An Index to Common Law Festschriften 9781472559944, 9781841130613

This is the first ever index of contributions to common law Festschriften and fills a serious bibliographic gap in the l

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An Index to Common Law Festschriften
 9781472559944, 9781841130613

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A large number of people helped to make this Index a reality. The generous funding provided by the Law Foundation of New Zealand was essential to undertaking the production of this Index. The Trustees of the Law Foundation, and its Executive Director Lynda Hagen have been kind, supportive and patient throughout. I am grateful for the faith they have shown in this project. My referees on the grant application were Dame Sian Elias, Chief Justice of New Zealand, and Sir David Williams, University of Cambridge. I am grateful to them both. This Index is dedicated to Sir David, not only for his support of this project and his numerous contributions to common law Festschriften, but also for his long-standing support of the research environment in New Zealand. A large number of jurists and librarians (and happily these are not mutually exclusive groups) gave advice and supported the project in various ways. The following listing is in alphabetical order: Laurie Ackermann (South Africa); Helga Arlington (New Zealand); Margaret Banks (Canada); Dr Helmut Dau (Germany); Alan Edwards (New Zealand); Dame Sian Elias (New Zealand); Colin Fong (Australia); Margaret Greville (New Zealand); Sir Kenneth Keith (New Zealand); Justice Michael Kirby (Australia); Halvor Kongshavn (Norway); Margaret Leary (USA); Horst Lücke (Australia); Nial Osborough (Ireland); Jim Phillips (Canada); Tom Reynolds (USA); Bernard Rudden (UK); Mary-Rose Russell (New Zealand); Joachim Schwietzke (Germany); Hanne E. Strømø (Norway); A.W. Brian Simpson (UK/USA); Sir David Williams (UK). Margaret Leary and her team at the University of Michigan Law Library sent much material and this sped up the process considerably. As explained more fully in Chapter 1, this book has ‘morphed’ from a web-based, fully searchable database. The production of that web-based Index – also funded by the Law Foundation of New Zealand – was a team effort and a very rewarding one. Roslyn Smith, an experienced law book




cataloguer and law librarian, was involved throughout and shouldered much of the workload of indexing, cataloguing and inputting with good cheer and dedication. The Index would not have been completed without her considerable efforts and devotion to the project. Bernice Cole, another experienced law librarian, came to our aid when another pair of hands was needed and she input all the English language contributions to the foreign language legal Festschriften, as well as assisting Roslyn on the others. My secretary, Rachel Wyatt, typed all the English language contributions to German, Austrian, Swiss and Nordic legal Festschriften. In many respects the web-based Index project centred on the Davis Law Library in the University of Auckland. Both Roslyn and Bernice have worked there, and it has been my primary law library for more than thirty years. The present Manager of the Davis Law Library, Mary-Rose Russell, has been extremely supportive of this project. The Digital Services division at the University of Auckland Library provided invaluable experience and expertise in constructing the web-based database, and ensured that it could be converted into physical book form. Brian Flaherty was very helpful and Leonie Hayes created an excellent database out of thin air, and transported the data to Hart Publishing. Mary-Rose Russell contributed also to the design and usability of the database. All grants have to be administered, and Jonathan Taylor did this extremely well. Many other law school colleagues have taken an interest in the project over the last four years, and made suggestions for improvements. They help make Auckland Law School a remarkably good place to work. All scholarship builds on the work of others, and bibliography is no exception. The pioneer in relation to common law Festschriften was Lilly Melchior Roberts, whose writings about legal Festschriften proved invaluable as a starting point. Ms Roberts was educated in Germany and was an appellate court judge in Berlin before leaving Germany in the 1930s. She worked first as a research assistant at Michigan Law School from 1940-45 (for Professor Ernst Rabel, also a refugee from Germany) and from then until her death in 1966 she worked in the Michigan Law School Library. Her spirit lives on at the Michigan Law School Library, as shown by the unstinting help this project has received from Margaret Leary and her colleagues there. I stand also on the shoulders of Dr Helmut Dau from Germany, and Halvor Kongshavn and Hanne E. Strømø from



Norway. As explained more fully in Chapter 1, they and their publishers kindly allowed me to incorporate into this index all the English language contributions from their impressive bibliographies of legal Festschriften published in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Nordic countries. This has considerably enhanced the coverage of this index and I am most grateful. Covers for indexes test the imagination, and the default position seems to be stripes on black. I had hoped to use an image from the British cult television series Fawlty Towers. John Cleese as Basil Fawlty is discomforted by the arrival of German guests at the guesthouse and, as the picture shows, disregards his own advice to staff not to mention the war. The Anglo-Commonwealth legal world was similarly uncomfortable with Festschriften for a long period and, in my view, it was the “war” (and the rise of the Nazis that preceded it) that led decades later to the rise to maturity of the genre in the common law world. Hitler’s gift was a talented group of German-speaking émigré lawyers who made England their home. In the 1970s and early 1980s there was a gradual build-up of common law Festschriften for David Daube, Otto Kahn-Freund, Wolfgang Friedmann and Clive Schmitthoff, and these were supplemented by foreign-sourced Festschriften honouring Kahn-Freund, Schmitthoff, Ernst Cohn, Kurt Lipstein and F.A. Mann, to which higher-than-usual numbers of common lawyers contributed. The bringing of the genre to prominence in the home of the common law is one of the many ways these legal scholars and practitioners enriched the common law. See generally J. Beatson and R. Zimmermann (eds), Jurists Uprooted: German-speaking Émigré Lawyers in Twentieth-century Britain (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004). Much the same is true of the United States. The initial work on what became this Index flowed out of research undertaken when I was Maines Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Public Law in the University of Cambridge in 2001. In Cambridge, Jack Beatson, Christopher Forsyth, Ivan Hare, Sir David Williams and Peter Zawada were very kind. The following people commented on that initial research: Bernard Brown, Peter Cane, Brian Coote, David Dyzenhaus, Richard Hart, Paul Myburgh, Mark Perry, Barbara Tearle, John Turner and Tony Weir. Joshua Pringle provided research assistance, and his assistance was funded by the New Zealand law firm of Chapman Tripp.



Nick Allen in Oxford has done a wonderful job of massaging the data from the web-based Index database into book-form in an intelligent, efficient and expeditious manner. It has been a pleasure to work with him. Finally, Richard Hart has supported this project from its inception, and has published this book-form of the Index as a service to legal researchers. I salute Richard’s commitment to publishing legal scholarship in all its forms. Michael Taggart Auckland

1 Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden: Indexing Common Law Festschriften TURNI NG THE GRAVEYARD OF LEGAL S CHOLARS HI P I NTO A GARDEN

Introduction In 1985, Lord Denning admitted “festschrift is not a word known to me”.1 At that time, no doubt many in the legal profession were similarly placed. Like the Ph.D. and the Christmas tree, as Tony Weir has pointed out, the Festschrift is a German import.2 The literal translation of the German is Fest meaning “celebration” and Schrift (singular) or Schriften (plural) meaning “writing”.3 Although the word “trips awkwardly off the English-speaking tongue”,4 Festschrift is now the universally accepted term in the legal academy for a published collection of essays written by several authors to honour a distinguished jurist or to mark a significant legal event.

* This chapter draws upon several earlier pieces of work: M. Taggart, “Gardens or Graveyards of Scholarship? Festschriften in the Literature of the Common Law” (2002) 22 OJLS 227; M. Taggart, “Turning the Graveyard of Scholarship into a Garden: The Indexing of Common Law Festschriften” (2006) 17 PLR 85; a conference address under the last title published electronically as [2005] ANZLH e-journal 254; and the introductory pages to the web-based version of the Index, as described later in this chapter. 1 “Judges and the Judicial Power” in R. Dhavan, R. Sudarshan and S. Kurshid (eds), Judges and the Judicial Power: Essays in Honour of Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1985) 3. 2 T. Weir, “Book review” [1984] CLJ 176, 176. The concept did not originate in Germany: R. Pick, “Some Thoughts on Festschriften and a Projected Subject Index” (1959) 12 German Life & Letters NS 204, 204–05. 3 Entry under “Festschrift” in J. Pearsall and B. Trumble (eds), The Oxford English Reference Dictionary (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2nd edn, 1996) 514. 4 A.P. Kenny and L.J. Workman, “Volumes of Homage” (1980) 11 Scholarly Publishing 143, 144–5.



Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden

Until quite recently, such volumes were relatively rare in common law countries.5 Those that did exist usually had a “foreign element”,6 clustering around the areas of international law, comparative law and Roman law. On the Continent of Europe the genre dates back to the mid-nineteenth century,7 but it made very little impression on the literature of the common law. Indeed, prior to the late 1960s only a dozen such tomes had been published in the home of the common law.8 Since then, however, there has been an veritable explosion in the number of Festschriften published in the UK honouring distinguished common lawyers, and more than 130 such volumes have poured forth. If one adds to that number those produced elsewhere in the common law world – including the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, India, Malaysia, Singapore, the Caribbean and Anglophone Africa – the total number of common law Festschriften in existence is very close to 300 and these volumes contain over 5,000 substantive contributions. Although each of these contributions is the equivalent of a law review article, until

5 This was true also in the rest of the humanities in the UK. See S.G. Morley, “The Development of the Homage-Volume” (1929) 8 Philological Quarterly 61, and D. Rounds and S. Dow, “Festschriften” (1954) 8 Harvard Library Bulletin 283. 6 The phrase is taken from F.H. Lawson, but used in a different sense. See “Doctrinal Writing: A Foreign Element in English Law” in E. von Caemmerer, S. Mentschikoff and K.I. Zweigert (eds), Ius Privatum Gentium: Festschrift für Max Rheinstein zum 70 (vol. 1, JCB Mohr, Tübingen, 1969) 191; reprinted in F.H. Lawson, Many Laws: Selected Essays, vol. 1 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977) 207. 7 For comprehensive surveys of the genre in Germany and France, see H. Schulze-Fielitz, “Festschriften im Dienst der Wissenschaft” [“Festschriften in Service of Scholarship”] [2000] Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt [German Administrative Journal] 1260–6 [in German] and F. Rolin, “Les Principes Généraux Gouvernant L’Élaboration des Volumes de Mélanges: Contribution à l’étude de la literature mélangiable juridique” [“General Principles Governing the Elaboration of Mélanges Works: Contribution of the study of mélangiable legal literature”] in Les mutations contemporaines du droit public: Mélanges en l’honneur de Benoît Jeanneau [Contemporary Changes in Public Law: Mélanges in Honour of Benoît Jeanneau] (Éditions Dalloz, Paris, 2002) 221–34 [in French]. See also F. Rolin, “Preface” in X.D. de Boulois (comp), Bibliographie des Mélanges – Droit français/Bibliography of French legal Festschriften (La Mémoire du Droit Paris 2001) 9–14 [in French]. In France, mélanges (literally “a mixture; a collection of heterogeneous items . . . a medley”) is the accepted term. See J. Speake, The Oxford Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1997) 255. 8 In L.M. Roberts (comp.), A Bibliography of Legal Festschriften (Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1972).

Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden


now they have not been systematically indexed: hence the apt description of Festschriften as “graveyards of scholarship”.9 As the genre has become increasingly popular, the failure to index the contents has created a serious bibliographical gap in the literature of the Common Law. In 2002, I lamented this failure to index contributions to common law Festschriften by author and subject matter, and pointed out it undercut the reasons for publishing legal Festschriften in the first place.10 After failing to interest the publishers of existing legal bibliographic resources in filling this lacuna, I gained a grant from the Law Foundation of New Zealand to produce the first Index to Common Law Festschriften. Funding was given in the first instance to produce a web-based version of the Index (hereafter referred to the web-based Index).

The Web-based Index Project The web-based Index, from which his book is derived, exists on the University of Auckland Library website in New Zealand and is accessible free from anywhere in the world on the worldwide web. The URL is

The web-based Index was launched in mid-September 2005 and was the culmination of three years’ work by a small team at the University of Auckland.11 The web-based Index aspires to include every English language legal Festschrift published in book form at any time in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. In this it attempts to be comprehensive. It includes also every 9 W.H. Alexander, “Book review” (1953) 46 Classical Weekly 153 (2 March 1953),

quoted in L.M. Roberts, “The Importance of Legal Festschriften for Work in International and Comparative Law” (1962) 11 AmJCompL 403 at 410. 10 M. Taggart, “Gardens or Graveyards of Scholarship? Festschriften in the Literature of the Common Law” (2002) 22 OJLS 227. 11 I was the editor and was ably assisted by two experienced law librarians, Roslyn Smith (Cataloguing Department, University of Auckland Library) and Bernice Cole (Davis Law Library, University of Auckland). Leonie Hayes and Brian Flaherty (Digital Services, University of Auckland Library) developed the database, and Mary-Rose Russell (Manager, Davis Law Library, University of Auckland) provided encouragement and other support. See further the earlier “Acknowledgements” section: above at pp. v–vi.


Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden

English language legal Festschrift that came to our attention published anywhere else in the common law world, including India, Malaysia, Singapore, the Caribbean, and Anglophone Africa. The reason for the qualification as to the comprehensiveness of coverage of the latter group of common law jurisdictions is the lack of access via the worldwide web to comprehensive law library catalogues in those jurisdictions. For the most part, the common law Festschriften included in the web-based Index were identified by searching the on-line library catalogues of the Library of Congress, the Max Planck Institutes, Harvard University, the Universities of Michigan, California at Berkeley, Toronto, and the twenty-four leading UK research libraries (including the universities of Oxford, Cambridge and London).12 While one would expect that between them these great libraries would hold every common law Festschrift ever (and wherever) published, there is no guarantee. It is hoped users of the Index will bring any overlooked volumes to my attention. One advantage of a web-based index is that it can be continuously updated, as well as corrected. Another advantage of a web-based index is that it is instantaneously searchable by word(s) in book title and titles of contributions, and by subject, editor, contributor and honorand. Given the existence now of a cost-free, fully searchable and regularly updated web-based Index, the question arises: why publish a book-form of the Index at all? It is certainly true that a book form of the Index derived from the web-based version cannot be searched as easily, and cannot be easily updated, and so is limited in time to those Festschriften available as at the end of 2005. The beauty of legal research, much like that of the common law itself, is that it is “a maze and not a motorway”.13 The ‘on-ramp’ to the “motorway” that is the web-based Index will take time to be widely known, and may never become universally signposted. Scholars will continue to use library catalogues and shelves in the time-honoured way of browsing and finding as much, if not more, in the book next to the one the researcher was looking for. Certainly, my acquaintance with legal Festschriften occurred in this way, long before I knew what the term meant. The publication in book form ensures that an index to this 12 For the combined library holdings of the leading twenty-four research libraries in the

UK and Ireland, see 13 Morris v C.W. Martin & Sons Ltd [1966] 1 QB 716, 730, per Diplock LJ.

Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden


relatively new genre of legal literature in the common law world will appear on library shelves and will be available for use in hard copy in libraries. It will alert some researchers to the existence of the updated web-based Index. As a public record of the state of the genre as at the end of 2005, I hope this book will serve a useful function. The publication of the book-form of the Index has been made possible by an additional grant by the Law Foundation of New Zealand and by the public spiritedness of Richard Hart and his remarkable publishing house. The book-form of the Index bears the signs of its web-based parent, and thus has inevitable limitations. As noted above, the web-based Index is fully searchable by honorand, editor, author, title, and any word in the title of book or in the title of the more than 6,000 individual contributions. This liberated us from the necessity of devising and utilising an extensive list of subject-matter headings and sub-headings. The conversion from the web-based version to book-form has meant that we are locked into a rather rudimentary list of subject-matter headings. The list of subject headings (and further explanation) appears in the next chapter entitled “How to Use this Index”.

Common Law Jurisdictions As originally conceived, the web-based Index was only to include legal Festschriften published in common law jurisdictions. This would have ruled out all legal Festschriften produced in civil law jurisdictions and (with the exception of Scotland) so-called mixed jurisdictions.14 It proved unacceptably arbitrary, however, to exclude all such Festschriften. For example, the only Festschrift in book form for Lon L. Fuller of Harvard Law School, one of the greatest common law legal philosophers of the twentieth century, was published in the Netherlands.15 That volume is included in this Index, as are those Festschriften for other towering 14 Mixed legal systems include South Africa, Israel, Sri Lanka, Louisiana, Mauritius,

Cyprus and Quebec. Legal Festschriften in these jurisdictions frequently were ineligible for inclusion for the additional reason that they contained non-English language contributions. See, e.g., E. Caparros et al. (eds), Mélanges Louis-Philippe Pigeon (Wilson & Lafleur, Montréal, 1989). 15 T.W. Bechtler (ed.), Law in a Social Context: Liber Amicorum Honouring Professor Lon L. Fuller (Kluwer, The Netherlands, 1978).


Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden

common lawyers that just happened to be published in non-common law countries. As editor, I am solely responsible for deciding to include a prima facie ineligible Festschrift because of the honorand’s standing in the common law world. Each case was considered on its merits. The guiding principle was whether the omission would strike academic peers as odd or perverse. That is an admittedly vague and subjective criterion. By far the largest number of English language legal Festschriften published outside common law jurisdictions honour distinguished international lawyers and comparative lawyers. Happily, during the gestation of this Index, the bibliographic gap in the legal literature as regards international law has been filled. In 2002, Peter Macalister-Smith and Joachim Schwietzke published a valuable article surveying the place of the Festschrift within the literature of public international law and listing all public international law Festschriften published between 1930 and 2001.16 Subsequently they have produced in book form a comprehensive index of contributions to those Festschriften.17 This invaluable resource covers 384 Festschriften and contains over 8,500 chapter entries. The requirement for inclusion in this Index that a common law Festschrift be entirely in the English language was necessary in order to avoid the costs of translation, which the Index project budget could not bear. Fortunately, most common law Festschriften are entirely in English,18 but once again this requirement proved unacceptably arbitrary and some exceptions were made. If the majority of the entries were in English and the honorand was very well known in the common law world, the Festschrift is included in the Index. In those instances, the foreign language contributions to the Festschriften are not indexed.

16 “Festschriften in Public International Law: An Annotated Bibliographical Compilation

of Titles, 1930-2000/2001” (2002) 71 Nordic Journal of International Law 349–430. 17 P. Macalister-Smith and J. Schwietzke, Public International Law: Concordance of the Festschriften (C.F. Müller Verlag, Heidelburg, 2005). 18 Even contributions by civilian lawyers to common law Festschriften are usually written in English: Roberts, above at note 9, 408 n 23.

Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden


Law? Festschriften honouring eminent historians, philosophers, classicists and interdisciplinary scholars, such as criminologists, presented considerable difficulty. Lilly Roberts attempted to overcome the interdisciplinary difficulty by stipulating that the essays had to be “predominantly legal”.19 On this basis, I included Festschriften for distinguished historians who had significant interests in law and whose Festschriften contain treatments of legal topics.20 But where the Festschrift had little to say about law, I applied the rough-and-ready rule that for inclusion the honorand had to have a law degree from a common law jurisdiction or at some point in her or his career have had a close association with a law school in the common law world.21

Hidden Festschriften A “hidden Festschrift”22 is one that is written specifically in honour of an individual, institution or event, but does not disclose this fact on the cover or title page. Although the doyenne of legal Festschriften bibliography, Lilly Roberts flip-flopped on this issue and ultimately came down against including hidden Festschriften in her path-breaking bibliography,23 I refuse to accept that the eccentricity of editors or publishers in this regard should 19 Roberts, above at note 8, x. 20 In this category fall the Festschriften for John Crook, Sir James Holt, C.A.F. Meekings

and Susan Reynolds. 21 For example, this excluded the several Festschriften for Friedrich Hayek. See E. Streissler, F.A. Lutz and F. Machlup (eds), Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honour of Friedrich A. von Hayek (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1969); K.R. Leube and A.H. Zlabinger (eds), The Political Economy of Freedom: Essays in Honour of F.A. Hayek ((Philosophia Verlag, Munich, 1985); J. Birner and R. van Zijp (eds), Hayek, Co-ordination and Evolution: His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas (Routledge, London, 1994). None of these volumes have any significant focus on law. For a treatment that does, see R.A. Posner, “Hayek, Law, and Cognition” (2004) 1 NYU Journal of Law & Liberty 147. Hayek graduated with a law degree (Dr Jur) from the University of Vienna in 1921. 22 L.M. Roberts, “Legal Festschriften” (1963) 56 Law Library Journal 47 at 55. 23 Roberts, above at note 8, ix. For information on Roberts’ career, see K. Zwiegert, “Epitaphe: Lilly Melchior Roberts 1903–1966” (1967) 31 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 77, and B.J. Pooley, “In Memory of Lilly Melchior Roberts” (1967) 60 Law Library Journal 162.


Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden

consign such books to the grave. This Index includes hidden Festschriften, in so far as I have been able to identify them.24

Exclusion of Special Issues of Law Reviews For several reasons, special issues of law reviews honouring a person, event or institution are excluded from this Index.25 First, they are difficult to locate. After the covers are removed to bind the volume, a special issue may be very difficult to detect except by laboriously thumbing every volume of every journal. Secondly, and this is more to the present point, those contributions to scholarship will be indexed in the usual way and hence will be accessible through standard bibliographic reference works. They will not be lost or buried. Thirdly, there is something more significant, weighty and permanent about a stand-alone tome. This is not to disparage the practice, most common in the United States,26 of dedicating a law review issue to a distinguished lawyer. Such dedicated issues, in my opinion, simply lack the gravitas of a stand-alone Festschrift. On the positive side, however, such special issue Festschriften have offered contributors wider circulation of their work (often within the honorand’s field of specialty) and better bibliographic referencing.27 The existence of this Index now nullifies that latter bibliographic advantage. There remains, however, the difficulty of obtaining copies of common law Festschriften or photocopies or PDF files of individual contributions. 24 See, e.g., C. Harlow (ed.), Politics and Public Law (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1986) [gift to John Griffith]; W. Finnie, C.M.G. Himsworth and N. Walker (eds), Edinburgh Essays in Public Law (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1991) [honouring A.W. Bradley]; J.W. Cairns and O. Robinson (eds), Critical Studies in Ancient Law, Comparative Law and Legal History (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2001) [the dust-jacket declares the book to be “Essays in Honour of Alan Watson” but the title page makes no mention of this and the book is simply dedicated to him]: M. Groves (ed.), Law and Government in Australia (The Federation Press, Sydney, 2005) [the inside of the dust-jacket, the foreword and the editorial acknowledgements declare this to be a Festschrift for Enid Campbell]. 25 See further Taggart, above at n. 10, 229. 26 The primacy of the law review over the law book in the US legal academy probably accounts for the preference there for special law review issue Festschriften. See generally W.G. Ross, “Scholarly Legal Monographs: Advantages of the Road Less Taken” (1996) 30 Akron LR 259, 260. 27 See E.S. Gleaves, “A Watch and Chain and a Jeweled Sword: or, The Graveyard of Scholarship: The Festschriften and Librarianship” (1984) 24 RQ 466 at 470.

Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden


Unless a researcher works in or close to a first rate library many of the volumes indexed here will not be immediately available and will have to be accessed by inter-library loan or viewed at some other place.28 The ideal of attaching a PDF file to each record on the web-based version of the Index was unattainable due to the enormity of the task of gaining copyright consents from hundreds of editors and publishers and thousands of contributors. Some special law review issues honouring jurists have been reprinted or simultaneously published in book form.29 This double form of publication offers the best of both worlds, but, as the contributions are adequately indexed in the law review form, they are excluded from this Index.

Anti-Festschriften and the Middle Ground The term “anti-Festschrift” was first coined by Horst Lücke,30 and deserves passing mention. Far less numerous but no less worthy for that, these are attacks on the work and philosophy of the “great man”, deprecating his baleful influence.31 Philosophers and Philosopher-Kings seem particularly susceptible to this fate. H.L.A. Hart, the subject of three Festschriften,32 was the subject of an anti-Festschrift.33 At a lower level of 28 See Taggart, above at n. 10, 243. 29 For example, the Festschriften in book form for John H.C. Morris and J.M. Kelly are

republished special issues of the ICLQ and the Irish Jurist, respectively. 30 “Book review” (1985-86) 10 Adelaide LR 267. 31 I use the male pronoun advisedly here. For reasons explained in my earlier article, women legal scholars have been marginalised in common law Festschriften: above at n. 10, 232. As far as I am aware, there are only seven common law Festschriften (within the stipulated definition) honouring woman legal scholars or judges; namely, Enid Campbell (Australia), Elizabeth Eggleston (Australia), Carol Harlow (UK), Claire L’Heureux-Dubé (Canada), Diana Priestley (Canada), Susan Reynolds (UK) and Lotika Sarkar (India). In addition, Alice Erh-Soon Tay (Australia), who taught at the University of Sydney for many years, was honoured by a Festschrift published in Germany: G. Doeker-Mach and K.A. Ziegert (eds), Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty-first Century: Essays in honour of Alice Erh-Soon Tay (Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2004). That one is included in this Index. 32 P.M.S. Hacker and J. Raz (eds), Law, Morality, and Society: Essays in Honour of H.L.A. Hart (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977); R. Gavison (ed.), Issues in Contemporary Legal Philosophy: The Influence of H.L.A. Hart (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1987). J. Coleman (ed.), Hart’s Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to The Concept of Law (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001) is very close to the borderline but I opted to include it. 33 P. Leigh and P. Ingram (eds), The Jurisprudence of Orthodoxy: Queen’s University Essays on H.L.A. Hart (Routledge, London, 1988).


Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden

abstraction, so was Lord Denning.34 Anti-Festschriften are included in this Index, in so far as they could be identified. In between the Festschrift and the anti-Festschrift is a book of essays by several authors examining the work and ideas of a particular jurist, which is neither celebratory in the sense of a Festschrift nor as unrelentingly critical as an anti-Festschrift. The person’s work is taken seriously, explored and usually built upon. Although the line is an admittedly hazy one, such works are not covered in the Index. One reason for uncertainty in this regard is that, although the common law has imported the genre, it has not adopted the name Festschrift in book titles. One writer has praised the English for giving homage volumes straightforward titles, such as “Essays in Honour…”; thereby easing the tasks of librarians and users.35 But such usage is not universal and it is often difficult to distinguish true Festschriften from other collections of essays simply by title.

English Language Contributions to Non-Common Law Legal Festschriften Published in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Nordic Countries The major departure in the Index from the territorial limits of the common law world is that, though the generosity of several European scholars and their publishers, we have been able to include English language contributions to non-common law legal Festschriften published in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Nordic countries. I realise that this renders the title of this Index misleadingly narrow, but a strictly accurate title was too much of a mouthful. In any event, it is the common lawyer than needs education in this matter, not the civilian lawyer. My greatest debt is to Dr Helmut Dau and his publisher, BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH, for allowing (free of charge) the incorporation in this Index of all the English language entries in Dr Dau’s multi-volume bibliography of all legal Festschriften published in Germany,

34 P. Robson and P. Watchman (eds), Justice, Lord Denning and the Constitution (Gower,

Farnborough, 1981). 35 Pick, above at n. 2, 207.

Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden


Austria and Switzerland from 1864 to 1996.36 As Horst Lücke once said, the Dau bibliographies are “of world-wide interest”,37 and the English language contributions to the thousands of legal Festschriften published in these central European countries over such a long period account for over 1,000 chapter entries in this Index. On a necessarily smaller scale, Hanne E. Strømø and Halvor Kongshavn have done the same thing as Dau for legal Festschriften published in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden up to 1999.38 These authors also generously consented to the reproduction here of the English language contributions to the Nordic legal Festschriften they have indexed. These account for over 60 entries in this Index. Strømø and Kongshavn have since produced an updated bibliography covering Nordic legal Festschriften from 1998 to 2002,39 but this publication was not available to me at the time this Index went to print. English language contributions to continental European legal Festschriften were a rarity in the nineteenth century, but as the twentieth century progressed they became more common. It used to be only common lawyers who wrote in English when invited to contribute to non-common law legal Festschriften, but today it is becoming more common for continental European scholars to write their contributions in English.

Currency and Title of this Index When the web-based Index first went on-line in mid-September 2005, it covered every common law Festschrift to come to my attention as of the end of June 2005. As noted earlier, this covers approximately 300 Festschriften, comprising in excess of 5,000 chapter entries. The Davis 36 Bibliography of Legal Festschriften Titles and Content: Germany, Switzerland, Austria

(Berlin Verlag, Arno Spitz) in ten volumes: 1864–1944 (1984); 1945–61 (1962), 1962–66 (1967), 1967–74 (1977), 1975–79 (1981), 1980–84 (1986), 1985–87 (1989), 1988–90 (1992), 1991–93 (1995), 1994–96 (1998). The next volume covering 1996–2000 was not available in New Zealand at the time the Index went to press. These are German language publications, but English titles are given for those contributions written in English. 37 Lücke, above at n. 30, 269. 38 Nordic Legal Festschriften: A Bibliography of the Essays written in English, German and French until 1999 (Det juridiske bibliotekfond, Oslo, 1999). 39 Nordisk jurdisk festskriftbibliografi: innholdet i juridiske festskrift fra Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige 1998-2002 (Innbundet, 2003).


Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden

Law Library in the University of Auckland has agreed to keep the webbased Index up to date, and will add new common law Festschriften as they come to hand.40 In preparing the data for electronic transfer to Hart Publishing Ltd in December 2005, Mary-Rose Russell and I endeavoured to update the web-based Index with the details of all common law Festschriften that had come to our attention since the end of June 2005. There may be a few common law Festschriften that came out late in December 2005 or in early 2006 with a 2005 imprint that have missed inclusion in this book. I can only apologise and assure the editors, contributors and publishers that the volumes will appear in due course on the web-based Index. It was difficult to know how to title this book. It is the first index to common law Festschriften in the sense that it is the only one to focus (almost) exclusively on this genre. The overwhelming majority of the entries in Lilly Robert’s pioneering work, A Bibliography of Legal Festschriften came from non-English language legal Festschriften published in civil law countries. That Bibliography was published posthumously in 1972 and was current up to the end of 1968. It listed only 12 Festschriften as originating in England (there are no separate entries for Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland), 4 for India, 2 for common law Canada and none for the rest of the Commonwealth. Identifying the year in which the genre began in the common law world is not straightforward.41 Even if a year could be settled upon, its inclusion in the title of this index could potentially confuse the uninitiated who might infer that there were common law Festschriften in existence before that year. So this book is entitled An Index to Common Law Festschriften: From the beginning of the genre up to 2005. It is not the first index, but it 40 Please contact Mary-Rose Russell, the Library Manager at [email protected]. 41 In the USA, the earliest institutional Festschrift appears to be the bicentennial

anniversary volumes for Yale University published in 1902 (Two Centuries’ Growth of American Law, 1701–1901 (Yale University Press, New Haven, 1902)) and the earliest for an individual appears to be for John H. Wigmore in 1919 (Celebration Legal Essays, by various authors, to mark the twenty-fifth year of service of John H. Wigmore, as professor of law in Northwestern University (Northwestern University Press, Chicago, 1917)). In England, the earliest legal Festschrift commemorates Magna Carta (H.E. Malden (ed.), Magna Carta commemoration essays (Royal Historical Society, London, 1917)) and that for individuals the combined Festschrift for Dr Bond and Professors Buckland and Kenny (Cambridge Legal Essays, written in honour of and presented to Doctor Bond, Professor Buckland and Professor Kenny (W. Heffer & Sons Ltd, Cambridge, 1926)).

Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden


is the first stand-alone index and I hope it will not be the last. It will be updated on the web-based version, which might itself some day be subsumed as part of a larger project (discussed below).

Other Composite Works Common law Festschriften are a subset of a much larger set of works gathering together the writings of several scholars in books of essays, published colloquia, conference proceedings and anthologies.42 These works have yet to be dignified by a generally accepted name, German or otherwise. Lilly Roberts proffered “composite works”,43 which I have borrowed. With his tongue firmly in his cheek, Tony Weir has proposed the term “bookette”.44 Whatever this larger set of works comes to be called, the future intellectual historian of legal thought in the last third of the twentieth century will remark on the spectacular rise of such works and their keen competition with law reviews to publish the best research. Both common law Festschriften and these other composite works have grown exponentially over the same period (albeit I suspect for different reasons) and, as with common law Festschriften, these composite works have suffered from the lack of indexing. Some law libraries are dealing with this problem by including the table of contents of composite works on the electronic library catalogue, and others go further enabling author and subject searches of these tables of contents.45 What is now needed is an international collaborative effort to produce a web-based, fully searchable index to all such composite works (including legal Festschriften). This will require a major injection of funding, and considerable organizational skill and coordination of a large team of legal academics and professional law librarians. The harbinger in this regard is Barbara Tearle’s Index to Legal Essays covering composite works 42 For an amusing but insightful discussion of composite works across academic disciplines, see T. Lipscombe, “The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Pitfalls of Publishing Proceedings, etc.” (2000) 31 Scholarly Publishing 179. 43 Roberts, above at n. 9. 44 “Book review” [1998] LMCLQ 594. 45 This has been done, for instance, at the Davis Law Library in the University of Auckland. See click on “Finding Legal Essays on Voyager”.


Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden

published in the UK from 1975 to 1979.46 At a time when these collections were nowhere near as popular as they have since become, that index covered 340 volumes and contains 5,000 chapter entries. It was a project of the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians. Having achieved the modest goal of indexing the contents of common law Festschriften, with the indispensable assistance of a very small team, I leave to others the truly gargantuan task of rescuing from the grave the contents of other composite works.

Copyright and Editorial Responsibility The Law Foundation of New Zealand assigned copyright in the web-based Index to the University of Auckland, which has consented to the publication of this book by Hart Publishing. Copyright in the material drawn from the bibliographies of Dr Dau, Ms Strømø and Mr Kongshavn remains with those editors/compilers and their publishers. This Index is intended for the purpose of private research and study by lawyers and law students. Any commercial use requires permission from Hart Publishing. I received much assistance in producing the web-based Index. Although paid for their labours, Roslyn Smith made a major contribution to this Index, as did Bernice Cole for a shorter period. It is appropriate therefore that their names appear on the title page, although they have had no involvement in converting the web-based Index into book form. As I had overall editorial responsibility for the project, I am wholly and solely responsible for any errors, omissions and all policy decisions. Despite best efforts, however, I cannot imagine this Index is free of errors. If you notify me at [email protected] I will arrange for appropriate changes to be made to the web-based version of the Index.

46 B. Tearle (ed.), Index to Legal Essays: English language legal essays in Festschriften,

memorial volumes, conference papers and other collections, 1975-1979 (Maunsell Publishing, London, 1983).

Turning the Graveyard of Legal Scholarship into a Garden


Conclusion Having caught the Festschrift bug, it is unlikely that common lawyers will stop producing this form of legal literature. “In a universe in which heroes and heroines are in short supply”, Irving Horowitz remarked, “the festschrift … will continue to serve as a reward for the best and an inspiration for the brightest”.47 Common law Festschriften should honour distinguished jurists and contain the best current work (by convention, not published elsewhere) from the workbenches of handpicked scholars, and that work product will be worth indexing, cataloguing, collecting and reading. It is hoped that this Index, and the web-based one from which it is derived, will help turn the graveyard of scholarship into a garden. May a thousand flowers bloom!

47 I.L. Horowitz, “The Place of the Festschrift” (1990) 21 Scholarly Publishing 77, 83.

2 How to Use this Index HOW TO US E THI S I NDEX

This Index comprises three lists: (i) Honorand Index, (ii) Subject Index, and (iii) Author Index.

Honorand Index The “Honorand Index” is an alphabetical listing by the surnames of scholars/jurists in whose honour common law Festschriften have been published. The total number of common law Festschriften listed is 296. Where a Festschrift honours or commemorates a significant legal event or legal institution in the common law world this is included in the alphabetical listing under the most obvious word or phrase (e.g. Magna Carta). Where there is more than one Festschrift for an individual, event or institution, these Festschriften are listed from oldest to latest and have a numerical suffix (e.g. Hart, H.L.A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphous) (1), Hart … (2), Hart … (3)).1 Each entry provides the publication details that will enable a researcher to locate the Festschrift – title, editor(s), publisher, place of publication, date of publication and ISBN. The entries do not indicate the number of contributions or the names of the contributors to each Festschrift. The names of contributors, however, can be searched (see (iii) “Author Index” below). The “Honorand Index” has two purposes. First, it allows a researcher to see at a glance who or what have been honoured in this way. Secondly, the surname of the honorand or name of the event/institution is the referent for entries on the next list to be discussed.

1 No distinction is drawn for this purpose between Festschriften and Anti-Festschriften.

For the difference between the two, see introductory chapter, above at pp. xix–xx.


How to Use this Index


Subject Index This list comprises 158 subject headings from access to justice to women’s rights under which headings hang the several thousand individual contributions (or chapters) to legal Festschriften indexed here. The subject headings used are set out in Appendix I at the end of this chapter. The web-based version of this Index allowed entries (and thereby searching) under several relevant subject headings, but this is not possible in this book form of the Index. All of the several thousand contributions to Festschriften indexed here appear only once under the most appropriate subject heading. The necessity to select only one subject heading has made for some difficult decisions on occasion, so it is important that the user of this Index consult also Appendix II which sets out a list of ‘see also’ references (or cross-references) indicating other possibly relevant headings to search under. For all the 5,000 or so individual contributions to the 296 common law Festschriften listed in the “Honorand Index” the following information is given under the most relevant subject heading: the contributor’s name (surname, first name(s) and/or initials – in alphabetical order under the subject heading), the title of the contribution, the pages (start and finish) and the name of the person, event or institution (in bold type) that the contribution honours or commemorates. That name/event/institution correlates to the “Honorand Index” and there gives all the details necessary for a researcher to locate the volume. In addition, the “Subject Index” includes, again under the most appropriate subject heading, the thousand or so English-language contributions to foreign-language non-common law legal Festschriften published in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Nordic countries. Most of these entries come from the multi-volume bibliography of all legal Festschriften published in Germany, Austria and Switzerland from 1864 to 1996 compiled by Dr Helmut Dau.2 The rest come from a bibliography of legal 2 Bibliography of Legal Festschriften Titles and Content: Germany, Switzerland, Austria

(Berlin Verlag, Arno Spitz) in ten volumes: 1864–1944 (1984); 1945–61 (1962), 1962–66 (1967), 1967–74 (1977), 1975–79 (1981), 1980–84 (1986), 1985–87 (1989), 1988–90 (1992), 1991–93 (1995), 1994–96 (1998). The next volume covering 1996–2000 was not available in New Zealand at the time the Index went on-line. These are German language publications, but English titles are given for those contributions written in English.


How to Use this Index

Festschriften published in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden up to 1999 compiled by Hanne E. Strømø and Halvor Kongshavn.3 Entries from the Dau and Strømø/Kongshavn bibliographies will give the name of the contributor and title of the contribution, and then state “in Dau” or “in Strømø/Kongshavn”. In other words, the titles of the Festschriften in which these contributions appear do not appear in the “Honorand Index” or anywhere else in this Index. The fastest way to find out the title and other details of such Festschriften is to use the search engine of the web-based Index searching under author or title of the contribution. This will bring up on screen all the details of the foreign-language legal Festschriften. (Of course, the relevant bibliography also contains the full details.) While this is not ideal as it involves the researcher in an additional step, the cost of providing that information in hard copy was not justifiable. In this balancing of cost and utility, the assumption was made that the determined legal researcher was likely to have ready access to the internet.

Author Index This is an alphabetical list by surname of all contributors to the common law Festschriften in the “Honorand Index” and all English language contributions to the foreign-language, non-common law legal Festschriften drawn from the Dau and Strømø/Kongshavn bibliographies. The contributor’s name is followed by the page number(s) in the “Subject Index” containing reference to his or her contribution(s). Where there is more than one contribution by that contributor on the same page this will be indicated in brackets after that page: e.g. Williams, D.G.T., Sir, 42(5), 94, 121, 133, 220(2). This index allows a researcher to search for a contributor to Festschrift(en) in the same way that the “Honorand Index” allows for a search of those honoured by Festschriften. It is not uncommon for contri3 Nordic Legal Festschriften: A Bibliography of the Essays written in English, German

and French until 1999 (Det juridiske bibliotekfond, Oslo, 1999). Strømø and Kongshavn have since produced an updated bibliography covering Nordic legal Festschriften from 1998–2002 – Nordisk jurdisk festskriftbibliografi: innholdet i juridiske festskrift fra Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige 1998-2002 (Innbundet, 2003) – but this publication was not available to me at the time this Index went to print.

How to Use this Index


butors to other scholars’ Festschriften to be honoured themselves in this way. That will not be evident from the “Author Index”, which lists only contributors to Festschriften, not honorands.

Methodology for Compiling Subject Headings* The subject headings used in this Index and listed in Appendix I are based on those used by the Library of Congress. There are, however, several departures from that template. First, English terminology and spelling have been preferred to American (e.g. “Family law” instead of “Domestic relations”; “Labour law” instead of “Labor laws and legislation”). Secondly, subdivisions and qualifiers have not been used: “Internet” instead of “Internet-Law and legislation”; “Obligations” instead of “Obligations (Law)”. Thirdly, country subdivisions have not been used (e.g. “Contracts” instead of “Contracts-Canada”), but note that some subject headings refer to the laws of particular countries (e.g. “Scots law”, “Soviet law”). Fourthly, a natural language approach has been adopted ( e.g. “Greek law” instead of “Law, Greek”; “Legal education” instead of “Law-Study and teaching”). By far the most important difference, however, is that far fewer headings are used here than in the Library of Congress classification. The reason, once again, lies in the web-based origin of this Index. Given the ease of searchability of the web-based Index by name of honorand, contributor or by any word in the book or chapter titles, it made no sense to construct an elaborate classification system by headings. So for the web-based Index broad subject headings were used or constructed. For example, “Intellectual property” instead of “Copyright”, “Patents”, etc.; and “Torts” instead of “Negligence”, “Libel and slander”, etc. Where the Library of Congress subject headings were not broad enough, two subject headings have been amalgamated or an umbrella term used. For example, “Immigration and refugee law” instead of “Emigration and immigration law” and “Refugees-Legal status, laws, etc.”; “Access to justice” instead of “Legal aid” and “Locus standi”. The small number of subject headings in Appendix I relative to the * This is based on the entry by Roslyn Smith that appears under the title “Subject Heading” on the web-based version of the Index.


How to Use this Index

breadth of the field of law combined with the necessity (explained above) to place each contribution under only one subject heading underscores the need to think laterally when searching this index. That is where the “see also” or cross-references in Appendix II may come in handy. As a further aid, Appendix III indicates other Library of Congress headings that are covered by the smaller number of sometimes broader subject headings we have employed. Remember, if in doubt or you are stumped, use the web-based version of the Index:

Appendix I Subject Headings S UBJ ECT HEADI NGS

Access to justice Accident compensation Administration of justice Administrative law Agency Agricultural law Air and space law Ancient law Anglo-Saxon law Arbitration Banking law Bankruptcy Canon law Celtic law Censorship Children Church and state Civil law Civil procedure Commercial law Common law Comparative law Competition law Computers Conflict of laws Constitutional law Construction law Consumer protection Contracts Conveyancing Corporation law Courts Criminal justice Criminal law Criminal procedure Criminology

Customary law Debtor and creditor Dispute resolution Ecclesiastical law Economic policy Education Elections Electronic commerce Environmental law Equity Ethics European Union Evidence Family law Federal government Feudal law Financial services industry Fisheries Foreign exchange Foreign investments Freedom of information Globalization Good faith Governmental investigations Greek law History Human rights Humanitarian law Immigration and refugee law Indigenous peoples Inheritance and succession Insurance law Intellectual property International agencies International finance International law



Subject Headings

International relations International trade Internet Investments Islamic law Jewish law Judges Judgments Judicial review of legislation Jurisprudence Jury Labour law Landlord and tenant Language Law Law and anthropology Law and art Law and economic development Law and economics Law and literature Law and medicine Law and religion Law libraries Law of the sea Law publishing Law reform Lawyers Lawyers as authors Legal education Legal ethics Legal history Legal research Legislation and statutory interpretation Legislature Local government Maritime law Media law Medieval law Military law Naval law Obligations Ombudsmen Partnership

Personal property Philosophy Planning law Police Politics and government Pollution Precedent Prisons Privacy Private law Privatization Procedure Professions Property Psychology Public corporations Public law Public policy Real property Regional development Religion Remedies Restitution Roman law Roman-Dutch law Scots law Social security Sociology Soviet law Sports States, Small Taxation Terrorism Torts Transportation Treaties Trusts and trustees Unification of law United Nations War Water law Welsh law Women’s rights

Appendix II Subject Headings with Cross-references to Related Headings S UBJ ECT HEADI NGS WI TH CROS S - REFERENCES TO RELATED HEADI NGS

access to justice see also administrative law see also constitutional law see also courts see also human rights see also procedure accident compensation see also insurance law see also torts administration of justice see also courts see also criminal justice see also dispute resolution see also judges administrative law see also constitutional law see also european union see also international agencies see also judges see also local government see also ombudsmen see also planning law see also public law agency see also corporation law agricultural law air and space law see also international law see also pollution see also united nations see also water law ancient law see also greek law anglo-saxon law see also medieval law

arbitration see also conflict of laws see also dispute resolution see also european union banking law see also bankruptcy see also european union see also financial services industry bankruptcy see also banking law see also debtor and creditor see also european union canon law see also ecclesiastical law see also law and religion celtic law see also ancient law see also anglo-saxon law see also legal history see also medieval law see also welsh law censorship see also media law children see also family law church and state see also canon law see also ecclesiastical law see also law and religion civil law see also legal history see also roman law see also roman-dutch law civil procedure see also judgments xxxiii


Subject Headings with Cross-references to Related Headings

procedure remedies commercial law see also agency see also arbitration see also banking law see also bankruptcy see also competition law see also consumer protection see also contracts see also conyeyancing see also corporation law see also debtor and creditor see also electronic commerce see also equity see also european union see also insurance law see also landlord and tenant see also maritime law see also trusts and trustees common law see also comparative law see also customary law see also private law see also public law comparative law see also civil law see also common law see also european union competition law see also corporation law see also european union computers see also internet see also law libraries see also legal research conflict of laws see also arbitration see also civil procedure see also corporation law see also dispute resolution see also european union see also family law see also remedies constitutional law see also administrative law see also comparative law see also see also

courts european union federal government human rights judicial review of legislation see also legislature see also politics and government see also public law see also terrorism construction law see also contracts see also dispute resolution see also torts see also remedies consumer protection contracts see also agency see also commercial law see also conflict of laws see also debtor and creditor see also equity see also european union see also obligations see also restitution see also trusts and trustees conveyancing see also real property corporation law see also agency see also debtor and creditor see also european union see also international finance see also public corporations courts see also administration of justice see also european union see also judges see also judgments see also procedure criminal justice see also administration of justice see also criminal law see also criminal procedure see also criminology see also see also see also see also see also

Subject Headings with Cross-references to Related Headings

european union police prisons criminal law see also criminal justice see also criminal procedure see also criminology criminal procedure see also constitutional law see also criminal law see also human rights see also judgments see also jury see also police see also procedure criminology see also criminal justice see also jurisprudence customary law see also common law debtor and creditor see also bankruptcy see also european union see also personal property dispute resolution see also arbitration see also construction law see also courts see also european union see also international relations ecclesiastical law see also canon law see also church and state economic policy see also law and economics see also privatization education see also children see also family law elections see also european union see also legislature see also local government electronic commerce see also internet see also see also see also


environmental law see also european union see also pollution see also treaties see also united nations equity see also inheritance and succession see also trusts and trustees ethics see also legal ethics european union see also courts see also human rights evidence see also civil procedure see also criminal procedure see also procedure family law see also children federal government see also constitutional law see also elections see also european union see also legislature feudal law see also anglo-saxon law see also inheritance and succession see also medieval law financial services industry see also banking law see also european union see also investments fisheries see also european union foreign exchange foreign investments see also investments freedom of information see also european union globalization good faith see also contracts


Subject Headings with Cross-references to Related Headings

governmental investigations greek law history see also legal history human rights see also children see also constitutional law see also european union see also freedom of information see also indigenous peoples see also privacy see also women’s rights humanitarian law immigration and refugee law see also children see also european union see also family law see also humanitarian law see also human rights indigenous peoples see also human rights inheritance and succession see also trusts and trustees insurance law intellectual property international agencies see also european union see also international law see also international trade see also treaties see also united nations international finance see also banking law see also foreign exchange international law see also law of the sea see also naval law see also treaties see also war international relations see also dispute resolution see also european union see also international law see also treaties

international trade see also foreign investments see also transportation internet see also computers see also electronic commerce interpretation see also constitutional law see also legislation and statutory interpretation investments see also financial services industry see also foreign investments islamic law see also comparative law jewish law see also legal history judges see also administration of justice see also courts see also european union see also judgments judgments see also judges see also remedies judicial review of legislation see also constitutional law see also european union jurisprudence see also criminal law see also philosophy jury see also anglo-saxon law see also criminal procedure see also legal history see also medieval law labour law see also comparative law see also european union see also human rights see also social security landlord and tenant see also real property

Subject Headings with Cross-references to Related Headings

language see also jurisprudence law see also jurisprudence law and art see also indigenous peoples see also intellectual property law and anthropology see also comparative law law and economic development see also human rights see also international agencies see also regional development see also united nations law and economics see also economic policy law and literature see also greek law law and medicine see also criminal law see also human rights law and religion see also church and state see also constitutional law see also religion law libraries see also computers see also legal research law of the sea see also dispute resolution see also international agencies see also international law see also maritime law see also pollution see also transportation law publishing see also lawyers as authors law reform see also comparative law lawyers see also judges see also professions


lawyers as authors see also legal education legal education see also comparative law see also lawyers as authors legal ethics see also ethics legal history see also ancient law see also anglo-saxon law see also celtic law see also civil law see also medieval law legal research see also law libraries legislation and statutory interpretation see also administrative law see also interpretation see also judges see also legislature legislature see also constitutional law see also european union local government see also administrative law see also planning law maritime law see also international law see also law of the sea see also naval law see also transportation media law see also censorship see also legislature see also privacy medieval law see also anglo-saxon law see also celtic law see also legal history see also scots law see also welsh law military law see also naval law see also war


Subject Headings with Cross-references to Related Headings

naval law see also maritime law see also military law obligations see also contracts see also debtor and creditor see also equity see also property see also restitution see also torts ombudsmen see also administrative law partnership see also agency see also corporation law personal property see also commercial law see also property philosophy see also jurisprudence planning law see also administrative law see also constitutional law see also real property police see also criminal procedure politics and government see also constitutional law pollution see also air and space see also environmental law see also international law see also law of the sea precedent see also common law see also comparative law see also jurisprudence prisons see also access to justice see also human rights privacy see also freedom of information see also media law private law see also common law

contracts obligations torts privatization procedure see also civil procedure see also courts see also criminal procedure see also jury see also remedies professions see also lawyers property see also intellectual property see also personal property see also real property psychology public corporations see also privatization public law see also administrative law see also constitutional law see also criminal law see also criminal procedure see also european union see also international law see also military law see also naval law public policy real property see also conveyancing see also feudal law see also landlord and tenant see also inheritance and succession see also property regional development see also international finance religion remedies see also contracts see also obligations see also restitution see also torts restitution see also contracts see also see also see also

Subject Headings with Cross-references to Related Headings

equity legal history obligations torts roman law see also civil law see also comparative law see also legal history see also roman-dutch law roman-dutch law see also civil law see also comparative law see also lawyers see also roman law see also scots law see also comparative law scots law see also civil law see also comparative law see also roman law see also roman-dutch law social security see also labour law sociology soviet law see also comparative law sports states, small taxation terrorism see also constitutional law see also international law see also war torts see also accident compensation see also obligations see also see also see also see also


transportation see also maritime law see also international trade treaties see also human rights see also international law trusts and trustees see also equity see also inheritance and succession unification of law see also conflict of laws see also procedure united nations see also international agencies see also international law war see also humanitarian law see also international law see also military law see also naval law water law see also international law see also law of the sea see also pollution see also property see also torts welsh law see also ancient law see also anglo-saxon law see also celtic law see also legal history see also medieval law women’s rights see also constitutional law see also human rights

Appendix III Subject Headings with Reference to Library of Congress Subject Headings S UBJ ECT HEADI NGS REFERENCE TO LI BRARY OF CONGRES S HEADI NGS

Note: Capitalisation of subject heading indicates that it is used in this Index (for the complete list see Appendix I). Italicized subject headings after “Used for” indicates that that subject is included in the capitalized subject above it. Italicized subject headings in the alphabetical listing followed by “see” indicates that the subject is included in the capitalized subject beside it. access to justice Used for Used for Used for

Bill drafting see legislation and statutory interpretation Building law see construction law Business law see commercial law Carriage of goods see maritime law; transportation

Justice, Access to Legal aid Locus standi

accident compensation Used for

Insurance, Accident

celtic law

administration of justice Used for

Used for

Justice, Administration of

Law, Celtic


administrative law

Used for

Children’s rights

Judicial review of administrative acts Advocates see lawyers

Used for Minors Children’s rights see children

air and space law

church and state

Used for

Used for Space law Aliens see immigration and refugee law Alternative dispute resolution see dispute resolution

Used for

State and church

civil procedure Used for Limitation of actions Civil rights see human rights

ancient law

commercial law

Used for Law, Ancient Anthropology and law see law and anthropology Antitrust law see competition law Arbitration, Industrial see labour law Art and law see law and art Attorneys see lawyers

Used for

Business law

Used for Mercantile law Commissions of inquiry see governmental investigations Company law see corporation law

competition law

bankruptcy Used for Insolvency Barristers see lawyers


Used for

Antitrust law

Used for

Restraint of trade

Subject Headings Reference to Library of Congress Headings

conflict of laws Used for

Private international law

construction law

Used for

Refugee law

indigenous peoples

Used for Building law Copyright see intellectual property

Used for Treaty of Waitangi Industrial arbitration see labour law Industrial relations see labour law

corporation law

inheritance and succession

Used for

Company law

courts Used for Tribunals Damages see remedies Development and law see law and economic development Development, Regional see regional development Domestic relations see family law Drafting of bills see legislation and statutory interpretation Economic development and law see law and economic development Emigration and immigration law see immigration and refugee law Employment law see labour law Enforcement of foreign judgments see judgments

environmental law Used for Mining law Used for Natural resources Ethics, Legal see legal ethics

family law Used for

Domestic relations

feudal law Used for Law, Feudal Fiduciaries see trusts and trustees Foreign judgments see judgments Foreign relations see international relations Foreign trade see international trade Government corporations see public corporations

governmental investigations Used for Used for Used for

Commissions of inquiry Investigations, Governmental Royal Commissions

greek law Used for

Law, Greek

immigration and refugee law Used for Used for

Aliens Emigration and immigration law


Used for Succession Insolvency see bankruptcy Insurance, Accident see accident compensation

intellectual property Used for Used for Used for

Copyright Patents Trademarks

international agencies Used for International organizations International organisations see international agencies

international relations Used for Foreign relations International taxation see taxation

international trade Used for Foreign trade Investigations, Governmental see governmental investigations

investments Used for


judgments Enforcement of foreign judgments Used for Foreign judgments Judicial review of administrative acts see administrative law Used for

jurisprudence Used for Sociology of law Justice, Access to see access to justice Justice, Administration of see administration of justice Land law see real property

law Used for

Legal system

law and anthropology Used for

Anthropology and law

law and art Used for

Art and law

law and economic development Used for

Development and law


Subject Headings Reference to Library of Congress Headings

Used for Used for

Economic development and law Sustainable development

law and literature Used for

Literature and law

law and medicine Used for

Medicine and law

law and religion Used for Religion and law Law, Anglo-Saxon see anglo-saxon law Law, Celtic see celtic law Law, Feudal see feudal law Law, Greek see greek law Law – History see legal history Law – Interpretation and construction see legislation and statutory interpretation Law, Medieval see medieval law Law, Naval see naval law Law, Scots see scots law Law, Soviet see soviet law Law – Study and teaching see legal education Law, Welsh see welsh law LAWYERS Used for Advocates Used for Attorneys Used for Barristers Used for Legal profession Used for Solicitors

lawyers as authors

Used for Used for

Statutes Statutory interpretation

legislature Used for Parliament Literature and law see law and literature Limitation of actions see civil procedure Locus standi see access to justice

maritime law Used for Carriage of goods Medicine and law see law and medicine

medieval law Used for Law, Medieval Mercantile law see commercial law Mining law see environmental law Natural resources see environmental law

naval law Used for Law, Naval Negligence see torts Parliament see legislature Patents see intellectual property PRECEDENT Used for Stare decisis Private international law see conflict of laws

public corporations Used for Government corporations Refugee law see immigration and refugee law

Used for Legal authors Legal aid see access to justice Legal authors see lawyers as authors

Used for Development, Regional Religion and law see law and religion

legal education


Used for

Law – Study and teaching

legal ethics Used for

Ethics, Legal

legal history Used for Law – History Legal profession see lawyers Legal system see law

legislation and statutory interpretation Used for Bill drafting Used for Drafting of bills Used for Law – Interpretation and construction

regional development

Used for


restitution Used for Unjust enrichment Restraint of trade see competition law Royal Commissions see governmental investigations

scots law Used for Law, Scots Small states see states, small Sociology of law see jurisprudence Solicitors see lawyers

soviet law Used for

Law, Soviet

Subject Headings Reference to Library of Congress Headings Space law see air and space law Stare decisis see precedent State and church see church and state

states, small Used for Small states Statutes see legislation and statutory interpretation Statutory interpretation see legislation and statutory interpretation Succession see inheritance and succession Sustainable development see law and economic development

taxation Used for

torts Used for Negligence Trade unions see labour law Trademarks see intellectual property

transportation Used for Carriage of goods Treaty of Waitangi see indigenous peoples Tribunals see courts

trusts and trustees Used for Fiduciaries Unjust enrichment see restitution

welsh law Used for

Law, Welsh

women’s rights International taxation


Used for

Women and the law


Honorand Index Adams, E. C. (Ernest Claude)

Atiyah, P. S.

Title Studies in the law of landlord and tenant: the Adams memorial essays: a tribute to Ernest Claude Adams, ISO, LLM (NZ) Ed Hinde, G. W. Pub Wellington, Butterworths

Title Essays for Patrick Atiyah Eds Cane, Peter; Stapleton, Jane

Date 1975 ISBN 0409606405

Ajibola, Bola, Prince Title Contemporary issues in Nigerian law: essays in honour of Judge Bola Ajibola Ed Pub Date ISBN

Okonkwo, C. O. Lagos, Toma Micro Publishers 1992 9783173219

Akehurst, Michael Barton Title The United Nations and the principles of international law: essays in memory of Michael Akehurst Eds Lowe, A. V.; Warbrick, Colin Pub London, Routledge Date 1994 ISBN 0415084415


Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1991 ISBN 0198254105

Babalola, Afe Title The legal profession and the Nigerian nation: essays in honour of Chief Afe Babalola, FFPA, SAN Ed Akinseye-George, Yemi Pub Ibadan, Nigeria, International Legal and Allied Research Network Date 2000 (rev. ed.) ISBN 9780274235

Barnes, William Sprague Title The law and policy of international business: selected issues: a Festschrift for William Sprague Barnes Ed Lacey, John R. Pub Lanham, Maryland, University Press of America Date 1991 ISBN 081918232X

Anastaplo, George Title Law and philosophy: the practice of theory: essays in honor of George Anastaplo Murley, John A.; Stone, Robert L.; Braithwaite, William T. Pub Athens, Ohio, Ohio University Press Eds

Date 1992 ISBN 082141013X, 2 vols [vol. 1: 1–602; vol. 2: 603–1032]

Barry, John Vincent, Sir Title Law and crime: essays in honor of Sir John Barry Eds Morris, Norval; Perlman, Mark Pub New York, Gordon and Breach Date 1972 ISBN 0677152701

Andersen, Paul Kruger

Beale, Joseph Henry

Title The regulation of companies: a tribute to Paul Kruger Andersen Eds Neville, Mette; Sørensen, Karsten Engsig

Title Harvard legal essays: written in honor of and presented to Joseph Henry Beale and Samuel Williston

Pub Copenhagen, Denmark, Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell Date 2003 ISBN 8761905976

Eds not given Pub Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press Date 1934 ISBN not given



Honorand Index

Beattie, J. M.

Blanpain, Roger

Title Criminal justice in the old world and the new: essays in honour of J.M. Beattie

Title Labour law and industrial relations at the turn of the century: liber amicorum in honour of Roger Blanpain

Smith, Greg T.; May, Allyson N.; Devereaux, Simon Pub Toronto, Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto Date 1998 ISBN 0919584861

Eds Engels, Chris; Weiss, Manfred Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International Date 1998


Bello, Mohammed Title Law, justice and the Nigerian society: essays in honour of Hon. Justice Mohammed Bello, CON, GCON Ed Ayua, I. A. Pub Lagos, Nigeria, Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Date 1995 ISBN 9782353477

Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Title The weightier matters of the law: essays on law and religion: a tribute to Harold J. Berman Eds Witte, John; Alexander, Frank S. Pub Atlanta, Georgia, Scholars Press Date 1988 ISBN 1555401791

ISBN 904111084

Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques, Sir Title Law and the spirit of inquiry: essays in honour of Sir Louis Blom-Cooper Q.C. Eds Pub Date ISBN

Drewry, Gavin; Blake, Charles The Hague, Kluwer Law International 1999 9041197613

Bond, Henry Title Cambridge legal essays: written in honour of and presented to Doctor Bond, Professor Buckland and Professor Kenny Eds Winfield, Percy Henry, Sir; McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord Pub Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press Date 1926 ISBN not given

Boyle, A. J. Berman, Harold Joseph (2) Title Law after revolution: essays on socialist law in honor of Harold J. Berman Butler, William Elliott; Maggs, Peter B.; Quigley, John B. Pub New York, Oceana Publications Eds

Title The corporate dimension: an exploration of developing areas of company and commercial law: published in honour of Professor A.J. Boyle Ed Rider, Barry Alexander K.

Date 1988 ISBN 0379209586

Pub Bristol, Jordans Date 1998 ISBN 0853084769

Bevan, Hugh K. (Hugh Keith)

Bradley, A. W. (Anthony Wilfred)

Title Children and the law: essays in honour of Professor H.K. Bevan Ed Freestone, David

Title Edinburgh essays in public law Eds Finnie, W.; Himsworth, Chris; Walker, Neil

Pub Hull, Hull University Press Date 1990 ISBN 0859584968

Pub Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press Date 1991


ISBN 0748602267

Honorand Index


Brady, James C.

Brownlie, Ian

Title Liber memorialis: Professor James C. Brady Eds Breen, Oonagh; Casey, James; Kerr, Anthony Pub Dublin, Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell

Title The reality of international law: essays in honour of Ian Brownlie Eds Goodwin-Gill, Guy S.; Talmon, Stefan Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press

Date 2001 ISBN 185800215X

Date 1999 ISBN 0198268378

Brandeis, Louis Dembitz

Brunt, Maureen

Title Mr. Justice Brandeis: essays Ed Frankfurter, Felix

Title The law and the market Eds Richardson, Megan; Williams, Philip

Pub New Haven, Yale University Press Date 1932 ISBN not given

Pub Annandale, N.S.W., Federation Press Date 1995 ISBN 1862871744

Brennan, Gerard, Sir

Buckland, W. W. (William Warwick), see entry for Bond, Henry

Title The Brennan legacy: blowing the winds of legal orthodoxy Eds Creyke, Robin; Keyzer, Patrick Pub Annandale, N.S.W., Federation Press Date 2002 ISBN 1862874190

British Academy Title The British contribution to the Europe of the twenty-first century: the British Academy Centenary lectures Ed Markesinis, B. S. Pub Oxford, Hart Date 2002 ISBN 1841132764

Bromley, P. M. (Peter Mann) Title Family law towards the millennium: essays for P.M. Bromley Ed Bridge, Caroline Pub London, Butterworths Date 1997 ISBN 0406895430

Brown, Lionel Neville Title Droit sans frontières: essays in honour of L. Neville Brown

Buergenthal, Thomas Title The modern world of human rights: essays in honour of Thomas Buergenthal Ed Trindade, Antônio Augusto Cançado Pub San Jose, Costa Rica, Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos Date 1996 ISBN 9977962715

Burn, Edward Hector Title Rationalizing property, equity and trusts: essays in honour of Edward Burn Ed Getzler, Joshua Pub London, LexisNexisUK Date 2003 ISBN 0406964408

Buxbaum, Richard M. Title Corporations, capital markets, and business in the law: liber amicorum Richard M. Buxbaum

Eds Hand, G. J.; McBride, Jeremy Pub Birmingham, Holdsworth Club Date 1991

Baums, Theodor; Hopt, Klaus J.; Horn, Norbert Pub London, Kluwer Law International Date 2000

ISBN 0704411482

ISBN 9041113541




Honorand Index

Campbell, Enid

Cohen, Jerome Alan

Title Law and government in Australia Ed Groves, Matthew

Title Understanding China’s legal system: essays in honor of Jerome A. Cohen

Pub Annandale, N.S.W., Federation Press Date 2005 ISBN 1862875618

Ed Hsu, C. Stephen Pub New York, New York University Press Date 2003 ISBN 0814742548; 0814742556 (pbk)

Catholic University of America Title Jubilee law lectures, 1889–1939, School of Law, the Catholic University of America

Cohen, Maxwell

Eds not given Pub Washington, D.C., Catholic University of America Press Date 1939 ISBN not given

Eds Kaplan, William; McRae, D. M. Pub Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press Date 1993 ISBN 0773511148

Chesterman, M. R. (Michael R.) Title Legal explorations: essays in honour of Professor Michael Chesterman Ed Sin, Kam Fan Pub Pyrmont, N.S.W., Lawbook Co. Date 2003 ISBN 0455219184

Title Law, policy and international justice: essays in honour of Maxwell Cohen

Cohn, Haim Hermann Title Of law and man: essays in honor of Haim H. Cohn: under the auspices of the Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University Ed Shoham, S. Giora Pub New York, Sabra Books Date 1971 ISBN 0876310447

City University (London, England) Title City University centenary lectures in law Eds not given Pub London, Blackstone Date 1996 ISBN 1854315846

Code Napoleon Title The Code Napoleon and the common-law world: the sesquicentennial lectures delivered at the Law Center of New York University, December 13–15, 1954 Ed Schwartz, Bernard Pub New York, New York University Press Date 1956 ISBN not given


Columbia University, School of Law Title Legal institutions today and tomorrow: the centennial conference volume of the Columbia Law School Ed Paulsen, Monrad G. Pub New York, Columbia University Press Date 1959 ISBN not given

Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Title The struggle for simplicity in the law: essays for Lord Cooke of Thorndon Ed Rishworth, Paul Pub Wellington, Butterworths Date 1997 ISBN 0408714972

Honorand Index Cornish, W. R. (William Rodolph)

Cross, Rupert, Sir

Title Intellectual property in the new millennium: essays in honour of William R. Cornish

Title Crime, proof and punishment: essays in memory of Sir Rupert Cross

Eds Vaver, D.; Bently, Lionel Pub Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Date 2004 ISBN 0521846439


Ed Tapper, Colin Pub London, Butterworths Date 1981 ISBN 0406569991

Daube, David (1) Cowen, Zelman Title Eds Pub Date ISBN

Sir Zelman Cowen: a life in the law Sampford, C. J. G.; Bois, Carol Anne New South Wales, Prospect 1997 186316118X

Title Daube noster: essays in legal history for David Daube Ed Pub Date ISBN

Watson, Alan Edinburgh, Scottish Academic Press 1974 0701120045

Daube, David (2) Cribbet, John E. Title Property law and legal education: essays in honor of John E. Cribbet Eds Hay, Peter; Hoeflich, Michael H. Pub Urbana, University of Illinois Press Date 1988 ISBN 0252015932

Cronkite, F. C. (Frederick Clinton) Title Contemporary problems of public law in Canada: essays in honour of Dean F.C. Cronkite Ed Lang, O. E. Pub Toronto, University of Toronto Press Date 1968 ISBN not given

Title Essays on law and religion: the Berkeley and Oxford symposia in honour of David Daube Ed Carmichael, Calum M. Pub Berkeley, California, Robbins Collection Date 1993 ISBN 1882239024

Davies, D. J. Ll. (David James Llewelfryn) Title Welsh studies in public law Ed Andrews, John A. Pub Cardiff, University of Wales Press Date 1970 ISBN 0900768533

Davis, A. G. (Arthur Geoffrey) Crook, J. A. (John Anthony) Title Thinking like a lawyer: essays on legal history and general history for John Crook on his eightieth birthday

Title The A.G. Davis essays in law: a tribute to Professor A.G. Davis formerly Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Auckland

Ed McKechnie, Paul Pub Leiden, Brill Date 2002

Ed Northey, J. F. Pub London, Butterworths Date 1965

ISBN 9004124748

ISBN not given



Honorand Index

De Zulueta, Francis Title Studies in the Roman law of sale: dedicated to the memory of Francis de Zulueta Ed Daube, David Pub Aalen, West Germany, Scientia Verlag Date 1977

Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act 1867, New Zealand Title Family law centenary essays Eds Inglis, B. D.; Mercer, A. G. Pub Wellington, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1967 ISBN not given

ISBN 3511090407

Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1) Title Justice, Lord Denning and the constitution Eds Robson, Peter; Watchman, Paul Pub Aldershot, Hants, Gower Publishing Co. Date 1981 ISBN 0566003996

Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Title Eds Pub Date ISBN

Lord Denning: the judge and the law Jowell, Jeffrey L.; McAuslan, Patrick London, Sweet & Maxwell 1984 0421281200

Douglas, William O. (William Orville) Title In honor of Justice Douglas: a symposium on individual freedom and the government Ed Keller, Robert H. Pub Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press Date 1979 ISBN 0313209596

Dowrick, F. E. Title Current issues in European and international law: essays in memory of Frank Dowrick Eds White, Robin C. A.; Smythe, B. Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1990 ISBN 0421427205

Dicey, Albert Venn Title Law, legitimacy and the constitution: essays marking the centenary of Dicey’s Law of the Constitution McAuslan, Patrick; McEldowney, John F. Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Eds

Date 1885 ISBN 0421331208 (cased); 0421331305 (pbk)

Dworkin, R. M. Title Dworkin and his critics: with replies by Dworkin Ed Burley, Justine Pub Malden, Massachusetts, Blackwell Publishing Date 2004 ISBN 0631197656; 0631197664 (pbk)

Dickson, R. G. Brian

Edward, David A. O.

Title The Dickson legacy Ed Penner, Roland

Title A true European: essays for Judge David Edward Eds Hoskins, Mark; Robinson, William

Pub Winnipeg, Legal Research Institute of the University of Manitoba Date 1992 ISBN 0921242263

De Zulueta

Pub Oxford, Hart Date 2003 ISBN 1841134473

Honorand Index Edwards, J. Ll. J. (John Llewelyn Jones)

Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord

Title Perspectives in criminal law: essays in honour of John Ll. J. Edwards

Title Justice and crime: essays in honour of the Right Honourable The Lord Emslie, M.B.E., P.C., L.L.D., F.R.S.E.

Doob, Anthony N.; Greenspan, Edward L. Pub Aurora, Ontario, Canada Law Book Date 1985 Eds

ISBN 0888040253

Eggleston, E. M. (Elizabeth Moulton) Title Aborigines and the law: essays in memory of Elizabeth Eggleston Eds Pub Date ISBN

Hanks, Peter John; Keon-Cohen, Bryan Sydney, George Allen & Unwin 1984 0868615447; 0868615528 (pbk)


Ed Hunter, Robert F. Pub Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark Date 1993 ISBN 0567096440

Eso, Kayode Title Law, justice & stability in Nigeria: essays in honour of Justice Kayode Eso Ed Pub Date ISBN

Akinseye-George, Yemi Ibadan, K. Shalom Miultiserve Bureau 1993 9783140531

Ewens, John Qualtrough Eggleston, Richard, Sir Title Well and truly tried: essays on evidence, in honour of Sir Richard Eggleston Eds Campbell, Enid; Waller, Peter Louis; Kewley, G. M. Pub Sydney, Law Book Co. Date 1982 ISBN 0455204470

Title Essays on legislative drafting in honour of J.Q. Ewens, CMG, CBE, QC Ed Kelly, David St. Leger Pub Adelaide, Adelaide Law Review Association, Law School, University of Adelaide Date 1988 ISBN 0908448058; 0908448060 (pbk)

Feinberg, Joel Elias, T. O. (Taslim Olawale) (1) Title Essays in honour of Judge T.O. Elias Ed Omotola, J. A. Pub Lagos, Nigeria, Faculty of Law, University of Lagos Date 1987 ISBN not given

Title In harm’s way: essays in honor of Joel Feinberg Eds Coleman, Jules L.; Buchanan, Allen E. Pub Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Date 1994 ISBN 0521454107

Field, David Dudley Elias, T. O. (Taslim Olawale) (2) Title Essays in honour of Judge Taslim Olawale Elias Eds Bello, Emmanuel G.; Ajibola, Bola, Prince Pub Dordrecht, M. Nijhoff Date 1992 ISBN 0792314263, 2 vols [vol. 1: 1–514; vol. 2: 515–882]

Title David Dudley Field: centenary essays: celebrating one hundred years of legal reform Ed Reppy, A. Pub New York, Buffalo, New York (reprint), New York University School of Law and W.S. Hein (reprint) Date 1949; 2000 (reprint) ISBN 1575886391 (reprint), 2 vols



Honorand Index

Feliciano, Florentino

Ford, H. A. J. (Harold Arthur John)

Title Law in the service of human dignity: essays in honour of Florentio Feliciano

Title Key developments in corporate law and trusts law: essays in honour of Professor Harold Ford

Charnovitz, Steve; Steger, Debra P.; Bossche, Peter van der Pub Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Eds

Date 2005 ISBN 9780521852531

Fisher, Arthur Title Studies on copyright: Arthur Fisher memorial edition Ed Copyright Society of the U.S.A. Pub South Hackensack, New Jersey, F. B. Rothman Date 1963 ISBN not given, 2 vols

Ed Ramsay, Ian M. Pub Sydney, N.S.W., LexisNexis Butterworths Date 2002 ISBN 0409319562

Four Courts, Ireland Title The Four Courts: 200 years: essays to commemorate the bicentenary of the Four Courts Ed Costello, Caroline Pub Dublin, Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Ireland Date 1996 ISBN 0946738041

Fleming, John G. (1)

Franke, Herbert

Title The law of obligations: essays in celebration of John Fleming Eds Cane, Peter; Stapleton, Jane Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1998 ISBN 0198264844

Fleming, John G. (2)

Title Central Asian law: an historical overview: a Festschrift for the ninetieth birthday of Herbert Franke Eds Johnson, Wallace Stephen; Popova, I. F. Pub Topeka, Kansas, Society for Asian Legal History, Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas Date 2004 ISBN not given

Title Torts tomorrow: a tribute to John Fleming

Frankfurter, Felix

Eds Mullany, Nicholas J.; Linden, Allen M. Pub North Ryde, N.S.W., LBC Information Services Date 1998 ISBN 045521607X

Title Essays in legal history in honor of Felix Frankfurter Ed Forkosch, Morris D. Pub Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Date 1966 ISBN not given

Force, Robert Title Jurisdiction and forum selection in international maritime law: essays in honor of Robert Force Ed Davies, Martin Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International Date 2005 ISBN 904112330X


Friedmann, Wolfgang Gaston Title Jus et societas: essays in tribute to Wolfgang Friedmann Ed Wilner, Gabriel M. Pub The Hague, M. Nijhoff Date 1979 ISBN 902472208X

Honorand Index


Fuller, Lon L.

Gold, Ruth, see entry for Gold, Joseph

Title Law in a social context: liber amicorum honouring Professor Lon L. Fuller

Goode, Royston Miles

Ed Bechtler, Thomas W. Pub Deventer, Kluwer Date 1978 ISBN 9026809735

Title Making commercial law: essays in honour of Roy Goode Ed Cranston, Ross Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1997 ISBN 0198260814

Gault, Robert H. (Robert Harvey) Title Essays in criminal science Ed Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Pub South Hackensack, New Jersey, F. B. Rothman Date 1961 ISBN not given

Ghana, Supreme Court Title Essays in Ghanaian law: Supreme Court centenary publication, 1876–1976 Eds Daniels, W. C. Ekow; Woodman, Gordon R. Pub Legon, Faculty of Law, University of Ghana Date 1976 ISBN not given

Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord Title The search for principle: essays in honour of Lord Goff of Chieveley Eds Swadling, William; Jones, Gareth H. Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 1999 ISBN 0198298838

Gold, Joseph Title International monetary and financial law upon entering the new millennium: a tribute to Sir Joseph Gold and Ruth Gold Eds Norton, Joseph J.; Andenaes, Mads Pub London, British Institute of International and Comparative law Date 2002 ISBN 090306796X

Government Law College, Bombay Title Essays in law (published on the occasion of the centenary of the affiliation of Government Law College to the University of Bombay) Ed Tope, Trimbak Krishna Pub Bombay, T. K. Tope on behalf of Government Law College Date 1960 ISBN not given

Green, L. C. (Leslie C.) Title International law across the spectrum of conflict: essays in honour of Professor L.C. Green on the occasion of his eightieth birthday Ed Schmitt, Michael N. Pub Newport, Rhode Island, Naval War College Date 2000 ISBN 1884733174

Griffith, J. A. G. (John Aneurin Grey) Title Public law and politics Ed Harlow, Carol Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1986 ISBN 0421333901

Gross, Leo Title The relevance of international law: essays in honor of Leo Gross Eds Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang; Hoffmann, Stanley Pub Cambridge, Massachusetts, Schenkman Publishing Co. Date 1968 ISBN not given



Honorand Index

Grunawalt, Jack

Harris, Donald (Donald Renshaw)

Title The law of military operations: liber amicorum Professor Jack Grunawalt

Title The human face of law: essays in honour of Donald Harris

Ed Schmitt, Michael N. Pub Newport, Rhode Island, Naval War College Press Date 1998

Ed Hawkins, Keith Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1997 ISBN 0198262477

ISBN 1884733107

Hart, H. L. A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphus) (1) Guest, Anthony Gordon Title Contemporary issues in commercial law: essays in honour of A.G. Guest Eds Pub Date ISBN

Lomnicka, Eva Z.; Morse, C. G. J. London, Sweet & Maxwell 1997 0421608900

Title Law, morality, and society: essays in honour of H.L.A. Hart Eds Pub Date ISBN

Hacker, P. M. S.; Raz, Joseph Oxford, Clarendon Press 1977 0198245572

Hart, H. L. A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphus) (2) Halliday, John Menzies Title A Scots conveyancing miscellany: essays in honour of Professor J.M. Halliday Ed Cusine, Douglas J. Pub Edinburgh, W. Green Date 1987 ISBN 0414008030

Title Issues in contemporary legal philosophy: the influence of H.L.A. Hart Ed Gavison, Ruth Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1987 ISBN 0198255179

Hart, H. L. A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphus) (3) Haopei, Li Title International law in the post-Cold War world: essays in memory of Li Haopei Eds

Yee, Sienho; Wang, Tieya

Pub London, Routledge Date 2001 ISBN 0415236088

Title The jurisprudence of orthodoxy: Queen’s University essays on H.L.A. Hart Eds Leith, Philip; Ingram, P. G. Pub London, Routledge Date 1988 ISBN 0415003059

Harlow, Carol

Hart, H. L. A. (Herbert Lionel Adolphus) (4)

Title Law and administration in Europe: essays in honour of Carol Harlow

Title Hart’s postscript: essays on the postscript to The Concept of Law

Eds Craig, P. P.; Rawlings, Richard Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 2003

Ed Coleman, Jules L. Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 2001

ISBN 0199265372

ISBN 0198299087; 019924362X (pbk)


Honorand Index


Harvard University

Head, John G.

Title The future of the common law Eds not given

Title Tax conversations: a guide to the key issues in the tax reform debate: essays in honour of John G. Head

Pub Cambridge, Massachusetts and Gloucester, Massachusetts (reprint), Harvard University Press and P. Smith (reprint) Date 1937, 1965 (reprint) ISBN not given

Ed Krever, Richard E. Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International Date 1997 ISBN 9041107290

Henkin, Louis Harvey, Brian W. Title Property and protection: legal rights and restrictions: essays in honour of Brian W. Harvey Eds Pub Date ISBN

Meisel, Franklin; Cook, P. J. Oxford, Hart 2000 184113063X

Hazard, John N. (John Newbold) (1) Title Eds Pub Date ISBN

Soviet politics and society in the 1970’s Morton, Henry W.; Tökés, Rudolf L. New York, Free Press 1974 0029220904

Title Politics, values, and functions: international law in the 21st century: essays in honor of Professor Louis Henkin Eds Charney, Jonathan I.; Anton, Donald K.; O’Connell, Mary Ellen Pub The Hague, M. Nijhoff Date 1997 ISBN 904110514X

Hepple, B. A. Title The future of labour law: liber amicorum Bob Hepple QC Eds Barnard, Catherine; Deakin, S. F.; Morris, Gillian S. Pub Oxford, Hart Date 2004 ISBN 184113404X

Hazard, John N. (John Newbold) (2) Title Contemporary Soviet law: essays in honor of John N. Hazard Eds Barry, Donald D.; Butler, William Elliott; Ginsburgs, George Pub The Hague, M. Nijhoff Date 1974

Hickling, R. H. Title Public law in contemporary Malaysia Ed Aun, Wu Min

ISBN 9024716513

Pub Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, Longman Date 1999 ISBN 9837412933

Head, Ivan

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

Title Humanizing our global order: essays in honour of Ivan Head

Title ‘The path of the law’ and its influence: the legacy of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Okafor, Obiora Chinedu; Aginam, Obijiofor Pub Toronto, University of Toronto Press Eds

Date 2003 ISBN 0802087361

Ed Burton, Steven J. Pub New York, Cambridge University Press Date 2000 ISBN 0521630061



Honorand Index

Holt, James Clarke, Sir

Hudec, Robert E.

Title Law and government in medieval England and Normandy: essays in honour of Sir James Holt

Title The political economy of international trade law: essays in honor of Robert E. Hudec

Eds Garnett, George; Hudson, John Pub Cambridge, Cambridge University Press


Date 1994 ISBN 0521430763

Honoré, Tony (1) Title The legal mind: essays for Tony Honoré Eds Pub Date ISBN

MacCormick, Neil; Birks, Peter Oxford, Clarendon Press 1986 0198761961

Honoré, Tony (2)

Kennedy, Daniel L. M.; Southwick, James D. Pub Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Date 2002 ISBN 0521813190

Hume, David Title Ed Pub Date ISBN

David Hume: bicentenary papers Morice, G. P. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press 1977 0852243162

Ibrahim, Ahmad

Title Relating to responsibility: essays for Tony Honoré on his eightieth birthday Eds Cane, Peter; Gardner, John Pub Oxford, Hart Date 2001 ISBN 1841132101

Title Malaysian legal essays: a collection of essays in honour of Professor Emeritus Datuk Ahmad Ibrahim Ed Hooker, M. B. Pub Kuala Lumpur, Malayan Law Journal Date 1986 ISBN 9971700476

Hood, Roger G.

India, Supreme Court

Title The criminological foundations of penal policy: essays in honour of Roger Hood Eds Zedner, Lucia; Ashworth, Andrew

Title Supreme but not infallible: essays in honour of the Supreme Court of India

Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 2003 ISBN 0199265097


Kirpal, B. N.; Desai, Ashok H.; Subramanium, Gopal; Dhavan, Rajeev; Ramachandran, Raju

Pub New Delhi, Oxford University Press Date 2000 ISBN 0195653793

Houlden, Lloyd William Title Case studies in recent Canadian insolvency reorganizations: in honour of the Honourable Lloyd William Houlden Ed Ziegel, Jacob S. Pub Scarborough, Ontario, Carswell

Indian Penal Code

Date 1998 ISBN 0459254618

Date 1962 ISBN not given


Title Essays on the Indian Penal Code: published on the occasion of the centenary of the Indian Penal Code Ed Govindarajulu, S. Pub Bombay, N.M. Tripathi

Honorand Index Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Title Law at the centre: the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at fifty Ed Rider, Barry Alexander K. Pub London, Kluwer Law International Date 1999 ISBN 9041197044


Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Title Lawyers and laymen: studies in the history of law presented to Professor Dafydd Jenkins on his seventy-fifth birthday, Gwyl Ddewi 1986 Eds Charles-Edwards, T. M.; Owen, Morfydd E.; Walters, D. B. Pub Cardiff, University of Wales Press Date 1986 ISBN 0708309259

International Law Association Title The present state of international law and other essays: written in honour of the centenary celebration of the International Law Association 1873–1973 Ed Bos, Maarten Pub Deventer, Kluwer Date 1973 ISBN 9026806930

Iyer, V. R. Krishna Title Judges and the judicial power: essays in honour of Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer Eds Dhavan, Rajeev; Sudarshan, R.; Khurshid, Salman Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1985 ISBN 0421288604

Jackson, John Howard Title New directions in international economic law: essays in honour of John H. Jackson Eds

Bronckers, M. C. E. J.; Quick, Reinhard

Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International Date 2000 ISBN 9041198059

Jenkins, Dafydd (2) Title Legal Wales: Its Past, Its Future: Essays dedicated to Professor Dafydd Jenkins on his ninetieth birthday Ed Watkin, Thomas Glyn Pub Cardiff, The Welsh Legal History Society Date 2001 ISBN 0954163702

Jennings, R. Y. (Robert Yewdall), Sir Title Fifty years of the International Court of Justice: essays in honour of Sir Robert Jennings Eds Lowe, A. V.; Fitzmaurice, M. Pub Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Date 1996 ISBN 0521550939

Jessup, Philip C. (Philip Caryl) Title Transnational law in a changing society: essays in honor of Philip C. Jessup Eds

Friedmann, Wolfgang Gaston; Henkin, Louis; Lissitzyn, Oliver James

Pub New York, Columbia University Press Date 1972 ISBN 0231036191

Jacob, Jack I. H. (Jack Isaac Hai), Sir

Jones, Gareth H.

Title International perspectives on civil justice: essays in honour of Sir Jack I.H. Jacob, Q.C.

Title Restitution: past, present, and future: essays in honour of Gareth Jones

Ed Scott, I. R. Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1990 ISBN 0421417706

Cornish, W. R.; Nolan, Richard; O’Sullivan, Janet; Virgo, Graham Pub Oxford, Hart Eds

Date 1998 ISBN 1901362426



Honorand Index

Juenger, Friedrich K.

Kelsen, Hans (2)

Title International conflict of laws for the third millennium: essays in honor of Friedrich K. Juenger

Title Essays on Kelsen Eds Tur, Richard; Twining, William L.

Eds Borchers, Patrick J.; Zekoll, Joachim Pub Ardsley, New York, Transnational Publishers Date 2001 ISBN 1571051287

Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1) Title In memoriam, Sir Otto Kahn-Freund, 17.11.1900–16.8.1979: international collection of essays Gamillscheg, Franz; Givry, Jean de; Hepple, B. A.; Verdier, Jean-Maurice Pub Munich, C. H. Beck Date 1980 ISBN 3406079059 Eds

Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (2) Title Labour law and industrial relations: building on Kahn-Freund Eds Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord; Lewis, Roy; Clark, Jon Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1983 ISBN 0198253931; 0198254822

Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1986 ISBN 0198254709

Kemp, E. W. (Eric Waldram) Title English canon law: essays in honour of Bishop Eric Kemp Doe, Norman; Hill, Mark; Ombres, Robert Pub Cardiff, University of Wales Press Eds

Date 1998 ISBN 0708314783

Kenny, Courtney Stanhope, see entry for Bond, Henry Kiralfy, A. K. R. (Albert Kenneth Roland) Title Legal history and comparative law: essays in honour of Albert Kiralfy Ed Plender, Richard Pub London, Frank Cass Date 1990 ISBN 0714633976

Knafla, Louis A. Keeton, George Williams Title Law, justice and equity: essays in tribute to G.W. Keeton Eds Holland, R. H. Code; Schwarzenberger, Georg Pub London, Pitman Date 1967

Title People and place: historical influences on legal culture

ISBN not given

Swainger, Jonathan Scott; Backhouse, Constance Pub Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press Date 2003 ISBN 0774810327

Kelsen, Hans (1)

L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire

Title Law, state, and international legal order: essays in honour of Hans Kelsen Eds Engel, Salo; Metall, Rudolf Aladar Pub Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press Date 1964 ISBN not given

Title Adding feminism to law: the contributions of Justice Claire L’Heureux-Dubé Ed Sheehy, Elizabeth A. Pub Toronto, Irwin Law



Date 2004 ISBN 1552210855

Honorand Index


La Forest, G. V. (Gerard V.)

Lumb, R. D.

Title Gerard V. La Forest at the Supreme Court of Canada 1985–1997

Title Constitutional and international law perspectives

Johnson, Rebecca; McEvoy, John P.; Kuttner, Thomas; MacLauchlan, H. Wade Pub Winnipeg, Canadian Legal History Project, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba Date 2000

Ed Moens, Gabriël Pub St. Lucia, Queensland, University of Queensland Press Date 2000


ISBN 0968456014

Lachs, Manfred Title Ed Pub Date ISBN

Perspectives on international law Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri London, Kluwer Law International 1995 904110884X

ISBN 0702231606

Mackenzie Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart Title Legal reasoning and judicial interpretation of European law: essays in honour of Lord Mackenzie-Stuart Eds Pub Date ISBN

Campbell, A. I. L.; Voyatzi, M. London, Trenton 1996 1899418059

Magna Carta Lawson, F. H. (Frederick Henry) Title Essays in memory of Professor F.H. Lawson Eds Wallington, Peter; Merkin, Robert M. Pub London, Butterworths Date 1986 ISBN 0406500304

Title Magna Carta commemoration essays Ed Malden, Henry Elliot Pub London and Clark, New Jersey (reprint), Royal Historical Society and Lawbook Exchange (reprint) Date 1917, 2004 (reprint) ISBN 1584774363 (reprint)

Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Lipstein, Kurt Title Multum non multa: Festschrift für Kurt Lipstein aus Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages Eds Feuerstein, Peter; Parry, Clive Pub Heidelberg, C.F. Muller Date 1980 ISBN 3811404806

London School of Economics and Political Science Title Law, society, and economy: centenary essays for the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1895–1995 Ed Rawlings, Richard Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1997 ISBN 0198262280

Title The Victorian achievement of Sir Henry Maine: a centennial reappraisal Ed Diamond, Alan Pub Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Date 1991 ISBN 0521400236

Maitland, Frederic William, see entry for Pollock, Frederick, Sir Malaya Law Review Title The common law in Singapore and Malaysia: a volume of essays marking the 25th anniversary of the Malaya Law Review, 1959–1984 Ed Harding, A. J. Pub Singapore, Butterworths Date 1985 ISBN 0409995010

Malaya Law Review


Honorand Index

Mallal, Bashir Ahmad

Mason, Anthony, Sir

Title Malaya Law Review legal essays in memoriam Bashir Ahmad Mallal, LL.D.

Title Courts of final jurisdiction: the Mason court in Australia

Ed Bartholomew, G. W. (Geoffrey Wilson) Pub Singapore, Malaya Law Review Date 1975

Ed Saunders, Cheryl Pub Annandale, N.S.W., Federation Press Date 1996 ISBN 1862872066

ISBN not given

Maloney, Arthur

Matrimonial Causes Act 1857

Title Advocacy in court: a tribute to Arthur Maloney, Q.C.

Title A century of family law, 1857–1957 Eds Graveson, Ronald Harry; Crane, F. R.

Ed Pub Date ISBN

Moskoff, Franklin R. Toronto, Canada Law Book 1986 0888040431

Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1957 ISBN not given

Mannheim, Hermann

McCoubrey, Hilaire

Title Criminology in transition: essays in honour of Hermann Mannheim Eds Grygier, Tadeusz; Jones, Howard; Spencer, John Carrington Pub London, Tavistock Date 1965 ISBN not given

Title International conflict and security law: essays in memory of Hilaire McCoubrey Eds Burchill, Richard; White, Nigel D.; Morris, Justin Pub New York, Cambridge University Press Date 2005 ISBN 0521845319

Marshall, Geoffrey Title The law, politics, and the constitution: essays in honour of Geoffrey Marshall Eds Butler, David; Bogdanor, Vernon; Summers, Robert Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 1999 ISBN 0198295855

Marshall, John Title Government under law: a conference held at Harvard Law School on the occasion of the bicentennial of John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States, 1801–1835 Ed Sutherland, Arthur E. Pub Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press Date 1956 ISBN not given


McDougal, Myres Smith Title Toward world order and human dignity: essays in honor of Myres S. McDougal Eds Reisman, W. Michael; Weston, Burns H. Pub New York, Free Press Date 1976 ISBN 0029262909

McEachern, Allan Title Splendour of the law: Allan McEachern: a tribute to a life in the law: an anthology of essays Ed Giles, Jack Pub Toronto, Dundurn Press Date 2001 ISBN 1550023748

Honorand Index


McMahon, John

Mitchell, J. D. B. (John David Bawden)

Title International organization: law in movement: essays in honour of John McMahon

Title In memoriam J.D.B. Mitchell Eds Bates, St. John.; Finnie, W.; Usher, John Anthony; Wildberg, Hans Jurgen. Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1983

Eds Fawcett, J. E. S.; Higgins, Rosalyn Pub London, Oxford University Press Date 1974

ISBN 042129700X

ISBN 0192149989

McMurray, Orrin K. (Orrin Kip)

Moxon, Arthur

Title Legal essays in tribute to Orrin Kip McMurray

Title Legal essays in honour of Arthur Moxon

Eds Radin, Max; Kidd, A. M. Pub Berkeley, California, University of California Press Date 1935 ISBN not given


McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord Title Cambridge essays in international law: essays in honour of Lord McNair Eds not given Pub London, Stevens Date 1965 ISBN not given

Corry, J. A.; Cronkite, F. C.; Whitmore, E. F. Pub Toronto, University of Toronto Press Date 1953 ISBN not given

Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Title Criminal science in a global society: essays in honor of Gerhard O.W. Mueller Ed Wise, Edward M. Pub Littleton, Colorado, F.B. Rothman Date 1994 ISBN 0837713536

Meekings, C. A. F. (Cecil Anthony Francis) Title Medieval legal records: edited in memory of C.A.F. Meekings Eds Hunnisett, R. F.; Post, J. B. Pub London, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Date 1978 ISBN 0114400857

Murphy, Lionel Title Justice Lionel Murphy: influential or merely prescient? Eds

Coper, Michael; Williams, George

Pub Annandale, N.S.W., Federation Press Date 1997 ISBN 1862872627

Merryman, John Henry Title Comparative and private international law: essays in honor of John Henry Merryman on his seventieth birthday

Neill, Brian, Sir

Ed Clark, David Scott Pub Berlin, Duncker & Humblot Date 1990

Eds Saville, Mark; Susskind, Richard Pub London, LexisNexis Date 2003

ISBN 3428068386

ISBN 0406970335

Title Essays in honour of Sir Brian Neill: the quintessential judge



Honorand Index

New York University, School of Law

O’Higgins, Paul

Title Law, a century of progress, 1835–1935: contributions in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the School of Law of New York University: in three volumes Ed Reppy, A.

Title Human rights and labour law: essays for Paul O’Higgins

Pub New York, New York University Press Date 1937 ISBN not given, 3 vols

Ewing, K. D.; Gearty, C. A.; Hepple, B. A. Pub London, Mansell Date 1994 Eds

ISBN 0720121485

O’Higgins, T. F. (Thomas F.) New Zealand in United Nations Title New Zealand as an international citizen: fifty years of United Nations membership Ed Templeton, Malcolm Pub Wellington, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Date 1995 ISBN 0477037399

Title Constitutional adjudication in European Community and national law: essays for the Hon. Mr. Justice T.F. O’Higgins Eds Curtin, Deirdre; O’Keeffe, David Pub Dublin, Butterworth Date 1992 ISBN 1854750011

Obaseki, A. O. Nicholas, Barry Title New perspectives in the Roman law of property: essays for Barry Nicholas Ed Birks, Peter Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1989 ISBN 0198256140

Title Fundamental legal issues in Nigeria: essays in honour of Justice Obaseki Ed Owaboye, Wole Pub Lagos, Nigerian Law Research & Economic Development Projects Date 1995 ISBN 9783316400

North, Peter, Sir

Orchard, Gerald

Title Reform and development of private international law: essays in honour of Sir Peter North Ed Fawcett, J. J. Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press

Title Essays on criminal law: a tribute to Professor Gerald Orchard

Date 2002 ISBN 0199250081


Robertson, J. Bruce

Pub Wellington, Brookers Date 2004 ISBN 0864724764

Ozobu, Eze Nygh, Peter E. Title Intercontinental cooperation through private international law: essays in memory of Peter E. Nygh Eds Einhorn, Talia; Siehr, Kurt Pub The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press Date 2004 ISBN 9067041785

New York University

Title Perspectives in law and justice (essays in honour of Hon. Justice Eze Ozobu, the Chief Judge of Enugu State) Eds Umezulike, I. A.; Nweze, C. C. Pub Enugu, Nigeria, Fourth Dimension Pub. Date 1996 ISBN 9781564067

Honorand Index


Palkhivala, N. A. (Nani Ardeshir)

Pollock, Frederick, Sir

Title Democracy, human rights, and the rule of law: essays in honour of Nani Palkhivala

Title The history of English law: centenary essays on ‘Pollock and Maitland’

Ed Iyer, Venkat Pub New Delhi, Butterworths India Date 2000

Ed Hudson, John Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 1996 ISBN 0197261655

ISBN 818716218X

Pound, Roscoe (1) Parsons, Ross Waite Title The law of public company finance Eds Austin, R. P.; Vann, Richard J. Pub North Ryde, N.S.W., Law Book Co. Date 1986 ISBN 0455206856

Title Interpretations of modern legal philosophies: essays in honor of Roscoe Pound Ed Sayre, Paul Lombard Pub New York and Littleton, Colorado (reprint), Oxford University Press and F.B. Rothman (reprint) Date 1947, 1981 (reprint) ISBN 0837711223 (reprint)

Patna Law College Title Studies in law: an anthology of essays in municipal and international law: Patna Law College golden jubilee commemoration volume Eds not given Pub Bombay, Asia Publishing House Date 1961 ISBN not given

Pound, Roscoe (2) Title Essays in jurisprudence in honor of Roscoe Pound Ed Newman, Ralph Abraham Pub Indianapolis and Westport, Connecticut (reprint), Bobbs-Merrill and Greenwood Press (reprint) Date 1962, 1973 (reprint) ISBN 0837170230 (reprint)

Patrnogic, Jovica Title Humanitarian law: a felicitation volume in honour of Professor Jovica Patrnogic Ed Hingorani, R. C. Pub New Delhi, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Date 1987 ISBN 8120402537

Pratap, Dharma Title International Court in transition (essays in memory of Professor Dharma Pratap) Eds Dhokalia, R. P.; Nirmal, B. C. Pub Allahabad, India, Chugh Publications Date 1994 ISBN 8185613893

Pennington, Robert R.

Priestly, Diana M.

Title Corporate and commercial law: modern developments

Title Law libraries in Canada: essays to honour Diana M. Priestly

Eds Feldman, David; Meisel, Franklin Pub London, Lloyd’s of London Press Date 1996

Ed Fraser, Joan N. Pub Toronto, Carswell Date 1988

ISBN 1859780180

ISBN 0459313215



Honorand Index

Queen’s University of Belfast

Rao, K. M. Krishna

Title One hundred and fifty years of Irish law: Faculty of Law, The Queen’s University of Belfast

Title Essays on international law in honour of Krishna Rao

Dawson, Norma; Greer, Desmond S.; Ingram, P. G. Pub Belfast and Dublin, SLS Legal Publications and Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell Date 1996 Eds

ISBN 0853896151

Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Title Crime, criminology and public policy: essays in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz Ed Hood, Roger G. Pub London (English ed.) and New York (American ed.), Heinemann Educational (English ed.) and Free Press (American ed.) Date 1974 (English ed.); 1975 (American ed.) ISBN 0435824228 (English ed.)

Ed Nawaz, M. K. Pub Faridabad and Leyden, Thomson Press (India) and Sijthoff Date 1975, 1976 ISBN 9028602151 (Sijthoff)

Raz, Joseph (1) Title Rights, culture and the law: themes from the legal and political philosophy of Joseph Raz Meyer, Lukas H.; Paulson, Stanley L.; Pogge, Thomas Winfried Menko Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 2003 ISBN 0199248257 Eds

Raz, Joseph (2) Title Reason and value: themes from the moral philosophy of Joseph Raz Eds Wallace, R. Jay; Pettit, Philip; Scheffler, Samuel; Smith, Michael Pub Oxford, Clarendon Date 2004 ISBN 0199261881

Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (2)

Reid, John Phillip

Title Ideology, crime and criminal justice: a symposium in honour of Sir Leon Radzinowicz Eds Bottoms, A. E.; Tonry, Michael H. Pub Cullompton, Devon, Willan Date 2002

Title Law as culture and culture as law: essays in honor of John Phillip Reid Eds Hartog, Hendrik; Nelson, William Edward; Kern, Barbara Wilcie Pub Madison, Wisconsin, Madison House Publishers Date 2000 ISBN 0945612745

ISBN 1903240905

Rankin, Robert S. (Robert Stanley) Title Law and justice: essays in honor of Robert S. Rankin Ed Beck, Carl Pub Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press Date 1970 ISBN 0822302136

Queen’s University of Belfast

Reynolds, F. M. B. (Francis Martin Baillie) Title Lex mercatoria: essays on international commercial law in honour of Francis Reynolds Ed Rose, F. D. Pub London, LLP Date 2000 ISBN 1859785433

Honorand Index


Reynolds, Susan

Russell, Peter H.

