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English Pages 176 Year 2014
BEES Their 'Vision, Chemical Senses, and Language
BEES Their 'Vision, Chemical Senses, and Language REVISED
Professor Emeritus of Zoology in the U11iversity of Munich
Cornell Paperbacks Cornell University Press ITHAC A
Copyright 1950, copyright© 1971, by Cornell University All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in a review, this book, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. For information address Cornell University Press , Sage House, 5r2 East State Street, Ithaca, New York 14850. Revised edition first published 197 I by Cornell University Press. First printing, Cornell Paperbacks, 1972 International Standard Book Number 978-o-8014-9126-9 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 71-r487r8 Cornell University Press strives to use environmentally responsible suppliers and materials
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Preface to the Revised Edition
Preface to the First Edition
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The Color Sense of Bees
The Chen1ical Senses of Bees
The Language of Bees
1 45
Karl von Frisch is known throughout the world to both biologists and beekeepers for his discoveries of re markable sensory capacities and behavior patterns in bees and other lower animals. In this book he reviews these scientific achievements in a straightforward ac count that requires for its enj oyment neither technical background nor undue effort on the part of the reader. Anyone who has kept a hive of bees has been perplexed at times by the fickle behavior of his charges. In these pages many of the puzzling habits of honeybees are lucidly explained and set into proper perspective as key stones of an elaborate social structure whose smooth functioning has long been the envy of philosophers. So fundamental are certain of the author's discoveries that their impact will surely be felt not only in apiculture and zoology but wherever animal behavior and the mechanism of sense organs are under serious considera tion. [ vii 1
In the course of a distinguished scientific career von Frisch has carried out thorough and rigorous investiga tions of a wide variety of biological p roblems, including the nature of the pigments in the sk ins of fish, the color changes of anin1als, the hearing of fish, the chemical senses of both fish and insects, the vision of insects, and the means of comn1unication employed by bees. His book Du und das Leben presents elementary biology so agreeably that it has been widely read in Austria and Germany; it is also well known in English translation as Man and the Living World. Born and educated in Vienna, he has been a professor at the universities of Rostock, Breslau, Munich, and Graz. For many years he directed the Zoological Institute at Munich. His work has been widely known and highly respected by professional scientists. Fortunately several of his books, including his Dance Language and Orientation of Bees, are now available in English. The present book begins with a discussion of the cooperative relationship between bees and flowers whereby insects obtain food and the plants achieve the transport of their pollen. We must face the fact that so much has been written about this subj ect, and with such a surfeit of melodran1a, that most of us tend to link it with romantic poetry or nursery tales. One must make a certain effort to clear one's eyes and give fresh, unbiased attention to this n1atter of the bees and [ viii]
flowers. But here the effort will be well rewarded, for the reader will find that the scientific facts are more intriguing than any artificial embroidery upon them. The third chapter, in particular, leads us to the surpris ing conclusion that bees manage to communicate to each other precise information about the location of food. The "language" of bees does not employ words, but serves nonetheless to convey complex infornlation and even seems to involve something analogous to map reading. In recent decades biologists have grown reluctant to credit any claim that the reactions of lower animals at tain a high degree of complexity, or what one might be tempted to call intelligence. They recall cases where what was sincerely believed to be intelligent behavior in animals turned out on thorough study to have a much simpler explanation, which did not require us to ascribe higher mental faculties to creatures with much simpler nervous systems than our own. Hence many may feel skeptical at first concerning the conclusions reached in Chapter 3, since their wholehearted acceptance involves a considerable revision of current scientific attitudes. As von Frisch phrased the matter himself on one occasion, "No competent scientist ought to believe these things on first hearing." V on Frisch does not present us with vague or mysti cal speculations but rather with p henomena which, [ ix ]
however astonishing they may be, are nonetheless con crete and readily observed. Now that he has told us what to look for in the seething turmoil of bees creep ing over the honeycomb, now that his insight has made order where there seemed to be utter chaos, anyone with a little patience and a hive of bees can test the principal conclusions for himself. Indeed, independent confirmation was soon accom plished in the United States, in England, and on the continent of Europe. For example, Dr. W. H. Thorpe of Cambridge University wrote in Nature (164 [1949]: 11-14): Through the kindness ...of Professor von Frisch I was able ...to perform with him and for myself ... "re peats" of certain of the most crucial experiments.... My observations covered all the main phases of the work, and I was able to make my own estimates of the efficiency of the indication of distance and direction of food sources. ...This memorable experience ...enabled me to re solve to my own satisfaction some of those doubts and difficulties that come to mind on first reading the work, and convinced me of the soundness of the conclusions as a whole.
I confess without enlbarrassment that until I per fornled these simple experiments myself, I too retained a residue of skepticisnl. But a few weeks' work with an observation beehive and a colony of bees ( loaned for [x1
the purpose by the Department of Enton1010gy of the New York State College of Agriculture) led me to the same degree of conviction as that which Thorpe re ports. While certain details remain unclear, and while much additional work n1ust be done before the dances and the "language" of the bees are fully understood, the important basic facts described in Chapter 3 appear to be established beyond serious question. Recently doubt has been expressed by Wenner and Johnson that information is actually conveyed from one bee to an other by the dances discovered by von Frisch (Science, 1 5 5 [ 1 967J: 844-849, and 1 5 8 [ 1 967J: 1 07 6- 1 °7 7 ) . But these obj ections have been disposed of quite ad equately by von Frisch (Science, 1 5 8 [ 1 96 7 J: 1 0 7 21 07 6 ) , Esch and Bastian (Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Physiologie, 6 8 [ 1 97oJ : 1 7 5- 1 8 1 ) , Gould, Henerey, and MacLeod (Science, 1 69 [ 1 9 70J: 5 44-5 54) , and Lindauer (Amer. Naturalist, 1 05 [ 1 9 7 I]: 8 9-96 ) . While the conclusions of this book are of basic im portance to biological science and are truly revolution ary in the special field of anin1al behavior, the phe nomena themselves display an intrinsic simplicity that is characteristic of many classic experiments. Hence they provide for the general reader a rare opportunity to appreciate the mode of thinking and the point of view of the critical investigator. The account is condensed, to be sure, with many laborious intervals [ xi ]
and false starts left out; but nonetheless as one reads these pages he can feel a real sense of participation in the search for understanding. Appreciation of a scientist's mode of thinking re quires lllore than a bare scrutiny of phenomena, hypoth eses, experilllents, and conclusions. The thought and the word are closely linked together; and for this reason an effort has been nlade to preserve in the printed page something of the pleasing directness and simplicity so apparent in the original lectures. Those who heard the lectures will recognize this flavor; and I believe that many others, a trifle j aded, perhaps, by the con ventional j argon of scientific writing, will be refreshed by the straightforward clarity of this account. In the approxill1ately twenty years since this book was first published, new findings and new ramifications have reinforced all the opinions expressed in llly origi nal foreword. For example the fine work of Martin Lin dauer, begun in close collaboration with von Frisch and summarized in Lindauer's book COlnmunication among Social Bees, has added an important new dimension by showing that bees COllllllunicate to other bees not only the location of food sources but also of possible new homes for a swarm. This disposes of simplistic interpre tations that link the dancing behavior rigidly to hunger or energy metabolism. As anticipated by August Krogh (Scientific Amer[ xii ]
ican, August, 1 948 ) , the implications of von Frisch's discoveries have been actively discussed both by biol ogists and philosophers. One of the clearest examples of the interest, and essential skepticism, of the latter is Jonathan Bennett's book Rationality: An Essay towards an Analysis ( New York : Humanities Press, 1 964) . Bennett, like Mortimer]. Adler ( The Difference of Alan and the Difference It Makes [New York : World, 1 967 ] ) , refuses to accept the bee dances as a true lan guage, primarily because there is no evidence of con scious intent on the part of the bees. Since we lack any sources of reliable evidence about conscious intent in other animals, whether they be chinlpanzees or honey bees, this criterion seems to me at best inconclusive and at worst misleading. A reluctance to become embroiled in metaphysics should not anesthetize our perceptions. Heretical as it may seem to nlany behavioral scientists, I am willing to entertain the thought that perhaps the bees know what they are doing. DONALD R. GRIFFIN The Rockefeller University and New York Zoological Society
[ xiii]
Preface to the Revised Edition
Since the first edition of this book was prepared, twenty years have passed, years of intensive study of the problems under discussion. Consequently I am happy to accept the publisher's suggestion that the text be re examined and brought up to date. An appendix con cerning the perception of polarized light had already been added in the second printing. But now it seems more appropriate to give up a literal reproduction of the original lectures and to incorporate all new infor mation in the text. Inasmuch as the new knowledge is based on what was known previously, considerable re duction has been possible. Nine figures have been re placed by better ones, twenty new ones have been added, and two have been eliminated altogether. I wish to thank Dr. Leigh E. Chadwick most sincerely for his excellent translation of the changes and additions to the text. It would have been easy to expand this little book [
into a thick tome. But that was not the object. The volume is intended to remain what it has been hitherto: an easily read introduction to one of the most fascinat ing areas of biology. It is designed to show the layman what sorts of problems are at issue here, and how they may be solved. I have tried to present intelligibly and to adapt harmoniously to the old text even the more difficult of the new discoveries. Anyone who wishes to ascertain what new knowledge has been accumulated during the last twenty years can j udge this from the dates of the references cited. But knowing the date of individual discoveries does not matter a great deal. It is more important to consider in their entirety the accomplishments of these small in sects, the bees. The more deeply one probes here the greater his sense of wonder, and this may perhaps re store to some that reverence for the creative forces of Nature which has unfortunately been lost by so many of today's people. KARL Munich March 17, 1971
[ xvi]
Pre!ace to the 'first Edition
During the spring of 1949 I made a three-month lec ture tour through the United States, accompanied by my wife. The invitation for the trip came first from Cornell University. It was later extended to include sixteen other universities and scientific institutions, and was supported j ointly by them and the Rockefeller Foundation. My only regret was that time did not per mit me to accept similar invitations from several other universities in the United States and Canada. This book offers the text of three lectures given at Cornell University, at the American Museum of Nat ural History, New York City, and at the University of Minnesota; only the third lecture was presented at the remaining universities. It is a pleasure to be able to present the problems discussed in these lectures to a larger circle. Of course it was impossible in three lec tures to describe the detailed experimental basis for the conclusions reached after almost forty years of work, [ xvii]
much of which was carried out in collaboration with the coworkers and colleagues mentioned in the follow ing pages. Hence a bibliography is included so that the reader can obtain more information about the findings and about our methods. I am deeply indebted to Dr. D. R. Griffin of Cornell University for the careful planning and advance prepa rations for our trip, and for assistance with the English of the manuscript. Furthermore, I wish to express my thanks to all the other people whose cooperation made this lecture tour so interesting and useful to us. For many years, we have missed such contacts and the ex change of ideas with foreign countries. Scientific work must be international and cannot prosper if confined in a cage. I have learned more during these three months, in both personal and scientific matters, than in the three previous years at home. We shall never forget the great kindness and hos pitality of everyone we met in your beautiful country. KARL Munich May I, 1950
[ xviii]
The Color Sense of Bees
The honeybee, living in its beehive, is a social insect. In an ordinary beehive there are about sixty thousand bees, but only one is a fully developed female. This is the queen, the only egg-laying insect in the colony. The males or drones are larger, more plump, and a little stupid and lazy. All of the remaining bees are workers (Figure I). The workers are not able to proA,
Figure l. Left to right : The queen. The worker bee. The drone. head; Th., thorax ; Ab., abdomen ; A ., antenna ; E., eye.
duce eggs, under norn1al circun1stances, for their ova ries are small and undeveloped; but in other respects they are fen1ales, with the typical instincts of fen1ales; they do all the work in the hive. They feed the larvae, they build the honeyco111b, they are the charwo111en of the hive ; and it is only these worker bees that fly out to gather honey and pollen as food for the colony. The \vorker bees find the food by visiting flowers.
Figure 2. Left: Grass blossoms as an example of blossoms pol linated by the wind. Figure 3. Right: The blossoms pollinated by insects are the larger and more conspicuously colored ones.
Here some gather nectar droplets with a high concentra tion of sugar. Others collect pollen, since they also need protein for the growing larvae. But in taking their food they do not behave like plunderers. They reciprocate and perform a service for the plants by effecting the pollination-flying from one flower to the next and carrying the pollen adhering to their bodies. It is well known that there are two main types of "flowers" among the higher plants. Many plants have small green blossoms without any scent, and the transfer of pollen is effected by the air ( Figure 2 ) . Such plants produce an abundance of pollen, which is spread by the wind and comes by chance to other blossoms of the same species. Other plants have conspicuous, brightly colored blossoms or a striking scent, or both, and it is these that we ordinarily call flowers (Figure 3 ) . Only such flowers produce nectar and are therefore visited by insects, which effect the pollination by flying from one flower to the next ( Figure 4). Biologists have long be lieved that flowers are colored and scented to make them more striking for their insect visitors. In this way the insects can more easily find the flowers and get their food ; and the pollination is also assured. But this view has not been accepted by all biologists. About 19 loa famous ophthalmologist, Professor C. von Hess, performed many experin1ents on fishes, insects, and other lower anin1als. He tested them while they were in a positively phototactic condition-that is, un-
der circumstances where they moved into the brightest available light. He found that in a spectrum the animals always collected in the green and the yellow-green re gion, which is the brightest part of the spectrum for a color-blind human eye. Therefore, von Hess asserted, fishes and invertebrates, and in particular bees, are to tally color-blind. If this were true, the colors of flowers would have no biological significance. But I could not believe it, and my skepticism was the first motive which led me to begin my studies of bees about 1 9 1 0. I tried to find out whether bees have a color sense.
Figure 4. Nectar is produced in the bottom of a flower, so that as they suck it up the visiting insects come in contact with the pollen.
