An Introductory Bibliography to the Study of Hungarian Literature [Reprint 2014 ed.] 9780674593282, 9780674593251

Tezla Albert : Albert Tezla authored An Introductory Bibliography to the Study of Hungarian Literature (1964), and wa

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Table of contents :
Part One: Secondary Sources
Part Two: Primary Sources
Recommend Papers

An Introductory Bibliography to the Study of Hungarian Literature [Reprint 2014 ed.]
 9780674593282, 9780674593251

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Hungarian Literature by Albert Tezla




© Copyright 1964 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College All rights reserved Distributed in Great Britain by Oxford University Press, London Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 64-19586 Manufactured in the United States of America The text of sections IV andVII was developed pursuant to a contract between the American Council of Learned Societies and the United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

TO JÄNOS HORVÄTH (1878-1961) for his illumination and inspiration


This bibliography of 1295 secondary and primary sources published through i960 is designed primarily for those students in the United States who are beginning their study of Hungarian literature or undertaking serious research in the subject. I hope that it will reduce some of the discouragements I have faced. Indeed, without the stimulus of my childhood experiences with Hungarian culture in the United States and the special sense of existence which they eventually enabled me to form, I probably would not have persisted in the serious study of Hungarian literature in this land my parents chose so hopefully as the place where they could fulfill some fragments of their dreams. But recollections of my early years crowd my mind: tales told and songs sung by my parents; harvest dances with my brother and sister swirling around a sawdust-covered floor in their native costumes, their red, white, and green ribbons flying, and with the grapes, pears and apples strung above the celebrants to invite the willing thief; Hungarian plays that interrupted the winter mood and carried me into the adventurous and courageous world of the "huszär" with his blade thrust skyward; careless fraternal picnics on soft summer days with wine and "pälinka" flowing and the gipsy orchestra, eternal and essential, filling the leaves of "Bakonyi erdo" with melodies stirringly melancholy and stirringly gay; the "nem nem soha" embroidered on a white linen wallcover in the kitchen proclaiming unalterable rejection of the partition of Hungary after the first World War; the chiding blows on my head from my mother's hand when I, at the age of six, seated on a stool at my unlettered father's feet, faltered over strange and seemingly endless polysyllables as I read the weekly Hungarian newspaper to him. To this day these remembrances, and many more, bring vividly before me the beginnings of my interest in Hungarian literature and the basis of my conviction that living in two cultures during formative years can give one an insight leading to a relation with his surroundings denied those who abide only in a single culture. When I was able to pursue the study of English literature at the University of Chicago, I came to an increased realization that belles-lettres remain a major means of securing insights into the character of a people and a nation, and that such is epsecially the case when hardly any distance



exists between a country's creative writers and its population. M y early years had shown me the significant role literature played in the lives of emigrant Hungarians. T w o visits to Hungary in 1959-1960 confirmed m y view that in Hungary the distance between writer and audience is so small that her literature is an embodiment of the character and values of her people. Conversations with Hungarians from all walks of life clearly demonstrated their deep reliance on their literary heritage for ideas and responses to human problems. I found statues of writers everywhere in cities and villages, and streets bearing their names. These memorials impressed on me the great significance Hungarians attach to those writers who have both captured and created the character of the Hungarian people throughout their centuries-old history. Because of this close relation, I do not think that the nations of the West will ever have an adequate and true understanding of the Hungarian people without more knowledge of their literature. During the fall of 1955, I began an investigation of the origins of romanticism in Hungarian literature from about 1770 to about 1845. A dramatic development of a truly national literature in Hungary began in this period, and romanticism contributed to its inception and growth in very important ways. A s I sought to collect materials for my study, I quickly encountered serious problems, the first of which was bibliographical. Despite the fact that Pinter's eight-volume history (no. 382, below) contained an extensive bibliographical apparatus, I needed other bibliographical aids, especially to uncover materials published since his history. From Pinter's work I compiled lists of titles and checked them against the National Union Catalog, the first of many attempts to locate useful titles. A f t e r I learned which libraries were interested in Hungarian materials, b y analyzing the returns from the National Union Catalog and by examining the terms of the Farmington Plan 1 and reports of Hungarian periodical holdings in the Union list of serials, I checked m y lists against their holdings. Once these findings were in, I began to use interlibrary loan services and to visit libraries in the E a s t and in Chicago. Examination of basic bibliographical tools, especially a t the New Y o r k Public Library and the Library of Congress, produced additional checklists for canvassing selected United States and European libraries. T h e many frustrations I encountered in building a useful bibliography, in locating titles, and in creating a coherent experience with sources led me to think of preparing an introductory bibliography that would help students to overcome some of the difficulties hampering m y own research. I n the winter of 1959 the first outline of an experimental bibliography took Since this time, a work by Melville J. Ruggles and Vaclev Mostecky has provided additional help with this problem: Russian and East European publications in the libraries of the United, States (New York: Columbia University Press, i960; 386 p.). 1



shape in a manuscript of 120 pages. In 1959-1960, during a Fulbright year in Vienna, when I shifted emphasis from the study of romanticism to the bibliography, the use of rich European resources — including those in Budapest newly and temporarily at hand — provided materials which enabled the bibliography to reach its present form, and determined my choice of i960 as the closing date. The results of these efforts, arranged, re-checked, and indexed, are now presented in the hope that they will make more possible the study here in the United States of a literature that is both long in tradition and rich in expressions of the human spirit. I am most grateful to those who have shared in the preparation of this work. Though all final decisions about the titles included in the work are my own, I am indebted to the following for their criticisms and recommendations: Tibor Klaniczay, G. Gabor Kemeny, Dezso Toth, Imre B i n , Laszlo Palinkas, William Juhasz, John Lötz, Emil Lengyel, and August J. Molnar. I am also grateful to the following scholars for their individual contributions: to Janos Barta for his criticisms of the manuscript, for his help in the selection of primary sources and in the classification of author editions into kinds of editions, and for his assistance in choosing and classifying the periodicals in Appendix A ; to Laszlo Orszägh for his encouragement of my efforts and for his counsel during all stages of the manuscript; to Sändor V. Koväcs for his assistance during five most fruitful weeks of research in Budapest and for his undertaking numerous detailed tasks, among them, the major part of the description of authors' editions by volumes and the recording of data on first editions of authors' works; to Sändor Kozocsa for his critical scrutiny of both the manuscript and galleys; to Bela Stoll and Richard Allen for their reading of galleys; to George Lowy for his assistance in solving a number of difficult bibliographical problems; and to Robert Hart, W. Carl Jackson, Lewis D . Levang, and Douglas Shepard for their criticisms of the preface, introduction, and annotations. I also wish to thank all those who canvassed the holdings of libraries, and to express special appreciation to M a y Gardner for having checked lists so frequently against the National Union Catalog and for allowing me to use her Proposed location symbols for all countries of the world. I am greatly indebted to a number of sources for financial assistance: to the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota for continuous support through its General Research Fund; to the Fulbright Program and the Fulbright Commission in Austria for the year of investigation in Vienna that enabled me to carry the project into its last stages; and to the American Council of Learned Societies for the grant which helped me to complete the research and to cover the costs of typing the manuscript. T o my wife, Olive, and my children, Michael and K a t h y , I express my deepest gratitude for their patience, understanding, and devotion.



If users of this bibliography will bring to my attention titles which they believe should have been included, I shall be most appreciative. These and other titles published from 1961 to 1965 will be reported in a supplement to a bibliography of major Hungarian authors, which I am now preparing for publication. ALBERT TEZLA

October 1, 1964

University of Minnesota, Duluth



Abbreviations, symbols, and Hungarian terms

xvii xxiii


A. General bibliographies B. Bibliographies of foreign literary and cultural influences and relations 1. TRANSLATIONS 2. LITERARY AND CULTURAL INFLUENCES AND RELATIONS

a. c. f. i.


2 12 12 15

Albania, 15. b. England and America, 16. France, 16. d. Germany, 17. e. Greece, 17. Italy, 18. g. Norway, 19. h. Orient, 19. Poland, 20. j. Rumania, 21. k. Russia, 21.

C. Classified and detailed bibliographies of literature and related subjects D. Indices to contents of scholarly periodicals

23 30








36 37




B. Cultural

44 44 44 47 49







53 54

A. General B. Countries

54 57

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

57 57 58 60 64 68 73 73 73 73 75 75 76 77 77 77


VIII. GENERAL HISTORIES OF HUNGARIAN LITERATURE IX. HISTORIES OF AND TREATISES ON LITERARY AND RELATED SUBJECTS BY PERIODS A. Ancient times and Middle Ages (900-1450) B. Renaissance and Reformation (1450-1630) C. Counter-Reformation and Baroque (1630-1772)

78 88 88 91 95



D. Literary Revival, Age of Reform, and Romanticism (1772-1849) 99 E. Age of Realism and National Romanticism (18491890) 1x6 F. Age of modern literary trends (1890-1945) 125 1. SEARCH FOR NEW PATHS AND THE PROGRESSIVES OF Nyugat (1890-1918) 2. MIDDLE CLASS, POPULAR, AND SOCIALIST LITERATURE (1919-I945)

G. From 1945 to the present






139 139 143 148



Folklore and Ethnology Humor History of Publishing Collections of Critical and Scholarly Essays Sociological Treatises Other

152 153 153 154 155 155






Ady Endre Amade Läszlo Ambrus Zoltän Apaczai Csere Janos Apor Peter Arany Janos Babits Mihäly Bacsänyi Janos

174 176 176 177 177 178 179 180

Bajza Jozsef Balassi Balint Baroti Szabo David Bel Mätyäs Berzsenyi Daniel Bessenyei György Bethlen Miklos Bod Peter

180 181 181 182 182 182 183 183


CONTENTS Bornemisza Peter Brody Sändor Csokonai Vitez Mihäly Dayka Gabor Deiy Tibor Dsida Jeno Dugonics Andräs Eötvös Jozsef Erdelyi Jänos Faludi Ferenc Fay Andräs Fazekas Mihäly Garay Jänos Gärdonyi Geza Geleji Katona Istvän Gelleri Andor Endre Gvadänyi Jozsef Gyöngyösi Istvän Gyulai Päl Heltai Gäspär Herczeg Ferenc Illyes Gyula Ilosvai Selymes Peter Janus Pannonius Jokai Mor Josika Miklos Jozsef Attila Juhäsz Gyula Kaffka Margit Karinthy Frigyes Kärmän Jozsef Kassäk Lajos Katona Jozsef Kazinczy Ferenc Kemeny Zsigmond Kisfaludy Käroly Kisfaludy Sändor Kiss Jozsef Kölcsey Ferenc Komjäthy Jen3 Kossuth Lajos Kosztolänyi Dezsö

183 184 184 185 185 186 186 186 187 187 187 188 188 188 190 190 190 191 191 192 192 194 195 195 196 199 200 201 201 201 202 202 203 203 205 205 206 206 206 207 207 208

Krüdy Gyula Madäch Imre Magyari Istvän Märai Sändor Melius Peter Mikes Kelemen Mikszäth Kälmän Misztotfalusi Kis Miklos Molnär Ferenc Moricz Zsigmond Nagy Lajos Nemeth Läszlo Nyirö Jozsef Orczy Lorincz Päzmäny Peter Peterfy Jeno Petöfi Sändor Radnöti Miklos II. Räkoczi Ferenc Reviczky Gyula Riedl Frigyes Rimay Jänos Särközi György Särosi Gyula Szabo Dezsö Szabo Lorinc Szabo Päl Szechenyi Istvän Szerb Antal Szigligeti Ede Tamäsi Äron Tinodi Sebestyen Toldy Ferenc Tolnai Lajos Tompa Mihäly Toth Ärpäd Vajda Jänos Vajda Peter Vas Gereben Veres Peter Viräg Benedek Vörösmarty Mihäly Zrinyi Miklos

209 210 210 210 211 212 212 215 216 217 219 220 220 221 221 222 222 223 2 24 224 224 224 225 225 225 226 227 228 228 229 229 230 231 231 232 232 232 232 232 233 234 234 235









237 260 262

Index of secondary sources in non-Hungarian languages or containing headings, introductions, or summaries in non-Hungarian languages


Index of names



The need for this bibliography arises mainly from the inadequacy of collections of Hungarian literature in the United States. Its purpose is to help students solve some of the problems resulting from this state of affairs by citing basic secondary sources, by summarizing the contents of these sources, by listing important anthologies, series, and editions of major authors' writings, and by reporting the locations of the cited works in selected United States and European libraries. In the compilation of secondary sources, I have sought to provide materials in all areas of knowledge required by the work of the literary historian. For this reason the bibliography contains data on bibliographical aids and reference tools; on historical, intellectual, and cultural backgrounds; on resources useful in understanding the Hungarian language; on studies of Hungary's literary and cultural relations with other countries; and in addition to these various areas, works on the history of books and printing, on literary and scholarly periodicals, literary societies, and folklore, and on other subjects closely related to the study of literature. Since the bibliography is introductory, the titles concerned directly with literary matters are general in scope.1 They consist of histories of literature and histories and studies of literary genres, periods, and movements. An article or short monograph on an individual author is included only — with rare exceptions — when it explores his relations with other writers or throws light on the intellectual trends or literary movements of his times or some other basic literary question or problem.2 Only a few authoritative biogx

The author bibliography on which I am working will include additional authors, record and annotate books and articles dealing with matters central to a detailed understanding of an individual author's life and writings, and report more extensively on editions of his works than the section on primary sources in the present volume. 2 1 have, however, included numerous journal articles by the late Joseph Remenyi, most of which are concerned with individual authors, not merely because they are in English and easily available or because they deal mainly with more recent authors, but because each of them contains biographical materials and critical comments and often places the author in relation to the movement of which he is a part and to the European tradition which he reflects. A collection of Remenyi's articles, edited and with an introduction by August J.



raphies are reported. M y decisions about these sources were based on their scholarly reputation, but occasionally I have included a title which did not particluarly impress me if I was unable to find other sources on the subject or if it was available in a library in the United States. For each of these secondary sources, I have provided the facts of publication and a note on the text. If the source consists of more than one volume, with a clear and useful organization for each volume, a description of the contents of each volume is provided. T h e details of publication are derived from the title pages of books and separately published monographs or from the periodical in which an article was published. For books and monographs, author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, and total number of pages are given; for articles, author, title, name of periodical, volume number, date, and inclusive page numbers. For books comprising more than one volume, pagination for individual volumes is not given. When information about place or date of publication or publisher not available in the publication itself was found in bibliographical sources, I have recorded the details without square brackets. I have tried to make the annotations as informative as possible within the requirements of brevity, so that a researcher can determine the usefulness of a title for his investigations. These annotations are descriptive, not critical. Points of view are characterized only when the author himself defines his approach to the materials. The annotations record the subject and scope of the work, describe appendices containing materials important to literary research, note the presence of bibliographical material in non-bibliographical works, and provide the page numbers of concealed bibliographies and of introductions and summaries in non-Hungarian languages. T h e contents of volumes are described with the student in mind who is dependent on interlibrary loan services for his sources. T h e second major division, which I have called Primary Sources, lists anthologies, series, and editions of major authors' writings. As with the secondary sources, the data are based on direct examination of the publications. The anthologies and series range through the whole of language and literature, and the series contain editions of the works of lesser as well as those of better-known authors. T h e section on editions of 101 authors of major historical or literary importance concentrates on their most important writings and/or on the best editions of their collected works that I have been able to examine. Writers of the twentieth century are well represented in this section, but only a few living authors are listed. 3 1 have Molnar, was recently published: Hungarian writers and literature: modem novelists, critics, and poets (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1964; 512 p.). • M y first inclination was to omit living authors, but because of the strong interest in them and the need for knowledge about them, I finally included a number who have received wide acceptance, even though my choices are certain to be challenged.



attempted to evaluate editions which were published after a writer's death — or which, as far as I was able to determine, were not edited by the writer himself — according to thoroughness of scholarly and critical handling of the text; thus, at the end of each main citation, I have designated such editions as critical, reliable but not critical, or popular. For editions consisting of more than one volume, I have described the content and recorded the date of publication and the total number of pages for individual volumes to assist the researcher with requests through interlibrary loans. Very frequently, and especially with the works of twentiethcentury authors, I have identified the genre. Whenever the genre was not given on the title page, I have placed the information in square brackets. As an aid in the search for other editions of some of the works listed, information about the first editions of the major works of the most important authors no longer living is provided in the headnote, while the first editions among the works listed for living authors are identified by their item numbers in the headnote. Cross references vary from their extensive use in the subsection on General Bibliographies to their complete absence in some sections and subsections. One very important exception to the organization of titles by subject affects the use of cross references. The titles in the section on Histories of and Treatises on Literature and Related Subjects by Periods deal with all aspects of literature within a single literary period or two. Therefore, the cross references in the headnotes refer only to those titles within the section whose contents substantially overlap any of the literary periods. The student who is interested in a particular subject with a separate section heading can locate entries on the subject in the period section by consulting the cross references in the headnote to the major topic. A search of selected libraries in the United States and Europe was conducted in an attempt to locate as many of the titles as possible.4 After an initial canvass of some forty United States libraries, the search was narrowed to the National Union Catalog, to Harvard College Library, Columbia University Library, the New York Public Library, the Cleveland Public Library, and the University of Minnesota Library — all of which are actively building collections of Hungarian literature — and to the University of Chicago Library, the Newberry Library, and the Chicago Public Library, whose holdings I could conveniently examine with some expectation of finding important materials. All but one of the eighteen European libraries listed were searched directly; titles in the West-deutsche Bibliothek, Marburg, were reported by the searcher of the Stadtbibliothek, 4 During the early stages of my work, I also checked the Canadian National Union Catalogue in the National Library, Ottawa, and the holdings of several major Canadian universities, but the findings were so nearly negligible that I discontinued the canvass.



East Berlin, as part of its own holdings in storage at that West German library. On the other hand, the locations of the periodicals were established through the direct examination of the serial records of the seventeen European libraries and of all the United States libraries that had recorded any of the periodicals among their collections in the Union list of serials. The results of these searches are recorded at the end of each entry for secondary sources, anthologies, and author editions and, with rare exceptions, after the citation of each volume of a series. Whenever a title is available in both United States and European libraries, the symbols of United States libraries are listed first. The symbols of all libraries are to be indentified by consulting Appendix C, the Directory of Libraries. Because of the limitations of my searches and the possibility that some libraries have not reported titles to the National Union Catalog, some of the items, especially general works, are certain to be available in libraries other than those whose symbols appear in the text. The user is reminded of the fact that in the Hungarian language the surname always precedes the given name. My practice has been to record these names in that order when they appear in Hungarian texts, as in citations of bibliographical data in the entries, but to reverse them when they appear in non-Hungarian texts, as in annotations and foreign titles. In order to make the contents of this bibliography more readily usable by students not completely at home in the Hungarian language, I have listed editions of Hungarian-English and English-Hungarian dictionaries in Appendix B, and provided a special index to secondary sources written in non-Hungarian languages or containing titles, introductions, and/or summaries in such languages. I have also provided definitions of Hungarian terms that frequently recur in the citations for the use of the non-specialist. M y searches of libraries afford a basis for evaluating the collections which may be useful to researchers. Both the Harvard College Library and the New York Public Library have had a long-standing interest in collecting Hungarian materials and continue to add to their holdings. The collection at the New York Public Library is the more extensive, and its present activity also seems to be greater. The Library of Congress, which has also been collecting materials for a long time, has in recent years greatly increased its acquisitions under the guidance of Elemer Bako. The Cleveland Public Library has a good collection, especially of author editions, but I could find no recent increase in its acquisitions. Among the three libraries in Chicago, only the substantial collection of popular author editions at the Chicago Public Library is worth noting. The Columbia University Library shows a most striking increase since 1959, a development which, along with the large collection at the New York Public Library, makes New York City the best single place for research in this country. The collection is being built by John Lötz, to whom those working



in Hungarian studies will be forever indebted, not only for this collection but for his scholarly writings and for his encouragement of the efforts of others to promote Western understanding of Hungary. The University of Minnesota Library, which has only recently begun its collection, is concentrating on belles-lettres and other materials contributing most directly to their study, and will eventually contain the most important secondary sources and the best author editions. The best European collections I located were those in East Berlin, Vienna, London, and Paris.5 Of the three libraries in East Berlin, that of the Finnisch-Ugrisches Institut was the best; indeed, it has the best collection of materials I have discovered outside Hungary. This library has been acquiring materials since about the middle of the nineteenth century, and continues to add regularly to its holdings under the guidance of Bela Szent-Ivanyi. The Nationalbibliothek and the Universitätsbibliothek in Vienna are also rich in titles. The larger collection is at the Nationalbibliothek; the Universitätsbibliothek, which is adding new titles very modestly, contains materials for nineteenth and early twentieth century literature. Although the collections in London do not seem so strong as those in East Berlin and Vienna, the British Museum and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies have extensive holdings. The British Museum is especially strong in nineteenth century literature, and is actively collecting new titles in the whole spectrum of Hungarian literature. Among the libraries in Paris, the Hungarian Institute seems to have the largest repository; many of the basic titles, especially those published early, are also available in the Bibliotheque Nationale and the Sorbonne. The small, uncatalogued library of the Hungarian Institute at the University of Florence contains the best single collection of studies written in English, French, German, and Italian that I found. Unfortunately what these canvasses demonstrate is that the collections for research in the United States are still inadequate. A student can not complete a major project without the use of European sources, and probably not without those in Hungary. The materials in the United States, though growing in number and depth, are still too limited for thorough studies of even the most important authors and literary movements. It seems to me that a cooperative venture is required for the establishment of collections that will substantially support serious work in the field. Perhaps those libraries in the United States that are strongly interested in Hungarian literary materials could render more effective service by dividing the task among themselves. Though each of these libraries would want to hold many basic titles, concentration of the acquisitions 6 1 have been informed that in Rome, the Hungarian Academy, the National Library, and the Vatican Library contain large holdings, but I have not been able to arrange for a search of their holdings.



of each on selected literary periods and authors would, I think, considerably advance the day when a student can carry on research in depth either at a particular library or through combined holdings in United States libraries sharing their collections through a more liberal interlibrary loan policy than now prevails. Unless steps similar to these are taken, this vast and important literature will not soon receive the attention it so richly merits.


n.d.: no date of publication n.p.: no publisher p.: page(s)

MnU: [MnU]: 1912 + : I>I+:

[1921-1922]: »[11-12]:

pp.: pages v, v.: volume(s) Vol.: volume(s)

pt., pts.: part, parts item on microfilm or photostat at the library designated item incomplete in the holdings of the library designated item still being published or periodical holdings in the designated library continuous from the year given periodical holdings in the designated library continuous from the volume number given years of a periodical incomplete in the holdings of the designated library volumes of a periodical incomplete in the holdings of the designated library

adta közre: issued by arck6p (ek): sketch (es), portrait(s) ätdolgozta: revised by beszed(ek): speech(es), address (es) beszely(ek): short story(ies) tale(s) bevezetesevel: introduction by bevezetessel ellätta: introduction by bevezeto tanulmänyt irta: introduction by

bevezetovel ellitta: introduction by bevezette: introduction by biralat(ok): review(s), critical work(s), critique(s) cikk(ek):


dolgozatai: (author's) dissertations, papers dolgozat (ok): dissertation (s), paper(s) drämatöredek(ek): dramatic fragment(s)



eddig: to date, as i n ' 'eddig harom kötet," "3 volumes to date" egybegyujtötte: collected by egyeb: other elbeszeles(ek): short story (ies), novelette(s), tale(s) elbeszelo: narrative, epic elegyes: mixed 61et(e): life (of author) eletiras: biography eletrajzokkal kiserte: biographical sketches prepared by elöszoval ellätta: preface or introduction by eml6kbeszed(ek): memorial speech (es), address (es) emlek(ei): (author's) memories, recollections eml6kek: remains, relics emlekezet(ek): memorial(s), remembrance (s) emlekirat(ok): memoir(s) erkölcsrajz(ok): moral sketch(es) es kesöbb: and later is többen: and others f eljegyz6s (ek): note-taking (s) folyöirat(ok): periodical(s), journals) forditäs(ok): translation(s) forditotta: translated by filzet: issue(s), fascicle(s) gondozasäban: under the editorship of gyüj temeny (ek): collection (s) gyüjtötte: collected by hagyatek(ok): literary remains, posthumous paper(s) hätrahagyott: posthumous hirlap(ok): newspaper(s) hösköltemeny(ek): heroic epic(s), lay(s)

humoreszk(ek): humorous sketch(es), writing(s) ifj. (ifjabb): junior illuszträlta: illustrated by iräs(ok): writing(s) irodalmi: literary irodalom: literature irodalomtörtenet: literary history ir6(k): author(s), writer(s) jegyzes(ek): note-taking(s) jegyzeteket irta: notes prepared by jegyzetekkel ellätta: notes prepared by jegyzetekkel kiserte: notes prepared by jegyzetelte: annotated by jegyzetezte: annotated by karcolat(ok): sketch(es) kiadasa: a publication of kiadja: issued by kiadjäk: issued by kiadö: publisher kiadöja: published by kiegeszitette: supplemented [the work] with kiegeszito: supplementary kiegeszito sorozat: supplementary series kinyomtatta: had [the work] printed kisebb: shorter kis6rlet(ek): experiment(s) kisregeny(ek): short novel(s), romance (s) költemeny(ek): poem(s) költemenyei: (author's) poems költeszet: poetry költöi: poetical költo(k): poet(s) könyv(ek): book(s)

HUNGARIAN TERMS könyvkiadö: publisher kor: period, age köt. (kötet): volume(s) kötet: volume(s) kötetben: in [number of] volumes, as in "h&rom resz ket kötetben," "3 parts in 2 volumes" and as in "negy kötet h l r o m kötetben," "4 volumes in 3 volumes" közmondäs(ok): proverb(s) közrebocsatja: issued b y közrebocsatotta: issued b y közre botsätotta: issued by közremüködesevel: with the collaboration of közzeteszi: edited b y közzeteszik: edited b y közli: edited b y kritika: criticism levelek: letters, correspondence lira: lyric poems, lyric poetry maradvany(ok): remains, relic(s) mondäs(ok): saying(s), expression (s) müforditäs(ok): translation(s) of belle(s)-lettre(s) munkäi: (author's) works, writings mfivei: (author's) works, writings möv6szet: (fine) art nagyobb: longer napl6: journal, diary n6pballada(ak): folk ballad(s) n6pdal(ok): folk song(s) n6pkölteszet: folk poetry n6pmese(ek): folk tale(s) novella(ak): short story(ies), novelette (s) nyelv: language


nyelvemlek(ek): language remains, relic(s) ön61etrajz: autobiography összeäll. (összeallit6[k]): compiler^) összeillitotta: compiled or arranged b y összegyüjtött: collected összegyujtötte: collected b y összes: complete összevetette: collated by p ä l y a : career, profession p61dabeszed(ek): parable(s) pötkötet: supplementary volume pr6za: prose rajz(ok): sketch(es) rege(ek): tale(s), saga(s), legend (s) reg6ny(ek): novel(s), romance(s) rdgi: ancient, old, early rendezte: prepared for press by r6sz: part(s) r.t. (reszv6nytärsasäg): company, ltd. sajtö alä rendezte: prepared for press b y sorozat: series stb. (s a többi): et cetera sz6phist6ria: romance szlppröza: artistic prose writing, fiction sz6ptan: aesthetics sz6ptani: aesthetic szerk. (szerkeszt8[k]): editor (s) szerkesztette: edited by szerkesztett6k: edited b y szerkeszti: edited by szerkesztSbizottsag: editorial board szerzo: author



szinjatek(ok): drama(s), play(s) szinmü(vek): drama(s), play(s), dramatic piece(s) szöveg(ek): text(s)

üti jegyzetek: travel notes ütirajz(ok): travel sketch(es) utöszot irta: epilogue, postscript, or introductory essay (placed at end of volume) by

tanulmäny(ok): study(ies), treatise (s), essay (s) tär(a): (author's) depository, collection tollrajz: pen sketch törtenelmi: historical tör tenet: history törteneti: historical

välogatott: selected valogatta: selected by väzlat(ok): sketch (es) vegyes: miscellaneous vers(ek): verse(s), poem(s), piece (s) of poetry vigjätek(ok): dramatic comedy (ies)


Part One: Secondary Sources I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES

[A number of sources are recommended for treatments of the development of bibliographical science in Hungary and for accounts of bibliographical aids to Hungarian research. Kozocsa Sändor, Bevezetes a bibliogrdfidba (Budapest: Kirälyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1939; 115p.; D L C M H M n U N N C A s W N G y B H ) . Though this work deals primarily with problems in bibliographical science, it contains a chapter on the history of bibliography in Hungary. Kertbeny's introduction to Bibliografie (no. 10 below) provides an extensive discussion of the development of Hungarian bibliography to 1880, in Hungarian and German. Wallaszky (no. 39) contains a summary of bibliographies that appeared before 1785. The periodical Magyar Könyvszemle (no. 1255) reports extensively on bibliographies and on problems in bibliography. Since 1955, it has provided summaries in English, German, French, and Russian. Gulyas Pal, A bibliogrdfia kezikönyve. Bevezetes α könyveszetbe. Hdrom rlsz kit kötetben (Budapest: Orszagos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1941-1942; [ D L C ] M n U N N AsWN). Both a handbook to the science of bibliography and a bibliography of bibliographies, it provides detailed accounts of such aids for Hungary, especially in Vol. II, in which major bibliographical tools are listed and described under subject headings by country, including those for Hungary. The East European accessions index (no. 8) is to be consulted for bibliographies published separately in Hungary beginning with 1944. Belley Pal es Ferenczyne Wendelin Lidia (összeäll.). A magyar bibliogrdfidk bibliogrdfidja. IQ56-IQ57 (Budapest: Orszagos Szechenyi Könyvtär, i960; 223p.; D L C M n U A s W N FiHU G e C U G e L B M G y B A G y B H GyBS). This bibliography of Hungarian bibliographies, the first of a new series, reports on all Hungarian bibliographies, in every area of learning, published separately or as a part of a work in 1956-1957. The latter type is restricted to bibliographies containing more than twenty items, except in highly specialized fields in which publications are not normally extensive. Brief annotations are given, and section headings are in Hungarian, Russian, English, German, and French.]



[For bibliographies similar to those covered in this section but contained in non-bibliographical works, see individual items in Section I I : Encyclopedias, and Section V : Biographical dictionaries.] 1 . Apponyi, Sändor (grof). Hungarica. Ungarn betreffende im Auslande gedruckte Bücher und Flugschriften. I - I V . kötet. Budapest es München: Franklin-Tärsulat es Jaques Rosenthal, 1900-1927. [Vol. I and I I also published in Leipzig, 1903] A chronological catalogue and description of 2509 foreign books and pamphlets written on Hungary from 1470 to 1795. Each volume: (1) an alphabetical list of titles by author for each year and (2) an index of personal and place names. Volumes I I I and I V (prepared with the collaboration of Lajos D6zsi): A supplement to and extension of the contents of Volumes I and II. [See annotation to no. 9.] Vol. I, 15th and 16th centuries (1470-1600); vol. II, 17th and 18th centuries (1601-Ϊ720); vol. I l l , 15th and 16th centuries (1471-1600); vol. IV, 17th and 18th centuries (1601-1795). D L C I C J M H M i U M n U N N A s W N F r P B N [FrPS] GeCU G e L B M GeOB G y B H G y B S G y G N S U 2. Asztalos Miklös. " A wittenbergi egyetemi könyvtar Wittenbergben maradt reszenek regi magyar köny vallomänya," Magyar Protest Ans EgyMztörtäneti Adaitär, X I I (1932), 123-185. [A periodical published by the Magyar Protestäns Irodalmi Tärsasag, Budapest] A catalogue of 402 Hungarian books published prior to 1711 to be found in the library of the University of Wittenberg. Organized and documented in the manner of Regi magyar könyvtär (no. 34), to which it adds 92 titles. [See also nos. 7, 17, 29, and 37.] 3. Baranyai Zoltan. "Pötläsok a 'Bibliographie Frangaise de la Hongrie'hoz," Magyar Könyvszemle, X X V I I I (1922), 168-170. Additions to Kont's Bibliographie (no. 13), using the same method of documentation. [See also nos. 4 and 15.] [CSt-H] I C J M i U N N N N C A s W N A s W U FiHU F r P B N [FrPS] G e L B M G y B A G y B H I t F U 4. " O j a b b adalekok K o n t Ignac 'Bibliographie Franjaise de la Hongrie'-jahoz," Magyar Könyvszemle, X X V I (1918), 68-77. Additions to no. 13, using the same method of documentation. [See also nos. 3 and 15.] I C J I C U M i U N N N N C AsWN AsWU F r P B N [FrPS] GeLBM GyBA GyBH ItFU 6. Bogyay, Thomas von und Krallert-Sattler, Gertrud. "Ungarische Bibliographie, 1945-1950," Südosteuropa-Bibliographie (München: R . Oldenbourg, 1959; 263p.), I. Band, 2. Teil, 117-182. Lists 1210 books and articles on Hungary published between 1945 and



1950. Arranged by subjects: (1) General, (2) The land, (3) The inhabitants, (4) History and politics, (5) Language and literature, (6) Government and jurisprudence, (7) Economics and social conditions, and (8) Intellectual and cultural life. Data: for books, author, title, place and date of publication, publisher, total pages; for articles, author, title, name of periodical, volume, year, and inclusive page numbers. Hungarian titles also in German. ICU MnU N N C AsWN AsWU GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU ItFU 6. Books from Hungary. Edited by Imre Komüves. Budapest: Hungarian Book Club, 1959+. A quarterly magazine in English reporting the books published in Hungary during each period. Grouped under area of learning. Information about the contents of each title. Notices of future publications; articles on books, authors, book production, culture, noted figures connected with Hungarian culture and learning, etc. Bibliographic appendix (as insert) listing books published in Hungary during the preceding quarter, arranged by subject: (1) Belles-lettres, (2) Juvenile and children's literature, (3) Literary history, (4) Arts, (5) Theatre, dance, (6) Musical works, (7) Reference books, (8) Bibliographies, (9) Religion, (10) Philosophy, psychology, (11) Social sciences, (12) Law, (13) History, (14) Education, (15) Ethnography, (16) Linguistics, grammars, dictionaries, (17) Natural sciences, (18) Geography, travel, guidebooks, (19) Technical literature, technology, industry, (20) Needlework, (21) Agriculture, (22) Work-organization, accountancy, trade, (23) Sports, chess, games, and (24) Maps. Also provides author, title, English translation of the title, number of volumes, pagination, and price. Illustrated. [Also published separately in German as Bücher aus Ungarn and in French as Livres de Hongrie. For other sources reporting the publication of monographic materials from 1946 on, see nos. 20, 21, and 38.] CU C t Y D L C ICU IU L N H T MnU N N OU WaU and others 7. Bucsay Mihäly. Regi magyar könyvek a kallei magyar könyvtärban. Budapest: Ranschburg Gusztäv Könyvkereskedese, 1941. 104p. A chronological catalogue of 754 Hungarian books published prior to 1711 to be found in the Halle Library. First part dependent on citations in Szabo and Hellebrant's Regi magyar könyvtär (no. 35), and on the supplements to that work by Asztalos (no. 2) and by Sztripszky (no. 37). Introduction in Hungarian and German. Index of authors and unsigned works. [See also nos. 17 and 29.] AsWN FiHI GyBH GyGGaU 8. East European accessions index. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, September/October 1951-November/December 1961. [Issued under title East European accessions list, 1951-1957. Appeared monthly beginning with 1952.] A record of monographic publications issued after 1944 and periodical


BIBLIOGRAPHIES publications issued after 1950 currently received by the Library of Congress and other American libraries. All areas of learning. Arranged by country: (1) Albania, (2) Bulgaria, (3) Czechoslovakia, (4) Estonia, (5) Hungary, (6) Latvia, (7) Lithuania, (8) Poland, (9) Rumania, and (10) Yugoslavia. Grouped under general subjects: (1) General, (2) Bibliography, (3) Philosophy and religion, (4) History, (5) Social sciences, (6) Political science, (7) Law, (8) Education, (9) Music, theatre and motion pictures, (10) Fine arts, (11) Language, literature and folklore, (12) Geography and geology, (13) Science, (14) Medicine, (15) Agriculture, (16) Technology, and (17) Military and naval sciences. Monographs listed in the original language or in transliteration followed by a translation of the title into English. Periodicals listed in the original language or in transliteration followed by a descriptive annotation in English including, as available, the name of the issuing body, language statement, frequency of publication, and historical note. Periodical holdings recorded by volume, number, and date. Listing of contents in English provided for selected periodicals. Identification symbols for items available in other American libraries. Cumulative lists of East European periodical and newspaper titles received by the Library of Congress and other American libraries included with the December issue of each volume. Subject index to monographic and periodical publications; list of periodical title abbreviations used in subject index. D L C ICU M H MnU N N OC1 [FiHU] GeLBM GeLU [GyGNSU]

9. Gragger, Robert und Farkas, Gyula. BibliographiaHungariae. Verzeichnis der 1861-IQ21 erschienenen Ungarn betreffenden Schriften in nicht ungarischer Sprache. Zusammengestellt vom Ungarischen Institut an der Universität Berlin. I-IV. kötet. Berlin und Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 1923-1929. Catalogue of books on Hungary in non-Hungarian languages published from 1861 to 1921. Arranged by language under subject or type headings. [For such materials prior to 1861, see nos. 1, 10, 11, 28, 33, and 35; for such works after 1921, consult the bibliographical sections of Ungarische Jahrbücher (no. 1284); for French materials from 1521 to 1910, see nos. 3, 4, 13, and 15.] Vol. I, History; vol. II, Geography, politics, and economics; vol. I l l , Dictionaries, language studies, grammars, literary histories, translations, anthologies, periodicals, art, religion, education; vol. IV, Index to entire work. IC ICN ICU MnU N N C N j R AsWU FiHU FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyBS 10. Kertbeny [Benkert], Karoly. Bibliografie der ungarischen nationalen und internationalen Literatur. Ungarn betreffende deutsche Erstlings-Drucke. 1454-1600. Budapest: Magyar Kirälyi Egyetemi Könyvnyomda, 1880. 774p. [The only volume published] A chronological catalogue of 1428 German books on Hungary published



from 1454 to 1600, giving the author, title, publisher, format, pages, and history of each edition. An extensive treatment of the development of Hungarian bibliographical science to its own date in the introduction in Hungarian and German. Name and subject index. [For other sources providing information about materials in non-Hungarian languages for various periods, see the annotation to no. 9.] CtY DLC ICN ΜΗ NN NjP OC1 AsWN FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GeOB 11. Kertbeny [Benkert] Käroly es Petrik G6za. Magyarorszdgi nimet könyv&szet. 1801-1860. A Magyarorszdgban s külföldön kazdnkra vonatkozölag megjelent nimet nyomtatvdnyok jegyzlke. I - I I . resz. Budapest: Magyar Kiralyi Egyetemi Könyvnyomda, 1886. A catalogue of German works published in Hungary and works in German concerned with Hungary but published outside of Hungary from 1801 to i860. Subject divisions in Pt. I : (1) Theology, (2) Philosophy, (3) History, (4) Geography and ethnology, (5) Jurisprudence and political science, (6) Medicine, (7) Natural sciences, (8) Educational systems and subjects, (9) Literary history and linguistics, and (10) Belles-lettres. Chronological organization by decades in Pt. I; alphabetical by author or title in Pt. II. [For other sources providing information about materials on Hungary in non-Hungarian languages for various years, see the annotation to no. 9.] Pt. I, 1801-1830 (author and title index by deci d e s ) ; pt. II, 1831-1860 (author index). FrPBN GyBH 12. Kiszlingstein Sändor. Magyar könyvtszet. 1876-85. JegyzSke az 1876-85. ivekben megjelent, vagy üjölag kiadott magyar könyveknek is tirkipeknek. II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar KönyvkereskedSk Egylete, 1890. 556p. A catalogue of Hungarian books, articles, and maps published in Hungary from 1876 to 1885. Alphabetical by author under subject headings: (1) Theology, (2) Philosophy, (3) History, (4) Geography, (5) Jurisprudence and political science, (6) Medicine, (7) Natural sciences, (8) Pedagogy and didactics, (9) Literary history and linguistics, (10) Belleslettres, (11) Fine arts, (12) Agriculture, (13) Hunting, (14) Mathematics, (15) Technology, (16) Industry and commerce, (17) Military science, and (18) Miscellaneous. Unlike Petrik's Magyar könyvtszet. 1860-1875 ( n o · 25)> to which it adds works omitted, it does not limit the articles listed to those found in better-known journals. List of the newspapers and periodicals from which the entries were taken. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see nos. 25 (18601875), 24 (1860-1892), 26 (1886-1900), 27 (1901-1910), 31 (1911-1917), 14 (1911-1920), 19 (1921-1923), 18 (1930-1935)1 and 36 (1936-1941). For catalogues of books published in Hungary during earlier years, see the annotation to no. 34.] DLC MnU NN NNC AsWN FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU



13. Kont, Ign&c. Bibliographie franQaise de la Hongrie (1521-1910). Avec un inventaire sommaire des documents manuscrits. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1913. 325p. A catalogue of French works concerned with Hungarian matters of all kinds to varying degrees published from 1521 to 1910. Arranged chronologically to render an account of the historical development of French knowledge of Hungary. Locates most of the entries, often summarizes them, and contains an extensive inventory of documents and manuscripts concerned with Hungary in the public archives and libraries of France. Author-subject index. [See also nos. 3, 4 and 15.] CtY D L C I C J ICN MB MH MiU NN NNC AsWU FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyGGaU 14. Kozocsa Sandor. Magyar konyveszet. iQii-1920. Az 1911-1920. evekben megjelent magyarorszägi könyvek, különlenyomatok, zenemüvek es terkepek hetürendes jegyzSke. Barcza Imre cimanyagänak felhasznäläsäval összeällitotta az Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär Bibliogräfiai Osztälya. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Könyvkiadok es Könyvkereskedok Egyesülete, 19391942. [The third volume, which was to catalogue articles for the same period, was not published.] An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of books, reprints from periodicals, musical compositions, and maps published in Hungary from 1911 to 1920, giving the title, place and date of publication, publisher, and pages. Periodical literature or works of Hungarians published outside Hungary not included. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] Vol. I, Α - K ; vol. II, L-ZS. [NNC] AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 15. Leval, Andre. Supplement ά la Bibliographie franiaise de I. Kont. Budapest: Librairie Gustave Ranschburg, 1914. 50p. [Reprinted from Revue de Hongrie, January-March, 1914] An addition of 347 titles to no. 13, using the same method of organization and documentation. [See also nos. 3 and 4.] CtY DLC ICU FrPBN FrPS GyBH 16. Magyar folyöiratok repert&riuma. Repertorium periodicorum hungaricorwm. Budapest: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1946+. [Appeared quarterly (irregular; some issues combined), 1946-1949; monthly (some issues combined), 1952 to date] A list of articles in all fields of learning published in Hungarian periodicals, from 1946 on, arranged by subject: (1) General works, (2) Philosophy, (3) Religion and theology, (4) Social sciences, (5) Linguistics, (6) Natural sciences, (7) Applied sciences, (8) Arts, (9) Literature, belleslettres, and world literature, (10) Geography and history. Data: author, title, issuing body, date, volume and serial numbers, and inclusive pages.



Subject headings in Hungarian, English, French, and Russian. A supplement to no. 21. DLC [NN] [NNC] AsWN FiHU [FrPBN] GeCU [GeLBM] GeOB GyBA GyBH GyBS [GyGNSU] [ItFU] 17. Magyar Könyveshaz. "Adalekok Szabo Käroly 'Regi Magyar Könyvtlr'-ähoz," Magyar Könyvszemle, XVII-XXXVIII (1892-1931). Regular additions to no. 34 in articles from 1892 to 1931, following the same method of documentation and description. [See also nos. 2, 7, 29, and 37.] [CSt-H] [CtY] [ICU] [MH] MiU [Mnü] [NN] NNC [PU] AsWN AsWU [FiHU] [FrPBN] [FrPS] GeLBM [GyBA] GyBH [ItFU] 18. Magyar Könyveszet. I-VI. füzet. Budapest: Magyar Könyvkiadok es Könyvkereskedok Orszägos Egyesülete, 1930-1935. An annual catalogue, alphabetical by author, of books and periodicals published in Hungary from 1930 to 1935, giving the author, title, place and date of publication, publisher, pages, and format. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] AsWU FrPBN GyGNSU 19. Magyar könyveszet. 1921-1923. Az 1921-1923. evekben megjelent magyar könyvek betörendes jegyzike es tdrgymidatüja. Budapest: Magyar Könykiadök es Könyvkereskedok, Zenemükiadok es Zenemükereskedok Egyesülete, 1924. 491p. An alphabetical catalogue of books, by author and subject, in all fields of learning published in Hungary from 1921 to 1923. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] DLC MH GeLBM GyGNSU 20. Magyar Könyvkiadök programja. Budapest: Kultüra Könyv es Hirlap Külkereskedelmi Vällalat, 1959+. [Appears quarterly] A list of monographic publications appearing during the quarter, grouped alphabetically by name of publisher. Prices quoted. [For other sources reporting on monographic publications from 1946 on, see nos. 6, 21, and 38.] DLC NNC 21. Magyar nemzeti bibliogräfia, Bibliographia hungarica. Budapest: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1946+. [Appears monthly (irregular)] A catalogue of books and pamphlets in all fields of learning published in Hungary during the period reported, grouped under subject headings, with subdivisions under each: (1) General works and collections, (2) Philosophy, (3) Religion and churches, (4) Social sciences, (5) Linguistics, (6) Mathematics and natural sciences, (7) Applied sciences, (8) Arts, (9) Literature, (10) Geography and history. Data: author, title, place and date of publication, publisher, total pages, and format. Subject headings in Hungarian, English, French, and Russian. Alphabetical index to each issue. [For other sources reporting on monographic publications from 1946 on, see nos. 6, 20, and 38. See also no. 16, a supplement


BIBLIOGRAPHIES to this item reporting since 1946 on articles in Hungarian periodicals.] DA DLC IU NN [NNC] AsWN FiHU [FrPBN] GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBA GyBH GyBS [ItFU]

22. A Magyar Tudomthtyos Akademia kiaddsdban megjelent munkdknak ts α folyöiratok tartalmdnak betörendes cimjegyzSke. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1890-1911. 1188p. An alphabetical catalogue, by author and subject, of all publications of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences from 1830 to 1910. Volume number and inclusive pages for periodical articles. Pt. 1,1830-June 1889 (subject index); pt. II, 1889-1910, with sub-pt. 1, A to Language, and sub-pt. 2, Langyos-Zvonarics (no index). DLC ΜΗ NN NNC OC1 PPAmP AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GyBH 23. Märki J6zsef. Szak- &s betörendes kalauz az összes magyar irodalom törtSnete s könyviszeteben. Budapest: Laufier Vilmos Tulajdona, 1878. 267p. After a general section on the Hungarian language, the major Hungarian writers, the periods of Hungarian literature, etc., classifies the titles of Hungarian books on Hungary according to literary type or branch of learning in alphabetical order from the beginning of printing to the 1870s. Subjects: (1) Religious literature, (2) Belles-lettres, (3) History, (4) Jurisprudence, (s) Linguistics, (6) Mathematics, (7) Military science, (8) Natural sciences, (9) Medicine, (10) Philosophy, ( n ) Pedagogy, (12) Liberal arts, (13) Geography, (14) Travel, (15) Political science, (16) Economics, (17) Technology and commerce, (18) Archeology, and (19) Miscellaneous literary subjects [Encyclopedias, Newspapers, Journals, Almanacs, Books on the family, people, youth and children, and Histories of Hungarian literature]. Each subject treated historically and critically. Data: author, title, place and date of publication, and number of volumes. Closing section: Specimens of the Hungarian language from 1000 to 1877. Index. [MnU] GeLBM 24. Petrik Geza. Kalauz az üjabb magyar irodalomban. Budapest: Magyar Könyvkereskedok Egylete, 1894. 288p. A subject catalogue of books published in Hungary from i860 to 1892, giving the author, title, place and date of publication, and publisher. No attention to textbooks. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] NN NNC 25. Magyar könyviszet. 1860-1875. Jegyzike az 1860-75. tvekben megjelent magyar könyvek is folyöiratoknak.Budapest: Magyar Könyvkeresked6k Egylete, 1885. 467p. An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of books and of articles in the most important dailies and periodicals published in Hungary from i860 to 1875. No attention to works in foreign languages published in Hungary or to works concerned with Hungary published abroad. Index of



translators and authors and subject index in 18 major divisions. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] D L C I U MB M H MnU N N N N C N j P 0C1 AsWU F r P B N FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 26 . Magyar könyv&szet. 1886-1900. Az 1886-1900. toekben megjelent magyar könyvek, tirkipek 6s atlaszok összedllUdsa. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Könyvkereskedok Egyesülete, 1908-1913. An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of books, maps, and atlases published in Hungary from 1886 to 1900. No attention to periodicals published in foreign languages or to periodicals published in Hungary. Only titles of latter. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] Vol. I, Alphabetical list of books, maps, and atlases (author, co-author, and translator index); vol. I I , Subject index to vol. I. D L C I U MB M H M n U N N N N C N j P OC1 AsWU F r P B N FrPS GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 27. Petrik G6za (6s a 15/6 füzettßl Barcza Imre). Magyar könyviszet. 19011910. Svekben megjelent magyar könyvek is foly&iratok, atlaszok is tirkipek összedllUdsa. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Könyvkiadök es Könyvkereskedök Orszägos Egyesülete, 1917-1928. [The projected third volume was not published.] An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of books, articles in periodicals, atlases, and maps published in Hungary from 1901 to 1910. An index of learned periodicals published during the period. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] Vol. I, Α - K ; vol. II, L-Z. D L C IU M B M H MnU N N N N C N j P OC1 [AsWU] F r P B N GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 28. Petrik Geza. Magyarorszdg bibliogrdfedja. 1712-1860. Könyviszeti kimutatdsa Τα Magyar orszdgban s hazdnkra vonatkozölag külföldön megjelent nyomtatvdnyoknak. I - I V . kötet. Budapest: Dobrowsky Agost es Pallas Nyomda, 1882-1892. An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of books published in Hungary and books concerned with Hungary published in foreign countries from 1712 to i860, giving the title, date of publication, format, and total pages. [For additions to this item, see no. 12. For books published in Hungary from i860 on, see annotation to no. 12. For items reporting on materials on Hungary in non-Hungarian languages, consult the annotation to no. 9.] Vol. I, A-G; vol. II, GY-O; vol. I I I , Ö-Z; vol. IV, Supplement and author index. I C N M H MnU N N AsWU F r P B N GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyGNSU 29. R a t h György. "Adalekok Szabo Karoly Regi Magyar Könyvtärähoz," Magyar Könyvszemle, V - X I V (1880-1889). Regular additions to Szabo's Könyvtdr (no. 34) in articles from 1880 to



1889, following the same method of organization and documentation. [See also nos. 2, 7, 17, and 37.] ICJ [MH] MiU [NNC] AsWN [FiHU] GeLBM GeOB [GyBA] GyBH [ItFU] 30. Sändor Istvän. Magyar könyveshdz, avagy a magyar könyveknek kinyomtatdsok szerint valö rövid emlUisök. Gy6r: Streibig Jözsef Betfiivel, 1803. 285p. A catalogue of 3621 Hungarian books published in Hungary from 1533 to 1800 (1054 titles prior to 1711, 2567 from 1711 to 1800). Arranged by year of publication, with subdivision by place of publication, and giving title, format, and author. List of 1035 authors and translators providing their place of residence and their occupations, if known. [For other works recording similar materials prior to 1861, see the annotation to no. 34.] AsWU GeLBM 31. Steinhofer Käroly, Kßhalmi Bela, Pikler Blanka 6s többen. "Magyar könyveszet. 1911-1917," Magyar Könyvkereskedök Bvkönyve, X X I I XXVIII (1912-1918). [A periodical published by Magyar Könyvkereskedök Egylete, Budapest, as a supplement to Corvina, a bibliographical journal issued by Magyar Könyvkiadok es Könyvkereskedök, Zenemükiadök es ZenemükereskedSk Egylete, Budapest; appeared monthly (irregular but always 12 numbers each year)] An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of books published in Hungary from 1911 to 1917. Belles-lettres by title as well as author. Data: author, title, translator, editor, format, total pages, place and date of publication, and publisher. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] Vol. X X I I - X X I V , 1911-1913; vol. XXIV-XXVIII, 1914, 1917. 32. Szabö, George. Corvinus manuscripts in the United States. A bibliography. New York: Kossuth Foundation, i960. 20p. A bibliography of studies of four American-owned Corvinus manuscripts (Didymus Alexandrinus, Cicero, Livius, Tacitus) and the incunabulum Statuta Urbis Romae. Hungarian titles also in English. DLC NNC I t F U 33. Szabö Käroly. A ζ i^j-töl megjelent nem-magyar nyelvü hazai nyomtatvdnyok jegyzSke. Budapest: Magyar Kirälyi Egyetemi Könyvnyomda, 1883. 118p. An alphabetical list, by author, of books published in Hungary in nonHungarian languages, mainly in Latin, from 1473 to 1711. Data: author, title, place and date of publication, and format. [For other sources providing information about materials on Hungary in non-Hungarian languages for various years, see the annotation to no. 9.] DLC AsWN FiHU GyGNSU I t F U



34. Regi magyar könyvtdr. Könyveszeti kezikönyv. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1879-1885. A chronological list of 4276 books in Hungarian published from 1531 to 1711, giving the place and year of publication, format, pages, history of printing for each title. Location of single publications and identification of anonymous works. [See also nos. 2, 7, 17, 29, and 37. For catalogues of Hungarian works published during a similar period, see nos. 30 and 39; for catalogues of similar materials published from i860 on, consult the annotation to no. 12.] Vol. I, 1531-1711 (name index); vol. II, 1473-1711 (separate name and subject indices). D L C MiU M n U N N N N C OU A s W N A s W U F r P B N FrPS GeCU G e L B M G y B H G y G N S U 35. Szabo Karoly es Hellebrant Ärpad. Regi magyar könyvtdr. Könyveszeti kizikönyv. III-1/III-2. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1896-1898. A chronological catalogue of 4831 works by Hungarian authors published abroad in non-Hungarian languages from 1480 to 1711, with citations handled as in no. 34. [For other sources providing information about materials on Hungary in non-Hungarian languages for various years, see the annotation to no. 9.] Pt. I, 1480-1670; pt. II, 1671-1711, with addenda (name index). D L C M n U N N N N C [OC1] A s W N [FiHI] FrPBN GeCU GeLBM G y B H GyGNSU 3 6 . Szollas Ella, Droszt Olga es Mokcsay Julia. Magyar könyveszet. A magyarorszdgi nyomddk es egy&b sokszorositö vdllalatok 1936-1941. ένϊ kötelespilddnyszolgdltatäsa es nyomtatvdnyaik: könyvek, hirlapok, folyöiratok cimjegyzeke. I - V I . füzet. Budapest: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 19391944. An annual alphabetical catalogue, by author, of books and articles published in Hungary from 1936 to 1941. Besides author and title, provides place of publication, publisher, pages, and format; page numbers of articles. [For other works covering similar materials from i860 on, see the annotation to no. 12.] D L C Μ Η N N N N C A s W N F i H U G e L B M GeOB G y B S 3 7 . Sztripszky Hiador. AdalSkok Szab6 Kdroly Rtgi Magyar Könyvtär clmü munkäjänak I., II. kötetihez. Pötläsok is igazitäsok. 1472-1711. Budapest: n.p., 1912. 710p. A collection of all additions to Szabo's Könyvtär (no. 34) and their corrections. Lists 451 works in Hungarian and 281 in foreign languages. Date of first citation, 1527; of last, 1711. Index of authors for each of the original two volumes and of places of publication, with citations under each arranged alphabetically b y typographer. [See also nos. 2, 7, 17, and 29.] FrPS



38. Täjökoztatö α megjelenö könyvekröl. Budapest: Ällami Könyvterjeszto Vällalat, 1957+. A monthly record of books published in Hungary during the period in all areas of learning. Also book reviews and articles on books and authors and related matters. Illustrated. [See also nos. 6, 20, and 21.] D L C [MH] N N [FiHI] 39. Wallaszky, Päl. Conspectus reipublicae litterariae in Eungaria. Pozsony Lipcse: Anton Loewe, 1785. 326p. A catalogue of Hungarian books published from the period prior to the literary renaissance to 1783. Concerned largely with the subjects of physics, natural history, astronomy, antiquity, geography, philology, and grammar, but contains materials on Hungarian literature and belleslettres. Prolegomena: Summary of the histories, bibliographies, and lexicons of Hungarian literature that had appeared previous to the work. Provides author, title, and summary of a work, with all materials in chronological order, and treats the intellectual developments of which the books are a vital part. [For other works recording similar materials prior to 1861, see the annotation to no. 34.] ICN M H N N AsWN AsWU FiHI FrPS GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyGNSU B. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF FOREIGN L I T E R A R Y A N D C U L T U R A L I N F L U E N C E S A N D RELATIONS I . TRANSLATIONS

[Bibliographical data on translations are also to be found in other sections and subsections. In the previous subsection, General Bibliographies, several of the citations, especially no. 9, are to be consulted for such information. Nos. 30 and 31 contain information on translators. The subsection immediately below, grouped by countries, contains records of translations in nos. 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 63, 64, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, and 78. Many items in Section VII are concerned, in whole or in part, with the role of translations as an influence on Hungarian literature; as a result, a number of its items record data on translations, usually in the form of lists and often about individual authors: nos. 244, 250, 251, 254, 257, 260, 262, 268, 274, 276, 279, 280, 281, 284, 285, 286, 291, 294, 298, 303, 304, 311, 312, 315, 323, 325, 329, and 337. Lists of translations are also to be found in nos. 369, 374, 416, 521 (also a history), 534, 691, and 698. Substantial numbers of translations into non-Hungarian languages are to be found in nos. 211, 214, 218, 220, 354, 374, 678, 714, 715, 719, 726, and 728.] 40. Demeter Tibor. Magyar sz&pirodalom Hegen nyelven. I - V . kötet. Budapest: SzerzS, 1952.



