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University of California Press Berkeley and L o s Angeles, California Cambridge University P r e s s London, England Copyright, 1955, by The Regents of the University of California L . C. Catalog Card No.: 55-5196 Printed in the United States of America Designed by John B. Coetz
This book is humbly dedicated to that group of capable and enthusiastic young physicists, theoretical and experimental, with their fine appreciation of modern atomic physics and kinetic theory, who have, dwing and since World War II, in America, England, Germany, and Italy, rejuvenated the field of study previously called the Discharge of Electricity in Gases, and now more properly called Gaseous Electronics.
The author published a book in 1939, entitled Fundamental Proccesses of Electrical Discharge in Gases. Except for the last two chapters dealing with glow and arc discharges, it presented a comprehensive, up-to-date review of the field, based on actual experimental acquaintance with the various s u b j e c t s treated. This was the result of many y e a r s ' work by the author and his students. Such a critical review was then urgently needed, since the accumulated and often conflicting r e s e a r c h e s and theory of nearly forty years, carried out with techniques ranging from those of the most primitive type to the improved techniques and atomic theory of the nineteen-thirties, had been adopted and used indiscriminately by various workers without a n a l y s i s . Several earlier books written on the subject had either been compilations of p a s t work, or were somewhat specialized monographs, presenting the methods and theories of some school of workers in a more restricted sphere. Two somewhat more timely compilations then existing require separate mention. One of these was the excellent review of limited scope by K. T. Compton and I. Langmuir in Reviews of Modem Physics of 1930-1931. The other w a s a more unified treatment of the whole s u b j e c t , based on sound atomic theory a s of 1930, written by A. von Engel and M. Steenbeck in two volumes that were published in 1931 and 1934. The latter books were basically not critical of the subject material. The kinetic theory there used was relatively primitive, and was presented without indicating its w e a k n e s s . The worst defect of the books was their lack of proper references and coverage of the literature. The author's book in 1939 thus filled a particular need. F i f t e e n years have p a s s e d since Fundamental Processes appeared. During those years, a major war has accelerated technical advance to the point where new tools and methods, such as microwave techniques, square pulsed potentials of short duration, improved vacuum techniques, and high-speed oscilloscopes have permitted developments that were previously impossible. In the same period have appeared certain major theoretical and experimental contributions to the subject. Many of these lie in generalizations of the methods of Chapman and vii
C o w l i n g to the a n a l y s i s of electron-energy distributions in g a s e s to include microwave f i e l d s and carriers of all masses at a l l e n e r g i e s ; a unification of methods and techniques, with consequent much better agreement in the conclusions drawn. There
has been a mature mathematical
past controversies has
physical analysis
by G. J a f f £ , which has
and p l a c e d the s u b j e c t on a sound b a s i s .
a l s o appeared an e x c e l l e n t
clarified There
certain a s p e c t s
breakdown problems as d e v e l o p e d before 1939 in the famous P h i l i p s Research
at Eindhoven by M. J. Druyvesteyn and F . M. in
1940. T h e
streamer theory of the mechanism of the e l e c t r i c spark, with all of its
and newer
applied to e s t a b l i s h its r e a l i t y and limitations. A g a i n , the f a s t Geiger counter anode mechanism and the p h o t o e l e c t r i c a l l y conditioned burstpulse corona were analyzed in detail during this period. Another s i g n i f i c a n t a d v a n c e lay in the summary and unification of the researches of J. S. T o w n s e n d , V . A . B a i l e y , and their published
of Slow
by R .
in Gases,
H e a l e y and J. W. R e e d in 1941. L a t e r r e s e a r c h e s , notably by L . G. H. Huxley,
in techniques and a n a l y s i s
of the
T o w n s e n d measurements, thus bringing them more into line with the methods of other workers. Probably most important of a l l in the current rebirth of this
of study was the invasion during the war and afterward by a group of brilliant, modern young p h y s i c i s t s , both theoretical and experimental, who were w e l l trained modern
in the kinetic
theory, and modern
theory of nonequilibrium laboratory
gases, should
a l s o be added that in this country during the past s e v e r a l y e a r s , the workers in this f i e l d have tightened the bonds of common s c i e n t i f i c interest
through an annual convention,
entitled the " C o n f e r e n c e
Gaseous E l e c t r o n i c s , " for the discussion of common problems. T h i s has
in far better duplication
co-operation, and
of work,
p r o g r e s s . Under these happy a u s p i c e s , the a d v a n c e s made in the l a s t ten years merit incorporation into the somewhat c l a r i f i e d and organized body of knowledge which w a s striven for in the author's Processes.
It is his hope that in the present book the first s t e p w i l l
have been made toward a c h i e v i n g this g o a l . Obviously,
the problem could not have been s o l v e d by writing a
new edition of the earlier work. T h e old book laid many ghosts of the
past which require no comment today. Furthermore, the new material is so e x t e n s i v e that it must be approached de novo in many instances. In order to be of v a l u e , the present work must serve not only for use in instruction in the s u b j e c t , but, even more, for the b e n e f i t of the engineer or p h y s i c i s t who is not conversant with the f i e l d of gaseous e l e c t r o n i c s , there must be a s i m p l i f i e d phenomenological or kinetictheoretical book.
to each
as there w a s
on the
of experimental
in the
findings and later
be presented
the more e s o t e r i c ad-
v a n c e s . O b v i o u s l y , it is impossible to include in detail the elaborate mathematical p h y s i c a l a n a l y s e s , but enough of the a n a l y t i c a l approach can be given to indicate the p h y s i c s underlying the main trend of the study, together with its l o g i c a l conclusions. Considerable emphasis is p l a c e d on laying the proper, s i m p l i f i e d p h y s i c a l foundation, in order that the later more complicated and subtle implications of seemingly simple theory may be anticipated and understood.
t o p i c s covered in Fundamental
the general
w i l l be f o l l o w e d . H o w e v e r ,
the chapter on recombination has been moved to a later s e c t i o n
the book, being l o g i c a l l y preceded by that on the formation of n e g a t i v e ions. Some chapters of a more c l a s s i c a l nature, such as chapters II and V I I , have not been altered materially, as there has been
to add. Others, such as those on ionic-drift v e l o c i t i e s , electron-drift velocities,
energy distributions, electron
and the first and second T o w n s e n d c o e f f i c i e n t s , have been radically changed. T h e re-evaluation
of many of the accumulated measurements
made it p o s s i b l e to present r e l i a b l e tables of needed data for the use of workers in the f i e l d . Owing to the rapid advances that have been made
this book
contains much recent material and d e t a i l ,
of which has not as yet been published, or is currently being published in abbreviated form. In presenting some of this advanced and highly technical
the author a c k n o w l e d g e s with thanks the
contributions from his coauthors. T h e s e are P r o f . Sanborn C. Brown, who
on microwave
of recombination;
Dr. Gregory
Wannier, who wrote on the theory of ion mobility; Dr. Julius P . Molnar, for his contribution on metastable action; and Dr. John A . Hornbeck, for his contribution on dynamic time studies of the second c o e f f i c i e n t . T h e last three named, together with Dr. H. D. Hagstrum, belonged to the e x c e l l e n t research group in the B e l l T e l e p h o n e L a b o r a t o r i e s , which made such great a d v a n c e s from 1947 to 1952 under the direction of