By the scent of a little honey it is possible to attract bees to an experimental table. Here we can feed them on a piece of blue cardboard, for example. They suck up the food and, after carrying it back to the hive, give it to the other bees. The bees return again and again to the rich source of food which they have discovered. We let them do so for some time, and then we take aV\Tay the
Figure s. Bees fed previously on a blue card in the middle of the table ( '*' ) alight on the clean blue cardboard without food (left). They distinguish it from a red cardboard (right) .
blue card scented with honey and put out two new, clean pieces of cardboard at the site of the former feed ing place-on the left a blue card, and on the right a red one. If the bees remember that they found food on blue, and if they are able to distinguish between red and blue, they should now alight on the blue card. This is exactly what happens (Figure 5 ) . This is an old experiment. It indicates that bees can [5 1
distinguish colors, but it does not prove that they have a color sense, or color perception, for these are not al ways the same. Thus there are totally color-blind men, although they are very rare. They see obj ects as we would see them in a black-and-white photograph. Yet they can distinguish between red and blue, for red ap pears very dark to them, and blue much lighter. Hence we cannot learn from the experiment with bees which I have j ust described whether the bees have distin guished red from blue by color or by shade, as a color blind man might do. To a totally color-blind man each color appears as a gray of a certain degree of brightness. We do not know what the brightness of our various pieces of colored cardboard may be for a color-blind insect. Therefore we perform the following experi ment. On our table we place a blue card and around it we arrange gray cards of all shades from white to black. On each card we set a little watch glass, but only the glass dish on the blue card contains food ( sugar-water) . In this way we train the bees to come to the color blue. Since bees have a very good memory for places we fre quently change the relative positions of the cards. But the sugar is always placed on the blue card so that in every case the color indicates where food is to be found. After some hours we perform the decisive experiment. The cards and the glass dishes soiled by the bees are [6]
taken away. We place on the table a new series of clean cards of different shades of gray, each with an en1pty glass dish, and somewhere among them we place a clean, blue card provided, like all the others, with an en1pty glass dish. The bees remember the blue color and alight only on the blue card, distinguishing it from all shades of gray. This means that they have a true color sense. This type of experiment has been criticized on the ground that the blue cardboard n1ight have a specific scent by which the bees could recognize it. We cannot perceive any odor, but this does not prove that it is
Figure 6. Bees trained to the color blue alight on a clean blue cardboard without food and under glass-distinguishing it from all degrees of gray.
odorless for bees; we n1ust therefore consider the possi bility that the bees found the blue cardboard by smell, and not by color. But this is not the case. For we can re peat the experiment with a glass plate lying over the cards; if there were any scent it could not pass through the glass. But the outcome of the experiment is j ust the same as before ( Figure 6 ). Training bees to come to food on orange, yellow, green, violet, or purple cardboard gives the same posi tive result. However, if we try to train bees to find their food on scarlet red, they alight not only on the red cardboard but also on black and on all the dark-gray cards in our arrangement. Thus red and black are the same to the eye of the bee; in other words, bees are red blind. From these experiments it is clear that bees have a color sense, but that it is not quite the same as that of a normal human being. To find out something more about the nature of color perception in bees, we modify our experiment. We train bees to find food on blue, and then we put on the table all the colored cards we have on hand, but no gray cards at all. The bees seek for blue, but it is surprising to see that they are unable to find it with certainty. They confuse blue cards with violet and purple ones. Fur thermore, bees trained to yellow alight not only on yellow cards but on orange and green ones, too ( von Frisch, 1 9 1 5 ) . [ 8 ]
In 1 9 2 7 Professor A. Kuhn repeated my training ex periments, but instead of colored cards he used a spec trum. He was able to confirm my results : that bees are red-blind, that they can distinguish other colors from all shades of gray, and that they confuse yellow with orange and green, or blue with violet. But by using spectral colors he discovered two new facts: First, he noted that there is a third quality of color in the narrow blue-green region (480-500 mfL 1). Bees trained to blue green distinguish it from blue and from yellow. I had overlooked this point because I had no suitable card board of this blue-green color. Second, he discovered a fourth quality in ultraviolet light. If bees on the experi mental table are fed for some time in ultraviolet light, they alight on every spot irradiated by ultraviolet, even though this light is invisible to us; and they distinguish the ultraviolet from all shades of white or gray. It is a distinct color for the bees. If we compare the color sense of bees and men, we find that the visible spectrum is shortened for bees in the red but that it is extended into the ultraviolet. In this way the visible region is merely shifted to shorter wave lengths. But a much more important difference seen1ed to be that the bee apparently sees only four dif ferent qualities of color: yellow, blue-green, blue, and ultraviolet ( Figure 7 ) . 1
See Figure
In order to make a closer companson between the color vision of bees and man, experiments with color mixtures 2 would have been important. At the time Man BlueViolet Blue green Green Yellow Orange
400 -- 480-500-550 -600-650 - 700---- 800 Violet Blue Blue- Green
'----.r---'- green
Yellow Orange
Similar (Yellow region)
(Blue region) Bee
Figure 7. The colors of a spectrum for the human eye (above) and for the eye of the bee (below). The numbers indicate the wave length of light in millimicrons, mfJ- ( one micron = 0.000 1 centimeters or 1 /2 5000 inch ) . ( From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen [Springer-Verlag, 1 965 J , p. 486; Dance Language and Orientation of Bees [Harvard University Press, 1 967J, p. 475· )
we lacked adequate apparatus. Other problems pushed their way into the foreground and so it was thirty years 2 Here and in what fol lows color mixing always signifies true physiological mixing ( additive mixing ) , in which, for example, we allow two different spectral colors to work simultaneously on the eye or with the help of a rotating disk present the eye with two colored pigments in such rapid alternation that they are viewed practically at the same time. Subtractive mixing of colors, such as the artist practices, produces different hues. These come into being on the very palette; the initial colors never reach the eye.
[ 1 0]
before I induced K. Daumer to fill in these gaps and to resume with improved technique the training of bees to colors. Then for the second time we were made aware that improved methods brought better perform ance in the area of color vision. Daumer ( 1 956 ) trained the bees individually. Doing so gives more clean-cut results, because the bees disturb one another when they are trained in groups. Customarily they flew through a window into a semidarkened room that held the training cabinet (Figure 8 ) . A lamp inside the cab inet gave out white light, including ultraviolet which
Figure 8. Cabinet for training to color; inside it are the light source and the apparatus for mixing colors. In the top are four star-shaped openings that are covered by glass transparent to ultra violet and that bear quartz vessels (transparent to ultraviolet) for food and water. After Daumer, 1956.
bees are able to see. The distribution of energy over the several spectral ranges was like that of sunlight. Four star-shaped openings in the lid of the cabinet were covered with glass transparent to ultraviolet. Upon them stood quartz feeding dishes, likewise transparent for ultraviolet ( Figure 9 ) . Each star could be illumi nated from below with colored light from a narrow region of the spectrum or with a mixture of various spectral colors. After a bee had been trained to a given
Figure 9. Bee at the feeding vessel on a star illuminated from beneath. After Daumer, 1956. ( From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen [Springer-Verlag, 1965], p. 484-)
color, or to a mixed illumination, she was tested experi mentally for her ability to distinguish this from other colors offered alongside it. In this experimental setup the bees were indeed able to differentiate orange, yel low, and green. Yet these colors are more alike for them [ 12
than for man. For bees blue-green is a sharply con trasting separate color. Within the blue-violet and ul traviolet ranges bees can recognize several different hues. But they can see more than this. In order to com prehend such matters we require a short lesson in phys iological optics. When white sunlight is beamed through a prism it ac quires an orderly arrangement according to the wave length, and the colorful ribbon of the spectrunl appears (Figure loa) . If by means of a lens we reunite all the colors, white is found again (Figure lob ) . But if we bring together only the ends of the spectrum, namely red, of long wave length, and violet, of short wave length, then there are formed the purple colors, that do not occur in the spectrum (Figure IOC ) . The. same applies to bees. Only here we have to combine those colors that lie at the ends of their spectrum, to wit yellow and ultraviolet. Daumer's training experiments showed that the nlixture of yellow and ultraviolet like wise looks to the bees like a color, clearly distinct from white but also from all the spectral colors. 3 If with a person we change the proportion in which red and violet are mixed, then we can produce purple in all pos sible transitions between these two colors and build a 3 What a bee actually feels we are of course unable to find out. From their behavior we can only j udge what things strike them as alike, similar, or different. [ 13 ]
Figure 10. White light sent through a prism is put in order ac cording to wave length and gives a spectrum (a). United again by a lens, the light becomes white once more (b). The ends of the spectrum give violet when mixed together (c ) . Without the blue rays the light becomes yellow (d).
continuous bridge between the two ends of the spectral ribbon, thus forming a complete color circle. The same kind of thing happens when yellow and ultraviolet are nlixed to form "bee purple" ( Figure I I ) . Returning once more to Figure 10, we do another experiment: we screen off none but the blue rays. Then the mixture of all the other rays no longer looks white, but yellow (Figure lod) . By removing a small portion of the spectrum, white has been turned into a color. Now naturally we are curious to know whether in addition to the colors there is a "white" for bees. The question is more interesting than it seems at first glance. With the human eye the sensation of colorless "white" is produced when all the colors of the spectrum are mingled in a definite proportion-such as occurs in sunlight. When all colors that bees can perceive (hence inclusive of ultraviolet) are mixed together, a special kind of light is produced for them too. We give it the nanle "bee white . " For them it is not like any color. Also it does not attract them, as colors do. Only with difficulty can they be trained to it. But if the ultra violet is taken away, then the light is no longer white for them, but blue-green. All of this can be demon strated by nleans of training experinlents. Since we do not perceive ultraviolet, removal of the ultraviolet does not change the white for us. Thus, what looks "white" to us nlay be two different things for bees: with ultra[ 15 ]
violet it is "bee white, " but without ultraviolet it is a bright blue-green. The white of flowers has these char acteristics ( Hertz, 1 9 3 7, 1 9 3 9 ; Daun1er, 1 958 ) . Via the experiments with color mixtures, some strik ing areas of agreement between the color vision of man and bees have become evident: the possibility of producing purple colors by combining the ends of the spectrum, or that of making "white " by mixing all the spectral colors. Such white can also be produced for the bee, as for man, by combining pairs of colors, the "com plementary colors" (they are situated opposite one another in the color circle of Figure I I ) . 500
Cl. CI> CI> / Il) / / /
------ 800m 4OOm� �
\ \ I I I I
300 mp
b 390
Figure II. Color circle (a) for man; (b) for the bee. The three primary colors are underlined ; by mixing them the intermediate colors can be produced. Complementary colors are opposite each other in the circles. Somewhat modified, after Daumer. ( From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen [ Springer Verlag, 1 965] , p. 487; Dance Language and Orientation of Bees [Harvard University Press, 1 967] , p. 476. )
[ 16 ]
By mixing the three primary colors ( underlined in Figure 1 I ) in the proper proportions, one can produce white, or also any of the colors. As long ago as in the previous century this fact led to the assumption that there are in our re tina three different kinds of color sensitive elements that respond maximally to differing ranges of the spectrum. By means of their collective ac tion we are enabled to see white and all the colors ( the theory of trichromatic color vision of T. Young and H . von Helmholtz ) . That was a hypothesis that j ust very recently has been confirmed almost simultaneously for both bees and man. It is now possible to insert extremely fine electrodes into individual sensory cells in the bee's eye and to measure the excitation in them. In doing this there have been found three types of sensory cell, with maximal sensitivity in the yellow-green, blue, and ul traviolet, respectively ( Autrum and von Zwehl, 1 964) . A different method succeeded in demonstrating in the human retina three kinds of color-sensitive sensory cells ( cones) , each adapted to a different spectral range (Brown and Wald, 1 964) . F rom these and additional discoveries it appears that color vision in bees resembles that of man more closely than had been thought, and that its physiological basis is the same. But as a significant difference there remains the fact that the visible spectrum is displaced for bees: cut short at the long wave-length end and extended with the short wave lengths ( Figure 7 ) . This fact may
leave us well content. For here we see with remarkable clarity that floral colors have arisen as an adaptation to the color sense of those creatures that frequent the flowers. I would like to demonstrate this with a few examples: Already I have mentioned one matter that points in this direction : white flowers absorb ultraviolet light and therefore look like colored (blue-green) flowers to the bees. It is only through their coloration that they becoD1e attractive to bees. Additionally, we now under stand why scarlet flowers are so rare in Europe. The in sects that frequent them are red-blind. In America and Africa there are many scarlet flowers. But long before we knew anything about the color sense of insects peo ple were aware that that kind of red is typical of flowers that are pollinated not by insects but by humming birds and honey birds (see Porsch, 1 9 3 I ) . For these birds red is a brilliant color. Poppies are red flowers that are frequented by bees. This exception has an amazing explanation. Poppies reflect the ultraviolet rays of sunlight. It is possible to show by suitable experiments that bees trained to the blossoms of the poppy are in fact recognizing the re flected ultraviolet light ( Daumer, 1 958 ) . We cannot perceive this light, and we see only the red. The bees, on the other hand, cannot perceive the red; they see only the ultraviolet. Thus the bees, although they are [ 18 ]
Figure 1 2. Flowers of (top) Erysimum helveticum ( wormseed mustard ) , (middle) Brassica napus (rape), (below) Sinapis arvensis ( field mustard ) , photographed in yellow light (left) or in ultra violet light (right). Differences in ultraviolet reflection produce for the eye of the bee clearly distinct colors in the flowers, all of which are of the same uniform yellow to us. After Daumer, 1 958. (From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen [Springer-Verlag, 1 965J , p. 496. )
red-blind, nevertheless see the poppy as a colored flower -for them it has the color ultraviolet. Other floral colors also are often changed by means of ultraviolet in a way useful to bees. Figure 1 2 gives an example. Illustrated together are three species of flowers that have the same yellow color and very similar shapes. Since they occur in the same place the bees could easily mix them up. In the left-hand row they have been photographed through a yellow filter, on the right through an ultraviolet filter. One sees that Erysimum, the wormseed mustard (above), reflects no ultraviolet; Brassica, rape (middle) , reflects some ultra violet; and Sinapis, field mustard ( below ) , a great deal. None of the three flowers reflects blue light. Accord ingly, only Erysimum is yellow for the eye of the bee ; the other two species wear "bee purple, " and display this in two different hues readily distinguished by bees. Similar situations are known in blue flowers. For bees the presence of ultraviolet augments greatly the multi plicity of floral colors. How important that is becomes evident when we inquire into the biological significance of the colors of flowers. What is their biological meaning? Biologists have long believed that color plays an important role in mak ing flowers attractive to bees and other insects. This is certainly true for bees flying out in search of new flowers from which to gather food. My collaborator, [ 20 ]
Dr. Therese von Oettingen ( 1 949 ) , set up a beehive in a courtyard with a roof of fine-mesh screening, and studied bees that had never before visited flowers and had never had the opportunity to leave the observation room. She displayed colored papers at several points in the room, and at other points she placed scented flowers which could be smelled by the bees but which were covered and could not be seen. A few of the bees were scouts, and these were attracted to both the colors and the scented flowers. From this it is clear that both odors and colors are attractive to bees that are seeking new feeding places. We were surprised to find that very few bees-only the scouts-paid any attention at all to the flowers or to the colors and scents that were displayed. In forty ex periments, lasting forty-five hours altogether, Dr. von Oettingen used hundreds of bees and fifteen different species of flowers; but she found that a group of flowers was visited by only one or two bees per hour ( average, I. 2 7 ) . The maximum was six bees during one hour. The great maj ority of the worker bees did not seek food even though there was very little nourishment available in the hive. As with human beings, pioneers seem to be rare in the beehive. Most individuals prefer to wait for the discoveries of a few scouts in order to find food by following their instructions, as I shall describe in the third chapter. r 2I ]
When bees have found a species of flower with abun dant nectar, then they are loyal to this kind of flower for many days. A given individual bee on its foraging trips always visits a particular species of flower. This is of advantage to the bees, which find on all blossoms of the same species the same flower mechanism and save time through being familiar with it. It is also of advan tage to the flowers, for their pollination depends on bees coming from other flowers of the same species. Since the bees specialize in certain flowers, they must be able to distinguish between the various species pres ent on their feeding grounds. Hence it is a good thing if different kinds of plants have flower colors as differ ent as possible, that are easily distinguished by the bees. But colors can be useful to bees in still another way. We often find flowers in which the entrance to the tube containing the nectar is of a different appearance from the remainder of the flower-either a darker or lighter shade or, very often, a different color. It is re markable that the color difference in nearly every case results in an impressive contrast for the eye of the bee. In German we call such colored spots Saftmale-sap spots; in English, "nectar guides" ( Figure 1 3 ) . More than ISO years ago C. K. Sprengel concluded that these colored spots were signposts helping visiting insects to find the nectar. Later biologists were often skeptical about this point. But Sprengel was right. One can test [ 22 ]
the nlatter by simple experiment. If we put upon a table a large blue card on which we have placed a small yel low spot, this spot is attractive to bees and they prefer to alight on such a little spot to seek for food. Daumer ( 1 958 ) found that, on the flowers too, very small nec tar guides sufficed to show the bees where to insert the
Figure 1 3. The blue flowers of the forget-me-not (Myosotis) have a yellow ring ( sap spot ) around the entrance to the nectar.