A catalogue of translations of Hungarian belles-lettres into foreign languages to its own date. Alphabetically by author, with translations grouped by language under each work. Data: title, translator, place and date of publication; for translations in periodicals, inclusive page numbers. [Apparently only about a hundred mimeographed copies of this work have been published. Copies are available in major libraries in Hungary. Specific questions about translations may be addressed to Magyar Irodalomtörteneti Intezet, Budapest XI, Menesi üt, which owns a copy. NN owns a first volume (Aba-Beck) of a 1957 edition of this work, also in mimeographed form.] Vol. I, Aba-Füst; vol. II, Gaal-Justh; vol. Ill, Kabos-Peterfy; vol. IV, Petofi Sändor; vol. V, PetrichevichZsolt. [NN] GyBH 41. Gulyäs Pal. Magyar szipirodalom idegen nyelven a Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum könyvtärdban. I—II. resz. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum Könyvtära, 1915-1919. [Title to Pt. II: Magyar szipirodalom idegen nyelven a Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum naptdrgyüjtem6ny6ben. Also appeared in Magyar Könyvszemle, X X I I (1913-17), X X V I I I (1919); was published separately in Budapest, in 1919, by G. Ranschburg.] An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of Hungarian works translated into foreign languages in the collection of the Library of the Hungarian National Museum. Divisions: (1) Individual authors, (2) Collected works by literary type (poetry, drama, fiction), (3) Guide indices (titles of translations alphabetically, chronological lists of translations, publishers and place of publication; names of translators, list of translated authors). Data: title, date, and translator for each entry. [Additions have been made to this two-part work by Antal Hermann in an article in Magyar Könyvszemle, X X I X (1920/21), 92-95.] Pt. I, Individual authors and collections of poetry, drama, and prose fiction (indices of translations by languages, by chronological order, by place of publication, and by author); pt. II, Translations in the collection of almanacs (indices as in pt. I). MH [NN] AsWN FiHU GeLBM [GeOB] GyBH 42. "Nepkölteszetünk idegennyelvu forditasai," Ethnographia, X X V I I I (1917), 112-127, 278-303; X X X (1919), 127-131. After discussing and evaluating translations of Hungarian folk tales and songs, lists their translations in the manner of no. 41, in the first two articles. Last article concerned with translations in two periodicals: Ungarische Revue, published in Budapest, 1881-1894, under the editorship of Pal Hunfalvy and Gusztav Heinrich, and Összehasonlitö Irodalomtörteneti Lapok, founded in 1877 and edited by Samuel Brassai and Hug6 Meltzl. DLC NN NNC FiHI [GeLBM] [GyBS] 43. Gyulai, Augustus. Bibliography of English authors' works translated into [the] Hungarian language. 1620-1908. Budapest: Armin Fritz, 1908. 48p.



A list of English and American works translated into Hungarian from 1620 to 1908, arranged by subject: (1) Poetry, (2) Drama, (3) Prose fiction, (4) Literary history and studies of language, (5) History, (6) Geography, (7) Philosophy and sociology, (8) Law and parliament, (9) Natural history, and (10) Theology. MnU FrPS GeLBM 44. Index translationum. Repertoire international des traductions. International bibliography of translations. Paris: Institut International de Cooperation Intellectuelle, nos. 1-31 (July 1932-January 1940); New Series, Paris: UNESCO, Vol. 1 + (1948+). Lists of pamphlets and books of literary, scientific, educational, and cultural subjects translated into the languages of reporting countries. Arranged alphabetically by country with subject divisions under each. Headings in French and English. Quarterly, 1932-1940; annually, 1948+. Increase of reporting countries in Old Series from 6 to 14, in New Series from 26 to 63 (with no. 12,1959). Index of authors; index of translators. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN AsWU [FiHU] FrPBN FrPS [GeCU] GeLBM [GyBS] 45. Kozocsa Sändor es Papp Samuel. A bolgär irodalom magyar bibliogrdfidja. 1945-1954. Kiserlet. Budapest: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1955. 71p. A catalogue of Bulgarian belles-lettres translated into Hungarian from 1945 to 1954, arranged in the following divisions: (1) General (including Hungarian studies of Bulgarian literature), (2) Collected works, (3) Works by unidentified authors, and (4) Individual authors. Titles in Bulgarian and Hungarian. Preface in Bulgarian, French, and Hungarian. MnU GyBS 46. Leffler Bela. "Magyar irök dän nyelven," Irodalomtörtenet, III (1914), 215-220. An alphabetical list of translations, by author, and discussions of translators of Hungarian belles-lettres into Danish, especially Schumacher de Meza, from the first translation in 1874 to 1910 and after. DLC MnU NNC AsWN AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 47. "Magyar irök sv6d nyelven," Irodalomtörtenet, I I I (1914), 67-71. An alphabetical list of translations, by author, and discussions of Hungarian belles-lettres in Swedish from the first treatise in 1797 and the first translation in 1875 to 1910 and after. DLC MnU NNC AsWN AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 48. Magyarorsz&g a vildgirodalomban. Budapest: Irodalmi Tijekoztatö, 1937· 35PA list of translations of Hungarian works in all areas of learning, includ-




ing language and literature, arranged by language: Belgian, Bulgarian, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Latin, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Rumanian, Spanish, Swedish, and Yugoslavian. N N AsWN 49. Szentkiralyi Jozsef. "Magyar költemenyek angol forditäsban," Angol Filologiai Tanulmdnyok, IV (1942), 217-294. [A periodical published in Budapest, 1936-1944, by the Universities of Budapest and Debrecen for the purpose of showing the work being carried on at the University of Budapest on parallel researches in literary history and linguistics, to stress the interdependence of these two branches of philology.] After summarizing the state of translations of Hungarian poetry into English and commenting on them critically, lists the translations to its own time alphabetically under names of poets. MnU GeOB 2. LITERARY AND CULTURAL INFLUENCES AND RELATIONS

[Information about the publication of materials on Hungarian literary and cultural subjects in non-Hungarian languages is also contained in the preceding subsection, General Bibliographies. For guidance to such data, consult especially the annotation to no. 9. Bibliographical data on this category are also available in various items in Section VII. The following, not confined to a single author or country, contain bibliographies: nos. 2 I 3 > 233> 234> 236, and 243. Other items containing bibliographies on individual non-Hungarian writers or literary and cultural influences and relations not reported by countries in this subsection are: Austria, no. 249; Holland, no. 321; Slavonia, no. 342; and Switzerland, no. 344. A number of works not concerned purely with the subject of this subsection contain bibliographies that may be utilized to locate sources: nos. 353, 378, 430, 431, 506, 718, and 736.] A. ALBANIA

60. Rudas Klara es Thoma Dardeli. Albdn-magyar bibliogrdfia. Budapest: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1956. 58p. A catalogue of translations of Albanian belles-lettres into Hungarian and of Hungarian books and articles dealing with Albania published from 1945 to 1954. Divisions: (1) Translations into Hungarian, (2) Works concerned with Albanian political questions, (3) Albanian and Hungarian relations, (4) Bibliographies on various aspects of Albanian life and learning, (5) Religion, (6) Statistics, (7) Domestic and foreign affairs, etc. D a t a : author, title, place and date of publication, publisher, and pages for books; author, title, volume, and date for articles. Preface in Albanian, p. i, in French, p. ii, and in Hungarian, Index of authors' names. D L C MnU F r P B N




[See also nos. 244, 263, 264, 269, and 274.] 51. Szentkirälyi J6zsef es Anton Läszlö. "Hungaro-Britannica bibliographia," Angol Filotigiai Tanulmdnyok, I (1936), 88-121; II (1937), 152-171; III (1938), 182-204; V-VI (1944), 217-256. [For note on periodical, see no. 49.] A concise bibliography of books and articles published in Hungary on Anglo (American)-Hungarian literary and historical relations and of translations of English and American literature into Hungarian. In two parts: (1) Articles and books dealing with cross-currents in AngloHungarian literary and historical relations; (2) Full bibliography for the designated year(s). Vol. I, 1867-1934; vol. II, 1935; vol. I l l , 1936; vols. V-VI, 1937-1942. [CSt] [CtY] [ICU] [IEN] [IU] MnU [NN] [NjP] [TxU] [WaU] [GeLBM] [GeLU] [GeOB] 52. Tronchon, H. "En guise d'Introduction ä une bibliographie critique de l'lnfluence anglaise en Hongrie," Revue des Etudes Eongroises, VI (1928), 46-51. Lists and evaluates Hungarian studies of the following subject areas of the knowledge of England and its literature in Hungary: (1) Relations between England and Hungary, primarily intellectual, (2) Bibliographies of translations, (3) Hungarian authors and England, (4) Philosophy and aesthetics, (5) Historians, (6) Political oratory, (7) Travel literature, (8) Novel, (9) Poetry, and (10) Drama. C t Y D L C ICU IU MoU N N WaU FiHI FiHU FrPBN [FrPS] GeLBM GeLU G y B H C. FRANCE

[See also nos. 3, 4, 13, 15, 279, 280, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 291, 292, 295, 296, 297, and 298 for bibliographical data.] 53. Bretan Judit. A jrancia könyv Magyarorszägon. I6QI-I86O. Kolozsvär: Ferenc Jozsef-Egyetem Philolögiai Intezete, 1944. 82p. An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of 274 French books published in the French language in Hungary from 1691 to i860, preceded by the examination of a 1776 Pozsony book catalogue to show the kinds of French books available for purchase and by an account of the catalogue of a lending library in Pest to show the kinds of French books preferred by the readers of the time. Last two items also in French, pp. 7-30. MnU FrPBN 54. Hevesi Andräs. A magyar vonaikozdsüfrancia szindarabok bibliogrdfidja. Budapest. Stephaneum Nyomda es Könyvkiadö, 1929. 24p. [A reprint from Magyar Könyvszemle, X X X V I I I (1929)]



A catalogue of 55 French plays using Hungarian materials. D a t a : dates of presentation, details of publication, comments on presentations, and summaries of the Hungarian materials in each. MnU 55. Jezerniczky, Margit. Les impressions en franqais de Hongrie. (17071848) Szeged: Szegedi Egyetem Francia Philolögiai Intezete, 1933. ioop. An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of 157 books in French or concerned with France published in Hungary from 1707 to 1848, preceded by an essay tracing the cultural relations between the two countries. D a t a : author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication. Summary in Hungarian, pp. 91-96. D L C N N F r P I H FrPS GeLU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU I t F U D. GERMANY

[See also nos. 10, 11, 300, 303, 306, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312, 314, 316, 570, 731, and 732 for bibliographical data.] 56. Albert Gabor, D. Szemzö Piroska es Vizkelety Andras (összeäll.). Schiller Magyarorsz&gon. Budapest: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1959. 277p. [Under preparation in this series: G. B. Shaw Magyarorsz&gon; Goldoni Magyarorszdgon; Mark Twain Magyarorszdgon. See no. 64] A bibliography of Schiller's works and his writings published in Hungary to the end of December, 1957: editions; Hungarian studies of Schiller; his poetry, dramas, and prose. Introduction, in German, concerned with his influence on Hungarian literature, pp. 9-52. Among writers discussed: Kazinczy, Vörösmarty, Jozsef Katona, Jänos Kis, Kölcsey, Petßfi. Illustrated. ICU M n U N N C AsWN GeCU GyBH I t F U 57. Bürgin, Hans. Das Werk Thomas Manns. (Eine Bibliographie unter Mitarbeit von Walter A. Reichart und Erich Neumann) Berlin: AkademieVerlag, 1959. 319p. A bibliography of Mann's works, their translations, and their studies in all languages, including Hungarian. Arranged by languages under particular type of publication. Translations under original title by languages. D a t a : title, translator, illustrations, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, format, and total pages. Title, subject, and name indices. CU CtY D L C I C U I n U M H N N N N C N j R WaU and others; AsWU FiHU GeCU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU E . GREECE

[For bibliographical data on classical Greece, see nos. 59 and 60.] 58. Horväth Endre. Magyar-görög bibliogrdfia. Budapest: Kiralyi Magyar Päzmäny Peter Tudomänyegyetem Görög Filologiai Intezet, 1940. 95p. A catalogue in two parts: (1) 153 books on modem Greek learning and



literature by Greek authors published in Hungary in Greek and foreign languages, and (2) 347 Hungarian works (scholarly articles, translations, etc.) on modern Greek learning and literature written by Hungarians and published in Hungary. Purpose: to show the extent of the intellectual relations between the two countries. Pt. I, 1558 to 1888, arranged chronologically; pt. II, arranged alphabetically. Author and translator index for pt. I; author and subject index for pt. II. Introduction analyzing the contents of each part in Greek, pp. 22-33, 73—75. C t Y D D O I C U M H N N C N j P AsWN AsWU FiHU FrPBN F r P I H FrPS G e L B M GeOB F. ITALY

[See also nos. 257, 259, 260, 261, 326, 330, and 332 for bibliographical data.] 69. Borzsäk Istvan. A magyar klasszika-filolögiai irodalom bibliogrdfidja. 1926-1950. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1952. 424p. A bibliography concentrating on Hungarian books and articles on classical and oriental subjects published 1926-1950 but including studies of value to research on Hungarian literature and its relations to classical writings and on Hungarian Latin literature, especially in the chapters on bibliography, collections, and periodicals (pp. 15-25), on Hungarian Latin literature in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, language, literary history, etc. (pp. 345-388), and on the influence and appreciation of antiquities (pp. 389-398). Catalogues: (1) Works in Hungarian regardless of place of publication, (2) Works by Hungarian writers in foreign languages regardless of the place of publication, (3) Reviews of works of Hungarian authors published in Hungary or abroad by Hungarian or foreign reviewers, (4) Works of foreign authors published in Hungary or in foreign periodicals concerned with Hungarian subjects, and (5) Contributions of a learned nature or concerned with learned matters. D L C I C U M H MnU N N N N C AsWN FiHU FrPBN G e L B M GeOB G y B A G y B H GyBS ItFU 60. Moravek Endre. A magyar klasszika-filolögiai irodalom bibliogrdfidja. 1901-1925. Budapest: Kiralyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1930. 162p. A catalogue of books and articles by Hungarian scholars, for the years 1901 to 1925, on Hungarian history, the history of ideas and archeology, Latin and Greek language and literature, schools of classical learning in Hungary or foreign languages; also articles in newspapers and studies of Hungarian scholars published in foreign countries. Though mainly concerned with Greek and Latin language and literature, contains material on the relations of Hungarian literature with classical writings and an appendix on the history of Hungarian humanism (pp. 138-140).



Arranged by area of learning, with subject subdivisions. Name index. CU NNC OCU FrPBN F r P I H GyBH 61. Pälinkäs, Läszlo. Bibliografia italiana della lingua e letteratura ungheresi. Roma: Istituto di Cultura Ungherese per L'ltalia, 1943. 64p. Lists 447 books and articles on Hungarian language and literature in Italian, arranged by subject and type. In two parts: (1) Language (grammar, dictionaries, linguistics) and (2) Literature (history, anthologies, prose, poetry, drama, periodicals, biography, etc.). Data: for books, author, title, place and date of publication, publisher, total pages; for articles, author, title, volume and year, and inclusive page numbers. Name index. I C N I t F U 62. Zolnai Klara. A magyarorszdgi olasz nyomtatvdnyok. I6QQ-IQI8. Budapest: Szerzo Kiadasa, 1932. 104p. A bibliography of Italian writings published in Hungary from 1699 to 1918. An introduction tracing the course of Hungarian knowledge of Italian literature by types. Locates titles in Hungarian and in some European libraries. Summary in Italian, p. 104. [Bibliographical section published in Magyar Könyvszemle, X X X I X (1932/34)] DLC N N AsWN FiHU F r P I H GeLBM I t F U G. NORWAY

63. Staud Geza. Ibsen drdmdi Magyar orszdgon. Budapest: Antiqua r.t., 1943. 29p. A bibliography of the performances of Ibsen's plays in Budapest and of Hungarian translations of his dramas. Performances divided under the National Theatre, the Comedy Theatre, and the Thalia (translator and number of performances given), into those receiving single performances, and into those performed by visiting foreign companies. Editions of Hungarian translations listed alphabetically by title (translator, place and date of publication, publisher, format, total pages given). Bibliography of Hungarian studies of Ibsen, divided into monographs published separately and into articles in periodicals. DLC H. ORIENT

[See also no. 59.] 64. Ferenczyne Wendelin Lidia. Kinai-magyar bibliogrdfia. Budapest: Orszagos Szechenyi Könyvtar, 1959. 334P· [For other titles in this series, see no. 56.] A catalogue of Hungarian translations of Chinese belles-lettres and of Hungarian studies and articles dealing with China from the 18th century to 1959. In three parts: (1) Studies and bibliographies dealing with



China in general, including works on sinology and a bibliographical survey of sinological literature, (2) Books, articles, and studies of specific fields of special knowledge, arranged by areas of learning (geography, ethnology, history, culture, etc.), and (3) Belles-lettres, alphabetically by name of Chinese author. Data: translator, author, title, place and date of publication, and pages; inclusive pages for periodical articles. Introduction and chapter titles in Hungarian, Russian, and English. English introduction, pp. 15-17; Russian, pp. 9-14. CLSU CSt D L C M H MnU NIC N N C WvU FiHU GyBS 65. Moravcsik, Julius. "Ungarische Bibliographie der Turkologie und der orientalisch-ungarischen Beziehungen. 1914-1925," Körösi Csoma-Archivum, II (1926), 199-236. [A periodical on oriental studies, published in Budapest by the Körösi Csoma-Archivum and edited by Gyula Nemeth] Books, dissertations, and articles dealing with Turkey (Pt. I) and Hungary's relations with the language, culture, and civilization of the Near East, published in Hungary from 1914 to 1925 as individual works or as articles in periodicals; also articles by foreign scholars in Hungarian periodicals and works of Hungarian specialists published abroad separately or in periodicals. Subject divisions under countries: primary researches, language, ethnography, archeology, history, etc. Frequent but brief annotations in Hungarian and German. Hungarian titles in German also. D L C AsWN GeCU GyGNSU 66. Räsonyi, Läszlö. "Ungarische Bibliographie der Turkologie und der orientalisch-ungarischen Beziehungen. 1926-1934," Körösi Csoma-Archivum, I. kiegeszitö kötet (1936), 1-66. [For note on periodical, see no. 65] A continuation of no. 65, from 1926 to 1934. Brief annotations in German only. D L C AsWN GeCU GeLBM GyGNSU I. POLAND

67. Kert6sz Jänos. Hungaria et Polonia. A magyar-lengyel kapcsolatok bibliogrdfidja. Vac: Kapisztran Nyomda, 1934. 21p. An introductory bibliography of Hungarian studies of Poland and of Hungarian relations with Poland, arranged in alphabetical order by subject with each divided into books and articles: (1) Polish internal politics, (2) Poland's foreign relations, (3) Hungarian and Polish relationships, (4) Polish history, (5) Bäthory, (6) Bern, (7) Sobieski, (8) Poland's monetary system, trade, and economics, and (9) Addenda. N N AsWN GyMWd 68. Lengydorszdg a magyar sajtöban. Magyar-lengyel bibliogrdfia. Budapest: Magyar Mickiewicz Tarsasag, 1938. 94p. Books and articles in learned journals and newspapers dealing with Hungarian and Polish relations, arranged by subjects, with each subdivided into books and articles. Among numerous subjects: Hungarian-



Polish relations, Jozsef Bern, Istvän Bäthory, Jänos Sobieski, Hungarians in Poland, Poles in Hungary, Miklos Horthy in Poland, literature, music and art, Pilsudski and Rydz-Smigly, common Hungarian and Polish frontiers, and Polish government, life, manners and people. Not a critical selection and without annotations. MnU GyMWd 69. Kozocsa Sandor. Mickiewicz Magyarorszdgon. Α köüö kaldldnak szdzadik ivfordulöjdra. Budapest: Orszagos Szechenyi Könyvtar Bibliogräfiai Osztälya, 1955. 64p. Hungarian works of Mickiewicz in three parts: (1) Translations of his collected works, (2) Translations of his individual works, and (3) Studies of Polish literature also covering Mickiewicz and studies of Mickiewicz. Introduction concerned with sketching the course of Hungarian knowledge of his works from the 1820's to the present. Titles in Polish and Hungarian. Summaries in Polish and French, p. 63 and p. 64, respectively. DLC MH NN NNC AsWN FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GyBA GyBS GyGNSU J. RUMANIA

[See also no. 335 for bibliographical data.] 70. Veress, Andrei. Bibliografie romdnä-ungarä. Romdnii in literatura ungard si Ungurii in literatura romdnä. I—III. kötet. Bucuresti: Cartea Romäneascä, 1931-1935. A chronological catalogue of 2377 Hungarian and Romanian works concerned with the subject of the two countries and their relations published from 1473 to 1878: history, theology, geography, natural sciences, and belles-lettres. Works and contents described in detail. Introduction in Rumanian, v-xvi, and French, xvii-xxxiv. Author and title, editor and printer, and general indices in each volume. Vol. I, 1473-1780; vol. II, 1781-1838; vol. Ill, 1839-1878. DLC MH NN NNC FrPBN [GeLBM] GyBS K. RUSSIA

[See also no. 337 for bibliographical data.] 1. Kozocsa Sandor (összeäll.). Az orosz irodalom magyar bibliogrdfidja. Budapest: Orszagos Szechenyi Könyvtar, 1947. 331p. Russian literature in Hungary from its beginnings to September 1947, in two parts: (1) Hungarian studies of Russian literature arranged chronologically and (2) Hungarian translations of Russian literature arranged alphabetically by name of author. Data: author, title, subtitle, translator, transcriber, illustrator, place and year of publication, publisher or printer, pages, appendices, number of volumes, the series


BIBLIOGRAPHIES in which the work was published, and reviews. Index of names of authors and of general names. Comment on the literary relations of Hungary with Russia in introduction in Hungarian, Russian, pp. 313-322, and English, pp. 323-331. DLC NNC AsWN GeLBM GeOB

72. Kozocsa Sändor es Rado György. Az orosz irodalom magyar bibliogrdfidja. 1947 szeptember-1948 szeptember. Budapest: Orszagos Szech£nyi Könyvtär, 1949. 74p. A continuation of no. 71. Titles in Hungarian and Russian. General name index and list of translators. MH NN AsWN FiHU GyBA GyBH 73. A szovjet nepek irodalmdnak magyar bibliogrdfidja 1944-ig. Budapest: Muvelt Nep Könyvkiado, 1956. 703p. A catalogue of around 1200 Hungarian translations of Russian literary works and of Hungarian books and articles dealing with general Russian literature and individual authors published in Hungary through 1944. In two parts: (1) Russian literature and (2) Literature of other Soviet peoples, with the data under each literary group subdivided into (a) General works, (b) Anthologies, (c) Folklore, (d) Works of known authors, and (e) Works of unknown authors. Covers the literature of forty-one Soviet peoples. Each section arranged chronologically by date of publication, to show how Russian literature came to be known in the Hungarian language. An introductory essay, in Hungarian and Russian, xxx-lix, surveying Hungarian knowledge of these literatures. Summary of the work in English, p. [704], French, p. [704], and German, p. [705]. General name index in Hungarian and Russian. FiHU 74. A szovjet nSpek irodalmdnak magyar bibliogrdfidja. 1945-1949. Budapest: Magyar-szovjet Tärsasäg Kiadoja, 1950. 1000 col. A catalogue of 6507 translations of Russian literature into Hungarian and of Hungarian books and articles on Russian literature, including those published in Hungarian in Rumania, from 1945 to 1949, arranged in the following divisions: (1) General works, (2) Anthologies, (3) Chronicles, sagas, legends, and historical songs by unknown authors, and (4) Individual authors. Titles in Hungarian -and Russian. Name, non-Soviet literature, and subject indices in Hungarian and Russian. Author index and list of translators. Statistical tables on the works cited by literary genres. DLC NN 75. A szovjet nepek irodalmdnak magyar bibliogrdfidja. 1950. Budapest: Közoktatäsügyi Kiado, 1952. 312p. A continuation of no. 74 into 1950, using the same method of organization and principle of selection, except that Hungarian works published in Rumania are omitted.



76. A szovjet nepek irodalmdnak magyar bibliogrdfidja. 1951. Budapest: Muvelt Nep Könyvkiadö, 1953. 337p. A continuation of no. 75 into 1951, using the same method of organization and principle of selection. Catalogues 2517 titles and shows number of titles by literary genres. 77. A szovjet nepek irodalmdnak magyar bibliogrdfidja. 1952. Budapest: Muvelt Nep Könyvkiadö, 1954. 375P· A catalogue of 2603 titles of books, articles, and pamphlets supplementing no. 74 and listing the Russian writings published in Hungary in 1952: Translations into Hungarian, studies of translated authors, works on Soviet literature, articles and bibliographies on Soviet literature. Divisions: (1) General subjects, (2) Collected works, (3) Folk tales and songs, historical songs, etc., by unknown writers, (4) Translations of works by individual authors, and (5) General name and author indices, list of translators, and index of non-Russian literature. DLC GyBH GyBS 78. A szovjet n&pek irodalmdnak magyar bibliogrdfidja. 1953. Budapest: Muvelt Nep Könyvkiadö, 1955. 424p. A continuation of no. 77 into 1953, using the same method of organization and principle of selection. Catalogues 2991 titles according to literary genres. DLC FrPBN C. CLASSIFIED AND D E T A I L E D BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF L I T E R A T U R E AND R E L A T E D SUBJECTS [Information about materials in this category is also available, frequently with the aid of subject groupings in the text or subject indices, in the subsection on General Bibliographies. Indeed, for the years prior to 1875, the researcher in belles-lettres and literary history is almost entirely dependent on these general bibliographies as guides to materials basic to his investigations. The subsection on Indices to Contents of Scholarly Periodicals is also useful as a guide to articles on literature and the subjects related to it. Concealed bibliographies are to be found in all sections concerned with literature and the subjects related to it. Special note must be taken of one of these items. Among the histories of Hungarian literature, Pinter's 8-volume work (no. 382) contains such an extensive and detailed bibliographical apparatus within its chapters that its repetition as an item in this subsection is nearly justifiable. In this subsection, an attempt has been made to record especially those bibliographies that focus on Hungarian belles-lettres and literary history from 1875, when the first such tool was created by Szinnyei, to 1955, the last year for which a bibliography in the series by Sändor Kozocsa is



available to date. These bibliographies are, in chronological sequence, as follows: nos. 107 (1875-1889), 87 (1885-1918), 89 (1912-1947), 85 (19181924), 83 (1925-1927), 95 (1927-1931), 93 (1932-1938), 94 (1939-1944), 96 (1945-1949), 97 (1950), 98 (1951-19S2), 99 (i9S3), 100 (1954), and 101 (1955). All these tools are available at MnU, those in periodicals on microfilm. For the years following 1955, the researcher will have to consult general bibliographies: nos. 6, 8, 16, 20, 21, and 38.] 79. Ballagi Aladär. Buda is Pest a vildgirodalomban. 1473-1711. Budapest: Budapest Szekcsfovaros Kiadäsa, 1925. 480p. An annotated catalogue of 1097 books written between 1473 and 17x1 concerned with the Hungarian capital, to show the extent and kind of interest contemporaries or persons living near the time of events discussed had in the city. In two divisions: (1) Matthias to the fall of Buda (1473-1541) and (2) Turkish occupation (1541-1686). Actually concludes with 1600, though heading to Pt. 2 shows 1686 and title 1711. MH NN NjR AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBH 80. Benkö Loränd es L8rincze Lajos. Magyar nyelvjdrdsi bibliogrdfia. 1817-1949. Budapest: Akademiai Könyvkiado Vällalat, 1951. 259p. A catalogue of articles and books on Hungarian dialects published from 1817 to 1949. Arranged alphabetically by geographical districts. Index of place and area names. [See nos. 86, 87, and 108.] DLC ΜΗ NN NNC FiHU FrPBN GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 81. Biro Bela. A magyar müveszettörteneti irodalom bibliogrdfidja. Budapest: Kepzömüveszeti Alap Kiadovallalata, 1955. 61 ip. A bibliography of Hungarian studies of the fine arts. Special attention to Hungary. Subjects under chronological headings. Data: author, title, publisher, place and date of publication. Author index. Table of contents also in German. CU DDO DLC ICU InU MH MnU NN NNC OC1 AsWN FiHU GeCU GeLBM GyBA GyBS 82. M. Buday Julia. A magyarfilozöfiaiirodalom, bibliogrdfidja. 1901-1925. Budapest: Kiralyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1929. 248p. A bibliography of Hungarian studies of world philosophy, including Hungarian, from 1901 to 1925. Hungarian philosophy and philosophers, pp. 64-81, divided into (1) General history and (2) Individual philosophers. Data: contributor, title (also in German), place and date of publication, publisher, and number of pages; for periodicals, title and pages. Table of contents also in German. Name index. NNC FrPIH GeLBM 83. Goriupp Aliz. "Irodalomtört6neti repertorium," IrodalomtörtSneti KözlemSnyek, XXXV-XXXVII (1925-1927). A continuation of no. 85 for the years 1924 to 1927. DLC MH MnU



N N C [0C1] AsWN AsWU [FiHI] [FrPBN] [FrPIH] GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH ItFU 84. György Lajos, Ferenczi Miklos Is [kesobb] Valentiny Antal (összeall.). Az erdelyi magyar irodalom (1935-töl Romänia irodalmänak) bibliogräfiäja. 1919-1938. ev. Kolozsvär: Erdelyi Müzeum Egyesület, 1925-1939. I - X V . füzet. [The section for 1919-1924, by Lajos György, was also published in German: Die ungarische Literatur in Siebenbürgen (Brasso, 1925).] A catalogue of works published by Hungarian writers in Transylvania from 1919 to 1938 arranged under subject headings: (1) Belles-lettres, (2) Science and education, (3) Religion, (4) Textbooks, (5) Jurisprudence, (6) Periodical literature, and (7) Miscellaneous. A series, with some covering more than one year. [DLC] [NN] [AsWN] 85. Hellebrant Ärpäd. "Irodalomtörteneti repertörium," Irodalomtörteneti Közlemtnyek, X X V I I I - X X X I V (19x8-1924). An annual listing of books (and their reviews) and articles on literary history and belles-lettres published generally the year before the date of the volume. In two parts: (I) General and (II) Individual authors. Citations concerned with a single author listed alphabetically by name of scholar under author concerned. A continuation of the sections on literary history and belles-lettres in Hellebrant's bibliography (no. 87). [CtY] [DLC] [MH] MnU N N C [OC1] AsWN AsWU [FiHI] FrPBN [FrPIH] GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH [ItFU] 86. "A magyar nyelvtudomänyi irodalom 1904-1917-ben," Magyar Nyelv, I I - X I I I (1906-1917). An annual bibliography recording alphabetically by author's name the articles and books on Hungarian linguistics and language published during the year, from 1904 to 1917. [See nos. 80, 87, and 108.] CU C t Y D L C M H [NNC] AsWU FiHI [FrPS] GeLBM [GyGNSU] 87. "A magyar philologiai irodalom, 1885-1918. evekben," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, X - X L I I I (1886-1919). An alphabetical catalogue, by author, title or subject, of books and articles and their reviews in each issue of the Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny (no. 1222) for the years 1885 to 1918, usually under the following subject headings: (x) General linguistics, literary history, and ethnography; (2) Aesthetics and art history; (3) Philological pedagogy (the study, reading and writing of language, the Hungarian language, classical languages, German); (4) Finno-ugrian languages; (5) Aryan languages; (6) Eastern languages; (7) Hungarian language and literature (bibliography, literary history [including critical studies of belles-lettres and drama], individual authors, linguistics, school texts); (8) Classical languages and literatures (general studies; Greek history and antiquity, literary history and individual authors, linguistics; Latin history and



antiquity, literary history and individual authors, grammars and readers; Hungarian antiquities in ancient times and the Middle Ages); (9) Teutonic languages and literatures; (10) Romance languages and literatures; (11) Slavic languages and literatures; and (12) Miscellaneous studies. [CU] [IU] [MH] MnU [NNC] [OCU] [OC1W] [AsWN] FiHU [FrPIH] [FrPS] GyBH [ItFU] 88. Hungarian newspapers and periodicals: catalogue. Budapest: "Kultüra," 1956. 157p. A survey of 246 newspapers and periodicals current in Hungary in 1956, including a number important to literary research. Descriptive annotation of each periodical in Hungarian and English. Arranged by subject. Index. [See nos. 91, 105, and 106.] DLC MnU 89. "Az Irodalomtörtenet folyoiratszemleje," Irodalomtörtenet, I - X X X V I (1912-1947). A bibliography of articles appearing in Hungarian (I) Journals and (II) Newspapers, respectively, during the year, from 1912 to 1947, in each issue. Periodicals in each section listed alphabetically by title, with articles under each periodical arranged alphabetically by name of contributor. A summary of each article. [CU] [DLC] [MH] MnU [NN] [NNC] [NjP] [OC1] [AsWN] AsWU [FrPIH] [FrPS] GeLBM [GeLU] [GyBH] [GyBS] [GyGNSU] 90. Kemeny G. Gabor es Katus Läszlo (szerk.). Magyar iörteneti bibliogrdfia. 1825-1867. IV. kötet. I. resz. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1959. 675P. A continuation of Toth's work (no. 109). A bibliography of the history of non-Hungarian peoples in Hungary and the problems of nationality from 1825 to 1867: (1) General works (by nationality groups), (2) Southern Slavs, (3) Croatians, (4) Serbs, (5) Slovenes, and (6) Slovaks. Works under each nationality subdivided into subjects, including literature (under "culture"). Name index. Table of contents also in Russian, German, French, and English. FiHU GeCU GyBA GyBS 91. Kereszty 1stvan. A magyar es magyarorsz&gi idöszaki sajtö idörendi ättekintlse. 1705-1867. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum Könyvtär, 1916. 98p. The first catalogue of newspapers and periodicals published in Hungarian or in Hungary from the beginnings of journalism in 1705 to 1867. D a t a given chronologically and alphabetically under the language in which the periodical was printed. [The section for 1705 to 1849 originally appeared in Magyar Könyvszemle, X X I I I (1914). See nos. 88, 105, and 106.] N N AsWN FiHU F r P I H GeLBM GeOB GyGGaU 92. Kosäry Domokos. Bevezetes a magyar törtenelem forrdsaiba is irodalm&ba. I - I I I . kötet. Budapest: Közoktatäsiigyi Kiadovällalat, Müvelt Nep



Könyvkiado es Bibliotheca Kiado, 1951-1958. [Though not published under Kosary's name, the third volume is cited with the earlier volumes because it supplements them and contains the index to all three volumes.] A critical bibliography of books and articles on Hungarian history and literature arranged chronologically by historical periods, with subject headings under each period, from their beginnings to 1825. Connects with Magyar törteneti bibliogrdfia (no. 109). Vol. I, to 1711; vol. II, 1711-1825; vol. I l l , Supplement to vols. I and II and name index to all three volumes. [DLC] MH [MnU] [NNC] AsWN FrPBN GeLBM [GeLU] GeOB GyBH GyBS [GyGNSU] 93. Kozocsa Sandor (összeäll.). Az 1932-1938. ev [magyar] irodalomtörteneti munkdssäga. I-VIII. filzet. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1933-1940. A series of annual bibliographies of books and articles on Hungarian literary history and belles-lettres for the years 1932 to 1938. In each number: (I) General studies, alphabetically by name of author and (II) Individual writers, again alphabetically by name of author. DLC MnU 94. Az 1939-1944. ev [magyar] irodalomtörteneti munkdssäga. I-VI. füzet. Budapest: Orszagos Szechenyi-Könyvtär Bibliografiai Osztalyanak Kiadasa, 1941-1946. A continuation of no. 93. [MH] MnU [NNC] [FiHU] [GeLBM] 96. "Irodalomtörteneti repertorium," IrodalomtörtSneti Közlemenyek, XXXVII-XLI (1927-1931). A continuation of the Goriupp bibliography (no. 83) for the years (July) 1927 to 1931. DLC MH MnU [OC1] AsWN AsWU [FrPIH] GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH GyGNSU ItFU 96. A magyar irodalom bibliogräfiäja. 1945-1949. Budapest: Közoktatasügyi Kiadovällalat, 1950. 232p. A catalogue of books and articles from selected periodicals (and their reviews) on Hungarian literary history. In two parts: (1) General studies, • alphabetically by subject, literary type, literary period, etc.; (2) Individual authors, alphabetically. A continuation of no. 94. Name index. DLC MH MnU NN NNC AsWU FrPBN GeLBM GyBH GyBS 97. A magyar irodalom bibliogräfiäja. 1950. Budapest: Közoktatasügyi Kiadovällalat, 1951. 80p. A continuation of no. 96. Additional sections: A supplement to the Bibliography of Hungarian literature for the years 1945 to 1949, Rumanian Hungarian literature and literary musical compositions. Name index. DLC MH MnU AsWN GeLBM GyBH 98. — A magyar irodalom bibliogräfiäja. 1951-1952. Budapest: Müvelt Nep Könyvkiado, 1954. 179p. A continuation of no. 97. A section for each year, divided into general


BIBLIOGRAPHIES studies, individual authors, and literary musical compositions. Subject index for general works. Name index. DLC M H MnU FiHI FiHU FrPBN GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBH GyBS

99. A magyar irodalom bibliogrdfidja. 1953. Budapest: Müvelt Nep Könyvkiado, 1954. 207p. A continuation of no. 98. In addition to sections on general studies, individual authors, and literary musical compositions, provides a list of collected works and anthologies separately instead of including them under general studies as previously. General works alphabetically by author, followed by works with titles only, alphabetically. Subject index for general studies. Name index. MH MnU NNC AsWN FiHI FiHU FrPBN GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBH GyBS 100. A magyar irodalom bibliogrdfidja. 1954. Budapest: Mßvelt Νέρ Könyvkiado, 1956. 231p. A continuation of no. 99. General section has subject headings and subheadings. Name index. M H MnU NNC FiHU GeLBM GeOB GyBA GyBH 101. A magyar irodalom bibliogrdfia. 1955. Budapest: Gondolat Könyvkiadö, 1959. 333p. A continuation of no. 100. In three sections: (1) General, with subheadings by subject, (2) Collected works, and (3) General name index. M H MnU NNC FiHU GeCU GeLU GyBH 102. A reginy törtinete. V&logatott bibliogrdfia. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadö, 1955.44p· A selective bibliography of the history of the novel in world literature, including Hungarian, arranged by country and type. Gives locations in Hungarian libraries. Data: author, title, place and date of publication, and total pages. MnU 103. Sägi Istvän. "A magyar szötärak es nyelvtanok könyveszete," Magyar Könyvszemle, XXVIII (1920/21), 96-116; X X I X (1922), 72-156. A chronological catalogue of 666 Hungarian dictionaries and grammars: (1) Dictionaries in two or more languages; (2) Special and technical dictionaries; (3) Collections of phrases, idioms, and proverbs; (4) Single-language subject dictionaries; (5) Hungarian grammars in Latin, Hungarian, and foreign languages; (6) Books of spelling rules, and (7) Handbooks of Hungarian style and philology. Data: author, title, publisher, and place and date of publication. Name index. [CSt-H] ICJ MiU N N NNC AsWN AsWU FiHU FrPBN [FrPS] GeLBM GyBA GyBH ItFU 104. Staud G6za. Magyar sslntsseti bibliogrdfia. Bibliographia tkeatralis



hungarica. Budapest: Magyar Szinhäztudomänyi es Szinpadmuv6szeti Tärsasag, 1938. 351p. An alphabetical catalogue, by author, of 1506 books and reprints of articles on the Hungarian theatre, to its own date, often giving details of their contents and listing reviews. Summary of previously published bibliographies on the subject in the introduction. Indices: (1) Works in foreign languages by countries, (2) Titles of works alphabetically, and (3) Name and subject. MnU GeLBM GyBH ItFU 106. Szalady Antal. A magyar hlrlapirodalom statisztikdja i?8o-i88o-ig. Budapest: Lampel R6bert Kiadäsa, 1884. 248p. A catalogue of newspapers published in Hungary from 1780 to 1880, providing the following information for each: name of publication, place of publication, its subject concerns, names of editor and printer, numbers per year, price, and beginning and closing dates of publication. [See nos. 88, 91, and 106.] N N GyMWd 106. Szinnyei Jözsef. Hazai is külföldi folyöiraiok magyar tudomdnyos repertöriuma. TörUnelem 6s annak segidtudomdnyai. I—III. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akad6mia, 1874-1885. A catalogue of articles from periodicals published in Hungary in Hungarian and foreign languages and from foreign periodicals on history and subjects helpful to its study, including studies of Hungarian writers and literary history in Vol. II. Organization varies. Subject classification in Vol. II, with each of the following major sections divided into Hungarian and foreign: (1) Universal and national history and related topics, (2) Biographies, (3) Biographical notes, (4) Topography, (5) Geography, (6) Antiquities, (7) Documents, (8) Cultural history, (9) Literary history, and (10) Church history. Chronological listing under some subjects, alphabetical under others; book reviews at end of each subject heading; year, pages, and, frequently, volume numbers. [See nos. 88, 91, and 105.] Vol. I, Materials from Hungarian learned journals, yearbooks, almanacs, and school bulletins, 1778-1873; vol. II, Articles from foreign and Hungarian newspapers, 1731-1880 (separate name and place indices for vols. I and II); vol. I l l , Science and mathematics, alphabetically by name of author (no index). D L C ICJ MnU [NN] PPAmP AsWU [FiHI] FrPBN GeLBM G y B H GyGNSU 107. "Irodalomtörtßneti repertörium," Figyeld, I - X X V I (18761889). An alphabetical list, by author, of books (and their reviews) and articles concerned with Hungarian literary history for the years 1875 to 1889 in the periodical Figyeld (no. 1231). Appears in nearly every issue. Gives inclusive page numbers for articles. MnU [GeLBM] G y B H


108. Szinnyei Jozsef (ifj.)· "A magyar nyelveszeti irodalom bibliographiäja Revai elott a Nemzeti Müzeum könyvtaräban," Magyar Könyvszemle, VIII (1883), 148-163. A chronological catalogue of 93 books dealing with Hungarian linguistics and language published from 1539 to 1803 to be found in the Library of the National Museum of Hungary. Data: place and date of publication, author, title, format, pages, colophon. [See 80, 86, and 87.] I C J MiU AsWN FiHU GeLBM GeOB GyBH 109. I. T6th Zoltan (szerk.). Magyar törteneti bibliogräfia. 1825-1867. I—III. kötet. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1950-1952. [For Vol. IV, see no. 90.] A selected chronological listing of books and articles dealing with Hungarian historical events from 1825 to 1867. Subject headings under periods of history, with citations alphabetically by name of author. Data: for books, author, title, place and date of publication, and total pages; for articles, author, title, periodical, date, volume, and number. Materials on Hungarian culture, linguistics, and literature and on other subjects, besides history, of value to literary research in Vol. III. Materials on the relations of Hungary with other countries in Vol. I. [For a similar bibliography covering periods prior to 1825, see no. 92.] Vol. I, General; vol. II, Economics; vol. I l l , Politics, jurisprudence, education and schools, learning, the fine arts, the press, and religion and churches. CU DLC [ICU] MH MnU NNC AsWN FiHU FrPBN GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 110. Vass Klara. A szellemtudomdnyok magyar bibliogräfiäja. A törteneti vonatkozäsü irodalom. 1935. Budapest: Magyar Könyvtärosok es Leveltärosok Egyesülete, 1938. 225p. A catalogue of 4012 books and articles appearing in 1935 on religion and churches, language, ethnics, national life, census, economics, regional history, culture, arts, music, literature, philosophy, natural sciences, medicine, technology, tool-subjects, books, archives, museums, and schools. Includes (1) individual books and articles published in Hungary; and (2) works published in foreign countries by Hungarian authors or concerned with Hungarian subjects. Data: author, title, place and date of publication, pages, and format; if article, name of periodical, volume and page numbers. AsWN FrPBN GeLBM D. INDICES TO CONTENTS OF SCHOLARLY PERIODICALS 111. Bänyai Elemer (szerk.). A Szdzadok nev- es tdrgymuiatöja. Α ζ ι86γι8γ6. toi folyamok mutatöja. (Namenyi Lajos keziratänak felhasznäläsäval) Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tärsasäg, 1908. 737p. Name and subject index to the periodical Szdzadok (no. 1276) for the years 1867 to 1876. Articles listed alphabetically under name of author;



unsigned articles alphabetically by title. Largest part devoted to an alphabetical catalogue of names and subjects. ICU NNC GeLBM GyBH 112. "A Budapesti Szemle 1873-1893. evfolyamänak tartalommutatoja," Budapesti Szemle, XXXIII (1883), 1-22; LXXVI (1893), 473-504. An alphabetical guide to the contents of Budapesti Szemle (no. 1218), divided as follows: (1) Articles by names of contributors, (2) Short stories and character sketches, (3) Poems, (4) Treatises by titles, and (5) Book notices, reviews, and open letters. CtY DLC NN NNC AsWN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 113. Für Istvan. Magyar irodalmi is nyelviszeti dolgozatok közepiskoldink irtesitöiben az 1920-1921. tanövtöl. Szeged: Üj Nemzedek Nyomda, 1939. I7P· A guide to articles on Hungarian language and literature published in Hungarian high school bulletins from the academic year 1920/21 to 1937/38. Divisions: (x) Literature, (2) Linguistics, and (3) Methodology. Data: author, title, periodical, date, and inclusive pages. MnU 114. Galambos Ferenc es P6k Lajos. Nyugat repertörium. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Irodalomtörteneti Intezete, 1959. 571p. The contents of Nyugat (no. 1272), divided as follows: (1) Belles-lettres, by nations; (2) Literary history of Hungary, by general subject and individual authors, and the history of foreign literatures, also by general subject and individual authors; (3) Bibliography, bibliophilia, and printing; (4) Religion; (5) Philosophy; (6) Social sciences; (7) Linguistics; (8) Natural sciences; (9) General culture; (10) Geography, history and biography. Data: author, title, year, volume, page numbers. Appendices: similarly organized guides to the contents of Magyar Glniusz, 1902-1903; Figyelö, 1905; Szerda, 1906; and Magyar Csillag, 1941-1944 (no. 1254). DLC MnU NN FiHU GyBH GyGNSU 116. Juhäsz JenS. A Magyar Nyelv I-XXV. övfolyamänak mutatöja. Budapest: Magyar Nyelvtudomanyi Tärsasäg, 1931. 347p. An alphabetical guide to the first twenty-five volumes of Magyar Nyelv (no. 1257), divided as follows: (1) Articles by names of contributors, (2) Subject index, (3) Word index, by languages, and (4) Dialect index, by regions. NNC GyBH GyGGaU 116. A Magyar Nyelv mutatöja XXVI-L. kötetihez. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1957. 480p. A continuation of no. 115 for volumes 26 to 50 of Magyar Nyelv (no. 1257). Three parts, each alphabetical: (1) Table of contents, (2) Subject index, and (3) Hungarian word index. MH NNC GyBH GyGNSU 117. Mutatö a Nyelvtudom&nyi Közleminyek 1-50. kötetihez. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1950. 670p.



The contents of the first fifty volumes of Nyelvtudomdnyi Közleminyek (no. 1271). In three parts: (1) Articles by names of contributors, (2) Articles by subjects, and (3) Words by Uralian, Altaian languages and by individual languages. NNC GeOB GyGNSU 118. Nev- is tärgymutatö a Turul 1883-1936. tvfolyamähoz. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Heraldikai es Genealogiai Tärsasäg, 1893-1940. An alphabetical guide to Turul (no. 1282) for the years 1883 to 1936. Volumes differently organized. Vol. I: (1) Articles by name of contributors, (2) Subject index, (3) List of illustrations, and (4) Subject and name index. Vol. II: alphabetical name and subject index listing titles of articles (without the names of their authors) under subject. Vol. I, 1883-1892; vol. II, 1893-1936. NNC 119. Nyelvdrkalauz. Tartalomjegyzik, sz6- is tdrgymutato a Magyar Nyelvör 1-69. kötetihez. I-III. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Nyelvßr es Orszägos N6ptanulmänyi Tärsasäg, 1898-1941. The first sixty-nine volumes of Magyar Nyelvör (no. 1258), divided into (1) Articles listed alphabetically by name of contributors, (2) Index of words, and (3) Subject index. Omits materials concerned with dialects. Vol. I, 1872-1896; vol. II, 1897-1921; vol. Ill, 1922-1940. MH NNC FiHI 120. Pelcz B61a es Väcz Elem6r (szerk.). A Szdzadok 1867-1936. evfolyamainak tartalommutatöja. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tärsasäg, 1917-1937. An alphabetical guide to the contents of Szdzadok (no. 1276) with the following divisions: (1) Articles and book reviews arranged alphabetically by names of contributors, (2) Unsigned and pseudonymous articles by title, (3) Necrology, and (4) Book reviews by name of contributor. Disregards the permanent columns and the subject-classification of the articles. Vol. I, 1867-1916; vol. II, 1917-1936. NNC 121. Pruzsinszky Jänos (szerk.). Az Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny I-XX. kötetinek nev- is tdrgymutatöja. A 20 kötet teljes tartalomjegyzikivel. Budapest: Budapesti Philologiai Tärsasäg, 1898. 346p. An alphabetical guide to the first twenty volumes of Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny (no. 1222), divided into (1) Subject index, mainly with catchwords, (2) Index of Greek words, (3) Index to articles, by name of contributor, and (4) Index of unsigned or initialed articles. NNC FiHU 122. Valentiny Antal es Entz Geza. Az Erdelyi Müzeum nev- is szakmutatöja. 1874-1917, 1930-1937. Kolozsvär: Erdelyi Müzeum Epvesület, 1942. 186p. Author and subject indices to Erdilyi Müzeum (no. 1229) for the years 1874 to 1917 and 1930 to 1937. Subjects: (1) General works, (2) Philosophy, (3) Social sciences, (4) Philology and linguistics, (5) Natural



sciences, (6) Applied sciences, (7) Fine arts, (8) Literature, (9) History, (10) Geography, (11) Biography, (12) Necrology, (13) Works related to the Erdelyi Müzeum, (14) Illustrations, and (15) Documents and letters. MnU


[For articles on Hungary in all subjects, consult the following nonHungarian encyclopedias: Chambers's encyclopaedia (London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1950; 15 vol.; CU DLC ICU M H MnU N N C NcD OU P L F ViU and others; FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB); Dictionnaire encyclopedique Quillet, Publie sous la direction de Raoul Mortier (Paris: A. Quillet, 1953; 6 vol.; DLC M H FrPBN); Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettre ed arti. (Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 1929-1939; 36 vol.; DCU DLC ICU M H MiU MnU N N C OC OC1W ViU and others; FrPBN GeLBM [GyBH] ItFU); Bol'shaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia (Moskva, 1949-1958; 51 vol.; DS IC ICU M H MnU NN NNC ScU AsWN FiHU FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU)] 123. A Pallas nagy lexikona. I-XVIII. kötet. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi 6s Nyomdai r. t., 1893-1904. A general encyclopedia. Bibliographical entries at ends of articles. Illustrated. Vol. XVII and XVIII, Addenda. DLC N N NNC OC1 GyBH [GyBS] GyGGaU 124. R&uai kelkötetes lexikona. (Fßszerkesztö: Juhäsz Vilmos) Budapest: Revai Irodalmi Intezet, 1947-1948. The first Hungarian general lexicon to be published after the Second World War. Brief articles. Illustrated. CU CoU DLC ICU M H MiD MnU NN NNC N j R OC1 FrPBN GeOB GyBS I t F U 125. RSvai nagy lexikona. (Szerkesztette Buday Ärpäd) I - X X I . kieg6szitett kötet. Budapest: Revai Testverek Irodalmi Intezet r.t., 1911-1935. A general encyclopedia. Bibliographies at ends of articles. Illustrated. Vol. XXI, Supplement (A-Z). DLC MiU MnU NN NNC OC1 FiHI FiHU F r P I H GyBH



126. Üj idök lexikom. (Szerkesztette Buday Ärpäd, Dobrovits Aladär 6s többen) I - X X I V . kötet. Budapest: Singer 6s Wolfner Irodalmi Intezet r.t., 1936-1942. A general encyclopedia. Special attention to ethics, moral precepts, and Hungarian literature. Illustrated. D L C [MH] N N N N C OC1 AsWN F r P I H GyBH GyGGaU 127. Üj lexikon. (Szerkesztette Dormändi Läszlö es Juhäsz Vilmos) I - V I . kötet. Budapest: Dante-Pantheon Kiadäs, 1936. A general learned lexicon intended to place before the reader the comprehensive current knowledge of interest to him. Bibliographies a t ends of entries. Illustrated. N N 128. Üj magyar lexikon. (Szerkesztette az Akademiai Kiado Lexikonszerkesztßsege) Eddighärom kötet. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1959+. [To be completed in 6 volumes] A general encyclopedia. D L C M H N N N N C FiHU F r P I H GeCU GyBA GyBH GyGNSU


[For a bibliography of Hungarian dictionaries, see no. 103, For a history, see no. 487.] 129. Balassa Jözsef (szerk.) A magyar nyelv szötdra. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Grill Karoly Kiadäsa, 1940. Contains 31,000 entry words. Concentrates on words current in modern Hungarian, but because of its interest in connecting the present vocabulary with its past, also includes those now extinct. Identifies and defines words (1) that appear in literature prior to the 18th century and are no longer in use, except occasionally in dialects, (2) that appear in literature preceding the 18th century, but are a part of the early Hungarian vocabulary, (3) that belong to a regional dialect, and (4) that are used among the lower social classes. Vol. I, Α - K ; vol. II, L-ZS. I C U M n U N N N N C OC1 AsWN F i H I F r P I H GeLBM GyGNSU




130. Ballagi Mor (szerk.). A magyar nyelv teljes szötdr a, amelyben az egyes sz6k különbözö ertelmeinek körülirds dltali szabatos meghatdrozdsdn kivül különös figyelem van forditva azoknak szöjdrdsos, közmondäsi, irodalmi, stb. haszndlatdra, valamint a szaktudomdnyi es iparbeli müszökra is. I—II. resz. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1867-1872. Besides defining words, gives special attention to their use and meaning in phrases, proverbs, literature, etc., and some consideration to their use in technical and special branches of learning. [An abridgment of the first five volumes of no. 133.] Pt. I, Α - K a r ; pt. II, Kärpör-ZS. C S t - H D L C M n U N N C OC1 FiHI FrPS G e L B M G y B H G y G G a U I t F U 131. Bärczi Geza. Magyar szöfejtö szötdr. Budapest: Kiralyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1941. 348p. An extensive etymology of approximately 6000 words, among which are to be found every more important root of the Hungarian standard vocabulary as well as the more frequent derivatives. Omits obsolete, dialect, or rare words, and, for the most part, lay words derived from foreign languages. I C U N N N N C A s W N AsWU FiHI G y B H I t F U 132. Bärczi Geza es Orszägh Läszlo (szerk.). A magyar nyelv ertelmezö szötdrα. Eddig ket kötet. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1 9 5 9 + . [Remaining five volumes to be published by 1963] Definitions of some 60,000 learned and everyday words in the Hungarian language. Entries also concerned with collocations of words, current usage, idiomatic expressions, synonyms, phrases, and proverbs. Words formed from the root at end of entry. Major purpose: to show in various ways the nuances, the flexibility, and the expressiveness of the Hungarian language. Vol. I, Α - D ; vol. II, E - G Y . I C U M H M n U N N C FiHI FiHU G e C U G y B H G y G G a U G y G N S U 133. Czuczor Gergely es Fogarasi Janos (szerk.) A magyar nyelv szötdra, I - I V . kötet. Pest: Emich Gusztäv Akademiai Nyomdäsznäl, 1862-1867 (I-IV. kötet); Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1870-1874 ( V - V I . kötet). An unabridged dictionary of the Hungarian language; 110,784 entries, of which about 10 per cent are proper names. Vol. I, Α - D ; vol. II, E - H ; vol. III, I - L ; vol. IV, M - O ; vol. V, P - S ; vol. V I , T - Z S . D L C I C N M B M H M d B Ρ M n U N N N N C A s W N FiHI F i H U F r P B N F r P I H FrPS G e L B M GeOB G y B H G y G N S U 134. Gombocz Zoltan es Melich Janos. (szerk.). Magyar etymolögiai szötdr. I - X V I I . füzet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1914-1944. Intended to create a complete etymological dictionary of the Hungarian language. Reached geburnus with No. X V H . [ D L C ] M H M n U [ N N ] N N C A s W N FiHI FiHU FrPJH [GeCU] [ G e L B M ] GeLU GeOB G y B H [GyGGaU] [GyGNSU]




136. Horger Antal. Magyar szavak törtenete. Közerdekü magyar szöfejtSsek gyüjtemenye. Budapest: Kokai Lajos Kiadäsa, 1924. 193p. A dictionary of Hungarian words with the most important and most interesting etymology. Purpose: to acquaint the high school teacher and the teacher-trainee with them. I C U M H N N A s W N FiHI G e L B M GyBH GyGGaU 136. Szamota Istvän. Magyar oklevil-szötär. (Potlek a Magyar Nyelvtörtineti Szötarhoz) Budapest: Homyanszky Viktor Könyvkereskedese, 1902-1906. 1210 col. A supplement to no. 137. Contains the important cultural words and expressions from documents of the 16th and 17th centuries. D L C N N A s W N FiHI F r P I H G e L B M G y B H 137. Szarvas Gabor 6s Simonyi Zsigmond (szerk.). Magyar nyelvtörteneti szötär. I—III. kötet. Budapest: Homyanszky Viktor Akademiai Könyvkeresked6se, 1890-1893. A historical dictionary of the Hungarian language from the most ancient remains of the language to the beginning of language reform, or the time of the establishment of today's literary language. Vol. I, A - I ; vol. II, J - S ; vol. III, T - Z S . C t Y D L C M B M H M d B P [NN] N N C A s W U FiHI FiHU F r P B N FrPS G e C U G e L B M GeOB G y B H G y G N S U


[For bibliographical aids especially concerned with subjects in this category, consult nos. 80, 86, 103, and 108.] A. G R A M M A R S 138. Balassa Jozsef. A magyar nyelv könyve. A magyar nyelv multja 6s jelene. Helyes magyarsdg. Budapest: D a n t e K ö n y v k i a d ö , 1943. 469p. After an examination of the history a n d development of the Hungarian language, provides a grammar of the language: its pronunciation and orthography, its word structure, and its sentence structure. InU N N N N C GeCU GyGGaU



