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A Breviate of British Diplomatic Blue Books, 1919-1939

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ABREVI ATEOFBRI TI S H DI PLOMATI CBLUEBOOKS 1 9 1 9 1 9 3 9 BY Ro b e r tVo g e l


Robert Vogel


Q Copyright Canada 1963 McGILL UNIVERSITY PRESS All rights reserved Printed in Canada

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is dedicated to Professor H. N. Fieldhouse, VicePrincipal of McGill University. It was undertaken at his suggestion, and he was my sole adviser during its preliminary stages. Later on, it was again his constant guidance and encouragement that enabled me to make the revisions and corrections necessary before publication. My debt to him is, therefore, so great that only the lasting value of this breviate could begin to repay it. I must, however, take full responsibility for any errors or omissions which may occur in the text and index of this volume. I should like to take this opportunity to thank my relatives and friends who were pressed into service for the long hours of typing and proof-reading which the work required, and most especially my wife, who undertook most of these duties, and without whose help this work would never have been completed. My thanks are also due to the staff of the McGill University Press, for their encouragement and help in the final stages of revision and production.










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INTRODUCTION The general purpose of this work on the Blue Books published by the British Government between 1919 and 1939 is to continue the task undertaken by Temperley and Penson in their A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914.1 The primary object was to relate each Blue Book to its date of publication, as this can otherwise be accomplished only by the laborious process of consulting the Journals of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. In theory, Blue Books and White Papers are printed by the Government in order to give information to members of Parliament, but in practice, since this process involves publication, the Government may have a variety of motives for the printing of particular papers. Any investigation, either into these motives or into public reaction to a particular paper, must naturally start with the date on which the paper was laid before the House. In accordance with the example of Temperley and Penson, therefore, the bulk of this work consists of a list of Parliamentary papers relevant to the international relations of Great Britain between 1919 and 1939, and of the dates on which they were tabled. A second object was to show on whose initiative each paper was laid, whether as a result of an Order or an Address of the House, or at the Command of His Majesty. This aspect proved to be of less importance for this period than it had been in the nineteenth century. It was found that no important papers were laid in Return to an Address and that only a few Command Papers were tabled after a successful Address for them had been made. The Sessional Papers, moreover, which were either Laid by Act or Ordered by the House, all proved to be of minor importance, so that, from a technical point of view, almost all papers were tabled at the initiative of the Government. This uniformity complicates any attempt to evaluate the publication policies of the various governments of this period, because it becomes necessary to look outside Parliament for the source of pressure which may have persuaded the Foreign Secretary to publish papers. It also raises some interesting constitutional problems concerning the powers, and degree of interest of Parliament in foreign affairs. However, it would be outside the scope of this introduction to offer a detailed analysis of these questions; all that can be attempted here is to give an outline of the problems which the cataloguing of these Blue Books has raised. In the most general evaluation of Blue Book policy between 1919 and 1939, some consideration must be given to the profound change in the atmosphere in which international relations were 1. Harold Temperly, and L. M. Penson, A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938).



conducted in the post-war era. The world had just passed through one of its most devastating crises, and it was not surprising that this disaster changed, at least in appearance, both the practice of diplomacy and the way in which foreign policy was formulated. In their search for the reasons which would explain the outbreak of the war, men fastened on what was termed the 'secret diplomacy' and the 'secret treaties' of the pre-war era. These, it was believed, could be shown to have been the chief culprits in the unhappy world situation of 1914, and, in consequence, an important section of the public learned to fear and to despise the professional diplomat and to demand greater parliamentary and popular control of foreign policy. In Great Britain, the Union of Democratic Control, founded as early as September 1914, was probably the most influential group propagating these ideas. Some of its most important members were also leaders of the Labour Party, and the Union contributed no less than nine ministers to the first Labour Government, the Prime Minister of which had been one of its founders. This naturally increased the importance of the U.D.C., and the effects of its ideas were felt throughout the period 1919-1939. It was in the years immediately after the war, however, at a time when the organ of the U.D.C., Foreign Affairs, enjoyed considerable popularity, that these ideas gained their widest acceptance. The Blue Books published by the Coalition Government reflected, to some extent, the pressures exerted by the U.D.C., especially in the field of Anglo-Russian relations. Here the views of the U.D.C. and of the Labour Party and the general feeling of pacifism which followed the war all coincided; and, consequently, great pressure could be brought to bear on the Government. While there were, of course, considerable differences in the attitudes towards Soviet Russia of Lloyd George, Lord Curzon, and Winston Churchill, the more important Blue Books published on this subject seem generally to have been attempts to counteract Opposition propaganda. Thus the 'Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia' (Item 7), published in April 1919, drew an appalling picture of the terror and misery under the Bolshevik regime and concluded with an appeal by various unnamed Russians that everything possible should be done to further its destruction. In the years 1919-1920, however, a tremendous campaign against British intervention was waged; this included revelations by the Daily Herald of an alleged British attempt to gain German assistance for the blockade of Russia (October 1919), the publication, again by the Daily Herald (May 13, 1919), of a confidential military circular concerning the possibility of mutiny among the British troops to be sent to Russia, the publication of the 'Appeal to the Nation' (July 1920) by the Lansbury Committee on Russia,2 and 2. See Raymond Postgate, The Life of George Lansbury (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1951), chaps. 14 and 15.



the incident of the 'Jolly George' at the London docks. Therefore it seems probable that several Blue Books owed their origin to the need to reply to this campaign. In July 1920, at the height of the Russo-Polish War, a paper on 'The Evacuation of North Russia' (Item No. 83) was tabled, with the intention, as Mr. Churchill pointed out in the first document of the Blue Book, of explaining British policy in Russia. The paper emphasized the fact that the intervention had originally been undertaken only to prevent the large-scale transfer of German troops from the Eastern front, and that it was primarily military, and not political, considerations which had prevented the immediate evacuation of British troops after the armistice. In answer to the views circulated after Lansbury's visit to Russian and the interim report of the Labour Party Delegation (June l2, 1920), the Government, in May 1920, set up a committee to collect information on Russia. The Committee's interim report in December, and its final report in May 1921 (Items 105 & 143), painted a picture of conditions in Russia which was entirely different from that of the Labour Party. Two other papers seem to have been published as direct contradictions to the allegations of the organs of the U.D.C. and the Labour Party. In January 1920, after the fall of the Bela Kuhn Government, Foreign Affairs carried an emergency sheet describing the horrors of a 'White Terror' which, it claimed, was in progress in Hungary. In addition, a continuous stream of questions was directed against the Government from Opposition benches. A White Paper (Item 73, May 1920) was finally issued which, in essence, was a denial of the existence of 'White Terror' in Hungary. Similarly, the continuous accusations made by members of the U.D.C. and by German propaganda that the Allied Governments had been responsible for the prolongation of the war, seem to have evoked the publication in August 1919 of the 1917 Peace Proposals of the Pope and the correspondence relative thereto (Item 25). The Blue Book policy of the Coalition Government was not, however, confined to counteracting the propaganda of the U.D.C. There can be no doubt that Lloyd George himself was to some extent infected by the idea of 'open diplomacy' and, in view of the fact that he kept control of British policy towards Europe largely in his own hands, it may be supposed that he helped to formulate the publication policy of the Foreign Office. The Prime Minister's passion for publicity, however, did not express itself in the publication of large numbers of important Blue Books. His method of diplomacy has been aptly called 'Conference diplomacy'¢—conferences at which the heads of State were usually present. The state of crisis in which the world lived in the years immediately following 3. January—March 1920. He was back speaking in London on March 22, 1920. 4. There were no less than nineteen major conferences between 1920 and October 1922.


the war, and the propaganda for 'open covenants, openly arrived at', ensured that these conferences should be given an extensive and sensational coverage by the press. It was, therefore, to the press that Lloyd George looked when he wished to state his intentions and explain his policies;5 and the wide-spread use of the press as a means of keeping the public informed seems to have discouraged the publication of information relating to these conferences in the form of Blue Books. Certainly the ones published in this period contain relatively few references to these important international gatherings.6 On the other hand there are indications that Lloyd George used Blue Books on a number of occasions in an attempt to influence the course of a conference at which he was present. Thus a number of reports on the 'Economic Conditions of Germany' were tabled. These reports placed great emphasis on the danger of Bolshevism in Germany, and it was surely of some significance that the first two were published in April 1919 (Item Nos. 10 and 12) at the time when Lloyd George, as his famous memorandum of March 25, 1919 proved, was trying to mitigate the severity of the Allied Peace terms. This memorandum itself was published in March 1922 (Item No. 217), and it was claimed that its publication was an attempt to influence the German Delegation at the forthcoming Genoa Conference.7 In general, more papers were published in respect to this conference (Items Nos. 221, 224, 230, 231, 234, and 248) than had been the case for many previous ones, especially with regard to the delicate problem of Anglo-Russian relations, which had been aggravated by the Rapallo Treaty. It may be that the bad press which 5. The intimate relations between Lloyd George and some of the 'Press Lords' are well known; they form an interesting chapter in the relations between publicity and diplomacy. See, for instance, the letter of Curzon to Austin Chamberlain, in which he says "...I read the 'Daily Chronicle' this morning, to which I look every day for the Prime Minister's views". Lord Ronaldshay, The Life of Lord Curzon (London: E. Benn, Ltd., 1928), III, 296. 6. "A great difficulty in considering Mr. Lloyd George's own diplomacy in the Conferences is caused by the non-publication of Blue Books. Conversations have not been recorded in dispatch form; and the 'publicity' of the proceedings hardly compensates for the dearth of a published record which the older diplomatic methods seldom failed to provide." A. L. Kennedy, Old Diplomacy and New (Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1923), p. 341. 7. Le Temps claimed that the timing was such as to apologize to the Germans for winning the war. In fact, the memorandum had already been published in Nitti's Peaceless Europe (London: Cassell and Co., 1922) released at the beginning of the year. In any case, Lloyd George had been subjected to a good deal of revisionist criticism in regard to the Versailles Treaty and the Memorandum tended to shift the blame to the French. Another interesting point was raised by the publication of the Memorandum, which was dated 25 March 1919 and was, therefore, written at approximately the same time as a telegram sent to Lloyd George in Paris, by 370 Members of Parliament, which demanded harsher terms for the Germans. Here was an illustration of the direct conflict between the actions of a Prime Minister and the wishes of the Members of the House. The Times April 3, 1922 drew attention to this aspect of the publication.



