remote sensing Gruppe III Photogrammetrie and Fernerkundung Photogrammetrische Auswertung
Grundlagen der photogrammetrischen Einzelbild- und Zweibildauswertung Graphische, optisch-mechanische, analytische Entzerrung, Differentialentzerrung, Entzerrung mit subjektiver und mechanischer Projektion Arbeit an Stereoauswertegeräten (Orientierung) Analytische Auswertung Nutzung von photogrammetrischen Auswertegeräten (Komparatoren, Analogauswertegeräte, analytische Auswertegeräte, Stereoauswertegeräte, Differentialentzerrungsgeräte, Punktübertragungsgeräte) Automatisierung der Auswertungsprozesse Digitale Erfassung der Meßergebnisse 528.711.1.029.67:528.77.001.33 Baehr, Hans-Peter Abschaetzung einiger geometrischer Fehlerkomponenten bei der multispektralen Klassifizierung Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 1. - p. 23-29 Estimation of some geometric error components for multispectral classification (GER) AS 12.29.25 Key words: Error analysis, image quality, multispectral image Statistical procedures in both Geodesy and Remote Sensing are based on normal distribution of data. Mixed signatures at object edges represent deviations f r o m the ideal condition, leading to errors. The magnitude of these errors is estimated for digital area determination and classification. The relatively large errors for land use conditions in Middle Europe indicate a theoretical threshold for classification precision. Techn. Univ. Dresden 1GD 84/111 250 528.71/.72(-77)(81) Baehr, Hans-Peter Aufgaben der Photogrammetrie in Entwicklungslaendern und Bedingungen fuer ihre Durchfuehrung, gezeigt am Beispiel Brasilien Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. — Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 2. — p. 81-89 Photogrammetrie tasks in Third World Countries: With reference to Brazil (GER) AS 12.29.25/12.01.75 Key words: Brazil, help for developing countries, photogrammetry Parana in Curitiba/Brazil (Establishing a Doctorate Course for Geodesy and Photogrammetry basing on an existing Master Course), the author postulates the condition for application of modern photogrammetrie methods in Third World Countries. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 251 528.711.7:528.14:681.3 Blais, J. A. R. / Chapman, M. A. The use of auxiliary airborne sensor data in SPACE-M photogrammetrie block adjustments (ENG) Canad. Surveyor. - Ottawa 38 (1984) 1. - p. 3-14 AS 12.29.25 Key words: Block adjustment, computer program The mathematical formulation used in the photogrammetrie block adjustment program SPACE-M has recently been extended to accomodate auxiliary airborne
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sensor data corresponding to the position and/or attitude of the aerial camera at the time of film exposure. Examples of such systems are statoscopes, laser profilometers, Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) and the Global Positioning System (GPS). The description of the use of these auxiliary data in SPACE-M is outlined and references are given to other related formulations. Test results with simulated and limited real data are presented with some analysis of the implications for topographical mapping and other applications. Mainville, National Correspondent, Canada IGD 84/111 252 528.732.65:681.3 Brunnthaler, Frank Die Optimierung photogrammetrischer Verfahren durch rechnergestuetzte Systeme und Programme in der Praxis Bildmess.- u. Luftbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 2. — p. 91-96 Optimizing photogrammetric procedures by computer supported systems and programs in practice (GER) AS 12.29.25/12.29.29 Key words: Analogous evaluation, analytical evaluation, automatic map production, EDPP, photogrammetric evaluation In photogrammetric production the trend goes more and more to digital mapping procedures. This tendency to digital processing of data will increase in the years to come, because it not only raises the performance of map production but also opens new possibilities in information processing. Computer assistance and digital data recording on analog stereoplotters in practice is described. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 253 528.722.6:681.3 Dorrer, Egon / Evez, Moshe T. / Tille, Roland Ein einfaches EDV-gestuetztes Stereoauswertesystem Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 1. - p. 13-22 A simple computer graphics supported stereophotogrammetric system (GER) AS 12.29.25 Key words: EDP, graphic data processing, stereoplotting A single-user computer graphic supported stereophotogrammetric system is presented in its somewhat advanced experimental state. Essential system component is the TEKTRONIX series 4054 graphics desk-top computer which provides a simple and functional compilation system with minimal configuration. Distinguishing between mensuration, model, and block phase, some general reflections on digital stereocompilation are being made, and the BASIC application software for the mensuration phase is described. Most important system properties such as ergonomie interaction, feature classification, object mode, data management, user definable keys, and data editing are discussed in detail. Possible yet necessary expansions of the experimental set-up for practical applications are given as well. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 254 528.72:681.3 Erez, M. T. / Dorrer, E. Photogrammetric data acquisition using an interactive computer graphics system Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 2. — p. 183-188 AS 12.29.25 Key words: Interactive data processing, photogrammetric evaluation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 255
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528.721:629.783 Friedmann, Daniel E. / Friedel, James P. / Magnussen, Kjell L. Multiple Scene Precision Rectification of Spaceborne Imagery with very few ground control points Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 49 (1983) 12. — p. 1657-1667 AS 12.29.25 Key words: Control point, rectification, stereo-model Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 256 528.711.18.088 Kotowski, Ruediger Zur Reseaukorrektur von systematischen Bildfehlern Bildmess. u. Luitbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 2. - p. 96-101 Reseau correction of systematic image errors (GER) AS 12.29.25 Key words: Image geometry, image quality, systematic error The development of a procedure performing on-line correction of systematic image deformations for analytical plotters from reseau information gave reason for using a proven strategy to correct within reseau squares. The connection with the finite element method for height interpolation led to a modified and more flexible form. An example for camera calibration demonstrates the efficiency of the chosen method. Techn. Univ. Dresden
IGD 84/111 257
528.72 Ljubivaja, L. S. Analiz korreljacii parametrov matematicheskojj modeli sistematicheskikh iskazhenijj pri samokalibrovke snimkov ONTI CNIIGAiK. - Moskva (1983) No. 118 Analysis of correlation between the parameters of the mathematical model of systematic distortions in self-calibration of photographs (RUS) AS 12.29.25 Key words: Calibration, distortion Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 258 528.72:528.14 Ljubivaja, L. S. Vybor modeli sistematicheskikh iskazhenijj pri samokalibrovke snimkov po rezul'tatam predvaritel'nogo uravnivanija ONTI CNIIGAiK. - Moskva (1983) 115 The choice of the model of systematic distortions in self-calibration of photographs from the results of preliminary adjustment (RUS) AS 12.29.25 Key words: Calibration, distortion, adjustment Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 259 528.721.126-52 Novik, A. I. Avtomatizirovannoe sostavlenie fotoplanov Probl. avtomatiz. topogr.-geod. i kartogr. rabot. Materialy Vses. nauch.tekhn. konf., Novosibirsk, 26-28 Maja, 1981. - Moskva: 1982. - p. 109-112 Automatic compilation of photo mosaics (RUS) AS 12.29.25 Key words: Photomosaics Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 260
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528.721.126 Peled, A. / Shmutter, B. Analytical generation of orthophotos from panoramic photographs Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 2. — p. 189-192 AS 12.29.25 Key words: Digital image processing, orthophoto, orthophoto production, photogram Employing a digitized panoramic photograph and a DTM, pixels are mapped from the photograph plane to the orthophoto plane. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 261 528.88:711.14 Tom, Craig H. / Miller, Lee D. An automated land-use mapping comparison of the Bayesian maximum likelihood and linear discriminant analysis algorithms Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 2. — p. 193-207 AS 12.29.25/12.29.37 Key words: Land use, land use maps, remote sensing Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 262 528.721.212.2 Ugrin, N. Terfotogrammetriai pontmeghatarozas egy analitikus megoldasa Geod. es Kartogr. - Budapest 35 (1983) 6. - p. 426-432 : 7 fig. 9 lit. An analytical method for point determination by stereophotogrammetry (HUN) AS 12.29.25 Key words: Determination of coordinates, spatial image coordinates, stereophotogrammetry