trunk . When they conle upon the nectar guide they often twitch the head downwards and extend the pro boscis. This is an innate response. It was also seen in a colony that had been kept in a closed chamber for sev eral years and had never seen flowers before the experi ment. It was not perception of the nectar that caused
proboscis extension. By doing a little operation on the flowers Daumer displaced the nectar guide to the outer n1argin. Now the bees, who ran hunting about on the flower, did not give the proboscis response in its center where the nectar was, but at its edge, to which the nectar guide had been shifted. We too can see nectar guides on many flower species. But such things are twice as frequent for bees as for us. There are nectar guides that are invisible to us but very apparent to them. Here again is demonstrated the adap tation of the floral colors to the color sense of their visitors. An example is shown in Figure 1 4. The cinque-
Figure 1 4. Potentilla reptans ( cinquefoil ) , photographed through yellow (left), blue (middle), and ultraviolet (right) filters. Below is the gray scale used for photometric comparison. The leaves, photographed at the same time, give only weak and almost uni form reflections in the bee's three primary color ranges, so that they are almost colorless for bees. Through the ultaviolet filter there is revealed a special nectar guide, invisible to us. After Daumer, 1 958. ( From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen [ Springer-Verlag, 1 965], p. 498. )
foil (Potentilla reptans) flower, pure yellow for us, has been photographed through yellow, blue, and ultra violet color filters. The color filters had been prepared so as to correspond with the three primary colors of the bee's eye. One can see that the flower reflects yel low strongly, blue not at all, and ultraviolet only with the outer portions of the petals. Consequently, for bees the flower has a purple color with a yellow nectar guide in the center. In this same illustration we may notice something else also, and this is extraordinarily interesting. A few of the plant's green leaves have been photographed too. In all three of the bee's primary colors they reflect the light weakly and fairly equally, being a tiny bit stronger in the yellow. The same thing was confirmed with other foliage. This means that the foliage, which is green for us, is for bees an almost colorless gray, with a weak yellowish tinge. The colorful flowers must stand out very effectively against this neutral background. One can see that the colors of flowers have been de veloped as an adaptation to the color sense of their visi tors. It is evident that they are not designed for the human eye. But this should not prevent us from delight ing in their beauty. In Austria, and in Germany too, beekeepers put their beehives all together, one beneath another, to form a beehouse. In a large house with many hives, it is a little difficult for the homing bees to find their own hive ; as a
nlatter of fact, they very often shift from one hive to another. For the most part this does not matter, be cause bees carrying honey are welcomed everywhere. But sometimes a struggle occurs, and intruding bees nlaY even be stung to death. A queen returning from an orientation flight or from a mating flight is in particular danger; if she alights on the wrong hive she is killed. In our country, therefore, we often see hives painted with different colors to help the bees recognize their own homes. But all beekeepers do not agree that this coloring is useful. To study this question I placed a swarm of bees in one of a row of enlpty white hives and covered the front of this hive with a blue sheet of metal. On the right stood a hive that I covered with a yellow sheet, and on the left a white hive. After some days I wished to change the colors. But if I had merely interchanged the colored sheets, and if the bees had then flown to the wrong hive, I would not have known whether they were following the blue color or the scent of bees adhering to the blue sheet. Therefore the back side of the blue sheet was painted yellow, and the back of the yellow one blue. In this way I could change the colors by turning each sheet around, without moving it to a different hive. After thus reversing both metal sheets I saw many bees flying to the empty hive, which was now blue. Other bees hesitated, and after some time flew to the correct hive, despite the yellow sheet (Figure 1 5) . [ 26 ]
I decided that perhaps the bees were paying attention not only to their own hive but to the neighboring hives as well. In this case my experiment must have caused confusion. The bees had been accustomed to fly to a blue hive with a yellow one on the right, and a white
Figure 1 5. Upper : There is a colony of bees in the blue hive ( 4 ) situated between the white and the yellow ones, which are both empty. Lower: By reversing the blue sheet, the back of which was painted yellow, and also reversing the yellow sheet, which is blue on the back, the colors of the two hives have been interchanged. Many bees enter the wrong hive ( 5 ) , following the color to which they are accustomed.
hive on the left. Now they saw a blue hive with a yellow one on the left and a white one on the right. Here was a different arrangement; and perhaps this explained why some of the bees hesitated and finally found the correct hive by the sense of smell. I therefore repeated the expenment In another way. I reversed the blue
Figure 16. Upper: The initial color pattern of the blue hive (4), which is occupied by the bees, and the hives adjacent to it. Lower: The color of hive 4 has been changed to yellow by reversing its metal sheet, and the yellow sheet covering empty hive 5 has been turned and transferred to hive 3, which now appears blue. All of the homing bees which came from hive 4 now enter the empty hive (3) which is blue. [ 28 ]
sheet (so that it appeared yellow) , but I shifted the re versed yellow sheet ( which then appeared blue ) from the right side to the left. The relative positions of the colors were now unchanged; the bees still found a blue hive with a yellow one on the right, and there was still a white hive to the left of the blue one ( since all the hives in the row were white except those marked with my metal sheets) . Under these circumstances every bee, without a single exception, alighted at the wrong hive and entered it even though this hive was quite empty (Figure 1 6 ) . We can see from this experiment that a painted beehive is actually a very good signpost to help bees recognize their own hive and distinguish it from others nearby ( von Frisch, 1 9 1 5) . But why do beekeepers disagree with one another about the effectiveness of colored hives? Simply because they have not considered the nature of the color sense of bees, as the flowers seem to have done. We often see hives stacked one beneath the other, one painted red and the next one black . This fornls a contrast for the human eye, but the two look j ust alike to bees. For bees blue, yellow, black, and white are readily distinguishable. Where beekeepers must use the same color repeatedly they should change the color patterns formed by ad j acent hives, because bees pay attention to the color of the neighboring hives as well as to their own (Figure 1 7 ) . Furthermore, when a hive is to be painted white,
it is important to choose the proper white. Zinc white seems to be suitable for this purpose because it absorbs ultraviolet and therefore looks blue-green to the bees. Lead white reflects ultraviolet and thus it is really white for bees, and hence less striking than a true color. In stead of black, scarlet can be used. This is the same as black to the bees and makes things more colorful for us.
Figure ' 7 . An example showing how to paint beehives so that it becomes as easy as possible for the bees to find their home. Colors used are white, blue, yellow, and black.
Beekeepers in the United States do not use beehouses, but place their beehives on the ground at considerable distances from one another, in the open. I have son1C times seen many beehives placed in a n1eadow without any striking landn1arks around them. It is probable that
here too the bees may often confuse their home with other hives. I believe that painting the hives according to the principles explained above would be as useful to American beekeepers as to their European colleagues. But let us return to the flowers. Their color is a good indicator for foraging bees to find out the desired spe cies, and makes possible their constancy toward a given kind of flower. Is the flower's shape of help in this? In order to discover that, I trained bees to recognize a cer-
+ Figure
1 8.
Bees can easily distinguish shapes like these.
tain pattern of colored paper pasted around the entrance of a cardboard box containing sugar-water. To other boxes, without food, I attached papers of the san1e color but cut in different patterns. Using the patterns shown in Figure 1 8, I succeeded within a short time in training bees to go to the box marked with one of these figures. For example, in one experiment food was made avail able for some time in the box marked with the radiate pattern ; then I took away this box and placed on the ex-
perimental table several new, clean boxes not yet touched by bees and marked with pieces of colored pa per cut in the two patterns of Figure 1 8 . Many of the bees entered the boxes marked with the radiate pattern, even though there was now no food in any of the boxes. Only a few bees visited the boxes marked with the other design. In other experiments where I used geometric figures I had no success even though I continued the training for many days. The bees did not learn to distinguish a triangle from a square or a circle. I thought that they could learn to distinguish only the sort of figure which they normally met on flowers, and that perhaps they failed to learn the new patterns because they had never before encountered triangular or square colored patches (von Frisch, 1 9 1 5) . However Dr. Mathilde Hertz ( 1 9 2 9a) discovered that bees could very easily learn to distinguish a triangle or a square, or any of the patterns in the upper row of Figure 1 9, from the rectangles or other shapes in the lower row of this figure. But they were incapable of learning to distinguish between the various patterns in the upper row, nor could they dis tinguish between two from the lower row. From these and other results, Hertz ( 1 9 2 9b, 1 9 3 1 ) concluded that form-perception in bees and men is based on different criteria. For the eye of the bee the most important factor seems to be what Hertz has [ 32 ]
called the degree of "brokenness" of a pattern. All the patterns in the upper row of Figure 1 9 are clearly dif ferent for the human eye, which studies their form; but for the bees they are not distinct, because the broken ness of the figures is about the same. The length of the boundary, or line of contrast between figure and back ground, is sn1all in these cases; all these figures are solid spots. ffu t in the patterns of the lower row of Figure 1 9 the length of the boundary is considerable ; these are extended figures. The bees seem to notice whether a figure is very much broken or is compact. Their form
/ x I I I I Y Figure 1 9. Bees do not learn to distinguish between the shapes in the upper row of the figure or between the shapes in the lower row. But for the eye of a bee each shape in the upper row is distinctly different from every shape in the lower row.
perception is based in part on other principles than ours, a fact that may be related to the different optical ar rangements of the compound eye of the insect on the one hand and the camera-like human eye on the other. But the chief reason for the difference may well be that bees see the patterns during flight. Since a bee's eye is rigidly fixed on her head, a broken pattern gives a flick ering visual impression as the bee flies past. In flying past she takes note of the changing bright ness pattern. Her eye is well equipped to do this. Whereas its visual acuity is some one hundred times worse than ours, in a flickering light it can perceive as many as a ten-fold greater number of intensity changes per second than the human eye. A movie for bees would have to have a ten-fold more rapid sequence of frames in order to prevent flicker. With bees and other swift flying insects the defective spatial resolving power of the eyes is compensated by a great power of temporal resolution ( Autrum, 1 949, 1 95 2 ) . According to these observations the form of the flowers probably contrib utes only to a modest extent to their discrimination by the bees. Their color is more important. Their most significant feature, their fragrance, will be discussed in the next chapter.
Chemical Senses of Bees
In the first chapter I mentioned the fact that when a bee is visiting flowers it usually restricts its visits to a single species of plant. This is of advantage to the bee, since it encounters the same familiar mechanism within the blossoms. It is also very important for the plants, for it assures that the pollen brought by bees originates in other flowers of the same species. How is it possible for bees to recognize one species of flower among all the others that may be in bloom nearby ? There are flowers of many colors and shades, but the number of different kinds of flowers is greater than the number of hues that the bee's eye discriminates. Maybe there is some other distinctive feature. Almost every kind of blossom has an odor which a man can tell from that of all other flowers. But we did not know, when I first became in terested in such problems, whether the same is true for bees. We were not even certain whether bees could perceive the odors of flowers at all.