139. Hall, Robert Α., Jr. An analytical grammar of the Hungarian language. Baltimore: Linguistic Society of America, 1938. 113p. [Language monograph no. 18] A grammar intended to meet the need for a descriptive and scientific grammar of the Hungarian language in English, with an analysis of the various elements of the language into its component parts. Presented from a purely synchronic point of view. Material restricted to everyday and prose language; dialectic, archaic, and poetic forms not included. Chapters: phonology, morphology, word-formation, syntax, sentence structure, specimen texts. Bibliography, pp. 112-113. DLC IC I C N I C U M H MnU NN NNC OC1 AsWN AsWU FiHU FrPBN FrPS GeLU GyGNSU 140. Lötz, John. Das ungarische Sprachsystem. Stockholm: Ungarisches Institut, 1939. 295p. A grammar of the Hungarian language devised to assist with learning the general and literary language and, at the same time, to set forth the distinctive principles and character of the language that govern matters of form and the meaning of words and sentences. CU ICU NN NNC TxU AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLU GyBH GyBS 141. Simonyi Zsigmond. Magyar hangtan is alaktan. I. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Kiadasa, 1895. 734p. [Projected 2nd volume, on semantics and sentence structure, not published] A grammar of the Hungarian language, the section on pronunciation providing a detailed history of individual sounds and the one on accidence covering word roots, compound words, the formation and conjugation of verbs, the formation of nouns and adjectives, and the declension of nouns. B. TREATISES [See also nos. 23,138, 154,176,177, 178,188, 232, 354, 367, 379, 380, 388, 408,409,411, 412,413,425,433,459, 467, 512, 516, 538, 540, 544, 545, 546, 552, 553, 746, 748, and 751. In addition to the general histories previously mentioned (nos. 367, 379, 380, and 388), nearly all those listed in Section VIII give attention to the development of the Hungarian language, especially from the last quarter of the 18th century to around the middle of the 19th.] 142. Bärczi Geza. A magyar szükincs eredete. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadö, 19582. 187p. [Enlarged edition] A study of the original sources of Hungarian words: (1) those with original source in Finno-Ugrian, (2) those with undeterminable origin, and mainly (3) those with origin in foreign languages. Examined by country of origin. Bibliographies at ends of chapters. Index of words. DLC ICU



M H M n U N N N N C A s W N A s W U F i H U F r P I H GeCU G e L B M G y B A GyBH GyBS GyGGaU GyGNSU 143. Bärdos Remig. A magyar nyelvtisztitö törekvesek törtenete. Esztergom: Laiszky Jänos Könyvnyomdaja, 1896. 224p. After discussing purist movements in other languages, delineates the efforts of Hungarian purists to affect the development of the national language from the 15th century to the 1890's. G y B H 144. Gombos Laszlo. A magyar sz6 regenye. Budapest: Magyar Teka, 1948. 160p. Treats the story of the Hungarian language culturally, as a product of individuals, a people, and a society. For the general reader. D L C A s W N 146. Klemm Antal. Magyar törteneti mondattan. I—III. füzet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1928-1942. 66op. An examination of the Hungarian sentence in accordance with historical principles. Bibliographies at ends of sections. [MH] [NN] A s W N [FrPBN] F r P I H GeCU G e L B M GeLU G y B H [GyBS] [GyGGaU] [GyGNSU] 146. Kniezsa Istvän. A magyar helyeslrds törtenete. Budapest: Tankönyvkiado, 1959. 35p. A survey of the characteristics of Hungarian orthography from the Middle Ages to the present. Bibliographies at ends of sections. D L C T x U GyBH GyBS 147. Laziczius Gyula. A magyar nyelvjdrdsok. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1936. 58p. After reviewing the development of research in dialects in other countries, characterizes Hungarian studies in the subject and the individual qualities of Hungarian dialects, and divides the dialects into classes. Bibliographies at ends of sections. M H N N A s W N FiHI F r P B N FrPS GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU 148. Lorinczc Lajos (szerk.). Nyelvmüvelö. Budapest: "Müvelt N e p " Tudomänyos es Ismeretterjeszto Kiado, 1956. 412p. A collection of individual essays on the past and present development of the Hungarian language, on individuals who contributed to its growth, on problems of correctness of meaning and usage, and on style and literary language. M H N N C FiHU F r P B N G e L B M G y B H G y B S G y G N S U 149. Pais Dezsö. " A magyar irodalmi nyelv," Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Nyelv- is Irodalomtudomdnyi Osztälydnak Közlemenyei, IV (1953), 425-486. A characterization of the literary language of Hungary and its development, concluding with replies to the article by a number of Hungarian scholars. D L C M n U N N C G e L B M G y B A G y B H G y B S G y G N S U I t F U



1 5 0 . Simonyi Zsigmond. A magyar nyelv. I - I I . resz. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1905. 485p. A11 examination of the history and nature of the Hungarian language. In two parts: (1) the history and development of the Hungarian language, and (2) its form and structure. Bibliographies, often critical or descriptive, at ends of chapters. D L C M H F i H I F r P B N FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU G y B H GyGGaU 151. Die ungarische Sprache. Strassburg: Κ . J . Trübner, 1907.443p. A translation of no. 150. Bibliography, pp. 13-15. I C I C U M H M n U N N C A s W N A s W U F r P B N FrPS GeCU G e L B M GeOB G y G N S U 1 5 2 . Szily Kaiman. Adalekok a magyar nyelv is irodalom törtenetehez. Budapest: Ilornyänszky Viktor, 1898. 471p. A collection of the author's previously published articles on various aspects of Hungarian literary history (pp. 1-249) and of the history of the Hungarian language (pp. 252-458). Alphabetical index to words examined in the section on language. N N C FrPS G e L B M G y B H 1 5 3 . Tolnai Vilmos. Α nyelvüjUds. A nyelvujitds elmäete es törtenete. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1929. 240p. The theories and history of the reform of the Hungarian language, with major attention to the period from around the middle of the 18th century to the end of the 19th. The issues and individuals that influenced the development of the language. Bibliographies at ends of sections. M H F r P I H G e L B M GeLU G y B H G y G N S U I t F U 1 5 4 . Turoczi-Trostler Jozsef. A magyar nyelv felfedezese. Budapest: Ranschburg Gusztäv Könyvkereskedese, 1933. 98p. T w o studies of the links between European and Hungarian humanism as they affected the emergence and development of the Hungarian language. M H G y B H G y G N S U


[In addition to the encyclopedias cited in the headnote to Section II, the following works in non-Hungarian languages are to be consulted for articles on Hungarian literature and arts: Cassell's encyclopedia of literature, edited



by Sigfrid Heinrich Steinberg (London: Cassell, 1953; 2 vol.; widely available in the U.S.; AsWN AsWU FrPBN GeLBM); Columbia dictionary of modem European literature, edited by Horatio Smith (New York: Columbia University Press, 1947; 899p.; widely available in the U.S.; AsWU FrPBN GeLBM); Dictionnaire biographique des auteurs, de tous les temps et de tous lespays (Paris: Laffont-Bompiani, S.E.D.E., 1957-1958; 2 vols.; ICN MH MnU NN NNC 0C1 AsWN FiHU FrPBN FrPS [GyBS]); Dictionnaire des oeuvres de tous les temps et de tous les pays. Litt&rature, philosophie, musique, sciences (Paris: Laffont-Bompiani, S.E.D.E., 1952-195454 vols.) and Dictionnaire des oeuvres de tous les temps et de tous les pays. Volume des index (Paris: S.E.D.E., 1955; 293p.; widely available in the U.S.; FrPBN FrPS [GyBS]); Lexikon der Weltliteratur im 20. Jahrhundert, Zweite Auflage (Freiburg: Herder Verlag, 1960-1961; 2 Bände; widely available in the U.S.; AsWN AsWU FiHU GeCU [GyBA] [GyBS] GyGNSU). For a summary of lexicons published prior to 1785, see no. 39.] 155. Benedek Marcell (szerk.). Irodalmi lexikon. Budapest: GySzo Andor, 1927. 1224p. Scope that of world literature. Covers alphabetically not only literary figures and movements, but literary theory, links between literary and linguistic questions, philosophers, literary historians, aestheticians, and philologists. Fairly extensive entries critical and aesthetic in approach, in keeping with its stated purpose. Short bibliographies at ends of articles. Brings Hungarian lexicons up to date by including later writers. Illustrated. DLC MnU NN AsWN FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBH 156. Bod Peter (tsernatoni). Magyar Athenas, avagy az Erdelyben 6s Magyar orszdgon Sit tudds embereknek, nevezetesebben akik valami, vildg eleibe bocsdtott irdsok dllal esmeretesekki lettek, s jo emUkezeteket fenhagytdk, historidjuk. Nagyszeben: n.p., 1766. 360p. About 500 biographical sketches of Transylvanian and Hungarian writers in alphabetical order. A list of each author's works and an occasional comment on his life and writings. D L C MnU GyBH 157. Czvittinger, David. Specimen Hungariae literatae virorum eruditione clarorum natione Hungarorum, Dalmatorum, Croatorum, Slavorum, atque Transylvanorum, vitas, scripta, elogia et censuras ordine alphabetice exkibens. Accedit Bibliotheca scriptorum qui extant de rebus Eungaricis. Frankfurt et Lipcse: J . Kohles, 1 7 1 1 . 480p. Biographical sketches of nearly 300 Hungarian, Dalmatian, Croatian, Slavonic, and Transylvanian writers in alphabetical order. Under each entry a list of the author's writings with dates of publication, quotations of short maxims from his works, and an evaluation of the author. Concludes with "Bibliotheca Scriptorum qui extant de Rebus Hungaricis."



Entirely in Latin. D L C I C N AsWN AsWU FiHU F r P B N GeCU GeLBM GeLIJ GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 158. fiber Läszlo (szerk.). Müveszeti lexikon. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Gyoz6 Andor, 19352· World architecture, sculpture, painting, and applied arts. Special attempt to be as complete as possible in articles on Hungary. Illustrated. Vol. I, Α - K ; vol. II, L-Z. N N [NNC] OC1 F i H I GeLBM GyBH I t F U 159. Földväri Mihaly. Magyar irodalom zseblexikona. Irodalmi arcHpcsarnok. Köln am Rhein: Amerikai-Magyar Kiado, 1954. n o p . Brief biographical sketches of Hungarian writers in alphabetical order. NNC ItFU 160. Gulyas Pal. Magyar Üetrajzi lexikon. Budapest: Lantos r.t., 19251929. 768 col. [Only one incomplete volume appeared] Concentrates on biographical sketches of professional, learned, and creative individuals. Dates of published works, followed by a bibliography. From Mihäly Aachs to Pal Bacher. Supplements no. 173. Μ Η N N AsWU GeLBM GeOB GyBA GyBH 161. Magyar iröi dlnev lexikon. A magyarorszdgi ir6k dlnevei ts egyib jegyei. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1956. 706p. Lists and identifies the pseudonyms and other kinds of signatures of Hungarian authors. Alphabetical sections: (1) Pseudonyms with Greek letters, (2) Number pseudonyms, and (3) Miscellaneous other types of signatures. Name index and appendix of anonymous works and translations, with name of author or translator provided. D L C M H N N N N C OC1 AsWN AsWU FiHU F r P B N GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 162. Magyar irök elete is munkdi. tJ] sorozat. I - V L kötet. Budapest: Magyar Könyvtarosok es Leveltärosok Egyesülete, 1939-1944. A continuation and enlargement of no. 173. Of its 2939 writers, only 480 to be found in that work. Coverage by centuries: Middle Ages, 14; 16th century, 16; 16th and 17th century, 19; 17th century, 37; 17th and 18th century, 42; 18th century, 57; 18th and 19th century, 78; 19th century, 344; 19th and 20th century, 1947; 20th century, 393. [See also no. 160.] Vol. I, Aachs-Bälint Rezso; vol. I I , Bälint Sändor-Berenyi Janos (Leo); vol. I I I , Berenyi Jänos-Bredeczky Samuel; vol. IV, Brediceanu Kajusz-Czegledy György; vol. V-VI, Czegledy SandorDzuränyi Läszlo. N I C N N N N C AsWN AsWU FiHU [FrPBN] F r P I H GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU I t F U 163. Horanyi, Alexius. Memoria hungarorum et provincialium scriptis editis notorum. I - I I I . kötet. Wien: Anton Loewe, 1775-1777.


BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES Brief biographical sketches of more than a thousand Hungarian authors in alphabetical order. Entirely in Latin. Vol. I, Aaron de Bisztra-Fuker Fridericus Jacobus; vol. II, Gäl Thomas-Ozolyi Florianus; vol. I l l , Paksy Ludovicus-Zvittinger David (index to entire work). DLC FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH GyGNSU

164. Nova memoria hungarorum et provincialium scriptis editis notorum. Pest: Matthiae Trattner, 1792. A projected enlarged edition of no. 163, which also intended to correct earlier errors and to give attention to the new literature, but which reached only one volume (A-C). ICN MH GeLBM GeOB GyGNSU 165. Kemeny Ferenc (szerk.). Magyar pedagdgiai lexikon. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Revai Irodalmi Intezet, 1933-1934. The science of education in the world, past and present, with special attention to Hungary. Biographical sketches, definitions of terms, histories of schools, etc. Bibliographies at ends of articles. Vol. I, A - J ; vol. II, K-Z. DLC NN NNC FiHI FiHU GyBH 166. Krücken, Oszkär und Parlagi, Imre. Das geistige Ungarn. Biographisches Lexikon. I—II. kötet. Wien und Leipzig: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1918. A biographical dictionary of Hungarians who have contributed to the development of Hungarian science, learning, literature, technology, fine arts, and political economy. Brief articles summarizing lives and contributions and giving dates of important publications. Vol. I, Ludwig Abafi-Theodor Kern; vol. II, Stephan Kerner-R. A. Zutt. CtY DLC IC ICN MB MiU NN NNC OC1 PIT AsWU FiHU GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGGaU 167. P. Monay Ferenc. Adatok a magyarorszdgi is erdelyi minoritdk irodalmi munkässdgdröl. R6ma: Ars-Graf, 1952. 143p. A dictionary of 183 Hungarian and Transylvanian minority writers in Hungary from 1300 to its own date. List of each author's writings. Name index. DCU ItFU 168. Nemeth Antal (szerk.). Szineszeti lexikon. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Gyozo Andor, 1930. World dramatic art, stagecraft, motion pictures, dance, variety, and national theatrical customs. Special effort to be as complete as possible in Hungarian topics. Vol. I, Aalbach Jacques-Mihalyfi Bela; vol. II, Mihälyfi Käroly-Zsonglor. DLC MnU NN NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH 169. Aζ Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär Bibliografiai Osztalya (szerk.). Kalauz a magyar ifjüsdgi irodalomban. Ajdnld könyvismertetesek a szepirodalom tanulmdnyozdsdhoz. Budapest: Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1957. 192p. A guide to the writers and literary works published prior to 1945, for students, teachers, and parents. Authors listed alphabetically with biographical and critical comment and summaries of works following each



(title, type, place and date of publication, publisher, and number of pages). Alphabetical list of titles. Classification of works by age groups and by theme and type. Bibliography, pp. 171-177. CU D L C ICU I n U P U FiHU GyBS I t F U 170. Revay Jozsef es Kohalmi Bela (szerk.). Hungdria irodalmi lexikon. Budapest: Hungäria, 1947. 624p. A lexicon of world literature containing material on (1) Literary authors, and works characteristic of their age or of significance today, (2) Authors of works on aesthetics, literary history, and criticism, and, less frequently, of works on sociology, philosophy, and historical scholarship, and (3) Technical literary terms and concepts. Appendix: Chronological list of literary works to 1940. I E N M H M n U N N F r P I H GyBS GyGNSU 171. Schöpflin Aladär (szerk.). Magyar szinmüveszeti lexikon. A magyar szinjdtszäs es drdmairodalom enciklopediäja. I - I V . kötet. Budapest: Orszägos Szineszegyesület es Nyugdijintezete, 1929-1931. An encyclopedia of the theater and dramatic literature of Hungary from their beginnings to the 1920's. Cultural, literary, personal, and technical information related to the subject. Illustrated. Vol. I, Aägh-Faust; vol. I I , Favartne-Komjäti Ferenc; vol. I I I , Komlo-Kert-Püspöki Imre; vol. IV, Rabatinszky Maria-Zwischenakt. M n U N N C [AsWN] 172. Szabolcsi Bence es T0th Aladär (szerk.). Zenei lexikon. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Gyozo Andor, 1930-1931. A general world lexicon of musicians, composers, terms, periods, etc. Special attention to Hungarian music and composers. Vol. I, Α - K ; vol. II, L-Z. D L C N N AsWN GeLBM GyBH 173. Szinnyei Jozsef. Magyar irök elete es munkdi. I - X I V . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1891-1914. Biographical sketches of nearly 30,000 Hungarian authors in alphabetical order. Besides reporting on the major phases of the life of each, provides the dates of publication of works in chronological order and a bibliography for each article. [See also nos. 160 and 162.] Vol. I, AächsBzenszki; vol. II, Caban-Exner; vol. I l l , Fa-Gwoth; vol. IV, GyalaiHyrtl; vol. V, Iczes-Kempner; vol. VI, Kende-Kozocsa; vol. VII, Köberich-Loysch; vol. VIII, Löbl-Minnich; vol. I X , Mircse-Oszvaldt; vol. X , Otocska-Popea; vol. X I , Popeszku-Rybay; vol. X I I , SaädSteinensis; vol. X I I I , Steiner-Telfy; vol. XIV, Telgärti-Zsutai. D L C I U Μ Η N N N N C OC1 AsWU [FiHU] F r P B N FrPS GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyBS 174. Üjväri Peter (szerk.). Magyar zsidö lexikon. Budapest: Magyar Zsido Lexikon Kiadäsa, 1929. 1028p. Articles intended to give a view of the development of Hungarian Jews in the preceding one hundred years and of their contributions to culture




through their many intellectual activities, including those in historical events, the sciences, literature, and the fine arts. Also information on Transylvanian, Slovenian, Voivodina, and Burgenland Jews. D L C N N OC1 A s W U G e L B M G y B H G y B S G y G G a U 1 7 5 . Vänyi Ferenc (szerk.). Magyar irodalmi lexikon. Budapest: "Studium" Kiadasa, 1926. 88op. Besides biographical sketches, provides critical comments and selective bibliography for each author. Also contains articles on Hungarian bibliofilia, aesthetics, theater, style, poetry, rhetoric, development of literary genres, foreign influences, periodicals, and literary terms. M n U N N FiHI F r P I H G e L B M G e L U G y B H


[For bibliographical guides to publications on subjects in this section, consult nos. 81 (fine arts), 82 (philosophy), 90 (history), 92 (history), and 109 (history), and the subsection on General Bibliographies. Attention is also directed to a source book: Marczali Henrik (szerk.). A magyar törtönet kütöföinek közikönyve (Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi 6s Nyomdai r.t., 1901; 967p; I C U M H N N N N C A s W U F r P B N FrPS GeCU G e L B M GeOB). This work is a handbook of original chronicles, almanacs, diaries, and descriptions in Hungarian history from the Age of Ärpäd to 1868. I t claims to list the most important domestic and foreign narrative sources, giving not only their contents but also their authentication, focus, and reliability. In addition, it reports what it considers to be the most important remembrances of the Age which throw light on its institutions and affairs. For writers of memoirs and autobiographies, see nos. 451 and 455, respectively. For a study of Hungarian belles-lettres with historical subject matter, see no. 769.] A. H I S T O R I C A L I. GENERAL [See also nos. 207, 209, 210, 379, and 397.]



176. Boldenyi, G. La ungheria: antica e moderna. Sua storia, arti, letteratura, monumenti. I—II. kötet. Genova: Roberto Bertocci, 1851. A history of Hungary from its beginnings to the middle of the 19th century and studies of various aspects of Hungarian life, including language and literature. Illustrated. Vol. I, History of Hungary; vol. II, Miscellaneous subjects. AsWU I t F U 177. Boldenyi, J. La Eongrie ancienne et moderne. Histoire, arts, literature, monuments. Tomes 2. Paris: H. Lebrun, 1851. A translation of no. 176. Vol. I, History of Hungary; vol. I I , Miscellaneous subjects. MdBP MnU N N AsWN FiHU FrPBN F r P I H GeCU GeLBM GeLU 178. A companion to Hungarian studies. Budapest: Society of the Hungarian Quarterly, 1943. 532p. A guide to the history and culture of Hungary from their beginnings to the Second World War, in the form of essays. Bibliography, under chapter headings by subject, pp. 514-521. CSt-H DLC M H MnU N N NNC OC1 PPCCH FrPS GeLBM I t F U 179. Heckenast Gusztav, Incze Miklös 6s többen. A magyar nip rövid törtSnete. Rövid ättekintis. Budapest: Müvelt Nep Könyvkiado, 1953s. 73^Ρ· An illustrated survey of Hungarian history from antiquity to 1950 from a Marxist-Leninist point of view. Bibliography of recommended readings, pp. 708-715; chronological table of events, pp. 716-734. DLC FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyBS 180. Höman Bälint es Szekfü Gyula. Magyar törtinet. I-VIII. kötet. Budapest: Kirilyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1935-194?. [Several editions] A history of Hungary from the beginnings to its own date. Vol. I, Pagan times, tribal organization, Christian monarchy; vol. II, Development of feudalism; vol. I l l , The great Hungarian power, the Hungarian Renaissance, Mohäcs; vol. IV, The 16th century; vol. V, The 17th century; vol. VI, The 18th century; vol. VII, The 19th and 20th centuries; vol. VIII, Table of contents, subject and name index. [DLC] ICU M H NN NNC AsWN FiHI [FrPBN] FrPIH GeCU [GeLBM] GeLU [GeOB] GyBH [GyGGaU] ItFU 181. Karacsonyi Bela, Heckenast Gusztav es többen. A magyar nip tört6nete. I—III. kötet. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadö, 1952-1953. A history of Hungary from the beginnings to its own date, with emphasis on political movements affecting the social classes. Illustrated. Bibliography for the period to 1526, vol. I, p. 113; for 1526 to 1849, vol. II, p. 175; and for 1849 on, vol. I l l , p. 299. Chronological table of events in each volume. Vol. I, to 1526; vol. II, 1526-1849; vol. I l l , 1849 on. GyBH GyGNSU



182. Kosary, Dominic. A history of Hungary. Cleveland and New York: Benjamin Franklin Bibliophile Society, 1941. 482p. Hungarian history from the beginnings to its own times. Appendices: (1) Kings of Hungary, (2) Princes of Transylvania, (3) Premiers of Hungary, and (4) Genealogical Tables. Bibliography, pp. 439-455. D L C I C N ICU M H MnU N N N N C OC1 OU P U and others; GeCU I t F U 183. Lengyel, Emil. 1,000 years of Hungary. New York: John D a y Co., 1958.312p. Hungarian history from its beginnings to 1956, with some attention to cultural elements. Bibliography, pp. 305-306. CSt D L C GU I C U M H M n U N N OC1 TxU WU and others; AsWN GyGNSU 184. Macartney, Carlile Aylmer. Hungary. London: Ernest Benn Ltd., 1934. 376p. Aspects of Hungarian life and history in chapter essays: constitution, church, gentry, peasants, workmen, etc. D L C I C M H MiU M n U N N N N C OC1 0 0 ViU and others; AsWU GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH 185. Mod Aladär. Negyszäz ev kiizdelem az önällö Magyar orszdg&rt. Budapest: Szikra, 1951 6 . 629p. A history of Hungary's struggle for independence from 1514 to 1950. Chronological table, pp. 609-618; bibliography, pp. 619-622. D L C N N N N C AsWN F r P B N F r P I H GeCU GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 186. Mosca Rodolfo, Miskolczy Gyula, Suränyi-Unger Tivadar, Hankiss Jänos es többen. Ungheria d'oggi, Roma: Edizioni Roma, 1939. 168p. Individual studies of the history, politics, and culture of Hungary, including its language and literature. Bibliography, pp. 157-163. M H AsWN AsWU I t F U 187. Sinor, Denis. History of Hungary. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1959. 310p. A history of Hungary from its beginnings to the Horthy era, intended to serve the general reader as a continuous narrative history and the historian as a handbook of general information. List of selected dates. CtY D L C GU ICU M H MoSU N N C NcD 0C1 WaU and others; AsWN ' FiHU F r P B N FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBS I t F U 188. Szekfu, Gyula. Etat et nation. Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1945. 354p. Essays on Hungarian minorities and a chapter on the Hungarian language, pp. 9-103. D L C M H N N N N C N N U N 0C1 P U AsWN AsWU F r P B N F r P I H FrPS GeLBM GeLU GeOB I t F U 189. Szilagyi Sändor (szerk.). A magyar nemzet törtenete. I - X . kötet. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1895-1898.



A history of Hungary from its beginnings to the i8go's. Illustrated. Vol. I, from prior to the coming of the Romans to the rule of St. Stephen; vol. II, Age of Ärpäd (1038-1301); vol. I l l , House of Anjou and its descendants (1301-1439); vol. IV, Age of the Hunyadis and the Jagellos (1440-1526); vol. V, Division of Hungary into three parts (1526-1608); vol. VI, from Matthias II to the death of Ferdinand III (1609-1657); vol. VII, Age of Leopold I and Joseph I (1657-1711); vol. VIII, from Charles III to the Congress of Vienna (1711-1815); vol. IX, Creation of a national state (1815-1847); vol. X, Modern Hungary (1848-1896). DLC ICU MB MH MnU NNC AsWN FiHI FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGGaU 190. Zarek, Otto. The history of Hungary. (Trans, by Peter P. Wolkonszky) London: Selwyn and Blount Ltd., 1939. 390p. Hungarian history from its beginnings to 19x9. CtY DLC ICN ICU MH MnU NN NNC NcD 0 0 PPD FrPBN GeCU GeLU GeOB 2. PERIOD

[See also nos. 402, 410, and 443.] 191. Aczel, Tamas and Meray, Tibor. The revolt of the mind. A case history of resistance behind the Iron Curtain. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1959. 449p. An account of the struggles of Hungarian Communists engaged in the literary movement prior to the Revolution of 1956: the character of their efforts and the way they became the vanguard of the Revolution. Dramatis personae: information about the present status of the most important figures in the book. CSt-H DLC GU ICU MH MnU NNC NcD 0C1 WaU AsWN FiHU FrPBN GeCU GyGNSU Gratz Gusztäv. A dualizmus kora. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, 1934. A history of Hungary from 1867 to 1918. Vol. I, 1867-1903; vol. II, 1903-1918. DLC MH NN NNC PHC AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH GyGNSU GyMWd 192.

193. A forradalmak kora. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, I93S· 354PHungarian history from 1918 to 1920. CSt-H DLC NN AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyMWd 194. Homan Bälint. A magyarok honfoglaldsa is elhelyezkedese. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1923. 50p. After an examination of the studies of the Magyar Conquest, treats the social and political structure, the economic relations, the principles of colonization, the question of political consciousness, and the settlement



in the period. Bibliographies at ends of sections. Bibliography for the history of the settling of the Magyars in Hungary during the 9th century, pp. 13-15. N N A s W N FiHI G e C U G e L B M GeLU G y B H 195. Macartney, Carlile Aylmer. The Magyars in the ninth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1930. 241p. Reconstructs the origin and early wanderings of the Magyars prior to their entering Hungary in A.D. 895. C t Y D L C I C U M H M i U M n U N N C O C U OC1 P B m and others; A s W N A s W U FrPS G e C U G e L B M GeLU GeOB G y B H G y B S 196. Marczali, Henry. Hungary in the eighteenth century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1910. 377p. [Translation, by Arthur B . Yolland, of the Hungarian work published in Budapest in 1882 (ist and 2nd editions)] Concerned primarily with the history of Hungary under Joseph II. Introductory essay on earlier Hungarian history, by H. W. V. Temperley. C t Y D L C I C U M H M n U N N C N j P P B m ViU W a U and others; F r P B N FrPS GeCU G e L B M GeLU GeOB G y B H G y B S G y G N S U 197. Magyarorszäg törtenete az Ärpddok kordban. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1896. 706p. Hungarian history from 1038 to 1301. Illustrated. N N A s W N A s W U FrPIH GeLBM 198. Magyarorszäg törtinete III. K&rolytöl a becsi congressusig. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1898. 625p. A history of Hungary from 1711 to 1815. N N A s W N A s W U F r P I H GeLBM 199. Szekfü Gyula. Bethlen G&bor. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, 1929. 314p. A view of Hungary's history during the first thirty years of the 17th century through the activities of Gäbor Bethlen. M n U N N N N C A s W N AsWU F r P I H GeCU G e L B M GeLU GeOB G y B H G y M W d 200. Forradalom utdn. Budapest: Cserepfalvi, 1947. 207p. After a critical examination of the political principles in the efforts of mid-i9th-century Hungarian liberals (Jozsef Eötvös, Antal Csengery, Läszlö Szalay, Ägost Trefort, M0ric Lukacs, and the later and somewhat more conservative Zsigmond Kemeny) to guarantee liberty for their people through systematic political and administrative organization, delineates the problems created for Hungary by World War I I and the alliance with Germany. Also seeks to explain the evolution toward solutions to these difficulties during the period following the defeat of Germany and Hungary, 1944-1946, and characterizes the



directions in which the reforms instituted are developing. Emphasis on Soviet Russia as a factor in the developments. D L C N N A s W N F r P I H GeLU G y B H G y B S 201. Hdrom netnzedek is ami utäna következik. Budapest: Kirälyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1935. 514p· [Several editions] A history of political, social, and cultural problems in Hungary from Istvän Szechenyi to the period after the Treaty of Trianon. CoU D L C M H N N A s W N F r P I H GeCU G e L B M GeLU G y B H 202. Zichy Istvän (gröf). Α magyarsäg östörtenete es müveltsege a honfoglaläsig. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1923. 82p. The history and culture of Hungarians from pre-history to the 9th century. Much attention to words as evidence for characterizations of the development of Magyar culture. Bibliographical footnotes at ends of sections. Maps. N N N N C A s W N FiHI G e L B M GeLU G y B H 3. AREA

203. Erdei Ferenc. Futöhomok. Α duna-tiszaköz földje is nipe. Budapest: Athenaeum Kiadasa, 1937. 242p. A historical, sociological, economic, and cultural study of the land and people in the area of the Duna-Tisza. Discussion of towns and villages by regions: Budavidek, Pestvidek, Härom Väros, Kiskunsäg, Bacska, Dunamellek. Bibliography, pp. 233-234. Illustrated. I C N N N N C OC1 A s W N FiHI G e L B M GeLU G y B H 204. Feja Geza. Viharsarok. Az alsö tiszavidik földje is nipe. Budapest: Athenaeum Kiadasa, [1936]2. 275p. A historical, sociological, economic, and cultural examination of the lower-Tisza area. Examines the region's past and present conditions in general, and then treats B6kes, Csanad, and Csongrad districts. Bibliography, pp. 269-270. Illustrated. N N N N C OC1 GeCU G y B H 205. Macartney, Carlile Aylmer. Problems of the Danube basin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1942. 157p. Emphasis on the complications and difficulties among the nations of the Danube basin from their beginnings. D L C I C U M H M i U M n U N N C OC1 P B m P P T ViU and others; A s W N F i H U FrPS GeCU G e L B M GeOB G y B S 206. Szabo Zoltan. Cifra nyomorüsäg. A Cserhdt, Mdtra, Bilkk földje 6s nipe. Budapest: Cserepfalvi Kiadasa, 1938. 282p. A historical, sociological, economic, and cultural study of the land and people in the northern and northeastern mountain ranges of Hungary. After a general treatment of the area, chapters on the peasants, the workers, and the intelligentsia, and on the cities. I C N N C OC1 G y B H



[See also nos. 176, 177, 178, 183, 186, and 372.] 207. Baranyai, Zoltän (szerk.). Ungarn. Das Antlitz einer Nation. Budapest: Königliche-ungarische Universitäts-Druckerei, 1940. 869p. Individual studies of all aspects of Hungarian life, culture, and civilization, including language, literature, and cultural and literary relations with Germany. CSt-H DLC M H NNC AsWN AsWU FiHU GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU I t F U 208. Domanovszky Sändor (szerk.). Magyar müvelödistörtenet. I-V. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tärsulat, 1939-1942. Individual studies of Hungarian culture, including literature. Vol. I, Pagan times and Middle Ages; vol. II, Renaissance; vol. I l l , Christian bulwark; vol. IV, Baroque and Enlightenment; vol. V, New Hungary. DLC NNC [AsWN] FiHU [FrPIH] GeCU GyBH I t F U 209. Szabo Dezso. Az egesz Idtohatdr. I—III. kötet. Budapest: Magyar £let Kiadäsa, 1941. Essays on subjects ranging through all areas of Hungarian history and culture, with considerable attention to the relationships between society and literature. Vols. I and II, Problems in Hungary; vol. I l l , Replies to contemporary problems; literature and culture; brief essays on various problems. DLC M H MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHI F r P I H GyBH 210. Szekfu Gyula (szerk.). Mi a magyar? Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tarsasag, 1936. 558p. An attempt to characterize the Hungarian through essays on individual aspects of his culture: language, literature, music, history, etc. Illustrated. CoU DLC N N NNC AsWN FiHI FrPBN GeCU GeLU GyBH GyGGaU GyMWd I t F U 2. F I N E


[See also nos. 379, 502, 710, 714, 726, 751, and 754.] 211. Bartok, Bela. Hungarian {oik music. (Translated by M. D. Calvocoressi) London: Oxford University Press, 1931. 2x8p.; 87p. [Separate numbering] A study of old and new styles of Hungarian peasant music and other tunes in Hungarian peasant music. Appendices: (1) Lists of places of origins of tunes contained in recent collections (in alphabetical order and showing how many tunes were found in each and to which class and sub-class the tunes belong), (2) Bibliography, pp. 97-98, and (3)



Functions of Gipsy musicians. Full English texts of songs, pp. 101-190. [See no. 214.] CLSU DLC ICN MH MnU NNC NcU 0C1 ViU WaU and others; AsWN FrPBN GeCU GeLU 212. A magyar ntpdal. Budapest: Rozsavölgyi es Tärsa, 1924.137p. Scholarly characterizations and critical examinations of the music of Hungarian peasants in the introduction, v-lxx. Scores for songs. Bibliography, pp. 136-137. CtY FiHI GeLBM 213. Nepzenenk is a szomszid nepek nepzen&je. Budapest: Soml6 Bela Könyvkiado, 1934. 68p.; 32p. [Separate numbering] A study of the relations between the folk music of Hungary and that of her neighbors: Germany, Slovakia, Ruthenia, Rumania, SerbiaCroatia. Determines that Hungarian folk music is distinctive in character. Scores to 127 folksongs used in study, pp. 1-32. DLC NN AsWN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 214. Das ungarische Volkslied. Versuch einer Systematisierung der ungarischen Bauernmelodien mit 320 Melodien. (Deutsche Übersetzung der Liedertexte von Hedwig Lüdeke) Berlin und Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter Co., 1925. 236p.; 87p. [Separate numbering] A translation of no. 212. Also translations of 320 Hungarian folksongs into German, pp. 1-87 (second numbering). ICU DLC MH MiU NN NNC 0C1 PP AsWN FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU 215. Hekler Antal. A magyar müveszet törtenete. Budapest: Magyar Könyvbarätok Kiadäsa, [1934 or 1935]. 239p. A survey of Hungarian art from the 9th to the 19th century. Bibliography, pp. 234-237. Illustrated. NNC FiHI GeLBM GyBH 216. Ungarische Kunstgeschichte. Berlin: Verlag Gebrüder Mann, 1937. 124p. A history of Hungarian art from the n t h to the 18th century by periods. Bibliography, pp. 118-120. Closes with 159 illustrations. DDO DLC NN NNC OC1MA 0 0 AsWN AsWU FiHU FrPBN GyBS GyGGaU GyGNSU 217. A hetvenöteves magyar Ällatni Operah&z. 1884-1959. Budapest: Revainyomda, 1959. 251p. Individual essays on the history, performers, and programs of the N a tional Opera House from 1884 to 1959. Table of programs during the 75-year period by types of presentations, giving the name of the composer or author, date of first and last performances, and total number of performances; performances abroad by the Hungarian National Opera Company (arranged by place of performance); performances by foreign companies in the National Opera House; names of members of the Na-


BACKGROUNDS tional Opera House for the 1958/59 season and of its honorary members. Illustrated. NNC GyBH

218. Kodäly, Zoltän. Folk music of Hungary. (Translated from the Hungarian and revised in accordance with the German edition [1956] by Ronald Tempest and Cynthia Jolly) London: Barrie and Rockliff, i960. 166p. After a discussion of folk music tradition, explores the origin of Hungarian folk music, the new style of the folksong, children's songs and "regös" songs, dirges, traces of art music in Hungarian folksongs, peasant instrumental music, and folk tradition and musical culture. Appendix: translations of 157 song texts into English, pp. 147-166. Bibliographical notes, pp. 129-144. Music and illustrations. C CU IC ICU MB MnU N N NNC OC1 GeCU GeLBM GyBS 219. A magyar nipzene. (A peldatart szerkesztette Vargyas Lajos) Budapest: Zenemükiado, 1952 3 . 307p. A study of Hungarian folk music tradition, the "Urschicht der Volksmusik," the styles and kinds of folk music, etc. Bibliography, pp. 69-78. Illustrated. DLC MiU MnU N N NNC AsWN FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBS GyGNSU 220 . Die ungarische Volksmusik. (Ubertragen von Bence Szabolcsi) Budapest: Corvina, 1956. 181p. A translation of Magyar nipzene (no. 219). Texts of songs translated into German, pp. 161-181. DLC ICN ICU NN AsWN FiHU F r P I H GyGGaU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 221. A magyarorszdgi müvtszet törtenete. (Szerkeszti Fülep Lajos) I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Kepzömuveszeti Alap Kiadövallalata, 1956-1958. A history of Hungarian art from the 9th century to 1945. Illustrated. Vol. I, The Conquest to the 19th century; vol. II, 1800 to 1945. DLC MH-PA [NN] NcD AsWN FiHU GyBH GyGNSU 222. Peter Andräs. A magyar müveszet törtenete. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Lampel R. Könyvkereskedese (Wodianer F. es Fiai), 1930. A history of Hungarian art from the 9th century to the 1920's. Bibliography, vol. II, 188-194. No index to either volume. Vol. I, End of 9th century to'the Renaissance; vol. II, Turkish Occupation to the 1920's (index of illustrations for both volumes). DLC IC N N OC1 GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU 223. Szabolcsi Bence (szerk.). A magyar zenetörtinet Mzikönyve. Budapest: Magyar K6rus, 1947. 174p.; 53p. [Separate numbering] The history of Hungarian music from ancient times to the 1940's. Table of important events in the history of Hungarian music and occurrences in Western European music; examples of Hungarian music from the



Period of the Migration to the 20th century, arranged by periods. DLC MnU NN AsWN FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 224. Väsärhelyi Ζ. Emil. Erdelyi müveszek. Kolozsvär: Erdelyi Szepmives Ceh, 1934. 227p. Individual biographies and characterizations of the following Transylvanian painters: Andris Bordy, Nandor Gallasz, Käroly Kos, Imre Nagy, Bela Szabo, Jen6 Szervätiusz, Sandor Szolnay, Jänos Thorma, Sandor Ziffer, Emil Väsärhelyi. NNC AsWN FrPIH C. RELIGIOUS 225. Bucsay, Mihäly. Geschichte des Protestantismus in Ungarn. Stuttgart: Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1959. 226p. The history of Hungarian Protestantism, mainly from 1520 to 1918, with some attention to early Christianity and to the period from 1918 to 1958. List of major historical events, 1517-1918. Bibliography, pp. 214-225. DLC I C N I C U I E N ΜΗ MH-AH MnU N j P T OC1PU AsWN AsWU FiHI FiHU GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 226. Gombos, Gyula. The lean years. A study of Hungarian Calvinism in crisis. New York: Kossuth Foundation, Inc., 1960. 130p. A translation of no. 227. Bibliography, pp. 121-127. DLC NNC AsWN 227. Szük esztendök. A magyar kalvinizmus vdlsdga. Washington, D.C.: Occidental Press, i960. 138p. The problems of the Reformed Church in Hungary from immediately after World War II to 1957. DLC MH MnU AsWN 228. Juhasz, William. "The development of Catholicism in Hungary in modern times," Church and society. Catholic social-political thought and movements, 1789-1950, edited by Joseph N. Moody (New York: Arts, Inc., 1953; 914p.), pp. 659-719. The development of Catholicism in Hungary from Joseph II to the early 1950's, with attention to the way in which Catholicism and Catholics have met the problems of political change. DLC ICU MnU NNC OC1 PU TU TxU ViU and others; AsWN AsWU GyBS GyGNSU 229. Revesz Imre. A magyarorszdgi protestantizmus tortinete. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tärsulat, 1925. 75p. The church and intellectual history of Protestantism in Hungary from its inception in the 1520's to 1914. Bibliography, pp. 2-11. NN NNC AsWU FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBH





A. G E N E R A L [See also Language, no. 154; Folk music, no. 213; General literary histories, nos. 353, 372, 378, and 392; Literary periods, nos. 404, 421, 428, 430, 431, 436, 437, 478, 491, 506, 509, 533, and 628; Drama and theatre, nos. 691 and 707; Poetry, nos. 718 and 722; Prose fiction, nos. 734, 735, and 736; Aesthetics, no. 742. In addition to the general histories of Hungarian literature previously listed, many others in Section V I I I give attention to the subject of foreign literary and cultural influences and relations.] 2 3 0 . Babits Mihaly. " M a g y a r irodalom," Irodalmi problemdk (Budapest: Nyugat Folyoirat Kiadasa, 1917; 285p.), pp. 5-95. Explores the question of the place of Hungarian literature in world literature, and concludes (1) that from its beginnings it was an expression of European culture and holds its place as such in world literature, (2) that its national and distinctive character brought a new quality to world culture, (3) that though it has produced works of distinctive value, the number of them known to world literature is small, and (4) that its influence on world literature and recognition of that influence are hardly nameable. M n U A s W N F r P I H GeLU G y B H I t F U 2 3 1 . Dieterich, Karl. Die osteuropäischen Literaturen in ihren Hauptströmungen vergleichend dargestellt. Tübingen: Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1911. 184p. The main currents in the literatures of East European countries to the end of the 19th century, stressing their similarities and the forces which affected the mutual development of their characteristics: (1) the foundations of their cultural history, (2) their folk poetry, (3) Byzantine influence on orthodox Eastern Europe, (4) the influence of the romanticism of the Middle Ages and the Italian Renaissance on Catholic Eastern Europe, (5) the Enlightenment and pseudo-classicism, (6) national Sturm und Drang, and (7) modern realism. Bibliographical notes, pp. 173-179. M B M n U N B P B m A s W N A s W U FrPS G y B H G y B S



232. Galdi Laszlo. A Dunatdj nyelvi alkata. A Dunatdj irodalmi fejlodese. Budapest: Gergely R. r.t., 1947. 73p. Two studies: (1) an exploration of the structural character and similarities of the languages of the Danube countries and (2) a tracing of the literary history of these countries from the Middle Ages to the 1940's to show that the various influences of Europe were felt by and expressed in the literatures of Eastern Europe as a unit. MnU AsWN FiHU FrPBN F r P I H GeLBM GeOB I t F U 233. Hankiss Jänos. Europa is a magyar irodalom. Budapest: Singer es Wolfner Intezet, 1942. 619p. The effects of European concepts and culture on Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to 1867, with a brief treatment of the period from 1867 to 1914, and the value of Hungarian literature to Europe. Closing chapter a specific summary: (1) The influence of European literature on Hungarian literature, (2) The values of Hungarian literature to Europeans, and (3) Knowledge of Hungarian literature among non-Hungarians. Bibliographical notes, pp. 555-619. MnU N N C AsWN F r P I H GyBH I t F U 234. Harsanyi Istvän. Rokoko izl&s a magyar irodalomban. Särospatak: Fischer Lajos Könyvnyomdai Müintezete, 1930. 54p. Finds rococo influence in Hungarian literature mainly in poetry, beginning with Faludi and extending to the middle of the 19th century, with its fullest flowering from 1794 to 1805. Examines translations, love themes, treatment of nature, stylistic techniques, use of Eastern mythology, etc. Among poets discussed: Faludi, Csokonai, Kazinczy, Sandor Kisfaludy, Jozsef Kovats, Karmän, and Fazekas. Bibliography, p. 54. MnU N N GyBH 235. Horväth Jänos. "Barokk izles irodalmunkban," Tanulmdnyok (Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1956; 638p.), pp. 72-89. Discloses evidence of baroque style in Hungarian prose of the 17th and 18th centuries: in the writings of Jänos Rimay and Peter Päzmäny, and, mainly, of Miklos Zrinyi and Istvän Gyöngyösi. D L C Μ Η M n U N N C GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU 236. Kardos, Tibor. La Hongrie latine. Paris: Boivin et Cie., [1949]. 135p. The impact of humanism on Hungarian literature from the Renaissance to the first part of the 19th century, closing with a discussion of Hungarian classicism and romanticism. Bibliographical notes, pp. 116-126. ItFU 237. Koltay-Kastner Jeno. "A magyar irodalmi barokk," Budapesti Szemle, 267, no. 801 (1944), 65-77; n o - 802, 1 1 3 - 1 3 3 . The origins of baroque in Hungary and its advance in Hungarian litera-


FOREIGN INFLUENCES ture in the i6th, 17th, and 18th centuries. DLC N N C FiHI FrPIH GyBH

238. Komis, Gyula. Hungary and European civilization. Budapest: Royal Hungarian University, 1938. 37p. A survey of Hungary's historical and cultural relations with Europe and their effect on her development. M H N N NNC 239. Staud Geza. Az orientalizmus a magyar romantikdban. Budapest: Särkany-nyomda Müintezet, 1931. 162p. Orientalism in Hungarian romanticism from around 1800 to the Revolution of 1848. Determines (1) the place of orientalism in romanticism and the causes of their connection and how romantic orientalism differs from other oriental manifestations; (2) the ways in which orientalism affected Hungarian romanticism and was, in turn, shaped by Hungarian racial character and tradition and by geographical, political, and historical considerations. Concludes that orientalism was not so strong in Hungary as in Western Europe because of the spirit of nationalism that permeated its romantic temperament to the point of making this current serve nationalism, and asserts that the Hungarian romantics' turning away from the West European type of orientalism was caused by Hungary's Eastern origins, which so strongly predisposed Hungarian society to receive it. MnU NN GyBH GyGGaU 240. Turöczi-Trostler Jözsef. A magyar irodalom euröpaizälöddsa. Budapest: Egyetemi Nyomda, 1946. 35p. [Also appeared in Magyarok, I I (1946)] The effects of the intellectual influences of Western European cultures on Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to the 18th century. DLC GyBH 41. Waldapfel Imre. "Humanizmus es nemzeti irodalom," Irodalomörttnet, XXVII (1933), ΐ5"49· The effect of humanism on the Hungarian language and literature in the 16th century, on baroque in the 17th century, and on the classicism of the 17th and 18th centuries. DLC MnU N N NNC N j P OC1W AsWN AsWU F r P I H FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 242. Zlinszky Aladar. Klasszicizmus is romanticizmus. Budapest: Stephaneum Nyomda es Könyvkiadö, 1924. 50p. The character and periods of European classicism and romanticism as literary movements, with attention to their manifestations in Hungarian literature. MnU GyBH FrPS 243. Zolnai Bela. A magyar biedermeier. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1940. 198p. Purpose: to delineate the manifestations of Biedermeier ism in the many



phases of Hungarian life, including its literature, from 1815 to 1850. Bibliographical notes, pp. 175-190. Illustrated. MnU FrPIH GyGNSU B. COUNTRIES 1. AMERICAS

244. Gergely, Emro J. Hungarian drama in New York: American adaptations, IQ08-1Q40. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1947. 197p. Adaptations of 53 Hungarian plays by Americans. Points out (1) characteristic features of the original plays, (2) work of the adapter on each, and (3) extent to which the adaptations have interpreted Hungarian culture for Americans. Chronology of New York productions, giving title, adapter, original title, author, theater, opening date, and closing date or number of performances. Bibliography, pp. 172-185. DLC IC ICN ICU MH MnU NN NNC OC1 PU AsWU FrPIH FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBS GyGNSU 245. Pivany, Jeno. Hungarian-American historical connections from preColumbian times to the end of the American Civil War. Budapest: Royal Hungarian University Press, 1927. 67p. A translation of no. 246. DLC ICU MH MiU MnU NNC NjP OCU OC1 PU and others; AsWN AsWU GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyGNSU 246. Magyar-amerikai törtenelmi kapcsolatok a Columbus idöktöl az amerikai polgärh&borü befejezeseig. Budapest: Egyetemi Nyomda, 1926. 55P· Information about the movement of Hungarians to, and their activities in, the United States from the time of Columbus to the end of the Civil War. NN GeLBM GyBH 247. Pivany, Jenö and Acs, Tivadar. Hungarians in the Americas. Budapest: Officina Press, n.d. 6ip. The activities of Hungarians in North and Latin America from the 16th century to the period after World War II. Closes with illustrations. LU MiU NN OC1W OClWHi OU PP GeCU ItFU 2 . AUSTRIA

[See also no. 575.] 248. Ballagi Aladär. A magyar kirdlyi testörsig törtönete különös tekintettel irodalmi müködislre. Pest: Legrädy Testverek Kiadäsa, 1872. 446p. A history of the Hungarian Royal Guardsmen in Vienna from 1772 to 1872, with emphasis on the organization's role in acquainting its members with French civilization and culture and on the effect of



their writings on Hungarian literature. Writers covered: Orczy, György Bessenyei, Barcsay, Änyos, Laczkovics, Rhedey, Bäroczy, Naläczy, Czirjek, Antal Farkas, Samuel Harsänyi, and Sändor Bessenyei. Appendices: (i) documents concerned with official affairs of the organization, (2) documents dealing with the Bessenyei family, (3) miscellany of matters related to the establishment of the organization and to its writings, and (4) the staff of the Guardsmen, arranged chronologically. A s W N FrPS 249. Nicolini Eugenia. Az erzelmes tünderjätek. Raimund hatäsa a magyar drdmairodalomra. Budapest: Neuwald Illes Utodai Könyvnyomdäja, 1912. 62p. The influence of Raimund's fairy plays on Csokonai, Vörösmarty, Munkäcsi, Istvän Balogh, Ignäc Nagy, and Jozsef Gaal. Also a survey of the type in European literature and a discussion of Raimund's life and plays. Bibliography, p. [63]. MnU FiHU G y B H 3. C L A S S I C A L G R E E C E AND R O M E

[See also nos. 403, 404, and 499.] 250. Bakos Jozsef. Mariialis a magyar irodalomhan. Debrecen: Dr. Bertok Lajos Kiadäsa, 1935. 6op. The influence of Martial's epigrams on Hungarian literature and a catalogue of Hungarian translations. Influence from Janus Pannonius to the end of the 19th century; translations to the 1930's. Most attention to Janus Pannonius, very little to others: Baroti Szabo, Räjnis, Virag, Gergely fides, Kazinczy, Mihäly Vitkovics, Jozsef Thewrewk, Ägost Greguss, Emil Thewrewk. Translators: Käroly Balogh, Jänos Csengery, Ede Remenyi (ifj.), Jozsef Kovacs, Adolf Havas, Endre Szabo, Käroly Sebestyen, Antal Sztrokay. MnU G e L B M G y B H 2 5 1 . Csengery Jänos. "Martialis irodalmunkban," Pap Käroly emUkhönyv (Debrecen: Lehotai Pal Könyvnyomdäja, 1939; 638p.), pp. 39-50. After discussing the knowledge of Martial's epigrams in Europe, traces their course in Hungarian literature through translations and use of the form from Baroti Szab0 to the 1930's, closing with Hungarian translations of twenty-five of the epigrams. MnU G y B H 252. "Vergilius a magyar költeszetben," Irodalomtarteneti KözlemSnyek, X L I (1931), 24-37, 145-165. The influence of Virgil on Hungarian poetry from the second half of the 16th century to the middle of the 19th. Examines evidence from translations, views of Virgil expressed by poets, their readings of his works and their poetry. Among numerous poets considered: Zrinyi, Dugonics, Baroti Szabö, Csokonai, Sändor Kisfaludy, Vörösmarty, and Jänos Arany. Treats most poets briefly but finds a strong Virgilian influence



in form and spirit. D L C M H N N C OC1 A s W N A s W U F r P I H G e L B M [GeLU] G y B H G y G N S U I t F U 263. Csipak Lajos. Horatius hatdsa az 6- is üjklasszikus iskola költöire. Kolozsvar: Magyar Irodalomtörteneti Szeminärium, 1912. 147p. After a brief survey of the preceding periods of Hungarian literature, examines the entire period of the Literary Revival for the influence of Horace, with main attention to the poets of the old and neo-classical schools. Finds influence strong. Among major writers considered: Orczy, Sändor Kisfaludy, Verseghy, Bacsänyi, Szentjobi Szabo, Kazinczy, Jänos Kis, Vitkovics, Kölcsey, Viräg, Berzsenyi. MnU FrPS G y B H 264. Dezsi Lajos. "Verses görög regenyek es regek a regi magyar irodalomban," Csengery-emUkkönyv (Szeged: Szeged Värosi Nyomda es Könyvkiadö, 1926; 310p.), pp. 113-133. A compilation of the translations and treatments of the poetic tales of Heliodorus, Achilles Tatius, Parthenius, and Plutarch in Hungarian literature of the 16th century. Concludes that, in this century, Greek literature was known by writers as well as by scholars. M H MnU N N C GyBH 256. Fejer Adorjän. "Horatius a magyar irodalomban," Irodalomtörteneti Közlemenyek, X L V (1935), 257-272, 354-367· Maintains that the influence of Horace in Hungary began with the Classical School in the last quarter of the 18th century, on the publication of Baröti Szabo's Üj mertekre vett különb verseknek hdrom könyvei (1777), and culminated in Berzsenyi. Besides Baroti Szabo and Berzsenyi, considers Virag, Kazinczy, Verseghy, Vitkovics, Bacsänyi, Kölcsey, and Vörösmarty. D L C M H N N C A s W N A s W U F r P I H G e L B M [GeLU] G y B H G y G N S U 256. Helmeczi Istvän. A klasszikus irodalom hatdsa magyarnyelvti irodalmunkban a XVI. szdzad közepeig. Budapest: Szabo es Uzsaly Könyvnyomdavällalata, 1930. 32p. The influence of Greek and Roman literature on Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to the middle of the 16th century: the Codex literature, humanism, Gabor Pesti ("the Magyar Erasmus"), Tinodi's Jdnos kirdly historidja, Ilosvai's Nagy Sdndor historidja, Kakonyi's Cyrus kirdly historidja. Also the bringing of classical verse forms into fashion in Hungarian literature. P U G y B H 257. Janovszky Antal. Horatius hatdsa a magyar költeszelre Is magyar forditöi. Budapest: Szerzo Kiadasa, 1939. 58p. The influence of Horace on Hungarian literature, and accounts of the translators and translations of his works from the 14th century to 1910 and after. Chapters on influence concerned mainly with the period from the Literary Revival to Berzsenyi. Among the writers: Orczy, Janos



Földi, Csokonai, Baröti Szabö, Miklos Revai, Dayka, Szentjobi Szabö, Bacsanyi, Kazinczy, Viräg, Berzsenyi. Bibliography, pp. 53-54. MnU GyBH 258. Keresztury Dezsö. "A magyar költeszet es a klasszikus kultüra," Budapesti Szemle, 265, no. 789 (1943), 158-170. The connections between Hungarian poetry and the classical spirit from its beginnings to the 1930's, to show that classical influence is a significant stream in Hungarian literature. DLC FiHI F r P I H GyBH 259. Lukacs Istvan. Metamorphosisok a XVIII. szdzad hazai irodalm&böl. Budapest: Kapucinus Nyomda, 1944. 52p. The influence of Ovid on Hungarian literary works during the last years of the 18th century. Considers their milieu, subject matter, authors, the extent to which they are Hungarian and the degree to which they are permeated by Hungarian feelings and connections. Some attention to baroque influence. Bibliography, pp. 51-52. MnU 260. Mez8 (Grünfeld) Ferenc. Tibullus a magyar irodalomban. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1908. 62p. Hungarian codexes and translations and translators of Tibullus, his influence on Hungarian literature, and Hungarian scholarship dealing with his works. Considers his influence to be at its height at the close of the 18th century and the first decade of the 19th. Among writers: Janus Pannonius, Faludi, Revai, Dugonics, Szentjobi Szabo, Csokonai, Slndor Kisfaludy, and Kazinczy. List of Hungarian works concerned with the life and poetry of Tibullus, pp. 60-62. Bibliography, p. 62. MnU GyBH 261. T6si Edit. Plautus Magyar orszägon. Budapest: Päzmany Peter Tudomänyegyetem Bölcseszeti Kara, 1948. 54p. Hungarian knowledge of Plautus from the 16th to the 20th century. Treats medieval editions of Plautus, the acquaintance of Hungarian students with his works in Italy, and the strengthening of his inspiration by the Viennese humanists through productions of his plays. Marks the place of Plautus in the school systems of humanism and the Reformation, and explains his popularity. Points out briefly evidence of the reading of Plautus in the 17th century, and shows the fashion for him in the 18th century. Also states what the age taught about Latin comedy, and lists performances of Plautus' plays. Bibliographical notes, chapter by chapter, pp. 50-52. Summary in French, pp. 53-54. MnU 4 . ENGLAND

262. Bayer Jözsef. Shakespeare drämäi hazänkban. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Kisfaludy Tärsasag Shakespeare-Bizottsäga, 1909. The history of Shakespeare's plays in Hungary from their first notice


through their translation and performance, beginning with 1777 and closing with its own time. A survey of the first hundred years followed by a coverage of each play with all the historical information relevant to it, their order being determined by their first important notice in Hungary. Chronological lists in appendices in Vol. I I : (1) Hungarian translations under each play, (2) performances in Hungary prior to 1837, (3) performances in the National Theater from 1837 to 1900, and (4) total number of performances, in Hungarian and English, by year, in the National Theater from 1837 to 1900. Vol. I, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, The Tempest, The Taming of the Shrew; vol. II, Julius Caesar, Much Ado about Nothing, Richard I I I , Antony and Cleopatra, Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Henry IV, Troilus and Cressida, Henry V, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Twelfth Night, The Comedy of Errors, Henry VI, Henry VIII, King John, Richard I I , Coriolanus, Love's Labour Lost, Titus Andronicus, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Measure for Measure, Timon of Athens, The Winter's Tale, Cymbeline, As You Like It, All's Well that Ends Well, Pericles. ICU M H N N OC1 P U AsWN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GyBH 263. Berg Päl. Angol hatdsok tizenhetedik szäzadi irodalmunkban. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtara, 1946. 248p. The role of Hungarian Calvinists in transferring British culture to Hungary in the 17 th century. Maintains that, at the beginning of the century, Hungarian literature was influenced by Latin writers like Walter Map, John Foxe, George Buchanan, and Edmund Campion, and that the knowledge of English began to be spread by the theologians from the 1630's on. Puritan writers who became extremely popular in Hungary: William Perkins, Lewis Bayly, and William Ames. Among secular writers, Francis Bacon is claimed to be the most influential. Bibliography, pp. 194-225. DLC M H N N N N C AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBA GyBS 264. Csäszär Elemer. Shakespeare 6s a magyar koltiszet. Budapest: Franklin-Tarsulat, 1917. 256p. The manner and degree of Shakespeare's influence on Hungarian writers in the 19th century. Finds his influence mainly in the drama, but also in the epic and the lyric, as an impetus to better dramas and poetic expression. Chief writers influenced: Petßfi, Vörösmarty, Jänos Arany, Zsigmond Kemeny, Szigligeti. Bibliography, pp. 255-256. M H 265. Elek Oszkar. "Ossian-kultusz Magyarorszagon," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, LVII (1933), 66-76. Contends that Ossian was admired as much in Hungary as in Germany and France, and records allusions to and praises of Ossian among Hungarian writers from the last quarter of the 18th century to the 1880's.




