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French Pages [377] Year 2018
A daily dose of English
Maquette : Raphaël Lefeuvre
© Armand Colin, 2018 www.armand-colin.com Armand Colin est une marque de Dunod Éditeur, 11 rue Paul Bert, 92240 ISBN 978-2-200-62494-1
L’auteur : Luc Geiller, agrégé d’anglais, enseigne en classes préparatoires au lycée Fabert à Metz.
To Jan and Leonard, with love and gratitude.
Préface Its very variety, subtlety, and utterly irrational, idiomatic complexity makes it possible to say things in English which simply cannot be said in any other language. Robert A. Heinlein
Connaissez-vous les expressions suivantes : to get off the beaten track, to set the record straight et to take a leap in the dark1 ? Sauriez-vous dire « l’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt », « mettre la charrue avant les bœufs » ou bien encore « avoir le bras long »2 ? Pourriez-vous formuler, au sujet de la publicité, une critique aussi cinglante et concise que celle-ci : Advertising is legalized lying3 ? Comprenez-vous ce jeu de mots : Coffee is the silent victim. It gets mugged everyday4 ? Quel que soit votre niveau d’anglais, ce livre est fait pour vous. En y consacrant cinq minutes par jour, vous pourrez trouver de l’inspiration auprès de personnalités du monde anglo1. Sortir des sentiers battus, mettre les choses au clair, faire un saut dans l’inconnu. 2. The early bird catches the worm, to put the cart before the horse, to have friends in high places. 3. « La publicité, c’est le mensonge légalisé » (H. G. Wells, écrivain anglais). 4. Jeu de mots sur get mugged: a. Se faire agresser b. Se faire mettre dans un mug (création lexicale).
phone, apprendre des expressions idiomatiques et explorer les subtilités de l’anglais tout en vous amusant. Les amoureux de cette langue prendront plaisir à en (re)découvrir la richesse, les élèves du secondaire et les étudiants, dont les examens et les concours portent sur les grands sujets de société, trouveront de quoi alimenter leur réflexion et enrichir leur expression. Enfin, des jeux de mots apporteront une touche d’humour à cet investissement quotidien. Pour que chaque jour apporte son lot de surprises, aucune logique lexicale ou grammaticale ne préside à l’agencement des 1464 entrées de cet éphéméride, réparties en trois grandes catégories : citations (Today’s quote), expressions idiomatiques (Today’s expressions), jeux de mots (Today’s pun). Pour aider à la compréhension et faciliter le programme d’apprentissage, les éléments importants sont traduits et expliqués. Today’s quote est une collection de 366 pensées d’auteurs de tous horizons (écrivains, philosophes, scientifiques, humoristes, politiques, musiciens, acteurs, réalisateurs, artistes, sportifs) visant à interpeller, motiver, émouvoir ou encore amuser le lecteur. Today’s expressions propose des expressions courantes, vraiment utiles pour s’exprimer sur de nombreux sujets et dans tous types de situations. Idéalement, le lecteur comprendra également ce qu’il est utile de repérer dans une conversation ou dans un texte pour enrichir son anglais en autonomie. Cette rubrique regroupe deux types d’entrées : Everyday contexts présente 366 proverbes et expressions utilisés dans des situations de la vie quotidienne et Hot off the press rassemble 366 expressions tirées de la presse anglo-saxonne.
Hot off the press est particulièrement utile pour se préparer aux examens et aux concours car on y trouve non seulement des expressions propres à des sujets d’actualité (to curb global warming, to raise tuition fees, to put a gag on the free press5) mais également une majorité d’expressions transférables, c’est-à-dire utilisables dans n’importe quel type de contexte (this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg, politicians need to match words with actions, this bodes well for the company’s future6). L’objectif de cette rubrique est de sensibiliser le lecteur à l’importance du lexique grammaticalisé dans l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère. En effet, pour s’exprimer de manière idiomatique, il est nécessaire de connaître un grand nombre d’expressions figées car, si le lexique est appris hors contexte et sans dépasser le stade du mot simple, il est difficile d’atteindre une certaine fluidité en anglais. Ainsi, la clé d’une expression personnelle de qualité réside en grande partie dans l’usage approprié de collocations (associations verbe-nom, adjectif-nom, etc.) et d’expressions préfabriquées. Prenons un exemple : s’il peut être utile de connaître a heavy blow, le mot composé seul ne suffira pas pour formuler une idée. Pour le faire de manière idiomatique, il est nécessaire de savoir avec quel verbe l’utiliser : Such decision would certainly deal a heavy blow to efforts to bring peace and stability to the region7. Enfin, avec Today’s pun, une sélection de 366 jeux de mots (classiques, subtils, gentils, absurdes, parfois même un peu vulgaires) glanés ça et là, notamment sur le web et les réseaux 5. Freiner le réchauffement de la planète, augmenter les frais de scolarité, bâillonner la presse libre. 6. La partie visible de l’iceberg, cesser de parler et passer aux actes, être de bon augure. 7. To deal a heavy blow to something : porter un coup sévère à quelque chose.
sociaux, vous pourrez vous familiariser de manière très efficace avec les subtilités de l’anglais. Les entrées ont été choisies non seulement pour vous amuser mais aussi pour vous révéler les usages syntaxiques et phonologiques qu’ils présentent ou détournent. Parce que comprendre une langue c’est aussi être capable d’en percevoir l’humour et ses ressorts. Ainsi, tout en apprenant de nouveaux mots, vous découvrirez pourquoi les huîtres rechignent à partager leurs perles8 ou encore pourquoi les anarchistes préfèrent la tisane au thé9. Assidu(e)s ou plutôt dilettantes, quel que soit l’usage que vous ferez de cet éphéméride, vous trouverez toujours matière à enrichir votre anglais. Une mise en page optimale des différentes rubriques vous permettra également de consigner des remarques personnelles. Alors bon travail et, surtout, have fun!
8. Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Because they’re shellfish. Jeu de mots sur shellfish (des crustacés) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de selfish (égoïste). 9. Why do anarchists drink herbal tea? Because proper tea is theft (du vol). Jeu de mots sur proper tea (du thé digne de ce nom) prononcé comme property (la propriété privée).
st JANUARY 1 Today’s quote If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative. Woody Allen (born 1935) - American film director and actor To fail: échouer Every now and again: de temps à autre
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Which American president was least guilty? Abraham Lincoln, because he is in a cent.
Everyday contexts
Least guilty: le moins coupable Jeu de mots sur in a cent (sur une pièce d’un cent) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de innocent.
The richest man in the world was bedridden for the last 10 years of his life. As the saying goes, health is better than wealth. Health is better than wealth: santé passe richesse Bedridden: alité
Hot off the press The prophets of doom who said that e-readers would sound the death knell of the book were wrong. To sound/toll the (death) knell: sonner le glas A prophet of doom: un prophète de malheur A bird of ill omen: un oiseau de mauvais augure E-readers: des liseuses électroniques
nd JANUARY 2 Today’s quote The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It’s people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages. Banksy (born 1974) - English street artist To commit a crime: commettre un crime To break (≠ follow) the rules: enfreindre (≠ respecter) les lois
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.
There’s no accounting for tastes. Let him listen to hip-hop if he likes! There’s no accounting for tastes: des goûts et des couleurs on ne discute pas, chacun ses goûts
Hot off the press The nightmare scenario world leaders worry about is having Iran as a nuclear power. A nightmare scenario: un scénario catastrophe The worst-case scenario: le pire scénario To worry (about/over something): s’inquiéter (au sujet de quelque chose)
To get hit in the head with something: se prendre quelque chose à la tête A can of soda: une cannette de soda To be lucky: être chanceux Jeu de mots sur a soft drink: 1. Une boisson molle 2. Une boisson non alcoolisée
rd JANUARY 3 Today’s quote When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, until it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time when the tide will turn. Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) - American abolitionist and author To get into a tight place: se retrouver en difficulté To hang on: tenir bon To give up: abandonner The tide will turn: la chance va tourner
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A man has just assaulted me with milk, cream and butter. How dairy!
Everyday contexts
Milk, cream and butter: du lait, de la crème et du beurre Jeu de mots sur dairy prononcé comme dare he: a. The dairy: la laiterie, la crémerie (dairy products: des produits laitiers) b. How dare he!: comment ose-t-il !
After graduating from high school I will go on a gap year to Australia. As the saying goes, travel broadens the mind. Travel broadens the mind: les voyages forment la jeunesse To graduate from high school: obtenir son bac A gap year: une année de césure
Hot off the press After weeks of criticism the CEO bowed to the pressure and resigned. To bow to (the) pressure: céder à la pression The CEO: le PDG To resign: démissionner
th JANUARY 4 Today’s quote A good novel is worth more than the best scientific study. Saul Bellow (1915-2005) - Canadian-American author A novel: un roman A short story: une nouvelle To be worth more than …: avoir davantage de valeur que …
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Don’t trust acupuncturists, they’re back stabbers.
Summer is the worst season for me. I can’t stand the heat while my wife loves it. As they say, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. One man’s meat is another man’s poison: le malheur des uns fait le bonheur des autres Meat: de la viande Summer: l’été The worst season: la pire saison I can’t stand the heat: je ne supporte pas la chaleur
Hot off the press Many people are convinced that GMOs are more likely to benefit big companies than poor people, and rightly so. To be convinced: être convaincu GMOs: les OGM And rightly so: et à juste titre
To trust somebody: faire confiance à quelqu’un To stab somebody (in the back): poignarder quelqu’un (dans le dos) A stab in the back: un coup bas
Today’s quote We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill (1874-1965) - British Prime Minister To make a living: gagner sa vie To make a life: construire une vie
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I kissed a girl at the gym for several hours but finally said: “You know, this isn’t working out.”
Everyday contexts
The gym: la salle de gym Jeu de mots sur this isn’t working out: 1. Ça ne marche pas entre nous 2. Ça marche pas comme ça la muscu (to work out: faire de la musculation, faire de l’exercice)
I always get to the office first. The early bird catches the worm. The early bird catches the worm: l’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt The office: le bureau
Hot off the press Rightly or wrongly, the country’s foreign policy is based on the premise that might is right. Might is right: la raison du plus fort l’emporte toujours, la force prime le droit Rightly or wrongly: à tort ou à raison Like it or not, …: qu’on le veuille ou non, … Foreign policy: la politique étrangère To be based on the premise that …: partir du principe que …
Today’s quote The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we’re not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence. Paul Auster (born 1947) - American author Unpredictable: imprévisible Unexpectedly: alors qu’on ne s’y attend pas Chance: le hasard (vs luck: la chance)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Claustrophobic people are more productive thinking outside the box.
I’m prepared to fight tooth and nail to get this job. To fight tooth and nail: se battre bec et ongles A tooth: une dent (pl. teeth) A nail: un ongle
Hot off the press The foreign minister has pledged to double his country’s aid to drought-stricken Somalia, but experts say it is just a drop in the ocean. A drop in the ocean: une goutte d’eau dans la mer To pledge to do something: s’engager à faire quelque chose Drought-stricken: en proie à la sécheresse
Jeu de mots sur outside the box: a. Outside the box: en dehors de la boîte b. To think outside the box: innover, sortir des sentiers battus
Today’s quote The only means of strengthening one’s intellect is to make up one’s mind about nothing, to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts. John Keats (1795-1821) - English poet To strengthen: renforcer To make up one’s mind: prendre une décision A thoroughfare: une artère, une rue
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I quit my job at the donut factory because I was fed up with the hole business.
Everyday contexts
To quit one’s job: démissionner A factory: une usine To be fed up (with somebody, something): en avoir assez (de quelqu’un, quelque chose) Jeu de mots sur the hole business (le commerce du trou) prononcé comme the whole business (toute cette affaire).
After we broke up, Steve tried to convince me that he’d changed, but I know that a leopard can’t change its spots. A leopard cannot change its spots: chassez le naturel, il revient au galop After we broke up: après notre rupture (a breakup: une rupture) To convince: convaincre
Hot off the press Refugees will become the flotsam and jetsam of our society if no sustainable integration policy is implemented. The flotsam and jetsam: les laisséspour-compte To implement a sustainable policy: mettre en œuvre une politique durable
Today’s quote If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences. H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) - American author Followers: des adeptes To bludgeon the young: matraquer les jeunes Their unbending quest for truth: leur inébranlable quête de vérité
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I tried to catch some fog. I mist.
They say every dog has its day. Mine will be on Monday, when I’ll be presenting our latest product to the team. Every dog has its day: à chacun vient sa chance, à chacun son heure de gloire Mine: le mien Our latest product: notre dernier produit en date
Hot off the press NGOs provide a muchneeded lifeline to the world’s disadvantaged people. To provide a lifeline: offrir une bouée de sauvetage Much-needed: dont on a grand besoin NGOs: les ONG
To catch: attraper Fog: le brouillard Jeu de mots mist (la brume) prononcé comme missed (manqué).
Today’s quote In motivating people, you’ve got to engage their minds and their hearts. I motivate people, I hope, by example—and perhaps by excitement, by having productive ideas to make others feel involved. Rupert Murdoch (born 1931) - Australian media mogul A media mogul: un magnat de la presse To engage somebody: intéresser quelqu’un, éveiller (enthousiasme, etc.) To hope: espérer To feel involved: se sentir impliqué
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Yesterday I accidentally swallowed some food coloring. The doctor says I’m OK, but I feel like I’ve dyed a little inside.
Everyday contexts
To swallow some food coloring: avaler du colorant alimentaire Jeu de mots sur dyed (to dye: teindre) prononcé comme died (to die: mourir).
Pete won’t come back. I got it straight from the horse’s mouth; he told me himself. Straight from the horse’s mouth: de source sûre
Hot off the press The new management has announced it will cut wages across the board. The new management: la nouvelle direction To cut wages: réduire les salaires Across the board: à tous les niveaux
Today’s quote Let all of life be an unfettered howl. Like the crowd greeting the gladiator. Don’t stop to think, don’t interrupt the scream, exhale, release life’s rapture. Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) - Russian-American author An unfettered howl: un hurlement déchaîné The crowd: la foule To exhale: expirer (≠ to inhale: inspirer) To release: libérer, lâcher Rapture: le ravissement, l’enchantement
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Always trust a glue salesman, they tend to stick to their word.
Stacey can’t hold a candle to her sister when it comes to tap dancing. She can’t hold a candle to her sister: elle n’arrive pas à la cheville de sa sœur (a candle: une bougie) When it comes to …: en matière de … To tap dance: faire des claquettes
Hot off the press Experts are at a loss to explain why more and more teens are taking up smoking. To be at a loss to explain something: être incapable d’expliquer quelque chose To take up smoking: commencer à fumer Teens (teenagers): les ados
A glue salesman: un vendeur de colle They tend to …: ils ont tendance à … Jeu de mots sur stick to one’s word: a. Coller à ses mots b. Tenir parole
Today’s quote There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) - American author Your fellow men: vos semblables True nobility lies in …: la véritable grandeur consiste à … Your former self: la personne que vous étiez autrefois
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
My wife’s gone and left me due to my obsession with glass. I’m shattered.
Everyday contexts
My wife’s gone and left me: ma femme m’a quitté Due to: en raison de, à cause de Glass: du verre Jeu de mots sur shattered: brisé, détruit
The presidential candidate was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, forced to choose between resigning and confessing that he had given his wife a fake job. To be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea: être pris entre le marteau et l’enclume, avoir le choix entre la peste et le choléra To resign: démissionner A fake job: un emploi fictif
Hot off the press Oil prices have reached new highs. To reach new highs (≠ lows): atteindre de nouveaux sommets Oil: du pétrole
Today’s quote Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as by the obstacles one has overcome while trying to succeed. Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) - African-American educator and civil rights activist To reach: atteindre To overcome: surmonter To succeed: réussir
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
There was a man who entered a local paper’s pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, hoping that at least one of them would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
Peter is going to marry a woman forty years younger than him and he can’t see she’s only after his money. There’s no fool like an old fool. There’s no fool like an old fool: il n’est pire imbécile qu’un vieil imbécile She’s after his money: ce qu’elle veut c’est son argent
Hot off the press Many political analysts argue that Brexit and Donald Trump are two sides of the same coin. Two sides of the same coin: deux facettes d’un même problème
A local paper’s pun contest: un concours de jeu de mots organisé par un journal local At least: au moins Unfortunately: malheureusement Jeu de mots sur no pun in ten did (aucun jeu de mots sur les dix n’a été sélectionné) prononcé comme no pun intended (sans vouloir faire de jeu de mots). To intend to do something: avoir l’intention de faire quelque chose
Today’s quote Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put its trust in life. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) - Polish-British author Woe to…: malheur à… To hope: espérer To trust: faire confiance
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
My friend can’t afford to pay his water bill anymore, so I sent him a card: “Get well soon!”
Everyday contexts
To afford something: avoir les moyens d’acheter quelque chose (affordable: abordable) The water bill: la facture d’eau Soon: bientôt Jeu de mots sur get well soon: a. Remets-toi vite !, prompt rétablissement ! b. Achète-toi vite un puits ! (a well: un puits)
She keeps complaining about my driving but she’s already had two car accidents. People who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones. People who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones: il faut être irréprochable pour critiquer autrui To complain: se plaindre
Hot off the press Recent surveys have found that corruption has become entrenched in many African countries and is particularly rife in public sector institutions. To become entrenched: s’enraciner A survey: une étude It is rife: c’est monnaie courante A civil servant: un fonctionnaire
Today’s quote I think it’s better to be overly ambitious and fail than to be underambitious and succeed in a mundane way. Francis Ford Coppola (born 1939) - American film director Overly ambitious: trop ambitieux To fail: échouer To succeed: réussir Mundane: banal, courant
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tired.
I really don’t want to sell my car but if push comes to shove, I might have to. If push comes to shove: s’il n’y a pas d’autre choix I might have to: il faudra peut-être que je le fasse To give something a good shove: pousser un bon coup
Hot off the press The global economy came perilously close to disaster during the 2008 economic crisis. To come (perilously) close to disaster: frôler (de très près) la catastrophe
To stand on one’s own: tenir debout tout seul Jeu de mots sur two-tired (création lexicale) prononcé comme too tired: a. The bicycle is two-tired: le vélo a deux pneus (a wheel: une roue) b. The bicycle is too tired: le vélo est trop fatigué
Today’s quote Friendship is a sheltering tree. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) - English poet Friendship: l’amitié A shelter: un abri
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
There was a sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center that said “Keep Off The Grass.”
Everyday contexts
The lawn: la pelouse A drug rehab center: un centre de réhabilitation pour toxicomanes Jeu de mots sur keep off the grass: a. Défense de marcher sur la pelouse b. Ne touchez pas à l’herbe (la marijuana)
This is a ridiculous situation, avoiding each other like that. Can’t we let bygones be bygones? To let bygones be bygones: oublier le passé, passer l’éponge To avoid somebody: éviter quelqu’un
Hot off the press Humanity is courting disaster by failing to bring its addiction to fossil fuels under control. To court disaster: courir à la catastrophe Fossil fuels: des énergies non renouvelables To fail: échouer To bring something under control: maîtriser quelque chose
Today’s quote Two roads diverged in a wood and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost (1874-1963) - American poet A wood: un bois The one less traveled by: le chemin le moins emprunté
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The other day I held the door open for a clown. I thought it was a nice jester.
All his live he got credit for doing the bare minimum. To do the bare minimum: faire le strict minimum To give somebody credit for doing something: reconnaître que quelqu’un a fait quelque chose To gain credit with somebody: s’accréditer auprès de quelqu’un It does you credit: c’est tout à votre honneur To claim, take credit for something: s’attribuer le mérite de quelque chose
Hot off the press Amnesty International lashed out at the president’s immigration reform. To lash out at somebody, something: tirer à boulets rouges sur quelqu’un, quelque chose
I held the door open for …: j’ai tenu la porte pour … Jeu de mots sur jester (un bouffon, un plaisantin, un farceur) prononcé comme gesture (un geste)
Today’s quote It is the only point of getting up every morning: to paint, to make something good, to make something even better than before, not to give up, to compete, to be ambitious. Lucian Freud (1922-2011) - German-born British painter The only point of …: le seul intérêt de … To give up: abandonner To compete: se battre, être en compétition
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off ? He’s all right now.
Everyday contexts
His whole left side: tout son côté gauche Jeu de mots sur he’s all right: a. Il va bien b. Tout ce qu’il reste de lui c’est le côté droit
He was jealous of Mark getting a promotion, so he spiked his guns by telling the boss that Mark had a drink problem. To spike somebody’s guns: mettre des bâtons dans les roues de quelqu’un To have a drink problem: être porté sur la boisson
Hot off the press Guantanamo Bay is a blight on America’s image in the world. To be a blight on somebody’s image: ternir l’image de quelqu’un To blight somebody’s life: anéantir la vie de quelqu’un A blight: un fléau, une plaie
Today’s quote The course of true love never did run smooth. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) - English playwright, poet, and actor A playwright: un dramaturge To run smooth: se faire en douceur
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What did one eye say to the other eye? Between you and me something smells.
I’m not going out with them tonight; I’ve got other fish to fry. To have other fish to fry: avoir autre chose à faire, avoir d’autres chats à fouetter
Hot off the press Alcohol consumption among college students has reached alarming proportions. To reach alarming proportions: atteindre des proportions alarmantes Alcohol consumption: la consommation d’alcool Teenage binge drinking: la consommation excessive d’alcool par les adolescents To go pub-crawling: faire la tournée des bars/pubs, faire un barathon College: la fac
Jeu de mots sur Between you and me something smells: 1. Entre toi et moi quelque chose sent 2. Entre nous, il y a quelque chose de louche
Today’s quote A propensity to hope and joy is real riches; one to fear and sorrow real poverty. David Hume (1711-1776) - Scottish philosopher A propensity to …: une tendance à … Riches: des richesses, des biens de grande valeur Hope: l’espoir Fear and sorrow: la peur et le chagrin Poverty: la pauvreté Wealth: la richesse
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’ve got a friend who’s fallen in love with two school bags. He’s bisatchel.
Everyday contexts
A school bag: un sac d’école A satchel: un cartable Bisatchel est ici à rapprocher de bisexual.
She was in a very difficult position, but we all promised to support her come what may. Come what may: advienne que pourra, quoiqu’il arrive To support somebody: soutenir quelqu’un I can’t stand him/her: je ne le/la supporte pas
Hot off the press Coal is today the black sheep of the energy family. The black sheep: la brebis galeuse, le mouton noir Coal: le charbon
Today’s quote Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements. Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) - American self-help author The soul: l’âme A blueprint: un plan, un projet An achievement: une réussite, un accomplissement
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
The travel company went bankrupt and they were left high and dry abroad. To be left high and dry, to be left stranded: se retrouver le bec dans l’eau, se retrouver en carafe To go bankrupt: faire faillite (bankruptcy: la faillite) Abroad: à l’étranger
Hot off the press After a lackluster campaign, the Tories handed Labour victory on a plate. To hand somebody something on a plate: apporter quelque chose à quelqu’un sur un plateau d’argent Lackluster: terne The Tories: les conservateurs, le parti conservateur britannique Labour: le parti travailliste britannique
I wondered why: je demandais pourquoi Jeu de mots sur it hit me: a. J’ai percuté, j’ai compris b. La balle de baseball m’a percuté
Today’s quote For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake. Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1980) - English film director A slice of life: une tranche de vie It’s a piece of cake: c’est du gâteau
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why is England the wettest country? Because so many kings and queens have been reigning there.
Everyday contexts
The wettest country: le pays où il mouille le plus Jeu de mots sur reign (régner) qui se prononce comme rain (pleuvoir).
When he refused my offer, it was the last straw. The last/final straw, the straw that breaks the camel’s back: la goutte d’eau qui fait déborder le vase Straw: de la paille, une paille (pour boire) A camel: un chameau
Hot off the press No matter how good the project may sound, we should bear in mind that there is certainly no magic bullet to improve prison conditions. No matter how (+adj.) it may sound: aussi (+adj.) que cela puisse paraître We should bear in mind that …: il ne faut pas oublier que … A magic bullet: une solution miracle To improve: améliorer
Today’s quote The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on. Barack Obama (born 1961) - 44th U.S. President To reward: récompenser To press on: persévérer, continuer résolument To feel sorry for oneself: s’apitoyer sur soi-même
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
It’s not that the man didn’t know how to juggle. He just didn’t have the balls to do it.
Come on children, finish your food! Waste not, want not. Waste not, want not: qui ne gaspille pas ne manque de rien, il n’y a pas de petites économies Come on children!: allez les enfants !
Hot off the press Solar energy is a muchvaunted source of renewable energy. Much-vaunted: dont on vante beaucoup les mérites Renewable energy: l’énergie renouvelable
To juggle: jongler Jeu de mots sur balls: a. Les balles b. Les couilles
Today’s quote It’s so easy for propaganda to work, and dissent to be mocked. Harold Pinter (1930-2008) - English playwright To mock something: ridiculiser, se moquer de quelque chose Dissent: le dissentiment, la différence d’opinion (vs. dissidence, rebellion: la dissidence)
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
My friend’s bakery burned down last night. Now his business is toast.
Everyday contexts
A bakery: une boulangerie To burn down: brûler, être réduit en cendres Jeu de mots sur toast: a. Du pain grillé (a piece, slice of toast: une tartine grillée) b. It’s toast: c’est grillé, c’est foutu
Son: “My job is so stressful I sometimes think about quitting.” Dad: “Don’t give up! When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” When the going gets tough, the tough get going: quand ça se met à être dur, les durs s’y mettent To quit one’s job: démissionner Don’t give up!: tiens bon !
Hot off the press In many ways, Black Americans are still treated as second-class citizens. In many ways: à bien des égards Second-class citizens: des citoyens de seconde zone
Today’s quote The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time. Jackie Robinson (1919-1972) - First African-American to play in Major League Baseball (1947) Citizenship: la citoyenneté An issue: une question, un problème
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I couldn’t quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me.
He bought his dream car on his 80th birthday and a week later he kicked the bucket. To kick the bucket: casser sa pipe His dream car: la voiture de ses rêves
Hot off the press The international community is on the cusp of winning the global fight against malaria. To be on the cusp of doing something: être sur le point de faire quelque chose On the cusp of a new era: à l’aube d’une nouvelle ère
I couldn’t quite remember how to …: je ne me rappelais plus très bien comment … Jeu de mots sur eventually it came back to me: a. Le boomerang a fini par me revenir dans la figure b. Finalement ça m’est revenu, je me suis rappelé comment faire
Today’s quote Men simply copied the realities of their hearts when they built prisons. Richard Wright (1908-1960) - African-American author
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
The experienced carpenter really nailed it, but the new guy screwed everything up.
Everyday contexts
A carpenter: un charpentier Jeu de mots sur nail et screw: a. To nail: clouer / b. He nailed it: il a fait du super boulot b. To screw: visser / b. He screwed up: il a merdé
She has been on tenterhooks all week waiting for the results. To be on tenterhooks, to be on pins and needles: être sur des charbons ardents, être au supplice To wait for something: attendre quelque chose
Hot off the press In a consumer society, conspicuous consumption is the norm because people feel the need to keep up with the Joneses. To keep up with the Joneses: ne pas vouloir faire moins bien que le voisin The consumer society: la société de consommation Conspicuous consumption: la consommation ostentatoire
Today’s quote Obstacles are those frightening things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry James (1843-1916) - American-born British writer Frightening: effrayant To take one’s eyes off one’s goal: quitter son objectif des yeux
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I relish the fact that you’ve mustard the strength to ketchup with me.
There are so many cellphones on the market it’s hard to separate the sheep from the goats. To separate the sheep from the goats: faire le tri A cellphone (US), a mobile phone (Brit): un téléphone portable A sheep (inv.): un mouton A goat: une chèvre
Hot off the press According to NGOs, the new climate agreement is insufficient. The agreement is insufficient: l’accord est insuffisant NGOs: des ONG
To relish: savourer Relish: des achards (condiments macérés et conservés dans du vinaigre, des pickles) Mustard: de la moutarde Strength: la force Jeu de mots en série sur les condiments: a. Relish b. Mustard prononcé comme mustered, du verbe to muster: rassembler (ses forces) c. Ketchup with me prononcé comme catch up with me (to catch up with somebody: rattraper, rejoindre quelqu’un)
Today’s quote The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were. John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) - 35th U.S. President Obvious: évident Things that never were: des choses n’ayant jamais existé
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When William joined the army he disliked the phrase “fire at will!”
Everyday contexts
To dislike somebody, something: ne pas aimer quelqu’un, quelque chose A phrase: une expression (a sentence: une phrase) Jeu de mots sur fire at will!: a. Feu à volonté ! b. Tirez sur Will !
All those celebrities on the cover of magazines may be rich, yet I doubt they are very happy. All that glitters is not gold. All that glitters is not gold: tout ce qui brille n’est pas or
Hot off the press Bill Gates is arguably the epitome of philanthropy. He is arguably …: c’est sans doute … The epitome of philanthropy: la philanthropie incarnée To epitomize something: être l’illustration parfaite de quelque chose To embody something: être l’incarnation de quelque chose
Today’s quote Age appears to be best in four things: old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) - English philosopher and statesman A statesman: un homme d’Etat Wood: du bois To trust somebody: faire confiance à quelqu’un
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Police were called to a daycare where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.
The CEO chose his grandson instead of me to work in the company. I guess blood is thicker than water. Blood is thicker than water: la voix du sang est la plus forte The CEO: le PDG His grandson: son petit-fils Thick(er): (plus) épais
Hot off the press At a conservative estimate, there are about 11 million undocumented immigrants in the USA. At a conservative estimate: au bas mot Undocumented immigrants: des sans-papiers Unauthorized: en situation irrégulière
Daycare: la garderie A three-year-old: un gamin de trois ans Jeu de mots sur resisting a rest prononcé comme resisting arrest: a. To resist arrest: faire de la résistance, refuser d’être arrêté b. To resist a rest: refuser de faire une sieste
Today’s quote You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry, don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way. Walter Hagen (1892-1969) - American golfer Don’t hurry, don’t worry: ne vous pressez pas, ne vous tracassez pas Along the way: en chemin
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Enough with the cripple jokes, I just can’t stand them!
Everyday contexts
Enough with the cripple jokes!: ça suffit avec les blagues sur les infirmes ! Jeu de mots sur stand: 1. To stand: être debout 2. I can’t stand them: je ne les supporte pas
Lauren was bent on buying a sports car but now she can’t pay back her loan. She should have been more cautious. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it: comme on fait son lit on se couche To be bent on (doing) something: vouloir (faire) quelque chose à tout prix To pay back a loan: rembourser un emprunt
Hot off the press Newspaper editors all strive to be first with a story. To strive to do something: faire son possible pour faire quelque chose An editor: un rédacteur en chef A publisher: un éditeur
Today’s quote My yesterdays walk with me. They keep step, they are gray faces that peer over my shoulder. William Golding (1911-1993) - English author My yesterdays: mes jours passés To keep step: ne pas se laisser distancer Gray faces: des visages gris To peer over somebody’s shoulder: regarder par-dessus l’épaule de quelqu’un
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A new type of broom has just come out; it is sweeping the nation.
You’d better deal with that problem immediately because if you wait it may become more difficult. A stitch in time saves nine. A stitch in time saves nine: un point à temps en vaut cent A stitch: un point (de couture ou de suture) You’d (had) better deal with …: tu ferais mieux de t’occuper de …
Hot off the press With tuition fees on the rise, an increasing number of students take burger-flipping jobs to pay for their studies. A burger-flipping job: un « MacJob » (boulot ingrat et mal payé) Tuition fees: les frais de scolarité
A broom: un balai Jeu de mots sur sweep: a. To sweep a room: balayer une pièce b. To be swept off one’s feet: être enthousiasmé, emballé par quelque chose
Today’s quote The creative process is a cocktail of instinct, skill, culture and a highly creative feverishness. It is a mixture of consciousness and unconsciousness, of fear and pleasure; it’s a little like the physical act of making love. Francis Bacon (1909-1992) - Irish painter Skill: le savoir-faire, le talent Feverishness: la fébrilité
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I don’t trust staircases because they’re always up to something.
Everyday contexts
To trust somebody, something: faire confiance à quelqu’un, quelque chose A staircase: un escalier Jeu de mots sur they’re up to something: a. Ils mènent quelque part à l’étage b. Ils mijotent/manigancent quelque chose (to be up to something: manigancer quelque chose)
They all wanted to have a say in how the room should be decorated and now it looks terrible. As the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth. Too many cooks spoil the broth: trop de cuisiniers gâtent la sauce To have a say in something: avoir son mot à dire Broth: du bouillon
Hot off the press In order to improve its competitiveness, the company decided to get off the beaten track. To get off the beaten track: sortir des sentiers battus Competitiveness: la compétitivité
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go to the other room and read a book. Groucho Marx (1890-1977) - American comedian The (TV) set: le poste de télévision
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Can February March? No, but April May.
After weeks of hesitation, I’ve decided to ask my boss for a promotion. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Nothing ventured, nothing gained: qui ne tente rien n’a rien To push one’s luck: y aller un peu fort, exagérer
Hot off the press While girls tend to outperform boys in school, women continue to be underepresented in the boardroom. While …: alors que … To outperform somebody: faire mieux que quelqu’un In the boardroom: dans les conseils d’administration
Jeu de mots sur les mois de l’année: a. March: mars / To march: marcher au pas, manifester b. May: mai / April may: peut-être qu’avril peut le faire
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature. Jane Austen (1775-1817) - English author To do things by halves: faire les choses à moitié
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I went to the dentist with my lunch, and he gave me a plate.
Everyday contexts
With my lunch: avec mon déjeuner Jeu de mots sur a plate: a. Une assiette b. A dental plate: un dentier
After what Paul did to Pam, I doubt she’ll ever marry again. Once bitten, twice shy. Once bitten, twice shy: chat échaudé craint l’eau froide Bitten: mordu Shy: timide
Hot off the press To most governments, rapid economic growth is seen as a panacea for a great many ills. A panacea for a great many ills: un remède universel à bien des maux A cure-all: une panacée
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. Walt Disney (1901-1966) - American artist To strengthen: fortifier, renforcer A kick in the teeth: une bonne claque
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Need an ark to save two of every animal? I Noah guy.
He works hard to save money for his trip to Australia. He keeps telling me that a penny saved is a penny earned. A penny saved is a penny earned/ gained: un sou est un sou, il n’y a pas de petit profit To save money: économiser de l’argent
Hot off the press The company has made its stock market debut and is now playing in the big league. To play in the big league, to punch above one’s weight: jouer dans la cour des grands The company’s stock market debut: l’entrée en Bourse de la société
Noah’s ark: l’arche de Noé Jeu de mots sur I Noah guy prononcé comme I know a guy (je connais un type).
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - English author To harden: durcir Temper: le tempérament, le caractère To tire: se fatiguer, se lasser To hurt: blesser
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
To write with a broken pencil is pointless.
Everyday contexts
A broken pencil: un crayon cassé Jeu de mots sur pointless: a. Sans intérêt, inutile, vain b. Sans pointe
He passed his exam yesterday. He’s walking on air. To be walking on air, to be on cloud nine: être aux anges A cloud: un nuage To take an exam: passer un examen To pass an exam: réussir un examen
Hot off the press The creation of the NHS after the war was a milestone in the history of British health care. A milestone: un jalon, un événement marquant The NHS (National Health Service) ≈ la Sécurité sociale The health care system: le système de santé publique
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
If you stand for nothing you’ll fall for anything. Bob Dylan (born 1941) - American musician and poet To stand for something: défendre quelque chose To fall for anything: se laisser avoir par n’importe quoi
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I saw a beaver movie last night and it was the best dam movie I’d ever seen.
He totaled his brand new car but was lucky enough to survive the accident. He should count his blessings. (You must, should) count your blessings: estime-toi heureux To total a car: démolir une voiture
Hot off the press Unions and management are in a deadlock over the issue of Sunday trading. Unions and management: les partenaires sociaux (syndicats et patronat) To reach, to be in a deadlock/ stalemate: se retrouver, être dans une impasse A sticking point: un point de friction Sunday trading: le travail dominical
A beaver: un castor A dam: un barrage Jeu de mots sur a dam movie (un film de barrage) prononcé comme a damn movie (un sacré film).
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot (1819-1880) - English author Too late: trop tard What you might have been: ce que vous auriez pu être
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I did a theatrical performance about puns. Really it was just a play on words.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur a play on words: a. Un jeu de mots b. Une pièce de théâtre sur les mots (a play: une pièce de théâtre)
For years Maggie avoided paying tax. Now her chickens have come home to roost; she’s got a tax bill of $5,000. The chickens come home to roost: on récole ce que l’on a semé, il faut payer les pots cassés To avoid paying tax: ne pas payer ses impôts Tax avoidance/evasion: l’évasion fiscale A bill: une facture
Hot off the press Several universities have been named and shamed for paying female staff less than men. To name and shame: désigner et condamner publiquement The (teaching) staff: le personnel (enseignant)
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment. Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) - American self-help author Worry: l’inquiétude Resentment: le ressentiment
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The psychic fair was cancelled due to unforeseen consequences.
Having traveled across so many countries, my only advice to you is: when in Rome do as the Romans do. When in Rome (do as the Romans do): à Rome il faut vivre comme les Romains To travel: voyager Advice: des conseils A piece of advice: un conseil To advise: conseiller
Hot off the press The president was criticized for making a U-turn on the issue of same-sex marriage. To make a U-turn: faire volte-face Same-sex/gay marriage: le mariage homosexuel
The psychic fair: le salon de la voyance To cancel: annuler Due to: en raison de Unforeseen: imprévu, que l’on n’a pas vu venir
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. William Faulkner (1897-1962) - American author To bother (to do something): se donner la peine (de faire quelque chose)
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I can hear music coming out of my printer. I think the paper’s jammin’ again.