A method is described which does not require the knowledge of relative orientation. Multiplying the spatial image coordinates of common points of arbitrary position by transformation formula of the image, yields " image coordinates " parallel both to each other and to the ground system. Thus, for each identical pair of points a Active normal order is mathematically possible. So the absolute coordinate" Z of the object point can be easily determined. In knowledge of the coordinates of the projection centre, the transformation formula and the coordinate Z of the object point, the absolute coordinate X and Y of the object point may be determined by means of formulas of the central projection. Veroe-Hetenyi, National Correspondent, Hungary IGD 84/111 263 AIDOS Systematics 12.29.29 Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing Application of photogrammetric techniques to map production Production and revision of topographic and thematic maps on all scales by means of aerial- and terrestrial-photogrammetric methods Using of aerocosmic photographs to produce and revise maps Gruppe III Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Anwendung photogrammetrischer Verfahren zur Kartenherstellung Herstellung und Laufendhaltung topographischer und thematischer Karten aller Maßstäbe mit aero- und terrestrisch-photogrammetrischen Verfahren Nutzung aerokosmischer Aufnahmen zur Herstellung und Laufendhaltung von Karten
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528.715:629.73:528.42 Cyran, Edward J. Aerial profiling of terrain system (ENG) J. Survey. Engin. - New York 109 (1983) 2. - p. 136-150 AS 12.29.29/12.15 Key words: Aircraft, gyroscope measurement, inertial surveying, laser distance measurement, terrain profile Since 1974, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been developing the Aerial Profiling of Terrain System (APTS) for measuring stream-valley cross sections and profiles, older map reliability testing, and producing control for topographic maps. The system, which has completed laboratory testing at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory in Cambridge, Mass., consists of an inertial measuring unit (IMU), a laser tracker, a laser profiler, a video imaging system, supporting electronics, and a computer. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 264 528.8.041.5(202) :627.17(262) (084.3) Kravcova, V. I. Kartografirovanie severno-vostochnogo Kaspija po mnogozonal'nym kosmicheskim snimkam Zhizn' Zemli. Sb. Muzeja zemleved. MGU s.l. (1983) 18. - p. 77-85 Mapping of North Eastern Caspian Sea areas from multispectral space imagery (RUS) AS 12.29.29 Key words: Mapping of Caspian sea, multispectral photography Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 265 528.71(084.3-11) (430.1) Lichtner, Werner Informationsgehalt und Aktualitaet grossmassstaebiger Kartenwerke im Licht photogrammetrischer Erstellung der Deutschen Grundkarte 1:5000 (DGK 5) Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 2. - p. 73-80 Information content and actuality of large scale map series demonstrated by the photogrammetric production of the German base map 1 : 5,000 (DGK 5) (GER) AS 12.29.29/12.23.13 Key words: Basic map, FRG, large-scale map, photogrammetric map production The author describes some problems in photogrammetric processes during the production of the German Base Map at the scale 1:5,000 (DGK 5). He describes the expectations of the map user regarding the contents in map information and map actuality. Furtheron the different stages of computer-assisted processes in photogrammetry and cartography are discussed and useful changes and new developments, which could be realized in a short-term or long-term period, are mentioned. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 266 AIDOS Systematics 12.29.33 Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing Application of photogrammetry for non-topographic purposes Photogrammetric determination of the shape, size and position of non-topographic objects Close-range photogrammetry, space-time photogrammetry Application of unconventional imaging techniques in the close-range
