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English Pages [110] Year 2018
BELOVED 81 poems from Hafez translated by Mario Petrucci Hafez is amo11g the n1ost celebrated of Persian mystic poets, thriving alongside such tovvering figures as Ru111i and Saadi. Ubiquitous in Iran, he has also been hugely influe11tial il1 the West. I11terpreted variously as ardent mystic and lover, he fuses earthly and divine love wit11 an inte11se consta11cy as 111on1e11tously productive as Dante's cot1rtly adoration for Beatrice. Across ii1tir11idating obstacles of ti1n e and cultt1re, Beloved delivers a11 accessible yet at1tl1e11tic inodern rendering of the Persian originals. Few translatio11s of Ha fez 11ave 111atcl1ed 11is beauty, .1111usica lity and rich co111plexity. Co111bi11i11g vigour witl1 il1genuity, Petrucci rea11ir11ates for t11e English reader all of the 111oral clarity a11d se11sual abundance of a spiritt1al and literary rnaster. 'The challenges of translating elaborate poe1ns fro1n n1edieval Persian to rnodern English are legion ... But Mario Petrt1cci takes on the task vvith gt1sto here. and is to be applat1ded.' - Henry Shukman 'Petrucci 's adaptations are a delight to read. They are fresh, candid, subtly humorous, and elega11t. They have that audacious and multilayered richness one flllds in the originals. Above all. they are uncompromising. ' - Fatemeh Keshavarz, Director a11d CJ1c1i1; Rosl1a11 /11stit11tefor Persian Studies, Ur1iversif)• of Mar:i'lc111d 'Petrucci 's nevv versions of Hafez are nuanced at1d thoughtful, e1nbracing both the deptl1 and the beauty of the original.' - Sasha Dugdale 'Petrucci bases his e11gagement witl1 Hafez on a special aware11ess ... Everywhere, 11is delicate but probing selectio11 of \vord a11d phrase uplifts and il1spires.' - Michael Hc1ku::.an We11ninger, Zen 111onk 'Tl1e cl1alle11ges of tra11slati11g elaborate poe111s fro1n r11edieval Persian to r11oder11 English are legion, especially vv'hen tl1e tra11slator has bravely set ot1t to imitate the intense a11d co111plex linguistic beauty of the originals in a 11evv language. Bt1t Mario Petrucci takes 011 the task vvitl1 gt1sto here, and is to be applauded.' poet, 11ovelist, Zen teacher, author of Arcl1angel (Cape Poetry, 2013)
'Petn1cci 's adaptations are a delight to read. They are fresh. candid, subtly humorous, and elegant. They have that audacious and multilayered richness one f111ds in the originals. Above all, they are uncompromising. Petrucci has clearly vvorked to form ai1 understanding of Hafez's vision, artistry and devotional an1bience, and he goes to the necessary length to let all that shine through. ' Dii·ector and Chau., Roshan Institute for Persian Studies, U11iversity of Ma1yland FATEMEH KESHAVARZ.
'Mario Petrucci's nevv versio11s of Hafez are nuanced and thougl1tful, en1bracing both tl1e deptl1 and the beauty of the origi11al. These renditions also allow tis to take stock while \Ve read, the vvords 11ever slippi11g lyrically tlu·ot1gl1 our i11tellectual grasp.'
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Editor, Morlern Poet1y in Trans!atio11
'Petrucci bases 11is ei1gage111ent with Hafez 011 a special a\vareness, 011e that goes deeper than n1ere t1nderstanding of co11tent to a co111prel1ensio11 of tl1e "U11io11" tl1at Hafez reveals. Everywhere, his delicate but probi11g selectio11 of vvord and plrrase uplifts and inspires. ' MICHAELHAKUZA.iV WEl\lNINGER,
' An ii1credible ride. AFerris wheel for the 11eart and mi11d. ' ADAl\11 SIMMONDS,
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Kabbalistic teacl1er
Beloved 81 POEMS FROM