Everyday contexts
A printer: une imprimante Jeu de mots sur jammin’/jamming: a. To be jammed: être coincé b. To jam: faire un bœuf, une impro de musique
First my car broke down, then I discovered I didn’t have any money to pay for the cab ride, and when I got home I realized I had left my keys at the office. It never rains but it pours! It never rains but it pours: un malheur n’arrive jamais seul It’s pouring (with rain): il pleut à verse A cab ride: un trajet en taxi
Hot off the press Immigration is seldom off the agenda in developed countries because it is at the top of citizens’ concerns. At the top of citizens’ concerns: la principale préoccupation des citoyens Seldom: rarement To be on (≠ off) the agenda: (ne pas) être à l’ordre du jour It is high on the agenda: c’est l’une des priorités
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) - English author To carry: porter The spirit: l’esprit
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I once heard a joke about amnesia, but I forgot how it goes.
Everyone in my class plays video games. I guess that birds of a feather flock together. Birds of a feather flock together: qui se ressemble s’assemble A feather: une plume A flock of birds: une volée d’oiseaux To flock: affluer
Hot off the press A growing number of traders can no longer cope with the stresses and strains of their job. To cope with something: faire face à quelque chose The stresses and strains of something: les pressions et les tensions de quelque chose
I once heard …: un jour j’ai entendu … I forgot how it goes: je ne m’en rappelle plus
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!” Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) - American author The mad ones: les insensés, les fous To yawn: bâiller Commonplace things: des banalités A candle: une bougie
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
How much does a hipster weigh? An instagram.
Everyday contexts
How much does a hipster weigh?: combien pèse un hipster ? Jeu de mots sur a gram (un gramme) à rapprocher de Instagram, le réseau social.
He’s a bit slow on the uptake. To be slow on the uptake/off the mark: être long à la détente
Hot off the press Finding reliable information on social networks is a tall order today. It’s a tall order: c’est une gageure, ce n’est pas une mince affaire Reliable information (inv.): des informations fiables
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Partial truths or half-truths are often more insidious than total falsehoods. Samuel P. Huntington (1927-2008) - American political scientist A half-truth: une demi-vérité Falsehood: le mensonge
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What does the Trump administration use instead of emails? Alternative fax.
It’s a long drive to New York, so we’d better fill up the tank now. Better safe than sorry! (It’s) better (to be) safe than sorry: deux précautions valent mieux qu’une, méfiance est mère de sûreté It’s a long drive: la route est longue We’d better fill up the tank: on ferait mieux de faire le plein Gas (US), petrol (Brit): de l’essence
Hot off the press Corruption is a long-standing practice in many countries. Long-standing: de longue date
Instead of: à la place de Jeu de mots sur alternative fax à rapprocher de alternative facts (≈ fake news).
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. Jack London (1876-1916) - American author I would rather: je préférerais (vs I had better: je ferais mieux de) In glow: d’une lueur éclatante Sleepy: endormi
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.
Everyday contexts
I used to have a fear of …: autrefois, j’avais peur de … A hurdle: un obstacle, une haie (en sport) Jeu de mots sur I got over it: a. J’ai surmonté ma peur b. J’ai sauté par-dessus ma peur (cf. la course de haies)
The way some parents let their children get away with murder is unbearable. To get away with murder: pouvoir tout se permettre They let them get away with murder: ils leur passent tout Unbearable: insupportable
Hot off the press The Catalan parliament incurred the wrath of the Spanish government for holding an independence referendum. To incur somebody’s wrath: s’attirer les foudres de quelqu’un
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives. Toni Morrison (born 1931) - African-American author To die: mourir The meaning of life: le sens de la vie
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
It was an emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers.
I don’t mind if you bring a few friends to the party. The more, the merrier! The more, the merrier: plus on est de fous, plus on rit There’s safety in numbers: plus on est nombreux, moins il y a de danger Do you mind if …?: ça ne t’ennuie pas si … ?
Hot off the press It is wishful thinking to expect better race relations under Donald Trump’s leadership. It is wishful thinking: il ne faut pas rêver, il ne faut pas prendre ses désirs pour des réalités To expect something: s’attendre à quelque chose
An emotional wedding: un mariage riche en émotions Jeu de mots sur in tiers (disposé en étages) prononcé comme in tears (en larmes).
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Be of love a little more careful than of anything. e e cummings (1894-1962) - American poet To be careful of something: faire attention à quelque chose, prendre soin de quelque chose
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What did the ram say to his sweetheart on Valentine’s Day? I love ewe.
Everyday contexts
A ram: un bélier A sweetheart: un/e chéri/e Jeu de mots sur ewe (une brebis) prononcé comme you.
My housemate and I have been living together for three years and he’s getting on my nerves. Familiarity definitely breeds contempt! Familiarity breeds contempt: la familiarité engendre le mépris A housemate: un colocataire (de maison) A roommate: un colocataire (d’appartement) To get on somebody’s nerves: taper sur les nerfs de quelqu’un
Hot off the press Wiping out terrorism is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. One of the greatest challenges: l’un des plus grands défis To wipe out: éradiquer
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. W. H. Auden (1907-1973) - English-American poet The more loving: le plus aimant des deux
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
When the cannibal showed up late for lunch, they gave him the cold shoulder.
Never invest all your savings in stocks. I’ve just learned the lesson the hard way. To learn something the hard way: apprendre quelque chose à ses dépens Savings: des économies Stocks/shares: des actions A shareholder: un actionnaire The stock exchange: la Bourse
Hot off the press The Socialists have pledged to support the new tax relief policies. To pledge to support something: promettre de soutenir quelque chose Tax relief policies: des mesures d’allègement fiscal
To show up late for lunch: arriver en retard au déjeuner Jeu de mots sur cold shoulder: a. To give somebody the cold shoulder: snober quelqu’un b. Cold shoulder: de l’épaule froide Cold cuts: une assiette anglaise (morceaux de viande cuite servis froids)
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) - American author and biochemistry professor Self-educated: autodidacte
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Thieves broke into my house and stole everything except my soap, shower gel, towels and deodorant. Dirty bastards!
Everyday contexts
A thief (pl. thieves): un voleur To break into a house: entrer par effraction dans une maison Soap: du savon Shower gel: du gel douche Towels: des serviettes Dirty: sale Jeu de mots sur dirty bastards!: a. Salauds mal lavés ! b. Quels salauds ! (a dirty rat: un sale type)
You shouldn’t take everything he says at face value. To take something at face value: prendre quelque chose pour argent comptant
Hot off the press Why should it be taken for granted that women must earn less than men? To take something for granted: trouver quelque chose tout naturel
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. Winston Churchill (1874-1965) - British Prime Minister A blessing: un bienfait Sharing: la répartition, le partage
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Haunted French pancakes give me the crêpes.
What the hell! What made you lose it and put him on blast like that? To lose it: péter les plombs What the hell!: merde alors ! To be put on blast: se faire descendre/ humilier publiquement
Hot off the press In the wake of the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks, many people didn’t see the point of enforcing the state of emergency. In the wake of …: au lendemain de … To see the point (of doing something): voir l’intérêt (de faire quelque chose) The state of emergency: l’état d’urgence
Haunted: hanté Jeu de mots sur they give me the crêpes à rapprocher de they give me the creeps (elles me donnent la chair de poule). Creepy: qui donne la chair de poule
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
As we think of power in the 21st century, we want to get away from the idea that power’s always zero sum—my gain is your loss and vice versa. Power can also be positive sum, where your gain can be my gain. Joseph Nye (born 1937) - American political scientist A zero-sum game: un jeu à somme nulle Gain/loss: le gain/la perte A win-win (situation): une situation où tout le monde gagne
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When the window fell into the incinerator, it was a pane in the ash to retrieve.
Everyday contexts
To retrieve: récupérer Jeu de mots sur pane in the ash qui évoque pain in the ass: A pane in the ash: une vitre, un carreau dans les cendres A pain in the ass: quelque chose, quelqu’un d’emmerdant
Why do you always have to waste time splitting hairs? To split hairs: couper les cheveux en quatre To nitpick: chercher la petite bête A waste of time: une perte de temps It’s a waste of time and energy: c’est peine perdue
Hot off the press No matter how hard the president pushed for gun control legislation, he failed to bring about any significant change on the matter because of Republican opposition. No matter how hard he …: il eut beau essayer de … To fail: échouer
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door. Kyle Chandler (born 1965) - American actor When opportunity knocks: quand la chance se présente To knock on a door: frapper à une porte To beat down: faire tomber
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Smaller babies may be delivered by stork but the heavier ones need a crane.
Aren’t you putting the cart before the horse by booking a room before you get a good deal on the flight? To put the cart before the horse: mettre la charrue avant les bœufs To book: réserver (hôtel) A good deal: une bonne affaire A flight: un vol
Hot off the press Following the economic crisis, citizens were none too pleased to see their taxes go up. They were none too pleased to …: ça ne les a pas vraiment enchantés de … Citizens: les citoyens Taxes: les impôts Taxpayers: les contribuables
Delivered by stork: livré par des cigognes The heavier ones: les plus lourds Jeu de mots sur a crane: une grue (à la fois l’oiseau et l’engin de chantier).
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) - American Founding Father, author and inventor The Founding Fathers: les Pères Fondateurs (qui élaborèrent la Constitution fédérale des États-Unis) Something worth (doing): quelque chose qui vaut la peine (d’être fait)
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What did the stepladder say to the ladder? “You’re not my real mother!”
Everyday contexts
A ladder: une échelle Jeu de mots sur stepladder: a. A stepladder: un escabeau b. Step- se combine avec father, mother, etc.: stepfather: beau-père, stepmother: belle-mère, etc. The step ladder: le beau-fils de l’échelle, dans notre jeu de mots
Although he seems a little withdrawn, he’s actually very outgoing. Still waters run deep. Still waters run deep: il n’est pire que l’eau qui dort (deep: profond) Withdrawn: renfermé Outgoing: extraverti
Hot off the press Rising real estate prices is a ticking time bomb threatening the middle class. A ticking time bomb: une bombe à retardement Rising real estate prices: la hausse des prix de l’immobilier To threaten: menacer (a threat: une menace)
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies, and men ran half our homes. Sheryl Sandberg (born 1969) - American technology executive and author Half: la moitié To run a country, a company: diriger une entreprise, un pays To run a home: s’occuper de la maison et des enfants
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now.
I’ve decided to take the bull by the horns and apply for a managerial position. To take the bull by the horns: prendre le taureau par les cornes To apply for a job: poser sa candidature pour un poste A managerial position: un poste de direction
Hot off the press In the near future, designer babies will no longer be the stuff of sci-fi. In the near future: dans un proche avenir Designer babies: des bébés sur mesure It is the stuff of sci-fi: cela relève de la science-fiction
I used to be addicted to soap: autrefois, j’étais accro au savon Jeu de mots sur I’m clean now: a. Désormais je suis propre b. J’ai décroché, je n’y touche plus
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Anybody with artistic ambitions is always trying to reconnect with the way they saw things as a child. Tim Burton (born 1958) - American film director
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Some people’s noses and feet are built backwards: their feet smell and their noses run.
Everyday contexts
To be built backwards: être monté à l’envers Alors que les pieds sont censés courir et les nez sentir, c’est ici l’inverse en raison du sens des deux expressions: a. Their feet smell: ils puent des pieds (cf. to have smelly feet) b. Their noses run: ils ont le nez qui coule (cf. to have a runny nose)
The less you know about your laser eye surgery procedure, the better. Ignorance is bliss, trust me. Ignorance is bliss: il vaut mieux ne pas savoir Bliss: la félicité To have surgery: se faire opérer
Hot off the press The current global recession could be a blessing in disguise, since lower growth means lower pollution. A blessing in disguise: un mal pour un bien It is a mixed blessing: ça a du bon et du mauvais A necessary evil: un mal nécessaire Lower growth: une plus faible croissance Since: puisque
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
It’s always good to remember where you come from and celebrate it. To remember where you come from is part of where you’re going. Anthony Burgess (1917-1993) - English author
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I try wearing tight jeans, but I can never pull it off.
A photo of a scantily-dressed First Lady is making waves. To make waves: créer des remous Scantilly-dressed/clad: en tenue légère A see-through dress: une robe transparente
Hot off the press Britain’s decision to break away from the EU came like a bombshell. To come like/to be a bombshell: faire l’effet d’une bombe There has been a mixed reaction to the news: la nouvelle a suscité des avis partagés/mitigés Opinion is divided: les avis sont partagés To have mixed feelings (about something): être partagé (au sujet de quelque chose) (Great) Britain: la Grande-Bretagne
To wear tight jeans: porter des jeans serrés Jeu de mots sur I can never pull it off: a. Je n’arrive jamais à l’enlever (prise de liberté grammaticale car jeans est un indénombrable pluriel normalement repris par them) b. Ça ne passe pas bien, je ne réussis jamais mon coup (cf. to pull off a trick) Tight-fitting clothes: des habits serrés It’s a snug fit: ça va, mais juste
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. Bill Gates (born 1955) - American businessman and philanthropist Unhappy customers: des clients mécontents
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Talking about computer hardware makes my mother board.
Everyday contexts
Computer hardware (≠ software): du matériel informatique (≠ logiciel) Jeu de mots sur board prononcé comme bored: a. A motherboard: un carte mère b. My mother is bored: ma mère s’ennuie
Whenever we argue, my wife gives me the silent treatment—for days on end! To give somebody the silent treatment: ne plus parler à quelqu’un Whenever we argue: à chaque fois qu’on se dispute For days on end: pendant des jours et des jours
Hot off the press New marketing and management strategies would be all to the good of the company. It would be all to the good of the company: ça ne ferait pas de mal à l’entreprise It’s all to the good!: tant mieux !
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) - Irish poet To strike while the iron is hot: battre le fer pendant qu’il est chaud
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
R.I.P boiled water. You will be mist.
I haven’t heard from him in months. I guess that no news is good news! No news is good news: pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles
Hot off the press The CEO and his employees are at loggerheads over the issue of pay rise. To be at loggerheads over something: être en profond désaccord sur quelque chose They are poles apart: ils sont aux antipodes l’un de l’autre A sticking point: un point de friction A bone of contention: la pomme de discorde The CEO: le PDG
R.I.P (rest in peace): repose en paix Boiled water: de l’eau bouillie Jeu de mots sur mist (de la vapeur) prononcé comme missed (you’ll be missed: tu vas nous manquer).
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape. Something waits beneath it; the whole story doesn’t show. Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009) - American painter Winter and fall: l’hiver et l’automne The bone structure: la structure osseuse The landscape: le paysage Beneath: en-dessous
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
If towels could tell jokes they would probably have a dry sense of humor.
Everyday contexts
A towel: une serviette Jeu de mots sur a dry sense of humor: a. Dry: sec b. They have a dry sense of humor: ce sont des pince-sans-rire, ils pratiquent l’humour à froid
Stop casting your pearls before swine. Can’t you see they don’t care about your advice? To cast pearls before swine: donner de la confiture aux cochons Pearls: des perles A swine: un porc Advice (inv.): des conseils (a piece of advice: un conseil) To advise somebody: conseiller quelqu’un
Hot off the press The country is in a sorry state of affairs as far as civil rights and justice are concerned. In a sorry state of affairs: dans un triste état
Today’s quote Those who promise us paradise on earth never produced anything but a hell. Karl Popper (1902-1994) - Austrian-British philosopher Paradise on earth: le paradis sur terre Hell: l’enfer
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why did the pig stop sunbathing? Because he was bacon in the heat.
Steve is a jack of all trades and master of none. He botched up all the repairs on my house! Jack of all trades and master of none: bon à tout, bon à rien A jack of all trades: un touche-à-tout A trade: un métier He masters none: il n’en maîtrise aucun To botch up: bâcler un travail, faire un travail de cochon In a slapdash manner, any old how: à la va-comme-je-te-pousse, n’importe comment
Hot off the press Conventional wisdom has it that women are better at multitasking than men. Conventional wisdom has it that …: selon la sagesse populaire, …
A pig: un cochon To sunbathe: prendre un bain de soleil Heat: la chaleur Jeu de mots sur bacon à rapprocher de bakin’/baking (cuire).
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
If those in charge of our society—politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television—can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves. Howard Zinn (1922-2010) - American historian and social activist Corporate executives: les dirigeants d’entreprises Owners: des propriétaires
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Broken puppets for sale—no strings attached!
Everyday contexts
Broken puppets for sale: poupées cassées à vendre Jeu de mots sur no strings attached!: 1. Poupées vendues sans fils ! 2. Cela ne vous engage à rien !, elles sont vendues sans conditions !
Why add strings? The song is beautiful the way it is. No need to gild the lily. To gild the lily: renchérir sur la perfection Strings: les (instruments à) cordes No need to …: Inutile de …
Hot off the press The government decided to scrap the idea and start from scratch again. To start from scratch (again): (re) partir de zéro To scrap an idea: laisser tomber une idée
FEBRUARY Today’s quote
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power. Clint Eastwood (born 1930) - American film director Both: les deux To have something under one’s belt: maîtriser, avoir l’expérience de quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
John Deere’s manure spreader is the only equipment the company won’t stand behind.
The deadline for filing your online tax return is approaching. Don’t put it off for too long. Forewarned is forearmed. Forewarned is forearmed: un homme averti en vaut deux A deadline: une date limite To file an online tax return: déclarer ses impôts en ligne To put off, to postpone: remettre à plus tard
Hot off the press Money is the main stumbling block in Brexit talks. A stumbling block: une pierre d’achoppement A sticking point: un point de friction A bone of contention: la pomme de discorde
John Deere: société américaine spécialisée dans la fabrication de matériel agricole A manure spreader: un épandeur à fumier Jeu de mots sur to stand behind something: a. Se tenir derrière quelque chose b. Appuyer, apporter son soutien à quelque chose
MARCH Today’s quote
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. Normal Vincent Peale (1898-1993) - American minister and self-help author Faith: la foi Abilities: capacités, talents
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
You can’t teach an old mouse new clicks.
Everyday contexts
To teach an old mouse new clicks: apprendre de nouveaux clics à une vieille souris On détourne ici l’expression you can’t teach an old dog new tricks: ce n’est pas à mon âge qu’on apprend de nouveaux trucs.
The hotel we’d booked looked awful but turned out to be a positive surprise. As they say, you should never judge a book by its cover. Don’t judge a book by its cover: il ne faut pas se fier aux apparences To book a room: réserver une chambre d’hôtel It turned out to be …: au final c’était …
Hot off the press The Syrian conflict has taken a heavy toll on human lives and the country’s economy. To take a heavy toll: faire beaucoup de victimes
MARCH Today’s quote
I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear. Rosa Parks (1913-2005) - African-American civil rights activist To make up one’s mind: prendre sa décision
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
This morning I was supposed to make pancakes but I kept waffling.
You should have come to the party last night. We had a blast! To have a blast: s’éclater We had a whale of a time: on s’est drôlement bien amusé
Hot off the press The digital divide is creating a two-tier society. A two-tier society: une société à deux vitesses The digital divide: la fracture numérique
Jeu de mots sur waffle: a. A waffle: une gaufre b. To waffle: être incapable de se décider (US), parler pour ne rien dire (Brit)
MARCH Today’s quote
My definition of a decent society is one that first of all takes care of its losers, and protects its weak. John Le Carré (born 1931) - English author The weak: les faibles To take (good) care of somebody: (bien) s’occuper de quelqu’un
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
The magician got so mad that he pulled his hare out.
Everyday contexts
To get mad: se mettre en colère Jeu de mots sur hare prononcé comme hair: a. A hare: un lièvre He pulled his hare out (il a fait sortir son lièvre du chapeau) est à rapprocher de pull a rabbit out of one’s hat (sortir un lapin de son chapeau). b. Hair: les cheveux He pulled his hair out: il s’est arraché les cheveux
We lost the game and yet he took delight in twisting the knife in the wound. To twist the knife/rub salt (in the wound): remuer le couteau (dans le plaie) Don’t rub it in!: inutile de me le rappeler ! (to rub: frotter / salt: du sel) To take delight in doing something: prendre un malin plaisir à faire quelque chose
Hot off the press Tax evasion is a scourge but not all banks should be lumped together. To lump (everybody) together: mettre (tout le monde) dans le même panier Tax evasion: l’évasion fiscale A scourge: un fléau
MARCH Today’s quote
When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future. Queen Elizabeth II (born 1926) To lie down: se laisser faire (ici), s’allonger All the more: d’autant plus To struggle: lutter
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? He gave her a ring.
After a spectacular trial, he decided to lie low for a while. To lie low, to keep one’s nose clean: se tenir à carreau, se la jouer discrète A trial: un procès
Hot off the press More GM crops will soon get the green light to be imported into Europe. To give/get the green light: donner/ avoir le feu vert GM crops: des cultures transgéniques GMOs: les OGM
To propose to somebody: faire une demande en mariage à quelqu’un Jeu de mots sur he gave her a ring: a. Il lui a offert une bague b. Il lui a passé un coup de fil (to give somebody a ring)
MARCH Today’s quote If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
Milton Berle (1908-2002) - American comedian When opportunity knocks: quand la chance se présente To knock on a door: frapper à une porte
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
My tailor is happy to make a pair of pants for me, or at least sew its seams.
Everyday contexts
A tailor: un tailleur (A pair of) pants: un pantalon At least: au moins Jeu de mots sur sew its seams à rapprocher de so it seems: a. Sew its seams: faire les coutures de mon pantalon (to sew: coudre / a seam: une couture) b. So it seems: à ce qu’il paraît
He carried the can for the bank robbery. To carry the can, to take the rap: porter le chapeau A bank robbery: un braquage de banque
Hot off the press There’s more to the issue of gun control than meets the eye. Obviously, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem of gun violence. There’s more to it than meets the eye: c’est moins simple que ça en a l’air A one-size-fits-all solution: une solution toute faite (one-size-fits-all: taille unique)
MARCH Today’s quote
Set your sights high; the higher, the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way. Eileen Caddy (1917-2006) - British spiritual teacher and new age author To set one’s sights high: viser haut To expect something: s’attendre à quelque chose To allow: permettre To hamper: entraver To be held up (by something): être retenu (par quelque chose)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A prisoner’s favorite punctuation mark is the period. It marks the end of his sentence.
We got the red-carpet treatment at the opening ceremony. To get the red-carpet treatment: se voir dérouler le tapis rouge To roll out the red carpet for somebody: recevoir quelqu’un en grande pompe To get a ticker tape welcome: être accueilli par une pluie de serpentins
Hot off the press The book has been the subject of intense media hype lately. Intense media hype: énorme battage médiatique Lately: ces derniers temps
A period: un point Jeu de mots sur the end of his sentence: a. La fin de sa phrase b. La fin de sa condamnation
MARCH Today’s quote It’s better to burn out than to fade away. Neil Young (born 1945) - Canadian musician
He burnt himself out: il a fait un burnout, il s’est abîmé la santé (à trop en faire) To fade away: dépérir, disparaître petit à petit He is slowly wasting away: il se consume à petit feu
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
If a bull swallows a bomb, which word is most appropriate? Abominable.
Everyday contexts
A bull: un taureau (a cow: une vache / a calf: un veau) To swallow: avaler Jeu de mots sur abominable dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de a bomb in a bull (une bombe dans un taureau).
Although he runs the company, it is the shareholders who really pull the strings. To pull the strings: tirer les ficelles A shareholder: un actionnaire
Hot off the press The movement for paid sick leave has been gaining momentum over the last few years in the U.S. To gain momentum/ground/traction: gagner du terrain Paid sick leave: les congés maladie payés
MARCH Today’s quote
When men are free from gender stereotypes, things will change for women. If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled. Emma Watson (born 1990) - British actress Gender: le genre (masculin/féminin) To feel compelled to be submissive: se sentir obligée d’être soumise, docile
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
England doesn’t have a kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.
I generally follow my nose when it comes to making hard decisions. To follow one’s nose: se fier à son instinct My gut feeling is that …: instinctivement, je sens que …
Hot off the press All too often women bump their heads on glass ceilings in the workplace because of a perceived lack of leadership skills. To bump one’s head on a glass ceiling: se heurter à un plafond de verre All too often: trop souvent A lack of skills: un manque de compétences
A kidney bank: une banque d’organes qui, ici, distribue spécifiquement des reins Jeu de mots sur Liverpool (la ville) et a liver pool: une réserve de foies (the liver: le foie).
MARCH Today’s quote
All the arguments to prove man’s superiority cannot shatter this hard fact: in suffering the animals are our equals. Peter Singer (born 1946) - Australian philosopher, inspired the animal rights movement Suffering: la souffrance To shatter: briser, faire voler en éclats
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
My new theory on inertia doesn’t seem to be gaining momentum.
Everyday contexts
It doesn’t seem to …: elle ne semble pas … Jeu de mots sur gain momentum: a. Prendre de la vitesse b. Prendre de l’ampleur, gagner du terrain
Of course he flunked his exam, he did not work hard enough! You reap what you sow. You reap what you sow: on récolte ce que l’on sème To flunk an exam: être recalé à un examen To flunk somebody: recaler quelqu’un
Hot off the press After years of uncertainty, the economic outlook for the country is bright. The outlook is bright: les perspectives sont prometteuses (≠ gloomy/bleak: sombres)
MARCH Today’s quote
In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people. Judy Garland (1922-1969) - American singer and actress To wish for something: espérer quelque chose Rather than: au lieu de
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
More and more people are choosing cremation over traditional burial. It shows that they are thinking outside the box.
He’s been burning the candle at both ends lately, going to bed late and getting up very early to get the job finished in time. To burn the candle at both ends: brûler la chandelle par les deux bouts To break one’s back (to do something): s’échiner (à faire quelque chose) Lately: dernièrement Late/early: tard/tôt
Hot off the press Stem cell research is likely to remain a highly contentious issue in the coming years. It is likely to remain highly contentious/controversial: cela restera sans doute très controversé Stem cell research: la recherche sur les cellules souches Debatable: discutable It is a moot point: c’est discutable In the coming years: dans les années à venir
A burial: un enterrement, une inhumation Jeu de mots sur outside the box: a. Outside the box: en dehors de la boîte b. To think outside the box: être innovant, sortir des sentiers battus
MARCH Today’s quote
Think for yourself and question authority. Timothy Leary (1920-1966) - American psychologist, proponent of the therapeutic and spiritual benefits of LSD To question something: mettre quelque chose en doute/question, contester
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Jill broke her finger today, but on the other hand she was completely fine.
Everyday contexts
To break one’s finger: se casser le doigt She was completely fine: elle allait parfaitement bien Jeu de mots sur on the other hand: a. Sur l’autre main b. D’un autre côté (mot de liaison)
He pulled a trick on me but my revenge will be terrible! He who laughs last, laughs best. He who laughs last, laughs best: rira bien qui rira le dernier Revenge is a dish best eaten cold: la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid To pull a trick on somebody: jouer un mauvais tour à quelqu’un
Hot off the press Several unions have raised concern that a two-tier system of education is developing. A two-tier system/society: un système/ une société à deux vitesses A union: un syndicat To raise concern: faire part de préoccupations There is no cause for concern: il n’y a pas lieu de s’inquiéter
MARCH Today’s quote
I remind myself every morning: nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening. Larry King (born 1933) - American TV and radio host To remind oneself: se rappeler quelque chose à soi-même To learn: apprendre To teach somebody something: enseigner quelque chose à quelqu’un
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I was struggling to figure out how lightning works and then it struck me.
John: “How was the exam yesterday?” Ron: “Piece of cake!” It’s a piece of cake: c’est du gâteau I could do it standing on my head/ with my eyes closed: je le ferais les doigts dans le nez
Hot off the press The proportion of men to women in college has changed dramatically over the years. The latter today outnumber the former. To change dramatically: changer de façon spectaculaire (vs tragic: dramatique) The former/the latter: les premiers/ les derniers To outnumber: surpasser en nombre, être plus nombreux que College: la fac
I was struggling to figure out how lightning works: je cherchais désespérément à comprendre comment fonctionne la foudre Jeu de mots sur it struck me: a. J’ai été frappé par la foudre b. J’ai capté/percuté
MARCH Today’s quote
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) - 40th U.S. President The bloodstream: le système sanguin To hand somebody something: donner quelque chose à quelqu’un
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What kind of a bagel can fly? A plain bagel.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur plain qui se prononce comme plane: a. A plain bagel: un bagel nature b. A plane bagel: un bagel avion
Our car ran out of gas and there was no filling station in sight. Talk about being up a creek! To be up a (shit) creek without a paddle: être dans le pétrin A creek: un ruisseau / A paddle: une pagaie To run out of gas (US) / petrol (Brit): tomber en panne d’essence A filling/petrol (Brit) station: une station-service
Hot off the press Politicians’ pledges are all too often pie in the sky. All too often: trop souvent Pledges: les promesses To pledge (to do something): promettre (de faire quelque chose) It’s pie in the sky: ce sont des promesses en l’air
MARCH Today’s quote
I guess we all like to be recognized not for one piece of fireworks, but for the ledger of our daily work. Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) - American astronaut, first person to walk on the moon Fireworks: un feu d’artifice (a piece of fireworks: une fusée) A ledger: un grand livre de compte Our daily work: notre travail quotidien
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I can’t believe I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off!
For me, life in New York is synonymous with subway, sweat, and sleep. Subway, sweat, sleep: métro, boulot, dodo Sweat: la transpiration The treadmill of life in the office: la mortelle routine du travail au bureau To be synonymous with: être synonyme de
Hot off the press With rainfall at historically low levels, California officials recently approved drastic measures to reduce water consumption. Drastic measures: des mesures drastiques/draconiennes Rainfall: les chutes de pluie
To be fired: être viré The calendar factory: l’usine de calendriers All I did was …: j’ai simplement … Jeu de mots sur take a day off: a. Prendre un jour de congé b. Enlever un jour du calendrier
MARCH Today’s quote
All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education. Walter Scott (1771-1832) - Scottish author To be worth something: avoir de la valeur To have the chief hand in something: être le principal architecte de quelque chose
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When I get naked in the bathroom, the shower usually gets turned on.
Everyday contexts
When I get naked in the bathroom: lorsque je me mets tout nu dans la salle de bains Jeu de mots sur the shower usually gets turned on: a. Je fais généralement couler la douche b. La douche est en général excitée (to be turned on: être excité)
The least we can say is that he won’t set the world on fire with his new record! Not set the world on fire: ne pas casser des briques, ne pas révolutionner le monde He’ll never set the world on fire: il n’impressionnera jamais par ses prouesses The least we can say: le moins que l’on puisse dire A record: un disque/album
Hot off the press Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera last week. The French Riviera: la Côte d’Azur Violent storms: de violents orages To wreak havoc on: ravager
MARCH Today’s quote
A politician should have three hats. One for throwing into the ring, one for talking through, and one for pulling rabbits out of if elected. Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) - American poet To throw one’s hat into the ring: se porter candidat To talk through one’s hat: dire des conneries To pull a rabbit out of one’s hat: sortir un lapin de son chapeau
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I’m emotionally constipated. I haven’t given a shit in days.
Britain’s decision to leave the EU in June 2016 hit the world like a bolt from the blue. A bolt from the blue: quelque chose de totalement inattendu
Hot off the press Soaring food prices could trigger a humanitarian disaster in the region. To trigger disaster: s’avérer désastreux To trigger a humanitarian disaster: déclencher une catastrophe humanitaire Soaring food prices: une envolée du prix des aliments
Jeu de mots sur I haven’t given a shit in days: a. Ça fait des jours que j’ai pas chié b. Ça fait des jours que je m’en fous (I don’t give a shit: je m’en fous)
MARCH Today’s quote
Where you live in the world should not determine whether you live in the world. Bono (born 1960) - Irish musician and philanthropist, lead singer of U2 Whether: si oui ou non
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick’s Day? Because regular rocks are too heavy.
Everyday contexts
To wear: porter Jeu de mots sur shamrock (le trèfle, emblème national de l’Irlande) prononcé comme sham rock (une fausse pierre) A regular rock: une pierre normale Too heavy: trop lourd
This Irish whiskey will put hairs on your chest. Bottoms up! It will put hairs on your chest: ça fera de toi un homme, ça te rendra plus viril Bottoms up!: cul sec !
Hot off the press This whole business is a storm in a teacup. Everyone will have forgotten about it when the election is over. This whole business: toute cette affaire A storm (Brit) / tempest (US) in a teacup: une tempête dans un verre d’eau
MARCH Today’s quote
Intuition is the key to everything, in painting, filmmaking, business— everything. You could have an intellectual ability, but if you can sharpen your intuition, which they say is emotion and intellect joining together, then a knowingness occurs. David Lynch (born 1946) - American film director and artist To sharpen one’s intuition: affiner son intuition To know: connaître, savoir
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned. Couldn’t concentrate.
As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away: une pomme le matin éloigne le médecin An apple a day: une pomme par jour
Hot off the press MPs have called for sweeping changes to the way schools teach sex education. Sweeping changes: des changements radicaux An MP (Member of Parliament): un député (Brit)
A factory: une usine Jeu de mots sur I got canned: a. Je me suis fait virer b. Je me suis fait mettre en conserve (a can: une boite de conserve)
MARCH Today’s quote
Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. Orison Swett Marden (1848-1924) - American self-help author To encounter something: affronter, rencontrer quelque chose To struggle: lutter / a struggle: une lutte Against overwhelming odds: alors que tout joue contre soi, contre toute attente
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I mustache you a question but I’ll shave it for later.
Everyday contexts
Il faut ici rapprocher I mustache you de I must ask you et I’ll shave it for later de I’ll save it for later: To save something for later: garder quelque chose pour plus tard To shave: raser
Adele signing autographs after the gig was quite unexpected. It was the icing on the cake after such a wonderful performance. The icing on the cake: la cerise sur le gâteau (icing: le glaçage) A gig: un concert Quite unexpected: plutôt inattendu
Hot off the press A psychologist from Stanford University believes that changing our mindset can have a dramatic impact on our health. A mindset change: un changement de mentalité Dramatic: spectaculaire Health: la santé
MARCH Today’s quote
The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself—the invisible battles inside all of us— that’s where it’s at. Jesse Owens (1913-1980) - African-American track and field athlete Track and field: l’athlétisme Struggles: les luttes That’s where it’s at: c’est là que ça se passe
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why was Cinderella kicked off the basketball team? She ran away from the ball.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Wait until your boss gives you the raise he promised before buying the latest iPhone. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch: il ne faut pas vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué (to hatch: éclore) A (pay) raise (US) / rise (Brit): une augmentation de salaire The latest: le dernier en date
Hot off the press Insecurity is a widespread feeling in every part of the world. … is a widespread feeling: … est un sentiment largement répandu To be widespread: être très répandu
Cinderella: Cendrillon To be kicked off the team: être viré de l’équipe Jeu de mots sur she ran away from the ball: a. Elle a fui la balle b. Elle s’est enfuie du bal
MARCH Today’s quote Trust in God—she will provide.
Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928) - leader of the British suffragette movement, helped women win the right to vote To trust: faire confiance God will provide: Dieu (figure féminine, ici) pourvoira à vos besoins
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I hate insects puns, they really bug me.
Everyday contexts
I hate insect puns: je déteste les jeux de mots sur les insectes Jeu de mots sur bug: a. A bug: un insecte b. They really bug me: ils m’insupportent
Don’t give up! If you make an effort, you will be successful. God helps those who help themselves. God helps those who help themselves: aide-toi et le ciel t’aidera To be successful, to succeed (in doing something): réussir (à faire quelque chose)
Hot off the press The media sometimes play up people’s fears instead of easing their concerns. To play up something: amplifier quelque chose To play on something: jouer sur quelque chose To whitewash: étouffer (un incident, etc.) To ease concerns: apaiser les inquiétudes
MARCH Today’s quote
War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it. George Orwell (1903-1950) - English author A foreign country: un pays étranger The moneyed classes: les nantis
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A book just fell on my head. I’ve only got myshelf to blame.
Don’t cry over Stella—there are plenty more fish in the sea, you know. There are plenty more fish in the sea: un(e) de perdu(e), dix de retrouvé(e)s
Hot off the press Using social media to keep in touch with one’s friends is great. The flip side of the coin is that tech companies can have access to all our private information. The flip side/other side of the coin: le revers de la médaille To keep in touch (with somebody): garder le contact (avec quelqu’un)
It fell on my head: il m’est tombé sur la tête Jeu de mots sur myshelf qui évoque myself: a. I’ve only got myself so blame: je ne peux m’en prendre qu’à moi-même b. I’ve only got myshelf (= my shelf) to blame: je ne peux m’en prendre qu’à mon étagère
MARCH Today’s quote
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written. Henry Miller (1891-1980) - American author The score: la musique, la partition
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do prisoners use to call each other? Cell phones.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur cell phones: a. Des téléphones cellulaires/portables (Brit: mobile phones) b. Des téléphones de cellules
My grandpa’s motto was: “early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise: l’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt To rise: se lever Healthy, wealthy and wise: en bonne santé, riche et éclairé Early / late: tôt/tard
Hot off the press Poverty increases when earnings do not keep pace with inflation. To keep pace (with): suivre le rythme (de) Earnings: les revenus To increase (≠ decrease): augmenter (≠ baisser)
MARCH Today’s quote
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. Herman Melville (1819-1891) - American author To fail: échouer To succeed (in doing something): réussir (à faire quelque chose) To manage (to do something): arriver (à faire quelque chose)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? They taste funny.
I was the only single person at the table, so I felt a little like a fifth wheel. To be a fifth/third wheel: être la cinquième roue du carrosse, tenir la chandelle A single man/woman: un/e célibataire
Hot off the press Given the circumstances, the council decided it was better to depart from the rule. Given the …: étant donné les … To depart from the rule: déroger à la règle
Jeu de mots sur funny: a. Funny: drôle, amusant b. It tastes funny: ça a un drôle de goût
MARCH Today’s quote
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997) - social activist and wife of Charles, Prince of Wales A random act of kindness: un acte de bonté au hasard A reward: une récompense Safe in the knowledge that …: avec la certitude que … To expect something : s’attendre à, compter sur quelque chose
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why did the bee get married? Because he found his honey.
Everyday contexts
A bee: une abeille Jeu de mots sur honey: a. Du miel b. Un/e chéri/e
I said I would help you, and I will. Promises are made to be kept. Promises are made to be kept, a promise made is a promise kept: chose promise, chose due
Hot off the press It is up to parents to teach children the value of respect. It is up to X to …: il revient à X de …
MARCH Today’s quote
Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do. J. D. Salinger (1919-2010) - American author To laugh: rire
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Which day do chickens hate the most? Friday.