In studying this problem we may train bees to odors j ust as I had trained them to patterns, using experiments of the following kind. On an experimental table we place some cardboard boxes, each of which can be opened from above, and each provided with a hole in the front as an entrance for the bees ( Figures 2 0 and 2 I). In one of the boxes we place a dish containing
Figure 20. Left : Cardboard box for training to a scent. Figure 2 1 . Right : Cardboard box, opened. In training to the scent of an essential oil a small amount of this oil is dropped on the cardboard strip above the entrance to the box.
sugar-water and also a fragrant flower or a few drops of some essential oil. We change the position of this food box frequently to avoid training the bees to come to a certain place, for we wish only the odor to guide them to the food. After several hours we take away all the boxes soiled by the bees and set out a new group of clean boxes.
Into one of then1 we drop a little of the scent that we have been using for training purposes, but now this box, like all the others, contains no food. The bees fiy from one box to another, smelling around their openings. But they actually enter only the scented box. It is evi dent that they can smell this odor and that they use it as a guide to the source of food. Next I wished to find out whether bees can distin guish as many different scents as we can. I therefore trained them to an essential oil made from the sk ins of Italian oranges. After one day of training I placed 24 boxes on the table ( Figure 2 2 ) , but only one contained
Figure 22. Arrangement for an experiment to learn whether bees are able to distinguish between several different scents.
the training scent, while the others were provided with 2 3 different essential oils. Afterwards I repeated the ex periment with the same training scent and 2 3 new odors that had never previously been associated with food. In both experin1ents we counted the number of bees visit ing the boxes during five minutes of observation. The box containing the training scent was entered by 2 05 bees in the first experiment and by 1 2 0 in the second. Of all the other 46 boxes only three proved attractive
to the bees, and these contained the following three es sential oils: "Essence de Cedrat" ( 1 48 visitors) , "Es sence de Bergamotte" ( 9 3 visitors ) , and an essential oil made from the skins of Spanish oranges ( 60 visitors) . Only a few bees entered the remaining 4 3 boxes, or in some cases none at all. These last three essential oils, which did attract a number of bees, were the only ones which were made from fruits of the same genus ( Citrus) as the training scent. Their odor was very similar for the human nose and quite different from all the other scents. In a long series of further experiments it developed that the odor of the essential oil made from the skins of Italian oranges (the training scent) was noticeably preferred to the odors of Spanish oranges, Cedrat, or Bergamotte, but the difference in the numbers of bees attracted to these four scents was quite small. From these and other experiments we may conclude that bees can distinguish between different qualities of odor j ust as well as a person whose sense of smell is very well developed. Furthermore, it seems clear that odors which are similar for the human nose are also similar for bees. In other experiments it turned out that substances without odor for us are likewise odorless for bees. The anaton1Y of the organs of olfaction is entirely different in bees and men, so it is surprising that their olfactory reactions are nevertheless so nearly the same (von Frisch, I 9 1 9 ) .
Where are the sense organs of smell located in bees? Entomologists have known for a long tin1e that insects can no longer react to scents if their antennae or "feel ers" are cut off. The antennae were therefore believed by son1e to be the organs of olfaction. Other entomolo gists obj ected that such experiments were invalid be cause each antenna contains a relatively large nerve and because the cutting of this nerve would be a severe shock to the insect. The lack of response to odors might result from this shock and not from any loss of the sense of smell. There were conflicting views about this n1atter for many years. But it was possible to decide between then1 in the following way. Bees were trained to a cer tain odor, for example, peppermint oil. For these ex periments cardboard boxes would have been cumber some, since I wished to capture bees at the feeding dishes and operate upon them. I therefore used an ar rangement like that described in the previous chapter
Figure 23. Bees are fed from a glass dish surrounded by a few drops of peppermint oil. The three other cards are provided with empty glass dishes and with another essential oil.
for traInIng bees to color. The bees found the sugar solution in a snull feeding dish placed in the open on a scented piece of cardboard . Close by were other pieces of cardboard with a different scent and without any food (Figure 2 3 ) . After a short tin1e the bees were able to distinguish the training scent fron1 the other odor and seek out the correct card \vith certainty. Next I caught trained bees j ust as they returned frOIl1 the hive to the feeding place and cut off their antennae. When set free again, these bees continued to seek for the food but could no l onger find it. Food \vas dis covered only by chance-they were no n10re likely to visit the card with the training scent than any of the others. Such bees did not behave as though they were suffering fron1 shock; they continued their search for food with vigor and persistence ( Figure 24) . But to be
Figure 24. The antennae have been cut off one of the bees that had been trained to the scent of peppermint oil. This bee is seeking for the training scent, but cannot find it.
[ 40 J
certain, I trained other bees to find food on a blue card and then I ren10ved their antennae. These bees found the blue card without hesitation and never confused it with a yellow onc ( Figure 2 5 ) . This proved that the operation did not cause any severe shock, for the bees could still remen1ber what they had learned but could not recognize a scent. In other words, the sense of smell is really located on the antennae. A glin1pse through the n1icroscope shows that the
Figure 25. After being trained to the blue color a bee remembers what she has learned, in spite of the operation ( cutting off anten nae ) . She can distinguish the blue card (lower left) from the yellow ones, and alights on the empty glass dish seeking for food.
antennae of bees are densely covered by sense organs of varied appearance (Figure 2 7 ) . These sense organs are not found on the long basal stalk, or scape, of the an tenna or on the first three segments of its flexible, distal part, which is called the flagellum. They are confined to the eight outer or distal segments of the flagellum.
When I cut off the eight distal segn1ents of one antenna (Figure 2 6,bb) and seven fron1 the other ( Figure 2 6,aa) , the bee was still able to distinguish the training scent fronl other odors; it could even be trained to a new scent. But if the eighth distal segn1ent of the second an tenna was cut away the 's ense of smell was entirely lost. The experinlent also shows that the effects of cutting away the antennae cannot he due solely to shock; the results can only he understood if we assun1e that the sense of snlell is located on the antennae ( von Frisch, 1 92 I ) .
Figure 26. The antenna of a worker bee. After cutting along the line aa there is only one segment left that bears sense organs of smel l. After cutting along the line bb no sense organs of smell remain on this antenna.
On the antennae seven different types of sense organs have been described. Which of these serve as organs of smell and what are the others for? Like all the rest of the insect's body, the antenna too bears a chitinous armor. This chitin would isolate the sensory cells in side the antenna completely from environmental stimuli were it not pierced by pores that are closed only by a delicate hair-like or disk-shaped chitinous structure and that indicate clearly the location of the individual sen-
Figure 27. Left : One segment of the antenna at high magnifica tion showing the sense organs. Right : The small portion outlined by black lines in the left-hand figure, greatly enlarged. T, organ of the sense of touch; R, cone-shaped organs ; P, pore plates.
sory organs (Figures 2 7 , 2 8, 2 9 ) . There are certain sen sory hairs with a fairly strong chitinous wall that are connected by a basal j oint with the armored integu ment. Their construction alone reveals that they are tactile organs. The sensory cells end at the basal j oint and are stimulated when the hair is moved at the j oint by touching an obj ect ( Figure 2 8, where the chitin is shown in black ) . Contact with the sensory cells of the organ of smell must be attainable by the olfactory substances. This may be possible with the other types of sensory cells, because their chitinous outer coat is extremely thin. For
Figure 28. Section through an organ of the sense of touch. The nerve ending is situated at the base of the hair and is stimulated when the hair is moved.
various reasons it was to be suspected that the very numerous pore plates are organs of smell. Each pore is capped with an oval chitinous plate that is encircled by a thin furrow (Figures 2 7 , 2 9 ) , which electron micros-
Figure 29 . An olfactory sense organ ( pore plate ) on the bee's antenna. S, sensory cell; P, pore plate; R, circumferential furrow; chitin is black. Schematic ; drawn by T. Holldobler. ( From von Frisch, Aus dem Leben der Bienen, 8th ed. [Springer-Verlag, 1 969] , p. 5 7· )
copy has shown to be perforated by numerous tiny openings. Here there may occur contact of olfactory substances with the sensory cells. Yet are these pore plates actually organs of smell? If the olfactory sense could be abolished by destroying only the pore plates this assumption would be proved. But such an operation is impossible, because the pore plates are distributed over the antennal segments in contiguity with other sensory organs. Clarification was first afforded by the modern method of electrophysi ology. As with the compound eye (p. 1 7 ) very fine electrodes can be inserted into the antenna and the changes of the electric potential ( " excitatory poten tial" ) in the individual sensory cells can be measured. In this way it can be determined what sort of stimuli excite them. That sounds very si1l1ple. However, carry ing out such experiments demands c01l1plex apparatus, a lot of time, and considerable skill. The results are un equivocal : the pore plates are olfactory organs. They are excited by floral fragrances and by other smells that are important to bees, for instance by the odor of their own scent organ ( the "Nassanoff gland " ) . Up to now no other type of sense organs on the bees' antennae is known which could respond to odors. But among these there have been found types that respond to te1l1perature, to the humidity of the air, or to carbon dioxide. All these factors are of importance for the at mosphere in the hive and are regulated by the bees.
There remain on the antennae a few types of sense or gans of whose roles we are w holly ignorant even today (Lacher and Schneider, 1 96 3 ; Lacher, 1 964; von Frisch, 1 96 7, pp. 49 7-499; Kaissling and Renner, 1 96 8 ; Schneider, 1 9 69 ) . That the bees smell with their pore plates accords well with the fact that the number of pore plates on both antennae amounts to only about 6,000 in the case of a worker but to 3 0,000 in the case of a drone. A keen sense of smell is of basic importance to the male bee if he is to find a queen during the nup tial flight. Most other insects also have the organs of smell con fined to their antennae. But in several cases there are olfactory organs on other appendages of the head as well, i.e., on the palps of butterflies and of the water beetle Dytiscus. I also tried to measure the sensitivity of the sense of smell in bees by training then1 to a certain odor and then diluting it more and more until they could no longer distinguish between scented and unscented boxes. When the dilution had reached a stage where the odor was no longer perceptible to us, we found that the bees too had lost the ability to perceive it. Thus the olfactory sensitivity of bees is roughly the same as that of human beings. We n1ay be sure, therefore, that the scent of most flowers is insufficient to attract bees from a great distance. The role of the sense of smell was well illustrated,
however, by experiments of the following type. I trained bees to distinguish a scented box with a blue front ( Fig ure 3 0, above) placed among several others that were neither scented nor colored. Then I replaced this box with two others, on the right an uncolored box con taining the scent and on the left an unscented box which was colored blue ( Figure 3 0, below) . The bees flew directly toward the blue box, but at a distance of about an inch they hesitated, apparently seeking for the co l or and
sce n t
Figure 3 0. Bees are trained to a scented box with blue cardboard surrounding the hole (above, middle box). Afterwards, during the experiment, they find the blue color on the left and the scent on the right of the former feeding place (below) . They fiy toward the color from a distance of some meters, but they enter only the scented box.
scent to which they were accustomed. Then they in spected the other boxes, and when they approached the scented one they alighted and went inside. Apparently the color was visible from a greater distance, but the scent seemed to be the more convincing of the two. Likewise, the color of flowers has the advantage that it can attract bees from a greater distance, while the scent is specific for each species and thus permits the definite recognition of the flowers at close range (von Frisch, 1 9 1 9) . There is one respect in which the sense of smell in bees is certainly superior to ours. The human organ of smell is located inside the nasal chamber, and the parti cles of odorous substances are brought to it by the stream of air utilized for breathing. Since this air stream is well mixed on its way into the nose, there can be no correlation between the shape of a scented obj ect and the sensation of odor that it arouses. But in bees the olfactory organs are located on the antennae, and these can be moved about. Furthermore, the antennae are also covered by organs of the sense of touch, so that the sense of snlell stands in a close relation to that of touch. A round scented obj ect may give quite a different sen sation to a bee than will an angular one. August F orel many years ago ( 1 9 1 0 ) stated that bees might "smell" the form of obj ects as a result of this close relationship between the receptor organs of touch and smell on the
antennae. The bees' aSSOCIatIOn of touch and smell would be analogous to our own constant integration ever since infancy of what we see with our eyes and what we feel with our hands. This association of touch and smell is very useful to bees as they visit flowers. Often they bring their an tennae close to the flower, almost in contact with it, so that they can probably perceive even quite feeble odors. Moreover, if various parts of a flower have different scents, the bee can distinguish and locate these separate portions in a very precise manner. With this in mind I
Figure 3 1 . The . white flower of Narcissus with a yellow sap spot ( stippled ) .
