Army of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 9780814759684

James McCaffrey examines America's first foreign war, the Mexican War, through the day-to-day experiences of the Am

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Army of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in the Mexican War, 1846-1848

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/. The March to the Sea and Beyond: Sherman's Troops in the Savannah and Carolinas Campaigns JOSEPH T. GLATTHAA R

2. Childbearing in American Society: i6$o-i8so CATHERINE. SCHOLTE N

j . The Origins of Behaviorism: American Psychology, 1870-1920 JOHN M . O'DONNEL L

4. New York City Cartmen, 1667-1850 GRAHAM RUSSEL L HODGES

5. From Equal Suffrage to Equal Rights: Alice Paul and the National Woman's Party, 1910-1928 CHRISTINE A . LUNARDIN I

6. Mr. Jefferson's A rmy: Political and Social Reform of the Military Establishment, 1801-1809 THEODORE J. CRACKE L

7. "A Peculiar People": Slave Religion and Community-Culture Among the Gullahs MARGARET WASHINGTO N CREE L

8. "A Mixed Multitude": The Struggle for Toleration in Colonial Pennsylvania SALLY SCHWART Z

9. Women, Work, and Fertility, 1900-1986 SUSAN HOUSEHOLDE R VA N HORN

10. Liberty, Virtue, and Progress: Northerners and Their War for the Union EARL J. HES S

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12. Schools as Sorters: Lewis M. Terman, Applied Psychology and the Intelligence Testing Movement, 1890-1930 PAUL DAVIS CHAPMA N

13. Free Love: Marriage and Middle-Class Radicalism in America, 182$-1860 JOHN C . SPURLOC K

14. Jealousy: The Evolution of an Emotion in American History PETER N. STEARN S

75. The Nurturing Neighborhood: The Brownsville Boys Club and Jewish Community in Urban America, 1940-1990 GERALD SORIN

16. War in America to 177$: Before Yankee Doodle JOHN MORGA N DEDERE R

17. An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 ANNE FARRA R HYDE

18. Frederick Law Olmstead: The Passion of a Public Artist MELVIN KALFUS

19. Medical Malpractice in Nineteenth-Century America: Origins and Legacy KENNETH ALLE N D E VILLE

20. Dancing in Chains: The Youth of William Dean Howells RODNEY D . OLSE N

21. Breaking the Bonds: Marital Discord in Pennsylvania, 1730-1830 MERRIL D. SMIT H

22. In the Web of Class: Delinquents and Reformers in Boston, 1810s-1930s ERIC C. SCHNEIDE R

23. Army of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 JAMES M. MCCAFFRE Y

ARMY O F MANIFEST DESTIN Y The American Soldier in the Mexican Wr, 1846-1848 JAMES M. MCCAFFREY


Copyright © 199 2 by James M. McCaffre y All right s reserved Manufactured i n the United State s of Americ a Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Dat a McCaffrey, James M. Army of Manifest Destin y : the American soldier in the Mexican War, 1846-184 8 / James M. McCaffrey . p. cm.—(Th e America n socia l experience series ; 23) Includes bibliographica l reference s an d index . ISBN 0-8147-5468- 6 (aci d free ) ISB N 0-8147-5505- 4 pbk . 1. Unite d States . Army—History—Mexica n War , 1846-1848 . 2. Mexica n War, 1846-1848 . I . Tide . II . Serie s E409.2.M35 199 2 973.6'2—dc20 91-3351 7 CIP New Yor k University Pres s books are printed on acid-free paper, and their binding material s are chosen for strength and durability. 10 9 8


6 5

4 3

For my wife Ellen




Abbreviations i n Note s


i. "Wa r Exists by the Act of Mexico Hersel f


2. T o th e Colors


3. Of f t o War


4. "Nearl y All Wh o Take Sick Die "


5. "Reptile s in the Path of Progressive Democracy "


6. "Al l the Varieties of a Soldier's Life"



7. "Keepin g Down Unrul y Spirits "