Georgie grew up to become president just like his dad. As the saying goes, like father, like son. Like father, like son: tel père, tel fils The spitting image of his father: le portrait craché de son père To grow up: devenir adulte
Hot off the press The popularity of smartphones is a textbook example of how technology has the potential to transform our lives. A textbook example/case: un exemple classique, typique
Jeu de mots sur Friday prononcé comme fry day: le jour de la friture (to fry: frire).
Today’s quote Optimism means better than reality; pessimism means worse than reality. I’m a realist. Margaret Atwood (born 1939) - Canadian author Better/worse than …: meilleur/pire que …
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I was going to give him a nasty look, but he already had one.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur give him a nasty look: a. Lui lancer un regard mauvais b. Lui donner un regard mauvais (sens littéral de give) He already had one: il en avait déjà un
He hid all his money in a tax haven in the Bahamas, but press reports finally revealed the scandal. Ill-gotten gains seldom prosper. Ill-gotten gains seldom prosper (var. ill gotten, ill spent): bien mal acquis ne profite jamais Seldom: rarement A tax haven: un paradis fiscal (vs heaven: le paradis)
Hot off the press Youth unemployment is rampant across many EU countries. Youth unemployment: le chômage des jeunes To be rampant: sévir, être endémique
MARCH Today’s quote
I don’t have much positive to say about motor neuron disease, but it taught me not to pity myself because others were worse off, and to get on with what I still could do. I’m happier now than before I developed the condition. Stephen Hawking (1942-2018) - English physicist A disease: une maladie Motor neuron disease: sclérose latérale amyotrophiqe A condition: une pathologie To pity oneself: s’apitoyer sur son sort To be worse off / better off than somebody: être moins bien / mieux loti que quelqu’un To get on with something: continuer à faire quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I am on a seafood diet. Every time I see food, I eat it.
I was so tired I decided to call it a day at 2 o’clock. Let’s call it a day: ça suffit pour aujourd’hui
Hot off the press Internet user privacy and security: is it possible to strike a happy medium? To strike a happy medium: trouver le juste milieu To find a balance: trouver un équilibre
I am on seafood diet: je me nourris exclusivement de fruits de mer A diet: un régime Jeu de mots sur seafood et see food (voir de la nourriture) prononcés de la même manière.
MARCH Today’s quote
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. Steve Jobs (1955-2011) - American entrepreneur and industrial designer Keep looking: continuez à chercher Don’t settle: ne vous arrêtez/posez pas
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Bill Gates farted in an Apple store and stank up the entire place. But it’s their own fault for not having windows.
Everyday contexts
To fart: péter To stink up a place: empuantir un endroit It’s their own fault: c’est de leur faute
I don’t mean to bite the hand that feeds me but my guitar teacher really sucks. To bite the hand that feeds you: cracher dans la soupe He/she sucks: il/elle est nul/le It sucks!: c’est nul ! It/he/she rocks!: ça/il/elle déchire !
Hot off the press The country lags behind in terms of sustainable development and fares poorly when it comes to respect for basic human rights. To lag behind: être la lanterne rouge, être à la traîne Sustainable development: le développement durable To fare poorly: présenter de mauvais résultats
MARCH Today’s quote
The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1825) - American Founding Father, principal author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd U.S. President The Founding Fathers: les Pères Fondateurs (qui élaborèrent la Constitution fédérale des États-Unis) Glow: la lueur, l’éclat A thought: une pensée It is worth more than …: cela a plus de valeur que …
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A roamin’ catholic.
I don’t know how he’ll convince his dad to buy him a new laptop, but I’m sure he has an ace up his sleeve. To have an ace up one’s sleeve: avoir un atout en réserve To convince somebody: convaincre quelqu’un A laptop: un ordinateur portable
Hot off the press The rights of thousands of people are trampled underfoot in every corner of the globe. In every corner of the globe: partout dans le monde Trampled underfoot: bafoués, foulés aux pieds
A sleepwalking nun: une bonne sœur somnambule Jeu de mots sur roamin’/roaming catholic (un catho errant / to roam: vagabonder, errer) dont la prononciation se rapproche de Roman Catholic (un catholique romain).
MARCH Today’s quote
There are many spokes on the wheel of life. We’re here to explore new possibilities. Ray Charles (1930-2004) - American musician A spoke: un rayon A wheel: une roue
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.
Everyday contexts
A train station: une gare A desk: un bureau Jeu de mots sur a work station: a. Un endroit où s’arrête le travail b. Un poste de travail
He’s so full of himself. He thinks he is God’s gift to mankind. He thinks he is God’s gift to mankind/the bee’s knees/the cat’s whiskers: il se croit sorti de la cuisse de Jupiter The bee’s knees: les genoux de l’abeille The cat’s whiskers: les moustaches du chat Mankind: l’humanité Full of oneself: imbu de soi-même
Hot off the press The country opted for the lesser of two evils, choosing military action over allowing the genocide to continue. The lesser of two evils: le moindre mal To allow: permettre
APRIL Today’s quote Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) - English playwright, poet, and actor Witty: plein d’esprit (a witty remark: un mot d’esprit) Wit(s): l’intelligence, l’esprit A fool: un imbécile, un bouffon Foolish: idiot, bête
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
You should never tell an Easter egg a joke because it might crack up.
Just to set the record straight, I never wanted to go to the party in the first place! To set the record straight: mettre les choses au clair Let’s get our story straight: mettons-nous d’accord sur ce que nous allons dire
Hot off the press The days when America was a place where immigrants could go from rags to riches are no more than a memory. The days when … are no more than a memory: l’époque où … n’est plus qu’un lointain souvenir (Long) gone are the days when …: elle est révolue l’époque où … To go from rags to riches: passer de la misère à la richesse/l’opulence
To tell an Easter egg a joke: raconter une blague à un œuf de Pâques Jeu de mots sur it might crack up: 1. Il pourrait se briser 2. Il pourrait éclater de rire
APRIL Today’s quote
The price of success is hard work, dedication, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the job at hand. Vince Lombardi (1913-1970) - American football player Whether we win or lose: que l’on gagne ou que l’on perde The task at hand: la tâche à accomplir
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Did you hear about the Italian chef with a terminal illness? He pastaway.
Everyday contexts
A chef: un chef de cuisine A patient with a terminal illness: un malade en phase terminale Jeu de mots sur pastaway dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de passed away: a. Pasta: des pâtes b. He passed away: il est décédé
I agreed to repaint the house over the weekend all by myself. I think I bit off more than I could chew. To bite off more than you can chew: viser trop haut, avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre All by myself: tout seul
Hot off the press Rightly or wrongly, many elderly people are afraid of being mugged in the street in broad daylight. Rightly or wrongly: à tort ou à raison To be mugged: être aggressé The elderly: les personnes âgées In broad daylight: en plein jour It’s daylight robbery!: c’est de l’arnaque !
APRIL Today’s quote
If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. Woody Allen (born 1935) - American film director and actor To laugh: rire Plans: des projets
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What nails do carpenters hate to hit? Fingernails.
I asked him to lend me a tie for the wedding and he gave me a polka-dot bow tie, telling me that beggars can’t be choosers. Beggars can’t be choosers: nécessité fait loi, faute de grives on mange des merles To lend somebody a tie: prêter une cravate à quelqu’un A wedding: un mariage A polka-dot bow tie: un nœud papillon à pois
Hot off the press There’s trouble brewing in the global economy. There’s trouble brewing: il y a de l’orage dans l’air
To hate: détester To hit: frapper A carpenter: un charpentier Jeu de mots sur nails: a. Des clous b. Des ongles (fingernails)
APRIL Today’s quote Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?
Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) - English playwright A playwright: un dramaturge It was love at first sight: ça a été le coup de foudre (sight: la vue) Lovestruck: éperdument amoureux
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Last time I was caught stealing a calendar. I got 12 months.
Everyday contexts
To be caught stealing something: se faire attraper en train de voler quelque chose To be caught red-handed: être pris la main dans le sac Jeu de mots sur I got 12 months: on m’a donné 12 mois, j’ai pris 12 mois
I couldn’t make up my mind. I was really caught between a rock and a hard place when I had to choose between working part-time and full-time. To be caught between a rock and a hard place: être pris dans un dilemme To make up one’s mind: prendre une décision
Hot off the press Biofuels are exacerbating the food crisis and could trigger off hunger riots in East Africa. To exacerbate: aggraver To trigger off hunger riots: déclencher des émeutes de la faim Biofuels: les biocarburants
APRIL Today’s quote
I am one of those people who searches. I’m interested in pursuing the path, if I can find it, through the thickets. Charles, Prince of Wales (born 1948) - heir to the British throne An heir: un héritier The path: le chemin The thickets: les fourrés, les taillis
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What do sea monsters eat for lunch? Fish and ships.
I can’t go on like this, I’m at the end of my rope. To be at the end of one’s rope: être à bout de nerfs, être sur le point de craquer A rope: une corde
Hot off the press The case can be made both for cloning and against it. To make the case for/against something: présenter des arguments pour/ contre quelque chose Both: à la fois Cloning: le clonage
Jeu de mots sur fish and ships (poisson frit et navires/bateaux) qui évoque fish and chips (poisson frit et frites), le fameux plat d’origine britannique.
APRIL Today’s quote Either move or be moved.
Ezra Pound (1885-1972) - American poet and critic Either … or: soit … soit
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I should have been sad when my flashlight batteries died, but actually I was delighted.
Everyday contexts
I should have been sad: j’aurais dû être triste Flashlight batteries: des piles pour lampe de poche Jeu de mots sur delighted: a. Ravi, enchanté b. Dépourvu de lumière (création lexicale à partir du préfixe de-) Actually: en fait (vs currently: actuellement)
I didn’t tell the kids their dad had played Santa Claus, but when they saw the costume in the closet, they put two and two together. To put two and two together: faire le rapport To put two and two together and come up with five: tirer la mauvaise conclusion The closet: l’armoire, le placard
Hot off the press In 2015, China scrapped its one-child policy, allowing couples to have two children for the first time in more than three decades. To scrap a policy: abandonner une politique To allow: autoriser A decade: une décennie
APRIL Today’s quote
Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners. James Stewart (1908-1997) - American actor The audience: les spectateurs, le public Customers: des clients Consumers: des consommateurs
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
On the other hand, everyone has different fingers.
I don’t care if she makes fun of me. Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me: les coups blessent, mais pas les mots To make fun of somebody: se moquer de quelqu’un A stick: un bâton Bones: des os
Hot off the press The news sent shock waves through the Conservative party. The news: la nouvelle To send shock waves through …: provoquer de vifs remous au sein de … The Conservative party, the Tories: le parti conservateur britannique
Jeu de mots sur on the other hand: a. Sur l’autre main b. D’un autre côté (mot de liaison)
APRIL Today’s quote Art doesn’t transform. It just plain forms.
Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) - American pop artist It plain forms: il donne tout simplement forme (plain: clair, simple)
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.
Everyday contexts
No matter how much you …: vous avez beau … Jeu de mots sur stationery (papier et petits articles de bureau) prononcé comme stationary (immobile) et sur push the envelope: a. Pousser l’enveloppe / b. Repousser les limites
I really don’t like his paintings, but they say beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, don’t they? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: la beauté est quelque chose de subjectif Paintings: des tableaux, des toiles To behold: voir (style littéraire)
Hot off the press Migrants attempt to cross the Mediterranean sea because they are convinced the grass is greener on the other side. The grass is greener on the other side: ailleurs, l’herbe est plus verte To attempt to do something: tenter de faire quelque chose Convinced: convaincu
APRIL Today’s quote
No one is free. Even the birds are chained to the sky. Bob Dylan (born 1941) - American musician and poet Chained to the sky: enchainés au ciel
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
People who plug their computer keyboards into hi-fi systems aren’t idiots. That would be stereotyping.
The Bitcoin market is booming. Make hay while the sun shines and invest your savings! To make hay while the sun shines: battre le fer pendant qu’il est chaud Hay: du foin
Hot off the press The president claimed he was the unfortunate victim of a witch hunt. A witch hunt: une chasse aux sorcières Unfortunate: malheureux
To plug a keyboard: brancher un clavier Jeu de mots sur stereotype: a. Taper sur le clavier en stéréo (to type: taper sur un clavier) b. Stéréotyper
APRIL Today’s quote
Either you think—or else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you. Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) - American author Either … or: soit … soit Or else: ou bien Do it or else!: t’as intérêt à le faire !, fais-le, sinon (tu vas voir) !
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’m trying to finish writing a script for a porno movie, but there are just too many holes in the plot.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur holes: Too many holes in the plot: trop de trous dans l’intrigue The plot is full of holes: l’intrigue est mal ficelée
I insist on paying you back for that coffee! Bad debts make bad friends. Bad debts make bad friends, a debt paid is a friend kept: les bons comptes font les bons amis
Hot off the press Lifting the embargo is on the cards. It is on the cards: cela semble se dessiner To lift an embargo: lever un embargo
APRIL Today’s quote
There is a fine line between censorship and good taste and moral responsibility. Steven Spielberg (born 1957) - American film director Censorship: la censure To have good taste: avoir du goût There’s a fine line between … and …: entre … et …, la marge est étroite
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Did you hear about the fight at a local Laundromat? A washing machine beat the crap out of a diaper.
I intend to get that job by hook or by crook. By hook or by crook: coûte que coûte, par tous les moyens To intend to do something: avoir l’intention de faire quelque chose
Hot off the press For many workers, the future is clouded by the robotization of industry. The future is clouded by …: … ne laisse rien augurer de bon pour l’avenir
A Laundromat (US), a Launderette (GB): une laverie automatique Crap: de la merde A diaper: une couche de bébé Jeu de mots sur beat the crap out: a. Faire sortir la merde b. To beat the crap out of somebody: passer quelqu’un à tabac
APRIL Today’s quote
There is no greater hell than to be a prisoner of fear. Ben Jonson (1572-1637) - English poet Hell: l’enfer Fear: la peur
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do you call it when you get super glue on your finger? A sticky situation.
Everyday contexts
Glue: de la colle Jeu de mots sur sticky: a. Collant b. To be in a sticky situation: être dans le pétrin
I have a practice test tomorrow morning, so I plan to burn the midnight oil tonight. To burn the midnight oil: travailler très tard dans la nuit A practice test (US), mock exam (GB): un examen blanc
Hot off the press There is hardly any doubt that Brexit will make Britain worse off. There is hardly any doubt that …: il ne fait guère de doute que … To be worse off: être moins bien loti qu’avant (≠ better off) This is a win-win for (Great) Britain and Europe: la Grande-Bretagne aussi bien que l’Europe y gagnent
APRIL Today’s quote
To succeed, you will soon learn, as I did, the importance of a solid foundation in the basics of education—literacy, both verbal and numerical, and communication skills. Alan Greenspan (born 1926) - American economist To succeed: réussir Literacy: le fait de savoir lire et écrire / Numeracy: le fait de savoir compter et calculer Illiterate: illettré, analphabète Innumerote: qui ne sait pas du tout compter Skills: des compétences
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Trust your calculator. It’s something to count on.
I worked as a sales clerk for years, but grew tired of being at the customers’ beck and call. To be at somebody’s beck and call: obéir au doigt et à l’œil à quelqu’un A sales clerk (US) / a sales assistant (GB): un vendeur I’m tired of …: j’en ai assez de …
Hot off the press 9/11 was a watershed event which has defined the beginning of the twenty-first century. A watershed (event, moment, etc.): un moment critique, décisif 9/11: le 11-Septembre
To trust somebody, something: faire confiance à quelqu’un, quelque chose To count on somebody, something: compter sur quelqu’un, quelque chose
APRIL Today’s quote
The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones. John M. Keynes (1883-1946) - English economist The difficulty lies in …: la difficulté vient de…
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Have you heard about that online origami store? It folded.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur to fold: a. Plier b. Mettre la clé sous la porte, plier boutique
I wouldn’t be overly optimistic. The ceasefire is probably just the calm before the storm. The calm before the storm: le calme avant la tempête Overly: trop, excessivement A ceasefire: un cessez-le-feu
Hot off the press The spending squeeze has dealt a heavy blow to the government’s flagship education project. A flagship project/policy: un projet/ une mesure phare The spending squeeze: la réduction des dépenses To deal a heavy blow (to somebody, something): porter un coup sévère (à quelqu’un, quelque chose)
APRIL Today’s quote
Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. Harper Lee (1926-2016) - American author To be licked: être vaincu To see something through no matter what: aller au bout quoi qu’il arrive Anyway: malgré tout
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The best way to communicate with a fish is to drop them a line.
I’ll always be grateful to you for lending me money to pay for my rent. A friend in need is a friend indeed! A friend in need is a friend indeed: c’est dans le besoin que l’on reconnaît ses amis To be grateful to somebody: être reconnaissant envers quelqu’un To lend: prêter The rent: le loyer
Hot off the press Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s victims were initially blamed for staying silent for so long. To blame somebody (for doing) something: reprocher à quelqu’un (de faire/d’avoir fait) quelque chose The blame lies with …: c’est à … que la faute est imputable
Jeu de mots sur to drop a line: a. Mouiller une ligne b. Ecrire un petit mot (cf. to drop somebody a line)
APRIL Today’s quote
Perhaps my best years are gone. But I wouldn’t want them back. Not with the fire in me now. Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) - Irish playwright A playwright: un dramaturge To want something back: vouloir que quelque chose revienne
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
“Personally I have no bone to pick with graveyards.” (Samuel Beckett)
Everyday contexts
A bone: un os A graveyard: un cimetière To have a bone to pick with …: avoir un compte à régler avec …
I saw her yesterday and she looked like nothing on earth. She’d just been laid off. To look like nothing on earth: avoir une tête épouvantable (déprimé) To be laid off: être licencié
Hot off the press The strike is running out of steam. The strike: la grève To run out of steam: commencer à s’essoufler (steam: de la vapeur)
APRIL Today’s quote
The body—the cage—is everything of the most respectable—but through the bars, the wild animal looks out. Agatha Christie (1890-1976) - English author Through: à travers Wild: sauvage
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Don’t join dangerous cults. Practice safe sects!
I’m not sure when the project will be completed, but I’ll keep you in the loop every step of the way. To keep somebody in the loop, to keep somebody posted: tenir quelqu’un au courant Every step of the way: du début à la fin To complete something: achever, terminer quelque chose
Hot off the press The recent natural disasters show that we can no longer put environmental issues on the back burner. To put something on the back burner: mettre quelque chose en attente A back burner issue: un problème non urgent
Jeu de mots sur safe sects (des sectes sans danger) dont la prononciation évoque safe sex (rapports sexuels protégés).
APRIL Today’s quote
I don’t deserve any credit for turning the other cheek as my tongue is always in it. Flannery O’Connor (1925-1964) - American author To deserve credit: mériter les honneurs To turn the other cheek: tendre l’autre joue The tongue: la langue To say something tongue-in-cheek: dire quelque chose de façon ironique (cf. a tongue-in-cheek remark)
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why do the French eat snails? Because they don’t like fast food.
Everyday contexts
Snails: des escargots
I’ve had enough of him. He’s always sticking his oars in. To stick one’s oars in: mettre son grain de sel I’ve had enough of …: j’en ai assez de …
Hot off the press Prison overcrowding was a burning issue in the last presidential election. A burning issue, a hot topic, a hot potato: un sujet brûlant A hot-button issue: une question controversée Prison overcrowding: le surpeuplement carcéral
APRIL Today’s quote
If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges. Pat Riley (born 1945) - American basketball player and coach To strive to do something: s’efforcer de faire quelque chose To overcome: surmonter
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Rabbits like their beer brewed with a lot of hops.
I’m not surprised he was caught shoplifting this time. Once a thief, always a thief. Once a thief, always a thief: qui vole un œuf vole un bœuf A thief (pl. thieves): un voleur Shoplifting: le vol à l’étalage
Hot off the press Business and ethics are rarely compatible. They are rarely compatible: ils font rarement bon ménage Business and ethics: affaires et éthique
A rabbit: un lapin Beer: de la bière To brew: brasser Jeu de mots sur hops: a. Du houblon b. Des sauts, des bonds (to hop: sauter)
APRIL Today’s quote
The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) - British actress and model The doorway: (l’embrasure de) la porte The heart: le cœur
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why are meteorologists always nervous? Because their future is always up in the air.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur up in the air: a. Leur avenir est dans l’air b. Leur avenir est vague/flou
I’ve told Amy that she’s heading for trouble, but she won’t listen. It’s just water off a duck’s back. It’s water off a duck’s back: ça glisse comme sur les plumes d’un canard She’s heading for trouble: elle va avoir des ennuis
Hot off the press I sometimes need to get away from the hustle and bustle of New York. The hustle and bustle of city life: le tourbillon de la vie en ville
APRIL Today’s quote
People who read the tabloids deserve to be lied to. Jerry Seinfeld (born 1954) - American comedian Tabloids: les tabloïds, les quotidiens populaires To deserve: mériter To lie: mentir (I was lied to: on m’a menti)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What do you get from a pampered cow? Spoiled milk.
If governments spent more money on education, children would learn to be responsible citizens and governments could spend much less on prisons. Prevention is better than cure. Prevention is better than cure: mieux vaut prévenir que guérir To spend money: dépenser de l’argent Citizens: des citoyens
Hot off the press Lionel Messi is arguably the greatest footballer of all time. He is arguably the greatest: c’est sans doute le plus grand/le meilleur It is arguably …: c’est sans doute …
A pampered cow: une vache dorlotée/ bichonnée Jeu de mots sur spoiled: a. Pourri gâté b. Périmé
APRIL Today’s quote
Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today. James Dean (1931-1955) - American actor As if: comme si
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Stealing someone’s coffee is called “mugging.”
Everyday contexts
To steal: voler Jeu de mots sur mug: a. To mug somebody: agresser quelqu’un b. A mug: une grande tasse à café (un mug)
If we want to win this election, we need to promise our voters that we will cut taxes across the board. The end justifies the means. The end justifies the means: la fin justifie les moyens To cut taxes across the board: procéder à des baisses d’impôts générales
Hot off the press What we need is further insight into the psychological profile of repeat offenders. What we need is …: ce dont nous avons besoin c’est … Further insight into something: un plus grand aperçu de quelque chose Repeat offenders: les récidivistes
APRIL Today’s quote
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) - German-born American physicist Red-hot: incandescent Cinders: des cendres (de charbon) Embers: de la braise, des charbons ardents Ashes: des cendres
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Einstein developed a theory about space, and it was about time too.
I missed the school bus this morning, but every cloud has a silver lining—I also missed the physics test! Every cloud has a silver lining: à quelque chose malheur est bon To miss the bus: rater le bus Physics: la physique
Hot off the press Stepping up the country’s nuclear capabilities is a matter of prime importance for the president. A matter of prime importance: une question de première importance To step up: augmenter Nuclear capabilities: la capacité nucléaire
Jeu de mots sur and it was about time too: a. Et c’était également une théorie sur le temps b. Et c’était pas trop tôt (it’s about time: c’est pas trop tôt, il est grand temps)
APRIL Today’s quote
I let negativity roll off me like water off a duck’s back. That’s my gift. If it’s not positive, I didn’t hear it. If you can overcome that, fights are easy. George Foreman (born 1949) - American boxer A gift: un don (dans ce contexte), un cadeau It rolls off me: ça ne m’atteint pas To overcome: surmonter
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What’s a chimney sweep’s most common disease? The flue.
Everyday contexts
A chimney sweep: un ramoneur A disease: une maladie Jeu de mots sur the flue (le conduit de cheminée) prononcé comme the flu (la grippe).
It won’t be easy but you mustn’t throw in the towel! To throw in the towel: jeter l’éponge
Hot off the press The president’s condemnation of the peaceful demonstrations drew strong reactions from across the political spectrum. From across the political spectrum: de l’ensemble de l’échiquier politique To draw strong reactions: susciter de vives réactions There has been a mixed reaction to the news: la nouvelle a suscité des avis partagés/mitigés Opinion is divided: les avis sont partagés To have mixed feelings (about something): être partagé (au sujet de quelque chose) A demonstration: une manifestation
APRIL Today’s quote
Happiness is a butterfly which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) - American author A butterfly: un papillon Beyond grasp: hors de portée To sit down quietly: s’asseoir tranquillement To alight upon somebody: se poser sur quelqu’un
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on it? Nothing, it just let out a little whine.
It’s hard to choose between these two sushi restaurants— they’re much of a muchness. They’re much of a muchness: c’est blanc bonnet et bonnet blanc
Hot off the press It is illegitimate to sacrifice individual freedom for the sake of safety. Illegitimate: injustifié To sacrifice: sacrifier For the sake of safety: dans l’intérêt de la sécurité
Grapes: du raisin To step on something: marcher sur quelque chose Jeu de mots sur whine prononcé comme wine: a. A little whine: un petit gémissement (to whine: gémir) b. A little wine: un peu de vin
APRIL Today’s quote
Long is the way and hard, that out of hell leads up to light. John Milton (1608-1674) - English author … that out of hell leads up to light: … qui de l’enfer mène à la lumière
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Old sculptors never die, they just lose their marbles.
Everyday contexts
To die: mourir Jeu de mots sur marbles: a. Marble: du marbre / Marbles: des billes b. To lose one’s marbles: perdre la boule
Ashley: “I don’t think I can finish this project in time.” Tom: “Never say die! You’ve got three weeks left.” Never say die: il ne faut jamais désespérer
Hot off the press Unemployment is the root cause of delinquency among youth. The root cause of something: la principale cause de quelque chose This is at the root of …: cela est à l’origine de … Youth unemployment: le chômage des jeunes
Today’s quote Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) - American journalist and cultural critic
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What’s the longest piece of furniture in the world? The multiplication table.
Yesterday I saw a kid throw a tantrum in a store. His parents didn’t know where to put themselves. To throw a tantrum: piquer une colère
Hot off the press
Women get judged on their outfits far more harshly than men in the workplace. There is clearly a double standard operating. There is a double standard operating: il y a deux poids, deux mesures They were accused of (operating) double standards: on les a accusés de partialité He/she is biased (against): il/elle n’est pas impartial/e An outfit: une tenue Harshly: sévèrement
A piece of furniture: un meuble Furniture: des meubles, du mobilier
APRIL Today’s quote
Peace is not absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) - 40th U.S. President To handle something: gérer quelque chose Peaceful means: des moyens pacifiques
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
An expert farmer is outstanding in his field.
Everyday contexts
Outstanding: remarquable, exceptionnel He stands out from/above all the rest: il se distingue de/il surpasse tout le monde Jeu de mots sur in his field: a. Dans son champ b. Dans son domaine
John: “If I buy this sports car I’ll have no money left at all.” Ron: “Well, you can’t have your cake and eat it too!” You can’t have your cake and eat it (too): on ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre
Hot off the press Far from being detrimental to Britain, immigration boosts economic growth. (It is) far from being …: (c’est) loin d’être … To be detrimental (to something): nuir (à quelque chose) To boost economic growth: stimuler la croissance économique (Great) Britain: la Grande-Bretagne
APRIL Today’s quote
The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. Thomas Paine (1737-1809) - Anglo-American political activist Mankind: l’humanité Brethren: des frères To do good: faire le bien
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I thought about becoming a witch, so I tried it for a spell.
Keep your nose out of my business, will you. Keep your nose out of my business: ne te mêle pas de ce qui ne te regarde pas Mind your own business: occupe-toi de tes affaires
Hot off the press In the USA, undocumented immigrants help to keep the wheels of industry turning by taking jobs that native-born Americans shun. To keep the wheels of industry turning: faire tourner l’industrie Undocumented immigrants: les sans-papiers (Unauthorized: en situation irrégulière) To shun: éviter
A witch: une sorcière Jeu de mots sur spell: a. A spell: une formule magique, un sortilège b. For a spell: pendant un certain temps
APRIL Today’s quote
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default. J. K. Rowling (born 1965) - English author To fail: échouer Unless: à moins que/de Cautiously: prudemment You might as well not have lived at all: autant ne pas avoir vécu du tout
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Being vegetarian is a huge missed steak.
Everyday contexts
Huge: énorme Jeu de mots sur a missed steak (un bifteck qui vous passe sous le nez) dont la prononciation se rapproche de a mistake (une erreur).
Married life isn’t exactly a bed of roses. It isn’t a bed of roses: ce n’est pas drôle tous les jours It’s no picnic (doing something): ce n’est pas une partie de plaisir (de faire quelque chose)
Hot off the press The MP’s allegations could blow up in his face. To blow up in somebody’s face, to backfire: se retourner contre quelqu’un To play with fire: jouer avec le feu An MP (Member of Parliament): un député (Brit) A Member of Congress: un député (US)
MAY Today’s quote
Modern paintings are like women; you’ll never enjoy them if you try to understand them Freddie Mercury (1946-1991) - British singer, lead vocalist of the rock band Queen
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What did the lawyer name his daughter? Sue.
The only way to know how well your new car handles snow is to test drive it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The proof of the pudding is in the eating: c’est à l’usage que l’on peut juger de la qualité d’une chose How well it handles snow: comment elle se comporte sur la neige
Hot off the press It was a foregone conclusion that Federer would clinch yet another Grand Slam title. It is/it was a foregone conclusion: c’est/c’était joué d’avance To clinch/claim a title: décrocher un titre Yet another: encore un autre, un de plus
A lawyer: un avocat Jeu de mots sur le prénom Sue prononcé comme le verbe to sue (poursuivre en justice).
MAY Today’s quote
Any human anywhere will blossom in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities simply by being given the opportunity to do so. Doris Lessing (1919-2013) - British author To blossom: fleurir, s’épanouir A hundred: cent Unexpected: inattendu
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.
Everyday contexts
A shower: une averse Flowers: des fleurs Pilgrims: des pèlerins Jeu de mots sur May flower: a. A May flower: une fleur de mai b. The Mayflower: nom du navire qui transporta les premiers colons anglais vers le Nouveau Monde en 1620 (the Pilgrim Fathers: les Pères pèlerins)
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth: œil pour œil, dent pour dent Blind: aveugle
Hot off the press As they become smarter, faster and cheaper, industrial robots are on the verge of revolutionizing manufacturing. On the verge of doing something: sur le point de faire quelque chose Smarter, faster and cheaper: plus intelligents, plus rapides et moins chers
MAY Today’s quote
Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. Sam Levenson (1911-1980) - American humorist To watch the clock: surveiller l’heure, regarder l’horloge A watch: une montre To keep going: ne pas s’arrêter
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
When you dream in color, it’s a pigment of your imagination.
Mrs White is always in the garden. She has a green thumb. To have a green thumb: avoir la main verte A thumb: un pouce Gardening: le jardinage
Hot off the press In a GMO-dominated world, organic crops are unlikely to be protected from crosspollination. They are unlikely (≠ likely) to be …: elles ont peu de chances d’être … GMOs: les OGM Organic crops: les cultures bio
On détourne ici l’expression a figment of the imagination: une invention de l’imagination, quelque chose qui n’existe pas.
MAY Today’s quote
You simply have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Put blinders on and plow right ahead. George Lucas (born 1944) - American film director To keep going: ne pas s’arrêter Blinders: des œilllères To wear blinkers: avoir des œillères (sens figuré) To plow right ahead: avancer malgré les difficultés
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Which website did Chewbacca get arrested for creating? WookieLeaks.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur WookieLeaks (Wookies: grands humanoïdes bipèdes à fourrure dans l’univers Star Wars) à rapprocher de WikiLeaks, l’organisation non-gouvernementale fondée par Julian Assange en 2006 dont l’objectif est de publier des documents confidentiels (a leak: une fuite). Depuis sa création, des millions de documents relatifs à des scandales de corruption, d’espionnage et de violations de droits de l’homme ont été publiés sur le site internet (slogan: « We open governments »).
Last year we threw a huge party for Liam’s 5th birthday: we had clowns, magicians, inflatable castles, the whole shebang! The whole shebang/the works: tout le tralala To put in the works: sortir le grand jeu To throw a (huge) party: organiser une (grosse) fête An inflatable castle: un chateau gonflable
Hot off the press Such decision may cause the government to run up against new problems. To run up against a problem: se heurter à un problème
MAY Today’s quote
The greatest heroes are those who do their duty in the daily grind of domestic affairs whilst the world whirls as a maddening dreidel. Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) - English social reformer Duty: le devoir The daily grind: le boulot quotidien Whilst/while: pendant que To whirl: tourbillonner A dreidel: toupie cubique à pointe arrondie Maddening: exaspérant, qui rend fou
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Never date cross-eyed people. They might be seeing somebody on the side!
I have a soft spot for Ashley. To have a soft spot for somebody, something: avoir un petit faible pour quelqu’un, quelque chose
Hot off the press It is time politicians put their money where their mouths are. No more hot air! To put one’s money where one’s mouth is: passer aux actes (en déboursant de l’argent) No more hot air!: assez de paroles en l’air !
To (have a) date (with) somebody: sortir, avoir un rendez-vous avec quelqu’un To be cross-eyed: loucher, bigler Jeu de mots sur on the side: a. Sur le côté b. For him, I’m just a bit on the side: pour lui, je ne suis qu’une aventure
MAY Today’s quote
A woman is like a tea bag—you can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) - American politician A tea bag: un sachet de thé To be in hot water: être dans une situation difficile
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Two fishermen are out fishing, talking about the business they run. One fisherman asks the other: “What’s our net worth?”
Everyday contexts
To run a business: gérer un commerce, une affaire Jeu de mots sur what’s our net worth?: a. Combien y a-t-il dans notre filet ? b. Quelle est la valeur nette de notre affaire ?
Nobody must mention these problems to the press. Let’s not wash our dirty linen in public. Let’s not wash our dirty linen in public: il vaut mieux laver son linge sale en famille
Hot off the press It is worth riding a bicyle to work for the sake of the planet. It is worth doing: ça vaut le coup To ride a bicyle to work: aller en vélo au travail For the sake of: pour le bien de
MAY Today’s quote
Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. Jim Rohn (1930-2009) - American entrepreneur Wealth: la richesse Health: la santé
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What did the kid say when his mother poured oatmeal on him? How can you be so gruel?
Our design for a driverless car didn’t work very well and now we’re back to square one. Back to square one: retour à la case départ A driverless car: une voiture autonome
Hot off the press Junk food is typically cheap and prepackaged, making it easily available. No wonder childhood obesity is soaring. No wonder …: pas étonnant que … To eat junk food: manger des cochonneries Available: disponible (Childhood) obesity: l’obésité (infantile) To soar: monter en flèche
To pour: verser Oatmeal (US) / porridge (Brit): de la bouillie de flocons d’avoine Oats: des flocons d’avoine Jeu de mots sur gruel (du gruau) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de cruel.
MAY Today’s quote
We must use time wisely and forever realise that the time is always ripe to do right. Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) - South African anti-apartheid activist and president Wisely: judicieusement, avec sagesse To realise: prendre conscience The time is ripe to do the right thing: le temps est venu de faire ce qui est juste
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I went to the butcher’s the other day and he couldn’t reach the meat on the top shelf. “The steaks are too high,” he said.
Everyday contexts
I went to the butcher’s: je suis allé chez le boucher To reach the meat on the top shelf: atteindre la viande se trouvant sur l’étagère du haut Jeu de mots sur the steaks (les biftecks) prononcé comme the stakes (les enjeux): a. The steaks are too high: les biftecks sont trop en hauteur b. The stakes are too high: les enjeux sont trop élevés, on joue gros jeu
Our math teacher yells a lot, but her bark is worse than her bite. Her bark is worse than her bite: elle fait plus de bruit que de mal, chien qui aboie ne mord pas To bark: aboyer To bite: mordre To yell: hurler
Hot off the press The recent storms and floods should be a wake-up call for climate-change deniers. A wake-up call: un avertissement Storms and floods: des tempêtes et des inondations A climate-change denier: un climato-sceptique Global warming: le réchauffement planétaire
MAY Today’s quote
Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) - 32nd U.S. President Achievement: l’accomplissement, la réussite A thrill: un frisson It gave me a big thrill!: ça m’a vraiment fait quelque chose !
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What is the religion of a woman who had a sex-change operation? A HeThen.
Paul: “Let’s go to the beach instead of going to the movies.” Alyssa: “I was just thinking we should do that, too.” Paul: “Great minds think alike!” Great minds think alike: les grands esprits se rencontrent To go to the movies: allé au ciné
Hot off the press Men would be all the better for it if gender equality became a reality in all fields. They would be all the better for it if…: ils ne s’en porteraient que mieux si … Gender equality: l’égalité des sexes
Jeu de mots sur HeThen (LuiEnsuite, création lexicale) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de heathen (païen, barbare, sauvage).
MAY Today’s quote
Integrate what you believe in every single area of your life. Take your heart to work and ask the most and best of everybody else, too. Meryl Streep (born 1949) - American actress
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What musical is about a train conductor? “My Fare, Lady.”
Everyday contexts
A musical: une comédie musicale A train conductor: a chef de train A conductor: un chef d’orchestre Jeu de mots sur fare prononcé comme fair: a. The fare: le prix du billet b. My Fair Lady: comédie musicale américaine de 1964 dans laquelle un éminent professeur de phonétique entreprend de transformer une fleuriste à l’accent cockney (Audrey Hepburn) en une vraie « lady ».
She spends hours on volunteer work but neglects herself and her own family. She should keep in mind that charity begins at home. Charity begins at home: charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-même To spend hours on volunteer work: passer des heures à faire du bénévolat A volunteer: un bénévole To keep something in mind: garder quelque chose à l’esprit
Hot off the press An increasing number of people are quitting the rat race to find lower paying yet more rewarding jobs. To quit the rat race: abandonner la course à l’argent Yet more rewarding: mains néanmoins plus gratifiant
MAY Today’s quote
Success is blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it. Success is shy—it won’t come out while you’re watching. Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) - American playwright A playwright: un dramaturge Shy: timide
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Male deer have buck teeth.
