Adventure: The Curse of Ipauna (Elephant & Macaw Banner) 9789887453925

The archives of the Society of Jesus contain a mysterious letter, which tells of a group of some fifty Frenchmen who ent

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Table of contents :
Map 1 … The region of Curumaré, Apiku and the salt marsh
Map 2 … Lagoon and Ipaúna Island
Strange occurrences on Ipaúna
Map 3 … Abandoned French Fort
Handout 1 … Letter of Introduction
Handout 2 … Notes on the Banners of the Region
Handout 3 … Diary of the Expedition Commandant (written in French)
Recommend Papers

Adventure: The Curse of Ipauna (Elephant & Macaw Banner)

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Adventure THE CURSE of IPAÚNA Luciano Paulo Giehl



Author: Luciano Paulo Giehl General Coordinator: Christopher Kastensmidt Editorial Manager: Paulo Roberto Silva Jr. Art Director: Guilherme Da Cas Illustrations: André Meister and Robson Michel Cover: Lucas Torquato Cartography & Layout: Fábio Silva English Translation: Thomas McGrenery Graphic Design: Filipe Borin Logo: André Vazzios

General Information............................................ 2 Introduction.......................................................... 2 Beginning the Story............................................. 4 Investigating in the City..................................... 6 Following the Trail............................................... 8 The Mermaid’s Song.......................................... 10 Curumaré............................................................. 12 Hunter and Hunted........................................... 13

Published by: Porcupine Publishing Services, Hong Kong, 2020 [email protected] ISBN: 978-988-74539-2-5 Product code: PPEAMB03

Apiku.................................................................... 15 The Salt Marsh.................................................... 18 Ipaúna (The Dark Island).................................. 18 False Souls...........................................................20 Ending the Adventure........................................ 27

Original Portuguese edition published by Devir in 2019.

THE ELEPHANT & MACAW BANNER ROLEPLAYING GAME— THE CURSE OF IPAÚNA © 2020 Christopher Kastensmidt. All rights reserved.

Based on the fictional world of The Elephant & Macaw Banner, created by Christopher Kastensmidt.

Note: This adventure is set in the fictional world of The Elephant & Macaw Banner. It mixes fact with fiction, historical palces with imaginary characters and should be read as a work of fiction in this magical alternative Brazil of the sixteenth century. Feel free to change information and dates for more fun from your gaming sessions. This adventure is based on the system of rules contained in the book The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game. For those who do not own this book, the Player’s Guide containing the basic rules can be downloaded for free from:


The Curse of Ipaúna by Luciano P. Giehl

‘The Sun rises, and lasts no more than a day,  After the Light the darknight follows,  In sad shadows beauty dies’ Gregório de Matos



Number of participants: One mediator and 3 to 6 players. The ideal number is five

Since Europeans first discovered them, the lands of

participants in total.

ested in taking their riches and making a fortune.

Brazil have attracted explorers from overseas, inter-

Time: 3 to 6 hours, depending on the players’ choices. The duration can be modified by cutting out certain sections and keeping the focus

They sailed forbidden seas and traded illegally, as the Treaty of Tordesillas had established Portuguese jurisdiction over the lands discovered by Cabral. The

on the central story.

main invaders were Dutch and French, who landed

Recommendations: The Curse of Ipaúna is

along the coasts where the valuable brazilwood was

ideal as an introductory adventure for a new

found, allying themselves with indigenous people

group of characters and is easy to use in an ex-

and charting the extensive coastline as often as the

isting campaign. It’s particularly useful if you

Portuguese did.

want to introduce new characters to an ongo-

In 1550, a group of French corsairs led by Cap-

ing story: simply have the new characters also

tain Remy LaSalle, known as ‘L’Audacieux’ (the Dar-

apply for the job of finding the missing boy.

ing), came to the region that would later become the

The group should have between them at least

Royal Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro. Their plan was

level 1 in Tracking, Land Navigation, Canoeing

to find a place where they could establish and for-

and Foraging. Combat skills will be important,

tify a permanent base of operations. They decided

although not all the challenges of the adven-

to follow a river of salt water that led to a region of

ture can be overcome through force. Diploma-

marshland, isolated and hidden. There they found a

cy and negotiation skills will be of paramount

fluvial island that offered an excellent strategic po-

importance in completing the mission.

sition, able to be defended and remain hidden at the same time. The explorers disembarked and as soon


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

as they were sure that the site offered the ideal con-

spread like an uncontrollable disease! Men formed

ditions, they started building the fort. At first the

groups of trusted friends for mutual protection. Par-

work progressed quickly: they erected some hous-

anoia reigned and, when LaSalle tried to control the

es, a palisade around the perimeter and a chapel. It

situation by imposing his authority, it was already

seemed too good to be true.

too late. One group rebelled against the Captain and

However, they could not have imagined what

a brutal fight broke out, bringing madness, murder

was going to happen. The native Tupiniquim who

and destruction to the fort. In the end, the survivors,

lived in a village on the edge of the swamp, the Api-

consumed by guilt, ended up taking their own lives. Silence once again descended upon Ipaúna,

ku, noticing the presence of strangers on that isle of

the Dark Island.

dark earth, were afraid. The local tribes knew that wasteland well and considered it taboo to occupy

In the years that followed, the implacable

the place. In times gone by, long before the arrival

swamp reclaimed the ruins, while the natives con-

of the white people, everyone who tried to settle on

tinued to avoid the island.

that piece of land had failed, and often the attempts

Among the settlers of the city of Rio de Janeiro,

ended in tragedy. The pajés suspected that the area

a persistent rumour circulated that the French had

was simply cursed by nature, although they did not

built a fort somewhere in that swamp. The rumour

know the reason. They knew that the area attract-

also mentioned that the place had been used as a

ed a profusion sinister presences and supernatural

hiding place for a mysterious treasure brought from

entities, much like the legendary Chiloté on the

Europe. However, no one knew what end the colony

far coast of the continent. They called this place

had met: disease, starvation, attacks from wild ani-

Ypa’u um or Ipaúna - which in the Tupi-Guarani

mals or hostile tribes were the most often mooted

language means ‘Dark Island’.


The French called their fort La Petite Cachette

Some believed that the treasure must still be

(The Little Hiding Place) and were very satisfied

there, abandoned, waiting for someone sufficiently

with their progress. Because of this, when the Api-

determined to claim it for themselves. Banner expe-

ku tried to warn the outsiders of the danger, they

ditions with veteran explorers and mercenaries from

did not listen to them. When construction was

various nations set out to search the swamp, their

completed, LaSalle planned to use the fort as the

ambition uniting them. But they found no sign of

bridgehead for a major invasion. He convinced the

the treasure. The perilous swamp did not reveal his

French crown to invest in his plan, which involved

greatest secret. Over time, the story began to be for-

building other forts and gradually occupying the

gotten and dismissed, treated as nothing more than

coast. To that end, the French court sent LaSalle a

a legend.

chest containing a small fortune to fund his plans.

But the fort remains in that isolated place,

However, as soon as the work came to an end,

gathering its darkness inside. It has been there, deserted for 26 years, and could survive for another 26.

strange things began to happen in the fort. At first it

The walls still stand, bricks and mortar holding firm,

was no great concern, but over time the French real-

doors tightly closed... and the silence within the fort

ized that there was something in the air, a constant

seems to scream. Dark shadows are the only pres-

sensation of being watched, causing a gnawing fear.

ence in Ipaúna, and whatever wanders there, wan-

Little accidents kept happening: strange noises

ders alone.

woke everyone up in the middle of the night, night-

But that is about to change, very soon...

mares tormented them and invisible presences were always on the prowl. This began to wear down everyone’s resistance: disagreements became scuffles, discussions spiralled into unjustified violence, fear




providing for the defence and security of the town.

Royal Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro, 1576.

villa in the upper part of the city, at an address that,

It is also not difficult to find out where he lives: in a in these austere times, could be called luxurious. His

The players must establish a reason for their

only companions are the trees and flowers he grows

characters to be on their way to the city of São Se-

in his garden, since he has no family.

bastião do Rio de Janeiro, which is not difficult, since

Dom Venâncio’s house is grand and comfort-

the place is the largest population centre in the area,

able, surrounded by a high wall hiding a garden,

a centre of commerce and the starting point for

paved patio and a beautiful orchard with various

many banner companies.

fruit trees. Upon calling at the door, the adventurers

Let the group choose a name for their banner,

are met by a pedantic servant who inspects them

and read or paraphrase the following:

thoroughly and asks their reasons for visiting. If they are polite and explain why they are there, the

After a long journey, your banner finally reaches the town of Rio de Janeiro. It is the largest settlement in the region, recently promoted to being the seat of the Governor-General, who is the crown’s direct representative in the colony. The region has gained importance and is now called the Royal Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro. The town is the destination of choice for many travellers, merchants and explorers in search of adventure, wealth and fame.. Asking around with the local inhabitants, you will find the Rosa dos Ventos, highly recommended for newcomers, where you can find a place to sleep, eat and rest after your long journey. There, you learn about all the latest news, although, in fact, there is really only one topic of conversation at the moment: Dom Venâncio de Alcântara, one of the ‘good men’ who make up the City Council, is looking for a banner company to undertake some sort of secret expedition into the jungle. Speculation is rife about what Dom Venâncio, a man respected by all and possessing considerable wealth, might be planning. At any rate, it seems like the perfect opportunity to get a paying job, which is exactly what you are looking for.

man escorts them to the office to see his boss. Read or paraphrase the following:

The door opens, revealing a large, bright room, with cabinets and shelves containing dozens of books and maps, adorned with flags, swords and pistols fixed to the walls. A middle-aged man is sitting at a solid wooden desk crammed with documents. He writes with a quill and studies a multitude of papers, taking little heed of your arrival. The man appears to be around 50 years of age, but he looks strong and energetic. His grey hair and neatly trimmed mustache give him a formal and reliable appearance. His clothes are of good quality, cut in damask fabric, suitable for someone of his social standing. He removes his glasses from the tip of his hooked nose and looks at you as if he is evaluating you. Finally, he speaks: ‘Well, I suppose you have come about the job offer. You seem like people who are suitable for the job. But before going into details, I would like you to tell me a little bit about your qualifications and experience.’