Among writers cited: Baroti Szabö, Csokonai, Sändor Kisfaludy, Kazinczy, Kölcsey, Ferenc Toldy, Agost Greguss, and Jänos Arany. C U C t Y I U M n U N N N N C N j P O C U OC1 A s W N F i H I FiHU [FrPS] GyBH 266. "Shakespeare a magyar irodalmi köztudatban," Magyar Shakespeare-Tär, X I (1919), 80-124. The course of Hungarian knowledge of Shakespeare from 1776 to 1850, among writers, scholars, and critics. M H G y B H G y B S 267. Fest Sändor. Angol irodalmi hatäsok hazdnkban Szechenyi Istvdn felttpesiig. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1917. n i p . The literary and cultural influence of Great Britain on Hungary from the 16th century to the appearance of Istvän Szechenyi. Finds influence on: Jozsef Peczeli, Ädäm Päloczi Horväth, Jänos Kis, D a y k a , Verseghy, Istvän Sändor, Döbrentei, Farkas Bolyai, Kölcsey, Bacsänyi, and Kazinczy. Appendix: Philological and critical details of English influence on Hungarian literature — the influence of poetry (by type and author), of Shakespeare, and of prose (by type). MnU FiHI F r P B N GeLU G y B H G y M W d 268. "Pope es a magyar költok," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, X L (1916), 535-546, 623-630. Traces the first acquaintances of Hungarian poets with Pope's writings in French translations from the end of the 18th century through the first two decades of the 19th, and records the history of Hungarian translations of his works. Contends that Pope's philosophical poems exerted influence first, that their influence lessened at the beginning of the 19th century to be followed by an interest in his critical and satirical writings until romanticism gradually ended concern with them, and that only Bessenyei and Csokonai were greatly influenced by him — the former by his philosophical thought and the latter especially by his poetry. C U I U M H M n U N N C O C U OC1W F i H U [FrPS] G y B H ritFU]

269. Gäl Istvän. Magyarorszdg, Anglia is Amerika. Különös tekintettel a szldv vil&gra. Vdzlatok α nemzetközi vonatkozdsok käreböl. Budapest: Officina, 1945. 327p. A series of sketches on the various relationships of Hungary with Great Britain and the United States, with special attention to the Slavic world, from the Middle Ages to its own time. Emphasis on cultural, literary, and learned relationships. Bibliographical notes, pp. 242-277. C t Y D L C M B N N N N C OC1 A s W N F r P B N G e L B M 270. Hungary and the anglo-saxon world. Budapest: Officina Press, 19473. 34p. Hungary's relations with England and the United States from their



beginnings with England in the n t h century to World War II. Closes with illustrations. CtY DLC MnU N N NNC AsWN FiHU FrPS GeLBM 271. Haraszti, Zoltän. Shakespeare in Hungary. Boston: Trustees of the Boston Public Library, 1929. 36p. The influence of Shakespeare on Hungarian literature and life from his name's first appearance in Hungary to its own date. DLC MB M H MiU N N NNC OC1 0 0 PP AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeOB GyBH GyGNSU 272. Köpeczi Bela. "A magyar irodalom Angliäban es Franciaorszägban," Irodalmi Üjsdg, VII, no. 7 (1956), 5. Hungarian holdings in the libraries of England and France. Finds both weak, especially in holdings for the period between the two World Wars, but those in France better than those in England. DS MnU [NNC] FrPIH GyBH GyBS [GyGNSU] 273. Maller Sändor. Ossian Magyar orszagon. 1788-1849. Debrecen: Debreceni Magyar Kiralyi Tisza Istvan-Tudomänyegyetem, 1940. 63p. Ossian's influence on Hungarian literature from 1788 to 1849. Claims that the important period of his influence occurred after Kazinczy's translation in 1815, and that Ossianism particularly influenced Mihäly Vörösmarty and Käroly Kisfaludy. Other writers discussed: Bacsanyi, Sändor Kisfaludy, Kazinczy, Döbrentei, Sändor Aranyosräkosi Szekely, Gabor Fabian, and Petöfi. Summary in English, pp. 60-63. MnU FiHU GeLBM GyBH 274. Morvay Gyozo. "Byron Magyarorszägon," Byron, by Emil Koeppel and translated by Mrs. Jänos Esty (Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1913; 401p.), pp. 293-383. Maintains that Byron enriched the new Hungarian poetry but that his influence was not so strong as to divest its creators of their individuality and originality. Among poets discussed: Petofi, Arany, and Madäch. Bibliography on Byron in Hungary, listing translations, biographies and biographical articles, criticisms, reviews, influences; preceded by a general discussion of Hungarian publications on Byron to 1913, pp. 352-383. MnU AsWN AsWU FrPBN GeLBM GyMWd 275. Riedl Frigyes. Shakespeare is a magyar irodalom. Budapest: Lampel Robert Kiadäsa, 1916. 42p. A survey of Hungarian knowledge of Shakespeare and his influence on Hungarian literature. Table of events important to the subject, pp. 41-42. M H 276. Cs. Szabo Läszlo. "Ossian Magyarhonban. Az angol lira magyarul. Törteneti väzlat," Magyarok, I I (1946), 53-60. The course of Hungarian translations of the English lyric from the time


FOREIGN INFLUENCES of Spenser to the 20th century, with some attention to American poets and specific influences. D L C MnU N N C FrPIH [ItFU]

277. Wilier Jozsef. Byron is a modern magyar eposz. Györ: MercurNyomda, 1931. 66p. Examines epics by Jänos Arany, Läszlo Arany, Zoltän Balogh, Pal Gyulai, Istvän Fejes, Jänos Vajda, Käroly Szechy, and Kornel Äbränyi, to determine the extent to which they were influenced by Byron's style. Concludes that in the generation of writers following Jänos Arany, Byron's influence on the Hungarian epic was, with rare exceptions, limited to externals, and that Hungarian writers quickly adapted his forms to their purposes without sacrificing their individuality. DSI MnU N N C FiHU GeLU GyMWd 5. FRANCE

[See also nos. 479, 480, 511, and 640.] 278. Baranyai Zoltän. A francia nyelv Ss müveltseg Magyarorszägon. XVIII. szdzad. Budapest: Pfeiffer Ferdinand, 1920. 175p. Besides covering the French milieu of Vienna — its Frenchified cultural atmosphere — discusses the various ways in which French culture penetrated Hungary and influenced its culture in the 18th century: teaching of the language, publication of French literature and grammars in Hungary, French holdings in Hungarian libraries, Hungarian authors who wrote in French, French words in the Hungarian language, and the writings of Martinovics. M H NN FiHI FrPBN G y B H GyGGaU 279. Bayer Alice. Marmontel hatdsa Magyarorszägon. Budapest: Korvin Testverek, 1916. 36p. Concerned particularly with the translations and adaptations of Contes Moraux and Belisaire as they affected Hungarian literature during the last three decades of the 18th and the first three decades of the 19th century. Maintains that Baroczy, Kazinczy, and Bessenyei turned to Marmontel mainly to draw his elegant style into Hungarian writing. Bibliography, p. [37]. MiU MnU NN GyBH 280. Csapläros Istvän. Theophile Gautier is a magyar ok. Pecs: Kultüra Könyvnyomdai Muintezet Nyomtatäsa, 1935. 46p. Gautier's knowledge of Hungarian artists, his works with Hungarian subjects, Gautier and his Hungarian critics, and Hungarian translations of his works. Among his Hungarian acquaintances: Franz Liszt, Ede Remenyi, Käroly Herbsthoffer, Käroly Boutibonne, Mihäly Zichy, Viktor Madaräsz, Mihäly Munkäcsy. List of Hungarian translations, pp. 38-40. Bibliography, pp. 42-43. Summary in French, p. [47]. MnU FiHU FrPIH GyBH



281. Denes Tibor. Balzac Magyar orszdgon. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Mfizeum Orszagos Szechenyi Könyvtäränak Kiällitasa, 1949. 16p. Knowledge of Balzac in Hungary through translations and the effect of his realistic novels on its literature from the first appearance of his name in 1836 to the 1940's. Main concern with translations, their reception, and controversies over his materialism. MnU FrPIH GeOB 282. Eckhardt Sändor. A francia forradalom eszmei Magyarorszdgon. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, n.d. 222p. The effects of the principles of the French Revolution on Hungary, to distinguish, in the Age of Enlightenment, those ideals that can be traced directly to the French Revolution. Most materials from the 18th century. Also traces the course of events in Hungary that prepared it for the reception of the ideals, and gives attention to newspapers and books of the time dealing with the subject. Among writers: Bacsänyi, Bessenyei, Janos Laczkovits, Kazinczy, Martinovics. D L C M H N N C FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyMWd 283. De Sicambria ά Sans-Souci: Histoires et Ugendes francohongroises. Paris: Les Presses Universitäres de France, 1943. 292p. French legends and their effect on Hungarian literature, the relations of French writers and works with Hungary, and historical relations between the two countries. Among writers: Villon, Voltaire, Michelet, Rousseau. C t Y D L C I C N L U M H N N C N j P OC1 P U T x U AsWN FiHU F r P B N FrPS GeCU G e L B M GeLU G y B H GyBS G y G G a U I t F U 284. Földväri Erzsebet Klara. A magyar Beranger-kultusz. Pecs: Kultüra Könyvnyomdai Müintezet Nyomtatäsa, 1936. 82p. After considering Beranger's role in French poetry, turns to his influence on Hungarian poetry from the first quarter to the end of the 19th century. Finds much influence, especially on Petofi. Also covers Beranger's friendship with Käroly Kertbeny, Pal Jämbor, and Ferenc Szapäry. List of Hungarian translations of Beranger's works, pp. 66-77. Bibliography, pp. 78-80. Summary in French, pp. 81-82. MnU 285. Hack Alfred. Boileau a magyar irodalomban. Pecs: Pecsi Erzsibet Tudomänyegyetem Francia Intezete, 1933. 57p. After an introductory survey of Boileau's influence on European literature, finds evidence of his influence in the writings of Kazinczy, Orczy, Janos Kis, Verseghy, and Döbrentei, and resemblances between Lutrin and Csokonai's Dorottya. Also discusses Koväts's translation of Lutrin. Contends that the end of Boileau's influence in Hungary was reached with Janos Erdelyi's translation of Art poetique (1885, 2nd edition). Bibliography, pp. 52-55. Summary in French, pp. 56-57. MnU F r P I H 286. Harsänyi Zoltän. A "francids" Nyugat: Francia vonatkozdsok a "Nyugat" harminc esztendej&ben. 1908-1 QJ8. Debrecen: Debrecen Szabad.



Kiralyi Väros es Tiszäntuli Reformätus Egyhazkerület Könyvnyomdavällalata, 1942. 123p. An examination of the articles in the periodical Nyugat (no. 1272) from 1908 to 1938, to show the extensiveness of the attention to French literature, especially the new literature, the admiration expressed for it, and the advocation of the imitation of its style and principles. Arranged by various types of literary activity. Appendices: (1) Comments on articles concerned with French fine arts and critiques of music, (2) Catalogue of translations of French literature in Nyugat, (3) Bibliography for the study, pp. 100-102, and (4) Catalogue of articles concerned with French literature in Nyugat from 1908 to 1938. Summary in French, pp. 118-119. MnU 287. Kont, Ignäc. Etude sur Vinfluence de la litterature jranqaise en Eongrie. Paris: Ernest LeRoux, 1902. 509p. Develops chronologically the cultural relations between France and Hungary and the influence of French literature on Hungarian writers from the Age of Ärpäd to 1896, with extensive treatment of the subject beginning with Bessenyei. Bibliography of sources mentioned in the footnotes, pp. 481-488. ICN IU MB M H MnU Ν N N N j P AsWU FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyGNSU 288. Koväcs Jänos. Sue hatdsa a magyar regenyirodalomra. Kolozsvär: Kolozsväri Ko- es Könyvnyomda, 1911. 104p. The influence of Sue on the novels of Ignäc Nagy, Lajos Kuthy and Josika, and on Petofi's narrative poem, Apostol. Parallels from their works as evidence. Bibliography, p. [105]. MnU FrPIH GyBH 289. Lelkes Istvän. A magyar-francia barätsäg aranykora. Budapest: Sarkäny-nyomda, 1932. 322p. Hungarian and French cultural relations from 1879 to 1889, claimed to be their golden age, and a chapter on the history of Hungarian liberalism. M H F r P I H GyGGaU ItFU 290. Märton Jozsef. Magyar Voltaire, magyar encziklopedistdk. Irodalomtörteneti korrajz. Nagyszombat: Winter Zsigmond Betüivel, 1900. 251p. The influence of Voltaire and the French encyclopedists on Hungarian literature in the 18th century: belles-lettres and writings on philosophy, religion, ethics, sociology, and politics. Among writers considered: Orczy, Barcsay, Bäroczy, Martinovics, Laczkovics, and, mainly, Bessenyei. MnU FrPS GeLBM 291. Meszöly Dezso. "Villon Magyarorszägon," Nep es Nyelv, II, (1942), 51-142. [A periodical published in Szabadka, 1941-1943, by Kereszteny Sajtoszövetkezet, and concerned with literature, linguistics, and ethnography]



After examining Villon's life, age, and poetry, reports on Hungarian knowledge of his works mainly from the first Hungarian translation in 1878, by Karoly Szäsz, to the 1940's. Concerned primarily with comparing the style of the translations with the originals. Also examines scholarly studies of Villon in Hungary. Bibliography, pp. 140-142. MnU 292. Muzsnai Agnes. Viktor Hugd hatdsa a magyar regenyirodalomra. Pecs: Dunäntul Könyvkiado es Nyomda, 1930. 38p. Examines the influence of Hugo on the Hungarian novel as follows: (1) Borrowings and poetic recollections, (2) Influence of his ideas and world outlook, and (3) Influence of his narrative technique. Decides that his influence begins with Eötvös's translation of Angelo (1835), is strongest in the 1840's, and diminishes after the Revolution of 1848. Finds few imitators: his technique and spirit in Josika, Eötvös, Kemeny, and Jokai in their youthful days, which, because of their strong originality, lessened as they matured. Lesser writers turned to lesser foreign authors for experience. Bibliography, p. [39]. NN F r P I H GyBH 293. RaczLajos. "Rousseau es Magyarorszäg," Debreceni Szemle, I (1927), 400-409. Discusses Hungary's relationships with Rousseau in terms of his Les prisonniers de guerre, a play with a Hungarian subject and setting, of his Hungarian visitors (Count Jozsef Teleki and Ignac Sauterrsheim), and of his influence on Bessenyei, Kazinczy, Csokonai, Sändor Kisfaludy, and Eötvös. Claims much influence of Contrat social on Hungarian social and political reformers. MnU FrPIH GyBH 294. Schreiber Erzsebet. Zola es a magyar irodalom. Pecs: Engel I. Könyvnyomdaja, 1934. 89p. After surveying Zola's influence on European, English, and American literature, seeks to establish his extensive effect on Hungarian literature, from the 1860's to its own date, through an examination of his critical reception, the novels of Zsigmond Justh, Sändor Brody, Tamäs Kobor, Jokai, and the works of contemporary writers, among them Zsigmond Moricz, Dezso Szabo, and Bela Revesz. List of translations into the Hungarian. Summary in French, pp. 88-89. MnU FrPIH GyBH 295. Somos Jeno. Baudelaire is az üj magyar lira. Pecs: Dunäntul Pecsi Egyetemi Könyvkiado es Nyomda, 1938. 181p. After a brief consideration of Baudelaire's influence on world literature, turns to his effect on the Hungarian lyric, considering first the emergence of the modern Hungarian lyric through Jänos Vajda, Reviczky and Komjäthy, and second his influence on the new Hungarian poets: Geza Szilägyi, Endre Ady, Mihäly Babits, Dezso Kosztolänyi, Ärpäd l o t h , and Gyula Juhäsz. Finds much influence in world outlook and poetic form. Bibliography, pp. 178-181. MnU GyBH



296. Söter Istvan. Francia-magyar müvelödisi kapcsolatok. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, 1941. 8op. The cultural relations, including literary, between France and Hungary from the Age of Ärpäd to the period after World War I. Bibliography, pp. 77-80. N I C N N N N C OC1 FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBS ItFU 297. Magyar-francia kapcsolatok. Budapest: Teleki Päl Tudomänyos Intezet, 1946. 255p. The historical, intellectual, and cultural relations between France and Hungary from the Age of Ärpäd to World War II. Maintains that French cultural influences frequently served to stimulate the creative spirit of Hungary to its highest efforts without altering its uniquely Hungarian qualities. Bibliography, pp. 223-234: summary of the scholarship on the relations between the two countries under chapter headings. CL CtY N N N N C NjP OC1 FiHU FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBS ItFU 298. Szalczer Hilda. I f i . Dumas Sdndor a magyar irodalomban is magyar szinpadon. Pecs: Spitzer Aladär Könyvnyomdäja, 1937. 92p. The popularity and extensive influence of the younger Dumas in Hungary. His reception by Hungarian critics, the performances of his plays, his influence on Hungarian drama, his Hungarian acquaintances, and translations of his works into Hungarian, of which a catalogue, arranged by literary types, is provided. Bibliography, pp. 83-86. Summary in French, pp. 87-88. MnU GyBH 299. Zolnai B61a. Irodalom 6s biedermeier. Szeged: Szeged Varosi Nyomda 6s Könyvkiado, 1935. 135p. After discussing in French the Biedermeier style in French literature, defining its characteristics, and examining expressions of it in French gift-book poetry and collections of songs and in Beranger and SainteBeuve, turns to the distinctive uses of the style in Hungarian literature, especially by Vörösmarty and Petöfi. Summary in German, pp. 124-130. M H N N AsWN AsWU FrPBN GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyGNSU GyMWd ItFU 6.


[See also nos. 207, 431, 464, 479, 480, 511, 519, 520, 539, 570, 605, 731, and 732.] 300. Bleyer, Jakab. "Goethe in Ungarn," Jahrbuch der Goethe-Gesellschaft, XVIII (1932), 114-133. [A periodical published in Weimar, 1914I93S]

The influence of Goethe on Hungarian literature from Kazinczy, to



Kölcsey, Bajza, Pet6fi, Eötvös, Arany and Madäch, through Ady. Points out what every major writer borrowed from Goethe, either directly or indirectly. Bibliography, pp. 132-133. AsWN AsWU GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyGNSU 301. Gottsched hazdnkban. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1909. 180p. Contends that Gottsched was the first modern German writer whose influence was noticeably felt in Hungary, and that his influence, which mainly affected drama and grammar, especially the latter, was, though not deep, much greater than is generally believed possible. Attention mainly to the second half of the 18th century. DLC MH AsWU FiHI FrPIH FrPS GyBA GyBH GyGNSU 302. Hazdnk äs α nimet philolögia a XIX. szäzad elejin. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1910. ioop. Contains previously unpublished correspondence between Schlegel, the Grimm brothers, Büsching and Hägen, and the Hungarians Schedius, Istvän Horvät, Kovachich, Mailäth, and Ferenc Toldy, with all but the letter of the latter written in the first twenty years of the 19th century. Purpose: to make the letters known, to clarify the connections among the letters, and to establish deductions throwing light upon the intellectual life of Hungary at the time. AsWN GeLBM GyGNSU GyMWd 303. Csäszar, Elemer. Deutsche Elemente in der ungarischen Dichtung des 18. Jahrhunderts. München: Verlag Max Schick, 1942. 71p. After a brief glance at the introduction of German poetry into Hungary, turns to the development of its influence in the period 1772-1795. Bibliography of German sources of Hungarian poetry in the 18th century, divided into original German works and German translations of foreign original works, pp. 29-66. DLC AsWN AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 304. A nimet költeszel hatdsa a magyarra a XVIII. szdzadban. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1913. 146p. The influence of German poetry on Hungarian poetry from 1 7 1 1 to 1795. Finds only slight connections until 1772, when an increase in translations of German poetry occurs, and the height of influence to be from 1790 to 1795. Appendices: (x) List of German poetical works published in Hungary during the 18th century and (2) List of foreign poetical works made known in Hungary through German translations. MnU AsWU FrPIH GyBH 305. Demek Gy6z3. "Matthisson hatäsa irodalmunkra," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, X V (1891), 225-270. Maintains that Matthisson's influence first appeared in the 1790's with Jänos Kis and closed in the 1840's with Bajza, and that his works had a



major influence on Kazinczy, Csokonai, Kölcsey, Käroly Kisfaludy, Vörösmarty, and, particularly, Berzsenyi. I U M H M n U N N C O C U OC1W A s W N FiHU [FrPS] G y B H 3 0 6 . Dohany Jozsef. Werther-hatdsok a magyar irodalomban. Nagyvärad: Laszky Armin Könyvnyomdäja, 1909. 60p. The influence of Goethe's Werther on the best known works of Hungarian literature from 1777, when it was introduced as a ballet by a German company in Pozsony, to the end of the 18th century. Maintains that Dugonics, Änyos, and K a r m i n were greatly influenced by the work, and that many others were affected by its sentimentalism, but that writers like Bessenyei, Dugonics, and Änyos retained their strong feelings of nationality. Bibliography, p. [61]. MnU G y B H 3 0 7 . Gärdonyi Klara. Biedermeier a magyar költeszetben. Budapest: Szerzö Kiadasa, 1936. 46p. After summarizing the characteristics of Austrian-German Biedermeierism, examines the Age of Reform in Hungarian literature (18151848), the lyric and F ä y , Bajza, Garay, Sändor Vachott, and Tompa for manifestations of Biedermeierism. Finds such evidence in the period and the lyric, and concludes that the five writers, though they responded to its world outlook, did not operate from it through their entire lives, because literary Biedermeierism is especially an expression of Austria and of the attitude toward middle class life. Bibliography, pp. 44-46. M H GyBH 3 0 8 . Gönczy Istvan. Kotzebue Ss vigjätekiröink. Szatmär-N6meti: "Szabadsajto," 1913. 38p. Examines the comedies of Csokonai, the two Kisfaludys, Jözsef Gaäl, and Szigligeti for Kotzebue's influence and for the changes materials from Kotzebue underwent in their hands. Finds varying degrees of influence, from the extensive borrowings of Käroly Kisfaludy to the merest debt to matters of form in Szigligeti, as Hungarian drama developed independence of assistance from foreign dramatists. MnU N N GyBH 3 0 9 . Helle Ferenc. A magyar-ntmei müvelödesi kapcsolatok törUnete. Budapest: Kirälyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1942. 213p. The cultural relations of Hungary with Germany from pagan times to the 1940's, to show the major manifestations of influences and their establishment, mainly in Hungary's literature. Most attention devoted to the period beginning with Kazinczy and closing with 1914. Bibliography after each chapter heading. N N C A s W N G y G G a U 3 1 0 . Horvät Edith. A biedermeier eletkep a nSmet 6s a magyar irodalomban. Budapest: Dunantül Pecsi Egyetemi Könyvkiadö es Nyomda, 1936. 66p. The course and characteristics of Biedermeierism in German and Hun-



garian literature. Bibliography, pp. 62-63. Summary in German, pp. 64-66. D L C A s W N G e C U I t F U 311. Juhasz Gergely. Klopstock magyar utökora. Pecs: Egyetemi N y o m d a , 1935. 127p. Reviews previous findings on Klopstock's influence on Hungarian literature, introduces evidence of new connections, and seeks to refute the view of earlier studies which claimed that Klopstock and his poetry had not had popular acceptance among Hungarians. Mainly concerned with the last quarter of the 18th and the first three decades of the 19th century. A chronological bibliography of Hungarian knowledge of and acquaintance with Klopstock and his writings, 1724-1872, pp. 113-121. Bibliography, pp. 122-123. Summary in German, pp. 125-127. M H AsWN GyBH 312. Lengyel Bela. Nietzsche magyar utökora. Budapest: Dunantul P6csi Egyetemi K ö n y v k i a d o es N y o m d a , 1938. 85p. Nietzsche's influence on Hungarian literature and thought. After presenting evidence of the philosopher's acquaintance with Hungarian culture through his knowledge of Liszt, Körner's Zrinyi, and PetcSfi, traces the knowledge of his works in Hungary from its first evidence in 1889, to changes in first impressions of his philosophy, to academic attention to him at the turn of the century, to his influence on Endre A d y , Mihäly Babits, Gyula Juhasz, and Dezso Kosztolänyi, through the first decade of the 20th century. Chronological list of Hungarian works concerned with Nietzsche: articles, translations of his works, and influence studies, 1858-1913, pp. 76-81. Bibliography, pp. 82-83. D L C M H NN AsWN 313. Palos Bernardin. Irodalmunk ismertetese XIX. szdzad-eleji nemei folyöiratokban. Pecs: Dunantül Egyetemi N y o m d ä j a , 1929. 76p. A survey of the reviews of Hungarian literature in German periodicals during the first three decades of the 19th century. Also a chapter on the influence of German literature on Hungarian literature at the beginning of the 19th century. Among writers in this chapter: Baroti Szabo, Viräg, Csokonai, Verseghy, Jänos Kis, Berzsenyi, Sandor Kisfaludy, and Ferenc Toldy. MnU G y B H 314. Pukänszky, Bela. Geschichte des deutschen Schrifttums in Ungarn. I Band. Münster in Westfalen: Aschendorff'sehe Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1931. 490p. Like the 1926 Hungarian work (no. 316), but covers from the Middle Ages to the middle of the 18th century only. Bibliographical notes, pp. 417-490. C t Y D L C N N A s W N A s W U G e C U G e L B M G y B S GyGNSU




315. Herder hazänkban. Budapest: Pfeiffer Ferdinänd-fele K ö n y v kereskedes, 1918. 119p. After surveying the publication of Herder's works and his influence in Hungary, examines his effect on Hungarian literature from the 1770's to the 1850's: the influence of his work in folklore on the theoretical exponents of folk poetry, Hungarian translations of his folk songs, and the effect of his theories regarding Homer and Ossian on Hungarian literature. Appendix: Bacsänyi's poem, " D e r K a m p f . " Bibliography, pp. 108-114. MnU G y B H 316. A magyarorszdgi n&met irodalom törtenete. Budapest: Budaväri Tudomänyos Tärsasäg, 1926. 607p. The history of German literature in Hungary from ancient times to 1848. Two purposes: to bring recognition to already uncovered materials and, on their basis, to delineate the development of German literature in Hungary. Bibliographical notes at end of each section. German summary, pp. 573-599. M H N N A s W U F i H U G e L B M G y B H G y G N S U 317. Sashegyi Oszkär. " Α Werther ütja Magyarorszägon," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, L X V I I (1943), 394-403. Maintains that Werther did not create a cult in Hungary because when it finally became known (in 1823) it was viewed as being only one of many works by Goethe and could not exert an influence on its own, as it had in other European countries. Also treats the barrier of censorship imposed on the work in Vienna and Kazinczy's attempt to translate it. C U C t Y I U M H M n U N N N N C N j P O C U OC1 F r P I H [FrPS] G e L U G y B H [ItFU] 318. Solt (Speneder) Andor. "Dramairodalmunk n6met kapcsolatai 1792töl 1837-ig," IrodalomtörtSneti Közlemenyek, X L I I I (1933), 30-58, 230-242. Maintains that German poetry was the major stimulus of the Literary Revival in Hungary and that this influence was most deeply and lastingly felt in the drama because of the importation of courtly dramas, tragedies based on fate, and fairyland farces from Vienna for performance in Hungary. Examines the influence of these three dramatic forms on numerous dramatists, among them: Dugonics, Katona, Käroly Kisfaludy, and Vörösmarty. D L C M H N N C A s W N A s W U F r P I H G e L B M [GeLU] G y B H G y G N S U I t F U 319. A magyar drdma szinpadi müform&inak kialakuläsa a XIX. szäzad elsö harmaddban. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1933. 43PThe links between Hungarian and German drama from 1792 to 1837. Deals especially with the Age of Goethe and Kotzebue, with special attention to the effect of the latter on the Hungarian stage. Claims that the two merged into a distinctive Hungarian synthesis. MnU G e L B M GyBH



320. Turöczi-Trostler Jözsef. "Goethe, a vilägirodalom £s Magyarorszäg," Magyar Tudomänyos Akaiimia Nyelv- 6s Irodalomtudomdnyi Osztdlydnak Közlem&nyei, I (1951), 174-204. The effect of Goethe on world literature, especially Hungarian, mainly from the end of the 18th century to the 1830's. Maintains that, in Hungary, his views assisted critics to an interest in an awakening of the people's traditions, to an awareness of the value of folk poetry, to a recognition of the originality of the new Hungarian literature, and to lifting this literature from isolation and placing it on the same level as the rest of Hungarian literature. DLC MnU NNC GeLBM GyBA GyGNSU 7. HOLLAND

[See also no. 431.] 321. Trencsenyi-Waldapfel Imre. Erasmus is magyar bardtai, Budapest: Officina Nyomda es Kiadövällalat, 1941. n o p . Traces the establishment of relationships between Hungarians and Erasmus, and seeks to evaluate the influence his political attitudes and writings had on Hungarians, particularly in the events leading to and following from the catastrophe at Mohäcs. Bibliography, pp. i o 8 - [ i n ] , DLC AsWN 8 . IRELAND

322. Csorba Andräs. Magyar-lr kapcsolatok 1867-ig. Debrecen: Szerzo, 1944. 94p. The relations of Hungary and Ireland: Middle Ages, 19th century, Hungarian accounts of O'Connell, and the influence of Ossian and Moore. English summary, pp. 92-94. FiHU I t F U 9 . ISRAEL

323. Zsoldos Jen6. "A heber mese jelentkezese a magyar irodalomban," Keleti dolgozatok Low Immänuel emlekere (Budapest: Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, 1947; 557p.), pp. 143-151. Hebrew legendary lore in Hungarian literature, mainly the translations of Talmudic-Mithraic lore by Pal Edvi Illes and Gabor Pap in the 1820's and 1830's. MnU NNC FrPBN GeCU GeLBM 1 0 . ITALY

324. Csuthy Gyula. "Az olasz päsztorkölteszet es hatäsai irodalmunkban," Magyar Kirdlyi Zrinyi Miklos Redliskolai Nevelointizet Ertesltöje, 1932, 3-25. [A periodical appearing annually for each academic year and published in Pecs by Jözsef Taisz]



The origin and growth of pastoral poetry in Hungary under the influence of Italian poetry. Only the more important but various Hungarian poems and mostly those of the 16th and 17th centuries considered. Treated in detail: Sannazaro's Arkadia, Tasso's Aminta, Guarini's Pastor Fido, Marino, and Metastasio. Finds influence in Balassi's Credulus is Julia, in Zrinyi's idylls, and on Csokonai. MnU 325. Imre Sändor. "Az olasz költeszet hatäsa a magyarra," Irodalmi tanulmdnyok (Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1897; I - I I . kötet), II, 3-147. The influence of non-Latin Italian poetry on Hungarian poetry from the Middle Ages to Ferencz Csäszär (1807-1858), with the last claimed to be particularly influenced by Italian literature. Traces translations and examines works for extent of influence. Finds that after Sändor Kisfaludy the influence wanes and only translations are produced. Among Italian writers considered: Dante, Tasso, and Petrarch. M H MnU FrPS GyBH ItFU 326. Kaposi Jozsef. Dante Magyar orszdgon. Budapest: R6vai es Salamon Könyvnyomdäja, 1911. 373p. Details of the course of the knowledge of Dante in Hungary and of his influence on Hungarian literature and culture, from the Middle Ages through the beginning of the 19th century. Bibliography of Hungarian studies of Dante, pp. 345-360. M H MnU FiHI FrPS GeLBM GeOB GyBH ItFU 327. Koltay-Kastner Jen6. Olasz-magyar müvelödisi kapcsolatok. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, 1941. 8op. Cultural connections between Hungary and Italy from the end of the 9th century to the 19th century. Materials on the relationships of Hungarian authors with Italy and its culture. MnU FrPIH ItFU 328. "Olaszos irany XVIII. szäzadi költeszetünkben,'' Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, XLVII (1923), 139-150. The influence of Italian literature on the Hungarian in the 18th century. Finds influence of form beginning with Faludi and Amade and not so strong at the end of the century as that of the German and Latin schools. CSt-H IU MnU OCU OC1W AsWN FiHU [FrPS] GyBH ItFU 329. Vändor Gyula. Olaszorszdg is a magyar romantika. Pecs: Dunäntül Pecsi Egyetemi Könyvkiado es Nyomda, 1933. 105p. The characteristics of Hungarian and Italian relations as shown in the literature of Hungarian romanticism, to portray the views authors had of Italian culture and literature. In two parts: (1) Hungarian knowledge of Italian literature and fine arts and (2) Hungarian opinion of them. MH MnU GyBH



330. Värady, Emerico. La letteratura italiana e la sua influenza in Ungheria. I—II. kötet. Roma: Istituto per L'Europa Orientale, 1934. Intention is not to clear up questions about the influence of Italian literature on Hungarian literature but to sum up the research on the question to its own date. Vol. I I is devoted to a bibliography listing all known studies and evidence of the role of the Italian language and literature in Hungarian literature and culture. Vol. I, HungarianItalian relations from ancient times (1000) to 1930; vol. I I , Bibliography. DLC NN FiHI FiHU GeLBM GyBS ItFU 331. L'Ungheria della letteratura italiana. Roma: Istituto per Europa Orientale, 1932. 53p. The influence of Italian literature on Hungarian writers, mainly those of the 19th century. MH NIC FiHU I t F U 332. Veress Endre. Olasz egyetemeken jdrt magyarorszdgi tanuldk anyakönyve is iratai. 1221-1864. Budapest: Magyar Tudominyos Akademia, 1941. 703p. An account of Hungarian scholars at Italian universities from 1221 to 1864. Arranged by cities, with materials concerned with each in chronological order. Detailed information about the activities and studies of the scholars, documents connected with them, and poems written by them. Index of person and place names. Section of "Acta et epistolae." Bibliography, pp. 595-640. DLC MH NNC AsWN AsWU GeCU GeLBM ItFU 11. POLAND

333. Csapläros Istvan. "A mult szäzad lengyel irodalma Magyarorszägon," Egyetemes Pkilologiai Közlöny, L X V (1941), 41-48. An examination of the editions and histories of Polish literature in Hungary, beginning with the 19th century and closing with the first World War. CU CtY IU MnU NN NNC NjP OCU OC1 AsWN FrPIH [FrPS] GeLU GyBH [ItFU] 1 2 . RUMANIA

334. Deer Jozsef es Gäldi Laszlo (szerk.). Magyarok 6s romdnok. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1943-1944. Individual studies of various aspects of the cultural and historical relations between Hungarian and Rumanian civilizations, including language and literature. Maps, tables, and illustrations. [No clear division into volumes] CSt-H CtY DLC MH NN NNC NjP OC1 PU AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GyBS GyGNSU 335. Galdi Laszlo. Magyar-romdn szellemi kapcsolatok. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, 1942. 79p.



Intellectual connections between Hungary and Rumania from the Middle Ages to the 1930's. Only slight treatment after 1850. Much attention to literary matters. Bibliography, p. [80]. MnU FrPIH GyBH 336. XVIII. szdzadi humanizmusunk 6s a romdnsdg. Budapest: Athenaeum r.t. Nyomasa, 1940. 63p. The relations between Hungarian humanists of the 18th century and Rumanian authors: (1) The antecedents of the rebirth of Latin culture in Rumania, (2) Hungarian sources of the Chronicle of Sincai, (3) Peter Major and Hungarian literary history, (4) Echoes of Hungarian humanism in Rumanian literature, and (5) Transylvania's role in the future of Rumania. Summary in French, pp. 59-63. N N 1 3 . RUSSIA

[See also no. 687.] 337. György Lajos. A magyar 6s az orosz irodalom kapcsolatai. Kolozsvär: Erd61yi Müzeum-Egyesület, 1946. 121p. Seeks to determine (1) whether any connection exists between Hungarian and Russian literature, (2) whether Hungarian literature intermingled with the Russian, (3) when and how the two literatures came to know of each other, and (4) the value of Russian literary materials, the extent to which they entered the intellectual and spiritual ken of Hungary, and the kind of acceptance they received. Particularly interested in discovering whether Hungarian literature contains such poetical works, tendencies, and forms which can be linked with Russian literature and about which one can determine that they would have not come into existence, at least not in their known form, without the stimulus of Russian literature. Relations between the two literatures from the 1830's to the 1930's. Chapters on Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and more recent Russian writers and poets. Bibliography for the period 1844 to 1944, pp. 73-116, divided into (x) collected works and anthologies of Russian literature published in Hungary, (2) works of individual Russian authors published in Hungary, and (3) studies of Russian literature and of literary relations of Hungary with Russia by Hungarian scholars. MnU 338. Komlös Aladär. "Gogol ütja a magyar irodalomban," Vildgirodalmi tvkönyv (Budapest: Tankönyvkiadö, Vällalat, 1953; 318p.), pp. 5-26. Hungarian knowledge of Gogol and his influence on Hungarian literature from the first use of his name in 1852 to the 1940's. Finds influence on numerous writers and claims that Gogol presented an example of compassion for the suppressed, of war against the suppressors, and of enthusiasm for a revolution of the people.



339. Sz. Nagy Miklos. "Puskin Magyarorszägon," Irodalomtörttnet, X X X V I I (i949), 238-241. Outlines the influence of Pushkin in Hungary from the publication of Käroly B6rczy's translation of Eugene Onegin (in 1866). Finds influence of this translation on the poetical novel in the last third of the 19th century. Among writers considered: Jänos Arany, Jokai, Jänos Vajda, and Läszlö Arany. [CU] D L C MnU N N N N C OC1 AsWU GeLBM G y B H GyGNSU 340. Rejto Istvän. Az orosz irodalom fogadtatdsa Magyarorszägon. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1958. 115p. The reception of Russian literature in Hungary from the 1860's to 1950: Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Turgenev, Chekov, and Dostoevsky, with most attention to the latter. Summary in Russian, pp. 107-110. M H NNC 3 4 1 . Zsigmond Ferenc. Orosz hatdsok irodalmunkban. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1945. 78p. The influence of Russian literature on the Hungarian from the middle of the 19th century to the 1930's. Finds it to be large in the second half of the 19th century. Chapters on Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Goncharov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekov, and Gorki. MnU GeLBM 14. SLAVONIA

342. Hadrovics Läszlo. Magyar is dSli szldv szellemi kapcsolatok. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, 1944. 8op. The cultural relations of Hungary with Southern Slavonia (Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia) from the Middle Ages to its own time. Some comments on the effect of these relations on Hungarian literature. Bibliography, p. 80. NIC N N GeLBM GeLU ItFU 1 5 . SWEDEN

343. Bertha Kelemen. Magyarok &s svedek. Budapest: Teleki Pal Tudomänyos Intezet, 1946. 168p. The history of the relations between Hungary and Sweden from the Middle Ages to its own date. Nothing on literary influences. N N N N C OC1 PU GeLBM GeLU ItFU 1 6 . SWITZERLAND

[See also no. 431.] 344. Dezsenyi Bela. Magyarorszdg is Svdjc. Budapest: Teleki Pal Tudomänyos Intezet, 1946. 274p.


FOREIGN INFLUENCES The relations between Hungary and Switzerland from the Middle Ages to its own time. Nothing on literary influences. Bibliographical notes, pp. 235-257. CtY D L C M B M H N N N N C N j P OC1 FiHU F r P B N GeCU GeLBM GeLU I t F U


[See also nos. 23, 176, 177, and 178. For studies of Hungarian literary history, see nos. 39, 152, 451, 452, 454, and 455.] 345. Alszeghy Zsolt, Brisits Frigyes, Sik Sandor es Szetey Andräs. A magyar irodalom törUnete. I - I I . resz. Budapest: Szent Istvän-Tarsulat, I94S· A combined literary history and anthology of Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to 1945, divided into literary periods, with a discussion of each period and of each author preceding selections from his works. For students in the Gymnasium. Pt. I, Middle Ages to 1825; p t . I I , 1825 to 1945. N N GeLU GyBH I t F U 346. Badics Ferenc es Beöthy Zsolt (szerk.). A magyar irodalom törtenete. Kipes diszmunka kit kötetben. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1906-19073. [Revised and enlarged edition] An illustrated Hungarian literary history from ancient times to 1867, revised and enlarged and prepared on the basis of results established in larger and smaller monographs from the hands of several Hungarian scholars. Vol. I, Ancient times to the appearance of Käroly Kisfaludy; vol. I I , Appearance of Käroly Kisfaludy to the Compromise of 1867. N N F i H I GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU 347. Binhegyi J0b. A magyar irodalom tört&nete. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Szent Istvän-Tärsulat, 1929. Hungarian literary history from ancient times to the 1920's. Claims to give more attention to the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Reformation than previous surveys of Hungarian literature. Bibliography, vol. I I , 280-290. Vol. I, Earliest times to Käroly Kisfaludy (to



1820); vol. II, Karoly Kisfaludy to 1882 (index to entire work). MH OC1 FrPIH GyBH GyMWd 348. Benedek Marcell. A magyar irodalom törtenete. Budapest: Singer 6s Wolfner Irodalmi Intezet, 1938. 255p. Hungarian literary history from ancient times to the end of the 19th century for the general reader, to help him perceive the emergence and development of the national spirit through the literature of the past. Illustrated. MnU AsWN FiHI FrPIH GeLU GyBH 349. Beöthy Zsolt. A magyar irodalom kis tükre. Budapest: Athenaeum r.t., 19002. 225p. [Several editions] A survey of Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the last quarter of the 19th century, concentrating on the ideas and philosophies expressed. CtY MnU N N NNC AsWN AsWU FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU ItFU 350. A magyar nemzeti irodalom tdrt&neti ismertet&se. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1920-192214. The first part of each volume is a history and the second, an anthology of Hungarian literature, from its beginnings to 1867. An annotated introduction to the literature for high school students, with bibliographical footnotes frequently summarizing the scholarship on the subject of each chapter. Vol. I, Earliest times to Karoly Kisfaludy; vol. II, 1820 to the 1920's. CL M H MnU FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GyBH ItFU 361. Bodnar Zsigmond. A magyar irodalom törtSnete. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Singer es Wolfner, 1891. Hungarian literary history from its beginnings to 1772. Emphasis on moral beliefs as they affect literary creativity and on authors and their works as reflections of their age and of literary movements. Concerned with nearly 500 writers, to include those less known, particularly those in the earlier years of Hungary's intellectual development. Name and subject indices in each volume. Vol. I, Beginnings to 1600; vol. II, 1600 to 1772. DLC [NN] NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH 362. Boka Laszlo es Pandi Pal (szerk.). A magyar irodalom törtSnete 1849ig. Budapest: Bibliotheca Kiadö, 1957. 492p. Hungarian literary history from its beginnings to Petofi. Seeks to show that the best in Hungarian literature has had its roots in the people, and is "the first work that attempts to delineate our literary history from the Working-class, the Marxist-Leninist point of view." A bibliography of the more readily available publications concerned with the various periods of Hungarian literature, pp. 459-468. A chronological table paralleling Hungarian literature with the literary and historical events of the world. DLC MnU NN FiHU GeCU GeLU GyBH GyGNSU



363. Borbely Istvän. A magyar irodalom törtenete. I - I I . kötet. ClujKolozsvar: Minerva Irodalmi es Nyomdai Müintezet, 1924-1925. [Projected 3rd volume not published] A survey of Hungarian literature from its beginnings to 1867, to show the development of the intellectual life of the nation. Intended as a high school text, but the period from pagan times to 1825 is annotated for the more learned reader. Attention to the milieu of each period, to the different literary movements, to foreign influences, and to the life and writings of the most significant authors. Bibliographical notes, Vol. I, 385-418. Vol. I, Pagan times to 1825; vol. II, 1825 to 1867. GyBH 354. Bowring, Sir John. Poetry of the Magyars, preceded by a sketch of the language and literature of Hungary and Transylvania. London: n.p., 1830. 312p. Besides English translations of Hungarian popular songs and poetry from those of Demetrius Csaty to those of Jänos Erdodi (Sylvester), contains essays on the language and literature, biographical sketches, and a brief treatment of Hungarian popular poetry. CSmH DLC ICU M H MdBP MnU NNC NcD OC1PU and others; AsWN GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH 355. Cushing, George Frederick. Hungarian prose and verse. London: Athlone Press, 1956. 197p. An anthology with an introductory essay summarizing and evaluating the development of Hungarian literature from Ferenc Kazinczy to its own date, xi-xxxv. CSt DLC ICU InU MB MnU NNC NcU OC1 P P and others; GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyGNSU 366. Dux, Adolf. Aus Ungarn. Literatur- und culturgeschichtliche Studien. Leipzig: Verlag von Hermann Foltz, 1880. 350p. Individual studies of the literary and cultural life of Hungary, including the Werther period, Vörösmarty, poetry from 1848, contemporary poetry, romances and tales, and the history of the theater from the end of the 18th century to the 1840's. DLC M H NNC AsWN FrPBN GeLBM 357. Farkas, Gyula. Die Entwicklung der ungarischen Literatur. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1934. 306p. A translation of no. 358. CtY M H N N OC1 AsWN AsWU FiHI FiHU FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU I t F U 358. A magyar irodalom törtenete. Budapest: Käldor Könyvkiadovallalat, 1934. 336p. The major lines of literary development in Hungary from the beginnings to a brief sketch of the period following World War I. Bibliog-



raphy, pp. 329-330. MnU N N N N C AsWU FiHI GeCU GeLU GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU 369. Feja Geza. A rigi magyarsdg. A magyar irodalom törl&nete a legregibb idöktöl 1772-ig. Bratislava: Tätra-kiadäs, n.d. 197p. The development of Hungarian literature from ancient times to 1772, with first major attention to the Middle Ages. Under each period a brief biographical and critical sketch of each writer and brief characterizations of literary types. D L C [NN] N N C FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyMWd 360. Ferenczi Zoltan (szerk.). A magyar irodalom törtinete igoo-ig. Kipes kiadds. Budapest: Athenaeum r.t., 1913. 682p. An illustrated history of Hungarian literature from ancient times to 1900. Also surveys learned and scholarly writings. D L C N N N N C FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 361. Ferenczy Zsigmond Jakab. Magyar irodalom is tudomdnyossdg tortinete. Pest: Szent Istvän-Tarsulat, 18542. 218p. [The second edition of his Adalik honi nyelviink is irodalmunk törtinetihez (Pozsony, 1844)] A sketch of the history of Hungarian literature and learning, beginning with the 15th century and closing with 1848. Nearly 300 authors. List of predecessors who dealt with the same subject, pp. 5-8. ICN AsWN FiHI 362. Gäldi, Ladislas. La culture hongroise en Transylvanie. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1944. 156p. Characterizations of the styles of Hungarian art and literature in Transylvania from the Middle Ages to the 1930's. Bibliography, pp. 122-123. Illustrations. ItFU 363. Hankiss, Giovanni. Storia della letteratura ungherese. (Traduzione di Filippo Faber) Torino, Milano, Padova, Firenze, Roma, Napoli, Catania, Palermo: G. B. Paravia e C., 1936. 356p. The history of Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to the 1920's. Bibliography, pp. 332-337. ItFU 364. Hankiss, J . et Juhasz, G. Panorama de la literature hongroise contemporaine. Paris: Editions Rra, 1930. 348p. Hungarian literature from 1867 to 1929. Bibliography, pp. 335-338. D L C InU MiD MiU NN N N C OC1 FiHU FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU 366. Horväth Cyrill. A magyar nemzeti irodalom törtenete. Budapest: Singer es Wolfner Kiadäsa, 1902. 782p. A history of Hungarian literature from pagan times to Imre Madach. Discussion by literary periods and authors. Intended for high school students. Illustrated. GyGGaU ItFU



366. A regi magyar irodalom törtönde. Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1899. 755p. Hungarian literature from its beginnings to Faludi and Amade. Intended to acquaint the interested layman with Hungarian literary history without involving him in matters and problems of concern to the literary specialist. M H MnU [AsWN] [AsWU] F r P I H [FrPS] GeLBM GyGGaU 367. Imre Sändor. A magyar irodalom is nyelv rövid törtenete. Debreczen es Nyiregyhäza: Ifj. Csäthy Karoly Kiadäsa, 187ο2. 237Ρ· [Several editions] A survey of the history of the development of Hungarian literature and language from pagan times to the middle of the 19th century. Intended as a school text. 368. Källay Miklos. A magyar irodalom törtSnete. I—III. kötet. Budapest: Fövärosi Könyvkiado, 1928. A survey of Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the 20th century, for the general reading public, in a miniature pocket edition. Vol. I, Ancient times to 1848; vol. II, Petofi to 1900; vol. I l l , 20th century. 369. Katona, Lajosund Szinnyei, Ferenc. Geschichte der ungarischen Literatur. Leipzig: G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung, 1911. 152p. Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, with the period after 1867 only briefly treated. Bibliography of German sources, by Robert Gragger, pp. 140-149: bibliographies, periodicals, literary histories, anthologies, translations, folk poetry. DLC MB M H MnU N N C OC1 P P T PU AsWU FrPS GeLU GyBH GyGGaU 370. Keresztury Dezsö. A magyar irodalom kipeskönyve. Budapest: Magvetö Könyvkiado, 1956. 343p. Devoted to pictures relating to Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the mid-1940's, with only a brief introduction to each section. DLC MnU N N NNC FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 371. Kolta Ferenc. A magyar irodalom törtenete väzlatokban. I - I I . r6sz Budapest: Hattyasy Kiadas, 1947. A history of Hungarian literature in outline form from the Middle Ages to the 1940's. Appendices: Characterizations of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, and Neo-classical styles (Pt. I), and Characterizations of Romantic, Classical Realistic, Modern Realistic, Naturalistic, Impressionistic, Symbolic, and Expressionistic styles (Pt. II). Pt. I, Middle Ages to the first quarter of the 19th century; pt. II, Romanticism to the 1940's. 372. Komlös Aladär. Irodalmunk tärsadalmi hdttere. Budapest: Budapest Szekesfövärosi Irodalmi es Muveszeti Intezet, c.1947. 138p. A sketch of the social and intellectual backgrounds of Hungarian litera-



ture. Influences and cultures, including foreign, that affected the development of the national literature. MnU NNC GyBH 373. Kont, Ignäc. Geschichte der ungarischen Literatur. Leipzig: C. F. Amelang, 1906. 272p. Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century, with major attention to the 19th. Purpose: to draw, without learned apparatus, the spiritual life of the Hungarians as it is revealed in their literature. Selected bibliography of German, French, and English sources, arranged, after a general section, under chapter titles by author and subject, pp. 262-265. DLC MB NN NNC OC1 PU AsWN AsWU FiHU FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyGNSU 374 . Eistoire de la littirature hongroise. Budapest: Societ6 Anon. "Athenaeum," 1900; Paris: Felix Alcan, 1900. 420p. An adaptation of three histories of Hungarian literature: Books I and II, a summary of Cyrill Horvith's A regi magyar irodalom törtinete (no. 366); Book III, an augmentation of Albert Kardos's D&oeloppement de la literature hongroise (a series in Gazette de Hongrie, 1885-1886) by Kont's own study; and Book IV, an implementation of Sändor Endrßdi's Szäzadunk magyar irodalma kipekben (Budapest: "Athenaeum," 1900; 465p.) by Kont's biographical accounts, analyses, and, particularly, translations from the better collections of Hungarian poetry. From the Middle Ages to 1867. Bibliography of French studies and translations of Hungarian literature, pp. 411-413. Illustrated. Book I, Middle Ages and Renaissance; book II, 1526-1772; book III, 1772-1825; book IV, 1825-1867. DLC M H MnU OC1 FrPBN GeLBM GyBH ItFU 375. Kozocsa Sändor. Erdtty irodalomtdrt&nete. Budapest: Jancso Benedek Tärsasag, 1936. 53p. A history of Transylvanian literature from the 16th to the beginning of the 20th century, using historical events to throw light upon its character and development. Bibliography, pp. 40-48. MnU GyBS 376. Kis magyar irodalomtörtSnete. Budapest: Pint6r Jen6n6 V41lalata, 1944. 186p. A survey of Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the end of the 19th century. Arranged by literary movements, with materials under each organized by authors. Bibliography, pp. 171-172. DLC MnU ItFU 377. Kristof György. Az erdüyi magyar irodalom multja is jövöje. ClujKolozsvär: Minerva Irodalmi es Nyomdai Muintezet r.t., 1924. 294p. A collection of the author's studies dealing with the writers, various literary forms, learned societies, literary history, and Hungarian mythology from the beginnings of Transylvanian Hungarian literature to its own date. Chapters on Sebesty6n Tinödi, Balint Balassi, Gäbor Bethlen,



Abraham Barcsay, and Zsigmond Kemfiny. MH AsWU GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU 378. Menczer, Bela. A commentary on Hungarian literature. CastropRauxel: Amerikai-Magyar Kiado, 1956. 147p. Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the 1950's, stressing its reflections of European concerns, currents, and ideas common to all nations in particular periods. Bibliography, p. 146. DLC InU LU MnU NN NjR WU GeLBM GeLU ItFU 379. Die österreichische-ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild. XXI Bände. Wien: Α. Holder, 1886-1900. [For an edition in Hungarian, see no. 398.] Volumes V, IX, XII, XVI, XVIII, and XXI devoted to Hungarian history, literature, and culture. CtY DLC ICU NNC NcD TxU AsWN FiHI FrPBN FrPS [GeCU] GyBH GyBS GyGGaU 380. Papay Sämuel. A magyar literalura esmirete. Veszprem: Szammer Klara Betüivel, 1808. 484p. Mainly concerned with the origin and character of the Hungarian language, but also contains a concluding section on Hungarian literary history from "Halotti beszed" to its own time, focused on the lifeworks of the authors. Omits Hungarian Latin writings. AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GyBH 381. Pinter Jen6. A magyar irodalom tört&nete. I-IV. kötet. Budapest: Renyi Käroly es Szerzö Kiadäsa, 1909-1913. A survey of Hungarian literature from its beginnings to 1831. Extensive bibliographical footnotes. Vol. I, Most ancient times to the Battle of Moha.cs; vol. II, Battle of Mohäcs to the appearance of Bessenyei (index to vols. I and II); vol. I l l , Literary Revival and the French, National, Classical, and German schools; vol. IV, Kazinczy, Csokonai, Sändor Kisfaludy, Berzsenyi, Kölcsey, Jozsef Katona, Karoly Kisfaludy, and lesser writers of the same period (index to vols. I l l and IV). MH AsWN FrPIH [FrPS] GeLBM GyBH 382. Pinter Jend magyar irodalomtörtönete. I-VIII. kötet. Budapest: Stephaneum Nyomda es Könyvkiadö, 1930-1941. The history of Hungarian literature from the pagan period to the first third of the 20th century. Materials on historical, social, and intellectual backgrounds, on the lives and works of authors, and on literary scholarship and scholars. Treatment of each author divided into his life and the various genres in which he wrote. Also attention to the history of the various editions of each author's works. Critical comments of scholars and extensive bibliographies of both primary and secondary sources at the end of each chapter. Name index in each volume. Vol. I, Pagan period to the first third of the 16th century; vol. II, 16th century; vol.



