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English Pages [464] Year 2003
Aspects of Roman Pottery in Canton Ticino (Switzerland)
Christiane M. A. De Micheli Schulthess
BAR International Series 1129 2003
Published in 2019 by BAR Publishing, Oxford BAR International Series 1129 Aspects of Roman Pottery in Canton Ticino (Switzerland) © Christiane M. A. De Micheli Schulthess and the Publisher 2003 The author’s moral rights under the 1988 UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act are hereby expressly asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, stored, sold, distributed, scanned, saved in any form of digital format or transmitted in any form digitally, without the written permission of the Publisher. ISBN 9781841713304 paperback ISBN 9781407325286 e-book DOI https://doi.org/10.30861/9781841713304 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library This book is available at www.barpublishing.com BAR Publishing is the trading name of British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) Ltd. British Archaeological Reports was first incorporated in 1974 to publish the BAR Series, International and British. In 1992 Hadrian Books Ltd became part of the BAR group. This volume was originally published by John and Erica Hedges in conjunction with British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) Ltd / Hadrian Books Ltd, the Series principal publisher, in 2003. This present volume is published by BAR Publishing, 2019.
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Contents Foreword by Jeffrey May, University of Nottingham.................................................................... Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................
Chapter 1 : Introduction ...................................................................................................................
Aims of the Work ..................... .... .................. ..................... ........ ........................ ............... .. ..... ... .. . ..... .. .. ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. ...... Stn1cture ......... . . ... ............... .... ....... ........ .... ................................ ..... ................ ..... . ................. .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. .. ... .. . ... .. . ..... ... Methodology .......................................... ...................... ............... ................. ................................... .. ...... ... ..... .. .. ..... ... .. .. Definition of Coarse Pottery ..................... ........................................................ ..................... ... .. ... .... ..... .... ... ... ... .. . ..... ... History of Re earch on Roman Coarse Pottery .................... ................... ........... ....... ............ ... .... .. .. .... .. ... .. . ... .. .... . . .... . .. History of Research on Thin walled Pottery ......................... ........................ .... ...... ......... ...... ........... ............ ... .... .. ... .....
3 3 4 4 5 6
Chapter 2 : The Geography and Archaeology of Canton Ticino .....................................................
Introduction ... . .. ...................... .................. .................................................. ............................ ....... .... ........... ... ... .... ..... .... Geography of Canton Ticino .......................................................................................................................................... Geomorphology ...... .................... ................ ................................... ....... ....... ................ ... .. ........ ..... ... ... ...... ..... .. Communications .............. ....... ................................................... .......................... ........... ...... ..... .. ... .. . ...... .... .. ... Archaeology of Canton Ticino ............ ........................................................... .......................... ..... ..... .. ...... ................. .. .. Outline of later Prehistory ...................... ............................................. .................... ....... ..... .. ... .. ..... .... .... .. ...... . The Romanization of Canton Ticino .................................... ...................... ............. ........ ...... ... .. ... .. ..... .......... ..
12 13 13 14
Chapter 3 : Cemeteries and Settlements ..........................................................................................
Introduction and Methodology of Dating .................................................... .... ...................................... ........ .. ...... ......... The Sites ......... .... ................................. ............................................................... ........................ ........ ... .. ........ ... ...... ... .... A cona ............................................................................................................................................................... Avegno .............................................................................................................................................................. Cavigliano ......................................................................................................................................................... Gambarogno .... .. ...... ............... . ..... .... .... ...................... .... ...................... ........ ......... ..... .... ... .. .... .. ... .. . ... .. .... .. .. .. .. Gordo la.............................. .................................................................................................................... .... ....... Locarno ................. ................................................................ ............................................................................ Locarno-Muralto ............................................................................................................................................... Locarno-Solduno ....................................................... ................................................................. ..... ... ...... ........ Losone ............................................................................................................................................................... Maggia ............................... .............................................................................. ................................................. Minusio ....................... ...................................................................................................................................... Moghegno .................................... ............................................................. ... ..................................... ...... ....... ... Riazzi no ................................ ... ..... .... ....................... .............................. ............. ... ..... ... .. ... ... .. . .... .. ... . .. ... . .. .... .. Tegna ................................................................................................................................................................. Tenero ........................................................................................................... .................................................. ..
I7 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 29 31 34 34 36 37 37 37
9 I0
Vertical Stratigraphy . .. .... ........... ........................ .. .. ... ... .... .... .... ... ........ ... . . . .... .. ....... ............. . ........... . . .. ................ ...... .... Date-range of Coins .....................................................................................................................................................
40 40
Chapter 4 : The Forms ............ .. ... .. ... ....... .. .. ......... ............. ... .. ... . ..................... ...... .. ...... ........ .... .... 4 7 Introduction and Methodology ........ ............ .... .. .. .. .... ... ... ................ .. .... .. . ... ............................. ..... ..... ........................ .. The Form ............................................ ....... .................................................................................. ............. .................. Cups............................................................................................................................................................... Rai ed foot-ring cups (Fonns Cl-4) ......................................................................... ....... ........................... Thin walled cups ..... ....... ........... ............ .... .. ............ ..................... ...... ....... ..... ...... ..... .. ..... ......... ........ .......... Cups with globular body (Forms C5-9) . .. .......... ..... .... ... . . . ..................... .............. ......... ......... ......... Cups with hem i pherical body (Forms CI 0-13) ............................................................................. Cups with conical body (Forms Cl4-16) ........................................................................................ Carinat d cups (Forms C 16-20) ...................................................................................................... Cups with cylindrical body (Fonns C2J-22) .......................................................................... ....... Handled cups ups with globular body (Forms C23-24) ...................................................................................... Beakers............................................................................................................................. .............................. Beaker with globular body (Forms BKI-9) .............................................................................................. Beakers with ovoid body (Forms BKI0-24) ............................. ... .............................. ......... ...................... . Beaker with conical body (Form BK25-27) ....... ..................... ................. ............................... ............... Beakers with cylindrical body (Form BK.28-31) ...................................................................................... Bal a1naria ...................................................................................................................................................... Balsamaria with ovoid body (Fonns B 1-2) .............................................................................................. Dishes..... ....................................................... ......... .............. .................... ............... ............... ........................ Dishes with inturned or out-turned rim ...................................................................................................... Rim rounded in section (Forms Dl-5) ............................................................................................ Rim triangular in section (Form D6-7) .......................................................................................... Dishes with straight or lightly inturned wall ......... ......... .. .. . . ..... . .................. .. ...... .......... ................. ......... Rim rounded in section (Forms D8-14) .......................................................................................... Rim triangular in ection (Form D 15) ...... ............ ......... ... .. ........... ..... ........ ........ ... ................ .......... Sum1nary .................. ............ ................................................................................................................... .... Bowls........................ ........................ .................................. .............. ............................. ....... .................. ........ Bowls with globular or hemispherical body (Forms B 1-11) .................... .................. ...... ......................... Bowls with conical body ............................................................................................................................ Bowls with low conical body (Forms 812-28) ............................................................................... Bowls with high conical body (Fonn B29-35) .................................................................... .......... Jars .................................................................................................................................................................. Jar with ovoid body Jar with out-turned rounded rim (Forms J 1-9) .............................................................................. Jars with out-turned rim triangular or rectan gular in sectio n (Forms Jl0-18) ........... ..................... Jars with rim with internal lid seating (Forms 119-21) ................................................................... Jars with horizontal rim (Fonn 122) ................................................................................................ Jars with barrel-shaped body (Forms 123-25) ............................................................................................ Jars with cylindrical body (Forms ]26-27) ................................... ......................... .................... ................. Jars with globular body (Forms 128-29) .............. ........ ............................................................................. . Handled jars (Forms J30-32) ............................................................. ......................................................... Lids..................................................................................................... ......................................................... .. Lids with conical body Lids with straight wall (Forms Ll-6) ............................................... .......................... ..................... Lids with curved wall (Forms L7-ll) ............................................................................................. Flagons & Jugs...................................................................................... .................................... ..................... Flagons . ... .. .... .............. ........ .. ........... ... . .. ........ ..... ... ... ..... ...... . .. ... . . ................ ... ............ .. . ... ................ ..... ..... Flagon with biconical body (Forms Fl-12) ................................................................................... Flagons with biconical to pyriform body (Form F 13-17) ............................................................. VI
47 47 47 47 50 50 51 55 55 59 59 59 60 60 64 70 72 74 74 75 75 75 77 78 78 80 80 81 81 84 84 90 93 93 93 98 102 104 J 04 J 05 105 J06 107 107 I07 109 111 111 111 111
Flagons with pyriform body (Forms F 18-22) ................................................................................. Flagons with pyriform to globular body (Fonns F23-25) ......................................................... ..... Flagons with globular body (Forms F26-32) ...................................................... ............................ Flagons with globular flattened body (Form F33-34) ................................................................... Flagon with onion-shaped body (Forms F35-36) .......................................................................... Flagons with ovoid body (Form 37) ......... ................... ............................... .................................... Flagons with barrel- shaped body (Forms F38-39) .......................................................................... Flanged Flagons ................................................ ............................................................... .................... ....... Flagons with biconical body (Forms F40-45) ................................. ................................................ Flagon with globular body (Forms F46-4 7) ......................... .................. ......................... ............... Flagons with globular flattened body (Form 48) ................................................. ........................... Flagons with onion-shaped body (Forms F49-5 l) .......................................................................... Flagons with ovoid body (Fom1 F52) ........................................ ..................................................... Flagons with barrel-shaped body (Forms F53) ............................. .................................................. Jugs ......................................... .................... ............................... .................................................................. Jugs with ovoid body (Form F54) .......................................................... .......................................... Jugs with biconical body (Form F55) ............ ...................................................... ............................ Functions, Latin Names and Graffiti ...... ........... ........... ......... ........................ ................... ...... ........................ ............. Historical Evidence ............ ................ ............... ................................................. ........ ................. ................... Epigra phical Evidence ........ .................. ... .... ..... ............................. ........ .......... ..............................................
Chapter 5 : The Fabrics .................................................................................
117 120 120 122 123 123 123 124 124 126 127 I 28 I 29 I 29 130 130 130 130 130 134
................................ 137
Classification and Analysis...................................................................................................................... .................... Dark Fa brics ...................................................................................................................................... ............. Light Fabrics................................ ............ ................................ ...................................................................... Histograms and Chronolo gy ......................... .. ...... ............... ....................... ....... ............. ......... ....................................
137 138 139 140
Chapter 6 : Decoration .................................... ................................................ ............................... 143 Class ification and Analysis ............................ ......................... ............................................. ........................................ Cups.................... ................................. ........... .............................................. .................. ................................ Beakers ........................................................................................................................................................... Balsamaria ................................................................................... .................................................... ............... Flagons, Flanged Flagons , Jugs ..................................................................................................................... Jars, Two-handled Jars, Bowls ............................ .................................... ....................................................... Dishes .............. ....................................... ....... ............. .................................................................................... Lids ........................ ................... .......... .............................. ............................... ..............................................
143 143 15 1 155 155 156 158 I 58
Chapter 7 : Chronology ...................... ...................................... ................................... .................. 161 Introduction ...................................... ............. ..... ... ....................................... ................................................................ Internal Chronology ........................................ ................................................... .......................................................... Single Fonns .................................................................................................................................................. Histograms .......... ...................... ..................................................................................................................... Summary........................................................................................................................................................ Externa l Chronolo gy............... ..................... .............. .................. ................................................................................ Summary......................................................................................................................................................................
161 161 161 165 167 167 172
Chapter 8 : Trade, External Relations and Other Influences ........................................................
Introduction ..................... .................................. .............. ............................................................................ ........ ......... Production Areas ........ ................ .. ... ....... ....... .. .... .............. ................. .... .. ....... ............ ............ .......... .. .. ............ .. .. .. . ... . Local and Imported Products ....................................................................................................................................... Loca l Products .................... .......... .............................................. ............ .......... ......... ......... .. . . ...... ...... .. ... ...... Imported Products ....... ...... ............. ............................................ ............................................ ......... ........ ....... Trade and Connexions ................... ...... ............... ................................... .......... ................................. ..... ...... ........ .. . . ..... Summary of the Origin of Other Selected Cla ses of Material for omparison : Sigillata Ware and Glass .............. ummary of Local and l1nported Product ......................... ........... .... ....... ..................... ..... .... ......... ... . .. .... .. ................
197 197 200 20 I 204 205 206 210
Chapter 9 : Summary and Concl usions .........................................................................................
Thin Walled and Coar Pottery as Grave-goods .. ............................................................. ............. ..... .................. ..... 215 Conclusions .................................................................................................................................................................. 2 19 Futur Work ..................... ................. ............................................. .............................. ...................... ......... ................ .. 221
Chapter 10 : Bibliography and Appendices ................................................................................... Bibliography ................ ..................... .. ...... ...... ...... ............ .............. ........... ............ ............... ................ ... ............ ... .. .... Appendices ......... .......... ....................... .................................... ...................... .. ...... ............. .............. ... . ........................ Appendix I : Catalogue of Thin Walled and Coarse Pottery ......................................................................... Appendix II : Drawings (Pls. 1-95) ... ............................... .............. ........................ .......... .... .. .............. .... ..... Appendix III : Concordance List between The i atalogue and Drawing Numbers, and Museum Inventory Numbers ....................................................... ............................................................ Appendix IV : List of Graves and Principal Grave- ontents .............................. ......................................... Appendix V: List of Fabrics ..................................................................................................... .................... Appendix VI : Analysi of the Pottery by Period .............................................. ............. .... .. .............. .... .....
223 223 23 7 237 283 381 391 447 451
The Swiss Canton Ticino stretches from the St. Gotthard pass in the central alpine massif southwards to Chiasso, on the Italian border just north of the Roman town of Como. The geography of the Canton is dominated by the river Ticino, which flows down from the high Alps to Bellinzona and Locarno, at the northern end of Lake Maggiore (known locally as Lake Verbano). Sixty five kilometre in length, Lake Maggiore is one of the greatest lakes in the Alpine region. Southwards again, the river Ticino crosses the plain of Lombardy to join the River Po at Pavia.
Plain and avoiding the often torrential waters of the upper reaches of the river. Important settlements developed in the Roman period along the lake shore and its hinterland , some of which have been sampled as and when rescue digging could be carried out in what is now a densely populated area. In particular , numerous cemeteries with rich grave goods have been excavated. We have now reached a point where the publication of much of this rescue ought to be tackled , but first we have been needing detailed tudi s of the principal categori , of datable finds to provide a basis for future research. An inspiring tart was made by Simonetta Biaggio Simona , whose volumes I Vetri Romani dealt with the extraordinarily high quality Roman glass vessel from the cemeterie around Locamo and elsewhere. The next logical step was to study the Roman thin walled and coarse pottery found in abundance in the same grave .
The river Ticino provides one of the main lines of communication linking northern Italy with the Swiss plateau beyond the Alps and northern Europe via the river Rhine. Although there is doubtful evidence for the use of the St. Gotthard pass before c. AD 1200, other passes such as the Little St. Bernard and the Lucomagno Pass en ured that the Ticino route was vital for trade and other activities throughout the ages, not least in the Roman period.
Christiane De Micheli Schulthess undertook the monumental task for her Doctorate of Philosophy at the Department of Archaeology , University of ottingham , under my upervision. The resulting study provide s for the first time a classification and typology of the pottery , and interesting and important conclusions emerge. Her work will be valuable not only for the publication of the excavated settlement of the region, but will stand a a useful element in Roman pottery studies between the Italian outh , and areas of Switzerland, Germany and France north and we t of the Alps.
The Romans reached the Como area in 196 BC. Here the successive archaeological cultures of Golasecca and La Tene identify the Iron Age communities of the Leponti and Orobi. Farther north, the country becomes progressively more mountainous , and because transport overland across the mountains and along the lake fringes was difficult, it is likely that the great length of Lake Maggiore was traversed by boat. Herein lies the importance of the Locarno area, near the head of Lake Maggiore , where boats could load and unload and good transferred to pack animals for transit northwards , skirting the margins of the mar hy Magadino
Jeffrey May
I am indebted to a large number of people who made this work possible.
Many scholars and colleagues enriched this work with their useful suggestions and information. For interesting di cus ion on Roman pottery l am grateful to dott. Isabella Nobile (Museo Civico Giovio , Como), Prof. Dr. Roger J.A. Wilson (University of Nottingham), Dr. Andrew G. Poulter (University of Nottingham) , Dr. Mark Pearce (University of Nottingham) and Dr. Vivien G. Swan (York) . Alfio Martinelli (Castel San Pietro) provided me with information about the history of re earch in Canton Ticino and helped my understanding of the later prehistory of Ticin 0.
Dr. Jeffrey May (University of Nottingham) stimulated and constantly made clear the aims of the work , supporting me for both archaeological and linguistic a pects . He and his wife Brenda made my many supervisions in Nottingham easier and more pleasant with their hospitality.
The late Pier Angelo Donati, Dr. Giuseppe Chiesi, dott. Rossana Cardani Yergani , Nevio Quadri and the staff of the Ufficio dei Beni Culturali, Bellinzona, gave me access to the study material kept in Bellinzona and the relative documentation.
Dr. Markus Felber (Museo Cantonale di Storia Naturale , Lugano ), dott. Lanfredo Castelletti and the late dott. Alfio Maspero (Museo Civico Giovio , Como) helped with information about the geomorphology of Canton Ticino.
Riccardo Carazzetti, Keeper of the Museo Archeologico, Locamo , made access to the archaeological collections in both museum and deposits and my many visits to Locamo easier.
Sacha De Micheli (London and Lugano) and Alessandro Zara (Chiasso) helped with solutions of problem linked with data processing.
Access to material and documentation outside Canton Ticino was made possible thanks to Rudolph Degen, Keeper of Roman Archaeology by the Landesmuseum Zurich , and Elena Corvi , and to Karl Zimmermann , Keeper of the Historisches Museum Bern , and Felix Mtil1er.
The Associazione Archeologica Ticine e (AAT) , Lugano , supported financially the very fir t tep s of this re earch. My husband , Pierre Schulthess , sustained and encouraged me by throughout this work with the greate t forbearance.
This work deals with the classification and further study of Roman coarse and thin walled pottery from the Locamo region of Canton Ticino, a district of Switzerland on the southern side of Central Alps, in order to establish a reference typology and chronology which may have wider value in Ticino and the nearer regions of northern Italy. The pottery comes from the cemeteries and, to a lesser extent, the settlements of the Locamo region, which contains by far the largest number of burials with datable grave-goods in the Canton. The Roman graves from the region range from the beginning of the I st century AD to the end of the 4th century AD, with a concentration during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The analysis of coarse and thin walled pottery has highlighted the potential of information of these materials,
considering various aspects such as form , fabrics, decoration, chronology, origin and distribution. The analysis of the coarse pottery in the grave-goods, and associated sigillata , glassware and coins , seems to suggest centres with tronger Roman influence and centres with stronger native background linked to th ettlement of Locamo-Muralto. Parallels with finds from the Verbano region and western Lombardy-eastern Piemonte, in particular the area between the rivers Sesia, Po and Adda were highlighted. Lakes Yerbano and Lario lead to the alpine passes and linked the Verbano area to the Raetic and Rhine region . The same area was easily linked to main centres of the eastern Po region as far a Aquileia and Ravenna by the river Po.
Introduction the other Swiss Cantons or Italy are merely the result of recent political events. The study area is therefore defined by its geographical position as the northern end of the natural waterway of Jake Yerbano and the starting point for routes leading over the Alps. It includes the area from Ascona to Tenero and from Locamo to Moghegno. This area includes cemeteries and settlements situated at the lake 's shore, cemeteries lying on the plain but at the foot of the mountains , and cemeteries situated in the lower half of the Valle Maggi a.
AIMS OF THE WORK Aims of the work are the classification and further study of Roman coarse and thin walled pottery from the cemeteries and, to a lesser extent, the settlements of the Locamo region of Canton Ticino, in order to establish a refer ence typology and chronology which may have wider value in Ticino and the nearer parts of northern Italy. The study area was chosen because it contains by far the largest number of burials with datable grave-goods in the Canton. Moreover, vessels from graves have more complete profile s and come from better datable contexts than vessels from settlements. These main aims involve the following procedures :
STRUCTURE The work ha been structured into nine Chapters and six Appendices. The first Chapter deal s with aims and methodology, definition of study area and study material , and the histo ry of re earch on coarse and thin walled pottery. In Chapter 2 are con idered natural components and history of Canton Ticino, to assist the under standing of the study area and the comprehension of the other Chapters. Chapter 3 deals with the sites within the study area, described with details summarizing location , size, type and chronology of the cemeteries, and history of archaeological research , in form of a catalogue of cemeteries and graves and of settlements. ln Appendix IV, related to Chapter 3, is listed coarse and thin wa11ed pottery from each context along with all other as ociated datable gravegoods. Other non-datable grave-goods are omitted. The analysis and discussion of the associations in the graves and the suggestion of an internal chronology, are considered as the basis for the present study. In Chapter 4, coarse and thin walled vessels are divid ed into Form . In the same chapter are discus ed chronology of the forms, relation ship with similar forms from the neighbouring areas, functions and relationship with the other grave-goods. In Chapter 5 are highlighted and discussed the fabrics ; in Chapter 6 decoration and surface treatments. Chapter 7 includes the sections on chronology. Chapter 8 deals with manufacture , trade, external relations and influences , in order to suggest possible production areas and local or imported material. Chapter 9 deals with the conclu ion . The Appendices include the catalogue of coar e and thin walled pottery (Appendix I), the drawings (Appendix II),
l. To study and include in a single work both published and unpublished item , in order to build a picture as complet e as possible of the coarse and thin walled pottery in a defined area. Unassociated vessels are also included. Vessels, even if already published , if they could not be checked by the author, have been omitted. 2. To catalogue the vessels according to fonn, fabric and decoration , in order to compare them with pottery from other nearby regions and define pos sible links. 3. To analyse the presence of coarse and thin walled pottery in the cemeterie of the study area and define their relation hip to other grave-goods. 4. To analyse external relations and influences in connexion with the history of the region and highlight possible local or imported classes of material. 5. To develop an internal chronology, in order to suggest a possible dating for vessels from unknown contexts. The present work is also intended to complement the systematic study of Roman glass ware ( e.g. Biaggio Simona 1991) and other Roman artefacts such as metalwork (Bonzanigo, M. L. Unpublished). In case of the pre sent work, however , the study area does not include all Canton Ticino, but has been restricted to the Locamo region. The main reasons for limiting the study area are the quantity of material and the geographical difference between the regions of Ticino, in particular landscap e and communication route . Moreover , the border between Ticino and 3
the concordance list between catalogue and inventory numb rs (Appendix III) , the Ii t of graves and principal grave-contents (Appendix TV), the list of fabrics (Appendix V) and the analysis of the pottery by p riods (A ppendix VI).
ments of different illustrations. The drawin gs are included in App ndix JI and di splayed at l :3 sca le, according to co ntinental stand ards. Ty pe specim ens were cho sen for the summary in hapter 7, standing for all other ves Is of th same Form, and di pla ye d at 1:6 cale.
All sourc es of infom,ation about the sites and their excavation have been exam ined. Natural components and history of Ca nton Ticino hav e been outlined in order to nhance knowledge of the study area and the comprehensio n of the other hapter s. Relevant pub Ii hed and unpublished material has been inv est iga ted. This material i held in the following institutions and museum : Ufiicio dei Beni Cu lturali, Bellinzona ; Museo Civico a t llo di Montebello , B llinzona ; Mu eo ivico Castello Yi ·conteo , Loca rn o Landesmuseum , Zurich Hi torisches Museum , Bern. Material from private collection s is also inve stiga ted. In a small number of cases, however , it wa not possible to gain access to material. A catalogu e of drawing , description s, contexts and other d tail was built up, from which key information could be abstracted for this work and its Appendice . All data have been process ed by computer (Apple-Macintosh at the beginning , then personal computer). The texts have been written with Micro oft Word. Histo gra m and maps have been worked out with Microsoft Excel and respectively Adobe Photoshop , and both paged with Adobe PageMaker. Plates have been paged with Quark-X-Pres s. The det ail of coar and thin walled pott ery have been recorded with FileMaker Pro in files with 30 main fi Ids, enabling a quick sea rch by single or composite features. Each file has been ucces ively summari ze d into a t xt for the catalogue in Appendix I, where the vessels are listed according to their prov enance and their museum inventory number s. Th ve se ls di scus d in thi s work are display ed in App ndix ll. In thi s work, each vessel bear s a catalogue number that corre pond s with the drawin g number . A concordance Ii t betw een the au thor 's cata logue and drawin g number s, and museum inventory numb ers is provided in Appendix Jll. The drawing number s con i t of the catalogue numbers preceded by site codes. Both catalogue and drawing num bers occur in the cata logue be ides th mu se um inventory number if a ve se l has been further di cus ed and di played in this work. Of the 1373 ves els or vessel fragments examined, 918 are cons idered her e. Of these , 594 were drawn or redrawn by the author ; all other s were drawn by Nevio Quadri (Ufficio dei Beni Culturali, Bellin zona) and checked by the author for acc uracy. All drawin gs were then re-drawn , co mput erized and pa ged by Ales andro Zara, Fabrizio Argiola and Ivano Rosso with a CAD ( omputer-Aided De sig n) pro gram (ArchiCAD). The purpos was to avo id the very time-consuming task of inking drawing and, in particular , to faci litate changes of cale and line thickness in accordance with the require-
The term 'coa rs pott ery' is not well defined. Scarcity of detailed studie s and lack of preci se definit ion m ake so me preliminary remark necessary to under tand the limit of the tudy material. Ita lian st udi e of Roman pottery mention ' ce ramica com une' (com mon pottery), mea nin g a ll pottery of everyday use (kitchen , cooki ng, storage and table ware), in contra t to ' c ramica fine' (fi ne wa r , table wares only) uch as Campanian and igillata ware and thin walled pottery ( arandi ni 1979 , l 08 ; Lavizza ri Pedrazzini 1985a , 329). Moreover , sometime in Roman but especia ll y in M dieva l studie s, other term s ar use d: 'cera mic a grezza ' (coarse pottery) indicates vessels in contact with fire, whereas 'cera mica ac roma ' (unpainted pottery) denomi nate s vessels not in contact with fire (Brogiolo & Gelichi 1986, 293ff.). French studies deal , as Italian do , with the term 'c 01mnune ' (common) to indicate pottery of everyday use (i.e. Senechal 1975; Thiriot 1986 ; Alcamo 1985). German scholar s pr efer the term 'Gebrauch ker amik ' (i.e. Schindler-Kaudelka 1989) ; Americans have u ed 'utilitarian pottery' (Dyson 1976). In any case, the use of 'c oar e pott ery ' as contrary of ' fine ware ' doe s not indicate at all which clas of types of pott ery are considered. Ril ey ( 1981, 69ff.) uses 'coa rs war ' for hou se hold pot tery without any lip or wash and includ es table and kitch en ware , and mortaria . Paunier ( 1981) highli ght s the importance of distin guishing , according to the firing technique s, between light fabrics of Mediterranean tradition and local grey /black fabrics. Alarcao (1975, 27) consider 'coa r e' the pott ery of local manufacture . Exce pt in th pre ence of kiln or p trographical analysis, however , it is ex tremely difficult to apply thi d finition to the pott ry from a site. A ge nera l m ea nin g, unfortunat ely still very de ep-root d among many sc holar , is to cons ider pott ry without any particular aesthetic or technical va lue as manufactured where it was found. The assumption of local manufacture becau se of th e 'coarse' appearance of a ware or of high percenta ges of it on a it , is arbitrary and not upported by scientific evidence. Some pottery from Albintimilium/Ventimilia for example in coarse fabric, u ed for cooking and sp r ad over all areas of the ancie nt town, consisted of import s (Olces e 199 3, 44). Carandini (Carandini et al. 1973, 409) define s ' coarse' pottery according to tec hni ca l feature of execut ion and local manu factu r . On the co ntrary , Ma ssa ri & Ratti (Frova 1977, 595-7) and Olcese (1993, 44-5) allow that pott ery of the sa me class can be e ither local or imported . M annoni (I 970, 297ff.), Olcese ( 1993, 44-5) and Cara ndini & Ricci ( 1985, 93-107) consi der coarse pottery vessels answering functional criteria (table , kitchen , stor4
age, cooking), where aesthetic criteria have a secondary role. The function of a vessel, however, is usually a matter of conjecture and 1 prefer not to use it as a defining criterion. For example, a supposed cooking jar could have been in reality a funerary jar and a sigillata dish could be used as a lid in the kitchen rather than as a dish in fine ware on the table. Moreover , vessel considered as coarse in Roman archaeology because of aesthetic criteria could be considered fine ware in prehistoric archaeology. Therefore, in this work the term 'coarse pottery' is only related to Roman archaeology and used to make a contrast with as Campanian, sigillata and glazed wares. Thin walled pottery is here also considered together with coarse wares, whereas other scholars (i.e. Lavi zza ri Pedrazzini 1985a, 329) list it within fine wares. The reasons are the similarity of some fabrics with coarse pottery and the occurrence of some forms in both classes.
ii terreno scavato e di dare valore al frammento e al particolare senza alcun preconcetto d ' ordine estetico.' (Lamboglia 1950, preface) . Many scholars followed Lamboglia 's example for material from Italy and the Mediterranean area, as it appears from excavation report in 'No tizie degli Scavi di Antichita' or other publications (i.e. Duncan 1964 and l 965; Carandini et al. 1968). Pottery studies increased in the seventies because of the new interest in material culture ('cultura materiale ') and its socio-economical implications (Carandini 1979, 108). Progress in stratigraphical excavation highlighted the need to improve methodology of studying pottery. In particular coarse pottery , according to Carandini, assumed importance as everyday ware, used by the masses , in contrast to fine , luxury wares , which were the prerogative of the few. M. Vegas published in 1973 an important study of Roman coarse pottery from the western Mediterranean regions. The author compared pottery from many sites and di tinguished materials according to their functions: kitchen, table , storage, cult wares and varia. She excluded sigillata ware and local productions , to obtain a classification of coarse pottery over wider areas. Also in 1973 appeared the third volume on the excavations at Ostia (Carandini et al. 1973), with some innovations on methodology. In particular, there was proposed a definition for coarse pottery: the term, inaccurate and conventional, indicated groups of v s els which did not have constant features of clay and urface treatment. It wa therefore used to classify all material which did not belong to precise typologies and included everyday ware of local manufacture. In this publication (Carandini et al. 1973, 409; 421) 'c oarse pottery ' indicated local production s with bright and r fined clay, without any coat. In the following tudy (Carandini et al. 1977a) the data were elaborated as quantitative schedule . R. Senechal published in 1975 a study on th coarse pottery from Alesia (Senechal 1975). The author compared the study material with that from Vindonissa and from some Rhineland regions and explained the similarity assuming common manufacture techniques in western Roman world. He considered as impossible , however , the exportation of coarse pottery from its production centres. In I 976 appeared S.L. Dyson 's work on coarse pottery excavated at Cosa (Dyson 1976). Of particular interest, is the tudy of pottery from a kiln, and parallels establi hed with the pottery from Albintimilium. The publication of the material from Luni (Cavalieri Manasse 1977) represented a further evolution in the study of coarse pottery. Besides the typological classification of the material, T. Mannoni executed petrological analysis on thin sections. The resulting morphological types were associated with different fabrics and grouped according to provenance. These analyses also highlighted the fact that some coarse pottery consisted of imports from other production centres. The results of this study were later improved and the provenance of some pottery types were definitively determined (Ratti Squellati 1987). In 1979 appeared the work on the Gallo-Roman coarse
This Section is not intended to be a complete paper on the history of research on Roman coarse pottery. Its purpose is to highlight the significant phases in the study of Roman coarse pottery in Italy and in Canton Ticino. Coarse pottery in Italy and Ticino has been neglected in pottery studies until recently. In the first half of thi century, the study of clay artefacts was ba ed exclusively on aesthetic criteria. Unattractive pottery, recovered during the excavations, was usually thrown away or exceptionally only listed but not studied. This appears clearly from excavation reports published in the Italian periodical 'N otizie degli Scavi di Antichita', where only fine wares are studied. The scarcity of works on coar e pottery is therefore mainly due to the following elements: I. A tradition of studies that elevated aesthetically fine pottery which was easier to classify;
2. The scarcity of morphological and stylistical changes on coarse pottery over time, making such pottery difficult to date . Today the relevance of coar e pottery i clear. It constitutes usually the majority of pottery from a site, and modem scientific analysis allows the scholar to gain further information about manufacture and distribution , adding new elements to understanding the past. A revolution in the approach of the material from northern Italy occurred in N. Lamboglia 's publication Gli scavi di Albintimilium e la cronologia de/la ceramica romana ( 1950). Lamboglia highlighted the importance of stratigraphic excavation and detailed publication of all associated materials, even if fragmentary and apparently insignificant: 'C i siamo scostati dai procedimenti consueti dell'archeologia classica e monumentale , per applicare alla storia quelli dell'archeologia preistorica e provinciale; preoccupandoci oprattutto di fruttare sino in fondo
rather than formal groups. In 1993 G. Olcese publi bed a new clas ification of the coarse pottery from Albintimilium/Ventimilia according to typology and fabrics (Olcese 1993). Laboratory analysis was employed to group th pottery. Clay analysis allowed the author to identify production area and to quantify local products and import .
pott ry from Aquitania (Santrot & Santrot 1979). Th e tudy, partly supported by laboratory analy i , highlighted th most frequent problems in approaching coarse pott ry : large quantities of material, the difficulty of building up pottery groups, and the insufficiency of similar studies as referenc . The authors also could distinguish pottery of eltic tradition, associated to Roman pottery or local imitations. In the 1980 modem technologies and investigation methods were more and more applied to pottery studies. Pottery was not only considered for it dating evidence , but al o as a source of information about production , manufacture techniques, trade and their socio-economical implication s (Anderson 1984 ; Peacock 1982). New exigences of specification, quantification and qualification were requested for the reconstruction of the economic of history of the Ancient World (Finley 1977 , 30; Arthur & Ricci J981 ; Shennan 1988 ; Orton 1989 ; Oxford 1989) . Mathematic s and computing were currently applied to archaeology (Dora n & Hodson I 975; Riley 1981; Riley 1984 ; Orton 1980). Laboratory analysis became frequent in archaeological publications. Lithic inclusions and chemical composition of the fabric were related to local geology and quantitative analysis of the pottery in archaeological deposits (Cavalieri Manasse 1977, 590-595; Carandini & Ricci 1985; Paunier 1981 ; Schindler-Kaudelka 1989). Many Italian studies of Roman coar e ware still lack of petrological analysis, although the situation varies from region to region. Genoa and Liguria (Mannoni 1972· Mannoni 1974; Mannoni 1975 ; Mannoni 1985 ; Olcese 1993) and Lombardy (Brogiolo 1988 ; Sfrecola 1991) have many exampl .e . It is important to consider, however, the limits of such analysi . Often the identification of the exact provenance of the elements contained in the fabrics is impossible because many inclusions belong to rocks or soils spread over wide areas by glacial or fluvial movements . ln 1984 was publi bed a study on th pottery from Carthage (Fulford & Peacock 1984). The authors carried out typological and chronological cla ifications and petrological analysis. The fabric of the main group , previously defined according to function , w r further se parated according to petrological features. The result wa a catalogue of forms and types grouped according to mineralogical, technical and functional criteria and associated to morphological and chronological parall ls. Among the coarse pottery, it was possible to distinguish local products from imports and quantify their relationships. ln 199 l appeared the study on the material found at Milan during work for th tube line MM3 . The coar e pottery was divided into forms , according to the function, and type within a form , with common morphological and technical feature as fabric, firing, manufacture (Guglielm tti et. al. 1991 , 132ff.). Further, there were identified some ' production ' indicating vessels of different form but identical fabric and manufacturing technique . On the ba sis of these result , it is necessary to reexamine all product identified at Milan in fabric groups
In Ticino, the scientific approach to ceramic artifacts is still totally lackin g. Moreover , the few publications on Roman material are very general ones. Exce pt for Roman glass, object of a doctoral thesi s (Biaggio Simona 1991) , and thin walled and coar e pottery , with which this work is concerned, no ware ha s been tudi d in detail. There also persist s the idea of coarse pottery as chronologically and typolo gica lly less rele va nt and as essentially local product. Laboratory analy ses of sample s from differ ent regions are needed in order to di tinguish betwe n local product s and import , and to establish where the imports came from. It is important to co nsid r, however, that the morphology of Ca nton Ticino is due to the action of glaciers, moving southwards scouring the valleys. Thi movem nt, taking material from upper Ticino southward , might not allow one to obtain clear results from the analyses. Geological-petrol .ogical criteria indicating the same compositional components in the pottery and in the area may not result in any useful evidence. Moreover, no pottery kilns have been found so far in Ticino or in the neighbouring areas. It is therefore impossible to analyse kiln wasters to define local vessels and establish group of reference (for the methods , also see Olcese 1993, 70ff.).
Thi s ware consists of drinking v sets (cups, beakers , tankards) , characteri zed by the extreme thinness of the wall (0.1 to 3 or 5mm). Unlike ampanian and sigillata wares , this cla is very heterogeneou s: some item are close to sigillata pottery of Italian manufacture, other item s resemble the coarse pottery. The form reflect Hellenistic and Iron Age (Gola ecca, La Tene and Este cultures) influence . The main studies on thin walled pottery are those by Marabini Moeus ( 1973) on material from Cosa and by Mayet ( l 975) on material from Iberia. Marabini Moeus 's work consisted of a typology according to forms, but did not con ider distribution pattern . Mayet's tudy, on the other hand , was based upon thin walled pottery from Spain and, when po ssible , the author tried to identify production centres. Another study, by Ricci ( 1985) , define type connected with tandardized products mainly from central Italy. Recently know ledge of material s from isalpina ha s been enlarged by works on the cemetery and the settlement at Angera (Sena Chiesa & Lavizzari Pedra zz ini 1985; Sena Chiesa & Lavizzari Pedrazzini 1995) , on the thin walled pottery in the museums of western Lombardy (Tregg iari 1986-87) and on th Roman cemeteries of Milan (Bolla 6
l 988).
lack of a systematic classification of it product , facilitating the recognition of local products and an understanding of their production and movements.
Although these studies represent a valid contribution to the knowledge of this class of material, the general problem of studying thin walled pottery from Cisalpina is the
The Geography and Archaeology of Canton Ticino fabric analysis depending upon the mixed soil due to the action of the glaciers (Chapter 5), the lack of human or food remains due to the acid soil (Chapter 4), trading and other connections suggested by imports and export s (Chapter 8).
Chapter 2 deals with natural components and history of Canton Ticino (fig. 2.1 ). Its substance and extent are intended to enhance knowledge of the study area and the comprehension of the other Chapters , e.g. the problem of
Fig. 2.1. Canton Ticino. Location map. 9
285 0 squar e kilometre s, to the so uth nearly reachin g the plain of the Po , to th north Canton Walli , Uri and Grigioni , to the ea t Calanca and Mesolcina valleys also in Canton Grigioni. ln Italy to the outh and west are the province s of Lombardy and Piemonte.
Geomorphology (fig. 2.2) Ca nton Ticino is a mountainou s di strict on the so uthern side of Lepon tic or Centra l A lps. It occupie an area of
- "\t:}S 40 ~ 30 ~ 20 O 10 0 -t--"'-t--=--t--i-..LA.~-'Y--'""L+fil.Lj-----+Jl!ly-.l!EL~Lj-~
Is12 Is14 ls15 Is41 ls42/ ls44 ls46 ls51 ls55 ls56 Is61 Is82 43 Forms
Fig. 8.6. Forms with 11-50 examples.
~ 10
"' ::I
Fig. 8. 7. Forms with 3-10 examples .
Forms with one (Isl , 4, 9, 16, 37, 39, 49, 54, 57, 67, 75, 87, 88, 120) or two (Is3 I, 34/ 109, 43, 47, 48, 62, 69) examples have been omitted from the histogram because of lack of space. Glass wares in the Locarno area range frqm the 1st to the 4th century AD. ·Most vessels"date to the I st and the 2nd centuries AD, whereas those dating from the 3rd and 4th centuries AD are rare. This phenomenon · occurs in other north-Italian regions and is probably due to the shifting of the production north of the Alps (Biaggio Simona 1991, 260ff. ; Facchini 1985, 543ff.). As for the sigillata wares , there does no·t exi t any evidence from literary ources about manufacturing centres or craftsmen in Ticino. Pliny (Natura/is Historia XYil.3) mentions alluvial sands rich in quartz in the region of Pavia and Lomel1ina (sabulum album in Ticiniensi). Similar materials and the wood necessary for the manufacture of glas were surely available also in the Sopraceneri. Rock crystal is also an important component 209
share similar feature deriving from their common origin : craftsmen from the eastern Mediterranean settled at Aquileia and from there moved to the Po and the Ticino regions , closer to the raw materials and the centres north of the Alps (Facchini 1985, 553 ; Biaggio Simona 1991, 285). Biaggio Simona ( 1991, 288-9), however , assumed that the manufacturing centre at Locarno-Muralto mainly served the local market around lake Verbano, but did not investigate the destination of exports. he considers, how ever, that the glass ware within the study area wa not exclu ively of local manufacture but could al o have been the result of trade with the Po plain, the Adriatic region (Aquil ia), the ea tern Mediterranean, central Italy and the Rhine area.
Cl8 C19
Cups Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
C9 CtO
Cl2 Cl3
Locarno area / Verbano region Locarno area Locarno area/Verbano region/ Piemonte Locarno area / Piemonte Locarno area / Western Lombardyeastern Piemonte 4.1 Locarno area 4.2 Locarno area North-eastern Italy (Emilia-Romagna?) /central Italy Locarno area I western Lombardyeastern Piemonte Lyon / Verbano region No. 32: North-ea tern Italy (EmiliaRomagna ?)/central Italy Nos. 30-31 : Locarno area/ western Lombardy-eastern Piemont Locarno region/North-w stern Italy 10.1 North-eastern Italy ( milia-Romagna ?) /central Italy 10.2 North-ea tern Italy / central Italy 10.3 Locarno area /western Lombardyeastern Piemonte 10.4 Locarno region/ North-western Italy No. 47 : orth-eastern Italy (EmiliaRomagn a ?)/central Italy No. 48: Lyon No. 49 : Northern Italy 12.1 - (Locarno areaa ?) 12.2 North of the Alps 13.1 Locarno area / Western Lombardyeastern Piemonte 13.2 Locarno area / Western Lombardyeastern Piemonte 13.3 North-eastern Italy (Emilia-Romagna?) /central Italy 13.4 Locarno region/ North-western Italy Spain (Betica ?) 15.1 Nos. 80-81 : Locarno region / 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
C21 C22 C23 C2ll
North-we tern Italy o. 82 : Northern Italy 15.2 Northern Italy 16. l Locarno region / North-western Italy 16.2 Locarno area/ Western Lombardyastern Piemonte l 7 .1 Locarno area I Western Lombardyea tern Piemonte 17.2 - (Locarno areaa ?) 17.3 Locarno region / North-western Italy 17.4 No. 107 : Locarno area/Western Lombardy-eastern Piemonte No. l 08 : West rn Lombardy-eastern Piemonte /Ravenna-Aquileia ? No . I 09 : Northern Italy Locarno region/ North-western Jtaly 19.1 Locarno region / North-western Italy 19.2 Northern Italy 19 .3 Locarno area/ Western Lombardyeast rn Piemonte 20 . l Locarno region / North-western Italy 20.2 Locarno area/ Western Lombardyeastern Piemonte Turin ? / Pi monte Eastern provinces (Noricum ?) Locarno area I Northern Italy Locarno area ?