Lloyd George received after the failure of this conference forced him to have recourse to the publication of Blue Books. There was a noticeable difference between Lloyd George and Lord Curzon in their attitudes towards the publication of documents relevant to major conferences. It may be assumed that, after the fall of the Coalition Government, Lord Curzon took full control of the Blue Book policy of the Foreign Office. Although he heartily disliked conferences, his policy seems to have been one of publishing fairly comprehensive reports concerning such conferences as met in the last year of his Secretaryship (Items 272 and 273).8 With respect to the publication of routine diplomatic correspondence, the practice followed in the years 1919-1923 did not differ radically from that of the nineteenth century. A number of interesting papers9 were published by both the Coalition Government and the Conservative Government which followed it, but the demand for 'open diplomacy', if that meant that 'all negotiations were to be conducted openly in view of all peoples'10 was certainly not met by the Blue Books of this era. On the other hand, many important dispatches were published in the press almost immediately after they had been delivered." Perhaps because Lord Curzon's relations with the press were usually bad,12 he tended to prefer to keep the public informed by the publication of Blue Books, but even in those areas of foreign affairs which were his specialty there were complaints that the press could obtain more detailed information than was published in the Blue Books.13 There was, however, another aspect of the campaign for greater control over foreign policy. This was the demand that the Government should pledge itself to submit all treaties and agreements to the House before ratification. Although propaganda with this aim often tended to be confused, there were really two issues at stake. The first was an attempt to prevent the Government from making 8. Perhaps the most comprehensive report was that devoted to the Lausanne Conference, often regarded as Lord Curzon's greatest triumph; Item 273 is a record of the proceedings of the conference and has some 861 pages. See also Items 303, 306, 307, and 348. 9. See for instance: Egypt, Items 125, 173, 187, and 212; Angora Agreement and Correspondence relative thereto, Items 188 and 203; Anglo-Russian relations, Items 163, 288, 289, and 294; Anglo-French relations, Item 305; Versailles Treaty, especially Item 151. 10. Trotsky's note of November 21, 1921, to the Allied Representatives reads: "The Russian Government abolished all secret diplomacy, in its turn expressing its firm intention of conducting all negotiations openly in view of all peoples." History of 'The Times' (London Times Office), Vol. IV, Pt. I, p. 341. 11. The famous Curzon Note of August 11, 1923, was published in the press on the 13th, only two days after it had been written. The September issue of Foreign Affairs congratulated the Foreign Secretary for his open diplomacy. 12. Lord Riddell Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference and After. (London: Gollancz, Ltd., 1933), pp. 386-90. 13. See, for instance, the criticism in the House of Lords concerning papers tabled regarding hostilities in Afghanistan (Item 33); House of Lords Debates, 4 November 1919, Vth Ser., Vol. 37, col. 152-3.



any secret commitments, such as the 'secret treaties' of the war, which, it was believed, had unnecessarily prolonged the war and perverted the peace. This claim could have been met by an undertaking by the Government that, in the future, it would publish all treaties; but the Opposition wanted not only to have all treaties published but also to have the opportunity of discussing and approving them before ratification.14 This idea had been successfully resisted in the nineteenth century15, and the Coalition Government, as well as the succeeding Conservative Government, continued this resistance.16 But, while it was true that the post-war Governments refused to allow themselves to be bound to seek approval for their treaties in the House before ratification, they did publish most treaties either shortly after they had been ratified, or, in the case of very important treaties, shortly after they had been signed.17 Thus, the Treaty of Versailles was tabled in the House of Commons just two days after it had been signed and the House approved the Treaty by passing an Act of Parliament.18 The Treaties of 14. The Annual Conference of the Labour Party, 1921, unanimously carried the following resolution introduced by E.D. Morel: "This conference hereby resolves that the British Labour Movement dissociates itself in advance from any obligation towards foreign states which the British Government may have contracted, or may contract in treaties, conventions, arrangements or understandings of whatever nature or for whatever purpose, which have not been submitted to and approved by Parliament. We further recommend that the Parliamentary Labour Party shall at once bring forward and press to a decision a resolution providing that treaties, conventions, arrangements or understandings of whatever nature, and for whatever purpose, with Foreign States shall in future be valid only after they have been approved by Parliament; and that any minister acting in opposition to this principle shall be deemed guilty of treason." Foreign Affairs, July 1921, p. 5. 15. Except when a treaty involved the cession of British territory. Lord Salisbury had insisted that such treaties needed an Act of Parliament (the occasion had been the cession of Heligoland in 1890). This procedure was also followed in the Jubaland cession; see Item 431. For a discussion of the constitutional aspect of this problem see A.B. Keith, The Constitution of England from Victoria to George VI. (London: Macmillan, 1940), I, 147 and 233.7. 16. See the exchange in the House of Commons, November 27, 1922. In answer to a question relating to this procedure the Prime Minister had said: "I am not prepared to commit myself to the grave constitutional change proposed." House of Commons Debates, Vth Series, Vol. 159, col. 272-3. 17. Mr. MacDonald, when he became Prime Minister, assured the Labour Party that no secret treaties existed and that all treaties were available in the Library of the House of Commons and had been deposited in the League of Nations. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 170, col. 956, and Vol. 172, col. 25-6. Only a few minor agreements had not been tabled by the Conservative Government when the Labour Party came to power in 1924. 18. Jones, in his biography of Lloyd George, points to this as indication of the fact that Lloyd George had 'wrought the transition between the old and the new diplomacy'. T. Jones, Lloyd George (Harvard University Press, 1951), pp. 178-9. This prompt action may be compared with that which followed the Treaty of Vienna which was not tabled in the House until February 2, 1816 (Temperley and Penson, Item 66). It was, however, probably necessary to pass an Act of Parliament for the Peace Treaties in any case, because of the complicated financial arrangements which they contained.



Washington were also tabled in the House shortly after their signature (Item 222) and the means for giving effect to them were embodied in an Act of Parliament (Item 191). The Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement was tabled in the House on March 16, 1921 (Item 134), on the same day that it was signed,19 but in this case it must be remembered that the entire negotiations had been carried on in public view and that the press had already published the various drafts of the Agreement. On the whole, therefore, the Governments between 1919 and 1923 responded favourably to the demand that all treaties should be made public as soon as possible; but, like their predecessors, they refused to commit themselves to any constitutional changes. Although the Labour Government of 1924 cannot be accused of deliberately keeping information from the public, since more papers were published in the year 1924 than ever before, surprisingly few changes were made in the policy of publication of Blue Books. The fact that the Labour Government did not command a majority in the House, and that it was in power for only a short time, may, in part, have accounted for this failure to establish some permanent method through which the House and the public could be kept constantly informed of current negotiations. Possibly the men who came to power for the first time in 1924 may have realized that this was probably an impossible, perhaps even an undesirable, ideal. Whatever the reasons, it cannot be said that all the aspirations of the U.D.C. were fulfilled by the Government, despite the fact that so many members of the Cabinet were also members of that organization. It may have been significant that E. D. Morel, the prime mover in the campaign against 'secret treaties and secret diplomacy', did not obtain a seat in the Cabinet. It was, curiously enough, in its relations with Russia that the Labour Government experienced its most dramatic difficulties. It had been maintained by many Labour Party members, while in opposition, that the only reason why agreement could not be reached with Russia was that the Foreign Secretary and his staff had 'capitalist' prejudices. Negotiations with the Soviet Government were set on foot therefore, immediately on assumption of power by the Labour Party, and de jure recognition was granted to that Government on February 8, 1924. Further negotiations for an Anglo-Russian Treaty were carried on in full public view, mainly because of the strong feelings aroused on both sides of the House. As is well known, when the negotiations finally broke down on August 5, it was an unofficial delegation of back-benchers who were able to bring the official representatives of the two Governments together again and thus complete the Agreement. This was indeed a triumph of unofficial diplomacy. The Government decided that, in this instance, the House should have the opportunity of debating 19. The Treaty was discussed in the House on March 22, 1921.



the Treaties even before they were signed. To this end, Mr. Ponsonby explained the Treaties on the evening of August 6, and the debate took place on August 7; the Treaties were signed on the following day (see Item Nos. 404, 405, 420, 425, and 426). The Blue Books presented to the House in connection with these Treaties were all drafts and texts, and once again it may be noted that the press, rather than the Blue Books, was the main avenue through which the public and the members of Parliament were kept informed of the negotiations.20 The Labour Party did attempt to alter the procedure of Blue Book publication in one respect. In order to prevent governments from signing 'secret' treaties or agreements with other powers, Mr. Ponsonby, on the occasion of the debate for the Lausanne Treaty Bill, said: "It is the intention of the Government to lay on the Table of both Houses of Parliament every treaty, when signed, for a period of 21 days, after which the treaty will be ratified and published and circulated in the Treaty Series."21 Mr. Ponsonby understood that future governments could not be bound to this practice either by an 'Act of Parliament' or by a 'Resolution', as these could easily be revoked. He, therefore, introduced it merely as a change in the custom and procedure of the House because he felt that these were really the only immutable parts of the British Constitution. As can be seen, this practice did not require that the House approve all treaties, and it therefore did not satisfy all members of Parliament, but it did ensure that all treaties could be read by members of Parliament before they became effective.22 The return of the Conservative Party to power in November 1924, and the accession of Sir Austen Chamberlain to the Foreign Office, coincided with the beginning of what seemed at the time to be the least troubled of the years between the two world wars. Even 20. The Liberal Party tabled a motion for the rejection of the treaties on October 1, but the Government had already fallen before the motion could be brought to a vote. 21. House of Commons Debates, April 1, 1924, Vth Ser., Vol. 17I, col. 2003. In practice treaties were usually circulated after signature in form of a Blue Book and then repeated in the Treaty Series after ratification. See, for instance, Item Nos. 377 and 500. 22. Morel wished to pass a Resolution in order to try to bind any future government to the practice of publishing all treaties; the order paper of May 22 contained the following motion signed by E. D. Morel and 114 other members: "That in the opinion of this House, no diplomatic arrangement or understanding with a foreign state, involving directly or indirectly national obligations, shall be concluded without the consent of Parliament, and no preparations for cooperation in war between the naval, military or air staffs and the naval, military or air staffs of a foreign state shall be lawful unless consequent upon such arrangement or understanding, this resolution shall be communicated to all states with which we are in diplomatic relations and to the League of Nations." Morel hoped to be given time for a discussion of this motion after the Whitsuntide recess.