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Gruppe III Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Anwendung der Photogrammetrie für nicht-topographische Zwecke Photogrammetrische Form-, Größen- und Lagebestimmung nicht-topographischer Objekte Nahphotogrammetrie, Raum-Zeit-Photogrammetrie Anwendung nicht-konventioneller Abbildungsverfahren im Nahbereich 528.71/.72.089 Altan, Orhan M. Genauigkeitsuntersuchung photogrammetrischer Deformationsmessungen an einem Testfeld Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. — Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 1. — p. 29—35 Accuracy study of photogrammetrie deformation measurements at a test field (GER) AS 12.29.33/12.29.29 Key words: Photogrammetrie deformation measurement, testnet At a test field, where some points could be moved by known amounts, the accuracy of photogrammetrie deformation measurement techniques is examined with regard to camera positions and number of pass points. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 267 528.74:634 Arvanitis, L. G. / Newburne, R. Detecting melaleuca trees and stands in South Florida Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 1. p. 95-98 AS 12.29.33/87 Key words: Decoding, multispectral image, vegetation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 268 528.74:61 Burkhardt, Rudolf Zur stereophotogrammetrischen Erfassung des Augenhintergrundes (Fundus-Photogrammetrie) Bildmess. Luftbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 51 (1983) 6. - p. 203-216 Stereophotogrammetric measurements of the fundus of the human eye (GER) AS 12.29.33/91 Key words: Calibration, medicine, photographic surveying instrument, stereophotogrammetry The process of three-dimensional measurement of the fundus of the human eye with the aid of numerical stereophotogrammetry is described in the paper. Errors influenced by the eye, the camera and its orientation are eliminated in a simplified manner by calibration of the fundus camera and partial self-calibration of each stereo. Accuracy and possibilities of representation of the results are investigated. (Author's summ.) Techn. Univ. Dresden
IGD 84/111 269
528.74:59 Ciesla, W. M. / Bennett, D. D. / Caylor, J. A. Mapping effectiveness of insecticide treatments against Pandora Moth with color-IR photos (ENG) Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 1. — p. 73-79 AS 12.29.33/12.29.37 Key words: Aerial photo, Decoding, Multispectral photo, vegetation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 270
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Gerbermann, A. H. / Cuellar, J. A. / Gausman, H. W. Relationship of sorghum canopy variables to reflected infrared radiation for two wavelengths and two wavebands (ENG) Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 2. — p. 209-213 AS 12.29.33/12.29.37 Key words: Agriculture, naturally resources, remote sensing Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 271 528.8(092) :553
Komarov, V. B. Rol' i znachenie idejj N. G. Kellja v razvitii distancionnykh metodov izuchenija prirodnykh resursov Distanc. metody i sredstva izuch. prirod. resursov zemli. — L'vov (1982). — p. 4-11 The role and the impact of Kelt's ideas in the development of remote sensing methods of the study of natural resources (EUS) AS 12.29.33/12.29.37 Key words: Natural resources, remote sensing Principal tendencies in the development of remote sensing methods of natural resources studies and environmental investigations that were developed in the Laboratory of Aeromethods headed by N. G. Kell and carried on now by his pupils and colleagues are elucidated. The main ideas and concept developed by N. G. Kell concerning the use of aeromethods and geological geographical studies are presented and their importance for the contemporary stage of remote sensing development is shown. Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 272 528.88:681.3:591.9
Lee, Y. Jim / Mac Kelvey, R. W. Digitized small format aerial photography as a tool for measuring food consumption by trumpeter swans (ENG) Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 2. — p. 215-219 AS 12.29.33/12.29.37 Key words: Digital processing of photo, remote sensing, vegetation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 273 528.74:61
Miszalok, Volkmar Untersuchung des Augenhintergrundes mit Hilfe der Stereophotogrammetrie Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. — Karlsruhe 51 (1983) 6. — p. 193—202 Diagnosis of the human eye by means of stereophotogrammetry (GER) AS 12.29.33/91 Key words: Medicine, photographic surveying instrument, stereophotogrammetry Stereophotogrammetry of the living human eye can markedly enhance the ophthalmoscopic diagnosis. The clinical value of repeated stereophotogrammetric measurements in cases of tumors and optic disk atrophies has been proved without doubt. The value of this method in the early diagnosis of glaucoma has not yet been proved, because until now insufficient data have been collected. Using the method described here would enalble these data to be obtained.