A. D. White. T h e i r helpful co-operation i s here g r a t e f u l l y a c k n o w l e d g e d . In p r e s e n t i n g t h i s book to the r e a d e r , the author hopes that it w i l l s e r v e a s a u s e f u l text and r e f e r e n c e book for a l l t h o s e i n t e r e s t e d in working with or in g a s e o u s e l e c t r o n i c s . In p a r t i c u l a r , it i s hoped that the m a t e r i a l here p r e s e n t e d w i l l l a y the foundation for a s e c o n d book by the author and for books by some of h i s c o l l e a g u e s and c o - w o r k e r s that w i l l d e a l more d i r e c t l y with the v a r i o u s breakdown p r o c e s s e s . L. B. L. Berkeley, California F e b r u a r y , 1955
The writing of this monograph has extended over a period of five years, entailing many revisions and alterations owing to the rapid advances made in the years following World War II. A considerable share of the support of the basic research in the field of gaseous electronics, especially in university research laboratories, accrues to the credit of the Office of Naval Research. Had it not been for the generous support and encouragement given by this far-seeing organization, many of the outstanding advances recorded in this book would still require to be made in the face of competition with more popular fields of modern research. Not only has much of the advance made in the author's understanding come from the research of the many ONR-supported projects in other institutions as well as in his own laboratory, but the Office of Naval Research has actively encouraged and aided him in the preparation of the present work in ways too numerous to mention. He is especially indebted to his ONR grant for a s s i s t a n c e in the typing of the manuscript, in its many revisions, in the augmenting of his reference index file, and in the preparation of some of the revised drawings and prints. It is thus with thanks that he acknowledges the a s s i s t a n c e of the Office of Naval Research, which has made this comprehensive summary of an important b a s i c area of modern physical research available to industry, colleges, and to his many co-workers throughout the world. As indicated in the preface, the author is greatly indebted to his coauthors, Prof. S. C. Brown, Dr. G. H. Wannier, Dr. J . P . Molnar, and Dr. J . A. Hornbeck. Much inspiration and help have come to him through his frequent discussions with a number of gaseous electronic enthusiasts, Dr. T. R. Holstein, Dr. M. A. Biondi, Dr. A. V. Phelps, Dr. A. 0 . McCoubrey, Dr. L. J . Varnerin, Jr., and many other members of the research group of Dr. Dan Alpert at Westinghouse Research, whose notable contributions to the field have made writing this book a genuine pleasure. The author's thanks are due to Dr. Holstein, Prof. W. P . Allis, and Prof. H. Margenau for their constructive criticism of chapter I, and xi
especially to Prof. Margenau for the investigation and subsequent solution of many controversial i s s u e s through the work of his research students. His appreciation is also extended to Dr. H. D. Hagstrum and Dr. G. H. Wannier of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, as well a s to Prof. R. N. Varney of the Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Washington University of St. Louis, for making available their detailed data on secondary electron liberation and ion-drift velocities in advance of publication. His indebtedness to Prof. W. P . Dyke, Dr. Willard H. Bennett, and Dr. A. Doehring, a s well a s to his former students, P r o f e s s o r s L . H. F i s h e r , R. Geballe, and G. L . Weissler, for their many contributions and d i s c u s s i o n s , must be recorded. Thanks are also due to Prof. D. R. B a t e s , of Queen's University, B e l f a s t , for his co-operation in the chapter on recombination in 1950. The author is also grateful to Prof. R. B. Holt, formerly of Harvard, and to Doctors L . Malter and E. 0 . Johnson of R.C.A. Laboratories, for d i s c u s s i o n s on the use of probes, and to Dr. Harry J . White of the Research Corporation, for his many useful d i s c u s s i o n s . Into a very s p e c i a l c l a s s of contributors to whatever s u c c e s s this book enjoys, fall the names of Dr. E. E. Dodd, Dr. W. B. Kunkel, Dr. A. W. Overhauser, and Dr. R. J . Wijsman, gifted young theoretical p h y s i c i s t s , all of whom were the author's former s t u d e n t s . Their correct and valuable solutions of many small but important intricate problems may be found throughout the book, most of them not having found their way into print elsewhere. The author is especially indebted to Mrs. Betty P . Hurd, M.A. in P h y s i c s , for many of the drawings. He must also acknowledge his thanks to his several part- and full-time s e c r e t a r i e s , the Misses Ruth Johnson, Czerna A. Flanagan, Edna Palmeter, Mrs. Muriel Alan, and Mrs. Nancy J a s t e r , without whose help over the years this book could never have been written. Finally, he is most grateful to Mr. Grant V. Wallace, editor, for his many hours of painstaking and conscientious work in preparing the manuscript for p r e s s .
CHAPTER I — IONIC MOBILITIES P A R T ONE 1. Introduction 2. Nature of the Problem of Mobility Measurement 3. Summary of the Useful Experimental Methods 4. The Erikson Air-Blast Method 5. The Bradbury Modification of the Tyndall-Grindley Method 6 . The Four-Gauze Electrical Shutter Method of Tyndall and Powell 7. The Bradbury-Nielsen Shutter Method 8 . The Townsend Magnetic-Deflection Method 9 . The Measurement of Mobilities, with P u l s e Techniaues P A R T TWO 1. Introduction 2. The Generic C l a s s i c a l Kinetic Analysis of Mobilities, Assuming Solid E l a s t i c Spherical Molecules and Ions of Equal Mass 3. F o r c e s between Ions and Molecules, and Cluster Formation 4. The Action of F o r c e s at a Distance, and the Small-Ion Concept 5. Comparison of Limiting Theories with Experiment 6 . Complete Ion-Mobility Theories 7. The E f f e c t of Temperature on Mobilities 8. The Variation of Mobilities with X/p, and the Mobilities at High X/p 9. Difference in Mobilities of Positive and Negative Ions, and Aging 10. Mobilities in Mixtures 11. Generalized Theory of Motion of Ions through Gases 12. Summary of Conclusions on the Nature of Gaseous Ions, and Their Behavior 13. Mobilities of Large Ions Bibliography to Chapter I
1 2 8 10 13 16 22 25 32 39
40 45 51 55 64 91 95 112 129 141 162 171 180 xi i i
CHAPTER II — THE DIFFUSION O F CARRIERS IN GASES 1. Introduction 2. Definition of Diffusion Coefficient and Statement of B a s i c Relations 3. The Experimental Determination of D for Gaseous Ions 4 . The Ratio between Diffusion Coefficient and Mobility 5. The Distribution of P a r t i c l e s in Space and Time under Diffusion; Average Velocities of Diffusion 6 . Ambipolar Diffusion Bibliography to Chapter II CHAPTER III — THE V E L O C I T I E S O F E L E C T R O N S IN GASES 1. Introduction 2. The Simple Theory of Electron Velocities and Their Evaluation in Terms of Experiment 3. The Compton Theory of Electron Mobilities 4. The Comparison of Theory and Experiment 5. Later Developments of the Townsend Techniques 6 . Electron-Velocity Measurements at Ionizing and Sparking F i e l d s Bibliography to Chapter III
185 186 190 193 199 206 209
211 212 219 228 242 251 267
CHAPTER IV — THE DISTRIBUTION O F ENERGY O F E L E C T R O N S IN A F I E L D IN A GAS P A R T ONE — THEORY AND GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. Introduction 269 2. Chronological Summary of the Work on Electron-Energy Distribution 270 3. General Approach to the Derivation of the Druyvesteyn Distribution Law 284 4. Energy Distributions and Related Quantities Deduced from Holstein's Theory by D. Barbiere 294 5. Electron Energies from Microwave Analysis 300 6 . Data Relating X/p, Electron Energies, and Associated Quantities, as Compiled from the Collected Studies by the Townsend and Bailey Methods 319 P A R T TWO — THE THEORY AND USE O F P R O B E S 1. Introduction 2. Idealized General Assumptions, and Review of the Kinetic-Theory Concepts Involved
329 331
3. The Probe Measurement 4. The Theory of the Probe 5. The Determination of the Distribution Law by Probe Studies 6 . The Boyd Analysis of Sheath Disturbance and Ion Temperatures 7. The Double-Probe Technique 8. Sources of Error in Probe Technique Bibliography to Chapter IV CHAPTER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
V — THE FORMATION O F NEGATIVE IONS Introduction The Electron-Attachment Theory of J . J . Thomson The Method of Bailey The Direct Measurement of h Observed Attachment Coefficients The Attachment P r o c e s s e s and Molecular Structure Energy of Negative Ion Formation in O2, and the Bradbury-Bloch Theory of Attachment to Oj 8 . The Theory of the Negative Ion Formation in 0^ 9 . The Creation and Appearance of Negative Ions Other than Those Formed in Gas by Attachment P r o c e s s e s Bibliography to Chapter V
CHAPTER 1. 2. 3. 4.