in retrospect, the four years between the signing of the Locarno Treaties in December 1925 and the subsequent admission of Germany to the League of Nations, and the outset of the general economic depression in 1929, appears as an interval of normalcy between the aftermath of the first Great War and the overtures to the second. Sir Austen was both a contributor to, and a beneficiary of this 'amelioration in the public field of Europe', as Lord Balfour put it. Mr. Stanley Baldwin's almost legendary indifference to foreign affairs restored the Foreign Secretary's independence of action. It is therefore possible, in discussing the Blue Book policy of this period, to concentrate one's attention almost solely on the attitudes of Sir Austen Chamberlain. It was perhaps this return to normal conditions which gave the Blue Book policy of Sir Austen an almost nineteenth century flavour. No doubt the fact that the Conservative Party had an absolute majority in the House made it easier for the Foreign Secretary to assert his independence. His upright, almost Spartan character did not encourage him to seek favour with the public by continuously releasing information to the press with respect to foreign affairs; nevertheless, Sir Austen usually responded to public interest, and an examination of the Blue Books published in this period shows that, for areas in which tension existed, a good deal of information was made available. Thus a number of documents on the Chinese problem were published, which, while they do not give us anything like a complete picture of the situation, were probably sufficient to mitigate Opposition criticism of British policy towards China. Another area of controversy was the question of German disarmament; in this respect, too, a series of papers was tabled (Items 494 and 525), but the number of dispatches was small and Ieft much to be desired in respect to continuity. In view of what happened in connection with the Anglo-French Naval Compromise of 1928, it seems safe to assume that Sir Austen agreed with the concept, generally accepted in the pre-war era, that no papers should be published concerning negotiations which had not been completed. Nevertheless, in respect to both the Locarno Treaties and the Briand-Kellogg Pact, Sir Austen published dispatches before the Treaties had been signed. In both cases, the press of the foreign countries with which Great Britain was negotiating had been kept fully informed of the substance and course of the discussions, and it is therefore interesting to note that Sir Austen thought it worth while to keep the British public informed by means of Blue Books (Items 495, 505, 717 and 722). Although these Blue Books were not so numerous or so detailed as they might have been, they were probably a more accurate guide to the discussions than the newspapers. On the other hand, Sir Austen published a large number of detailed papers relating to British actions in the League of Na-



tions.23 That he regarded this aspect of British foreign policy as being of the utmost importance was attested by the fact that he personally attended most of the meetings of that organization. It is interesting to note that he used the Blue Books in this respect for the traditional purpose of keeping the public informed and explaining British policy. Thus the papers not only record the rejection by the British Government of the Geneva Protocol (Item 478), but also record the correspondence with the Dominion governments which led to the rejection- (Items 501A and 508). Anglo-Russian relations once again proved to be a troublesome chapter in the history of these five years. It must be remembered that Sir Austen stood between two influential pressure groups in this respect, the Association of British Creditors of Russia, which was urging him to break off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, and the Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee, which demanded closer ties and more trade with that country. In order to defend his policy, Sir Austen published a number of fairly comprehensive papers in connection with Anglo-Russian relations (Items 591, 639, 652, 660, and 719), and, after the Arcos Raid, he followed the well-established practice of giving the House a substantial Blue Book (Item 652) before asking it to approve the controversial action on which he had decided.24 It was only after the debate that he formally broke off Britain's diplomatic relations with Russia and abrogated the Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement. The Opposition was not satisfied that the documents published in the Blue Book gave a true picture of the situation, and complained that only extracts of some of the documents had been given.25 When, however, in answer to criticism, Sir Austen read to the House that part of one of the documents which had not appeared in the Blue Book, it was evident that the extract had in no way misrepresented the full import of the document.26 Despite this relatively liberal policy of Blue Book publication, the Opposition felt that Sir Austen's Secretaryship was a return to what was called the `reactionary' diplomacy of the pre-war era. It was, of course, suspicious from the beginning, because the incident of the Zinoviev letter had strengthened its distrust of the Foreign Office. Moreover, Sir Austen's statement that it was unnecessary to table treaties in the House before ratification had further encouraged it to believe that the Government had returned to the nefarious practices of 'secret diplomacy'27 Lord Cecil's resignation, after 23. No less than eighteen were tabled in 1926: Items 446, 447, 449, 454, 458, 466, 469, 470, 478, 484, 501A, 503, 506, 508, 526, 530, 541, and 544. 24. The debate on the Arcos Raid took place on May 26, 1927. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 206, col. 2195-2326. 25. It should be noted that these omissions were clearly marked. 26. H. of C. Debates, June 1926, Vth Ser., Vol. 207, col. 356-8. 27. "His Majesty's Government do not consider themselves bound to adopt that procedure which apart from other considerations, might involve inconvenience in connection with the resolution on the subject adopted by the



the failure of the Geneva Naval Conference of 1927, seemed another indication of the return to power of a 'reactionary' group; and, at least for the Opposition, the matter was definitely proven by the unfortunate way in which the Government handled the crisis arising from the Anglo-French Naval Compromise of 1928.28 Sir Austen's obstinate refusal, on the grounds of diplomatic propriety, to publish papers until answers to his notes had been received from the Powers concerned, gave the Opposition at home, as well as public opinion in the United States of America and Germany, an opportunity of presenting the Agreement in the blackest possible terms. The Government was accused of once again committing the country to a secret alliance with France, designed to dominate Europe at the expense of Germany. The delay in publication, moreover, allowed the French press29 to obtain, through unofficial channels, summaries of all the notes exchanged between the British and the French Governments, and this detracted from the importance of the Blue Book when it was finally published on October 17 (Item 743). This one incident, more than anything else, won for Sir Austen the reputation of being a diplomat of the old school, a term of terrible import in these years, and very damaging to the Conservative Party in the elections of the following year. On the whole, however, Sir Austen's Blue Book policy was not very different from that of the Labour Government or that of the Coalition Government. In fact, his preference for writing dispatches rather than attending conferences and making speeches enhanced, in some cases, the importance of the Blue Books published in this period. Few important Blue Books were published by the second Labour administration (June 1929 to August 1931). This was not due to any tendency towards secrecy on the part of Mr. Henderson, but rather to the nature of the problems which that Government had to face. These problems were economic and domestic rather than diplomatic. Thus, although many Blue Books were published, they consisted mainly of treaties and agreements. Moreover, Mr. Henderson restored the practice of tabling treaties before ratification,38 Imperial Conference, 1923, by which His Majesty's Government consider themselves bound." H. of C. Debates, December 15, 1924, Vth Ser., Vol. 179, col. 565. Nevertheless the treaties concluded were usually tabled very quickly after ratification. 28. For a full account see Arnold Toynbec, Survey of International Affairs, 1928 (Oxford: University Press, 1929), pp. 61-81. See Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert (eds.), The Diplomats, 1919-1939 (Princeton: University Press, 1953), pp. 44-7, for further discussion of the repercussions on the popularity of the Foreign Office and the Diplomatic Service caused by this crisis. 29. Echo de Paris, October 5, 1928. 30. H. of C. Debates, November 5, 1929, Vol. 230, col. 408. This matter was not referred to again by the National and the Conservative Governments, but throughout the period of 1931-1939 most treaties were in fact presented to the House twice, once before and once after ratification.



a process by which all treaties were in fact tabled twice, so that many of the papers laid were of minor importance. On the other hand, the major issues of the period were well documented by the Government, and the Agreements reached at the Hague Conference and at the London Naval Conference, 1930,31 as well as Britain's relations with the League (Disarmament and the Permanent Court of International Justice), were well represented in the Blue Books. With respect to the negotiations for an AngloEgyptian Treaty, Mr. Henderson published the documents relevant to his own efforts in that direction and illustrated the responsible attitude that he held towards his office by not publishing papers in connection with Lord Lloyd's resignation, in consideration of the fact that such papers would all have dated from the period of the Conservative administration and might unnecessarily have prejudiced the negotiations.32 One other item may perhaps be mentioned and that is the lack of papers concerning the attempted Austro-German Customs Union. It was, of course, true that many of the proceedings could be found in the League of Nations' Documents (e.g. Item 1013), but it is regrettable that Henderson did not publish a fuller account of this matter. It may be that he had intended to do so but that he was no longer Foreign Secretary when the crisis was settled; in any case no papers on this subject were published. The Blue Book policy of the second Labour Government was not given the test of a severe international crisis. The Government did not survive the financial difficulties of 1931, and, consequently, MacDonald's National Governments had to face the international difficulties which followed on the general economic collapse of 1929-1931. The first Foreign Secretary of these Governments, Lord Reading, only held office for two months, and it is, therefore, not possible to discuss here his attitude towards publication. Sir John Simon, however, was in office for nearly four years and had to tackle the complicated issues of the early 1930's. Despite the increased international activity, the Government published comparatively few papers.33 This, by itself, would not have been an indication of Sir John's attitude, but an examination of the papers published tends to encourage the idea that Sir John was not so generous in publishing as his predecessors had been. This was perhaps mainly due to the complexity of some of the problems with which he had to deal, since in a few cases he did make a good deal 31. Although all the Agreements reached at this Conference were tabled in the House, the Government issued, in addition, a Blue Book, London Naval Conference, Documents, released through H.M. Stationery Office, 1930, but not tabled in the House. 32. Henderson was said to have discussed this point with Lord Lloyd. See Arnold Toynbee, Survey of International Affairs, 1930 (Oxford: University Press, 1931), p. 202. 33. 1930, 124 papers; 1931, 137 papers; 1932, 81 papers; 1933, 95 papers; 1934, 86 papers.