I I I , 17th century; vol. IV, 18th century; vol. V, First third of the 19th century; vol. VI, Second third of the 19th century; vol. VII, Last third of the 19th century; vol. VIII, First third of the 20th century. ICU M H MnU [NN] N N C AsWU FiHI F r P I H GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU 383. Pinter Jenö magyar irodalomtörtSnete. Kipes kiad&s. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Tarsulat, 1928. A survey of Hungarian literature from the pagan Middle Ages to the first quarter of the 20th century. Information about historical and cultural backgrounds for each period, about the lives and works of authors, and about the various literary genres. Appendices in Vol. I I : (1) A chronological table of Hungarian and foreign literary events, (2) Maps and a table of counties and towns, listing the literary figures who were born, lived, died, or attended school in them, and (3) A dictionary of literary and critical terms. Illustrated. Vol. I, Beginnings to the 2ota century; vol. II, 20th century, to 1925 (name index to both volumes). MnU NNC FiHI 384. Pinter Jenö magyar irodalomtörtSnete. Α müvelt közöns6g szdmära. Budapest: Franklin-Tarsulat, 19262. 362p. A survey of Hungarian literature from pagan times to 1920, for the informed reader. Outline sketches of authors and literary types. I t F U 386. Pinter Jen6. A magyar irodalom törtinetenek kezikönyve. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Tarsulat, 1921. Hungarian literary history to 1920, organized by period, literary type, and author, for scholarly use. Contains (1) bibliographical data on editions of author's works and on scholarly books and articles on each period and author and (2) a bibliography of Hungarian literary history, pp. 12-15. Vol. I, 800 to 1825; vol. II, 1825 to 1920. CoU MnU AsWN AsWU FiHI FrPIH GyGGaU 386. Reich, Emil. Hungarian literature: an historical and critical survey. London: Jarrold and Sons, 1898. 272p. The main literary movements and authors from the beginnings of Hungarian literature through most of the 19th century by means of "the comparative method of historical investigation and analysis," comparing or contrasting Hungarian works with those by English, French, German, Italian, or ancient classical writers. Last chapter a summary of Hungarian scholarship on politics, history, literature, aesthetics, and philology. Bibliography, pp. 257-258. CU DLC ICU MB M H MiU MnU NNC 0C1 PPD and others; FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU 387. Remenyi, Joseph. Hungarian literature. Washington, D. C.: American Hungarian Federation, 1946. 48p. A history of Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the generation



after Endre Ady, focusing on characterizations of the major writers and on the view that the best literature of Hungary is of significance not only within the national ethos but also within the framework of universal standards. Bibliography, pp. 47-48. D L C I C IU M H N N C N j R NcU OC1 PSt ViU and others 388. Riedl, Frigyes. A history of Hungarian literature. London: William Heinemann, 1906. 294p. A survey of Hungarian literature from its beginnings through the 19th century, opening with chapters on the Hungarian people and language and closing with sketches of the latest writers. ICN MnU N N N N C N j R OU OC1 PU WaU AsWU FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH 389. A magyar irodalom föirdnyai. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1913. 135p. [Several editions] The major characteristics and tendencies in Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the I82O'S, with major attention from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century. Bibliographical notes, pp. 133-135. N N C AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBH 390. Rökk-Richter, Stefano. La letteratura ungherese. Roma: Paolo Cremonese, 1929. 192p. The history of Hungarian literature from pagan times to the period after World War I. D L C ItFU 391. Schwicker, Johann Heinrich. Geschichte der ungarischen Literatur. Leipzig: Wilhelm Friedrich, 1889. 944p. The major Hungarian writers from the earliest times to 1888, with main attention to "the poetical creations of modern writers." Emphasizes: (1) The ideas and spiritual matters with which the writers were concerned in the various periods, (2) The effect of prevailing European intellectual trends upon them, (3) The influence they themselves exerted upon their own times, (4) The forms in which their writings reached the public and the reception given to them, and (5) The appraisal of the value of their works. ICN M H MnU N N OC1 AsWU FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU 392. Szerb Antal. Magyar irodalomtörtenet. Budapest: Revai Nyomda, 1935®. 536p. [Several editions; latest in 1958, edited by Istvan Söter] Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the 1920's, though the treatment of the period after World War I is quite brief. Governed by the view that Hungarian literature is a part of European literature and consequently sensitive to its influences. Traces this synthesis through its varying degrees of relationships. A review and evaluation of the various approaches used by Hungarian literary historians beginning with the



19th century, pp. 7-17. IC M H MiD MnU N N N N C N j R OC1 FiHU FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH GyGGaU ItFU 393. Toldy Ferenc. A magyar nemzeti irodalom törtenete. I-II. kötet. Pest: Emich es Eisenfels Könyvnyomdaja, 18522. [Several editions] Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the Middle Ages, mainly the latter. Contains selections of poetry for the periods covered. Vol. I closes with the Age of Lajos and Zsigmond; vol. II begins with the Age of Matyäs and Jagellö. MnU N N N N C AsWN AsWU FiHI FrPBN GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 394. A magyar nemzeti irodalom törtSnete a legregibb idöktöl a jelenkorig rövid elöadäsban. Pest: n.p., 18784. 404p. The history of Hungarian literature from ancient times to 1867. Bibliographical footnotes at ends of sections. M H MnU N N FrPBN GeLBM GeLU GyBH 395. Toth Veremund, O.S.B. A magyar irodalom törttnete. (Szemelvenyekkel) Cleveland: Kossuth Kiado, i960. 6o8p. A combined history and anthology of Hungarian literature from pagan times to the present, by literary periods. Discussions of the characteristics of each period followed by treatments of authors and selections of writings. Attention to relationships between Hungarian and European literary movements. CoU IC MnU OC1 AsWN GyGGaU 396. Turoczi-Trostler, Jozsef. Entwicklungsgang der ungarischen Literatur. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Verlag der ungarischen Goethe-Gesellschaft, 1928. A brief and general study of selected phases of the development of Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to the Reformation. Concerned with intellectual forces, their sources and connections, their essential character, formation, effects, and values. Vol. I, Middle Ages; vol. II, Renaissance and Reformation. GyBH 397. Ujfalvy, Käroly. La Eongrie: son histoire, sa langue et sa littirature. Paris: Librairie Pagnerre, 1872. 236p. A survey of the Hungarian language and literature from its beginnings to its own date. Includes a number of French translations of Hungarian poetry. M B N N AsWN FrPBN GeLBM ItFU 398. Vaczy Janos. "A magyar irodalom," Az osztrdk-magyar monorchia irdsban is kepben (Budapest: Magyar Kirälyi Ällamnyomda, 1893; I - X I X . kötet), III, 244-338. [For an edition in German, see no. 379.] A survey of Hungarian literature from its beginnings to the period after the Compromise of 1867, characterizing the major literary periods and the most important writers. Illustrated. IC ICU N N C OC1 FrPBN GyGNSU




3 9 9 . V a j t h o Läszlö. Halhatatlan magyar irodalom. Budapest: Kirälyi M a g y a r Egyetemi Nyomda, n.d., 318p. A n examination of major Hungarian writers and their major works in relation to their literary characteristics, from the Middle Ages to Endre A d y . A section on classical, West European, and Hungarian meters. List of recommended readings for each author. D L C I n U M n U F i H I ItFU 4 0 0 . Värady, Emerico. "Letteratura Ungherese," Storia delle letteraiure moderne d'Europa e d'America (Szerk. Carlo Pellegrini; Milano: Casa Editrice D r . Francesco Vallardi, i960; 6 vols.), V I , 233-325. Hungarian literature from the Middle Ages to the 1950's. Bibliography, pp. 490-491. Illustrations. C U C t Y I C U I U I a U I n U N N N N C P U ItFU 4 0 1 . Zigäny, Ärpäd. Letteratura ungherese. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli, 1892. 295p· A survey of Hungarian literature seeking to portray the intellectual life of Hungary from its beginnings to 1867. Discussion mainly b y literary movements and types. Includes treatment of scholarly writings. FrPIH GeLBM


A . A N C I E N T T I M E S A N D M I D D L E A G E S (900-1450) [See also nos. 429, 434, and 436.] 4 0 2 . Györffy György. Krönikänk Ss a magyar östörtenet. Budapest: Neptudomänyi Intezet, 1948. 189p. The connection of the subject matter of the Chronicles with the history of primitive Hungary, giving particular attention to the genesis of similar textual fragments. Essay in Appendix: " T h e author of the HunM a g y a r Chronicle." Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in French, pp. 181-189. M H N N C A s W N F i H U F r P B N G e L B M G e L U I t F U



403. Horvath Janos. A magyar irodalmi müveltsig kezdetei. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, 1931. 312p. [Second edition published in 1944] From the Age of Stephen (997-1038) to the Disaster of Mohacs (1526). Develops the thesis that Hungarian literature originated not in pagan but in Latin writings of Christian civilization, and that a literature in the Hungarian language gradually emerged from that written in Latin. Bibliographical footnotes. Book I, Beginnings of Hungarian Latin literature; book II, Emergence of a literature in the Hungarian language. D L C M H MnU N N N N C AsWN FiHI FiHU FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyMWd ItFU 404. Horvath Jänos (ifj.). Ärpddkori latin nyelvü irodalmunk stllusprobUmdi. Budapest: Akad6miai Kiado, 1954. 400p. A study of the problems of style in Latin writings during the Age of Ärpäd, to show the formation of a distinctive Medieval Hungarian Latin style, to point up the style of former Hungarian narrative literature, and to show the stylistic elements learned by Hungarian writers of the time from the West. Bibliographical footnotes. D L C NN AsWN FrPBN GeCU GyBA GyBH GyGNSU 405. Kardos Tibor. "A huszita biblia keletkez6se," Magyar Tudomdnyos AkadSmia Nyelv- Ss Irodalomtudomdnyi Osztälyänak Közlem&nyei, III (1952), 127-177. The origin of the "huszita" Bible as a product of the people's revolution and as a reflection of the class struggle of the Middle Ages. D L C MnU N N C GeLBM GyBA GyGNSU 406. KözSpkori kultüra, közipkori köMszet. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tarsulat, 1941. 290p. The literary life of the Middle Ages through the exploration of its relationships with society, the schools, the cultured class, and the people and their way of life, and in general through a portrayal of the poetic forms and subjects of the period. MnU NN AsWN FrPIH GeOB GyBH ItFU 407. Kiraly György. A magyar ösköltiszet. Budapest: Ethika Tudomänyterjesztß es Könyvkiado, 1921. 134p. An attempt to clarify the ideas, to ascertain the patterns and currents, and to assemble and arrange critically the materials of ancient Hungarian poetry, from the beginning of the 7th century to the end of the 10th. Bibliography, pp. 115-128. MnU AsWN GyBH GyMWd 408. Kniezsa Istvän. Helyesirdsunk törtönete a kimymyomtatds kordig. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1952. 204p. The development and characteristics of Hungarian orthography from the ι ith to the 15th century. Bibliographical footnotes. D L C Μ Η N N



N N C FiHI FiHU FrPBN GeLBM GyGGaU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 409. Lorinczy £va. Α Königsbergi Töredek is Szalagjai mint nyelvi eml&k. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1953. 224p. A linguistic reworking of the 14th century manuscript, Königsbergi töred&k. Assembles and evaluates all linguistic studies of this work, to determine the characteristics of the Hungarian language of the time and to place it in relation to the linguistic development of the language as to phonology, orthography, morphology, and syntax. M H FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 410. Macartney, Carlile Aylmer. The medieval Hungarian historians. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1953. 190p. After a 59-page survey of Hungarian literature in the Middle Ages to establish the historical tradition of Hungary, examines and analyzes the historical documents of the period. CU D L C ICU M H MoSU N N C NcD 0C1 PSt TxU and others; AsWN FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBS GyGNSU ItFU 411. Meszöly Gedeon. Omagyar szövegek nyelvtörtineti magyardzatokkal. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadö, 1956. 261p. Texts of ancient Hungarian literary remains explicated through detailed linguistic annotations. D L C InU N N TxU FiHU FrPBN G e L B M GyBA G y B H GyBS GyGGaU GyGNSU 412. Mezey Liszlo. Irodalmi anyanyelvüsegünk kezdetei az Ärpddkor vegen. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1955. 133p. The origin of lay feminism in the Middle Ages, the ancient Hungarian lamentation for the Virgin Mary, and the legend of Margaret in the 13th century, in relation to the beginnings of a Hungarian literary mother tongue. D L C M H N N C AsWU GyBH GyGNSU 413. Szabö Denes. A magyar nyelvemlikek. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadö, 19592. 8op. [Enlarged edition of that published in 1952] Accounts of fragments, texts, commentaries, glossaries, dictionaries, enumerations of proper nouns and subjects, and grammars prior to and after the invention of printing that are important to an understanding of the early growth of the Hungarian language. Comment on the character of each, lists of partial or complete reproductions of each, and a bibliography for each work in the text. Reproductions of manuscripts and texts. MnU N N C FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGGaU 414. Toldy, Ferenc. Geschichte der ungarischen Literatur im Mittelalter. Pest: Gustav Heckenast, 1865. 292p. [Moritz Kolbenheyer's translation of the third Hungarian edition] Five hundred years of Hungarian literature, from the reign of Ärpäd to



the Age of M i t y i s Corvinus and Jagellö. ICN NN NNC PU AsWN AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU B. RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION (1450-1630) [See also nos. 403, 414, 443. 4SI, 4S4, 455, and 459.] 416. Alszeghy Zsolt. A tizenhetedik szdzad. Budapest: Szent IstvänTärsulat, 1935. 292p. Hungarian literature during the 17th century, with attention to religious influences and struggles, literary genres and authors, and contributors to other areas of learning. Bibliographical notes, pp. 279-290. MH MnU AsWN FrPIH GyBH GyGGaU 416. Baläzs Jänos. Sylvester Jdnos ilete 6s kora. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadö VMalat, 1958. 473p. A biography of Sylvester giving considerable attention to the milieu of his times and to his works, especially his Latin-Hungarian grammar and his Hungarian translation of the New Testament. Bibliography, pp. 379-391; bibliographical notes, pp. 393-433. Summary in German, pp. 439-457. Illustrations. DLC FiHI GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGGaU ItFU 417. Dezsi Lajos. Szenczi Molndr Albert. 1574-1633. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tärsulat, 1897. 243p. A biography of Szenczi Molnär stressing his life and learned activities as a means of advancing Hungary's growth. Illustrated. N N AsWN AsWU FiHI FrPBN GeLBM GyBH 418. Tinödi Sebestyin. Budapest: Magyar Tört6nelmi Tärsulat, 1912. 229p. A biography of the 16th century minstrel, giving attention to historical background, to his poetry, and to the verse chronicles of his successors in the 16th century. Numerous illustrations. Μ Η NN AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU 419. Dombi Bela. A drdmairds kisirletei Magyarorszdgon a XVI-XVII. szdzadban. Pecs: "Dunantül" Pecsi Egyetemi Könyvkiadö es Nyomda, 1932. 196p. Seeks to fill what is claimed to be the only gap in understanding the development of Hungarian drama by examining the poetic drama of the 16th and 17th centuries. Concentrates on the course of its development. Treats church and secular drama separately and examines the 17th century school dramas and morality plays developing from them. Also concerned with linking the drama with the theatrical stage. M H MnU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH



420. Eckhardt Sändor. Balassi Bdlint. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1941. 224p. Underlying purpose: to bring closer to the contemporary Hungarian the clearly perceptible but complex contradictions of the inner burdens of Balassi, whose life works brought about the first synthesis of Hungarian and European intellectual life. Views the whole of the poet's life, and his writings and their relationships with his life. Not concerned with matters of style and diction. Bibliographical notes, pp. 219-224. MnU N N C FrPIH GeLBM GeLU 421. "Balassi Bälint irodalmi mintäi," Irodalomtörteneti Közlemtnyek, X X I I I (1913), 171-192, 405-450. Purpose: to show the general and partial connections between Balassi's love lyrics and those of other poets of his age and their humanistic heritage. CtY DLC M H NNC AsWN AsWU FiHI FrPIH GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH ItFU 422. Az ismeretlen Balassi Bdlint. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasag, 1943. 313p. A biography of Balassi based on new primary sources. Illustrated. Bibliographical notes, pp. 221-304. F r P I H 423. Üj fejezetek Balassi Bdlint viharos iletibSl. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1957. 104p. Additions to the life of Balassi based on materials in Western Slovakian archives, especially the archive in Semelcbänya, and on visits to places in Czechoslovakia where the poet had stayed. Bibliographical notes, pp. 71-102. Illustrated. DLC M H MnU NNC FiHI GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 424. Fitz Jozsef. A magyar nyomddszat, könyvkiadds is könyvkereskedis tört&nete. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1959. 258p. An illustrated history of printing, publishing, and book-selling in Hungary prior to the Disaster at Mohäcs, from 1472 to 1526. Also attention to books in Hungary and Europe prior to printing. Bibliography, pp. 42-52. DLC M H N N NNC GeCU GeOB 425. Gerezdi Raban. "Irodalmi nyelvtink kialakulasarol," Magyar Szdzadok (Budapest: Egyetemi Nyomda, 1948; 325p.), pp. 52-68. The emergence of a Hungarian literary language in the first half of the 16th century. MnU 426. "Janus Pannonius," Irodalomtörttnet, X X X I X (1950), 14-30. The life and works of Pannonius during his years in Italy. [CU] DLC [MH] MnU N N NNC OC1 AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 427. Gulyas Pal. Α könyvnyomtat&s Magyarorszdgon a XV. is XVI. szdzadban. Budapest: Orszägos Szech6nyi Könyvtär, 1929-1931. 272p.



The development of printing in Hungary and those foreign presses that printed Hungarian books during the 15th and 16th centuries. Chronological table of Hungarian publications during the 16th century. Bibliographical notes, pp. 258-268. Extensively illustrated. DLC ΜΗ N N NNC AsWN FiHU FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGGaU 428. Haläsz Gäbor. "Magyar humanistäk," Nyugat, XVII (1934), 582592. Characterizations of the humanistic attitudes of the poet, the scholar, and the preacher during the Renaissance in Hungary, mainly through examinations of Janus Pannonius, Miklös Oläh, Andräs Dudith, and Peter Bornemisza. NN NNC [FiHI] FiHU FrPIH GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH 429. Hoffmann Edith. R&gi magyar bibliofilek. Budapest: Magyar Bibliophil Tärsasag, 1929. 211p. Accounts of noted and unknown Hungarian book collectors from the age of King Lajos Nagy to that of King Lajos II. Closes with 37 plates. Bibliographical notes, pp. 193-211. MH GeLBM GeLU GyBH ItFU 430. Horvath Janos. Az irodalmi müveltstg megoszldsa. Magyar humanizmus. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tärsasäg, 19442. 318p. [First edition in I93S] The authors, the writings, and the society of Hungarian humanism and the first experimentations of the Hungarian Reformation. Bibliographical notes, pp. 285-296; additions to the notes of the 1935 edition, pp. 297-306. MH MnU NN NNC N j P AsWN FiHI FiHU FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH ItFU 431. Α reformdciö jegyiben. A Mohdcs utdni filszdzad magyar irodalomtortinete. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1953. 544p. [Second edition in 1957] The fifty-year period after the Mohlcs Disaster, from the 1520's to the 1570's — especially the forces of the Reformation that altered the climate for literature as they developed the legacy of the Middle Ages in a new spirit that made possible a step toward the development of national and worldly characteristics in Hungarian literature. Traces in detail the humanism developed in the spirit of Erasmus and the effects of Lutheranism and Swiss Protestantism. A continuation of no. 430. Bibliographical notes, pp. 491-526. MH MnU NNC FiHI FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 432. Huszti Jözsef. Janus Pannonius. P6cs: Janus Pannonius Tarsasag, 1931.448p. A biography of the 15th-century Hungarian poet giving extensive attention to his works, emphasizing his role as a humanistic poet and transla-



tor, and closing with a chapter on his importance in Hungarian literature, especially in relation to his place in Hungarian Latin poetry. Bibliographical notes, pp. 299-414; bibliography, pp. 415-432. FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU GyMWd ItFU 433. Imre Samu. Szabäcs viadala. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1958.332p. A linguistic reworking of the 15th-century manuscript, Szabäcs viadala. Assembles and evaluates all studies concerned with it in relation to phonology, orthography, dialect, vocabulary, morphology, and syntax. Also treats the document as to poetic style and seeks to establish its authenticity, in opposition to the belief that it is a 19th-century forgery. Appendix: Papers on the controversy by Loränd Benko and Bela Kliman, and Imre's reply to their views, pp. 299-318. D L C M H N N C FiHU GeOB GyBA GyBH GyGGaU 434. Kardos Tibor. "Huszita-tipusü kantildnaink," Irodalomtörteneti KözlemSnyek, L V I I (1953), 81-95. Evidence of all forms of the "huszita" canticle in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries and views on their merits as poems and on their satirical elements as early evidence of satirical verse in Hungarian poetry. N N C AsWU GeLBM GyBS ItFU 435. "A magyar vigjätek kezdetei," Kod&ly-emUkkönyv (Budapest: Akad6miai Kiado, 1953; 766p.), pp. 133-167. The beginnings of Hungarian comedies in the 16th century. D L C ICU NN N N C FrPIH GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyBS 436. A magyarorsz&gi humanizmus kora. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1955. 462p. A history of Hungarian humanism to 1526. After discussing the origin of humanism in Italy and its spread to other European countries, delineates (1) the beginnings of humanism in Hungary (1360-1445), (2) the humanism of Jänos Vitez and Janus Pannonius (1445-1471), (3) the role of humanism in the political actions of Mätyäs Hunyadi, (4) the widening class basis of Hungarian humanism in the Age of Jagellö and its consequences, (5) literary groups and the changes in literary forms, and (6) the emergence of a humanism with a distinctly Hungarian character. M H N N N N C AsWN FiHU FrPBN G e L B M GeOB GyBA GyBH GyGNSU ItFU 437. "A trufa. Egy regi magyar irodalmi müfaj jellege es euröpai összefüggesei," Filolögiai Közlöny, I (1955), 111-138. Seeks to determine the origin of "trufa," its fundamental characteristics, its European connection, and its social and artistic function. D L C Μ Η N N N N C AsWN FiHU GeOB GyBA GyBH GyGNSU



438. Klaniczay Tibor. "A magyar reformäcio irodalma," Irodalomtörteneti Közleminyek, L X I (1957), 12-47. Thesis: Significant but very heterogeneous writers of the Hungarian Reformation gradually created a literature new in character and form as they served a particular religious, social, and political endeavor. N N N N C AsWU GeLBM GyBS ItFU 439. Remenyi, Joseph. Three Hungarian poets: Bdlint Balassa, Miklös Zrinyi, Mihdly Csokonai ViUz. Washington, D.C.: Hungarian Reformed Federation of America, 1955. 64p. Individual essays on Balassa, Zrinyi, and Csokonai giving attention to biographical materials and commenting on the literary merits and characteristics of their works. D L C ICU IU IaU M H MiU MnU NcU OC1 P L F and others; GyGGaU ItFU 440. Sik Sändor. Pdzmdny. Az ember 6s az ir6. Budapest: Szent IstvänTärsulat, 1939. 449p. A biography of Pazmäny, attempting to find the man in the writer, the environment that shaped him, and the age that molded him. Details of life used only when they help to complete the picture of the man. Bibliographical notes, pp. 404-449· N N AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 441. Thienemann Tivadar. "A szabadgondolkodäs elsS nyomai a magyar közepkorban," Minerva, I (1922), 223-240. A study of the individuals in Hungary who first began to move away from the ideals of saintliness and the City of God in the last one hundred years of the Middle Ages — near the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th century. D L C N N C N j P [FiHI] FiHU FrPIH GyBH GyMWd ItFU C. COUNTER-REFORMATION A N D BAROQUE (1630-1772) [See also nos. 419, 439, 466, 467, 473, 480, 491, 498, 502, 504, 506, 519, and 521.] 442. Badics Ferenc. Gyöngyösi Istvdn elete 6s köMszete. Budapest: Gyöngyösi Istvän Tärsasäg, 1939. 263p. In two parts, the first a detailed biography of Gyöngyösi and the second an examination of his writings. Concludes with two chapters on the effect of his poetry on his own age and with an account of the attitudes towards his writings in the 18th and 19th centuries. A chronological table of his life and works, including the dates of important scholarly studies. A genealogical table of his immediate descendants through his two marriages. MB FrPIH GeLBM




443. Ballagi Geza. A politikai irodalom Magyarorszägon 1825-ig. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1888. 847p. Hungarian political writers and their works, along with the events with which they were concerned, from the 16th century to 1825. Emphasizes liberal writings but "gives recognition to the deserving representatives of the opposing view." DLC MH AsWN AsWU FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GyBH 444. Ban Imre. Apdczai Csere Jdnos. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1958. 6o6p. An examination of the lifework of Apäczai from the viewpoint of the literary historian and philologist. Concerned with the exploration of the learned sources of his works, a clarification of the relations of his works with the intellectual movements of his day, an analysis of his style, and a treatment of his efforts in the creation of the Hungarian language. Summary in French, pp. 563-585. DLC MH MnU NNC FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU ItFU 445. Dezsenyi Bela. A magyar Mrlapirodalom elsö szäzada. 1705-1805. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1941. 66p. In two parts: (1) A history of the periodical press in Hungary from 1705 to 1805 and (2) A directory of the periodicals of the period, giving their title, publisher, place of publication, editor, places where copies are available, and a bibliography under each citation. Appendices: (1) List of periodicals mentioned about whose publication there is no authenticated information and (2) List of publications arranged by place of publication and showing the period of publication. Bibliography, pp. 36-38. Summary in German, pp. 60-64. DLC MH NNC AsWN FiHIJ FrPBN GeLBM GeOB GyBS 446. Dezsi Lajos. Magyar ίτό is könyvnyomtato a XVII. szdzadban. Misztötfalusi Kis MikUs. (1650-1702). Budapest: Magyar Tortenelmi Tarsulat, 1899. 208p. A biography of the 17th-century printer, scholar, linguist, and author. Appendix: Misztotfalusi's speech on schooling in the Hungarian language, letters to Mihäly Teleki, Mihäly Tofeus and Istvan Pataki, and his will. Illustrated. NN AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GyBH 447. Esze Tamas. "A kuruc költeszet problemäi," Irodalomtörtenet, XXXIX (1951), 31-47· A pointing up of problems encountered in doing effective research on "kuruc" poetry: (1) defining the type, their beginning and closing periods, (2) their authenticity, (3) their origins in history, and (4) the true connection between Rdköczi kesergöje and folklore. Bibliographical



notes, pp. 45-47. [CU] D L C [MH] MnU N N N N C OC1 AsWU G e L B M GyBH GyGNSU 448. " A Räköczi-kor irodalma 6s publicisztikäja," Irodalomtörtinet, X L I I (1954), 10-24. Describes and evaluates the poetry, political writings, songs, and journalistic works of the Age of Raköczi. CU D L C M H MnU N N N N C OC1 AsWU GeLBM G y B A GyBS G y G N S U [ItFU] 4 4 9 . Gälos Rezso. Mikes Kelemen. Budapest: Müvelt Nep Könyvkiadö, I9S4- I39P· A biography of Mikes concerned mainly with his period, with Ferenc Räköczi, and with the Letters from Turkey. Chronological list of his works and bibliography, p. 139. D L C M H N N C F r P B N G e L B M G y B H GyBS G y G N S U 4 5 0 . Horanyi Mätyas. Eszterhdzi vigassdgok. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1959. 269p. An illustrated chronicle of the court theaters in Hungary in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Appendices: (1) Catalogue of editions from the Eszterhäzy collection, (2) List of performances given at the court theater in Eszterhaza from January 23 to December 22, 1778, (3) Table of operatic singers who had performed for the Eszterhäzys from 1759 to 1790, and (4) Names of the members of the Kismarton Opera Company. MnU N N C 4 5 1 . Kemeny Katalin. Erdilyi emUkirök. Cluj-Kolozsvär: Minerva Irodalmi es Nyomdai Muintezet, 1932. 62p. A history of Hungarian writers of memoirs in Transylvania in the i6th, 17th, and 18th centuries, to determine the role they created for themselves in Transylvanian literature and their connection with the whole of Hungarian literature of the time. MnU G y B H G y G N S U 4 5 2 . Kenyeres Imre. A magyar irodalomtörtinetiräs fejlödese a XVIII. szdzadban. Budapest: Mernökök Nyomdaja, 1934. 58p. A survey of the development of Hungarian literary history from Czvittinger to Horanyi and Wallaszky. Concerned with its establishment and growth. Strives to determine what the historians borrowed from the past and what their significance was for the future, with respect to the crosssection they give when viewed in the light of the world of ideas at the time. Chapters on Czvittinger, Bel, Rotarides, Bod and his successors, Horanyi, and Wallaszky. D L C D S I M H AsWN AsWU FiHU G y B H 4 5 3 . Klaniczay Tibor. Zr'myi Miklös. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1954. S48p. A biography of Zrinyi giving considerable attention to his works and the historical and literary background prior to and during his times. D L C M H AsWU FiHI G e L B M G y B A G y B H GyBS G y G N S U



454. Mate Käroly. Irodalomtörtinetiräsunk kialakuldsa. Budapest: Dunäntül Egyetemi Nyomda, 1928. 54p. The history of book catalogues, beginnings of biographies, literary surveys, and literary histories as predecessors of Czvittinger's Specimen hungariae literatae (no. 157). M H MnU GyBH 455. "A magyar öneletiräs kezdetei," Minerva, V (1926), 120-166. The beginnings of the writing of autobiographies in Hungarian literature from 1585 to 1750, giving attention to its forms: Katona, Veresmarti, Jänos Kemeny, Misztotfalusi, Miklos Bethlen, Räkoczi, and Kata Bethlen. D L C NN N N C N j P FiHU FrPIH GyBH ItFU 456. Nemeskürty Istvän. Bornemisza Filer. Az ember is as ir6. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1959. 558p. A biography of Bornemisza, claiming to be the first to bring the man and the writer before the reader. Appendix: List of Bornemisza's works requiring further research. Summary in German, pp. 526-530. Illustrated. D L C N N C GyBH ItFU 457. Remenyi, Joseph. "Kelemen Mikes, Hungarian exile (1690-1761)," Symposium, X I (1957), 123-126. [Published at Syracuse University] Primarily a critical discussion of the Letters from Turkey. Bibliography, p. 126. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM 458. Sz6chy Käroly. Gr6f Zrinyi Miktis. ö t kötet negy kötetben. Budapest: Törtenelmi Tärsulat Kiadäsa, 1896-1902. A detailed biography of Zrinyi with emphasis on his life and political and military activities but with attention to his writings (most of Vol. II devoted to "A Szigeti Veszedelem"). Appendices: (1) Extracts from two of his military sketches, vol. II; (2) Letters to György Räkosi, vol. III; and (3) Hungarian letters, vol. IV. Bibliographical footnotes. Illustrated. Vol. I, From birth to e.1650; vol. II, 1651 and "A Szigeti Veszedelem"; vol. I l l , 1652 to July 1657; vol. IV, August 1657 to 1659; vol. V, 1659 to 1664 (name and subject index for entire work). MnU N N AsWN FrPBN GeLBM 459. Tröcsänyi Zoltän. Regi magyar nyomtatvdnyok nyelve is helyesirdsa. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1935. 42p. The language and orthography in Hungarian books from the second quarter of the 16th century to the second half of the 18th century with regard to their influence on the development of a literary language and to their characteristic styles. Among authors receiving special attention: Benedek Komjathi, Gäspär Heltai, Peter Päzmäny, Miklos Zrinyi, Istvän Gyöngyösi, Zsigmond Csuzy, György Tseri Verest6i. Bibliography, p. 42. D L C AsWN AsWU FrPBN FrPIH GeCU GeLU GyBH GyGNSU



480. Varga Imre. "A kuruc költeszet hitelessege," Irodalomtörtinäi KözlettUnyek, XLVI (1936), 29-45, 171-187, 276-292. After surveying the various treatments of the authenticity of "kuruc" poetry in previous scholarship, seeks to prove its genuineness by establishing a basis for an idea of the poems and by tracing the numerous changes certain of the poems underwent through manuscripts which, for the most part, have not been examined before. By this means attempts to disprove Kaiman Thaly's authorship of some of the poems. DLC MH NNC AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH GyGNSU D. LITERARY REVIVAL, AGE OF REFORM, AND ROMANTICISM (1772-1849) [See also nos. 439,443,445,450,452,478, 562, 564, 570, 576,618, and 687.] 461. Alszeghy Zsolt. A XIX. szdzad magyar irodalma. Budapest: Szent Istvän-Tärsulat, 1923. 285p. Hungarian literary history from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of World War I, by literary periods. MnU NN FiHI GyBH GyMWd 462. Badics Ferenc. Fdy Andrds Sletrajza. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1890. 671p. A biography stressing Fäy's literary activities and their relation to his age in order to show the influence of others on his works and his effect on the activities of other writers and on the general public life of his time. DLC FrPIH FrPS 463. Bänöczi Jözsef. Kisfaludy Kdroly is munkdi. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Tarsulat, 1882-1883. A biography attempting to explore Kisfaludy's life and works in great detail. Sections on the Aurora, his role in the development of Hungarian romanticism, his comedies, and his prose. Attention given to the lateness of Hungarian response to European romanticism. Appendix: Catalogue of the performances of Kisfaludy's dramas on the Hungarian stage. Vol. I, 1788-1821; vol. II, 1822-1830. MH MnU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 464. A magyar romaniicismus. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Könyvkiadö Hivatala, 1882. 20p. A definition of Hungarian romanticism as different from that in Germany though much indebted to it, and a survey of the emergence of the movement in Hungary with Käroly Kisfaludy. Evidence from literature and numerous other aspects of learning. MnU AsWN GeLBM GyMWd 465. Barta Jänos. "Eredmenyek es feladatok a felvilägosodäs es reformkor



magyar irodalmi kutatasäban," Magyar Tudomdnyos Akadimia Nyelv- is Irodalomtudomdnyi Osztdlyänak Közleminyei, I I I (1952), 99-112. Several literary questions in the period from Bessenyei to Petofi (17721848), among them the synthesis of preromanticism and the attitudes toward the nation and the generation in opposition to the views held by scholars under the Horthy regime. Reviews the scholarship on Bessenyei, Csokonai, Kazinczy, Berzsenyi, Kölcsey, Vörösmarty, Eötvös, and Petöfi for the years 1945-1949. Replies by several scholars, pp. 113-119. DLC MnU NNC GeLBM GyBA GyGNSU 466. Bayer Jozsef. A nemzeti jdtekszin t örtenet β. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Hornyanszky Viktor Akademiai Könyvkereskedese, 1887. A history of the Hungarian theater mainly from 1790 to 1837. Appendices: (1) Programs presented in Pest from 1790 to 1795, 1807 to 1814, and 1833 to 1837, giving title, type, number of acts, author, translator, number of yearly performances, and date of last performance, (2) Names of theatrical personnel in Pest from 1790 to 1795 and 1807 to 1814, and (3) Programs of the Szekesfeh6rvari Theater in 1818 and 1819 and of the Kassai Theater in 1829 and 1830, giving the title of the play, date of first performance, type, and number of acts. Vol. I, Middle Ages to 1831; vol. II, Age of Sz6chenyi to the opening of the National Theater in 1837. DLC M H AsWN FiHU FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 467. Benko Loränd. A magyar irodalmi irdsbeliseg α felvildgosodäs koränak elsö szakaszdban. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1960. 548p. A detailed study of the emergence and character of a homogeneous literary language in Hungary during the second half of the 18th century. Bibliography, pp. 501-533. Illustrations and facsimiles. DLC MH NNC AsWN FiHU GeCU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGGaU 468. Beöthy Zsolt. A XIX. szdzad magyar költeszete. Budapest: Kiky Lajos, 1905. 225p. Purpose: to find and measure those strengths in 19th-century Hungarian poetry that helped it to develop its form and effects. Concerned with the intellectual forces and national elements that spurred the development of poetry. DLC MnU 469. Biro Lajos Pal. A Nemzeti Szinhdz tort&nete. 1837-1841. Budapest: Pfeiffer Ferdinand, 1931. 145p. A history of the founding and the first four years of the Hungarian National Theater. Appendix: List of performances in the Pest Hungarian Theater from August 22, 1837, to April 3, 1841, giving type, date, title, author, and translator. Bibliography, p. [146]. GyBH GyGNSU ItFU



470. Brisits Frigyes. A XIX-ik szdzad elsö fele. Budapest: Szent IstvanTärsulat, 1939. 380p. A history of Hungarian literature during the first half of the 19th century, focusing on the distinctive literary characteristics and on the birth of ideas and aspirations and their interaction and their evolution and decline among the writers of the period. Bibliographical notes, 346-379. MnU 471. Csahihen Karoly. Pest-Buda irodalmi elete. 1780-1830. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Stephaneum Nyomda, 1931-1934. A portrayal of the literary life of Budapest, from 1780 to 1830, through the writers, learned institutions and societies, publishers and printing houses, newspapers and periodicals, and dramatists responsible for the concentration of learned and creative activity and foment in the city as an accompaniment to the growth of a national literature. Vol. I, The antecedents (1780-1800); vol. II, The concentration (1800-1830). CU M H NN NNC N j P GeLBM GeOB GyBH 472. Csäszar Elemer. Kisfaludy Sdndor. Budapest: Franklin-Tarsulat, 1910. 167p. A biography of Sändor Kisfaludy, giving attention to the substance and characteristics of his writings. M H MnU NNC FiHI FrPS GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU 473. Cushing, G. F. "The birth of national literature in Hungary," Slavonic and East European Review, XXXVIII (i960), 459-475. [Published at the University of London] Purpose: to trace the development of the trend in Hungarian writers toward being critical of their government, from the middle of the 18th century to the meeting of the Diet at Pozsony in 1825. Examines the creation of national feeling among writers, their role in the vitalization of the language, and their relations with the censor. Attention to the contributions of Bessenyei, Kazinczy, Karoly Kisfaludy and Istvän Szechenyi, and of literary periodicals to the development of a distinctly Hungarian literature. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyGNSU 474. Dezsi Lajos. Βάτό Jösika Miklös. Budapest: Athenaeum r.t. Könyvnyomdäja, 1916. 415p. A biography of Josika using his previously unpublished letters. Appendix: Letters from the Josika Memorial Album. MH MnU NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU 475. Dienes Andräs. Petöfi a szabadsägharcban. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1958. 643p. Petöfi's activities and death in the Revolution of 1848-1849. Attention



to scholarship on Petöfi. Appendices: (i) Account of the disappearance of Petöfi on July 31, 1849, by the Hungarian-Rumanian Cooperative Society, and (2) Preliminary report on attempts to locate Petofi's grave in 1956. Bibliographical notes, chapter by chapter, pp. 447-591. Summary in French, pp. 609-625. 84 illustrations at end of book. D L C InU M H N N C AsWN FiHU FrPBN FrPIH GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 476. Doboczki Pal. Nepies alakok az irodalomban a nepies ir&ny elölt. Budapest: Nemeth Jozsef Könyvkereskedese, 1912. 42p. Characterizations of the various national types in Hungarian literature from 1772 to 1843, individually in chronological order. Among them the peasant, plainspeople, liars, elders, old judge, female characters, etc. MnU FiHU GyBH 477. Farkas Gyula. A Fiatal Magyarorszdg kora. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tarsasag, 1932. 318p. The development of Hungarian literature from 1820 to 1850 as a period of individuality, through an exploration of the literature, ideas, culture, and life of the times. Bibliographical notes, pp. 304-314. M H MnU N N AsWN AsWU FiHU FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU GyMWd 478. A magyar romantika. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akad6mia, 1930. 336p. The emergence of romanticism from 1750 to the 1820's as a synthesis of two opposing streams of literary efforts: (1) the traditional, stemming from the Catholic milieu of Western Hungary, and (2) the exotic, originating in the Reformed milieu of Eastern Hungary: the new literature assuming its character in the 1820's, when regional and denominational distinctions and cultural differences vanish. Maintains that the movement was born with Vörösmarty and Kölcsey. Attention to foreign influences. Critical bibliography on Hungarian romanticism, pp. 315321. [For a German translation of this work, see no. 480.] M H MnU N N N N C AsWU FiHI GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU 479. Romdnos — rom&ntos— romantikus. Budapest: n.p., 1929. 3op. An inquiry into the meaning of Hungarian romanticism, especially in connection with Vörösmarty. Shows that the term romanticism began to spread in Hungary in the I82O'S from German origins, with observations of nature as its subject, and that it went through a number of redefinitions under the impact of French romanticism and of Vörösmarty's individualistic romanticism, whereupon it was taken over by succeeding generations who failed to think its concepts through. Maintains that only today, after experimentations with the question, is its real definition beginning to emerge. M H AsWN GyBH GyGGaU



480. Die ungarische Romantik. Berlin und Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 1931. 231p. A translation of no. 478. NN NNC OC1 FiHU FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GyBS ItFU 481. Feja Geza. Α felvildgosoddstöl a söteledesig. A magyar irodalom törtenete 1772-töl 1867-ig. Budapest: Magyar filet Kiadäsa, 19432. 287p. A history of Hungarian literature from the Enlightenment to the Decline, from 1772 to 1867, consisting of treatments on each phase and each author and containing historical, biographical, and critical materials. Attention to minor writers. MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH 482. Fenyo Istvän. Az Aurora. Egy irodalmi zsebkönyv iletrajza. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1955. 154p. After a characterization of Hungarian literary life around 1820, develops the history of the periodical Aurora (1822-1837), especially in relation to its opposition to the absolutism of the period. Appendices: (1) List of articles in the periodical, arranged chronologically under the name of the contributor and giving inclusive page numbers for each article; (2) Brief biographical notes on 35 lesser-known contributors to and staff members of the periodical; and (3) Accounts of the nine periodicals of the period also figuring in the study. Bibliographical footnotes. Bibliography, pp. 142-145. DLC Μ Η NN NNC AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 483. Ferenczi Zoltän. Csokonai. Budapest: Franklin-Tarsulat, 1907. 160p. A biography of Csokonai, giving attention to his literary works — their characteristics and development. MH FiHI FrPS GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU 484. Petdfi S&ndor Sletrajza. I—III. kötet. Budapest: FranklinTarsulat, 1896. A biography of Petofi that also seeks to present a picture of the literature of his period. Index for each volume. Vol. I, to April 1844; vol. II, April 1844 to August 1846; vol. I l l , September 1846 to 1849. DLC MnU NN FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU 485. Ferenczy Jözsef. Garay Jdnos eletrajza. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1883. 237p. A biography of Garay giving considerable attention to the man and his writings. FrPBN 486. A magyar hirlapirodalom törtinete 1780-töl 1867-ig. Budapest: Lauffer Vilmos, 1887. 506p. The history of political, scholarly, critical, learned, and belles-lettristic periodicals in Hungary during the greatest period of their growth, from 1780 to 1867. NN AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyMWd



4 8 7 . Gäldi Läszlo. A magyar szotdrirodalom α felvildgosodäs kordban Ss a reformkorban. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1957. 586p. A history of the development of Hungarian dictionaries from 1779 to 1838. Bibliographical footnotes. Summary in German, pp. 537-545. D L C M H N N C A s W N F i H U F r P B N GeOB G y G G a U G y G N S U 4 8 8 . Gälos Rezso. Bessenyei György eletrajza. Budapest: Közoktatäsügyi Kiadovällalat, 1951. 425p. Claims to be the first biography of Bessenyei in eighty years that summarizes all the research done on the subject. Chronological table of his life and works. Bibliographical notes, pp. 381-412. D L C M n U FiHI GeCU G y B S G y G N S U 489.

Kdrmdn Jözsef. Budapest: Müvelt Nep Könyvkiado, 1954.

I93P· A biography of Kärmän seeking to illuminate the circumstances of his life and examining his writings. Summary of previous studies of Kärmän in the introduction. Appendices: (1) Connections between the Kärmän and Räday families, and (2) Texts of Kärmän's previously unpublished works. Bibliographical notes, pp. 167-193. D L C M H M n U FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 4 9 0 . Gärdonyi Zseni. A magyar szentimentdlis regeny jobb kepviseloi. Budapest: Budapesti Hirlap Nyomdäja, 1907. 47p. After a discussion of classicism, sentimentalism, and romanticism as literary expressions, examines four Hungarian novels as major expressions of sentimentalism written at the close of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century: Sziegwart klastromi törtenete, Kazinczy's Bdcsmegyei, Kärmän's Fanny, and Eötvös's Karthauzi. MnU F i H U 4 9 1 . Gedö Szerena. Ftlozdfiai köUeszelünk dttekintese a XIX. szdzad kozepSig. Budapest: Thälia Müintezet Κδ- es Könyvnyomda r.t., 1911. 48p. A survey of Hungarian philosophical poetry from the second half of the 18th to the middle of the 19th century, to determine the characteristics of the genre as they are manifested by various poets. Finds, among other things, that such poetry was concerned with philosophies of life, such as stoicism, epicureanism, and pessimism, rather than with metaphysical thought. Attention to foreign influences. Concerned with Faludi, Orczy, Bessenyei, Csokonai, Berzsenyi, Kölcsey, and Vörösmarty. MnU FiHU 4 9 2 . György Lajos. A magyar regeny elozmenyei. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1941. 540p. Hungarian prose fiction from its beginnings in the 1770's to 1840, in relation to theme and origins. Delineates (1) the development of the romance, the divisions of its content, the foreign influences affecting its growth, and its slow expansion, and (2) the role which the antecedents of the novel played in its development. Chronological "romän" bibliog-



raphy from 1730 to 1840, containing 376 citations and providing the title, history of editions, sources, summary of contents, and comment for each, pp. 203-518. Also nine titles without year of publication, pp. 5x7-518, and published collections of romances, pp. 519-522. AsWN GeCU GeLU FrPIH 493. Gyulai Pal. Vörösmarty iletrajza. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 18722. 311p. [Several editions] An enlarged biography of Vörösmarty giving attention to the character of his writings. M H MnU 0C1 FiHI FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH ItFU 494. Haraszthy Gyula. Irodalomelmileti ktrdesek a mult szAzad m&sodik ttegyediben. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1932. 68p. The views of literature in Hungary from about 1825 to 1848: idealism and realism, literature and its role in national life, the influence of poetry and the theater, and literary criticism. MnU FiHI GeLBM GyBH 495. Haraszti Gyula. Csokonai Vittz Mihdly. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 1880. 362p. A biography of Csokonai concerned with his works and the background of his times. MnU I t F U 496. Hatvany Lajos. Igy elt Petöfi. I-V. kötet. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1955-1957. Previously published scholarship on Petofi's life grouped under chronological periods, with additional comments by the author at the close of each selection pertinent to the material covered. Name index for each volume. Illustrations. Vol. I, Family history from 1667 and Petofi's life to the beginning of March 1841; vol. II, March 10, 1841 to April 1, 1845; vol. I l l , April 1, 1845 to June 26, 1847; vol. IV, July 1, 1847 to September 27, 1848; vol. V, September 11, 1848 to July 31, 1849. MnU NNC AsWU FrPBN FrPIH [GeLBM] [GeOB] [GyBA] GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 497. Hegedus Geza. Magyar romantika. Budapest: Budapest Szekesfovarosi Irodalmi es Müveszeti Int6zet, 1948. 130p. A study of Hungarian romanticism through an examination of the socialhistorical forces that contributed significantly to its development. DLC MnU N N ItFU 498. Hofbauer Läszlo. Videki irodalmi tärsasägaink törlenete a XVIII. szäzad vegUöl a XIX. szäzad vegeig. Budapest: " £ l e t " Irodalmi es Nyomda r.t., 1930. 130p. A history of Hungarian literary societies in the provinces from the end of the 18th century to the end of the 19th century, including an opening chapter on the antecedents of such learned societies from their beginnings to the end of the 18th century



499. Horväth Jänos. Berzsenyi Ddniel 6s iröbardtai. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1959. 293p. A study of Berzsenyi's prose and poetry (mainly) and of his relations with Kazinczy and with his literary friends (Jänos Kis, Jozsef Peteri [Teti] Takäts, Judit Dukai Takäch, and Jozsef Elek Horväth). His poetic style, the influence of Horace on his poems, and the genesis of his poems; his view of life in his prose works, his writings on aesthetics, and his literary criticism. DLC NNC GeCU GyBA GyBH 600. Kisfaludy Kdroly 6s iröbardtai. Budapest: Müvelt Nep Könyvkiadö, 1955. 182p. In two parts: (1) a study of Kisfaludy's life and his works by literary types, and (2) an account of his relations with two groups of Hungarian writers during the Age of Reform — those who wrote in German and those who were connected with the Aurora. Concludes with a discussion of the antecedents of epics dealing with ancient Hungarian settlers. DLC M H MnU NNC FiHU GeCU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 601. Kisfaludy Käroly evtizede. Az 1820-as 6vek kisebb ir6i. Budapest: Kokai Lajos Kiadasa, 1936. 74p. Accounts and characterizations of numerous lesser writers of the 1820's who were associated with Karoly Kisfaludy. MH MnU NNC GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 602. A magyar irodalmi nepiesseg Faluditöl Petofi-ig. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1927. 390p. A study of the indebtedness of Hungarian literature to folk songs and folk poetry, from the latter part of the 18th to the second quarter of the 19th century. DLC M H NNC FiHI FrPBN FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyMWd 603. Petöfi Sdndor. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi 6s Nyomda r.t., 1922. 597p. [Second edition in 1926] Concerned with determining the character of Petofi's lyrics through all the changes that their course of development reveals. Biographical and aesthetic materials used only to this purpose. Index of lyrics discussed, listing poems by other writers as possible influence on each. MnU N N AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyMWd 604. "A XIX. szäzad fejlodestörteneti elozmenyei," Tanulmdnyok (Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1956; 638p.), pp. 94-142. A study of the forces leading to the rejuvenation of Hungarian literature during the first quarter of the 19th century: the period of transition (1711-1772), the Age of Bessenyei, language reform, Ferenc Kazinczy, and Jozsef Kärman. DLC MH MnU NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU



505. Illyes Gyula. Petöfi. Budapest: Sz6pirodalmi Könyvkiado, 19S23. 343p. [Revised edition] A biography of Petofi giving much attention to the relations between the poet and his environment and times and to the use of his poems as evidence of his attitudes and views. DLC MH MnU NN NNC OC1 AsWN FiHI FiHU FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBH GyBS 506. Jancso Elemer. A magyar szabadkömüvesseg irodalom es müvelödistörtineti szerepe a XVIII. szäzadban. Cluj-Kolozsvär: Ady Endre Tärsasag Kiadvänya, 1936. 289p. Besides delineating the social and political effects of Freemasonry during the latter part of the 18th century, seeks to establish its contributions to the cultivation of the Hungarian language and literature and to the championing of individual and national feelings. Maintains that Kazinczy, Aranka, Bessenyei, Verseghy, Bacsänyi, the Viennese guardsmen, and the Northern Hungarian Transylvanian writers were adherents of the movement. Bibliography, pp. 275-277. MH FrPBN GeLBM GyBH 607. Juhäsz Pal. Gondolati költSszetünk α felvildgosoddstöl a realizmusig. Budapest: Sarkäny-nyomda, 1936. ioip. The history and character of Hungarian philosophical poetry from Bessenyei to the middle of the 19th century. Three phases: (1) Bessenyei, Barcsay, Orczy, Änyos, (2) Kazinczy, Jänos Kis, Bacsänyi, Csokonai, and (3) Berzsenyi, Kölcsey, Vörösmarty. Bibliography, pp. 99-101. MnU GyBH 608. Julow Viktor. Fazekas Mihdly. Budapest: "Müvelt Nep" Tudomänyos es Ismeretterjeszto Kiado, 1955. 222p. A biography of Fazekas giving attention to his writings — their content and development. Bibliography, pp. 208-220. DLC MnU NNC AsWU GyBS 609. Kornis Gyula. A magyar müvelödis eszminyei. 1777-1848.1—II. kötet. Budapest: Kiralyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1927. Examines the ideals of Hungarian culture and the instruments of their realization, to describe the historical self-consciousness of Magyar policy in national education, from 1777 to 1848: (1) the growth, nature, and development of Hungarian ideals, (2) their world outlook and their reflection of man and society, (3) the educational means used to serve them, (4) the role of language and literature in their creation, and (5) the influence of foreign currents. [For a German translation of this work, see no. 510] Vol. I, 1777-1825; vol. II, 1825-1848 (index to both volumes). MnU NN FrPBN GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 610. Ungarische Kulturideale. 1777-1848. Meyer, 1930. 6o8p.

Leipzig: Quelle und



A translation of no. 509. CtY DLC ICU MH NN NNC AsWU GeCU GeOB GyBS 511. Koszo, Jänos. "Die ungarische Romantik," Aus den Forschungsarbeiten der Mitglieder des ungarischen Instituts und des Collegium Hungaricum in Berlin (Berlin und Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter, 1927), pp. 146-155· Concerned mainly with delineating the origins of Hungarian romanticism as it developed first under German and then under French influence. MnU NN GeLBM GyBH GyBS 612. Molecz Bela. "A nyelvujitas koranak nyelvszepito törekvesei," Szentesi Magyar Kirälyi Ällami Horvdth Mihdly Reälgimnäzium Ertesitöje (1928), 3-14. [A school bulletin published by academic years, from 1864 to 1940, in Szentes, by Mester Nyomda] The attempts of Kazinczy and his associates to introduce words and changes into the Hungarian literary language, and an analysis of the quality and nature of the words at issue at the time. MnU GyBH 513. Nagy Läzär. Az erdelyi magyar szlneszet höskora. (1792-1821). Kolozsvär: Minerva Irodalmi es Müintezet, 1939. 108p. An illustrated reprint of Nagy's study of Hungarian theatrical performances and societies in Transylvania from 1792 to 1821, preceded by a general essay on the Age by Elemer Jancso. MnU AsWN ItFU 514. Ort Jänos. IrodalomesztUikai kerdisek Kazinczy kordban. Budapest: Hoffmann Nyomda, 1939. 54p. An examination of the literary issues of Kazinczy's period among the classical writers, the traditional writers, and the members of the French and German schools. Characterizes the Age as the awakening of Hungarian aesthetics. Concerned with such subjects as taste, language reform, adaptations, translations, style, verse form, criticism, etc. MH MnU FrPIH GyBH 616. Osväth Bela. Szigligeti Ede. Budapest: "Muvelt Nep" Tudomänyos es Ismeretterjeszto Kiadö, 1955. 168p. A biography of Szigligeti which, besides giving an account of his life, intends to place him and his lifework in the development of a people's and a national culture in Hungary. Attention to the theater and drama with which he was connected. Bibliography, pp. 161-167. DLC MH MnU GeLBM GyBS 616. Pais Dezso (szerk.). Nyelvünk a reformkorban. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1955. 683p. A collection of individual studies of the development and character of the Hungarian language from 1825 to 1848, with some attention to its antecedents from 1772 to 1825. Of particular interest to the literary



researcher: (1) "A XIX. szazad elso felenek harcai a nemzeti nyelvert," by Läszlo Deine, pp. 1-25; (2) "Az irodalmi nyelv hangallomänya es a nyelvjärasok," by Laszlo Deine, pp. 27-82; (3) "Tudomänyos nyelvlink" by Miklos Kovalovszky, pp. 227-312; (4) "Az irodalmi nyelv," by Jozsef Tompa, pp. 313-434; and (5) "Vers es nyelv," by Läszlo Gäldi, pp. 495-615. Separate word, subject, and name indices. DLC NNC GeLBM GyBS GyGGaU GyGNSU 617. Penzes Balduin. Az ügynevezett almanach-lira. Pannonhalma: n.p., 1937. 107p. The antecedents, development, and characteristics of lyrics published in Hungarian almanacs, mainly from Bajza to Petofi. Bibliography, pp. 105-107. MH MnU GyBH 618. Pongräcz Alajos (ifj.). Szepirodalmi folyöirataink 1848-ig. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1930. 55p. [Also published in Budapesti Szemle, 218 (1930), 373-398; 219 (1930), 71-98.] A history of Hungarian belles-lettristic periodicals from the founding of Magyar Museum in 1787, the first such Hungarian periodical, to 1848. DLC AsWN FiHI FrPBN GeLBM GyBH 619. Pukanszkyne Kädär Jolän. A budai es pesti nemet szineszet törtinete 1812-ig. Budapest: PfeifFer Ferdinand Könyvkereskedese, 1914. 148p. The first phase of German theatrical activity in Buda and Pest, its emergence, struggle, and strengthening, from 1760 to 1812, from the viewpoint of the theater and dramatic literature. Appendix: Catalogue of plays presented in the German theaters of Buda and Pest, 1783-1812. NN GyBH 520. A pesti is budai nemet szineszet törtinete. Budapest: Budaviri Tudomänyos Tärsasäg, 1923. 316p. A continuation of no. 519, from 1812 to 1847. Much on actors and theaters. Appendices: (1) Scenarium zu dem Trauerspiele Emilia Galotti; (2) List of plays presented at Buda and Pest theaters from January 1, 1812, to Easter, 1824, and at the Pest theater from Easter, 1824, to February 2, 1847, giving the title, type, number of acts, author, dates of first and last performances, and number of performances; (3) Alphabetical list of plays performed in the Buda theaters from Easter, 1824, to January 1, 1847, giving the dates of performances; and (4) Alphabetical list of actors and actresses, under contract or guests, who performed in Buda and Pest theaters, giving the dates of their performances and the names of the plays in which they appeared. Summary in German, pp. 287-312. NN AsWN GeLU GyBH GyGNSU 621. Rado Antal. "A magyar müforditäs törtenete, 1772-1831," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, VII (1883), 481-509, 648-672. After a survey of Hungarian translations prior to 1772, evaluates the



development and characteristics of the literary translations of the French, Classical, and National schools in Hungary, with special attention to the efforts of Bessenyei, Bäroczy, Kazinczy, and their followers. Lists of translations, including those by minor figures. CU [ICU] IU MH MnU OCU 0C1W AsWN FiHU [FrPS] 522. Redey Tivadar. A Nemzeti Szinhdz törtenele. Az elsö felszdzad. Budapest: Kiralyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1937. 405p. After describing the beginnings of drama in Hungary, covers the first fifty years of the history of the National Theater in Budapest. Information on actors, singers, plays, operas, etc. Illustrated. MnU NN AsWN FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBH 523. Remenyi, Joseph. "Daniel Berzsenyi (1776-1836), Hungarian Horatian poet," Slavonic and East European Review, XXXIV (1955), 174-179. [Published at the University of London] Chiefly a critical study of the themes and style of Berzsenyi's poems, their blend of romantic spirit and classical form. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 524. "Ferenc Kazinczy, Hungarian critic and neologist," Slavonic and East European Review, X X I X (1950), 233-243. A discussion of Kazinczy's works and his contributions to the development of a national literature in Hungary. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 525. "Jozsef Katona, Hungarian dramatist, 1791-1830," Bulletin. National Theater Conference, X I (1949), 29-37. [Published at Western Reserve University] After placing Hungarian drama in the framework of European drama and Hungarian culture during the first quarter of the 19th century, characterizes Katona's plays and examines Bänk Βάη as his major achievement. CSt DLC MB MiD MoS NN N j P 0C1 PP TxH and others. 526. "Mihäly Vörösmarty, Hungarian poet, playwright and critic," Slavonic and East European Review, XXXI (1953), 352-363. [Published at the University of London] Chiefly a critical discussion of Vörösmarty's qualities and significance as a writer, especially as a poet. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 527. "Miklös Josika, founder of the Hungarian historical novel," Unpublished manuscript. 9p. Chiefly a critical discussion of Josika's narrative style and his themes in his historical and social novels and his short stories. NjR 528. S&ndor Petöfi: Hungarian poet. (1823-1849) Washington, D.C.: Hungarian Reformed Federation of America, 1953. 46p.



