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English Pages 416 [418] Year 2019
⑥ David Rentz and CSIRO 2019
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia. ISBN: 9781486305063 ((pbk.)
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Telephone: +61 3 9545 8400
Email:publishing.sales@csiro.au Website: www.publish.csiro.au Front cover: (main image) female Cardiodactylus novaeguineae; (top images, left to right) male
Trigonidium bundilla, male Homoeoxipha lycoides, male Ornebius coorumbena.
Back cover:(left to right) male Unka boreena,male Teleogryllus oceanicus,female Hemiphonus
tindalei. All cover photos by David Rentz Set in 9.5/12 Minion
Edited by Joy Window (Living Language) Cover design by James Kelly
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Contents Dedication
Australian National Insect Collection
vi ix
Australian cricketers
Cricket lifecycles and development
Collecting techniques useful for crickets
25 43
Crickets and culture Crickets as fod
Cricket identification Superfamily GRYLLOIDEA Superfamily GRYLLOTALPOIDEA
List of the crickets of Australia
Entomological supplies
Websites and special interest groups
Orthopteroid food mix
Cricket recipes
63 64
380 382
382 383
Seance of Sad Crickets;Buck Richardson (see p.225).
Dedication This book is dedicated to Daniel Otte and David B Weissman.
Preface Compiling a book on Australian crickets cricket can be isolated and induced to
has been more difficult than we realised at produce its song in captivity. Methods of the start. With more than 400 species making and analysing recordings are
described, we soon discovered that there discussed as well as techniques to use for were many more undescribed ones than we building a collection of crickets. Links to ever imagined. We actually were happiest the cricket section'ofthe Australian Faunal
when we identified a species with a Directory and the Orthoptera Species file described name. This just highlights the can aid with learning where the cricket fits
need for such a guide. The authors hope it in within the scheme of Australian and will stimulate an interest in this fascinating international classifications. We briefly and somewhat confusing group of insects. discuss the importance of crickets in
Users will discover that not all crickets are culture, especially in Asian countries where
easy to find. Singing (calling)males are there is interest in keeping live crickets for
usually difficult to locate because besides the songs they produce and the use of
being secretive and rather uncommon,they crickets in the sport of cricket fighting.
can be ventriloquial and frustratingly However, with the increasing use of the
difficult to locate. Once the singer has been internet and growing population, both of discovered, skill is required to capture the these cultural pursuits are in decline. insect. We discuss various techniques that We hope that we can kindle an interest will aid in collecting crickets but,be assured, and understanding of the origins and extent they do not always work, even for the of the Australian cricket fauna from the experts. Crickets can be found during the smallest species (nemobiines,p.320) to the
day as well as after dark.Once collected,the largest (podoscirtines,p.124).
Acknowledgements This book could not have been produced types in the care of the museum that helped
without the generous cooperation of many solve several taxonomic problems. Mr individuals. We are in debt to those who Derek Smith and Mr R Cox, Australian
k Museum, Sydney, provided photographs of have provided photographs for the book and information on types, and who have 1 type specimens in the museum's collection made suggestions about the coverage of the as did Dr N Tatarnic, Western Australian
Museum, Perth. Susan Wright and G
Haylee Weaver and Alberto Venchi of Thompson, C Lambkin of the Queensland the Australian Biological Resources Study, Museum are thanked for help with type Canberra, were helpful in providing maps specimens in their care. Dr Tony Robillard, Muséum National and making many suggested changes to the
Faunal List of Australian Crickets which is dHistoire Naturelle, Paris, helped with the
up to date with the publication date of this identification of several difficult species.Dr
book (p.iv). Early in the preparation of the e lan Naumann provided the image of the
book, Dr Alice Wells and Ms K Gerombouxwonderful stone cricket taken in Laos. Mr
provided helpful suggestions and access to CM Wang and Ms YN Chang,Taiwan, the facilities of ABRS.Drs P Gullan and P enabledthe secondauthor tovisit the cricket Cranston are thanked for permission to use theme park in Tainan,Taiwan. Dr J
illustrations from their classic book: The Kathirithamby, Department of Zoology, Insects. Dr P Gullan supervised YN Su's Oxford University, provided identification
work on the Australian Nemobiinae that of the first record ofastylops recorded from has resulted in the development of his study a cricket (p.14). Mr Gary Wilson made of crickets. Dr M Jennions's work on sexualobservations of the biology of several cricket selection in crickets provided thespecies that live in his block of rainforest. opportunity for YN Su to continue his
Mr Buck Richardson accompanied the
cricket interests and resulted in the first author of most fieldtrips in search of gynandromorphs of Teleogryllus commoduscrickets over the past several years. These
reported on p. 24.
trips have resulted in many crickets Dr G Cowper and D Funk of thephotographed for the first time and el discoveries in their behaviour, ecology and Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University helped with questions about geographic distribution. His companionship specimens in their care. Dr D Otte provided is most appreciated. a series of photos taken on the Alexander Dr DB Weissman, a colleague and and Otte Expedition to Australia in 1960 friend for over 45 years, has made several (p. xiv).Dr P Hudson, South Australian helpful suggestions that have improved the
Museum, Adelaide,provided photos of quality and coverage of this book.
We thank Mr Scott Morrison, formerly Murray Uptonis thanked for hissuggestions
Ranger Coordinator, Talaroo Station, Mt and encouragement during the course of Surprise,Qld, for his interest in our project this project. and encouraging the discovery of crickets Dr George Hsiung, retired, MacDonald on the station propertyas well as on his own College,McGill University, Canada,and Dr
property in Koah,Qld.Similarly, Dr Xing-bao Jin,retired,provided photographs Michele Schiffer, Station Manager, Daintree of cricket 'competitions'in Asia and
Rainforest Observatory, James Cook information on crickets and folklore,as well University, Cairns,for permission to as recipes where crickets are used as human observe crickets on the station grounds. Dr food. Jeanette Kemp, Wildlife Ecologist and Dr JThe following people provided
Kanowski, National Science and photographic images that have greatly aided Conservation Manager, Australian Wildlife in the coverage of this book: M Anthony, W
Conservancy, are thanked for allowing us Archer,P Branwhite,G Cocks,K Ellingsen, access to Brooklyn Reserve,Mt Molloy, Qld A Elliott,R Farrow,H Frank,P Gullan,J for the purpose of surveying for crickets Hasenpusch, D Heald,A Henderson, P that inhabit this important portion of the Honan,B King,J and F Hort,I Hutton,D north Queensland environment. Professor and F Knowles, X Li, S Mawson (SM), C TJ Walker, who provided the first author Mawson(CM),K McLachlan,N Monaghan,
with a gratisreel-to-reel taperecorder in the Sand D Mawson,Sand A Pearson,BRevell, 1960s for the purpose of recording B Richardson,R Richardson,MRobinson,L
Californian crickets and other Sanders,HT Su, G Tate, G Wilson,R orthopteroids, has provided helpful Wimbush, P Wise and P Zborowski. Those
suggestions during the preparation of this whose photos have been selected are book.Dr RE Love is thanked forcomments identified where they are used. PNaskrecki
on the scaled crickets. Dr T Houston, is thanked for providing the photo of L Western Australia Museum, Perth, and G Chopard which resides on the website of the Monteith and C Lambkin,Queensland Orthopterists'Society. Dr D de Mello
Museum, Brisbane, answered many Mendes is thanked for providing an image questions about specimensin their care.Dr of a Changa Mole Cricket. D Baume and J
K Walker, Melbourne Museum, has Hasenpusch have provided the first author answered questions about crickets in the with many live crickets collected on local
collection. N Bailey and Peter Moran, St fieldtrips. Mr P Shanahan provided many
Andrews University, Fife, Scotland, live crickets from his property in Kuranda,
provided information and publications Qld that were used in photography or sound relating to Teleogryllus species,their recording.Dr M Moulds also provided live
behaviour, physiology and mate choice crickets for photography from time to time.
selection. We also thank the Pet Café, Photographsnot namedwithaphotographer are those of the authors of this guide. Smithfield, Qld. Dr RB Halliday is thanked for
MsJ Waldock and Mr D Elford of the
determination of mites on the crickets. MrWestern Australian Museum provided
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA photographs of the cave-dwelling cricket, M Jin,JLumbers, D Yeates,MF Braby and
Ngamarlanguia luisae,at the suggestion of D Ferguson.Ms SRoutely kindly translated a number important papers. The Dr W Humphreys. Ms Amy Chesher, Australian Institute Lepidoptera Unit,ANIC, is thanked for
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders encouraging YN Su to pursue his interests
Studies, Canberra, is thanked for searchingg in crickets while attending to his duties in
and providing photographs of NB Tindale
for use in this book.
the section.
Ms Lauren Webb, Development Editor,
Dr D Yeates, Director, Australian CSIRO Publishing, has kept in contact during
National Insect Collection (ANIC), and Dr
the entire time this book was being written,
F Turco, Collection Manager, CSIRO, providing comments and suggestions. National Facilities and Collections, are Ms B Foster and Ms HM Yang, KC Su, thanked for encouragement during the HT Su, Mr J Cricket and Radio Dismuke are
thanked for their companionship and efforts will stimulate the study of crickets encouragement over the development of based on the extensive collections in ANIC. this effort. We thank any people that we production of this book. We hope their
Fieldwork with the colleagues of the second have missed for their interest in seeing this
author include ED Edwards,A Slipinsky, M project to completion.Any errors are those
Horak,A Zwick, L Teasdale, G Cocking,B of the authors.
Lessard, K Meusemann, A Landford, X Li,
Australian National Insect Collection
Photo: Alan Landford
The Australian National Insect Collection holdings of all major insect groups, as well (ANIC) is the world's largest and most as mites and nematodes, the collection is
important collection of Australian insects critical for those requiring authoritative
globally. Managed by the Commonwealthidentification of insects, including pests and
Scientific and Industrial Research threats in biosecurity and agriculture. The Organisation(CSIRO)since its inception collection has 30 paid staff, and an even
almost acenturyago,thecollectionisacritical larger cohort of Honorary Fellows, Visiting
reference for anybody studying the taxonomy Scientists and volunteers. We have two staff
and systematics of Australian insects.
embedded in the collection providing
With over 12 million specimens from identifications and information for the
all of Australia's biomes, and extensive Department of Agriculture and Water 4
Resources, and a number of staff supplied of the University of Michigan and his
through the earnings from two separate graduate student, Daniel Otte. This endowments, the Elwood and Hannah endeavour was sponsored by and number Zimmerman Trust and the Schlinger of granting agencies in the United States Foundation. The collection continues to and elsewhere. CSIRO and ANIC acted as
host a vibrant community of postgraduate the host for the pair as they traversed the students and early career researcherscountry far and wide, collecting thousands
studying invertebrate diversity. of specimens and making hundreds of ANICis veryproud to beable to support recordings of cricket calling songs. All of the publication of this book,the first the specimens are deposited in the ANIC focused on Australian crickets(Orthoptera: Collection. Their efforts resulted in the Grylloidea and Gryllotalpoidea).These are 1983 publication A Monograph of the
an extremely diverse group of insects, with Australian Crickets,published by the almost 100 genera and over 500 species so Academy of Natural Sciences of far described from Australia. These Philadelphia. Due to the efforts of fascinating but often secretive insects are Alexander and Otte,and many other
more often heard than seen by most collectors,the ANIC cricket collection has
Australians. The huge variety of chirps, grown to over 115 000 specimens. More buzzes and squeaks that male crickets make recent collecting and taxonomic work has when singing to attract a mate is a constant rendered the 1983 monograph out of date reminder of their presence in our gardens and difficult touse.The purpose of the
and bushland. Crickets and their relatives guidebook is to highlight the crickets as are notorious ventriloquists, having thean important group of Australian insects
ability to disguise the source of their song worthy of further study. The book treats from predators, and from entomologists almost all genera, and almost half the
trying to track them down. Their song number of described species.In addition, always signals that there is likely to be ait provides information on how to collect, healthy population of other terrestrial rear and preserve crickets. A précis of
invertebrates nearby as well. In recent Australian and non-Australian
decades the sounds produced by crickets,e entomological cricket specialists provides a history of study of these insects in and the structures they use to produce the a sounds, have been used increasingly as a Australia.A complete checklist of cricket valuable taxonomic character to distinguish species and a list of relevant publications will provide the user with an entré into the species. A major undertaking in the study of study of Australian crickets.
Australian crickets began in 1960 with a year-long fieldtrip by Prof RD Alexander David Yeates,You Ning Suand David Rentz
Introduction The Australian cricket fauna is extremely crickets). The Australian Faunal Directory diverse when compared to that in other (Australian Biological Resources Study parts of the world.The presence of crickets n.d.)currently lists 520 described species in
almost everywhere in Australia has been an the Grylloidea in 89 genera. The important factor leading to the writing of Gryllotalpoidea adds another three genera
this guidebook. Otte and Alexander's and some 19 species. The Orthoptera monograph(1983) is an important entrée Species File(OSF),a global catalogue
into the Australian crickets,but there have (Cigliano et al. n.d.),lists 6058 cricket
been many taxonomic changes and many species in 906 genera for the world,
additional descriptions that make using the including Australia. The Australian fauna
monograph very difficult for the non- includes representatives of almost all of the specialist entomologists. We also hope that major cricket groups.
this photographic excursion into the world Not included in this book are the Raspy of Australian crickets will stimulate others Crickets(Gryllacrididae).They are placed in
to study cricket biology and classification. their own superfamily, Gryllacridoidea, and
What is meant by 'cricket' in
this book
are more closely related to katydids (Tettigoniidae) than they are to crickets. The
King Crickets, family Anostostomatidae, are Several unrelated taxa in the Australian also in their own superfamily, the fauna are called crickets'and some readers Stenopelmatoidea,andare not includedhere.
may be disappointed in not finding them The so-called 'Pygmy Mole Crickets'are in
included in the pages of this book. We are another part of the Orthoptera entirely; in
treatingonlythe members ofthe Orthoptera fact, they are in a different suborder, the superfamilies Gryloidea(true crickets)and Caelifera.Because they are unrelated to 'true
Gryllotalpoidea (mole crickets and ant crickets, we are not including these insects in
Acanthogryllacris sp., a typical winged Raspy
Cricket, family Gryllacrididae.
White-kneed King Cricket, Penalva
flavocalceata (Karny).
A GuIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA in Australia from the intertidal zone to the tops of the highest mountains and tops of the tallest trees. Even in cities endemic species can be heard and seen in local
parks, and introduced species such as the Indian House Cricket(p.123) can be heard
in nature as well as in homes. In addition,
Australian King Cricket, Anostostoma
australasiae Gray, megacephalic male.
caves, such as the Black Mountain Caves, north Qld, and the caves of the Cape
Range, Western Australia, harbour unique cave-adapted crickets. As seems to be the
case with other Australian insect groups,
once you start to look, you find more and this book. Such is the problem with common more species than ever expected. Such is
names.What maylooklike acricket may not the situation with crickets. At a given locality more than one species in a genus always be a cricket! Why are there so many cricket speciescan often be found. Silent as well as sound-
in Australia? Probably the most important producing species occur together almost consideration is the tremendous diversity everywhere. At the home of the first author of habitats and plant associations that in Kuranda, Qld, 56 cricket species of both
occur on this continent. That,coupled with superfamilies have been found. These isolation and the complex geology of include species that live in the ground,in
Australia, may also contribute to the leaf litter, in termite mounds,on leaf
diversity.Crickets can be found everywhere surfaces and under bark.
Amusurgus tinka,a silent cricket of northern rainforest understorey vegetation.
Phaloria anapina,female,an occupant of lron Range, Qld, and a member of a genus shared
with New Guinea. Amusurgus kanyakis, a silent cricket of northern rainforest understorey vegetation that spends the day in leaf litter and emerges after dark to
feed on particulate matter on leaf surfaces.
similarity of the two faunas. With the majority of species in the north-eastern part of Australia, the proximity of New
Guinea, the diversity of habitats and the
similarity of climates, they were able to record more than 100 species in various
Unka boreena,a common rainforest cricket in the Daintree and Kuranda Range area,Qld.
Gryllodes sigilatus, the Indian House Cricket, anintroduced species that lives in and around human habitation as well as in nature in the northern tropics.
Diversity and endemicity
Otte and Alexanderhypothesised that the Australian crickets probably reached the continent by way of New Guinea and the
Torres Strait. They based this on the Utona species,a silent cricket of northern proximity of New Guinea and the e Queensland about which little is known.
habitats between Iron Range, Qld, and Michigan, they did their fieldwork in Sydney. We can report probably half Australia from June 1968 to August 1969.
again that number of undescribed species The CSIRO Division of Entomology and to further emphasise their claim. Melbourne University served as their hosts.
Rainforest crickets,including those living Some 46 000 miles(73 600 km)of travel
along rainforest margins, have similarity'resulted in more than 900 field stops. This to the New Guinea fauna. The great effort was designed to survey as completely majority of the Australian continent is as possible the Australian cricket fauna. In quite xeric and the crickets from these addition, major Australian collections areas are distinctive and not at all related where cricket specimens were housed were
to those from New Guinea. Otte and visited. Specimens were borrowed and
Alexander note that many investigators localities noted for further visitation. They have related the Australian fauna more to commenced their activities with the that of Asia and Africa.Parallel evolution knowledge that fewer than 150species were
has resulted in confusion, with the recorded in the literature from Australia. generic placement of some desert crickets (Their subsequent monograph includes 492 superficially resembling genera such as species. See Otte and Alexander 1983).
Eurygryllodes, for example. This has been
Fig. 1 shows their travel route. Many of
corrected to a large extent since their the sites visited were later to become type monograph. The south-eastern portion localities for their many new species. The
of the continent,including Tasmania,has black circles indicate both collecting,tape
relatively few cricket species. Severalrecording and listening' sites during their
Tasmanian crickets are flightless and are trip. Almost 1000 localities were sampled. even shared with the mainland, l, Calling songs of the crickets were tape-
substantiating relatively recentrecorded in the field and usually associated connections with mainland Australia. with the crickets producing them. Their trip began in northern
The Alexander and Otte
Queensland. They soon discovered that the
number of new species was very large,
larger than they ever imagined. The pair Expedition (1968-69) This guidebook would not be possible were soon became aware that the vast number of it not for the pioneering fieldwork inundescribed species were in the northern Australia undertaken by Professor RD rainforests, as well as other Queensland Alexander and his graduate student at the habitats. They predicted that their resulting
time, Daniel Otte. With funding provided monograph would cover at least 75of the by the United States National Sciencespecies, described and undescribed, found Foundation and the Guggenheim on the Australian continent. Otte and Foundation,and encouragement from the Alexander admitted that this was just the
Academy of Natural Sciences of beginning and they had probably missed Philadelphia and the University of many undescribed species, especially those
119 1129、
782-774 867-879 880-899
r22-747 /oni
814-856 189-
WA 51-6s2
\50-92 4-21
\54 55 57
205-218 94-112-
74-84- 85-93y 617-834-
490-4n. ,495-502
-282-297 208-289
670-674 22 90
2-37 286-202 50-63 487-489
681-83- 113-118
382-38 360-360
0 TAs
4o-361 352-356
312-320 425-420
Fig.1.Route of the Alexander and Otte Expedition to Australia 1968-69.Modifedfromotteand Alexander (1983) with permission.
that produce no calls. We certainly concur document the calling songs and extend the
with this.
locality information for these species. Most
In their monograph they described 376 of their new species were found tobe in the
new species in many genera. As noted north, especially in the rainforests of north
above,they felt that through their collecting Queensland. Our fieldwork suggests that and listening techniques, they obtained at they were only scratching the surface when
least 75of the Australian cricket fauna. it came to species numbers.Based on more Fortunately, they were able to discover than 30 years'collecting in many different
more than 90of the described species in parts of the country, we conclude that, the field. Some of these names were very perhaps,twice the number of species listed
old and they were fortunate to be able to in the monograph exist in Australia.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA many described ones that are not included here. We present examples of most genera and many species, but not all of them, so don't give up and become discouraged if you cannot make a rapid identification. The keys and illustrations should be of considerable help. If still unsure, perhaps you have encountered one of the many undescribed taxa that are part of the
Along the road to Cooktown. Photo: D otte.
Australian insect fauna.
The scientific names include the name of the person who first described and named the cricket. Taxonomists who use
During the preparation of this guidebook, this book to identify species need the we were pleasantly surprised when weauthor's name for completeness. Authors' discovered a species that we could names are less necessary for well-known positively identify as a 'named'one! groups such as birds and reptiles. But with Generally, we were confronted with insects the name of the author can be
undescribed species.
helpful in leading one to the literature as Alexander and Otte relied on their well as indicating precision with localities,
listening abilities to a great extent to for example.Some authors are more precise
determine ifcrickets were present at a given than others! The uninitiated will note that location. This is useful for species that sing. some authors' names are in brackets, such However, we have discovered that not all as Teleogryllus commodus (Walker). This singing species sing every day or night. means that the species commodus was
Additionally, there is a suite of generallyoriginally described by Walker, but in a unrelated crickets that do not sing at all. genus other than Teleogryllus. A quick glance at the Orthoptera Species File These will be discussed on p. 15.
How to use this book
(p. 382) will reveal that T. commodus was
originally described in Gryllus, which was These pages are meant to be used as you considered a very large cricket genus in the
would a typical field guide: thumbing 19th century. Gryllus is presently a much
through until you find something that more restricted genus. While 'brackets or approximates the cricket you want tono brackets' may be of little concern to the identify. Then double check that theaverage user of this text, they can help to
alert a taxonomist to the fact that the distribution map matches your collection ; locality. For the more difficult species, thepresent concept of the genus is different
notes and illustrations should help to from that as originally intended. Another
identify the specimen.Remember,there are possible reason for a species being placed
many undescribed species in Australia and in another genus is that the original genus xvi
In the outback,central Australia RD Alexander searching for crickets.Photo:Dome.
R.D.Alexander recording on roadside verge.Photo:Dotte
was pre-occupied. This means that at the mistakes are made,especially before the e internet existed. The Catalogue of time of the description of the genus, the author was unaware that the name had Z Zoological Nomenclature also states that a
already been used for another zoologicalspecies name consists of a genus and species. For this reason, species are never organism. In zoology, each generic name s
must be unique. There are catalogues that related as 'commodus, for example. This list all generic names but from time to time taxon is correctly portrayed as T.commodus.
Australian cricketers Almost all of the names given to Australian crickets have been assigned by overseas entomologists. One of the reasons for this book is to attempt to stimulate interest on
the part of local students and professionals in this important group of insects. There are
wonderful opportunities for not only taxonomic study, but also for ecological,
behavioural and acoustic studies. Some of the most important describers of Australian genera and species are presented below.
Richard D Alexander (b. 1930; d. 2018) Emeritus Professor and Emeritus Curator
of Insects, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology. Had a broad interest in insects
ranging from orthopteroids to cicadas.
Karl Frederich Brunner von Wattenwyl.
Mostly concerned with singing species, in insects as wellas that of horses,dogs and especially crickets and cicadas. He also primates, including humans. conducted research on evolution of behaviour
Karl Frederich Brunner von Wattenwyl (b.13 June 1823,Bern, Switzerland;d.24
August 1914,Kirchdorf, Austria) Worked as a postmaster and later became
Professor of Physics at the University of Bern,1850-55. He published some of the
most influential works on the classification of insects, the results of which are still used today. He was knighted in 1880.His collections are in many European museums.
Lucien Chopard
(b. 31 August 1885,Paris, France; d.16 November 1971, Paris, France)
Richard Alexander. courtesy of D ote
Chopard joined the Muséum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris,in 1931 and
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA creatures and geological samples. Wrote several papers based on collections made on the voyage of the Zeleé,1837-40,to the South Pacific. He is credited as describing the widespread oceanic Field Cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus(Le Guillou).
Carl Linnaeus
((b.23 May 1707, Sm?land, Sweden; d.10 January 1778, Uppsala, Sweden)
Linnaeus founded the binomial system of nomenclature in Systema Naturae,the
Lucien Chopard. Photo:ES oss.
naming system which is used in biology
today. Primarily a botanist,Linnaeus
spent most of his career working on mantids published, mostly in Latin, but studied and crickets, retiring in 1955. He produced many animal groups as well as plants. several revisionary classifications, which are Became professor of Botany and Medicine still followed to some extent.He described a at Uppsala.He was knighted in 1761 and his large number of Australian cricket genera moniker then became Carl von Linné. In this book, the most important species he and species represented in this book. described is Acheta domesticus, the House Cricket,a cosmopolitan species. AV Gorochov (b. 1952) Gorochov is responsible for many of the taxonomic changes of the Australian
crickets above the genus level. These changes are based largely on similarities
and differences of genitalic structures. In
addition, he has described several
Australian species, some with scanty data
that does not include dates, collectors or precise localities. The types of these species are in the national collection in St Petersburg,Russia.Heis with theZoological Institute,Russian Academy of Sciences, St
Petersburg,Russia. EJF Le Guillou
Le Guillou was the Chief Surgeon on the
ships IAstrolab and IZelée. But he was
mainly a collector of natural history Carl Linnaeus.
Eric Georg Mjoberg
smuggling of human remains back to
(b.6 August 1882, As, Sweden; d.8 July Sweden.The 1915 publication of his diaries
1938, Stockholm, Sweden)
about the 1910 expedition exposed his
Mjoberg was a Swedish entomologist unethical and illegal collection of material
commissioned by the Swedish government from Australia. Some 90 years after his
to lead expeditions to north-western expeditions,the remains of Aboriginals held Australia in 1910-11 and to Queensland in in Swedish museums were returned to
1912-13.Hemission wasto document fauna Aboriginal elders in 2004. Mjoberg died in and flora.Unbeknown to Mjoberg,he was to poverty in Stockholm after a long,
become a controversial figure long after his undiagnosed illness during which he had
death.The insects collected on these constant nightmares reflecting his expeditions were described in many experiences in the Kimberleys, including a
publications, and his name is honoured in sense of being pursued by Aboriginalpeople many patronyms. However, historians have and contact with the Wondjina- creation
described Mjoberg as aggressive,arrogant spirits of the Dreamtime.Aboriginal elders
and devious,a leader who made enemies had no problems in their analysis of the with local Aboriginal people, pastoralists reason for his demise(see Ferrier 2006).
and even his own scientific team. Mj?berg
Mj?berg's insect-collecting activities
became obsessed with the Aboriginalpeople,resulted in many publications, some with and what started offas collecting native flora himself as author. One short paper and fauna for research soon led to the concerned crickets. In addition, Lucien desecration of sacred burialgrounds and the
Chopard described many crickets collected on the Australian expedition.Several species are illustrated in this book.
Daniel tte
(b.14 March 1939,South Africa)
Otte is a world authority on crickets and grasshoppers. Became Curator of Entomology, Academy of Natural Sciences
Eric Mjoberg.Courtesy ofEntomologicalSociety of
Daniel Otte.courtesy ofDotte.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA of Philadelphiain the late 1970s followinga palaeontology. He specialised in the insect
stint at the University of Texas.He is now of orders Hymenoptera and various
Drexel University. He has published many orthopteroid orders. De Saussure's papers and books on crickets and classification of the orthopteroid insects is
grasshoppers, and is responsible to the largely followed today, albeit with
promotion and successful publication of the modifications brought on by geneticstudies. web-based Orthoptera Species File,an He described several Australian crickets. online catalogue of all described Orthoptera
species. This catalogue is regularly updated.
Carl Stal
Other orthopteran species files include (b. 21 March 1833, Karlberg Castle,
Phasmida, Blattodea and Mantodea. Along Stockholm, Sweden; d. 13 June 1878, with RD Alexander, he published the Fr?sundavik, Sweden)
Monograph of Australian Crickets in 1983 St?l matriculated at Uppsala University and
without which this guide could not have became a physician but switched to entomology where he completed a PhD at been written. the UniversityofJenain 1859.Superintendent
Henri Louis Frederic de Saussure
and Professor of the Entomological Section,
(b.27 November 1826,Geneva,Switzerland; d.20 February 1905,Geneva,Switzerland)
primary interest was in the Hemiptera but he
NationalZoological Museum of Sweden.His
de Sauaaurewasa distinguishedentomologist skilled in several fields such as geology and
Henri de Saussure. 4
Carl st?l.
wrote many major works on Orthoptera, his father with 'limelight' photographic
including Phasmida.
work. But that did not stifle his scientific
interests. He modelled his work after the style of Alfred Russell Wallace. In 1921 he (b.19 April 1841, Neutomischel, Posen, made an expedition to Groot Eylandt, NT, Germany; d. 1922, Adelaide, South where he collected insects. He was made
John Gottleib Otto Tepper
aware of the treasury of Aboriginal artefacts
Tepper arrived in Australia in 1847 and on the island and later met the doyen of
later became a state school teacher for 15 Australian anthropologists, Baldwin years. In 1883 he was appointed to the Spencer, who schooled him on the South Australian Institute Museum, later to techniques of collection and preservation of
become the South Australian Museum. He Aboriginal artefacts. This initiated Tindales held the positions of entomologist, other life as an anthropologist. Tindales numismatist and librarian. He was a extraordinarily broad but interconnected consulting entomologist to the South research areas made him such a renowned Australian Department of Agriculture. His specialist in several fields. He made a research interests covered many groups and scholarly study of Pleistocene shorelines in he usually had salient observations on the Australia. He was a linguist and became biology and ecology of the insects he fluent in several Aboriginal languages. He
Norman B Tindale
made detailed studies of aboriginal
initiation practices, Western Desert art and
(b. 12 October 1900, Perth, Western
Australia;d.19 November 1993,Palo Alto, California)
Tindale was an exceptionalscientist.He was awarded an honorary doctorate late in his
career from the University of Colorado in
1967.He was a multidisciplined researcher
with interests in entomology, ornithology, anthropology, geology and palaeontology. Tindale was largely self-trained. He had
what must be considered an extraordinary life.In 1907 his family moved to Japan fora
stint of missionary work. There he gained an appreciation of natural history and anthropology, and learned the language. In
1915 the Tindales returned to Adelaide
where Norman continued his studies in
moths and butterflies. Shortly after his return,Tindale lost the sight of one eye in Norman Tindale at Fromm's Landing,Murray River, SA, Massola.Photographer Aldo Massola.Courtesy
an acetylene gas explosion while assisting
of AIATSiS (A01.CS-00080371).
mythology.His main entomological interest Museum where he wrote more than 300 was in the Ghost Moth family, the scientific papers (many of doubtless
Hepialidae, and this led to his worth!).He produced many catalogues on
paleontological studies because of the many diverse groups that all entomologists discovery of the most ancient lepidopteran reference in their work. It has been said that
in the Mt Crosby, Qld,fossilbeds.His other his salary was based on the number of entomological activities included studies of s species he described. And so descriptions mantids and mole crickets, Gryllotalpidae might have been at the expense of accuracy (p.353).His investigations into the biology and good judgement. Much has been
of these insects remain classics today. written negatively about Walker and his During his years of study, he collected brief and usually short, ambiguous thousands of insects that are in the Southdescriptions. All taxonomists have to deal Australian Museum. As a result there are with him and his types in the Natural many species named in his honour. History Museum, London, at some time. Tindales knowledge of Japanese servedMost of his taxonomic work is not Australia well during the Second Worldaccompanied by illustrations. Fortunately,
War where he and his brothers were most of his material is adequately preserved instrumental in cracking the Japaneseand the species are recognisable. aircraft production code system; this gave the Allies reliableinformation as toJapanese
airpower. More importantly, he and his unit deciphered the Japanese master naval code.
There is much more that can be said of this one-eyed scientist. He is much better known in anthropological circles for his
many publications, sound recordings and documentation of the tribes' of Australia.
He received many awards for his pursuits. An indication of his 'primary'interests might be that he ran a light sheet and collected insects nightly almost to the end. He spent his last years in Palo Alto,
California. Francis Walker
(b.31 July 1809,Southgate,England; d.5 October 1874,Wanstead, England)
Walker was interested in insects from an early age. He was employed by the British
Francis Walker.
Biology Crickets are generally omnivorous but are found on or in the ground. A few species strongly tied to certain types of habitat.At are associated with coastal mangroves. a given locality the crickets that live there . These crickets can escape danger by
seem 'stratified'that is, there is a scuttling down stems and trunks of the complement of species in each distinctive mangroves seeking refuge underwater.
part of a given habitat. Some live on or in Several species undergo large population the ground, others live in various situations explosions from time to time and these can
above ground be it on bark, under leaves, cause concern for agriculturalists. The
on twigs in foliage such as grass and Black Field Cricket,Teleogryllus commodus
herbaceous vegetation. Probably the (Walker), p.78 and recently its congeneric majority of species at a given site can be relative, the Oceanic Field Cricket,
Large number of the Pygmy Cricket, Pteronemobius ornaticeps,p.336,attracted to lights in Humpty Doo, NT. Encroachment of human populations has caused the population of this cricket to increase
beyond what would be considered normal. Photo: K.McLachlan.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA T. oceanicus(Le Guillou), p.79, have had established itself in Australia(see p.67),
outbreaks in recently-developed but the Indian House Cricket is often
agricultural areas in both the southern common in cities as well as in nature, areas and the continent's northern tropics.p. 123. Problems are caused when it gets
Pastures in the southern portion of behind walls or under large appliances or
Australia can be damaged from time to other equipment. Its incessant, repetitive time by the Small Black Ground Cricket, calling is disturbing to some people. As Velarifictorus (Buangina) pikiara (Otte and d agriculture expands into the hinterlands of Alexander),p. 113. Two species are the Australian continent, more cricket
confirmed as introductions to Australia. species will undoubtedly emerge as The House Cricket, Acheta domesticus problems in one way or other and as threats
(Linnaeus), p.67 and The Indian House to agriculture. Similarly with the influx of
Cricket, Gryllodessigillatus(Walker),p.123 tourism and the continuous visits of
are used as feeders in the pet trade,p.56. container ships,more exotic insects can be The House Cricket has not permanently expected to arrive in Australia.
Mass of Teleogryllus oceanicus,p.79,at lights in the Kimberley Region,WA.Periodic outbreaks of
this cricket may be associated with favourable conditions that may have been caused by irrigation
for agriculture.
BIOLoGY ecotypes. Grasses seem to harbour Oecanthus,Euscyrtus,Beybienkoana,Eurepa, Aphonoides, some Salmanites, for example. Shrubs are preferred by Tamborina, Xabea and many others. Many crickets live on orin
the ground, as with Bobilla and
Pteronemobius,others live in burrows of The Black Field Cricket, Teleogryllus commodus,
p.78, collected on a ship in the open ocean.
This is anexample of transport of a potential pest to distant areas.Photo:G.Tate.
their own construction (Apterogryllus in burrows over a metre deep!) or in cracks in
dry clay soils. Somespecies of Gymnogryllus and Mjobergella tunnel in rotting wood.
Some Mogoplistinae,Nemobinae, Gryllinae
Ecological distribution
live in the bases of vegetation or in leaf litter. Many live among the interstices of dense
As noted above many crickets have very grasses even in well used athletic fields.Ant nests are the home of Ant Crickets restricted ecological tolerances. Some are 1
associated with a certain plant groups or (Myrmecophilidae).They seem to have some
Major Vegetation Types
in Australia
Closed-forest Open-forest Woodland Shrubland
Scrub and heath Herbland
Adapted from Carnahan 1977 Vegetative associations of Australia.Note the relatively small landmass that thenorthern tropics occupy.Yet, this area has among the great diversity of Australian crickets.FromCarnahan(1976inAtlsof Australian Resources. Canberra: Dept of Natural Resources.
sort of mutual association with their ant plants. The Singapore Daisy, Sphagneticola hosts. Other crickets in the Mogoplistinae trilobata,is a Central American ornamental and Phalangopsinae spend the day within plant that has become established in north termite mounds or sheltered in the shady Queensland. It is an attractive ground cover folds of larger mounds but emerge after dark. but it is quick to colonise cultivated and They can be found on the surface of the mounds feeding and interacting with one
another at night. Many crickets spend the daylight hours under loose bark, often in groups. These include some species of Myara, Riatina and some Eurepa species. The surface of bark is the habitat for Pseudotrigonidium
and many other Phalangopsinae.
Understorey vegetation harbours many
Trigonidinae, Mogoplistinae as well as the large Cardiodactylus crickets. Tree-tops seem
to be the favoured sites of many Madasumma and some Tamborina. A strange situation
sometimes presents itself with introduced Unidentified phalangopsine nymph on termite
mound at night, nr Mt Molloy, Qld.
Mound of termite,Nasutitermes sp, near
Dimbulah, QId.
Pseudotrigonidium australis, male,on rainforest
tree trunk at night.
Amsurgus kanyakis female grazing on particulate matter after dark.
Undescribed wingless phalangopsine female
nymph, on tree trunk at night.
Marina sp.on Xanthorrhoea sp.after dark.
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae nymph abroad at
Field of Singapore Daisies near Babinda, Qld.
abandoned fields and grows prolifically noideawhat theirlifecycles maybe.There is
along rainforest margins.The flowers are an a fruiful reward for those willing to pursue
attractive food source for many crickets and cricket study. its dense growth provides cover to many
Otte and Alexander were surprised that
cricket species.With many crickets,we have Eucalyptus and Acacia in Australia
harboured relatively few cricket species. spiders will accept crickets as food. Wasps
They surmised that birdpredation, theopen can be observed draggingparalysed crickets foliage of those trees and the general to their nests. absence of aphids, favoured food of some crickets, could be contributing factors. Our fieldwork suggests otherwise. We find both Eucalyptus and Acacia yield crickets when beaten or swept. Genera such as Riatina p.165, Tamborina p. 157,Hemiphonus
p. 174, and many mogoplistines p.263 live in these trees. Loose Eucalyptus bark
provides suitable diurnal protection for nocturnal species. Although aphids may not be plentiful in Australia, they are replaced to a great extent on Eucalyptus by lerps, psyllid bugs that produce a Orb-weaver spider feeding on male Unka crystallised honeydew that covers the larva. boreena at night. Both the secretions and the larvae are eaten
avidly by honeyeaters and other birds and
probably also by crickets.
Predation Crickets are the source of food for many vertebrate and invertebrate species. All over the world House Crickets are raised and sold
for food for captive vertebrates and
invertebrates (p. 56; see Weissman et al.
2012).In nature birds and lizards can be observed searching for insects. Birds search for crickets in dead leaves in shrubbery as
Jumping spider, Cytaea sp.feeding on
mogoplistine cricket at night.Photo:S&APearson.
well as in leaf litter on the ground. Surely plovers, ibis and other birds that are commonly observed feeding on lawns and ovals are encountering crickets. Burrows of Cephalogryllus tau are often discovered partially dug. Digging bandicoots have been observed doing this at night. Whether they are attractedto the soundmade by the calling males or by some other factor is unknown.
Spiders are frequently seen feeding on Spider,Phrynarachne sp.feeding on nymph of crickets. Orb weavers as well as wandering Cardiodactylus novaeguineae at night.
BioLoGY Halictophagidae by Dr J. Kathirithamby. This is the first record of this type of parasite
in a cricket.
Gordian worms, Nematomorpha, are elongate nematodes which live within the body of the cricket for most of the host's life. A single worm can be found within the body cavity of the infected cricket. It seems incredible the amount of space within the
Crabronid wasp, Liris sp., preparing to move
body of the cricket these worms occupy.
night. Photo:L Sanders.
development of the cricket but it does render its host sterile. A recent observation
parasitised adult male Loxoblemmus pallens at
The worm does not seem to alter the
Crickets are parasitised by a range of is that of a mogoplistine cricket (p. 263)
organisms. Frequently small red mites bearing a Strepsiptera, probably family
can be found on crickets. These are often Halictophagidae. under the pronotum or wings but can be
Males of the widespread field cricket,
almost anywhere on the body. These ! Teleogryllus oceanicus, were introduced to mites are in a juvenile stage and areseveral Hawaiian Islands in the 1990s. They
parasites only for a short period. After endure high rates of parasitism from a fly
feeding, they drop off and continue their Ormia ochracea, family Tachinidae. development. Stridulating male crickets attract females
A recent observation is that of a from great distance. The crickets have
Strepsiptera protuding from the abdomen another, short-range courtship song that is
of a scaled cricket,Marinna sp. This is the performed once the male is aware that a
first recordof this parasite ina cricket.It has female is present and responsive. These been identified as a member of the family sounds also attract the tachinid fly. Today,
Scaled cricket, Ornebius sp.near coorumbena with mite attached to eft hind femur.Mite identified as in the group Parasitengonain the parasiticnymphal stage. Adult mites of some species in this group
are called Red Velvet Mites.
Scaled cricket Marinna sp.female, with female strepsipteran, Halictophagidae protruding from abdomen.
Adult male Teleogryllus oceanicus.
responsive females of T.oceanicus will mate
Mite attached to cricket male genitalia of Hemiphonus brunneovariegatus.
without hearing the close-range courtship
song. The female fly locates a singing
cricket and deposits a live larva which
most of the male crickets of T.oceanicus on burrows into the cricket feeding on the island of Kauai are silent, called d selective tissues for from 7-10 days. The
'flatwings, that produce neither the calling larva then emerges and falls to the ground
song nor the courtship song. How do the e to pupate, become adult and repeat the silent males mate if they cannot attractcycle. This phenomenon of tachinid flies
females with their calls? Incredibly the e being attracted to the calling songs of silent flatwing males themselves are insects has been studied extensively in attracted to the sound of the other normal Western Australia where tachinid flies of calling males.In experiments with recorded a another genus, Homotrixa sp.,are attracted sound (Zuk et al.,2006), discovered the 1 to the calls of male nocturnal katydids,
silent fatwing males can be found closer to Sciarasaga quadrata Rentz, Tettigoniidae; a loud speaker than normal males. This Austrosaginae,see Allen,1995. suggests that the silent flatwing males are
locating near calling males.Female crickets Courtship
orienting to a calling male may find a Courtship and mating in crickets is
flatwing male first and mate. Apparently elaborate,see Masaki and Walker,1987.It
BIOLoGY include a) difficulty of sound propagation in the physical environment; b)evolution
of another means of communication (generally chemical); c)special features
of population structure or habitat;
and,d) the individual 'cost'of singing.In
Mating pair of Eurepa sp.,marginipennis group. Female atop male. She may be palpating
exudates from glands located beneath the
upraised tegmina.
the rainforest, the loss of acoustic communication is probably associated with the first of the three causes.
Sound communication in a labyrinth
of growth may be problematic because of reverberation,however, chemical is the reason that in most species, malecommunication may be successful in crickets sing (stridulate). However, there such environments. In addition, the is a suite of unrelated crickets thatpopulations seem to be very high, so the
produce no sounds(see below).Males of distance between individuals may be less
many unrelated genera such as than experienced with other species. So
Amursurgus,Homoeoxipha,Metioche, the potential for the sexes meeting is Oecanthus and Xabea possess higher and, perhaps, there is little need
metathoracic glands that exude a for long-distance communication.
substance that is thought to have an Perhaps,some crickets employ vibration aphrodisiac effect on females of the as a form of communication as is species.In some trigonidiine genera such common amongst some Tettigonidae.
as: Metiochodes,Homoeoxipha and On the property of one of the authors in Amusurgus have metathoracic glands in Kuranda,Queensland,56 cricket species
both sexes. In some Pteronemobius have been identified.Nineteen species of crickets males haveashort,modifiedspur this total are silent. That is 34of the
on thehind tibiathat producesasubstance total number which seems quite
that, when it is palpated by a female, extraordinary.
supposedly primes her for mating. The various mating strategies have not been Fire studied in Australian crickets.
Bushfires can have affects on cricket
Silent crickets
populations. Repeated burning along
roadsides can eliminate leaf litter and all
Several Australian crickets species have the organisms that rely on it for food or
males which produce no calling sounds shelter. If the burning is sporadicand not at all(Table 1).Several authors have extensive, this may not permanently
developed hypotheses suggesting why damagelocal populations.But theextensive acoustic communication may be lost in a annual burning is some areas surely reduces
some cricket species(see, for example cricketnumbersand maylead topermanent
Desutter-Grandcolas,1997). Reasons disruption of cricket populations. Much
Table 1. Australian'silent'
Genera Maluagyfus
Number of described
silent species
Apterogrylus Mistshenkoana
1 20 1
(subgenus Mundeicus)
Adenopterus Pentacentrus
Turana Arachnocephalus
Endotaria Tincanita
Sivinela Nambungia Nareina Specnia
1 1 21;
1 1 1
1 2 2 1 2 2
Adult female Amusurgus nilarius.Photo:A.Lim. organisms that live within the burning areas.(See McKay, 2017: 30-33 for a sensible discussion of prescribed' burning.)
No single cricket species is of conservation concern even though many species are
known from very restricted areas.Probably themost important consideration should be made is conservation of habitats. This is important in coastalareas,such as along the coast of Western Australia where housing development, agriculture, including wheat and grape culture is rampant. Loss of the Coastal Sand Plain flora and fauna is
occurring with many orthopteran species now rare or their populations severely Myrmecophilus restricted. Agriculture is encroaching on natural habitats. This is especially true in more study needs to be made of the effects the southern portion of the country. The
of prescribed burning on not only cricket means to clear large areas of all vegetation populations but the populations of other are now much more convenient than in the
Aftermath of fire near Canberra,ACT.
Bushfire! Photo:B.Richardson.
Afterburn of bushland.Heathlands,Qld.
past when trees were killed by ringers' and introduced plant. On Philip Island,some then cut down and the dry vegetation was 5 km off Norfolk Island, South Pacific, burned. Today tractors can do the job in a rabbits,goats and other organisms were
matter of hours.
introduced by visiting whalers centuries
Much is made about the depredations of a ago. Until relatively recently, they virtually
introduced organisms, especially denuded the island ifits originalvegetation. introduced weeds. Cricket populations are This caused erosion to such an extent that often increased by the presence of certain the roots of the Norfolk Island Pines, weeds, especially grasses. However, one Araucaria heterophylla,are more than 1.5 m
Australian cricket was probably saved from above the present surface of the ground.
certain extinction by the presence of an The island is home to several crickets the
Encroachment of agriculture near Penong, SA.
Tractors used for clearing the bush quickly and thoroughly, WA.
BiOLoGY most important of which is the Philip Island introduced olive,Oleaeuropaea.Apparently Cricket, Nesitathra philipensis,p.251).This the rabbits did not like eating the olives and
cricket survived because it was able to take thickets of the plants survive mostly in the
refuge in the leaflitter in the thickets of the gullies on the island.
Denuded landscape of Phillip is.,,near Norfolk Is., 1984.
Cricket life cycles and development Crickets have rather simple life cycles. If north Queensland.However,in T.oceanicus
they live in a warm, consistent climate with in Australia, there seems to be seasonality
no extreme seasonal changes, they can have and,perhaps, even diapause in its northern continuous growth and reproduction populations. This seems to be a (overlapping generations). These species contradiction but is another example of a
have a homodynamic life cycle.This form of cricket that deserves further study of its
life cycle is common with crickets and other biology.
insects in the northern tropics. Often at a Crickets are in the group of insects that given locality,adults and young crickets can undergo gradual metamorphosis. This is be found together at most times of the year. true of all the orthopteroid orders,for
On the other hand, depending on where example Orthoptera, Blattodea, Mantodea you are in the tropics, there can be aand Phasmida. The hemipteroid insects are prolonged dry season. Some of the cricketsalso an example of a group that undergoes
in these localities may not have agradual metamorphosis. Examples of some homodynamic life cycle but a heterodynamic insects that undergo complete
life cycle.That is,they are very seasonal and metamorphosis are those in the orders their development is dependent on seasonal Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera.
changes. For example,in the southern part These groups have a larval and pupal stage
of the Australian continent, most cricket before the adult. When a cricket egg species spend the winter months in the eggg hatches, the little cricket is called a nymph.
stage. There may be species that have one or r As it grows, it moults several times. The
life cycle or the other depending on where cricket between moults is called an instar. they occur geographically.
First instar nymphs can be very different in
Diapause is known to occur in many appearance from their adult counterparts. It
species. It is a delayin development that can is often impossible to determine a species occur in the egg stage or at some point in from a first instar unless you have previous development from nymph to adult.experience with the species. Each cricket
Diapause is a way for a species to cope withspecies seems to undergo a precise number
irregular and suboptimal environmental of moults leading to adulthood but this has
conditions. In the southern part of been largely unstudied in the Australian Australia, egg and juvenile diapause is species. The smallest number of instars
known in the Black Field Cricket, seems to be five. This has been recorded in Teleogryllus commodus.Its relative the the Tree Crickets, Oecanthinae(p.231).The
Oceanic Field Cricket, T. oceanicus, has largest number has been recorded in the been found to have no diapause where it House Cricket, Acheta domesticus(p.67), occurs in places like Tahiti and parts of with 14.But a range in variation can even
place. In most arboreal species, this can take place on the underside of a leaf or twig. Once the cricket has assumed its desired position,it grasps the surface with its tarsi, assuring a firm grip. The cricket undergoes some hormonal changes and its body swells. This causes a split down the
First instar nymph of Riatinanangkita.First instars can appear very different from adults
(see p. 171).
longitudinal dorsal surface of the body. The cricket then begins to remove itselffrom its old skin.This it does by moving forward. This process takes a bit of time but all must
be completed by mid evening. Once
Adult of the same specimen Riatina nangkita.
removed from its skin,the cricket takes in air and grows. The skin remains pliable for a short period and during this time the cricket consumes the old skin. This recycles some of the chemicals contained in the skin and also addsbulk to the gut. This helps the gut to regain its normal shape and form and not collapse on itself. The sides of the fore-and midgut, as well as the inner surface of the fine Malpighian tubules,are
be found within a given species. This part of the exoskeleton and are also shed probably depends on variousenvironmental
during the moulting process. Once the
factors such as food, time of year and moulting process is completed, the cricket
Moulting is accomplished usually at night.Reasons for this seem simple. When a
hardens and is probably able to feedby mid
What is important for identification is
cricket moults, it is highly vulnerable to to know whether a specimen is an adult or
predation. In addition, wind can cause a not. With the number of wingless species it fragile cricket to get knocked off its perch can be difficult to determine if the insect in and not undergo a successful moult.hand is mature or not. If a female, check to Moulting is usually accomplished after dark see if the ovipositor is developed or when the cricket is less vulnerable toreduced. Immature females often have
predators and winds are calm and, most ovipositors whose valves separate. Adlt importantly, the humidity increases. Thesemales are a bit more difficult to distinguish.
conditions assist the cricket in ecdysis-the (Checking of the concealed genitalia will
act of moulting. An observer can determinereveal if the specimen is mature. Immature if a cricket is ready to moult. The cricket males have reduced or poorly sclerotised appears somewhat swollen and a bit genitalia. With a little experience, one can lethargic. It eventually finds a suitable be confident that a specimen is an adult or
A moulting cricket.This takes place at night when humidity
is high.The cricket is much larger than the skin it is leaving. Following the moult, the cricket consumes the skin, recycling some of the chemical components and adding bulk to the foregut so that it maintains its shape.
not.If the individualisvery soft and pliable long-winged andashort-winged species.In and, if a female, the ovipositor is the latter example the forewings(tegmina)
undeveloped and very flexible, then the are in the middle position in thelast instar
specimen is most likely a nymph. The and the wings are in the outer position.
specimen is a nymph if the four wings are They are 'flipped'during the last moults.
separate and the ovipositor is very short. This is much the same in acridoid
Fig. 2 shows last instars v. adults of both a grasshoppers.
Young instar of Mjobergella warra. Note the absence
of wings and the very short ovipositor revealing it requires several additional moults to become an adult.
Last instar nymph ofHemiphonus tindalei(see p.180).Note the pairof undeveloped wings internal
to the tegmina.The short ovipositor with its separate valvesis also indicative of a nymph.This cricket will be an adult with the next moult.
cycle in crickets is ~2 years from egg through to adult. Only a few Australian species have been studied in this respect.
With global climate change and the
resulting changing environment, there is a
need for research in cricket life cycles.
Gynandromorphs Gynandromorphs (individuals combining male and female characters in the same individual) are rarely encountered in
insects. We have discovered two individuals
of the Black Field Cricket, Teleogryllus commodus (p. 78) that are bilateral
Fig.2. Last instars v. adults. How can one tell? The specimens on the left are last instars; the ones on the right are adults. Note that
gynandromorphs. Fig. 3, ventral view, shows an undeveloped ovipositor on the
of the nymph, and the hind wings are in the
left. The dorsal surface shows the left tegmen which is obviously male. The right side is female and the short ovipositor can be seen as a short stem. Fig. 4 is a
therefore, the tegmina and wings are flipped,
gynandromorphy that does not fit the
on the lower pair, fully winged as adults, the
forewings (tegmina) are along the midline
outer position. During the last instar moult,
much as they are in acridoid grasshoppers.
bilateral category. In this example the ovipositor is on the left together with the
Longevity seems to also be a feature of f female subgenital plate. Dorsally the male
some crickets. Crickets from northern tegmen on the left is obvious; the left
Australia seem to be especially long-lived. cercus is more male than the right.This is
This is a casual observation and these an example of mosaic gynandromorphy
species may just be ones with a where male and female structures are not
homodynamic life cycle. The longest life bilateral.
Fig.3.Teleogryllus commodus.Bilateral gynandromorph.Male characters on the left, female on the right.
Fig.4.Teleogrllus commodus.
Gynandromorph not 100 ilateral. Some male characters on the tegmina.Left side ovipositor and female subgenital plate and
right side female cercus.This is termed a
mosaic gynandromorph.
Collecting techniques useful for crickets In general, crickets are secretive and many exasperating to try tolocate crickets that are are not easy to find.Several species are silent ventriloquial. This problem can be overcome
and do not producesounds that the collector to some extent if two people 'triangulate
can use to track them down. As a result, towards the calling cricket,keeping in mind specialised collecting methods will help to that the singer may be overhead in a tree. provide successful results. The bat-detectors used by entomologists to search for katydids Collecting equipment
are generally not effective with crickets since Nets
most cricket sounds are below the range of Basicallytwokinds ofnetcan beusedtocollect these devices. Adding to the challenge of crickets. The sweeping net has a robust handle locating singing crickets is that some are attached to a heavy-duty bag. It can be used to
ventriloquial. This simply means that the sweep through grass and shrubby vegetation. sound the crickets produce appears to be It is surprising how many crickets can be
coming from someplace else. It can be collectedin this way.The diameter of thehoop
"Sweeping'with a sweeping net in the Daintree, Qld.This technique is effective in collecting many kinds of mostly small crickets that live in grasses. It is effective day and night.Euscyrtus (p.196),
Beybienkoana(p.193) and various Trigonidini(p.284) and Mogoplistinae(p.263)were found at
this site. Photo:V Mercier.
Vertical malaise trap.
A combination sweeping and aerial net and, right, an aerial net.
of thenet shouldbeatleast 35 cm and thebag fairly deep to prevent an active cricket from escaping. Muslin is the preferred material for
thenet-bag since it is robust and tends to repel Horizontal malaise trap. Photo:ANC. grass seeds.The sweeping net can also be used when shaking low-hanging tree branches to
secure unsuspecting arboreal crickets. An are especially effective for the collection of umbrellaturned upside down can also beused Scaled Crickets (p.263)and Trigs(p.303). but jumping and flying crickets are sure to Such traps can be left for days with alcohol,
escape this form of collecting. ethylene glycol or other preservative The second kind, the aerial net, has provided in the collecting jar. Crumpled rather limited use with crickets. It is paper can be used if live specimens are
generally not robust enough to withstand desired. Care must be taken in the the rigors of sweeping through stiff and placement of this form of trap because prickly Australian vegetation so it is not an wandering livestock, kangaroos or wallabies essential net. A combination aerial and can become entangled in the guy ropes and
sweeping net can be used. It has a heavy become injured or destroy the trap. muslin bag but a net bottom.
Malaise traps
Light-trapping is a very effective way to
Malaise traps have been found to be useful sample for many species. Light traps can be
for thecollection ofcrickets.Smaller species operated at dusk and while the lights are seem to climb into these traps. These traps attracting crickets to the light sheet, the 26
coLLECTING TECHNiQUES USEFuUL FOR CRICKETS collector can search the adjacent habitat for
secretive or flightless species that would not otherwise be attracted to the lights. We try to use a variety of light sources to provide a broad spectrum of wavelengths that may attract insects. A small generator can be used to power the lights ifin the field away from mains power. A 120 cm fluorescent black light in combination with the kinds of
bulbs noted below will attract many nocturnal crickets. Over the yearsa range oflight sources have
been used to attract insects after dark. Mercury vapour(MV)lamps seem to behighly effective
and most widelyused.The uncoated bulbs are thought to be the best in providingaspectrum most attractive to insects. Recently quartz
halidelamps havebeen found to be very useful for night collecting. These along with the MV Light sheet in the open with mercury vapour,
bulbs are now coated (white appearance) for coated bulb. This light attracted several species
eye safety purposes. This seems to reduce their of ground-dwelling crickets. efficacy in attracting insects. However, they are
th Where to look for crickets still more effective than ordinary lights. With
eitherof these high wattage bulbs,one must be Most crickets can be collected both day and careful to not expose them to rainfall or they night but the collector has to know where to
will explode.It is best to turn them offif rain look for them. Many nocturnal species can approaches or have a metal shield to protect be found secluded during the day after the them from rain.(A warning: eye glasses collector becomes familiar with their habits.
suitable to filtering the harmful rays of MV Search for crickets under rocks and in leaf lights should always be used, especially if litter,or by sweeping or beating vegetation.
collecting close to the light source is Many small crickets live on the ground in prolonged.)Recently we have discovered that leaf litter and can be coaxed to move by
the fluoro blubs used in insect traps can be carefully shuffling through the dead leaves
useful in attracting crickets. They come in a and keeping an eye for the small jumping
range of sizes and the output wavelengths crickets. A glass test tube can aid in seem to be slightly different fromone brand to collecting small crickets promptly in such
another.Because theirlowwattage,severalcan habitats. Plastic test tubes do not seem to be used at a light sheet without any strain on work very well. The cricket eye'seems to
the generator. They can be found in the detect the plastic tubeand theyescapeevery gardening sections of larger hardware and time. Crickets do not seem to detect the
nursery shops.
glass of a test tube, especially if it is clean.
Glass test tubes with a 20 mm diameter eventually settle into the grass habitat.If the seem to work very well to secure a desired fields are not very well used, the crickets specimen. In dark forest habitats, the use of may actually live and breed in the turf. the headlight during the day can save aRoadside verges in most areas are very
great deal of time.
productive for crickets and other insects.
Short-cut grass can harbour a surprising This is due to several factors. In some areas number of cricket species. Sports ovals and the extra runoff from the highway provides golf courses that are adjacent to naturally more moisture for plants to grow. This is
vegetated woodlands can be the home for detected by insects and specimens can be
one or more species.Even when the grass is found there. In some areas the only closely cut, crickets can be found living remaining 'natural vegetation is that
there.They can be frustratingly elusive in located between the soft shoulder of the escaping through the anastomosing grass road and the fence-line. Waterholes in arid rhizomes. Some of the larger species, such areas can be productive for cricket as the black field crickets, Teleogryllus spp.,collecting. Mole Crickets, Gryllotalpidae can be found living under these conditions. (p.353),and Pygmy Crickets, Trigonididae,
Other groups to look for on grassed areas Nemobiinae (p.335)are often found
include Nemobiinae, both of the tribes burrowing in the soft mud along the
Trigonidiini and Nemobiini. If games are margins of waterholes.Many other crickets
played at night under lights, this probably in the Gryllinae (p.109)and Trigonidinae
attracts the crickets initially and they groups are often found there.
Golf course in the Daintree,Qld.Many grylline,nemobiine and trigonidine crickets were
found amongst the rhizomes and dead grass on the lawn.The margins of the greens were also useful in finding a variety for other species.
Athleticovalat Mt Molloy,Qld.Severalgrllines and nemobiines were found by searching on hands and knees after dark.Thesourcearea is probably the woodlands in the distance.When events are held at night, the lights surely attract crickets.
Dirt trackleading to Marvel Loch,WA. Severalgryllines were found in vegetation along the margins of the track.
Verges are always worth searching for insects. They often collect more water than areas just a few metres distant.In this example,in South Australia, the verge contains the only natural vegetation for many kilometres.
Junction Waterhole, near Alice Springs, NT. Mole Crickets Gryllotalpa (p.352), live in burrows in mud around this waterhole. A variety
of Pygmy Mole Crickets, Pteronemobius spp. (p.335), and various gryllines (p.64) were found there and were attracted to lights after
Collecting at night Spot-lighting
interesting to search various habitats after
dark but can also be a valuable experience Spot-lighting for crickets after dark can in learning and understanding cricket be fun and very rewarding if collections biology. Aheadlight is the most important
or photos are desired. It is not only piece of equipment in this activity. LED
bicycle night-lights are very efficient and other similar cereal product along a not veryexpensive. Thebrighter the light, walking track, animal track or dirt road.
the more effective it will be for collecting. Active crickets will be attracted to the Lights of 3000 lm or more are effective. smell of the cereal product and stop for a
However, the colour temperature of the feed.Small piles of oatmeal separated by a
light may also be important,especially for metre or more can also be effective in some
the convenience of the collector. A light areas. The crickets can be photographed or, source of neutral colour spectrum,if need be, collected. A drawback of this
around 4500K, seems the best. But these technique is that rodents, marsupials and lights can weaken the batteries fairly some nocturnal birds and lizards may also
quickly so extra batteries should be be attracted to the cereal and consume it carried into the field. Rechargeable along with the crickets. Over the course of
batteries are the best option.High- the evening, many of the ground-dwelling
powered, hand-held LED flashlights are cricket species that might otherwise be also useful in providing bright light but overlooked can be found feeding at the
the drawback is that both hands are not oatmeal. free to collect or photograph the cricket. The headlight is by far the most effective way to spot crickets at night. Fluorescent lights or wands of the type sold for use in car repair garages have had their place in the past. The battery-operated types found in auto supply houses that can used with 6 or 12 V batteries are the most effective in lighting small areas.An
appropriate,rechargeable motorcycle battery that can be carried in a 'bum-bag' is the best source oflong-lastingoperation for this apparatus. In addition to spot- lighting, use of the sweeping net at night is recommended. It can be more
productive than sweeping during the day since at night many crickets will ascend from the leaf litter below to feed or seek
In addition to light-trapping and
searching the vegetation after dark, the collector can set an oatmeal trail. This is a simple technique that isuseful and literally A bicycle headlight is an inexpensive stops crickets in their tracks. It involves collecting accessory that leaves the hands
free for collecting or photographing.
laying down a trail of oatmeal, muesli orPhoto: B Richardson.
plastic can help shield the trap from rain. Large ice-cream containers can also be
used. But there are often problems with
curious bandicoots and rodents getting to
the bait and catch before the collector. Sturdy mesh anchored in the ground can help prevent disasters caused by curious
The flight-intercept trap is another way
to collect wandering insects. The intercept net is effective at stopping flying insects
which fall into the gutter below. The trap is
essential a length of roofing gutter of, say, 2 mlength with the ends blacked and sealed with silicone. The gutter is buried in the Typical oatmeal trail; female Pteronemobius
ground and some ethylene glycol (or radiator coolant) added to catch, hold and
preserve the insects until the collector checks the trap. The glycol does not piece of oatmeal to the right provides an indication of size. evaporate very quickly and if the trap is left for several days, the insects should be well preserved. They catch can be transferred Well-lit petrol stations or all night cafés directly into 70-80 thanol for permanent ornaticeps (p. 336) at the oatmeal trail. The
can be a good source of crickets.Many storage. One major drawback of this
insects, especially crickets, fly to lights in techniqueis that the by-catch can consist of
such places,especiallyin summer. Checking wandering reptiles and amphibians. Care
early in the morning before insectivorous must be taken to reduce the chances of birds are active can yield a rewarding catch. vertebrate losses.
Pitfall traps
Pitfall traps often reveal crickets that are overlooked using other techniques. Some traps can be left in place for days or weeks, providing specimens when the collector is elsewhere. There are many forms of pitfall trap. The simplest ones are made from takeaway food containers. The traps can be baited with oatmeal, fruit or molasses -or nothing. Wandering crickets,and other insects,are attracted to the bait and
drop in. A piece of corrugated iron or Setting a pitall trap in the 19th century.
Baited pitfall trap with cover (opened) for protection from rain.
Photo:G Monteith.
Making a collection Killing crickets
these colours are not very common in crickets
so ethyl acetate is a good, safe killing agent. Cricket identification can be accurate only Even better is ammonium carbonate. This if specimens are in hand for careful study chemical is the 'smelling salts' of the boxing under themicroscope.Some species can be trade. It is readily available and safe to use. identified from photographs but if there are l Both of the above killing agents attract questions of the identity of closely related moisture and evaporate rather quickly. So the
species, a cricket or two may need to be killing agent has to be replenished regularly preserved so that its taxonomically and theinsects removedpromptly after death,
otherwise they become wet and hairs and important parts can be examined. Killing crickets for collection purposes is scales can be damaged. Potassium cyanide is not difficult. Freezing is a simple and quick byfar thepreferredkillingagent but it must be
method of dispatching a cricket. Care should obtained by permit due to its lethal nature.
be taken, however, because freezing can Advantages for insect collecting include its
destroy cells and cause some discoloration long-lasting properties and it generally and dehydration if the insect is left in the remains dry over time. The greatest
freezer for lengthy periods. If freezing is not disadvantage of using cyanide to kill crickets
anoption,crickets can be killedin killingjars. is that rigor mortis sets in shortly after the Several killing agents can be used to kill insect's death. At this time the hind legs of crickets. Ethyl acetate is safe and readily most orthopteroids,including crickets, easily
available. Its main drawback is that it detach. This problem can be overcome by discolours many green or yellow insects. But waiting about 5 h untilrigor mortis passes and
For larger species, the tall, wide-mouthed jars in which olives are sold are perfect.