of information available. The question of the United States, war debt, for instance, was well-documented in the twelve papers tabled.94 There were also a number of papers on the disarmament negotiations, but many of these were accounts of proceedings at Geneva, which were, in any case, made public through the League of Nations. The general decline in publication was particularly marked in papers relevant to the problem of European security. The mounting crisis in Europe during these years was very poorly represented in the Blue Books,35 and the difficulties which faced the British Government were not explained to the public. The one notable exception, of course, was the 'Statement relating to Defence', tabled on March 1, 1935 (Item I334). In preparation for the debate of March 11, this White Paper stated the reasons for the Government's momentous decision to begin the rearmament of Great Britain and was, in effect, an enlightening commentary on the current international situation. However, in view of the tumultuous campaign for 'peace' and 'disarmament', an official explanation for the change in British policy was probably unavoidable, and Sir John had certainly not prepared the public for this dramatic reversal. There were no significant sequels to this paper, and no publication of documents concerning the vital negotiations for the Stresa Conference of the following month. The Manchurian crisis, which in retrospect has come to be regarded as one of the major problems of this period, was also very poorly documented. Only four papers36 were presented, all of them containing information readily available through League of Nations' publications. It was surely strange that Sir John did not see fit to publish papers relevant to Anglo-American relations which were of such crucial importance in this crisis, particularly as he was accused by the Opposition of having followed a very devious policy. Nevertheless it would be difficult to prove that Sir John attempted to deceive the House or to follow a secret policy of his own; on the contrary, it would seem that he went out of his way to make clear statements in the House with regard to his intentions.37 But the fact that no papers were published meant that discussions were usually based on newspaper extracts, statements, and memoirs, none of which is a good substitute for a timely Blue Book. Thus, although he may not have wanted deliberately to hide anything, Sir John Simon does not seem to have believed in the efficacy of Blue Books. 34. Items 1122, 1136, 1137, 1141, 1142, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1187, 1216, 1258, and 1263. 35. Items 1103, 1183, 1324, 1339, 1350, and, on disarmament, Items 1068, 1099, 1121, 1166, 1213, 1233, 1241, and 1249. 36. Items 1069, 1076, 1085, and 1086. 37. See Reginald Bassett, Democracy and Foreign Policy (London: London School of Economics Publication, 1954), pp. 612-25, on the Manchurian Crisis, and statement in the House of Commons on April 9, 1935, regarding his visit to Hitler 25-26 March 1935.


The many crises which occurred in the last four years before the second World War cannot be understood by any reference to the Blue Books published. Despite the fact that the Ethiopian crisis, the Spanish Civil War, and the Czechoslovakian problem aroused a great deal of public passion, governments did not table many important papers; on the contrary, the last two Conservative administrations provided less information with regard to their diplomatic correspondence than earlier governments. The publication policies of the three Foreign Secretaries of this period were to a large extent similar, although it would not be fair to judge Sir Samuel Hoare in this respect, as he was at the Foreign Office for only six months.38 Mr. Anthony Eden and Lord Halifax, however, were in power long enough to indicate their attitude towards publication. It is necessary to divide Mr. Anthony Eden's stay at the Foreign Office into two parts. During the first, he served under Mr. Stanley Baldwin and exercised a large measure of control over British foreign policy, but in the second, he served under Mr. Neville Chamberlain, who intervened personally in the formation and the conduct of British foreign policy and who must, therefore, have exercised considerable influence over the publication policy of the Foreign Office. During the first period, a small number of very important papers were published. In particular, there were four papers39 concerning negotiations with the German Government on the question of a general settlement of European problems. These four papers were published in April and May 1936 as a result of the entry of German troops into the Rhineland on March 7. One (Item 1435) traced the diplomatic discussions from June 1934 to March 1936 (showing the German reaction to the Franco-Russian Treaty, the failure of the complicated negotiations for an Air Pact and an `Eastern Locarno', and the hardening of the German attitude as the Abyssinian Crisis disturbed Anglo-Italian relations) and included a recapitulation of these discussions (No. 59) by Mr. Anthony Eden after he had been informed of the German move. The other three contained some of the correspondence arising from the German memorandum denouncing the Locarno Agreements and making new proposals for a European settlement. The Abyssinian dispute, however, was less well documented and, although a number of interesting papers were tabled,40 they usually 38. It is interesting to note what Sir Samuel Hoare has written in his autobiography with regard to the Hoare-Laval Pact. This Pact was, of course, prematurely released in the Paris press. "If I had been in closer touch with public opinion, I should have realized the need of a long chapter of preparation before I could expect approval of the Plan." Viscount Templewood, Nine Troubled Years (London: Collins, 1954), p. 192. 39. Items 1429, 1431, 1435, and 1446. 40. Item 1425 for instance.



contained only documents readily available to the public through the League of Nations. Similarly, in the case of the Spanish Civil War, some papers were published,41 but they did not range beyond well-publicized declarations and resolutions. It cannot be said that the Government made any attempt to provide an aroused public with an official opinion on the actual conditions within Spain. This failure, in a sense, marks a definite decline in the importance of Blue Books, for, in the nineteenth century and even in the early inter-war period, governments often published papers in order to describe conditions within a troubled area of the world, particularly when public opinion had obviously become concerned. Nor did Mr. Eden provide any information about the correspondence which the Government must have been conducting with various powers in its attempt to enforce its non-intervention policy. The only correspondence that was published was the important exchange of letters concerning the withdrawal of Italian 'volunteers' from Spain in October 1937 (Item I580). In general, therefore, even this first period in Anthony Eden's Secretaryship illustrates the continuing decline in the use of Blue Books as vehicles for public information. This process was further accelerated under Mr. Neville Chamberlain's Government. Mr. Chamberlain's distrust of the officials of the Foreign Office42 and his belief in personal diplomacy brought about a situation somewhat similar to that which had prevailed under Lloyd George. Neither Mr. Eden nor Lord Halifax retained control over the conduct of British foreign policy. This meant, in effect, that normal channels of diplomacy were often by-passed in Chamberlain's attempts to reach an understanding with Germany and Italy.43 This tendency on the part of Mr. Chamberlain to follow a policy, which, mistaken or not, was very largely his own, was reflected in the general lack of Blue Books containing valuable diplomatic correspondence. He undoubtedly preferred to explain his policy by making statements in the House, and sought public support through those newspapers which agreed with his ideas. In consequence, virtually no trace of the rapidly deteriorating world situation can be found in the Blue Books published in this period. Mr. Chamberlain did not see fit to publish any papers in connection with the Austrian Anschluss of March 1938; nor was he 41. Items 1491, 1512, 1529, 1533, 1563, 1578, and 1579. 42. E.g. The differences between Sir Robert Vansittart and Mr. Neville Chamberlain. See History of 'The Times', Vol. IV, 892-3; Keith Feeling, Chamberlain (London: Macmillan, 1946), p. 319; John Connell, The Office (London: A. Wingate, 1958), passim. 43. Particularly in respect to the negotiations with Italy which led to the resignation of Mr. Eden. "I did not show my letter to the Foreign Secretary for I had the feeling he would object to it." Chamberlain, p. 330. See also Sir Lewis Namicr, Europe in Decay (London: Macmillan and Co., 1950), p. 158, and Malcolm Muggeridge (ed.), Ciano Diplomatic Papers (London: Odhams Press, 1948), pp. 157-85.



any more generous in regard to the continuing Civil War in Spain, nor the Far Eastern crisis.44 The Anglo-Italian Agreement of April 1938 was tabled (Item 1651), but Mr. Chamberlain refused to give the House any papers respecting the negotiations.45 The Czechoslovakian crisis of September 1938, which brought Britain so close to a conflict with Germany, was the subject of two Blue Books. The first was tabled on September 28 (Item 1701), prior to the major foreign policy debate of the same date, but contained only ten documents: Viscount Runciman's report,46 the Anglo-French proposals of September 19, two dispatches from the Czechoslovakian Government, and the letters exchanged between Chamberlain and Hitler (September 23-27, Doc. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10). These documents, though important, cannot be said to have presented an adequate account of these vital negotiations. The second Blue Book (Item 1702), published immediately after the Munich Agreement, was devoted almost entirely to the terms of the Agreement and contained no diplomatic correspondence except Mr. Chamberlain's letter of September 28 to Hitler and his last appeal to Mussolini of the same date. No papers at all were published when Germany occupied the remaining portion of Czechoslovakia in March 1939. The Government did not even publish explanatory Blue Books concerning the guarantees which it gave to Greece, Roumania, and Poland in 1939. It was true that Mr. Chamberlain had not attempted to make a secret of these guarantees, indeed it would have defeated his purpose to do so, but he did not reveal to the public the complexities of the international discussions. Moreover, the papers published after the outbreak of war did not in any way fill this gap. The Blue Book, Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3rd 1939 (Item 1814, September 20, 1939), contains relatively little important information, even in respect to Anglo-German relations and certainly does not form an adequate source for the study of this period.47 Further44. Only one document on the Spanish Civil War was published after the resignation of Mr. Eden (Item 1675), the text of the proposed resolution reaffirming and extending the Non-Intervention Agreement. Some information respecting both the Civil War and the Far Eastern Crisis may also be found in the routine League of Nations reports, e.g. Item 1610. 45. H. of C. Debates, 23 February 1938, Vth Ser., Vol. 332, col. 354-6. 46. The report, as published in this Blue Book (Item 1701, Cmd 5847-Doc. 1), was in the form of a letter to M. Benes. Another version, differing only verbally from this one, was incorporated in a letter to Mr. Chamberlain. The differences are indicated in Woodward and Butler Documents on British Foreign Polity (London, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1949), 3rd Series, Vol. II, 675. See also Toynbee, Survey of International Affairs, 1938, Vol. II, 334, note 1. 47. Namier, Diplomatic Prelude (London: Macmillan, 1948), p. 61-2, complains that only three documents dealing with Anglo-German relations in the vital period September 29, 1938 to August 23, 1939 were published. This, however, is not quite true as a separate Blue Book dealing with Anglo-German relations was published (Item 1813), but it was confined solely to correspondence between the two Governments in August 1939. Only one other document was published in this connection, Item 1821, the final report of Sir Neville Henderson.