Title Law, laity, and solidarities: essays in honour of Susan Reynolds

Title Ideas in action: essays on politics and law in honour of Peter Russell

Stafford, Pauline; Nelson, Janet L.; Martindale, Jane Pub Manchester, Manchester University Press

Ed Fletcher, Joseph F. Pub Toronto, University of Toronto Press Date 1999


Date 2001 ISBN 071905835X; 0719058368 (pbk)

ISBN 0802044972; 0802082718 (pbk)

Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi Risk, R. C. B. Title Essays in the history of Canadian law, volume 8: in honour of R.C.B. Risk Eds Pub Date ISBN

Baker, George Blaine; Phillips, Jim Toronto, University of Toronto Press 1999 0802047297

Robson, William Alexander Title From policy to administration: essays in honour of William A. Robson Ed Griffith, J. A. G. Pub London, Allen & Unwin Date 1976 ISBN 0043500501

Rostow, Eugene V. (Eugene Victor) Title Power and policy in quest of law: essays in honor of Eugene Victor Rostow

Title Legal essays in honour of Professor Sagay Ed Chianu, Emeka Pub Benin City, Nigeria, Department of Public Law, University of Benin Date 1996 ISBN 9783170066

Sandford, C. T. (Cedric Thomas) Title Taxation compliance costs: a Festschrift for Cedric Sandford Eds Evans, Chris; Hasseldine, John; Pope, Jeff Pub St Leonards, N.S.W., Prospect Media Date 2001 ISBN 1863161597

Sarkar, Lotika Title Engendering law: essays in honour of Lotika Sarkar


McDougal, Myres Smith; Reisman, W. Michael Pub Dordrecht, M. Nijhoff

Eds Dhanda, Amita; Parashar, Archana Pub Lucknow, India, Eastern Book Co. Date 1999

Date 1985 ISBN 9024729114

ISBN 8170126665

Sathe, S. P. (Satyaranjan Purushottam) Rudden, Bernard Title Themes in comparative law in honour of Bernard Rudden

Title Dimensions of law: Festschrift in honour of Prof. S.P. Sathe Ed Baxi, Upendra

Eds Birks, Peter; Pretto, Arianna Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 2002

Pub Pune, Indian Law Society, N.M. Tripathy (distributors) Date 1992

ISBN 0199258562

ISBN 8171180388



Honorand Index

Sawer, Geoffrey

Scott, Austin W. (Austin Wakeman)

Title Commentaries on the Australian Constitution: a tribute to Geoffrey Sawer

Title Perspectives of law: essays for Austin Wakeman Scott

Ed Zines, Leslie Pub Sydney, Butterworths Date 1977

Pound, Roscoe; Griswold, Erwin N.; Sutherland, Arthur E. Pub Boston, Little, Brown Date 1964

ISBN 0409436801

ISBN not given

Schauer, Frederick F.

Scott, F. R. (Francis Reginald)

Title Rules and reasoning: essays in honour of Fred Schauer

Title On F.R. Scott: essays on his contributions to law, literature, and politics

Ed Pub Date ISBN

Meyer, Linda Oxford, Hart 1999 1901362981

Schmitthoff, Clive M. (Clive Macmillan) Title Essays for Clive Schmitthoff Ed Adams, John Pub Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Professional Books Date 1983 ISBN 0862050596

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Title Comparative law in global perspective: essays in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the SOAS Law Department Ed

Edge, Ian

Pub Ardsley, New York, Transnational Publishers Date 2000 ISBN 1571051716

Schwarzenberger, Georg Title Contemporary problems of international law: essays in honour of Georg Schwarzenberger on his eightieth birthday Eds Cheng, Bin; Brown, E. D. Pub London, Stevens Date 1988 ISBN 0420479201



Djwa, Sandra; Macdonald, Ronald St. J. Pub Kingston, Ontario, McGill-Queen’s University Press Date 1983 ISBN 0773503978; 0773503986 (pbk) Eds

Sealy, L. S. Title The realm of company law: a collection of papers in honour of Professor Leonard Sealy, SJ Berwin Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Cambridge Ed Rider, Barry Alexander K. Pub London, Kluwer Law International Date 1998 ISBN 9041107339

Second Reform Act 1867 Title Essays on reform, 1967: a centenary tribute Ed Crick, Bernard Pub London, Oxford University Press Date 1967 ISBN not given

Seervai, H. M. Title Constitutional perspectives: essays in honour and memory of H.M. Seervai Ed Iyer, Venkat Pub Delhi, Universal Law Publishing Co. Date 2001 ISBN 8175342176

Honorand Index


Selznick, Philip

Singh, Nagendra

Title Legality and community: on the intellectual legacy of Philip Selznick

Title International law in transition: essays in memory of Judge Nagendra Singh

Kagan, Robert A.; Krygier, Martin; Winston, Kenneth I. Pub Lanham, Maryland and Berkeley, California, Rowman & Littlefield and Berkeley Public Policy Press Date 2002 ISBN 0742516245; 0742516253 (pbk)

Eds Pathak, R. S.; Dhokalia, R. P. Pub Dordrecht, M. Nijhoff Date 1992


Shapiro, Martin Title Institutions & public law: comparative approaches Eds Pub Date ISBN

Ginsburg, Tom; Kagan, Robert A. New York, P. Lang 2005 0820474770

ISBN 0792317157

Sinzheimer, Hugo Title Labour law in the post-industrial era: essays in honour of Hugo Sinzheimer Eds Pub Date ISBN

not given Aldershot, Dartmouth 1994 1855216442

Slinn, Peter Sharp, John M. (John MacLaren) Title Aspects of privacy law: essays in honour of John M. Sharp Ed Gibson, Dale Pub Toronto, Butterworths Date 1980 ISBN 0409833401

Title Law and development: facing complexity in the 21st century: essays in honour of Peter Slinn Eds Hatchard, John; Perry-Kessaris, Amanda Pub London, Cavendish Date 2003 ISBN 1859417981

Simmonds, K. R. (Kenneth R.) Title The changing world of international law in the twenty-first century: a tribute to the late Kenneth R. Simmonds Eds Norton, Joseph Jude; Andenas, Mads Tonnesson; Footer, Mary Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International Date 1998

Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Title Judicial review in European Union law Eds O’Keeffe, David; Bavasso, Antonio Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International Date 2000 ISBN 904111372X (v.1); 9041113738 (set)

ISBN 9041106324

Simpson, A. W. B. (Alfred William Brian)

Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Title Human rights and legal history: essays in honour of Brian Simpson

Title Judicial review in international perspective


O’Donovan, Katherine; Rubin, Gerry R. Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press


Date 2000 ISBN 0198264968

Date 2000 ISBN 9041113789 (v.2); 9041113738 (set)

Andenas, Mads Tonnesson; Fairgrieve, Duncan Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International



Honorand Index

Smith, J. C. (John Cyril)

Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Title Criminal law: essays in honour of J.C. Smith

Title Stair tercentenary studies Ed Walker, David M.

Ed Smith, Peter Pub London, Butterworths Date 1987

Pub Edinburgh, Stair Society Date 1981 ISBN 0902292080

ISBN 0406501106

Smith, T. B. (Thomas Broun), Sir (1)

Stone, Julius

Title Comparative and historical essays in Scots law: a tribute to Professor Thomas Smith Q.C.

Title Legal change: essays in honour of Julius Stone

Eds Carey Miller, D. L.; Meyers, David W. Pub Edinburgh, Butterworths for The Law Society of Scotland Date 1992 ISBN 0406008779

Ed Pub Date ISBN

Blackshield, Anthony Sydney, Butterworths 1983 0409491306

Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri Smith, T. B. (Thomas Broun), Sir (2) Title A mixed legal system in transition: T.B. Smith and the progress of Scots law Eds Carey Miller, David L.; Reid, Elspeth Pub Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press Date 2005 ISBN 0748623353

Sohn, Louis B. Title Contemporary issues in international law: essays in honor of Louis B. Sohn Ed Buergenthal, Thomas Pub Kehl, N. P. Engal Date 1984 ISBN 3883570400

Title The Constitution of Malaysia: further perspectives and developments: essays in honour of Tun Mohamed Suffian Eds Trindade, Francis A.; Lee, H. P. Pub Singapore, Oxford University Press Date 1986 ISBN 0195826442

Summers, Robert S. Title Prescriptive formality and normative rationality in modern legal systems: Festschrift for Robert S. Summers Eds

Krawietz, Werner; MacCormick, Neil; Wright, G. H. von

Pub Berlin, Duncker & Humblot Date 1994 ISBN 3428078950

Sorabjee, Soli J. Title Constitutionalism, human rights and the rule of law: essays in honour of Soli J. Sorabjee Sharma, Mool Chand; Ramachandran, Raju Pub Delhi, Universal Law Publishing Eds

Date 2005 ISBN 8175344512


Suy, Eric Title International law: theory and practice: essays in honour of Eric Suy Ed Wellens, Karel Pub The Hague, M. Nijhoff Date 1998 ISBN 9041105824

Honorand Index Sweet & Maxwell (1) Title Then and now, 1799–1974: commemorating 175 years of law bookselling and publishing


Thomas, J. A. C. (Joseph Anthony Charles) Title Studies in Justinian’s Institutes in memory of J.A.C. Thomas

Eds not given Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1974

Eds Stein, Peter; Lewis, A. D. E. Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1983

ISBN 0421204907

ISBN 0421303204

Thornberry, Patrick Sweet & Maxwell (2) Title Now and then: a celebration of Sweet & Maxwell’s bicentenary 1999 Ed Pub Date ISBN

Kinahan, Anthony J. London, Sweet & Maxwell 1999 0421660600

Title Minorities, peoples and self-determination: essays in honour of Patrick Thornberry Eds Pub Date ISBN

Ghanea, Nazila; Xanthaki, Alexandra Leiden; Boston, Martinus Nijhoff 2005 9004143017

Thorne, Samuel Edmund Tapper, Colin Title Eds Pub Date ISBN

Essays for Colin Tapper Mirfield, Peter; Smith, Roger London, Butterworths 2003 0406964394

Title On the laws and customs of England: essays in honor of Samuel E. Thorne Eds Arnold, Morris S.; Green, Thomas Andrew; Scully, Sally A.; White, Stephen D. Pub Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press Date 1981 ISBN 0807814342

Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Torrens System, New Zealand

Title Law, legal culture and politics in the twenty first century

Title The New Zealand Torrens system centennial essays: written to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the passing of the Land Transfer Act 1870 Ed Hinde, G. W. Pub Wellington, Butterworths

Doeker-Mach, Guenther; Ziegert, Klaus A. Pub Stuttgart, Steiner Eds

Date 2004 ISBN 3515083170

Date 1971 ISBN 0409635804

Thomas, A. J. (Aaron Joshua)

Treitel, G. H.

Title Public international law and the future world order: liber amicorum in honor of A.J. Thomas, Jr. Ed Norton, Joseph Jude Pub Littleton, Colorado, F.B. Rothman

Title Consensus ad idem: essays in the law of contract in honour of Guenter Treitel

Date 1987 ISBN 0837725100

Ed Rose, F. D. Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1996 ISBN 0421577800



Honorand Index

Tripathi, P. K. (Pradyumna Kumar) Title Comparative constitutional law: Festschrift in honour of Professor P.K. Tripathi Ed Singh, Mahendra Pal Pub Lucknow, India, Eastern Book Co. Date 1989 ISBN 8170123933

Tshuma, Lawrence Title Governance, development and globalization: a tribute to Lawrence Tshuma Faundez, Julio; Footer, Mary; Norton, Joseph Jude Pub London, Blackstone Date 2000 ISBN 1841742481

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1) Title Essays on human rights: a series of lectures delivered at the Victoria University of Wellington in commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Ed Keith, K. J. Pub Wellington, Sweet & Maxwell (N.Z.) Date 1968 ISBN not given


Ubaezonu, Eugene Title Justice in the judicial process: essays in honour of Honourable Justice Eugene Ubaezonu Ed Nweze, C. C. Pub Enugu, Fourth Dimension Date 2002 ISBN 9781564938

United Nations Title The United Nations at age fifty: a legal perspective Ed Tomuschat, Christian Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International Date 1995 ISBN 9041101454

United States, Constitution Title The United States Constitution: the first 200 years: papers delivered at a bicentennial colloquium at the University of Birmingham Ed Simmons, R. C. Pub Manchester, Manchester University Press in association with the Fulbright Commission, London Date 1989 ISBN 0719029236


Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2) Title Human rights: thirty years after the Universal Declaration: commemorative volume on the thirtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Ed Ramcharan, B. G. Pub The Hague, M. Nijhoff Date 1979 ISBN 9024721458

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Title Cultural rights and wrongs: a collection of essays in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Ed Niec, Halina Pub Paris and Leicester, Unesco Publishing and Institute of Art and Law Date 1998 ISBN 923103555X (Unesco); 0953169634 (IAL)

University of Aberdeen Title The civilian tradition and Scots law: Aberdeen quincentenary essays Eds Carey Miller, D. L.; Zimmermann, Reinhard Pub Berlin, Duncker & Humblot Date 1997 ISBN 342809011X

Honorand Index


University of Auckland Law School

University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Title Auckland Law School centenary lectures Eds not given Pub Auckland, New Zealand, Legal Research Foundation Date 1983

Title Fundamental values Eds Economides, Kim; Betten, Lammy; Bridge, John William; Tettenborn, A. M.; Shrubsall, Vivien Pub Oxford, Hart Date 2000

ISBN 0908581297

ISBN 1841131180

University of Leicester, Faculty of Law University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Title Jubilee lectures celebrating the foundation of the Faculty of Law, University of Birmingham Eds Scott, I. R.; Brown, Lionel Neville; Edwards, Valerie A. Pub London, Wildy Date 1981 ISBN 0854900039

University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Title Fundamental rights: a volume of essays to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Law School in Exeter, 1923–1973 Eds Bridge, John William; Lasok, Dominik; Perrott, David L.; Plender, Richard Pub London, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1973 ISBN 0421191309

University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Title Fundamental duties: a volume of essays by present and former members of the Law Faculty of the University of Exeter to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of the University

Title The changing law Eds Patfield, Fiona; White, Robin C. A. Pub Leicester, Leicester University Press Date 1990 ISBN 0718513312

University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Title Legal visions of the new Europe: essays celebrating the centenary of the Faculty of Law, University of Liverpool Eds Jackson, Bernard S.; McGoldrick, Dominic Pub London, Graham & Trotman and M. Nijhoff Date 1993 ISBN 1853339040

University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Title Developments in Malaysian law: essays to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya Ed Ahmad, Sharifah Suhana Syed Pub Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Eehsan, Malaysia, Pelanduk Publications Date 1992 ISBN 9679784002

University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (1)

Lasok, Dominik; Jaffey, A. J. E.; Perrott, David L.; Sachs, Christina Pub Oxford, Pergamon Press

Title The jubilee lectures of the Faculty of Law, University of Sheffield Ed Marshall, Oshley Roy, Sir Pub London, Stevens

Date 1980 ISBN 0080240488; 0080240496 (pbk)

Date 1960 ISBN not given


University of Sheffield


Honorand Index

University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (2) Title 75 years of law at Sheffield, 1909–1984: the Edward Bramley and Jubilee lectures, 1984 Ed Hoath, David C. Pub Sheffield, University of Sheffield Printing Unit Date 1985 ISBN not given

University of Sydney, Faculty of Law Title The Sydney centenary essays in law: a collection of essays to mark the centenary of the Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney Eds Phegan, C. S.; Loughlan, Patricia Pub Sydney, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney Date 1991 ISBN 0867585145

University of the West Indies (1) Title Commonwealth Caribbean legal studies: a volume of essays to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the Faculty of Law of the University of the West Indies Eds Kodilinye, Gilbert; Menon, P. K. Pub London, Butterworth Date 1992 ISBN 0406013667

University of the West Indies (2) Title Commonwealth Caribbean legal essays Eds

Alexis, Francis; Menon, P. K.; White, Dorcas

Pub Cave Hill, Barbados, Faculty of Law, University of the West Indies Date 1982

University of Warwick (2) Title Challenges to European legal scholarship: Anglo-German legal essays Eds Wilson, Geoffrey; Rogowski, Ralf Pub London, Blackstone Date 1996 ISBN 1854316036; 1854316036 (pbk)

Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Title Administration of justice in Nigeria: essays in honour of Mohammed Lawal Uwais Ed Pub Date ISBN

Yakubu, Ademola Lagos, Nigeria, Malthouse Press 2000 9780230998

von Hirsch, Andrew Title Fundamentals of sentencing theory: essays in honour of Andrew von Hirsch Eds Ashworth, Andrew; Wasik, Martin Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1998 ISBN 0198262566

von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Title Law and justice in a multistate world: essays in honor of Arthur T. von Mehren Eds Nafziger, James A. R.; Symeonides, Symeon Pub Ardsley, New York, Transnational Publishers Date 2002 ISBN 157105118X

ISBN not given

Wade, William, Sir University of Warwick (1) Title Frontiers of legal scholarship: twenty five years of Warwick Law School Ed Wilson, Geoffrey Philip

Title The golden metwand and the crooked cord: administrative law essays in honour of Sir William Wade QC

Pub Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Date 1995

Eds Forsyth, C. F.; Hare, Ivan Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1998

ISBN 047196123X

ISBN 0198264690

University of Sheffield

Honorand Index Walker, David M. Title Obligations in context: essays in honour of Professor D.M. Walker Ed Gamble, Alan J. Pub Edinburgh, W. Green Date 1990 ISBN 0414009304

Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Title Construction law: themes and practice: essays in honour of I.N. Duncan Wallace Eds Pub Date ISBN

Thornton, Anthony; Godwin, William London, Sweet & Maxwell 1998 0421602902

Walsh, Brian Title Human rights and constitutional law: essays in honour of Brian Walsh Ed O’Reilly, James Pub Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Round Hall Press Date 1992 ISBN 0947686800

Watson, Alan (1) Title Lex et Romanitas: essays for Alan Watson Ed Hoeflich, Michael H. Pub Berkeley, California, Robbins Collection Date 2000 ISBN 1882239105


Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord Title European Community labour law: principles and perspectives: liber amicorum Lord Wedderburn of Charlton Eds Davies, Paul; Lyon-Caen, Antoine; Sciarra, Silvana; Simitis, Spiros Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1996 ISBN 0198260105

Weeramantry, C. G. Title Legal visions of the 21st century: essays in honour of Judge Christopher Weeramantry Eds Anghie, Antony; Sturgess, Garry Pub The Hague, Kluwer Law International Date 1998 ISBN 9041111166

Wigmore, John Henry Title Celebration legal essays: to mark the twenty-fifth year of service of John H. Wigmore as professor of law in Northwestern University. Ed Kocourek, Albert Pub Chicago and Littleton, Colorado (1981 reprint), Buffalo, New York (1987 reprint), Northwestern University Press, F.B. Rothman (1981 reprint), W.S. Hein (1987 reprint) Date 1919, 1981 (reprint) = 1987 (reprint) ISBN 0837704324 (1981 reprint)

Watson, Alan (2)

Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord

Title Critical studies in ancient law, comparative law and legal history Eds Cairns, John W.; Robinson, O. F.

Title Liber amicorum for the Rt. Hon. Lord Wilberforce, PC, CMG, OBE, QC Eds Bos, Maarten; Brownlie, Ian.

Pub Oxford, Hart Date 2001 ISBN 1841131571

Pub Oxford, Clarendon Press Date 1987 ISBN 0198255950



Honorand Index

Williams, D. G. T. (David Glyndwr Tudor), Sir Title Freedom of expression and freedom of information: essays in honour of Sir David Williams Eds Beatson, J.; Cripps, Yvonne M. Pub Oxford, Oxford University Press Date 2000

Wrenn, Lawrence G. Title The art of the good and equitable: a Festschrift in honor of Lawrence G. Wrenn Eds Easton, Frederick C. Pub Washington, D.C., Canon Law Society of America

ISBN 0198268394

Date 2002 ISBN 0943616972

Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Wright, Quincy

Title Reshaping the criminal law: essays in honour of Glanville Williams

Title The search for world order: studies by students and colleagues of Quincy Wright

Ed Pub Date ISBN

Glazebrook, P. R. London, Stevens 1978 042045540X

Williston, Samuel, see entry for Beale, Joseph Henry Wilson, W. A. (William Adam) Title Scots law into the 21st century: essays in honour of W.A. Wilson Ed MacQueen, Hector L. Pub Edinburgh, W. Green, Sweet & Maxwell Date 1996 ISBN 0414011406

Wimbish, Moss Title Essays in criminal law: liber amicorum, presented to Moss Wimbish, Emeritus Professor of the School of Law, Southern Methodist University, on the occasion of his retirement Eds not given Pub Dallas, Texas, Southern Methodist University School of Law Date 1972 ISBN not given

Wolfgang, Marvin E. Title The criminology of criminal law Eds Laufer, William S.; Adler, Freda Pub New Brunswick, New Jersey, Transaction Publishers Date 1999 ISBN 1560003294


Lepawsky, Albert; Buehrig, Edward H.; Lasswell, Harold Dwight Pub New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts Date 1971 ISBN 0390555134 Eds

Yale Law School Title Two centuries’ growth of American law, 1701–1901 Eds not given Pub New York and Buffalo (reprint), C. Scribner’s Sons and W.S. Hein (reprint) Date 1901, 1980 (reprint) ISBN 0899410405 (reprint)

Zines, Leslie Title Future directions in Australian constitutional law: essays in honour of Professor Leslie Zines Ed Lindell, Geoffrey Pub Annandale, N.S.W., Federation Press in association with the Centre for International and Public Law and the Law Faculty, Australian National University Date 1994 ISBN 1862871477


Subject Index

Access to justice Amerasinghe, A. Ranjit B., “The continuing crisis”, 303–316, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Antoine, Rose-Marie Belle, “Equal access to justice and its implications for exhaustion of local remedies in criminal cases”, 333–350, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1) Cramton, Roger C., “Publicly-funded civil legal assistance for poor people in the United States”, 531–548, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Desai, Ashok H. and Muralidhar, S., “Public interest litigation: potential and problems”, 159–192, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Glancy, Mary, “Legal aid towards the millennium: a family lawyer’s view”, 357–392, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Glasser, Cyril and Harlow, Carol, “Legal services and the alternatives: the LSE tradition”, 323–338, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science McQuoid-Mason, David Jan, “Legal aid and development: lessons from South Africa and some thoughts for Nigeria”, 207–225, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Morris, Arval A., “Citizen access to the federal courts: Douglas v. the Burger Court”, 90–104, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Mossman, Mary Jane, “Inequalities and the social context”, 303–312, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Sharma, Mool Chand, “Constitutional democracy and access to justice”, 258–282, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Smith, I. O., “Effect of Ouster Clauses on the application of African Charter”, 427–448, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene


Taggart, Michael and Klosser, Jenny, “Controlling persistently vexatious litigants”, 272–300, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid Walters, Dafydd B., “Legal aid, access to justice and the rule of law”, 152–161, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B. (1) Woolf, Harry Woolf, Lord, “Locus standi in practice”, 247–264, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir Zander, Michael, “Access to justice: towards the 21st century”, 339–358, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Zemans, Frederick H., “Making the justice system balance: beyond the Zuber report”, 265–282, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir

Accident compensation Downes, T. Antony, “French lessons on motor accident compensation”, 173–190, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E. Sugarman, Stephen D., “Personal injury and social policy: institutional and ideological alternatives”, 290–304, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2)

Administration of justice Adeyemi, Adedokun A., “The challenge of administration of justice in Nigeria for the twenty-first century”, 195–211, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze Bennun, Mervyn, “New fundamentals – new values? Change and stability in South Africa”, 235–258, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Borrie, Gordon J., “The Institute of Judicial Administration: some reflections on its early days”, 7–12, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Clyde, James John, Lord, “Justice seen to be done”, 21–30, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Administration of justice


Subject Index

Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord, “Legal institutions in England today and tomorrow”, 249–264, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law Douglas, William O., “Legal institutions in America”, 274–299, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law Galanter, Marc, “Fifty years on”, 57–65, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Ijalaiye, D. A., “The law versus justice in Nigeria: the judicial approach”, 25–33, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Onalaja, Moronkeji Omotayo, “Who is the client of the Attorney-General: the government or society?”, 152–164, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Oputa, Chukwudifu, “Towards greater efficiency in the dispensation of justice in Nigeria”, 1–48, in the volume honouring Eso, Kayode Reed, Stanley Forman, “The living law”, 310–319, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law Susskind, Richard, “Management and judges”, 51–76, in the volume honouring Neill, Brian, Sir

Alder, J. E., “How fundamental is natural justice?”, 68–80, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Allan, T. R. S., “Fairness, equality, rationality: constitutional theory and judicial review”, 15–38, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Allars, Margaret, “Neutrality, the judicial paradigm and tribunal procedure”, 143–180, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix, “International administrative law in the twenty-first century: a critical appraisal and a look into the crystal ball”, 477–496, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Aronson, Mark, “Nullity”, 139–159, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid Baldwin, Robert, “Regulation after ‘command and control’”, 65–84, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Balmford, Rosemary, “Administrative tribunals and Sir Gerard Brennan: some specific topics”, 92–114, in the volume honouring Brennan, Gerard, Sir Barrett, Gavin, “Grating expectations? The protection of legitimate expectations in European Community law and in autochthonous Irish law”, 17–71, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Beatson, J., “Prematurity and ripeness for review”, 221–252, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir

Tobi, Niki, “Delay in the administration of justice”, 135–165, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene

Bell, John, “Reflections on the procedure of the Conseil d’Etat”, 211–234, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

Wood, Josiah, “The reputation of the administration of justice”, 155–168, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan

Beloff, Michael J., “Judicial review and foreign policy”, 41–62, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques

Yakubu, Ademola, “Some problems associated with law enforcement in Nigeria”, 34–45, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal

Beloff, Michael J., “The fate of O’Reilly v Mackman: a cautionary tale”, 227–241, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M.

Administrative law

Beloff, Michael J., “‘Time, time, time’s on my side, yes it is’”, 267–296, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir

Adler, Michael, “Justice, discretion and poverty: a reappraisal”, 7–20, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W.

Birkinshaw, Patrick, “Decision-making and its control in the administrative process: an overview”, 151–169, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn

Administrative law

Subject Index Bradley, A. W., “Jurisdictional aspects of judicial review in Scots law”, 3–28, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Brennan, Gerard, Sir, “The review of Commonwealth administrative power: some current issues”, 9–37, in the volume honouring Brennan, Gerard, Sir Bridge, John William, “The duty to give reasons for decisions as an aspect of natural justice”, 81–95, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Brown, Lionel Neville, “The influence of the Conseil d’Etat on English administrative law and the European Court of Justice”, 293–300, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Campbell, Enid, “Principles of evidence and administrative tribunals”, 36–87, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir Campbell, Enid and Groves, Matthew, “Polycentricity in administrative decisionmaking”, 213–240, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid Cassese, Sabino, “Toward a European model of public administration”, 353–368, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Chand, Hari, “Two decades of administrative law in Malaysia”, 1–34, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Chand, Hari, “Contemporary judicial review”, 178–221, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H. Chinkin, C. M., “Abuse of discretion in Malaysia and Singapore”, 259–292, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review Choi, Woonsang, “Judicial review of international administrative tribunal judgments”, 347–370, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Clarke, Matthew G., “Unfinished business”, 31–46, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Clyde, James John, Lord, “The nature of the supervisory jurisdiction and the public/ private distinction in Scots administrative law”, 281–294, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W.


Collins, Anthony M., “Administrative law remedies under Chief Justice O’Higgins”, 203–218, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, “Damnosa hereditas”, 237–246, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, “The discretionary heart of administrative law”, 203–220, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Corry, J. A., “Statutory powers”, 127–155, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur Corwin, Edward Samuel, “The Schechter case: landmark, or what?”, v. 2, 32–80, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Craig, Paul P., “Prerogative, precedent and power”, 65–90, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Cripps, Yvonne M., “The consequences of disclosure in the public interest”, 297–318, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Danelius, Hans, “Judicial control of the administration – a Swedish proposal for legislative reform”, in Dau Dyer, Bruce D., “Legitimate expectations in procedural fairness after Lam”, 184–212, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid Edward, David A. O., “Administrative law in Scotland: the public law/private law distinction revisited”, 283–294, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Ehrmann, Henry W., “Bureaucracy and interest groups in the decision – making process of the Fifth Republic”, in Dau Fiadjoe, Albert K., “Judicial approaches to constitutional and statutory exclusion of judicial review in Commonwealth Caribbean public law”, 161–178, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1) Finkelstein, R. A., “Procedural fairness”, 47–62, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir

Administrative law


Subject Index

Forsyth, C. F., “‘The metaphysic of nullity’: invalidity, conceptual reasoning and the rule of law”, 141–160, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Fuke, Toshiro, “Constitutional impact on administrative law in Japan post-war development and recent problems”, 416–428, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Gageler, Stephen, “Sir Gerard Brennan and some themes in judicial review”, 62–71, in the volume honouring Brennan, Gerard, Sir Ganz, Gabriele, “Legitimate expectation”, 145–162, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G. Gardner, Warner W., “The administrative process”, 108–148, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law Greaves, Rosa, “Judicial review of Commission decisions on state aids to airlines”, 625–638, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Griffith, J. A. G., “Justice and Administrative Law revisited”, 200–216, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander Groves, Matthew, “Judicial review and ministerial responsibility”, 82–109, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid Hare, Ivan, “The separation of powers and judicial review for error of law”, 113–140, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Hill, Mark, “Judicial review of ecclesiastical courts”, 104–114, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W. Iyer, T. K. K., “Certiorari in Singapore and Malaysia”, 293–344, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review Jain, Mahabir Prashad, “Administrative law in Malaysia”, 213–262, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Jowell, Jeffrey, “Administrative law”, 209–250, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Jowell, Jeffrey, “Judicial deference and human rights: a question of competence”, 67–82, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol

Administrative law

Laws, John, Sir, “Wednesbury”, 185–202, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Lewis, Clive, “Linkage between access to information and judicial review”, 289–298, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, “Recent developments in English administrative law, the impact of Europe?”, in Dau Maher, Gerry, “Natural justice as fairness”, 103–120, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) Markose, A. T., “Administrative law and India: problems and prospects”, 257–283, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Marsh, Norman S., “The government and the courts: Notes on a comparative approach to administrative law”, in Dau Marsh, Norman S., “The general principles of administrative law on the international and supra-national plane”, in Dau Mason, Anthony, Sir, “Judicial review: the contribution of Sir Gerard Brennan”, 38–61, in the volume honouring Brennan, Gerard, Sir Mason, Anthony, Sir, “The place of estoppel in public law”, 160–183, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid McAuslan, Patrick and McEldowney, John F., “Legitimacy and the constitution: the dissonance between theory and practice”, 1–38, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn McFarland, Carl, “Administrative law and codification of statutes”, 204–214, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley McLean, Janet, “Constitutional and administrative law: the contribution of Lord Cooke”, 221–236, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Meijer, Marinus J., “Abuse of power and coercion”, in Dau Melnick, R. Shep, “‘One government agency among many’: the political juris-prudence (sic) of Martin Shapiro”, 19–44, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin

Subject Index


Mitchell, J. D. B., “Administrative law and policy effectiveness”, 174–199, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander

Schmidt-Assmann, Eberhard, “Basic principles of German administrative law”, 405–415, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K.

Moore, N. E. A., “Some current ideas for improving the training given to officials of high promise in the British Civil Service”, in Dau

Schwarze, Jürgen, “The role of the European Court of Justice in shaping legal standards for administrative action in the member states: a comparative perspective”, 447–464, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Neill of Bladen, Patrick Neill, Lord, “The duty to give reasons: the openness of decision-making”, 161–184, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Obadina, Adetokunbo, “The new face of Ultra Vires”, 39–66, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O. Okpaluba, Chuks, “Protection against partiality in the adjudicatory process in Nigerian public law”, 120–164, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2) Oliver, Dawn, “The singularity of the English public private divide”, 319–332, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Olujinmi, Akin, “Fair hearing in Nigeria: the current state of the law”, 1–24, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Oluyede, Peter, “Administrative adjudication under the Nigerian Constitution”, v. 2, 733–788, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Owaboye, Wole, “Denial of justice and concept of Locus Standi in Nigeria”, 292–301, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O. Palm, Elisabeth, “Access to court: Strasbourg and Stockholm: some reflections on Article 6 of the European Convention and the Swedish legislation on judicial review of administrative matters”, 61–70, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Partington, Martin, “The evolution of administrative justice in England: the case of social security”, 313–343, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Purdue, Michael, “The scope for fact finding in judicial review”, 193–202, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

Sedley, Stephen, Sir, “The moral economy of judicial review”, 156–162, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Shahabuddeen, M., “The competence of a tribunal to deny its existence”, 473–479, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Shientag, Bernard L., “The human element in judicial and in administrative procedure”, 215–232, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Skehill, Stephen, “Sir Gerard Brennan and administrative tribunals”, 72–91, in the volume honouring Brennan, Gerard, Sir Sorabjee, Soli J., “The duty to give reasons in administrative law”, 93–105, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Steinberger, Helmut, “Aspects of judicial review of the constitutionality of executive action in the Federal Republic of Germany: a basic outline”, 26–28, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Susu, Benedicta Ada, “Judicial review of administrative discretion under the Nigerian Constitution”, 508–522, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Taggart, Michael, “The contribution of Lord Cooke to scope of review doctrine in administrative law: a comparative common law perspective”, 189–220, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Taggart, Michael, “‘The peculiarities of the English’: resisting the public/private law distinction”, 107–122, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Vanderbilt, Arthur T., “One hundred years of administrative law”, v. 1, 117–144, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Administrative law


Subject Index

Vaughan, David and Gray, Margaret, “Judicial review in English courts: an ideal forum for Community law?”, 407–416, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Wade, William, Sir, “British restriction of judicial review: Europe to the rescue”, 267–274, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Wadmond, Lowell, “The conflict of interest”, in Dau Waldron, Jeremy, “Authority for officials”, 45–70, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Walton, Frederick Parker, “The French administrative courts and the modern French law as to the responsibility of the state for the faults of its officials: a comparison with the common law”, 63–76, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Whitmore, E. F., “Judicial control of union discipline: the Kuzych case”, 67–92, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur Whitmore, Harry, “The administrative law explosion”, 185–200, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “Criminal law and administrative law: problems of procedure and reasonableness”, 170–187, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C. Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “Lord Wilberforce and administrative law”, 235–248, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “Lord Cooke and natural justice”, 177–188, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “The control of local authorities”, 117–137, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “Sir William Wade QC”, 1–14, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Winslow, V. S., “The first pillar of justice”, 345–371, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review


Woods, Mervyn, “Judicial review of the proceedings of administrative tribunals in Saskatchewan”, 90–107, in the volume honouring Cronkite, F. C. Yardley, D. C. M., “Public law remedies: judicial and extra-judicial”, 27–39, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H. Young, Eric, “Developing a system of administrative law?”, 157–186, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1)

Agency Cooke, Julian and Pickering, Mary, “The introduction of the European directive on commercial agents into English law”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Eörsi, Gyula, “Two problems of the unification of the law of agency”, in Dau Hobhouse of Woodborough, John Stewart Hobhouse, Lord, “Agency and the criminal law”, 39–56, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Reynolds, F. M. B., “When is an agent’s authoriy irrevocable?”, 259–276, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Reynolds, F. M. B., “The factor’s and auctioneer’s contracts”, 161–174, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Reynolds, F. M. B., “The agent as fiduciary in English law”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Tiberg, Hugo, “Power and authority in the law of agency”, 57–70, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Uff, Keith, “The remedies of the defrauded principal after Attorney-General for Hong Kong v. Reid”, 239–246, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R.

Agricultural law Dewey, Clive, “The influence of Sir Henry Maine on agrarian policy in India”, 353–375, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir

Subject Index Schuh, G. Edward, “Developing country interests in WTO agricultural policy”, 435–449, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Tangermann, Stefan, “Agriculture on the way to firm international trading rules”, 254–284, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Wainwright, Richard, “Legal aspects of the agricultural policy in the European Community: general principles: recent developments”, 163–170, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B.

Air and space law Beaumont, K.M., “Damage by aircraft to property on the surface”, in Dau Bedjaoui, Mohammed, “Classicism and revolution in the elaboration of the principles and rules of space law”, 441–462, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Cheng, Bin, “Air law”, 183–200, in the volume honouring International Law Association Cheng, Bin, “INTELSAT: the definitive arrangements”, 156–169, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Cheng, Bin, “Fifty years of the Warsaw Convention: Where do we go from here? Prolegomena to an integrated system of aviation liability”, in Dau Cheng, Bin, “Properly speaking, only celestial bodies have been reserved for use exclusively for peaceful (non-military) purposes, but not outer void space”, 81–118, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Cheng, Bin, “The military use of outer space and international law”, v. 1, 63–76, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Cobb Cooper, John, “Legal problems of spacecraft in airspace”, in Dau Cobb Cooper, John, “State sovereignty in space: Developments 1910 to 1914”, in Dau Cocca, Aldo Armando, “The legal aspects relating to the civilian applications of space technology”, 411–440, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred


Dagtoglou, Prodromos D., “Air transport after the Nouvelles Frontières judgment”, in Dau Diederiks-Verschoor, I. H., “Observations relating to the Bermuda treaties on aviation between Great Britain and the United States”, in Dau Diederiks-Verschoor, I. H., “Comparisons between air law and space law concerning liability for damages caused by aircraft and space objects”, in Dau Faller, Edmund, “The historical significance of a diplomatic failure: The Paris air navigation conference of 1910”, in Dau Goedhuis, Daniel, “Legal issues involved in the potential military uses of space stations”, 23–38, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Goedhuis, Daniel, “The present state of space law”, 201–244, in the volume honouring International Law Association Haraszti, György, “Outer space and sovereignty”, in Dau Jakhu, Ram S., “Developing countries and the fundamental principles of international space law”, in Dau Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri, “A survey of space law as developed by the United Nations”, 349–384, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri, “The future of international telecommunications law”, 391–424, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Johnson, Phillip A., “Shooting down drug traffickers”, 79–94, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Kaukoranta, Päivi, “Negotiation of the Treaty on Open Skies revisited: Finnish features”, 371–390, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Knauth, Arnold W., “Mortgages (Hypotheken) of aircraft and ships of foreign registry”, in Dau Kunz, Josef L., “The Law of Outer Space – Its Beginnings”, in Dau

Air and space law


Subject Index

Lemhoefer, Klaus, “The Federal Noise Control Act of 1972 and aviation noise”, in Dau Matte, Nicolas Mateesco, “Global satellite telecommunications: the end of a dream?”, 61–76, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord McClean, John David, “75 years of air crashes and lost suitcases”, 49–68, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (2) McDougal, Myres S., “Legal Bases for Securing the Integrity of the Earth-Space Environment”, in Dau McWhinney, Edward, “Aerial piracy and the problem-solving approach to international law”, 145–155, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Parry, Clive, “The question of sovereignty over the air-space”, in Dau Rotkirch, Holger, “A Peace Institute on the war-path: the application of the Treaty on Open Skies to the neutralized and demilitarized Aland Islands and the powers of the Aland autonomy”, 61–88, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Schmitt, Michael N., “Clipped wings: effective and legal no-fly zone rules of engagement”, 239–296, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack

Ancient law Jolowicz, H. F., “The assessment of penalties in primitive law”, 203–222, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Rocher, Ludo, “The problem of the mixed reply in ancient Hindu law”, 375–387, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Anglo-Saxon law Brandileone, Francesco, “Preliminary notes upon the Anglo-Saxon documents of the eighth and ninth centuries”, 384–393, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Hudson, John, “Anglo-Norman land law and the origins of property”, 198–222, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Simpson, A. W. B., “The laws of Ethelbert”, 3–17, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Wormald, Patrick, “Maitland and Anglo-Saxon law: beyond Domesday Book”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William


Shubber, Sami, “The contribution of the International Court of Justice to air law”, 316–326, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y.

Aaron, Benjamin, “Arbitration in a non-union environment in the United States”, 595–604, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Trelles, Tullio, “The monetary clauses in the 1975 Montreal Protocols to the Warsaw Air Law Convention”, in Dau

Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix, “Arbitration and the rule of local remedies”, in Dau

Vereshchetin, V. S., “Next steps in international space law”, 463–480, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Asouzu, A. A., “Arbitration and judicial power”, 338–377, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene

Vlasic, Ivan A., “Space law and the military applications of space technology”, 385–410, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Berg, Albert van den, “The ICC arbitration rules and appointment of arbitrators in cases involving multiple defendants”, in Dau

Williams, Maureen, “International law in the wake of UNISPACE III”, 67–88, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Ancient law

Böckstiegel, Karl-Heinz, “Experiences as an arbitrator using the UNICTIRAL Arbitration Rules”, in Dau

Subject Index Böckstiegel, Karl-Heinz, “The new arbitration rules of International Chamber of Commerce”, in Dau Coulson, Robert, “How contractual arbitration achieved recognition in the United States … and now faces new challenges”, in Dau Delaume, Georges R., “Consent to ICSID arbitration: new developments”, 155–178, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Deolinar, Hans and Lanier, Ray, “Public policy objections to the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral agreements and awards: Perspectives on Austrian and American law”, in Dau Domke, Martin, “The present state of the law regarding international commercial arbitration”, 307–330, in the volume honouring International Law Association Ezejiofor, Gaius, “The time within which to set aside an arbitral award in Nigeria”, 153–171, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze Fagbohun, Lanre, “Foreign commercial arbitral award and judicial enforcement in Nigeria”, 65–72, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Franke, Ulf, “Institutional arbitration: Trends and developments”, in Dau Glossner, Ottoarndt and RaeschkeKessler, Hilmar, “The preamble of the IBA Rules of Evidence – an agenda for modern proceedings in international commercial arbitration”, 503–514, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Godwin, William, “Arbitration or litigation?: multi-party disputes and arbitration clauses”, 245–272, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Goode, Royston Miles, “The role of the lex loci arbitri in international commercial arbitration”, 245–270, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Graveson, Ronald H., “Arbitration clauses to international contracts”, in Strømø & Kongshavn


Grigera Náon, Horacio A., “International commercial arbitration: identifying and implementing the ‘right’ policies”, 137–150, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Grigera Náon, Horacio A., “International commercial arbitration – the law applicable to the substance of the dispute: present trends”, 65–96, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Hamilton, Calvin A., “International arbitration in Spain”, 87–104, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Isaacs, Nathan, “The implementing of arbitration statutes”, v. 1, 370–380, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Jenks, C. Wilfred, “International Adjudication on a Basis Agreed Between the Parties”, in Dau Lalive, Pierre, “On the transfer of seat in international arbitration”, 515–526, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Lando, Ole, “Conflict-of-law rules for arbitrators”, in Dau Lew, Julian D. M., “Interest on money awards in international arbitration”, 543–570, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Mann, F. A., “Some recent developments of the English law of arbitration”, in Dau McWhinney, Edward, “The international arbitral and judicial processes, and the atrophy of the Permanent Court of Arbitration”, in Dau Mehren, Arthur T. von, “The ‘federalizing’ of American arbitration law”, 443–454, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Möller, Gustaf, “On interim measures of protection and Finnish arbitration law”, 249–262, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Murray, John, “Arbitrability in the European Union”, 105–120, in the volume honouring Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart



Subject Index

Philip, Allan, “The Eco Swiss judgment and international arbitration”, 527–532, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Sanders, Pieter, “Harmonization of arbitration laws. A model law?"”, in Dau Sandrock, Otto, “The extension of arbitration agreements to non-signatories: an enigma still unresolved”, 461–488, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Schlosser, Peter F., “The separability of arbitration agreements – a model for jurisdiction and venue agreements?”, 305–324, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Schreuer, Christoph, “The interpretation of ICSID arbitration agreements”, 719–736, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Schröder, Gerhard, “Hamburg – An international place of arbitration and conciliation”, in Dau Stern, Brigitte, “ICSIO arbitration and the state’s increasing remote consent: apropos the Maffezini case”, 246–260, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Steveson, John R, “Regarding selection of arbitrators”, in Dau Varady, Tibor, “Remuneration of arbitrators as a threshold issue: economic sense and procedural realities”, 585–600, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Walter, Gerhard and Brunner, Christoph, “Intermim measures and arbitration – impact of the ILA Principles on provisional and protective measures in international litigation on the Draft Provisions on Interim Measures of Protection of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration”, 469–488, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Yagba, T. A. T., “Arbitration of foreign investment disputes in Nigeria: some alternatives considered”, 265–281, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Banking law

Banking law Andenas, Mads Tonnesson and Panourgias, Lazaros E., “Applied monetary policy and bank supervision by the ECB”, 119–170, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Andenas, Mads Tonnesson and Fairgrieve, Duncan, “To supervise or to compensate? A comparative study of state liability for negligent banking supervision”, 333–360, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Armitage, J. K., “Commercial bills”, 259–311, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Atsegbua, Lawrence Asekome, “Failied banks (recovery of debts) and financial malpractices in banks decree: a critical analysis”, 194–213, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi Baxter, Ian F. G., “What is the future of the cheque? North American use of commercial paper”, in Dau Blair, William, “Liability for foreign branch deposits in English law”, 323–336, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Cooke, Peter, “Some reflections arising from comparisons between the Swiss and other banking supervisory systems”, in Dau Cranston, Ross and Hadjiemmanuil, Christos, “Banking integration in the European Community: the European Commission’s unfinished agenda”, 341–384, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Cranston, Ross, “Banking networks”, 337–356, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Dunstan, J. A., “Eurocurrency lending and note issues”, 324–346, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Ellinger, E. P., “The doctrine of strict compliance: its development and current construction”, 187–198, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B.

Subject Index Fong, Cheong May and Huat, Khoo Guan, “The Banking and Financial Institutions Act, 1989 and the Offshore Banking Act, 1990”, 123–148, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Gold, Joseph, “Public international law in the international monetary system”, 15:1–15:82, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Gruson, Michael, “The 1999 US banking law reform and foreign banks”, 283–326, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Hanbury, Harold Greville, “Forgery and its effects”, 29–58, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (1) Mann, F. A., “The binding character of the gold parity standard”, in Dau Meichsner, Vjekoslav, “The gold standard and monetary law”, in Dau Norton, Joseph J., “The multidimensions of the convergence processes regarding the prudential supervision of international banking activities – the impact of the Basle Supervisors Committee’s effort upon, within and without the European Community”, in Dau Norton, Joseph J., “‘Banking law’ in the twenty-first century”, 297–322, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Norton, Joseph J., “Internationally accepted banking supervisory practices and financial sector reform in developing economies”, 255–266, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Norton, Joseph J., “Conjuring an elite corps of banking institutions within a public-private partnership”, 391–414, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Oliyide, Olusesan, “A critical appraisal of the new banking decree in Nigeria”, 148–184, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Oshio, P. Ehi, “The bank customer, bank strikes and the law in Nigeria”, 171–193, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi


Sasegbon, Deji, “Banks: when secrecy is golden”, 205–218, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Scott, Hal S., “Models-based regulation of bank capital”, 377–390, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Yadin, U., “Problems of devaluation before Israeli courts”, in Dau

Bankruptcy Belcher, S. , Dennis, N. and Kent, Andrew J. F., “The restructuring of Unitel Communications Inc.”, 605–620, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Campbell, Kimberly S., “Chef Ready Foods Ltd.: the not so good old days”, 289–300, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Chartrand, Rupert H., “Tilden: a restructuring without a plan”, 573–594, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Dunphy, Sean F., “When no means yes: the Ball Packaging restructuring”, 255–274, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Fisher, R. H., “Receiverships”, 347–370, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Fitch, Michael A., “‘Store wars’: the saga of the Woodwards’ reorganization”, 509–536, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Fletcher, Ian F., “Juggling with norms: the conflict between collective and individual rights under insolvency law”, 391–418, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Goldberg, Barry I., “The restructuring of Beatrice Foods Inc.”, 275–288, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Goldstein, Yoine, Brown, David A., Meland, Mark E. and Nadler, I. Berl, “Olympia & York: navigating uncharted waters”, 151–180, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Harris, Mathew M., “The restructuring of Air Atlantic”, 537–558, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William



Subject Index

Jacques, Arthur O., “United Co-operatives of Ontario”, 595–604, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Jones, Richard B. and Dixon, Richard C., “Oakwood Petroleums Ltd.”, 345–376, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William King, Lorraine C., “Wandlyn Inns Ltd.: a New Brunswick restructuring”, 213–234, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Langlois, Raynold, “The story of Steinberg’s”, 491–508, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Leonard, E. Bruce, “The Everfresh reorganization: advancing co-operation in cross-border insolvencies”, 325–344, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Lipstein, Kurt, “Bankruptcy and the Hague Conventions”, in Dau Matz, Thomas J., “Sklar-Peppler Furniture Corporation”, 397–410, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William McCartney, James C., “Algoma Steel Inc.: a successful restructuring”, 235–254, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William McElcheran, Kevin, “The restructuring of Campeau Corporation”, 75–98, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William McRae, Ralph D., “Northland Properties Ltd.”, 99–128, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Mendelsohn, Max, “The re-emergence of the Blue-Box: the restructuring of the Birks’ business”, 411–424, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William

O’Kelly, Patrick J., “‘A marriage of convenience’ – the Mac’s Milk plan”, 465–490, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Pakter, Walter, “Roman bankruptcy”, in Dau Prentice, Daniel D., “Some observations on the law relating to preferences”, 439–460, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Priestley, L. J., “Aspects of liquidation”, 371–396, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Rajak, Harry, “Can a receiver be negligent?”, 129–144, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. Riesenfeld, Stefan A., “Transnational bankruptcy law: Recent developments in Argentina and the United States”, in Dau Riesenfeld, Stefan A., “Domestic effects of foreign liquidation and rehabilitation proceedings in the light of comparative law (Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache)”, in Dau Riesenfeld, Stefan A., “Transnational bankruptcies in the late eighties: a tale of evolution and atavism”, 409–430, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Rotsztain, Michael B., “Dylex – a tailor-made restructuring”, 425–464, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Scott, Simon B., “The acquisition of Dome Petroleum Limited by Amoco Corporation, 1987–88”, 301–324, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William

Morawetz, Geoffrey, “Armbro: the bumpy road to recovery”, 559–572, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William

Tay, Derrick C., “The use of corporate legislation in the Trizec reorganization: the triumph of substance over form”, 181–212, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William

Morse, C. G. J., “Cross-border insolvency in the European Union”, 233–260, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K.

Teskey, Robert H., “The restructuring of Nu-West Group Limited”, 129–150, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William

Nwokoro, Osondu C., “An assessment of the efficacy of the various agencies of the compulsory liquidation process”, 254–273, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze

Tomasic, Roman, “Commercial morality and public policy as ‘principles’ of corporate insolvency law”, 461–476, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles


Subject Index Tysoe, David F., “Quintette Coal – the story of its reorganization”, 377–396, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Westbrook, Jay Lawrence, “Universal participation in transnational bankruptcies”, 419–438, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles

Canon law Beal, John P., “Acts from previous cases as a neglected source of evidence”, 5–28, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. Brown, Brendan Francis, “The notion of canonical auctoritas with respect to statute, custom and usage”, 271–295, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Brundage, James A., “Bishop Thomas Arundel and the University of Cambridge”, 139–148, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1) Coriden, James A., “Historical perspectives on marriage nullity cases”, 29–46, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. Cunningham, Richard G., “Ivo of Chartres: an earlier master of the art of interpretation”, 47–71, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. D’Avray, D. L., “Lay kinship solidarity and papal law”, 188–199, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan De Luca, Luigi, “Nullity of marriage by error of quality”, 72–80, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. Donahue, Charles, “Malchus’s ear: reflections on classical canon law as a religious legal system”, 91–120, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1)


Ferme, Brian Edwin, “Lyndwood and the canon law: the papal plenitudo potestatis and the College of Cardinals”, 13–22, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W. Green, Thomas J., “Procedural law: some comparative reflections on the Latin and Eastern codes”, 103–124, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. Helmholz, R. H., “Legal formalism, substantive policy, and the creation of canon law of prescription”, 265–284, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Johnson, John J., “Prenuptial agreements”, 125–146, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. McGrath, Aidan, “From proofs to judgement: the arduous task of the judge”, 147–174, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. McKenna, Kevin E., “Canonical ministry in service to the church”, 175–188, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. Mendonca, Augustine, “Justice and equity: at whose expense?”, 189–234, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. Ombres, Robert, “Ecclesiology, ecumenism and canon law”, 48–59, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W. Rinere, Elissa, “A few reflections on canon 1060”, 235–250, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G. Robertson, J. J., “The canon law vehicle of civilian influence with particular reference to Scotland”, 117–134, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Robertson, J. J., “Canon law as a source”, 112–127, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Easton, Frederick C., “Probing the boundaries between incapacity for consent and other defects of consent”, 81–102, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G.

Wijlens, Myriam, “Profile of clients of a marriage tribunal”, 251–278, in the volume honouring Wrenn, Lawrence G.

Evans, Gillian R., “Lanfranc, Anselm and a new consciousness of canon law in England”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W.

Witte, John, “Canon law in Lutheran Germany: a surprising case of legal transplantation”, 181–224, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1)

Canon law


Subject Index

Celtic law Davies, Wendy, “Suretyship in the Cartulaire de Redon”, 72–91, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Hanna, Henry, “The common law in Ireland”, 200–232, in the volume honouring Harvard University Stacey, Robin Chapman, “Translation of the Old Irish tract Berrad Airechta”, 210–236, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1)


Buquicchio-de Boer, Maud, “Children and the European Convention on Human Rights. A survey of case-law of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights”, in Dau Cretney, Stephen M., “Defining the limits of state intervention: the child and the courts”, 58–74, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K. Davidson, Scott, “The European Convention on Human Rights and the ‘illegitimate’ child”, 75–106, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K.

Malem, Jorge F., “On pornography and censorship”, in Dau

Dixon, David, “Juvenile suspects and the Police and Criminal Evidence Act”, 107–129, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K.

Savage, R. C., “Censorship”, 89–105, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1)

Freeman, Michael D. A., “The welfare of children in England and New Zealand”, in Dau


Freeman, Michael D. A., “Care after 1991”, 130–171, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K.

Alston, Philip, “Interpreting a child’s right to privacy in the UN context. The influence of regional standards”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Bottoms, A. E., “Justice for juveniles 75 years on”, 95–116, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (2)

Freestone, David, “The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child”, 288–293, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K. Gervin, Spencer R., “... And kids have rights too”, 121–132, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S.

Boyd, Susan B., “Contextualizing the best interests of the child: Justice L’HeureuxDubé’s approach to child custody and access law”, 165–188, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire

Giesen, Dieter, “Artificial reproduction revisited: status problems and welfare of the child: a comparative view”, 235–262, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M.

Breen, Oonagh, “Children these days: section 117 of the Succession Act 1965 and the moral obligations of parenthood”, 72–93, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Gormley, W. Paul, “The elimination of child labour and the protection of young workers by means of international human rights conventions: The progressive elevation of the minimum age for entry into employments”, in Dau

Bridge, Caroline, “Parental powers and the medical treatment of children”, 295–330, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Brookbanks, Warren J., “The physical discipline of children: proposals for reform?”, 163–181, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald

Celtic law

Haderka, Jiri F., “Family status of a child born after the use of medically assisted fertilization: essential trends in contemporary law”, in Dau Hall, J. C., “Children and divorce”, 201–212, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K.

Subject Index Kindred, Michael J., “Basic problems of minors’ contractual capacity. Reform in England, France, Ethiopia and the United States of America”, in Dau Kounougeri-Manoledaki, Efie, “Difference of religion and the adoption of minors in Greek Law”, in Dau Ladan, Muhammed Tawfiq, “Administration of juvenile justice in Nigeria: institutional treatment of juvenile offenders”, 49–59, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Lasok, Dominik, “The rights of the unborn”, 18–30, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Lowe, Nigel V., “The House of Lords and the welfare principle”, 125–172, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Lucy, William, “Controversy about children’s rights”, 213–242, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K. Lyon, Christina M., “Children and the law: towards 2000 and beyond: an essay in human rights, social policy and the law”, 33–84, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Mason, Sandra, “Juveniles in the Barbados society”, 68–81, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2) O’Donovan, Katherine, “Enfants trouvés, anonymous mothers, and children’s identity rights”, 66–85, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B. Ostrihanska, Zofia, “A longitudinal study of social maladjustment in young persons”, in Dau Parry, Martin L., “The changing face of wardship”, 243–268, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K. Peukert, Wolfgang, “Human rights in international law and the protection of unborn human beings”, in Dau Sachs, Christina, “Children’s rights”, 31–42, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Sachs, Christina, “The duty to the child”, 179–186, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2)


Spector, Robert G., “The New Uniform Rule with regard to jurisdiction rules in child custody cases in the United States with some comparisons to the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children”, 357–384, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Uzodike, E. N. U., “The menace of child labour in Africa”, 368–382, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Ward, Paul, “Statute of Limitations (Amendment) Act 2000 and actions for child sexual abuse”, 344–370, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Webb, P. R. H., “Children maintenance problems in New Zealand when a noncustodial parent is denied access by a custodial parent”, 269–287, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K. Williams, Glanville Llewelyn, “Child witnesses”, 188–203, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C.

Church and state Berman, Harold Joseph, “The interaction of spiritual and secular law: an historical overview with special reference to sixteenthcentury Lutheran Germany”, 149–180, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1) Brown, Elizabeth A. R., “Laity, laicisation and Philip the Fair of France”, 200–217, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Fogarty, Gerald P., “The United States and the Vatican: from personal representative to ambassador”, in Dau Jahagirdar, R. A., “Secularism in India: the inconclusive debate”, 53–73, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. McClean, John David, “Establishment in a European context”, 128–138, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W. Watkin, Thomas Glyn, “Church and state in a changing world”, 82–92, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W.

Church and state


Subject Index

Civil law Carey Miller, David L., “A Scottish celebration of the European legal tradition”, 19–52, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Cassin, René, “Codification and national unity”, 46–54, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Charmont, Joseph, “The conflict of interests legally protected in French civil law”, 461–472, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Chen, Albert H. Y., “Socio-legal thought and legal modernization in contemporary China a case study of the jurisprudence of Zhu Suli”, 227–249, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Chorus, Jeroen M. J., “Civilian elements in European civil procedure”, 295–306, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Clark, David Scott, “The idea of the civil law tradition”, 11–24, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Ganado, J. M., “The contribution of the Privy Council on questions of Maltese civil law”, 92–101, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams Hazeltine, Harold D., “The Renaissance and the laws of Europe”, 139–172, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope

Sereni, Angelo Piero, “The Code and the case law”, 55–79, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Stein, Peter, “Donellus and the origins of the modern civil law”, in Dau Stjepanovic, Nikola, “The Code in a socialist state”, 224–246, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Tan, Carol G. S., “Going to court in Weihaiwei: some support for civil litigation in the Qing”, 271–292, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Tunc, André, “‘It is wise not to take the civil codes too seriously’: traffic accident compensation in France”, 71–85, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H. Tunc, André, “The grand outlines of the Code”, 19–45, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Wieacker, Franz, “Historical models for the unification of European law”, in Dau Zimmermann, Reinhard and Jansen, Nils, “Quieta movere: interpretative change in a codified system”, 285–318, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Zimmermann, Reinhard, “The civil law in European codes”, 259–294, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen

Civil procedure

Lawson, F. H., “Institutes [Institutionen des Corpus iuris]”, in Dau

Baldwin, Simeon Eben, “Pleadings in civil actions”, 313–318, in the volume honouring Yale Law School

Le May, Denis, “The Quebec Civil Codes”, 87–96, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M.

Briggs, Herbert W., “David Dudley Field and the codification of international law (1805–1894)”, in Dau

Limpens, Jean, “Territorial expansion of the Code”, 92–109, in the volume honouring France, Code civil

Chorley, Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley, Lord, “Procedural reform in England”, 98–119, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley

Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, “The development of civil law principles at the national and Community level”, 351–366, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Rheinstein, Max, “The approach to German law”, 472–491, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Civil law

Choy, Choong Yeow, “Malaysian civil procedure in the last two decades”, 149–178, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Clark, Charles E., “Code pleading and practice today”, 55–72, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley

Subject Index


Edward, David A. O., “Reform of Article 234 procedure: the limits of the possible”, 119–142, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Morse, C. G. J., “Obtaining evidence abroad: English and American comparisons”, 159–192, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R.

Gaja, Giorgio, “The growing variety of procedures concerning preliminary rulings”, 143–152, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Murray, Peter L., “A morning at the Amtsgericht: German civil justice in practice”, 779–792, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Gomberg, Frank, “Cross-examination at trial in a civil case: musings on the avoidance of land mines”, 129–162, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur

Pathak, R. S., “Public interest litigation in India”, 125–135, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A.

Haskins, George Lee, “The first American reform of civil procedure”, 173–189, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir, “Civil procedure since 1800”, 159–190, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1)

Schröder, Jochen, “The right not to be sued abroad”, in Dau Scott, I. R., “The English Civil Justice Review: implementation and further reform”, 103–128, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir

Jolowicz, J. A., “Civil procedure and the common and civil law”, 55–78, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Sommers, Richard J., “The opening statement and closing argument in a civil case”, 163–170, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur

Jolowicz, J. A., “Group litigation, damages and judicial control by civil courts”, 481–492, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Sunderland, Edson R., “Modern procedural devices”, 83–97, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley

Jolowicz, J. A., “On the nature and purposes of civil procedural law”, 27–46, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir Kerr, Anthony, “Recent developments in the law on the limitation of actions”, 261–274, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Szászy, István, “Recognition of the Legal Effects of Foreign Civil Procedure”, in Dau Watson, Garry D., “Issue estoppel, abuse of process and repetitive litigation: the death of mutuality”, 179–216, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir

McKeon, Charles F., “Examinationin-chief in a civil action”, 115–128, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur

Webb, P. R. H., “Service out of the New Zealand jurisdiction without leave: the old order changeth”, 355–378, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt

Millar, Robert Wyness, “The old regime and the new in civil procedure”, v. 1, 207–273, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Commercial law

Millar, Robert Wyness, “Civil procedure reform in civil law countries”, 120–140, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Milman, David, “Security for costs: principles and pragmatism in corporate litigation”, 167–182, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S. Mitchell, William D., “The federal rules of civil procedure”, 73–82, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley

Adams, John, “Sales ‘on approval’ and ‘sale or return’”, 1–13, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M. Asomugha, Ephraim Maduelosi, “Legal issues in loans documentation and realisation”, 49–64, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Baker, John Hamilton, “The law merchant as a source of English law”, 79–96, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord

Commercial law


Subject Index

Bonell, Michael Joachim, “The UNIDROIT principles of international commercial contracts and the principles of European contract law”, 91–102, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Choo Hock, Soon and Phang, Andrew Boon Leong, “Reception of English commercial law in Singapore – a century of uncertainty”, 31–74, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review Chuan, Gan Ching and Mahmood, Nik Ramlah, “Two decades of the law relating to sale of goods, hire purchase and equipment leasing”, 179–260, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Clarke, Malcolm A., “Freedom of information in commercial disputes”, 375–396, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Cranston, Ross, “Doctrine and practice in commercial law”, 199–224, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Cuming, Ronald C. C., “The internationalization of secured financing law: the spreading influence of the concepts UCC, Article 9 and its progeny”, 499–524, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles

Goode, Royston Miles, “Abstract payment undertakings”, 209–236, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Goode, Royston Miles, “International restatements and national law”, 45–58, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord Goode, Royston Miles, “Europe and English commercial law”, 15–24, in the volume honouring British Academy Hellner, Jan, “The law of sales and the law of contract: some remarks on the United Nations Convention on International Sales”, 173–186, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Hooley, Richard, “Payment in a cashless society”, 233–260, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S. Hudson, A. H., “Conformity of goods on passing of risk”, 207–224, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Llewellyn, Karl N., “Through title to contract and a bit beyond”, v. 3, 80–138, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Dach, Joseph, “Payment in cashless societies”, in Dau

Lockhart, John, “Effective case management of complex commercial litigation with particular reference to trade practices”, 166–187, in the volume honouring Brunt, Maureen

Debattista, Charles, “Performance bonds and letters of credit. A cracked mirror image”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Lomnicka, Eva Z., “Connected lender liability”, 93–116, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon

Farmer, James A., “Lord Cooke and judicial decision-making: a perspective from the commercial bar”, 53–72, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord

Maher, Imelda, “A traders’ charter?: free movement of goods and the Sunday dilemma”, 109–130, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2)

Fogam, P. Kedinga, “Allocating risks in contracts of sale of goods: time to change the rules”, 73–82, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Forneris, Xavier, “Harmonization of commercial law in Africa: the OHADA”, 69–84, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Goldstajn, Aleksandar, “The new law merchant reconsidered”, in Dau

Commercial law

Meisel, Franklin, “A nod and a wink: the problem of disappointed buyers at auction”, 289–304, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Mustill, Michael J., Sir, “The new lex mercatoria: the first twenty-five years”, 149–184, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Okoli, H. S. N., “Classification of securities: commercial reality or fiction?”, 244–254, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.

Subject Index


Schmitthoff, Clive M., “Commercial law in the 19th and 20th centuries”, 33–50, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1)

Davis, Henry Hague, “The common law in Canada”, 164–199, in the volume honouring Harvard University

Sealy, L. S., “Hire-purchase at home and abroad”, 195–217, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G.

Elias, T. O., “English law and Africa”, 102–114, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams

Smith, Graham J. H., “Time, space and the 2024 commercial lawyer”, 103–112, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2)

Graveson, Ronald H., “The house of law”, 131–151, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W.

Thomas, Richard, “Freedom of information: the implications for business”, 397–410, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

Hocking, William Ernest, “Justice, law and the cases”, 332–351, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

White, James J., “The influence of American legal realism on Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code”, 401–424, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Yadin, U., “The uniform sales law of the 1964 Hague convention and the Israel sales law of 1968”, in Dau

Common law Bartholomew, G. W., “English law in partibus orientalium”, 1–30, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review Bennett, Elizabeth, “The path of the law”, 27–46, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan Brand, Paul, “Local custom in the early common law”, 150–159, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Chorley, Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley, Lord, “Our Anglo-American common law heritage”, 302–313, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, “The dream of an international common law”, 138–145, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, “Learning from La Forest”, 415–432, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Crane, Frederick E., “The spirit of the common law”, 242–248, in the volume honouring Harvard University Criscuoli, Giovanni, “The proper gender of the ‘Common Law’”, in Dau

Jackett, W. R., “Foundation of Canadian law in history and theory”, 3–30, in the volume honouring Cronkite, F. C. Jaeger, Werner, “Praise of law”, 352–375, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Jolowicz, H. F., “Roman Regulae and English Maxims”, in Dau Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir, “English law and American law: some comparative reflections”, 362–409, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Kiralfy, A. K. R., “English law in Ontario”, in Dau La Forest, G. V., “Judicial lawmaking, creativity and constraints”, 3–20, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Lawson, F. H., “Doctrinal writing: a foreign element in English law”, in Dau Lücke, Horst K., “The honoratiores of the common Law”, in Dau Lyne, Daniel J., “The future of the common law”, 101–125, in the volume honouring Catholic University of America Morison, W. L., “The future scope of Australian common law”, 97–140, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law Oliver, David T., “Roman law in modern cases in English courts”, 243–258, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Pound, Roscoe, “What is the common law?”, 3–23, in the volume honouring Harvard University

Common law


Subject Index

Pound, Roscoe, “Adjudication or administration? Making, finding and changing of law and laws in a changing world”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Simpson, A. W. B., “The survival of the common law system”, 51–72, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1) Southin, M. F., “The coming of English law to British Columbia”, 15–26, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan Stone, Harlan Fiske, “The common law in the United States”, 120–148, in the volume honouring Harvard University Tucker, John H., “The Code and the common law in Louisiana”, 346–377, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Wilson, Geoffrey, “Breaking the code of the common law tradition”, in Dau Wright, Robert Alderson Wright, Lord, “The common law in its old home”, 66–119, in the volume honouring Harvard University

Comparative law Alford, William P., “Exporting ‘the pursuit of happiness’”, 46–92, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan Alpa, Guido, “The British contribution to Italian legal thinking”, 37–62, in the volume honouring British Academy Amos, Maurice Sheldon, Sir, “The common law and the civil law in the British Commonwealth of Nations”, 24–56, in the volume honouring Harvard University Anthony, Kenny, “The identification and classification of mixed systems of law”, 179–218, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1)

Bastarache, Michel, “The Honourable G.V. La Forest’s use of foreign materials in the Supreme Court of Canada and his influence on foreign courts”, 433–448, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Bell, John, “Comparative law and legal theory”, 19–32, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Bergh, G. C. J. J. van den, “Ratio civilis, or on legal translations”, in Dau Bogdan, Michael, “Common law versus civil law in international development aid”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Brown, Lionel Neville, “Confessions of a comparatist”, 305–322, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Cappelletti, Mauro, “The doctrine of stare decisis and the civil law: A fundamental difference – or no difference at all?”, in Dau Cartwright, John, “Defects of consent and security of contract: French and English law compared”, 137–152, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Casey, James, “Crotty v. An Taoiseach: a comparative perspective”, 189–200, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Ch’en, Paul H., “Disloyalty to the state in late imperial China”, in Dau Chesterman, M. R., “Legal explorations in different lands”, 21–33, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Chloros, A.G., “Contract in the French civil code and in the common law: A comment”, in Dau Clarke, Donald C., “Puzzling observations in Chinese law: when is a riddle just a mistake?”, 93–121, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan Conner, Alison W., “The comparative law school of China”, 210–273, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan

Anthony, Kenny, “Approaches to the common law trust in codified mixed jurisdictions”, 53–76, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

Corder, Hugh, “Constitutional change in South Africa: some Indian connections”, 177–196, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M.

Bar, Christian von, “Damage without loss”, 23–44, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord

Crespigny, Rafe de, “Inspection and surveillance officials under the two Han dynasties”, in Dau

Comparative law

Subject Index Dam, Kenneth W., “Exclusive distributorships in the United States and the European Economic Community”, in Dau Dando, Shigemitsu, “Japanese criminal procedure reform: a practical experiment in comparative law”, 447–460, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Danneman, Gerhard and Markesinis, B. S., “The legacy of history on German contract law”, 1–30, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Das, Cyrus V., “Indian constitutional principles abroad: the Malaysian experience”, 142–165, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Doeker-Mach, Guenther, “Comparative constitutional law: reflections on the past and concerns about the future”, 389–407, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Edge, Ian, “Comparative law in global perspective”, 3–20, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Elliott, John, Sir, “Insiders and outsiders”, 115–128, in the volume honouring British Academy Eörsi, Gyula, “Some aspects of comparative law”, in Dau Farnsworth, Allan, “Looking in from outside your garden: Another view of comparative law”, in Dau Favoreu, Louis, “American and European models of constitutional justice”, 105–120, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Feinerman, James V., “The Meiji reception of western law”, in Dau Fix-Zamudio, Hector, “John Henry Merryman and the modernization of comparative legal studies”, 25–48, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Franke, Herbert, “Jurchen customary law and the Chinese law of the Chin dynasty”, in Dau Franklin, Mitchell, “The legal system of occupied Germany”, 262–282, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)


Freedland, Mark R., “Ius cogens, ius dipositivum, and the law of personal work contracts”, 165–178, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Friedman, Lawrence M., “Some thoughts on comparative legal culture”, 49–60, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Garner, J. F., “What is comparative law?”, 13–18, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Glendon, Mary Ann, “Comparative law as shock treatment. A tribute to Jacob W. F. Sundberg”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Glenn, H. Patrick, “Commensurability and translatability”, 675–682, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Glenn, H. Patrick, “Comparative law and specialization”, in Dau Goldstein, Stephen, “Summary judgment proceedings in Israeli law: a critical and comparative analysis”, 11–26, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir Gorla, Gino, “Samuel Livermore (1786–1833): an American forerunner to the modern ‘civil law-common law dialogue’”, 121–138, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Gutteridge, H. C., “The province of comparative law”, 303–312, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Hand, G. J., “A reconsideration of a German study (1924–1932) of the Irish constitution of 1922”, in Dau Hazard, John N., “Is Soviet Russia in a unique legal family?”, 93–108, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Henderson, Dan Fenno, “The role of law in Japan: Some issues”, in Dau Herrmann, Joachim, “Models for the reform of the criminal trial in the People’s Republic of China – Comparative remarks from a German perspective”, in Dau Hulsewé, A. F. P., “Weights and measures in Ch’in law”, in Dau Huxley, Andrew, “Rhodes, Arakan, Grand Cayman: three versions of offshore”, 145–172, in the volume honouring School of

Comparative law


Subject Index

Oriental and African Studies, University of London

MacCormack, Geoffrey, “On the problem of law in primitive societies”, in Dau

Huy, Nguyêñ Ngoc, “The penal code of Vietnam’s Lê dynasty”, in Dau

Markesinis, B. S., “Conceptualism, pragmatism and courage: a common lawyer looks at some judgments of the German Federal Court”, 56–70, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H.

Johnson, Wallace, “Group criminal liability in the T’ang code”, in Dau Jolowicz, J. A., “Da mihi factum dabo tibi jus: a problem of demarcation on English and French law”, 79–100, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt

Markesinis, B. S., “The familiarity of the unknown”, 59–78, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord

Jones, J. Walter, “Cino da pistoia”, 376–389, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Matsuo, Hiroshi, “Reception of law and civil law traditions”, 79–88, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Jones, William C., “Trying to understand the current Chinese legal system”, 7–45, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan

McEldowney, John F., “Studying a foreign legal system: the case of Japan”, 197–214, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2)

Kedzia, Zdzislaw, “New institutional guarantees of the rule of law and individual rights and freedoms in Poland”, 271–284, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Keon-Cohen, Bryan and Morse, Bradford W., “Indigenous land rights in Australia and Canada”, 74–102, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M.

Mehren, Arthur T. von, “The role of comparative law in the practice of international law”, in Dau Mehren, Arthur T. von, “The Judicial Process in the USA and Germany. A Comparative Analysis”, in Dau

Kinoshita, Tsuyoshi, “Japanese law and western law”, in Dau

Nicholas, Barry, “Certainty of price”, 247–256, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry

Kirby, Michael D., “The Supreme Court of India and Australian law”, 66–86, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court

Nörr, Knut Wolfgang, “The problem of legal transplant and the reception of continental law in China before 1930”, in Dau

Kirby, Michael D., “Constitutional law: Indian and Australian analogues”, 166–176, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M.

Powell, R., “Eviction in Roman and English law”, 78–90, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis

Lee, Simon, “Comparative law: home rule(s)”, 113–128, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R.

Pugliese, Giovanni, “Ius honorarium and English equity”, 275–282, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry

Lenoir, Noëlle, “The impact of European law in French law: lessons for England?”, 249–266, in the volume honouring British Academy

Quigley, John B., “The impact of Soviet law in the West: boon or bane?”, 131–162, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (2)

Loeber, Dietrich Andre, “Latvia’s 1937 Civil Code: a quest for cultural identity”, 197–204, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Loewe, Michael, “The authority of the emperors of Ch’in and Han”, in Dau Lorenz, Werner, “Some thoughts about contract and tort”, 86–100, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H.

Comparative law

Radin, Max, “The rivalry of common-law and civil-law ideas in the American colonies”, v. 2, 404–432, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Read, James S., “Law in Africa: back to the future?”, 173–198, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Subject Index Reimann, Mathias, “‘A monument of legal learning’: Anglo American perspectives on the German Civil Code”, 793–810, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Rinfret, Thibaudeau, “The relations between civil law and common law”, 378–388, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Rogerson, A., “Implied warranty against latent defects in Roman and English law”, 112–131, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis Rogowski, Ralf, “The art of mirroring: comparative law and social theory”, 215–232, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2) Rossabi, Morris, “Communist and post-Communist Mongolian law and pasture land”, 107–118, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Rudelle, Odile, “France and the American experience”, 104–115, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Samuel, Geoffrey, “Comparative law and the legal mind”, 35–50, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Schmidt, Folke, “The need for a multiaxial method in comparative law”, in Dau Shapiro, Martin, “Trans-Atlantic: Harlow revisited”, 225–240, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Stauder, Dieter and Llewelyn, David, “Oskar Hartwieg’s thoughts on the English legal system”, 47–57, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Szászy, István, “Recognition of the legal effects of foreign civil procedure”, in Dau Szpunar, Adam, “Concurrent fault in the comparative law”, 497–510, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)


Taruffo, Michele, “Legal cultures and models of civil justice”, in Dau Thorens, Justin, “The common law trust and the civil law lawyer”, 309–316, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Twining, William, “Comparative law and legal theory: the country and western tradition”, 21–78, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Vanderbilt, Arthur T., “The reconcilation of the civil law and the common law”, 389–400, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Visser, D. P., “The ties that bind: T. B. Smith as a comparative lawyer”, 272–292, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2) Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor, “The Code and contract: a comparative analysis of formation and form”, 110–138, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Wagner, Wenceslas J., “Research in comparative law: some theoretical considerarions”, 511–534, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Wilson, Geoffrey, “Understanding legal systems: the case of German law”, 163–170, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2) Xiangrui, Gong, “The world-view and the natural law thought of the Taoist School in ancient China”, in Dau Yadin, U., “From piecemeal legislation to a modern code. The Israeli experience”, in Dau Yasaki, Mitsukuni, “Francis Lieber on legal hermeneutics. A note of legal thought in 19th century America and Japan”, in Dau

Tallon, Denis, “The notion of contract: a French jurist’s naive look at common law contract”, 283–290, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry

Yntema, Hessel E., “Roman law as the basis of comparative law”, v. 2, 346–403, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Taniguchi, Yasuhei, “Civil liability of experts in court: a comparative overview”, 291–308, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry

Young, Margot, “Travels with Justice L’Heureux-Dubé: equality law abroad”, 287–302, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire

Comparative law


Subject Index

Competition law Awuku, Emmanuel Opuku, “International competition law and policy in developing countries”, 99–107, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Baxt, Robert, “The Australian concept of market – how it came to be”, 10–32, in the volume honouring Brunt, Maureen Bellamy, Christopher, “Some reflections on procedure in competition cases”, 187–192, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Bellis, Jean-François, “Anti-competitive practices and the WTO: the elusive search for new world trade rules”, 361–370, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Birrell, George A., “Extraterritorial application of antitrust laws and international law”, in Dau Blair, D. G., “Combines: the continuing dilemma”, 127–163, in the volume honouring Cronkite, F. C. Borrie, Gordon J., “The need for discretion in the application of competition law”, 277–290, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Bronckers, Marco C. E. J., “The WTO reference paper on telecommunications: a model for WTO competition law?”, 371–390, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Clough, Mark, “Collective dominance: the contribution of the Community Courts”, 161–186, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Derenberg, Walter Julius, “The Code and unfair competition”, 177–223, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Dixon, Paul Rand, “On administraive antitrust: the uses of history”, 137–152, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Dreher, Meinrad, “Do we need a European competition agency?”, 95–108, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2) Flynn, James , “Competition appeals”, 611–624, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Competition law

Friedmann, Wolfgang, “Anti-Monopoly Law. Some Comparative Observations”, in Dau Hecke, Georges van, “The present state of the law regarding the extra-territorial application of restrictive trade legislation”, 255–260, in the volume honouring International Law Association Lang, John Temple, “The A M & S judgment”, 153–160, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Lang, O. E., “Rational solutions for labour problems”, 164–171, in the volume honouring Cronkite, F. C. Lindsay, David and Williams, Philip, “The trade-off between competition and efficiency in telecommunications: the Australian experience”, 100–151, in the volume honouring Brunt, Maureen Lojkine, Susan, “Issues in market definition: some difficult New Zealand cases”, 37–55, in the volume honouring Brunt, Maureen Matsushita, Mitsuo, “Application of the Japanese antimonopoly law to international transactions”, 559–570, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Middleton, Kirsty G., “Modernization of European Community competition law enforcement for the twenty-first century”, 125–148, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan Officer, Robert and Williams, Philip, “The public benefit test in an authorisation decision”, 157–165, in the volume honouring Brunt, Maureen Pitofsky, Robert, “Competition policy in a global economy: today and tomorrow”, 415–424, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Sevón, Leif, “The national courts and the uniform application of EC competition rules. Preliminary observations on Council Regulation 1/2003”, 145–152, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Stuyck, Jules, “Competition law in the EC and in the member states”, in Dau

Subject Index Swan, Peter, “What is behind the mergers between Australian Independent Grocery Wholesalers”, 59–96, in the volume honouring Brunt, Maureen Thomson, Brian K., “Competition policy in the EEC: joint ventures and Article 85”, 259–272, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague


Arguas, Margarita, “The Montevideo Treaties of 1889 and 1940 and their influence on the unification of private international law in South America”, 345–360, in the volume honouring International Law Association Avery, John F., “Qualification conflicts: The meaning of application in article 3(2) of the OECD model”, in Dau

Whish, Richard, “The enforceability of agreements under E.C. and U.K. competition law”, 297–320, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B.

Basedow, Jurgen, “European conflict of laws under the Treaty of Amsterdam”, 175–192, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K.

Whish, Richard, “Collective dominance”, 581–610, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Beaumont, P. R., “The Brussels Convention becomes a regulation: implications for legal basis, external competence, and contract jurisdiction”, 9–30, in the volume honouring North, P. M.

Computers Bankowski, Zenon, “Law, love and computers”, in Dau Bing, Jon, “The policies of legal information services: a perspective of three decades”, 147–158, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin Brooke, Henry, Sir, “Technology and the judicial process”, 9–32, in the volume honouring Neill, Brian, Sir Saville, Mark, “Information technology and a public inquiry”, 33–50, in the volume honouring Neill, Brian, Sir Tapper, Colin, “The law of databases and databases of the law”, 77–116, in the volume honouring Neill, Brian, Sir

Conflict of laws Agbede, I. Oluwole, “Characterisation in the conflict of law substance and rationale”, 18–32, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Anderson, Winston, “The doctrine of renvoi and the circulus inextricabilis”, 313–332, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1)

Blom, Joost, “Reform of private international law by judges: Canada as a case study”, 31–50, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Bodenheimer, Edgar, “The need for a reorientation in American conflicts law”, in Dau Boer, Th. M. de, “Prospects for European conflicts law in the twenty-first century”, 193–214, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Boggiano, Antonio, “The continuance of a legal system in Private International Law”, in Dau Bolgár, Vera, “The interrelation between comparative law and private international law”, 4:1–4:24, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Borchers, Patrick J., “A look forward, a look back: Juenger’s first major conflicts article”, 3–8, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Boyle, A. J., “The shareholder’s derivative action in the English conflict of laws”, 135–154, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Brand, Ronald A., “Forum selection and forum rejection in US courts: one rationale for a global choice of court Convention”, 51–88, in the volume honouring North, P. M.

Conflict of laws


Subject Index

Buxbaum, Richard M., “The origins of the American ‘Internal Affairs’ rule in the corporate conflict of laws”, in Dau Carter, P. B., “Choice of Law: Methodology or mythology”, in Dau Castel, Jean Gabriel, “The erosion of the foreign public law exception: recent Canadian developments”, 243–254, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Cavers, David F., “Oral contracts to provide by will and the choice-of-law process: some notes on Bernkrant”, 38–68, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Cavers, David F., “Colliding interests of individuals and enterprises in conflict of laws in the United States”, in Dau Cohn, Ernst J., “English law before German courts”, 115–126, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams Collins, Lawrence, “Comity in modern private international law”, 89–110, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Crawford, Elizabeth B., “What happened to Indyka?: a survey of developments in international private law 1958–1990”, 151–191, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. Dalhuisen, J. H., “Creditors’ remedies and the conflicts of law in the European Community”, in Dau Dannemann, Gerhard, “The ‘battle of the forms’ and the conflict of laws”, 199–218, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Depei, Han, “The harmonization of law in China – how to resolve the problem of regional conflicts of law”, 386–388, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Dolinger, Jacob, “In defense of the ‘general part’ principles”, 23–52, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Drion, Huibert, “The lex loci delicti in retreat. A foreigner’s remarks on Babcock v Jackson”, in Dau Esplugues, Carlos, “Multiculturality and Spanish private international law: the beginning of a great friendship?”, 255–274, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Conflict of laws

Fentiman, Richard, “Legal reasoning in the conflict of laws: an essay in law and practice”, 443–462, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Fentiman, Richard, “Foreign law and the forum conveniens”, 275–294, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Fletcher, Ian F., “A culling of sacred cows: the impact of the EC Insolvency Regulation on English conflict of laws”, 167–186, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Giardina, Andrea, “The Italian Constitutional Court and the Conflict of Laws”, in Dau Girsberger, Daniel, “The Hague Convention on Indirectly Held Securities – dynamics of the making of a modern private international law treaty”, 139–154, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Glenn, H. Patrick, “An international private law of contracts”, 53–64, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Glenn, H. Patrick, “Private International Law and the new international legal professions”, in Dau Graue, Eugen Dietrich, “The married person’s capacity to stand surety under private international law – The ‘Velleian disability’ of Roman law as a modern conflict problem”, in Dau Graveson, Ronald H., “The origins of the conflict of laws”, in Dau Graveson, Ronald H., “The law of domicile in the twentieth century”, 85–114, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (1) Grodecki, J. K., “Jurisdiction agreements: time for a change”, 177–195, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Guest, Anthony Gordon, “Pre-judgment interest in the conflict of laws”, 271–296, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Haak, W. E., “Domestic conflict of laws: a negligible area in conflict of laws? A Dutch opinion”, 215–226, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K.

Subject Index Harris, Jonathan, “Consumer protection in private international law”, 245–268, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Hartley, Trevor C., “The validity of forum-selection agreements: a preliminary sketch”, 156–172, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E. Hartley, Trevor C., “Matrimonial (marital) property rights in conflict of laws: a reconsideration”, 215–236, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Hay, Peter, “The situs rule in European and American conflicts law: comparative notes”, 109–132, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E.


Levy, Yuval and Marks, Barbara, “Rational symmetry in choice of law”, 269–328, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Lipstein, Kurt, “International arbitration between individuals and governments and the conflict of laws”, 177–195, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Lipstein, Kurt, “Foglia v. Novello – some unexplored aspects”, in Dau Lipstein, Kurt, “Conflict of public laws – visions and realities”, in Dau Lipstein, Kurt, “Private international law with a social content – A super law?”, in Dau

Honka, Hannu, “Jurisdiction and EC law: loss of or damage to goods”, 265–282, in the volume honouring Force, Robert

Lipstein, Kurt, “Conflict of laws and comparative law – powers of appointment in a civil law sphere”, in Dau

Jessurun d’Oliveira, H. U., “The EU and a metamotphosis of private international law”, 111–136, in the volume honouring North, P. M.

Lipstein, Kurt, “Phillips v. Eyre, a re-interpretation”, in Dau

Jokela, Heikki, “Internationalism in private international law”, 395–408, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Juenger, Freidrich K., “The evolution of American choice-of-law doctrines since Heini’s ‘Neuere Strömungen’”, in Dau Kropholler, Jan and Hein, Jan von, “From approach to rule-orientation in American tort conflicts?”, 317–340, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Lando, Ole, “On some writers on the conflict of laws of contracts”, 237–254, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Lando, Ole, “Contacts for international contracts. American and Scandinavian conflict rules compared”, in Dau Lando, Ole, “On the form of contracts and the conflict of law”, in Dau Leslie, R. D., “Scottish private international law: a status report”, 245–253, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Leslie, R. D., “The applicability of domestic law in cases with a foreign element”, 57–65, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1)

Lipstein, Kurt, “Legitimacy and Legitimation in English Private International Law. Retrospect and Prospect”, in Dau Lorenzen, Ernest G., “Huber’s De conflictu legum”, 199–242, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Mehren, Arthur T. von, “The significance of the state for choice of law”, in Dau Morris, John Humphrey Carlile, “Statutes in the conflict of law”, 187–204, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt Morse, C. G. J., “Making English private international law”, 273–302, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Morse, Robin, “Consumers, contracts and the conflict of laws”, 117–136, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Moss, Giuditta Cordero, “The Norwegian approach to private international law – illustrated by a recent Supreme Court decision on the direct action against the insurer”, 55–68, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Müller-Freienfels, Wolfram, “Legal equality of husband and wife and the child’s welfare in private international law”, 595–648, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

Conflict of laws


Subject Index

Nadelmann, Kurt H., “Some historical notes on the doctrinal sources of American conflicts law”, in Dau Nafziger, James A. R., “Avoiding courtroom ‘conflicts’ whenever possible”, 341–352, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor North, P. M., “Varying the proper law”, 205–220, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt Nygh, P. E., “Full faith and credit: a constitutional rule for conflict resolution”, 183–202, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law O’Connell, D. P., “The English choice of law rule in collision suits and shipboard torts”, in Dau Pando, Fernando, “New trends in Mexican Private International Law”, in Dau Parra-Aranguren, Gonzalo, “The centenary of the Hague Conference on Private International Law”, in Dau Parra-Aranguren, Gonzalo, “The fourth Inter-American specialized conference on Private International Law (CIDIP-IV, Montevideo, 9–15 July, 1989)”, in Dau Parra-Aranguren, Gonzalo, “General provisions and family law matters in the Venezuelan 1998 Act on private international law”, 97–108, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Parry, Clive, “The duty to recognise foreign nationality laws”, in Dau Patocchi, Paolo Michele, “Characteristic performance: A new myth in the conflict of laws? Some comments on a recent concept in the Swiss and European private international law of contract”, in Dau Philip, Allan, “Recent provisions on mandatory laws in private international law”, 241–250, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt

Reese, Willis L. M., “The present state of choice of law in the United States”, 361– 370, in the volume honouring International Law Association Reimann, Mathias, “Domestic and international conflicts law in the United States and Western Europe”, 109–124, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Rubanov, Avgust Afanasevich, “Conflicts of laws in inheritance cases in treaties between the socialist countries”, 303–313, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Sack, Alexander N., “Conflict of laws in the history of the English law”, v. 3, 342–454, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Sandrock, Otto, “‘Handcuffs’-clauses in international commercial contracts: basic reflections on the autonomy of the parties to choose the proper law for their contracts”, 217–236, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Sedler, Robert Allen, “American federalism, state sovereignty and the interest analysis approach to choice of law”, 369–382, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Shreve, Gene R., “Conflicts altruism”, 383–390, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Siehr, Kurt, “National private international law and international instruments”, 335–348, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Siehr, Kurt, “European private international law and non-European countries”, 289–300, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Siehr, Kurt, “Coordination of legal systems in private international law”, 325–337, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Plender, Richard, “The transformation of the Rome Convention”, 257–266, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Simson, Gary J., “State interests, state autonomy and the quest for uniformity in choice of law”, 391–398, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Pryles, Michael, “Choice of law developments in Australia”, in Dau

Spiro, Erwin, “Re-examination of the proper law”, in Dau

Conflict of laws

Subject Index Stein, Peter, “Bartolus, the conflict of law and the Roman law”, 251–258, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt Stone, Peter, “Some aspects of fundamental rights in the English conflict of laws”, 232–253, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Symeonides, Symeon, “Codifying choice of law for contracts: the Puerto Rico Projet”, 419–438, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor


Weintraub, Russell J., “Parallel litigation and forum-selection clauses”, 229–242, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Weston, C. A., “Domestic influences on private international law: the case of nullity”, 103–114, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Wortley, Ben A., “The enforcement of claims in personam in the conflict of law”, in Dau

Symeonides, Symeon, “Material justice and conflicts justice in choice of law”, 125–140, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K.

Yakpo, E. K. M., “The public policy doctrine in African interlocal conflict of laws”, v. 2, 861–876, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Symeonides, Symeon, “Territoriality and personality in tort conflicts”, 401–434, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Yntema, Hessel E., “The comity doctrine”, in Dau Zekoll, Joachim, “A review of choice of law and multistate justice”, 9–22, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K.

Takakuwa, Akira, “International jurisdiction in contract and tort cases – recent developments in Japanese case law”, 435–442, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Constitutional law

Tetley, William, “Jurisdiction clauses and Forum Non Conveniens in the carriage of goods by sea”, 183–264, in the volume honouring Force, Robert

Abella, Rosalie S., “The judicial role in the development of the law: the impact of the Charter”, 268–276, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H.

Tetley, William, “The cross-defence (set-off, recoupment, compensation and counterclaim) and freight in the conflict of laws”, in Dau

Achara, R. A. C. E., “Textual fetishism and the ambiguities of constitutional definition”, 274–295, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze

Thomas, Paul, “The role of the conflict of laws in calculation ‘Dower’ or family maintenance with particular reference to the practices of the Canadian province of Manitoba”, in Dau

Achara, R. A. C. E., “Judicial assault on constitutional access”, 77–134, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene

Varady, Tibor, “Foreign law before domestic authorities. Realities and gestures”, in Dau Vischer, Frank, “New tendencies in European conflict of laws and the influence of the U.S. Doctrine: a short survey”, 459–472, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Weinberg, Ines M., “Confllict of jurisdictions vs. conflict of laws”, 489–500, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Adler, Mortimer, “Six amendments to the Constitution: a commentary”, v. 2, 747–751, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Agbaje, Fred, “A critical appraisal of the 1989 Constitution”, 415–423, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Agbede, I. Oluwole, “The rule of law: fact or fiction?”, 137–151, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Akande, Jadesola O., “Constitutionalism and pluralism”, v. 2, 659–672, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Constitutional law


Subject Index

Alexis, Francis, “Grenada goes Grundnorm”, 59–80, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1)

Barnett, Stephen R., “The right of publicity and the first amendment: Some counter-points to Professor McCarty”, in Dau

Allan, T. R. S., “Common law constitutionalism and freedom of speech”, 17–34, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

Barrington, Donal, “The emergence of a constitutional court”, 251–262, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian

Allan, T. R. S., “The common law as constitution: Fundamental rights and first principles”, 146–166, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir

Barrington, Donal, “Some problems of constitutional interpretation”, 169–178, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Allison, J. W. F., “Parliamentary sovereignty, Europe and the economy of the common law”, 177–194, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Andhyarujina, Tehmtan R., “The evolution of due process of law by the Supreme Court”, 193–213, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Andhyarujina, Tehmtan R., “The President’s choice of the Prime Minister in a hung parliament”, 177–185, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Athulathmudali, Lalith, “Constitutional interpretation: the Sri Lanka experiment”, 188–219, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Austin, Granville, “Dipping a toe into the law”, 186–189, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Ayoola, E. Olayinka, “Law, lawlessness and the rule of law”, 51–64, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe Ayua, M., “The rule of law in Nigeria”, 69–90, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Azlan Shah, Sultan of Perak, “The role of constitutional rulers in Malaysia”, 76–91, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Bates, T. St J. N., “Constitutional dodos: approaches to a constitutional analysis”, 21–40, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Baxi, Upendra, “Constitutional interpretation and state formative practices in Pakistan: a preliminary exploration”, 132–156, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Bhagwati, P. N., “Judicial interpretation in constitutional law”, 27–43, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Bjerken, Torsten, “Government and administration as a constitutional problem in Sweden”, 429–448, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Blache, Pierre, “The criteria of justification under Oakes: too much severity generated through formalism”, 185–199, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Black, Charles Lund, “On reading and using the Ninth Amendment”, 187–198, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Blackshield, Anthony, “The implied freedom of communication”, 232–268, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie Blake, Robert, “Constitutional monarchy: the prerogative powers”, 19–31, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey Bobbitt, Philip, “Deterrence and American national security”, 319–352, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V.

Baldwin, Simeon Eben, “Constitutional law”, 9–47, in the volume honouring Yale Law School

Bodenheimer, Edgar, “Due process of law and justice”, 463–496, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

Barendt, E. M., “Interests in freedom of speech: theory and practice”, 175–192, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R.

Bogdanor, Vernon, “Devolution and the British constitution”, 54–77, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey

Constitutional law

Subject Index Bowen, Olufunke A., “The Code of Conduct provisions in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1979”, 154–164, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Braithwaite, William T., “The common law and the judicial power: an introduction to Swift-Erie”, v. 2, 774–818, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Braunthal, Gerard, “Emergency Legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany”, in Dau Brennan, William T., “The Ninth Amendment and fundamental rights”, 109–122, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Bundy, McGeorge, “A lay view of due process”, 363–381, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Burrow, J. W., “Some British views of the United States Constitution”, 116–137, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Busia, Kofi A., “Is democracy of universal application?”, in Dau


Castberg, Frede, “Constitutional problems involved in the criminal repression of treason in Norway after the Second World War”, in Dau Centlivres, Albert Van de Sandt, “The Constitution of the Union of South Africa and the rule of law”, 423–452, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Chandrachud, Y.V., “A peep into the past – a gaze into future”, 7–12, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Chen, Hongyi, “The concept of ‘one country, two systems’ and its application to Hong Kong”, 353–373, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan Chen, Jianfu, “To have the cake and eat it too? China and the rule of law”, 250–272, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Chen, Tsung-fu, “The rule of law in Taiwan: culture, ideology, and social change”, 374–410, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan Chung, Nicholas Fung Ngit, “The constitutional position of Sabah”, 92–113, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Campbell, Enid, “Parliament and the executive”, 88–118, in the volume honouring Sawer, Geoffrey

Coenen, Dan T., “The curious role of interpretive formality in American constitutional law”, 425–442, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Campbell, Ian, “From the ‘personal union’ between England and Scotland in 1603 to the European Communities Act 1972 and beyond – enduring legal problems from an historical viewpoint”, 37–106, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law

Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, “Where angels fear to tread”, 97–106, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court

Cane, Peter, “The constitutional and legal framework of policy-making”, 39–64, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Carl, Beverly May, “Erosion of constitutional rights of political offenders in Brazil”, 29–57, in the volume honouring Wimbish, Moss Cass, Deborah Z., “Lionel Murphy and Section 90 of the Australian Economic Constitution”, 19–43, in the volume honouring Murphy, Lionel

Coper, Michael, “Interpreting the Constitution: a handbook for judges and commentators”, 52–67, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Coper, Michael, “The people and the judges: constitutional referendums and judicial interpretation”, 73–89, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie Corder, Hugh, “South Africa’s constitutional odyssey: can the law be trusted?”, 242–262, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Costello, Declan, “Limiting rights constitutionally”, 177–188, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian

Constitutional law


Subject Index

Cottrell, Jill, “‘One country, two systems’: the constitutional future of Hong Kong”, 77–105, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Desai, Ashok H., “Constitutional amendments and the ‘basic structure’ doctrine”, 71–91, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Desai, D. A., “Constitutional law”, 73–79, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Deshpande, V. S., “Standing and justiciability”, in Dau Dilliard, Irving, “Mr. Justice Black and In re Anastaplo”, 478–503, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Frankfurter, Felix, “Mr. Justice Brandeis and the Constitution”, 47–126, in the volume honouring Brandeis, Louis Dembitz Fremont, Jacques, “The Dickson Court, the courts, and the constitutional balance of powers in the Canadian system of government”, 200–222, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Fritz, Christian G., “A constitutional middle-ground between revision and revolution: a reevaluation of the nullification crisis and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions through the lens of popular sovereignty”, 158–226, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip

Divan, Anil, “Emergency powers and the Indian Constitution”, 49–69, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A.

Ghouse, Mohammad, “State lawlessness and the constitution: a study of lock-up deaths”, 248–270, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K.

Dixon, Owen, Sir, “Marshall and the Australian Constitution”, 305–325, in the volume honouring Marshall, John

Giles, Jack, “The supremacy of law, the charter and the judge”, 143–154, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan

Doyle, John, “1947 revisited: the immunity of the Commonwealth from State law”, 47–72, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie

Gledhill, Alan, “Constitutional protection of life and liberty”, 127–162, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Driedger, Elmer A., “The Canadian Bill of Rights”, 31–48, in the volume honouring Cronkite, F. C.