Preparation of any of the killing jars in which
the killing agent is dry is the same.A layer of the substance is placedin thebottom ofthejar
with some finely divided perlite, Styrofoam" or other material to keep it in place. Then a circular cut piece of foam is inserted to keep Ecu时
the ingredients in place. Shredded tissue prevents the crickets from biting each other and losing legs and antennae. With cyanide jars, Plaster of Paris should beused instead of
Killing jars.The bottom of the cyanide jar
is taped to prevent distribution of cyanide should the bottle break.
the foam to hold the cyanide in place.Alayer of Styrofoam or sawdust can be used to
separate the cyanide from the Plaster of Paris. The bottom of the bottle should be taped to
the legs become pliable and less likely to prevent the cyanide from escaping into a detach from the specimen.Killing insects in wound should the bottle break in ones hand S ethyl acetate and ammonium carbonate does or pocket. not seem to lead to rigor mortis. Ifspecimen is desired for molecular studies, then the fresh Dealing with the catch specimens should be frozen for later use. A Crickets are not as subject to decomposition variety of jars can be used. Juice bottles areas are katydids, raspy crickets and king
useful because they have a narrow neck that crickets. Crickets seem to have a tougher
makes it less difficult to catch a small cricket.exoskeleton and this permits them to dry
Pinned cricket with label to avoid any possbility of confusion.
without excessive shrivelling or Alcohol preservation decomposition. Since most crickets are not Many entomologists who study crickets
green or yellow, but brown, grey or black, choose to preserve theircatch in alcohol. This
colour changes are not usuallya problem.In has many advantages but also a few fact, most species with which we are familiar disadvantages. Since, as noted above, most
do not need to be gutted and stuffed'as is cricketsare brown,greyorblack,preservation the case with katydids and some large in 80 thanol does not discolour them.
cockroaches.However, if life-like specimens Crickets so preserved are easy to dissect. The are desired,they would benefit from gutting dissected bits can be placed in small vials and
and stuffing'. Some of the larger kept in the same containers as the crickets.In Apterogryllus species are examples. But this way, the specimen and its parts' can
these crickets would probably be best remain associated with one another. Housing
preserved in alcohol. Other crickets can is also enhanced because multiple crickets
merely be pinned, their legs set and left to can be stored in a single container. A
air-dry for a week or so before being drawback with this method is that, with the labelled. Care should be taken to prevent misguided notion that insect collections are ants, geckos and other potential pests frompassé, reduced institutional support for
attacking the drying specimens. If in the taxonomic collections and the associated
field forlongperiods,it may be inconvenient activitiescould result in neglect of the alcohol and a waste of precious field time to pin collection. Curatorial practice demands that specimens.A better method is to layer them alcohol levels be checked periodically.
inlayer boxes.They dryout ratherquicklyif Alcohol should be topped up or changed
the boxes are properly vented,leaving the from time to time, otherwise it could evaporate and the specimens desiccate and be collector to continue with collecting.
A collection of specimens in alcohol. The collection needs regular
observation to replace defective lids or any alcohol that might evaporate.
rendered almost useless. One cricket family that should be preserved dry is the Mogoplistidae-the Scaled Crickets. These small crickets are covered in scales and the scales and patterns are important in their identification. The scales can be lost on specimens that are preserved in alcohol, so specimens in this family would be more
useful if dry-preserved.
Dry-preservation An easily constructed relaxing chamber.Add Dry-preservation simply involves pinning, some naphthalene flakes to reduce mould. labelling and placing of the specimens in a
pest-free, dry and dark cabinet. A small amount of naphthalene should be added to the box to discourage museum pests' such as
very fragile and the desired structures could
easilyberuined ifcare is not taken tobegentle
dermestid beetles and book lice. Checking of making the dissection.
the specimens from time to time will reveal if Pinning a cricket
there are any problems with museum pests. Textbooks suggest pinning a cricket through Dissection of wings, genitalia and other the right-hand side of the pronotum. This is
morphologicalstructures from dry materialis probably the best of the techniques. Care
a bit more involved than it would be if done needs to be taken to both preserve the left- with alcohol-preserved material. A dry hand side for observation of morphological
specimen must be 'relaxed'overnight. Thisisa and characters and not to pin through the simple matter.It involvesplacingthe specimen forelegs. This leaves the cricket quite on a wet sponge in an airtight refrigerator unbalanced, as to weight, on the pin. But container. A sprinkling of naphthalene or a pinning in any other place could also cause
few crystals of thymol can help to discourageproblems. If pinned through the wings, this
mould during this process. Care needs to be could both prevent the tegmina and wings taken to either leave the locality label on the from being spread as wellas seeing important specimen or remove it and use a numbering venational characters.So pinning through the system to correctly associate it with the pronotum is probably the best option. Small relevant specimen. Overnight in the relaxing crickets should be pinned with micropins chamber is usually sufficient to loosen the with the micropin embedded in Polporus pith
muscles so that the desired structures can be rectangles. These come in strips and can be
dissected.If they are still not moveable after cut to 10mm sections.This organicmaterialis
8-12 h, moistening with a bit of dilute becoming scarce and difficult to obtain. It is detergent and more time in the chamber also susceptibletothe devastations ofmuseum
should free the muscles and not damage the pests. A better substitute is silicone or another specimen. Freshly caught specimens seem to synthetic strips. These grip the micropin be easier to dissect than dry material but thattightly and are not susceptible to museum is largely a matter of preference. Crickets are l pests, and they are less expensive and put less
Mo w
Ta 6d -d.siso0
oceIIya(Chopard) DET/CF Rentz A properly pinned and labelled cricket ready for the collection; a'double-mounted'cricket.
Synthetic strips that can be cut witha single-edged razorblade into1 cm blocks for double-
mounting. Also shown small vials for genitalic preparations.
stress on the environment. Polyporus is a accessories. The elevation can also be
genus of fungus that is collected from determined as thelocality is recorded.It is wodlands. a simple matter to make labels using a computer. The point size should be ~4.5. Labelling the collection Proper labelling involves recording the This allows for a small label with the
maximum amount of data. A second label with a brief statement of the location, the can include habitat or host data. If using a
latitude and longitude of the locality along
date and the collector. This is a fairly computer, a black and white laser printer simple matter with many modern cars can print the labels if the specimens are to
providing GPS systems as standard be pinned. But if they are to be stored in
alcohol, an ink jet printer should be used most females do not possess the means to
and the labels printed on archival matte p produce sound. With the exception of
paper for longevity.
female Mole Crickets (Gryllotalpidae),
female cricket tegmina are not specially modified to produce sound. Dissecting Dissection of preserved material Dissection of dried insects is often essential cricket genitalia requires patience and for precise identification. With crickets thepractice. The body integument of most most commonly dissected parts are the crickets is very soft.That is one reason they male right tegmen and the male and (for make acceptable fish bait and food for pets. more precision) the female concealed If dissecting numerous individuals, care
genitalia.These two structures contain the must be taken not to mix the genitalia.If
most informative sets of characters for this happens any questionable sample
should be discarded. A colour code or identifying species. Regarding the tegmina, the number and position of the veins of the
male right tegmen determines the
numbering system can keep the items
Steps for male cricket genitalic produces. This,coupled with the physiology preparation: of the cricket, defines the song.(Some crickets have the left tegmen over the right 1. Using two pairs of fine forceps carefully open the subgenital plate. parameters of the sound that the male
and some species may have some individuals that have the right tegmen over
the left or the left over the right.)The
position, shape and thickness of the veins on the wing are not random but are precise for delivery of the calling song to which females respond. It is generally understood that females respond only to the calls of males of their own species. Silent crickets
rely on other means to bring the sexes together. The structure,placement, spacing
and number of stridulatory pegs are
Carefully tease the membranous tissue around the genital capsule.Take care
to remove the ovoid spermatophore (p.52)along with the genitalia.The
shape of the spermatophore, its colour and the structure at the end of the spermatophore tube can often be species or generically distinctive. Following removal of the genitalia, carefully adjust the tip of the abdomen
so that the cricket appears in a natural
extremely important since they deliver the song. The average user of this book will have difficulty in counting,measuring and
2. Place the dissected portion of the genitalia in a 10solution of potas-
theyare so small and usually very numerous
gently dissolve the muscles and leave the sclerotised bits, containing the most informative parts. Rushing this
even seeing the stridulatory pegs because
in crickets. They are located on the opposite side of the stridulatoryvein(p.48).Because
of this, we are not relying heavily on these
structures for the species identification in this guidebook. It should be noted that
sium hydroxide (KOH). This will
process by heating the KOH can result in the finer parts of the genitalia
becoming fragile or disappearing
3. After24h orless in KOH,check to see if the muscles detach from the sclerotised portions.If so,transfer the bits to plain water to wash out the
remaining KOH. Then carefully tease the muscles from the sclerotised portions to reveal the genitalia. Once the muscles have been removed, transfer the genitalia to a solution of 70 thanol for a few minutes and proceed to the next step.
4. For permanent storage of the dissected bits,carefully place them in genitalia
vials of the appropriate size,adding a few drops of glycerine. This can be
accomplished with a hypodermic needle. The glycerine acts as a preservative and should keep the
genitalia intact for decades if they are
tightly sealed in the tubes. Plastic genitalia vials are sold by most
Cleared genitalia complex, enhanced somewhat in PhotoShop".
Care should be taken to avoid cork
are generally used in Australia and have many advantages.If cork tops are
black pins are used. Stainless steel pins
commonly observed that the glycerine
entomological supply houses (p. 382).
stoppers for the vials, especially if
used for the genitalia vials, it is
Dissecting instruments and an assortment of dishes used toobserve microstructures under the microscope.The syringe is used to dispense glycerine into the micro-vials.
flows onto the cork and eventually
makes its way onto the pin.At that
lacking bits of wing and have chewed legs (see Weissman and Rentz 1977);this is a
point, the black pin slowly dissolves
result of crowding. A moulting individual is
and in a few years' time breaks. The
defenceless and its soft body is a source of protein for other occupants. So keeping the
modern synthetic corks and vials coupled with stainless steel pins prevent this problem. The glycerine
remains in place and, even if it does touch the pin, it does not dissolve it. The only drawback with the synthetic
corks is that they eventually lose their
elasticity, especially if the vials are opened repeatedly, and the lids may have to be replaced.
crickets separately has its advantages. A
source of moisture is necessary for each container and this can be a wad of tissues in
a small pill bottle or vial with water added periodically. Crickets will also welcome a piece of apple or carrot from time to time.
Crickets need a substrate to cling to when they moult, otherwise they become distorted as their exoskeleton hardens.
Slide-mounting cricket genitalia is Windowscreening seemsideal for this.The
time-consuming and not necessary. The
insides of the jar or other container should
greatest disadvantage is that the samples be lined with the screen. Plastic or cloth cannot be rotated. And with the asymmetry s screening is not useful because, being of some genitalia, this can prevent the chewing animals, crickets can readily chew
observation of some characters.
Rearing crickets
through this material and escape. Containers should not be air-tight but
should allow for fresh air. Labelling the From time to time, it may be useful to keep container is essential. One should never
crickets alive. This may have to do with trust data to memory because uncertainty
fieldwork to distant locales where one will surely result and the specimens will be
discovers that the crickets there are inaccurately labelled. A gummed label
immature and it would be advantageous to should be affixed to each container and the
bring back nymphs and rear them to 'stop number'of the locality,or some other
maturity. Rearing crickets is not difcult notation that distinguishes the individual, since they arelargely scavengers and are not noted in pencil.
Diapause is a part of the life history of Orthoptera food mix(p.383)is ideal for many cricket species.This may occur in the especially finicky about what they eat. The
rearing crickets. Of course, one needs to egg stage and last for weeks or, perhaps, supply a source of water.Jars or takeaway years.Some desert species may have an egg
food containers can be used to house the diapause that is 'broken' whenenvironmental crickets. Crickets are opportunists. They conditions suggest it is time for the eggs to readily consume other crickets if the hatch.It may also occur in one of the later
opportunity is presented. To avoid this, instars during the life of a cricket.A cricket each cricket shouldbekept on its own,inan may attain the last or second last instar, for individual container. The House Crickets example,and remain in that stage for weeks (p.67) you find in pet shops are often despite the presence of food, water and
container for male crickets is important if recording the sound of the cricket is to be accomplished. Once the call of a cricket is
recorded, it should be documented as such with a'recording number'that is associated with a database. A label should be affixed to the specimen when it is killed or dies. We use an S-number. Sis simply for sound
recordingbut any system can beused aslong
Jars for housing live crickets. Note the tube
as it is consistent. Weuse this system for all
used in small quantities. Each jar should have
insects we record, and we have made over
for water.The Orthopteran food mix(p.383)is
a locality label, and the date of maturation
should be noted and recorded on a separate label pinned with the specimen.
2000 recordings. All of these S-numbers are related to a database and the recordings
themselves are in the Australian Wildlife
Sound Collection of CSIRO, Gungahlin, acceptable temperatures. Time may dictate Canberra. Duplicates of the recordings are in the Australian National Insect Collection, when it proceeds to maturity.
If crickets are to be kept en masse for
some reason, a large aquarium with food,
Regardless of which method is used to
water and agenerous amount of insecticide- keep crickets alive, one must be able to free wood wool is all that is needed to raise control mould that grows on old or wet
the insects. However, crickets can be food,as well as cereal storage mites cannibals and eat their neighbours when (Acaridae) and several species of book lice
they moult, so it is best to separate prized (Psocoptera).Mouldy food is not acceptable
individuals and allow them to mature in to hungry crickets and if book lice are a
their own individual container. In so doing, problem,their numbers can increase to the an observer can record the number ofpoint where they can consume most of the moults it takes for a cricket to mature andcricket food and may even attack and kill a note the 'maturation date'(take photos of moulting cricket. Occasional checking of
crickets moulting). This date is important the containers is important,and containers
and should be noted on a special label may need to be washed or changed from
placed under the locality label. It is time to time if these problems occur. surprising that even if immature crickets are collected in the field and take weeks to Recording cricket vocalisations
mature at home, the date at which the Cricket recordingcan beaccomplished with
cricket matures is very similar to what less expensive equipment than that needed
would occur in the field, despite nutritious to acquire the sounds of katydids food and water that are provided. These (Tettigoniidae), for example. The reasons
times seem to be more genetically than for this are simple. Crickets sing at lower environmentally controlled, at least with frequencies thankatydids andless expensive
several species. Providing an individual recorders can do the job. Cameras and
mobile phones can also provide useful comprises mainly stop numbers. Each
recordings. We have used an Olympus fieldtrip is given a stop number beginning Linear PCM Recorder LS-10 toobtain most with the first trip,usually in January. Full
of therecent cricket recordings used for this label data is affixed to each stop. A brief
book.Analysis of recorded insect sounds is description of the habitat can help in much less complex these days than in the jogging the memory in future if details on
past.A recording can beedited in Audacity the collection are desired.Photos of the
freeware and then transferred to Raven or habitat can also belinked.A list of collected
Canary for analysis and documentation. s species can be useful for future reference. The resultant oscillograms used in this book We return over and over again to notebooks have been made this way. for various types of information. They should be stored in a safe place and digital Notebooks notebooks should be archived from time to Keeping notes can have several uses. Sometime. It is surprising how often researchers
of the older generation still maintain a request details about alocality visited in the
bound notebook but with the digital age, distant past. All one has to do is to look in
notes can be databased on computers or the notebook! Photographic images, sound even on phones.One ofthe authors has kept recordings, and cytological and DNA
an annual notebook for more than 50 years. references can also be linked to original Each year a new book is used. This book field notebooks.
Collecting regalia then and now. (A) A Vogon,
botanical artist, in the late 1870s, near Talaroo,
Qld, with fly veil, high boots and qun. (B) Geoff
Monteith near the same spot more than 125 years later with camera. Photo; G Monteith.
Morphology The body plan of a cricket is often median ocellus and often, but not always,
considered as typical for an unspecialised two lateral ocelli. These can vary in size
insect. In order to understand this book,a depending upon the species. Their function basic knowledge of cricket morphology is is obscure but may have to do with the
necessry (Fig. 5).
reception of polarised light. Cricket
Their length relative to the length of the
antennae are simple filamentous structures.
The head of a cricket is often considered body is often helpful in identification.The typical for a chewing in a hemimetabolous antennae may have bands as a result of one
insect (Fig.6).The head is usually rounded or more segments being darker coloured
with the dorsal part composedofthe ociput than the others.These are termed annulate and vertex, the latter of which is extended or, ifunbanded, concolorous. The antennal
between the antennal bases onto the front surface can be hairy or smooth depending of the insect as a frontal rostrum. There is aupon the species. The antennal colour is often distinctive. The first two segments of the antennae are the scape and the pedicel
mndle i9 hindleg
rfrons or ostrum median cells -laterloelus _5Sape of
antenna _anterfor tympanum
-pronotum _strduatory vein s harpvelns
- hords
- subapicalspus
- pilpus
-erls Fig.5. Morphology of typical cricket. Modified from Otte and Alexander(1983), with permission.
respectively. They can be modified with a
tooth or a tubercle in some species. The shape of the eyes is often described as ovoid,
elongate,bulging, reduced or shallow
depending on the amount of bulge.All are important features to observe. Eye colour and pattern are distinctive for the species but colours and patterns often fade or disappear entirely after death. The sides of the head, the cheeks, are called the genae (Fig.6).The front of the head is the frons
beneath which is a suture called the fronto- clypeal suture. This is the boundary of the
clypeus and the tongue-like structure called the labrum. The mandibles are suited for
chewing. The maxillary and labial palpi are
five-segmented and three-segmented respectively and are relatively similar
among species.
A GUiDE TO CRICKETS OF AuSTRALIA - median ocellus -lateral ocellus
antennal socket
clypeus epistomal suture
labium - labial palpi - maxillary palpl
Fig.6.Principal regions and structures of the cricket head.Modified fromotteand Alexander(983),
with permisson.
Legs Crickets generally have short legs. There are sides of the fore tibia. It may be absent from
auditory structure may be on one or both
exceptions, of course. The tarsi are three- one side or the other, and may be of slightly segmented with the first segment called the different size and shape on one side or the metatarsus. On the hind legs the metatarsus other. The tibial auditory structure is most can be greatly lengthened and can be armed likely used to receive the calls. Interestingly,
these structures are generally similar in s both sexes within a species. Generally, shape of the second tarsal segment is dorsally with spines or teeth (Fig. 7). The
particularly important in cricket species that produce no auditory signals
e lack or have reduced tibial auditory classification. This segment may be described as small and compresed or structures altogether.
depressed, or heart-shaped. We refer to the first pair of legs as the Spurs v.spines
forelegs -fore tibia,fore femur; the middle Distinction between what is meant by a legs-middle tibia or middle femur; and the spur or a spine is important in using this hind legs simply as the hind legs or hind d book. Spurs and spines occur on thelegs of femur or hind tibia. On the fore tibia of many crickets there may be the tibial
crickets. The most important of these structures are on the dorsal surface of the
auditory structure or tympanum(Fig. 5). hind tibiae (Fig.7).Someauthors referto all
The tympanum is an ovoid opening covered spine-like protuberances as simply spines.
by a light-coloured membrane. The tibialOtte and Alexander differentiated between
MORPHOLOGY subaplcal
ust G
fr apkeal
B _soplcel
F1 subaplca
subaplcal spurs
subaplcal spurs
Fig.7. Spurs and spines on cricket legs.Modifedfromotteand Alexander(1983,with pemision.
spines and spurs and use these terms the position of the tibial auditory structure
throughout their book and we will use the as being on the outside or the inside of the terms in their context just to avoid tibia. This can be confusing depending on
confusion.Spurs are consideredas moveable the orientation of the tibia itself. We have structures with a socket. Teeth, used the designation anterior forastructure
denticulations and other immoveable on the tibiaasit appears when itisstretched tooth-like structures are called spines. out,andposterior for theopposite side.This Spines and spurs are found on all legs, avoids all confusion with insideandoutside.
mostly on the tibiae. Those on the dorsal With the hind leg,because it is fixed in its
surface of the tibiae have provided the orientation,and outside and inside can be important information in leading to a used for the position of structures without specific identification. We start the counting any ambiguity. the spurs from the end of the tibia, not the What is meant by an apical and a
base. We use a slightly different method of subapical spur? Apical spurs are those that dealing with the orientation of thelegs than are found at the very end of the tibia, used by Otte and Alexander. They refer to adjacent to the tarsi. The ones on the dorsal
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA another by a humeral edge or ridge. The shape of both the disk and the laterallobes and the sculpture or ornamentation of the disk are often used in classification.
Tegmina and wings
The first pair of wings is referred to as the tegmina,singular tegmen. The second pair, held beneath the first pair,are simplycalled
Fig.8. Scanning electron micrograph of
glandular spur, Pteronemobius ornaticeps (600x).
wings. Not all adult crickets have tegmina and/or wings.Some species are completely
wingless,a condition called apterous.
surface are those that are used in most Tegmina and wings that extend more or identification. The adjacent subapical spurs less to themiddle ofthe abdomen are called are usually much shorter and slightly mesopterous; those that barely protrude different in morphology. They are from beneath the pronotum or are st concealed by the pronotum are called positioned in a line and can extend almost to the base of the tibia. On the hind tibia, micropterous. The male tegmina are modified for sound production in almost there may be some smaller and fixed spines adjacent to the larger spines. These can be
all species. Males that do not sing usually
called denticulations or teeth.Most cricketshave tegmina that are similar to those of do not have these teeth.The ventralsurfaces the female. Most species are sexually
of the fore and middle tibia do not bear dimorphic for tegmina and wings. Some spines that help in the identification of species may have a fully developed pair of species. Those at the end of the hind tibia tegmina with either reduced or absent are often used and their number and
wings. There is evidence that some crickets may chew off their wings at some point in
position,anterior or posterior, can be crucial in making an accurate identification. their life cycle. Reasons for this are yet
Some members of the genus Pteronemobius unknown. Captive crickets have been (p.335)haveapeculiar short and thickened shown to feed on their own wings when spur on the internal margin of the hind tibia. This spur (Fig. 8)is palpated by
females during courtship.It may be that pheromones or glandular secretions are delivered along this spur.
The pronotum, the first segment of the thorax, is flat or weakly convex dorsally, the
dorsal surface is referred toas the disk,and Adult female of the apterous cricket, lateral lobes often separated from one Salmanites allaris.
MORPHOLOGY cricket sings. Sexually responsive females react to the calls produced by the appropriate male of the species. The sound
produced is correlated with the morphology of the tegmen and the response of the
female is dependent on her physiology and genetics. Any deviation in the position of a
A mesopterous cricket, Euscyrtus hemelytrus,
vein on the male's tegmen could lead to a
difference in the calling song and lack of recognition by a female or recognition by there is a dietary deficiency. Some termites the wrong female. Wingless or silent
and cockroaches remove their wings for crickets use other means to bring the sexes other reasons, usually after nuptial flights together, perhaps chemical or visual. These
when they have found a suitable permanent are probably a reflection of the lifestyle of
The venation of cricket wings is
the crickets.
The role of crickets in folklore and
complex and yet very important in the culture has led to a distinct naming system
identification of species (Fig. 9).The for the veins on the tegmina. Terms such as
structure of the veins and the membranous chords,harps and mirrorareused in relation
portion between them isvery distinctive of to crickets but not generally other
thespecies. The morphology of the tegmen orthopteroid insects. The stridulatory vein, is important because it conveys the species- or stridulum,is usually slightly more specific sounds produced when the male thickened than the other veins because it dorsal field 1A
con 1A-
eords/ 2
_C0; sc
1A- harp vens 2A- -diagona miror dviding vein
FW angloe
harp veins
) tatera
mtror aplca
Fig.9. Morphology of typical cricket tegmina.Modifed fromotteand Alexander(1983),wih permission.
Stridulatory file of Gryllotalpapluvialis. carries the stridulatory teeth or pegs on its Scanning electron micrograph of clavate hairs on cercus (300×). Photo:YN Su. opposite side. The structure, number and spacing of the stridulatory teeth are
generally quite species specific. The stridulum operates in a manner similar to running the teeth of a comb across a fingernail. There is a specialised vein or two on the underside of a cricket's tegmen that is slightly raised and acts as the fingernail. The configuration of the veins, membranes and the physiology of the cricket making the sound produce the specific call. The teeth on the stridulatory vein are so small Scanning electron micrograph of clavate hairs that we have decided not to use them as a on cercus (600×). primary identification tool in this book. But
not used for clasping. They are clothed with be aware of the morphology, placement and several kinds of hairs. At the base are special anyone seriously studying crickets should
e swollen scale-like hairs that are number of teeth for the species they are
studying.It should be noted here that the characteristic of grylloids. They are called
Gryllotalpidae (Mole Crickets) often have clavate hairs.
stridulatory teeth on more than one vein, and, unusual for crickets, females bear some Genitalia stridulatory teeth and can answer calling In many groups of animals, especially males. On most crickets the stridulatory insects, genital morphology is species vein is generally in a transverse or horizontal distinctive and is essential for species identification. This is especially true of position on the tegmen.
crickets. Cricket genitalia, both external and concealed, are often very complex
The abdomen is generally cylindrical with structures. The most important parts of the the last tergite bearing long non-articulated genitalia that taxonomists deal with reside cerci.With a few exceptions, the cerci are
in the phalliccomplexof the male. This part
doral ridge ectophallkar ectophallicapodemes
ramiapical stem Fig. 10. Morphology of the genitalia of a
Morphology of the genitalia of Mundeicus
brunneovariegatus. Note asymmetry. of the genitalic complex is usually well structures, especially in males.Two male Cardiodactylus novaeguineae.
sclerotised and is often bilaterally Australian cricket genera, Unka(p.148) asymmetrical and complex (Fig. 10). and Xabea(p.236),bear clasping cerci in
Female genitalia are largely membranous both males and females. This is most and require more skilful study and analysis is unusual for crickets. Crickets of both sexes
than is necessary for the male genitalia. We bear a subgenital plate ventrally near the
C abdominal apex. This serves as a flap or will not deal with concealed female genitalic
structures in this guidebook.
door that covers the concealed genitalia. At
The external genitalia of both male and the generic level, the subgenital plate offers
female crickets are not especially rich in subtle characters one can use to define a characters that can be used to differentiate species. The shape, length and surface species. We will deal with males first. The features can often be distinctive. tenth tergite can be highly modified in other
In many cricket species the male
orthopteroid insects but is generally very concealed genitalia are asymmetrical; that similar among crickets. Exceptions are in is, theleft side maylookquite different from
the Mogoplistinae(p.263)where there may the right. In general,the genitalic
be tubercles, tufts of hairs or protuberances configuration is much more complex than dorsally between the cerci. The cerci in seen with katydids (Tettigoniidae),for
almost all crickets are not especially example,and more difficult to interpret.In modified. In many other orthopteroid the Australian cricket fauna, the insects they are highly modified clasping Trigonidiidae seem to have the least
Terminal segments of abdomen of male Unka sp.nov.Note clasping cerciand glandular area.
Subgenital plate of female Hemiphonus (M.)
longifemur. Clasping cerci of male Xabea elderra.
intricate male genitalia while some species of the gryllid subfamily Eneopterinae (p. 201) have extraordinarily complex male
Dissecting the male genitalia is rather difficult and can be frustrating because the surrounding integument of crickets is rather soft and fragile even though the genitalic complex itself may be fairly well sclerotised. Fine watchmakers'forceps
should be used in making dissections and this process should be done with the aid of
Subgenital plate of male Tamborina kanina.
a microscope. Frequently, the tip of the abdomen may become detached from the
MORPHOLOGY specimen during dissection.Ifthis happens, authoritative identification. Even though
the abdomen can either be glued back in cricket genitalia can bevery diverse, there is place on the specimen or glued to a paper a standardised nomenclature associated
point and mounted with the specimen. with these structures. Some of the smaller
Becoming familiar with the genitalic crickets (Nemobiinae) have minute
structure of crickets is important if concealed genitalia. That does not mean
authoritative identifications are required. that they are not very distinctive. Some of
Familiarity with these parts can help in these species can be studied more accurately
associating difficult species with their by viewing them with the aid of a scanning appropriate subfamilial or generic relatives. electron microscope (below).The scanning Significantly, the genitalia do not seem to electron microscope can reveal remarkable vary over the geographic range of a species morphological diversity not seen with usual
and this fact can be helpful. Other attributes microscopes. such as calling song, colour and pattern can
The cricket ovipositor is composed of
vary over the geographic range of a species. four 'valves'; the internal pair of valves is
In this book we attempt to identify species rudimentary. The shape of the ovipositor is
in the easiest way possible. We also provide usually cylindrical or needle-like with the detailed information that will enable the tip denticulate (see Gryllini,p. 64,for researcher or agricultural consultant or examples). Some crickets have a laterally
general curious naturalist to make an compressed ovipositor with the margins
Ovipositors of several crickets.(A) Adenopterus norfoldensis;(B)Insulascirtus christiani;(C)I.nythos;
(D) Nesitathra philipensis.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA toothed or not (see Turana, Euscyrtus, p. 192). Some species have a greatly reduced
ovipositor and female Mole Crickets (Gryllotalpidae) have no ovipositor at all
(.353). Spermatophore and spermatheca
The male genitalia bear a bag-like sac that it Spermatophore of Aphonoides lowanna. Note
contains the spermatophore. The shape andlackofastructure at end of tube.
spermatophore ultimately contains the sperm that are transferred from male to
female during mating. The shape, colour
In crickets, the sperm packet can serve
and size of the spermatophore, as well as its other functions as well. It can be used to feed a receptive female, priming her for apex, can be a useful taxonomic tool.
secondary matings that will transfer the
.5F. o0.
sperm into her spermatheca. Many observations of cricket courtship by
behaviourists have resulted in hypotheses of
male fitness,nourishment of mother and
eggs,and other modern concepts of sexual
m.v.. Spermatophore sac from Chopard(1969).
Courting Cardiodactylus novaeguineae on Spermatophore of Riatinacallosifrons.Note
crescentic tip.
a plastic container in akitchen.Note the spermatophore emerging from the abdomen of the male and the one on the ground near it.
The latter may be a'nuptialgift'to the female which she will consume.
Crickets and culture Crickets have been important in Asian the songs they produce.Where Australians culture,less so in the more modern culture might regard chirping crickets as a bit of a
of the 21st century. In Asia, crickets have nuisance,the songs were welcome in many been revered from time immemorial for the an Asian home. For hundreds of years
melodic songs they produce. In contrast, crickets have figured with reverence in the same Asian cultures have been Asian poetry and painting. As far back as
enthusiastic and captivated by the 'sport' of 1l BCa Book of Odes accompanied a 16 m
cricket fighting.
painting with singing crickets and katydids
A visit toadepartment store in Tokyo in featured (Dorfman 2012). Crickets evoke a
the 1980s with a pet shop on the roof tranquil lifestyle and keeping them in cages revealed severallive cricket species available for their song seems to have started in
for purchase.None is to be found today, a China during the Tang Dynasty sign of the times. However, in China (618-906 AD). Crickets are bred
crickets are sold over the internet as pets for commercially in Asia for both their singing
ability and for fighting. There is an array of containers made from many sorts of
material from clay to straw for housing the
crickets. The containers have breathing holes and compartments for food and water.
A variety of utensils have been developed to
attend to both cultural and fighting crickets. The common names ascribed to them
are indicative of the respect that the people
have for the small insects. Trigonidiine crickets (especially Anaxipha spp., p.292)
Cricket statue in Laos.Photo:ID Nauman.
A variety of Asian cricket cages. Photo:HTsu.
are called 'Bells.It is said that the Chinese staying asleep at night seem to be the most ladies of the palace caught crickets and kept affected by persistently singing crickets. In
them near their pillows to provide company California, trees and shrubbery are often during the long night.People still buy removed from the vicinity of bedrooms
crickets in the Shanghai markets. They are because of theannoyingly loud Tree Cricket even used in hospitals to help the patients calls. Crickets would certainly not be used feel comfortable. Small crickets can have in hospitals in the United States to provide
their sounds amplified by using a hollow tranquillity to patients! Perhaps, they gourd as a resonator. In addition, a rosin should! mixture can even be added to the cricket's
wing to soften the sound of the song without
Cricket fighting
harming the insect. It is said that a chirping Cricket fighting probably predates the Tang
cricket can help to reduce blood pressure Dynasty in the 8th century AD. The sport
and mayeven aid in inducing hypnosis. It is was widespread throughout Asia and was not unusual to find a taxi in Shanghai with a v virtually nationalised in China. The activity
cricket in a cage on its dashboard.
is now absent today from places like
Crickets do not seem to have the same Singapore where it used to be very popular. reverence in Western societies. In North Perhaps cricket fighting is not compatible America,the calling song of Tree Crickets, with modern 2lst century values. In Oecanthus spp.(p. 232) can be so Taiwan,cricket ighting is mostly a tourist persistently loud that residents are often attraction (Fig. 11). However, cricket
brought to the point of hysteria. Older fighting is still popular in many rural cities people who generally have difficulties in in China.Three-quarters of a million
Fig.11. Alarge statue of Gry/lsbimaculatus,a cricket used in Taiwanforfighting matches.
people in Shanghai are involved one way or for the burial of the recently deceased.This
another in cricket fighting. This reaches its was the custom 35 years ago. Whether it
peak in summer (August). Crickets are still exists in modern China is bred for size, ferocity and stamina (Fig. problematical. 12). Crickets from Chin-Yuan, Tsong-HuaSome participants argue they participate
and Hua-Shian are called 'Po-Chiang in cricket fighting tournaments for the shuay'or Northern River Crickets and are cultural values,but in the main it has to do
considered the best fighters. All of these with gambling. In some cities, the cricket localities are in Kwangtung Province, market with its attendant gadgetry has north-west of Hong Kong. The 'bravest' become a significant tourist attraction. The
fighters are the snake-head'crickets. They main species involved is the Fighting
are so-called because they can be found in Cricket, Velarifictorus mikado,a species that
human skulls in overgrown cemeteries is not present in Australia. However, in
where it had been the custom to remove Taiwan,it seems that Gryllus bimaculatus, bones from the graves once most of the with its distinctive black colour and orange flesh had been decomposed, to make way spots, is the fighting cricket of choice.
Fig.12. Velarifictorius mikado males in combat.Note the large size of the mandibles.Photo:xbjin.
Crickets as food Pet food Live crickets are sold in pet shops as food
species from elsewhere could have profound
effects on the North American Grllus
for a variety of pets ranging from birds to
species.Efforts to alert regulatory
fish bait but this is not a common practice
Cricket! It seems that economic
frogs and lizards and large fish. They are authorities in the United States have failed sold in considerable numbers overseas as to initiate any regulation of the 'Black
in Australia.
considerations outweigh anyenvironmental
The cricket trade in the United States is concerns. It would belogical to just switch astonishing, with 50 million live crickets
sold each week. It is a multi-million dollar business that has been based on one species, the non-native House Cricket, Acheta domesticus(p.67).Weissman et al. (2012)
reported on a mortal threat to this
enterprise by the epizootic densovirus (AdDVN).This virus is fatal to A.
domesticus. Efforts to find a replacement cricket are underway. Those in the cricket breeding industry require a species that is
prolific, does not have a diapause at any stage,is relatively easy to rear, and is not aggressive towards the intended animal
consumer. For some reason, many have overlooked the Indian House Cricket, Gryllodes sigillatus(p.123),a similarly non-
native cricket that is common in arid areas, has all of the biological attributes that the industry requires,and is already widespread in many areas of the world as an introduced species. Instead someone has surreptitiously imported the non-native,European and Asian 'Black Cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, into the United States. This introduction is fraught with potential disaster as there are
more than 50 species of Gryllus native to Cricket displayin pet shop,Pet Café,Smithfield, North America. Introduction of another Qld.
Adult female Black Cricket, Grylls bimaculatus, Chattin, Myanmar. to another species that already occurs in Crickets and the future of food for
United States, even if non-native, and that humans
meets all the requirements necessary for SYDNEYK.BRANNOCH
commercial culture; the Indian House People have been eating insects and other invertebrates, a practice known as With the growing interest utilising entomophagy, for thousands of years, with crickets as food for pets and zoo animals incommunities around the world eating a wide
Cricket is a logical choice.
Australia, as well as the introduction ofvariety of invertebrate species in varying crickets as human food, breeders need to bequantities. Entomophagy takes place in over aware of potential problems to their business80of the world's countries, with many
should the virus be found in Australia.The developed countries beginning to take part Indian House Cricket(p.123)already exists in this practice.With Coleoptera (beetles),
in Australia andcouldbeused asasubstitute. Hymenoptera(ants,bees,and wasps), However,other non-native crickets such as Orthoptera(grasshoppers and crickets), Grllus species are not present in Australia Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths, and should never be introduced since they eespecially caterpillars), and Hemiptera (true
would very likely compete with other bugs)being some of the most widely gryllines, such as Teleogryllus spp., cause consumed Orders, opportunities to create a ecological problems and could be vectors of wide variety of unique and delicious insect
the densovirus.
food dishes abound.
People living in developing countriesPeople residing in developed countries
eat insects at higher rates than those living generally eat insects and other invertebrates in developed countries.That said,there are for the novelty or the experience-not certain invertebrate foods that are necessarily for the nutritional benefits.
considered delicacies in developed Some restaurants have been quick to jump countries, including escargot(snails)) in on the entomophagy trend,offering burgers
France; casu marzu, a cheese partially made of smashed crickets, tacos topped
digested by maggots of the cheese fly with fried ants,or cricket chili served with
Piophila casei,in Sardinia and Italy; polenta. Access to safe-for-consumption hachinoko, candied wasp larvae,in Japan; insects has never been easier with the
bondegi,steamed silkworm pupae,in advent of at-home and industrial insect
South Korea.There are also foods that use farms. With any luck,people living in insect by-products, including red food dye developed countries will begin to see eating
made from the cochineal scale insect insects as a healthy, more sustainable Dactylopius occus or shellac,a resin secreted alternative to traditional sources of protein. by the lac bug Kerria lacca, to create a shiny
As with any new food source, insects
coating on food and candies. The should be slowly introduced into one's diet invertebrate foods eaten in developed in case allergies or adverse reactions countries pale in comparison to those eaten develop. People with allergies to shellfish, elsewhere in the world, in both quantity insects or dust mites might also have a
and diversity. For example,in Mexico you similar response to crickets and other might eat tacos with chapulines (fried, consumable invertebrates. This is due to seasoned grasshoppers),giant water bug chitin,which is foundin theexoskeletons of
chili paste (Nam Prik Maeng Da)in invertebrates.While chitin is a great source
Thailand, grilled dragonflies and of fibre and prebiotics, it can cause an damselflies in Bali,and roasted termites in allergicinflammatory response in the lungs.
Some Indigenous Australian Why eat insects? communities of the past and present eat Insects area moreenvironmentally friendly insects,includinghoney from the distended protein than beef, chicken,and poultry.
abdomens of the honeypot ant Camponotus Greenhouse gases are a major factor driving
inflatus. Other communities eat the lime- climate change,with carbon dioxide, flavoured larvae of green tree ants, methane, and nitrous oxide some of the
incorporating crushed adult green tree ants biggest offenders. Research indicates that into water for a lime-flavored drink. Some agriculture,including the livestockindustry, Indigenous communities feasted on the e is one of the leading causes of human-
Bogong Moth Agrotis infusa, which induced climate change due to the aggregates around the Australian Capital production of greenhouse gas by-products Territory. These moths are roasted and and the heavy use of fresh water. Insects eaten immediately or they are ground into areared for human consumption produce paste to make Bogong Moth cakes. fewer greenhouse gases than traditional
livestock, with only some insect species caused by livestock agriculture alone is producing methane (for example, enough to consider alternative, more
cockroaches, termites, and scarab beetles) environmentally friendly sources of protein. (Oonincx et al. 2010), albeit in significantly
Water usage for livestock drinking water
smaller quantities than the quantities and for feed is another matter entirely, with
produced by traditional livestock. hundreds of trillions of gallons used to Additionally, insects do not emit ammonia I produce feed annually. Feed conversion and nitrogen at levels anywhere near those ratios(agricultural parlance for the amount
produced by the urine and faeces of of grain needed for livestock to gain a livestock. Ammonia and nitrogen runoff kilogram of live weight) indicate that a cow from the livestock industry pollute needs ̄7 kg of grain, a pig needs 4 kg, a waterways and the air, leading to the chicken needs 2 kg,and an herbivorous,
eutrophication of bodies of water and a farmed fish needs less than 2 kg. This is in
build up of particulate matter in the air that starkcontrast to an insect, which requiresless
poses human health risks, including than 2 g of food to gain a gram of weight. cardiovascular and lung diseases. Across Four hundred and sixteen litres of water are the United States, Europe and Asia, the required to grow 1 lb of corn (0.45 kg) majority ofhuman-made ammonia volatiles (United States Geological Survey n.d.).
come from animal feedlots. The pollution Ultimately, it takes ~15 400 L of water to
The water droplet indicates the litres(L)of water reguired to produce 1 kiloaram ((ka) ofeach
type of protein, clockwise from top left: cricket, pork, beef, and chicken.The faeces of each animal
indicates the estimates of how many kilograms of methane are produced per animal over the course of a year (estimates from the Water Footprint Network n.d.and Monteny et al.2001).
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA produce each kilogram of beef(Water Footprint Network n.d.). Crickets and other
consumable insects require significantly less water and food before being processed for human consumption. With only a finite amount of land available for livestock agriculture,feedlots and crop farms,and with
only a finite amount of potable water, relying on livestock production is not a sustainable
s图 图 图
practice when the population on Earth is
estimated to reach 9 billion people by 2050. To accommodate this estimated world population, current food production rates will need to double and, with land already
scarce,expanding farming acreage is hardly a viable or sustainable option. By eating crickets and other insects, we will reduce our reliance on traditional large-animal farming, including factory farming. Ultimately, this will reduce water use,land use and pollution. In addition to all of the environmental benefits of entomophagy, insects are a healthy, alternative source of protein. For example,100g of cricketscontainsjust5.5g of fat and 121 kcal, with almost 13 g of protein (see Table 2). Compare this to
100 g of 80lean ground beef, which has  ̄20 g of fat and 254 kcal. While beef does have more protein than a serving ofcrickets, it also has a much higher calorie and fat
content, with higherlevels of saturated fat.
How to eat insects
Incorporating insects into one's diet is relatively easy, especially so with the rise of
many companies specialising in pre-cleaned and cooked insects and insect flours all over the world. Although crickets and other invertebrates are,for the mostpart,safe to eat when cooked, it is important to avoid catching and eating insects that are found in
one's backyard, as they might have been 60
o 8 88 8
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38 88
CRICKkETS AS FOOD exposed to pesticides, fertilisers and other require a warmenvironment( ̄30℃C)and by
unsavoury finds. And while some pet shops using a heating source such as a heat mat or do sell crickets and other 'feeder'insects for lamp,along with atemperature gauge affixed fish and reptiles,these insects are given food to the inside of the container, the proper
that does not necessarily increase their temperature can be maintained. Order a lot
nutritional content, nor are they fed with of 100-200 crickets from an online retailer
human consumption in mind. The cricket or pet store,and place them into their new sold commonly in Australian pet shops is the home. House Cricket, Acheta domesticus (Linnaeus,
Feed your six-legged livestock a variety
1758), an introduced species (p.67). Many of organic vegetables and proteins,keeping
Australian species are unsuitable for farming in mind that they may take on the flavour and culture because they may undergo of their food.Some ideas for cricket food
diapause that restricts development at some include pumpkin, dark leafy greens, sweet stage(p. 20). House Crickets are a great potatoes, carrots,apples,and oranges.You
species to learn insect livestock production can even feed crickets high protein foods, due to their continuous generations without such as tofu.Spray the terrarium daily with
diapause. A quick internet search for a fine mist of water to ensure that the
Australian cricket flour'or Australian edible environment has an adequate amount of insects' will yield several companies in humidity to aid moulting and egg Australia selling a variety of delicious six- deposition. Be sure to replace food every legged goods. These include nutty 24 h to prevent mould from developing.
When there is a large number of small mealworms, cricket chips, spiced chapulines, cricket flour and silkworm pupae. While eggs sticking out of the topsoil, remove the
ordering insect food products online is tray and place it in a separate,30°C rearing simple and relativelyinexpensive,small-scale terrarium with high relative humidity. This in-home farming methods are gaining some humidity can be achieved by spraying the popularity due to the relatively simplicity,terrarium twice daily with a fine mist of cost effectiveness, and one's ability to control w water. After a week and a half, small cricket
the food intake of six-legged livestock.
nymphs should hatch from the eggs. Be sure
To build your own small-scale cricket to keep the juveniles separated from the rest
farm,youwill needtwolarge glass terrariums of the livestock,feeding them as one would with fine mesh tops to prevent escapees and the adults. Within a month the juveniles
to ensure that there is enough ventilation for should be large enough to incorporate into
the crickets. Place a shallow water tray at the the adult terrarium.
bottom of the terrarium along with some When it is time to harvest the crickets, empty cardboard egg cartons to give theput the desired amount in a zip-lock bag
crickets places to hide. Place a second and place in a freezer for ̄30 min.Crickets shallow tray filled with a layer of moist, are ectothermic and are thus not able to
organictopsoilatthe bottom of the terrarium regulate their internal body temperature, in order to provide an environment for the and so when they are subjected to cold
female crickets todeposit theireggs. Crickets environmental conditions, they go into a
state of torpor and eventually die. After the certainly less debilitating than grasshopper crickets have been properly euthanised, and locust allergies. Cricket allergens are rinse them with water using a colander. If proteinaceous compounds but little is desired, remove legs and antennae. Finally, known of their nature. Perhaps, arginine pull out your favourite cricket recipes and kinase or hexamerin 1B may be involved. get cooking! See p. 384 for recipes. Handling seems to confer the allergy but
Allergies to crickets
food allergy seems quite rare (Pener 2016).
Grylline crickets seem to be the most Cricket allergies, as with other insects, can common causes of allergies. This is probably
occur with continuous handling and because other taxa are not cultured for exposure. Allergies to locusts of various foods or baits. Gryllus campestris and G. species are widespread and well known. bimaculatus inflict allergies as does Acheta
However, with the increased use of crickets domesticus. All three are non-native as food for pets,fishing baits,and now their Australian species. One population of use in flour and other products for human escapees of A.domesticus was recordednear
consumption, those that deal with the live Adelaide, South Australia. Whether this
insects can become allergic. Cricket population still exists is unknown. We have allergies are relatively rare,seem to be less no records of the House Cricket living severe than most common allergies, and are successfully in Australia. G
0ry aAG
(A) Entomo Farms'large-scale cricket production for human consumption.Photo:stewartstick,Entomo
Farms;(B)Interior view of Entomo Farms'large-scale cricket production.Photo:Stewart Stick,Entomo Farms; (C)Stir-fried insects in Thailand.Photo:AlexCastill;(D)Stir-fried grasshoppers.Photo:stephwood.
Cricket identification
Superfamily GRYLLOIDEA aphrodisiacs' from glands on thorax. This Family Gryllidae: True Crickets supposedly helps to achieve a successful This is the largest family of the Grylloidea s and has been the subject of division and coupling. Males of several cricket species
addition of higher taxa and generic provide the female with a 'nuptial gift' of a subdivision.Presently,6 subfamilies are spermatophore. Multiple spermatophores
h have been consumed by some females represented in the Australian fauna with
species found throughout the continent as before mating. well as Tasmania and Lord Howe and
Norfolk islands. The appearance of many Subfamily Gryllinae
members of this family present the classical Tribe Gryllini
type of cricket. Walt Disney's 'Jiminy The Gryllini is a poorly defined tribe with
Cricket' was modelled after field crickets of severalimportant Australian representatives
the subfamily Gryllinae.
(Table 3). Since the publication of Otte and
Gryllids are characterised by having a a Alexander's monograph, several genera large globularheadandlaterallycompressed have been transferred in and out of the
tarsi.Manyareamong the largest ofcrickets. Gryllini. The most important is the genus Males areusuallywinged with the forewings Loxoblemmus (p.70),which has been
modified for sound production; females further expanded by the synonymy of may be winged or not and not adapted for Comidogryllus and its many species. Four sound production. Some species may be Australian genera are presently included in very short-winged (macropterous) or the Gryllini.The introduced House Cricket,
wingless in l or both sexes.
Acheta domesticus (p. 67), used as food for Gryllids occupya wide range ofhabitats birds and lizards in the pet industry, is also as will be illustrated below in the various included in this tribe. The tribe is subfamilies. Some are subterranean, living characterised by the head lacking dorsal in burrows or in cracks in hard soil. A few bristles; the fore tibia with either both live in rotting woodand many can be found anterior and posterior tympana; and the in leaf litter. Gryllids are seldom found on hind tibialacking spines above the spurs. leaf surfaces. The great majority of species
are primarily nocturnal but some activity Genus Acheta Fabricius (House r Cricket and relatives) can be noted on overcast, dark days or
towards the end of summer.
Known from 23 species from the Old World
Most gryllids have distinctive songs that with 1 species cosmopolitan in distribution are well known to people interested in because it is used as food for pets, zoo
g animals and as live bait for fishing. It is now nature. Females are attracted to singing males and males of some species provide used as a protein source for human food.
Habits:. wervnkompygudRF,f;WlDcG
Table 3.ComprisnfAutGy Sck();BdMOx198
Usual hbits Nearhumns 5s,Bw.6R,G,w a R,G,wRF, W,G G s,B Numberofharp veins 3-4 3-4 o-1 e Femur ithspne abovspurs R
区人 2
K- / K-N-[X:
Tympan:iner(I)outer(oa)bset()(disregadi) -o-o0 70/0o riC/o -/o-/ori6/o-o-/o-o |-/o
Mitr:divde()undiv ed ua)bsent (a) doru a /o female
. Forewings p t male
Genus Tbe
uadoruA /al /a udoru u u /o
/+ 上出G t
Gymnoglus Cyrtopsu [Grylin Modicgrlni 国
Acheta Telogrylus ApedinaArtelaVelarifctous GrylodesLepidogrlusLoxblemusPctoinaRufocephalus a
Usual hbits
Femurlwith Nbofspneavri
3-7 o
Tympan:n r(0)outer(o)absent (C)(disrega iz)
Table 3(Cont) Mirdived ()undive (u)absent a)
Forewings p tmale female
Genus Tibe 8
- ASometis whalvndrbuyjg."D-OcWGroup. Lackingmehlf'Extws2-3 RFRF
4-8G5-9 o 6-7
+ or-
-/oD-/- -/--/o-/o IE/-
us alyd UBora o a uora
Cephalogryus + Cophlandrevus +
Tumpla EurgyldesMalgrus Apteroglus Daitria Mjobergla Euryglodin Cephalogyin Landrevin
Originally the House Cricket was thought only 2 localities in Australia.To date,no
to have come from the south-west Asia recent specimens have been found in the where most of its relatives occur.
Australian environment, even though it
Acheta dormesticus (Linnaeus)
would seem that suitable habitats exist. Thus, it seems that the House Cricket has not established itself permanently in
The House Cricket can be found alive in Australia. Where the House Cricket almost any pet shop in Australia. It is used d originated is not known. This cricket and
as food for captive reptiles,amphibians and the Indian House Cricket(p.123)havebeen
birds. In the United States 50 million of associated with mankind for so long that these crickets are shipped to pet fancierstheir origins are obscure. and bait shops each week (Weissman et al.
Body length: males 15.0-16.0 mm;
2012).These crickets are now the source of females about the same as males;ovipositor 'cricket flour'and cricket chips'(see p.56). 11.0 mm. The value of this species lies probably in A.domesticus does not seem to occur in both its size and the ease of its reproduction. any established populations in Australia. There is no diapause at any stage and the crickets thrive on a variety of insect diets. The House Cricket is a robust dark brown cricket. It is somewhat similar in appearance to the Indian House Cricket and several
other Australian gryllines. The markings on the head, pronotum and legs are distinctive. Most specimens are long-winged but in captivity the wings can be shed. The calling
song of the male is low and stuttering and
performed continuously day and night. As Acheta domesticus, adult female.
noted by Otte and Alexander in 1983, the species has been recorded in nature from
Achetadomesticus, adult male;genitalia,dorsal
Acheta domesticus, adult female. 6
Acheta domesticus, calling song.
large, contrasting to the anteriortympanum which is much smaller. The hind tibia has the last apical spur small in comparison
with those preceding. The pronotum has the sides convex and wider than the head
when viewed dorsally. The hind wings are long. The mirror of the male tegmen is
large and divided by a single vein with the
apical area very well developed. The
ovipositor is relatively short compared to many other crickets, usually less than the length of the pronotum. The 2 Australian Acheta domesticus. Previous known distribution species can be identified by comparing the in Australia. male genitalia, the stridulatory file with its number of teeth and the parameters of the
Genus Gymnogryllus de Saussure
(Giant Crickets)
malecalling song.
Gymnogryllus is an Old World genus with Gymnogryllus brevicauda(Chopard)
44 species in south Asia, including India,NORTH-WESTERN GIANT CRICKET south-east Asia,including Malaysia and Very similar to the Corroboree Giant
Indonesia,Africa,New Guinea and Cricket,differing in the following. northern Australia.The 2 Australian Epiphallus with a U-shaped apical incision. examples arelarge,stout burrowingcrickets Stridulatory file with 66-77 teeth. We have
that are loud trillers. They live alongg no examples. watercourses where they occupy burrows.
Body length: males 30-35.0 mm;
Males sing from burrow entrances after females 34.0-37.0 mm. G. brevicauda is a member of the N dark. At times, the crickets take to flight l Coastal Community, WA and NT. and can be found at lights around petrol stations and all night cafés. Two New
Guinea species may also occur on the Gymnogryllus corroboree Torres Strait Islands and they are included Otte & Alexander
in the faunal list (p. 365) but they have not A large, dark cricket that often comes to lights been officially recorded from Australia. /
Gymnogryllus are distinctive,large crickets. on warm, wet nights. Distinguished primarily
The posterior tympanum of the fore tibia is on the morphologyof the male phallus which
Gymnogryllus corroboree, adult male. isbroaderin thisspecies thanin G.brevicauda entrances.The groups were observed 0.3-0.5 and has a V-shaped notch.The mirror of the mapart.Thecallisanear-piercingcontinuous
male tegmen is divided into atleast2 cells; the trill ith a high pulse rate. harp has 3-4 veins. The ovipositor is  ̄0.8 as
Body length: males 32.0-35.0 mm;
sing from groups of a dozen or more from burrow entrances but well below the
G. corroboree is a member of the NE
long as the length of the pronotum.Males females similar in size.
Gymnogryllus corroboree adult female.
Coastal Community, Qld.
Gymnogryus coroboree.
Gymnogryllus corroboree, alling song. 69
Genus Loxoblemmus de Saussure
further examination of the male genitalia
can confirm identification. We have Loxoblemmus crickets are smaller found these crickets at oatmeal trails but versions of the larger field crickets such they are reluctant to leave the cover of y their habitat even for a resource such as as Lepidogryllus and Teleogryllus. They (Small Field Crickets)
are often found together but the oatmeal.
Loxoblemmus now includes 12 Loxoblemmus crickets inevitably outnumber their larger relatives. These Australian species, the majority from crickets live on the ground in leaflitter or Comidogrylus which was made a synonym
in grass.They can be common on golf of Loxoblemmus (Table 4).In overall
courses and athletic ovals and seem to appearance, Loxoblemmus is very similar to survive and thrive even when these fields genera in the tribe Modicogryllini where
are mowed and modified for sport. Somethese genera had been previously included.
t Only 2 Australian species were ascribed to species may make feeble attempts at
g Loxoblemmus in Otte and Alexander. Now shallow burrows from which they sing after dark. We have found that most of this Old World genus comprises some 69 the crickets just wander through the
tangle of grass runner and dead grass. A
Australian Loxoblemmus are easily
few are found in woodlands or alongrecognised by the following characters:
woodland margins where they live in leaf frons with the occiput produced;legs light litter.More than l species can be found at brown or straw brown,often with a few a given locality. They are easily darker markings;diskof pronotum mottled,
distinguished by calling songs and lateral pronotal lobes pale ventrally frons
Table 4.Distinguishing some Comidogrylus species on the
basis of song and stridulatory file teeth.
Species adina
ingay bilabongus elerinus whyalus
Modified from Otte and Alexander(1983), with permission.
No.fle eeth
Complexchirps Complexchirps
Rapid succession of4-6 pulsechirps
Single pulse chirps (slowtills)
Rapid succession of4 pulse chirps
Groups of rapid pulse chirps 8-14-pulsechirps,very rapid pulse chips
Short,widely spaced chirps
Iregularseries of5-7 pulsechirps,rapid pulse rate Chirps consisting oftrilsfollowed by paired pulses
115-158(n=31) 70-85 (n=4) 104 (n= 1) 6988(n=5)
78.80 88 1
TRIBE GRYLLINi with or without a pale stripe connecting Loxoblemmus adina(Otte &
lateral ocelli; fore tibia with a distinct but Alexander)
small anterior auditory tympanum; mirror COMMON SMALL FIELD CRICKET of male tegmen complete, often partially , A small ubiquitous cricket over most of its divided in L. pallens. The male genitalia dorange. This cricket occurs in a variety of
not offer many distinctive characters useful habitats but seems to prefer grassy areas in separating species in this genus.In along roadsides,margins offorests orathletic
collecting these crickets,aglasstubeis most fields.Both long and short-winged morphs
useful. They are very adept at eluding thecan be found at a given locality and the
tegminal and wing length can be quite
adina A1121c
adina Ai1 21c
3.9| 4.1|
A19 21C adina
A2*9 21C dallacheus
s 小积
. 4ns
A704 20C
dallacheus A293 18C dallacheus A780 23c dallacheus
A78o r3c
ut binyaris
A49o 2zc
A495 28C ellerinus A713 26C
Fia. s9。 Cunidingrsus songs. Scale = 0.5 s. Graphic representation of Comidogrylls songs.Modified from ottandAlexander(1983)withpermission.
4.7 i i 间 m i r 旧 m m m 泄 微 维 m 饿 旧 m i 成 m m 成 城 billabongus A146 26C
4.2 4.0
谨博u in墙N
4.5 峰
4.8 a a
.间1 接.
,准增浙 临
…an 将增晚 朋 准
4. 画AA再职员 wnswA通内
A487 28C
.ot 遣师谢t
A517 24C
yingatly 43 z7c
A24 24c bioA2r zzc whyallus A37 20C
3.6 W i矿 tv l tr ly tr bilo? A25 21C 4.5f化条的 明Mm市帕 邮位uh降 nau?h巾A marokus A45 23C Fio,60 Comidogrthus songs. Scale = 0.5 s. Graphic representation of Comidogrylls songs.Modifedfomotteand Alexander(1983),wthpermssion.
loxoblemmus adina,adult male, Kuranda,Qld (top); long-winged morph, near Dimbulah, Qld (bottom).
Loxoblemmus adina, adult female, Daintree, Qld (top); adult long-winged female, Bramston
Beach, Qld (bottom).
Loxoblermmus adina, lst instar nymph,
Daintree, Qld.
Loxoblemmus adina, adult male showing the forewings (top); head (bottom).
with a whitish patch on the anterior ventral margin. Fore and middle legs banded, spotted and with patches of dark brown or grey. Apex of hind femur dark brown and with a reddish orange tip. Hind femur with 5 inner and 5 outer subapical spurs; hind basitarsus with 7 inner and 9 outer spines. Surface of abdomen dark brown, laterally densely setose. Nymphs are greyish brown with the pattern of the pronotum separating them from Leipdogryllus and Teleogryllus nymphs. The song is a succession of single pulses
with considerable and confusing variation in
variable.Body colour is mostly dark brown. pulse rate. Otte and Alexander discovered
The male tegmen bears a long stridulatory that the pulse rate can vary considerably but
file; mirror undivided;tegmen laterally dark they felt it was within the norms of the
brown laterally but the ventral margin species. The fast pulse rate may be an
creamish white. The top of the head bears 6aggressive or courtship song. Adding a bit of pale stripes, the lateral 2 of which are joined confusion, more than 1 species can occur at a
by an oblique pale stripe. The frons is dark givenlocality.Also this species may be in the brown from the top of the clypeus to thesame habitat as Lepidogryllus and Teleogryllus
head; there is a large median ocellus. Thespecies. It is usually more common than the palpi are pale with the last segment bearing aspecies in either of those genera. brown stripe along the ventral surface. The Body length: males 14.0 mm; females pronotal disk is mottled with the lateral lobe15.5 mm; ovipositor 6.8 mm.
Loxoblemmus adina, alling song adult male, Lake Mitchell,Qld.
A GuIDE To CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA the song is very different and this should be
used to confidently separate the species. A
few morphological characters can also help
Loxoblemmus adina. L.adina is a member of the N Coastal Loxoblemmus bilo, adult male.
Community and the N Gulf Community,
Qld, the N Coastal Community, NT, WA,
the N Gulf Community, NT.
Loxoblemmus bilo (Otte & Alexander)
BILO SMALL FIELD CRICKET This cricket is virtually morphologically Loxoblemmus bilo,adult male, long-winged morph. indistinguishable from L. adina. However, l
. . . . . . .... . . .... ..
Loxoblemmus bilo,adult male.Head, pronotum,lateral view, frons.
Loxoblemmus bilo,calling song. 74
TRIBE GRYLLINI Body length: males 10.5 mm; females
11.0 mm; ovipositor 6.5 mm.
L.bilo is a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Loxoblemmus pallens(Serville) QUEENSLAND FLAT-HEADED CRICKET
Originally 1 of 2 species included in Loxoblemmus but the curious head seemed
Loxoblemmus bilo. to distinguish the species. The frons bears a
to be the only character distinctive enough
to separate this genus from Comidogryllus, so the 2 were combined with Loxoblemmus
the older name and giving it priority. L.
narrow white stripe descending from the pallens is distinctive in several other median ocellus, narrowing ventrally.Lateral characters as well. The protrusion of the lobes of pronotum pale for most of ventral head is more exaggerated in males and third. File as in Table 4.
more developed than in L. nurroo, the sister
Loxoblemmus pallens,adult male,short-winged morph (top);long-winged morph(bottom.
Loxoblemmus pallens,adult male-note protruding head (left);toothon antennal scape(right).
Loxoblemmus pallens, adult female, short-
winged morph.
Loxoblemmus pallens, nymph, early instar. Head with broad whitish streaks on occiput.
Disk of pronotum mottled as in other
Loxoblemmus pallens, adult female. Note mite
which was underneath the left tegmen.
species described in Otte and Alexander.In
addition,males have a peculiar hook on the scape of the antenna. This hookislackingin females and in L.nurroo.The frons has the distinctive stripe spanning the lateralocelli
Loxoblemmus species; lateral lobes with more extensive white covering most of the lower half; a broad longitudinal stripe. Tegmen with mirror sometimes divided. Tibial auditory tympanum only on posterior surface. All legs with dark grey or brown spots. Song a slow trill produced after dark. This species does not seem to live in burrows but freely on the ground round grass clumps or under leaf litter. It can be found with other members of the genus, especially L.adina.Despite this,it is often very difficult to find. Body length: males 14.5 mm; females
16.5 mm.
Loxoblemmus pallens,caling song.Male fromlron Range, Qld.
the easiest way to tell species apart, especially
ifmore than 1 species livesin the samelocality. The male genitalia are somewhat distinctive
only in 1 Australian species,T.marini.
Loxoblemus alens. L.pallens isa member of the NE Coastal Teleogryllus commodus, adult female.
Community, Qld. Genus Teleogryllus Chopard (Southern Black Field Crickets)
Teleogryllus is a large genus of similar- appearing black field crickets occurring in
southern climes, especially in the Pacific region. Where they occur they are usually
common and often come to lights.The calling song is distinctive for each species.It is often
Teleogryllus commodus,2nd last instar male.The creamish white margin on the 2nd abdominal
Teleogryus commodus,adult male.
segment is known only for Australian Teleogryllus species (top);last instar female (bottom).
4…s **..、u0 40…s.
Teleogryllus commodus, calling song.
such situations. The calls of all species are complex and distinctive in that they contain 2 alternated trills with different pulse rates.
The crickets singmostlyat night but singing
can commence in late afternoon on cloudy days.In Tasmania T.commodus often sings
during the day.Recognition of this genus is
easy. ee Table 3.
Teleogryllus commodus (Walker)
This species is generally black but brownish
Teleogryllus commodus.
individuals are not uncommon. The species is easily distinguished from T. oceanicus by Three species have been described from the song and the number of teeth on the Australia. T. commodus, the Black Field male stridulatory file. In T. commodus there Cricket, is the most widespread and occurs a are usually 280-200 file teeth. In T. in the southern part of the continent from oceanicus there are 225-278 teeth. It occurs coast to coast.T. oceanicus and T. marini are with T. oceanicus in the northern part of its mostly tropical species. T. oceanicus has the range. Otte and Alexander were convinced broadest range of the northern species and that there was no hybridization between
has been found on both Norfolk and Lord the 2 species where they overlap
Howe islands as well as the mainland.T. geographically. This species has only 1
marimi has a more restricted range and has generation per year.The Common Black
a more coastal distribution occurring from Field Cricket lives in pasture,lawns,athletic the Daintree south to Bramston Beach,Qld. c ovals and margins of ponds, streams and
All species seem to be associated with rivers. Macropterous and short-winged
grasses. Golf courses and athletic fields often harbour populations of these crickets
individuals occur.