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It must be realized that stereophotogrammetry, as with other ophtalmoscopic examinations, furnishes no information as to the volume of the transparent nerve tissue. Up to the present time several obstacles have caused difficulties in obtaining satisfactory and timely results in stereophotogrammetry of the fundus: difficult photographic technique, distortion of camera lenses, insufficient parallax accuracy, lack of calibration and poor possibilities of documenting the results. These difficulties however are constantly being overcome with the use of new cameras, complete determination of optical parameters using the standard test object and with the aid of computer graphic documentation. These new possibilities may lead to an useful instrument for eye clinics in the near future. Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 274 528.88:312(73) Morrow-Jones, Hazel A. / Watkins, John F. Remote sensing technology and the U.S. Census (ENG) Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 2. — p. 229-232 AS 12.29.33/12.29.37 Key words: Decoding, distribution of population, remote sensing Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 275 528.88:312(669) Olorunfemi, J. Funso Land use and population / A linking model (ENG) Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 2. — p. 221-227 AS 12.29.33/12.29.37 Key words: Decoding, distribution of population, remote sensing Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 276
AIDOS Systematics
Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Photointerpretation Definition of characteristic features Working stages of photointerpretation Interpretation of air photographs and aerocosmic photographs Application of photointerpretation Automation of image interpretation Application of technical aids to photointerpretation Gruppe III Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Photointerpretation Begriffsbestimmung und Merkmale Arbeitsstufen der Photointerpretation Interpretation von Luftbildern und photographischen aerokosmischen Aufnahmen Anwendung der Photointerpretation Automatisierung der Bildinterpretation Anwendung technischer Hilfsmittel in der Photointerpretation
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Ajai / Kamat, D. S. / Chaturvedi, G. S. Spectral assessment of leaf area index, chlorophyll content, and biomass of chickpea Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. - Falls Church, Virg. 49 (1983) 12. p. 1721-1726 AS 12.29.37/87/91 Key words: Biology, Remote sensing, vegetation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 277 528.77:528.8.041.5(202)
Azimov, B. G. Informativnost' melkomasshtabnykh mnogozonal'nykh kosmicheskikh izobrazhenijj (na primere Ferganskojj vpadiny i ejo gornogo obramlenija Issled. Zemli iz Kosmosa. — Moskva (1983) 3. — p. 48—55 Informative contents of small-scale multispectral imagery (from the example of Fergana depression and its mountain surroundings) (RUS) AS 12.29.37 Key words: Multispectral photography, photographic detail Dobrokhotov, National Correspondent, USSR IGD 84/111 278 528.871:681.3 Levialdi, S.
Segmentation techniques and parallel computation for image processing (ENG) Map data process. — Proc. NATO Adv. study inst., Maratea, June 18—29, 1979. - New York (1980). - p. 279-307 : 11 fig. 35 lit. Rzh 1983/3.07 M.50 AS 12.29.37 Key words: Algorithmization, data processing, decoding, photogram The main operations of automatic image processing are considered: registration, transformation, control, storage and representation of data using maps. Description of the process of segmentation and the algorithm. The advantages of parallel digital processing and of the application of EDPP with an associative processor are shown. Kombinat Geod./Kart. IWT, Leipzig IGD 84/111 279 528.7/.8.029.67:614.7
Potter, J. F. The channel correlation method for estimating aerosol levels from multispectral scanner data (ENG) Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 1. — p. 43-52 AS 12.29.37/12.29.33 Key words: Air contamination, multispectral photo, remote sensing, Scanner, scanner image Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 280 528.711.7:528.77:581
Satterwhite, Melvin / Rice, William / Shipman, Jerome Using landform and vegetative factors to improve the interpretation of Landsat imagery (ENG) Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 1. — p. 83-91 AS 12.29.37/12.29.13 Key words: Aerial photo, classification, decoding, land utilization, vegetation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 281
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528.74:629.783:581 Tucker, C. J. / Gatlin, J. A. / Schneider, S. R. Monitoring vegetation in the Nile delta with NOAA-6 and NOAA-7 AVHRR imagery Photogramm. Engin. and Remote Sens. — Falls Church, Virg. 50 (1984) 1. — p. 53-61 AS 12.29.37/12.29.33/87 Key words: Mapping, physical-geographical map, remote sensing Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 282
AIDOS Systematics
Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Non-photographic recording of information from the air and its interpretation Recording of information by non-photographic techniques and aerocosmic methods Using of recording and imaging devices Interpretation of non photographic images Decoding of photoelectronic images Application of the results of interpretation Gruppe III Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Nichtphotographiscbe Erfassung von Informationen aus der Luft und ihre Interpretation Erfassung von Informationen mit nichtphotographischen Verfahren und aerokosmischen Methoden Einsatz von Erfassungs- und Aufnahmegeräten Interpretation nichtphotographischer Aufnahmen Dechiffrierung photoelektronischer Aufnahmen Anwendung der Interpretationsergebnisse
528.88:528.94(084.3) (71) 528.94(084.3) :629.783 Pala, S. A practical automated mapping system (ENG) Satell. remote sens, develop, countries. — Proc. EARSeL-ESA Sympos., Igls, 20-21 April 1982. - Paris (1982). - p. 217-218 Rzh 1983/3.07 M.52 AS 12.29.41/12.29.29 Key words: Automated map production, Canada, Cartography, Photogrammetric mapping, satellite image, thematic mapping Description of the automated mapping system developed in Canada, which enables the operative and economy-priced production of colour-separated originals of thematic maps by data obtained as a result of the digital analysis of LANDSAT images. A system for electronic colour separation is used. The maximum format of the originals which may be produced in this system amounts to 86 X 56 cm. The resolution is not high. IGD 84/111 283 Kombinat Geod./Kart. IWT, Leipzig
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Schmitt-Rennekamp, Walter Klassifizierung von HCMM-Aufnahmen — Gewinnung von Informationen zur naturraeumlichen Gliederung Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 51 (1983) 6. - p. 217-223 Classification of HCMM-Scenes — gain of information for the physio-geographic division (GER) AS 12.29.41/12.33.41 Key words: FRG, remote sensing, satellite image, thematic map (geoscience), thermal image Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 284 AIDOS Systematics 73.11 Group III Photogrammetry and remote sensing Design and checking of photogramme trie instruments Devices, instruments and combined devices for terrestrial surveying Instruments and combined devices for the photogrammetric plotting and interpretation (comparators, analogue plotting instruments, analytical plotters, stereoplotters, differential rectifiers, point transfer instruments) Gruppe III Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung Konstruktion und Prüfung photogrammetrischer Geräte Geräte, Instrumente und Gerätekombinationen f ü r die terrestrische Aufnahme Geräte und Gerätekombinationen f ü r die photogrammetrische Auswertung und Interpretation (Komparatoren, Analogauswertegeräte, analytische Auswertegeräte, Stereoauswertegeräte, Differentialentzerrungsgeräte, Punktübertragungsgeräte) 528.722.65:681.3 Hobbie, Dierk Weiterentwickelte Graphik zum PLANICOMP Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 1. — p. 50—58 Further developed graphic for purposes of the PLANICOMP (GER) AS 73.11/12.19.25 Key words: Analytical stereoplotter, digital terrain model, EDPP, photogrammetric evaluation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 285 528.722.65:681.3 Ruedenauer, Helmut Die Planicomp-Familie, Merkmale und Neuerungen Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. — Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 1. - p. 40-49 The PLANICOMP family — features and innovations (GER) AS 73.11/12.29.25 Key words: Analytical stereoplotter, digital terrain model, EDPP, photogrammetric evaluation Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 286 528.722.6 Schwebel, Reiner Das erweiterte Leistungsspektrum des ZEISS STEREORECORD G 3 Bildmess. u. Luftbildwesen. - Karlsruhe 52 (1984) 1. - p. 59-69 The expanded power spectrum of the STEREORECORD G 3 from ZEISS (GER) AS 73.11/12.29.25 Key words: Analytical evaluation, decoding, photogrammetric plotter Techn. Univ. Dresden IGD 84/111 287
Petrophysik Physikalische Eigenschaften von Gesteinen und Mineralien 1983. 408 Seiten - 194 Abbildungen - 70 Tabellen - 14,5 X 21,5 cm Leinen DDR 58,- M; Ausland 58,- DM Bestell-Nr. 762 994 9 Bestellwort: Schoen, Petrophysik 6637 Petrophysikalische Untersuchungen haben f ü r die Lösung zahlreicher Aufgaben der Geowissenschaften — speziell der Geophysik — eine zunehmende Bedeutung erlangt. Sie reichen von ingenieur- und bergbau-geophysikalischen Erkundungen bis zu stofflich-strukturellen Fragen tieferer Bereiche der Erdkruste und des Erdkörpers. Der Autor behandelt in diesem Buch vorrangig für Aufgaben der angewandten Geophysik wichtige physikalische Eigenschaften von Gesteinen unter Bedingungen der oberen Krustenbereiche. Dabei nimmt er eine systematische Darstellung sowohl experimenteller Untersuchungsergebnisse als auch theoretischer Arbeiten vor. Breiten Raum widmet er den porösen und klüftigen Gesteinen.
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