more, when the Anglo-Polish Treaty was published in 1940 (Cmd 6144), the interpreting protocol, which extended the Treaty considerably, remained secret and was not tabled in the House until 1945 (Cmd 6616—April 5, 1945).48 A Blue Book on the vital question of a Russian alliance was prepared and printed but not published because of the opposition of the French Government,49 so that the reasons for the failure of the Western Powers to secure this alliance remained largely a matter for speculation.58 The failure of the Government to give the public adequate information with respect to its foreign policy led to several exchanges in the House in which the Prime Minister was accused by the Opposition of deliberately misleading it and of keeping essential information secret. Certainly the dual policy of 'appeasement' and 'building a peace-front' which the British pursued in 1939 did not lend itself to extensive publicity, so that the Opposition was often justified in its claim that the Government was not completely honest in its replies to questions. With respect to negotiations of a private character, such as the Hudson-Wohlthat discussions, or the delicate problem of the Anglo-Russian Alliance,51 a case can readily be made for the Government's reluctance to divulge information. On the other hand, there were certainly instances when secrecy seems to have been unnecessary,52 and the Government was not only accused of withholding information but, on at least one occasion, was held responsible, not altogether unjustly, for the suppression of news items adverse to its policy.53 It must be emphasized, of course, that the circumstances of these years were not favourable to parliamentary publication 54 48. Diplomatic Prelude, p. 319, discusses this protocol. 49. See F. L. Schumann, Night over Europe (New York: A.E. Knopf, 1941), pp. 230-I. Chamberlain announced the publication of such a White Paper in January 1940 but Butler told the Commons on February 21 that its publication would be delayed. In March, Mr. Butler told the House that he would not publish this Blue Book at all, see H. of C. Debates, 20 and 21 March 1940, \%th Ser., col. 1956-7 and col. 2223-5. 50. Toynhee: Survey of International Affairs, 1938, Vol. III: Part III, 'The U.S.S.R.', by F. Ashton-Gwakin maintains that even the publication of Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, does not give a full account of these negotiations: see p. 406, footnote 3. 51. "I am not going any further than I have gone already... I must walk warily ...We are not concerned merely with the Russian Government. We have other Governments to consider ...Refrain from pressing us unduly to disclose the exact point where difficulties arise." Chamberlain, in a debate on AngloRussian relations, 19 May 1939, H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 347, col. 1837-9. Also quoted in Survey of International Affairs, 1939-1946, 'The Eve of War, 1939', p. 59. 52. See for instance the recognition of General Franco's Government in Spain, Debate on 27 February 1939, and also the question of surplus war material left in Spain by the Italians, and the relation of this to the Anglo-Italian Agreement of 1938. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 335, col. 341; 7 June 1939, Vol. 348, col. 391-400; and 14 June 1939, Vol. 348, col. 1272-1279. 53. See H. of C. Debates, 7 December 1938. Vth Ser., Vol. 342, col. 1261-1321. 54. A similar point was made by Temperley and Penson in respect to Lord Grey's policy just prior to the first World War; A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914, p. 503.



British public opinion at large had long held that the 'Versailles system' was morally untenable. The more informed part of that opinion had become increasingly aware, further, that that system could not, in practice, be upheld by Great Britain and France alone, and that the support of neither the United States of America nor the U.S.S.R. would be available merely to uphold the status quo. Any British government, therefore, was virtually in the position of saying that the 'Versailles system' was morally untenable and practically indefensible, but that Great Britain would not permit it to be altered by war; and Chamberlain was thoroughly representative of the confused state of public opinion in saying to Germany and Italy that if they pursued their designs, they would bring on a general war but, if they proceeded peacefully, they could achieve what they wanted.55 When we add that the Government, at least, could not help but be aware that its one ally, France, was, in effect, prepared to abdicate as a great Power, it is clear that the publication of the kind of document which normally makes up a Blue Book (a record of policy, rather than of the motives of policy) would have served little purpose, and would certainly not have contributed to national unity. The Blue Books published in this period, therefore, contained relatively little information about the vital issues, and the conclusion can be reached that, for various reasons, Mr. Chamberlain's policy was one of publishing as few important papers as possible. This brief survey would indicate that the great movement for 'open diplomacy' which marked the inter-war period did not stimulate the publication of large numbers of important Blue Books; on the contrary, a number of factors combined tending to diminish their value. The press, and later the radio, proved to be far better vehicles for publicity than the Blue Book. When the Foreign Secretary wished to disseminate information quickly, he simply called a press conference and could be assured that information would reach the public everywhere within a matter of hours.56 In consequence, many important documents can be found in the files of contemporary newspapers. Such periodicals as Europe Nouvelle published large numbers of communiqués, texts of agreements, and treaties, some of which were also printed in Blue Book form but 55. This policy, after all, depended mainly on the success of Chamberlain's personal attempt to convince Germany and Italy that he was ready to appease their genuine grievances: "I had established a certain confidence, which was my aim and on my side, in spite of the hardness and ruthlessness I thought I saw on his [Hitler's] face, I got the impression that here was a man who could be relied upon when he had given his word." Entry in diary, 19 September 1988, Feiling, Neville Chamberlain, p. 367. 56. During the Chanak crisis The Times accused Lloyd George of following a secret policy. At short notice the Prime Minister called a press conference (September 23) in order to explain his policy. History of 'The Times', Vol. IV, Pt. II, pp. 785.6.


at a much later date.57 Moreover, the prevalent suspicion of the activities of 'secret diplomacy' gave a certain respectability to newspaper 'revelations', which they had not enjoyed in the pre-war era, with the result that many statements of policy and even texts of diplomatic notes often found their way into the columns of newspapers and were never published in Blue Book form. Furthermore, this suspicion was most closely associated with the Foreign Office and sometimes led to the greater participation in foreign affairs of the Prime Minister. This state of affairs, as the policies of Lloyd George and Chamberlain illustrated, tended to discourage the publication of diplomatic correspondence. In a sense, the vastly extended use of the press also diminished the importance of another function of Parliament, for it tended to transfer into the columns of newspapers the vital debates on foreign issues. The sensational coverage of foreign affairs by the press may very easily give a false impression of the general electorate's real interest in these matters. For, while bitter debates raged outside the House in the columns of the press, the Members of Parliament themselves, presumably in closer touch than Fleet Street with the rank and file of voters, displayed a decreasing, rather than an increasing, interest in foreign affairs, especially in the 1920's. Two such divergent papers as The Times and Foreign Affairs drew attention to this phenomenon in 1920,58 and the situation did not alter perceptibly until the final crisis of 1938-39. This may be partly explained by the fact that the vast electorate which the democratic process had created remained largely uninterested in foreign affairs. Moreover, the stringent Party discipline which had come into existence in the latter half of the nineteenth century destroyed, to a large extent, the influence of the small informed group that remained and made it difficult, if not impossible, for members of the Party in power to request papers which the Cabinet was not willing to lay. By 1914 this process had already diminished the number of requests for papers, and, as has been noted, virtually no papers were 57. See for instance the 'Protocol respecting Coal', included in a collection of documents (Item 151) which was tabled in the House on June 20, 1921 but which had been published in L'Europe Nouvelle as early as July 25, 1920. 58. "But if members still lack information on this subject it is their own fault for not forcing a debate. The whole department of foreign policy is still as much beyond the control of the House of Commons as it was before the war. And by control is not meant concurrent conduct of negotiations, but the forcing of publicity on the leading principles of Government policy. At every crisis that arises these principles are in doubt, and such information as is given, is given elsewhere than in Parliament. That the Hunter Report on Amritsar should be promised for the recess is in keeping, not with the fitness, but with the usual ordering of things... In Foreign Affairs the opposition of His Majesty's Opposition is contemptible, and instead of the Commons gaining ground at the expense of the Executive, it is steadily losing it?' The Times, May 18, 1920. See also editorial in Foreign Affairs, August 1920.


laid in the period 1919-1939 as a result of a successful 'Address' 59 Even an 'Address for Papers', used as a formal opening to a debate on foreign affairs and withdrawn afterwards, was infrequent in the House of Commons, although still used to a greater extent in the House of Lords.60 In the House of Commons, the question period had become the accepted means of obtaining information and embarrassing the Government,6' and this accounts to some extent for the small number of major debates on foreign policy. Despite this increased use of the question period, it would seem that the House did not seriously attempt to assert authority over the Cabinet in matters relating to foreign affairs.G2 This subservience gave the ministries virtually complete independence in respect to Blue Book publication, an independence of which they usually took advantage to become more restrained in their publications on foreign policy. Blue Books were indeed published in large numbers between 1919 and 1939, but very often they contained little important information. 59. Only one paper was tabled as a result of a successful 'Address' in the House of Commons—Item 225; several papers were, however, laid as result of successful 'Addresses' in the House of Lords, e.g. Items 695, 758, 902, and 1260. 60. 1939: H. of L. 'Addressed for Papers' (withdrawn after debate) 15 times; H. of C. 'Addressed for Papers' (withdrawn after debate) 0 times. 61. See for instance R. Bassett, Democracy and Foreign Policy, pp. 147-8. 62. See A. B. Keith, The Constitution of England from Victoria to George Vth, (London: MacMillan and Co., 1940) especially Vol. I, pp. 223-37: "The postwar years were noted by the fact that the Commons showed no anxiety to assert any more control over issues of war and peace than in pre-war days.... In the years after 1931 the acceptance by the majority of the Commons of the attitude of the ministry was normally without question, though from Opposition benches criticism was freely raised against the failure of the Government to secure progress in disarmament." Of course in the crucial years 1933-1939, the confusion within the ranks of the Labour Party and its failure to suggest an alternative policy, to some extent accounted for the lack of a sustained and effective opposition.