Body length: males (to tip of hind
that live on the surface of the ground among g wings)28.0-35.0 mm; females 29.0-35.0
the anastomosing stems and matted dead mm; ovipositor 16.0-20.0 mm. foliage of the grasses. They do not make or T. commodus is member of the occupy burrows. Their persistence in such Murray-Darling Basin Community, NSW, habitats is remarkable considering the e and the SE Coastal Communities, NSW,
n Vic, Tas.
mowing and trampling they undergo in
in grassy clearings along roadsides and marshy areas in the northern tropics.
This species is widespread in Oceania with
Body length: (very similar to that of records as far north as Hawaii.It is almost T. commodus)males 29.0-34.0 mm;
indistinguishable from T.commodus except females 30.0-36.0 mm; ovipositor 15.5-
for the slightly larger number of teeth on 19.0 mm. T. oceanicus is a member of the SE and the male stridulatory file and its different
calling song. Males always have 3 harp veins NE Coastal Communities, Qld, the N Gulf but in T. commodus they can have 3-4 harp Community, Qld, NT and the N Coastal veins. The major difference in this species is
Community, NT and WA.
the distinctive song which is an alternation
of 3-4 pulse trills followed by a series of 2-4 pulse chirps. This phrase is repeated 3-5 times in 10 s (compare with T. commodus).
This species lives in much the same habitat as T.commodus. The crickets can be found
Teleogryllus oceanicus, adult long-winged male.
Teleogryllus oceanicus, adult long-winged male
(top);female (bottom).
Teleogryllus oceanicus,adult male head and pronotum(left);male genitalia(right).
Teleogryllus oceanicus, calling song.
reddish brown in colour. The occiput of the head is striped but the stripes are
sometimes indistinct. The male genitalia of thisspecies are distinct from the others. The male tegmen has the harp with 4
veins with the shortest vein not always complete.Nymphs are dark brown to
black with a white mid-body band; the
cerci are light brown. Only long-winged
Teleogrylus oceanicus.
Teleogryllus marini
Otte & Alexander
NORTH COASTAL BLACK FIELD CRICKET This is the largest known Australian
species of Teleogryllus.Like the others,it
is common where it occurs. Mostt Teleogryllus marini, adult male,reddish brown
individuals are chocolate brown to morph.
Teleogrlusmarini,adult female,head-note stripes;male genitalia.
Teleogryllus marini,adult female,mixed colour morph (top); dark reddish brown morph
Teleogryllus marini, 1st instar nymph.
stems and seem to disappear under dead
grass matts. However, after dark, singing commences and both sexes are on the
move. The crickets can be found on the top of short grass such as on golf courses
Teleogryllus marini, early instar nymph.Note white'waistband!
and athletic fields. Both sexes readily fly to lights. Otte and Alexander noted 2 kinds of song: (1)alternation of6-8 pulse
trills and a series,18-22, of 3-4 pulse chirps; and(2)alternation of 6-9 pulse
individuals are known. This species istrills as in '1'and a continuously faster locally common from the Daintree topulse trill with 30-50 pulses. This may be
Bramston Beach where it lives in pastures part of a courtship stridulation. and grassy places like golf courses and
Body length: males (head to tip of
athletic fields. Even though the crickets vwings)28.0-33.0 mm; females 28.0-34.0
are large,they are very difficult to locate mm;ovipositor 14.0-16.0mm. during the day even in mown grass areas.
T. marini is a member of the NE Coastal
They scuttle with ease among the grass Community, Qld.
*.*烟 时*.纳作45.*游细*a.
Teleogryl/us marini, calling song.
Tegmina present in males and usually not much 1.5-2.5 times the length
of pronotum; mirror present or absent,if present not divided except
in 1 species: mitanina
Females short tegmina.
Daintria rTeleogrylls marini. Tribe Cephalogryllini (Burrowing
Crickets) Known from 4 genera in Australia. An additional genus has several species in New Caledonia.It is thought that Apterogryllus is
a derivative of the Cephalogryllus-Daintria
Fore tibia with tympanum only on posterior surface. Tegmina present in males and usually 2.5 times length of pronotum.
Mirror present and divided by l vein.
Females with very short tegmina.
Cave adapted. Fore tibia lacking tympanum. Wingless
and eyeless.
Pale coloration.
complex because the genitalia of Genus Apterogryllus de Saussure Apterogryllus resembles those of these 2 (Wingless Burrowing Crickets) genera. Females of Cephalogryllus are Apterogryllus de Saussure species are almost inseparable from those ofwingless in both sexes. Twenty species have
Apterogryllus further suggesting beendescribedandthereare probably more
The 3 genera are easily separated by the to be discovered. The genus has been divided into 2 species groups: the Palpatus
Fore tibia without tympana in both
sexes. Wings absent in both sexes.
Fore tibia with tympanum only on posterior surface.
Group and the Brunnerianus Group. Apterogryllus is widespread across Australia with the bulk of species from the
dry interior and the eastern rainforests. Many are localised and, being wingless, isolated populations could give rise to a
more diverse fauna than one would expect
from winged species.
The life history of these crickets is most related Cephalogryllusspecies.Asacollecting interesting. They live in deep burrows often technique, pouring water down burrows in hard clay and dry woodland habitats. The brings the occupants to the surface. populations can be dense. Otte and Otte and Alexander surmised that the
Alexander found as many as 15-20 crickets undergo a dry season diapause in a
individuals in an area of ̄0.9 m.During the juvenile stage suggesting a multiple-yearlife
drier periods of the year, the crickets live cycle. The diapauses may be of near the bottom of the burrows where it is indeterminatelength and wholly dependent
cool and moist. This may be nearly 60 cm on optimal periods of development,such as
from the surface of the ground. Following rainy periods. wet periods, the majority of burrows are
Distinguishing characteristics of the
species groups
plugged with dry clay to  ̄2 cm from the
surface of the ground. The burrows are
cylindrical with the excavated material Palpatus Group (6 species) Last segment of labial palp longer than
conspicuously piled near the entrance. Otte
and Alexander rarely found 2 entrances
the last segment of the maxillary
leading to the same burrow.At ̄30 cm from Last segment of labial palp with a the surface of the ground, a large chamber fringe of setae. can often be found and this is provisioned with seeds,leaves and a variety of organic Brunnerianus Group (10 species further divided into 2 subgroups) material. This may feed the buried crickets Last segment of labial palp shorter than during the dry season. They discovered that blind offshoots of the main burrow contained
faecal pellets. Beneath the food chamber the main shaft couldextend for 30 cm or more.It
is probable that the crickets come to the surface during rainy periods during the dry season much in the same manner as do
last segment of maxillary palp.
Last segment of labial palp lacking fringe of setae. This group has been further divided into 2 subgroups based on the
following characters.
Subgroup A (4 species) Body length:males 23-30 mm;females
22-30 mm.
Middle femurlength at least 14 mm.
Ovipositor longer than hind femur and at least 3 times as long as length of
pronotum, measured from the
Hind tibia with the subapical spurs beginning immediately adjacent to
the anterior proximal constriction (see Fig. 13K).
Apterogryllus unknown species.Fist instar
Hind tibia without small spines above subapical spurs.
Subgroup B (6 species with the Nyrang Infragroup' included) Body length: 9-20 mm.
Hind femurless than 14 mm except in
Apterogryllus palpatus(Chopard)
As a member of the Palpatus Group the 1 species, A. ilga. body is strongly constricted between the Ovipositor shorter than hind femur, pronotum and the abdomen. The pronotum from 0.2 to 1.5 times as long as is smooth and shiny. The ovipositor is pronotum measured from the centre. shorter than the length of the hind femur Hind tibia with subapical spurs not and the hind tibia bears 4-7 inner and 3-5 positioned next to proximal
constriction (Fig. 13L), with 3-5
inner and 3-5 outer subapical spurs.
Hind tibia in some species with small spines above the spurs.
outer subapical spurs. This species is similar to A.pedestris but differs in having the last
segment of the labial palpus longer than the last segment of the maxillary palpus. There
The Nyrang Infragroup includes 3 very are long setae on both the galea and the small species distinguished principally on labial palpi. The fore tibia bears flattened apical spurs with cutting edges. the configuration of the male genitalia. We have seen only a few examples in
this study as follows.
Body length: males 16.0-22.0 mm; females 18.0-25.0 mm.
Fig.13. Apterogrylls taxonomiccharacters. (A)palpatus ovipositor,Gahnda Rockhole; (B)palpatus ovipositor, Amadeus Basin, NT;(C) brunnerianus, Bald Mt, Qld; (D)yirrkalis holotype; (E) pedestris, view of lower part of mouth parts; (F)palpatus female, tibia Ispines;(G) palpatus male, leg I;(H).
rimbjae body shape; (J) brunnerianus head;(K) brunnerianus tibia ll nner;(L) bimblios tibia ll outer;(M) brunnerianus tibia lll outer;(N) barranitibia Il inner; (O, P)palpatus tibia ll inner and
outer respectively. Modified from Otte and Alexander (1983), with permission.
Apterogryllus undescribed species NEw SPECIES A
Easily recognised as distinct by the tawny colour and the spurs on the middle tibia
Apterogryllus palpatus,adult female.
Apterogryllus undescribed species, adult male.
Apterogryus palpatus, adult male.
Apterogrlus undescribed species, middle tibia
Nymph, possibly A. palpatus
Apterogrylus palpatus.
(top); hind femur (bottom).
Apterogryllus undescribed species.
and the spines on the ventral surface of the
hind femur.
Cephalogryllus species are short- winged, the wings used by males only for
This species is a member of the NE stridulation. The lateral (costal) field of tegmen is often contrastingly dark. The Coastal Community, Qld.
body colour is light brown, often with a Genus Cephalogryllus Chopard rusty tinge. The pronotum usually has the (Rainforest Burrowing Crickets) sides parallel when viewed from above or Cephalogryllus is an endemic Australian s slightly narrower in back. The tegmina of genus with 14 described species, all but 1 the females are so small that they do not from the forests of eastern Australia from overlap. The ovipositor is shorter than the
northern New South Wales to near the tip hind femur.
of Cape York. A single species is known Interested readers should consult Otte from Western Australia but this may and Alexander for additional illustrations,
actually belong to another genus because it especially of the distinctive male genitalia is unrelated to any other species and is from that can aid in making identifications.
a very different habitat.
Most Cephalogryllus species have very Cephalogryllus matakira
restricted geographic ranges and are usually Otte & Alexander
e BLACK BIG-HEADED CRICKET known from one locality. Some are
rainforest inhabitants while others live in This species is fairly distinctive in its
dry eucalypt forests, mostly on the western external appearance. The colour is black with a pair of teardrop-shaped orange slopes of the Great Dividing Range. All species live in burrows of their own r marks on the dorsal surface of the construction, although a female of 1 speciespronotum. The male tegmen lacks a mirror was found under a rotting log. Males sing and is less than 1.6 times the length of the from the entrance of their burrows after pronotum. The harp has 4-5 veins. Males of dark. In the tropics,singing can occur at this species have the left tegmen over the
any time of the year even when the ambient it right. The lateral lobe of the pronotum is temperature is below 15°C. Wet conditions seem to limit the activity of the species. When it is dry, singing does not take place regardless of the temperature. Some Cephalogryllus species have reduced ocelli and shorter than average hind
legs that are thickened and enlarged. These features may be adaptations to a subterranean habit. We have not found an adult of either sex abroad after dark even though oatmeal trails have been laid, some within a few centimetres of burrow entrances. How
females find males is still a mystery.
Cephalogryllus matakira, adult male.
Cephalogryllus matakira. Cephalogryllustau,adult male,dark morph, white anteriorly. The biology and song of Kuranda, Qld (top);reddish morph, Mt Baldy,
this species is unknown.
Body length: males 20.0-23.0 mm;
females 22.0-26.0 mm;ovipositor7.5 mm.
C. matakira is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Qld (bottom); male genitalic complex(inset).
adjacent trees. The crickets also occur in
grassy areas adjacent to the rainforest,their
tell-tale burrows revealed by the piles of Cephalogryllus tau Otte & Alexander contrasting grey soil that is piled at the entrance. We have not observed adult RAINFOREST BURROWING CRICKET This is a large species with males more than crickets abroad but Otte and Alexander 25 mm in body length. The hind tibia is record juveniles at night foraging for food. usually strongly bent with a spine on inner They observed burrows open during the face of the hind femur. The male tegmen day but we have always found them closed. Theyfound that the burrows extended to 20 lacks a mirror. Males sing after darkon wet nights from cm deep with an enlarged chamber and the just inside theirburrows.The calling song is veryloud,almost ear piercing,and carries a long distance in the rainforest. The song consists primarily of short trills, erratically produced but wholly unsynchronised so that the bevy of calling crickets sounds like 1 loud, correlated trill. The crickets live underground in burrows, the diameter of theopening belying the size oftheoccupant. Large groups of males occupy small areas
either within the rainforest or along its Cephalogrylls tau,adult female.Photo:Alan margins burrowing in the tangle of roots of Henderson.
Cephalogrylls tau,male tegmen; adult male hind tibia (top) and tarsus (bottom).Note
spines on dorsal surface of elongate 1st tarsal
end. Leaves, seeds and other organic material were deposited in the chamber. They observed juvenile crickets carrying oatmeal into the burrows. Small juveniles
were found in burrows with adult females. More than a single mid-sized juvenile was
found in a single burrow.Faecal pellets are found outside the burrows. Our observations are slightly different from those of Otte and Alexander. We have not found any adult individuals abroad and
Cephalogryllstau, late instar nymph.
Cephalogryllus tau,calling song,Kuranda,Qld.
have not found any attracted to our oatmeal trails. We have dug nymphs of several sizes
from burrows both during the day and at
which occur in the coastal rainforests of Queensland. They do not live in burrows, at least in extensive burrows. They inhabit leaf
litter or live in narrow spaces at the base of buttress roots. The common name reflects the peculiar stance of singing males where they extend their hind legs. This emphasises
the 'band-shell effect'made by the combination of the body and extended
wings when the male is stridulating. As with Cephalogryllus, males sing only
Cephalogrylus tau.
on certain nights. Temperature and humidity seem to be important in prompting males to sing. When they do, they seem to
night. Singing is sporadic, apparently be in competition with the more common dependent on ambient moisture and Cephalogrllus species that occur in the
temperature. Singing can occur until early same habitat over parts of the range of the
winterwhen the temperaturecan descend to species. Singing males do so from tree
14°C. Singing can resume any time during
trunks just above ground level to 3 m.
14°C and the environment is wet.
without a net. They can leap 3 m in a single
the winter when the temperature rises aboveSinging males are wary and difficult to catch
jump but on a night when singing is optimal, Bandicoots attempt to dig up crickets j
from burrows at night. Whether they detecta disturbed male will commence singing
the calling songs of the males or can pick up within a few minutes of being disturbed. Male Daintria are easily distinguished the scent of the crickets from the soil around their burrows is not determined.from other rainforest crickets but females may be confused with those of They are more successful digging up 1 Cephalogryllus species.Female crickets from grassy areas adjacent to the ( rainforest than in the rainforest itself. The Cephalogryllus have tegmina short and
tangle of roots in the rainforest seems to apically rounded, somewhat resembling advantage the crickets over the bandicoots. half moons. Those of Daintria are more Body length:males 30.0 mm; females elongate and, in general, are longer than
31.0 mm; 23.0 mm.
those of Cephalogryllus.
Community, Qld.
groups. They can be identified by the following set of characters.
Genus Daintria Otte (Spraddling
Australicus Group (comprising 9 species)
C. tau is a member of the NE Coastal
Rainforest Crickets) Daintria(treated as Stenocephalus in Otte and Alexander 1983) is an Australian
endemic genus comprising 13 species all of
Daintria has been divided into 2 species
Male tegmen more than 0.7 times as
long as hind femur.
Male epiphallus short and broad (single exception,D.wookatios).
4 to 5 harp veins with the width of the
Patawilyis Group(comprising 4 species)4
Male tegmen less than 0.7 times length mirror less than 1.3 timesitslength. Females of hind femur. are not very distinctive from other similar- Male epiphallus more elongate and sized species. They have rather broad tegmina separated from one another by a distance less than the width of 1 tegmen. The Australicus Group The lower portion of the lateral pronotal lobe is white along the ventral margin. Daintria australicus(Chopard) Males sing at night from perches on tree DAINTREE SPRADDLER D. australicus is fairly distinctive,at least in trunks,onlogs or rocks. They are very wary
the male sex. Males are more than 19 mm in and very responsive to external vibrations. body length and have the tegmina less than
D. australicus is a member of the NE
3 times the length of the pronotum and with Coastal Community, Qld.
Daintriaaustralicus,adult male stridulating at night.Note strap-like2nd pairof wings on abdomen.
Daintriaaustralicus,adult male,frons(left);lateralview, head and pronotum(right).
Daintria australicus, adult male,dorsal view; male genitalia.
Daintriaaustralicus,female subgenital plate (top); tip of ovipositor (bottom).
Daintria australicus,adult female,lateral view.
Daintriaaustralicus, adult female,lateral view. Daintria australicus. 传电体材
Daintria australicus,calling song.
Daintria sp. near yarata
small number of file teeth, numbering
around 70.Harp with 4 veins. The male genitalia are distinctive. Body length: males 15.0 mm; females A species similar to both D. aperensis and
D.wirensis but much smaller.Males have a unknown.
Daintria sp. near yarata, adult male.
Daintria sp. near yarata, adult male, head (left)
and pronotum (right).
Daintria sp.nearyarata,adult male,head, pronotum,tegmina;male genitalia.
Daintria sp. near yarata, alling song. D.sp.near yarata is a member of the NE
Coastal Community Qld.
The Patawilyis Group Daintria perrumbis (Otte &
Alexander) IRON RANGE SPRADDLER D. perrumbris is ~18.5 mm in body length;
Daintria sp. near yarata.
females are slightly longer. Males have the harp of the tegmen with 8 to 9 veins and the
Daintria perrumbis, male, dorsal view.
Daintria perrumbis, adult female, dorsal view. Note widely separated tegmina.
Daintria perrumbis.
mirror width more than 1.3 times itslength. Genus Ngamarlanguia Rentz & Su Females are very dark and have short (Cape Range Dwarf Cricket)
tegmina that are separated from one Ngamarlanguia was proposed to include a anotherbya distance much greater than the single unusual species restricted to the caves width of 1tegmen.The lower margin of the of the Cape Range,WA.It is typical of cave-
lateral pronotal lobe is white along the a adapted crickets in that it lacks eyes, has ventral margin. longer than normal antennae and is very pale D. perrumbris is a member of the NE ir in colour. It was placed in the Nemobiinae Coastal Community, Qld.
but was recently transferred to the very
distant tribe Cephalogryllini. This is the Ngamarlanguia luisae Rentz & Su only truly cave-adapted Australian cricket.LUISE'S CAPE RANGE CRICKET
Nambungia balyarta from Nambung The features listed about should help to
National Park, WA is a species that occurs in distinguish this species.In addition,we add caves(see p.330).But this species has been that the fore tarsus is longer than the fore
found in terrestrialhabitatsas wellandis not tibia and the middle tarsus is aslong as the
obviouslyadaptedtocavelife.Ngamarlanguia middle tibia; the hind tarsus is three-
is small for the Cephalogryllini and is rather quarters thelength of the hind tibia; the lst
elongate in form. In addition to the above,tarsal segment (basitarsus) of all tarsi are both sexes lack wings. The head is slightly broader than the pronotum and not flattened but extends slightly above the cephalic margin of the pronotum. Fore tibia without any trace of auditory tympana, ventral surface armed at apex with a single spine on anterior margin. Hind tibia with 4 spurs on each side, the proximal spur on each side much shorter than the other 3; apex armed dorsally with 2 spurs on each side,the ventral external spur feebly recurved. Tarsi of fore Ngamarlanguia luisae,adult male.Note and middle legs more than twice the length absence of eyes.Photo:DEford,WAMuseum. of the others combined;lst segment dorsally with 7-9 setae on each side, apex with a cluster of 5 setae; 2nd segment short with 2-3 setae at apex; tarsal claw with long, thin
setae on each side. Entire body covered with finesetae. Abdomen with 4setaeon posterior
margin of each sternite;dorsal surface with a concentration of long setae laterally on segments 1-4 adjacent to inner surface of
hind femur. Subgenital plates of both sexes broader than long, not modified. Male gentialia semicircular in dorsal aspect, setaceous at apex. This places N.luisae in the
Cephalogryllini and not in the nemobinae. The ovipositor is much shorter than length of
hind femur, much broaderat base than in the middle, strongly laterally compressed; tip sharp,subapically constricted, not tuberculate. Overall colour pale brown to Ngamarlanguialuisae,adult female; lateral
whitish, head slightly darker.
view head. Note absence of eyes.
Tribe Landrevini
This is a fairly large tribe with 30 genera from Africa,India south Asia,Japan,
Melanesia as well as Australia. Two genera
have been recorded for Australia, Copholandrevus and Mjobergella. The
former is representedby2 species, the other
of which is from Malaysia,Borneo,
Sawawak. Mjobergella contains 2 species,
both from Australia.
Copholandrevus and Mjobergella are
easily separated. Ngamarlanguialuisae,lateral view ovipositor (top); hind leg showing tarsus and adjacent
spurs (bottom).
Copholandrevus Both sexes lack auditory tympana on foe tibia.
Male tegmen less than half the length of pronotum and lacking any trace
twice as long as other tarsi combined, the dorsal surface bearing 2 well defined rows of stout teeth or spines. Females have the ovipositor shorter than the length of the
hind femur with a subapical notch on the
dorsal margin.
Bodylength:males6.4-8.3 mm;females
6.5-9.5 mm; ovipositor 2.2-3.1 mm.
N. luisae is a member of the NE Coastal
Community WA.
of a stridulatory area.
Both sexes have an auditory tympanum on anterior face of fore tibia.
Male tegmen longer than thelength of pronotum but not extending to the
end of the abdomen and bearing a
stridulatory vein, with or without a mirror,depending on the species.
Genus Copholandrevus Chopard
Both sexes similar in appearance. Body
colour brown with an orange appearance. Males without any form of stridulation.
Hind tibia with spines above the spurs.
Ovipositor longer than length of hind tibia but shorter than the femur.
Copholandrevus australicus
A small,tan or reddish brown cricket.Hind
tibia with 4internaland4external subapical
Copholandrevus australicus,adult male.Note absence of stridulatory file.
Copholandrevus austraicus. Body length: males and females 18.0 mm; ovipositor 12.0 mm.
Fig.14. Male genitalia and tegmina of
Landrevini:Mjobergella and Copholandrevus species. (A) C.australicus; (B) M. warra;(C) M.warra,left tegmen;(D) M.macrocephala, left tegmen.Modified from Otte and Alexander (1983),
with permission.
C. australicus is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
Genus Mjobergella Chopard (Big-headed Forest Crickets)
Mjobergella species are confined to north
Queensland coastal rainforests. They live on spurs and with 4-6 internal and 5-8tree trunks, emerging from under bark or external spines. Ovipositor slightly shorter r tree cracks after dark. The body is much
than length of hind femur. This cricket lives flatter than with normalcrickets,supposedly on tree trunks in the rainforest.
to accommodate life in tight places. The
TRIBE LANDREVINI heads are disproportionately large for the size of the cricket. Males have 6-7 harp veins on the tegmen and may or may not have a mirror on the tegmen, depending upon the species. Hind tibia with 4-5
internal and external spines. Mjobergella macrocephala Chopard
Male tegmen lacking a mirror or with a
small one(Fig.14D).Pronotum broader on
anterior margin than posterior. Females bearing auditory tympana on anterior
surface of fore tibia. Males with tegmina shorter than head and pronotum combined and not reaching middle of abdomen. Found on tree trunks in rainforests.
Mjobergella macrocephala,adult female abroad
Otte and Alexander stated the female on tree trunk at night. lacks an auditory tympanum on the fore tibia and had a shorter ovipositor. We Body length: males 19.0-20.0 mm; believe this relatively smaller female specimen belongs to an undescribed
Mjobergella species.
females 20.0 mm;ovipositor 18.0 mm.
M.macrocephala is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Mjobergella macrocephala,adult male.
Mjobergellamacrocephala,adult male,head (left);male genitalia(right.
and tarsus contrasting reddish brown. Females bearing auditory tympana on
anterior surface offore tibia; female tegmina
very short, only slightly longer than length of pronotum. Male tegmina about aslong as
head and pronotum combine and bearing a
mirror; harp with 6,7veins; stridulatory file
Mjobergella macrocephala. Mjobergella warra Otte & Alexander COASTAL BIG-HEADED FOREST CRICKET
Males with contrasting colours, light on
dorsal surface, black on undersides. Top of head with bands,surface setaceous. Frons black, somewhat lighter in the middle. Antenna with scape light brown, pedicel
and first few segments black,flagellum dark Mjobergella wara,adult male abroad on tree brown.Hind tibiauniquely black with base trunk at night.
Mjobergella warra,adult male; male genitalia.
Mjobergella warra, last instar male.
bearing 60-70 teeth. As with other species,
this species lives on tree trunks in the rainforest and emerges after dark to feed and seek mate. Males sing from within
cracks in the bark.
Body length: males 18.0-20.0 mm; females 16.0 mm; ovipositor 11.0 mm.
M.warra is amember of the NE Coastal Mjobergella warra,adult female,Daintree,Qld. Community, Qld.
Mjobergellawara,,calling song,Cow Bay,Daintree,Qld.
A GUIDE To CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA the 2 genera are substantially different with the male epiphallus bearing 2 median processes or with a median notch in Eurygryllodes. The similarity of the colour patterns of the 2 seem a result of natural selection and adaptation to desert habitats. Other desert crickets are similarly pallid in
colour. Most Eurygryllodes species live in
Tribe Eurygryllodini
the arid portions of Australia. However, a few are found in mixed woodlands. All species are ground dwellers and live in leaf litter among stones,usually under shrubs. A few occur in gardens. Oddly females are
spp.)and are a challenge to collect. Males
relationship of these 2 genera by having
Mjobergella wara.
The Eurogryllodini contributes 2 genera to unknown for most species. Those that are the Australian fauna.Eurygryllodes consists known are wingless with the ovipositor~1.7 of small crickets that occur in the drier times thelength of the hind femur. Otte and parts of the continent. However, there are Alexander must be consulted for exceptions. Otte and Alexander recognised authoritative identifications in this genus. Eurygryllodes crickets bear a superficial 3 species groups. All species live on the ground and are dorso-ventrally flattened to resemblance to a recently described genus accommodate such an existence. Several Laureopsis from South America, which species are associated with spinifex(Triodia might be inferred as Gondwanan are winged but flightless, females apterous.
Genus Eurygryllodes Chopard (Impostor Crickets)
minute spines proximal to the spurs of the hind tibia and the similarity of male
Three species groups have been
Eurygryllodes crickets bear a superficial recognised: the Gorimuis Group, the resemblance to members of the Old World Warilla Group and the Diminutus Group. Eugryllodes. Species in that genus have a We have few examples due to the rarity of tympanal opening on the posterior surfacecollection.
of the fore tibia. With the exception of a single species group, Eurygryllodes crickets The Gorimuis Group have tympanal openings on both sides and This group contains average-sized crickets
have minute spines proximal to the spurs of with the male tegmen more than 4.5 times the hind tibia. The pronotum is short and the length of the body.Pronotum 2 times the
broad,usually broadening posteriorly. The length.The outerapicalspurs ofthe hind tibia hind tibia bears 1-4 immoveable spines s are very elongate. Both anterior and posterior tympana are present on the fore tibia. The above the subapical spurs. The male tegmen
bears a mirror with a single dividing vein, mirroriscomplete.Thebodycolour isusually except in the Warilla Group.The genitalia of yellow brown or orange brown.
Eurygryllodes sp.near takanna,adult male, Keep River, NT.
Eurygrylldes sp.near takanna. Body length: males 10.0-11.0 mm;
Eurygryllodes sp.near takanna Otte & Alexander
females unknown.
inleaf litter under tall trees.It resembles E.
NW Coastal Community, NT.
A beautiful small mottled cricket that lives
takanna but differs in the morphology of
E.sp.near takanna is a member of the
the male genitalia and its calling song.
Eurygrylldes sp.near takanna,calling song.
The Warilla Group
Eurygryllodes warrilla
Members of this group are smaller, ranging Otte & Alexander
sWARILLA IMPOSTER in size from 9 to 15 mm. The tegmen is less Very pale cricket with some dark markings than 3 times as long as the pronotum. The width of the pronotum is 2 times its length. on the top of the head, pronotum and hind The outer apical spurs of the hind tibia are legs. Occurs in sandy areas with scattered
very long. There is only an anterior vegeation.There issome indication that this tympanum on the fore tibia.The mirror is cricket lives in burrows. The song is a poorly developed. The body colour is succession of 12-20 pulse chirps.
contrastingly marked with brown.
A GUIDE To CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Eurygryllodes diminutus(Walker)
Males of this species have an incredible number of teeth on their stridulatory file.
Up to 820 have been counted. These minute structures are only seen with the best of microscopes. This species is rather
easily recognised with the following Eurygryllodes warilla,adult male.loppolo Nature Reserve,WA.Photo:DKnowles.
Eurygryllodes diminutus,adult male, Cotter
Dam, ACT.
Euryrllodes waril. Body length: males 15.0 mm; females
E. warillaisamemberofthe SE Coastal
Community WA. The Diminutus Group
Members of this group are small crickets (under13.0mm).Theyare grey orbrown in
colour.In some species the head is reddish brown with narrow longitudinal stripes on
the occiput. The male tegmen has a dark
brown band dorsally and has4or more cells
in the apical field. The width of the pronotum is less than twice its length.In males the hind femur is longer than the tegmen. The hind tibia has 3,4 inner and outer subapical spurs; the apical spurs are
not especially elongate.
Eurygryllodes diminutus,adultmale,dorsal view.
combination of characters: harp of male hidden by the subgenital plate. The song is tegmen with 4 distinct veins; middle tibia characterised byextremely long pulses that with a dark spot at its base; tip of hind are widely spaced.This is a grassland femur grey with reddish tinge; hind tibia species, found in numbers in open areas
with 3 inner and 3 outer subapical spurs and often in gardens.
and 2-5 small spines above these;Body length: males 12.0-13.5 mm;
basitarsus with 7-8 spines dorsally on each females 14.0-15.0 mm.
side. Females are easily overlooked as E. diminutus is a member of the SE
males or immature females because the Coastal Community, NSW, and the ovipositor is extremely small and mostlyMurray-Darling Basin Community, ACT.
Eurygryllodes diminutus, adult female; ovipositor, Cotter Dam,ACT.
Eurygryllodes diminutus, calling song adult male, Cotter Dam,ACT.
Eurygryllodes kurrabi
Otte & Alexander KURRABI IMPOSTOR CRICKET This species presents the appearance of a
Comidogryllus species,especiallyin the colour and pattern of the hind femur. The frons and genae are dark brown. The pronotum is odd in that the anterior margin of the lateral lobe is whitish and very hairy.The hind tibiahas 3
Eurygryllodes diminutus.
inner and 3 outer subapical spurs and with 3-4 inner and outer small spines. The hind
Eurygryllodeskurrabi, adult male,John Forrest
National Park, WA.
basitarsus bears ̄8 outer spines on the dorsal surface. The stridulatory file of this species also bears many teeth. Up to 550 have been counted on some specimens. The song is said to be a succession of single pulses at~0.4 pulses/s.This cricket has been found in grass
litter in open woodlands.
Body length: males 11.0-12.0 mm; females unknown.
E. kurrabi is a member of the SW Eurygryllodes kurrabi, adult male, head, pronotum, tegmina.
Coastal Community, WA.
Eurygryllodes kurrabi, alling song.
Tribe Modicogryllini
The tribe Modicogryllini is well represented in Australia with 9 genera
containing78species.The tribeis aworld-
wide tropical and subtropical group with many very common species.Lepidogryllus species, for example,are among the most common and widespread Australian crickets. The tribe has been characterised
Eurygryllodes krrabi.
by the male phallus having widely
separated lateral lobes. If there is a median
lobe it is small and narrow and very short.
The harp of the male tegmen usually has2
4. Top of frons usually with a thin pale
tympanum on the fore tibia.A few genera also have an anterior tympanum as well. We present examples in all genera except
(Exception: some members of the
veins. All members have a posterior
Apedina and Tumpalia.
Otte and Alexander divided the Australian Modicogryllini into 2 'Groups. The 'Comidogryllus Group'needs a different name because its nominal genus is nowin the tribe Gryllini. Here we include it with quotation marks('). There are some
overlapping characters, but for the most
stripe connecting lateral ocelli.
subgenus Buangina, p.113 and Comidogrylus.)
5.Legs with contrasting light and dark
6. Epiphallus with prominent median
7. Mirror present and undivided. (Exception:some species of
subgenus Buangina, p.113.)
8. Pronotum when viewed dorsally
with sides parallel or slightly wider
part, the groups are easily distinguished by
This tribe is presently a confusing taxonomicsituation.See p.367 for complete listing of genera and species now considered in the Modicogryllini.The 2 above-
Aritella Genus Group
the following character list.
mentioned groups are presented below with
(Note: Velarifictorus is now in this group of genera.)
1. Top of head yellowish brown,orange or reddish black or black.
characters listed for each.
2. Fore tibia only with posterior
'Comidogryllus Group
3. Occiput usually without stripes.See
Note: Birubia and Yarrita are now synonyms of the widespread Velarifictorus. Buangina is now a subgenus of Velarifictorus. Comido- gryllus has been placed as a
synonym of Loxoblemmus and those genera all reside in the tribe Gryllini (p.366). We use the name to relate
the genera to those included in the Otte and Alexander monograph.) 1. Top of head brown to black.(Can be
reddish brown in some members of
the subgenus Buangina,p.114.)
2. Fore tibia with a posterior
tympanum. (Some species also with
an anterior tympanum.) 3. Occiput with pale stripes. (Excep-
tion some members of the subgenus
Buangina, p.110.)
V. (B.) diminuens.
4. Top of frons often with a pale stripe connecting ocelli (Exception:
Aritella laticaput.)
5. Legs usually concolorous, yellow brown to reddish brown.(Note:
speckled in some Pictorina.)
6. Epiphallus usually without a median process but several examples have
The Comidogryllus' Group
This group includes Australia as well as non-
Australian representatives. It is widespread in Australia with examples in the northern rainforests as well as moist habitats in the interior. Many species are associated with grasslands and can be abundant on or along
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA the margins of athletic fields. Otte and to find both species at a given locality.To
Alexander noted that members ofthis group date, they can be segregated only by song.
arelesstolerant of dry conditions than those There is a slight difference in the number of
of the Aritella Group. Comidogryllus can beteeth on the stridulatory file but the genitalia are almost identical. Females found on p.70.
Genus Lepidogryllus Otte & Alexander
(Confusing Field Crickets)
Lepidogryllus is known from 4 species, 2 of
cannot be separated with certainty. This
genus could possibly be confused with several subgenera of Velarifictorus (see below) and the grylline Loxoblemmus species (p. 70). These crickets live on the
which occur in Australia. The others are ground in open areas where they take from New Caledonia and Vietnam. The refuge in grass clumps along roadsides and
Australian examples are among the most riverbeds and in moist areas. They can be common crickets in Australia and in thevery abundant under certain conditions.
coastal islands. The genus can be easily Singing males are wary and often dificult recognised by the following combination of to approach. characters. The dorsal surface of the head
has a prominent white stripe connecting Lepidogrllus comparatus (Walker) the lateral ocelli. The disk of the pronotum SLOW-CHIRPING FIELD CRICKET
has a mottled appearance, but different Recognised by the characters listed above. from Loxoblemmus species with which it Males have the stridulatory vein with could be confused. The dorsal surface of 108-143 teeth. The song consists of long
the head bears up to 6 prominent chirps or short rills with a fast pulse rate. longitudinal stripes. There is white chevron Body length: both sexes 17.0 mm. of variable size encompassing the median L. comparatus is a member of all ocellus.The fore tibiabears alarge posterior communities in mainland Australia and tympanum but usually lacks one on the possibly coastal islands such as Norfolk and anterior surface. The lateral lobes of the Lord Howe. pronotum are dark dorsally but pale ventrally. The fore and middlelegs are pale and have fewif any markings,if so, they are indistinct brown or grey stripes or spots. The surface of all legs is covered in dark brown setae. The male tegmen has an undivided mirror; however, the mirror has many minute longitudinal veins throughout. Both long-winged and short-
winged individuals can be found at any
given locality. The 2 species are virtually
indistinguishable morphologically. They Lepidogrylluscomparatus,adult male
overlap geographically anditis not unusual stridulating at night.
Lepidogyllus comparatus,adult male long-winged morph(top; short-winged morph(bottom; male genitalia, dorsal view (inset).
Lepidogryllus comparatus, adult female, long- winged morph.
Lepidogryllus comparatus, mid instar female
Lepidogrylls comparatus, alling song.
Lepidogrylls comparatus. Lepidogrylus parvulus (Walker)
Indistinguishable morphologically from L. comparatus but said to be more abundant in the north and along the coasts. There is Lepidogryllusparvulus, adult female, normal long-winged morph (top); short-winged morph
Lepidogryllusparvulus, adult male, short-
winged morph (top);long-winged morph
(bottom); male genitalia (inset).
Lepidogryllus parvulus, last instar male.
Lepidogryllus parvulus, calling song.
Velarifictorus Subgenus Buangina
Otte & Alexander This subgenus comprises 2 subgenera considered genera in Otte and Alexander (1983).Fifteen species are included.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) diminuens
Recognised by its dark colour,stripes on the
Lepidogryllus parvulus.
dark head, short concealed hind wings in both sexes and the fore and middle legs
variation in the colour intensity in some localities. Also the stripes on the head can
be absent in some individuals. The stridulatory vein consists of fewer teeth than in L.comparatus,97-129 teeth. The
song consists of very fast pulse chirps.
Body length: males 18.0 mm; females
19.5 mm.
L. parvulus is a member of all
communities in mainland Australia and
Velarifictorus(Buangina)diminuens,adult male.
possibly coastal islands such as Norfolk and
Lord Howe.
Genus Velarifictorus Randell (Pale Field Crickets)
As noted above, several of the genera
described by Otte and Alexander are now considered subgenera of Velarifictorus.
Velarifictorus is a very large genus with 115
species presently included. The genus is known from SE Asia, Africa, SE North Velarifictorus(Buangina) diminuens, adult male, America and Australia. dark morph. Photo: N Monaghan.
Velarifictorus(Buangina)diminuens,adult female.
mottled black on pale background. This cricket is widespread and can be common in the south-eastern portion of the continent and probably occurs in Tasmania.Both sexes are short-winged with females having short, separated tegmina with the apices rounded. This species lives in grassy areas where the males make shallow burrows in
clumps of short grass. They may occupy
burrows made by other animals. Common Velarifictorus(Buangina)diminuens, early instar
male nymph.
in urban gardens in Melbourne and
Canberra.The song is producedin groups of
8-12 pulse chirps. The chirps are separated
Velarifictorus(Buangina)diminuens,caling song;calling song when cricket is disturbed.
TRIBE MODICOGRYLLINI by 1.2-1.5sintervals.Thereis some variation in the chirps per group and this may be correlated with locality. More observations
are needed.
Body length:12.00 mm in both sexes. V.(B.)diminuens is a member of the SE
Coastal Communities,NSW and Vic.
Velarifictorus (Buangina)sp.near
diminuens Velarifictorus (Buangina) diminuens.
From south-western Western Australia.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) sp.near diminuens,adult male.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) sp.near diminuens,
adult female.
用MM 料构体构性 和间得间 时间国M
Last-instar female nymph. 构型A作科间柳热构
Velarifictorus(Buangina)sp.near diminuens,calling song.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) sp. near diminuens.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) gayandi, adult male.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) gayandi
the top of the head has a broad, reddish
Note hairy pronotum and light coloured palpi.
brown continuous transverse stripe. Both HAIRY GROUND CRICKET sexes have visible hind wings. The top of the Head without stripes on the occiput. Pronotum frons has a pale transverse stripe. The fore (Otte & Alexander)
with dorsal surface hairy; lateral lobes with and middlelegs are pale witha few scattered whitish markings.Foreandmiddlelegs brown, faint blotches. This species could be both femorahairy; hind femur reddishbrown; confused with the House Cricket(p.67).
hind tibia with 4 inner and 5 outer subapical Careful comparisons should be made. This
spurs. Hind basitarsus with 6 outer and 5 inner s species occurs in large groups and sings spines. This species has been found living in ffrom dry cracks in the ground during the cracks in the ground near waterholes. day. The calling song is a succession of 9-10 Body length: males 11.5 mm. pulse chirps with the last pulses more V. (B.) gayandi is a member of the NE intense than the first ones. The chirps are delivered in groups of 6-24 at 5 chirps/s. Coastal Community, NT.
Body length: 15.0 mm in both sexes.
V. (B.)scutellata is a member of the Murray-Darling Community, NSW, Qld.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) gayandi.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) scutellata
TWO-STRIPED GROUND CRICKET Recognised by its light colour and the velarifictorus(Buangina)scutellata,adult long- absence of stripes on the occiput. However, winged male.
Velarifictorus(Buangina)scutellata, adult short-
winged male (left);dorsal view head,pronotum
tegmen (right).
Velarifictorus(Buangina)scutellata,adult long-
winged female, light-coloured morph.
Velarifitorus(Buangina)scutellata, calling song.
The lateral lobes of the pronotum are
entirely black. Legs and abdomen dark brown to black. This species lives in cracks
in the ground in grasslands. It is a visitor to gardens in Canberra, ACT. The song is an
irregular succession of trills  ̄2 s in length
with ̄8trills per minute.Each trill can have
134 pulses.
Body length: males 18.0 mm; females 14.0-17.0 mm;ovipositor 9.4-10.4 mm.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) scutellata.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) pikiara (Otte & Alexander)
Easily recognised by the combination of the small size, black head, including the frons, without stripes on the occiput and lacking the pale band between the lateral ocelli; all palpi black. The fore tibia has a very large posterior auditory tympana and a veryVelarifictorus(Buangina) pikiara,adult male, small, almost absent, anterior tympanum. dorsal view.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA pulses. This species lives in moist areas along roadsides and around seepage areas. Body length: males 12.0 mm;females
13.0 mm.
V.(B.)mediocris is a member of the N
Gulf and N Coastal Communities, NT, the
N Coastal and NW Coastal Communities,
Velaritorus (Buangina) pikiara,adult female.
WA,and the N Gulf and NE Coastal Communities, Qld.
Velarifictorus (Buangina) mediocris,adult male; genitalia (inset).
Velarifictorus (Buangina) pikiara. V.(B.)pikiara is a member of the
Murray-Darling Community, NSWand Vic, and the SE Coastal Community, NSW, Vic. Velarifictorus (Buangina)mediocris
Velarifictorus(Buangina) mediocris,adult (Mjoberg) female. NORTHERN COMMON GROUND CRICKET
Common across the top half of the
continent from coast to coast. The fore tibia has a tympanal opening on the posterior surface only. The male epiphallus bears a prominent median lobe. The top of the head has 6 faint stripes and the laterallobes of the pronotum are the same colour as the disk.
The legs are pale with a greyish overcast. The dorsal surface of the hind legs can have
a reddish brown overcast. The song is a
succession of chirps consisting of 9-12 velariitorus(Buangina)mediocris. 114
The Aritella Group
Aritella fabria Otte & Alexander
This group comprises 5 genera that have LITTLE GROUND CRICKET te This small beautiful cricket was placed in remained taxonomically intact since Otte and Alexander's book. Artitella is the largest the 'Miscellaneous Group'in Otte and
with 21 species included spread over much Alexander. The mirror of the male tegmen of the continent.Most species are rusty red is very narrow. The head and pronotum are in colour and live in the drier parts of the almost uniformly orange with the ventral
outback where they can be found on dry border of the lateral pronotal lobe much soilorrockyoutcrops where they hide deep lighter the above. The hind femur is less than 9.0 mm in length. The species is in crevices.
Genus Aritella Otte & Alexander
widespread in the interior of the continent,
(Inland Ground Crickets)
This genus is widespread over the arid portions of the country with more species in the northern areas and not along the coast. Most Aritella are found in open country and live in cracks in the ground. A flush of water can sometimes bring the
crickets to the surface where they can be trapped with a shovel.Males aredistinctive
in having the mirror of the tegmen Aritella fabria,adult male.Note absence of complete (lacking in Tumpalia), and with stripes on top of head. the mirror divided, sometimes divided several times. The tegmen has 2 connecting veins 2A and 3A(similar in both Pictorina and Rufocephalus).Aritella
has been divided into 5 species groups
with 1 called the miscellaneous group. The groups are based on the permutations
of the male tegmen and the number of outer apical spurs on the hind tibia.The species are not easy to identify and one
should consult Otte and Alexander to help to validate identifications. Recording of the calling song and study of the male tegmen and genitalia are essential for confidence in identification. We have only a small sampling of the genus and have
chosen not to designate them to species Aritellafabria,adult female, light-coloured
morph (top); long-winged morph (bottom).
Aritellafabria, alling song, Mt Dare,SA. or micropterous individuals. Males have a
reddish head that is contrastingly lighter
than the pronotum. The frons has the top portion of the clypeus orange with the area below that pale yellow. The pronotum has a distinctive pattern both on the surface and the laterallobes. The harp area of the tegmen
Aritella fabria, young nymph.
is the lightest part of the tegmen and translucent. The other areas are dark; the
veins of the apical area are not lighter than
the surrounding cells. Female have the
tegmina mostly uniformly dark. The mirror is divided into several cells.The hind tibia is
Aritell fabria. ranging northwards into the Kimberley Region. The song is a succession of rapid Aritella fu/viceps, adult male.
2-pulse chirps.
Body length: males 15.0 mm; females 13.0-15.0 mm; ovipositor 4.0 mm.
A. fabria is a member of the Murray-
Darling Communities, SA, NSW and Qld, as well as the S Gulfs Community, SA.
Aritella fulviceps (Mj?berg)
PRETTY GROUND CRICKET A very distinctive species dark reddish
brown cricket.Both sexes with macropterous Aritelafulviceps,adult male,lateral view.
Aritea fulviceps, calling song.
N Coastal and NE Coastal Community, Qld, the N Coastal and NW Coastal Communities,WA, NT, and the N Gulf
Community, NT.
Aritella ilya Otte & Alexander ILYA INLAND GROUND CRICKET
Our sole example is from the Ilya Group, which is defined by the male tegmen in
Aritell fulviceps.
which the mirror is wholly or partially divided into 3 cells. In most species the apical area of the tegmen is well developed. Both macropterous and macropterous individuals are known. The body colour is uniformly orange. The top of the head
is orange and smooth and without pale lines. There is no stripe between the ocelli. The frons is reddish and pale on the lower
part of the clypeus. The palpi are nearly
white. The lateral lobes of the pronotum are
Aritella fulviceps, adult female.
much darker than the femur and bears 7
white in the ventral half with a whitish band extending across the apex of the pronotal disk. The legs are uniformly pale brown with
outer and 6 inner subapical spurs. The dorsal surface of the abdomen is dark and this
contrasts with the sides and ventral surface. This is a grassland cricket that spends the day in cracks in the soil. The calling song is complex of chirps each containing a single pulse followed by 1 or 2 pairs of pulses. Body length: males 18.0 mm; females
similar to male; ovipositor 8.5-10.0 mm.
A.fuviceps is a widespread cricket in Aritell iya,adultmale.Notecontrasting dark
northern Australia and is a member of the colour of tegmen.
darker setae.Femalescanbe fullywingedor Aritella leengila Otte& Alexander completely lacking any trace of wings. LARGER GROUND CRICKET Body length: both sexes 19.0 mm. Our single example is placed here with
A. ilya is a member of the Lake Eyre some reservations. This is a dark reddish Basin Community, Qld, NT, Vic,SA, as well brown to black cricket with the lateral as the NW Coastal Community, WA.
pronotal lobes the same colour as the disk but with the lower front angle somewhat lighter. Males have the mirror of the tegmen with a single dividing vein arching between 2 posterior mirror veins. Our example was attracted to lights on gravelly
soil in a mixed open forest. The song is said to be a succession of 4-pulse chirps delivered rapidly with the chirps often
in groups.
Body length: males 18.5 mm; females
18.5 mm; ovipositor 10.0 mm. A. leengila is a member of the N Gulf
Community, NT, and the W Plateau Community, WA,NW Coastal Community,
WA,and the NE Coastal Community,Qld.
Aritella ilya,adult female(top);darkfemale
Aritellaleengila,adult female,dark morph.
Aritelailya, calling song.
are very similar to males. The clypeus
extends onto the dorsal surface of the head.
The tegmen is longer than the head and
pronotum combined. The tegmen bears a small stridulatory vein. The ovipositor is elongate and only slightly longer than the hind wings at rest. This cricket is commonly
found at lights.It probablylives under rocks or within spinifex grass clumps.The song is
unknown. Aritellaleengila,adult female, head.
Body length: males (to end of hind wings)13.0-16.0 mm; females(to end of
hind wings) 13.5-16.5 mm.
C. stramineus is a member of desert
habitatsin the Lake Eyre Basin Community,
NSW, SA, NT, Qld.
Aritel eengila. Genus Cyrtoprosopus Chopard (Straw-coloured Ground Crickets)
Cyrtoprosopus stramineus, adult male.
Otteand Alexanderincluded Cyrtoprosopus asamemberof the Aritella Group ofgenera.
The single species bears auditory tympana only on the posterior surface of the fore
tibia and the epiphallus has 2 large lateral processes. Males lack a mirror on the tegmen and there are 1-2 harp veins.
Cyrtoprosopus stramineus Chopard
STRAW-COLOURED GROUND CRICKET This is a small, straw-coloured or yellowish
brown cricket with apeculiar head. FemalesCyrtoprosopus stramineus, adult female.
A GUiDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA characteristics.The2 species almostcertainly occur together at some localities. The hind tibia has5 outer and4 inner subapical spurs.
Cyrtoprosopus stramineus.
Genus Pictorina Otte & Alexander
Females have minute tegmina that barely protrude from beneath the pronotum. The ratio of pronotal width to length is more than 1.7. The calling song of P. kobarina consists of a succession of trills of  ̄2 s duration at 3-4 trills per minute. According to Otte and Alexander,the calling song of P bullawarra is a complex of short trills comprised of succession of more intense 2-pulse units preceded byless intense pulse. Our examples cannot be identified with certainty. The nymph with the red head was
Pictorina is a small genus with 5 described collected at the same site as the male and species that occur among grasses in could represent another species.
eucalyptus woodlands. They are easily recognised by the following combination of characters. Mirror of male tegmen not divided into cells (with the exception of 1 species P.rimbijae). Veins 2A and 3A are
Body length: males 7.0-10.0 mm;
females 11.0-12.0 mm.
P. kobarina is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
connected by 2 veins in the basal area. The mirror is usually connected to the Cu,vein by a relatively long vein. The apical area of
the tegmen is very narrow. The dorsal surface of the head is almost black. Females appear wingless but there are minute tegmina that barely protrude from beneath
the pronotum.
Pictorina kobarina Otte & Alexander Pictorina kobarina, adult male. MONTANE PICTORINA This cricket occurs in mixed open forests in small populations. It lives in leaf litter but does not seem to make burrows or live in dead wood. Populations seem to be small and only a fewindividuals can be found at a
given site.Males sing after dark.This species
is almost indistinguishable from P.
bullawarra; it differs only in song Pictorina kobarina, adult male.
Pictorina kobarina, adult female.
Pictorinakobarina,late instar nymph.Note
head colour contrasted with adults. Pictorinakobarina, male pronotum and
tegmina (top); male head, pronotum,tegmina, lateral view (bottom).
Pictorina kobarina,male right hind tarsus(top);
Pictorina kobarina.
tip of ovipositor (bottom).
Pictorina kobarina,calling song.
Genus Rufocephalus Otte & Alexander Rufocephalus garooris Otte & Alexander (Red-headed Crickets) Rufocephalus is confined to WesternINLAND RED-HEAD
Australia.The4known species occur in the Red head contrasts with rest of the body. north-western Kimberley region with a The top of the head protrudes slightlyabove
single species from the Hammersley the level of the pronotum. The disk of the
District and localities to the south.pronotum has transverse dark marking Rufocephalus comprises small straw- dorsally; the lateral lobes are lighter on the
coloured crickets with contrasting red anterior margin. The male tegmen is dark heads. The mirror of the male tegmen is laterally and dorsally but the ventrallateral complete and undivided with the mirror margin is whitish to straw coloured. The attached to the Cu, by a long connecting dorsal surface of the abdomen is dark
vein. The epiphallus is cup-shaped and yellow broad and pale between the
t contrastingly lighter cerci. The hind tibia without a central lobe in all species except R. gagooris. Females have not been has 6 outerand 4 inner subapicalspurs. Body length: males 14.4 mm; adult recognised for any species. The4species are
distinguished by minute differences in the stridulatory file, the proportions of the
females unknown.
R.garooris isa member ofthe N Coastal
pronotum and male genitalia. They occur and NW Coastal Communities, WA. in open woodlands or in grassy areas or
under rocks.
Rufocephalus garooris, adult male.
Rufocephalus garooris. Genus Gryllodes de Saussure (Indian House Crickets)
Gryllodes presently includes 2 species, the origins of which are obscure. Both have been associated with human habitation for generations.Gryllodes crickets have a
Rufocephalus garooris, female nymph.
tympanum on the posterior surface of the fore tibia and the mirror of the maletegmen usually has a single dividing vein and the
TRIBE MODICOGRYLLINI harp with 2 veins. The apical region of the tegmen is not developed. Gryllodes has not been assigned to either of the 2 groups of
Australian Modicogryllini.
Gryllodes sigillatus (Walker)
INDIAN HOUSE CRICKET The Indian House Cricket is widespread in Australia and is usually associated with
Grylodessillatus,female, last instar (top); dark morph (bottom).
Grylodes sigilltus, adult male.
Gryllodes sillatus, adult female.
Gry/lodes sigilltus,calling song.
habitations. The species is thought to have Community, Qld, and the NW Coastal originated from southern Asia but how it Communities,NT and WA, as well as the
got to Australia is uncertain.It is easily Lake Eyre Basin Community, NT.It may
identified morphologically, if not occur more broadly than presently
behaviourly. G.sigillatus is a light-coloured indicated. cricket with spots on the body. Both sexes
and nymphs have the posterior margin of
the disk of the pronotum with a
characteristic dark marking which runs
ventrally onto the lateral lobes. The top of the head bears a pattern of bands. There is a pale transverse band running between the lateral ocelli. The tegmina are slightly darker than the disk of the pronotum. The legs are pale with dark setae. Both the fore and middle tibiae have a prominent dark brown spot on the anterior surface; the inner surface of the hind femur bears a series of Gry/lodes sigillatus.
spots and lines and the tip of the femur is
orange brown; there are 5 inner and outer Subfamily Podoscirtinae
apical spurs.
Tribe Aphonoidini
warm buildings or around appliances such
genera in the tribe Aphonoidini. All but l
The Indian House Cricket is at home in Use these characteristics below to separate
as refrigerators. It can establish colonies genus, Unka,lack a stridulatory vein on the between walls and its incessant calling can male tegmen, albeit a very reduced one, and be annoying to humans. The Indian House
Cricket occurs in nature, usually not far from habitations. It often establishes itself and then eventually disappears if the climate is too wet or too dry. Average life span is  ̄73 days.The song is a rapid succession of 1-4 pulse chirps. This species is easier to culture than Acheta domesticus(p.67)and
it may not be functional.
Aphonoides Chopard Tegminal veins M and R not fused at
any point.
Auditory tympana present only on posterior surface of fore tibia. Highly variablein size,colour and
pattern and habitat preference.
may replace it as diseases of A. domesticus become more prevalent in the petfood Mistshenkoana Gorochov Tegminal veins M and R not fused at industry.It does not have a diapause and
requires 7 instars to mature. Body length: males 14.2-18.3 mm; females 12.1-22.2 mm.
G. sigillatus is a member of the SW
Coastal Community, WA, the NE Coastal
any point.
Auditory tympana present only on posterior surface of fore tibia. Single species included, originally described in Aphonoides. Generic
distinction clouded. Seems to be larger and more robust than most
content but the range of at least 1 species extends to southern Queensland. Allof these
Aphonoides species and the top of crickets have a large auditory tympanum on the head is black.A rainforest genus. the anterior surface of the fore tibia and
Tegminal veins M and R not fused at
any point.
either none on the posterior surface or a minute dimple-like tympanum.No trace of a stridulatory vein or mirror is present on the
Auditory tympana present on both
male tegmen. The tegmina and wings extend
surfaces of fore tibia.
beyond the tip of the abdomen. The head is
Some species are very hairy.
pronotum. The subapical spurs of the hind
Umbulgaria Otte & Alexander
Legs of at least 1 species flattened. Male genitalia not apically prolonged. Ovipositor very elongate,protruding beyond tip of wings at rest. A
rainforest genus.
Utona Gorochov
Tegminal veins M and R not fused at
any point.
The 2 known species(see p.152) were originally placed in Umbulgaria.
Male genitalia apically elongate.
Ovipositor very elongate, protruding beyond tip of wings at rest. A
rainforest genus. Unka Otte& Alexander Tegminal veins M and R not fused at any point. Tibial auditory tympana present only on posterior surface.
Male tegmen with a reduced stridula-
tory vein.
Cerci of both sexes modified for grasping. A rainforest genus.
Genus Aphonoides Chopard
(Silent Crickets)
narrower than the fore margin of the tibia begin beyond the middle of the tibia.
There are usually 5-8 inner spurs with the first few spurs being small, and 5-7 outer spurs. The male genitalia are distinctive and bilaterally symmetrical.Gorochov (2007)
defined the genus based on genitalic morphology as hind epiphalliclobes short, not hooked, and undivided; ectoparameres with narrow,more orless long proximal part and lobe-like distal part having comparatively small and rounded folds at its base;spermatophore with rounded (not very elongate)ampulla. Aphonoides is a large
genus. We have discovered several new species during the preparation of this book.
Several species can occur at 1 locality. Aphonoides species occur in rainforest and open woodland habitats.All species are
nocturnaland emerge after dark to graze on
the particulate matter that accumulates on leaf surfaces. The day is spent in dead leaves or under loose bark or in bark cracks. Most species seem to come to lights. Otte and Alexander divided the genus into 6 groups (Table 5). The 'Weta Group'
Aphonoides comprises 75 Asian, Oceania with 1 species has subsequently been transferred to Misthenkoana. The Australis and New Guinea species with 16 moderately
sized described Australian species, all of Group contains the species australis, which are silent.These crickets occur mostly miripara and nepotinna. The Angustissimus
in tropical Australia on both sides of the Group contains the species angustissimus.
Table 5. Comparison of Aphonoides species groups. FW mottled Face blackNumberof grey o withor with inner/outer subapical arkspot back markings spurs Australis Group No NOo 6-7/5 No 7-8/6-7 Angustissimus GroupNo
Debili Group BiangriGroup ・SubgroupA
-Subgroup c
Subgroup B
ves Yes
5/5 5/5
EpiphallusMedian ocellus
with thck
setae No Very small No Very small No No
Small toobsolete
Very smal to
The Debilis Group contains the species north to the Capeandalong thecoast to the
debilis and lowanna.The Weeronga Group vicinity of Broome,WA. contains the weeronga. The Biangri Group Body length (head to tip of wings): contains the species biangri, karumbae, males 16-20 mm; females 16-21 mm; agantra, hackeri,marika,jimjimi, binderi,
kaikai and wirratinna. Some examples of
ovipositor 6.5 mm.
these are described below.
The Australis Group
Three species have been assigned to this group, sharing a yellowish brown frons,
small ocelli,and6-7 subapical spurs on the hind tibia with the flat side of the spurs black. The male genitalia are distinctive. Aphonoides australis (Walker)
A handsome, distinctive yellowish brown species with a yellow or yellow brown frons,
the lower portion of which may be slightly
darker than the upper. This is the most widespread species of the genus with
records from coastal southern Queensland
Aphonoidesaustralis,adult female at light sheet.
Aphonoides australis adult female (top);frons
Aphonoides australis.
Aphonoides nepotinna Otte &
A pale, slender cricket that might be confused at first with A.angustissimus. The frons is mottled brown and the cross veins of the tegmina are creamish white, contrasting with the other veins and
Aphonoides australis,adult female,lateral view head, pronotum(top);subgenital plate,
ovipositor (bottom).
membranes. This species occurs in
woodland habitats where the crickets seem partial to eucalypts.They are easily attracted
to light after dark. A. australis is a member of the NE
Body length (head to tip of wings): Coastal Community and the N Gulf males: 16.0 mm; females 18.0 mm;
Community, Qld, and the N Coastal
Community, NT and WA.
ovipositor 5.0 mm.
A. neoptinna is a member of the NE
Coastal Community,Qld.
Aphonoides nepotinna, adult male.
Aphonoides nepotinna,adult male,lateral view(top);frons(bottom).
Aphonoides nepotinna,adult male (top); female(bottom).
TRIBE APHONOiDINI related species that illustrates the
complexity of this genus. Measurements are very similar to those given for A.
A. sp. near neoptinna is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
The Angustissimus Group
(Slender Silent Crickets)
This group consists of a single distinctive Aphonoides nepotina. Aphonoides sp. near nepotinna
species. It is very common where it lives and is most often collected by sweeping. This species occurs with other crickets, namely,
Beybienkoana australicus (p. 193), Euscyrtus
This cricket occurs over much the same hemelytrus (p. 196)and the trigonidiine, geographic range as A. nepotinna. We Homoeoxipha lycoides(p.297).All of these
include it here as an example of a closely species live in rank grasses in open clearings
Aphonoides sp. near nepotinna, adult female.
Aphonoides sp.near nepotinna,adult male.
Aphonoides sp.near nepotinna,adult female, lateral view.
Aphonoides sp. near nepotinna, last instar nymph on grass stem.
Aphonoides sp. near nepotinna, tarsus, right hind tibia (top); ovipositor (bottom).
Aphonoides sp.near nepotinna,adult male,head,pronotum-note long silver setae(left); adult female, frons (right).
TRIBE APHONOIDINI or along rainforest margins. They are
abundant during the wet season.
Aphonoides angustissimus
A. angustissimus is slender and its brown
Aphonoides sp. near nepotin na.
colour closely matches the colour and texture of the grass stems on which it perches. The legs and antennae are often outstretched
concealing the cricket on the stem. This species is distinctive in its pallid colour, the large, ovoid anterior tympanum on the fore tibia and 6 longitudinal veins on the tegmen.
Aphonoides angustissimus, adult male on grass blade.
Aphonoides angustissimus,adult male.Note small spots on pronotum and legs.
Aphonoidesangustissimus, adult male-note spots on head and pronotum (left); male genitalia (right).
Aphonoides angustissimus, adult female. Note
Aphonoides angustissimus.
attached spermatophore.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 16.0-17.5 mm; females 16.0-18.0
mm; ovipositor 6.0 mm.
A. angustissimus is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld, and the N Coastal
Community NT.
The Debilis Group (Rainforest Silent
Crickets) Aphonoides angustissimus, adult female- note spots on pronotum (top); ovipositor (bottom).
Two described species comprise this group.
In many localities both can be found
TRIBE APHONOIDINl together. They are inhabitants of the pair of teardrop-shaped spots. The legs are
understorey vegetation in rainforests of distinctively marked with grey or brown north-east Queensland. The crickets spend patches. the day on the undersides of large leaves or in
crumpled leaves attached dead leaves.They Aphonoides debilis (Chopard)
emerge after dark to feed on the particulate GREY-KNEED SILENT CRICKET matter that accumulates on leaf surfaces or This is the larger of the 2 described species
on flowers or soft fruit. Species in this group in the Debilis Group and is easily recognised have the frons uniformly brown or yellow by the grey patch at the base of the hind
brown.The pronotum mayor may not beara tibia.Thisislacking in A.lowanna.
bG Ranm 1D0
Aphonoides debis, comparison of males of A.debilis (left) with A.lowanna(right) from the same
Aphonoides debilis adult male. Aphonoides debilis adult male. Note markings
on hind tibiae.
Aphonoidesdebis,adult male,lateral view-note genaeandsideof pronotum(left;male genitalia (right).
Aphonoides debilis, adult female.
Aphonoides debilis,right hind tibia (top);female subgenital plate(bottomleft); ovipositor (bottom
Aphonoides debilis, lateral view of ovipositorin
Aphonoides lowanna Otte & Alexander PRETTY SILENT CRICKET The smaller of the 2 species in the Debilis Group, this species is easily distinguished in
lacking a greyish patch at the base of the hind tibia.It lives in the same habitat and
can often be found together with A.debilis.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 17.5-21.5 mm; females 10.0-22.0
mm; ovipositor 6.5 mm. Aphonoides debilis,female ovipositing at night in tree stump in rainforest.
Aphonoides debili. Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 17.5-21.5 mm; females 10.0-22.0
mm; ovipositor 6.5 mm. A.debilisis a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Comparison of A.lowanna (left) and
undescribed species with yellow ventral surface(right).Note size discrepancy,spots on
tegmina and pronotum of A.lowanna.
Aphonoides lowanna, dult male.
A. lowanna is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Aphonoides sp. near lowanna YELLOW-BELLIED SILENT CRICKET
Aphonoides lowanna.