8. Th e Volunteer s Take the Field


9. Th e Army of the West


10. T o the Halls of the Montezumas


11. Peac e at Last


12. Epilogu e









The impetu s fo r thi s stud y bega n o n a movie se t outsid e o f Natchez , Mississippi, i n Ma y 1985 , whe n I and other histor y enthusiast s spent a wee k campin g an d workin g a s extra s durin g th e filmin g o f th e television miniserie s "Nort h an d South. " Th e particula r scene s i n which w e worke d wer e those portraying a battle i n the Mexican War, and I quickly realize d ho w littl e I knew abou t tha t encounter. A yea r later I signe d u p fo r a directe d reading s cours e a t th e Universit y o f Houston and chose the Mexican War as my topic. The number of books available in the local municipal and university libraries did no t begi n t o equal th e volume of wor k on the Civil War , which ha d bee n a n earl y passio n o f mine , bu t ther e wa s enoug h material tha t I at leas t becam e familia r wit h th e basi c reason s fo r th e war an d th e strateg y an d majo r personalitie s involved . Bu t I wante d more. I wanted to find out about the soldiers who fought i n this war. I wanted t o understand their social history . Then I stumbled upo n Norman E . Tutorow's The Mexican-American War: An Annotated Bibliography. Thi s book , jus t a s th e titl e suggests , contains a n almos t overwhelmin g listin g o f severa l thousan d sources , both primar y an d secondary , publishe d an d unpublished . I spent th e next tw o year s completin g cours e wor k fo r m y M.A . an d Ph.D . an d poring ove r Tutorow' s book . I identified wha t seeme d t o b e th e bes t collections o f soldiers ' letter s an d diarie s an d planne d researc h trip s around the resultant listing. An d before delving into the various librarXI



ies and archives on my list , I read as much published primar y materia l as I could. I then bega n traveling and visiting variou s repositorie s an d gathering information . The purpos e o f th e presen t work , then , i s t o loo k a t th e wa r fro m the viewpoin t o f th e commo n soldiers ' experiences . Wha t prompte d them t o enlist i n th e first place? Wha t di d the y thin k o f th e Mexica n people wit h who m the y cam e i n contact ? Ho w di d the y fee l towar d their officers ? Wer e the y adequatel y supporte d wit h food , clothing , shelter, an d medica l car e b y thei r government ? Ho w di d the y spen d spare time ? I f the y brok e an y rules , ho w wer e the y punished ? Wha t did th e regula r soldier s thin k o f thes e temporar y volunteers , an d vic e versa? An d finally, havin g answere d thes e questions , ho w di d th e American soldier s i n th e Mexica n Wa r measur e u p t o thei r counter parts of earlier and later conflicts? This i s no t a ne w concept , gettin g a t th e socia l histor y o f th e military. Bel l Wile y wa s one of the early practitioners , wit h hi s Life of Johnny Reb and Life of Billy Yank back i n th e 1940 s and 1950s . I n fact , the Civil Wa r has probably draw n mor e interest from militar y histori ans tha n an y othe r America n war , an d Wiley' s succes s ha s le d other s to follow i n his path. Notabl e among these later historians are James I. Robertson, a former studen t o f Wiley , wit h hi s Soldiers Blue and Gray; Gerald F . Linderman , wh o wrot e Embattled Courage; Rei d Mitchell , author of Civil War Soldiers; Joseph Allan Frank and George A. Reaves , who focused o n one particular battle in their ^Seeing the Elephant": Raw Recruits at the Battle of Shiloh; an d Joseph T . Glatthaar , wh o wrot e o f black Civil War soldiers in Forged in Battle, x Works ar e also availabl e o n America n soldier s i n mos t othe r wars . James Kirb y Marti n and Mark Edwar d Lende r studied th e soldiers of the Revolutionar y er a i n A Respectable Army; an d Charle s Royste r ha s contributed A Revolutionary People at War. J. C . A . Stag g ha s writte n on the America n soldie r during th e Wa r of 181 2 i n his "Enlisted Me n in th e Unite d State s Army , 1812-1815 : A Preliminar y Survey. " Sol diers of th e interwa r period s of th e nineteenth centur y ar e the subjec t of Edwar d M . Coffman' s Old Army. Th e everyda y experience s o f th e World Wa r I I soldier for m th e basis of Le e Kennett' s G.I.: The American Soldier in World War II an d o f Norma n Longmate' s The G.I.s: The Americans in Britain, 1942-1945, 2