TECHNICAL NOTE The papers listed in this work may all be found in the bound sets of Parliamentary Papers released annually by the British Government. Such a bound set for any particular year includes all Bills, Sessional Papers, and Command Papers relating to aspects of administration and policy which were tabled by the British Government in that year. The following guide is an attempt to bring together in a single volume the titles of all papers which were published between 1919 and I939 and were directly related to British foreign policy. In the selection of the papers, the aim has been to include only those which are strictly relevant to the relations of Great Britain with other countries. Nevertheless, a number of papers dealing with domestic affairs have been added, the presence of which may need some further explanation. It was thought useful, for example, to include all Bills which were passed in order to incorporate into statute law certain agreements with foreign countries and the obligations of Great Britain with respect to the League of Nations (e.g. Item Nos. 1, 332). The large number of loans which the British Government contracted during the first world war and which led to much diplomatic activity in this period was thought to warrant the inclusion of the annual 'Financial Accounts of the United Kingdom'. These papers will enable the reader to find readily an annual statement showing the amount of money and interest owing to the British Government and the debt of Great Britain to the United States. The 'Finance Accounts' are also a useful guide to the financial status of such Government undertakings as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Suez Canal Company, a status which has some bearing upon British policy towards the countries concerned. Another set of annual reports which is included is that on the 'Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India'. These reports contain useful information on the attitude of the British Government towards India's neighbours, especially Afghanistan and Russia, and they are of particular interest for the period of the hostilities between Great Britain and Afghanistan and that of the establishment of the Soviet regime in Central Asia. Thus, the AngloAfghan treaty of 1921 was first published on August 3, 1922, in the report on the condition of India for 1921, whereas in the Treaty Series, it was not laid before the House until February 3, 1923 (see Item Nos. 199 and 266). Similarly, the annual reports on the 'Administration, Finance and Condition of the Sudan' have been included because they provide material on British relations with Abyssinia, especially during periods when there were Abyssinian raids against British territory.


On the other hand, it was not thought necessary to lengthen the guide unduly by the inclusion of the annual Statements explaining Navy, Air, and Army estimates. These, although they sometimes contain information as to the movements of British forces to troubled areas, are usually of too general a nature to be useful to students of foreign policy. Exceptions to this rule are the 'Statement, explanatory to the Navy Estimates' 1922-3 (Item No. 214), and two other documents on Naval matters in 1922 (Item Nos. 207 and 209), which are included because they were, in part, concerned with the Admiralty views on the Washington Conference and are, therefore, of general diplomatic, as distinct from purely Service, interest. Similarly, while intra-Imperial relations, as such, are outside the scope of this work, papers dealing with them have been included when they shed some light on an important issue in international affairs. For example, the Conference of Prime Ministers, 1921 (Item No. 164), was concerned with the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and with the forthcoming Washington Conference, and the 'Correspondence relative to the Geneva Protocol with the Dominions' (Item No. 501A) and the views of the Government of India relative to the same question (Item No. 508) throw light on the reasons for Sir Austen Chamberlain's rejection of the Geneva Protocol. The guide has had to take account of the important change of Government policy with respect to Parliamentary papers, which was made as a result of the recommendations of the 'Select Committee on Publications and Debates Reports'. This Committee was established in 1922 in order to study the mounting costs of Parliamentary publication. It found that the high cost was partly due to the fact that the papers tabled in the House were distributed to all members without charge. These included such items as the 'Trade and Navigation Papers', often as long as four volumes of some 800 pages each (Item No. 192), as well as the annual reports from some twenty colonies and mandated areas, each of over 100 pages, and the 'Overseas Trade Reports' which were the reports on industrial conditions in foreign countries from British Consuls all over the. world. The Committee thought it unnecessary to distribute many of these papers to all members of the House, and it was, therefore, decided not to table certain of these routine reports but to publish them through His Majesty's Stationery Office, where they could be readily purchased by all those who were interested.' This reduced the annual bound set of Parliamentary papers by approximately twenty-five volumes. Among the papers transferred from the category of Parliamentary papers were the 'Returns on Shipping and Tonnage for the Suez Canal', the 'Trade and Navigation Papers', the 'Overseas Trade Reports', and annual reports on various colonies 1. See 'Report of the Select Committee on Publications and Debates Reports' 1923, Vol. VIII, Sessional Paper No. 140: A full list of the papers transferred may be found in Appendix I.


and mandated areas. Consequently these papers appear in the guide only down to 1922. After that year reference to them can be found only in the annual index of government publications. The first section for each year provides a list of Bills relevant to foreign affairs, in numerical order, and the second section a list of Sessional Papers, also in numerical order. The third section for each year consists of Command Papers, the numerical order of which is maintained throughout the text. It is hoped that this system will enable the reader who already knows the Sessional or Command number of the paper which he wishes to find to go directly to the text without having to consult the index. To simplify this process, the top of each page bears the numbers of the papers contained on that page. Each paper is given its full title and, wherever possible, extra dates or information have been added. Thus, in the Treaty Series, in all cases in which a treaty has been ratified, the date of ratification is added after the date of signature. To each title is added the volume and the page of the bound set on which the paper may be found. The great majority of papers dealing with foreign affairs appear in the 'Accounts and Papers' section of the Parliamentary papers, usually in the last volumes of the yearly bound set under the sub-title of 'State Papers'. In all cases in which a paper appears in the 'Accounts and Papers' section, the title and the sub-title of the volume have been omitted. In that minority of cases, however, in which the papers are to be found either in the section of the bound set classified as 'Bills; Public' or the section classified as 'Reports; Commissioners' or 'Reports; Committees', the title, but not the sub-title, of the volume has been added. All Parliamentary papers become available to the public on the date on which they are tabled in the House of Commons and/or the House of Lords. The dates appended to each item are the dates on which the paper was tabled. In some cases, however, papers become available during a parliamentary recess, and, according to a standing rule of 1896, are delivered to the sales office before they are formally tabled. There is sometimes an interval of as much as six weeks between the time of publication and the re-opening of Parliament. It was thought useful, therefore, to add the date on which a paper was delivered to the parliamentary library while Parliament was in recess. These dates were all taken from the Journals of the House of Lords, as they do not appear in the Journals of the House of Commons. In a few instances the House of Lords remained in recess after the re-opening of the House of Commons session, and consequently a paper may have been delivered to the House of Lords' library after it had, in fact, been officially tabled in the House of Commons. In such cases the date on which the paper was officially tabled in the House of Lords is simply marked with an (R.). This marking also occurs in cases in which a paper was published during a short adjournment, but in which no indication as to the exact date can be found.


In the index, an attempt has been made to bring together papers, which, although they have varying titles, are related to the same subject. Thus, under EUROPE, European Settlement, may be found a number of papers which contain the correspondence between the various great Powers concerning the attempted European settlement, and under REPARATIONS are collected some one hundred papers, concerned with German reparations from the time of the Treaty of Versailles to that of the Anglo-German Payments Agreement of 1938. Bilateral treaties between Great Britain and foreign countries will be found under the heading of the country with which they were concluded, and only general International Conventions, the indices of the Treaty Series, and lists of 'Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.' will be found under the general heading of TREATIES. Thus, the Anglo-German Agreement relating to German debts in China, may be found under GERMANY, China, or under CHINA, German Debts. This method of presentation will enable the reader to find correspondence on negotiations relating to a treaty under the same heading as the treaty itself; thus under U.S.A., Mandated Areas, may be found not only the 'Correspondence respecting Economic Rights in Mandated Territories', but also a list of all Conventions between the U.K. and the U.S.A. relating to the economic rights of their respective nationals in the mandated areas. A number of documents which deal with the relations of the Dominions and certain foreign countries are also to be found in the British Parliamentary papers. Such papers may be found in one of two places: either under the particular Dominion and the subheading of the country concerned with the paper, or under the name of the country itself and the sub-heading of the subject matter of the document. For instance, the Commercial Convention between Canada and Italy of 1923 (Item 360) may be found under CANADA, Italy, or under ITALY, Commerce.



House of Commons


House of Lords


House of Commons and House of Lords


Laid by Command


Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed




In Recess or in Adjournment


Return to an Address of the House of Commons


Return to an Address of the House of Lords


Sessional Paper


BILLS 1919 Item 1- 4 Bill No. 121- 239 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. II, 1023: Bills, Public Treaty of Peace: United Kingdom and various Powers. Treaty of Versailles. Lords amendment, see Bill No. 149. Text, see State Papers, Cmd 153. O.H.C.P. 3 July 1919

Bill 121


Vol. I, 107: Bills, Public Anglo-French Defence Treaty Bill for carrying into effect the Treaty of Peace between His Majesty and certain Powers. O.H.C.P. 3 July 1919

Bill 122


Vol. I, 789: Bills, Public Loan to the Government of the Sudan Bill to authorize the Treasury to Guarantee the payment of interest on a loan to be raised by the Government of the Sudan. O.H.C.P. 23 July 1919

Bill 148

3a Vol. II, 1025: Bills, Public Treaty of Peace Lords Amendment. [See also Item I.] O.H.C.P. 24 July 1919 4

Vol. I, 115: Bills, Public Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Amendment: Bill to amend the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Act, 1914. O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1919


Bill 149

Bill 239

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1919 Item 44 - 4c S.P. No.121- 212 Doc. No.

Item No.

4a Vol. XXXII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom. 19181919.

S.P. 121

O.H.GP. 24 June 1919

4b Vol. XXXVIII, 489 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the year 1918. 54th Number.

S.P. 143

O.H.C.P. 21 July 1919

4c Vol. XIII, Part I, 523: Reports, Commissioners: (6) Report of the American Dollar Securities Committee. (Mr. Baldwin.)