If the group ask the townsfolk, they will learn that Dom Venâncio was himself a successful ad-

Dom Venâncio (for it is he) was once an adven-

venturer, and that he managed to accumulate his

turer and has a nose for recognizing people who are

wealth by discovering emeralds. Unlike most ad-

in the same line of work. He is a practical individu-

venturers, who make a fortune and leave for Portu-

al and intends to hire people who can carry out the

gal, he decided to stay and plant roots in the fertile

task to his satisfaction, otherwise he will not even

lands of the colony.

tell them what it is about.

Everyone is unanimous in stating that he is a straightforward, honest man who does a good job


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

At this point, Dom Venâncio shows the group a

This is the opportunity for our heroes to come

sealed letter. Then, he continues:

forward and say what they are good at; what are their specialties and skills.

I cannot tell you where to begin, though I expect he headed south, perhaps by boat. Speak with Monsenhor Monteiro, perhaps, and look for any clues in the archives that Fernando was consulting. You could also ask around the port: someone must know something. I will pay each of you the amount of 1,000 réis, but bear in mind that the most important reward will be my gratitude. I have become an important person in these parts, somehow, and my name carries weight, these days. If I am satisfied with your efforts, I shall be in your debt. So? What do you say?

Venâncio is not spoilt for choice, since he is in a hurry, but he will also not simply accept the first group of desperadoes to knock on his door. If the group shows expertise in exploration, the martial skills necessary to defend themselves and how to survive in the jungle, he is satisfied. Then he introduces the mission:

Well, then: I am looking for a banner company to track down a person, so I need a group willing to travel as soon as possible. I am good friends with the esteemed Ombudsman General, Francisco Reis, and of his Ximena. I am also the godfather of their only son, the youngFernando Reis. I myself have no children and so I’ve always treated the boy as my pupil, to a degree: I taught him fencing, riding, swimming... And he grew up hearing tales of the expeditions and adventures of my youth. So really, this is all my fault... Ever since he was little, Fernando was fascinated by the life of an adventurer,, although of course his parents wished for him to pursue a respectable career. They decided to send him off to study back in Portugal, in Coimbra, since his mother couldn’t bear the idea of him becoming a ‘vagabond’, as she put it They booked their trip and everything was ready, but then, Fernando just disappeared! I should have noticed that he was acting strangely. Just days before he disappeared, he kept asking about my misadventures beyond Uruçumirim and, I later learnt, he was consulting the archives of the Jesuits in search of letters and documents about banner expeditions. I imagine he must have left in the dead of night, taking only what he could carry, disappearing without saying goodbye. His parents, obviously, blame me for his decision. They say that I was the one who put these ideas in his hard head and our friendship has been shaken. So I need someone to discover the young man’s whereabouts, find out what he wants and try to bring him back, safe and sound. Tell him that his mother is heartbroken and his father is spitting wasps. Fernando is old enough to choose his own destiny, but this is a courtesy that I must offer them. If he doesn’t want to return, at least see if he’s all right, make sure he’s safe and give him this letter.

Dom Venâncio is not interested in haggling over the reward. It is a decent amount, and he becomes irritated if the group pushes him on the matter. He may be persuaded to advance 1/3 of the payments in order to purchase equipment and supplies for the journey ahead. If they accept the offer he gives them the letter to Fernando and also a letter of introduction (show the group Handout # 1 at the end of this book), which can be shown to facilitate access to various places. As he himself said, Venâncio occupies a high position in the colonial administration and a letter signed by him really does opens doors. Finally, to help the group recognize Fernando, he offers a cameo containing a painted portrait of a handsome young man. ‘It was ordered by his father when the boy turned 16,’ he explains, ‘though he is 18 now.’ The letter to be delivered to Fernando is sealed with wax and the arms of Dom Venâncio. Nothing prevents the group from breaking the seal and reading the letter, but this breach of trust can be costly to them if their patron finds out. An easy Scrivening feat reseals the letter perfectly. The letter is simple, asking Fernando to reconsider his decision and return to the city of Rio de Janeiro to talk things over calmly. Dom Venâncio promises to accompany him to their parents and help talk to them.




which are kept in an office. The room is locked and

Following their meeting with Dom Venâncio, the

(maps), which form the closest thing to a library in

crowded with books, papers and geographic charts the settlement. The Jesuits are responsible for these

group may decide where they want to begin their in-

archives, which contains most of the city’s official

vestigation and go to any of the relevant location s

documents, as well as descriptions made by banners

in the order they desire.

of their explorations, accounts of the war against

Obvious places to visit at this point are:

the French and even recorded sightings of fantastic creatures. The archives are quite complete, although

1. The Jesuit College

they are, due to the ongoing renovation work, some-

2. The docks

what in disarray.

3. Stores and craftsmen, for supplies

According to Monteiro, Fernando frequently visited the archive, always interested in search-

It is necessary, however, to remind the heroes

ing the collection. In the last week before he left,

that with each passing day, Fernando may be further away and that his mission demands urgency.

he asked for access to three letters and a docu-


Uruçumirim (show Handout 2 to the group). The

ment relating explorations in the swamps beyond priest does not allow any documents to leave the

The headquarters of the Society of Jesus is based in

archive, but the group may make copies if they wish.

a college building currently undergoing extensive

If the group asks about Fernando’s most recent

renovation. The building is being expanded with

visit, the Monsignor says that the last time, five days

the help of numerous clerics and indigenous con-

ago, he was accompanied by a dark man with a wary

verts, constructing walls, carving stone and setting

expression, another with a small scar on his cheek,

the floors into place. The site bustles like an anthill,

and an indigenous girl. They were all young, about

with people constantly coming and going, fetching

the same age as Fernando. The priest did not recog-

and carrying. Anyone here can point out Monsignor

nize them and believes they are outsiders to the city.

Monteiro or where to find him. Monsignor Armando Monteiro is taking care


of the school and the ongoing works in the absence

The quayside is one of the busiest places in the city,

of the rector, Father Gonçalo de Oliveira. Monteiro

the gateway for all the vessels that pour travellers

is a 35-year-old man, young for a post of such im-

and goods into the settlement. During the day it is

portance. Father Monteiro is an excellent speaker,

always crowded with traders doing business, steve-

with a great talent for catechesis. However, as an

dores carrying goods, and people buying and selling.

engineer he is struggling. His haste is justified by

If the group visits the docks, they can ask ques-

the need to expand the school for the long-await-

tions about Fernando. By showing the boy’s portrait

ed arrival of new brothers from the Kingdom. Now

and with a small consideration (at least 5 réis), they

that the city has gained importance, the Jesuits have

get pointed in the direction of a port official named

turned their eyes to it in earnest.

Rui Simão, who can be found at the customs office.

If the group present their letter of introduc-

Simão is a smart fellow, who likes to take advantage

tion, Monteiro orders his workers to take a break

of every situation, but also does not want to get in-

and devotes all his attention to the group. He proves

volved in this little mess. However, if the group asks

to be very helpful, especially if the group is made up

about Fernando, it is clear that he knows some-

of good Catholics. He doesn’t mind showing the

thing because of his obvious nervousness. Through

group the documents examined by young Fernando,

threats or Persuasion tests, Simão will eventually


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

agree to tell what he knows. The easiest option is a

troduce interesting and eccentric traders at this

bribe (at least 100 réis), which makes it much easier

point of the adventure to vividly illustrate the

for to Simão to open up.


It was he who arranged a place on an out-

In addition, the player characters can seek

bound ship for Fernando and three companions,

information about Fernando and his companions,

setting out in the dead of night. They travelled in

following the lead that they have recently ac-

the cargo hold, aboard a caravel called the Santa Rita

quired new weapons. Showing the boy’s portrait

that headed south towards Santos (two and a half

is the best way to get confirmation about this, and

days of travel). They did not mind travelling in those

through it the characters learn that Fernando’s

conditions, as they planned to disembark before the

group purchased supplies sufficient for at least 10

final destination, close to the village of Curumaré.

days of travel. They also acquired gunpowder, am-

Curumaré is not even found on some maps. It

munition, as well as brand new bladed weapons

is a small community about a day’s journey along

and firearms. Despite this, no one knows or is will-

the coast. It is an isolated place, where a few Por-

ing to speculate what the group’s objective might

tuguese people settled, living in the country, close


to friendly indigenous tribes. Rui Simão did not

There is a curious detail that can be investi-

ask what the four travellers intended to do there

gated by asking here and there: Fernando looked

and cannot imagine what business could impel

for a goldsmith named Santana who works on

them to that place.

Commerce Street. If the group wants to talk to

If asked about Fernando’s companions, Simão

this man (a bald, pot-bellied Portuguese man,

says that there were two young men (one of them

somewhat unpleasant but talented at his craft),

with a scar on his right cheek) and a young native

they will discover that Fernando asked the artisan

girl with long black hair. They all carried weapons

to melt down some pieces of silver and coat the

and had backpacks, as if they planned to go into the

blades of his weapons with them. With what sil-

jungle. The weapons were new, as if they had just

ver was left he had a bag of ammunition made. The

bought them recently.

goldsmith did his job and didn’t ask the purpose of

At the port it is also possible to take passage

these items.

on a frigate called the Albatroz that is leaving in the

An easy feat of Folklore attests that silver, be-

early hours of the morning and can take the banner

cause of its purity, is supposed to be effective against

in the same direction as Fernando and his friends

certain supernatural beings.

went. Passage costs 100 réis per person, 50 if the passenger offers to work on board (cooking, clean-

NOTE: The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game supplement The Royal Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro contains a more detailed description of the city, which may be used to provide other enounters or events durcing the characters’ stay. .

ing or simply rowing). A frigate offers less comfort than other vessels, but is considerably faster.