VI — THE RECOMBINATION O F IONS The Idealized Recombination Relations The Weakness of Idealized Theory The Extended Treatments of Recombination P r o c e s s e s The Measurement of the Coefficient of Recombination 5. The Microwave Breakdown Method 6 . The Mechanism of Recombination, and the Various Recombination P r o c e s s e s 7. The Observed Recombination Coefficients and Their Interpretation 8 . The Dissociative Electron-Ion Recombination Data Bibliography to Chapter VI
332 334 342 346 353 361 370
375 378 384 399 425 445 450 461 466 474
477 480 482 492 503 511 558 563 594
CHAPTER VII — E L E C T R I C A L CONDUCTION IN GASES BELOW IONIZATION B Y COLLISION 1. Introduction 597 2. The Geometrically Conditioned Saturation Current 598
3. The Diffusive Effects on Currents in a Gas. The Photoelectric Current of Low Density in Gases 4. The Space-Charge Limited Current 5. The Effect of Positive Ions on the Space-Charge Limited Electron Current and the SpaceCharge Limited Ion Detector 6. Currents with Volume Ionization and Ion Recombination in a Gas Bibliography to Chapter VII
601 620 628 634 646
CHAPTER VIII — IONIZATION BY COLLISION OF ELECTRONS IN A GAS — TOWNSEND'S FIRST COEFFICIENT 1. Introduction 647 2. The Experimental Evaluation of the Townsend Coefficients 655 3. The Form of the a/p~X/p Curves, and the rj Efficiency Function 664 4. Indirect Evaluations of the First Coefficient 671 5. Measured Values of the First Townsend Coefficients in Pure Gases 675 6. Discussion of Observations, Including Augmentation of a by Processes Other than Direct-Impact Ionization 693 7. Measurements of the First Coefficient a in Gases Where Electrons Attach to Form Negative Ions 708 8. Theoretical Evaluation of a/p as a Function of X/p 712 9. Ionization by Collision in Nonuniform Fields 727 Bibliography to Chapter VIII 748 CHAPTER IX — THE SECOND TOWNSEND COEFFICIENT 1. Introduction 2. The Possible Secondary Mechanisms Active in Gaseous Breakdown 3. Liberation of Electrons at the Cathode by Positive Ion Bombardment 4. Liberation of Electrons at the Cathode by Photons Produced by the Avalanches 5. Ionization by Photons in the Gas in Uniform Field Geometry 6. The Action of Metastable Atoms at the Cathode 7. Ionization by Metastable and Excited Atoms in the Gas
751 760 764 795 801 807 809
xv M
8. The Joint Action of Photoelectric Ionization at the Cathode and Secondary Electron Liberation by Positive Ion Impact on the Cathode 9. Field Emission a s a Secondary Mechanism 10. The Secondary Electron Liberation by Charged Insulating Dusts; the Malter, or Paetow, Effect 11. The Apparent Second Coefficient Resulting from Space-Charge Distortion Owing to Heavy Current Densities 12. The Values of the Second Coefficients Observed by Townsend's Method, and Their Interpretation 13. The Beginning of Dynamic Studies 14. F a s t Oscillographic Analysis of yi and fdg by von Gugelberg 15. The Oscillographic Studies of Metastable Atoms by J . P . Molnar 16. The Dynamic Study of the F a s t Components in Secondary Mechanisms by J . A. Hornbeck 17. The Method of E . J . Lauer and of L . Colli and U. Facchini in Coaxial Cylindrical Geometry with Low X/p at the Cathode 18. Amin's F a s t Oscilloscopic Studies of Point to Plane Corona 19. Derivation of Expressions for Burst-Pulse, Geiger Counter Spread, and Streamer Thresholds Bibliography to Chapter IX Appendix I — Notes Covering Recent Advances Appendix II — Standard Reference Data Index to Authors Index to Subjects
811 813 826
828 833 852 857 867 887
913 938 953 962 967 971 975 985
§ 1. Introduction.
In December of 1895 the s c i e n t i f i c world was electrified by Roentgen's announcement of the discovery of X-rays. One very important property of these mysterious rays was that in passing through g a s e s which were normally recognized a s good insulators, they rendered them conducting in a measure that made conduction currents in g a s e s open to quantitative study. With this new tool, J . J . Thomson and his brilliant group of young investigators at the Cavendish Laboratory, including notably Ernest Rutherford and J . S. Townsend, at once s e t to work to study the properties of the conductivity produced. It was soon established that the conductivity produced by the rays decayed with time after radiation ceased; that the conductivity could be filtered out by means of g l a s s wool, or metal tubes of small diameter; and that the conductivity was produced by electrical carriers of both signs which moved in electrical f i e l d s with reasonably high v e l o c i t i e s . The velocities were first measured roughly by Thomson and Rutherford, and were found to be proportional to the electrical field strength and of the order of one to two cm/sec per volt/cm. The disappearance in time of these carriers was ascribed to recombination of the positive and negative carriers present in the volume, and to diffusion of these carriers from the gas to the w a l l s . In analogy to the conduction in solution, these carriers were called gaseous ions. It was suspected that the positive and negative carriers in g a s e s had different velocities in the same field, but it remained for J . Z e l e n y ( l ) , by means of careful experiments in air, to evaluate these with any accuracy—a feat accomplished by 1899. Meanwhile, the recombination of ions was studied by numerous investigators in the y e a r s immediately following, probably the outstanding investigations being those of P . Langevin. Among other notable early studies were those of Townsend on the coefficient of diffusion of the ions. These studies, combined with mobility measurements, did 1
Nature of the P r o b l e m of M o b i l i t y Measurement
§2 much to establish the fact that the charge of gaseous ions was predominantly that of the univalent ions in solutions. Thus, it was early established that in some fashion X-rays separated normally neutral gaseous molecules into positive and negative carriers called ions, having a single ionic charge and moving with a velocity v = kX in an electrical field of strength X. The quantity k was called the mobility of the ion, which was recognized as a constant for the gas in question. It was also observed that the mobility k was inversely proportional to pressure p at constant temperature, and more generally that it was inversely proportional to the gaseous density p. Thus it may be written that
with po the density at n.t.p. and K the reduced mobility or the mobility constant. §2. Nature of the Problem of Mobility Measurement. In retrospect, it is today amazing that the workers of the earlier years, with their inadequate instrumentation and insufficient knowledge of atomic processes, should have achieved the progress that they did. In order to appreciate the problems involved in mobility measurement, it is best to outline the pitfalls and difficulties of the problem and then to indicate the solutions proposed. It may as well be pointed out that considerations similar to these apply equally to many other measurements of gaseous carriers to be presented; therefore, they may be summarized at this point, once and for all. A . The Production of Ions. Ions are created by the following processes: 1. Subjecting a gas to X-rays or rapidly moving high-energy particles produces positive and negative ions in the volume of the gas. With X-rays the primary particle occasionally ejected from the atoms is a very fast, energetic electron. This fast electron, in common with all rapidly moving electrified bodies, produces occasional secondary ion pairs along its trajectory. The theory of the production of secondary electron-ion pairs by this mechanism is now fairly well understood. The primary electron paths are more or less tortuous, and ions are created in somewhat sparsely spaced pairs. Heavy, rapidly moving charged particles that ionize, such as a particles, give paths that are exceptionally straight, with great initial local densities of ions along the path axis. Heavy-particle ionization can be con-
Ionic Mobilities