Beakers BKl BK2 BK3 BK4
4.1 4.2 4.3 6.1 6.2
10. l 10.2 11.1
BK12 BK13 BK14 BK15 BK16 BK17 BK18 BK19
BK20 210
19.1 19.2 19.3
North-eastern Italy / central Italy ( Locarno areaa ?) Northern Italy Locamo area / Verbano-Ticino region Locarno area / Verbano-Ticino region Locarno area Northern Italy / Limes region s Western Lombardy-eastern Piemonte Locarno area I Verbano region Northern Italy (Pi monte ?) - (Locarno area?) North rn Italy (Pi monte ?) Locarno area / Yerbano region Locarno area I Verbano region Northern Italy (western Lombardyeastern Piemonte ?) Northern Italy North of the Alps Western Lombardy North-eastern Italy / central Italy North rn Italy Northern Italy - (Locarno areaa ?) Northern Italy North rn Italy ( ea tern region ?) Western Lombardy-ea tern Piemont Western Lombardy-eastern Piemonte Northern Italy
BK21 BK22
22.1 22.2 22.3
BK23 BK24 BK25
BK26 BK27 BK28
BK29 BK30
26.l 26 .2 28.1 28.2 28.3 30.1 30.2 30.3
Locarno area I Yerbano region Locarno area I Yerbano region Locarno area I Yerbano region Locarno area I Yerbano region Locarno area I Yerbano region Locarno area I Yerbano region No. 227 : North-eastern Italy / central Italy No. 228 : North-eastern Italy-Adriatic regions /eastern provinces Locarno area I Yerbano region Locarno area Locarno area Western Lombardy Northern Italy Northern Italy (Lombardy ?) Eastern provinces (Noricum ?) Eastern regions of northern Italy / central Italy Locarno area Locarno area Northern Italy
B7 88 B9
Locarno area ( ?)/northern Italy / Northern Italy / Limes regions
Dishes Locarno area /northern Lombardy /
Limes regions D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
3.1 3.2
6.1 6.2
D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15
Northern Lombardy / Limes regions Northern Italy (Lombardy ?) Northern Italy {Lombardy?) Northern Italy Lombardy I northern [taly Locarno area I Yerbano region Locarno area / Yerbano region Northern Italy / Lim es regions Locarno area / Verbano region Northern Italy Northern Italy / Limes regions Northern Italy (Lombardy-Piemonte ?) Locarno area / Yerbano region Northern Italy (Lombardy-Piemonte ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locamo areaa ?)
Jars Jl J2 J3 14 JS J6
Bowls Bl B2 83
I.I 1.2
B13 B14 815 816 817 818 819 820 B21 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 B30 B31 832 833 834 835
Limes regions 8S2
9.1 9.2
810 B11 B12
Balsamaria BSl
6.1 6.2
Verbano region Western Lombardy Locarno area I Verbano region Locarno area / Verbano region Locamo area Western Lombardy Locarno area (Gerra GambarognoYairano ?) Northern Italy Yerbano region - (Locarno areaa ?) Verbano region Yerbano region 12.2 - (Locarno areaa ?) Locamo area I Verbano region Locarno area /Verbano region Yerbano area - (Locarno areaa ?) Verbano region / we tern Lombardy Yerbano region / western Lombardy - (Locarno areaa ?) Locarno area / Yerbano region - - ( Locarno areaa ?) Yerbano region / we tern Lombardy Western Lombardy - {Locarno areaa ?) Locarno area / western Lombardy Verbano region / western Lombardy - (Locarno areaa ?) - (Locarno areaa ?) Verbano region - (Locarno areaa ?) - (Locarno areaa ?) Locarno area Western Lombardy - (Locarno areaa ?)
J9 JlO Jlt J12 J13
(Locarno areaa ?) Verbano region Yerbano region Verbano region 211
1.1 1.2
6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.1 8.2
l 3.1
Locarno area I western Lombardy Locamo area I western Lombardy Locarno area (Losone ?) Locamo area - (Locarno areaa ?) - (Locarno areaa ?) Locarno area Locamo area Yerbano region Locamo area Locarno area Locamo area - (Locarno areaa ?) - (Locamo areaa ?) Locarno area I Yerbano region - (Locarno areaa ?) · Locarno area I Verbano region Locarno area Locarno area
J15 J16 J17 J18 J19 J20
13.2 14.1 14.2 14.3
20. l 20.2 20.3
J21 J22 J23 J24 J25 J26 J27 J28 J29
29.1 29.2
J30 J31 J32
Locarno area Locarno area Locarno ar a Locarno area Locarno ar a (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) Locarno area Locarno area Yerbano r gion Locarno are a /wes tern Lomb ard yeastern Piemont Locarno area /western Lombardyeastern Piemonte Locarno area Verbano region (Orna vasso ?) Locarno area We tern Lombard y (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) Verbano region (Locarno ar aa ?) Verbano region Western Lombardy (Locarno areaa ?)
4.1 4.2
F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
9.1 9.2
FlO Fil F12 F13 Fl4 Fl5
15.l 15.2
Fl6 F17 Fl8
F19 F20
1 .1 18.2 18.3 18.19.l 19.2 20.l 20.2
F21 Lt L2
L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 LS L9
4.1 4.2
8.1 8.2 9.1 9.2 9.3 10. l 10.2 10.3 11.1 11.2
orthern Italy (/north of th Alps) Northern Italy (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno ar aa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) Yerbano region I western Lombardy (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno ar aa ?) Western Lombardy (Locarno ar aa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locamo areaa ?) We tern Lombardy (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) Western Lombardy
F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F31 F32
F33 F34 F35 F36 F37 F38 F39 F40
Flagons & Jugs Fl F2 F3
1.1 1.2
Locarno area Locarno area Verbano region/western Lombardyea tern Piemonte Verb ano region/we tern Lombard yeas tern Pi mont e
F41 F42 F43 2 12
29.l 29.2
32 . l 32.2 32.3
40 . 1 40.2
Locarno area / Yerbano Locarno area / Verbano Western Lombardy (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) Verbano region /western eastern Piemonte Yerbano region Verbano region Yerbano region / we tern eastern Piernonte Verbano region Verb ano reg ion /we tern eastern Piemonte Verbano region /w tern eastern Piemonte We tern Lombardy Locarno area / Yerbano Locarno area / Yerbano Verbano region /western eastern Piemont Verbano region Locarno area / Y, rbano Locarno area / Verbano Locarno area / Yerbano Locarno area / Verbano Locarno area / Verbano Locarno area / Verbano Locarno area / Yerbano Locarno area / Verbano Verbano region /we tern eastern Piemonte Verbano region / w tern eastern Piemonte Locarno area I Yerbano Western Lombardy (Locarno ar aa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno ar aa ?) Yerbano region Verbano region Yerbano region Locarno area / Y, rbano Yerbano region Locarno area Locarno area Locarno area (Locamo areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) (Locarno areaa ?) Verbano region Verbano region (Locarno areaa ?) Verbano region Verbano region Verbano region (Locarno areaa ?) (L oc arno ar eaa ?)
region region
Lombardy Lombardy-
region region Lombardy -
region region region region region region region region LombardyLombardy region
F44 F45 F46
44.l 44.2 46.l 46.2
47.l 47.2 47.3 48.l 48.2 48.3
Locarno area / Yerbano Locarno area I Verbano Verbano region Verbano region/western eastern Piemonte Yerbano region/western ea tern Piemonte Locarno area I Verbano Locarno area I Yerbano Locarno area I Verbano Locarno area I Yerbano Locarno area I Verbano Locarno area I Verbano
region region
49.1 49.2
Lombardy50.2 region region region region region region
F51 F52 F53 F54 F55
Verbano region /western eastern Piemonte Verbano region /western eastern Piemonte Verbano region /western eastern Piemonte Verbano region /western eastern Piemonte Yerbano region - - (Locarno areaa ?) - - (Locamo areaa ?) Northern Italy Western Lombardy
Further Discussion and Conclusions THIN WALL ED AND COARS E POTTERY
Cemeteries with the Flagon as best represented form among the coarse wares
In this section is examined the presence of thin walled and coarse pottery in some cemeteries within the study area. Only the cemeteries with wel1 defined contexts have been considered , such as Ascona (San Materno ), Cavigliano, Losone-Arcegno , Minusio (property Cadra), Moghegno, Muralto (properties Passalli , Villa Liverpool sotto and sopra, Branca, Marki and Tommasi), Locarno-Solduno.
Locarno- Muralto Graves
Sigillata Glass
Thin walled & coarse pottery
124 34
Bk Bs 36 4
D 12
B 14
L 2
F 65
Total 209
Of 124 graves, 10 were empty and 18 did not contain thin walled or coarse pottery. There were 209 vessels in 96 graves, numbers ranging from one to six in each grave. The best represented fonn is the flagon with 65 examples, followed by jars with 42, beakers with 36 and cups with 34 vesse ls.
Three-hundred graves (76%) with 686 thin walled or coarse vesse ls have been examined. Other 94 graves (24%) in the same cemeteries contained no grave-goods or did not contain thin walled or coarse vesse ls. The quantity of these pots in the graves varies from 1 to 10 exam ples. They are sometimes, but not always , associated with Italian sigillata or glass vessels. The number of forms , moreover, varies from cemetery to cemetery. The analysis has been limited to the presence of thin walled and coarse pottery and of Italian sigillata and glass wares , considering only marginally other grave-goods such as coins, brooches , tools , bronze and stone vessels. For an exhaustive study of the composition of the grave-goods and its socio-economica l eva luation, however , would be necessary to consider the totality of grave-goods, but such work is beyond the scope of this thesis.
Locarno-Solduno Graves
Thin walled & coar e pottery
55 28
Bk Bs 21 I
D 3
B 21
J 11
Sigillata Glass L 0
F Total 29 1.14
Of 55 graves, four were empty and even did not contain thin walled or coarse pottery. There were 114 vessels in 44 graves, numbers ranging from one to six in each grave . The best represented fonn is the flagon with 29 examples, followed by cups with 28, and by bowls and beakers with 21 examples.
Some remarks, however , can be made. According to the presence of thin walled and coarse vessels, the considered cemeteries may be divided into two main groups :
1. Cemeteries with the flagon as best represented form among the coarse wares.
2. Cemeteries with the jar as best represented form among the coarse wares.
The details for each cemetery and grave are shown in Appendix IV. The fragments of thin walled and coarse vessels and of scarcely represented fine wares such as Campanian and glazed vessels have not been considered. The only mortaria from these cemeteries (two examples : from Muralto-property Branca, Grave 1, and LocamoSolduno, Grave 57.6) have been considered together with the bowls.
Thin walled & coars pottery
C 15
Bk 18
Bs 0
D 3
B 10
Sigillata Glass L
F 21
Total 83
Of 33 graves , two were empty and three did not contain coarse pottery. The remaining 28 graves contained 83 of these vessels , ranging in each grave from one to ten examples. The best represented fonn is the flagon , with 21 examples, followed by beakers with I 8, cups with 15 and jars with 14 examples.
Of 40 graves , two of them wer empty and three did not contain coarse or thin walled pottery . Th r w r 59 of these ve 1 , ranging from one to four in each grave. Jars are the best represented form with 30 ves Is, followed by flagon with 13 and cups with 12 examples.
Cemeteries with the Jar as best represented form among the coarse wares Ascona Grav es 33
Thin wa lled & coarse pottery C 12
Bk 4
Bs 0
B 15
J 16
L 2
F 15
Total 83
In both groups the quantity of thin walled and coarse ve I in ach grave usually range from one to four examples. Higher quantities may be seen as exc ptions . Al oat Minusio, where the number of coars vessels in each grave reaches ten example , most of the graves contained one to four coar e pots. Only grave 4 with eight examples and grav e 5 with ten example s outnumbered the other grave s.
Of 33 graves , two were mpty and three did not contain thin walled or coar e pottery. There wer 65 v sels in 28 graves , ranging from one to four in each grave . The be t represent d form is the jar , with I 6 example , followed by bowls and flagons with 15 examples and cups with 12.
Group l includes the c meteri s of Muralto , Minusio and Locamo- olduno. At Muralto , in particular , th quantity of flagon s clearly outnumb r that of the other form . All the e c m t rie wer e c. 500-600m from the lake in Roman time s. As already highlighted in hapter 3 ( ection : Date-range of coin s), the c meterie s clo e to the lake were richer in sigillata and gla s wares than in coin . Th pr ence of these ware , how ver, seem to be always in inverse ratio to that of coin . The ame proportion al o occur in the graves of Moghegno and Cavigliano, belonging to Group 2.
Cavigliano Grave 12
T h in wa lled & coarse pottery
C 5
Bk I
J 9
igillata Glas
Of 12 grave excavated in 1944 and 1957, two were empty and one did not contain coarse or thin walled pottery. There were 22 of these ve sels, ranging from one to four in each grave. The best represented form is the jar with nine examp les, followed by cups with five, flagon with four and bowl with three pots.
Group 2 includes the cemeteries of Losone-Arcegno , Mogh gno , Cavigliano and Ascona. In thi group , the quantity of jars at Moghegno massively outnumbers that of the other forms. The cemeteries ,of thi group were c. 800 m from the lake (A cona), to c. 1.5 km (LosoneArcegno) , c. 3.6 km (Cavigliano) and c. 10.5 km (Moghegno ). 1
Losone-Arcegno Grave s
Thin walled & coa r ·c pott ery
97 9
Bk 7
Bs 0
D 32
B 15
J 39
igillat a L I
F 30
In the following table (fig. 9.1) is shown the relation b tw n thin walled /coarse wares and igillata /gla ve sels in the considered c m t rie . The grave of Minusio contain d th highe t quantities of thin wall d/coar e, igillata and g lass war relativ to the number of graves. Th values of Minusio have therefore been u ed a starting point to calcu late the proportions of the different ware . For the other cemeteries , there ar indicat d their real values and , in brackets , the quantities of each ware accord ing to the proportions at Minusio.
la s
Total 133
Of 97 graves , 13 were empty and 25 did not contain thin wall d or coarse ves els. The remaining 59 graves contained in all 133 of the e vessel , from one to five in each grave. Jars are the best represented form with 39 examples, followed by dishes with 32, flagons with 30 and bowl with 15 pot . The high quantity of coar dishes , usually limited to few examples , is remarkable in this cemetery. Al o numerically important, in comparison to the other cemeteries, are coins and irons tools.
Example :
At Minu io, 31 graves contained 83 thin walled or coar e vesse ls. The proportion is therefore 83 to 31 . At Muralto , 114 graves contained 209 thin walled or coarse ve el . The proportion is therefore 209 to 114. According to the values at Minusio, however , the number of the e vessel should be 305 ; in fact 83 : 3 1 = x : 114 x = 305. 1n the table th re appear the real value 209 and (305).
Moghegno Graves
Thin wa lled & coa rse pott ry
40 12
Bk 3
Bs 0
D 0
J 30
L 0
F 13
Total 59
2 16
CONCLUIO S Graves with grave-goods
Thin walled/ coarse ve sels
Sigillata vessels
Glass vessels
Minusio 31
Muralto 114
209 (305)
174 (393)
163( 551)
Locarno-Solduno 51
114 ( 136)
70 (247)
Moghegno 38
59 ( 155)
26 ( 184)
Losone-Arcegno 84
133 (225)
45 (290)
38 (406)
Cavigliano 10
22 (27)
9 (35)
11 (49)
Ascona 31
65 (83)
58 (107)
28 (150)
the Iron Age onward . According to the atle ted rites, it has been po ible to divide the considered cemeteries into two groups (fig. 9.2).
Fig. 9.1. Relation betwe en thin walled/coarse wares and sigillatalglass ves els.
Minusio Muralto LocarnoSolduno Ascona
33 124 55
13 34 9
39.39% 27.4% 16.36%
Moghegno LosoneArcegno Cavigliano
40 97
0 0
Fig. 9.2. Cremations in the study area. The e groups correspond to those defined according to the dominant form in coar e wares ; the only difference i Ascona, here in the first group , but with a prevalence of jars. A with the presence of igillata and glass wares among the grave-goods , Minusio showed the highest percentage of cremations. Even though it included some cremation , their percentag at A cona wa very low, placing the cemetery half-way between the first and econd groups. The presence or absence of cremations , moreover, seem not to depend upon the life pan of the cemeteries , because all show synchronisms. Cremation graves occurred only in cemeteries c. 500600m from the lake. Since their presence indicates a Roman rite , it is possible to suggest the presence of Roman or strongly romanized people in the centre or the centres close to the lake. In centres farther from the lake , such as Losone-Arcegno , avigliano and Moghegno in spite of the pre ence of igillata and glass wares among the grave goods, inhumation is the only mode of burial. Settlements in the Locarno region were found only at Mural to , in the areas of via San Vittore , via Collegiata and Park Hotel , the remain consisting of private and public building . Walls were found at A cona , in the park of Castle San Matemo. In this case , however , the remains were too insubstantial to define th presence of a ettlement. The remains at Muralto indicate a centre situated at the northern end of lake Verbano, lying c. 200m from the lake. The cemeterie , today distributed on the territories of Minusio , Muralto and Locarno-Solduno , occupied the area between the settlement and the mountain. Lacking of more information , it is impo sible to say if there were different cemeteries related to different centre or a single elongated cemetery connected to Muralto , as seems to be the case. The cemeteries of Minusio, Muralto and Locamo-Solduno have ome features in common, such as the presence of cremation graves , the flagon a the predominant form in coarse ware , and the presence of lamps which did not occur in the cemeterie ituated we t of the
According to the proportion between the number of graves and the quantity of considered grave-goods, Minusio clearly outnumbers the other considered cemeteries in richness of thin walled, coarse, sigillata and glass wares. Ascona and , further , Cavigliano how proportions similar to that of Minusio for thin walled and coarse ware . The proportions of sigillata and glass ves el , however, are also outnumbered by those at Minusio. This contrast is particularly evident comparing Minusio with Lo one-Arcegno. The massive presence of sigillata and gla vessels in the cemeterie close to the lake (Minusio , Mural to) and the scarcity of these wares in the cemeteries of Losone-Arcegno , avigliano and Moghegno may uggest centres subject to stronger Roman influence and centres with a stronger native background. At Moghegno and Cavigliano , however, the quantity of sigillata and gla vessels still outnumbers that of coins as occurs at Minusio or Muralto , but in smaller proportion. This difference between the two groups reflects the difference of best represented form in coarse ware : the flagon for Group 1 and the jar for Group 2. A cona belongs to Group 2 ; the quantity of jar ( 16 examples) , however, is almost identical to that of the flagon ( 15 examples). The cemetery was c. 800m from the lake, not as clo e as Minusio and Muralto, and not as far as Lo one and Cavigliano. In spite of the small number of examined sites , therefore , one may consider A cona as half-way between Group 1 and Group 2, with the features of both group . The funerary rites in Italy during the Roman period were inhumation for children and cremation for adults. As already observed in Chapter 2 (Section : Romanization) , these two rites also occurred in Ticino in Roman times. Cremation graves were common in the cemeterie of Sottoceneri (i.e. Melano). In Sopraceneri, on the contrary, inhumation grave clearly outnumbered cremation grave . The inhumation was the predominant rite in this area from 217
river Magg ia, and the ab ence or carcity of vessels in Lavez-rock. The romanization of Sopraceneri occurr d a osmotic process due to cultural and commercial reasons and not as result of a military conquest. The presence of Roman Iiving in the ettlement of M uralto or of a strongly romanized group using the Roman habit of th cremation, may xplain the presenc of cremation in the cemeterie . In case of Roman , one may a sume th presence of traders settled at Muralto for business. In case of indigenous romanized people, however , they could belong to the local upper cla s, quickly romanized by the presenc of Romans or by the dir ct involvement in the Roman government. Some graves at Minusio and Muralto (i.e. Minusio-Cadra , grave 4 and 5, inhumations) were extremely rich in grave-goods, reflecting therefore the wealth of th ir owners. The romanization through o mosi surely did not stop in the area close to the lake but al o reached mor distant areas uch a Mogh gno , bringing sigillata and glass wares later used as grave-goods. For th main gro up of the population , however , and surely even for the upper cla s, the native background remain d trong enough to allow the inhumation to outnumber the cremation in the cemeteries. The cemeterie situated we t of the river Maggia seem to have been related to more than one centre. Their geographical distribution is too scattered to uggest a single settlement. Some features, however , are shared by the cemeteries: the absence of er mation graves, the jar as the predominant form among the coarse wares , the ab ence of lamps and the presence of Lavez-rock ve sels. Ascona, as mentioned above, seems partly to reflect features of the cemeteries west of the river Maggia partly those of the cemeterie on the east of it. It is therefore pos ible to suggest the presence of minor centre·, ituat d west of the Maggia and related to a main settlement at Muralto . Th peopl living at these settlement em to have felt the effect of romanization, using sigillata and glass ve sel in everyday Ii£ and as grave-good , but k pt native habits uch as inhumation as main funerary rite. Very different features are displayed in the cemetery of Losone-Arcegno. In pite of the presence of igillata and glass wares, the cemetery i characteriz d by the larger quantity of coin in the grave and by the presence of coin hoards : of ninety-seven graves, eighteen contained more than ten coin ( 11 to 69), another nineteen graves contained five or more coins. This ma ive pre ence of coins i unique in the tudy area and is difficult to xplain. It could suggest an important group of traders, who used coin for their busine s instead of the exchange of goods. The wide date-range occurring ometimes between the earliest and the late t coin could depend on the long life of the coins in an area relatively marginal as regards to the evolution of the imperial economy. An experiment on the pur e of an old woman from Ticino, born in 1896 and with independent activity until 1980, showed the pre ence of 154 5-ct . coin is ued from 1882 to 1979 (Donati 19 3b, 344-345). The life- pan of these coin reached nearly a c ntury, as often occurred at Lo one. This comparison can explain the wide date-range of coins at Lo one but not 218
necessarily their massive pr sence as grave-goods. The rea on of the use of groups or ev n hoards of coin as grave-goods instead of pottery or other items may b explained by a habit of the peasant s in Ticino un ti I recently : the conversion of good into coins, in thi case into high value marengoes (c. 90-100.- HF gold coins) , used for important purchases as cow . The pre ence of a such people at Lo one-Arcegno seems likely and thi hypothe sis can be supported by the natur of the other gravegoods in the graves. Another particular feature of this cemetery is the pre ence of iron tools , Lavez-rock pindlewhorls , flints and rock crystal . Forty-nine grave contained one or more iron tools (up to five , i.e. graves 55 and 59). Knives and sickles outnumbered other tool s, such a axes and hammer s. Six graves contained one knive, sickle or blade associated with a plindl whorl ; other nine graves contain d one or two spind lewhorl s, as ociated with ring or flints. One may ugge t that the grave with spind lewhorl , or spindlewhorl s and tools, were those of women , and graves with only tool , tho e of men. In both ca e , how ver, pindlewhorls and tools are usually as ociated with coarse, sigillata and /or glas wares. In the oth r cemeterie , both we t and east of the river Maggia , indication of the sex of the dead is w aker because of the homogeneity of the grave-goods. Thirteen graves at Losone were empty · the remaining tw nty contained only coarse, igillata or glass wares. The presence of tools, for both indoors and outdoors activiti , and the many coins, allow one to uggest people of peasant-like status, who associated in their graves as good for the afterlife the same item con idered a important goods in everyday life, rather than sigillata or gla ware . The reasons for thi difference of habits of the people of Losone by comparison with the other neighbouring cemeteries cannot be more closely explained on the basis on the archaeological evidence. o human remains were found in the cemeteries to allow further investigation about the pos ibility of different people living at Losone and in the other centres. Mo t of the rocky substratum of Canton Ticino con ists of siliceous rocks , with acid reaction ( hapter 2 ; Section : Soil ). There was al o no evidence of different r ligion . The geographical position of Losone, 1.5 km from the lake and we t of the river Maggia , however , doe not eem a sufficient reason to explain it di tinctive feature such as the sizeable presence of coins and tools. Finally , another peculiarity of the c metery i the high quantity of coarse di he contained in the graves : thirty-two examples, the second best represented coarse form after jars (thirty-nine vessels).
In sum, the cemeteries produce a composite where there exi t many-sided associations :
picture ,
l. According to the best represented coarse form (flagon or jar) and the presenc of cremation graves, there occur two groups of cemeteries (Groups 1 and 2).
2. There occur a group of cemeteries with many sigi llata and glass vessels and relatively ti w coins among the
grave-goods as indication of strong romanization. This group corresponds to Group I and comprises the cemeteries of Minusio, Mutalto and Locarno-Solduno, lying c. 500m from the lake.
unpublished coarse and thin walled vessels from the study area have been listed and described in Appendix I. A selection has been further studied in Chapter 4, where the vessels have been divided into eight main groups according to their forms (Section 4.2) , and have been di cussed with detail about fabrics , surface treatment and decoration , and comparanda from other regions. Drawings of all discussed ves els are displayed in Appendix IL
3. Similar proportions between igillata /glass wares and coins occur in cemeteries 3.6 km and 10.5 km from the lake, at Cavigliano and Moghegno. In these cemeteries , however, there is a closer ration of sigillata and glass to coins. Cavigliano and Moghegno belong to Group 2 because of the jar as best represented coarse form but are closer to Group l because of the similar relation of sigillata/glass wares and coins.
The study has highlighted the variety of forms and subforms occurring in the study area. The main groups are cups , beakers , balsamaria , dishes, bowls , jars, lids and flagons. Balsamaria and lids , however , are clearly outnumbered by the other fonns. All vessels were wheelthrown. Further di cussion on fabrics, and surface treatment and decoration was considered in Chapters 5 and 6. Fourteen fabrics were identified , sometimes corresponding to well-defined forms. Decoration was limited to cups and beakers , in particular to thin walled ones. There occurred red and black slips, associated with rough-cast surfaces obtained by application of and and quartz , or including sand in the clay , rouletting , barbotine patterns , and the combination of both. Burnishing occurred sometimes as surface treatment of flagons , in particular on fonns with pyriform body. Most of the coarse vessels , however , were plain or showed girth -grooves. The chronology of the graves has been inferred from the fi.merary contexts , considering datable items such as s igillata , glass , coins and brooches , and discussed in Chapter 3 and in Appendix IV. The Roman graves from the Locarno region ranged from the beginning of the l st century AD to the end of the 4th century AD. Most of the grave , however , dated to the 1st and 2nd centuries AD , with a concentration during the second half of the 1 t and th first half of the 2nd centuries AD.
4. According to the pre ence of cremations graves , the cemeteries have been divided into two groups. East of the river Maggia were cemeteries with cremation graves ; to the west side all cemeteries , except for Ascona, had only inhumation graves. 5. These two groups correspond to Groups 1 and 2 defined according to the dominant fonn in coarse wares. 6. A cona, however, shows features of both groups. The cemetery was west of the river Maggia , and the predominant coarse form is was the jar , as in Group 2. It included , however, some cremation graves, and was as close to the lake (c. 800m) as the Group l cemeteries. 7. The cemeteries east of the river Maggia seem to have been related to a single settlement , situated at Muralto. Their graves and grave-goods reflect a strong Roman influence. The cemeteries to the west were too scattered and may therefore be related to different centres. Their graves and grave-goods howed a stronger native background.
Histogram l (fig. 9.3) highlights the percentage s of graves for each century. Of 34 7 graves , 209 (6 I% ) date to the J t century AD , 100 (27 %) date to the 2nd century AD , 26 (7%) date to the 3rd century AD and 12 (3%) date to the
8. The cemetery of Losone-Arcegno belongs to Group 2. It shows, however , own features as the important number of coins, the presence of particular grave-goods as stone spindlewhorls and iron tools and the frequency of coarse di hes. It is the only cemetery where the grave-goods may give indication about the sex of the dead.
3rd 7%
4th 3%
The aims of the thesis were the classification and further study of coarse and thin walled pottery from the Locamo region of Canton Ticino , in order to establish a reference typology and chronology which may have wider value in Ticino and the nearer regions of northern Italy. The introduction to the natural characteristics and history of Canton Ticino were intended to enhance knowledge of the study area and the comprehension of the other chapters (Chapter 2). The sites within the study area were discus ed in Chapter 3, highlighting the potential of information of the cemeteries in the Locarno region in comparison to the unstudied and less excavated settlements. Published and
2nd 29% 1st
Fig. 9.3. Percentages of graves for each century. 219
4th century AD.
100 90 80 , 70 60 0 50 ai 40 J:J 30 E 20 ::I z 10 0 Vl
> RI
The grave within the st udy area have been divid d into twelve period according to the dates discussed in Chapter 3 and Appendix IV.
Hi togram 2 (fig. 9.4) highlights the concentration of grave dat d to c. AD 50-100 (81 grav ) and to c. AD 70/80-120 / 130 (91 graves). The number of graves increases progre ively durin g the first half of the 1st c ntury AD and decrease during the seco nd half of the 2nd c ntury AD , reaching low value during th econd half of the 3rd and the 4th centurie AD. o grave from th study area seems later than the end of the 4th c ntury AD. Th scarcity of late Roman graves could depend upon many factors. emeterie could have been hifted following th need of free space and have di app ared under later building . The conversion to Christianity could have changed th habit f using grave-goods. ince the high acidity of the soils did not a llow the preservation of bone , unaccompani d buri al could have be n totally de troyed and th ir grav pits unnoticed during land dev lopment. hri tianity could al o have brought the habit of burying clo e to a church , whos architectural development could have de troyed traces of earlier grave . Further, while the dated graves (357) comprise 68% of the total , another 160 grave (32%) did not contain datable grave-goods or were empty. Th internal chronology considered in hapter 7 could allow one to suggest dates for the graves without datable grave-goods, but containing coarse or thin walled pottery. Con istent dating evidence eems to b limited to th first two centuries AD, and further information about earlier and later occurrence of th con idered form is lacking. Dates i sued only on the basis of coar and thin walled pottery se m therefore to b rather arbitrary and th r fore are not suggested. Grave within th tudy area d crease from c. AD 120/ 130-150. Archaeological evidence showed little expan ion of the ettlement of Ang ra betw n th b ginning of the 2nd and mid-3rd century AD (Sena hie a & Lavizzari Pedrazzini 1995, LIV-LY) , but indicate a renewal of activity from the secon d half of the 3rd c ntury AD and in particular from th 4th century D ( ee hapter 8, Section .4). The construction of the two-nav tructure with internal ubdivi ion , containing different shop and workshop for gla bron ze, tc. at Locarno-Muralto at the end of th 2nd c ntury AD, however, i difficult to explain considering the slackne s of business at Angera. The workshop at Locarno-Muralto could suggest the continuation of thriving activitie , even if th product were not exported , or the need for a new manufacturing centre because import were rare and all ware had to b produced locally. The construction of the workshop at the end of the 2nd century AD , however , doe not ugge ta demographic loss respon ible for the drop of the number of grave .
g 0
I ~
0 0
~§ ~
0 0
~ ~
~ 0 N
0 0
2 ~
0 0
"' '7 g
Years AD
Fig. 9.4. Distribution of graves over the difjerent p eriods.
hronology in hapter 7 has al o highlighted th internal chronology of the ve el from th tudy area in compari on with the external chronology from the comparanda. C up and beaker s were frequent durin g the I t century AD and continued to th first half of th 2nd century AD. Flagon and bowl s were al o common durin g the 1st century AD, continuing to the end of the 3rd century AD. Jar s continued to the end of th 4th century AD, b ing frequent during the 1st, 2nd and first half of th 3rd centurie AD . Di he were carcely atte ted before the end of the 2nd century AD , becoming common during the 3rd and the 4th centuries AD. Balsamaria and lid , scarce ly atte ted , did not provide useful evidence. The development of an internal chronology was al o intended in order to suggest possible datings for ves els from undated contexts. Graves dating from the 3rd and 4th centuries AD , however are scarce and the material from the ettlements i un st udied . Graves with both Iron Age and Roman grav -good , which could indicate a transition from th two period and date to the nd of the I t century BC , hav not been found or published. Th internal chronology of coar e and thin walled pottery, th refore , wa almo t exclusively i ued from context dating from the I t and the 2nd centuries AD. Th re ult was good dating evidenc for th first two centurie AD , but no infonnation about the end of the 1st century BC and the 3rd-4th centurie AD. o date was therefore uggested for coarse and thin walled pottery from undated contexts. The quantity of coar e and thin walled ve sel in the graves ranged from one to four examples (Chapter 9, Section 9.1). The analysis of the be t represented coarse or thin walled form in the grave-good indicated the flagon for the cemeteries east of riv r Maggia, and the jar for the cemeteries west of river Maggia. Sigillata and gla s ware occurred in th grave in inv rse ratio to coins. The c meterie s ea t of the Maggia , c. 500-600m from the lake were richer in sigillata and gla s wares than in coins. This factor seems to ugge t c ntres subject to tronger Roman influence , ituated close to the lake and mainly concerned with trade and ext mal connexions. By contrast , in the cemeteri west of the Maggia , sig illat a and glas till outnumbered coins , but in mailer proportions , indicating romanized centres also farther from the lake. Co ins, how ever, clearly out220
numbered sigillata and glass wares in the cemetery of Losone-Arcegno, suggesting a centre with a stronger native background. The analysis of coarse and thin walled wares from the Locamo area has highlighted their parallels with finds from the Verbano region and western Lombardy-eastern Piemonte, in particular the area between the rivers Sesia, Po and Adda (Chapter 8). During the 1st century AD, the Verbano-Pavia region showed both homogeneity of products and vivacity of productive and commercial activities. The many tributaries of the river Po constituted important routes linking the river Po to the north. Lakes Verbano and Lario lead to the alpine passes and linked the Verbano area to the Raetic and Rhine regions. The same area was easily linked to main centre of the eastern Po region as far as Aquileia and Ravenna by the river Po. From Aquileia, north-Italian products reached the north-eastern provinces.
Much work, therefore, still needs to be done , and in particular, a few topics can be : 1. The study of the material from the settlement at Locarno-Muralto, in order to complete the internal chronology adding new data for the 3rd-6th centuries AD, and to suggest a chronology for forms which do not occur in the cemeteries of the study area. 2. The study of the material from contexts containing both material dating from the Iron Age and the Roman period, in order to extend the internal chronology and gain further evidence about the process of Romanization of the study area. 3. Laboratory analyses of the fabrics of the study material, in order to highlight peculiarities of local products, to suggest their distribution, to exclude a local origin for some vessels, and to suggest the origin of the import . 4. Additional analysis of other material in the graves, such as nails, iron tools, etc., which seem not to have high value for dating , and which therefore were excluded from this study.
The analysis of coarse and thin walled pottery from the Locamo region has highlighted the potential for information from these materials.
5. A comparative study of coarse and thin walled pottery from the Sottoceneri, to complete the general picture for the Roman period of two regions situated at the foot of the Alps and linked to the north via the alpine passes and to the south via lakes Verbano and Ceresio.
All aspects, however, need to be closely linked together , and the incompleteness of evidence from one aspect did not allow the full understanding of the others ( e.g. chronology or fabrics to the origin of the material , etc.).
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Key Museum no. - Thesis no. - Site & context - Location - Drawing no. De cription Bibliography
Mo Mu Ri So Te
Example 58930.5 53 Ascona. Grave S 14 Zurich S53 Thin walled cup with rounded rim, hemispherical body, foot-disc. Broken. V. thin, indented wall with girth-grooves. Beige, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; I-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 104 ; 107 fig. 5; 148- 149.
Ascona (As) 11.53.73 5 18 Ascona. GraveS I Bellinzona As5 18 Jar with cavetto rim, ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. xt. base rough surface. Traces of tire. Donati et al. 1987, 80 ; 8 1 fig. 73.
- 58930.5 = Museum number - 53 = Thesis catalogue number - Ascona. Grave S 14 = Site & context - Zurich = Location - A 53 = Drawing number - Description = Form, description rim to foot; Conservation; Surface treatment/decoration; Fabric : colour, hardness ; inclusions; Traces of fire - Bibliography
11.53.94 139 Ascona. No context Bellinzona As 139 Handled cup with out-turned rim, four-ribbed handle, globular body, foot-disc. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; ext. surface brown ; v. spar ·e small mica incl. ; L-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 142 ; 14 1 fig. 94. 11.53. 100 98 Ascona. No context Bcllinzona As 98 Thin walled cup witb vert. rim, hemispherical carinatcd body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves under rim, rout. bands on wall ; black slip. Grey, soft & powdery fabric ; v. parse small mica incl. ; 8-w are. Donati el al. 1987, 142 ; 14 1 fig. I 00.
Abbreviations dee. ext. horiz. incl. int. med. roul. V.
decoration, decorated exterior horizontal inclusion interior medium rouletting, rouletted very vertica l
11.53.258 11.53.258 Ascona. No context Bellinzona not illu ·. Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Beige-orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Trace of fire. Donati el al., 1987, 144; 143 fig. 258. 11.56. 17 1 11.56. 17 1 Ascona. Grave I Bellinzona not illus. Flanged flagon with vert. triangular rim, flanged neck, slightly concave foot-ring . Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; Lware. Donati et al. I 987, 126 ; 127 fig. 17 1.
Locations Bellinzona = Bern Locarno Zurich Priv. coll.
Ufficio dci Bcni Culturali Histori che Mu eum Castello Visconteo Landes museum Private collection
11.56. 172 664 Ascona. Grave I Bellinzona A 664 Jar with slightly out-turned rim, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Girth-groove on body's upper half. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; ext. sur face darker ; sparse mica & sand incl. xt. base rough surface. Traces offir e. Donati et al. I 987, 126 ; 127 fig. 172.
List of site codes Site code have been added to facilitate reference from drawings to catalogue. They consist of the initial letters of the site names. The official ite codes for the municipalities of Ticino have been avoided because they con ist of numb rs and are therefore mor difficult to identify and memorize. Such numbers, moreover, are sometimes already part of the inventory numbers. As Av Ca Ga
Locarno Losonc Maggia Minusio Moghegno Muralto Riazzino Solduno Tenero
11.56. 173 11.56. 173 A cona. Grave I Bellinzona not illus. Jar ( ?)Fragment of out-turned rounded rim. Red, hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; L-Ware. Donati et al. 1987, 126. 11.56. 184 732 Ascona. Grave 2 Bellinzona As 732 Flagon with short collar, three-ribbed handle, biconical body with convex floor, pede tat. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; few small mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Donati ct al. 1987, 128 ; 129 fig. 184.
Ascona Avegno Cavigliano Gambarogno
A cona. Grave 2 11.56.185 452 Bellinzona As 452 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; ext. urfacc black ; par e mica & sand incl. xt.
Bcllinzona As 388 11.56.254 388 A cona. Grave I0 Bowl with out-turned rim, conica l body , Oat ba e. omplete. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; many mica & and & quartz & grog incl. Ext. base rough urfacc. Trace of fire.; N-ware . Donati ct al. 1987, 140 ; I 39 fig. 254.
base rough surface. Traces of fire. ; D-warc. Donati et al. 1987, 128 ; 129 fig. 185. 11.56. 186 I 64 scona. Grave 2 Bellinzona As 164 Bea ker with slightly out-turned rim , ovoid body, concave foot. omplete. Girth-groove on houldcr. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; ext. urfacc darker ; v. spar c mall mica incl. Traces of fire. ; J-ware. Donati ct al. J 987, 128 ; 129 fig. 186.
11.56.256 302 A cona. No context Bcllinzona s 302 Di h with rounded rim, curved wall, flat base. Fragmentary. Brown , hard fabric ; ext. surface and int. rim black ; sparse mica & sand incl. · xt. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Donatict al.19 87, 142; 141 fig. 256.
Bcllinzona not illu . 11.56. 197 11.56. 197 Ascona . Grave 3 Flanged flagon . Fragments of expanded rounded rim and wall. Beige, med . hard to hard ; mica & sand & quartz ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Donati et al. 1987, 132 ; 13 1 fig. 197.
11.56.257 11.56.257 Ascona. No context Bellinzona not illus. Bowl. Fragments of short vert. rounded rim and carinated shoulder. Redorangc, hard fabric; few mica & and incl. ; L-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 142 ; 143 fig. 257.
Bellinzona As 424 A cona. Grave 3 11.56. 19 424 Bowl with out-turned rim with lid eating and int. girth-groove on the neck, conical body, slightly convex base. Fragmentary. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric with wide black core ; spar c mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough urface . Donati ct al. 1987, 130 ; 13I fig. 19 .
11.56.258 476 A cona. No context Bcllinzona A 476 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim, ovoid body, Oat ba e. Complete. ordon under neck. Beige-pink, med. hard to hard fabric ; parse mica & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Donati ct al. 1987, 142; 143 lig. 258.
11.56. 199 608 Ascona . rave 3 Bellinzona A 608 Jar. •ragments of out-turned triangular rim with small lid eating. Brown-red , med. hard to bard fabric ; spar e mica & and incl. Donati et al. 19 7, 131 ; 132 fig. 199.
5 919.4 58919.4 A cona. Grave S2 Zi.iric h not illus. Thin walled cup with vert. rim, carinated hemispherical body, foot-disc. ompletc. Two girth-groove under rim, rouletting on body ; traces of black lip. Grey, on & p wdcry fabric ; v. spar c small mica incl. ; ware. Donati et al. 19 7, 2 ; 85 fig. 4 ; 146- 147.
Bcllinzona As 609 Ascona. rave 5 11.56.209 609 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, concave base. Broken. Girth-groove on neck. Brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Ext. base rough urface. Traces of fire. Donati ct al. 1987, 133 ; 134 fig. 209.
5 919.5 589 19.5 A cona. Grave S2 Zi.irich not illus. Flagon with out-turned rim, cylindrical neck, two-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-disc. Complete. Ext. vert. burnish. Beige-orange, hard fabric; med. spar e mica & sand incl. Donati ct al. 19 7, 82 ; 85 fig. 5 ; 146-147.
11.56.2 14 336 Ascona. Grave 6 Bcllinzona A 336 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, conical body with curved wall, lightly concave base. omplcte. Brown, hard fabric ; ext. urface black ; sparse mica & and incl. Ext. ba e rough urface. Traces of lire. Donati et al. 1987, 134 ; 133 lig. 2 14.
589 19.6 589 19.6 Ascona. Grave S2 Zi.iric h not illu . Jar with vert. rim, two lugs, cylindrical body, flat base. Complete. Girthgroove between the lugs. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; par e mica incl. Traces offi re. Donati et al. 19 7, 82 ; 5 fig. 6 ; 146- 147.
Bellinzona A 870 11.56.22 1 870 A cona. Grave 7 Flanged flagon with vert. rim triangular in ection, Oanged neck, threeribbed handle , globular body, short foot-ring. omplet e. Light brown hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Donati et al.19 87, 136 ; 135 lig. 22 1.
589 19.7 58919.7 A cona. Grave S2 Zi.irich not illus. Bowl with slightly out-turned expanded rounded rim, vert. neck, biconical body with high shoulder, flat base. Broken. xt. black/ int. brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Traces of fir . Donati et al. 1987, 82 ; 85 fig 7 ; 146- 147.
11.56.222 566 Ascona. Grave 7 Bcllinzona A 566 Jar with out-turned rim with int. bevel , cordon, ovoid body, flat ba c. Broken. Cordon on neck. Orange-red , soft fabric ; sparse mica & and & quartz & grog incl. Donati et al. 1987, 135 ; 136 fig. 222.
58920.2 5 920.2 Ascona. Grave S3 Zi.irich not illu . Jar with out-tum d triangular rim, conical body with slightly curved wall, flat base. ompletc. Brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; ext. urfacc black. Traces of fire. Donati et al. 1987, 84 ; 9 fig. 2 ; 146- 147.
A cona. Grave 8 Bcllinzona A 33 11.56.230 33 Thin walled cup with slightly out-turned rim, globu lar body, concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-groove s under rim, roul. band on wall ; black slip. Grey, soft & powdery fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; -ware. Donati ct al. 1987, 136 ; 137 lig. 230.
58920.3 58920.3 Ascona. Grave 3 Zi.irich not illu . Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with int. bevel, globular body, flat base. omplete. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces offi re. Donati ct al. 1987, 84 ; 9 fig. 3 ; 146- 147.
11.56.233 87 1 scona. rave Bellinzona A 871 Flanged flago n with vert. rim triangular in section, two-ribbed handle, globular body, foot-ring. Complete. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & and & quartz incl. Donati et al. 1987, 136 ; I 37 fig. 233.
5892 1.4 58921.4 A cona. Grave 4 Zi.irich not illus. Flagon. Fragments of wall. Beige, hard fabric ; spare mica incl. Donati et al. 1987, 8 .