She was already angry with me, and when I forgot to pick her up, that really added fuel to the fire. To add fuel to the fire: mettre de l’huile sur le feu To be angry with somebody: être en colère contre quelqu’un To pick somebody up: venir chercher quelqu’un
Hot off the press Unemployment is a source of anger and dissatisfaction for the individual, to say nothing of the toll it takes on their families. To say nothing of …: sans parler de … Unemployment: le chômage To take a toll on something: avoir un effet néfaste sur quelque chose
A male deer, a stag: un cerf Jeu de mots sur buck teeth: a. A buck: un mâle (cerfs, lapins, lièvres, etc.) b. To have buck teeth: avoir les dents en avant
MAY Today’s quote
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) - American Baptist minister, leader of the Civil Rights Movement A minister: un pasteur To stick with something: s’en tenir à quelque chose Hate: la haine Too great a burden to bear: un fardeau trop lourd à porter
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I only work in the bakery because I knead the dough.
Everyday contexts
A bakery: une boulagerie Jeu de mots sur I knead the dough (je pétris la pâte) prononcé comme I need the dough (j’ai besoin du pognon).
Son: “Dad, can I have a new laptop?” Dad: “I’m afraid we can’t afford one. Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know.” Money does not grow on trees: l’argent ne tombe pas du ciel A laptop: un ordinateur portable To afford something: avoir les moyens d’acheter quelque chose (affordable: abordable)
Hot off the press Today’s disposable society is an environmental nightmare. An environmental nightmare: un cauchemar environnemental Today’s disposable/throw-away society: notre société du tout-jetable
MAY Today’s quote
You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) - 28th U.S. President To make a living: gagner sa vie To enable: permettre Hope and achievement: l’espoir et la réussite An errand: une mission
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Old owls never die; they just don’t give a hoot.
Stay away from that guy. He’s as mad as a hatter. To be as mad as a hatter/a March hare: être fou à lier To be as nutty as a fruitcake: être complètement timbré That guy: ce type
Hot off the press Unfortunately, unions and management have failed to reach an agreement. To reach an agreement: trouver un accord Unions and management: les partenaires sociaux (syndicats et patronat) Unfortunately: malheureusement
An owl: une chouette, un hibou Jeu de mots sur they don’t give a hoot: a. Ils/elles s’en fichent b. Ils/elles ne hululent pas
MAY Today’s quote
The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. Mark Zuckerberg (born 1984) - American entrepreneur To fail: échouer
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do you call a veterinarian with laryngitis? A hoarse doctor.
Everyday contexts
What do you call …?: comment appelle-t-on … ? Jeu de mots sur hoarse (enroué) prononcé comme horse (cheval).
They won their last game but I doubt they’ll make it to the finals because they’re still bottom of the league. One swallow does not make a summer. One swallow does not make a summer: une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps Summer: l’été / Spring: le printemps To make it to the finals: arriver en finale Bottom of the league: en bas de division
Hot off the press Banning assault-style weapons should be a no-brainer, yet many Americans are opposed to any kind of gun control. It’s a no-brainer: c’est une évidence To ban: interdire Weapons: des armes
MAY Today’s quote
There are no strangers here; only friends you haven’t yet met. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) - Irish poet A stranger: un étranger Friends you haven’t yet met: des amis que l’on n’a pas encore rencontrés
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why did the blonde throw butter out the window? She wanted to see a butterfly.
This scholarship is a feather in his cap. Let’s hope he’ll make the most of it! A feather in one’s cap: quelque chose que l’on peut être fier d’avoir obtenu (une plume dans son chapeau) A scholarship: une bourse To make the most of something: profiter pleinement de quelque chose
Hot off the press The Football Association has toughened its stance on hooligans, issuing life bans. To toughen one’s stance: durcir sa position To take a firm line/stand against something: adopter une attitude ferme (contre quelque chose) A life ban: une interdiction à vie (de fréquenter les stades, ici)
To throw butter out the window: jeter du beurre par la fenêtre Jeu de mots sur see a butterfly (voir un papillon) prononcé comme see a butter fly (voir un beurre voler).
MAY Today’s quote
Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) - British Prime Minister To stand in the middle of the road: se tenir au milieu de la route To be knocked down: se faire renverser Both sides: les deux côtés
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why does lightning shock people? Because it doesn’t know how to conduct itself.
Everyday contexts
Lightning: la foudre A flash of lightning: un éclair Jeu de mots sur conduct: a. To conduct oneself: se conduire, se comporter b. To conduct (electricity): être conducteur
We can’t afford to go on vacation next summer. This hasn’t been a good year financially, and so we have to cut our coat according to our cloth. To cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth: vivre selon ses moyens (cloth: du tissu) A coat: un manteau To afford something: avoir les moyens
Hot off the press Margaret Thatcher was instrumental in shaping modern Britain. To be instrumental, to play a critical role (in doing something): jouer un rôle-clé (dans quelque chose) To shape: façonner (Great) Britain: la Grande-Bretagne
MAY Today’s quote
If you let your head get too big, it’ll break your neck. Elvis Presley (1935-1977) - American musician To have a big/swollen head: avoir la grosse tête (swollen: enflé) To break one’s neck: se rompre le cou To get too big for one’s boots: avoir les chevilles qui enflent
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Colorado pot sales hit $2 billion last year. An all-time high.
I quit smoking cold turkey. To go cold turkey: arrêter (drogue, cigarette, alcool, etc.) d’un seul coup A turkey: une dinde
Hot off the press There is little evidence that legalizing marijuana leads to an increase in drug-related crimes. Quite the contrary. There is little evidence that …: rien ne prouve que … Quite the contrary: bien au contraire An increase/decrease (in something): une hausse/baisse (de quelque chose)
Pot sales: les ventes de cannabis $2 billion: 2 milliards de dollars Jeu de mots sur an all-time high: a. Un niveau historiquement haut (≠ an all-time low) b. Jamais autant de personnes n’avaient plané (to be high: planer)
MAY Today’s quote
Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) - Scottish author The harvest you reap: la moisson que l’on récolte The seeds you plant: les graines que l’on plante
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur picture: I can picture us together: je nous vois bien ensemble
He dropped out of school at 18 because he found it boring, but realized he had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire a few days after taking up a strenuous job in a factory. To jump out of the frying pan and into the fire: tomber de mal en pis, tomber de Charybde en Scylla (a frying pan : une poêle à frire) To drop out of school: arrêter l’école Boring: ennuyeux Strenuous: épuisant A factory: une usine
Hot off the press The president’s style is direct and without waffle or prevarication. Without waffle or prevarication: sans langue de bois ni faux-fuyants
MAY Today’s quote
Get action. Seize the moment. Man was never intended to become an oyster. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) - 26th U.S. President To seize: saisir To intend to do something: avoir l’intention de faire quelque chose Intended to be/become: destiné à être/devenir An oyster: une huître
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Old cleaning ladies never die, they just kick the bucket.
Tim: “You were supposed to be here two hours ago!” Ron: “I know, but better late than never, right?” Better late than never: mieux vaut tard que jamais
Hot off the press The Republican candidate has managed to succeed against all the odds. Against all the odds/overwhelming odds: alors que tout était contre lui To succeed: réussir
A cleaning lady: une femme de ménage Jeu de mots sur kick the bucket: a. Casser sa pipe b. Donner un coup de pied dans le seau
MAY Today’s quote
Culture’s worth huge, huge risks. Without culture we’re all totalitarian beasts. Normal Mailer (1923-2007) - American author To be worth something: valoir quelque chose Beasts: des bêtes Huge: énorme
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What’s the tallest building in the entire world? The library, because it has so many stories.
Everyday contexts
The tallest building: le plus haut bâtiment A library: une bibliothèque A bookstore (US) / a bookshop (Brit): une librairie Jeu de mots sur stories: a. Des histoires b. Des étages (Brit: storeys)
Bob can’t assemble the garden shed he’s just bought. He’s all thumbs. To be all (fingers and) thumbs: être très maladroit Clumsy: gauche, maladroit A thumb: un pouce A garden shed: un abri de jardin
Hot off the press The recent outbreak of violence has dealt a heavy blow to efforts to bring peace and stability to the region. To deal a heavy blow to somebody, something: porter un coup sévère à quelqu’un, quelque chose An outbreak/outburst of violence: une éruption de violence A flare-up of violence: une flambée de violence
MAY Today’s quote
They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) - American author To be cognizant of something: avoir connaissance de quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A prisoner was told how he would be executed. Needless to say, he was shocked.
Stacy never sits still and teachers always get mad at her. She must have ants in her pants. To have ants in one’s pants: avoir la bougeotte (ants: des fourmis) She never sits still: elle ne tient jamais en place To get mad at somebody: se fâcher contre quelqu’un To be mad: être furieux
Hot off the press Trade is at a standstill and investors are starting to worry. Trade is at a standstill: les affaires sont au point mort To worry: s’inquiéter
He was told how …: on lui a dit comment … Needless to say, …: il va sans dire que … Jeu de mots sur shocked: 1. Choqué 2. Il a reçu un choc éléctrique, il a été électrocuté
MAY Today’s quote
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. Ayn Rand (1905-1982) - American author and philosopher To achieve something: accomplir quelque chose To beat somebody: battre quelqu’un
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other and says: “Dam!”
Everyday contexts
A concrete wall: un mur de béton Jeu de mots sur dam (un barrage) prononcé comme damn! (merde !, bon sang !)
Tom: “I can only give a few pounds to your charity.” Mary: “No worries! Every little helps.” Every little helps: les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières A charity: une fondation caritative A few pounds: quelques livres No worries/problem!: pas de souci !
Hot off the press Eradicating Islamic terrorism requires coordinated solutions on a global scale. On a global scale: à l’échelle mondiale To require: nécessiter
MAY Today’s quote
Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall. Ray Bradbury (1920-2012) - American author To unfold one’s wings: déployer ses ailes
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire. Unsurprisingly, the craft sank, proving once again that you can’t have your kayak and heat it too.
Let’s call a spade a spade: that dress makes you look fat. To call a spade a spade: appeler un chat un chat, ne pas avoir peur des mots A dress: une robe Fat: gros
Hot off the press Good communication is the key to the company’s success. The key to something (to doing something): la clé de quelque chose (pour faire quelque chose) The company: l’entreprise
To be chilly: avoir froid It’s chilly today: il fait frais aujourd’hui They lit a fire: ils ont fait un feu Unsurprisingly: comme on pouvait s’y attendre The craft sank: l’embarcation a coulé Jeu de mots sur kayak et heat à rapprocher de cake et eat. Un dicton est ici détourné : You can’t have your cake and eat it too: on ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre You can’t have your kayak and heat it too: on ne peut pas à la fois avoir un kayak et se réchauffer dedans
MAY Today’s quote
Being pregnant is an occupational hazard of being a wife. Queen Victoria (1819-1901) To be pregnant: être enceinte An occupational hazard: un risque professionnel A wife: une épouse
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What is the difference between a frog and a cat? A frog croaks all the time, a cat only nine times.
Everyday contexts
A frog: une grenouille Jeu de mots sur croak: a. Coasser (grenouille), croasser (corbeau) b. Claquer, crever Cats have nine lives: le chat a neuf vies, le chat retombe toujours sur ses pattes He’s got nine lives: un ange gardien veille sur lui
Johnny: “We’ve not achieved a lot today.” Sue: “Don’t worry, tomorrow’s another day.” Tomorrow is another day: à chaque jour suffit sa peine To achieve something: accomplir quelque chose
Hot off the press Low-income families often have to tighten their belts to make ends meet. Low-income families: les familles à faible revenu To tighten one’s belt: se serrer la ceinture To make ends meet: joindre les deux bouts To supplement one’s income: arrondir ses fins de mois
MAY Today’s quote
If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success. John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) - American businessman To succeed: réussir To strike out on new paths: emprunter des chemins non parcourus, innover Worn: usé
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to the hospital. When his mother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said: “No change yet.”
I can’t believe he managed to pull the wool over his wife’s eyes for so long. It was so obvious he was cheating on her. To pull the wool over somebody’s eyes: duper quelqu’un Wool: de la laine To cheat on somebody: tromper quelqu’un
Hot off the press Canada has issued a scathing criticism of the UN for failing to stop the atrocities committed in Syria. To issue a scathing criticism: adresser une critique cinglante To fail (to do something): échouer (à faire quelque chose) The UN: l’ONU
To swallow: avaler A coin: une pièce de monnaie Change: de la monnaie A nurse: une infirmière Jeu de mots sur no change yet: a. Toujours pas de changement b. Toujours pas de monnaie
MAY Today’s quote
Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) - American author Luxuries: les produits de luxe So-called: soi-disant Comforts of life: les commodités de la vie Creature comforts: le confort matériel A hindrance: un obstacle Mankind: l’humanité
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work.
Everyday contexts
The butcher: le boucher He backed into the meat grinder: il a reculé et s’est retrouvé dans le hachoir à viande Jeu de mots sur He got a little behind in his work: a. Il a pris un peu de retard dans son travail b. Il a laissé un peu de son derrière dans la préparation
When she saw what he had done, she flew off the handle. To fly off the handle, to go ballistic, to go bananas: piquer une crise
Hot off the press With the growing popularity of online courses, the end of the traditional classroom is around the corner. It is around the corner: c’est pour demain
Today’s quote I have a great love and respect for religion, great love and respect for atheism. What I hate is agnosticism, people who do not choose. Orson Welles (1915-1985) - American actor and film director To hate: détester, haïr
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
You should relax, you know. As they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy: on s’abrutit à toujours travailler Dull: ennuyeux
Hot off the press All too often environmental concerns take a back seat to economic development. (All) too often: (bien) trop souvent To take a back seat (to something): passer au second plan (par rapport à quelque chose)
Jeu de mots sur non-prophet (sans prophète) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de non-profit: A non-profit organization: une association à but non lucratif A non-prophet organization: à but non prophétique
MAY Today’s quote
Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) - American author Shadows: les ombres
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A backward poet writes inverse.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur backward: a. Backward: en arrière b. A backward poet: un poète arriéré Jeu de mots sur inverse (dans le sens inverse/contraire) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de in verse (en vers).
You should take this job now because you may not get the other one. After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l’auras (a bush: un buisson)
Hot off the press
Unfortunately, youth unemployment remains at an all-time high. At an all-time high, at a record high (≠ at an all-time low, at a record low): à un niveau historiquement haut (≠ bas) Youth unemployment: le chômage des jeunes Unfortunately: malheureusement
MAY Today’s quote
Always forgive your enemies—nothing annoys them so much. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) - Irish author To forgive: pardonner To annoy: agacer, énerver
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
When chemists die, they barium.
He’s so full of himself, always throwing his weight around. To throw one’s weight around: faire l’important (weight: le poids) To throw one’s weight behind something, somebody: apporter son soutien à quelque chose, quelqu’un Full of oneself: imbu de soi-même
Hot off the press Low turnout at the polls resulted in a landslide victory for the Tories. A low/high turnout (at the polls): un faible/fort taux de participation électorale A landslide/an overwhelming victory: une victoire écrasante The Tories: les conservateurs, le parti conservateur britannique
A chemist: un chimiste To die: mourir Jeu de mots sur barium (le baryum, élément chimique) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de they bury ‘em/them (on les enterre).
MAY Today’s quote
If you can dream it, you can do it. Walt Disney (1901-1966) - American artist
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why is 10 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9.
Everyday contexts
To be afraid of somebody, something: avoir peur de quelqu’un, quelque chose Jeu de mots sur 7 8 (eight) 9 prononcé comme seven ate nine (le 7 a mangé le 9).
Curled up in bed, I was as snug as a bug in a rug. As snug as a bug in a rug: douillettement installé Curled up: pelotonné A bug: un insecte, une punaise A rug: un petit tapis, un plaid (Brit)
Hot off the press The rally was intended to be a show of strength by the socialists. A show of strength, a showdown: une démonstration de force A power struggle: une lutte pour le pouvoir To show off one’s power: faire étalage de sa force To coerce somebody into doing something: forcer quelqu’un à faire quelque chose To coax somebody into/out of doing something: amener quelqu’un à faire/à ne pas faire quelque chose en l’amadouant To shy away from doing something: répugner à faire quelque chose
MAY Today’s quote
The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) - Leader of India’s independence movement Enough: assez, suffisamment Needs: les besoins Greed: l’avidité, la cupidité
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
How do you make holy water? Boil the hell out of it!
Pete won’t come back. I got it straight from the horse’s mouth—he told me himself. Straight from the horse’s mouth: de source sûre
Hot off the press It may take years to convince European consumers that GMOs can help alleviate hunger in the world. It may take years to …: il faudra peutêtre des années pour … To convince: convaincre To alleviate hunger: apaiser/calmer la faim GMOs: les OGM
Holy water: de l’eau bénite Hell: l’enfer (the devil: le diable) Jeu de mots sur boil the hell out of it qu’il faut rapprocher de l’expression beat the hell out of somebody: a. Boil the hell out of it: la mettre à bouillir pour qu’en sorte l’enfer b. To beat the hell out of somebody: rouer de coups quelqu’un
JUNE Today’s quote
I believe in the compelling power of love. I believe it to be the most fragrant blossom of all this thorny existence. Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) - American author Compelling: irréfutable, incontestable The most fragant blossom: les fleurs les plus odorantes A tree in blossom: un arbre en fleur Thorny: épineux
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.
Everyday contexts
Moses: Moïse Hebrews: les Hébreux Jeu de mots sur Hebrews it dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de he brews it (il le fait infuser). To brew some tea: préparer, faire infuser du thé
He was probably upset about losing but kept a stiff upper lip. To keep a stiff upper lip: rester impassible (the upper lip: la lèvre supérieure) To keep a poker face: garder un visage impassible Stiff: raide, rigide Upset: vexé (contrarié)
Hot off the press Online courses may well spell the end for the traditional university. To spell the end/disaster/ruin for something: signifier la fin/le désastre/ la ruine pour quelque chose It may well …: cela pourrait bien …
JUNE Today’s quote
Make money your god and it will plague you like the devil. Henry Fielding (1707-1754) - English author To plague: tourmenter A plague: une épidémie, un fléau The plague: la peste The devil: le diable
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why do anarchists drink herbal tea? Because proper tea is theft.
I had a close shave. I was almost run over by a car as I crossed the street. I had/It was a close shave: je l’ai échappé belle To be run over (by): se faire renverser (par)
Hot off the press The modern craze for dietary supplements is under close scrutiny by the European Food Safety Authority. To be under close scrutiny: être surveillé de près A craze for something: un engouement pour quelque chose A trend: une mode, une tendance
Herbal tea: de la tisane Theft: le vol Jeu de mots sur proper tea (du thé digne de ce nom) prononcé comme property (les objets, les biens, la propriété privée).
JUNE Today’s quote Try to learn to let what is unfair teach you.
David Foster Wallace (1962-2008) - American author Unfair: injuste
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.
Everyday contexts
Sausage: de la saucisse German: allemand Germany: l’Allemagne Jeu de mots sur wurst (de la saucisse) prononcé the worst (les pires).
I was going to try paragliding but I got cold feet. To get cold feet (about doing something): se dégonfler Paragliding: du parapente
Hot off the press We are mistaken in thinking that global warming is irreversible. We are mistaken in thinking that …: on se trompe en croyant que … To be mistaken about something: se tromper à propos de quelque chose Global warming: le réchauffement climatique
JUNE Today’s quote
If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint. Edward Hopper (1882-1967) - American painter
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the darkest hour is just before the dawn. The darkest hour is just before the dawn: l’orage est toujours suivi d’une éclaircie (Dawn: l’aube) When everything seems to be going against you: lorsque que tout semble se liguer contre vous
Hot off the press The country’s economy is in a shambles. In a shambles: en ruines An ailing economy: une économie en difficulté (≠ thriving: florissante)
Jeu de mots sur dawn: a. Dawn: l’aube b. It dawned on me: ça a fait tilt
JUNE Today’s quote
Truth is an arrow and the gate is narrow that it passes through. Bob Dylan (born 1941) - American musician and poet Truth: la vérité An arrow: une flèche A gate: une porte Narrow: étroit Through: à travers
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club but I had never met herbivore.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur herbivore dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de her before: I had never met her before: je ne l’avais jamais rencontrée auparavant
Jack sits around all day—he’s bone idle. To be bone idle: avoir un poil dans la main To sit around all day: rester assis toute la journée à rien faire To twiddle one’s thumbs: se tourner les pouces A couch potato: un molasson (qui passe son temps devant la télé)
Hot off the press North Koreans live under the lead blanket of permanent state control. A lead blanket: une chape de plomb
JUNE Today’s quote
I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world. Thomas Edison (1847-1931) - American businessman and inventor Friends in overalls: des amis en bleu de travail To swap: échanger
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I changed my iPhone’s name to Titanic. It’s syncing now.
The latest iPhone cost me an arm and a leg. To cost an arm and a leg: coûter les yeux de la tête To pay through the nose for something: payer le prix fort pour quelque chose The latest: le dernier en date
Hot off the press Most women involved in terrorism appear to fulfill a role as inexpensive cannon fodder. Cannon fodder: de la chair à canon To fulfill a role: jouer un rôle, remplir une fonction To be involved in something: être impliqué dans quelque chose
Jeu de mots sur it’s syncing (il est en train de synchroniser) prononcé comme it’s sinking (il est en train de couler).
JUNE Today’s quote Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
Maya Angelou (1928-2014) - African-American poet and civil rights activist A civil rights activist: une militante pour les droits civiques A rainbow: un arc-en-ciel A cloud: un nuage
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
They told me I had type A blood, but it was a type O.
Everyday contexts
Blood type/group: groupe sanguin Jeu de mots sur type O qui se prononce comme typo (une erreur, une coquille typographique).
The environmental future isn’t so bleak. Eco-warriors are just crying wolf. To cry wolf: crier au loup An eco-warrior: un militant écologiste The future is bleak/bright: l’avenir est sombre/prometteur
Hot off the press Increasingly sophisticated machines are today doing jobs that used to be the preserve of humans. It used to be the preserve of …: c’était autrefois réservé à …
JUNE Today’s quote
Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) - American Founding Father, author and inventor The Founding Fathers: les Pères Fondateurs (qui élaborèrent la Constitution fédérale des États-Unis) Slow(er): (plus) lent
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
PMS jokes aren’t funny. Period.
Don’t worry, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. To cross a bridge when one comes to it: s’occuper d’un problème en temps et en heure (a bridge: un pont)
Hot off the press Demographers argue that immigration can help offset the impact of an ageing population. To offset the impact of something: compenser les conséquences de quelque chose An ageing population: une population vieillissante
PMS (premenstrual syndrome): SPM, syndrome prémenstruel Jeu de mots sur period: a. I have my period: j’ai mes règles b. It’s not funny, period: c’est pas drôle, un point c’est tout (Brit: full stop)
JUNE Today’s quote
It is impossible to go through life without trust: that is to be imprisoned in the worst cell of all, oneself. Graham Greene (1904-1991) - English author Trust: la confiance The worst cell of all: la pire des cellules
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
Everyday contexts
What do you call … ?: comment appelle-t-on …? A thesaurus: un dictionnaire des synonymes
Credit where credit’s due. He worked really hard on this project and deserves the praise. Credit where credit’s due: il faut rendre à César ce qui est à César To give somebody credit for doing something: reconnaître que quelqu’un a fait quelque chose To deserve praise: mériter des éloges Praiseworthy: louable, digne d’éloges
Hot off the press In war zones, demand for food far outstrips supply. Supply and demand: l’offre et la demande It far outstrips …: cela dépasse de loin …
JUNE Today’s quote
The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) - American author Afterward: après, ensuite At the broken places: aux endroits cassés
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Class trip to the Coca-Cola factory. I hope there is no pop quiz!
He was an hour late—so what? Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Be grateful he agreed to help you out at all. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth: on ne critique pas le cadeau qu’on reçoit (A gift horse: un cheval donné en cadeau) To be grateful (to somebody for something): être reconnaissant (envers quelqu’un pour quelque chose) So what?: et alors ?
Hot off the press It’s a far cry from what he promised on the campaign trail. It’s a far cry from …: on est loin de … On the campaign trail: durant la campagne électorale
A class/school trip: une sortie scolaire A factory: une usine Jeu de mots sur pop quiz: a. Pop: du soda b. A pop quiz: une interro surprise
JUNE Today’s quote
When you choose your friends, don’t be short-changed by choosing personality over character. William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) - British author To be short-changed: se faire rouler (change: de la monnaie) To be double-crossed: se faire trahir/doubler
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.
Everyday contexts
The bladder: la vessie Jeu de mots sur urine trouble (des problèmes d’urine) prononcé comme you’re in trouble (alors tu as des ennuis).
All my hopes and plans have gone down the drain. To go down the drain: tomber à l’eau, être anéanti To throw money down the drain: jeter son argent par les fenêtres The drain: le tuyau d’écoulement
Hot off the press With this new law the government will effectively put a gag on the free press. To (put a) gag (on) the press: bâilloner la presse
JUNE Today’s quote
The white man knows how to make everything, but he does not know how to distribute it. Sitting Bull (1831-1890) - Native American tribal chief To distribute: répartir Native Americans: les Indiens d’Amérique
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: “A beer please, and one for the road.”
This morning’s math test was easy as pie! It’s easy as pie/easy as ABC: c’est simple comme bonjour, c’est du gâteau
Hot off the press The flow of refugees escaping war-torn Iraq is an unbearable sight. An unbearable sight: un spectacle insupportable War-torn: déchiré par la guerre
A slab of asphalt: un bloc d’asphalt Jeu de mots sur one for the road: un verre pour la route, un dernier verre avant de partir
JUNE Today’s quote
To feel much for others and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfishness and exercise our benevolent affections, constitute the perfection of human nature. Adam Smith (1723-1790) - Scottish economist To restrain one’s selfishness: refréner son égoïsme Benevolent: bienveillant
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Dijon vu—the same mustard as before.
Everyday contexts
Mustard: de la moutarde Jeu de mots sur dijon vu qu’il faut rapprocher de déjà vu.
He was forced to eat humble pie and apologize in front of the whole committee. To eat humble pie: faire amende honorable A pie: une tarte To apologize: s’excuser
Hot off the press Saudi Arabia is an unlikely candidate as the pacesetter for political change in the Middle East. An unlikely candidate for …: le candidat le moins évident au titre de … The pacesetter for / the driving force behind change: la locomotive du changement
JUNE Today’s quote
It is amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit. Harry Truman (1884-1992) - 33rd U.S. President To get the credit: recevoir les honneurs
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Child 1: “This dog will eat off your hand.”
She’s got him eating out of her hand. He’ll do whatever she asks him to. To have somebody eating out of one’s hand: faire marcher quelqu’un au doigt et à l’œil To boss somebody around: donner des ordres à quelqu’un
Hot off the press The company implemented an aggressive business strategy with the aim of cornering the smartphone market. With the aim of: dans le but de To implement: mettre en œuvre To corner the market: accaparer le marché
Child 2: “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of!” Jeu de mots sur eat off something: a. Ce chien va te manger la main. (cf. The dog bit off his hand: le chien lui a arraché la main) b. Ce chien te mange dans la main (cf. We ate off paper plates: nous avons mangé dans des assiettes en carton)
JUNE Today’s quote
The eyes of others our prisons; their thoughts our cages. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) - English author Their thoughts: leurs pensées
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.
Everyday contexts
A school of fish: un banc de poissons Jeu de mots sur take debate dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de take the bait (mordre à l’appât).
She played a mean trick on me and it sticks in my throat. To stick in the throat: rester en travers de la gorge To have a lump in one’s throat: avoir le gorge serrée To play a (mean) trick on somebody: jouer un (mauvais) tour à quelqu’un
Hot off the press Social networks should do more to sort the wheat from the chaff. It’s becoming harder and harder to separate articles containing reliable information from those containing misinformation. To sort the wheat from the chaff: séparer le bon grain de l’ivraie Reliable information (inv.): des informations fiables Misinformation: la désinformation
JUNE Today’s quote
Stop worrying about growing old. And think about growing up. Philip Roth (1933-2018) - American author To worry: s’inquiéter To grow old: vieillir To grow up: grandir
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A gossip is someone with a great sense of rumor.
I won’t mince my words: your lack of productivity has severely affected the company’s profitability and your job is now on the line. To mince one’s words: mâcher ses mots He made no bones about it: il n’y est pas allé avec le dos de la cuillère On the line: en jeu To be on/in the hot seat: être sur la sellette
Hot off the press The president has become a loose cannon, behaving in a way that nobody can predict. A loose cannon: un électron libre To behave well/badly: bien/mal se conduire
A gossip: une commère Gossip: les commérages, les cancans Il faut ici rapprocher sense of rumor et sense of humor.
JUNE Today’s quote
Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) - American self-help author To think twice: réfléchir à deux fois To plant a seed: planter un graine Either success or failure: soit la réussite, soit l’échec The mind: l’esprit
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
The thief fell in the wet cement and became a hardened criminal.
Everyday contexts
The thief: le voleur Wet cement: du ciment frais A hardened criminal: un criminel endurci Concrete: du béton
He’s not the sharpest tool in the box! Not to be the sharpest tool in the box: ne pas avoir inventé l’eau chaude/ la poudre/le fil à couper le beurre The sharpest tool: l’outil le plus affûté
Hot off the press In Hollywood women reach their sell-by date at about 35 while men continue to have vibrant careers long after that age. To reach one’s best-before date: atteindre sa date de péremption To reach, to be past one’s sell-by date: avoir fait son temps, ne plus être bon(ne) à rien While: alors que
JUNE Today’s quote
America understands itself as God’s handiwork, but the black body is the clearest evidence that America is the work of men. Ta-Nehisi Coates (born 1975) - African-American author and journalist God’s handiwork: l’œuvre de Dieu
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Hairdresser: “Your hair needs cutting badly, sir.”
Of course he won the election. Money talks, doesn’t it? Money talks: l’argent est roi
Hot off the press Inner-city schools are rife with gang violence. Rife with (gang) violence: en proie à la violence (des gangs) An escalation of violence: une escalade de la violence An outbreak/outburst of violence: une éruption de violence A flare-up of violence: une flambée de violence Inner-city schools: les écoles des quartiers déshérités (à l’intérieur des villes)
Customer: “No, it needs to be cut nicely. It was cut badly last time.” The hairdresser: le coiffeur The customer: le client Jeu de mots sur badly: 1. Badly: mal fait 2. Nicely: bien fait Your hair needs cutting badly: vous avez méchamment besoin d’une coupe de cheveux
JUNE Today’s quote
Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - English author Charity begins at home: charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-même Next door: à côté de chez soi, chez le voisin/son prochain
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When the smog lifts in Los Angeles, U.C.L.A.
Everyday contexts
When the smog (smoke+fog) lifts: lorsque le smog (mélange de fumée et brouillard) se lève Jeu de mots sur U.C.L.A (l’Université de Californie à Los Angeles) prononcé comme you see LA (on voit Los Angeles).
He’s such a braggart—always blowing his own trumpet! To blow one’s own trumpet/horn: se faire mousser / chanter ses propres louanges A braggart: un vantard.
Hot off the press There’s a certain stigma attached to being unemployed. There’s a certain stigma attached to/associated with …: … est un peu considéré comme une tare, comme honteux To be unemployed/jobless: être au chômage Unemployment: le chômage
JUNE Today’s quote
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. Henry Ford (1863-1947) - American industrialist When everything seems to be going against you: lorsque que tout semble se liguer contre vous To take off against the wind: décoller face au vent (≠ with the wind: avec un vent de dos)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The professor discovered that her theory of earthquakes was on shaky ground.
Do you think I’m making a big deal out of nothing? To make a big deal out of nothing, to make a mountain out of a molehill: en faire tout un plat. A molehill: une taupinière Big deal: la belle affaire !, tu parles !
Hot off the press New vaccines could make AIDS a thing of the past. It is a thing of the past: c’est du passé Illnesses: des maladies AIDS: le sida
An earthquake: un tremblement de terre Jeu de mots sur shaky ground: a. Un terrain instable b. Un raisonnement boiteux
JUNE Today’s quote
The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1865) - Led the Union Army to victory in the American Civil War; 18th U.S. President To cherish: chérir, aimer To relieve: soulager (relief: le soulagement) Gloom: les ténèbres Sunshine: la lumière du soleil
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A pessimist’s blood type is always B negative.
Everyday contexts
Blood type/group: un groupe sanguin Jeu de mots sur B negative prononcé comme be negative (soyez négatif).
The kids had a field day at the amusement park. To have a field day: beaucoup s’amuser (enfants), faire ses choux gras d’une histoire (presse), faire des affaires en or (commerce) An amusement park: un parc d’attractions
Hot off the press The price of raw materials dropped significantly last year. To drop significantly: baisser considérablement Raw materials: les matières premières
JUNE Today’s quote
I really enjoy writing novels. It’s like the ocean. You can just build a boat and take off. Denis Johnson (1949-2017) - American author A boat: un bateau To take off: partir, décoller (avion)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.
You should get a proper mechanic to fix your car. You don’t want any Tom, Dick or Harry tinkering with your brakes. Any Tom, Dick or Harry: n’importe qui, le premier venu To fix: réparer To tinker with something: bidouiller quelque chose Brakes: les freins
Hot off the press The government’s heavyhanded approach was designed to send a chill throughout the public service. A heavy-handed approach: une approche autoritaire To send a chill (throughout something): faire trembler (quelque chose) The public service: la fonction publique A civil servant: un fonctionnaire
A Freudian slip: un lapsus révélateur Jeu de mots sur you mean your mother (vous avez votre mère en tête) à rapprocher de say one thing but mean another: dire une chose mais en avoir une autre en tête.
JUNE Today’s quote
It is true that we are weak and sick and ugly and quarrelsome, but if that is all we ever were, we would millenniums ago have disappeared from the face of the earth. John Steinbeck (1902-1968) - American author Weak: faible Sick: malade, malsain Ugly: laid Quarrelsome: querelleur To vanish from the face of the earth: disparaître de la surface de la terre
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
Everyday contexts
To have a hangover, to be hung over: avoir la gueule de bois Wrath: la colère Grapes: du raisin Jeu de mots sur the wrath of grapes (la colère du raisin) qui inverse les termes du roman de John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath (Les Raisins de la colère).
I can’t speak in public without getting butterflies in my stomach. To have butterflies in one’s stomach: avoir le trac A butterfly: un papillon
Hot off the press The Syrian government would be ill-advised ever again to use chemical weapons, the US Defence Secretary has said. To be ill-advised to do something: avoir tort de faire quelque chose
JUNE Today’s quote
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill (1874-1965) - British Prime Minister To stand up for something: défendre, prendre position pour quelque chose Sometime: à un moment donné (≠ sometimes: parfois)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Is a book on voyeurism a peeping tome?
Ann: “Why don’t you just quit your job if you’re so miserable?” Pam: “Who knows if I’ll find a better one? Better the devil you know!” Better the devil you know (than the devil you don’t): on sait ce que l’on perd mais pas ce que l’on gagne
Hot off the press There is a backlash against globalization in both industrialized and industrializing countries. A backlash against something: une réaction brutale à l’encontre de quelque chose Globalization: la mondialisation Both: à la fois
To peep at something: jeter un coup d’oeil à quelque chose, regarder quelque chose furtivement A tome: un tome, un volume Jeu de mots sur a peeping tome à rapprocher de a Peeping Tom (un voyeur).
JUNE Today’s quote
The finest steel has to go through the hottest fire. Richard Nixon (1913-1994) - 37th U.S. president Steel: de l’acier The finest: le meilleur
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Frog parking only. All others will be toad.
Everyday contexts
Frog parking only: stationnement réservé aux grenouilles A car park (Brit), a parking lot (US): un parking Jeu de mots sur toad (un crapeau) prononcé comme towed (to tow away a car: emmener une voiture à la fourrière).
Hold your horses, Christmas is 6 months away! You’ll have to wait for this new game console. Hold your horses!: sois un peu patient !, arrête un peu !
Hot off the press The Prime Minister was at odds with his government on the issue of tax increases. To be at odds (with somebody over something): être en désaccord (avec quelqu’un sur quelque chose) Tax increases: des augmentations d’impôts
JUNE Today’s quote
If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) - American self-help author Fear: la peur To get busy: se mettre au boulot
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A successful diet is the triumph of mind over platter.
That meal was just what the doctor ordered! I’m always starving after a workout. Just what the doctor ordered: exactement ce qu’il me fallait A meal: un repas Starving: affamé To eat like a horse: manger comme un ogre (a horse: un cheval) I could eat a horse: j’ai une faim de loup To work out: faire de l’exercice A workout: un entrainement, une séance de musculation
Hot off the press This irrelevant decision jeopardized their whole business. Irrelevant: non pertinent To jeopardize: mettre en péril, compromettre
A successful diet: un régime qui fonctionne Mind: l’esprit Platter: le plat, l’assiette Jeu de mots sur l’expression mind over matter (la victoire de l’esprit sur la matière).
Today’s quote Hell is empty. And all the devils are here. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) - English playwright, poet, and actor Hell: l’enfer The devil: le diable Empty: vide
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Shakespeare walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a beer. “I can’t serve you,” says the bartender. “You’re Bard!”
Everyday contexts
The bartender: le barman, la barmaid Jeu de mots sur you’re (a) Bard (vous êtes barde, « Le Barde ») prononcé comme you’re barred (le bar vous est interdit). To bar somebody from doing something: interdire à quelqu’un de faire quelque chose
Brad was caught cheating on the chemistry test. Now he’s really on the hot seat. To be on/in the hot seat: être sur la sellette To be caught cheating: se faire attraper en train de tricher
Hot off the press Some major British employers have agreed to start recruiting on a name-blind basis and others may follow suit. To follow suit: faire de même To follow in somebody’s footsteps: suivre les traces de quelqu’un A name-blind basis: de manière anonyme
JUNE Today’s quote
Courage is being scared to death… and saddling up anyway. John Wayne (1907-1979) - American actor To be scared to death: être mort de trouille To saddle up: se mettre en selle Anyway: malgré tout
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A person got run over by a car. The driver stopped his car and asked them: “Oh my god, are you okay?” They responded with: “Yeah, I’m just tired.”