[ 50 ]
wondered whether there might be sap spots or nectar guides not only for the eye but also for the sense of smell. It was a pleasure to find that in many blossoms this was really true. In a narcissus, for instance, the yel low nectar guide (Figure 3 1 ) is not only of a different color fron1 the white corolla but of a different scent as well. If we separate the yellow parts of the flower from the white parts and train son1e bees to one of these scents, they can distinguish between the two with cer tainty. And we too can perceive the difference in scent very easily once the parts have been separated, but we cannot do so by smelling the whole flower, because the two odors are n1ixed before reaching our olfactory or gans. Bees, with their sense of smell localized on the surfaces of the antennae, can easily locate such differ ences and can be guided to the nectar by these scented sap spots. Such scented sap spots were also found in other flowers. Often there was no difference in quality but an increasing intensity of odor around the entrance to the bottom of the flower where the nectar is located (T. Lex, 1 954; A. von Aufsess, 1 960) . Human beings have two types of chemical sense, smell and taste. Anatomically, our sense organs of smell are located in the nasal chamber and those of taste on the tongue ; they are supplied by different nerves. Phys iologically, we can perceive through our sense of smell so many different qualities of odor that we even lack
words to designate individual odors; but the sense of taste (when unaided by odors of foods) can distinguish only four qualities: sweet, bitter, sour, and salty. More over, the sense of smell is much more sensitive than that of taste. Consequently its biological significance is very different. Many animals with a well-developed sense of smell can perceive food or enemies at a considerable distance because evaporated particles can excite their olfactory receptors at very low concentrations. But chemical substances must be much more concentrated to excite the sense organs of taste, and since the latter are located in the mouth they serve for testing food when the animal is already in contact with it during a meal. Much the same division of the chemical senses into two types is found in bees and other insects. The sense organs on the bees' antennae can detect, so far as we know, about as many different qualities of odor as the human nose. Since they are very sensitive they are able to detect food and other obj ects from some distance. But bees also have sense organs of taste located on the mouth parts in order to examine food when it is taken up. Bees can recognize a sweet solution only when they come in contact with it, but they are rather fastidious about sweetness. If offered a solution containing 20 per cent sucrose (about two-thirds molar ) , bees ordinarily suck it up. If it contains 1 0 per cent, we can see that [ 52 ]
there is an individual difference in taste-j ust as with n1en. Some bees drink, son1e hesitate, and others refuse it altogether. If a solution contains 5 per cent, they taste it but refuse to suck it up. This is their threshold of acceptance, and it varies depending on the feeding con ditions. If there are many plants in bloom, one finds a high threshold of acceptance-sometimes about 40 per cent. During the fall when flowers beconle scarce there is a threshold of about 5 per cent. Bees, like men, be con1e more fastidious under better conditions. There is another lin1it, the threshold of perception, apparently the lowest concentration which will stimu late the sense of taste at all. This is invariable under good and poor conditions alike. To measure this thresh old it is only necessary to starve the bees for several hours. Then they are ready to accept any solution that tastes noticeably sweet to them. For hungry bees the threshold is always between 1 and 2 per cent ( von Frisch, 1 9 34) . It is significant, biologically, that bees do not collect for storage in the hive solutions with a low concentra tion of sugar, although they may use them for their own nourishn1ent. If stored in the honeycombs such solutions would not keep until winter. Indeed, all honey is chemically different from the nectar out of which it was made, and one important difference is an increase in sugar concentration by the elimination of water. Di-
lute sugar solutions require excessive periods of time, or excessive effort by the bees, in order to convert them into honey. Flowers have become adapted to this need by producing nectar with a high concentration of sugar ( on the average about 40 per cent-R. Beutler, 1 9 3 0 ; O. W. Park, 1 9 2 8 ; A. Maurizio, 1 9 60 ) . Chemists have learned that there are many different sugars, most of which taste sweet to human beings. But out of thirty-four sugars and sugarlike chemical com pounds that we tested, only nine are sweet for bees : cane sugar, malt sugar, grape sugar, fructose, trehalose, melesitose, fucose, alpha-methylglucoside, and inositol. Most of the sugars which are sweet to us are tasteless to bees, for when offered either in pure condition or mixed with cane sugar, they have the same effect as pure water. This I found to be true for the following substances ( those indicated with an asterisk are slightly repellent to bees) : lactose, melibiose, cellobiose, * gentiobiose, * raffinose, tetraglycosan, * tetra laevan, * glycogen, galactose, mannose, sorbose, rhamnose, xy lose, I-arabinose, d-arabinose, trimethylglucose, * beta methylglucoside, * beta-methylfructoside, * beta-methyl galactoside, alpha-methylmannoside, erythritol, quer citol, mannitol, sorbitol, and dulcitol. It was not pos sible to determine definite rules valid for all insects governing the sweetness of these compounds, for sub stances which are sweet to one insect may be tasteless to
others. For instance, the trisaccharide raffinose is taste less to bees, but to ants it is the sweetest sugar of all those we have tested. Honeybees are able to distinguish not only sweet but salty, sour, and bitter tastes as well. If we add salt to sugar-water the beets refuse it. I tried several methods to test the sensitivity of bees to salt. I could find the quantity of salt which had to be added to a sugar solu tion to cause its rej ection, or, better, the amount which caused bees to hesitate slightly as they sucked up the solution. But a still better method is the following one, which depends upon the fact that bees take up larger volumes of solution if the sugar concentration is high. The sweeter the taste, the more they pump into their honey stomachs. For exan1ple, one of my experiments carried out on September 9, 1 9 2 9, gave the following results, which are best presented in tabular form.
Number of bees
Concentration of sugar solution
Average volume of solution taken up per visit
70 55 49
1 7 % (0'5 molar) 34 % ( I molar) 68 % ( 2 molar)
42 cubic millimeters 5 5 cubic millimeters 6 I cubic millimeters
To find the threshold concentration of salt which the bees can barely taste, I offered them two dishes; both [ 55 ]
contained the same sugar solution, but one of the dishes also contained a very little salt. The amount of salt in the second dish was so low that the bees did not hesitate to take up the mixed solution, but they took less of it than of the pure sugar syrup. Apparently the pure solu tion tasted better. This sort of experiment enabled us to measure the very low concentrations at which they could taste the salt. In another typical experiment performed on Septem ber 1 7 , 1 9 2 9, the bees were fed 0 . 5 molar sucrose, and again sucked up an average of 42 cubic millimeters per visit. Then, immediately afterwards, they were pre sented with a solution containing the same concentra tion of sugar plus 0 . 0 3 molar, or 0 . 0 1 7 per cent, salt (NaCl ) ; from this mixed solution they took up only 3 7 cubic millimeters per visit. When the sanle test was re peated a year later the figures I obtained were 44 and 3 7 cubic millimeters, respectively. Even when a half molar sucrose solution contains only 0.0 I 5 molar NaCI, the bees take up less than they take fronl pure half molar sucrose. But the difference disappears if we use as little as 0 . 00 7 5 molar NaCl. I concluded from these experiments that honeybees are a little nl0re sensitive to salt than are hunlan beings. The same is true for materials which taste sour. But to bitter substances the bees are nluch less sensitive than we. They seem to enj oy a mixture of quinine and sugar r
56 ]
which is so disgusting to the human sense of taste that anyone would spit it out at once (von Frisch, 1 9 3 4) . With this in mind, I thought that I might be able to help the public authorities in the following way. In many countries beekeepers are allowed to buy sugar at low cost to feed their bees for the wintertime. Such en couragement to beekeeping serves to increase the num ber of colonies kept through the winter and thus im proves honey production and the pollination of flowers and certain crop plants. But the cheap sugar thus placed at the disposal of beekeepers is supposed to be used only in the beehive, and not in the kitchen. To assure that this sugar was used only as intended, especially during the war years, it was desirable to mix something with the sugar which would make it useless for human con sumption. But it was not easy to find a suitable denatur ing substance. Either a compound was not efficient in producing a bad taste for men, or it had a disagreeable taste for bees as well. I proposed that the sugar be mixed with a small amount of octoacetylsucrose, which I had found to be very bitter for men but tasteless to bees. There was an initial difficulty in that this was a rare and expensive substance. But the chemical industry was able to work out a method for its production at low cost, and it was given the trade name " Octosan. " It proved especially suitable for our purpose because it was a chemical compound of sucrose and acetic acid,
and therefore qUIte harmless for both bees and men. Moreover, during the honey-ripening process in the beehive it decomposed after several weeks, so that its bitter taste was not imparted to the honey ( 0. Wahl, 1 937) · Octosan was introduced in Slovakia, Bohemia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Holland, and Belgium, and it proved practicable over a number of years. But in other countries the beekeepers would not agree to feed their precious bees such disgusting sugar. Perhaps some of them disliked this type of sugar chiefly because it was not useful for cooking. It can be shown that salty, sour, and bitter are dif ferent qualities of taste for bees, j ust as they are for men. But the methods are somewhat complicated, be cause it is impossible to train bees to find food by taste as we trained them to find it by color or by odor. Let me cite only one example showing how we could de termine that bitter and salty are different qualities of taste for bees. To a certain sugar solution we added j ust enough salt so that the bees rej ected the mixture. Then we did the same for bitter, preparing a mixture of sugar and quinine j ust bitter enough to prevent the bees from accepting it. If these two substances had the same taste for bees, our two solutions should have aroused the same sensation of taste. However, we could show that this was not the case. For if we starved the bees, they [ 58 ]
took up a bitter mixture contaInIng eight times more quinine than before. But these hungry bees showed no change in the threshold of refusal for mixtures of salt and sugar. Hungry bees will tolerate more bitterness, but they will not take a higher concentration of salt. Bitter and salty, therefore, cannot be the same quality of taste for bees. In a similar fashion it can be proved that sour is also a distinct quality of taste (von Frisch, 1 9 3 4) . The fact that insects can distinguish four qualities of taste (sweet, bitter, salty, and sour) can also be demon strated directly by experin1ents with water beetles (Hy drous piceus, Dytiscus latissimus, and Cy bister laterimarginalis) . These insects when seeking their food in the water can perceive the taste of food as it diffuses from some distance. Hence one can train them to find sources of food by the sense of taste. Water beetles trained to find food along with salty-, sour-, sweet-, or bitter-tasting substances can distinguish any one of these tastes with certainty from the other three qualities (A. Schaller, 1 9 2 6 ; E. Ritter, 1 9 3 6 ; L. Bauer, 1 9 3 9 ) . Some animals have sense organs of taste not only in or near the mouth but on other parts as well. Professor D. E. Minnich of the University of Minnesota found ( 1 9 2 2 a) that butterflies could taste with the tips of their legs. If a butterfly steps into a sweet substance it instantly stretches out its proboscis, and often begins
to feed. In this case the sense of taste is adapted to de tect food as well as to regulate its intake. Therefore a lower threshold seems to be useful, for even a small amount of sugar can serve as a guide to a source of food. As a matter of fact, the taste receptors on the legs of butterflies are the most sensitive ones k nown to date. In flies, and other insects too, we find a well-developed sense of taste on the tips of the legs (0. E. Minnich, 1 9 2 2 b, 1 9 2 9 ; F. Haslinger, 1 9 3 5 ) .
Figure 32. In fishes the sense of taste is not confined to the mouth. In this case ( Trigla) , certain rays of the pectoral fins are developed like fingers and bear many sense organs of taste.
Among the vertebrates we find low thresholds for the sense of taste only among the fishes. This fact is also related to the feeding habits of fish, for substances dis solved in water can guide a fish to food even from con siderable distances. If the food is at some distance, materials diffusing from it reach the fish in a highly diluted state. Molecules from such food may reach any [ 60 ]
part of a fish's body, so we find that the sense of taste is not confined to the Illouth, as in higher vertebrates, but is widely distributed over the surface of the body. Trigla, a bottonl-dvvelling fish, presents an analogy to the butterflies, for it is especially adapted for tasting Illaterials lying at the bottoIll of the waters where it lives. Some of the rays of its pectoral fins are developed into fingerlike structures which bear many organs of taste (E. Scharrer, 1 9 3 5 ) . (See Figure 3 2 . ) To illustrate the wide variation in sensitivity of the organs of taste in various animals, Figure 3 3 shows the
Figure 33. The bottle contains one quart of water. Left: The quantity of sugar ( sucrose ) which must be dissolved in this amount of water to give it a sweetness j ust perceptible (a ) for bees ( 0.08 3 molar ) , (b ) for human beings ( 0.0 1 2 5 molar ) , ( c ) for a fish ( 0.0002 molar ) , and (d ) for the legs of the red admiral butterfly ( 0.0000 7 8 molar ) .
r 61 1
amounts of crystalline sugar which must be dissolved in one quart of water to give it a degree of sweetness j ust perceptible to bees, to human beings, to a minnow, and to the legs of a butterfly. Before concluding this chapter devoted to the chem ical senses of bees I should like to describe some of the practical applications of this knowledge. Farmers often wish to cause more bees to fly to a certain kind of flower in order to improve its pollination. With red clover, in particular, the pollination is often very poor when fields are large. Under normal circumstances most of these flowers are visited and pollinated by bun1blebees, which have a proboscis long enough to obtain all the nectar in the tubes of the clover flowers. Honey bees, therefore, often prefer other flowers which are in bloom at the same time and which are more convenient for them to feed upon. Bumblebees, on the other hand, are too scarce to effect the pollination of all the flowers in large fields of red clover. About 1 9 3 0, certain Russian scientists, knowing that it was possible to train bees to scents, developed a new method to improve the pollination of red clover. They brought beehives close to a field of red clover and trained the bees to the odor of these flowers. The train ing was accomplished during the evening by feeding the bees in the hive sugar solutions scented with the flowers of red clover. To obtain this scented sugar so-
lution the Russians simply put some flowers into the sugar-water so that after several hours the odor of the clover was taken up by the solution. The flowers them selves were then strained off. Many of the bees which had been fed in this way flew to red clover plants the next morning. By using this technique the Russians managed to improve the crop of red clover to a con siderable degree. In 1 9 2 7 , stimulated by a beekeeper's observations, I had proposed a similar method ; to explain it I must an ticipate a little of the next chapter. If bees have dis covered a good feeding place they announce the fact in the hive by means of certain dances performed on the honeycombs. The other bees not only learn that there is food available, but they are also informed in which flowers it is to be found. They obtain this in formation from the scent of the flowers which adheres to the bodies of the dancing bees. If we feed some bees at an artificial feeding place provided with the scent of the flowers that we wish them to visit, the foraging bees will perform their dances in the hive and stimulate other bees, which will fly out in search of the same odor and thus reach flowers of the same species. On this basis I expected to guide many bees to a certain field in order to secure better pollination. Because of the cat astrophic shortage of food in Europe in consequence of the Second WorId War, I studied this practical
problem in cooperation with beekeepers and agricul tural experiment stations. Out of several methods which gave good results let me describe only a simple one. When a field of red clover came into bloom we brought several beehives close to the field and fed the bees every morning with a small amount of sugar-water in a box placed j ust in front of the hive ( Figure 34) .
Figure 34. Beehive with feeding box, the cover of which is opened to show the three compartments inside ( see Figure 3 5 ) '
The box was divided into three compartments; the mid dle one contained flowers of red clover and the others contained the food (Figure 3 5 ) . To reach the sugar the bees were obliged to creep through these flowers, and thus their bodies were certain to become heavily scented. Afterwards they danced in the hive, and other bees, perceiving from the bodies of the dancers the
odor of the flowers in our feeding box, searched for red clover when they flew out to forage. To test the effectiveness of this method we per formed experiments involving two fields of red clover so far apart that the bees visiting one field could not possibly fly to the other. The quality of the soil, the size of the field, the seed, the fertilizer, and other such factors were kept as similar as possible. Near each field we placed the same number of beehives. At one field the bees were fed every morning with sugar-water pro-
Figure 35. The feeding box, seen from above (upper drawing ) and in cross section (below ) . The box is set in front of the en trance of the hive, so that the bees can enter and leave the hive by passing under the middle compartment of the box. The middle compartment must be filled with the flowers that one wishes to be visited by the bees. The lateral compartments contain sugar-water. To reach the sugar the bees pass the wire grid and crawl through the flowers. Afterwards, when dancing in the hive, they carry the scent of these flowers on their bodies.