11.56.234 495 Ascona . Grave Bellinzona As 495 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. xt. ba e rough urfacc. Traces of fire. ; L-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 137 ; I 3 lig. 234.
58921.5 5 921.5 A cona. Grave S4 Zi.irich not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragment of wall. Rouletting. Light grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; B-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 88.
A cona. Grave 9 Bellinzona As 39 1 11.56.242 39 1 Bowl with out-turned flared triangular rim, conical body , flat base. omplete . Black , hard fabric, with pink core ; par e mica & and incl. xt. base rough surface. Traces of fire. ; D-ware. Donati et al. 19 7, 138 ; 139 fig. 242.
58922.3 58922.3 Ascona. Grave S5 Zilrich not illus. Thin walled cup with vert. rim, carinated body, foot-disc. omplete . Grey, med. hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. Girth-groove under rim, rouletting on wall. ; B-warc. Donati ct al. 1987, 90 ; 93 fig. 3.
Bellinzona As 62 1 11.56.253 62 1 A cona. Grave I0 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, ovoid body, slightly concave base . Complete. Brown , med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Ext. ba c rough surface . Trace of fire. Donati et al. 1987, 140 ; 139 fig. 253.
58922.4 5 922.4 A cona. Grave S5 Zi.irich not illus. Flanged flagon with triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, flattened globular body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Donati ct al. 1987, 90 ; 91 fig. 4.
Zorich 58922.5 58922.5 Ascona. Grave S5 not illus. Jar with vert. rim, two lugs, slightly conical body , flat base. Broken. Girth-groove above the lugs. Beige-red, hard fabric ; sparse med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Donati et al. 1987, 90 ; 93 fig. 5.
58929.3 58929.3 Ascona. Grave S 13 Zorich not illus. Bowl with out-turned rim with lid seating, conical body, flat base. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica and sand incl. Traces of fire. ; L-ware. Donati ct al. 1987, I02 ; I 03 fig. 3.
58922.6 682 Ascona. Grave S5 Ziirich As 682 Lid with slightly out-turned expanded rounded rim, conical (?) body. Fragmentary. Ext. beige/int. grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Donati et al. 1987, 90 ; 93 fig. 6.
Ascona. Grave S 14 Zorich 58930.5 As 53 53 Thin walled cup with rounded rim, h misphcrical body, foot-disc. Broken. V. thin, indented wall with girth-grooves. Beige, hard fabric; v. sparse small mica incl. ; I-ware. Donati et al. 1987, I04 ; I 07 fig. 5 ; I48149.
Zorich 58923.6 58923.6 Ascona. Grave S6 not illus. Thin walled cup or beaker. Fragment of wall. Incised points. Grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl.; B-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 92.
58930. 7 58930.7 Ascona. Grave S 14 Zurich not illus. Bowl with out-turned rounded rim with int. bevel, conical body, flat base. omplete. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-orange , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Traces of fire. Ext. base rough surface. Donati et al. 1987, 104 ; 108 fig. 7; 148- 149.
Zorich not illus. 58925.2 58925.2 Ascona. Grave S8 Jar or bowl. Fragment of wall. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Donati et al. 1987, 94. 58925.3 58925.3 Ascona. Grave S8 Zurich not illus. Thin walled cup or beaker. Fragment of wall. Rouletting. Grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; 8-w are. Donati ct al. 1987, 94.
58930.8 58930.8 Ascona. Grave S 14 Zurich not illus. Jar with out-turned rim with lid seating, ovoid body, flat base. omplele. Beige, hard fabric ; parse mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati cl al. 1987, 104 ; 105 fig. 8; 148- 149. Ascona. Grave SI 5 Zurich As 275 58931.1 275 Dish with inturned bead rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Beige-red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Trace of fire. Ext. base rough surface. Associated with lid 58931.2. Donati cl al. 1987, 106 ; 109 fig. l ; 154-155.
58926.1 58926. 1 A cona. Grave SI 0 Zurich not illus. Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body , flat base. Complete. Beige-red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati et al. 1987, 96 ; 97 fig. I ; 149. not illus. 58926.2 58926.2 A cona. Grave SI 0 Zorich Jar or bowl. Fragments of wall and Oat base. Orange-red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati et al. 1987, 96. 58926.3 58926.3 Ascona. Grave SI 0 Zurich not illus. Jar or bowl. Fragments of wall. Beige, bard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Traces of fire. Donati et al. 1987, 96. 58927.4 58927.4 A cona. Grave S 11 ZUrich not illu . Thin walled cup with verl. rounded rim, carinated body, foot-disc. Broken. Two girth groove under rim, rouletting on wall; traces of black slip. Grey, med. soft & sandy fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; C-ware. Donati et al. 19 7, 98 ; 99 fig. 4. not illus. 58927.5 58927.5 Ascona. Grave SI I ZUrich Flanged flagon with out-turned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, flattened globular body, foot-ring. Broken. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; med. sparse mica, sand and grog incl. ; N-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 98 ; IOI fig. 5. 58927.6 58927.6 A cona. Grave S 11 Zorich not illus. Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body, flat base. Complete. Cordon on neck. Black, hard fabric, beige on base ; parse mica incl. Traces of fire. Donati et al. 1987, 98 ; 99 fig. 6.
58931.2 Ascona. Grave S 15 Zurich As 678 678 Lid with inturned bead rim, conical body, foot-disc. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Wear on rim. Associated with dish 5893 1.1. Donati et al. 1987, 106; 109 fig. 2; 154-155. 58931.3 58931.3 Ascona. Grave 15 Zurich not illus. Bowl with out-l11rncdrim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati et al. 1987, I06 ; I 09 fig. 3; 154- 155. 58932.4 58932.4 Ascona. Grave S 16 ZUrich not illu . Flagon with collar, cylindrical neck, two-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken. Orange-red, smooth & hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Donati ct al. 1987, 198 ; I 09 fig. 4. 58933.9 58933.9 Ascona. Grave S 17 Zurich not illus. Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, flat ba e. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Donati et al. 1987, 112 ; 113 fig. 9 ; I 5015 1. 58933. 10 58933.10 Ascona. Grave S 17 Zurich not illu . Flagon with disc-rim, three-ribbed handle, long flange with reeding, globular/biconical body, low foot-ring. Comp lete. Light beige, med. hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand incl. Donati et al. 1987, 112 ; 113 fig. IO ; 150-15 1.
58928.4 58928.4 Ascona. Grave S 12 Zorich not illus. Beaker with vert. rim, conical body, concave foot. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Traces of fire. Donati et al. 1987, I00 ; IOI fig. 4.
58934.3 71 Ascona. Grave S 18 Zurich A 71 Thin walled cup with lightly out-turned rim, hemispherica l body, cordon under rim, foot-disc. Rough-cast ext. surface ; traces or light brownred lip. Red-beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; G-warc. Donati et al. 1987, 118; 119 fig. 3.
58928.5 58928.5 Ascona. Grave S 12 Zurich not illus. Bowl with out-turned rim with lid eating, conical body with slightly curved wall, flat base. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. xi. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Donati et al. 1987, I00 ; I03 fig. 5.
not illus. 58934.4 58934.4 Ascona. Grave S 18 ZUric h Thin walled beaked with inturned rounded rim, ovoid body, concave foot. omplete. Girth-grooves under rim, crossing vert. lines on wall. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 1l8 ; 119fig.4 .
58929. 1a 58929. 1a Ascona. Grave S 13 Zorich not illu . Thin walled cup. Fragments of wall and foot. Grey, med. hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 102. 58929. 1b 58929.1b A cona. Grave S 13 Zorich not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragment of wall. Grey, med. hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati el al. 1987, I02.
not illu . 58935.1 58935.1 Ascona. Grave S20 Zorich Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Two girthgrooves under neck. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough urface. Traces of fire. ; L-ware. Donati et al. 1987, 120 ; 12 1 fig. I.
not illu . 58929.2 58929.2 A cona. Grave S 13 Zorich Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, lightly carinatcd shoulder, Oat base. Borken. Beige, hard fabric ; par e mica incl. Ext. ba e rough surface. Donati et al. 1987, I02 ; I05 fig. 2.
58935.2 58935.2 Ascona. Grave S20 Zurich not illus. Jar with out-turned rim with lid seating, ovoid body , slightly concave
10 1944.23 634 avigliano. Grave Locarno Ca 634 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid eating, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Beige-red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace of lire. Unpublished.
base. Broken. Two girth-grooves under neck. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Traces offi rc. ; L-ware. Donati el al. 1987, 120 ; 12 1 fig. 2. nol illus. 58937.7 58937.7 Ascona. Grave S22 Zi.irich Flagon. Fragments of an oul-tumcd triangular rim and a four-ribbed handle. Beige, med. hard lo hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Trace of !ire.Donati cl al. 1987, 122 ; 123 fig. 3.
1944.27 I6 avigliano. Grave Locarno Ca 16 Cup with slightly out-tu rned rim, hemispherical body, foot-ring. Complete. Black slip. Red, med. hard fabric ; low mica & sand incl. ; Lwarc. Unpublished .
As 234 A cona. Grave S23 Zi.irich 58938.2 234 Beaker with vert. rim, two lugs, conical body, l1al base. Complete. Girthgroove between the lugs. Orange-red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati ct al. 1987, 124 ; 125 fig. 2.
1944.30 564 avigliano. Grave Locarno a 564 Jar with slightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Beige-pink, med.hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. xt. ba e rough surface. Unpublished.
58938.3 58938.3 A cona. Grave S23 Zi.iricb not illus. Flanged flagon with vcrt. expanded rounded rim, slightly natlened globular body, fool-disc. Fragmentary. Beige, hard fabric ; spar c mica incl. Donati el al. 1987, 124 ; 125 fig. 3.
1944.32 17 Cavigliano. Grave Locarno Ca 17 up with slightly oul-lurn cd rim, hemisp herical body, foot-ring. omplete . Black slip. Red, med. hard fabric ; low mica & and incl. ; Lwarc. Unpublished.
58938.4 5893 .4 Ascona. Grave S23 Zi.irich not illus. Bowl with out-turned rim with lid seating, conical body, flat base. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-wa rc. Ext. base rough surface. Traces orti rc. Donati cl al. 19 7, 123 ; 124 fig.
1944.43 727 avigliano. Grave 5 Locarno a 727 Flagon with slightly out-turned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, hellip oida l body, foot-ring. Broken. Girth-groove at mid-body, cordon between the grooves. Beige-pink, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hcd.
Avegno (Av) 1944.50 630 avigliano. Grave Locarno a 630 Jar with out-turned rim with lid seating, vertical neck, egg- haped body, nat ba e. Broken . Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. xl. base rough urface. Unpublished.
1935.la Avcgno.G ravc I Bellinzona nolillu . Thin walled cup with vertical rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves and roul. bands on body ; black lip. Grey, soft fabric ; low mica & sand incl. Crivelli 1938a, 2 1.
1944.52 18 avigliano. Grave Locarno a I Cup with slightly out-turned rim, hemi pherical body. Fragmentary. Black slip. Dark red, hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1935.2 Avcgno. Grave I Bellinzona not illus. Flagon with out-turned rim, cylindrical neck, three-ribbed handle, globular body, short foot-ring. Broken. Two group. of two and three girthgrooves on body ; ext. urface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; C-ware. rivelli 1938a, 2 1.
1944.53 157 avigliano. Grave Locarno a 157 Beaker with lightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, concave footdisc. Complete. CotTUgatcdshouder ; rows of barbotine dot, on body. Bei ge, med . hard fabric ; med. mica & quart z incl. ; J-ware. Unpublished.
Cavigliano (Ca) Property Monotti
1944.59 352 avigliano. rave Locarno a 352 Bowl with out-turned rim, two elongated handmade grips on the shoulder, conica l body, flat base. Complete. Cordon on the neck. Red-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. Ext. base rough surface. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
1944.6 13 Cavigliano. rave Locamo a 13 up with vertical rim, hemispherical body, foot-ring. Broken. Girthgroove under the rim ; black slip. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli hed.
1944.60 635 avigliano. Grave Locarno a 635 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, egg-shaped body, lightly concave base. Broken. Grey-black, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; D-warc . Ext. base rough urfacc. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1944.8 884 avigliano. Grave Locamo a 884 Flagon with vertical rim nattened on the lop, three-ribbed handle, globular body, lightly concave foot-disc. Complete. Beige-p ink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1944.62 88 1 avigliano. rave 7 Locarno a 88 1 Flago n with vertical rim triangular in section, three-ribbed handle , flanged neck, globular body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Red, med . hard lo hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
1944. 14 520 avigliano. Grave Locamo a 520 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim and egg- haped body. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under the neck. Dark red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-Ware. Unpublished.
580 avigliano. Grave Locarno a 580 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, carinated boulder, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Ext. surface burnish. Pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished.
1944. 15 605 avigliano. Grave Locamo a 605 Jar with slightly out-turned triangular rim, conical body, slightly concave ba e. Complete. Orange-red and black, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 1944.20 861 Cavigliano. Grave 4 Locarno Ca 86 1 Flagon with vertical rim, four-ribbed handle, nanged neck, hellipsoidal body, foot -ring. Complete. Pink-beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & and & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpubli hed.
Cavigliano, property Cavalli (1957)
395 Cavigliano. Grave 3 Locarno a 395 Bowl with out-tu rned rim, high conical body, concave ba e. Complete. Dark red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1944.22 81 avig liano. Grave Locarno a 81 Cup with lightly out-turned rim, hemispherical carinated body, footdisc. Broken. Girth-grooves on shoulder; rout. on shoulder and lower body. Grey, ofl fabric; low mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
420 Cavigliano. Grave 2 Locarno Ca 420 Bowl with out-turned rim with internal bevel, vertical neck, conical body, slightly concav e fool. Broken. Pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica
& sand & quartz incl. Unpubli shed.
Locarno (Loe)
435 Cav igliano. Grave 3 Locamo Ca 435 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, wide egg-shaped body with slightly carinated shoulder, concave base. ompletc. Girth-groove under the neck. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
Locarno area , context unknown
00.54 00.54 Locarno area Locarno not illus. Jar with globular body, slightly concave ba c. Fragmentary. Burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
477 Cavigliano . Grave 2 Locamo a 477 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
00.76 792 Locarno area Locarno Loe 792 Flagon with three-ribbed handle , pear-shaped body, foot-ring . Fragmentary. Burnish. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica 6 sand incl. Unpublished.
536 Cavigliano. Grave 4 Locamo Ca 536 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Broken. Three girth-grooves under the neck . Red-orang e, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished .
193 1. 128 193 1.128 Muralto-Bre s/Loc.Cemctcry. Locarno not illus. Flagon with funnel-shaped collar, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken ; handle is missing. Ext. surface burni h. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Unpublished. 193 1. 195 548 Locarno area Locarno Loe 548 Jar with slightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body , concave base. Broken. Shoulder burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-warc. Unpublished.
Gambarogno (Ga) Vira Gambarogno
142 Vira Gambarogno.Cemetery Bellinzona Ga 142 up with out-turned rim, five-ribbed handle, globular body slightly concave foot-di c. Fragmentary. Red-brown , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
193 1.649 193 1.649 Locamo area Locarno not illus. Flagon with slightly out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, houldcr with concave wall, cylindrical mid-body, lower body's half with convex wall, foot-ring. Complete. Red-orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished.
1972.2 Vira Gambarogno. emetery Bellinzona not illus. Dish. Fragment of flat base and curved wall. Beige-ora nge, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Unpublished.
1931.650 719 Locarno area Locarno Loe 7 19 Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, footring. Complete. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1972.3 Vira Gambarogno .Cemetery Bellinzona not illus. Flagon with slightly intum ed expanded triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave foot-disc. Frag mentary. Neck burni h. Pink-or ange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
193 1.65 1 843 Locamo area Locarno Loe 843 Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body with concave lower half, lightly concave base. Broken. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & grog incl. ; N-warc. Unpublished.
1972.4 Vira Gambarogno.Cemetery Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment of flat base and curved wall. Beige-o range, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Unpubli hed.
193 1.676 745 Locarno area Locarno Loe 745 Flagon with slightly out-turned rim with ext. girth-groove, four-ribbed handle, elip·oidal body, foot-ring. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
193 I .703 484 Locarno area Locarno Loe 484 Jar with bead rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Complete. Girth-goorvc on shoulder. Beige, soft fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
350 Vairano. Cemetery Priv. co ll. Ga 350 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Wavy lines under neck. Beige-pink, med. hard to bard fabric; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surfac e. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
193 1.1728/00.74 8 I 8 Locarno area Locarno Loe 8 18 Flagon with vert. rim with ext. girth-groove, three-ribbed handle, globular body. Fragmentary. Brown-red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
35 1 Yairano. Cemetery Priv. coll. Ga 351 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Wavy lines under neck. Beige-pink, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & and & quartz incl. Ext. ba e rough surface. Trace of fire. Unpubli hed.
193 1.2249 8 17 Locarno area Locarno Loe 8 17 Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, concave base. Broken. Red-orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
598 Vairano. Cemetery Priv. coll. Ga 598 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped to conical body, flat ba c. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1936.52 1936.52 Locarno area Locarno not illus. Flanged flagon with slightly out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, ellipsoidal body, slightly concave base. Complete. Two girth-groove under neck; cordon between the girth-groove . Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; M-ware. Ext. ba c rough urface. Unpublished.
64 1 Yairano. Cemetery Priv. co ll. Ga 641 Jar with collar, lid seating, egg- haped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Two wide girth-groove under neck. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1936.269 1936.269 Locarno area Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragments of vert. rim, neck, two-ribbed handle. Burnish. Redorange, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
750 Yairano. Cemetery Priv. coll. Ga 750 Flagon with vert. rim, two-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken. Neck & shoulder burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished .
1936.294 1936.294 Locarno area Bellinzona not illus. Flanged flagon. Fragment of out-turned rim and neck. Burnish. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpubli hed.
1936.778b 1936.778b Locarno area B llinzona not illus. up. Fragment of foot-disc. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; -wa re. Unpublished.
1936.344 31 Locarno area Locarno Loe 3 1 Thin walled cup with slightly inturncd rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-groove under mid-bod y. Beige, hard fabric ; many mica & sand & quart z incl. ; G-ware. Unpublished.
1936.784a 1936. 7 4a Locamo area Bcllinzon a not illus. Flagon with out-turn ed rim with internal bevel, three-ribbed handle, horiz. shoulder, cylindrical mid-body, conical wa ll over foot, slightly concave base. Broken. Burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
1936.346 /00.3 50 I Locarno area Locarno Loe 50 I Jar w ith out-turner rim, egg- hapcd body, slightly concave base. Co mpl ete. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 1936.537 1936.537 Locarnoarc a Bellinzona notillu s. Bo wl with lightly out-turned rim , conical body, flat ba c. Broken. G irth-groove under rim. Red-oran ge, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quart z & grog incl . ; N-ware. Unpublished.
1936.784b 1936.784b Locarno area Bcllinzona not illu . Bowl. Fragmen t of out-turned rim and wall. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished. 1936.828 224 Locarno area Bellinzona Loe 224 Beaker with slightly inturned rim, barrel-shaped body, two lug at midbody, llal base. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim and between the lugs . Beige, hard fabric with black core ; med. mica & sand incl. ; J-wa re. Ext. base rough urface. Traces of fire. Unpubli hcd.
1936.543 1936.543 Locarno area Locarno not illus. Cup. Fragment of foot-ring and wa ll. Black slip. Red, hard fabric ; med. mic a incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished. I 936 .547 257 Locarno area Bcllinzona Loe 257 Beaker with vcrt. rim, cylindrica l body, two lugs. Fragmentary. Girthgrooves under rim . Beige-orange , hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unp ublished.
1936.872 763 Minusio/Muralto . Cemetery Locamo Loe 763 Flagon with out-turned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle , pyriform body, foot-ring. Comp lete. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1936.548 258 Locarno area Bellinzona Loe 258 Beaker with vcrt. rim, cylindrical body, two lug , slightly concave base. Brok en. Girth-groove between the lugs. Red, hard labric ; med. mica incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1936.926c 8 Locarno area Locarno Loe 8 Thin walled cup. Fragments of vcrt. rim and hemispherical body. Girthgrooves and cordons under rim; roul. on body. Grey, hard fabri ; par c mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpublished.
1936.557 1936.557 Locamo area Bellinzona not illus. Bowl or mortarium. Fragment of flanged wall (diameter flange c. 14cm). Thumb indents on the flange. Beige- pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quart z & grog incl. ; N-ware . Unpublished .
1936.929a 37 Locarno area Locarno Loe 37 Thin walled cup with inturned rounded rim, hemispherica l body, footring. Fragmentary. Girth-groove s under neck and over foot; rough-cast urface (sand) ; red lip. Beige-pink , so ft & powdery fabric ; spa rse mica incl. ; H-ware. Unpublished .
1936.722a 1936.722a Locamo area Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment of fool-disc. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Lware. xt. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Unpublished .
1936.929b 22 Locarno area Bellinzona Loe 22 Thin walled cup with inturned triangular rim, hemispherical body, footring. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under neck; rough-cast surface (sand) ; red slip. Beige, soft & powdery fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-war c. Unpublished.
Bellinzona not illus. J 936. 722c 1936.722c Locarno area Bowl or mortarium . Fragment of vcrt. rim and wa ll ; flange under the rim. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpubli shed.
1936. 1078 1936. 1078 Locarno area Locarno not illu Flanged flagon. Fragments of vcrt. rim, neck, two-ribbed handle and foot-ring. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; O-war c. Unpublished.
1936. 722c 1936.722c Locamo area Bellinzona not illus. Bowl. Fragment of vcrt. rim and wall. Girth-groove under rim. Rcdbrown , hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. ; L-ware. npublished. 1936.722 f 1936.722f Locamo area Bcllinzona not illus. Bowl. Fragment of vcrt. rim with lid eating. Red-brown , hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished .
1936. 1116 680 Locamo area Bcllinzona Loe 680 Lid with inturned expanded rounded rim, conical body, slightly concave handhold. Broken . Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Trace s of lire. Unpublished.
1936 .722g 1936.722g Locarno area Bellinzona not illu . Bowl. Fragme nt of vcrt. rim with lid eating and cordon. Red-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli hed.
1936. 1148 95 Locarno area Bellinzona Loe 95 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical carinated body, lightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Jirth-grooves on n ck and carination . While-pinkish, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; 1-ware. Unpublished.
1936.727e 1936.727e Locamo area Bellinzona not illus. Amphora . Fragment of handle, circular in section (ca. 30mm). Orangered, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & and & grog incl. ; N-warc. Unpublished.
1936. 120 I 143 Locamo area Bellinzona Loe 143 Handled cup with lightly out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. On top of the handle: thumb impression. Beige-gery, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; J-war e. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1936.75 0 1936.750 Locamo area Locarno not illus. Bowl with out-turned rim, flange, conical body, lightly concave base. Brok en. Brown , hard fabric with grey core ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. U npubli shed. 1936.750b 1936.750b Locarno area Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragment of slightly intumed rim with reeding. Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1936. 1250 655 Locamo area Bellin zona Loe 655 Jar with out-turned rim, narrow neck, barrel-shaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves and wavy combing on body ; corrugated wall over foot. Red-beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1936.762 1936.762 Locamo area Locarno not illu . Jar. Fragments of out-turned rim and egg-shaped body. Girth-groove under rim. Brown, hard fabric wit h grey core ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Unpubli hed.
1936. 1270 896 Locarno area Locarno Loe 896 Flanged flagon with vert. rim, two-ribbed handle, ellipsoidal body, footring. ompletc. Red-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & grog incl. ; N-warc. Unpublished .
848 Locarno area Locarno Loe 848 Flanged nagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, ellipsoidal body, slightly concave foot-disc. omplete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1936. 14 917 Muralto-Pa ssalli. Grave 3 Locarno Mu 917 Jug with trifid rim, two-ribbed handl e, flanged neck, pyrifonn body, foot-ring. Broken. Red, black and brown-r ed band s and patterns on body. Beige-orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Simonett 194 1, 45 fig. 20.2.
886 Locarno area Locarno Loe 886 Flanged llagon with out-turned rim, ellipsoidal body, foot-ring. Broken . Red, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpublished.
1936.50 8 12 Muralto-Pa ssa lli. Grave 2 Locarno Mu 8 12 Flagon with out-turned rim with internal beve l, three-r ibbed handle, globular body, slightly concave base . Brok en. Red-pink , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; M-ware. Simonett 1941, 44 fig. I 9.1.
1937.924 1937.924 Locarno area Bellinzona not illus. Flagon with three-ribbed handle, globular body, foot-disc. Fragmentary. Burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublish d.
1936.5 1 146 Murallo-P assa lli. Grave 9 Locarno Mu 146 Beaker with out-turn ed rim, globular body, foot-di sc. Broken. Girthgrooves above body and on body ; betwee n two grooves on body, three rows of dots. Beige, hard fabric ; v. spar e sma ll mica incl. ; J-ware. Simonett 1941, 49 ; 50 fig. 25.4.
1938.445 I 04 Locarno area Locarno Loe I04 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinated body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim ; roul. on body ; black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
1936.53 834 Muralto-Pa salli. Grave 16 Locarno Mu 834 Flagon with out-turned o rim, three-ribbed handle, flattened globular body , slightly concave base. Broken. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-war e. Simonett 1941, 42 fig. 17.4.
1938.448 80 Locarno area Locarno Loe 80 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, conical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves on shoulder, body and rim; roul. on body. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
1936. 107 748 Muralto-Pa ssalli. Grave 9 Bellinzona Mu 748 Flagon with inturned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle , biconi cal body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 1941, 49 ; 50 fig. 25.2.
1938.455 252 Locarno area Locarno Loe 252 Beaker with vert. rim, two lugs, cylindrical body, slightly concave base. Complete. Two girth-groov e betwee n the lugs. Brown, hard fabric; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1936.113 1936. 113 Muralto-Pa salli. Grave I Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragments of foot-ring , wall and plain handl e. Orange-red , med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 44 .
1938.456 195 Locarno area Locarno Loe 195 Beaker with slightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Complel . Girth-grooves on shoulder ;roul. on body. Brown, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1936.117 333 Muralto-Pa ssa lli. Grave 2 Bellinzona Mu 333 Bowl with conical body, slightly concave base . Fragmentary . Beige, med. hard fabric, black oo the outer urface ; sparse mica incl. Trace of fire. Simonett 194 1, 44.
1938.458 378 Locarno area Locarno Loe 378 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Brown-black, hard fabric with red core, with med. mica & quanrlz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished .
1936. 123 711 Muralto-P a sa lli. Grave 6 Bellin zona Mu 7 11 Flagon with collar, plain handl e, long neck , horiz. shoulder, conical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Oran ge-red, med . hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 1941, 48 fig. 23.3.
1938.46 1 749 Locarno area Locarno Loe 749 Flagon with collar, two-ribbed handlle, pear-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Burnish. Red, med. hard lo hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Lware. Unpublished .
1936. 124 1936.124 Muralto-Pas alli. Grave 7 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon with inturned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, ovoid body, foot-ring. Fragme ntary. Two X on houlder; inci ed pattern under neck. Red-orange, med. hard fabric ; parse 0.25-1 mm mica & and & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Simonett 194 1, 49 fig. 24.3 .
1938.462 253 Locarno area Locarno Loe 253 Beaker with vert. rim, two lugs, cylindrical body, lightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove above the lugs. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-ware. Unpubli shed.
1936. l 27a 624 Muralto-P assa lli. Grave 7 Bellinzona Mu 624 Jar with ou-tum ed rim, slightly curved neck , conical body, flat base. Fragmentary . Hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 49 .
Locarno-Muralto (Mu)
1936.129 670 Murallo-Pa salli. By Grave IO Bellinzona Mu 670 Handled ja r with out-turned expa nded rounded rim with external girth groove, two three-ribbed handles, ovoid body, Oat base. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and incl. ; L-ware. Ext. base rough urface. Simonett 194 1, 50 fig. 26 .2.
Property Passalli
30 Muralto-P assa lli. Grave 3 Locarno Mu 30 1936. 1 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken . Girth-grooves oo body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware . Simonett 1941, 45 fig. 20. 1.
1936. 133 1936. 133 Muralto-Pa ssa lli. Grave 12 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon with globular body and foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; parse mica & sand incl. ; L-war e. Simonett 194 1, 41 fig. 16 Grab 12. 1.
1936.6 64 Muralto-Pa s alli. Grave 5 Locarno Mu 64 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemi pherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-groove on body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; G-Ware. Simonett 1941, 47 fig. 22.4.
1936.135 25 Muralto-Pa ssa lli. Grave 12 Bellinzona Mu 25 Thin walled cup with inturned rim, hemispherical body, concave footdisc. Broken. Grey and orange, med. hard fabric ; many 0.25-0 .5rnm mica & and incl. ; A-ware . Simonett 194 l, 4 1.
54 Muralto-P a alli. Grave 6 Locarno Mu 54 1936.7 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemi pherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; A-ware . Simonett 194 I, 48 fig. 23.2.
1936. 138 714 Muralto-P a alli.Gravel3 Bellinzona Mu71 4 Flagon with out-turned rim, plain handle , horiz. shoulder, conical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Pink-oran ge, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 1941, 41 fig. 15 Grab 13.2.
795 Muralto-Passa lli. Grave 14 Locamo Mu 795 1936. 13 Flagon with two-ribbed handle, pyriforn, body, foot-ring. Broken ; rim missing. Ext. surface burnish. Graffito VVHSSX on shoulder. Dark red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. imonett 194 1, 5 1 ; 52 fig. 28.3a .
I 936 . 140 465 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 14 Bellin zona Mu 465 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and incl. ; L-warc.
CHAPTER 10 Simonell 194 1, 5 1 ; 52 fig. 28.3b. 1936. 14 1 1936. 14 1 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 14 Bellinzona not illu . Mortarium. Fragments of conica l body and slightly concave foo t-disc. Red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand incl. Trace s of fire. Simonell 1941, 5 I. 244 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 15 Bcllin zona Mu 244 1936. 143 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, cylindrical body, concav e base. Fragmentary. ordon on neck; indented wall. Dark beige, bard fabric ; parse mica & and incl. ; J-warc. imonetl 194 1, 4 1 fig. 16.3.
Flanged flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, pyriform body, concave base. ompletc. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; Lware. imoncll 194 1, 58 fig. 35.3. 1936.457 774 Muralto-Pas alli. rave 28 Bcllinzona Mu 774 Flagon with out-tu rned rim, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; M-warc . Simonett 1941, 55 fig. 32 Grab 28.2. 1936.560 207 Muralto-Pa salli. Grave 37 Bcllinzona Mu 207 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, ovoid body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken . Cordons on shoulder ; four rows of dot on body. Beige, hard fabric; sparse mica & sand incl. ; J-warc. Simonett 1941, 57.
549 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 15 Bellinzona Mu 549 1936. 145 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body, sligtly concave base . Fragme ntary. Corrugated wall under neck. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Traces offirc. imonctt 194 1, 4 I fig. 16. 1.
1936.604 1936.604 Muralto-Passa lli. Grave 29 Bcllinzona not illus. Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, conical shoulder and lower half or the body, cylindrical mid-body, foot-disc. Fragmentary. HLLARO. A CONIS . r under the foot. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Simonett 1941, 55 fig. 32. Grab 29.2.
1936. 146a 540 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 15 Bellinzona Mu 540 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body. Fragmentary. Red-beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. imonett 194 1, 4 1fig. 16.4.
1936.607 IO Muralto-Passalli. Grave 29 Raised foot-ring cup with slightly inturncd Fragme ntary. Girth-groove under rim. Red, incl. ; L-warc. Simonett 194 1, 56 ; 55 fig. 32
1936. 146b 1936. 146 Muralto-Passa lli. Grave 15 Bcllinzona not illus . Jar. Fragments of ovoid body and flat base. Red-be ige , hard fabric ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpubli hed.
Bcllinzona Mu I 0 rim, hemispherical body. hard fabric ; spar c mica Grab 29. 11.
1936.608 324 Muralto-Passalli. rave 3 1 Bcllinzona Mu 324 Dish with inturncd rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quart z incl. ; D-warc. Ext. base rough urfacc . race or tire. Simonclt 194 1, 43.
1936. 149 574 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 2 Locarno Mu 574 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovo id body , flat base. Broken. Bcigepink, med. hard fabric ; parse mica & sand incl. Simonett 194 1, 44 ftg. 19.7.
1936.622a 1936.622a Muralto-Pa alli. Grave 28 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon . Fragment of foot-ring. Orange-red , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Unpublished.
1936.183 900 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 2 1 Locarno Mu 900 Flanged flagon with vert. triangular rim, three-ribbed handle , onionshaped body , foot-ring. Comp lete. Ext. surface burni sh. Red, hard fabric ; parse mica incl. ; L-ware. imonett 194 1, 53 fig. 30.1.
1936.622b 56 Muralto-Pa ssalli. Grave 28 Bellinzona Mu 56 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical body with slightly carinat d wall, slightly concave foot-disc . Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; A-ware. Simonett 194 1, 55.
Muralto-Passa lli. Grave 22 1936.258 55 Locarno Mu 55 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & "and incl. ; -wa re. Simonclt 194 1, 53 ; 52 fig. 29 Grab 22.3.
1936.623 147 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 9 Bellinzona Mu 147 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, long neck, globular body, footdisc. Fragme ntary. ordon over belly; three rows of barbotinc dots; ext. urface black lip. Red, hard fabric ; spar c small mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1936.259 796 Muralto-Passalli. rave 22 Locarno Mu 796 Flagon with out-turned triangular rim, two- ribbed handle, pyriform body, foot-ring. Broken. xt. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-warc. Simonett 194 1, 53 ; 52 fig. 29.2 .
1936.630 24 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 30 Bcllinzona Mu 24 Thin wa lled cup with vcrt. rim, hem ispherical body with slightly carinatcd wall, slightly concave foot-di c. Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. imonctt 194 1, 56.
1936.273 14 1 Muralto-Passalli. No context Locarno Mu 14 1 Thin walled handled cup with out-tu rned rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Red-pink , hard fabric ; sparse mica & grog incl. ; N-ware. Simonett 1941, 176; 175 fig. 149.8.
1936.658 I 936.658Muralto -Passa lli. Grave 24 Bcllinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragmen t of disc-rim. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; D-warc. imonelt 194 1, 42.
1936.274 259 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 23 Locarno Mu 259 Thin walled beaker with high vert. rim, globular body, lightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove al mid-body. Red, hard fabric; many mica & sand incl. ; G-warc. Simonett 194 1, 54 fig. 31 Grab 23. 1.
1936.675 840 Muralto-Pas salli. Grave I Bellinzona Mu 40 Flagon with out-turned expanded rim, three-ribbed handle, barrel- haped body, slightly concave base. Fragme ntary. xt. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Simonett 194 1, 42.
1936.305 466 Muralto-Pas alli. rave 24 Loca mo Mu 466 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body, concave base. Broken. Three girthgrooves on shoulder. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quart z incl. ; M-warc. Simonett 194 1, 42 ; 43 fig. 18.Grab 24.1.
1936.676 280 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 28 Bellinzona Mu 280 Di h with inturned rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Ext. base concentrical circles. Lnt. red/ext. black , hard fabric ; spar c mica incl. ; Lware. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 55 fig. 32 Grab 28.4.
1936.367 171 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 28 Locamo Mu 17 1 Beaker with out-turned rim, globular body, high foot-di ·c. Complete . Girth-grooves and roul. on shoulder; ext. traces or black slip. Red , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Simon ell 194 1, 55 fig. 32.3.
1936.679 1936.679 Muralto-Passa lli. Grave 24 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon . Fragments. Neck burni h. Orange- red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. imonclt 194 1, 42.
1936.390 892 Muralto-Pa alli. Grave 33 Locamo Mu 892 Flanged flagon with vert. expanded rounded rim, three-ribbed handl e, hcllipsoidal body, foot-ring. Broken. Girth-groove on should er. Redorangc, med. hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand incl. ; L-wa re. Simonett 1941, 57 ; 56 fig. 33. Grab 33.1.
1936.698 267 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 27 Bcllinzona Mu 267 Di h with inturned expanded rounded rim, conical body, flat ba e. Fragmentary. Grey-b lack, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quartz incl. ; D-ware. Traces or fire. Simonett 194 1, 43 fig. I Grab 27.2.
1936.39 1
9 15 Muralto-Passalli . Grave 38 Locarno Mu 9 15
543 Muralto-Pas alli. Grave 28 Bcllinzona Mu 543
BIBLIO GRAPHY AND APP E DICES Jar with out-turn ed rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Girth -groove under neck. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Simon ett 194 1, 55 fig. 32 Grab 28.1.
1936.1188 425 Muralto-Passalli. Grave 37 Bellinzona Mu 425 Bowl with out-turned expanded rounded rim with lid seating, conica l body, slightly concave foot. Broken. Beige, med. hard fabric, black on the outside ; some 0. 1-5mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-warc. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Simonclt 194 1, 58.
1936.707 I 936.707 Muralto-Passa lli. Grave 25 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragments of wall, foot-ring and two-ribb ed handle. Wall burnish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Simonett 194 1, 54.
759 Muralto-Pa salli. cmctery Locamo Mu 759 Flagon with collar, two-ribbed handllc, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken. Ext. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Lwarc. Unpublished.
1936.709a 1936.709a Muralto-Passa lli. Grave 30 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragments of biconica l body, four-ribbed handle, foot-rin g. Body burnish. Orange-red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica incl. Simonett 1941, 57.
1936. 1303 Muralto-Pa ssalli. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragments with disc-rim, two-ribbed handle, long neck. Ext. surface burn ish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1936. 709b 797 Muralto-P assa lli. Grave 30 Bellinzona Mu 797 Flago n with vert. triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, biconical body, footring. Fragmentary. Body burnish. Red, hard fabric ; spar e 0.25-1 mm mica & & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Simonett 194 1, 57.
Propert y ViUa Liv erpool (sopra)
1936. 714 713 Muralto-P assa lli. Grave 26 Bellinzona Mu 713 F lagon with collar, plain handle, horiz. shoulder, conical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 54 .
1936.327 744 Muralto-Li vcrpool sopra.Grave 4 Locamo Mu 744 Flagon with out-turned rim with external girth-groove, three-ribbed handle, hellipsoidal body, foot-ring. Complete. Beige-white, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & grog incl. Simonett 194 1, 6 1 fig. 39.2.
1936 .721 4 15 Muralt o-Passa lli. Grave 34 Bellinzona Mu 4 15 Bowl with out-turn ed rim with lid sea ting (?), hemispherical body, two lugs on the shoulder, flat base. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; many mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Ext. ba e rough surface. Simonett 194 1, 43.
1936.363 662 Muralto-Liverpool opra.Grave 4 Bcllinzona Mu 662 Jar with inturned expanded rounded rim, two lugs, barrel-shaped body, flat base. Fragmentary. Girth-groove between the lugs. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Simonett 194 1, 6 1 fig. 39. 1.
I 936.739 65 Muralto-P assalli . Grav e 2 1 Bellinzona Mu 65 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove on bould er. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; G-ware. Simonett 194 1, 53.
1936.366 2 13 Muralto-Livcrpool sopra.Grave 7 Bellinzona Mu 2 13 Beaker with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, low foot-ring. Broken. Cordon on neck; corrugated shoulder; six rows of barb. dots on body, two girth-grooves below the dots. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; J-ware. Traces of fire. imonctt 194 1, 62 ; 63 fig. 4 1.2.
1936.779 1936.779Muralto-Passalli. Grave 22 Bellinzona not illus. Dish. Fragments of flat foot. Red, hard fabric w ith ext. surface black ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quart z & grog incl. ; N .-ware. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 53.
1936.38 1 260 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Gravc 7 Locamo Mu 260 Balsamarium with vert. rim, slightly conical neck, ovoid body, Oat base. Broken. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 62 ; 63 fig. 4 1.3.
1936.782a 377 Muralto-P assalli . Grave 17 Bellinzona Mu 377 Bowl with ot-turn ed expanded round ed rim , ovoid (?) bod y. Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand incl. ; O-ware. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 42 .
1936.448 742 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Gravc I Bellinzona Mu 742 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-disc. Broken. ordon on houlder ; girth-grooves on body. Beigcwhilc, hard fabric ; spar c mica incl. imonett 194 1, 59 fig. 3 7. I a.
1936. 782b 1936.782b Muralto-P assa lli. Grave 17 Bellinzona not illus. Cup with hemispherica l body with lightly carinated wa lll, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under the carination. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 42 .
1936.48 1 19 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Grave 3 Locamo Mu 19 Raised foot-ring cup with out-turned rim, hemispherical body. Broken. Ext. & int. black slip. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 194 1, 60 fig. 38.2.
1936 .808a 470 Muralto -Passa lli. Grave 39 Bellinzona Mu 470 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Brown-grey, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and & quart z incl. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 43.
1936.485 726 Muralto-Livcrpool sopra.Gravc 8 Locarno Mu 726 Flagon with out-turned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Complete. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 64 ; 63 fig. 42.7.
1936 .884a 1936.884a Muralto-Pas alli. Grave 23 Bellinzona not illus. Jar. Fragments of wall and base. Red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Traces of fire. Simon ett 194 1, 54.
1936.507 65 1 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Gravc 8 Locamo Mu 65 1 Jar with intumcd rim, two lugs, ovoid body, lightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove between the lugs. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 63 fig. 42.2.
1936.884b 1936.884b Murallo-Pa ssa lli. Grave 23 Bellinzona not illus. Lid . Fragments of wall. Girth- grooves on wall. Grey, hard fabric ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and incl. ; E-wa re. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1936.5 13 130 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Grave 8 Locamo Mu 130 Thin walled cup with high vcrt. rim, hemispherical body, foot-di c. Broken. Girth-grooves on rim; roul. on body; ext. & int. traces of black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; 8-w are. Simonett 194 1, 64 ; 63 fig. 42.3.
1936.886a 798 Muralto-Passa lli. Grave 23 Bellinzona Mu 79 Flagon with inturned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Orange-red, med. hard to hard fabric ; par e mica & sand & quartz incl. Simonett 1941, 54 fig. 3 I Grab 23.2.
1936.5 19 375 Muralto-Livcrpool sopra.Grave 5 Bellinzona Mu 375 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, Oat base. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 6 1.
1936.886c 438 Muralto-Pa salli. Grav e 23 Bellinzona Mu 438 Bowl with out-turn ed expanded triangular rim, conica l body, Oat base. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric, black on rim ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 54 fig. 3 1 Grab 23.3.
1936.525 1936.525 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Grave 5 Bcllinzona not illus. Flanged nagon. Fragments of vcrt. triangular rim and foot. Red-pink, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 6 1 ; 62 fig. 40.2.
Propert y Villa Liverpool (sotto)
1936.26 114 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. cme tery Locarno Mu 114 Thin walled cup . Fragments of wall and slightly concave foot-di sc. Roul. at mid-body. Grey to beige, soft to med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; C-Ware. Unp ublished.
1936.685a 1936.6 5a Muralto-Liverpool sopra. Grave I0 Bcllinzona not illus. Jar. Fragments. Dark beige, hard fabric ; spar c mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Simonett 1941, 64.
1936.7 1 767 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 3 Locarno Mu 767 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, pyriform body, footring. Broken. Beige-red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 194 1, 73 fig. 53.3.
1936.685b 468 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Gravc 11 Bellinzona Mu 468 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken. Dark beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Ext. ba e rough urfacc. Trace of fire. imonetl 194 1, 66 fig. 45. 1
1936.72 721 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 6 Locarno Mu 721 Flagon with out-t urned triangular rim with lid seating, four-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot.-ring. omplete. Beige-red , med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Simonett 1941, 74 lig. I.
1936.746 544 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Gravc 5 Locarno Mu 544 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Girthgroove on shoulder. Red-orange, med. hard fabri' ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; M-ware. Ext. ba e rough surface . Simonell 1941, 6 1 ; 62 fig. 40.1.