STORES As the city is an important centre of commerce, adventurers can find practically all the items in the commerce section of The Elephant & Macaw Banner Roleplaying Game, at the listed prices. These are likely to cover all the items, supplies and weapons needed for their mission. It is possible and even advisable to use the Bargaining skill, and the mediator is invited to in-



of everyone. Young Miguel is the son of José’s


first wife, who died when they were still back in Portugal. Miguel is very smart and curious, in-

The heroes must embark on the Albatroz, a simple

terested in knowing who people are and what

frigate, but fast, having both sails and, in case there

they do with their lives. Narcisa is pregnant,

is no wind, oars. The vessel’s captain is a Dutch

and though she is happy about this, she doesn’t

woman with light hair and blue eyes called Freh-

yet know how to break the news to José.

da Lehman, who operates her frigate between the

Batista de Lemos is a learned academic who ar-

ports of Rio de Janeiro and Santos. Frehda is very

rived from Portugal a few weeks ago. After an

friendly, with an open smile. She loves her job and

uncomfortable stay in Rio de Janeiro, marked

nothing, in her opinion, is better than feeling the sea

by some digestive issues caused by the local

breeze while steering your ship. She is usually hired

cuisine, he intends to travel to Santos. His main

to carry mail and some smaller goods, but of course,

purpose is learning about the fauna of the col-

she also smuggles a little bit of contraband, stowing

ony and writing about the habits and behav-

such cargo in hidden niches below deck. The Alba-

iour of exotic animals. His greatest interest is in

troz has been her vessel for five years, and she has a

strange and unusual creatures, which he plans

crew of 12 sailors who have learnt to trust her.

to study in person. Young and somewhat naive about field expeditions, not to mention a


coward, he prefers to stay behind and observe

Friendly, Fearless, Loyal

things from a safe place, at least until he can get

Cartography 2, Swimming 2, Blade Weapons 2,

close without undue peril. Lemos has a note-

Firearms 2, Fencing 2, Bargaining 1, Persuasion 2,

book in which he makes notes and draws the

Seafaring 3, Woodwork 1, Dancing 1, Commerce 1,

animals he encounters. His dream is to publish

Dutch 2, Portuguese 2, French 1

a book and be recognized for his work. Sea travel makes him especially sick and he complains

Passengers share a common room, sleeping


on platforms or hammocks in the hold. There is not much comfort and absolutely no privacy. In ad-


dition to the player characters, there are five other

Coward, Curious, Dreamer

passengers on board:

Folklore 3, Firearms 1, Bargaining 1, Oratory 2, Persuasion 2, Drawing 2, Cartography 2,

The Oliveiros family comprises a Portuguese

Scrivening 2, Astronomy 1, Law 1, Humanities 2,

man named José, his new wife Narcisa and a

Medicine 1, Latin 2, French 1, Portuguese 3

clever little boy who goes by the name of Miguelito. They are on their way to Santos where José

Friar Libório is a strong, dark-haired man who

has a cousin, who owns a store where he hopes

wears a brown habit and sandals. His hair is cut

to work. José is already well accustomed to life

in a rather poorly done tonsure. Quiet and re-

in the colonies and never tires of saying ‘things

served, he spends the trip clinging to his rosary.

are different in the Kingdom.’ Narcisa is a black

In fact, the ‘friar’ is a fugitive former smuggler

woman of Yoruba descent, raised in a gentle-

named Juarez. He hides a throwing axe in his

man’s household. José fell in love with Narcisa

habit and knows how to use it. Despite his dis-

at first sight, and that love was soon recipro-

guise, and being a fugitive from justice, Juarez is

cated. He found a way to engineer her escape

not a bad person, he is willing to change his ways,

from slavery and fears that one day they will be discovered: because of this, he is suspicious


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

but he does not want to go back and serve his

The mediator can add more characters to the

sentence. It will be easy for any Christian to see

passenger roster, lend the other passengers more

that he behaves in a very strange way for a cleric:

or less importance or ignore them completely, as

he misses parts out from prayers, forgets to say

they see fit. However, to add flavour to the trip, it

grace before eating, confuses Latin phrases and

is good to introduce characters with whom the

seems uncomfortable in practically all activities

group can interact if they find them interesting.

to which a monk should be accustomed. Juarez

The frigate departs just before dawn, with

intends to keep his cover, but he does not want

favourable winds sending it out into the bay. Fre-

to resort to violence and even if he does he will

hda takes the wheel and little by little the city of

try to disarm and not kill. Juarez could be a valu-

Rio de Janeiro is left behind, getting smaller and

able ally if the group is willing to forgive his past.

smaller on the horizon, until it disappears completely, as the small vessel enters deeper waters. The trip to Curumaré lasts no more than a day

FRIAR LIBÓRIO (JUAREZ) (AGE: 24) Adaptable, Funny, Hard-working

and a half, as long as there is wind. It is up to the

Running 1, Physical Strength 3, Foraging 1,

mediator whether to use the encounters described

Climbing 1, Land Navigation 1, Throwing

below, to insert others or to skip to the ‘Curumaré’

Weapons 2, Impact Weapons 2, Woodwork 1,

scene when the Albatroz arrives at the place where

Cooperage 2, Bargaining 1, Portuguese 1

Fernando’s group disembarked.

Just to make things more interesting, on the morning the ship sets sail, a sixth passenger boards the Albatroz, none other than the notorious lawman called Vasco Calvário, famous for his implacability in enforcing the laws of the land. Calvário is travelling to Santos to visit his sister, but those passengers who have something to hide (which includes José Oliveiros as well as Friar Libório) fear that his appearance means bad news for them, and that they might be discovered at any moment. Calvário is not on any official mission, but it is hard for him to ignore his policeman’s instincts. This may lead to some diverting situations during the voyage, especially if the adventurers choose to take a side. VASCO CALVÁRIO (AGE: 40) Authoritarian, Grumpy, Inflexible Riding 1, Field Medicine 1, Swimming 1, Land Navigation 1, Tracking 1, Blade Weapons 3, Firearms 2, Polearms 1, Bargaining 1, Oratory 1, Persuasion 2, Soldiery 2, Administration 1, Law 2, Spanish 1, Portuguese 2



Individuals affected by her hypnotic power


(men only) immediately start walking towards the Mermaid, which involves jumping from the ves-

Towards the end of the first day of travel, read or

sel and tumbling into the water (which takes two

paraphrase the following text::

rounds). The trance makes them see no danger or threat, all they want is to join this lovely maiden.

The trip goes smoothly, with a calm sea and a warm, pleasant weather. While the crew are carrying out their duties, the passengers go up on deck to get some air, as the frigate’s hold is stuffy and dark. Up there, everyone is greeted by a beautiful seascape in which sky and ocean seem to blend into the horizon. On the other side, one can see the irregular cut of the coast, where white sand beaches and green tropical forests emerge, hiding the promise countless secrets and mysteries. The lush landscape is breathtaking and the passengers are delighted by the sight of such natural beauty. But then the moment is broken by a cry from the crow’s nest, where the sharp-eyed lookout gives a warning shout: ‘Boat to starboard!’ Passengers and crew alike run to the ship’s starboard rail and see a small wooden boat floating in the distance, rocking on the waves, drifting with the tide. It is a long distance away and it is not possible to see anyone inside. The sailors look at each other with expressions of curiosity: ‘Perhaps it’s someone who survived a shipwreck,’ one of them ventures. Frehda brings the Albatroz about, manoeuvring to get closer. and reducing sail so as not to approach too quickly. When the vessel is about 40 varas (44 metres) away, it is possible to see that a human form lies prone and unmoving in the small rowing boat.

Those who resist the enchantment may try to stop others, by holding onto them or otherwise restricting their progress. There is no way to break the spell except using magic or killing the Mermaid. However, there is another threat: while everyone watches what is going on to starboard, strange creatures made entirely of algae, servants of the Mermaid, scale the hull on the port side to attack those who have resisted the enchantment. There are a number of these Seaweed Men equal to the number of player characters plus one, and they concentrate on attacking those who have not been affected by the singing. Other Seaweed Men attack the ship’s crew, meaning the sailors cannot aid the player characters, but will defeat these Seaweed Men as and when the player characters win their battle. It is not possible to fight Seaweed Men and restrain an enchanted person at the same time, so in each round the heroes must choose which to do. The Seaweed Men fight to the death. If the Mermaid is hit by a ranged attack, she dives into the sea, undergoing a transformation so that the lower half of her body becomes a fish tail. Once in the water, she tries to grab enchanted victims and drag them into the depths. If she is killed,

Let the players have their characters act as

her spell is broken and the victims wake immediate-

they will. Practically everyone on board is on the

ly from their trance. If the mermaid’s body is recov-

deck, looking to starboard. When the rowing boat

ered, the characters find she had a small bag with

is a little over 20 varas (22 metres) away, everyone

six white pearls (worth 100 réis each) and three pink

gets a surprise: the person that was lying in the boat

pearls (worth 500 each). She has a second bag con-

rises, revealing that she is a beautiful young woman

taining a mother-of-pearl comb (2,000 réis).

with white skin and long emerald hair. She wears

When the last Seaweed Man is permanently

transparent garments like sea foam. At once, she

killed by the characters (see creature description),

begins to sing, and as the sweet melody reaches the

the Mermaid flees and the victims of her enchant-

Albatroz everyone aboard starts to feel dizzy. Make

ment wake, not remembering what happened. Un-

an intermediate test of Enchant 2 for this Mermaid

fortunately several sailors have fallen into the sea

(Endurance: 11, Passive Defence: 0, Active De-

and are lost forever.

fence: 2), in her attempt to lure as many victims as possible into the sea.