[ 65 1
vided with the scent of red clover as described above. The bees at the other field received the same amount of sugar-water, at the same time of day, but without any scent; this field served as our control. We repeated this experiment twelve times in various localities. In all cases the field where the bees were guided by odor was visited by more bees than the control field-on the average, three to four tinles as many. The yield could be measured in nine of the twelve experiments, and the weight of the crop averaged 40 per cent higher at the fields where scented sugar-water had been employed (von Frisch, 1 947 ) . Later experiments confirmed the success of this method (von Rhein, 1 9 5 7 ) . Procedures of this kind can be useful to beekeepers as well as to farmers. In many experiments we found that when bees were directed to seek for certain flowers the yield of honey could be increased by 5 0 per cent or more if they were guided in this way to flowers which were supplying a rich source of nectar. For bees which have been fed scented sugar-water seek very diligently for the flowers whose scent was used at the feeding place, and they collect nectar more industriously than bees which have been fed unscented sugar (von Frisch, 1 947 ) . In the actual employment of these methods one must pay careful attention to some factors which I cannot discuss here in detail. Unless these are known, one will [ 66 ]
not always be successful. That is probably why this method of "guiding by odor" has been adopted in only a few countries. For many years it has been widespread in the USSR, where the combination of agricultural and beekeeping activities in collectives facilitates the uniform application of such measures. When some day in the future food grows scarce, people in other coun tries too should recall that in their own language bees can be aroused to greater industry and can be dis patched to definite species of flowers in accord with the wishes of the beekeeper and the farmer. I have men tioned it here to present a new example of the well known fact that research work performed for its scientific interest alone often proves later to be of great practical value in ways which could never have been foreseen.
The Language of Bees
When I wish to attract some bees for training experi ments I usually place upon a small table several sheets of paper which have been smeared with honey. Then I am often obliged to wait for many hours, sometimes for several days, until finally a bee discovers the feeding place. But as soon as one bee has found the honey many more will appear within a short time-perhaps as many as several hundred. They have all come from the same hive as the first forager; evidently this bee must have announced its discovery at home. I was curious to learn how bees could tell their fel lows about the presence of food at a new location. But it is not possible to observe what happens as the bees crawl about between the honeycombs inside an ordi nary beehive. I therefore constructed an observation hive in which the honeycombs were arranged edge to edge so that they formed one large comb, the surface of which could be watched through glass windows (Fig-
ure 3 6) . It was also necessary to number every bee we wished to study, so that it could be recognized indi vidually among the mass of other bees on the honey combs. For this purpose I painted the bees with small spots of five different colors; a white spot on the front part of the thorax stood for the number I ; a red, for 2 ; a blue, for 3 ; a yellow, for 4; and a green, for 5 . A white spot on the hind part of the thorax indicated the number 6; a red, 7 ; a blue, 8 ; a yellow, 9; and a green, o. By employing combinations of these colors I could
Figure 36.
at the right.
The observation hive. The entrance for the bees is
apply any two-digit number; and spots to indicate the hundreds were painted on the abdomen, so that I could number as many as 5 9 9 bees at one time ( Figure 3 7 ) . The actual colors applied to the bees consisted of dry artist's pigment mixed with a solution of shellac in al cohol. This mixture dries quickly and adheres well to the body of a bee. To study the behavior of bees which have j ust dis covered a rich source of food one may set out near the observation hive a glass dish filled with sugar-water. When a foraging worker comes to this feeding place she is marked with a colored spot while she is sucking
+ T � T� cifJP cctP T TT 1
19 '
Figure 37. For numbering the bees, five different colors were used. The meanings of the symbols in the drawing are : white circle, a white spot; horizontal line in the circle, a red spot; cross in the circle, a blue spot; dot in the circle, a yellow spot; black circle, a green spot.
up the sugar, so that we can recognize her later in the hive. After she has returned to the hive our marked bee is first seen to deliver most of the sugar-water to other bees. Then she begins to perform what I have called a round dance. On the same spot she turns around, once to the right, once to the left, repeating these circles again and again with great vigor. Often the dance is continued for half a minute or longer at the same spot. Frequently the dancer then moves to another spot on the honeycomb and repeats the round dance and after wards ordinarily returns to the feeding place to gather more sugar. During the dance the bees near the dancer become greatly excited ; they troop behind her as she circles, keeping their antennae close to her body (Figure 48 ) . Suddenly one of them turns away and leaves the hive. Others do likewise, and soon some of these bees appear at the feeding place. After they have returned home they also dance, and the more bees there are dancing in the hive the nl0re appear at the feeding place. It is clear that the dance inside the hive reports the existence of food. But it is not clear how the bees that have been aroused by the dance nlanage to find the feeding place. To learn whether the round dance imparts informa tion about the direction in which food is to be found, I fed several numbered bees from my observation hive at a feeding place 1 0 meters to the west. At each of four
points in the meadow around the hive, to the north, south, east, and west, I placed on the ground a glass dish containing sugar-water scented by a little honey. A few minutes after the start of round dances in the hive new bees appeared simultaneously at all the dishes regardless of their direction. The message brought by a bee as she performed the round dance seemed to be a very simple one, one that carried the meaning "Fly out and seek in the neighborhood of the hive . "
Figure 38.
Numbered bees are fed on cyclamen flowers.
But it is not natural for bees to gather their food from glass dishes. If we feed our numbered bees at the same feeding place with sugar solutions placed upon fresh flowers, for instance, cyclamen (Figure 3 8 ) , and if the foraging bees dance after they have returned to the hive, new bees fly out as before, but now they are seeking for something definite. Somewhere in the vic in-
Figure 39. The newcomers sent out by the dancing bees coming from cyclamen are interested only in this species of flower. They alight on cyclamen and seek for food there. They are not attracted to phlox or other flowers.
ity of the hive we establish an observation point by placing on the ground two large dishes; one of these contains cyclamen flowers and the other contains phlox. The newly aroused bees are interested only in the cyclanlen; they take no notice of the phlox (Figure 3 9 ) . Next we can change the flowers at the feeding place, putting food on blossonls of phlox. Now the
same nunlbered bees that had previously collected sugar water on cyclamen flowers begin to gather it on the phlox (Figure 40 ) . After a few minutes the situation at the observation point changes radically: the new bees are no longer interested in cyclamen; they alight only on phlox-examining the flowers as though convinced that they must contain food.
Figure 40.
Feeding on phlox.
I succeeded in obtaining similar results from this type of experiment whenever I employed fragrant flowers, even those with a very feeble scent; but I did not suc ceed when I chose flowers without any odor at all. If, for instance, I fed numbered bees on the unscented blossoms of bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus L. ) , then the new bees that swarmed out of the hive searched
earnestly in the vicinity for the food that had been an nounced to them; but a dish of bilberry placed in the meadow did not receive any more attention than the surrounding grass or other unscented obj ects. The same result was obtained in other experiments with odorless blossoms (grass blossoms, H olcus lanatus L., the lily Tritonia crocosmaefiora Voss., and the Virginia creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia Planch. ) . On the other hand, the san1e result can be obtained without employing flowers at all. We can feed several numbered bees from glass dishes of sugar-water, each dish resting upon a piece of cardboard scented by pep permint oil. Nearby we also set out a series of similar cards, some scented with a few drops of peppermint oil and some with other essential oils. The new foragers are now interested only in the scent of peppermint; they alight on every place and on every obj ect touched by this oil. Apparently the newly aroused bees learn the scent of the flowers j ust visited by the dancer, and when they fly out seeking for this odor they reach the same kind of flower. Here is a biological function of flower scents which had not been known before. The new foragers remember very well the odor that they learned from the dancer, and they are able to find it with certainty. This was once demonstrated to me in striking fashion in Munich during mid-July at the sys tematic section of the botanical garden, where I
counted seven hundred different plants blooming at the same time. One of these was Helichrysum lanatum DC., planted only in one small flower bed and visited only by one species of solitary bee, but never by honeybees. Biologists have reported that honeybees have never been seen gathering nectar from this particular species. But I fed some numbered bees from my observation hive at the border of the systematic section of the bo tanical garden, supplying sugar-water in a glass dish surrounded by several blossoms of H elichry sum. The dancing bees coming from this feeding place carried the odor of Helichrysum on their bodies. Within the fol lowing hour many honeybees visited the flower bed containing Helichrysum lanatum and alighted on the flowers in search of food. They had sought out the specific odor of this species among the seven hundred other scented flowers blooming nearby ( von Frisch, 192 3 ) . The bees that troop after the returning forager as she dances on the honeycomb perceive the flower scent in two ways. By holding their antennae toward the dancer they smell the scent adhering to her body as a result of her contact with the flower. The upper surface of the bee's body has the ability to hold scents for long periods (Steinhoff, 1 948 ) . Second, during pauses in the dance, the dancer feeds the bees that are following her by re gurgitating a droplet of nectar from her honey stom-
ach. This nectar was gathered from the bottom of the flower and is saturated with its characteristic scent. The bees that have been aroused by the dancer can thus re ceive the odor of the flower both from her body and from the nectar that she passes to them. The reader may well ask how we can know these details. It was actually not difficult at all to find them out by means of experiments of the following sort. We can feed unscented sugar-water to several numbered bees as they alight on cyclamen flowers. To prevent this sugar solution from taking up the odor of the sur rounding cyclamen blossoms we place it in a small, spherical glass flask from which the bees can suck it up only through a narrow cleft ( Figure 4 1 , below) . These bees carry the odor of cyclamen flowers only externally on their bodies, and the other bees which they send out from the hive seek for this odor. In an other experiment we allow different foraging bees to alight on an odorless card and feed them in the same manner with sugar-water that we have previously ex posed for one hour to the odor of cyclamen flowers (Figure 4 1 , above) . In this case the odor is carried only internally, in the honey stomach, but the bees that are aroused by the dancers again seek for cyclamen. It is interesting to determine the relative effectiveness of these two methods of transporting the flower scent back to other bees in the hive. We can put the matter to
a test by feeding bees as they alight on cyclamen flowers with sugar-water that has been saturated with the odor of phlox blossoms. Now the scented material adhering to the body of the dancing bee will have a dif-
,., I I I
- - - -- - - - - -
- II
- L_
II -JL= ---II
Figure 4 1 . B elow: The bee sitting on cyclamen takes up odorless mgar-water. She carries the odor only externally on the body_ G, glass vessel containing water. A bove: The bee sitting on a piece of unscented cardboard takes up scented sugar-water. She carries the ::>dor only internally in the honey stomach. R, glass tube ; Sp, the narrow cleft from which the food can be taken.
ferent odor from the nectar carried in her honey stomach. If the feeding place is close to the hive, the bees aroused by the dancer visit cyclamen flowers about as often as phlox. But if the feeding place is far ther away-for example, a half mile from the hive the new foragers are interested mostly in phlox, the odor of which was carried in the honey stomach of the dancer. This means that during a long flight back to the hive the scented material adhering to the body of a bee is decreased. Clearly the scent taken up with the nectar and carried in the closed honey stomach ( Figure 42 ) is very important when bees are collecting at consider able distances ( von Frisch, 1 946a; 1 96 7 , pp. 2 2 4-2 2 7 ) .
Figure 42 .
[ 80 1
The intestinal tract of a bee. h . st., honey stomach.
These dances are observed only if there is a rich source of food ( Figure 43 ) , so that evidently they also carry the basic meaning "There is plenty of food and sweetness. " If we take away a glass dish full of sugar solution from which bees have been feeding, and re place it by another dish provided merely with some sheets of filter paper moistened from beneath by a little
Figure 43.
Plenty of food.
sugar-water, then there is a scarcity of food although the composition of the solution is unchanged (Figure 44) . Provided that we do not reduce the volume of sugar-water below a certain critical level, the bees will continue to collect it by sucking it up laboriously from the pores of the filter paper. But now they do not dance
after returning to the hive, and hence no new worker bees appear at the feeding place. The same result fol lows if we dilute the sugar solution to a certain point, even though a large volunle of the fluid is still available. The sweeter the sugar, the more vigorous are the dances (von Frisch, 1 9 2 3 , 1 9 3 4) .
Figure 44. A scarcity of food. Filter paper moistened from be neath with sugar-water by the syringe.
This reaction can also be observed under natural con ditions when the bees are visiting flowers ; and it is im portant for the bees, since several kinds of flowers often come into bloom at the same time. When this happens the various species may be discovered by foragers fronl the same hive, but those bees which have discovered the richest source of food dance most vigorously and send out the largest number of new foragers to this kind of plant. The pollination of these plants is thereby guar-
anteed in the best manner, and likewise the beehive has the benefit of securing the best and sweetest nectar. After the bees have harvested a rich source of food so industriously that the nectar of this species becomes scarce, the dances come to a stop and no more worker bees are sent out to visit this kind of flower. In this way the activity of the whole group of foraging bees is ad justed to the relative abundance of the nectar of various flower species.
Figure 45. Three bees at the glass dish with plenty of food (sugar-water) . The opened scent organ ( "Nassanoff gland" ) can be seen in the bee at the left beneath the arrow. The bee at the right has already withdrawn its scent organ.