19 6.86 6 19 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave I Locarno Mu 619 Jar with out-t11rncdrim with lid seating, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken. Grey, soft to m d. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; F-warc. Traces of fire. imonett 1941, 70.
1936.773 417 Murallo-Liverpool sopra.Gravc IO Bellinzona Mu 417 Bowl with out-turned rim, hemispherical body, flat base. Fragmentary. Red-pink , hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-1 mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Simonell 1941, 65.
1936.92 59 Muralto-Liverpool otto. Grave I Locarno Mu 859 Flanged flagon with vcrl. rim, three-ribbed handle , biconical body, fooldisc. Broken. Beige, oft to med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & and & quartz incl. Simonett 1941, 70 fig. 49.8.
1936.794a 671 Muralto-Liverpool opra.Grave 2 Bellinzona Mu 671 Two-handled ja r with out-turned expanded rounded rim with internal beve l and external girth-groove, three-ribbed handle , barrel-shaped body, slightly concave ba c. Fragmentary. Beige, hard fabric with wide grey core; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quartz incl. imonell 194 1, 60.
1936. 147 359 Muralto-Liverpool otto. Grave I Locarno Mu 359 Bowl with out-turned expanded rounded rim, curved wall, tlat base. Broken. Wide cordon on houlder. Red, hard fabric ; par c mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
1936.8 11 836 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Gravc 12 Locarno Mu 836 Flagon with out-turned triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, onion-shaped body, foot-ring. omplcte. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Simonett 1941, 67 fig. 46.6.
1936. 148 402 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave I Locarno Mu 402 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. Broken . Grey-white, soft fabric ; spa rse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. ; F-ware. Simonett 194 1, 70 fig. 49.3.
1936.8 16 I02 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Grave 12 Locarno Mu I02 Thin walled cup with verl. rim, hemispherical body carinated on the shoulder, foot-di c. Broken. Girth-grooves on rim and shoulder; roul. on body; ext. & int. traces or black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; parse mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett 1941, 66 ; 67 fig. 46.4.
1936. 184 90 I Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 12 Locarno Mu 90 I Flanged flagon with vert. triangular rim, three-ribbed handle , onionshaped body, foot-ring. ompletc. xt. sur face burnish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 194 1, 78 ; 80 fig. 62.3. 1936.187 854 MuraIto-Liverpoo l otto. Grave IO Locarno Mu 854 Flanged nagon with vert. triangular rim, plain handle rectangular in section, onion-shaped body , foot-ring. Broken . Red-pink, hard fabric sparse mica & quartz incl. ; M-warc. imonctt 194 1, 77 fig. 60.6.
1936.825a 1936.825a Muralto-Livcrpoo l sopra.Grave 4 Bcllinzona not illus. Bowl. ragments of wall. Red-pink , hard fabric; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & and incl. Traces of fire. imonett 1941, 61. 1936.825b 354 Murallo-Liverpoo l sopra.Gravc 4 Bellinzona Mu 354 Bowl with verl. triangular rim, hemispherical body, slightly coneavcbasc. Fragmentary. Girth-groove on houldcr. Beige, hard fabric ; par c 0.25-1 mm mica & sand incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1936. 190 153 Muralto-Liverpool otto. Grave 12 Locarno Mu 153 Beaker with out-turned rim with lid seating, ovoid body, foot-disc. Comp lete. Girth-grooves and two rows of dots on body. Grey, med. hard to hard fabric ; parse mica incl. ; B-ware. imonett 194 1, 79 ; 80 fig. 62.23.
1936. 1115 443 Muralto-Liverpool ·opra. Grave l4 Bcllinzona Mu 443 Bowl with out-turned expanded rounded rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-1 mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 67.
1936.235 190 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 11 Locarno Mu 190 Thin walled beaker with ou-turncd rim with internal bevel, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken. Three rows of barbotinc "co mbs" on body. Grey, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett 194 1, 78 fig. 6 1.6.
1936. 1200 1936. 1200 Muralto-Livcrpool sopra.Grave 13 Bcllinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragments of two-ribbed handle and foot-ring. Red hard fabric ; parse 0.25-1 mm mica & and & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Simonett 1941, 67.
1936.246 1936.246 Muralto-Liverpool Otto.Grave 8 Loearno not illus. Beaker with out-turned with internal beve l rim, ovoid body, foot-disc. Broken. Girth-groove s and cordons on should er ; dots on body. Redbeige, hard fabric ; spar c mica incl. ; J-war e. Simonett 1941, 75 ; 76 fig. 58.7.
1936. 12 10 1936. 12 10 Muralto-Liverpool sopra.Grave 15 Bellinzona not illus. Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim, ovoid body, flat ba e. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under neck. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse 0.251mm mica & and & quartz incl. ; D-ware . Traces of fire. Simonett 1941, 60.
1936.264 250 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 14 Locarno Mu 250 Beaker with verl. rim, two lug , cylindrical body, concave base. Complete. Girth-groove between the lugs. Red , med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Traces of fire. Simonett 1941, 81 ; 82 fig. 64.5. I 936.275 196 Muralto-Liverpool otto. Grave 14 Locamo Mu 196 Beaker with out-turned rim with internal bevel , ovoid body, sligh tly concave base. Broken. Girth-grooves between houlder and neck ; roul. on shoulder. Red, hard fabric ; parse mica incl. ; L-ware. Trace of fire.
Simonett 194 1, 8 1 ; 82 fig. 64.3.
1936.654 835 Muralto-Liv erpool sotto. Grave 25 Locarno Mu 835 Flagon with out-turned rim, two-ribbed handle, onion-shaped body, footring. Fragmentary. Neck burnish. Red, hard fabric; sparse mica incl. ; Lwarc. Simonett 1941, 90 fig. 74.7.
1936.364 467 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 15 Locamo Mu 467 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.5-1mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-warc . Simonett 194 1, 83 fig. 65.2.
1936.67 1 1936.671 Muralt o-Liverpool sotto.Gravc 14 Locarno not illu . Flagon with three-ribb ed handl e, onion-shaped body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red-beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 1941, 8 1 ; 82 fig. 64.2.
1936.508 910 Muralto-Liverpool sotlo. Grave 17 Locarno Mu 910 Flanged flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle, onion-shaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Beige-white, med hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-ware. Simonett 194 1, 84 ; 85 fig. 68.6.
1936.673 1936.673 Muralto-Li verpool sotto . Grave I Locarno not illus. Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hcmi pherical body. Fragmentary. Cordon and girth-groove under rim; rout. on body. Orange-pink, hard fabric; sparse mica incl. Simonett I 941, 70 fig. 49.9.
1936.509 860 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 18 Locamo Mu 860 Flanged flagon with vert. expanded triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, conical, flat base. Broken. Ext. surface burnish. Red and beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Simonett 1941, 71 fig. 50. 1.
1936.674 376 Muralto-Li vcrpool sotto. Grave 14 Locarno Mu 376 Bowl with out-turn ed expanded rounded rim, conical body, flat base. Fragmentary. Beige-pink, bard fabric ; spar e 0.25-1 mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-war e. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 82 fig. 64.19.
1936.527 12 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 19 Locarno Mu 12 Raised foot-ring cup with out-turned rim, hemispherical body. Ext. & int. surfaces dark red-brown lip. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 1941, 85 ; 86 fig. 69.8. 1936.546 168 Muralto-Liv erpool sotto. Grave 2 Locarno Mu 168 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, ovoid body, low foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-groove on shoulder. Beige-white, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & grog incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 194 1, 72 ; 73 fig. 52.2.
1936.682 542 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 18 Locarno Mu 542 Jar with out-turn ed expanded rounded rim, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Two girth-grooves under neck. Beige and red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & incl. Ext. base rough surface. Simonett 194 1, 71 fig. 50.2.
1936.569 26 1 Muralto-Liv erpool sotto. Grave 24 Locarno Mu 26 1 Balsamarium with vert. rim, conical neck, ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Girth-groove under rim. Red, med hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 1941, 89.
1936.697 1936.697 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 23 Locarno not illus Flagon. Fragments of three-ribbed handle and foot-disc. Red-orange, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Simonett 194 1, 88.
1936.578 185 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 23 Locarno Mu 185 Beaker with vert. rim, ovoid body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim, on shoulder and above foot ; garland of palmettes and rosettes on body. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Traces of fire. Simonett 1941, 89 fig. 72.8.
1936.703 242 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. rave I Locarno Mu 242 Thin walled beaker with inturned rim, conical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Two girth-groove on body. Beige-white, bard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 70. 1936.706 1936.706 Muralto-Li verpool sotto . Grave 2 Locarno not illus. Jar. Fragment of out-turned triangular rim. Red-pink, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and & quartz & grog incl. ; N-warc . imonctt 194 1, 72; 73 fig. 52. 11.
1936.606 772 Muralto-Li verpool sotto. Grave 20 Locarno Mu 772 Flagon with rounded rim with external cordon, two-ribbed handle, pyrifonn body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Pink-beige, med. hard to hard fabric; sparse mica & and & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Simonett 194 1, 87 fig. 70.2.
1936.7 10 782 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 9 Locarno Mu 782 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, pyriform body footring. Fragmentary. Neck and upper body' half burnish. Red-pink, hard fabric ; parsemica & sand incl. Simonett I 941, 76 fig. 59. I.
1936.62 1a 23 Mural to-Liverpool sotto. Grave 20 Locarno Mu 23 Thin walled cup with inturned rim, hemispherical body, lightly concave foot-di c. Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; Aware. Simonett 1941, 87.
1936.724a 407 Muralto-Liv erpool sotto. Grave 18 Locarno Mu 407 Bowl with out-turned expanded rounded rim, conical body, flat base. Fragmentary. Wide girth-groove under neck. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-1 mm mica & and & quartz & grog incl. ; N-warc. Traces of fire. Simonett I 94 1, 71 fig. 50.3.
1936.62 1b 125 Mural to-Liverpool sotto. Grave 20 Locarno Mu 125 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinated body, slightly concave foot-di c. Broken. Girth-grooves on rim; barbotine 'combs' over boulder; roul. on houlder ; ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; parse mica incl. ; B-warc. Simonett 1941, 87 fig. 70.3. 1936.639 2 12 Muralto-Li verpool sotlo. Grave 19 Locarno Mu 2 12 Beaker with out-turned rim, ovoid body, slightly concave foot-di c. Fragmentary. Corrugated shoulder, three rows of dots on body. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett I 941, 85 ; 86 fig. 69.4.
1936.726 355 Muralto-Li vcrpool sotto. rave 8 Locarno Mu 355 Bowl with out-turned expanded triangular rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Stabbed obliquous lines on boulder. Brown-black, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica incl. Traces of fire. Simonett 1941, 75 ; 76 fig. 58.4.
1936.644 562 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 17 Locarno Mu 562 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-1 mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Simonett 194 1, 85 fig. 68.13.
I 936.744 262 Mural to-Liverpool sotto. Cemetery Locarno Mu 262 Balsamarium with vert. rim, conical neck, ovoid body, flat ba c. Broken. Girth-groove under rim. Red, med hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Unpublished.
1936.645 15 1 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 12 Locarno Mu 151 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, verl. neck, onion-shaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Indents on neck. Beige-white , hard fabric ; sparse small mica incl. ; I-ware. Simonett 194 1, 79 ; 80 fig. 62. 12.
1936.745a 1936.745a Muralto -Liverpool sotto. Grave 28 Locamo not illus. Beaker. Fragments. Rows of dots on body. Beige-red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 1941, 7 .1. I 936.745b 2 17 Mural to-Live rpool sotto. Grave 32 Locamo Mu 2 17 Beaker with out-turned rim with lid seating, ovoid body , slightyl con-
10 and & quartz incl. Traces of fire. imoneu 194 1, I00 ; 99 lig. 8 1.18.
cave foot-di c. ompletc. Girth-grooves on neck and should er ; cordon on neck ; rows of dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; Jware. Traces of fire. Simonett 1941, 92 ; 93 fig. 78.3 .
1936. 184 -473 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 37 Locarno Mu 473 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body. Fragmentary. Two girth-grooves under neck. Beige-grey ; hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- I .5mm mica & and & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1936.748 756 Muralto-Li vcrpool sotto. Grave 26 Locarno Mu 756 Flagon with funnel-shaped rim, two-ribbed handle, pyrifonn body, footring. Broken. Neck and upper body's half burnish. Red , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Simonett 194 1, 9 I fig. 75. 1.
1936.9 17 193 Muralto-Livcrpool souo. Grave 43 Locamo Mu 193 hin walled beaker with vert. rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Complete. irth-groovcs on neck ; combing on body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand & quartz incl. ; A-ware. Simonett 194 1, I 05.
1936.747 4 19 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 2 1 Loca rno Mu 4 19 Bowl with verl. rim, lid seating, conical body, lightly concave base . Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-white, soft to med . hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; F-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1936.924 1936.924 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 37 Locamo not illus. lagon. Fragment of wall. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. imonctt 1941, 100 ; 99 lig. 8 1.17.
1936. 749 773 Murallo-Liverpool otto. rave 26 Loca rno Mu 773 Flagon with short collar, three-ribbed handle , pyrifonn body, foot-ring. omplete. xt. surface bum ish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Lwarc. imonetl 194 1, 9 1 fig. 75.3.
1936.925 837 Muralto-Liverpool sotto . Grave 40 Locamo Mu 837 Flagon with conica l body, foot-ring. Fragme ntary. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. Simonett 194 1, I 03.
1936.755 4 16 Muralto-Liverpoo l sotto. Grave I Loca m o Mu 4 16 Bowl with out-turned expanded rounded rim, conica l body, flat base. Broken. ordon under neck. Red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0 .5mm mica & sand incl. ; L-warc. Ext. base rough surface . Trace s of lire. Simonett 194 1, 70 lig. 49.2.
1936.927 2 1 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 37 Locarno Mu 21 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemi spherical body, foot-disc . Fragmentary. ordon on neck; rough-cast ; ext- & int. surface red slip. Red, oft & powdery fabric ; v. spar e small mica incl. ; H-warc. imonctl 194 1, 98.
1936.771 894 Mural to-Liverpoo l sot to. Grave 30 Loca mo Mu 894 Flanged flagon with verl. rim, two-ribbed handle, ellip oidal body, footring. Complete. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. imonelt 1941, 92 fig. 77.4.
1936. 1007 1936. 1007 Muralto-Livcrp ol otto. rave 43 Locarno not illus. Flagon with biconical body, two-ribbed handle, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red-pink , med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica & grog incl. ; N-ware. Simonett 1941, I 05 fig. 86.7.
1936. 795 1936.795 Murallo-Liverpool sotto . Grave 19 Locarno not illus. Flanged flagon with vert. triangular rim, three-ribbed handle , rounded shoulder and conical lower body, foot-di sc. Fragmentary . Beige- pink, son fabric ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and incl. Simonett 1941, 86.
1936. 1025 194 Mura Ito-Liverpool sotto. Grave 38 Locamo Mu 194 Thin walled beaker with inturned rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken. irth-grooves and cordon on neck ; combing on body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and & quartz incl. ; A-ware. Simonett 1941, 100 ; IOI fig. 82.12.
1936.805 909 Mural to-Liverpool sotto. Grave 29 Locarno Mu 909 Flanged flagon with verl. rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, footring. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and incl. Simonett 1941, 71 Grab 29. 1
1936. 1034 75 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 48 Locamo Mu 75 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemi pherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. irth-grooves on rim and body; rout. on body. rey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; 8-w are. imonett 1941, 111 ; I 09 fig. 90.14.
1936.8 18 117 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 33 Locarno Mu 117 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispheric al carinatcd body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Rout. and girth-groove on body ; ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; spar e mica inc l. ; B-ware. imonett 194 1, 94.
1936. 1049 203 Muralto-Liverpool ouo. Grave 46 Locarno Mu 203 Thin walled beaker with inturned rim, ovo id body, slightly concave footdisc. Broken . Cordons under neck; twelve rows of dots on body. Redorange,med. hard fabric ; v. spar c mall mica incl. ; L-ware. imonett 1941, 107 ; 108 fig. 8.8.
1936.832 34 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 32 Locarno Mu 34 Thin walled cup with inturned rim, hemi phcric al body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Rough-cast ; ext. &int. surfaces black slip. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; H-warc . imonett 1941, 94 ; 93 fig. 78.5.
1936. 105 1 235 Muralto-Liverpool otto. Grave 33 Locarno Mu 235 Beaker with out-tumed expanded rounded rim, conical body with carinatcd houlder, concave base. ·ragmentary. Girth-groove on rim ; two cordons on shoulder; eight rows of dots on body. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; . parse 0.25-0.5 mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Simoncll 1941, 95 ; 96 fig. 79. 19.
1936.87 1 26 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 33 Locarno Mu 26 Thin walled cup with intumed rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-di c. Broken. Girth-groove on neck ; feather-like pattern s on body. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-ware. Simonett 194 1, 95 ; 96 fig. 79.18.
1936. 1056 191 Muralto-Liverpool sotto . Grave 38 Locamo Mu 191 Beaker with out-turned orim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken Combing on body. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Trace of fire. Simonett l 941, I 00 ; IOI lig. 82. 12.
1936.876 184 Mural to-Liverpool otto. Grave IO Locamo Mu 184 Thin walled beaker with inturned rim, doubl e-barr el-shaped body, low foot-ring. Two handles? Fragmentary. Girth-groove at mid-bod y, rout. below. Grey, soft fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; -ware. Simo nett 194 1, 77 fig. 60.3.
1936. 107 1 753 M uralto-Liverpool otto. Grave 32 Locarno Mu 753 Flagon with funnel-shaped rim, two-ribbed handle, biconical body, footring. Broken. Neck burni h. Beige, hard fabric ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica incl. Simonett 1941, 94 ; 93 fig. 78.7.
1936.893 904 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 3 7 Locarno Mu 904 Flanged flagon with vert. rim, two-ribbed handle , onio n- haped body , foot-ring. Complete. Beige-orange, med . hard to hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Simonett 1941, I 00 ; 99 fig. 8 1.18.
1936. 1076 855 Mural to-Liverpool sotto. Grave 44 Locamo Mu 855 Flanged 0agon with verl. triangular rim, four-ribbed handle, onionshaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Dark beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0 .5mm mica & sand incl. Simonett 1941, I07 ; I06 fig. 87.14.
1936.893a 505 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 37 Locarno Mu 505 Jar with out-tumed expanded triangu lar rim, vert . neck , ovoid body. Fragmentary. Beige-orange ; hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- I .5mm mica &
Thin walled cup with slightly inturned rim, hemispherical body, footdisc. Broken Girth-grooves under rim and on shoulder ; rough-cast ; ext. & int. surfaces brown lip. Red, so ft & powdery fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; H-ware. Simonett 1941, I 04.
1936.108.1 397 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 47 Locamo Mu 397 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Corrugated wall under neck. Grey, hard fabric ; spar c 0.25-1mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; D-warc. Ext. base rough surface. Traces offire. Simonett 194 1, 109 fig. 89.3.
1936. 1190 87 Muralto-Li vcrpool otto. Grave 34 Locarno Mu 87 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemi pherical carinated body. Broken. Girth-grooves and cordon under rim and on body ; roul.on body ; ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; 8-ware. Simonett 1941 97.
1936.1088a 70 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 35 Locarno Mu 70 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinatcd body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken . Two girth-grooves on neck; rough-cast surface (sand); red slip. Red-orange, soft & powdery to med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; H-warc. Unpublished .
1936. 1197 27 Muralto-Liv erpool sotto. Grave 49 Locarno Mu 27 Thin walled cup with slightly inturned rim, hemispherical body , slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. ordon under rim ; barbotine feather-like patterns on body ; ext. & int. surfaces brown slip. Beige-white, soft & powdery fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-ware. Simonett 194 1, 111.
I 936.1088b 263 Muralto-Liverpool otto. Grav 35 Locamo Mu 263 Balsamarium with ovoid body, slightyl concave base. Fragmentary. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Traces of black substance int . Simonett 194 1, 98.
1936. 1198 220 Muralto-Liv erpool sotto. Grave 49 Locarno Mu 220 Beaker with vert. triangular rim, barrel-shaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Corrugated neck and shoulder; nivc rows of dots on body. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 1941, 112.
1936.1088c 1936. 1088c Muralto-Liverpool otlo. Grave 35 Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragments of foot and wall. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric; med. mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished. 1936.1111 2 11 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 35 Locarno Mu 2 11 Beaker with intumed rim, ovoid body, lightly concave base. Broken. Cordon on neck; corrugated shoulder; seven rows of dots and girthgroove below on body; ext. urface red slip. Red-pink, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; J-ware. Simonett 1941, 97 fig. 80.7.
1936. 1203 764 Muralto-Liv erpool sotto. Grave 48 Locamo Mu 764 Flagon with out-turned rim, two-ribbed handle, pyrifonn body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard to hard fabric with black core ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 194 1, 111. 1936. 12 12 1936. 12 12 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 46 Locamo not ilu. Flagon. Fragments of neck, two-ribbed handle and foot-ring. Neck burnish. Beige-brown, hard fabric; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, I 08.
I 936.1112 86 Muralto-Liverpool otto. Grave 30 Locarno Mu 86 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemi hperical slightly carinated body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves, cordons and roul. on body. Grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett I 941, 92 fig. 77.2. 1936. 1114 738 Muralto-Livcrpool otto. Grave 39 Locamo Mu 738 Flagon with out-turned expanded triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric, sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Simonett 1941, 102.
1936. 122 1 222 Muralto-Liv crpool sotto. Grave 48 Locamo Mu 222 Beaker with out-turned rim, ovo id body, low foot-ring. Fragmentary. orrugated neck and shoulder; rows of barbotin e dots on body. Beige, hard fabric; spar e mica incl. ; I-ware. Trace of fire. Simonell 1941, 109.
1936. 1152 1936. 1152 Muralto-Livcrpool sotto. Grave 8 Locarno not illus. Thin walled cup with hemispherical body. Fragmentary. Rough-cast ; ext. & int. surfaces red slip. Red, oft & powdery fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-ware. Simonett 194 1, 75.
1936. 1228 22 1 Muralto-Li verpool Beaker with out-turned rim, ovoid Corrugated neck and boulder; row med. hard fabric; par e mica incl. 1941, 9 .
1936. 1156 32 Muralto-Livcrpool otto. Grave 12 Locamo Mu 32 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body, slightly concav foot-disc. Fragmentary. Two girth-grooves under rim; rough-cast; ext. & int. surface red slip. Beige, soft & powdery fabric ; spar e mica & sand incl. ; H-ware. Simonett 194 1, 79 ; 80 fig. 62.22.
1936. 1252 735 Muralto-Liverpool sotto . Grave 5 1 Locamo Mu 735 Flagon with out-turned triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, horiz. shoulder; cylindrical upper body, conical lower body, foot-ring . Fragmentary. orrugatcd wall under neck ; ext. urface burnish. Beige-pink, hard fabric; par e mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 72.
1936. 1157a 127 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 26 Locarno Mu 127 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinated body. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves under rim and on body; barbotine 'comb ' on upper body; roul. on lower body; ext. & int. urfaces black slip. Black, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett 194 1, 9 1.
1936. 1258 1936. 1258 Muralto-Liverpool sotto . Grave 47 Locarno not illu. Flanged flagon with vert. rim , three-ribb ed handle, foot-ring . Fragmentary. Red-oran ge, bard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 109.
1936.1157b 74 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 26 Locamo Mu 74 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinated body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. ordon and roul. on body. Grey, bard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett 1941, 91.
1936. 1255 485 Muralto-Li verpool sotto. Grave 47 Locamo Mu 485 Jar with out-turned rim, ovoid body , Oat base. Fragmentary. Beige-pink, hard fabric; sparse 0.25-1 mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; Nware. xt. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Simonett 1941, I 09.
1936. 1165 45 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 42 Locarno Mu 45 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body, lightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Cordons and roul. on body. Grey, hard fabric ; spars mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett 194 1, I 04.
266 Muralto-Li verpool otto . emetery Locamo Mu 266 Balsamarium. Fragment of concave base and wal I. Red-oran ge, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
1936. 1177 35 Muralto-Liverpool sotto. Grave 46 Locarno Mu 35 Thin walled cup with slightly inturned rim, hemispherical body, lightly concave foot-di c. Broken. Corrugated wall under rim ; girth-groove on shoulder ; rough-ca t ; ext. & int. urface brown slip. Beige-yellow, soft & powdery fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-ware. Simonett 194 1, I 07.
Property Marki
sotto. Grave 37 Locamo Mu 22 1 body, low foot-ring. Fragmentary. of barbotin e dots on body. Beige, ; J-ware. Traces of fire. Simonett
1936. 185 159 Muralto-Marki. Grave 2 Locarno Mu 159 Beaker with short and vert. rim, globular body, slightly concave ba e. Broken. Girth-groove under rim ; diagonal combing on body. Redbrown, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; L-ware . imonett 194 1, 120 fig. 99 Grab 2.8.
1936. 1178 36 Muralto-Liverpoo l sotto. Grave 43 Locarno Mu 36
1936.186 852 Muralto-Marki. Grave 6 Locamo Mu 852 Flagon with oul-tumcd triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, flanged vert. neck, globular body, concave foot-di c. omp lcte. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. imonett 194 1, 122 fig. IOI. I I. Muralto-Marki . Grave 9 Locarno Mu 428 428 1936.206 Bowl with out-turned rim with lid seating, conical body, slightly concave foot-di ·c. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quart z incl. ; M-warc. Traces of lire. Simonett 194 1, 124 ; 123 fig. I 02.9. 24 1 Muralto-Marki. Grave 2 Bcllinzooa Mu 24 1 1936.545 Beaker. Fragmcnls of conical body and foot-di c. Beige-white, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Simonett 194 1, 120. Muralto-Marki. Grave 5 Bellinzona Mu 176 1936.670a 176 Beaker with out-turned rim, barrel-shaped body, slightly concave footdi c. Fragmentary. om1gatcd neck ; cordon under neck ; girth-groove above fool. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-war e. imonett 194 1, 12 1 ; 122 fig. IOI Ma.6.
ware. Traces or fire. Simonett 194 1, 114 ; 117 fig. 96.1. 1936.8 283 Muralto-Branca. Grave 4 Locarno Mu 283 Dish with out-turned rim, conical body with straight wall, Oat base. Broken. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; D-warc. Traces or fire. Simonett 194 1, 117 ; 118 fig. 97. 1. 1936.9 4 Muralto-Branca. Grave 4 Locarno Mu 4 up wilh int11rn ed rim, hemispherical body, foot-ring. Broken. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Simonett 194 1, 118 fig. 97.7. 1936. 11 427 Muralto-Branca. Grave I Loeamo Mu 427 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with lid eating, conical body, Oat base. Broken. Pale red, med. hard fabric ; med . mica & sand & quartz incl. Trace of fire. imonett 1941, 114 ; 115 fig. 94.4. 1936. 19 2 16 Muralto-Branca. Grave 2 Locamo Mu 2 16 Beaker with out-turned rim with lid seating, egg-shaped body , hort foot-ring. Broken. Girth- grooves and cordons on boulder and neck ; dot on body. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-ware. imonett 1941, 115.
1936.670b 1936.670b Muralto-Marki. rave 5 Bcllinzona not illus. up. Fragment of conical body and fool-disc. Girth-groove above foot. Beige-white, hard fa bric ; med. mica incl. Simonett 1941, 12 1.
91 1936.20 Muralto-Branca. Grave 4 Locarno Mu 9 1 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hcmi phcrical body carinated on the shoulder, slightly concave foot-di c. Broken . irth-groovc on rim; barbotinc ivy leaves and roul. ; black lip. Light grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; 8-warc . Simonett 194 1, 118 fig. 97.5.
1936.672 1936.672 Muralto-Marki . rave I Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragments of three-ribbed handle and foot-ring. xt. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Simonett 194 1, 119. Muralto-Marki. Grave 6 Belliozona Mu 502 1936.752a 502 Jar with out-turned Oared rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. ornigated wall under neck. Grey-beige, hard fabric med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Simonett 1941, 12 1.
1936.49 226 Muralto-Branca. Grave 4 Locamo Mu 226 Beaker with vert. rim, two handmade grips, egg-shaped body, Oat base. Broken . Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; J-ware. Trace of fire. Simonett 194 1, 118 fig. 97 .6.
1936.752b 503 Muralto-Marki. Grave 6 Bellinzona Mu 503 Jar. Fragments of out-turned rim and egg-shaped body. Red-pi nk, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & quartz incl. Trace of fire.Simonett 194 1, 12 1.
1936. 103 883 Muralto-Branca. Grave 4 Bellinzona Mu 883 Flagon with lightly out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, Danged neck, globular to hellipsoidal body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Pale red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware . Simonett 194 1, 117 ; 118 fig. 97.4.
1936.834 472 Muralto -Marki. Grave 10 Bellinzona Mu 472 Jar with out- turned rim , globular body, s lightly concav e ba e. Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & quartz incl. ; 0ware. Traces of fire. imonett 194 1, 12 1.
1936.207 430 Muralto-Branca. Grave 4 Locamo Mu 430 Bowl with out-turned rim with lid seating, carinated shoulder, conical body with curved wall, slightly concave foot-disc. Complete. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Trace of' fire. Unpubli hcd.
1936.889 13 Muralto-Marki. Grave 9 Bellinzona Mu 8 13 Flagon with disc-rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-groove on shoulder; cordon between the girth-grooves. Pale red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 194 1, 124.
Property Broggini
1936. 1240b 73 Muralto-Marki. Grave 4 Bellinzona Mu 73 Cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body with carina ted wall, foot-di c. Fragmentary. Beige-white, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. imonctt 194 1, 12 1.
193 1. 1392 192 Muralto-Broggini. cmctcry Locamo Mu 192 Beaker with slightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, Oat base. Broken. Roul. on shoulder; girth-grooves between shoulder and neck and below rout. rcy, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. B-ware. Unpublished.
568 Muralto-Marki Grave Locarno Mu 568 Jar with out-turned triangu lar rim, vert. neck, gg- haped body, concave ba c. omp letc. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli shed.
Propert y Fivian
1945.23 639 Muralto-Fivian. Ceme tery Locarno Mu 639 Jar with out-turned rim, lid seatig, egg-shaped body, Oat base. Broken. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
673 Muralto-Marki. Grave Locarno Mu 673 Jar with collar, two two-ribbed handle, globular body, concave ba e. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & grog incl. ; N-ware . Ext. ba e rough surface. Unpublished.
1945.24 197 Muralto-Fivian. Cemetery Locamo Mu 197 Beaker with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave footdisc. Broken. Girth-groove on houlder ; four rows of dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-ware . Unpubli hed.
Property Branca
1936.2 40 I Mural to-Branca. Grave I Locarno Mu 40 I Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, Oat base. Complete. Pale red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; L-ware. Ext. ba e rough sur face. Trace of fire. imonctt 194 1, 115 fig. 94. 7.
1945.25 1945.25 Muralto-Fivian . Cemetery Loearno not illus. Flanged flagon. Fragments of vert. rim and flanged neck. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L.-ware. Unpublished.
1936.5 Muralto-Branca. Grave 3 Locarno Mu I Cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body, foot-ring. Broken. Cordon on rim ; two large dots on shoulder. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-
1945.27 646 Muralto-Fivian. Cemetery Locamo Mu 646 Jar with disc-rim, egg- haped body, tlat ba e. Broken. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
Two girth-grooves under the rim. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; M-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished.
1945.28 863 Mur alto-Fivian. Ce metery Locarno Mu 863 Flanged f1agon with slightly out-turned rim, three-r ibbed handle, globular body, lightly concave foot-disc . Brok en. Beige-red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli shed.
1940. 184 474 Muralto-Mcystcr. emctcry Locarno Mu 474 Jar. Fragments of out-turned rim, egg-shaped body. Two girth-grooves under the neck. Brown, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1945.33 788 Mur alto-Fiv ian. Ceme tery Locarno Mu 788 Flagon with verl. rim, two .ribbed handle, globular body, concave footdisc. Broken. Beige-red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940. l 85 202 Muralto-Mcystcr. Cemetery Loca rno Mu 202 Beaker with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, concave foot-disc . Fragmentary. Co rrugated shoulder ; rows of barbotine dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-ware. Unpublished .
Property Meyster
1940. 165 1940. 165 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Loca rno not illus. Beaker. Fragment of wall with rows ofbarbotine dots. Grey-black , med. bard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1940. 186 58 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 58 Thin walled cup with vert. im, hemispherical carinated body, slightly concave foot-disc . Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric with red core ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. Unpublished.
1940. 166 777 Muralto-M eys ter. Cemetery Locamo Mu 777 Flagon. Fragments of pear-shaped body and foot-ring. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.207a 82 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 82 Thin walled cup with slightly out-turned rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves under neck; barbotinc ridges on shoulder ; roul. below shoulder; girth-groove above foot ; black slip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; low mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpublished.
1940. 170 550 Muralto-M eys ter. Cemetery Locarno Mu 550 Jar with out-turned rim , egg-s haped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished. 1940. 171 186 Muralto-Meys ter. Cemetery Locarno Mu 186 Beaker with out-turned rim, mould ed hould er, egg-shaped body, f1at base. Complete. Impresse d dee. on body. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli hed.
1940.2 l 4 1940.2 14 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of foot-ring. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Lware. Unpublished . 1940.2 15 1940.2 15 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Bowl ( ?). Fragment of slightly inturned rim triangular in section. Pinkbeige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1940. 176 830 Muralto-Meys ter. Cemetery Locarno Mu 830 Flago n with co llar, two-ribbed handl e, globular body, foot-ring. ompletc. Red-oran ge, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware . Unpublished.
1940.2 16 1940.2 16 Muralto-Meyster. emetery Locarno not illus. Jar. Fragments of out-turned rim and egg-shaped body. Grey-brown , hard fabric ; med . mica & sand incl. ; D-ware. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1940. 178 893 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 893 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle, flanged neck, hellipsoidal body, foot-ring. Broken . Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940.2 18 444 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 444 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, concave base. Broken. Brownblack, hard fabric with grey core ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; Dware .Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1940.179 856 Mur alto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 856 Flagon with vert. rim, four-ribb ed handle, flanged neck, onion-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Lware. Unpubli hed.
1940.2 19 674 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 674 Jar with short out-turned rim, biconical body with high shoulder, two ring-shaped handle circular in section, flat ba e. Fragmentary. Ext. urface burni sh. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unp ublished.
1940. 180 437 Muralto-Meys ter. emetery Locamo Mu 437 Flagon. Fragments of vert. rim and two-ribbed handl e. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1940.180a 1940. 180a Mur alto-Meys ter. Cemetery Locarno Mu 1940. 180a Jar. ◄ ragments of egg-shaped body and lightly concave base . Beigepink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace s of fire. Unpublished.
1940.220 718 Muralto-Meyster. cmetcry Locarno Mu 718 Flagon. Fragments of biconical body and foot-ring. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware . Unpublished.
1940. 180b 1940. 180b Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon with out-turned triangular rim and conica l body. Fragmentary. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1940.222 1940.222 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragme nt of biconical body and foot -ring. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940. 181 825 Muralto-Mey ster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 825 Flagon with three-ribbed handl e, flanged neck, hellipsoidal body, footring. Broken. The rim is missing. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
1940.227 223 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 223 Beaker with rounded rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Fragmentary. Girth-groove on body. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-ware. Unpublished .
1940. 181a 888 Muralto-M eyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 888 Flagon with co llar, two-ribbed handl e, globul ar body, foot-ring. Fragmen tary. Red, med . hard to bard fabri c ; med . mica incl. Unpublished.
1940.228a 826 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 826 Flagon . Fragments of out-turned rim, two-ribbed handle, pear- hapcd body. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
1940. 182 1940. 182 Mur alto-Meys ter. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Jar(?). Fragments of egg -shaped body and slightly concave base. Beigepink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940.228 b 765 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 765 Flagon with collar , two-ribbed handle, globular body, foot-ring . Fragmentary. Beige -pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940. 183 652 Muralto-M cyster. emetery Locamo Mu 652 Jar with slightly inturn ed rim, egg -shape d body, flat ba e. Fragmentary.
1940.236 625 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo Mu 625 Jar with slightly out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, egg-shaped
body, slighlly concave foot-disc . Beige-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 1940.27 1 1940.27 1 Murallo-Mey sler. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon . Fifty-three fragments of wall and foot-ring . Red-orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940.324 1940.324 Muralto-Mcystcr . emetcry Locarno not illus. Jar (?). Fragments of egg-shaped body and flat base. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
Locamo not 1940.285 1940.285 Muralto-Mcy tcr. crnetery illus. Flagon . Fragme nts of biconical body. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpublished .
1940.330 1940.330 Muralto-Meystcr . eme tery Locarno not illus. Thin walled cup with hemispherical body and slightly concave fool-disc. Fragmentary. Barbotine feather-like pattern on body. Grey, med . hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-warc . Unpubli shed.
1940.286 1940.286 Muralto-Mcy slcr. cmctcry Locarno nol illus. Flagon. Fragment of lwo-ribbcd handle. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.330a 83 Muralto-Mcy stcr. emetery Locarno Mu 83 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim and carinat cd body. Fragmentary . irthgroovc on shoulder. Beige, hard fabric ; low mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpubli hcd.
1940.291 330 Muralto-Mcy stcr. cmctery Locarno Mu 330 Bowl wi th out-turned triangular rim, conical body, concave base. Broken. Brown, med. hard fanric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unp ublished.
1940.33 1 132 Muralto-Meystcr. cmetery Locamo Mu 132 Thin walled cup with slightly inturned rim, hemispherical carina ted body. Fragmentary. ordon on the neck ; barbotine grapes and roul. on body. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
1940 .292 432 Muralto-Mey ter. crnclcry Locarno Mu 432 Bowl with out-turned triang ular rim with lid seating, conical body, flat base. Broken. Brown, med. bard fabric with red core ; med. mica & sand & quarlz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1940.333 1940.333 Muralto-Meystcr . emetery Locamo not illu . Thin walled cup. Fragment of wall with stabbe d triangles. Red med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-wa rc. Unp ubli shed .
1940.293 532 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locamo Mu 532 Jar. Fragments of out-turned rim and egg-shaped body. Three girthgrooves under lhc neck. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1940.334 1940.334 Muralto-Mey ter. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Beaker. Fragment of wall with barbotin e do ts. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-ware. Unpubli ·hed.
1940.294 1940.294 Muralto-Mcy stcr. Ccmelcry Locarno nol illus. Beaker . Fragments of conical body and concave base. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1940.335a 28 Muralto-Meyster . eme tery Locarno Mu 28 Thin walled cup. Fragments of wall and slightly concave base. Barbotinc feather-like pattern . Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; H-ware. Unpublished .
1940.3 10 1940.3 10 Murallo-Mcy stcr. cmctcry Locarno noli llus. Jar. Fragment of lightly out-turned rim. Red-p ink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1940.335b 79 Muralto-Meyster . cme tery Locarno Mu 79 Thin walled cup. Fragments of vert. rim and hemisp herical body with barbotine. Beige , med . hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; I-wa re. Unpublished.
1940.3 12a 1940.3 12a Muralto-M cyster. Ccmelery Locarno nol illus. Jar. Fragment of slightly out-turned rim with lid seating. Red-pink, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpublished.
1940.336 475 Muralto-Mcy ter. emetery Locamo Mu 475 Beaker. Fragment of out-turned rim. Brwon-grey, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940.3 12b 1940.3 12b Muralto-Mey ter. Cemetery L carno not illu . Flagon . Fragmcnl of collar. Red, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpubli hcd.
1940.337 1940.337 Muralto-M ey tcr. cmctery Locarno not illus. Beaker. Fragment of out-turned rim. Red, med . hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpub li hcd.
1940.3 12c 1940.3 I2c Muralto-Mcystcr . Cemetery Locarno not illus. Beaker. Fragment of slightly inturncd rim and egg-shaped body. Redpink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1940.339 1940.339 Muralto-Meyste r. emetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of collar. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.3 12d I 940.3 12d Muralto-Mey tcr. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Beaker. Fragment of vert. rim. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc . Unpublished.
1940.340 1940.340 Muralto-Mey lcr. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragment of slightly out-turn ed rim. Black, med. hard fabric with grey core; med. mica & sand incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1940.313 828 Muralto-Mey ter. Cemetery Locarno Mu 828 Flagon with out-turned rim with lid seating, three-ribbed handle, pearhaped body, foot-ring. Ext. urfacc burnish. Fragmentary . Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.341 396 Muralto-Meystcr . em tery Locamo Mu 396 Bowl with out-turned rim and conical body. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard fanric ; med. mica & and incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli hcd .
1940 .314 1940.3 14 Muralto-Mcy stcr. emetery Locarno not illus. Flagon with out-turned rim with lid seating, two-ribbed handle, globular body, foot-ring. ragmentary . Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished. Muralto-M ey ler. Cemetery
Jar with out-turned, slightly nared rim, egg-s haped body, sligh tly concave base. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under the neck. Red-pink, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-warc. Unpubli shed.
1940.323b 1940.323b Muralto-Mcy tcr. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragment of lightly concav e foot-disc . Beige , hard fabric ; low mica incl. Unpublis hed .
1940 .276 525 Muralto-Mey slcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 525 Jar. Fragme nt of out-turned rim. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. npublished.
1940.323 52 Muralto-Meyster . cmetery Locarno Mu 52 Thin walled cup. Fragments of vcrt. rim and hemisp herical body. Barbotine. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; I-ware . Unpublished.
1940 .272 1940.272 Murallo-Mcy ster. emctcry Locarno nol illus. Bowl. Fragments of wall. Grey-black , med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1940.3 15
1940.345 1940.345 Muralto-Mey stcr. cmetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of rounded rim. Red, med . hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
Mu 533
1940.346 1940.346 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of foot-ring. Brown-grey, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-warc. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 1940.347a 1940.347a Muralto-Meyster. emetcry Locarno not illus. Jar. Fragments of slightly concave base. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
1940.11 Muralt o-Meyster. cmctery Locamo not illus. Flagon with short co llar with external girth groove, three-ribbed handle, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpubli shed. 1940 . 13 Muralto-Mcystcr. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragments of collar and globular body. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli shed.
1940.347b 1940.347b Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragments of egg-shaped body and flat base. Brown, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1940 . 15 Mur alto-Meyster. Cemetery Loca rno not illus. Bowl with out-turn ed tri angular rim , conica l body, flat base. Fragmentary. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric with black core ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. xt. base rough surface. Unpublished.
1940.355 59 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 59 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinated body, foot-disc. Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; A-ware. Unpublished.
1940. 16 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. up. Fragment of foot-ring and hemispherical (?) body. Brown-black, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace s of fire. Unpublished.
1940.357a 683 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo Mu 683 Lid. Fragments of expanded rounded rim and conical wall. Grey, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of lire. Unpublished.
1940. 19 Muralto-Meys ter. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragments of two-ribb ed handle. Red-orange, med. hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli shed.
1940.357b 1940.357b Muralto-Meyster. emetery Locarno not illus. Beaker ( ?). Fragment of flat base. Grey, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpubli hed.
I 940.20 Mur alto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of foot-ring. Red-beige , med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1940.357c 1940.357c Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Dish (?). Fragment of flat base. Grey, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1940.2 1 Muralt o-Mcyster. Cemetery Loca rno not illu . Flagon. Fragments of vert. rim, neck and curved wall. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Unpublished.
1940.358 83 1 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 83 1 Flagon with verl. rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, foot -ring. Fragmentary. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.22 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Frag ments of funnel-shaped collar. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubl ished.
1940.359 1940.359 Muralto-Mcyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Jar. Fragment of out-turned expanded triangular rim. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940.24 Muralto-Meys ter. emetery Locamo not illus. Flagon with vert. rim triangular in ection, flanged neck, concave base. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica inc l. ; L-ware. Unpubli shed.
1940. 1 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Bowl with out-turned rounded rim , vert. neck, egg-shaped body. h agmentary. Beige- pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
J 940.25 Muralto-Mcyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of collar. Grey, med. hard fabric with black core ; med. mica incl. ; E-wa re. Unpubli shed.