Goldberg, Arthur J., “Constitutional faith and the American people”, 224–233, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution

Eze, Osita C., “The rule of law and the bench”, 135–152, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze Fellman, David, “The essential nature of American constitutional law”, 525–558, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Fennelly, Nial, “The Irish Constitution and freedom of expression”, 183–192, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Finlay, Thomas A., “The Constitution of Ireland in a changing society”, 137–144, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Fiss, Owen M., “Free speech and social structure – Redefreiheit und Gesellschaftsstruktur”, in Dau Flint, David, “The Australian Crown”, 213–222, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Constitutional law

Goldsworthy, Jeffrey, “Implications in language, law and the Constitution”, 150–184, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie Graglia, Lino A., “The nature and source of constitutional law: the Supreme Court decisions on race and the schools”, 73–89, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Greenawalt, Kent, “Free speech justifications”, 157–192, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Hambro, Edvard Isak, “The new provision for international collaboration in the constitution of Norway”, in Dau Hand, G. J., “A.V. Dicey’s unpublished materials on the comparative study of constitutions”, 77–94, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

Subject Index


Hao, Hoang Van, “The Constitution of Vietnam and the issue of human rights and rights of citizens”, 408–413, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Ibrahim, Ahmad, “Interpreting the Constitution: some general principles”, 18–45, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Hardgrave, Robert L., “Positive discrimination in Indian constitutional law: from Dorairajan to Thomas”, 214–228, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna

Ilegbune, C. U., “The Nigerian Constitution, 1999, and the law maker”, 299–337, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene

Harlow, Carol, “Power from the people? Representation and constitutional theory”, 62–81, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn Hastie, William, “Judicial method in due process inquiry”, 326–344, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Hastings, W. G., “Montesquieu and Anglo-American institutions”, 243–254, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Hazard, John N., “Constitutions and Revolutionary Socialism”, in Dau Hazeltine, Harold D., “The influence of Magna Carta on American constitutional development”, 180–226, in the volume honouring Magna Carta Henderson, Jane E., “The Soviet constitutional reforms of December 1 1988: an analysis of the changes from draft to law”, 73–98, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R. Henkin, Louis, “Constitutional rights 200 years later”, 67–89, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Hogg, Peter W. and Penner, Roland, “The contribution of Chief Justice Dickson to an interpretive framework and value system for section 1 of the Charter of Rights”, 175–184, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Holthuis, Annemieke, “Maxwell Cohen’s perspective on human rights in Canada: the entrenchment of the Charter and the enactment of the Emergencies Act”, 207–242, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell Hughes, Graham, “Judicial review in the United States”, 150–172, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll.

Iyer, Venkat, “Reform or vandalism?: the British Constitution under ‘New Labour’”, 212–226, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Jackett, W. R., “Sections 91 and 92 of the British North America Act and the Privy Council”, 156–182, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur Jagannatharavu, Yam, “The Goddess of Justice: the Constitution and the Supreme Court”, 87–96, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Jehoram, Herman Cohen, “The freedom of expression in copyright and media law”, in Dau Jethmalani, Ram, “Detention without trial”, 321–333, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Johnson, Nevil, “Law, convention, and precedent in the British constitution”, 131–152, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey Jowell, Jeffrey, “The road to constitutionalism in the United Kingdom: renewal and reform”, 136–150, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir, “Constitutional review of foreign law?”, in Dau Keane, Ronan, “Fundamental rights in Irish law: a note on the historical background”, 25–36, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Keller, Robert H., “Conclusion: the continuing debate”, 170–180, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Kerwin, Patrick, “Constitutionalism in Canada”, 453–471, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Knopff, Rainer and Morton, F. L., “Does the Charter hinder Canadians from becoming a sovereign people?”, 277–293, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H.

Constitutional law


Subject Index

Kommers, Donald P., “Authority and freedom. Some comparative observations”, in Dau Lang, John Temple, “The widening scope of constitutional law”, 229–246, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Langa, Pius, “Legal visions: South Africa in the 21st century”, 99–122, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Lavarch, Michael, “The court, Parliament and the executive”, 15–20, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Lederman, William R., “Classification of laws and the British North America Act”, 183–207, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur Lederman, William R., “F.R. Scott and constitutional law”, 117–120, in the volume honouring Scott, F. R. Lee, H. P., “Proportionality in Australian constitutional adjudication”, 126–149, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie

Lumb, R. D., “Reform of the constitution: the 1973 session of the Australian Constitutional Convention”, 233–249, in the volume honouring Sawer, Geoffrey MacCormick, Neil, “The interest of the state and the rule of law”, 169–188, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H. Mackintosh, John Pitcairn, “The problems of devolution: the Scottish case”, 99–114, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander Maggs, Douglas Blount, “The Constitution and the recovery legislation: the roles of document, doctrine, and judges”, 399–438, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Mamman, Tahir, “Slow march to democracy: understanding the growth and characteristics of constitutional order in Nigeria”, 104–121, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Lee, H. P., “Emergency powers in Malaysia”, 135–156, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Marasinghe, M. L., “Constitutional options for the settlement of the Sri Lankan problem”, 179–190, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter

Lee, H. P., “The Malaysian constitutional crisis: king, rulers and royal assent”, 237–261, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Markovits, Inga, “Socialism and the rule of law: some speculations and predictions”, 205–246, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry

Lee, H. P., “Constitutional heads and judicial intervention”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H.

Marshall, Geoffrey, “The future of constitutional free speech”, 581–590, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Lee, H. P., “The ‘reasonably appropriate and adapted’ test and the implied freedom of political communication”, 59–81, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid

Matsumoto, Kaoru, “The question of constitutional revision in Japan”, in Dau

Leiholz, Gerhard, “Constitutional Law and Constitutional Reality”, in Dau

McCarthy, Niall, “Una voce poco fa”, 163–168, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian

Lewis, Norman, “De-legalisation in Britain in the 1980s”, 107–127, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn

McCarthy, Niall, “Observations on the protection of fundamental rights in the Irish Constitution”, 179–182, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Lindell, Geoffrey, “Recent developments in the judicial interpretation of the Australian Constitution”, 1–46, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie

McEldowney, John F., “Dicey in historical perspective: a review essay”, 39–61, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn

Llewellyn, Karl N., “The Constitution as an institution”, 277–322, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

McGovney, Dudley O., “Our non-citizen nationals, who are they?”, 323–374, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

Constitutional law

Subject Index Merrill, Maurice H., “Constitutional interpretation: the obligation to respect the text”, 260–285, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W.


O’Brian, John Lord, “The value of constitutionalism today”, 507–533, in the volume honouring Marshall, John

Mishra, Govind, “The concept of human dignity and the Constitution of India”, 353–366, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K.

O’Connor, Sandra Day, “Justice at the millennium: through the looking glass and into the crystal ball”, 395–402, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Mitchell, J. D. B., “Constitutional law”, 73–108, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1)

O’Neill, Onora, “Freedom of the press and intellectual interchange”, 105–114, in the volume honouring British Academy

Mohamed Jemuri bin Serjan, “The constitutional position of Sarawak”, 114–134, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Ojo, Abiola, “Constitutions and constitutional changes in Nigeria since independence”, 116–135, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1)

Mohamed Salleh bin Abas, Tan Sri Dato Haji, “Traditional elements of the Malaysian Constitution”, 1–17, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Oliver, Dawn, “Ministerial accountability: what and where are the parameters?”, 78–101, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey

Morgan, John A., “From Maxwell to Duncan: progress or regression?”, 149–160, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S.

Owaboye, Wole, “The rule of law and the Third Republic”, 275–291, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.

Moti, Julian R., “‘The law giveth ... and my Lord taketh away’: constitutional redress in the Pacific Islands”, 195–212, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Paisley, Victor, “Constitutional advocacy”, 171–178, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur

Murphy, Walter F., “Consent and constitutional change”, 123–146, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Narain, Jagat, “Directive principles of the Indian Constitution and nonviolence: a macroscopic view”, 390–404, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Narain, Shivanugraha, “Reach of Article 311 of the Constitution and the Supreme Court”, 284–318, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Narayanan, K.R., “The President’s role and responsibility in the Constitution”, 1–6, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Nicholson, Graham and Aun, Wu Min, “Comparative aspects of the constitutional systems of Malaysia and Australia”, 21–56, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H. Northey, J. F., “The New Zealand constitution”, 149–179, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G.

Palmer, Geoffrey W. R., “A Bill of Rights for New Zealand?”, 106–131, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1) Palmer, Geoffrey W. R., “Constitutional change in New Zealand”, 118–125, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough Parameswara Rao, P., “The directive principles of state policy”, 367–374, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Phillips, O. Hood, “Thinking about the Constitution”, 43–58, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Pole, Jack Richon, “What is still vital in the political thought of the Founders?”, 203–224, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Polyviou, Polyvios G., “Perspectives on equal protection”, 111–135, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Possony, Stefan T., “The procedural constitution”, in Dau

Constitutional law


Subject Index

Rabban, David M., “The original meaning of the free speech clause of the First Amendment”, 36–50, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Radin, Max, “Ex facto ius: ex iure factum”, 578–588, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Ramachandran, Raju, “The perils of presidentialism”, 249–258, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Randall, H. J., “The beginnings of English constitutional theory”, 287–323, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Rangnatharao, N. S., “Freedom of expression and the law of sedition in India”, 43–72, in the volume honouring Government Law College, Bombay Rice, William G., “States as suitors in interstate litigation in the Supreme Court”, 318–346, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Richardson, Jack Edwin, “The executive power of the Commonwealth”, 50–87, in the volume honouring Sawer, Geoffrey Riedel, Eibe H., “The bill of rights fallacy?”, 38–64, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Rose, Dennis J., “Discrimination, uniformity and preference: some aspects of the express constitutional provisions”, 191–232, in the volume honouring Sawer, Geoffrey Rotunda, Ronald D., “Contract rights, property rights and constitutional restrictions on federal limitations of private claims against foreign governments”, 151–168, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Saunders, Cheryl, “Concepts of equality in the Australian Constitution”, 209–231, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie Scarman, Leslie George Scarman, Lord, “Constitutional reform: a legal possibility?”, 13–24, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Sedley, Stephen, Sir, “Autonomy and the rule of law”, 311–322, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science

Constitutional law

Sedley, Stephen, Sir, “The Crown and its own courts”, 253–266, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Simson, Gary J., “The role of history in constitutional interpretation: a case study”, 211–228, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Singh, Mahendra P., “Professor P.K. Tripathi’s contributon to constitutional law: some glimpses”, 479–508, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Sinnadurai, Visu, “Rights in respect of education under the Malaysian Constitution”, 46–58, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri Skolnick, Jerome H., “Democratic policing and the rule of law”, 269–280, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Smith, David, “The role of the Governor-General”, 117–133, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir Solanke, Folake, “Constitutional issues and the transition to civil rule in Nigeria”, 184–197, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Sorabjee, Soli J., “Freedom of expression and the Indian Constitution”, 121–141, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Sprudzs, Adolf, “The Rule of Law and the Baltic states”, in Dau Starck, Christian, “Freedom of expression and academic freedom: background and formation of legal principles”, 193–204, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Stein, Eric, “International law and internal law in the new constitutions of central-eastern Europe”, in Dau Stein, Torsten, “Free speech in Germany”, 232–247, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Stone, Robert L., “Commerce and community in the Constitution of the United States”, v. 2, 752–773, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Strayer, Barry L., “Crown immunity and the power of judicial review”, 71–89, in the volume honouring Cronkite, F. C.

Subject Index Strong, Frank R., “Unravelling the tangled threads of substantive due process”, 73–142, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Sturm, Albert Lee, “Bills of rights in new state constitutions”, 161–180, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Subramanium, Gopal, “Emergency provisions under the Indian Constitution”, 134–158, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Sundquist, James L., “Is the US Constitution adequate for the twenty-first century?”, 168–183, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Swinton, Katherine, “La Forest and federalism: strengthening the union without tipping the balance”, 399–414, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Szabo, Josef, “From chaos to the rule of law”, in Dau Templeman, Sydney William Templeman, Lord, “The Supreme Court and the Constitution”, 48–56, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court


Uwais, Maryam, “Fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy: possibilities and prospects”, 166–192, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene Vahanvati, Goolam E., “Rule of law: the sieges within”, 165–176, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Venkatraman, S., “The doctrine of eclipse and the Indian Constitution”, 210–225, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Walker, Neil, “The middle ground in public law”, 57–98, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Wang, Gungwu, “China’s long road to sovereignty”, 453–464, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Weis, Paul, “Effective nationality (Nottebohm and after)”, in Dau Wieruszewski, Roman, “Constitutional form of the principle of equality and nondiscrimination in the Polish People’s Republic against a comparative background”, 285–292, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Winterton, George, “The separation of judicial power as an implied Bill of Rights”, 185–208, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie

Thielecke, Carola, “‘Culture’ as a fundamental value of the German Constitution? The Kulturstaat debate in German constitutional law”, 273–292, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Winterton, George, “The evolving role of the Australian Governor-General”, 44–58, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid

Thomas, E. L., “The rule of law”, 269–285, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2)

Winterton, George, “Popular sovereignty and constitutional continuity”, 42–61, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir

Tobi, Niki, “Law, judiciary and Nigerian democracy”, 122–139, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Woodhouse, Diana, “Individual ministerial responsibility and a ‘dash of principle’”, 102–130, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey

Tobi, Niki, “Development of constitutional law in military regimes in Nigeria”, v. 2, 673–716, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Woolf, Harry Woolf, Lord, “A new constitutional consensus in the United Kingdom”, 13–30, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J.

Tollefson, Edwin A., “Freedom of the press”, 49–70, in the volume honouring Cronkite, F. C.

Wyzanski, Charles E., “Constitutionalism: limitation and affirmation”, 473–490, in the volume honouring Marshall, John

Ukhuegbe, Solomon, “State responsibility in Nigeria public law: a footnote to the Supreme Court doctrine”, 88–121, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi

Yardley, D. C. M., “The British Constitution 1974–78”, 25–42, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law

Constitutional law


Subject Index

Zane, John Maxcy, “Legal heresy”, 255–286, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Zines, Leslie, “The growth of Australian nationhood and its effects on the powers of the Commonwealth”, 1–49, in the volume honouring Sawer, Geoffrey Zvesper, John, “Interpreting The Federalist”, 51–66, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution

Construction law Baatz, Nicholas, “The language of duty”, 217–232, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Dennys, Nicholas, “Contractors’ liability for fitness for purpose: an ebbing tide”, 204–216, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Freedman, Conrad, “Specific performance and injunctions in construction contracts”, 273–288, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Jenkins, Jane, “The effect of final certificates in the light of Crown Estate Commissioners v. John Mowlem”, 307–323, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Kendall, John, “Adjudication and expert determination”, 114–130, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Klimt, Mark, “Construction contracts in Europe”, 324–342, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Lloyd, Humphrey, “Philosophies of risk allocation in international construction contracts”, 18–71, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan McGaw, Mark, “Travels in Alsatia: ‘judges of the parties’ own chusing’, ‘monstrous powers’, and the role of the courts”, 131–187, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Pease, Ian, “The extent of concurrent duties in contract and tort: past developments and current law”, 289–306, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan

Construction law

Ramsey, Vivian, “The jurisdiction of the architect, the arbitrator and the court”, 90–113, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Sweet, Justin, “The Wallace Duncan: literary find of the century”, 188–203, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Sweet, Justin, “Blueprint for a text on American construction law: an essay in honor of Prof. Dr. Horst Locher”, in Dau Thornton, Anthony, “Limiting liability: is there an identifiable policy operating?”, 233–244, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Uff, John, “Reflections on the U.K. construction industry”, 72–80, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan

Consumer protection Advani, Krishna D., “Consumer law”, 3–10, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Alexandridou, Elisa, “The Greek Consumer Protection Act of 1994”, in Dau Behere, P. N., “Dimensions of ‘services’: re Consumer Protection Act, 1986”, 18–26, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Borrie, Gordon J., “Consumer protection and unfair contract terms”, 169–180, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Forrester, Ian S., “The dangers of too much precaution”, 203–232, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Grimes, Warren S., “Corrective advertising – the Federal Trade Commission’s new remedy against deceptive advertising”, in Dau Howells, Geraint G., “Consumer safety in Europe – in search of the proper standard”, 293–310, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Kanyip, B. B., “Reflections on consumer protection law in Nigeria”, 282–304, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Subject Index Parry, Deborah L., “The impact of the European Community on the UK consumer”, 223–244, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Selmer, Knut S., “Consumer protection in Norwegian insurance”, in Dau Stapleton, Jane, “Three problems with the new product liability”, 257–288, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Terry, N. P., “Consumer protection and family planning”, 231–247, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Whincup, Michael, “Product liability in the United Kingdom”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Contracts Atiyah, P. S., “Form and substance in legal reasoning: the case of contract”, 19–44, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) Baker, John Hamilton, “Origins of the ‘doctrine’ of consideration, 1535–1585”, 336–358, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Beatson, J., “Increased expense and frustration”, 121–140, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Bridge, Michael G., “The Vienna Sales Convention and English law. Curing defective performance by the seller”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Campbell, Tom, “Liberalism and the law of contract”, 111–125, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. Clive, Eric M., “Jus quaesitum tertio and carriage of goods by sea”, 47–56, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1) Collins, Hugh, “The sanctimony of contract”, 63–90, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Coote, Brian, “Deviation and the ordinary law”, 13–38, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Craven, Paul, “‘The modern spirit of the law’: Blake, Mowat, and the Breaches of Contract Act, 1877”, 142–170, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B.


Date-Bah, S. K., “Legislative control of freedom of contract”, 118–136, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court Davenport, Brian John, “Some thoughts on the classification of contract terms”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Ellinger, E. P., “Modern developments of contracts and English contract law”, 39–62, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Farnsworth, Allan, “Duty to bargain in good faith in the United States”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Farnsworth, Allan, “Negotiation of contracts and precontractual liability: General report”, in Dau Fatouros, A. A., “The administrative contract in transnational transactions: Reflections on the uses of comparison”, in Dau Foster, William Frederic, “Contract”, 66–82, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Goode, Royston Miles, “International restatements of contracts and English contract law”, 63–78, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Goodhart, Arthur L., “Mistake and Frustration in English Contract Law”, in Dau Gordley, James, “Responsibility in crime, tort, and contract for the unforeseeable consequences of an intentional wrong: a once and future rule?”, 175–208, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Havighurst, Harold Canfield, “Reflections on the executory accord”, 190–213, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Hazeltine, Harold D., “Early history of specific performance of contract in English Law”, in Dau Hedley, Steve, “Work done in anticipation of a contract which does not materialise: a response”, 195–198, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Hellner, Jan, “Linked contracts”, 167–190, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles



Subject Index

Hellner, Jan, “Interpretation of contracts under the influence of statutory law”, 173–182, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Hellner, Jan, “The influence of the German doctrine of impossibility on Swedish sales law”, in Dau Howard, Michael, “Foreign currency judgments in contractual claims”, 56–76, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Jaffey, A. J. E., “Wrongful pressure in making contracts”, 187–200, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Jones, Harry Willmer, “The jurisprudence of contracts”, 169–180, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Jørgensen, Stig, “Conditions of sale in common market interstate commerce – Danish law”, in Dau Lando, Ole, “Eight principles of European contract law”, 103–130, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Lando, Ole, “The principles of European contract law and American legal thinking”, 741–750, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Lauterpacht, Elihu, “Gentlemen’s agreements”, in Dau Masterson, William Edward, “Specific performance of contracts to deliver specific or ascertained goods under the English Sale of Goods Act and the American Sales Act”, 439–468, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. McKendrick, Ewan, “Work done in anticipation of a contract which does not materialise”, 163–194, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H.

Pritchard, Robert L., “Unincorporated joint ventures”, 494–514, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Ramberg, Jan, “Breach of contract and recoverable losses”, 191–200, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Renard, Ian, “Fair dealing and good faith”, 63–83, “The role of the Chief Justice: a view from the bar”, 63–84, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Sinnadurai, Visu and Ngee, Philip Koh Tong, “Contracts in contravention of the forest and moneylenders legislation”, 393–430, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Smith, J. C., “Anticipatory breach of contract”, 175–194, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Smith, John Denson, “The Principle of Mutuality of Obligation and its Juridical Utility in Enforcing Contractual Fair Dealing”, in Dau Summers, Robert S., “Good faith in American general contract law”, in Dau Thayer, James Bradley, “Unilateral mistake and unjust enrichment as a ground for the avoidance of legal transactions”, 466–500, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel Thomson, J. M., “Obligations ordinary?”, 195–213, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Treitel, G. H., “The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 and the law of carriage of goods by sea”, 345–380, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B.

Morrison, C. A., “Contract”, 116–142, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857

Treitel, G. H., “Fault in the common law of contract”, 185–210, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord

Nicholls, Robert C., “Problems in project finance fixtures: force majeure, frustration and fundamental breach”, 536–578, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite

Treitel, G. H., “Contract and crime”, 81–108, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir

Pringsheim, Fritz, “The Transition from Witnessed to Written Transactions in Athens”, in Dau

Waddams, S. M., “Pre-contractual duties of disclosure”, 237–256, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S.


Subject Index Waddams, S. M., “Lord Denning: a Commonwealth perspective”, 455–474, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Weick, Günter, “Challenges to the law of contract”, 1–22, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2) Whittaker, Simon, “The reformulation of contractual formality”, 199–220, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Wightman, John, “Does acceptance matter?”, 145–154, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M. Wigmore, John Henry, “The scientific role of consideration in contract”, 641–656, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.


Arden, Mary, “Codifying directors’ duties”, 91–108, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Armitage, J. K., “The debenture trust deed”, 259–311, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Austin, R. P., “Corporation finance and the law”, 3–23, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Austin, R. P., “The “financial assistance” prohibition”, 192–218, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Baldwin, Simeon Eben, “Private corporations”, 261–312, in the volume honouring Yale Law School

Williston, Samuel, “Mutual assent in the formation of contracts”, 525–535, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry

Baxt, Robert, “Directors’ duty of care and the new business judgment rule in the twenty-first century environment”, 151–178, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J.

Wortley, B. A., “Contracts at arm’s length: a new development in England”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Bayer, Wilhelm F., “Horizontal groups and joint ventures in Europe. Concepts and reality”, in Dau


Bendtsen, Bendt, “The Danish government’s view on regulation”, 25–28, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger

Cusine, Douglas J. and Love, Philip N., “Delays in settlement of conveyancing transactions”, 91–105, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies Stevens, John, “Is justice a priority in priorities? Law reform and the re-introduction of morality to registered conveyancing”, 177–194, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W.

Corporation law Ahrens, Michael C., “Incorporated joint ventures”, 450–493, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Andenas, Mads Tonnesson, “Company law reform in the UK and European harmonisation”, 303–314, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. Anisman, Philip, “Poison pills: the Canadian experience”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Bird, Richard W., “Fiduciary duties of corporate directors: the rise of an alternative remedy”, 139–144, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Birds, John, “Some brief reflections on the state of company law”, 105–114, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. Blanpain, Roger, “The Michelin Case and the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises”, in Dau Bolgár, Vera, “The fiction of the corporate fiction. From Pope Innocent IV to the Pinto Case”, in Dau Boros, Elizabeth J., “Altering the articles of association to acquire minority shareholdings”, 107–130, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S. Bunge, Cesar A., “The Calvo Doctrine and the codes of conduct for transnational corporations”, 9:1–9:48, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J.

Corporation law


Subject Index

Buxbaum, Richard M., “Institutional ownership and the restructuring of corporations. With special reference to takeovers”, in Dau

Farrar, John H., “The duty of care of company directors in Australia and New Zealand”, 37–52, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S.

Cheffins, Brian R., “Trust, loyalty and cooperation in the business community: is regulation required?”, 53–80, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S.

Farrar, John H., “Globalisation, the new financial architecture and effective corporate governance”, 39–72, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J.

Cheffins, Brian R., “Comparative corporate governance and the Australian experience”, 13–38, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J.

Ferry, Claude, “Leasing shares under French law”, 149–156, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Chernov, Alex, “The role of corporate governance practices in the development of legal principles relating to directors”, 133–150, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J. Christensen, Jan Schans, “The new draft takeover directive: a breakthrough for levelling the playing field in Europe?”, 201–216, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Davis, Ronald W., “US and EC merger law: Contrast and convergence”, in Dau DeMott, Deborah A., “Shareholders as principals”, 105–132, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J. Dine, Janet, “Models of companies and the regulations of groups”, 287–302, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. Dodd, E. Merrick, “The first half century of statutory regulation of business corporations in Massachusetts”, 65–132, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel Dodd, E. Merrick, “American business association law a hundred years ago and today”, v. 3, 254–293, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Fiadjoe, Albert K., “A century of company law: an overview”, 221–232, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court Fisher, Gordon, “Lease finance”, 419–449, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Fisse, Brent, “The attribution of criminal liability to corporations: a statutory model”, 37–58, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law Fode, Carsten, “Regulation of companies from a practitioner perspective”, 111–134, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Fridman, Saul, “Administering insolvent companies: international comparisons”, 17–42, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Giertsen, Johan, “Company law as a contract law discipline”, 277–286, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Goldberg, Barry I., “Cadillac Fairview, a vulture’s lean cuisine”, 41–74, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William Goode, Royston Miles, “The exodus of the floating charge”, 193–204, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Gray, Joanna, “How regulation finds its way through the corporate veil”, 255–272, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J.

Drury, Robert R., “Fundamental values in company law?”, 339–359, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Griffin, Joseph P., “Adjudicatory jurisdiction over multilateral enterprises: ‘lifting the veil’ in the EU and USA”, 225–242, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Drury, Robert R., “Fundamental duties of company directors”, 219–230, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2)

Grossfeld, Bernhard, “Transnational corporations and the reorientation of international economic law”, 2:1–2:14, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J.

Corporation law

Subject Index Grossfeld, Bernhard, “Cyber corporation law: comparative legal semiotics/comparative legal logistics”, 255–282, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Haisler, Peter, “Codes of conduct as a means of regulation: with point of departure in the Danish corporate governance debate”, 143–166, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Hannigan, Brenda, “Contracting with individual directors”, 273–286, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J.


Loss, Louis, “Codification of the federal securities law in the United States: A case study in legislative reform”, in Dau Lowry, John P., “Ratifying directorial wrongdoing: the legal fiction of shareholder consent in England”, 161–178, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. M’Bayo, Musewa and Sadowski, Dieter, “The dynamic impact of social law and corporate social policies in developing countries”, 553–568, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Harmathy, Attila, “Companies, state and system transformation”, 253–264, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Magarey, D. R., “Charges”, 219–258, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite

Hertig, Gerard, “Western Europe’s corporate governance dilemma”, 265–282, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Magner, Eilis S., “‘Repurchase’, redemption, and the maintenance of capital”, 169–191, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite

Hill, D. Graham, “Loan security duty and financing transactions”, 69–99, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite

Marantz, R. Gordon, “The reorganization of a complex corporate entity: the Bramalea story”, 1–40, in the volume honouring Houlden, Lloyd William

Hill, Jennifer, “Preference shares”, 139–168, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Hill, Jennifer, “Comparative corporate governance and Russia – coming full circle”, 153–164, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Ireland, Paddy, “The triumph of the company legal form, 1856–1914”, 29–58, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M. Jacobsen, Christen Boye, “The relationship between Article 9 of the 1st Company Law Directive and the grounds for annulment under general contract law”, 287–294, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger

McBarnet, Doreen J. and Whelan, Christopher J., “Creative compliance and the defeat of legal control: the magic of the orphan subsidiary”, 177–198, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald McCormack, Gerard, “Institutional shareholders and the promotion of good corporate governance”, 131–160, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S. Milman, David, “From servant to stakeholder: protecting the employee interest in company law”, 147–172, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R.

Kaye, Tim, “Corporate manslaughter: who pays? The ferryman?”, 349–360, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R.

Morse, Geoffrey, “Shadow and de facto directors in the context of proceedings for disqualification on the grounds of unfitness and wrongful trading”, 115–128, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J.

Kozyris, Phaedon J., “Conflict of laws for corporate shareholdings: predicaments and prospects”, 295–316, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Neville, Mette, “Nordic company law reforms in an international regulatory perspective”, 39–110, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger

Lomnicka, Eva Z., “Open-ended investment companies: a new bottle for old wine”, 47–62, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J.

Nolan, Richard, “The proper purpose doctrine and company directors”, 1–36, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S.

Corporation law


Subject Index

Nzegwu-Danjuma, Nkiru, “The status and role of the company secretary under the Companies and Allied Matters Act of 1990”, 83–102, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince

Rosengarten, Joachim, “The Holzmüller doctrine: still crazy after all these years?: the impact of a doctrine in the days of mergers of equals”, 445–460, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Oditah, Fidelis, “Issues and problems in corporate debt financing in Nigeria”, 103–147, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince

Rubin, Gerry R., “Aron Salomon and his circle”, 99–120, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M.

Ottolenghi, Smadar, “‘Lifting the veil’ of a corporate entity”, 191–208, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Parkinson, John E., “The contractual theory of the company and the protection of non-shareholder interests”, 121–146, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Parry, Helen, “Throwing caution to the wind: company fraud investigation and PACE 1984”, 87–104, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. Pennington, Robert R., “The City Code on takeovers and mergers”, in Dau Pettet, B. G., “Share buy-backs”, 243–254, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. Pinto, Roger, “Some legal aspects of international and multinational enterprises”, 241–248, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Pollock, Frederick, Sir, “Has the Common Law received the fiction theory of corporations?”, in Dau Prentice, Daniel D., “Protecting minority shareholders’ interests: recent developments with respect to sections 450–461 of the Companies Act 1985”, 79–104, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Rajak, Harry, “The foundations of the doctrine of ultra vires”, 215–239, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R.

Rudoph, Bernd, “Derivative Product Companies”, in Dau Sandeberg, Catarina, “Annulment of subscriptions for shares”, 295–308, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Sealy, L. S., “Perception and policy in company law reform”, 11–29, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Sheppard, F. A., “Burland v. Earle: the liability of a vendor director”, 23–48, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur Sillanpaa, Matti. J., “The status of a recipient of a guarantee on the division of a limited liability company”, 309–317, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Soltysinski, Stanislaw, “Sources of foreign ´ inspiration in the Draft of the Polish Company Law”, 533–544, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich, “The organized group (institution) and law-norms”, 668–695, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Stoffel, Walter A., “Corporate autonomy and market regulations”, 399–418, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Sugarman, David, “Reconceptualising company law: reflections on the Law Commission’s consultation paper on shareholder remedies”, 179–242, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J.

Rogerson, Pippa, “Modification and exclusion of directors’ duties”, 93–106, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S.

Szumanski, Andrzej, “Regulation of corporate mergers under Polish law”, 545–568, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Rosenberg, Ida, “A new approach to regulation”, 135–142, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger

Tatsuta, Misao, “Corporate structure and practices in the face of open market demand”, in Dau

Corporation law

Subject Index Teubner, Gunther, “Hybrid laws: constitutionalizing private governance networks”, 311–334, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Tunc, André, “The possible reform of French company law”, 161–166, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S. Tunc, André, “Multi-national companies in French law”, in Dau Usher, John Anthony, “The rights of individual shareholders in companies”, 254–277, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Walters, Adrian, “Enforcing wrongful trading: substantive problems and practical disincentives”, 145–160, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. Windbichler, Christine, “Alternative dispute resolution v. shareholders’ suits?”, 617–628, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Wooldridge, Frank, “The treatment of groups of companies in Germany and Brazil”, 155–171, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M. Wooldridge, Frank, “Aspects of German law governing private limited companies”, 33–56, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Wymeersch, E., “Centros: a landmark decision in European company law”, 629–654, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Courts Abel, Albert S., “Courts and tribunals: partners in justice”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Abi-Saab, Georges, “The International Court as a world court”, 3–16, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y. Agarwal, Hari Om, “Some observations on the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice”, 285–300, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma Aka-Bashorun, Alao, “The Supreme Court and the challenges of the 1990s”, 110–124, in the volume honouring Eso, Kayode


Allott, Philip, “The International Court and the voice of justice”, 17–39, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y. Amet, Arnold, Sir, “Issues and challenges facing the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea”, 252–263, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Amissah, Austin, “The Supreme Court one hundred years ago”, 1–31, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court Anand, R. P., “The World Court on trial”, 245–266, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Austin, Granville, “The Supreme Court and the struggle for custody of the Constitution”, 1–15, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Baar, Carl, “Courts as state actors: comparing appeal and trial courts”, 188–204, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Babalola, Afe, “The Supreme Court and the development of the Nigerian nation through law in the 1990s”, 49–82, in the volume honouring Eso, Kayode Barak, Aharon, “The role of a supreme court in a democracy”, 121–130, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Beale, Joseph Henry, “International jurisdiction of courts”, 41–56, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Bellamy, Christopher, “The Court of First Instance: a day in the life of a judge”, 81–96, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Bernárdez, S. Torres, “The new theory of ‘indispensable parties’ under the Statute of the International Court of Justice”, 737–750, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Bohlen, Francis H., “The reality of what the courts are doing”, 39–50, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Bothe, Michael, “International humanitarian law and war crimes tribunals: recent developments and perspectives”, 581–596, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric



Subject Index

Bottoms, A. E., “On the decriminalization of English juvenile courts”, 319–346, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1)

Cumming, Patricia, “Supreme Court of Canada decisions and the provincial court: some practical implications”, 193–202, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Breitel, Charles D., “The courts and lawmaking”, 1–40, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law

Dadachanji, J. B., “Landmarks”, 465–472, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court

Briggs, Herbert W., “The incidental jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice as compulsory jurisdiction”, in Dau Brooke, Henry, Sir, “The courts and judiciary in 2024”, 81–90, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Buergenthal, Thomas, “The advisory jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”, 127–148, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Buergenthal, Thomas, “The advisory jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”, in Dau Campbell, A. E., “The Supreme Court and the Constitution after one century”, 138–149, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Cassel, Douglass, “A United States view of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”, 209–230, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas Cassese, Antonio, “The contribution of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to the ascertainment of general principles of law recognized by the community of nations”, 43–55, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Chacko, Chirakaikaran Joseph, “The possible expansion of the advisory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice”, 214–240, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Chan, Helena H. M., “The Privy Council as court of last resort in Singapore and Malaysia: 1957–1983”, 75–114, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review Constantinesco, Vlad, “The ECJ as a law-maker: praeter aut contra legem?”, 73–80, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)


Dando, Shigemitsu, “Judicial research officials in the Supreme Court of Japan: a comparative study of the judiciary in the United States and Japan”, 139–144, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Dasa, Gobinda, “The Supreme Court: an overview”, 16–47, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Dashwood, Alan, “Preliminary rulings on the interpretation of mixed agreements”, 167–176, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) David, E., “The International Criminal Court: what is the point?”, 631–650, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Dhokalia, R. P., “International Court in transition: challenges to its effectiveness from South-West Decision to Nicaragua Judgment”, 108–174, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma Drzemczewski, Andrew Z., “Advisory jurisdiction of the European Human Rights Court: a procedure worth retaining?”, 493–516, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas Edward, David A. O., “The role and relevance of the civil law tradition in the work of the European Court of Justice”, 307–320, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Eeckhout, Piet, “The European Court of Justice and the ‘area of freedom, security and justice’: challenges and problems”, 153–166, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Einhorn, Talia, “The ascertainment and application of foreign law in Israeli courts – getting the facts and fallacies straight”, 107–118, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Elias, T. O., “A note on the Supreme Court Ordinance, 1876”, 32–37, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court

Subject Index Everling, Ulrich, “On the judge-made law of the European Community’s courts”, 29–44, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Feeley, Malcolm and Rubin, Edward L., “Responsive law and the judicial process: implications for the judicial function”, 249–268, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Finlay, Thomas A., “The Round Hall”, 220–224, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Fitzmaurice, Gerald, Sir, “Judicial innovation – its uses and its perils – as exemplified in some of the work of the International Court of Justice during Lord McNair’s period of office”, 24–47, in the volume honouring McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord


Griffin, Conor, “Post Gandon at the Four Courts”, 234–247, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Gros, André, “Concerning the advisory role of the International Court of Justice”, 313–324, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Gummow, W. M. C., “The High Court of Australia and the House of Lords 1903–2003”, 43–54, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Hafner, Gerhard, “Limits to the procedural powers of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia”, 651–678, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Haley, John Owen, “The adjudicatory jurisdiction of Japanese courts in transnational litigation”, 705–720, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Freckelton, Ian R., “Sub judice contempt law reform: the Chesterman Report in historical perspective”, 213–238, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R.

Hambro, Edvard Isak, “Should the membership of the International Court of Justice be enlarged?”, in Dau

Gadbois, George H., “The Supreme Court of India as a political motivation”, 251–267, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna

Hambro, Edvard Isak, “The binding character of the provisional measures of protection indicated by the International Court of Justice”, in Dau

Garland, Ross, “The International Court of Justice and human rights in the 1990s: linking peace and justice through the right to life”, 398–408, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

Hayashida, Kazuhiro, “Constitutional Court and Supreme Court of Japan”, in Dau

George, Y. A., “The International Criminal Court: an introduction to the Rome Statute”, 491–520, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene

Hickling, R. H., “The origins of the Malaysian Bench”, 24–48, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad

Goldstein, Stephen, “Contrasting views of adjudication: An American-Israeli comparison”, in Dau Gormley, W. Paul, “Selected recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the International Court of Justice: perfection and application of confidence building measures”, 309–340, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Gormley, W. Paul, “The transition of the International Court since its inception into the present times: a far-reaching approach”, 60–107, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma

Hess, Albert G., “The American Juvenile Court: Then and Now”, in Dau

Higgins, Rosalyn, “The International Court of Justice and human rights”, 691–706, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Hodder-Williams, Richard, “Political power and the modern Supreme Court”, 150–167, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Hoskins, Mark, “Discretionary references: to refer or not to refer?”, 345–352, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Hudson, Manley Ottmer, “The law applicable by the Permanent Court of International Justice”, 133–158, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel



Subject Index

Hudson, Manley Ottmer, “International engagements and their interpretation by the Permanent Court of International Justice”, 187–220, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

Lenoir, Noëlle, “The Constitutional Council and the European Convention of Human Rights: the French paradox”, 145–176, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, “A new look at the place of adjudication in international relations today”, in Dau

Levie, Howard S., “The history and status of the International Criminal Court”, 247–262, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Jessup, Philip C., “Do new problems need new courts?”, 206–213, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna

Macalister-Smith, Peter, “The diverse approaches to international adjudication with particular reference to the International Court of Justice”, 18–39, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma

Jessup, Philip C., “Untried potentials of the International Court of Justice”, 215–227, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Keane, Ronan, “A mass of crumbling ruins: the destruction of the Four Courts in June 1922”, 159–168, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Kenny, Colum, “On holy ground: the Benchers and the site of the present Four Courts before 1796”, 1–22, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Koopmans, Thijmen, “The theory of interpretation and the Court of Justice”, 45–58, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Kourula, Erkki, “Questions and observations relating to the International Criminal Court”, 327–340, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Kühling, Jürgen, “The Constitutional court in United Germany: New areas of conflict and new perspectives”, 242–251, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Lauterpacht, Elihu, “‘Partial’ judgments and the inherent jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice”, 465–486, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y. Lemercier, Karin, “Our paradoxical legal system and its courts”, 176–196, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Lenaerts, Koenraad, “The European Court of First Instance: ten years of interaction with the Court of Justice”, 97–118, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)


Macneil, Sayre, “Some pictures come to court”, 247–272, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel MacPherson, James C., “Working within the Dickson Court”, 270–277, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Mahomed, Ismail, “Constitutional Court of South Africa”, 167–173, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Makarczyk, Jerzy, “The International Court of Justice in the changing political environment”, 289–308, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Malhotra, Inder, “Present at the creation”, 473–481, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Marston, Geoffrey, “The London Committee and the statute of the International Court of Justice”, 40–62, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir McKenzie, Lloyd G., “Fun in the forum”, 179–190, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan McParland, Edward, “The old Four Courts, at Christ Church”, 23–32, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) McParland, Edward, “The early history of James Gandon’s Four Courts”, 113–125, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) McWhinney, Edward, “The role and mission of the International Court in an era of historical transition”, 217–226, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Subject Index McWhinney, Edward, “Judicial wisdom, and the world court as special constitutional court”, in Dau McWhinney, Edward, “The legislative role of the World court in an era of transition”, in Dau McWhinney, Edward, “Federal constitutional courts and their judges, as instruments of a democratic polity”, in Dau McWhinney, Edward, “‘Internationalizing’ the International Court: the quest for ethnocultural and legal-systemic representativeness”, v. 1, 277–290, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Mendelson, Maurice, “The International Court of Justice and the sources of international law”, 63–89, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Morris, Allison, “Scottish juvenile justice: a critique”, 347–374, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Morris, Richard B., “The courts, the law, and social history”, 409–422, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Narula, Ranjit S., “From Kania to Anand and Setalvad to Soli: memories of the early days of the Supreme Court”, 458–464, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Ojanen, Tuomas, “The times they are a-changin’: the reaction of European courts and national courts”, 181–206, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Okafor, I., “The judiciary and the court system in the Draft Constitution”, 172–194, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze Oliver, Covey T., “The World Court and world order: today and what of tomorrow?”, 10:1–10:10, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Padelford, Norman Judson, “The composition of the International Court of Justice: background and practice”, 219–250, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo Palmer, Geoffrey W. R., “International law and the reform of the International Court of Justice”, 579–600, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.


Petrén, Sture, “The reform of the Swedish judiciary under Gustavus Adolphus”, 263–274, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Petzold, Herbert and Sharpe, Jonathan L., “Profile of the future European Court of Human Rights”, in Dau A Quinquagenarian, “The Four Courts”, 248–253, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Rinck, Hans Justus, “Contempt of court”, in Dau Rosenne, Shabtai, “The Secretary-General of the United Nations and the advisory procedure of the International Court of Justice”, 707–718, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Rosenne, Shabtai, “Antecedents of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court revisited”, 387–420, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Rubin, Alfred P., “The International Criminal Court: a skeptical analysis”, 421–438, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Rubin, Gerry R., “In the highest degree ominous: Hilter’s threatened invasion and the British war zone courts”, 86–125, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B. Sagay, I. E., “The Supreme Court and the rule of law in the Third Republic and beyond”, 125–163, in the volume honouring Eso, Kayode Saunders, Cheryl, “The Mason court in context”, 2–9, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Scott, I. R., “Court administration: the case for a judicial council”, 59–80, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Sen, Biswanath, “The Supreme Court bench and bar: reminiscences of the formative years”, 433–457, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Setalvad, Atul Motilal, “India’s higher judiciary: some significant failures”, 74–87, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M.



Subject Index

Shahabuddeen, M., “The International Court of Justice: the integrity of an idea”, 341–362, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra

Verwey, Wil D., “The International Court of Justice and the legality of nuclear weapons”, 751–764, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Sharpe, Robert J., “Working within the Dickson Court”, 278–282, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian

Warren, William Clements, “In conclusion: the duty of responsible criticism”, 320–324, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law

Sikri, S.M., “Supreme Court of India”, in Dau Simpson, Sidney Post, “The problem of trial”, 141–163, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Skubiszewski, Krzysztof, “The International Court of Justice and the Security Council”, 606–629, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Smith, Joseph H., “The Provincial Court and the laws of Maryland”, 387–402, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Srivastava, M. N. P., “International Court of Justice: some suggested reforms”, 335–347, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma Stepniak, Daniel, “Cameras in court: for whose benefit?”, 239–266, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R. Styles, Scott Crichton, “Something to declare: a defence of the declaratory power of the High Court of Justiciary”, 211–231, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord Turner, Robert F., “Nuclear weapons and the World Court: the advisory opinion and its significance for U.S. strategic doctrine”, 309–364, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Tyagi, Yogesh K., “The World Court after the Cold War”, 231–244, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Valencia-Ospina, Eduardo, “The use of Chambers of the International Court of Justice”, 503–527, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Verma, D. P., “The structure and process of Ad Hoc Chamber in the World Court jurisprudence”, 317–334, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma

Criminal justice

Weeramantry, C. G., “Expanding the potential of the World Court”, 309–348, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Weil, Prosper, “‘The court cannot conclude definitively...’: non liquet revisited”, 105–116, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Wickersham, George W., “The courts and the dispatch of judicial business”, v. 1, 274–294, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Williams, Sharon Anne, “The Rome Statute on the International Criminal Court: universal jurisdiction or state consent: to make or break the package deal”, 539–564, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Criminal justice Adeyemi, Adedokun A., “Juvenile justice: evaluation, policies and programmes”, 396–412, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Ashworth, Andrew and Player, Elaine, “Sentencing, equal treatment and the impact of sanctions”, 251–272, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew Backhouse, Constance, “‘Your conscience will be your own punishment’: the racially motivated murder of Gus Ninham, Ontario, 1902”, 61–114, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Balasubrahmanyam, V., “Punishment”, 117–134, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Bassiouni, M. Cherif, “Policy considerations on inter-state cooperation in criminal matters”, 21–44, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Bottoms, A. E., “Five puzzles in Von Hirsch’s theory of punishment”, 53–102, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew

Subject Index


Casey, James, “Criminal justice and the Constitution in Ireland”, 193–202, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Glueck, Sheldon, “Toward improved sentencing”, 410–438, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

Clark, Robert S., “The 1985 United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Goodwin-Gill, Guy S., “Crime in international law: obligations erga omnes and the duty to prosecute”, 199–224, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Conti, Ugo, “The concept of punishment”, 92–112, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry

Greenberg, David F., “Punishment, division of labor, and social solidarity”, 283–362, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E.

Cressey, Donald Ray, “Law, order and the motorist”, 213–234, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1)

Greenspan, Edward L., “The future role of defence counsel”, 204–225, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J.

Dando, Shigemitsu, “The role of the Supreme Court in the administration of criminal justice in Japan”, in Dau

Hall Williams, John Eryl, “Sentencing in transition”, 23–42, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann

Decker, John F., “Symbolism and the criminal justice system”, 263–284, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W.

Harris, Donald, “Compensation for victims of crimes of violence: a comparison of the New Zealand and British schemes”, 45–76, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G.

Doran, Sean and Jackson, John, “The judicial role in criminal cases in Ireland”, 69–104, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Drewry, Gavin, “The politics of capital punishment”, 137–160, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques Edwards, J. Ll. J., “The integrity of criminal prosecutions: Watergate echoes beyond the shores of the United States”, 364–390, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Eser, Albin, “Basic issues of transnational cooperation in criminal cases: a problem in outline”, 3–20, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Fattah, Ezzat, “Restorative and retributive justice models – A comparison”, in Dau Fox, Richard George, “The treatment of juveniles in Canadian criminal law”, 149–185, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J.

Hirsch, Andrew von, “Criminal policy and the politics of resentment”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Holtzoff, Alexander, “Criminal justice and rule making”, 233–240, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Howard, Colin, “An analysis of sentencing authority”, 404–421, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Hudson, Barbara, “Doing justice to difference”, 223–250, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew Hurwitz, Stephan, “Victimology”, 375–382, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Husak, Douglas N., “Desert, proportionality and the seriousness of drug offences”, 187–222, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew

Freedman, Samuel, “The implications for the future of an old case: R. v. Tonnancourt, Paquin and Ferragne revisited”, 186–203, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J.

James, Arthur Evan, Sir, “A judicial note on the control of discretion in the administration of criminal justice”, 157–160, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1)

Friedland, Martin L., “Gun control in Canada: politics and impact”, 226–254, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J.

Jareborg, Nils, “Why bulk discounts in multiple offence sentencing?”, 129–140, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew

Criminal justice


Subject Index

Jarvis, F. V., “Inquiry before sentence”, 43–68, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich, “Modern criminal policy in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic”, 509–526, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Kleinig, John, “The hardness of hard treatment”, 273–298, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew Koroye, E., “Compensation of crime victims as a sanction of the criminal courts”, 122–131, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi Lamborn, LeRoy L., “Victims rights in the United States: From statutory to constitutional”, in Dau Lane, Geoffrey Dawson Lane, Lord, “Penal politics (with a postscript on law and cricket)”, 109–114, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques MacCormick, Neil and Garland, David, “Sovereign states and vengeful victims: the problem of the right to punish”, 11–30, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew MacKenna, Brian, Sir, “A plea for shorter prison sentences”, 422–433, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Mueller, Gerhard O. W. and Adler, Freda, “The emergence of criminal justice: tracing the route to Neolithic times”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Nakatani, Kinko, “The recent characteristics and background of female delinquency in Japan”, in Dau Osinbajo, Yemi, “Judicial and quasi-judicial processing of economic and organised crime: experiences, problems and recommendations”, 466–489, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Osipitan, Taiwo, “The problems and causes of delays in criminal justice administration”, 490–507, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir, “Some current problems and future prospects of international collaboration in penal matters”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir and Hood, Roger G., “The American volte-face in sentencing thought and practice”, 127–143, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir Setalvad, Atul Motilal, “Preventive detention in India”, 33–47, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A.

Majid, Mimi Kamariah, “Concurrent and consecutive sentences”, 111–137, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad

Shute, Stephen, “The development of parole and the role of research in its reform”, 377–442, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G.

Majid, Mimi Kamariah, “Administration of criminal justice, 1972–1991”, 35–122, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law

Silving, Helen, “‘Rule of law’ in criminal justice”, 77–158, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H.

McLaren, John, “Race and the criminal justice system in British Columbia, 1892–1920: constructing Chinese crimes”, 398–442, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B.

Steyn, Jan H., “The punishment scene in South Africa: developments over the past decade and the prospects for reform”, 527–570, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1)

Mewett, Alan W., “No substantial miscarriage of justice”, 81–104, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J.

Susskind, Richard, “Information technology and the criminal justice system”, 159–181, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin

Misra, S. C., “Preventive justice”, 195–209, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Mueller, Gerhard O. W., “Diversion”, 363–374, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann

Criminal justice

Tan, Kevin, “The law and practice of preventive detention: recent developments in Malaysia and Singapore”, 293–316, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H.

Subject Index Thomas, D. A., “The control of descretion in the administration of criminal justice”, 139–156, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Tonry, Michael H. and Morris, Norval, “Sentencing reform in America”, 434–448, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Walker, N. Darlene, “The ultimate justification”, 109–126, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir Wasik, Martin, “Crime seriousness and the offender-victim relationship in sentencing”, 103–128, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew Williams, Hall and Eryl, John, “Changes in sentencing in England and Wales”, in Dau Windlesham, David James George Hennessy, Lord, “Ministers and modernisation: criminal justice policy, 1997–2001”, 269–294, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G. Wootton, Barbara, “The changing face of British criminal justice”, 103–119, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir Young, Warren and Trendle, Neville, “Developing the sentencing framework: the Sentencing Act and beyond”, 50–74, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald Zedner, Lucia, “Sentencing young offenders”, 165–186, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew

Criminal law Andenaes, Johannes, “Ignorantia legis in Scandinavian criminal law”, 217–234, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Ashworth, Andrew, “Transferred malice and punishment for unforeseen consequences”, 77–94, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn


Balasubrahmanyam, V., “Jurisdiction”, 47–55, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Balasubrahmanyam, V., “Guilty mind”, 56–62, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Balasubrahmanyam, V., “Abetment”, 86, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Balasubrahmanyam, V., “Group liability”, 94–106, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Balasubrahmanyam, V., “Homicide”, 144–166, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Banerjee, Tapas Kumar, “The substantive criminal law prior to the Indian Penal Code”, 1–32, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Banerji, Eric H., “Strict responsibility”, 63–71, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Bassiouni, M. Cherif, “Reflections on international extradition”, in Dau Brown, David, “Lionel Murphy and the criminal law”, 71–112, in the volume honouring Murphy, Lionel Campbell, Colin M., “Crime, consensus and confusion”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Card, Richard, “Disorder in public order law”, 204–224, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C. Carson, W. G., “Symbolic and instrumental dimensions of early factory legislation: a case study in the social origins of criminal law”, 107–138, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Castejon, Federico, “Essay on the atomic crime (illegal use of nuclear energy)”, 535–579, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

Ashworth, Andrew, “Defining criminal offences without harm”, 7–23, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C.

Cohen, Maxwell, “Human rights and hate propaganda: controversial Canadian experiment”, 59–78, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann

Ashworth, Andrew, “The elasticity of mens rea”, 45–70, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir

Conboy, Martin, “Federal criminal law”, v. 1, 295–346, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Criminal law


Subject Index

Cotler, Irwin, “The right to protection against group-vilifying speech: towards a model factum in support of anti-hate legislation”, 275–297, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell Cross, Rupert, Sir, “The reports of the Criminal Law Commissioners (1833–1849) and the abortive bills of 1853”, 5–20, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Dawkins, Kevin, “The defence of duress of circumstances in New Zealand”, 96–118, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald Dennis, I. H., “The mental element for accessories”, 40–67, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C. Drapkin, Israel, “Crimes and punishments in ancient Herbrew laws”, in Dau

George, B. James, “Federal and state legislation against organized crime in the United States”, 235–262, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Gilmore, William C., “Money laundering and the confiscation of the proceeds of crime: reflections on recent international initiatives”, 81–108, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1) Glazebrook, P. R., “The criminal law and the parliamentary draftsmen”, 101–118, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Glazebrook, P. R., “Situational liability”, 108–119, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Drgonec, Ján, “New crimes for new times”, in Dau

Glazebrook, P. R., “Still no code! English criminal law 1894–1994”, 1–26, in the volume honouring City University (London, England)

Elliott, D. W., “Dialogues on the Theft Act”, 287–304, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Goti, Jaime Malamud, “On punishing and individual rights”, in Dau

Ericson, Richard Victor and Baranek, Patricia M., “Criminal law reform and two realities of the criminal process”, 255–276, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J. Farrier, David, “Constituting criminal law”, 79–91, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Fattah, Ezzat, “From a guilt orientation to a consequence orientation. A proposed new paradigm for the criminal law in the 21st century”, in Dau Ferguson, P. W., “Jurisdiction and criminal law in Scotland and England”, 96–120, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord Finnie, Wilson, “Public order law in Scotland and England 1980–1990”, 251–280, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Friedland, Martin L., “Pressure groups and the development of the criminal law”, 202–239, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Gardner, John, “Crime: in proportion and in perspective”, 31–52, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew

Criminal law

Greve, Vagn, “Criminal responsibility of legal persons in Denmark”, in Dau Griew, Edward, “Consistency, communication and codification: reflections on two mens rea words”, 57–76, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Griew, Edward, “States of mind, presumptions and inferences”, 68–84, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C. Griew, Edward, “Codification and criminal law reform”, 256–269, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Griswold, Erwin N., “Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodies?: some reflections on ABSCAM”, 169–179, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Hall, Jerome, “The three fundamental aspects of criminal law”, 159–168, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Hall, Jerome, “Perennial problems of criminal law”, in Dau Hall, Jerome, “Theory and reform of criminal law”, in Dau

Subject Index Hart, H. L. A., “The House of Lords on attempting the impossible”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir Hart, H. L. A., “Acts of will and responsibility”, 115–144, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (1) Hodgson, Derek, Sir., “Law Com. no. 76: a case study in criminal law reform”, 240–265, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Hogan, Brian, “On modernising the law of sexual offences”, 174–189, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Hogan, Brian, “Crime and the criminal law”, 109–120, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1) Hogan, Brian, “Omissions and the duty myth”, 85–91, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C. Howard, Colin and Elliott, Ian Douglas, “The concept of recklessness in the criminal law”, 50–79, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir Hruschka, Joachim, “On the history of justification and excuse in cases of necessity”, in Dau Itzikowitz, Angela, “Wash, rinse and spin: anti-money laundering legislation in South Africa”, 345–352, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich, “German criminal law reform: its development and cultural-historical background”, 395–408, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H.


Kirkpatrick, Laird C., “Form and substance in American criminal law: the constitutionalization of proof burdens”, 351–358, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Kirkpatrick, Laird C., “Form and substance in American criminal law: The constitutionalization of proof burdens”, in Dau Kudriavtsev, V. N., “Humanism as a principle of criminal law”, 213–222, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Lanham, David, “Bribery and corruption”, 92–113, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C. Lylis, Agnes R., “The United States and Panama: combating money laundering”, 119–140, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague MacCormack, Geoffrey, “Cause, status and fault in the traditional Chinese law of homicide”, 173–182, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) McCall Smith, Alexander, “Classifying crimes”, 283–296, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) McCall Smith, Alexander, “Criminal law and the moral tradition”, 78–90, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1) McCall Smith, Alexander, “Criminal events”, 121–137, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord Miller, Justin, “The criminal act”, 469–486, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

Kadish, Sanford H., “A theory of complicity”, 287–303, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (2)

Moore, Michael, “Intentions and mens rea”, 245–270, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (2)

Kaplan, William, “Maxwell Cohen and the report of the Special Committee on Hate Propaganda”, 243–274, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell

Morris, Terence, “Mad, bad or simply dangerous?: homicide and mental disorder”, 115–136, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques

Kenny, Anthony John Patrick, “Intention and mens rea in murder”, 161–174, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Mueller, Gerhard O. W., “Causing criminal harm”, 169–216, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H.

Kirby, Michael D., “The changing boundaries of criminal law”, 437–448, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Murphy, Jeffrie G., “Some ruminations on women, violence, and the criminal law”, 209–230, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel

Criminal law


Subject Index

Nakajima, Chizu, “Money laundering and constructive liability”, 21–46, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J. Napier, B. W., “Detention offences at common law”, 190–201, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn O Hearn, Peter J. T., “Capacity to conform to the law: a key to responsibility”, 132–148, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J. Okonkwo, C. O., “Legal and institutional mechanisms against corruption in Nigeria”, 264–298, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene Okonkwo, C. O., “Excessive self-defence manslaughter in Nigeria”, 296–317, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze

Sayre, Francis Bowes, “The present significance of ‘mens rea’ in the criminal law”, 399–418, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel Schopp, Robert F., “Self-defense”, 255–289, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Sellin, Johan Thorsten, “Slavery and the punishment of crime”, 93–106, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Sheehy, Elizabeth A. and Boyle, Christine, “Justice L’Heureux-Dubé and Canadian sexual assault law: resisting the privatization of rape”, 247–286, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Smith, A. T. H., “On actus reus and mens rea”, 95–107, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Okonkwo, C. O., “Advance Fee Fraud and Other Related Offences Decree, 1995: an appraisal”, 306–321, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Smith, A. T. H., “Clarifying the criminal law: declarations in criminal proceedings”, 132–147, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C.

Orchard, Gerald, “The defence of absence of fault in Australasia and Canada”, 114–131, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C.

Smith, A. T. H., “The criminal law and the constitution”, 119–132, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald

Ortved, W. Niels, “The defence of Gary Staples”, 1–24, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur Owasanoye, B., “Drugs (some aspects of mutual legal co-operation by Nigeria): a comment”, 191–201, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O. Owoade, M. A., “Crime and the criminal laws in Nigeria”, 101–121, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal

Smith, J. C., “Attempts, impossibility and the test of rational motivation”, in Dau Smith, J. C., “Aid, abet, counsel or procure”, 120–137, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Smith, J. C., “Intoxication and the mental element in crime”, 119–132, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H. Smith, J. C., “Secondary participation and inchoate offences”, 21–44, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir

Panckhurst, Graham, “Consent in rape: an elusive concept”, 182–196, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald

Smith, J. C., “The sad fate of the Theft Act 1968”, 97–114, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord

Patra, A. C., “Historical introduction to the Indian Penal Code”, 33–46, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code

Spencer, J. R., “Trying to help another person commit a crime”, 148–169, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C.

Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “Stealing fish”, 1–14, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord

Stalker, M. Anne, “Chief Justice Dickson’s principles of criminal law”, 48–63, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian

Rostad, Helge, “Fines against legal persons in Norway – A brief sketch”, in Dau

Criminal law

Starrs, James E., “The regulatory offense in historical perspective”, 235–272, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H.

Subject Index Stone, Julius, “Madness and guilt: a contemporary crisis”, in Dau Stuart, Don, “Chief Justice Dickson and the criminal law: cheers, brickbats, and regrets”, 27–47, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Stuesser, Lee, “Chief Justice Dickson and criminal law: principled common sense”, 64–70, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Tewari, R. B., “Exemptions from liability: the law governing insanity”, 72–83, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Tewari, R. B., “Conspiracy”, 87–93, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code


Wise, Edward M., “Gerhard O. W. Mueller and the foundations of inter-national criminal law”, 45–60, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Yeo, Stanley Meng Heong, “The application of common law defences to the penal code in Singapore and Malaysia”, 141–174, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review

Criminal procedure Affleck, W. Bruce, “Cross-examination”, 25–52, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur

Tewari, R. B., “Criminal attempt”, 107–116, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code

Banerjee, K. K., “Criminal investigation”, 509–524, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Tewari, R. B., “The law of sedition in India”, 135–142, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code

Barton, G. P., “Police powers: criminal procedure”, 30–44, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1)

Thomas, D. A., “Form and function in criminal law”, 21–36, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Bennun, Mervyn, “Publicity for criminal trials”, 175–188, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1)

Vogler, Theo, “The European Conventions on criminal matters”, 131–144, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2)

Bogomolny, Robert L. and Gaus, William, “An evaluation of the Dallas Pretrial Release Project”, 1–28, in the volume honouring Wimbish, Moss

Wang, Chonghui, “Revision of the Chinese Criminal Code”, 77–91, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Webb, James H., “Criminal law and procedure”, 344–390, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Wechsler, Herbert, “The Model Penal Code and the codification of American criminal law”, 419–468, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) White, Dorcas, “The fault element and strict liability”, 286–303, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2) Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “Official secrecy and the courts”, 154–173, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Williams, Glanville Llewelyn, “Statute interpretation, prostitution and the rule of law”, 71–80, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir

Cornish, W. R., “Defects in prosecuting: professional views in 1845”, 305–316, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Edwards, J. Ll. J., “Diminished responsibility: a withering away of the concept of criminal responsibility?”, 301–344, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Erdei, Arpad, “Lessons for legislators: notes on the much-needed recodification of Hungarian criminal procedure”, 85–108, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Errera, Roger, “Reflections on extradition in French law”, 291–318, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Finn, Jeremy, “Contesting acquittals: an overview”, 75–95, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald

Criminal procedure


Subject Index

Flittie, William J., “Concerning the detention of insurrectionists”, 58–70, in the volume honouring Wimbish, Moss

Oyakhirome, J. A., “Fair trial is the casualty”, 72–87, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi

Gibson, Dale, “Free trade in criminals: Canadian-American extradition before 1890”, 144–185, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell

Pillai, K. N. Chandrasekharan, “Women and criminal procedure”, 161–172, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika

Gold, Alan D., “Criminal appellate advocacy”, 89–100, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur Gooderson, R. N., “Defences in double harness”, 138–153, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Greenspan, Edward L. and Buhr, Chris N., “Opening to the jury for the defence in a criminal case”, 53–64, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur Herrmann, Joachim, “Models for the reform of criminal procedure in Eastern Europe: comparative remarks on changes in trial structure and European alternatives to plea bargaining”, 61–84, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W.

Sharpe, Robert J., “Habeas corpus and the case of the man who escaped from Devil’s Island”, 385–408, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell Steele, Walter W., “Right to counsel at the grand jury stage of criminal proceedings”, 79–97, in the volume honouring Wimbish, Moss Stoddart, Charles N., “In defence of the accused: aspects of criminal practice during the Emslie years”, 271–300, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord Stone, Clarence N., “Patterns of voting on Mallory, Durham, and other criminal procedure issues in Congress”, 95–120, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S.

Humphrey, David G. and Durno, Bruce, “Closing to the jury for the defence in a criminal case”, 65–76, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur

Sundberg, Jacob W. F., “The European Convention on Human Rights and criminal procedure in Sweden”, 109–138, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W.

Jacobs, Yvonne, “Changes in the prosecution process. If a system works in practice but not in theory, need it be changed?”, 171–189, in the volume honouring City University (London, England)

Williams, Glanville Llewelyn, “Automatism”, 345–356, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H.

Lewthwaite, Susan, “Pre-trial examination in Upper Canada”, 85–103, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M. Mathias, Don, “The duty to prevent an abuse of process by staying criminal proceedings”, 133–150, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald Mirfield, Peter, “Silence, innocence and human rights”, 126–146, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin Morris, Norval, “The defences of insanity in Australia”, 273–300, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Mundell, D. W., “The Crown and res judicata”, 208–238, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur


Zander, Michael, “The right of silence in the police station and the caution”, 344–363, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Criminology Ancel, Marc, “Some observations on the modern aspects of penal philosophy”, 180–184, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Ancel, Marc, “The relationship between criminology and ‘politique criminelle’”, 269–280, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Andry, R. G., “The problem of teamwork: some contributions from social psychology”, 127–152, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann

Subject Index Anttila, Inkeri, “The foundation of co-operation in European criminological research: Sir Leon Radzinowicz and the Criminological Scientific Council at the Council of Europe”, 25–32, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Ashworth, Andrew, “Sentencing and sensitivity: a challenge for criminological research”, 295–332, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G. Berry, Bonnie, “Technological and other changes: boundary crossings in the control of deviance”, 409–426, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Bishop, Norman, “The importance of criminology for the criminal law”, in Dau Bondeson, Ulla V., “Criminology in Europe – European criminology”, in Dau Bottoms, A. E., “Morality, crime, compliance and public policy”, 20–54, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (2) Bottoms, A. E., “Theoretical reflections on the evaluation of a penal policy initiative”, 107–196, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G. Butler of Saffron Walden, Richard Austen Butler, Lord, “The foundation of the Institute of Criminology in Cambridge”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Christiansen, Karl O., “Seriousness of criminality and concordance among Danish twins”, 63–78, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Christie, Nils, “Utility and social values in court decisions on punishment”, 281–296, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Cicourel, Aaron V., “One ecological validity in criminological and delinquency research”, in Dau Clifford, W., “Crime and criminology in Central Africa”, 210–232, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann Cohen, Stanley, “Crime and politics: spot the difference”, 225–246, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science


Cohen, Stanley, “The political question in criminology, the criminal question in politics”, in Dau Cole, George F., “Rethinking the criminal sanction: the critique of rehabilitation”, 199–215, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Denno, Deborah W., “Criminologists as expert witnesses in criminal law cases: the growing intersection between criminology and criminal law”, 83–86, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Dijk, Jan J.M. van, “Reflections on a European criminology”, in Dau Doob, Anthony N., “The many realities of crime”, 61–80, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J. Duff, Antony, “Dangerousness and citizenship”, 141–164, in the volume honouring Von Hirsch, Andrew Edwards, J. Ll. J., “Directing the development of a university Centre of Criminology”, 1–35, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J. Erez, Edna and Sebba, Leslie, “From individualization of the offender to individualization of the victim”, 171–198, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Ericson, Richard Victor, “The culture and power of criminological research”, 31–78, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G. Ferracuti, Franco, “The contribution of psychological testing to criminological theories and to diagnosis of mentally abnormal criminals”, 65–76, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Ferracuti, Franco and Di Gennaro, Giuseppe, “Criminology and the penal system”, 329–342, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Galligan, D. J., “The return to retribution in penal theory”, 144–171, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir Garland, David, “Ideology and crime: a further chapter”, 3–19, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (2)



Subject Index

Gibbens, T. C. N., “Prediction studies and psychiatric diagnosis”, 111–126, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann

Lacey, Nicola, “Principles, politics, and criminal justice”, 79–106, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G.

Gottfredson, Don M., “Measuring justice: unpopular views on sentencing theory”, 247–282, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E.

Laufer, William S., “The forgotten criminology of genocide”, 71–82, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E.

Gross, Hyman, “Benign and malign morality”, 344–350, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Grygier, Tadeusz, “The concept of ‘social progression’”, 153–196, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann Harding, Richard, “Influencing policy: successes and failures of criminological research in Australia”, 463–484, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G. Hawkins, Gordon, “Thomas Mott Osborne: 1859–1926: pioneer in penology”, 155–180, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir Hentig, Hans von, “Returning to the scene of the crime”, 53–64, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Hood, Roger G., “Criminology and penal change: a case study of the nature and impact of some recent advice to governments”, 375–418, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Jacobs, James B., “Researching and conceptualizing drunk driving: an invitation to criminologists and criminal law scholars”, 53–70, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Jeffery, C. Ray, “Gerhard O. W. Mueller as an interdisciplinary criminologist”, 331–334, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Jeffery, C. Ray, “Criminology and criminal law: science versus policy and the interaction of science and law”, 3–28, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Jones, Howard, “Punishment and social values”, 3–22, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann Jung, Heike, “The renaissance of the victim in criminal policy: a reconstruction of the German campaign”, 443–462, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G.


Lodge, T. S., “The founding of the Home Office Research Unit”, 11–24, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) López-Rey, Manuel, “Some misconceptions in contemporary criminology”, 5–32, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Macdonald, John M. and Tenenbaum, Abraham N., “Justifiable homicide by civilians”, 463–492, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. McClintock, Frederick Hemming, “Facts and myths about the state of crime”, 33–46, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) McConville, Seán, “Hearing, not listening: penal policy and the political prisoners of 1906–1921”, 237–268, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G. Moriyama, Tadashi, “The structure of social control in Japan. Why do we enjoy a low crime rate?"”, in Dau Morris, Norval, “Corrections and the community”, 120–134, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir Osgood, Russell K., “Some thoughts on the modern penological implications of Plato’s Laws”, 37–58, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1) Reiss, Albert J., “The control of organizational life”, 294–308, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J. Riedel, Marc, “A perspective on stranger violence”, 29–52, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Robert, Philippe, “Crime research in the European Union”, in Dau Robinson, Matthew B., “The theoretical development of ‘CPTED’”, 427–462, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Robson, John Lochiel, “Penal policy in the crucible”, 56–65, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams

Subject Index


Russell, Peter H., “The political theory of controlology”, 277–293, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J.

Walker, Nigel, “Punishing, denouncing or reducing crime?”, 391–403, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Schlegel, Kip and Eitle, David, “Back to the future: a reminder of the importance of Sutherland in thinking about white-collar crime”, 363–388, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E.

Walker, Nigel, “Lost causes in criminology”, 47–62, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1)

Shearing, Clifford D. and Stenning, Philip C., “From the panopticon to Disney world: the development of discipline”, 336–349, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J. Solomon, Peter H., “Soviet criminology: its demise and rebirth, 1928–1963”, 571–594, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Souryal, Claire and Wellford, Charles F., “Sentencing disparity and sentencing guidelines”, 199–232, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Spencer, John Carrington, “White-collar crime”, 233–266, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann Sveri, Knut, “Unemployment and crime”, in Dau Tappan, Paul W., “Pre-classical penology”, 33–52, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Tonry, Michael H. and Green, David A., “Criminology and public policy in the USA and UK”, 485–526, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G. Tracy, Paul E. and Kempf-Leonard, Kimberly, “Sanctioning serious juvenile offenders: a review of alternative models”, 135–170, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Turk, Austin T., “Criminology and sociolegal studies”, 309–335, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J. Vassalli, Giuliano, “An Italian enquiry concerning the Mafia”, 595–622, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Vinitzky-Seroussi, Vered, “The social reaction to treason within a pluralistic society: the Pollard affair”, 389–408, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E.

Wilkins, Leslie T., “Punishment policy and commensurate complexity”, 233–246, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Wolfgang, Marvin E., “Crime in a birth cohort”, 79–92, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Wright, Richard A. and Rourke, Jason, “The most-cited scholars and works in criminological theory”, 493–512, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Wurtenberger, Thomas, “German criminology and Anglo-American research”, 197–209, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann Zedner, Lucia, “Useful knowledge? Debating the role of criminology in post-war Britain”, 197–236, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G.

Customary law Aboki, Yusuf U., “Prescription: its applicability under native law and custom determined”, 232–243, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Abrahams, Ray, “Ancient law and modern field work”, 185–192, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Allott, Antony N., “The hunting of the snark or the quest for the holy grail: the search for customary law”, 79–100, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Bellér-Hann, Ildikó, “Law and custom among the Uyghur in Xinjiang”, 173–194, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Brown, B. J., “Long Kot belong Olman: a brave new village world in Papua-New Guinea”, 105–128, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Ginther, Konrad, “Reflections on international law in respect to African customary law”, in Dau

Customary law


Subject Index

Hooker, M. B., “The oriental law text: with reference to the Undang-Undang Melaka and Malay law”, 431–456, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Jones, Schuyler, “Customary law in Waigal Valley, Eastern Afghanistan”, 77–94, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Karibi-Whyte, A. G., “Sanctions in Nigerian customary criminal law”, v. 2, 541–564, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Klyashtornyi, S. G., “Customary law in the ancient Turkic states of Central Asia: the legal documents and practical regulations”, 13–40, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Maddock, Kenneth, “Aboriginal customary law”, 212–237, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M. Müllerson, R. A., “The interplay of objective and subjective elements in customary law”, 161–178, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Nnaemeka-Agu, Philip, “The contribution of His Excellency Judge Taslim Olawale Elias to African customary law”, v. 2, 515–540, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Ollennu, Nii Amaa, “Chieftaincy under the law”, 38–56, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court Ramaswami, V., “Hindu law and English judges”, 319–329, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Salt, H. E., “The local ambit of a custom”, 279–294, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Schechter, Frank I., “The law and morals of primitive trade”, 565–622, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

Debtor and creditor Buchheit, Lee C., “The search for intercreditor parity”, 203–212, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Cranston, Ross, “The consequences of ineffective security”, 225–238, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Davey, Martin, “Creditors and the family home”, 331–356, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Ebenroth, Carsten Thomas, “The changing legal framework for resolving the debt crisis: A European’s perspective”, in Dau Ferran, Eilis, “Recent developments in unsecured debt subordination”, 199–216, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S. Ferrarini, Guido, “Changes to personal property security law in Italy: a comparative and functional approach”, 477–498, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Furey, Nigel, “The protection of creditors’ interests in company law”, 173–192, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Goode, Royston Miles, “Proprietary rights and the unsecured creditor”, 185–200, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Goode, Royston Miles, “Proprietary rights and unsecured creditors”, 183–198, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S. Gretton, George L., “The concept of security”, 126–151, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies Hagan, Sean, “Sovereign debtors, private creditors, and the IMF”, 327–354, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Lehane, J. R. F., “Joint venture finance and some aspects of security and recourse”, 515–535, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite

Tilley-Gyado, M. N., “What shall we do with repugnant customs?”, 218–231, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Dispute resolution

Vollenhoven, Cornelis van, “The study of Indonesian customary law”, 58–62, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry

Acimovic, Ljubivoje, “Peaceful settlement of international disputes. Current initiatives and perspectives”, in Dau

Debtor and creditor

Subject Index Bell, Christine, “Alternative justice in Ireland”, 145–170, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Brigss, Herbert M., “The optional protocols of Geneva (1958) and Vienna (1961, 1963) concerning the compulsory settlement of disputes”, in Dau Cardenas, Emilio J., “Mercosur’s fragile dispute resolution system at work: first decisions ever made by an ‘arbitration panel’ in a dispute arising among sovereign parties”, 281–290, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Charney, Jonathan I., “Third party dispute settlement and international law”, 65–86, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Collier, John G., “The International Court of Justice and the peaceful settlement of disputes”, 364–372, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Gordon, Michael W., “Dispute resolution under the North American Free Trade Agreement: a framework to avoid national courts”, 179–216, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Higgins, Rosalyn, “The desirability of third-party adjudication: conventional wisdom or continuing truth?”, 37–52, in the volume honouring McMahon, John Hoellering, Michael F., “To arbitrate or mediate – that is the question”, in Dau Jenkins, Catherine, “Amnesty for gross violations of human rights in South Africa: a better way of dealing with the past?”, 345–386, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London


Merrills, J. G., “The principle of peaceful settlement of disputes”, 49–65, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton Miller, John T., “The peaceful and responsible resolution of disputes between states and foreign corporations in international trade”, in Dau Pinto, Christopher W., “Some thoughts on ‘Asian’ approaches to international dispute resolution”, 350–377, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Samuel, Adam, “A taste of alternative dispute resolution: Anglo-American style”, in Dau Sandrock, Otto, “Dispute resolution in international business transactions”, 8:1–8:59, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Stein, Eric, “On peaceful resolution of ethnic differences”, in Dau Tung, William L., “Settlement of disputes through nonamicable means”, 97–119, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Ecclesiastical law Bray, Gerald Lewis, “Strange afterlife of the Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum”, 36–47, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W. Bursell, Rupert, “Consecration, ius liturgicum and the canons”, 71–81, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W. Cheney, Mary Gwendolen, “Possessio/ proprietas in ecclesiastical courts in midtwelfth-century England”, 245–254, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir

Kerr, Michael R. E., Sir, “Commercial dispute resolution: the changing scene”, 111–130, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord

Doe, Norman, “Ecclesiastical quasi-legislation”, 93–103, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W.

Kitagawa, Zentaro, “Resonance theory. A tentative approach to the dispute settlement mechanism”, in Dau

Haskins, George Lee, “Precedents in English ecclesiastical practices for criminal punishments in early Massachusetts”, 321–336, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

McRae, Donald Malcolm, “International dispute settlement under the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement”, 186–206, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell

Helmholz, R. H., “Canons of 1603: the contemporary understanding”, 23–35, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W.

Ecclesiastical law


Subject Index

Hill, Christopher, “Bishops: Anglican and Catholic”, 60–70, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W.

Posner, M. V., “Economic reform”, 171–181, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867

Kemp, Brian, “Archdeacons and parish churches in England in the twelfth century”, 341–364, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir

Reed, Patrick C., “Tariff classification and multipurpose vehicles: the compromised law of U.S. import policy”, 205–230, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague

Economic policy Barceló, John J., “Countervailing against environmental subsidies”, in Dau Baxter, Thomas C., “Dollarisation and its impact on US law”, 111–118, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Bird, Richard Miller, “User charges: an old idea revisited”, 513–548, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Gannon, Stefan, “The RTGS, the US dollar payment system and the taking of collateral through the CMU services”, 245–254, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Jackson, John H., “Regulating international economic behavior. The WTO and the challenge of constructing institutions to manage global interdependence”, in Dau Jackson, John H., “State trading and nonmarket economies”, in Dau Madl, Ferenc, “State in the economy and problems of state immunity with special regard to economic integration”, in Dau Morgan, Bronwen, “The internationalization of economic review of legislation: non-judicial legalization?”, 245–274, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin Ogunbanjo, C. O., “Law as an instrument for national economic revival”, v. 2, 589–610, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Okeke, Chris N., “The debt burden: an African perspective”, 407–428, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Olive, Christopher, “Market risk capital and the Basel internal models approach: some preliminary reflections on the publicprivate partnership model”, 693–712, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Economic policy

Rui, Mu, “Chinese view on the future possibilities of international law and the world economic order”, 3:1–3:8, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz, “The international economic order”, 215–234, in the volume honouring United Nations Stone Sweet, Alec, “Judicial authority and market integration in Europe”, 99–140, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin Walker, George A., “Domestic implementation of international financial standards by developing countries: the FSF’s ‘Sheng’ Taskforce project”, 289–300, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Education Annan, Noel Gilroy Annan, Lord, “Higher education”, 24–43, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Armytage, W. H. G., “Secondary education”, 139–153, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Gould, Mark, “Children’s education and the European Court of Justice”, 172–200, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K. Hamilton, Carolyn, “Rights of the child: a right to education and a right in education”, 201–234, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Harte, J. D. C., “Religious education and worship in state schools”, 115–127, in the volume honouring Kemp, E. W. Kaye, Tim, “‘Education, education, education’: commodity for sale or property right?”, 61–86, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Laslett, Peter, “The university in high industrial society”, 120–138, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867

Subject Index Lazenby, Alec, “The art of university leadership”, 97–116, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir Meredith, Paul, “Human rights and education”, in Dau Secor, Philip B., “Academic freedom in political context: the North Carolina speaker-ban law”, 207–226, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Sheridan, L. A., “Sacking professors and sending down students: legal control”, 35–46, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams Watson, Philippa, “Wandering students: their rights under Community law”, 79–88, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Elections Azinge, Epiphany, “Campaign laws of Nigeria: an appraisal”, 437–451, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Bernd, Joseph L., “Equal protection of voting rights: the logic of ‘one person, one vote’”, 133–148, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Butler, David, “Elections: legislation and litigation”, 172–184, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey Canon, Alfred O., “A Negro candidate for mayor in the urban South”, 227–236, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Greer, Desmond S., “Lawyers or politicians? The Irish judges and the right to vote 1832–1850”, 126–158, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Horsley, Jamie P., “A legal perspective on the development of electoral democracy in China: the case of village elections”, 295–352, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan


Ramcharan, B. G., “Principles for UN observance of elections”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Steed, Michael, “Twelve into one: The effect of using diverse procedures for the first European parliamentary elections”, in Dau

Electronic commerce Dannemann, Gerhard, “Formation of contracts on the Internet”, 179–198, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard

Environmental law Adede, Andronico O., “International protection of the environment”, 197–214, in the volume honouring United Nations Adede, Andronico O., “Lessons from twenty years of international law making in the field of the environment 1972–1992”, in Dau Adewale, Omobolaji, “Some legal aspects of community relationship in petroleum industry”, 67–82, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O. Adewale, Omobolaji, “An overview of biodiversity laws in Nigeria”, 322–354, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Aginam, Obijiofor, “Saving the tortoise, the turtle and the terrapin: the hegemony of global environmentalism and the marginalization of third world approaches to sustainable development”, 12–29, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan Ajai, Olawale, “Law, judiciary and the environment in Nigeria”, 239–253, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze

Loughlin, Martin, “Representation and constitutional theory”, 47–66, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol

Al-Gain, Abdulbar, “Agenda 21: The challenge of implementation”, in Dau

Mason, Anthony, Sir, “One vote, one value v the parliamentary tradition: the federal experience”, 333–352, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir

Alder, J. E., “Fundamental environmental values and public law”, 211–234, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Environmental law


Subject Index

Arsanjani, Mahnoush H. and Reisman, W. Michael, “The quest for an international liability regime for the protection of the global commons”, 469–492, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Boyle, Alan E., “The principle of cooperation: the environment”, 120–136, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton Brunnée, Jutta, “Between sovereignty, efficiency, and legitimacy: lawmaking under multilateral environmental agreements”, 62–79, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan Carr, Indira, “Towards reconciling free trade and environment”, 137–158, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Cooray, M. J. A., “Environmental litigation in Hong Kong: the role of the judiciary and statutory tribunals”, 226–245, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Findley, Roger W., “Cubatao, Brazil: the ultimate failure of environmental planning”, 53–72, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Fitzmaurice, M., “Environmental protection and the International Court of Justice”, 293–315, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Gillies, Peter, “GATT: an impediment to conservation? The Gasoline case”, 202–229, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D. Guruswamy, Lakshman D., “Environment and trade: competing paradigms in international law”, 543–576, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Harding, A. J., “Practical human rights, NGOs, and the environment in Malaysia”, 222–247, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H.

Holdgate, Martin W., “Policy and law for the conservation of the Polar environment”, in Dau Holdgate, Martin W., “Policy and law for the conservation of the Polar environment”, in Dau Jackson, John H., “Justice Feliciano and the WTO environmental cases: laying the foundations of a ‘constitutional jurisprudence’ with implications for developing countries”, 29–43, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Khan, Rahmatullah, “Environmental disputes – India’s experience with big dams”, in Dau MacDougall, Robert D., “The greenhouse effect: the changing climate for international trade, investment and development”, 141–148, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Macneil, Sayre, “Growing lawlessness of trees”, 375–398, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Morris, Joe Scott, “Environmental problems and the use of criminal sanctions”, 71–78, in the volume honouring Wimbish, Moss Morrow, Karen, “Environmental law in Ireland 1845–1995”, 23–44, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Mumma, Albert, “Africa and the Climate Change Convention”, 415–426, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Navid, Daniel, “The legal development of the Convention on Wetlands: Getting it right, or the importance of proper legal drafting”, in Dau

Hassan, Parvez, “The IUCN draft International Covenant on Environment and Development: Background and prospects”, in Dau

Olmstead, Cecil J., “Prospects for regulation of environmental conservation under international law”, 245–254, in the volume honouring International Law Association

Higgins, Imelda and Demetriou, Marie, “Free movement and the environment: seeing the wood for the trees”, 193–202, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Pharand, Donat, “The case for an Arctic Region Council and a treaty proposal”, 69–106, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell

Environmental law

Subject Index Phillips, E. K., “Leases and licences under the Mining Tenures Registration Act 1962”, 375–390, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Provost, Rene, “International criminal environmental law”, 439–454, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Robinson, Nicholas A., “To sheathe the sword to better safeguard nature”, in Dau Salve, Harish, “Justice between generations: environment and social justice”, 360–380, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Sands, Philippe, “International courts and the application of the concept of ‘sustainable development’”, 147–160, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Sarin, Manohar L., “The protection of the human environment in a divided world and international law”, v. 1, 197–264, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Schram, Gunnar G., “The main aspects of environmental legislation in Iceland”, in Dau Shelton, Dinah, “The right to environment”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Singh, Gurdip, “The greenhouse effect: need for legal control”, 149–160, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Singh, Nagendra, “Right to environment and sustainable development as a principle of international law”, v. 1, 181–196, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Smith, David N., “The Chinese scroll: environmental and social issues in long-term contracts for resource development”, 825–834, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Stone, Julius, “Science and limit-situations for mankind”, in Dau Tarak, Pedro, “The law of environmental impact assessment in Argentina: the state of the art in 1993”, in Dau Timoshenko, Alexandre S., “Development and periodic review of environmental law in the 1990s: UNEP programmatic approach”, in Dau


Weiss, Edith Brown, “Conservation and equity between generations”, 245–290, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Williams, Priscilla, “The environment”, 135–146, in the volume honouring New Zealand/United Nations Wolfrum, Rüdiger, “Liability for environmental damage: a means to enforce environmental standards”, 565–578, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Wolfrum, Rüdiger, “The protection of the marine environment after the Rio conference: progress or stalemate?”, in Dau Woodliffe, John, “Tackling transboundary environmental hazards in cases of emergency: the emerging legal framework”, 105–134, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E.

Equity Brutau, José Puig, “Juridical evolution and equity”, 82–86, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Cahill, Dermot, “Assignment of debts and the rule in Dearle v. Hall: the journey from equity to law – and back again”, 121–138, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Capper, David, “Unconscionable bargains”, 45–68, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Diamond, Alan, “Fictions, equity and legislation: Maine’s three agencies of legal change”, 242–255, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Evans, Jim, “Aristotle’s theory of equity”, 225–244, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Finn, Paul D., “Modern equity”, 73–90, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Finn, Paul D., “Equitable doctrine and discretion in remedies”, 251–274, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Gager, Edwin B., “Equity”, 115–152, in the volume honouring Yale Law School



Subject Index

Gummow, W. M. C., “The equity of Sir Frederick Jordan”, 21–34, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law

Waters, D. W. M., “The development of fiduciary obligations”, 81–138, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Hayton, David J., “Equity and trusts”, 79–108, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2)


Keeton, George Williams, “The study of equity today”, 59–84, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (1) Marshall, Roy, Sir, “The reform of equity”, 66–75, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams McLachlin, B. M., “Fairness and the common law: Using equity to achieve justice”, 118–137, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Newman, Ralph Abraham, “The nature of pure equity”, 177–190, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Osunbor, O. A., “Issues in the operation and management of unit trust schemes: a critical appraisal”, 24–38, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O. Pound, Roscoe, “Consideration in equity”, 435–460, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry

Braucher, Robert, “Conflict of interest in Massachusetts”, 3–37, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Oputa, Chukwudifu, “Judicial ethics and canons of judicial conduct”, 193–217, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene

European Union Anderman, Steve, “International competitiveness and EC competition policy”, 143–155, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Anderson, David W. K., “Shifting the ‘Grundnorm’ and other tales”, 343–362, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Anderson, Gavin W., “Scholarship and constitutionalism in the European Union: the curious absence of critique”, 145–162, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2)

Pound, Roscoe, “On certain maxims of equity”, 259–278, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope

Andersson, Jan, “The high level group and the issue of European company law harmonisation: Europe stumbles along?”, 183–200, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger

Sin, Kam Fan, “Equitable negligence: tentative thoughts from landmarks”, 99–138, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R.

Arnull, Anthony, “The action for annulment: a case of double standards?”, 177–190, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Tsao, Wen-yen, “Equity in Chinese customary law”, 21–43, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

Art, Jean-Yves, “Legislative lacunae, the Court of Justice and freedom to provide services”, 121–136, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Wade, E. C. S., “Misrepresentation in equity”, 295–314, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Walsh, William F., “The growing function of equity in the development of the law”, v. 3, 139–198, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law


Banks, Karen, “Constitutional implications of Community sex equality law”, 107–120, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Barker, Rodney S., “Legitimacy, legitimation, and the European Union: what crisis?”, 157–174, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol

Subject Index


Bartsch, Hans-Jürgen, “The supervisory functions of the Committee of Ministers under Article 54 [Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention]. A postscript to Luedicke-Belkacem-Koç”, in Dau

Bogdanor, Vernon, “The British contribution to European Union in the twentieth century: the idea of responsible government”, 199–214, in the volume honouring British Academy

Bebr, Gerhard, “Judicial policy of the Court of Justice in developing the legal order of the European Communities”, 293–320, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S.

Bridge, John William, “Fundamental rights in the European Economic Community”, 291–305, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1)

Beloff, Michael J., “English public law: Europhiliac or Eurosceptic?”, 273–294, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord

Chadha, Neeru, “Levelling the workplace for women workers: equal remuneration and maternity benefits”, 183–204, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika

Bengoetxea, Joxerramon, “Direct applicability or effect”, 353–366, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Bercusson, Brian, “Episodes on the path towards the European social model: the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Convention on the Future of Europe”, 179–200, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Bermann, George A., “EEC Community-building under the Single European Act”, 333–340, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry

Chalmers, Damian, “New protectionism and the European communities – a question of constitutionality?”, 259–284, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Clark, Keith, “The role of Britain in Europe of the twenty-first century: the international law firm perspective”, 241–248, in the volume honouring British Academy Clausen, Nis Jul, “New approach to EU securities regulation: the prospectus directive”, 167–180, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger

Bermann, George A., “Law in an enlarged European Union”, 555–562, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Clyde, James John, Lord, “Scottish cases and European decision-making”, 1–18, in the volume honouring Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart

Bernitz, Ulf, “Sweden and the EMU: political tactics or Treaty infringement?”, 223–236, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Collins, Anthony M., “Commercial speech and the free movement of goods and services at Community law”, 319–336, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian

Birk, Rolf, “The collective complaint: a new procedure in the European Social Charter”, 261–274, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Blanpain, Roger, “Employment and labour law: the European union”, 397–414, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Boch, Christine and Lane, Robert C., “European Community law au pays du tartan”, 254–264, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Boch, Christine, “Devolution and Community law”, 47–68, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Craig, Paul P., “Contract, government and Community law”, 141–157, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Craig, Paul P., “The constitutionalization of community administration”, 171–202, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin Curtin, Deirdre, “The ‘EU Human Rights Charter’ and the Union legal order: the ‘Banns’ before the marriage”, 303–318, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Curtin, Deirdre, “Constitutionalism in the European Community: the right to fair procedures in administrative law”, 293–318, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian

European Union


Subject Index

Curtin, Deirdre, “The decentralised enforcement of Community law rights. Judicial snakes and ladders”, 33–50, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Dashwood, Alan, “States in the European Union”, 235–252, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Dashwood, Alan, “The European Parliament and article 173 EEC: the limits of interpretation”, 73–84, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E. Däubler, Wolfgang, “Instruments of Community labour law”, 151–168, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord Davies, Paul, “The European Court of Justice, national courts and the member states”, 95–138, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord Due, Ole, “Dassonville revisited or no cause for alarm?”, 19–28, in the volume honouring Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart Due, Ole, “Danish preliminary references”, 363–376, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Due, Ole, “A Constitutional Court for the European Communities”, 3–10, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Dutheil de La Rochère, Jacqueline, “The attitude of French courts towards ECJ case-law”, 417–432, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Dyson, Kenneth H. F., “Strategic direction or tactical management? Doctrinal constraints and political perceptions of Europe”, 151–186, in the volume honouring British Academy Ebke, Werner F., “Enforcement techniques within the European Communities: flying close to the sun with waxen wings”, 6:1–6:48, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Edward, David A. O., “The nature of the community judicial process”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

European Union

Edward, David A. O., “The legal profession in the Community”, 225–236, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Edward, David A. O., “Judicial activism: myth or reality?”, 29–68, in the volume honouring Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart Edward, David A. O., “The British contribution to the development of law and legal process in the European Union”, 25–36, in the volume honouring British Academy Elles, Neil, “The impact of Community law on indirect taxation”, 211–234, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Ellis, Evelyn, “The enforcement of EEC law in the courts of the member states: what does direct effect really mean?”, 265–276, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Engels, Chris and Salas, Lisa, “Cause and consequence: what’s the difference in respect of the EC Transfer Directive?”, 275–290, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Fabius, Laurent, “Great Britain and France, driving forces behind a benchmark Europe”, 229–240, in the volume honouring British Academy Fischer, Peter, “Is the European Community an international organization?”, in Dau Fletcher, Ian F., “The Istanbul Convention and the Draft EEC Convention”, in Dau Footer, Mary, “What future for EU-ACP trade in the 21st century?”, 273–316, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Forwood, Nicholas, “The judicial architecture of the European Union: the challenges of change”, 81–90, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Freibergh, Erik, “The Commission Secretariat’s handling of provisional files”, in Dau Ganshof van der Meersch, W. J., “Community law and the Belgian constitution”, 74–90, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Geoghegan, Mary Finlay, “The status of non-implemented directives before Irish courts: post Marleasing”, 247–256, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Subject Index Gerven, Walter van, “Comparative law in a texture of Communitarization of national laws and Europeanization of Community law”, 433–446, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Giardina, Andrea, “Provisional measures in Europe: Some comparative observations”, in Dau Grabitz, Eberhard, “Implementation of human rights in Community law”, 194–210, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Graveson, Ronald H., “The English conflict of laws and the European Economic Communities”, in Dau Gutteridge, Joyce Ada Cooke, “An international lawyer looks at the E.E.C.”, 57–64, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt Harding, Christopher, “The legal accountability of community institutions: a study of illegality and non-contractual liability under European community law”, 52–72, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E. Harris, Neville S., “Social citizenship and young people in Europe”, 185–224, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Hartley, Trevor C., “The constitutional foundations of the European Union”, 175–196, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Heliskoski, Joni, “Fundamental rights versus economic freedoms in the European Union: which paradigm?”, 417–444, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti


Hulle, K. van, “Does the EU have a role to play in company law?”, 29–36, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Hurd, Douglas, “The British contribution to the Europe of the twenty-first century”, 215–228, in the volume honouring British Academy Iglesias, Gil Carlos Rodríguez, “Drinks in Luxembourg: alcoholic beverages and the case-law of the European Court of Justice”, 523–540, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Iglesias, Gil Carlos Rodríguez and Cruz, Julio Baquero, “The Convention and the Court”, 69–80, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Jackson, Bernard S., “‘Legal visions of the new Europe’: ius gentium, ius commune, European law”, 3–36, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Jacob, Robin, “Creating the Community patent and its court”, 79–90, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Jacobs, Antoine, “From the Belgian National Labour Council to the European social dialogue”, 305–328, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “The uses of comparative law in the law of the European Communities”, 99–112, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R. Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “Advocates general and judges in the European Court of Justice: some personal reflections”, 17–28, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Hepple, B. A., “Harmonisation of labour law in the European Communities”, 14–28, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M.

Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “The protection of human rights in the member states of the European Community: the impact of the case law of the Court of Justice”, 243–250, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian

Hepple, B. A., “The principles of subsidiarity and proportionality in Community social and employment law”, 639–650, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “Is the Court of Justice of the European Communities a Constitutional Court?”, 25–32, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Hepple, B. A., “Towards a European Social Constitution”, 291–304, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “Economic sanctions and international security: the role of the European Court of Justice”, 543–558, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

European Union


Subject Index

Jørgensen, Stig, “Conditions of sale in common market interstate commerce – Danish law”, in Dau Kamina, Pascal, “Towards new forms of neighbouring rights within the European Union?”, 280–288, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Kennedy, Tom, “Thirteen Russians! The composition of the European Court of Justice”, 69–92, in the volume honouring Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart Kock, Heribert Franz, “On the unity of European law: European law as a separate body of law and as an independent subject of legal doctrine”, 415–438, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Koopmans, Thijmen, “Receptivity and its limits: Dutch constitutional law and the European Communities”, 91–106, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Koopmans, Thijmen, “Regulations, directives, measures”, in Dau Kourula, Erkki, “From reform to realism: the Council of Europe”, 343–350, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Lane, Robert C., “Article 234: a few rough edges still”, 327–344, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Lang, John Temple, “The principle of effective protection of Community law rights”, 235–274, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Lasok, Dominik, “Duties of member states of the European Communities”, 16–32, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Lasok, Dominik, “The United Kingdom before the Community Court”, in Dau Lasok, K. P. E., “The rule of law in the legal order of the European Community”, 85–114, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Lauwaars, R. H., “Interpretations of international agreements by national courts: an EC view”, 509–524, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

European Union

Lenaerts, Koenraad and Smijter, E. de, “The United Nations and the European Union: living apart together”, 439–458, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Lenaerts, Koenraad, “Interlocking legal orders or the European Union variant of ‘E pluribus unum’”, 751–778, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Lerche, Koen, “Is the European Union federal?”, in Dau Lester of Herne Hill, Anthony Paul Lester, Lord, “Equal pay and sex discrimination law: Europe to the rescue”, 173–182, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Leuprecht, Peter, “A Council of European human-rights foreign policy?”, in Dau Louis, Jean-Victor, “Some reflections on the implementation of WTO rules in the European Community legal order”, 493–508, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Lyon-Caen, Gérard, “Subsidiarity”, 49–62, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord MacCormick, Neil, “The MaastrichtUrteil: Sovereignty now”, in Dau Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart and Warner, A. J., “Judicial decisions as a source of community law”, in Dau Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, “The European Court: a personal view”, 118–127, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, “The Equal Opportunities Commission case – a preliminary comment”, in Dau Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, “Subsidiarity: a busted flush?”, 19–24, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Mancini, Federico, “The European Court of Justice and the external competences of the Community”, 139–150, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord

Subject Index Mancini, Federico, “The free movement of workers in the case-law of the European Court of Justice”, 67–78, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Mathijsen, P. S. R. F., “The role of regional policy in the European integration process”, 171–183, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. McGoldrick, Dominic, “The development of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe – from process to institution”, 135–184, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law McMahon, John, “The Court of the European Communities: judicial interpretation and international organization”, 1–25, in the volume honouring McMahon, John Meesen, Karl Matthias, “The integrationist paradox case for the introduction of a single European currency”, 459–466, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Millett, Timothy, “Staff cases in the judicial architecture of the future”, 221–234, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Mischo, Jean, “The contribution of the Court of Justice to the protection of the ‘federal balance’ in the European Community”, 59–72, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)


Norton, Joseph J., “International law and the remaking of Western Europe: the contributions of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community”, 18:1–18:35, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. O’Higgins, T. F., “The Constitution and the Communities: scope for stress”, 227–242, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian O’Keeffe, David, “The reform to the third pillar of the Treaty on European Union”, 259–272, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. O’Keeffe, David and Bavasso, Antonio, “Four freedoms, one market and national competence: in search of a dividing line”, 541–556, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) O’Keeffe, David, “Judicial protection of the individual in European Community Law”, in Dau O’Keeffe, David, “Judicial interpretation of the public service exception to the free movement of workers”, 89–106, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. O’Keeffe, David, “Trends in the free movement of persons within the European Communities”, 263–292, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian O’Reilly, James, “Judicial review and the common fisheries policy in Community law”, 51–66, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Möller, Gustaf, “Interim relief and the European Judgment Conventions”, 493–508, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Oliver, Peter, “Fundamental rights in European Union law after the Treaty of Amsterdam”, 319–342, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Muller-Graff, Peter-Christian, “The European internal market and the law”, 463–480, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Paasiverta, Esa, “Human rights, diplomacy and sanctions: aspects to ‘human rights clauses’ in the external agreements of the European Union”, 155–180, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti

Newman, Karl M., “The impact of national parliaments on the development of community law”, in Dau Noel, M. E. and Nuttall, Simon J., “The functioning of the Commission of the European Communities”, 107–117, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B.