Mainly an examination of Petofi's literary characteristics and merit. DLC InU OC1 OC1W PBL PLF ItFU 629. Riedl Frigyes. Petöfi. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1923. 236p. A biography of Petofi concerned with his life and works, the effect of his times on his development, and the relations between his writings and European romanticism and realism. MH MnU GeLU GyBH 530. Saint-Rene, Taillandier. La poesie hongroise au XIX® Steele. Paris: Michel Levy Freres, 1863. 104p. The characteristics and contributions of the poetry of Petofi, Vörösmarty, Jänos Garay, and Jänos Arany to Hungarian poetry. NB ItFU FrPBN 631. Solt Andor. "A szinszeruseg uralma drämairodalmunkban," Irodalomtörtineti Közlemenyek, X L I X (1939), 17-36, 136-155. An examination of plays written in the second third of the 19th century as representing a period in which their composition was governed by their suitability as stage presentations. Claims the most typical to be crime plays, peasant dramas, and historical melodramas. Finds (1) that they prevailed from 1837 to 1867, (2) that these plays were developed by writers with acting experience, with Szigligeti and Czako being the most significant, (3) that spectacle is their center, (4) that they are most closely connected with anecdotal literature, and (5) that their reign is the self-assertion of the Budapest middle class in dramatic literature. DLC NNC AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 532. Törttneti drdmairodalmunk a szabadsdgharc elött. Gyor: GySregyhazmegyei Alap Nyomdäja, 1934. 14p. The form and style of Hungarian historical dramas from 1837 to 1848. MnU 533. Soter Istvan. "A magyar romantika," Romantika is realizmus (Budapest: Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado, 1956; 61 ip.), pp. 5-92. The romantic period in Hungarian literature from a Marxist viewpoint. Concerned with the place of Hungarian romanticism in European romanticism, the periods of the movement, its aesthetic principles, the roles of Kölcsey, Käroly Kisfaludy, and Vörösmarty, the attempts of the romantics to portray reality in folk poetry, the new romantics of the 1840's, Petofi as a romantic, and Kemeny's and Jokai's relationships with the movement. [The book, a collection of previously published studies, presents a Marxist evaluation of the romantic movement in Hungary from its highest point to the romantics of the 20th century, closing with Krudy. Individual studies: Petöfi, Jänos Arany, Madach, Jänos Vajda, Mikszäth, Krüdy. Also a study of La Fontaine and Miklös Radnoti.] DLC MnU NNC GeLBM GyBH



634. Steinacker, Gustav. Ungarische Lyriker von Alexander Kisfaludy bis auf die neueste Zeit (die letzten 50 Jahre). Leipzig: Joh. Ambr. Barth.; Budapest: Grill'sche Buchhandlung, 1874. 524p. German translations of Hungarian poetry from Alexander Kisfaludy to Ferencz Schedel-Toldy, with an introduction to the subject and comment preceding the selections from each author. M B M d B P F i H U FrPBN GeLBM ItFU 635. Szauder Jozsef. Bessenyei. Budapest: Müvelt Νέρ Könyvkiado, 1953. I55PA biography of Bessenyei devoted mainly to his years in Vienna (1765— 1782) and the period after his return to Hungary (1782-1811). Stress on the development of his views and writings. Chronology of his life. Bibliography, p. 153. D L C M H M n U FiHI G e L B M G y B H G y B S 636.

Kölcsey. Budapest: "Müvelt N e p " Tudomänyos es Ismeret-

terjeszto Kiado, 1955. 263p. A biography of Kölcsey, beginning with his school years, that gives attention to his writings and to the connections between his views and Kazinczy's and the changes in these views. Bibliography, p. 261. D L C MnU GeLBM 637. Szegedy Rezso. "Kölcsey esztetikai dolgozatai," Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny, X X I (1897), 318-334, 436-451, 728-745, 807-821. A study of Kölcsey's essays on Csokonai, Berzsenyi, Janos Kis, and comedy, and of some of his shorter criticisms. Maintains that though neither the first Hungarian to write on the subject nor one who caused a revolution in Hungrian aesthetic thought, Kölcsey refined Hungarian criticism, elevated it to the level of West European criticism in the most difficult problems, and exercised independent judgment. Also attention to past Hungarian criticism. I U M n U O C U OC1W A s W N FiHU [FrPS] G y B H 638. Szekfü Gyula. Iratok a magyar dllamnyelv kerdesenek törtenetehez. 1790-1848. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tärsulat, 1926. 664p. An examination of the issues involved in the emergence of Hungarian as a national language from 1790 to 1848, pp. 7-208. Reproduces 170 contemporaneous documents and papers dealing with the problems and conflicts of the period. M n U N N N N C AsWU F i H I GeCU G e L B M GeLU GeOB G y B A G y B H G y B S G y G N S U I t F U 639. Szerb Antal. Magyar preromantika. Budapest: Dunantul Egyetemi Nyomda, 1929. 69p. [A reprint from Minerva, V I I I (1929), 3-69] The intellectual, social, and ethnic forces that created the Literary Revival in Hungary. Concludes that the period from Bessenyei to Vörösmarty, traditionally considered classical, was really preromantic, that

REVIVAL, REFORM, ROMANTICISM true romanticism began with Vörösmarty, and that Western European preromantics like Herder, Goethe, and others influenced Hungarian writers who were already independently in sympathy with the character of the new literary movement. MH FrPIH GyBH 540. Szily Kaiman. A magyar nyelvüjitds szötära. Budapest: Hornyanszky Viktor Kiadasa, 1902. 662p. Traces the course of neologisms during the period of language reform, from the last quarter of the 18th century through the first half of the 19th. Designations of popular formative syllables and methods of formation or derivation. MH MnU NN AsWN FiHI FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GyBH 641. Szinnyei Ferenc. Bacsänyi Jdnos. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tarsulat, 1904. 210p. The life and works of Bacsanyi, stressing his role in striving for the strengthening of the Hungarian language and the creation of a true Hungarian literature. Appendices: (1) Previously unpublished poems, (2) Aesthetic work, ErtikezSsek (1817), written in Linz at the age of 74, and (3) Facsimiles of various texts. Illustrated. MH MnU NN AsWN FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU 642. Novella- es regenyirodalmunk a szabadsägharcig. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1925-1926. 662p. A history of the short story and the novel in Hungary, from their antecedents near the end of the 18th century to 1849 — the detailed coverage beginning with Fay's Α különös testamentom (1818). Concludes that though possibly no work of lasting value was produced during the thirtyyear period, still "the groping, the experimentation, the imitation of foreign models, and the serious attempt to achieve originality make the Age both interesting and informative." Discussion in roughly chronological order, with attention given to both foreign influences and the influence of Hungarian authors on each other. Bibliography, vol. II, 315-351, listing for each author: (1) his individual or collected works under date of publication, and (2) studies concerned with his contributions to and his efforts in prose fiction. Vol. I, End of the 18th century to Jozsef Eötvös; vol. II, Jozsef Eötvös to 1849. MnU OC1 FrPBN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU GyMWd 643. Szombach Godehard. A praeromantika kora. Gödöllo: Dunäntül Pecsi Egyetemi Könyvkiado es Nyomda, 1943. 87p. The preromantic period of Hungarian literature, 1804-1825, in surveyoutline form as a teaching and learning aid. MH 544. Takäts Sändor. "Irodalmi harczok," Kalholikus Szemle, VI (1892), 79-111.



The struggle between the orthologists and neologists in their writings on language reform from 1815 to the late 1830's. Most of the materials concerned with the years 1815 to 1817. NNC AsWU GyBH 545. "A Mondolat es a Felelet hatasa," Katholikus Szemle, V (1891), 280-296, 364-388. An account of the battle of the orthologists and the neologists in the pages of Mondolat and Felelet, respectively, and the effect of these two pamphlets on language reform. NNC AsWU GyBH 646. "Reszletek a nyelvujitäsi hare törteneteböl," Katholikus Szemle, IV (1890), 366-385, 520-550, 681-717. Details of the early conflicts between the orthologists and neologists in the reform of the Hungarian language. Attention to the participants, especially K.azinczy, and to the roles of Mondolat and Felelet in the controversies. NNC AsWU GyBH 547. Töth Dezso. "Irodalmi kritikänk kezdeteinek n6hany kerdese," Irodalomtörteneti Közlemenyek, L X I I (1958), 200-207. The beginnings of Hungarian literary criticism, from the second half of the 18th century to the 1830's, and its lack of distinction between moral and aesthetic principles in the formation of judgments. N N NNC AsWU GeLBM GyBS ItFU 548. Vörösmarty Mihdly. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1957. 631p. A biography of Vörösmarty giving major consideration to his works — their characteristics, their forms, their development, and their meaning. Examines him as a romantic, the idealism of his romanticism, and his role in the national life of his times. Seeks to characterize carefully the stylistic features of his epics and lyrics and, generally, the nature of his romanticism. Viewpoint: "to give an explanation to everything as far as possible in terms of the materialism transmitted through conditions in Hungary." Summary in German, pp. 599-614. DLC MnU N N C AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 549. Väczy Jänos. Berzsenyi Ddniel eletrajza. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1895. 432p. A biography of Berzsenyi giving considerable attention to his poetic and critical works. DLC M H MnU AsWN AsWU FrPS GeCU GeLBM GyBH 550. Kazinczy Ferencz es kora. I. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1915. 639p. [Only volume published] A biography of Kazinczy's early years, giving considerable attention to his times up to the opening years of the 19th century. Bibliographical footnotes. M H MnU AsWN GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGGaU 551.

"A magyar irodalmi kritika kezdetei," Beöthy-emUkkönyv



(Budapest: Athenaeum Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1908; 679p.), pp. 2 1 3 232. After characterizing 18th-century European literary criticism, examines the beginnings of Hungarian literary criticism in the last quarter of the 18th century: the roles of Bessenyei, Gedeon Räday, Mätyäs Rät, Kazinczy, Ädäm Horväth, Rijnis, Jänos Földi, and Bacsanyi. MnU FiHI FrPS GeLBM GyBH 552. Α nyelvüjitäs gyözelme. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1909. 64p. A historical examination of those causes which, with the close of the 1820's, affected the conclusion of the conflict in the reform of the Hungarian language and assured its success. MnU AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU GyMWd 553. "A nyelvüjitäsi hare a forduloponton," Magyar Nyelv, I I I (1907), 1-16, 49-62. Concerned mainly with the events and individuals involved in the issues of the reform of the Hungarian language in the years 1817 to 1820, the period during which the climax of the disagreements between Kazinczy and his opponents, between the neologists and the orthologists, was attained, as attempts were made to reconcile differences in points of view. CU CtY DLC M H NNC AsWU FiHI GeLBM GyGNSU 654. Tompa Mikdly Uetrajza. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1913. 303p. A biography of Tompa emphasizing the character of his literary works and their development. M H MnU AsWN AsWU FiHI FrPBN GeLBM GyBH GyMWd 655. Varga Zoltän. "A magyar romantika koranak vallasossäga," Protestäns Szemle, XLV (1936), 213-220. Purpose: to determine and to characterize the religious views of Hungarian romanticism in relation to the position taken by Farkas (no. 478). Finds that these views cannot be identified with rationalism without further consideration and that romanticism agrees with the Literary Revival in its turning away from dogmatism to direct man to his own inner religious feelings. NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH 656. Vargha Baläzs. Berzsenyi Ddniel. Budapest: Gondolat Kiado, 1959. 289p. A biography of Berzsenyi, beginning with his school days, that delineates his world outlook, his literary development, and the connection between his poetry and the politics of his times, and attempts to solve the contradictions of influences and purposes apparent in him. Bibliography, pp. 271-273; bibliographical notes, pp. 27S~[29o]. M H MnU N N C GeLU



657. Vertesy Jeno. A magyar romantikus drdma. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1913. 348p. An exposition of the forces, foreign influences, and authors that created Hungary's first real dramatic literature, from the opening of the permanent National Theater in 1837 to 1850, with the first chapter surveying the history and character of Hungarian drama prior to the romantic period. Separate indices of names and play titles. M H MnU AsWU FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU 658. Waldapfel Jozsef. Katona Jozsef. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1942. 200p. A biography of Katona giving most of its attention to his writings. Bibliographical notes, pp. 195-200. MnU NNC 559. A magyar irodalom α jelvilägosodäs kordban. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1954. 336p. The rejuvenation of Hungarian literature at the end of the 18th century, with special emphasis on the importance of Bessenyei. Extensive discussion of the entire period followed by individual treatises on Bessenyei, Bacsänyi, Kärmän, Csokonai, and Fazekas. Bibliography, PP· 325-334. DLC MnU NNC AsWU FiHI FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 560. Ötven to Buda is Pest irodalmi eleteböl. 1780-1830. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1935. 368p. The development of the forces that affected the growth of literary life in Buda and Pest from their antecedents to the completion of their concentration in the capital in the years 1825 to 1830: printing, literary and learned societies, periodicals, theatrical activity, belles-lettres, etc. MH AsWN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 561. Weber Antal. A magyar regeny kezdetei. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1959. 237p. The beginnings of the Hungarian novel from 1818 to the 1830's, the Age of Reform. Also a treatment of social themes in the novel prior to the Revolution and attention to antecedents. Writers: Kärmän, Fäy, Käroly Kisfaludy, Josika, Eötvös, and Jokai. Summary in German, pp. 227-231. DLC M H MnU NN NNC FiHU FrPIH GyBS E. AGE OF REALISM AND NATIONAL ROMANTICISM (1849-1890) [See also nos. 461, 468, 479, 481, 486, 498, 530, 531, 533, 534, 625, 648, and 653.] 662. Alszeghy Zsolt. Magyar lirikusok. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1921. 155p.



Studies of Vörösmarty, Komjäthy, Kaiman Harsänyi, and Ady, mainly of their character and attitudes toward life as expressed in their writings. MnU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 663. Barta Jänos. Ar any Jänos. Budapest: Muvelt Νέρ Könyvkiado, 1953. 190p. A biography of Arany giving major attention to his writings — their ideas and literary characteristics — and to the influence of his environment and times on his development. DLC MnU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 564. "A kritikai realizmus kerdesei a magyar irodalomban," A realizmus kerdesei a magyar irodalomban (Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1956; 5ΐ7Ρ·),ΡΡ· 157-331· An examination of 19th-century Hungarian literature in relation to the criticism of literature from a realistic point of view. Given during a congress on Hungarian literary history in Budapest, November 1-3, 1955. Replies by other scholars. [The book is concerned with a reexamination of all of Hungarian literature as realism from a Marxist point of view.] MnU GeLBM GyBA GyBH 666. Madäch Imre. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1942. 187p. A biography of Madäch giving considerable attention to his character and to the literary qualities of his works. Appendix: Chronology of the growth of Madach's reputation through the presentations of The Tragedy of Man in Hungary and abroad and the reactions to them. Bibliographical notes, pp. 184-187. MnU OC1 AsWN FrPIH GyMWd 666. Benedek Marcell. A modem magyar irodalom. Budapest: Beta Irodalmi r.t., 1924. 120p. Hungarian literary history from around the last third of the 19 th century to its own date. Concentrates on writers of narratives, lyrics, and dramas. NN OC1 GyBH 667. Ember Erno. A magyar nepszinmü törtenete Tölh Ede felMpesetöl a XIX. szäzad vegeig. Debrecen: Csäthy Ferencr.t. Egyetemi Könyvkereskedes, 1934. 88p. The theory and history of Hungarian drama based on peasant life in the last quarter of the 19th century, the period in which, the author claims, it reached its highest point of development. Plays examined in relation to form, subject matter, and history of the period: their antecedents, their development and the environment in which they occurred, the devices they utilized for further development, and the causes of their decline. Table of plays performed in the National Theater, 1875-1903. M H FiHU GyBH GyGNSU



668. Farkas Gyula. Az asszimildciö kora a magyar irodalomban. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tärsulat, 1938. 303p. The regeneration of the intellectual and spiritual life of Hungary in its literature from the Compromise of 1867 to the beginning of World War I. Development considered in two stages: (1) Period of alienation, 18671900, and (2) Beginnings of regeneration, 1900-1914, with the role of Ady in the latter receiving extensive treatment. Bibliographical notes, pp. 283-291. MnU AsWN FiHI GeCU GeLBM GyBH 569. Der Freiheitskampf des ungarischen Geistes, i86y~igi4. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1940. 280p. [An enlarged edition of no. 568] Intellectual development in the Hungarian epoch from the Settlement with Austria to the first World War. Farkas uses literary activity as the main basis of his views, and concentrates on two large periods: (1) the regeneration that began as a countercurrent to foreign influences at the turn of the century, and (2) the new generation of poets who followed in the footsteps of Ady after the appearance of his first volume of poetry in 1899 and created a new intellectual life in Hungary. DLC ΜΗ NN OC1 AsWN AsWU FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU ItFU 570. A magyar szellem felszabaduldsa. Budapest: Städium Sajtövällalat r.t., 1943. 399p. An examination of Hungarian literature, literary criticism, and, especially, literary history, to show the various stages through which manifestations of the self-realization of true Hungarian character passed and the forces it had to overcome before it realized its own individuality in the early part of the 20th century. Emphasis on the barrier that continuing German influence presented to its emergence, mainly from the beginning of the 18th century on. Bibliographical notes, pp. 377-385. MnU NNC 571. Feja G6za. Nagy vdllalkozdsok kora. A magyar irodalom törtenete 1867töl napjainkig. Budapest: Magyar Elet Kiadäsa, 1943. 428p. The history of Hungarian literature from the Compromise of 1867 to the 1940's, beginning with Lajos Tolnai and Lajos Kossuth and closing with Sändor Märai. Point of view: mainly to determine the Hungarian spirit and temper of each author. Individual treatments of writers, arranged chronologically under genres or literary schools. Major attention to writers at the turn of the century and to Ady and his followers. MnU AsWN FiHI GeLBM 572. Galamb Sandor. A magyar drdma törtenete. 1867-1896. I-II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1937-1944. The development of Hungarian drama considered chronologically by types and literary movements, from 1867 to 1896. Attention to the sub-



ject matter, form, and techniques of the drama. Vol. I, 1867-1880; vol. II, 1880-1896. M H MnU NNC [AsWN] AsWU [FiHI] [FrPBN] GeLU GyBH GyGNSU GyMWd 673. "A magyar lira a kiegyezes utän," Magyar Müzsa, I (1920), 402-409, 460-468. [A periodical edited by Elemer Csäszär and published by Müzsa r.t. that ceased publication after two numbers in its first year] Characterizations of the viewpoints and tendencies and of the changes in forms in the Hungarian lyric during the period immediately after the Compromise of 1867. MnU 674. "A rajzforma fejlodese elbeszelö irodalmunkban," Budapesti Szemle, 201, no. 580 (1925), 47-72. A survey of the origin and development of the prose sketch in Hungary during the last third of the 19th century, including the foreign influences, among them American, that affected the evolution of the form in Hungary. CtY DLC NNC AsWN FiHI F r P I H GeLBM GyBH 676. Halasz Gabor. Magyar sz&zadveg. Budapest: Officina, 1945. 8op. An illustrated discussion of the cultural life of Hungary during the latter part of the 19th century, especially in relation to the influences of the aristocracy under Francis Joseph. N N NNC I t F U 676. Horväth Jänos. "A nemzeti klasszicizmus irodalmi izlese," Tanulmdnyok (Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1956; 638p.), pp. 272-458. The development of classical tastes in Hungarian literature from Pet5fi, the classical pattern in his poetry and its reception, through modifications of that pattern by Mihäly Tompa and Arany, with special attention to Petofi's friendship with and influence on the latter and with a treatment of Arany's literary responses to the results of the events of 1848-49. DLC M H MnU NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU 677. "Üjabb költeszetünk vilagnezeti valsaga," Tanulmdnyok (Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1956; 638p.), pp. 466-481. Studies of the effect of Reviczky's and Komjäthy's intellectual views on the turning point of classical outlooks in Hungarian poetry in the last quarter of the 19th century. DLC M H MnU NNC GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU 678. Keky Lajos. "A magyar verses elbeszelö költeszet a XIX. szazad mäsodik feieben," Irodalomtörtinet, I (1912), 225-237. , Hungarian narrative poetry during the second half of the 19th century: to place it in the stream of the development of the genre, to connect it with the genre in world literature, and to evaluate the narrative poems critically. Attention to connecting writers with earlier Hungarian poets using the form. DLC MnU N N C AsWN AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU



579. Kiräly Istvän. Mikszdth Kdlmdn. Budapest: Müvelt Νέρ Könyvkiado, 1952. 269p. [A second edition scheduled for publication in i960 by Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado] A biography of Mikszäth concentrating on the stages of the development of realism in his style. Appendix: five essays on special questions about the art of his works. DLC NN NNC GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 580. Kokas Endre. Az 1880-estoekirodalmi elete. Pannonhalma: Dunäntül Egyetemi Nyomdäja, 1930. 165p. Mainly concerned with disclosing the movements and occurences in Hungarian literature after the Compromise of 1867 evident in the activities of the 1880's. Examines the novel, drama, and lyric and epic poetry. Finds conflict between conservatism and the new spirit, between Hungarian and foreign poetic forms, between classicism and various new tastes, with the two major new currents being pessimism and romanticism. Bibliography, pp. 163-165. MH GyBH GyGGaU 681. Komlos Aladär. Irodalmi ellenzeki mozgalmak a XIX. szdzad mdsodik feUben. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1956. 115p. A chronological examination of the cliques, periodicals, learned societies, and individual scholars and writers from the 1860's to the end of the 19th century that participated in the literary conflicts of the period, to reveal the bases on which they approached judgments of new developments in Hungarian literature — whether political, social, or aesthetic. Special attention to the roles of Pal Gyulai, Jänos Vajda, Käroly Zilahy, Szende Riedl, the Petofi Tärsasäg, the Kisfaludy Tärsasag, the Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, Lajos Tolnai, and Menyhert Palagyi. DLC MH NNC AsWN AsWU FrPBN FrPIH GyBA GyBH 582. A magyar költSszet Petöfitdl Adyig. Budapest: Gondolat Kiado, 1959. 522pA history of Hungarian poetry, especially the lyric, in three periods: 1850-1867, 1867-1880, and 1880-1896. Considers the first to be one in which the cultivation is among the lesser nobility, whose poetry has at the time some moral basis; the second, one in which capitalism begins and disillusionment and pessimism prevail; and the third, one in which idealism opposes capitalism and the people enter the literature. Bibliography, pp. 495-508. MH NN NNC GeLU GyBH GyGNSU ItFU 583. Reviczky Gyula. Budapest: "Muvelt Nep" Tudomänyos 6s Ismeretterjeszto Kiadö, 1955. 163p. A biography of Reviczky giving considerable attention to an examination of his writings. Bibliography of his works, pp. 151-163. DLC MH MnU GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU



684. Vajda J&nos. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1954· 363p. A biography of Vajda devoting considerable attention to his works in order to determine his individuality and to provide an understanding of them. Develops the characteristics of the times in which he lived. Bibliography of his books, editorships, articles, and poems, pp. 337-354. DLC MH MnU NNC FrPIH GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 685. Mahotka Jeno. Szepirodalmi folyöiralaink az abszolutizmus kordban. Budapest: n.p., 1934. 43p. A history of belles-lettristic periodicals in Hungary from 1849 to 1865. Bibliography, pp. 3-4. N N AsWU FiHI GyBH 586. Moldvai Klara. Az 1870-es Svek irodalmi tlete. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1939· 95P· A study of Hungarian literature in the 1870's, concerned with (1) the connections between the political, economic, social, and literary elements of the decade, (2) the spread of positivism in Hungarian learning, (3) the conflicts between writers, (4) the influence of Russian and French realism, (5) the Age's view of itself in its writings, and (6) the change in its literary taste in turning from tradition and searching for a new direction. Bibliography, pp. 88-89. MnU 687. Nemeth Läszlo. "A Nyugat elodei," Ταηύ, I (1932), 68-90. [A literary periodical published from 1932 to 1936 by Elso Kecskemeti Hirlapkiado es Nyomda and edited by Laszlo Nemeth] The antecedents of the periodical Nyugat (no. 1272), to show that its creation was made possible through a number of forces originally set in motion by Janos Vajda. This and other developments from i860 to 1925. MnU GyBH 688. Papp Ferenc. BäröKemeny Zsigmond. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1922-1923. A biography of Kemeny giving considerable attention to his literary works and activities. Bibliographical footnotes. Vol. I, 1814-1848; vol. II, 1849-1875 (index to both volumes). M H OC1 FiHI FrPBN GeCU GeLU GyBH GyMWd 689. — Gytdai Pdl. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1935-1941. A biography of Gyulai detailing both his life and literary activities extensively. Vol. I, 1826-1862; vol. II, 1863-1909 (name and title indices). MH [NN] AsWN FrPIH GeCU [GeLBM] GeLU GyGNSU GyMWd 690. Remenyi, Joseph. "Ferenc Toldy, Hungarian literary historian (1805-1875)," Unpublished manuscript, u p . Mainly a critical discussion of Toldy's scholarly contributions and his critical methods. NjR



591. "Imre Madäch," Bulletin. National Theater Conference, X I I (1950), 6-26. [Published at Western Reserve University] After reviewing the condition of Hungarian drama in the first half of the 19th century, turns to a critical examination of the Tragedy of Man. CSt DLC MB MiD MoS N N NjP OC1 P P TxH and others 692. ——— "Jeno Peterfy, Hungarian critic, essayist and monographer, 1850-1899," Symposium, IV (1950), 107-119. [Published at Syracuse University] Mainly a critical examination of the man and the writer, his personality and the nature of his critical views and principles. Bibliographical notes, p. 119. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS 593. "Kaiman Mikszäth (1847-1910)," American Slavic and East European Review, VIII (1949), 214-225. Mainly a critical discussion of the characteristics of Mikszath's novels and short stories, their themes and literary qualities. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBS GyGNSU 694. "M6r J6kai, Hungarian romancer," Poet Lore, LXII (1950), 3SS—371· [Published in Boston, Massachusetts] Mainly a critical discussion of the writings of J0kai, chiefly his novels and short stories, as expressions of the romantic taste of 19th-century Hungary. Widely available in U.S. 695. "Pal Gyulai, Hungarian critic (1826-1909)," Modem Language Journal, XXXVII (1953)» 393~397· Chiefly a critical discussion of Gyulai's characteristics as a literary critic, with some attention to his poetic and narrative works. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU GyBS 696. "Poetes Miseres (three 19th-century Hungarian poets): Jänos Vajda, Gyula Reviczky and Jenö Komjathy," Symposium, IX (1955), 91-105. [Published at Syracuse University] After drawing parallels between Hungary's literary culture and that of the West, critically examines the characteristics of the writings of Vajda, Reviczky, and Komjathy in individual sections. Bibliographical notes, p. 105. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM 697. "Two 19th-century Hungarian men of letters: Jänos Arany and Baron Jozsef Eötvös," Symposium, VI (1952), 157-180. [Published at Syracuse University] Individual critical studies of Arany and Eötvös, aiming to determine the character of their works through an examination of their thought and style. Bibliographical notes, pp. 179-180. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM 698.

"Zsigmond Kem6ny, Hungarian novelist," The Personalist,



XXXVI (1955), 385-392. [Published at the University of Southern California] Mainly a critical discussion of KemSny's ideas and literary style through an examination of his major works. Widely available in U.S.; [AsWN] FiHU FrPBN FrPS 599. Riedl Frigyes. Arany Jdnos. (Sajt6 ala rendezte, a bevezetest es a jegyzeteket irta Balassa Läszlo) Budapest: Gondolat Kiado, 1957. 335P· [Several editions] Discusses the writings of Arany — their chief characteristics and the way in which they are related to his life, personality, and environment. Begins with an examination of his life and personality, respectively, in order to be able to analyze his poetry and prose in their light. Appendices: (1) Tables on the composition of Toldi szerelme and on the four periods of his ballad writing, and (2) Summaries on important biographical and bibliographical sources on his life, his works, and the appearance of his writings in textbooks. Bibliographical notes, pp. 295300; bibliography of Arany for the years 1917 to 1957, pp. 315-317. DLC InU MH MnU NN NNC AsWN FiHU FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 600. Vajda, Reviczky, Komjäthy. Budapest: Kirälyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1932. 140p. Individual essays on Vajda, Reviczky, and Komjäthy, preceded by an essay on Hungarian literature from 1867 to 1900. Seeks to characterize the spirit and qualities in the various writings of each author. MnU AsWN GyBH 601. Ronay György. Petöfi is Ady között. Az üjabb magyar irodalom iletrajza. {1849-1899) Budapest: Magveto Könyvkiado, 1958. 249p. The development of Hungarian literature from 1849 to 1899, with most attention to poetry. Examination and characterization of writings. Bibliography, pp. 245-247. Illustrated. DLC MH MnU GeLBM GyBS GyGNSU ItFU 602. A reginy is az elet. BevezetSs a XIX-XX. szdzadi regenyirodalomba. Budapest: Käldor György, 1947. 376p. The Hungarian novel from Jozsef Eötvös (1813-1874) to Dezso Szabo (1897-1945). Discussion of selected novels centered on their interpretation and on the relationships between them, the reader, and society. NN GeLBM GyBS 603. Sos Margit. Arany Jdnos irodalmi ellenzike. Pecs: Pecsi Irodalmi es Könyvnyomdai r.t. Nyomäsa, 1933. 90p. The opposition to Arany's writings and critical principles, led by Janos Vajda and Gyula Reviczky. A record of the controversy by literary



type and title and an exploration of the opposition between Arany and Petofi. Appendix: Texts of some of the criticisms and parodies written in the controversy. Bibliography, pp. 85-88. MnU GyBH 604. Sßter Istvan. Eötvös Jözsef. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1953. A biography of Eötvös emphasizing his participation in social and ical currents and reforms intended to elevate the status of the garian people. Bibliographical notes, pp. 397-403. InU M H MnU FiHI F r P I H GeCU GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU

418p. politHunNNC

605. Szerb Antal. "A magyar üjromantikus drama," Irodalomtörteneti Közlemenyek, XXXVII (1927), 11-39. After establishing the distinctive characteristics of the new romantic drama in Hungary (triumph of love as a theme, frequent scene changes, unmotivated entrances and exits, dialogue for emotional revelation, etc.), delineates its history (1866-1896), its roots in romanticism, and the influence of Shakespeare and of Spanish and German drama on its character. DLC M H [OC1] NNC AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH I t F U 606. Szinnyei Ferenc. Novella- is regenyirodalmunk a Bach-korszakban. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1939-1941. A literary history of the short story and novel in Hungary providing material on their antecedents, the social, political, and cultural background of the period from 1849 to 1859 directly related to their development, and characterizations of their subject matter and style. Extensive treatment of the romantic and realistic expressions of these forms, with special attention to Jokai in the discussion of the former. Bibliography, vol. II, 661-716. Name index in vol. II only. Vol. I, mainly antecedents, cultural background, and romantic use of both genres; vol. II, a continuation of romantic use of both forms but mainly the realistic short story and novel. M H AsWN AsWU FrPBN GeCU GeLU GyBH GyGNSU 607. Voinovich Geza. Arany Jänos eletrajza. I—III. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1929-1938. A biography of Arany giving major attention to his works, literary principles and characteristics, and other creative activities. Vol. I, 1 8 1 7 1849; vol. II, 1849-1860; vol. I l l , 1860-1882. [MH] [MnU] OC1 AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU GyMWd 608. Madäch Imre &s Az ember tragedidja. Budapest: FranklinTärsulat, 19222. 596p. A biography of Madäch giving major attention to his works, especially the Tragedy of Man. Bibliography, pp. 569-596. M H MnU NNC AsWU FiHI F r P I H GeLBM GyBH GyMWd I t F U



609. Zsigmond Ferenc. Jökai. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1924. 415p. After a brief biographical sketch, discusses the development of Jökai's literary characteristics, his world outlook and poetic motivations, the protagonists in his novels, his humor, his creative methods, and his literary criticism. M H MnU OC1 AsWN FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyMWd F. AGE OF MODERN LITERARY T R E N D S (1890-1945) I . S E A R C H FOR N E W P A T H S AND THE P R O G R E S S I V E S OF " N Y U G A T "


[See also nos. 461, 533, 562, 564, 566, 567, 568, 569, 57°, 57*, 572, 574, 575, 587, 602, 659, 660, 663, 664, and 687.] 610. Ady Lajos. Ady Endre. Budapest: Amicus kiadäs, 1923. 245p. A biography of Ady by his brother, which intends not to be complete and thorough but to record only those events with which the author was most familiar and which were within his experience. Record of Ady's travels, including a map and calendar, pp. 242-245. M H AsWN FiHI GeLBM GeLU GyBH 611. Babits Mihaly. "A ketteszakadt magyar irodalom," Nyugat,


(1927), 527-539·

Babits's reply to the attack of the President of the Academy on Endre Ady and his followers, primarily against the charge that members of the new school of literature had abandoned Hungarian tradition and imitated foreign cultures. NNC FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 612. Baranszky-Job Laszlo. "Az impresszionizmus irodalmunkban," Irodalomtörtenet, XXVII (1938), 105-117, 153-161. The growth of impressionistic poetry in Hungary, beginning with the 20th century, and the characteristics of its style. Attention to the effect of Ady and the periodicals Nyugat (no. 1272) and Elet (no. 1224) on the movement; also to Babits, Kosztolänyi, Margit Kaffka, Gyula Juhäsz, Zoltan Nagy, Simon Kemeny, Arpad Toth, Gyula Szini, Istvän Tömörkeny, Dezso Szomory, Gyula Krudy, and Cecil Tormay. DLC M H MnU N N N N C N j P OC1W AsWN AsWU FrPIH FrPS GeLBM GyBH [GyGNSU] 613. Boka Laszlo. Ady Endre ilete is müvei. Ady Endre pdlyakezdese. I. kötet. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1955. 319p. [The second volume, which is to complete the life and to include the bibliography for the entire work, has not been published yet.]



A biography of Ady, from 1877 to 1905, giving attention to his works and to his concern for social reform. Survey of previous scholarship on Ady in the introduction. D L C MH FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU ItFU 614. Bölöni György. Az igazi Ady. Budapest: "Magveto," 19553. 359p. A biography of Ady based on the author's personal experiences with the poet and devoted to the last fourteen years of his life, beginning with the poet's first visit to Paris. Seeks to correct misconceptions of him. Numerous illustrations. M H N N C FiHI FiHU FrPBN GeCU GeLBM GeOB GyBH GyBS GyGNSU ItFU 616. Csajkos fiva. Lirai költeszetünk a XIX. is XX. szäzad fordulöjän. Debrecen: Csuka Läszlo Könyvnyomdäja, 1943. 37p. After recording the social, political, and cultural background, examines Hungarian lyric poetry from 1890 to 19x0 in relation to the characteristics of the conservative and Nyugat schools of poetry, with more attention to the former. Bibliography, p. [38]. ΜnU 616. Czine Mihäly. Möricz Zsigmond utja a forradalmakig. Budapest: Magveto Könyvkiado, i960. 61 ιρ. Biographical, but aiming mainly at providing an insight into the nature and development of Moricz's thought and writings between two cultural and intellectual poles, that of the East and that of the West, toward an identification with revolutionary socialism. Closes with 1919. Bibliographical notes, pp. 529-578. D L C MH N N C AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyBS 617. Devecseri Gabor. Az elo Kosztoldnyi. Budapest: Officina, 1945. 95p. Written nine years after Kosztolänyi's death; intended to be a partial examination of his art and works rather than a biography. IC MnU N N N N C GyGNSU 618. Farkas Lujza. A Nyugat is a szdzadeleji irodalomforduU. Budapest: Gyarmati Könyvnyomtatö Muhelye, 1935. 113p. Traces the forces that led to the creation of the periodical Nyugat (no. 1272), and then provides details of its establishment and its editorial policies. Treats its effects on Hungarian literature at the turn of the century. Appendix: ten of Ady's previously unpublished letters. Bibliography, pp. 102-113. MnU GyBH 619. Fenyo Miksa. Följegyzesek a Nyugat Jolydirair61 is környekeröl. [n.p.]: Pätria Könyvkiado, i960. 205p. [Printed in Niagara Falls, Ontario] Accounts of matters related to the periodical Nyugat (no. 1272) based on the author's own experiences and recollections, with attention to the years prior to its founding. Among literary figures: Erno Osvät, Ignotus, Ady, Zsolt Beöthy, Ferenc Herczeg, Zsigmond Moricz, Mihäly Babits,



Dezso Kosztolanyi, Gyula Illyes, Jen6 Heltai, Lajos Nagy. D L C M n U N N C AsWN 620. Földessy Gyula. Ady minden titkai. Budapest: Athenaeum, 1949. 3ι8Ρ· A series of commentaries on Ady's lyrics, giving attention to the time, circumstances, and causes of their creation, and determining their character in relation to other writers, both Hungarian and foreign. D L C I C MiD N N GeLBM GeLU GyBS GyGNSU 621. Geliert Oszkär. Kortärsaim. Budapest: Müvelt Nep Könyvkiado, 1954. 366p. Individual portraits of deceased writers whom the author knew well or with whom he was at least acquainted. Major attention to Ern8 Osvat, Margit Kaffka, Endre Ady, Zsigmond Moricz, Ignotus, Mihäly Babits, Aladar Schöpflin, Gorky, DezsS Kosztolanyi, Frigyes Karinthy, Gyula Juhasz, Ärpäd Töth, Attila Jozsef. Brief attention to 33 others. Name index. D L C M H M n U FiHU F r P I H GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 622. Haläsz Gabor. "A magyar regeny problemaja," Magyar Szemle, V (1929), 283-288. An evaluation of the most recent novels (at the time of the article) by Komäromi, Kassäk, Bibö, Tamäsi, and Mihäly Földi. States their problem to be their failure to provide lasting and psychological truths for the reader because they continue to enlarge upon provincial situations and t u m merely to the conventional, the sickly, or the erotic in their portrayals of city life. CSt-H CtY I C J M H M n U N N N N C [NjP] OC1 OC1W GeCU GeLBM [GeOB] GyGNSU 623. Hatvany Lajos. Ady. Cikkek, emlekezSsek, levelek. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado, 1959. A series of studies aimed a t defending Ady against his detractors and concentrating on the exposition of his poems. Bibliographical footnotes. [No clear division into volumes] M H F r P I H GeLU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 624. Hegedus Nandor. Ady Endre nagyvdradi napjai. Budapest: Akadimiai Kiado, 1957. 463p. A detailed treatment of Ady's almost daily activities in Nagyvärad, from January 1900 to October 1903. Purpose: to correct errors in previous accounts of events and occurrences during this period. Appendix: Chronological catalogue of Ady's activities during the period covered by the study. Illustrations. D L C Μ Η N N N N C AsWN F r P B N F r P I H GeLBM GyBA GyGNSU 625. Horvath Jänos. Aranytöl Adyig. Irodalmunk is közönsSge. Budapest: Pallas Kiadäsa, 1921. 59p. Concerned with the controversies regarding Hungarian literature from



Arany to Ady. The attitudes of critics and the general reading public toward the differences between Hungarian classical literature and the new spirit of Ady's poetry. MnU AsWN GeLBM 626. "Forradalom utan," Magyar Figyelö, I I I (19x2), 207-227. The style of the revolutionary poets of 1910 and after, to characterize it and to explain their attitude toward Vörösmarty, whom they reject even though they are romantic. MnU GeLBM 627. Jozsef Farkas. "Rohanunk a forradalomba." A modem magyar irodalom ütja. IQ14-1QIQ. Budapest: Bibliotheca Kiado, 1957. 264p. A history of those Hungarian writings which, from 1914 to 1919, spoke against the "Imperialistic World W a r " and most of which prepared the way for the Revolutions of 1918 and 1919 in Hungary. Bibliography, pp. 239-262. F r P I H GyBS GyGNSU 628. Juhäsz Geza. Bevezetis az üj magyar irodalomba. (iQoo-1928) Budapest es Debrecen: Csäthy Ferenc Egyetemi Könyvkereskedes es Vallalat r.t., 1928. 48p. Four essays: (1) The new literature and European currents, (2) The new drama and success, (3) Form and world concept in the new novel, and (4) The individuality of the new lyrics. M H GyMWd 629. KardosLäszlö. T6th Arpdd. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1955. 455p. A biography of Toth giving considerable attention to his writings — their development and characteristics. Bibliographical notes, pp. 407443. Illustrations. D L C M H N N C FiHU F r P B N F r P I H GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU 630. Kispeter Andräs. Juhäsz Gyula. Budapest: "Müvelt N e p " Tudomänyos es Ismeretterjeszto Kiado, 1956. 247p. A biography of Juhäsz almost entirely concerned with summing up the major lines of his career and with building knowledge of his most important writings. Bibliographical notes, pp. 234-244. D L C N N C F r P B N F r P I H GeLBM 631. Komlos Aladär. trdk is elvek. Irodalmi tanulm&nyok. Budapest: Nyugat Kiadäsa, 1937. 245p. A series of essays mainly on the literature of the 20th century. Articles on Sandor Brody, Möricz, Krüdy, Karinthy, Märai, Bela Zsolt, Georg Trakl, the problem of criticism, the turning point in the development of the Hungarian lyric, and Hungarian literature after World War I. N N OC1 GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU 632. Az üj magyar lira. Budapest: Pantheon Irodalmi Intezet, 1928. 238p. The main current of Hungarian lyric poetry and its representative poets, from the beginning of the 20th century to the close of the first



World War. Among poets: Ady, Ärpäd Toth, Erno Szep, Kosztolänyi, Simon Kemeny, Zoltän Nagy, Gyula Juhäsz, Margit Kaffka, Frigyes Karinthy, Aladär Bodor, Bela Baläzs, Anna Lesznai, Babits, Oszkär Geliert, Milan Füst, and Istvän Peterdi. Also chapters on the controversies around the new lyric, human ideals in the new lyric, and the Hungarian lyric after World War I. Bibliography of authors' works, pp. 237-238. M H MnU N N C OC1 AsWU FiHI GeLBM GyBH 633. Moricz Miklos. Mdricz Zsigmond indul&sa. Budapest: Magveto Könyvkiado, 1959. 513p. A biography covering Moricz's early years, by his brother, giving detailed treatment to the genealogy and history of his family, to his childhood and youth, and attention to his development as a writer. Chronological table of his ancestry and family and the events in his life to 1910. Bibliography of his writings from 1899 to 1908, including a name index, collected by Sandor Kozocsa, pp. 495-511. Illustrations and facsimiles. D L C MnU N N N N C AsWN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 634. Nagy Peter. Möricz Zsigmond. Budapest: Müvelt Nep Könyvkiado, 1953. 416p. A biography of Moricz giving considerable attention to his writings — their individuality, themes and style, and their connections with his times. Bibliography, 1952-1953, pp. 411-413. D L C MnU FiHI FrPIH GeCU GeLU GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 635. Peczely Ödön. Elvek is költSszeti irAnyok az i8go-es evek irodalmdban. Budapest: Sarkany-nyomda, 1932. 50p. Hungarian literary criticism and poetry in the 1890's. Purpose: to determine their various tendencies and characteristics. Poets: Ödön Jakab, Andor Kozma, Emil Äbränyi, Gyözö Dalmady, Gyula Szävay, Lajos Palägyi, Jozsef Kiss, Gyula Szentessy, Ärpäd Zempleni, Mihäly Szabolcska, Sandor Endrodi, Gyula Varsanyi, Jeno Komjäthy, Gyula Reviczky, Janos Vajda, Geza Szilägyi, Jeno Heltai, Ignotus, Emil Makai. MnU FiHI GyBH 636. Remenyi, Joseph. "Dezso Kosztolänyi, Hungarian Homo Aestketicus (1885-1936)," American Slavic and East European Review, V (1946), 188-203. Mainly a critical discussion of the characteristics of his poetry and the nature of his ideas. Brief attention to his novels and sketches. Bibliography, p. 203. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLU GyGNSU 637. "Endre Ady, Hungary's apocalyptic poet," Slavonic and East European Review, X X I I (1944), 84-105. [Published at Harvard University]



After placing Ady in relation to the politics, literary trends, and social structure that preceded him and to the events of his own times, critically examines his personality and his writings, their thought and style, and, especially, the symbolism in his poetry. Bibliography, pp. 104-105. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU 638. "Ferenc Herczeg: Hungarian playwright and novelist," Slavonic and East European Review, X X X (1951), 175-184. [Published at the University of London] Primarily a critical discussion of the characteristics of Herczeg's works, mainly his novels and plays. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 639. "G6za Gärdonyi, Hungarian novelist and playwright," Slavonic and East European Review, X X X I I I (1954), 17-24. [Published at the University of London] Mainly a critical discussion of the themes and style of Gärdonyi's novels, short stories, and dramas. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 640. "A Hungarian exponent of French realism: Zoltan Ambrus, 1861-1933," Symposium, II (1948), 261-274. [Published at Syracuse University] After placing Hungarian literature in relation to the influence of French literature, turns to a critical examination of the ideas and style of Ambrus's writings, a definition of the extent of French influence upon him, and an evaluation of his literary artistry. Bibliographical notes, p. 274. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS 641. "Mihaly Babits, Hungarian Poeta Doctus (1883-1941)," Slavonic and East European Review, X X I I (1944), 111-131. [Published at Harvard University] Contains biographical materials but consists mainly of critical examinations of Babits's style and ideas in his poetry and prose, chiefly in the former. Bibliography, p. 131. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU 642. "Three twentieth century Hungarian poets: Margit Kaffka, Ärpad T6th, Gyula Illyes," American Slavic and East European Review, v i (1947), 36-55· Individual studies containing some biographical materials but mainly concerned with a critical examination of their works, to determine the nature of their ideas and style and to assess each writer's merits as an author of universal significance. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLU GyGNSU GyBS 643.

"Two Hungarian romanticists: Gyula Krüdy and Gyula

MODERN TRENDS Szini," Poet Lore, L X (1948), 334-351. [Published in Boston, Massachusetts] Individual critical discussions of the two writers, mainly the literary qualities of their novels and short stories. Widely available in U.S. 644. "Zsigmond Moricz, Hungarian realist (1879-1942)," American Slavic and East European Review, IV (1945), 165-181. Chiefly a critical discussion of the subject matter and style of Moricz's novels, short stories, poems, and plays. Bibliography, p. 181. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLU GyGNSU 645. Revai Jozsef. Ady. Budapest: Szikra, 19523. 129p. Views Ady as the democratic revolutionary and the critic of bourgeois democracy, examines the political and social symbolism in his poetry, and treats the aesthetic and political struggles that ranged around the poet prior to World War I. Also includes memorials on the twentyseventh and thirtieth anniversaries of his death, which seek to point up his significance to Hungary. D L C InU M H FiHI FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 646. Revesz Bela. Ady Endre eleteröl, verseiröl, jellemiröl. Budapest: Beta Irodalmi r.t. Kiadäsa, 1924. 160p. A summary of Ady's life, the nature of his personality, and the characteristics of his poetry. M H N N N N C OC1 AsWN GeLBM GeLU 647. Schöpflin Aladär. "Konzervativ kritika, fejlödö irodalom," Nyugat, x i v (1921), 565-575· A defense against the conservative critics of the periodical Nyugat (see no. 1272), especially against the comments of Jänos Horväth in his Aranytöl Adyig (no. 625), at the periodical's attempts to stimulate the development of a new Hungarian literature. M H N N C FiHU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 648. A magyar irodalom iörtenete a XX. sz&zadban. Budapest: Grill Käroly Könyvkiadovällalata, 1937. 311p. A critical survey of Hungarian literature from the end of the 19th century to the authors dominant after the first World War. Attention focused on delineating the overlapping and stratification of the various literary currents of the period. M H MnU N N N N C N j R OC1 FiHI GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyGNSU 649. Sebestyen Käroly. "A drama es a szinpad a X X . szäzadban," Budapesti Szemle, 228 (1933), no. 662, 50-73; no. 663, 180-199. Hungarian drama and theater during the first thirty years of the 20th century, to determine the character of the changes in both during the period which distinguish them from earlier forms of both, with con-

13 2


sideration of the effect of the theater on the drama. Attention to foreign influences and to cinematic art. C t Y D L C N N C A s W N FiHI F r P I H GeLBM GyBH 650. Szinnyei Ferenc. "Fejezetek üjabb regenyirodalmunk törtenetebol," Akademiai Ertesitö, X X X I I I (1922), 28-31. Characterizations of the writings of four contemporary novelists: Ferenc Herczeg, Geza Gardonyi, Margit Kaffka, and Cecil Tormay. [ D L C ] GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 651. Vajtho Laszlo. Mai magyar Müzsa. Budapest: Könyvbarätok Szövetsege, 1930. 175p. An anthology of Hungarian poets born in the last twenty or thirty years of the 19th century, with biographical sketches and portraits and a characterization of each poet's works by a literary critic. I C N N FiHI GyBH ItFU 652. Vargha Kälmän (szerk.). Kort&rsak Möricz Zsigmondrdl. Tanulmänyok ts kritikdk. (1900-igig) Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1958. 500p. A collection of scholarly and critical studies of Moricz's life and works published in various periodicals from 1900 to 1919, arranged by years. Translations of studies in foreign languages into Hungarian, pp. 447461. Bibliography, pp. 463-490. D L C 653. Värkonyi Nandor. Az üjabb magyar irodalom. 1880-1940. Budapest: Szukits, 1942. 579p. A history of Hungarian literature, divided into three periods: (1) Realistic, 1880-1900, (2) Modern, 1900-1920, and (3) Popular, 1920-1940, with each subdivided into types and/or stages of development and frequently introduced by general comment. Brief individual essays on authors characterizing their writings and contributions, if any, to Hungarian literature, followed by a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. Numerous minor writers included. M H M n U A s W N FiHU GeLBM GyBH GyBS ItFU 2. MIDDLE CLASS, POPULIST, AND SOCIALIST LITERATURE


[See also nos. 564, 570, 571, 602, 621, 628, 631, 632, 648, 649, and 653.] 654. Babits Mihäly. Irök Mt hdborü közt. Budapest: Nyugat Kiadäsa, 1941.285p. A collection of the author's published articles dealing with various Hungarian authors and literary questions in the period between the first and second World Wars. Bibliographical notes, pp. 241-285. D L C N N FiHI G y B H



665. Bisztray Gyula. "Szepprozänk legüjabb iränyai," Magyar Szemle, X (1930), 356-368. Seeks to determine and evaluate new tendencies in Hungarian fiction following the first World War, in the writings of Jozsef Nyirö, Äron Tamisi, and Jänos Kodolänyi, and in M6zes Szekely's Zdtony. CSt-H CtY I C J M H M n U N N N N C [NjP] OC1 OC1W AsWN F i H I FiHU F r P B N FrPS GeCU GeLBM GeOB [GyBH] GyGNSU 656. György Lajos. Az erdelyi magyarsäg szellemi elete. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1926. 77p. Hungarian intellectual life in Transylvania from 1918 to its own date, through its printing presses and book publishers, literary activities, critical and community literature, belles-lettres (lyrical poetry, novels, short stories, and dramas), newspapers, book trades, literary and cultural societies, music, and art. MnU F i H I GeLBM GyGGaU 657. Janeso Elemer. Az erdÜyi magyar lira tizenöt eve. Cluj-Kolozsvär: Grafica Nyomda, 1934. 127p. A study of Hungarian lyric poems in Transylvania, from 1919 to 1934. Characterizes their tendencies and emphases and discusses individual poets and their writings by schools. Bibliography, pp. 119-121. N N GeLBM G y B H GyGGaU 658. Jozsef Jolän. Jozsef Altila elete. Budapest: Sz6pirodalmi Könyvkiadö, I955 4 · 327P· A biography of the poet by his sister. D L C M H M n U N N C F i H I F r P I H GeCU GeLBM G y B H 659. Juhäsz Geza. Nepi irok. Budapest: Magyar filet Kiadäsa, 1943.138p. Examines those Hungarian writers of the 20th century who were concerned about conditions in Hungary, revealed the state of the peasant and worker, and sought a better social order. AsWN F i H I G y B H I t F U 660. Koczogh Äkos. Expresszionizmus. Budapest: Kiralyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda Könyvesboltja, 1938. 102p. European expressionism from 1900 to 1920, with a brief chapter on its manifestations in the writings of Lajos Kassäk (mainly), Zsigmond Moricz, Dezso Szabo, Mihäly Babits, and Äron Tamäsi. M n U 661. Kristof György. Kritikai szempontok az erdelyi magyar irodalmi eletben. Cluj-Kolozsvär: Minerva Irodalmi es Nyomdai Muintezet, 1931.125p. A collection of essays on various aspects of the literary life of Transylvania: (1) A definition of "Transylvanianism" in literature, (2) Rela tions between Transylvanian literature and society, (3) Hungarian literature and international aesthetic views, and (4) Hungarian Transylvanian literature from 1919 to 1929 [the last a reprint of no. 662]. Bibliography, pp. 124-125. MnU GyBH



662. "Τίζ ev az erdelyi magyarsäg irodalmi eleteböl," IrodalomtörUnet, X I X (1930), 78-90, 145-158, 235-247. After a brief general survey of previous Hungarian literature in Transylvania, examines the various types of literary works by Hungarian writers from 1919 to 1929. Brief section on Rumanian influence. Bibliography, p. 247. DLC MnU N N NNC N j P OC1W AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 663. Lengyel Baläzs. A mat magyar lira. Budapest: Ofiicina, 1948. n6p. The development of the Hungarian lyric from Ady to its own time, not only through the pointing out of individual and inner connections, but also through an analysis of the poems of individual writers. Poets covered: Ady, Babits, Kosztolänyi, Ärpäd Toth, Gyula Juhäsz, Lajos Kassak, Gyula Illyes, Miklös Radnöti, Jen6 Dsida, Lorinc Szabo, Sändor Weöres, Istvän Vas, and Zoltän Zelk. Also a brief chapter on recent young poets. DLC M H MiD GeLBM 664. Miklösy Lajos. A modem magyar regeny. Pecs: Dunantul Pecsi Egyetemi Könyvkiadö, 1937. 62p. A characterization of the Hungarian novel in the 20th century (to 1935) and studies of the novels and contributions to its development by Zsigmond Möricz, Dezso Szabo, Miklös Suränyi, Sändor Säsdi, Sändor Marai, and Ferenc Körmendi, who are claimed to be its chief representatives. Bibliography, pp. 61-62. MnU 665. Rass Käroly. "A mi reg6nyirodalmunk," Erdelyi Müzeum, X L I (1936), 245-273. A survey of nearly forty Hungarian novels written since 1918 as to subject and quality, by types: historical, Transylvanian but mirroring Hungarian life, psychological, social, and war. Among writers: Käroly K6s, Sändor Makkai, György Szäntö, Jozsef Nyirö, Geza Tabery, Käroly Molter, Märia Berde, Albert Wass, Mozes Szekely, Sändor Kacso, Miklos Bänffy, Ligeti, Grandpierre, Imre Kädär, Tamäsi, Käroly Pakots, Rodion Markovits, Aladär Kuncz. CU DLC N N N N M WU [FrPS] GyBH 666. Remenyi, Joseph. "Attila Jozsef, contemporary Hungarian poet (1905-1937)," Voices, a Quarterly of Poetry, 1948, pp. 55-62. Mainly a critical discussion of Jozsef's ideas and poetic style. Widely available in U.S. 667. "Dezso Szabo, Hungarian novelist and pamphleteer (18791945)," Slavonic and East European Review, XXV (1946), 105-109. [Published at the University of London] Primarily a critical examination of the ideas and literary characteristics



of Szabo's novels and short stories. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU 668. "Ferenc Molnär, Hungarian playwright," PMLA. Publications of the Modem Language Association of America, L X I (1946), 11851200. After a brief survey of the history of the theater and acting in Hungary, turns to a critical discussion of Molnar as a writer of novels, short stories, and, mainly, plays. Bibliography, pp. 1199-1200. Widely available in U.S. 669. "Frigyes Karinthy, Hungarian humorist, 1888-1938," Poet Lore, LII (1946), 69-79. [Published in Boston, Massachusetts] Mainly a critical discussion of the qualities of Karinthy's humorous writings and the nature of his ideas. Widely available in U.S. 670. "Hungarian literature in the past three decades," Books Abroad, X X X (1956), 13-20. [Published by the University of Oklahoma Press] Critical characterizations of Hungarian writers from the 1920's to the i94o's, with brief attention to those in exile and in Czechoslovakia, Rumania, and Yugoslavia. Widely available in U.S.; FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GyBS 671. "Hungarian writers and the tragic sense," Books Abroad, X I V (1940), 361-364. [Published by the University of Oklahoma Press] A discussion of the concerns of numerous Hungarian writers of the late 1930's and early 1940's in relation to their awareness of life as a tragic obligation. Widely available in U.S.; FrPBN [GeLBM] GyBS 672. "Lajos Kassäk, Hungarian 'avant-garde' writer and poet," Modem Language Journal, X X X V (1951), 119-123. Mainly a critical discussion of Kassak's literary style and themes. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU GyBS 673. "The Transylvanian poet Jenö Dsida (1907-1938)," Slavonic and East European Review, X X X V (1956), 249-255. [Published at the University of London] Mainly a critical discussion of the themes and style of Dsida's poetry. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyBA GyBS GyGNSU 674. Szantö Judith es Kovacs Endrene (összeäll.). Jözsef Attila. Budapest: Magyar Helikon, 1958. 229p. Mainly illustrations, facsimiles of correspondence, manuscripts, sketches of the poet, and other matters connected with the poet's life and writings. An introductory essay on the poetry of Jozsef by Jözsef Revai. A Cur-



riculum vitae from the poet's own hand. DLC M H GeLBM GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 675. Tolnai Gabor. Erdely magyar irodalmi elete. Szeged: Magyar Irodalomtörteneti Intezet, 1933. 141p. A history of Hungarian authors in Transylvania who created a distinctly Hungarian literature, from 1918 to 1933. Seeks to throw light, not on the literature itself, but on the environment in which it developed: the periodicals, newspapers, literary societies, theaters and dramas, and publication of books. Bibliography, pp. 133-138. DLC MnU NNC AsWU GyBH G. FROM 1945 TO THE PRESENT [See also 642.] 676. Barkan, Pierre. "Litterature de la Republique Populaire de Hongrie," Histoire des literatures. Encyclopedic de la PUiade. Volume publie sous la direction de Raymond Queaneau. (Paris: Gallimard, 1956; 1967p.), II, 1342-1344. A concise summary of Hungarian literature during the period of the People's Republic. Bibliography, pp. 1340-1341. CU DLC AsWN FiHU FrPBN FrPS GeCU GeLBM GyBS 677. Gömöri, G. The Hungarian literary scene, 1957-1959. Oxford, England: St. Antony's College, 1959. 12 p. Analyzes the effect of political considerations on literary creativity in Hungary during two periods: (1) November 1956 to the end of 1957 or to January-February 1958 —• the period of "hopeful expectation," and (2) Early 1958 to the end of 1959 — the period of "Communist counterofiensive." DLC MnU GeOB 678. Juhasz, William and Rothberg, Abraham (ed.). Flashes in the night: a collection of stories from contemporary Hungary. New York: Random House, 1958. 87p. An account of the revolt of the writers in 1956 in the introduction. Brief biographical sketches of Tibor Dery, Miklos Gyärfäs, Gyula Hay, Gyula Illyes, Lajos Konya, Ferenc Santa, Pal Szabo, Äron Tamäsi. CU DLC InU MB MnU NN NcD OC1 OrU ViU and others 679. Kiraly Istvän. "Nepi demokräciänk irodalma," Irodalomtörtenet, XXXIX (1950), 33-56. An attempt to present a comprehensive view of the literature of the day for the purpose of directing the attention of the readers of literary history and especially of pedagogues to the development of a literature in a people's democracy and to its contemporary state, so that they may be more aware of literature as a weapon of socialism. [CU] DLC [MH] MnU NN NNC OC1 AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU



680. A magyar irök elsö kongresszusa. Budapest: Muvelt Nep Könyvkiadö, 1951. 310p. An expansion of the reports in the periodical Csillag (no. 1219), V (1951), 515-601, on the First Congress of Hungarian Writers, held from April 27 to April 30,1951, in Budapest, to determine the best ways in which they could serve their country and people. Various speeches evaluating the course of Hungarian literature during the regime of Horthy and the present and recommending the exercise of socialistic views and ideals in the creation of a new literature. DLC M H NN GyBH GyBS 681. Nagy Peter. Üj csap&son. Budapest: Magvetö Könyvkiadö, 1956. iSop. Α study of Hungarian novels after the introduction of socialistic realism in the pattern of Soviet literature, 1948 to 1954. Bibliography, pp. 149150. GeLBM ItFU 682. Remenyi, Joseph. "Äron Tamäsi, the Transylvanian regionalist (1897)," American Slavic and East European Review, V (1946), 135-149· After a survey of Tamasi's life and Hungarian literature in Transylvania between the two World Wars, examines critically the subject matter and style of his short stories, novels, and plays. Bibliography, p. 149. Widely available in U.S.; AsWN FiHU FrPS GeCU GeLU GyBS GyGNSU 683. "Laszlo Nemeth, Hungarian writer and reformer (1901- )," The Personalist, X X X I (1950), 380-389. [Published at the University of Southern California] Chiefly a critical discussion of Nemeth's approach to Hungarian problems between the two World Wars and the characteristics of his critical and imaginative writings. Widely available in U.S.; [AsWN] FiHU FrPBN 684. "Lßrinc Szabo, contemporary Hungarian poet," The Western Review, XIV (1950), 121-126. [Published at the University of Iowa] Mainly a critical discussion of Szabo's poetical style and the nature of his ideas. Widely available in U.S. 685. "Sändor Märai, 'Blender of Dreams and Substance,' " Books Abroad, XXIII (1949), 339-344. [Published by the University of Oklahoma Press] A summary of Märai's life and critical characterizations of his writings, especially his novels. Widely available in U.S.; FrPBN FrPS GeLBM GyBS



686 . "Sandor Weöres, contemporary Hungarian poet (1913- )," Modern Language Journal, X X X I I I (1949), 302-308. Mainly a critical discussion of the themes and style of Weöres's poetry. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU GyBS 687. Revai Jozsef. Irodalmi tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Szikra, 1950. 318p. Besides essays on Kölcsey, Petöfi, and Ady, contains a study of the questions of literary and cultural life in contemporary Hungary consisting of articles recommending the study of Soviet art and culture to Hungarians and of an article examining the issues raised by György Lukäcs's views of literary and critical principles in a socialistic society. D L C M H N N N N C AsWU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU 688. Staud Geza (szerk.). Magyar szlnhdzmüveszet. 1940-1959. Budapest: Szinhäztudomänyi Intezet, i960. 219p. A history of the ten years of Hungarian theaters after their nationalization in 1949. Mainly individual articles on specific theaters arranged in two major divisions — theaters in Budapest and theaters in the provinces. List of performances at end of article on each theater. Statistical tables on numbers of theaters in Budapest and the provinces in chronological order, of the number of performances and playgoers in each category, of the number of performances in Budapest and the provinces, and of the number of playgoers in 1958. Also an alphabetical list of outstanding performers, stating their special area in the performing arts and the years they won awards. Illustrated. D L C M n U AsWN FrPS GyBS 689. Töth Laszlo. A Janus-arcü jelenkori magyar irodalom. Roma: Katolikus Szemle Kis Könyvtära, 1955. 40p. The characteristics of two groups of Hungarian writers since 1944: (1) those who have remained in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia, and (2) those who emigrated. I t F U




A. D R A M A A N D T H E A T E R [For a subject bibliography, see no. 104. For other studies, see nos. 217, 419, 435, 450, 466, 469, 513, 519, 520, 522, 531, 532, 557, 567, 572, 605, and 649.] 6 9 0 . Bärdi Ödön. A regi Vigszinh&z. Budapest: Tancsics Könyvkiado, 1957- 233p· A history of the Comedy Theatre from its founding in 1896 to the 1950's. Special attention to Daniel Job, Iren Varsänyi, Gyula Hegedüs, Emil Fenyvesi, Lina Niko, Frigyes Tanay, Hermin Haraszthy, Zoltän Szeremy, Hedvig Harmath, Ferenc Vendrey, Miklos Tihanyi, Ella (Kertesz) Goth, Jenö Balassa, Aladär Sarkadi, Rozsi Kesz, Lajos Gyozo, Artür Somlay, Gyula Csortos, Sandor Goth, Gabor Faludi, Istvän Keglevich, Mari Jäszai, Dezso Tapolczai. Illustrated. D L C M H N N N N C FiHU GeCU G y B S 6 9 1 . Bayer Jozsef. A magyar dräma tört&nete. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1897. A history of Hungarian dramatic literature from the Middle Ages to 1867. Subject paralleled with the history of the theatrical arts, so that their effects on each other can be observed. Also discusses the political and historical events of the various periods. The more important Appendices: (1) Chronological table of the dramas of the Jesuit School (1601i77S); (2) Chronological table of the dramas of the Piarist and Paulite Schools (1700-1783); (3) Chronological table of the dramas of the minor schools at Kezdivasärhely-Kant and Csiksomlyo (1721-1784); (4) Catalogue of Hungarian comedies in translation or in foreign languages, giving translator, Hungarian title, type and date, foreign title, and author; and for those in Hungarian, giving the author, the title, the type and date, and the work or subject on which the drama is based; (5) Catalogue of plays performed in the name of the National Hungarian Theatrical Society from 1790 to 1796 and from 1799 to 1801, providing type, number of acts, and classification as a translation or original; (6) Chrono-



logical list of Kotzebue's plays, giving the history of their publication in Hungary, and (7) Chronological list of original Hungarian plays presented at the National Theater from 1837 to 1867. Name and title indices in each volume. Vol. I, Middle Ages to Ede Szigligeti; vol. II, Historical comedies from the 1830's to 1867. D L C A s W U FiHU FrPS GeLBM GyBA GyGNSU 692. Csatho Kaiman. Ilyeneknek lättam öket. Rigi Nemzeti Sztnhdzi arckipalbum. (Szerkesztette Hubay Miklos) Budapest: Magveto Könyvkiadö, 1957. 328p. Individual portraits of directors, actors, and actresses connected with The Hungarian National Theater, based on the author's own experiences with them. Arranged chronologically by date of birth. Directors: Imre Töth, Zoltän Ambrus, Sändor Hevesi. Actors and actresses: Ferenc Näday, Gyula Vizväri, Ede Üjhäzi, Ärpäd Gabänyi, Mari Jäszai, Emilia P. Markus, Terez Csillag, Lujza Blaha, Szidi Räkosi, Imre Szacsvay, Käroly Mihälyfi, Läszlo Gyenes, JenS Ivänfi, Mari K . Hegyesi, Irma Cs. Alszeghy, Szerena S. Fay, Gyula Gäl, Imre Pethes, Ärpäd Odry, Karoly Sugar. Author: Istvän Tömörkeny. Illustrated. MnU N N N N C AsWN FrPBN GeLBM GyBH GyBS 693. Α rigi Nemzeti Szinhäz. Az "Ilyeneknek lättam öket rigi Nemzeti Szinhdzi arckSpalbum" II. kötete. Budapest: Magvetö Könyvkiadö, i960. 336p. Sketches of and comments on actors, actresses, and others connected with the history of the Hungarian National Theater and considered to be important by the author. Also an account of the building housing the National Theater and of the failure to construct a new building after the old one was demolished in 1913, based on the author's own involvment in eSorts at new construction. Sections on personages arranged chronologically by date of birth. Actors, actresses, and others given attention: Gizi Bajor, Kaiman Rözsahegyi, Oszkär Beregi, Iren Kiss, Gyula Bartos, Juliska D . Ligeti, Jozsef Dezs6, Mariska Vizvari, Jen6 Horväth, Jozsef Kürti, Artür Somlay, Jozsef Hajdu, Ilona Cs. Aczel, Erzsi Paulay, Adorjän Nagy, Attila Petheo, Läszlo Molnär, Ibolya Nagy, Läszlo Bako, Irma Török, Jozsef Pataki, Bela Näday, Aranka Hettyey, Erzsi Äghy, Jeno Kemendy, Albert Varadi, Gyula Pechy, Mari Demejen, Emma Somlö, Lajos Szoke, Dezso Szomory, Zsigmond Moricz, Sändor Hegedus (ifj.), Läszlo Märkus, Geza Voinovich, Jozsef Kessler. Closes with a number of plates. N N C A s W N G y B H 694. Gombos Andor. A magyar nipszinmü törtinete. Mezokövesd: Baläzs Ferenc Könyvnyomdäja, 1933. 42p. A history of Hungarian dramas based on peasant life, from 1765 to 1931. Focus on the origin of the genre and its distinctive characteristics during the various literary periods. MnU A s W U



695. Gyarfäs Miklos es Hont Ferenc (szerk.). Nagy magyar szineszek. Budapest: Bibliotheca, 1957. 489p. Individual portraits of twenty-three Hungarian actors and actresses in chronological order, with a span of 170 years between the first and the last: Anna Engelhardt Kantor, Roza Szeppataki Dery, Käroly Megyeri, Märton Lendvay, Gabor Egressy, R6za Laborfalvi, Jozsef Toth, Kornelia Prielle and Kaiman Szerdahelyi, Ede Üjhäzi, Mari Jaszai, Lujza Blaha, Emilia Markus, Imre Pethes, Gyula Hegedüs, Ärpäd ödry, Iren Varsänyi, Märton Rätkay, Käroly Sugar, Gyula Csortos, Artur Somlay, Jenö Törzs, Gyula Kabos, Gizi Bajor. Not intended to be primarily a work on the history of the theater but a work interesting to read, and focused on an examination of each artist's theatrical individuality. Illustrated. DLC MnU NNC GyBS 696. Kardos Tibor. R&gi magyar drdmai emlekek. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, i960. An anthology containing an extensive literary and historical treatment of Hungarian drama from the n t h century to the end of the 17th, Vol. I, 1-232. Bibliographical footnotes at the end of each chapter and after each dramatic text. Vol. I, Dramatic texts from the n t h to the 16th century; vol. II, Dramatic texts from the 17th century. DLC M H NNC N j R AsWN GeCU GyBA GyBH GyBS 697. Kärpäti Aurel. Szinhdz. Budapest: Gondolat, 1959. 358p. A collection of the author's previously published reviews and articles including those on world drama but mainly those on the dramatic arts in Pest and on Hungarian dramatic literature, and sketches of individuals connected with the Hungarian theater: Mari Jaszai, Imre Pethes, Gyula Gäl, Gyula Hegedüs, Sändor Hevesi, Ärpäd Ödry, Jozsef Kürti, Käroly Sugär, Gizi Bajor. DLC NN NNC F r P I H GyBS GyGNSU 698. Kozma Magdolna. Α magyar törtSneti vigjdtik. Budapest: Dunäntül Pecsi Egyetemi Könyvkiado, 1931. 39p. Identifies historical comedies in Hungary and examines their characteristics and development, mainly with respect to their subject matter, from their inception at the beginning of the 19th century to 1917. In three periods: (1) from the beginning of the 19th century to 1848, (2) from 1857 to the end of the century, and (3) the 20th century. Chronological table of the 34 comedies and 5 translations covered in the study, giving the author, title, number of acts, and place and date of first performance for each. MnU N N F r P I H 699. Lukäcs Gäspär. A magyar tdrsadalmi drdma fejlddese. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi es Nyomdai r.t., 1934. 65 p. Nearly one hundred years of the development of the Hungarian drama of manners from its beginnings, with special attention to Gergely Csiky



as the creator of the genre and Ferenc Herczeg as its chief developer. Also a brief survey of the form in the 20th century prior to the first World War. DLC FiHU GeLBM GeLU GyGGaU 700. Orszägh Sändor. Budai szinhdzak es jdtekszin. 1783-1895. Budapest: "Kosmos" Müintezet Nyomäsa, 1895. 102p. A history of the theater in Buda from 1783 to 1895. Affairs of the theater treated in strict chronological order. Appendices: (1) German description of the new Buda Theater as given in a notice in 1788 and (2) List of the members of the Budapest Theatrical Society and the new plays performed in 1787 and 1788. MnU GeLBM 701. Pataki Jozsef. A magyar szineszet törtenete. 1790-1890. Budapest: Tältos, 1922. 222p. A history of theatrical arts in Hungary from 1790 to 1890, in three parts: (1) national theatrical activity, 1790-1837, (2) the National Theater, 1837-1890, and (3) provincial theaters. OC1 GeLBM GyBH 702. Pentek Irma. Α törteneti vigjdlek a magyar irodalomban. Karcag: Klein Mor Könyvnyomdäja, 1931. 62p. The origin and development of historical comedy in Hungary from the early part of the 18th century to the 1920's. Explores the reasons why the genre did not flower or develop greater quality, even though excellent plays were written by Käroly Kisfaludy, Szigligeti, Kalmän T6th, Rakosi, Doczy, Földes, Berczik, Lamperth, Sajo, Pekär, Herczeg, and Hevesi. Bibliography, pp. 61-62. Catalogue of first performances, p. 62. MnU FiHI GeLBM GyBH 703. Pukänszkyne Kädar Jolän. A Nemzeti Szinhdz szdzeves törtenete. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Magyar Törteneti Tärsulat, 1938-1940. [Title given is that of Vol. I, published in 1940; vol. II, published in 1938, is entitled: Iratok a Nemzeti Szinhdz törtenet ehez.] The evolution and development of the Hungarian National Theater from its founding in 1837 to 1937. Concerned with determining how it met the principles that attended its creation and how individual periods in its history fulfilled the mission outlined at its founding, how each of the periods respected the growing traditions of the Theater, and what role it played in the cultural and intellectual development of Hungary. Attention to antecedents and to theatrical criticism. Provides previously unpublished letters, records, and documents connected with the Theater in chronological order. Bibliographical notes, vol. I, pp. 521, 545. Chronological list of documents, vol. II, pp. 867-878. Index to each volume. Illustrations. Vol.1, History of the National Theater, 1837-1937; vol. II, Previously unpublished documents dealing with the history of the National Theater. MnU FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GyBH GyGNSU ItFU



704. Riedl Frigyes. A magyar drdma törlenete. I—II. resz. Budapest: Kirilyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1939-1940. The origins and development of Hungarian drama and the distinctive forms effected by dramatic poetry under the influence of the milieu of each age and the spirit of writer, from the Middle Ages to the 1840's. Pt. I, Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century; pt. II, End of the 18th century to the 1840's. DLC M H AsWN 706. Romhänyi Gyula. "A magyar politikai vigjätek fejlodese," Irodalomtörtöneti Közlemenyek, XL (1930), 277-303, 413-432. The development of political comedies in Hungarian drama from Ignac Nagy's Egyesüljünk! in 1839 to Ärpad Berczik's Minisztervdlsdg in 1905. Concerned with the subject matter, the methods of presenting political satire, and the effect of various plays on the growth and development of the type. DLC M H NNC [OC1] AsWN AsWU FrPIH GeLBM [GeLU] GyBH GyGNSU ItFU 706. Szäsz Käroly. A magyar drdma törtenete. Budapest: FranklinTärsulat, 1939. 352p. A history of Hungarian drama from its beginnings in the χ 6th century to 1937. Intended for the cultured general audience, not scholars and literary historians; presents its materials in simple form. AsWN GyBH 707. Sziväk Ivän. A magyar drdma kezdeie. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 1883. 82p. The origins of Hungarian drama from the 16th century to the end of the 18th, closing with Dugonics as the first notable author to write plays for the stage. Purpose: to determine the various types created, their nature and development, as compared with like forms in other European countries. MnU GyBH 708. Vali Bela. A magyar sziniszet törtinete. Budapest: Aigner Lajos, 1887. 464p. A history of theater and acting in Hungary from the 15th century to 1837. Bibliography, pp. 460-464. DLC GeLBM GyBH B. POETRY [See also nos. 354, 355, 406, 407, 447, 460, 468, 491, 502, 507, 517, 530, 531, 532, 534, 573, 577, 578, 582,612, 615, 632,635,652,657,663, and 687.] 709. Alszeghy Zsolt. "Epigon lirikusaink a XIX. szazadig," IrodalomtörtSneti Közlemenyek, XXVII (1917), 419-437. Explores the influence of Balassi, Amade, Faludi, Csokonai, Sändor Kisfaludy, and Berzsenyi on their numerous imitators, and concludes that these imitators reproduce only the popular effects and characteristics of such models acknowledged by the taste of the times, not the



true values of each lyricist. C t Y D L C M H N N C A s W N A s W U FiHI F r P B N F r P I H G e L B M [GeLU] G y B H [ItFU] 710. Arany Janos. " A magyar nepdal az irodalomban," Arany Jdnos vdlogatott müvei (Budapest: Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado, 1953; I - I V . kötet), I V , 173-188. Purpose: to determine the extent to which Hungarian poets from the 14th to the 18th century utilized the folk song in their creation of a national literary ballad. Findings mainly negative. N N C F r P I H GyGNSU 711. • " A magyar nemzeti vers-idomröl," Arany Jänos vdlogatott müvei (Budapest: Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado, 1953; I - I V . kötet), I V , 44-81. An examination of the characteristics of rhythms and rhymes native to Hungarian poetry. N N C F r P I H G y G N S U 712. " N a i v eposzunk," Arany Jdnos vdlogatott müvei (Budapest: Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado, 1953; I - I V . kötet), I V , 35-43. Seeks to determine whether any authentic epics based on ancient Hungarian history exist in Hungarian literature. After examining epics from the 16th to the 18th century, concludes that very few of them were composed in the spirit of the historic past, because the poets of the 16th century failed to transfer into their writings such epic spirit as existed near the end of the previous century and because literary poetry separated itself from folk poetry, even looked down upon it and renounced it. N N C F r P I H G y G N S U 713. Csernätoni Gyula. " A magyar odaköltes törtenete a legregibb idotöl Vörösmartyig," Figyelö, X I I (1882), 321-347. The history of the ode in Hungary with an eye to its spirit, thought, and form, through an examination of the odes of those poets who developed it or enriched it with a new voice, beginning with the Hymn of St. Bernard. Among poets studied: Balassi, Zrinyi, Faludi, Baröti Szabo, Räjnis, Revai, Verseghy, and Viräg. M n U G e L B M G y B H 714. Dänos Erzsebet. A magyar nepballada. Budapest: Homyänszky Viktor r.t. Magyar Kirälyi Udvari Könyvnyomda, 1938. 170p. An examination of the various types of Hungarian folk songs for their subject matter and characteristics, providing (1) a section of ballad texts representative of the various styles, and (2) a catalogue of ballads under subject headings, giving (a) a paraphrase of the song, (b) references or studies concerned with it, (c) its melody, if any, (d) translations of it, (e) its parallels in foreign songs, (f) comments from references, and (g) a characterization of its poetic form. Bibliography, pp. 160-161. Summary in German, pp. 163-167. Μ Η N N N N C A s W N



715. Gabor Ignäc. A magyar ritmika vdlaszütja. Budapest: Dr. Vajna es Bokor, 1952. 119p. Though giving much attention to defending his views of ancient Hungarian prosody from his attackers, provides chapters on the change in the alexandrine from Gyöngyösi to Jänos Arany, Zrinyi's new and individualistic use of ancient alliterative patterns, and his use of the twelvefoot poetic line. M n U 716. Greguss Ägost. A balladdrol. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 18862. nop. An attempt to determine the definite characteristics of the Hungarian folk and literary ballad by tracing its development from its beginnings to Jänos Arany and by distinguishing it from other poetical forms. Defines the ballad as a merging of three branches of poetry — taking its narrative method from the epic, its song from the lyric, and its action from the drama; and calls it a tragedy narrated in song, with tragic drama giving it its dramatic quality, the song its lyrical element, and narration its epic character. M H M n U A s W N FrPS G e L B M 717. Horväth Jänos. A magyar vers. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1948. 314p. The rhythms, verse theories, metrics, history of Hungarian verse, etc., to delineate its character and attainments. Bibliographical notes, pp. 273-304. D L C M H M n U N N C A s W N G e C U GeLU G y B H G y B S GyGNSU 718. Rendszeres magyar verslan. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1951. 2iop. A detailed study of Hungarian prosody, analyzing national verse forms, rhymes, forms borrowed from other literatures, and rhythms; examining practices in prosody from Räday to Petofi; and delineating the search for forms after Petofi and Arany to its own date but considering only those poets who were no longer living at the time of the publication of the work. Examines materials concerned with national and imported verse forms from the viewpoint of natural Hungarian rhythms, and also treats each aspect of prosody historically in its chronological place. Appendices: (1) An examination of the strophe in the psalms of Szenczi Molnär and also of representative rhymes from the writings of Arany, Gyula Vargha, and Andor Kozma, and (2) Individual characterizations of the prosody of Jozsef Kiss, Ady, Babits, Kosztolänyi, Ärpäd Toth, and Attila Jözsef. Bibliography of studies concerned with various aspects of Hungarian prosody, pp. 6-14. D L C M H M n U N N N N C A s W N F r P I H G e C U G y B A G y B H G y B S G y G N S U ItFU 719. Läbän, Antal. Ungarn in seiner Dichtung. Zürich, Leipzig und Wien: Amalthea-Verlag, 1923. 164p.



Hungarian poetry from ancient times to Jänos Arany. Numerous German translations of lyric and epic poems. C U C t Y N N 0C1 A s W N A s W U FiHI FiHU F r P B N F r P I H G e L B M G y B H G y B S 7 2 0 . Lötz, John. Hungarian meter, [n.p.]: Instituti Hungarici Universitatis Holmiensis, 1952. 4p. Characterizations and illustrations of the two kinds of Hungarian meter, syllabic and quantitative. M n U N N C 7 2 1 . Mailäth, Johann. "Übersicht der Geschichte der magyarischen Poesie," Magyarische Gedichte (Stuttgart und Tübingen: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung, 1825; 248p.), xi-xlviii. An introductory essay to the anthology of Hungarian poetry translated into German beginning with Ferenc Faludi, surveying the history of that poetry from the Middle Ages to its own time and characterizing the poets and commenting on their works. Also a brief treatment of Hungarian prosody, lvii-lxxii. A s W U G e L B M G y B H G y G N S U 7 2 2 . N£gyesy Laszlö. A mertekes magyar verseUs törtenete. Budapest: Kisfaludy-Tärsasäg, 1892. 337p. The influence of classical and western European meters on Hungarian poetry discovered through examination of the poems of those writers who best reproduce these meters. A number of statistical compilations and tables for the various verse forms and of the extent of their use by various Hungarian poets. Among poets studied: Jänos Sylvester, Gedeon Räday, Baröti Szabo, Revai, Rajnis, Viräg, Kazinczy, Dayka, Bacsänyi, Verseghy, Földi, Csokonai, Fazekas, Berzsenyi, Kölcsey, Vörösmarty, and Arany. D L C A s W N FrPS G e L B M G y B H 7 2 3 . Pickel Ferenc. A magyar ödai költeszet fejlödese. Nagykanizsa; Krausz es Farkas Könyvnyomdäja, 1908. 61p. The development of the various forms of the ode in Hungary from the Middle Ages to 1867, emphasizing the stimuli under which they were created and the individual characteristics of their use by Hungarian poets. Maintains that these poetic forms ceased significant development after 1867. Bibliography, p. [63]. MnU G y B H 7 2 4 . Radö Antal. A magyar rim. Budapest: Kisfaludy-Tärsasäg, 1921. 264p. The history and characteristics of Hungarian rhymes from their beginnings in folk poetry to the contemporary period. Chapter headings: I. Rhyme in folk poetry; II. Rhyme to Faludi; III. From Räday to Petofi; I V . The rhymes of Arany; V . Rhyme in contemporary poetry. M H M n U GeLU G y B H I t F U 7 2 5 . Sebestyen Gyula. A magyar honfoglalds monddi. I - I I . kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1904-1905. A history and critical examination of the origins of Hungarian myths,



sagas, and legends and of their use by Hungarian poets from the beginnings to the Age of Janos Arany. Vol. I, origins of Hungarian legends and Hungarian Hun-myths; vol. II, second half of the 12th century to the Age of Arany. D L C I C M H [AsWN] F i H I FrPS GeLBM GyBH 726. Szabolcsi Bence. Vers es dallam. Tizenöt tanulmdny a tnagyar irodalom köriböl. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1959. 207p. Individual studies examining Hungarian poetry from the 12 th to the 20th century and aiming to show the role that Hungarian melodies and musical rhythms played in the development of its meters. Attention to foreign influences. Among studies: "A Halotti Beszed ritmusa," "Az Ömagyar Märiasiralom dallama," "Magyar vagänsdalok," "A regi magyarmetrikus enekek törtenetehez," "Balassi Sicilianaja," "Härom regi magyar vers ritmusarol ['Gianeta Padovana,' 'Pokolrol,' 'Szencsei György dalaihoz']," "A Balassi es Himfy-vers törtenetehez," "A magyar barokk versmüveszetert," "Vers- es dallam-emlek Mikes 'Törökorszagi Levelei-ben,' " "A romantika prozaritmusahoz," "Arany Janos nepdalgyüjtemenye," "Ady jambusai Kodaly zenejeben," "Jozsef Attila 'dallamai.'" D L C N N AsWN F r P B N GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGGaU GyGNSU 727. Toldy, Ferenc. Geschichte der ungrischen Dichtung. Pest: Verlag des Gustav Heckenast, 1863. 460p. Hungarian poetry from ancient times to Sändor Kisfaludy. M H M d B P N N AsWN AsWU FiHU GeOB GyBH GyGNSU 728. "Geschichte der ungrischen Poesie," Handbuch der ungrischen Poesie (Pesth und Wien: G. Kilian und K. Gerold, 1828; 2 Bände), I, iii-lxxxvi. Outlines the history of Hungarian poetry from King Etele to the 1820's. Numerous translations into German in vol. II. DLC MB N N C AsWN F i H I GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBH GyGNSU 729. A magyar koiltszel kizikönyve. I - V . kötet. Budapest: FranklinTärsulat, 18762. A history and anthology of the major Hungarian poets, beginning with Szkhärosi Horväth in the 16th century and closing with the third quarter of the 19th century. Each century characterized in a brief introduction, and selections from each poet preceded by critical comments and observations on his literary characteristics and origins. Vol. I, 1526-1772; vol. I I , 18th century (from 1772); vol. I I I - V , 19th century (to 1872). D L C M H M n U N N C F r P I H FrPS GeLBM GyBH 730. A magyar költeszet törttnete. I - I I . kötet. Pest: Heckenast Gusztäv, 1854. The development of Hungarian poetry from its beginnings to Sändor Kisfaludy. Purpose: to elevate Hungarian literary history at least to



the point at which it will merit the name of history. Frequent division of materials into genres within literary periods. Vol. I, Beginnings to Zrinyi; vol. II, Zrinyi to Sändor Kisfaludy. M H MnU AsWN FrPBN GeLBM 731. Tompos Jozsef. A magyar ballada tärtenete. Kolozsvär: Ajtai Κ. Albert Könyvnyomdäjäban, 1909. 289p. The development of the ballad in Hungary in relation to the principles governing the composition of each type. Chapters on the theories of the ballad in folk and literary ballads, Szekely and Magyar ballads, Kuruc ballads, the literary ballad before Janos Arany, the ballads of Jänos Arany, and the more recent writers of ballads (Pal Gyulai, Karoly Szasz, Kaiman Toth, Lajos Tolnai, and Jozsef Kiss). Concerned with determining the characteristics of the individual writers, the influence of their writings on others, and the effect of German influence on the form. Bibliography, p. [290]. MnU 732. Vargyas Lajos. A magyar vers ritmusa. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadö, 1952. 263p. On the basis of observations of the connections between the rhythms of text and melody in folk songs, traces Hungarian verse rhythms through the major periods of poetry, examines briefly the forms borrowed from foreign literatures in relation to the nature of Hungarian verse, and considers the connections between language and rhythms, matters of cadence, the evolution of verse, and questions of artistic rhythms. Bibliography, pp. 255-258. DLC M H NNC AsWU FrPIH GeLBM GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU I t F U C. PROSE FICTION [For a bibliography, see no. 102. For other studies, see nos. 355, 490, 492, 542, 561, 574, 602, 606, 622, 650, 655, 664, 665, and 681.] 733. Baranszky-Job Laszlo. A magyar szeppröza törtenete szemelvenyekben. Budapest: Kiralyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, n.d. 557p. The development of Hungarian prose from its beginnings to the 1930's. In two sections: (1) Prose style, and (2) The novel. Comments on style and the forms of the novel followed by illustrations of each. InU M H MnU N N GeCU GyBH GyBS ItFU 734. Beöthy Zsolt. Α szepprözai elbeszeles a rtgi magyar irodalomban. I—II. kötet. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, 1886-1887. The development of prose fiction in Hungary from 1526 to 1788: the novel and other forms related to it — the short story, the prose epic, romantic histories and travel literature, popular writings and collections of anecdotes, and the different types of tales. Attention to foreign influ-




ences. Vol. I, 1526-1774; vol. II, 1774-1788. M H M n U N N C A s W N F r P I H FrPS G e L B M G y G G a U 735. Csäszär Elemer. A magyar regeny törlenete. Budapest: Pantheon Irodalmi Intezet, 1922. 336p. T h e growth of the Hungarian novel from Andräs Dugonics to Kaiman Mikszath, with a brief discussion of its antecedents and of novelists after Mikszath to around 1896. Concerned with the short story only when it affects the evolution of the novel. Emphasis on the novel as an expression of the inner life of man and the spirit of an age. Attention to foreign influences. M H M n U N N N N C A s W N F i H I F r P I H G e C U GeLBM GyBH ItFU 7 3 6 . György Lajos. A magyar anekdota törlenete es egyetemes kapcsolatai. Budapest: "Studium" Kiadäsa, 1934. 272p. After a survey of the anecdote in world literature, delineates its history in Hungary from the end of the 15th to the end of the 19th century. Major section devoted to 250 anecdotes arranged by subject, documenting their origins, first use, and the relations between their Hungarian use and that in other literatures, and providing a bibliography of scholarship under each heading. Bibliography of primary sources for both foreign and Hungarian anecdotes, pp. 227-255. M H A s W N GyGNSU


[See also nos. 495, 514, 537, 547, 551, 564, 603, 625, 661, and 751.] 737. Csahihen Karoly. Szepirodalmi kritikusainh. Budapest: Stephaneum Nyomda, 1923. 89p. The history of Hungarian literary criticism from its creation by Bessenyei, Csokonai, Kazinczy, and, especially, Kölcsey, through its clarification by Szontagh, B a j z a , Toldy, and Vörösmarty, to its flowering in the works of Erdelyi, Greguss, Csengery, Kemeny, Salamon, Gyulai, and



Arany. Characterizes the major critical phases as (i) the deepening of content, (2) the development of an unaccustomed objectivity in exercising judgments, and (3) the careful documentation of evaluations. C t Y M H GeLU 738. Csaszar Elemer. A magyar irodalmi kritika törtinete a szabadsdgharcig. Budapest: Pallas Irodalmi 6s Nyomdai r.t., 1925. 409p. Covers the first seventy or so years of Hungarian literary criticism, which is claimed to have closed when Szepirodalmi Szemle ceased publication in 1847. Maintains that the period created literary criticism, developed its forms, and achieved its purposes, but that it failed to provide a basis on which post-revolutionary critics could build their approach and methods. Index divided into (1) Critics, (2) Journals and newspapers, and (3) Poets and works (and publications containing criticisms of the works). M H M n U N N A s W N GeLU G y B H 739. Fabian Pal, Szathmäri Istvän es Terestyeni Ferenc. A magyar stilisztika vdzlata. Budapest: Tankönyvkiadö, 1958. 297p. An analysis of Hungarian literary style, with evidence of its characteristics from both prose and poetry. Essentially a university textbook. Bibliographies at end of each chapter. D L C M n U N N G y B H G y G G a U GyGNSU 740. Füst Milan. Eml£kez6sek Ss ianulmdnyok. Budapest: Magveto Könyvkiado, 1956. 539p. Essays on and criticisms of literary and cultural subjects directed toward their aesthetic evaluation. D L C M n U F r P B N F r P I H G e L B M G y B H GyBS 741. Jänosi Bela. "Metaphysikai aesthetika Nemetorszagon kivül. Aesthetikai törekvesek Magyarorszägon," Az esztetika törtenete (Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1899-1901; I - I I I . kötet), III, 461-479. Creative aesthetic endeavors in Hungary — György Szerdahelyi, Mihäly Greguss, Lajos Schedius, Istvän Nyiri, Imre Henszlmann, Gusztäv Szontagh, Jozsef Purgstaller, Janos Erdelyi, and Ägost Greguss. Maintains that no Hungarian aesthetic work of real value appeared after Ägost Greguss. N N N N C A s W N FrPS G e L B M G y B H G y M W d 742. Mitrovics Gyula. A magyar esztitikai irodalom törtenete. Debrecen es Budapest: Egyetemi Könyvkereskedes es Irodalmi Vällalat, 1928. 448p. The contributions of all authors and scholars to the development of Hungarian aesthetics. Arranged by literary periods, beginning with the end of the 18th and continuing into the first quarter of the 20th century, with greatest attention to the literature of the 19th century. Considers literature, the arts, theater, foreign influences, etc. Claims that the larger part of Hungarian aesthetics resulted from foreign influences. Bibliographies at ends of chapters. M H N j R G e L B M G y B H



743. Α m&alkotäs szemUlete. Budapest: Rozsavölgyi es Tarsa, 1940. 334P· Discussion of Hungarian fine arts and literature from an aesthetic point of view for the purpose of encouraging the exercise of independent judgments, instead of learned systematization. Acknowledges indebtedness to Croce's views. A 7-page bibliography inserted at end. N N N N C OC1 FrPIH GyBH ItFU 744. Murajda F. Nändor. A magyar kritika fejlödese különös tekintettel Bajza Jözsef müködSsere. Eger: Erseki Lyceum Könyvnyomdäja, 1895. 208p. The development of literary criticism in Hungary from the 17th century, with major attention to the first four decades of the 19th century and with special emphasis on the contributions of Jozsef Bajza. G y B H 745. Negyesy Laszlö. A magyar verselmSlet kritikai törtinete. Budapest: n.p., 1888. 74p. The development of and the critical conflicts over theories of Hungarian prosody seeking to establish distinctly Hungarian rhythms, beginning with Jänos Földi, in 1787, and closing with Ägost Greguss. Presents individual views and compares and contrasts the various principles. Chapters on Hungarian prosody prior to Fogarasi, Fogarasi and Erdelyi, Toldy, Greguss, Jänos Arany, Laszlö Torkos, Emil Thewrewk. Μ n U 746. Pais Dezsö (szerk.). Dolgozatok a magyar irodalmi nyelv is stilus törtinetiböl. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, i960. 289p. Seven studies concerned with the character of the Hungarian literary language or with the history of the development of Hungarian style. Among them: characterizations of the styles of 17th and 18th century writers, of the nature of Csokonai's poetic vocabulary, and of Bdnk bin, and an account of the controversies of Nyelvör (no. 1258). D L C M H N N C GeCU GyBA GyBH GyBS 747. Pitroff Pal. A szipirodalom esztitikäja. Budapest: Szent IstvänTärsulat, 1933. 151p. Concerned with the principles of aesthetics in literature generally, but, on occasions, takes into account the attitudes of Hungarian writers and scholars toward them. Attention to questions of poetic form, but main focus on the factors affecting the creation of belles-lettres. 748. Zolnai Bela. Nyelv is stilus. Tanulmdnyok. Budapest: "Gondolat" Kiadö, 1957. 351p. A collection of the author's previously published articles concerned mainly with questions of aesthetics in the study of the Hungarian language — its development, style, and expression. Bibliographical notes, pp. 343-347. D L C M H A s W N FiHI F i H U G y B A G y B H G y B S GyGNSU



A. F O L K L O R E A N D


[See also no. 725.] 7 4 9 . Braun Soma. " A magyar nepmese," A nSpmese. Bevezetes az összehasonlito mesekutatdsba (Budapest: Genius K ö n y v k i a d o r.t., [192?]; 205p.), pp. 175-194. A summary of the characteristics of the Hungarian folk tale and its development. Bibliography, p. 201. N N C 750. K a n d r a Kabos. Magyar mythologia. Eger: Beznäk Gyula K ö n y v kereskedo Bizomänya, 1897. 532p. A n examination of the legends and myths of Hungary from ancient times through the Middle Ages, with attention to the relations between the two periods. Materials on gods, good and evil spirits, views of the origin of the earth, concepts of the after-life, etc. M a n y quotations from sources. Bibliographical notes, pp. 461-522. Name and subject index. D L C M n U N N C OC1 F i H I G e L B M G y B H G y B S 751. Α magyarsäg neprajza. (Sajto alä rendezte Czako Elemer) I - I V . kötet. Budapest: Kiralyi M a g y a r Egyetemi Nyomda, 1933-1937. Articles on miscellaneous aspects of Hungarian folklore and customs. Vols. I and I I , Ethnography; vols. I l l and I V , Ethnology. Illustrated. Bibliographies at ends of sections, including the following extensive ones in vol. I V : (1) The dance, pp. 147-149, (2) Folk customs, pp. 307-322, (3) Superstitions, pp. 397-401, (4) Creeds of pagan times, pp. 446-449, and (5) Games, pp. 492-494. Vol. I, Cooking, buildings, furniture, heating, lighting, handicrafts, clothing; vol. I I , Agriculture (fishing, keeping of animals, tilling of soil, carrying of goods, communications, vehicles), ornamental arts, traditional themes; vol. I l l , Poetry, style, and language; vol. I V , Music, dance, customs, superstitions, and games. I C U M H M n U N N OC1 F i H I F r P I H G y B H G y G G a U G y G N S U I t F U 752. Viski Karoly. Etnikai csoportok, videkek. Budapest: M a g y a r Tudomänyos Akademia, 1938. 25p. Identification and characterizations of the various Hungarian ethnic groups and regions. Bibliographies at ends of sections. N N A s W N A s W U FrPIH FrPBN GeCU GyGNSU



B. HUMOR 753. Imre Sändor. A nephumor a magyar irodalomban. Budapest: FranklinTärsulat, 1890. 166p. The history of Hungarian folk humor, the "trefa," to the early decades of the 19th century, characterizing its nature and discussing the works containing examples. Attention to translations of humorous writings from foreign languages. Μnil FrPS GeLBM 764. Remenyi, Joseph. "Hungarian humor," Slavonic and East European Review, XXI (1943), 194-210. [Published at Harvard University] An examination and characterization of the manifestations of humor in Hungarian literature, mainly from the 19th century on. Bibliography, pp. 209-210. Widely available in U.S.; FiHU FrPS GeLBM GeLU GyGNSU C. HISTORY OF PUBLISHING [See also nos. 424,427, 429,445, 446, 482,486, 518, 585, 587, 618, and 619.] 765. Dezsenyi Bela. Az idöszaki sajtö törtSnete a dunatdj orszdgaiban. Budapest: Gergely R. r.t., 1947. 71p. A history of the periodical press in the countries of the Danube, including Hungary, from its beginnings to World War II. Bibliography, by countries, pp. 59-60. DLC NIC NN NNC GeLBM ItFU 766. Dezsenyi Bela es Nemes György. A magyar sajtö 250 toe. I. kötet. Budapest: Müvelt Νέρ Könyvkiado, 1954. 287p. [The projected second volume has not appeared to date.] A history of Hungarian journalism from 1705 to the end of the first World War. Periodicals up to 1849 claimed to be thoroughly covered, those thereafter only surveyed; more attention to dailies than to journals. Besides providing the fundamental data for publications, summarizes and supplements previous findings of researchers and throws light on the connection between journalism and the development of Hungarian society. DLC NNC FrPBN GeLBM GeLU GeOB GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU 767. Gulyäs Päl. "Α könyv sorsa Magyarorszägon a legregibb idoktöl napjainkig," Magyar Könyvszemle, XXX (1923), 27-94, 176-199; XXXI (1924), 13-71. The history of books in Hungary from the Middle Ages to its own date: their materials, form, and production; libraries, collections, printing, etc. Bibliography at the end of pt. I, pp. 93-94, and of pt. II, pp. 69-71. ICJ MiU [MnU] NN NNC AsWN AsWU [FiHU] FrPBN [FrPS] GeLBM GyBA GyBH ItFU



D. COLLECTIONS OF CRITICAL AND SCHOLARLY ESSAYS 758. Geliert Oszkar. Egy ir6 ilete. I. kötet. Budapest: Bibliotheca, 1958. 509P· A collection of essays on Hungarian literature and related subjects published from 1902 and 1925 in Magyar Giniusz, Figyelö (no. 1231), Pesti Hirlap, and Nyugat (no. 1272). Grouped under the name of the periodical in which the article was originally published. DLC MnU N N C FrPIH GyBH 759. Haläsz Gabor. Az irtelem keres&se. Irodalmi tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 19482. 209p. A collection of the author's previously published studies, containing essays on Kazinczy, the Hungarian lyric, the techniques of the newer novelists, Proust, the young Szechenyi, and Bessenyei's Bihari remete. DLC M H MnU F r P I H GeLBM GyBH 760. Komlos Aladär. Tegnap is ma. Irodalmi tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado, 1956. 359p. A collection of the author's previously published essays dealing with Hungarian literary problems, both past and present, from a Marxist point of view. DLC M H FrPBN GeOB 761. Nemeth Läszlo. Kisebbsegben. Negy kötet ket kötetben. Budapest: Magyar filet Kiadasa, 1942. Essays on Hungarian literature of both past and present: studies of authors, poetic rhythms, theater, drama, influences of foreign literatures, education, language, etc. Vol. I, Essays on poetic rhythms and two studies on types of Hungarians; vol. II, Mainly essays on Gyula Szekfü, Kata Bethlen, Szechenyi, Zsigmond Kemeny, and Ady; vol. I l l , Theater, books; vol. IV, Views of "a newspaper writer without a newspaper." MnU NNC AsWN FrPIH GyBH 762. Α minösögforradalma. Negy kötet härom kötetben. Budapest: Magyar filet Kiadasa, 1940-1942/43 2 . A collection of essays on European literature, the physical and natural sciences, and Hungarian literature. Vol. I, Europe; vol. II, Toward a new encyclopedia; literary topics (criticisms, literary sketches, reviews); vol. I l l , The Hungarian spirit;vol.IV, Activities in politics, nationalities, radio productions, education, etc. DLC NN GeLBM 763. Schöpflin Aladär. Magyar irök. Irodalmi arcMpek Ss tollrajzok. Budapest: "Nyugat" Folyöirat Kiadasa, 19192. 236p. A collection of the author's previously published portraits and sketches of Vörösmarty, Gyulai, Mikszäth, Petelei, Heltai, Petofi, Arany, Möricz, Ady, Vajda, Eötvös, Kaffka, Lovik, Sebok, Babits, Baksay, Bard, and Gyula Vargha. Underlying approach: to find the roots of writers and



their works in the society of their times and to determine the connection between the literary work and the experiences of the writer and how these experiences manifest themselves in his writings. M H M n U AsWN GyBH GyGGaU 764. Szerb Antal. Gondolatok α könyvtdrban. Irodalmi tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Revai Irodalmi Intezet, 1946. 649p. A collection of the author's previously published studies, including the following on Hungarian literature: "Kölcsey," "A magyar ujromantikus drama," "Az ihletett költö [Daniel Berzsenyi]," "Magyar preromantika," "Vörösmarty-tanulmänyok," and "Babits Mihaly Összes müvei." N N N N C OC1 F i H I GyGNSU 766. Waldapfel Jozsef. Irodalmi tanulmdnyok. Budapest: Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado, 1957. 555p. Individual studies, previously published, of various Hungarian literary figures and problems, grouped by literary periods from the Middle Ages to its own date. Many of the studies examine the subjects from a Marxist point of view. D L C Μ Η N N N N C AsWN F r P I H GyBA GyBH GyBS GyGNSU E. SOCIOLOGICAL T R E A T I S E S 766. Erdei Ferenc. A magyar falu. Budapest: Athenaeum Kiadäsa, 1940. 238p· A sociological study of Hungarian villages and their inhabitants: the different kinds of villages and the social, economic, political, and intellectual factors affecting the ways of life. Critical bibliography, pp. 231-236. D L C I C N N N N C AsWN GeLBM 767. A magyar vdros. Budapest: Athenaeum Kiadäsa, 1939. 244p. A sociological examination of the Hungarian city to determine its individual characteristics and to show what possibilities exist for improvement. Bibliography, pp. 240-244. D L C N N C AsWN GyBH 768. Die ungarische Stadt. Budapest: Dunäntül Pecsi Egyetemi Könyvkiado es Nyomda r.t., 1942. 65p. Characterizations of the types of Hungarian cities, the development of the agrarian city, and the contemporary agrarian city. Critical bibliography, pp. 64-65. D L C M H AsWN GyBS F. O T H E R 769. Dezsi Lajos. Magyar t'&rtineli tdrgyü szipirodalom. Budapest: Magyar Törtenelmi Tarsulat, 1927. 162p. Hungarian literature with historical subject matter, from the origins of epic poetry to the dramas and novels of Ferenc Herczeg in the 1920's,



examined as to subject, character, quality, etc. Bibliographies at the ends of sections and chapters. M H N N AsWU FiHI GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH 770. K6ky Lajos. A szdzeves Kisfaludy-Tdrsasdg. Budapest: FranklinTärsulat, 1936. 270p. A detailed history of the Kisfaludy Society from 1836 to 1936, Illustrated. [For a history of literary societies, see no. 498.] GeLBM GyBH GyMWd 771. Makay Gusztäv. "£des hazdm, fogadj szivedbel . . ." VersirtelmezSsek. Budapest: Szepirodalmi Könyvkiado, 1959. 411p. The author's explications of 71 poems by 29 Hungarian poets in chronological order, beginning with Peter Bornemisza and closing with L3rinc Szabö. MnU GyBH 772. P6r Mihaly. A magyarsdg es parasztsdg sorskerdesei az irodalom tükrSben. Budapest: Magyar Mez5gazdasägi Müvelödesi Tärsasäg, 1946. 206p. An anthology of literary selections, with explanatory sections, showing the views and judgments of the peasant in Hungarian literature and of his past and present circumstances. Intended for the edification of peasant children who will remain on the land instead of extending their education beyond training in a school for farming. 773. Revesz Ferenc. Szabadsdgeszme a magyar irodalomban. Budapest: Nepszava Könyvkiado, 1948. 22p. Evidence of concepts of political and social freedom as an instrument of liberation in Hungarian literature as a whole. MnU 774. Szabo Törpenyi Attila. Keziratos enekeskonyveink is verses kezirataink a XVI-XIX. szäzadban. Zilah: "Studium" Fobizomänya, 1934. 221p. Seeks to establish the origins and the development of Hungarian manuscript song books, from the 16th to the 19th century, and the importance of knowing about their development from the viewpoint of literary and cultural history. An annotated catalogue of 381 song and verse manuscripts, with a bibliography for each citation. N N AsWN FiHU GyGNSU


[Well represented among the editions of authors' works, Magyar klasszikusok, edited by Läszlo Boka, Istvän Kiräly and others, and published by Szepirodalmi Könyvkiadö in Budapest, is not included in this section. Begun in 1951, it has, to i960, published 49 volumes. See also nos. 345, 350, 354, 355, 395 4x1, 534, 678, 696, 728, and 729.] 775. Berze Nagy Janos. Magyar nepmese tipusok. (A bevezeto tanulmanyt irta es a tudomänyos szerkesztest vegezte Bano Istvän) I—II. kötet. P6cs: Baranya Megye Tanacsanak Kiadäsa, 1957. N N N N C AsWN FiHI FiHU GyBH GyGGaU GyGNSU 776. Codices Hungarici. Eddig I - V . kötet. Budapest es Kolozsvär: Kirälyi Magyar Päzmäny Peter-Tudomänyegyetem Magyarsägtudomänyi Intezete, Stockholmi Magyar Intezet es Akademiai Kiado, 1942+. 1. kötet: Jökai-ködex. (Szerkeszti es kiadja Szabo Denes) 1942. 83p. 2. kötet: Apor-ködex. (Bevezetessel ellätta es hasonmäsban közzeteszi Szabo Denes) 1942. 228p. 3. kötet: Guary-ködex. (Bevezetessel ellätta es hasonmäsban közzeteszi Szabo Denes) 1944. 134p. 4. kötet: Peldäk könyve 1510. (Jegyzetekkel es tanulmännyal kiserve közzeteszi Bognär Andräs es Levärdy Ferenc) i960. 305p. 5. kötet: Birk-kodex 1474. (Bevezetessel ellätva közzeteszi Pusztai Istvän) i960. 81p. AsWN FiHU [GeCU] [GeLBM] [GeLU] [GyBA] [GyBH] [GyGGaU] 777. Erdely öröksege. Erdelyi emlekirök Erdelyröl. (Ravasz Läszlo bevezetesevel, Cs. Szabo Läszlo közremuködesevel szerkesztette Makkai Läszlö) I - X . kötet. Budapest: Franklin-Tärsulat, 1941-42. 1. kötet: Tünderorszdg. 1541-1571. Oldh Miklös, Verancsics Antal, . . . Szäntö Miklös irdsaiböl. (Bevezette Kardos Tibor) 1941. 164p. N N C AsWN FrPIH GeCU 2. kötet: Särkänyfogak. 1572-1602. Kovacsöczi Farkas, Bethlen Farkas,

ANTHOLOGIES AND SERIES . . . Enyedi Pdl iräsaiböl. (Bevezette Cs. Szabö Läszlö) 1941. 222p. NNC AsWN FrPIH GeCU 3. kötet: Tüzpröba. 1603-1613. Nagy Szabö Ferenc, Gyulafi Lestdr, . . . Borsos Tamäs iräsaiböl. (Bevezette Biro Vencel) 1941. 194p. AsWN FrPIH GeCU 4. kötet: A fejedelem. 1613-1629. Keserüi Dajka Jdnos, Bojti Veres Gdspdr, . . . Bethlen Gäbor iräsaiböl. (Bevezette Makkai Läszlö) 1941. 144p· NNC AsWN FrPIH GeCU 5. kötet: A pa is fiü. 1630-1661. Szalärdi Jdnos, Enyedi Istvdn, . . . Apdcai Csere Jdnos iräsaiböl. (Bevezette Asztalos Miklös) 1942. 276p. NNC AsWN FrPIH GeCU 6. kötet: Haldoklö Erdely. 1662-1703. Cserei Mihdly, Rosnyai Ddvid, . . . Misztötfalusi Kis Miklös iräsaiböl. (Bevezette Makkai Sändor) 1942. 250p. NNC AsWN FrPIH GeCU 7. kötet: Erdäy vdltozdsa. 1703-1750. Apor Peter, II. Rdköczi Ferenc, . . . Bethlen Kata iräsaiböl. (Bevezette Tolnai Gäbor) 1942. 292p. NNC AsWN FrPIH GeCU 8. kötet: A mdsik magyar haza. 1750-1790. Bod Ρiter, Rettegi György, . . . is Görjjy Borbdla iräsaiböl, (Bevezette Jancso Elemer) 1942. 192p. NNC AsWN GeCU 9. kötet: Erdelyi arcok. 1791-1867. Ujfalvi Sändor, Bölöni Farkas Sändor . . . iräsaiböl. (Bevezette Tavaszy Sändor) 1942. 242p. NNC AsWN GeCU 10. kötet: KU orszäg ölelkezese. 1791-1867. Bethlen Lajos, Kazinczy Ferenc, Deryne Szippataki Röza . . . iräsaiböl. (Bevezette Bisztray Gyula) 1942. 282p. NNC AsWN GeCU 778. Erdilyi ritkasdgok. (Szerkeszti Jancso Elemer) I-XVII. kötet. ClujKolozsvär: Minerva, 1939-1944. 1. kötet: Nagy Läzär: Az uErd&lyi nemzeti jdtikszinnek," "Magyar jdtszötärsasdgnak" eredete, fennälldsänak, viszontagsägainak a mai idökig leirdsa. 1821. 1939. 110p. AsWN FrPIH 2. kötet: Peterfi Käroly: Α vizsgdlödöfilozöfidnaksziszUmdja. 3. 4. izlestudomdny vagy esztitika. 1940. 136p. 3. kötet: Egy erdilyi muzsikus vallomäsai. Ruzitska György emlekezisei 1856 evböl. 1940. 48p. 4. kötet: B.[od] Peter: Öniletirdsa. 1940. 170p. [See no. 873.] 5. kötet: Oroszhegyi Jösa: Romdn elet. 1943. 158p. GeLBM 6. kötet: Lakatos Istvän: Szekelyudvarhely legrigibb leirdsa. (Forditotta Jaklovszky Denes) 1942. 22p. AsWN 7-8. kötet: Sändor Istvän (jänosfalvi): Sztkelyhoni utazds a kit Homoröd mellett. 1-2. kötet. 1942. MH OC1 AsWN FiHU 9-10. kötet: Dienes Jozsef (hermanyi): Nagyenyedi sirö Heraklitus is hol mosolygö s hol kacagö Demokritus. 1-2. kötet. 1943.