1940.2 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon . Fragment of flanged neck. Red, med. hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940 .26 Muralto-Meys ter. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragme nts of wa ll. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1940.3 Muralto-Meyster. emetcry Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragments of shoulder with two girth-groove . Red-orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.27 Muralto-Meys ter. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Mortarium ( ?). Fragments of foot-disc. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpubl ished.
1940.5 Muralto-Mcystcr. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of collar and two-ribbed handle. Red, med. hard fabric w ith thin brown core ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.28 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Beaker. Fragments of curved wa ll and slightly concave base. Rcdorange, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.6 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Jar (?). Fragment of flat base. Brown-grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1940 .29 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Loca rno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of foot-rin g. Red-ora nge, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl., L-wa re. Unpubl ished.
1940.7 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Amphora (?). Fragment of rounded bottom with cordon. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli shed.
1940 .30 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragments of foot-ring and wa ll. Red, med. hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-wa re. Unpubli shed.
1940.8 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of wall. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940 .3 1 Muralto-Mcyster. Cemetery Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragments of vert. rim triangular in section and conical flanged neck. Red-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1940 .32 Muralt o-Mcyster. emetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragments of vert. rim and neck. Red-orange, med. hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli shed.
1940.9 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragment of wall with roul. Grey-black, hard fabric ; low mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpubli hed.
1940 .33 Muralto-Meyster. emetcry Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of four-ribbed handl e. Red-orange, med. bard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli shed.
1940. 10 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of slightly concave foot-disc with cordon. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
Jar. Fragments of two six-ribbed handles and wall. Grey, hard fabric ; low mica incl. ; E-warc. Traces or fire. Unpubli hcd.
1940.34 Muralto-Meystcr. emetcry Locarno not illu . Flagon. Fragment or four-ribbed handle. Red-or ange, med. hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
829 Muralto-Mcystcr. cmctery Locamo Mu 829 Flagon with out-turned, three-ribbed handle, long neck, globular to pearshaped body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1940.35 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. fl agon. Fragment of four-ribbed handle. Beige, m d. hard fabric; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1940.36 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Loca rno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of two-ribbed handle. Red, med. hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
Canovacc e
1940.37 Murallo-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragment of wall with roul. and two incised circles. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli shed.
193 1. 199 236 Muralto-Canovacce. Cemetery Locamo Mu 236 Thin walled beaker with vert. rim, cylindrical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim and above foot ; three rows of plastic thorns on wall. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpubli hcd.
1940.38 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragment or wall with roul. rey, hard fabric ; low mica incl. ; 8 -warc. Unpubl ished.
193 1.200 193 1.200 Muralto-Canovacce. emctcry Locamo not illus. Lid with out-turned rim, conical body, disc-shaped grip. 'omplete. Red, hard fanric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
1940.39 Muralto-Mcystcr. Ceme tery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of foot-ring. Red, med. hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
Muralto , ex-Orselina
14870 14 70 Muralto (cx-Orse lina). emetery Bern not illus. Flagon with lightly out-t11rned rim, short neck, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave base. Broken. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-warc. Unpubli hcd.
1940.40 Murallo-Mcy stcr. Ceme tery Locarno not illu . Mortarium (?). Fragment of flanged rim with lid seating. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. Locarno not 1940.4 1 Muralto-Meyster. emetery illus. Flagon. Fragment of neck. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Lware. Unpublished.
14 7 1 1487 1 Muralto (cx-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Flagon with rim triangular in section, conical neck, two-ribbed handle, globular body, foot-ring. Broken. Red-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
189 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 189 Beaker. Fragment of egg-shaped body and concave base. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
14872 14 72 Muralto (cx-Orselina). emetery Bern not illus. Flagon with rim triangular in section, flanged neck, three-ribbed handle, globular flattened body, foot-ring. Complete. Pink-beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished.
265 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 265 Balsamarium. Fragments of slightly out-turn ed rim flattened on the top and neck. Red, med. hard fabric; med. mica inc l. Unpubli shed.
14873 14 73 Muralto (ex-Or elina). cmetery Bern not illu . Flagon with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, cylindrical neck, three-ribbed handle, egg-shaped body, concave base. Broken. Red-pink, med. hard to hard fabric; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
306 Muralto-Mcystcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 306 Dish with rounded rim, curved wall, flat base. Grey-black, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed. 343 Muralto-Mcystcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 343 Bowl. Fragment of out-turned triangular rim with reeding. Beige-red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpubli hed.
14 74 14874 Muralto (cx-Orselina). emctery Bern not illus. Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Red-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quatz & grog incl. ; N-warc. Ext. ba c rough surface. Unpublished.
426 Muralto-Meystcr. emctcry Locarno Mu 426 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with lid eating, vert. neck, conical (?) body, flat base. Fragmentary. Red-brown , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware.Traccs of fire. Unpublished.
14875 654 Muralto (ex-Or elina). emetery Bern Mu 654 Jar with bead rim, conical neck, egg-shaped body, foot-disc. Broken. Band of deep girth-grooves, wavy lines and roughtly traced lines on body. Red, soft fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
563 Muralto-Meystcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 563 Jar with out-turned rim, egg- haped body, lightly concave base. Fragmentary. Cordon on neck. Grey, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; -ware. xt. base rough sur face. Unpublished.
14876 14876 Muralto (ex-Orselina). cmetcry Bern not illus. Beaker with rounded rim, cylindrical body, concave base. Complete. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; Nware. Unpublished.
6 13 Muralto-Mcystcr. Cemetery Locarno Mu 6 13 Jar. ragment of out-turned rim. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
14877 14877 Muralto (cx-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Thin wall d beaker with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Three cordons on neck and houlder; ten rows of barbotine dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished.
628 Muralt o-Meyster. Cemetery Locamo Mu 628 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, egg-shaped body, lightly concave base. Fragmentary. Red-brown, m d. bard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of tire. Unpublished.
148 0 14880 Muralto (ex-Or elina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Bowl with out-turned expanded triangular rim, vert. neck, conical body, flat base. Complete. Beige-white, hard fabric with m. t red patches ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. xt. base rough urface. Unpubli hed.
629 Muralto-Meyster. Cemetery Locarno Mu 629 Jar. ragment or out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, vert. neck, egg- hapcd body. Black-brown, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 672
Muralto-Mcy ter. emetery
1488 1 1488 1 Muralto (cx-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Bowl with out-tu rned rim with lid seating, conical body, flat base. Complete. Girth-groove under neck. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire.
Mu 672
shoulder. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 194 1, 39.
Unpublished. 14882 14882 Muralto (cx-Orsclina). emclcry Bern not illus. Jar with out-turned rim , globular body, slightly concave foot-disc. omplete . Beige-orange, med . hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
Muralto, Farinelli
193 1.809 80 I Muralto- Farinelli. Cemetery Locarno Mu 80 I Flagon with collar, three-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, foot-ring. Complete. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & grog incl. ; N-war e. Unpublished.
14883 11 Muralto (ex-Orselina) . emetery Bern Mu 11 up with hort out-turned rim with internal bevel, hemispherical body, raised foot-ring. Complete. Two girth-grooves under rim. Beige-brown, hard fabric; med. mica & quartz incl. ; D-Ware. Unpublished.
1931.8 10 193 1.8 10 Muralto- Farinelli. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon with vert. rim triangular in section, four-ribbed handle, flanged neck, hellipsoidal body, foot-ring. omplete. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
14884 14884 Muralto (cx-Orsclina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Bowl with slightly inturn ed rim, hemispherical body, two indented lugs, flat base. Broken. Cordon on neck. Brown-black, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; D-war e. Traces of (ire. Unpublished.
193 1.8 17 145 Muralto- Farinelli. emetery Locarno Mu 145 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, biconical body, lightly concave foot -disc. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves under rim and on neck. Beigewhite, hard fabric ; v. sparse mica incl. ; I-ware. Unpublished .
14887 14887 Muralto (ex-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Beaker with rounded rim, indented lug, egg-shaped body, flat base. Broken. Two girth-groove under rim; girth-groove at mid-body. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. ba c rough surface. Unpublished.
193 1.811 Muralto- Farinelli. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Raised foot-ring cup. Fragments of body and foot-ring. Black slip. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
14895 14895 Muralto (ex-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Beaker with out-turned rim, cylindrical body carinated towards the foot, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
Property Grande Albergo
14896 14896 Muralto (cx-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Flagon with bicooical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Ext. surface burnish. Pink-beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
00.63 3 17 Muralto-Grande Albergo. Cemetery Locamo Mu 317 Di h with vert. rim, two lug , conical body, flat base. Beige-brown , hard fanric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
14897 14897 Mur alto (cx-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Flagon with collar, high conical neck, onion-shaped body with horiz. shoulder and v rt. plastic band between the two halves, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Neck & shoulder burnish. Pink-beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & quar tz incl. Unpublished.
00.64 303 Muralto-Grande Albergo. Cemetery Locamo Mu 303 Dish with rounded rim flattened on the top, conical body, lightly concave ba e. Complete. Beige-orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished. 193 1.83
872 Muralto-Grande Albergo. Cemetery Locarno Mu 872
14898 14898 Muralto (cx-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Flagon with small collar, flanged neck, thre·e-ribbed handle, globular flattened body, short foot-rin g. omplete. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
Flagon with vert. rim triangular in section with internal bevel, flanged neck, globular body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
14899 14899 Muralto (ex-Ors lina). C metery Bern not illus. Flagon with out-turned triangular rim, cylindrical neck, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, short foot-ring. omplete. Beige-white, oft fabric ; med. mica & sand & grog incl. Unpublish d.
1931.84 339 Muralto-Grande Albcrgo. Cemetery Locarno Mu 339 Bowl with inturned rim with reeding, hemispherical body, two indented lugs, slightly concave base. omplete. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. Unpublished.
14900 14900 Muralto (ex-Orselina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Flagon with thickened collar , cylindrical neck, three-ribbed handle, pearshaped body, foot-ring. Brok en. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-war e. Unpublished.
1931.85 372 Muralto-Grande Albcrgo. Cemetery Locarno Mu 372 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with internal lid seating, conical body, lightly concave pinched out foot. Broken. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1490 1 57 Muralto (cx-Orselina). Cemetery Bern Mu 57 Thin walled cup with round ed rim, hemispherical body, lightly concave foot-di c. Complete. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; Aware. Unpublished.
193 1.86 386 Muralto-Grande Albergo. Cemetery Locarno Mu 386 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with lid eating, conical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
14904 14904 Muralto (ex-Orselina) . Cemetery Bern not illus. Dish with triangular rim , conical body, flat base. Broken. Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quatz incl. xt. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
193 1.87 379 Muralto-GrandcAlbergo. Cemetery Locarno Mu 379 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, concave base. Broken. Stabbed oval on shoulder. Beige-white, oft to med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; F-ware. Traces of tire. Unpublished.
14906 14906 Mur alto (ex-Or. elina). Cemetery Bern not illus. Dish with expanded round ed rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Ext. surface burnish. Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quatz incl. xt. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1931.89 158 Muralto-Grande Albergo. Cemetery Locarno Mu 158 Beaker with bead rim, globular body, concave base. Complete. Ext. urface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished. 193 1. 192 736 Muralto-Grande Albergo. Cemetery Locarno Mu 736 Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, long neck, hellipsoidal body, foot-ring. Complete. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
Muralto, Dazio
1936.566 1936.566 Muralto-D azio. No context Bcllinzona not illus. Bowl with slightly inturncd rim , hemisp herical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Cordon under neck; app lique crescents, dots and thorns on
193 1.500 Muralto-Grande Albcrgo. Cemetery Locamo
Jar with out-turned triangular rim, egg -shaped body. Fragmentary. Black. med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; Owarc. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
not illu. Beake r with vcrt. rim, conical body. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under rim ; two girth-groove on body. Beige, hard fabric with pinkish core ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947.84 546 Muralto , via cazziga Locarno Mu 546 Jar with out-turned rim, egg -shaped body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Two girth-groo ves on should er. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-warc. Unpubli hed .
193 1.50 I Muralto-Grande Albcrgo. cmetery Locarno not illus. Beaker with conical body, slightly concave ba c. Fragmentary. Beige, hard fabric with pinki h core ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947.85 37 1 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 37 1 Bowl with out-turned rim, conica l body, foot-disc . Fragmentary. Girthgroove on neck. Grey-black, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; Dware. Unpublished.
193 1.502 Muralto-Grande Albcrgo. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of wall and foot-ring. Brown and pink, med. hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpub li hed.
1947.86 327 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 327 Bowl. Fragments of slightly out-turned rim and foot-disc . Girth-groove under neck. Gracy, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; O-warc. Unpubli hed.
1931.503 Muralto-Grande Albcrgo. cmctcry Locamo not illus. Jar with egg- hapcd body, concave base. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
Muralto, Via cazziga
1947.87 594 Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo Mu 594 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim and wa ll. irth-groovc under neck. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware . Trace of fire. Unpubli hcd.
1947.66 400 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno Mu 400 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, carinatcd houldcr, hemispherical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under neck. rcy-brown hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.88 399 Muralto. via Scazziga Locarno Mu 399 Bowl with out-turned narcd rim, conical body, slighlly concave r otdi c. Fragmentary. Red-beig , hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpubli hed.
1947.67 1947.67 Muralto , via cazziga Locamo not illus. Jar ( ?). Fragment or nat base. Red-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica & quart z incl. ; M-ware. Traces of tire. Unpublished.
1947. 9 4 11 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno Mu 4 11 Bowl with out-turned rim. conical boy, concave ba e. Fragmentary. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpubli shed.
1947.69 103 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 103 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinated body, lightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves on neck and rim; cordon on neck ; rout. on body. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
1947.90 329 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno Mu 329 Bowl with out-turn ed rim, globular body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Girthgroove under neck. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1947.9 1 363 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno Mu 363 Bowl with out-turned rim, globular body, foot-di c. Fragmentary. Bcigebrown , hard fabric ; med . mica & quartz incl. Trace · of fire. Unpublished.
1947.73a 52 1 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno Mu 52 1 Jar. Fragment of out-turned triangular rim and wall. Two girth-grooves on houldcr. Ext. urface burni. h. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Lwarc . Unpublished.
I 947.92 1947.92 Muralto , via cazziga Locarno not illus. Jar. Fragment of wall with lug . Wide girth-groove under neck. Bcigcpink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sa nd incl. Unpubli hcd.
1947.73b 1947.73b Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illu . up. Fragments of raised foot-ring and wall. Red slip. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947.93 676 Muralto , via cazz iga Locarno Mu 676 Lid. Fragment of out-turned rim and curved wall. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1947.74 690 Muralto , via cazziga Locarno Mu 690 Lid. Fragment of curved wall and handhold. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.94 340 Mura lto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 340 Bowl. Fragment of inturned rim with reeding and flange. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947.78 1947.78 Muralto, via cazziga Locamo not illu. Flagon ( ?). Fragment of foot-disc. Grey-black, hard fabric : med. mica & quartz incl. ; O-warc. Unpublished .
1947.95 1947.95 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Bowl. Fragment of vert. rim and flange. Red-brown , hard fabric ; med. mica & and & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Trace of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947.79 554 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 554 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim and vert. neck. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
I947.96 I 947.96 Mural to, via cazziga Locamo nol illu . Bowl. Fragment of rim with reeding. Diagonal lines incised before firing on rim. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med . mica. Unpublished .
1947.80 326 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 326 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, egg-shaped body, foot-disc. Fragmentary . Girth-groove on boulder. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947.97 1947.97 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno nol illu . Flagon. Fragment of three-ribbed handle. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1947 .8 1 545 Mural to, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 545 Jar with out-turned rim, egg- baped body, foot-disc. Fragmentary. Two girth-grooves on shoulder. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947. 10 1 1947.101 Muralto , viaScazziga Locarno notillus . Fragment of wall. Black, hard fabric, med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1947. 102 1947. 102 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illus. up ( ?). Fragment of slightly concave foot-disc and hemispherical (?) body. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947.82 5 15 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 5 15 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim and slighlly carinated shoulder. Rcdbrown , hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpubli hed. 1947.83
Muralto, via cazziga Locarno
1947. 103 1947. 103 Muralto , via Scazz iga
Mu 616
Locarno notillu s.
Dish. Fragment of flat base. Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
red, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. •xi. base rough urfacc. Unpublished. 1947 . 12 1 1947. 12 1 Muralto ,v ia cazziga Locamo notillu s. Mortarium /bowl ( ?). Fragment of wall with wide flange. Red-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
1947. 104 1947. 104 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Jar ( ?). Fragment of slightly concave base. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1947. 122a 1947.122a Muralto, via cazziga Locamo not illu . Mortarium . Fragment of curved and flanged wall . Brown-red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947. 105 1947. 105 Muralto, via cazziga Locamo not illus. Jar ( ?). Fragment of flat base. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Ewarc. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.122b 1947. 122b Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Bowl. Fragment of foot-disc and wall. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
1947.106 1947. 106 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Jar ( ?). Fragment of llat ba c and wall. Grey, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947. 123 1947. 123 Muralto, viaScazziga Locamo notillu s. Mortarium with vert. rim, conical body, flange, flat base. Fragmentary. Beige, hard fabric with orange core ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947. 107a 1947. 107a Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illu . Beaker( ?). Fragment of wall. Combing (two groups of horiz. lines). Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed. 1947. 107b 1947. 107b Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illu . Beaker( ?) . Fragment of wall. Combing (group of horiz. lines). Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947. 124 1947. 124 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Mortarium with slightly inturncd rim, conical body with flange in the lower hal[ Fragmentary. Under flange: two hole , probably u cd to hang the vessel (no trace of fracture ; holes made before firing). Beige, hard fabric · med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1947. 108 243 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 243 Beaker with vert. rim, cylindrical body. Fragmentary. Girth grooves on wall. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpubli hcd. 1947. 109 657 Muralto, via cazziga Locamo Mu 657 Jar ( ?). Fragment of wall. Combing (wavy lines). Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947. 125a 1947. 125a Muralto , via cazziga Locarno not illus. Mortarium with conical body with flange close to the flat base foot. Fragmentary . Sand and and quartz inside the vessel to increa c the abraive action. Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1947. 110 1947. 110 Muralto,viaSca zziga Locamo notillu s. Dish with inturned rim, conical body, flat ba e. Fragmentary. Beigebrown, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1947 . 125b 647 Muralto , via cazziga Locamo Mu 647 Jar. Fragment of vert., flange-like rim. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpubli hed.
1947. 111 1947. 111 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno notillu s. Jar. Fragment of collar. Brown-red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947 . 126a 1947. 126a Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno not illu. Mort arium. Fragment of flanged wall. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Trace of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947. 112 1947. 112 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of di c-foot and wall. Beige-grey, bard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
1947. 126b 1947.126b Muralto , via cazziga Locamo not illu. Dish. Fragment of flat base. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Trac e of fire. Unpublished .
1947. 113a 699 Muralto, via cazziga Locamo Mu 699 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and conical body. Orange-red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947 . 127 1947. 127 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illu . Mort arium with ve rt. rim , conical (?) body, flange, flat base. Fragmentary. Orange-red , med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947. 113b 1947. 113b Muralto, viaScazz iga Locarno notillu. Mortarium ( ?). Fragment of curved wall and foot-disc. Brown-grey, hard fabric; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
1947. 128 618 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 6 18 Jar with slightly out-turned rim, egg- haped (?) body, foot-di c. Fragmentary. Beige, so n fabric with pink core; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished .
1947. 115 1947.115 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno notillu s. Mortarium. Fragment of Clanged wall. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947. 129a 1947. 129a Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Amphora . Fragments of wall. Orange-red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947. 116 1947. 116 Muralto,viaSca zziga Locarno noti llu . Mortarium. Fragment of lightly out-turned rim with flange and spout. Brown-red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
1947 . 129b 1947. 129b Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illus. Amphora. Fragments of wall. Beige and Orange-red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947. 117 1947. 117 Muralto, viaScazziga Locarno notillu. Mortarium/bowl ( ?). Fragment of wall with flange. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpubli hed.
1947. 129c 1947. 129c Muralto , via cazziga Locarno not illus. Amphora . Fragment of wall. Beige, oft fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1947. 118 349 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 349 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Brownrcd, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. ba e rough surface. Trace of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947. 129d 1947. 129d Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illu . Jar ( ?) . Fragment of flat base. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947. 119 1947.119 Muralto,v iaSca zziga Locamo notillu . Mortarium/bowl ( ?). Fragment of wall with wide flange. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1947.129e 1947. 129e Muralto , via cazzigaLoca mo not illus. Amphora. Fragment of pointed base. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947. 120 348 Muralto, via cazziga Locamo Mu 348 B wl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. Fragmentary. Brown-
1947 . 129f 1947. 129f Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illus.
1947. 145b 1947. 145b Muralto, viaScazziga Locamo notillu s. Jar. Fragment of wall with girth-groove under neck. Grey-black, hard fabric; med. mica & sand incl. ; D-warc. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
Amphora . Fragment or handle (oval in section). Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1947. 129g 1947. 129g Muralto, via Scazz iga Loca mo not illus. Amphora. Fragments or vert. rim and two two-ribb ed handles. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947. 146 1947. 146 Muralto, via cazziga Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragment of wall with two girth-grooves on shoulder. Brown and red-orange, med . hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; Mware. Unpublished.
1947. 130 587 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno Mu 587 Jar. Fragme nt of slightly out-turned rim. Beige-brown , hard fabric; med. mica & ·and incl. Unpublished. 1947. 13 1 1947. 13 1 Muralto , via Scazziga Loca mo not illu . Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim and conica l neck . Red-brown , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli hed. 1947.132 487 Muralto , viaScazziga Locamo Mu4 7 Jar. Fragment of vcrtival rim. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med . mica & sand incl. Unpubli hed. 1947. 133 588 Muralto ,viaScazz iga Locarno Mu 58 Jar. Fragment of lightly out-turned rim. Brown-red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of lire. Unpublished . 1947. 134 694 Murallo, via cazziga Locarno Mu 694 Lid. Fragment of vcrt. rim and conica l body. Red-brown , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished. 1947. 135 1947. 135 Muralto , via cazziga Locamo not illu . Lid. Fragment ofvert. rim and curved wall. Red-beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1947. 136a 685 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno Mu 685 Lid ( ?). Fragment of inturned rim. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed. 1947. 136b 1947.136b Muralto, via Scazz iga Locarno not illus. Dish. Fragment of vert. rim. Orange-red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished. 1947. 137 708 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno Mu 708 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces or fire. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
1947. 147 1947. 147 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Jar. Fragment of wall with two girth-grooves on shoulder. Red-beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished. 1947. 14 1947.148 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragment of wall with girth-groove on shoulder. Brown and black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1947.149 1947. 149 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragment of wall and flat ba c. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli hed. 1947. 150a 1947. 150a Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Jar ( ?). Fragment of flat base. Beige-orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. & quartz incl. Unpublished. 1947. 150b 1947. 150b Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illus. Jar ( ?). Fragment of flat base. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1947. 15 1a 1947. 15 1a Muralto, via cazziga Locarno notillu s. Flagon ( ?). Fragment of foot-disc. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 1947. 15 l b 1947. 15 l b Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Flagon ( ?). Fragment of flat base. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpub lished. 1947. 152 1947. 152 Muralto,viaScazziga Locarno notillus . Jar (?).F ragme nt of lightly concave base. Beige and orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpubli hed. 1947. 153 1947. 153 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Fragment of flat base. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpubli hed.
1947. 138 703 Muralto, viaSca zziga Locarno Mu 703 Bowl. Fragments ofvert. rim and curved wall. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli shed.
1947. 154 706 Murallo, via cazziga Locamo Mu 706 Lid. Fragment of vcrt. rim. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Unpublished.
1947. 139 7 10 Muralto,v iaSca zziga Locarno Mu 7 l0 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and curved wa ll. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpubli shed.
1947. 155 709 Muralto, via cazziga Locamo Mu 709 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and curved wall. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947. 140/144 698 Muralto , via Scazziga Loca rno Mu 698 Lid. Fragments of vert. rim and conica l body. Grey-b lack, hard fabric ; med. mica incl . ; E-warc. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed.
1947. 156 1947. 156 Muralto,v iaScazz iga Locamo notillu s. Dish with slightly inturned rim, conical body, flat (?) base. Fragmentary. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947. 14 l a 697 Muralto , via Scazziga Loca rno Mu 697 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and conical body. Grey-brown , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; £-wa re. Trace of fire. Unpubl ished. 1947. 14 1b 700 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno Mu 700 Lid. Fragment of vcrt. rim and curved wa ll. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpub lished.
1947. 157 304 Muralto, viaSca zziga Locamo Mu 304 Dish with rounded rim, conical wall, flat base. Fragmentary. Bcigeorange, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.142 702 Muralto , via Scazziga Loca mo Mu 702 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and conica l body. Red-brown , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Trace of fire. Unpubli shed.
1947. 158 606 Muralto,v iaSca zziga Locarno Mu60 6 Jar. Fragment of expanded triangular rim. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
1947.143 70 1 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno Mu 70 1 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and conical body. Brown , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace · of fire. Unpublished.
1947. 159 648 Muralto, via cazziga Locamo Mu648 Jar. ragment or vert. rim. Beige, med. hard lo hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1947. 145a 1947. 145a Muralto, via Scazziga Loca rno not illus. Jar. ragment of wall with girth-groove under neck. Grey-b lack, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; D-ware . Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1947. 160 4 8 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 488 Jar. Fragment of rounded rim. Beige-red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished .
incl. ; M-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.161 614 Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo Mu 614 Jar. Fragment of out-turned triangular rim and wall. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-orange , med . hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947.264b 1947.264b Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Jar ( ?). Fragment of flat base. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med . mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpubli hed.
1947.162 649 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 649 Jar. Fragment of disc-rim triangular in section and wall. Combing on shoulder. Beige-pink, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.265a 491 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 491 Jar. Fragment of lightly out-turned rim. Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947. 163 1947. 163 Mural to, via Scazziga Locamo not iIIus. Jar. Fragment of vert. rim . Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished.
1947.265b 547 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 547 Jar. Fragment of out-turned, rounded rim. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.164 489 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 489 Jar. Fragment of slightly out-turned rim. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished .
1947.265c 607 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 607 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim and wall. Two girth-groove s under rim. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-war . Unpublished.
I 94 7 .165 506 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 506 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim and vert. neck. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
1947.265d 1947.265d Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Jar. Fragment of concave base. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quart z. Incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947. 180 1947.180 Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Fragments of wall of ca. 25-30 different vessels (clo ed forms). Unpublished.
1947.266a 1947.266a Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of slightly concave foot-disc. Red-brown, hard fabric; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947.255 643 Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo Mu 643 Jar with collar , egg-shaped body, Oat base. Fragmentary. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1947.266b 579 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 579 Jar. Fragment of slightly out-turned rim and wall. Stabbed band on shoulder. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1947.256 644 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 644 Jar. Fragments of collar and egg-shaped body. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947.267 523 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 523 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim and vert. neck. Girth-groove under neck . Beige. Hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished .
1947.256b 1947.256b Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1947.268a 524 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 524 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim. Black, hard fabri ; med. mica incl. ; Eware. Unpublished.
1947.257 691 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 691 Lid Fragment of curved wall and handhold. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quart z & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished.
1947.268b 1947.268b Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragment of slightly out-turned rim. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947.258 659 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 659 Jar. Fragment of vert. rim and vert. wall. ordon on neck. Orange , med. bard fabric ; med . mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.269 1947.269 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Mortarium. ragments of curved wall with nan ge. Red-beige , hard fabric with beige core ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1947.259 534 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno Mu 534 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim. Beige, bard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.270 1947.270 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno not illu . Bowl. Fragment ofvert. rim and flange. Girth-groove under rim. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1947.260a 565 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 565 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim with girth-groove and wall. Two girthgrooves under neck. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1947.271 1947.271 Muralto, viaSca zziga Locarno notillu . Mortarium/bowl ( ?). Fragment of wall with wide flange. Beige, hard fabric with black core; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished. 1947.272 1947.272 Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Bowl. Fragment of flanged wall. Beige and brown-red , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.260b 1947.260b Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Bowl. Fragment of wall and flat base. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed. 1947.260c 1947.260c Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Fragment of flat base. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1947.273 704 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 704 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and curved wall. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 1947.274 705 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 705 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and curved wall. Red-beige, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; M-ware. Unpubli hed.
1947.261 522 Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo Mu 522 Jar with out-turned rim , vert. neck, egg-shaped body. Fragmentary . Beige-grey, hard fabric ; med . mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of lire. Unpublished.
1947 .275 707 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 707 Lid . Fragment of vert. rim. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.263 1947.263 Muralto , via Scazziga Locamo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of slightly concave foot-disc. Orange-red , hard fabric ; med. mica & quart z incl. Unpubli shed.
1947.277 684 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 6 4 Lid. Fragment of ilnturned rim. Red-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.264a 490 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 490 Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz
1947.32 1947.328 Muralto , via cazziga Locamo not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragment of wa ll with rout., girth-grooves and barbotinc combs ; black slip. Black , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpublished.
I 947.278 695 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 695 Lid. Fragment of vert. rim and conical body. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & grog incl. ; N-warc. Unpublished. 1947.279 1947.279 Muralto, via cazziga Locam not illu . Lid with vcrt. rim, conical body. Fragmentary. Beige. Hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Trace of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947.4 5 19 Muralto , viaScazziga Locamo Mu819 Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, concave base. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli hcd.
1947.280 1947.280 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illus. Jar. Fragment of vert. rim. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; M-warc. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
1947.586 535 Muralto , via cazz iga Locamo Mu 535 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, egg-s haped body, concave base. Broken. Girth-groove under neck . Red, med . hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Trace of fire. Unpub lished.
1947.28 1 650 Muralto, via Scazziga Locamo Mu 650 Jar. Fragme nt ofvert. rim and wall. Orange-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947.600 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Amphora. Fragment of handl e (oval in section). Orange, soil to med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli shed .
1947.282 663 Murallo, via cazziga Locamo Mu 663 Jar. Fragment of slightly out-turned rim with lid seating and wall. Two girth- groov e on wall. Oran ge, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpublished.
Muralto, Villa
1947.347 179 Murallo , Villa ciaroni Locarno Mu 179 Beaker with out-turn ed rim, egg.s haped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Three roul. band on body ; brown slip int. & ext. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-war e. Unpubli shed.
1947.283 1947.283 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illu . Mortarium . Fragment or vert. rim and curved wall. B igc, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpubli hed. 1947.284 555 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno Mu 555 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with elongated internal bevel, eggshaped body. Fragmentary. Orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace of fire. Unpubli hcd.
Muralto, property Biffoni
1947. 1 1947. 1 Murallo-Biffoni. cmetery Locarno notillus . Flagon with slightly out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Burnish . Red, med. hard to hard fabric; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947 .285 642 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 642 Jar. Fragment of collar. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1947.2 1947.2 Muralto-Biffoni. Cemetery Locarno not illu . Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, concave foot-di c. Broken. Burnish . Red-orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
1947.286 I 947.286 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Jar . Fragments of slightly concave and pinched out foot, egg- haped (?) body. Orange , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed. 1947.293 692 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 692 Lid. Fragment of foot-disc and conical body. Orange, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
1947.5 398 Mura lto-Biffoni . Cemetery Locarno Mu 398 Bowl with out-turned rim, conica l body, nat base. Fragmentary. Bcigcpink, soft fabric with grey core ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
1947.294 675 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno Mu 675 Two-handled jar. Fragment of wall with ring-shaped handle (oval in section). Orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
Locarno-So/duno (So) 1947.295 1947.295 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illu . Flagon. Fragments of three-ribbed handle. Orange, m d. hard lo hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
134.53. 105 360 olduno. rave K3 Bellinzona So 360 Bowl with out-turned quadrangular rim, conical body with curved wall, slightly concave base. omplete . Girth-groove on neck. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Donati 1988, 104 ; 105 fig. 105.
1947.297 1947.297 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illu . Amphora. Fragments of handles (circular in ection) and wall. Orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
134.53. 106 144 Solduno . Grave K3 Bellinzona So 144 Beaker with out-turn ed triangular rim, globular body, low foot-ring. Broken. Rouletting on body. Red, hard fabric ; v. spar e mall mica incl. ; L-ware. Traces of fire. Don ati 1988, I 04 ; I05 fig. I06.
1947.298 1947.29 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illu . Amphora. Fragment of handle (oval in ection). Orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
134.53. 107 134.53. l 07 Solduno. Grave K3 Bellinzona not illus. Beaker with ovoid (?) body, slightly co ncave foot-disc. Fragmentary ; rim and upper half of body missing . Rouletting and girth grooves on body. Grey-black , hard fabric ; v. sparse sma ll mica incl. ; B-warc. Donati 1988, I 04 ; I 05 fig. I07.
1947.299 1947.299 Muralto, via cazziga Locarno not illus. Flagon. Fragment of neck. Orange-beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed. 1937.324 1937.324 Muralto, via Scazziga Locarno not illus. Amphora ( ?). Fragment of handle (circular in ection) . Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
Solduno. Grave K6 Bellinzona 134.53.118 847 o 847 langed flagon with vert. expa nded triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, biconical body, lightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Beige, hard fabric with pink core ; spar e mica incl. Donati 1988, I06 ; I07 fig. I I 8.
1947.325 1947.325 Muralto , via Scazziga Locarno not illu . Jar/Bowl. Fragment of slightly out-turned rim. Brown-grey, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpubli hed.
134.53. 119 370 Solduno. Grave K6 Bcllinzona So 370 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove on neck . Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface . Traces of fire. Donati 1988, I06 ; I05 fig. 119.
1947.326 681 Muralto, viaScazziga Locarno Mu681 Lid. Fragment of vcrt. rim. Black, med. hard lo hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Unpublished.
Bellinzona So 328 134.56.48 328 So lduno. l 956 /N3 Bow l w ith out-turn ed triangular rim , co nica l body with curve d wa ll, f1at base. Broke n. G irth- grooves on neck. Red-brow n, hard fabric ; spa rse mi ca & sa nd & qu artz incl. ; M-wa re. Traces o f fire. Donati 1988, 202 ; 203 fig. 48.
So ldun o. Grave K2 Bcllinzona So 869 134.53. 127 869 Flanged flagon with verl. ex panded triangul ar rim, three -ribb ed handl e, g lobul ar body, hort foo t-ring. Brok en. Red , med. hard fabri c ; sparse smal I mica & sand incl. ; L-wa re. Donati 1988, I 02 ; I 03 fig. 127. 134.56.3 133 Soldun o. Grave 56 .1 Bcllinzona So 133 T hin walled cup with vcrl. rim, hemispherica l body w ith s lightl y ca rinated wall, foot-disc. Broken. Roulettin g and barbotin e sty lized grapes & ivy leaves on body. B lac k, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mi ca inc l. ; Bwa re. Donati 1988 , I 08 ; I 09 ftg. 3.
Be llinzo na So 882 134.56.62 882 So lduno. 1956 /S3 F langed flago n w ith vert. triangular rim , three- ribb ed handl e, globular body, slightly co ncave foot-disc. Bro ken. Red, hard fabric ; spar c mica inc l. ; L-wa re. Don ati 1988 , 198 ; 199 fig. 62.
134.56. 12 758 Soldun o. Grave 56.2 Bellinzon a So 758 Flago n w ith co llar, two -ribb ed handl e, pyriform bod y, foot-rin g. Co mplete. Ext. sur face burni sh. Light-bro wn, med. hard to hard fabri c; sparse mica incl. Donati 1988, 110 ; 111 fig, 12.
134.56.63 134.56.63 So lduno. 1956 /58 Be llinzona not illus. Fl ag on w ith globul ar bod y, slightly co ncave base. Frag mentary ; neck , rim and handl e mi ss ing. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica inc l ; int. sur face black. ; L-wa re. Donati 1988 , 204 ; 205 fig. 63.
134.56. 13 36 1 Soldun o. Grave 56 .2 Bcllinzona So 36 1 Bow l with out-turn ed triangular rim , coni ca l body wi th cur ve d wa ll, lightly concave base. Brok en. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mi ca & sa nd incl. Traces of fire. Donati 1988, 110 ; 113 fig. 13.
Bellinzo na So 99 134 .56 .64 99 So lduno. 1956 /58 Thin wa lled cup with vert. rim , hemispherica l bod y with ca rinated wa ll, slightl y co ncave foot-di sc. Bro ken. G irth- grooves und er rim , on body, ove r foot ; roul ettin g on the body. G rey, med. hard fabric; v. sparse sma ll m ica incl. ; B-wa re. Donati 1988, 204 ; 205 fig. 64 .
134.56. 14 154 Soldun o. Grave 56.2 Bellinzona So 154 Thin walled beaker with out-turn ed rim , ovoi d body, slightl y con ca ve base. Broken. Girth-grooves on- shoulder ; rows of dots on body. Be ige, hard fabric ; v. spa r e small mica & sa nd & grog incl. ; J-wa re. Don ati 1988, 110 ; Ill fig. 14.
Bellinzona So 569 So lduno. 1956 /58 134 .56.6 7 569 Ja r wi th out-turn ed rim, ovoi d body, slightly concave base. Broken, Beige, med. hard lo hard fabric ; sparse m ica & sa nd incl. Ex t. base ro ugh sur face. Donati 1988, 204 ; 205 fig. 67. So lduno ; Grave 57 . 1 B llinzo na So 434 134.57. 150 434 Bow l wit h out-turn ed triangular rim, high coni ca l body, lightl y concave ba e. Frag mentary . Gi rth-groove on should er. Beige and grey, bard fabric ; sparse mi ca & sand incl. Ex t. base rou gh sur face. Traces o f fire. Do nati 1988, 114 ; 115 fig. 150.
Soldun o. Grave 56. 1 Bellinzona So 769 134.56.20 769 Flago n with slightly out-turn ed rim flatte ned on the top, two- ribb ed han dle, pyriform body, foot-ring. Bro ken. Ext. sur face burni sh. Red, hard fabric ; sparse small mica incl. ; L-ware. Donati 1988, 108 ; I 09 fig. 20. 134.56.2 1 175 olduno. Grave 56. 1 Bcllinzo na So 175 Beaker w ith out-turn ed rim with lid eating, ovo id body, slightl y con cave base . Broke n. Two co rdons on should er. Beige, hard fabr ic ; v. sparse mica & sand & grog incl. ; J-wa re. Donati 1988 , I 08 ; I 09 fig . 2 1.
So lduno. Grave 57 .2 Be llinzo na So 34 1 134 .57. 155 34 1 Bow l wi th intum cd rim with reed ing, co nica l body with curve d wa ll, flat ba e. Frag mentary. Beige, med . hard fabr ic ; sparse 0.25-0.5 mm mica & sa nd & qu artz incl. Ex t. base rough sur face . Trace o f fire. Donati 1988, 116 ; 117 fig. 155 .
134.56.25 42 1 Soldun o. 1956/S 1 Bellinzo na So 42 1 Bow l with out-turned triangular rim w ith lid sea ting, con ica l body w ith curved wa ll, Oat base. Broken. Gi rth- groove on should er. Blac k, m ed. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Traces of fire. ; D- wa re. Donati 1988, 84 ; 85 fig. I 00 . Donati 1988, 192 ; 193 fig. 25.
So lduno. Grave 57 .2 Be llinzo na So 170 134 .57. 156 170 Bea ker w ith out-tum d rim , ovo id body, high and s lightly co ncave footdi sc . Compl ete. Roul ettin g on should er. Beige -grey, med. hard fabric ; ex t. & int. urfaces blac k ; v. sparse small mica & sa nd inxlusions. Trace o f fire. Donati 1988 , 116 ; 117 fig. 156 .
134.56 .28 165 Solduno. 1956/S I Be llinzo na So 165 Thin wa lled bea ker w ith short out-turn ed rim , g lobul a r body. Fragmentary ; foot missing. G irth-grooves on neck. Red, hard fabri c ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; L-warc . Donati 1988 , 192- 194 ; 193 fig. 28.
134.57. 157 908 So lduno. Grave 57.2 Bellinzona So 908 F langed flago n wi th bead rim , four-ribb ed hand le, onion- shaped body, slightly co ncave foo t-d isc . Broken. Brow n-red, hard fabric ; sparse mica inc l. Don ati 1988, 116; 117 fig. 157 .
134.56.38 538 Soldun o. l 956/S2 Bellinzo na So 538 Jar wi th out-turned expanded round ed rim , ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Girth-grooves on should er. Red , hard fabric ; sparse mi ca & sand & quartz incl. ; M-wa re. Donati 1988 , 196 ; 197 fig. 38.
134.57. 163 254 So lduno. Grave 57 .3 Bellin zona o 254 Bea ker with straig ht wa ll, slightly co ncave base . Frag mentary ; rim and upp er ha lf o f body mi ssi ng. Beige , o ft fabric ; ex t. & int. sur faces black ; v. sparse small m ica & sa nd incl. ; J- wa re. Traces of fire. Donati 1988, 118; 119 fig . 163.
134 .56.39 895 Solduno. I 956/S2 Bellinzona So 895 Fla nged flagon with bead rim, three-ribb ed handl e, bico nica l body, footdi c. Broken. Be ige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & quartz incl. Donati 1988, 196 ; 197 fig, 39.
134.57. 166 134.57. I 66 So lduno. G rave 57.4 Be llinzona not illus. F langed flago n w ith ve rt. triangular rim, three- ribbed handl e, globular body, slightly co ncave foot-di c. Brok en. Gra ffito XX on boulder. Red m ed. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & qu artz incl. ; M-wa re. Donati 1988, 119 ; 120 fig. 166.
134.56.40 134.56.40 Solduno. l 956/S2 Bellinzona not illu s. Flanged tllago n w ith lightly inturn ed rim , four-ribb ed handl e, g lobul ar body, foot-ring. B roken. Red, hard fabri c ; sparse mica incl. ; L-wa re. Donati 1988, 196 ; 197 fig. 40.
134.57 . 167 866 So ldun o. Grave 57.4 Bellinzo na So 66 F langed flag on w ith out-turn ed triang ular rim , thr ee-ribb ed handl e, hcllip soid al bod y, slightly con cave foot-di sc. Brok en. Be ige, soft fabr ic ; int. ur face black ; spa rse m ica & snad& quartz inc l. Donati 1988, 118 ; 12 1 fig. 167.
134 .56.4 1 225 So lduno. l 956 /S3 Bellinzo na So 225 Bea ker with verl. rim, two lugs, ovo id bod y , slightly ba e. Brok en. Girth- groove betwee n the lugs . Red-beige, hard fabr ic ; v. sparse m ica & sand & quartz incl. ; J-wa re. Ext. ba e rough sur face . Donati 19 8, 198 ; 199 fig. 4 1.
134 .57. 168 453 So ldun o. Grave 57.4 Be llinzona So 453 Bow l w ith co llar, high co nica l body, flat base. Bro ken. Beige , med. hard fabr ic ; sparse m ica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Don ati 1988, 118 ; 12 1 fig. 168.
134.56.47 356 So lduno. I 956/N3 Be llinzo na So 356 Bow l with out-turned expanded round ed rim , conica l body, flat ba e. Broken. Girth-grooves on should er. Red , hard fabric ; pa rse mi ca & sand & quartz incl. ; M-wa re. Trace of fire. Donati 1988 , 202 ; 203 fig. 47 .
!!APTER 10 Solduno. Grave 57.4 Bcllinzon a So 478 134.57. 169 478 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim, ovoid body, nat base. Fragmentary. Girth- groove on neck. Beige-grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Donati 1988, 120 ; 12 1 fig. 169.
Solduno. Grave 58. 17 Bellinzona So 229 134.58. 13 I 229 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, conical body with concave wa ll, lightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove at mid- body. Red-beige, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; J-warc . Donati 1988, 156 ; 155 fig. 13 1.
134.57. 17 1 134.57 . 17 1 Soldun o. Grave 57.4 Bellinzona not illus. Thin wa lled cup. Fragmen t of wa ll and foot-disc. Black, med. hard fabric ; ext. surface brown ; spar se mica incl. Donati 1988, 120 ; 12 1 fig. 171.