The wa r wit h Mexico , however , i s a subject tha t ha s no t garnere d the amoun t o f historica l interes t tha t mos t othe r America n conflict s have generated. Graduat e student s ove r th e year s hav e writte n M.A . theses an d Ph.D . dissertation s describin g participatio n i n th e wa r b y the soldier s o f individua l states , bu t ther e ha s bee n littl e attemp t t o address the day-to-day activitie s of all the American soldier s involved . The presen t study, then , attempt s to fill this gap. No wor k o f thi s kin d ma y b e don e withou t help , an d I wis h t o acknowledge som e o f thos e wh o helpe d me . Althoug h th e staff s o f all the libraries I visited wer e courteous an d helpful , certai n peopl e seeme d to go out of their way t o help me. Amon g thes e were Michael Music k of th e Nationa l Archives ; Made l Morga n o f th e Mississipp i Depart ment o f Archive s an d History ; Gary J. Arnol d o f the Ohio Historica l Society; Rand y Robert s of the Joint Collection of the Western Histor ical Manuscript Collection and the State Historical Societ y of Missouri Manuscripts a t th e Universit y o f Missouri ; an d Herber t Hartsoo k o f the Sout h Carolinian a Librar y a t th e Universit y o f South Carolina . The librar y staf f of the interlibrary loa n department o f the Universit y of Housto n wa s alway s helpfu l i n obtainin g hard-to-fin d secondar y works for me, an d I thank them. I also thank Joseph T. Glatthaa r and James Kirby Marti n for their critical readin g of the manuscript.

Abbreviations in ^tytes

AH Atlant a Historica l Societ y Ala Alabam a Departmen t o f Archive s an d Histor y Chi Chicag o Historica l Societ y Dayton Dayto n an d Montgomer y Count y Publi c Librar y Duke Specia l Collection s Department , Willia m R . Perkin s Li brary, Duk e Universit y E Car Eas t Carolina Universit y Librar y Filson Manuscrip t Department , Filso n Club , Louisville , Ken tucky 111 Illinoi s Stat e Historica l Librar y Ind H Indian a Historica l Societ y Librar y Ind L Manuscrip t Collection , Indian a Division , Indian a Stat e Li brary LSU Louisian a an d Lowe r Mississipp i Valle y Collections , LS U Libraries MHI U.S . Arm y Militar y Histor y Institut e Minn Minnesot a Historica l Societ y Miss Mississipp i Departmen t o f Archive s an d Histor y Mo H Missour i Historica l Societ y N H Ne w Hampshir e Historica l Societ y Ohio Ohi o Historica l Societ y Rice Ric e Universit y Librar y SMU DeGolye r Library , Souther n Methodis t University , Dalla s xv



Tenn Tennesse e Stat e Librar y an d Archive s U M i Bentle y Historica l Librar y a t the Universit y o f Michiga n U M o Wester n Historica l Manuscrip t Collection-Columbia , Uni versity o f Missour i UNC Souther n Historica l Collection , Librar y o f th e Universit y of Nort h Carolin a a t Chapel Hil l USC Sout h Carolinian a Library , Universit y o f Sout h Carolin a USMA Specia l Collection s Division , Unite d State s Militar y Acad emy Librar y UT Universit y o f Texas Archive s UTA Specia l Collection s Divisio n o f th e Universit y o f Texa s at Arlington Librarie s U V a Universit y o f Virgini a Librar y Va A Persona l Paper s Collection , Archive s Branch , Virgini a State Librar y an d Archives , Richmond , Virgini a Va H Virgini a Historica l Societ y WM Swe m Library , Colleg e o f Willia m an d Mary Yale Beineck e Librar y a t Yale Universit y