When you go in for your job interview, try to put your best foot forward. I’m sure you’ll be fine. To put one’s best foot forward: faire de son mieux Forward (≠ backward): en avant You’ll be fine: ça ira
Hot off the press Hybrid vehicles are widely expected to be the cars of the future. Hybrid vehicles are widely expected to …: nombreux sont ceux qui pensent que les véhicules hybrides …
To get run over by a car: se faire écraser par une voiture The driver asked them car la personne peut être soit un homme (him) soit une femme (her). Jeu de mots sur tired: a. Fatigué(e) b. Création lexicale à partir de tire: un pneu
JUNE Today’s quote
I think I’m greedy, but I’m not greedy for money—I think that can be a burden—I’m greedy for an exciting life. David Hockney (born 1937) - English painter and artist Greedy: avide (argent, pouvoir), gourmand (nourriture) A burden: un fardeau
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A belt made out of watches would be waist of time and a cardboard belt a waist of paper.
Everyday contexts
A belt: une ceinture A cardboard belt: une ceinture en carton The waist: le tour de taille Jeu de mots sur a waist of time prononcé comme a waste of time (une perte de temps) et sur a waist of paper prononcé comme a waste of paper (un gâchis de papier).
Scarlett has a one-track mind. All she ever thinks of is music, music, music. To have a one-track mind: n’avoir qu’une idée en tête To have a bee in one’s bonnet (about something): avoir une idée fixe (en ce qui concerne quelque chose), avoir une marrote
Hot off the press The smart city has become a buzzword in urban planning. A buzzword: un mot à la mode A smart city: une ville intelligente (utilisant les nouvelles technologies pour améliorer la qualité des services urbains) Urban planning: l’urbanisme
JUNE Today’s quote
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) - Army general and 34th U.S. President To lose both: perdre les deux A people: un peuple / People: les gens To value something: tenir à quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Wear short sleeves. Support your right to bare arms!
The children were so tired they went out like a light. To go out like a light: s’endormir comme une masse
Hot off the press Concerted action on the part of Republicans and Democrats is required more than ever to enforce gun control and prevent mass shootings. It is required more than ever to …: plus que jamais, il est nécessaire de … To enforce gun control: appliquer le contrôle des armes à feu Gun ownership: la possession d’armes à feu To come into force: entrer en vigueur To prevent: empêcher A mass shooting: une fusillade de masse
To wear short sleeves: porter des manches courtes To support the right to …: défendre le droit de/à … Jeu de mots sur bare arms (des bras nus) prononcé comme to bear arms (porter des armes à feu).
JULY Today’s quote
If a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged, a liberal is a conservative who’s been arrested. Tom Wolfe (1931-2018) - American author A liberal (≠ a conservative): un progressiste, quelqu’un de gauche A free-marketeer: un partisan de l’économie de marché, un libéral To be mugged: se faire agresser
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I asked my friend for a sharpened pencil, but he didn’t have one. I always knew he was a little dull.
Everyday contexts
A sharpened pencil: un crayon bien taillé Jeu de mots dull: 1. Ennuyeux 2. Emoussé, mal taillé
She’s really getting up my nose with all her questions. To get up somebody’s nose: taper sur le système de quelqu’un To get under somebody’s skin: taper sur les nerfs de quelqu’un
Hot off the press In many developed countries, jails are plagued with the problem of overcrowding. Jails: les prisons To be plagued with something: souffrir considérablement de quelque chose Prison overcrowding: le surpeuplement carcéral
JULY Today’s quote
There is so much hurt in this game of searching for a mate, of testing, trying. And you realize suddenly that you forgot it was a game, and turn away in tears. Sylvia Plath (1932-1963) - American author Hurt/Pain: la douleur (to hurt: blesser, faire mal) A mate: un compagnon/une compagne (dans cette citation), un pote (Brit) To turn away in tears: se détourner, les larmes aux yeux
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Every calendar’s days are numbered.
Mike’s a chip off the old block. He can fix anything, just like his father. A chip off the old block: c’est bien le fils/la fille de son père To fix something: réparer quelque chose
Hot off the press Labour suffered a crushing defeat at the polls. To suffer a crushing defeat: essuyer un échec cuisant To suffer a setback: essuyer un revers At the polls: aux élections
Jeu de mots sur numbered: a. Numérotés b. Its days are numbered: ses jours sont comptés
JULY Today’s quote Advertising is legalized lying. H. G. Wells (1866-1946) - English author Advertising: la publicité Lying: le mensonge
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A lot of money is tainted. It taint yours and it taint mine.
Everyday contexts
Tainted money: de l’argent sale Jeu de mots sur tainted dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de it ain’t (variante familière de it isn’t): it taint (it ain’t) yours/mine: c’est pas le tien/le mien.
He was the primary suspect but, now that the culprit has been caught, he is relieved to be off the hook. To be off the hook: être tiré d’affaire (the hook: l’hameçon) The culprit: le coupable To be relieved: être soulagé
Hot off the press “Those cheeseparing measures will deprive the army of adequate equipment and endanger the soldiers’ lives!” Army General Flynn thundered. Cheeseparing measures: des économies de bouts de chandelles To deprive somebody of something: priver quelqu’un de quelque chose To thunder: tonner
JULY Today’s quote
If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter. George Washington (1732-1799) - 1st U.S. President and “Father of His Country” Dumb: muet (dans cette citation), bête Sheep: des moutons Slaughter: l’abattage, le massacre A slaughterhouse: un abattoir To slaugher: massacrer
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
On Independence Day, may the 4th be with you!
The wounded soldier gritted his teeth against the pain. To grit one’s teeth: serrer les dents Wounded: blessé Pain: la douleur
Hot off the press The government is determined to come to grips with inflation. To come to grips with/to tackle/to address a problem: s’attaquer à un problème
Independence Day: fête anniversaire de l’Indépendance américaine (4 juillet 1776) The 4th (the fourth): le quatrième jour de juillet, le 4 juillet Jeu de mots sur may the 4th be with you (que le 4 juillet soit avec toi) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de la célèbre réplique de Star Wars, may the force be with you (que la force soit avec toi). Ce jeu de mots fonctionne également le 4 mai (May the 4th), vu comme un jour de fête par certains fans.
JULY Today’s quote
I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’t see from the center. Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) - American author Close to the edge: près du bord To live on the edge: marcher sur le fil du rasoir To go over: basculer
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Don’t spell “part” backwards. It’s a trap.
Everyday contexts
To spell backwards: épeler en commençant par la fin Jeu de mots sur it’s a trap: c’est un piège
Get real! The boss will never allow you to take a week off. Get real!: sois réaliste !, faut pas rêver ! A week off: une semaine de congé To allow somebody to do something: autoriser quelqu’un à faire quelque chose
Hot off the press Britain has decided to play hardball with the EU over Brexit. To play hardball (with somebody): employer la manière forte (avec quelqu’un) (Great) Britain: la Grande-Bretagne
JULY Today’s quote
A leader is one who, out of madness or goodness, volunteers to take upon himself the woe of the people. There are few men so foolish, hence the erratic quality of leadership in the world. John Updike (1932-2009) - American author Out of madness or goodness: par folie ou par bonté Woe: le malheur Foolish: insensé Hence: d’où Erratic: irrégulier, changeant
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Once you’ve seen one shopping center, you’ve seen a mall.
Right off the top of her head she listed the names of all U.S. presidents. Off the top of one’s head: de tête
Hot off the press His alternative political movement didn’t last very long. It was just a flash in the pan. A flash in the pan: un feu de paille
Once you’ve seen …: une fois qu’on a vu … A shopping center, a mall: un centre commercial Jeu de mots sur you’ve seen a mall dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de you’ve seen ‘em/them all (on les a tous vus).
JULY Today’s quote
Ignorance is an evil weed, which dictators may cultivate among their dupes, but which no democracy can afford among its citizens. William Beveridge (1879-1963) - British economist Weed: de la mauvaise herbe Evil: maléfique It can’t afford to: elle ne saurait (se) le permettre Citizens: les citoyens
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Those who jump off a Paris bridge are in Seine.
Everyday contexts
To jump off a bridge: sauter d’un pont Jeu de mots sur they are in Seine (ils sont dans la Seine) à rapprocher de they are insane (ils sont fous).
I don’t believe a word he says. He’s full of hot air. To be full of hot air: avoir la grande gueule
Hot off the press The party’s short-lived political success undoubtedly contributed to its downfall. Short-lived: de courte durée A downfall: une chute To contribute to (doing) something: contribuer à (faire) quelque chose
JULY Today’s quote
We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life. John Cage (1912-1992) - American composer To pass understanding: dépasser l’entendement Our daily life: notre vie quotidienne
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
When the famous actress saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she’d dye.
He got a kick out of seeing London last year. To get a kick out of something: adorer, être super content de faire quelque chose
Hot off the press What with rising inflation, soaring unemployment and rampant corruption, it seems to be all gloom and doom for the country. It is all gloom and doom: tout va mal What with … , … , and …: entre … , … , et … Soaring unemployment: un chômage qui monte en flèche Rampant: endémique A corrupt politician: un politicien corrompu
Her first strands of gray hair: ses premières mèches de cheveux gris To dye one’s hair: se teindre les cheveux Jeu de mots sur she thought she’d dye (elle s’est dit qu’elle allait faire une teinture) prononcé comme she thought she’d die (elle a cru qu’elle allait mourir).
JULY Today’s quote
My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation. Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) - Scottish author Abstruse: abscons, obscur Intricate: complexe, très élaboré Abhor: abhorrer, avoir en horreur Dull: ennuyeux, monotone To crave something: avoir grand besoin de quelque chose
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A dentist and a manicurist had a fight. They fought tooth and nail.
Everyday contexts
Tooth: une dent (pl. teeth) Nail: un ongle To have a fight with somebody: se battre, se bagarrer avec quelqu’un Jeu de mots sur l’expression to fight tooth and nail: se battre bec et ongle.
Do you think Dr.Watson resented playing second fiddle to Sherlock Holmes? To play second fiddle (to somebody): jouer les seconds rôles (à côté de) To resent something: avoir du mal à accepter quelque chose
Hot off the press She was very outspoken in her criticism of the party. To be outspoken: ne pas mâcher ses mots To find fault with somebody, something: trouver à redire à, critiquer quelqu’un, quelque chose
JULY Today’s quote
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) - German-born American physicist To climb a tree: grimper à un arbre
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead-to-know basis.
Let’s get down to brass tacks: whose round is it? To get down to brass tacks: en venir aux choses sérieuses Whose round is it?: c’est à qui de payer la tournée ?
Hot off the press The new app will be a boon to smartphone users. To be a boon (to somebody): s’avérer très précieux (pour quelqu’un) A boon: une bénédiction (≠ a bane: un fléau)
A baker: un boulanger To trade bread recipes: échanger des recettes de pain To knead: pétrir To know: savoir, connaître Jeu de mots sur on a knead-to-know basis prononcé comme on a need-toknow basis (de manière ponctuelle).
JULY Today’s quote
Experience is never limited, and it is never complete; it is an immense sensibility, a kind of huge spider-web of the finest silken threads suspended in the chamber of consciousness, and catching every airborne particle in its tissue. Henry James (1843-1916) - American-born British writer A kind of huge spiderweb: une sorte d’énorme toile d’araignée Silken threads: des fils de soie To catch: attraper Airborne: qui flotte dans l’air
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Reading while sunbathing makes you well-red.
Everyday contexts
Reading: lire To sunbathe: prendre un bain de soleil, se faire bronzer Jeu de mots sur well-red (création lexicale: bien rouge) prononcé comme well-read (cultivé).
Paul had spent weeks worrying about the issue and was glad to get it off his chest. To get something off one’s chest: dire ce que l’on a sur le cœur To worry: s’inquiéter
Hot off the press “Let’s not jump the gun and antagonize the unions,” the manager said. To jump the gun: aller trop vite, aller vite en besogne, brûler les étapes To antagonize somebody: contrarier quelqu’un The unions: les syndicats
JULY Today’s quote
For man, as for flower and beast and bird, the supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive. D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) - English author A beast: une bête, un animal To be alive: être vivant
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.
I never got to the bottom of the mystery. To get to the bottom of something: découvrir le fin fond d’une affaire To know the real story: savoir le fin mot de l’histoire
Hot off the press The city is suffering from a plague of car thefts at the moment. A plague of car thefts: une vague de vols de voitures
He drove his car into a tree: il a foncé dans un arbre avec sa voiture He found out how …: il a découvert comment … To bend: plier Jeu de mots sur bends (le verbe prenant ici le -s de la troisième personne du singulier) prononcé comme Benz, la marque de voiture.
JULY Today’s quote
The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes. Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) - American film director
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Velcro. What a rip-off!
Everyday contexts
To rip: déchirer Jeu de mots sur rip-off: a. To rip the buttons off a shirt: arracher les boutons d’une chemise b. What a rip-off!: quelle arnaque !
Good luck trying to convince her. She’s like a bear with a sore head this morning. She’s like a bear with a sore head: elle est d’une humeur massacrante, elle n’est pas à prendre avec des pincettes A bear with a sore head: un ours avec un mal de crâne To convince somebody: convaincre quelqu’un
Hot off the press The newspaper is being accused of cashing in on the actor’s death. To cash in on something: tirer profit de quelque chose
JULY Today’s quote
Sweet is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart. Washington Irving (1793-1859) - American author and diplomat Sweet: doux Memory: le souvenir The mellow rays of the departing sun: les doux rayons du soleil couchant Sadly: tristement
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A patient sobs to his doctor: “I feel like a pair of curtains!” Says the doctor: “Well, pull yourself together!”
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? To get up on the wrong side of the bed: se lever du pied gauche
Hot off the press It’s a terrible shame that the hopes and ambitions of a generation of Iraqis have been blighted by terrorism. It’s a terrible shame that …: il est tellement regrettable que … Blighted by something: anéanti par quelque chose A blight: un fléau
To sob: sangloter I feel like a pair of curtains: je me sens comme une paire de rideaux Jeu de mots sur pull: a. To pull the curtains: tirer les rideaux b. Pull yourself together!: ressaisissez-vous !
JULY Today’s quote
When it comes to luck, you make your own. Bruce Springsteen (born 1949) - American musician When it comes to: en matière de You make your own luck: la chance, on la crée soi-même
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A hard-boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
Everyday contexts
A hard-boiled egg: un œuf dur Jeu de mots sur it’s hard to beat: a. C’est difficile à battre, à fouetter (cf. to beat an egg) b. C’est imbattable, on ne fait pas mieux A soft-boiled egg: un œuf à la coque A fried egg: un œuf au plat Scrambled eggs: des œufs brouillés
Do you want me to spell it out for you? To spell things out: faire un dessin
Hot off the press The Labour MP lost the debate because he tried to claim the moral high ground and shift public opinion in his favour. He came across as very selfrighteous. To take, claim the (moral) high ground: avoir un sens moral supérieur aux autres To shift public opinion: faire changer d’avis les électeurs A Labour MP: un député travailliste (≠ Tory: conservateur) Self-righteous: arrogant
JULY Today’s quote
If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else. Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) - African-American educator and civil rights activist To lift oneself up: s’élever
Today’s expressions
Everyday contexts Public speaking is a very lucrative activity and many politicians get onto the gravy train when they retire. To be on, to ride the gravy train: avoir trouvé le bon filon/une bonne planque A cushy job: un boulot pépère To have a cushy time: se la couler douce To retire: partir à la retraite
Hot off the press Mr White claimed that he was the victim of media lynching, blaming newspapers and television stations for circulating false information. Media lynching: le lynchage médiatique To blame somebody (for doing) something: reprocher à quelqu’un (de faire/d’avoir fait) quelque chose
Today’s pun Acupuncture: a jab well done. Jeu de mots sur jab: a. A jab well done: une injection/ piqûre bien faite b. A job well done: un boulot bien fait To jab a knife into somebody: donner un coup de couteau à quelqu’un
JULY Today’s quote
This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before. Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990) - American composer Devotedly: avec dévouement
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A man’s home is his castle, in a manor of speaking.
Everyday contexts
An (English)man’s home is his castle: charbonnier est maître chez lui A castle: un château A manor: un manoir Jeu de mots sur a manor of speaking prononcé comme a manner of speaking (une façon de parler).
You’ve been very quiet for a while. A penny for your thoughts! A penny for your thoughts!: à quoi penses-tu ? Quiet: silencieux
Hot off the press The government is hard pressed to curb the upsurge in drug-related violence. To be hard pressed to do something: avoir beaucoup de mal à faire quelque chose To be hard pressed for money: être vraiment à court d’argent An upsurge in violence: un regain de violence To curb: freiner
JULY Today’s quote
Wondrous is the strength of cheerfulness and its power of endurance. The cheerful man will do more in the same time—will do it better and preserve it longer than the sad or sullen. Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) - Scottish philosopher and historian Wondrous: merveilleux, extraordinaire The strength of cheerfulness: la force de la bonne humeur, de la gaieté The sad or sullen: la personne triste ou mausade
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
If you don’t pay your exorcist, you get repossessed.
I can’t chair the upcoming meeting. I’ve got too much on my plate already. To have too much on one’s plate: ne pas savoir où donner de la tête To chair a meeting: présider à une réunion Upcoming: à venir
Hot off the press Competition in the area of counterterrorism tends to generate more heat than light. To generate more heat than light: échauffer les esprits au lieu de les éclairer Counterterrorism: l’antiterrorisme
Jeu de mots sur to get repossessed: a. Se faire saisir ses biens par un huissier b. Se faire « reposséder »
JULY Today’s quote
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. Judy Garland (1922-1969) - American singer and actress First-rate: excellent, de premier ordre Second-rate: médiocre, de qualité inférieure
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
My wife really likes to make pottery. It’s kiln time.
Everyday contexts
A pottery kiln: un four céramique Jeu de mots sur it’s kiln time (c’est l’heure du four) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de it’s killin’/ killing time (ça fait passer le temps).
Jane’s a tough nut to crack. I can’t figure her out at all. (S)he’s/it’s a tough/hard nut to crack: ce n’est pas quelqu’un de facile, ce n’est pas un petit problème I can’t figure her out: je n’arrive pas du tout à la comprendre I can’t figure it out: ça me dépasse
Hot off the press The company is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. On the brink of bankruptcy: au bord de la faillite To teeter on the brink of …: être prêt à tomber dans … A company: une entreprise
JULY Today’s quote
Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. Franklin P. Jones (1908-1980) - American journalist What makes the world go round: ce qui fait tourner le monde What makes the ride worthwhile: ce qui fait que le voyage en vaut la peine
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I fired my masseuse today. She rubbed me the wrong way.
I had a bone to pick with him. He owed me fifty bucks. To have a bone to pick with somebody: avoir un compte à régler avec quelqu’un He owed me fifty bucks: il me devait 50 dollars
Hot off the press A game of political brinkmanship has begun in Congress with the careers of some senators on the line. A game of political brinkmanship has begun: les sénateurs ont entamé une partie de poker Their careers are on the line: leur carrière est en jeu
To fire: virer Jeu de mots sur she rubbed me the wrong way: a. To rub: frotter / to do something the wrong/right way: mal/bien faire quelque chose b. To rub somebody (up) the wrong way: prendre quelqu’un à rebrousse-poil
JULY Today’s quote
Every man’s dream is to be able to sink into the arms of a woman without also falling into her hands. Jerry Lewis (1926-2017) - American comedian To sink into the arms of a woman: tomber dans les bras d’une femme (to sink: couler) To fall into the arms of a woman: tomber entre les mains d’une femme
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I used to be a lumberjack, but I just couldn’t hack it, so they gave me the axe.
Everyday contexts
I used to be …: autrefois, j’étais … A lumberjack: un bûcheron To hack something: couper, tailler quelque chose An axe: une hache Deux jeux de mots: a. I just couldn’t hack it: j’étais complètement largué, je détestais ça b. They gave me the axe: ils m’ont viré c. I couldn’t cut it: je n’étais pas à la hauteur.
I think he’s got a screw loose. Nobody in their right mind would swim with their shoes on! To have a screw loose: avoir une case en moins Nobody in their right mind: aucun être sensé
Hot off the press The political campaign was fueled by racism and xenophobia. To fuel: nourrir, alimenter
JULY Today’s quote
There’s a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) - Canadian musician A crack: une fissure
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
If electricity comes from electrons, does that mean that morality comes from morons?
Two hundred quid to fix a cracked smartphone screen? That’s highway robbery! It’s highway robbery: c’est du vol manifeste Two hundred quid (fam. inv.): deux cents livres (a pound: une livre) To fix a cracked screen: réparer un écran fissuré
Hot off the press Heavy rainfalls came as a godsend to farmers in droughtstricken Somaliland. To come as a godsend (to): être une bénédiction (pour) Heavy rainfalls: de fortes pluies Drought-stricken: en proie à la sécheresse
Does that mean …?: cela veut-il dire que … ? A moron: un débile, un crétin
JULY Today’s quote
Any product that needs a manual to work is broken. Elon Musk (born 1971) - American entrepreneur A user’s manual: un manuel d’utilisation
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Dancing cheek-to-cheek is really a form of floor play.
Everyday contexts
Cheek-to-cheek: joue contre joue The dancefloor: la piste de dance Jeu de mots sur floor play (un jeu sur la piste) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de foreplay (les préliminaires amoureux).
The food was terrible, I grant you that, but she shouldn’t have blamed her husband for trying out his new recipe on the guests. That’s hitting below the belt! To hit below the belt: porter un coup bas I grant you that: je vous l’accorde A recipe: un recette To blame somebody (for doing) something: reprocher à quelqu’un (de faire/d’avoir fait) quelque chose
Hot off the press Overreaction will only play into the hands of the terrorists, turning them into martyrs and heroes. To play into the hands of somebody: jouer le jeu de quelqu’un Overreaction: réaction excessive
JULY Today’s quote
My soul has grown deep like the rivers. Langston Hughes (1902-1967) - African-American poet The soul: l’âme Deep: profond
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Adolescence: when a lad forsakes his bosom buddy for a bosomed buddy.
The startup really hit the jackpot with these wireless headphones. To hit the jackpot: gagner le gros lot, faire un malheur/tabac Wirelesss headphones: des casques (à écouteurs) sans fil
Hot off the press The company was forced to make drastic cuts and axe thousands of jobs. To make drastic cuts: opérer des coupes claires dans le budget To axe thousands of jobs: supprimer des milliers d’emplois (an axe: une hache) To be given the axe: être mis à la porte To axe expenditure: réduire les dépenses
A lad: un gars, un garçon To forsake: abandonner The bosom: la poitrine, les seins Jeu de mots sur bosom buddy (un ami intime/de cœur) et bosomed buddy (création lexicale: une amie dotée d’une poitrine).
JULY Today’s quote
We build too many walls and not enough bridges. Issac Newton (1643-1727) - English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer Walls: des murs Bridges: des ponts
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Banning the bra was a big flop.
Everyday contexts
Banning the bra: l’interdiction du soutien-gorge Jeu de mots sur flop: a. To flop: s’effondrer, tomber b. It was a big flop: ça a été un bide, un fiasco
The speaker hit the nail on the head when she explained that the fight against climate change required action by both developed and developing countries. To hit the nail (right) on the head, to hit the spot: taper dans le mille To require: requérir Both: à la fois
Hot off the press Public scrutiny and control should not have priority over people’s right to privacy. To have priority (over something): avoir la priorité (sur quelque chose)
JULY Today’s quote
I’ve failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan (born 1963) - American basketball player To fail: échouer To succeed: réussir Over and over again: maintes et maintes fois
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A cannibal had a wife and ate children.
My parents hit the roof when they found out that my sister was smoking pot. To hit the roof: piquer une crise Pot, weed, cannabis, marijuana: de l’herbe, du cannabis
Hot off the press North Korea flexed its muscles with several missile tests over Japan and South Korea. To flex one’s muscles: faire jouer ses muscles
A wife: une femme Jeu de mots sur ate prononcé comme eight: a. He had a wife and ate children: il avait une femme et mangeait des enfants b. He had a wife and eight children: il avait une femme et huit enfants
Today’s quote What is sad for women of my generation is that they weren’t supposed to work if they had families. What were they going to do when the children are grown—watch the raindrops coming down the window pane? Jackie Kennedy (1929-1994) - U.S. First Lady Supposed to (do something): censé (faire quelque chose) Raindrops: des gouttes de pluie The window pane: la vitre, le carreau
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do you call Mexican cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur nacho (plat mexicain à base de haricots rouges, fromage et épices) prononcé ici de manière relâchée comme not your (pas le tien).
You shouldn’t invest all your money in Bitcoins. Never put all your eggs in one basket. To put all one’s eggs in one/in the same basket: mettre tous ses œufs dans le même panier
Hot off the press Life expectancy has significantly increased over the last few decades. Life expectancy: l’espérance de vie Over the last few decades: au cours des dernières décennies To increase: augmenter
JULY Today’s quote
Television is chewing gum for the eyes. Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) - American architect
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Condoms should be used on every conceivable occasion.
Don’t ask him if he’s still upset about his breakup with Julia, he hasn’t talked about it lately. Just let sleeping dogs lie. Let sleeping dogs lie: il ne faut pas réveiller le chat qui dort A breakup: une rupture Lately: dernièrement
Hot off the press In a bid to crack down on illegal immigration, EU countries have decided to tighten border controls and deport bogus asylum seekers. In a bid to …: pour tenter de … To crack down on something: réprimer quelque chose To tighten: renforcer To deport: expulser EU countries: les pays de l’Union européenne Bogus asylum seekers: de faux demandeurs d’asile
Condoms should be used: il faudrait utiliser des préservatifs Jeu de mots sur on every conceivable occasion: a. A chaque occasion de concevoir b. A chaque fois que c’est possible
JULY Today’s quote
Every man needs two women: a quiet home-maker, and a thrilling nymph. Iris Murdoch (1919-1999) - Anglo-Irish author and philosopher A home-maker: une femme d’intérieur Quiet: docile, calme Thrilling: excitant, affriolant, palpitant
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish.
Everyday contexts
To tune a piano: accorder un piano Tuna: du thon Jeu de mots sur tuna fish dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de tune a fish.
I didn’t actually say that you were a loudmouth, but if the shoe fits… If the shoe/cap fits, wear it: il n’y a que la vérité qui blesse Don’t put words into my mouth!: ne me fais pas dire ce que je n’ai pas dit ! It fits: ça me va A loudmouth/a bigmouth: une grande gueule
Hot off the press In rural areas, the destitute are continually forced to live from hand to mouth. To live from hand to mouth: vivre au jour le jour The destitute: les indigents
JULY Today’s quote
The secret of success is to be fully awake to everything about you. Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) - American painter To be fully awake to something: être pleinement conscient de quelque chose About you: autour de vous
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The student was an aggressive learner and frequently hit the papers.
She plans to be an investment banker by the age of thirty. She’s definitely hitched her wagon to a star. To hitch one’s wagon to a star: aspirer à de hautes destinées
Hot off the press Seeking to make amends for past wrongdoing, Portugal and Spain have adopted laws granting citizenship to descendants of Sephardic Jews persecuted during the Inquisition. To make amends: se racheter Wrongdoing: des méfaits To grant citizenship (to somebody): accorder la nationalité (à quelqu’un) Sephardic Jews: les juifs sépharades
A student: un étudiant Papers: des copies d’examen Jeu de mots sur to hit the papers: a. Frapper les copies b. Faire les gros titres des journaux (aussi: to hit the headlines)
JULY Today’s quote
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. Bertrand Russel (1872-1970) - British philosopher Fools: les imbéciles, les idiots Wiser people: les individus plus sages/réfléchis
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I used to be a tap-dancer until I fell in the sink.
Everyday contexts
I used to be …: autrefois, j’étais … A tap-dancer: un/e danseur/euse de claquettes Until I fell: jusqu’à ce que je tombe The sink: l’évier Jeu de mots sur tap qui veut également dire robinet.
You can’t bury your head in the sand like an ostrich and just hope your problems will vanish. To bury one’s head in the sand: pratiquer la politique de l’autruche To vanish: disparaître
Hot off the press It is the duty of Western governments to cancel Third World debt. It is the duty of …: il est du devoir de … Western/Eastern: occidental/oriental To cancel Third World debt: annuler la dette des pays du Tiers-Monde
AUGUST Today’s quote
Marriage is like a game of chess except the board is flowing water, the pieces are made of smoke, and no move you make will have any effect on the outcome. Jerry Seinfeld (born 1954) - American comedian A game of chess: un jeu d’échecs Except (that): sauf que, excepté que The board is flowing with water: il y a plein d’eau sur l’échiquier A move: un coup The outcome: le résultat, l’issue
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
If you spent your day in a well, could you say your day was well-spent?
If you want to speak English fluently, do it as much as you can. Practice makes perfect! Practice makes perfect: c’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron To speak fluently: parler avec aisance, avec facilité
Hot off the press With a relatively long recession looming large, many American families are planning to tighten their belts. The recession is looming large: la récession se profile à l’horizon To tighten one’s belt, to live on a shoestring: se serrer la ceinture
If you spent your day in a well: si vous passiez votre journée dans un puits Jeu de mots sur well-spent: a. Utilisé à bon escient b. Création lexicale: une journée passée dans un puits
AUGUST Today’s quote
I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace. Thomas Paine (1737-1809) - English-American political activist Trouble: conflits, troubles
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I dropped out of socialism class because of lousy Marx.
Everyday contexts
To drop out (of school): abandonner ses études A class: un cours Lousy: minable, nul, pourri Jeu de mots sur lousy Marx (Karl Marx le minable) prononcé comme lousy marks (des notes minables, pourries).
Revenge porn is devastating. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Two wrongs don’t make a right: on ne répare pas une injustice par une autre Revenge porn: contenu sexuellement explicite partagé en ligne sans le consentement de la personne victime de la vengeance
Hot off the press It is time we stopped turning a blind eye to the problem of anorexia in the fashion industry. It is time we … (+ prétérit): il est temps d’arrêter de … To turn a blind eye to something: fermer les yeux sur quelque chose To turn a deaf ear to something: faire la sourde oreille à quelque chose To look the other way: fermer les yeux The fashion industry: l’industrie de la mode
AUGUST Today’s quote
At any given moment, public opinion is a chaos of superstition, misinformation and prejudice. Gore Vidal (1925-2012) - American writer and intellectual At any given moment: à tout moment, à n’importe quel moment Misinformation: la désinformation Prejudices die hard: les préjugés ont la vie dure
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Did Noah keep his bees in archives?
Sarah and Tamara fell out over money last year, but they have decided to bury the hatchet. To bury the hatchet: enterrer la hache de guerre To fall out over money: se brouiller pour une histoire d’argent
Hot off the press The government has been accused of taking a leap in the dark as they prepare to overhaul the health care system. To take a leap in the dark: faire un saut dans l’inconnu To overhaul the health care system: réformer le système de santé
Noah’s ark: l’ache de Noé To keep: garder Bees: des abeilles Jeu de mots sur archives prononcé comme ark hives (an ark: une arche / a beehive: une ruche).
AUGUST Today’s quote
Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Mark Twain (1835-1910) - American author Bigotry: le fanatisme, le racisme (US) Narrow-mindedness: l’étroitesse d’esprit Open-mindedness: l’ouverture d’esprit
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
My socks got really holy. I can only wear them to church.
Everyday contexts
Socks: des chaussettes To wear: porter Church: l’église Jeu de mots sur holy: a. Saint b. Toutes trouées (création lexicale à partir de hole: trou)
I think I’d better not go rock climbing with you this weekend. I’m no spring chicken. I’m no spring chicken: je ne suis plus tout jeune. Spring: le printemps Rock climbing: de l’escalade I’d (had) better not go: je ferais mieux de ne pas y aller I’d (would) rather not go: je préférerais ne pas y aller
Hot off the press The government is committed to creating a level playing field for all companies. A level playing field: une situation équitable To be committed to doing something: être engagé à faire quelque chose
AUGUST Today’s quote
Success always necessitates a degree of ruthlessness. Given the choice of friendship or success, I’d probably choose success. Sting (born 1951) - English musician It necessitates ruthlessness: il faut être impitoyable Friendship: l’amitié
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
When life gives you melons, you’re probably dyslexic. And if life gives you llamas, make llamanade.
Stacy: “I don’t understand why Tom likes heavy metal so much. It’s so loud!” Jim: “It takes all sorts, you know.” It takes all sorts (to make a world): tous les goûts dont dans la nature, il faut de tout pour faire un monde
Hot off the press The planet is heating up and our survival is at stake. Business as usual is no longer an option. Business as usual is no longer an option: on ne peut plus continuer à faire comme avant [Politics, etc.] as usual: continuer à faire pareil [en politique, etc.] To heat up: se réchauffer To be at stake: être en jeu
Life: la vie Melons: des melons A llama: un lama On détourne ici l’expression if life gives your lemons (des citrons), make lemonade (de la limonade): si on vous balance des tomates, faites-en de la soupe.
AUGUST Today’s quote
Break a vase, and the love that reassembles the fragments is stronger than that love which took its symmetry for granted when it was whole. Derek Walcott (1930-2017) - Caribbean poet and playwright To take something for granted: trouver quelque chose tout à fait normal Whole: entier
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What did the cell say to his sister when she stepped on his foot? Mitosis.
Everyday contexts
A cell: une cellule To step on somebody’s toes: marcher sur les pieds de quelqu’un Jeu de mots sur mitosis (la mitose, division de la cellule) prononcé comme my toe sis (= sister) (mon orteil, sœurette).
Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want! To beat around the bush: tourner autour du pot (a bush: un buisson)
Hot off the press Women have come a long way, but still have a long way to go before being on an equal footing with men. (Women) have come a long way, but still have a long way to go before (+Ving): (les femmes) ont fait du chemin mais il leur en reste encore beaucoup à parcourir avant de … (Equality) is a long way off: il faudra encore du temps pour atteindre (l’égalité) To be on an equal footing with somebody: être sur un pied d’égalité avec quelqu’un
AUGUST Today’s quote Money doesn’t talk, it swears.
Bob Dylan (born 1941) - American musician and poet Money talks: l’argent est roi To talk: parler To swear: jurer, être grossier
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Which country’s capital is the fastest growing? Ireland’s. Every year it’s Dublin.
The boss is in a very good mood. Why don’t you strike while the iron is hot and ask for a promotion now? To strike while the iron is hot: battre le fer pendant qu’il est chaud To push one’s luck: y aller trop fort, exagérer In a good (≠ bad) mood: de bonne humeur
Hot off the press It is starting to sink in that the threat of terror attacks is part and parcel of life in big cities. It is starting to sink in that …: les gens commencent à comprendre/à se rendre compte que … The threat of terror attacks: la menace d’attaques terroristes It is part and parcel of: cela fait partie intégrante de
Which country’s capital …?: quel est le pays dont la capitale … ? The fastest growing: qui connaît la croissance la plus rapide Ireland’s: celle de l’Irlande Jeu de mots sur it’s Dublin prononcé comme it’s doublin’/doubling (elle double).
AUGUST Today’s quote
Being born is like being kidnapped. And then sold into slavery. Andy Warhol (1928-1987) - American pop artist To be sold into slavery: être vendu comme esclave To be born: naître A slave: un esclave
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Two vultures board an airplane, each carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at them and says: “I’m sorry, gentlemen, only one carrion allowed per passenger.”
Everyday contexts
A vulture: un vautour To board: embarquer To carry: (trans)porter A dead raccoon: un raton laveur mort The stewardess: l’hôtesse Allowed: autorisé Jeu de mots sur carrion (une charogne) prononcé comme carry-on (un bagage à main).
I’ll never invite him to a party again. He’s such a wet blanket! A wet blanket: un rabat-joie
Hot off the press Racism develops against a background of unemployment and socio-cultural exclusion. Against a background of …: sur fond de … Against the backdrop of …: avec … en toile de fond Unemployment: chômage
AUGUST Today’s quote
Though the sex to which I belong is considered weak, you will nevertheless find me a rock that bends to no wind. Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) The weaker sex: le sexe faible Nevertheless: néanmoins To bend: plier The wind: le vent
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.
The police arrived in time and the thief was caught red-handed. To be caught red-handed: être pris en flagrant délit/la main dans le sac A thief (pl. thieves): un voleur
Hot off the press Scientists have recently achieved a major breakthrough in the fight against AIDS. To achieve a major breakthrough: franchir une étape importante A groundbreaking discovery: une découverte révolutionnaire To break new/fresh ground: innover, faire œuvre de pionnier AIDS: le sida
A hole: un trou The nudist camp wall: le mur du camp de nudistes The police are … (toujours suivi d’un pluriel an anglais): la police est … Jeu de mots sur they are looking into it: a. La police regarde par le trou b. La police enquête (to look into something: enquêter sur quelque chose)
AUGUST Today’s quote
Idealism is no good. Any concrete dedication to an abstract condition results in unpleasant things like wars. Thomas Pynchon (born 1937) - American author Dedication: le dévouement (Un)pleasant: (dés)agréable
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
If a wild pig kills you, does it mean you’ve been boared to death?
Everyday contexts
A wild pig: un sanglier Does it mean that …?: cela veut-il dire que … ? Jeu de mots sur boared to death prononcé comme bored to death: a. To be boared to death: être tué par un sanglier / a (wild) boar: un sanglier b. To be bored to death: s’ennuyer à mourir c. To be gored to death: être tué d’un coup de corne
I’m sure you can finish this project in time. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Where there’s a will there’s a way: quand on veut, on peut Will: la volonté A way: un chemin
Hot off the press Europe has pledged to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030, which is a mighty step forward. It is a (mighty) step forward: c’est un (très grand) pas en avant A step in the right direction: un pas dans la bonne direction Greenhouse gas emissions: les émissions de gaz à effet de serre To pledge to do something: promettre de faire quelque chose, s’engager à faire quelque chose
AUGUST Today’s quote
Courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace. Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) - South African anti-apartheid activist and president To forgive: pardonner For the sake of peace: au nom de/dans l’intérêt de la paix
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Life-saving travel tip: never say “Hi, Jack!” in an airport.
I’ve been in the doghouse with my wife ever since I forgot our anniversary. To be in the doghouse: être en disgrâce, être puni (enfant) A doghouse: une niche Anniversary (≠ birthday): anniversaire de mariage
Hot off the press Developed and developing countries alike tend to drag their feet over reducing their carbon emissions. To drag one’s feet/heels (over V-ing): traîner les pieds (quand il s’agit de) Heels: les talons X and Y alike: X comme Y
Life-saving: qui sauve la vie A travel tip: un conseil de voyage Jeu de mots sur Hi, Jack! (salut, Jack !) prononcé comme hijack (détourner un avion).