134.58.132 357 olduno. Grave 58. 17 Bellinzona So 357 Bowl with out-turned expanded rounded rim, vert. neck, conical body with curved wall, nat ba e. Complete. Two girth-grooves on neck. Brown, bard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. xt. ba e rough surface. Donati 198 , 156; 155. 132.
134.57. 172 134.57. 172 Soldun o. Grave 57.4 Bcllin zona not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragme nts of wa ll and concave foot-disc. Band of thumb impres ions on wa ll. Black , med . hard fabric ; ext. surface bcigered; parse mica incl. Donati I 988 , 120 ; 12 1 fig. 172. Solduno. Grave 57.6 Bellinzona o 820 134.57. 178 820 Flagon with globu lar body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary ; neck, handle and rim miss ing. Red, hard fabric ; ext- surface grey-black ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware . Trace of fire. Donati 1988, 122 ; 123 fig. 178. 134.57. 179 134.57. 179 Solduno. Grave 57.6 Bellinzona not illus. Mortarium with conica l body, foot-ring. Fragmentary ; rim and upper half of body mi sing. Int. surface made rough with quartz granule . Pink, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Donati 1988, 122 ; 123 fig. 179. 134.57 . 180 134.57. 180 Solduno. rave 57.6 Bellinzona not illu . Jar with ovoid body, nat base. Fragme ntary, rim and shoulder mi ing. Beige, med. hard fabric ; spa rse mica & and incl. Donati 1988, 122 ; 123 fig. 180. 134.57. 18 1 134.57. 18 1 Solduno. Grave 57.6 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon . Fragment of lighly concavebase with wheel marks. Grey, soft fabric ; parse mica incl ; int. surfa ce black. ; F-ware. Donati 1988, 122 ; 123 fig. 18 1. Solduno. Grave 57.7 Bellinzona So 526 134.57. 184 526 Jar with out-turned triangular rim , ovoid body, concave base. Complete. Girth-groove on neck. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Donati 19 8, 124 ; 125 fig. 184. 134.57. 185 806 olduno. Grave 57.7 Bellinzona o 806 Flagon with out-turned rim , pyriform body, lightly concave foot. ompletc but handle mi sing. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Lware. Donati 1988, 124 ; 125 fig. 185. 134.57. 190 527 olduno. Grave 57.9 Bellinzona o 527 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim, ovoid body, lightly concave base. Complete. Girth-groov es on neck. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. ; M-warc . Ext. base rough surface. Donati 1988, 126 ; 127 fig. 190. 134.57. 19 1 82 1 Solduno . Grave 57.9 Bellinzona o 82 1 Flagon with out-turned triang ular rim with internal bevel, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly co ncave base. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-wa re. Donati 1988, 126 ; 127 fig. 19 1. Solduno . Grave 58.20 Bellinzona o 335 134.58.80 335 Bowl with out-turned rim with lid eating, conical body with curved wall , flat base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati 1988, 170 ; 173 fig. 0. Solduno. Grave 58.20 Bellinzona So 100 134.58 .8 1 100 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, foot-di c. Broken . Girth-grooves under rim and on body ; rouletting. Grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse mall mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 1988, 17 117 J ; 172 fig. 8 1. 134.58.82 160 Solduno . Grave 58.20 Bellinzona So 160 Beaker with hort vert. rim , glo bular body, concave ba ·e. Complete. Ext. & int. black slip. Red, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; L-ware. Donati 1988, 172 ; I 73 fig. 82.
134.58. 157 4 13 olduno. Grave 58. 19 Bellinzona So 413 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. omple te. Girthgrooves under rim and on neck. Brown, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. Ext. ba e rough surface. Traces offirc. Donati 1988, 164 ; 165 fig. 157. 134.5 . 17 1 23 1 olduno. Grave 58. 19 Bcllinzona So 23 1 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, conical body with concave wall, slightly concave base. Broken. Three girth-grooves on body. Beige, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; J-warc. Donati 1988, 166 ; 165 fig. 171. 134.58. 178 422 Solduno. Grave 58. 18 Bellinzona So 422 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, conical body, flat base. Broken. Red-brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-warc. Traces of fire. Donati 1988, 160 ; 161 fig. 178. 134.58. 184 230 olduno. Grave 58. 18 Bellinzona So 230 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, conica l body with concave wall, slightly concave base. Broken. Two girth-groove on body. Dark beige, hard fabric ; v. par e small mica incl. ; J-ware. Donati 1988, 162 ; 163 fig. I 4. 134.58.202 58 1 olduno. Grave 58. 16 Bellinzona So 58 1 Jar with out-tum d triangular rim, ovoid body, flat ba e. Broken . Two girth-groove on neck. Pink and orange, hard fabric ; parse mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati 1988, 148 ; 14 7 fig. 202. 134.58.203 369 olduno. Grave 5 . 16 Bellinzona o 369 Bowl with out-turn ed triangular rim with internal bevel, conical body, flat base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati 1988, 148; 147 fig. 203. 134.58.233 838 Solduno. Grave 5 .15 Bellinzona o 838 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, four-ribbed handle, elongated conical neck, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken. Ext. urface red slip. Red hard fabric; sparse mica incl. ; K-warc. Donati 1988, 142 ; 145 fig. 233. 134.58.234 666 Solduno. Grave 58. 15 Bellinzona So 666 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, ovoid body, lightly concave base. Complete. Girth-groove on neck. Beige, bard fabric ; parse mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Donati 1988, 142- 144 ; 145 fig. 234 . 134.58.235 362 olduno. Grave 58. 15 Bellinzona So 362 Bowl with out-turned quadrangular rim, conical body with curved wall, slightly concave base. Broken. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; parse mica & sand incl. Traces offi re. Donati I 988, 144 ; 145 fig. 235. 134.58.236 208 Solduno. Grave 58. 15 Bellinzona So 208 Thin walled beaker with ovoid body, lightly concave foot-di sc. Fragmentary ; rim and upper half of body missing except for one fragment of wall. Co rdons and girth-grooves on shoulder ; rows of dots on body. Beige , hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; J-ware . Donati 1988, 144 ; 143 fig. 236. 134.58.237 134.58.237 Solduno. Grave 58. 15 Bellinzona not illu . Thin walled cup. ragment of rim. Rouletting. Black, hard fabric ; v. spar e small mica incl. ; 8-warc. D nati 198 , 144. 134.58.238 134.58.238 Solduno. Grave 58. 15 Bellinzona not illus. Hemispherical thin walled cup. Two fragments of wall. Rouletting on wall; ext. & int. black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. parse small mica incl. ;
Flagon with lightly out-turned rim, two-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Burnish. Red-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica 6 and incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli hcd.
B-ware. Donati 1988, 144. Solduno. Grave 58. 13 Bellinzona So 4 12 134.58.267 4 12 Bowl with slightly out-turned triangular rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Complete. Ext. girth-groove at mid-rim. Brown, med. hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Donati 1988, 138 ; 139 fig. 267.
1938.6 Solduno. Grav Pe l Bellinzona So 832 832 Flagon with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, two -ribbed handle, onion-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Red , med. hard fabric ; sparse small mica& sand incl. Donati 1988, 94 ; 95 fig. 6.
Solduno. Grave 58. 13 Bellinzona So 156 134.58.268 156 Thin walled beaker with slightly out-turned rim, ovoid body, tlat base. Broken. Girth- grooves on neck and shoulder ; vert. rows of dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; J-ware. Donati I 988, 138 ; 139 fig. 268.
1938.7 183 Solduno. Grave Pe l Bellinzona So 183 Thin walled beaker with slightly intumed rim, neck with curved wall, ovoid body, silghtly concave ba e. Broken. Girth-groove on shoulder ; ext. surface black slip. Red, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; Lware. Donati 1988, 94 ; 95 fig. 7.
Solduno. Grave 58. 13 Bellinzona So 118 134.58.269 118 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, foot-disc. Complete. Girth-grooves under rim ; rouletting on body. Black, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 1988, 138; 14 1 fig. 269.
1938.17 775 Solduno. Grav Pe3 Bellinzona So 775 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, pyriform body, footring. Broken. Ext. surface burnish. Red, bard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Donati 1988, 98 ; 99 fig. 17.
Solduno. Grave 58. 12 Bellinzona So 199 134.58.29 1 199 Thin walled beaker with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Rows of dots on body. Dark beig , hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; J-ware. Donati 1988, 132 ; 13 1 fig. 29 1.
I 938.19 1938. I 9 Solduno. Grave Pe4 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon with globular (?) body, foot-ring. Fragmentary ; rim, handle and upper half of body missing. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Donati 1988, 98 ; 99 fig. 19.
Solduno. Grave 58. 12 Bellinzona So 129 134.58.292 129 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, foot-disc. Broken. Two cordons under rim ; rouletting and stylized barbotine grapes & ivy-leaves on body ; ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 1988, 132 ; 135 fig. 292.
Solduno. Grave Ba I Bellinzona So 799 1938.22 799 Flagon with inturned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, pyriform body, foot-ring. Broken. xt. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Donati 1988, 68 ; 69 fig. 22. 1938.23 94 Solduno. Grave Ba2 Bellinzona So 94 Thin walled cup with vert.v rim, hemispherical body with slightly carinated wall, foot-disc. Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; A-ware. Donati 1988, 70 ; 7 1 fig. 23.
Solduno. Grave 58.11 Bellinzona So 844 134.58.309 844 Flagon with pyriform body, three-ribbed handle, slightly concave foot. omplete but rim missing. Ext. surface burni h. Brown-pink, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Donati 1988, 130 ; 13 1 fig. 309.
Solduno. Grave Ba2 Bellinzona So 392 1938.33 392 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body with curved wall, flat base. Broken. Red-brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & grog incl. ; N warc. Ext. base rough surface. Donati 1988, 70 ; 7 1 fig. 33 .
134.58.3 11 134.58.3 11 Solduno . Grave 58. 11 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragments of wall. Red-brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Donati 1988, 130.
9 11 Solduno. Grave Ba2 Bellinzona So 9 11 1938.34 Flanged flagon with vcrt. expanded triangular rim, four-ribbed handle, inverted onion-shaped body, foot-ring. omplete. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Donati 1988, 70 ; 7 1 fig. 34.
134.58.3 12 134.58.3 12 Solduno. Grave 58. 11 Bellinzona not illus. Fragments of a jar. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Donati 1988, 130. Solduno. Grave 76.2 Bellinzona So 28 1 134.76.32 28 1 Dish with inturned rounded rim, curved wall, slightly concave base. Complete. Red-btwon, hard fabric ; spar c mica incl. ; L-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Donati 1988, 182 ; 18 1 fig. 134.76.32.
193 .44 69 Solduno. Grave Ba3 Bellinzona So 69 Thin walled cup with vetical rim, hemispherical body, foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves under neck ; ext. surface rough cast ; ext. & int. surfaces orange-red slip. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-warc. Donati 1988, 72 ; 73 fig. 44.
Solduno. Grave 76.3 Bellinzona So 294 134.76.37 294 Dish with harply inturned rim, straight wall, flat base. Broken. Int. of ba c two irregularly concentrical rout. circles ; ext. & int. traces of brown-red slip. Red, hard fabric ; v. parse mica incl. ; K-ware. Donati 1988, 184 ; 185 fig.1 34.76.37.
1938.46 47 Solduno. Grave Ba3 Bellinzona So 47 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves under neck ; ext. surface rough ca t ; ext. & int. urfaces dark red slip. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-ware. Donati 1988, 72 ; 73 fig. 46.
134.76.39 446 Solduno. Grave 76.3 Bellinzona So 446 Bowl with out-turned rim, high conical body, flat base. Broken. Girthgroove on shoulder. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Lware. Donati 1988, 184 ; 183 fig. 134.76.39
868 Solduno. Grave Ba3 Bcllinzona So 86 1938.47 Flanged flagon with vert. expanded triangular rim flattened on the top, three-ribbed handle, globular body, short foot-ring. Complete. Red , med. hard fabric ; sparse small mica & and & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Donati 1988, 72 ; 73 fig. 4 7.
Solduno. Grave 80. 1 Bellinzona So 140 134.80. 1 140 Thin walled handled cup with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Cordon on neck. Redbrown, hard fabric ; v. parse mall mica incl. ; L-ware. Donati 1988, IO ; 11 fig. 134.80. 1.
Solduno. Grave Ba4 Bellinzona So 77 1938.52 77 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body with slightly carinated wall, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Rouletting on wall ; ext. & int. urfaces black slip. Grey, med. hard to hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 1988 74 ; 75 fig. 52.
134.80.2 620 Solduno. Grave 80. 1 Bcllinzona So 620 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim with lid seating, ovoid body, lightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Donati 1988, IO ; 11 fig. 134.80.2. 1935. 13 1
746 Solduno. Via al Passetto. emetery Locamo
768 Solduno. Grave Ba4 Bellinzona So 768 1938.53 Flagon with out-turned flattened rim, two- ribbed handle, pyriform body, foot-ring. Broken. Red-pink, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and & quartz incl. Donati 1988, 74 ; 79 fig. 53.
o 746
Flagon with elongated neck, biconical body, foot-ring. Fragmentary ; rim and handle missing. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Donati 1988, 88 ; 89 fig. 110.
1938.56 169 Solduno. Grave Ba4 Bellinzona o 169 Beaker with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, lightly concave footdisc. Broken. Rouletting on wall; ext. surface dark brown slip. Rust-red, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica & sand incl. Donati 1988, 74 ; 75 fig. 56.
Solduno. Grave Bo2 Bellinzona 0 393 1938. 114 393 Bowl w ith out-turn ed triangular rim, ovoid body, concave base. ragmentary. Gir th-groove under neck. Beige-pink and orange, hard fabric ; spar c mica & sand incl. Donati 1988, 88.
Solduno. Grave Ba4 Bcllinzona So 4 10 4 10 1938.57 Bowl with slightly out-turned rim with internal bevel, conical body with curved wall, lightly convace base. Broken. Red.brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Traces of fire. Donati 1988, 76 ; 79 fig. 57.
342 Solduno. rave Bo2 Bcllinzona So 342 1938.1 15 Bowl with inturned rounded rim and curved wa ll. Fragmentary. Dark brown , hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Donati 1988, 88.
Solduno. Grave Ba4 Bell inzona So 9 12 9 12 1938.58 Flanged Hagon with vert. expanded triangular rim, four-ribbed handle, inverted onion-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Red-pink , med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Donati 1988, 76 ; 75 fig. 58.
1938. 116 Solduno. Grave Bo2 Bcllinzona So 6 6 Raised foot-ring cup with slightly out-turned rim, hemispherical body. Broken. Ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Red, hard fabric ; spar c mica incl. ; L-warc. Donati 1988, 8 ; 89 fig. 116.
Solduno. Grave Ba5 Bellinzona So 248 1938.64 248 Beaker with slightly inturncd rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken . Girth-grooves under rim and on body. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. Donati 1988, 78 ; 79 fig. 64. Solduno. Grave Ba6 Bellinzona So 173 173 1938.73 Thin walled beaker with vcrt., slightly inturncd rim, inverted pyriforn1 body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. irth-groovc under neck and on body ; rouletting. Grey , hard fabric ; v. ·parse small mica incl. ; Bware. Donati 1988, 80 ; 8 1 fig. 73. Solduno. Grave Ba6 Bellinzona So 2 18 21 1938.76 Thin walled beaker with out-turned quadrangular rim , ovoid body, footdisc. Broken. Row of dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand incl. ; J-ware. Donati 19 8, 80 ; 8 1 fig. 76. Solduno. Grave Ba6 Bellinzona So 757 1938.78 757 Flago n with funnel- haped rim, two-ribbed handle, globular body, footring. Broken. Ext. surface burnish. Red-pink, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Donati 19 8, 80-82 ; 8 1 fig. 78. olduno. Grave Ba8 Bellinzona o 18 1 18 1 1938.86 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, ovoi d body, flat base. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves on neck ; barbotine ribs on shoulder ; rouletting on body. Black, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. Donati 1988,82 ; 83 fig. 86. olduno. Grave Ba8 Bcllinzona o 209 1938.90 209 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, ovoid body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Cordon on neck & shoulder, girth-groove on houlder, rows of dots on body . Pinkish-white, hard fabric ; spar c small mica incl. ; I-ware. Donati 1988, 82 ; 83 fig. 90.
Solduno. Grave C3 Bcllinzona So 389 1938. 136 389 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, conical body with curved wall, !lat ba c. Fragme ntary. Grey, son to med. hars fabric ; spar e mica & sand incl. ; F-warc. Donati 1988, 90 ; 9 1 lig. 136. 1938.253 155 olduno. Grave 28 Bcllinzona o 155 Thin walled beaker with slightly out-turned rim, ovoid body, foot-di c. Complete . Girth-grooves on shoulder; rows of dots on body. Dark beige, hard fabric ; v. spar mica & sand & quartz incl. ; J-ware. Donati 1988, 92 ; 93 fig. 253 . 1938.254 409 Solduno. Grave 28 Bcllinzona So 409 Bowl with slightly out-turned, expanded rounded rim, conica l body, slightly concave ba e. Broken . Beige-grey, hard fabric ; ext. surface black ; sparse mica & sand incl. Traces of lire. Donati 1988, 92 ; 93 fig. 254. Solduno. Grave C28 Bellinzona So 76 1938.257 76 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body , foot-disc. Broken. Girth-groov es under rim; rouletting on body ; ext. & int. surface black lip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. spar e mall mjca incl. ; B-ware. Donati 1988, 92 ; 93 fig. 257 . olduno . Grave 28 Bcllinzona o8 1938.259 8 Rai ed foot-ring cup with vert. rim, hemi phcrical body. omplete. Ext. & int. urface red lip. Red, hard fabric ; parse mica & sand incl. ; Lwarc. Donati 1988, 92 ; 93 fig. 259. olduno. Grave 28 Bcllinzona o 747 1938.260 747 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, four-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken. -;x t. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. ; L-wa re. Donati 1988, 92 ; 93 fig. 260.
olduno. Grave Ba8 Bellinzona So 754 1938.9 1 754 Flagon with funnel- hapcd rim, two-ribbed handle, biconical body, ring foot. Broken . Ext. surface burnish. Red-pink, med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-wa rc. Donati 1988, 82 ; 83 fig. 91. olduno. Grave Ba9 Bellinzona So 92 1938.96 92 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical body with slightly carinated wall, foot-di c. Fragmentary. Rouletting and barbotine sessileleaves on wall ; ext. urfacc black slip. Black, med. hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 1988, 84; 85 fig. 96. Solduno. Grave Ba9 Bellinzona So 2 15 1938.99 2 15 Thin walled beaker with slightly out-turned rim with lid seating, barrelshaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-groove on shoulder ; rows of dots on body. Beige, med. hard fabric ; v. sparse mall mica incl. ; J-ware. Donati 1988, 84 ; 85 fig. 99. Solduno. Grave Ba9 Bellinzona So 800 1938 . 100 800 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, globular body, footring. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Donati 19 8, 84 ; 85 fig. 100. 1938. 110
Solduno. Grave Bo I Bcllinzona
1938.26 1 166 olduno. Grave C28 Bel linzona o 166 Beaker with slightly out-turned rim, egg hapcd body( ?). Fragmentary ; lower hal r of body and foot mis ig. Red, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. Donati 1988, 92. olduno. Grave BI Bcllinzona So 845 845 1938.336 Flanged Hagon with vcrt. expanded triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring . Compl ete. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Don ati 1988, 60 ; 6 1 fig. 336. olduno. Grave BI Bcllinzona So 264 1938.337 264 Balsamarium with vert. rim, tlattened on the top, conical neck, ovoid body, tlat base. Complete. Girth-groove under rim. Orange-red, med. hard fabric ; v. parse mica & sand incl. Donati 1988, 60; 6 1 fig. 337. 1938.339 126 Solduno. Grave BI Bcllinzona So .126 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body, disc-foot. Complete. ordon under rim ; barbotin e combs ; roul. ; black lip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 19 8, 60 ; 6 1 fig. 339. 1938.340 Solduno. Grave BI Bcllinzona So 390 390 Bowl with out-turned, expanded rounded rim, curved wall, slightly con-
So 731
cave base. Broken. Red-brown , hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; L-ware . Ext. base rough surface . Traces offirc . Donati 19 8, 60; 61 fig. 340.
1952. 2 1952.82 Solduno. Grave J25 Bellinzona not illus. Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinated body, flat footdisc. Broken. Corrugated rim ; two rout. bands on body. Grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; B-warc. Donati 1988, I00 ; IOI fig. 82.
Solduno. Grave BI Bcllinzona So 589 1938.341 589 Jar with out-turn ed triangular rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. Donati 1988, 60 ; 61 fig. 34 1.
1952.84 1952. 4 Solduno. Grave J25 Bellinzona not illus. Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemi pherical carinated body, flat footdisc. Broken. Girth-groove under rim and above carination ; rout. band on lower body's half. Grey, hard fabric ; v. spar e small mica inc l. ; 8ware. Donati 1988, I00 ; IOI fig. 84.
Solduno . Grave B2 Bellinzona So 89 193 .345 89 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemisp herical body , lightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim; rouletting on body. Grey, med. hard fabric; v. sparse small mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 1988, 62; 63 fig. 345.
1952.88 366 Solduno. Grave J25 Bellinzona So 366 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, conical body, slightly concav e base . Complete. Grey, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces offire. Donati 19 8, I00 ; IOI fig. 88.
1938.353 887 Solduno. Grave 82 Bellinzona So 887 Flanged flagon with inturned triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, rounded body, foot-di c. Broken. Ext. surfac e burnish. Red-pink, hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand & quartz incl. Donati 19 8, 62 ; 63 fig. 353.
1938. 1006 Solduno. Cemetery Bellinzona not illu . Cup or two-handled cup. Fragments of vert. rim, two-ribbed handl e, hemispherical body. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; Lware. Unpublished.
1938.357 9 Solduno . Grave B3 Bellinzona So 9 Raised foot-rin g cup with slightly inturned rounded rim, hemispherical body. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Donati 1988, 64 ; 65 fig. 357.
Losone (Lo)
1938.364 740 Solduno. Grave B3 Bellinzona So 740 Flagon with collar, three-ribbed handle, globular body, foot-ring. Complete. Beig e, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-war e. Don ati 1988, 64 ; 65 fig. 364.
139. 70.20 I 874 Arcegno. Area A Bellinzona Lo 874 Flagon with vert. rim triangular in section, small cordon under the rim , five-ribbed handle, flanged neck, onion- haped body, foot-ring. Brok en. Orange, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished .
162 Solduno . Grave BIO Bellinzona So 162 1938.389 Beaker with intumed rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken . Beige, hard fabric ; black core ; v. parse mica & sand & quartz incl. Donati 1988, 66 ; 67 fig. 389.
139.70.202 32 1 Arcegno.AreaB Bellinzona Lo 32 1 Dish with vert. rim, curved wall, flat base. Broken . Glossy, red lip int. & rim. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; K-ware. Unpublished.
1938.390 Solduno. Grave BIO Bellinzona So 365 365 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, conical wall, flat ba e. Complete. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Donati 1988, 66 ; 67 fig. 390.
139.70.202a 139.70.202a Arcegno. Area B Bellinzona not illu . Jar ( ?). Fragment of wall and flat ba e. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med . mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Traces oflire. Unpublished.
1938.39 1b IO I Solduno. Grave BIO Bellinzona So IOI Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemi pherical body lightly carinated on shoulder, foot-di sc. Complete . Girth-groove on rim and houlder; roul. on body ; int. & ext. traces of grey slip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; D-war e. Donati 19 8, 66 ; 67 fig. 39 1.
139.70.204 295 Arcegno. Area B Bellinzona Lo 295 Dish with expanded rim, conical body, concave base. Broken . Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 139.70.205 364 rcegno. Area B Bellinzona Lo 364 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, conical neck, conical body, concave base. Complete. Orange, hard fabric; many mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpubli hed.
1938.392 1938 .392 Solduno. Grave BIO Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. ragment of handle and wall. Beige, med. hard fabric ; par e mica incl. Trace of fire. Donati 19 8, 66.
139.70.206 167 Arcegno. Area B Bellinzona Lo 167 Beaker with vert. rim, egg- haped body, slightly concave ba c. Brok en. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
1938.411 115 Solduno. Trench B Bellinzona So 115 Thin walled cup with out-turned rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, foot-disc. Complete . Two girth-grooves under rim; two rout. band on body ; ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. spar e mall mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 198 , 190 ; 191 fig. 411.
139.70.210 246 Arcegno. Grave I Bcllinzona Lo 246 Thin walled beaker with rounded rim, egg-shaped body. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under rim; pla tic thorn on body. Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
1938.412 Solduno.Trench B Bellinzona So 90 90 Thin walled cup with bead rim, hemispherical body, carinated wall. Fragmentary ; foot missing. Girth-grooves under rim, rouletting on body. Black, hard fabric ; v. sparse mall mica incl. ; B-ware. Donati 19 , 192; 191 fig. 142.
139.70.2 11 139.70.211 Arcegno. Grave I Bcllinzona not illus. Wall fragment of three/ four different ve el . Unpublished. 139.70.2 19 728 Arccgno. Grave 2 Bcllinzona Lo 728 Flagon with short collar, four-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken. Girth-grooves at mid-body; cordons on shoulder. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
1938.751 116 Solduno .Via al Passetto.Cemetery. Bellinzona So 116 Thin walled cup with vert. rim , hemispherical body with carinated wall, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves on rim ; two rout. bands on body ; ext. & int. surface s black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. Unpubli hed.
139.70.220 790 Arcegno. Grave 2 Bcllinzona Lo 790 Flagon with short collar, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-rin g. Broken. ordon on shoulder ; girth-grooves at mid-body. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
696 Solduno . Prop . Gerosa. Grave I Locarno So 696 Lid with vert. triangular rim, conical body. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quat z incl. ; M-ware. Trace of fire. Unpublished .
139.70.23 1 139.70.23 1 Arcegno. Grave 2 Bcllinzona not illus. Wall fragments of four different ve sel . Unpublished .
1952.8 1 722 Solduno. Grave 125 Bellinzona So 722 Flagon with out-turn ed rim, biconical body, foot-ring. omp lete. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Donati 19 8, I00 ; IOI fig. 8 1.
139.70.23 la 139.70.23 la
rccgno. Grave 2 Bellinzona not illus.
Bowl. Fragment of slightly inturned rim, curved wall. Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 139.70 . 235 139.70. 235 Arccgno. Grave 3 Bcllinzona not illus. Fragment or wall. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces or lire. Unpublished.
Unpublished. 139.70.27 1 822 Arccgno. rave 9 Bcllinzona Lo 22 Flagon with disc-rim , three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave base. Broke n. Two girth-groove · on shoulder. Red, bard fabric, med. mica & sand incl. ; L-wa rc. Unpublished. 139.70.282 373 Arcegno. Grave 12 Bellinzona Lo 373 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. Complete. Girthgroove under neck. Brown-red , hard fabric ; med. many mica & sand & quartz incl. xt. ba e rough surface . Unpublished .
139.70.236 139.70.236 Arcegno. Grave 3 Bellinzona not illus. Fragment of wall. Orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished . 139.70.239 596 Arcegno. Grave 4 Bcllinzona Lo 596 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, egg- haped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Orange, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. Unpubli hed.
139.70.283 269 Arccg no. Grave 12 Bcllinzona Lo 269 Dish with inturned rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Rcd-brwon, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough urface. Trace or fire. ; M-warc . Unpublished.
139.70.244 139.70.244 Arcegno. Grave 4 Bellinzona not illus. Jar. Fragments or rim and wall. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
139. 70.284 139. 70.284 Arcegno. Grave 12 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon with globular b dy and slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Dark beige, hard fabric ; many mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished.
139.70.245 139.70.245 Arccgno. Grave 4 Bellinzona not illus. Dish. Fragment of rim. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpubli hed.
139.70.291 374 Arccgno . Grave 14 Bellinzona Lo 374 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, slightly convex ba e. Complete. Beige-red, hard fabric ; med . mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.246a 139.70.246a Arccgno. rave 4 Bcllinzona not illus. Fragment or wall. Red-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
139.70.292 59 1 Arccgno.G ravc 14 Bellinzona Lo 59 1 Ja r with out-turn ed expa nded triangular rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Broken. orrugated shoulder. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. xt. base rough urfacc. Unpublished.
I 39.70.246 b I 39.70.246b Arccgno. Grave 4 Bellinzona not illus. Fragment of wall. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 139.70.246c 139.70.246c Arcegno. Grave 4 Bcllinzona not illus. Fragment of wall. Brown-red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished.
139.70.30 1 139.70.30 1 Arceg no. Grave 14 Bellinzona not illus. Fragment of wall of different vesse l . Unpublished .
139.70.248 268 Arccgno. Grave 5 Bellinzona Lo 268 Di h with intumcd rim, conical wall, concave base. Broken. Brown-red , hard fabric ; med. mica & sand &quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.303 567 Arcegno. Grave 15 Bellinzona Lo 567 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat ba e. omplete. Beigcpink, hard fabric ; many mica & sand inc l. Ext. base rough surface. Unpubli hed.
139.70.25 1 139.70.25 1 Arccgno. Grave 6 Bcllinzona not illus. fragments of different vessels. Unpublished.
139.70.304 383 Arcegno. Grave 15 Bellinzona Lo 383 Bowl with out-turned o rim, conical body, flat base. Complete. 'orrugated shoulder. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. ; 0ware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.252 139.70.252 Arcegno. Grave 6 Bellinzona not illus. Fragments of difTcrcnt vessels . Unpubli hcd.
139.70.400 14 Arcegno. rave 16 Bellinzona Lo 14 up with out-turned rim, hemispherical body, fool-ring. Broken. Girthgroove on neck; black slip. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
139.70.253 139.70.253 Arccgno. rave 7 Bcllinzona not illu . Flagon. Fragments of globu lar body and foot-di c. Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 139.70.254 247 Arccgno. Grave 7 Bellinzona Lo 247 Thin walled beaker with flattened rim, egg- haped body, flat base. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves under rim and on body. Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
139.70.40 1 576 Arcegno. Grave 16 Bcllinzona Lo 576 Jar with out-turned expanded triangular rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Girth-groove on neck. Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. Ext. base rough ·urface. Traces of lire. Unpublished.
139.70.255 139.70.255 Arcegno. Grave 7 Bcllinzona not illus. Fragments of different vc sels. Unpublished.
139.70.402 334 Arcegno. Grave 16 Bellinzona Lo 334 Bowl with out-tu rned triangular rim with lid seating, hemispherical body, flat ba e. Broken. Beige-red, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. · xt. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
I 39.70.262 331 Arccgno. Grave 8 Bcllinzona Lo 33 1 Bowl with out-turned rim, hemispherical body, concave base. Broken. Brown-red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
139.70.403 149 Arcegno . Grave 16 Bcllinzona Lo 149 Beaker with out-turned o rim, vert. neck, onion-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpubli hcd.
139.70.263 575 Arcegno. Grave 8 Bellinzona Lo 575 Jar with out-turned rim, conical body, lightly concave base. Broken. Two girth-grooves under neck. Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. ba e rough urface. Unpublished.
139.70.4 13 507 Arceg no. Grave 17 Bellinzona Lo 507 Jar with out-turned rim , vert. neck, egg - haped body, flat ba c. omplete. Orange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. xt. base rough urface. Unpublished.
139.70.269 382 Arcegno . Grave 9 Bellinzona Lo 382 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, lightly concave base. Broken. Orange , med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace or fire. Unpublished.
139.70.4 18 139.70.4 18 Arccgno. Grave 17 Bellinzona not illus. Fragments of wall of different vessels. Unpublished.
139.70.270 528 Arccgno . Grave 9 Bellinzona Lo 528 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Broken. Corrugated shoulder. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware.
139.70.4 19 139.70.419 Arcegno. Grave 17 Bellinzona not illus. Dish with inturned rim and curved wall. Fragmentary. Black, hard fab-
139.70.470 876 Arcegno. Grave 23 Bcllinzona Lo 876 Flago n with lightly inturncd rim triangular in section, four-ribbed handle, flanged neck, hellip soida l body, foot-ring. omplete. Orange , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished .
ric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished . 139.70.420 74 1 Arcegno. Grave 18 Bellinzona Lo 741 Flagon with short out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, conical neck, hcllipsoidal body, short foot-ring . Complete. Girth-grooves under rim and under neck. Beige-orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished .
139.70.473 479 Arcegno. Grave 23 Bellinzona Lo 479 Jar with out-turned rim , egg-shaped body slightly concave base. Broken. Brown-bl ack, hard fabric ; med. mica incl.; E-warc . Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
139. 70.421 636 Arcegno . Grave 18 Bellinzona Lo 636 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with internal bevel, egg- haped body, flat ba e. Complete. Black, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl.; -ware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
139.70.4 83 610 Arcegno . Grave24 Bellinzona Lo610 Jar with out-turned rim , egg-s haped body, slightly concave ba e. Broken. Dark beige, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Ext.base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
I 39.70.437 875 Arcegno . Grave 19 Bellinzona Lo 875 Flagon with vcrl. rim, two-ribbed handl e, flanged neck, globular body, foot-ring. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
139.70.49 1 150 Arcegno. Grave 25 Bellinzona Lo 150 Beaker with lightly out-turned triangular rim, vert. neck, onion-shaped body, slightly concave foot-disc . Broken. Brown-black , hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished.
139.70.438 637 Arcegno. Grav e 19 Bellinzona Lo 637 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, egg-shaped body, slightly concave ba e. Broken. Beige-brown , hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. Ext. ba c rough urfacc. Unpublished.
139.70.501 198 Arcegno. Grave 26 Bellinzona Lo 198 Thin walled beaker with slightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave foot-di sc. Broken. Cordons on neck and shoulder ; five rows of dot on body. Beige , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-warc . Trace of fire. Unpubli hed.
139.70.440 113 Arcegno. Grave 19 Bellinzona Lo 113 Thin walled cup with hemispherical carinated body. Fragmentary . Barbotine bands and girth-grooves; black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpubli shed.
139. 70.502 857 Arcegno . Grave 26 Bellin zona Lo 857 Flagon with vert. rim triangular in ection, four-ribbed handle, flanged neck , hellipsoidal body, foot-ring. Broken. Beige -pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
139.70.457 139.70.457 Arcegno. Grave 20 Bellinzona not illus . Fragments of wall of different vesse ls. Unpubli hed. 139.70.459 450 Arcegno . Grave 20 Bellinzona Lo 450 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Girth-groove on body. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-ware. Ext. base rough urface. Unpubli hed.
139.70.52 1 332 Arcegno . Grave 27 Bellinzona Lo 332 Bowl with out-turned rim, globular body, flat ba e. Broken . Beige , hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpublished. 139.70 .524 833 Arccgno. Grave 28 Bellinzona Lo 833 Flagon with vert. rim triangular in section, conical neck, hellipsoidal body, hort foot-rin g. Fragme ntary. Corrugated shoulder. Beige- pink, med. hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpubli h d.
139.70.461 42 Arcegno. Grave 2 1 Bellinzona Lo 42 Thin walled cup with slightly out-turned rim and hemispherical body. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under rim ; cordon under rim and on body ; barborine sessile leaves on body. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpublished.
139.70.546 582 Arccgno. Grave 29 Bellinzona Lo 582 Jar with out-turn ed rim, barrel-shaped body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary . Girth-groove under neck and on shoulder. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough urfacc . Traces of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.46 1a 139.70.461a Arcegno . Grave 2 1 Bellinzona not illu . Fragments of wall of five/six different vesse l . Unpublished. 139.70.463 783 Arcegno. Grave 2 1 Bellinzona Lo 783 Flagon with vert. rim with two cordon , two-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Red, med . hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
139.70.547 85 Arcegno . Grave 29 Bellinzona Lo 5 Thin wa lled cup with vert. rim, hemi phcrical carinated body, foot-di c. Brok en. Girth-grooves under rim and on body; roul. on body; black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
139.70.464 661 Arcegno. Grave 22 Bellinzona Lo 661 Jar with slightly intumed expanded triangular rim, barrel- haped body, concave base. Complete. Girth-groove on shoulder. Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
139.70.548 877 Arcegno . Grave 29 Bellinzona Lo 77 Flagon with lightly inturned rim with triangular ection, three-ribbed handle, llanged neck, hellipsoidal body, concave foot-ring. Broken . Red, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished .
139.70.735 905 Arcegno. Grave 22 Bellinzona Lo 905 Flagon with vert. rim triangular in ection, three-ribbed handle, conical neck, onion-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand fabric. Unpublished.
139.70.554 516 Arcegno. Grave 30 Bellinzona Lo 5 16 Jar with ot-turned rim with internal bevel, short vert. neck, egg-shaped body, irregularly llat base . Broken. Girth-roov under rim. Beige, med. bard fabric ; med . mica & grog incl. ; N-ware. Ext. base rough urfacc. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
139.70.466 889 Arcegno. Grave 22 Bellinzona Lo 889 Flagon with slightly intumed rim triangular in section, four-ribbed handle, conical neck onion- haped body, foot-ring. Fragmentary . Beigepink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
139.70.562 849 Arcegno . Grave 30 B llinzona Lo 849 Flagon with sightly out-turned triangular rim , two-ribbed handle, flanged neck , hellip soidal body, short foot-ring. Broken. Oran ge-beige, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpubli hcd.
139.70.467 139.70.467 Arcegno . Grave 22 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment of wall. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
139.70.579 387 Arcegno . Grave 32 Bcllinzona Lo 387 Bowl with ou-turned rim with lid seating, vert. neck, conical body, lightly concav e base. Brok en. Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. ba e rough urfac . Traces of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.469 107 Arcegno . Grave 22 Bellinzona Lo 107 Thin walled cup with vert. rim and hemi pherical body. Fragme ntary. Girth-groove under rim; cordon and barbotin c combs on shoulder; roul. on body ; shiny black slip. Black, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
139.70.60 1 4 0 Arcegno . Grave 33 Bellinzona Lo 480 Jar with out-turned rim , egg- hapcd body, lightly concave ba e. Broken.
base rough surface. Unpublished.
Black, hard fabric ; med . mica & and incl. ; D-warc. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 139.70.603 139.70.603 Arccgno . rave 33 Bellinzona Lo 686 Lid. Frag ment of slightly in turned rim. Orange , hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpublished.
139.70.672 29 1 Arccgno. Gravc4 Bcllinzona Lo 29 I Dish with inturned rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Broken . Roul. circle int. base ; dark red slip int. & rim. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; K-ware. Unpublished.
139. 70.608 850 Arcegno. Grave 34 Bellinzona Lo 850 Flagon with slightly out-turned rim, two-ribbed handle, nanged neck, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed.
139. 70.674 45 1 Arccgno. Grave 48 Bcllinzona Lo 45 1 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, lightly concave base. Broken . Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.609 878 Arceg no. Grave 34 Bellinzona Lo 878 Flagon with vcrt. rim trian gular in ' ection, two-ribbed handle, nan ged neck, onion- haped body, very hort foot-ring. Broken . Orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
139. 70.688 508 Arccgno. Grave 49 Bellinzona Lo 508 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Two girth-grooves under neck. Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. xt. base rough surface. Unpubli hcd.
139. 70.6 12 423 Arcegno. Grave 34 Bellinzona Lo 423 Bowl with out-turned trian gular rim with lid eating, vert. neck, conical body, slig htly concav ba e. Complete. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med . mica & sand incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.6 9 325 Arccgno. Grave 49 Bellinzona Lo 325 Dish with lightly inturncd triangular rim, conical wall, lightly concave ba e. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. ; M-warc. Ext. ba e rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed.
139. 70.6 13 205 Arcegno . Grave 34 Bcllinzona Lo 205 Thin walled beaker with slightly out-turned rim, vcrt. neck, egg- hapcd body, slig htly concave foot-di sc. omple tc. orruga tcd neck ; five row of dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; J-ware . Unpubli hed.
139.70.700 805 Arccgno. Grave 53 Bellinzona Lo 805 Flagon with out-turned rim with lid sea ting, three-ribbed handle, globular body concave base. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
139.70.6 17a 139.70.6 17a rcegno. rave 36 Bcllinzona not illu . Flagon. Fragme nt of wall. Bei ge-red, hard fabric; med. mica incl. Trace s of fire. Unpublished. 139.70.626 139.70.626 Arceg no. Grave 40 Bellinzona not illu . Jar ( ?). Fragment of wall. Beige-pink , hard fabric with dark brown core ; med . mica incl. Unpubli shed. l39.70.626a 139.70.626a Arccgno. Grave 40 Bellinzona not illus. Jar ( ?). Fragment of wall. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. grog incl. ; Nware. Unpublished . 139.70.629 139.70.629 Arcegno. Grave 4 1 Bellinzona not illu . fragments of wall or diff erent vesse ls. Unpublished. 139.70.63 1 449 Arcegno . rave 42 Bellinzona Lo 449 Bowl with out-turned rim , conical body, concave base. Fragmentary. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-warc. Ext. base rough urface. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed.
139.70.70 1 2 6 Arccgno. Grave 53 Bellinzona Lo 286 Di h with lightly inturned expanded triangular rim, conical body, slightly concave ba c. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. xt. ba e rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 139.70.707 529 Arcegno. Grave 53 Bellinzona Lo 529 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, lightly concave ba e. omplete. irth-groove under neck. Orange , hard fabric, med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished. 139.70.70 a I 39.70.708a Arcegno. Grave 53 Bcllinzona not illus. flagon . Fragment of short foot-ring. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed. 139. 70.71 592 Arccgno. Grave 55 Bellinzona Lo 592 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, egg- haped body, slightly concave ba c. Compl Le. wo-girth grooves under neck. Orange-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & grog incl. ; N-ware . • xt. base rough surface. Unpublished .
139.70.634 139.70 .634 Arcegno . Grave 42 Bellinzona not illu . Jar ( ?). Fragment of wall. Grey-black , hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; O-ware. Unpubli hed.
139.70.7 16 2 2 Arccgno.Grave55 Bellinzona Lo 282 Di h with intumcd rim, conical body, tlat base. omp lete. Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. ; D-warc. Ext. base rough surface. Trace or tire. Unpublished.
139.70.644 63 1 Arcegno. rave 46 Bcllinzona Lo 63 1 Jar with out-turned rim with lid seating, egg- hapcd body, lightly concave base. omplctc . Girth-groove and cordon under neck. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. xt. base rough urface. Unpublish ed.
139.70.718 3 14 Arcegno. rave 55 Bellinzona Lo 3 14 Dish with inturned rim with internal girth groove, two lugs under the rim, conical body, concave ba e. omp letc. Red-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. xt. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.647 108 Arcegno . Grave 46 Bellinzona Lo 108 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body with sharply carinated wall , slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves and cordons under rim; girth-groove at mid-body ; barbotine combs on the upper hair of body; hiny black slip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; B-ware . Unpublished.
139.70.730 794 Arcegno. Grave 57 Bcllinzona Lo 794 Flagon with three-ribbed handle, vcrt. neck, pear-shaped body, slightly concave base. FragmcnLary.Two girth-grooves under neck. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hcd.
139.70.65 1 779 Arcegno . Grave 46 Bellinzona Lo 779 Flagon with disc-rim, three-ribbed handle, vcrt. neck, pear-shaped body short foot-ring. omplete. Neck & upper half of body burnish. Beigcpink, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpublished. 139.70.659 570 Arceg no. Grave 47 Bellinzona Lo 570 Jar with slightly out-turned triangular rim with internal bevel, vert. neck, egg- haped body, lightly concave base . Broken . Two girth-grooves under the neck. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. Ext.
139.70.731 270 Arcegno. Grave 57 Bellinzona Lo 270 Dish with inturned rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; -ware. Ext. ba e rough urface. Trace of lire. Unpubli hcd. 139.70.732 496 Arccgno. Grave 57 Bellinzona Lo 496 Jar with out-Lumed o rim, egg- haped body, tlat base. Broken. Beige-red, hard fabric ; med. mica sand incl. xt. base rough surface. Unpublished.
139.70.733 27 1 Arcegno. Grave 57 Bellinzona Lo 27 1 Dish with inturned rim, conical body , lightly concave base. Broken. Red , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Ext. base rough urfacc. Trac es of fire. Unpublished .