This undescribed species is parallel in many the crickets communicate with one another
ways with the undescribed species which since they do not stridulate? This species is
occurs with A.debilis.They all sem to live smaller in size than A.lowanna and most
in the same localities and occupy the same individuals have the ventral portion of the
habitats, yet they are distinctive. This abdomen bright yellow. complex is worthy of further study. How do
Aphonoides sp. near lowanna, adult male.
Aphonoides sp.nearlowanna,adult male.Note head and pronotum.
distinctive when the male genitalia are examined. The overall colour is orange brown with the veins of the tegmina light creamish white or yellow. This contrasts
with the adjacent cells of the tegmina.The
frons is light yellow orange, often with Aphonoides sp.near lowanna,adult female.
several small spots arranged in a triangular pattern.The antennae are dark and may or may not be ringed. The legs
are reddish brown and not striped or
Aphonoides weeronga Otte & Alexander
WEERONGA SILENT CRICKET This is a distinctive cricket. It is not as
strikingly marked as others in its group.It
is orange with a greyish overcast. The head and pronotum are dullyellow orange Aphonoides sp.near lowanna,adult female. Lateral view genae and lateral pronotal lobe. Photo: S and A Pearson.
and the frons is about the same colour. The eyes have a horizontal stripe in life. The top of the head bears a few thin stripes or lines. The antennae are faintly banded. There is a characteristic small, darkmarkon the pronotum at the anterior junction of the disk and the lateral lobe.
The forelegs have a large tympanal
opening on the anterior surface. The fore and middle tibiae bear a broad greyish stripe dorsally.The hind tibiae are faintly
marked with grey. Hind tibia bearing 5 Aphonoides sp.near lowanna.
The Weeronga Group (Handsome Silent Crickets)
This is a group comprising several described and undescribed species which
outer and 6inner subapical spurs that re darkly pigmented at the base.Thisspecies lives in the understorey vegetation and has been found on low shrubs bordering
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males19.0 mm; females24.0mm;ovipositor
8.5 mm.
A.weeronga is a member of the NE are outwardly distinctive and even more Coastal Community, Qld.
Aphonoides weeronga,adult female. additional undescribed species presently
known. Members of this group are grey
brown,mottled or striped and seem to be adapted to living on bark. Most have distinctively marked faces with black lines and whitish patches. We have doubts about
the identity of some of our samples and are
indicated as such.
Aphonoides karumbae Aphonoides weeronga.
The Biangri Group
This species is fairly easy to recognise with the combination of its hairy appearance,
small ocelli,black and white frons and the (Variegated Silent Crickets) This is the largest group in Aphonoidesmale epiphallus lacking black setae. The with 9 described species and several head,eyes and legs are distinctively
Aphonoideskarumbae,adult male,head and pronotum.Note eye pattern in live cricket.
Aphonoides karumbae.
marked. The antennae strongly banded. The tegmina are distinctively marked. The
hind tibia bears 5 inner and 5 outer
subapical spurs.
Body length (head to tip of wings): Aphonoides sp.near marika,adult female, near Emerald Falls, near Mareeba,Qld.
males 19.0 mm; females 24.0 mm;
ovipositor 8.5 mm.
A. karumbae is a member of the N Gulf
Community, Qld.
Aphonoides sp.near marika
Otte & Alexander
BLACK-FACED SILENT CRICKET This is a distinctive species with hairy legs and hairy margins of the pronotum. The
frons is black with a white patch below the Aphonoides sp.near marika,adult female.
antennae.The eye in living individuals has2 horizontal stripes. This may fade or be lost entirely in death. The antennae are weakly
Body length (head to tip of tegmina):
males 18.0 mm; females 19.0 mm;
ovipositor 7.3 mm.
A. sp.near marika is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld. Aphonoides sp.near marika,adult male.
Aphonoides sp.near marika,adultmale, head,pronotum,lateral view(left);adult male,frons (right).
Aphonoides sp.near marika, adult male.Note pattern of hind legs. Aphonoides sp. near agantra Otte & Alexander MOTTLED SILENT CRICKET A mottled cricket resembling bark or twigs. The frons is black with a white triangular
patch between the bases of the antennae. This patch seems to vary from locality to locality. Whether this is variation or evidence
of separate species has not been determined. Body length: males 17.0 mm; females
Aphonoides sp. near marika.
18.0 mm; ovipositor 6.0 mm.
Aphonoides sp.near agantra,adult male.
Aphonoides sp.near agantra,adult male.
Aphonoides sp.nearagantra,adultmale,Clohesy River area, Qld.
Aphonoidessp.near agantra,adult male,head,pronotum(left; frons(right);Clohesy River area,Qld.
Genus Mistshenkoana Gorochov (Black-headed Silent Crickets)
Aphonoides sp. near agantra, male removing
This genus comprises 58 species distributed in Oceania and New Guinea. A single described species occurs in Australia and was originally described in Aphonoides. We
have an additional species from Iron Range, Qld. This genus differs from Aphonoides in
its slightly different habitus. Males have an elongate, slightly divided subgenital plate
and a supra-anal plate with a median projection; the epiphallus is divided and the
arms are apically divergent. The spermatophore is elongate and black as occurs in some Aphonoides species. The tip
of the ovipositor is unique.Mistshenkoana species occur in rainforests on understorey
Aphonoides sp.near agantra.
A. sp.near agantra is a member of the
NE Coastal Community, Qld.
vegetation and like Aphonoides species are
active at night.
TRIBE APHONOiDINI Mistshenkoana weta (Otte &
Alexander) BLACK-HEADED SILENT CRICKET This cricket is larger than most of the Aphonoides species with which it was originally placed. The black head and black scape and pedicel of the antennae and black eye are distinctive. The frons is yellow
orange with a short black streak between Mistshenkoana weta, adult female. the eyes. At the base of each jaw and on the
clypeus there are a few small reddish brown
spots. This species is known from rainforest margins from the tip of Cape York to the Daintree, Qld.
Mistshenkoana weta, adult male.
Mistshenkoana weta, late instar female.
Mistshenkoana weta, male head-note colour of basal antennal segments (left);male frons(right).
Mistshenkoanaweta,female,,left hind tibia(top);left tegmen(bottom).
Body length (head to tip of wings): males 20.0 mm; females 23.0mm;ovipositor
11.5 mm.
M. weta is a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Mistshenkoana sp. nov. Mistshenkoana weta, male genitalia (left);
spermatophore protruding from male subgenital plate (right).
An undescribed species from Iron Range,
Qld,is included here because it superficially resembles A. debilis. It is larger and the
spermatophore is black as it is in M.weta.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 19.0 mm; females22.0mm;ovipositor
11.0 mm.
M. sp. nov. is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Genus Umbulgaria Otte & Alexander
Mistshenkoana weta. 144
(Wally's Bush Crickets) Umbulgaria comprises 2 described species. A 3rd species is known but not described. All are from the Daintree region and the
Mistshenkoana sp.nov., adult female, ron Range, Qld.
Umbulgaria species are proportionally longer than those of any other aphonoidiine
Umbulgaria hillimunga
Described on the basis of a female from Kuranda, northern Qld, this species has the dorsal surface of the head with 4 pale
narrow stripes on the occiput. There are no spots behind the ocelli. The frons is pale brown and most importantly the pronotum Kuranda rainforests of far northlacks the small spots along its margins that
Mistshenkoana sp. nov.
Queensland.Umbulgariais related to Utona characterise the other species. The
on the basis of the male genitalia having theposterior surface of the middle femur lacks arms elongate and parallel,and the relativelya distinct black spot but bears an ill-
short fore and middle legs. Umbulgaria is defined elongate brown patch. The hind also distinctive in having the median and radius veins of the tegmen not fused and the fore tibia with the auditory tympanum open on both sides. The pronotal disk is
very broad and the fore and middle legs are flattened. The posterior margin of the middle femur bears a large dark mark in
Umbulgaria species. The ovipositors of Umbulgariahillimunga,adult male.
Umbulgariahillimunga,male tegmen (top); head pronotum(bottom left); genitalia with spermatophore
attached (bottom right).
tibia has 4 inner and outer subapical spurs, Umbulgaria ita Otte & Alexander
the outer ones decided longer than the e KURANDA BUSH CRICKET inner. The male recorded here is most ] The smaller of the 2 Umbulgaria species, this species was described from the tip of Cape likely this species. Body length: males 19.0 mm; females York. It has been found in the Daintree and as 27.5 mm; ovipositor 11.0 mm. far south as the Kuranda rainforests. The species
U. hillimunga is a member of the NE has annulate antennae and a distinct black spot Coastal Community, Qld. on the posterior surface of the middle femur. The frons is pale but the mandibles contribute
to the frons appearing to be ventrally blackish. The pronotum has a row of dark brown spots
along the cephalic margin and is fringed
with silvery orblacksetae. The male genitalia are characteristic. The spermatophore is
black with a hook at its base.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males24.0mm;females 34.0 mm;ovipositor
14.0 mm.
U. ita is a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Umbulgaria ita,adult female.Note very long ovipositor.
Umbulgaria ita, adult male.
Umbulgaria ita,adult male,head, pronotum(left);genitalia (right).
Umbulgaria ita. may or may not be annulate depending upon the species.This genus and the related Pseudounka Gorochov from Oceania and
New Guinea are unique for the Aphonoidini in having clasping cerci. Differences from Pseudounka include the absence of any trace ofastridulatory fileand a slightlylarger tibial auditory tympanum in Pseudounka. Unka
species live in rainforests,perhaps highin the trees as they are frequently attracted to lights but are not encountered during the day. The Umbulgariaia,frons (top); middle tibia,posterior genus is recorded from Mt Spec and Paluma
view (bottom).
Genus Unka Otte & Alexander
to the Daintree, Qld.
Unka boreena Otte & Alexander TWO-SPOTTED SILENT CRICKET
The colour pattern and annulate antennae (Clasping Crickets) Unka is a wholly Australian genus with 2 are distinctive for this species. The head described species. Unka is unique in the bears a bright yellow V-shaped mark
following characters: both sexes have a large between the eyes. The hind tibia bears 5
auditory tympanum on anterior surface of internal and 4 external subapical spurs. The
the fore tibia; males bear a short, poorly male phallus has a pair of paddle-like or developed stridulatory file with ~120 teeth; subcylindrical projections below the apex. l The spotted tegmina and patterns on the the male cerci are curved and with an internal tubercle or tooth that suggests a clasping g head and pronotum serve to distinguish
function. The combination of the colour this species from its relative U.tribulatio. pattern of yellow stripes on the fastigium of
At Kuranda, both Unka species can be
the vertex and spots on the tegmina is not found together in the understorey found in other Aphonoidini. The antennae vegetation of the rainforest.
Unka boreena, male.
Unka boreena, adult male, resting posture in rain.
Unka boreena, adult female. Head, pronotum,
base of tegmina.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 20.0-23.0 mm; females 26.0-29.0
mm; ovipositor 7.0-8.0 mm.
U. boreena is a member of the NE
Unka boreena, adult female.
Coastal Community, Qld.
Unkaboreena,male genitalia (right),ventral view-note clasping cerci(top left) and peculiar 10th tergite; male subgenital plate with spermatophore protruding (bottom left).
Unka tribulatio Gorochov PLAIN CLASPING CRICKET This species is slightly larger and a bit more
plain than the Two-spotted Silent Cricket. There are no spots on the tegmina and the antennae are not banded. The tegmen bears
an elongate yellow stripe between the subcostal and radius. The cross veins therein are also yellow.In general, the cross
veins of the tegmina are more poorly
Unka boreena.
defined in U. tribulatio. The early instar
nymphs of this species are bright green.
Unka tribulatio,adultmale.Note absence of spots ontegmina.
*co Unkatribulatio,adult female.Note absence of spots on tegmina.
Unka tribulatio,female nymph.Note green colour.
Unkatribulatio,last instar male (left); adult female frons(right).
Unka triulatio. Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 20.0-21.0 mm; females 26.0-27.0;
Unka tribulatio,adult female,same specimen as green nymph.Head, pronotum, base of
tegmina (top); ovipositor (bottom).
mm ovipositor 7.0-9.0 mm.
U. tribulatio is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
Unka sp. nov.
Measurements similar to U. boreena.
U.sp.nov. is a member of the NE This species resembles U. boreena in many respects but without distinct spot on the Coastal Community, Qld. forewings, we conclude it is different and undescribed. We have found it only in the
Genus Utona Gorochov
tip of Cape York after dark on leaf surfaces (Imposter Bush Crickets) like othermembers of its tribe. It is included Twospecies are described in Utona.One,U. here to reduce confuson since it may be obscura, was transferred from Umbulgaria encountered with others of the Aphonoidini by Gorochov. At the same time he described U. longicauda from a female from at the same locality. Townsville. The dark dorsal surface of the head and the elongate spots along the dorsal
lateral margin of the tegmina suggest that a complex of species exists in Utona since we
have several specimens with spots that differ in arrangement and number. We are unable
Unka sp. nov., adult female.
to reliably identify U.obscura from Kuranda, and the Daintree, but at least l other species is currently present in Kuranda that is represented by females. Males of this species appear to be sexually dimorphic for colour and pattern. Females of both undescribed species have very elongate ovipositors, a significant characteristic that was not noted by Chopard in his original description of the
female type of U.obscura. We refer to the undescribed species as near obscura 1 and
near obscura2.Obviously, as in Aphonoides, Unka sp.nov.,adult female.Note annulations
on antennae.
there are complex problems attempting to
interpret speciation in this genus. Utona obscura (Chopard)
HAIRY IMPOSTER This species was described based on the following characters: body colour mottled
grey, and hairy. Pronotum slightly pitted and with a fringe of dark setae on the
margins. The surface of the pronotum very dark and with a pair of obscure teardrop-
shaped spots similar to those found in many
Unka sp. nov.
Aphonoides species. The top of the head is
TRIBE APHONOIDINI dark and bears markings similar to the 2 undescribed species. We have no specimens
we can reliably identify as this species.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 16.0-17.0 mm; females 23.0 mm; ovipositor 21.0 mm. U. obscura is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Utona obscura sp. 1, adult male.
Utona obscura sp.1,adult female.Note hairy body and light patches.
Utonaobscurasp.1,adult female-note fringing hairs and patternon head and pronotum(left); frons-note absence of distinct pattern and small spots (right).
Utona obscura sp.1, adult female, dorsal view. Note very long ovipositor.
Utona obscura sp. 1, male phallus - note
V-shaped structure top); spermatophore
Utonaobscura sp.1,adult male,ventral view.Note shape of subgenital plate and protruding
Utona obscura sp.2,adult male.
Utona obscura sp. 1.
Utona obscura sp. 1
Males dark,females with light patches anda complex pattern or grey and brown.This cricket resembles a lichen patch on a twig.
Utona obscura sp.2,adult female.
The frons of this species is without a
distinctive pattern but bears a few minute
Body length: males 18.0 mm;females
25.0 mm; ovipositor 23.0 mm.
U.obscura is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Utona obscura sp.2
Utonaobscura sp.2,adult male,frons-note triangular mark(left);male genitalia-note
A robust cricket with mottled grey and serrated internal surface ofV-shaped portion
brown colour patterns.The light patches of (right). U.sp.1are absent for this cricket.The frons
has a triangular creamish white patch.
Utona obscura sp.2,adult male.
Utona obscura sp.2. 155
Body length: males 18.0 mm; females
22.0 mm; ovipositor 21.0 mm.
U.obscura is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Tribe Podoscirtini
Recent changes have resulted in the definition of the genus Mundeicus has resulted in its now being regarded as a
subgenus of Hemiphonus. The genus Tamborina has had species transferred to it from Madasumma. This can be quite confusing to the uninitiated to taxonomic practice.Refer to the species list on p.372 forcomplete listings of species. All3 of these taxa are very closely related. Madasumma
comprises rather similar-appearing crickets and it could be easily confused with the other 2. This is reflected in its taxonomic
history. Other genera are not as difficult to separate. Use the lists of characters below to
attempt to identify your specimens. The morphological characters are presented with the most important features at the top. The male genitalia are asymmetrical. Females of
Tamborina Tegminalveins M and R not fused at any point. Tibial auditory tympana present on both surfaces of the fore tibia.
Frons darkly banded.
Madasumma Tegminal veins M and R not fused at any point. Tibial auditory tympana present on both surfaces of the fore tibia.
Frons not darkly banded, rather plain. (Not now known to occur in
Tegminal veins M and R not fused at
any point. Tibial auditory tympana present on both anterior and posterior
Mirror usually absent from male
Having a flattened appearance.
Relatively colourful when compared to other related genera.
several of these genera are very difficult to The Pacific Island genera Insulascirtus separate, but the venation of the tegmen isand Adenopterus are less difficult to identify
distinctiveamongthe generaandis usefulin and are very distinctive. They are included defining the genera. And be aware: more in this book. than l of these genera can be present at a
given locality. In the final analysis, the male Genus Madasumma Walker genitalia need to be checked.
Hemiphonus including subgenus Hemiphonus
Tegminal veins M and R fused briefly
in anterior half. Male tegmen with a stridulatory vein. Male genitalia strongly asymmetrical. Hemiphonus subgenus Mundeicus
Male tegmen without a stridulatory
(Plain Bush Crickets)
Madusumma comprises 28 species, the
majority of which come from the region bounded byJava,the Philippines and India.
Four Australian species were tentatively
placed in the genus. But they are in a 'transitory taxonomic state, meaning that
they cannot be reliably identified. Some have potentially unreliablelocality data, the type of another cannot be found and
M. hornensis Chopard was described from have been transferred to Tamborina from a female from Horn Island. It cannot be other genera such as Madasumma. They
properly identified and assigned to genus have been sorted to 4 species groups,
untila male from that locality can be found. making identification bit simpler. These
Most of the species placed in Madasumma groups are Affinis Group,Australis Group,
in Otte and Alexander have been Loorea Group and the Ocellata Group.All transferred to Tamborina. As a result Tamborina are large nocturnal greyish Madasumma will not be covered in this crickets that live in trees and shrubbery.The book. The 4 species referred to above are frons of both sexes usually has distinctive
listed in the species list. But at presentmarks and lines. The posterior surface of Madasumma cannot be confirmed to occurthe fore and middle tibiae is often striped. Males sing with loud calls and are somewhat in Australia. ventriloquial. They can be difficult to
Genus Tamborina Otte & Alexanderidentify, but the calling song and the male
genitalia are the most reliable way to make a
(Tamborine Bush Crickets)
Tamborina comprises 14 species, all ofpositive identification (Table 6; Fig.15).The male subgenital plate is distinctive in its which are confined to Australia. A number
Table6. Some characteristics useful in separating some
Tamborina males.
Number ofle Area between M Antennae strongly Male M vein as pale Species teeth and R veins in male banded as surrounding membrane jiranda 102-119 Yellowish NOo No n=11 No afns 104-135 Yelowish Yes n=20 kanina [m-17 Yelowish No Yes n=3 113 Yelowish Yes ma n=1 No Yelowish choota 116 No No n=1 loorea 6s-71 Brownwith pale Yes No crossveins n=5 Brown with pale Yes manila 63-72 No
6.4 .as......G..sKAassN.....a
A478 23C jirranda
A301 20-3c
kanina A493 27C
6.2 转积想电缺熟电衷就特核然越热热想熟积职熟积状积积R&热状款w伸热想述装装状w lorea A144 26C
5.2 情特背为用用的能序的增就用时的构期 maltea?
A17 26
Fig.15.Comparison of calling songs of some Tamborina species.Modified fomotte andAlexander(1983),
with permission.
external shape. Females are very similar in Tamborina affinis(Chopard)
appearance and difficult to identify, COMMONTAMBORINE BUSH CRICKET especially if there are multiple species at a This species is fairly distinctive. Features of
given locality.In addition, females can be the male tegmen and male genitalia can help confused with other genera such as to make a positive identification. Markings
Mundeicus. Table6 can help identify some on top of the head and frons are somewhat species. We present examples from 3 of the variable but can help to identify the species. T
4 groups. Tamborina offers a challenge to a dedicated cricket specialist to seek out the species, document the calling songs and provide the important taxonomic
Affinis Group
The Affinis Group can be recognised by the M vein of the male tegmen being yellow in
Tamborina affinis, adult male.
all species except T.jirranda and the harp with 5-7 veins. The distinctive male
genitalia are an important aid to identification. This group comprises T. affinis(Chopard),T. choota(Otte & Alexander)),T. ilima(Otte& Alexander),T.
jirranda (Otte & Alexander)and T. kanina
(Otte & Alexander).
Tamborina affinis,adult female, dark morph.
Tamborina affis, adult male-head, pronotum (left);adult female, frons (right).
afinis is widespreadand thereis considerable them to maturity is not dificult and is the
variation among individuals even from the simplest way to obtain series of adults. same locality. Collection of adults is difficult Body length: males 25.0 mm; females
because they tend to live in trees and tall 30.0 mm.
shrubs, and singing males are ventriloquial. T. affinis is a member of the NE Gulf Nymphs tend to be common on or near the and Coastal Communities,Qld,NT,and the
ground. The nymphs can be found abroad at W Plateau Community, WA,as well as the night on flowers or on low shrubs.Rearing Lake Eyre Community, NT.
Tamborina affinis, adult female. Ventral surface of abdomen showing subgenital
Tamborina affinis, last instar female nymph.
Tamborina affis alling song. 159
Body length: males 19.0 mm; females
16.0-21.0 mm.
T.kanina is a member of the N Coastal
Community, and the N Gulf Communities,
Tamborina affinis. Tamborina jirranda (Otte &
JIRRANDA BUSH CRICKET This species is similar to both T. affinis and T. kanina.The yellow stripe on the male tegmen usually has a black streak running down the middle.The top of the head is usually solid reddish brown
Tamborinakanina,adult male in Gardenia
vilhelmi at night.
between the eyes.
Body length: males 20.0-25.0 mm;
females22.0 mm.
Tamborina kanina, adult male.
T.jirranda is a member of the NE
coastal community, Qld, and the Northern
Gulf Community, Qld, NT.
Tamborina kanina (Otte & Alexander)
A small greyish cricket the males of which
produce a loud distinctive call. This species seems to be smaller than others in the group, especially when males from inland localities are compared.Males at Talaroo,Qld,seem to
prefer the 'Breadfruit, Gardenia vilhelmi Morrison, where they live among the leaves
of the shrubs to 3 m height.Lengthy periods of quiet can be followed by the singing of many surrounding males. This species can beTamborina kanina,male subgenital plate (top); genitalia (bottom). attracted to lights butonlylate in theevening.
Tamborinakanina,adult male, ventral surface of abdomen.
Tamborina kanina, calling song. Tamborina ocellata(Chopard) NORTHERN TAMBORINE BUSH CRICKET
This is a moderate-sized, handsome cricket. The frons is banded,thenarrowwhite stripe
Tamborina kanina.
Ocellata Group
The Ocellata Group contains 3 species of moderate-sized grey or grey brown crickets. All are known from eastern Queensland
where they can be found in rainforests or coastal forests. Members of this group can
be identified by noting that the male epiphallus is broad at its apexin contrast to the Australis Group, which has the
epiphallus gradually tapering.
Tamborinaocellata,adult male on tree trunk.
Tamborinaocellata,adult female,lateral view.
Tamborinaocellata, male genitalia(top);female ovipositor, tip, ventral view (bottom).
Tamborinaocellata,female frons; right middle
Tamborina ocellata, alling song. continuing across the frons, and there is a whitelongitudinal band behind the eye. The clypeus and labrum are light coloured. The fore and middle legs are striped, and the apex of the hind femurand adjacent tibia are
black. The phallic process is distinctive but similar in some respects to that of T. manilla
in that the main portion is broad and plate-
like. The harphas ̄7 veins.The calling song
is a low-pitched continuous trill.
Tamborina ocellata. 162
Body length: males 20.0-24.0 mm;
females 20.0-21.0 mm.
T. ocellata is a member of the NE Tamborina wypanda Otte&
Coastal Community and N Gulf Alexander Community, Qld,as well as the NW Gulf ECHOINGTAMBORINE BUSHCRICKET This large cricket occurs in rainforests and Community, NT. Tamborina manilla Otte &
adjacent open woodlands where males sing
from trees and tall shrubs. The song is
distinctive. The pale stripe below the eye is interrupted at the midpoint. The phallic This moderate-sized Bush Cricket is similar complex is symmetrical and bears a rake- to T.ocellata but differs in the head markings like process. The harp can have up to 8 veins in havinga black mark between the eyes and but specimens we have found have a smaller
behind the ocelli. There is no pale Y-shaped stripe within the dark area. Harp of male
tegmen with around 8 veins. Fore and
number of harp veins. Body length: males 22.0-26.0 mm;
females 24.0-27.0 mm. T. wypanda is a member of the N Coastal Community Qld. not bear a rake-like process. The calling middlelegs are striped as in T.ocellata. The phallic complex is asymmetrical but does
song is aloud chirp containing some ll-16
pulses/chirp. Females are unknown.
Body length: males 27.0 mm.
T.manillais a member of the NCoastal
Community Qld.
Tamborina manilla adult male.
Tamborina manilla.
Tamborina manilla,adult male.Note venation
of tegmen.
Tamborina wypanda, adult male.
Tamborina wypanda, adult male. Head,
pronotum, tegmen.
Tamborinawypanda,left male tegmen(top); subgenital plate(bottom left);
male genitalia (bottom right). Note rake-like hooks ventrally.
Tamborina wypanda, calling song. 164
Tamborina wypanda, adult male. Head; note fastigium of vertex.
Tamborina wypanda.
Genus Riatina Otte & Alexander
their habit of spending the day under loose
(Gumtree Crickets)
bark, often in groups of several individuals.
Riatina is one of the most easily recognised Males of many species are unique in having
of podoscirtine genera based on overall a pair of parallel diagonal veins at the base appearance.The genus is wholly confined to of the tegmen,directed to the left. The fore Australia where 12 species have been and middle legs are somewhat enlarged, described(see p. 372). Riatina occurs suggesting to Otte and Alexander that they
broadly across the continent with only may be suited for digging and making South Australia, New South Wales, and burrows. We havenot observed that habit in
Tasmania not yet recording any species. any Riatina species. It is interesting to note
Five species groups have been defined. that Otte and Alexander did not hear or,of
These groups are the Frontalis Group, course, record the song of any species of
comprising R. frontalis,R. pilkena; the Riatina. Males have well-developed
Callosifrons Group, comprising R. stridulatory files and mirrors that suggest callosifrons,R. nangkita; the Padiminka they can produce sound. But we have not
Group,comprising R. padiminka, R. been able to elicit singing in any captive mundiwindi; the Villosiceps Group specimens. comprising R. villosiceps, R. brevicauda; and Riatina species are not easy to identify.
the Pulkara Group comprising R. pulkara,Careful comparisons need to be made and
R. karalla. All are distinctive in the all structures of taxonomic interest should combination of colour pattern and the be examined.Table7and Figure 16 should
dorso-ventrally flattened appearance of the help to provide an identification. The
crickets themselves. This seems suited for tubercles that are referred to are not easy to
Table7.Comparisonof some charactersuseful for the identification of Riatina species.
Modified from Otte and Alexander (1983),with permission.
Species Number BackgroundFacial Facal Frons Dorsum fle teth facial olor tubercles markings proile(top ofrostrum view) blackish fontalis 50-175 Brownto with more ubercles Ponted Sometimes n=6 back than6pale pale tubercles pilkena [128,129n Rusty red wthout Fronswith6 Truncated No =2 uberdles pale spots torounded nangkita 179,180 Black Sometimes with6or Truncated Yes n=2 1lowone moreyelow beneath spots eacheye calosifons ca.140 Darkbrown Usualyno Fronswith Rounded to Yes n=2 toblack tuberdles 4-8whiteor truncated palespots mundiwindi 128-181 Redish No Frons with Truncated No n=5 brown tubercles several indistinct palespots padiminka 155-204 Rustyred to one Frons Rounded toNo n=7 black tuberdle without paletruncated beneath spots eacheye viosieps 196-205 Brown to No Fronswith8Largel No n=4
tubercdles ormore paletruncated
151-168 Pale brown No Fronswith6 Truncated No n=5 to brown tubercles palespots Frons Slignty res pu/kara 88-93 Darkbrown No toblack tuberdles without pale pointedor trncated spots karala 71-85 Pale brown No Frons Truncated No brevicauda
tuberdles without pale
Fig.16. Comparison of male genitalia among Riatina species.The male genitalia are usually very distinctive in this genus. Note the2-pronged spermatophore which also seems to be distinctive for
Riatina.(A)R.frontalis,Avon Downs,NT;(B)R.frontalis, near Millstream HS, WA;(C)R. pilkena,Millstream
HS, WA; (D)R.padiminka, near Sandford, near Broome right;(F)R.mundiwindi, Gascoyne River,Hwy
1;(G) R.villosiceps,near Mt Cahill; (H) R. brevicauda; ①) Vacant; (J)R. pulkara; (K)R. karalla, Carson escarpment;(L)R.karalla,Prince Regent Res; (M)R.callosifrons, Glen Rowen,Vic; (N)R. nangkita,Ban Ban Range, S of Biggenden, Qld. Modified from Otte and Alexander (1983), with permission.
see since the frons of most species is black. The Frontalis Group
The tubercles should belooked for with the Riatina frontalis(Walker)
head at an angle. Also, the spots can be PIMPLE-FACED GUMTREE CRICKET
white or yellow and this may depend on Head black; frons black, with up to 8 the preservation of the dead cricket. y white or yellowish spots on the 6 Orange and yellow colours can change to tubercles; occiput greyish brown,often creamish white on death.The most with distinct stripes; labial palpi with important taxonomic characters to observe
terminal segment orange; labrum yellow
are the head, frons, tubercles and spots, orange. Pronotum with surface greyish dorsal surface,colour and pattern,brown,mottled;laterallobes black.Legs mouthparts,and colourofpalpi;pronotum uniformly orange brown. Main stem of colour of dorsal surface and lateral lobes; male phallus narrow, not expanded and colour and pattern of legs; and male flange-like. This species appears to be
Riatinafrontalis, adult male.
Riatina frontals, male head,pronotum left);frons(right).Note small light spots
and colour of palpi.
The Callosifrons Group
Riatina callosifrons(Chopard)
COASTAL GUMTREE CRICKET This widespread cricket is fairly easy to recognise with the following combination
of characters: head black,occiput greyish
brown,often striped.Frons black with light spots but lacking tubercles; clypeus, and
apical segments of labial and maxillary palpi, orange to yellow, the other segments black and ringed with white. Dorsal surface of pronotum greyish brown,mottled;lateral lobe black. Legs orange brown; hind femur
Riatina frontalis, male genitalia(top); spermatophore (bottom).
Riatina callosifrons, adult male.
Riatina frotalis. fairly common over its broad range.
Specimens of both sexes frequently come
to lights late in the evening.
Body length: males 25.0 mm; females
27.0-31.0 mm;ovipositor7.5-9.5 mm.
R.frontalis is amember of the N Coastal
Community, Qld,the Lake Eyre Basin
Community, Qld, NT, and the N Gulf Riatinacallosifrons,adult male, frons.Note
Community, NT.
small light spots and colour of palpi.
Riatinaca/osifrons,male subgenital plate(left); genitalia right).
Riatina sp.near callosifrons (Chopard)
The dark head, antennal bases and lateral pronotallobes suggested this cricket may be different. The male genitalia confirm that
observation. We include it here for
comparison. Riatina callosifrons. not intensely banded. Male phallus with main stem expanded,flange-like. This species is fairly common along the entire coast of Queensland where it lives in eucalypt woodlands. It has been found
under bark during the day. Like others in
the genus it comes to lights late in the
Body length: males and females 19.0-
24.0 mm.
R. callosifrons is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Riatina sp.nearcallsifrons,male genitalia.
Riatina sp.near callosifrons, adult male.
any other species. However, some other species can show faint traces of the
pattern.Frons black, with a few yellowish
or whitish spots; dorsal surface of the frontal fastigium black; terminal segment of maxillary palps orange in life. Pronotum with dorsal surface grey brown,lateral
lobes black. Tegmen with mirror small, poorly developed. Legs orange brown;
Riatina sp. near callosifrons.
hind femur with darker patch in the
middle. Main stem of phallus broad,
R. sp.near callosifrons is a member of extraordinarily flange-like. This species the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
has been found with R.callosifrons and R.
frontalis.It freely comes to lights late in
the evening. The distinctive pattern of the hind legs is not 100 istinctive and other NANGKITA GUMTREE CRICKET One of the most distinctive and easily species can bear faint traces of this recognised species in the genus. The character. We include an additional pattern on the hind legs is not known for species related to R.nangkita.The colour pattern of the head and the absence of longitudinal stripes on the hind femur are
Riatina nangkita Otte & Alexander
Body length: males 25.0-27.0 mm
(including tegmina); females 28.0-29.0
mm (including tegmina; ovipositor
Riatina nangkita, adult male.
8.2-8.8 mm. R. nangkita is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
Riatina nangkita,adult female emerging from bark, Photo: N Monaghan.
Riatina nangkita, male genitalia.
Riatina sp.near nangkita
Otte & Alexander
This species is distinct in the colour of the head and pronotum. The distinctive stripe
on the hind femur of R.nangkita are absent in this species. We have found a male of this species on a giant mound of the termite
Riatina nangkita.
Nasutitermes in dry mixed forest. R. sp.near nangkita is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
Riatina sp.near nangkita,adult male (left);head,pronotum (left).
Riatina sp. near nangkita. spots. The head has 1 or more very pale yellowish stripes. This cricket is associated with spinifex clumps. When the clumps are in flower or seed, the crickets ascend the
Riatina sp.near nangkita, adult female.
culms to feed after dark. This cricket may also livein adjacent eucalypts as is common
with other Riatina species. Our illustrations may indicate that more than 1 species is
The Villosiceps Group Riatina brevicauda (Chopard)
considered here.
Body length: males (head to tip of tegmina)19.0-23.0 mm; females (head to
SPINIFEX GUMTREE CRICKET tip of tegmina)15.0-17.5 mm; ovipositor This species is easily recognised by its pale6.0-7.0 mm. R.brevicaudais a member of the N Gulf colour and pronotum, the disk of which is about the same colour as the lateral lobes. a and N Coastal Communities, NT, and the NW Coastal Communities, WA,and the N The frons is reddish brown, not black,and l lacks tubercles but possesses small yellow Gulf Community, Qld.
Riatina brevicauda, adult male.
Riatina brevicauda. Hermiphonus (Hemiphonus)continuus
This distinctive cricket has been found
Riatina brevicauda, adult male on Triodia culm south-east Queensland as well as in the
at nght.
northern tropics. The body colour is pale
Genus Hermiphonus de Saussure
which are continuous and unbroken. The male stridulatory file is odd in that the number of teeth ranges from 7-34. Perhaps,
grey brown with prominent black stripes
Hemiphonus now comprises 2 subgenera this species is losing its ability to produce (see p.372). Subgenus Hemiphonus sound.Its closest relative, the similar
contains 3 species. Subgenus Mundeicus, appearing H. wilparina,occurs in localities
on the other hand contains 7 Australian near to H. continuus but males have
species. Two additional species from stridulatory files with considerably more
south Asia have been placedin Mundeicus. teeth,ranging from 50 to 70.That species
None of these Mundeicus species has a stridulatory file and as such they are
Subgenus Hemiphonus (Striped
Crickets) Hemiphonus is an Australian endemic
subgenus with 3 species, all of which have stridulatory files that may produce sound. All are confined to Queensland, mostly Hemiphonus (H.) continuus, adult male. Photo:N
along the east coast.
Hemiphonus(H.)continuus,adult male, head and
antennae; male tegmen showing faint stridulatory vein.
Hemiphonus (H.) continuus, adult male.
probably produces sound, but this has not
been confirmed.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 3.0 mm; females 25.0 mm; ovipositor
12.0 mm.
H. (H.)continuus is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Subgenus Mundeicus Chopard (Arboreal Bush Crickets)
Hemiphonus (H.) continus.
Seven species have been assigned to the
subgenus Mundeicus.Two species groups
Hemiphonus (H.) continus, male frons; male genitalia, lateral view.
have been named to accommodate these We presentillustrations of several of these crickets. This is a difficult group taxa in the hope that this may stir some
taxonomically and often individuals are interest in solving the taxonomic puzzles
difficult to identify. We have discovered in the group. several undescribed species in our efforts to understand this subgenus. In addition
to males lacking a stridulatory file, both sexes have the median and radius veins fused briefly in the anterior third. The male epiphallus is strongly asymmetrical
with only a median lobe. The surface of the pronotum is distinctive in sculpture and its surface features. The tegmina are elongate and both sexes are fully capable of
flight. The tibiae are hairy and the fore tibiae have tympanal opening on both sides.Many species are frequent visitors to light sheets. The crickets live in trees and spend the day in dead leaves, under bark or in tree cracks. We have become aware of
several species complexes in this subgenus.
Otte and Alexander defined several
species groups as follows.
The Longifemur Group
Cu, vein for tegmen pale or alternating
pale and dark.
Major longitudinal veins of the dorsal
surface of the tegmen evenly spaced,
Body colour pale brown or streaked
The Warringus Group
Cu, vein of tegmen not alternating pale
and dark.
Major longitudinal veins usually
irregular and not parallel.
Body colour variegated,dark,bark
coloured,reddish or grey.
The Longifemur Group
dorsally with at least 10 major longitudinal Four species are included in this group. veins and streaked. Most cells between The surface of the pronotum flat,
without appearing step-like when laterally viewed. Small species, males 18.0-24.0 mm; females(to end of ovipositor) 29.0-32.0 mm.
This group was further divided into
2 subgroups but we will not use
them here. The species are wide-
spread in the interior of the
major longitudinal veins rectangular. Legs pale. H.(M.)longifemur has a broad
distribution across northern Australia in open,non-rainforest habitats. Readily
attracted to lights.
Body length:(head to tip of wings) males 20.0-24.0mm;females(head to tip of ovipositor))29.0-32.0 mm; ovipositor 12.00
mm.H.(M.) longifemur is a member of the NE Coastal and the Murray-Darling Basin
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)longifemur Communities, Qld, the NW Gulf
Communities, Qld, NT, the W Plateau
Subcostal vein of tegmen with 9-11 Community, NT, and the N Coastal branching points, Cu, vein of tegmen pale Community, WA. in last two-thirds, tegmen when viewed
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus) longifemur,adult male.
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus longifemur,adult female.
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus longifemur,adult male,frons; male genitalia.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) longifemur.
with pale veins or alternating pale and dark along the subcostal angle. Subcosta 2 with Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) longifemur, female subgenital plate (top); ovipositor, lateral view
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) nillanilla (Otte & Alexander)
9-1l branching points; dorsal surface of tegmen with 10 longitudinal veins,the cells therein often irregular. Cu, vein uniformly pale in last two-thirds of tegmen. Dorsal
surface of hind femur with 2 brown spots.
Common in mixed open woodlands where
TWO-SPOT ARBOREAL BUSH CRICKET it readily comes to lights. An easy species to identify. This cricket has the following identifying characters: tegmen
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus nillanilla,adult
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) nillanila.
nillanilla Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) nilanilla,adult male,
dark morph.
This cricket appears to be undescribed but
may be part of a complex of species currently regarded as 'nillanilla?. Further workis required to understand the relations
of this taxon.
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus)near nillanilla
is a member of the NE Coastal Community,
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) nillanilla,adult male.
Head, frons.
Body length (head to tip of wings): males 22.0-25.0 mm; females(to tip of
ovipositor) 28.0-32.0 mm. Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) nillanilla is a Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) near nillanilla, adult
member of the NE Coastal Community, female,head,pronotum.
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus)near niania,adult female.Dorsal view head (left);frons(right).
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) near nillanilla, female
at rest on underside of leaf.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)) near nillanilla.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) tindalei
(Otte & Alexander)
TINDALE'S ARBOREAL BUSH CRICKET This species could be confused with H. (M.)
nillanilla. A check of the dorsal surface of the hind femur will reveal that this species lacks the dorsal spots distinctive of H. (M.)
nillanilla. In addition, Tindale's Arboreal
Bush Cricket has the frons with only a few black spots, the subcostal vein on the male
tegmen with 4-6 branching points and the dorsal surface of the tegmen with fewer than 10 major longitudinal veins; the Cu, vein Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) near nillanilla, adult female,subgenital plate (top);ovipositor
lateral view (bottom).
alternates pale and dark. This species is also
attracted to lights and probably spends the
day in tees.
TRIBE PoDosCIRTINI Body length:(head to tip of wings) ovipositor)29.0-32.0 mm;ovipositor 12.5-
males 20.0-21.0 mm; females(to tip of 13.5 mm.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) tindalei,adult male abroad at night on Xanthorrhoea.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) tindalei, adult female,
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) tindalei, adult male,
dark morph.
dark morph.
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus) tindalei, head left); adult male,frons(right).Note absence of spots.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) tindalei, male subgenital plate, ventral view;male genitalia.
Two of the 3 species occur in the southern interior;the other is found on the east coast of Queensland and in the coast north of
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) brunneo- variegatus (Chopard)
This species is so different from others in the subgenus that it would not be surprising if it were eventually moved to another Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) tindalei.
genus. Unlike others in the subgenus, it has
many distinctive characters. Its large size H. (M.) tindalei is a member of the NE and dark grey body colour are unique. The Coastal Community, Qld, and the N Gulf pronotum when viewed in lateral profile has a step-like shelf beyond the middle. The Community, NT.
The Warringus Group
head has a broad black band extending
across thelower half of the frons.The top of Three species are included in this group. the head bears 2 prominent tubercles. This The Cu,vein of the tegmen is not pale but cricket is a frequent visitor to light sheets. It grey or grey brown throughout. Most longitudinal veins are irregular and elongate. The pronotal disk is peculiar in
lives in trees and spends the day concealed in deep bark cracks.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
that it is concave or bears a transverse step. males 30.0-35.0mm; females 35.0 mm;
ovipositor 17.0 mm.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) brunneovariegatus,
adult female abroad at night.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) brunneovariegatus,
adult male.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) brunneovariegatus,
adult male, frons. Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) brunneovariegatus, adult
female, head, pronotum. Note profile of pronotum
and hairy surface of head and pronotum.
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus) brunneovariegatus,adult male.Note pattern of stripes on hind femur (top);subgenital plate,lateral view (bottom left); male genitalia, lateral view (bottom right).
Body length (head to tip of wings): males 27.0-28.0 mm; females 34.0-35.0
mm; ovipositor 14.0 mm.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)quinnia is a
member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld, the Murray-Darling Basin
Community, NSW, and the NW Coastal
Community, WA.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)brunneovariegatus.
H.(M.)brunneovariegatus is a member
of the NE Coastal Community,Qld,and the
NN Coastal Community, NT. Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) quinnia (Otte & Alexander)
QUINNIA ARBOREAL CRICKET Related to H.(M.)brunneovariegatus,this
cricket has the frons lacking the strong transverse black bands and the vertex of the head without the prominent tubercles characteristic of its relative. The surface of
the pronotum is not as strongly concave as it is in H. (M.) brunneovariegatus.
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)quinnia,adult male. Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)quinnia,adult male.
TRIBE PODOsSCIRTINI mutus and tacitus).Since much of Norfolk
has been destroyed by clearing for agriculture and development, more species may have occurred on Norfolk Island in the past. On the other hand, Lord Howe Island has undergone much less clearing and change due to development. Perhaps this accounts for more species having been
collected there.
Insulascirtus christiani Otte and
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) quinnia.
Genus Insulascirtus Otte and Rentz
A dark brown species with adult males
more than 25 mm and females more than 28 mm in length. The ovipositor is slightly Insulascirtus species occur both on Lord (Island Short-winged Crickets)
Howe and Norfolk islands, South Pacific. shorter than the length of the hind femur.
The genus is related to several New Caledonia This is the less common of the 2 species
found on Norfolk. It lives both on the genera which are long-winged. All f Insulascirtus species appear to be winglessground and in litter accumulated in palm but both sexes have minute tegmina, often leaf axils, together with individuals of I. completely concealed by the pronotum.nythos.
Insulascirtus has speciated on Lord Howe and Norfolk islands, but Insulascirtus is absent from both the Australian mainland
Body length: males 27.0 mm; females
28.0-32.0 mm.
and New Zealand. Otte and Rentz(1985) Insulascirtus nythos Otte and Rentz hypothesised that the genus probably NYTHOS SHORT-WINGED ISLAND originated and diversified along the Inner CRICKET Melanesian Arc with the major radiation A relatively small, light brown,shiny cricket
taking place in the New Caledonia area. with adult males less than 24 mm and
Perhaps the ancestors of Insulascirtusflew to femalesless than 26 mm in bodylength.The Lord Howe and Norfolk or rafted there as nymphs of this species are grey or dark eggs. Either mode is possible. If the flying brown with the distinctive brown adult
option, then it might have occurred when colour coming after the final moult. The
there were more 'stepping stone islands ovipositor is slightly longer than the length between New Caledonia and Norfolk and of the hind femur. This species lives mostly
Lord Howe islands.
off the ground in dead banana leaves where
Two Insulascirtus species have been the nymphs seem to be gregarious. Females
found on Norfolk(christiani and nythos) have been observed ovipositing in broken
and 5 on Lord Howe(alogus,akytos,ellops, anddeadleaves ofbanana.Thisis an example
/nsulascirtus nythos, adult male.
Insulascirtus nythos, adult female.
ofa native species adaptingto an introduced Insulascirtus aklytos Otte and Rentz
plant and surviving or, perhaps, thriving. BANDED SHORT-WINGED ISLAND CRICKET
Body length: males 19.0-22.0 mm; Hind tibia with only 1inner and 1 outer
females 21.0-23.0 mm.
subapical spur and with 6 or fewer inner
and outer tibial spines. Hind tibia not
noticeably flattened between the spines;
Insulascirtus aklytos, adult female.
TRIBE PODOSCIRTINI length of spines mostly greater than species,in that the shape of the hind tibia
distance between them. The tegmina of is broad along the posterior margin to the the female are pad-like and ~1/8 the extent that the distance between the spines length of the pronotum. This species couldis greater than the length of a spine. be confused with I. tacitus Otte and Rentz Body length: males 26 mm; females (not included here)but differs in that
21.0 mm.
/nsulascirtus ellops, adult male in resting posture.
Insulascirtus ellops, adult female in resting posture.
Insulascirtus ellops, courting pair.
Insulascirtus ellops Otte and Rentz ELLOPS SHORT-WINGED ISLAND CRICKET An elongate, dark brown species with
contrasting yellow patches along the sides of the body and on the entire ventral surface. Both sexes have yellow eyes in life. Males havea peculiar crescentic white patch on the dorsal surface near the tip of the abdomen that has been observed to secrete asubstance duringcourtship.This species is Insulascirtus mutus,adult male on palm frond unique in having more spines and spurs on in rain. Photo:I Hutton. the hind tibia than any other. There may be up to 20 spines above and between the spurs
on the dorsal margin of the hind tibia.
Body length: males 16.0 mm; females
17.5 mm.
Insulascirtus mutus Otte and Rentz BLACK-EYED SHORT-WINGED ISLAND
A large species with 3 or more subapical
spurs on both sides of the dorsal surface of Insulascirtus mutus, subadult female in n defensive posture. Photo:IHutton. the hind tibia and with7 or more spines on
each side.The body colour is greyish brown and not shiny. The top of the head has
poorly defined lines. The tegmen is a and light spots.In adults the apex of the completely hidden beneath the pronotum. abdomen is black. This species is most Each abdominal tergite has a row of dark closely related to both I. nythos and I.
christiani, which occur on Norfolk Island.
Body length: males 31.0 mm; females
30.0 mm.
Insulascirtus tacitus Otte and Rentz GIANT SHORT-WINGED ISLAND CRICKET
This large brown cricket is distinctive in having only 4 inner and 4 outer subapical spurs on the hind tibia with the distance between the spines greater than the length of the spines themselves. The colour is dark
Insulascirtus mutus,adult male at night on palm frond. Photo:I Hutton.
brown with yellow eyes and yellow patches
on the sides of the lst abdominal segment.
Insulascirtus tacitus, adult female. Photo:1Hutton. The entire ventral surface is bright yellow. disturbed. The fore tibia has 2 and the The ovipositor is only about three-quarters middle tibiae have 3 apical spurs.
the length of the hind tibia.
Genus Adenopterus Chopard
Adenopterus norfolkensis Chopard NORFOLK ISLAND CRICKET
This genus is known from Norfolk Island, Body colour somewhat variable, but often New Caledonia and the Loyalty Islands with pink or reddish pigmentation on the
where nearly 30 species have been head.Both sexes are fully winged.The head described.A single distinctive and colourful bears 3 ocelli and the occiput usually has 6 nocturnal species is common on Norfolk longitudinalstripes on a brown background.
Island. Adenopterus is a genus of silent Males have a peculiar venation of the
species; males lack a stridulatory vein, but tegmen in which the R and M veins produce auditory tympana are present on the fore apocket along the margin ofthe dorsalfield
tibiae. This suggests that the ability to which contains a dense clothing of fine produce calls was lost relatively recently. hairs. This pocket can be filled with a white
Adults are capable of flight and do so when gelatinous substance. This cricket is most
Adenopterus norfokensis, adult female abroad at night.
common on Mt Pitt where it lives in the Genus Pentacentrus de Saussure dead and drying leaves of banana during (Silent Dwarf Crickets) the day. The crickets can also be found Two species are known both from
under similar situations in garden plants, northern Australia on both sides of the such as tree ferns and cordylines. The continent. They are largely dark brown
crickets appear to be true scavengers in that t and fairly slow moving, and have a dorso- they feed on floral parts, including petals ventrally flattened appearance. This
and seeds, as well as bird droppings. distinguishes them in the field from the Females oviposit in dead twigs.
more erratic trigonidiines (p. 284)which
Body length: males 10.0-11.0 mm;they superficially resemble. They might
females l11.0-12.0 mm; ovipositor 9.5 mm. be confused with some species of Subfamily Pentacentrinae (Silent Litter Crickets)
Amusurgus, for example (p. 287). The 2
species are very similar in appearance and it seems they can be distinguished only on
The Pentacentrinae comprises more than the basis of the male genitalia (Fig.17).
40 species world-wide. Pentacentrus is the The Australian pentacentrines have been largest genus with ̄25 species and it is the largely collected at lights from very only representative of the subfamily known different habitats. Our examples are from
to occur in Australia. Two species have the rainforests of northern Queensland. been described from Australia, 1 from the We have example of an undescribed anda Northern Territory, the other from short-winged morph that may be either a northern Queensland as well as the
Northern Territory. Little is known of the biology of these crickets because they seem to be rare and have been found mostly by
being attracted to lights. The 2 species have been distinguished by very minute differences in the male genitalia.
Pentacentrines are small crickets, easily mistaken as Pygmy Crickets (Nemobiinae).
They are flat-headed with the antennal insertions appearinglow on the head. Both sexes are long-winged with the tegmina extending to the tip of the abdomen with
the hind wings well beyond that. The inner
tympanum islarge and theoutertympanum
Fig.17.(A)Pentacentrus profile.(B)P. kakira,
without any visible branching points and males lack a stridulatory vein. The hind
(E)P. kakira left hind leg; (F)P.kakira.(G-K)
is lacking. The Sc vein of the tegmen is Locherbie;((C), (D)2 views of P velutinus frons; Male genitalia:(G) P venutinus; (H) Pkakira,
Dorisvale Homestead,NT;(I) Open;(J)P. kakira,Locherbie, Qld;(K)P. kakira, Cobourg
legs bear a row of small spines at the base Peninsula, NT. Modifiedfrom Otte and Alexander(1983),
above the spurs on each side.
with permission.
distinct species or a short-winged morph very similar to those of the other species,
of a described species. More collecting is P.kakirra.The only differences seem to be
in the length of the main stem of the male
Pentacentrus velutinus Chopard
been found from several localities in the
phallus (Fig. 17G, H). This species has
TERRITORY SILENT DWARF CRICKET Northern Territory and Western We have not collected this species butAustralia. specimens in the ANIC collection are Body length: both sexes 10.0 mm.
P. velutinus is a member of the N Gulf and N Coastal Communities, NT, and the
NW Coastal Community, WA.
Pentacentrus kakirra Otte &
Alexander SHORT-HORNED DWARF CRICKET Named with reference to the short stem of the male phallus (Fig. 17J, K). Colour
morph similar to that of Amusurgus tinka (p. 289)but much more flattened in
appearance.P. kakira has been attracted to
lights in the Daintree region of Cape York. It has also been observed on leaf surfaces after dark. Specimens have been taken in pitfall traps, suggesting they live in leaf
P velutinus,adult male.Modified from otteand Alexander (1983), with permission.
litter Body length: both sexes ~10.0 mm; ovipositor 2.7 mm. P. kakirra is a member of the N Gulf
Community, NT and Qld, and the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Pentacentrus sp. nov. 1
This cricket is a raremember of the Daintree
Rainforest biota.It seems to occur on low
shrubbery after dark. It may spend the
daylight hours in leaflitter.
Body length: males 10.0 mm. This species is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld. Pentacentrus velutinus.
Pentacentrus sp. nov. 1.
Pentacentrus sp. 2 This peculiar cricket is a short-winged
example but of which Pentacentrus species Pentacentrus sp.nov.1,adult male at light sheet.
we do not know.
Pentacentrus sp.2,adult male. Photo: S and A Pearson.
Pentacentrus sp.2.
Subfamily Euscyrtinae (Slender
are well suited for their habit of living in
Grass Crickets)
slender grasses. These crickets are also
This group of 5 genera was treated as the distinctive in having a gradually tapering Euscyrtus Genus Group'in Alexander and ovipositor that is unarmed. The claws are Otte.It has been accorded subfamily status. serrated in all but 2 genera: Turana and
Tozeria. This supposedly aids in One genus has undergone a name change: Patiscus is now Beybienkoana. The other maintaining stability on grass stems. The
generaremain the same.Theyare all similar tegmina may be present or absent
to theextent that they are very slender and depending upon the genus. Only I genus,
Fig.18. Heads of some Australian Euscyrtinae.(A)Euscyrtus hemelytrus female;(B)Merrinella
winunga female;(C)M.elinya(holotype);(D)M.tandanya male;(E)Turanapankurla(holotype);(F)
T.aminya(holotype);(G)T.kiwani(holotype);(H)Tozeria muwitiwallina female.Modifiedfrom otteand Alexander (1983), with permission.
Merrinella,has a stridulatory vein on the Genus Beybienkoana Gorochov
male tegmen. The others either lack it or (Bey-Bienko's Grass Cricket) are wingless. Tibial auditory tympana are Gorochov(1988)transferred Patiscus to his
absent in all genera that lack tegmina, but new genus,Beybienkoana.As it stands now,
some species with tegmina may also lack Beybienkoana is primarily a south-east
tibial auditory tympana.All species in this Asian and Pacific genusincluding 15 species group are reluctant to fly when disturbed. with a single species recorded from Angola, Instead they extend their legs and cling Africa. tightly to the grass stem on which they
perch.Some examples of this subfamily are Beybienkoana australica (Chopard)
present in all states except South Australia NORTH COASTAL GRASS CRICKET and Tasmania.Merrinella would be Both sexes appear similar in appearance.
expected in Tasmania.
The body is pale yellow with a brown
o P
Fig.19. Male genitalia of Euscytine species. ((A) Turana aminya (holotype); (B) T.pankurla (holotype);(C)Tozeria muwitiwallina (holotype);(D) Euscyrtus hemelytrus; (E) Merrinella tandanya
(holotype);(F)M.winnunga (holotype);(G) Beybienkoana australicus;(H) Patiscus australicus hind
tibia, internal view; (I)Vacant; (J)Patiscus australicus hind tibia, outer view; (K) E.hemelytrus, tip
of female abdomen, lateral view; (L) M.elinya, tip of female abdomen, lateral view (holotype);
(M)M.tandanya, tip of female abdomen, lateral view; (N) M. tandanya tegmen (holotype); (O) B. australicus, serrated claw;(P) E.hemelytrus, ovipositor.Modified from Otteand Alexander(1983),with permission.
stripe running down each side. The head a apex of the abdomen. Cerci are pale and is flat with the frontal ridge about half as broad at base. broad as the antennal scape. The disk of This is a common cricket in the the pronotum is yellow brown and the preferred habitat. It frequents tall grasses, lateral lobes have a reddish brown band especially habitats where there is some along the dorsal half. The fore and moisture. It often occurs with Euscyrtus
middle legs are yellowish brown. The hemelytrus,a species that lives in the same
hind tibia has 6 outer and 1l inner habitat.
subapical spurs. There are no spines Body length: 12.0-14.0 mm; females between the last 4 outer and last 6 inner 12.0-15.0 mm; ovipositor 12.0-15.0 mm. spurs. The tegmina reach the 2nd last B. australica is a member of the NE tergite; the wings extend well beyond the Coastal Community, Qld.
Beybienkoana australica, adult male.
Beybienkoana australica,adult female on grass Beybienkoana australica. blade at night.
Beybienkoanaaustralica,adult female (left);dorsalview head and pronotum(right.
k3书管考 Beybienkoanaaustralica,adult male,dorsal view tip of abdomen (left); malegenitalia(right).
Genus Euscyrtus Guérin-Menéville (Grass Crickets)
green grasses, often along streams. It is often found with other members of the
This pan-tropical genus includes 21 species subfamily, such as Beybienkoana australica that have been placed in 2 subgenera. Both (p. 193), and with the similarly elongate
sexes have tegmina and the male tegmen lacks a stridulatory vein. The fore tibia has an anterior tympanum and a much smaller posterior one. Both macropterous and macropterous individuals can be found at
the same locality, and the posterior auditory tympanum can be greatly reduced in
macropterous specimens. The genus is represented along the eastern coast ofnorth tropical Queensland. Subgenera have been Euscyrtus (Euscyrtus) hemelytrus,adult male. named. Only the nominate subgenus is
known from Australia.
Euscyrtus (Euscyrtus) hemelytrus
This species has a broad distribution stretching from northern India through to Malaysia and Indonesia and northern Australia. It can be very common in the right situations. The crickets prefer tall,
Euscyrtus (Euscyrtus) hemelytrus,male,late instar.
Euscyrtus(Euscyrtus)hemelytrus,adult female abroad at night onXanthorrhoea.
Euscyrtus (Euscyrtus) hemelytrus, adult female, dorsal view head, pronotum and tegmina (top);
male tarsus (bottom).
Euscyrtus (Euscyrtus) hemelytrus, adult female.
Genus Merrinella Otte & Alexander (Short-winged Grass Crickets)
This genus is known from 3 very disjunct species. M. winnunga is the northern
representative, being known only from Arnhem Land, NT. The other 2 have a south-coastal distribution. M. elinya is known from a single locality in Cooloola National Park, Qld. M. tandanya is
primarily coastal in New South Wales and
Victoria. Euscyrtus (Euscyrtus) hemelytrus.
Merrinella tandanya Otte &
Aphonoides angustissimus (p. 131), but Alexander E.hemelytrus is always the more common. SOUTHERN SHORT-WINGED GRASS
CRICKET The tegmen and hind wing lengths are
variable and the latter can sometimes be Both sexes are short-winged; the male absent. There is also agreat dealof variation possesses a stridulatory file. The fore tibia in the presenceand size ofthe tibialauditorybears an auditory foramen on both sides.
tympana. The claws are serrated.
Lives in grassy areas often adjacent to
10.0-11.0 mm.
grassy habitats created by clearings for
Coastal Community Qld.
the south coast and considerably inland
S1 forests. This species can be found in the Body length: males 10.5 mm; females
E. hemelytrus is a member of the NE powerlines and fire trails. It occurs along
Merrinella tandanya, adult male.
Merrinellatandanya,adult male (left); head, pronotum,tegmina(right).
where suitable habitats are found. It is to be
looked for in Tasmania.
Body length: males 8.0-12 mm; females
10-12.0 mm;ovipositor 8.7-9.7 mm.
M.tandanya is a member of the SE and
the NE Coastal Communities,NSW, Vic. Merrinella tandanya, adult female.
Genus Tozeria Otte & Alexander (Iron Range Short-winged Grass Crickets)
Tozeria muwitiwallina Otte &
Tozeria is known from a single species
Merrinella tandanya.
from far north Queensland. Both sexes bear tegmina but without a stridulatory file. The fore tibiae do not bear auditory tympana. The claws are not serrated and
the head and pronotum do not have
Tozeria muwitiwallina,adult male (top)and female(bottom.
al longer than the length of the body and strongly contrasting stripes. The lateral lobes of the pronotum are pale in the somewhat dorso-ventrally flattened. ventral half. The tegmina small and ovoid Occurs in grassy areas along the coast well being about as long as the pronotum and back from the high water line. they do not overlap. The fore and middle Body length: males 13.0 mm; females legs appear very small with the tarsi about
13.3 mm; ovipositor 17.5 mm.
T. muwitiwallina is a member of the NE as long as the tibiae. The hind tibia usually has 9 inner and 6 outer subapical spurs Coastal Community, Qld. with the outer apicalspurs short and nearly
equal in length. The ovipositor is slightly Genus Turana Otte & Alexander (Wingless Grass Crickets)
Turanais known from3 species and appears to be most closely related to Merrinella on the basis of the structure of the male genitalia. In additional to being wingless, the claws arenot serrated and the fore tibiae lack auditory tympana. The fore tibia is shorter than the length of the pronotum. The hind tibia bears 9-12 outer and 6-10
inner subapical spurs.
All Turana species are members of the
Tozeria muwitiwallina.
NW and NW Gulf Communities, Qld,NT
and WA.
Adult Turana pankurla male (top) and female (bottom).
Turana pankurla.
Subfamily Eneopterinae the scheme of things. There may be further This subfamily has had a complex subdivision of these groups as research
taxonomic history. Presently, it is a rather proceeds.For example, based on the restricted group in Australia with several structure of the male genitalia, theevidence tribes previously included in the suggests that Lebinthus miripara,Salmanites
Eneopterinae placed in other subfamilies. obscurifrons,Eurepella budyara and E.
The Eneopterinae isrepresented in Australia tumbiumbia are more closely related than
by 2 tribes containing 72 species.
presently understood and probably should
Eneopterines are small to moderately be placed togetherin lgenus.Thisillustrates
large crickets, usually brown or greyish the range of taxonomic problems that still
brown.They are often found on the ground exist in the Grylloidea.This situation is not or on leaf surfaces after dark where they unusual with the Australia insect fauna. graze on particulate matter that has fallen Virtually any group of orthopteroids that is
upon the leaves.Identifying characters studied in detail results in the discovery of
include the head rounded and without very complex patterns of speciation and dorsal bristles. The hind tibiae usually have relationship.Weare presenting these groups
spines between most spurs.The fore and as they are today in hope that it will middle tibiae are not strongly banded and stimulate further, extensive study in these
the middle tarsi have the 2nd segment groups.We have made no major changes in
flattened with a prominent adhesive pad. this book. Females may be winged or wingless depending upon the species.
Tribe Eurepini
The tribes are in a bit of taxonomic flux This tribe currently contains the 'Eurepa
and further changes can be expected Genus Group'and the 'Eurepella Genus because several genus groups'are included Group. The tribe is recognised by the outer in the tribes. This suggests that there is apical spur of the hind tibia being more
uncertainty as to where these groups fit in than 2 times as long as the adjacent spur 201
and, in addition, it is longer than the with cup-like parameres on the epiphallus subapical spurs. There are 4 inner and 4 (Fig. 20). The main stem of the phallus is
outer subapical spurs. The posterior usually clothed in setae.The surface of the tympanum of the fore tibia is large and the head usually has some brown bands with 4 anterior one may be absent or reduced to adarkbands between the eves.The pronotum
tiny slit. Males have a stridulatory file and is broader thanlong in both sexes.The male
the mirror of the tegmen is divided by 2 t tegmina are more than 3 times as long as the pronotum; female tegmina shorter than veins. length of the pronotum. The length of the mirror on the male tegmen is about equal to Genus Arilpa Otte & Alexander its width. (Arilpas) Arilpa is known from 7 species, all from Our example is from the Moonagin
Hills, WA. We are identifying it as A. allara
Western Australia. All are small crickets, ]
usually 15.0 mm or less. They inhabit rocky Otte & Alexander, but further material is
or gravelly soil and are often associated with necessaryto substantiatethisidentification. spinifex communities. Males are distinctive
A愈8 理.引 用月宜及 Fig.20.Male genitalia of some Arilpa species.(A)A.panaroo;(B)A.panaroovariant;(C)A.gidya;
(D)A. wirilla;(E)A.pitanae;(F)A.milkappa.Modified from Otteand Alexander(1983),with permission.
Arilpa allara Otte & Alexander GERALDTON ARILPA
~1.6 times the length of the pronotum. Ovipositor about as long as hind femur.
This species is similar to A.warilla but the This species has been found among grasses
latter is known from localities to the north in woodlands. The song is unknown. of A.allara. The frons has a broad brown Body length: males 12.0 mm; females vertical stripe which forks on the clypeus. The side of the head bears a large brown
14.0 mm; ovipositor 9.0 mm.
A.allara is a member of the N Coastal
patch behind the eye. The hind femur bearsCommunity, WA.
a row of brown spots on the internal surface
below bottom ridge and another row with Genus Eurepa Walker (Long-tailed Crickets) more spots just above it. The dorsal surface of the abdomen bears a narrow brown Eurepa is an Australian endemic genus
stripe with a thinner white stripe running comprising 10 species. The identity of 1
down the middle with the last 2 segmentsspecies in doubt. Eurepa is found in some with brown patches on each side of the of the driest areas of the southern portion median band. Females have the tegminaof the continent. The crickets get their
common name from the very long cerci possessed by both sexes. Eurepa is easily confused with several other genera in the
tribe, most importantly with Myara(see p. 211). But males are easily separated by
the presence of large flange-like processes (parameres) of the phallus of all Eurepa
species. These can be seen without having to dissect the specimen. The key should be
Arilpa allara,adult male. Photo:Dknowles.
used as a first step leading to the identity of the genera in this tribe. Additionally, Eurepa males have the mirror of the tegmen longer than broad and the fore tibia with only a posterior tympanum. The top of the clypeus extends almost to the plane of the antennae. Four species groups
were defined based mainly on habitat
Marginipennis Group (bark and stem
Nurndina Group (bark and stem species).