AUGUST Today’s quote Cock your hat—angles are attitude.
Frank Sinatra (1915-1998) - American singer and actor To cock one’s hat: incliner son chapeau sur la tête (légèrement en arrière et sur le côté, comme le faisait Sinatra)
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.
Everyday contexts
To make a tissue dance: faire danser un mouchoir en papier Jeu de mots sur boogie (le boogie, la danse) à rapprocher de bogey (une crotte de nez).
Our company was late jumping on the Internet bandwagon and we’re now lagging behind the competition. To lag behind (somebody): être la lanterne rouge, être à la traîne (par rapport à quelqu’un) To jump on the bandwagon: prendre le train en marche Late: en retard/tard Early: en avance/tôt
Hot off the press Poor families generally bear the brunt of tough economic times. To bear the brunt of something: faire les frais de quelque chose Tough: dur
AUGUST Today’s quote
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) - Irish playwright A playwright: un dramaturge Useful: utile
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The rabbi really messed up that circumcision. It was a total rip-off.
Take care of the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves, my grandpa used to say. Take care of the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves: il n’y a pas de petites économies, les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières A pound: une livre
Hot off the press Obesity is a scourge and we are about to reach breaking point. To reach breaking point: atteindre le point de rupture To reach crisis point: atteindre le point critique A scourge/plague: un fléau
A rabbi: un rabbin To mess something up: gâcher/faire foirer quelque chose Jeu de mots sur rip off: a. To rip something off: arracher quelque chose b. A total rip-off!: une belle arnaque !
AUGUST Today’s quote
Life is like an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. Carl Sandburg (1878-1967) - American poet To peel: peler A layer: une couche To weep: pleurer One at a time: un par un
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Coffee is the silent victim. It gets mugged every day.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur to get mugged: a. Se faire agresser b. Se faire mettre dans un mug (création lexicale)
She has a chip on her shoulder because Chris stood her up yesterday. To have a chip on one’s shoulder because …: ne pas avoir digéré le fait que … To have a grudge against somebody: avoir une dent contre quelqu’un To stand somebody up: poser un lapin à quelqu’un
Hot off the press Newspapers publish leaked information because the public interest is at stake. To be at stake: être en jeu Leaked information: des informations ayant fuité
AUGUST Today’s quote
Good humour is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society. William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) - British author Articles of dress: des vêtements To wear: porter
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net and he won’t bother you for weeks.
Don’t worry, we’re all in the same boat here. We’re all broke! To be in the same boat: être logé à la même enseigne, être dans la même galère To be broke: être fauché
Hot off the press There’s no quick fix to the country’s economic problems. There’s no quick fix/magic bullet: il n’y a pas de solution miracle A quick fix, a makeshift solution: une solution de fortune A stopgap measure: une solution provisoire A cure-all: une panacée
To feed somebody: nourrir quelqu’un To bother somebody: embêter/ ennuyer quelqu’un Jeu de mots sur Net: a. A net: un filet b. The Net, the Internet: le Net, Internet
AUGUST Today’s quote
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton (1862-1937) - American author To spread light: propager de la lumière A candle: une bougie
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’m going to buy some velcro for my shoes instead of laces. Why knot?
Everyday contexts
Buy some velcro instead of laces: acheter du velcro au lieu de lacets Jeu de mots sur why knot? (pourquoi faire des nœuds?) prononcé comme why not? (pourquoi pas ?).
Don’t blame me for our failed marriage! It takes two to tango. It takes two to tango: il faut être deux, une seule personne ne saurait être responsable Failed: raté To blame somebody (for doing) something: reprocher à quelqu’un (de faire/d’avoir fait) quelque chose
Hot off the press This revelation is just the tip of the iceberg. Many more politicians are thought to be involved in the money laundering scandal. The tip of the iceberg: la partie visible de l’iceberg Money laundering: le blanchiment d’argent
AUGUST Today’s quote
Now more than ever we need to talk to each other, to listen to each other and understand how we see the world, and cinema is the best medium for doing this. Martin Scorsese (born 1942) - American film director A medium: un moyen d’expression
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I’ve been to the dentist’s many times so I know the drill.
He sits around all day twiddling his thumbs. To twiddle one’s thumbs: se tourner les pouces To sit around all day: rester assis toute la journée à rien faire To be bone idle: avoir un poil dans la main A couch potato: un molasson (qui passe son temps devant la télé)
Hot off the press Politicians all too often do no more than pay lip service to the environment. All too often: bien trop souvent To pay lip service to the enviroment: se contenter de parler de l’environnement, n’être écologiste qu’en paroles An eco-friendly lifestyle: un mode de vie respectueux de l’environnement
Jeu de mots sur drill: a. A drill: la fraise (de dentiste) b. I know the drill: je connais la musique
AUGUST Today’s quote
You have to think anyway, so why not think big? Donald Trump (born 1946) - 45th U.S. President Anyway: de toute façon To think big: voir les choses en grand
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I was going to tell a Mexican joke, but that’s just crossing the border.
Everyday contexts
To tell a Mexican joke: raconter une blague sur les Mexicains Jeu de mots sur cross the border: 1. To cross the border: traverser la frontière 2. That’s crossing the border: ça va trop loin, ça dépasse les limites
The show really jumped the shark when Harry transformed into a werewolf in the season finale. To jump the shark: devenir n’importe quoi (pour une série télévisée) A werewolf: un loup-garou
Hot off the press The company produced its trump card when it revealed its plans to manufacture a new hybrid car. To produce one’s trump card: jouer son atout A company: une entreprise
AUGUST Today’s quote
The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war. Norman Schwartzkopf (1934-2012) - U.S. Army General To sweat: transpirer To bleed: saigner
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Toilet paper plays an important role in my life.
The cat’s out of the bag. He’s told her about the surprise birthday party! To let the cat out of the bag, to spill the beans: vendre la mèche
Hot off the press There is really no evidence that capital punishment acts as a deterrent to crime. To act as a deterrent to something: avoir un effet dissuasif sur quelque chose To deter somebody from doing something: dissuader quelqu’un de faire quelque chose There is no evidence that …: rien ne permet d’affirmer que … Capital punishment, the death penalty: la peine capitale, la peine de mort
Jeu de mots sur role prononcé comme roll: a. A roll: un rouleau b. To play an important role: jouer un rôle important
AUGUST Today’s quote
Original thought, original artistic expression is by its very nature questioning, irreverent, iconoclastic. Salman Rushdie (born 1947) - British-Indian author Questioning: interrogateur, curieux Irreverent: irrévérencieux
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
The outcome of war does not prove who is right, but only who is left.
Everyday contexts
The outcome of war: l’issue de la guerre Jeu de mots sur who is right et who is left: a. Right: la droite / left: la gauche b. Who is right: qui a raison / who is left: qui est encore en vie
Some pensioners earn just enough to keep body and soul together. Just enough to keep body and soul together: juste assez pour subsister Body and soul: le corps et l’âme Pensioners: les retraités To earn money: gagner de l’argent
Hot off the press The president said his administration was making headway with the negotiations. To make headway (with something): avancer, progresser
AUGUST Today’s quote
Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion. Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) - American author To yield to something: céder à quelque chose Trends: des tendances, des modes Fads: des lubies Crazes: des engouements Fashion: la mode
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why did the picture go to jail? Because it was framed.
Good luck, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! To keep one’s fingers crossed: croiser les doigts
Hot off the press The president’s sweeping statements about immigration have caused yet another a public outcry. A public outcry: une levée de boucliers, un tollé général People are up in arms over …: … a provoqué une levée de boucliers Sweeping statements: des déclarations à l’emporte-pièce Disparaging comments: des remarques désobligeantes, méprisantes Yet another: encore une autre, une de plus
A picture: une image, une photo To go to jail: aller en prison Jeu de mots sur it was framed: a. Elle s’est fait encadrer (a frame: un cadre) b. C’était un coup monté (to frame somebody: monter un coup contre quelqu’un)
AUGUST Today’s quote
A somebody was once a nobody who wanted to and did. John Burroughs (1837-1921) - American naturalist Once: il fut un temps A somebody: un personnage important A nobody: un rien du tout, un inconnu Who wanted to and did: qui voulait devenir quelqu’un et y est parvenu
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Stop with the blind jokes. I don’t see their point.
Everyday contexts
The blind jokes: les blagues sur les aveugles Jeu de mots sur I don’t see the point: je n’en vois pas l’intérêt
This support group is the only thing helping me keep my head above water. To keep one’s head above water: se maintenir à flot A support group: un groupe d’entraide, de soutien To support somebody: soutenir quelqu’un (vs I can’t stand him/her: je ne le/la supporte pas)
Hot off the press American politicians wanting to tighten gun control laws are skating on thin ice. To tighten gun control laws: renforcer la législation sur les armes à feu To be (skating) on thin ice: être sur un terrain glissant (thin ice: une mince couche de glace)
AUGUST Today’s quote
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. Issac Newton (1643-1727) - English mathematician, astronomer, and physicist Further: plus loin Shoulders: les épaules
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why did everyone want to hang out with the mushroom? Because he was a fungi.
They will accept the new deal, knock on wood. Knock on wood: je touche du bois A deal: un marché
Hot off the press The increasing cost of food is a heavy burden for very poor households. A heavy burden: un lourd/pesant fardeau Increasing: croissant A household: un ménage
To hang out with a mushroom: fréquenter un champignon Jeu de mots sur fungi (des champignons, terme générique en botanique) dont la prononciation se rapprocher de a fun guy (quelqu’un de marrant).
AUGUST Today’s quote
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama (born 1961) - 44th U.S. President To seek: (re)chercher
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What is the difference between a nicely dressed man on a tricycle and a poorly dressed man on a bicycle? A tire.
Everyday contexts You’ll soon be laughing on the other side of your face!
A nicely/poorly dressed man: un homme bien/mal habillé Jeu de mots sur a tire (un pneu) prononcé comme attire (les vêtements, les habits, la tenue). A wheel: une roue
To laugh on the other side of one’s face: regretter ce qu’on a dit/fait, rire jaune Revenge is a dish best eaten cold: la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid
Hot off the press The international community should match words with actions and halt violence against Christian minorities in the Middle East. To match words with actions: cesser de parler et passer aux actes To halt: enrayer, endiguer The Middle East: le Moyen-Orient The West: l’Occident
AUGUST Today’s quote
You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. Harold Pinter (1930-2008) - English playwright You have to hand it to America: il faut reconnaître que l’Amérique a bien joué son coup To masquerade as …: passer pour …
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
It’s not nice making fun of fat people. They’ve got enough on their plates as it is.
I will leave no stone unturned to find my biological father. To leave no stone unturned: remuer ciel et terre
Hot off the press The fall of the Berlin Wall marked a turning point in modern history. A turning point: un tournant, un moment décisif
It’s not nice …: ça ne se fait pas, ce n’est pas sympa de … To make fun of fat people: se moquer des gros Jeu de mots sur they’ve got enough on their plates as it is: a. Ils en ont suffisamment dans leur assiette comme ça b. Ils ont bien assez à faire comme ça (I’ve got a lot on my plate: j’ai beaucoup à faire)
AUGUST Today’s quote
The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) - 26th U.S. President To get along with somebody: s’entendre avec quelqu’un
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I don’t know what’s up with this bottle of whiskey, but I’m going to get to the bottom of it.
Everyday contexts
I don’t know what’s up with …: je ne sais pas ce qui cloche avec … A bottle: une bouteille The bottom: le fond Jeu de mots sur to get to the bottom of it: a. Arriver au fond de la bouteille b. Découvrir le fin fond de l’histoire
He tumbled head over heels but managed, heroically, to keep a straight face. To keep a straight face: garder son sérieux To keep a poker face: garder un visage impassible To tumble head over heels: culbuter
Hot off the press Racism is still lurking in many places and racial profiling from the police is a grim reality. A grim reality: une triste/dure réalité To be lurking: être latent Racial profiling: le délit de faciès
Today’s quote I do not wish women to have power over men, but over themselves. Mary Shelley (1797-1851) - English author
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Koala: “What do you mean, I’m not a bear? I have all the koalafications.” Elephant: “Your koalafications are completely irrelephant.” Lion: “Don’t listen to him! He’s lion!” Bear: “All this arguing is becoming unbearable!”
Your secret is safe with me, mum’s the word! Mum’s the word!: motus (et bouche cousue) ! Safe: en sécurité
Hot off the press Corruption is the greatest scourge to economic development around the world. A scourge, a plague, a bane: un fléau
What do you mean …?: comment ça … ? All this arguing: toute cette querelle Jeux de mots en série: a. Koalafications à rapprocher de qualifications. b. Irrelephant à rapprocher de irrevelant (hors de propos). c. He’s lion à rapprocher de he’s lyin’/lying (il ment). d. Unbearable (insupportable) / a bear: un ours
AUGUST Today’s quote
When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) - 32nd U.S. President To be at the end of one’s rope: être sur le point de craquer (a rope: une corde) To tie a knot: faire un nœud To hang on: tenir bon
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Don’t worry guys, I won’t make a joke about bread. It’s the yeast I can do.
Everyday contexts
Don’t worry guys: ne vous inquiétez pas, les gars Bread: du pain Jeu de mots sur yeast à rapprocher de least: a. Yeast: de la levure b. It’s the least I can do: c’est le moins que je puisse faire
His name is mud now that we all know he’s the one who’s been stealing money out of our wallets. His name is mud: il est grillé Mud sticks: il est difficile de se laver de tout soupçon To drag somebody through the mud: calomnier quelqu’un A wallet: un portefeuille
Hot off the press More and more women are having to balance the needs of career and family. To balance/juggle X and Y: jongler entre X et Y To find a balance between X and Y: trouver un équilibre entre X et Y To strike a happy medium: trouver le juste milieu Needs: les besoins
AUGUST Today’s quote
We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) - Irish author Just enough: juste assez To hate: haïr
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What do you get when you cross a bear with a skunk? Winnie the Pooh.
Don’t tell anyone! Their wedding is very hush-hush. It’s hush-hush: c’est ultra-secret To pay somebody hush money: acheter le silence de quelqu’un A wedding: un mariage
Hot off the press Government surveillance of the web is a slippery slope because it is hard to know where to draw the line. To be on the slippery slope: être sur la pente savonneuse Where to draw the line: où s’arrêter We must draw the line somewhere: il y a une limite à tout To cross the (red) line: dépasser les limites
To cross a bear with a skunk: croiser un ours et un putois Jeu de mots sur Pooh prononcé comme poo: a. Winnie the Pooh: Winnie l’ourson Pooh!: bah !, peuh ! b. To poo: faire caca (poop: du caca, une crotte)
AUGUST Today’s quote
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas Edison (1847-1931) - American businessman and inventor Weakness: la faiblesse To give up: abandonner To succeed: réussir
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I am reading a book about Japanese sword-fighting. Would you like me to samurize it?
Everyday contexts
Sword-fighting: le combat à l’épée Would you like me to …?: veux-tu que je … ? Jeu de mots sur samurize it (création lexicale à partir de samurai) à rapprocher de summarize it (le résumer).
The manager rejected our proposals, lock, stock and barrel. Lock, stock and barrel: en bloc, sans exception
Hot off the press Following the scandal which severely dented its reputation, the company decided to clean up its act. To clean up one’s act: s’acheter une conduite, s’amender To dent a reputation: écorner une réputation To restore one’s reputation: redorer son blason
AUGUST Today’s quote
People think that at the top there isn’t much room. They tend to think of it as an Everest. My message is that there is tons of room at the top. Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) - British Prime Minister There isn’t much room at the top: il n’y a pas beaucoup de place au sommet
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why did the octopus blush? Because he’d just seen the bottom of the ocean.
After weeks of strenuous work, I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Light at the end of the tunnel: la lumière au bout du tunnel Strenuous: épuisant
Hot off the press No one can wave a magic wand and end suffering in the world. To wave a magic wand: agiter une baguette magique Suffering: la souffrance
Why did the octopus blush?: pourquoi la pieuvre a-t-elle rougi ? Jeu de mots sur the bottom of the ocean: a. Le fond de l’océan b. Les fesses de l’océan (the bottom, the behind: le postérieur, le derrière / buttocks: les fesses)
Today’s quote Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star. W. Clement Stone (1902-2002) - American businessman and self-help author To aim for the moon: viser la lune To miss: manquer To hit a star: toucher une étoile
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’d like to tell you a joke about leeches but I won’t—it sucks.
Everyday contexts
Leeches: des sangsues I won’t: je ne la raconterai pas Jeu de mots sur suck: a. To suck: sucer b. It sucks: elle est nulle
I can’t make head nor tail of what she’s saying. I can’t make head nor tail: je n’y comprends rien A tail: une queue A cock-and-bull story: une histoire sans queue ni tête Heads or tails?: pile ou face ?
Hot off the press To raise taxes would do the economy more harm than good. To do (something) more harm than good: faire plus de mal que de bien (à quelque chose) To raise/cut taxes: augmenter/baisser les impôts
Today’s quote ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) - English poet ‘Tis (it is) better: il vaut mieux
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Care to seduce a large woman? Piece of cake!
I thought Harry and I were best friends, but he refused to help me out when I was broke. To think that I’d always stood by him in hard times! He’s just a fair-weather friend. A fair-weather friend: un ami des beaux jours To be broke: être fauché To stand by somebody: soutenir quelqu’un To think that …!: et dire que … !
Hot off the press Political change was long overdue in this part of the world. It is/was (long) overdue: cela se fait/faisait attendre depuis (très) longtemps
Care to seduce a large woman?: vous voulez séduire une femme forte/ corpulente ? Jeu de mots sur piece of cake: a. A piece of cake: un morceau de gâteau b. It’s a piece of cake!: c’est du gâteau !
Today’s quote Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. Oprah Winfrey (born 1954) - African-American talk show host aand actress To ride a limo: rouler dans une limousine To drive a limo: conduire une limousine To break down: tomber en panne
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What did the sea say to the sand? Nothing, it simply waved.
Everyday contexts
The sea: la mer The sand: le sable Jeu de mots sur it waved: a. A wave: une vague b. To wave to somebody: saluer quelqu’un de la main, faire signe de la main à quelqu’un
The new manager will have her work cut out to reorganize the company. To have one’s work cut out: avoir du pain sur la planche A company: une entreprise
Hot off the press The company’s approach will ultimately fall short of shareholders’ expectations. To fall short of somebody’s expectations: ne pas répondre aux attentes de quelqu’un Shareholders: les actionnaires
Today’s quote All of life is peaks and valleys. Don’t let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low. John Wooden (1910-2010) - American basketball player and coach A peak: un sommet Too high or too low: trop haut ou trop bas He’s had his ups and downs: il a eu des hauts et des bas
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I’ve accidentally swallowed some Scrabble tiles. My next crap could spell disaster.
“Be sure to mind your P’s and Q’s when you go over to your friend’s birthday party,” the mom told her five-year-old. To mind one’s P’s and Q’s: bien se comporter
Hot off the press The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening, not closing. The gap is widening/closing: l’écart se creuse/se resserre To bridge the gap/divide (between): comber le fossé (entre) Unbridgeable: impossible à combler The haves (rich) and the have-nots (poor): les riches et les pauvres
To swallow: avaler A tile: une lettre de Scrabble (ici), une tuile Crap: de la merde (to have a crap: chier un coup) Jeu de mots sur spell disaster: a. To spell “disaster”: épeler le mot « désastre » b. It could spell disaster: ça pourrait être désastreux
Today’s quote The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. Bertrand Russel (1872-1970) - British philosopher Wit(s): l’intelligence, l’esprit Sharp: vif
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I bought shoes from a secondhand clothes store. I think they must have belonged to some junkie because I’ve been tripping the whole day.
Everyday contexts
A secondhand clothes store: une friperie Secondhand: d’occasion They must have belonged to a junkie: elles ont dû appartenir à un drogué The whole day: toute la journée Jeu de mots sur tripping: a. To trip: trébucher He tripped and fell: il a trébuché et il est tombé b. To be tripping: planer (après avoir pris de la drogue) Trippy: psychédélique A trip: un voyage
Always make sure you dot your i’s and cross your t’s when signing a business contract. To dot one’s I’s and cross one’s T’s: examiner quelque chose dans les moindres détails To dot an i: mettre un point sur un i
Hot off the press There is certainly no magic bullet to end child poverty. A magic bullet: une solution miracle A cure-all: une panacée Child poverty: la pauvreté infantile
Today’s quote Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) - 32nd U.S. President To succeed: réussir Unless …: à moins que … Wisely: judicieusement A safeguard: une garantie, un garde-fou
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.
Cut out the monkey business and give me my money back! Monkey business: une combine, des singeries (enfants)
Hot off the press A third of the world’s population lacks access to clean water and the situation is bound to worsen if nothing is done. It is bound to worsen: ça ne peut qu’empirer To lack something: manquer de quelque chose A lack: un manque Water scarcity: la pénurie, le manque d’eau Scarce: rare
A silk worm: un ver à soie To have a race: faire une course Jeu de mots sur tie: a. To end up in a tie: terminer, se retrouver dans une cravate b. To end in a tie: faire match nul, arriver ex æquo
Today’s quote Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite. Karl Popper (1902-1994) - Austrian-British philosopher Knowledge: la connaissance
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
After his liquor store was looted, the owner was dispirited.
Everyday contexts
A liquor store: un magasin de vins et spiritueux To loot: piller The owner: le propriétaire Jeu de mots sur dispirited: a. To be dispirited: être découragé, déprimé, abattu b. His liquor was de-spirited (création lexicale): son alcool lui a été dérobé Spirits: des spiritueux, de l’alcool To be spirited away: s’envoler, disparaître
The fridge is empty and I had completely forgotten the Millers were coming over for dinner! We’re in a pretty pickle now. To be in a (pretty) pickle: être dans le pétrin
Hot off the press Whether Britain will retain most of its rights and privileges once it leaves the EU is anyone’s guess. Whether … is anyone’s guess/is an open question: personne ne sait vraiment si … It remains to be seen whether …: reste à savoir si … Once: une fois que (Great) Britain: la Grande-Bretagne The jury is out (on whether this is true): cela reste à voir (si c’est vrai)
Today’s quote Be curious, not judgmental. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) - American poet To be judgmental: porter des jugements
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
How to embarrass an archaeologist? You give him a used tampon and ask him to determine which period it came from.
There is more than one way to skin a cat. We don’t have the full amount presently but we can still buy the car on lease. There is more than one way to skin a cat: il y a plusieurs façons de plumer un canard To skin a cat: dépouiller un chat The full amount: toute la somme A lease: un bail A car lease buyout: location avec option d’achat (LOA)
Hot off the press These figures do not bode well for the company’s future. To bode well/ill (for): être de bon/ mauvais augure (pour) A bird of ill omen: un oiseau de mauvais augure Figures: les chiffres The company: l’entreprise
A used tampon: un tampon hygiénique usagé Jeu de mots sur which period it came from: a. De quelle période il date, à quand il remonte b. De quelles règles il provient (cf. I have my period: j’ai mes règles)
Today’s quote The main object of religion is not to get a man into heaven, but to get heaven into him. Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) - English author Heaven: le paradis
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
The most exciting beverage for a soccer player? The penaltea!
Everyday contexts
His most exciting beverage: la boisson qu’il aime le plus Soccer (US): le foot A football player: un joueur de foot (Brit), un joueur de football américain (US) Jeu de mots sur penaltea (création lexicale à partir de tea, du thé) prononcé comme penalty.
I’m afraid you’ve missed the boat, sir. The concert is sold out. To miss the boat/bus: louper le coche It is sold out: le concert se joue à guichets fermés
Hot off the press Remarkable progress was achieved in the peace process and the situation has now changed for the better. To change for the better: nettement s’améliorer (≠ for the worse: se détériorer) (To go) from bad to worse: (aller) de mal en pis To achieve progress: accomplir des progrès
Today’s quote One of the great things about books is you can afford to do anything. George R. R. Martin (born 1948) - American author To afford (to do) something: se permettre (de faire) quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
So what if I don’t know what apocalypse means? It’s not the end of the world!
Don’t get your hopes up about watching Game of Thrones tonight. The TV’s on the blink. To get one’s hopes up: se faire de faux espoirs To come up to somebody’s hopes: répondre aux espoirs de quelqu’un To give up hope: perdre espoir To live up to somebody’s expectations: répondre aux attentes de quelqu’un On the blink/fritz: en panne
Hot off the press Government control of the web is a necessary evil. A necessary evil: un mal nécessaire A stopgap (measure): une mesure provisoire A blessing in disguise: un mal pour un bien (a blessing: une bénédiction)
So what?: et alors ?
Today’s quote War is what happens when language fails. Margaret Atwood (born 1939) - Canadian author To fail: échouer
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
It’s tough to make inventories in Afghanistan because of the tally ban.
Everyday contexts
Tough: difficile To make an inventory: dresser, faire un inventaire de quelque chose A tally: un compte, un décompte A ban: une interdiction Jeu de mots sur the tally ban (l’interdiction de faire des comptes) prononcé comme the Taliban (les Talibans).
Looking for potential terrorists is like looking for a needle in a haystack. A needle in a haystack: une aiguille dans une botte de foin
Hot off the press George W. Bush clearly went overboard when he tied 9/11 to Iraq. To go overboard (about something): exagérer, s’emballer (pour quelque chose) 9/11: le 11-Septembre To tie: lier
Today’s quote Stay hungry, stay foolish. Steve Jobs (1955-2011) - American entrepreneur and industrial designer Hungry: insatiable Foolish: intrépide, fou
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What is the computer’s favorite food? Microchips.
After arguing for two hours people were getting very worked up. The manager was called in to pour oil on troubled waters. To pour oil on troubled waters: calmer le jeu To pour : verser To get worked up: s’échauffer
Hot off the press For better or for worse, the internet has changed the way we interact with each other. For better or for worse: qu’on s’en réjouisse ou non
The computer’s favorite food: la nourriture préférée des ordinateurs Jeu de mots sur microchips: a. Microchips: des puces électroniques b. Micro chips: des chips (US), des frites (Brit) microscopiques (French) fries: des frites (US) Crisps: des chips (Brit)
Today’s quote Borrow trouble for yourself, if that’s your nature, but don’t lend it to your neighbours. Rudyard Kipling (1864-1936) - English author To borrow: emprunter Trouble: des ennuis/problèmes To lend: prêter
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea.
Everyday contexts
What do you call …?: comment appelle-t-on … ? A deer: un cerf, une biche A male deer, a stag: un cerf A doe: une biche / A fawn: un faon Jeu de mots sur no idea (aucune idée) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de no-eye deer: cervidé sans yeux One-eyed: borgne
I need a dog like I need a hole in the head! I need it like a hole in the head: je n’ai vraiment pas besoin de ça No way!: pas question, pas moyen !
Hot off the press The trade agreement should go some way toward improving relations between the two countries. To go some way toward doing something: contribuer à améliorer quelque chose To go a long way toward doing something: améliorer considérablement quelque chose It paid off: ça a payé It paid dividends: ça a porté ses fruits A trade agreement: un accord commercial
Today’s quote Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X (1925-1965) - African-American (religious) activist To belong: appartenir For: car
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I injured my finger preparing cheese for our pasta. I seem to have grater problems.
“Cross-country skiing,” Stan said, “is definitely not my cup of tea!” That’s not my cup of tea: ce n’est pas mon truc Cross-country skiing: le ski de fond Definitely not: vraiment pas
Hot off the press Much ink has been spilled over the recent doping scandal involving hundreds of high-level athletes. Much ink has been spilled over …: … a fait couler beaucoup d’encre Doping: le dopage
I injured my finger: je me suis blessé au doigt Pasta: des pâtes A cheese grater: une râpe à fromage Grated cheese: du fromage râpé Jeu de mots sur grater prononcé comme greater: a. Grater problems: des problèmes de râpe b. Greater problems: des problèmes plus importants
Today’s quote To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving peace. George Washington (1732-1799) - 1st U.S. President and “Father of His Country” A means of doing something: un moyen de faire quelque chose
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A bacon sandwich walks into a bar and orders a whiskey. “Sorry,” growls the bartender, “we don’t serve food here.”
Everyday contexts
To order: commander Sorry: désolé To growl: grogner, ronchonner The bartender: le barman, la barmaid Jeu de mots sur we don’t serve food here: a. Ici on ne sert pas de nourriture b. Ici on ne sert pas d’alcool à de la nourriture (cf. to serve somebody something)
It takes a lot of guts to drop out of college and start your own business. To have guts: avoir du cran Guts: les boyaux To drop out of college: arrêter la fac A dropout: quelqu’un qui abandonne ses études To start one’s own business: créer sa propre entreprise
Hot off the press The international community stands idly by while civilians are being brutally murdered by the regime. To stand idly by (while): rester sans rien faire (pendant que) To stand up for something: défendre quelque chose
Today’s quote The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life. William Morris (1834-1896) - English author, textile designer, and socialist activist Daily life: la vie quotidienne
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I was recently diagnosed with color-blindness. It came out of the green.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get your act together! To get one’s act together: se ressaisir To feel sorry for somebody, for oneself: s’apitoyer sur quelqu’un, sur son propre sort
Hot off the press Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the NSA’s mass spying programs, sparking the biggest debate ever on government surveillance of the web. To blow the whistle (on something, somebody): dénoncer (quelque chose, quelqu’un) A whistleblower: un lanceur d’alerte Spying: l’espionnage To spark a debate: déclencher un débat
Color-blindness: le daltonisme To be color-blind: être daltonien It came out of the green (vert): création lexicale qui détourne l’expression idiomatique it came out of the blue (bleu): je ne m’y attendais pas du tout, c’est arrivé de façon tout à fait inattendue
Today’s quote Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) - English poet To come forth: s’avancer
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.
Everyday contexts
What do you call …?: comment appelle-t-on … ? A bear: un ours Teeth: des dents (a tooth: une dent) Jeu de mots sur a gummy bear: a. Un ours tout en gencives A gum: une gencive / gummy (création lexicale): qui a des gencives b. Un bonbon ourson Haribo A gum: un chewing-gum, une boule de gomme
Don’t be overconfident— there’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip. You’ll celebrate when you actually get the part in the play. There’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip: il y a loin de la coupe aux lèvres Actually: vraiment, bel et bien A part in a play: un rôle dans une pièce
Hot off the press He founded a charity whose aim is to raise people’s awareness of various social issues. To raise somebody’s awareness of something, to make somebody aware of something: sensibiliser quelqu’un à quelque chose A charity: une institution caritative
Today’s quote Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your soul was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth, and everything else will come. Ellen DeGeneres (born 1958) - American comedian and TV host To find out: découvrir The soul: l’âme Earth: la Terre Truth: la vérité
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What lies on the ocean bed, twitching uncontrollably? A nervous wreck.
My grandpa is 93 and he is as fit a fiddle! To be as fit as a fiddle: se porter comme un charme To be hale and hearty: avoir bon pied bon œil
Hot off the press Most developed countries are walking a tightrope, trying to boost the economy while promoting sustainable development. To be on/walking a tightrope: être/ marcher sur la corde raide To promote something: promouvoir, encourager quelque chose Sustainable development: le développement durable
To lie on the ocean bed: reposer au fond de l’océan To twitch: s’agiter, se convulser Jeu de mots sur a nervous wreck: a. Une épave nerveuse b. To be a nervous wreck: être à bout de nerfs
Today’s quote I hear much of people’s calling out to punish the guilty, but very few are concerned to clear the innocent. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) - English author To call out: dire à haute voix To punish the guilty: punir les coupables (Very) few people: (très) peu de gens A few people: quelques personnes To clear the innocent: disculper les innocents
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I usually take steps to avoid elevators.
Everyday contexts
Usually: généralement, d’habitude To avoid elevators: éviter les ascenseurs Jeu de mots sur to take steps: a. Prendre des escaliers b. Prendre des dispositions, des mesures
Our plan worked like a charm. They’re so gullible. To work like a charm: se dérouler exactement comme prévu Gullible: crédule, naïf
Hot off the press Technology is a double-edged sword, enabling us to do things that were hitherto impossible but also resulting in the erosion of personal privacy. A double-edged sword: une arme à double tranchant (a sword: une épée) Hitherto: jusqu’ici
Today’s quote A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) - English naturalist To dare: oser To waste: gaspiller
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
When I was young, I used to think facial hair looked really stupid, but then it grew on me.
The only fly in the ointment in an otherwise perfect concert was the singer falling off the stage and into the moshpit. There’s/He’s a fly in the ointment: il y a un hic/c’est un empêcheur de tourner en rond (A fly in the ointment: une mouche dans la pommade) Otherwise perfect: par ailleurs parfait The stage: la scène The moshpit: la fosse
Hot off the press It seems that the tide is turning in favour of Labour. The tide is turning (in favor of): les choses changent (en faveur de) Labour: le Parti travailliste britannique The Tories: les conservateurs
I used to think …: autrefois, je trouvais que … Facial hair: les poils du visage Jeu de mots sur it grew on me: a. To grow: pousser / it grew on me: ils ont poussé sur mon visage b. It grew on me: j’ai fini par aimer ça, j’y ai pris goût
Today’s quote The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) - American poet The soul: l’âme Ajar: entrouvert, entrebâillé
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What did the tree say to autumn? Leaf me alone.
Everyday contexts
A tree: un arbre Jeu de mots sur leaf me alone (a leaf: une feuille) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de leave me alone (laisse-moi tranquille).
I helped you with your assignment yesterday and now I need you to help me tidy up my apartment. One good turn deserves another, right? One good turn deserves another: un prêté pour un rendu An assignment: un devoir (Scol) To tidy up: ranger une pièce
Hot off the press Student protests have forced the government to back-pedal on the tuition fee increase. To back-pedal, to backtrack: faire marche arrière A tuition fee increase: une hausse des frais de scolarité
Today’s quote All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) - American author An experiment: une expérience The more, the better: plus on en fait, mieux c’est
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I owe a lot to sidewalks. They’ve been keeping me off the streets for years.
Now that we have five kids, we only eat out once in a blue moon. Once in a blue moon: tous les trente-six du mois I’ll never do it in a month of Sundays: je le ferai à la saint-glinglin To eat out: aller au restaurant
Hot off the press Enlightened millennials are the driving force behind the current vegan craze. The driving force behind something: le moteur de quelque chose The current vegan craze: l’engouement actuel pour les produits vegan Millennials: les personnes nées entre 1980 et l’an 2000 Enlightened: éclairé The Enlightenment: les Lumières
I owe a lot to sidewalks: je suis profondément reconnaissant envers les trottoirs They’ve been keeping me off the streets for years: grâce à eux je ne traîne plus dans les rues depuis des années
Today’s quote Men want a woman whom they can turn on and off like a light switch. Ian Fleming (1908-1964) - English author To turn on and off: allumer et éteindre A light switch: un interrupteur To be turned on: être excité/e It’s a turn-on: c’est excitant To be turned off: être rebuté/e It’s a turn-off: c’est vraiment à vous rebuter, c’est vraiment pas sexy
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
A man sued an airline company after it lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case.
Everyday contexts
To sue an airline company: intenter un procès à une compagnie aérienne Luggage (toujours au singulier): les bagages A piece of luggage: un bagage Sadly: malheureusement Jeu de mots sur he lost his case: a. Il a perdu sa valise b. Il a perdu son procès
I had to pay through the nose to have my house repainted. To pay through the nose for something: payer le prix fort pour quelque chose To cost an arm and a leg: coûter les yeux de la tête
Hot off the press The announcement did not go down very well with the scientific community. (Not) to go down well: être (mal)/ bien accueilli
Today’s quote Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. Thomas Edison (1847-1931) - American businessman and inventor Perspiration: la transpiration
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Don’t trust atoms, they make up everything!
Her nasty remark came out of left field and left everybody speechless. To come out of left field: être totalement inattendu Nasty: méchant To have a nasty mind: toujours voir le mal partout I’m speechless!: je suis sans voix !
Hot off the press His comments on the gender pay gap struck a chord with women. To strike a chord/the right chord: toucher la corde sensible The gender pay gap: l’écart des salaires entre les femmes et les hommes
To trust somebody, something: faire confiance à quelqu’un, quelque chose Jeu de mots sur they make up everything: a. Toute chose est composée d’atomes b. Les atomes inventent tout, racontent toujours des histoires (to make up a story: inventer une histoire)
Today’s quote Universities are the cathedrals of the modern age. They shouldn’t have to justify their existence by utilitarian criteria. David Lodge (born 1935) - English author
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Don’t byte off more than you can view.
Everyday contexts
A byte: un octet To view: visionner On détourne ici l’expression bite off more than you can chew: avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre, voir trop grand, viser trop haut To bite: mordre / to bite off: arracher d’un coup de dents To chew: mâcher
Child: “You shouldn’t smoke so much, daddy. It’s really bad for you.” Mother: “Out of the mouths of babes.” Out of the mouths of babes: la vérité sort de la bouche des enfants
Hot off the press This recent chain of events is extremely worrying and reminiscent of the country’s years of dictatorship. To be reminiscent of something: rappeler quelque chose To remember something: se rappeler de quelque chose To remind somebody of something: rappeller quelque chose à quelqu’un A chain of events: une série d’événements Worrying: inquiétant Dictatorship: la dictature
Today’s quote Economic progress, in capitalist society, means turmoil. Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) - Austrian-born American economist Turmoil: l’agitation, le trouble
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The roundest knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from eating too much pi.
She was foaming at the mouth with rage when she realized he had stood her up again. To foam at the mouth: écumer de rage To stand somebody up: poser un lapin à quelqu’un
Hot off the press The UN must perform a delicate balancing act between the different sides in the conflict. To perform a balancing act: faire un numéro d’équilibriste The UN: l’ONU
A knight: un chevalier The roundest: le plus rond Size: la taille Jeu de mots sur pi prononcé comme pie: a. Pi: pi (seizième lettre de l’alphabet grec) b. Pie: de la tarte Jeu de mots sur Sir Cumference (Sire Conférence) prononcé comme circumference (la circonférence).
Today’s quote Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) - 26th U.S. President You’re halfway there: vous avez fait la moitié du chemin To meet halfway: couper la poire en deux
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I ate too much Middle Eastern food. Now I falafel.