The observations that I have j ust described make it clear that the dancer guides other bees to the flowers she has discovered, and uses the flower odor as an indi cation of the location of the rich food source. Another scent is also used for this purpose, and it is produced by
the worker bee herself. Bees have a scent organ located on the abdomen in a pocket of skin lined with glands. Usually the pocket is closed and cannot give out any scent. But bees returning to a rich source of food open the scent organ as they approach the feeding place and alight upon it (Figure 45 ) . In doing this they apparently apply to the food source a scent which is very attractive to other bees. It seen1S to carry the meaning "Come here; this way! " The importance of this scent when bees are visiting flowers which have no odor could be shown by the following experiment: I arranged two feeding places without scent, and at each place allowed about twelve numbered bees to collect sugar-water. At one feeding place I applied a little shellac to each bee as she arrived, so as to close the pocket containing the scent glands. These bees continued to dance in the hive just as vigor ously as before, but they could not give out any scent when they returned to the feeding place. As a result I counted at this dish only one-tenth as many newcomers as at the control dish, where the bees had been allowed to use their scent organs in the normal way (von Frisch, 1 92 3 ) . F or many years in performing experiments of this general kind I always placed the food in the immediate vicinity of the hive, pardy for convenience and partly so that I could watch the bees at the same time both at the observation hive and at the feeding place. Occasional
observations suggested that bees could also tell some thing about the distance from the hive to the feeding place. Since bees often gather food a mile or more from the hive, it would clearly be advantageous if a forager which had located a rich but distant source of food could convey to other bees some idea of its location as well as its odor. To study this interesting question I per formed the following experiment in August, 1 944. Two feeding places were arranged, one 1 0 meters and the other 3 00 meters from the hive; both were visited by numbered bees from my observation hive. In order to
Figure 46. A small wooden table is used as feeding place, and it can be fixed in the ground anywhere by means of its single leg, which is pointed at the lower end. On the table is a glass dish with sugar-water, resting on a scented card. The photograph shows many bees visiting the feeding place. Usually we restricted the numbered bees to about ten for each experiment.
[ 85 ]
learn fro111 experi111ents of this sort where the newly aroused foragers 111ay actually fly in search of food, we used a scent such as lavender oil in the following way. At one of the feeding places sugar-water \vas offere d in a glass vessel, and this vessel rested on a card scented 'with lavender oil (Figure 46 ) . At different points in the
Figure 47 . L eft: The bees sent out by the dancers smell around the three tiny vials containing the same odor as that supplied at the feeding place, and they alight on the cardboard. Right: The drawing shows one vial containing the essential oil, set in a hole of the cardboard. ph., vial ; c . , cardboard; e.o., essential oil.
lneadow we also set out test cards that were without food but were supplied with small vials of the sa111e oil. The bees aroused by dancers fro111 the feeding place sought for this scent, and on approaching one of the test cards they would often alight upon it ( Figure 47 ) . After this preparation I was ready to begin the actual [ 86 ]
experiment by giving plenty of food at the nearer feed ing place, so that bees returned from a rich source at 1 0 meters and danced in the hive. After several minutes there were many newcomers at this feeding place and on other ,test cards close to it, but only a few were seen near the 3 00-meter site. For example, in one experiment -and by no means the most striking one-we counted 1 2 new bees near the feeding place 3 00 meters from the hive and 1 74 during the same time at the I o-meter site. But when we reversed the procedure, giving plenty of food at the distant source and none at 1 0 meters, then the only bees dancing in the hive were those fed at 3 00 meters. Now the newcomers appeared quickly at the distant site, while we saw only a very few at 1 0 meters from the hive. During one hour of observation in a typical experiment of the latter type, we counted 6 I bees near the distant feeding place and only 8 near the feeding place 1 0 meters away. Often the difference was even greater. Hence it seemed clear that the returning foragers brought a message about the distance of the rich food source they had found. In order to study the nature of this message we can give plenty of food at both feeding places at the same time and mark the bees collecting food at each. When we now look into the observation hive we see a truly curious sight: all the bees marked at the I o-meter food source are performing round dances j ust like those de-
scribed above (Figure 48 ) . But all the bees that have come from the more distant feeding place are dancing in quite a different manner. They perform what I have called a " tail-wagging dance. " They run a short distance in a straight line while wagging the abdomen very rap idly from side to side; then they make a complete 3 60degree turn to the left, run straight ahead once more, turn to the right, and repeat this pattern over and over again (Figure 49 ) . This wagging dance was one that I had observed many years before; but I had always
Figure 48. The round dance. Three bees following the dancer are receiving information.
[ 88 ]
taken it for the characteristic dance of bees bringing pollen to the hive, whereas now I saw that it was per formed most vigorously by bees which were bringing in sugar solutions from the experimental feeding place at 3 00 meters. It soon became clear that my original interpretation had been incorrect. The error arose because I had always
Figure 49. The tail-wagging dance. Four followers are receiving information. ( From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen [Springer-Verlag, 1 965J , pp. 29 and 5 7 . )
furnished sugar-water at feeding sites close to the hive, chiefly for convenience of observation. The pollen car riers, on the other hand, were arriving from their natural feeding places on flowers some distance away. (Bees carrying pollen can easily be distinguished in the obser vation hive by the tightly packed pollen baskets formed by stiff hairs attached to the hind legs. ) Hence I had seen round dances performed only by bees which were gathering nectar or sugar-water, and wagging dances only by pollen carriers. But once I realized that the two types of dances were related to the distance of the food source and not to the nature of the food, it was easy to show by suitable experiments that the dances of pollen gatherers are no different from those performed by nectar gatherers returning from the same distance. It seems as though a happy dispensation from my sci entific guiding star allowed me to discover this error myself. But let younger investigators be warned by this example, as they strive impatiently to publish their re sults after long years of frustration. Let them test their findings doubly and trebly before they regard any in terpretation as certain. For often nature reaches her goal by another path, where man cannot see his way. I also modified the experiments described above by gradually moving the nearer feeding place from 1 0 meters to greater and greater distances; as I did this, the same group of numbered bees continued to return to the
dish. But between 5 0 and 1 00 meters the round dances gave way to wagging dances. At the san1e time I moved the more distant feeding vessels nearer and nearer to the hive; and as I did so, the same group of bees continued to collect from it. Between 1 00 meters and 50 meters the wagging dances of this group changed to round dances. It was clear that the round dance and the wagging dance are two different terms in the language of bees, the for mer meaning a source of food near the hive and the latter a source at 1 00 n1eters or more (von Frisch, 1 946a,b ) . The dances are apparently understood by the bees in the hive, as could be shown by the following experi ment. One group of numbered bees was induced to gather food at a feeding place 1 0 meters from the hive, while another group was fed at a second site 2 00 meters away. At both locations the feeding vessels were situated on unscented cards. We then stopped supplying sugar at both places, and allo\ved the dishes to remain en1pty for an hour or two. After this time most of the bees from both groups were sitting inactive in the hive ; only from time to time would one of them fly out to the feed ing place to see if anything was to be had. If we now re filled the dish at the more distant site, then the wagging dances of the first gatherers to return with full stomachs aroused chiefly bees from the group which had previ ously visited the distant feeding place. But when we offered sugar-water at the nearer site, then the resulting
round dances aroused mostly bees which had previously been feeding there. When bees are actively collecting food from flowers they often fly out to a distance of a mile or more from their hive. Under these circumstances a message telling only that a food source was nearer or farther than 1 00 meters could scarcely have much biological value. As a matter of fact, the wagging dance not only announces
O L-��__-L____L-__J-__-L____L-__J-__�____�� o 500 1000 2000 3000 1/-000 5000 5000 7000 8000 .9000
Oistance to feeding station (m)
Figure 50. The relationship between tempo of dancing and the distance to the feeding place. Average values from the experiments of Brauninger, von Frisch, Heran, Knaffi, and Lindauer. The curve is based on 6,267 measured dances ( see von Frisch, 1 967, p. 69, Table 6 ) . (From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen [Springer-Verlag, 1 965 J , p. 70; Dance Language and Orien tation of Bees [Harvard University Press, 1 967J , p. 69. )
that there is a rich source that is far away ; it also tells how far away. We can determine the distance quite ac curately from the number of turns in the wagging dance that are n1ade in a given time. By gradually moving a feeding site to greater and greater distances we reached 1 0 kilometers ( 6 . 2 miles) , after rather strenuous experi ments. We counted the number of turns per unit time made by dancers returning from distances running from 1 00 meters up to 1 0 kiloll1eters. Figure 50 shows the re sult of 6, 2 67 such observations. At 1 00 meters there were 9 to 1 0 complete cycles of the dance within IS seconds; for 3 00 meters, about 7 ; for 5 00 ll1eters, 6 ; for 1 ,000 meters, 4. 6 ; for 2 ,000 meters, 3 . 3 ; for 5 ,000 meters, 2 . 2 ; for 1 0,000 meters, 1 . 2 5 ( Knaffl, 1 9 5 3 ) . At very great distances the wagging dance often consists only of the long linear wagging run and is then discontinued. This circumstance and other observations have con vinced us that the linear run in the dance figure shows the bees the distance, indeed by means of its duration, which is strongly emphasized and sharply delimited through the dancer's waggling motions and by a simul taneous buzzing sound. According to our ll1easurell1ents the " duration of waggling" lasts about Yz second for a distance of 3 00 meters, about 1 second for 5 00 meters, I 13 second for 1 ,000 ll1eters, 2 seconds for 2 ,000 meters, 4 seconds for 4, 5 00 meters-it grows with increasing distance to the goal. The sound during the waggling
movements consists of a series of short bursts of tone (Figure 5 I ) that are produced by the flight muscles in the thorax. In one second there is a series of about 3 0 bursts; being about 2 5 0 Hertz ( cycles per second ) , the frequency of vibration of these short individual tones conforms with the wingbeat frequency (Esch, I 96 I , I 964; Wenner, I 96 2 ) . The bees that are in contact with the dancer ( Figure 49 ) can perceive the sound and the waggling movements with their delicate sense of touch and thus are informed how far they need to fly. In order to point out the distance correctly, the bee has to measure it during her flight. It is clear that this is not done with a ruler. The bee also does not indicate the true distance of the goal in meters. When in her flight to the feeding place she has a head wind, her dances indicate a greater distance and with a tail wind a shorter distance, than in a calm. Flight up a steep slope also occasions the indication of a greater distance. Her standard is the expenditure of energy for the distance she covers. The reader will ask how we know that. With an auto the distance traveled can be measured by the amount of fuel used. Going uphill more is needed. The bee's fuel is the sugar that she has in her blood. This sugar content of the blood can be determined pre cisely. Experimentally it has been possible to show that their indications of distance are dependent on the con sumption of sugar ( Scholze, Pichler, and Heran, I 964) .
I ;: "
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Figure S 1 . Sample recording of sound production during three cycles of a tail-wagging dance. Feed ing station 3 00 meters distant. Sch. ph., tail-wagging phase ; R.z., duration of return run; U.z., duration of total circuit. ( From H. Esch, Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Physiologie, vol. 48 [ 1 964] p. 5 3 5 , Fig. I . )
� __ _
When the feeding place is near the hive, bees which have been aroused by the round dances fly out in all directions and seek for food in the immediate vicinity. If the source is farther away, the bees learn from the wagging dance, as we have seen, the distance at which the newly discovered food lies. But in addition they learn the direction in which they must fly. This surpris ing fact can be demonstrated by experiments of the fol lowing type : We feed some numbered bees on a scented card situated 2 00 meters south of the hive . Other cards, bearing the same scent but without food, are set out on all sides of the beehive at a distance of 2 00 nleters. Within a few minutes many new bees appear, not only at the feeding place but at the other cards lying nearby. But at the cards lying in other directions we do not see a single bee, or at most a very few. If we shift the food to one of the other directions, say, to the card 2 00 meters east of the hive, we find after a short time that newly aroused bees fly out to the east. The language of bees is truly perfect, and their method of indicating the direc tion of food sources is one of the most remarkable ac complishments of their complex social organization. If we observe dancers which have returned from a feeding place whose location is known to us, it is sur prising to see that all these bees perform the same dance ; in particular, they always head in the same direction dur ing the straight part of the wagging dance (see Figure
49 ) . In a typical case the bees collecting at a food source 2 00 meters south of the hive danced on the honeycomhs in such a way that the straight portion of their dance was always headed to the left. If at the same time other bees were gathering sugar-water from a feeding place 2 00 meters north of the hive, we saw that they pointed to the right during the straight phase of the dance. In other words, the direction of the straight part of the wagging dance is related in some way to the direction of the food source. When we watched the dances over a period of several hours, always supplying sugar at the same feeding place, we saw that the direction of the straight part of the dances was not constant, but gradually shifted so that it was always quite different in the afternoon from what it had been in the morning. More detailed observations showed that the direction of the dances always changed by approximately the same angle as the apparent motion of the sun across the sky. This was not entirely unex pected, since experiments carried out several years be fore by Wolf, Santschi, and others had shown that both bees and ants often use the sun as a sort of compass when traveling over a level plain without conspicuous land marks. These earlier observations had involved bees and ants which went out from their homes in search of food and then returned before the direction of the sun had changed appreciably. If a worker bee has flown toward
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Figure 52. h, beehive ; f, feeding place ; s, sun's posltlon. At left of each diagram is shown how the bees dance on the perpendicular comb to indicate the direction of the feeding place with respect to the sun's position. Note that the bearing of the sun is transferred to the upward direction, perceived by means of gravity.