Wirkutta Group (grass-clump species).
Woortoora Group(grass-clump species).
The Marginipennis Group
milky streak between M and R veins; the Sc
This group is characterised by the fastigiumand R veins are pale of yellow; the tegmina of the vertex being wider than the scape. are laterally black below the R vein.Dorsal
The clypeus is spotted but does not extend surface of abdomen black.
to the top of the head. The body colour is reddish brown with distinct pale bands Eurepa marginipennis(White) along the lateral margins of the dorsal field d SOUTHERN LONGTAIL
beginning on the pronotum and extendingg Fairly easy to separate from other species
onto the tegmina. The surface of the with thecombination ofthe frontal fastigium
H, being ~1.3 times as wide as the antennal pronotum is brown and irregularly speckled, but pale laterally; the lateral lobes are pale scape and the tegmen being 2.3 times as long
dorsally, but black ventrally. Tegmina with a as wide and the mirror length ̄1.4 times its
Eurepamarginipennis, stridulating male on Banksiamenziesi at night near East Cannington,WA. Photo: S Mawson.
Eurepamarginipennis,adult female.Queens Park,Perth, WA.Photo:SMawson.
Eurepa marginipennis, adult male.
Eurepa marginipennis, adult female. Males sing from ~l m from the ground, often partially concealed by a piece of bark. Singing males are extremely wary and
should be approached with caution. Body length: both sexes 11.0 mm; cerci
15.0 mm; ovipositor 16.0-35.0 mm.
E. marginipennis is a member of the Murray-Darling Basin Community, NSW
and SA, the Gulf and W Plateau
Eurepa marginipennis, late instar female.
Communities, SA, and the NW Coastal, SW Coastal and W Plateau Communities, WA. We conclude that a complex of related
width. This species shows considerable species exists, now considered to be under variation across its broad range. This is the name'marginipennis. The calling songs especially true ofthelengthof theovipositors and differences in the male genitalia suggest
of females.This species lives on small trees.this. This complex of species is widespread
WA 的行u的.ws..m..b..u.imf制的1M65M44155tssMo野94MI54M特睡f
ACT NSw Eurepa marginipennis, calling song, Dalwallinu, WA; Black Mountain, ACT; Round Hill, NSW.
Eurepa marginipennis. over the southern and western portions of
the continent. We present a few disparate
Eurepa sp.near marginipennis,adult male;
male genitalia-note ventralflanges.
Eurepa sp.near marginipennis (White)
It resembles E.marginipennis but differs in
the morphology ofthe male genitaliaand its
callin song.
Eurepa sp.near marginipennis, late instar
female nymph.
Eurepasp.near marginipennis,adult female. 电
Eurepa sp.near marginipennis,calling song. 206
Eurepa sp.near marginipennis.
TRIBE EUREPINi Genus Eurepella Otte & Alexanderin suitable habitats. Males sing from grass Eurepella is a large genus of 21 known stems, often from the tops of spinifex
species that are associated with grasses. The clumps where they hide during the day. genus occurs broadly across the continent Chacteristics of Eurepella are shown in Figs
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Fig.21. Some male genitalia of Eurepella species, each at various angles. (A) E.guarriana; (B) E. wanga;(C)E.waninga; (D) E.mjobergi;(E)E.kulkawirra; (F) E.meda; (G) E. ballina; (H) E.narranda; ()
vacant;(J)E.lewara; (K) E. nakkara; (L)E.tumbiumba;(M) E. budyara.Modified from otte and Alexander(983)
with permission.
X. Fig.22. Some malegenitalia of Eurepella species,each at various angles.(A)E.oana;(B)E.moojera;
(C) E.tinga; (D)E.jllangolo;(E)E.iando.Modified from otte and Alexander(1983),with permission.
21, 22 and 23.A few of the important width of the head being less than twice as characters include the mirror of the male long as the pronotum. The tegmina of
tegmen being wider than long, and the females are longer than the length of the
Fig.23. Left male tegmina of some Eurepella species.(A)E.quarriana;(B)E.tinga;(F)E.tumbiumba;
(D) E. budyara. Modified from Otte and Alexander (1983), with permission.
pronotum but not reaching much beyond the middle of the abdomen. The ovipositor is slightly longer or slightly less than the length of the hind femur. We suspect that each species may represent a complex of related species. Further work is needed in Eurepella. The genus has been divided into 3
species groups defined as follows.
The Quarriana Group
Male epiphallus bearing thin pale setae.
Dorsal surface of abdomen with
distinct longitudinal dark bands or
entirely pale.
Fore and middle legs usually pale not spotted or banded.
The Bundyara Group
Male epiphallus different from other
groups, with thin setae. Dorsal surface of abdomen dark brown
or black or densely mottled.
Fore and middle legs mostly black,
tibiae banded; hind femur with a
broad black band along the outer upper surface.
Frons entirely black.
Eurepella quarriana Otte& Alexan- der species complex
We have discovered several species that are
members of the Quarriana Group but they
Frons pale often brown spotted. The Moojera Group
Male epiphallus with dense black setae.
Dorsal surface of abdomen entirely dark brown or black of highly
Fore and middlelegs with dark brown or black spots. Frons and clypeus brown spotted.
Eurepellaquarriana,Mt Dare,NT#1,adult male.
Eurepella quarrana,Mt Dare,NT#1,calling song.
Eurepella quariana, Mt Dare,NT #1.
Eurepellaquarriana,Mt Dare,NT#1,adult male.
Note head, pronotum, tegmina.
Eurepella quarriana,Mt Dare,NT#2,adult male. Eurepella quarriana,Mt Dare,NT#2,adult male. Head, pronotum, tegmen.
Eurepella quarriana, Mt Dare, NT #2, calling song.
Eurepella quarriana, Mt Dare, NT #2, adult
female, dark morph.
Eurepella quarriana, Mt Dare, NT #2.
are undescribed. This suggests that this locality. Some species commence singing
species group could be quite large. Our well before dark. examples from the Mt Dare region, western
Thirteen species have been described
edge of the Simpson Desert, SA and NT, and they are placed in 3 species groups. reveal 2 sympatric species are present.
Genus Myara Otte & Alexander (Meteor Crickets)
Myara is wholly confined to the Australian continent with the distinctive species inhabiting stems and bark of trees. The group has an appropriate common name based on the behaviour of the crickets- they are very quick to escape. The genus is similar in overall appearance to Eurepa but
can be easily identified by examining the male concealed genitalia.In Myara the ectoparameres lack downwards projecting
flanges. The biology and ecology of the 2 genera are similar. The crickets inhabit
trees and live in bark crevices or under loose bark. Males are vocal and a given species may be common at a suitable
They are readily distinguished by features of
the head and tegminal (Figs 24, 25).
Unicolor Group
Frons, especially the clypeus, strongly spotted less so in M.unicolor).
Clypeus extending onto the top of the
Tegmen lacking lateral pale stripes. The area between the R and M veins in males and between the Sc and R
veins in females dark.
Sordida Group
Frons with broad dark bands. Clypeus
not strongly spotted.
Clypeus not reaching top of head.
Tegmen with pale lateral stripes. Area between R and M veins in males and
Sc and R veins in females pale brown
or yellow.
Fig.24. Males unless otherwise stated. (A) M.pakaria female;(B)) M. sordida female;(C) M. muttaburra;
(D)M.yabmanna; (E)M.wintrena female;(F)M. warratinna; (G)M.erola;(H)M.merimbula;(l)Vacant; (J)M. mabanuria; (K)M. yurgama;(L)M.aperta;(M) M.unicolor;(N) M. pakaria; (O) M.wintrena; (P) M.unicolor;
(Q) M.aperta middle leg,anterior surface;(R)) M.aperta left hind femur; (S)M.merimbula left hind femur; (T) M. mabanuria left hind femur. Modifiedfrom Otte and Alexander(1983),with permisson.
NM Fig.25. Male genitalia of Myara species.Dorsal, ventral, lateral views, vertically arranged.(A) M. unicolor; (B) M.vurgama;(C) M. merimbula; (D) M.aperta;(E)M.sordida;(F)M.sordida; (G M.pakarig;(H) M.wintrena
(l) Vacant; J) M. yabmanna; (K) M. warratinna.Modife from otte and Alexander(1983),with permisson.
Pakaria Group
bythe following: the clypeus is not especially
Frons with broad dark bands. Clypeus produced forwards. The head, pronotum not strongly spotted. and ventral surface of the antennalscape are Clypeus not reaching top of head.
Tegmen without pale lateral stripes.
Unicolor Group
Member of this group are mostly from the southern portion of the continent. Myara unicolor (Chopard)
This widespread cricket can be found after
black. The ovipositor is less than 3.5 times the length of the hind femur.
M. unicolor is a member of the SW
Coastal and W Plateau Communities.
Sordida Group
The 5 known members of this group are
distributed across the top half of the
darksinging from thebases of Mulga(Acacia Myara wintrena Otte & Alexander aneura).The Southern Meteor Cricket is WINTRENA METEOR CRICKET
rather easily recognised.It is a dark species. This is a very common cricket where it
In addition to the characters listed for the occurs.It can be found in avariety of shrubs
Unicolor Group, this cricket can be identifiedand trees. Males commence singing in the
Myara unicolor, adult male. Note similarity to
M. muttabrra.
Myara unicolor.
Myara wintrena, adult male showing head,
pronotum, tegmen.
Myara wintrena, adult male singing at night in Myara wintrena, adult female abroad at night.
low shrub.
Myara wintrena,adult female frons(left); ovipositor (top right);left hind tarsus(bottom right).
move to a more prominent perch where they
broadcast their persistent calls. They are
rarely attracted to light.
This species is easily recognised with the bright yellow chordal area. The frons is distinctive and the male genitalia should
Myara wintrena, adult female, lateral view.
serve to identify the species. The male
calling song is also distinctive and can be
late afternoon during the wet season and recognised from a distance of many metres. Nymphs are common on tree trunks continue until about mid evening (2000).
Afterdark,singingmales areeasyto approach after dark. Young nymphs are pale and with
y a dark spot in the centre of the lst and with a little stealth can be captured by net.Theyseem to prefer singingfrom clumps abdominal tergite.
M. wintrena is a member of the NE ofleaves or from twigs at the base of a group of leaves. As the evening proceeds,the males Coastal Community, Qld.
Myarawintrena,adult male.Ventral view subgenital plate(left);genitalia dorsalview(right).
Myara wintrena.
Myara wintrena, nymphs sheltering during the day in eucalypt bark crack.
Myara wintrena, calling song.
Pakaria Group
This group is known from 2 described species. It resembles the Unicolor Group in having the clypeus not spotted and not extending onto the dorsal part of the head.
Although the species lack the prominent yellow or creamish lateral bands on the
tegmen, the media vein and the subcostal veins are dull white. Occur on tree trunks or among dead twigs and branches on the ground. These Myara muttabura,adult male stridulating at
species could be devastated by uncontrolled night from dead tree 1.5 m from the ground.
wildfires. Both species overlap in their distributions and could be expected to be
found together at some localities. Neither seem to be very common. Myara muttaburra Otte & Alexander DARK-FACED METEOR CRICKET
This species seems to prefer more arid habitats than M.wintrena, a more
common species that is almost sympatric
Myara muttabura, same male, head on.
withitoverpart ofits range.M.muttaburra was found singing in small numbers from scattered eucalypts and other small, shrubby trees on sparsely vegetated, rocky
soil.Males commence singing shortly before dark. Singing continues until mid
This isa fairly distinctive species with its
dark coloration and the white median vein
Myara muttaburra .出nl
Myara muttaburra, calling song.
TRIBE EUREPINi on of the male tegmen. The dorsal surface of the hind femur bears a row of elongate brownish spots. The ventral surface of the abdomen is dull yellow brown in life. The ovipositor is up to 1.8 times the length of
the hind femur.
M. muttaburra is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Myara pakaria, adult male.
Myara pakaria Otte & Alexander BRIGALOW METEOR CRICKET
This species seems to be the inland species have been described. All known
equivalent of M.muttaburra.It also prefers species are from the northern portion of arid habitats and lives on small trees or in the continent and most are tropical. These dead twigs and branches on the ground crickets live on the ground in leaf litter or underlargertrees.It shares thewhitemedian in grassy areas. At least 1 species occurs in vein with M. muttaburra of the male tegmen.coastal strand vegetation. These crickets The hind femur lacks the series ofcan be common, especially when nymphs brown spots on the dorsal surface. The are present. They are active during the day
ovipositor is only ̄1.5 times the length of but males commence singing shortly
the hind femur.
before dark and continue for a couple of
Coastal Community, Qld.
features distinguishing Salmanites are many. The dorsal demarcation of the
M. pakaria is a member of the NE hours thereafter.Then singing ceases.The
clypeus is positioned just below the
antennal sockets and does not extend to the top of the head. The frontal fastigium is twice as broad as the antennal scape (Fig.
26). The mirror of the male tegmen is
longer than wide and its harp has 3 or more
veins. The mirror can be completely
divided or with only a short vein protruding anteriorly from the dividing vein (Figs 27,28). Females are wingless in
Myara pakaria. Genus Salmanites Chopard (Lined Ground Crickets)
all but 2 species, S. iknurra and S.
obscurifrons. However, we have discovered minute tegmina on females of what we
believe is S. allaris. The 5th abdominal tergite is irregularly shaped and may
Salmanites is an endemic Australian genus i indicate that it is a glandular opening. A
of small flightless crickets. To date 15 dark central band extends from the
你@ Fig.27. Sa/manites.A-R Right male tegmina.S-X
dorsal surface female pronotums and abdomens. Some species repeated to illustrate variation. Fig.26. Salmanites.(A-N),Frons. (O-Y)lateral
pronotallobes, head toleft. (A) S.obscurifrons; (B)S.alta;(C) S.taltantris; (D) S.wittiliko; (E)S. wittilliko (holotype);(F)S.noccundris (holotype);
(G)S.terba(holotype);(H) S.allaris; ()Vacant;
(J)S.peekarra;(K)S.muralappi (holotype);(L) S.noonamina (holotype);(M) S.poene; (N)S.
ninbella (holotype); (O)S.peekarra(holotype);
(A)S.peekarra;(B) S.peekarra; (C)S.obscurifrons;
(D) S.noonamina; (E)S.wittlliko; (F)S.allaris;(G) S.wittllko;(H) S.wittliliko;() Vacant; (J)Vacant;
(K) S.terba;(L) S.ninbella;(M)S.noccundris; (N)
S.taltantris;(O) S.muralappi;(P)S.ninbella;(Q) S.
alta;(R)S.alta; (S)S.terba;(T)S.allaris;(U)S.alta; (V)S.wittilliko;(W) S.taltaris;(X) S.taltaris.Modifed from Otte and Alexander(1983),with permission.
(P) S.noccundris(holotype);(Q S.murralappi
(holotype);(R)S.alta; (S)S.terba(holotype); (T) S.taltantris(holotype);(U)S.poene (holotype); (V) S. wittlliko;(W)S.wittilliko; (X) S.noonamina (holotype); (Y)S.ninbella(holotype).Modified from Otte and Alexander (1983), with permission.
groups mostly based on features ofthe very
distinctive male genitalia. anterior margin of the pronotum to the tip of the abdomen in both sexes. Otte and
Alexander divided the genus into 4 species
The Wittllio Group
Epiphallus covered in thick black dorsal setae. Females wingless.
The Peekara Group
Epiphallus with thin,pale dorsal
Females wingless.
The Witilliko Group Salmanites wittlliko Otte & Alexander
The Ninblla Group
Easily recognised. This species has the
Epiphallus hairless dorsally.
Females wingless in many species but
minute tegmina in S. allaris.
The knurra Group
frons not black under the eyes (Fig.26E),
but usually with a dagger-like stripe that extends nearly to thelabrum. This can be
a rather broad blotch in some specimens
Males unknown!
(Fig. 26D). Pronotum with lateral lobes
Females with short tegmina.
with an irregular horizontal band in the
[.\0 /
Fig.28.Male genitalia of Salmanites species.(A)S.terba;(B))S.peekarra;(C)S.poene;(D)S.taltantris; (E) S.wittlliko;(F)S.wittllko;(G)S.noonamina;(H)S.noccundris;U)S.allaris; (K)S.ninbella;(L) S.obscurifrons;
(M) S.alta;(N)S.alta; (O) S.murralappi.Modified from Otteand Alexander(1983),with permission.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA dorsal half (Fig. 26V, W). Males with the
tegmen with the mirror not completely
divided. This species occurs in grassy areas along roadsides where it lives in leaf
litter. Singing can occur during the afternoon with the song described as a succession of rapidly delivered chirps
with a high pulse rate of 7-1l pulses per
chirp. S. witilliko is a member of the N Coastal
and NW Gulfs Communities, NT, and Lake
Salmanites witilliko, adult female.
Eyre Basin Community, Qld and NT.
Salmanites wiiliko,adult male.Dorsal view head,pronotum,tegmina(left);top of head (right).
Salmanites wittllio, adult male.
Salmanites witiliko.
Salmanites witiliko, nymph, last instar female.
Salmanites wittlliko, calling song. Mt Dare, SA.
Salmanites undescribed species Wittilliko Group PRETTY LINED GROUND CRICKET
The male genitalia are distinctive (Fig. 29).
Females have the ovipositor ~1.3-1.6 times length of hind femur. The cercus of both
This species has the frons notblack under the sexes is about aslong as the hind femur.
eyes but with an elongate, thin stripe ending on the labrum (Fig. 29). In both sexes the
Body length: both sexes 10.0-13.3 mm.
S. sp. is a member of the NE Coastal
cercus can beless than 1.2 times thelength of Community, Qld. the hind femur. The lateral lobes of the pronotum are usually dark brown but can
have pale areas in the ventral half (Fig. 29).
Salmanites undescribed species Witilliko Group, adult male. Note tawny colour.
Samanites undescribed species Witilliko Group,
adult male. Dorsal view head, pronotum,tegmina.
Fig.29.Salmanites undescribed species Witilliko Group,adult male,frons(left); male genitalia(right).
Note black spines.
Salmanites undescribed species Witilliko Group.
The Ninbella Group Salmanites allaris Otte & Alexander
Both sexes have the frons with a broad black band (Fig. 26H).The cercus ofboth sexes is
Salmanites undescribed species Witilliko Group, nymph, last instar male.
 ̄1.3 timeslength of hind femur. Males lack setae on the epiphallus(Fig. 28J). Females (Fig. 27T)with the ovipositor and cercus
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Sa/manites undescribed speciesWitiliko Group,calling song,male.Talaroo Station,Qld.
TRIBE EUREPINT about equal in length.In males the tegmen has the harp among 4veins. Both sexes have the fore and middle femora with prominent dark spots at the bases of the setae; the adjacent tibiae are mostly brown and have
pale spots; the dorsal surface of the hind
femur is uniformly brown. Body length: males 11.2 mm; females 12.0 mm; ovipositor 9.2 mm.
S.alarisis amember of the NE Coastal Sa/manitesa/lris,adult male.
Community, Qld.
Salmanites allaris,adult male frons (left); male
genitalia right).
Salmanites allaris, adult male.Dorsal view head, pronotum, tegmina.
Salmanitesallaris, adult female.
almanites alais.
Martsa,Qld DinulahQld Salmanites allaris,calling song,male from Qld:14 km NW Chillagoe;Emerald Falls Rd, near Mareeba; near Dimbulah.
Salamanites obscurifrons(Chopard) late afternoon and ceases after dark. Otte
and Alexander described the song as 'a This cricket is the type species of Salmanitessuccession of complex chirps, each a little and yet it is very poorly known. Itsover a second and composed of 13 short appearance is very different from otherunits initially at 6-7/second, then Salmanites species and we think it may be a accelerating to about 30/second then
Eurepella species, perhaps in the Budyara changing into a smooth trill for about 0.25 Group. For now it is placed here. The e seconds. The pulse rate was about 107 p/
holotype male was collected in Yeppoon, second? This cricket lives on the ground in Qld.The hind femur has 4inner and 4outer leaf litter under eucalypts.
Body length: males 14-15 mm; females apical spurs. The body colour is generally darkbrown with theheadandabdomen not slightly larger;male tegmen 6.7 mm; hind
clearly banded. The frons is black and the femur 8.8 mm.
S. obscurifrons is a member of the posteriorly arranged into bands.The eye is southern portion of the NE Coastal top of the head has scattered spots,
bi-coloured; the top half is light brown, the Community, Qld. ventral half dark brown to black. The
surface of the pronotum is contrastingly light grey and rough. The lateral lobes are dark brown to black. The fore and middle legs are dark brown and minutely speckled. The hind femur is dark reddish brown. The surface and sides of the abdomen are
reddish brown. The minute tegmina of the female are grey. The cerci are light reddish brown in living individuals. As with other species in the genus,singing commences in Salmanites obscurifrons,adult female.
Genus Cardiodactylus de Saussure
Cardiodactylus presently includes 86 species. The genus contains more species than any other in the Eneopterinae (Robillard et al.,2014).Cardiodactylus
includes species from Japan to northern Australia and many islands in between. The
single Australian representative has the broadest geographic distribution of any known species in the genus. Cardiodactylus
crickets have song features that put it in the
spotlight at the centre of hypotheses of
convergent evolution and phenotypic diversification towards high frequencies. Cardiodactylus species inhabit coastal regions where they occur in a variety of Tribe Lebinthini This tribe comprises 4 genera in Australia habitats from mangroves to cultivated and they are easily recognisable. Lebinthus gardens.
Salmanites obscurifrons.
and Cardiodactylus were the only 2 included
Cardiodactylus is distinguished from all
until recently when Julverninthus andother Australian eneopterines by the Macrobinthus were described to include following combination of characters: species from the north Queensland anterior tibia with a slit-like auditory rainforests. Recognition of the tribe in opening; the posterior surface with a well-
Australia is relatively easy.Lebinthus seems developed and ovoid tympanum. Tegmen restricted to north-west Australia where with well-developed apical region but
both sexes are short-winged with the male lacking a mirror. tegmen not possessing a mirror. The frontal rostrum is more than 3 times the width of Cardiodactylus novaeguineae(Haan) the scape. There are 2 species and both live SAD CRICKET
on the ground in leaf litter. Julverninthus This large cricket has a very patchy
has a hairy fastigium and broad frontal distribution in Australia.To the north it is rostrum as well as small eyes when widespread and often occurs with other
compared to its relatives.Its very short species in the genus.Why it occurs at some wings distinguish it from its northern localities and not others is a bit of a
relative Microbinthus.Macrobinthus has mystery.The Sad Cricket is alarge cricket; representatives in New Guinea and it is easily identified and cannot be Australia.It resembles Julverninthus but confused with any other species.The size,
both the male and female tegmina are more colour and pattern and song are unique. than twice the length of the pronotum. The The Sad Cricket can be very common with female tegmina nearly touch each other adults and nymphs present together on the
along the midline.
same plants. They perch exposed on
vegetation day and night. This cricket can common name from the sound ofits call.It d has continuous generations throughout its enter houses through open windows and make itself at home in the fruit bowl, l,limited range in Australia. providing pleasant sounds of the rainforest.
Body length: males (head to tip of
Singing commences in late afternoon and tegmina)27.0 mm;females (head to tip of can continue well into the evening. The tegmina) 30.0-32.0 mm; ovipositor 21.0-
song is of surprisingly low intensity 22.0 mm.
C. novaeguineae is a member of the NE compared to the size of the cricket and has a whirring sound. The cricket receives itsCoastal Community, Qld.
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae, adult male at night on Pandanus.
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae, adult female.
Head, pronotum.
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae, male right tegmen (top); last instar female, lateral view
head, pronotum(bottom)).
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae. Genus Julverninthus Robillard & Su (Jules Verne Crickets)
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae, adult female.
Described to include 2 species from the Daintree region of northern Queensland.
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae,courting pair. Note spermatophores.The one on
the surface of the container may be a'nuptialgift'to entice the female to mate.
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae, calling song.
The common name refers to the French species seems to prefer altitudes over 500 m. author of the novel, Around the World in It is smaller in size than J. rentzi, the only
80 Days. The Eneopterinae originated in otherknown species in the genusand females
Australia-Antarctica some 80 million years have their tegminal venation reticulated.
ago and retains relatives that are still living g Males are quite different in the structure of in northern Australia. the genitalia. This cricket is nocturnal and Julverninthus is short-winged in both has been found onlow shrubby vegetation in
sexes. The male tegmina serve solely in dense forests. The crickets apparently spend sound production. It has a hairy frontal the daylight hours in leaf litter. Body length: males 16.0 mm; females rostrum that is almost as long as broad and its relatively small eyes. Females have
minute tegmina that are widely separated and barely reach the posterior margin of the
1st abdominal tergite. The ovipositor is shorter than the length of the hind femur
16.0 mm; ovipositor 9.5 mm.
J. minoris is a member of the NE Coastal
Community Qld.
and it is feebly denticulate on the dorsal
Julverninthus minoris Robillard & Su INLAND JULES VERNE CRICKET
Known from a few localities including Mt
Bellenden Ker, Mt Lewis, and the electricity
towers on Clohesy River Road, Qld. This Julverninthusminoris,adult male,lateral view.
Julverninthus minoris,adult male.Head, pronotum,tegmina (left);
frons (right).
TRIBE LEBINTHINI Julverninthus rentzi Robillard & Su
DAINTREE JULES VERNE CRICKET Known only from the Daintree rainforests of north Queensland. This cricket is larger thanJ. minoris and has a darker head and
lateral lobes of the pronotum. Females have
the venation of the tegmina elongate and not reticulate as in J. minoris. As with J.
minoris,this cricket can be found on Julverninthus minoris, adult female.
Julverninthus minoris. Julverninthus rentzi,adult male on branch
at night.
Julverninthusrentziadult male.Head,pronotum,tegmina.
Ju/verninthus rentzi, courting pair at night.
Julverninthus rentzi, adult female. Head,
pronotum, tegmina.
Julverninthus rentzi.
Genus Macrobinthus Robillard & Dong (Northern Forest Crickets)
Macrobinthus comprises 5 species,4 of which occur in New Guinea. The sole Australian representative in known only from Kutini-Payamu (Iron Range) National Park and the adjacent area. The Ju/verninthus rentzi, adult female.
cricket is characterised by its large size,
longer tegmina (compared to shrubby vegetation in the rainforest after Julverninthus species)and distinctive
dark. It may spend the daylight hours in male genitalia. cracks in larger rainforest trees.
Body length: males 18.0-19.0 mm; Macrobinthus kutini Robillard & Su
females 19.0 mm; ovipositor 12.0 mm.
IRON RANGE FOREST CRICKET .rentziis a member of the NE Coastal A distinctive cricket with much longer tegmina in both sexes than either Community Qld.
TRIBE LEBINTHINI Julverninthus species. The male tegmina are more than twice the length of the
pronotum and the antennae,head and legs
are banded. Females have the tegmina slightly longer than the length of the pronotum with prominent longitudinal
veins. The tegmina touch or overlap near
their bases.
Body length: males 20.5 mm; females
19.5 mm; ovipositor 11.5 mm.
M.kutinis a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Macrobinthus kutini, adult emale. Subfamily Oecanthinae (Tree
Crickets) Macrobinthus kutini, adult male.
This world-wide subfamily includes 184 species in 19 genera that are included in 2 tribes. The Australian component is relatively small with 2 genera represented
by only 8 species. Curiously, we have not
discovered any new species in this group but the present understanding at the species
level needs further investigation. The Australian Tree Crickets are placed in 2 tribes. The Oecanthini includes more typical Tree Crickets and most live in grasses or in vegetation close to the ground.
Macrobinthus kutini.
The other tribe,the Xabeini, includes
crickets that are small in size and that live mostly in tall shrubs or trees.Some of these
crickets have very odd habits. The calling
songs of Tree Crickets aretrills that are not is known only from a single locality in the unlike the calls of other crickets such as NT. Oecanthus species are common and Tamborina species (p.157) with which they very easy to collect.
often occur. This can be confusing initially
when making collections.Tree Crickets are Oecanthus angustus Chopard usually straw coloured and appear delicate e COMMON TREE CRICKET or flimsy. The hind femur is not greatly O.angustus most often lack the dorsal
expanded and the hind tibia bears either brown stripe on the dorsal surface of the spurs and spines or just small spines, or it abdomen that is distinctive of O. rufescens.
may be without spurs or spines. Tree The tegmen also lacks the reddish brown
Crickets are peculiar in having cleft tarsal lateral stripe.The hind tibia is armed with claws and prognathous mouthparts. Theseveral spines and in this way it is similar to
male tegmina are relatively large, triangular O. rufescens. The body colour of this tree
and transparent. The mirror is large and cricket is paler than O. rufescens. The calling divided by 2 veins. The harp bears 2-5 song is either a chirp or trill with 6-7 pulse
veins.The pronotum is very elongate in tree chirps. Rarely the 2 songs are produced at a
Tribe Oecanthini (Typical Tree Crickets)
single locality. The Common Tree Cricket lives in deep grasses like the Striped Tree Cricket.And like that cricket,males sing for a time and then fly to another site. They are
Oecanthus, the only genus in the tribe easily approached and continue singing in Australia, can be identified by the longeven if slightly disturbed. cerci that are longer than the length of the Body length: (head to tip of tegmina)
middle tibia.The male tegmen has a straight
Cu, vein.
males 18.0-19.0 mm; females(head totip of wings)21.0 mm; ovipositor 4.0 mm. O. angustus is a member of the SE
Genus Oecanthus Audinet-Serville
Coastal,Murray -Darling Basin,NE
Oecanthus crickets are easy to collect.They Coastal, Gulfs Coastal Communities, Qld,
live in grasses,often in groups. Singing Vic,SA,the W Plateau andLake Eyre Basin males areencountered after dark. Sweeping
Communities, SA.
a habitat where males are singing usually results in collection of females as well as
the males. Several males sing for several minutes in one place and then fly
elsewhere,en masse,to commence singing
again. The calling song is loud and pure
and easily confused with other trilling crickets. Males sing in short bursts of
evenly spaced trills or the sing in a continuous trill. Two of the species are
relatively widespread, the other, O.adyeri, Oecanthus angustus, adult male.
Oecanthus angustus,adult female;ovipositor.
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Oecanthus angustus,calling song. Oecanthus rufescens Serville STRIPED TREE CRICKET This species usually has a narrow brown dorsal stripe on the abdomen that is easily
seen through the tegmina.The tegmina are
Oecanthus angustus.
marked with a reddish brown stripe along the lateral margin. The hind tibia has 3-5 outer and 4-5 inner subapical spurs. Although described from India, there is no doubt that this species occurs there. The
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA gBody length: males (head to tip of type may have been mislabelled. The calling song of O. rufescens is and irregularly tegmina)17.0-19.0 mm; females (head to
broken trill. At times, the trill can be 1-3s tip of wings)20.0-21.0 mm; ovipositor
long and may be produced singly or the 6.0-7.0 mm. trills may be far apart. This can be confusing O. rufescens is a member of the N Gulf in attempting to make a field determination. Community, NT, the NE Coastal This cricket lives in tall grasses and adultss Community and the Lake Eyre Basin
e Communities, Qld. can be found at any time of the year in the tropics but it overwinters in the egg stage in
the south
Oecanthus rufescens, adult male. Note dark brown margin of tegmina.
Oecanthus rufescens, adult female. Note dark colour.
Oecanthus rufescens, adult female head
and pronotum.
Oecanthus rufescens, adult male. Note dark stripe on each tegmen.
Oecanthus rufescens.
Oecanthus rufescens, alling song.
Tribe Xabeini
are considered as separate species.
Xabeini species have the cerci shorter Another, X. pododscirtoides Chopard, is
than length of the middle tibia and each known from New Guinea, Murray Island cercus bears an internal tooth. The hind and the Torres Straits.We have not seen it
tibialacks subapicalspurs and spines.The in this study. We present a key that should
Cu, vein is bent. The Xabeini includes a help to discriminate the Xabea species.X.
single genus in Australia,Xabea, with 6 wyebo and X.tumbarumba are very tropical species. X.atalaia was divided similar and we have not been able to
into 2 subspecies, X.a.atalaia and X.a. distinguish between the 2 in our
elderra by Otte and Alexander. Here they samples.
Key to Xabea species
Works best with males. 1. Dorsalsurface ofhead and pronotum with stripes and with or without a dark spot. Cercishort, highly adapted for clasping………………………………………………….…2
Dorsal surface of head and pronotum without stripes or spots but highly sculptured... Cerci moreelongate, not suited for clasping.….………..….…………......4 2((1) Ninth tergite of male with a projection ………………………………………………….3 Ninth male tergite without a distinct projection;cerciof both sexes with a tubercle on the inner
margin in the middle covered in setae..…………………...X. Jeai Chopard 3(2) Male 9th tergite with short,quadrate projection;cerci elongate,curving, apices directed
outwards.….……….……………………..X. elderra Otte & Alexander Male 9th tergite with elongate projection apically acute; cerci short, apices curved
inwards……………………………………………...X.atalaia Otte& Alexander
4(1))Body, especially head and pronotum, with pale greenish overcast; surface of tegmina without
any spots..……….………….. Xabea tumbarumba Otte&Alexander Body without pale greenish overcast; dorsal surface of tegmina with yellow or brown spots………………………………………..Xabea wyebo Otte&Alexander
e holes in the leaf it selects but uses suitable Genus Xabea Walker (Clasping Tree
holes made by other insects. Certain trees Xabea comprises 14 species distributed inand shrubs with a predominance of holes
Malaysia, Borneo, New Guinea and seem to be preferred by the male crickets. Australia. They are easily recognised. The This behaviour has been recorded in other genus is characterised by having the hindgenera of Oecanthinae, but Xabea is the only tibiae without spurs and the tibia often is Australian genus discovered utilising leaves feebly bowed in lateral view. The cerci are in this way. Males of Xabea species are only shorter than the length of the middle tibia rarely attracted to lights but females are
and are suited for clasping in both sexes of frequent visitors to light sheets. It seems that
some species. The male stridulatory fle is females are more mobile than the males.We
distinctive for each species in the number oftreat X. elderra and X. atalaia as separate
teeth contained therein (X. leai, 98-102; X. species because the genitalia are distinct and
atalaia,78;X.tumbarumba,68,76;X.wyebo, there is little evidence of their being
31).Xabea crickets live in trees or tall shrubs. geographic races.
They spend the daylight hours, legs akimbo,
on the underside of leaves.Males employ a Xabea atalaia Otte & Alexander unique stridulatory behaviour. They positionCLASPING TREE CRICKET
the head through a small hole in a leaf with This species was divided into 2 separate the body bent so that the moving tegmina races in Otte and Alexander(1983) based
are approximately vertical to the mesothorax. c on the structure of the 9th abdominal male This amplifies the resonant quality of the tergite and markings on the head. We here
stridulation. The cricket does not make the regard them as distinct species. In X.
TRIBE XABEINI atalaia,the projection of the 9th tergite is elongate and apically pointed. The cerci of
both sexes of this cricket are modified for
clasping with the apices of the male strongly
curving inwards. The head and pronotum are adorned with dark stripes and spots. The song of this cricket is a continuous trill,
only rarely broken. Malesutilise a hole in a
leaf to amplify their call.
Body length (head to tip of wings):
males 18.0 mm; females 15.0-18.0 mm; ; Xabea atalaia, adult female.
ovipositor 4.0-5.0 mm. X.atalaiais a member ofthe NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Xabea atalaia, adult male.
Xabea atalaia.
Xabeaatalaia,adult male,head and pronotum.
Xabeaatalaia,adult male.Head partially in hole;from opposite side of leaf.
Xabea atalaia, alling song. Xabea elderra Otte & Alexander HANDSOME CLASPING TREE CRICKET
This species is quite different from X. atalaia. The pattern on the head and pronotum is less intense and the dark spot present on X. atalaia is absent in X. elderra. Males are very distinctive in having the projection of the 9th tergite is short and
apically truncate. The cerci are elongate and Xabea elderra, adult male. apically out-curved. This species was described from the Daintree region of north
Body length: males (head to tip of
wings) 19.0 mm; females unknown.
X. elderra is a member of the NE Coastal Xabea elderra,adult male, head and pronotum
(left);clasping cerci(right).
Xabea leai Chopard
X. leai has alimited distribution in coastal tropical Queensland. The male cerci are curved and bear an internal tubercle that
is covered with setae. The top of the head has a transverse dark mark followed by 2-4longitudinal dark stripes.The tegmina may have faint dark markings. The calling song of X.leai is a slow trill, usually unbroken.Males of this species also insert
Xabea elderra.
Xabea leai, adult male.
Xabea leai. Xabealeai,adult male left tegmen.Note spot.
Xabealeai, adult female,just moulted.
Xabealeai,calling song. X.leai is a member of the NE Coastal
their heads into leaf holes to amplify the
sound,as described above. This species Community,Qld. lives in trees or tall shrubs in the
Xabea tumbarumba Otte &
ovipositor 4.5 mm.
This species is relatively uncommon in
): Alexander Body length (head to tip of tegmina): males 17.0-18.0 mm; females 18.0 mm; PALE GREEN TREE CRICKET
rainforest habitats. The surface of the
Xabea tumbarumba, adult male.
pronotum is sculptured as in X. wyebo.The from the Daintree to the Kuranda region, cerci of both sexes are straight and not Qld. obviously suited for grasping. The dorsal
Body length (head to tip of tegmina):
surface of the head and the entire surface of males 16.0mm;females17.0mm;ovipositor
the body is very pale green in life.However, 4.5 mm.
X. tumbarumba is a member of the NE the green fades on museum specimens. Females of this species are often found at Coastal Community, Qld.
lights in rainforests. This species is known
Xabea tumbarumba, adult female.
Xabea tumbarumba, adult female, head and
Xabea tumbarumba. 241
A GuiDE To CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA All phalangopsine species seem to be common and can be found by searching Crickets) Long considered as a subfamily of the understorey shrubs after dark.Theyare very
Family Phalangopsidae (Spider
Gryllidae, the Phalangopsinae is now alert and difficult to collect.A large net, recognised as a family in itself. The carefully placed, can be used to entice the
2 crickets into the bag. Smaller individuals can Australian component is included in 2 subfamilies, the Phalangopsinae and the be collected using a glass tube. Immatures
Phalorinae. The Cachoplistinae, although can be successfully raised in jars and feeding recorded in the literature from Australia, arethem the Orthoptera food mix (p. 383).
not believed to occur on the continent. A Getting captive males to stridulate is more of total of 39 species are included in ll genera. a problem. Many species, both within r Australia and in other tropical climes, do The genera in the Otte and Alexander not seem to stridulate in captivity. Perhaps monograph have been split and several species are now in genera of their own. The they require more space than afforded in a described species'can be found in their glassjar to stimulate them to call.
book, by checking the index and using the
The Australian component of the
species name. As with other groups, a largePhalangopsidae is easily recognised. The
subfamily Phalangopsinae has the dorsal The Phalangopsidae are distributedsurface of the head with bristles placed through most of the world's tropical regions. mainly near the ocelli. The hind tibia has Several species are cavernicolous and cansmall spines above the subapical spurs as number of species remain to be described.
often be found under bridges or in the
well as between them. The middle tarsal
shaded areas formed by large rocks. We segment is small and does not have adhesive
have found a number species sheltering in pads. The legs are long and slender and the termite mounds during the day and antennae are extraordinarily long. Females emerging after dark to forage on the surface are wingless and males have minute hind of the mounds. Several wingless species are wings. The fore and middle tibiae are
usually strongly banded.
The Phalangopsinae have been further Species in the subfamily Phalangopsinae arelong-legged and when they are found in divided into tribes, which are further rainforests they reside in the cracks on tree divided into subgenera. This can be very trunks and crevices on rock surfaces. Rockyconfusing because some of the characters
cliffs, bores and stream margins where thereused to make these divisions seem very are large rocks can be the sites for species in problematical. However, this book reflects
this subfamily. Many species are communalthe classification presented in the
and often aggregate in preferred sites. The Orthoptera Species File at the date of publication. As a result,2 tribes are other subfamily included in the
Phalangopsidae, the Phaloriinae, is represented in the Australian fauna. One, represented by 2 genera.These crickets live Phalangopsini, has a single representative, in rainforests and can be found on tree Howeta,which we have not seen.The other
trunks or on leaf surfaces after dark.
is the Endacustini.
The Endacustini is well represented in Queensland. This is a genus of species that
Australia in the following Australian genera: occur in rainforests.A.yarramani has been
Anendacusta,Endacusta (Endoacusta), found in pitfall traps and so lives on the Endacusta (Lucienia), Endotaria, ground, at least during a portion of its
Itarotathra, Nesitathra, Pseudenacusta, lifetime.
The Phaloriinae are very different in be found included in Endacusta in Otte andappearance from the phalangopsines. Two Alexander's book. Discotathra does not f genera are represented in Australia, Phaloria and Pseudotrigonidium (Tremellia occur in Australia. Tathra, Zaclotathra. Most of the species can
Anendacusta includes 2 species both of in Otte and Alexander). Phaloria and
which occur in the mountains of south-eastPseudotrigonidium are very different in
/x,、 产il- Fig.30.Male genitalia of some phalangopsine species.(A)Anendacustayarramani;(B)Endacusta (E.)eurimbula;(C) Itarotathra bulburina;(D) Endotariayelta;(E) Endacusta(E.)koolpinya.Modified from Otte and Alexander(1983),with permission.
/7 R
Fig.31. Male genitalia of phalangopsine species. (A-K), dorsal, ventral and lateral views left to right:(A) Tathra pyala;(B) Tathra purkabidini; (C) Tathra mungarina; (D) Tathra lankella; (E) Tathra
trawala; (F)Tathra tatiara; (G) Itarotathra amplipennis;(H) Zaclotathra oligoneura;(I) vacant; (J) Endacusta(L.)pilipennis;(K) Discotathra anqulifrons.(L-S) male subgenital plates: (L)Tathra
lankella;(M) Tathra purkabidini; (N) Tathra mungarina; (O)Itarotathra amplipennis; (P) Tathra tatiara;(Q) Tathra pyala;(R) Endacusta(L.) pilipennis; (S) Tathra trawala.Modified from otte and Alexander
(1983, with permisson.
overall appearance (p. 259)but can be overhanging outcrops,in dense shrubbery,
readily distinguished by morphological rock piles, stone walls and similar habitats, characteristics. Phaloria has the fore tibia such as mine entrances. The calling song is
with an anterior and posterior auditory described as a series of double pulse chirps tympanum, whereas Pseudotrigonidium has that may be difficult to distinguish.At times only an anterior tympanum. The hind tibia 1 or 3 pulse units are produced. Otte and of Phaloriahas4inner and4outer subapical Alexander consider the sound to be metallic
spurs, whereas Pseudotrigonidium has 3 and non-musical with the chirp delivery inner and 2 outer subapical spurs. The rate frequentlyirregular. mirror of the tegmen of both genera has 2
dividing veins.
Subfamily Phalangopsinae
Tribe Endacustini
Genus Endacusta Brunner (Spider Crickets)
Sixteen species are currently placed in Endacusta. Gorochov removed 2 species,
placing them in Lucienia: E. cycloptera and
E.pilipennis. All the others are in the Endacusta pindana, adult male.
nominate Endacusta.All species are
endemic to Australia. They are widely
distributed across the central and western
portion of the continent. Allare soft-bodied
and flightless.
Endacusta pindana Otte &
Easily recognised by the slightly concave posterior margin of the male tegmina.The
calling song is distinct and the stridulatory file has only between 45-90 teeth. This readily distinguishes the species from a relative, E.major. These characters,
combined with the structure of the male
genitalia, should provide a precise identification. This species occurs in colonies or aggregations with many males Endacustapindana,male tegmina.Note weakly concave ventral margin. singing simultaneously. They are found in
Endacusta pindana, adult female.
Endacusta pindana.
Endacusta pindana, calling song. Body length: males 16.5 mm; females calling song is alsovery different.It consists 16.5-18.0 mm; ovipositor 10.0 mm. of long trills separated by brief intervals of E. pindana is a member of the Murray- Darling Basin Community, SA, NSW and Qld. It is also member of the W Plateau and
S Gulfs Communities, SA, as well as the SW
Coastal Community, WA.
less than I s. Bodylength: males 25.0-26.0 mm; females 20.0-22.0 mm; ovipositor 15.0-16.0 mm. E. (E.) major is a member of the W
Plateau Community, WA and NT.
Endacusta major Otte & Alexander
The genitalia of this species are almost
identical to those of E.(E.)pindana.
However, it is a very different species. The size is much larger and the male stridulatory fie contains 88-120 teeth, a far greater number than with E.(E.)pindana.Females
are more difficult to separate. The ratio of femur length to cercal length is different. This species occurs in habitats similar to those favoured by E.(E.)pindana.The Endacustamajor.
Endacustamajor,adult male, lateral view(left); dorsal view head,pronotum, tegmina right).
Endacusta major, adult female, near Kalgoorlie, WA.
Genus Endotaria Chopard WINGLESS TREE-RUNNERS
Endotaria yelta Otte & Alexander SMALL WINGLESS TREE-RUNNER
Endotaria crickets resemble wingless Tathra Easily recognised by the distinctive male genitalia (Fig. 32D) and the absence of crickets. They differ in lacking wings and in f
lacking auditory tympana in both E. yelta auditory tympana on the fore tibiae of both sexes. Known from the forests of northern and E. taitpullana. The hind tibiae bear 3 s
inner and 3 outer subapical spurs. TheseNew South Wales. Body length: males 9.0-10.0 mm; females crickets are easily overlooked as immatures
10.0-12.0 mm; ovipositor 7.8-9.3 mm. of other members of the Phalangopsinae. E. yelta is a member of the SE Coastal Most specimens have come from pitfall traps where they can be determined as adults.For Community, NSW that reason,few exist in collections.
画,高,烃M 公介,、 r业-
Fig.32. Endotaria male genitalia.(A) E. yarramani Chopard;(B)E.eurimbula;(C)
Modified from Otte and Alexander(1983),with permission.
Endotariayelta, adult male (top);female
(bottom, modified from alcohol-preserved
Genus Lucienia Gorochov (Tree Runners)
Two species are included in Lucienia. One hadbeen originally described in Endacusta, the other in Tathra.The typelocality for L. cycloptera (Chopard) is Nepean River,
NSW. The other species in Lucenia, L. pilipennis(Chopard), was described from
Malanda, Qld. We encountered a nymph of
this species in our collecting trips. A
Lucieniacycloptera,adult male;tegmen.
TRIBE ENDACuSTINI similar species, similar to L. pilipennis yet Lucienia cycloptera(Chopard)
undescribed, has been found in several DARKTREE RUNNER localities in the vicinity of Cairns,Qld,and Otte and Alexanderhintedat the distinctive
is illustrated here as an example of nature of this species. The dark body
contrasts with the speckling of the legs on a
Lucieniacycloptera,adult male.Note creamish yellow margin of tegmina.
Lucienia cycloptera, adult female.
Lucienia cycloptera.
Lucienia cycloptera, alling song.
light background. The shape of the male
Bodylength:males 13.0-15.5 mm;females 14.0-16.0mm;ovipositor 11.0-12.0mm.
tegmina with the apex distinctly convex L. pilipennis is a member of the NE probably prompted the specific nameof this cricket. The contrasting yellow or creamish Coastal Coastal Community, Qld. margin of the tegmina makes this species easy to recognise.Our example is tentatively
placed here.
Body length: males 12.0-12.0 mm;
females 13.0-14.0mm;ovipositor 11.0 mm.
E. cycloptera is a member of the SE
Coastal Community, NSW.
Lucienia pilipennis (Chopard)
NORTH-EASTERN COASTALTREE RUNNER Males with the tegmina shorter than in
most other described species in Lucienia and Tathra. Harp with 9 veins,mirror poorly developed, stridulatory file with ̄94
teeth.Ovipositor  ̄6 times as long as
pronotum measured in the middle or ̄1.25
as long as hind femur.
Lucienia pilipennis, early instar female nymph.
Lucienia pilipennis, adult female.
Lucienia pilipennis.
Genus Nesitathra Otte and Rentz (Philip Island Spider Cricket)
difficult to confuse with any other. It seems to be restricted to Philip Island, not far from
Norfolk Island. Extensive searching on Nesitathra was described by Otte and Rentz l (1985) to include a single species known Norfolk failed to discover any populations
only from Philip Island, a short distance of this cricket. Body length: males 17.5 mm; females from Norfolk Island, South Pacific. Its ancestors must have arrivedby rafting since 18.0-21.0 mm;ovipositor 12.5-14.4 mm.
all known members of the family are flightless.Nesitathra has its closest relations Genus Pseudendacusta Gorochov with genera in New Caledonia but it is less (False Spider Crickets)
closely related to the Australian genera This genus was removed from Endacusta by Endotariaand Tathra.N.philipensissurvives Gorochov and now includes 2 Australian in a White-capped Noddy Tern rookery. species,P. mareeba and P. morillum.These
species have the head nearly as broad as the Bird droppings and regurgitated sprat form pronotum, the tegmen ~1.8 times as long as the diet of the crickets. The gullies on the l island are populated by the invasive the pronotum and the fore femurless than
introduced olive,Olea sp.and theleaflitter 2.8 times aslong as the pronotum.The head probably has saved this cricket from and pronotum have large pale areas. The k antennae are greyish and not annulate. The extinction. Extensive collecting on Norfolk Island itself has failed to locate any of the apex of the tegmen is produced or convex
Philip Island Spider Crickets. It seems along its posterior margin.
unreasonable to assume that they were not there or might still be there in isolated areas
Pseudenacusta mareeba
Nesitathra philipensis Otte and
P mareeba is identified by the combination
not xplored.
ofharp of the maletegmen with 6veins, the undivided mirror and the pattern of the PHILIP ISLAND SPIDER CRICKET The distinctive mottled colour and wingless hind femur. The tegmen is only 1.6 times condition of both sexes make this insect the length of the pronotum. The male genitalia are distinctive (p.252).
This large,beautiful cricket lives on tree trunks and termite mounds. After dark, the crickets can often be found on the ground
foraging for food.
P. mareeba seems synonymous with P.
morillum (Otte & Alexander). The original
illustrations were from specimens stored in
alcohol as well as dry material.This conveys a
Nesitathra philipensis adult male.
deceptive impression of the characters. It appears to us that P mareeba is a widespread
and variable species. It is certainly worthy of further investigation utilising acoustic,genetic
and traditional morphological characters to determine if this interpretation is correct. Body length: males 15.0-17.0 mm;
females 14.0-17.0 mm; ovipositor 11.0-13.0
mm.P. mareeba is a member of the NE
Coastal and probably the Lake Eyre Basin Pseudenacusta mareeba, adult female.
Communities, Qld.
Pseudenacusta mareeba, adult male.
Photo: BRichardson.
Pseudenacusta mareeba, adult female. Photo:BRichardson.
Pseudenacusta mareeba,adult female frons(left);left fore tibia (top right)-note spine;right hind tarsus (middle right); ovipositor (bottom right). 增1
Pseudenacusta mareeba, alling song, Talaroo, Qld.
tegmina. The tegmina are 3 times or more the length of the pronotum and extend almost to the tip of the abdomen. The fastigium of the vertex and frontal rostrum is broader than in most of the other genera in the tribe. The longest internal spur of the hind tibia is less than half the length of the basal tarsal segment (basitarsus). The mirror
of the tegmen is usually divided by complete veins. The body colour is dark brown and speckled. One species has agrey body colour. Otte and Alexander divided the genus into 3 groups but these are now not relevant as the genus has been further split and some of its
original species now reside in other genera Pseudenacusta mareeba,male head, pronotum and tegmina-note 7harp veins(top left),
5 harp veins (top right); male genitalia of
Pseudendacusta mareeba-dorsal, ventral,
lateral views left to right.Modifiedfrom Otte and
Alexander(1983), with permission.
(see p.376). One group does deserve a
mention: the Tatiara Group. This group was defined as males having the tegmina more than twice the length of the pronotum and
the harp with at least 6 veins. The mirror is well developed and completely divided by at least 1 vein.This species group occurs along thecoast andinland in farnorth Queensland.
We have found a complex of species in several localities in the mountains around the Atherton Tableland, Qld. They all seem to be associated with tree trunks. All have
distinctive calls and very distinctive male genitalia.This group would be ideally suited
for further study. Another group, the Oligoneura Group, has been transferred to another genus,Lucienia (p.248).
Pseudenacusta mareeba.
Genus Tathra Otte & Alexander
The Tatiara Group
Tathra lankellia Otte & Alexander
LANKELLY RAINFOREST SPIDER CRICKET Tathracomprises 6 described species, all of The combination of the speckled legs and which are from the wet forest areas of coastal dark tegmina are distinctive of this cricket. (Common Rainforest Spider Crickets)
eastern Australia. Tathra species have The male genitalia are distinct in shape. auditory tympana on the internal surface of The male tegmen has a harp with 8.5veins the fore tibia and males with prominent and the mirror with4 dividing veins. Only
Tathra sp.near pyala
Otte & Alexander
SHY RAINFOREST SPIDER CRICKET This is a very dark species with the dark
markings of the legs relatively obscure. It appears to be part of a complex of species
that occur in the rainforests of the Atherton Tableland, Qld. The frons has a faint pale
longitudinal stripe. The male genitalia (p.244)are distinct as is the peculiar shape of thesubgenital plate((p.244)similar to that
of T. tatiara. The male tegmen has the harp
with 8,9veins and the mirrorpoorly divided by 3,4 incomplete veins. This species lives on mossy covered tree trunks in rainforests
where it sings after dark. These crickets are
very alert and diffcult to capture. They can jump more than 1 m when provoked.
Body length: males 10.0-12.0 mm.
Tathra lankellia, adult male.
Tathra lankellia. males are known.T. lankellia occurs from Coen to Iron Range far north Queensland. Body length: males 11.0 mm.
T. lankellia is a member of the NE Tathrasp.near pyala,adult male,top of head Coastal Community, Qld. (top); frons (bottom).
Tathrasp.near pyala,adult male singing on tree trunk.
墅状 Tathrasp.near pyala,adult male subgenital plate(left);male phallus(right).
T. sp.near pyala is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
Tathra tatiara Otte & Alexander TABLELANDS RAINFOREST SPIDER
This species is found in the region of Mt Baldy, and Longman's Gap, near Atherton, Qld, where it occurs on tree trunks up to 1.5
Tathra sp. near pyala.
m from the ground. It seems to prefer habitats deep within the forest, well away
from roads and openings caused by tree falls. This is a small dark, spindly cricket
with long legs. Small aggregations of
Tathra tatiara,adult male (left); frons (right).
Tathra tatiara,adult male on tree trunk at night.
Tathratatiara,adult male,subgenital plate(left); male phallus(right).
athra tatiara. individuals were found scattered in deep
forest. The calling song of males is not loud and is described as a twittering succession
of chirps repeated once every 2 s.
Tathra mungarina,adult male.Photo:JHasenpusch. Body length: males 13.0 mm. T. tatiara is a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Tathra mungarina Otte & Alexander
A single male from Garradunga, Qld.The
male has 8or9harp veins and the mirror is
divided by 3 veins.
Body length: males 11.0 mm.
Tathra mungarina,female nymph.
Tathra mungarina
Photo: J Hasenpusch.
T. mungarina is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Genus Zaclotathra Gorochov (Dead-tree Runners)
Zaclotathra was proposed to include 2 species,1 new,Z. glorious, described from Queensland. The other,Z.oligoneura, was
transferred to Zaclotathra from Tathra. Zaclotathra is distinctive in its appearance. These crickets live in forests and are often
found on fallen trees.
Zaclotathra oligoneura(Chopard)
This species is rather distinctive in the Zaclotathra oligoneura,adult male.Photo:BRevell
following characters: the tegmina are about
twice the length of the pronotum;the harp
has 2 or 4 veins and the mirror is well defined and partially subdivided into a set of smallirregular cells. Thebody is darkand this contrasts with the light-coloured and speckled legs. The calling song is a
succession of high-pitched single pulses
around 1/s. Body length: males 11.5-13.0 mm;
females 11.0-12.0 mm;ovipositor 9.0 mm.
Z.oligoneura is a member of the SE
Coastal Community, NSW, and the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Zaclotathra oligoneura,adult female.
Zaclotathra oligoneura,adult male, head,
pronotum, tegmina.
Zaclotathra oligoneura,calling song.
Zaclotathraoligoneura,adult female.
Subfamily Phalorinae
Genus Phaloria St?l
Phaloria comprises 70 species in 4 subgenera. Australia has 1 species in the
subgenus Phaloria.Phaloria is known from
Africa to eastern and south-east Asia and
the south-western Pacific. It possesses to
Phaloriaanapina,adult male;genitalia.
following characteristics: fore tibia with anterior and posterior tympana; hind tibia
with 4 inner and 4 outer subapical spurs;
and mirror with 2 dividing veins.
Phaloria anapina Otte & Alexander RAINCLOUD FOREST CRICKET
The Raincloud Forest Cricket is one of the
most striking and distinctive of Australian Phaloriaanapina,adult female,short-winged crickets. The bright orange colour,legs with morph. yellow brown femora and black tibiae,and contrastingly coloured yellow eyes are
unique. The stridulatory file bears only 23 teeth. This cricket can be found on leaf
surfaces after dark where it grazes on particulate matter. It is known in Australia
only from Iron Range,Qld.
Body length: males 17.0 mm; females
18.0 mm; ovipositor 9.5 mm.
P anapina is a member of the NE Phaloria anapina,adult female,long-winged
Coastal Community, Qld.
form.Note black fore and hind tibiae.
Phaloria anapina,calling song. Genus Pseudotrigonidium Chopard
Pseudotrigonidium contains 30 species with 2 described from Australia. The generic name is an unfortunate misnomer. These crickets have nothing to do with the genus Trigonidium,p.284.Pseudotrigonidium and
Phaloria are the only 2 representatives of
Phaloria anapina.
the Phaloriinae known from Australia. All the others occur in Africa, Asia,Japan and the Pacific including New Guinea. Pseudotrigonidium was placed in Tremellia
in Otte and Alexander's monograph.
Pseudotrigonidium presents an interesting in semi-circular movements. The crickets taxonomic problem. Gorochov(1999) are alert to any slight movements and dart
revised the genus and described an up and down the tree or seek to escape by additional species from Australia, P. moving to the opposite side of the probatum Gorochov, without precise disturbance in a spiracular pattern. Unless
locality or any collection data or collector. extremely agitated, they do not escape by He established subgenera for Pseudotrigonidium. The Australian species
reside l in each subgenus. P. probatum in the nominate subgenus, Pseudotrigonidium and P. australis in Tripsigonium Gorochov
which contains 2 other species, 1 from Borneo, the other from Sulawesi. He used the illustrations of the tegmina from Otte
and Alexander which were not of the holotype. As a result the efficacy of his species is questionable. We conclude that
only a single species is represented in the Australian fauna and it is P. australis. Whether his subgenera are an accurate assessment of Pseudotrigonidium remains to
be seen. The Gorochov type is in the
collection in St Petersburg, Russia.Our Pseudotrigonidium australis,adult male
examples match the original description of stridulating at night on tree trunk. P. australis and we are confident of our identification. We have no idea where P.
probatum was collected.
Pseudotrigonidium australis (Chopard) KURANDA TREE RUNNER
This cricket lives on tree trunks in or along
the margins of rainforests. It sings incessantly day and night always facing
downwards. The crickets are so effectively
cryptically coloured that they are extremely difficult tolocate evenif within half a metre of the investigator. They perch head Pseudotrigonidium australis,adult male,head
downwards with legs akimbo with the and pronotum(left);lower margin of right extraordinarily long antennae waving eachtegmen (right).
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA jumping. Both sexes have well-developed hind wings and are fully capable of flight.
Females may find stridulating males by
moving towards the source of the sound. P. australis is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
Body length: males 10-12.0 mm;
females 10.0-13.0 mm; ovipositor 4.0 mm.
P australis is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Pseudotrigonidium australis, adult male,right hind leg (top); tip of ovipositor(bottom).
Pseudotrigonidium australis, male last instar
nymph showing tegmina and wings.The 1st
Pseudotrigonidium australis adult male tegmina (top); male genitalia (bottom).
pair of wings (tegmina) are actually on the
inside.The 2nd pair of wings areon the outside.
During the last moult these will be reversed.
Pseudotrigonidium australis, adult female.
Pseudotrigonidium australis calling song. and 86 described species.They are divided into 2 tribes, the Arachnocephalini(1 known species), Mogoplistini(85
described species). Arachnocephalus is
wingless in both sexes. No species is fully winged and males of some species have tegmina that are almost completely covered by the pronotum. A few species have males that are wingless. All females bear no trace of wings. As a result it is
Pseudotrigonidium australis. Family Mogoplistidae (Scaled
often difficult to determine whether a female is mature or not. Study of the condition of the ovipositor can help to determine if a female is mature. If the ovipositor is not well sclerotised and is slightly curled, then the specimen is
The Mogoplistdae is a large family of small probably a nymph. The male stridulatory
crickets, all of which share a single fi file of most species contains a large number
distinctive character: the body is covered of teeth,often in excess of 300. Being
in scales. The entire Australian fauna is extremely small, they are difficult to included in a single subfamily, the accuratelycount and this important feature
Mogoplistinae, represented by 1l genera will not be used here.
The hind tibiae of mogoplistines lack Subfamily Mogoplistinae
moveable spurs. The clypeus extends
dorsally onto the head with the entire frontal rostrum consisting of the clypeus. Australian Scaled Crickets can be found in all habitats. Species occur on the
Genus Arachnocephalus Costa
The Orthoptera Species File lists 28 species
in the genus with representatives from Europe, Africa and the Pacific. A single
ground, in all sorts of vegetation from species has been described from Australia. grasses to tree-tops. The crickets are
highly mobile and actively move along Arachnocephalus australicus branches or leaves, often when singing,
and as such they are difficult to find, Both sexes wingless and lacking tibial auditory tympana. The species was
especially at night. Some species sing during the day, others at night. The songs described from Broome, WA, with
areusually high pitched and the songsters additional material recorded from N are difficult to trace. Most ofthese crickets Winning HS and Barradale, WA. A.australicus is a member of the Central
are highly ventriloquial and this,
combined with the dense vegetation of Coastal Community, WA. their habitat and the efficiency of the hearing of the collector, makes these crickets often very difficult to find.On the other hand, many non-arboreal species can be found by simply sweeping grasses or searching through leaf litter. Termite
mounds harbour several species that emerge after dark and walk around on the surface of the mounds. These crickets are most often encountered when the weather
is wet. We have found that there are many more undescribed species in the Mogoplistidae than in most other
Australian cricket groups. To find and confidently identify a species with a known name is indeedan accomplishment. Females are often impossible to ascribe to a genus without accompanying males. We
have not seen specimens of the Western Australian Arachnocephalus. Otte and Alexander(1983)should be consulted
when attempting to identify these Arachnocephalus australicus, male.Modified from Otte and Alexander(1983), with permission.
crickets. 264
in accord with the distribution of the genus which is across the northern coastal portion of the continent. The exposed portion of the tegmina is more than 0.5×the length of the abdomen. The ovipositor can be more than 3× the length of the pronotum. We have discovered many species that are probably new. We highlight a few here to illustrated the breadth of the genus.
Collendina fascipes (Chopard)
Arachnocephalus australicus.
Genus Biarna Otte & Alexander
dark, black shiny abdomen, feebly banded
Easily recognised by the combination of the
Small crickets(body length less than7.0 for and middle legs and the male genital
processes black and asymmetrical. The mm) with the pronotum less than 2.1 mm.l The head is reddish brown and the cercus of both sexes is almost as long as the pronotum contrastingly yellowish brown length of the body. This cricket has been and with convex sides when viewed from above. The tegmina are banded in many species. Male genital processes dark brown to black. These crickets are known from the dry interior of the continent in
habitats such as those typically vegetated by spinifex(Triodia spp.).Biama is known
from 11 species occurring over much of the continent except the northern tropics Collndina fascipes,adult female,Daintree,Qld; and south-western Western Australia.
hind tarsus.
Genus Collendina Otte & Alexander A small genus oflarge (in excess of9.0 mm)
scaled crickets that arerelatively slender. All species are from the northern portion of the continent with the exception of C. iterala which in actuality may not be from SE Queensland as presently presumed. The
precise location of the type locality, Cedar Creek, is in doubt. There are several 'Cedar Creeks'in Australia and we believe that the Cedar Creek in the Daintree is probably
where the type wascollected.This would be Collendinafascipes.
found in the rainforests where it lives in
trees. Our example was beaten from lower
foliage at night.
Body length: males 3.5 mm;females5.5 mm; ovipositor 6.0 mm. C. fascipes is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Species A (Long Island)) This species has been identified as Talia pitonga but is more correctly placed here as
an undescribed species.
Species A (Long Island).
Species B A most peculiar cricket with stunning colours in the nymphal stages. Adults have
not been seen. Species A,adult male,Long Island,Qld.
Species B. Species A,adult female,Long sland,Qld.