tained within rather sharply defined beams, but initially it is thus seriously anisotropic in space. Electron and X-ray ionization yields beams with very poorly defined edges because of the tortuous primary electron paths. While their ionization is more isotropic in density distribution on a macroscale, it is still inhomogeneous on a microscale until diffusion has been active for some time. In the volume, equal numbers of free electrons and positively charged atomic, or molecular, entities are produced. Occasionally, certain polar molecules can be ionized by electron impact into positive and negative ions. These occurrences are very rare, and usually ionization of a gas by electrons yields electrons and positive ions. If the X-ray beams strike the walls or electrodes, an excess of electrons may be produced, since owing to the density of atoms the X-radiation liberates electrons from solids rather effectively. By the judicious use of fields, ions of one sign can be drawn out and studied. 2. Gaseous discharges, such as sparks, arcs, or glows, create ions in the volume of the gas. In the sparks, the ionization is usually exceedingly dense along a narrow path. For the arcs and glows, usually at low pressure, considerable volumes of densely ionized and excited gas are produced. These are called "plasmas." They have about equal numbers of positive ions and electrons, except near bounding surfaces, electrodes, or walls. A new, fairly homogeneous source of ions and electrons of considerable density is achieved by the ultrahigh-frequency breakdown of the gas in a volume, using microwave techniques. High carrier densities and considerable uniformity of distribution can be produced in a whole volume within sharply defined time intervals by this technique, which is now frequently used for ion studies. These ions can be drawn out by appropriate fields and studied. 3. Photoelectric or thermionic, emission from surfaces liberates free electrons into gases. The current liberated depends on the field and gas pressure, owing to back diffusion and/or space-charge effects. Thermionic liberations, by virtue of the required heating, introduce density gradients into the gas not open to exact evaluation. These must be circumvented in measurements. 4. Certain heated substances, Kunsman catalysts, some fused salts or glasses, and certain oxides on electrode surfaces will liberate positive ions of sorts appropriate to their composition at relatively low temperatures. Emission from such ion sources is space-charge limited. They also introduce temperature gradients into the gas near their point of origin. Similar ions can be obtained by shooting beams of alkali atoms at hot, gas-free V, or Pt filaments,
N a t u r e of the P r o b l e m of M o b i l i t y
if the work function of the metal is greater than the ionization potential of the atoms. Some heated s a l t s and g l a s s e s on negative electrodes emit negative ions into the gas. 5. Ions of unique sign appropriate to the gas and in considerable numbers can be obtained by using positive or negative point or wire corona discharge in a gas. 6. Ions can be created by chemical actions and in flames, but these sources are not good for basic studies owing to the complex conditions and effects of temperature variations. 7. Ions can be produced in a gas in small numbers by ultraviolet illumination with photons of short wave length appropriate to the gas. Under some conditions such illumination also produces nucleation of the gas with neutral particles. T h e s e nuclei, picking up small primary ions, yield large or Langevin ions. Similar ions as well as small ions can be created by the spraying or bubbling of liquids. The foregoing list given comprises all of the known ion-producing mechanisms. B . Factors Imposing Limitations on Measurement. It will be seen at once that the listed methods of obtaining ions for study introduce the following limitations into the designs of apparatus for ion-mobility measurements. 1. It will be noted that while the methods of ion formation always yield massive positive ions which are initially charged atoms or molecules, there are very few processes that initially create formed negative ions in a gas. The initial negative carriers in gases are thus usually all electrons which are torn out of the gas molecules or surfaces. T h i s probably applies even in flames. Thus, if negative ions are to be studied, these must later form by electron attachment to atoms or molecules. Unless time is given for such formation, there will appear electronic carriers, or carriers that are electronic part of the way and ionic for the remainder. Therefore, one must always be careful to have negative ions formed before study. Negative ions can be formed directly by emission from some heated s a l t s , bombardment of surfaces at grazing incidence by appropriate energetic positive ions, and occasionally by dissociation of molecules; e . g . , the creation of H~ ions from F^O-contaminated discharges. Yields are not great, and many of these ions are negative atomic ions. They are not commonly encountered. 2. As random thermal velocities are of the order of 1 0 4 c m / s e c and distances traversed between collisions with molecules are of the order of I0~5 cm or l e s s at n.t.p., ions make some 109 collisions with molecules per second. Thus, in a millisecond an ion on the
§2 average as
to no
one part
104. With
with s o m e g a s e s in the a b s e n c e of impurities, the f o l l o w i n g can
are even
changes negative)
with m o l e c u l e s . a) P o s i t i v e molecules
ionizing potential
p r o b a b i l i t y is g r e a t e r , the nearer the i o n i z i n g p o t e n t i a l s are With a r g o n ions gauges 10-3 even part
in argon, it may reach
and d i f f u s i o n pumps,
m m
in 760 mm pressure 106. H e n c e ,
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or The
to unity. With mercury
in a m i l l i s e c o n d
c r e a t e d ions
more d r a s t i c a l l y . I n t e r f e r e n c e due to change of charge in i o n i c s t u d i e s can
be p r e v e n t e d
by u s i n g i o n s such a s the a l k a l i or a l k a l i n e
earth s e r i e s , h a v i n g l o w e r i o n i z i n g p o t e n t i a l s than any g a s or common impurity p r e s e n t . b ) B y the same token ( s e e under a ) , any multiply charged p o s i t i v e ion
s t e a l an
from a neutral
atom to g i v e
s i n g l y charged i o n s , e v e n in pure g a s e s . A b o v e 1 mm p r e s s u r e doubly c h a r g e d ions w i l l not p e r s i s t much o v e r 10-4 s e c . c) I n i t i a l molecule
or f o r e i g n m o l e c u l e
or later
to form n e g a t i v e i o n s of unknown char-
a c t e r u n l e s s the g a s used has a strong a f f i n i t y for e l e c t r o n s . Whether the K a l l m a n n - R o s e n e f f e c t o c c u r s for n e g a t i v e ions is not known from e x p e r i m e n t . It must be p o s s i b l e w h e r e a C l 2 of
m o l e c u l e meets an ion in
to C I - and a C I atom and O2 m o l e c u l e . d ) While gas ion,
are this
not such is
to f a v o r attachment
true. It appears
and m o l e c u l e s
of a g a s m o l e c u l e that at l o w
to the
e s p e c i a l l y with smaller i o n s and l a r g e r p o l a r i z a b l e m o l e c u l e s , attachment
or more
l l l x e purest gas studied so far was He obtained by superfluid leakage of liquid He into a chamber cleaned by Alpert vacuum techniques. The purity here conservatively claimed by M. A. Biondi (74) was one part impurity in 10 9 .
N a t u r e of t h e P r o b l e m o f M o b i l i t y
§2 this is l e s s likely, but strongly polar molecules will attach to smaller ions either permanently a s a complex ion, or they will repeatedly attach and dissociate, thus changing mobilities. Much recent information (32), (75), indicate s that with inert g a s e s , molecular ions are formed from excited atoms in single impact with neutral atoms, or from atomic ions in triple impact with neutral atoms, according to the relations A* at ( £ ¿ - 1 . 5 ev) + A -> A+ + e and A+ + 2A
At + A .