Everyday contexts
I ate too much Middle Eastern food: j’ai mangé trop de nourriture moyen-orientale Jeu de mots sur falafel à rapprocher de feel awful: a. A falafel: un falafel b. I feel awful: je me sens vraiment mal
This report is just perfect. The guy’s really on the ball. To be on the ball: être à la hauteur, en avoir dans le ciboulot
Hot off the press Recreational marijuana is now legal in several U.S. states. It is a moneymaker and a game changer for public health. A game changer: quelque chose qui change complètement la situation A moneymaker: une affaire lucrative A cash crop: une culture lucrative Health: la santé
Today’s quote Keep a little fire burning—however small, however hidden. Cormac McCarthy (born 1933) - American author However small: aussi petit soit-il Hidden: caché, dissimulé
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
How do crazy people go through the forest? They take the psycho path.
We were just talking about her and, speak of the devil, in she walked! Speak/Talk of the devil (and he appears): quand on parle du loup (on en voit la queue) The devil: le diable
Hot off the press Allowing more civilians to carry concealed guns in public places would be a recipe for disaster. It would be a recipe for disaster: c’est le meilleur moyen d’aller à la catastrophe To allow: autoriser To carry a gun: porter une arme à feu
Jeu de mots sur psycho path (le sentier des psychopathes) prononcé comme psychopath.
Today’s quote All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost. J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973) - English author All that glitters is not gold: tout ce qui brille n’est pas or To wander: errer To wither: se flétrir, se fâner Deep roots: des racines profondes Not reached by the frost: que le gel n’atteint pas
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Last night I dreamt I was writing The Lord of the Rings when my wife woke me up. She said I’d been Tolkien in my sleep.
Everyday contexts
She woke me up: elle m’a réveillé Jeu de mots sur Tolkien dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de talkin’/talking. The Lord of the Rings: Le Seigneur des anneaux (1954-1955)
He hasn’t been in touch since he moved. Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose. Out of sight, out of mind: loin des yeux, loin du cœur To move: déménager To keep in touch with somebody: rester en contact avec quelqu’un
Hot off the press Third World debt relief has been on the agenda for decades now. Third World debt relief: l’allègement de la dette des pays du Tiers-Monde To be on (≠ off) the agenda: (ne pas) être à l’ordre du jour To be high on the agenda: être l’une des priorités
Today’s quote My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) - 16th U.S. President, brought about the emancipation of slaves in 1863 Slaves: les esclaves Slavery: l’esclavage Hope: l’espoir
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I have a few jokes about jobless people but none of them work.
I know it was sad to see Harry get the sack but it’s no use crying over spilt milk. Let’s focus on someone to replace him instead. It’s no use crying over spilt milk: ce qui est fait est fait Sad: triste To get the sack: se faire virer To replace somebody: remplacer quelqu’un
Hot off the press The conference on the country’s legacy of slavery was an eyeopener for many. It was an eye-opener: cela leur a ouvert les yeux The country’s legacy of slavery: l’héritage esclavagiste du pays
A few jokes about jobless people: quelques blagues sur les chômeurs Jeu de mots sur none of them work: a. Aucune d’elle ne travaille b. Elles ne marchent pas, elles ne font rire personne
Today’s quote You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. Richard Branson (born 1950) - English businessman and philanthropist To follow rules: suivre des règles To fall over: tomber, chuter
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
My voice used to be a little pony. Now it’s a little hoarse.
Everyday contexts
My voice used to be …: avant, ma voix était … Jeu de mots sur pony et hoarse: a. A little pony: un petit poney c. A little hoarse (un peu enroué) prononcé comme a little horse (un petit cheval)
I knew my way around in high school, but now in college I feel like a babe in the woods. To feel like a babe in woods: se sentir perdu, vulnérable To know one’s way around: savoir se débrouiller High school: le lycée College: la fac
Hot off the press An energy firm boss has accused the United Nations of scaremongering over climate change. Scaremongering: alarmisme A scaremonger: un alarmiste, un oiseau de malheur A scare story: une rumeur alarmiste Hatemongering: l’incitation à la haine (a hatemonger)
Today’s quote Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall. Ray Bradbury (1920-2012) - American author To find out how to …: trouver comment … To unfold one’s wings: déployer ses ailes As you fall: en tombant
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why was the ocean so blue? Because the island never waved back.
I caught the last train by the skin of my teeth. By the skin of one’s teeth: de justesse I escaped by the skin of my teeth: je l’ai échappé belle We won the race by a whisker: il s’en est fallu d’un cheveu/poil qu’on ne perde la course
Hot off the press Athletes in the public view need to be more image-conscious and act accordingly. Taking performance-enhancing drugs is hardly the way to do it. To act accordingly: agir en conséquence To be image-conscious: être soucieux de son image Performance-enhancing drugs: des dopants Hardly: pas vraiment
Jeu de mots sur to be blue: 1. Être bleu 2. Avoir le cafard, broyer du noir Jeu de mots sur wave: To wave back: faire un signe de la main en retour A wave: une vague
Today’s quote I find only freedom in the realms of eccentricity. David Bowie (1947-2016) - English musician and actor A realm: un royaume
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Did you hear the joke about the wall? It’s hilarious—I’m still trying to get over it!
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur I’m still trying to get over it: a. Je n’arrive toujours pas à passer par-dessus b. Je n’arrive toujours pas à m’en remettre
I’ve got a score to settle with him. To settle a score with somebody: régler ses comptes avec quelqu’un
Hot off the press An election campaign fuelled by prejudice can only create an environment that mainstreams the scapegoating of minorities. To scapegoat somebody: faire de quelqu’un un bouc émissaire A scapegoat: un bouc émissaire To mainstream something: normaliser quelque chose To go mainstream: se généraliser To lump (everybody) together: mettre (tout le monde) dans le même panier Fuelled by: alimenté par Prejudices die hard: les préjugés ont la vie dure
Today’s quote Love is like the wild rose-briar; Friendship like the holly-tree. The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms, but which will bloom most constantly? Emily Brontë (1818-1848) - English author The wild rose-briar: le rosier sauvage, l’églantier Holly: le houx To bloom: fleurir
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I didn’t want my kids to join a band or an orchestra and risk being exposed to so much sax and violins.
Stella had to bite her tongue to keep from telling Todd what she really thought about the whole business. To bite one’s tongue: tenir sa langue
Hot off the press Communism has never been part of mainstream politics in the country. Mainstream politics: les grands courants politiques Mainstream political parties: les partis dominants
A band: un groupe de musique, une fanfare (cuivres) Jeu de mots sur sax and violins à rapprocher de sex and violence.
Today’s quote The pen is mightier than the sword. Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873) - English author and politician The pen is mightier than the sword: la plume est plus forte que l’épée
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What did the nuclear physicist have for lunch? Fission chips.
Everyday contexts
A physicist: un physicien (vs a physician: un médecin) Lunch: le déjeuner Chips: des chips (US), des frites (Brit) (French) fries: des frites (US) Crisps: des chips (Brit) Jeu de mots sur fission chips dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de fish and chips (poisson frit et frites), le fameux plat d’origine britannique.
Jenny says illegal downloading is safe, but I think she’s playing with fire. To play with fire: jouer avec le feu To backfire, to blow up in somebody’s face: se retourner contre quelqu’un
Hot off the press Some Whites feel that the tables have turned so much that they are now the primary targets of discrimination. To turn the tables (on somebody): retourner la situation (aux dépens de quelqu’un) A target: une cible To be discriminated against: être victime de discrimination
Today’s quote I want to top expectations. I want to blow you away. Quentin Tarantino (born 1963) - American film director and actor To top expectations: dépasser les attentes To live up to expectations: répondre aux attentes To blow somebody away: sidérer quelqu’un
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The furniture store keeps calling me to come back but all I wanted was one night stand.
The president has accused the newspaper of spreading fake news. That’s the pot calling the kettle black! It’s the pot calling the kettle black: c’est l’hôpital qui se fout de la charité The pot/the kettle: la théière/la bouilloire
Hot off the press Hardly a day goes by without media reports on corporate scandals. Hardly a day goes by without …: il est rare qu’une journée se passe sans … Corporate scandals: des scandales impliquant des entreprises Tax evasion: l’évasion fiscale
A furniture store: un magasin d’ameublement Furniture: des meubles A piece of furniture: un meuble Jeu de mots sur night stand: a. A one-night stand: une liaison sans lendemain, un coup d’un soir b. A night stand: une table de nuit
Today’s quote Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act. Truman Capote (1924-1984) - American author A play: une pièce de théâtre A badly written third act: un troisième acte mal écrit
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I have a group of friends that go to restaurants to sample the food with me. They’re my taste buds.
Everyday contexts
To sample food: goûter de la nourriture To have a taste of something: goûter (à) quelque chose Jeu de mots sur taste buds: a. Des papilles gustatives b. Des potes qui goûtent la bouffe avec moi Buds/buddies (US) / mates (Brit): des potes
We need to pull out all the stops for our upcoming exhibition. To pull out all the stops: sortir le grand jeu, mettre le paquet The upcoming exhibition: l’exposition à venir
Hot off the press Although the project has been given the go-ahead, cash is in critically short supply. To give (something/somebody) the go-ahead: donner le feu vert (à quelque chose/quelqu’un) … is in critically short supply: on manque sérieusement de …
Today’s quote How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. George Washington Carver (1861-1943) - American botanist The aged: les gens âgés The elderly: les personnes âgées The striving: les individus qui se battent pour vivre The weak and strong: les faibles et les forts
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I wanted to be a butcher but I didn’t make the cut.
He didn’t pull any punches, calling it a boring, unoriginal movie. To pull no punches: ne pas y aller de main morte, ne pas prendre de gants
Hot off the press This is precisely where the shoe pinches: legalizing marijuana does not eliminate the black market. This is where the shoe pinches: c’est là où le bât blesse The rub is that …: l’ennui/le hic, c’est que … There’s the rub!: c’est là la difficulté !, voilà le hic !
A butcher: un boucher Jeu de mots sur cut: a. To cut: couper Cold cuts: une assiette anglaise (des morceaux de viande cuite servis froids) b. I didn’t make the cut: je ne faisais pas l’affaire
Today’s quote Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot. Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) - English actor and filmmaker A close-up: un gros plan A long-shot: un plan d’ensemble
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I was going to look for my missing watch, but I could never find the time.
Everyday contexts
I was going to look for …: j’avais l’intention de chercher … A missing watch: une montre égarée
Although he’s the breadwinner, she’s the one who wears the pants. To wear the pants (US)/trousers (Brit): porter la culotte A breadwinner: un soutien de famille
Hot off the press With small farmers likely to be squeezed out of the market by mega-farms, following the fair trade route has become a necessity. Following the … route has become a necessity: il est nécessaire de s’engager sur la voie de … To be squeezed out (of): être évincé (de) Fair trade: le commerce équitable
Today’s quote You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space. Johnny Cash (1932-2003) - American musician Failure: l’échec A stepping stone: un marchepied To dwell on the past: ressasser le passé
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
If there was someone selling drugs in this place, weed know.
This book on animal welfare has given me food for thought. Food for thought: matière à penser Welfare: le bien-être
Hot off the press Stop trying to pass the buck! It’s your fault if we’re in this predicament. To pass the buck: faire porter le chapeau A predicament: une situation difficile
Jeu de mots sur weed know prononcé comme we’d know: a. Weed: de la marijuana b. We’d (we would) know: on le saurait
Today’s quote Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality. Lewis Carroll (1831-1898) - English author A weapon: une arme
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
How do celebrities stay cool? They have many fans.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur stay cool: a. Garder son calme b. Se rafraîchir Jeu de mots sur fans: a. Des fans b. Des ventilateurs
The whole team’s been working very hard to finish the project in time. Please don’t rock the boat with any undue criticism. To rock the boat: compromettre les choses, semer le trouble Undue: excessif
Hot off the press Alternative medicine is gaining more and more credence. To gain credence (with): gagner en reconnaissance (auprès de) To give/lend credence (to something): accorder du crédit (à quelque chose)
Today’s quote The trouble with having an open mind is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) - English author To have an open mind about something: réserver son opinion sur quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.
The game got cancelled because it was raining cats and dogs. It’s raining cats and dogs/buckets: il pleut des cordes It’s pouring (with rain): il pleut à verse
Hot off the press The building project is going full steam ahead. To go full steam ahead: aller de l’avant à plein régime A building project: un projet de construction
To survive something: survivre à quelque chose Mustard gas: le gaz moutarde Pepper spray: du gaz poivre (Teargas: gaz lacrymogène) A veteran: un ancien combattant Jeu de mots sur seasoned: a. Assaisonné, relevé (seasoning: de l’assaisonnement) b. Chevronné, expérimenté
Today’s quote Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) - American Baptist minister, leader of the Civil Rights Movement Darkness: la pénombre, les ténèbres Hate: la haine
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why did Martin Luther King Jr. boycott laundry detergent? Because it told him to keep his whites and colors separate.
Everyday contexts
Laundry detergent: de la lessive Jeu de mots sur keep whites and colors separate: 1. Séparer le blanc des couleurs 2. Séparer les Blancs des personnes de couleur (cf. politique de ségrégation raciale officialisée en 1896 et abolie dans les années 1960 aux USA)
We’ll hold the reception outdoors—come rain or shine. (Come) rain or shine: qu’il pleuve ou qu’il vente, quoi qu’il arrive Outdoors/indoors: à l’extérieur/à l’intérieur
Hot off the press The government hopes to squeeze more money out of the taxpayers. To squeeze money out of the taxpayers: faire casquer les contribuables
Today’s quote The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision. Helen Keller (1880-1968) - American author and political activist Worse than …: pire que … Blind: aveugle Sight: la vue
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption.
The executives rubbed their hands as they thought of all the money they would make. To rub one’s hands (with glee): se frotter les mains (en jubilant, de plaisir)
Hot off the press They managed to overcome all the obstacles that had been placed in their path. To overcome an obstacle, a hurdle: surmonter un obstacle, une barrière A path: un chemin
A rubber band: un élastique A disruption: une perturbation To disrupt the class: perturber le cours Math (mathematics): les maths Jeu de mots sur a weapon of math disruption à rapprocher de a weapon of mass destruction (une arme de destruction massive).
Today’s quote Shut your eyes and see. James Joyce (1882-1941) - Irish author Shut your eyes: fermez les yeux
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Do you know how I escaped from Iraq? Iran.
Everyday contexts
To escape (from): s’échapper (de) Jeu de mots sur Iraq et Iran dont la voyelle initiale est parfois prononcée comme le pronom personnel I. Iran se prononce ici comme I ran (j’ai couru).
The substitute teacher read the riot act to the rowdy students. To read somebody the riot act: remonter les bretelles à quelqu’un, mettre quelqu’un en garde A substitute: un remplaçant To be rowdy: chahuter To misbehave: se conduire mal
Hot off the press The CEO had no alternative but to lay off his workers. To have no alternative but to …: ne pas avoir d’autre solution que de … To lay somebody off: licencier quelqu’un Blue-collar/white-collar/pink-collar workers: les cols bleus/blancs/roses A CEO: un PDG
Today’s quote Make bold choices and make mistakes. It’s all those things that add up to the person you become. Angelina Jolie (born 1975) - American actress and humanitarian Bold: intrépide, audacieux (≠ bald: chauve) They add up to the person you become: elles s’additionnent et font de vous la personne que vous êtes
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I had a dream I was drowning in orange soda. Turned out it was just a Fanta sea.
I’d love to go out with you guys but I’ll be busy tonight. Can I take a rain check? I’ll take a rain check (on that): ce sera pour une autre fois
Hot off the press The government’s rate of expenditure was his prime target during the debate. The government’s rate of expenditure: le train de vie de l’Etat To spare no expense: dépenser sans compter The prime target: la principale cible
To drown: se noyer Turned out it was just …: il s’est avéré que c’était juste … Jeu de mots sur a Fanta sea (une mer de Fanta) prononcé comme a fantasy (un rêve).
Today’s quote Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) - 36th U.S. President To recover: retrouver, reprendre, reconquérir It is not ours to …: il ne nous appartient pas de le …
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do you call a sleeping dinosaur? A dinosnore.
Everyday contexts
A sleeping dinosaur: un dinosaure endormi Dinosnore: mot-valise issu de la fusion entre dinosaur et snore (ronfler).
She’s overprotective. It’s time she let her daughter stand on her own two feet. To stand on one’s own two feet: voler de ses propres ailes To leave the nest: quitter le nid Overprotective: protecteur à l’excès Helicopter parents: parents impliqués à l’excès dans l’éducation de leurs enfants (appelés « parents hélicoptères »)
Hot off the press When the price of crude oil went up, their reliance on electricity became a major asset. An asset/a liability: un avantage/un handicap Crude oil: le pétrole brut Petrol (Brit), gas (US): de l’essence Reliance: la dépendance
Today’s quote Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) - African-American author The soul: l’âme To crawl out from one’s hiding place: se glisser hors de sa cachette
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why did the three little pigs fall asleep every time grandpa told stories? Because he was a boar.
We’ve come a long way but we’re not out of the woods yet. We’re not out of the woods yet: on n’est pas encore sorti de l’auberge We’ve come a long way: on a fait du chemin We’re far short of the target: on est loin du compte (the target: la cible)
Hot off the press American universities have taken up the challenge of improving the quality of the food served in their cafeterias. To take up a challenge: relever un défi
The three little pigs: les trois petits cochons To fall asleep: s’endormir Grandpa: grand-père Jeu de mots sur boar prononcé comme bore: a. A (wild) boar: un sanglier b. He is (such) a bore: il est (tellement) ennuyeux (I’m bored: je m’ennuie)
Today’s quote He not busy being born is busy dying. Bob Dylan (born 1941) - American musician and poet Busy being born: occupé à naître Busy dying: occupé à mourir
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature for knocking on heaven’s door.
Everyday contexts
To be awarded a prize: recevoir un prix/une récompense To knock on heaven’s door: frapper à la porte du paradis “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”: titre emblématique de l’album Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (1973) Jeu de mots sur Nobel à rapprocher de no bell (a bell: une cloche): Bob Dylan n’a pas sonné, il a frappé à la porte du paradis.
He has already moved three times this year. He doesn’t have any furniture or close friends. A rolling stone gathers no moss. A rolling stone gathers no moss: pierre qui roule n’amasse pas mousse He’s a rolling stone: il mène une vie nomade Furniture: des meubles
Hot off the press Dylan has always disliked being used as a poster boy for a political position, whether an anti-war stance or a civil rights agenda. A poster boy/girl/child for something: l’incarnation de quelque chose To embody something: être l’incarnation de quelque chose A stance: une position An agenda: un programme Whether: que ce soit
Today’s quote If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever. George Orwell (1903-1950) - English author A boot: une botte To stamp: piétiner
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.
He landed the job because he’s got friends in high places. To have friends in high places: avoir le bras long To land a job: décrocher un emploi
Hot off the press His discovery paved the way for the development of a new drug against AIDS. To pave the way (for something): ouvrir la voie (à quelque chose) A drug: un médicament AIDS: le sida
A fake noodle: une fausse nouille Jeu de mots sur impasta, mot-valise issu de la fusion entre impostor/ imposter (un imposteur) et pasta (des pâtes).
Today’s quote Most of us remember adolescence as a kind of double negative: no longer allowed to be children, we are not yet capable of being adults. Julian Barnes (born 1946) - British author A kind of double negative: une sorte de double négation We’re no longer allowed to …: nous ne sommes plus autorisés à … Not yet: pas encore
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Says the grizzly: “I can’t bear animal jokes.”
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur bear: a. A bear: un ours b. I can’t bear animal jokes: je ne supporte pas les blagues sur les animaux
He bent over backwards to please her and she’s not even grateful to him. To bend over backwards: se plier en quatre To please somebody: contenter quelqu’un To be grateful to somebody: être reconnaissant envers quelqu’un
Hot off the press More should be done to improve the lot of the homeless. To improve somebody’s lot: améliorer le sort de quelqu’un The homeless: les sans-abris
Today’s quote Think globally, act locally. Paul McCartney (born 1942) - English musician
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Whenever I’m in an airport, I start coughing and sneezing. It’s a terminal illness.
Don’t listen to the car dealer, she’s trying to twist your arm. Don’t buy the car if you don’t want to. To twist somebody’s arms: forcer la main de quelqu’un
Hot off the press The RSPCA has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the plight of wild animals in circuses. The RSPCA ≈ la SPA To raise somebody’s awareness of something, to make somebody aware of something: sensibiliser quelqu’un à quelque chose The plight of …: la situation critique de … In a sorry plight: dans un triste état
Whenever I …: à chaque fois que je … To cough and sneeze: tousser et éternuer Illness: la maladie Jeu de mots sur terminal: a. Terminal illness: l’aérogare/le terminal maladie b. A patient with a terminal illness: un malade en phase terminale
Today’s quote It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. Bill Gates (born 1955) - American businessman and philanthropist It’s fine to …: il n’y a rien de mal à … To take heed of something: tenir compte de quelque chose Failure: l’échec
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Too many clicks spoil the browse.
Everyday contexts
A click: un clic (de souris) To spoil: gâcher To browse: surfer sur Internet On détourne ici l’expression too many cooks spoil the broth: trop de cuisiniers gâtent la sauce, on n’arrive à rien quand tout le monde s’en mêle.
My career as a lawyer had its ups and downs. Ups and downs: des hauts et des bas A lawyer: un avocat
Hot off the press We are faced with the daunting task of meeting the increasing demand for energy without further damaging the environment. We are faced with the daunting task of …: la tâche redoutable qui nous attend est de … To further damage: causer encore plus de dégâts To meet the demand: satisfaire la demande Supply and demand: l’offre et la demande
Today’s quote Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret. Marlene Dietrich (1901-1992) - German-born American actress To think twice: réfléchir à deux fois To burden somebody with something: infliger quelque chose à quelqu’un A (heavy) burden: un (lourd) fardeau
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Wife: “Why are you so jumpy?”
There is so much to do in New York. You’ll be spoilt for choice.
Husband: “It’s the first time I’ve been eating frogs’ legs.”
To be spoilt for choice: avoir l’embarras du choix
Hot off the press Long time no see! You’re a sight for sore eyes. A sight for sore eyes: 1. Ça fait plaisir à voir 2. C’est très joli à voir Long time no see!: ça fait un bail !
Jeu de mots sur jumpy: a. Jumpy: nerveux b. To jump: sauter Frogs’ legs: des cuisses de grenouilles
Today’s quote Expect nothing and you’ll always be surprised. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) - English author To expect nothing: ne s’attendre à rien
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I tried eating my watch but I stopped because it was too time-consuming.
Everyday contexts
I tried eating my watch: j’ai essayé de manger ma montre Jeu de mots sur it is time-consuming: 1. Ça bouffe le temps 2. Ça prend beaucoup de temps
With a bit of practice you’ll get the hang of your hoverboard. To get the hang of something: prendre le coup de main
Hot off the press Given the budget airline’s poor security record, a plane crash was bound to happen sooner or later. A poor (security) record: un bilan médiocre (en terme de sécurité) A budget/low-cost airline: une compagnie aérienne à bas coût Given: étant donné Sooner or later: tôt ou tard
Today’s quote I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. Jimmy Dean (1928-2010) - American country musician A sail: une voile To reach: atteindre
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
When I saw her eyes it was love at first sight.
His new book is selling like hot cakes. To be selling like hot cakes: se vendre comme des petits pains
Hot off the press The government is fighting an uphill battle against tax evasion. To fight an uphill battle: lutter tant bien que mal To fight a losing battle: mener un combat perdu d’avance A waste of time: une perte de temps, un coup d’épée dans l’eau Tax evasion: l’évasion fiscale
When I saw her eyes: lorsque je vis ses yeux Jeu de mots sur love at first sight: 1. At first sight: au premier regard (sight: la vue) 2. It was love at first sight: ce fut le coup de foudre
Today’s quote A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. Roald Dahl (1916-1990) - British author Now and then: de temps en temps To relish: savourer Wise: sage, judicieux
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What’s more amazing than a talking dog? A spelling bee.
Everyday contexts
What’s more amazing than …?: qu’est-ce qui est plus incroyable que … ? A talking dog: un chien qui parle Jeu de mots sur a spelling bee: 1. Une abeille qui sait épeler les mots (cf. to spell a word) 2. Terme désignant un concours d’orthographe dans lequel les participants doivent épeler un grand nombre de mots devant un public
Although he was in charge of the project, she kept stealing his thunder and taking all the credit. To steal somebody’s thunder: voler la vedette à quelqu’un To claim/take credit for something: s’attribuer le mérite de quelque chose
Hot off the press The accused had a history of violent behavior. To have a history of …: être déjà connu pour … Violent behavior: actes de violence
Today’s quote Promising too much can be as cruel as caring too little. Bill Clinton (born 1946) - 42nd U.S. President Too much: trop Too little: trop peu As cruel as: aussi cruel que To care about somebody, something: se soucier de quelqu’un, de quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
People who say they suffer from constipation are full of shit.
During my first week in college, I felt like a fish out of water. Like a fish out of water: comme un poisson hors de l’eau College: la fac
Hot off the press We cannot sugarcoat the issue of racism or sweep it under the rug. We must confront it head-on if we want race relations to improve. To sugarcoat an issue: édulcorer un problème To sweep something under the rug: tirer le rideau sur quelque chose To confront something head-on: attaquer quelque chose de front
Jeu de mots sur they are full of shit: 1. Ils sont remplis de merde 2. Ils racontent des conneries (that’s bullshit!: c’est des conneries !) Aussi: You’re so full of shit that your eyes are brown
Today’s quote He who laughs most learns best. John Cleese (born 1939) - English comedian, co-founder of Monty Python He who laughs most learns best: celui qui rit le plus, apprend le mieux He who laughs last laughs best: rira bien qui rira le dernier
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
“American beer is like making love in a canoe… fucking close to water.”
Everyday contexts
Monthy Python’s Flying Circus, BBC comedy series and group of comedians
Beer: de la bière Jeu de mots sur fucking close to water: 1. To fuck close to the water: baiser près de la flotte 2. It’s fucking close to water: putain, on dirait de la flotte His beer’s like dishwater: sa bière, c’est de la flotte (dishwater: de l’eau de vaisselle)
Most beginning teachers have to face an isolating sink or swim experience. Sink or swim: ça passe ou ça casse, marche ou crève
Hot off the press The new government wants to go the whole hog in privatizing public utilities. To go the whole hog: ne pas faire les choses à moitié Public utilities: les services publics
Today’s quote Being a woman is a terribly difficult trade, since it consists principally in dealing with men. Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) - Polish-British author A trade: un métier, une activité To deal with somebody, something: avoir affaire à quelqu’un, quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
How do you make Halloween great again? By carving a Trumpkin!
We all trusted you and you just took us for a ride. Shame on you! To take somebody for a ride: mener quelqu’un en bateau, rouler quelqu’un To be led up the garden path: se faire rouler Shame on you!: c’est honteux de ta part !, quelle honte !
Hot off the press The president didn’t mince his words as he described how corruption poisons the entire system. To mince one’s words: mâcher ses mots To poison something, to eat away at something: gangréner quelque chose
Faire ici le rapprochement avec Make America Great Again (Rendre sa grandeur à l’Amérique), slogan de campagne présidentielle popularisé par Donald Trump en 2016 lors de la course à la Maison Blanche (en référence à la présidence de Ronald Reagan). To carve: tailler, découper Jeu de mots sur Trumpkin, mot-valise issue de la fusion entre Trump et pumpkin (citrouille).
Today’s quote So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning. Aaron Copland (1900-1990) - American composer So/as long as: tant que To thrive: être florissant To sustain: nourrir, maintenir
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
For Halloween we dressed up as almonds. Everyone could tell we were nuts.
Everyday contexts
To dress up as …: se déguiser en … An almond: une amande Jeu de mots sur nuts: a. A nut: une noisette b. To be nuts: être dingue
I’ve got a skeleton in the closet. I was once arrested for DUI after crashing into a police car. A skeleton in the closet: un cadavre dans le placard DUI (driving under the influence): conduite en état d’ébriété
Hot off the press The government made the unpalatable decision to cut homelessness services. Unpalatable: désagréable à faire To find something unpalatable: avoir du mal à accepter quelque chose An unpalatable truth: une vérité qui dérange The homeless: les sans-abris
Today’s quote One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others. Lewis Carroll (1831-1898) - English author All that is really worth doing: tout ce qui vaut réellement la peine d’être fait
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Thank God for nipples. Without them, boobs would be pointless.
Be ambitious, son. The sky’s the limit! The sky’s the limit!: il faut viser haut !
Hot off the press The onus is on the manufacturers to improve working conditions in garment factories. The onus in on … to …: c’est à … qu’il incombe de … It is incumbent (up)on … to …: il incombe/appartient à … de … Manufacturers: les fabricants Garment factories: des usines de vêtements
Thank God: Dieu merci, Dieu soit loué Nipples: les tétons Without them: sans eux Boobs: les seins, les nichons Jeu de mots sur boobs would be pointless: 1. Les seins ne seraient pas pointus 2. Les seins n’auraient aucun intérêt (it’s pointless: ça ne sert à rien, ça ne rime à rien)
Today’s quote Life and death matters, yes. And the question of how to behave in this world, how to go in the face of everything. Time is short and the water is rising. Raymond Carver (1938-1988) - American author It matters: ça a de l’importance How to behave: comment se comporter The water is rising: l’eau monte
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What did the TV say to the remote? You turn me on.
Everyday contexts
The remote (control): la télécommande Jeu de mots sur turn on: 1. To turn on the TV: allumer la télé 2. You turn me on: tu me fais quelque chose, tu m’excites
I’m not sure what to do about the whole business. I’ll have to sleep on it. I’ll sleep on it, let’s sleep on it: la nuit porte conseil
Hot off the press Pesticide manufacturers need to wake up to the problem of collapsing bee colonies. To wake up to something: prendre conscience, se rendre compte de quelque chose The collapse of bee colonies: l’effondrement des colonies d’abeilles Manufacturers: des fabricants
Today’s quote We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) - American author To let go (of something): lâcher prise
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why are fish such bad tennis players? Because they never get close to the net.
The government is sitting on the fence about legalizing pot. To sit on the fence: ménager la chèvre et le chou, ne pas prendre position A fence: une clôture, une barrière Pot: du cannabis
Hot off the press It seems to be too late now for the Labour MP to mend fences with his critics. To mend fences with somebody: se réconcilier avec quelqu’un A Labour MP (Member of Parliament): un député travailliste A Tory MP: un député conservateur
Such bad tennis players: de si mauvais joueurs de tennis To get close to the net: s’approcher du filet
Today’s quote Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) - American self-help author To take a chance: essayer, prendre un risque To dare: oser To do something for a dare: faire quelque chose pour relever un défi Chance: le hasard (vs luck: la chance) To go farther/farthest: aller plus loin/le plus loin
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’m going to stand outside; so if anyone asks, I’m outstanding.
Everyday contexts
To stand outside: se tenir debout dehors So if anyone asks: donc si quelqu’un demande Jeu de mots sur I’m outstanding (je suis exceptionnel) prononcé comme I’m out standing (je suis dehors, debout).
I smell a rat. This was probably no accident. I smell a rat: il y a anguille sous roche, c’est louche
Hot off the press Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are committed to using all available means to prevent human rights violations in their supply chains. To use all available means: utiliser tous les moyens en son pouvoir, faire feu de tout bois By all means: par tous les moyens To be committed to doing something: être engagé à faire quelque chose The supply chain: la chaîne logistique
Today’s quote Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected. Steve Jobs (1955-2011) - American entrepreneur and industrial designer A yardstick of quality: une référence en matière de qualité To be used to something: être habitué à quelque chose Expected: attendu
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why aren’t iPhone chargers called Apple Juice?
Replacing a hard drive in a computer isn’t rocket science. It’s not rocket science: c’est vraiment pas sorcier It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to …: pas besoin d’être un génie pour … It’s very straightforward: c’est tout ce qu’il y a de plus simple A hard drive: un disque dur
Hot off the press Taxpayers should not have to foot the bill for collapsing banks. To foot the bill: payer la facture To pick up the pieces: payer les pots cassés Taxpayers: les contribuables Taxes: les impôts To collapse: s’effondrer
Jeu de mots sur Apple Juice: 1. Du jus de pomme 2. Du jus, du courant pour les appareils Apple (= des chargeurs Apple)
Today’s quote Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. William James (1842-1910) - American philosopher and psychologist Life is worth living: la vie vaut la peine d’être vécue Belief: la croyance
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Duck puns quack me up!
Everyday contexts
Duck puns: les jeux de mots sur les canards Jeu de mots sur quack me up à rapprocher de crack me up: 1. To quack: faire coin-coin 2. They crack me up: ils me font mourir de rire, ils me font délirer
Serves him right—he had it coming! He had it coming: il l’a bien cherché Serves him right: bien fait pour lui It serves him right for being/doing …: ça lui apprendra à être/faire …
Hot off the press So far the president has shown little capacity to carry out his plans. Most important issues are subject to gesture politics. Gesture politics: des gesticulations politiciennes, une démarche politique purement symbolique Gesture: des gestes Grandstanding: de la démagogie To carry out: mettre en œuvre So far: jusqu’ici
Today’s quote I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, religion, or philosophy as cause for withdrawing from a friend. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1825) - American Founding Father, architect of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd U.S. President The Founding Fathers: les Pères Fondateurs (qui élaborèrent la Constitution fédérale des États-Unis) Politics: la politique To withdraw from a friend: se détacher d’un ami
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I dropped my burger on the floor. Now it’s ground beef.
Global warming is one of the most pressing issues of our time, yet politicians seem to be fiddling while Rome burns. To fiddle while Rome burns: se perdre en futilités au lieu d’agir To fiddle: jouer du violon
Hot off the press States should have no right to keep tabs on all individuals in order to prevent threats to collective interests. To keep tabs on somebody: tenir quelqu’un à l’œil To prevent a threat: prévenir une menace
To drop something (on the floor): lâcher, faire tomber quelque chose (sur le sol) Jeu de mots sur ground: 1. Ground beef: du steak hâché (to grind: broyer, hâcher) 2. The ground: le sol
Today’s quote Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) - German-born American physicist To strive (to do something): s’efforcer (de faire quelque chose) Rather: plutôt
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Yesterday I found a rock which measured 1,760 yards in length. Must be some kind of milestone.
Everyday contexts
A rock: un caillou Some kind of: une sorte de 1,760 yards in length: 1.609,33 m de longueur/1,6 km (1 yard = 91,44 cm) Jeu de mots sur a milestone: 1. Une pierre qui mesure 1 mile (1,6 km) 2. Un borne kilométrique 3. Un événement marquant
Building your dream home will probably take you a very long time. But remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, you know. Rome wasn’t built in a day: Paris/ Rome ne s’est pas fait en un jour
Hot off the press The government’s new educational policies are just a smokescreen. It’s a smokescreen, it’s all smoke and mirrors: c’est un écran de fumée A decoy: un miroir aux alouettes Policies: des mesures
Today’s quote Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship; and pass the rosy wine. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - English author To fan a flame: attiser une flamme Sinking: qui commence à faiblir A wing: une aile
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I’m glad I know sign language, it’s pretty handy.
When I brought up the divorce issue his face fell. I realized I had opened a can of worms. To open a can of worms: ouvrir la boîte de Pandore A can of worms: une boîte contenant des vers His face fell: son visage s’est assombri
Hot off the press The noose is tightening around the suspected terrorists. The noose is tightening around …: l’étau se resserre autour …
Glad: content Sign language: le langage des signes Jeu de mots sur handy: 1. A hand: une main 2. It’s pretty handy: c’est bien pratique To have something handy: avoir quelque chose à portée de main
Today’s quote May the days be aimless. Let the seasons drift. Do not advance the action according to a plan. Don DeLillo (born 1936) - American author May the days …: puissent les jours … Aimless: sans but précis To let the seasons drift: laisser passer les saisons
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I Googled “how to start a wildfire” and got 48,500 matches.
Everyday contexts
A wildfire: un incendie de forêt An arson: un incendie criminel An arsonist: un pyromane Jeu de mots sur matches: 1. Des allumettes 2. Des résultats correspondant à une recherche Google
Calling them all hypocrites really set the cat among the pigeons. To set the cat among the pigeons, to drop a bombshell: jeter un pavé dans la mare
Hot off the press Teenagers are particularly susceptible to advertising and peer pressure. Susceptible to something: influençable par quelque chose Advertising: la publicité Peer pressure: les pressions exercées par l’entourage (one’s peers: ses pairs)
Today’s quote Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. Vince Lombardi (1913-1970) - American football player To chase something: courir après quelque chose To catch something: attraper quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I have a fear of speed bumps, but I am slowly getting over it.
He’s sucking up to his boss to get a promotion. To lick somebody’s boots, to suck up to somebody: lécher les bottes de quelqu’un, faire de la lèche à quelqu’un A brown-nose: un lèche-cul
Hot off the press They went on with the proposed health care bill in the teeth of strong opposition. In the teeth of opposition: en dépit de l’opposition A health care bill: un projet de loi sur la santé
I have a fear of/I am afraid of …: j’ai peur de … Speed bumps: des ralentisseurs (sur la route) Jeu de mots sur I am slowly getting over it: a. Je passe dessus tout doucement b. Je m’en remets tout doucement (to get over something: se remettre de quelque chose)
Today’s quote By all means let’s be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out. Richard Dawkins (born 1941) - English scientist By all means: bien sûr, certainement Open-minded: ouvert d’esprit (≠ narrow-minded: borné) A brain: un cerveau To drop out: sortir et tomber (du crâne, ici), finir sans cervelle (sens figuré)
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’m taking part in a stair climbing competition. Guess I’d better step up my game.
Everyday contexts
A stair climbing competition: une course d’escalier Guess I’d better …: je crois que je ferais mieux de … Jeu de mots sur step: 1. A flight of steps: un escalier (a step: une marche) 2. To step up one’s game: améliorer ses performances, passer au niveau supérieur
The news spread like wildfire. To spread like wildfire: se répandre comme une traînée de poudre
Hot off the press The outcome will be seen as a litmus test of government concern for gender equality. A litmus test, an acid test: un test décisif, une épreuve de vérité The outcome: l’issue, le résultat Concern for …: l’importance attachée à … Gender equality: l’égalité des sexes
Today’s quote Changes and progress very rarely are gifts from above. They come out of struggles from below. Noam Chomsky (born 1928) - American linguist and political activist Gifts from above: des cadeaux du ciel Struggles from below: des luttes menées ici-bas (par les classes laborieuses)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then lefties are the only ones in their right mind.