Pappalardo, Aurelio, “State aids and competition policy”, 184–193, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Pennings, Frans, “Is it useful to insert new fundamental principles into the Treaty of Rome?”, 373–398, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

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Subject Index

Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich, “The foreign policy constitution of the European Union”, in Dau Plender, Richard, “Freedom of movement in the European Union for nationals of associated states”, 193–216, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques Plender, Richard, “The right to free movement in the European Communities”, 306–318, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Plender, Richard, “The protocol, the bailiwicks and the Jersey cow”, 193–214, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R. Plender, Richard, “The European Court’s pre-emptive jurisdiction: opinions under Article 300(6) EC”, 203–220, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Rasmussen, Hjalte, “Confrontation or peaceful co-existence? On the Danish Supreme Court’s Maastricht ratification judgment”, 377–390, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Rawlings, Richard, “Cymru yn Ewrop: Wales in Europe”, 241–272, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol

Ross, Malcolm, “United Kingdom barriers to a common market in legal development”, 196–212, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Sainz de Vicuna, Antonio, “The European Monetary Union as a catalyst for the integration of financial markets in Europe”, 99–110, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Schermers, Henry G., “The powers of the European Parliament”, 128–144, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Schermers, Henry G., “The role of the lawyer in a Europe without leaders”, 81–92, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Schermers, Henry G., “The European Parliament and the European Court of Justice”, 243–248, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Schermers, Henry G., “The European Communities under an archontocratic system of international Law”, in Dau Schermers, Henry G. and Pearson, Patrick J., “Some comments on Art. 5 of the EEC-Treaty”, in Dau Schmitthoff, Clive M., “The European prospectus”, in Dau

Reynolds, Michael, “From co-operation to integration: the relationship between national and European competition law through judicial review”, 569–580, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Schwarzenberger, Georg, “The contribution of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to European integration”, 285–296, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1)

Rodriguez-Pinero, Miguel and Cassas, Emilia, “In support of a European social constitution”, 23–48, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord

Shah, Prakash, “Ethnic minorities and the European Convention on Human Rights: a view from the UK”, 387–410, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Roermund, Bert van, “We, Europeans. On the very idea of a common market in European community law”, in Dau

Sharpston, Eleanor, “Milk lakes, SLOMs and legitimate expectations: a paradigm in judicial review”, 557–568, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

Rood, Max G., “Some thoughts on European Works Councils”, 399–418, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Roseren, Pierre, “Review by French courts of the conformity of national provisions with Community law”, 257–272, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

European Union

Sharpston, Eleanor, “Different but (almost) equal: the development of free movement rights under EU association, co-operation and accession agreements”, 233–246, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Subject Index Simmonds, Kenneth R., “The fisheries cases ruling of the European Court and the external legal capacity of the E.E.C.”, in Dau Simon, Denys, “The sanction of member states’ serious violations of Community law”, 275–286, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Slynn, Gordon Slynn, Lord, “The European Union and English law”, 174–185, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Snyder, Francis G., “Judicial review in the age of globalisation: Chinese toys in the European Court of Justice”, 651–666, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Snyder, Francis G., “‘Out on the weekend’: reflections on European Union law in context”, 120–142, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Sorensen, Karsten Engsig, “Regulating cross-holdings between European companies”, 217–250, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Stein, Eric, “European foreign affairs system and the Single European Act of 1986”, in Dau Stein, Eric, “Reflections on democracy in the European Union”, 3–14, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Stone Sweet, Alec, “Integration and the Europeanization of the law”, 197–224, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Struycken, Teun, “Private law contracts to which the European Community is party”, 385–400, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Sutherland, Peter, “Joining the threads: the influences creating a European Union”, 11–18, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.


Teichmann, Christoph, “The European company: a challenge to academics, legislators and practitioners”, 251–274, in the volume honouring Andersen, Paul Kruger Tesauro, Giuseppe, “Community law and national courts: an Italian perspective”, 391–406, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Timmermanns, Christiaan W. A., “Common commercial policy (article 113 EEC) and international trade in services”, in Dau Tomkins, Adam, “Of institutions and individuals: the enforcement of EC law”, 273–296, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Toth, A. G., “The Court of First Instance of the European Communities”, 19–35, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E. Treu, Tiziano, “European collective bargaining levels and the competences of the social partners”, 169–188, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord Treu, Tiziano, “The role of a European social policy”, 439–460, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Tridimas, Takis, “Investor protection in the European Community: an assessment of the harmonisation programme”, 105–120, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Tridimas, Takis, “Enforcing Community rights in national courts: some recent developments”, 465–480, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Ullrich, Hanns, “Harmony and unity of European intellectual property protection”, 20–46, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R.

Szyszczak, Erika M., “The harmonisation of European company law: will worker participation be accepted in Europe?”, 132–144, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M.

Usher, John Anthony, “The development of Community powers after the Single European Act”, 3–18, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E.

Szyszczak, Erika M., “Free trade as a fundamental value in the European Union”, 159–182, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Usher, John Anthony, “The influence of the civil law, via modern legal systems, on European Community law”, 321–350, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen

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Subject Index

Usher, John Anthony, “Judicial review of Community acts and the private litigant”, 121–148, in the volume honouring Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart Usher, John Anthony, “Duties imposed on individuals under the EEC Treaty”, 144–156, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Usher, John Anthony, “Tide or flood?: the influence of concepts of European Community law in English law”, 277–294, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Valdés Dal-Ré, Fernando, “Economic and social cohesion and the European Social Fund”, 261–274, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord Van Themaat, Pieter Verloren, “Some opinions of Gordon Slynn as Advocate General”, 3–16, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Vaughan, David and Randolph, Fergus, “The interface between Community law and national law: the United Kingdom experience”, 219–228, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Vesterdorf, Bo, “Certain reflections on recent judgments reviewing Commission merger control decisions”, 117–144, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Walsh, Brian, “Reflections on the effects of membership of the European Communities in Irish law”, in Dau Weatherill, Stephen, “A case study in judical activism in the 1990s: the status before national courts of measures wrongfully un-notified to the Commission”, 481–504, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Weiler, Joseph, “The European court at a crossroads: Community human rights and member state action”, in Dau Weiss, Manfred, “Workers’ participation in the European Union”, 213–236, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord


Weiss, Manfred, “The future of workers’ participation in the EU”, 229–252, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Weiss, Manfred, “The future role of the European Union in social policy”, 489–506, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger White, Gillian, “GATT law and Community law: some comparisons illustrated by recent trade disputes”, 85–104, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E. White, Gillian, “State responsibility in the context of European Community law”, 301–318, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Willocks, Elizabeth, “Enlargement of the European Union: the Council process”, 99–116, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Wood, John, “The Communities and the criminal law”, 211–224, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Wyatt, Derrick, “Freedom of expression in the EU legal order and in EU relations with third countries”, 205–224, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Wyatt, Derrick, “Subsidiarity and judicial review”, 505–522, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord Zevallos, Gonzalo Ortiz de, “Common market law and its influence in the Latin American Andean Region”, in Dau Zuleeg, Manfred, “Federalization through law: an evergreen”, 669–678, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Evidence Ashworth, Andrew, “Exploring the integrity principle in evidence and procedure”, 107–125, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin Bagshaw, Roderick, “Legal proof of knowledge”, 73–90, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin Bennett, Geoffrey, “Evidence and ossification”, 47–67, in the volume honouring City University (London, England)

Subject Index Birch, D. J., “Hearsay-logic and hearsay-fiddles: Blastland revisited”, 24–39, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C. Buxton, Richard, Sir, “Without prejudice”, 25–38, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Carter, P. B., “The hearsay rule: retreat or rationalisation”, 29–41, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir Chianu, Emeka, “A fresh look at dying declaration”, 132–160, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi Damaska, Mirjan R., “Atomistic and holistic evaluation of evidence: a comparative view”, 91–104, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Davis, Kenneth Culp, “A system of judicial notice based on fairness and convenience”, 69–95, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W.


Gordon, Gerald H., “The admissibility of answers to police questioning in Scotland”, 317–343, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Gordon, Gerald H., “At the mouth of two witnesses: some comments on corroboration”, 33–65, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord Greenawalt, Kent, “Perspectives on the right to silence”, 235–268, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Grevling, Katharine, “Contracting out of the privilege against self-incrimination”, 38–55, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Grevling, Katharine, “Silence, lies and vicious circularity”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin Honoré, Tony, “The primacy of oral evidence?”, 172–192, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir

Eggleston, Richard, Sir, “The assessment of credibility”, 26–49, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir

Inman, Marquita, “The changing rules of evidence”, 94–118, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law

Elliott, D. W., “Lie detector evidence: lessons from the American experience”, 100–139, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir

Lachs, Manfred, “Evidence in the procedure of the International Court of Justice: role of the Court”, v. 1, 265–276, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Fakayode, Emmanuel Olawuyi, “Matters of fact”, v. 2, 837–850, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Leigh, L. H., “Some observations on the parliamentary history of the Police and Criminal [Evidence] Act 1984”, 91–117, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G.

Feldman, David, “Corporate rights and the privilege against self-incrimination”, 361–394, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Fox-Andrews, James, “Court-appointed experts”, 1–17, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan Fox, Russell, “Expediency and truthfinding in the modern law of evidence”, 140–176, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir France, Simon, “The admissibility of expert ‘disease of the mind’ evidence other than in support of the defence of insanity”, 151–162, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald

Mahoney, Richard, “Basing convictions on acquittals: conjuring by the Court of Appeal”, 37–49, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald McNicol, Suzanne B., “Implications of the human right rationale for legal professional privilege: the demise of implied statutory abrogation?”, 48–72, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin Morgan, Edmund Morris, “Codification of evidence”, 164–176, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Moskoff, Franklin R., “The preparation and presentation of documentary evidence in prosecutions for fraud and theft”, 77–88, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur



Subject Index

Orchard, Gerald, “Similar fact evidence”, 7–36, in the volume honouring Orchard, Gerald

White, Gillian, “The use of experts by the International Court of Justice”, 528–540, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir

Osinbajo, Yemi, “The common law, the Evidence Act and interpretation of section 5(a)”, 165–181, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1)

Wigmore, John Henry, “Jury-trial rules of evidence in the next century”, v. 1, 347–369, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Park, Roger, “Empirical evaluation of the hearsay rule”, 91–106, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin

Wilkinson, A. B., “Hearsay: a Scottish perspective”, 66–95, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord

Peiris, Gamini Lakshman, “The privilege against self-incrimination: recent trends in South East Asian law”, 61–90, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Penner, Roland, “Illegally obtained evidence and the right to privacy: some policy considerations”, 353–374, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M. Polyviou, Polyvios G., “Illegally obtained evidence and R v Sang”, 226–247, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir Tapper, Colin, “The meaning of Section 1 (f) (i) of the Criminal Evidence Act 1898”, 296–322, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir Tapper, Colin, “Proof and prejudice”, 177–210, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir Taruffo, Michele, “Involvement and detachment in presentation of evidence”, 385–400, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Williams, C. R., “Placing the burden of proof”, 271–300, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir Williams, C. R., “Approaches to similar fact evidence: England and Australia”, 21–47, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin Williams, Neil J., “Four questions of privilege: the litigation aspect of legal professional privilege”, 217–246, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir Williamson, Robert B., “The defendant takes the stand”, 93–100, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Zuckerman, A. A. S., “Privilege and public interest”, 248–295, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir

Family law Adeoye, Felix O., “Trusts and the property interests of unmarried cohabitants”, 202–229, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.

Tobi, Niki, “Hearsay evidence: another look”, 87–112, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze

Agbede, I. Oluwole, “A wife’s domicile in polygamous marriages revisited”, 147–154, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.

Torrance, David, “Evidence”, 319–343, in the volume honouring Yale Law School

Barlow, A. C. H., “Gifts and other transfers inter vivos and the matrimonial home”, 197–226, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857

Twining, William, “The rationalist tradition of evidence scholarship”, 211–249, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir Varga, Csaba, “The judicial establishment of facts and its procedurality”, in Dau Weinberg, Mark S., “Multiple counts and similar fact evidence”, 250–270, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir

Family law

Barton, John L., “The enforcement of financial provisions”, 352–373, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Battersby, Graham, “A century of family property law”, 69–84, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (2)

Subject Index Bland, Anthony J., “The family and the conflict of laws”, 374–410, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Bogdan, Michael, “Some reflections on the treatment of Dutch same-sex marriages in European and private international law”, 25–36, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Bray, John Jefferson, “The increasing vulnerability of the presumption of legitimacy”, 10–35, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir Brazier, Margaret, “Parental responsibilities, foetal welfare and children’s health”, 263–294, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Brodie-Innes, J. W., “Some curiosities of international marriage law”, 41–57, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Bromley, P. M., “The legal aspects of surrogacy agreements”, 1–29, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K. Bromley, P. M., “The legal position of unmarried cohabitants”, 115–130, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Cameron, B. J. and Webb, Patricia M., “Illegitimacy”, in Dau Crane, F. R., “Family settlements and succession”, 227–255, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Cretney, Stephen M., “Power in the family. The revolution in English law”, in Dau Cretney, Stephen M., “Fifty years of family law”, 137–146, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Cretney, Stephen M., “From status to contract?”, 251–281, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Daniels, W. C. Ekow, “Marital family law and social policy”, 92–117, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court Davies, C. E. P., “Matrimonial relief in English law”, 311–351, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Dewar, John, “Policy issues in law and the family”, 62–78, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1)


Douglas, Gillian, “The significance of international law for the development of family law in England and Wales”, 85–124, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Duncan, William, “Jurisdiction to make and modify maintenance decisions – the quest for uniformity”, 89–106, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Eekelaar, John and Maclean, Mavis, “Property and financial adjustment after divorce in the 1990s – unfinished business”, 225–244, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Eekelaar, John, “Child support in Britain. What went wrong?”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Freeman, Michael D. A., “Family matters”, 109–160, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Gould, Brian Charles, “The Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1963 and the conflict of laws”, 26–44, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G. Grattan, Sheena, “Of pin-money and paraphernalia, the widow’s shilling and a free ride to Mass: one hundred and fifty years of property for the Irish wife”, 213–238, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Graue, Eugen Dietrich, “Express renunciation and implied preservation of German legal unity in the fields of family law and succession”, in Dau Graveson, Ronald H., “The background of the century”, 1–19, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Graveson, Ronald H., “The future of family law”, 411–442, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Griffiths, Anne M. O., “The future of family law: empowerment – rhetoric or reality?”, 193–203, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Grossen, Jacques-Michel, “The contributions of comparative (or foreign law) studies to family law reform”, 95–102, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

Family law


Subject Index

Hale, Brenda., “The Family Law Act 1996: the death of marriage?”, 1–32, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Hanan, J. R., “The future of family law”, in Dau Ingleby, Richard, “The de-Bromleyfication of Australian family law”, 393–408, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. Inglis, B. D., “The hearing of matrimonial and custody cases”, in Dau Ipaye, Toyin, “Reflections on the law and practice of family law in Nigeria”, 212–238, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze Jacob, Alice, “Uniform Civil Code: reforms in Christian family law”, 375–386, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika James, T. E., “The English law of marriage”, 20–38, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 James, T. E., “The illegitimate and deprived child: legitimation and adoption”, 39–55, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Jantera-Jareborg, Maarit, “Combatting child marriages and forced marriages – the prospects of the Hague Convention in the Scandinavian ‘multicultural’ societies”, 163–176, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Langlois, John D., “Authority in family legislation: The Cheng family rules”, in Dau Lawton, A. Douglas, “The Widow’s progress”, in Dau Lipstein, Kurt, “Nullity of marriage in English law. New developments”, in Dau Manchester, A. H., “Marital violence and the Act of 1878”, 131–146, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Masson, Judith M., “Family law, the Law Commission and socio-legal research”, 57–71, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law McEwan, Jenny, “The privilege of parents and the protection of the child: where do priorities lie?”, 173–200, in the volume honouring Bromley, P. M. McGregor, George, “The development of divorce law in New Zealand”, in Dau McKnight, Joseph Webb, “The shifting focus of adoption”, 297–332, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Mendes da Costa, Derek, “Criminal law”, 165–196, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Morris, John Humphrey Carlile, “Some recent developments in the English private international law of adoption”, in Dau

Kent, G. C., “A practitioner’s view of family law”, in Dau

Morrison, C. A., “Tort”, 88–115, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857

Kiralfy, A. K. R., “Matrimonial tribunals and their procedure”, 289–310, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857

Muralidhar, S., “The case of the Agra Protective Home”, 291–320, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika

Kodilinye, Lystra, “The judicial determination of child custody issues in the Commonwealth Caribbean”, 219–250, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1) Kommers, Donald P., “Marriage and family in American constitutional law”, in Dau Kum, Leong Wai, “Common law and Chinese marriage custom in Singapore”, 175–194, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review

Family law

Nokes, Gerald Dacre, “Evidence”, 143–164, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 O’Donovan, Katherine, “Conciliation and reconciliation on divorce”, 39–60, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Omidire, Kolapo, “A comparative analysis of domicile as a connecting factor in matters affecting personal status”, 313–325, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Oppenheim, Leonard, “Emancipation”, in Dau

Subject Index Owusu, Sampson, “De facto spouses in Barbados: computation of time in cohabitation”, 251–266, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1) Özsunay, Ergun, “Cohabitation without marriage in Turkey: Some remarks on the Turkish experience”, in Dau Pettit, Philip, “Parental control and guardianship”, 56–87, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 Rheinstein, Max, “The Code and the family”, 139–161, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Rheinstein, Max, “Marriage breakdown in Ticino and Comasco”, in Dau Sellar, David, “Marriage by cohabitation with habit and repute: review and requiem?”, 117–136, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1) Shapira, Amos, “Foreign same-sex adoption and domestic public policy: recognition of foreign decrees as a playground for domestic timid reformers”, 219–228, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Sheehy, Gerard, “The right to marry in the Irish tradition of the common law”, 13–24, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Sheridan, L. A., “Malaya marriages”, 492–508, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Sim, P. B. A., “Matrimonial property in New Zealand”, in Dau Sirks, Adriaan Johan Boudewijn, “Saving souls through adoption: legal adaptation in the Dutch East Indies”, 365–378, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Sivaramayya, B., “Family courts: some current controversies”, 202–226, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P.


Taylor, A. J. W., “A psychologist’s view of family law”, in Dau Thomas, Paul, “The role of the conflict of laws in calculation ‘Dower’ or family maintenance with particular reference to the practices of the Canadian province of Manitoba”, in Dau Villiger, Mark E., “Expulsion and the right to respect for private and family life (Article 8 of the Convention [Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention]) – an introduction to The Commission’s case-law”, in Dau Ward, Rutherford, “Parental misconduct and the custody of children”, in Dau Wildhaber, Luzius, “The right to respect for private and family life: new case-law on Art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights”, 103–134, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas Wylie, J. C. W., “An Irish perspective on protecting a non-owning spouse in the home”, 135–156, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W.

Federal government Aroney, Nicholas, “Federal representation and the framers of the Australian Constitution”, 13–53, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D. Dion, Stephane, “The ethic of federalism”, 13–23, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Dolzer, Rudolf, “The role of the courts in the preservation of federalism: some remarks on the U.S. and the German experience”, 61–76, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Kapur, Jeenan Lal, “Federalism under the Indian Constitution”, in Dau

Smith, P. M., “The rights of spouses in the matrimonial home”, 84–101, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1)

King, Catherine Mary, “Centralized administration in a federal state: cooperative federalism in Australia viewed from a German perspective”, in Dau

Smith, T. B., “Curiosities in marriage law and marriage lore: reflections in honour of Professor Wengler”, in Dau

McEvoy, John P., “Federalism, territorialism and Justice La Forest”, 345–380, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Federal government


Subject Index

McGillivray, Angus J., “Dominion and provincial powers under the British North American Act, 1867”, 324–356, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry McWhinney, Edward, “The Crisis of Parliamentary Government in the Contemporary Federal State”, in Dau McWhinney, Edward, “The ‘French fact’ in Quebec and the future of Canadian federalism”, in Dau Melnick, R. Shep, “Deregulating the States: the political jurisprudence of the Rehnquist court”, 69–98, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin Riddick, Floyd Millard, “State and local government: scholar and participant”, 3–14, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Schwartz, Bryan, “Dickson on federalism: the first principles of his jurisprudence”, 223–232, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Shukla, V. N., “State legislation and territorial nexus”, 163–176, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Swinton, Katherine, “Dickson and federalism: in search of the right balance”, 233–269, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Swinton, Katherine, “Rebalancing the Canadian federation: the constitutional odyssey continues”, 50–66, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Sychold, Martin, “Comparing federal constitutions: A history of new states borrowing from old”, in Dau

Ziegel, Jacob S., “Harmonization of private laws in federal systems of government: Canada, the U.S.A. and Australia”, 131–166, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Zines, Leslie, “The states and the Constitution”, 98–114, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D. Zines, Leslie, “The binding effect of state law on the Commonwealth”, 1–17, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid

Feudal law Crouch, David, “A Norman conventio and bonds of lordship in the Middle Ages”, 299–324, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Halliday, John Menzies, “Feudal law as a source”, 136–140, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair Tabuteau, Emily Zack, “Definitions of feudal military obligations in eleventhcentury Normandy”, 18–59, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund White, Stephen D., “The discourse of inheritance in twelfth-century France: alternative models of the fief in Raoul de Cambrai”, 173–197, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir

Financial services industry Ajayi, Olukonyinsola, “Preparing for business under the new financial laws: a blueprint for non-bank financial institutions”, 11–30, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince

Tully, James, “Democratic constitutionalism in a diverse federation”, 37–49, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H.

Alcock, Alistair, “Limited fiduciary duties in the City”, 81–92, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S.

Ukhuegbe, Solomon, “Federalism and public prosecution: an examination of the relationship between the Federal and States Attorneys-General”, 7–53, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi

Andenas, Mads Tonnesson, “The right to provide financial services and the European Commission as legislator”, 239–258, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R.

Vidwans, M. D., “Metaphysical basis of co-operative commonwealth”, 6–38, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Feudal law

Arner, Douglas W., “Reflection on the ‘rule’ and role of law in financial sector development”, 267–288, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Subject Index


Gilligan, George P., “The City of London and the development of English financial services law”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J.

Norton, Joseph J., “The Mexican peso crisis and the future of financial integration in the Americas”, 317–340, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R.

Grossfeld, Bernhard, “Common roots of the European law of accounting”, in Dau

Foreign investments

Lomnicka, Eva Z., “Private damages claims for breaches of securities regulation laws: the U.S. and U.K. approaches”, 129–158, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R.

Curuby, George N., “Opening the Japanese investment trust market to foreign competition”, 51–58, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague

Patfield, Fiona and Snaith, Ian, “Regulating the City”, 72–93, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law

Dolzer, Rudolf, “The notion of investment in recent practice”, 261–275, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Rider, Barry Alexander K., “Civilising the law: the use of civil proceedings to enforce financial services law in the United Kingdom”, 291–324, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Walker, George A., “Capital adequacy – the new United Kingdom financial services and markets regime”, 589–634, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Wood, Philip, “Comparative financial law: a classification of the world’s jurisdictions”, 31–90, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles

Fisheries Bangert, Kaare, “The effective enforcement of high seas fishing regimes: the case of the Convention for the Regulation of the Policing of the North Sea Fisheries of 6 May 1882”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Foreign exchange Akinrele, Ademola, “Exchange control legislation in Nigeria”, 31–48, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Edwards, Richard W., “An ‘interesting’ provision concerning exchange rate arrangements”, in Dau Hahm, Hugo J., “German foreign exchange control – rise and demise”, in Dau

Ebke, Werner F., “Transnational investments and Germany’s value added tax: A statute in search of a purpose”, in Dau Fatouros, A. A., “Foreign investment statutes: Prolegomena to a comparative study”, in Dau Fischer, Peter, “Some recent trends and developments in the law of foreign investments”, in Dau Lauterpacht, Elihu, “The World Bank convention on the settlement of international investment disputes”, in Dau Matsushita, Mitsuo, “North/South issues of foreign direct investments in the WTO: is there a middle of the road approach?”, 76–89, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Muchlinski, Peter, “The social dimension of international investment agreements”, 373–396, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Pourian, Heydar, “The role of legal risk in country risk analysis”, 189–204, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Razumov, Konstantin, “Legal aspects of direct foreign investments in the Republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States”, in Dau Sacerdot, Giorgio, “Arbitration of investment disputes between UNCITRAL rules and ICSID”, 276–300, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Foreign investments


Subject Index

Salacuse, Jeswald W., “Toward a new treaty framework for direct foreign investment”, 17:1–17:45, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Schwebel, Stephen M., “The reshaping of the international law on foreign investment by concordant bilateral foreign investment treaties”, 241–245, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Shoukang, Guo, “Application and development of the foreign economic contract law of the P.R.C.”, in Dau Steger, Debra P., “The challenges to the legitimacy of the WTO”, 202–221, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Stephenson-Glade, Skye, “Japanese investment in Chile: leader of the pack or one of the gang?”, 235–246, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Yerokun, Olusegun, “The changing investment climate through law and policy in Nigeria”, 219–248, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Yongzhen, Xiao, “Overview on resolution of economic disputes involving foreign interests in China”, in Dau

Freedom of information Chen, Lung-chu, “Human rights and the free flow of information”, 247–290, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Coke, Ronald L., “Freedom of information: proposals, prototypes and prospects”, 305–352, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M. Dawid, Heinz, “Transborder data flow”, in Dau Emerson, Thomas Irwin, “Government secrecy and the citizen’s right to know”, 27–54, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O.

Globalization Amalric, F., “From development to globalization: transformations and challenges in the governance of north-south solidarity”, 123–134, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Hager, L. Michael, “Low-end globalization: bringing wealth-creation to the poor”, 185–194, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Hansenne, Michelle, “The European social model and globalization of the economy”, 193–200, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Jackson, John H., “Sovereignty, subsidiarity and separation of powers: the high-wire balancing act of globalization”, 13–31, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Knorr, Klaus Eugen, “Transnational phenomena and the future of the nationstate”, 401–415, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Rubenstein, Kim, “Citizenship in a borderless world”, 183–206, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Shams, Heba, “Law in the context of ‘globalisation’: a framework of analysis”, 713–762, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Shivji, Issa G., “Globalization and popular resistance”, 135–150, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Thome, Joseph R., “Heading south but looking north: globalization and law reform in Latin America”, 49–68, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Good faith

Marshall, Geoffrey, “Ministers, civil servants, and open government”, 80–90, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G.

Hillman, Robert A., “Good faith performance of contracts in late twentieth-century American law”, 327–336, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “Freedom of information: the British experience”, 242–255, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M.

Kötz, Hein, “Towards a European Civil Code: the duty of good faith”, 243–260, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1)

Freedom of information

Subject Index McGee, Andrew, M.A., “Utmost good faith in the third millennium”, 259–274, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. White, Gillian, “The principle of good faith”, 230–255, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton

Governmental investigations Holland, Kenneth M., “Implication of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for judicial service on Royal Commissions of Inquiry”, v. 2, 852–870, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Robertson, Geoffrey, “Fantasy Island”, 161–178, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques

Greek law Deloukas, Nikolaos A., “The evolution of Greek law since the war of independence”, 109–122, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Kazazis, Kostas, “Folk etymology: the Hellenization of some Turkish loanwords in Greek”, v. 2, 1024–1032, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George


Boorman, Julia, “The sheriffs of Henry II and the significance of 1170”, 255–275, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Chibnall, Marjorie, “The charters of the Empress Matilda”, 276–298, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Choue, Young Seek, “The conditions for the growth of democracy in Korea”, in Dau Cole, R. Taylor, “The ministerial system in Tanzania”, in Dau Crook, David, “The archbishopric of York and the extent of the forest in Nottinghamshire in the twelfth century”, 325–340, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Davies, R. R., “Kinsmen, neighbours and communities in Wales and the western British Isles c.1100-c.1400”, 172–187, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Deshpande, V. V., “‘Stridhana’ according to Mitakshara, re-examined”, 330–374, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Flaherty, Martin S., “The Irish Articles of Religion and the fall of the Stuart monarchies”, 81–118, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip

Swan, Edward J., “The legal regulation of derivative instruments in ancient Greece and Rome”, 63–86, in the volume honouring Boyle, A. J.

Fouracre, Paul, “Writing about Charles Martel”, 12–26, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan

Todd, Stephen Charles, “Advocacy, logography and erôtêsis in Athenian lawcourts”, 151–166, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A.

Gillingham, John, “1066 and the introduction of chivalry into England”, 31–55, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir

Vrellis, Spyridon, “Demosthenes against Neaera – some remarks on the status of aliens in classical Athens”, 455–468, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Gillingham, John, “‘Slaves of the Normans’? Gerald de Barri and regnal solidarity in early thirteenth-century England”, 160–171, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan


Klein, Milton M., “Leadership in colonial and revolutionary America”, 58–80, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip

Barnes, W. R., “Aeneid 6.826–35: Homer and Caesar’s Gallic command”, 113–130, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Barron, Caroline M., “Lay solidarities: the wards of medieval London”, 218–233, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan

McKechnie, Paul, “Roman law and the laws of the Medes and Persians: Decius’ and Valerian’s persecutions of Christianity”, 253–270, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A.



Subject Index

Murgatroyd, Paul, “Dido’s treasure at Tacitus Annals 16.1.3”, 131–134, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Nelson, Janet L., “Peers in the early Middle Ages”, 27–46, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Prestwich, J. O., “Military intelligence under the Norman and Angevin kings”, 1–30, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Rawson, Beryl, “The express route to Hades”, 271–288, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Reynolds, Joyce Maire, “A new inscription from Carian Aphrodisias”, 247–252, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Sheldon, J. S., “Herodotus and the Iranian tradition”, 167–180, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Stafford, Pauline, “Political ideas in late tenth-century England: charters as evidence”, 68–82, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Stone, A. M., “Pro and anti: the dignitas of the Senate in 88 BC”, 191–212, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Thapar, Romila, “Lay/clerical distinctions in early India”, 249–261, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Weaver, Paul, “Consilium praesidis: advising governors”, 43–62, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Weiss, Friedl, “Austria from European state to nation state in Europe”, 89–102, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Whittaker, C. R., “Mental maps: seeing like a Roman”, 81–112, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Wood, Charles T., “Language, laughter and lay solidarities: an inquiry into the decline of pilgrimages and crusading”, 234–248, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan

Human rights

Human rights Adaramola, Funso, “Human and people’s rights: the way forward”, 383–395, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Agrawala, S. K., “Human rights. Some problems of developing countries”, in Dau Ajibola, Bola, Prince, “Individual human rights in the African context”, 125–144, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Akanbi, Muhammed Mustapha, “Position of the judiciary with respect to fundamental rights”, 155–174, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Alkema, Evert Albert, “The third-party applicability or ‘Drittwirkung’ of the European Convention on Human Rights”, in Dau Arnold, T., Cowie, I. B., Keane, P. J., Kember, D. and McKay, L., “Racial discrimination”, 146–181, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1) Aron, Raymond, “The politics of human rights”, 229–246, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Avery, Christopher L., “Business and human rights”, 173–214, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Banton, Michael, “Colour as a ground of discrimination”, 237–248, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Barendt, E. M., “Freedom of assembly”, 161–176, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Barnard, Catherine, “The future of equality law: equality and beyond”, 213–228, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Baxi, Upendra, “Taking suffering seriously: social action litigation in the Supreme Court of India”, 289–315, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Bayefsky, Anne F, “International human rights law in Canadian courts”, 107–143, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell

Subject Index Beer, Lawrence Ward, “Human rights theory and ‘freedom culture’ in Eastern Asia”, 145–166, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Bello, Emmanuel G., “Article 22 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights”, vol.1, 447–474, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Bernhardt, Rudolf, “Thoughts on the interpretation of human-rights treaties”, in Dau Bernhardt, Rudolf, “The international protection of human rights: experiences with the European Court of Human Rights”, 387–397, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Betten, Lammy, “New equality provisions in European law: some thoughts on the fundamental value of equality as a legal principle”, 69–84, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Beyani, Chaloka, “The legal premises for the international protection of human rights”, 21–36, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Black, William W., “The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and positive obligations”, 298–319, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell Bonner, David, “Changing attitudes: the case of racial discrimination”, 138–156, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Bossuyt, Marc J., “United Nations human rights procedures regarding Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire (1994–1997)”, 493–504, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric


Boven, Th. C. van, “Human rights and development. Rhetorics and realities”, in Dau Bradley, A. W., “The United Kingdom before the Strasbourg Court 1975–1990”, 185–214, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Brietzke, Paul H., “Rights: Some origins, functions and futures”, in Dau Browne, Desmond, “Article 10 ECHR and freedom of expression: what has it added to the common law?”, 117–142, in the volume honouring Neill, Brian, Sir Bruno, George C., “The military as champion of human rights: the US experience”, 215–227, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Buergenthal, Thomas, “The American Human Rights Declaration: Random reflections”, in Dau Buergenthal, Thomas, “Modern constitutions and human rights treaties”, 197–208, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Caldwell, Mary Ellen, “Well-being: its place among human rights”, 169–197, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S. Campbell, Enid, “Civil rights and the Australian constitutional tradition”, 295–322, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Cappelletti, Mauro, “Human rights and the proceduralist’s role”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, “The third world and human rights”, v. 1, 361–372, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Cappelletti, Mauro, “Balance of powers, human rights and legal integration: new challenges for European judges”, 341–352, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry

Boven, Th. C. van, “Monitoring the Convention against Racial Discrimination in the post-Cold War context”, 334–347, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

Carney, Gerard, “Sir Gerard Brennan and aspects of his human rights perspective”, 127–140, in the volume honouring Brennan, Gerard, Sir

Boven, Th. C. van, “Human rights and the world order: realities and perspectives”, 11:1–11:11, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J.

Cassese, Antonio, “Progressive transnational promotion of human rights”, 249–262, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2)

Human rights


Subject Index

Cassese, Antonio, “A new reservations clause (article 20 of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination)”, in Dau Chadha, Ena, “The social phenomenon of handicapping”, 209–228, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Chaskalson, Arthur, “The judicial role in the development of human rights: judges under the new South African Constitution”, 257–272, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Chen, Lung-chu, “Self-determination as a human right”, 198–261, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S. Chinkin, C. M., “The role of non-governmental organisations in standard setting, monitoring and implementation of human rights”, 45–66, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Clark, Grenville, “Law and civil liberty”, 126–143, in the volume honouring Catholic University of America Clute, Robert E., “Fundamental rights in the African Commonwealth”, 269–294, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Corbett, Percy Ellwood, “The international definition and protection of human rights”, 180–197, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Crahan, Margaret E., “The Salvadoran Truth Commission in comparative perspective”, 473–492, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas Cremona, John Joseph, “The proportionality principle in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights”, in Dau Cripps, Yvonne M., “The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998”, 275–288, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Czaplinski, Wladyslaw, “State responsibility for violations of human rights”, 171–181, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li D’Amato, Anthony A., “The Frolova case”, 89–100, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B.

Human rights

Dallmayr, Fred R., “Equality and social change”, 181–206, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Danilenko, G. M., “Russia and international human rights”, 182–201, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Das, Kamleshwar, “Some reflections on implementing human rights”, 131–158, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2) Delbrück, Jost, “The exhaustion of local remedies rule and the international protection of human rights. A plea for a contextual approach”, in Dau Dijk, Pieter van, “The interpretation of ‘civil rights and obligations’ by the European Court of Human Rights – one more step to take”, in Dau Dinstein, Yoram, “The implementation of international human rights”, in Dau Draghici, Alice, “The development of the Romanian legal system under international influence after December 1989 – a special view of human rights and freedoms issues”, in Dau Duffy, Peter, “The protection of commercial interests under the European Convention on Human Rights”, 525–542, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Elias, Patrick and Coppel, Jason, “Freedom of expression and freedom of religion: some thoughts on the Glen Hoddle case”, 51–62, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Ercmann, Sevine, “The right to counsel in the practice of the U.S. Supreme Court and the European organs of human rights”, in Dau Ermacora, Felix, “Non-governmental organizations as promoters of human rights”, in Dau Errabbi, B., “The right to personal liberty in India: Gopalan revisited with a difference”, 293–312, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Esho, Kayode, “Anatomy of the African Charter for Human and People’s Rights (is it of hope-vel-non)”, 165–183, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal

Subject Index Espiell, Hector Gros, “The evolving concept of human rights: western, socialist and third world approaches”, 41–66, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2) Estebanez, Maria Amor Martin, “Council of Europe policies concerning the protection of linguistic minorities and the justiciability of minority rights”, 269–298, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Evans, M., “The European Social Charter”, 278–290, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Ewing, Keith D., “The Bill of Rights debate: democracy or juristocracy in Britain?”, 147–187, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Ewing, Keith D., “A Bill of Rights: lessons from the Privy Council”, 231–250, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Eyskens, Mark, “Particularism versus universalism”, 11–24, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Fawcett, J. E. S., “The application of the European convention on human rights”, 228–241, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Fawthorpe, Helen, “Human rights”, 97–109, in the volume honouring New Zealand/United Nations Feldman, David, “Property and public protest”, 31–60, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W.


Freymond, J., “Human rights and foreign policy”, 67–82, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2) Frowein, Jochen Abr., “Reservations to the European Convention on Human Rights”, in Dau Galanter, Marc, “Symbolic activism: a judicial encounter with the contours of India’s compensatory discrimination policy”, 229–250, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Gandhi, P. R., “The Human Rights Committee in 1990: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966)”, 117–136, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Garibaldi, Oscar M., “On the ideological content of human rights instruments: the clause ‘in a democratic society’”, 23–68, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Gavigan, Shelley A. M., “Outside/in: lesbian and gay issues as a site of struggle in the judgments of Justice Claire L’HeureuxDubé”, 347–366, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Gearty, C. A., “Democracy and a Bill of Rights: some lessons from Ireland”, 188–220, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Ghai, Yash P., “The politics of human rights in Asia”, 203–226, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1)

Fitzmaurice, Gerald, Sir, “Some reflections on the European Convention on Human Rights – and on human rights”, in Dau

Ghanea, Nazila, “Repressing minorities and getting away with it? A consideration of economic, social and cultural rights”, 193–210, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick

Foque, R., “Global governance and the rule of law: human rights and general principles of good global governance”, 25–44, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Gokay, Bulent, “The Kurdish question in Turkey: historical roots, domestic concerns and international law”, 315–336, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick

Forde, Michael, “Who can remedy human rights abuses?: the ‘state action’ question”, 221–239, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul

Gordon, C. P., “Civil rights, a more civil remedy, or litigation not demonstration”, 150–160, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1)

Franck, Thomas M., “Personal self-determination: the next wave in constructing identity”, 241–260, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Govindaraj, V. C., “Law, human rights and socio-economic justice: an Indian experiment”, 291–308, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra

Human rights


Subject Index

Gyandoh, S. O., “Liberty and the courts: a survey of the judicial protection of the liberty of the individual in Ghana during the last hundred years”, 57–91, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court

Hope of Craighead, James Arthur David Hope, Lord, “The Human Rights Act 1998: the task of the judges”, 415–428, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Gye-Wado, O., “Human rights and reconstruction in Africa”, 175–187, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Humphrey, John P., “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: its history, impact and juridical character”, 21–40, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2)

Hadden, Tom, “Integration and separation: legal and political choices in implementing minority rights”, 173–192, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Haksar, Nandita, “Human rights lawyering: a feminist perspective”, 71–88, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Hanan, J. R., “Human rights: the prospect”, 182–194, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1) Henckaerts, Jean-Marie, “The coming of age of the International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: normative clarification of Covenant rights through the work of the International Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, 267–286, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas

Humphrey, John P., “The international law of human rights in the middle twentieth century”, 75–106, in the volume honouring International Law Association Ijalaye, D. A., “Capital punishment: quo vadis Nigeria?”, 188–200, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Iyer, V. R. Krishna, “Human Rights. Some Indian and international insights”, in Dau Iyer, Venkat, “Asian values and human rights”, 155–172, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “The Convention [Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention] and the English judge”, in Dau

Henkin, Louis, “Human rights and United States foreign policy”, in Dau

Jenks, C. Wilfred, “The United Nations covenants on human rights come to life”, in Dau

Henkin, Louis, “Human rights and competing ideas”, v. 1, 333–344, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, “Human rights and domestic law and courts”, in Dau

Hepple, B. A., “Freedom of expression and the problem of harassment”, 177–196, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

Johnson, Rebecca, “Justice La Forest, sexual orientation and citizenship”, 289–312, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Hepple, B. A., “Equality and discrimination”, 237–260, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord

Karpen, Ulrich, “Human rights in the constitutions of the western world some interpretational trends”, 375–382, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K.

Higgins, Rosalyn, “Interim measures for the protection of human rights”, 87–104, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis

Kedzia, Zdzislaw, “The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights”, in Dau

Hondius, Fritz W., “The other forum [betr. Ministerkomitee des Europarats]”, in Dau

Keith, K. J., “The right to protest”, 49–69, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1)

Honeyball, Simon, “The principle of non-discrimination as a fundamental value”, 47–58, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Human rights

Kernaghan, Kenneth, “Civil liberties in the Canadian community”, 323–346, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S.

Subject Index Kirby, Michael D., “Lord Cooke and fundamental rights”, 331–354, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Kirby, Michael D., “The future of human rights – does it have one?”, 165–175, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Kish, John, “Freedom of information and national security in the European Convention on Human Rights”, 59–72, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M. Klein-Ahlbrandt, Stephanie T., “The Commission on Human Rights and Nigeria: from pariah to progress?”, 208–217, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Krüger, Hans Christian and Norgaard, Carl Aage, “Reflections concerning friendly settlement under the European Convention on Human Rights”, in Dau L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire, “Human rights: a worldwide dialogue”, 214–231, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Lee, H. P., “Protecting fundamental rights in Australia”, 197–211, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Legarre, Santiago, “The use of the term ‘(public) morality’ in the European Convention on Human Rights: a brief history”, 268–277, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Leino, Päivi, “When every picture tells a story: the European Court of Justice and the jigsaw puzzle of external human rights competence”, 261–290, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Lillich, Richard B., “Towards the harmonization of international human rights law”, in Dau Lopatka, Adam, “Cultural diversity and cultural human rights”, 418–423, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon


Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “The common heritage of mankind”, in Dau Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “Derogations under Article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights”, 109–248, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”, v. 1, 399–426, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Machowski, Jacek, “People’s rights as a new form of human rights”, v. 1, 345–360, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Mahoney, Paul, “Does Article 57 of the European Convention on Human Rights serve any useful purpose?”, in Dau Malanczuk, Peter, “Judicial procedures and the protection of human rights: the European context”, 423–432, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Marshall, Thurgood, “Human rights: an American view”, 45–48, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1) Mason, Anthony, Sir, “The relationship between freedom of expression and freedom of information”, 225–238, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Mason, Anthony, Sir, “Courts, constitutions and fundamental rights”, 273–288, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Mbaye, Keba, “African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights”, 9–26, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica McCluskey, John Herbert McCluskey, Lord, “Importing American rights”, 1–15, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution

Macalister-Smith, Peter, “Non-governmental organizations, humanitarian action and human rights”, in Dau

McCrudden, Christopher, “A common law of human rights? Transnational judicial conversations on constitutional rights”, 29–65, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B.

Macalister-Smith, Peter, “The notion of development as a right: reflections from an international perspective”, 313–335, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K.

McGoldrick, Dominic, “The principle of non-intervention: human rights”, 85–119, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton

Human rights


Subject Index

McGoldrick, Dominic, “Multiculturalism and its discontents”, 211–236, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick

Muchlinski, Peter, “The right of economic self-determination”, 73–86, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M.

McGovern, Edmond, “Internment and detention without trial in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights”, 219–231, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1)

Mulgan, R. G., “The theory of human rights”, 13–29, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1)

McGovern, Edmond, “Rights and duties and political violence”, 135–143, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) McLachlin, B. M., “Speech and reputation: the legal divide”, 403–414, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Meron, Theodor, “On the relationship between settlement of disputes procedures and remedies in human rights treaties and other procedures and remedies”, in Dau Meron, Theodor, “Human rights in time of peace and in time of armed strife: Selected problems”, in Dau Millns, Susan, “Homosexual rights and wrongs under the European Convention on Human Rights: a question of privacy or equality?”, 225–248, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Minogue, Kenneth R., “What is wrong with rights”, 209–225, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G. Miyazaki, Shigeki, “Discrimination because of nationality – The case of Taiwanese who were formerly Japanese soliders”, in Dau Mole, Nuala, “International law, the individual and A.W. Brian Simpson’s contribution to the defence of human rights”, 13–28, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B. Morris, Gillian S., “Freedom of association and the interests of the state”, 28–55, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Moskowitz, Moses, “Implementing human rights: present status and future prospects”, 109–130, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2)

Human rights

Murithi, Tim, “The African Union and the prospects for minority protection”, 299–314, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Murumba, Samuel K., “Cross-cultural dimensions of human rights in the twentyfirst century”, 207–240, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Nariman, Fali S., “Trends in the internationalisation of human rights law”, 237–256, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Nariman, Fali S., “New visions of Article 14: the right to equality under the Indian Constitution”, 88–105, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Niec, ´ Halina, “Casting the foundation for the implementation of cultural rights”, 176–190, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Nweze, C. C., “Survey of the shifting trends in judicial attitudes on fundamental rights in Nigeria”, 30–86, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze Nweze, C. C., “Evolution of the concept of socio-economic rights in human rights jurisprudence: international and national perspectives”, 521–543, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene O’Boyle, Michael, “Extradition and expulsion under the European Convention on Human Rights: reflections on the Soering case”, 93–108, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Okwechime, Vincent, “Prologue and post-mortem: human rights: their politics, policies, practices and implementation in Nigeria: a political economic inquiry”, 1–6, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi Oliver, Dawn, “English law and Convention concepts”, 83–106, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol

Subject Index Opsahl, Torkel, “The general comments of the Human Rights Committee”, in Dau Österdahl, Inger, “The surprising originality of the African Charter on Human Rights and Peoples’ Rights”, 5–32, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Ozekhome, Mike, “Thoughts on fundamental human rights: a critical appraisal under Babangida’s regime”, 255–274, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.


Quentin-Baxter, R. Q., “International protection of human rights”, 132–145, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1) Ramcharan, B. G., “Implementing the International Covenants on human rights”, 159–196, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2) Ramose, Mogobe B., “Enter the individual exit freedom”, in Dau

Packer, John, “The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: pyrometer, prophylactic, pyrosvestis”, 249–268, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick

Ranganatha Rao, N. S., “Freedom of expression and the law of sedition in India”, 226–256, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Palley, Claire, “Lord Denning and human rights: reassertion of the right to justice”, 251–366, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2)

Redlich, Joseph, “Sovereignty, democracy, and the rights of minorities”, 377–398, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel

Palmer, Stephanie, “Freedom of information: the new proposals”, 249–266, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

Reisman, W. Michael, “Human rights workers as internationally protected persons”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Parker, C. F., “A right to know the reasons for a decision of a magistrate’s court?”, 189–200, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Perrott, David L., “The logic of fundamental rights”, 1–17, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Peteri, Zoltan, “The golden bull of Hungary and the problem of human rights”, 211–226, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich, “Judicial protection of economic freedom in national and international law: time for ‘bringing rights home’”, 463–480, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Petev, Valentin, “How to justify individual rights”, in Dau Pogany, Istvan S., “The value of multiculturalism in Eastern Europe”, 259–272, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Prott, Lyndel V., “Understanding one another on cultural rights”, 161–175, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3)

Reisman, W. Michael and Levit, Janet Koven, “Reflections on the problem of individual responsibility for violations of human rights”, 419–436, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas Rishworth, Paul, “Lord Cooke and the Bill of Rights”, 295–330, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Rogge, Kersten, “The ‘victim’ requirement in Article 25 of the European Convention on Human Rights”, in Dau Sanders, Douglas E., “Law and social change: the experience of F.R. Scott”, 121–132, in the volume honouring Scott, F. R. Scarman, Leslie George Scarman, Lord, “Human rights in a plural society: a challenging constitutional problem”, 95–110, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Scheinin, Martin, “Capital punishment and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: some issues of interpretation in the practice of the Human Rights Committee”, 49–60, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Schermers, Henry G., “The bond between man and state”, in Dau

Human rights


Subject Index

Schiff, David, “Reconstructuring liberty in the nuclear age”, 226–248, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G. Schreuer, Christoph, “Captial punishment and human rights”, in Dau Schwarzenberger, Georg, “The rights of man. A programme for realistic studies”, in Dau Schwebel, Stephen M., “The treatment of human rights and of aliens in the International Court of Justice”, 327–350, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Schwebel, Stephen M., “Human rights in the World Court”, 267–290, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Sedley, Stephen, Sir, “Information as a human right”, 239–248, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Setalvad, Atul Motilal, “The Supreme Court on human rights and social justice: changing perspectives”, 232–255, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Sharpe, Robert J., “Habeas corpus and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms”, 479–498, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Shelton, Dinah, “Human rights and democracy in the western hemisphere”, v. 1, 497–514, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Shelton, Dinah, “Subsidiarily, democracy and human rights”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Simma, Bruno, “Human rights”, 263–280, in the volume honouring United Nations Singh, Mahendra P., “Affirmative protection of minorities in India”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Singh, Parmanand, “Some crucial problems of tension between equality and compensatory discrimination”, 336–352, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Small, Joan G., “The courts and civil liberties”, 68–100, in the volume honouring City University (London, England) Smith, Lynn, “The equality rights”, 120–135, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian

Human rights

Spjut, Robert J., “Fundamental rights, public morality, the margin of appreciation and the Treaty of Rome”, 121–131, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M. Stavenhagen, Rodolfo, “Cultural rights: a social perspective”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Stone, Richard, “National security versus civil liberty”, 119–137, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Strasser, Wolfgang, “The relationship between substantive rights and procedural rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights”, in Dau Sturm, Susan, “Remedying organizational discrimination”, 233–248, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Tamir, Yael, “Against collective rights”, 183–204, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Tardu, M. E., “Human rights complaint procedures of the United Nations: Assessment and prospects”, in Dau Tarnopolsky, Walter Surma, “F.R. Scott: civil libertarian”, 133–152, in the volume honouring Scott, F. R. Tay, Alice Erh-Soon, “Perceptions of cultural rights in the People’s Republic of China”, 130–145, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Thai, Cao Duc, “Globalisation, the market economy and human rights”, 439–452, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Thompson, Kenneth W., “Human rights in the urban setting”, 275–281, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Thornberry, Patrick, “The principle of self-determination”, 175–203, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton Tierney, Brian, “Villey, Ockham and the origin of individual rights”, 1–32, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Tobin, John J., “The Harvard Human Rights Program: A critical history”, in Dau

Subject Index Tomuschat, Christian, “Making individual communications an effective tool for the protection of human rights”, in Dau Tomuschat, Christian, “Equality and non-discrimination under the International covenant on civil and political rights”, in Dau Tomuschat, Christian, “Is universality of human rights standards an outdated and utopian concept?”, in Dau Troper, Michel, “The interpretation of the Declaration of Human Rights by a constitutional judge”, 591–604, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.


Warbrick, Colin, “Article 13: the co-operative role of national and international judges in securing the enjoyment of human rights under the European Convention on Human Rights (and its limits)”, 449–462, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Weiss, Edith Brown, “Intergenerational equity and rights of future generations”, 601–616, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas Wellman, Carl, “The right to an adequate standard of living”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Türk, Helmut, “The European Ministerial Conference on Human Rights”, in Dau

White, Gillian, “Structural adjustment with a human face and human rights in development: new approaches in the fourth Lome Convention”, 33–64, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra

Uchegbu, Amechi, “The concept of right to life under the Nigerian Constitution”, 136–153, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1)

Wilcox, Murray R., “Sir Gerard Brennan and human rights law in Australia”, 115–126, in the volume honouring Brennan, Gerard, Sir

Umozurike, U. O., “Six years of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights”, in Dau Umozurike, U. O., “Autochthony in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights”, v. 1, 475–484, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Van Dyke, Vernon, “Violations of human rights as threats to peace”, 198–214, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Venkataramiah, E. S., “Human rights and their enforcement at the international level”, 383–389, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Vogler, Theo, “The scope of extradition in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights”, in Dau Vukas, Budislav, “General principles of law regarding the protection of minorities”, 348–356, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Walsh, Brian, “The origins of human rights”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Wild, Richard, “Human rights: in retrospect”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1) Wildhaber, Luzius, “Applying and refashioning law: judging and the European Court of Human Rights”, 275–280, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “The principle of Beatty v. Gilbanks: a reappraisal”, 105–131, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J. Williams, George, “Lionel Murphy and democracy and rights”, 50–63, in the volume honouring Murphy, Lionel Winston, Kenneth I., “Lessons from the right to silence”, 389–406, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Witte, Bruno de, “Cultural policy limits to fundamental rights”, in Dau Woolf, Harry Woolf, Lord, “The Human Rights Act 1998 and remedies”, 429–436, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Wortley, B. A., “Some jurisprudential reflections on human rights and self-defence”, in Dau

Human rights


Subject Index

Zeltner, Zeev, “The struggle for human rights and its implications”, 47–58, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann

Meron, Theodor, “International humanitarian law from Agincourt to Rome”, 301–312, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Humanitarian law

Meyer, Michael, “The proposed new neutral protective emblem: a long-term solution to a long-standing problem”, 84–107, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire

Bassiouni, M. Cherif, “The normative framework of international humanitarian law: overlaps, gaps and ambiguities”, 1–56, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Bello, Emmanuel G., “Shared legal concepts between African customary norms and international conventions on humanitarian law”, in Dau Cassese, Antonio, “Reflections on international criminal prosecution and punishment of violations of humanitarian law”, 261–274, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Cumaraswamy, Dato Param, “Contemporary issues in international humanitarian law”, 151–164, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Genesio, Ugo, “International Institute of Humanitarian Law 1970–1985: fifteen years of service”, 111–120, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica Goldman, Robert K., “International human rights and humanitarian law and the internally displaced”, 517–548, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas Gray, Christine D., “The legality of NATO’s military action in Kosovo: is there a right of humanitarian intervention?”, 240–253, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Hingorani, R. C., “Humanitarian law”, 1–8, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica Jhabvala, Farrokh, “Unilateral humanitarian intervention: Some conceptual problems”, in Dau Kidd, C. J. F., “The duty to protect prisoners of war”, 33–43, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Lowe, Alan V., “International legal issues arising in the Kosovo crisis”, 278–288, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

Humanitarian law

Miyazaki, Shigeki, “Aspects of international humanitarian law as world law”, in Dau Moir, Lindsay, “Towards the unification of international humanitarian law?”, 108–128, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Perruchoud, Richard, “The ICRC and the violation of international humanitarian law”, 97–110, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica Petrovskii, Vladimir Fedorovich, “The humanitarian dimension of conflict management: minimizing the damaging effects of weapons”, 135–142, in the volume honouring United Nations Ramcharan, B. G., “From peace-keeping forces to humanitarian forces?”, 55–64, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica Ramcharan, B. G., “A reporting system for international humanitarian law?”, v. 1, 125–134, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Rosas, Allan, “Construing international law and order”, 89–110, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Sabel, Robbie, “Chivalry in the air? Article 42 of the 1977 Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions”, 439–454, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Sassoli, Marco, “The legal qualifications of the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia: double standards or new horizons for international humanitarian law?”, 307–333, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Thurer, Daniel, “Protection of minorities in general international law and in international humanitarian law”, 533–548, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Subject Index


Veuthey, Michel, “The global reach of international humanitarian law”, 39–54, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica

Palmer, Gary W., “Guarding the coast: alien migrant interdiction operations at sea”, 157–180, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack

Immigration and refugee law

Pellonpää, Matti, “Rights of aliens under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Bierbrauer, Gunter, “Social justice and political ideology in an immigrant country”, 89–100, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Brownlie, Ian, “Treatment of aliens: assumption of risk and the international standard”, in Dau Chimni, B. S., “The global refugee problem in the 21st century and the emerging security paradigm: a disturbing trend”, 283–300, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Feliciano, Florentino, “The principle of non-refoulement: a preliminary inquiry into content, function and normative status”, 27–38, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica Guild, Elspeth, “The face of Securitas: redefining the relationship of security and foreigners in Europe”, 139–156, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Hambro, Edvard Isak, “Some marginal notes on the state of the law of extradition today”, in Dau Hathaway, James C., “Refugee status arising from generalized oppression”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Henkin, Louis, “Nationality at the turn of the century”, in Dau Hingorani, R. C., “Refugee problem in Asia”, 121–131, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica Lee, Luke T., “Progressive development of refugee law and its codification”, 107–116, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Maluwa, Tiyanjana, “Recent developments in refugee law and policy in Malawi”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Mason, Keith, “Citizenship”, 35–46, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Palley, Claire, “Population transfers”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Saxena, J. N., “Problems of refugees in the developing countries and the need for international burden-sharing”, 95–106, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Saxena, J. N., “Refugee women”, 249–256, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika

Indigenous peoples Akermark, Sia Spiliopoulou, “The World Bank and indigenous peoples”, 93–112, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Alfredsson, Gudmundur, “Minorities, indigenous and tribal peoples, and peoples: definitions of terms as a matter of international law”, 163–172, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Bulan, Ramy, “Native status under the law”, 248–292, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H. Carey, John, “Native American land treaties: A prospective view”, in Dau Cassese, Antonio, “The International Court of Justice and the rights of peoples to self-determination”, 351–363, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Castellino, Joshua, “Conceptual difficulties and the right to indigenous self-determination”, 55–74, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Chartrand, Paul L. A. H., “On the Canadian aboriginal rights dialogue”, 75–85, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Clarke, Jennifer, “Lionel Murphy and indigenous Australians”, 131–167, in the volume honouring Murphy, Lionel Crawford, James, “The General Assembly, the International Court and self-determination”, 585–605, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir

Indigenous peoples


Subject Index

Daes, Erica-Irene A., “Indigenous peoples’ rights to land and natural resources”, 75–92, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Erasmus, Georges, “The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples”, 86–97, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Evatt, Elizabeth, “Enforcing indigenous cultural rights: Australia as a case study”, 57–80, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Fitzpatrick, Peter, “Tears of the law: colonial resistance and legal determination”, 126–148, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B.

Ligertwood, A. L. C., “Aborigines in the criminal courts”, 191–211, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M. Lindberg, Tracey, “Rooms with ‘traditional views’: Justice L’Heureux-Dubé and the expansion of interpretative principles related to equality in the context of indigenous rights”, 367–378, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Lyons, Gregory, “Aboriginal legal services”, 137–159, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M. McLeod, J. Rod, “Commentary on aboriginal rights”, 172–174, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian

Fletcher, Christine, “An emasculation of rights in goverment-aboriginal relations in Australia”, 98–113, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H.

Nepon, M. B., “The Dickson Court and native law”, 158–171, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian

Foley, Matthew, “Aborigines and the police”, 160–190, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M.

Nettheim, Garth, “Justice and indigenous minorities: a new province for international and national law”, 251–263, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius

Foster, Hamar, “A romance of the lost: the role of Tom MacInnes in the history of the British Columbia Indian land question”, 171–212, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Gilbert, Geoff, “Individuals, collectivities and rights”, 139–162, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Hanks, Peter John, “Aborigines and government: the developing framework”, 19–49, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M. Haughey, E. J., “Some aspects of Maori leases”, 341–354, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Hookey, John, “Settlement and sovereignty”, 1–18, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M. Johnson, Gordon, “India and Henry Maine”, 376–388, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Kingsbury, Benedict, “Operational policies of international institutions as part of the law-making process: the World Bank and indigenous peoples”, 323–342, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Indigenous peoples

Nettheim, Garth, “The relevance of international law”, 50–73, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M. Osunbor, O. A., “A decade of indigenisation in Nigeria: the quest for economic self-determination”, 197–215, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Reid, John Phillip, “Crosscultural vengeance: sources of legal principles in the formulation of mountain men vengeance against Indians in the old Oregon country”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Roy, Chandra, “Economic solutions to political problems: the case of the Chittagong Hill Tracts”, 113–136, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Sack, Peter, “Racism and colonial Law: the legal position of ‘Natives’ in German New Guinea”, in Dau Scheinin, Martin, “What are indigenous peoples?”, 3–14, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick Shaw, Malcolm, “Self-determination and the use of force”, 35–54, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick

Subject Index


Shyllon, F. O., “The right to a cultural past: African viewpoints”, 103–119, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3)

Egan, Suzanne, “Succession rights under the European Convention on Human Rights”, 203–226, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Suagee, Dean B., “Cultural rights, biodiversity and the indigenous heritage of Indian tribes in the United States”, 81–102, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3)

Fyzee, Asaf A. A., “The Fatimid law of inheritance”, 444–471, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Tatz, Colin Martin, “Aborigines and civil law”, 103–136, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M. Waller, Peter Louis, “Elizabeth Eggleston, Aborigines and the law”, 304–309, in the volume honouring Eggleston, E. M. Wickliffe, Caren, “Self-determination of Maori in New Zealand: a commentary on the address by the Honourable Bertha Wilson”, 155–164, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Williams, Joe, “Maori in New Zealand law at the end of the Cooke era: where have we got to?”, 165–176, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Wilson, Bertha, “Self-determination of native peoples: a Canadian perspective on emerging issues in New Zealand”, 135–154, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Xanthaki, Alexandra, “The right to selfdetermination: meaning and scope”, 15–34, in the volume honouring Thornberry, Patrick

Inheritance and succession Barton, John L., “Future interests and royal revenues in the sixteenth century”, 321–335, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Coldham, Simon, “Succession law reform and land tenure in Zimbabwe”, 225–240, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Coote, Brian, “Testamentary promises jurisdiction in New Zealand”, 1–25, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G. Daggett, Leonard M., “Wills”, 167–202, in the volume honouring Yale Law School

Garnett, George, “‘Ducal’ succession in early Normandy”, 80–110, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Halbach, Edward C., “Vested and contingent remainders: a premature requiem for distinctions between conditions precedent and subsequent”, 152–172, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Hayton, David J., “The international dimension to deceaseds’ estates”, 61–72, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R. Kludze, A. K. P., “A century of changes in the law of succession”, 233–266, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court Leach, W. Barton, “Perpetuties: cy près on the march”, 214–225, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. McMurray, Orrin K., “Liberty of testation and some modern limitations thereon”, 536–563, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Milsom, S. F. C., “Inheritance by women in the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries”, 60–89, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Milsom, S. F. C., “The origin of prerogative wardship”, 223–244, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Schanze, Erich, “Interpretation of wills: an essay critical and comparative”, 104–116, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1) Slade, Christopher, Sir, “Professional liability in the will-making process”, 111–129, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector

Insurance law Agomo, Chioma K., “Legal control of the insurance industry and its implications for the national economy”, 227–236, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1)

Insurance law


Subject Index

Cane, Peter, “Contract, tort and the Lloyd’s debacle”, 96–120, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H.

Berger, Caruthers, “Copyright in government publications”, v. 1, 169–188, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Cokerell, H. A. L., “Insurance and the state”, in Dau

Berger, Caruthers, “False use of copyright notice”, v. 1, 297–306, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Dover, Victor, “The Insurance Field in Great Britain with Particular Reference to Marine Insurance”, in Dau Hodgin, R. W., “The early development and rationale of utmost good faith in insurance law”, 247–258, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Langmaid, Stephen I., “Some recent subrogation problems in the law of suretyship and insurance”, 245–276, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

Berger, Caruthers, “Authority of the Register of Copyrights to reject applications for registration”, v. 1, 393–408, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Berman, Shoshana, “Copyright in Israel – archaic law in contemporary ‘get-up’”, in Dau Bing, Jon, “Applying copyright law to computer programs”, in Dau

Moudrykh, Vladislav, “Insurance law in post-Soviet Russia”, 253–264, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard

Blaisdell, William M., “Size of the copyright industries”, v. 1, 3–42, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Oretuyi, S. A., “The basis of the contract clause in insurance law: a critique”, 122–136, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal

Blaisdell, William M., “Commercial use of the copyright notice”, v. 1, 275–296, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Osipitan, Taiwo, “Settlement of insurance claims under the Insurance Decree No. 58 of 1991”, 94–113, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.

Blaisdell, William M., “The economic aspects of the compulsory license”, v. 2, 937–962, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Reynolds, F. M. B., “Some agency problems in insurance law”, 77–95, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H.

Blakeney, Michael, “International intellectual property jurisprudence after TRIPS”, 3–19, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R.

Riesenfeld, Stefan A., “Life Insurance and Creditors’ Rights in the United States”, in Dau

Intellectual property Adler, Reid G., “Patenting of gene sequences – why and when”, in Dau Armitage, Edward, “Updating the European Patent Convention”, in Dau

Bodenhausen, George H.C., “Some afterthoughts on then international protection on industrial property”, in Dau Bogsch, Arpad, “Protection of works of foreign origin”, v. 1, 737–752, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Bogulavsky, Mark M., “Protection of industrial property, an impact on relations between countries of different social systems”, in Dau

Beier, Friedrich-Karl, “The protection of trade secrets in Germany. A short appraisal in view of Japan’s new trade secret legislation”, in Dau

Boytha, György, “Whose right is copyright”, in Dau

Benyamini, Amiram, “Indirect infringement of patents in Israel: judge-made law”, 109–123, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R.

Brett, Hugh, “Crown copyright: the future ownership and distribution of U.K. legal texts”, 53–68, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2)

Intellectual property

Subject Index Brown, Ralph S., O’Brien, William A. and Turkington, Herbert, “The operation of the damage provisions of the copyright law: an exploratory study”, v. 2, 1067–1100, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Cary, George D., “Joint ownership of copyrights”, v. 1, 689–716, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Chisum, Donald S., “Common law and civil law approaches to patent claim interpretation: ‘fence posts’ and ‘sign posts’”, 96–108, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Christie, Andrew F., “Private copy licence and levy schemes: resolving the paradox of civilian and common law approaches”, 248–258, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Coerper, Milo G., “The Bob Dylan Case and American performers’ rights: all roads lead to Rome”, in Dau Cornish, W. R., “Intellectual property infringement and private international law: changing the common law approach”, in Dau Cornish, W. R., “The author’s surrogate: the genesis of British copyright”, 254–270, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B.


McCannon, Marjorie and Ringer, Barbara Alice, “Notice of copyright”, v. 1, 229–274, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Dreier, Thomas, “Creation and investment: Artistic and legal implications of computer-generated works”, in Dau Dunne, Elizabeth K., “Deposit of copyrighted works”, v. 1, 409–450, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Dunne, Elizabeth K. and Rogers, Joseph William, “The catalog of copyright entries”, v. 1, 451–472, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Dworkin, Gerald, “Unfair competition: is it time for European harmonization?”, 175–188, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Fawcett, J. J., “Special rules of private international law for special cases: what should we do about intellectual property?”, 137–166, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Firth, Alison, “Copyright in the digital world: a reversion to old forms?”, 69–80, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Gillespie, C. S., “A brief history of the pre-publication of patent specifications in Australia”, in Dau

Cornish, W. R., “Cumulation and convergence in intellectual property rights”, 200–210, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin

Ginsburg, Jane C., “The (new?) right of making available to the public”, 234–247, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R.

Cornish, W. R., “The basic character of confidential information in the Common Law”, in Dau

Goldman, Abe A., “The history of U.S.A. copyright law revision from 1901 to 1954”, v. 2, 1101–1122, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Cullet, Philippe, “Patents and health in developing countries”, 78–98, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Derenberg, Walter Julius, “The meaning of ‘writings’ in the copyright clause of the Constitution”, v. 1, 43–86, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Di Cataldo, Vincenzo, “Some considerations of the inventive step and scope of patents for chemical inventions”, in Dau Doyle, Vincent A., Cary, George D.,

Goldstein, Paul, “Paternalism and autonomy in copyright contracts”, 259–265, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Guinan, James J., “Duration of copyright”, v. 1, 473–502, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Hart, August C’t, “Legibility, controllability and legal protection”, in Dau Hart, Robert J., “Copyright protection of computer programs in Europe under the proposed EC directive”, in Dau

Intellectual property


Subject Index

Hartley, Trevor C., “Intellectual property rights and the proposed Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Judgments: an English perspective”, 155–162, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Latman, Alan, Margolis, Lorna and Kaplan, Marcia, “The recordation of copyright assignments and licenses”, v. 1, 761–777, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Henn, Harry G., “The compulsory license provisions of the U.S. copyright law”, v. 2, 877–936, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Latman, Alan, “Fair use of copyrighted works”, v. 2, 781–812, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Irvine, John, “The appropriation of personality”, 163–216, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M. Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “Protection of intellectual property and the free movement of goods in the European Union: striking the balance”, 79–92, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Jehoram, Herman Cohen, “International exhaustion versus importation right: a murky area of intellectual property law”, in Dau Jucker, Ernst M., “The role of the patent system in industrial development”, in Dau Kaminstein, Abraham L., Margolis, Lorna and Bogsch, Arpad, “Divisibility of copyrights”, v. 1, 623–688, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Kaplan, Benjamin, “The registration of copyright”, v. 1, 325–392, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Kassim-Momodu, Momodu, “National Office of Industrial Property Act and the transfer of technology”, 216–226, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Koktvedgaard, Mogens, “The legal position of the performing artist in Nordic copyright law”, in Dau Ladas, Stephen P., “Some suggestions on the future of industrial property”, in Dau Laddie, Hugh, Sir, “Patents: what’s invention got to do with it?”, 91–95, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Lahore, James and Dufty, Ann, “Confidentiality, patents and restraint of trade”, 202–216, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R.

Intellectual property

Latman, Alan and Tager, William S., “Liability of innocent infringers of copyrights”, v. 2, 1045–1066, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Lehman, Jon A. and Stenshoel, Eric, “Between Berne and Madrid: Movement of the United States toward international copyright and trademark protection”, in Dau Llewelyn, Margaret, “From ‘outmoded impediment’ to global player: the evolution of plant variety rights”, 137–158, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. McCannon, Marjorie and Rudd, Benjamin W., “The manufacturing clause of the U.S. copyright law”, v. 2, 1123–1198, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur McCarthy, J. Thomas, “Dilution of a trade mark: European and United States law compared”, 159–174, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. McLeod, Tanya A., “A foreign investor’s guide to China’s 1985 Patent Law”, 149–182, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Merkin, Robert M., “The restriction of intellectual property rights by competition law”, 40–55, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H. Mogens, Koktvedgaard, “The universe of intellectual property”, in Dau Nicolai, Thomas R., “Recovery of attorney’s fees in the United States with special emphasis on industrial property and copyright litigation”, in Dau Nimmer, Melville B., “Who is the copyright owner when laws conflict?”, in Dau Nordstrom, Dwight, “U.S. business and intellectual property rights infringement in the PRC”, 183–188, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague

Subject Index


O’Farrell, Jorge E., “Importance of industrial property for developing countries”, in Dau

Siehr, Kurt, “International protection of cultural property in the European Community”, in Dau

Ophir, Michael, “The patentability of computer software in Israe”, in Dau

Soltysinski, Stanislaw, “Coexistence ´ between the tort of passing off and freedom of slavish imitation in Polish unfair competition law”, 189–201, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R.

Österborg Dybdahl, Lise, “Central patent administration in Europe and national interests”, in Dau Paterson, Gerald, “Development of the procedure and jurisdiction of the Enlarged Board of Appeal [of the European Patent Office]"”, in Dau Posey, Darrell Addison, “Can cultural rights protect traditional cultural knowledge and biodiversity?”, 42–56, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Posner, Bernhard, “Copyright law and the completion of the internal market”, in Dau Ricketson, Sam, “The Berne Convention: the continued relevance of an ancient text”, 217–233, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R.

Srinivasan, T. N., “Comment: the TRIPS Agreement”, 343–348, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Straus, Joseph, “Genomics and the food industry: outlook from an intellectual property perspective”, 124–136, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Strauss, William, “Copyright in architectural works”, v. 1, 87–102, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Strauss, William, “Protection of unpublished works”, v. 1, 189–228, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Strauss, William, “The moral right of the author”, v. 2, 963–994, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Ringer, Barbara Alice, “The unauthorized duplication of sound recordings”, v. 1, 117–168, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Strauss, William, “The damage provisions of the copyright law”, v. 2, 995–1028, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Ringer, Barbara Alice and Culp, Julius A., “Renewal of copyright”, v. 1, 503–622, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Strauss, William, “Remedies other than damages for copyright infringement”, v. 2, 1029–1044, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur

Roffe, Pedro, “The political economy of intellectual property rights: an historical perspective”, 397–414, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Strobel, Sylvie A., “The emergence and development of the patent specification in England”, in Dau

Rogers, Joseph William, “Use of the copyright notice by libraries”, v. 1, 307–324, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Schack, Haimo, “Copyright licensing in the internet age: choice of law and forum”, 489–500, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Schwaab, Richard L., “Harmonization and priority of invention”, in Dau Schwaab, Richard L., “Priority of foreign patent applications according to section 119 of the United States Patent Act”, in Dau

Szabo, George, “Second medical and non-medical indications. The relevance of indications to novel subject-matter”, in Dau Tapper, Colin, “Some aspects of contractual licences for software”, 282–296, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Tapper, Colin, “Criminality and copyright”, 266–279, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. Tee, Khaw Lake, “Developments in Malaysian copyright law, 1969–1991, selected issues”, 261–294, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law

Intellectual property


Subject Index

Townsend, William K., “Patents”, 391–421, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Townsend, William K., “Copyrights”, 422–434, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Townsend, William K., “Trade-marks and unfair trade”, 435–447, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Van den Berg, Paul, “Patentability of computer-software-related inventions”, in Dau Varmer, Borge, “Copyright in choreographic works”, v. 1, 103–116, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Varmer, Borge, “Works made for hire and on commission”, v. 1, 717–736, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Varmer, Borge, “Copyright in territories and possessions of the United States”, v. 1, 753–760, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Varmer, Borge, “Photoduplication of copyrighted material by libraries”, v. 2, 813–834, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Varmer, Borge, “Limitations on performing rights”, v. 2, 835–876, in the volume honouring Fisher, Arthur Vaver, D., “Defining and rewarding invention: a review and a modest proposal for patent law”, 182–199, in the volume honouring Tapper, Colin Vernengo, Roberto J., “Moral rules and their creation”, in Dau Wallace, William, “Control over the monopoly exercise of copyright”, in Dau Wegener, Harold C., “Patents to aid (or hinder) international technology transfer. A comparative and historical view of the role of patents to stimulate technology transfer contrasted with a modern view to use patents as a trade weapon”, in Dau

International agencies

International agencies Abbott, Frederick M., “Distributed governance at the WTO-WIPO: an evolving model for open-architecture integrated governance”, 15–34, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Abbott, Kenneth W. and Snidal, Duncan, “International action on bribery and corruption: why the dog didn’t bark in the WTO”, 177–204, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix, “Cases of the International Court of Justice relating to employment in international organizations”, 193–209, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, “Two international organizations of the Third World”, 21–37, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Bowett, D. W., “The Court’s role in relation to international organizations”, 181–192, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Bowett, D. W., “The International Disarmament Organisation, the United Nations and the veto: some observations on problems of relationship and functioning”, 1–23, in the volume honouring McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord Buergenthal, Thomas, “International tribunals and national courts: The internationalisation of domestic adjudication”, in Dau Burchill, Richard, “Regional organizations and the promotion and protection of democracy as a contribution to international peace and security”, 209–234, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Cassese, Antonio, “Enquiries into the impact of foreign economic assistance on Human Rights: Some problems of method”, in Dau Charnovitz, Steve, “Should the teeth be pulled? an analysis of of WTO sanctions”, 602–635, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E.

Subject Index


Collier, John G., “The personal law of international organisations in the conflict of law”, 21–30, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt

Gianviti, Francois, “Evolving role and challenges for the international monetary fund”, 29–70, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Cottier, Thomas and Schefer, Krista N., “Good faith and the protection of legitimate expectations in the WTO”, 47–70, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

Hexner, Ervin Paul, “Teleological interpretation of basic instruments of public international organizations”, 119–138, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1)

Davey, William J., “A permanent panel body for WTO dispute settlement: desirable or practical?”, 496–527, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E.

Horlick, Gary N., “Problems with the compliance structure of the WTO dispute resolution process”, 636–645, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E.

Davey, William J., “WTO dispute settlement: segregating the useful political aspects and avoiding ‘over-legalization’”, 291–308, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

Houtte, H. van, “The Property Claims Commission in Bosnia-Herzegovina: a new path to restore real estate rights in post-war societies?”, 549–564, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

De Chazournes, Lawrence Boisson, “Arbitration at the WTO: a terra incognita to be further explored”, 181–201, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Dillon, Sara, “Comment: the dynamics of protest”, 394–399, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. El-Erian, Abdullah, “Representation of states to international organizations (some legal problems)”, in Dau Esty, Daniel C., “We the people: civil society and the World Trade Organization”, 87–100, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Fabri, Héléne Ruiz, “Dispute settlement in the WTO: on the trail of a court”, 136–158, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Fatouros, A. A., “The World Bank’s impact on international law: a case study of the international law of cooperation”, 62–95, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang

Iwasawa, Yuji, “WTO dispute settlement and Japan”, 473–492, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Jenks, C. Wilfred, “Unanimity, the veto, weighted voting, special and simple majorities and consensus as modes of decision in international organisations”, 48–63, in the volume honouring McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord Kourula, Pirkko, “Governance and co-ordination in conflict and post-conflict situations: challenge or maze?”, 351–360, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Kuijper, Pieter Jan, “Some institutional issues presently before the WTO”, 81–110, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Kuyper, Pieter Jan, “The appellate body and the facts”, 309–324, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Lang, Winfried, “Regimes and organizations in the labyrinth of international institutions”, in Dau

Finger, J. M., “Comment: the Uruguay Round North-South bargain: will the WTO get over it?”, 301–310, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E.

Lastra, Rosa M., “IMF conditionality”, 551–568, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Footer, Mary, “The WTO, developing countries and technical assistance for trade law reform”, 353–372, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Lauterpacht, Elihu, “The legal effect of illegal acts of international organisations”, 88–121, in the volume honouring McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord

International agencies


Subject Index

Leary, Virginia A., “Human rights at the ILO: reflections on making the ILO more ‘user friendly’”, 375–396, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas McRae, Donald Malcolm, “GATT Article XX and the WTO appellate body”, 219–238, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Mummery, David R., “The ‘scientific’ authority of the International Labour Office and its Director-General”, 371–384, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Norton, Joseph J., “International financial institutions and the movement toward greater accountability and the case of legal reform programmes and the problem of evaluation”, 367–406, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Odell, John S., “The Seattle impasse and its implications for the World Trade Organization”, 400–429, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Palma, Leo, “The participation of developing countries in WTO dispute settlement and the role of the Advisory Centre on WTO law”, 90–102, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Palmeter, N. David and Alexandrov, Stanimir A., “‘Inducing compliance’ in WTO dispute settlement”, 646–666, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich, “Constitutionalism and WTO law: from a state-centered approach towards a human rights approach in international economic law”, 32–67, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich, “The WTO Constitution and the Millennium Round”, 111–134, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Porges, Amelia, “Comment: step by step to an international trade court”, 528–536, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Ramcharan, B. G., “The role of regional, national and local institutions: future perspectives”, 233–248, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2)

International agencies

Remans, W., “The granting of observer status by the General Assembly of the United Nations to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies”, 347–362, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Roessler, Frieder, “The institutional balance between the judicial and the political organs of the WTO”, 325–346, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Rosenne, Shabtai, “Equitable principles and the compulsory jurisdiction of international tribunals”, in Dau Schachter, Oscar, “Creativity and objectivity in international tribunals”, in Dau Schermers, Henry G., “The quorum in intergovernmental organs”, in Dau Schermers, Henry G., “International organizations as members of other international organizations”, in Dau Schneider, Michael E., “International organizations and private persons: the case for a direct application of international law”, in Dau Schwebel, Stephen M., “The majority vote of an international arbitral tribunal”, in Dau Shaffer, Gregory C., “‘If only we were elephants’: the political economy of the WTO’s treatment of trade and environment matters”, 349–393, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Shihata, Ibrahim F. I., “Innovations in multilateral financial institutions: the case of the OPEC Fund for International Development”, 427–452, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Shihata, Ibrahim F. I., “The World Bank and the IMF relationship – quo vadis?”, 1–28, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Shihata, Ibrahim F. I., “Judicial reform in developing countries and the role of the World Bank”, in Dau Singh, Kishore, “UNESCO and cultural rights”, 146–160, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Sohn, Louis B., “The growth of the science of international organizations”, 251–269, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo

Subject Index


Steger, Debra P., “The Appellate Body and its contribution to WTO dispute settlement”, 496–527, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E.

Wood, Geoffrey, “The IMF in a changing world”, 529–550, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Steger, Debra P., “The World Trade Organization: a new Constitution for the trading system”, 135–154, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

International finance

Stern, David S., “To achieve the desirable: the United Nations Marine Resources Organization”, 229–244, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Suy, Eric, “The constitutional character of constituent treaties of international organizations and the hierarchy of norms”, in Dau Tarullo, Daniel K., “The relationship of WTO obligations to other international arrangements”, 155–176, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Trebilcock, M. J. and Soloway, Julie A., “International trade policy and domestic food safety regulation: the case for substantial deference by the WTO Dispute Settlement Body under the SPS Agreement”, 537–574, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Tshuma, Lawrence, “The political economy of the World Bank’s legal framework”, 7–28, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Unesco. Secretariat, “UNESCO and the challenges of today and tomorrow: universal affirmation of human rights”, 197–211, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2) Valticos, Nicolas, “The role of the ILO: present action and future perspectives”, 212–232, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2) Vicúna, Francisco Orrego, “From Preston to Prescot: globalising legitimate expectation”, 301–312, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Wang, Guiguo, “The World Trade Organization after Cancún”, 222–240, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Weiss, Friedl, “WTO decision-making: is it reformable?”, 68–80, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E.

Agatiello, O. R., “Retrocycling Latin American flight capital”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Arner, Douglas W., “Globalisation of financial markets: an international passport for securities offerings”, 635–692, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Brown, Bartram S., “IMF governance, the Asian financial crisis, and the new international financial architecture”, 131–147, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Delaume, Georges R., “Sovereign immunity and public debt”, in Dau Ebke, Werner F., “Article VIII, section 2(b), International monetary cooperation, and the courts”, in Dau Echandi, Roberto, “Bringing investment to the aegis of the multilateral trading system: steps taken in the context of the FTAA negotiation group on investment”, 391–412, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Giovanoli, Mario, “Reflections on international financial standards as ‘soft law’”, 71–98, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Gold, Joseph, “The IMF’s Article VIII, section 2(b) and scrupulosity”, 67–96, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Gold, Joseph, “The Group of Five in international monetary arrangements”, 86–115, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Gold, Joseph, “The international monetary system and change: relations between the mode of negotiation and legal technique”, 116–133, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Gold, Joseph, “The duty to collaborate with the International Monetary Fund and the development of monetary law”, 137–151, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams

International finance


Subject Index

Hadjiemmanuil, Christos, “Institutional structure of financial regulation: a trend towards ‘metaregulators’?”, 569–588, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Agrawala, S. K., “The plea of sovereign immunity and Indian state practice”, 314–336, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna

Kronke, Herbert, “Connected and global securities markets: with or without conflict of laws?”, 363–374, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Ajibola, Bola, Prince, “Bases for jurisdiction before the International Court of Justice”, 227–274, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Murphy, J. Carter, “International moneys: Official and private”, in Dau

Ajomo, M. A., “Nigeria’s contribution to the development of international law”, 1–17, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1)

Quale, Andrew C., “New approaches to LDC debt reduction and disposition: U.S. legal and accounting considerations”, in Dau Ramsay, Ian M. and Stapledon, Geof P., “Institutional investors, corporate governance and the new international financial architecture”, 73–104, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J. Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz, “Article VIII, section 2(b) of the IMF articles of agreement and public policy"”, in Dau Shihata, Ibrahim F. I., “Innovations in multilateral financial institutions: The case of the OPEC Fund for international development”, in Dau Smits, Rene, “International monetary and financial law in the new millennium”, 475–494, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Alen, Andre and Peeters, Patrick, “Federal Belgium within the international legal order: theory and practice”, 123–144, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Alexandrowicz-Alexander, C. H., “Mogul sovereignty and the law of nations”, 115–126, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix, “South Asian antecedents of international law”, 3–10, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Anand, R. P., “The development of a universal international law”, 157–179, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Arangio-Ruiz, Gaetano, “The plea of domestic jurisdiction before the International Court of Justice: substance or procedure?”, 440–464, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir

Steinberg, Marc I., “International financial markets and insider trading: selective comparative disclosure issues”, 495–528, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Aréchaga, Eduardo Jiménez de, “Selfexecuting provisions of International Law”, in Dau

Zamora, Stephen, “Sir Joseph Gold and the development of international monetary law”, in Dau

Bassiouni, M. Cherif, “The proscribing function of international criminal law in the processes of international protection of human rights”, in Dau

International law

Bassiouni, M. Cherif, “World public order and extradition: a conceptual evaluation”, in Dau

Abi-Saab, Georges, “Some thoughts on the principle of non-intervention”, 225–236, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Ago, Roberto, “Some new thoughts on the codification of international law”, v. 1, 35–62, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

International law

Baty, Thomas, “The interconnection of nationality and domicile”, 187–198, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Baxter, Richard R., “Criteria of the prohibition of weapons in international law”, in Dau

Subject Index Baxter, Richard R., “The effects of illconceived codification and development of international law”, in Dau Bernárdez, S. Torres, “Reciprocity in the system of compulsory jurisdiction and in other modalities of contentious jurisdiction exercised by the International Court of Justice”, v. 1, 291–332, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Bishop, William W., “The role of international law in a peaceful world”, 1:1–1:15, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Boister, Neil, “Reflections on the relationship between the duty to educate in humanitarian law and the absence of a defence of mistake of law in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”, 32–48, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Borchard, Edwin Montefiore, “A century of international law”, v. 2, 144–165, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Boyle, Francis Anthony, “International law and organizations as an approach to conflict resolution in the Middle East”, 515–540, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Brande, Luc van den, “The international legal position of Flanders: some considerations”, 145–158, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Brenninkmeijer, Olivier A. J., “Multilateral prevention of internal conflicts in the face of interethnic tensions: the case of the OSCE and its High Commissioner on National Minorities”, 30–61, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan Brownlie, Ian, “Boundary problems and the formation of new states”, 45–54, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)


Brownlie, Ian, “International law in the context of the changing world order”, 49–62, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Brownlie, Ian, “Politics and principle in major international settlements”, 11–20, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Brownlie, Ian, “Introduction: international law in the second half of the twentieth century”, v. 1, 3–20, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Brownlie, Ian, “The history of state responsibility”, in Dau Bull, Hedley, “Hans Kelsen and international law”, 321–336, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2) Castren, Erik, “What we expect of international law”, 42–47, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Chang, Hyo Sang, “International law in a divided nation: Recent Korean experiences”, in Dau Cheng, Bin, “Some remarks on the constituent element(s) of general (or so-called customary) international law”, 377–390, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Cheng, Bin, “Opinio juris: a key concept in international law that is much misunderstood”, 56–76, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Chesterman, Simon, “Rethinking Panama: international law and the US invasion of Panama, 1989”, 57–94, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Chimni, B. S., “Nuclear weapons and international law: some reflections”, 137–148, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Clark, Roger Stenson, “Obligations of third states in the face of illegality: ruminations inspired by the Weeramantry dissent in the case concerning East Timor”, 631–652, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Brownlie, Ian, “The relation of law and power”, 19–24, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg

Cohen, Benjamin, “Disarmament and International Law”, in Dau

Brownlie, Ian, “State responsibility: The problem of delegation”, in Dau

Cohen, Morris L., “International law treatises in early America”, in Dau

International law


Subject Index

Cohn, Ernst J., “Expropriation of Foreign Nationals and the Military Government of the U.S.A. in Germany”, in Dau Collins, Lawrence, “Some thoughts on the control of abuse of executive discretion in international Law”, in Dau Congar, Yves, “The four Pillars of peace”, in Dau Crawford, James, “Israel (1948–1949) and Palestine (1998–1999): two studies in the creation of states”, 95–124, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Crawford, James, “The standing of states: a critique of Article 40 of the ILC’s Draft Articles on State Responsibility”, 23–44, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Crawford, James, “International law on a given day”, in Dau Crawford, James, “Realism, skepticism and the future world order”, 247–263, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law Cukwurah, A. Oye, “Legal and international boundary issues relating to Air Force operations in Nigeria”, v. 2, 631–658, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) D’Amato, Anthony A., “On genocide”, 119–130, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Damrosch, Lori F., “Use of force and constitutionalism”, 421–442, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Degan, V. D., “International conciliation: Its past and future”, in Dau

Dhokalia, R. P., “Reflections on international law-making and its progressive development in the contemporary era of transition”, 203–230, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Dickinson, Edwin De Witt, “Jurisdiction following seizure or arrest in violation of international law”, 117–134, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Dinakin, Yomi, “The legality of ECOMOG intervention in Liberia”, 266–275, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Dinstein, Yoram, “Diplomatic protection of companies under international law”, 505–518, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Dormoy, Daniel, “Recent developments regarding the law on participation in international organizations”, 323–332, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Doswald-Beck, Louise, “A duty in international law to provide for basic needs”, 44–52, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Doxey, Margaret P., “International sanctions in recent state practice: trends and problems”, 53–69, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Eagleton, Clyde, “International organization for peace and law”, 289–301, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Elagab, Omer Yousif, “The place of nonforcible counter-measures in contemporary international law”, 125–152, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Elagab, Omer Yousif, “Use of force in international law: development of the rules”, 101–120, in the volume honouring City University (London, England)

Degan, V. D., “Responsibility of states and individuals for international crimes”, 202–223, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

Elias, T. O., “Modern sources of international law”, 34–69, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C.

Del Vecchio, Giorgio, “On the functions and aims of the state”, 142–150, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

Elias, T. O., “Perspectives of the new trends in the contemporary international law”, 161–176, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra

Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, “The probability of international law”, 57–84, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo

Emerson, Rupert, “The new higher law of anticolonialism”, 153–174, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo

International law

Subject Index


Erasmus, Gerhard, “The non-recognition of South Africa’s homelands: the effect of national policies"”, in Dau

Fried, John H. E., “How efficient is international law?”, 93–132, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo

Eysinga, Jonkheer W.J.M., “Supranational”, in Dau

Friedman, Julian R., “The confrontation of equality and equalitarianism: institutionbuilding through international law”, 175–218, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo

Falk, Richard A., “On the recent further decline of international law”, 264–273, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Falk, Richard A., “The relevance of political context to the nature and functioning of international law: an intermediate view”, 133–152, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo Falk, Richard A., “The coming global civilization: neo-liberal or humanist?”, 15–32, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Falk, Richard A., “The role of law in world society: present crisis and future prospects”, 132–168, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S. Feinberg, Nathan, “The national treatment clause in historical perspective (a controversy with Czarist Russia)”, in Dau Fisher, Adrian S., “International control of atomic energy”, 280–288, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Fitzmaurice, Gerald, Sir, “The future of public international law and of the international legal system in the circumstances of today”, in Dau Fox, Hazel, “Jurisdiction and immunities”, 210–236, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Francioni, Francesco, “International ‘soft law’: a contemporary assessment”, 167–180, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Franck, Thomas M., “Equity in international law”, 23–48, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Franck, Thomas M. and Weisband, Edward, “Regional interventionism by the super powers: a study of words and acts as inchoate law-making”, 241–251, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Franck, Thomas M., “Community based on autonomy”, 43–64, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis

Friedmann, Wolfgang, “Human welfare and international law: a recording of priorities”, 113–136, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Funkin, G. I., “The role of international law in international relations”, in Dau Gao, Feng, “China and the principle of sovereign equality in the 21st century”, 224–239, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Goldberg, Arthur J., “The future of international law in an unruly world”, 111–114, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Goldie, L. F. E., “International ‘constitutionality’: state sovereignty and the problem of consent”, 316–334, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Goodrich, Herbert Funk, “Cooperative effort in the law”, v. 1, 191–206, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Gottlieb, Gidon, “From autonomy to a framework state”, 493–514, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Gottlieb, Gidon, “From autonomy to a framework state”, in Dau Graefrath, Bernhard, “International crimes and collective security”, 237–253, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Graveson, Ronald H., “The Formation of the Bezirksverwaltungsgericht of the British Sector of Berlin”, in Dau Gray, Christine D., “The principle of non-use of force”, 33–48, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton Green, L. C., “International criminal law and the protection of human rights”, 116–137, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg

International law


Subject Index

Guttal, G. H., “Sources of international law: modern trends”, 183–202, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Hambro, Edvard Isak, “The theory of the transformation of international law into national law in Norwegian law”, 97–106, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1) Haopei, Li, “Jus cogens and international law”, 499–522, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Harding, Christopher, “Legal subjectivity as a fundamental value: the emergence of non-state actors in Europe”, 115–136, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Hargrove, John Lawrence, “Force, a culture of law, and American interests”, 407–420, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Hazard, John N., “Coexistence law reconsidered”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Herz, John H., “The pure theory of law revisited: Hans Kelsen’s doctrine of international law in the nuclear age”, 107–118, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1) Higgins, A. Pearce, “The work of Grotius and of the modern international lawyer”, 173–190, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Higgins, Rosalyn, “Dualism in the face of a changing legal culture”, 9–22, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2)

Jackson, John H., “The great 1994 sovereignty debate: United States acceptance and implementation of the Uruguay Round results”, 149–176, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Jackson, Robert Houghwout, “The Nuremberg trial: an example of procedural machinery for development of international substantive law”, 314–324, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Jenks, C. Wilfred, “The new science and the law of nations”, in Dau Jenks, C. Wilfred, “Multinational entities in the law of nations”, 70–83, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Jenks, C. Wilfred, “The general welfare as a legal interest”, 151–158, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Jenks, C. Wilfred, “Idealism in international law”, 39–41, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, “Universal international law in a multicultural world”, 39–52, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, “Broader perspectives in international law”, 497–508, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, “Nullity and effectiveness in international law”, 64–87, in the volume honouring McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord Jessup, Philip C., “The present state of transnational law”, 339–344, in the volume honouring International Law Association

Higgins, Rosalyn, “Some recent developments in respect of the right to leave in international law”, 138–156, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg

Jessup, Philip C., “The future of international lawmaking”, 208–231, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law

Higgins, Rosalyn, “Fundamentals of international law”, 3–22, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Jiménez de Aréchaga, Eduardo, “International responsibility of states for acts of the judiciary”, 171–187, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C.

Hoffmann, Stanley, “International law and the control of force”, 21–46, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo Horvath, Barna, “International Law and Human Communication”, in Dau

International law

Jones, John R. W. D., “Immunity and ‘double criminality’: General Augusto Pinochet before the House of Lords”, 254–267, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

Subject Index Jorgenson, Nina, “State responsibility and the 1948 Genocide Convention”, 273–292, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir, “Precedent and policy: the dilemma of the Mozambique rule”, 101–116, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt Kaikobad, Kaiyan Homi, “The quality of justice: ‘excès de pouvoir’ in the adjudication and arbitration of territorial and boundary disputes”, 293–322, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Kalshoven, Frits, “Protocol II, the CDDH and Colombia”, 597–622, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Keith, K. J., “Freedom of information and international law”, 349–374, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Kelsen, Hans, “The essence of international law”, 85–92, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo Kelsen, Hans, “Contiguity as a title to territorial sovereignty”, in Dau Kennedy, David, “Receiving the international”, in Dau Kirby, Michael D., “The growing rapprochement between international law and national law”, 333–354, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Klabbers, Jan, “(I can’t get no) recognition: subjects doctrine and the emergence of non-state actors”, 351–370, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Koivurova, Timo, “What is the principle of due diligence?”, 341–350, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Krauland, Edward J., “The challenge of enhancing global security through multilateral legal architecture”, 101–110, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Kreca, Milenko, “Some general reflections on main features of ius cogens as notion of international public law”, in Dau Ku, Charlotte, “Collective security and the personification of peace”, 336–350, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano


Kunz, Josef L., “The American science of international law”, v. 2, 166–194, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Kwiatkowska, Barbara, “Cameroon v. Nigeria: Equatorial Guinea Intervening (Land and Maritime Boundary) Judgment”, 378–408, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Lachs, Manfred, “Some reflections on substance and form in international law”, 99–112, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Lachs, Manfred, “Some reflections on science, technology and international law”, 13–19, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Lachs, Manfred, “The threshold in law-making”, in Dau Landheer, B., “Remarks on a structural approach to international relations and its influence on international law”, in Dau Landheer, B., “The Science of International Relations”, in Dau Landheer, B., “The role of the image of Man in international relations”, in Dau Landheer, B., “Innovation and diffusion in the world system”, in Dau Lapidoth, Ruth, “The Suez Canal, the Gulf of Suez, and the 1979 treaty of peace between Egypt and Israel”, in Dau Lasswell, Harold Dwight, “The cross-disciplinary manifold: the Chicago prototype”, 416–428, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Lichtenstein, Cynthia Crawford, “‘Hard’ law v ‘soft’ law: unnecessary dichotomy?”, 355–366, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Lillich, Richard B., “Towards the harmonization of international human rights law”, in Dau Lissitzyn, Oliver James, “Sovereign immunity as a norm of international law”, 188–201, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C.