139.70.808 498 Arcegno. Grave 62 Bellinzona Lo 498 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.735 916 Arcegno.Grave57 Bcllinzona Lo916 Jug with slightly out-turned rim with spout, three-ribbed handle, eggshaped body, slighly concave base. Girth-groove at mid-n eck and midbody . Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli hcd.
139.70.8 12 296 Arccgno. Grave 63 Bcllinzona Lo 296 Di h with vert. rim, conical body, concave base. Fragmentary. Brown , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed.
139.70 .742 823 Arcegno . Grave 58 Bcllinzona Lo 823 Flagon with out-turned rim with lid seating, three-ribbed handle, vert. neck , globular body, concave base. Complete. Girth-groove under neck. Red-oran ge, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished. 139.70 .745 530 Arcegno. Grave 58 Bcllinzona Lo 530 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Broken. Beigeorange, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 139.70 .750 315 Arcegno. Grave 58 Bellinzona Lo 315 Di h with slightly inturned rim, two lugs under the rim, conical body, slighty concave base. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Lware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished . 139.70 .763 288 Arcegno . Grave 59 Bellinzona Lo 288 Dish with slightly inturned rim, conical body, slighty concave base. Broken. Dark beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surfac e. Unpublished. 139.70 .765 272 Arccgno. Grave 59 Bellinzona Lo 272 Dish with slightly inturned rim, conical body, slighty concave base. Brok en. Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace s of fire. Unpubli hcd. 139.70 .768 84 1 Arcegno. Grave 59 Bellinzona Lo 84 1 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 139 .70.770 537 Arcegno . Grave 59 Bcllinzona Lo 537 Jar with out-turned expanded triangular rim, vert. neck, egg- haped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. ba e rough surface. Unpublished. 139.70 .784 577 Arcegno. Grave 60 Bellinzona Lo 577 Jar with out-turned rim with internal bevel, conical neck, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Beige, bard fabric ; spar e mica & and incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished . 139.70.787 658 Arccgno . Grave 60 Bellinzona Lo 658 Jar with out-turned triangular im with internal bevel, conical neck, barrel-shaped body, slightly concave foot-di c. Broken. Wavy lines by combin g and girth-grooves on body; girth-grooves over foot. Rcdbrown , hard fabric ; parse mica & sand incl. ; L-warc. Unpubli hcd. 139.70 .795 497 Arcegno. Grave 61 Bellinzona Lo 497 Jar with out-turned rim , conical neck, egg-shaped body, slightly concave ba c. Broken. Corrugared shoulder. Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished . 139.7 0.796 292 Arcegno. Grave 61 Bellinzona Lo 292 Dish with inturned rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Rout. circle int. base ; glossy red slip int. & rim. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; K-ware. Unpublished. 139.7 0.806 308 Arcegno. Grave 62 Bellinzona Lo 308 Dish with verl. rim, conical body, concave base. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim. Black, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 139.70 .807 273 Arcegno. Grave 62 Bellinzona Lo 273 Dish with vert. rim, conical body, slightly concave ba e. Broken . Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. xl. ba e rough surface. Trace of fire. Unpublished .
139.70.817 274 Arcegno. Grave 63 Bellinzona Lo 274 Dish with inturned triangular rim, conical body, concave base. Brok en. Beige-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed . 139.70.8 18 293 Arcegno. Grave 63 Bellinzona Lo 293 Dish with inturned triangular rim, conical body , llat base . Broken. Glossy red slip int. & rim. Orange-red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Kware. Unpublished . 139.70.8 19 556 Arcegno. Grave 63 Bellinzona Lo 556 Jar with out-turned expanded triangular rim with internal beve l, eggshaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Corrugated shoulder . Dark beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished . 139.70.821 322 Arcegno. Grave 63 Bellinzona Lo 322 Jar with vert. triangular rim, conical body, slightly concave base . Broken. Orange, hard fabric ; parse mica incl. Unpublished. 139.70.829 297 Arcegno. Grave 66 Bellinzona Lo 297 Dish with vert. rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Compl ete. Orange, hard fabric; med. mica & sand & quart z & grog incl. ; N-ware . Unpublished. 139.70.838 597 Arcegno. Grave 66 Bellinzona Lo 597 Jar with out-turned expanded triangular rim, egg-s haped body , slightly concave ba e. omplctc. Brown-red, hard fabric; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished . 139.70.843 323 Arcegno. Grave 67 Bellinzona Lo 323 Dish with vert. rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Brok en. Brownred, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trac es of fire. Unpublished. 139.70.844 448 Arcegno. Grave 67 Bellinzona Lo 448 Bowl with out-turned expanded triangular rim, conica l body , slightly concave base. Broken. Pale orange, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished. 139.70.848 139.70.848 Arcegno. Grave 68 Bellinzona not illu . Jar with globular (?) body and slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surfac e. Traces of lire. Unpublished. 139.70.867 439 Arcegno. Grave 74 Bellinzona Lo 439 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, slightly co ncave ba c. Complete. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 139.70.869 309 Arcegno. Grave 74 Bellinzona Lo 309 Dish with vert. rim, conical body, slightly concave base. omplete. Brown-red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough sur face. Traces of lire. Unpublished. 139.70.875 593 Arcegno. Grave 74 Belliozona Lo 593 Jar with out-turn ed expanded triangular rim, egg-shaped bod y, concave ba e. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Pale orange, hard fabric ; med . mica & and incl. Unpublished. 139.70.876 310 Arcegno. Grave 75 Bellinzona Lo 310 Dish with vert. rim, conical body, slightly concave base. Co mplete. Girth-groove under rim. Orange, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. ba c rough surface. Trace of lire. Unpublished . 139.70.877 298 Arcegno. Grave 75 Bellinzona Lo 29 Dish with vert. rim, conical body, slightly concave base . Brok en.
CHAPTER I 0 Orang e, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 139.70.882 60 1 Arccgno. Grave 75 Bcllinzona Lo 60 1 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Comp lete. Girth-groove under neck. Red-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished. I 39. 70.886 440 Arccgno. Grave 76 Bell inzona Lo 440 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, concave base. omp letc. Redorange, hard fabric; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-wa rc. Unpublished .
139.70.984 15 Arccg no. Gravc90 Bcllinzona Lo 15 up with out-t urned rim, conica l body, foot-ring. Broken. Black slip. Red, med. hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished. 139.70.98 5 584 Arcegno . rave 90 Bcllinzona Lo 584 Jar with out-tu rned rim, gg-s haped body, lightly concave b·tse. Broken. Beig e, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. ba c rough surface. Unpub li bed. 139.72.38 139.72.38 Arccgno. Grave 88 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment of four-ribbed handle , biconical body, flat ba e. Pale orange, med . hard to hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Donati 1974, 72.
139.70.89 1 277 Arccgno. Grave 79 Bellinzona Lo 277 Dish with inturned rim, conical body, slightly convex base. Broken . Brown-black , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. xt. ba 'e rough urfacc. Trace of fire. Unpubli hed. 139.70.892 394 Arccgno. Grave 79 Bcllinzona Lo 394 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, lightly convex base. Broken. Red-or ange, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Unpubli hed.
139.72.4 1 227 Arccgno. Grave 88 Bellinzona Lo 227 Thin wa lled beake r wit h rounded rim, conical body, foot-disc. omplctc. Girth-groove under rim and over foot; rout on body. Orange, soft to med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Donati 1974, 72. 139.72.46 762 Arcegno. Grave 92 Bellinzona Lo 762 Flagon with out-turned rim, two-ribbed handle , biconical body with carination in the lower half, foot-ring. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Donati 1974 , 75.
139.70.894 603 Arccgno. Grave 79 Bcllinzona Lo 603 Jar wi th out-turned expanded triangular rim, egg- hapcdbody, flat ba c. omplete . Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. ba c rough surface. Unpubli hcd.
139.72.47 780 Arcegno. Grave 92 Bellinzona Lo 780 Flagon with disc- haped rim, two-ribbed hand le, pear- haped body, footring. omp letc. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Donati 1974, 75.
139.70.895 42 Arccgno. Grave 79 Bcllinzona Lo 842 lagon with out-turned rim with internal bevel, vert. neck, pear-shaped , flat base. Fragmentary. Corrugated shoulder. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
139.72.64 44 1 Arccg no. Gravc93 Bellinzona Lo441 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. mplete. irthgroovcs on neck, shoulder and foot; cordon on foot. Red-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Traces of fire. Donati 1974, 77.
I 39. 70. 98 645 Arcegno. Grave 80 Bellinzona Lo 645 Jar with wide, out-turned triangular rim with lid eating, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
139.72.9 1 509 Arcegno. Grave 96 Bellinzona Lo 509 Jar. Fragments of out-turned rim, gg- haped (?) body. Girth-grooves under neck. Beige-oran ge, hard fabric; med. mica incl. Donati 1974, 82. 139.72. 100 139.72 . 100 Arccgno.G rave96 Bellinzona notillu s. Flagon with two-ribbed handle, pear-shape d body. Fragmentary. Light brown, med . hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Donati I974, 83.
139. 70. 90 I 839 Arcegno. Grave 8 1 Bellinzona Lo 839 Flagon with out-turned rim with lid seating, three-ribbed handle, vert. neck, egg-shaped body, foot-ring. omplcte. Red-pink , med. hard fabric ; many mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-warc . Unpublished.
139.72. 104 6 17 Arcegno.Grave96 Bellinzona Lo617 Jar with bead rim, ovoid body, flat ba e. Broken. Grey-brow n, har fabric ; med . mica & and incl. Donati 1974, 84.
139.70 .902 305 Arccgno. rave I Bcllinzona Lo 305 Dish with vert. rim, conical body, lightly concave base. omplctc. Red, hard fabric ; many mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpubli hcd.
139.70.904 3 16 Arccgno. Grave8 I Bellinzona Lo3 l6 Dish with slightly inturncd triangular rim, two lugs under the rim, conical body, concave base. omplctc. Red-brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
42 897 Papog na. em tcry Locarno Lo 897 Flagon with vcrt. rim, two-ribbed handle, ellipsoidal body, foot-ring. Complete. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 51 307 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 307 Dish with rounded rim, conical body, concave base. omplcte. Girthgroove under rim . Beige-pi nk, hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished .
139.70.9 14 445 Arccgno. Grave8 I Bcllinzona Lo445 Bowl with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat ba c. omp lete. •xt. surface burnish. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. xt. base rough surface. Unpublished.
52 278 Papog na. Cemetery Locamo Lo 278 Dish with slightly intumcd rim, conical body, slightly concave base. ompletc. Red , hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-warc. Unpublished .
139. 70.924 583 Arccgno. Grave 82 Bellinzona Lo 583 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, egg-shaped body, lightly concave base. omplete . Girth-groove under neck. Red-oran ge, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. xt. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
53 287 Papog na. Cemetery Locarno Lo 287 Dish with slig htly inturncd rim, conica l body, lightly concave base. Broken . R d, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
139.70 .953 3 11 Arcegno. Grave85 Bellinzona Lo31I Dish with vert. rim with internal bevel, conical body, flat base. Broken. Girth-groove under rim. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware . Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
55 3 I8 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 3 18 Dish with rounded rim , conical body, slightly concave base. Broken, Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; K-ware . Traces of fire. Unpublished.
139.70.954 455 Arcegno. Grave 85 Bellinzona Lo 455 Bowl with out-turned rim with internal bevel, egg-shaped body, concave base. Broken . Irregular girth-groove on shoulder. Dark brown, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. · xt. base rough surface. Traces of lire. Unpublished .
56 3 19 Papogna. emctery Locamo Lo 319 Dish with lightly inturned rim, conical b dy, lightly concave base. Comp lete. Traces of red slip ; two concent rical circle on int. ba c. Red, med. hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; K-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
BIBLIOGRAPH Y AND APP ENDICES 57 30 I Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 30 I Dish with rounded rim, conical body, concave base. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed. 5 279 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 279 Dish with slightly inturned rim, conical body, concave base. Brok en. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; M-ware. Traces of tire. Unpubli shed. 59 320 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 320 Dish with slightly intum ed rim, conical body, slightly concave base . Broken. Traces of red slip. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; Kwarc. Traces of fire. Unpublished. 60 289 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 289 Dish with slightly intum ed rim, conical body, flat base. Complete. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished.
I 18 8 15 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 8 15 Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, globular body, concave base . Complete. Red-pink, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished. I 19 846 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 846 Flanged flagon with di c-rim, ellipsoidal body, foot-ring. Broken. Beigepink, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpubli shed. 120 560 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 560 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Complete. Girthgroove under neck. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed. 122 755 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 755 Flagon with collar, three-ribbed bandle, pear-shaped body, foot-ring. Brok n. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
61 299 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 299 Dish with rounded rim, conical body, flat base. Complete. Oran ge-red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
123 737 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 737 Flagon with out-turned rim, thre-ribbed handle, ellipsoidal body, footring. Broken. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
62 249 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 249 Beaker with vert. rim, cylindrical body, slightly concave bas . Broken. Girth-groove on upper body's half. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
125 457 Papogna. emetery Locarno Lo 457 Jar with out-turned rim, egg- haped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Beige-yellow, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Trace · of fire. Unpublished.
90 8 14 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 8 14 Flagon with three-ribbed handle, conical body, concave base . Broken. Girth-grrove under neck . Beige-orage, bard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
295 778 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 778 Flagon with di c-rim, three-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, foot-ring. Complete. Flat cordon on shoulder. B ige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
93 807 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 807 Flagon with globular body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
302 595 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 595 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Complete. Girth-groove under neck. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
I03 290 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 290 Dish with slightly intum ed rim, conjcal body, slightly concave base. Complete. Brown-red, hard fabric, gray inside ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
309 206 Papogna. Cemetery Bellinzona Lo 206 Beaker with slightly out-turn ed rim, egg-shaped body, foot-disc. Complete. ordons on neck & boulder; four rows of barb. dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; v. sparse mica incl. ; J-ware. Unpublished.
I04 3 13 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 3 13 Dish with slightly intum ed rim, conical body two lug under rim, flat base. Broken. Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.3 12 729 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 729 Flagon with slightly out-turned triangular rim, three-ribbed handlle, biconical body, short foot-ring. Broken. Brown-r d, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
I06 284 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 284 Dish with vert. rim, vert. wall, convex base. Broken. Ext. burnish. Greyblack, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed.
34.3 13 787 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 787 Flagon with slightly out-turned triangular rim with internal bevel, tworibbed handle, pear-shaped body , foot-ring. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34. 107a 110 Papogna. Grave 5 Bellinzona Lo 110 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical carinated body, slightly concave fool-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim, roul. on body ; black slip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpublished.
34.3 14 802 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 802 Flagon with short collar, four-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, footring. Broken. Cordon under neck. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34.107b 96 Papogna. Grave 5 Bellinzona Lo 96 Thin walled cup with vert. rim , hemispherical carinated body. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves on neck and al carination ; roul. on body. Black, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
34.352 111 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 111 Cup with slightly inturned rim, hemispherical carinated body, foot-disc. Complet . Girth-groove und r rim ; two roul. band on body; black slip. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
1934.107c 1934.107c Papogna. Grave 5 Bellinzona not illus. Thin walled beaker. Fragment of biconical body with two concave halves and sharp carination. Stabbed ovals on carination . Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpubli hed.
34.353 245 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 245 Thin walled beaker with slightly out-turned rim, cylindrical indented body, foot-disc. Complete. Girth-grooves on shoulder and body; cordon on neck; black slip. Red-brown, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
116 300 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 300 Dish with rounded rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Broen, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
34.354 84 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 84 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, biconical body, foot-disc. Complete. Girth-groove on houlder ; black slip (fingerprints of potter on black slip). Black & grey, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
117 808 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 808 Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, pear-shap d body, slightly concave base. Broken. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
34.355 1934.355 Papogna . emctcry Locamo not illus. Bowl wi th intumed rim with reeding, globular body, concave ba c. Fragmentary . Beige-pink , hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quart z incl. Unp ubl ished.
concave base. omplelc. Girth-groove under rim and on body. Brownblack, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
34.358 7 Papogn a. cmctcry Locamo Lo 7 Cup with vert. rim, hemisp herica l body, foot-ring. Broken. Dark red slip ext. Red, bard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpubli hcd.
34.374 3 I Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 38 1 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. omplctc. Girthgroove under neck. Red and black, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quart z incl. ; M-warc. Ext. base rough urfacc . Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.359 163 Papogna. emctcry Locamo Lo 163 Beaker with inturned rim , globular body, slightly concave base . Com plete. xl. surface burnish . Black, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; O-war e. Unpublis hed.
34.375 5 Papogna. emetcry Locamo Lo 5 up with rounded rim, hemispherical body, foot-ring. omp lete. Dark red slip ext. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.360 403 Papogn a. emetery Locamo Lo 403 Bowl with out-turned rim , conical body, flat base. omplctc. Black and brown , hard fabric ; med . mica & sand incl. ; O-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublis hed.
34.376 493 Papogna. eme tery Locarno Lo 493 Jar with out-turned rim slightly, egg-s haped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublisbed.
34.36 1 429 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 429 Bowl with out-turned rim with lid seating, vcrt. neck, conical body, flat base. ompletc. Two girth-grooves under neck; cordon between the groove s. Beige , bard fabric; med . mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough urfacc. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed.
34.377 345 Papogna. cmete ry Locamo Lo 345 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with reeding, conica l body, short foot-ring. omplctc. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & qualz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.362 442 Papogna. cmctery Locarno Lo 442 Bowl wi th out-turn ed rim , conical body, lightly co ncave base. Comp lete. Black , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; -ware. Unpubli hed.
34.378 494 Papogna. cmctcry Locarno Lo 494 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with mall lid seating, carinatcd shoulder, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. omplete. Grey-b lack, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; O-warc. Traces or fire. Unpubli bed.
34.363 404 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 404 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. omplete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quatz incl. ; M-warc. Trace of fire. Unpubli bed.
34.3 0 688 Papogna. em tery Locarno Lo 68 Lid with inturncd expanded triangular rim, conical body, grip-disc. Complete. ordon under the grip. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.364 405 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 405 Bowl with out-turned rim , vert. neck, conical body, flat base. omplete. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. ; D-ware . Unpubli shed.
34.38 1 6 9 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 689 Lid with intumcd expanded triangular rim, conical body, lightly concave grip-disc. Broken. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34.365 458 Papogna. cmctery Locarno Lo 458 Jar with out-turned rim , egg-s haped body, slightly concave base. omplete. Black, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
34.382 56 1 Papogna. emetcry Locarno Lo 56 1 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. omplete. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. ; L-ware. xt. base rough surface. Unpublished.
34.366 460 Papogna. emetcry Locarno Lo 460 Jar with out-turned rim, slightly carinated boulder, egg-shaped body, concave base. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpubli shed.
34.385 5 19 Papogna. cmetcry Locarno Lo 5 19 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Two girth-grooves under neck. Beige-pink, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
34.367 459 Papogna. emctery Locarno Lo 459 Jar with out-turned rim, carinatcd shoulder, egg-shaped body, concave base. omp lete. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished. 34.369 559 Papo gna. emetery Locarno Lo 559 Jar wi th out-tu rned rim with internal bevel, egg- hapcd body, flat ba e. Broken. Beige , med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. ba e rough surface. Unpublished .
34.389 653 Papogna. cmetery Locarno Lo 653 Jar with slightly inturncd rim, barrel-shaped body, two lugs on shoulder, slightly concave base. Broken. Girt h-groove between the lugs. Dark beige, med. hard fabric, med. mica incl. Unpublished. 34.390 5 14 Papogna. emetery Locarno Lo 5 14 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, tlat base. Broken. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. ba c rough surface . Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.370 380 Papogna. emetery Locarno Lo 380 Bowl with out-turned rim, verl. neck, conical body, flat base. Comp lete. Beige- red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpubli shed .
34.398 53 1 Papogna. cmetery Locarno Lo 53 1 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. xt. ba e rough surface. Unpublished.
34.37 1 539 Papogna. Ceme tery Locamo Lo 539 Jar with slightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. omp lete. Girth-groove under neck. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; Lware. Ex t. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.400 679 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 679 Lid with slightly intumed rim, conical body, foot-disc. Complete. Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34.372 492 Papogn a. cmelery Locarno Lo 492 Jar with out-tu rned rim, egg-s haped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Two girth-grooves under neck . Beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Unpublished .
34.402 48 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 48 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemisp herical body, foot-disc. Broken. Three rows of applique rosettes on body ; red & black lip. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-ware. Unpublished .
34.3 73 16 1 Papogna. Ceme tery Locarno Lo I 61 Beaker with slightly intum cd rim triangular in section, globular body,
34.403 551 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 551 Jar with slightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, flat base. Complete. Girth-grooves on neck and over houldcr. Red-pink , med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc . Ext. ba e rough urfacc. Unpublished.
fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpubli shed. 34.419 862 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 862 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle, flanged neck, conical body, foot-ring. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quart z incl. ; Mwarc . Unpublished.
34.404 8 11 Papogna. Ceme tery Locarno Lo 8 11 Flagon with verl. rim with two internal girth-grooves, three-ribbed handle, globular body, concave base. Complete. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
34.420 599 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 599 Jar with out-turn ed triangular rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Complete. Two girth-grooves under neck . Orange , med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpubli shed.
34.405 8 16 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 816 Flagon with out-turned rim flattened on the top, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave base. Complete. Ext. surface burnish. Oran ge, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
34.42 1 553 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 553 Jar with slightly out-turned triangular rim, carinated shoulder , eggshaped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Red, med . hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Ext. base rough surface . Unpublished .
34.406 853 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 853 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle, flanged neck, biconical body, short foot-ring. Co mplete. Cordon & two girth-grooves on carination. Beige-red, med. hard fabric ; med . mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
34.422 138 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 138 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, cylindrical indented body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-grooves on boulder and body. Beige-yellow, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; I-ware . Unpublished.
34.407 720 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 720 Flagon with short collar, four-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, footring. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
34.423 461 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 461 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Two girth-grooves on shoulder and body. Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished.
34.408 809 Papogna. emetery Locarno Lo 809 Flagon with out-turned rim with internal bevel, three-ribbed handle, globular body, slightly concave base. xt. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished.
34.424a 898 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 898 Flagon with two-ribbed handle, flanged neck, hellipso idal body, footring. Fragmentary. Beige-red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished .
34.409 879 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 879 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle, flanged neck, hellipsoidal body, slightly concave base. Broken. Red-beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quatz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished .
1934.424b 1934.424b Papogna. cmetery Locamo Lo 346 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim with reeding, conical body, concave base. omplete . Orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hcd.
1934.4 10 85 1 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 85 1 Flagon with out-turned tringular rim, three-ribbed handle, flanged neck, pear-shaped body, slightly concave foot -disc. Complete. Ext. surface burnish. Dark beige, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34.425 513 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 5 13 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Complete. Beige-yellow, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & and incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpubli hcd.
34.411 789 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 789 Flagon with collar, two-ribbed handle , pear-shaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & and & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpublished.
34.426 899 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 899 Flagon with flanged neck, two-ribbed hand lle, ellipsoida l body, hort foot-ring. Fragmentary. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpublished.
34.4 12 733 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 733 Flagon with slightly out-turned rim, three-ribbed handlle, cylindrical carinated body, foot-ring. Complete. Two girth-grooves on shoulder. Brown-red, med. hard fabric ; med . mica &/ quartz & grog incl. ; Nware. Unpublished.
34.427 873 Papogna. Ceme tery Loca mo Lo 873 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle, flanged neck, globular body, foot-ring. Complete. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; Lware. Unpublished.
34.4 13 867 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 867 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle, flanged neck, hellipsoidal body, foot -ring. omplete. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34.428 760 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 760 Flagon with out-turn d triangular rim , bico nica l bod y, foot-ring. Fragmentary . Neck burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc . Unpublished.
34.4 14 786 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 786 Flagon with rounded rim flattened on the top, three-ribbed handle, pearshaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Complete. Ext. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Unpublished.
34.430 761 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 761 Flagon with out-turned o rim, two-ribbed handll e, pear-shaped body, foot-ring. Complete. Ext. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
34.415 902 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 902 Flagon with slightly out-turn ed triangular rim, four-ribbed handle, flanged neck, onion-shaped body, foot-ring. Complete. Ext. surface burnish. Beig , med. hard fabric ; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
34.542 78 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 78 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, conical body, foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-groove on shoulder. Beige-white, hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. ; I-ware. Unpublished.
34.416 804 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 804 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribb ed handle, globular body, foot-ring. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished. 34.4 17 891 Papogna. Cemetery Locarno Lo 89 1 Flagon with collar, high flanged neck, three-ribbed handlle, ellipsoidal body, short foot-ring. Complete. Girth-groove on houlder. Beige, hard
34.549 51 Papogna. Cemetery Bellinzona Lo 51 Thin walled cup with slightly intumed rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-di c. Broken. Two wide girth-groove on body. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; I-ware. Unpublished. 34 .550 237 Papogna. Cemetery Locamo Lo 237 Thin walled beaker with vert. rim, cylindrical body, slightly concave
HAPTER 10 foot-di c. Fragmentary. Four row of pla tic thorn on body ; girthgroove below. Grey, hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpubli hcd. 34.55 1 112 Papogna. cmetcry Bellinzona Lo 112 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical carinatcd body, lightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-groove under rim and on neck, rout. on body; black lip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; par c mica incl. ; -wa re. Unpublished. 34.553 I09 Papogna. cmetcry Locarno Lo I 09 Thin walled cup with hcmi pherical carinatcd body. Fragmentary. Barbotinc bands; girth-grooves; black lip. Grey, hard fabric; med. mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpubli hcd.
34.649b 1934.649b I Papogna. emctcry Bcllinzona not illus. up. Fragment or hemispherical carinated body. Girth-groove . Beige, hard fabric ; par c mica incl. Unpubli hcd.
34.556 447 Papogna. cmetcry Locarno Lo 447 Bowl with out-tum d rim, globular body, flat ba c. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard fabric with thin black core ; med. mica & and & grog incl. ; N-warc. Unpublished.
34.649b I 934.649b2 Papogna. emctcry Bcllinzona not illu . Thin walled beaker. Fragment of wall. Barbotinc dots. Beige, hard fabric ; spar c mica incl. Unpublished.
34.637 62 Papogna. cmetery Bcllinzona Lo 62 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hcmi phcrical b dy, foot-ring. Broken. Girth-groove under rim. rcy, hard fabric with red and grey core ; spa rse mica incl. ; A-ware. Unpublished.
34.650 29 Papogna. emctcry Bellinzona Lo 29 Thin walled cup. Fragment of vcrt. rim and hcmispcrical b dy. Girthgroove under neck; feather-like barbotine pall rn on body; brown-red lip. Beige, oft & powdery fabric ; par ·c mica incl. ; H-ware. Unpublished.
34.638 63 Papogna. cmetery Bellinzona Lo 63 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; A-ware. Unpubli hed.
1934.651 1934.65 1 Papogna. emctcry Bellinzona not illu . Thin walled cup. Fragment of hemispherical body. Barbotine drops on wall ; red lip. Beige, soft & powdery fabric ; spar e mica incl. Unpublished.
34.639 1934.639 Papogna. cmetery Bellinzona not illu . Thin walled cup. Fragment of hcmi perical body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. Unpubli hed.
34.652 210 Papogna. emetery Bcllinzona Lo 21O Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, lightly concave base. Broken. Beige, oft fabric ; par e mica incl. Unpublished .
34.640 97 Papogna. emetery Bellinzona Lo 97 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hcmi pherical carinatcd body, fi ot-di c. Broken. Girth-groove & roul. on body; cordon under rim. Beige, oft & powdery fabric; ·par e mica incl. ; D-warc. Unpubli hed.
1934.653 I O Papogna. Cemetery Bcllinzona Lo I 0 Thin walled beaker with egg- haped body, lightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-groove at mid-body; rout.; brown-red slip. Beigcorange, so n & powdery fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-warc. Unpublished.
34.641 119 Papogna. cmctery Bellinzona Lo 119 up with vert. rim, hcmi pherical carinated body, lightly conca c footdi c. Br ken. Grey, med. hard fabric ; par c mica incl. ; B-ware . Unpublished.
34.654 22 Papogna. emctery Bellinzona L 22 Thin walled beaker with vcrt. rim, conical b dy. Fragmentary. Girthgr ovcs under rim; vcrt. and horizontal hatching on b dy; grey slip. Dark red, hard fabric ; par · mica incl. ; L-warc.Unpublishcd .
34.642 131 Papogna. cmetery Locarno Lo 13 I Thin walled cup with lightly inturned rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. ordons & girth-groove under rim ; two roul. bands on body; black lip. rey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpubli hed.
1934.655 I 934.655 Papogna. cmetcry Bcllinzona not illu . Jar with egg- hapcd body. flat ba e. Fragmentary. Diagonal combing on body. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-warc. Unpublished. 1934.657 1934.657 Papogna. emetery Bcllinzona not illus. Fragment of thin walled cup or beaker. Unpublished.
34.644 1934.644 Papogna. cmetery Bcllinzona not illu . Thin walled cup. Fragment of h misphcrical carinatcd body. Roul. on wall ; black-grey lip. Grey, hard fabric ; par e mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpubli hcd.
34.65 880 Papogna. emetery Bcllinzona Lo 8 0 Flagon with vert. rim, three-ribbed handle , flanged neck, hcllip oidal body, lightly concave foot-di c. Broken. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; med . mica & sand & quartz incl. Unpublished.
34.645a 1934.645a Papogna. emetery Bcllinzona not illus. Thin walled cup. Fragment of wall. Roul. Grey, hard fabric; spar ·c mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpublished.
34.659 766 Papogna. rave 45 Bcllinzona Lo 766 Flagon with di c-rim, conical neck, four-ribbed handle, pear- haped body, foot-ring. Broken. Orange, med. hard fabric; med.mica & and incl. Unpubli hed.
34.645b 1934.645b Papogna. cmctery Bellinzona not illu . Flagon. Fragments of wall. Red, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; Lware. Unpublished.
34.660 730 Papogna. emetcry Bellinzona Lo 730 Flagon with lightly out-turned triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Broken. Neck & upper body burnish. Orange, hard fabric ; many mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Unpubli hed.
34.646 43 Papogna. emetery Bellinzona Lo 43 Thin walled cup with inturned rim, h mi phcrical body, foot-di c. Fragmentary. ordon under rim ; barbotine I ave on upper half of body ; rout. on lower half; black slip. rcy, oft & powdery fabric; spa r c mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpubli hcd. 44
Papogna. cmctcry
34.648 49 Papogna. emetery Bellinzona o 49 Thin walled cup with lightly out-turned rim, hemispherical carinatcd body. Fragmentary. Girth-groove on body; rout. on lower half or body; cordon under rim; barborinc ere cent on upp r half ofb dy. rcy, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; B-ware. Unpubli hed. 34.648b 120 Papogna. emetcry Bcllinzona Lo 120 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherica l carinated body, di c-foot. Fragmentary. Two cordon under rim ; roul. on body, black lip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; -ware . Unpublished.
34.555 344 Papogna. cmetery Locarno Lo 344 Bowl with intumed rim and reeding, globular b dy, concave bas . Fragmentary. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica and & quartz incl. Unpubli hed.
up with lightly out-turned rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-gro ves under rim ; barbotinc leaves (?) on houlder ; rout. on body. rcy, hard fabric, sparse mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpublished .
1934.661 1934.661 Papogna. Grave 4 Bcllinzona not illu . Flagon . ragment of wall. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; med. mica incl.
Lo 44
BlBLIO GRAPHY AND APP ENDICES Unpublished. 1934.662 1934.662 Papogna. Grave 2 1 Bellinzona nol illus. Flagon wilh vert. rim , llangcd neck, fool-disc . Fragmentary. Beigeorangc, hard fabric, med. mica & and incl. Unpublish d.
Jar with out-turned expanded triangular rim, vert. neck, egg-shaped body. Fragmentary. Black, hard fabric with brown core ; med. mica & sand incl. ; D-ware. Traces of fire. Unpublished . 34.680 600 Papogna. Grave 42 Bcllinzona Lo 600 Jar with out-turned expanded triangular rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave ba e. Frag mentary. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-brown, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Unpublished.
1934.664 1934.664 Papogna. Grave 2 1 Bellinzona nol illus. Flagon. Fragment of slightly concave fool-disc. Orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34.68 1a 1934.68 1a Papogna. Grave 42 Bellinzona not illus. Jar. Fragment of out-turned triangular rim. Beige, hard fabric with black core; med. mica & quartz incl. Unpublished.
34.669 367 Papogna. Grave 39 Be llinzona Lo 367 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, vert. neck, conical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. ; D-ware. Unpublished .
34.68 1b 1934.68 1b Papogna. Grave 42 Bellinzona not illus. Jar. Fragment of lightly concave base. Brown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.670 368 Papogna. Cemetery Bellinzona Lo 368 Bowl wilh out-turned triangular rim with internal bevel, vert neck, conical body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Girth-groove at midbody. Black, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; £-wa re. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.683 1934.683 Papogna. Cemetery Bellinzona not illu . Flagon. Fragment of wall. Beige-white, med. hard fabric, med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34.671 406 Papogna. Grave 34 Bell inzona Lo 406 Bowl with out-turned rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Ext base rough urface. Trace of fire. Unpublished.
34.684 1934.684 Papogna. Cemetery Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment of wall. Black, hard fabric, med. mica incl. Unpublished. 34.687 1934.687 Papogna. Cemetery Bcllinzona not illus. Dish. Fragment of wall with slightly inturned rim. Black, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; E-ware. Unpubli bed.
34.672 462 Papogna. Grave 42 Bellinzona Lo 462 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Girth-grooves under neck. Grey & beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
34.688 1934.688 Papogna. Cemetery Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment or wall. Orange , hard fabric, med. mica incl. Unpublished.
34.673 347 Papogna. Grave 38 Bellinzona Lo 347 Bowl with out-turned rim with reeding, conical body, slightly concave ba e. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; med . mica & sand incl. Ext base rough surface. Traces o_ffire. Unpublished.
34.690 1934.690 Papogna. Cemetery Bcllinzona not illus. Fragments of different vessels. Unpublished.
34.674 674 Papogna. Cemetery Bellin zona not illus. Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, egg- haped body, slightly concave ba e. Broken. Orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Ext. ba e rough surface.
34.692 1934.692 Papogna. Grave 45 Bellinzona not illus. Fragments of different vessels. Unpublished. 34.693 1934.693 Papogna. Grave 48 Bellinzona not illus. Fragments of different ves els. Unpublished.
34.675 552 Papogna. Grave 45 Bellinzona Lo 552 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with internal bevel, egg- haped body, concave base. Broken . Cordon under neck. Dark beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand fabric. Traces of fire. Unpubli hed.
34.695 1934.695 Papogna. Grave 39 Bellinzona nol illus. Fragments or diflere nt vessel . Unpubli hcd.
34.676a 463 Papogna. Grave 38 Bellinzona Lo 463 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave ba e. Broken . Orange, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. Ext ba e rough urface. Unpublished.
34.697 1934.697 Papogna. Grave 45 Bellinzona not illus. Fragment of different ve els. Unpublished. 1934.698 1934.698 Papogna. Grave 45 Bellinzona not illus. Fragments of different vessel . Unpublished.
34.676b 1934.676b Papogna. Grave 38 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment of wall. Orange, med. bard to hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
139.54.1 139.54. 1 Papogna. Grave I Bellinzona nol illus. Jar with out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Brown-red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. rivelli 1954, 110-111. Unpublished.
34.676c 1934.676c Papogna. Grave 38 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment of handle( ?). Brown-red, hard fabric; med. mica incl. Unpublished.
139.54.2 139.54.2 Papogna. Grave I Bellinzona not illus. Di h with vcrt. rim, conical body, lightly concave base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Traces of fire. Crivelli 1954, 110-111. Unpublished.
34.677a 464 Papogna. Grave 22 Bellinzona Lo 464 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpublished.
139.54.8 139.54.8 Papogna. Grave I Bellinzona not illus. Bowl with rounded rim, conical body, concave base. Complete. Redbrown, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Crivelli 1954, 110-111.
34.677b 1934.677b Papogna. Grave 22 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragment of neck. Orange, hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Traces of fire. Unpublished.
Maggia (Ma) 34.678 590 Papogna. Grave 26 Bellinzona Lo 590 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, egg-shaped body, concave base. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Beige, bard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hed. 34.679
Papogna. Grave 21
1936.1271 913 Maggia. Cemetery Locarno Ma 913 Flagon with di c rim, four-ribbed handllc, flanged neck onion-shaped body, fool-ring. Broken . Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpubli hcd.
Lo 500
1936. 1272 123 Maggia . Ccmclcry Locamo Ma 123 Thin walled cup with slighlly intumed rim, hemispherical carinalcd body, lighlly concave foot-disc. Broken . Two girth-grooves under rim ; barbotin c grapes & leaves on body. Red, med . hard fabri ; sparse mica incl. ; B-warc. Unpublished .
1936.56 Minusio-Cadra. Grave I Locamo Mi 276 276 Dish wilh inturned expanded triangular rim, conical body, lightly concave base. omplete. Red-brow n, hard fabric ; ext. and int. rim black surface ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces or fire. Simonett 194 1, 130 ; 13 1 fig. 112. 5.
1936. 1273 200 Maggia. Ceme tery Loca mo Ma 200 Beaker with ightly out-turned rim, egg-shaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken . Girth-grooves on boulder ; rows ofbarbo line dots on body. Beige , hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; J-warc . Trace. of lire. Unpublished.
1936.90 285 Minusio-Cadra. Grave I Locamo Mi 285 Dish with inturned expanded rounded rim, conical body, slightly concave ba e. Comp lete. Red, hard fabric ; ext. & int. black ur faces; spar c mica & sand incl. ; M-ware. Ext. base rough urface. Trace s of lire. imonctt I 94 1, I 30 ; 13 1 lig. 112. 1.
1936 .1273a 1936. 1273a Maggia . Cemetery Locamo not. illus. up with vertical rim, hemisp herical body, foot-ring. Broken. Barbotine dot on shoulder; black lip int. & ext. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. Unpubli shed.
1936.9 I 1936.9 1 Minusio/Muralto . Cemete ry Locamo not illus. Flanged flagon with out-t11med expanded rounded rim, three-ribbed handle, hellipsoidal body, concave foot-disc. Broken. Beige-orange , med . hard fabric ; sparse mica & and & quartz incl. Unpublished.
Minusio (Mi ) Prop erty Frizzi
907 Minusio-Friz zi. emc lcry Locamo Mi 907 Flanged flagon with vcrt. triangular rim, four-ribbed handle, hellipsoidal body, foot -ring. Broken . Beige, med. hard fabric ; spar c 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-warc . Unpublished.
Property Scascighini
Minusio- adra. Grave 4 Locarno Mi 66 1936.178 66 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical body with ca rinatcd wa ll, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-groove at mid-body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and incl. ; A-ware. imonctt 194 1, 134 ; 136 fig. 117.8. 1936. 18 1 134 Minusio- adra. Grave 4 Locamo Mi 134 Thin walled cup with out-turned rim, cylindrical body, lightly concave foot-di c. Comp lete. Girth-groove s and row of barbotine dots under rim; barbotine garlang or berries on body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. imonetl I 941, 134 ; 136 fig . 117 .26.
1945.49 1945.49 Minusio-Scasc igbini. Grave 4 Locamo not illu . Flagon. Fragment of neck. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Stockli 1975, 93.
1936.204 77 1 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 4 Locarno Mi 771 Flagon with collar, four-ribbed handle, pyriform body, foot-ring. omplete. Ext. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Simonett 1941, 137 ; 136 fig. 117.42
1945.50 I 2 Minusio- ca cighini. Grave 2 Locarno Mi 182 Thin walled beaker with vert. rim, ovoid body, lightly concave footdisc. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse small mica incl. ; I-ware. Stockli 1975,92.
Minusio-Cadra. Grave 4 Locamo M i 712 1936.205 7 12 Flagon with coltar, three-ribbed handle, biconic al body carinated on shoulder, foot-ring. Complete. Red, hard fabric ; parse mica incl. ; Lware. Simonett 1941, 137; 136 fig. 117.42.
1945.52 1945.52 Minu io- cascighini. Grave 3 Loca mo not illus. Flagon. Fragments of vert. rim, neck, handle and wall. xi. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Stockli 1975, 93.
1936.2 11 M inusio-Cadra . Grave 4 Locamo Mi 135 135 Thin walled cup with oul-tumcd rim, cylindrica l body, slightly concave foot-disc. ompletc. Girlh-groovc and row or barbotine dols under rim ; barbotinc garlang of dolted berries on body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. imoncu 194 1, 134.
1945.53 1945.53 Minu ·io- cascig hini. Grave 3 Loca mo not illu . Raised foot-ring cup. Fragments or foot and conical wall. Ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Red, med. hard fabric ; spar e mica incl. Stockli 1975, 93. 1945.67 67 Minusio-Scasc ighini. Grave 2 Locarno Mi 67 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical body with carinatcd boulder, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Girth-groove at mid-body. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. tokli 1975, 92. 1945 .69 656 Minusio-Sca cighini. Grave 3 Locarno Mi 656 Jar with short collar, conical neck, ovoid body, slightly concave footdisc. Broken . Wavy and horiz. incised lines on body. Red-oran ge, med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Crivelli 1946, 1226- 1227 ; Stockli 1975, 93. 1945.70 743 Minusio- cascighini . Grave 4 Locarno Mi 743 Flagon with vcrt. expanded rim, four-ribbed handle, hellip. oidal body, foot-ring . Broken. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-warc. Stockli 1975, 93.
Minusio-Cad ra. Grave I Locamo Mi 456 1936 .54 456 Bowl with sligh tly inturncd rim, carinated shoulder, conica l body, slightly concave base. Comple te. Beige-pink , med. hard to hard fabric ; spar e 0.25-0.5111111 mica & sand & quart z incl. Ext. base rough surface. Simo nett 194 1, 130 ; 13 1 fig.112.4 .
1936.236 255 Minusio- adra. Grave 5 Locamo Mi 255 Beaker with vcrt. rim, two lugs, cylindrica l body, flat base. omplete. Girlh-groovc betwee n lhc lugs. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Jwarc. Traces oflirc. imonctl 194 1, 139 fig. 119.29. 1936.253 1936.253 Minu io- adra. Grave 4 Locamo not illu . Flagon. Fragments or two-ribbed handle and foot-ring. Red-o range, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 134. 1936.255 734 Minusio- adra. Grave 5 Locamo Mi 734 Flagon with short collar, four-ribbed handle, cy lindrical body carinaled below shoulder and above foot, foot-ring. Broken. Ext. surface burni sh. Red-orange, med. hard fabric ; parse mica & quartz incl. imonett 194 1, 14 1 ; 139 fig. 119.35. Minusio-Cadra. Grave 5 Locarno Mi 716 1936.256 716 Flagon with curved collar, four-ribbed handle, biconical body carinaled on shoulder, foot-ring. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Lwarc. Simonett 194 1, 140 ; 139 fig. 119.27 . Minusio-Cadra. Grave 4 Loca rno Mi 60 1936.260 60 Thin walled cup with vcrt. rim, hemispherical body, foot-ring . Broken. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. imonetl 194 1, 134 ; 136 lig. 117. 14. 1936.263 1936.263 Minusio- adra. Grave 5 Locamo not illus. Flanged flagon. Fragment of out-turned rim and neck . Ext. surface neck burnish. Red, hard fabric; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica incl. ; L-warc . imonctt 194 1, 140.
grog incl. ; N-ware. Simonett 194 1, 126; 127 fig. 105.2.
Minusio-Cadra. Grave 5 Locamo Mi 256 1936.265 256 Beaker with vert. rim , two lugs, cylindrical body, slightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove between the lugs. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Traces offir e. Simonett 194 1, 140 ; 139 fig . 119. 14.
Minusio-Cadra. Grave 8 Locarno Mi 541 1936.456a 54 1 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim , ovo id body, flat base. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Simonett 194 1, 127 fig. 196. l .