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

The Seaweed Men are beings created by Mer-


maids to serve as servants and slaves to their wills

Size: H

and whims. They lack intelligence, but they can per-

Movement: 3

form simple tasks. They inhabit coastal regions but

Habitat: Sea & Coast

can also be found in the open sea, always with their

Number: 1 to 5

ladies. If it dies, the seaweed man falls apart and

Skills: None

ceases to exist. They have the shape of a human-

Physical attacks: Claw 1 (damage 2)

oid being the size of an adult person, covered with

Endurance: 8

green seaweed that gives off a strong smell of sea air.

Passive Defence: 1

Their hands have sharp shells they use to scratch

Active Defence: 2

and injure. When their Endurance reaches zero

Special: Regenerates if not burned

they collapse into a pile of seaweed, but that does not destroy them. The seaweed takes three rounds to regenerate, then the creature attacks again. The only way to permanently destroy a Seaweed Man besides killing the Mermaid who created it - is to set fire to its remains before it regenerates.



The leader of this settlement is a man named


Rogério Andrade, who receives the group

in a

friendly manner and asks what they want there.

After the attack, the group will have a full day to rest

When he is given the explanation, he confirms that

and treat any injuries they may have sustained. The

other outsiders recently passed through the village,

mediator can have other interactions with passen-

having left two days ago. If the adventurers show the

gers who survived the attack occur during this in-

portrait or describe the group, Rogério confirms that


it was exactly them: they formed a small expedition

The following morning, Captain Frehda tells

that went by the name of the Swift Arrow Banner.

the group that they are approaching the village of

They stayed in the village for just one night,

Curumaré. At first it is not possible to see anything

were well liked, and made a point of paying for sup-

save the jungle on the coast, but the captain points

plies and everything they consumed. They were

to a small wooden anchorage on a small strip of

very excited about the prospect of going into the

beach. ‘The village is there, a little way inland. A trail

forest and left early, heading towards the swamp-

leads through the forest,’ she explains. ‘Are you sure that

land and salt marshes that lie further on. The young

you want to stop here? There’s almost nothing to see.’

man, Fernando, who seemed to be in charge of the

The Albatroz cannot get too close to the shore

rest, asked for information about the region, and

here – there is a risk of being grounded on a sandbar,

was especially interested in hearing about an old

so those who want to get off do so in a boat rowed

fort, built and then abandoned by the French. Un-

by sailors who return to the ship after leaving them

fortunately, the inhabitants of Curumaré do not

on the beach. Goodbyes are said and everyone on

know anything about it, since they rarely venture

board wishes the adventurers good luck. Frehda

to those past because they consider the region to

promises to keep an eye out when her ship passes

be very dangerous. However, about a day and a half

this place again on the way back to Rio de Janeiro,

into the journey there is a village on the edge of the

which should be about six days from now, in case

swamp called Apiku, populated by Tupiniquim who

the adventurers change their minds.

know those parts well. These indigenous people

The beach is deserted, with not a soul in sight,

have had contact with other nations and tend to be

although there are signs of footprints in the sand

friendly if they receive gifts and some kind of trib-

and a trail into the jungle as described by Frehda.

ute. In fact, a Jesuit priest named Bartolomeu lives

The group can head into the forest, and it doesn’t

among them, trying to teach them the customs and

take long to find Curumaré.

faith of the white men. The young travellers wanted to go there, so they hired a man from the village, a

Calling Curumaré a village is perhaps an exaggeration given the size of the place. It consists of a few sturdy but unimposing huts spread out across a clearing bisected by a stream. The houses are rustic, made with baked clay bricks and banana leaf roofs, most have no windows and have a single room. The inhabitants of Curumaré are mostly caboclos and indigenous Christians who make a living from fishing and from what they are able to grow in their modest farming plots. Even so, when they perceive the approach of strangers, they react with curiosity and animation. This place does not seem to receive many visitors and soon people come to welcome you.

caboclo named Moacir, who agreed to guide them to the village of Apiku (its name literally means ‘the edge of the swamp’) and make the introductions.. Unfortunately, Moacir was the only one who was fearless enough to explore that way and knows the way to the village. No one now present can help guide the way help. The most they can do is indicate the most direct route.


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

by little, as gathering storm before the battle. The


adventurers and the beast play out a game of cat and mouse, in which they will realize that there is

Departing from Curumaré, adventurers will need to

something lurking in the forest, but they will not

go deep into the jungle and start following the trail

see it until the time for combat. This will create an

of the Swift Arrow Banner. Since the weather has

atmosphere of constant suspense.

remained calm for the past few days and the banner

To achieve this, the mediator must give

was not making an effort to cover its tracks, it is pos-

signs that there is ‘something strange’ in this

sible to follow them with an easy feat of Tracking,

part of the forest:

which will allow the group to find evidence of the passing of Fernando and his companions.

About four hours after leaving Curumaré, the

Alternatively, to stay on the correct path ac-

group realizes that the forest is extremely qui-

cording to the directions given by Rogério, an inter-

et. There is no birdsong like there would usually

mediate feat of Land Navigation is sufficient.

be, nor are any wild animals present. Everything

Success in either of these feats allows the

seems incredibly quiet.

group to go in the right direction, which will eventually lead them to Apiku.

Two hours later, the adventurers come to a

Unfortunately this is a very dangerous region,

clearing where they discover the remains of

as the players’ banner is about to discover. This is

a wild pig. The animal is not just dead. It has

the hunting ground for one of the most dangerous

been torn to pieces and half-devoured by a

beasts in the forest, a giant, fur-covered creature

huge and ferocious predator. It is an easy feat

that hunts and kills everything it can get its claws

of Field Medicine that it was not weapons but

on. Its name is synonymous with terror throughout

claws and huge fangs that produced these

the coast: Magwhar (see the description on page 125


of the rulebook). The monster is abroad mainly at night, but

Keep pointing out that everything is very qui-

during the day it is attracted by the sound of people

et, then roll the dice for yourself and do not say

walking through the forest and leaves its lair to in-

what it is about: this should contribute to mak-

vestigate. It makes its nest in a cave near a waterfall

ing participants uneasy. Tell them from time to

and keeps its treasures there.

time that they can sense someone (or some-

The Magwhar is especially furious right now,

thing) is watching them. If someone uses Fore-

as it encountered the Swift Arrow Banner a few

see Evil, nothing happens; the creature is too far

days ago and had a fierce fight with them. At the

away to present an incipient threat. There is no

time, the creature was wounded in its only weak

sight or sound of the Magwhar, at least not for

point, its mouth, and lost some of its Endurance

the moment...

(it currently has 15 points). However, it did manage to kill the guide Moacir and seriously injured

An hour after discovering the dead pig, the ad-

one of the young adventurers. The fact that it has

venturers stumble upon a trap left behind by Fer-

been injured makes the Magwhar even more dan-

nando’s banner. Perceiving that they were being

gerous, since now it wanders the area looking for

stalked by some kind of animal, they prepared a

the same group to settle the score. When it realizes

simple but ingenious trap. It is right in the middle

that there is someone in his territory it thinks it is

of a path. Ask for an intermediate feat of Traps

the same band and comes after them.

(without saying what it is for). If the group is

To make this meeting especially memorable,

successful, the person at the front of the group

the mediator should make things happen little

spots a branch in the way, attached to a pole. If



the branch is moved, the pole is freed and with

do battle in these conditions, the reigning darkness

it a sharp spear that unbends and strikes the in-

and the dense forest impose a -2 penalty on ranged

dividual with great force. This trap causes four

attacks. In addition, the Magwhar will climb a tree

points of damage.

and wait for the group to enter the area and then fall on them and attack in an ambush. If any hero leaves

After moving on from the trap, about an hour lat-

the camp alone, for whatever reason, the Magwhar

er, ask for an easy feat of Tracking. On a success,

will attack them.

inform the player that there is a trail of footprints leading to what appears to be a broken camp:


there are signs that the place was used recently:

Movement: 4

an unlit camp fire, pots, sleeping bags and left-

Physical attacks: Bite 2 (damage 6) or Strike 2

over food can be seen turned over. Fernando’s

(damage 5)

banner faced the monster in that place and for-

Endurance: 15 (wounded)

tunately were able to scare it away. There are

Passive Defence: 3

unmistakable signs of combat: a group of people

Active Defence: 5

faced something big and heavy that seems to have come out of the woods and attacked by sur-

The safest approach that the group can take

prise. A strange footprint stands out, a huge paw

is to set up their camp, not stray far from it, and

belonging to a large animal.

keep guard at night. Ask what measures the group will take. For each useful action, give the characters

The group may attempt an intermediate feat

a bonus on a check to see whether or not the Mag-

of Folklore to list out creatures that produce a foot-

whar will attack.. Roll a single die, with any result

print like this: the Bicho-Papão, Labateau, Mag-

below 4 meaning that the creature attacks in the

whar and Flayed Hand are all viable possibilities.

middle of the night. He appears without warning,

The mediator can describe some characteristics of

charging into the group, coming out of the forest

these creatures if they feel that this will increase the

like a hurricane and fighting to the death. Results

group’s apprehension.

above 4 mean that the creature waits. Useful meas-

As the day draws to a close, the sun hides be-

ures to adopt may include taking turns on watch

hind the treetops and dark shadows begin to paint

(+1), maintaining a camp fire (+1), making noise (+1),

the forest in shades of black. There is no way for-

laying traps around the perimeter of the camp (+1),

ward after dark: even with torches or lanterns, it re-

make more than one fire or a very big fire (+2) and

mains very dark and dangerous.

making lots of noise, possibly with singing (+2).