Certain gases have a charge-specific affinity for ions; e.g., positive ions with RNH2 or CN, and negative ions with ROH. It is clear, then, that with the magnitude of the collision frequency and the chance of varied impurities, the ions, positive and negative, can change their nature by addition or exchange in addition products not once but possibly two or three times in 10~l s e c of study. Such changes can sometimes be controlled, depending on the duration of measurement and the use of purposefully added gases, while usually they are uncontrolled in longer intervals where purity remains uncertain. T h i s requires that if known ions are to be studied, the measurements must be made within l e s s than a millisecond on reasonably pure gases to prevent change. 3. Ideally, in order that mobilities may be measured accurately, the ions must start from a clearly defined surface or plane and be received as a group with a sharply defined boundary at the detecting plate. Achievement of such conditions is exceedingly difficult. X-ray ionization beams from the viewpoint of boundaries are very poor. Temperature and density gradients at hot cathodes or anodes, as well a s the delay of electron attachment to negative ion formation for photoelectrons, are detrimental to such boundaries. Ions may be drawn from plasmas or bulk ionized gases by means of s l i t s , grids, or gauzes. This requires an auxiliary field for extraction behind the gauze which penetrates through the gauze into the measuring side of the field. While the contributed addition of the penetrating fields may be small, the important action is the effect that gauze and fields have on the plane of departure of the carriers let through (2). If the field on the measuring side is alternating and high or low compared to the extracting field, the ions at the beginning of the accelerative phase may be in a plane respectively well behind or well in front of the gauze plane. Furthermore, the boundaries
Ionic M o b i l i t i e s
will be very ill defined. Only two or three of the existing methods of mobility measurement really insure clean-cut edges for all kinds of ions or circumvent lack of definition. 4. Diffusion of ions i s ever present. This diffusive motion is superposed on the field-imposed v e l o c i t i e s . Thus, owing to diffusion, originally clean-cut s u r f a c e s of ionization will broaden, tail off, and blur by diffusion. For ions at n.t.p. the effect is normally small for intervals of 10~"1 second or l e s s . For electrons the interval must be 10~3 or l e s s to prevent trouble. In any c a s e , where diffusion intervenes, its presence must be expected and corrections should be made. One expedient i s to vary d i s t a n c e s traversed and choose corresponding points on the observed current-potential or currenttime curves. 5. The measurements must be made with accurately known and clearly defined electrostatic f i e l d s . Field uniformity must be maintained, and distorting fields must be scrupulously avoided by use of guard rings, etc.; a condition frequently lost sight of. Contact potentials must be avoided, eliminated, or corrected. Account must be taken of a l l secondary f a l l s of potential across auxiliary condensers. Floating conductors and ill-defined screening must be avoided. All insulating s u r f a c e s , g l a s s container w a l l s , supports, etc., which can acquire charges from ions or otherwise, must be effectively screened by gauzes or adequate coatings, for such electrostatic influences can completely vitiate measurements. 6. Gases, in order to maintain any degree of purity, must be carefully prepared and handled in outgassed g l a s s v e s s e l s . Electrodes must be outgassed by induction heating, or most effectively by appropriate ion bombardment. All foreign vapors, such as those from organic insulators, stopcock g r e a s e s , and diffusion pumps, must be frozen out and avoided. " G e t t e r s " may be employed in some g a s e s to remove liberated impurities, or e l s e contacts with freezing-out traps must be maintained. The new Westinghouse Alpert metal v a l v e s (76) may make such precautions unnecessary in the future. 7. In many c a s e s currents are very small. This requires that insulation be of a high order. L e a k a g e l o s s e s are usually slight with well-dried g a s e s inside outgassed g l a s s or quartz s y s t e m s . More serious l o s s e s occur over the outsides of the v e s s e l s . Often background l o s s e s caused by natural ionization, a s well a s by electros t a t i c inductive effects, can be canceled out by use of appropriate dummy chambers with reversed polarity. 8. F i n a l l y , the question of resolution a r i s e s . Many mobility methods
Summary of the U s e f u l E x p e r i m e n t a l
give only the rise of current caused by the arrival of the ion block with edges blurred by diffusion at the collecting electrode. This yields resolution only by graphic differentiation of the currentpotential or similar observed curves between variables. Methods using thin slabs of ions of initially well-defined boundaries will give more or less peaked curves with mobilities differing by more than 10% clearly resolved. Such methods are to be preferred to others. 9. Mobility measurements must consist in essence of a measurement of the time T to cross a given distance x under a given uniform f i e l d X. It is a matter of convenience or expediency whether distance x is fixed for a fixed field X and time T varied, whether time is fixed and field varied, or whether time and field are fixed and distance x is varied. Each has its use, depending on the tools at hand and purpose of the experiment, and all combinations have been used. Sometimes one variable, such as distance x, can be changed to calibrate the systems in absolute measure, and thereafter X or T can be varied. 10. Before the development of pulse techniques, it became essential in shorter time intervals to use sinusoidal oscillations of potential or field. These present some difficulties when it comes to biasing the potentials to avoid the e f f e c t s of diffusion. Such fields are very bad where mobility varies with field strength, as is the case for electrons or for ions at low pressures, and thus they should only be used as triggering pulses on shutters. Fortunately, marked improvements are possible today over methods of the past, especially in the use of techniques with pulses of square wave form, short duration, and variable repeat rate. Certainly, electron- and ion-mobility studies of high precision are now possible if care is taken and such accuracy is desired. § 3. Summary of the Useful Experimental Methods. In the presentation of actual methods of measurement, it is proposed to discuss in detail only six, using as examples the latest developments of these. There are many other measurements and principles, involving such things as the electrical wind in corona discharge; ion currents and potentials in various systems, including coaxial cylinders; observations on the operation of Geiger counters, etc.; determination of diffusion coefficients; 2 as well as various combinations of more direct conventional techniques (3). A book could appropriately be written on the subject. A s the reader is in2Some of the indirect methods w i l l be d i s c u s s e d at other more appropriate points.
Ionic M o b i l i t i e s
t e r e s t e d f i r s t in e v a l u a t i n g m o b i l i t i e s a c c u r a t e l y in a given regime of a g e , g a s , p r e s s u r e , e t c . , he d e s i r e s to a c q u i r e only such methods a s can most profitably be u s e d for his p u r p o s e . Other than in s a t i s f y i n g an a c a d e m i c i n t e r e s t , there i s today little merit in most of the methods omitted, s o far a s the reader i s concerned. T h e r e f o r e , only direct methods of proven worth will be p r e s e n t e d , covering the v a r i o u s c o n t i n g e n c i e s . It s h o u l d further be noted that t h e s e a r e mainly the p r o c e d u r e s that have y i e l d e d the d e c i s i v e r e s u l t s d i s c u s s e d . T h e s i * methods f o l l o w .
a) T h e a i r - b l a s t method of E r i k s o n (4). T h i s i s p r e s e n t e d b e c a u s e it g i v e s the m o s t f l e x i b l e a p p a r a t u s for s t u d y i n g relative v a l u e s of m o b i l i t i e s of i o n s from normal to very l a r g e o n e s a s a function of a g e from 10~3 s e c o n d to t e n s of s e c o n d s . Purity control in s u c h m e t h o d s i s poor. A c c u r a c y of m e a s u r e m e n t in a b s o l u t e v a l u e s i s not p o s s i b l e . R e s o l u t i o n can be made very good. It i s the only method s u i t a b l e for certain t y p e s of s t u d i e s . All t y p e s of ion generation can be u s e d . b) T h e Bradbury (5) modification of the T y n d a l l - G r i n d l e y (6) method, u s i n g an a l t e r n a t i n g potential of c o m p l i c a t e d form and f l a s h e d X-ray i o n i z a t i o n . It i s thus limited to the i o n s produced by X-ray ionization in the volume of the g a s . T h i s r u l e s out the s t u d y of n e g a t i v e i o n s in nonelectron-attaching g a s e s . E l e c t r o n s must be removed by a s p e c i a l potential f l a s h in the c y c l e . T h e complicated p o t e n t i a l c y c l e probably cannot be a c h i e v e d by other than m e c h a n i c a l commutators, and thus the method i s limited to ions m e a s u r e d over 1 0 - 4 s e c o n d down to s e c o n d s of a g e . It can be a p p l i e d to i o n s in the p u r e s t g a s e s . It is s u b j e c t to the contaminations produced by X-ray ionization in g a s e s where r e a c t i v e g a s e s a r e p r e s e n t . I t s g e o m e t r i c a l l y w e l l - d e f i n e d ion b o u n d a r i e s l e a d to sharply p e a k e d c u r v e s of high r e s o l v i n g power which y i e l d a b s o l u t e v a l u e s of the m o b i l i t i e s , limited only by the blurring produced by d i f f u s i o n . c) T h e m o s t f l e x i b l e of a l l methods for p r e c i s i o n work over a g e s probably now ranging from 1 0 - 6 s e c on down, i s the T y n d a l l - P o w e l l four-gauze e l e c t r i c a l shutter method (7). It h a s high r e s o l v i n g power a n d y i e l d s m o b i l i t i e s down to 1% of a c c u r a c y . It can be c a l i b r a t e d to y i e l d a b s o l u t e m o b i l i t i e s . It can be a p p l i e d to ions of a l l o r i g i n s , and a l l o w s of i o n s being s t u d i e d a f t e r c o l l i d i n g in a drift s p a c e a s well a s to rather newly formed i o n s . It can be u s e d with g a s e o u s mixtures on known i o n s , and i s s u s c e p t i b l e of u s e with the m o s t highly purified g a s e s . I t s d e s i g n i s c o m p l i c a t e d and it r e q u i r e s time to s e t up. A p p l i c a t i o n of modern p u l s e t e c h n i q u e s o f f e r s unlimited p o s s i b i l i t i e s for improvement of t h i s method (77).