International law


Subject Index

Liu, Chia-Yé, “Subordination of Nationality to the Process of State Control and International Law”, in Dau

McWhinney, Edward, “Pax Metternichea? International law and power in the era of détente”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Lowe, Alan V., “The principle of non-intervention: use of force”, 66–84, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton

McWhinney, Edward, “Codifying international law in an era of clashing civilisations and legal cultures. The sisyphean labours of the International Law Commission”, 273–295, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Lowenfeld, Andreas F., “Nationalizing international law: essay in honor of Louis Henkin”, 117–136, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Lukashuk, Igor J., “International legal regulation”, in Dau Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “Conventional international law and the domestic law of Canada”, 220–240, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang

Mendlovitz, Saul H. and Datan, Merav, “Advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons: a narrative of affirmative appreciation and Judge Weeramantry’s Grotian quest”, 653–680, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “The principle of solidarity in public international law”, in Dau

Menon, P. K., “The acquisition of territory in international law: from a traditional perspective”, 109–160, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1)

Madonna, Jon C., “International accounting standards, free trade and national sovereignty”, in Dau

Meron, Theodor, “Protected persons under the fourth Geneva Convention”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Mann, F. A., “The doctrine of ius cogens in international law”, in Dau

Merrills, J. G., “The role and limits of international adjudication”, 40–59, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma

Mason, Henry L., “Supranationalism and unintended consequences. Aspects of Ernst Haas’ theory of international politics”, in Dau May, Richard, “Challenges to indictments in international criminal trials”, 433–445, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li McDonald, Gabrielle Kirk, “Contributions of the International Criminal Tribunals to the development of substantive international humanitarian law”, 446–472, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li McDougal, Myres S., Reisman, W. Michael and Willard, Andrew R., “The world process of effective power: the global war system”, 353–416, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. McWhinney, Edward, “Shifting paradigms of international law and world order in an era of historical transition”, 3–17, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li McWhinney, Edward, “From bipolarity to polypolarity: the international law of the post-détente era”, in Dau

International law

Miehsler, Herbert, “The European Convention for the peaceful settlement of disputes. Reflections on a Swiss initiative for amendment”, in Dau Moore, John Norton, “The legal tradition and the management of national security”, 321–364, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S. Mueller, Gerhard O. W., “Two enforcement models for international criminal justice”, in Dau Müllerson, R. A., “International law between anarchy and hegemony”, 221–250, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Munro, William Bennett, “The custom of Paris in the new World”, in Dau Murphy, John F. and Dumont, Jon M., “The rendition of international criminals: hard case makes bad law”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Nahlik, Stanislaw E., “International law and nuclear weapons”, in Dau

Subject Index Nanda, Ved P., “International law in the twenty-first century”, 83–118, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Neuhold, Hanspeter, “Legal aspects of arms control agreements”, in Dau O’Connell, D. P., “New Zealand and the law of state succession”, 180–194, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G. O’Connell, D. P., “The present state of the law on state succession”, 331–338, in the volume honouring International Law Association O’Connell, Mary Ellen, “Regulating the use of force in the 21st century: the continuing importance of state autonomy”, 443–460, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Obeita-Chalbaud, José, “The role of self-determination when withstanding the essential discrimination of the nation-state”, in Dau Ohira, Zengo, “Japan’s Northern Territories after World War II”, in Dau Okafor, O. C., “Entitlement, process and legitimacy in the emergent international law of secession”, 449–490, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene Okafor, O. C. and Aginam, Obijiofor, “Humanizing our global order: an introduction”, 3–11, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan Okowa, Phoebe N., “Defences in the jurisprudence of international tribunals”, 389–412, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Olivecrona, Karl, “The concept of a right according to Grotius and Pufendorf”, in Dau Olmstead, Cecil J., “Lord Wilberforce and international law”, 77–90, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Olmstead, Cecil J., “The International Law Association: a worldwide organization for development and promotion of international law”, 3–10, in the volume honouring International Law Association


Oraá, Jaime, “The protection of human rights in emergency situations under customary international law”, 413–438, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Parkinson, Fred, “Why and how to study the history of international law”, 230–241, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Parry, Clive, “The British Consular Conventions”, 122–154, in the volume honouring McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord Picciotto, Sol, “International law in a changing world”, 189–202, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Pinot, M. C. W., “Judicial settlement of international disputes: one forum or many?”, 465–476, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Post, Harry, “From universal sovereignty to territorial sovereignty – and back? On the flexibility of international law as a fundamental value of the international order”, 183–192, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Post, Harry, “Adjudication as a mode of acquisition of territory?: some observations on the Iraq-Kuwait boundary demarcation in light of the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice”, 237–263, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Ragazzi, Maurizio, “International obligations erga omnes: their moral foundation and criteria of identification in light of two Japanese contributions”, 455–478, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Raman, Kolluru Venkata, “Toward a general theory of international customary law”, 365–402, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S. Ramcharan, B. G., “State responsibility for violations of human rights treaties”, 242–261, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Ramcharan, B. G., “Standard-setting: future perspectives?”, 93–108, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2)

International law


Subject Index

Reisman, W. Michael and Suzuki, Eisuke, “Recognition and social change in international law: a prologue for decisionmaking”, 403–472, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S. Rocca, James V., “Superior orders as a qualified defense in international law”, in Dau Rosenne, Shabtai, “Some reflections erga omnes”, 509–526, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Schwarzenberger, Georg, “Towards a comparative history of international law”, 92–106, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Schwarzenberger, Georg, “The problem of international constitutional law in international judicial perspective”, in Dau Schwarzenberger, Georg, “The interdisciplinary treatment of international law”, in Dau

Rosenstock, Robert, “Crimes of states – an essay”, in Dau

Schwarzenberger, Georg, “International law: the ultimate test”, 168–175, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams

Sahovic, Milan, “The concept of international law at the end of the twentieth century”, 87–94, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra

Schwarzenberger, Georg, “Jus pacis ac belli? Prolegomena to a sociology of international law”, 483–506, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Sallet, Richard, “On Francis Lieber and his contribution to the law of nations of today”, in Dau

Schwarzenberger, Georg, “The validity of international law: an empirical experiment”, v. 1, 21–34, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Sands, Philippe, “Pleadings and the pursuit of international law: Nuclear Tests II (New Zealand v. France)”, 601–630, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Schachter, Oscar, “Principles of international social justice”, 249–277, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Schachter, Oscar, “Internal conflicts and international law”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Schachter, Oscar, “The decline of the nation-state and its implications for international law”, 13–28, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Schermers, Henry G., “The Pinochet case”, 55–66, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Schiller, A. Arthur, “The diplomatics of the Tabula Banasitana”, in Dau Schultsz, Jan C., “The Dutch General Conditions Bill of 1981 – International aspects”, in Dau Schwarzenberger, Georg, “Complexities of distinction between old and new international law: empirical question marks”, 21–32, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra

International law

Schwebel, Stephen M., “The proliferation of international tribunals: threat or promise?”, 3–8, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz, “The Rumasa decision of the House of Lords and the doctrine of severance of corporations”, 262–274, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Shahabuddeen, M., “Municipal law reasoning in international law”, 90–103, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Shelton, Dinah, “The independence of international tribunals”, 299–334, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas Shen, Jianming, “The ICJ’s jurisdiction in the Legality of Use of Force cases”, 480–498, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Sinclair, Ian McTaggart, Sir, “Principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among states”, 107–140, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Sinclair, Ian McTaggart, Sir, “Estoppel and acquiescence”, 104–120, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir

Subject Index Singh, Nagendra, “The distinguishing characteristics of the concept of the law of nations as it developed in ancient India”, 91–110, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Singh, Nagendra, “The concept of legal regime: its origin, development and attendant factors”, 20–38, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Sohn, Louis B., “Voting procedure in international conferences for the codification of international law, 1864–1930”, 278–296, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Sohn, Louis B., “The effectiveness of international law”, 58–67, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Starke, J. G., “The primacy of international law”, 307–316, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1) Stein, Eric, “Peaceful separation: ‘a new virus’?”, 29–42, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Steiner, John M., “Bureaucracy, totalitarianism and political crime”, in Dau Steiner, William A., “The AustroHungarian digest of state practice in the field of public international law in context”, in Dau


Tomuschat, Christian, “Some reflections on the consequences of a breach of an obligation under international law”, in Dau Tomuschat, Christian, “International law”, 281–308, in the volume honouring United Nations Tunkin, G. I., “International law and other social norms functioning within the international system”, 282–300, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Tunkin, G. I., “The new system of international law”, 338–349, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Tunkin, G. I., “A new political thinking and international law”, 177–182, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Tunkin, G. I., “International law: the contemporary and classic”, 48–57, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Tunkin, G. I., “Soviet theory of sources of international law”, in Dau Ustor, Endre, “Regional legal cooperation and the development of international law”, 252–259, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna

Stone, Julius, “Of sociological inquiries concerning international law”, in Dau

Vagts, Detlev F., “The international law communications network: Four decades of change”, in Dau

Sundstrom, G. O. Zacharias, “Problems of applicable law in the West African integration: the Mano-River Union”, 323–342, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt

Valladao, Haroldo, “International and internal law: the primacy of the higher juridical order”, 580–594, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

Talmon, Stefan, “Who is a legitimate government in exile?: towards normative criteria for governmental legitimacy in international law”, 499–538, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Tanaka, Kotaro, “Some observations on peace, law and human rights”, 242–258, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Tate, Jack Bernard, “Codification and international law”, 341–345, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Tomuschat, Christian, “International crimes by states: an endangered species?”, 254–274, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Vallat, Francis Aime, Sir, “The peaceful settlement of disputes”, 155–178, in the volume honouring McNair, Arnold Duncan McNair, Lord Van Hoof, Fried, “The impact of international law in the legal order of the Netherlands: The role of the judiciary”, 186–203, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Verhoeven, Joe, “Jus cogens and reservations or ‘counter-reservations’ to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice”, 195–208, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

International law


Subject Index

Verzijl, J. H. W., “The relevance of public and of private international law respectively for the solution of problems arising from nationalization of enterprises”, in Dau Visscher, Charles de, “Stages in the codification of international law”, 17–33, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Wai, Robert Sze-Kwok, “Justice Gerard La Forest and the internationalist turn in Canadian jurisprudence”, 471–498, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Zemanek, Karl, “Causes and forms of international liability”, 319–332, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Zemanek, Karl, “What is ‘State practice’ and who makes it?"”, in Dau Zemanek, Karl, “Unilateral legal acts revisited”, 209–222, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Zemanek, Karl, “The chaotic status of the laws of neutrality”, in Dau

Warbrick, Colin, “The principle of sovereign equality”, 204–229, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton

International relations

Watt, Lindsay, “Decolonisation”, 110–122, in the volume honouring New Zealand/ United Nations

Acheson, Dean, “Philip C. Jessup, diplomatist”, 3–13, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C.

Watts, Arthur, Sir, “Nationality of claims: some relevant concepts”, 424–439, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir

Almond, Gabriel Abraham, “National politics and international politics”, 283–297, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Weiss, Edith Brown, “The new international legal system”, 63–82, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Bartos, Milan F., “Additions to the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations”, 296–302, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna

White, Robin C. A., “The control of intervention after the Nicaragua Case”, 135–155, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E. Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord, “The daily life and administration of the International Law Association”, 11–22, in the volume honouring International Law Association Wood, Robert S., “Permanent concerns, legal norms, and the changing international order”, 427–438, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, “International law”, 491–522, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Wrange, Pal, “The Prince and the discourse: commenting and advising on international law”, 33–48, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti

Boasson, Charles, “The province and function of peace research”, 299–315, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Bowman, M. E., “Secrets in plain view: covert action the U.S. way”, 1–16, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Butler, William Elliott, “International law, foreign policy, and the Gorbachev style”, v. 1, 169–180, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Castren, Erik, “Some considerations upon the conception, development, and importance of diplomatic protection”, in Dau El-Erian, Abdullah, “International law and developing countries”, 84–98, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C.

Wright, Quincy, “Role of law in controlling international conflict”, in Dau

Falk, Richard A., “The future of world order”, 38–61, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang

Yee, Sienho, “Forum prorogatum and the indication of provisional measures in the International Court of Justice”, 565–584, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Falk, Richard A., “The trend toward world community: an inventory of issues”, 353–370, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

International relations

Subject Index Fox, William T. R., “The study of ‘relations’ in international relations”, 386–400, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Guttieri, Karen, “The civil dimension of strategy”, 87–111, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan


Sinclair, Ian McTaggart, Sir, “The significance of the Friendly Relations Declaration”, 1–32, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton Skubiszewski, Krzysztof, “The end of Yalta”, 107–120, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Higgins, Rosalyn, “Integrations of authority and control: trends in the literature of international law and international relations”, 79–94, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S.

Thompson, Kenneth W., “International policy in war and peace: Wright’s contribution”, 429–440, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Lang, W., “New regionalism in a changing world order”, 45–60, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Wright, Quincy, “Non-military intervention”, 5–20, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo

Mani, V. S., “The Friendly Relations Declaration and the International Court of Justice”, 527–542, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Wright, Quincy, “The place of international law in the contemporary study and practice of international relations”, 62–77, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Mann, F. A., “State corporations in international relations”, 131–148, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord

Yee, Sienho, “Towards an international law of co-progressiveness”, 18–42, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

McClelland, Charles A., “Field theory and system theory in international relations”, 371–385, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Mickelson, Karin, “Co-opting common heritage: reflections on the need for southnorth scholarship”, 112–124, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan Morgenthau, Hans Joachim, “Emergent problems of United States foreign policy”, 47–56, in the volume honouring Gross, Leo Morris, Justin, “Law, power and force in an unbalanced world”, 286–313, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Reisman, W. Michael, “The concept and functions of soft law in international politics”, v. 1, 135–144, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Reychler, Luc, “Democratic peacebuilding and conflict prevention”, 83–106, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Schuman, Frederick Lewis, “The neuroses of the nations”, 312–323, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

International trade Baptista, Luis Olavo, “Interpretation and application of the WTO rules: Florentino and the first seven”, 127–135, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Barceló, John J., “Countervailing against environmental subsidies”, 309–326, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Baudot, Barbara Sundberg, “The common European home: any room for Madison Avenue?”, 11–36, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Bhala, Raj, “Poverty, Islam, and Doha unmet challenges facing American trade law”, 171–202, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Bonell, Michael Joachim, “International Uniform Sales Law and the Uniform Commercial Code: two models compared”, in Dau Bossche, Peter Van den, “A ‘normal’ business practice becomes a criminal offence”, 441–456, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

International trade


Subject Index

Bossche, Peter Van den, “Reform of the WTO dispute settlement system: what to expect from the Doha Development Round”, 103–126, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Bourgeois, J. H. J., “‘Subsidiarity’ in the WTO context from a legal perspective”, 35–46, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Bridge, Michael G., “The bifocal world of international sales: Vienna and non-Vienna”, 277–296, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Brown, Ruben S., “1989 U.S. clean air measures: trade barriers and opportunities”, 37–50, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Busch, Marc L. and Reinhardt, Eric, “Testing international trade law: empirical sudies of GATT/WTO dispute settlement”, 457–481, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Buxbaum, Richard M., “The role of public international law in international business”, 16:1–16:27, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Cass, Ronald A. and Haring, John R., “Domestic regulation and international trade: where’s the race? lessons from telecommunications and export controls”, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Corea, Gamani, “UNCTAD and the north-south dialog”, in Dau Dashwood, Alan, “The Cassis de Dijon line of authority”, 145–162, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. De Mestral, Armand L. C. and Auerbach-Ziogas, M., “A proposal to introduce an Advocate General’s position into WTO dispute settlement”, 159–180, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Farber, Daniel A., “Comment: the case against clarity”, 575–582, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Fernández Arroyo, Diego P., “International contract rules in MERCOSUR: end of an era or Trojan horse?”, 157–174, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Footer, Mary, “Technical assistance and trade law reform post-Doha: brave new world”, 108–131, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Gifford, Daniel J. and Kudrle, Robert T., “Alternative national merger standards and the prospects for international cooperation”, 208–247, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Goode, Royston Miles, “The Draft Unidroit Convention on Interests in Mobile Equipment”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Hascher, Dominique and Hertzfeld, J. M., “East-West countertrade and the international legal and business environment”, 191–228, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (2) Hecke, Georges van, “International contracts and domestic legislative policies”, in Dau Hellner, Jan, “The UN convention on international sales of goods – an outsider’s view”, in Dau Hindley, Brian, “What subjects are suitable for WTO agreement?”, 157–170, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Holtzmann, Howard M., “Key factors for the success of uniform international commercial legal texts”, in Dau Horlick, Gary N., “John Jackson and the development of GATT/WTO subsidies rules”, 177–186, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

Ehlermann, Claus Dieter and Lockhart, Nicolas, “Standard of review in WTO law”, 267–296, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Howse, Robert, “Comment: trade negotiations and high politics: drawing the right lessons from Seattle”, 430–434, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E.

El-Naggar, Said, “Developing countries and the international trading system”, 58–75, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Hudec, Robert E., “The product-process doctrine in GATT/WTO jurisprudence”, 187–218, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

International trade

Subject Index


Jakubowski, Jerzy, “The autonomy of international trade law and its influence of the interpretation and application of its rules”, in Dau

Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich, “International trade law, human rights and theories of justice”, 44–57, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Kim, Chan-Jin, “Legal aspects of doing business in Korea”, in Dau

Quick, Reinhard, “The Community’s regulation on leg-hold traps: creative unilateralism made compatible with WTO law through bilateral negotiations?”, 239–258, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H.

Kovacs, Charles J. L. T., “From Baker to Brady and beyond”, 105–118, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Kozolchyk, Boris, “The ‘best practices’ approach to the uniformity of international commercial law: the UCP 500 and the NAFTA implementation experience”, 357–376, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Kumar, Umesh, “Elimination of inequalities and international trade law (a study of joint venture agreements)”, 337–350, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Lacarte, Julio A., “Trade and economic justice according to law”, 22–26, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Mavroidis, Petros C., “Judicial supremacy, judicial restraint, and the issue of consistency of preferential trade agreements with the WTO: the apple in the picture”, 583–601, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Mehren, Arthur T. von, “The significance of cultural and legal diversity for international transactions”, in Dau Mexnerics, Ivan, “Endeavours to facilitate international payments”, in Dau Morrison, Fred L., “Comment: it’s elementary, my dear Abbott”, 205–207, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Mullis, Alastair, “Termination for breach of contract in C.I.F. contracts under the Vienna Convention and English law: is there a substantial difference?”, 137–160, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Ostry, Sylvia, “The Uruguay Round North-South grand bargain: implications for future negotiations”, 285–300, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Para, Noel J., “The UN Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods. A practical guide for the U.C.C. Article 2 lawyer”, in Dau

Ryan, Kevin, “International trade law revisited”, 182–201, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D. Salacuse, Jeswald W., “Renegotiating international business transactions: the continuing struggle for life against form”, 429–474, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth Samuelson, Richard, “Electronic data interchange and its impact on international business”, 231–234, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Sassoon, David M., “Liability for the international carriage of goods by sea, land and air: Some comparisons”, in Dau Schaefer, Matthew, “U.S. states, sub-federal rules, and the world trading system”, 525–542, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Shum, Robert, “The institutional legitimacy of the international trade system”, 149–167, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan Sullivan, E. Thomas, “Comment: harmonizing global merger standards”, 248–253, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Sykes, A. O., “The remedy for breach of obligations under the WTO dispute settlement understanding: damages or specific performance?”, 347–360, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Trachtman, Joel P., “Comment: we have met the enemy and he is us”, 171–176, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Vermulst, Edwin A., “Anti-dumping in the second millennium: the need to revise basic concepts”, 259–280, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Wallis, Frank, “The kinds of f.o.b contracts”, in Dau

International trade


Subject Index

Weintraub, Russell J., “Lex mercatoria and the UNIDROIT principles of international commercial contracts”, 141–156, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Weiss, Edith Brown, “Strengthening national compliance with trade law: insights from environment”, 457–472, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Wellenstein, E. P., “Participation of the Community in international commodity agreements”, 65–73, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Yerokun, Olusegun, “Possession of a bill of lading in international sales”, 1–23, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.

Internet Penfold, Carolyn, “Achieving the impossible? local control over internet content”, 193–212, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R.

Investments Adeniji, Omolaja A., “The legal framework for unit trusts”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Giovanoli, Mario, “The role of the Bank for International Settlements in international monetary cooperation and its tasks relating to the European Currency Unit”, in Dau Kremmydas, Nicholas, “The cross-conditionality phenomenon – some legal aspects”, in Dau

Islamic law Adabi, Al-Mansor, “Ahmad Ibrahim in the service of Islam”, 15–38, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Anderson, J. N. D., Sir, “Pakistan: an Islamic state?”, 127–136, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams Babadjanov, Bakhtiyar M., “From colonization to Bolshevization: some political and legislative aspects of molding a ‘Soviet Islam’ in Central Asia”, 153–172, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert


Edge, Ian, “Panacea or chimaera: Islamic law reform over the last fifty years”, 325–344, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Hickling, R. H., “The influence of Islam on Singapore law”, 291–334, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Hooker, M. B., “Introduction: Islamic and Malaysian law: the contribution of Professor Ahmad, Ibrahim”, 1–14, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Hooker, M. B., “Adat and Islam in Malaya”, 164–187, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Hooker, M. B., “Qadi jurisdiction in contemporary Malaysia and Singapore”, 57–75, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H. Ibrahim, Ahmad, “Islamic law in Malaysia since 1972”, 295–318, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Lau, Martin, “Islam and constitutional development in Pakistan”, 293–324, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Mackeen, Abdul Majid, “Islamic fiscal and property laws in Malaysia”, 263–290, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Muminov, Ashirbek, “Muslim law in Central Asia”, 55–64, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Nakanishi, Hisae, “Islam and universalism in family law: a comparative study of the contemporary Iranian and Turkish Civil Codes”, 217–236, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Nawawi, Razali bin Haji, “The state and the shariah”, 379–392, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Yadudu, A. H., “Law as interpretation:an exploratory inquiry from Islamic law jurisprudence”, 244–264, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Subject Index

Jewish law Cáda, Frantisek, “The origin of the Jewish community of Brno”, in Dau


Bingham, Tom Bingham, Lord, “The judge as lawmaker: an English perspective”, 3–12, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord

Cohn, Haim Hermann, “Legal change in unchangeable law: the Talmudical pattern”, 10–33, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius

Bingham, Tom Bingham, Lord and Woolf, Harry Woolf, Lord, “Introduction [to Festschrift for Sir Brian Neill]”, 1–8, in the volume honouring Neill, Brian, Sir

Cohn, Haim Hermann, “Prolegomena to the theory and history of Jewish law”, 44–81, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

Blackshield, Anthony, “Lionel Murphy and judicial method”, 224–258, in the volume honouring Murphy, Lionel

Katzoff, Ranon, “Oral establishment of dowry in Jewish and Roman law”, 157–172, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Modrzejewski, Joseph, “The Septuagint as Nomos: how the Torah became a ‘civil law’ for the Jews of Egypt”, 183–200, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Yaron, Reuven, “Basics of Roman and Jewish intestacy”, 201–212, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Judges Aderemi, Pius O., “The role of a judge in the administration of justice in Nigeria”, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Aduba, N., “Independence of the judiciary under the 1999 Constitution”, 390–408, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene Anderson, Trevor, “A tribute of affection and admiration”, 297–308, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Aun, Wu Min, “Judiciary at the crossroads”, 76–106, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H.

Borrows, John, “The Supreme Court, citizenship and the Canadian community: the judgments of Justice La Forest”, 243–274, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Brennan, Gerard, Sir, “A tribute to Sir Anthony Mason”, 10–14, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Brennan, Gerard, Sir, “Looking to the future”, 264–268, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Carter, P. B., “Judicial notice: related and unrelated matters”, 88–99, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir Clark, David Scott, “The relative importance of judiciaries in distinct legal traditions”, 609–628, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Cornish, W. R., “Judicial legislation”, 359–376, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Costello, Declan, “The Irish judge as law-maker”, 159–168, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Bacchus, James, “The Aristotelian”, 14–21, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Couso, Javier, “Judicial independence in Latin America: the lessons of history in the search for an always elusive ideal”, 203–224, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin

Barak, Aharon, “Activism and self-restraint”, 223–240, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J.

Cowen, Zelman, Sir, “A memoir”, 222–245, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir

Barnett, Vincent M., “Mr. Justice Frankfurter and the Holmes tradition”, 289–320, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

Crane, Brian A., “A lawyer’s perspective”, 517–530, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.



Subject Index

Creyke, Robin, “Sir Gerard Brennan’s extra-curial writings”, 141–176, in the volume honouring Brennan, Gerard, Sir Dadzie, E. K., “K. Krishna Rao: a tribute by his friend”, 11–12, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Datar, Arvind P., “Criticism of the judiciary and contempt of court”, 241–253, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Daube, David, “A corrupt judge sets the pace”, in Dau Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord, “Judges and the judicial power”, 3–4, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Dhavan, Rajeev, “Judging the judges”, 5–40, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Dhavan, Rajeev, “Judges and accountability”, 165–182, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Dicks, Anthony R., “The law-making functions of the Chinese judiciary: filling holes in the civil law”, 241–270, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Dickson, R. G. Brian, “God speed and God bless”, 309–313, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Douglas, William O. and Sevareid, Eric, “An interview with William O. Douglas”, 148–169, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Duncanson, Ian, “Disgression on Denning”, 212–225, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1) Dworkin, R. M., “Political judges and the rule of law”, 3–25, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Frankfurter, Felix, “John Marshall and the judicial function”, 6–34, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Geary, Ray, “Lord Denning and morality”, 74–86, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1) Gibbs, Harry, Sir, “The selection of judges”, in Dau


Gibson, Dale, “Manifest justice: a biographical sketch of Chief Justice Brian Dickson”, 6–26, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Gorman, Eugene, Sir, “A memoir”, 213–221, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir Graycar, Regina, “Claire L’Heureux-Dubé: reflections from down under”, 81–108, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Greaves, Rosa, “Judge Edward acting as Advocate General”, 91–98, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Griffith, J. A. G., “Judges and the Constitution”, 289–310, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Hailsham of St. Marylebone, Quintin Hogg, Lord, “Epilogue: farewell to Lord Denning”, 475–476, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Hailsham of St. Marylebone, Quintin Hogg, Lord, “Richard Wilberforce: a man for all seasons”, 3–12, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Hamilton, Walton Hale, “The jurist’s art”, 169–192, in the volume honouring Brandeis, Louis Dembitz Hansen-Ingram, Diane, “Tales from the Tartan Chambers”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Harlow, Carol, “Refurbishing the judicial service”, 182–206, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G. Helman, Irving J. and Rosenthal, Albert J., “Justice Frankfurter, legal history, and law clerks”, 45–56, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Heuston, R. F. V., “Lord Denning: the man and his times”, 1–28, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Higgins, Rosalyn, “The benign first mate”, 11–13, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Subject Index Hogan, Gerard W., “The early judgments of Mr Justice Brian Walsh”, 37–48, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Hossain, Kamal, “Expanding role of the judiciary in South Asia”, 128–135, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Hughes, Charles Evans, “Mr. Justice Brandeis”, 1–6, in the volume honouring Brandeis, Louis Dembitz Ijalaye, D. A., “T. O. Elias and the law”, v. 2, 565–588, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Jackson, David, “The role of the Chief Justice: A view from the Bar”, 21–27, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Kalodner, Howard I., “Mr. Justice Frankfurter’s views and use of legal history”, 29–38, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Kim, Doo-Hyun, “Appointment of judges in the Republic of Korea. A formative history of the system”, in Dau Kirby, Michael D., “Lionel Murphy’s legacy”, 275–289, in the volume honouring Murphy, Lionel


Lessard, Hester, “Backlash and the feminist judge: the work of Justice Claire L’Heureux-Dubé”, 133–142, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Lester of Herne Hill, Anthony Paul Lester, Lord, “The Bangalore principles”, 48–65, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Manohar, Sujata V., “The Indian judiciary and human rights”, 137–153, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Martin, Roderick G., “Macleod at law: a judicial biography of James Farquharson Macleod, 1874–94”, 37–59, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A. McDonald, David C., “The role of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice in the development of judicial education in Canada”, 455–480, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell McGarvie, Richard E., “The need for judicial education in a 21st century democracy”, 355–374, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Kirby, Michael D., “Zeidler and the future of the judiciary”, in Dau

McIntyre, Sheila, “Personalizing the political and politicizing the personal: understanding Justice McClung and his defenders”, 313–346, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire

Konvitz, Milton Ridvas, “Justice Frankfurter’s historical sense”, 337–350, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

McIntyre, W. R., “The independence of the judiciary”, 59–70, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan

Koopmans, Thijmen, “Judicial decision-making”, 93–104, in the volume honouring Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart Koopmans, Thijmen, “The roots of judicial activism”, in Dau Lachs, Manfred, “Judge Lachs in the Court and in the United Nations: thoughts on aspects of international law”, 491–522, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Megarry, Robert Edgar, Sir, “Seventyfive years on: is the judiciary what it was?”, 1–14, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (2) Murphy, Jay, “Justice William O. Douglas’ humanism: a Copernican revolution in law”, 3–26, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Narain, Jagat, “Judges and distributive justice”, 191–213, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna

Lachs, Manfred, “The judiciary and the international civil service – some suggestions”, in Dau

Nariman, Fali S., “Judicial independence in India”, 13–32, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A.

Lerner, Max, “The social thought of Mr. Justice Brandeis”, 7–46, in the volume honouring Brandeis, Louis Dembitz

Nawaz, M. K., “K. Krishna Rao: an appreciation”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna



Subject Index

Nirmal, B. C., “Nagendra Singh’s contribution to international law”, unnumbered preliminary pages, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra

Penney, Stephen, “A concern for innocence: Justice La Forest and the criminal law”, 217–242, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Nnaemeka-Agu, P., “The position and role of a judge in a democratic state”, 218–238, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene

Reisman, W. Michael, “A judge’s judge”, 3–10, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Nweze, C. C., “Eugenes the sociology of a judicial ideology”, 3–41, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene

Rheinstein, Max, “Who watches the watchmen?”, 589–610, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Ogueri, Eze, “Judge Taslim Olawale Elias: tribute and recollections”, v. 2, 877–882, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Robson, Peter, “Problems of judicial study”, 45–59, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1)

Okafor, I., “The judicial courage and activism of Honourable Justice Eugene Chukwuemeka Ubaezonu”, 42–76, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene Omatsu, Maryka, “On judicial appointments: does gender make a difference?”, 176–187, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Ormrod, Roger, Sir, “Judges and the process of judging”, 181–198, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Osborough, W. N., “Extramural pursuits of the eighteenth-century bench”, 317–325, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Owasanoye, B., “Judicial education and the National Judical Institute Decree”, 35–48, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Pannick, David, “Judicial discretion”, 41–53, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Parker, C. F., “The fundamental duty of magistrates”, 96–103, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Paterson, Alan, “Appellate decisionmaking in the common law world”, 158–164, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Penner, Roland, “Introduction: the Dickson legacy, the legacy of a judicial humanist”, 1–5, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian


Robson, Peter, “Media, politics and the judiciary”, 60–73, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1) Rosenne, Shabtai, “The President of the International Court of Justice”, 406–423, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Russell, Peter H., “The Dickson legacy: prudential wisdom for Canada”, 283–296, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Ryssdal, Rolv, “Rudolf Bernhardt at the European Court of Human Rights”, in Dau Sachs, Albie, “Some thoughts of a South African judge”, 102–113, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Sands, Philippe, “The independence of the international judiciary: some introductory thoughts”, 313–322, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano Sawer, Geoffrey, “The judgments of Sir John Barry”, 3–25, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir Sharma, K. M., “The judicial universe of Mr Justice Krishna Iyer”, 316–336, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Sharpe, Robert J., “The La Forest years: the vocation of judging: a judge’s perspective”, 499–516, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Shetreet, Shimon, “Adjudication: Challenges of the present and blueprints for the future”, in Dau

Subject Index Silberman, Linda, “Judicial adjuncts revisited: masters and magistrates in the federal courts of the United States”, 129–168, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir Simpson, A. W. B., “Lord Denning as jurist”, 441–454, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Sparks, Corrine, “Justice L’Heureux-Dubé: dimensions of a quintessential judicial leader”, 379–384, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Stevens, Robert, “The role of the judiciary: lessons from the end of empire”, 151–178, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Stevens, Robert, “Judges, politics, politicians and the confusing role of the judiciary”, 245–290, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Stevenson, William, “The founding of the Canadian Judicial Centre”, 481–492, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell Sutton, Richard John, “Lord Cooke and the academy: a view from the law schools”, 13–52, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord


Waterford, Jack, “The role of the Chief Justice: a media view”, 28–34, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Weeramantry, C. G., “An appreciation of Judge Nagendra Singh”, unnumbered preliminary pages, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Williams, David R., “Legal biography in Canada: Begbie and Duff JJ”, 121–134, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. Woodhouse, Owen, Sir, “The judge in today’s society”, in Dau Zines, Leslie, “Lionel Murphy and the concept of the Australian nation”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Murphy, Lionel

Judgments Aarnio, Aulis, “Reasoning judicial decisions”, in Dau Ansay, Tugrul, “Variations on the theme of enforcement of foreign money judgments”, in Dau

Tikaram, Moti, “Independence of the judiciary and public accountability”, 317–332, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Bennett, Allan, “The Hague Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments – a failure of characterisation”, 19–24, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Vaidyanathan, C. S., “Appointment of judges to the higher judiciary”, 190–197, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J.

Borchers, Patrick J., “Jurisdiction to adjudicate revisited”, 3–10, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Wackernagel, Wolfgang D., “Heinrich von Beinheim, an ecclesiastical judge of the fifteenth century”, 275–288, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Wallace, J. H., “The respective roles of courts and tribunals and the growth of judicial discretion”, in Dau Waller, Peter Louis, “Richard Moulton Eggleston”, 1–9, in the volume honouring Eggleston, Richard, Sir Walsh, Brian, “The judicial power, justice and the Constitution of Ireland”, 145–158, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F. Warren, Earl, “Concluding address”, 565–573, in the volume honouring Marshall, John

Brand, Ronald A., “Jurisdictional common ground: in search of a global convention”, 11–32, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Burbank, Stephen B., “Reason, rigor and regret: an essay for Arthur von Mehren”, 33–54, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Calsamiglia, Alberto, “Legal dogmatics and the justification of public decisions”, in Dau Campbell, Morton Carlisle, “Protection against indirect attack”, 3–38, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel



Subject Index

Casad, Robert C., “Issue preclusion in the law of Spain: Cosa Juzgada Positiva”, 595–608, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Chukkol, Kharisu Sufiyan, “Enforcement of judgments against public officers and institutions”, 60–68, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Garnett, Richard, “Reform of Australian jurisdiction and judgements law by international treaty: the Lugarno option”, 241–271, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid Greaves, Rosa, “Article 5(3) of the 1968 EC Convention of Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters”, in Dau Greenawalt, Kent, “Legal reasoning and personal convictions”, 125–142, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Guillaume, Gilbert, “Enforcement of decisions of the International Court of Justice”, 275–288, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Hartley, Trevor C., “How to abuse the law and (maybe) come out on top: bad-faith proceedings under the Brussels Jurisdiction and Judgments Convention”, 73–82, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Herzog, Peter E., “Rules on the international recognition of judgments (and on international jurisdiction) by enactments of an international organization: European Community Regulations 1347/2000 and 44/2201”, 83–106, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Higgins, Rosalyn, “A comment on the current health of Advisory Opinions”, 567–584, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y. Higgins, Rosalyn, “Non-identification of the majority and minority in the practice of the International Court of Justice”, 134–150, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang


Kapoor, S. K., “Enforcement of judgments and compliance with advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice”, 301–316, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma Kerameus, Konstantinos D., “Enforcement of non-money judgments and orders in a comparative perspective”, 107–120, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Kinsch, Patrick, “The impact of human rights on the application of foreign law and on the recognition of foreign judgments – a survey of the cases decided by the European human rights institutions”, 197–228, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Kötz, Hein, “Scholarship and the courts: a comparative survey”, 183–196, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Kuttner, Thomas, “The early La Forest judgments: an appreciation”, 543–552, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Lowenfeld, Andreas F., “Jurisdiction, enforcement, public policy and res judicata: the Krombach case”, 229–248, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “The supervision of the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights”, 409–422, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Markesinis, B. S., “Reading through a foreign judgment”, 261–284, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) McClean, John David, “The Hague Conference’s Judgments Project”, 255–272, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Nafziger, James A. R., “Some remarks on the writing style of the International Court of Justice”, 325–346, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Nygh, P. E., “Declining jurisdiction under the Brussels I Regulation 2001 and the Preliminary Draft Hague Judgments Convention: a comparison”, 303–334, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Nygh, P. E., “Arthur’s baby: the Hague negotiations for a world-wide judgments conveniton”, 151–172, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Subject Index Nygh, P. E., “The preliminary draft Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters”, 261–288, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Olagunju, S. A., “Execution of judgments”, 198–241, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Olowofoyeku, J. A., “The art of writing judgments”, 46–69, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Ormrod, Roger, Sir, “Words and phrases and their influence on the law in practice”, 145–152, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H. Peterson, Courtland H., “Limits on the enforcement of foreign country judgments and choice of law and forum clauses”, 173–190, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Philip, Allan, “The Global Hague Judgments Convention: some comments”, 299–304, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Pocar, Fausto, “The drafting of a worldwide convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments: which format for the negotiations in The Hague?”, 191–198, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Ramos, Rui Manuel Moura, “The new EC rules on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments”, 199–218, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Sathe, S. P., “The power of dissenting opinions”, 107–124, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Silberman, Linda and Lowenfeld, Andreas F., “The Hague Judgments convention – and perhaps beyond”, 121–136, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Silberman, Linda, “A proposed lis pendens rule for courts in the United States: the International Judgments Project of the American Law Institute”, 341–356, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.


Stalev, Zhivko Stonov, “The effects of judgments as remedies”, 169–178, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir Stone, Julius, “‘Result-orientation’ and appellate judgment”, 347–358, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Watchman, Paul, “Palm tree justice and the Lord Chancellor’s foot”, 1-44, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1)

Judicial review of legislation Anand, Adarsh Sein, “Protection of human rights through judicial review in India”, 381–394, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Beytagh, Francis X., “Individual rights, judicial review and written constitutions”, 147–162, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Breyer, Stephen G., “Judicial review: a practising judge’s perspective”, 131–144, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Campbell, Enid, “Unconstitutionality and its consequences”, 90–125, in the volume honouring Zines, Leslie Cappelletti, Mauro, “The significance of judicial review of legislation in the contemporary world”, in Dau Franklin, Mitchell, “Influence of the Abbe de Mably and of Le Mercier de la Riviere on American constitutional ideas concerning the Republic and judicial review”, 96–130, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Goldsworthy, Jeffrey, “Manner and form revisited: reflections on Marquet’s Case”, 18–43, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid Gormley, Laurence W., “Public interest litigation”, 191–202, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Koopmans, Thijmen, “Judicial review of legislation in the Netherlands”, 273–282, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, T. F.

Judicial review of legislation


Subject Index

Lindell, Geoffrey, “Duty to exercise judicial review”, 150–190, in the volume honouring Sawer, Geoffrey

Akzin, Benjamin, “Analysis of state and law structure”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1)

Morgan, Edmund Morris, “Federal constitutional limitations upon presumptions created by state legislation”, 323–356, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel

Alexander, Larry, “Can law survive the asymmetry of authority?”, 39–54, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F.

Nikolic, Pavle, “Constitutional review of laws by constitutional courts and democracy: problem of legitimacy”, 29–42, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Ramachandran, Raju, “The Supreme Court and the basic structure doctrine”, 107–133, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Steinberger, Helmut, “Historic influences of American constitutionalism upon German constitutional development: federalism and judicial review”, 177–196, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Wellington, Harry H., “The nature of judicial review”, 157–186, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Wesley-Smith, Peter, “Judges and judicial power under the Hong Kong basic law”, 465–488, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Yessiou-Faltsi, Pelayia, “Judicial review of unconstitutional legislation in Greece”, in Dau

Jurisprudence Aarnio, Aulis, “Legal fictions and the problem of institutional facts. An ontological point of view”, in Dau Aarnio, Aulis, “On the knowledge of legal facts through norms”, in Dau Aarnio, Aulis, “Is legal science a social science?”, 3–18, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Alexy, Robert, “A definition of law”, 101–108, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Alexy, Robert, “The nature of arguments about the nature of law”, 3–16, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Allen, Carleton Kemp, “Justice and expediency”, 15–28, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Alvarez, Alejandro, “New conception and new bases of legal philosophy”, 25–40, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Arnaud, André-Jean, “Legal grafting as a formal problem in a structural perspective”, in Dau Arneson, Richard J., “Cracked foundations of liberal equality”, 79–98, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Asomugha, Ephraim Maduelosi, “American legal realism re-examined”, 33–51, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Aufricht, Hans, “The theory of pure law in historical perspective”, 29–42, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1) Baker, Gordon P., “Defeasibility and meaning”, 26–57, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1) Balogh, Elmer, “Note on Thomas Hobbes”, 29–42, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Barker, Rodney S., “Obedience, legitimacy, and the state”, 3–22, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G.

Aarnio, Aulis, “On the validity, efficacy, and acceptability of legal norms”, in Dau

Bechtler, Thomas W., “American legal realism revaluated”, 1–48, in the volume honouring Fuller, Lon L.

Adams, James Luther, “Conceptions of natural law, from Troeltsch to Berman”, 179–192, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1)

Behrends, Okko, “Formality and the substance in classical Roman law”, 207–224, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.


Subject Index Bell, John, “The acceptability of legal arguments”, 45–66, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) Bell, John, “Three models of the judicial function”, 54–77, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Berns, Laurence, “Xenophon’s Alcibiades and Pericles on the question of law with applications to the polity of the United States”, v. 1, 464–477, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Berten, André, “The rationality of law and the dynamic of reason”, in Dau Beyer, Jes, “Ilmar Tammelo’s thoughts about justice”, in Dau Birch, Christopher, “Corrective justice and the paradox of future individuals”, 109–126, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Birks, Peter, “Fictions ancient and modern”, 83–102, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) Bittner, Rüdiger, “Stronger reasons”, 17–24, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Bix, Brian, “On description and legal reasoning”, 7–28, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F. Bjarup, Jes, “Kelsen’s theory of law and philosophy of justice”, 273–304, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2)


Boukema, H. J. M., “Criteria for good law”, in Dau Boukema, H. J. M., “The function of hypocrisy”, in Dau Bradney, Anthony, “‘And that man dying’”, 235–255, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Brewer, Scott, “Traversing Holmes’s path toward a jurisprudence of logical form”, 94–132, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Brown, W. Jethro, “The latest phase in legal evolution”, 18–24, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Bunge, Mario, “Morality is the basis of legal and political legitimacy”, in Dau Burns, John J., “Law and ethics”, 161–182, in the volume honouring Catholic University of America Bustamante y Montoro, A. S. de, “Kelsenism”, 43–51, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Cairns, Huntington, “Philosophy as jurisprudence”, 52–69, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Campbell, Colin M., “The career of the concept”, 1–26, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (3)

Black, Virginia, “Relating Ius to Lex”, in Dau

Campbell, Tom, “Legal change and legal theory: the context for a revised legal positivism”, 605–630, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Blackshield, Anthony, “The pious editor’s creed”, 123–152, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius

Campbell, Tom, “Collective rights and individual interests”, 127–147, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Bobbitt, Philip, “What it means to follow a rule of law”, 55–60, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F.

Cane, Peter, “Responsibility and fault: a relational and functional approach to responsibility”, 81–110, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2)

Bodenheimer, Edgar, “Reflections on the future of legal philosophy”, in Dau Bondy, Otto, “Hans Kelsen’s relativistic approach to ethics”, 51–58, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1) Borucka-Arctowa, Maria, “Llewellyn’s concept of law jobs and recent approaches to the function of law”, in Dau

Caracciolo, Richardo, “The concept of normative authority”, in Dau Carrington, Paul D., “Aftermath”, 113–150, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Carrion, Agostino, “Law and social theory in Emil Lask”, in Dau



Subject Index

Casal, Paula and Williams, Andrew, “Equality of resources and procreative justice”, 150–169, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M.

Cowan, Thomas A., “Legal pragmatism and beyond”, 130–142, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Castro, Hector David, “Natural law and positive law”, 144–160, in the volume honouring Catholic University of America

Cranston, Ross, “‘A wayward, vagrant spirit’: law in context finds its rich and kindly earth”, 1–20, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1)

Celano, Bruno, “Are reasons for action beliefs?”, 25–44, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1)

Del Vecchio, Giorgio, “Truth and untruth in morals and law”, 143–166, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Christofidis, Miriam Cohen, “Talent, slavery and envy”, 30–44, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M.

Denti, Vittorio, “Some comparative remarks on ‘Rationes decidendi’ and ‘Obiter dicta’”, in Dau

Chroust, Anton-Hermann, “On the nature of natural law”, 70–84, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Dorf, Michael C., “Courts, reasons, and rules”, 129–146, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F.

Chroust, Anton-Hermann, “Some Aphoristic Reflections on National Law”, in Dau

Dorsey, Gray L., “Jurisculture in the 21st century”, 33–48, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Clark, E. C., “Jus and Lex”, in Dau Clayton, Matthew, “A puzzle about ethics, justice, and the sacred”, 99–110, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Cleveland, Keith S., “The usefulness of old works of science”, v. 1, 43–54, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Cohen, Gerald Allan, “Expensive taste rides again”, 3–29, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Cohen, Morris Raphael, “A critical sketch of legal philosophy in America”, v. 2, 266–319, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Doyle, John, “Implications of judicial law-making”, 84–98, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Dreier, Ralf, “Some remarks on the concept of law”, 109–124, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Drobnig, Ulrich, “Llewellyn and Germany”, in Dau Dworkin, R. M., “No right answer?”, 58–84, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1) Dworkin, R. M., “Principle, policy, procedure”, 193–225, in the volume honouring Cross, Rupert, Sir

Coleman, Jules L., “Incorporationism, conventionality, and the practical difference thesis”, 99–148, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4)

Dworkin, R. M., “Legal theory and the problem of sense”, 9–20, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (2)

Collins, Hugh, “Democracy and adjudication”, 67–82, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1)

Dworkin, R. M., “Ronald Dworkin replies”, 339–395, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M.

Constable, Marianne, “Laying aside the law: the silences of presumptive positivism”, 61–78, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F.

Eckhoff, Torstein Einang, “Legal principles”, 33–42, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Cossio, Carlos, “Phenomenology of the judgment”, 85–129, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)


Economides, Kim, “What are fundamental legal values?”, 3–14, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Subject Index


Edelman, Lauren B., “Legality and the endogeneity of law”, 187–202, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip

Frank, Jerome, “A sketch of an influence”, 189–261, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Eggleston, F. W., “Legal development in a modern community”, 167–188, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Franklin, Mitchell, “The Influence of Savigny and Gans on the Development of the Legal and Constitutional Theory of Christina Roselius”, in Dau

Elkins, Jeremy, “Frederick Schauer on the force of rules”, 79–108, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F. Emerson, Thomas Irwin, Graglia, Lino A., Forrest, Marshall and Horowitz, Donald J., “The ultimate sources of legal authority”, 130–147, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Endicott, Timothy Andrew Orville, “Herbert Hart and the semantic sting”, 39–58, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4) Endicott, Timothy Andrew Orville, “Raz on gaps: the surprising part”, 99–118, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Ewick, Patricia and Silbey, Susan S., “The structure of legality: the cultural contradictions of social institutions”, 149–166, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Farrell, Martin D., “Liberalism and two versions of utilitarianism”, in Dau

Freedman, Lawrence Zelic, “Greed: law, morality, and pathology”, v. 1, 379–390, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Friedman, Lawrence M., “Karl Llewellyn and the riddle of judicial decision-making”, in Dau Friedman, Lawrence M., “Legality and its discontents”, 135–148, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Friedmann, Wolfgang, “Some reflections on status and freedom”, 222–237, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Friedmann, Wolfgang, “Judicial law-making in England”, 9–25, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams Friedrich, Carl J., “The ideological and philosophical background”, 1–18, in the volume honouring France, Code civil

Finkelstein, Claire Oakes, “When the rule swallows the exception”, 147–175, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F.

Galloway, J. Donald C., “The axiology of analytical jurisprudence: a study of the underlying sociological assumptions and ideological predilections”, 49–98, in the volume honouring Fuller, Lon L.

Fischer, John Martin and Ravizza, Mark, “Responsibility for consequences”, 183–208, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel

Gerven, Walter van, “The concept of provisional validity: The doctrine of nullity refined”, in Dau

Fiss, Owen M., “Capitalism and democracy”, in Dau

Gianformaggio, Letizia, “The question of moral criticism of law: Is it external or internal?”, in Dau

Fogg, Alan S., “Adjudication theories and hard cases at common law”, 167–181, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D. Foqué, Réné, “Legal subjectivity and legal relation. Language and conceptualisation in the law”, in Dau Forer, Lois G., “The role of conscience in judicial decision-making”, 285–302, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1)

Gildin, Hilail, “A note on Leo Strauss’s Interpretation of Rousseau”, v. 1, 311–317, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Gillette, Clayton P., “The path dependence of the law”, 245–277, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Gizbert-Studnicki, Tomasz, “The non-linguistic concept of norm and ontology”, in Dau



Subject Index

Glastra van Loon, Jan F., “The metaphysical foundation of Hans Kelsen’s legal theory and the husteron-prooteron fallacy”, in Dau Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord, “The search for principle”, 313–330, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord Goodhart, Arthur L., “An apology for jurisprudence”, 283–302, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Goudy, Henry, “Legal possession: two maxims”, 151–154, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Graveson, Ronald H., “The scales of justice”, 1–8, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams Green, Leslie, “Associative obligations and the state”, 567–284, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Grey, Thomas C., “Holmes on the logic of the law”, 133–157, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Griffin, James, “Group rights”, 161–182, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Gruter, Margaret, “Where ethology of law and legal psychology meet”, in Dau Gueguen, John A., “Beyond legal positivism and legal naturalism: a lesson from St. Thomas Aquinas”, v. 1, 258–271, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Hacker, P. M. S., “Hart’s philosophy of law”, 1–25, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1) Hadfield, Gillian K., “Changing the path of the law”, 278–284, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Hall, Jerome, “Integrative jurisprudence”, 313–331, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Haller, Rudolf, “The world according to Wittgenstein”, in Dau Hampton, Jean, “Liberalism, retribution and criminality”, 159–182, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Hare, R.M., “Practical inferences”, in Strømø & Kongshavn


Harris, J. W., “Kelsen and normative consistency”, 201–228, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2) Hart, H. L. A., “Self-referring laws”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Harwood, Sterling, “Conceptually necessary links between law and morality”, 143–160, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Hellner, Jan, “Scandinavian legal realism in the law of contract”, 53–70, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Hellner, Jan, “Normative rationality de lege ferenda and de lege lata”, 631–646, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Hickling, R. H., “Issues in Malaysian jurisprudence, 1972–1991”, 319–344, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Hiller, Jack A., “Can reward operate as a legal sanction?”, in Dau Himma, Kenneth Einar, “Law’s claim of legitimate authority”, 271–310, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4) Hocking, William Ernest, “Ways of thinking about rights: a new theory of the relation between law and morals”, v. 2, 242–265, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Honoré, Tony, “Are omissions less culpable?”, 31–52, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Honoré, Tony, “Real laws”, 99–118, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1) Honoré, Tony, “Appreciations and responses”, 219–240, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2) Hopkins, John, “From principles to pragmatism – and back?”, 121–140, in the volume honouring City University (London, England) Hutter, Bridget M. and Lloyd-Bostock, Sally M., “Law’s relationship with social science: the interdependence of theory, empirical work and social relevance in socio-legal studies”, 19–44, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald

Subject Index


Hutton, Gordon M., “Stair’s philosophic precursors”, 87–99, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Katz, Leo, “Playing by, with, around, under, and above the rules: an essay for and about Fred Schauer”, 176–196, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F.

Ibidapo-Obe, Akin, “Jurisprudence of social justcie in Nigeria”, 155–190, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.

Kaufmann, Arthur, “The small-coin right of resistance: an admonition to civil courage”, 573–580, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Ingram, Peter G., “Practices”, 173–200, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (3) Intzessiloglou, Nikolaos, “The open system research program in a tridimensional social science of law”, in Dau Iyer, V. R. Krishna, “The third world jurisprudence”, 101–125, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Jackson, John, “The concept of fact”, 61–84, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (3) Jensen, Erik M., “Pragmatic instrumentation and the future of American legal education”, 161–176, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Johnston, Jason, “Rules and the possibility of social cooperation”, 109–128, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F. Jones, J. Walter, “Acquired and guaranteed rights”, 223–242, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Jørgensen, Stig, “Language and reality”, in Dau Jørgensen, Stig, “Criteria of quality in legal science”, in Dau Jørgensen, Stig, “Does reality exist?”, in Dau

Kelsen, Hans, “The function of the pure theory of law”, v. 2, 231–241, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Kelsen, Hans, “The metamorphoses of the idea of justice”, 390–418, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Kelsen, Hans, “Derogation”, 339–355, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Kelsen, Hans, “The functions of a constitution”, 109–122, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2) Klenner, Hermann, “On the differentia specifica of Marx’s theory of law”, in Dau Kocourek, Albert, “The century of analytic jurisprudence since John Austin”, v. 2, 195–230, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Kocourek, Albert, “Roscoe Pound as a former colleague knew him”, 419–433, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe Kraus, Jody S., “Comment on Brian Leiter’s ‘Holmes, economics, and classical realism’”, 326–332, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Krawietz, Werner, “On how to accept a legal norm or legal order and different rules of recognition. Is a reasonable argumentation legally rational?”, in Dau

Kagan, Robert A., “On ‘responsive law’”, 85–98, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip

Krawietz, Werner, “Foreword. My friend from Halfway, Oregon – a most unusual American academic career [Robert S. Summer]”, in Dau

Kamenka, Eugene and Tay, Alice Erh-Soon, “The sociology of justice”, 107–122, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius

Krawietz, Werner, “Taking legal systems seriously: legal norms and principles as expectations”, in Dau

Kantorowicz, Hermann, “Has capitalism failed in law?”, v. 2, 320–331, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Krawietz, Werner, “Dual concept of the legal system? The formal character of law from the perspective of institutional and social systems theory”, 43–52, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.



Subject Index

Krygier, Martin, “Philip Selznick, normative theory, and the rule of law”, 19–48, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Kymlicka, Will, “Liberal theories of multiculturalism”, 229–252, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Kymlicka, Will, “Dworkin on freedom and culture”, 113–133, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M.

Legrand, Pierre, “Alterity: about rules, for example”, 21–34, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Lehmann, Paul, “A Christian alternative to natural law”, in Dau Lehrberger, James, “Crime without punishment: Thomisitc natural law and the problem of sanctions”, v. 1, 237–257, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

La Torre, Massimo, “Ota Weinberger and the theory of action. A formal-finalistic approach”, in Dau

Leiter, Brian, “Legal realism, hard positivism, and the limits of conceptual analysis”, 355–370, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4)

La Torre, Massimo, “On the relevance of legal theory for legal practice. A plea for jurisprudence”, in Dau

Leiter, Brian, “Holmes, economics, and classical realism”, 285–325, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

La Torre, Massimo, “Formalism and anti-formalism in modern law: state law and beyond”, 647–672, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Leith, Philip, “Common usage, certainty and computing”, 85–116, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (3)

Lacey, Michael J., “Taking ideals seriously: Philip Selznick and the natural-law tradition”, 67–84, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Lacey, Nicola, “Obligations, sanctions and obedience”, 219–234, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) Lang, Wieslaw, “The ontology of law”, in Dau Laserson, Max M., “Positive and ‘natural’ law and their correlation”, 434–449, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Laski, Harold Joseph, “The crisis in the theory of the state”, v. 2, 1–31, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Lasswell, Harold Dwight and McDougal, Myres S., “Trends in theories about law: clarity in conceptions of authority and control”, 68–91, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Laws, John, Sir, “The rule of reason: an international heritage”, 247–258, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Leeuwen, Evert van, “Events and discourse in life. Hommage to Jan Broekman”, in Dau


Lepaulle, Pierre, “Reflections on the sources of the law”, 87–98, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Levinson, Sanford, “Emerson and Holmes: serene skeptics”, 231–244, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Lieberman, David, “Philip Selznick and the common-law tradition”, 119–134, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Lindahl, Hans, “Law and cartesianism”, in Dau Livingston, Stephen, “Of the core and the penumbra: H.L.A. Hart and American realism”, 147–172, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (3) Lloyd, Dennis, “Legal and ideal justice”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Lolas-Stepke, Fernando, “Juris-diction and contra-diction. On the discourse of scientific and professional communities”, in Dau Lucas, J. R., “The phenomenon of law”, 85–98, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1) Lundstedt, A. V., “Law and justice: a criticism of the method of justice”, 450–483, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Subject Index


Lyons, David, “Critical analysis and constructive interpretation”, 76–91, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel

Mazzarese, Tecla, “Normological scepticism and legal dynamics. Weinberger and Kelsen confronted”, in Dau

MacCormack, Geoffrey, “Law and punishment: the western and the traditional Chinese ‘legal mind’”, 235–252, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1)

McGregor, Joan, “Force, consent, and the reasonable woman”, 231–254, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel

MacCormick, Neil, “Rights in legislation”, 189–209, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1) MacCormick, Neil and Bankowski, Zenon, “Speech acts, legal institutions, and real laws”, 121–134, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) MacCormick, Neil, “Stair as analytical jurist”, 187–199, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair MacCormick, Neil, “The artificial reason and judgment of the law”, 78–94, in the volume honouring MacCormick, Neil, “Legal reasoning and the institutional theory of law”, in Dau MacCormick, Neil, “Four quadrants of jurisprudence”, 53–70, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. MacCormick, Neil, “Coherence in legal justification”, in Dau MacCormick, Neil, “Universal and particular. The problem with precedent”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Mackie, J. L., “The grounds of responsibility”, 175–188, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Mendizabal, Alfredo, “On everlasting values of the Spanish school of natural law (F. de Vitoria)”, 498–520, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Meyendorff, A., “The tragedy of modern jurisprudence”, 521–541, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Meyer, Lukas H., “Past and future: the case for a threshold notion of harm”, 143–160, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Moors, Martin, “The type of the moral law. Kant on lawfulness in nature, legality and morality”, in Dau Morison, John, “Hart’s excuses: problems with a compromise theory of punishment”, 117–146, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (3) Morison, W. L., “Myres S. McDougal and twentieth century jurisprudence: a comparative essay”, 3–78, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S. Mubirumusoke, Christopher, “Application of the received law of torts in East Africa and the problem of transplanting legal norms”, 127–188, in the volume honouring Fuller, Lon L. Müller-Laube, Hans-Martin, “Julius von Gierke (1875–1960)”, in Dau

Marasinghe, M. L., “Third World jurisprudence for the 21st century”, 49–72, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Murphy, Liam B., “The political question of the concept of law”, 371–409, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4)

Marcic, René, “Natural law called in question”, in Dau

Narayan, Sathya, “Escapism from innovative justicing”, 126–134, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P.

Marmor, Andrei, “Legal conventionalism”, 193–218, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4) Marmor, Andrei, “The intrinsic value of economic equality”, 127–142, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Marshall, Geoffrey, “Positivism, adjudication, and democracy”, 132–144, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Neal, Alan, “In search of the ‘social dimension’”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Nerbot, Patrick, “The normal and its sign”, in Dau Nicgorski, Walter, “Cicero’s Socrates: assessment of ‘The Socratic Turn’”, v. 1, 213–236, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George



Subject Index

Nino, Carlos S., “On social rights”, in Dau Nonet, Philippe, “Technique and law”, 49–66, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Obilade, Akintunde Olusegun, “A critique of the idea of destabilisation in legal theory”, 113–134, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze Obilade, Akintunde Olusegun, “Demystifying the law”, 276–282, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Ogundere, Joseph Diekola, “The philosophy of justice, the parameter and ends of justice, jus naturale: natural justice and unjust laws”, v. 2, 803–816, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Olivecrona, Karl, “Law as fact”, 542–557, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Orth, John V., “Casting the priests out of the temple: John Austin and the relation between law and religion”, 229–250, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Osgood, Russell K., “Robert S. Summers and legal process at Cornell”, 359–366, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Otakpor, Nkeonye, “The topoi of a legal system”, 214–232, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi Otsuka, Michael, “Liberty, equality, envy, and abstraction”, 70–78, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Palazzo, Donato, “Man, law and medicine”, in Dau Parijs, Philippe van, “Equality of resources versus undominated diversity”, 45–69, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Pattaro, Enrico, “View of legal dogmatics in the fifties. The theories Alf Ross and Norberto Bobbio”, in Dau

Patterson, Edwin Wilhite, “Pound’s theory of social interests”, 558–573, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Paul, Wolf, “Natural man in Brazilian law”, in Dau Paulson, Stanley L., “On the early development of the Grundnorm”, in Dau Paulson, Stanley L., “Kelsen in the role of critic”, in Dau Paulson, Stanley L., “Kelsen without Kant”, in Dau Paulson, Stanley L., “Kelsen and the Marburg School: reconstructive and historical perspectives”, 481–494, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Paulson, Stanley L., “On the status of the lex posterior derogating rule”, 229–248, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2) Paulson, Stanley L., “Kelsen’s early work on material and formal unity”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Paz, Enrique Martínez, “Lask and the doctrine of the science of law”, 574–577, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Peces-Barba Martinez, Gregorio, “The majority principle seen from philosophy of law”, in Dau Peczenik, Alexander, “Morality, law and rights”, in Dau Peczenik, Alexander, “Sources of law”, in Dau Peczenik, Alexander, “Unity of the legal system”, 71–82, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Peczenik, Alexander, “Moral thinking, the law and rationality”, in Dau Peczenik, Alexander, “Creativity and transformation in legal reasoning”, in Dau Peczenik, Alexander, “Two sides of the Grundnorm”, in Dau

Pattaro, Enrico, “Ethical aspects of the concept of legal standard”, 177–186, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Peczenik, Alexander, “Justice in legal doctrine”, 197–211, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Patterson, Dennis, “Explaining ‘law’”, 29–38, in the volume honouring Schauer, Frederick F.

Penner, James E., “Legal reasoning and the authority of law”, 71–98, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1)


Subject Index Perelman, Chaim, “Legal ontology and legal reasoning”, 1–9, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius


Pound, Roscoe, “Twentieth-century ideas as to the end of law”, 357–376, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel

Perrott, David L., “Has law a deep structure?: the origin of fundamental duties”, 1–15, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2)

Pound, Roscoe, “More about the nature of law”, 513–536, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

Perry, Stephen, “Hart’s methodological positivism”, 311–354, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4)

Priestley, L. J., “Influences on judicial law-making”, 84–98, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir

Perry, Stephen, “Honore on responsibility for outcomes”, 61–80, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2) Perry, Stephen, “Holmes versus Hart: the bad man in legal theory”, 158–196, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Peters, Bernhard, “Communal groups and cultural conflict”, 205–228, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Petev, Valentin, “Is contemporary law post-modern?”, 673–682, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Pettit, Philip, “Kelsen on justice: a charitable reading”, 305–320, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2) Podgorecki, Adam, “Jurisprudence empirically tested”, 297–318, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Pollock, Frederick, Sir, “Lay fallacies in the law”, 5–17, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry

Primoratz, Igor, “The middle way in the philosophy of punishment”, 193–220, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (2) Proietti, Gerald, “The natural world and the political world in Thucydides’ history”, v. 1, 184–194, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Proietti, Pamela, “Natural rights(s) and natural law: John Locke and the scholastic tradition”, v. 1, 280–310, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Prott, Lyndel V., “Are there objective criteria for legal reasoning?”, in Dau Psomas, Andreas J., “Privatus logicus and the return of the Dorians”, v. 2, 851–860, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Radin, Max, “A juster justice, a more lawful law”, 537–564, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Rao, Suneeti, “Law: the meaning and beyond”, 135–143, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Rauschning, Dietrich, “Herbert Kraus (1884–1965)”, in Dau

Pollock, Seton, “The domain of order and the role of politics”, 123–136, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law

Raz, Joseph, “Promises and obligations”, 210–228, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Postema, Gerald J., “The normativity of law”, 81–104, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (2)

Raz, Joseph, “Two views of the nature of the theory of law: a partial comparison”, 1–38, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4)

Postema, Gerald J., “Integrity: justice in workclothes”, 291–318, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M.

Raz, Joseph, “Comments and responses”, 253–274, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1)

Pound, Roscoe, “The task of the law in the atomic age”, 233–246, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1)

Raz, Joseph, “Autonomy, toleration, and the harm principle”, 313–333, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (2)



Subject Index

Raz, Joseph, “The purity of the pure theory”, 79–98, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2) Raz, Joseph, “Speaking with one voice: on Dworkinian integrity and coherence”, 285–290, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Reale, Miguel, “Law and power and their correlation”, 238–270, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Recaséns-Siches, Luis, “Ideas and historical conditioning in the realization of the juridical values”, 611–641, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Recaséns-Siches, Luis, “The logic of the reasonable as differentiated from the logic of the rational (human reason in the making and the interpretation of the law)”, 192–221, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Riesenfeld, Stefan A., “Reminiscences of Karl Llewellyn”, in Dau Ripstein, Arthur, “Private law and private narratives”, 37–60, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2) Rodes, Robert E., “On the fiftieth anniversary of St. Thomas More’s canonization”, v. 1, 272–279, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Rokumoto, Kahei, “Philip Selznick’s conception of law and legal sociology: a view from Japan”, 167–186, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip

Schuck, Victoria, “Anatomy of Change: Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1970”, in Dau Seters, Paul van, “Law, society, and the search for community”, 373–388, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Sethna, M. J., “The true nature and province of jurisprudence from the viewpoint of Indian philosophy”, 99–141, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Sethna, M. J., “Synthetic jurisprudence”, 29–42, in the volume honouring Government Law College, Bombay Shapiro, Scott, “On Hart’s way out”, 149–192, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4) Shapiro, Scott, “The bad man and the internal point of view”, 197–210, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Sharma, G. S., “Some reflections on teaching of jurisprudence in India”, 39–48, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Silving, Helen, “The lasting value of Kelsenism”, 297–306, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1) Silving, Helen, “Law and fact in the light of the pure theory of law”, 642–667, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Simons, Peter M., “Natural kinds and natural rights”, in Dau Soeteman, Arend, “Legal moralism in liberal communities”, in Dau

Rottleuthner, Hubert, “Was it a legal order?”, 187–206, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Sohoni, S. V., “Dharma: sthiti”, 144–150, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P.

Sack, Peter, “Law, normativity and power-conferring rules”, in Dau

Soper, Philip, “The obligation to obey the law”, 127–155, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (2)

Samu, Mihaly, “Adequacy of societal norm-systems: the issues of modern ius and non-ius”, 83–100, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Sartorius, Rolf E., “Positivism and the foundations of legal authority”, 43–61, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (2) Sawer, Geoffrey, “The administration of morals”, 88–99, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius


Sorenson, Leonard R., “The ‘good man’ and the ‘virtuous citizen’ in Rousseau’s republic”, v. 1, 318–328, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Squella, Augustin, “Law and force”, in Dau Stavropoulos, Nicos, “Hart’s semantics”, 59–98, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4)

Subject Index


Stein, Peter, “Adam Smith’s jurisprudence: between morality and economics”, 137–152, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law

Summers, Robert S., “Technology, law and values”, in Dau

Stein, Peter, “The tasks of historical jurisprudence”, 293–306, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1)

Summers, Robert S., “Form and substance in legal reasoning”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Stein, Peter, “The theory of law”, 181–187, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Tammelo, Ilmar, “Material justice and anthropos bulesomenos: sketch for a normative orientation of future man”, 100–106, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius

Steiner, Hillel, “Equality, incommensurability, and rights”, 119–126, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (1) Steiner, Hillel, “Kant’s Kelsenianism”, 65–78, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2)

Summers, Robert S., “Law’s limited efficacy – A possible body of knowledge?”, in Dau

Tammelo, Ilmar and Klinger, Ron, “The counter-formula method and its applications in legal logic”, in Dau Tammelo, Ilmar, “The perennial role of legal philosophy”, in Dau

Stewart, Iain, “Kelsen and the exegetical tradition”, 123–148, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2)

Tammelo, Ilmar, “Logical structure of the legal norm and of legal states of affairs”, in Dau

Stone, Ferdinand F., “The economy of juristic concepts or the definition of definition”, in Dau

Tammelo, Ilmar, “Material justice and negative being”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Stone, Ferdinand F., “The legacy of Plato’s ‘The Laws’”, 153–168, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Stone, Julius, “Fallacies of the logical form in English law”, 696–735, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Stone, Julius, “Natural law and human predicament in the age of technology”, in Dau Stone, Julius, “Reasons and reasoning in judicial and juristic argument”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Stranzinger, Rudolf, “On natural law and the is-ought-question. Philosophical observations”, in Dau Sudarshan, R., “Judges, state and society in India”, 268–288, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna

Tapani Klami, Hannu, “Dualism of law. Law as an ontologically dualistic phenomenon – and its objectivity”, in Dau Tarello, Giovanni, “Problems associated with effectiveness of law from the viewpoint of an Italian scholar”, 82–87, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Tay, Alice Erh-Soon, “The role of law in the twentieth century: from law to laws to social science?”, 3–18, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law Tebaldeschi, Ivanhoe, “Legal concepts and the rights of men”, in Dau Tebaldeschi, Ivanhoe, “Positive law and its rivals”, in Dau Terkel, Studs, “We must not be afraid to be free: interviews with George Anastaplo”, v. 1, 504–538, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Summers, Robert S., “Statutes and contracts as founts of formal reasoning”, 71–86, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S.

Teubner, Gunther, “Altera pars audiatur: law in the collision of discourses”, 149–176, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science

Summers, Robert S., “Naive instrumentalism and the law”, 119–131, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Teubner, Gunther, “The ultracycle of juridification: ecological recursiveness in law and society”, in Dau



Subject Index

Timasheff, Nicholas S., “Petrazhitsky’s philosophy of law”, 736–750, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Vernengo, Roberto J., “The question of the legitimacy of positive law and its moral foundations”, in Dau

Trombetas, Thomas P., “Natural law and the modern world”, in Dau

Vernengo, Roberto J., “Kelsen’s Rechtssätze as detached statements”, 99–108, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2)

Tuori, Kaarlo, “Four models of the Rechtsstaat”, in Dau Tuori, Kaarlo, “Interests and the legitimacy of law”, in Dau Tur, Richard, “The Kelsenian enterprise”, 149–186, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2) Twining, William, “Identification and misidentification in legal processes. Redefining the problem”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Twining, William, “Narrative and generalisations in argumentation about questions of fact”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Twining, William, “The ratio decidendi of the case of the prodigal son”, 149–171, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B. Twining, William, “A Nobel prize for law?”, 47–61, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1)

Vipond, Robert Charles and Feldberg, Georgina D., “The law of evolution and the evolution of the law: Mills, Darwin, and late-nineteenth-century legal thought”, 561–582, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Waldron, Jeremy, “Does law promise justice?”, 99–118, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Waldron, Jeremy, “Normative (or ethical) positivism”, 410–434, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4) Waldron, Jeremy, “The rule of law as a theater of debate”, 319–336, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Weinberg, Louise, “Of theory and theodicy: the problem of immoral law”, 473–502, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Twining, William, “The idea of juristic method: a tribute to Karl Llewellyn”, in Dau

Weinberger, Ota, “Non-cognitivism and relativism reconsidered. Action-theoretical and political implications”, in Dau

Unger, Roberto Mangabeira, “Legal analysis as institutional imagination”, 177–206, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science

Weinberger, Ota, “Formalism and anti-formalism: reconsidering an important dispute in jurisprudence”, 683–692, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Uusitalo, Jyrkri, “Hercules at the crossroads: Dworkinian intepretation and the Gadamerican reality”, in Dau

Weinberger, Ota, “Logic and the pure theory of law”, 187–200, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2)

Vanderslice, Stephen, “A natural right perspective on contemporary moral questions”, v. 1, 130–145, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Wells, Catharine Peirce, “Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., and William James: the bad man and the moral life”, 211–230, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

Varga, Csaba, “The context of the judicial application of norms”, 495–512, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Weston, Burns H., “The role of law in promoting peace and violence: a matter of definition, social values, and individual responsibility”, 114–131, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S.

Vaughan, Frederick, “On first looking into Popper’s Plato”, v. 1, 111–129, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Vernengo, Roberto J., “Legal rationality and divergent normative logics”, in Dau


Weyland, Ines, “Idealism and realism in Kelsen’s treatment of norm conflicts”, 249–272, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2)

Subject Index Wildi, Max, “Locke’s conception of the conjugal contract and Congreve’s proviso scene in the way of the world”, in Dau

Zirk-Sadowski, Marek, “Philosophical aspects of the problem of normative novelty”, in Dau

Willoweit, Dietmar, “Felix Dahn (1834–1912)”, in Dau


Wilson, Alida, “Is Kelsen really a Kantian?”, 37–64, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (2) Winston, Kenneth I., “Reflections on model institutions”, in Dau Wood, Malcolm, “Rule, rules and law”, 27–60, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (3) Woodard, Calvin, “A wake (or awakening?) for historical jurisprudence”, 217–237, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Wright, Robert Alderson Wright, Lord, “Natural law and international law”, 794–807, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Wróblewski, Jerzy, “Philosophical positivism and legal antipositivism of Leon Petrazychi”, in Dau Wróblewski, Jerzy, “Law-making and hierarchies of values”, in Dau Wróblewski, Jerzy, “Negation in law”, in Dau Wyduckel, Dieter, “The significance of history for legal philosophy and positive law”, 513–530, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Yale, D. E. C., “Further thoughts on Maine’s historical jurisprudence”, 238–241, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Ziegert, Klaus A., “With the law the land shall be built: the case of changing norms seriously”, 324–356, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Ziembinski, Zygmunt, “Prescriptive and/or descriptive language in legal sciences”, in Dau Ziembinski, Zygmunt, “Kinds of discordance of norms”, in Dau Zipursky, Benjamin Charles, “The model of social facts”, 219–270, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (4)


Andrews, John A., “Uses and misuses of the jury”, 37–56, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Friedland, Martin L. and Roach, Kent, “Borderline justice: choosing juries in the two Niagaras”, 205–241, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Getzler, Joshua, “The fate of the civil jury in late-Victorian England: malicious prosecution as a test case”, 205–224, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B. Graven, Jean, “The direction and evolution of the jury system”, 343–362, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Henry, Robert L., “The story of the criminal jury in the civil law and in the common law”, 135–164, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Jenks, Edward, “‘According to the evidence’”, 191–202, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Morgan, Edmund Morris, “Instructing the jury upon presumptions and burden of proof”, 487–512, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Murley, John A., “Number, justice and trial by jury”, v. 2, 819–851, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Oldham, James, “The Seventh Amendment right to jury trial: late-eighteenth-century practice reconsidered”, 225–253, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B. Phillips, Jim, “Halifax juries in the eighteenth century”, 135–182, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M.

Labour law Aaron, Benjamin, “Administration of justice in labor law: arbitration and the role of courts: an international survey”, 363–384, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Labour law


Subject Index

Adeogun, A. A., “The legal framework of collective bargaining in Nigeria”, 182–196, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Adlercreutz, Axel, “Centralistic and decentralistic tendencies in Swedish industrial relations and labour law”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1) Agomo, Chioma K., “The law of contract in relation to employment”, 83–93, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O. Ahmad, Sharifah Suhana, “Trade unions in Malaysia: organs with ‘bark’ or ‘bite’?”, 345–384, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Alexis, Francis, “The labour movement and the law in Barbados”, 1–47, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2) Anderman, Steve, “Termination of employment: whose property rights?”, 101–128, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Anderman, Steve, “Enforcing collective agreements and the contracts of employment in the UK”, in Dau Araki, Takashi, “Accommodating terms and conditions of employment to changing circumstances: a comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative flexibility in the United States, Germany and Japan”, 509–536, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Arthurs, Harry W., “The collective labour law of a global economy”, 143–162, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Bacchus, Rahim, “Distinguishing the contract of service from the contract for services: from control to economic reality”, 287–312, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1) Bainbridge, Stephen M., “Employee involvement postcollective bargaining”, 203–218, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Bar-Niv, Zvi, “Some features of Israeli labour law (with special reference to the Labour Court)”, 11–20, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Labour law

Bercusson, Brian, “Collective bargaining and the protection of social rights in Europe”, 106–126, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Biagi, Marco, “Competitiveness and social justice: collective bargaining and flexibility in the Italian experience”, 605–650, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Blanpain, Roger, “The OECD guidelines for multinationals and labour relations 1976–1979. Experience and review”, 41–48, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1) Brassey, Martin, “Something new, something borrowed…: comparative labour law in South Africa”, in Dau Brodie, Douglas, “Political strikes”, 215–230, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Brooks, Brian, “De-regulating the labour market: reflections on the New Zealand experience”, 651–672, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Brown, William and Oxenbridge, Sarah, “Trade unions and collective bargaining: law and the future of collectivism”, 63–78, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Carby-Hall, Joseph Roger and Boruta, Irena, “The contractual position of minors and the prohibition on employment”, 30–57, in the volume honouring Bevan, Hugh K. Chander, Harish, “Governmental prerogative in relation to civil servants”, 470–478, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Chroust, Anton-Hermann, “Labor law and labor relations in the light of neo-sociological jurisprudence”, in Dau Clark, Jon, “Towards a sociology of labour law: an analysis of the German writings of Otto Kahn-Freund”, 81–106, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (2) Clark, Jon and Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord, “Modern labour law: problems, functions, and policies”, 127–242, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (2)

Subject Index


Clarke, Oliver, “Public policy and industrial relations in Britain: an assessment”, 673–706, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Deyrup, Felicia Johnson, “The labor injunction in American social development”, 439–450, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

Clawson, Harold J., “Law and labour relations”, 93–126, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur

Docksey, C., “Status duties in employment”, 201–218, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2)

Clegg, Hugh Armstrong, “Otto KahnFreund and British industrial relations”, 14–28, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (2) Costello, Kevin, “Regulating the antidismissal injunction”, 188–202, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Creighton, W. B., “The ILO and the protection of freedom of association in the United Kingdom”, 1–27, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Creighton, W. B., “The future of labour law: is there a role for international labour standards?”, 253–274, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Cronin, John, “Through a looking glass darkly”, 417–432, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Eklund, Ronnie, “Public employment exchange and the use of temporary employment agencies in the Nordic countries”, in Dau Elias, Patrick, “The strike and breach of contract: a reassessment”, 257–266, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Ewing, Keith D., “Laws against strikes revisited”, 41–62, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Fahlbeck, Reinhold, “Unionism in Japan: declining or not?”, 707–734, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Fhalbeck, Reinhold, “The demise of collective bargaining in the USA”, in Dau Florek, Ludwik, “International labour law and Polish legislation”, in Dau

Cumberbatch, Jefferson, “Without good c[l]ause: unfair dismissal in Barbados”, 267–286, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1)

Fredman, Sandra, “The ideology of new labour law”, 9–40, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A.

Däubler, Wolfgang, “Trends in German labour law”, 105–132, in the volume honouring Sinzheimer, Hugo

Freedland, Mark R., “Employment policy”, 275–310, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord

Davies, Paul and Freedland, Mark R., “Labour law”, 367–440, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Davies, Paul and Freedland, Mark R., “Changing perspectives upon the employment relationship in British labour law”, 129–158, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Deakin, Simon F., “Labour law as market regulation”, 63–94, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord Deakin, Simon F., “Workers, finance and democracy”, 79–100, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A.

Gladstone, Alan, “Reflections on globalization, decentralization and industrial relations”, 163–178, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Goerlich, Helmut, “Preferential treatment and equal access to public office: some remarks from the perspective of the basic law of the Federal Republic of Germany”, 449–469, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Goldberg, Menachem, “The balance between freedom of occupation and freedom of contract in a contract limiting an employee’s freedom of occupation”, 179–192, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Labour law


Subject Index

Goldman, Alvin L., “Industrial democracy – slogan or metaphor?”, 747–768, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Griffith, J. A. G., “The judge and industrial disputes”, 148–157, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Guigni, Gino, “Recent trends in Italian strike law”, in Dau Hanami, Tadashi, “Equal employment opportunity in Japan – crossroad of Japanese corporate and legal culture”, 769–784, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Kostal, Rande W., “Conservative insurrection: great strikes and deep law in Cleveland, Ohio and London, Ontario, 1898–1899”, 281–334, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Lehmann, Hans J., “The union’s duty of fair representation”, 151–172, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1) Lewis, Roy, “Method and ideology in the labour law writings of Otto Kahn-Freund”, 107–126, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (2)

Heijden, P. F. van der, “Post-industrial labour law and industrial relations in the Netherlands”, 133–148, in the volume honouring Sinzheimer, Hugo

Li, Yi-Duo, “Liability under the law of the People’s Republic of China of a superior authority who causes a contract party to fail to perform contractual duty”, in Dau

Hepple, B. A., “Trade unions and democracy in transitional societies: reflections on Russia and South Africa”, 56–75, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul

Lyon-Caen, Gérard, “The evolution of labour law”, 93–104, in the volume honouring Sinzheimer, Hugo

Hepple, B. A., “A functional approach to dismissal laws”, 477–492, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1) Javillier, Jean Claude, “Doctrine in labour law”, 25–40, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Jenks, C. Wilfred, “The application of international labour conventions by means of collective agreements”, in Dau Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir, “Strikes and the law: some recent developments in Western Europe”, 201–219, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir, “Labour law and industrial relations in Great Britain and West Germany”, 1–13, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (2) Kalula, Evance, “Beyond borrowing and bending: labour market regulation and the future of labour law in Southern Africa”, 275–288, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A.

Matey, Maria, “Problems of the approximation of Polish labour law to European standards”, 785–802, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger McCarry, G. J., “Amicable agreements, equitable awards and industrial disorder”, 61–96, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law McEldowney, John F., “Criminal law and the development of labour relations in nineteenth-century Ireland”, 267–293, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul McKay, Sonia, “Taking on the individual trade unionist: a new emphasis in legal intervention”, 240–256, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Merrifield, Leroy S., “The origin of Australian labor conciliation and arbitration”, 173–184, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1) Miehsler, Herbert, “The European Social Charter and the civil servants’ rights to strike: The German case”, in Dau

Kim, Chi Sun, “Development of modern labor relations law in Korea”, 125–136, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Miller, Kenny, “The labours of Lord Denning”, 126–156, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1)

Kochan, Thomas, “The need for new industrial relations institutions”, 41–54, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Morris, Gillian S., “The future of the public/private labour law divide”, 159–178, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A.

Labour law

Subject Index


Nagy, Lászlo, “Participation of workers and employees in management of the socialist enterprises”, 185–198, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Richberg, Donald R., “The industrial liberalism of Mr. Justice Brandeis”, 127–140, in the volume honouring Brandeis, Louis Dembitz

Nagy, Lászlo, “Developments and changes in the system of collective agreements in Central and Eastern Europe”, 329–352, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Rideout, Roger W., “Aberrations of the implied term”, 647–664, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Napier, B. W., “Using Community law to protect workers’ rights: a case study”, 127–146, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul

Rojot, Jacques, “French unions at the end of the 1990s. The debate about the causes for the decline in the rate of unionization”, 803–822, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Napier, B. W., “Office and office-holder in British labour law”, 593–608, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Rood, Max G., “Labour law in the 21st century”, 83–92, in the volume honouring Sinzheimer, Hugo

Neal, Alan, “Comparative labour law and industrial relations: ‘major discipline?’ – who cares?”, 55–72, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Rudolf, Stanislaw, “Direction of changes in the employee participation system in Poland”, in Dau

Nystrom, Birgitta, “Community labour law – a challenge to the ‘Swedish Model’?”, 353–372, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger O’Higgins, Paul, “The end of labour law as we have known it?”, 289–302, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Pankert, Alfred, “The settlement of labour disputes in ‘essential services’ in industrialised market economies”, 537–552, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Parameswara Rao, P., “The Supreme Court and the employee”, 381–403, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Perlman, Mark, “Some reflections on theorizing about industrial relations”, 181–212, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir Philip, Allan, “Contracts of employment in the law of conflict of laws of the EEC”, in Dau Pinto, Mario, “Reform the providential state to save the welfare state”, 73–90, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Portus, J. H., “Law and power in Australian compulsory arbitration”, 211–224, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Schmitt, Gilbert R., “The jurisdiction of the Canadian Parliament in matters of labour legislation”, 49–66, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur Schregle, Johannes, “Public servants and the ILO Conventions on freedom of association”, in Dau Schregle, Johannes, “Tripartism in Asia: problems and prospects”, 419–430, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Schreiber, Herbert, “The development of judicial sanctions against strikes in Israel: The labour court’s general theory (1970–1985)”, in Dau Sciarra, Silvana, “Collective agreements in the hierarchy of European Community sources”, 189–212, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord Sciarra, Silvana, “The ‘making’ of EU labour law and the ‘future’ of labour lawyers”, 201–212, in the volume honouring Hepple, B. A. Servais, Jean-Michel, “Industrial and workplace relations: new directions in a diversified world”, 201–220, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Sewerynski, Michal, “Search for the new model of collective agreements in Poland”, in Dau

Labour law


Subject Index

Shrubsall, Vivien, “Fundamental values in employment”, 325–338, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Simitis, Spiros and Lyon-Caen, Antoine, “Community labour law: a critical introduction to its history”, 1–22, in the volume honouring Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord Sugeno, Kazuo, “Minimum wages in Japan: A system for social equity in decentralized industrial relations”, in Dau Sugeno, Kazuo and Suwa, Yasuo, “Technological innovation and social protection: ‘career is property’ as a concept of labour market policies”, 91–116, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Summers, Clyde W., “The adversary character of American labor relations – its caused and consequences”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Summers, Clyde W., “Exclusive representation: a comparative inquiry into a ‘unique’ American principle”, 569–592, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Suviranta, Antti J., “The Scandinavian labour councils”, 687–700, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1) Swiatkowski, Andrzej, “The social peace obligations during the period of transition from a planned to a market economy”, in Dau Swiatkowski, Andrzej, “Lockout as the old labour law problem in the new environment of a post-socialist country”, 431–438, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Szubert, Waclaw, “Some considerations on safety and health at work in comparative law”, 701–716, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1) Taylor, Veronica L., “Terminating continuing contracts in Japan: Some implications for Australia”, in Dau Thompson, Clive, “Borrowing and bending: The developing of South Africa’s unfair labour practice jurisprudence”, in Dau

Labour law

Treu, Tiziano, “Strikes in essential services in Italy: An extreme case of pluralistic regulation”, in Dau Trindade, Francis A., “The security of tenure of public servants in Malaysia and Singapore”, 256–287, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Visser, Jelle, “Bargaining in Euros – what should unions do?”, 461–488, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Vranken, Martin, “Labour law deregulation and the Austrian Workplace Relations Act 1996”, 823–836, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Watson, Philippa, “The role of the European Court of Justice in the development of Community labour law”, 76–105, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord, “Collectivism, labour law and the European Community”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord, “Laski’s law behind the law. 1906 to European labour law”, 25–62, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord, “Otto Kahn-Freund and British labour law”, 29–80, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (2) Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord, “Labour law and the individual in post-industrial societies”, 13–82, in the volume honouring Sinzheimer, Hugo Weltner, Andor, “The development of labour law in Hungary”, 227–242, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Wheeler, Hoyt N., “The labor movement in the 21st century”, 221–236, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Wood, John C., “The law and industrial relations: 1900–1984 and back?”, 37–48, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (2)

Subject Index

Landlord and tenant Bickley, T. J., “The tenant’s covenant to repair”, 145–186, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Brookfield, F. M., “The status of unregistered leases”, 61–74, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Brookfield, F. M., “Covenants implied in registered and unregistered leases”, 75–94, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Burrows, J. F., “Ancient English statutes in the law of landlord and tenant”, 31–44, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Burrows, J. F., “Section 105 of the Property Law Act 1952”, 45–60, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Cain, Gordon, “The lease as security”, 293–302, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Cain, Gordon, “Public bodies leases”, 355–374, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Connard, Roger, “The landlord’s right to distrain”, 227–250, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Connard, Roger, “Fixtures”, 251–276, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Dowling, J. A., “A parliamentary history of the law of distress for rent from 1845”, 171–190, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Esterman, L., “Leases and registration: some practical points”, 277–292, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Hinde, G. W., “Usual covenants”, 95–122, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Hoath, David C., “Can Cathy come home?: the law’s response to 75 years of housing problems”, 15–36, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (2) McMorland, D. W., “Certainty of commencement and duration of leases”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. McMorland, D. W., “Lease or licence?”, 11–30, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C.


Molloy, Anthony P., “The landlord’s covenant to repair”, 187–206, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. O’Keefe, J. A. B., “The Crown as landlord”, 303–340, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. O’Keefe, J. A. B., “Aspects of the valuation of leasehold interests”, 391–418, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Palmer, K. A., “Covenants against assignment”, 207–226, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Robson, Peter and Watchman, Paul, “Sabotaging the Rent Acts”, 187–211, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1) Sim, P. B. A., “Rent control legislation in the seventies”, 419–434, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C. Williams, I. H., “The landlord’s covenant for quiet enjoyment”, 123–144, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C.

Language Bastarache, Michel, “Language rights in the Supreme Court of Canada: the perpective of Chief Justice Dickson”, 136–150, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Carmichael, Calum M., “Desexing”, 19–36, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1) Daube, David, “Word formation in Indo-European and Semitic”, 15–18, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1) Dickson, Lance E., “Legal translation: a literal interpretation”, in Dau Grey, Julius, “Language and Canadian public law”, 320–364, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell Jackson, Bernard S., “Law and language: a metaphor in Maine, a model for his successors?”, 256–293, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Lyons, John, “Linguistics and the law: the legacy of Sir Henry Maine”, 294–350, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir



Subject Index

Mehta, Vrajendra Raj, “Linguistic rights in India”, 120–129, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Monnin, Marc M., “Language rights in the Supreme Court of Canada: a comment”, 151–157, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Olivecrona, Karl, “Legal language and reality”, 151–191, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Parry, David Hughes, Sir, “The status of the Welsh language in English law”, 26–34, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams Scott, Stephen A., “Mercure v. The Queen, language rights and legislative interpretation”, 327–344, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Pal, Radhabinod, “Kindreds of ‘justice’”, 1–5, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Singh, B. D., “Law cum justice”, 49–61, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Singh, Karan, “A vision for the 21st century”, 271–276, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Stone, Julius, “Two theories of ‘the institution’”, 296–338, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri, “Four decades in the law: looking back”, 212–236, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Vernengo, Roberto J., “About some formation rules for legal languages”, 339–346, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1)

Taylor, M. R., “Doing the right thing”, 169–178, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan

Weston, Martin, “The role of translation at the European Court of Human Rights”, in Dau

Law and anthropology

Law Bernardin, Joseph, “Catholic teaching on world order: Keeping and building the peace”, in Dau Brett, Peter, “Law in a scientific age”, 80–102, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir Butler, Peter, “The last word”, 191–192, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan Hellner, Jan, “Ipso facto avoidance”, in Dau

Comaroff, John L., “Legality, modernity and ethnicity in colonial South Africa: an excursion in the historical anthropology of law”, 247–272, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Fikentscher, Wolfgang, “Market anthropology and international legal order”, 157–176, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Lampe, Ernst-Joachim, “The position of anthropology of law within the basic legal sciences”, in Dau

Jha, Laxmi Kanta, “Nibandhkaras of Mithila”, 388–443, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

MacCormack, Geoffrey, “‘Gift’, ‘exchange’ and ‘contract’”, 68–81, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius

Mann, Nicholas, “Two-way traffic: the Warburg Institute as a microcosm of cultural exchange between Britain and Europe”, 93–104, in the volume honouring British Academy

Macfarlane, Alan, “Some contributions of Maine to history and anthropology”, 111–142, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir

Morison, W. L., “The viable vision for the volatile society”, 3–40, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V.

Olivé, León, “Collective identity: Social change in traditional and modern societies”, in Dau


Subject Index

Law and art Anglade, Lelia, “Anti-seizure statutes in art law: the influence of ‘La Danse’ on French law”, 3–16, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Bann, Stephen, “British art, art history and aesthetic criticism in a European perspective”, 129–138, in the volume honouring British Academy Decaux, Emmanuel, “On the freedom of the author and the artist”, 21–41, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (3) Hess, Albert G., “History of literary forgery: A brief historical survey”, in Dau Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz, “Artefacts as national cultural heritage and as common heritage to mankind”, v. 1, 163–168, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Siehr, Kurt, “The return of cultural property expropriated abroad”, 431–444, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Siehr, Kurt, “European cultural property legislation and American art trade”, 811–824, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Tipping, Marjorie, “The passion and the patron: the arts and intellectual life in Melbourne”, 1–28, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir

Law and economic development Allan, David E. and Hiscock, Mary E., “Background material economic co-operation in investment regimes in the Pacific Basin”, 20:1–20:31, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Bogdan, Michael, “Some reflections on development aid in the field of law”, in Dau Burridge, Roger, “Legal education and development: false dawn, fresh breezes”, 105–122, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Cordahi, Alexandre, “Country risk analysis and legal reform”, 313–326, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence


Fikentscher, Wolfgang, “Legal and political problems of the transition to free market system in eastern Europe”, in Dau Garcia-Amador, F. V., “Some legal aspects of the Andean economic integration”, 96–115, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Green, Stephen, “Development”, 123–134, in the volume honouring New Zealand/ United Nations Lichtenstein, Natalie G., “Law in China’s economic development”, 274–294, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan Mugasha, Agasha, “Recent developments in loan syndications and participations: implications for developing countries”, 301–312, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Omorogbe, Yinka, “The legal regime for petroleum production and development in Nigeria”, 185–204, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich, “Rights and duties of states and rights and duties of their citizens – Towards the ‘Constitutionalization’ of the Bretton-Woods-System fifty years after its foundation”, in Dau Petersmann, Hans, “The right to development in the United Nations: An opportunity for strengthening popular participation in development. Programs and projects”, in Dau Roe, Terry L., “Comment: WTO and policy reform in developing countries”, 450–456, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Schachter, Oscar, “Human rights and economic development”, v. 1, 389–398, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Shihata, Ibrahim F. I., “Development policies and strategies: with emphasis on the World Bank Group”, 235–262, in the volume honouring United Nations Slinn, Peter, “The international law of development: a millennium subject or a relic of the twentieth century?”, 411–433, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Law and economic development


Subject Index

Wang, Guiguo, “Sovereignty in global economic integration: a Chinese perspective”, 357–372, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

Law and economics Atsegbua, Lawrence Asekome, “Products liability: an economic analysis”, 161–170, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi Bartrip, P. W. J. and Hartwell, R. M., “Profit and virtue: economic theory and the regulation of occupational health in nineteenth and early twentieth century Britain”, 45–64, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Commons, John Rogers, “Value in law and economics”, v. 2, 332–345, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Cordova-Novion, Cesar and Young, Cassandra de, “The OECD/Public Management Service [PUMA] multi country business survey: benchmarking regulatory and administrative business environments in small and medium sized enterprises”, 205–228, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Deardorff, Alan V., “The economics of government market intervention, and its international dimension”, 71–86, in the volume honouring Jackson, John H. Duggan, Anthony, “Silence as misleading conduct: an economic analysis”, 195–223, in the volume honouring Brunt, Maureen Fenn, Paul and Rickman, Neil, “Four offers and a trial: the economics of out-ofcourt settlement”, 103–120, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Harding, A. J. and Carter, Connie, “The Singapore model of law and development: cutting through the complexity”, 191–206, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Kennedy, David, “‘Laws and developments’”, 17–26, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter La Malfa, Giorgio, “After Keynes”, 187–198, in the volume honouring British Academy

Law and economics

Luckham, R., “The economic base of private law practice”, 177–220, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court Muchlinski, Peter, “Technology transfer: shifting models of law and development”, 57–77, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Ogus, A. I., “Exemplary damages and economic analysis”, 85–102, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Perry-Kessaris, Amanda, “Decisionmaking in a regulatory environment: representing the butterfly”, 27–35, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Teubner, Gunther and Hutter, Michael, “Homo oeconomicus and homo juridicus: communicative fictions?”, 569–584, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Law and literature Alvis, John, “Virgil’s Rome: an empire by nature?”, v. 2, 905–916, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Berns, Gisela N., “Schiller’s drama: fulfillment of history and philosophy in poetry”, v. 2, 989–1010, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Cloud, Duncan, “The Pompeian tablets and some literary texts”, 231–246, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Flaumenhaft, Mera J., “Housebound or floating free: the American home in Huckleberry Finn”, v. 2, 1011–1023, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Geary, Ray and Morison, John, “An illustration of the literary approach to the study of law: the ‘mysteries’ novels of the 19th century and the ‘troubles thriller’”, 105–124, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Gleicher, Jules, “Deception and ennoblement in Henry V”, v. 2, 959–980, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Grene, David, “Measure for measure: mythological history, reality, and the stage”, v. 2, 871–885, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Subject Index Henderson, John, “The law is not mocked: straightening out a crooked will (Phaedrus 4.5)”, 213–230, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Ingram, Peter G., “Law and lawyers in Trollope’s Ireland”, 125–144, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Kazazis, Christina, “Meaning and generic interplay in the plays of Aristophanes”, v. 2, 886–904, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George McKenzie, Stanley D., “The prudence and kinship of Prince Hal and John of Lancaster in 2 Henry IV”, v. 2, 937–958, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Platt, Michael, “To emulate or to be (Aeneas and Hamlet)”, v. 2, 917–936, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Priestley, F. E. L., “William Godwin and history”, 423–438, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Venkatachaliah, M. N., “With whom law, liberty and poetry are a passion”, 31–33, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J.

Law and medicine Abbott, Frederick M., “The TRIPS-legality of measures taken to address public health crises: responding to USTR-state-industry positions that undermine the WTO”, 311–342, in the volume honouring Hudec, Robert E. Amarasekara, Kumar, “Autonomy, paternalism and discrimination: the darker side of euthanasia”, 261–282, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Boland, Reed, “Abortion law world-wide: A survey of recent developments”, in Dau Burley, Justine, “Morality and the ‘new genetics’”, 170–192, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Cook, Rebecca J., “Legal and ethical approaches to research on women’s reproductive health”, in Dau De Fazio, Francesco, “The Expert’s Commission in forensic psychiatry”, in Dau


Englard, Izhak, “Informed consent: the double-faced doctrine”, 152–161, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Ferracuti, Franco and Ferracuti, Stefano, “Recent progress in the neurosciences and implications for forensic psychiatry”, 291–304, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Fluss, Sev S., “Some international responses to legal/ethical issues in the field of fertility and the human embryo”, in Dau Gooren, Louis J.G. and Doorn, Cornelis D., “Who determines manhood or womanhood? The biomedical and legal definitions of man and woman in relation to transsexualism”, in Dau Gros Espiell, Hector, “The common heritage of mankind and the human genome”, 519–532, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Harrington, John A., “Consent to medical treatment in English law: a critical re-examination”, 23–44, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2) Hooft, Pedro and Zanier, Justo, “Genetics, bioethics and law. On the frontier between science and philosophy”, in Dau Horváth, Gyula, “Protection on microbiological inventions in socialist countries”, in Dau Hosokawa, Kiyoshi, “Physician’s duty of disclosure: a comparative view”, 99–126, in the volume honouring Fuller, Lon L. Jacobs, Lesley A., “Justice in health care: can Dworkin justify universal access?”, 134–149, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Jones, M. A., “Defective services: a new dimension for medical malpractice?”, 311–324, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Kadish, Sanford H., “Letting patients die: legal and moral reflections”, 290–323, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Kamm, F. M., “Ronald Dworkin’s views on abortion and assisted suicide”, 218–240, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M.

Law and medicine


Subject Index

London, Jack R., “Privacy in the medical context”, 281–294, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M. Meyers, David W., “Letting doctor and patient decide: the wisdom of Scots law”, 91–103, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B. (1) Moens, Gabriël, “The subsidiarity principle in European Community law and the Irish abortion cas”, 424–438, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Nelson, Alvar, “Mental disorder and crime: reflections on Swedish solutions”, 305–326, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W.

Law and religion Alexander, Frank S., “Beyond positivism: a theological perspective”, 251–284, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Asogwa, F., “Christians under Sharia criminal law”, 409–426, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene Ball, Milner S., “Biblical kingdom and American law”, 303–314, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Canavan, Francis, “Constitutional casuistry: cases of conscience”, 77–94, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S.

Nino, Carlos S., “Some thoughts of the legal treatment of abortion and euthanasia”, in Dau

Carmichael, Calum M., “On reading David Daube”, 39–50, in the volume honouring Daube, David (2)

Petersen, Kerry Anne, “Abortion laws: medicalisation, auronomy and equality”, 167–182, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Cassin, René, “From the Ten Commandments to the rights of man”, 13–26, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann

Ploscowe, Morris, “Methods of treatment of drug addiction”, 357–378, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Rakowski, Eric, “Reverence for life and the limits of state power”, 241–264, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Schlatter, Egon K., “Law and Psychiatry”, in Dau Shapira, Amos, “The human right not to be born impaired: issues of logic, value and policy”, in Dau Shiffrin, Seana Valentine, “Autonomy, beneficence, and the permanently demented”, 195–217, in the volume honouring Dworkin, R. M. Smith, Holly M., “Fetal-maternal conflicts”, 324–343, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Stuer Lauridsen, Preben, “Ethics of science and human genetic engineering”, in Dau Wolfgang, Marvin E., “The just deserts vs. the medical model”, in Dau

Law and religion

Daube, David, “Alexandrien Methods of Interpretation and the Rabbis”, in Dau De Alvarez, Leo Paul S., “Biblical allusions in The Comedy of Errors”, v. 2, 981–988, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Dhavan, Rajeev and Nariman, Fali S., “The Supreme Court and group life: religious freedom, minority groups and disadvantaged communities”, 256–287, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Durham, W. Cole, “Religion and the criminal law: types and contexts of interaction”, 193–228, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Hussain, Jamila, “Freedom of religion in Malaysia: the Muslim perspective”, 107–133, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H. Jackson, Bernard S., “Law, language and narrative: David Daube on some divine speech-acts”, 51–66, in the volume honouring Daube, David (2) Kamath, M. V., “The distortion of secularism”, 229–248, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A.

Subject Index Konvitz, Milton Ridvas, “Conscience, natural law, and civil disobedience in the Jewish tradition”, 159–176, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Mansfield, John H., “Religious speech under Indian law”, 205–231, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. McDermott, Paul, “Prayers unanswered: how contract law views religion”, 295–316, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Phillips, Jim, Gartner, Rosemary and DeLuca, Kelly, “Incarcerating holiness: religious enthusiasm and the law in Oregon, 1904”, 170–197, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A. Pound, Roscoe, “The church in legal history”, 3–100, in the volume honouring Catholic University of America Quinn, John R., “The Holy See in the international Order”, in Dau Richards, Claud H., “Religion and the draft: Jehovah’s Witnesses revisited”, 47–76, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Shaffer, Thomas L., “The tension between law in America and the religious tradition”, 315–336, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Smith, Michael E., “New Testament Judaism”, 29–38, in the volume honouring Daube, David (2) Sturm, Douglas, “Winstanley, seventeenth century radical: from the mystery of God to the law of freedom”, 99–122, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Tan, Poh-Ling, “Prime suspect or potential witness? Paying the price for religious freedom: a non-Muslim perspective”, 134–177, in the volume honouring Hickling, R. H.


Williams, George Huntston, “Religion, law and revolution in the shaping of Harvard College, 1636–1708”, 123–162, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Witte, John, “The transformation of marriage law in the Lutheran Reformation”, 57–98, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1) Zuckert, Michael P., “Lincoln and the problem of civil religion”, v. 2, 720–746, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Law libraries Banks, Margaret A., “The Canadian Association of Law Libraries/L’Association Canadienne des Bibliotháeques de Droit: beginnings”, 191–202, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. Dyrud, John, “U.W.I. Faculty of Law Library: ten years (1970–80): assessment and projection”, 62–67, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2) Ginsberg, Judith, “A note on the KF classification modified for use in Canadian law libraries”, 159–162, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. Howell, Robert G., “Important aspects of Canadian law, legal systems and institutions of interest to law librarians and researchers in law libraries”, 41–86, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. Hu, Shih-Sheng, “Development of library standards, with special emphasis on the Canadian courthouse and law society libraries”, 135–146, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. MacPherson, Lillian, “Collection development in academic law libraries”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M.