Genus Kiah Otte& Alexander
Tegminaentirely black or very dark brown and partially hidden beneath the pronotum. Species live in grasslands, probably on grasses and short shrubs. The genus is confined to the northern portion of the Northern Territory. Two species are
Species B last instar male.
Genus Kalyra Otte & Alexander
Marinna pallida (Chopard)
Small crickets (body length less than 7.5 PALE MARINNA mm)with the body colour dark brown to A very small, light-coloured species with 2
black. Maletegmina and cercibanded.Male minute spots on the surface of the pronotum.
ge The head is faintly banded. Alllegs unbanded. 10th tergite and genital processes range
from light brown to brown.Females may be The cerci are relatively stout and are feebly indistinguishable from those of Kiah. The white-tipped.Males have the tegmina with a genusoccupies a broad range from and arid thin, dark brown or black marginal stripe.
portions west of the Great Dividing Range. Described from Herberton,Qld, this species The5 described species occur in grasses and has been found at severallocalities always in
possibly leaf ltter.
Genus Marinna Otte & Alexander Small slender crickets (body less than 7.5
herbaceous vegetation under eucalypts and
acacias. The species was found in the herbaceous undergrown of dense mixed
forest on Mt Edith and Mt Baldy, Qld.
mm) with the tegmina protruding well
Body length: females (head to tip of
appearing banded in some species. All 10
M.pallida is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
beyond the end of the pronotum and abdomen) 6.0 mm. described species occur in open eucalypt
woodlands in the northern part of the country. The species are difficult to identify. Male tegmina banded or not. Cerci banded
or not depending on the species. The top of the head is strongly produced when viewed laterally. Several species have peculiar longitudinal stripes on the pronotum and abdomen. The dorsal surface of the pronotum is darker than the laterallobes in some species. Males have short tegmina that can be rather pale, darkened and unbanded Marinna pallida, adult male, pinned. or with a posterior band. The legs may be
unbanded or weakly banded. Some species have the surface of the abdomen largely grey but black posteriorly. In all but 2 species,the male genital processes are black. The 10th
abdominal tergite does not possess tufts of setae in any species in this genus.The cerci of some species are banded. The calling songs of most species are complex chirps but 2-pulsed in some species. Marinna species occur in grasslands or open eucalypt forests
in the northern portion of the continent.
Marinna palida.
Marinnapallida,adult female,Mt Baldy,Qld (top);distinctive cerci (bottom).
Marinna species A
We have not reliably identified any
described species of Marinna. We have
found several species of the genus that are probably undescribed. They are so
distinctive that we are including them here along with descriptions of 2 of the common species of the genus. Marinna sp.A, adult male, Clohesy River, Qld.
Marinna sp. A, adult female.
Calling song, Marinna sp.A, Clohesy River, Qld.
Marinna sp.B,adult male, light-coloured
morph. Marinna sp. A. Marinna species B
This species is similar to M. pallida but
differs in features of the genitalia and legs.
We treat it as an undescribed species.It was collected by sweeping herbaceous
vegetation at dusk.
Marinna sp.B,adult male,dark morph.
Marinna sp.B,adult female.Note spots on pronotum.
Marinna sp.B, male nymph. 269
Musgravia kalimna,adult male head,
pronotum, exposed tegmina (left); tip of
abdomen (right).
Marinna sp. B. Genus Musgravia Otte (Lara in Otte and Alexander 1983)
Recognised by the following combination of characters: tegmina extending well beyond the tip of the pronotum; tegmina banded; genital processes brown orpale,tergite at base
Musgravia kalimna.
black. Species of this genus occupy the forests of eastern coastal Queensland. A single species has been found in mangroves and we have discovered a species with wingless males
that seems to belong to Musgravia.
Musgravia kalimna
(Otte & Alexander)
A reddish brown species that is often pale.
The antennae are usually reddish brown to orange and faintly banded. Males have a broad black short band in the middle of the left tegmen where it protrudes from beneath the pronotum. The frons is pale in live specimens. Males have the 10th tergite of the abdomen black with the short genital processes yellow to orange. The song is
described as a succession of complex chirps, each comprising2 pulse units followed by a 3 pulse unit. This is a cricket that has been Musgravia kalimna,adult male.
TRIBE MOGOPLISTINI found on mangroves where it lives on the trunks, ascending as much as2 m from the base of the trees.We have foundit elsewhere well away from mangroves but in coastal
habitats. Bodylength: males8.9-9.2 mm;females 8.7 mm. M. kalimna is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Musgravia natarina
(Otte & Alexander)
Musgravia natarina,adult male,tip of
3-SPOT MUSGRAVIA A reddish brown species with banded antennae and 3 spots at the tip of the male abdomen.The tegmina are longer than the
length of the pronotum. Females have a grey abdomen with the posterior margin of
each tergite contrasting white rendering the
abdomen with a banded appearance. This Musgravia natarina,adult female. species has been found in regrowth where
the crickets live in regenerating trees. The
song is described as a complex chirp followed by 2-4 pulses. Body length: males 8.3 mm; females
M. natarina is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Musgravia natarina. Musgravia nimmitabel (Otte &
YELLOW-TAIL Musgravia natarina,adult male.
Recognised by the distinctivecolour pattern of the male tegmina and the pointed yellowish,asymmetrical large genital processes. The left process bears 3 acute tips.This is a species of the forest
understorey. It seems to prefer low
shrubbery. Body length: males 8.1 mm; females
M.nimmitabel is a member of the SE Coastal Community, Qld.
Musgravia nimmitabel. Musgravia nimmitabel, adult male.Photo:BKing.
Musgravia sp. 1
Previously,1 mosoplistine species, Ornebius
howensis Chopard, was recorded from Lord Howe Island. Since then,another, in
Musgravia, has been discovered. This species is active on shrubby vegetation after
Musgravia sp.1,adult male.PhotoIHutton.
Musgravia nimmitabel, male,tip of abdomen.
Photo:B King.
Musgravia sp.1,adult female.Photo:1Hutton.
Musgravia sp. 2
between the cerci.The fore and middlelegs We illustrate this peculiar little wingless are banded. The posterior margin of the
Musgravia.It is one of several silent cricketstegmina bears a continuous black or brown band. The Australian species have been that live in the rainforest habitat in the assigned to 3 groups:the Wandella Group, Kuranda, Qld, area.
the Illaroo Group and the Abminga Group.
The Abminga Group
The Abminga Group comprises 6 species
that livein the forests of coastalQueensland.
The legs of both sexes are banded. Males
have the distalend of the abdomen darker Musgravia sp.2, adult female.
than the pronotum. The tegmina possess
a dark band along the hind margin and
usually 1-3 dark anterior spots that can
be partially concealed by the pronotum.
The lateral margin of the tegmen lacks dark pigmentation in all but 2 known
species. The genital processes are pale to Musgravia sp.2,adult female.
medium brown and there are tufts of light-coloured setae on the 10th tergite of
the abdomen.
Ornebius coorumbena Otte & Alexander PRETTY ORNEBIUS
A ubiquitous species in theundergrowth of
rainforests, to ̄2 m, in the Daintree and
Kuranda regions. Males sing incessantly at night and sporadically on dark days. Both
Musgravia sp.2.
sexes can be found grazing on leaf surfaces after dark. Daylight hours are spent in unfurling leaves or within dry crumpled leaves in undergrowth. This species is never found on the ground and seldom comes to
Genus Ornebius Guérin-Méneville A large cosmopolitan genus with 115 lights. Easily recognised by the distinctive species of which the Australian component calling song. Males have the lateral portion comprises 35 described species. The genus of the tegmen not darkened. However, the is not easy to recognise. Species are more median portion of the anterior portion of
than 7.5 m in body length with the last the tegmen is black. This is often partially
segment of the abdomen of males not black covered by the pronotum. The entire
) G M Fig.33. Some morphological characters useful in Mogoplistinae identification.Ornebius Abminga Group.(A)Left male tegmina O.abminga;(B) O.kalara; (C) O.woomba.(D-G) male 10th tergites: (D) O.kalarg; (E)O.coorumbena;(F)O.abminga;(G) O.karkalo.(H-L) Male genital processes:O.kalara; J)O.abminga; (K) O.woomba;(L) O. karkalo;(M) Male cercus O.coorumbena;(N)Male subgenital
plate O. abminga. Modified from Otte and Alexander (1983), with permission.
Ornebius coorumbena, calling song.
TRIBE MOGOPLISTINI posterior margin of the tegmina is black.
Females have the head,fore and middle legs and the cerci reddish brown with the hind legs mottled grey in most specimens. In others, the head, pronotum and legs are mottledgrey. In both examples the antennae
ofboth sexes are annulate. The calling song is a train of 8 or more pulses with shorter
and shorter intervals. Bodylength: males7.0-7.5 mm; females 7.0-7.5 mm; ovipositor 3.5 mm. O.coorumbena is a member of the NE Coastal Community, Qld. Ornebius coorumbena,adult female.
Ornebius coorumbena. Ornebius coorumbena,adult male.
Ornebius sp.near coorumbena
Although appearing similar to O.
coorumbena,this species has avery different calling song. The calling song is very faint, audible only for a metre or less.This species
Ornebius coorumbena,adult male.
occurs with O. coorumbena in the Daintree rainforests of north Queensland where it
lives in the understorey vegetation.
Ornebius sp.near coorumbena,calling song.
Ornebius sp.near coorumbena,adult male.
Ornebius sp.near coorumbena.
a black band along the posterior margin and some small black markings usually
hidden beneath the pronotum. The palpi and antennae are banded. The genital Ornebius sp.near coorumbena,adult female.
processes are yellowish in colour and not
very elongate.The legs are mottled and the
Ornebius karkalo Otte & Alexander ELUSIVE ORNEBIUS
Known from north of Townsville to Mission Beach along the Queensland coast.
This small species is distinctive in the combination of rusty orange tegmina with Ornebius karkalo,adult male.
TRIBE MOGOPLISTINI cerci weakly banded. This species lives in the dry leaf litter in mixed eucalypt forests in the company of the grylline crickets Loxoblemmus pallens (p. 75).
Body length: males 5.8 mm; females
O. karkalo is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Ornebius krkal.
) s因要 上八上m-__
Fig.34. Some morphological characters useful in Mogoplistinae identification.Ornebius
Wandella Group.(A-G)Left male tegmen:(A)O.wandella;(B)O.aperta;(C) O.wandella;(D)O.
curtipalpis;(F)O.kanya;(G) O.bambara.(H-T)Male genital processes:(H,J,K)O.wandella;(L)O.
curtipalpis;(M) O.gumbalera; (N)probably O. nigromaculatus (Abminga Group);(O) O.coomialla;(P) O.aperta;(Q) O.kanya;(R)O.attunga;(S)O.allambi;(T)O.bambara;(U) O.coomialla male frons;(V) O.wandella male frons; (W)O.kanya male frons;(X)O.immarna maxillary palpus.(Y-J')Male 10th
abdominal tergite,dorsal view:(Y)O.wandella;(A)O.curtipalpis;(B))O.bambara; (C')O.allambi; (D')O.gumbalera;(E')O.aperta;(F')O.elvalina;(G')O.immarna;(H')O.coomialla;('))O.kanya. Modified from Otte and Alexander (1983), with permission.
The Illaroo Group
banded or with greyish patterns. The faint banding is said to distinguish the Wandella We have no reliable specimens to ascribe to t group from the Ilaroo Group but this may be due to wear on the specimens. The male genital processes are pale medium to light The Wandella Group This is a very large group of species, brown. On undamaged males, the 10th described and undescribed. These crickets tergite has a tuft of setae on each side.
are difficult to define and the species group Depending upon the species, these setae
may not be natural. They live in forested can appear spine-like. areas of the eastern and northern portions of the continent. A single species has been Ornebius sp.nov.
described from Derby, WA. Many are WANDELLA ORNEBIUS among the largest species in Ornebius in Several distinctive species seem to prefer Australia. The head and pronotum are life in grasses and mixed herbs under tall
similarly coloured, the latter with 4 small trees in the north Queensland. These are black dots that are prominent on specimens habits similar to those of several Marinna
that have not been rubbed. The frons is veryspecies. They can be collected by vigorous
dark, often with vague stripes and marks. sweeping. These are included here to The tegmina have some dark marks along illustrate the diversity of undescribed the posterior margin or,rarely, with a single mogoplistine species that exist in the
continuous dark band. The legs are faintly Wandella Group.
Species A, adult male, pronotum (left) and exposed tegmina (right).
Species B, adult female. Species A adult female.
Species A.
Species B.
Species B,adult male.Head,pronotum(left);exposed tegmina(right.
Species C,calling song.
Species C,adult male, head pronotum,
Species C adult male.
Species D, adult male.Head,pronotum(left);
greatly reduced. The basal tarsal segment of the hind tibia is very long. These crickets live in leaf litter and in or on termite mounds or on tree trunks in rainforests. Three species have been described from Cape Tribulation and the northern part of
the Northern Territory.
Pongah ilara Otte & Alexander ILARA PONGAH Minutely ovoid and compact. The tegmina of males is almost completely hidden underneath the pronotum,making the nymphs difficult to tell from adults. The posterior half of the abdomen is
contrastingly pale.These crickets live inleaf
litter. We have found them on termite
mounds of the genus Termes in the rainforest after dark as well as on tree
trunks. Species D, adult male.
P ilara is a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Pongah ilara, male.
Species D. Genus Pongah Otte & Alexander Small, black, big-headed crickets. Males
have a disproportionately large pronotum
with the tegmina nearly entirely hidden.
The male genital processes are concealed or Pongah ilara, adult female.
black genital processes and a stridulatory
file with more than 220 teeth. Females are
difficult to identify unless collected with males. The 3 species have been found in forested areas of coastal northern
Queensland and the vicinity of Darwin,
Yarabina alawara
(Otte & Alexander)
Pongah ilara.
VARIEGATED SCALED CRICKET A greyish cricket easily recognised by the banded legs, and mottled grey pronotum
Genus Talia Otte & Alexander
that is reddish posteriorlyand with a pair of black spots on the posterior margin. The
Known from 3 species from the northern tegmina are highly translucent and portion of the continent including the colourless except for spots and dark
Torres Strait Islands. Recognised by the markings anteriorly and a dark band with moderate size and the reddish brown dark spots along the posterior margin. The posterior band of the tegmen. The head and male genital processes are symmetrical and pronotum are yellowish. The male 10th black. The antennae andcerciare banded.A tergite is usually dark in the central portion single male of this species has been foundin
with the genital processes black. The cerci the Kuranda rainforest where it was beaten are not banded in any known species. These from low tree foliage. Our example may be crickets seem to be associated with of another species. It does not agree in all
mangroves along the coast.
Genus Yarabina Otte (Maroa in Otte and Alexander 1983)
A small genus of 4 species. There are a few
aspects with the description in Otte and
Alexander. Body length: males 5.0 mm; females unknown.
characters that are essential in placing species in this genus. Yarabina can be confused with both Collendina and Talia because the males of all 3 have black genital processes. However, individuals in both of those genera are more elongate than those
of Yarabina. Talia species have reddish brown tegmina. In Yarabina males the tegmina are not reddish brown and have
spots on the posterior margin.Males have Yarabinaalawara,adult male. 282
Yarabina alawara.
Species B
This is one of the most striking Australian Mogoplistinae with strongly contrasting bands and colours.
Species B,adult male.Photo:P.zborowski. Yarabina alawara,adult male head, pronotum exposed tegmina (top); tip of abdomen
Y. alawara is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Species B. 283
A GUiDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Family Trigonididae (Pygmy and themiddletarsalsegmentbearsaprominent the Leaf-running Crickets (Trigs))adhesive pad. This presumably aids in
Subfamily Trigonidiinae
gripping leaves and grasses in their arboreal
habitat. They also have the hind tibia with 2 inner and 3 outer apical spurs and 3 inner For many years the Pygmy and Leaf-i running Crickets were considered as and3outer subapicalspurs.The hind tibiae separate but distinct subfamilies of the are almost always as long as the hind larger and extremely diverse family femora. The Nemobiinae have the middle Gryllidae. As noted previously, cricket tarsal segment laterally compressed and classification is in the state of flux due to lacking an adhesive pad. They also have 3 interest on the part of many researchers, the inner and 3 outer apical spurs and 3-4 inner development of molecular and behavioural
and 3-4 outer subapical spurs. The only
research, and discovery of more and more known Australian nemobiines with 2 inner species. The former subfamily Trigonidiinae apical spurs are Eumarinemobius and a has been accorded family status. Presently, species of Burcus. The Trigonidiinae (here called Trigs) are the Trigonididae includes the Trigonidiinae very diverse both in appearance and in and the Nemobiinae. Both subfamilies have considerable presence in Australia.The habit.There areupwards to30world genera
with over 300 species. The broadly Trigonidiinae (also called 'trigs' or Leaf-
distributed genus Anaxipha was the most and tree-dwelling small insects. Many are diverse with more than 40 species, several renown and prized in Asian countries for of which occur in Australia. However, the pleasant song males produce (p. 53). Trigonidium has undergone revision and running Crickets) are mostly grass, shrub
Some,like Balamara albovittata and several Australian genera have been Amusurgus species, spend the daylight synonymised with it,making it a very large
hours in leaf litter. The Nemobiinae, on the genus in Australia. Trigs are mostly tropical other hand, are often found in moist in their distribution. Most habitats in the habitats, in lawns, along watercourses or
Australian tropics have 1 or multiple
simply in leaf litter within or on the margins species. Some species are silent and produce of forests. They are not found in trees or off no call at all, whereas, others produce the ground.Some nemobines have adapted incessant calling songs, often both day and
to a marine littoral habitat. Some, but not night. Nine genera of Trigonidiinae are all, species in both subfamilies can be
attracted to lights at night. They can be veryrecorded from Australia, all of which are abundant and frequently multiple species of placed in the tribe Trigonidini. Many
each subfamily can be found in a singleundescribed species are known and more can be expected when remote areas are habitat.
The Trigonidinaeare smallslenderand censused. Some of the larger genera are
e likely to be split since there is a tendency to delicate in appearance. The structure of the middle tarsal segment distinguishes them divide groups as the result of molecular and
from the Nemobiinae.In the Trigonidinae, phylogenetic analyses.
Some trigs can be excessively abundant. hundreds of teeth arranged along a vein of
The grass-inhabiting and forb-frequenting only l or2 mminlength.Scanning electron species seem to fit this category. In addition,micrographs are a reliable way of making an
flightless and mute species seem to be moreaccurate count of the number of teeth on abundant than those that produce song. the file. With the trigs, the general gestalt of the Perhaps the force of numbers provides compensation for the lack of a calling song. cricket can be helpful in revealing its identity. Trig classification is built on theOther more traditional characters involve
assessment of the structures involved with the presence or absence of a stridulatory file
acoustic signalling and reception. Acoustic in males aswell as the presence or absence of signalling has been lost many times in tympanal auditory openings and which side crickets. Even within a single genus there is of the fore tibia they are on. Within a few
evidence that the male stridulatory file and species,the stridulatory file may be present auditory tympanum have been lost several or absent,making identification rather
times. Trigs are difficult to identify. Even uncertain. A word of caution: we have with keys and tables, making a positive discovered that colour and pattern can
identification can be difficult. The small size change dramatically over the lifetime of a
of most species indicates that a microscope cricket. This has undoubtedly led to some is necessary to see minute structures. misleading taxonomic decisions. This will be
Observation of the stridulatory file in most shown on succeeding pages where the same species in the family is beyond the scope of cricket isphotographedover the course of its
this book. Some species have dozens or captive life.
Key to genera of Trigonidiinae (modified from Otte and Alexander 1983) Based on males. 1. Fore tibia with a distinct anterior(inner) tympanum and with or without a posterior (outer)
tympanum.…………………………………….………..2 Fore tibia without a posterior tympanum or with a small depression or dimple-like; if diffcult to
decide, then assume negative..…..…....….….…………...8 2(1)Foretibia with well developed posterior tympanum that is almost as large or even larger than
anterior tympanum..….….……..…..5 Fore tibia witha very small posterior tympanum that is much smaller than the anterior or
without atympanum at all.……………….………………...3 3(2)Tegmen without astridulatory file and without amirror (p.299)…….……..….…….......4
Tegmen with stridulatory fle and with a narrow mirror
Green Leaf-runner Cyrtoxiphoides Chopard 4(3)Overallbody colourgreen or greenishyellow andwithout dark spots.Top of head very flat with eyes horizontally elongate (p.299).(Male genitalia asymmetrical and characteristic)
Metiochodes Chopard (p.299)
A GUiIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Overall body colour not pale green or described as above. Ifgreenish, then with small
spots on femora and tibiae.Top ofhead not very flat with eyes ovoid orif produced, then
produced ventrally.
Tropical Litter Trigs Amusurgus Brunner(p.287) 5(2) Tegmen with alarge mirror(p.298)……………………………………………………..6
Tegmen without amirror (p.315).………………………………………………….7 6((5) Colourful, body elongate.Fore and middle legs shining black.
Tinkling Leaf-runners Homoeoxipha de Saussure (p.297)
Not especially colourful. Legs not black, body not especially elongate. Bel Leaf-runners Anaxipha de Saussure (Anaxiphoides Group)plus Natula Gorochov 7(5) Tegmen with a small sridulatory fle Confusing Trigs Trigonidium subgenus Trigonidomorpha Chopard(p.316)
Tegmen without a trace of a stridulatory file Confusing Trigs Trigonidium subgenusMetioche St?l (in part, see below)(p.314) 8(1) Tegmen with stridulatory fleand large miror.…………………………………..9
Tegmenusually without stridulatory file and mirror………..………….………..11 9(8) Fore tibia withatympanum…………………………………………………………….10
Fore tibia without a tympanum
ConfusingTrigs Trigonidium subgenus Balamara Otte&Alexander (in part,see below)(p.311) 10(9) Body colour dark brown to black.Tegmen with white bands; face with prominent white
bands (p.311).
Confusing Trigs Trigonidium subgenus Balamara Otte&Alexander (in part,see above)(p.311)
Two entries!
Body colour not dark brown to black.Tegmen and without white bands;males with small stridulatory vein and no mirror.
Confusing Trigs Trigonidium subgenus Trigonidomorpha Chopard (in part,see above)(p.316)
Not ftting above two entries …………………………………………………………… Bell Leaf-runners Anaxipha de Saussure (Fuscocinctum Group) (p.292) 11(8) Fore tibia with posterior tympanum
Confusing Trigs Trigonidium subgenus Parametioche Otte&Alexander(in part,see above) …………………………………………...…….Prectinervis (Chopard)
Fore tibia without tympanum on either side.………………….……………………..12 12(11)Tegmen short.Fore tibia very slender (p.297).Yellowish crickets. Slender-footed Trigs Dolichoxipha Chopard (p.296)
Tegmen not especially short. Fore tibia normal, not slender. Colour not yellowish, usually brown,blackish or grey.……..…………….………….…..13 13(12) Fore tibia witha depression or dimple.Dorsal surface appearing flat when viewed laterally.
Confusing Trigs Trigonidium subgenus Metioche St?l (in part,see above) (p.314)
Fore tibia without any trace of a depression or dimple.Dorsal surface appearing convexor
arching inlateral profile.………………………………………………..14
14(13)Body dark,usually blackdorsally often with distinct bands.Face banded. Confusing Trigs Trigonidium subgenus Balamara Otte&Alexander (seeabove)Trigonidium (Balamara) albovittata (Chopard) (p. 311)
Body not dark, lacking distinct bands. Confusing Trigs Trigonidium subgenus Trigonidium Chopard(p.303)(see above)
Natula anaxiphoides
Natula longipennis
Anaxjpha mjoebergi Fig.35. Hind legs of some trigonidiline genera.
Genus Arnusurgus Brunner
a posterior tympanum or have a small one.
The head usually has bristles. The abdomen (Amusurgus Leaf-runners) Armusurgus is known from 16 species found bears dorsal glands. in the northern wet tropics on both sides of
The Australian species have been placed
the continent. Other species occur in India,in 4 distinctive groups. These are common,
Sri Lanka,Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia and active crickets that frequently come to
New Guinea. All Australian species lack a lights. The sexes are similar. They are easily stridulatory vein and bear a large anterior identified. tympanum on the fore tibia, and either lack
Kanyakis Group
Dorsum of body lighter than the sides of the body orhead and pronotum dark brown.Includes A.angustus,A.
Body length: 6.00-6.4 mm.
A. kanyakis is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
fascifrons,A.kanyakis and A.tinka.
Mubboonis Group
Head and pronotum pale and with
narrow streaks. Fore and middle
tibiae without broad, dark bands. Frons with narrow dark stripes. Dorsum of head with small dark
markings.Includes a single species,
A. mubboonis. Nilarius Group
Frons pale yellow-brown or pale brown
Amusurgus kanyakis, adult male.
and without dark spots.Fore and middle tibiae without dark spots
near base.Includes 2 species,A.
minmirri and A. nilarius.
Noorundi Group
Body pale yellow or green.Fore and
middle tibiae with 2 dark spots near
base.Includes 2 species,A.hackeri
and A. noorundi.
The Kanyakis Group
Amusurgus kanyakis, adult female.
Amusurgus kanyakis Otte &
A small, common and very active little
cricket that frequents leaf litter and understorey vegetation in rainforests and along river and stream margins. The body is pale dorsally with a broad black band running from thehead to the tip ofthe hind wings. The hind femur usually has a row of small spots dorsally.The fore tibia bears 3 large spots. This species is distinguished from the related A.angustus in lacking a bandat the tip ofthehind femur.Commonly
attracted to lights.
Amusurgus kanyakis.
Amusurgus tinka Otte & Alexanderfemora bear a faint apical ring and the hind tibia is not spotted or banded. The hind NOCTURNAL LEAF-RUNNER A common species in the understorey of the femur lacks dark spots before theknee.The northern rainforests. During the day the adjacent tibia is uniformly unspotted.
crickets live in leaf litter. The body is very Commonly attracted to lights.
dark with the top of the head dark brown to black. The dorsum of the forewings and legs
Body length: both sexes ~6.00-6.5 mm.
A. tinka is a member of the NE Coastal
are pale brown to tan with the veins of thee Community, Qld. forewings net-like. The fore and middle
Amusurgus tinka, adult male.
Amusurgus tinka, female dark morph.
Amusurgus tinka. Amusurgus tinka, last instar male.
The Mubboonis Group
Amusurgus mubboonis Otte &
MOTTLED LEAF-RUNNER The single known species is rare but
distinctive in its small size and somewhat
have distinctive black segments. The apical segments of all legs are black. The fore and
middle tibiae lack spots. The hind tibia often bears a dark spot at the base.
Body length:4.5-5.7 mm.
A. nilarius is a member of the NE
short-winged appearance. Dorsum of head Coastal Community, Qld.
and pronotum with faint dark markings.
Veins of forewing lighter than the cells. Frons with a horizontal stripe. Fore and
middle legs faintly banded. Hind femur
with an apical faint, brown band preceded
by an even fainter band. Hind tibia very
dark. We have notencountered this species. Bodylength:both sexes around7.5 mm. A.mubboonis is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
The Nilarius Group
Amusurgus nilarius Otte &
DUSK LEAF-RUNNER A relatively uncommon species with a reddish brown appearance. It lives on leaf
surfaces of understorey vegetation in rainforests in the north-east.Than antennae
Amusurgus nilarius,adult female (top); head and banded antennae (bottom).
Amusurgus nilarius, adult female.
Amusurgus nilarius.
Amusurgus minmirri Otte &
FAST LEAF-RUNNER Locally common in leaf litter bordering rainforest. A plain reddish brown species with no markings except for a few dark segments ofthe antenna.All legs arereddish
brown and without markings.
Body length: males 5.0 mm; females
A. minimirri is a member of the NE
Coastal community, Qld.
Amusurgus minmirri.
The Noorundi Group
Amusurgus hackeri (Chopard)
A distinctively greenish or greenish yellow species with the cells of the forewings light brown,separated from the only other member of the group, A.noorundi, by the
shape of the male genitalia. The head and pronotum often have network of irregular
dark green lines. All femora uniformly green. Fore and middle tibiae with a basal black spot. Hind tibia greenish with a minute,short back stripe at base on dorsal
Amusurgus minmirri,adult male.Note markings surface.Rarely attracted to lights.
on pronotum.
Bodylength:both sexes 7.00-8.00 mm.
A. hackeri is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Amusurgus minmirri adult female.
Amusurgus hackeri, adult male.
Amusurgus hackeri, adult female.
Amusurgus hackeri. in grasses. Subtle differences in the minute concealed genitalia can be useful in
identification. Song probably is the best solution to species identification along with colour, pattern and several other
morphological characters.
Anaxipha bifasciata Chopard VARIEGATED BELL
This little cricket is known from a broad range including New Guinea, Indonesia and northern Australia on both sides of the continent. It was just recognised as being in Australia from a series of specimens collected in Queensland and
Amusurgus hackeri, male head and pronotum (top); female ovipositor (bottom).
the Northern Territory, and had been
confused with Homoeoxipha lycoides (p. 297), which is more common and more
widespread and distinctive within itself
Genus Anaxipha Saussure (Bells) (compare p. 298). The head of the Only 4 of the 183 species in AnaxiphaVariegated Bell has the scape and pedicel occur in Australia. Elsewhere Anaxipha of the antenna black, the flagellum grey has a world-wide distribution. All with vague annulations.The dorsal surface
Australian species are endemic to the of the head has a distinct black mark
northern tropics and can be found on both surrounded by dark orange or reddish
sides of the continent. The species are brown.This species has the fore and similar in appearance and all probably live middle legs black and the hind femur
SUBFAMILY TRIGONIDIINAE creamish white with vague longitudinal stripes on the outer surface. The male genitalia are also quite different from
Homoeoxipha lycoides.It occurs in the shrubby and weedy vegetation bordering forests and appears to be active during the
day.Length body: both sexes 6.0-7.0 mm.
A.bifasciata is a member of the NE
Coastal community,Qld,and the N Gulf N
Coastal Communities, NT.
Anaxipha bifasciata,adult male.Head,
pronotum,tegmina(left);right hind leg (right).
Note longitudinal stripe.
Anaxipha bifasciata, adult male.
Anaxipha bifasciata,adult female.
Anaxipha bifasciata.
Anaxipha bifasciata,calling song.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Anaxipha fuscocinctum(Chopard)light coloured, almost transparent and margined with black. This should help to BROWN BELL
This beautiful little cricket occurs in several al distinguish individuals from H. lycoides.
different colour morphs. In addition, longHowever, females have shiny black tegmina and short-winged morphs are known. The
and a hump-backed appearance. The
Brown Bell could be confused with sculpturing of the ovipositor is distinctive. Homoeoxipha lycoides (p.297), a much more
common species that often occurs with it at the same locality. Brown Bell males have a distinctive tawny brown pronotum. Females usually have the surface of the pronotum
brown but the sides pale green. The femora of this species are yellow with a greenish tinge and the tibiae are light brown with the tarsi somewhat darker brown.The top of the head
is reddish brown and the base of the antennae
contrastingly black. The mouthparts are greenish yellow. The dorsal surface of the
abdomen is black. The males tegmen is very Anaxiphafuscocincta,adult female,long-
winged morph (top); short-winged morph (bottom); tip of ovipositor (inset).
Anaxiphafuscocincta,adult male.
Anaxipha fuscocincta, nymph.
Anaxiphafuscocincta,calling song long til and broken ti. A. fuscocinctum is a member of the N
Gulf Qld and NT, and N Coastal
Community Qld.
Anaxipha mjobergi Chopard
This species is very similar to Natula anaxiphoides (p.300)but differs from other
Anaxiphafuscocincta,odd pale female morph.
Anaxipha fuscocincta.
Brown Bells live in shrubbery or trees 1-2 m off the ground. Only rarely can they be swept from grass and this may happen because they have been knocked from
shrubbery or trees.Body length: both sexes
6.0-7.0 mm.
Anaxipha mjobergi,adult male on light sheet.
The diameter of the holes is~1 mm.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA species in Anaxipha by having an auditory tympanum on both sides of the fore tibia
and the top of the head rather flat.The hind wings are often not visible. This species lives in tall green grasses along watercourses. Song: a short trill with a fast pulse rate.
Body length: both sexes 6.0-7.0 mm;
hind femur 4.7 mm.
A. mjobergi is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Anaxipha mjobergi.
Genus Dolichoxipha Chopard Anaxipha mjobergi, adult female.
(Slender-legged Leaf Runners)
Dolichoxipha is known from 2 species from
the north-eastern tropics. They are striking in both the intense colour and their slender-
legged appearance. The fore tibiae lack any trace of an auditory tympanum on either side. There is no trace of a stridulatory file
on the male of either species. The margin of the pronotum is sparsely covered with long hairs. The tegmina are short and do not reach the tip of the abdomen. Wings are absent. The head is somewhat flattened. Male genitalia have not been studied. Females of the 2 species have distinctive armature of the hind tibia.In D. gracilipes
there are 3 inner and 3 outer subapical spurs; in D. danbulla there are 2 subapical
spurs on each side.
Dolichoxipha gracilipes Chopard CAIRNS SLENDER-LEGGED LEAF RUNNER
A strikingly green, slender-legged cricket
that lives in shrubbery and trees. This species resembles other leaf-runners such
Anaxipha mjobergi, adult male.Note head,
as Amusurgus and some species of
Trigonidium. Careful examination of the
legs reveals that they are very different. Walker, a strikingly beautiful species that Members of this species have 3 inner and3 has been described several times under
outer spines on the hind tibia. The hirsute different names.Reasons for this are simple.
margins of the pronotum are useful in Colours and pattern are somewhat variable
identifying this species.The Cairns Slender- and there are both long-and short-winged
legged Leaf Runner is seemingly rare in individuals. One known species is
nature and not attracted to lights.Found by represented in the Australian fauna. sweeping and beating shrubs and low
branches of rainforest trees.
Homoeoxipha lycoides (Walker)
the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
Australia but has a rather limited range. It
Body length: both sexes 5.2 mm. TINKLING LEAF-RUNNER Dolichoxipha gracilipes is a member of H. lycoides is common where it occurs in lives along the coast of north Queensland.
The cricket seems most at home in long, green grass but it can also be found in
shrubbery to heights of ̄2 m. Males are usually more brightly coloured than the
females. The head, palpi and the Ist 2 segments of the antennae are jet black; the
Dolichoxipha gracilipes, adult female.
flagellum of the antenna is yellow until the last third to a quarter and then it darkens.
This character can be used to separate femalesfrom those of Anaxiphafuscocinctum (p.294),which is otherwise similar and
occurs in same geographic range.Both sexes of H. lycoides have yellow fore and middle legs.The hindlegs are yellow with the tips of the tibia and the last segment of the hind
tarsus, including the claw, black. The male tegmina are black with a few white elongate light spots. Females,in general, are much
darker with the colour patterns less clear.
Dolichoxipha gracilipes.
Genus Homoeoxipha de Saussure (Tinkling Leaf-runners)
Some are almost entirely blackexcept for the
hind legs. The ovipositor is yellow at the base and becomes brown towards the tip. This species is very common and can be found along with Beybienkoana australica
Homoeoxipha is known from 11 species (p.193)and Euscyrtus hemelytrus(p.196)
from south Asia, Malaysia,Indonesia and a on the same plants. Where populations are few localities in western central Africa.The considerable,males sing during the dayand most widespread species is H. lycoides well into the night. They are easily collected
Homoeoxipha lycoides, long-winged male (top);
female (bottom).
by sweeping the grasses or beating low-
hanging vegetation and shrubbery.
Body length: both sexes 6.0-7.0 mm.
Homoeoxipha lycoides is a member of Homoeoxipha lycoides, short-winged male.
the NE Coastal Community, NT,Qld.
Homoeoxipha lycoides, nymph.
Homoeoxipha lycoides.
服 w e me.mmiemoaumwsea.
Homoeoxipha lycoides, alling song.
SUBFAMILY TRIGONIDIINAE Genus Metiochodes (Flat-headed
ventral surface of the abdomen near the
Leaf Runners)
subgenital plate.
from Africa and south Asia and the Indo-
ovipositor 2.0-2.3 mm.
Eighteen species of Metiochodes are known
Body length: both sexes 8.9 mm;
M. australicus is a member of the Guinea.Only 3 species have been described Northern Coastal Communities,NSW,Qld, Malaysian region to and including New
from Australia. They are distinctive and
ratherrobust bright green small, flat crickets that can be swept from grasses and herbaceous vegetation. They live in several habitats, ranging from dry savannah to open clearings within rainforests. Males lacka stridulatoryvein and this distinguishes them from the related genus Cyrtoxiphoides. Metiochodes species are macropterous and have a large posterior auditory tympanum Metiochodes australicus, adult female. on the fore tibiae but a smaller 1 on the posterior surface. The flat head forms
almost a right angle when viewed laterally. The antennal scape and pedestal are broad relative to the width of the fastigium. The
abdomen bears a dorsal gland under the tegmina and wings. The male genitalia are asymmetrical and distinctive. Females, however, are very difficult to distinguish
from those of Cyrtoxiphoides.
Metiochodes australicus Chopard
COMMON FLAT-HEADEDLEAF RUNNER Metiochodes australicus, female, ventral surface Found at lights along forest margins where of abdomen.Note spots; ovipositor. the species is not common.Males lack a horizontalband through eye.Male genitalia distinctive. Females bear 2 spots on the
Metiochodes australicus,adult male.
Metiochodes australicus,last instar female.
Metiochodes australicus.
Metiochodes thankalomara.
Metiochodes thankolomara Otte &
Genus Natula Gorochov
Natula was separated from Anaxipha and includes6 species,only 1 of which is from Australia. N. anaxiphoides(Chopard)said
Described from Prince of Wales Island, to be related to Anaxipha longipennis and A. Cape York, Qld, but this species is more mjobergi. However, A.mjobergi currently
widespread. We have found it in the open resides in Anaxipha. Otte and Alexander forest at Talaroo,near Georgetown, Qld.
Because of the similarity of colour of the species, this character cannot be used to separate them. This species is more robust than M.australicus and males lack a horizontal band through the eye.The hind
recorded N. longipennis from Australia. Natula anaxiphoides (Chopard)
The Plain Natula,N.anaxiphoides,is straw
coloured,often very pale green in life. The
femur is less than 4.5 mm in length; mirror is about twice as long as wide and ovipositor ~1.8 mm. bears a false vein within. The fore tibia has Metiochodes thankalomara is a member well-developed tympana on both sides. This of the N Gulf Community, Qld. species differs only slightly from Anaxipha mjobergi in the following characteristics:
inner subapical spurs of hind tibia long in N.anaxiphoides, short in A.mjobergi,and
the mirror is about twice as long as wide in
N.anaxiphoides andless than twice as long in A.mjobergi.Otherwise the 2 species are
similar and do not seem to deserve to be placed in separate genera.
Metiochodes thankalomara,adult female.
The Plain Natula is relatively common and easily collected by sweeping long grass.
Natula anaxiphoides, adult male at light sheet.
It often occurs with the much more be2 distinctive calling songs in this species. colourful Homoeoxipha lycoides(p.297), This species seems to prefer grasses along
but is much less common than that species. streams and rivers. Body length: males 5.7 mm; females Males sing at night from tall grasses with a
succession of short trills. There appears to 6.0 mm.
Natula anaxiphoides, adult female. 构0
Natula anaxiphoides, alling songs.
Natulaanaxiphoides,adult male;tegmen-note mirror. Natula longipennis (Serville)
The Northern Natula is very similar to N.
anaxiphoides but males bear slightly
different genitalia and the mirror of the
tegmen is not twice as long as wide. The internal apical spurs of the hind`tibia are
Natula anaxiphoides.
intermediate in length. The anterior tympanum of the fore tibia may be absent in
some specimens and well developed in
The Plain Natula is a member of the N others. The stridulatory file bears around72
Gulf Coastal Community, Qld and NT, the teeth. This cricket lives in tall herbaceous N Coastal Community, NT and WA, and vegetation along rivers,streams and forest margins. the NE Coastal Community, Qld.
Natulalongipennis, adult male(left);male forewing (right.
tympana on either side of the fore tibia.In lateralview, these crickets appear tobehump- backed and small with the body length less
than 6.0 mm. Trigonidium species seem to prefer grasses or herbaceous vegetation,and they often live in moist areas. Parametioche was founded by Otte and Alexander for a
Natula longipennis, adult female.
single species,P. rectinervis(Chopard),
because they could relate it to no other.
Subgenus Trigonidium Eleven Australian species are presently included in this subgenus. They have been
further subdivided into species groups.
These seem to be variable in many
morphological characters, especially colour. With this in mind,here is how they may be separated at present. Australiana Group
Natula longipennis. Body length: males 5.8 mm;females
N. longipennis is a member of the NE
Coastal and the NW Coastal Communities,
Qld, WA.
Genus Trigonidium Rambur
Trigonidium is an Old World genus comprising 182 species. It has been divided into 5 subgenera, 3 of which occur in Australia. Several of these subgenera considered as distinct genera in Otte and Alexander's book. They are now regarded as subgenera of Trigonidium. These include Balamara Otte & Alexander and Parametioche
Otte & Alexander. The subgenus Trigonidium
Dorsal part of body variable,yellowish brown or very dark, perhaps
depending on age;see p.317 for a
similar situation in Trigonidomorpha sjostedti. Species lack lateral stripes;
scape of antenna black, head mostly black with a broad central band
extending from head to pronotum on
females. Meekappa Group
Scape of antenna, head and pronotum brown or yellow brown;tegmina
yellow or light brown.
Parinervis Group
Scape of antenna, head and pronotum brown or yellow brown; tegmina dark
brown or black, very dark laterally, the veins may be pale or dark.
is also a part of the Australian fauna. The Australiana Group
Trigonidiumspecieslackaglandon the dorsal This group contains 2 species. One has a
surface of the abdomen and have no auditory peculiar distribution that encompasses the
east coast of thecontinent as wellaslocalities on the west coast. The other is confined to the south-eastern portion of Australia. Trigonidium (Trigonidium) australiana (Chopard)
Male individuals are very dark, shining black with the last segment of the maxillary palpus black. The legs are light brownish
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) australiana, last
yellow with the hind tarsi banded.Lighter instar female nymph.
coloured individuals may be expected to
darken with age.
Body length: both sexes 4.0 mm. T. (T.)australiana is a member of the
NE and SE Coastal Communities as well as the SWand NW Coastal Communities, WA.
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) australiana,young
female, Qld.
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) australiana, adult
male, ACT; tip of male abdomen.
.Nav 017
Trigonidium (Trigonidium)australiana,ageing affecting the colour pattern of the frons of the same
individual. 304
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) australiana.
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) canberrae.
Trigonidium (Trigonidium) canberrae (Otte & Alexander)
The Meekappa Group
The Silver-haired Trig was described from This group is known from 6 Australian Black Mountain Laboratory grounds, species. The members differ from the CSIRO,Canberra,ACT. This species Australiana and Parinervis groups in being almost entirely yellow or yellowish brown. appears identical to T.(T.)australiana
except males in thetype series havegenitalia All species occur along the east coast of so different from that species that it must be tropical Queensland and parts of the distinct. Continuous searching has failed to Northern Territory.
rediscover this species anywhere.It presents Trigonidium (T.)meekappa
a challenge to those interested in (Otte & Alexander) conservation and the phenomenon of BLACK-SPOT TRIG disappearing species. This species is entirely yellow brown in life T.(T.)canberrae is a member of the SE
Coastal Communities, NSW and Vic.
with the following exceptions: eye grey green with spots, internal margin with a
dark stripe; male genital spikes and area
Trigonidium(Trigonidium)canberrae,adult male Trigonidium (T) meekappa,adult male. (top), female (bottom).
A GuIDE To CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Body length: both sexes 5.6 mm;length
hind femur 4.2 mm.
T.(T.)meekappa isa member of the NE
Coastal Communities, Qld and NT.
Trigonidium (T.) bundila (Otte & Alexander)
The Bundilla Trig is yellow brown with a
dark brown patch on the surface of the Trigonidium (T.) meekappa.
pronotum. However,the abundance of specimens now convinces us that this is a complex of related species. The hidden portion of the abdomen under the tegmina is mostly yellow but can be darker brown. The membranes of the tegmina are darker
than the veins. Added to the complexity of this 'species'is the changing of the markings on the frons after death. They either disappear or change to brown. This species
lives in grasses and herbaceous vegetation Trigonidium (T.) meekappa,adult female,
normal colour.
adjacent to forests.
Body length: both sexes 5.1 mm; hind
femur 4.1 mm.
T.(T.) bundila is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Trigonidium (T) meekappa,frons-note
absence of spots (left);adult male showing claspers and black spot (right).
between base of cerci and tip of abdomen
black; 2nd and 3rd tarsal segments
contrastingly dark grey.
Trigonidium(T) bundilla,adult male.Note pink
markings on head and pronotum.
Trigonidium(T.)bundilla,adult female.
Trigonidium (T.)bundilla,frons, adult female-
the pink markings change to dark brown after
death (left);male subgenital plate,Mt Edith,
Qld (right).
Trigonidium(T.)bundilla,adult female.Raised
to adulthood in captivity on Orthopteran food mix(p.383).Dyes in the fish flakes may have
caused the individual to become green.
Trigonidium (T) bundilla,nymph, Mt Edith,Qld.
Trigonidium(T) bundila, older adult female.
Note faint pink marks.
Trigonidium (T.) bundilla.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Trigonidium(T.)sp.near killawarra Trigonidium(T.)near meekappa
(Otte & Alexander)
(Otte & Alexander)
We have not been able to positively identify A population along the coast of northern T. (T.) killawarra but have encountered Queensland has half black eyes. The anterior
individuals that may be this species. Thisthree-quarters of the eye is black, the
cricket has yellow eyes and occurs in grassyremainder grey. It lives in habitats similar to habitats near mixed forests along the coastother species in the group. Measurements of NE Queensland. Measurements similarsimilar to those for T. (T.) bundilla. to those for T. (T.) bundilla.
Trigonidium (T.) near meekappa, adult female. Trigonidium (T.) near killawarra, adult male.
Photo: S and A Pearson.
Trigonidium (T.) near meekappa. Trigonidium (T) near killawarra,female.
The Parinervis Group
This group includes 3 known species all of
which have the dorsal surface of the head
and pronotum yellow or yellow brown but not black. The tegmina are very dark, especially laterally. Our observations suggest that this group contains a complex of species that are defined mostly by colour
and study of dead museum specimens does not reveal the true nature of these species. Only study of live material will result in
Trigonidium (T.) near killawarra.
solution of this situation.
SuBFAMILY TRIGONIDIINAE Trigonidium (T.) parinervis
BLACK-WINGED TRIG This distinctive species has the head, including antennae and the mouthparts, the legs and the pronotum light yellow brown. The apex of the lst tarsal segment and the
adjacent tarsal segment are grey contrasting
with the other segments. The pronotum does not bear a dark central patch but does bear some long, brown setae. The tegmina areshining black.The area between the cerci Trigonidium (7.)parinervis.
is grey brown but the male genital spikes are
yellow brown. This species lives in herbaceous vegetation adjacent to rainforests in the Cardwell region of north Queensland.
Body length: both sexes 5.2-5.5 mm.
Trigonidium (T.)sp.near parinervis A This distinctive cricket lives in deep green along rainforest margins not far from Bramston Beach,Queensland. The
T.(T.)parinervis is a member of the NE distinctive colour and pattern of the head, Coastal Community, Qld. pronotum and legs is quite different from that of typical T. (T.)parinervis.
Trigonidium (T.)sp.near parinervis B A dark cricket with greenish patches on the undersides of the body and the margins of
the pronotum. This species occurs along
rainforest margins. Trigonidium (T.) parinervis, adult male.
Trigonidium (7.)parinervis,adult male (left;head,pronotum(right).
Trigonidium(T.)sp.near parinervis A,adult male (left); head and pronotum (right).
Trigonidium(T.)sp.near parinervis B.
Trigonidium (Trigonidium)infuscata
Described from Mt Tambourine, south Queensland, we feel we have found the
Trigonidium (T.)sp.near parinervis A,adult
speciesin the Airlie Beach area.This species resembles the others but has thesides of the pronotum dark brown. The frons of our specimens has hints of pink colour but no dark bar as noted by Otte and Alexander.
Therefore, we place our specimens here
tentatively. Bodylength: males5.5-6.0 mm;females slightly larger.
T.(T.)infuscata is a member of the NE
Coastal Community, Qld.
Trigonidium (T.)sp.near parinervis A.
Trigonidium(T) sp.nearparinervisB,adult
male. Photo:B King.
Trigonidium(T)infuscata,adult male.
Photo: S and A Pearson.
Tasmania.This is distinctive in the following characters:2 species lack any trace of a tibial auditory tympanum and males lack a stridulatoryvein, the other bears a posterior tympanum and the males have a short stridulatory vein. The tegmina have a brilliant white stripe that surrounds the
Trigonidium(7.) infuscata,adult female.Note
sides of pronotum.Photo;Sand APearson.
body and the face may be strongly banded. Trigonidium (B.)albovittata
HANDSOME TRIG This striking cricket issomewhat variable in its coloration. The head, including the antennae eyes and frons,is shining black
with the flagellum of the antenna becoming annulate with black and reddish brown towards to tip. The legs are reddish brown but can be mottled. This may be a result of the age of the individualcricket,rather than
Trigonidium (T.)infuscata,adult female.Note
frons. Photo:S and APearson.
a true variation.As in other members of the genus, the tarsi are grey at the apex of the lst segment and on the adjacent 2nd
segment;the apical segment including the claw is grey to black.Both sexeslacka tibial auditory tympanum and most males do not
Trigonidium (T.) infuscata.
Subgenus Balamara Otte &
This subgenus includes 3 species all of
Trigonidium (B.) albovittata,adult male,WA. which occur in the south-eastern portion of Note variation in venation and leg colour the continent. Some doubtlessly occur in pattern with other examples.
have a stridulatory file. This species lives in
T. (B.) albovittata is a member of the SE
grasses and herbaceous vegetation in Coastal and Murray-Darling Basin
pt Communities, Vic, and the SE Coastal meadows and adjacent to eucalypt woodlands. It has been found on both sides Community, WA. of the continent. This seems to be a complex
of species based on morphology of nymphs
as well s adults.
Body length: both sexes 5.0 mm; hind
femur 3.75 mm.
Trigonidium (B.) albovittata, adult female, ACT.
Note pattern on frons.
Trigonidium (B.) albovittata, adult male.
Trigonidium (B. albovittata.
Trigonidium (B.)gidya (Otte and Alexander)
GIDYA TRIG Trigonidium(B.)albovittata, last instar nymph,
WA. Note colour pattern of hind leg.
This cricket is odd in that males havea well- developed stridulatory file but the fore tibiae of both sexes lack and auditory tympanum. Both sexes are pale brownish
with the tegmina and sides of the body black. The abdomen is entirely black. The central portion of the body, including the tegmina,is contrastingly light brown.
Body length: both sexes 5.0 mm; hind
femur 3.8 mm.
T.(B.)gidya is a member of the SE
Trigonidium(B.)gidya,adult male.
Coastal Community, ACT and Vic. Trigonidium(B.)marroo
(Otte & Alexander)
This taxon is very similar to both T.gidya
and T. abbovittata. We think there is a
complex of species represented in this group. Males and females have a posterior tympanum on the fore tibia. The head is
banded and the tegmina are not very
Trigonidium(B.)gidya,adult female.Note
pattern on frons.
transparent. The malestridulatory file bears more than 155 teeth. This species lives in greens grass along streams and water courses as well as in clearings in forests. Our specimens are larger than usual and we
think there may be more than 1 species
Body length: males 6.0 mm; females
T.(B.)marroo is a member of the SE
Trigonidium(B.) gidya,last instar nymph,ACT.
Note pattern of hind leg.
Trigonidium (B.) gidya.
Coastal Community, NSW.
Trigonidium(B) marroo,adult female.
Subgenus Metioche St?l (Silent Leaf-runners) Metioche comprises 43 species from many
parts of the world most from SE Asia south of the Equator. Several are from Africa and a few
from South America. Three are known from Australia.The subgenus ispoorly definedand it requires careful examination to associate the species.It is related to Trigonidium, Parametioche and Trigonidomorpha.Both long-winged and short-winged forms may be
Trigonidium (B.) marroo, adult female.Note
frons (top); fore tibia tympanum (bottom).
encountered. Males lack a stridulatory vein. The dorsal surface of the abdomen bears a glandwhich isvariable in size.Thisgland is not present in Trigonidium and Parametioche. The fore tibia bears an auditory tympanum on each side but the posterior tympanum may be small
or absent in M.vittaticollis or there may be no tympana at all in that species. Females of both Trigonidomorpha and Metioche may be inseparable so it is important to attempt to
collect both sexes at a givenlocality. We do not have photos of all species but include the 3
purported species. As an aid to identification we present notes that can help to separate them. Trigonidium (B.marroo last instar female
Otte & Alexander
This is a small,pale brown cricket bearing a
broad, black central band from head to tip of
abdomen. Long and short-winged forms
known.The tegmina are black in the median portion, the remainder light brown. This species and T.(M.)monteithi may be conspecificwith T.(T.)meekappa.They have all
been collected at the same locality and cannot
be reliably distinguished from one another.
Body length: both sexes 4.0 mm; hind
Trigonidium (B.) marroo.
femur 3.00 mm. M. baroalbae is a member N Coastal Community, NT and WA.
SUBFAMILY TRIGONIDINAE Trigonidium (Metioche)monteithi
M.vittaticollisisa member of theNE and
Lake Eyre Basin and N Coastal, N Gulf and Otte & Alexander NW Coastal Communities Australia-wide. MONTEITH"S SILENT LEAF-RUNNER This species is entirely yellow brown. Both sexes have anterior and posterior auditory tympana on the fore tibia. The surface ofthe abdomen bears a prominent gland under the base of the wings. Only long-winged individuals have been found. However, we suspect that this species'may be a long-
winged morph of T. meekappa.
Habitat unknown,collected at lights.
Trigonidium (Metioche) vittaticollis,adult long-
Body length: both sexes 4.6 mm; winged male. tegmina 3.2 mm.
M.monteithis a member of the N Gulf
Community, Qld and NT.
Trigonidium (Metioche)vittaticollis
SILENT LEAF-RUNNER This is a widespread and common species that has been divided into 2 subspecies based simple on a short-winged morph. We do not recognise this separation. The dorsal gland is present but can be variable in size among individuals from the same locality. This seems to be correlated with
Trigonidium (Metioche) vittaticollis,adultlong- the size of the tibial auditory tympana; winged female (top); short-winged female individuals with a small gland have small (bottom).
auditory tympana or none at all. The body
colour isvariable.Long-winged individuals are often quite pale. The tegmina are pale brown and transparent. The facial patterning is also variable. Ventral surface
of abdomen usually dark brown to black. We have discovered these differences are based on the age ofthe individual.This can lead to mistaken identification. Common
in moist grasses and herbaceous
Body length: both sexes 5.0-6.0 mm.
Trigonidium (Metioche) vttaticollis
Genus Trigonidomorpha Chopard (Confusing Leaf-runners)
A genus of small trigs that is related to Trigonidium. Eleven species are placed in Trigonidomorpha. Australia contributes 2
species with representatives on each side of the continent. Trigonidomorpha could be easily confused with Metioche, especially M. vittaticollis. Adding to the confusion is that we have recently discovered that individual
crickets change their colours and colour Trigonidomorpha ammonga. pattern over time. That fact could lead to synonymy of T. sjostedti with the earlier described T. (M.) vittaticollis. It is thought
Body length: both sexes 4.0-5.0 mm.
that this genus is probably a group of T. ammonga is a member of the SW unrelated species that mayeventuallyendup Coastal and probably the W Plateau
in other genera. Males of Trigonidomorpha Communities, WA. possess a short stridulatory file; the mirror is
absent or poorly developed. Taking into Trigonidomorpha sjostedti Chopard consideration the similarities with M. SJOSTEDT'S CONFUSINGLEAF-RUNNER
vittaticollis, the 2 Australian representatives s A very confusing common cricket. It is
of Trigonidomorpha are fairly easily difficult to distinguish this cricket from distinguished from one another.
Trigonidium (M.) vittaticollis. Males possess
Trigonidomorpha ammonga Otte &
a short stridulatory file. Females are virtually indistinguishable from those of T.
(M.)vittaticollis. Added to the difficulty is
that both species can often be found at the
Occurs in grassy areas and on herbaceoussame site. As with most Australian crickets, vegetation.Easilyidentifiedbythe darkbrown this species, or complex of species, needs
to black fore and middle femora.To date only further investigation. This cricket lives in grassy and herbaceous shrubbery within 1 short-winged morphs have been found. m of the ground.Larger numbers of the crickets can be found in the more moist
portions of the habitat.
Bodylength:males 5.0-5.5 mm;females
slightly larger.
T.sjostedti is a member of the SE Coastal
Community, NSW, the NE Coastal Community, Qld,theN Gulf and NCoastal
Trigonidomorpha ammonga,adult female.
Photo: D Knowles.
Communities,NT,WA,and the SE Coastal
Community, WA.
18 Oc 2017
1 Nov 2017
Trigonidomorphasjostedti, adultsof the same individual cricket.Note thechange in facial pattern
overt time.
Trigonidomorpha sjostedti, long-winged male,
tegmen. Note short stridulatory file.
Trigonidomorpha sjostedti, adult short-winged
Trigonidomorpha sjostedti, long-winged male.
A GUiIDE To CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA of many field crickets in the subfamily Gryllinae. Several recent studies have confirmed that the nemobiines are quite
different from grylline crickets and are properly placed in the family Trigonididae.
Within that family they reside in their own
subfamily, Nemobiinae. Several nemobiine
tribes have been named and Australia has examples in several of them. The Nemobiinae can be distinguished
from the other subfamily in the
Trigonididae,the Trigonidinae, by simply examining the middle tarsal segment of Trigonidomorpha sjostedti, short-winged female
(top);long-winged female (bottom).
any leg. In the Trigonidiinae, there is a
small adhesive pad;in the Nemobinae,the pad is absent and the tarsus appears quite normally sclerotised. The Nemobiinae have 3 inner and 3 outer apical spurs and 3-4 inner and 3-4 outer subapical spurs. The only known Australian nemobiines with 2 inner apical spurs are Eumarinemobius and
Nemobiine crickets are quite common in Australia.Often severalspecies of agiven genus can be found at the samelocality. The
crickets can be abundant. Fully winged
morphs seem to fly long distances at night
Trigonidomorpha sjostedti.
and are frequent visitors to light sheets far
removed from watercourses.
Thus, the Australian Nemobiinae comprise 14 genera with 39 described species. Several genera are endemic to Subfamily Nemobiinae (Pygmy Australia. Four tribes are represented. This Crickets) As with the Trigonidinae,the Nemobiinaegroup is in need of further work as the was considered a subfamily of the field relationships of several genera and the
crickets, the Gryllidae. This was identification of several species is in doubt. undoubtedly because many common Table 8 and the photos can help to guide members,such as species in the genus you to the genera where identifications can
Pteronemobius, resemble miniature versions be made.
-Table8. DistruonfmchAg ------ - Hind tbapclsur
SOuvbapiicpl sorsofhtndtr
In er 2 3 3 3 2.3 333 Outer 3333333 33 3 3 42 3 3.4.423 I n e r FmleOuter.33 333;4 3 323 Nalehiner.42 3 4 4 2.3 3 23 0Outer.3333334 3 323 2
Pateron legs Female + x
Tegmina Male
Auditoy Tmpanu
+ * + t- t +- t
Post Female Ant PMale Antost 丶
t+ +t
+ + +* -l
Narelinoc Eumarineobus Tncanta Sivnela Nambungia Pteronmbiusc Dityonembus ThetloBucs obma Specni renirta Ca/eum
Spineswth frgola.LckduyF,
Tribe Nemobiini
Bobilla species are difficult to separate
without the use of a microscope. Several species can exist in the same habitat. For (Southern Pygmy Crickets) example,we have found B.victoriae and B. Bobilla was proposedby Otte and Alexander kindyerra always associated with each other (1983)toinclude9species.It nowcomprises in New South Wales and the Australian 11 Australian species with additional Capital Territory. Definitive identifications species known from New Caledonia and rely on study of the male genitalia, New Zealand. The Australian species are stridulatory file and analysis of calling song.
Genus Bobilla Otte & Alexander
included in 2 species groups, the Plurampe The genus can be briefly characterised as
Group and the Bivittata Group.The groups folows. Head with 3 central dark bands are easily told apart. The Plurampe Group (difficult to see in darker individuals; species all have the 5th segment of the maxillary palpi mottled white and black
maxillary palpus entirely white. Members of the Bivittata Group have the last segment of the maxillary palpus mottled grey or blackish and creamish white but never
entirely white.
with 4-5 segments white or mottled; sides
of body usually black; dorsal surface of
body pale brown or reddish brown or black;
inner face of hind femur with a distinct
dark band centrally. The hind wings range
The Australian Bobilla species are found from being absent or macropterous. The
in the southern part of the continent ovipositor is ~3-4 times the length of the including Tasmania. They usually live in the pronotum and is apically toothed and the open in lush temperate and mountain valves separated. grasslands. The crickets are small, but
slightly larger and more robust than The Plurampe Group Pteronemobius species (p. 335) with which
they could be confused. They range in size Bobilla illawarra Su & Rentz from 7.0 to 9.0 mm in length. All known ILLAWARRA AND SOUTH COAST
species are primarily diurnal, another SOUTHERN PYGMY CRICKET
featureseparatingthem from Pteronemobius. Easily recognised from the other 2 species Some species are very abundant and have in the group with white palpi by the dorsal
the capacity to become 'pasture pests!
portion of the eyes being pale and the male
Males of at least l species, B. victoriae,genitalia without a spine projecting on
have been observed calling in aggregationseither side of the phallus. The male that move from place to place. Calling males stridulatory file bears 327-400 teeth. The of B. victoriae can be heard in lawns and calling song of B. illawarra consists of a gardens and a few individuals can be heard
series of chirps with 2 pulses. This species
calling on hot, humid nights. Males have been observed to monopolise females for
Bodylength: males 8.0-8.3 mm;females
repeated matings, providing the latter with multiple spermatophores that may be nutritional (Evans 1988).
lives in leaf litter.
7.2-8.3 mm; ovipositor 4.8-5.2 mm.
B.ilawarra is a member of the SCoastal
Community, NSW.
Bobilla illawarra,adult female inleaf itter.
Photo: RFarrow.
Bobila illawarra,adult male tegmina (top); white palpi (bottom).
Bobillaillawara,adult male.No te white
maxillary palpi.
Bobill llawara, early instar male nymph. Bobilaillawarra,adult female,grey morph.
・. ・
Bobilaillawarra, alling song.
Bobillallawara. Bobilla killara Otte & Alexander KILLARA SOUTHERN PYGMY CRICKET
Bobilakillara,adult male amid Drosera sp.Note
white palpi. Photo: R Farrow.
Easily distinguished from all other Bobilla
species by the white apical segment of the maxillary palpi, the right tegmen being as wide as the width of the head and the male stridulatory file with fewer than 100 teeth. This species was found on the ground in rather dense, moist vegetation with Drosera sp.and other bog plants. The calling song
consists ofaseries ofchirps with 11-28pulses. Bodylength: males6.5 mm; females 6.5
mm; ovipositor 4.5 mm. B. killara is a member of the Murray- Darling Basin Community, NSW.
Bobillakllara,adult male.Photo:xL. Bobillakillara. 单1作特版 *矿的-材镇
Bobillakilara,calling song. 322
o代利种 期 积物p物轴
的并模料可糖 小号,新树tn
The Bivittata Group Bobilla bivittata (Walker)
WEST AUSTRALIA PYGMY CRICKET This seems to be a complex of species based on morphology and several song types. Recognised by males having bristles on the supra-anal plate, the stridulatory file bearing
fewer than 160 teeth,and the pulserate of the calling song with 50-60 pulses/sat 20-23℃.
Bobillabivitata,adult male.
This species lives in grassy areas and has
been found under debris on ocean beaches. Body length: males 6.0-7.0mm; females 6.0-7.0 mm; ovipositor 4.0-5.0 mm. B. bivittata is a member of the SW Coastal Community, WA.
Bobilla bivittata, adult female.
Bobilla bivittata, last instar female.
Bobilla bivittata, male head pronotum and
Bobill bivttata.
Ooershot Hil, WA uei5*
on*ss *c
Poronganup NP, WA
Bobilla bittata,calling song,Overshot Hill,WA; Porongurup NP,WA.
Bobilla gullanae Su & Rentz PENNY'S SOUTHERN PYGMY CRICKET
This species is similar in overall appearance to B.neobivittata but is slightly larger. The eyes usually have a clear dark band centrally in life. Adult males have bristles on the surface of the supra-anal plate and the stridulatory file with 84-98 teeth. The
calling song is a sequence of chirps with
9-19 pulses per chirp.This species is found
in hilly areas where it lives in grasses. Body length:males 6.0-7.6 mm;females
7.0-8.2 mm; ovipositor 4.7-5.2 mm.
B. gullanae is a member of the SE
Coastal Community, NSW.
Bobilla gullanae, adult male.
Bobilla gullanae, adult female.
Bobillagullanae, adult male, head, pronotum, tegmina (top);female frons, palpi (bottom).
Bobillagullanae, last instar male nymph.
Bobila gullanae.
Bobilla gullanae,calling song. Bobilla kindyerra Otte & Alexander PALE SOUTHERN PYGMY CRICKET This cricket has an overall pale colour. The
dorsal surface of the eye is paler than the remainder. Adult males lack bristles on the surface of the supra-anal plate. The stridulatoryfile contains 120-150teeth.The calling song consists long series of chirps,
irregularly interrupted.This species lives in
open grassy areas.