The Erik son Air-Blast Method
J4 d) Another method of precision is the Bradbury-Nielsen (8) electrical shutter method, applicable to carriers however produced. It has been used primarily for the direct measurement of electron mobilities. It is especially adaptable to high-velocity measurements and to carriers of various ages. Its general applicability is about the same as that of the Tyndall-Powell four-gauze method, from which it differs only by replacing the gauze shutters with the Loeb electron or ion filters. Its resolving power is not so good as that of the latter method, nor is its precision so high, even though it yields absolute values. How much it can be improved by the use of modern pulse techniques cannot be conjectured. e) An effective method is the magnetic-deflection method of J. S. Townsend, initially limited to studies of low pressures on electrons (9). 3 Later adapted for use with positive ions by Hershey, it extended mobility studies down to the limits of pressures where failure of ions to attain equilibrium with the field makes the word "mobility" meaningless. It can be used for carriers from all sources, but is limited to lower pressures for all ionic carriers unless uniform high magnetic fields in kilogauss over volumes of tens of centimeters on a side are available. Its resolving power is low, and it must be used for carriers of unique mobility. It yields only average values. Its accuracy is not so high a s that of the Tyndall-Powell or BradburyNielsen methods, which perhaps can now be developed to supersede it, even for ions at low pressures. f ) Very recently, the use of pulsed discharges and fast oscillographs has yielded directly measured values of the mobility at high fields and low pressures that were previously inaccessible. This work was a by-product of other studies, and is reported in detail at another point. Extension of such techniques is possible, and should lead to precision results. § 4. The Erikson Air-Blast Method (4). The method uses a long tube of rectangular cross section, having its plane surfaces, top, A, and bottom, B, made of metal sheets placed D cm apart, shown in figure 1.1. The width of the tube is immaterial. Its other sides must be insulating, and of such nature as not to contaminate the gas. For example, they could be of plate glass and slightly conducting. The length of the tube must be suited to the problem, but it must be long compared to D. The lower plate ^The method has been improved in recent years by L. G. H. Huxley (9) for study of electron mobilities. A modification of this method has been developed by V. A. Bailey for electron mobilities. Precision i s not high, but results confirm others in general.
Ionic Mobilities
i—hl'H'Hi. J v '
Fig. 1.1. Schematic diagram of the Erikson air-blast tube.
may be made mobile along the length of the tube by rack and pinion to enable i t s c r i t i c a l section P to be moved up and down the length of the tube. The c r i t i c a l section c o n s i s t s of a t r a n s v e r s e slot in the lower p l a t e B, into which i s i n s e r t e d a narrow, i n s u l a t e d strip P , with a minimum c l e a r a n c e from the e d g e s of s l o t . The width of P c r i t i c a l l y determines the r e s o l v i n g power of the d e v i c e , but it must be l a r g e enough to r e c e i v e adequate i o n s . By means of a fan F, g a s i s c i r c u l a t e d , if need be, in a continuous s y s t e m with p u r i f i e r s , through the long tube at a uniform v e l o c i t y . The uniform distribution of flow a c r o s s the tube can be a s s i s t e d by having a t the entrance end a s e r i e s of horizontal v a n e s W. Of the v a n e s , the uppermost one with the plane of p l a t e A d e l i m i t s a c r i t i c a l volume S. Uniformly through the v e r t i c a l cross s e c t i o n of t h i s volume S are run or created the i o n s to be m e a s u r e d . The d i s t a n c e between the top vane and the p l a n e of A i s c r i t i c a l for the r e s o l v i n g power of the d e v i c e . The d i s t a n c e d. from the center of this s p a c e S to B is the important d i s t a n c e in measurement. The narrower the ionization s p a c e S cons i s t e n t with an a d e q u a t e supply of ions, the higher the r e s o l v i n g power. Ions can be introduced into S by p l a c i n g ionizing a g e n t s on the top or bottom of the s p a c e , or by ionizing g a s in an a u x i l i a r y volume and flowing it into the upstream end of S. T h i s could be done through a d e l a y line if it were d e s i r e d to a g e the i o n s . The p l a t e B i s grounded and A i s r a i s e d to s u i t a b l e p o t e n t i a l s by means of the battery V. Electrode P i s connected to an electrometer. Ions l e a v e the orifice of S and are carried downstream by the s u p p o s e d l y uniform g a s stream a t a v e l o c i t y u. Meanwhile, the f i e l d X = V/D i s driving the ions at a uniform v e l o c i t y from A toward 5 . The collector a t P i s downstream a t d i s t a n c e I from the front f a c e of W and S. With uniform f i e l d s and v e l o c i t i e s , the s l a b of ionized g a s from S proceeds along the s h a d e d a r e a in the figure.
The Erikson Air-Blast Method
By moving B and P upstream, by increasing u or by decreasing V, the width of the ionized slab is swept across P. T h e current to P will rise to a peak and fall as the center plane of the ionized slab sweeps across the center of P. If diffusion is absent, and the ionization in S is uniform, then the rise and fall of current should be linear and graphically yield a sharp, symmetrical i s o s c e l e s triangle. The peak marks the point where the ions cross the distance d in the same time t a s the stream moves them a distance I to the center of P. Accordingly, vt/ut = kX^t/ut = d/l . Since XQ = Vo/D, it follows that JcVo/uD = d/l, so that k = (D/V0) (d/l) u. Usually, it is not convenient to vary u. T h i s quantity is s e t at a fixed value consistent with the timing desired. It should not be so high a s to cause marked turbulence. The uniformity of u down the tube can be studied and observed by smoke particles introduced between the vanes of W. Usually again I is s e t at a suitable value, but may be changed to a s s i s t in covering a large range of values. The peaks will be narrower, the larger the ratio d/l. Accuracy requires I to be large enough. Thus, it is most convenient and usual to vary
MOBILITY IN CM S E C VOLT CM Fig. 1.2. Ion-current peaks relative to air ion mobility s c a l e , a s observed by Seville Chapman for ions created by spraying water, using the Erikson tube. The tube was calibrated on known ions to give the scale shown. Note that negative ions show three and possibly four mobilities, while positive ions show three peaks. The resolving power is clearly indicated.
Ionic Mobilities
1.2. These results were obtained by Seville Chapman (4) on ions obtained by spraying of pure water. In these measurements, Chapman actually studied mobilities ranging from 1.5 to 10-5 cm/sec per volt/cm. § 5. The Bradbury Modification of the Tyndall-Grindley Method (5). In principle this method, using a source of ionization producing ions in the gas, attempts to get a clearly defined boundary of the ionized slab to give a sharply defined time in crossing from one plate to the other. This i s achieved by creating the ions in a thin plane parallel s l a b F G of gas a s shown in figure 1.3. This slab i s placed parallel to the two plates A and B of the plane parallel electrode system quite close to the high-potential plate B, and far removed from the collecting or measuring plate A. By exposing the ionized slab F G to a reversed field for a short time, about half the ions in the F G are dragged out to plate B before the collecting field is applied. The ion slab, which survives collection and c r o s s e s to A, the collecting plate, thus has at its lower face a sharply defined surface of ionization. The advent of such a surface at the collecting electrode A gives a sharp current change when conditions are right. The way in which this change can be achieved is a s follows: X-rays from a fairly distant source p a s s through a slot in a lead plate forming a plane flat slab F G of thickness t and upper edge F, a distance dp above the electrode B. This beam is flashed on for a short time /3T by means of an open sector in a lead-armored commutator d i s c . Here ¡3 represents a small fraction of the total time T of one revolution. In practice, j8 is of the order of magnitude of 0.04 (T). It must be long enough to give appreciable ionization for measurement and A
c1 >
6 B
Fig. 1.3. Diagram accompanying the d i s c u s s i o n of the principle of Bradbury's modification of the Tyndall-Grindley method.