Tobi, Niki, “Law, religion and justice”, 131–146, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O.

Mansfield, Susan, “Role of legal information professionals in law firms”, 127–138, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2)

Weiler, Joseph, “Sons, and haters...!”, 667–674, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1)

McCormick, Maureen, “Law society libraries, 1985”, 13–28, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M.

Law libraries


Subject Index

Murphy, Cynthia Jordan, “Law firm libraries”, 33–40, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M.

Brown, E. D., “The Libya-Malta continental shelf case”, 3–18, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg

Rae, E. Ann, “The development of the KE classification schedule for Canadian law: the politics of expediency”, 147–158, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M.

Burke, William T., “The international law and politics of marine science research”, 473–533, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S.

Robinson, Lyman R., “The influence of a library on a law school”, 163–170, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M.

Carnegie, A. R., “The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea: aspects of settlement of disputes”, 48–61, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2)

Welch, Monica, “Court library services in the Northwest Territories”, 29–32, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. Wiktor, Christian L. and Vagianos, Louis, “The fire at the Dalhousie Law School Library”, 171–190, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M.

Law of the sea Anand, R. P., “Freedom of the sea: past, present and future”, in Dau Anton, Donald K., “Law for the sea’s biological diversity”, 325–352, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Bangert, Kaare, “A new area of international law: the protection of maritime cultural property”, 119–130, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Birnie, Patricia W., “The challenges of applying UNCLOS in a post UNCED context”, 3–44, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Bleicher, Samuel A., “The law governing exploitation of polymetallic sulfide deposits from the seabed”, 209–228, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Bouchez, Leo J., “Some reflections on the present and future law of the sea”, 143–182, in the volume honouring International Law Association Boyle, Alan E., “The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the settlement of disputes”, 99–134, in the volume honouring Simmonds, Kenneth R. Brice, Geoffrey, “Cleaning the world’s oceans – a Swiss contribution”, in Dau

Law of the sea

Chiu, Hungdah, “The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the settlement of China’s maritime boundary dispute”, 189–208, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Davidson, Scott, “International law and the suppression of maritime violence”, 265–285, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire De Mestral, Armand L. C., “Compulsory dispute settlement in the Third United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: a Canadian perspective”, 169–188, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Evans, Malcolm D., “Maritime delimitation after Denmark v. Norway: back to the future?”, 153–176, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Fife, Rolf Einar, “The duty to render assistance at sea: some reflections after Tampa”, 469–484, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Foighel, Isi, “The North Sea Continental Shelf case”, 141–158, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Healy, Nicholas J. and Sweeney, Joseph C., “Navigation in restricted visibility under the 1972 Collision Regulations”, in Dau Henkin, Louis, “The once and the future law of the sea”, 155–170, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Jacobsson, Marie, “Maritime security: an individual or a collective responsibility?”, 391–416, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti

Subject Index Jacovides, Andreas J., “Peaceful settlement of disputes in ocean conflicts: does UNCLOS III point the way?”, 165–168, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Jaenicke, Günther, “The United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea and the Agreement Relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the Convention. Treaty law problems in the process of revising the deep seabed mining regime of the convention”, in Dau Jaenicke, Günther, “The legal status of the international seabed. The controversy about the legality of national legislation of deep sea mining”, in Dau Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, “The principles governing marine boundaries”, in Dau Kimball, Lee A., “Whither international institutional arrangements to support ocean law?”, 295–324, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Kwiatkowska, Barbara, “Equitable maritime boundary delimitation: as exemplified in the work of the World Court during the Presidency of Sir Robert Yewdall Jennings”, 264–292, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y. Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “The International Seabed Authority: challenges and opportunities”, 168–184, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan Malviya, R. A., “Contribution of the International Court of Justice to the development of the law of the sea: a case study”, 236–284, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma Mandsager, Dennis, “The U.S. Freedom of Navigation Program: policy, procedure and future”, 113–128, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Menon, P. K., “The Commonwealth Caribbean and the development of the law of the sea”, 82–119, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2) Mestral, A. L. C. De, “Compulsory dispute settlement in the third United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: a Canadian Perspective”, in Dau Miles, Edward L., “U.S. security interests in a post-cold war world and the law of the sea”, 353–376, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis


O’Connell, D. P., “The equivalence of the nautical league and the cannon-shot in the law of nations”, in Dau Oxman, Bernard H., “Human rights and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”, 377–406, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Richardson, Elliot L., “Dispute settlement under the Convention on the Law of the Sea: a flexible and comprehensive extension of the rule of law to ocean space”, 149–164, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Roach, J. Ashley, “The Maritime Claims Reference Manual and the law of baselines”, 181–196, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Sarin, Manohar L., “Reflections on the progress made by the third United Nations conference in developing the law of the sea”, in Dau Sharma, Surya P., “Delimitation of maritime boundaries between adjacent and opposite states. Classification of basic community policies”, in Dau Simmonds, Kenneth R., “The law of the sea: the United Nations Preparatory Commission and the future of deep sea-bed mining”, 12:1–12:14, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Sohn, Louis B., “Settlement of international disputes relating to deep sea-bed mining”, in Dau Sohn, Louis B., “Managing the law of the sea: Ambassador Pardo’s forgotten second idea”, 275–294, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Templeton, Malcolm, “The law of the sea”, 147–159, in the volume honouring New Zealand/United Nations Trejos, Raul, “The law of the sea: the Latin American view”, 13:1–13:15, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Treves, Tullio, “‘Straddling and highly migratory flags’ before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea”, 336–350, in the volume honouring Florentino, Feliciano

Law of the sea


Subject Index

Treves, Tullio, “Transit passage and protection of the environment in the Strait of Bonifacio”, in Dau

Kinahan, Anthony J., “Sweet & Maxwell 1974–1999”, 5–16, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2)

Vasciannie, Stephen C., “Resource entitlement in the law of the sea: some areas of continuity and change”, 539–564, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Maxwell, M. W., “The development of law publishing 1799–1974”, 121–136, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1)

Vilanova, Richard, “Some aspects of the award of titles to exploit areas of the seabed beyond the limits of national jurisdiction”, 189–222, in the volume honouring Fuller, Lon L. Vukas, Budislav, “The new law of the sea and navigation: a view from the Mediterranean”, 65–86, in the volume honouring Singh, Nagendra Wolfrum, Rüdiger, “Law of the sea: an example of the progressive development of international law”, 309–327, in the volume honouring United Nations

Law publishing Bartholomew, G. W., “The sources and literature of Singapore law”, 314–345, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Boswood, Mike, “Sweet & Maxwell: the next 25 years”, 23–38, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Brown, Michael, “The acquisitions of ABP by the Thomson Corporation: 1987”, 1–4, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Burke, John and Allsop, Peter, “Law publishing today”, 137–150, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Halevy, Balfour, “A letter to Diana Priestly, or, adventures in Canadian legal bibliography”, 117–120, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. Hall, Brian H., “Fast forward: thinking about the global legal information industry in the next quarter century”, 17–22, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) James, Eldon R., “A list of legal treatises printed in the British colonies and the American states before 1851”, 159–212, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel

Law publishing

Susskind, Richard, “The future for legal information providers”, 39–52, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Zakaria, Shaikha, “The legal literature of Malaysia”, 335–378, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad

Law reform Atkinson, Thomas E., “Codification of probate law”, 177–203, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Banerji, Eric H., “Reform”, 167–177, in the volume honouring Indian Penal Code Beales, H. L., “A centenary tribute to an appeal for modernization”, 1–14, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Faundez, Julio, “Legal reform in developing and transition countries: making haste slowly”, 29–48, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Goodrich, Herbert F., “Restatement and codification”, 241–250, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Griffith, J. A. G., “On telling people”, 15–23, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Hoggart, Richard, “The arts and state support”, 44–63, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Kirby, Michael D., “Law reform as ‘ministering to justice’”, 201–222, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius McWhinney, Edward, “On the vocation of our age for lawmaking: constitutional and international codification in an era of transition and rapid change”, 241–250, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Newton, Scott, “Post-communist legal reform: the elision of the political”, 161–178, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter

Subject Index


Olateru-Olagbegi, D. V. F., “Law development and reform in the field of litigation”, 296–312, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince

Akinseye-George, Yemi, “The legal profession and the search for a stable political order in Nigeria”, 249–265, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince

Pound, Roscoe, “David Dudley Field: an appraisal”, 3–16, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley

Akinseye-George, Yemi, “The legal profession and the Nigerian nation in the 21st century: an introduction by the editor”, 1–10, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe

Reppy, Alison, “The Field codification concept”, 17–54, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Rose, Alan, “Law reform and development”, 80–96, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir Sackville, Ronald, “Law reform: limitations and possibilities”, 223–240, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius West, Donald James, “Thoughts on sex law reform”, 469–488, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) White, Robin C. A., “Influences, pressures and agents for change”, 1–19, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Winfield, Percy Henry, “Recent reforms of English private law”, 788–793, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Winterton, George, “Constitutional Convention 1998 and the future of constitutional reform”, 151–166, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D. Woolf, Harry Woolf, Lord, “The tides of change”, 1–14, in the volume honouring British Academy Yntema, Hessel E., “The jurisprudence of codification”, 251–266, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley Yntema, Hessel E., “The American Law Institute”, 657–694, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

Lawyers Adewoye, Omoniyi, “The legal profession on the eve of the 21st century: challenges and imperatives”, 11–18, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe

Akinseye-George, Yemi, “International and municipal law perspectives on the roles of the Nigerian legal profession in the 21st century”, 93–116, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe Andhyarujina, Tehmtan R., “H.M. Seervai: a man of character, courage and commitment”, 1–16, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Andhyarujina, Tehmtan R., “Nani Palkhivala: an appreciation”, 1–11, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Ayua, I. A., “Nigerian legal profession: problems and prospects”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Babalola, Afe, “Nigeria in search of a new polity: the role of lawyers”, 70–78, in the volume honouring Uwais, Mohammed Lawal Barr, Richard, “The solicitor of 2024: a vision of general practice 25 years hence”, 113–126, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Brockman, Joan and Chunn, Dorothy E., “‘Imagine that! A lady going to an office!’: Janet Kathleen Gilley”, 153–169, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A. Clancy, Tomás, “The Fourt Courts buildings and the development of an independent Bar of Ireland”, 80–104, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, “How like an angel”, 34–47, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Cownie, Fiona, “The reform of the legal profession”, 213–234, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law



Subject Index

Curran, C. P., “Cooley, Gandon and the Four Courts”, 105–112, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Curran, C. P., “Figures in the Hall”, 169–176, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Davidson, Nicholas, “Advocacy in England and Wales: a personal view”, 91–102, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Dockray, Martin, “Guineas by gaslight”, 27–46, in the volume honouring City University (London, England) Ekundayo, A. A. M., “The legal profession and the Nigerian nation in the 21st century”, 117–138, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe Felstiner, William L. F., “Professional inattention: origins and consequences”, 121–150, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Glasser, Cyril, “In foreign parts: reflections on British lawyers abroad”, 179–192, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques Goldie, D. M. M., “Bench and bar”, 71–88, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan Gower, L. C. B., “The academic lawyer’s contribution to legal development”, in Dau Gutteridge, H. C., “The origin and historical development of the profession of notaries public in England”, 123–138, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Harper, Tom, “From laissez-faire to discipline”, 191–202, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1) Hibbitts, Bernard J., “‘Our arctic brethren’: Canadian law and lawyers as portrayed in American legal periodicals, 1829–1911”, 241–280, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Hogan, Daire, “Solicitors and the Four Courts”, 225–233, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland)


Hogan, Gerard W., “Hugh Kennedy, the Childers Habeas Corpus application and the return to the Four Courts”, 177–219, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Karibi-Whyte, A. G., “The future of the legal profession in Nigeria”, 83–109, in the volume honouring Eso, Kayode Lewis, Philip, “Knowing the buzzwords and clapping for Tinkerbell: the context, content and qualities of lawyers’ knowledge in a specialised industrial field”, 151–176, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald McKelvey, E. Neil, “Citizenship and mobility rights of the legal profession”, 281–288, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. O’Flaherty, Hugh, “The independent Bar and the defence of human rights”, 169–176, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian Onalaja, Moronkeji Omotayo, “The legal profession as an agency for social change and development”, 75–92, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe Ookerjee, Sheryar, “Homi Seervai as I knew him”, 17–26, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Pats-Acholonu, I. C., “The Nigerian Bar towards the third millennium”, 65–74, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe Peck, Richard C. C., “The independence of the bar”, 47–58, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan Pierse, Robert, “Legal practice in Ireland 1999–2024”, 153–162, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Pocha, Meyer, “Recollections of my father”, 27–37, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Ransom, William L., “The profession of law: its present and future”, v. 1, 145–165, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Richardson, Elliot L., “Reflections of a radical moderate”, 259–269, in the volume honouring Palkhivala, N. A. Sampford, Charles, “Academy and practice”, 150–175, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir

Subject Index


Seymour, Whitney North, “The Bar as lawmaker”, 174–197, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law

Feaver, George, “The Victorian values of Sir Henry Maine”, 28–54, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir

Sohn, Louis B., “The contribution of Latin American lawyers to the development of the United Nations concept of human rights and economic and social justice”, 33–56, in the volume honouring Buergenthal, Thomas

Feldman, David, “The life and work of Sir Louis Blom-Cooper”, 1–24, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques

Sugden, Richard R., “Civilty in the legal profession”, 89–112, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan Tobi, Niki, “The legal profession and the quest for genuine national integration and development”, 27–50, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe Winslow, A. V., “Advocacy in a fused profession”, 288–313, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Zander, Michael, “The English legal profession”, 154–170, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867

Lawyers as authors Beatson, J. and Wade, William, Sir, “Sir David Williams QC, DL”, 1–16, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Bernstein, Richard B., “Legal history’s pathfinder: the quest of John Phillip Reid”, 10–37, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip Blackie, John, “Stair’s later reputation as a jurist”, 207–227, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair Brann, Eva, “Was Jefferson a philosopher?”, v. 2, 654–670, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Cowen, Zelman, Sir, “Contribution by Sir Zelman Cowen to a Festschrift in honor of John Cribbet”, 199–202, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Diamond, Alan, “Introduction [to “The Victorian achievement of Sir Henry Maine”]”, 1–27, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Effros, Robert C., “Sir Joseph Gold and his times”, 213–244, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Flaherty, Martin, “From a Reidian perspective”, 443–451, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip Forte, A. D. M., “John Millar Junior: a biographical sketch of a minor jurist of the eighteenth century”, 67–78, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. Gleeson, Murray, “A tribute to Professor Alice Tay”, 489–490, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Gordon, Robert W., “Law as a vocation: Holmes and the lawyer’s path”, 7–32, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Gordon, Robert W. and Sugarman, David, “Richard C. B. Risk: a tribute”, 3–16, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Greene, Jack P., “John Phillip Reid and the reinterpretation of the American Revolution”, 48–57, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip Grieve, William Robertson Grieve, Lord, “George Carlyle Emslie: a personal appreciation”, 301–303, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord Hoeflich, Michael H., “Charles Butler: learned historian”, 225–235, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1) Horne, Julia, “The making of an intellectual”, 491–508, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Hutton, Gordon M., “Stair’s public career”, 1–68, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair Jaffa, Harry V., “Seven answers for Professor Anastaplo”, v. 2, 603–653, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, “Glanville”, 1–4, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn

Lawyers as authors


Subject Index

Kalman, Laura, “In a defiant stance”, 38–47, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip

Twining, William, “Reflections on Law in context”, 1–30, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S.

Kumar, Rajni, “Soli Sorabjee – a man for all seasons”, 254–257, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J.

Walker, David M., “Jack Halliday: the man and his work”, 1–8, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies

Lawson, F. H., “Stair from an English standpoint”, 227–239, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Wesener, Gunter, “Kasper Manz, a German jurist in the seventeenth century: a man of theory and practice”, 399–412, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Luig, Klaus, “Stair from a foreign standpoint”, 239–250, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair MacQueen, Hector L., “Memoir of Professor William Adam Wilson, M.A., LL.B., LL.D., FRSE, Lord President Reid Professor of Law in the University of Edinburgh, July 28, 1928-March 14, 1994”, 1–9, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Peel, J. D. Y., “Maine as an ancestor of the social sciences”, 179–184, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Phillips, O. Hood, “Legal authors since 1800”, 3–32, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1) Prichard, Alan Martin, “John Smith: an appreciation”, 1–6, in the volume honouring Smith, J. C. Sathe, S. P., “Seervai, legal positivism and Indian democracy”, 38–52, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Shapreau, Carla J., “The eclectic legal career of Brian Harvey: the law as it relates to violin commerce”, 305–314, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Soltan, Karol Edward, “Selznick and civics”, 357–372, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Stein, Peter, “Concluding remarks”, 83–86, in the volume honouring Daube, David (2) Sutherland, Arthur E., “Blackstone after two centuries”, 359–382, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Trindade, Francis A. and Lee, H. P., “Suffian’s contribution to Malaysian constitutional law”, 190–211, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri

Legal education

White, Nigel D., “Hilaire McCoubrey and international conflict and security law”, 1–20, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire

Legal education Akinjide, Richard, “Legal education towards the 21st century”, 19–26, in the volume honouring Babalola, Afe Allen, Francis A., “The dolphin and the peasant: ill-tempered, but brief, comments on legal scholarship”, 183–198, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Atiyah, P. S., “An autobiographical fragment”, 34–46, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Baade, Hans W., “The education and qualification of civil lawyers in historical perspective: from jurists and orators to advocates, procurators and notaries”, 213–234, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Baker, John Hamilton, “The Inns of Court and legal doctrine”, 274–286, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Bakker, Rainer, “Europeanization of law and lawyers v. national provincialism in legal education”, 325–348, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Beale, Joseph Henry, “The history of legal education”, v. 1, 104–116, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Cairns, John W., “Roman law and the Scottish legal curriculum”, 28–38, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A.

Subject Index Cairns, John W., “The formation of the Scottish legal mind in the eighteenth century: themes of humanism and Enlightenment in the admission of advocates”, 253–278, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) Chafee, Zechariah, “Professor Beale’s ancestor”, 39–64, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel Clermont, Simonne, “The contribution of the Université de Moncton to the development of common law in French”, 97–102, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. Crane, Frederick E., “A century of New York University School of Law”, v. 1, 1–5, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Cranston, Ross, “Praising the professors: commercial law and the LSE”, 109–130, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Edgeworth, Brendan, “Law and ‘the politics of redistribution’: Professor Michael Chesterman and the study of law”, 3–14, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R. Edward, David A. O., “Scottish legal education and the legal profession”, 50–64, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Fiss, Owen M., “The law according to Yale”, 417–424, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Fletcher, Ian F., “An English tragedy: the academic lawyer as jurist”, 316–336, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Ford, H. A. J., “Re-creating Australian legal education”, 62–79, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir Hamson, C. J., “The academic teaching and learning of the law”, 3–28, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (1)


Hoeflich, Michael H., “The Bloomington Law School”, 203–216, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Kim, Chin, “The teaching of Asian law”, in Dau Lawson, F. H., “The Teaching of Roman Law in the United Kingdom”, in Dau Le Dain, Gerald, “F.R. Scott and legal education”, 103–116, in the volume honouring Scott, F. R. Liebert, Herman W., “Our friend Gene”, 435–440, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Macdonald, Roderick A., “Dreaming the impossible dream: Maxwell Cohen and McGill’s national law programme”, 409–430, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell MacLauchlan, H. Wade, “‘To fly high or not fly at all’: G.V. La Forest and the academic vocation”, 531–542, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. MacQueen, Hector L., “The foundation of law teaching at the University of Aberdeen”, 53–72, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Markesinis, B. S., “Tutorial and repetitorium: parallel and different techniques of teaching law in England and Germany”, 63–92, in the volume honouring British Academy McLaren, John, “Maxwell Cohen and the theory and practice of Canadian legal education”, 440–454, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell McWhinney, Edward, “Anglophone Quebec and the quiet revolution: Maxwell Cohen at McGill University”, 431–439, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell

Helmholz, R. H., “Brian Simpson in the United States”, 285–292, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B.

Menski, Werner, “From imperial domination to Bhaji on the beach: fifty years of South Asian laws at SOAS”, 121–144, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Higgins, Rosalyn, “The reformation in international law”, 207–224, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science

Moens, Gabriël and Trone, John, “The contribution of Professor Richard Darrell Lumb to the T. C. Beirne School of Law”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D.

Legal education


Subject Index

Morris of Borth-y-Gest, John William, Lord, “Llewelfryn Davies and the Welsh Law School”, 1–6, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Paliwala, Abdul, “Leila’s working day: one of the futures for legal education”, 139–152, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Parashar, Archana, “Feminism in Indian legal education”, 89–116, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Parry, David Hughes, Sir, “Reminiscences, 1920–1924–1930”, 138–149, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Partington, Martin, “Implementing the socio-legal: developments in socio-legal scholarship and the curriculum”, 92–107, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Pollak, Louis H., “Aspects of E.V.R.”, 425–434, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Pue, W. Wesley, “‘The disquisitions of learned judges’: making Manitoba lawyers, 1885–1931”, 512–560, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Pusey, Nathan Marsh, “Justice, the university, and the professions”, 556–565, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Rawlings, Richard, “Distinction and diversity: law and the LSE”, 1–24, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Redmond, Paul, “‘Emerging from the chrysalis of apprenticeship’: rethinking objectives in law school education”, 15–46, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R. Reid, Kenneth G. C., “The third branch of the profession: the rise of the academic lawyer in Scotland”, 39–49, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Samba, J., “Scope of legal education and the contributions of lawyers to the development of law in Nigeria”, 21–34, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Legal ethics

Sherr, Avrom, “The Woolf Chair of Legal Education at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies”, 57–70, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Sherr, Avrom, “Clinical education at Warwick and the skills movement: was clinic a creature of its time?”, 108–119, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Stein, Peter, “Maine and legal education”, 195–208, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Twining, William, “Maine and legal education: a comment”, 209–216, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Warren, William D., “Legal education in the time of John Cribbet”, 217–234, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Weeramantry, C. G., “Legal education for the age of technology”, 153–168, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius Wilson, Geoffrey, “Enriching the study of law”, 227–259, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Winslow, John Bradley, “Some essentials of a modern legal education”, 113–121, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Wouw, Hans van de, “Justice as virtue: a subject in the law curriculum?”, 31–46, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Legal ethics Boasson, Charles, “Leonard Nelson’s Contribution to the foundation of ethics as a science”, in Dau Cherniak, Earl A., “The ethics of advocacy”, 101–114, in the volume honouring Maloney, Arthur Dillmann, Rob J.M., “Professional ethics and institutionalised health care”, in Dau Heath, Jackie, “Competence, independence and integrity: the essence of professionalism?”, 59–66, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)

Subject Index Kahan, Dan M., “Theories, anti-theories, and norms: comment on Nussbaum”, 87–93, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Luban, David, “The bad man and the good lawyer”, 33–49, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Musson, Anthony, “Legal ethics in the age of Bracton”, 15–30, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Nussbaum, Martha C., “Why practice needs ethical theory: particularism, principle, and bad behavior”, 50–86, in the volume honouring Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. Pugsley, David, “The advocate’s duty to the court”, 113–123, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Scott, Richard J., “Judicial conduct”, 113–128, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan Silving, Helen, “The morality of advocacy”, 209–224, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann


Baker, George Blaine, “R.C.B. Risk’s Canadian legal history”, 17–60, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Baker, John Hamilton, “Due process and wager of law: judicial conservatism in the Tudor Common Pleas”, 271–284, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B. Bannister, Jerry, “Surgeons and criminal justice in eighteenth-century Newfoundland”, 104–134, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M. Barnes, Thomas Garden., “A Cheshire seductress, precedent, and a ‘sore blow’ to Star Chamber”, 359–382, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Barraclough, Geoffrey, “Praxis beneficiorum. A contribution to the history of practical legal literature in the later middle ages”, in Dau Bayly, C. A., “Maine and change in nineteenth-century India”, 389–397, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir

Thomas, Norman L., “Reason and ethics”, in Dau

Beattie, J. M., “Violence and society in early-modern England”, 36–60, in the volume honouring Edwards, J. Ll. J.

Legal history

Benedict, Michael Les, “Law and regulation in the Gilded Age and Progressive era”, 227–263, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip

Abrams, Milton C., “Kingship, equity and natural law in Christopher St. Germain”, 467–480, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Ancel, Marc, “French criminal law reform: 150 years Penal Code”, 379–394, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Aronovitz, Alberto M., “British legal colonisation and decolonisation in Israel: a study of foreign law reception techniques”, in Dau Aubin, Françoise, “Some characteristics of penal legislation among the Mongols (13th-21st centuries)”, 119–152, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Backhouse, Constance, “‘Don’t you bully me ... justice I want if there is justice to be had’: the rape of Mary Ann Burton, London, Ontario, 1907”, 60–94, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A.

Bolland, William Craddock, “The training of a mediaeval justice”, 57–70, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Buchholz, Erich, “Lessons for criminal policy from the history of the GDR”, 223–234, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Burrow, J. W., “Henry Maine and mid-Victorian ideas of progress”, 55–69, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Butler, William Elliott, “Law and peace in pre-revolutionary Russia: the case of V.F. Malinovskii”, 163–178, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1)

Legal history


Subject Index

Caenegem, R.C. Van, “Reflexions on the place of the Low Countries in European legal history”, in Dau

Downer, L. J., “Leges Henrici Primi”, 175–188, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

Cairns, John W., “Hamesucken and the major premiss in the libel, 1672–1702: criminal law in the age of enlightenment”, 138–179, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord

Drew, E. Harris, “Legal history and the Bar of Florida”, 87–92, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

Cam, Helen Maud, “Politics and crime in fourteenth-century England: as seen in the records of the Eyre of London of 1321”, 189–200, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Carlyle, A.J., “The theory of the source of political authority in the medieval civilians to the time of Accursius”, in Dau Chorus, Jeroen M. J., “The judge’s role in the conduct of civil proceedings: some continental and Scottish ideas before 1880”, 32–46, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B. (1) Cocks, Raymond, “Maine, progress and theory”, 70–75, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Cohen, David, “David Daube and contemporary legal history”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Daube, David (2) Cook, P. J., “The ‘prerogative property’ basis of the English game law system: fact or fiction?”, 107–134, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Cook, P. J., “Eighteenth-century smuggling and the notion of social crime”, 325–348, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Daube, David, “Negligence in the Early Talmudic Law of Contract (Peshicah)”, in Dau Dauchy, Serge, “The cost of plaiding in the Parlement of Paris in the fifteenth century”, in Dau Derrett, J. Duncan M., “Policy and judicial decision-making in ancient India”, 183–190, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna Devereaux, Simon, “The criminal branch of the Home Office 1782–1830”, 270–308, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M.

Legal history

Duff, P. W., “The charitable foundations of Byzantium”, 83–100, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Dunnan, Weaver W., “Time, place and circumstances”, 39–44, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Eder, Phanor James, “Law and justice in Latin America”, v. 1, 39–82, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Erickson, Lesley, “Murdered women and mythic villains: the criminal case and the imaginary criminal in the Canadian West, 1886–1930”, 95–119, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A. Feenstra, Robert, “The development of European private law: a Romanist watershed?”, 103–116, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Feenstra, Robert, “Impossibilitas and Clausula rebus sic stantibus: some aspects of frustration of contracts in continental legal history up to Grotius”, 77–104, in Daube, David (1) Forkosch, Morris D., “What is legal history?”, 2–22, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Franke, Herbert, “Some reflections on multinationality: the example of former empires in East Asia”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Frantz, Albert T., “The law mirrors history”, 77–86, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Frith, Valerie, “‘That men may be warned’: the legacy of Tutchin’s case”, 208–234, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M. Garnett, George, “The origins of the Crown”, 171–214, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William

Subject Index


Garrett-Goodyear, Harold, “The Tudor revival of quo warranto and local contributions to state building”, 231–295, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund

Ibbetson, David J., “Absolute liability in contract: the antecedents of Paradine v. Jayne”, 3–37, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H.

Girard, Philip, “Taking litigation seriously: the market wharf controversy at Halifax, 1785–1820”, 213–240, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B.

Ishii, Ryosuke, “The Taiki reform and the Sumeramikoto”, 243–252, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

Gordon, William M., “Cinus and Pierre de Belleperche”, 105–118, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1) Greer, Desmond S., “‘A false, mawkish and mongrel humanity’? The early history of employers’ liability in Ireland”, 227–253, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Ives, E. W., “Crime, sanctuary, and royal authority under Henry VIII: the exemplary sufferings of the Savage family”, 296–320, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Jones, Gareth H., “Three very remarkable nineteenth-century lawyers: Lyndhurst, Denman and Campbell”, 172–204, in the volume honouring Simpson, A. W. B.

Helmholz, R. H., “The litis contestatio: its survival in the medieval ius commune and beyond”, 73–90, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1)

Karlekar, Malavika, “Kulin widowhood in nineteenth century Bengal – the life and times of Nistarini Debi”, 257–274, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika

Helmholz, R. H., “The learned laws in ‘Pollock and Maitland’”, 145–170, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William

Kern, Barbara Wilcie, “The English high judiciary and the politics of the Habeas Corpus Bill of 1758”, 147–157, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip

Henkin, Louis, “The uses of history”, 57–64, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

Knafla, Louis A., “The writ of habeas corpus in early modern England”, 365–384, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell

Holdsworth, William Searle, Sir, “The early history of the Attorney and Solicitor General”, 394–411, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry

Kumar, Krishan, “Maine and the theory of progress”, 76–87, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir

Hruschka, Joachim, “On the history of justification and excuse in cases of necessity”, 337–350, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Hudson, John, “Maitland and AngloNorman law”, 21–46, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William Humfrey, Paula, “Female servants and women’s criminality in early eighteenthcentury London”, 58–84, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M. Hyams, Paul R., “Maitland and the rest of us”, 215–242, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William

Kuper, Adam, “The rise and fall of Maine’s patriarchial society”, 99–110, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Kyer, Clifford Ian, “Gooderham & Worts: a case study in business organization in nineteenth-century Ontario”, 335–357, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Lawson, Peter, “Patriarchy, crime, and the courts: the criminality of women in late Tudor and early Stuart England”, 16–57, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M. Lentze, Hans, “Austrian law schools and legal history”, 159–174, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Lewis, A. D. E., “John Adams and the whale”, 261–266, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Legal history


Subject Index

Luig, Klaus, “Leibniz’s Elementa Iuris Civilis and the private law of his time”, 267–282, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Mortensen, Reid, “The duty of obeying the law: the Court of Session, the kirk and the disruption of 1843”, 230–266, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D.

Lundy, Laura, “Parity, parrotry or plagiarism? Legislating for the unemployed poor in Northern Ireland 1838–1995”, 1–22, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast

Nasilov, Alexei, “Eighteen Steppe laws: a source for the study of medieval Mongolian”, 65–76, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert

Lyall, Andrew, “Quia emptores in Ireland”, 275–294, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Nelson, William Edward, “Government power as a tool for redistributing wealth in twentieth-century New York”, 322–442, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip

Mansfield, Harry K., “Use of legal history in the United States Supreme Court”, 65–76, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix May, Allyson N., “Reluctant advocates: the legal profession and the Prisoner’s Counsel Act of 1836”, 183–207, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M. McConville, Seán, “Gentlemen convicts, Dynamitards and paramilitaries: the limits of criminal justice”, 55–73, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (2) McIlwain, Charles Howard, “Some illustrations of the influence of unchanged names for changing institutions”, 484–497, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) McIlwain, Charles Howard, “Magna Carta and the common law”, 122–179, in the volume honouring Magna Carta McKenzie, Andrea, “Making crime pay: motives, marketing strategies, and the printed literature of crime in England 1670–1770”, 235–269, in the volume honouring Beattie, J. M.

Oldham, James, “Underreported and underrated: the Court of Common Pleas in the eighteenth century”, 119–146, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip Oldham, James, “The Royal Courts of England in 1789”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Oliver, Peter, “Power, politics, and the law: the place of the judiciary in the historiography of Upper Canada”, 443–468, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Osborough, W. N., “The Irish legal system, 1796–1877”, 33–79, in the volume honouring Four Courts (Dublin, Ireland) Parker, Glenn, “Historia legis in terra lata”, 119–136, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Phillips, Jim, “The criminal trial in Nova Scotia, 1749–1815”, 469–511, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. Plucknett, Theodore Frank Thomas, “Wager of law”, 356–361, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2)

McLaren, John, “The King, the people, the law ... and the Constitution: Justice Robert Thorpe and the roots of Irish Whig ideology in early Upper Canada”, 11–24, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A.

Popova, I. F., “The administrative and legal regulations of the Tang Emperors for the frontier territories”, 41–54, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert

Milsom, S. F. C., “‘Pollock and Maitland’: a lawyer’s retrospect”, 243–260, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William

Pound, Roscoe, “A hundred years of American law”, v. 1, 8–26, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Morris, James, “Some historical origins of statutory law and judicial decisions in North Dakota”, 101–110, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

Power, Albert, “The eighteenth-century origins of the Irish doctrine of graft”, 326–343, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Legal history

Subject Index Reid, John Phillip, “Coercing the elephant: punishment and correctional behaviour on the overland trail”, 161–212, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W. Riddell, William Renwick, “The progress of law in the Province of Ontario or Upper Canada during the past century”, v. 1, 27–38, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Rivers, Theodore John, “A reevaluation of Aethelberht 31”, in Dau Rudden, Bernard, “A code too soon: the 1826 Property Code of James Humphreys: English rejection, American reception, English acceptance”, 101–118, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H. Schulz, Fritz, “Bracton on Kingship”, in Dau Shaw, A. G. L., “Reformatory aspects of the transportation of criminals to Australia”, 135–154, in the volume honouring Barry, John Vincent, Sir


Taft, Kingsley A., “The use of legal history in the Ohio Supreme Court”, 111–118, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Taubenschlag, Rafael, “The legal profession in Greco-Roman Egypt”, in Dau Taylor, David W., “A history of commercial and maritime law in England”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Thomas, Helen Shirley, “The tyranny of doctrine”, 451–466, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Tisset, Pierre, “Was Joan of Arc really a ‘war leader’?”, 201–210, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Tunc, André, “The royal will and the rule of law: a survey of French constitutionalism under the ancien regime”, 401–421, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Ullmann, Walter, “The medieval interpretation of Frederick I’s authentic ‘Habita’”, in Dau

Shils, Edward, “Henry Sumner Maine in the tradition of the analysis of society”, 143–178, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir

Veit, Veronika, “Disputes over land-use in Qing Outer Mongolia: some remarks on a legal question from an historian’s point of view”, 95–106, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert

Sihombing, J. E., “Land tenure in peninsular Malaysia: a historical review”, 138–173, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad

Vipond, Robert Charles, “Lament for a notion: the eclipse of reform liberalism”, 24–36, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H.

Simons, Walter, “One hundred years of German law”, v. 1, 83–103, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Walters, Dafydd B., “The general features of archaic European suretyship”, 92–116, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1)

Simpson, A. W. B., “The origins of futures trading in the Liverpool cotton market”, 179–208, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Smith, Charleen P., “Boomtown brothels in the Kootenays, 1895–1905”, 120–152, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A. Summerson, H. R. T., “Maitland and the criminal law in the age of Bracton”, 115–144, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William Tafla, Bairu, “The dispensation of justice in traditional Ehtiopia. An appraisal of legal historiography”, in Dau

Wells, Richard S., “Legal history and politics”, 567–584, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix White, Stephen D., “Maitland on family and kinship”, 91–114, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William Wiffels, Alain, “Sir Julius Caesar and the Merchants of Venice”, in Dau Yale, D. E. C., “‘Of no mean authority’: some later uses of Bracton”, 383–396, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Zea, Leopoldo, “Latin American thought and social reality”, 253–262, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix

Legal history


Subject Index

Legal research Cuomo, E.I., “The law library in Israel: problems of legal research in a mixed jurisdiction”, in Dau Daintith, Terence, “A change of life?: the Institute joins the School of Advanced Study”, 31–46, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Dale, William, Sir, “The government legal advisers course and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies”, 47–56, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Diamond, Aubrey L., “The early development of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies”, 19–30, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Forman, John, “A letter from Brussels”, 295–304, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Germain, Claire M., “U.S. perspectives on the training of law librarians with international and foreign law experise”, in Dau Hawkins, Keith, “Prologue: Donald Harris and the early years of the Oxford Centre”, 1–18, in the volume honouring Harris, Donald Hood, Roger G., “Criminology and penal policy: the vital role of empirical research”, 153–172, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (2) Jegede, Oluremi, “Book scarcity, law libraries and the legal profession in Nigeria”, in Dau Marshall, Denis S., “The history of computer-assisted legal research in Canada”, 103–116, in the volume honouring Priestly, Diana M. Patchett, Keith, “Legal resource needs in small Caribbean states: the need for new initiatives”, 165–186, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2)

Legal research

Rider, Barry Alexander K., “Casting the runes: a personal perspective on the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and its future”, 295–313, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Steiner, William A., “The Squire Law Library of the University of Cambridge”, in Dau Steiner, William A., “A note on the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies”, 1–18, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Winterton, Jules, “European collections of the Library of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies”, 253–276, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Yamamoto, Nabuo, “A brief guide to Japanese legal literature in western languages and how to find Japanese law through a case study”, in Dau

Legislation and statutory interpretation Akzin, Benjamin, “Codification in a new state”, 298–340, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Baxi, Upendra, “Legislation as a source of law”, 11–17, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Baxt, Robert, “Should there be a Drafting Institute in Australia?”, 4–12, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough Bouchard, Mario, “The presumption of non-applicability of statutes to the Crown: Canadian comparative notes in favour of its reversal”, 147–160, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville Boukema, H. J. M., “Legal theory and legislation”, in Dau Carr, Cecil T., “Citation of statutes: the Mansfield Park standard”, 71–82, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope

Subject Index


Cox, Archibald, “Judges and statutory interpretation: a note on United Steelworkers v. Weber”, 136–147, in the volume honouring Iyer, V. R. Krishna

Kelly, David St. Leger, “Plain English in legislation: the movement gathers pace”, 57–73, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough

Crabbe, V. C. R. A. C., “Has Parliament an intention?”, 37–58, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1)

Kennan, Jim, “The importance of plain English in drafting”, 74–83, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough

Donaldson, A. G., “The high priests of the mystery: a note on two centuries of parliamentary draftsmen”, 99–120, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Driedger, Elmer A., “The retrospective operation of statutes”, 3–22, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur Eagleson, Robert D., “Efficiency in legal drafting”, 13–27, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough Edwards, Lilian, “What studying statutes can do for artificial intelligence and law”, 113–125, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Elliott, Shelden D., “Techniques of interpretation”, 80–91, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Finemore, John, “Development of the Commonwealth Statute Book”, 28–42, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough Fraser of Tullybelton, Walter Ian Reid, Lord, “Scrutiny of Community legislation in the U.K. Parliament”, 29–37, in the volume honouring Mitchell, J. D. B. Freund, Ernst, “Prolegomena to a science of legislation”, 122–150, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Hackett-Jones, Geoffrey, “The scar of Odysseus and the role of parliamentary counsel in the legislative process”, 43–56, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough

Kirby, Michael D., “Statutory interpretation and the rule of law: whose rule, what law?”, 84–99, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough Klippel, Diethelm, “Modernising the law: theories of legislation in 18th and 19th century Germany”, 171–184, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2) Kolts, Geoffrey, “The legislative draftsman as problem solver”, 100–110, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough Landis, James McCauley, “Statutes and the sources of law”, 213–246, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel Maher, Gerry, “Statutory interpretation: the Wilsonian analysis”, 103–112, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Mason, Stephen, “Law-making, drafting and law reform”, 111–117, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough Megarry, Robert Edgar, Sir, “Andorandororand”, 71–78, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Munro, Colin R., “K. in Scotland”, 138–145, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Phillips, Alfred I., “The languages of Professor Halliday”, 106–125, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies

Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “The principle of legality: towards a European standard?”, 235–242, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

Pound, Roscoe, “Codification in Anglo-American law”, 267–297, in the volume honouring France, Code civil

Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, “Approaches to interpretation in a plurilingual system”, 297–306, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Ryan, J. W., “Legislative drafting course (LL.M.) at U.W.I.”, 223–268, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2)

Legislation and statutory interpretation


Subject Index

Sullivan, Ruth, “The era of concealed underlying premises is over: L’Heureux-Dubé J.’s contribution to statutory interpretation”, 49–80, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Summers, Robert S., “Interpreting statutes in Great Britain and the United States: should courts consider materials of legislative history?”, 222–254, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey Varga, Csaba, “Law as teleology: Fundamentals of a theory of legislation in a social ontological context”, in Dau Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor, “The judicial conception of legislation in Tudor England”, 751–766, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1) Wacke, Andreas, “Quod raro fit, non observant legislatores: a classical maxim of legislation”, 393–398, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Walker, Neil, “The crumbling pillars of statutory interpretation”, 126–137, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Wells, Andrew, “Law-makers and their instructions to parliamentary counsel”, 126–136, in the volume honouring Ewens, John Qualtrough

Legislature Adekunle, A., “Legislative option: perspectives in a military regime”, 91–103, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Crick, Bernard, “Parliament and the matter of Britain”, 203–222, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Fawcett, J. E. S., “The Parliament of the United Kingdom”, v. 2, 717–732, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Hiebert, Janet, “Legislative scrutiny: an alternative approach for protecting rights”, 294–312, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Klebes, Heinrich, “Human rights and parliamentary democracy in the Parliamentary Assembly [des Europarats]”, in Dau Newman, Frank C., “A legal look at Congress and the State legislatures”, 67–92, in the volume honouring Columbia University, School of Law Norton, Philip, “Parliamentary procedure: the hidden power?”, 153–171, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey Pearce, D. C., “The legislative power of the Senate”, 119–149, in the volume honouring Sawer, Geoffrey Tope, Trimbak Krishna, “Freedom of speech and expression and privileges of legislature”, 1–28, in the volume honouring Government Law College, Bombay Weber, Claire, “Parliamentary law-making in Central Asia: apparent authority meets political reality”, 261–278, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert

Local government

Beer, Samuel Hutchison, “The British legislature and the problem of mobilizing consent”, 81–100, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867

Heap, Desmond, Sir, “Local government: the evolving story: or what next?”, 151–158, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1)

Blackburn, Robert, “The life of Parliament in British constitutional history”, 9–22, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R.

Himsworth, Chris, “Officers, members and local autonomy”, 121–142, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W.

Carney, Gerard, “Parliamentary privilege: contemporary issues”, 54–97, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D.

Jones, G. W., “The relationship between central and local government”, 59–79, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G.

Cowen, Zelman, Sir, “Some observations on the law of contempt of Parliament”, in Dau

Loughlin, Martin, “Municipal socialism in a unitary state”, 82–106, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn


Subject Index


McKendrick, Ewan, “Local authorities and swaps: underming the market?”, 201–238, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles

Goddard, Kathleen S., “Duties in respect of accidents at sea”, 248–260, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2)

Odonga-Mwaka, Beatrice, “Linking the state to the community: Uganda’s local government councils”, 245–254, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Grönfors, Kurt, “Container bills of lading. A new trend in documentation”, in Dau

Robson, William Alexander, “Local and regional government”, 101–119, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Rogers, Henry Wade, “Municipal corporations”, 203–260, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Self, Peter, “Rational decentralisation”, 72–98, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander Sharpe, L. J., “Instrumental participation and urban government”, 115–138, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander Tooke, Charles W., “Progress of local government, 1836–1936”, v. 2, 105–143, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Maritime law Berlingieri, Franceso M., “The role of the CMI (Comitée Maritime International) of the international unification of maritime law”, in Dau Clarke, Malcolm A., “The carrier’s duty of seaworthiness under the Hague rules”, 105–128, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Colombos, C. John, “A state’s Jurisdiction over Foreign Merchant Vessels”, in Dau Cova Arria, Luis, “The Latin American maritime uniform code”, in Dau East, Lindsay, “The duty of care in a marine context: is there someone to blame?”, 129–156, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Force, Robert and Davies, Martin, “Forum selection clauses in international maritime contracts”, 1–58, in the volume honouring Force, Robert

Haight, Charles S., “Shifting tides. The Unites States Supreme Court and uniformity in the maritime law”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Hare, John, “Shopping for the best admiralty bargain”, 137–182, in the volume honouring Force, Robert Hudson, Geoffrey N., “The Old Mariner’s Club”, in Strømø & Kongshavn McGovern, Niall, “The role of inter-governmental organizations in the development of private international maritime law”, in Dau Moore, John C., “Common law vs civil law sea waybills and electrodocs”, in Dau Murray, Peter, “China: an emerging jurisdiction”, 119–136, in the volume honouring Force, Robert Myburgh, Paul, “Arresting the right ship: procedural theory, the In Personam link and conflict of laws”, 283–320, in the volume honouring Force, Robert O’Connell, D. P., “A cause celebre in the law of maritime neutrality: Hague convention No. XIII”, in Dau Philip, Allan, “The Brussels Convention and arrest of ships”, in Dau Reamberg, Jan, “Freedom of contract in maritime law”, in Dau Reynardson, Birch, William, R.A., Pineus, Kaj and Roehreke, Hans Georg, “The maritime carrier’s liability under the Hamburg rules”, in Dau Sasegbon, Fola, “The UNCTAD Code for liner conferences and the Nigerian national shipping policy”, v. 2, 611–630, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Schultsz, Jan C., “Choice of maritime Law – a Dutch venture”, in Dau Sotiropoulos, Panayotis, “Liens for necessaries and arrest of ships under Greek law”, in Dau

Maritime law


Subject Index

Sprague, George C., “The extension of admiralty jurisdiction and the growth of substantive maritime law in the United States since 1835”, v. 3, 294–341, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Staniland, Hilton, “Legislating for the recognition of foreign maritime liens in South Africa”, 321–340, in the volume honouring Force, Robert Tetley, William, “Maritime liens in the conflict of laws”, 439–458, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Tomlinson, Stephen, “Due diligence and delegation”, 157–172, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B.

Groves, Harry E., “The American government: three branches and the fourth estate”, 86–104, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Hare, Ivan, “Is the privileged position of political expression justified?”, 105–122, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Irani, C.R., “Lest we forget!”, 218–222, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “Politicians and the press”, in Dau Menon, N. R. Madhava, “Media reporting of crime and fair trial guarantee”, 198–207, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J.

Townsend, William K., “Admiralty”, 448–490, in the volume honouring Yale Law School

Morgan, Kenneth, “Media regulation and privacy: public figures, private lives and a probing press”, 134–149, in the volume honouring Cowen, Zelman, Sir

Treitel, G. H., “Bills of lading and bailment on terms”, 115–142, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord

Quentin-Baxter, Alison, “Freedom of the press”, 70–88, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1)

Warot, Maitre Jean, “Compensation for damages in collision cases. ‘The Lisbon rules’”, in Dau

Rao, M. Jagannadha, “Fair trial or free press? law’s response to trial by media”, 78–101, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J.

Ziegler, Alexander von, “Jurisdiction and forum selection clauses in a modern law on carriage of goods by sea”, 85–118, in the volume honouring Force, Robert

Media law Barendt, E. M., “Privacy and the press”, 25–40, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques Bhatia, Sita, “The press in search of freedom”, 44–72, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Blasi, Vincent, “‘Journalistic autonomy’ as a First Amendment concept.”, 55–72, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Casey, James, “Injunctions and freedom of expression”, 139–147, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Dockray, Martin, “Seeing justice done: the regulation of courtroom photography”, 23–46, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R.

Media law

Smith, A. T. H., “Free press and fair trial: challenges and change”, 123–138, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Sorabjee, Soli J., “Constitution, courts, and freedom of the press and the media”, 334–359, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Spencer, J. R., “The press and the reform of criminal libel”, 266–286, in the volume honouring Williams, Glanville Llewelyn Sundberg, Jacob W. F., “The media and the formation of law”, in Dau

Medieval law Adams, George Burton, “Innocent III and the Charter”, 26–45, in the volume honouring Magna Carta Altamira, Rafael, “Magna Carta and Spanish mediaeval jurisprudence”, 227–243, in the volume honouring Magna Carta

Subject Index Barnes, Patricia M., “The Chancery corpus cum causa file, 10–11 Edward IV”, 430–476, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F. Brand, Paul, “Oldcotes v. d’Arcy”, 64–115, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F. Brand, Paul, “‘The age of Bracton’”, 65–90, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William Cheyette, Fredric L., “Choice of law in medieval France”, 481–496, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Clanchy, M. T., “Highway robbery and trial by battle in the Hampshire Eyre of 1249”, 26–63, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F. Clanchy, M. T., “Medieval mentalities and primitive legal practice”, 83–94, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Condon, M. M., “A Wiltshire sheriff’s notebook, 1464–5”, 410–429, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F. Donahue, Charles, “Proof by witnesses in the Church courts of medieval England: an imperfect reception of the learned law”, 127–158, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Donahue, Charles, “Institutional history from archival history: the Court of Canterbury rolls”, 33–56, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (1)


Harding, Alan, “Legislators, lawyers and lawbooks”, 237–257, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Hector, L. C., “Reports, writs and records in the common bench in the reign of Richard II”, 268–289, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F. Holt, James Clarke, “The writs of Henry II”, 47–64, in the volume honouring Pollock, Frederick, Sir; Maitland, Frederic William Hunnisett, R. F., “A coroners’ roll of the liberty of Wye, 1299–1314”, 130–143, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F. Hyams, Paul R., “Trial by ordeal: the key to proof in the early common law”, 90–126, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Jenkinson, Hilary, Sir, “Financial records of the reign of King John”, 244–300, in the volume honouring Magna Carta Kasten, Brigitte, “Stepmothers in Frankish legal life”, 47–67, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Martindale, Jane, “Between law and politics: the judicial duel under the Angevin kings (mid-twelfth century to 1204)”, 116–149, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Mayali, Laurent, “Romanitas and medieval jurisprudence”, 121–138, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1)

Fryde, E. B., “The tenants of the bishops of Coventry and Lichfield and of Worcester after the plague of 1348–9”, 224–267, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F.

McKechnie, William Sharp, “Magna Carta, 1215–1915”, 1–25, in the volume honouring Magna Carta

Fryde, Natalie, “A medieval robber baron: Sir John Molyns of Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire”, 198–223, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F.

Nicol, Alexandra, “Changes in the assize utrum between the constitutions of Clarendon and Bracton”, 18–25, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F.

Gray, Charles M., “Plucknett’s ‘Lancastrian constitution’”, 195–230, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund

Pegues, Franklin J., “Letters to John Mettingham, 1296”, 116–129, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F.

Hall, G. D. G., “Three courts of the hundred of Penwith, 1333”, 170–197, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F.

Post, J. B., “Courts, councils and arbitrators in the Ladbroke manor dispute, 1382–1400”, 290–341, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F.

Harding, Alan, “Early trailbaston proceedings from the Lincoln roll of 1305”, 144–169, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F.

Powicke, F. M., “Per iudicium parium vel per legem terrae”, 96–121, in the volume honouring Magna Carta

Medieval law


Subject Index

Round, John Horace, “Barons and Knights in the Great Charter”, 46–77, in the volume honouring Magna Carta Storey, R. L., “Clergy and common law in the reign of Henry IV”, 342–409, in the volume honouring Meekings, C. A. F. Sutherland, Donald W., “Legal reasoning in the fourteenth century: the invention of ‘color’ in pleading”, 182–194, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Vinogradoff, Paul, “Clause 39”, 78–95, in the volume honouring Magna Carta White, Stephen D., “The problem of treason: the trial of Daire le Roux”, 95–115, in the volume honouring Reynolds, Susan Wormald, Patrick and Sharpe, Richard, “‘Quadripartitus’. Appendix: The prefaces of ‘Quadripartitus’”, 111–172, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir

Military law Ajibola, Bola, Prince, “Human rights under military rule in Africa: the Nigerian experience”, v. 1, 373–388, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Coker, A. O., “Criminal prosecutions in the military tribunals”, 452–465, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Cryer, Robert, “Superior orders and the International Criminal Court”, 49–67, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Fleck, Dieter, “Legal issues of multinational military units: tasks and missions, stationing law, command and control”, 161–178, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Garraway, C. H. B., “Command responsibility: victors’ justice or just desserts?”, 68–83, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Hoover, Hubert D., “Army courtsmartial”, 165–186, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Jinadu, Yaya Abiodun Olatunde, “Fundamental human rights, the courts, and the government, particularly in a military regime in Nigeria”, v. 1, 485–496, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Military law

Risius, Gordon, “The development of operational law within army legal services”, 21–31, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Rogers, A. P. V., “What is a legitimate military target?”, 160–184, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Rose, Stephen A., “Crafting the rules of engagement for Haiti”, 225–238, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Rowe, Peter J., “The European Convention on Human Rights and the armed forces”, 249–258, in the volume honouring University of Liverpool, Faculty of Law Sherman, Charles Phineas, “The modernness of Roman military law”, 373–383, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Ulmer, S. Sidney, “Searches, seizures, and military justice”, 15–46, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S.

Naval law Doyle, James H., “International law and naval operations”, 17–38, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack

Obligations Atiyah, P. S., “Contract and tort”, 29–78, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2) Birks, Peter, “Obligations: one tier or two?”, 18–38, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C. Maxton, Julie, “Equity and the law of civil wrongs”, 91–104, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Pretto, Arianna, “Primary rights and rights in rem”, 65–82, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Smith, Lionel D., “The motive, not the deed”, 53–81, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector Walker, David M., “The interaction of obligations and crime”, 15–32, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord

Subject Index Zimmermann, Reinhard, “Modernizing the German law of obligations?”, 265–288, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard

Ombudsmen Compton, Edmund, “The British Ombudsman as an instrument of Parliament”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Gregory, Roy, “An office for all seasons?: the origins and development of the Ombudsman institution in the United Kingdom”, 79–108, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques Mowbray, Alastair R., “Ombudsmen: the private sector dimension”, 315–334, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Pearce, D. C., “The jurisdiction of Australian Government Ombudsmen”, 110–138, in the volume honouring Campbell, Enid Rawlings, Richard, “Parliamentary redress of grievance”, 118–142, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G. Reid, William, Sir, “The Ombudsman”, 255–272, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey Robertson, John, “The Danish Ombudsman. New Zealand’s precedent”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Rowat, Donald C., “The worldwide spread of an institution”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Yardley, D. C. M., “Local Ombudsmen: modern developments”, 203–210, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

Partnership Henning, J. J., “Reflections on a neglected source of the ius societatum and the efficacy of a partnership universorum bonorum in South African law”, 215–234, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Payne, Jennifer, “Reaching their limit: the liability of professional partnerships in England”, 217–232, in the volume honouring Sealy, L. S.


Personal property Baker, Paul Vivian, “Goods as investments”, 1–8, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Goode, Royston Miles, “Are intangible assets fungible?”, 97–106, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Palmer, N. E., “Bad apples and blighted windfalls: finding, bailment and the fruits of crime”, 1–30, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W.

Philosophy Adkins, A. W. H., “Ignorance, socialization and culpability in Robert Owen and Aristole”, v. 1, 164–183, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Arneson, Richard J., “Autonomy and preference formation”, 42–75, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Arnhart, Larry, “Mathematics and the problem of intelligibility”, v. 1, 19–32, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Barry, Brian M., “Justice between generations”, 268–284, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1) Berlin, Isaiah, Sir, “Hume and the sources of German anti-rationalism”, 93–116, in the volume honouring Hume, David Boas, George, “The problem of responsibility”, 497–512, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Brandt, Reinhard, “The beginnings of Hume’s philosophy”, 117–127, in the volume honouring Hume, David Bratman, Michael, “Shared valuing and frameworks for practical reasoning”, 1–27, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Bricke, John, “Hume on self-identity, memory and causality”, 167–174, in the volume honouring Hume, David Brinton, Crane, “Graham Wallas and anti-intellectualism”, 513–524, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix



Subject Index

Britton, Karl, “Hume on some nonnatural distinctions”, 205–209, in the volume honouring Hume, David

Foot, Philippa, “Approval and disapproval”, 229–246, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Broome, John, “Reasons”, 28–55, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2)

Forbes, Duncan, “Hume’s science of politics”, 39–50, in the volume honouring Hume, David

Buchanan, Allen E., “Liberalism and group rights”, 1–15, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Chang, Ruth, “Can desires provide reasons for action?”, 56–90, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Coby, Patrick, “The philosopher outside the city: The apolitical Socrates of the Crito”, v. 1, 84–110, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Colmo, Christopher, “About subjectivity”, v. 1, 345–358, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Connon, R. W., “The textual and philosophical significance of Hume’s MS alterations to Treatise III”, 186–204, in the volume honouring Hume, David Conrad, Dieter, “The influence of western liberal ideas on Gandhi’s constitutional philosophy”, 43–60, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Dancy, Jonathan, “Enticing reasons”, 91–118, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Davie, George Elder, “Edmund Husserl and ‘the as yet in its most important respect, unrecognised greatness of Hume’”, 69–76, in the volume honouring Hume, David Davis, John Whitney, “Hume on qualitative content”, 175–180, in the volume honouring Hume, David Eidelberg, Paul, “The rise of secularism: From Socrates to Machiavelli”, v. 1, 55–72. in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Faralli, Carla, “Psychology and law in Italian legal philosophy in the late 19th and early 20th century”, in Dau

Frankfurt, Harry, “Disengaging reason”, 119–128, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Fritzsche, Hellmut, “Of things that are not”, v. 1, 3–18, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Gawlick, Gunter, “Hume and the Deists: a reconsideration”, 128–138, in the volume honouring Hume, David Glenn, Gary, “Cyrus’ Corruption of Aristocracy”, v. 1, 146–163, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Heuer, Ulrike, “Raz on values and reasons”, 129–152, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Kagan, Shelly, “The argument from liberty”, 16–41, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Khamara, E. J. and Macnabb, D. G. C., “Hume and his predecessors on the causal maxim”, 146–155, in the volume honouring Hume, David Lucas, J. R., “The lay-out of arguments”, 285–296, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Makkonen, Timo, “Between antiessentialism and anti-everything – is there anything? On critique, cross-disciplinarity and culture”, 251–260, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Masters, Roger, “Do ideas matter? A note on Hegel and Modern Biology”, v. 1, 33–42, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Feinberg, Joel, “Harm and self-interest”, 285–308, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Morawetz, Thomas, “Liberalism and the new skeptics”, 122–138, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel

Finnis, John, “Scepticism, self-refutation, and the good of truth”, 247–267, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Mossner, Ernest Campbell, “Hume and the legacy of the Dialogues”, 1–24, in the volume honouring Hume, David


Subject Index Nichols, Mary P., “Rousseau’s influence on current theories of education: Romantic or authoritarian?”, v. 1, 329–344, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Niggorski, Walter, “Cicero’s Socrates: Assessment of ‘the Socratic turn’”, v. 1, 213–236, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Pall, S. Ardal, “Convention and value”, 51–68, in the volume honouring Hume, David


Scheffler, Samuel, “Projects, relationships, and reasons”, 247–269, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Shiffrin, Seana Valentine, “Egalitarianism, choice-sensitivity, and accommodation”, 270–302, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Smith, Michael, “Responsibility and selfcontrol”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2)

Passmore, John Arthur, “Hume and the ethics of belief”, 77–92, in the volume honouring Hume, David

Stevens, Richard G., “Philosophy and politics in the history of political philosophy”, v. 1, 359–378, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Pettit, Philip, “The capacity to have done otherwise: an agent-centred view”, 21–36, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2)

Stocker, Michael, “Raz on the intelligibility of bad acts”, 303–332, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2)

Pettit, Philip and Smith, Michael, “The truth in deontology”, 153–175, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2)

Sutherland, Stewart R., “Hume and the concept of pleasure”, 218–224, in the volume honouring Hume, David

Railton, Peter, “How to engage reason: the problem of regress”, 176–201, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2)

Terkel, Studs, “We must not be afraid to be free: Interviews with George Anastaplo”, v. 1, 504–538, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Raphael, David Daiches, “‘The true old Humean philosophy’ and its influence on Adam Smith”, 25–38, in the volume honouring Hume, David Regan, Donald H., “Why am I my brother’s keeper?”, 202–230, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Richards, David A. J., “Liberalism, free speech, and justice for minorities”, 92–121, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel Robison, Wade L., “Hume’s causal scepticism”, 156–166, in the volume honouring Hume, David Sapadin, Eugene, “Hume’s law, Hume’s way”, 210–217, in the volume honouring Hume, David Scanlon, T. M., “Reasons: a puzzling duality?”, 231–246, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Schaefer, David L., “Was Socrates a corrupter? A study of Plato’s Apology of Socrates”, v. 1, 73–83, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George

Thompson, Michael, “What is it to wrong someone? A puzzle about justice”, 333–384, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2) Van Steenburgh, E. J., “Durationless moments in Hume’s Treatise”, 181–185, in the volume honouring Hume, David Vanderslice, Stephen, “A natural right perspective on contemporary moral questions”, v. 1, 130–145, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Vaughan, Frederick, “On first looking into Popper’s Plato”, v. 1, 111–129, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Wallace, R. Jay, “The rightness of acts and the goodness of lives”, 385–411, in the volume honouring Raz, Joseph (2)

Planning law Cooney, Tom, “Judicial discretion and the planning injunction”, 148–171, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Planning law


Subject Index

Fernandez, Edesio, “Law and the production of urban illegality: urban development in Brazil”, 227–244, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Cohen, Bernard, “Police enforcement of quality-of-life offending: a critique”, 107–134, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E.

Kalu, Awa U., “The Land Use Act and the 1979 Constitution”, 106–115, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1)

Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, “Shoreham-by-Sea”, 197–204, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

McAuslan, Patrick, “Land, planning and housing”, 161–208, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (2)

Emsley, Clive, “The English police: a unique development?”, 74–96, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (2)

McAuslan, Patrick, “The best laid schemes o’mice an’ men: the diaspora of town and country planning laws in Africa and Asia”, 199–224, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Murray, John, “Country planning in the United Kingdom”, in Dau Self, Peter, “The built environment”, 64–80, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Singh, Chhatrapati, “Legal aspects of women’s involvement in wasteland development”, 205–232, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Taiwo, Ladi, “The Land Use Act, 1978: a timely call for reform”, 326–344, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Utuama, A. A., “Planning law implications in the Land Use Act, 1978”, 95–105, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Utuama, A. A., “Town and country planning law in Nigeria: evolution and philosophy”, 345–367, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince


Klockars, Carl B. and Kutnjak Ivkovic, Sanja, “The measurement of police delinquency”, 87–106, in the volume honouring Wolfgang, Marvin E. Kodilinye, Gilbert, “Assault and arrest in the execution of a constable’s duty”, 351–375, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1) Lustgarten, Laurence, “Democratic constitutionalism and police governance”, 128–150, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn Martin, J. P., “The scope of police manpower studies”, 197–212, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1) Morgenthau, Hans Joachim, “The impartiality of the international police”, 209–224, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1) Philips, David, “William Augustus Miles (1796–1851): crime, policing, and moral entrepreneurship in England and Australia”, 25–36, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A. Swainger, Jonathan Scott, “Police culture in British Columbia and ‘ordinary duty’ in the Peace River Country, 1910–39”, 198–224, in the volume honouring Knafla, Louis A.

Bennun, Mervyn, “The duty to assist the police: some aspects”, 124–134, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2)

Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “Police accountability: four cases and a statute”, 273–294, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey

Cartridge, J. G., “A constable’s duty and freedoms of person and property”, 161–174, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1)

Williams, D. G. T., Sir, “Prosecution, discretion and the accountability of the police”, 161–196, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1)


Subject Index Young, Richard and Sanders, Andrew, “The forester’s dilemma: the influence of police research on police practice”, 333–376, in the volume honouring Hood, Roger G.

Politics and government Beloff, Michael J., “Politicians and the press”, 63–86, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Bogdanor, Vernon, “Geoffrey Marshall”, 1–18, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey Bryde, Brun-Otto, “Challenges to democracy: and constitutional law barriers against meeting them”, 185–196, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2) Calvert, Harry, “Northern Ireland: what went wrong?”, 86–103, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Collini, Stefan, “Democracy and excitement: Maine’s political pessimism”, 88–96, in the volume honouring Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir Collins, Ronald K. L., “The principles of power”, v. 2, 671–683, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Crick, Bernard, “Northern Ireland and the concept of consent”, 39–56, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G.


Ghai, Yash P., “The politics of the constitution: another look at the Ningkan litigation”, 106–131, in the volume honouring Tripathi, P. K. Gillman, Howard, “How political parties can use the courts to advance their agendas: federal courts in the United States, 1875–1891”, 45–68, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin Ginsburg, Tom and Kagan, Robert A., “Introduction: institutionalist approaches to courts as political actors”, 1–18, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin Griffith, J. A. G., “Maud and Senior”, 104–116, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Grimm, Dieter, “Constitutional adjudication and democracy”, 103–120, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Hansen, Mogens Herman, “Direct democracy, ancient and modern”, 135–150, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Harlow, Carol, “Deconstructing government?”, 141–170, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin Heclo, Hugh, “The statesman: revisiting leadership in administration”, 295–310, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip

Crick, Bernard, “Participation and the future of government”, 55–71, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander

Holcombe, Arthur Norman, “The American presidency in the nuclear age”, 324–336, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

De Smith, Barbara, “The right to information about the activities of the government”, 137–149, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1)

Idoko, Alhassan, “In the search for durable democracy in contemporary Nigeria”, 140–154, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed

Drewry, Gavin, “Bridging the chasm: public law and political science”, 203–221, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey

Jones, G. W., “The Prime Ministers’ secretaries: politicians or administrators?”, 13–38, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander

Field, Frank, “Political culture: renegotiating the post-war social contract”, 139–150, in the volume honouring British Academy Friedrich, Carl J., “Reflections on democracy and bureaucracy”, 39–54, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander

Khegai, Janna, “Constitutional regimes and clan politics in Central Asia”, 195–216, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert Kittrie, Nicholas N., “Democracy: an institution whose time has come?”, 145–160, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W.

Politics and government


Subject Index

Kofele-Kale, Ndiva, “Good governance as political conditionality: an African perspective”, 151–164, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Kohn, Hans, “Changing concepts of nationalism”, 559–566, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix MacCormack, John R., “Morality and politics in Cicero’s defense of the Roman republic”, v. 1, 195–212, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Mackenzie, W. J. M., “The civil service, the state, and the establishment”, 182–202, in the volume honouring Second Reform Act 1867 Marshall, Roy, Sir, “The response of the law to the challenge of independence: a review of the past and an agenda for the future, with particular reference to Barbados”, 1–36, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (1) Matson, Cathy D., “American political economy in the constitutional decade”, 16–35, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Miliband, Ralph, “Activism and capitalist democracy”, 23–38, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G. Miller, Eugene F., “Washington’s patronage of education”, v. 2, 700–719, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Moltmann, Gunter, “The American constitutional model and German constitutional politics”, 90–103, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Morgan, Kenneth O., “New Labour and the new premiership”, 32–53, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey

Ndulo, Muna, “Political parties and democratic rule in Africa”, 165–184, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Neumann, Harry, “Leo Strauss or nihilism? The case against politics”, v. 1, 391–412, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Noble, Larry, “Some reflections on political change”, 237–248, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Rossum, Ralph A., “Civic virtue and republican government: the practice of James Wilson’s constitutional theory”, v. 2, 684–699, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Shapiro, Martin, “Law, courts and politics”, 275–298, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin Stone, Julius, “Behind the cease-fire lines: Israel’s administration in Gaza and the West Bank”, 79–110, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Tarkunde, V. M., “Deterioration and revitalisation of Indian democracy”, 90–100, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Tay, Alice Erh-Soon, “‘Smash all permanent rules’: China as a model for the future”, 49–85, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Thompson, Kenneth W., “The President, Congress, and foreign policy”, 184–202, in the volume honouring United States, Constitution Valdés, Ernesto Garzón, “Constitution and stability in Latin America”, 549–572, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Zines, Leslie, “Freedom of speech and representative government”, 35–50, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir


Morozova, Irina, “Public discussion on the ‘state of law’ and contemporary political regimes in Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus”, 237–260, in the volume honouring Franke, Herbert

Bakken, Gordon Morris, “An inversion layer in western legal history: air pollution in Butte, Montana”, 264–291, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip

Mosler, Hermann, “Political and justiciable legal disputes: revival of an old controversy?”, 216–229, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg

Benidickson, Jamie, “Ontario water quality, public health, and the law, 1880–1930”, 115–141, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B.


Subject Index Gaskell, N. J. J., “Pollution, limitation and carriage in The Aegean Sea”, 71–104, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Hardy, Michael, “International control of marine pollution”, 103–141, in the volume honouring McMahon, John


Kawashima, Takeyoshi, “The concept of judicial precedent in Japanese law”, in Dau Olaniyan, H. A., “Precedent in our legal system: an evaluation”, 283–295, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince

Ibler, Vladimir, “Anti-pollution jurisdiction in the exclusive economic zone and the freedoms of navigation”, in Dau

Summers, Robert S., “The form and content of a precedent methodology”, 212–226, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Johnston, Douglas M., “Facts and value in the prevention and control of marine pollution”, 534–561, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S.

Woon, Walter C. M., “Stare decisis and judicial precedent in Singapore”, 115–140, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review

Kuokkanen, Tuomas, “Putting gentle pressure on parties: recent trends in the practice of the Implementation Committee under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution”, 315–326, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Palme, Claes J., “Oil pollution – The Tsesis Case”, in Dau Soni, Raman Lal, “International law and marine pollution”, in Dau Streisler, Erich W., “The problem of internalisation of and liability for environmental damages”, in Dau

Precedent Baade, Hans W., “Stare decisis in civil law systems”, 533–554, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Baade, Hans W., “Stare decisis in civil-law countries: the last bastion”, 3–20, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Baxi, Upendra, “The travails of stare decisis in India”, 34–51, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius

Prisons Bassiouni, M. Cherif, “The U.N. procedures for the effective implementation of the standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners”, in Dau English, P., “Prisoners’ rights: quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”, 201–218, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Henderson, Charles Richmond, “Penology in the United States. Outline of a progressive programme”, in Dau Liebling, Alison, “A ‘liberal regime within a secure perimeter’?: dispersal prisons and penal practice in the late twentieth century”, 97–152, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (2) Martin, J. P., “After-care in transition”, 88–110, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann Morris, Norval, “Prison in evolution”, 267–294, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann

Butler, William Elliott, “Judicial precedent as a source of Russian law”, 583–594, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Morris, T. P., “The sociology of the prison”, 69–87, in the volume honouring Mannheim, Hermann

Cross, Rupert, Sir, “The House of Lords and the rules of precedent”, 145–160, in the volume honouring Hart, H. L. A. (1)

Price, Ronald R., “Of privacy and prisons”, 375–424, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M.

Edwards, R. Randle, “The role of case precedent in the Qing judicial process as reflected in appellate rulings”, 180–209, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan

Wolfgang, Marvin E., “The future of crime, criminology and corrections”, 285–290, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W.



Subject Index

Privacy Aman, Alfred C., “Information, privacy, and technology: citizens, clients, or consumers?”, 325–348, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

Scott of Foscote, Richard Rashleigh Folliott, Lord, “Confidentiality”, 267–274, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

Private law

Burns, Peter, “Privacy and the common law: a tangled skein unravelling?”, 21–40, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M.

Basedow, Jurgen, “The gradual emergence of European private law”, 1–18, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Deutscher, David, “The Protection of Privacy Act: whose privacy is it protecting?”, 141–162, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M.

Grundmann, Stefan, “General principles of private law and ius commune modernum as applicable law?”, 213–234, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M.

Feldman, David, “Information and privacy”, 299–324, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

Lucy, William, “Private law: between visionaries and bricoleurs”, 187–218, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2)

Francis, Claire and Patten, Ben, “Privacy, the press and the public interest”, 47–60, in the volume honouring Kiralfy, A. K. R.

McLachlin, B. M., “The evolution of the law of private obligation: the influence of Justice La Forest”, 21–46, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Gibson, Dale, “Regulating the personal information industry”, 111–140, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M. Glasbeek, H. J., “Limitations on the action of breach of confidence”, 217–280, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M. Glenn, H. Patrick, “The right to privacy in Quebec law”, 41–72, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M. Kidd, C. J. F., “Freedom from unwanted publicity”, 43–59, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Lögdberg, Åke, “Right of privacy”, in Dau Markesinis, B. S., “Subtle ways of legal borrowing. Some comparative reflections of the report of the Calcutt Committee ‘On Privacy and Related Matters’”, in Dau Osborne, Philip H., “The Privacy Acts of British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan”, 73–110, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M.

Siebrasse, Norman, “Educative formalism: a comparison of the private law jurisprudence of Justices La Forest and McLachlin”, 73–80, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V.

Privatization Daintith, Terence, “Political programmes and the content of the constitution”, 41–56, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Paliwala, Abdul, “Privatization in developing countries: the governance issue”, 209–226, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Sarie-Eldin, Hani Salah, “Private sector participation in the supply of infrastructural services: an evaluation (specific focus on Egypt and North Africa)”, 327–344, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence Taylor, Earle A.S., “Public enterprise divestment”, 247–252, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague

Pinsky, Bernard, “Telephone solicitation and privacy”, 295–304, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M.


Schafer, Arthur, “Privacy: a philosophical overview”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Sharp, John M.

Ajayi-Okunuga, C. O., “Justice in judicial proceedings”, v. 2, 817–836, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)


Subject Index Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques, “The changing nature of the appellate process”, 153–168, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H.


Oda, Shigeru, “Intervention in the International Court of Justice. Articles 62 and 63 of the statute”, in Dau

Cappelletti, Mauro, “Trends of ‘Procedural Justice’ in contemporary Europe”, in Dau

Rosenne, Shabtai, “The agent in litigation in the International Court of Justice”, 41–68, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell

Clermont, Kevin M. and Sherwin, Emily, “A comparative puzzle: standards of proof”, 629–644, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

Ruda, Jose Maria, “Intervention before the International Court of Justice”, 487–502, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir

Davies, Martin, “Taking evidence by videolink in international litigation”, 69–88, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E.

Schrage, E. J. H., “Descendit ad Infernos: and Belial sued Jesus Christ for trespass”, 353–364, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Elias, T. O., “The limits of the right of intervention in a case before the International Court of Justice”, in Dau Elkind, Jerome B., “Non-appearance before the International Court”, 175–197, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma Gerber, David J., “Comparing procedural systems: toward an analytical framework”, 665–674, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Ji, Wei-dong, “On reflective mechanism of law trial implementation in China”, in Dau Jolowicz, J. A., “On the comparison of procedures”, 721–740, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Kerameus, Konstantinos D., “International procedural harmonization and autonomous interpretation”, 177–186, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Lester of Herne Hill, Anthony Paul Lester, Lord, “Amici curiae: third-party interventions before the European Court of Human Rights”, in Dau Macintosh, George, “Advocacy”, 129–142, in the volume honouring McEachern, Allan Mehren, Arthur T. von, “The significance for procedural practice and theory of the concentrated trial: comparative remarks”, in Dau Nirmal, B. C., “Third party intervention before the International Court of Justice”, 198–235, in the volume honouring Pratap, Dharma

Thirlway, H. W. A., “Procedural law and the International Court of Justice”, 389–405, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Umezulike, I. A., “Trials relating to land in the High Courts of Nigeria: overview and observations”, 1–29, in the volume honouring Ozobu, Eze Woolman, Stephen, “Pleadings”, 277–283, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A.

Professions Baxt, Robert, “Functions and liabilities of auditors”, 112–138, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite Berns, Laurence, “Two old conservatives discuss the Anastaplo case”, v. 1, 456–463, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Dilliard, Irving, “Mr. Justice Black and In re Anastaplo”, v. 1, 478–503, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George Ebke, Werner F., “Accounting, auditing and global capital markets”, 101–112, in the volume honouring Buxbaum, Richard M. Edward, David A. O., “Freedom of movement for the regulated professions”, 36–51, in the volume honouring Dowrick, F. E. Kalven, Harry, “Wondrous complexity: the Bar admission cases”, v. 1, 413–455, in the volume honouring Anastaplo, George



Subject Index

Kraus, Dieter, “Diplomas and the recognition of professional qualifications in the case law of the European Court of Justice”, 247–256, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O. Marden, Orison S., “The corporate lawyer in the United States”, in Dau

McBride, Jeremy, “Compensation, restitution and human rights in post-communist Europe”, 87–106, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Schermers, Henry G., “The international protection of the right of property”, in Dau

Rogers, James Grafton, “The American Bar Association in retrospect”, v. 1, 166–190, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Subbarao, G. C. Venkata, “Vicissitudes of private property as a fundamental right”, 177–194, in the volume honouring Patna Law College

Slater, A. H., “The accounts provisions and accounting standards”, 100–111, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite

Taggart, Michael, “Expropriation, public purpose and the constitution”, 91–112, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir

Property Carey Miller, David L., “Systems of property: Grotius and Stair”, 13–31, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1) Exshaw, E. Y., “The right of private ownership”, 73–83, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Fellows, Mary Louise, “Donative promises redux”, 27–52, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Garcia-Amador, F. V., “A basic dispute: conflicting views on expropriation”, 7:1–7:12, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Graziadei, Michele, “Tuttifrutti”, 121–136, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Harding, A. J., “Property rights under the Malaysian Constitution”, 59–75, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri Harris, J. W., “Property: rights in rem or wealth?”, 51–64, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Lawson, F. H., “Shifting functions of powers in the property law of the common law systems”, in Dau

Terry, Henry T., “Possession”, 170–186, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry

Psychology Dhanda, Amita, “Psychologising dissent: psychiatric labelling and social control”, 321–338, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Miller, James C., “Psychological aspects of systems analysis”, 95–113, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S. West, Ranyard, “A psychological theory of law”, 767–787, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (1)

Public corporations Foster, Christopher D., “The public corporation: allocative efficiency and x-efficiency”, 139–173, in the volume honouring Robson, William Alexander Lederman, William R., “Legislative power to create corporate bodies and public monopolies in Canada”, 108–126, in the volume honouring Cronkite, F. C.

Léwy, Claude, “The Code and property”, 162–176, in the volume honouring France, Code civil

Thomas, Peter A., “The changing regime of state trading”, 253–258, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague

Link, Ronald C., “Property law, conceptual jurisprudence and existentialism”, 133–150, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E.

Turkson, Richard B., “The history of public corporations”, 137–157, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court


Subject Index Wherry, William M., “Public utilities: progression or retrogression?”, v. 2, 81–104, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law

Public law Allars, Margaret, “Proportionality, tradition and constitutional framework: borrowing foreign legal notions in Australian public law”, 357–385, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Beloff, Michael J., “Who whom? Issues in locus standi in public law”, 275–292, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Bridge, John William, “Standards, principles and values in the public law of the United Kingdom”, 195–210, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Cane, Peter, “Theory and values in public law”, 3–22, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Craig, Paul P., “Contract, public law and accountability”, 321–344, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Craig, Paul P., “Theory and values in public law: a response”, 23–46, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord, “Restraining the misuse of power”, 1–12, in the volume honouring University of Birmingham, Faculty of Law Evershed, Francis Raymond Evershed, Lord, “Government under law in post-war England”, 149–168, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Fairman, Charles, “Government under law in time of crisis”, 232–280, in the volume honouring Marshall, John Freedland, Mark R., “Government by contract re-examined: some functional issues”, 123–138, in the volume honouring Harlow, Carol Grant, Evadné, “Do we have a comprehensive and mature system of public law?”, 141–170, in the volume honouring City University (London, England)


Griffith, J. A. G., “Geoffrey Marshall and Public Law: the early years”, 185–202, in the volume honouring Marshall, Geoffrey Harding, A. J., “Comparative public law: a neglected discipline?”, 101–120, in the volume honouring School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Hare, Ivan, “The law of standing in public interest adjudication”, 301–318, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Himsworth, Chris, “Public law: in peril of neglect?”, 224–235, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Loughlin, Martin, “The pathways of public law scholarship”, 163–188, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (1) Oliver, Dawn, “Common values in public and private law and the public/private divide”, 119–136, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Partington, Martin, “The reform of public law in Britain: theoretical problems and practical considerations”, 191–212, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn Pound, Roscoe, “The King can do no wrong”, 302–317, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Prosser, Tony, “Democratisation, accountability and institutional design: reflections on public law”, 170–190, in the volume honouring Dicey, Albert Venn Roach, Kent, “Justice La Forest: a Bickelian balancer of state and individual interests”, 163–192, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Rostow, W. W., “Planning for freedom revisited”, 41–72, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V. Schwartz, Bernard, “The Code and public law”, 247–266, in the volume honouring France, Code civil Sedley, Stephen, Sir, “Policy and law”, 259–266, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Shackelford, Francis, “The separation of powers in time of crisis”, 170–213, in the volume honouring Marshall, John

Public law


Subject Index

Snee, Joseph M., “Leviathan at the bar of justice”, 91–130, in the volume honouring Marshall, John

Brookfield, F. M., “Appendix. The easement for a term of years”, 449–456, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C.

Stoljar, S. J., “Austin and Kelsen on public law”, 250–268, in the volume honouring Sawer, Geoffrey

Buckley, John F., “Part performance lives!”, 115–120, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Tunc, André, “Government under law: a civilian view”, 35–71, in the volume honouring Marshall, John

Cartwright, John, “Formality and informality in property and contract”, 36–52, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector

Public policy

Chianu, Emeka, “Sale of land in Nigeria: an attempt at synthesis?”, 233–255, in the volume honouring Sagay, Itsejuwa Esanjumi

Bell, John, “Conceptions of public policy”, 87–112, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Hagan, Charles B., “Cigarettes and public policy: the inauguration of a new policy”, 249–268, in the volume honouring Rankin, Robert S. Houtte, H. van, “From a national to a European public policy”, 841–854, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Jackson, David C., “Law and policy: judges on horseback?”, 220–255, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Olmo, Rosa del, “Drugs in Latin American and the world crisis”, in Dau

Real property Alexander, G. Glover, “Recent developments in conveyancing law”, 21–40, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Banire, M. A., “Customary tenancy and the Land Use Act: a critical review”, 230–243, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O. Beers, George E., “Real property”, 48–65, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Bell, John, “Property and legal culture in France”, 83–96, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard

Coombes, J. M., “The right to outdoor recreation”, 102–123, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Costigan, George P., “Has there been judicial legislation in the interpretation and application of the ‘upon consideration of marriage’ and other contract clauses of the Statute of Frauds?”, 473–514, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Dawson, Norma, “The Giant’s Causeway case: property law in Ireland 1845–1995”, 239–257, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Esterman, L. and O’Keefe, J. A. B., “The impact of other statutes on the land transfer system”, 210–257, in the volume honouring Torrens System, New Zealand Gager, Edwin B., “Mortgages of real property”, 153–166, in the volume honouring Yale Law School George, Edward Frederick, “Property and equity”, 203–219, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (1) Getzler, Joshua, “Roman and English prescription for incorporeal property”, 281–323, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector Gordon, William M., “Variation and discharge of land obligations”, 67–90, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies

Bentham, Richard W., “The law as to minerals in the United Kingdom”, in Dau

Gray, Kevin J. and Gray, Susan Francis, “The rhetoric of realty”, 204–280, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector

Brookfield, F. M., “Prescription and adverse possession”, 162–209, in the volume honouring Torrens System, New Zealand

Hall, J. S., “The right of passage”, 124–136, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1)

Public policy

Subject Index


Harpum, Charles, “Registered land: a law unto itself?”, 187–203, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector

Palmer, K. A., “Caveats and their effect on equitable priorities”, 79–119, in the volume honouring Torrens System, New Zealand

Harris, J. W., “Ownership of land in English law”, 143–162, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1)

Phillips, E. K., “Unit titles and leasehold land”, 435–448, in the volume honouring Adams, E. C.

Hinde, G. W., “Indefeasibility of title since Frazer v. Walker”, 33–78, in the volume honouring Torrens System, New Zealand

Reid, Kenneth G. C., “Warrandice in the sale of land”, 152–174, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies

Hinde, G. W., “The future of the Torrens system in New Zealand”, 77–129, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G.

Ricquier, W. J. M., “Land law and common law in Singapore”, 227–258, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review

Kales, Albert Martin, “Adverse possession against reversioners and remaindermen”, 564–586, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Liverpool, Nicholas Joseph Orville, “Towards reform in Commonwealth Caribbean real property law”, 187–222, in the volume honouring University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law (2) McCallum, Margaret E., “The sacred rights of property: title, entitlement, and the land question in nineteenth-century Prince Edward Island”, 358–397, in the volume honouring Risk, R. C. B. McDonald, A. J., “The enforcement of title conditions by neighbouring proprietors”, 9–32, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies Merryman, J. H., “Toward a comparative study of the sale of land”, in Dau Moore, David, “From potatoes and peasants to quotas and squires: the endurability of Conacre from 1845–1995”, 191–212, in the volume honouring Queen’s University of Belfast Niles, Russell D., “The law of estates since Butler and Kent”, v. 3, 199–253, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Ojukwu, E., “Land suits must not be in the Situs”, 378–389, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene Omotola, J. A., “Forfeiture in leases and the problem of peaceable entry”, 52–73, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1)

Riesenfeld, Stefan A., “Individual and family rights in land during the formative period of the common law”, 439–462, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Rood, John R., “Liability of personal representatives on leases”, 515–524, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Sim, P. B. A., “The compensation provisions of the Act”, 138–161, in the volume honouring Torrens System, New Zealand Smith, Roger, “How proprietary is proprietary estoppel?”, 235–250, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Sood, Teo Keang, “Developments in Malaysian land law over the past twenty years”, 385–448, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Strong, John William, “The presumptions of prescription”, 169–182, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Tee, Khaw Lake, “Position of a purchaser of land pending the registration of his transfer”, 174–212, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Thompson, Mark, “Monied might or social justice? Mortgage repossessions and the protection of occupiers”, 157–176, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Thompson, Mark, “The protection of informal interests in land”, 40–56, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Whalan, Douglas J., “The origins of the Torrens System and its introduction into New Zealand”, 1–32, in the volume honouring Torrens System, New Zealand

Real property


Subject Index

Whalan, Douglas J., “The position of purchasers pending registration”, 120–137, in the volume honouring Torrens System, New Zealand Whalan, Douglas J., “The Torrens System in New Zealand: present problems and future possibilities”, 258–295, in the volume honouring Torrens System, New Zealand Woodman, Gordon R., “Land law and the distribution of wealth”, 158–176, in the volume honouring Ghana, Supreme Court

Briggs, Adrian, “Anti-suit injunctions in a complex world”, 219–244, in the volume honouring Reynolds, F. M. B. Brownlie, Ian, “Remedies in the International Court of Justice”, 557–566, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Collins, Lawrence, “The Marc Rich case and actions for negative declarations”, in Dau Dawson, John P., “Retreat from contract as a recourse after breach”, in Dau

Wylie, J. C. W., “The reform of Irish land law”, 371–382, in the volume honouring Brady, James C.

Dwyer, Paul S., “Conversion of foreign money contractual damages”, 59–70, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague

Regional development

Fleming, John G., “The effect of inflation on civil liability in the United States”, in Dau

Bello, Emmanuel G., “The dark continent: the difficult road to unity”, v. 2, 789–802, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2) Carl, Beverly May, “The Latin American Integration Association”, 19:1–19:25, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J.

Friedmann, Daniel, “Specific performance or damages”, in Dau Ginsburg, Tom, “Beyond judicial review: ancillary powers of constitutional courts”, 225–244, in the volume honouring Shapiro, Martin

Koh, Tommy, “Australia and East Asia – a solid bond”, 414–417, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Goldstein, Stephen, “Provisional relief and international jurisdiction: A study based on the law of Israel and the European Union”, in Dau

Morner, Anna, “All eggs in one basket: the potential for pan-African regional integration”, 195–208, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Higgins, Rosalyn, “The availability of damages for reliance by a government on executive necessity”, in Dau

Syatauw, J. J. G., “ASEAN – unexpected progress in Asian regional organization”, in Dau

Howard, Anneli and Rhee, Deok Joo, “Private enforcement: a complete system of remedies”, 307–326, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Yokoi-Arai, Mamiko, “Regional financial institutionalisation and the creation of a ‘zone of law’: the context of financial stability/regulation in East Asia”, 763–816, in the volume honouring Gold, Joseph; Gold, Ruth

Remedies Beatson, J., “Limitation periods and specific performance”, 9–24, in the volume honouring Guest, Anthony Gordon Boros, Elizabeth J., “Equitable compensation as a remedy for diversion of opportunity”, 271–308, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J.

Regional development

Jain, Mahabir Prashad, “Constitutional remedies”, 157–189, in the volume honouring Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri Lewis, Clive, “Damages and the right to an effective remedy for breach of European Community law”, 319–332, in the volume honouring Wade, William, Sir Lipstein, Kurt, “A new English procedural remedy – mareva injunctions”, in Dau Marke, Julius J., “The writs of assistance case and the Fourth Amendment”, 351–372, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix McBride, Jeremy, “Redress for human rights violations”, 161–174, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

Subject Index Meeson, Nigel, “Comparative issues in anti-suit injunctions”, 59–84, in the volume honouring Force, Robert Mockler, E. J., “Damages for breach of fiduciary duties”, 145–162, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Morrison, Fred L., “The choice of civil or criminal sanctions in dealing with racial discrimination”, in Dau Oda, Shigeru, “Provisional measures: the practice of the International Court of Justice”, 541–556, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Schermers, Henry G., “The suit of damages as a means of pressure on the member states of the European Community”, in Dau Schwebel, Stephen M., “Arbitration and exhaustion of local remedies revisited”, in Dau Stone, Peter, “A duty to offset inflation”, 104–112, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Varga, Csaba, “The dilemma of enforcing the law”, in Dau

Restitution Andrews, Neil, “Civil disgorgement of wrongdoers’ gains: the temptation to do justice”, 155–162, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Baker, John Hamilton, “The history of quasi-contract in English law”, 37–56, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Beatson, J., “Restitution in Canada: a commentary”, 297–304, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Beatson, J., “The temptation of elegance: concurrence of restitutionary and contractual claims”, 143–170, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord Birks, Peter, “The necessity of a unitary law of tracing”, 239–258, in the volume honouring Goode, Royston Miles Birks, Peter, “Failure of consideration”, 179–202, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H.


Birks, Peter, “The role of fault in the law of unjust enrichment”, 235–276, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord Birks, Peter, “Misnomer”, 1–30, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Birks, Peter, “Comparative unjust enrichment”, 137–152, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Burrows, Andrew S., “Reforming noncompensatory damages”, 295–312, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord Butler, Peter, “Restitution of unauthorised government exactions: a matter of public law principle or judicial expediency?”, 127–150, in the volume honouring Lumb R. D. Davies, Derek, “Restitution and equitable wrongs: an Australian analogue”, 158–178, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Dawson, John P., “Indirect enrichment”, in Dau Evans-Jones, Robin and Hellwege, Phillip, “Restitution, repetition, recompense and unjustified enrichment in Scots law”, 249–260, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Fox, David, “Conflicts of interest, unjust enrichment, and wrong-doing: a commentary”, 127–132, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Friedmann, Daniel, “Unjust enrichment, pursuance of self-interest and the limits of free riding”, 645–664, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Friedmann, Daniel, “Restitution for wrongs: the basis of liability”, 133–154, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Goode, Royston Miles, “Proprietary restitutionary claims”, 63–78, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Harpum, Charles, “Knowing receipt: the need for a new landmark: some reflections”, 247–250, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H.



Subject Index

Jones, Gareth H., “Lord Goff’s contribution to the law of restitution”, 207–234, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord Langbein, John H., “The later history of restitution”, 57–62, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H.

Virgo, Graham, “What is the law of restitution about?”, 305–330, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Waters, D. W. M., “Chief Justice Dickson, the Court, and restitution”, 110–119, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian

McCamus, John D., “Chief Justice Dickson and the law of restitution”, 79–109, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian

Worthington, Sarah, “Three questions on proprietary claims”, 79–86, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H.

McLachlin, B. M., “Restitution in Canada”, 275–296, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H.

Roman-Dutch law

Millett, Peter, “Restitution and conhstructive trusts”, 199–218, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H.

De Vos, Wouter, “Roman-Dutch law in South Africa at the end of the century, and thereafter”, 73–98, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G.

Nicholls of Birkenhead, Donald James Nicholls, Lord, “Knowing receipt: the need for a new landmark”, 231–246, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H.

Dias, Reginald Walter Michael, “Laesio enormis: the Roman-Dutch story”, 46–63, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis

Nolan, Richard, “Conflicts of interest, unjust enrichment, and wrong-doing”, 87–126, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H.

Honoré, Tony, “The history of the aedilitian actions from Roman to RomanDutch law”, 132–159, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis

Oakley, A. J., “Restitution and constructive trusts: a commentary”, 219–230, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Rose, Francis D., “Restitutionary and proprietary consequences of illegality”, 203–234, in the volume honouring Treitel, G. H. Sutton, Richard John, “Mistake of law: lifting the lid of Pandora’s box”, 218–243, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G. Swadling, William, “The myth of Phillips v Homfray”, 277–294, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord Swadling, William, “What is the law of restitution about? Four categorical errors”, 331–338, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Tettenborn, A. M., “Misnomer: a response”, 31–36, in the volume honouring Jones, Gareth H. Virgo, Graham, “Restitution through the looking glass: restitution within equity and equity within restitution”, 82–110, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector

Roman-Dutch law

Visser, D. P., “Placing the civilian influence in Scotland: a Roman-Dutch perspective”, 239–258, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Visser, D. P., “The role of Roman law in the punishment of slaves at the Cape of Good Hope under Dutch rule”, in Dau

Roman law Alexander, Michael Charles, “The repudiated technicality in Roman forensic oratory”, 59–72, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (1) Ankum, Hans, “Was acceptilatio an informal act in classical Roman law?”, 3–14, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Ankum, Hans, “Towards a rehabilitation of Pomponius”, 1–14, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1) Ankum, Hans, “Gaius, Theophilus and Tribonian and the actiones mixtae”, 4–17, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C.

Subject Index Ankum, Hans and Pool, Eric, “Rem in bonis meis esse and rem in bonis meam esse: traces of the development of Roman double ownership”, 5–42, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Barton, John L., “Solutio and traditio”, 15–30, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan Barton, John L., “The Lex Aquilia and decretal actions”, 15–26, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1) Barton, John L., “Animus and possessio nomine alieno”, 43–60, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Behrends, Okko, “Formality and substance in classical Roman law”, in Dau Bergh, G. C. J. J. van den, “Auctoritas Poetarum, the fortunes of a legal argument”, 27–38, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1) Birks, Peter, “Lucius Veratius and the Lex Aebutia”, 29–48, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1) Birks, Peter, “An unacceptable face of human property”, 61–74, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Buckland, W. W., “Ritual acts and words in roman law”, in Dau Cairns, Francis, “Propertius 2.19.32”, 49–52, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1) Chorus, Jeroen M. J., “Illegal alienations in classical Roman law”, 85–92, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Colognesi, Luigi Capogrossi, “Actor and defendant in Negatoria Servitutis”, 31–36, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Crawford, Michael, “Aut sacrom aut poublicom”, 93–98, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Crifò, Giuliano, “Some reflections on history and dogma as jurists’ tools”, 37–44, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Daube, David, “Fraud no. 3”, 1–18, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) Daube, David, “Certainty of price”, 9–45, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis


Daube, David, “D. 19, 1, 46 and adultery”, in Dau Duff, P. W., “An arrangement concerning shortage of measure, and pacts in general”, 64–70, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis Evans-Jones, Robin and MacCormack, Geoffrey, “Iusta causa traditionis”, 99–110, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Feenstra, Robert, “D. (Scaevola 18 dig.) revisited”, 45–50, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Feenstra, Robert, “The ‘poor widower’ in Justinian’s legislation”, 39–44, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C. Feenstra, Robert, “Dominium and ius in re aliena: the origins of a civil law distinction”, 111–122, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Frier, Bruce W., “Tenant’s liability for damage to landlord’s property in classical Roman law”, in Dau Gardner, Jane F., “Death, taxes and status in Pliny’s Panegyricus”, 51–60, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Gordley, James, “Humanists and scholastics”, 13–28, in the volume honouring Daube, David (2) Gordon, William M., “Translation and interpretation”, 61–72, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Gordon, William M., “Legal tradition, with particular reference to Roman law”, 279–292, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1) Gordon, William M., “A comparison of the influence of Roman law in England and Scotland”, 135–148, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Gordon, William M., “The actio de posito reconsidered”, 45–55, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C. Gordon, William M., “The importance of the iusta causa of traditio”, 123–136, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry

Roman law


Subject Index

Hackney, Jeffrey, “Usucapio and the law of trusts”, 21–35, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector

Kisch, Guido, “The ‘Jewisch Execution’ in mediaeval Germany and the reception of Roman law”, in Dau

Hausmaninger, Herbert, “The case of the deliberate wine spill”, 73–78, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Lewis, A. D. E., “Alluvio: the meaning of Institutes II.1.20”, 87–95, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C.

Hausmaninger, Herbert, “Publius Iuventius Celsus: the profile of a classical Roman jurist”, 245–264, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

Lewis, A. D. E., “Digest 23.2.6”, 135–142, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1)

Honoré, Tony, “Textual chains in Digest”, in Dau

Lewis, Naphtali and Schiller, A. Arthur, “Another ‘Narratio’ document”, 187–200, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Honoré, Tony, “Labeo’s Posteriora and the Digest commission”, 161–182, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Liebs, Detlef, “The history of the Roman condictio up to Justinian”, 163–184, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1)

Honoré, Tony, “Sale and the transfer of ownership: the compilers’ point of view”, 56–72, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A C.

MacCormack, Geoffrey, “Aquilian Culpa”, 201–224, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Honoré, Tony, “Conveyances of land and professional standards in the later empire”, 137–152, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Hopwood, Keith, “Aspects of violent crime in the Roman Empire”, 63–80, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Huvelin, Paul, “A text of Q. Cervidius Scaevola on sales made through the agency of bankers”, 412–434, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Johnston, David, “The general influence of Roman institutions of state and public law”, 87–102, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Johnston, David, “Peculiar questions”, 5–14, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A. Johnston, David, “Successive rights and successful remedies: life interests in Roman law”, 153–168, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry

MacCormack, Geoffrey, “The oral and written stipulation in the Institutes”, 96–108, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C. MacCormick, Neil, “De iurisprudentia”, 79–82, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Manfredini, Arrigo Diego, “‘Galba Negabat’”, 93–102, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Mayer-Maly, Theo, “Partes iuris”, 103–108, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) McLeod, Grant, “Pigs, boars and livestock under the Lex Aquilia”, 83–92, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) McLeod, Grant, “Wild and tame animals and birds in Roman law”, 169–176, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Metro, Antonino, “‘Unus testis nullus testis’”, 109–116, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Jolowicz, H. F., “Some Curiosities in the History of the Commonrientes Rule”, in Dau

Nicholas, Barry, “Theophilus and contrectatio”, 118–124, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C.

Kelly, J. M., “A note on ‘threefold mancipation’”, 183–186, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Nicholas, J. K. B. M., “Dicta promissave”, 91–101, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis

Roman law

Subject Index


Nörr, Dieter, “Causam mortis praebere”, 203–218, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1)

Stein, Peter, “The medieval rediscovery of the Roman civil law”, 73–86, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen

Pound, Roscoe, “Roman Law in China”, in Dau

Stein, Peter, “The development of the notion of naturalis ratio”, 305–316, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Prichard, Alan Martin, “Sale and hire”, 1–8, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis Pugsley, David, “The Aedilician edict”, 253–265, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1) Robinson, O. F., “Unpardonable crimes: fourth century attitudes”, 117–126, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Robinson, O. F., “Public law and Justinian’s Institutes”, 125–133, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C. Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “The Praetor hoist with his own petard: the Palingensia of Digest 2.1.10”, 127–142, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “L. Fufius: another undeserving winner”, 185–202, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (1)

Stein, Peter, “The development of the institutional system”, 151–163, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C. Stein, Peter, “Medieval discussions of the buyer’s actions for physical defects”, 102–111, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis Stein, Peter, “The Digest title, De diversis regulis iuris antiqui and the general principles of law”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Stein, Peter, “The place of Servius Sulpicius Rufus in the development of Roman legal science”, in Dau Stein, Peter, “‘Equitable’ remedies for the protection of property”, 185–194, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Tanner, R. Godfrey, “Philosophy, rhetoric and legal advocacy”, 181–190, in the volume honouring Crook, J. A.

Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “Damages for the loss of an inheritance”, 289–300, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Tellegen, J. W. and Tellegen-Couperus, O. E., “Joint usufruct in Cicero’s Pro Caecina”, 195–206, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry

Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “Concealing a servitude”, 134–150, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C.

Thomas, J. A. C., “Pithanon Labeonis a Paulo Epitomatorum Libri VIII”, 317–326, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “The position of aquae ductus in the Praetor’s edict”, 177–184, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry

Thomas, J. A. C., “Celsus: sale and the passage of property”, 160–170, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis

Schiller, A. Arthur, “The business relations of patron and freedman in classical Roman law”, 623–640, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Seager, Obin, “Maiestas in the late Republic: some observations”, 143–156, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Smart, Ann, “Reading Roman law with Edward Burn”, 281–323, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector

Van Warmelo, Paul, “The Institutes of Justinian as students’ manual”, 164–180, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C. Waldstein, Wolfgang, “Justice in roman law”, in Dau Watson, Alan, “Artificiality, reality and Roman contract law”, 67–82, in the volume honouring Daube, David (2) Watson, Alan, “Enuptio gentis”, 331–342, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Roman law


Subject Index

Watson, Alan, “Justinian’s Institutes and some English counterparts”, 181–186, in the volume honouring Thomas, J. A. C.

Blackie, John, “T. B. Smith as a legal historian”, 73–99, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2)

Watson, Alan, “Drunkenness in Roman Law”, in Dau

Cairns, John W., “The moveable text of Mackenzie: bibliographical problems for the Scottish concept of institutional writing”, 235–248, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Watson, Alan, “Liability in the actio de positis ac suspensis”, in Dau Westbrook, Raymond, “Restrictions on alienation of property in early Roman law”, 207–214, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Winkel, Laurens C., “A note on Regulae Iuris in Roman law and on Dworkin’s distinction between rules and principles”, 413–418, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) Winkel, Laurens C., “Usucapio pro suo and the classification of the causae usucapionis by the Roman jurists”, 215–222, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Wormuth, Francis Dunham, “Astrea and Dike: ius naturale in Roman law”, 585–602, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Yale, D. E. C., “Celsus: sale and conditional gift”, 171–180, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis Yaron, Reuven, “Sale of wine”, 71–77, in the volume honouring De Zulueta, Francis Yaron, Reuven, “Semitic elements in early Rome”, 343–357, in the volume honouring Daube, David (1)

Scots law Barr, Alan R., “Old bastards and other children”, 160–169, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Birks, Peter, “More logic and less experience: the difference between Scots law and English law”, 167–190, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Black, Robert, “Exporting Scottish decrees”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1) Blackie, John and Whitty, Niall R., “Scots law and the new ius commune”, 65–81, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A.

Scots law

Cairns, John W., “The civil law tradition in Scottish legal thought”, 191–224, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Cairns, John W., “Craig, Cujas, and the definition of feudum: is a feu a usufruct?”, 75–84, in the volume honouring Nicholas, Barry Carey Miller, David L., “T. B. Smith’s property”, 173–198, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2) Carty, Anthony, “The law of nature and nations as a source”, 127–136, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair Clive, Eric M., “A Scottish civil code”, 82–91, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Ferguson, Pamela R., “Controversial aspects of the law of rape: an Anglo-Scottish comparison”, 180–210, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord Forte, A. D. M., “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: on not codifying commercial law”, 92–102, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Forte, A. D. M., “‘Calculated to our meridian’? The Ius Commune, Lex Mercatoria and Scots commercial law in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries”, 120–137, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B. (2) Gane, Christopher, “Civilian and English influences on Scots criminal law”, 218–238, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2) Gilmore, William C. and Neff, Stephen C., “On Scotland, Europe and human rights”, 265–276, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Gordon, William M., “Roman law as a source”, 107–112, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Subject Index Gordon, William M., “George Joseph Bell: law commissioner”, 79–99, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. Gretton, George L., “The rational and the national: Thomas Broun Smith”, 30–43, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2) Gretton, George L., “Trust and patrimony”, 182–192, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. Gretton, George L., “Scots law in a golden age”, 163–172, in the volume honouring Sweet & Maxwell (2) Hutton, Gordon M., “Stair’s aim in writing the Institutions”, 79–87, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair Inglis, J. Alistair M., “An introduction to the fair rent system in Scotland”, 47–56, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies Jack, R. B., “The coming of the floating charge to Scotland: an account and an assessment”, 33–46, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies Lane, Robert C., “‘Scotland in Europe’: an independent Scotland and the European Community”, 143–158, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Little, Gavin, “Local administration in Scotland: the role of the sheriff”, 295–314, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. MacCormick, Neil, “An idea for a Scottish Constitution”, 159–184, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. MacQueen, Hector L., “Girth: society and the law of sanctuary in Scotland”, 333–352, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2) MacQueen, Hector L., “The contribution of W.A. Wilson to Scots law”, 10–18, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. MacQueen, Hector L., “Intellectual property in a peripheral jurisdiction: a matter of policy?”, 58–78, in the volume honouring Cornish, W. R. MacQueen, Hector L., “Two Toms and an ideology for Scots law: T. B. Smith and Lord Cooper of Culross”, 44–72, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2)


MacQueen, Hector L., “Glory with Gloag or the stake with Stair? T. B. Smith and the Scots law of contract”, 138–172, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2) McBryde, William W., “The citation of cases in court”, 170–181, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. McBryde, William W., “Bourhill v Young: the case of the pregnant fishwife”, 66–77, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1) McCall Smith, Alexander, “Flexible rules”, 236–244, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. McKendrick, Ewan, “The undue influence of English law?”, 214–223, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A. McPhail, I. D., “Summary adjudication in civil proceedings in Scotland”, 67–102, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir Meston, Michael C., “Completion of title”, 57–66, in the volume honouring Halliday, John Menzies Meston, Michael C., “Successive liferents”, 100–110, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. Meyers, David W., “T.B. Smith: a pioneer of modern medical jurisprudence”, 199–217, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2) Mitchell, J. D. B., “Government and public law in Scotland”, 65–85, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Palmer, Vernon Valentine, “Travelling the high road with T.B. Smith: nationalism and internationalism in the defence of the civilian tradition”, 255–271, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2) Paton, G. Campbell H., “Comparison between the Institutions and other Scottish institutional writings”, 201–207, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair Powles, David G., “Product liability: a novel dimension in Scotland”, 33–66, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. Reid, Elspeth, “Strange gods in the twenty-first century: the doctrine of Aemulatio Vicini”, 239–254, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2)

Scots law


Subject Index

Reid, Kenneth G. C., “While one hundred remain: T.B. Smith and the progress of Scots law”, 1–29, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B. (2)

Walker, David M., “The background of the Institutions”, 69–78, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “The use of the civil law in Scottish courts”, 225–238, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen

Walker, David M., “The structure and arrangement of the Institutions”, 100–106, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “The strange demise of Hyslops v. Gordon”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “What Waldemar saw: a young German’s view of the Scottish legal system”, 11–20, in the volume honouring Edward, David A. O.

Walker, David M., “The content of the Institutions”, 151–179, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair Walker, David M., “Stair’s contribution to Scots law”, 250–252, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Stair

Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, “Recovering payments under void contracts in Scots law”, 1–22, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord

Whitty, Niall R., “Borrowing from English equity and minority shareholders’ actions”, 100–119, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B. (2)

Schanze, Erich, “The recognition principle – tracing Sir Thomas’ vision to the present European law”, 293–301, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (2)

Wilson, W. A., “The importance of analysis”, 162–172, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B., Sir (1)

Sellar, David, “English law as a source”, 140–150, in the volume honouring Stair, James Dalrymple, Viscount of Sellar, David, “The resilience of the Scottish common law”, 149–166, in the volume honouring University of Aberdeen Smith, T. B., Sir, “The interaction of Scots law and English law in historical perspective”, 133–144, in the volume honouring Lawson, F. H.

Wolffe, W. James, “Crown and prerogative in Scots law”, 351–369, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W.

Social security Ben-Israel, Ruth, “Labour and social security: is there a conflict?”, 3–24, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Thomson, J. M., “Legal change and Scots private law”, 379–392, in the volume honouring Watson, Alan (2)

Betten, Lammy, “The role of social partners in the community’s social policy law-making: participatory democracy or furthering the interests of small elites”, 239–260, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Thomson, J. M., “When Homer nodded?”, 19–27, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A.

Coombes, J. M., “The duty to house the homeless”, 53–67, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2)

Thomson, J. M., “An island legacy: the delict of conspiracy”, 137–151, in the volume honouring Smith, T. B. (1) Thomson, J. M., “Suspensive and resolutive conditions in the Scots law of contract”, 126–140, in the volume honouring Walker, David M.

Social security

Fulbrook, Julian, “Change and continuity: British social security law in the 1990s”, 294–312, in the volume honouring O’Higgins, Paul Jenks, C. Wilfred, “Law for a welfare world”, in Dau

Subject Index


Jung, Eberhard, “Advice and information in social security law, in particular restoration and indemnification in case of misinformation”, 63–76, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2)

Wikeley, Nicholas, “Co-ownership of property, valuation, vires and entitlement to means-tested benefits”, 195–222, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W.

Luckhaus, Linda, “Pioneering or perverse?: social security policy in UK”, 44–62, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2)

Sociology Kaplan, Morton A., “The sociology of strategic thinking”, 85–96, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Maydell, Bernd von, “Social insurance – an instrument of social security in the future?”, 125–140, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger

Krygier, Martin, “Selznick’s subjects”, 3–18, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip

Mesher, John, “The Poor Law strikes back: 1909–1948–1984”, 85–94, in the volume honouring University of Sheffield, Faculty of Law (2)

Newman, Katherine S., “Responsible to whom? The boundaries of community in a racially divided society”, 335–356, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip

O’Donovan, Katherine, “The impact of entry into the European Community on sex discrimination in British social security law”, 87–98, in the volume honouring Schmitthoff, Clive M. Partington, Martin, “The restructuring of social security appeal tribunals: a personal view”, 163–181, in the volume honouring Griffith, J. A. G.

Tyler, Tom R., “Justice and legitimacy in work organizations”, 219–232, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip

Soviet law Albright, David E., “The Soviet model: a development alternative for the Third World”, 299–339, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1)

Partington, Martin, “Rules and discretion in British social security law”, 619–630, in the volume honouring Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir (1)

Barry, Donald D., “More equal than others: the legal basis for awarding medals in the USSR”, 69–98, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (2)

Pollard, David, “Making social security law simpler”, 157–176, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law

Barry, Donald D. and Barner-Barry, Carol, “The USSR Supreme Court and guiding explanations on civil law, 1962–1971”, 69–83, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2)

Robson, Peter and Watchman, Paul, “Resisting the unprivileged”, 113–125, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1) Sainsbury, Roy, “Social security appeals: in need of review?”, 335–350, in the volume honouring Bradley, A. W. Tomandl, Theodor, “Interdependences between labour law, social security law and unemployment”, 117–124, in the volume honouring Blanpain, Roger Veldkamp, G. M. J., “Flexible labour and flexible social security”, in Dau

Berman, Harold Joseph, “The educational role of Soviet criminal and civil procedure”, 1–16, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2) Butler, William Elliott, “Some reflections on the periodization of Soviet approaches to international law”, 213–225, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2) Butler, William Elliott, “Necessary defense, judge-made law, and Soviet man”, 99–130, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (2)

Soviet law


Subject Index

Cattell, David Tredwell, “Comprehensive consumer welfare planning in the USSR”, 239–260, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1)

Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “Rummaging in the ruins: Soviet international law and policy in the early years: is anything left?”, 61–82, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Cohen, Jerome Alan, “A China-watcher’s impressions of the Soviet joint enterprise legislation”, 163–190, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (2)

Maggs, Peter B., “Choice and compulsion in Soviet labor law: labor conscription 1917–21”, 35–46, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (2)

Feldbrugge, F. J. M., “Law and political dissent in the Soviet Union”, 55–68, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2)

Maggs, Peter B., “A computer model of the system of legal regulation of the Soviet state industrial enterprise”, 175–194, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2)

Friedgut, Theodore H., “Community structure, political participation, and Soviet local government: the case of Kutaisi”, 261–298, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1)

Morton, Henry W., “What have the Soviet leaders done about the housing crisis?”, 163–199, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1)

Ginsburgs, George and Mason, George, “Soviet criminal law reform: centralized uniformity versus local diversification”, 409–446, in the volume honouring Gault, Robert H. Ginsburgs, George, “Soviet international trade contracts and the execution of foreign commercial arbitral awards”, 195–212, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2) Hodnett, Grey, “Technology and social change in Soviet Central Asia: the politics of cotton growing”, 60–117, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1) Ioffe, O. S., “‘Non-labor’ income and individual labor activity in the USSR”, 47–68, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (2) Jancar-Webster, Barbara, “Women and Soviet politics”, 118–162, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1) Juviler, Peter H., “Criminal law and social control”, 17–54, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2) Juviler, Peter H., “Crime and its study”, 200–238, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1) Kiralfy, A. K. R., “Soviet labor law reform since the death of Stalin”, 158–174, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2) Loeber, Dietrich Andre, “Samizdat under Soviet law”, 84–123, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2)


Shoup, Paul, “Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union: convergence and divergence in historical perspective”, 340–368, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1) Taubman, William, “The change to change in Communist systems: modernization, postmodernization, and Soviet politics”, 369–394, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1) Tökés, Rudolf L., “Dissent: the politics for change in the USSR”, 3–59, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (1) Uibopuu, Henn-Jüri, “International law and municipal law in Soviet doctrine and practice”, in Dau Zile, Zigurds L., “Seizure of power and war Communism (1917–21) in Soviet legal historiography”, 1–34, in the volume honouring Berman, Harold Joseph (2) Zile, Zigurds L., “Soviet struggle for environmental quality: the limits of environmental law under central planning”, 124–157, in the volume honouring Hazard, John N. (2)

Sports Foster, Ken, “Games without frontiers: free movement in sport”, 77–94, in the volume honouring University of Warwick (2) Foster, Ken, “Regulating international sporting federations: old values in a new world”, 427–442, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Subject Index Simma, Bruno, “The Court of Arbitration for Sport”, in Dau

States, Small Connell, Barry, “A small country applicant: the immense task of proceeding before the International Court of Justice”, 681–700, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. De Smith, S. A., “Exceeding small”, 64–78, in the volume honouring McMahon, John Jacovides, Andreas J., “A view from within: the role of the small states and the Cyprus experience”, 79–102, in the volume honouring McMahon, John


Cnossen, Sijbren, “Reform and harmonisation of company tax systems in the European Union”, 365–418, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Copp, Andrew, “Compliance issues, costs and remedies of VAT disputes, enforcement and appeals in the United Kingdom”, 113–138, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Corrigan, Anne, “Is there still a use for trusts in tax/wealth preservation planning?”, 172–187, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Curtis, G. F., “Isolation, intention, and income”, 239–262, in the volume honouring Moxon, Arthur

Patchett, Keith, “Small is different?”, 43–52, in the volume honouring Brown, Lionel Neville

D’Ascenzo, Michael, “Regulation Impact Statements and compliance costs: an Australian perspective”, 353–368, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T.


Dinstein, Yoram, “Taxation under belligerent occupation”, in Dau

Bannock, Graham, “Can small scale surveys of compliance costs work?”, 87–98, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Bartlett, R. T., “The duty to pay taxes”, 157–168, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2)

Easson, A. J., “Taxing international income”, 419–446, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Eden, Sandra, “The escape of Houdini and the restraint of the new approach”, 146–159, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A.

Blumenthal, Marsha, “Leaping tall buildings: pursuing greater compliance and reduced burden”, 15–34, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T.

Edgar, Tim, “The concept of taxable consumption and the deductibililty of expenses under an ideal personal income tax base”, 293–364, in the volume honouring Head, John G.

Brennan, Geoffrey, “Public choice and taxation: Leviathan after twenty years”, 87–106, in the volume honouring Head, John G.

Erard, Brian, “The income tax compliance burden on Canadian big business”, 317–338, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T.

Brooks, Neil, “The rhetoric of tax politics: the attack on citizenship”, 107–158, in the volume honouring Head, John G.

Evans, Chris, “The operating costs of taxing capital gains: a conspectus”, 159–178, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T.

Buchanan, James M., “Constitutional constraints on governmental taxing power”, in Dau

Evans, Chris, Hasseldine, John and Pope, Jeff, “State of the art and future directions”, 409–417, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T.

Burges, Kevin J., Magney, T. W. and Vann, Richard J., “Income tax: a driving force behind financing decisions”, 24–68, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite

Fisch, William B., “Taxes and damages for lost earnings: Three systems at work”, in Dau



Subject Index

Godwin, Michael, “Compliance costs to UK employers of operating Pay As You Earn income tax, National Insurance Contributions, statutory sick pay and statutory maternity pay in 1995/96”, 179–204, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Gravelle, Jane, “The economics of taxing capital income: the twentieth century and beyond”, 223–260, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Gurd, Bruce and Turner, John L., “Tax compliance costs research: a cost management perspective”, 69–86, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Hall, J. S., “Tax avoidance: a farmer’s duty to his children”, 169–178, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Hasseldine, John, “Linkages between compliance costs and taxpayer compliance research”, 3–14, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Head, John G., “Prolegomena to fundamental tax reform”, 19–48, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Ipaye, Ade, “Capital transfer taxation in Nigeria”, 114–130, in the volume honouring Obaseki, A. O. Jacob, Alice, “Constitutional aspects of direct taxes”, 80–89, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Kragen, Adrian A., “Avoidance of double taxation arising from allocations”, in Dau Lapidoth, Arye, “Relief from Capital Gains Tax in respect of profit derived by the taxpayer from selling his residential apartment – the Israeli experience”, in Dau Levin, Leonard D., “United States legislative override of tax treaties”, in Dau Maguire, John MacArthur, “Taxing the exercise of natural rights”, 273–322, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel McFarlane, Ben and Simpson, Edwin, “Tackling avoidance”, 135–186, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector Mitchell, Robert, “Fairness in tax law”, 313–324, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3)


Mohamed, Ariff, “Compliance cost research in selected Asian economies”, 249–272, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Morse, Geoffrey, “Group registration of companies for VAT”, 57–76, in the volume honouring Pennington, Robert R. Musgrave, Peggy B., “Consumption tax proposals in the international setting”, 447–470, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Ott, Katarina and Bajo, Anto, “Compliance costs in transitional economies: the Croatian experience”, 229–248, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Park, A. E. W., “Tax law in and after the Wheatcroft era”, 131–148, in the volume honouring London School of Economics and Political Science Parsons, Ross Waite, “Income taxation: an institution in decay”, 205–244, in the volume honouring University of Sydney, Faculty of Law Pope, Jeff, “Factors affecting the compliance costs of the goods and services tax in Australia”, 139–158, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Poutziouris, Panikkos, Chittenden, Francis and Michaelas, Nicos, “The tax burden of direct taxes and compliance costs on the Uk small company sector: a simulation model”, 273–296, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Prebble, John, “Ectopia, formalism, and anti-avoidance rules in income tax law”, 367–384, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S. Prebble, John, “An evaluation of the New Zealand income tax rewriting project from a compliance cost perspective”, 389–408, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Rice, Phillip, “The UK approach to compliance cost assessment of tax changes: the development of regulatory impact assessments”, 339–352, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Ritchie, Katherine, “The tax compliance costs of small business in New Zealand”, 297–316, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T.

Subject Index Ryser, Walter, “Aspects of the taxation of foreign permanent establishments in Switzerland”, in Dau Salter, David, “The OECD and tax competition: the last rights for tax havens?”, 132–147, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Salter, David, “Tax avoidance: illegal, immoral or fattening?”, 269–288, in the volume honouring Harvey, Brian W. Shoup, Carl S., “Tax reform”, in Dau Stephens, Robert J., “The interaction and coordination of taxation and expenditure programs”, 471–512, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Subramaniam, Arjunan, “Double taxation (relief) agreements: scope and relation to municipal law”, 91–110, in the volume honouring Ibrahim, Ahmad Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri, “Division of revenue”, 1–23, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Templeman, Sydney William Templeman, Lord, “Form and substance”, 130–134, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector Tiley, John, “Away from a virtuous tax system?”, 147–184, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Toder, Eric J., “Consumption tax proposals in the United States”, 159–186, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Tran-Nam, Binh, “Tax compliance costs methodology: a research agenda for the future”, 51–68, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Verwaal, Ernst and Cnossen, Sijbren, “VAT compliance costs of cross border business transactions in the European Union”, 99–112, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Walpole, Michael, “Compliance cost control by revenue authorities in the OECD”, 369–388, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Wheatcroft, G. S. A., “Law, justice and equity in tax”, 87–91, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams


Winer, Stanley L. and Hettich, Walter, “Analysing the collective power to tax: models and policy issues”, 49–86, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Woellner, Robin H., Coleman, Cynthia, McKerchar, Margaret, Walpole, Michael and Zetler, Julie, “Taxation or vexation: measuring the psychological costs of tax compliance”, 35–50, in the volume honouring Sandford, C. T. Young, Claire F. L., “Taxing times for women: feminism confronts tax policy”, 261–292, in the volume honouring Head, John G. Young, Claire F. L., “Taxing times at the Supreme Court of Canada: the contributions of Justice L’Heureux-Dubé to a better understanding of the application of the Charter to the income tax system”, 229–246, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Zodrow, George R., “On the transition to indirect or direct consumption-based taxation”, 187–222, in the volume honouring Head, John G.

Terrorism Atkey, Ronald G., “Overseeing security intelligence”, 120–125, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Barnes, Richard, “Of vanishing points and paradoxes: terrorism and international humanitarian law”, 129–159, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, “The United Nations and comprehensive legal measures for combating international terrorism”, 287–304, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Brodeur, Jean-Paul, “The invention of outsiders: the relationship between operatives and civilian experts”, 150–167, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H. Cheng, Bin, “Aviation, criminal jurisdiction and terrorism: the Hague extradition/prosecution formula and attacks at airports”, 25–52, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg



Subject Index

Freestone, David, “The principle of co-operation: terrorism”, 137–159, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton Green, L. C., “International law and the suppression of terrorism”, 129–163, in the volume honouring Mallal, Bashir Ahmad Guthrie, Tom, “Spies, subverters and saboteurs”, 87–98, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1) Hannikainen, Lauri, “The world after 11 September 2001: is the prohibition of the use of force disintegrating?”, 445–468, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Kirby, Michael D., “Soli Sorabjee’s example and the struggle against terrorism”, 66–77, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J.

Torts Akomolafe, Tokunbo, “The meaning of ‘character’: an examination of the concepts of reputation and disposition”, 424–436, in the volume honouring Ajibola, Bola, Prince Balsara, S. D., “Liability of government of India in tort”, 73–94, in the volume honouring Government Law College, Bombay Banakas, Efstathios K., “Injuria in the new Anglo-American law of negligence”, in Dau Beckerman, John S., “Adding insult to iniuria: affronts to honor and the origins of trespass”, 159–181, in the volume honouring Thorne, Samuel Edmund Binchy, William, “Constitutional remedies and the law of torts”, 201–226, in the volume honouring Walsh, Brian

Lehto, Marja, “Terrorism in international law – an empty box or Pandora’s box?”, 291–314, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti

Bingham, Tom Bingham, Lord, “Tort and human rights”, 1–12, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1)

McWhinney, Edward, “The legal interdiction of international terrorism. The interdependence of municipal law and international law controls”, in Dau

Blake, Charles, “Governmental liability: the role of compensation”, 63–78, in the volume honouring Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques

Meron, Theodor, “Some legal aspects of Arab terrorists’ claims to privileged combatancy”, 225–268, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann

Brodie, Douglas, “The analysis of negligence: economic loss and assuming responsibility”, 204–213, in the volume honouring Wilson, W. A.

Noll, Gregor, “Force, partisanship, dislocation: an essay on international law in the state of the exceptional”, 207–220, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti

Brooking, Robert, “Bryan v. Maloney: its scope and future”, 57–68, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2)

Penna, L. Rao, “State responsibility and terrorism”, 77–96, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica Petman, Jarna, “The problem of evil and international law”, 111–140, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Shearer, Ivan, “Human rights in an age of terrorism”, 89–108, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon Whitaker, Reginald, “Designing a balance between freedom and security”, 126–149, in the volume honouring Russell, Peter H.


Burrows, Andrew S., “Should one reform joint and several liability?”, 102–118, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Cane, Peter, “Retribution, proportionality, and moral luck in tort law”, 141–174, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Cane, Peter, “The basis of tortious liability”, 351–374, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Cane, Peter, “Fault and strict liability for harm in tort law”, 171–206, in the volume honouring Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord

Subject Index


Chiarella, Mary, “Acknowledging the reciprocal defence of reliance: letting go of the coat tails and apron strings”, 155–174, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R.

Forsyth, C. F., “The protection of political discourse: pragmatism or incoherence?”, 87–104, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir

Coleman, Jules L., “Tort liability and the limits of corrective justice”, 139–158, in the volume honouring Feinberg, Joel

Friedmann, Wolfgang, “Principles of tort liability and the growth of insurance”, in Dau

Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, “The right of spring”, 37–58, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1)

Fridman, Gerald H. L., “The evolution of new torts”, 271–289, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2)

Davies, Martin, “Product liability in international markets”, 130–151, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2)

Furmston, M. P., “Is there a half-way house between Anns and Murphy?”, 81–89, in the volume honouring Wallace, Ian Norman Duncan

Davis, J. L. R., “Farewell to the action for breach of statutory duty?”, 69–83, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Delaume, Georges R., “Sovereign immunity in America: a bicentennial proposal”, in Dau Demogue, Rene, “Fault, risk, and apportionment of loss in responsibility”, 155–169, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry Derthick, Martha, “The lawyers did it: the cigarette manufacturers’ policy toward smoking and health”, 281–294, in the volume honouring Selznick, Philip Divan, Anil, “The Supreme Court and tort litigation”, 404–432, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Dwyer, John, “Negligence and economic loss”, 309–332, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S. Eady, David, “Defamation: some recent developments and non-developments”, 143–172, in the volume honouring Neill, Brian, Sir Farber, Daniel A., “Reassessing Boomer: justice, efficiency and nuisance law”, 7–26, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Feldthusen, Bruce P., “Vicarious liability for sexual torts”, 221–243, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Fleming, John G., “Libel and constitutional free speech”, 333–350, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S.

Gardner, John, “Obligations and outcomes in the law of torts”, 111–144, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2) Goodhart, Arthur L., “Liability for the consequences of a ‘negligent act’”, 101–122, in the volume honouring Bond, Henry; Buckland, W. W.; Kenny, Courtney Stanhope Gray, Charles, “The bastion of freedom of expression – is it threatened by the laws of confidentiality, privacy or contempt?”, 173–220, in the volume honouring Neill, Brian, Sir Graycar, Regina, “Putting gender on the damages agenda: Michael Chesterman’s contribution to accident compensation”, 139–154, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R. Green, Leon, “One hundred years of tort law”, v. 3, 34–79, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law Hadjihambis, D. H., “The moral duty in the law of tort”, 261–269, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (2) Harding, A. J., “The use of the maxim res ipsa loquitur in Malaysia and Singapore”, 195–226, in the volume honouring Malaya Law Review Harris, Donald, “Evaluating the goals of personal injury law: some empirical evidence”, 289–308, in the volume honouring Atiyah, P. S.



Subject Index

Holyoak, Jon, “The rise and fall of negligence”, 20–39, in the volume honouring University of Leicester, Faculty of Law Hughes, Graham, “Compensating the disadvantaged”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Irvine, John, “Chief Justice Dickson and the evolving law of torts”, 71–78, in the volume honouring Dickson, R. G. Brian Jaffey, A. J. E., “The right to comment”, 60–72, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, Faculty of Law (1) Jolowicz, J. A., “Product liability in the EEC”, 369–394, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Keane, Ronan, “‘What’s in a name?’: taxonomy and the law”, 254–260, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Kirby, Michael D., “Comparativism, realism and the economic factor: Fleming’s legacies”, 1–15, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Klar, Lewis, “Downsizing torts”, 305–320, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Lichtenstein, Cynthia Crawford, “Public liability in US courts and Brasserie du Pêcheur and Factortame in the European Court”, 287–302, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (1) Linden, Allen M., “Torts tomorrow: empowering the injured”, 321–336, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Lorenz, Werner, “Some thoughts about international product liability”, 319–342, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Luntz, Harold, “The collateral source rule thirty years on”, 377–410, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Mason, Anthony, Sir, “Human rights and the law of torts”, 13–36, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) McBryde, William W., “Donoghue v. Stevenson: the story of the ‘snail in the bottle’ case”, 13–32, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. McLachlin, B. M., “Negligence law: proving the connection”, 16–35, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2)


McLean, Sheila, “Negligence – a dagger at the doctor’s back?”, 99–112, in the volume honouring Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord (1) Mullany, Nicholas J., “Negligently inflicted psychiatric injury and the means of communication of trauma: should it matter?”, 162–220, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Peczenik, Alexander, “Causation and fault in torts. How to save the lawyers from the philosophers”, in Dau Schulz, David A., “Newsgathering as protected activity”, 139–160, in the volume honouring Williams, D. G. T., Sir Schwartz, Gary T., “Rylands v Fletcher, negligence, and strict liability”, 209–242, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Seavey, Warren Abner, “Speculations as to ‘respondeat superior’”, 433–465, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel Smith, Malcolm, “The use and abuse of foreseeability: some observations of judicial law making in the common law system”, in Dau Stanton, K. M., “The legacy of Rylands v Fletcher”, 84–101, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Stapleton, Jane, “Duty of care factors: a selection from the judicial menus”, 59–96, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Stapleton, Jane, “Unpacking ‘causation’”, 145–186, in the volume honouring Honoré, Tony (2) Stapleton, Jane, “Pure economic loss: a judicial exemplar”, 449–470, in the volume honouring La Forest, G. V. Stone, Ferdinand F., “Civil Liability for Damage Caused by the Insane. A Comparative Study”, in Dau Strauss, S.A., “Liability for a so-called ‘mere omission’ and the duty to rescue in South African law”, in Dau Sugarman, Stephen D., “The smoking war and the role of tort law”, 343–362, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1)

Subject Index Tettenborn, A. M., “Professional negligence: free riders and others”, 295–312, in the volume honouring University of Exeter, School of Law (3) Thurston, Edward Sampson, “Trespass to air space”, 501–536, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel Tilbury, Michael J., “Uniformity, the Constitution and Australian defamation law at the turn of the century”, 244–270, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Todd, Stephen, “Negligence and policy”, 105–134, in the volume honouring Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord Todd, Stephen, “Liability in tort of public bodies”, 36–56, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Tunc, André, “Traffic accidents compensation under tort law and under a specific law: the French experience”, 363–376, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Uzodike, E. N. U., “Tort law in the oil industry”, 237–258, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Waddams, S. M., “New directions in products liability”, 119–129, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (2) Watrous, George D., “Torts”, 83–114, in the volume honouring Yale Law School Weir, Tony, “English tort law seen from abroad”, 79–100, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Weir, Tony, “The staggering march of negligence”, 97–140, in the volume honouring Fleming, John G. (1) Williams, Glanville Llewelyn, “Two cases on false imprisonment”, 47–55, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams Wilson, W. A., “Mapping economic loss”, 141–150, in the volume honouring Walker, David M. Winfield, Percy Henry, “The restatement of the law of torts”, v. 3, 1–33, in the volume honouring New York University, School of Law


Transportation Biklé, Henry Wolf, “Mr. Justice Brandeis and the regulation of railroads”, 141–168, in the volume honouring Brandeis, Louis Dembitz Debattista, Charles, “The seller’s right of stoppage in goods carried by sea – the carrier’s dilemma”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Ferri, Mark R., “Transportation factors as catalysts for international trade: a case study of Boston”, 71–86, in the volume honouring Barnes, William Sprague Grönfors, Kurt, “The Scandinavian law reform concerning carriage of goods by sea”, in Dau Ray, José Domingo, “Carriers liability in the passengers and luggage contract”, in Dau Slot, Pieter J. and Skudder, Andrew, “The Community regulation of ports and airports”, 361–380, in the volume honouring Slynn of Hadley, Gordon Slynn, Lord (2) Tetley, William, “Special legislative rights – dock, harbour and canal charges”, in Strømø & Kongshavn

Treaties Clive, Eric, “The English legal language of the Hague Conventions”, 37–54, in the volume honouring Nygh, Peter E. Evans, Garth, “The impact of internationalisation on Australian law: a commentary”, 236–241, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Hambro, Edvard Isak, “The antarctic treaty after fifteen years”, in Dau Irani, Phiroze K., “The incorporation of treaties in Indian law”, 103–114, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, “Treaties as ‘legislation’”, 159–168, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Keith, K. J., “International law and New Zealand municipal law”, 130–148, in the volume honouring Davis, A. G.



Subject Index

Lachs, Manfred, “The law of treaties (some general reflections on the report of the International Law Commission)”, in Dau

Schwelb, Egon, “The law of treaties and human rights”, 262–292, in the volume honouring McDougal, Myres S.

Lee, Roy S., “Multilateral treaty-making and negotiation techniques: an appraisal”, 157–176, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg

Smithburn, Eric, “The fugitive disentitlement doctrine in Hague Convention proceedings: an equitable arrow in the judicial quiver”, 296–323, in the volume honouring Tay, Alice Erh-Soon

Mann, F. A., “‘Inviolability’ and other problems of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations”, in Dau Nordquist, Myron H., “The framework in the Founding Act for NATO-Russia joint peacekeeping operations”, 129–156, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Okeke, Nwachukwu C., “Treaty-making and treaty-implementation by a federal state under international law”, in Dau Parks, W. Hays, “Making law of war treaties: lessons from submarine warfare regulation”, 339–386, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Parry, Clive, “Of treaties”, 221–240, in the volume honouring Lipstein, Kurt Ramazani, Rouhollah K., “Treaty relations: an Iranian-Soviet case study”, 298–311, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Riphagen, Willem, “The second round of treaty law”, in Dau Rosenne, Shabtai, “Bilateralism and community interest in the codified law of treaties”, 202–227, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Rosenne, Shabtai, “Problems of treaty-making competence: reflections on the Vienna Convention of 1969 and the Kamiar case”, 115–140, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann Rosenne, Shabtai, “The meaning of ‘authentic text’ in modern treaty law”, in Dau Roukounas, Emmanouel I., “Uncertainties regarding the entry into the force of some multilateral treaties”, 179–194, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Sandrock, Otto, “Are disputes over the application of article VIII, section 2(b) of the IMF Treaty arbitrable?"”, in Dau

Trusts and trustees

Thomas, Ann van Wynen, “Attempts to control chemical and biological weapons revisited”, 14:1–14:26, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J. Trone, John, “Federalism-based ‘fragmentation of the decision-making process’ in foreign relations”, 115–126, in the volume honouring Lumb, R. D. Vagts, Detlev F., “International agreements, the Senate and the Constitution”, 137–148, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Vierdag, E. W., “The International Court of Justice and the law of treaties”, 145–166, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y., Sir Walker, Kristen, “Treaties and the internationalisation of Australian law”, 204–235, in the volume honouring Mason, A. F., Sir Weiss, Peter, “What’s in a place? – Article 10 Quarter (7) and the NOLA-ization of the Paris Convention”, in Dau Zemanek, Karl, “The United Nations conference on the law of treaties between states and international organizations or between international organizations: The unrecorded history of its ‘general agreement’”, in Dau Ziegel, Jacob S., “Treaty-making and implementing powers in Canada: the continuing dilemma”, 333–356, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg

Trusts and trustees Adigun, J. O., “The genesis of the concept of trust in Nigerian land law”, 74–94, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (1) Austin, R. P. and Brown, Robert, “Voluntary administrators as fiduciaries”, 179–204, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J.

Subject Index Breslin, John, “Unbundling constructive trusteeship”, 94–114, in the volume honouring Brady, James C. Bryan, Michael, “Reflections on some commercial applications of the trust”, 205–226, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J. Costigan, George P., “Those protective trusts which are miscalled ‘spendthrift trusts’ reexamined”, 85–116, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Crane, F. R., “The law and literature of powers of appointment 1916–1966”, 76–86, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams


Moffat, Graham, “Charity, politics and ideology: a journal from Bowman to Brecht?”, 47–80, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R. Newman, Ralph Abraham, “Some reflections on the function of the confidential relationship doctrine in the law of trusts”, 286–301, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Scott, Austin Wakeman, “Protective trusts”, 419–432, in the volume honouring Beale, Joseph Henry; Williston, Samuel Waters, D. W. M., “Unification or harmonization? Experience with the trust concept”, in Dau

Dewar, John, “Imputed trusts and family disputes: a tale of two jurisdictions”, 81–98, in the volume honouring Chesterman, M. R.

Zimmermann, Reinhard, “Cy-près”, in Dau

Ford, H. A. J., “Public unit trusts”, 397–418, in the volume honouring Parsons, Ross Waite

Unification of law

George, Mary, “Charities and charitable trusts”, 449–474, in the volume honouring University of Malaya, Faculty of Law Hanrahan, Pamela F., “The responsible entity as trustee”, 227–270, in the volume honouring Ford, H. A. J. Harris, Jonathan, “The trust in private international law”, 187–214, in the volume honouring North, P. M. Hayton, David J., “Euro-trusts and Caribbo-trusts”, 201–214, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London Honoré, Tony, “Trusts: the inessentials”, 7–20, in the volume honouring Burn, Edward Hector Lepaulle, Pierre, “The strange destiny of trusts”, 226–239, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W. Mattei, Ugo, “Should Europe codify trust?”, 235–252, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Maudsley, Ronald Harling, “Incompletely constituted trusts”, 240–259, in the volume honouring Scott, Austin W.

Beale, Hugh, “The principles of European contract law and harmonisation of the laws of contract”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Garro, Alejandro M., “Unification and harmonization of private law in Latin America: background, trends and perspectives”, in Dau Giles, O.C., “Recent moves to strengthen uniform law”, in Dau Kerameus, Konstantinos D., “Procedural unification: the need and the limitations”, 47–66, in the volume honouring Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir Kessedjian, Catherine, “Global unification of procedural law”, 227–232, in the volume honouring Juenger, Friedrich K. Neumayer, Karl H., “The role of a uniform legal science in the harmonisation of the Continental legal systems”, 649–670, in the volume honouring Pound, Roscoe (2) Sarcevic, Petar, “Unification and ‘Soft Law’”, in Dau Ujlaki, Nicholas, “International unification of law. Reflections on Adolf F. Schnitzer’s De la diversité et l’unification du droit”, in Dau

Unification of law


Subject Index

Wieacker, Franz, “Historical models for the unification of European law”, 297–308, in the volume honouring Summers, Robert S.

United Nations Ajomo, M. A., “International law, the United Nations, and decolonization”, v. 1, 77–92, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Brown, Bruce, “New Zealand in the Security Council”, 23–61, in the volume honouring New Zealand/United Nations Brownlie, Ian, “The United Nations as a form of government”, 26–36, in the volume honouring McMahon, John Buehrig, Edward H., “A Charter dilemma: order versus change”, 265–282, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Alley, R. M., “United Nations reform: NGO perspectives”, 160–170, in the volume honouring New Zealand/United Nations

Chesterman, Simon, “Passing the baton: the delegation of Security Council enforcement powers from Kuwait to Kosovo”, 148–170, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

Angelet, N., “Protest against Security Council decisions”, 277–286, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Corell, Hans, “United Nations Office of Legal Affairs”, 305–322, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Anttila, Inkeri, “About Gerhard, the United Nations, and Finland”, 327–330, in the volume honouring Mueller, Gerhard O. W.

Dupuy, Rene Jean, “The United Nations facing the crisis of the nation state”, 201–216, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Ball, Roger, “Disarmament”, 81–96, in the volume honouring New Zealand/United Nations

Elaraby, Nabil, “Preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peacekeeping in the context of international law”, 181–200, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Bastid, Suzanne, “Have the U.N. administrative tribunals contributed to the development of international law?”, 298–312, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C.

Elaraby, Nabil, “Some reflections on disarmament”, 9–24, in the volume honouring United Nations

Bennouna, Mohamed, “The United Nations, guarantor of international peace and security”, 3–8, in the volume honouring United Nations Blanco-Gaspar, Vincente, “Differential voting strength”, 313–324, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Boven, Th. C. van, “Autonomy and independence of United Nations judicial institutions: a comparative note”, 679–688, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Boven, Th. C. van, “United Nations policies and strategies: global perspectives?”, 83–92, in the volume honouring Universal Declaration of Human Rights (2) Bring, Ove, “Dag Hammarskjöld and the issue of humanitarian intervention”, 485–518, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti

United Nations

Elias, T. O., “The General Assembly and the problems of enhancing the effectiveness of the non-use of force in international relations”, 13–22, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Elias, T. O., “Scope and meaning of Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter”, 70–85, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Emilianides, Achilles, “United Nations forces function in international conflicts and civil strifes”, in Dau Franck, Thomas M., “Great expectations: an exploration of the exaggerated hopes aroused by the U.S. campaign for ratification of the U.N. Charter”, 291–312, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Franck, Thomas M., “The prerogative powers of the Secretary-General”, 5:1–5:20, in the volume honouring Thomas, A. J.

Subject Index


Franck, Thomas M., “The United Nations as guarantor of international peace and security: past, present and future”, 25–38, in the volume honouring United Nations

Kühne, Winrich, “The United Nations, fragmenting states, and the need for enlarged peacekeeping”, 91–112, in the volume honouring United Nations

Gaja, Giorgio, “Use of force made or authorized by the United Nations”, 39–58, in the volume honouring United Nations

Lachs, Manfred, “The decision-making powers and the judiciary within the United Nations”, in Dau

Goodrich, Leland M., “The changing United Nations”, 259–279, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C.

Lamb, Susan, “Legal limits to United Nations Security Council powers”, 361–388, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Green, L. C., “The dissolution of states and membership of the United Nations”, 152–167, in the volume honouring Keeton, George Williams

Laves, Walter H. C., “United Nations assistance for political development: a rationale”, 337–352, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Greenwood, C. J., “The United Nations as guarantor of international peace and security: past present and future: a United Kingdom view”, 59–76, in the volume honouring United Nations

López-Rey, Manuel, “United Nations social defence policy and the problem of crime”, 489–508, in the volume honouring Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir (1)

Gross, Leo, “The United Nations and the United States”, in Dau Hambro, Edvard Isak, “The United Nations and the Rule of Law”, in Dau Hambro, Edvard Isak, “Some notes on parliamentary diplomacy”, 280–297, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C. Hambro, Edvard Isak, “Some reflections on the United Nations in the ‘70s”, 185–190, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna He, Qizhi, “The crucial role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace and security”, 77–90, in the volume honouring United Nations Herndl, Kurt, “The ‘forgotten’ competences of the Security Council”, in Dau James, Alan, “The principle of cooperation: United Nations peacekeeping”, 160–174, in the volume honouring Akehurst, Michael Barton Koh, Kwang Lim, “The Korean unification question and the United Nations”, 541–558, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Korey, William, “Human rights at the UN: illusion and reality”, 27–46, in the volume honouring Cohn, Haim Hermann

Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “Reflections on the Charter of the United Nations”, in Dau Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “The Charter of the United Nations and the development of fundamental principles of international law”, 196–215, in the volume honouring Schwarzenberger, Georg Macdonald, Ronald St. J., “The Charter of the United Nations as a world constitution”, 263–300, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Nanda, Ved P., “Legal implications of NATO’s armed intervention in Kosovo”, 313–338, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Njenga, F. X., “The regulatory role of the United Nations in promoting economic growth and development”, 159–180, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred Pechota, Vratislav, “‘Good offices’ of the Secretary-General of the United Nations: contemporary theory and practice”, 191–205, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Pellet, Alain, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions: the United Nations as guarantor of international peace and security: a French perspective”, 113–134, in the volume honouring United Nations

United Nations


Subject Index

Pocar, Fausto, “Codification of human rights law by the United Nations”, 139–158, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Thakur, Ramesh Chandra, “Peace-keeping”, 62–80, in the volume honouring New Zealand/United Nations

Rao, Pemmaraju Sreenivasa, “The United Nations and international peace and security: an Indian perspective”, 143–184, in the volume honouring United Nations

Walker, George K., “Anticipatory collective self-defense in the Charter era: what the treaties have said”, 365–426, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack

Schachter, Oscar, “Some reflections on international officialdom”, 53–63, in the volume honouring McMahon, John

White, Nigel D., “Self-defence, Security Council authority and Iraq”, 235–264, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire

Schachter, Oscar, “Law-making in the United Nations”, 119–138, in the volume honouring Lachs, Manfred

Wolfrum, Rüdiger, “The progressive development of human rights: a critical appraisal of recent UN efforts”, in Dau

Schachter, Oscar, “Interpretation of the Charter in the political organs of the United Nations”, 269–284, in the volume honouring Kelsen, Hans (1)

Yamada, Chusei, “The United Nations at its turning point: a Japanese perception”, 185–196, in the volume honouring United Nations

Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz, “The UNRWA special panel of adjudicators 1983–1991”, 363–370, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Yuen-Li-Liang, “The United Nations and the development and codification of international law”, 267–279, in the volume honouring Field, David Dudley

Skubiszewski, Krzysztof, “Remarks on the interpretation of the United Nations Charter”, in Dau


Sohn, Louis B., “The development of the Charter of the United Nations: the present state”, 39–60, in the volume honouring International Law Association Stone, Julius, “Conscience, law, force and the General Assembly”, 297–337, in the volume honouring Friedmann, Wolfgang Suy, Eric, “Some legal questions concerning the Security Council”, in Dau Sybesma-Knol, Neri, “The continuing relevance of the participation of observers in the work of the United Nations”, 371–394, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Szasz, Paul C., “UN forces and international humanitarian law”, 507–538, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Abi-Saab, Georges, “The concept of ‘war crimes’”, 99–118, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Baum, William Wakefield Cardinal, “Peace: a gift of God entrusted to us”, in Dau Baxter, Richard R., “The law of war”, 107–124, in the volume honouring International Law Association Berber, Friedrich Joseph, “Some thoughts on the law of war and the punishment of war crimes”, 260–265, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Bishop, Joseph Warren, “The great what-is-it: the ‘War Power’”, 143–156, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V.

Templeton, Malcolm, “New Zealand at San Francisco”, 13–22, in the volume honouring New Zealand/United Nations

Blix, Hans, “Modernizing the laws of armed conflicts: present issues and approaches”, 266–281, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna

Terry, James P., “The emerging role of NATO in UN peace enforcement operations”, 297–308, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack

Blum, John Morton, “United against: American culture and society during World War II”, 199–210, in the volume honouring Rostow, Eugene V.


Subject Index


Bring, Ove, “The Westphalian peace tradition in international law: from jus ad bellum to jus contra bellum”, 57–80, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Greenwood, C. J., “The International Court of Justice and the use of force”, 373–388, in the volume honouring Jennings, R. Y.

Brodie, Bernard, “Military technology and international strategy”, 72–84, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Greenwood, C. J., “International law and the conduct of military operations: stocktaking at the start of a new millennium”, 179–202, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Busuttil, James J., “A taste of Armageddon: the law of armed conflict as applied to cyberwar”, 37–56, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Hannan, Philip M., “Reflections on nuclear disarmament”, in Dau

Deák, Francis, “Neutrality revisited”, 137–154, in the volume honouring Jessup, Philip C.

Herczegh, Géza, “The extension of the notion of combatants in the light of the First Geneva Protocol of 1977”, in Dau

Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang and Senghaas, Dieter, “A framework for a theory of war and peace”, 23–46, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Jia, Bing Bing, “The differing concepts of war crimes and crimes against humanity in international criminal law”, 243–272, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian

Dinstein, Yoram, “The initiation, suspension, and termination of war”, 131–160, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Jia, Bing Bing, “Judicial decisions as a source of international law and the defence of duress in murder or other cases arising from armed conflict”, 77–98, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li

Duguit, Léon, “Compensation for losses of war”, 357–372, in the volume honouring Wigmore, John Henry

Jokota, Kisaburo, “War as an international crime”, in Dau

Franck, Thomas M., “The use of force in the struggle between humanity and unreason”, 80–86, in the volume honouring Head, Ivan

Khadduri, Majid, “Some legal aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict of 1967”, 238–264, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Galtung, Johan, “Peace thinking”, 120–156, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Kooijmans, Pieter Hendrik, “The Security Council and non-state entities as party to a conflict”, 333–346, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric

Gasser, Hans-Peter, “Armed conflict within the territory of a state. Some reflections on the state of the law relative to the conduct of military operations in non-international armed conflicts”, in Dau Ginther, Konrad, “Some international legal implications of the 6th October war”, in Dau Green, L. C., “The law of war in historical perspective”, 39–78, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Greenwood, C. J., “Rights at the frontier: protecting the individual in time of war”, 277–294, in the volume honouring Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London

Levie, Howard S., “War crimes”, 95–112, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack Meron, Theodor, “Human rights in time of peace and in time of armed strife”, 1–22, in the volume honouring Sohn, Louis B. Meron, Theodor, “Contemporary conflicts and minimum humanitarian standards”, 623–628, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric Meron, Theodor, “Francis Lieber’s code and principles of humanity”, 249–260, in the volume honouring Henkin, Louis Paust, Jordan J., “Content and contours of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes”, 289–306, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li



Subject Index

Poustie, Mark, “The War Crimes Act 1991”, 232–270, in the volume honouring Emslie, George Carlyle Emslie, Lord

Ustor, Endre, “Remembering an experiment in codification of international law and in the outlawing of war”, in Dau

Robertson, Horace B., “The principle of the military objective in the law of armed conflict”, 197–224, in the volume honouring Grunawalt, Jack

Verosta, Stephan, “The unlawfulness of wars of aggression before 1914”, v. 1, 117–124, in the volume honouring Elias, T. O. (2)

Roling, Bernard Victor Aloysius, “On the prohibition of the use of force”, 274–298, in the volume honouring Stone, Julius

von Heinegg, Wolff Heintschel, “Naval blockade”, 203–230, in the volume honouring Green, L. C.

Roling, Bernard Victor Aloysius, “The limited significance of the prohibition of war”, 228–237, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Rowe, Peter J., “The application of the European Convention on Human Rights during an international armed conflict”, 185–208, in the volume honouring McCoubrey, Hilaire Schachter, Oscar, “Legal aspects of the Gulf War of 1991 and its aftermath”, 5–40, in the volume honouring Cohen, Maxwell Schmitt, Michael N., “The law of armed conflict as soft power: optimizing strategic choice”, 455–482, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Schwarzenberger, Georg, “Legal effects of illegal war”, in Dau Schwarzenberger, Georg, “Functions and foundations of the laws of war”, 78–102, in the volume honouring Patna Law College Singer, J. David, “Modern international war: from conjecture to explanation”, 47–71, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy Strickland, Matthew, “Against the Lord’s anointed: aspects of warfare and baronial rebellion in England and Normandy, 1075–1265”, 56–79, in the volume honouring Holt, James Clarke, Sir Thoolen, Hans, “Protecting journalists, a dangerous mission?”, 65–76, in the volume honouring Patrnogic, Jovica Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, “War in our time”, 3–22, in the volume honouring Wright, Quincy

Water law

Weld, Susan Roosevelt, “Grave matters: warring states law and philosophy”, 122–179, in the volume honouring Cohen, Jerome Alan Wenqi, Zhu, “The doctrine of command responsibility as applied to civilian leaders: the ICTR and the Kayishema case”, 373–386, in the volume honouring Haopei, Li Zacklin, Ralph, “International law and the protection of civilian victims of non-international armed conflicts”, 282–295, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna

Water law Baade, Hans W., “Springs, creeks and groundwater in nineteenth century German Roman-law jurisprudence with a twentieth century postscript”, 61–90, in the volume honouring Merryman, John Henry Bingham, Joseph Walter, “Some suggestions concerning the California law of riparian rights”, 7–38, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K. Bourne, Charles D., “The suspension of dispute works or utilizations of the waters of international basins”, in Dau Caflish, Lucius, “The law of international waterways in its institutional aspects”, in Dau Cohen, Maxwell, “Reflections on international rivers”, 141–144, in the volume honouring Rao, K. M. Krishna Colby, William Edward, “The freedom of the miner and its influence on water law”, 67–84, in the volume honouring McMurray, Orrin K.

Subject Index Fitzmaurice, M., “Water management in the 21st century”, 425–464, in the volume honouring Weeramantry, C. G. Freyfogle, Eric T., “The evolution of property rights: California water law as a case study”, 73–108, in the volume honouring Cribbet, John E. Fuentes, Ximena, “The utilization of international groundwater in general international law”, 177–198, in the volume honouring Brownlie, Ian Gordley, James, “Water rights”, 683–704, in the volume honouring Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor Gordley, James, “The origin of riparian rights”, 107–120, in the volume honouring Rudden, Bernard Lapidoth, Ruth, “Dispute settlement under the 1997 Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses”, 231–246, in the volume honouring Green, L. C. Manner, E. J., “Diversion of waters and the principle of equitable utilization: a short outline of a complex problem”, 53–60, in the volume honouring Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord Manner, E. J., “The present state of international water resources law”, 131–142, in the volume honouring International Law Association Manner, E. J., “Some legal problems relating to the sharing of boundary waters”, in Dau McCaffrey, Stephen C., “The law of international watercourses: Present problems, future trends”, in Dau McKnight, Joseph Webb, “The Spanish watercourses of Texas”, 373–386, in the volume honouring Frankfurter, Felix Wellens, Karel, “The Court’s judgment in the case concerning the GabcikovoNagymaros project (Hungary/Slovakia)”, 765–800, in the volume honouring Suy, Eric


Welsh law Carter, Harold, “Local government and administration in Wales, 1536–1939”, 30–49, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Charles-Edwards, T. M., “The ‘Iorwerth’ text, edited and translated”, 137–178, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Crockett, Anthony, “‘Un o’r Barnwyr Doethaf Erioed’: Lord Atkin of Aberdovey v The Archbishop of Wales et al.”, 101–112, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (2) Davies, Helen, “Latin Redaction E, edited and translated”, 202–209, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Davies, R. R., “The administration of law in medieval Wales: the role of the Ynad Cwmwd (Judex Patrie)”, 258–273, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Gowan, Ivor, “Government in Wales in the twentieth century”, 50–64, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Hutton, Brian, “Sir John Nicholl of Merthyr Mawr: The reform of the testamentary jurisdiction of the ecclesiastical courts”, 89–100, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (2) Huws, Daniel, “The manuscripts”, 119–136, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd Ibbetson, David J., “Sir William Jones”, 41–62, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (2) Ireland, Richard W., “Putting oneself on whose country? Carmarthenshire juries in the mid-nineteenth century”, 63–88, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (2) Jenkins, Dafydd, “Law and government in Wales before the Act of Union”, 7–29, in the volume honouring Davies, D. J. Ll. Lambert, David, “A voice for Wales: the National Assembly for Wales”, 167–186, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (2) McNall, Christopher, “The Commote and County Courts of Wales, 1277–1350”, 1–20, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (2)

Welsh law


Subject Index

Owen, Morfydd E., “The ‘Cyfnerth’ text, edited and translated”, 179–201, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1)

Joshi, Vaijayanti, “Mitakshara family and reincarnation of limited interest”, 160–169, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P.

Powell, Dewi Watkin, “Y llysoedd, yr awdurdodau a’r Gymraeg: y Ddeddf uno a Deddf yr Iaith Gymraeg”, 287–315, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1)

Kumari, Ved, “Gender analysis of the Indian penal code”, 139–160, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika

Pryce, Huw, “Duw yn lle mach: briduw yng Nghyfraith Hywel”, 47–71, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Stacey, Robin Chapman, “The archaic core of Llyfr Iorwerth”, 15–46, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (1) Thomas, Justice, “Legal Wales: its modern origins and its role after devolution: national identity, the Welsh language and parochialism”, 113–166, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (2) Watkin, Thomas Glyn, “Legal cultures in mediaeval Wales”, 21–40, in the volume honouring Jenkins, Dafydd (2)

Women’s rights Baxi, Upendra, “From human rights to the right to be a woman”, 275–290, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Dhagamwar, Vasudha, “Impact of sexual ethics on murder trials: some Supreme Court judgments”, 151–159, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Emerson, Thomas Irwin and Miller, Anita and Graglia, Lino A., “The Equal Rights Amendment: a debate”, 114–129, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Freeman, Michael D. A., “Tackling domestic violence the English way”, in Strømø & Kongshavn Hartog, Hendrik, “Wives as favorites”, 292–321, in the volume honouring Reid, John Phillip Jaising, Indira, “Gender justice and the Supreme Court”, 288–320, in the volume honouring India, Supreme Court Johnson, Rebecca, “Bars, breasts, babies: Justice L’Heureux-Dubé and the boundaries of belonging”, 143–164, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire

Women’s rights

Lakeman, Lee, “A feminist view of the Supreme Court from the anti-rape frontline”, 45–48, in the volume honouring L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire Manohar, Sujata V., “Gender discrimination and the Indian Constitution”, 106–120, in the volume honouring Seervai, H. M. Mazumdar, Vina, “Political ideology of the women’s movement’s engagement with law”, 339–374, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Miller, Anita, “To sit in judgment: sex discrimination and the courts”, 105–113, in the volume honouring Douglas, William O. Misar, B. J., “Women and the law”, 170–174, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P. Odonga-Mwaka, Beatrice, “Women in the democratic process in Uganda: gender and justice”, 246–260, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter Okagbue, Isabella E., “Igbo customary law and the rights of women in the family”, 201–217, in the volume honouring Bello, Mohammed Osipitan, Taiwo, “Public law perspectives of rights women in Nigeria”, 239–263, in the volume honouring Ubaezonu, Eugene Pentikäinen, Merja, “The right to speak for the women’s cause: may also women participate? The case of the Holy See in the UN”, 141–154, in the volume honouring Koskenniemi, Martti Ramanathan, Usha, “Images (1920–1950): reasonable man, reasonable women and reasonable expectations”, 33–70, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Sagade, Jaya, “Women and the law”, 175–185, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P.

Subject Index Saraf, Dwarika Nath, “Gender justice and medical malfeasance in consumer cases”, 233–248, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika Sarkar, Lotika, “Gender justice in legislation: Nehru era: one step forward, one step backward”, 186–202, in the volume honouring Sathe, S. P.


Seth, Leila, “A uniform civil code – equal rights for all women”, 114–127, in the volume honouring Sorabjee, Soli J. Sivaramayya, B., “Towards equality: the long road ahead”, 387–406, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika St. John-Stevas, Norman, “Women in public law”, 256–288, in the volume honouring Matrimonial Causes Act 1857

Sathe, S. P., “Gender constitution and the courts”, 117–138, in the volume honouring Sarkar, Lotika

Stewart, Ann, “Juridifying gender justice: from global rights to local justice”, 36–56, in the volume honouring Slinn, Peter

Scutt, Jocelynne A., “Lionel Murphy and gender issues”, 168–201, in the volume honouring Murphy, Lionel

Stewart, Ann, “Implementing gender justice through the judiciary: a case study of judicial training in India”, 85–104, in the volume honouring Tshuma, Lawrence

Women’s rights


Author Index

A Aarnio, Aulis, 161, 164(4) Aaron, Benjamin, 42, 177 Abbott, Frederick M., 138, 187 Abbott, Kenneth W., 138 Abel, Albert S., 79 Abella, Rosalie S., 63 Abi-Saab, Georges, 79, 142, 246 Aboki, Yusuf U., 95 Abrahams, Ray, 95 Abrams, Milton C., 199 Achara, R. A. C. E., 63 Acheson, Dean, 152 Acimovic, Ljubivoje, 96 Adabi, Al-Mansor, 156 Adams, George Burton, 208 Adams, James Luther, 164 Adams, John, 51 Adaramola, Funso, 120 Adede, Andronico O., 99(2) Adekunle, A., 206 Adeniji, Omolaja A., 156 Adeogun, A. A., 178 Adeoye, Felix O., 112 Aderemi, Pius O., 157 Adewale, Omobolaji, 99(2) Adewoye, Omoniyi, 193 Adeyemi, Adedokun A., 35, 84 Adigun, J. O., 242 Adkins, A. W. H., 211 Adler, Freda, 86 Adler, Michael, 36 Adler, Mortimer, 63 Adler, Reid G., 134 Adlercreutz, Axel, 178 Aduba, N., 157 Advani, Krishna D., 72 Affleck, W. Bruce, 91 Agarwal, Hari Om, 79 Agatiello, O. R., 141 Agbaje, Fred, 63 Agbede, I. Oluwole, 59, 63, 112 Aginam, Obijiofor, 99, 149 Ago, Roberto, 142 Agomo, Chioma K., 133, 178


Agrawala, S. K., 120, 142 Ahmad, Sharifah Suhana, 178 Ahrens, Michael C., 75 Ajai, Olawale, 99 Ajayi, Olukonyinsola, 116 Ajayi-Okunuga, C. O., 218 Ajibola, Bola, Prince, 120, 142, 210 Ajomo, M. A., 142, 244 Aka-Bashorun, Alao, 79 Akanbi, Muhammed Mustapha, 120 Akande, Jadesola O., 63 Akermark, Sia Spiliopoulou, 131 Akinjide, Richard, 196 Akinrele, Ademola, 117 Akinseye-George, Yemi, 193(3) Akomolafe, Tokunbo, 238 Akzin, Benjamin, 164, 204 Albright, David E., 233 Alcock, Alistair, 116 Alder, J. E., 36, 99 Alen, Andre, 142 Alexander, Frank S., 188 Alexander, G. Glover, 222 Alexander, Larry, 164 Alexander, Michael Charles, 226 Alexandridou, Elisa, 72 Alexandrov, Stanimir A., 140 Alexandrowicz-Alexander, C. H., 142 Alexis, Francis, 64, 178 Alexy, Robert, 164(2) Alford, William P., 54 Alfredsson, Gudmundur, 131 Al-Gain, Abdulbar, 99 Alkema, Evert Albert, 120 Allan, David E., 185 Allan, T. R. S., 36, 64(2) Allars, Margaret, 36, 221 Allen, Carleton Kemp, 164 Allen, Francis A., 196 Alley, R. M., 244 Allison, J. W. F., 64 Allott, Antony N., 95 Allott, Philip, 79 Allsop, Peter, 192 Almond, Gabriel Abraham, 152 Alpa, Guido, 54



Author Index

Alston, Philip, 48 Altamira, Rafael, 208 Alvarez, Alejandro, 164 Alvis, John, 186 Amalric, F., 118 Aman, Alfred C., 218 Amarasekara, Kumar, 187 Amerasinghe, A. Ranjit B., 35 Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan Felix, 36, 42, 138, 142 Amet, Arnold, Sir, 79 Amissah, Austin, 79 Amos, Maurice Sheldon, Sir, 54 Anand, Adarsh Sein, 163 Anand, R. P., 79, 142, 190 Ancel, Marc, 92(2), 199 Andenaes, Johannes, 87 Andenas, Mads Tonnesson, 44(2), 75, 116 Anderman, Steve, 102, 178(2) Anderson, David W. K., 102 Anderson, Gavin W., 102 Anderson, J. N. D., Sir, 156 Anderson, Trevor, 157 Anderson, Winston, 59 Andersson, Jan, 102 Andhyarujina, Tehmtan R., 64(2), 193(2) Andrews, John A., 177 Andrews, Neil, 225 Andry, R. G., 92 Angelet, N., 244 Anglade, Lelia, 185 Anisman, Philip, 75 Ankum, Hans, 226(3), 227 Annan, Noel Gilroy Annan, Lord, 98 Ansay, Tugrul, 161 Anthony, Kenny, 54(2) Antoine, Rose-Marie Belle, 35 Anton, Donald K., 190 Anttila, Inkeri, 93, 244 Araki, Takashi, 178 Arangio-Ruiz, Gaetano, 142 Arden, Mary, 75 Aréchaga, Eduardo Jiménez de, 142 Arguas, Margarita, 59 Armitage, Edward, 134 Armitage, J. K., 44, 75


Armytage, W. H. G., 98 Arnaud, André-Jean, 164 Arner, Douglas W., 116, 141 Arneson, Richard J., 164, 211 Arnhart, Larry, 211 Arnold, T., 120 Arnull, Anthony, 102 Aron, Raymond, 120 Aroney, Nicholas, 115 Aronovitz, Alberto M., 199 Aronson, Mark, 36 Arsanjani, Mahnoush H., 100 Art, Jean-Yves, 102 Arthurs, Harry W., 178 Ashworth, Andrew, 84, 87(3), 93, 110 Asogwa, F., 188 Asomugha, Ephraim Maduelosi, 51, 164 Asouzu, A. A., 42 Athulathmudali, Lalith, 64 Atiyah, P. S., 73, 196, 210 Atkey, Ronald G., 237 Atkinson, Thomas E., 192 Atsegbua, Lawrence Asekome, 44, 186 Aubin, Françoise, 199 Auerbach-Ziogas, M., 154 Aufricht, Hans, 164 Aun, Wu Min, 69, 157 Austin, Granville, 64, 79 Austin, R. P., 75(2), 242 Avery, Christopher L., 120 Avery, John F., 59 Awuku, Emmanuel Opuku, 58 Ayoola, E. Olayinka, 64 Ayua, I. A., 193 Ayua, M., 64 Azinge, Epiphany, 99 Azlan Shah, Sultan of Perak, 64

B Baade, Hans W., 196, 217(2), 248 Baar, Carl, 79 Baatz, Nicholas, 72 Babadjanov, Bakhtiyar M., 156 Babalola, Afe, 79, 193 Bacchus, James, 157

Author Index Bacchus, Rahim, 178 Backhouse, Constance, 84, 199 Bagshaw, Roderick, 110 Bainbridge, Stephen M., 178 Bajo, Anto, 236 Baker, George Blaine, 199 Baker, Gordon P., 164 Baker, John Hamilton, 51, 73, 196, 199, 225 Baker, Paul Vivian, 211 Bakken, Gordon Morris, 216 Bakker, Rainer, 196 Balasubrahmanyam, V., 84, 87(5) Baldwin, Robert, 36 Baldwin, Simeon Eben, 50, 64, 75 Ball, Milner S., 188 Ball, Roger, 244 Balmford, Rosemary, 36 Balogh, Elmer, 164 Balsara, S. D., 238 Banakas, Efstathios K., 238 Banerjee, K. K., 91 Banerjee, Tapas Kumar, 87 Banerji, Eric H., 87, 192 Bangert, Kaare, 117, 190 Banire, M. A., 222 Bankowski, Zenon, 59, 171 Banks, Karen, 102 Banks, Margaret A., 189 Bann, Stephen, 185 Bannister, Jerry, 199 Bannock, Graham, 235 Banton, Michael, 120 Baptista, Luis Olavo, 153 Bar, Christian von, 54 Barak, Aharon, 79, 157 Baranek, Patricia M., 88 Barceló, John J., 98, 153 Barendt, E. M., 64, 120, 208 Barker, Rodney S., 102, 164 Barlow, A. C. H., 112 Barnard, Catherine, 120 Barner-Barry, Carol, 233 Barnes, Patricia M., 209 Barnes, Richard, 237 Barnes, Thomas Garden., 199 Barnes, W. R., 119


Barnett, Stephen R., 64 Barnett, Vincent M., 157 Bar-Niv, Zvi, 178 Barr, Alan R., 230 Barr, Richard, 193 Barraclough, Geoffrey, 199 Barrett, Gavin, 36 Barrington, Donal, 64(2) Barron, Caroline M., 119 Barry, Brian M., 211 Barry, Donald D., 233(2) Bartholomew, G. W., 53, 192 Bartlett, R. T., 235 Barton, G. P., 91 Barton, John L., 112, 133, 227(3) Bartos, Milan F., 152 Bartrip, P. W. J., 186 Bartsch, Hans-Jürgen, 103 Basedow, Jurgen, 59, 218 Bassiouni, M. Cherif, 84, 87, 130, 142(2), 217 Bastarache, Michel, 54, 183 Bastid, Suzanne, 244 Bates, T. St J. N., 64 Battersby, Graham, 112 Baty, Thomas, 142 Baudot, Barbara Sundberg, 153 Baum, William Wakefield Cardinal, 246 Bavasso, Antonio, 107 Baxi, Upendra, 64, 120, 204, 217, 250 Baxt, Robert, 58, 75, 204, 219 Baxter, Ian F. G., 44 Baxter, Richard R., 142, 143, 246 Baxter, Thomas C., 98 Bayefsky, Anne F, 120 Bayer, Wilhelm F., 75 Bayly, C. A., 199 Beal, John P., 47 Beale, Hugh, 243 Beale, Joseph Henry, 79, 196 Beales, H. L., 192 Beatson, J., 36, 73, 195, 224, 225(2) Beattie, J. M., 199 Beaumont, K.M., 41 Beaumont, P. R., 59 Bebr, Gerhard, 103



Author Index

Bechtler, Thomas W., 164 Beckerman, John S., 238 Bedjaoui, Mohammed, 41 Beer, Lawrence Ward, 121 Beer, Samuel Hutchison, 206 Beers, George E., 222 Behere, P. N., 72 Behrends, Okko, 164, 227 Beier, Friedrich-Karl, 134 Belcher, S., 45 Bell, Christine, 97 Bell, John, 36, 54, 165(2), 222(2) Bellamy, Christopher, 58, 79 Bellér-Hann, Ildikó, 95 Bellis, Jean-François, 58 Bello, Emmanuel G., 121, 130, 224 Beloff, Michael J., 36(3), 103, 215, 221 Bendtsen, Bendt, 75 Benedict, Michael Les, 199 Bengoetxea, Joxerramon, 103 Benidickson, Jamie, 216 Ben-Israel, Ruth, 232 Bennett, Allan, 161 Bennett, Elizabeth, 53 Bennett, Geoffrey, 110 Bennouna, Mohamed, 244 Bennun, Mervyn, 35, 91, 214 Bentham, Richard W., 222 Benyamini, Amiram, 134 Berber, Friedrich Joseph, 246 Bercusson, Brian, 103, 178 Berg, Albert van den, 42 Berger, Caruthers, 134 Bergh, G. C. J. J. van den, 54, 227 Berlin, Isaiah, Sir, 211 Berlingieri, Franceso M., 207 Berman, Harold Joseph, 49, 233 Berman, Shoshana, 134 Bermann, George A., 103(2) Bernárdez, S. Torres, 79, 143 Bernardin, Joseph, 184 Bernd, Joseph L., 99 Bernhardt, Rudolf, 121(2) Bernitz, Ulf, 103 Berns, Gisela N., 186 Berns, Laurence, 165, 219


Bernstein, Richard B., 195 Berry, Bonnie, 93 Berten, André, 165 Betten, Lammy, 121, 232 Beyani, Chaloka, 121 Beyer, Jes, 165 Beytagh, Francis X., 163 Bhagwati, P. N., 64 Bhala, Raj, 153 Bhatia, Sita, 208 Biagi, Marco, 178 Bickley, T. J., 183 Bierbrauer, Gunter, 131 Biklé, Henry Wolf, 241 Binchy, William, 238 Bing, Jon, 59, 134 Bingham, Joseph Walter, 248 Bingham, Tom Bingham, Lord, 157(2), 238 Birch, Christopher, 165 Birch, D. J., 111 Bird, Richard Miller, 98 Bird, Richard W., 75 Birds, John, 75 Birk, Rolf, 103 Birkinshaw, Patrick, 36 Birks, Peter, 165, 210, 225(5), 227(2), 230 Birnie, Patricia W., 190 Birrell, George A., 58 Bishop, Joseph Warren, 246 Bishop, Norman, 93 Bishop, William W., 143 Bittner, Rüdiger, 165 Bix, Brian, 165 Bjarup, Jes, 165 Bjerken, Torsten, 64 Blache, Pierre, 64 Black, Charles Lund, 64 Black, Robert, 230 Black, Virginia, 165 Black, William W., 121 Blackburn, Robert, 206 Blackie, John, 195, 230(2) Blackshield, Anthony, 64, 157, 165 Blair, D. G., 58 Blair, William, 44 Blaisdell, William M., 134(3)

Author Index Blake, Charles, 238 Blake, Robert, 64 Blakeney, Michael, 134 Blanco-Gaspar, Vincente, 244 Bland, Anthony J., 113 Blanpain, Roger, 75, 103, 178 Blasi, Vincent, 208 Bleicher, Samuel A., 190 Blix, Hans, 246 Blom, Joost, 59 Blom-Cooper, Louis Jacques, 219 Blum, John Morton, 246 Blumenthal, Marsha, 235 Boas, George, 211 Boasson, Charles, 152, 198 Bobbitt, Philip, 64, 165 Boch, Christine, 103 Böckstiegel, Karl-Heinz, 42, 43 Bodenhausen, George H.C., 134 Bodenheimer, Edgar, 59, 64, 165 Boer, Th. M. de, 59 Bogdan, Michael, 54, 113, 185 Bogdanor, Vernon, 64, 103, 215 Boggiano, Antonio, 59 Bogomolny, Robert L., 91 Bogsch, Arpad, 134, 136 Bogulavsky, Mark M., 134 Bohlen, Francis H., 79 Boister, Neil, 143 Boland, Reed, 187 Bolgár, Vera, 59, 75 Bolland, William Craddock, 199 Bondeson, Ulla V., 93 Bondy, Otto, 165 Bonell, Michael Joachim, 52, 153 Bonner, David, 121 Boorman, Julia, 119 Borchard, Edwin Montefiore, 143 Borchers, Patrick J., 59, 161 Boros, Elizabeth J., 75, 224 Borrie, Gordon J., 35, 58, 72 Borrows, John, 157 Borucka-Arctowa, Maria, 165 Boruta, Irena, 178 Bossche, Peter Van den, 153, 154 Bossuyt, Marc J., 121


Boswood, Mike, 192 Bothe, Michael, 79 Bottoms, A. E., 48, 80, 84, 93(2) Bouchard, Mario, 204 Bouchez, Leo J., 190 Boukema, H. J. M., 165(3), 204 Bourgeois, J. H. J., 154 Bourne, Charles D., 248 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 121, 138, 237 Boven, Th. C. van, 121(2), 244 Bowen, Olufunke A., 65 Bowett, D. W., 138(2) Bowman, M. E., 152 Boyd, Susan B., 48 Boyle, A. J., 59 Boyle, Alan E., 100, 190 Boyle, Christine, 90 Boyle, Francis Anthony, 143 Boytha, György, 134 Bradley, A. W., 37, 121 Bradney, Anthony, 165 Braithwaite, William T., 65 Brand, Paul, 53, 209(2) Brand, Ronald A., 59, 161 Brande, Luc van den, 143 Brandileone, Francesco, 42 Brandt, Reinhard, 211 Brann, Eva, 195 Brassey, Martin, 178 Bratman, Michael, 211 Braucher, Robert, 102 Braunthal, Gerard, 65 Bray, Gerald Lewis, 97 Bray, John Jefferson, 113 Brazier, Margaret, 113 Breen, Oonagh, 48 Breitel, Charles D., 80 Brennan, Geoffrey, 235 Brennan, Gerard, Sir, 37, 157(2) Brennan, William T., 65 Brenninkmeijer, Olivier A. J., 143 Breslin, John, 243 Brett, Hugh, 134 Brett, Peter, 184 Brewer, Scott, 165 Breyer, Stephen G., 163



Author Index

Brice, Geoffrey, 190 Bricke, John, 211 Bridge, Caroline, 48 Bridge, John William, 37, 103, 221 Bridge, Michael G., 73, 154 Brietzke, Paul H., 121 Briggs, Adrian, 224 Briggs, Herbert W., 50, 80 Brigss, Herbert M., 97 Bring, Ove, 244, 247 Brinton, Crane, 211 Britton, Karl, 212 Brockman, Joan, 193 Brodeur, Jean-Paul, 237 Brodie, Bernard, 247 Brodie, Douglas, 178, 238 Brodie-Innes, J. W., 113 Bromley, P. M., 113 Bronckers, Marco C. E. J., 58 Brookbanks, Warren J., 48 Brooke, Henry, Sir, 59, 80 Brookfield, F. M., 183(2), 222(2) Brooking, Robert, 238 Brooks, Brian, 178 Brooks, Neil, 235 Broome, John, 212 Brown, B. J., 95 Brown, Bartram S., 141 Brown, Brendan Francis, 47 Brown, Bruce, 244 Brown, David, 87 Brown, David A., 45 Brown, E. D., 190 Brown, Elizabeth A. R., 49 Brown, Lionel Neville, 37, 54 Brown, Michael, 192 Brown, Ralph S., 135 Brown, Robert, 242 Brown, Ruben S., 154 Brown, W. Jethro, 165 Brown, William, 178 Browne, Desmond, 121 Brownlie, Ian, 131, 143(7), 224, 244 Brundage, James A., 47 Brunnée, Jutta, 100 Brunner, Christoph, 44


Bruno, George C., 121 Brutau, José Puig, 101 Bryan, Michael, 243 Bryde, Brun-Otto, 215 Buchanan, Allen E., 212 Buchanan, James M., 235 Buchheit, Lee C., 96 Buchholz, Erich, 199 Buckland, W. W., 227 Buckley, John F., 222 Buehrig, Edward H., 244 Buergenthal, Thomas, 80, 121(2), 138 Buhr, Chris N., 92 Bulan, Ramy, 131 Bull, Hedley, 143 Bundy, McGeorge, 65 Bunge, Cesar A., 75 Bunge, Mario, 165 Buquicchio-de Boer, Maud, 48 Burbank, Stephen B., 161 Burchill, Richard, 138 Burges, Kevin J., 235 Burke, John, 192 Burke, William T., 190 Burley, Justine, 187 Burns, John J., 165 Burns, Peter, 218 Burridge, Roger, 185 Burrow, J. W., 65, 199 Burrows, Andrew S., 225, 238 Burrows, J. F., 183(2) Bursell, Rupert, 97 Busch, Marc L., 154 Busia, Kofi A., 65 Bustamante y Montoro, A. S. de, 165 Busuttil, James J., 247 Butler of Saffron Walden, Richard Austen Butler, Lord, 93 Butler, David, 99 Butler, Peter, 184, 225 Butler, William Elliott, 152, 199, 217, 233(2) Buxbaum, Richard M., 60, 76, 154 Buxton, Richard, Sir, 111

Author Index

C Cáda, Frantisek, 157 Caenegem, R.C. Van, 200 Caflish, Lucius, 248 Cahill, Dermot, 101 Cain, Gordon, 183(2) Cairns, Francis, 227 Cairns, Huntington, 165 Cairns, John W., 196, 197, 200, 230(3) Caldwell, Mary Ellen, 121 Calsamiglia, Alberto, 161 Calvert, Harry, 215 Cam, Helen Maud, 200 Cameron, B. J., 113 Campbell, A. E., 80 Campbell, Colin M., 87, 165 Campbell, Enid, 37(2), 65, 121, 163 Campbell, Ian, 65 Campbell, Kimberly S., 45 Campbell, Morton Carlisle, 161 Campbell, Tom, 73, 165(2) Canavan, Francis, 188 Cane, Peter, 65, 134, 165, 221, 238(3) Canon, Alfred O., 99 Cappelletti, Mauro, 54, 121(2), 163, 219 Capper, David, 101 Caracciolo, Richardo, 165 Carby-Hall, Joseph Roger, 178 Card, Richard, 87 Cardenas, Emilio J., 97 Carey Miller, David L., 50, 220, 230 Carey, John, 131 Carl, Beverly May, 65, 224 Carlyle, A.J., 200 Carmichael, Calum M., 183, 188 Carnegie, A. R., 190 Carney, Gerard, 121, 206 Carr, Cecil T., 204 Carr, Indira, 100 Carrington, Paul D., 165 Carrion, Agostino, 165 Carson, W. G., 87 Carter, Connie, 186 Carter, Harold, 249 Carter, P. B., 60, 111, 157


Cartridge, J. G., 214 Cartwright, John, 54, 222 Carty, Anthony, 230 Cary, George D., 135 Casad, Robert C., 162 Casal, Paula, 166 Casey, James, 54, 85, 208 Cass, Deborah Z., 65 Cass, Ronald A., 154 Cassas, Emilia, 108 Cassel, Douglass, 80 Cassese, Antonio, 80, 121, 122, 130, 131, 138 Cassese, Sabino, 37 Cassin, René, 50, 188 Castberg, Frede, 65 Castejon, Federico, 87 Castel, Jean Gabriel, 60 Castellino, Joshua, 131 Castren, Erik, 143, 152 Castro, Hector David, 166 Cattell, David Tredwell, 234 Cavers, David F., 60(2) Celano, Bruno, 166 Centlivres, Albert Van de Sandt, 65 Ch’en, Paul H., 54 Chacko, Chirakaikaran Joseph, 80 Chadha, Ena, 122 Chadha, Neeru, 103 Chafee, Zechariah, 197 Chalmers, Damian, 103 Chan, Helena H. M., 80 Chand, Hari, 37 Chander, Harish, 178 Chandrachud, Y.V., 65 Chang, Hyo Sang, 143 Chang, Ruth, 212 Charles-Edwards, T. M., 249 Charmont, Joseph, 50 Charney, Jonathan I., 97 Charnovitz, Steve, 138 Chartrand, Paul L. A. H., 131 Chartrand, Rupert H., 45 Chaskalson, Arthur, 122 Cheffins, Brian R., 76(2) Chen, Albert H. Y., 50



Author Index

Chen, Hongyi, 65 Chen, Jianfu, 65 Chen, Lung-chu, 118, 122 Chen, Tsung-fu, 65 Cheney, Mary Gwendolen, 97 Cheng, Bin, 41, 143(2), 237(5) Cherniak, Earl A., 198 Chernov, Alex, 76 Chesterman, M. R., 54 Chesterman, Simon, 143, 244 Cheyette, Fredric L., 209 Chianu, Emeka, 111, 222 Chiarella, Mary, 239 Chibnall, Marjorie, 119 Chimni, B. S., 131, 143 Chinkin, C. M., 37, 122 Chisum, Donald S., 135 Chittenden, Francis, 236 Chiu, Hungdah, 190 Chloros, A.G., 54 Choi, Woonsang, 37 Choo Hock, Soon, 52 Chorley, Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley, Lord, 50, 53 Chorus, Jeroen M. J., 50, 200, 227 Choue, Young Seek, 119 Choy, Choong Yeow, 50 Christensen, Jan Schans, 76 Christiansen, Karl O., 93 Christie, Andrew F., 135 Christie, Nils, 93 Christofidis, Miriam Cohen, 166 Chroust, Anton-Hermann, 166(2), 178 Chuan, Gan Ching, 52 Chukkol, Kharisu Sufiyan, 162 Chung, Nicholas Fung Ngit, 65 Chunn, Dorothy E., 193 Cicourel, Aaron V., 93 Clanchy, M. T., 209(2) Clancy, Tomás, 193 Clark, Charles E., 50 Clark, David Scott, 50, 157 Clark, E. C., 166 Clark, Grenville, 122 Clark, Jon, 178(2) Clark, Keith, 103


Clark, Robert S., 85 Clark, Roger Stenson, 143 Clarke, Donald C., 54 Clarke, Jennifer, 131 Clarke, Malcolm A., 52, 207 Clarke, Matthew G., 37 Clarke, Oliver, 179 Clausen, Nis Jul, 103 Clawson, Harold J., 179 Clayton, Matthew, 166 Clegg, Hugh Armstrong, 179 Clermont, Kevin M., 219 Clermont, Simonne, 197 Cleveland, Keith S., 166 Clifford, W., 93 Clive, Eric, 241 Clive, Eric M., 73, 230 Cloud, Duncan, 186 Clough, Mark, 58 Clute, Robert E., 122 Clyde, James John, Lord, 35, 37, 103 Cnossen, Sijbren, 235, 237 Cobb Cooper, John, 41(2) Coby, Patrick, 212 Cocca, Aldo Armando, 41 Cocks, Raymond, 200 Coenen, Dan T., 65 Coerper, Milo G., 135 Cohen, Benjamin, 143 Cohen, Bernard, 214 Cohen, David, 200 Cohen, Gerald Allan, 166 Cohen, Jerome Alan, 234 Cohen, Maxwell, 87, 248 Cohen, Morris L., 143 Cohen, Morris Raphael, 166 Cohen, Stanley, 93 Cohn, Ernst J., 60, 144 Cohn, Haim Hermann, 157(2) Coke, Ronald L., 118 Coker, A. O., 210 Cokerell, H. A. L., 134 Colby, William Edward, 248 Coldham, Simon, 133 Cole, George F., 93 Cole, R. Taylor, 119

Author Index Coleman, Cynthia, 237 Coleman, Jules L., 166, 239 Collier, John G., 97, 139 Collini, Stefan, 215 Collins, Anthony M., 37, 103 Collins, Hugh, 73, 166 Collins, Lawrence, 60, 144, 224 Collins, Ronald K. L., 215 Colmo, Christopher, 212 Colognesi, Luigi Capogrossi , 227 Colombos, C. John, 207 Comaroff, John L., 184 Commons, John Rogers, 186 Compton, Edmund, 211 Conboy, Martin, 87 Condon, M. M., 209 Congar, Yves, 144 Connard, Roger, 183 Connell, Barry, 235 Conner, Alison W., 54 Connon, R. W., 212 Conrad, Dieter, 212 Constable, Marianne, 166 Constantinesco, Vlad, 80 Conti, Ugo, 85 Cook, P. J., 200(2) Cook, Rebecca J., 187 Cooke, Julian, 40 Cooke, Peter, 44 Cooke, Robin Brunskill Cooke, Lord, 37(2), 53(2), 65, 193, 214, 239 Coombes, J. M., 222, 232 Cooney, Tom, 213 Cooray, M. J. A., 100 Coote, Brian, 73, 133 Coper, Michael, 65(2) Copp, Andrew, 235 Coppel, Jason, 122 Corbett, Percy Ellwood, 122 Cordahi, Alexandre, 185 Corder, Hugh, 54, 65 Cordova-Novion, Cesar, 186 Corea, Gamani, 154 Corell, Hans, 244 Coriden, James A., 47 Cornish, W. R., 91, 135(4), 157


Corrigan, Anne, 235 Corry, J. A., 37 Corwin, Edward Samuel, 37 Cossio, Carlos, 166 Costello, Declan, 65, 157 Costello, Kevin, 179 Costigan, George P., 222, 243 Cotler, Irwin, 88 Cottier, Thomas, 139 Cottrell, Jill, 66 Coulson, Robert, 43 Couso, Javier, 157 Cova Arria, Luis, 207 Cowan, Thomas A., 166 Cowen, Zelman, Sir, 157, 195, 206 Cowie, I. B., 120 Cownie, Fiona, 193 Cox, Archibald, 205 Crabbe, V. C. R. A. C., 205 Crahan, Margaret E., 122 Craig, Paul P., 37, 103(2), 221(2) Cramton, Roger C., 35 Crane, Brian A., 157 Crane, F. R., 113, 243 Crane, Frederick E., 53, 197 Cranston, Ross, 44(2), 52, 96, 166, 197 Craven, Paul, 73 Crawford, Elizabeth B., 60 Crawford, James, 131, 144(4) Crawford, Michael, 227 Creighton, W. B., 179 Cremona, John Joseph, 122 Crespigny, Rafe de, 54 Cressey, Donald Ray, 85 Cretney, Stephen M., 48, 113(3) Creyke, Robin, 158 Crick, Bernard, 206, 215(2) Crifò, Giuliano, 227 Cripps, Yvonne M., 37, 122 Criscuoli, Giovanni, 53 Crockett, Anthony, 249 Cronin, John, 179 Crook, David, 119 Cross, Rupert, Sir, 88, 217 Crouch, David, 116 Cruz, Julio Baquero, 105



Author Index

Cryer, Robert, 210 Cukwurah, A. Oye, 144 Cullet, Philippe, 135 Culp, Julius A., 137 Cumaraswamy, Dato Param, 130 Cumberbatch, Jefferson, 179 Cuming, Ronald C. C., 52 Cumming, Patricia, 80 Cunningham, Richard G., 47 Cuomo, E.I., 204 Curran, C. P., 194(2) Curtin, Deirdre, 103(2), 104 Curtis, G. F., 235 Curuby, George N., 117 Cusine, Douglas J., 75 Czaplinski, Wladyslaw, 122

D D’Amato, Anthony A., 122, 144 D’Ascenzo, Michael, 235 D’Avray, D. L., 47 Dach, Joseph, 52 Dadachanji, J. B., 80 Dadzie, E. K., 158 Daes, Erica-Irene A., 132 Daggett, Leonard M., 133 Dagtoglou, Prodromos D., 41 Daintith, Terence, 204, 218 Dale, William, Sir, 204 Dalhuisen, J. H., 60 Dallmayr, Fred R., 122 Dam, Kenneth W., 55 Damaska, Mirjan R., 111 Damrosch, Lori F., 144 Dancy, Jonathan, 212 Dando, Shigemitsu, 55, 80, 85 Danelius, Hans, 37 Daniels, W. C. Ekow, 113 Danilenko, G. M., 122 Danneman, Gerhard, 55 Dannemann, Gerhard, 60, 99 Das, Cyrus V., 55 Das, Kamleshwar, 122 Dasa, Gobinda, 80 Dashwood, Alan, 80, 104(2), 154


Datan, Merav, 148 Datar, Arvind P., 158 Date-Bah, S. K., 73 Daube, David, 158, 183, 188, 200, 227(3) Däubler, Wolfgang, 104, 179 Dauchy, Serge, 200 Davenport, Brian John, 73 Davey, Martin, 96 Davey, William J., 139(2) David, E., 80 Davidson, Nicholas, 194 Davidson, Scott, 48, 190 Davie, George Elder, 212 Davies, C. E. P., 113 Davies, Derek, 225 Davies, Helen, 249 Davies, Martin, 207, 219, 239 Davies, Paul, 104, 179(2) Davies, R. R., 119, 249 Davies, Wendy, 48 Davis, Henry Hague, 53 Davis, J. L. R., 239 Davis, John Whitney, 212 Davis, Kenneth Culp, 111 Davis, Ronald W., 76 Dawid, Heinz, 118 Dawkins, Kevin, 88 Dawson, John P., 224, 225 Dawson, Norma, 222 De Alvarez, Leo Paul S., 188 De Chazournes, Lawrence Boisson, 139 De Fazio, Francesco, 187 De Luca, Luigi, 47 De Mestral, Armand L. C., 154, 190 De Smith, Barbara, 215 De Smith, S. A., 235 De Vos, Wouter, 226 Deák, Francis, 247 Deakin, Simon F., 179(2) Deardorff, Alan V., 186 Debattista, Charles, 52, 241 Decaux, Emmanuel, 185 Decker, John F., 85 Degan, V. D., 144(2) Del Vecchio, Giorgio, 144, 166 Delaume, Georges R., 43, 141, 239

Author Index Delbrück, Jost, 122 Deloukas, Nikolaos A., 119 DeLuca, Kelly, 189 Demetriou, Marie, 100 Demogue, Rene, 239 DeMott, Deborah A., 76 Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Lord, 36, 158, 221 Dennis, I. H., 88 Dennis, N., 45 Denno, Deborah W., 93 Dennys, Nicholas, 72 Denti, Vittorio, 166 Deolinar, Hans, 43 Depei, Han, 60 Derenberg, Walter Julius, 58, 135 Derrett, J. Duncan M., 200 Derthick, Martha, 239 Desai, Ashok H., 35, 66 Desai, D. A., 66 Deshpande, V. S., 66 Deshpande, V. V., 119 Deutsch, Karl Wolfgang, 144, 247 Deutscher, David, 218 Devereaux, Simon, 200 Dewar, John, 113, 243 Dewey, Clive, 40 Deyrup, Felicia Johnson, 179 Dhagamwar, Vasudha, 250 Dhanda, Amita, 220 Dhavan, Rajeev, 158(2), 188 Dhokalia, R. P., 80, 144 Di Cataldo, Vincenzo, 135 Di Gennaro, Giuseppe, 93 Diamond, Alan, 101, 195 Diamond, Aubrey L., 204 Dias, Reginald Walter Michael, 226 Dickinson, Edwin De Witt, 144 Dicks, Anthony R., 158 Dickson, Lance E., 183 Dickson, R. G. Brian, 158 Diederiks-Verschoor, I. H., 41(2) Dijk, Jan J.M. van, 93 Dijk, Pieter van, 122 Dilliard, Irving, 66, 219 Dillmann, Rob J.M., 198


Dillon, Sara, 139 Dinakin, Yomi, 144 Dine, Janet, 76 Dinstein, Yoram, 122, 144, 235, 247 Dion, Stephane, 115 Divan, Anil, 66, 239 Dixon, David, 48 Dixon, Owen, Sir, 66 Dixon, Paul Rand, 58 Dixon, Richard C., 46 Dockray, Martin, 194, 208 Docksey, C., 179 Dodd, E. Merrick, 76 Doe, Norman, 97 Doeker-Mach, Guenther, 55 Dolinger, Jacob, 60 Dolzer, Rudolf, 115, 117 Domke, Martin, 43 Donahue, Charles, 47, 209(4) Donaldson, A. G., 205 Doob, Anthony N., 93 Doorn, Cornelis D., 187 Doran, Sean, 85 Dorf, Michael C., 166 Dormoy, Daniel, 144 Dorsey, Gray L., 166 Doswald-Beck, Louise, 144 Douglas, Gillian, 113 Douglas, William O., 36, 158 Dover, Victor, 134 Dowling, J. A., 183 Downer, L. J., 200 Downes, T. Antony, 35 Doxey, Margaret P., 144 Doyle, James H., 210 Doyle, John, 66, 166 Doyle, Vincent A., 135 Draghici, Alice, 122 Drapkin, Israel, 88 Dreher, Meinrad, 58 Dreier, Ralf, 166 Dreier, Thomas, 135 Drew, E. Harris, 200 Drewry, Gavin, 85, 215 Drgonec, Ján, 88 Driedger, Elmer A., 66, 205



Author Index

Drion, Huibert, 60 Drobnig, Ulrich, 166 Drury, Robert R., 76 Drzemczewski, Andrew Z., 80 Due, Ole, 104 Duff, Antony, 93 Duff, P. W., 200, 227 Duffy, Peter, 122 Dufty, Ann, 136 Duggan, Anthony, 186 Duguit, Léon, 247 Dumont, Jon M., 148 Duncan, William, 113 Duncanson, Ian, 158 Dunnan, Weaver W., 200 Dunne, Elizabeth K., 135 Dunphy, Sean F., 45 Dunstan, J. A., 44 Dupuy, Rene Jean, 244 Durham, W. Cole, 188 Durno, Bruce, 92 Dutheil de La Rochère, Jacqueline, 104 Dworkin, Gerald, 135 Dworkin, R. M., 158, 166(4) Dwyer, John, 239 Dwyer, Paul S., 224 Dyer, Bruce D., 37 Dyrud, John, 189 Dyson, Kenneth H. F., 104

E Eady, David, 239 Eagleson, Robert D., 205 Eagleton, Clyde, 144 Easson, A. J., 235 East, Lindsay, 207 Easton, Frederick C., 47 Ebenroth, Carsten Thomas, 96 Ebke, Werner F., 104, 117, 141, 219 Echandi, Roberto, 141 Eckhoff, Torstein Einang, 166 Economides, Kim, 166 Edelman, Lauren B., 167 Eden, Sandra, 235 Eder, Phanor James, 200


Edgar, Tim, 235 Edge, Ian, 55, 156 Edgeworth, Brendan, 197 Edward, David A. O., 37, 51, 80, 104(4), 197, 219 Edwards, J. Ll. J., 85, 91, 93 Edwards, Lilian, 205 Edwards, R. Randle, 217 Edwards, Richard W., 117 Eeckhout, Piet, 80 Eekelaar, John, 113 Effros, Robert C., 195 Egan, Suzanne, 133 Eggleston, F. W., 167 Eggleston, Richard, Sir, 111 Ehlermann, Claus Dieter, 154 Ehrmann, Henry W., 37 Eidelberg, Paul, 212 Einhorn, Talia, 80 Eitle, David, 95 Eklund, Ronnie, 179 Ekundayo, A. A. M., 194 Elagab, Omer Yousif, 144 Elaraby, Nabil, 244 El-Erian, Abdullah, 139, 152 Elias, Patrick, 122, 179 Elias, T. O., 53, 80, 144(2), 219, 244(2) Elkind, Jerome B., 219 Elkins, Jeremy, 167 Elles, Neil, 104 Ellinger, E. P., 44, 73 Elliott, D. W., 88, 111 Elliott, Ian Douglas, 89 Elliott, John, Sir, 55 Elliott, Shelden D., 205 Ellis, Evelyn, 104 El-Naggar, Said, 154 Emerson, Rupert, 144 Emerson, Thomas Irwin, 118, 167, 250 Emilianides, Achilles, 244 Emsley, Clive, 214 Endicott, Timothy Andrew Orville, 167(2) Engels, Chris, 104 Englard, Izhak, 187 English, P., 217 Eörsi, Gyula, 40, 55

Author Index Erard, Brian, 235 Erasmus, Georges, 132 Erasmus, Gerhard, 145 Ercmann, Sevine, 122 Erdei, Arpad, 91 Erez, Edna, 93 Erickson, Lesley, 200 Ericson, Richard Victor, 88, 93 Ermacora, Felix, 122 Errabbi, B., 122 Errera, Roger, 91 Eryl, John, 87 Eser, Albin, 85 Esho, Kayode, 122 Espiell, Hector Gros, 123 Esplugues, Carlos, 60 Estebanez, Maria Amor Martin, 123 Esterman, L., 183, 222 Esty, Daniel C., 139 Evans, Chris, 235 Evans, Garth, 241 Evans, Gillian R., 47 Evans, Jim, 101 Evans, M., 123 Evans, Malcolm D., 190 Evans-Jones, Robin, 225, 227 Evatt, Elizabeth, 132 Everling, Ulrich, 81 Evershed, Francis Raymond Evershed, Lord, 221 Ewick, Patricia, 167 Ewing, Keith D., 123(2), 179 Exshaw, E. Y., 220 Eysinga, Jonkheer W.J.M., 145 Eyskens, Mark, 123 Eze, Osita C., 66 Ezejiofor, Gaius, 43

F Fabius, Laurent, 104 Fabri, Héléne Ruiz, 139 Fagbohun, Lanre, 43 Fahlbeck, Reinhold, 179 Fairgrieve, Duncan, 44 Fairman, Charles, 221


Fakayode, Emmanuel Olawuyi, 111 Falk, Richard A., 145(4), 152(2) Faller, Edmund, 41 Faralli, Carla, 212 Farber, Daniel A., 154, 239 Farmer, James A., 52 Farnsworth, Allan, 55, 73(2) Farrar, John H., 76(2) Farrell, Martin D., 167 Farrier, David, 88 Fatouros, A. A., 73, 117, 139 Fattah, Ezzat, 85, 88 Faundez, Julio, 192 Favoreu, Louis, 55 Fawcett, J. E. S., 123, 206 Fawcett, J. J., 135 Fawthorpe, Helen, 123 Feaver, George, 195 Feeley, Malcolm, 81 Feenstra, Robert, 200(2), 227(3) Feinberg, Joel, 212 Feinberg, Nathan, 145 Feinerman, James V., 55 Feldberg, Georgina D., 176 Feldbrugge, F. J. M., 234 Feldman, David, 111, 123, 195, 218 Feldthusen, Bruce P., 239 Feliciano, Florentino, 131 Fellman, David, 66 Fellows, Mary Louise, 220 Felstiner, William L. F., 194 Fenn, Paul, 186 Fennelly, Nial, 66 Fentiman, Richard, 60 Ferguson, P. W., 88 Ferguson, Pamela R., 230 Ferme, Brian Edwin, 47 Fernández Arroyo, Diego P., 154 Fernandez, Edesio, 214 Ferracuti, Franco, 93, 187 Ferracuti, Stefano, 187 Ferran, Eilis, 96 Ferrarini, Guido, 96 Ferri, Mark R., 241 Ferry, Claude, 76 Fhalbeck, Reinhold, 179



Author Index

Fiadjoe, Albert K., 37, 76 Field, Frank, 215 Fife, Rolf Einar, 190 Fikentscher, Wolfgang, 184, 185 Findley, Roger W., 100 Finemore, John, 205 Finger, J. M., 139 Finkelstein, Claire Oakes, 167 Finkelstein, R. A., 37 Finlay, Thomas A., 66, 81 Finn, Jeremy, 91 Finn, Paul D., 101(2) Finnie, Wilson, 88 Finnis, John, 212 Firth, Alison, 135 Fisch, William B., 235 Fischer, John Martin, 167 Fischer, Peter, 104, 117 Fisher, Adrian S., 145 Fisher, Gordon, 76 Fisher, R. H., 45 Fiss, Owen M., 66, 167, 197 Fisse, Brent, 76 Fitch, Michael A., 45 Fitzmaurice, Gerald, Sir, 81, 123, 145 Fitzmaurice, M., 100, 249 Fitzpatrick, Peter, 132 Fix-Zamudio, Hector, 55 Flaherty, Martin, 195 Flaherty, Martin S., 119 Flaumenhaft, Mera J., 186 Fleck, Dieter, 210 Fleming, John G., 224, 239 Fletcher, Christine, 132 Fletcher, Ian F., 45, 60, 104, 197 Flint, David, 66 Flittie, William J., 92 Florek, Ludwik, 179 Fluss, Sev S., 187 Flynn, James, 58 Fode, Carsten, 76 Fogam, P. Kedinga, 52 Fogarty, Gerald P., 49 Fogg, Alan S., 167 Foighel, Isi, 190 Foley, Matthew, 132