1 1 . kötet: Farkas Sändor (bölöni): Nyugateuröpai utazds. 1943. 180p. DLC ΜΗ N I C NNC FrPBN GeLBM 12-13. kötet: Wesselenyi Miklös: Szözat a magyar is szldv nemzetisSg ügyiben. 1-2. kötet. 1943. NN GeLBM GeOB 14. kötet: Benkö Jözsef: Specialis Transilvania terra siculorum. A szikelyek is α Szekelyföld, Udvarhelyszek, Kereszturfiüszek, Bardocfiüszlk. (Forditotta es sajtö ala rendezte Szabö Andräs) 1944. 122p. 15. kötet: Farkas Sändor (bölöni): A ζ üj Erdily hajnaldn. Naplotöredik 1835-1836^01. (Bevezetessel ellätta Jancsö Elemer) 1944. 65p. 16-17. kötet: Kazinczy Ferenc: Erdelyi levelek. 1-2. kötet. 1944. MH 779. Bet evszdzad magyar versei. (Szerkesztettek Klaniczay Tibor, Komlos Aladar, Lukicsy Sändor, Pändi Päl es Szäsz Imre) Budapest: Szepirodalmi Kiado, 1951. 1120p. DLC MH MnU NN AsWN FrPBN FrPIH GeCU GeLBM GeLU GyBH GyBS 780. Α Kisfaludy-Tärsasäg Nemzeti Könyvtdra. (Szerkeszti Beöthy Zsolt, Negyesy Läszlö es Csäszär Elemer) I-VI. kötet. Budapest: FranklinTärsulat, 1914. 1. kötet: Magyar drdmai emlekek α közSpkortöl Bessenyeiig. (Kiadja Alszeghy Zsolt) 487p. MH MnU AsWN FiHI GyBH GyMWd 2. kötet: Zrinyi Miklös müvei. Összes költöi müvei. (Kiadja N6gyesy Läszlo) 472p. AsWN GeLBM GyBH GyMWd 3. kötet: Deäkos költök. Rdjnis, Baröti Szabö, Rfroai vdlogatott versei. (Kiadja Csäszär Elemer) 351p. AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyMWd 4. kötet: Bajza Jözsef müvei. Összes költemenyei, egy novelldja, legfontosabb kritikdi is poUmiai pdlydja elsö feleböl. (Kiadja Szucsi Jözsef) 278p. AsWN GeLBM GyMWd 5. kötet: Tompa Mihdly müvei. Összes költemenyei közül az 1847-ig irtak. (Kiadja Keky Lajos) 463p. AsWN GyBH GyMWd 6. kötet: Szigeti Jözsef drdmdi. Öt legjellemzöbb, legertekesebb drdmdi. (Kiadja Bayer Jözsef) 381p. MnU AsWN FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyMWd 781. Költök forradalma. (Szerkesztette Csicsery-Rönay Istvän) Washington, D.C.: Occidental Press, 1957. 103p. DLC MH MnU NjR AsWN 782. Magyar irodalmi ritkasdgok. (Szerkeszti Vajthö Läszlö) I - L X I I I . kötet. Budapest: Kirälyi Magyar Egyetemi Nyomda, 1931-1942. 1. kötet: Bessenyei György: Α törvinyek üija. Tudös tdrsasdg. 1931. 84p. ICU AsWN FrPIH GeLBM GyBH 2. kötet: Peterfy Jenö: Dramaiurgiai dolgozatai. 1931. 160p. [See no. 1101.J MnU NNC AsWN GeLBM GyBH 3. kötet: Benyäk Bemät: Joas. 1 9 3 1 . 1 2 1 p . MH AsWN GeLBM GyBH 4. kötet: Bessenyei György: Egy magyar tdrsasdg irdnt valö jdmbor



szdnitk. 1931. 44p. [See no. 862.] I C U A s W N F r P I H G e L B M G y B H 5. kötet: Käroli Gäspär: Κ et könyv minden orszdgoknak . . . szerencsejönek okairul. 1931. n o p . A s W N G y B H 6. kötet: Temesvdri Pelbdrt müveiböl. (Forditotta Brisits Frigyes) 1931. 163p. M H A s W N G y B H 7. kötet: Peterfy Jeno: Zenekritikäi. 1931. 114p. A s W N G y B H 8. kötet: fides Gergely: Eredeti oktatö mesek. 1931. 78p. M H A s W N GyBH 9. kötet: Dugonics Andras: Magyar peldabeszedek es jeles közmonddsok cimü gyüjteminyeböl. 1931. 55p. A s W N G y B H 10. kötet: Kazinczy Ferenc vildga. 1931. 190p. M n U A s W N G y B H 11. kötet: Szent ErzsSbet legendäja. Szent Elek legenddja. Saldi himnusza. 1931. 52p. A s W N G y B H 12. kötet: Siralmas panasz. 1932. 97p. A s W N G e L B M G y B H 13. kötet: Peterfy Jeno: Dramaturgiai dolgozatai. 2. sorozat. 1932. 96p. [See no. 1101.] A s W N G e L B M G y B H 14. kötet: Vedres Istvän: A Tiszdt a Dundval összekapcsolo üj-hajökdzhatö csatorna. 1932. 98p. A s W N G y B H 15. kötet: Bessenyei György: Anyai oktatds. 1932. 80p. A s W N G e L B M GyBH 16. kötet: Bessenyei György: Magyarsdg. A magyar nezö. 1932. 72p. [See no. 866.] A s W N FiHI F r P I H G e L B M G y B H 17. kötet: Hajnal Mätyäs: Jezus szivet szeretö sziveknek djtatossdgdra. 1932. 158p. A s W N G e L B M G y B H 18. kötet: Peterfy Jen8: Dramaturgiai dolgozatai. 3. sorozat. 1932. 184p. [See no. 1101.] G e L B M G y B H 19. kötet: Peterfy Jeno: Dramaturgiai dolgozatai. 4. sorozat. 1932. 136p. [See no. 1101.] M n U A s W N G e L B M G y B H 20. kötet: Päzmäny viläga. (összeällitotta Brisits Frigyes) 1932. 184p. GyBH 21. kötet: Bornemisza Peter: Tragtdia magyar nyelven. Az Sophocles Electrdjdböl Pesti Bornemisza dedk dltal. 1932. 66p. [See no. 875.] MnU AsWN GyBH 22. kötet: Riedl Frigyes: Vajda, Reviczky, Komjdthy. 1932. 140p. [See no. 600.] M n U A s W N G y B H 23. kötet: Berzsenyi Daniel: A magyarorszdgi mezei szorgalom nemely akaddlyairul. 1933. 59p. G e L B M G y B H 24. kötet: Rigi magyar folyüiratok szemelvenyekben. (Athenaeum, Eletkepek, Hölgyfutdr) 1933. 88p. A s W N G e L B M G y B H 25. kötet: Barcsay Äbrahdm költemenyei. 1933. 148p. A s W N G e L B M GyBH 26. kötet: Riedl Frigyes: Maddch. 1933. 128p. A s W N G e L B M G y B H 27. kötet: Maddch Imre levelezösSböl. 1933. 142p. M n U A s W N FiHI GeLBM GyBH GyGGaU



28. kötet: Horväth Istvän: Magyar irodalomtörtenete. 1934.146p. AsWN GyBH GyGGaU 29. kötet: Magyar reneszdnsz ir6k. 1934. 192p. ΜΗ MnU AsWN GyBH 30. kötet: Greguss Ägost: Iröi arckepek. 1934. 258p. NNC AsWN FiHI GyBH 31. kötet: Karacs Ferencni, Takdcs Eva vdlogatott munkdi. 1935. 118p. AsWN GyBH GyGGaU 32. kötet: Verseghy Ferenc: Riköti Mdtyds. 1935. 180p. AsWN GeOB GyBH GyGGaU 33. kötet: Vachott Sändorne: Rajzok a mullböl. 1935. 126p. AsWN GyBH 34. kötet: Szeged a r&gi magyar irodalomban. 1935. 124p. MnU AsWN GyBH 35. kötet: [Kisdi Benedek]: Cantus catholici. 1651. 1. kötet. 1935. 171p. GeLBM 36. kötet: Sopron a regi magyar irodalomban. 1937. 120p. AsWN 37. kötet: Riedl Frigyes: Vörösmarty Mihäly elete is müvei. 1937. 194p. DLC MnU AsWN GeLBM 38. kötet: Kisdi Benedek: Cantus catholici. 1651. 2. kötet. 1938. 317p. [Continuous paging with vol. 35] AsWN 39. kötet: [Szelepcsenyi György]: Cantus catholici. 1675 es 1703. 1938. 172p. AsWN 40. kötet: WesseUnyi Miklös bdrö naplöja. 1938. 61p. AsWN GeLBM 41. kötet: Peterfy Jen τ3· GyBH: 1927-1944, 01-18. 1221. Dundntül. Pecs: Magyar Irök Szövetsege, 1952-1957. [2] Original poems and short stories, book reviews, and articles on Hungarian and foreign literatures. Appeared bimonthly. Edited by Tibor Szänto. DLC: [1956], »[5]. N N : 1956-1957, 05-6. 1222. Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Nyelvtudomanyi Bizottsaga 6s Budapesti Philologiai Tärsasäg, 1877-1948. [1] Learned journal: Articles on and reviews of Greek, Latin, Hungarian, German, and French philology, an annual bibliography by Ärpäd Hellebrant (no. 87), and an occasional article in English, French, German, or Italian. [For an index to vols. 1-20, see no. 121.] Appeared quarterly (irregular). Publication suspended between vol. 68 (no. 1), June 1944, and vol. 69, May 1946. Begun in January 1877 under the editorship of Gusztäv Heinrich and Emil Ponori Thewrewk. Last editors: Jozsef Huszti, Sändor Eckhardt, and Alajos Györkösy. Superseded by Filolögiai Közlöny (no. 1232). CSt-H: 1923-1924, 047-48. CU: 1881i883[i885] 1889-1890, I9ix-[i9i9]i924, 1926-1928, i93i-[i948], 05-7 [9] 13-14,35-[43]48, 50-52, 55-[7i]· CtY: i924-[i944]i945[i947-i948], »48-[68]-[7o-7i]. DLC: i935-[i94o], »59-[Ö4]. IU: 1877-1911, 19131948, Di-35, 37-71· ICU: [i8 7 7]i879-[i88 3 ]-i89o[i894, 1938], v[i]3[7]-i4[i8,62]. M H : 1882-1883,1886,1888,1890-1895,1900,1902-1903, 1908-1918, 1935, 1937-1943, "6-7, 10, 12, 14-19, 24, 26-27, 32-42, 59, 61-67. MnU: 1877-1948, 01-71. N N : 1924-1948, 048-71. NNC: 1882, 1890-1891, 1894, 1900, 1902-1903, 1908-1918, ι924-1943[1946-1947] 1948, 06, 14-15, 18, 24, 26-27, 32-42, 48-67[69~7o]7i. N j P : 1924[i94o]-[i944] 1947-1948, 048-[64]-[68]7o-7i. OC1: 1924-1948, 048-71. OC1W: 1877-1923, 01-47. OCU: 1877-1948, 01-71. AsWN: i877~[i9o81910H1917-1918, i923]-i942, 0i-[32-34]-[4i-42, 47]-66. FiHI: 1929[i939], ®S3"[63]· FiHU: 1877-1939, 01-63. FrPIH: 1881, 1917, 1927,



1941-1948, 05, 41, 51, 65-71. FrPS: 1877+; exact holdings unreported. GeLU: 1947-1948, 070-71. GyBH: 1877-1943, m-67. GyBS: 1942, i>66. ItFU: [1904, I9is-i9i7]i923-[i926]-[i928-i93i]i93s-i938[i94i] -[i943]i944[i9435~[37-38]-43. CtY: [ 1 9 1 0 - 1 9 1 1 H 1 9 1 3 - 1 9 1 4 ] , 0O7-28H3O-31]. DLC: I933"[i937] 1938, !>38-[42]43· IU: 1 9 1 1 - 1 9 1 3 , I93°"i934, 1937-1938,1*28-30, 35-39, 42-43. MH: 1930-1932,1135-37. NN: 1936-1944, 041-49. NNM: 19301938, A35-43· WU: 1930-1938,035-43. FrPS: 1 9 3 0 + ; exact holdings unreported. GyBH: 1884-1907, 1909-1915, I930-I945[i942, 1944], 01-24, 26-32, 35-45[47, 49]· GyBS: 1939, 1942, 044, 47. 1230. Ethnographia. Budapest: Magyar Neprajzi Tärsasäg, 1890+. [3] The theoretical problems of ethnography and research relating to the ethnography of the Hungarian, related, and neighboring peoples, including all phases of their material and spiritual culture. Recently has included table of contents in English, German, French, and Russian. Illustrated. Appears monthly (irregular), 1890-1904; irregular, 1905-1925; quarterly (irregular), 1926-1939, 1942-1950, 1 9 5 5 + ; semi-annually, 1940-1941, 1951-1954. Begun on January 1, 1890, under the editorship of Läszlo Rethy. 1892-1906 (vols. 3-15): "Magyar Neprajzi Tärsasäg 6s Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum firtesitoje." Title varies: Nepelet (az Ethnographia harmadik folyama), 1923-1925; Ethnographia-Nipilet, 19261944. Vols. 16-33 also called Üj folyam 1 - 1 8 ; vol. 34-36 also called [3. Folyam] 1-3. From 1900 to 1934, "A Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum



N6prajzi Osztalyanak firtesitSje" (variations in title) was issued as a supplement and bound with Etknographia as follows: vols. 1-17 (19001916) with vols. 11-27; vols. 18-26 (1926-1934) with vols. 37-45. Index to vols. 1-10 in vol. 10 (1899), pp. 427-492. Index to vols. 1-50 (18901939) published separately (Budapest, 1942; 72p.). Being edited by Laszlo K . Koväcs in i960. CLU: 1 9 4 9 + , » 6 0 + . CU: 1 9 4 5 + , » 5 6 + . C t Y : I90S-[I9IS]I923-[I942]-[I944],»I6-[26]34/35-[S3]-[SS].DLC:I890+) v i + . I C U : i 8 9 o - [ i 9 i 3 - i 9 i 4 ] , « - [ 2 4 - 2 5 ] . M H : i 8 9 o [ i 8 9 i , 1893-1897, 1907, I 9 i 2 ] - i 9 i 5 [ i 9 2 5 - i 9 2 6 , 1 9 3 1 ] + , " [ 2 , 4 - 8 , 18, 23]-26[36-37, 4 2 ] + . N N : i 8 9 o - [ i 9 4 4 ] i 9 5 i + , J>I-[5S]62+. NNC: I89O-[I894-I89S]1950, 1 9 5 2 + , i>i-[5~6]-6i, 6 3 + . N N M : [1901, 1903], v[i2, 14]. N j P : i 9 2 3 - i 9 2 5 [ i 9 2 7 - i 9 4 4 ] , »34/3S~36[38-5s]· OC1: 1 9 2 3 + , » 3 4 + · OC1W: 1929-1934, i 9 3 7 - [ i 9 3 9 ] , »4O~45, 48-[5°]· AsWN: 1923-1942, »34-53. F i H I : 1890-1942, »1-53. F r P I H : 1926, 1935, 1937, 1939-1940, 1943, 1947, »37, 46, 48, 50-51, 54, 5 8 · F r P S : 1890-1904, 1923-1926, »1-15, 3 4 37. G e L B M : 1 8 9 0 + , » 1 + [imperfect]. GeLU: 1933-1943, »44-54. GeOB: 1 9 5 8 + , » 6 9 + . GyBA: 1 9 5 2 + , » 6 3 + . G y B S : 1905-1907, 1910, 1913, 1917-1918, 1 9 5 1 + , »16-18, 21, 24, 27-28, 6 2 + . 1231. Figyelö. Budapest: Abafi Lajos, 1876-1889. [x] Entirely concerned with Hungarian literary history; contains Jozsef Szinnyei's bibliography of Hungarian literature in each number (no. 107). Appeared monthly, except in July and August. Begun on July 1, 1876. Edited by Lajos Abafi as the first journal of Hungarian literary history. [There are two other periodicals with this name. One was begun on January 1, 1871, and ceased on June 30, 1876, under the editorship of Tamäs Szana. A Sunday weekly, it was concerned with literature, criticism, and the fine arts. The other was begun in January 1905, as a monthly under the editorship of Erno Osvät, and ceased on December 15,1905. Its tendency was that of the later Nyugat (no. 1272), and some of Endre Ady's works were published in it.] MnU: 1876-1889, »1-26. G e L B M : i 8 7 6 - [ i 8 8 9 ] , »i-[26]. G y B H : 1876-1889, vi-26. 1232. Filolögiai Közlöny. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Irodalomtörteneti Fobizottsäga, 1 9 5 5 + . [1] Concerned with world literature, philological problems in the Hungarian language, relations between Hungarian and world literature. Summaries in English, German, French, and Russian. Also reviews books on philology, and reports regularly on the activities of Hungarian philological circles. An occasional bibliography of world literature. Appears quarterly. Begun in March 1955 under the editorship of Tibor Kardos. Supersedes Egyetemes Philologiai Közlöny (no. 1222). Still being edited by Kardos in i960. D L C : 1 9 5 5 + , » i + . M H : 1 9 5 5 + , NN: 1 9 5 5 + , » i + . N N C : 1955-1959, 01-5. AsWN: 1 9 5 5 + , » 1 + . FiHU:



i9SS[i956]-[i9S8], m M H Ä I . G e L B M : i 9 S 6 + , v»+. GeOB: 1 9 5 5 + , p i + . G y B A : 1 9 S S + , »1 + · G y B H : 1 9 5 5 + , » i + . G y B S : 1955-1956, »1-2. G y G N S U : 1955-1956, »1-2. I t F U : [1958], »[4]. 1 2 3 3 . Förum. Budapest: Forum Club, 1946-1949. [2] Articles on Hungarian literature, social and economic problems, original poems and short stories. Book reviews. Appeared monthly. Begun in September 1946. Edited by György Vertes. Ceased in 1949, with no. 2 of vol. 4. CSt-H: [1947-1948], »[2-3]. C U : 1948-1949,113-4. I C U : 1948, »3. N N : [1946-1948], »[1-3]. N N C : 1948-1949,113-4. A s W N : 1948, 23. FiHI: [1947-1949], ^[2-4]. F r P I H : 1946-1949, »1-4. G e L B M : 19461949, pi-4. G e L U : 1946-1948, 111-3. GeOB: [1948-1949], ^[3-4]. G y B H : 1946-1949, ΪΙ-4. 1 2 3 4 . Gondolat. Budapest: Nepszava Könyvkereskedes, 1935-1937. [3] Mainly articles on literary problems in Hungarian literature, but also reviews, original poems and short stories, and articles on social, political, and historical questions. Appeared ten times annually (irregular). Begun under the editorship of Lajos Nemes, and edited in 1936 and 1937 by Tibor Dery and György Vertes. Title of first volume: Gedanke. N N : I93S-I937, f i - 3 · 1 2 3 5 . Györi Szemle. Gy6r: Gyori Szemle Tärsasag, 1930-1944. [3] Articles on Hungarian literary societies, libraries, authors, etc., connected with Györ in some way. Also book reviews and original poems and short stories. Ten numbers a year, 1930-1933; quarterly (irregular), 1934-1940. Editors: Istvän Vallö, 1930-1936; Rezso Gälos, 1937; Elemer Lovas, 1938-1944. N N : i93o-[i939]i94o, m - [ i o ] i i . F r P I H : 1930-1935, 1938-1939, »1-6, 8-9. G y B H : 1930-1943, 111-13. 1 2 3 6 . A Het. Budapest: Kiss Jozsef, 1890-1919; Boross Jänos, 1920-1923; Feh6r Ärpad, 1923-1924. [1] A literary periodical concerned with contemporary Hungarian authors. Appeared weekly. Begun on January 5, 1890, under the editorship of Jozsef Kiss, who edited it until 1919; ceased under the editorship and publication of Ärpad Feher. CSt-H: [1921], «[31]. N N : i9og[i9io], ®2o[2i]. GeOB: [1907], i/[i8]. G y B H : 1890-1903, 1905-1921, fli-14, 16-31. 1 2 3 7 . Hiriink a vildgban. Washington, D . C . : Csicsery-Ronay Istvän, 19S1 + . [2] Studies of literature in Hungary and Hungarian literature abroad and of Hungarian foreign literary connections. English language supplement. Appears every two or three weeks. Edited by Istvän Csicsery-Ronay. D L C : 1951 + , 1/1+. M H : [1953], »[3]. FiHI: 1951 + , vi+.



1238. The Hungarian Quarterly. Budapest, London, and New York: Society of the Hungarian Quarterly, 1936-1941. [3] Articles on all aspects of Hungarian history and culture. Appeared quarterly. Begun in the Spring of 1936. Edited by Francis Deak. In 1942, the publication was devoted to A Companion to Hungarian studies (no. 178). CL: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. CLU: 1938-1940/41, ι>4~7· CSt-H: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. CU: 1936-1940/41, νχ-η. CtY: 1936-1940/41, 51-7. DLC: 1936-1940/41, 111-7. DS: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. I C N : 19361940/41, »1-7. ICU: 1936-1940/41, vi-7. I E N : [1937-1940/41], α[3-7]. MB: 1936-1940/41, D1-7. M H : 1936-1940/41, νι-η. MdBE: 19361940/41, νχ-η. MiD: 1939, i>4. MiU: 1936-1940/41, νχ-η. MnU: 19361940/41, νχ-η. NB: i936-[i937]-i94o/4i, fi-[3]-7. NBu: 1936-1940/ 41, »1-7. N N : 1936-1940/41, νι-η. NNC: 1936-1940/41, νχ-η. N N F : [1937H1939], »[3H4]. N R : I 936-[i939], » i - W · NhD: 1936-1940/41, »1-7. N j P : 1936-1940/41, νι-η. OC: 1936-1940/41, νχ-η. OC1: 19361940/41, »1-7. 0 0 : [1936], e[ij. OrU: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. P L F : 19361940/41, 51-7. P P T : 1936-1940/41, νι-η. PPi: 1937-1940/41, 03-7. PU: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. WU: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. WaWW: [1936], WvU: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. AsWN: 1936-1940/41, 111-7. FiHI: [i937]"[i94o/4i], »[3-4H6-7]· FiHU: 1936-1940/41, f i - 7 . FrPBN: 1937-1940/41, 23-7. FrPS: 1937+; exact holdings unreported. GeCU: 1936-1940/41, »1-7. GeLBM: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. GeLU: 1936-1940/ 41, νι-η. GeOB: 1936-1940/41, »1-7. GyBH: 1936-1940/41, νι-η. GyBS: 1940/41, νη. 1239. Huszadik Sz&zad. Budapest: Tärsadalomtudomanyi Tärsasag, 19001919· [3] Articles on Hungary's socio-historical development during the first two decades of the twentieth century. Two volumes annually. First editor, Gusztäv Gratz; then Oszkär Jaszi. Superseded by Szdzadunk. IU: 1909[i9i7]-i9i8, 2Ί9-[34]~38. FrPS: 1909, »19-20. GeLBM: [1904-1909], VQ-20. GeLU: 1900-1909, 1917, vi-20,35-36. GyBH: 1901-1919,1)3-40. 1240. Irodalmi Figyelö. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Irodalomtörteneti Dokumentarien Központja, 1955+. [2] Articles on Hungarian and foreign literatures, sketches and memorials of authors, and reviews of Hungarian and foreign books. Summarizes and evaluates articles published in periodicals of the "Soviet and People's Democracies and in the progressive journals of capitalistic countries." Appears quarterly. Begun in March 1955 under the editorship of Tibor Kardos. Formed by the union of Irodalomtudomänyi Erlesitö and Bibliogrdfiai Täjikoztatö. Title changed to Vilägirodalmi Figyelö in 1958. Edited by Tibor Kardos, 1955-1956. Publisher in 1958: Magyar Tudomänyos Akad&nia Irodalomtörteneti Intezete Vilägiro-



dalmi Osztälya. Being edited by Bela Köpeczi in 1959. D L C : 1 9 5 5 + , » i + . N N : 1 9 5 5 + , ν τ + . FiHI: [1955-1956], »[1-2]. G e L B M : 1956+» V2+. G y B A : 1 9 5 5 + , c i + . G y B S : 1 9 5 S + , « + · 1 2 4 1 . Irodalmi Üjsdg. Budapest: Magyar irok Szövetsege, 1950-1956. [1] Articles and reports on every aspect of Hungarian cultural life, reviews of Hungarian literary works, and original poems and short stories. Also information on the major foreign literary and cultural events. Illustrated. Appeared bi-weekly to 1954; weekly from June 5, 1954. Begun under the editorship of Bela Illes. Frequent changes in editorship. Ceased under the editorship of GyÖrgy Hämos. D S : [i955]-i956, f[6]-7. N N C : [1956], »[7]· F r P I H : 1950-1956, 91-7. G y B H : 1953-1956, »4-7· G y B S : 1951-1956, »2-7. G y G N S U : [1954M1956], » [ 5 H 7 ] · 1 2 4 2 . Irodalomtörttnet. Budapest: Magyar Irodalomtörteneti Tärsasäg, 1912-1962. [1] Studies and documents dealing with Hungarian literary history, literature in general, and criticism. Special attention to Hungarian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. Also book reviews, bibliography of articles published in Hungarian periodicals (no. 89), treatises on modern Hungarian literary criticism, and notices of the activities of the Society of Hungarian Literary History. Recently: summaries in Russian, French, and German. Appears monthly (irregular). Begun in January 1912 under the editorship of Jenö Pinter, followed by Gyula Baros and Zsolt Alszeghy. Edited by Sandor Kozocsa, 1941-1947. Suspended in 1948; resumed in 1949 under the editorship of Jozsef Waldapfel. Edited from 1950 to June 1952 by Jänos Barta; from 1952 by Läszlo Boka. C U : [1947, i 9 4 9 - i 9 5 i ] - [ i 9 5 5 - i 9 5 6 ] + , »[36,38-4O]-[44-45]+. D L C : 19121921, 1926-1938, 1940-1943, 1945-1947, 1949-1951, 1 9 5 3 + , Di-io, 15-27, 29-32, 34-36, 38-40, 4 2 + . M H : [1929, I93i]i938[i947, 1950i 9 5 2 ] - [ i 9 S 6 ] + , »[18, 2o]27[36, 3 9 " 4 ΐ Η 4 5 ] + · M n U : 1 9 1 2 + , ν τ + . N N : [ 1 9 2 5 - 1 9 2 6 H 1 9 3 1 H 1 9 3 9 H 1 9 4 4 - 1 9 4 5 , I 9 4 7 ] i 9 4 9 + , »[14-15][2o]-[28-29]-[33-34, 36]38+. N N C : I 9 i 2 - [ i 9 2 i ] - [ i 9 4 6 - i 9 4 8 ] + , »1[ ι ο ] - Ϊ 3 5 - 3 7 Ϊ + · N j P : x925-[i939-i94o]-[i944]-[i947]» ®i4-[28-2g][33H36]. Ο CI: 194o-[i 944] -1946, 1949-1951, ®29-[33]-35, 38-40. OC1W: [1924-1926]i929-[i944]-[i946-i947], »[13-15], i8-[33]-[3536]. A s W N : 1912-1943, Di-32. A s W U : 1 9 1 2 - f , 0 1 + . F r P I H : 1920, 1927-1947, vg, 16-36. F r P S : 1931-1940, 1943-1944, 1 9 5 7 + , »20-29, 3 2 33, 4 6 + . G e L B M : 1 9 1 2 + , » 1 + . GeLU: 1937-1947, 1 9 5 6 + , »26-36, 4 5 + . G y B A : i 9 5 3 + , » 4 2 + . G y B H : I9i2-[i944, i947] + . " i - [ 3 3 » 3 6 ] + · G y B S : 1941-1943, 1 9 5 7 + , »30-32, 4 6 + . G y G N S U : i 9 i 2 - [ i 9 3 7 - i 9 4 o ] [i952]-i954, »1-Ϊ26-29Η41Ϊ-43· I t F U : [i9S3-i9S4] + , »[42-43]+· 1 2 4 3 . Irodalomtört&neti Közleminyek. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Irodalomtörteneti Ällando Bizottsäga, 1891-1955; Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Irodalomtört6neti Intezete, 1 9 5 6 + . [1]



Mainly concerned with the older literature of Hungary. Special attention to the exploration and examination of unknown literary works, regular reviews of learned works published in Hungary and foreign countries, and summaries of the latest results of research in Hungarian literary history. Since 1958, the only journal reviewing all scholarly books on Hungarian literary history claimed to be of first importance. Contains the bibliographies by Goriupp, Hellebrant, and Kozocsa (nos. 83, 85, and 95). Recently: titles in Russian, German, and French. Appears quarterly. Begun by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to replace the extinct Figyelö (no. 1231). Editors: Aladär Ballagi 18911892; Äron Szilädy, 1893-1922; Elemer Csäszär, March 1922-1940; Lajos Keky, August 1940-1945. Editors since 1953: Gabor Tolnai, 19531957; Gabor Tolnai, Istvan S8ter, and Tibor Klaniczay, 1958+; with i960, Tolnai, Soter, Klaniczay, and Istvän Kiräly. Suspended in 19461947,1948 (only one number), 1949-1952. CU: [1906], v[i6]. CtY: 19121918, »22-28. DLC: 1891-1910, 1912-1921, 1923-1939, »1-20, 22-31, 33-49. MH: [I89I-I893]-[I89S]-I897, i899-[i9i6]-[i9i8]i922-i936, f [ i - 3 ] - [ s ] " 7 , 9-[26]-[28] 3 2- 4 6. NN: 1934+, »5»+· NNC: 1891-1948, I953+, »1-S6, 57+· OC1: [1921-1930H1932], »[31-40H42]· AsWN: 1891-1943, vi-53. AsWU: 1891+, tii+. FiHI: i89i-[i926], di-[36]. FrPBN: 1914-1926, »24-36. FrPIH: 1893-1923,1925-1928,1930-1944, ®3"33i 35-38, 40-54. GeLBM: 1891+, »1+. GeLU: [1891-1937], »[1-47]. GyBH: 1891-1943, 1948, 01-53, 5^· GyBS: 1940-1943, 1953+, "So-53, 57+· GyGNSU: 1928-1939, »38-49. ItFU: [i8 9 3-i8 9 4]-[i899] i904-[i909]-[i9i4, i9i7-i9i8H>934]i953+> ®[3-4H9]i4-[i9Ha5. 2 7—28]—[44] 5 7 + . 1244. Kalangya. Szabadka: Szirmai Käroly, 1932-1944. [2] Belles-lettres, studies of literary subjects, reviews of original works, all connected with Yugoslavian Hungarian writers. Appeared monthly. Begun under the editorship of Korn61 Szenteleky; after his death edited by Ferenc Kende, Imre Rad6, and Käroly Szirmai. CSt-H: [19423-1944, t>[n]-i3. AsWN: 1942-1943, Dii-12. GyBH: i935-[i94i]-[i943]. ®4~ [I0]-[I2].

1245. Katholikus Szemle. Budapest: Szent Istvän Tärsulat, 1887-1944. [3] Religion, philosophy, literature, and all learning connected or concerned with religious questions or outlooks. Also book reviews and reports on publications in foreign countries. Quarterly, 1887-1888; bi-monthly, 1889-1899; monthly, 1900-1944. Begun at the suggestion of Count Albert Apponyi. Editorship assumed from the Society of St. Stephen by B61a Kisfaludy in 1889, and Äkos Miklös took the post in 1892. Ceased under the editorship of Flöris Kühär. [Continued in Rome in 1949 as quarterly under editorship of Bela Kovrig, followed by Vilmos Juhlsz, and published by Magyar Actio Catholice. Present editor Gell6rt



B6k6s. File available a t N N . ] D L C : 1932-1941, ^46-55. N N C : 1887[ i 9 2 i ] i 9 2 2 [ i 9 2 s ] - i 9 4 4 , fi-[3S]36[39]"S8. A s W U : 1887-1944, »1-58. F r P I H : I933~i939, "47-53· G y B H : 1887-1895, i 8 9 7 - [ i 9 4 4 ] , vi-g, "-[58]· 1246. Könyvtdros. B u d a p e s t : Nepmuvel6si Miniszterium, 1 9 5 1 + . [3] Articles on books, libraries, collections, printing, publishing, library science, a n d related m a t t e r s in H u n g a r y . Also book reviews a n d articles on authors. A separately paged supplement called "Irodalmi Täjekozt a t 6 " from J a n u a r y 1955 on (published previously as a supplement to each issue) which covers ideological and political works and books reviewed in the publication. Appears monthly. Title varies: Könyvbarät, 1951-1952; Könyv, 1955 (115). N N C : 1955-1956, 1960+, 05-6, 10. A s W N : 1952-1954, U2-4. 1247. Kort&rs. B u d a p e s t : L a p k i a d ö Vällalat, 1 9 5 7 + . [1] H u n g a r i a n belles-lettres a n d studies a n d criticisms of living H u n g a r i a n novelists and poets. Little attention to earlier writers. Appears monthly. Begun September 1957. E d i t e d b y Gabor Tolnai a n d Jozsef D a r v a s . Editor in i960: Tolnai. D L C : 1 9 5 7 + , d i + . Μ Η : 1 9 5 7 + , » 1 + . F i H U : [ i 9 5 7 ] - [ i 9 5 9 - i 9 6 o ] + , t>[i]-[3-4]+. F r P I H : 1 9 5 7 + , vi+. GeLBM: 1 9 5 8 + , Ώ2+. G y B H : 1 9 5 7 + , m + . G y B S : 1 9 5 7 + , KFU: 1958+, V2 + . 1248. Korunk. Kolozsvär: Dienes Liszlö es Gaäl Gabor, 1926+. [3] H u n g a r i a n literary and social subjects. Appears monthly. First edited by Läszlö Dienes and later b y Gäbor Gaäl. D L C : 1 9 5 9 + , !»i8+. G y B H : i 9 2 8 - [ i 9 3 o ] - i 9 3 8 . G y G G a U : [1957], 1249. Koszorü. SzSp-literaturai Aj&ndik a Tudom&nyos Gyüjtemenyköz. P e s t : T u d o m ä n y o s G y u j t e m e n y , 1828-1841. [2] Studies of literary subjects. Appeared monthly. Begun in M a r c h 1828 as a continuation of the T u d o m ä n y o s G y ü j t e m e n y ' s Szepliteraturai Ajändik for its members, under the editorship of M i h i l y Vörösmarty, 1828-1832, who, under t h e pseudonym " C s a b a , " published m a n y of his works in it. G y B H : 1830-1838, 910-18. G y M W d : 1828, 1833, 1835, 1837. 1260. Koszorü. B u d a p e s t : Emich Gusztav, 1863-1865. [2] Literary and general cultural matters. Appeared weekly. Published f r o m J a n u a r y 4,1863, t o J u n e 25,1865, a n d edited by Janos Arany as a continuation of his Sztpirodalmi Figyelö (no. 1279). A s W N : Ι863-[Ι86$], ®i-[3]. G y B H : 1863-1865, fli-3. 1251. Koszorü. B u d a p e s t : Petofi-Tärsasag, 1879-1885. [2] Literary and general cultural m a t t e r s in H u n g a r y . Appeared monthly, 1879-1881; weekly, 1882-1885. Begun in J a n u a r y 1879 under the editor-



ship of Tamäs Szana as a continuation of the Pelöfi Tdrsasdg Lapja. Last volume edited by Emil Äbränyi. GyBH: 1879-1882, ui-8. 1252. Koszorü. Budapest: Petofi Tarsasag, 1934-1944. [2] A literary and critical periodical with the purpose of advancing intellectual and literary efiorts in Hungary. Appeared quarterly. Edited by Elemer Csäszär, Jen6 Caspar, and Istvan Havas. A new series of no. 1251. GeLBM: 1934-1939, 21-5. 1253. Literatura. Budapest: LaFontaine-Tärsasag, Magyar Irodalmi 6s Muv6szeti Szövetseg, Magyar Kulturszövetseg, Vajda Jänos-Tärsasäg, es Umbe Irodalmi Közlönye, 1926-1938. [2] Articles on the intellectual life of Hungary and foreign cultures, mainly literary. Also notices and reviews of Hungarian and foreign books, biographical sketches, and notices on Hungarian and foreign activities within the purview of the periodical. Appeared monthly, except for July and August, 1926; monthly, 1927-November 1933; semi-monthly, December 1933-1938. Begun as an organ of various Hungarian literary societies. Issued as a section of Lantos Magazin from January to September 1930; resumed independent publication in May 1931. DLC: [1926], v[i]. M H : 1927, V2. N N : 1926-1938, m-13. NNC: i926-[i937], ®i-[i2]. FiHU: 1926-1929, 1937, D1-4, 12. GyBH: 1926-1927, 1931-1938, 111-2, 6-13· 1254. Magyar Csillag. Budapest: Hungäria Hirlapnyomda, 1941-1944. [1] Original belles-lettres, studies of literary problems, and reviews of belleslettres and scholarly works on Hungarian literature. [For an index to the years 1941 to 1944, see no. 114.] Appeared monthly. Begun October i , 1941 and edited by Gyula I l ^ s . A continuation of Nyugat (no. 1272). MnU: 1941-1944, vi-4. N N : [1941], c[i]. N N C : 1941-1944, D1-4. AsWN: 1941-1944, 111-4. FiHI: [1942-1944], i>[2~4]. FiHU: [1942]1944, i>[>]-4. GyBH: [1941-1944], »[1-4]. GyBS: 1943, »3. GyGNSU: I94I-I942, HI-2. 1255. Magyar Könyvszemle. Budapest: Magyar Nemzeti Müzeum Orszagos Szechenyi Könyvtär, 1876-1946; Magyar Tudomanyos Akad6mia Könyvtartudomanyi FcSbizottsag, 1955+. [1] Articles on the holdings of the Orszägos Szechenyi Könyvtär and those of foreign and other Hungarian libraries and archives, and on books and bibliophilia. Extensive reports on bibliographies. Supplement: Official catalogue of the Hungarian press and bibliography of the Hungarian periodical press. Also a supplementary journal, 1912-1946: Bulletin de la revue bibliographique. On its reappearance in 1955 (vol. 71), concerned with topical questions of library science, the history of books, printing, libraries, and bibliography, with illustrations and with summaries in English, German, French, and Russian. Appears quarterly.



Begun under the editorship of Vilmos Fraknöi. Series i, 1876-1891, vols. 1-16; Series 2,1892-1932/34, vols. 1-39; Series 3,1937-1946, vols. 61-70; Series 4,1955+, vols. 71+· Edited by Bela Kohalmi since 1957. Suspended from 1947 to 1954. CSt-H: Ser. 2, [1922], »[29]. CU: Ser. 4, I95S+, »71+· CtY: Ser. 2, 1925-1934, 032-39; Ser. 3, i937-[i939] _ [i94i-i942]-[i944], ®6i-[63]-[6s-66]-[68]; Ser. 4, [1955] + , f [ 7 i ] + · DLC: Ser. 3, 1939, 1946, 1163, 70; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071 + . ICJ: Ser. i, 1876-1891, 01-16; Ser. 2,1892-1929, 01-38. ICN: Ser. 4, 1956+, 072+. ICU: Ser. 2, i9o8-[i9i9-i92o/2i], 0i6-[28~3o] ; Ser. 3, [1937-1938][1941, 1944-1945], h[6i-62]-[65, 68-69]; Ser. 4, [1955-1958] + , »[7174]+. IU: Ser. 4, X955[i956], νητ^ηι], ΜΗ: Ser. 1, 1887, 012; Ser. 2, i92o[i93o]i93i, 029[39]~4o; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+. MiU: Ser. 1, 18761891, 01-16; Ser. 2, 1892-1932/34, 01-39; Ser. 3, 1937-1946, 1)61-70. MnU: Ser. 2, 1923, 2/30; Ser. 3, 1939-1945, 1*63-69. NN: Ser. 2, 1912i93 2 /34, »21-39; Ser. 3,1937-1946,061-70; Ser. 4,1956+, 072+. NNC: Ser. i, 1876,1878,1880,1884-1891, »ι, 3, 5, 9-16; Ser. 2,1892-1932/34, 01-39; Ser. 3, 1937-1944, 061-68; Ser. 4, 1955+, »71+· NjP: Ser. 2, 1925-1932/34, 032-39; Ser. 3, I937[i938-i939]-i943> v6i[62-63]-67; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+. PU: Ser. 2, 1929-1932/34, 036-39; Ser. 3, 19371940, 061-64; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+. WaU: Ser. 4, [1955-1956]+, 0[7i72]+. AsWN: Ser. 1, 1876-1891, 01-16; Ser. 2, 1892-1932/34, 01-39; Ser. 3, 1937-1943, 061-67. AsWU: Ser. 2, 1892-1932/34, 01-39; Ser. 3, 1937-1946, 061-70; Ser. 4, 1955+. FiHU: Ser. 1, 1881-1887, 1890, 0612, 15; Ser. 2, 1905-1910, 1915-1916, 1920-1922, 1924-1939, 013-18, 24-25, 27-29, 31-39; Ser. 3, 1937-1946, 061-70; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+. FrPBN: Ser. 2, 1914-1931, 023-38; Ser. 3, 1937, 061. FrPS: 1892+; exact holdings unreported. GeLBM: Ser. 1, 1872-1891, 01-16; Ser. 2, 1892-1932/34, 01-39; Ser. 3, 1937-1946, 061-70; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+' GeLU: Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+. GeOB: Ser. i, 1876-1891, 01-16; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+. GyBA: Ser. 1, 1881, 1889-1891, 06, 14-16; Ser. 2, 18921893, 1915, 1918-1932/34, 01-2, 24, 27-39; Ser. 3, 1937-1946, 061-70; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+. GyBH: Ser. 1, 1876-1891, 01-16; Ser. 2, 18921932/34, fi-39; Ser. 3, 1937[1943-1944], 061 [67-68]. ItFU: Ser. 1, 1879-1881, 1884-1891, 04-6,19-16; Ser. 2, 1892-1896, 1898-1931, 01-4, 6-38; Ser. 3, 1937-1946, 061-70; Ser. 4, 1955+, 071+. 1266. Magyar Kultüra. Budapest: Apostol-Nyomda, 1913-1944. [3] Societal, literary, and other learned subjects, from a Catholic viewpoint. Appeared monthly. Begun in January 1913. Editors: Bela Bangha, Gyula Czapik, and Zoltän Nyisztor. FrPIH: 1913-1944, 01-31. 1257. Magyar Nyelv. Budapest: Magyar Nyelvtudomänyi Tärsasäg, 1905+. [2] Articles reporting the most important findings about the Hungarian language by the Society of Hungarian Linguistics. Concerned with all



aspects of philology: historically descriptive articles, treatises on grammar, phonetics, morphology, methodology, etymology, dialects, spelling, and correctness of speech. Also subjects connected with general philology, Slavistics, Turkology, and pre-history. Contains Hellebrant's bibliography (no. 86). [For an index to the first fifty volumes, see nos. 115 and 116.] Appears quarterly. Begun in January 1905 under the editorship of Zoltän Gombocz and Janos Melich. Being edited by DezsS Pais and Lorand Benk8 in i960. CU: 1905-1938, »1-34. CtY: [1905][i944]-[i9SS]+. »[I]-[4O]-[SI]+· DLC: 1905-1944, 1947, ^949, *95ΐ, I 9S4> I9S7 + , »1-40,43, 45, 5°, 5 3 + · M H : 1905-1918,1920-1931,1933[1944, Ι949]ΐ95ΐ-[ΐ954]+, »i~i4, 16-27, 29-ko, 45]47~[5°]+· N N C : 1905-1916, I9i8-[i950-i95i] + , »1-12, i4-[46~47]+. N j P : 1924[ΐ939]-[ΐ942-ΐ944Ϊ, »20-[3SH39-40]· OC1: 1924-1938, 1941-1942, »20-34, 37-38. AsWN: 1923-1943, »19-39. AsWU: 1905+, » 1 + . FiHI: 1905-1951, 1953-Ϊ955, 1958+, wi-47, 49-51, 5 4 + . F r P I H : [1940-1947, 1949], ^[36-43, 45]· FrPS: 1910-1912,1914-1933, »6-8,10-29. GeLBM: 1905+, GeLU: i933~i943, 1956+, »29-39, 5 2 + . GyBA: 1952+, »48+. GyBH: 1933-1938, »29-34. GyBS: 1940-1942, 1 9 5 7 + , »36-38, 4 7 + . GyGNSU: 1905-1907, 1909-1949, 1951-1953, I955 + , »1-3, 5"45, 47-49, 5 1 + · I t F U : 1945-1946, 1948, I952[i954]i956[i957]+, »41-42, 44, 48[5°] 52[53]+· 1268. Magyar Nyelvdr. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1872+. [2] Theoretical and practical linguistic problems, literary language and style, spelling, dialects, etymology, etc. Also reviews and criticisms of works on philology, and reports on the resolutions made by the Academy of Sciences. Its purpose, apart from studies of problems in linguistics: to advance the purification of the Hungarian language and correctness in its use. [For an index to vols. 1 to 69 (1872-1940), see no. 119.] Appears monthly (slightly irregular). Begun Jan. 15,1872, under Gabor Szarvas. Editor from 1954: Lajos Lörincze. Suspended 1941-1945. CU: 1948-1949, 1954+, »7 2 -73, 7 8 + · D L C : 1948+, »77+· M H : 1872-1939 [i95o-i952]i955-i957, »I-68[74~76]79-8I. N N : 1872-1917, 1919[1940, 1946, 1949-1951]+, »1-46, 48-[69, 70, 73, 7 5 ] + . N N C : 1872[i94o]i946-[i949]i956+, »i-[69]7o-[73]8o+. AsWN: 1873-1940, »2-69. FiHI: 1872+, » 1 + . FiHU: i897-[i9oo]i936, »26-[29]6s. FrPIH: [1933, 1939, 1948-1951], »[62, 68, 72-75]. FrPS: 1884-1914, »13-43. GeLBM: 1873-1884, »2-13. GeLU: 1872-1873,1875,1879-1880, 1884-1888, 1890, 1899-1902, »1-2, 4, 8-9, 13-17, 19, 28-31. GyBA: 1953-1956, »77-84. GyBH: 1872+, » 1 + . GyGNSU: 1952-1956, »76-80. I t F U : [1948-1958]+, »[72-82]+. 1269. Magyar Skakespeare-Tdr. Budapest: Kisfaludy-Tärsasäg Shakespeare-Bizottsäga, 1908-1922. [2]



Contains: (ι) Articles on Shakespeare's plays and art and on writers who have dealt with Shakespeare or his plays, (2) Studies of Shakespeare on the Hungarian stage, (3) Reviews of works on Shakespeare, (4) Miscellaneous brief discussions of both Hungarian and foreign matters related to the study and understanding of Shakespeare and his works, (5) An annual selected bibliography of both Hungarian and foreign works on Shakespeare, and (6) Notices of the Society. Quarterly, 19081911; annually, 1 9 1 2 + . One volume for 1919-1922. Edited by Jozsef Bayer, 1908-1911; Zoltän Ferenczi, 19x2-1922. MH: 1908-1919, t i i - u . MiU: [1908], φ ] , NiC: [1911], »[4]. FrPS: 1911,1/4- GeCU: 1912-1914, 1918, ^5-7, 10. GeLBM: 1908-1911, GyBH: 1908-1916, 21-9. GyBS: 1908-1919, vi-11. 1260. Magyar Szemle. Budapest: Kaczvinszky Lajos, 1889-1906. [3] A social and literary review. Belles-lettres, studies of literature, criticism, and fine arts in Hungary. Book reviews. Appeared weekly. Begun under the editorship of Gyula Rudnyanszky; from September 1890, Jozsef Kaposi, followed by György Szemere. Ceased with 44th number, under the editorship of Szemere. GyBH: 1894, v6. 1261. Magyar Szemle. Budapest: Magyar Szemle Tarsasag, 1927-1944. [2] Articles on all aspects of Hungarian history, society, literature, language, and the arts as well as treatises concerned with such subjects in foreign countries. Appeared quarterly. Three volumes per year. Begun September 1927 under the editorship of Gyula Szekfü. Sändor Eckhardt named editor in January 1939. Last editor: Sändor Eckhardt. CSt-H: i928-[i94o-i94i, 1943]. CtY: i928-[i94i], I C J : 1928-1931. ICN: 1 933 - Ι 939· I E N : 1940. MH: 1928-1941. MnU: 1927-1944, vi-46. NN: 1927-1944, m-46. NNC: 1927-1944, vi-46. NjP: [i927~i93o]-[i94i][1944]. OC1: 1927-1944, 01-46. OC1W: 1929-1931, 1933-1935. AsWN: 1927-1944, ντ-46. FiHI: 1927-1944, t)[i—2]—[4]—[11]—[46]. FiHU: 19271944, hi, 4-[46]. FrPBN: 1927-1928. FrPS: 1930-1931, 1933, 1935. GeCU: i928-[i94i], i>4~[4i]. GeLBM: 1927-1944, Di-46. GeOB: 1928 [ i 9 2 9 ] - [ i 9 3 9 - i 9 4 i , 1943]. GyBH: [1927-1944], »[1-46]. GyBS: 19421943, P43-44· GyGNSU: 1928-1943. 1262. Magyar Tudomdnyos Akademia Nyelv- 6s Irodalomtudomdnyi Osztdlydnak Közlemenyei. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia, 1951+. Μ Articles on questions of Hungarian and foreign languages and literatures. Also book reviews. Appears annually. Begun under the editorship of Bence Szabolcsi, Jozsef Waldapfel, and Miklos Zsirai. Edited from 1958 by Istvän Soter. DLC: 1951+, » 1 + . MnU: 1951+, vi+. NNC: 1951-f, fli-f. GeLBM: 1951-1956, di-io. GyBA: 1951+, » 1 + . GyBH:




I953+, «3+. GyBS: 1953+, * 3 + · GyGNSU: 1951+, vi+. ItFU: 19531954, ^3-4· 1263. Magyarok. Debrecen es Budapest: Budapest Sz6kesf6varosi Irodalmi es Muveszeti Intezet, 1945-1949. [2] Articles on Hungarian and foreign literatures and cultural matters, book reviews, reports on theatrical and other fine arts activities, and original poems and short stories. Appeared monthly. Begun in April 1945 under the editorship of Geza Juhäsz, followed by Emil Kolozsvari-Grandpierre. CSt-H: [1947], »[3]. DLC: 1946,1948-1949, V2,4-5. MnU: 19451949, »i-S· NN: [i 9 47]-i949, »[3]—S- NNC: i945-[i947]~i949> fi-fo]" 5. FiHI: [1949], ®ts]· FrPIH: 1945-1949, 1/1-5. ItFU: [19461-1948, "W-4. 1264. Magyarosan. Budapest: Magyar Tudomänyos Akademia Nyelvtudomänyi Bizottsaga, 1932-1948. [3] Articles on correct use of the Hungarian language. Reviews and announcements of publications. Appeared bimonthly; five times annually, 1940-1946; three times annually, 1947-1948. Begun under Bela Nagy and Miklos Zsirai. Later editors: Zsirai, 1934-1936; Imre Putnoky, 1937-1944; Miklos Kovalovszky, 1944-1948. MH: 1932-1948, 1)1-17. NN: 1932-1948,01-17. NNC: 1932-1948, n-17. OC1:1932-1948, vi-17. AsWU: i932-[i 9 44], ®i—[13]. FrPBN: 1932-1948, 111-17. GeLBM: 1932-1948, iu-17. GyGNSU: 1932-1948, Di-17. 1265. Magyarsägtudomdny. Budapest: Α Magyarsägtudomänyi Intezet, 193S-1937. 1942-1943· [2] Hungarian history, society, literature, and fine arts. Appeared quarterly. Begun in July 1935 under the editorship of Gyula Ortutay; resumed under his editorship, with Sändor Eckhardt, in 1942. Series 1,1935-1937; Series 2, 1942-1943. NNC: Ser. 1, 1935-1937, wi-3; Ser. 2, 1942-1943, vi—2. AsWN: Ser. 1,1935-1937, D1-3. FiHI: Ser. 1, [1935-1936], »[1-2]; Ser. 2, [1942], p[i]. FrPIH: Ser. 1, 1935-1937, fli-3. GeLBM: Ser. 1, 1935-1937, »1-3· GyBH: Ser. 2, 1942-1943, ni-2. 1266. Minerva. Budapest: Μinerva-Tarsasäg, 1922-1942. [1] Articles dealing with development of the intellectual life of Hungary, mainly its literature. Historical-literary approach. Also book reviews. Ten numbers per year. Begun under the editorship of Janos Horvath and Tivadar Thienemann. DLC: 1922-1937, 1941, fli-17, 21. MH: [1931-1932], H[io-II], NN: 1923-1937,1941-1942, !>2-I6, 21-22. NNC: 1922-1942, Di-22. NjP: 1922-1937, 1941-1942, fi-16, 21-22. FiHI: [i922-i923]i929-[i937], D[I-2]8-[I6]. FiHU: 1922-1937, 1939, z>i-i6, 19. FrPIH: i922-i93r, 1935, ζί-ιο, 15. GyBH: 1922-1941, »1-21. GyBS: 1941-1942, D19-20. GyGNSU: 1930-1931, 2/9-10. GyMWd:



1922-1923, 1927, 1931, 1934-1936, fli-3, 6, 9-10, 13-15. ItFU: 19221942, m-22. 1267. Müvelt Ν6p. Budapest: Nepmüvelesi Miniszterium, 1950-1936. [3] An illustrated periodical of cultural movements in Hungary. Articles on literary, musical, theatrical, and other fine arts of the past and present. Concerned with peasant art and "progressive" art in foreign countries. Appeared weekly. Begun under the editorship of Sändor Erdei, followed by Jözsef Darvas. N N : [i9So]-i956, t>[i]~7. FrPBN: [1955], ®[d]. FrPIH: 1950-1956, 01-7. GeLBM: 1950-1956,111-7. GyBH: 1954-1955, »5-6. GyBS: 1951-1953, 1955,1-2-4, 6. 1268. Nagyvildg. Budapest: Magyar Irak Szövetsege, 1956+. [1] Studies of Hungarian and foreign literatures. Also original belles-lettres. Appears monthly. Begun in October 1956 under the editorship of Läszlö Dobossy; followed by Läszlö Gereblyes in April 1957, who was still its editor in i960. D L C : 1956+, i>i+. MnU: 1956+, FrPIH: 1956+, 1269. Napkelet. Budapest: Magyar Irodalomtörteneti Tärsasag, 19231940. [2] Hungarian literary history and criticism. First appeared ten times a year on the first of the month (not in July and August). Monthly, 1923-July 1927, 1930-1940; semi-monthly, October 1927-1929 (no issues for August-September 1927). Frequency varies. Begun in January 1923 under the editorship of Cecile Tormay, assisted by Janos Horväth and Jänos Hartmann, ßvfolyam [1]—17 also called kötet 2-27. Last editor: Miklös Källay. [Another periodical with this name, a Sunday weekly of literature and the fine arts, edited by Imre Vahot, was published from January 11, 1857, to September 30, 1862.] DLC: [1923, I928]i930-i933, »[2, II]I5-I8. OC1: 1936-1938, 1114-16. OC1W: 19291930, 17-8. FiHI: i929-[i939], t>7-[i7]· FiHU: [i936]-i938, b[i4]-i6. GeLBM: [1940], »[18]. GyBH: 1923-1932, 1935-1939, fli-18, 21-28. 1270. The New Hungarian Quarterly. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1960+. [3] Hungarian history, social and political issues, literature, and the arts in a periodical intended as a successor to the extinct Hungarian Quarterly (no. 1238). Appears quarterly. Begun in September i960 under the editorship of Ivan Boldizsär. D L C : 1960+, d i + . IaU: 1960+, i>i + . MnU: 1960+, vi+. AsWU: 1960+, »1 + . FiHI: 1960+, wi+. GyBA: 1960+, vi+. GyBH: 1960+, »1+. GyGNSU: 1960+, t>i+. 1271. Nyelvtudomänyi Közlemenyek. Budapest: Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Nyelvtudomänyi Bizottsäga, 1862+. [3] Principally treatises on historical and Finno-ugrian comparative philology. Reviews of Hungarian and foreign linguistic and related litera-



ture. [For an index to vols. 1-50, see no. 117.] Appeared three times a year; now annually. Begun in March 1862 under the editorship of Pal Hunfalvy. Suspended 1944-1947. Index to vols. 1-25 in vol. 25. A continuation of Magyar NyelvSszet (Pest: Müller Ε, 1856-1861). György Lakö became editor in 1959. CU: i9o6-i936[i94i, 1943, I948]i952+, ®3i, 37, 52]. D L C : 1862-1885, 1887-1902. I C N : 1862-1866, ui-5. I C U : 18621864, vi-3. IU: 1862-1868Ο872-1873], »1-7[10]. M H : I862-[I86S]1936, 19S0, i 9 S 2 + , ®i-[4]-5°> S 2 , 5 4 + · MiU: i862-[i868], fi—[7]. MnU: 1862+,

N N C : 1 8 6 2 - 1 9 4 3 , 1 9 5 1 - 1 9 5 3 , 1 9 5 8 + , »1-51, 53~55,

6 o + . PPAmP: 1862-1865, 1867-1868, »1-4, 6-7. PU: 1862-1868, vi-7. AsWN: 1862-1941, vi-51. AsWU: 1862+, »1 + . FiHI: i862-i936[i944/ 48]1954, 1958+, fi-5o[52]56[6o]+. FiHU: 1866-1920, 1)5, 9-[i2]i3, 28-[3o]34"35, 37-41, 45. F r P B N : 1867, 1872, 1914-1926. FrPIH: 1863, 1866, »2, 5. FrPS: 1864-1875,1881-1883,1890-1892,1899-1913. GeCU: [1863-1943], »[2-51]. G e L B M : 1862-1936, »1-50. GeLU: [1866-1869] ι879-ι887[ι896-ΐ9θ9]-ΐ948, »[5—8]—15~2o[i3 nos. only]-52. G y B A : 1887-1944/48, 1952+, »21-52, 5 4 + . GyBH: 1862-1954, m-33, 35-45, 47-51, 53-55· G y B S : 1 9 5 1 + , »53+· G y G N S U : ι 8 6 2 - [ ι 9 ΐ 3 - ΐ 9 ΐ 4 ] + , »i-[52-53]+. G y M W d : 1862-1887,1893-1906,1909-1934,1936, vi-20. 23-36, 39-48, 50. ItFU: ι879-[ι882-ι88 3 ]-ι887, »i5-[i7]-2i. 1272. Nyugai. Budapest: Nyugat, 1908-1941. [1] Studies of literary questions, original belles-lettres, literary issues of the day, book reviews of literature and the fine arts. [For an index to the years 1908 to 1941, see no. 114.] Appeared semi-monthly; monthly, 1935-August 1941. Founded by Ern5 Osvät, Ignotus (the pseudonym of Hug6 Veigelsberg), and Miksa Feny6, under the editorship of Ignotus. Suspended from July 16 to October 1919. Vol. 1 lacks volume numbering; fivfolyam 2, kötet 1, incorrectly called fivfolyam 1, kötet 1. Last editor: Mihily Babits. Continued by Magyar Csillag (no. 1254). CSt-H: [1920], »[13]. M H : 1920-1925, »13-18. N N : i9o8-[i9i3]-[i9i8] 1919, i928-[i94i], »1—[6]—[11]12, 2i-[34]. N N C : i9o8-[i9i6]-[i939]1941, »ι-[9]-[32]-34· AsWN: 1916-1917, »9-10. FiHI: [1928-1929, I93I, 1934, 1936-1938], »[21-22, 24, 27, 29-31]. FiHU: i9o8-[i939]1941, »i-[32]-34. F r P B N : 1938, »31. FrPIH: 1908-1937, 1939-1941, Di-30, 32-34. G e L B M : 1908-1941, »1-34· GeLU: [1931-1936, 1938], »[24-29, 31]. G y B H : 1908-1941, »1-34. 1273. Pdszlortüz. Cluj-Kolozsvär: "Minerva" Reszvenytärsasäg, 19151944· [2]

A pictorial literary and fine arts periodical. Not only Transylvanian literature, but all Hungarian authors. Appeared semi-monthly (slightly irregular). Founded in August 1915 as Kolozsvdri Szemle by Läszlö Nagy. Name changed to Erdilyi Szemle in 1916; became Päsztortüz on January



9, 1921, with Sändor Rem6nyik as editor. Published by "Haladäs" Reszvenytarsasag in 1923; "Minerva" Reszvenytarsasag resumed control in M a y 1924 and began a new format and illustrated series under the editorship of Lajos György. Ceased under Emil Väsärhelyi. N N : [1928H1941], »[14H27]· FiHI: 1941 [1942-1944]» 02 7 [28-30]. G y B H : 1921-1944, 07-30. 1 2 7 4 . Protestdns Szemle. Budapest: Magyar Protestäns Irodalmi Tärsasäg, 1889-1944. [3] Studies of Hungarian and foreign authors; original belles-lettres; articles on religious and ethical questions; reviews of both Hungarian and foreign literary, linguistic, aesthetic, and intellectual works; and studies of the theater, music, and other fine arts. Appeared monthly, except for July and August. Begun under the editorship of Bela Kenessey. Last editor: DezsS Kerecsenyi. C t Y : 1925-1930, 034-39. N N C : i89o-i899[i9oi]1944, v 2 - n [ i 3 ] - 5 3 . N N U T : 1925-1930, 034-39. N j P : 1925-1930, 03439. G e L B M : 1889-1944, 01-53. GeLU: 1926-1928, 1934-1936, 19381939. »35-37, 43-45, 47-48. G y B H : 1889-1944, 01-29, 31, 33, 35~38, 40-47, 49-[5ΐ]"53· 1 2 7 6 . Revue des Stüdes Hongroises. Paris: Champion, 1923-1948. [2] Articles on all aspects of Hungarian history, literature, and culture. Also book reviews. Quarterly (irregular), 1923-1929,1943-April 1948; irregular, 1933-1936/37. Begun under the editorship of Zoltän Baranyai and Alexander Eckhardt. Under the auspices of the Magyar Tudomänyos Akad6mia, 1923^June] 1944. Published by the Paul Teleki Institut, 1943-April 1948; with the Hungarian Institute in Paris, 1943-Qune] 1944. Title varies: Revue des Stüdes Hongroises, 1923-1935; Revue des Stüdes Hongroises et Finno-Ougriennes, 1936-1944; Etudes Hongroises, 1944-April 1948. Publication suspended from 1930 to 1932. Vol. 11, 1933, also called New Series 1. Last editors: Lipot Molnos Müller and G6za Bärczi. C L U : 1944-1945, 1948, 022-23, 2 6. CSt-H: 1923-1926 [i93o/33]-i936/37, ν ι - 4 [ 8 / ι ι ] - ΐ 4 / ΐ 5 · C U : [i93o/33]-i93