S.P. 212

Ord. 19 Nov. 1919 O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1919

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 5-6 Cmd 2. 7 Item No.

Doc. No.

5 Vol. LIII, 677 Misc. No. 1 (1919) Draft Agreement for a League of Nations; Presented to the Plenary Inter-Allied Conference, 14 February 1919.

Cmd 2

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1919

6 Vol. LIII, 757 Treaty Series No. 1 (1919) Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting British War Graves in France. Signed at Paris, 26 November 1918. L/C. HC/L 20 March 1919


Cmd 7

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item?-12 Cmd 8 - 54 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. LIII, 987 Russia No. I (1919) Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia.

Cmd S

L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1919


Vol. LIII, 671 Treaty Series No. 2 Renewal of existing Arbitration Agreements between the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Spain, and the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America 3 June 1918-1 February 1919. [see also Item 370.]

Cmd 10

L/C. HC/L. 9 April 1919

9 Vol. LIII, 1081 Misc. No. 2 Correspondence respecting the British Mission to South America, 1918.

Cmd 12

L/C. HC/L. 27 May 1919

10 Vol. LIII, 675 Reports by British Officers on the economic conditions prevailing in Germany. December 1918— March 1919. [See also Item 12.]

Cmd 52

L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1919

11 Vol. LIII, 99 Terms of Armistices concluded between the Allied Governments and the Governments of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.

Cmd 53

L/C. HC/L. 3 April 1919

12 Vol. LIII, 859 Further Reports by British Officers on the economic conditions prevailing in Germany, April 1919. In continuation of Cmd 52 [Item 10]. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1919

Cmd 54

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 13 -16a Cmd 150-219 Item No.

Doc. No.

13 Vol. LIII, 1133 Treaty Series No. 3 Arbitration Treaty between the United Kingdom and Uruguay. Signed at Monte-video, 18 April 1918. Ratifications exchanged at Monte-video 11 February 1919.

Cmd 150

L/C. HC/L. 3 June 1919

14 Vol. LIII, 685 Misc. No. 3 Covenant of the League of Nations, with Commentary thereon.

Cmd 151

L/C. HC/L. 24 June 1919 (R. 13 June)

14a Vol. XIV, 833 Suez Canal: Commercial No. 1 (1919) Returns of shipping and tonnage 1915, 1916, and 1917. (In continuation of Cmd 8591 of 1917-1918.)

Cmd 152

L/C. HC. 25 June 1919 HL 26 June 1919

15 Vol. LIII, 127 Treaty Series No. 4 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany. Signed at Versailles 28 June 1919. [See also Item 1.]

Cmd 153

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1919

16 Vol. LIII, 877 Further reports by British Officers on the Economic conditions prevailing in Germany, March and April 1919.

Cmd 208

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1919

16a Vol. XIV, 847 Suez Canal Return of shipping and tonnage, 1918. In continuation of Cmd 152. [Item 14A.] L/C. HC. 4 July 1919 HL. 7 July 1919


Cmd 219

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 17 - 21 Cmd 220 - 240

Item No.

Doc. No.

17 Vol. LIII, 359 Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol Supplementary to the Treaty of Peace (Versailles). Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1919

Cmd 220

18 Vol. LIII, 361 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty respecting Assistance to France in the event of unprovoked aggression by Germany. Similar Treaty between France and the United States Attached. Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1919

Cmd 221

19 Vol. LIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between the United States of America, France, Belgium, the British Empire, and Germany with regard to the Military Occupation of the Territory of the Rhine. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1919

Cmd 222

20 Vol. LIII, 379 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty between the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan and Poland. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC. 11 July 1919

Cmd 223

HL. 14 July 1919

21 Vol. LIII, 369 Declaration by the Governments of the United States of America, Great Britain, and France in regard to the occupation of the Rhine Provinces, 16 June 1919. L/C. HC. 3 July 1919 HL. 7 July 1919


Cmd 240

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 21a- 25 Cmd 251- 261 Doc. No.

Item No.

21a Vol. XXIV, 33, Reports; Commissioners (17) British and Foreign Legal Procedure. Report of the Committee appointed by the Lord Chancellor to consider the conduct of legal proceedings between parties in this Country and parties abroad and the enforcement of judgements and awards.

Cmd 251

L/C. HC/L 7 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 17 Misc. No. 4 Reply of the Allied and Associated Powers to the observations of the German Delegation on the conditions of the Peace. Paris, 16 June 1919.

Cmd 258

L/C. HC/L 15 July 1919


Vol. XXXII, 239 Misc. No. 5 Note on the Guaranteed Sudan Loan.

Cmd 259

L/C. HC/L 28 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 1121 Misc. No. 6 Reports on Conditions in Turkish Prisons.

Cmd 260

L/C. HC/L 29 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 1 Misc. No. 7 Peace Proposals made by His Holiness the Pope to the Belligerent Powers on August 1, 1917 and Correspondence relative thereto. L/C. HC/L 11 Aug. 1919


Cmd 261

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 25a - 28 Cmd 266 - 280

Item No. 25a Vol. LIII, 585 Air Ministry Convention relating to Air Navigation. SubCommission of Peace Conference: Convention not formally approved by Supreme Council of Peace of Conference. It has, however, been agreed that it should be issued for the information of the public of the Allied and Associated States. [See also Item 70a.] L/C. HC. 17 July 1919

Doc. No. Cmd 266

HL. 21 July 1919

25b Vol. XXXII, 237 Government of Sudan Loan Bill Estimate of Probable Expenditure. L/C. HC. 18 July 1919

Cmd 267

HL. No date

26 Vol. XIV, 729 France and Algiers (Customs Duties) Translation of the French Presidential Decree of 8 July 1919 with statement showing classes of goods on which the Customs Import Duties are increased and the coefficient of increase in each case. L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1919

Cmd 273

27 Vol. XLV, 723 Trade Conditions under which Trading is permissible since the raising of the Blockade. [See also Item 34.] L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1919

Cmd 274

28 Vol. LIII, 927 German (Food Conditions) Report on the Food Conditions in Germany with memoranda on the Agricultural conditions in Germany and on Agricultural Statistics and Statistical Tables and Charts. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1919

Cmd 280


COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 29 - 33 and 300 - 324 Doc. No.

Item No.

29 Vol. LITI, 983 Persia No. 1 (1919) Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Persian Government. Signed at Teheran, 9 August 1919.

Cmd 300

L/C. HC/L. 14 Aug. 1919


Vol. LIII, 749 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting British War Graves in Belgium. Signed at Brussels, 18 June 1919.

Cmd 301

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (R. 21 Sept)


Vol. LITI, 741 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States: Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1916.

Cmd 302

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (R. 23 Sept)


Vol. XXXII, 847 Cost of Naval and Military Operations in Russia from date of Armistice to 31 July 1919.

Cmd 307

L/C. HC/L. 13 Aug. 1919

32a Vol. XXXVII, 1155 Correspondence regarding the Medical arrangements and comforts for the troops in the Northwest Frontier.

Cmd 310

L/C. HC. 14 Aug. 1919 HL. 15 Aug. 1919


Vol. XXXVII, 1183 Papers regarding hostilities with Afghanistan, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1919

Cmd 324

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 34 - 37 Cmd 350 - 400 Item No.


Doe. No.

Vol. XLV, 727 Conditions under which trading is permissible with certain countries: To supersede instructions published in Cmd 274 [Item 27].

Cmd 350

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (IL 18 Sept)

35 Vol. X, 125: Reports; Commissioners (3) Report on the Committee appointed to consider the Application for exemption from compulsory repatriation submitted by Internal Enemy Aliens.

Cmd 383

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1919


Vol. XXXII, 849

Cmd 395

Cost of the Naval and Military Operations in Russia from date of Armistice to 31 October 1919. L/C. HC. 31 Oct. 1919 HL 4 Nov. 1919

36a Vol. XXXVII, 1165 Further correspondence concerning the Medical Arrangements and Comforts to the troops in the North-west Frontier.

Cmd 398

L/C. HC. 3 Nov. 1919 HL. 31 Oct. 1919

37 Vol. LITI, 399 Treaty Series No. 11 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria, with Protocol and Declaration Annexed thereto. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. [Bill to carry into effect the above: see 1920, Bill No. 66, Vol. V, 465, Item 46b.] L/C. HG 24 Nov. 1919 HL. 25 Nov. 1919

Cmd 400

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 38 - 42 Cmd 414 - 459 Item No.


Doc. No. Vol. LITI, 705 Treaty Series No. 12 Convention for control of the Trade in Arms and Ammunition, and Protocol. Signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 414

L/C. HC. 28 Nov. 1919 HL 27 Nov. 1919


Vol. XLV, 821 Production, Prices, and Currency Statement on Production, Price Movements and Currency Expansion in various Countries. [See also Item 77b.]

Cmd 434

L/C. HC. 24 Nov. 1919 HL 25 Nov. 1919


Vol. LIII, 1117 Treaty Series No. 13 Ratification by Sweden of the International Copyright Convention. Signed at Berlin, 13 November 1908, and additional Protocol signed at Berne, 20 March 1914. Effective from 1 January 1920.

Cmd 452

L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1919


Vol. LIII, 523 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the contributions to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, I0 September 1919. [See also Item 65.]

Cmd 458

L/C. HC/L 12 Dec. 1919


Vol. LIII, 527 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to Italian Reparation Payments. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. [See also Item 67.] L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec 1919


Cmd 459

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 43-46 Cmd 460 - 478 Doc. No.

Item No.

43 Vol. LIII, 1113 Treaty Series No. 16 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Spain respecting Extradition between certain British Protected States in the Malay Peninsula and Spain. Signed at Madrid, 20 June 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 22 November 1919.

Cmd 460

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

44 Vol. LIII, 543 Treaty Series No. 17 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 461

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

44a Vol. XIII, Part I, 593: Reports, Commissioners (6) Currency and Foreign Exchange Final Report of the Committee on Currency and Foreign Exchanges after the War.