Bobillakindyerra,adult male,light-coloured
Bodylength: males 6.0-7.0 mm;females morph.
6.0-7.0 mm; ovipositor 4.0-5.0 mm. B. kindyerra is a member of the SE
Coastal Community, Vic.
Bobillakindyerra,adult male,normal morph (left); head, pronotum tegmina (right).
Bobillakindyera,adult female,light-coloured
Bobillakindyerra, last instar female nymph.
Bobilla kindyerra.
Bobillakindyerra, alling song.
Bobilla neobivittata Otte & Alexander
This is a relativelylarge species.Adult males with bristles on the surface of the subgenital
plate. The stridulatory file contains 113-150 teeth. This distinguishes it from its relative,
B.gullanae,a species with fewer than 100 teeth on its file. The outer face of the hind
femur is either black or with regular dark striations on lighter individuals. The male phallus has bristles on the apical surface.
The calling song is asuccession of 8-9 pulse
chirps with a pulse rate of around 23.2 pulses/s at 27℃C.
Bodylength: males5.4-6.6mm;females 5.5-7.2 mm; ovipositor 3.8-4.7 mm. B.neobivittata is a member of the SE
Coastal Community, NSW, Vic and SA.
Bobilla neobivittata,adult male.Photo:RFarrow.
Bobilla neobivittata,adult male.Note colour
pattern of palpi.
Bobilla victoriae Otte & Alexander DARK-EYED SOUTHERN PYGMY CRICKET This is probably the commonest species of the genus but requires further study since the calling songs of the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales samples are different from those presented for the holotype of the species. This species shows some similarities with B.bivittata.The chief difference is in the number of teeth on the
stridulatory file which in this species ranges 180-210 and the dark brown or black eyes.
The top of the head and the pronotum have a tinge of reddish brown. The sides of the body are black. This species lives in open grassy areas. The calling song consists of short trills with a pulse rateof 20 pulses/s at
9.0 mm;ovipositor 6.0-7.0 mm. Bobilla neobivittata,adult female.
Bobilla neobivitta.
B. victoriae is a member of the SE
Coastal Community, NSW, Vic.
Bobilla victoriae, adult male.
Bobill neobivittata,calling song.
Bobilla victoriae, adult male, light greyish brown morph (left); head, pronotum, tegmina (right).
Bobilla victoriae, adult long-winged female
(top); light greyish brown morph (bottom).
Boila victoriae.
*9. 1091. ef
Bobill victoriae, alling song.
Genus Calperum Rentz & Su
Calperum ottei Rentz & Su
Calperum was proposed to accommodate a OTTE'S PYGMY CRICKET
single species that is probably related to C. ttei occurs along with Territirrita tya and seems less common than the latter Silvinella and Territirritia based on genitalic a similarities. Calperum crickets have long, based on pitfall traps analyses. This species fringing hairs on the spurs of the hind does not occur on alkaline soils. Adults tibiae.In addition,they have2 ratherthan 3 occur autumn through late winter. They are spurs at the apex of the basitarsus of the not to be found during the late spring and hind tibia. They differ from Silvinella in summer months. This species has been having the spines on the dorsal surface of found in South Australia and New South the hind tibia positioned for nearly the entire length of the tibia. Calperum differs
from Territirritia in its patterned legs, the different spinal count of the hind tibia and
the much longer ovipositor.
Wales. Bodylength: males4.8-5.1 mm; females 5.3-7.5 mm; ovipositor 3.3 mm. C. ottei is a member of the Murray-
Darling Basin Community, SA.
than the principal one by Otte and Rentz (1985). Dictyonemobius is related more to
genera from New Caledonia than to any Australian genus,although the species bear a superficial resemblance to Bobilla and
Island Pygmy Crickets are easily recognised as nemobiines. They can be easily distinguished from others (Table 8)
Calperum ottei, adult male.
because Dictyonemobius species lack any trace of an auditory tympanum on the anterior surface of the fore tibia.
Pteronemobius and Bobilla species have tympana on both sides of the fore tibia. Dictyonemobius species are short-
winged. In fact, they have no 2nd pair of
Calperum ottei,adult female (left).Note spots on dorsum of abdomen (right).
wings at all. Themale tegmen lacks a mirror and bears 3 chords. The female tegmina are largely hidden by the pronotum. The ovipositor is almost as long as the hind
Dictyonemobius lateralis Chopard NORFOLK ISLAND PYGMY CRICKET Lives in shaded habitats in forests under plants and tree ferns but not in cracks in the ground.Seems to frequent slopes. Deep leaf litter is preferred by the crickets.
This isa diurnal species with males singing
Calperum otte. Genus Dictyonemobius Chopard (Island Pygmy Crickets)
in the early morning. There is almost no sound production after dark. In 1984 on Philip Island, some 5 km adjacent to Norfolk and almost totally denuded of vegetation by rabbits, it was observed that
Dictyonemobius is known from 8 species this cricket lives in theleaflitter created by
which occur on Lord Howe, Norfolk and introduced olive(Olea africana). It
the Fiji islands. Four species have been probably feeds on droppings and detritus named from Norfolk(including adjacent from perching birds.This is an example of Philip Island) and Lord Howe. One species an introduced plant contributing to the
may be asynonym since it was described in success of a native species that would a paper that was published slightly later otherwise be threatened.
On Norfolk and Philip islands, this Genus Nambungia Otte & Alexander
cricket lives with the less common, D. (Nambung Crickets)
pacificus. It is a darker and more reddish Nambungia seems to be related to Bobilla brown species with the each tergite of the based on the spurs of the hind tibia and its abdomen dark brown and with 2 large dark coloration.Both sexes are wingless and
yellowish markings. The hind legs are lack tibial auditory tympana.The concealed strikingly marked in D. lateralis in contrast genitalia are quite distinct from Bobilla,
to the pale brown appearance of the legs in however. The frons has a dark band
D. pacificus.
descending from the eye to the mandible. A
D. lateralis is known only from Norfolk single species is known, however, it appears and Philip islands, South Pacific. that other species occur in Western Australia.
Nambungia balyarta
Otte & Alexander
The lst known specimen of this species was discovered in Super Cave, Nambung River NationalPark, WA. However,the cricket is not
necessarily associated with caves since other specimens have been found near Augusta and Dictyonemobiuslateralis, adult male.
Pemberton, WA,not associated with caves.
N. balyarta is a reddish brown to blackish cricket with the top of the head faintly banded. The side of the body has a strong black band extending from the eye to
theend of the abdomen. Alllegs are strongly
banded.The ovipositor is almost as long as
the hind tibia.
Body length: both sexes 7.00 mm.
N. balyarta is a member of the SW
Coastal Community, WA.
Dictyonemobiuslateralis,adult male,frontal
view. 330
Nambungia balyarta,adult male,possibly undescribed species.Photo:DKnowles.
Nambungia balyarta, adult male, possibly undescribed species.Photo:Jand FHort.
Nambungia balyarta. Genus Silvinella Otte & Alexander (Wingless Litter Crickets)
Silvinella is an Australian endemic genus
with only 2 known species. Both occur in forests where they live in and on leaf litter. They seem to be localised and sporadically common. They are quick to escape when discovered and tend to bury
themselves deep into the litter. Although they are considered diurnal, they can be seen after dark in and around leaf litter and can be more easily approached. They Nambungia balyarta,adult female,possibly undescribed species. Photo:JandF Hort.
small and are best collected using a glass
Both sexes are wingless and auditory tympana on the fore tibiae are absent. The hind tibia has 3 inner and3 outer subapical spurs; the inner spurs do not bear the long, fringe-like hairs found in related
Eumarinemobius species.
Although 2 species have been described, there is some confusion between them. The oldest name,S. heteropus(Walker),is
represented by a female without anylocality other than Australia. Otte and Alexander
chose to describe a 2nd species,S. wirraninna,from near Tolga on the Nambungia balyarta, comparison male (left))
and female (right) N.balyarta.
Atherton Tablelands,Queensland. Their description is not comparative with S.
heteropus and no illustrations of the latter species were provided. So we really do not know whether their new species is distinct from the older name,S.heteropus. We are
calling our examples S.wirraninna because
they were found not far from the type
locality of S. wirraninna.
Silvinella wirraninna
Otte & Alexander
Silvinella wirraninna,adult female.Note head and pronotum (right).
A locally common species both in rainforests on the Atherton Tableland, Kuranda Range and the Daintree,Qld.The body is dark brown with spots. The top of
the head,the eyes,the sides of the pronotum and the lst few segments of the abdomen are darker than the rest of the body with the legs spotted.There is a broad stripe on the
internal surface of the hind femur. The antennae are dark brown and not annulate; the scape is lighter than either the pedestal
or flagellum. Males have the last few segments of the abdomen dark brown to
black.The cerciandlegs and their spinesare
light straw brown.
Body length: both sexes ̄6.00 mm.
S. wirraninna is a member of the NE
Sivinella wiraninna,female late instar nymph.
Coastal Community, Qld.
Silvinella wirraninna,adult male,dark morph.
Silvinella wirraninna.
Genus Specnia Otte & Alexander (Dark Litter Crickets)
Specnia sp. near grongrong Otte & Alexander
These litle crickets are related to Silvinlla This is a dark species without distinctive markings. It lives in the leaf litter in dense species and seem to occupy similar habitats. 1 Males have well-developed tegmina; femalesforest habitats. It may be one of the
are wingless and bear no trace of hinddescribed species, but we think it is distinct. This species is a member of the NE wings. Both sexes have only the posterior
surface of the fore tibia with an auditory Coastal Community, Qld. Body length: both sexes ~6.00 mm. tympanum. There are 3 inner and 3 outer subapical spurs on the hind tibia, the outer spurs of which are quite elongate. The hind femur has distinct oblique dark markings that coalesce along the ventral margin, similar in some respects to the situation in some Pteronemobius species. Two species have been described in the Paluma and south-eastern Queensland rainforests. We
have not been able to precisely either one in the sample we have. We are calling our
example Specnia sp.near grongrong.
Specnia sp. near grongrong.
Specnia sp.near grongrong,adult female.
Specnia sp.near grongrong,calling song.
Genus Territirrita Rentz & Su (Mallee Dwarf Crickets)
species occurs at the same localities as
Calperum ottei but appears to be much
This genus is known from a single species more common and seems to be adult over a occupying roughly the same distribution as longer period than C.ottei. Bodylength: males 3.9-4.8 mm;females Calperum and is most closely related to that genus. Territirittia, Calperum and Narellina are the 3 known Australian nemobiine genera
with serrated ovipositors. The casualobserver could mistake these crickets for nymphs of some larger grylline or nemobiine. However, the presence of a fully developed and serrated
5.8-5.8 mm;ovipositor 3.0-3.5 mm. T.tyaisa member of the SE Gulfs andL.
Eyre Basin Communities, SA.
ovipositor is the key indicator that the
individual is an adult. Comparison of the genitalia of Territirittiaand Calperumconfirm that the genera are more closely related to one another than to any other known genera.
Territirrita tya Rentz & Su
eririta tya, adult male.
Easily recognised from the characters in
Table8 and above. Colour appearing very
dark blue to black. This seems to be an illusion since this applies only to portions of the occiput,pronotum,abdomen and
femora. The remaining portions are dark
brown. The occiput bears a thin, yellow, Y-shaped mark. Antennal scape, pedicel dark brown; flagellum yellow brown in proximal quarter then becoming darker, Territirita tya,adult female; right hind tibia this preceded by 2 dark brown segments; showing spinal pattern. apical three-quarters of flagellum dark brown. Dorsal surface of male abdomen black, of female dark brown to black with a
faint yellow spot on each side of tergites 5-9,10th tergite yellow brown. Cerci of both sexes and ovipositor dark brown. This cricket seems to be restricted to mallee sites but notin areas of heavy soils with halophilic vegetation or clay.Adults are found between March and November. Adults do not occur
during the very dry summer months.This Teririta tya. 334
Tribe Pteronemobiini Genus Pteronermobius Jacobson (Common Pygmy Crickets)
Pteronemobius species seem to be nocturnal but some acoustic activity can be heard during the day in suitable habitats. Common Pygmy Crickets are easily
The Orthoptera Species Filelists 120 species recognised. The tegmina of both sexes are
of Pteronemobius,a world-wide genus that longer than the combined length of the is rather easily recognised. In Australia head and pronotum.The apex of the Pteronemobius reaches its greatest diversity ttegmina appears truncate or slightly concave in the tropics. It seems to be replaced in the as opposed to strongly concave in Bobilla. temperate south by Bobilla. Fully-winged Females of the 2 genera can be separated by
and short-winged or flightless species arethe ovipositor length (more than 3 times as represented. A few species have both fully- long in Bobilla and ̄2-2.8 times as long in
winged and short-winged forms, often at the same locality. Although many species can tolerate temporarily dry conditions, these crickets seem to prefer moist habitats. They can be found along streams, ponds and rivers and moist meadows, virtually any place with moist ground. Fully-winged
species are frequent visitors at light traps.
Pteronemobius).Bobilla species also have
more prominent head banding than do
those of Pteronemobius.Pteronemobius species males have the proximal spur on the inner surface of the hind tibia shortened and thickened, whereas, Bobilla species do
not exhibit this feature.
Table 9.Comparison of Pteronemobinispecies groups. Group/genus
Body length (mm)
Truncatus Group 6-8
Usual number ofFirstinner subapical spurs subapical
spur bent/ 1Afused
thickened es/yes No
Ornaticeps Groupa.6 Male4/3
Nundra Group 5-6 Warrakarra Groupca.7 Regulus Group 3-6 s-6 Narlina
Ffemale:4/3 Male:4/3 Ffemale: 3/3
Male:4/3or4/4 No/no
Other distinguishing
u, and features
No Occiputwith6-7pale stripes
Allegs dark brown andwithout palespots Pronotum pale on
Otte and Alexander recognised 5 spurs are light coloured in contrast with the
species groups in the Australian rest of the spur. This species lives in moist Pteronemobius fauna (Table 9). They grass or near water. are somewhat difficult to separate
because characters are either difficult to
Body length: both sexes 6.0 mm.
P? ornaticeps is a member of the N
see or seem to overlap.Two species groups Coastal Community, Qld, the N Gulf have the lst spur on the inner side of the Community, Qldand NT,and the N Coastal
hind tibia slightly bent and directed Community, NT and WA.
posterioly Ornaticeps Group
Moderately large species, 6 mm. Top of
head with several pale stripes. Pronotum with minute whitish spots or variegated pattern. Hind tibia with 4 internal and 3 external spurs in both sexes; last spur
slightly thickened and bent. Only 2 species are known. P. garriotis Otte & Alexander occurs in the Alligator River area of the NT. Pteronemobius ornaticeps, adult long-winged P.ornaticeps Chopard is more widespread female.
and common.
Pteronemobius ornaticeps Chopard
VARIEGATED PYGMY CRICKET A common and highly variable species in northern Australia. The song is a trill ranginginlength from 0.6to2.5s.However,
the songs seem to be variable and further work is necessary to determine if multiple
species are involved. This species has the frons dark brown to black. The head often has up to 6 stripes. The pronotum of most specimens is black and adorned with tiny white spots. Others can have the pronotum
patterned. The hind tibia has both the thickened stub-like spur and the elongate Pteronemobius ornaticeps, head and pronotum. and bent apical spur. The internal surface of Note small light-coloured spots;left hind leg, the hind femur may be marked with dark male. Note light-tipped spurs. spots or patches.In addition, the tips of the
Pteronemobius ornaticeps,adult dark short-
Pteronemobius ornaticeps, adult male long- winged morph.Note head, pronotum and markings on hind legs.
winged male (top); light-coloured morph
Pteronemobius ornaticeps, alling song.
Truncatus Group
Three species comprise this group with one virtuallyindistinguishable from another. Here
we refer to the species as P truncatus-tarrios complex. This group bears the same features of the hind tibia as do those of the Ornaticeps Group. The hind tibia has both the thickened stub-likespurand the elongate andbent apical spur. The top of the head and pronotum may be lighter than the sides in some specimens.
Pteronemobius ornaticeps.
Thelegs can be variable in colour and pattern. If they are dark, they have pale spots. The
Truncatus Group includes the largest known Australian Pteronemobius species.
Bodylength: males and females 6.5 mm.
Pteronemobius unicolor Chopard SPOTTED PYGMY CRICKET
This is the most recognisable and common species of the group. It was probably named because of its dark brown, almost uniform, colour. It is a frequent visitor to light traps. The longest vein of the female tegmen is not forked in the apical quarter. The ovipositor is less than twice the length of the pronotum. This species could be confused with P Pteronemobius unicolor,adult male. Note left truncatus-tarrios complex but the pale spot t middle tibia light spot. on the surfaceof themiddle tibiais distinctive for P. unicolor and it is slightly smaller in body size. The song has been described as a
continuous trillasting from 5-20 s.
Body length: males and females 6.5 mm.
Punicoloris a member of the N Coastal Community, Qld, the N Gulf Community,
Qldand NT,and the N Coastal Community,
NT and WA.
Pteronemobius unicolor,adult female.
Pteronemobius unicolor.
Pteronemobius unicolor,calling song.
TRIBE PTERONEMOBIINI Pteronemobius truncatus(Saussure)
truncatus-tarrios complex CONFUSING PYGMY CRICKET
Otte and Alexander claimed that their new species, P. truncatus, was morphologically indistinguishable from P. tarrios. It was virtually identical in all characters. The sole
difference from P. tarrios is that the song of
P truncatus has a faster pulse rate than that of P tarrios.Here we treat the2 as a species complex: the truncatus-tarrios complex.
Pteronemobius truncatus,adult short-winged male.
The 2 seem to be geographically disjunct in
the southern part of their range with P
truncatus having been recorded from South Australia,New South Wales and Victoria.P.
tarrios seems more northerly but it overlaps with P tarrios in several places. Both of these species' are very similar to P.unicolor with the marking on the middle tibia of P. unicolor the most obvious character separating them from one another. It is
obvious that this group needs further work. This species usually lives in moist areas along streams,ponds and wet ditches. Body length: both sexes  ̄6.5 mm P. tarrios is a member of the N Coastal Community, Qld, the N Gulf Community,
Qld and NT,and the N Coastal Community,
NT and WA.
P.truncatuslives in the samecommunities
and additionally the Murray-Darling Basin Pteronemobius truncatus, left tegmen,long-
Community, NSW, SA and Vic.
winged male.
Calling songs of Pteronemobius truncatus.
Pteronemobius truncatus,2nd instar nymph.
Pteronemobius truncatus, adult short-winged
female (top);long-winged, light-coloured
morph (bottom).
Pteronemobius binnali
Pteronemobius taris.
Otte & Alexander GIANT PYGMY CRICKET This is the largest of known Australian
Pteronemobius species. The head is reddish brown with thelaterallobes of the pronotum no darker than the disk and light brown in colour. The ovipositor is slightly longer than other species in the group and the colour is tawny. This species is known only from the2 female types that were taken in the Ingham, Qld, region. They are figured here and
compared with P. truncatus. The types were
collected near sugarcane plantations with
grassy road verges and irrigation ditches,
perfect sites for Pteronemobius species.
Body length: both sexes 8-13.5 mm
Pteronemobius truncatus.
from head to end of hind wings at rest; ovipositor more than 4.0 mm.
TRIBE PTERONEMOBIINI P binnali is a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld.
Pteronemobius binnali.
P. binnali, holotype female, dorsal (left) and
lateral (right) views.
2.0mm Comparison of bothP.binnali(top)andPtruncatus(bottom).
Nundra Group
Body length: both sexes 5.0-6.0 mm. P. nundra is widespread and is a member
This group includes 1 widespread species. It can be distinguished from the characters inof the N Coastal Community, Qld, the N
eGulf Community, Qld and NT, and the N Table 9and the absence of spots on the middle
tibiae.The Cu,and IAveinsarenot whollyor Coastal Community,NTand WA.as wellas
the SE Coastal Community, Vic. P. nundra largely fused as they are in the Regulus i Group. The single species is entirely black.
Pteronemobius nundra
also lives in the Murray-Darling Basin Community, ACT, NSW, SA, Qld and Vic.
Otte & Alexander BLACK PYGMY CRICKET See Table 9 for characters of the hind tibia.
This species is entirely dark reddish brown. It can be confused with others but the uniform black colour is very distinctive. The frons is faintly lighter between the
antennae. The clypeus and labrum are yellowish brown. The hind femora do not
bear any stripes and the internal surface is very dark. The bent spur of the hind femur is not thickened. This cricket occurs in wet
seepage areas and has been found under rocks in dry creek beds, especially where Pteronemobius nundra, female, long-winged the soil is moist. morph, Qld.
Pteronemobius nundra, male, long-winged morph,SA (left);short-winged morph head and
pronotum, ACT (right).
Pteronemobius nundra, calling song, SA.
Pteronemobius nundra.
Pteronemobius sp. Nundra Group, adult female.
Note palpus.
Pteronemobius sp. Nundra Group p Regulus Group
During the course of this study we The Regulus Group contains3 species.This discovered an unusual Pteronemobius with group of relatively small crickets varies with a partially white antenna. The apical the sexes in the armature of the hind femur.
segment of the maxillary palpus is white at(Table 9) The hind tibia has a short, stumpy
the base. This is probably an undescribed spur at the base on the outer margin. The species.It is represented only by females. It colour and patterns of the legs separate it
occurs in mixed forest habitats well away from the Nundra Group.The diagonalvein from rainforests.
of the male tegmen is more strongly bent in This cricket is a member of the NEthis species group than in any of the others. Coastal Community, Qld. Regulus Group species seem to be coastal
in their distribution.
Pteronemobius arima
Otte & Alexander
COASTAL PYGMY CRICKET This is a small dark species with the top of
the head and pronotum often contrasting
Pteronemobius sp. Nundra Group.
with the darker body. It lacks patterned hind femora and the Cu, and lA veins are unfused or partially fused. There isusuallya brown stripe along the side of the body that
Pteronemobius arima,adult female, long-winged morph (left); short-winged female, head,
pronotum, base of tegmina (right).
shows through the tegmina. The tip of the last segment of the maxillary palpus is dark
Body length: both sexes 4.7 mm; ovipositor 2.3-2.9 times as long as
P. arima is a member of the NE Coastal
Community, Qld, and the N Coastal Community, WA and NT, and the SE
Coastal Community, NSW.
Pteronemobius arima, adult male, long-winged Pteronemobius arima, adult male, short-winged
Pteronemobius arima, alling song.
Pteronemobius sp.near arima,adult male,long- winged morph.
Pteronemobius arima. Pteronemobius sp.near arima
Otte & Alexander
A small distinctive cricket from the
Murray-Darling Basin,NSW, Vic.It seems slightly different from normal P arima.We
present illustrations that may help to distinguish it from typical P. arima.
P. sp. near arima is a member of the Pteronemobius sp.near arima,adult female
Murray-Darling Basin Community, NSW,
(left); short-winged morph (right).
Pteronemobius sp.near arima,adult male short-winged morph.
tmt f m Ai m tnm Pteronemobius sp.near arima, alling song.
Pteronemobius sp. near arima.
Pteronemobius gagooris.
Pteronemobius gagooris
Pteronemobius regulus (Saussure)
Otte & Alexander
TINY PYGMY CRICKET The Cu, and la veins of the male tegmen are
A distinctive pale species with the hind mostly fused. The top of the head and femur patterned and the last segment of the pronotum are usually the same colour as the maxillary palpus pale. There is a dark k sides of the pronotum. There are no lateral 'stripe that descends from the mandible to bands. The body is shiny reddish brown but the eye. The legs are pale with greyishpale ventrally. The hind tibia has the lst blotches. The song consists of long trills inner spur short and thickened but the last
lasting from 1 to many seconds and with a subapical spur is not thickened or bent. The high pulse rate.This species occurs in moist song consists of short trills last from
grassy areas.
0.25-0.4 s in length with the pulses Body length: both sexes 4.0 mm. becoming increasingly louder during the P gagooris is a member of the NE course of a trill. This cricket prefers moist
Coastal Community, Qld,and theNCoastal
and N Gulf Communities, WA.
areas along streams and in moist depression. Body length: both sexes 3.5 mm.
P. regulus is amember of theNE Coastal,
N Gulf and N Coastal Communities, Qld,
Pteronemobius gagooris, adult male. Pteronemobius regulus, adult female.
Pteronemobius regulus.
Warrakarra Group
This group comprises a single known Pteronemobiusregulus,adult male.Note light-
coloured legs.
species. The species has an orange head and pale lateral pronotal lobes. The tegmina have a pale longitudinal stripe. The hind tibia ofboth males and females bear4inner and3 outer subapical spurs. The last spurs in males is neither bent nor thickened. The
Cu, and 1A veins of the male tegmen are
not largely fused and the diagonal vein is not strongly bent (Table 9).
Pteronemobius warrakarra
Otte & Alexander
Pronotum largely pale with darker areas posteriorly and on the lateral lobes. Legs orange with faint darkmarkings.Hind femur with outer dark markings. Female tegmina
shorter than combined length of head and pronotum but longer than pronotum. Each
tergite of female abdomen with a row of spots parallel to hind margin. We have not seen this species but it is to be looked for on
the beaches in the Darwin area.
Body length: both sexes 6.0-7.0 mm;
ovipositor almost twice as long as
pronotum. Pteronemobius regulus,left tegmen,adult male.
Note venation.
P warrakarra is a member of the N Gulf
Community, NT.
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Genus Narellina Otte(Black Dwarf
This genus was described as Narella in Otte
and Alexander and later changed to Narellina. It includes as a single known species. Theylack auditory tympana on the fore tibiae, have short tegmina, slightly
overlapping. The hind tibia of both sexes bears 4 inner and 3 outer subapical spurs, the most distal spur on the male hind tibia distinctly smaller than the rest and swollen suggesting Pteronemobius.
Narellina tintinara (Otte & Alexander)
This is a dark-coloured species represented
only by specimens collected in alcohol, so
the colour may not be natural. The Narellina tintinara,adult male head, pronotum, ovipositor has dorsal spiniform armature, tegmina.
suggesting it oviposits in wood.
Body length: both sexes 6.5 mm.
N. tintinara is a member of the SE
Coastal Community, NSW.
Narellina tintinara,adult male hind tibia with thickened spur (top);female ovipositor (bottom).
Narellina tintinara, adult female,from alcohol.
Narellia tintinara.
Tribe Marinemobiini Genus Eumarinemobius Gorochov & Tan (Wingless Dwarf
Mangrove Crickets)
Eumarinemobius replaces Apteronemobius in Australia. Apteronemobius was originally proposed to accommodate a species living in
the mangroves of Samoa. The genus may be related Caconemobius Kirby, which is known
is dark brown,contrasting with the rest of the body. The Darwin Dwarf Cricket is known from the Darwin area but it can be
expected anyplace in the north where
mangroves occur. Body length: males 7.0 mm; females 8.0 mm; ovipositor 5.0 mm.
E. darwini is a member of the NE Coastal Community, NT.
from species in India, east Asia and the
Hawaiian Islands. Eumarinemobius crickets have an unusualbiology, which was discovered early in the taxonomic history of the genus.
The crickets were seen to descend the mangroves and move about on the mud when
the tide isout. Theywere discoveredaggregated inside rotted coconuts lodged among the mangroves during the day. The crickets swim well when necessary. The hairs on the spurs of f Eumarinemobius darwini,adult male.
the hind tibiae seem to aidin swimming. Both sexes are wingless. The spination of the hind tibiais significantinidentification of the genus. There are only 2 internal apical spurs on the hind tibia and 3 external apical spurs with 2
subapical spurs on each margin. Eumarinemobius darwini (Otte & Alexander)
Easily recognised by the small ize, winglessEumarinemobius darwini, adult female. condition of both sexes and tarsal spurs bearing long setae. The body colour is dark
with orange or reddish brown areas. The legs arelight creamish white with spots. The tarsi are banded. The pronotum is darker in the posterior half than the anterior half. The surface of the pronotum has irregular dark
blotches. The head is light grey, the same colour as the anterior portion of the pronotum. The eyes of living crickets are greyish with a darker centre.The ovipositor Eumarinemobius darwini.
Genus Thetella Otte & Alexander (Winged Coastal Dwarf Crickets)
where the river is brackish. The crickets are easily recognised. The frons has a dark
Thetella is presently known from 1 stripe descending from the lower front Australianspecies.AswithEumarinemobius, corner oftheeye to the base of the mandible.
e The fore and middle legs are banded. The this genus occurs along the coast in marine o hind tibia has 3 internal subapical spurs and habitats. They resemble Eumarinemobius to a great extent except that the males are 3 internal apical spurs. Females have short winged and stridulate; females are either tegmina that are about one-fifth the length wingless or bear very short tegmina. Both of the pronotum. The song of males is a low sexes have an auditory tympanum on the Body length: males 8.5 mm; females posterior surface of the fore tibia.The hind tibia has a specific number of apical and 8.5-9.5 mm; ovipositor 5.0 mm. T.oonoomba is a member of the SE subapical spurs. Thetella males have a very
elongate epiphallus. Thetella oonoomba Coastal Community, NSW, and the NE
occurs at several locations along the east Coastal Community, Qld. coast of Australia, peculiarly with a single population at Batesmans Bay, NSW,as well as in the NE coast of Queensland. Thetella
was treated as a member of Thetellini by Otte & Alexander but is now considered to be part of the Nemobiini (see Gorochov et
al. 2018).
Thetella oonoomba Otte & Alexander
LONG-LEGGED WINGED DWARF CRICKET This species lives in mangrove areas along g Thetella oonoomba,adult female. the east coast of Australia.Because of the difficulty in sampling mangroves at low tide and the dangers from crocodiles in the north tropics,few specimens are known in
collections. The crickets seem to aggregate
and dense populations are known from some areas. T. oonoomba is nocturnal and
the crickets venture out onto the soft mud at low tide after dark. When threatened, the crickets jump into the water and swim out
ofharm's way. We have sampledpopulations along the shore of the Clyde River, NSW
Thetell oonoomba,late instar female.
Thetella oonoomba, adult male (left); head,pronotum,left tegmen(right).
Thetella oonoomba, alling song.
Thetella oonoomba. 351
Superfamily GRYLLOTALPOIDEA The Gryllotalpoidea includes 2 of the most after which they cease sound production. disparate-appearing families in the order, Searching for the calling crickets is time-
the Gryllotalpidae (Mole Crickets)and the consuming and often futile. Males sing Myrmecophilidae(Ant Crickets). The from their burrows using the structure of
relationship seems unrealistic for several the burrow to amplify the sound. Mole reasons, not the least of which is size, but it Crickets are frequent visitors to light sheets
is confirmed by DNA analysis.
Family Gryllotalpidae (7-spurred
even if a fair distance from water. General
collections always have several these
crickets, often represented only by males.
The 2 subfamilies now represented in Mole Crickets) The endemic Australian species are all the Australian faunaare easily distinguished. included in the subfamily Grylltalpinae. An The Scapteriscinae have 2 blade-like
introduced Mole Cricket, the Changa, isprojections (dactyls) on each fore tibia and
placed in the subfamily Scapteriscinae. All the tibial auditory tympanum is exposed,
Scapteriscinae are New World in their the fore trochanter is armed with an
natural distribution.The Gryllotalpinae has elongate blade. The hind tibia is armed a world-wide distribution. All Australian dorsally on the internal margin with 3-6
native species are included in the tribe elongate spines. Gryllotalpini. Mole Crickets have been studied biologically not only because they are of agricultural importance but also
exit tunnel
because they have a most unusual life style. Tindale (1928) studied the crickets in the
field and recognised 7 Australian species. Ten Australian species were defined in Otte and Alexander's book, all in the genus Gryllotalpa. No additional species have been added since. Gryllotalpa is a widespread and common genus. Most people have heard these crickets but have
either not seen them or have not associated
the calling songs with the crickets
themselves. They are burrowing animals exit tunnel and are often found in lawns and irrigated SIDE ViEW gardens. They usually commence singingStructure of a Mole Cricket burrow.Modifiedfrom just on dark and continue for a short period dGullan and Cranston(2000), with permission.
The Gryllotalpinae have 4 blade-likeMany Mole Crickets live near water. projections (dactyls) on each fore tibia and Desert waterholes often have a concentration the auditory tympanum is covered. The fore of these crickets where they can be attracted
tibia bears a blade-like lobe. The hind tibia to lights after dark. Tindale discovered that has 4 spines on the dorsal internal margin; the species that have shiny pronota generally
the apex bears 6 or fewer spurs. occur in sandy habitats. The others seem to It is important to make the distinction make burrows in other soils. between the Scapteriscinae and the Mole crickets harbour several different
Gryllotalpinae because the sole member of types of parasites. The 'Blue Ant, a tiphiid the Scapteriscinae is an imported pest that wasp,uses Gryllotalpa species as a host for can cause serious agricultural damage if it their larvae. The cricket is paralysed by the gains a foothold in Australia.
wingless female wasp and she drags the
There are several taxonomic problems cricket to a burrow.There an egg islaid and,
that tend to make definitive identifications following its hatching, the larva consumes
of some species very difficult. Two species, the live but paralysed cricket.
Australian Gryllotalpa are very difficult coarctata Walker, are common and very to positively identify. Many of the characters G. monanka Otte & Alexander and G.
difficult to distinguish from one another. overlap and make reliableidentification often
They are similar in appearance and the impossible. Having a recording of the call
number of file teeth overlap as does their does not necessarilylead to an unambiguous distribution and habitat preferences. identification. Several of the calling songs are Mole Crickets are odd in that they can very similar in sound and in analysis. The
orient to sound during flight. This is male genitalia are also very similar from 1
probably important in mate finding.species to another. Therefore, many tentative
Females also produce sounds from their identifications are likely to arise in dealing tegminaa feature unusual in crickets. with the Australian Mole Cricket fauna. Defensive sounds can be produced when
females are disturbed in their burrows. At Subfamily Gryllotalpinae other times their alling may help males to (Gryllotalpa Linnnaeus 7-spurred
find them. Tindale reported on females of Mole Crickets)
G. oya stridulating in the laboratory. He Otte and Alexander defined 5 species groups for the Australian Gryllotalpinae. described the females emitting dull,{ pulsating sounds clearly audible from six One species,G.howensis Tindale,is known
le only from Lord Howe Island and was not feet away, and answering the calls of a male
confined in another chamber.As he placedin any group. The Gryllotalpa species groups predicted, all females of Australian
Gryllotalpa species possess some form of (modified from Otte and Alexander 1983)
tegminal stridulatory device. The position
of the file teeth on the tegmina may or may not be homologous with the position of
these structures of the males.
1. The Monanka Group (2 species,
G.monanka, G.coarctata)
1. Ocelli large.
2.Tegmina concolourous pale brown.
3.Surface of pronotum velvety. 4.Internal subapical spurs of hind
tibia present. 5.Tegmen more than 0.75 times as long as pronotum.
2. The Pilosipes Group (2 species,
The Monanka Group
The 2 species included in this group are very difficult to distinguish using morphological characters. However, the song is distinctive and features of the male
stridulatory file can confirm identification.
G. pilosipes, G. inermis)
1. Ocellilarge.
Gryllotalpa monanka 2.Tegmina concolourous pale brown. Otte & Alexander 3.Surface of pronotum velvety. MONANKA MOLE CRICKET 4.Internal subapical spurs absent.
5.Tegmen more than 0.75 times as long as pronotum. 3. The Australis Group (3 species,
G.australis, G.babinda, G.
Males of this species have 21-43 teeth on the stridulatory file with ~6-13 teeth per mm in the centre. The hind wings seem longer in this species than in most of the
1. Ocellismall.
others. They extend well beyond the apex of the abdomen. The male genitalia of this species are virtually indistinguishable from
3.Surface of pronotum velvety.
difficult to tell from those of G.coarctata.
2. Tegmina patterned.
4.Internal subapical spurs of hind
tibia present.
5.Tegmen more or less than 0.75
times as long as pronotum.
4. The Nitidula Group (2 species,
G.nitidula, G. pluvialis)
1. Oellismall.
2. Tegmina patterned.
3.Surface of pronotum smooth and
shiny. 4.Internal subapical spurs of hind tibia present.
5.Tegmen more than 0.75 times the
length of pronotum.
those of G. coarctata. Females are also This species occurs in and around
waterholes,streams,lakes and irrigated agricultural areas. The burrows are located near the water's edge often beneath boulders and debris. This cricket seems to breed continuously in tropical and subtropical areas but has an annual life cycle elsewhere. The adults can be found at lights most times
of the year. The species often occurs along
with G. coarctata.
The calling song of the Monanka Mole Cricket is similar to that of G.coarctata in that it is more orless a continuous trill with a pulse rate of 68 pulses/s at a frequency of
1. Ocelli absent.
1.5 kilohertz when recorded at 24°C. According to Otte and Alexander, males trill in bursts that can be long or short,
3.Surface of pronotum with sparse setae.
regular or irregular in length. Individual males can change from one kind of call to
5. The Oya Group (1 species,G.oya)
2. Tegmina colour?
4.Internal subapical spurs of hind tibia present. 5.Tegmen much less than 0.75 times the length of pronotum.
another and sometimes softer,slower trills can be heard in larger populations. The low pitch of the song is distinct from that of its
Gryllotalpa monanka,adult female.
Gryllotalpa monanka, male tegmen.
relative,G.coarctata.G.monanka and G. coarctata have songs so far apart in
frequency and the former has such an extraordinary fle that Otte and Alexander postulated that selection for frequency
differences has occurred.
Body length: males 30.0 mm; females
27.0-31.0 mm.
Gryllotalpa monanka,adult male.
Gryllotapa monanka, adult male,frons(top);
male genitalia (bottom).
Gryllotalpa monanka, calling song.
Gryllotalpa coarctata, adult male. Grylotalpa monanka.
G. monanka is widespread across the tropics of Australia with a few records from northern New South Wales. It is a member
of the Lake Eyre Basin, Murray-Darling Gryotalpacoarctata,adult female. Basin, and N Gulf and NE Coastal Communities, Qld;the N Gulf, W Plateau
and N Coastal Communities, NT; the N Coastal Community, WA. It is known from
the SW Coastal and probably the W Plateau
Communities, SA.
Gryllotalpa coarctata Walker THE CONFUSING MOLE CRICKET
G.coarctata is virtually morphologically indistinguishable from G. monanka except
for the calling song characteristics noted for Gryllotalpa coarctata,adult female,frons.
that species and the male stridulatory file with 42-77 teeth spaced at 5-8 teeth per 0.3 mm in the centre(21-53 in G.monanka spaced at 3-4 teeth per 0.3 mm at centre).
Females of the 2 species are also difficult to
distinguish from one another. For the calling song,see G.monanka.The Confusing Mole Cricket also occupies the same habitats over much of its range as G.monanka. It does not
seem to reach the southern portions of the
continent, however.
Body length: males 30.0 mm; females
27.0-31.0 mm. 356
Gryllotalpa coarctata.
SUBFAMILY GRYLLOTALPINAE G. coarctata is widespread across the tropics of Australia with a few records from northern New South Wales.It is a member of the Lake Eyre Basin, Murray-Darling
Basin,and N Gulf and NE Coastal
Communities, Qld; the N Gulf, W Plateau and N Coastal Communities, NT; the N Coastal Community, WA. It is known from Gryllotalpa australis, adult male,ACT. several localities in Tasmania.
The Australis Group Gryllotalpa australis Erichson SOUTHERN MOLE CRICKET
This robust species has the tegmina very
dark in the portion anterior to the stridulatory vein. The tegmen is more the 0.75 times the length of the pronotum. The Grylotalpa australis nymph. hind wings are usually short and hidden by
the pronotum in males but protruding in
females. Females show some sexual dimorphism in the colour of the tegmina in that they are laterally very dark and bear a
Grylltalpa austrais.
Gryllotalpaaustralis,adult male, frons,ACT.
Gryllotalpa sp.nov.adult male.
Gryllotalpa australis, calling song, male, ACT.
pale lateral stripes, one positioned alongG. australis is a member of the SE each dorso-lateral margin. The stridulatory Coastal Community, Qld, and the SE
file contains48-75 teeth.The callingsong is Coastal community, Vic, NSWand Tas.
a smooth low-pitched trill. This species is
common in lawns, moist paddocks and Gryllotalpa sp.nov.
roadside ditches.It is commonly heard in This dark species was discovered singing irrigated gardens in the Australian Capital among cultivated plants in the median strip Territory. outside of Mt Barker Hotel, WA.The calling Body length: males 23.0-32.0 mm; song is similar to an unrecorded species females 25.0-36.0 mm. recorded by Otte and Alexander from
Musgrave, Qld.
M相 0…
Gryllotalpasp.nov,calling song. 358
Grylota/pa sp.nov.
The Nitidula Group Gryllotalpa nitidula Serville
Gryllotalpa pluvialis Mj?berg CHIRPING MOLE CRICKET
Easily distinguished from the Shiny Mole Cricket on the basis of song. This species SHINY MOLE CRICKET The Shiny Mole Cricket is very similar in has a song that is a low guttural chirp. The appearance to the other species in its group, pronotum is elongate.The male stridulatory G.pluvialis but it is relatively easily file contains51-68 teeth.In the tropics, this
identified. Both species have shiny, dark species is commonly heard stridulating pronota with a yellowish stripe down the from irrigated lawns shortly after dark. We centre.This species also has the pronotum have recorded the song but were
proportionately shorter than in G.pluvialis. unsuccessful at collecting the individual. In addition,the stridulatory file has around The examples shown here maybe a different
78-80 eeth.
closely related species seemingly different Body length: both sexes 30.0-35.0 mm. only by sound. It is undescribed.
G. nitidula is a member of the SE Coastal Community, NSW and Vic, as well
as Tas.
Body length: both sexes~31.5 mm.
G.pluvialis is a member of the SCoastal
and N Coastal Communities, Vic, NSW, Qld, and the Northern Gulf Community,
Grylotalpa nitidula,adult male.
Gryllotalpa sp.near plwvialis,adult male.
Gryllta/pa nitiula.
Gryllotalpa sp.near plwvialis, adult female.
Gryllotalpasp.near pluvialis,adult male,frons.
Gryllotalpa sp.near pluvialis,adult male
stridulatory file(top);left foreleg (middle);
male genitalia (bottom).
Grylltalpasp.near pluwvialis,calling song,Kuranda,Qld.
Gryllotalpasp.near pluvialis,adult female head, pronotum, tegmina.
Grylotalpa pluvals.
Subfamily Scapteriscinae
reported by taxonomists that the problems
This subfamily was not included in Otte andcaused by introduced mole crickets in Alexander's monograph because the soleNorth America were not the result of the representative in Australia had not yet been Changa but of 3 other inadvertently
introduced species. Even in the 1980s this discovered. The Scapteriscinae are a New i
World group.
confusion was still being reported by
Genus Neoscapteriscus Cadena-
McCoy 2014). These crickets have been
(2-Clawed Mole Crickets)
economic entomologists (see Frank and
controlled by biological agents including a crabronid wasp (Larra bicolor), a tachinid
fly (Ormia depleta),and an
Neoscapteriscus didactylus(Latreille) entomopathogenic nematode(Steinernema
scapterisci)(Frank and Walker 2006).
specimens collected in the Newcastle,NSW,
feeds on smaller insects(Franket al.1987).
The Changa is known in Australia from
The Changa is a root feeder but also
vicinity dating back to 1982.Ships of many It did cause some damage to sugarcane and countries visited thearea to obtain coal.It is
assumed the cricket gained entry to Australia by the practice at the time of
disposing of ship's ballast onshore. This soil was often used as fill and may have been
used at local golf courses. In the 1990s we
were made aware of this cricket causing damage to golf courses in the Maitland,
Wallsend and Williamstown, NSW, area. Neoscapteriscus didactylus, adult male.
The Changa was present in extraordinary Photo: D Mendes. densities, approximately, 60 crickets per 4 m2 (Rentz 1995). The Changa occurs naturally in north-
eastern South America. It apparently spread on its own to the islands to the north(Frank and McCoy 2014).This
cricket was reported to be a major pest of
crops and pastures and turf in southern
Grgrctsps spocies
North America where it was erroneously
reported to have been introduced.Damage attributed to it was assessed as causing some US¥44 million in annual losses in
Florida in the 1990s, and much more in
Noscopteniscus diocty/us
southern states from North Carolina to Neoscapteriscus didactylus, comparison of fore tibiae of Gryllotapa species (top) with
Georgia and west to Texas.It was long ago N.didactylus(bottom).
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA has a world-wide distribution and contributes 7 known species to Australia. They are all contained in 2 subgenera
Ant Crickets have a distinctive
appearance and small size of only a few
millimetres in body length. They are restricted to ant's nests. They have enlarged hind femora and are completely wingless. The compound eyes are reduced. They have a single row of moveable spurs on the hind tibia and lst tarsal segment. It is suggested Neoscapteriscus didactylus. that the group may have evolved from the lawns on some islands, especially Puerto mogoplistines(p.263),suggesting they may Rico. It was reported that nymphs feed be misplaced here. The family has a world- above ground on seedlings of some crop wide distribution and it is interesting plants. Although it has been seen in speculate on the ancient history of the Australia as a grass root feeder,should the
group. Ant Crickets are known to lick ant
become a pest of sugarcane and maize. Its
trails of the ants and feed on the prey
Changa become established in the secretions,prey on host ants,solicit Australian northern tropics,it could regurgitated food and, perhaps, follow the old nemesis, the cane toad, may attack the
crickets should the crickets make it to
brought in by the ants themselves.
Norman Tindale (p.5) intensively
studied this group but did not publish on it.
It is of some relief that we have not been His notes and collection are in the South able to discover any specimens of the Australian Museum. We know that the Changa in any collections made in recent crickets lay a small number of times,and checks with the NSW Dept of
Agriculture suggest the species is no longer
present in Australia.
Family Myrmecophilidae
(Ant Crickets)
This is a group of very similar-appearing,
small, hump-backed crickets that are
associated with ants. The family is currently
known from 2 tribes, only 1 of which, the Myrmecophilini,occurs in Australia. It comprises 2 genera: Myrmophilellus,known from a handful of species from Africa and Asia, and Myrmecophilus. Myrmecophilus
Fig.36.Ant Cricket legs.(A)M.parachilnus;
(B)) M.longitarsus;(C) M.parachilnus;(D)M. australis; (E)M.parachilnus;(F)M.testaceus; (G)
M.parachilnus;(H) M.tindalei.Modifed from otte and Alexander(1983), with permission.
SUBFAMILY SCAPTERISCINAE disproportionately large eggs, each egg about a third the size of the mother itself.
The crickets seem to vary in size depending on the size of the host ant. In hundreds of hours collecting in
Australia, DR has only encountered ant crickets on a couple of occasions. This is in
strong contrast with an early life collecting
orthopteroids in California where every ant nest seemed to have l or more of the crickets. This seems anomalous since Australia has many times the number of ant Myrmecophius testaces.
species of California,for example. Otte and Alexander included 6 species in their monograph. M. keyi Baccetti was overlooked. Baccetti(1975)
offered a simple key for the identification of the 5 Australian species known at the
time. Otte and Alexander added a further 2 species,bringing the total known species for Australia to 7.A highlight of
the Australian species is M. tindalei Otte & Alexander,the species Tindale studied. It is only 1.7 mm in total bodylength and is known from the Swan River area of Myrmecophilus testaeceus,adult female.
Perth, WA.
Modified from Otte and Alexander(1983),with permission.
associated with the ant M. desertorum (see
F and J Hort reported that the Ant Crickets were walking around the edges of a spur. The separation at the base of the spurs Bullant (Myrmecia desertorum) colony and is atleast equal to thelength of the2nd spur. a single individual was near the ant larvae. This cricket has been found in the nests of Myrmecia desertorum. This is the 2nd Myrmecophilus testaceus Chopardknown Myrmecophilus species to be found Ant crickets identified as this species have M. tindalei). been found in New South Wales as well as Queensland. Whether these all represent Myrmecophilus tindalei the same species has yet to be determined. Otte & Alexander
The type specimen is labelled Atherton, TINDALE'S ANT CRICKET QLD?. It was collected by Mjoberg. The Similar in appearance to M.testaeceus but
proximal spur on the internal margin of the distinguished by colour and size. Most
hind tibia is about twice as long as the 2nd specimens are very dark,some almost black
Myrmecophilus tindalei, male.Photo:FandJHort.
Myrmecophilus tindalei, adult female.
Photo:F and JHort.
Myrmecophilus tindalei,male with ant
(Myrmecia desertorum)pupae.Photo:FandJHort
dorsally with the posterior margin of the
mesonotum of the pronotum often creamish
white centally.
Bodylength: both sexes1.64-1.73 mm.
M.tindalei is a member of the SE
Coastal Community, WA.
List of the crickets of Australia This list is alphabetical.Indented lines are synonyms.Users should check the Australian Faunal Directory:
https://biodiversity.org.au/afd/taxa/GRYLLOIDEA/names from time to time for the latest updates.