Minusio-Cadra. Grave 9 Locamo Mi 824 1936.304 824 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, four-ribbed handle, globular body, footring. Complete. Red, hard fabric; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-warc. Simonett 194 1, 14 1 ; 142 fig. 12 1. 1.
1936.456b 454 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 8 Locarno Mi 454 Bowl. Fragment of verl. expanded round ed rim. Beige, hard fabric ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces o f fire. Unpubli shed.
Minu io-Cadra. Grave 9 Locamo Mi 72 1936.3 15 72 Thin walled cup wi th verl. rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Two cordons on rim; three rows of dots between the cordons. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. Simonett 194 1, 14 1 ; 142 fig. 12 1.2.
1936.456c 1936.456c Minusio-Cadra . Grave 8 Locamo not illus. Jar. Fragments of out-turned rim with lid sea ting, conical neck, shoulder, flat base. Red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica incl. ; L-ware. xt. base rough surface . Traces of fire. Unpubli shed.
1936.3 16 152 Minusio-Cadra. Grave IO Locamo Mi 152 Beaker with out-turn ed rim, globular body, flat base. Broken. Red, med. hard fabric; sparse mica incl. ; L-wa re. Simonett 194 1, 142; 143 fig. 122. 1.
Minusio-Cadra. Grave 11 Locarno Mi 20 1 1936.458 20 I Thin walled beaker with out-turn ed rim with internal beve l, ovo id body, foot-ring. Broken. Girth-grooves and cordon s on shoulder ; rows of dots on wall. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & quartz incl. ; J-ware. Simonett 1941, 145 fig. 16.
1936.3 17 43 1 Minu io-Cadra. Grave 11 Locamo Mi 43 1 Bow l with out-turn ed triangular rim with internal bevel, conical body, flat base. Complete. Wavy incised line on shoulder. Pink, hard fabric ; parse mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 145 fig. 124. 15.
188 Minu io-Cadra. Grave 14 Locarno Mi 188 1936.459 Beaker with vert. rim, conical body, concave base. Broken. Dark brown, bard fabric with red core ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 149 ; fig. 128. 10.
Minusio-Cadra. Grave 5 Locamo Mi 433 1936.324a 433 Bowl with verl. rim, conical body, lightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Red, med. hard to hard fabric; sparse mica incl. Associated with lid 1936.324b. Simonett 194 1, 140 ; 139 fig. 119.23.
1936.479 7 15 Minusio-Ca dra. Grave 10 Loca mo Mi 7 15 Flagon with funnel-shaped collar, plain handle, biconical body with high shoulder, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Oran ge-brown , med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 142; 143 fig. 122.3.
1936.324b 687 Minusio- Cadra. Grave 5 Locamo Mi 687 Lid with slightly out-turned rim, conical body, disc-grip. Broken. Red, med. hard to hard fabric; parse mica incl. A sociated with bowl 1936.324a. imonett 194 1, 140 ; 139 fig. 119.23.
1936.480 776 Minusio- adra. Grave 6 Locarno Mi 776 Flagon with pyriform body, two-ribbed handle, foot-ring. Fragme ntary ; rim and neck are missing. Brown-red, oft to med. bard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. Simonett 194 1, 14 1 fig. 120. I.
1936.343 1936.343 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 4 Locamo not illus. Jar with ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Roul. on body. Red, hard fabric; mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; L-ware. imonetl 194 1, 134 ; 136 fig. 13.
1936.482 68 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 15 Loca rno Mi 68 Thin walled cup witb slightly inturned rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, slightly concave foot-disc . Broken. Girth-groove at midbody. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. Simonett 194 1, 153 fig. 130.6.
Minusio-Cadra. Grave 13 Locamo Mi 6 15 1936.350 6 15 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Complete. Grey, soft fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz & organic material incl. ; F-ware. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 127 fig. 107.2.
1936.495 677 Minu io-Cadra. Grave 3 Loca rno Mi 677 Lid with conical body, flat grip. Broken. Black, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; £ -ware. Simonett 194 1, 126.
Minusio-Cadra. Grave 14 Locamo Mi 41 1936.372 4 1 Thin walled cup with inturned rim, hemispherical body, foot-disc. Complete. Girth-grooves on rim; barbotine grapes and leaves on shoulder ; roul. on body. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett 1941, 148, 15 1 fig. 128.6.
1936.506 177 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 16 Locarno Mi 177 Thin walled beaker with inturned rim, ovoid body, slightly concave footdisc. Complete. Seven rows of thumb impress ions on body. Grey-black, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; B-wa re. Simonett 194 1, 155 ; 154 fig. 131.4.
Minusio- adra. Grave 12 Locamo M i 385 1936.392 385 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, conical body, flat ba e. Complete. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 147 ; 148 fig. 126.19.
1936.5 10 752 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 16 Locarno Mi 752 Flagon with funnel-shaped rim, two-ribb ed handle, pyriform body, footring. Broken. xt. surface burnish. Red-oran ge, med. hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Simon ll 194 1, 155 ; 154 fig. 13 1.7.
] 936.4 14 23 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 15 Locamo Mi 238 Thin walled beaker with out-turned expanded rounded rim, cylindrical, slightly concave foot-disc. Complete. Girth-grooves under rim ; three rows of spikes on wa ll. Grey, hard fabric ; par e mica incl. ; B-ware. Simonett 194 1, 152; 153 fig. 130.3.
178 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 16 Loca mo Mi 178 1936.5 16 Thin walled beaker with out-turn ed rim , ovoid body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Cordon under nec k; ix row of nail indents on body girth-groove below the indents. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; B-ware. Simonett 194 I, 155 ; 154 fig. 13 1.4.
1936.443 865 Minu io-Cadra. Grave 7 Locamo Mi 865 Flanged flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, onion-shaped body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Beige, hard fabric ; spar e 0.25-0.5mm mica & grog incl. Simonett 194 1, 126 ; 127 fig. 105. 1.
1936.5 18 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 5 Loca mo Mi 136 136 Thin walled cup with out-turn ed rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, lightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Barbotine berries' garland between two rows of barbotine dots on body. Grey, hard fabric ; many mica & and & quartz incl. ; A-ware. Simonett 194 1, 140 ; 139 fig. 119. 17.
1936.444 604 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 7 Locamo Mi 604 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Beige and red, hard fabric ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and & quartz &
Minu io- adra. Grave JI
Loca rno Mi 232
Minusio- adra. Grave 7 Locarno Mi 693 1936.7 17c 693 Lid with conica l body, disc-grip. Fragmentary . Grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica incl. ; E-wa re. Trace of fire. imonetl 194 1, 126; 127 fig. 105.3.
Beaker with tapering rim , conical body, two lugs, slightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove between the lug . Beige-ye llow, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Simonett 194 1, 143 fig. 122. 1. 1936.536 864 Minusio- adra. Grave 16 Locarno Mi 864 Flanged nagon with three-ribbed handle, hellip oidal body, foot-ring. Broken. • xt. surface neck burnish. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; sparse 0.250.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Simonett 194 1, 155.
Minusio- adra. Grave 7 Locarno Mi 408 1936.7 17d 408 Bowl with out-turned expanded rounded rim, conical body, flat base. Fragme ntary. Co rdon under neck. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; N-warc . imonett 194 1, 126 ; 127 fig. I05.3.
Minu io- adra. Grave 20 Locarno Mi 504 19 6.580a 504 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, vert. neck, ovoid body, nat base. omplete. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & and & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. xt. base rough surface. Simonett 194 1, 128 ; 129 fig. 110. 1.
1936.73 1 9 14 Minusio-Ca dra. Gravc2 Locarno Mi9 14 Flanged flagon with out-turned expanded rounded rim, four-ribbed handle, globu lar body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Grey , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; D-ware. Simonett 194 1, 126 fig. I 04.1. 174 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 2 Locarno Mi 174 1936.734 Thin walled beaker with inturned rim, ovoid body, high foot-disc. Fragmentary. Cordon under rim ; lattice hori z. and vert. pattern on body; ext. urface black slip. Beige-pink , oft fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Hware. Simonett 194 1, 126 fig. 104.3.
148 Minusio- adra. Grave 13 Loca rno Mi 148 1936.636 Thin walled beaker with vert. rectangular rim, conica l body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 128; 127 fig. 107.5. Minu io- adra. Grave 14 Locarno Mi 4 14 1936.637 4 14 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim , co nical body, flat base. Fragmentary. Beige-white, hard fabric; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand incl. Simonett 194 1, 150.
1936. 768 187 Minusio- adra. Grave 26 Locarno Mi 187 Beaker with inturned rim, ovoid body, lightly concave base. Broken. irth-groovcs on boulder and wa ll. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and incl. ; L-warc. Traces or fire. imonctt 194 1, 159 fig. 136.5.
1936.64 1 626 Minusio- adra. Grave 19 Locarno Mi 626 Jar with out-turned rim with lid seating, ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; parse 0.25-1mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Ext. ba e rough surface. Traces of lire. Simonett 1941 , 155 fig. 132. 1.
Minusio- adra. Grave 26 Locarno Mi 469 1936.769 469 Jar with out-turned rim, egg-s haped body, concave base. Red hard fanric ; med. mica & and & quartz incl. ; M-war e. imonetl 194 1, 159 fig. 136.4.
1936.65 1a 418 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 23 Loc amo Mi 4 18 Bowl with out-turned expanded rounded rim with lid seating and internal cordon, conical body, flat ba e. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; M-ware. xt. base rough ·urfacc. Traces of lire. Simonett 1941, 156 fig. 133.6.
Minusio-Cadra. Grav e 26 Locarno Mi 3 12 1936.770 3 12 Dish with inturned rounded rim, curved wa ll, slightly concave base. Broken . Girth-groove under rim. Red, hard fabric ; par c mica & and incl. ; M-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Simo nett 194 1, 158 ; 159 fig. 136.1.
1936.65 1b 627 Minusio- adra. Grave 23 Locarno Mi 627 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim with lid seating, conica l body, nat base. Fragmentary. Red-orange, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-1 mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Trace of fire. imonett 194 1, 156 fig. 133.5.
1936.78 1936.788 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 15 Locarno not illus. Flanged flagon. Fragments of vert. rim triangular in cction, foot-ring. · xt. surface burnish. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & grog incl. ; N-ware . imonctt 194 1, 153 fig. 130.14.
1936.655 827 Minusio- adra. rave 23 Loca rno Mi 27 Flagon with out-turned expanded rounded rim with internal beve l, threeribbed handle, globular body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red-orange, med. hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; Nware. Simonett 194 1, 156 lig. 133. 1.
1936 .8 10 47 1 Minusio-Cadra .Grave25 Locamo Mi4 7 1 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim, conical b dy, Oat base. Broken . irth-groove on shoulder. Red-pink , med. hard fabric ; parse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Ext. ba c rough surface. Trace. of fire. Simonett 194 1, 157 ; 158 fig. 135.2 .
1936.660 61 Minusio- adra. Grave 5 Loca rno Mi 6 1 Thin walled cup with rounded rim, hemispherical cup with slightly carinated wall, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary . Grey, med. hard fabric ; many mica & sand incl. ; A-ware. Simonett 194 1, I 3 7 ; 139 lig. 119.2.
1936.8 12 2 14 Minusio-Cadra . Grav e 12 Locamo Mi 2 14 Thin walled beaker with out-turned rim, high ovoid body, slightly concave foot-disc . Broken. Girth-groov e and co rdon on shoulder ; rows or dots on wa ll. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; J-warc. imonctt 194 1, 146 ; 148 fig. 126. I.
1936.677 240 Minusio- adra. Grave 19 Locarno Mi 240 Thin walled beaker with rounded rim, cylindrical upper body, conical lower body, slightly concave foot-di c. Fragme ntary. Girth-grooves on body; ext. surface trace of red slip. Red, oft fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-ware. imonctt 194 1, 156.
1936.829 1936.829 Minusio- adra . Grave 25 Locarno not illu . Flagon with out-turned rim, three-ribbed handle, pyriform body, slightly concave ba ·e. Fragme ntary. xt. surface burni sh. Graffito P V 1/ on wall. Red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & grog incl. ; N-warc. imonett 194 1, 157; 158 fig. 135. 1.
1936.680 660 Minu io- adra. Grave 14 Locarno Mi 660 Jar with inturned expanded rounded rim, barr el-shaped body, slightly concave base. Broken. Girth-grooves under rim . Brown-bl ack, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of lire. Simonett 194 1, 148 ; 15 1 fig. 128.8.
1936.83 1 20 Minusio- adra . Grave 24 Locarno Mi 20 Thjn walled cup with rounded rim, hcmi pherical body, foot-di c. Fragme ntary. Two girth-grooves under rim ; ext. urfacc rough-ca t ; ext. & int. surfaces red slip. Red. Med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Hware. Simonett 194 1, 157.
1936.68 1 1936.68 1 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 2 1 Loca mo not illus. Flagon. Fragment of foot-ring. Pink-orange, hard fabric ; sparse 0.250.5mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-war e. Simonett 194 1, 129.
1936.873 7 17 Minusio-Cadra . Grave 24 Locarno Mi 7 17 Flagon with out-t urned expanded round ed rim, four-ribbed handle, footring. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & quartz incl. Simonett 194 1, 157 fig. 134.4.
1936.696 1936.696 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 15 Locamo not illus . Flagon. Fragments of vert. triangular rim, Clanged neck , wall. Two girthgrooves on wall ; ext. surface burni h. Red , hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Simonett 194 1, 153.
1936.883 486 Minusio- adra . Grave 2 1 Locarno Mi 486 Jar with vcrt. expanded rounded rim, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Grey and pink, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-1 mm mica & and & quartz incl.
Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 129. 1936.963 785 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 25 Locamo Mi 785 Flagon with vert. expanded round ed rim, three-ribbed handle, pyrifom, body with carination above the foo t, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. xt. surface burnish. Red, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Simonett 194 1, 157 ; 158 fig. 135. 1.
foot-disc. Complete. Girth-grooves on neck and body ; barbotine leave, and grapes on body ; rout. above foot; black slip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; 8 -warc. Unpublished.
Prop erty Pfeiffer
1942. 1 793 Minusio-PfeifTer. emetcry Locarno Mi 793 Flagon. Fragments of mushroom-shaped rim and foot-ring. Beige-pink, med. hard fabric ; spar c mica incl. Unpublished.
1936.994 25 1 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 3 1 Loca mo Mi 25 1 Beaker with vert. rim , two lugs, cy lindrica l body, slightly concave base. Complete. Girth-groove betwee n the lugs. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; J-warc. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 163 ; 167 fig. 142.5. 1936. 1010 337 Minusio-Ca dra. Grave 133 Locamo Mi 337 Bowl with inturned rim with reeding, two indented lugs, conica l body, slightly concave base. Broken. Red, med. hard to hard fabric ; int. surface black ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. ; M-ware. Traces of fire. Simon ett 194 1, 174 fig . 148. 16.
1942.2 79 1 Minusio-Pfeiffcr. Cemetery Locamo Mi 79 1 Flagon. Fragments of biconical body and foot-ring. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
Minusio , Cemeter y
1936. 1022 2 19 Minusio-Ca dra . Grave 33 Locarno Mi 2 19 Thin walled beake r with out-turn ed rim with internal beve l, ovo id body , slightly concave foot-disc. Complete. Girth-grooves and cordons on shoulder ; rows of dots on wa ll. Beige, med. hard to hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. ; J-ware. Simonett 194 1, 169; 174 fig. 148 . 1.
2254b is 353 Minusio. Cemetery Locarno Mi 353 Bowl with slightly inturned rim, biconical body, flat base. Broken. Grey, hard fabric ; spa rse 0.25-0.5 mm mica & sand inc l. ; 0 -wa r . Unpublished.
1936. I048 358 Minu sio-Cadra. Grave 31 Locamo Mi 358 Bowl with out-turn ed expanded rounded rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Girth-groove on shoulder. Grey, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; D-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 166 ; 167 fig. 142. 15.
Moghegno (Mo) 164.94. 1 585 Moghegno. Grave I Bellinzona Mo 585 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Broken. Grey, bard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. ; D-ware. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 95. 164.94.5 164.94.5 Moghegno. Grave I Bellinzona not illus. Fragment of wall. Hard fabric; sparse mica & sand incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 95.
1936.1146 128 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 28 Locamo Mi 128 Thin walled cup w ith rounded rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, slightly concave foot-disc. Frag mentary. Cordons under rim, barbotine vert. stabs and rout. the body, girth-groove below; ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-wa re. Simonett 1941, 160.
164.94.6 632 Moghegno. Grave 2 Bellinzona Mo 632 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid seating, ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Orange-brown, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 95.
1936.1202 885 Minusio-Ca dra. Grave 29 Loca rno Mi 885 Flanged flagon with vert. triangu lar rim , globular body, slightly concave foot-disc. Fragmentary. Grey, hard fabric ; spares 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. ; D-ware. Simonett 194 1, 130.
164.94.20 1 164.94.201 Moghegno. Grave 2 Bellinzona not illus. Flagon. Fragments of wall. Pink, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 95.
1936. 1233 46 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 33 Loca mo Mi 46 Thin walled cup with rounded rim , hemispherica l body with slightly carinated wall, slightly concave foot-disc. Frag mentary. Girth-groove under rim ; comb stabbing on body; ext. & int. surfaces black lip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; B-wa re. Simonett 1941, 169.
164.94.202 164.94 .202 Moghegno. Grave 2 Bellinzona not illus. Jar. Fragment of wall. Beige hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 95. 164.94.203 164.94.203 Moghegno. Grave 2 Bellinzona not illus. Jar. Fragment of out-turned rim. Beige hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 95.
1936. 1248 50 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 33 Locamo Mi 50 Thin walled cup with intumed rim, hemis pherical body, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Two girth-grooves on body. Beige-white, med. hard fabric ; sparse small mica incl. ; I-wa re. Simonett 194 1, 169.
164.94. 11 436 Moghegno. Grave 3 Bellinzona Mo 436 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Grey, hard fabric ; many 0.5-1mm mica & sand & quartz incl. ; 0 -ware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of lire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 95.
1936. 1254 640 Minusio-Cadra. Grave 27 Loca rno Mi 640 Ja r w ith wide co llar, vert. nec k, barrel-shaped body, flat base. Fragmentary. Red, hard fabric ; spars 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Simonett 194 1, 130.
164.94. I 9 5 10 Moghcgno. Grave 4 Bellinzona Mo 5 I 0 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim with internal bevel, vert. neck, ovoid body, Oat base. Complete. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; sparse 0.51mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 96.
Ex -coUection G. Fiori
00.77 00.77 Minu sio. Ex-c ollection G. Fiori Locamo not illus. Flanged flagon with out-turn ed triangular rim, globular body with vert. section at mid-body, foot-ring. Co mpl ete but handle missing. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; L-ware. Unpublished.
164.94.20 784 Moghegno. Grave 4 Bellinzona Mo 784 Flagon with out-turned tringular rim, three-ribbed handle, vert. neck, pyriform body, slightly concave foot-disc. Complete. Red-orange, hard fabric ; sparse l- 1.5mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, 96.
Prop erty Bonfanti
164.94.28 137 Moghegno. Grave 5 Bellinzona Mo 137 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, cylindrical body, foot-disc. Complete. Girth-groove and indents on wall. Beige, hard fabric ; v. parse small mica incl. ; I-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, 62-3.
239 Minu io-Ca dogno. emetery Loca rno Mi 239 Thin walled beake r with bead rim, cy lindrical body, slightly concave
164.94.34 5 11 Moghegno. Pit 6/2 Bellinzona Mo 5 11 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim, verl. neck, ovoid body, Oat base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; v. parse 0.25-0 .5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. xl. base rough surface. Traces of lire. Biaggio imona 1995, 96.
Simona 1995, 97. 164.94.95 586 Moghegno. Grav e 13 Bellinzona Mo 586 Jar with out-turn ed triangular rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Complete. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- I .5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough urfac c. Trace s of fire. Biagg io imona 1995, 97.
164.94.37 6 11 Moghcgno. Grave 7 Bellinzona Mo 6 11 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, barrel- haped body, Oat base. Broken. Red-orange, hard fabric ; v. parse 0. 5- 1mm mica & and & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Ext. ba e rough surface. Biaggio Simona 1995, 645.
164.94 .96 906 Moghegno. Grave 13 Bellinzona Mo 906 langcd llagon with vert. triangular rim, two-ribbed handle, onionshaped body, foot-ring. Broken. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; Lware. Biaggio Simona 1995, 97.
164.94.38 I05 Moghcgno. Grave 7 Bcllinzona Mo I05 Thin walled cup with vcrl. rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, foot-disc. Complete. Girth-grooves under rim; roul. on body; exl. & int. urfaccs black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse mall mica incl. ; Bwarc. Biaggio Simona 1995, 64-5.
164.94 . 102 724 Moghegno . Grave 14 Bellinzona Mo 724 Flagon with hort collar, two-ribbed handle, bico nical body, foot-ri ng. Broken. Ext. surface burnish. Beige, med . hard fabric ; parse 0.250.5mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-wa re. Biaggio Simona 1995, 97.
164.94.4 1 164.94.4 1 Moghcgno . Grave 7 Bellinzona not illu . Jar. Two fragments of wall. Beige, bard fabric ; spar c 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 64.
164.94 . 108 669 Moghegno . Grave 15 Bellinzona Mo 669 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim w ith lid seating, vert. neck, ovoid body, slightly concave ba e. Broken. irth groove und er neck and on shoulder. Red-orange fabroc, med . hard ; ext surface beige ; sparse small mica & and incl. Biagg io Simo na 1995, 78 ; 80.
164.94.43 602 Moghcgno. Grave Bellinzona Mo 602 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Complete. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; v. sparse 0.25-0 .5mrn mica & sand incl. Biagg io imona 1995, 66 ; 6 .
164.94. 116 622 Moghegno. rave 16 Bellinzona Mo 622 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid sea ting, ovoid body, lightly concave ba e. Broken. Beige-orange , hard fabric ; parse O. l-0 .5mm mica & and & quartz incl. xl. ba e rough urface. Trace of fire. Biaggio imona 1995, 98.
164.94.44 12 1 Moghegno. Gravc Bellinzona Mo1 2 1 Thin walled cup with vcrl. rim, carinatcd body, slightly concave footdisc. Complete. Girth-groove under rim, two roul. bands on body ; ext. & int. urfaces black slip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; -ware. Biaggio imona 1995, 66 ; 68.
I 64.94.130 558 Moghegno. Grave 18 Bellinzona M 558 Jar with out-turn ed expanded rounded rim with internal bevel, ovoid body, lightly concave ba e. omplete. Grey-pink, hard fabric ; par e 0.25-0.Smm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. ba e rough urface. Traces of lire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 98.
164.94.45 918 Moghegno. Grave 8 Bellinzona Mo9 I Jug with trilid rim, two-ribbed handle, nanged neck, biconical rounded body, slightly concave foot-disc. Complete. Ext.surface red slip. Bcigcpink, soft to med. bard fabric ; parse small mica incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 66 ; 68.
164.94. 136 164.94. 136 Moghegno. Grave I Bellinzona not illus. Jar. Fragment of wall. Beige, hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand incl. Trace of fire. Biaggio imona 1995, 98.
164.94.54 4 Moghegno . Grave 9 Bellinzona Mo 4 I Jar with out-turned rim ovoid body, lightly concave ba e. Broken. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and & quartz incl. Ext base rough surface. Traces of lire. Biagg io Simona 1995, 96.
164.94. 137 482 Moghcgno. Grave 19 Bellinzona Mo 4 2 Jar with out-turned expanded round ed rim , ovoid body, flat base. Broken. irth groove on shoulder. Light brown , hard fabric ; spar c mica & and incl. Trace or fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 99.
164.94.59 6 I2 Moghcgno. Grave IO Bcllinzona Mo 6 I2 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, lightly concave base. ompletc. Girth-groove under neck. Beige, hard fabric ; v. sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Trace or fire. Biagg io Simona 1995, 97.
164.94.204 164 .94.204 Moghegno. Grave 20 Bellinzona not illus. Jar. Two fragment of wall. Red-oran ge, hard fabric ; ext. surface grey ; parse 0.25-0.5mm mica & and & quart z incl. Traces of fire. Biaggio imona 1995, 99.
164.94.72 638 Moghcgno. Grave 11 Bcllinzona Mo 638 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid eating, barrel- haped body, lightly concave base. ha gmentary. Girth-groove under neck. Light brown, med . hard fabric ; many 0.1-0.5 mica & sand incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 70 ; 72.
164.94. 148 2 Moghegno. Grave 2 1 Bellinzona Mo 2 Raised foot-ring cup with slightly inturned rim, hemi pherica l body. Broken. ordon and nattened dots under rim ; girth-grooves at mid-bod y. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; J-war e. Biaggio Simona 1995, 100.
164.94.83 557 Moghegno. Grave 12 Bellinzona Mo 557 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim with internal bevel, ovoid b dy, slightly concave ba e. omplete. Beige-grey, med. hard fabric ; spar e 0. 1-0.5 mica & sand incl. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 74 ; 76.
164.94 . 149 57 1 Moghegno . Grave 2 1 Bellinzona Mo 571 Jar with out-turned rim, vert. neck, ovoid body, concave ba e. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-pink , hard fabric ; sparse 0. I -0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 100.
164.94.84 723 Moghegno. Grave 12 Bellinzona Mo 723 Flagon with hort collar, two ribbed handle, biconical/pyriform body, foot-ring. Broken. Orange, hard fabric ; med. with mica & and & quartz incl. Neck & boulder burnished. Biaggio imona 1995, 74 ; 76.
164.94. 155 5 12 Moghcgno. Grave 22 Bellinzona Mo 5 12 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim , vert. neck, ovoid body, lightly concave ba c. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Ext. ba e rough surface. Trace of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 100.
164.94 .92 164.94 .92 Moghegno. Grave 12 Bcllinzon a not illus. Thin walled cup and jar. Fragments. Biaggio Simona 1995, 74.
164.94. 156 I 06 Moghegno . Grave 22 Bcllinzona Mo I06 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispharical body with sharp ly carinated wall, slightly concave foot-disc. Broken. Rout. on body ; ext. & int. surfaces black lip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. spar e small mica incl. ; Bware . Biaggio imona 1995, I00.
164.94.94 93 Moghcgno. Grave 13 Bellinzona Mo 93 Thin wa lled cup with verl. rim, hemispherical body with slightly carinatcd wall , foot-di c. Broken. Cordon under rim, barbotinc grapes and leaves on upper half or the body; roul. on the half; ext. & int. surface black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse mall mica incl. ; B-ware . Biaggio
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND APP E DICES 164.94. 166 3 Moghegno. Grave23 Bcllin zona Mo 3 Raised foot-ring cup with out-turned rim, hemispherical body. Broken. Ext. surface black slip. Orange-red, hard fabric ; v. sparse mica & sand incl. ; L-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, IOI.
164.94.236 233 Moghegno. Grave 32 Bcllinzona Mo 233 Beaker with rounded rim, two lugs, conical body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Girth groove between the lugs. Beige-pink, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 83-4.
164.94. 167 384 Moghegno. Grave 23 Bellinzona Mo 384 Bowl with out-turned triangular rim, conical body, flat base. Broken. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; sparse 0.5-1 mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona J 995, IOI.
164.94.237 803 Moghegno. Grave 32 Bcllinzona Mo 803 Flagon with out-turned rim with lid seating, three-ribbed handle, pyriform body, v. low foot-ring. Complete. Girth-groove under neck; cordon on body under the handle. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand. Biaggio Simona 1995, 83 ; 85.
164.94. 168 572 Moghegno. Grave 23 Bellinzona Mo 572 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovo id body, slightly concave base. Broken. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-grey, hard fabric ; v. sparse 0.11mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, IOI.
164.94.238 781 Moghegno. Grave 32 Bellinzona Mo 78 1 Flagon with out-turned rim with external cordon and internal bevel, three- ribbed handle, pyriform body, slightly concave foot-disc. Complete. Girth-groove under neck. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- I .5mm mica & sand & quartz & grog inlcusion . ; N-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, 83 ; 85.
164.94. 182 623 Moghegno. Grave 24 Bellinzona Mo 623 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim with lid seating, ovoid body, flat base. Broken. Beige, hard fabric ; spars 0.25-0.5mm mica & and & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, IOI.
164.94.244 633 Moghegno. Grave 33 Bcllinzona Mo 633 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim with lid seating, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Complete. Girth-groove under neck. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25- 1mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 104.
164.94.186 573 Moghegno. Grave 25 Bellinzona Mo 573 Jar with out-turned expanded rounded rim with lid seating, ovoid body, !lat base. Broken. Beige-orange, med. hard fabric ; many 0.25- I .5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Biaggio Simona 1995, 102.
164.94.266 667 Moghegno. Grave 34 Bellinzona Mo 667 Jar with out-turned rounded rim with lid eating, ovoid body, flat ba c. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse 0.25-0.5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 6 ; 88.
164.94. 187 172 Moghegno. Grave 25 Bellinzona Mo 172 Beaker with out-turned rounded rim, ovoid body, foot-disc. Complete. Two girth-grooves and roul. on body; ext. surface and int. rim black slip. Red, med. hard fabric ; v. sparse mica & quartz incl. ; L-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, 102.
164.94.274 164.94.274 Moghegno. Grave 34 Bellinzona not illu . Fragments of three different vessels. Biaggio Simona 1995, 86. 164.94.277 124 Moghegno. Grave 35 Bellinzona Mo 124 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body with carinatcd wall, foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves under rim; barbotine dolled triangles and crescents on body; trace of black slip. Grey, med. hard fabric ; v. sparse small mica incl. ; B-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, I05.
164.94.195 164.94. 195 Moghcgno. Grave 26 Bell inzona not illus. Flagon and jar . Fragments. Biaggio Simona 1995, I 02. 164.94.208 578 Moghegno. Grave 29 Bellinzona Mo 578 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, ovoid body, flat ba e. Comp lete. Girth-groove under neck. Beige-pink , med. hard fabric ; spar c mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. ba e rough surface. Biaggio Simona 1995, I 03.
164.94.278 204 Moghegno. Grave 35 Bcllinzona Mo 204 Thin wa lled beaker with out-turned rim, ovoid body, foot-ring. Complete. Corrugated neck and shoulder; eight row of dots on body. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; J-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, 105.
164.94.209 903 Moghegno. Grave 29 Bellinzona Mo 903 Flanged flagon with out-turned rounded rim, three-ribbed handle, onionshaped body, foot-ring. Complete. Ext. surface burnish. Red-orange, hard fabric; parse mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, I 03.
164.94.279 739 Moghegno. Grave 35 Bellinzona Mo 739 Flagon with out-turned triangular rim with lid eating, three-ribbed handle, vcrt. neck, biconical body, foot-ring. Complete. Red-orange, hard fabric ; spar e mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, I 05.
164.94.2 14 5 17 Moghegno. Grave 30 Bellinzona Mo 5 17 Jar with out-turned triangular rim with lid sea ting, vcrt. neck, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under neck. Red-orange, hard fabric; many 0.5-1mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. ; N-ware. Ext. base rough surface. Biaggio Simona 1995, 103.
164.94.280 38 Moghegno. Grave 36 Bcllinzona Mo 38 Thin walled cup with inturned rim, hemispherical body, slightly concave foot-di c. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves under rim and over foot; roul. on body; trace of red lip. Red-orange, son & powdery to med. hard fabric; parse mica incl. ; H-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, 105.
164.94.2 15 858 Moghcgno. Grave 30 Bellinzona Mo 858 Flanged flagon with vcrt. triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, onionshaped body, low foot-ring. Fragmentary. Girth-groove s at mid-body. Red-orange, hard fabric ; sparse 0.5-1 mm mica & sand & quartz & grog incl. Biaggio Simona 1995, 103.
164.94.28 1 483 Moghegno. Grave 36 Bcllinzona Mo 483 Jar with out-turned triangular rim, vert. neck, ovoid body, slightly concave base. Complete. Girth-groove under neck. Red-orange, hard fabric ; many 0.5- I .5mm mica & sand & quartz incl. Traces of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, I 06.
164.94.223 499 Moghegno. Grave 3 1 Bellinzona Mo 499 Jar with out-turned rim, vert. neck, ovoid body, flat base. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under neck ; ext. surface burnish. Beige, hard fabric ; sparse mica & and & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Trace of fire. Biaggio Simona 1995, 104.
164.94.2 2 770 Moghegno. Grave 36 Bellinzona Mo 770 Flagon with vert. triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, pyriform body, low foot-ring. Fragmentary. Red-orange, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand. Biaggio Simona 1995, I 06.
I 64.94.224 164.94.224 Moghegno. Grave 3 1 Bellinzona not illus. Fragment of different vesse ls. Biaggio Simona 1995, 104.
I 64.94.292 39 Moghegno. Grave 37 Bcllinzona Mo 39 Thin walled cup with intumcd rim, hemispherical body, low foot-ring. Fragmentary. Girth-grooves under rim and on body ; roul. on body; trace of red slip. Red-orange, oft & powdery to med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. ; H-ware. Biaggio Simona 1995, I06.
164.94.235 122 Moghegno. Grave 32 Bellinzona Mo 122 Thin walled cup with vert. rim, hemispherical body with carinated wall, foot-disc. Fragmentary. Girth-groove under rim; roul. on body; ext. & int. surfaces black slip. Grey, hard fabric ; v. par e mall mica incl. ; Cware. Biaggio Simona 1995, 83 ; 84.
164.94.293 893 Moghcgno. Grave 37 Bcllinzona Mo 893 Flan ged flagon with vert. triangular rim, three-ribbed handle, hellipsoid al body, foot-ring. Fragmentary. Beige, med. hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand incl. Biagg io Simona 1995, I06.
Tenero (Te) 00.73 665 Tenero. Grave 68 Locarno Te 665 Beaker with slightly out-turned rim, carinatcd shoulder, g lobular body, lightly concave base. ompl ete. Beige, med. hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Traces of tire. ilvestrini 1940, 330.
164 .94.3 00 40 Moghegno. Grave 38 Bellinzona Mo 40 Thin wa lled cup with inturned rim, hemispherica l body, low foot-ring. ompl etc. Girth-grooves under rim and on body ; roul. on body; traces o f red slip. Beige, so ft & powdery fabric; sparse small mica incl. ; Hware. Biagg io Simona 1995, 107. I 64.94.30 I 725 Moghcgno. Grave 38 Bcllinzona Mo 725 Flagon with sho rt co llar. two-ribbed handle, biconical body, foot-ring. Frag mentary. Beige -pink , med. hard fabric ; sparse mica incl. Biaggio Simona I 995, 107. I 64.94.305 66 Moghcgno. Grave 40 Bellinzona Mo 668 Jar with out-turn ed expanded rounded rim with lid sea ting, ovo id body, slightly concave base. Fragmentary. Beige-orange, hard fabric ; sparse mica & sand & quartz incl. Ext. base rough surface. Biagg io Simona 1995, 107.
Riazzino (Ri ) 1938 . 1000 Riazzino. cmctcry Locarno not illus. Flagon . Fragment of neck. Beige, med . hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpubli shed. 1938. 100 I Riazzino. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Fla gon . Fragment of neck & handle. Red, med . hard fabric ; med . mica incl. Unpubli shed. 1938 . 1002 Riazzino. emetery Locarno not illu . Flagon . Fragment o f ring-fool. Beige, hard fabric with grey core ; med. mica incl. Unpubli shed. 1938. 1003 Riazzino. Cemetery Locarno not illus. Cup . Fragment of inturncd rim and curved wall. Trace of black slip. Dark red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli shed.
193 I. 19 1 8 10 Tencro. Cemetery Loca rno Te 8 I 0 Flagon with verl. rim, three-ribbed handle, pear-shaped body, co ncave base. Complete. Ext. surface burnish. Orange, med. hard to hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ; M-Ware. Unpubl ished . 193 1.193 193 1. 193 Tenero. Cemetery Locarno no t illu . Flagon with out-turned rim with horiz. internal beve l, three-ribb ed handle, pear- hapcd body, concave base. Complete. Red, med . hard fabr ic ; med. mica & quartz incl. ; M-wa re. Unpubli hcd . 193 1.194 193 I. 194 Tenero. Grave 11 Loca rno not illus. Jar with out-turned rim with corrugated wa ll and internal girth groove , two three-ribbed handles, egg-s haped body, co ncave base. Co mplete. Pink-orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Silvest rini 1940, 325. 193 1.425 Tcnero. Grave 4 1 338 Loca mo Tc 338 Bowl with inturncd rim with reeding, hemis pherica l body, two indented lugs, slightly concave base. Broken. Pink-orange, med. hard fabric ; med. mica & sand incl. ilvestrini 1940, 32 . 193 1.2272 193 1.2272 Tenero. Cemetery Loca rno 193 1.2272 Flagon with vcrl. rim, three-ribb d handle, flanged neck, globular body, concave base. omplete. Ext. surface burnish. Beige, hard fabric ; med . mica & and & grog incl. ; N-war e. Unpubli shed. 193 1.2273 193 1.2273 Tcnero. Cemetery Locarno 193 1.2273 Flagon with disc-rim, two-ribb ed handle , globular body, foot-rin g. omplete. xt. urface burnish. Beige, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. Unpubli hcd. 193 1.2274 75 1 Tenero. Cemetery Locarn Te 75 1 Flagon with short collar, two-ribb ed handle, biconi cal body, short footring. omplclc. Ext. surface burnish. Red, hard fabric ; med. mica incl. ; -ware. Unpublished.
I 938. 1004 Riazzino. cmctery Locarno not illus. Thin walled cup . Fragment of wall. G irth-grooves & roul. Red, hard fabric ; sparse mica inc l. ; L-warc. Unpublished.
PI. 1
Mu 1
So 6
So 8
So 9
Mu 10
Mu 11
PI. 2
Mu 12
Ca 13
Lo 14
Lo 15
) Ca 18
Pl. 3
~ ~. ~~ Mu28
Loe 31
.: ,. , -:
:: :: : :::::1 •., ., ..,,.°""'_"' ...,,. #'
FORM Cl0.3
FORM Cl0.4
Mu45 0
-= =--= =- ==--==- -=
Pl. 4
So 47
Mi 50
Lo 51
FORM C12.1
As 53
Mi 61
CIJ Lo63
Mi 68 0
PI. 5
FORM C13.3
So 69
As 71
FORM C13.4
o O O O O O
0 00000
O O O O O Ci
0 O
14illldlll /lJ ll4IW41 IUU.dl" " " 'U" ll'4
4IJIUWll44JIJIJ/II lll//lll///¥//IIQIUll/11. UUlll //1//#J /I /,
Mu 75
So 77
6000} ,--, ,--, ,,.......
FORM C15.1
f,,,,,,,,, \\\\\\\\t't\\\tl Loe 80
Ca 81
J Mu83
Lo 84
-0 -== =--==--==--=~ - =10cm 289
Pl. 6
FORM C16.1
Lo 85
lllr',',',',',',',',',' ,',,,,,, ',','lll,'I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,1,
,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,
Loe 88
So 89
FORMC17 .1
FORM C17.2
Loe 95
111 1 1111,JIIJ lillllllllll //////////// \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\
\ \ \ \
\ \ \
As 98
m,lk½ nllN (mrut\m11 1
So 100 0
So 101 10cm
Pl. 7
o\~,\%\,\,wJ ~ Mu 103
Mu 102
Mo 105
Loe 104
Mo 106
Lo 107
Lo 109
Lo 108
FORMC18 100 1010,,,,,,"o
••'• •••• •, 0101 O ti Of O O f ff
Lo 111
Lo 112
Lo 113
Mu 114
So 115
So 116
Mu 117
So 118
Lo 110
II l'll 'IIJHll/111.Wlt
Lo 119
Mo 121
Lo l?.O 0
Mo 122
PI. 8
0 o~o
Mo 124
Ma 123
FORM Cl9.3
Mu 125
Mu 127
So 126
So 129
Mi 128
Mu 130
Lo 131
So 133
Mu 132
Mi 136
Mi 135
Lo 138
Mo 137 0
-~-= --==--= ·-= =--= 292
Pl. 9
So 140
As 139
Mu 141 FORMC24
Loe 143
Ga 142
00000000 00000000 OOOC,(\000
So 144
Mu 145
Mu 146
Mu 147 FORMBK4.2
Lo 150
Lo 149
Mi 148
m Mi 152
Mu 151
Mu 153 10cm
Pl.1 0
( .)
·J '.)
So 154
'.) 5
So 156
Ca 157
Mu 159
So 160
Lo 161
Mu 158
So 162
Lo 163
As 164
So 165
So 166
Lo 167
Mu 168
, .. , .,.. ,, ···· ·..········• ".. ...... ..... , ..... .,, ,•• ,,,,,.,. ... ,,,. ,," 1\,-.: 00tt
, ,,
So 169
H lfttt
, 1 1 1111
1 ou
So 170
Mu 171
Mo 172
Mi 174
So 173
So 175
Mu 176
Mi 177
Mi 178
'tts:,! Mu 179
( Lo 180
So 181
So 183
Mi 182
Mu 185
Mu 184
Mu 186
Pl. 12
Mi 187
Mi 188
Mu 189
Mu 190
Mu 191
Mu 192
1\' 1'/1'/1'
Mu 193
Mu 194
'1'1'1',11'1',111, 11',11,\h'1/1',i
I l\\ll
Loe 195
Mu 196
Mu 197
Lo 198 0
So 199 10cm
1 1 1 I 1 1 1\ 11 111111• • 11
000000 ooo
0 0
0 O
Mi 219
So 218
ORMBK24.1 0
0000000 00000000
So 225
Loe 224
Lo227 10cm
Lo 228
So 230
So 231
As 234
~:o ~
\ Mi239
Pl. 16
Lo 245
So 248
Mi 251
Loe 252
\ II So 254
Loe 253
l Mi255
Loe 257
_o-==--==--= =- -= =- -='=Ocm
Loe 258
\ Mu263
\ Mu267
\ Lo269
/ \ 7 ' J \.
PI. 18
\_J .__________,) As 275
\~ ______ 7 Lo277
\. ...
\....._--------------7\ So 281
\..........____ / \.............._ _/I Lo282
Pl. 19
"-~ -! Lo288
Lo 289
Lo 291
Lo 293
I So 294 10cm
Pl. 20
\~ lL________, / ~ Lo295
\. _____ J ) Lo297
Lo 299
Lo 300
\ J\ \ : 7 Lo 301
As302 --
~~ ------)
Mu306 0
Pl. 21
\: Lo305 FORMDll
' I~ \
7 Lo308
J Lo310
Mi 312
7 I
\ 1,
J Lo316
Mu317 0
l 7
Pl. 22
\ \
7 7
Lo 318
Lo 319
\ Lo320
j Lo 321
\ Lo 323
) Mu324
PI. 23
' Mu326
So328 FORMB2
Lo 332
Pl. 24
So 335
Lo 334
Mi 337
Te 338
So 342
So 341 Mu343 0
-= =- =--=
PI. 25
1 /
l Mu349 10cm
Pl. 26
Ca 352
Mi3 53
Mu 354
Mu 355
So 356
So 357
Pl. 27
So 360
So 361
So 362
Mu 363
Lo 364 ~ -----,--
So 365
So 366 0
-= =--===--==-
Pl. 28
So 369
So 370
--------- -==-=-
Lo 461 10cm
Pl. 39
I Lo464
Mu467 0
Pl. 40
Mi 469
Mu472 Mu475
Ca477 10cm
Pl. 41
Loe 484
J J \,,
( Mu488
\ Mu489
( Mu491
Mi486 0
Pl. 42
As· 495
Lo 500
Loe 501 0
-==- m::=11 -==- =-~
Mu503 10cm
PI. 43
( Mu505
) Mi504
Lo 509
Lo 508
Lo 507
Mo 510
? ' Lo 514
Lo 513 0
Mu 515 10cm
PI. 44
Lo 516
As 518
Mo 517
Lo 519 Mu523
So 526
Lo 528
So 527 0
Pl. 45
Lo 530
Lo 531
So 538
Lo 537 0
Pl. 46
Lo 539
Mi 541
~C \s
I Mu545