Normally, a Magwhar would not be afraid to

Even if the Magwhar does not attack, it does

attack after nightfall, even if it were outnumbered,

not let the group rest. A whole night without sleep-

but this beast is injured and therefore inclined to

ing and under constant threat comes at a price.

caution. During the night, the Magwhar can be heard

Characters who have Energy points are unable to re-

howling in defiance to those who invaded its terri-

new their daily Energy and stay with only the points

tory. It sounds like a combination of peals of thun-

left over from the previous day, and all characters in

der and the yowls of a cornered animal. It is difficult

the group receive a -1 penalty on their rolls the next

to pinpoint where it comes from, but it is certainly

day, an effect that accumulates until they get a de-

very close. The creature intends to lure the group to

cent night’s sleep.

a dense part of the forest, where it take advantage

The following morning, footprints can be

of the thicker vegetation. If the group goes out to

found very close by with an easy feat of Tracking.


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

The monster has been prowling the camp. Frustrat-


ed, the Magwhar returned to its lair to sleep. The group can choose to go after the monster or con-

Apiku is the last human settlement before the salt

tinue on their journey to Apiku. In the latter case,

marshes begin. The local people rarely venture be-

they will probably only know what the creature was

yond this point, and the isle of Ipaúna is considered

when and if you can talk to members of the Swift

taboo under their laws. As they approach the fring-

Arrow Banner.

es of Apiku, the adventurers will be seen by some

Following the Magwhar to its lair puts the

hunters from the village, who return quickly to Api-

group face to face with the beast in a dangerous

ku to warn the chief that outsiders are coming. Soon

clash. The trail leads to a stream with a waterfall

an group of some 30 warriors armed with bows and

and there they find the cave where the creature

clubs surrounds the banner and leads them to the

hides. The stench from the cave is almost unbear-


able, caused by the carcasses of devoured animals

When they arrive, read or paraphrase:

and the excrement of the beast.

Apiku is a typical Tupiniquim village, surrounded by a low wooden palisade reinforced with baked clay, which offers a solid fortification against invaders. The large huts known as malocas serve as communal housing for several families each. They are arranged in a circle, around a terrace reserved for assemblies and meetings. The banner is escorted by the warriors, taken to the centre of the yard where there is a decorated oca hut. The men brandish their weapons and point their bows menacingly at all times. A good part of the village’s population is present. The warriors stand at the front, then old men and finally women and children stand around the outer ring. The Tupiniquim seem surprised to see outsiders on their land, but not necessarily angry. Finally, a curtain in the central oca opens and four eminent figures emerge in colourful feather regalia. Everyone is silent when they see the chiefs and shaman of the tribe. Beside them, a white man with a beard, wearing the black habit of the Jesuit order, observes the proceedings.

The monster will notice the presence of invaders at a distance of 5 varas from the mouth of the cave and will emerge furious. It then fights to the death, but does not pursue opponents if they escape into the woods. Remember, it is hurt and prefers not to take any chances. An easy feat of Folklore identifies the creature as a Magwhar, and if the test is successful in an intermediate level, the individual knows that Magwhar skin is invulnerable to all attacks and that its only weak point is the mouth. Only an attack on the mouth has a chance to injure it, and if no one notices this, in the second round someone facing the monster will notice that it has a bloody wound in its huge mouth. Inside the cave, amid a sickening stench, the heroes find the half-eaten body of a caboclo man (Moacir). The Magwhar has already claimed other victims and carried objects belonging to these poor souls to its lair. Inside, the group will find a helmet,

This is a delicate moment in the adventure.

a rodela (round shield), a high-quality cutlass (+1

The player banner is vastly outnumbered and any

to Blade Weapons tests) and a small bag contain-

attitude that can be interpreted as aggression will

ing some precious stones -- 3d6 aquamarines (each

have serious repercussions. The inhabitants of Api-

worth 50 réis) and a single sapphire (500 réis).

ku are not violent, and they are more curious about

After the battle, an easy feat of Field Medicine

than offended by the presence of outsiders on their

reveals that the Magwhar was seriously wounded

land, but they will not tolerate rudeness. Diplomacy

in its mouth, and so the combat was ‘easier’ than it

is the key word to resolve this situation in an agree-

would normally be.

able way.



If none of the characters can communicate in

Whatever the outcome, the chiefs return to

Tupi, Father Bartolomeu will play the role of inter-

the oca and decide among themselves what to do.

preter. Bartolomeu quickly introduces himself and

Meanwhile, the members of the banner must wait

asks what the banner is doing there and what is its

under the stern eyes of the warriors who keep them

goal. Then he says that the essential thing at that

under careful watch. Meanwhile, Father Barto-

moment is to prove that they have come in peace and

lomeu, a kind and tolerant Jesuit, comes over to the

that they are friends, otherwise they can be consid-

group, able to answer any questions they have. Typical questions might be:

ered as enemies and the situation could take a turn for the worse.

1. Were members of the Swift Arrow Banner in the

Have the adventurers choose a spokesperson


and let them introduce themselves and explain their reasons, then roll a since die. Any result less than

‘Yes. They arrived at the village and were well re-

4 means the chiefs are angry at the presence of the

ceived, mainly because there was a native named An-

banner. Certain conditions modify this die roll.

ahí with them, who is a master of Breath and spoke on behalf of the group. She convinced them that they came in peace.’

Positive modifiers: If the group is especially polite and respectful (+1)

2. Where are they now?

If the group praises the tribe, its warriors, the

‘The banner asked for permission to explore the swamp

chiefs or the village (+1)

beyond the village. That place is forbidden, and even

If any member of the banner is from an allied tribe

warriors avoid venturing out there. There is an island

of the Tupiniquim (+1)

there that is considered taboo, and no member of the

If the spokesperson speaks Tupi and gives the ex-

tribe sets foot there. The banner got permission from

planation themselves (+1)

the chiefs because the Breath practitioner (Anahí)

If a tribute is offered to the chiefs (+1)

promised that they would try to banish the shadows

If the spokesperson performs an intermediate feat

that curse the isle of Ipaúna.’

of Oratory or Persuasion (+1)

3. What can you tell us about this shaman?

If there is a Breath practitioner among them (+1)

‘Very little! Practitioners of the powers of Breath

If a tribute of exceptional value is offered to the

are much respected by the chiefs and have great in-

chiefs (+2)

fluence. The girl was a native, I don’t know of which

If they mention and prove they have killed the

tribe or nation, but managed to impress everyone

Magwhar (+2)

and they gave permission to go to Ipaúna.’

Negative modifiers:

4. Was there a young man called Fernando with

If there are one or more members of rival tribes of

them? Is he well?

the Tupiniquim (-1 for each individual)

‘Yes. A young man called Fernando acted as a kind of

If the banner is rude, arrogant or disrespectful (-1)

leader of the banner. He was well and in good health,

If the spokesperson fails to achieve an intermedi-

although they had encountered a monster on the way

ate feat of Oratory or Persuasion (-1)

from Curumaré to Apiku.’

If the banner has resisted or injured a member of

5. What is on this ‘Dark Island’?

the tribe while being escorted (-2)

‘I have never been there. The local people believe it

If no tribute is offered (-2)

is a cursed place, and so they avoid it. It is said that

If the banner killed a member of the tribe while be-

it attracts terrible things: phantasms and hauntings.

ing escorted (-5)

The natives are greatly afraid of these things and will not go there for any reason.’


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

posed treasure makes the chiefs consider them am-

6. Is there a French fort on the island?

bitious fools. Since the characters are not members

‘The other banner wanted to know the very same

of the tribe, they are not prohibited from entering

thing! The tribe says that some white men tried to

the swamp, although the chiefs and the shaman dis-

live on Ipaúna some years ago. They built a small set-

courage them from doing so. If the group is insistent,

tlement and stayed there for a while. That is, until

the chiefs wish them luck and, if they are on good

the evil spirits awoke and tookpossession of them (he

terms, offer help and a gift.

makes the sign of the cross). Nobody is left there now...

To find Ipaúna, they must simply follow a riv-

I always imagined that this story was just a legend,

er that crosses the swamp until a lake into which it

but, it seems, there is some truth to it.’

debouches. The locals provide a canoe to facilitate

7. Will they let us explore the area? ‘Perhaps. The chiefs decided to allow the other banner to go to Ipaúna, but not everyone was happy about it. Some fear it will anger the spirits and that, if that happens, the tribe will suffer. They are divided on the

the crossing, which makes the journey faster. At least one character must have the Canoeing skill to handle the trip on the river. If there is no one with the skill, the trip, which normally takes about three


hours, takes twice as long.

8. Would you accompany us? ‘My place is here, in the village. It was difficult to get the tribe to trust me, and finally they accepted me almost as one of them. If I go to the place they consider taboo, they probably won’t accept me again, and staying with them is my mission. I can help you by providing spiritual help and the divine graces of the faith, but nothing more.’

As stated, no one in Apiku will be involved in this excursion. But the shaman, a wise-looking old man called Opira, will offer something of great help. He approaches the group’s Breath practitioner, or if there is none, the one who appears to be the oldest. The pajé puts a kind of decorated shaker, filled with seeds, into their hands.

After their deliberations, the chiefs announce

Then he says, translated if necessary by Bar-

whether the adventurers are welcome in Apiku and,


based on the result, welcome them or place them in a

‘Ipaúna is a fearful place. It attracts evil shadows that detest the living. They are angoeras (false souls), which suffer and desire not to suffer alone; they feed on life and leave behind nothing but an empty shell. They do not like the sound of the shaker, for the seeds inside are from sacred trees, and it keeps them away. But they will not stay distant for long. Use it only when necessary.’

guarded oca until they decide what to do with them. In the latter case, Father Bartolomeu promises that he will intercede for them and, if successful, the natives will let them go, but without much help or recommendations.. FATHER FRANCISCO BARTOLOMEU (AGE: 39) Warm, Compassionate, Generous

Opira has another gift for the group: two en-

Faith 3, Protection from Evil 2, Daily Bread 1,

chanted fruits that possess, when eaten, the power

Blessing 2, Philosophy 1, Humanities 1, Medicine

to Cure Wounds (like the Breath magic power of the

1, Oratory 2, Theology 2, Persuasion 2, Singing 1,

same name).