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Accidental deaths , 45 , 83-8 5 Adams, John Quincy , 6 6 Aguardiente, 10 0 Alabama volunteers , 16-17 , 19 , 25 , 27 , 36, 43 , 50 , 68 , 70 , 86 , 89 , 94 , 96-98 , 174 Alamo, Battl e of, 3-4 , 33-3 4 Alburtis, William , 13 0 Alvarez, Juan, 180-8 1 American Medica l Association , 5 5 Ampudia, Pedro , 7-9 , 133-34 , 17 3 Anesthesia, 190-9 2 Antietam, Battl e of, 5 3 Arista, Mariano , 8-1 3 Arkansas volunteers , 17 , 91, 124-25 , 139, 14 4 Armijo, Manuel , 148 , 150-5 1 Armistice: a t Monterrey, 134-35 , 140 ; at Mexico City, 17 9 Army o f Observation , 6 Army o f Occupation , 7 , 16 5 Army o f th e West, 147-6 2 Austin, Moses , 1 Austin, Stephen , 1

Belknap, Willia m G. , 1 2 Bent's Fort , 15 0 Blacks i n the America n army , 26-27 , 114 Bounty, 17 6 Bowles, Willia m A. , 14 4 Bragg, Braxton , 92 , 145 , 20 3 Branding, 110 , 19 6 Bravo, Nicholas , 18 3 Brazito, Battl e of, 157-5 9 Bryant, Willia m Cullen , 16 2 Bucking and gagging, 106-10 7 Buena Vista , Battl e of: described , 142 46; mentioned, 88 , 92 , 137-38 , 162 , 178, 186-87 , 190 , 20 6 Buffaloes, 93 , 149-5 0 Butler, Willia m O. , 13 5 Calderon d e l a Barca , Madame , 20 9 Carson, Kit , 15 2 Casa Mata, 180-8 1 Casualties: Buen a Vista , 146 ; Cerro Gordo, 172 ; Contreras/Churubusco, 179; El Molin o del Rey , 181 ; Monterrey, 135 ; Palo Alto , 10 ; Resaca de la Palma, 13 ; Veracruz, 17 0 Catholic churches/religion, 71-7 3 Cerro Gordo, Battl e of: described , 171 73: mentioned , 26 , 188 , 20 7

Baker, Edwar d D. , 11 9 Baltimore volunteers, 1 8 Battle anxiety , 130-32 , 185-8 7 Beauregard, Pierre'G . T. , 8 4 2




Chapman, Nathaniel , 6 1 Chapultepec, Battl e of: described , 181 — 84; mentioned, 187 , 189 , 19 6 Cholera, 52 , 5 9 Churubusco, Battl e of: described , 178 79; mentioned, 194 , 19 6 Civil Wa r comparisons, 26 , 28 , 30 , 32 , 53,61-62, 111 , 114 , 122 , 137-38 , 175, 206-207 , 209-1 0 Clark, Meriwethe r Lewis , 15 7 Clay, Henry , Jr., 14 5 Clothing/uniforms, 21 , 27-28 , 45 , 50 , 87-88,90,95, 114-15 , 16 1 Company elections , 2 1 Conscription, 23 , 111 , 130 , 206-20 7 Contreras, Battl e of: described , 178 ; mentioned, 18 7 Cooke, Phili p St . George , 152 , 154-5 6 Cooper, Samuel , 4 3 Cortes, Hernando , 17 2 Courts-martial, 107-10 9 Crimes agains t civilians , 122-2 8 Crockett, David , 3 4 Cushing, Caleb , 23 , 88-89 , 106 , 114 , 117