I can’t believe she left me after twenty happy years of marriage. I guess that’s the way the ball bounces. That’s the way the ball bounces/the cookie crumbles: c’est la vie
Hot off the press Paying reparations to the African-American descendants of slaves won’t right the wrongs of the past. To right a wrong: réparer une injustice Slaves: des esclaves Slavery: l’esclavage
The right side, the left side: le côté droit, le côté gauche The mind, the brain: l’esprit, le cerveau Lefties: les gauchistes Jeu de mots sur right mind: They are the only ones in their right mind: ils sont les seuls à avoir toute leur tête
Today’s quote Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill (1874-1965) - British Prime Minister Failure: l’échec
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’m so poor I can’t even pay attention.
Everyday contexts
So poor: si pauvre I can’t even: je ne peux même pas Jeu de mots sur pay: 1. Payer 2. To pay attention to something: faire attention à quelque chose
Stella: “Who told you she was pregnant?” Sarah: “I heard it on the grapevine.” I heard it on the grapevine: je l’ai appris par le téléphone arabe, par mes services de renseignement By hearsay: par ouï-dire By word of mouth: de bouche à oreille Pregnant: enceinte
Hot off the press Anorexia in the fashion industry is a scourge but so far we have failed to size up the problem. To size up a problem: mesure l’étendue d’un problème So far: jusqu’ici To fail: échouer A scourge: un fléau Fashion: la mode
Today’s quote The good thing about acting is that it always keeps you on your toes… It’s not like any other job where you can go in and do the same thing as yesterday. Leonardo DiCaprio (born 1974) - American actor To keep somebody on his toes: forcer quelqu’un à rester vigilant/alerte That’ll keep you on your toes!: ça t’empêchera de t’endormir !
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I hated my job at the fireworks factory and was eventually fired.
You need to suffer if you want to achieve your goal. As they say, no pain, no gain. No pain, no gain: on n’a rien sans rien To achieve one’s goal: atteindre son but
Hot off the press Things would be looking up if there were a shift in consumers’ dietary habits. Things would be looking up if …: la situation s’améliorerait si … A shift: un changement Dietary habits: les habitudes alimentaires Old habits die hard: les vieilles habitudes ont la vie dure
To hate: détester The fireworks factory: la fabrique de feu d’artifice Eventually: au final Jeu de mots sur fired: 1. To fire: tirer (fusée, etc.) 2. To be/get fired: se faire renvoyer
Today’s quote They say marriages are made in heaven. But so is thunder and lightning. Clint Eastwood (born 1930) - American film director Heaven: le paradis But so is …: mais c’est pareil pour … Thunder and lightning: le tonnerre et les éclairs/la foudre A flash of lightning: un éclair
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I need to stop drinking so much milk. It’s an udder disgrace!
Everyday contexts
So much milk: autant de lait Jeu de mots sur udder à rapprocher de utter: 1. An udder: une mamelle, un pis 2. It’s an utter disgrace!: c’est parfaitement honteux !
After months of hard work I can’t believe she actually wanted to scrap the whole project—throw out the baby with the bathwater! To throw out the baby with the bathwater: jeter le bébé avec l’eau du bain To scrap: abandonner
Hot off the press For women today, marriage is no longer the be-all and end-all. The be-all and end-all: le but suprême An end in itself: une fin en soi It is no longer …: ce n’est plus …
Today’s quote You can’t control how other people see you or think of you. But you have to be comfortable with that. Helen Mirren (born 1945) - English actress To be comfortable with something: être à l’aise avec quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What do you call a one-eyed kid with no arms and no legs? Names.
Now that they’ve broken up he’s footloose and fancy-free again. Footloose and fancy-free: libre comme l’air To break up with somebody: rompre avec quelqu’un
Hot off the press Learning foreign languages broadens the mind and, by the same token, it fosters tolerance. By the same token: de même, également Foreign languages: les langues étrangères To broaden the mind: ouvrir l’esprit Travel broadens the mind: les voyages forment la jeunesse To foster: favoriser
What do you call …?: comment appelle-t-on … ? A one-eyed kid: un gamin borgne To call somebody names: traiter quelqu’un de tous les noms
Today’s quote Don’t follow trends, start them! Frank Capra (1887-1991) - Italian-American film director To follow a trend: suivre une tendance, une mode A trendsetter: quelqu’un qui donne le ton ou lance une mode A craze: un engouement
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I hate how funerals are always at 9 a.m. I’m not really a mourning person.
Everyday contexts
A funeral: un enterrement Jeu de mots sur mourning (le deuil) prononcé comme morning: a. I’m not a morning person: je ne suis pas du matin b. I’m not a mourning person: le deuil, c’est pas mon truc Mourners: les parents et amis du défunt
It’s so obvious he’s madly in love with her. He wears his heart on his sleeve. To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve: laisser voir ses sentiments (a sleeve: une manche) Madly in love with somebody: éperdument amoureux de quelqu’un
Hot off the press Profit maximization is the name of the game in corporate America. That’s the name of the game: 1. C’est ce qui compte 2. C’est comme ça (que ça fonctionne) Corporate America: l’Amérique des entreprises
Today’s quote Most people have never learned that one of the main aims in life is to enjoy it. Samuel Butler (1835-1902) - English author One of the main aims of …: l’un des principaux buts de …
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
My math teacher called me average. How mean!
I don’t trust that guy. He runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds. To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds: jouer double jeu (courir avec le lièvre et chasser avec la meute)
Hot off the press What the president is doing flies in the face of everything a democracy stands for. It flies in the face of …: cela va à l’encontre de … To fly in the face of accepted ideas: défier les idées reçues
Average: moyen Jeu de mots sur mean: 1. La moyenne 2. How mean!: c’est vache, c’est vraiment pas sympa !
Today’s quote There’s a fine line between stubbornness and the positive side of that, which is dogged determination. Jeb Bush (born 1953) - American politician There’s a fine line between … and …: entre … et …, la marge est étroite Stubbornness: l’entêtement, l’obstination Dogged: tenace, acharné
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I know a guy who is addicted to brake fluid. He can stop anytime.
Everyday contexts
To be addicted to something: être accro à quelque chose Brake fluid: du liquide de frein Anytime: à tout moment, n’importe quand
“You look wonderful in that dress,” he said, tongue-incheek. Tongue-in-cheek: de manière ironique (cf. a tongue-in-cheek remark)
Hot off the press Global warming is a grim reality but it not too late to ward off disaster. To ward off (disaster): éviter (le désastre) Global warming: le réchauffement de la planète A grim reality: une triste/dure réalité
Today’s quote There was another life that I might have had, but I am having this one. Kazuo Ishiguro (born 1954) - British novelist I might have had another life: j’aurais pu avoir une autre vie
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Singing in the shower is all fun and games until you get shampoo in your mouth. Then it becomes a soap opera.
Now that she is the new CEO, we finally have a woman calling the shots at the company. To call the shots: mener la barque To pull the strings: tirer les ficelles A CEO: un PDG
Hot off the press The new government is grappling with the problem of teenage binge drinking. To grapple with something: être aux prises avec quelque chose Teenage binge drinking: la consommation excessive d’alcool par les adolescents Binge drinking: une biture express To go pub-crawling: faire la tournée des bars/pubs, faire un barathon
To sing in the shower: chanter sous la douche It is all fun and games until …: c’est bien amusant jusqu’à ce que … Jeu de mots sur a soap opera: 1. Un opéra sur le thème du savon 2. Un soap(-opéra), une feuilleton à l’eau de rose
Today’s quote Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915) - American author
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’m reading a book about antigravity. I can’t put it down.
Everyday contexts
I simply couldn’t put that book down: j’ai dévoré ce livre A page-turner: un livre passionnant, qui se lit d’une traite A cliffhanger: un récit à suspense, un moment d’angoisse (a cliff: une falaise)
I’m willing to compromise if we can meet halfway on this. To meet halfway: couper la poire en deux
Hot off the press The reason why Britons voted for Brexit is plain to see. It is plain to see: c’est évident Britons: les Britanniques (Great) Britain: la Grande-Bretagne The British: les Britanniques British (adj.) : britannique
Today’s quote Happiness is a byproduct of function, purpose, and conflict; those who seek happiness for itself seek victory without war. William S. Burroughs (1914-1997) - American author A byproduct: un sous-produit, un dérivé, une conséquence Purpose: l’intention, l’objectif To seek happiness: rechercher le bonheur
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Being struck by lightning is a shocking experience.
Unless sales improve, we’ll be up against the wall. To be up against the wall: être au pied du mur Unless: à moins que Sales: les ventes
Hot off the press House prices have been going through the roof lately. Lately: ces derniers temps To go through, to hit the roof: crever le plafond
To be struck by lightning: être foudroyé
Today’s quote Predicting rain doesn’t count. Building arks does. Warren Buffet (born 1930) - American businessman To predict rain: prédire qu’il va pleuvoir To build an ark: construire une arche
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Why did the police arrest the turkey? Because they suspected foul play.
Everyday contexts
A turkey: une dinde Jeu de mots sur foul prononcé comme fowl: a. Foul play: un acte criminel b. Fowl: de la volaille
I work about 10 hours a day and get paid peanuts. To be paid peanuts: être payé au lance-pierre To work for peanuts: travailler pour des clopinettes, pour trois fois rien If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys: qui ne paie rien n’a que des bons à rien Peanuts: des cacahuètes
Hot off the press The government is ready to jettison its latest, unpopular tax reform in order to save face. To jettison, to scrap: abandonner To save face: sauver la face The latest: le dernier en date
Today’s quote Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. Dr. Seuss (1904-1991) - American author and cartoonist It’s over: c’est terminé It happened: ça s’est passé
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Said the dog: “I’m not fat, I’m just husky.”
As soon as my parents leave for Greece, we’ll throw a huge party at my house. When the cat’s away… When the cat’s away, the mice will play: quand le chat n’est pas là, les souris dansent To throw a (huge) party: organiser une (énorme) fête
Hot off the press There’s been talk about the need to control border crossings in order to stem the flow of illegal guns. To control border crossings: contrôler les passages aux frontières To stem the flow/the tide (of something): endiguer le flot (de quelque chose)
Fat: gros Jeu de mots sur husky: 1. Un husky (chien) 2. Costaud
Today’s quote Two cheers for democracy; one because it admits variety, and two because it permits criticism. E. M. Forster (1879-1970) - English author Three cheers for …: hourra pour … Cheers!: à la vôtre, à la tienne / tchao ! (Brit) / merci ! (Brit) One … , two …: primo … , secundo … Criticism: la critique
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What did the beach say as the tide came in? Long time no sea.
Everyday contexts
The beach: la plage The tide comes in: la marée monte Jeu de mots sur long time no sea (pas de mer depuis longtemps) prononcé comme long time no see (ça fait un bail !, tiens, un revenant !)
I rubbed her the wrong way and now she’s in a foul mood. To rub somebody (up) the wrong way: prendre quelqu’un à rebrousse-poil In a foul mood: d’une humeur massacrante
Hot off the press Tied to its promises yet unable to raise the necessary funds, the government is now in a quandary. To be in a quandary: être pris dans un dilemme To be tied to something: être lié à quelque chose My hands are tied: j’ai les mains liées
Today’s quote The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money. Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) - British Prime Minister You eventually …: on finit par … To run out of money: être à court d’argent
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I heard Apple is designing a new automatic car. But they’re having trouble installing windows.
I’m working overtime, saving money for a rainy day. To save something for a rainy day: garder une poire pour la soif A rainy day: une journée pluvieuse To work overtime: faire des heures supplémentaires
Hot off the press Left and right are split over the issue of abortion. Left and right are split over the issue: la question constitue la ligne de fracture entre la gauche et la droite Abortion: l’avortement
They’re having trouble …: ils ont du mal à … Jeu de mots sur windows (les fenêtres) et Windows (système d’exploitation produit par Microsoft).
Today’s quote (About Margaret Thatcher’s funeral) Let’s privatise her funeral. Put it out on competitive tender and accept the cheapest bid. That’s what she would have wanted. Ken Loach (born 1936) - English film director Her funeral: ses obsèques Competitive bidding/tendering: appel d’offres The cheapest bid: l’offre la moins chère
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When two egotists meet, it’s an I for an I.
Everyday contexts
To meet: (se) rencontrer Jeu de mots sur an I for an I (je pour je) qui se prononce comme le proverbe an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth): œil pour œil, dent pour dent.
She passed all her exams with flying colors. With flying colors: haut la main To take an exam: passer un examen To pass an exam: réussir un examen
Hot off the press The government reform plan is described as a major step forward. It is anything but. A (major) step forward: un (grand) pas en avant It is anything but: c’est loin d’être le cas, bien au contraire
Today’s quote You can shop online and find whatever you’re looking for, but bookstores are where you find what you weren’t looking for. Paul Krugman (born 1953) - American economist A bookstore (US), a bookshop (Brit): une librairie A library: une bibliothèque A bookcase: une biliothèque (meuble)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I tried to take a picture of a field of wheat but it was too grainy.
He didn’t know the answer but took a shot in the dark. To take a shot in the dark: tenter le coup, deviner à tout hasard
Hot off the press Attempts to deal with distracted driving go back a long way. Attempts to … go back a long way: cela fait longtemps que l’on essaie de … Distracted driving: conduire et faire autre chose en même temps
A field of wheat: un champ de blé Jeu de mots sur grainy: 1. Qui a du grain (photo) 2. Granuleux (a grain of wheat: un grain de blé)
Today’s quote There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction. John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) - 35th U.S. President Far less than: beaucoup moins, bien moins Long-range: à long terme
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What does a house wear? A dress.
Everyday contexts
What does a house wear?: que porte une maison ? Jeu de mots sur a dress (une robe) prononcé comme address (adresse).
He was proven wrong but decided to stick to his guns no matter what. To stick to one’s guns, to stand one’s ground: camper sur ses positions No matter what: quoi qu’il arrive
Hot off the press His grand relocation plans are nothing but unworkable pipe dreams. Pipe dreams: des chimères To chase rainbows: poursuivre des chimères Relocation: la délocalisation To relocate abroad: s’implanter à l’étranger Grand plans: des grands projets Unworkable: irréalisable
DECEMBER Today’s quote Habit is a great deadener. Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) - Irish playwright A playwright: un dramaturge Habit: l’habitude It is a deadener: c’est abrutissant
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
In democracy, it’s your vote that counts. In feudalism, it’s your count that votes.
A pint of Guinness after a hard day’s work always hits the spot! It hits the spot: ça fait du bien A hard day’s work: une rude journée de travail
Hot off the press Edward Snowden has forcefully shown that we are sleepwalking into a surveillance society. To sleepwalk into something: se diriger vers quelque chose sans s’en rendre compte To sleepwalk: être somnambule Forcefully: avec force
A vote: un vote / to vote: voter Feudalism: la féodalité A count: un comte / to count: compter
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. Warren Buffet (born 1930) - American businessman To sit in the shade: être assis à l’ombre
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur get a taste of religion: 1. Goûter à la religion 2. Découvrir ce qu’est la religion We got a taste of his anger: il nous a donné un échantillon de sa colère Let’s give him a taste of his own medicine!: on va lui rendre la monnaie de sa pièce !
He comes across as a very honest politician but in truth he really is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He has invested a great deal of his money in an offshore tax haven. A wolf in sheep’s clothing: un loup déguisé en agneau He comes across as …: il donne l’impression d’être … A tax haven: un paradis fiscal (heaven: le paradis)
Hot off the press Complaints about poor food in college cafeterias have become a familiar refrain. A familiar/tired refrain: un refrain familier, une rengaine A complaint: un sujet de plainte Poor food: de la nourriture de mauvaise qualité College: la fac
DECEMBER Today’s quote
No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. William Blake (1757-1827) - English poet and painter To soar: s’envoler, s’élever dans le ciel Too high: trop haut With his own wings: de ses propres ailes
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Sleeping comes so naturally to me that I could do it with my eyes closed.
I’m not very tech-savvy—can I pick your brains? What is the best tablet on the market right now? To pick somebody’s brains: faire appel aux lumières de quelqu’un (A) tech-savvy (person): (un) technophile He is computer illiterate: il ne s’y connaît pas en informatique Illiterate (≠ literate): illettré
Hot off the press More government spending would, invariably, prime the economic pump. To prime the economic pump: relancer l’économie Spending: de la dépense Invariably: immanquablement
It comes naturally to me: j’ai un don pour le faire Jeu de mots sur I could do it with my eyes closed: je pourrais le faire les yeux fermés.
DECEMBER Today’s quote
There is a sense that things, if you keep positive and optimistic about what can be done, do work out. Hillary Clinton (born 1947) - American politician Things do work out: effectivement, tout se passe bien
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
An invisible man marries an invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur They were nothing to look at either: 1. On ne les voyait pas non plus 2. Ils ne payaient pas de mine non plus
Any politician worth his salt would at least acknowledge that America has a gun problem. Any … worth [his] salt: tout … qui se respecte He’s not worth his salt: il ne vaut pas grand-chose To acknowledge: reconnaître, admettre
Hot off the press The principles that used to underpin universal health care are now being eroded. To underpin something: sous-tendre quelque chose
DECEMBER Today’s quote
The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clark (1917-2008) - English author Beyond: au-delà
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I couldn’t work out how to fasten my seatbelt. Then it clicked.
Good luck getting grandpa to drive a gear-shift car. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, you know. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks: ce n’est pas à mon âge qu’on apprend de nouveaux trucs A gear-shift car: une voiture à boite de vitesses manuelle
Hot off the press Since the government took office, the economy has improved by leaps and bounds. To improve: s’améliorer To take office: prendre le pouvoir, entrer en fonction In/by leaps and bounds: à pas de géant
To work something out: trouver comment faire quelque chose To fasten one’s seatbelt: attacher sa ceinture Jeu de mots sur it clicked: 1. J’ai bouclé ma ceinture 2. Ça a fait tilt
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Sometimes it is better to lose and do the right thing than to win and do the wrong thing. Tony Blair (born 1953) - British Prime Minister
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I always take a second pair of pants when I go golfing in case I get a hole in one.
Everyday contexts
A pair of pants: un pantalon In case: au cas où Jeu de mots sur a hole in one: 1. Un trou dans un de mes pantalons 2. Un trou en un (= mettre la balle dans le trou en un seul coup)
That’s a lame excuse! I used to bunk off school too, you know. Don’t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. Don’t (try to) teach your grandmother to suck eggs: on n’apprend pas à un vieux singe à faire la grimace A lame excuse: une excuse bidon To bunk off school, to play truant: faire l’école buissonnière
Hot off the press His narrow-minded attitude will never get him elected. To be narrow-minded: être borné (≠ open-minded: ouvert d’esprit) Narrow-mindedness: étroitesse d’esprit To wear blinkers: avoir des œillères
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Try to be like the turtle—at ease in your own shell. Bill Copeland (1946-2010) - American poet At ease: à l’aise Ill-at-ease: mal à l’aise A shell: une carapace, une coquille
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Old bankers never die, they just lose interest.
After the birthday party the children all looked like something the cat dragged in. You look like something the cat dragged in!: non mais regarde à quoi tu ressembles ! Look what the cat dragged in!: regarde donc un peu qui pointe son nez !
Hot off the press An insular and inward-looking community cannot thrive. Inward-looking: replié sur soi-même To thrive: prospérer
To die: mourir Jeu de mots sur lose interest: a. Perdre des intérêts b. Se désintéresser
DECEMBER Today’s quote
The secret to so many artists living so long is that every painting is a new adventure. So, you see, they’re always looking ahead to something new and exciting. The secret is not to look back. Norman Rockwell (1894-1978) - American artist To look ahead: penser à l’avenir
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
How can you spot the blind guy at the nudist colony? It’s not hard.
Everyday contexts
To spot: repérer The blind guy: l’aveugle Jeu de mots sur it’s not hard: 1. C’est pas compliqué 2. Il n’est pas en érection (it = ici, le pénis)
Stop it, you’re driving me up the wall! To drive somebody up the wall: rendre quelqu’un dingue
Hot off the press The popularity of e-books is declining, which may signal that publishing, while not immune to technological upheaval, will weather the storm of digital technology. To weather a storm: survivre à une tempête Publishing: (le milieu de) l’édition A publisher: un éditeur An editor: un rédacteur en chef Immune to: immunisé, blindé contre While: bien que Upheaval: bouleversement, crise, cataclysme
DECEMBER Today’s quote
I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) - Army general and 34th U.S. President I hate war: je hais la guerre
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
A dog gave birth to puppies by the roadside and was cited for littering.
You’re worrying yourself sick. You should try meditating—it’ll help you keep your cool. To worry oneself sick: se rendre malade à force de se faire du souci, se faire des cheveux blancs Worried sick/stiff: fou/malade d’inquiétude To keep (one’s) cool: garder son calme
Hot off the press Despite his fine words, the president failed to convince the nation that the economy would bounce back. Despite his fine words: malgré ses beaux discours To fail to convince somebody: ne pas réussir à convaincre quelqu’un To bounce back: se rétablir
Puppies: des chiots By the roadside: sur le bord de la route To be cited: être cité à comparaître Jeu de mots sur to litter: 1. Jeter des ordures dans la nature 2. Mettre bas
DECEMBER Today’s quote
A career is wonderful, but you can’t curl up with it on a cold night. Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) - American actress and model A career: une carrière To curl up: se pelotonner
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Having sex in an elevator is wrong on so many levels.
Everyday contexts
It is wrong: c’est mal Jeu de mots sur on so many levels: 1. À autant d’étages 2. À tellement de niveaux
Sorry but you’ve got the wrong end of the stick. To get the wrong end of the stick: être à côté de la plaque The wrong end of the stick: la mauvaise extrémité du bâton
Hot off the press The union was preparing for a strike as talks with management were going nowhere. To go nowhere: tourner en rond, ne mener à rien It doesn’t make sense: cela n’a pas de sens It makes perfect sense: cela semble tout à fait évident It beggars belief: cela défie la raison Management and unions: patronat et syndicats (les partenaires sociaux) A strike: une grève
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) - American poet To go too far: aller trop loin How far one can go: jusqu’où il est possible d’aller
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The first time I used an elevator it was really uplifting, then it let me down.
You probably shouldn’t ask him where he got all that money. As they say, curiosity killed the cat. Curiosity killed the cat: la curiosité est un vilain défaut As they say: comme on dit
Hot off the press 57% of Americans believe that guns prevent crime, even though studies prove otherwise. To prevent (somebody/something from doing something): empêcher, prévenir (quelqu’un/quelque chose de faire quelque chose) To prove otherwise: montrer qu’il en est autrement
An elevator/a lift: un ascenseur Uplifting: qui met de bonne humeur Jeu de mots sur it let me down: 1. L’ascenseur m’a laissé retomber 2. L’ascenseur m’a déçu (cf. to let somebody down: décevoir quelqu’un) 3. L’ascenseur m’a laissé tomber (to ditch someone: laisser tomber quelqu’un comme une vieille chaussette)
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Love is supreme and unconditional; like is nice but limited. Duke Ellington (1899-1974) - American jazz composer I love you: je t’aime I like you: je t’aime bien
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur ring a bell: a. To ring a bell: faire sonner une cloche b. It rings a (distant) bell: ça me dit (vaguement) quelque chose (a bell: une cloche)
I feel like a million bucks with this new haircut! To look/feel like a million bucks/ dollars: se sentir dans une forme époustouflante
Hot off the press He has no chance of winning this election. He should see the writing on the wall and drop out of the race. The (hand)writing is on the wall: la fin est imminente To drop out of the race: abandonner la course
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Anybody who doesn’t know that politics is crime has got a few screws loose. James Ellroy (born 1948) - American author Politics: la politique Politicians: les (hommes et femmes) politiques He’s got a few screws loose: il lui manque une case ou deux (a loose screw: une vis mal serrée)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Says the rabbit to his friend: “Bad hare day?”
Sooner or later you’ll have to face the music, you know. To face the music: braver l’orage/la tempête To face (the) facts: regarder les choses en face, se rendre à l’évidence Sooner or later: tôt ou tard
Hot off the press Her role in the new administration smacks of tokenism. It smacks of tokenism: cela donne le sentiment qu’elle joue un rôle de pure forme A token gesture: un geste symbolique A token woman: la femme alibi/de service To be pegged/pigeonholed as …: être catalogué comme …
A rabbit: un lapin Jeu de mots sur hare (un lièvre) prononcé comme hair (les cheveux): I’m having a bad hair day: a. Tout va de travers pour moi aujourd’hui, c’est vraiment un jour sans b. Je ne sais pas quoi faire de mes cheveux aujourd’hui
DECEMBER Today’s quote
If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand. Milton Friedman (1912-2006) - American economist A shortage of sand: une pénurie de sable
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Where does a fish go to borrow money? The loan shark.
Everyday contexts
To borrow money: emprunter de l’argent Jeu de mots sur loan shark: A loan: un emprunt A shark: un requin A loan shark: un usurier
Don’t worry, it’s all water under the bridge now. It’s (all) water under the bridge: tout ça s’est du passé (a bridge: un pont)
Hot off the press The finance minister is in a bind, unable to account for the sudden rise in energy prices. To be in a bind: être dans le pétrin, être coincé To account for something: expliquer, rendre compte de quelque chose Sudden: soudain
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford (1863-1947) - American industrialist To come together: se rapprocher, se rassembler To keep together: rester ensemble
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
“An Englishman teaching an American about food is like the blind leading the one-eyed.”
I didn’t like the novel. The plot is too far-fetched. Far-fetched: tiré par les cheveux A novel: un roman The plot: l’intrigue
Hot off the press This decision will do nothing to heal the rift between both countries. To heal the rift/split: réduire la fracture
A. J. Liebling, American journalist
Le dicton it’s the blind leading the blind (c’est un aveugle qui conduit un aveugle) est ici détourné. The blind: les aveugles The one-eyed: les borgnes
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. Bill Gates (born 1955) - American businessman and philanthropist A tool: un outil
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
The dead batteries were given out free of charge.
Everyday contexts
Dead batteries: des piles vides To give out something: distribuer quelque chose Jeu de mots sur free of charge: a. Gratuitement b. Vides, non rechargées
The sales period got off to a flying start this year. To get off to a flying start: démarrer sur les chapeaux de roues To get off to a shaky start: partir du mauvais pied Shaky finances: une situation financière instable The sales period: la période des soldes
Hot off the press Progress on the issue of samesex marriage seems unlikely, at least in the short term. In the short/long term: à court/long terme It seems (un)likely: cela semble (peu) probable Same-sex/gay marriage: le mariage homosexuel
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. John Lennon (1940-1980) - English musician To be busy (doing something): être occupé (à faire quelque chose)
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
You can’t be on the same page with someone who has a different book.
Bob’s got a finger in every pie. To have a finger in every pie: se mêler de tout Bob has a finger in that pie!: il y a du Bob là-dessous !
Hot off the press Economists have begun pointing the finger at big business, and in particular at the handful of companies that increasingly dominate many industries. To point the finger (at somebody, something): montrer quelqu’un, quelque chose du doigt Big business: les grandes entreprises A handful of: une poignée de
Jeu de mots sur to be on the same page with somebody: 1. Être sur la même page que quelqu’un 2. Être d’accord avec quelqu’un To see eye to eye with somebody: partager le point de vue de quelqu’un
DECEMBER Today’s quote
You cannot swim for new horizons until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. William Faulkner (1897-1962) - American author To lose sight of the shore: perdre de vue le rivage To have the courage of one’s convictions: avoir le courage de ses opinions
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
How do you fix a train that can’t hear? With an engineer.
Everyday contexts
To fix a train: réparer un train Jeu de mots sur an engineer (un ingénieur) prononcé comme an engine ear (une oreille pour moteur).
Stop kidding yourself, she won’t come back. To kid oneself: se faire des illusions No kidding!, you’re kidding!: sans blague ! I kid you not!: je te jure ! You can’t kid me!: tu ne me la feras pas !
Hot off the press Tinkering with human embryos leaves the door wide open to all sorts of abuses, most notably cloning and eugenics. It leaves the door wide open to …: c’est la porte ouverte à … To tinker: bidouiller, bricoler Cloning and eugenics: le clonage et l’eugénisme
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness. Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) - American poet Inner moonlight: le clair de lune intérieur Madness: la folie
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
He often broke into a song because he couldn’t find the key.
I’ve been through the mill this year. First I lost my job and then our house was burglarized. To go through the mill, to put somebody through the mill: passer par de dures épreuves, mettre quelqu’un à l’épreuve Burglarized (US) / burgled (Brit): cambriolé A burglar: un cambrioleur
Hot off the press Smart presentation during the interview tipped the scales in favor of the Republican candidate. To tip the scales, to tilt the balance (in favor of/against): faire pencher la balance (en faveur de/contre)
Often: souvent Jeu de mots sur key: a. La clé b. Le ton (to sing in/off key: chanter juste/faux) Jeu de mots sur break into: a. To break into a house: entrer par effraction dans une maison b. To break into a song: se mettre à chanter/entrer par effraction dans une chanson (car la clé est introuvable)
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power. William James (1842-1910) - American philosopher and psychologist Weakness: la faiblesse (vs strengh: la force)
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
When is a door not a door? When it’s ajar.
Everyday contexts
Jeu de mots sur ajar (entrouvert) prononcé comme a jar (un bocal).
When he was a student at Cambridge, his motto was “work hard, play hard.” I like to work hard and play hard: je mets autant d’énergie à travailler qu’à m’amuser
Hot off the press A recent report has shown that there is still deep-rooted racism among many working-class communities. Deep-rooted, deep-seated: profondément enraciné The working class: la classe ouvrière He’s working-class: il appartient à la classe ouvrière The working classes: le prolétariat
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Life is a lot like jazz… it’s best when you improvise. George Gershwin (1898-1937) - American composer
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
The best time to open a gift is the present.
I was unemployed for about a year, but I managed to pull myself up by the bootstraps and land a job in a factory. To pull oneself (up) by one’s own bootstraps: se hisser à la force du poignet, se faire tout seul Unemployed, jobless: au chômage Unemployement, joblessness: le chômage To land a job: décrocher un boulot A factory: une usine
Hot off the press Social networking is all the rage these days, but many people don’t know what all the fuss is about. They see it as a waste of time. To be all the rage: faire fureur What all the fuss is about: pourquoi on en fait tant d’histoires A waste of time: une perte de temps
A gift: un cadeau Jeu de mots sur present: 1. Le présent 2. Un présent, un cadeau
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Money is a horrid thing to follow, but a charming thing to meet. Henry James (1843-1916) - American-born British writer Horrid: épouvantable
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
The future, the present and the past walked into a bar. Things got a little tense.
Everyday contexts
To walk into a bar: entrer dans un bar Jeu de mots sur tense: 1. Tendu 2. Le temps grammatical (≠ time: le temps qui passe)
She was the life and soul of the party yesterday. She always has so much energy to spare! The life and soul of the party: celui/ celle qui met l’ambiance A party animal: un gros fêtard To have energy to spare: avoir de l’énergie à revendre
Hot off the press India’s phonemakers are crying foul on Chinese rivals. The latter have taken the country’s mobile market by storm with aggressive pricing and marketing campaigns. To cry foul: crier à l’injustice, au scandale The latter (inv.): ces derniers To take by storm: prendre d’assaut
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. Farrah Gray (born 1984) - American businessman To hire somebody: embaucher quelqu’un Theirs: les leurs
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I saw an ad for burial places and thought to myself this is the last thing I need!
Those two are thick as thieves. They tell each other everything. To be (as) thick as thieves: s’entendre comme des larrons en foire, être (comme) cul et chemise
Hot off the press The reduction in interest rates had a knock-on effect on the real estate market. A knock-on effect: des répercussions Interest rates: les taux d’intérêt The real estate market: le marché de l’immobilier A realtor (US): un agent immobilier
An ad: une annonce A burial place: un lieu de sépulture
DECEMBER Today’s quote
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) - leader of India’s independence movement
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I think Santa has a riverside property in Brazil. All our presents came from Amazon this year.
Everyday contexts
Santa (Claus): le Père Noël Presents: des cadeaux A riverside property: une propriété en bordure de rivière Jeu de mots sur Amazon: 1. Amazon: la plateforme de vente en ligne 2. The Amazon jungle: la jungle amazonienne
She had a change of heart and decided to come along. To have a change of heart: changer son fusil d’épaule, changer d’avis To come along: accompagner quelqu’un
Hot off the press Despite Brexit, the UK still offers great job opportunities for young foreign nationals. This job offers great opportunities: ce poste offre d’excellentes perspectives d’avenir, d’excellents débouchés Foreign nationals: les ressortissants étrangers The UK (United Kingdom): le Royaume-Uni
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking (1942-2018) - English physicist To make sense of something: comprendre quelque chose To wonder about something: s’interroger sur quelque chose To wonder at something: s’émerveiller devant quelque chose
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? Claustrophobic.
This year Christmas will be a make-or-break time for the company. It’s make or break: ça passe ou ça casse A company: une entreprise
Hot off the press The president’s program is no match for the scale of the crisis. To be no match (for somebody, something): ne pas être de taille (face à quelqu’un, quelque chose) The scale: l’étendue
What do you call …?: comment appelle-t-on … ? Santa Claus: le père Noël
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Anything worth doing is worth overdoing. Mick Jagger (born 1943) - English musician, lead singer of the Rolling Stones It is worth doing: ça vaut le coup To overdo: exagérer
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
Santa’s helpers are subordinate clauses.
Everyday contexts
Santa (Claus): le père Noël A helper: un assistant Jeu de mots sur subordinate clauses: a. Des propositions subordonnées b. Des pères Noël subalternes
You’re the apple of my eye. You’re the apple of my eye: je tiens à toi comme à la prunelle de mes yeux.
Hot off the press Following the closure of an iconic manufacturing plant in Australia, Toyota went to great lengths to ensure that no employee was adversely affected financially. To go to great lengths (to do something): se donner beaucoup de mal (pour faire quelque chose) To go to extremes: pousser les choses à l’extrême A manufacturing plant: une usine To affect somebody, something adversely: avoir un effet défavorable sur quelqu’un, quelque chose
Today’s quote People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent. Bob Dylan (born 1941) - American musician and poet Seldom: rarement Convenient: pratique, commode To repent: regretter, se repentir
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Because they’re shellfish.
My teenage son is always raiding the fridge. He’s going to eat us out of house and home. He’s going to eat us out of house and home: son appétit va nous mettre à la rue To eat like a horse: manger comme un ogre I could eat a horse: j’ai une faim de loup A teen(ager): un ado(lescent) To raid the fridge: dévaliser le frigo
Hot off the press A nation’s culture is not carved in stone. It isn’t carved/set/cast in stone: cela n’a rien d’immuable, ce n’est pas gravé dans le marbre Carved in(to) …: taillé dans …
Oysters: les huîtres Share their pearls: partager leurs perles Jeu de mots sur shellfish (des crustacés) dont la prononciation est à rapprocher de selfish (égoiste).
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Yield to temptation. It may not pass your way again. Robert A. Einlein (1907-1988) - American author To yield to something: céder à quelque chose To pass somebody’s way: croiser le chemin de quelqu’un
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.
Everyday contexts
A cow: une vache Jeu de mots sur ground: 1. The ground: le sol 2. Ground beef: du bœuf haché
Maybe you should take a leaf out of her book and come in early to the office. To take a leaf out of somebody’s book: en prendre de la graine A leaf: une feuille To come in early to the office: arriver tôt au bureau
Hot off the press The film looks squarely at social problems in major U.S. cities. To look squarely at something: traiter quelque chose sans détour
DECEMBER Today’s quote
Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs. Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855) - English author To nurse animosity: entretenir de la rancœur To have a grudge against somebody: avoir une dent contre quelqu’un To register wrongs: prêter attention au tort que l’on peut vous faire
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
I sang the rainbow song in front of a police officer and got arrested for using colorful language.
Jack packed everything but the kitchen sink and left his family high and dry. To pack everything but the kitchen sink: emporter tout sauf les murs The kitchen sink: l’évier de la cuisine To be left high and dry, to be left stranded: se retrouver le bec dans l’eau, se retrouver en carafe
Hot off the press The Iraq war still casts a long shadow over a dangerous and deeply unstable region. To cast a (long) shadow over (somebody, something): jeter une ombre sur (quelqu’un, quelque chose) To overshadow: assombrir Deeply: profondément
The rainbow song: la chanson de l’arc-en-ciel Jeu de mots sur colorful: 1. Coloré 2. Très libre, vulgaire
DECEMBER Today’s quote
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970) - American musician To overcome: surmonter
Today’s pun
Today’s expressions
I’ve decided to sell my vaccumcleaner because it was just collecting dust.
Everyday contexts
A vaccum-cleaner: un aspirateur Jeu de mots sur collect dust: ramasser la poussière.
After his accident, Joe, ever the optimist, tried to look on the bright side. (You must) look on the bright side (of things): il faut être optimiste, il faut voir le bon côté des choses All’s well that ends well: tout est bien qui finit bien Ever the optimist: optimiste comme à son habitude
Hot off the press The incumbent has been reelected president in a vote overshadowed by arrests and corruption allegations. To be overshadowed (by something): être assombri (par quelque chose) The incumbent President: le président en exercice (ou sortant, avant une élection)
DECEMBER Today’s quote
There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self. Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) - English author Your own self: vous-même
Today’s expressions
Today’s pun
Everyday contexts
Why did the man take toilet paper to the party? Because he was a party pooper.
Congrats, keep up the good work! Keep up the good work!: continue(z) comme ça ! Congrats (congratulations)!: félicitations !
Hot off the press The government is determined to restore public confidence in A-levels as the gold standard of British education. The gold standard (of): la référence (en matière de) A-levels: les examens passés en fin de terminale
A party: une fête Jeu de mots sur pooper: 1. Poop: du caca 2. A party pooper: un trouble-fête, un rabat-joie A party animal: un gros fêtard