Tupi 2, Latin 2, Portuguese 2


The characters can try to negotiate with the

Diplomatic, Prudent, Responsible

chiefs and convince them to allow them to follow

Breath 3, Cure Wounds 2, Cure Poison 2,

in the footsteps of the previous banner. To do so,

Grant Luck 1, Give Strength 1, Cure Illness 1,

they must show their real intention to help others

Foraging 1, Folklore 3, Herbalism 2, Oratory 2,

and promise they will try to ‘cleanse’ Ipaúna of any

Tupi 2, Aimoré 1

evil presence that exists there. Mentioning the sup-



50% chance it was damaged and cannot be used any


longer unless the characters: 1. Repair the damage (easy feat of Carpentry or

The swamp extends as far as the eye can see, a desolate landscape broad pools and sandbanks. The vegetation is typical of that found in mangroves: low trees and compact shrubs with tangles of roots protruding from the surface. They are like small islands between one flooded section and the next.. The air is hot and humid like a greenhouse; it does not take long for your clothes to become soaked with sweat. Countless animals live in this environment: birds, molluscs, crustaceans and fish can be seen all around, not to mention dense hovering clouds of insects. Birdsong intermingles with the hum of mosquitoes, creating an incessant symphony. The people of Apiku told you that in order to reach Ipaúna, should follow the river of salt water that cuts through the swamp and ends in a lagoon. The watercourse is not very deep. It is just deep enough to paddle along in the canoe, but there are numerous rocks and sandbanks in the way, which you must navigate around or get out and haul the canoe across.

Woodwork, takes 2 hours) 2. Make a new canoe/raft (Carpentry, 5 hours) 3. Do the rest of the journey on foot (intermediate feat of Land Navigation, 3 hours on success or 5 hours on a failure). The mangrove is home to dangerous animals and going through it may, if the mediator so wishes, attract some predator. If animals are attracted by the adventurers’ presence, they will approach in order to kill and feed on them. Typical animals of the region include (giant versions of) spiders, titan beetles, mosquitoes, and venomous jungle frogs. Dry-Bodies and an Ipopier also inhabit the swamp.

IPAÚNA (THE DARK ISLAND) Read or paraphrase the following when the player characters sight Ipaúna:

It is important to count how long it takes to reach Ipaúna. A smooth journey by water takes three hours,

Occupying the end of a lake of stagnant water, you see Ipaúna, the Dark Island, and when you see it there is no doubt that it is the place described by Pajé Opira. The Island looks more like a big sandbar emerging from the lake, just over 200 varas (220 metres) in length and one and a half times that in width. Its location, along with its insalubrious environment, grants it a certain concealment and strategic position. With some difficulty it is possible to make out a few precarious constructions: walls, guard posts and a palisade that goes around the perimeter. Undoubtedly, these are the remains of a small fort, now reclaimed by vegetaton, which climbs the railings with vines and covers the walls with slime. There is no sign of life. A fine mist close to the lake hides the banks of the islet, but you can see a muddy beach where you can see a single canoe. Beyond it is a gap in the stockade and a gate that leads into the fort, which remains shrouded in shadow. Stillness reigns. Even the frogs and crickets are silent, contributing to the sepulchral silence. The air feels colder, here.

or six if no one knows Canoeing. On foot it takes nine. The group must perform an easy feat of Canoeing during the first part of the trip. If no one manages it, the canoe rolls, throwing everyone into the water. Fortunately, the water is not deep here and there is no risk of drowning. However, backpacks, firearms and supplies can be ruined when submerged if not properly packed. If no one achieves the feat the group loses one hour to this mishap. On the second stretch of the journey, the group reaches a part of the river with a strong current which demands an intermediate feat of Canoeing. Failure means they hit a rock in the riverbed and the canoe capsizes. All must make an intermediate Swimming feat to reach solid ground. Those who succeed take two points of damage, those who fail four. If a character succeeds at difficult level, they can reduce their damage to zero or help a companion who has failed (thus reducing the damage they suffer). If the canoe capsizes, the group loses two hours and there is a


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

Strange occurrences on Ipaúna: 1. One of the group has an unpleasant feeling, a sudden shiver runs down their spine and the feeling of being watched is overwhelming. For a moment all they want is to run back to the far shore, and it takes a few moments to recover. Describe it as a strong episode of panic, with the palpitations, dizziness and dryness in the mouth. 2. A tree, a wall or some object casts a strange shadow on the ground. The shadow is oddly dark, and its shape does not resemble that of the object in question. Perhaps the shape looks like something unpleasant in the eyes of the characters: a headless body, a diabolical shape or a severed limb. 3. A gust of wind blows suddenly, the air carrying a stench of rot: of dug earth, freshly buried animals or sulphurous water. The odour is nauseating, but as fast as it appears, it disappears. 4. The characters’ voices sound distant in normal conversation. One moment it is as if they are side by side, the next their voices sound muffled as if several metres separate them. 5. A strange noise is heard: the hiss of an arrow, the sound of wings, the whinny of a horse or even a distant laugh. Worse than that, only one of the group can hear it, the others don’t hear anything. Imagination? Perhaps... 6. Voices speaking a foreign language are heard. It sounds like French, the words are just murmurs, but it is possible to make out: ‘Dieu nous sauve de cet endroit maudit’ (‘God protect us from this accursed place’). 7. The voice of a dead enemy or someone the group knows has died (that they may have killed!) is heard. What it says is up to the mediator, but it will certainly be unpleasant. Perhaps it is an opportunity to insert a flashback from another adventure or a warning of what is to come.. 8. The light source carried by the group, torch or lantern, suddenly shines with a different glow and takes on a greenish tint. The phenomenon lasts for a few moments and then it returns to normal. 9. One of the characters goes to take a sip of water from their flask, but discovers that it is full of blood. At least, the liquid tastes like blood. Disgusted, they throw the canteen away, but only normal water drips from it. 10. Invisible presences seem to bump into the characters. One feels their hair being pulled by invisible fingers, another breath on their neck, while a third feels as though invisible teeth are biting them. Maybe it’s imagination, but how to explain the scratches and teeth marks that come up afterwards? The group’s first step should be to reach the is-

It is important that from this point the me-

land, by canoe, raft or swimming. The water is full of

diator establish an aura or strangeness and appre-

sandbanks and the shallow streams called igarapés in

hension when describing the scene. Ipaúna is no

Tupi, so the depth varies enormously. One can pad-

ordinary place. It is touched by supernatural forces

dle or swim in relative tranquillity, as the waters are

and that leaves a kind of taint in the air that people


sense in the form of foreboding feelings. Ideally, this Crossing the lake to Ipaúna requires an easy

should be highlighted through small occurrences.

feat of Swimming, if they have reached the lake

Above are some tips to make exploring Ipaúna a be-

without a boat. Helping a character who cannot

wildering experience. Use these ideas when appro-

swim to make the crossing is an intermediate feat.

priate, to create an atmosphere full of doubt and to

The best place to land on Ipaúna is a narrow

keep the group on the defensive.

stretch of land that forms a muddy beach covered

As the group moves forward, they experience

by a low mist. There one can find the remains of a

two or three of the effects described above. Let them

dock, nothing more than two posts stuck in the

absorb an effect, allow them to try to interpret it,

ground and slats of rotting wood forming a path. A

and then mercilessly bring in another, chaining

small canoe, big enough for up to four people, is tied

things together. If the group starts to get worried

up there, similar to what the Apiku people gave to

or think about going back, you are doing a good job.

the player characters. This canoe was given to the

This part of the adventure involves terror, and one

banner that preceded them.

of the most interesting types of terror is psychologi-

There is nothing in the canoe but the paddles,

cal, which involves fear that people create for them-

but it is possible to find, with an easy feat of Track-

selves in their minds.

ing, four pairs of footprints that follow from that

Finally they reach the palisade and there they

point in the direction of the haunted fortification.

find an open gate that leads into the ruins of the fort.




At this point, the mediator makes a Paralyse level 1 test against each of the characters present. The difficult if intermediate, unless the target has

When the group advances a few steps beyond the

Faith, Ifá or Breath, in which case the paralysis is a

gate (Area 1), read or paraphrase the following:

difficult feat. On a success, the character is rendered immobile (gripped by a petrifying fear) and remains

As soon as you set foot within the perimeter of the fort, you notice that the place is darker and colder. The shadows are darker, the sky turns to night-grey (even if it is day) and a supernatural fear causes your hearts to tighten. The temperature drops noticeably. A pale grey mist begins to surround you. This fog is not natural! You begin to perceive ethereal forms that constanly appear and disappear, flickering in and out of view. They are spectral presences of people: men, women, children and even horribly mutilated and injured animals. There are indigenous people and also white men there, all of them bearing expressions of hate and anger. You feel a strong sensation of menace hanging in the air. These ghostly presences are resentful and furious at the presence of the living in their domain. For they are not alive and they detest anyone who is.

so until the effects are dissipated. A successful use of Banish Evil or Cure Maladies removes the effect. This is the moment for the characters to use the shaker given to them by Pajé Opira. Remember to ask who was carrying this object. If the person in question is paralysed, they will not be able to use it and someone else will have to do it. The spectral presences are ethereal beings called Angoeras, lost souls belonging to people who died on Ipaúna. They feed on the vital energy of their paralysed victims. Once unable to move, victims begin to lose points of Endurance as they are permeated by restless spirits. With each round the person loses two points of Endurance (the damage


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

does not produce injuries, but a biting cold).