Davis, Jefferson, 21 , 41, 134 , 20 3 Declaration o f War , 7 Delerium tremens , 45 , 101-10 2 Desertion, 24-25 , 30 , 45 , 49 , 107 , 109 13, 141 , 176 , 179 , 181 , 194-96 ; Mexican attempts t o encourage desertion , 112-13 Diarrhea, 52 , 60-61 , 15 5 Discipline, 48 , 106-2 8 Disease, 52-6 5 Doctors, 23-25 , 54-57 , 187-8 8 Doniphan, Alexander , 29 , 121 , 148 , 152 , 157-62 Drill, 43-44 , 82-8 3 Drink, 37 , 99-10 2 Drinking water , 46-47 , 58 , 61 , 95 , 123 , 149-50, 15 2 Duncan, James, 9-1 0 Dysentery, 52 , 60-6 1 El Molin o del Rev , Battl e of: described , 180-83; mentioned, 138 , 19 4

Engineers, 43 , 100 , 142 , 152 , 171 , 177 78, 180 , 18 2 Eutaw Rangers , 1 9 Evacuation o f Mexico , 20 1 Executions, 109-10 , 196-9 7 Fandangos, 73 , 76 , 103-104 , 161 , 19 7 Fannin, James, 3-4 , 33-34 , 14 2 Fear, 130-32 , 185-8 7 Flogging, 107 , 110 , 19 5 Food, 46-47 , 61 , 73 , 92-99, 110-11 , 147, 152-53 , 155-56 , 161 , 203,21 0 Foraging, 98-9 9 Foreigners i n th e America n army , 29 , 31, 11 3 Foreigners i n th e Texas army , 33-3 4 Fort Texas , 8 Fredericksburg, Battl e of, 13 8 Gaines, Edmun d P. , 15-1 6 Gambling, 102 , 124 , 197 , 20 0 Garland, John, 132-33 , 18 5 Georgia volunteers , 17 , 29 , 34 , 45, 80 , 117-19 Goff, Peter , 2 1 Goliad massacre , 3-4 , 33-3 4 Gonzales, Battl e of, 3 Grant, Ulysse s S. , 42 , 62 , 86 , 99 , 123 , 135-37, 175 , 184 , 186 , 200 , 20 3 Hamtramck, John F. , 11 6 Hardin, John J., 92 , 144-4 5 Harney, Willia m S. , 19 6 Hill, D . H. , 20 3 Homecoming, 201-20 3 Houston, Sam , 3-4 , 6 8 Illinois volunteers , 17-18 , 21 , 46 , 50 , 52-53, 58 , 62 , 63-74 , 77 , 82 , 88-92 , 94, 97 , 99 , 101 , 109-10 , 114 , 119 , 130, 139 , 143-45 , 20 2 Indiana volunteers , 17-18 , 20 , 23 , 25 26, 37 , 45, 47 , 50 , 57 , 68 , 90 , 95-96 , 101, 117 , 136 , 143-44 , 146 , 177 , 20 2 Indians, 1 , 3 , 66, 68-69 , 74 , 78-79 , 89 , 123, 147 , 149 , 154 , 156-57 , 177 , 208 209 Insects, 50-51 , 151-5 2