Fong, Cheong May, 45 Foot, Philippa, 212 Footer, Mary, 104, 139, 154 Foque, R., 123 Foqué, Réné, 167 Forbes, Duncan, 212 Force, Robert, 207 Ford, H. A. J., 197, 243 Forde, Michael, 123 Forer, Lois G., 167 Forkosch, Morris D., 200 Forman, John, 204 Forneris, Xavier, 52 Forrest, Marshall, 167 Forrester, Ian S., 72 Forsyth, C. F., 38, 239 Forte, A. D. M., 195, 230(2) Forwood, Nicholas, 104 Foster, Christopher D., 220 Foster, Hamar, 132 Foster, Ken, 234 Foster, William Frederic, 73 Fouracre, Paul, 119 Fox, David, 225 Fox, Hazel, 145 Fox, Richard George, 85 Fox, Russell, 111 Fox, William T. R., 153 Fox-Andrews, James, 111 France, Simon, 111 Francioni, Francesco, 145 Francis, Claire, 218 Franck, Thomas M., 123, 145(3), 244(2), 245, 247 Frank, Jerome, 167 Franke, Herbert, 55, 200 Franke, Ulf, 43 Frankfurt, Harry, 212 Frankfurter, Felix, 66, 158 Franklin, Mitchell, 55, 163, 167 Frantz, Albert T., 200 Fraser of Tullybelton, Walter Ian Reid, Lord, 205 Freckelton, Ian R., 81 Fredman, Sandra, 179 Freedland, Mark R., 55, 179, 221

Author Index Freedman, Conrad, 72 Freedman, Lawrence Zelic, 167 Freedman, Samuel, 85 Freeman, Michael D. A., 48(2), 113, 250 Freestone, David, 48, 238 Freibergh, Erik, 104 Fremont, Jacques, 66 Freund, Ernst, 205 Freyfogle, Eric T., 249 Freymond, J., 123 Fridman, Gerald H. L., 239 Fridman, Saul, 76 Fried, John H. E., 145 Friedgut, Theodore H., 234 Friedland, Martin L., 85, 88, 177 Friedman, Julian R., 145 Friedman, Lawrence M., 55, 167(2) Friedmann, Daniel, 224, 225(2) Friedmann, Wolfgang, 58, 145, 167(2), 239 Friedrich, Carl J., 167, 215 Frier, Bruce W., 227 Frith, Valerie, 200 Fritz, Christian G., 66 Fritzsche, Hellmut, 212 Frowein, Jochen Abr., 123 Fryde, E. B., 209 Fryde, Natalie, 209 Fuentes, Ximena, 249 Fuke, Toshiro, 38 Fulbrook, Julian, 232 Funkin, G. I., 145 Furey, Nigel, 96 Furmston, M. P., 239 Fyzee, Asaf A. A., 133

G Gadbois, George H., 81 Gageler, Stephen, 38 Gager, Edwin B., 101, 222 Gaja, Giorgio, 51, 245 Galanter, Marc, 36, 123 Galligan, D. J., 93 Galloway, J. Donald C., 167 Galtung, Johan, 247 Ganado, J. M., 50


Gandhi, P. R., 123 Gane, Christopher, 230 Gannon, Stefan, 98 Ganshof van der Meersch, W. J., 104 Ganz, Gabriele, 38 Gao, Feng, 145 Garcia-Amador, F. V., 185, 220 Gardner, Jane F., 227 Gardner, John, 88, 239 Gardner, Warner W., 38 Garibaldi, Oscar M., 123 Garland, David, 86, 93 Garland, Ross, 81 Garner, J. F., 55 Garnett, George, 133, 200 Garnett, Richard, 162 Garraway, C. H. B., 210 Garrett-Goodyear, Harold, 201 Garro, Alejandro M., 243 Gartner, Rosemary, 189 Gaskell, N. J. J., 217 Gasser, Hans-Peter, 247 Gaus, William, 91 Gavigan, Shelley A. M., 123 Gawlick, Gunter, 212 Gearty, C. A., 123 Geary, Ray, 158, 186 Genesio, Ugo, 130 Geoghegan, Mary Finlay, 104 George, B. James, 88 George, Edward Frederick, 222 George, Mary, 243 George, Y. A., 81 Gerber, David J., 219 Germain, Claire M., 204 Gerven, Walter van, 105, 167 Gervin, Spencer R., 48 Getzler, Joshua, 177, 222 Ghai, Yash P., 123, 215 Ghanea, Nazila, 123 Ghouse, Mohammad, 66 Gianformaggio, Letizia, 167 Gianviti, Francois, 139 Giardina, Andrea, 60, 105 Gibbens, T. C. N., 94 Gibbs, Harry, Sir, 158



Author Index

Gibson, Dale, 92, 158, 218 Giertsen, Johan, 76 Giesen, Dieter, 48 Gifford, Daniel J., 154 Gilbert, Geoff, 132 Gildin, Hilail, 167 Giles, Jack, 66 Giles, O.C., 243 Gillespie, C. S., 135 Gillette, Clayton P., 167 Gillies, Peter, 100 Gilligan, George P., 117 Gillingham, John, 119(2) Gillman, Howard, 215 Gilmore, William C., 88, 230 Ginsberg, Judith, 189 Ginsburg, Jane C., 135 Ginsburg, Tom, 215, 224 Ginsburgs, George, 234 Ginther, Konrad, 95, 247 Giovanoli, Mario, 141, 156 Girard, Philip, 201 Girsberger, Daniel, 60 Gizbert-Studnicki, Tomasz, 167 Gladstone, Alan, 179 Glancy, Mary, 35 Glasbeek, H. J., 218 Glasser, Cyril, 35, 194 Glastra van Loon, Jan F., 168 Glazebrook, P. R., 88(3) Gledhill, Alan, 66 Gleeson, Murray, 195 Gleicher, Jules, 186 Glendon, Mary Ann, 55 Glenn, Gary, 212 Glenn, H. Patrick, 55(2), 60(2), 218 Glossner, Ottoarndt, 43 Glueck, Sheldon, 85 Goddard, Kathleen S., 207 Godwin, Michael, 236 Godwin, William, 43 Goedhuis, Daniel, 41 Goerlich, Helmut, 179 Goff of Chieveley, Robert Goff, Lord, 168 Gokay, Bulent, 123 Gold, Alan D., 92


Gold, Joseph, 45, 141(4) Goldberg, Arthur J., 66, 145 Goldberg, Barry I., 45, 76 Goldberg, Menachem, 179 Goldie, D. M. M., 194 Goldie, L. F. E., 145 Goldman, Abe A., 135 Goldman, Alvin L., 180 Goldman, Robert K., 130 Goldstajn, Aleksandar, 52 Goldstein, Paul, 135 Goldstein, Stephen, 55, 81, 224 Goldstein, Yoine, 45 Goldsworthy, Jeffrey, 66, 163 Gomberg, Frank, 51 Goode, Royston Miles, 43, 52(3), 73, 76, 96(2), 154, 211, 225 Gooderson, R. N., 92 Goodhart, Arthur L., 73, 168, 239 Goodrich, Herbert F., 192 Goodrich, Herbert Funk, 145 Goodrich, Leland M., 245 Goodwin-Gill, Guy S., 85 Gooren, Louis J.G., 187 Gordley, James, 73, 227, 249(2) Gordon, C. P., 123 Gordon, Gerald H., 111 Gordon, Michael W., 97 Gordon, Robert W., 195(2) Gordon, William M., 201, 222, 227(5), 230, 231 Gorla, Gino, 55 Gorman, Eugene, Sir, 158 Gormley, Laurence W., 163 Gormley, W. Paul, 48, 81(2) Goti, Jaime Malamud, 88 Gottfredson, Don M., 94 Gottlieb, Gidon, 145 Goudy, Henry, 168 Gould, Brian Charles, 113 Gould, Mark, 98 Govindaraj, V. C., 123 Gowan, Ivor, 249 Gower, L. C. B., 194 Grabitz, Eberhard, 105 Graefrath, Bernhard, 145

Author Index Graglia, Lino A., 66, 167, 250 Grant, Evadné, 221 Grattan, Sheena, 113 Graue, Eugen Dietrich, 60, 113 Gravelle, Jane, 236 Graven, Jean, 177 Graveson, Ronald H., 43, 53, 60(2), 105, 113(2), 145, 168 Gray, Charles, 239 Gray, Charles M., 209 Gray, Christine D., 130, 145 Gray, Joanna, 76 Gray, Kevin J., 222 Gray, Margaret, 40 Gray, Susan Francis, 222 Graycar, Regina, 158, 239 Graziadei, Michele, 220 Greaves, Rosa, 38, 158, 162 Green, David A., 95 Green, L. C., 145, 238, 245, 247 Green, Leon, 239 Green, Leslie, 168 Green, Stephen, 185 Green, Thomas J., 47 Greenawalt, Kent, 66, 111, 162 Greenberg, David F., 85 Greene, Jack P., 195 Greenspan, Edward L., 85, 92 Greenwood, C. J., 245, 247(3) Greer, Desmond S., 99, 201 Gregory, Roy, 211 Grene, David, 186 Gretton, George L., 96, 231(3) Greve, Vagn, 88 Grevling, Katharine, 111 Grey, Julius, 183 Grey, Thomas C., 168 Grieve, William Robertson Grieve, Lord, 195 Griew, Edward, 88(3) Griffin, Conor, 81 Griffin, James, 168 Griffin, Joseph P., 76 Griffith, J. A. G., 38, 158, 180, 192, 215, 221 Griffiths, Anne M. O., 113


Grigera Náon, Horacio A., 43(2) Grimes, Warren S., 72 Grimm, Dieter, 215 Griswold, Erwin N., 88 Grodecki, J. K., 60 Grönfors, Kurt, 207, 241 Gros Espiell, Hector, 187 Gros, André, 81 Gross, Hyman, 94 Gross, Leo, 245 Grossen, Jacques-Michel, 113 Grossfeld, Bernhard, 76, 77, 117 Groves, Harry E., 208 Groves, Matthew, 37, 38 Grundmann, Stefan, 218 Gruson, Michael, 45 Gruter, Margaret, 168 Grygier, Tadeusz, 94 Gueguen, John A., 168 Guest, Anthony Gordon, 60 Guigni, Gino, 180 Guild, Elspeth, 131 Guillaume, Gilbert, 162 Guinan, James J., 135 Gummow, W. M. C., 81, 102 Gurd, Bruce, 236 Guruswamy, Lakshman D., 100 Guthrie, Tom, 238 Guttal, G. H., 146 Gutteridge, H. C., 55, 194 Gutteridge, Joyce Ada Cooke, 105 Guttieri, Karen, 153 Gyandoh, S. O., 124 Gye-Wado, O., 124

H Haak, W. E., 60 Hacker, P. M. S., 168 Hackett-Jones, Geoffrey, 205 Hackney, Jeffrey, 228 Hadden, Tom, 124 Haderka, Jiri F., 48 Hadfield, Gillian K., 168 Hadjiemmanuil, Christos, 44, 142 Hadjihambis, D. H., 239



Author Index

Hafner, Gerhard, 81 Hagan, Charles B., 222 Hagan, Sean, 96 Hager, L. Michael, 118 Hahm, Hugo J., 117 Haight, Charles S., 207 Hailsham of St. Marylebone, Quintin Hogg, Lord, 158(2) Haisler, Peter, 77 Haksar, Nandita, 124 Halbach, Edward C., 133 Hale, Brenda., 114 Halevy, Balfour, 192 Haley, John Owen, 81 Hall Williams, John Eryl, 85 Hall, Brian H., 192 Hall, G. D. G., 209 Hall, J. C., 48 Hall, J. S., 222, 236 Hall, Jerome, 88(3), 168 Haller, Rudolf, 168 Halliday, John Menzies, 116 Hambro, Edvard Isak, 66, 81(2), 131, 146, 241, 245(3) Hamilton, Calvin A., 43 Hamilton, Carolyn, 98 Hamilton, Walton Hale, 158 Hampton, Jean, 168 Hamson, C. J., 197 Hanami, Tadashi, 180 Hanan, J. R., 114, 124 Hanbury, Harold Greville, 45 Hand, G. J., 55, 66 Hanks, Peter John, 132 Hanna, Henry, 48 Hannan, Philip M., 247 Hannigan, Brenda, 77 Hannikainen, Lauri, 238 Hanrahan, Pamela F., 243 Hansen, Mogens Herman, 215 Hansen-Ingram, Diane, 158 Hansenne, Michelle, 118 Hao, Hoang Van, 67 Haopei, Li, 146 Haraszti, György, 41 Hardgrave, Robert L., 67


Harding, A. J., 100, 186, 220, 221, 239 Harding, Alan, 209 Harding, Christopher, 105, 146 Harding, Richard, 94 Hardy, Michael, 217 Hare, Ivan, 38, 208, 221 Hare, John, 207 Hare, R.M., 168 Hargrove, John Lawrence, 146 Haring, John R., 154 Harlow, Carol, 35, 67, 158, 215 Harmathy, Attila, 77 Harper, Tom, 194 Harpum, Charles, 223, 225 Harrington, John A., 187 Harris, Donald, 85, 239 Harris, J. W., 168, 220, 223 Harris, Jonathan, 61, 243 Harris, Mathew M., 45 Harris, Neville S., 105 Hart, August C’t, 135 Hart, H. L. A., 89(2), 168 Hart, Robert J., 135 Harte, J. D. C., 98 Hartley, Trevor C., 61(2), 105, 136, 162 Hartog, Hendrik, 250 Hartwell, R. M., 186 Harwood, Sterling, 168 Hascher, Dominique, 154 Haskins, George Lee, 51, 97 Hassan, Parvez, 100 Hasseldine, John, 235, 236 Hastie, William, 67 Hastings, W. G., 67 Hathaway, James C., 131 Haughey, E. J., 132 Hausmaninger, Herbert, 228(2) Havighurst, Harold Canfield, 73 Hawkins, Gordon, 94 Hawkins, Keith, 204 Hay, Peter, 61 Hayashida, Kazuhiro, 81 Hayton, David J., 102, 133, 243 Hazard, John N., 55, 67, 146 Hazeltine, Harold D., 50, 67, 73 He, Qizhi, 245

Author Index Head, John G., 236 Healy, Nicholas J., 190 Heap, Desmond, Sir, 206 Heath, Jackie, 198 Hecke, Georges van, 58, 154 Heclo, Hugh, 215 Hector, L. C., 209 Hedley, Steve, 73 Heijden, P. F. van der, 180 Hein, Jan von, 61 Heliskoski, Joni, 105 Hellner, Jan, 52, 73(3), 74, 154, 168(2), 184 Hellwege, Phillip, 225 Helman, Irving J., 158 Helmholz, R. H., 47, 97, 197, 201(2) Henckaerts, Jean-Marie, 124 Henderson, Charles Richmond, 217 Henderson, Dan Fenno, 55 Henderson, Jane E., 67 Henderson, John, 187 Henkin, Louis, 67, 124(2), 131, 190, 201 Henn, Harry G., 136 Henning, J. J., 211 Henry, Robert L., 177 Hentig, Hans von, 94 Hepple, B. A., 105(3), 124(2), 180(2) Herczegh, Géza, 247 Herndl, Kurt, 245 Herrmann, Joachim, 55, 92 Hertig, Gerard, 77 Hertzfeld, J. M., 154 Herz, John H., 146 Herzog, Peter E., 162 Hess, Albert G., 81, 185 Hettich, Walter, 237 Heuer, Ulrike, 212 Heuston, R. F. V., 158 Hexner, Ervin Paul, 139 Hibbitts, Bernard J., 194 Hickling, R. H., 81, 156, 168 Hiebert, Janet, 206 Higgins, A. Pearce, 146 Higgins, Imelda, 100 Higgins, Rosalyn, 81, 97, 124, 146(3), 153, 158, 162(2), 197, 224 Hill, Christopher, 98


Hill, D. Graham, 77 Hill, Jennifer, 77(2) Hill, Mark, 38 Hiller, Jack A., 168 Hillman, Robert A., 118 Himma, Kenneth Einar, 168 Himsworth, Chris, 206, 221 Hinde, G. W., 183, 223(2) Hindley, Brian, 154 Hingorani, R. C., 130, 131 Hirsch, Andrew von, 85 Hiscock, Mary E., 185 Hoath, David C., 183 Hobhouse of Woodborough, John Stewart Hobhouse, Lord, 40 Hocking, William Ernest, 53, 168 Hodder-Williams, Richard, 81 Hodgin, R. W., 134 Hodgson, Derek, Sir., 89 Hodnett, Grey, 234 Hoeflich, Michael H., 195, 197 Hoellering, Michael F., 97 Hoffmann, Stanley, 146 Hogan, Brian, 89(3) Hogan, Daire, 194 Hogan, Gerard W., 159, 194 Hogg, Peter W., 67 Hoggart, Richard, 192 Holcombe, Arthur Norman, 215 Holdgate, Martin W., 100 Holdsworth, William Searle, Sir, 201 Holland, Kenneth M., 119 Holt, James Clarke, 209 Holthuis, Annemieke, 67 Holtzmann, Howard M., 154 Holtzoff, Alexander, 85 Holyoak, Jon, 240 Hondius, Fritz W., 124 Honeyball, Simon, 124 Honka, Hannu, 61 Honoré, Tony, 111, 168(3), 226, 228(4), 243 Hood, Roger G., 86, 94, 204 Hooft, Pedro, 187 Hooker, M. B., 96, 156(3) Hookey, John, 132



Author Index

Hooley, Richard, 52 Hoover, Hubert D., 210 Hope of Craighead, James Arthur David Hope, Lord, 124 Hopkins, John, 168 Hopwood, Keith, 228 Horlick, Gary N., 139, 154 Horne, Julia, 195 Horowitz, Donald J., 167 Horsley, Jamie P., 99 Horvath, Barna, 146 Horváth, Gyula, 187 Hoskins, Mark, 81 Hosokawa, Kiyoshi, 187 Hossain, Kamal, 159 Houtte, H. van, 139, 222 Howard, Anneli, 224 Howard, Colin, 85, 89 Howard, Michael, 74 Howell, Robert G., 189 Howells, Geraint G., 72 Howse, Robert, 154 Hruschka, Joachim, 89, 201 Hu, Shih-Sheng, 189 Huat, Khoo Guan, 45 Hudec, Robert E., 154 Hudson, A. H., 52 Hudson, Barbara, 85 Hudson, Geoffrey N., 207 Hudson, John, 42, 201 Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 81, 82 Hughes, Charles Evans, 159 Hughes, Graham, 67, 240 Hulle, K. van, 105 Hulsewé, A. F. P., 55 Humfrey, Paula, 201 Humphrey, David G., 92 Humphrey, John P., 124(2) Hunnisett, R. F., 209 Hurd, Douglas, 105 Hurwitz, Stephan, 85 Husak, Douglas N., 85 Hussain, Jamila, 188 Hutter, Bridget M., 168 Hutter, Michael, 186 Hutton, Brian, 249


Hutton, Gordon M., 169, 195, 231 Huvelin, Paul, 228 Huws, Daniel, 249 Huxley, Andrew, 55 Huy, Nguyêñ Ngoc, 56 Hyams, Paul R., 201, 209

I Ibbetson, David J., 201, 249 Ibidapo-Obe, Akin, 169 Ibler, Vladimir, 217 Ibrahim, Ahmad, 67, 156 Idoko, Alhassan, 215 Iglesias, Gil Carlos Rodríguez, 105(2) Ijalaiye, D. A., 36 Ijalaye, D. A., 124, 159 Ilegbune, C. U., 67 Ingleby, Richard, 114 Inglis, B. D., 114 Inglis, J. Alistair M., 231 Ingram, Peter G., 169, 187 Inman, Marquita, 111 Intzessiloglou, Nikolaos, 169 Ioffe, O. S., 234 Ipaye, Ade, 236 Ipaye, Toyin, 114 Irani, C.R., 208 Irani, Phiroze K., 241 Ireland, Paddy, 77 Ireland, Richard W., 249 Irvine, John, 136, 240 Isaacs, Nathan, 43 Ishii, Ryosuke, 201 Itzikowitz, Angela, 89 Ives, E. W., 201 Iwasawa, Yuji, 139 Iyer, T. K. K., 38 Iyer, V. R. Krishna, 124, 169 Iyer, Venkat, 67, 124

J Jack, R. B., 231 Jackett, W. R., 53, 67 Jackson, Bernard S., 105, 183, 188

Author Index Jackson, David, 159 Jackson, David C., 222 Jackson, John, 85, 169 Jackson, John H., 98, 100, 118, 146 Jackson, Robert Houghwout, 146 Jacob, Alice, 114, 236 Jacob, Jack I. H., Sir, 51 Jacob, Robin, 105 Jacobs, Antoine, 105 Jacobs, Francis Geoffrey, 105(5), 124, 136, 205 Jacobs, James B., 94 Jacobs, Lesley A., 187 Jacobs, Yvonne, 92 Jacobsen, Christen Boye, 77 Jacobsson, Marie, 190 Jacovides, Andreas J., 191, 235 Jacques, Arthur O., 46 Jaeger, Werner, 53 Jaenicke, Günther, 191(2) Jaffa, Harry V., 195 Jaffey, A. J. E., 74, 240 Jagannatharavu, Yam, 67 Jahagirdar, R. A., 49 Jain, Mahabir Prashad, 38, 224 Jaising, Indira, 250 Jakhu, Ram S., 41 Jakubowski, Jerzy, 155 James, Alan, 245 James, Arthur Evan, Sir, 85 James, Eldon R., 192 James, T. E., 114(2) Jancar-Webster, Barbara, 234 Jansen, Nils, 50 Jantera-Jareborg, Maarit, 114 Jareborg, Nils, 85 Jarvis, F. V., 86 Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri, 41(2) Javillier, Jean Claude, 180 Jeffery, C. Ray, 94(2) Jegede, Oluremi, 204 Jehoram, Herman Cohen, 67, 136 Jenkins, Catherine, 97 Jenkins, Dafydd, 249 Jenkins, Jane, 72 Jenkinson, Hilary, Sir, 209


Jenks, C. Wilfred, 43, 124, 139, 146(4), 180, 232 Jenks, Edward, 177 Jennings, Robert Y., Sir, 82, 124, 146(3), 191, 195, 241 Jensen, Erik M., 169 Jescheck, Hans-Heinrich, 86, 89 Jessup, Philip C., 82(2), 146(2) Jessurun d’Oliveira, H. U., 61 Jethmalani, Ram, 67 Jha, Laxmi Kanta, 184 Jhabvala, Farrokh, 130 Ji, Wei-dong, 219 Jia, Bing Bing, 247(2) Jiménez de Aréchaga, Eduardo, 146 Jinadu, Yaya Abiodun Olatunde, 210 Johnson, Gordon, 132 Johnson, John J., 47 Johnson, Nevil, 67 Johnson, Phillip A., 41 Johnson, Rebecca, 124, 250 Johnson, Wallace, 56 Johnston, David, 228(3) Johnston, Douglas M., 217 Johnston, Jason, 169 Jokela, Heikki, 61 Jokota, Kisaburo, 247 Jolowicz, H. F., 42, 53, 228 Jolowicz, J. A., 51(3), 56, 219, 240 Jones, G. W., 206, 215 Jones, Gareth H., 201, 226 Jones, Harry Willmer, 74 Jones, Howard, 94 Jones, J. Walter, 56, 169 Jones, John R. W. D., 146 Jones, M. A., 187 Jones, Richard B., 46 Jones, Schuyler, 96 Jones, William C., 56 Jørgensen, Stig, 74, 106, 169(2) Jorgenson, Nina, 147 Joshi, Vaijayanti, 250 Jowell, Jeffrey, 38, 67 Jucker, Ernst M., 136 Juenger, Freidrich K., 61 Jung, Eberhard, 233



Author Index

Jung, Heike, 94 Juviler, Peter H., 234

K Kadish, Sanford H., 89, 187 Kagan, Robert A., 169, 215 Kagan, Shelly, 212 Kahan, Dan M., 199 Kahn-Freund, Otto, Sir, 53, 67, 147, 180(2) Kaikobad, Kaiyan Homi, 147 Kales, Albert Martin, 223 Kalman, Laura, 196 Kalodner, Howard I., 159 Kalshoven, Frits, 147 Kalu, Awa U., 214 Kalula, Evance, 180 Kalven, Harry, 219 Kamath, M. V., 188 Kamenka, Eugene, 169 Kamina, Pascal, 106 Kaminstein, Abraham L., 136 Kamm, F. M., 187 Kantorowicz, Hermann, 169 Kanyip, B. B., 72 Kaplan, Benjamin, 136 Kaplan, Marcia, 136 Kaplan, Morton A., 233 Kaplan, William, 89 Kapoor, S. K., 162 Kapur, Jeenan Lal, 115 Karibi-Whyte, A. G., 96, 194 Karlekar, Malavika, 201 Karpen, Ulrich, 124 Kassim-Momodu, Momodu, 136 Kasten, Brigitte, 209 Katz, Leo, 169 Katzoff, Ranon, 157 Kaufmann, Arthur, 169 Kaukoranta, Päivi, 41 Kawashima, Takeyoshi, 217 Kaye, Tim, 77, 98 Kazazis, Christina, 187 Kazazis, Kostas, 119 Keane, P. J., 120 Keane, Ronan, 67, 82, 240


Kedzia, Zdzislaw, 56, 124 Keeton, George Williams, 102 Keith, K. J., 124, 147, 241 Keller, Robert H., 67 Kelly, David St. Leger, 205 Kelly, J. M., 228 Kelsen, Hans, 147(2), 169(4) Kember, D., 120 Kemp, Brian, 98 Kempf-Leonard, Kimberly, 95 Kendall, John, 72 Kennan, Jim, 205 Kennedy, David, 147, 186 Kennedy, Tom, 106 Kenny, Anthony John Patrick, 89 Kenny, Colum, 82 Kent, Andrew J. F., 45 Kent, G. C., 114 Keon-Cohen, Bryan, 56 Kerameus, Konstantinos D., 162, 219, 243 Kern, Barbara Wilcie, 201 Kernaghan, Kenneth, 124 Kerr, Anthony, 51 Kerr, Michael R. E., Sir, 97 Kerwin, Patrick, 67 Kessedjian, Catherine, 243 Khadduri, Majid, 247 Khamara, E. J., 212 Khan, Rahmatullah, 100 Khegai, Janna, 215 Kidd, C. J. F., 130, 218 Kim, Chan-Jin, 155 Kim, Chi Sun, 180 Kim, Chin, 197 Kim, Doo-Hyun, 159 Kimball, Lee A., 191 Kinahan, Anthony J., 192 Kindred, Michael J., 49 King, Catherine Mary, 115 King, Lorraine C., 46 Kingsbury, Benedict, 132 Kinoshita, Tsuyoshi, 56 Kinsch, Patrick, 162 Kiralfy, A. K. R., 53, 114, 234 Kirby, Michael D., 56(2), 89, 125(2), 147, 159(2), 192, 205, 238, 240

Author Index Kirkpatrick, Laird C., 89(2) Kisch, Guido, 228 Kish, John, 125 Kitagawa, Zentaro, 97 Kittrie, Nicholas N., 215 Klabbers, Jan, 147 Klar, Lewis, 240 Klebes, Heinrich, 206 Klein, Milton M., 119 Klein-Ahlbrandt, Stephanie T., 125 Kleinig, John, 86 Klenner, Hermann, 169 Klimt, Mark, 72 Klinger, Ron, 175 Klippel, Diethelm, 205 Klockars, Carl B., 214 Klosser, Jenny, 35 Kludze, A. K. P., 133 Klyashtornyi, S. G., 96 Knafla, Louis A., 201 Knauth, Arnold W., 41 Knopff, Rainer, 67 Knorr, Klaus Eugen, 118 Kochan, Thomas, 180 Kock, Heribert Franz, 106 Kocourek, Albert, 169(2) Kodilinye, Gilbert, 214 Kodilinye, Lystra, 114 Kofele-Kale, Ndiva, 216 Koh, Kwang Lim, 245 Koh, Tommy, 224 Kohn, Hans, 216 Koivurova, Timo, 147 Koktvedgaard, Mogens, 136 Kolts, Geoffrey, 205 Kommers, Donald P., 68, 114 Konvitz, Milton Ridvas, 159, 189 Kooijmans, Pieter Hendrik, 247 Koopmans, Thijmen, 82, 106(2), 159(2), 163 Korey, William, 245 Koroye, E., 86 Kostal, Rande W., 180 Kötz, Hein, 118, 162 Kounougeri-Manoledaki, Efie, 49 Kourula, Erkki, 82, 106


Kourula, Pirkko, 139 Kovacs, Charles J. L. T., 155 Kozolchyk, Boris, 155 Kozyris, Phaedon J., 77 Kragen, Adrian A., 236 Krauland, Edward J., 147 Kraus, Dieter, 220 Kraus, Jody S., 169 Krawietz, Werner, 169 Kreca, Milenko, 147 Kremmydas, Nicholas, 156 Kronke, Herbert, 142 Kropholler, Jan, 61 Krüger, Hans Christian, 125 Krygier, Martin, 170, 233 Ku, Charlotte, 147 Kudriavtsev, V. N., 89 Kudrle, Robert T., 154 Kühling, Jürgen, 82 Kühne, Winrich, 245 Kuijper, Pieter Jan, 139 Kum, Leong Wai, 114 Kumar, Krishan, 201 Kumar, Rajni, 196 Kumar, Umesh, 155 Kumari, Ved, 250 Kunz, Josef L., 41, 147 Kuokkanen, Tuomas, 217 Kuper, Adam, 201 Kutnjak Ivkovic, Sanja, 214 Kuttner, Thomas, 162 Kuyper, Pieter Jan, 139 Kwiatkowska, Barbara, 147, 191 Kyer, Clifford Ian, 201 Kymlicka, Will, 170(2)

L L’Heureux-Dubé, Claire, 125 La Forest, G. V., 53 La Malfa, Giorgio, 186 La Torre, Massimo, 170(3) Lacarte, Julio A., 155 Lacey, Michael J., 170 Lacey, Nicola, 94, 170



Author Index

Lachs, Manfred, 111, 147(2), 159(2), 242, 245 Ladan, Muhammed Tawfiq, 49 Ladas, Stephen P., 136 Laddie, Hugh, Sir, 136 Lahore, James, 136 Lakeman, Lee, 250 Lalive, Pierre, 43 Lamb, Susan, 245 Lambert, David, 249 Lamborn, LeRoy L., 86 Lampe, Ernst-Joachim, 184 Landheer, B., 147(4) Landis, James McCauley, 205 Lando, Ole, 43, 61(3), 74(2) Lane, Geoffrey Dawson Lane, Lord, 86 Lane, Robert C., 103, 106, 231 Lang, John Temple, 58, 68, 106 Lang, O. E., 58 Lang, W., 153 Lang, Wieslaw, 170 Lang, Winfried, 139 Langa, Pius, 68 Langbein, John H., 226 Langlois, John D., 114 Langlois, Raynold, 46 Langmaid, Stephen I., 134 Lanham, David, 89 Lanier, Ray, 43 Lapidoth, Arye, 236 Lapidoth, Ruth, 147, 249 Laserson, Max M., 170 Laski, Harold Joseph, 170 Laslett, Peter, 98 Lasok, Dominik, 49, 106(2) Lasok, K. P. E., 106 Lasswell, Harold Dwight, 147, 170 Lastra, Rosa M., 139 Latman, Alan, 136(2) Lau, Martin, 156 Laufer, William S., 94 Lauterpacht, Elihu, 74, 82, 117, 139 Lauwaars, R. H., 106 Lavarch, Michael, 68 Laves, Walter H. C., 245 Laws, John, Sir, 38, 170


Lawson, F. H., 50, 53, 196, 197, 220 Lawson, Peter, 201 Lawton, A. Douglas, 114 Lazenby, Alec, 99 Le Dain, Gerald, 197 Le May, Denis, 50 Leach, W. Barton, 133 Leary, Virginia A., 140 Lederman, William R., 68(2), 220 Lee, H. P., 68(4), 125, 196 Lee, Luke T., 131 Lee, Roy S., 242 Lee, Simon, 56 Leeuwen, Evert van, 170 Legarre, Santiago, 125 Legrand, Pierre, 170 Lehane, J. R. F., 96 Lehman, Jon A., 136 Lehmann, Hans J., 180 Lehmann, Paul, 170 Lehrberger, James, 170 Lehto, Marja, 238 Leigh, L. H., 111 Leiholz, Gerhard, 68 Leino, Päivi, 125 Leiter, Brian, 170(2) Leith, Philip, 170 Lemercier, Karin, 82 Lemhoefer, Klaus, 42 Lenaerts, Koenraad, 82, 106 Lenoir, Noëlle, 56, 82 Lentze, Hans, 201 Leonard, E. Bruce, 46 Lepaulle, Pierre, 170, 243 Lerche, Koen, 106 Lerner, Max, 159 Leslie, R. D., 61(2) Lessard, Hester, 159 Lester of Herne Hill, Anthony Paul Lester, Lord, 106, 159, 219 Leuprecht, Peter, 106 Levie, Howard S., 82, 247 Levin, Leonard D., 236 Levinson, Sanford, 170 Levit, Janet Koven, 127 Levy, Yuval, 61

Author Index Lew, Julian D. M., 43 Lewis, A. D. E., 201, 228(2) Lewis, Clive, 38, 224 Lewis, Naphtali, 228 Lewis, Norman, 68 Lewis, Philip, 194 Lewis, Roy, 180 Lewthwaite, Susan, 92 Léwy, Claude, 220 Li, Yi-Duo, 180 Lichtenstein, Cynthia Crawford, 147, 240 Lichtenstein, Natalie G., 185 Lieberman, David, 170 Liebert, Herman W., 197 Liebling, Alison, 217 Liebs, Detlef, 228 Ligertwood, A. L. C., 132 Lillich, Richard B., 125, 147 Limpens, Jean, 50 Lindahl, Hans, 170 Lindberg, Tracey, 132 Lindell, Geoffrey, 68, 164 Linden, Allen M., 240 Lindsay, David, 58 Link, Ronald C., 220 Lipstein, Kurt, 46, 61(7), 114, 224 Lissitzyn, Oliver James, 147 Little, Gavin, 231 Liu, Chia-Yé, 148 Liverpool, Nicholas Joseph Orville, 223 Livingston, Stephen, 170 Llewellyn, Karl N., 52, 68 Llewelyn, David, 57 Llewelyn, Margaret, 136 Lloyd, Dennis, 170 Lloyd, Humphrey, 72 Lloyd-Bostock, Sally M., 168 Lockhart, John, 52 Lockhart, Nicolas, 154 Lodge, T. S., 94 Loeber, Dietrich Andre, 56, 234 Loewe, Michael, 56 Lögdberg, Åke, 218 Lojkine, Susan, 58 Lolas-Stepke, Fernando, 170 Lomnicka, Eva Z., 52, 77, 117


London, Jack R., 188 Lopatka, Adam, 125 López-Rey, Manuel, 94, 245 Lorenz, Werner, 56, 240 Lorenzen, Ernest G., 61 Loss, Louis, 77 Loughlin, Martin, 99, 206, 221 Louis, Jean-Victor, 106 Love, Philip N., 75 Lowe, Alan V., 130, 148 Lowe, Nigel V., 49 Lowenfeld, Andreas F., 148, 162, 163 Lowry, John P., 77 Luban, David, 199 Lucas, J. R., 170, 212 Lücke, Horst K., 53 Luckham, R., 186 Luckhaus, Linda, 233 Lucy, William, 49, 218 Luig, Klaus, 196, 202 Lukashuk, Igor J., 148 Lumb, R. D., 68 Lundstedt, A. V., 170 Lundy, Laura, 202 Luntz, Harold, 240 Lustgarten, Laurence, 214 Lyall, Andrew, 202 Lylis, Agnes R., 89 Lyne, Daniel J., 53 Lyon, Christina M., 49 Lyon-Caen, Antoine, 182 Lyon-Caen, Gérard, 106, 180 Lyons, David, 171 Lyons, Gregory, 132 Lyons, John, 183

M M’Bayo, Musewa, 77 Macalister-Smith, Peter, 82, 125(2) MacCormack, Geoffrey, 56, 89, 171, 184, 227, 228(2) MacCormack, John R., 216 MacCormick, Neil, 68, 86, 106, 171(8), 228, 231 Macdonald, John M., 94



Author Index

Macdonald, Roderick A., 197 Macdonald, Ronald St. J., 125(3), 148(2), 162, 191, 208, 234, 245(3) MacDougall, Robert D., 100 Macfarlane, Alan, 184 Machowski, Jacek, 125 Macintosh, George, 219 Mackeen, Abdul Majid, 156 MacKenna, Brian, Sir, 86 Mackenzie, W. J. M., 216 Mackenzie-Stuart, Alexander John, Lord Mackenzie-Stuart, 38, 50, 106(4) Mackie, J. L., 171 Mackintosh, John Pitcairn, 68 MacLauchlan, H. Wade, 197 Maclean, Mavis, 113 Macnabb, D. G. C., 212 Macneil, Sayre, 82, 100 MacPherson, James C., 82 MacPherson, Lillian, 189 MacQueen, Hector L., 196, 197, 231(5) Maddock, Kenneth, 96 Madl, Ferenc, 98 Madonna, Jon C., 148 Magarey, D. R., 77 Maggs, Douglas Blount, 68 Maggs, Peter B., 234(2) Magner, Eilis S., 77 Magney, T. W., 235 Maguire, John MacArthur, 236 Maher, Gerry, 38, 205 Maher, Imelda, 52 Mahmood, Nik Ramlah, 52 Mahomed, Ismail, 82 Mahoney, Paul, 125 Mahoney, Richard, 111 Majid, Mimi Kamariah, 86(2) Makarczyk, Jerzy, 82 Makkonen, Timo, 212 Malanczuk, Peter, 125 Malem, Jorge F., 48 Malhotra, Inder, 82 Maluwa, Tiyanjana, 131 Malviya, R. A., 191 Mamman, Tahir, 68 Manchester, A. H., 114


Mancini, Federico, 106, 107 Mandsager, Dennis, 191 Manfredini, Arrigo Diego, 228 Mani, V. S., 153 Mann, F. A., 43, 45, 148, 153, 242 Mann, Nicholas, 184 Manner, E. J., 249(2) Manohar, Sujata V., 159, 250 Mansfield, Harry K., 202 Mansfield, John H., 189 Mansfield, Susan, 189 Marantz, R. Gordon, 77 Marasinghe, M. L., 68, 171 Marcic, René, 171 Marden, Orison S., 220 Margolis, Lorna, 136 Marke, Julius J., 224 Markesinis, B. S., 55, 56, 162, 197, 218 Markose, A. T., 38 Markovits, Inga, 68 Marks, Barbara, 61 Marmor, Andrei, 171(2) Marsh, Norman S., 38(2) Marshall, Denis S., 204 Marshall, Geoffrey, 68, 118, 171 Marshall, Roy, Sir, 102, 216 Marshall, Thurgood, 125 Marston, Geoffrey, 82 Martin, J. P., 214, 217 Martin, Roderick G., 159 Martindale, Jane, 209 Mason, Anthony, Sir, 38(2), 99, 125, 240 Mason, George, 234 Mason, Henry L., 148 Mason, Keith, 131 Mason, Sandra, 49 Mason, Stephen, 205 Masson, Judith M., 114 Masters, Roger, 212 Masterson, William Edward, 74 Matey, Maria, 180 Mathias, Don, 92 Mathijsen, P. S. R. F., 107 Matson, Cathy D., 216 Matsumoto, Kaoru, 68 Matsuo, Hiroshi, 56

Author Index Matsushita, Mitsuo, 58, 117 Matte, Nicolas Mateesco, 42 Mattei, Ugo, 243 Matz, Thomas J., 46 Maudsley, Ronald Harling, 243 Mavroidis, Petros C., 155 Maxton, Julie, 210 Maxwell, M. W., 192 May, Allyson N., 202 May, Richard, 148 Mayali, Laurent, 209 Maydell, Bernd von, 233 Mayer-Maly, Theo, 228 Mazumdar, Vina, 250 Mazzarese, Tecla, 171 Mbaye, Keba, 125 McAuslan, Patrick, 38, 214(2) McBarnet, Doreen J., 77 McBride, Jeremy, 220, 224 McBryde, William W., 231(2), 240 McCaffrey, Stephen C., 249 McCall Smith, Alexander, 89(3), 231 McCallum, Margaret E., 223 McCamus, John D., 226 McCannon, Marjorie, 135, 136 McCarry, G. J., 180 McCarthy, J. Thomas, 136 McCarthy, Niall, 68(2) McCartney, James C., 46 McClean, John David, 42, 49, 162 McClelland, Charles A., 153 McClintock, Frederick Hemming, 94 McCluskey, John Herbert McCluskey, Lord, 125 McConville, Seán, 94, 202 McCormack, Gerard, 77 McCormick, Maureen, 189 McCrudden, Christopher, 125 McDermott, Paul, 189 McDonald, A. J., 223 McDonald, David C., 159 McDonald, Gabrielle Kirk, 148 McDougal, Myres S., 42, 148, 170 McElcheran, Kevin, 46 McEldowney, John F., 38, 56, 68, 180 McEvoy, John P., 115


McEwan, Jenny, 114 McFarland, Carl, 38 McFarlane, Ben, 236 McGarvie, Richard E., 159 McGaw, Mark, 72 McGee, Andrew, M.A., 119 McGillivray, Angus J., 116 McGoldrick, Dominic, 107, 125, 126 McGovern, Edmond, 126 McGovern, Niall, 207 McGovney, Dudley O., 68 McGrath, Aidan, 47 McGregor, George, 114 McGregor, Joan, 171 McIlwain, Charles Howard, 202(2) McIntyre, Sheila, 159 McIntyre, W. R., 159 McKay, L., 120 McKay, Sonia, 180 McKechnie, Paul, 119 McKechnie, William Sharp, 209 McKelvey, E. Neil, 194 McKendrick, Ewan, 74, 207, 231 McKenna, Kevin E., 47 McKenzie, Andrea, 202 McKenzie, Lloyd G., 82 McKenzie, Stanley D., 187 McKeon, Charles F., 51 McKerchar, Margaret, 237 McKnight, Joseph Webb, 114, 249 McLachlin, B. M., 102, 126, 218, 226, 240 McLaren, John, 86, 197, 202 McLean, Janet, 38 McLean, Sheila, 240 McLeod, Grant, 228(2) McLeod, J. Rod, 132 McLeod, Tanya A., 136 McMahon, John, 107 McMorland, D. W., 183(2) McMurray, Orrin K., 133 McNall, Christopher, 249 McNicol, Suzanne B., 111 McParland, Edward, 82 McPhail, I. D., 231 McQuoid-Mason, David Jan, 35 McRae, Donald Malcolm, 97, 140



Author Index

McRae, Ralph D., 46 McWhinney, Edward, 42, 43, 82, 83(4), 116, 148(4), 192, 197, 238 Meesen, Karl Matthias, 107 Meeson, Nigel, 225 Megarry, Robert Edgar, Sir, 159, 205 Mehren, Arthur T. von, 43, 56(2), 61, 155, 219 Mehta, Vrajendra Raj, 184 Meichsner, Vjekoslav, 45 Meijer, Marinus J., 38 Meisel, Franklin, 52 Meland, Mark E., 45 Melnick, R. Shep, 38, 116 Mendelsohn, Max, 46 Mendelson, Maurice, 83 Mendes da Costa, Derek, 114 Mendizabal, Alfredo, 171 Mendlovitz, Saul H., 148 Mendonca, Augustine, 47 Menon, N. R. Madhava, 208 Menon, P. K., 148, 191 Menski, Werner, 197 Meredith, Paul, 99 Merkin, Robert M., 136 Meron, Theodor, 126(2), 130, 148, 238, 247(3) Merrifield, Leroy S., 180 Merrill, Maurice H., 69 Merrills, J. G., 97, 148 Merryman, J. H., 223 Mesher, John, 233 Meston, Michael C., 231(2) Mestral, A. L. C. De, 191 Metro, Antonino, 228 Mewett, Alan W., 86 Mexnerics, Ivan, 155 Meyendorff, A., 171 Meyer, Lukas H., 171 Meyer, Michael, 130 Meyers, David W., 188, 231 Michaelas, Nicos, 236 Mickelson, Karin, 153 Middleton, Kirsty G., 58 Miehsler, Herbert, 148, 180 Miles, Edward L., 191


Miliband, Ralph, 216 Millar, Robert Wyness, 51(2) Miller, Anita, 250 Miller, Eugene F., 216 Miller, James C., 220 Miller, John T., 97 Miller, Justin, 89 Miller, Kenny, 180 Millett, Peter, 226 Millett, Timothy, 107 Millns, Susan, 126 Milman, David, 51, 77 Milsom, S. F. C., 133(2), 202 Minogue, Kenneth R., 126 Mirfield, Peter, 92 Misar, B. J., 250 Mischo, Jean, 107 Mishra, Govind, 69 Misra, S. C., 86 Mitchell, J. D. B., 39, 69, 231 Mitchell, Robert, 236 Mitchell, William D., 51 Miyazaki, Shigeki, 126, 130 Mockler, E. J., 225 Modrzejewski, Joseph, 157 Moens, Gabriël, 188, 197 Moffat, Graham, 243 Mogens, Koktvedgaard, 136 Mohamed Jemuri bin Serjan, 69 Mohamed Salleh bin Abas, Tan Sri Dato Haji, 69 Mohamed, Ariff, 236 Moir, Lindsay, 130 Mole, Nuala, 126 Möller, Gustaf, 43, 107 Molloy, Anthony P., 183 Moltmann, Gunter, 216 Monnin, Marc M., 184 Moore, David, 223 Moore, John C., 207 Moore, John Norton, 148 Moore, Michael, 89 Moore, N. E. A., 39 Moors, Martin, 171 Morawetz, Geoffrey, 46 Morawetz, Thomas, 212

Author Index Morgan, Bronwen, 98 Morgan, Edmund Morris, 111, 164, 177 Morgan, John A., 69 Morgan, Kenneth, 208 Morgan, Kenneth O., 216 Morgenthau, Hans Joachim, 153, 214 Morison, John, 171, 186 Morison, W. L., 53, 171, 184 Moriyama, Tadashi, 94 Morner, Anna, 224 Morozova, Irina, 216 Morris of Borth-y-Gest, John William, Lord, 198 Morris, Allison, 83 Morris, Arval A., 35 Morris, Gillian S., 126, 180 Morris, James, 202 Morris, Joe Scott, 100 Morris, John Humphrey Carlile, 61, 114 Morris, Justin, 153 Morris, Norval, 87, 92, 94, 217 Morris, Richard B., 83 Morris, T. P., 217 Morris, Terence, 89 Morrison, C. A., 74, 114 Morrison, Fred L., 155, 225 Morrow, Karen, 100 Morse, Bradford W., 56 Morse, C. G. J., 46, 51, 61 Morse, Geoffrey, 77, 236 Morse, Robin, 61 Mortensen, Reid, 202 Morton, F. L., 67 Morton, Henry W., 234 Moskoff, Franklin R., 111 Moskowitz, Moses, 126 Mosler, Hermann, 216 Moss, Giuditta Cordero, 61 Mossman, Mary Jane, 35 Mossner, Ernest Campbell, 212 Moti, Julian R., 69 Moudrykh, Vladislav, 134 Mowbray, Alastair R., 211 Mubirumusoke, Christopher, 171 Muchlinski, Peter, 117, 126, 186 Mueller, Gerhard O. W., 86(2), 89, 148


Mugasha, Agasha, 185 Mulgan, R. G., 126 Mullany, Nicholas J., 240 Müller-Freienfels, Wolfram, 61 Muller-Graff, Peter-Christian, 107 Müller-Laube, Hans-Martin, 171 Müllerson, R. A., 96, 148 Mullis, Alastair, 155 Muminov, Ashirbek, 156 Mumma, Albert, 100 Mummery, David R., 140 Mundell, D. W., 92 Munro, Colin R., 205 Munro, William Bennett, 148 Muralidhar, S., 35, 114 Murgatroyd, Paul, 120 Murithi, Tim, 126 Murley, John A., 177 Murphy, Cynthia Jordan, 190 Murphy, J. Carter, 142 Murphy, Jay, 159 Murphy, Jeffrie G., 89 Murphy, John F., 148 Murphy, Liam B., 171 Murphy, Walter F., 69 Murray, John, 43, 214 Murray, Peter, 207 Murray, Peter L., 51 Murumba, Samuel K., 126 Musgrave, Peggy B., 236 Musson, Anthony, 199 Mustill, Michael J., Sir, 52 Myburgh, Paul, 207

N Nadelmann, Kurt H., 62 Nadler, I. Berl, 45 Nafziger, James A. R., 62, 162 Nagy, Lászlo, 181(2) Nahlik, Stanislaw E., 148 Nakajima, Chizu, 90 Nakanishi, Hisae, 156 Nakatani, Kinko, 86 Nanda, Ved P., 149, 245 Napier, B. W., 90, 181(2)



Author Index

Narain, Jagat, 69, 159 Narain, Shivanugraha, 69 Narayan, Sathya, 171 Narayanan, K.R., 69 Nariman, Fali S., 126(2), 159, 188 Narula, Ranjit S., 83 Nasilov, Alexei, 202 Navid, Daniel, 100 Nawawi, Razali bin Haji, 156 Nawaz, M. K., 159 Ndulo, Muna, 216 Neal, Alan, 171, 181 Neff, Stephen C., 230 Neill of Bladen, Patrick Neill, Lord, 39 Nelson, Alvar, 188 Nelson, Janet L., 120 Nelson, William Edward, 202 Nepon, M. B., 132 Nerbot, Patrick, 171 Nettheim, Garth, 132(2) Neuhold, Hanspeter, 149 Neumann, Harry, 216 Neumayer, Karl H., 243 Neville, Mette, 77 Newman, Frank C., 206 Newman, Karl M., 107 Newman, Katherine S., 233 Newman, Ralph Abraham, 102, 243 Newton, Scott, 192 Ngee, Philip Koh Tong, 74 Nicgorski, Walter, 171 Nicholas, Barry, 56, 228 Nicholas, J. K. B. M., 228 Nicholls of Birkenhead, Donald James Nicholls, Lord, 226 Nicholls, Robert C., 74 Nichols, Mary P., 213 Nicholson, Graham, 69 Nicol, Alexandra, 209 Nicolai, Thomas R., 136 Niec, ´ Halina, 126 Niggorski, Walter, 213 Nikolic, Pavle, 164 Niles, Russell D., 223 Nimmer, Melville B., 136 Nino, Carlos S., 172, 188


Nirmal, B. C., 160, 219 Njenga, F. X., 245 Nnaemeka-Agu, P., 160 Nnaemeka-Agu, Philip, 96 Noble, Larry, 216 Noel, M. E., 107 Nokes, Gerald Dacre, 114 Nolan, Richard, 77, 226 Noll, Gregor, 238 Nonet, Philippe, 172 Nordquist, Myron H., 242 Nordstrom, Dwight, 136 Norgaard, Carl Aage, 125 Nörr, Dieter, 229 Nörr, Knut Wolfgang, 56 North, P. M., 62 Northey, J. F., 69 Norton, Joseph J., 45(4), 107, 117, 140 Norton, Philip, 206 Nussbaum, Martha C., 199 Nuttall, Simon J., 107 Nweze, C. C., 126(2), 160 Nwokoro, Osondu C., 46 Nygh, P. E., 62, 162(2), 163 Nystrom, Birgitta, 181 Nzegwu-Danjuma, Nkiru, 78

O O Hearn, Peter J. T., 90 O’Boyle, Michael, 126 O’Brian, John Lord, 69 O’Brien, William A., 135 O’Connell, D. P., 62, 149, 191, 207 O’Connell, Mary Ellen, 149 O’Connor, Sandra Day, 69 O’Donovan, Katherine, 49, 114, 233 O’Farrell, Jorge E., 137 O’Flaherty, Hugh, 194 O’Higgins, Paul, 181 O’Higgins, T. F., 107 O’Keefe, J. A. B., 183(2), 222 O’Keeffe, David, 107(5) O’Kelly, Patrick J., 46 O’Neill, Onora, 69 O’Reilly, James, 107

Author Index Oakley, A. J., 226 Obadina, Adetokunbo, 39 Obeita-Chalbaud, José, 149 Obilade, Akintunde Olusegun, 172(2) Oda, Shigeru, 219, 225 Odell, John S., 140 Oditah, Fidelis, 78 Odonga-Mwaka, Beatrice, 207, 250 Officer, Robert, 58 Ogueri, Eze, 160 Ogunbanjo, C. O., 98 Ogundere, Joseph Diekola, 172 Ogus, A. I., 186 Ohira, Zengo, 149 Ojanen, Tuomas, 83 Ojo, Abiola, 69 Ojukwu, E., 223 Okafor, I., 83, 160 Okafor, O. C., 149(2) Okagbue, Isabella E., 250 Okeke, Chris N., 98 Okeke, Nwachukwu C., 242 Okoli, H. S. N., 52 Okonkwo, C. O., 90(3) Okowa, Phoebe N., 149 Okpaluba, Chuks, 39 Okwechime, Vincent, 126 Olagunju, S. A., 163 Olaniyan, H. A., 217 Olateru-Olagbegi, D. V. F., 193 Oldham, James, 177, 202(2) Olive, Christopher, 98 Olivé, León, 184 Olivecrona, Karl, 149, 172, 184 Oliver, Covey T., 83 Oliver, David T., 53 Oliver, Dawn, 39, 69, 126, 221 Oliver, Peter, 107, 202 Oliyide, Olusesan, 45 Ollennu, Nii Amaa, 96 Olmo, Rosa del, 222 Olmstead, Cecil J., 100, 149(2) Olowofoyeku, J. A., 163 Olujinmi, Akin, 39 Oluyede, Peter, 39 Omatsu, Maryka, 160


Ombres, Robert, 47 Omidire, Kolapo, 114 Omorogbe, Yinka, 185 Omotola, J. A., 223 Onalaja, Moronkeji Omotayo, 36, 194 Ookerjee, Sheryar, 194 Ophir, Michael, 137 Oppenheim, Leonard, 114 Opsahl, Torkel, 127 Oputa, Chukwudifu, 36, 102 Oraá, Jaime, 149 Orchard, Gerald, 90, 112 Oretuyi, S. A., 134 Ormrod, Roger, Sir, 160, 163 Orth, John V., 172 Ortved, W. Niels, 90 Osborne, Philip H., 218 Osborough, W. N., 160, 202 Osgood, Russell K., 94, 172 Oshio, P. Ehi, 45 Osinbajo, Yemi, 86, 112 Osipitan, Taiwo, 86, 134, 250 Österborg Dybdahl, Lise, 137 Österdahl, Inger, 127 Ostrihanska, Zofia, 49 Ostry, Sylvia, 155 Osunbor, O. A., 102, 132 Otakpor, Nkeonye, 172 Otsuka, Michael, 172 Ott, Katarina, 236 Ottolenghi, Smadar, 78 Owaboye, Wole, 39, 69 Owasanoye, B., 90, 160 Owen, Morfydd E., 250 Owoade, M. A., 90 Owusu, Sampson, 115 Oxenbridge, Sarah, 178 Oxman, Bernard H., 191 Oyakhirome, J. A., 92 Ozekhome, Mike, 127 Özsunay, Ergun, 115

P Paasiverta, Esa, 107 Packer, John, 127



Author Index

Padelford, Norman Judson, 83 Paisley, Victor, 69 Pakter, Walter, 46 Pal, Radhabinod, 184 Palazzo, Donato, 172 Paliwala, Abdul, 198, 218 Pall, S. Ardal, 213 Palley, Claire, 127, 131 Palm, Elisabeth, 39 Palma, Leo, 140 Palme, Claes J., 217 Palmer, Gary W., 131 Palmer, Geoffrey W. R., 69(2), 83 Palmer, K. A., 183, 223 Palmer, N. E., 211 Palmer, Stephanie, 127 Palmer, Vernon Valentine, 231 Palmeter, N. David, 140 Panckhurst, Graham, 90 Pando, Fernando, 62 Pankert, Alfred, 181 Pannick, David, 160 Panourgias, Lazaros E., 44 Pappalardo, Aurelio, 107 Para, Noel J., 155 Parameswara Rao, P., 69, 181 Parashar, Archana, 198 Parijs, Philippe van, 172 Park, A. E. W., 236 Park, Roger, 112 Parker, C. F., 127, 160 Parker, Glenn, 202 Parkinson, Fred, 149 Parkinson, John E., 78 Parks, W. Hays, 242 Parra-Aranguren, Gonzalo, 62(3) Parry, Clive, 42, 62, 149, 242 Parry, David Hughes, Sir, 184, 198 Parry, Deborah L., 73 Parry, Helen, 78 Parry, Martin L., 49 Parsons, Ross Waite, 236 Partington, Martin, 39, 198, 221, 233(2) Passmore, John Arthur, 213 Patchett, Keith, 204, 235 Paterson, Alan, 160


Paterson, Gerald, 137 Patfield, Fiona, 117 Pathak, R. S., 51 Patocchi, Paolo Michele, 62 Paton, G. Campbell H., 231 Patra, A. C., 90 Pats-Acholonu, I. C., 194 Pattaro, Enrico, 172 Patten, Ben, 218 Patterson, Dennis, 172 Patterson, Edwin Wilhite, 172 Paul, Wolf, 172 Paulson, Stanley L., 172(7) Paust, Jordan J., 247 Payne, Jennifer, 211 Paz, Enrique Martínez, 172 Pearce, D. C., 206, 211 Pearson, Patrick J., 108 Pease, Ian, 72 Peces-Barba Martinez, Gregorio, 172 Pechota, Vratislav, 245 Peck, Richard C. C., 194 Peczenik, Alexander, 172(7), 240 Peel, J. D. Y., 196 Peeters, Patrick, 142 Pegues, Franklin J., 209 Peiris, Gamini Lakshman, 112 Pellet, Alain, 245 Pellonpää, Matti, 131 Penfold, Carolyn, 156 Penna, L. Rao, 238 Penner, James E., 172 Penner, Roland, 67, 112, 160 Penney, Stephen, 160 Pennings, Frans, 107 Pennington, Robert R., 78 Pentikäinen, Merja, 250 Perelman, Chaim, 173 Perlman, Mark, 181 Perrott, David L., 127, 173 Perruchoud, Richard, 130 Perry, Stephen, 173(3) Perry-Kessaris, Amanda, 186 Peteri, Zoltan, 127 Peters, Bernhard, 173 Petersen, Kerry Anne, 188

Author Index Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich, 108, 127, 140, 155, 185 Petersmann, Hans, 185 Peterson, Courtland H., 163 Petev, Valentin, 127, 173 Petman, Jarna, 238 Petrén, Sture, 83 Petrovskii, Vladimir Fedorovich, 130 Pettet, B. G., 78 Pettit, Philip, 115, 173, 213(2) Petzold, Herbert, 83 Peukert, Wolfgang, 49 Phang, Andrew Boon Leong, 52 Pharand, Donat, 100 Philip, Allan, 44, 62, 163, 181, 207 Philips, David, 214 Phillips, Alfred I., 205 Phillips, E. K., 101, 223 Phillips, Jim, 177, 189, 202 Phillips, O. Hood, 69, 196 Picciotto, Sol, 149 Pickering, Mary, 40 Pierse, Robert, 194 Pillai, K. N. Chandrasekharan, 92 Pineus, Kaj, 207 Pinot, M. C. W., 149 Pinsky, Bernard, 218 Pinto, Christopher W., 97 Pinto, Mario, 181 Pinto, Roger, 78 Pitofsky, Robert, 58 Platt, Michael, 187 Player, Elaine, 84 Plender, Richard, 62, 108(4) Ploscowe, Morris, 188 Plucknett, Theodore Frank Thomas, 202 Pocar, Fausto, 163, 246 Pocha, Meyer, 194 Podgorecki, Adam, 173 Pogany, Istvan S., 127 Pole, Jack Richon, 69 Pollak, Louis H., 198 Pollard, David, 233 Pollock, Frederick, Sir, 78, 173 Pollock, Seton, 173 Polyviou, Polyvios G., 69, 112


Pool, Eric, 227 Pope, Jeff, 235, 236 Popova, I. F., 202 Porges, Amelia, 140 Portus, J. H., 181 Posey, Darrell Addison, 137 Posner, Bernhard, 137 Posner, M. V., 98 Possony, Stefan T., 69 Post, Harry, 149(2) Post, J. B., 209 Postema, Gerald J., 173(2) Pound, Roscoe, 53, 54, 102(2), 173(3), 189, 193, 202, 205, 221, 229 Pourian, Heydar, 117 Poustie, Mark, 248 Poutziouris, Panikkos, 236 Powell, Dewi Watkin, 250 Powell, R., 56 Power, Albert, 202 Powicke, F. M., 209 Powles, David G., 231 Prebble, John, 236(2) Prentice, Daniel D., 46, 78 Prestwich, J. O., 120 Pretto, Arianna, 210 Price, Ronald R., 217 Prichard, Alan Martin, 196, 229 Priestley, F. E. L., 187 Priestley, L. J., 46, 173 Primoratz, Igor, 173 Pringsheim, Fritz, 74 Pritchard, Robert L., 74 Proietti, Gerald, 173 Proietti, Pamela, 173 Prosser, Tony, 221 Prott, Lyndel V., 127, 173 Provost, Rene, 101 Pryce, Huw, 250 Pryles, Michael, 62 Psomas, Andreas J., 173 Pue, W. Wesley, 198 Pugliese, Giovanni, 56 Pugsley, David, 199, 229 Purdue, Michael, 39 Pusey, Nathan Marsh, 198



Author Index

Q Quale, Andrew C., 142 Quentin-Baxter, Alison, 208 Quentin-Baxter, R. Q., 127 Quick, Reinhard, 155 Quigley, John B., 56 Quinn, John R., 189 Quinquagenarian, A [anon.], 83

R Rabban, David M., 70 Radin, Max, 56, 70, 173 Radzinowicz, Leon, Sir, 86 Rae, E. Ann, 190 Raeschke-Kessler, Hilmar, 43 Ragazzi, Maurizio, 149 Railton, Peter, 213 Rajak, Harry, 46, 78 Rakowski, Eric, 188 Ramachandran, Raju, 70, 164 Raman, Kolluru Venkata, 149 Ramanathan, Usha, 250 Ramaswami, V., 96 Ramazani, Rouhollah K., 242 Ramberg, Jan, 74 Ramcharan, B. G., 99, 127, 130(2), 140, 149(2) Ramos, Rui Manuel Moura, 163 Ramose, Mogobe B., 127 Ramsay, Ian M., 142 Ramsey, Vivian, 72 Randall, H. J., 70 Randolph, Fergus, 110 Ranganatha Rao, N. S., 127 Rangnatharao, N. S., 70 Ransom, William L., 194 Rao, M. Jagannadha, 208 Rao, Pemmaraju Sreenivasa, 246 Rao, Suneeti, 173 Raphael, David Daiches, 213 Rasmussen, Hjalte, 108 Rauschning, Dietrich, 173 Ravizza, Mark, 167 Rawlings, Richard, 108, 198, 211


Rawson, Beryl, 120 Ray, José Domingo, 241 Raz, Joseph, 173(4), 174(2) Razumov, Konstantin, 117 Read, James S., 56 Reale, Miguel, 174 Reamberg, Jan, 207 Recaséns-Siches, Luis, 174(2) Redlich, Joseph, 127 Redmond, Paul, 198 Reed, Patrick C., 98 Reed, Stanley Forman, 36 Reese, Willis L. M., 62 Regan, Donald H., 213 Reid, Elspeth, 231 Reid, John Phillip, 132, 203 Reid, Kenneth G. C., 198, 223, 232 Reid, William, Sir, 211 Reimann, Mathias, 57, 62 Reinhardt, Eric, 154 Reisman, W. Michael, 100, 127(2), 148, 150, 153, 160 Reiss, Albert J., 94 Remans, W., 140 Renard, Ian, 74 Reppy, Alison, 193 Reychler, Luc, 153 Reynardson, Birch, 207 Reynolds, F. M. B., 40(3), 134 Reynolds, Joyce Maire, 120 Reynolds, Michael, 108 Rhee, Deok Joo, 224 Rheinstein, Max, 50, 115(2), 160 Rice, Phillip, 236 Rice, William G., 70 Richards, Claud H., 189 Richards, David A. J., 213 Richardson, Elliot L., 191, 194 Richardson, Jack Edwin, 70 Richberg, Donald R., 181 Ricketson, Sam, 137 Rickman, Neil, 186 Ricquier, W. J. M., 223 Riddell, William Renwick, 203 Riddick, Floyd Millard, 116 Rideout, Roger W., 181

Author Index Rider, Barry Alexander K., 117, 204 Riedel, Eibe H., 70 Riedel, Marc, 94 Riesenfeld, Stefan A., 46(3), 134, 174, 223 Rinck, Hans Justus, 83 Rinere, Elissa, 47 Rinfret, Thibaudeau, 57 Ringer, Barbara Alice, 135, 137 Riphagen, Willem, 242 Ripstein, Arthur, 174 Rishworth, Paul, 127 Risius, Gordon, 210 Ritchie, Katherine, 236 Rivers, Theodore John, 203 Roach, J. Ashley, 191 Roach, Kent, 177, 221 Robert, Philippe, 94 Robertson, Geoffrey, 119 Robertson, Horace B., 248 Robertson, J. J., 47(2) Robertson, John, 211 Robinson, Lyman R., 190 Robinson, Matthew B., 94 Robinson, Nicholas A., 101 Robinson, O. F., 229(2) Robison, Wade L., 213 Robson, John Lochiel, 94 Robson, Peter, 160(2), 183, 233 Robson, William Alexander, 207 Rocca, James V., 150 Rocher, Ludo, 42 Rodes, Robert E., 174 Rodger of Earlsferry, Alan Ferguson, Lord, 90, 229(5), 232(4) Rodriguez-Pinero, Miguel, 108 Roe, Terry L., 185 Roehreke, Hans Georg, 207 Roermund, Bert van, 108 Roessler, Frieder, 140 Roffe, Pedro, 137 Rogers, A. P. V., 210 Rogers, Henry Wade, 207 Rogers, James Grafton, 220 Rogers, Joseph William, 135, 137 Rogerson, A., 57 Rogerson, Pippa, 78


Rogge, Kersten, 127 Rogowski, Ralf, 57 Rojot, Jacques, 181 Rokumoto, Kahei, 174 Roling, Bernard Victor Aloysius, 248(2) Rood, John R., 223 Rood, Max G., 108, 181 Rosas, Allan, 130 Rose, Alan, 193 Rose, Dennis J., 70 Rose, Francis D., 226 Rose, Stephen A., 210 Rosenberg, Ida, 78 Rosengarten, Joachim, 78 Rosenne, Shabtai, 83(2), 140, 150, 160, 219, 242(3) Rosenstock, Robert, 150 Rosenthal, Albert J., 158 Roseren, Pierre, 108 Ross, Malcolm, 108 Rossabi, Morris, 57 Rossum, Ralph A., 216 Rostad, Helge, 90 Rostow, W. W., 221 Rotkirch, Holger, 42 Rotsztain, Michael B., 46 Rottleuthner, Hubert, 174 Rotunda, Ronald D., 70 Roukounas, Emmanouel I., 242 Round, John Horace, 210 Rourke, Jason, 95 Rowat, Donald C., 211 Rowe, Peter J., 210, 248 Roy, Chandra, 132 Rubanov, Avgust Afanasevich, 62 Rubenstein, Kim, 118 Rubin, Alfred P., 83 Rubin, Edward L., 81 Rubin, Gerry R., 78, 83 Ruda, Jose Maria, 219 Rudd, Benjamin W., 136 Rudden, Bernard, 203 Rudelle, Odile, 57 Rudolf, Stanislaw, 181 Rudoph, Bernd, 78 Rui, Mu, 98



Author Index

Russell, Peter H., 95, 160 Ryan, J. W., 205 Ryan, Kevin, 155 Ryser, Walter, 237 Ryssdal, Rolv, 160

S Sabel, Robbie, 130 Sacerdot, Giorgio, 117 Sachs, Albie, 160 Sachs, Christina, 49 Sack, Alexander N., 62(2) Sack, Peter, 132, 174 Sackville, Ronald, 193 Sadowski, Dieter, 77 Sagade, Jaya, 250 Sagay, I. E., 83 Sahovic, Milan, 150 Sainsbury, Roy, 233 Sainz de Vicuna, Antonio, 108 Salacuse, Jeswald W., 118, 155 Salas, Lisa, 104 Sallet, Richard, 150 Salt, H. E., 96 Salter, David, 237(2) Salve, Harish, 101 Samba, J., 198 Sampford, Charles, 194 Samu, Mihaly, 174 Samuel, Adam, 97 Samuel, Geoffrey, 57 Samuelson, Richard, 155 Sandeberg, Catarina, 78 Sanders, Andrew, 215 Sanders, Douglas E., 127 Sanders, Pieter, 44 Sandrock, Otto, 44, 62, 97, 242 Sands, Philippe, 101, 150, 160 Sapadin, Eugene, 213 Saraf, Dwarika Nath, 251 Sarcevic, Petar, 243 Sarie-Eldin, Hani Salah, 218 Sarin, Manohar L., 101, 191 Sarkar, Lotika, 251 Sartorius, Rolf E., 174


Sasegbon, Deji, 45 Sasegbon, Fola, 207 Sassoli, Marco, 130 Sassoon, David M., 155 Sathe, S. P., 163, 196, 251 Saunders, Cheryl, 70, 83 Savage, R. C., 48 Saville, Mark, 59 Sawer, Geoffrey, 160, 174 Saxena, J. N., 131(2) Sayre, Francis Bowes, 90 Scanlon, T. M., 213 Scarman, Leslie George Scarman, Lord, 70, 127 Schachter, Oscar, 140, 150(3), 185, 246(3), 248 Schack, Haimo, 137 Schaefer, David L., 213 Schaefer, Matthew, 155 Schafer, Arthur, 218 Schanze, Erich, 133, 232 Schechter, Frank I., 96 Schefer, Krista N., 139 Scheffler, Samuel, 213 Scheinin, Martin, 127, 132 Schermers, Henry G., 108(5), 127, 140(2), 150, 220, 225 Schiff, David, 128 Schiller, A. Arthur, 150, 228, 229 Schlatter, Egon K., 188 Schlegel, Kip, 95 Schlosser, Peter F., 44 Schmidt, Folke, 57 Schmidt-Assmann, Eberhard, 39 Schmitt, Gilbert R., 181 Schmitt, Michael N., 42, 248 Schmitthoff, Clive M., 53, 108 Schneider, Michael E., 140 Schopp, Robert F., 90 Schrage, E. J. H., 219 Schram, Gunnar G., 101 Schregle, Johannes, 181(2) Schreiber, Herbert, 181 Schreuer, Christoph, 44, 128 Schröder, Gerhard, 44 Schröder, Jochen, 51

Author Index Schuck, Victoria, 174 Schuh, G. Edward, 41 Schultsz, Jan C., 150, 207 Schulz, David A., 240 Schulz, Fritz, 203 Schuman, Frederick Lewis, 153 Schwaab, Richard L., 137(2) Schwartz, Bernard, 221 Schwartz, Bryan, 116 Schwartz, Gary T., 240 Schwarze, Jürgen, 39 Schwarzenberger, Georg, 108, 128, 150(7), 248(2) Schwebel, Stephen M., 118, 128(2), 140, 150, 225 Schwelb, Egon, 242 Sciarra, Silvana, 181(2) Scott of Foscote, Richard Rashleigh Folliott, Lord, 218 Scott, Austin Wakeman, 243 Scott, Hal S., 45 Scott, I. R., 51, 83 Scott, Richard J., 199 Scott, Simon B., 46 Scott, Stephen A., 184 Scutt, Jocelynne A., 251 Seager, Obin, 229 Sealy, L. S., 53, 78 Seavey, Warren Abner, 240 Sebba, Leslie, 93 Secor, Philip B., 99 Sedler, Robert Allen, 62 Sedley, Stephen, Sir, 39, 70(2), 128, 221 Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz, 98, 142, 150, 185, 246 Self, Peter, 207, 214 Sellar, David, 115, 232 Sellin, Johan Thorsten, 90 Selmer, Knut S., 73 Sen, Biswanath, 83 Senghaas, Dieter, 247 Sereni, Angelo Piero, 50 Servais, Jean-Michel, 181 Setalvad, Atul Motilal, 83, 86, 128 Seters, Paul van, 174 Seth, Leila, 251


Sethna, M. J., 174(2) Sevareid, Eric, 158 Sevón, Leif, 58 Sewerynski, Michal, 181 Seymour, Whitney North, 195 Shackelford, Francis, 221 Shaffer, Gregory C., 140 Shaffer, Thomas L., 189 Shah, Prakash, 108 Shahabuddeen, M., 39, 84, 150 Shams, Heba, 118 Shapira, Amos, 115, 188 Shapiro, Martin, 57, 216 Shapiro, Scott, 174(2) Shapreau, Carla J., 196 Sharma, G. S., 174 Sharma, K. M., 160 Sharma, Mool Chand, 35 Sharma, Surya P., 191 Sharpe, Jonathan L., 83 Sharpe, L. J., 207 Sharpe, Richard, 210 Sharpe, Robert J., 84, 92, 128, 160 Sharpston, Eleanor, 108 Shaw, A. G. L., 203 Shaw, Malcolm, 132 Shearer, Ivan, 238 Shearing, Clifford D., 95 Sheehy, Elizabeth A., 90 Sheehy, Gerard, 115 Sheldon, J. S., 120 Shelton, Dinah, 101, 128(2), 150 Shen, Jianming, 150 Sheppard, F. A., 78 Sheridan, L. A., 99, 115 Sherman, Charles Phineas, 210 Sherr, Avrom, 198(2) Sherwin, Emily, 219 Shetreet, Shimon, 160 Shientag, Bernard L., 39 Shiffrin, Seana Valentine, 188, 213 Shihata, Ibrahim F. I., 140(3), 142, 185 Shils, Edward, 203 Shivji, Issa G., 118 Shoukang, Guo, 118 Shoup, Carl S., 237



Author Index

Shoup, Paul, 234 Shreve, Gene R., 62 Shrubsall, Vivien, 182 Shubber, Sami, 42 Shukla, V. N., 116 Shum, Robert, 155 Shute, Stephen, 86 Shyllon, F. O., 133 Siebrasse, Norman, 218 Siehr, Kurt, 62(3), 137, 185(2) Sihombing, J. E., 203 Sikri, S.M., 84 Silberman, Linda, 161, 163(2) Silbey, Susan S., 167 Sillanpaa, Matti. J., 78 Silving, Helen, 86, 174(2), 199 Sim, P. B. A., 115, 183, 223 Simitis, Spiros, 182 Simma, Bruno, 128, 235 Simmonds, Kenneth R., 109, 191 Simon, Denys, 109 Simons, Peter M., 174 Simons, Walter, 203 Simpson, A. W. B., 42, 54, 161, 203 Simpson, Edwin, 236 Simpson, Sidney Post, 84 Simson, Gary J., 62, 70 Sin, Kam Fan, 102 Sinclair, Ian McTaggart, Sir, 150(2), 153 Singer, J. David, 248 Singh, B. D., 184 Singh, Chhatrapati, 214 Singh, Gurdip, 101 Singh, Karan, 184 Singh, Kishore, 140 Singh, Mahendra P., 70, 128 Singh, Nagendra, 101, 151(2) Singh, Parmanand, 128 Sinnadurai, Visu, 70, 74 Sirks, Adriaan Johan Boudewijn, 115 Sivaramayya, B., 115, 251 Skehill, Stephen, 39 Skolnick, Jerome H., 70 Skubiszewski, Krzysztof, 84, 153, 246 Skudder, Andrew, 241 Slade, Christopher, Sir, 133


Slater, A. H., 220 Slinn, Peter, 185 Slot, Pieter J., 241 Slynn, Gordon Slynn, Lord, 109 Small, Joan G., 128 Smart, Ann, 229 Smijter, E. de, 106 Smith, A. T. H., 90(3), 208 Smith, Charleen P., 203 Smith, David, 70 Smith, David N., 101 Smith, Graham J. H., 53 Smith, Holly M., 188 Smith, I. O., 35 Smith, J. C., 74, 90(5) Smith, John Denson, 74 Smith, Joseph H., 84 Smith, Lionel D., 210 Smith, Lynn, 128 Smith, Malcolm, 240 Smith, Michael, 213 Smith, Michael E., 189 Smith, P. M., 115 Smith, Roger, 223 Smith, T. B., Sir, 115, 232 Smithburn, Eric, 242 Smits, Rene, 142 Snaith, Ian, 117 Snee, Joseph M., 222 Snidal, Duncan, 138 Snyder, Francis G., 109(2) Soeteman, Arend, 174 Sohn, Louis B., 140, 151(2), 191(2), 195, 246 Sohoni, S. V., 174 Solanke, Folake, 70 Solomon, Peter H., 95 Soloway, Julie A., 141 Soltan, Karol Edward, 196 Soltysinski, ´ Stanislaw, 78, 137 Sommers, Richard J., 51 Soni, Raman Lal, 217 Sood, Teo Keang, 223 Soper, Philip, 174 Sorabjee, Soli J., 39, 70, 208 Sorensen, Karsten Engsig, 109

Author Index Sorenson, Leonard R., 174 Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich, 78 Sotiropoulos, Panayotis, 207 Souryal, Claire, 95 Southin, M. F., 54 Sparks, Corrine, 161 Spector, Robert G., 49 Spencer, J. R., 90, 208 Spencer, John Carrington, 95 Spiro, Erwin, 62 Spjut, Robert J., 128 Sprague, George C., 208 Sprudzs, Adolf, 70 Squella, Augustin, 174 Srinivasan, T. N., 137 Srivastava, M. N. P., 84 St. John-Stevas, Norman, 251 Stacey, Robin Chapman, 48, 250 Stafford, Pauline, 120 Stalev, Zhivko Stonov, 163 Stalker, M. Anne, 90 Staniland, Hilton, 208 Stanton, K. M., 240 Stapledon, Geof P., 142 Stapleton, Jane, 73, 240(3) Starck, Christian, 70 Starke, J. G., 151 Starrs, James E., 90 Stauder, Dieter, 57 Stavenhagen, Rodolfo, 128 Stavropoulos, Nicos, 174 Steed, Michael, 99 Steele, Walter W., 92 Steger, Debra P., 118, 141(2) Stein, Eric, 70, 97, 109(2), 151 Stein, Peter, 50, 63, 175(3), 196, 198, 229(7) Stein, Torsten, 70 Steinberg, Marc I., 142 Steinberger, Helmut, 39, 164 Steiner, Hillel, 175(2) Steiner, John M., 151 Steiner, William A., 151, 204(2) Stenning, Philip C., 95 Stenshoel, Eric, 136 Stephens, Robert J., 237 Stephenson-Glade, Skye, 118


Stepniak, Daniel, 84 Stern, Brigitte, 44 Stern, David S., 141 Stevens, John, 75 Stevens, Richard G., 213 Stevens, Robert, 161(2) Stevenson, William, 161 Steveson, John R, 44 Stewart, Ann, 251(2) Stewart, Iain, 175 Steyn, Jan H., 86 Stjepanovic, Nikola, 50 Stocker, Michael, 213 Stoddart, Charles N., 92 Stoffel, Walter A., 78 Stoljar, S. J., 222 Stone Sweet, Alec, 98, 109 Stone, A. M., 120 Stone, Clarence N., 92 Stone, Ferdinand F., 175(2), 240 Stone, Harlan Fiske, 54 Stone, Julius, 91, 101, 151, 163, 175(2), 184, 216, 246 Stone, Peter, 63, 225 Stone, Richard, 128 Stone, Robert L., 70 Storey, R. L., 210 Stranzinger, Rudolf, 175 Strasser, Wolfgang, 128 Straus, Joseph, 137(5) Strauss, S.A., 240 Strauss, William, 137 Strayer, Barry L., 70 Streisler, Erich W., 217 Strickland, Matthew, 248 Strobel, Sylvie A., 137 Strong, Frank R., 71 Strong, John William, 223 Struycken, Teun, 109 Stuart, Don, 91 Stuer Lauridsen, Preben, 188 Stuesser, Lee, 91 Sturm, Albert Lee, 71 Sturm, Douglas, 189 Sturm, Susan, 128 Stuyck, Jules, 58



Author Index

Styles, Scott Crichton, 84 Suagee, Dean B., 133 Subbarao, G. C. Venkata, 220 Subramaniam, Arjunan, 237 Subramanium, Gopal, 71 Sudarshan, R., 175 Suffian, Mohamed, Tan Sri, 184, 237 Sugarman, David, 78, 195 Sugarman, Stephen D., 35, 240 Sugden, Richard R., 195 Sugeno, Kazuo, 182(2) Sullivan, E. Thomas, 155 Sullivan, Ruth, 206 Summers, Clyde W., 182(2) Summers, Robert S., 74, 175(5), 206, 217 Summerson, H. R. T., 203 Sundberg, Jacob W. F., 92, 208 Sunderland, Edson R., 51 Sundquist, James L., 71 Sundstrom, G. O. Zacharias, 151 Susskind, Richard, 36, 86, 192 Susu, Benedicta Ada, 39 Sutherland, Arthur E., 196 Sutherland, Donald W., 210 Sutherland, Peter, 109 Sutherland, Stewart R., 213 Sutton, Richard John, 161, 226 Suviranta, Antti J., 182 Suwa, Yasuo, 182 Suy, Eric, 141, 246 Suzuki, Eisuke, 150 Sveri, Knut, 95 Swadling, William, 226(2) Swainger, Jonathan Scott, 214 Swan, Edward J., 119 Swan, Peter, 59 Sweeney, Joseph C., 190 Sweet, Justin, 72 Swiatkowski, Andrzej, 182(2) Swinton, Katherine, 71, 116(2) Syatauw, J. J. G., 224 Sybesma-Knol, Neri, 246 Sychold, Martin, 116 Sykes, A. O., 155 Symeonides, Symeon, 63(3) Szabo, George, 137


Szabo, Josef, 71 Szasz, Paul C., 246 Szászy, István, 51, 57 Szpunar, Adam, 57 Szubert, Waclaw, 182 Szumanski, Andrzej, 78 Szyszczak, Erika M., 109(2)

T Tabuteau, Emily Zack, 116 Tafla, Bairu, 203 Taft, Kingsley A., 203 Tager, William S., 136 Taggart, Michael, 35, 39, 220 Taiwo, Ladi, 214 Takakuwa, Akira, 63 Tallon, Denis, 57 Talmon, Stefan, 151 Tamir, Yael, 128 Tammelo, Ilmar, 175(5) Tan, Carol G. S., 50 Tan, Kevin, 86 Tan, Poh-Ling, 189 Tanaka, Kotaro, 151 Tangermann, Stefan, 41 Taniguchi, Yasuhei, 57 Tanner, R. Godfrey, 229 Tapani Klami, Hannu, 175 Tappan, Paul W., 95 Tapper, Colin, 59, 112(2), 137(2) Tarak, Pedro, 101 Tardu, M. E., 128 Tarello, Giovanni, 175 Tarkunde, V. M., 216 Tarnopolsky, Walter Surma, 128 Taruffo, Michele, 57, 112 Tarullo, Daniel K., 141 Tate, Jack Bernard, 151 Tatsuta, Misao, 78 Tatz, Colin Martin, 133 Taubenschlag, Rafael, 203 Taubman, William, 234 Tay, Alice Erh-Soon, 128, 169, 175, 216 Tay, Derrick C., 46 Taylor, A. J. W., 115

Author Index Taylor, David W., 203 Taylor, Earle A.S., 218 Taylor, M. R., 184 Taylor, Veronica L., 182 Tebaldeschi, Ivanhoe, 175(2) Tee, Khaw Lake, 137, 223 Teichmann, Christoph, 109 Tellegen, J. W., 229 Tellegen-Couperus, O. E., 229 Templeman, Sydney William Templeman, Lord, 71, 237 Templeton, Malcolm, 191, 246 Tenenbaum, Abraham N., 94 Terkel, Studs, 175, 213 Terry, Henry T., 220 Terry, James P., 246 Terry, N. P., 73 Tesauro, Giuseppe, 109 Teskey, Robert H., 46 Tetley, William, 63(2), 208, 241 Tettenborn, A. M., 226, 241 Teubner, Gunther, 79, 175(2), 186 Tewari, R. B., 91(4) Thai, Cao Duc, 128 Thakur, Ramesh Chandra, 246 Thapar, Romila, 120 Thayer, James Bradley, 74 Thielecke, Carola, 71 Thirlway, H. W. A., 219 Thomas, Ann van Wynen, 242 Thomas, D. A., 87, 91 Thomas, E. L., 71 Thomas, Helen Shirley, 203 Thomas, J. A. C., 229(2) Thomas, Justice, 250 Thomas, Norman L., 199 Thomas, Paul, 63, 115 Thomas, Peter A., 220 Thomas, Richard, 53 Thome, Joseph R., 118 Thompson, Clive, 182 Thompson, Kenneth W., 128, 153, 216 Thompson, Mark, 223(2) Thompson, Michael, 213 Thomson, Brian K., 59 Thomson, J. M., 74, 232(4)


Thoolen, Hans, 248 Thorens, Justin, 57 Thornberry, Patrick, 128 Thornton, Anthony, 72 Thurer, Daniel, 130 Thurston, Edward Sampson, 241 Tiberg, Hugo, 40 Tierney, Brian, 128 Tikaram, Moti, 161 Tilbury, Michael J., 241 Tiley, John, 237 Tilley-Gyado, M. N., 96 Timasheff, Nicholas S., 176 Timmermanns, Christiaan W. A., 109 Timoshenko, Alexandre S., 101 Tipping, Marjorie, 185 Tisset, Pierre, 203 Tobi, Niki, 36, 71(2), 112, 189, 195 Tobin, John J., 128 Todd, Stephen, 241(2) Todd, Stephen Charles, 119 Toder, Eric J., 237 Tökés, Rudolf L., 234 Tollefson, Edwin A., 71 Tomandl, Theodor, 233 Tomasic, Roman, 46 Tomkins, Adam, 109 Tomlinson, Stephen, 208 Tomuschat, Christian, 129(3), 151(3) Tonry, Michael H., 87, 95 Tooke, Charles W., 207 Tope, Trimbak Krishna, 206 Torrance, David, 112 Toth, A. G., 109 Townsend, William K., 138(3), 208 Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 248 Trachtman, Joel P., 155 Tracy, Paul E., 95 Tran-Nam, Binh, 237 Trebilcock, M. J., 141 Treitel, G. H., 74(3), 208 Trejos, Raul, 191 Trelles, Tullio, 42 Trendle, Neville, 87 Treu, Tiziano, 109(2), 182 Treves, Tullio, 191, 192



Author Index

Tridimas, Takis, 109(2) Trindade, Francis A., 182, 196 Trombetas, Thomas P., 176 Trone, John, 197, 242 Troper, Michel, 129 Tsao, Wen-yen, 102 Tshuma, Lawrence, 141 Tucker, John H., 54 Tully, James, 116 Tunc, André, 50(2), 79(2), 203, 222, 241 Tung, William L., 97 Tunkin, G. I., 151(5) Tuori, Kaarlo, 176(2) Tur, Richard, 176 Turk, Austin T., 95 Türk, Helmut, 129 Turkington, Herbert, 135 Turkson, Richard B., 220 Turner, John L., 236 Turner, Robert F., 84 Twining, William, 57, 112, 176(5), 196, 198 Tyagi, Yogesh K., 84 Tyler, Tom R., 233 Tysoe, David F., 47

U Uchegbu, Amechi, 129 Uff, John, 72 Uff, Keith, 40 Uibopuu, Henn-Jüri, 234 Ujlaki, Nicholas, 243 Ukhuegbe, Solomon, 71, 116 Ullmann, Walter, 203 Ullrich, Hanns, 109 Ulmer, S. Sidney, 210 Umezulike, I. A., 219 Umozurike, U. O., 129(2) Unesco. Secretariat, 141 Unger, Roberto Mangabeira, 176 Usher, John Anthony, 79, 109(2), 110(3) Ustor, Endre, 151, 248 Utuama, A. A., 214(2) Uusitalo, Jyrkri, 176 Uwais, Maryam, 71 Uzodike, E. N. U., 49, 241


V Vagianos, Louis, 190 Vagts, Detlev F., 151, 242 Vahanvati, Goolam E., 71 Vaidyanathan, C. S., 161 Valdés Dal-Ré, Fernando, 110 Valdés, Ernesto Garzón, 216 Valencia-Ospina, Eduardo, 84 Valladao, Haroldo, 151 Vallat, Francis Aime, Sir, 151 Valticos, Nicolas, 141 Van den Berg, Paul, 138 Van Dyke, Vernon, 129 Van Hoof, Fried, 151 Van Steenburgh, E. J., 213 Van Themaat, Pieter Verloren, 110 Van Warmelo, Paul, 229 Vanderbilt, Arthur T., 39, 57 Vanderslice, Stephen, 176, 213 Vann, Richard J., 235 Varady, Tibor, 44, 63 Varga, Csaba, 112, 176, 206, 225 Varmer, Borge, 138(5) Vasciannie, Stephen C., 192 Vassalli, Giuliano, 95 Vaughan, David, 40, 110 Vaughan, Frederick, 176, 213 Vaver, D., 138 Veit, Veronika, 203 Veldkamp, G. M. J., 233 Venkatachaliah, M. N., 187 Venkataramiah, E. S., 129 Venkatraman, S., 71 Vereshchetin, V. S., 42 Verhoeven, Joe, 151 Verma, D. P., 84 Vermulst, Edwin A., 155 Vernengo, Roberto J., 138, 176(3), 184 Verosta, Stephan, 248 Verwaal, Ernst, 237 Verwey, Wil D., 84 Verzijl, J. H. W., 152 Vesterdorf, Bo, 110 Veuthey, Michel, 131 Vicúna, Francisco Orrego, 141

Author Index Vidwans, M. D., 116 Vierdag, E. W., 242 Vilanova, Richard, 192 Villiger, Mark E., 115 Vinitzky-Seroussi, Vered, 95 Vinogradoff, Paul, 210 Vipond, Robert Charles, 176, 203 Virgo, Graham, 226(2) Vischer, Frank, 63 Visscher, Charles de, 152 Visser, D. P., 57, 226(2) Visser, Jelle, 182 Vlasic, Ivan A., 42 Vogler, Theo, 91, 129 Vollenhoven, Cornelis van, 96 Von Heinegg, Wolff Heintschel, 248 Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor, 57, 206 Vranken, Martin, 182 Vrellis, Spyridon, 119 Vukas, Budislav, 129, 192

W Wacke, Andreas, 206 Wackernagel, Wolfgang D., 161 Waddams, S. M., 74, 75, 241 Wade, E. C. S., 102 Wade, William, Sir, 40, 195 Wadmond, Lowell, 40 Wagner, Wenceslas J., 57 Wai, Robert Sze-Kwok, 152 Wainwright, Richard, 41 Waldron, Jeremy, 40, 176(3) Waldstein, Wolfgang, 229 Walker, David M., 196, 210, 232(4) Walker, George A., 98, 117 Walker, George K., 246 Walker, Kristen, 242 Walker, N. Darlene, 87 Walker, Neil, 71, 206 Walker, Nigel, 95(2) Wallace, J. H., 161 Wallace, R. Jay, 213 Wallace, William, 138 Waller, Peter Louis, 133, 161 Wallis, Frank, 155


Walpole, Michael, 237 Walsh, Brian, 110, 129, 161 Walsh, William F., 102 Walter, Gerhard, 44 Walters, Adrian, 79 Walters, Dafydd B., 35, 203 Walton, Frederick Parker, 40 Wang, Chonghui, 91 Wang, Guiguo, 141, 186 Wang, Gungwu, 71 Warbrick, Colin, 129, 152 Ward, Paul, 49 Ward, Rutherford, 115 Warner, A. J., 106 Warot, Maitre Jean, 208 Warren, Earl, 161 Warren, William Clements, 84 Warren, William D., 198 Wasik, Martin, 87 Watchman, Paul, 163, 183, 233 Waterford, Jack, 161 Waters, D. W. M., 102, 226, 243 Watkin, Thomas Glyn, 49, 250 Watrous, George D., 241 Watson, Alan, 229(2), 230(3) Watson, Garry D., 51 Watson, Philippa, 99, 182 Watt, Lindsay, 152 Watts, Arthur, Sir, 152 Weatherill, Stephen, 110 Weaver, Paul, 120 Webb, James H., 91 Webb, P. R. H., 49, 51 Webb, Patricia M., 113 Weber, Claire, 206 Wechsler, Herbert, 91 Wedderburn of Charlton, Kenneth William Wedderburn, Lord, 178, 182(4) Weeramantry, C. G., 84, 161, 198 Wegener, Harold C., 138 Weick, Günter, 75 Weil, Prosper, 84 Weiler, Joseph, 110, 189 Weinberg, Ines M., 63 Weinberg, Louise, 176 Weinberg, Mark S., 112



Author Index

Weinberger, Ota, 176(3) Weintraub, Russell J., 63, 156 Weir, Tony, 241(2) Weis, Paul, 71 Weisband, Edward, 145 Weiss, Edith Brown, 101, 129, 152, 156 Weiss, Friedl, 120, 141 Weiss, Manfred, 110 Weiss, Peter, 242 Welch, Monica, 190 Weld, Susan Roosevelt, 248 Wellens, Karel, 249 Wellenstein, E. P., 156 Wellford, Charles F., 95 Wellington, Harry H., 164 Wellman, Carl, 129 Wells, Andrew, 206 Wells, Catharine Peirce, 176 Wells, Richard S., 203 Weltner, Andor, 182 Wenqi, Zhu, 248 Wesener, Gunter, 196 Wesley-Smith, Peter, 164 West, Donald James, 193 West, Ranyard, 220 Westbrook, Jay Lawrence, 47 Westbrook, Raymond, 230 Weston, Burns H., 176 Weston, C. A., 63 Weston, Martin, 184 Weyland, Ines, 176 Whalan, Douglas J., 223, 224(2) Wheatcroft, G. S. A., 237 Wheeler, Hoyt N., 182 Whelan, Christopher J., 77 Wherry, William M., 221 Whincup, Michael, 73 Whish, Richard, 59(2) Whitaker, Reginald, 238 White, Dorcas, 91 White, Gillian, 110(2), 112, 119, 129 White, James J., 53 White, Nigel D., 196, 246 White, Robin C. A., 152, 193 White, Stephen D., 116, 203, 210 Whitmore, E. F., 40


Whitmore, Harry, 40 Whittaker, C. R., 120 Whittaker, Simon, 75 Whitty, Niall R., 230, 232 Wickersham, George W., 84 Wickliffe, Caren, 133 Wieacker, Franz, 50, 244 Wieruszewski, Roman, 71 Wiffels, Alain, 203 Wightman, John, 75 Wigmore, John Henry, 75, 112 Wijlens, Myriam, 47 Wikeley, Nicholas, 233 Wiktor, Christian L., 190 Wilberforce, Richard Orme Wilberforce, Lord, 152 Wilcox, Murray R., 129 Wild, Richard, 129 Wildhaber, Luzius, 115, 129 Wildi, Max, 177 Wilkins, Leslie T., 95 Wilkinson, A. B., 112 Willard, Andrew R., 148 William, R.A., 207 Williams, Andrew, 166 Williams, C. R., 112(2) Williams, D. G. T., Sir, 40(5), 91, 118, 129, 214(2) Williams, David R., 161 Williams, George, 129 Williams, George Huntston, 189 Williams, Glanville Llewelyn, 49, 91, 92, 241 Williams, Hall, 87 Williams, I. H., 183 Williams, Joe, 133 Williams, Maureen, 42 Williams, Neil J., 112 Williams, Philip, 58 Williams, Priscilla, 101 Williams, Sharon Anne, 84 Williamson, Robert B., 112 Williston, Samuel, 75 Willocks, Elizabeth, 110 Willoweit, Dietmar, 177 Wilson, Alida, 177

Author Index Wilson, Bertha, 133 Wilson, Geoffrey, 54, 57, 198 Wilson, W. A., 232, 241 Windbichler, Christine, 79 Windlesham, David James George Hennessy, Lord, 87 Winer, Stanley L., 237 Winfield, Percy Henry, 193, 241 Winkel, Laurens C., 230(2) Winslow, A. V., 195 Winslow, John Bradley, 198 Winslow, V. S., 40 Winston, Kenneth I., 129, 177 Winterton, George, 71(3), 193 Winterton, Jules, 204 Wise, Edward M., 91 Witte, Bruno de, 129 Witte, John, 47, 189 Woellner, Robin H., 237 Wolffe, W. James, 232 Wolfgang, Marvin E., 95, 188, 217 Wolfrum, Rüdiger, 101, 192, 246 Wood, Charles T., 120 Wood, Geoffrey, 141 Wood, John, 110 Wood, John C., 182 Wood, Josiah, 36 Wood, Malcolm, 177 Wood, Philip, 117 Wood, Robert S., 152 Woodard, Calvin, 177 Woodhouse, Diana, 71 Woodhouse, Owen, Sir, 161 Woodliffe, John, 101 Woodman, Gordon R., 224 Woods, Mervyn, 40 Wooldridge, Frank, 79 Woolf, Harry Woolf, Lord, 35, 71, 129, 157, 193 Woolman, Stephen, 219 Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, 152 Woon, Walter C. M., 217 Wootton, Barbara, 87 Wormald, Patrick, 42, 210 Wormuth, Francis Dunham, 230 Worthington, Sarah, 226


Wortley, B. A., 75, 129 Wortley, Ben A., 63 Wouw, Hans van de, 198 Wrange, Pal, 152 Wright, Quincy, 152, 153(2) Wright, Richard A., 95 Wright, Robert Alderson Wright, Lord, 54, 177 Wróblewski, Jerzy, 177(3) Wurtenberger, Thomas, 95 Wyatt, Derrick, 110(2) Wyduckel, Dieter, 177 Wylie, J. C. W., 115, 224 Wymeersch, E., 79 Wyzanski, Charles E., 71

X Xanthaki, Alexandra, 133 Xiangrui, Gong, 57

Y Yadin, U., 45, 53, 57 Yadudu, A. H., 156 Yagba, T. A. T., 44 Yakpo, E. K. M., 63 Yakubu, Ademola, 36 Yale, D. E. C., 177, 203, 230 Yamada, Chusei, 246 Yamamoto, Nabuo, 204 Yardley, D. C. M., 40, 71, 211 Yaron, Reuven, 157, 230(2) Yasaki, Mitsukuni, 57 Yee, Sienho, 152, 153 Yeo, Stanley Meng Heong, 91 Yerokun, Olusegun, 118, 156 Yessiou-Faltsi, Pelayia, 164 Yntema, Hessel E., 57, 63, 193(2) Yokoi-Arai, Mamiko, 224 Yongzhen, Xiao, 118 Young, Cassandra de, 186 Young, Claire F. L., 237(2) Young, Eric, 40 Young, Margot, 57 Young, Richard, 215



Author Index

Young, Warren, 87 Yuen-Li-Liang, 246

Zetler, Julie, 237 Zevallos, Gonzalo Ortiz de, 110 Ziegel, Jacob S., 116, 242


Ziegert, Klaus A., 177 Ziegler, Alexander von, 208

Zacklin, Ralph, 248 Zakaria, Shaikha, 192 Zamora, Stephen, 142 Zander, Michael, 35, 92, 195 Zane, John Maxcy, 72 Zanier, Justo, 187 Zea, Leopoldo, 203 Zedner, Lucia, 87, 95 Zekoll, Joachim, 63 Zeltner, Zeev, 130 Zemanek, Karl, 152(4), 242 Zemans, Frederick H., 35


Ziembinski, Zygmunt, 177 Zile, Zigurds L., 234(2) Zimmermann, Reinhard, 50, 211, 243 Zines, Leslie, 72, 116(2), 161, 216 Zipursky, Benjamin Charles, 177 Zirk-Sadowski, Marek, 177 Zodrow, George R., 237 Zuckerman, A. A. S., 112 Zuckert, Michael P., 189 Zuleeg, Manfred, 110 Zvesper, John, 72