When (or if) one of the characters uses the

Given the amount of Angoeras present, these

shaker, read or paraphrase this description:

attacks do not need feat tests and damage is auto-

The noise of the rattle has a dramatic and immediate effect on the ethereal entities. Upon hearing the sound of the rattling sacred seeds, the ghosts are transfigured with terror and begin to disappear. Some stricken souls scream and groan, sinking into the dark soil or seeking refuge in decrepit buildings. Others simply disappear, leaving a hazy trail. The temperature returns to normal and the environment darkened by their malignant presence becomes lighter. However, there is a feeling that this has only served to buy some time: these things were repelled, not destroyed. In a place like this, it will not be long before they come back, and when they do, they won’t be scared off so easily.

matic for all those paralysed. The characters may try to fight the Angoeras, but to cause damage they must have weapons that are enchanted or covered with silver. The Angoeras are immune to any other type of attack. ANGOERA Size: H Movement: 3 Habitat: Any evil place Skills: Paralyse 1 Physical attacks: Touch 2 (damage 3, cold) Endurance: 6

In fact, the Angoeras will be away for many

Passive Defence: 3 Active Defence: 5

hours, long enough for the group to go about their

Special: Immune to normal weapons

business and complete their exploration of the fort. But don’t tell them that! Let them be concerned

The Angoera is a dark spirit, commonly known

that the false souls may return at any time. If you

as a false soul, wandering aimlessly around the

want the group to stay startled, at times say that

place where it died. In general, it is restricted to the

there is an Angoera peeking from somewhere in

place where its remains are and is not able to move

the fort with furious eyes and a frown on her face..

more than 200 varas away from them. They are not

Once the creatures are repelled, the effects of

likely to talk, but they can repeat words or phrases

their paralysis power are immediately nullified.

that made sense when they were alive. They hate

Within the fort, the group can choose to search

everything alive and attack with unrestrained fury.

any location described on the map. They should

Communicate with Spirits captures only angry words.

concentrate on looking for traces of the Swift Arrow

Banish Evil forces the Angoera away. An Angoera

Banner, and in some places they will find these clues

is invisible, but it is always accompanied by a grey

(and worse).

haze, so when it moves, its shape can be perceived.

2 - Battlements – There are two main defen-

An Angoera can cause paralysis: affected people are

sive points on the wooden palisade: these served to

unable to move until the creature moves away. The

defend the fort from possible attackers. They can be

spirit consumes life energy from those it has para-

accessed by old wooden stairs that lead up to the

lysed and this is how it feeds. In general, they leave

battlements. The defensive positions are three varas

their victims before killing them, content to terrify

high and have niches to attach weapons and shoot.

them to the brink of death. Affected people tend to

These defensive positions have not been maintained

be left with mementoes of this terror: tremors, pale

for a long time and have a 50% chance of collapsing

skin or completely white hair. In combat, the An-

if someone goes up to them. It is an easy feat of Car-

goera’s touch passes through solid objects, causing

pentry or Engineering to spot this disrepair and the

a freezing effect. Angoeras are immune to normal

signs that they may collapse if climbed upon. If the

weapons, but susceptible to silver or enchanted ob-

structure collapses, it causes four points of damage to


whomever is on top. Being on the battlements gives



a good view of the fort and its surroundings. Other

5 - Arsenal – This stone building is one of the

than that, there is nothing interesting up here.

those that has best stood the test of time. There

3 - Stable – This old wooden building with

is a sign at the entrance to the building that reads

a thatched roof was built to house the animals of

‘Poudre à canon - Dangereuse’. This is a warning about

the fort. It had individual stalls to house, treat and

the danger of the arsenal, since the fort’s stockpile of

feed horses and donkeys. Just a few animals were

gunpowder used to be stored inside. A search of the

originally brought to the fort and these were used

chamber within finds eight barrels of black powder,

as beasts of burden during its construction. Once

20 bags of ammunition for harquebus or pistol (each

the poor animals were able to feel Ipaúna’s strange

holding 12 bullets), a heavy war axe attached to the

atmosphere, they began to behave erratically, caus-

wall, six muskets and four pikes. The other weapons

ing accidents. The animals were killed during the

were taken during the final affray and the boxes that

outbreak of madness that later seized the French

stored them are lying scattered on the floor.

settlers. There’s nothing left inside but old saddles,

Ammunition and gunpowder can be claimed

harnesses and ropes in bad shape.

by the characters. Unfortunately, the powder kegs

A curious detail is that although the bones of

were exposed to the elements and there is a 50%

five horses can be found in the stable, the skulls of

chance that each of them will be unusable.

the animals are not there. This mystery remains un-

The pikes are unbalanced (-1 to attack), but

til a visit to the Chapel.

anyone who performs an easy feat of Polearms

4 - Forge and Workshop – It was essential for

knowledge, when they pick them up, immediately

the colonists that they have a forge to produce tools

recognizes that they are of inferior quality.

and utensils to be used in their daily lives. The forge

The muskets are in bad shape, rusted and

unfortunately never operated to its fullest. Only a

damaged (-3 to attack). It just takes a second to look

small bellows was ever used, mainly to produce am-

and see that these weapons are almost useless.

munition. The smith who worked in the French fort

The war axe is an extremely well made special

was called Guilhaume Fronsac and he was a master

weapon, which grants to anyone who uses it a +2

of his trade. In his spare time, he studied artillery and

bonus on Impact Weapons tests (note that it is not

made extensive notes on his thoughts in a notebook.

enchanted, though). The axe belonged to a French

Before he died in the chaos in the fort, he hid his

officer who at one time worked as an executioner,

notebook in a box on top of a shelf in the workshop.

using the heavy blade to decapitate those who were

The cover of the notebook can be seen hanging from

sentenced to death. He used the axe to intimidate

the top of this shelf crammed with crates and boxes.

his subordinates here on the Dark Island, and since

Getting up to reach the notebook is an easy feat of

everyone feared the weapon, it remained untouched

Climbing. A failure, however, produces undesirable

even at the end. The axe has a curious peculiarity,

results: the shelf collapses and the heavy boxes on

which is that when someone uses it, they must re-

top fall onto the character who has failed (and any-

place one of their characteristics with ‘Violent’ and

one else below), causing four points of damage (there

act accordingly.

are even cannonballs in there!).

Violent means that the character tends to re-

The notebook, titled ‘Studies of Amplitude &

solve issues using aggression and sometimes vi-

Range of Military Artillery’, written by Guilhaume

olence. This personality trait becomes part of the

de Fronsac, is an excellent treatise on its theme,

character’s conduct, and must be remembered by

written in French. It may be sold for 400 réis in a

the mediator. If the character is separated from

large city as a curiosity or up to 2,000 réis to the

the axe for 24 hours, they can resume their original

right buyer (someone interested in advanced man-


uals of artillery).


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

6 - Prison – This house was used to hold cap-

with their pointed claws. Skeletons are resistant

tured enemies and undisciplined members of the

to attacks with certain weapons. In fact, they have

French group. It has a room with bars to hold pris-

no Endurance points. For every three full points of

oners and inside it is possible to see a person lying

damage taken, a skeleton has a 1 in 6 chance of be-

among old skeletons and dry straw. The skeletons

ing destroyed by the attack. The damage accumu-

belonged to abandoned prisoners who died of hun-

lates and every three points, the chances of it being

ger after the mutiny. Such a terrible death caused evil

destroyed increase until reaching 5 in 6.

energies to animate their bones and turn them into

The man lying in the room was a member of

walking skeletons.

Fernando’s banner and was killed by the skeletons

When someone enters the room, these bones

when the group explored the site. Any easy feat of

rise up in the form of three skeletons. They crackle

Field Medicine reveals that he died due to injuries

and creak as they approach with murderous inten-

caused by the skeletons and that he expired less


than 24 hours ago. The man had a pike, two throwing knives and still wears an armoured doublet.


There are 90 réis in his pockets. His name was Abe-

Size: H

lardo, but that the group will only be able to find out

Movement: 3

when they find Fernando. 7 - Captain LaSalle’s House – This building

Habitat: Any evil place Physical attacks: Claw 1 (damage 2), Weapon

was the home used by Captain Remy LaSalle, com-

Skill 1 (weapon damage)

mandant of the colony and responsible for the con-

Endurance: see below

struction of La Petite Cachette fort. All that remains

Passive Defence: 1

of the man is a skeleton slumped across a tabletop.

Active Defence: 3

A wound in the skull and a pistol on the floor show

Especial: takes half damage from all weapons,

that he ended his own life. Investigating the room, the characters find

except impact weapons

some interesting and valuable items on a desk: Skeletons are undead animated by evil energies that give them the aspect of life and make their

Three maps of the region (worth 200 réis each,

empty eye-sockets emit a bluish glow. They look

which may increase to 600 each, if negotiated

like normal human skeletons, with cartilage that

with an interested banner)

connects the bones holding them together. They

A compass (worth 2,000 réis)

move quickly and can use simple weapons or attack

A French naval officer’s dagger (worth 300 réis) A snaphaunce pistol A powder horn inlaid with silver carvings (worth


800 réis)

A skeleton has taken 7 points of accumulated damage. It takes another 3 damage, having now accumulated 10 points of total damage. It therefore has 3 chances out of 6 to be destroyed in this attack (since 10 divided by 3 equals 3, rounded down). The mediator rolls a 4, and the skeleton remains animated and attacking. In the next round, it takes 1 more damage, and the chance remains 3 in 6. The mediator rolls a 2, and the skeleton finally collapses.

In addition, on the desk is Captain LaSalle’s diary (written in French) with an account of his plans, the construction work of the fort and the situation that led to the rise of the colony (see Handout 2). Inside the leather cover of the diary there is a bronze key with the design of a cross in relief (it opens the safe hidden under the altar of the Chapel).