INDEX Jackson, Andrew , 5 Jackson, Thoma s "Stonewall, " 203 Jasper Greens, 29 , 118-1 9 Jefferson, Thomas , 1 , 6 6 Jesup, Thoma s S. , 17 1 Kearny, Stephe n Watts , 147-48 , 150 52, 155 , 15 7 Kennesaw Rangers , 118-1 9 Kentucky volunteers , 17-19 , 20 , 36 , 45, 76,96, 118 , 136 , 144-45,20 3 Kirkland, Richard , 13 8 Lane, Joseph, 143-4 4 Language barrier , 75-7 7 Lee, Rober t E. , 84 , 122 , 170 , 192 , 20 3 Lice, 151-5 2 Louisiana volunteers , 15 , 20 , 83 , 12 0 Louisville Legion , 13 6 Lovejoy, Elijah , 2 1 McClellan, Georg e B. , 98-99 , 121 , 20 3 McMahon, Capt. , 11 9 Mail, 85-8 6 Malaria, 52 , 58-6 0 "Manifest destiny, " 66 Marcy, Willia m B. , 14 , 20 , 117 , 14 7 Maryland volunteers , 18 , 2 0 Massachusetts volunteers , 19 , 23 , 76 , 11 4 May, Charle s A. , 1 2 Meade, Georg e G. , 7 , 18 , 200 , 20 3 Mescal, 10 0 Mexican soldiers , 9 , 11 , 133 , 136-39 , 141, 146 , 150 , 158 , 160 , 169 , 17 3 Mexican towns , 69-7 1 Mexican women , 77-79 , 199-20 0 Mexico City campaign , 177-8 5 Mier expedition, 5 , 33-34 , 127 . Mississippi volunteers , 16-17 , 20 , 27-28 , 48, 58 , 89-90 , 115-17 , 121 , 131 , 136 , 144, 186 , 20 3 Missouri volunteers , 16-17 , 25 , 29 , 32 , 46, 70 , 87 , 93-94 , 100 , 102 , 104 , 121 , 147-52, 157-6 2 Monterrey, Battl e of: described , 132-35 ; mentioned, 32 , 60, 70-71 , 75 , 88 , 90 , 121, 123 , 129 , 135-37 , 139-40 , 142 , 165, 181 , 184 , 187 . 189 , 197 , 20 6


Morales, Juan, 16 8 Mormon Battalion , 98 , 147-49 , 151-57 , 208 Mutiny, 48-49 , 109 , 113-1 7 National Associatio n o f Mexica n Wa r Veterans, 20 4 New Yor k volunteers , 17 , 31 , 44-45 , 48-49, 80 , 117-18 , 18 3 Newspapers, 197-9 9 North Carolin a volunteers , 19 , 21 , 28, 82, 115-17 , 199 , 202-20 3 Officers, a s described b y soldiers , 87 92 Ohio volunteers , 17-18 , 31 , 37 , 51-52 , 58, 71-72 , 83 , 90, 92 , 95 , 107 , 114 , 117-18, 122 , 130-31 , 133 , 135 , 199 , 203 Ormsbv, Stephen , 4 5 O'Sullivan, Joh n L. , 6 6 Padierna, Battl e of, 17 8 Palo Alto , Battl e of: described , 9-11 ; mentioned, 11 , 13 , 20 , 32 , 129 , 165 , 186, 20 5 Paine, Rober t T. , 115-1 7 Patterson, Robert , 12 4 Pay, 17 6 Pennsylvania volunteers , 21 , 84 , 87 , 91, 118* 124 , 167-69 , 17 3 Pensions, 20 4 Persian Gulf Wa r comparisons, 205 207 Physical exams , 23-2 6 Pickett's Mill , Battl e of, 13 8 Pierce, Franklin , 20 3 Pillow, Gideo n J., 8 8 Poe, Edga r Allan , 3 0 Point Isabel , 8 Polk, James K. , 1 , 6-8, 13 , 44, 80-81 , 88, 117 , 19 9 Ponce d e Leon , Antonio , 158-5 9 Porter, John B. , 60 , 6 4 Premonitions o f death, 13 0 Prescott, Willia m H. , 20 9 Puebla, 61 , 71-72 , 121 , 176-78 , 19 3 Pulque, 10 0