T h e Bradbury M o d i f i c a t i o n of the T y n d a l U G r i r i d l e y
Fig. 1.4. Potential cycle used in the Tyndall-Grindley method.
to permit the slab to be uniformly ionized. The actual potential cycle applied is shown in figure 1.4. As noted, the cycle begins with the interval ySZ1 governing the X-ray flash, at which time the potential on plate B is 0. It is then followed by an interval yT, during which B is at such a potential as to draw toward itself the ions of the sign to be studied. The magnitude of this potential Vr is such that in combination with the duration of the time yT it will draw the slab F G so that at least the lower surface labeled G comes in contact with B, and perhaps that some ions in F G are drawn into B. The ions of opposing sign are moved a small amount toward A. In gases where electrons do not attach to give negative ions of a mobility comparable with that of the positive ions, yT may have to be preceded by a phase of short duration 0T, and an appropriate positive potential Vg on B sufficient to draw all free electrons of a mobility of the order of 100 times that of the positive ions being studied to B and remove them. The interval $T and the potential applied Vg may be so small that the movement of the positive ion slab F G is practically zero. The value of y is small, and of the same order as /3; i.e., about 0.04 for optimum results, as developed by Bradbury. The value of y and the potential amplitude VT must be calculated in advance in terms of the theory of the process, so as to give sufficient latitude in the movement of F G to get full resolution. Following yT the potential on B reverses to a value Va and remains at that value for a time aT. The interval aT and Va must be such in relation to the width T of F G and to Vr and yT as to insure that the ions of the desired sign can cross from B to A during aT. This crossing, moreover, must occur at a value of T, so as to have this longest path of ions fall in the middle of the interval between the first and last ions crossing. The values of aT, and of the succeeding intervals
Ionic Mobilities
8 7 and eT, were chosen by Bradbury to be about equal to 0.32 7. In practice Vr was made 10 to 20% greater than Va. Actually, from the reasoning to follow, it is a simple matter to figure properly the values of y, a, Vr, and Va from the n e c e s s a r y width of F G and F B. During aT, in the event that the ions of opposite sign, e . g . , electrons, were not removed in 6T, the ions of opposite sign will all be drawn to B and can be neglected in further considerations. The phase ST with a potential Vr draws residual ions that did not reach A during aT back to B, thus clearing the gap to prepare for the next cycle after a period eT, during which B is at 0 potential. The purpose of the cyclical arrangement using a commutator lies in sending s u c c e s s i v e batches of ions to yield an easily measured current to A. X-ray ionization i s limited in density and /3T is n e c e s sarily short, s o that the few ions in the s l a b are multiplied by A' = 1 / 7 per second, giving a relatively comfortable current to measure. The theory of the method is as follows: The cycle may be regarded a s keeping a, /3, y, S, e, and d, as well a s Vr and Va and their corresponding fields X^ and Xa, constant, and only varying T. Starting with a large value of T, all ions will be swept to B until T is reduced to the point Tp, a t which with a mobility k it follows that kX^Tp^dp, or the distance F B. If, then, X^ and a have been correctly chosen, and the distance from B to A be designated a s d, it will be assumed that ~kXaaTp> d, so that ions surviving capture by B during yT can reach A. At Tp, then, a current begins to be registered per cm 2 of A, which may be written a s i = neidp —kXryT). This c o n s i s t s of all the n ions per cm 3 which escape capture by B and now reach A. As T is still further decreased, and with a proper choice of values of fields and pulse lengths, a time 7 0 will be reached, at which during aT all the ions that escaped capture a t B j u s t cease to be able to reach A. T h i s occurs when A;A^a7o = d. T h i s represents a peak in the value of i. After this, i is determined by the width of the surviving ions in F G between the top F of the band, at d— (dp — kX,y.T) from A, down to a distance -
CC < £ 0.9 m cc < ~
Q 8
^ C s
Fig. 1.20b. The same data as in 1.20a, but in He gas with low D. Note that the large ions R b + and C s + with large collision radii deviate badly from the small-ion law. author's takes
of equation
of 0 . 5 1 .
in L a n g e v i n ' s group,
equation, applied experimental v a l u e s of k and determined the v a l u e of t h i s c o n s t a n t for ions in A, Kr, and X e a s 0 . 5 4 , 0 . 5 5 , 0 . 5 6 . T h i s is
in consideration
of the
in the t h e o r y . 1 3 In t h e s e s t u d i e s , apparent addition or c l u s t e r i n g of an H 2 0 molecule to N a + in H 2 g a s of low (D—1) produced an i n c r e a s e in radius ^ T h e rather striking agreement of this relation with some experimental data, despite its definite neglect of radii, becomes clear through reference to the generalized theory of carrier motion in gases by Wannier in his part II (reviewed in § 11). It is shown that where the elastic-impact radius is small and polarization forces are relatively high, at lower temperatures, the spiraling character of the orbits leads to a nearly isotropic scattering both at high and low fields. The force also s a t i s f i e s the mean free-time requirement. Under such conditions the center of force theory is quite satisfactory.
Comparison of L i m i t i n g T h e o r i e s w i t h Experiment
J00 2*0
Mass of ion Fig. 1 . 2 1 . Mass-dispersion curve of Langevin's small-ion theory and experimental v a l u e s for various ions in N2 gas.
oq a s well as in the mass factor, altering the mobility. On the other hand, the effect of addition of NH3 to Na+ in N2 gas produced most of the lowering of k in virtue of the mass term, with little effect attributable to a change in 0$. In fact, N2 i s sufficiently polarizable so that -the theoretical dispersion curve for mobilities of known ions can be plotted a s in figure 1.21, with the observed points for various ions lying right on it. The accuracy of these measurements was such a s to induce C. F. Powell and L . Brata to utilize it for the investigation of ions given off by hot bodies (18). ions in Deviations observed in values of the mobilities for N2 were ascribed to change-of-charge, or Kallmann-Rosen effect (19), as indicated in part one, section 2, of this chapter. 14 Similar deviations occur for OJ in O2, He+ in He, A+ in A, Ne+ in Ne, and H2 in H2 for the same reason. 1 5 The Kallmann-Rosen action i s further indicated when N2 ions move in N2 contaminated with Hg, where all the positive ions observed show a mobility of 2.16, which is characteristic of Hg+ to within 1.5% (19). The presence of traces of H2 in N2 with a discharge yielding the ions, gave NJ and NHJ ions, also indicating charge transfer from the ionized to the sparse NH3 molecules. The limits of X/p at which the values of k in N2 were constant was determined for different ions (19). These are shown in figure 1.22. The increase in k is due e s s e n t i a l l y to the gain in energy 1 4 A c t u a l l y , the ions in N2 are N* (79), and their reduced mobility i s 2 . 4 9 cm^/volt sec, which puts the value right on the curve. 1 5 T h e ions in H2 are probably for the most part H^ above 1 0 mm pressure.
Ionic Mobilities
F i g . 1 . 2 2 . L i m i t i n g v a l u e s of X/p at which mobility c e a s e s to be independent of X/p, a s observed by the Bristol group.
of the ions in the field, such that their velocity reduces the importance of attractive forces and/or alters the size of the ion by knocking off attached molecules. A more detailed discussion of this effect will be given under the analysis of the more exact theories of ion mobilities. In many instances it is difficult to interpret the observed behavior of the various ions, s i n c e both radii and forces must play some role. Thus it is likely that the L i + i o n in N2 is not an L i + ion, but an Li + N 2 or other complex ion which requires a high X/p for breakup. Much more complete data in this region are given by the researches of A. V. Hershey by the Townsend method (9). It is to be noted that the value of X/p for increase in mobility of pure ions in N2 gas occurs above an X/p — 20, which is consistent with the failure of the author and of Kia-Lok Yen (49) to observe such changes in air and H2 at a much earlier date.
Comparison of L i m i t i n g T h e o r i e s with Experiment
Fig. 1.23. Mobilities of H e + ions in He a s a function of absolute temperature, a s observed by Tyndall and Pearce.
A further verification of the predictions of the point-center theory appears in the results of the measurements of the temperature variation of mobility in various gases, determined by A. M. Tyndall and A. F. Pearce, and by Pearce (20). Curves for He+ ions in He, N j ions in N2, Na + ions in He, and Cs + ions in He, are shown in figures 1.23, 1.24, and 1.25, at constant density. Later results of K. Hoselitz (21) for Li + in He, Na + in He, Cs + in He, K+ in A, Rb + in Kr, and Cs + in Xe, are shown in figure 1.26. The actually observed values for constant density are given in tables 1.2 and 1.3. The results in He and in N2 are complicated, since the ions are not He + and Nj, but instead are He£ and 16 In He with Cs + and + Na , the variation of Kp is remarkably slight, considering that solid elastic collisions intervene to some extent. The same applies to Cs + in Xe, and in a smaller measure to Li + in He. The effect is striking for Cs + in Xe. There is little chance of clustering in these gases at lower temperatures. However, in the case of K+ ions in l 6 T h e ions observed in He, Ne, and A are now known to have been He£, N ^ , and Af. The variation of mobility for He£ in He h a s been determined from theory by S. Geltman (88). The ion in N2 i s probably N j (79). Theory for this ion h a s not been developed.