8 - Dormitories – Two identical rustic build-

Field Medicine to determine that he was poisoned.

ings that were built to house the majority of the

His name was Luis Antônio and he was a member

colonists. Both have a large space still with ham-

of the Swift Arrow Banner, as can be discovered at

mocks, mats and mosquito nets that were used by

the end of the adventure. Beside him lies a halberd.

the men who inhabited the fort, years ago. Personal

Investigating his backpack, the group can find two

items such as clothes, boots, belts and hats can still

fruits with healing properties (similar to those that

be found in bags. Unfortunately there is nothing re-

Opira gave the group) and a throwing axe.

motely useful here; what remains has been ruined

Of interest in the room, there is an old cabi-

by time.

net where the French physician responsible for the

A third dormitory was set on fire during the

health of the colonists kept his material and med-

height of the mutiny and several men were burnt to

icines. In addition to bottles and jars containing

death inside. This dormitory is nothing more than a

spoiled ingredients, there is a surgical kit in good

blackened ruin with a collapsed roof. Searching in-

condition that can be used by someone who has a

side, the adventurers find several charred bones.

relevant medical skill.. The kit grants a +1 bonus to

9 - Infirmary – A simple long building with

feats of Medicine and Field Medicine. It an be used

hammocks and mats for patients to rest on, the in-

up to five times, after which the contents are ex-

firmary looks more like a dormitory. The body of a

hausted. It may instead be sold for 130 réis.

young man is lying on the floor, he has a wound on

There is an unpleasant surprise hidden un-

his left hand and an expression of surprise and ter-

der the cupboard, the lair of three giant centipedes

ror on his face. The poor fellow has been dead for

called Ambua-Açus, animals large enough to be

several hours, or perhaps days. It is an easy feat of

mistaken for snakes (the largest is 1.20m in length).


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

They attack anyone searching the cupboard, and

ergies are being drained. Over time, this process will

one of them gets a surprise attack. Poor Luis Antô-

drive them insane and make them kill each other,

nio was a victim of these venomous creatures.

much to the delight of the Dark Island.. When the group enters the chapel, read or paraphrase the following:


Of all the terrifying places on Ipaúna, this appears to be the worst. There is something evil about this old building, which you immediately recognize as an abandoned chapel. Everything inside is dark and cold. You immediately feel discomfort as you enter, and it is impossible to ignore the air of terror contained within. Soon after you step inside, the shadows seem to move in the opposite corner, a whirlwind of darkness that rises to a height of almost two varas. On top of these amorphous shadows, a reddish glow lights up revealing narrow skulls of horses that neigh in a hideous manner. The monsters crack their jaws and advance towards you with bloodthirsty fury.

Movement: 3 Habitat: Anywhere dark and humid Physical attacks: Bite 1 (damage 2) + Poison 1 Endurance: 5 Passive Defence: 1 Passive Defence: 3 The Ambua-Açu is a giant centipede (which can be up to a vara and a half long) red-brown in colour, that lives in dark places and is largely nocturnal. It is a stubborn predator that feeds on insects, birds and small rodents, but is not intimidated by larger enemies. Anyone who approaches its den is

The mediator can judge how many monsters

in danger of being surprised, since they are silent. Its

will be present in this final combat. Ideally it should

bite is extremely painful and each hit causes a Poi-

be a total equal to the number of characters minus

son roll against the opponent.

one: this will create a considerable challenge for the

10 - Chapel – The old chapel of the fort is

group. If the mediator, however, considers other-

the most dangerous place on Ipaúna. It has been

wise they may decrease (or increase) the number of

claimed by nefarious creatures that have made it

opponents according to the strength of the group.

their lair. As many have said, the island’s supernat-

The special power of the Jaraguá uses Terrify 1

ural aura tends to attract all kinds of evil things and

and the test must be made against all player charac-

uses these beings as its protectors.

ters as soon as the creatures are seen. They are also

The creatures in question, a group of blood-

immune to the shaker given by Pajé Opira.

thirsty Jaraguás, dwell in the darkest part of the chapel and become aware of the presence of invad-


ers as soon as a stranger arrives on Ipaúna. In this

Movement: 2

way, they cannot be surprised. Jaraguás are shrewd

Physical attacks: Bite 2 (damage 3), Poison 1

and prefer to wait for enemies to come to them in-

Endurance: 16

stead of attacking them openly. The only exception

Passive Defence: 3

to this strategy is if the group sets up camp to rest

Active Defence: 5

on Ipaúna. In this case, the creatures leave their lair to attack, preferably when it is dark. The Jaraguás defeated Fernando and Anahí,


the only remaining members of the Swift Arrow

Hopefully, this will be the most complicated combat

Banner. The two were exploring the ruined fort af-

of the adventure and the fight against the Jaraguá

ter the deaths of their companions and ended up

will consume the resources of the characters. It is

captured. Instead of killing their prisoners, the crea-

possible that one or more of them also get seriously

tures took them inside the chapel, where their en-

injured, perhaps even worse.



When the last Jaraguá is defeated, read or par-

options for introducing new characters to replace

aphrase the following:

them. The Swift Arrow Banner has lost half of its members and they are eager to join a new group. An

The attack shatters the creature’s skull, the skull shatters into pieces and the shadow completely dissipates, emitting terrifying whinnies. Immediately after that, the negative aura in the chapel decreases in intensity. You see that, in a corner of the chapel, two people are lying on the floor: a white boy wearing a leather doublet and a young indigenous woman. They are both unmoving, but a quick examination reveals that they are only unconscious. The chapel seems to have been abandoned a long time ago. There is not much left save some old benches and the altar. A white linen tablecloth is spread over the altar and on it rests a heavy wooden crucifix.

invitation will be accepted immediately, although Fernando does not want to return to the city of Rio de Janeiro at the moment. He and Anahí will be able to meet up with the other characters wherever they want. But what about the mysterious treasure of Ipaúna? Yes, it exists and is right in front of the group. Fearing that his men might be tempted to steal the treasure, Captain Remy LaSalle stored it in the place where he believed it would be safest: the chapel. He has two trusted men move the large iron chest to the chapel and covered it with a linen cloth, transforming it into an improvised altar.

The group can quite easily awaken the two re-

The altar was not touched by the men during

maining members of the Swift Arrow Banner. One

the rebellion and it is still in the same place. If the

of them is Fernando Reis, the boy the group was

group investigates the altar carefully, they will re-

hired to find. The other is Anahí, a young woman

alize that it is actually a heavy iron chest, the kind

from the Tupiniquim tribe. Both are weak, but very

used to safely transport valuable goods. The key to

grateful for their rescue and happy to tell the details

open the chest can be found in the Captain’s office,

of their exploration of the fort, the way they lost

hidden within the binding of his diary.

their companions and how they were captured by

Breaking open or carrying the chest is virtual-

the Jaraguás. The best thing that can be done for the

ly impossible. With the key, they can open the chest

pair is to take them away from Ipaúna: the negative

and examine its contents. Inside, the group finds

aura still weighs on them and leaving the Dark Is-

four large sacks containing iron coins with the mark

land is all they need to improve.

of the Kingdom of France (the Fleur de Lis). Unfor-

Fernando will listen carefully to his rescuers

tunately, this is not a freely circulated currency and

if they convey the concerns of his family and his

has no real exchange value. The French sent these

godfather. However, the boy will show himself to be

coins to use only amongst themselves. Since the

resolute about his decision. ‘I was born to be an ad-

coins are made of an ordinary metal, there is also lit-

venturer. It is in my blood and despite the riskand all the

tle point in melting them down.

dangers, this is what I want for my life,’ he says, smiling

But it’s not all frustration! There are also two

at the group. ‘Besides, I love this land and I have very

other, smaller bags:

strong reasons for wanting to stay here forever,’ he says, smiling at Anahí who returns his gaze.

The first contains several coins with the seal of

‘Would your graces accept the trouble of taking a

Portugal totalling 7,000 réis.

letter to my godfather and my parents? I will thankthem

The second has a small amount of gold and silver

for their concern, but I will make it clear that this is my

worth 3,000 réis.

will and they will understand.’ He says this in a very frank and serious manner. If any players have lost their characters during this adventure, Fernando and Anahí are good


Adventure: The Curse of Ipaúna

ENDING THE ADVENTURE The adventure concludes with the characters leav-

everything. He pays the agreed amount and makes

ing Ipaúna and their nightmares behind. It is like-

it clear that in future he will consider employing the

ly that the adventurers will return to Apiku in the

banner for new missions, should they be interested

company of Fernando and Anahí. Once there the

in doing so.

characters are greeted with respect for having faced

Each player character receives two learning

the horrors of the cursed island and survived.

points for each session that they take part in during

The group is expected to return to Rio de Janei-

the adventure, and the players may use them to buy

ro to bring news about Fernando to Dom Venâncio

improvements to their character’s skills.

de Alcântara, their patron. Fernando writes a letter

At the end of the adventure, the group may

in which he explains his desire to pursue a career

also gain extra learning points for certain criteria,

as an adventurer and that he intends to return one

according to the table below:

day, but only when he succeeds in his wanderings. If the group gives an account of their adventure, Dom Venâncio is fully satisfied and thanks them for



The group manages to find Fernando and takes news of him back to Rio de Janeiro.

+1 point

The group faces and defeats the enemies that appear during the adventure. The group uses diplomacy and inventive methods to get around at least one fight.


+1 point +1 point

Map 1 – The region of Curumaré, Apiku and the salt marsh

Map 2 – Lagoon and Ipaúna Island

Map 3 – Abandoned French Fort Legend: 1 – Fort Entrance 2 – Battlements 3 – Stable 4 – Forge 5 – Arsenal 6 – Prison 7 – Captain LaSalle’s House 8 – Dormitories 9 – Infirmary 10 - Chapel

Handout 1 – Letter of Introduction

Handout 2 – Notes on the Banners of the Region.

Handout 3 – Diary of the Expedition Commandant (written in French)

The archives of the Society of Jesus contain a mysterious letter, which tells of a group of some fifty Frenchmen who entered the salt marsh beyond Uruçumirim and were never seen again. The letter also speaks of a ‘great treasure’ brought by Captain Remy LaSalle, leader of the expedition. In the years since, no banner company has found this supposed treasure. Will your group succeed? Or will they simply become the latest victims of the Curse of Ipaúna?