Quitman, John, 18 3 Rea, Joaquin, 19 3 Reinforcements, 175-7 7 Regular U.S . troops , 7-8 , 11-13 , 15 , 18 , 27-29, 43-44 , 48 , 55 , 61-62 , 70 , 72 74, 82 , 87-88 , 91-93 , 97-100 , 102 103, 110-12 , 115 , 119-23 , 126-27 , 129, 132-33 , 135-36 , 139 , 141 , 144 , 147-48, 152 , 154 , 159 , 167-69 , 172 73, 175-77 , 181-82 , 184 , 189 , 194 , 201, 20 7 Resaca de l a Palma, Battl e of: described , 11-13; mentioned , 20 , 32 , 129 , 16 5 Revolutionary Wa r comparisons, 16 , 26 , 53,61-62, 111 , 120 , 20 9 Ridgely, Randolph , 1 2 Riley, John, 195-9 6 Rivalry, interstate , 117-19 ; volunteer s vs. regulars , 119-2 2 River trip, 44-4 5 Sacramento, Battl e of, 160-6 1 San Antonio , Battl e of, 3 San Jacinto, Battl e of, 4 San Patrici o Battalion , 113 , 179 , 181 , 194-97 Sanitation/hygiene, 6 1 Santa Anna , Antoni o Lope z de , 2-5 , 124-25, 138 , 140-46 , 171-72 , 174 , 178, 182-85 , 193 , 206 , 20 8 Santa F e expedition (1841) , 4- 5 Scott, Winfield , 14 , 36 , 42 , 57 , 62 , 70 , 111, 141 , 146 , 162 , 166 , 168 , 170-72 , 174-82, 184-85 , 192-95 , 199 , 203 , 206-207 Sea voyage , 46-5 0 Seasickness, 4 7 Seminole Wars , mentioned , 13 , 91 Semmes, Raphael , 18 4 Seven Years ' War comparisons, 5 3 Sherman, Willia m T. , 175 , 192 , 21 0 Slidell, John, 6 Smallpox, 5 2 South Carolin a volunteer s (Palmett o Regiment), 18 , 23 , 45, 47 , 75 , 86 , 11 7

Souvenirs, 159 , 19 9 Spanish America n Wa r comparisons, 207, 20 9 Stevenson, Jonathan D. , 48-4 9 Sutlers, 95-96 , 10 0 Taylor, Zachary , 6-16 , 20 , 26 , 28 , 32 , 77, 87-89 , 112 , 117 , 125-26 , 129 , 132, 134-35 , 139-43 , 145-46 , 165-66 , 175, 203 , 20 6 Tennessee volunteers , 17-19 , 20 , 53 , 84, 88, 117-18 , 121 , 20 3 Texas annexation , 5 Texas, colonizatio n of , 1- 3 Texas Revolution : described, 3-4 ; mentioned, 31 , 33 , 34 , 127 , 14 2 Texas volunteers , 15 , 17 , 20 , 33 , 35 , 46, 125-27, 173 , 190 , 20 9 Thornton, Seth B. , 7 , 1 5 Torrejon, Anastasio , 9-10 , 1 5 Travis, Willia m B. , 3 Treatment o f wounded , 187-9 2 Treaty o f Guadalup e Hidalgo , 124 , 20 1 Trist, Nicholas , 17 9 Uniforms, 21 , 27-28 , 45 , 50 , 87-88 , 90 , 95, 114-15 , 16 1 Vega, Romul o Dia z de la , 1 2 Venesection (bleeding) , 59-6 0 Venereal disease , 10 4 Veracruz, Battl e of: described , 165-71 ; mentioned, 50 , 56-57 , 62-64 , 70 , 130 , 141, 177 , 191-93 , 197 , 201 , 203 , 20 7 Vietnam Wa r comparisons, 33 , 114 , 206-207 Virginia volunteers , 19-20 , 27 , 32 , 47, 71, 115-17 , 129 , 173 , 19 9 Walker, Sam , 12 7 War of 181 2 comparisons, 26 , 32 , 204 , 206, 20 9 Washington, George , 61 , 110 , 113 , 12 0 Weapons, 35-42 , 173-7 4

INDEX Weather, 81-82 , 13 9 Wool, John E. , 91 , 117 , 124-25 , 139-46 , 152, 157 , 159 , 161-6 2 Women i n th e ranks: American army , 25-26, 31 ; Mexican army , 15 9 World Wa r I comparisons, 205 , 20 7 World Wa r II comparisons, 33 , 53 , 20 9


Worth, Willia m J., 64 , 134 , 140-41 , 174 , 180-81, 183-8 5 Yellow fever , 52 , 62-64 , 167-68 , 171 , 175, 20 1 Young, Brigham , 14 8

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