Ionic Mobilities
F i g . 1.24. Mobilities of N2 + ions in N2 as a function of absolute temperature, as observed by Tyndall and P e a r c e .
20 >H
cn u Q
< v
8 °°
X 300
TEMPERATURE F i g . 1.25.
Temperature variation of N a + and C s + ions in He, as reported by Tyndall and P e a r c e .
C o m p a r i s o n of L i m i t i n g T h e o r i e s w i t h
F i g . 1.26. Temperature variation of L i + ions in He, N a + ions in He, C s + ions in He, K + ions in A, R b + ions in Kr, and C s * ions in Xe, a s reported by Tyndall and Pearce and by Hoselitz.
A, and to a less extent in the case of Rb + in Kr, there is a possibility of cluster formation at the lower temperatures which complicates the picture. The following conclusion is to be drawn on the basis of these data: Barring change of charge and some cluster formation, it appears for gases of high D that the point center of force theory is unexpectedly successful. It yields not only proper absolute values of the mobilities of the known ions, but predicts the mobilities and the approximate temperature variation of the mobilities. It must, however, be remembered that despite the usefulness of the relation, it neglects the solid elastic impacts. The failure to include these effects will be of considerable significance where complex ions or small clusters form, in the case of gases of low dielectric constant, or at low temperatures, as well as in the study of negative ions. Where complex ions do form, as in many mixtures and in some pure gases, the use of equation 1.7 to evaluate the mass m of the ion from, the mobility via the dispersion curve, is just as incorrect as the use of the classical solid elastic equation to evaluate the ionic radius. Under these conditions use of equation 1.7 will always yield values of the ionic mass, and hence an inferred cluster size
Ionic Mobilities
Temperature Variation of Ion Mobilities in G a s e s at Constant Density, Bristol Data H e + in He
N 2 + i n N2
Temp. °K.
480 399 291 169 90 77 20
21.4 21.4 21.4 21.0 20.3 19.3 17.6
587 500 407 292 169 90 77 65
C s + in He Temp. °K. 79 92 195 290 392 492
C K.
3.19 3.11 2.94 2.67 2.15 1.62 1.56 1.46 N a + in He
Temp. "iC.
17.5 18.0 19.2 18.9 18.1 17.4
92 195 290 405 477
18.5 20.9 22.8 24.0 24.6
Temperature Variation of Alkali Ions in Inert G a s e s at Constant Density, Bristol Data Temp. °K. 20.5 78.0 90.0 195.0 293.0 291.0 370.0 389.0 400.0 450.0 455.0 460.0 493.0
L i + in He
K + in A
20.0 21.8 22.2 23.9
1.30 1.52 2.34
Kp —
R b + in Kr
C s + in X e
_ —
_ _
1.15 1.57 1.575 1.58 1.59
1.02 1.005 1.01 1.01 —
1.03 —
Complete Ion-Mobility T h e o r i e s
3 y 16
0.2, 0
\ 2
Fig. 1.27. Plot of Langevin's quantity 3/16Y as a function of the parameter 1/A.. materially higher than it really is from the nature of the s e n s i t i v i t y of the equations to mass and collision-radius c h a n g e s . § 6. Complete Ion-Mobility T h e o r i e s . It is now c l e a r that the real understanding and prediction of ionic mobilities will lie in the u s e of the full equations involving solid e l a s t i c c o l l i s i o n s a s well as forces, or involving both attractive and repulsive f o r c e s . It is a l s o clear that such equations must be derived from far more generalized theory than use of the simple mean free-path concept. Of such theories, probably the b e s t is that evolved initially in 1 9 0 5 by P . Langevin, following procedures of Maxwell and Boltzmann. It was recomputed in part by H. R . H a s s e
Ionic Mobilities
«6 T A B L E 1.4 Langevin Theory Coefficients
1A 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4
16 y .5105 .5488 .5648 .5756 .5830 .5880 .5904 .5878 .5790 .5662 .5483 .5057 .4614
1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0
i6y .4201 .3834 .3514 .3236 .2994 .2784 .2599 .2436 .2292 .2163 .2048 .1944 .1849
in 1926 (15), using the later considerations of Chapman and Enskog. 1 7 This theory assumes solid elastic impacts in consequence of repulsive forces and the inverse fifth-power attractive law of equation 1.2. The solution takes the form 3 0 . 4 6 2 V W + m)/m — , 16Y p/Ro V(£>-1\)M 0
V W + m) m , 16y V ( D - l)p
This is seen to be similar to equation 1.7, except for the use of the term 3 / 1 6 Y , which is a function of a variable A containing the effects of the integration over all c l a s s e s of orbits involved in the solid elastic impacts. The relation between 3 / 1 6 Y plotted as ordinates against 1/A is shown in figure 1.27. The values, as recomputed by Hasse, are shown in table 1.4, where 3 / 1 6 Y is tabulated against values of 1/A. Here, 1/A. is given by 1 7
18nN0a*MC2 =
3(D-Doe2 3ID - 1W2
iW »ipgo* r_
M(D~l) V ( D l ;0e2
l 7 Solid elastic impacts as here used are impacts in which the molecules and ions are spheres of radii Oj^/2 and crm/2. The only forces acting are the inverse fifth-power attractive forces up to a distance between centers of ion and molecule of (crm + At this distance, repulsive forces of a high order, — 1 / f 1 with n °o become active. The use of such forces of repulsion gives a lower value to the potential-distance curve than actually occurs.
Complet« Ion-Mobility
TABLE 1.5 Hershey's Radii of Atoms and Ions Radii in A for the Atoms °AÎ/2 and Ions
Na +
Rb +
TABLE 1.6 Hershey's Values of Dielectric Constant The Corresponding Values
Values of D, Computed and Observed Ne
Computed 1.000052 1.000106 1.00063 1.00091 1.00148 Observed 1.0000665 1.000123 1.000504 1.000708 1.00124
at 0° C. 760 mm «2
1.00028 1.00082 1.000252 1.000589
The value of a here is the distance between centers of ion and molecule at impact, which can be taken as a = (am + o ^ ) / 2 . The solution assumes that the ions remain in thermal equilibrium with the gas and that KmC? = ViMC2 = ( 3 / 2 ) k T . The value of the mobility k, it is seen, depends quite critically on the ratio of KE/PE. At a given set of values of T and D, it depends critically on the value of a . Where ff4 is negligible, relative to (D - 1) e2/N0 MC2, it is clear that 1/A = 0 and 3 / 1 6 Y = 0.5105, making equation 1.8 the center of force theory of equation 1.7. The use of this equation depends on having known values of a. This, of course, becomes a major problem even for the unclustered ion, since atomic theory and experiment give only meager data. In the case of the complex ion with its asymmetry, the evaluation of am becomes almost hopeless. Data for oy and am from the van der Waals equation, or closest packing of the molecules, might be used. Data from viscosity give o^ too large. Atomic data for alkali ions give values that may be too small. In evaluating the mobilities from Langevin's theory for alkali ions in various gases, extended to include the case where 1/imQ2> (3/2)k7, A. V. Hershey derived values for (D — 1) and for a, which are both in doubt, by adjusting these values to give the best experimental fit for the mobilities of various ions, Na + , K + , Rb + , e t c . , in the different gases observed by the Bristol
Ionic M o b i l i t i e s
§6 group at low values of X/p, where Langevin's theory applied (22). The values of (D — 1) so derived were not seriously different from the values observed in bulk, being smaller in He and Ne and larger in A, Kr, and N2. The values for these quantities, as derived by Hershey, are given in table 1.5. Hershey's values are mostly a little higher than those of table 1.6. The meaning of Hershey's adjustments is obscure. They result from an attempt to fit observed mobility curves, assuming Langevin s equation to be accurate and that (D - 1) is constant down to distances of the order of o, but modified by divergence of field and failure of the displacement law at high fields. In the case of ion complexes, the device of Hershey's is the only way to estimate the average value of o^j if D is known. Thus, the Langevin equation is in a peculiar position in that it is probably somewhat better than the accuracy of the data to be fed in to predict values of k. Probably its best function would, in general, be the inverse of predicting k, i.e., it would use k to predict am and D.10 It can be used in cases where D is reasonably well known to estimate om from values of k. Here again care must be used, as k involves not only the value of (crM + crm)/2 =