Superfamily GRYLLOIDEA
Family GRYLLIDAE Laicharting, 1781
Subfamily Gryllinae Laicharting, 1781
Tribe Cephalogryllini Otte& Alexander, 1983 Apterogryllus de Saussure, 1877
Apterogryllus alkina Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Apterogryllus bathurstis Otte Alexander, 1983 Apterogryllus bimblios Otte& Alexander, 1983
Apterogrylls brunnerianus de
Apterogryllus yuraraba Otte &
Alexander, 1983 Cephalogryllus Chopard, 1926
Cephalogryllus bangaliOtte &
Alexander, 1983 Cephalogryllus belubulus Otte & Alexander, 1983
Cephalogryllus goondooloois Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Cephalogryllskurringa Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Saussure, 1877
Cephalogryllsliaweena Ote&
Apterogryllus durakai Otte& Alexander, 1983
Alexander, 983 Cephalogrylls matakira Otte&
ApterogryllscoraniOtte& Alexander, 1983
Apterogrylusiga Otte &Alexander,
Apterogrlus kanandah Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Apterogryllus midgeeOtte &
Alexander 1983
Apterogryllus moomooma Otte& Alexander, 1983 Apterogrylus nanango Otte &
Alexander 1983
Apterogrylus neonyrang Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Apterogryllus nyrang Otte & Alexander, 1983 Apterogryllus palpatus(Chopard,1926)
Scapanonyx palpatus Chopard,1926
Apterogrylus paranyrang Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Apterogrllus pedestris(Wlker,1869)
Apterogrylus rugosus Chopard,
Apterogryus rimbjae Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Apterogryllus yirkalisOtte &
Alexander, 1983
Alexander, 1983 Cephalogrylus mannena Otte&
Alexander 983
Cephalogryllus mileurae Otte& Alexander, 1983
Cephalogryllus mitanina Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Cephalogryllus pentaringus Otte & Alexander, 1983
Cephalogrylls tau Otte& Alexander,
CephalogrylustundullaOte & Alexander, 983 Cephalogrllus wilya Otte & Alexander, 1983 Daintria Otte, 1994
Stenocephalus Otte & Alexander,
Daintria aperensis (Otte& Alexander,
Stenocephalus aperensis Otte & Alexander, 1983 Daintria australicus(Chopard,1951)
Cephalogryllus australicus Chopard,
Daintria bookandrini(Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Stenocephalus bookandriniOtt &
Mjobergella macrocephala Chopard,
Daintria mataris (Otte & Alexander,
Mjobergella warra Otte&Alexander,
Alexander, 1983
Stenocephalus mataris Otte & Alexander, 1983
Daintria nintenta(Otte &Alexander,
Stenocephalus nintenta Otte & Alexander, 1983 Daintria patawilyis (Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Stenocephalus patawilyis Otte& Alexander, 1983
Daintria perrumbis (Otte&
Alexander, 1983)
Stenocephalus perrumbis Otte& Alexander, 1983
Daintria wirrensis(Otte&Alexander,
Stenocephaluswiensis Otte& Alexander, 1983 Daintria wookatios(Otte& Alexander,
Stenocphalus wookatios Otte & Alexander, 1983
Daintria worinta(Otte &Alexander,
Stenocephalus worinta Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Daintria yarata(Otte& Alexander,
Stenocephalus yarata Otte & Alexander, 983 Daintria yarrami(Otte&Alexander
Stenocephalus yarrami Otte & Alexander, 1983
Daintria yungellus((Otte& Alexander,
Stenocephalus yungellus Otte& Alexander, 1983
Ngamarlanguia Rentz&Su,1996
Ngamarlanguia Rentz& Su,1996
Ngamarlanguia luisae Rentz&Su,
1996 TribeLandrevini Gorochow,1982
Copholandrevus Chopard,1926
Copholandrevus australicus Chopard,
Mjoberela Chopard,1926
Tribe Eurygryllodini Gorochov,1990
Eurygryllodes Chopard,1951 Eurygrylodes buntinus Otte & Alexander, 1983
Eurygryllodes diminutus (Walker, 1869)
Gryllus diminutus Walker,1869
Eurygrylldesgorimuis Otte& Alexander, 1983 Eurygrylodes kurrabiOte& Alexander, 1983
Eurygryllodeslatipenmis Chopard,
Eurygryllodes maiartios Otte & Alexander 1983 Eurygryllodes moordooura Otte& Alexander, 1983
Eurygryllodes pina Otte&Alexander,
Eurygrylodes takanna Otte&
Alexander, 983 Eurygrylldes warraniOtte& Alexander, 983 Eurygrylodes warilla Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Eurygrylodes weetapoonis Otte& Alexander, 983 Eurygryllodes wilwindri Otte& Alexander, 1983 Eurygryllodes wirangis Otte &
Alexander, 983 Eurygryllodes yerramutta Otte& Alexander, 1983
Eurygrylodes yoothapina Otte & Alexander, 1983 Maluagryllus Gorochovw,1990 Malua Otte&Alexander,1983
Maluagryllus manmarris(Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Malua manmarris Otte& Alexander,
Tribe GrylliniLaicharting,1781
Acheta Fabricius,1775
Acheta domesticus(Linnaeus, 1758)
Gymnogryllus de Saussure,1877
GymnogrylusGymmogrllus) de
Saussure, 1877
brevicauda Chopard, 1937
Gymnogryllus (Gymnogrylus)
corroboree Otte & Alexander,
Gymnogryllus (Gymnogryllus)
novaeguineae Chopard,1937 Gymnogryllus (Gymnogryllus)
pravdini Gorochov, 1990
pravdinifidus Gorochov,2001
Gymmogryllus fidus Gorochov,2001
Loxoblemmus de Saussure,1877 Comidogryllus Otte& Alexander,
Loxoblemmus adina (Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Comidogrylus adina Otte &
Alexander 1983
Loxoblemmus billabongus(Otte &
Alexander, 1983) Comidogrylus billbongus Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Loxoblemmus bilo(Otte &Alexander,
1983) Comidogryllus bilo Otte& Alexander 983
Loxoblemmus binyaris (Otte &
Alexander 1983)
Comidogrylus binyaris Otte& Alexander, 1983 Loxoblemmus dallacheus (Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Comidogryllus dallacheus Otte & Alexander, 1983
Loxoblemmus ellerinus (Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Comidogryllus ellerinus Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Loxoblemmusjabbarupus (Otte &
Loxoblemmus pallens (Audinet- Servile 1839) Gryllus pallens Audinet-Serville,
Loxoblenmmus whyalls (Otte & Alexander,, 1983)
Comidogryllus whyalls Otte & Alexander, 1983
Loxoblemmus yingally (Otte &
Alexander, 1983) Comidogryllus yingally Otte &
Alexander 1983
Teleogryllus Chopard,1961
Grylus carbonarius Audinet- Serville,1839
Grylus fuliginosus Audinet-Serille,
Gryllus commodus Walker,1869
Gryllusserili de Saussure,187
Teleogryllus marini Otte &Alexander, 1983 Teleogrylusoceanicus(Le Guillu, 1841) Grylus oceanicus Le Guillou,1841
Grylus innotabilis Walker,1869
Tribe Modicogryllini
Apedina Otte&Alexander,1983 Apedina ilariOtte& Alexander,1983 Apedina mantunginea Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Apedina tarcoolina Otte & Alexander,
Apedina thurgonalae Otte & Alexander, 1983
Apedina tingha Otte& Alexander,1983
Apedina winbirris Otte& Alexander,
Aritlla Otte& Alexander,1983
Aritella arinya Otte &Alexander,1983
Alexander, 1983)
Aritella benganea Otte & Alexander,
Alexander, 1983
Aritella chidnaria Otte&Alexander,
Comidogryllusjabbarupus Otte &
Loxoblemmus marookus (Otte&
Alexander, 1983)
Comidogryllus marokus Otte & Alexander, 1983 Loxoblemmus nurro Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Loxoblemmus nurroo Otte &
1983 1983
Aritella cooma Otte & Alexander,1983
Aritella curtipennis (Mjoberg,1913)) Gryllodes curtipennis Mjoberg,1913
Aritella derrilinea Otte & Alexander,
1983 1983
Aritella duldrana Otte &Alexander,
Aritela dumpalia Otte& Alexander,
1983 Aritellafabria Otte& Alexander, 1983 Aritella fulviceps (Mjoberg, 1913)
Gryllodesfulviceps Mjoberg,1913
Aritella girralonga Otte &Alexander,
1983 Aritella gurrinya Otte & Alexander, 1983
Aritlla ilya Otte & Alexander,1983 Aritellajamberoo Otte&Alexander,
Aritella laticaput(Chopard,1951)
Gryllopsis laticaput Chopard,1951 Gryllopsis armatipes Chopard,1951
Aritellaleengila Otte& Alexander
Aritella munginia Otte& Alexander,
Aritella murwillumba Otte & Alexander, 1983 Aritella omissa Gorochov,1988 Aritella ulmarra Otte& Alexander,
Aritella wurunga Otte & Alexander,
Cyrtoprosopus Chopard,1951
Cyrtoprosopusstramineus Chopard,
Gryodes de Saussure,1874
Pictorina rimbijae Otte & Alexander,
Pictorina wombalano Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Pictorina yerriyari Otte & Alexander,
Rufocephalus Otte & Alexander,1983 Rufocephalus chindrinus Otte &
Alexander, 1983 Rufocephalus garooris Otte& Alexander, 1983
Rufocephalus milyaroois Otte & Alexander, 1983
Rufocephalus mirrtis Otte & Alexander, 1983
Tumpalia Otte&Alexander,1983
Tumpalia gundialga Otte& Alexander, 1983 Tumpalia ilindia Otte &Alexander,
Tumpalia kattara Otte& Alexander,
Tumpalia marnlia Otte& Alexander,
Cephalogrylusruficeps Chopard,
Tumpalia tau Otte&Alexander,1983
Grylldes sigillatus(Walker,1869)
Tumpaliayllena Otte& Alexander,
Gryllussigilltus Walker, 1869
Tumpalia yootha Otte &Alexander,
Grlus nanus Walker, 1869
Lepidogryllus Otte&Alexander,1983 Lepidogryllus comparatus(Walker,
Grylus comparatus Walker,1869 Lepidogryllus kimberleyanus(Baehr
Apterogryllus kimberleyanms Baehr,
Grylus parvulus Walker,1869
Grllus lineiceps Walker,1869 Grllus lepidus Walker,1869
Grylluskimberleyensis Mjoberg,
Pictorina Otte&Alexander,1983 Pictorina bullawarra Otte& Alexander, 1983
Pictorina kobarina Otte & Alexander, 1983
Tumpalia yurriyappa Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Velarifictorius Randell,1964
Buangina Otte & Alexander,1983
Alexander, 1983
Yarrita Otte& Alexander,1983 Buangina Otte&Alexander,1983 (subgenus) Velarifictorius(Buangina)anemba
(Otte & Alexander,1983)
Buangina anemba Otte &
Alexander 1983
(Otte& Alexander,1983)
Buangina bogabila Otte & Alexander 1983
Velarifictorius (Buangina) caribonga (Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Yarrita caribonga Otte & Alexander,
Velarifictorius (Buangina) diminuens
(Walker, 1869) Gryllus diminuens Walker, 1869 Gryllulus subniger Chopard, 1951
Velarifictorius (Buangina) dummala (Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Birubia dummala Otte &Alexander,
Velarijictorius (Buangina)istulator
(de Sassure, 1877)
Gryllodes istulator de Saussure,
1877 Velarifictorius (Buangina)gayandi
Yarrita woomera Otte & Alexander,
Subfamily Eneopterinae Saussure,1874
Eneopteridae Saussure,1874 Tribe Eurepini Otte & Alexander,1983
Arilpa Otte & Alexander, 1983 Arilpa allara Otte & Alexander,1983
Aripa binderia Otte& Alexander,
Aripagidya Otte &Alexander,1983 Arilpa milkappa Otte& Alexander,
Arilpa panaroo Otte & Alexander,
Arilpa pitanae Otte & Alexander,1983
Arilpa wirrilla Otte& Alexander,1983
Eurepa Walker, 1869
(Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Eurepa bifasciata(Chopard,1951)
Eurepa centurio(Brunner von
Birubia gayandi Otte & Alexander, Velarijfictorius (Buangina)illalonga (Otte & Alexander,1983)
Birubiaillalonga Otte& Alexander,
Velarifictorius (Buangina)kittana (Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Buanginakittana Otte& Alexander,
Velarifictorius (Buangina) mediocris
(Mjoberg, 1913)
Gryllodes mediocris Mjoberg,1913 Velarifictorius(Buangina)minusculus
(Walker, 1869)
Grylus minusculus Walker, 1869 Velarifictorius (Buangina)nullaga (Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Buanginanullaga Otte &Alexander,
Velarijictorius (Buangina)pikiara (Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Yarrita pikiara Otte & Alexander,
Grylulus scutellata Chopard,1951 Velarifictorius(Buangina)urunga (Otte & Alexander,1983)
Buanginaurunga Otte &Alexander,
Velarifictorius(Buangina) woomera (Otte & Alexander,1983)
Lebinthus bifasciatus Chopard,1951 Wattenwyl,1898)
Piestodactylus centurio Brunner von
Wattenwyl, 1898
Eurepacurvatifrons Chopard,1951 Eurepa eeboolaga Otte& Alexander,
Eurepa marginipennis(White,1841)
Acheta marginipennis White,1841 Piestodactylus longicauda de Saussure, 1878
Eurepa noarana Otte &Alexander,
Eurepa nurndina Otte& Alexander,
Eurepa quabara Otte& Alexander
Eurepa tanderra Otte &Alexander,
1983 1983 Eurepa woortooa Otte&Alexander, 1983
Eurepa wirkutta Otte&Alexander,
Eurepayumbena Otte& Alexander,
Eurepella Otte &Alexander,1983 Eurepella arowacka Otte& Alexander,
Eurepella ballina Otte& Alexander, 1983 Eurepella budyara Otte&Alexander, 1983
Eurepellaiando Otte & Alexander,
1983 Eurepellajllangolo Ote& Alexander, 1983 Eurepellakulkawirra Otte & Alexander, 1983
Eurepella lewara Otte & Alexander,
Eurepella mataranka Otte & Alexander, 1983
Eurepella meda Otte& Alexander,
1983 Eurepela mjobergi(Chopard,1926)
Eurepellamoojerra Otte&Alexander,
Eurepa unicolor Chopard, 1951 Myara warratinna Otte& Alexander,
1983 1983 Myara yabmanna Otte& Alexander, 1983 Myara wintrena Otte & Alexander,
Myara yurgama Otte & Alexander,
Salmanites Chopard,1951
Napieria Baehr, 1989
Salmanites allaris Otte & Alexander,
Salmanites alta Otte& Alexander,
Eurepella narranda Otte &Alexander,
Salmanites handschini Chopard,1931 Salmanites iknurra Otte & Alexander,
Eurepella oana Otte & Alexander,
Salmanites miripara(Otte &
Eurepella nakkara Otte & Alexander,
Eurepella quarriana Otte& Alexander, 1983
Alexander, 1983)
Lebinthus miripara Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Eurepella tinga Otte&Alexander,
Salmanites muralappiOtte&
Eurepella tjairaia Otte&Alexander,
Salmanites muta(Baehr,1989)
Eurepella torowatta Otte &Alexander,
Salmanites ninbella Otte&Alexander,
Eurepella tumbiumbia Otte & Alexander, 1983
Salmanites noccundris Otte &
1983 1983
Eurepella wanga Otte &Alexander, 1983 Eurepella waninga Otte&Alexander, 1983
Myara Otte& Alexander,1983
Myaraaperta Otte &Alexander,1983 Myaraerola Otte& Alexander,1983
Myara mabanuria Otte & Alexander,
Alexander, 1983
Napieria muta Baehr,1989
Alexander, 1983
Salmanites noonamina Otte & Alexander, 1983
Salmanites obscurifrons Chopard,
Salmanitespeekarra Otte &
Alexander, 1983 Salmanites poene Otte & Alexander,
Salmanitestaltanris Otte &
Salmanites terba Otte &Alexander,
Salmanites witiliko Ote &
Tribe LebinthiniRobilard,2004
Myaramerimbula Otte& Alexander, Myara muttaburra Otte& Alexander, Myara pakaria Otte & Alexander, Myara sordida Walker,1869) Salmaniasordida Walker,1869
Piestodactylus brevipennis de Saussure, 1878 Myarasubaptera Chopard,1926
Myara unicolor (Chopard,1951)
Alexander, 1983
1983 Alexander, 1983
Cardiodactyhus de Saussure,1878 Cardiodactylus gaimardi (Audinet-
Serville 1839)
Platydactylus gaimardi Audinet-
Cardiodactylus novaeguineae (Haan,
Aphonoides agantra Otte & Alexander,
Grylls novaeguineae Haan,1842
Aphonoides angustissimus (Chopard,
Cardiodactylus rufidulus de Saussure,
Julverninthus Robillard & Su,2018 Julverninthus minoris Robillard,2018
Julverninthus rentzi Robillard & Su,
Lebinthus St?l, 1877
Macrobinthus Robillard&Dong,2016
Macrobinthus kutini Robillard&Su,
Subfamily Euscyrtinae Gorochoy, 1985 Beybienkoana Gorochov,,1988 Beybienkoana australica(Chopard,
1926) Euscyrtus australicus Chopard,1926
Euscyrtus Guérin-Méneville1844
Aphonomorphus angustisimus
Chopard, 1926
Aphonoides australis (Walker,1869)
Laurepa australis Walker,1869
Aphonoides lividus Chopard, 1951
Aphonoides biangri Otte&Alexander,
Aphonoides binderi Otte & Alexander
Aphonoides debilis(Chopard,1926)
Aphonomorphus debilis Chopard,
1926 2008 Aphonoides hackeri Chopard,1951
Aphonoides emeljanoviGorochov;
Euscyrtus (Osus) Gorochow, 1987
Aphonoidesjimjimi Otte& Alexander,
Euscyrtus (Osus)hemelytrus(De
Aphonoides kaikai Otte&Alexander,
Osus Gorochov, 1987
Haan 144)
Grylus(Eneoptera)hemeytrus De
Han, 1844
Merrinella Otte&Alexander,1983
Merrinella elinya Otte& Alexander,
Merrinella tandanya Otte & Alexander, 1983
Merrinella winunga Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Tozeria Otte & Alexander,1983
Tozeria muwitiwallina Otte & Alexander, 1983
Turana Otte& Alexander,1983
Turana aminya Otte & Alexander,
Turana kiwaniOtte& Alexander,1983
Turana pankurla Otte& Alexander,
Subfamily Pentacentrinae Saussure,1878
Tribe PentacentriniSaussure,1878
Pentacentrus de Saussure,1878
Pentacentrus kakirra Otte & Alexander, 1983 Pentacentrus velutinus Chopard,1937 Subfamily Podoscirtinae Saussure,1878 Tribe Aphonoidini Gorochov;,2008 Aphonoides Chopard,1940
Aphonoides karumbae Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Aphonoides lowanna Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Aphonoides marika Otte& Alexander,
Aphonoides miripara Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Aphonoides nepotinna Otte & Alexander, 1983
Aphonoides warratinna Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Aphonoides weeronga Otte & Alexander, 1983
Mistshenkoana Gorochov;1990 Mistshenkoana weta (Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Aphonoides weta Otte &Alexander,
Umbulgaria Otte&Alexander,1983
Umbulgaria hillimunga Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Umbulgaria ita Otte & Alexander,
Unka Otte & Alexander 1983 Unka boreena Otte&Alexander,1983 Unka tribulatio Gorochov,2008
Unka? tribulatio Gorochov, 2008 Utona Gorochov, 1986 Utona longicauda Gorochov, 1986 Utona obscura (Chopard,1926)
Madasumma obscura Chopard,
Tribe Podoscirtini Saussure,1878 Hemiphonus de Saussure,1878
(Chopard, 951)
Mundeicus tindalei Chopard, 1951 Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) warringus
Otte & Alexander, 1983
Mundeicus warringus Otte& Alexander, 983
Insulascirtus Otte& Rentz,1985
Hemiphonus (Hemiphonus)de
Insulascirtus aklytos Otte & Rentz,
Hemiphonus (Hemiphonus)
Insulascirtus alogus Otte &Rentz,
Saussure, 1878
continus (Walker; 1869)
Platydactylus continus Walker
Insulascirtus christianiOtte& Rentz,
Hemiphonus vittatus de Saussure,
Insulascirtus llops Otte&Rentz,1985 Insulascirtus mutus Otte &Rentz,
1878 1951 Hemiphonus (Hemiphonus)
Hemiphonus vicinus Chopard,
wiparina Otte & Alexander, 1983 Hemiphonus wiparina Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Hemiphonus (Hemiphonus)
yinbilliko Otte& Alexander,
Hemiphonus yinbiliko Otte &
Insulascirtus nythos Otte &Rentz,
1985 1985
Insulascirtus tacitus Otte&Rent, Madasumma Walker, 1869 Madasumma aperta de Saussure,1878 Madasumma australis(de Saussure,
Platydacyus australisde Saussure,
Alexander, 1983
Madasumma hornensis Chopard,
Madasumma planiceps de Saussure,
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)Chopard, Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) brunneovariegatus (Chopard,
1951) Dolichogrllus brumneovariegatus
Chopard, 1951
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)
Podoscirtus longifemur Chopard,
Hemiphonus(Mundeicus) nillanila
Otte& Alexander,1983 Mundeicus nillanilla Otte & Alexander, 1983
Hemiphonus (Mudeicus panimilli
Otte& Alexander, 1983 Mundeicus panimilli Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus)quimmia
Otte & Alexander, 1983
Mundeicus quinmia Otte &
Hemiphonus (Mundeicus) tindalei
1951 1878
Madasumma reticulatus Chopard,
Riatina Otte &Alexander,1983 Riatina brevicauda(Chopard,1926)
Podoscirtus brevicauda Chopard,
Hemiphonus gracilis Chopard,1951 Riatina callosifrons(Chopard,1926)
Hemiphonus callosifrons Chopard,
Laurepafrontalis Walker, 1869
Hemiphonus tuberculifrons Chopard, 1926
Riatina karralla Otte & Alexander,
Riatina mundiwindi Otte & Alexander, 983
Riatina nangkita Otte & Alexander,
LIST OF THE CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Riatina padiminka Otte & Alexander,
Riatina pilkena Otte & Alexander,1983
Riatina pulkara Otte& Alexander,
Riatina pustulata Baehr,1989 Riatina subrostriata Baehr,1989 Riatina villosiceps(Chopard,1951)
Hemiphonus villosiceps Chopard,
Tamborina Otte &Alexander,1983 Tamborina afinis(Chopard,1926) Tamborina australis(Walker,1869)
Platydactylus australis Walker,1869
Tamborina choota(Otte&Alexander,
Madasumma choota Otte & Alexander, 1983
Tribe: Tribe not ssigned
Adenopterus Chopard, 1951 Adenopterus(Adenopterus)Chopard,
Adenopterus (Adenopterus)
norfolkensis Chopard,1951
Adenopterus norfolkensis Chopard,
Subfamily Oecanthinae Blanchard,1845 Tribe Oecanthini Blanchard,1845 Oecanthus Audinet-Serville,1831
Oecanthus adyeri Otte& Alexander,
Oecanthus angustus Chopard,1926 Tribe Xabeini Vickery&Kevan,1983
Xabea Walker 1869
Xabea atalaia Otte & Alexander,1983 Xabea elderra Otte&Alexander,1983
Xabealeai Chopard,1951 Xabea podoscirtoides Chopard,1951
Xabea tumbarumba Otte&Alexander,
Tamborina entrea Otte& Alexander, Tamborina ilima(Otte & Alexander,
Madasumma ilina Otte &
Alexander, 1983 Tamborina imurana Otte & Alexander, 1983
Tamborinajirranda (Otte &
Alexander, 1983) Madasumma jirranda Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Tamborina kanina(Otte& Alexander,
Madasumma kanina Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Tamborinaloorea(Otte& Alexander,
Madasumma loorea Otte& Alexander, 1983
Tamborina maltea (Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Madasumma malteea Otte& Alexander, 1983
Tamborina manilla Otte & Alexander,
Xabea podoscirtoides Chopard,1951
Xabea wyebo Otte & Alexander,1983
Family MOGOPLISTIDAE Brunner von
Wattenwyl, 1873 Subfamily Mogoplistinae Brunner von
Wattenwyl, 1873
Tribe Arachnocephalini Gorochow; 1984
Arachnocephalus Costa,1855
Arachnocephalus australicus Chopard,
1926 TribeMogoplistini Brunner von Wattenwyl
Biama Otte & Alexander, 1983
Biama allumba Otte& Alexander,1983 Biama arila Otte &Alexander,1983
Biama arupingi Otte& Alexander,
Biama atalumba Otte& Alexander,
Biama camira Otte & Alexander,1983
Biama coorari Otte & Alexander,1983 Biama iloura Otte& Alexander,1983
Tamborina ocellata(Chopard,1951)
Biamajoonaloona Otte& Alexander,
1951 Tamborina pirra Otte & Alexander, 1983
Biama kantalpa Otte & Alexander,
Madasumma ocellata Chopard,
Tamborina wypanda Otte & Alexander 983
1983 1983
Biama larnoo Otte & Alexander,1983
Biama noccundra Otte&Alexander,
Collendina Otte & Alexander,1983
Collendina elanora Otte &Alexander,
Collendinafascipes Chopard,1951
Collendina iterala Otte&Alexander,
Collendina kira Otte & Alexander,1983
Collendina mamoura Otte & Alexander, 1983 Collendina ora Otte&Alexander,
Kalyra Otte &Alexander,1983 Kalyra gililpi Otte& Alexander,1983
Kalyra goparinga Otte& Alexander,
Kalyra karka Otte& Alexander,1983 Kalyra mjobergi(Chopard,1926)
Hoplosphyrum mjobergi Chopard,
1926 1983
Kalyra pillanda Otte& Alexander, Kiah Otte& Alexander,1983
Kiah karrawilya Otte & Alexander,
Kiah palan Otte&Alexander,1983
Marinna Otte & Alexander,1983 Marinna arapala Otte &Alexander,
Musgravia hackeri(Chopard,1951)
Ornebius hackeri Chopard,1951
Musgravia kalimna (Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Lara kalimna Otte & Alexander,
Musgravia munbil (Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Lara munbilla Otte& Alexander,
Musgravia natarina(Otte &
Alexander 1983)
Laranatarina Otte& Alexander,
Musgravia nimmitabel (Otte & Alexander 1983)
Lara nimmitabel Otte &Alexander,
Ornebius Guérin-Méneville,1844
Ornebiusabminga Otte &Alexander,
1983 OrnebiusallambiOtte& Alexander, 1983
Ornebius antakira Otte& Alexander,
Ornebius aperta Otte&Alexander,
Ornebius attunga Otte& Alexander,
Ornebius baloois Otte& Alexander,
Marinna barinya Otte&Alexander Marinna bumboa Otte& Alexander, Marinna ingoorala Otte& Alexander,
1983 Marinna iranda Otte& Alexander, 1983 Marinnajerrima Otte & Alexander, 1983
Marinna mira Otte&Alexander,1983 Liphoplus mira Otte & Alexander,
Marinna pallida(Chopard,1926)
Liphoplus palia Chopard,1926
Marinna pangarinda Otte& Alexander, 1983
Marinnaulandi Otte& Alexander,
Musgravia Otte,1994
Lara Otte & Alexander,1983
Musgraviacowandilla(Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Lara cowandilla Otte & Alexander,
1983 1983
1983 1983 Ornebius bambara Otte&Alexander, 1983 Ornebius balumba Otte& Alexander,
Ornebius coomialla Otte& Alexander,
Ornebius coorumbena Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Ornebius curtipalpis Chopard,1951
Ornebius dandiri Otte&Alexander,
Ornebius denticauda Chopard,1951 Ornebius dirkanala Otte &Alexander,
Ornebius elvalina Otte&Alexander,
1983 Alexander, 1983
Ornebius gumbalera Otte&
Ornebius howensis Chopard,1951 Ornebiusilaroo Otte & Alexander,
Yarabina Ote,1994
Maroa Otte & Alexander,1983
Yarabina alawara (Otte & Alexander,
Maroa alawara Otte & Alexander,
Yarabina australicus (Chopard,1926)
Yarabina dardoana (Otte &
Ornebius immarna Otte & Alexander, Ornebiusjatalinga Otte & Alexander, Ornebiusjirira Otte & Alexander,
Ornebius kalara Otte& Alexander,
Liphoplus australicus Chopard,1926 Alexander, 1983)
Maroa dardoana Otte& Alexander,
Yarabina indiwara(Otte&Alexander,
Ornebius kanya Otte& Alexander,
Ornebiuskapunda Ote& Alexander, 1983 Ornebius karkalo Otte& Alexander,
Ornebius laevicauda Chopard,1951 Ornebius latifrons Chopard,1951
Ornebius lilka Otte&Alexander,1983 Ornebius nigromaculatus(Chopard,
Ornebiusnigromaculatus dunkensis Chopard, 1951
Ornebius nigromaculatus
nigromaculatus (Chopard,
1926) Liphopus nigromaculatus Chopard,
Ornebiusoradala Otte& Alexander,
Ornebius parvithorax Chopard,1926 Ornebius parvus Chopard,1951
Ornebius wandella Otte &Alexander,
Ornebius woomba Otte& Alexander,
Ornebiusyarandilla Otte& Alexander,
Pongah Otte & Alexander,1983 Pongah ilara Otte&Alexander,1983 Pongah indooroopilly Otte &
Alexander, 1983 Pongah wanboo Otte &Alexander
Talia Otte & Alexander,1983
Talia bandumu Otte & Alexander,
Talia brevithorax(Chopard,1951)
Ornebius brevithorax Chopard,1951
Talia pitonga Otte&Alexander,1983
Maroa indiwara Otte & Alexander,
Family PHALANGOPSIDAE Blanchard,1845
Subfamily Cachoplistinae De Saussure,1877 Homoeogryllinae Gorochov, 1986
Tribe Cachoplistini Saussure,1877 Cacoplistes Brunner von Wattenwyl,1873 Cacoplistes(Cacoplistes)Brunner von
Wattenwy, 873
Cachoplistus de Saussure,1877
Cacoplistes (Cacoplistes)brumnerianus (de Saussure, 1877)
Cachoplistus brunnerianus de
Saussure, 1877
Tribe Endacustini Gorochov, 1986
Anendacusta Gorochov,2003 Anendacusta mjobergi(Chopard, 1926)
Endacusta mjobergi Chopard,1926 Anendacusta yarramani(Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Endacusta yarramani Otte & Alexander, 1983
Discotathra Gorochov,2003
Discotathra angulifrons(Chopard,
Endacusta angulifrons Chopard,
Endacusta Brunner von Wattenwyl,1873 Endacusta australis de Saussure,1878
Endacusta cocoparae Otte & Alexander, 1983 Endacusta eurimbula Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Endacusta irrorata de Saussure,1878 Endacustes irrorata de Saussure,
Endacusta krrimurra Otte & Alexander, 1983 Endacusta koolpinya Ote &
Alexander, 1983
Tathra mungarina Otte & Alexander,
Alexander, 1983
Tathra purkabidni Otte & Alexander,
Endacusta major Chopard,1951
Tathra pyala Otte & Alexander,1983 Tathra tatiara Otte& Alexander,1983
Endacusta koonaldia Otte & Endacusta ia Ote & Alexander,1983
Endacusta minka Otte & Alexander,
1983 Endacusta minor Chopard,1951 Endacusta paraboora Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Endacusta pardalis (Walker, 1869)
Zaora pardalis Walker, 1869 Endacusta pindana Otte & Alexander,
Endacusta tibooburra Otte & Alexander, 1983
Endacusta wollia Otte & Alexander, 1983 Endotaria Chopard,,1951 Endotaria aptera Chopard,1951 Endotaria taitpulluna Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Itarotathra Gorochov,2003
Parendacustes amplipennis Chopard,
Itarotathra bulburina (Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Tathra bulburina Otte& Alexander,
Lucienia Gorochov, 1986
Endacusta cycloptera Chopard,1951
Lucienia pilipennis(Chopard,1926)
Endacusta pilipennis Chopard,1926
Nesitathra Otte & Rentz,1985
Nesitathra philipensis Otte&Rentz,
Pseudendacusta Gorochow,2003 Pseudendacusta mareeba(Otte &
Alexander, 1983)
Endacusta mareba Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Pseudendacusta morillum (Otte &
Endacusta morium Otte& Alexander, 1983
Tathra Otte & Alexander,1983 Tathra lankellia Otte & Alexander,
1983 1983
Tathra trawalla Otte & Alexander,
Zaclotathra Gorochow, 2003 Zaclotathraglorious Gorochov,2003 Zaclotathra oligoneura(Chopard,
Endacusta oligoneura Chopard, 1951
Subfamily Phalangopsinae Blanchard,1845 Tribe Phalangopsini Blanchard,1845 Howeta Otte& Rentz,1985
Howeta pacifica Otte&Rentz,1985
Subfamily Phalorinae Gorochov,1985
Tribe Phalorini
Phaloria Stl,1877
Phaloria (Phaloria) Stal, 1877 Phaloria(Phaloria)anapina Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Pseudotrigonidium Chopard,1915 Pseudotrigonidium (Pseudotrigonidum)
Chopard, 1915
(Pseudotrigonidum) probatum Gorochov, 1999
Pseudotrigonidium australis (Chopard, 1951) TremelliaustralisChopard,1951 FamilyTRIGONIDIIDAE De Saussure,1874 Subfamily Nemobiinae
Tribe Nemobini
Boia Otte &Alexander,1983
Bobilla bakali Otte& Alexander,1983 Boblla bivttata (Walker 1869) Nemobius bivittata Walker,1869
Nemobiusanmulipes de Saussure,
Nemobius femoratus de Saussure,
Nemobius ausralianus Mj?berg 1913 Bobilla gullane Su&Rentz,2000
Bobilla lawarra Su& Rentz,2000
Bobillakillara Otte & Alexander,1983 Bobillakindyerra Otte & Alexander,
Bobillaneobittata Otte & Alexander,
Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius)
binnali Otte & Alexander,
Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius)
gagooris Otte & Alexander,
1983 Bobila plurampe Otte & Alexander, 1983
Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius))
Bobill tasmani Otte & Alexander,
Pteronemobius (Pteronemobius)
Bobilla poene Otte & Alexander,1983
Bobill victoriae Otte&Alexander,1983
Dictyonemobius Chopard,1951
Dictyonemobius howensis Otte &
Rentz, 985
garrotis Otte & Alexander,
nundra Otte& Alexander,1983 Pteronemobius(Pteronemobius) ornaticeps Chopard,1926 Pteronemobius(Pteronemobius) regulus(de Saussure,1877)
Dictyonemobius lateralis Chopard,
Nemobius regulus de Saussure,
Dictyonemobius pacificus Otte &
Nemobius pulex de Saussure
Dictyonemobius pallidus Gorochov
Nemobius biguttatus Mj?berg,
Rentz, 1985
Nambungia Otte& Alexander,1983
Nambungia balyarta Otte& Alexander, 1983 Silvinella Otte&Alexander,1983
Silvinella heteropus(Walker,1869)
Nemobius heteropus Walker 1869 Sivinella wirraninna Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Specnia Otte&Alexander,1983
Specniagrongrong Otte &Alexander,
Specnia wirrega Otte &Alexander, 1983
Thetella Otte&Alexander,1983
Thetellaoonoomba Otte& Alexander
Tincanita Otte &Alexander, 1983
Tincanita tewah Otte& Alexander,
Tribe Pteronemobini Narellina Otte,1994
Narella Otte&Alexander,1983
Narellina tintinara(Otte& Alexander,
Narlla tintinara Otte&Alexander,
Pteronemobius Jakobson,1904 Pteronemobius(Pteronemobius)
arima Otte&Alexander,1983
Pteronemobius parallelus
Chopard, 1926
Dianemobius medvedevi Gorochov, 1984
tarrios Otte& Alexander,1983
Pteronemobius(Pteronemobius) truncatus(de Saussure,1877)
Nemobius truncatus de Saussure
Nemobius larapintae Tepper,1896 Pteronemobius mjobergi
Chopard, 1926
unicolor Chopard,1926 Gorochov, 1984
Pteronemobius australicus
warrakarra Otte& Alexander, Tribe Marinemobini Eumarinemobius Gorochov&Tan,2018
Eumarinemobius darwini (Otte&
Alexander, 1983)
Tribe Burcini
Burcus Gorochov 1986 Burcus tarnis(Otte& Alexander,1983) Tribe: Tribe not assigned Calperum Rentz& Su,1996 CalperumotteiRentz&Su,1996
Territiritia Rentz& Su,1996
Territirritia tya Rentz & Su,1996 Subfamily Trigonidiinae
Tribe Trigonidini
Amusurgus Brunner von Wattenwyl,1893 Amusurgus angustus(Chopard,1926)
Metioche angustus Chopard,1926
Amusurgus fascifrons Chopard,1951 Amusurgus hackeri (Chopard,1951)
Metiochodes hackeriChopard,1951
Amusurgus karyakis Otte & Alexander, 1983
Amusurgus minmirri Otte & Alexander, 1983
Amusurgus mubboonis Otte& Alexander, 1983
Amusurgus nilarius Otte& Alexander,
Amusurgus noorundi Otte & Alexander, 1983
Amusurgus tinka Otte &Alexander
Anaxipha de Saussure,1874 Anaxipha bifasciata Chopard,1927 Anaxiphafuscocinctum(Chopard,
Anaxipha mjobergi Chopard,1926
Anaxipha tetyenna Otte& Alexander,
1983 1983
Anaxipha tooronga Otte &Alexander, Cyrtoxiphoides Chopard,1951 Cyrtoxiphoidesleai Chopard,1951 Cyrtoxiphoides planifrons Chopard,
Dolichoxipha Chopard,1951
Metioche vittaticollis insularis (De
Saussure, 1878)
Homoeoxiphus insularis de Saussure,
Metiochodes Chopard, 1932
Metiochodes australicus Chopard,1951
Metiochodes thankolomara Otte &
Alexander, 1983 Metiochodes tindalei Chopard,1951
Natula Gorocho,1987
Natula anaxiphoides Chopard,1926
Natula anaxiphoides Chopard,
Trigonidium Audinet-Servill,1839 Trigonidium(Balamara) Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Balamara Otte &Alexander,1983 Trigonidium(Balamara)albovittata
(Chopard, 1951)
Metioche albovittata Chopard,1951 Trigonidium(Balamara)gidya(Otte
& Alexander, 1983)
Balamaragidya Otte &Alexander,
Trigonidium(Balamara)marroo (Otte& Alexander, 1983)
Balamaramarroo Otte&Alexander,
Trigonidium(Parametioche) Otte &
Alexander, 1983
Parametioche Otte & Alexander, 1983
Trigonidium (Parametioche) rectinervis(Chopard,1951)
Metioche rectinervis Chopard,1951
Dolichoxipha danbulla Otte &
Dolichoxipha gracilipes(Chopard,
Trigonidium (Trigonidium)amarina
Anaxipha gracilipes Chopard,1926 Homoeoxipha Saussure,1874 Homoeoxipha lycoides Walker,1869
Trigonidium (Trigonidium)
Alexander, 1983
Phyllpalpus lycoides Walker,1869 Homoeoxiphahistrio Saussure,1878
Cyrtoxiphus ritsemae Saussure,1878
Metioche Stal, 1877
Metioche baroalbae (Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Metioche monteithi(Otte&Alexander,
Metioche vittaticollis (St?l,1861)
Servll, 1839
Otte & Alexander,1983
australiana (Chopard,1926)
Metioche australiana Chopard,1926 Trigonidium (Trigonidium) bundilla
Otte & Alexander,1983
Trigonidium (Trigonidium)canara
Otte & Alexander,1983
Otte & Alexander, 1983
Otte & Alexander, 1983
LIST OF THE CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Trigonidium (Trigonidium) infuscata
(Chopard, 1926)
Metioche infuscata Chopard,1926 Trigonidium (Trigonidium) killawarra
Otte & Alexander,1983
Otte & Alexander,1983 Trigonidium (Trigonidium)meekappa
Otte & Alexander,1983
Trigonidium (Trigonidium)parinervis
Chopard, 1926
Trigonidium(Trigonidium)parinervis parinervis Chopard,1926
Trigonidomorpha Chopard,1926
Trigonidomorpha ammonga Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Trigonidomorpha sjostedti Chopard,
1926 Trigonidomorpha areolata Chopard, 1926
Superfamily GRYLLOTALPOIDEA Family GRYLLOTALPIDAE Subfamily Gryllotalpinae Tribe Gryllotalpini Grylotalpa Latreile,1802
Gryllotalpa australis Erichson,1842
Grylotalpa babinda Otte & Alexander, 1983
Grylotalpa brachyptera Tindale,1928 Gryotalpa coarctata Walker,1869 Grylotalpa howensisTindale,1928 Gryllotalpa inermis Chopard,1926
Grylotalpa monanka Otte &
Alexander 983 Grylotalpa nitidula Audinet-Serville,
1839 Gryllotalpa oya Tindale,1928
Gryllotalpa pilosipes Tindale,1928
Subfamily Scapteriscinae
Tribe Scapteriscini Zeuner,1939 Neoscapteriscus Cadena-Castaneda,2015 Neoscapteriscus didactylus(Latreille,
Gryllotalpa didactyla Latreille,1804 Family MYRMECOPHILIDAE
Subfamily Myrmecophilinae
Tribe Myrmecophilini
Myrmecophilus Berthold,1827 Myrmecophilus (Myrmecophius)
Berthold, 1827
australis Tepper,1896
Myrmecophila australis Tepper,1896 Myrmecophilus(Myrmecophilus)keyi
Bactti, 975
longitarsis Chopard,1925
Myrmecophila longitarsis Chopard,
Myrmecophilus(Myrmecophilus) mjobergi Chopard,1926
Myrmecophila mjobergi Chopard,
parachilnus (Otte & Alexander, 1983)
Myrmophilina parachilnus Otte&
Alexander, 1983
Myrmecophilus (Myrmecophius)
testaceus Chopard,1926
Myrmecophila testaceus Chopard,
tindalei Otte & Alexander,
Myrmecophilus tindalei Otte & Alexander, 1983
Austrotalpa pluwvialis Mj?berg,1913
Glossary annulations-bands,referring to dark bands on frons-front of head, region above clypeus and
the antennae
between the bases of antennae apical - near or pertaining to the apex of any fronto-clypeal suture- the suture between the
apterous - wingless
frons and the clypeus
galea- the outer lobe of the maxilla,two jointed
asymmetrical- having the right side different gena, pl. genae - cheek from the left Gordian worms - worms of the phylum band-shell effect - the use of burrows or other
external structures to amplify or direct the
Nematomorpha that are internal parasites of many kinds of insects, including crickets.
When they emerge from their hosts, they writhe around, coiling themselves into knots. basitarsus-the first segment of the tarsi, usually gynandromorph - an insect combining male referring to the hind tarsus
bilateral gynandromorph- a gynandromorph where male structures are on one side,female
structures on the other
cavernicolous - living in caves
cephalic- pertaining to the head
cercus,pl. cerci-a paired structure,one on each side of the end of the abdomen at the base of
the supra-anal plate and usually styliform and segmented in crickets
chirp -any group of pulses
clypeus-facial sclerite between the frons and
the labrum
and female secondary sexual characters in the
same individual but not necessarily a
harp-region of male tegmen (Fig.9 on p.47)
hemimetabolous- having incomplete metamorphosis; nymphs resemble adults
heterodynamic life cycle - changing
developmental phases due to climate, for
homodynamic life cycle- continuous growth
and reproduction
instar-the developmental stage between moults
diapause-the delay in development in response interval-the distance in time from the end of one sound unit until the beginning of the next to regular and recurring periods of adverse labial palpi - the segmented structures environmental conditions emanating from the labium; there are three dimorphism - difference in appearance of
individuals, usually referring to sex
distal- near or towards the free end of any appendage
dorsal field-upper flat horizontalsurface of tegmen
ecdysis-the process of moulting
labrum-the lower lip'or flap just below the
clypeus that covers most of the mandibles and
other mouthparts
lateral lobe-the two lateral and vertical sides of
the pronotum endemic- restricted to a given geographical macropterous- with tegmina and wings fully
epiphallus-uppermost prominent part of male
fastigium of vertex-the anterior part of the vertex often projecting anteriorly between the
developed, exceeding or at least reaching the end of the abdomen and overlapping dorsally
maxillary palpi-attached to the maxilla of the
mouthparts and bearing five segments as
opposed to the three-segmented labial palpi
mesopterous-semi- or half-winged, capable of flagellum- the thread-like and most elongate gliding and not usually of full light portion of the antenna mesothorax-the second thoracic segment
GLossARY metatarsus, pl. metatarsi-the first segment,sternite- one ventral segment usually, of the hind tarsus stridulatory pegs - the minute teeth on the metathoracic- referring to the third thoracic underside of the stridulatory vein segment stridulation-sound production produced by macropterous- with greatly reduced tegmina rubbing the tegmen against a raised vein on and wings, often widely separated
mirror-section of male tegmen(Fig.9 on p.47)
morphs-any of the genetic forms that account
for polymorphism
ocellus, pl.ocelli-three small, simple eyes: one
the opposite tegmen
stridulum-stridulatory vein on male tegmen (Fig. 9 on p.47)
subgenital plate - last ventral abdominal
in the middle on the frontal ridge and the supra-anal plate- the last abdominal tergite
other two, if present, near the inner sides of
covering the anus from above
having a line of separation
populations in the same area
the compound eyes symmetrical-of similar shape or development occiput-the posterior part of the head merging on the right and left sides anteriorly with the vertex and not usually sympatric- the occurrence of two or more
pedicel- the second antennalsegment prognathous - the mouthparts projecting
forward (p.235)
pronotum (also pronotal disk)-the dorsal
horizontal of the pronotum connecting the
two lateral lobes
tarsus,pl. tarsi- the three-to five-segmented
distal part of the leg
tegmen, pl. tegmina- the first pair of wings or
the fore wings
tibia-the part of theleg between the femurand the tarsus
proximal-the part of an appendage which is tergite-a single dorsal body segment nearest to the body, as opposed to distal tribe-a subdivision of a subfamily containing pulse- refers to a group of stridulatory tooth one or more genera, the name of which ends strikes usually cause by a single closing stroke
of the tegmina
pulse rate-number of pulses per second rostrum-generally synonymous with frons but used when it projects in front of the antennal
sockets scape-the first antennal segment
sclerotised- hardened cuticle song-a group of chirps or trills that is repeated
in ini
trill- a long series of pulses
trochanter-a small segment between the coxa
and femur
univoltine-having one generation per year
ventriloquial-sound production appearing to come from elsewhere
vertex-the top of the head merging behind with
the ociput
spine - teeth, denticulations and other wings- the second pair of wings, positioned immoveable tooth-like structures under the first pair and usually fan-like with spermatophore - a membranous or sticky package of capsule containing sperm that is
transferred from male to female during copulation or courtship spurs-moveable structures with a socket;larger than spines and articulated, often curved
the tips often protruding from beneath the tegmina; in some species they are reduced or
Entomological supplies You can findall theentomological supplies you will need from the sites listed below.Some offer
living insects for culture and educational display.
Australian Entomological Supplies,Pty Ltd (http://www.entosupplies.com.au/) Australian Insect Farm (http://www.insectfarm.com.au/) Minibeast Wildlife (https://www.minibeastwildlife.com.au/) Microscopes Australia (https://www.microscopes.com.au/) Optics Central (https:/www.opticscentral.com.au/microscopes-magnifiers.html) OzMicroscopes (https://www.ozmicroscopes.com.au/)
Overseas:; Bioquip Products (htp://www.bioquip.com/))
Websites and special interest groups Catalogue of Australian Crickets
Orthoptera Species File Online
Society for Insect Studies
A group of interested individuals who meet at the Australian Museum,Sydney,and take field trips
to various places to further their interests
http:// ww.duttcom.com/Insects/index.php
The Western Australian Insect Study Society
Provides a medium for interchange between people interested in insects. Its aimis to promote the study of insects,particularly those native to Western Australia,for personal enjoyment and the advancement of knowledge. http://museum.wa.gov.au/waiss/
Australian Entomological Society
A national organisation dealing with all aspects of entomology. Publications include Austral
Entomology and Myrmecia. Annual conferences are held at various localities around Australia and
New Zealand.
Entomological Society of Queensland
Promotes pure and applied entomological research in Australia,especially Queensland. Regular meetings are held and the Society publishes the Australian Entomologist and a Bulletin is issued monthly. The Society provides permits for its members to collect in Queensland parks and forests.
Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)
Aggregates biodiversity data from multiple resources and makes it freely available and useable
online. htts:/ww.ala.org.au/
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Provides free and open access to biodiversity data.
Orthopteroid food mix This formulation, or slight variations thereof, has been adopted by zoos, museums and
commercial growers for rearing a variety of insects. It is simple and provides necessary nutrients to culture orthopteroid insects. Consult Henderson et al.(2008) for the best ways
to keep captive orthopteroids. l cup natural, not toasted, muesli 4 tablespoons flake fish food
2 tablespoons birdseed mix (fine grains)
2 tablespoons bee pollen (available from health food stores) 1/2 cup Guinea-pig pellets
You can add/substitute the following: 1 tablespoon Repcal Juvenile Bearded Dragon Pellets
l tablespoon Reptile Multivitamin Powder
1 tablespoon Wombaroo Reptile Supplement 2 tablespoons Wombaroo Finch Soft Food Store in the refrigerator for freshness and to avoid mould. Cautionary note: We have detected colour change in some crickets when using the above mix. We have not done thorough tests but believe that a green dye in the flake
fish food is responsible for addinggreen to otherwise brown crickets.See Trigonidum
Cricket recipes Chocolate peanut butter protein
Stir in milk and eggs. Grease the heated
skillet with butter or cooking spray and pour in 1/4 cup of the batter. Cook until the
batter is bubbling and the margins of the pancake have set. Flip the pancake to cook
Prep time:5 min/Cook time:under 5 min/ the other side, cooking ̄1-2 min. Serve
Total timne: under 10 min
Yield: I serving Ingredients
pancakes warm with maple syrup. Chocolate chirp cookies
Prep timne: 20 min / Cook time: 10 min / Total
l scoop chocolate protein powder time:30 min 2 tablespoons cricket protein powder Yield: 30 servings 1 1/2 cups milk Ingredients 2 tablespoons peanut butter
4-5 ice cubes Instructions
Place all ingredients in a blender,blending on medium-high speed until smooth.Pour into a glass and serve cold.
Cricket spice pancakes Prep time:10min/Cooktime:10min/Total
timne: 20 min
Yield:6 servings
Ingredients 2 cups plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 tablespoons cricket protein powder 1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 1/4 cups milk
2 large eggs Butte/cooking spray
1 cup room temperature butter (2
1 cup white sugar 1 cup brown sugar, lightly packed
2 large eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 1/2 cupsall-purpose flour
1/2 cup cricket powder
1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips Instructions
Preheat oven to 175℃C. Mix the butter and sugars together until smooth. Beat in each egg separately. Stir in the vanilla. In a
separate bowl, combine all purpose and
cricket flours with baking soda and salt.Stir dryingredients into the wet ingredients.Stir in chocolate chips. Drop by large spoonfuls onto an ungreased pan.Bake for ̄10minin preheated oven, or until cookie margins are
lightly browned.
Maple syrup for serving (optional)
Cricket tacos
Prep time: 10 min/ Cook time: 15-20 min/
Over medium-high heat,heata large skilet. Total time:25-30 min In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients. Serves:6servings
1 tablespoon chili powder
3 tablespoons chili powder 1 yellow onion, diced
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
2 carrots, chopped
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1 or 2 jalapenos, chopped
l/4 teaspoon dried oregano
l green pepper, diced
2 15 ounce cans of diced tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon paprika
215 ounce cans ofkidney beans,rinsed
1 teaspoon salt
1 15 ounce can of pinto beans,rinsed
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 15 ounce can of blackbeans,rinsed
3 cups crickets
l 15 ounce can of vegetable stock
1/2 cup vegetable broth 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 1/2 cup finely chopped carrots
1 cup finely chopped tomatoes
3 cups dried crickets
Shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream
for serving
In a large pot, heat the olive oil over medium Corn tortilla taco shells, diced tomatoes,heat. Add the onion, carrots, green pepper,
shredded lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese, and jalapeno to the heated oil, sauteing until diced avocado, and sour cream for serving the onions are translucent and the carrots
are relatively soft. Stir in the diced tomatoes,
Mix spices in a bowl and set aside. In a beans,vegetable stock, and spices.Simmer skillet over medium heat,add the olive oil,for 30 min, stirring occasionally. Stir in the
chopped onion and carrots. Cook for 5 min crickets and simmer for an additional 10
or until onions are translucent. Add the min. Serve hot,topping with cheddar vegetable broth and tomatoes; simmer for 5 cheese and sour cream as desired. min. Stir in the crickets and spices; simmer
for 5 min. Serve cricket tacoflling inside Cricket Foo Yung
taco shells, topping each taco with tomatoes,Award-winning recipe by George Hsiung
lettuce, cheddar cheese, avocado, and sour Preparation of the crickets
cream as desired.
Cricket and mixed bean chili Prep time: 10 min / Cook time: 40 min /
Total time: 50 min
Serves:6 ervings Ingredients 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 cloves of garlic minced I tablespoon salt 1 tablespoon pepper I tablespoon cumin
1. 1/2 cup House Crickets (Acheta dommnesticus). Pull off heads first and
the internal organs will then come out.
Cut off wings and legs
2. Soak crickets in salt water (1 cup of water with 1/3 teaspoon salt) for
5 min.
3.Rinse the crickets in cold water twoor
three times.
4. Spread the crickets onaplate for5-10
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 medium green capsicum,chopped
1 small nion, chopped
1/2 cup of the cleaned crickets 1/2 cup mushrooms,chopped
3. Remove from heat and place on a
4. Beat eggs until thick.Stirin the cricket mixture and add 1/3 teaspoon of salt.
5.In a frying pan containing 2 1/2
1-2 slices of bacon, chopped 1 teaspoon soy sauce
tablespoons of heated vegetable oil,
1/3 teaspoon salt
on both sides,it is ready!
1/2 teaspoon sugar
pour enough cricket mixture to form small patties. When it is light brown
1/2 teaspoon vinegar
2 tablespoons cold water
4 egs
Instructions 1.In a frying pan,heat and add the
vegetable oil, the capsicum, onions,
mushrooms and cook until tender.
2. Stir in the crickets,bacon,vinegar, sugar and soy sauce.Then add 2
tablespoons of water and cook for2-3
min on medium heat.
Cricket Foo Yung.
Bibliography Allen GR(1995) The calling behaviour and Chopard L(1951)A revision of the Australian
spatial distribution of male bushcrickets
Grylloidea.Records of the South Australian
(Sciarasaga quadrata) and their relationship
Museum 9(4),397-533.
to parasitism by acoustically orienting tachinid flies. Ecological Entomology 20,
Chopard L(1969)The Fauna of India and Adjacent Countries.Orthoptera.Vol.2.
Gryloidea.(Ed.S Sewell) Baptist Mission
Press, Calcutta,India. Australian Biological Resources Study(n.d.) Cigliano MM, Braun H,Eades DC,Otte D Australian Faunal Directory. Australian (n.d.) Orthoptera Species File. Version Biological Resources Study, Canberra. 5.0/5.0.http://Orthoptera.SpeciesFile.org. http://www.environment.gov.au/ biodiversity/abrs/online-resources/fauna/
Baccetti B(1975)Notulae Orthopterologicae.
XXXI.On a new Australian Myrmecophilus
de Jesus FM,Pereira MR,Rodrigues GCR,
Sperber CF (2017)A new genus and species of Neotropical Nemobiinae (Insecta:
Orthoptera: Grylloidea; Trigonidiidae;
(Grylloidea: Myrmecophilidae)described
Nemobinae).Zootaxa 4276,96-106. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4276.1.4
microscope.Journal of the Australian
DeSutter-Grandcolas L(1997) Studies in cave
with the aid of the scanning electron
Bailey NW, Macleod E(2014) Socially flexible
female choice and premating isolation in field crickets(Teleogryllus spp.).Journal of
life evolution: a rationale for future
theoretical developments using phylogenetic inference. Journal of Zoological Systematics
and Evolutionary Research 35,25-31.
Dorfman E(Ed.)(2012)Intangible Natural
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Index Note: Bold numbers refer to major discussions
Abminga Group 273 Acacia 12 Acanthogrylacris 13
Acheta 64
Acheta domesticus 8,20,64,67-8
Adenopterus 189
norfolkensis 189
adina (Loxoblemmus)71
Affinis Group (Tamborina)158
alawara (Yarabina)282
Araucaria heterophyll 17 Arachnocephalus 264
australicus 264 Arboreal Bush Crickets 175
allara 203 Arilpas 202
arima (Pteronemobius)344
Aritell 115 fabria 115 fulviceps 116
iya 117
leengila 118 Aritella Group 115
allara (Arilpa)203
allergies 62
Australiana Group(Trigonidium)303
allaris (Salmanites)222
Alexander, RD 1
Alexander and Otte Expedition xiv ammonga(Trigonidomorpha) 316
Amusurgus 15,284,287,288
kanyakis xii,15,11,288
hackeri 291
nilarius 16,290
tinka 13, 289
Australian King Cricket xii
Australicus Group(Daintria)90-2 australicus (Metiochodes) 299 australis (Aphonoides)126
Australis Group(Aphonoides)126
Australis Group(Gryllotalpa)354,357 australis(Gryllotalpa) 357
Amusurgus Leaf-runners 287
Anaxipha 284,292
Balamara (Subgenus)311
anapina (Phaloria)15,260
bjfasciata 292
fuscocinctum 294,297
mjobergi 295 Anendacusta 242
anaxiphoides (Natula)300 angustissimus(Aphonoides)131 Angustissimus Group(Aphonoides)129
Anostostoma australasiae 13
Anostostomatidae 13 Ant Crickets 362
Aphonoides 125
angustissimus 131
australis 126 comparison of species groups 126 debilis 133 lowanna 52 nepotinna 127
sp. near nepotinna 129
Aphonoidini (Tribe)124
identification of genera 124-5 Apterogryllus 35,82-6 palpatus 84
undescribed species 85
albovitata 311 marro 313
gidua 312
balyarta (Nambungia)330
Banded-Short-winged Island Cricket 186 Band-legged Scaled Cricket 265 baroalbae (Metioche)314 Baroalba Leaf-runner 314
Beybienkoana 25,193
australica 193, 297
Bey-BienkosGrass Crickets 193
Biama 265
bifasciata (Anaxipha)292
Big-headed Forest Crickets 96 bilo (Loxoblemmus)74 Bilo Small Field Cricket 74-5
binnali (Pteronemobius) 340 bivittata (Bobilla) 324 Bivittata Group (Bobilla) 324
Black Big-headed Cricket 86-7 Black-headed Silent Crickets 142-5 Black DwarfCricket 348
Black-eyed Short-winged Island Cricket 188
BlackPygmy Cricket 342
INDEX Black-spot Trig 305 Black-winged Trig 309 Bobilla 320, 329,335
bivttata 324 gullanae 324 illwarra 320
kilara 322
kinderra 325 neobivitta 326 victoriae 327
boreena (Unka)148
brevicauda(Gymnogrllus)68 brevicauda (Riatina)173
Brigalow Meteor Cricket 217
Brown Bell 294
Collendina 265
fascipes 265
sp.A 266 sp. B 266 Colourful Pygmy Cricket 346 Comidogryllus Group 105
Common Black Field Cricket 78 Common Flat-headed Leaf Runner 299 Common Grass Cricket 196 Common Pygmy Crickets 335 Common Rainforest Spider Crickets 253 Common Small Field Cricket 71-4 Common Spider Crickets 245 Common Tamborine Bush Cricket 158
Brunner von Wattenwyl, Carl 1
Common Tree Cricket 232
Buangina (subgenus)109
Confusing Field Crickets 106 Confusing Mole Cricket 356
Bundilla Trig 306
comparatus (Lepidogryllus)106
bundilla(Trigonidium)306 budyara(Eurepella) 201 Bundyara Group (Eurepla)209
Confusing Pygmy Cricket 339 conservation 16,18
Burrowing Crickets 82-94
Corroboree Giant Cricket 68-9
Cairns Slender-legged Leaf Runner 296
coorumbena (Ornebius)273
Burcus 284, 318
Callosifrons Group(Riatina)169 callosifrons(Riatina)169
Calperum 328 ottei 328
Canberra Imposter Cricket 102 Cape Range Dwarf Cricket 93
Cardiodactylus 10,225
novaeguineae 1l,52,225
Cephalogrylli 82-94
Cephalogrylls 12
matakira 86-7
tau 87-9
Changa 361
Chirping Mole Cricket 359
Philip Island 18 Copholandrevus 95-6
courtship 14
crabronid wasp 13
cricket, definition xi cricket fighting 55
cricket recipes 384-6 crickets and culture 53-5
crickets as food 56
human 56-62 pet 56
Cyrtoprosopus 119
stramineus 119
Cytaea 12
DaintreeJules Verne Cricket 229
Chopard,Lucien 1 christiani(Insulascirtus)185 Clasping Crickets 148
Daintria 89-93 australicus 90-1
coarctata (Grylotalpa) 356
Dark-eyed Southern Pygmy Cricket 327 Dark-faced Meteor Cricket 216 Dark Litter Crickets 333 Dark TreRunner 249
Clasping Tre Cricket 236
Coastal Big-headed Forest Cricket 98 Coastal Gumtree Cricket 169 Coastal Pygmy Cricket 343
collecting 25-33
light trapping 26 malaise nets 25
perrumbis 92-3
sp. near yarrata 91-2
Dark Trig 310
Darwin Pygmy Cricket 347
night 30
Dead-treeRunners 258
sweeping 25
spot-lighting 30
development 20
diapause 20, 40 Dictyonemobius 329 lateralis 329 pacificus330
didactylus (Neoscapteriscus)361
Diminutive Ground Cricket 109
diminutus (Eurygryllodes)102
Diminutus Group 102 disecting 38-40
Dolichoxpha 296
Frontalis Group (Riatina)168 frontalis(Riatina)168 fulviceps (Aritela) 116
fuscocincta (Anaxipha)294 gagoris (Pteronemobius)346 garoris(Rufocephalus)122
genitalia 49-50 Geraldton Arilpa 203 Giant Crickets 68 Giant Pygmy Cricket 340
gracilipes 296 domesticus (Acheta)67 Dusk Leaf-runner 290
Gidya Trig 312
EchoingTamborine Bush Cricket 163
Gorimuis (group)100
elderra (Xabea) 238 ellops(Insulascirtus)188
Ellops Short-winged Island Cricket 188 Elusive Ground Cricket (Salmanites)
Elusive Ornebius 276 Endacusta 243,245 major 246
pindana 245
Endacustini 243,245 Endotaria 243,247
yela 247
Eneopterinae (Subfamily)201
entomological supplies 382
Eucayptus 12 Eumarinemobius 284,318,349 darwini 349
Eurepa 10,14,203
marginipennis 204
sp.near marginipennis 209
Eurepla 207 quarriana 209
Giant Short-winged Island Cricket 188
Gordian worms 13
gracilies (Dolichoxipha)296
Grass Crickets 196
Green Leaf-runner 291 Grey-kneed Silent Cricket 133 Grylacrididae xi
Gryllinae 28, 64
Table foridentification 65-6
Grylni 64
Grylodes 122
sgillatus 123 Grylloidea,superfamily 64 Grylotalpa 30,352 australis 357 coarctata 356 monanka 354 nitidula 359 pluvialis 359 sp.near pluvialis 360 sp. nov. 358
Gryllotalpidae 28,352 Gryotalpinae 35
Eurepini (Tribe) 201
Grylotalpini 352
Eurygrylodes xiv,100
Grylls xvi
Eurygryllodini(Tribe)100 diminutus 101
kurrabi 103 sp.near takanna 101 warlla 101
Euscyrtinae (Subfamily)192
Euscyrtus 47,52,197
hemelytrus 47,196,297
False Spider Crickets 251
Grylotalpoidea (Superfamily)352
bimaculatus 57
Gumtree Crickets 165
Gymnogrylls 68 brevicauda 68
corroboree 68-9 gynandromorph 23-4
bilateral 24 mosaic 24
fascipes (Collendina) 265
fre 15 Flat-headed Leaf Runners 299
Handsome Clasping Tree Cricket 238 Handsome Striped Cricket 174
Fast-chirping Field Cricket 108 Fletcher Christians Short-winged Cricket 185
Hairy Ground Cricket l12
Handsome Trig 311
INDEX headlights 31
Kanina Bush Cricket 160
Hemiphonus 23,156,174
kanina (Tamborina)160 kanyakis(Amusurgus)288
Hemiphonus (subgenus)174
karkalo (Ornebius) 276
tindalei 23 continus 174
Hemiphonus(M) longifemur 50
heteropus (Silvinella)331
Homoeoxipha 15,297 lycoides 297
hornesnsis (Madasumma)157
House crickets 8,12,20,64,67-8
Howeta 242
knurra Group (Salmanites)219 ilara (Pongah)281
llara Ponga 281
lllaroo Group (Ornebius)278
Kanyakis Group(Amsurgus)288
kilara (Bobila)) 321
Killara Southern Pygmy Cricket 322
killing agents 33 ammonium carbonate 33 ethylacetate 33 potassium cyanide 33 killigjars 34 kindyerra(Bobilla) 324 King Crickets 13 kobarina (Pictorina)120
Kuranda Tree Runner 261 kurrabi(Eurygrylodes)103
Kurrabi Imposter Cricket 103
llawarra and South Coast Pygmy Cricket 320
kutini (Macrobinthus)230
Imposter Bush Crickets 152
Landrevini 95-100
Indian House Cricket xii,8,123
lankellia (Tathra)253
Inland Ground Crickets 115 Inland Jules Verne Cricket 228 Inland Red-head 122
Larger Ground Cricket 118
Imposter Crickets 100
infuscata (Trigonidium)310
instar 20
Insulacirtus 185 aklytos 186 christiani 185
ellps 188
mutus 188
nythos 185
tacitus 188
Iron Range Forest Cricket (Macrobinthus)230
Iron Range Short-winged Grass Cricket 199
Iron Range Spraddler 92-3 Iron Range Tamborine Bush Cricket 163 Island Pygmy Crickets 329 Island Short-winged Crickets 185
Itarotathra 243
ita (Umbulgaria)146 Jirranda Bush Cricket 160 jrranda (Tamborina)160
Jules Verne Crickets (ulverninthus)226
Julverninthus 227
rentzi229 Jumpig pider 12 kakirra(Pentacentrus)191
Kalyra 267
distinguishing genera 95
Lankelly Rainforest Spider Cricket 253 Large Arboreal Cricket 182 Larra bicolor(Crabronidae)361 lateralis(Dictyonemobius)329
leai (Xabea) 239
Leas Tree Cricket 239
Lebinthini(Tribe) 225 leengila (Aritela) 118
Lepidogryllus 106 comparatus 106 parvulus 108 life cycles 20 light traps 26-7 Lined Ground Crickets 218 Linnaeus, C 2
Litl Ground Cricket 115
longevity 23 Longifemur Group(Mundeicus)176 longijemur(Mundeicus)177
Long-legged Winged DwarfCricket 350 Long-tailed Crickets 203
Loxoblemmus 70-1
adina 71-2
bilo 74-5
identification 70
pallens 75-7
Lucienia 248
cycloptera 249 pilipennis 250
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA luisae (Ngamarlanguia) 94
Luises Cape Range Cricket 94-5
lycoides (Homoeoxipha)297
Mj?berg'sBell 295
macrocephala 97-8
warra 21
Macrobinthus 230
Modicogrylli (tribe)104-23
macrocephala (Mjobergella) 97 Madasumma (genus)156
Mogoplistidae 263
making a collection 33 alcohol preservation 35
Monanka Mole Cricket 354 Montane Pictorina 120
kutimi 230
labelling 37 pinning 34, 36-7
supplies 382
Malle Dwarf Crickets 334 mangarina (Tathra)257 Mangrove Cricket 349 Mangrove Musgravia 270 manilla (Tamborina)163
Mareeba False Spider Cricket 251 mareeba(Pseudenacusta)251
marginipennis (Eurepa)204
Marginipennis Group(Eurepa)204
Marinemobiini 349 marini(Teleogrylus)80 Marina 11,13,14,267 pallida 267 sp. A 268
sp. B 269
Marro Trig 313 marroo (Trigonidium)313 matkira (Cephalogryllus)86 mediocris(Velarifictorus(Buangina))114
Meekappa Group(Trigonidium)303,305 meekappa (Trigonidium)314
distinguishing species groups 105
Mole crickets 28, 352
Monanka Group (Grylotalpa)353 monteithi(Metioche)314
Monteith's Silent Leaf-runner 315
Moojera Group (Eurepella)209
morphology 43 apterous,mesopterous,macropterous 46 clavate hairs 48
genitalia 48-51 legs44 orientation 45 ovipositor 51
spurs v spines 44-5 stridulatory fle 48 stridulatory vein 47
stridulum 47
subgenital plate 49
tegmina and wings 46 Mottled Leaf-runner 290
moulting 21-3,40
Mt Garnet Silent Cricket 127 mubboonis(Amusurgus)290
Mubboonis Group(Amusurgus)297,290
Mundeicus (subgenus) 175
brunneovariegatus 49,182
identification of species groups 175-7
Merrinella 198
longifemur 176
metamorphosis 20
quinnia 184
tandarrya 198
complete 20 gradual 20
Meteor Crickets 3l1 Metioche(subgenus)314
baroalbae 314
monteithi 315
vittaticollis 315 Metiochodes 15,299
australicus 299 thankalomara 300
minoris (ulverninthus)228 miripara(Lebinthus)201
Mistshenkoana 124
sp. nov. 144 weta 144 Mjoberg,E 3
nillailla 177
sp. near nillanla 179
tindalei 180 Musgravia 270
kalimna 270 nimmitabel 271 notarina 271 sp. 1 272 sp.2 273
muttaburra(Myara) 216
Myara 211
identification of species groups 211 muttaburra 216 pakaria 217 unicolor 213
wintrena 213
INDEX Myrmecophilidae 362 Myrmecophilus 363 testaceus 363 tindalei 363
Nambung Cricket 330
balyarta 330 Narellina 335,348 tintinara 348
Nambungia 330
Nangkita Gumtree Cricket 171
Natula 300 anaxiphoides300 Nemobinae 318
Table of genera 319
Nemobini (Tribe)320
neobivitata (Bobilla)326
Neoscapteriscus 361 didactylus 361 nepotinna(Aphonoides)127 Nesitathra 251 nets 24, 25 aerial 25 sweeping 25 Ngamarlanguia 93-4
luisae 94
nilarius(Amusurgus)290 Nilarius Group(Amsurgus)287
nilanilla (Mundeicus)177 Nimbella Group(Salmanites)219,222 nimmitabel (Musgravia)271 Nitidula Group (Gryllotalpa)359 nitidula (Gryllotalpa)354,359
Nocturnal Leaf-runner 289
Noorundi Group(Amusurgus)287,291
Norfolk Island Cricket 189
Norfolk Island Pygmy Cricket 329 North Coastal Black Field Cricket 80-2
North Coastal Grass Cricket 193 North-eastern Coastal Tree-runner 250
Northern Common Ground Cricket l14 Northern Flat-headed Leaf Runner 300 Northern Lined Ground Cricket 219 Northern Natula 302 Northern Tamborine Bush Cricket 161 North Queensland Leaf-runner 288
North Queensland WinglessLitter Cricket 332
North-western Giant Cricket 68
notarina (Musgravia)271
notebooks 42
Nundra Group 342 nundra(Pteronemobius)342 nymph 20
Nythos Short-winged Cricket 185
obscura sp.1(Utona)155
Oceanic Black Field Cricket 79-80 Ocellata Group(Tamborina)161
ocellata (Tamborina)161
Oecanthinae 231
Oecanthini 231,232 Oecanthus 232 angustus 232
rufescens 233
Olea europaea 18,329 oligoneura(Zaclotathra)258
olive,European 18,329
oonoomba(Thetella)350 Ormia depleta(Tachinidae)361
Ornaticeps Group 336 ornaticeps(Pteronemobius)336 Ornebius 13,273 coorumbena 273
karkalo 276
sp.near coorumbena 275
sp.nov. 278
Orthopteroid food mix 383
Otte,D 3 ottei(Calperum)328
Ottes Pygmy Cricket 328
Oya Group 354
pacificus(Dictyonemobius)330 Pakaria Group(Myara)213,216
pakaria (Myara) 217
Pale Field Crickets 109 Pale Green Tree Cricket 240 Pale Marinna 267
Pale Southern Pygmy Cricket 325 pallens(Loxoblemmus)75
pallida (Marinna)267 palpatus (Apterogrylus) 84 pankuria (Turana) 201
Parametioche 314 parasites 361 Gordian worms 13 Larra discolor(Crabronidae)361 Mite on genitalia 14 Ormia depleta (Tachinidae)361
Parasitengona (mite)13
Stresipteran (Halictophagidae)14
Parvinervis Group(Trigonidium)303,308 Parvinervis(Trigonidium)309 parvulus(Lepidogryllus)108
A GUIDE TO CRICKETS OF AUSTRALIA Patawilyis Group (Daintria) 92-3 Peekara Group (Salmanites)219
Penny's Southern Pygmy Cricket 324 Pentcentrinae (Subfamily)190
Pentacentrus 190 kakirra 191 sp.nov. 1 191
sp. nov.2 192 velutinus 191
perrumbris Daintria) 92
Phalangopsinae 241 Phalangopsini 242 Phaloria 243,259
anapina xii,260
Phalorinae 242,259
philipensis (Nesitathra)251
Philip Island Spider Cricket 251
Truncatus Group 335,337-8 Warrakarra Group 335, 347
Pteronemobius 7,30,46,329 arima 343 binnali 340 garoris 346
nundra 342 ornaticeps 32,336
regulus 346
sp.near arima 345
sp. Nundra Group 343
truncatus 339, 340
truncatus-tarrios complex 339
warrakarra 347
Pygmy Crickes 28
Pygmy Mole Crickets xi
Phili Island 19 Phrynarachne 1 Pictorina 120
pikiara(Velarifictorus(Buangina)113 pilipennis (Lucienia)250 Pilosipes Group(Grllotalpa)354
quinnia (Mundeicus) 184
kobarina 120
Pimple-faced Gumtree Cricket 168 pindana (Endacusta)245 pinning 36-7
Plain Bush Cricket 156
Quarriana Group(Eurepella)209
Queensland Flat Headed Cricket 75-7
Quinnia Arboreal Cricket 184
rabbits 19
Raincloud Forest Cricket 260
Rainforest Burrowing Cricket 87-9 Rainforest Silent Crickets 133
Plain Clasping Cricket 150 Plain Natula 300
Raspy Crickets xi rearing crickets 40-1 jars 41
Red-headed Crickets 122 red velvet mites 13
Plurampe Group(Bobilla)320 Podoscirtinae(subfamily)124 Podoscirtini (tribe)156
identification of genera 156
Pongah 281 ilara 281 Predation 12
crabronid wasp (Liris)13
Jumping Spider Cytaea 12 Spider Phrynarachne 12
Preservation 34-6
Pretty Ground Cricket 116 Pretty Lined Ground Cricket 221 Pretty Ornebius 273
recording sounds 41
relaxing chamber 36
Riatina 10,21,156,165 brevicauda 173 callsifrons 169 frontalis 168 nangkita 21,170
sp.near callosifrons 170 sp. near nangkita 172
rigor mortis 33
rufescens (Oecanthus)233
Pseudendacusta 251
Rufocephalus 122 8garooris 122
Pseudotrigonidium 10,243,260
Sad Cricket(Cardiodactylus)frontispiece 225
mareeba 251 australis 10, 261 Pteronemobiini 335 Nundra Group 335,342,343 Ornaticeps Group 335-6 Regulus Group 335,343 Table of Species Groups 335
Salmanites 46,217,218-9 allaris 46, 222 obscurifrons 224
undescribed species(Wittiliko Group)221
witiliko 219
Sassure, H de 4
INDEX Scaled Crickets 263 Scapteriscinae 361
Straw-coloured Ground Crickets 119
Seven-spurred Mole Crickets 352 Short-horned Dwarf Cricket 191 Short-winged Grass Crickets 198
Tablelands Big-headed Forest Cricket 97
Shiny Mole Cricket 359 Shy Rainforest Spider Cricket 254 sillatus (Gryllodes)123 silent crickets 15, 125 list of genera 16 Silent Leaf-runner 315 Silent Leaf Runners 314 Silent Litter Cricket 190
Silver-haired Trig 305 Silvinella 331 heteropus 331-2 wirraninna 331-2 Singapore Daisy 10
sj?stedti(Trigonidomorpha)316 Sj?stedt's Confusing Leaf-runner 316
Slender Grass Crickets 192 Slender-legged Leaf Runners 296 Slender Silent Crickets 129 Slow-chirping Field Cricket 106 Small Black Ground Cricket 113 Small Field Crickets(Loxoblemmus)70 Small Wingless Tree-runner 247 Sordida Group(Myara)211,213
sordida (Myara) 213
South-eastern Dead-tree Runner 258
South-eastern Pygmy Cricket 326
Southern Black Field Crickets(Teleogrllus)77
Southern Longtail 204
Southern Meteor Cricket 213 Southern Mole Cricket 357 Southern Pygmy Crickets 320 Southern Short-winged Grass Cricket 196
Specnia333 sp.near grongrong 333 spermatheca 52 spermatophore 52
Aphonoides lowanna 52
Sphagneticola trilobata 10,11
Spider Crickets 242,245
Spinifex Gumtree Cricket 173 Spraddling Rainforest Crickets 89-92 sp.near callosifrons(Riatina) 170 sp.near diminuens(Velarifictorus
(Buangina) 1l1
sp.near nepotinna(Aphonoides)129 sp.near nillanilla(Mundeicus)179 sp.near takanna(Eurygryodes)101 sp.near yarata(Daintria) 91
Stal, C 4
stepsipteran 14
Striped Tree Cricket 233
Tablelands Rainforest Spider Cricket 256
tacitus (Insulascirtus) 188
Talia 282
tatiara (Tathra)256
Tamborina 10,156 afis 158 jrranda 160 kanina 50,160 manilla 163 ocellata 161
wypanda 163
Tamborine Bush Crickets 157
Tathra 253
lankellia 253
mungarina 257
sp.near pyala 254
tatiara 256
Tatiara Group (Tathra)253 tau (Cephalogryllus)87
Tawny Ant Cricket 363
Teleogrllus 77
commodus xvi,2,7,9,23,78
marini 80-2
oceanicus 8,13,14,79-80
Tepper, JGO 5
Terrirrita 334
tya 334
Territory Silent Dwarf Cricket 191
test tubes, glass 27-8
thankalomara (Metiochodes)300
Thetell 350
oonoomba 350
Three-spot Musgravia 271
Tindale,N 5
tindalei(Hemiphonus Mundeicus)180
Tindales Ant Cricket 363
Tindales Arboreal Bush Cricket 180
tinka (Amusurgus)289
tintinara (Narellina)348
Tiny Pygmy Cricket 346
Tozeria 199 muwittiwallina 199
trappng 26 flight-intercept 31 light 26 Malaise 26 oatmeal trail 32 pitfall 32-3 Tree Crickets 20,231 Tree Runners 248
Trigonididae 28, 284 Trigonidinae 284
key to genera 285-7
Trigonidium 284,303,314
Trigonidum bundilla 306 Trigonidium (Subgenus)303 australiana 304 bundilla 306 canberrae 305 infuscata 310 meekappa 305 parvinervis 309 sp. near killawarra 308
sp. near meekappa 308 sp.near parvinervis A 309 sp.near parvinervis B 309
Trigonidomorpha 314,316 truncatus (Pteronemobius)339 ammonga 315 sj?stedi316
truncatus-tarrios complex(Pteronemobius)338
tumbarumba (Xabea) 240
Turana 52, 200
pankuria 201
gayandi 112
mediocris 114 pikiara 113
Velarijfictorus(Buangina) pikiara 8 velutinus(Pentacentrus)191
victoriae (Bobilla) 327
Villosiceps Group (Riatina)173
vittaticolis (Metioche) 315
Walker,F 6 Wally's Bush Crickets 144 Wandella Group (Ornebius)278
Wandella Ornebius 278
Warill (group)101
Warilla Imposter 101 warrakarra 347
warra (Mjobergella) 98
Warrakarra Group 347
Warringus Group(Mundeicus)176,182
West Australia Pygmy Cricket 324
Western Confusing Leaf-runner 316 Western Spider Cricket 246 where to look 27 White-kneed King Cricket 13
Two-clawed Mole Crickets 361 Two-spot Arboreal Bush Cricket 178 Two-spotted Silent Cricket 148 Two-striped Ground Cricket 112
wildolive 18 Wingless Grass Crickets 200
Typical Tree Crickets 232
wintrena (Myara)213
tya (Trriterrita) 334
Umbullgaria 125,144 hillimunga 145
ita 146
Unicolor Group (Myara)211,213 unicolor (Myara)213
Unka 49, 125 borena 148 sp.nov. 152
tribulatio 150 Unka boreena xii,12
Utona 15, 125
obscura 152
obscura sp.1 155 obscura sp.2 156
Utona species 15 Variegated Bell 291
Variegated Pygmy Cricket 336 Variegated Scaled Cricket 282 Vegetation types,Australia 9 Velarijictorus 109
diminuens 111
Wingless Litter Crickets 331 Wingless Tree-runners 247 Wintrena Meteor Cricket 213
wirraninna (Silvinella)331-2
Wittiliko Group(Salmanites)218,219 wiillko (Salmanites)219
wypanda (Tamborina)163
Xabea 49,236 atlalaia 236 elderra 50, 238 key to species 236 leai 239 tumbarumba 240 Xanthorrhoea 11 Xabeini(Tribe) 235
Yarabina 282 alawara 282 sp. B 283
Yarata Spraddler 91-2 Yellow-legged Trig 304 Yellow-tail 271 yelta (Endotaria)247
Zaclotathra 258 oligoneura 258