the sun in leaving the hive, she has only to fly directly away from the sun to find her way home. If the sun is to her right on the trip away from the hive, the bee keeps it on her left during the flight home. Hence, when we found that the straight part of the wagging dance shifted with the sun's position, it became clear that these dances also indicated the direction of the feeding place with reference to the sun. The key to an understanding of this message is a very curious one. We must recall that under normal circum stances a bee dances on the perpendicular honeycomb inside a hive where it is quite dark. In the ordinary hive bees cannot perceive the direction of the sun, but ap parently rely instead on the direction of gravity. They orient the straight portion of the dance at the same angle to the force of gravity as the angle they have flown with respect to the sun during the flight from hive to feeding place (Figure 5 2 ) . If a dancer heads directly upward during the straight part of her dance on the honeycomb, this apparently means "The feeding place is in the same direction as the sun." If the straight run points down, it means "Fly away from the sun to reach the food. " If during the straight portion of the dance the bee heads 60 degrees to the left of vertical, then the feeding place is situated 60 degrees to the left of the sun. Similarly, a dance with its straight run pointed I 2 0 degrees to the right of vertical indicates a feeding place situated 1 2 0
degrees to the right of the sun's position in the sky (von Frisch, I 946a, b, 1 948 ) . It is remarkable that the heading toward the sun is the direction of flight selected to correspond with an up ward movement during the straight component of the wagging dance. One cannot believe that bees decided all at once to arrange matters thus. We may be sure that this meaningful relationship has developed gradually, like other abilities, in the course of the history of the species. I will return to this question at the end of this discus SIon. Even with an overcast sky the dancers point out the direction with reference to the position of the sun. At all events they cannot do so when the sun is darkened by heavy rain clouds. But when the weather is like this the bees don't go flying out and need no direction signs. When the sky is covered by a cloud layer that is not al together too dense, but that nonetheless renders the sun completely invisible to us, then the dances are not de ranged. That is noteworthy and was the cause of many experiments. The thought nearest to hand was that the bees know where the sun is at a given time, even when it is invisible j ust then. They have an excellent memory for time. When they are fed at a certain place from I I 1 2 o'clock, o n the next day a t the same hour they go hunting about there for food, even if there is none there. F rom other experiments we know that they are also [ 1 00 ]
familiar with the diurnal course of the sun ( Beling, 1 9 2 9 ; Renner, 1 9 5 7 , 1 9 5 9 ; von Frisch, 1 96 7 , pp. 3 473 5 6 ) . Perhaps they remember, even without seeing the sun, where in the fanliliar landscape it is at a given time. The following experinlent showed that that is not the right explanation: on a day with a completely overcast sky we moved the hive into a distant area with which the bees were unacquainted. There we set up a new feeding place. It was impossible that the foragers should know where the sun is in that neighborhood at every hour of the day. Despite this they danced perfectly. They must have made the sun out through the cloud cover. Thereupon I studied the bees' dancing when the sky was overcast while they were viewing it through col ored filters that transmitted only a certain narrowly limited spectral range. It turned out that they could perceive the sun behind the clouds only beneath those filters that transmitted the ultraviolet rays, which we cannot see. Beneath a glass plate that was fully transpar ent for us but that absorbed the ultraviolet (400- 3 00 mfL) , their dances were disoriented. But under a glass plate that was black and opaque for us, while transmit ting the ultraviolet, they danced perfectly correctly. That was surprising, for any physicist will obj ect that the rays of long wave length penetrate a cloud cover better than those of short wave length. But with sensi[ 101 1
tive photographic plates it was always possible to show in the ultraviolet region a brightening at the sun's posi tion, when the cloud cover was such that the bees could still perceive the sun. That it is perceived by the bees is to be ascribed to the particularly great sensitivity of their eyes for ultraviolet (see von Frisch, 1 96 7 , pp. 3 663 77) . The bees which are aroused by the dances on the honeycombs recognize the angle of the dance relative to gravity, and in flying out to the food they remember this angle and relate it to the position of the sun. We did many experiments in order to see how correctly the newcomers adhered to the direction indicated. An ex ample will show how that can be done and what comes out of it: an observation hive was set up in a large level field. Just outside the flight entrance we enticed a few bees to a feeding dish and with them walked slowly 600 meters eastward. During the trip the sweetness of the sugar solution was so slight that the ( individually marked) foragers did not dance and accordingly no newcomers appeared. No scent was added at the feeding place. When we had reached the goal, scent plates with a little lavender fragrance were distributed on the ground 50 meters nearer the hive and fan-wise at both sides, but without food ; at the feeding place the weak sugar solution was replaced with sweeter material and at the same time some lavender scent was added. The [ 1 02 ]
foragers that came honle now danced and showed the direction of the goal . Newcomers that had been aroused flew out and went hunting for the scent they had per ceived on the dancers. W hen they canle en route close to a plate with lavender scent they \vere attracted to it. Fronl the number of flights to the several scent plates we can see w hat direction they are hunting in. The numbers beside the scent plates (Figure 5 3 ) specify how o 3 5 St4iE=------fl---� F
600m E
Figure 53. Example of a fan-shaped experiment. St, beehive; Sch, shed; F, feeding place with lavender scent, 600 meters from the hive. The numbers record the number of visits by newcomers to the 7 food-free scent plates, that were set out 5 5 0 meters from the hive at angular intervals of I S degrees. ( From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der B ienen [ Springer-Verlag, I 965 J , p. I 59· )
[ 1 03 ]
many flights came to each during the first 5 0 minutes of the experiment. Such "fan-shaped experiments" show that the direction pointed out is adhered to quite pre cisely. In "step-wise experiments" we set out all the scent plates in the direction of the feeding place but at graded distances from near the hive to far beyond the feeding place. Then the newcomers flew off over and beyond the nearby scent plates; they also paid no attention to the scented bait at too great an interval from the hive, but instead stubbornly scoured the neighborhood ap proximately at the indicated distance (von Frisch, 1 96 7 , p p . 1 5 6- 1 6 1 , 84-96 ) . If a feeding place is near the hive it is found easily by the newcomers. We know that under such conditions the foragers perform round dances (p. 7 2 ) . The latter do not provide any precise description of the location, they merely express the symbolic summons to investigate thoroughly the surroundings of the hive. Experimen tally it has been shown that the round dances are under stood in this sense. We first set out a scented feeding place 1 0 meters east of the observation hive. Then cards with the same scent but without food were placed on the ground 2 5 meters from the hive, one in the same direction and others to the north, west, and south ( Figure 5 4) . The numbered bees returning from the nearer feeding place performed [ 1 04 ]
round dances as usual; within one hour we had counted the following numbers of bees at the four scented cards lying 2 5 meters from the hive: to the east, 2 7 bees, and in the other directions, 3 7 , 2 0, and 1 9 bees respectively ( Figure 5 5 , left) . Thus the round dances did not indi cate direction to any significant degree; the bees sought for food on all sides of the hive. Later, the same feeding vesserwas moved to a point 1 00 meters north of the hive
Figure 54. h, beehive ; x, feeding place 1 0 meters east of the hive. The four squares indicate the position of cards provided with the same scent as the feeding place, but without food. See Figure 5 5 .
[ 1 05 ]
1 00 m
10 m
Figure 55. Bees collecting food at a distance of 1 0 meters per form round dances and thus send out other bees in about equal numbers in all directions ( left ) . Bees collecting food at a distance of 1 00 meters perform tail-wagging dances and send out the other bees in the correct direction ( right ) . The heights of the columns show the number of visitors at the 4 cards ( see Figure 54) , the black column indicating the card in the direction of the feeding place, the column with oblique lines indicating the card in the opposite direction, and the dotted columns indicating the cards situated at right angles to the direction to the feeding place. The exact number of visitors is given by the figures below the columns.
[ 1 06 ]
and the experiment was repeated. Within one hour we now counted 2 7 8 bees visiting the scented card north of the hive, and only 6, 2, and 1 at three other cards lying 1 00 meters to the east, south, and west ( Figure 5 5 , right) . The bees returning from 1 00 meters performed wagging dances that conveyed a clear message about the direction in which food was to be found. !
Figure 56. To reach the feeding place ( f ) , the bees coming from the hive ( h ) have to fly around the corner of a steep hill. The hill is shown in contour.
In the mountains of my native country the terrain it self suggested the experiment of setting the feeding place behind a ridge, so that the bees would be obliged to fly a detour in order to reach it (Figure 5 6 ) . I was very curi ous to see whether they would indicate the direction of the first or the second portion of the route. But the danc ing bees actually indicated neither the first nor the sec! In this connection there are differences among different races of bees. We worked mainly with the Carniolan race. Italian bees ( with yellow abdominal segments ) , that constitute the great major ity of bees kept in the United States, begin to indicate distance when the goal is no more than 10 meters from the hive. [ 1 07
ond direction, but the "bee line" straight from hive to food. On one occasion I found a location on a certain mountain which was especially suitable for experiments in which the bees were obliged to reach the food by an
Figure 57. Another experiment in which the bees had to fly a detour. The feeding place is on the left side of the picture (white cross ) , and the hive is about at the same level on the other side, behind the ridge.
1 08 ]
extensive detour. The observation hive was on one side of a steep ridge and the feeding place was on the other side · (Figure 5 7 ) . We gradually moved the feeding ves sel around the ridge while a group of bees continued to gather sugar-water from it. But the result was a disap pointn1ent, for the bees surprised us by flying up and over the ridge. They had apparently discovered very quickly that the flight path over the rock was a little shorter than the detour around the end of the ridge . They did not deviate from the compass direction, but the actual distance of their flight was much greater than a straight line drawn through the ridge from hive to feeding place. By timing the dances in the observation hive we could see that they were indicating the distance of the actual flight over the ridge rather than straight line distance. In a later year we repeated the experiment, but this time the hairpin curve from the observation hive to the feeding place was shorter than the route over the ridge. The foragers kept flying to the goal and back only via the detour on which we had initially led them around the obstacle. But in dancing they invariably indicated the air line to the goal, over which they had never flown. Thus they demonstrated very clearly to us their capac ity for integrating, from the detour flown over, the direction of the goal (Figure 5 8 ) . And what do the newcomers do if they obey the [ 1 09 ]
dancers' inforn1ation and run into the cliff when they go flying out? We investigated that in a later experi n1ent. We wished to learn whether they would deviate at random to right or left. But they did neither the one nor the other. They held true to the direction toward the goal that had been proclaimed to then1, flew up the face of the cliff and, crossing over the ridge, reached �h
/' \ // \
\ \ \ \ \ -..1 \� \� \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Figure 58. Detour experiment. h, observation hive ; f, feeding place; continuous line, flight path of the foragers; dashed line, direction to the feeding place as shown by the dancers. Schematic.
the feeding place. Once this place was fan1iliar to them they soon discovered the shorter roundabout route over which the foragers were flying (von Frisch, 1 96 7 , pp. 1 7 3- 1 8 6 ) . As early as in 1 9 2 3 I thought I could understand the language of bees. But later experiments brought many [
10 ]
additional surprises. One of these was the discovery that the wagging dance points out the direction of and dis tance to the goal. Initially that struck me as being fan tastic beyond belief. I wondered whether perhaps the bees of my observa tion hive had developed into a sort of scientific bee. I decided to see whether the same dances would occur in an ordinary hive. This was clearly so, for I could lift one honeycomb from a typical hive and see the same type of dances still going on, despite the disturbance, as I held the honeycomb in my hands. On one occasion as I was holding such a honeycomb covered with bees I became curious to see what would happen if I held the comb horizontal instead of vertical. The bees continued to dance, yet they could no longer orient their dances relative to gravity, for on a horizontal surface there is no up or down. Now the bees pointed the straight por tion of their dances directly toward the feeding place. If the honeycomb was slowly rotated like a turntable they kept pointing in the direction of the feeding place, j ust like a compass needle. To study this phenomenon more carefully I used my observation hive instead of a single honeycon1b lifted from an ordinary beehive. But now I laid the observation hive down on its side. This did not seem to disturb the bees, even if the hive was kept horizontal for many days. In the horizontal hive the dances did not change their direction with the posi[
tion of the sun ; they always indicated the direction straight to the feeding place. The simplest explanation of this behavior would be to assume that the dancers still indicated the direction to the feeding place in relation to the sun-but in this case directly, and not with reference to gravity. If during the straight portion of the wagging dance a bee kept herself oriented at the same angle to the sun's rays as she had kept in fiying out from the hive to the feeding place, then on a horizontal surface she would point her dances directly toward the food ( Figure 5 9 ) . This explanation
Goal �
/ ", -- - -
....... "
� ' . l
....... _ - - /
s�� �=====----===� Figure 59. The principle whereby direction is indicated by means of dancing on a horizontal surface. During the wagging run ( bottom ) the bee takes such a position that she sees the sun at the same angle a as during her previous flight to the feeding place ( top ) . ( From von Frisch, Tanzsprache und Orientierung der Bienen [ Springer-Verlag, 1 965 ] , p. 1 3 2 . )
[ I 12 ]
assu111es that the da11cing bee can see where the sun stands in the sky. But in 111y experiIl1ents the observation hive was ahvays shaded by a roof. Evidently s0I11ething I110re c0I11plicated was involved. I \vished first to see whether sunlight was necessary at all for orientation of the dances on a horizontal honey comb. I built a 1110vable chaI11ber to enclose the observa tion hive and the observer as well ( Figure 6 0 ) . Inside this hut the dances could he obse rved by red light, \\'hich the bees cannot see, or by diffuse \v hite light. In either
Figure 60. The observation hive enclosed in the opaque chamber. On the bench is the entrance fo r the bees.
case the dances were as vigorous as before, but entirely disoriented. They continually shifted in direction, and the newly aroused bees, thoroughly confused, searched for food in all directions. Evidently the direction cannot be indicated on a horizontal surface in diffuse light or in the dark. Yet in the normal hive the dances are per formed in darkness-but they are then executed on a vertical surface and are oriented with reference to grav ity. The horizontal dances can also be understood in terms of the normal behavior of a colony of honeybees. Dancing bees can often be seen in warm weather on the horizontal board j ust in front of the entrance to a hive, when some foraging bees stop at the entrance and deliver nectar to other bees that are waiting outside. In this case they dance in daylight and indicate the direction straight toward the feeding place. Inside the dark hive there is no need for such orientation without reference to grav ity because there are ordinarily no horizontal surfaces suitable for dancing. But from the point of view of the physiologist a ques tion arises: How is it possible for bees to indicate the direction of the feeding place if they are dancing on a horizontal surface and if they cannot see the sun? I have mentioned that w hen the observation hive was enclosed in a hut with opaque walls the bees could no longer indicate the direction on horizontal surfaces. My next experiment was to remove one wall of this hut and [ 1 14 ]
allow the bees to see only an area of blue sky at some distance fronl the position of the sun. When the blue sky became visible in this way the dances were instantly put in order; the bees once more pointed directly toward the food. To achieve this result it was enough to provide a crack in the wall which was only 4 inches in width. In deed, the bees could indicate the correct direction even when we allowed thenl to see the sky only through a
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