Cmd 464

L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1919

45 Vol. LIII, 553 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention revising the General Act of Berlin, 26 February 1885 and the General Act and Declaration of Brussels, 21 July 1890. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 477

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

46 Vol. LIII, 569 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention relating to the Liquor Traffic in Africa, and Protocol. Signed at Saint Germainen-Laye, 10 September 1919. L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1919


Cmd 478

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 46a Cmd 479

Item No.

Doc. No.

46a Vol. LIII, 531 Treaty Series No. 20 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Czechoslovakia. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. L/C. HC/L 17 Dec.1919

Cmd 479

BILLS 1920 Item 46b - 46d Bill No. 66 -138

Item No.

Doc. No.

46b Vol. V, 465: Bills; Public Treaty of Peace (Austria and Bulgaria) Bill to carry into effect Treaties of Peace between His Majesty and Certain other Powers. [See also Item 37.]

Bill 66

O.H.C.P. 31 March 1920

46c Vol. IV, 539: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill to authorize the granting of Credits and the undertaking of Insurances for the purpose of reestablishing Overseas Trade.

Bill 70

O.H.C.P. 13 April 1920

46d Vol. IV, 511: Bills; Public Nauru Island Bill to confirm the Agreement between His Majesty's Government in London, His Majesty's Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, and His Majesty's Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, in relation to the Island of Nauru. O.H.C.P. 11 June 1920


Bill 138

BILLS 1920 Item 46e - 47 Bill No. 150 - 225

Doc. No.

Item No. 46e Vol. I, 139: Bills; Public Air Navigation (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for regulating Air Navigation and to make further provision for the control and regulation of aviation.

Bill 150

O.H.C.P. 25 June 1920

461 Vol. IV, 517: Bills; Public Nauru Island Bill to confirm the Agreement between His Majesty's Government in London, His Majesty's Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, and His Majesty's Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, in relation to the Island of Nauru, as amended in Standing Committee A.

Bill 160

O.H.C.P. 8 July 1920

46g Vol. IV, 545: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill to authorize the granting of Credits and the undertaking of Insurances for the purpose of reestablishing Overseas Trade, as amended in Standing Committee A.

Bill 187

O.H.C.P. 27 July 1920


Vol. I, 153: Bills; Public Air Navigation (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for regulating Air Navigation and to make further provision for the control and regulation of aviation, as amended in Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 4 Nov. 1920


Bill 225

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1920 Item 47a - 48a S.P. No. 19 -163 Item No.

Doc. No.

47a Vol. XXVII, 247 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund, under Act 2 & 3, Will 4 c 121 and 6 & 7, Will 4 c 94, for Interest and Sinking Fund on that Part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this Country under the Authority of the said Acts and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1919. L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1920 HL 18 Feb. 1920

S.P. 19

47b Vol. XXVII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1920. O.H.C.P. 22 June 1920

S.P. 124

47c Vol. VII, 1045 Nauru Island Agreement Bill Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 8 July 1920

S.P. 142

48 Vol. XXVII, 173 Major Entwhistle: External Debt Return showing, as on March 31, 1919 and March 31, 1920 respectively, the External Debt of this country, the Due Date, and any arrangements which had been made for its repayment. 8 July 1920 Ord.

S.P. 144

O.H.C.P. 9 July 1920

48a Vol. VIII, 1 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 27 July 1920


S.P. 163

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1920 Item 48b S.P. No. 205 Item No.

Doc. No.

48b Vol. VI, 555 Air Navigation Bill (HL.) Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 4 Nov. 1920

S.P. 205

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 49 - 51 Cmd511-516 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXIX, 869 Commercial No. 1 (1920) Report on Japanese Labour by His Majesty's Vice Consul at Osaka. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 6 Jan)

Cmd 511


Vol. XLIX, 99 Trading Conditions Conditions under which Trading is permissible with certain countries. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 2 Jan)

Cmd 512


Vol. LI, 269 Treaty Series No. 1 (1920) Index to the Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 22 Jan)

Cmd 516


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item52-56 Cmd517-521

Item No.

Doc. No.

52 Vol. LI, 721 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Boundaries in East Africa (Mount Sabino to Congo Nile Watershed), with maps. Signed at London, 3 February 1915. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 October 1920. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 517

(R. 29 Jan)

53 Vol. LI, 745 Treaty Series No. 3 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Chile for the Establishment of a Peace Commission. Signed at Santiago, 28 March 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Santiago, 23 October 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 518

(R. 29 Jan)

54 Vol. LI, 51 Treaty Series No. 4 Renewal of Existing Arbitration Conventions between the United Kingdom and Norway and Sweden and the Arbitration Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal, November 1919. [See also Items 492, 499, 516.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 519

(R. 29 Jan)

55 Vol. LI, 715 Treaty Series No. 21 (1919) Index to Treaty Series, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 520

(R. 30 Jan)

56 Vol. LI, 173 Misc. No. 1 (1920) Economic Conditions in Central Europe (1). L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 2 Feb)


Cmd 521

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 57 - 61 Cmd 522.589

Item No.

Doc. No.

57 Vol. LI, 79 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty of Peace signed between the Allied and Associated Powers and Bulgaria, and Protocol, with map. Signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine, 27 November 1919. L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1920

Cmd 522

Vol. LI, 11 Misc. No. 2 Correspondence relating to the Adriatic Question. L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1920

Cmd 586




2 March 1920

Vol. LI, 1187 Russia No. 1 (1920) Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government of Russia for the exchange of Prisoners. Copenhagen, 12 February 1920. L/C. HC. 8 March 1920

Cmd 587

HL. 9 March 1920


Vol. LI, 595 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Rumania. Signed at Paris, 9 December 1919. L/C. HC. 8 March 1920

Cmd 588

HL. 9 March 1920

61 Vol. LI, 339 Misc. No. 3 Convention between Greece and Bulgaria. Signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine, 27 November 1919. L/C. HC. 12 March 1920 HL. 16 March 1920


Cmd 589

COMMAND PAPERS I920 Item 62-64 Cmd590-627 Item No.

Doc. No.

62 Vol. LI, 741 Misc. No. 4 Dispatch from His Majesty's Minister in Brussels enclosing a copy of the Belgian Law of 25 October 1919, respecting Belgian Nationality. In continuation of Cd 7464 of 1914. L/C. HC. 25 March 1920 HL. 26 March 1920

Cmd 590

63 Vol. LI, 547 Germany No. 1 (1920) Ordinances and Instructions issued by the InterAllied Rhineland High Commission, with Annexes. Signed, 10 June 1920. L/C. HC/L. 29 March 1920

Cmd 591

63a Vol. XXXIX, 775 Labour Administration in America Notes of Enquiries made by the Home Office Representatives attending the Washington Labour Conference. L/C. HC. 5 March 1920 HL. 9 March 1920

Cmd 606

63b Vol. XLIX, 227 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be Incurred. L/C. HC. 15 March 1920 HL. 16 March 1920

Cmd 620

64 Vol. LI, 477 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its First Annual Meeting, 29 October to 29 November 1919 (Washington). Both Drafts deposited at the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 17 March 1920

Cmd 627


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 65 - 68 Cmd 637 - 640 Item No.

Doc. No.

65 Vol. LI, 59 Treaty Series No. 7 Declaration Modifying the Agreement of 10 September 1919 [see Item 41], between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the fonner Austro-Hungarian Empire (Articles 4 & 5). Signed at Paris, 8 December 1919.

Cmd 637

L/C. HC. 12 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.)

66 Vol. LI, 605 Treaty Series No. 8 Declaration of accession by the Serb-Croat-Slovene State to the Treaty of Peace with Austria, the Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, and the Agreements with regard to the Italian Reparation Payments and the Contribution to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the Former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Signed at Paris, 5 December 1919.

Cmd 638

L/C. HC. 14 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.)

67 Vol. LI, 517 Treaty Series No. 9 Declaration modifying the agreement of 10 September 1919 [see Item No. 42] between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Italian Reparation Payments. Signed at Paris, 8 December 1919.

Cmd 639

L/C. HC. 14 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.) 68 Vol. LI, 57 Misc. No. 5

Cmd 640

Note on the Treaties of Peace (Austria and Bulgaria) Bill, 1920. L/C. HC. 19 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (IL 17 April)


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 69 - 73 Cmd 641-673 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. LI, 189 Misc. No. 6 Economic Conditions in Central Europe (II), with map.

Cmd 641

L/C. HC/L 23 April 1920


Vol. LI, 253 Declaration by the Supreme Council of the Peace Conference on the Economic Conditions of the World.

Cmd 646

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1920

70a Vol. XXX, 105 Air Ministry Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation, 13 October 1919. [See also Item 25a.]

Cmd 670

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1920


Vol. LI, 261 Misc. No. 7 Agreement between France, Russia, Great Britain, and Italy. Signed at London, 26 April 1915.

Cmd 671

L/C. HC/L. 27 April 1920


Vol. LI, 63 Misc. No. 8 Report of the Foreign Office Committee on British Communities Abroad.

Cmd 672

L/C. HC/L 29 April 1920


Vol. LI, 899 Misc. No. 9 Report on the Alleged Existence of `White Terror' in Hungary. L/C. HC/L 4 May 1920


Cmd 673

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 74 - 77a Cmd 674 - 732

Doc. No.

Item No. 74 Vol. LI, 1121 Misc. No. 10 Report by Sir Stuart Samuel on his Mission to Poland. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1920

Cmd 674

75 Vol. LI, 895 Misc. No. 11 San Remo Agreement Memorandum of Agreement between M. Philippe Berthelot and Professor John Cadman, K.C.M.G., Director in charge of His Majesty's Petroleum Department. L/C. HC. 23 July 1920

Cmd 675

HL. 26 July 1920


Vol. LI, 1 Misc. No. 12 Reference to the League of Nations of the Question of the Aaland Islands. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920

Cmd 676

(R. 25 Aug.)


Vol. XLIII, 853 Sweden: Report on the commercial and industrial situation for the Year 1919, prepared by Mr. S. E. Kay, His Majesty's Consul at Stockholm. L/C. HC. 1 June 1920

Cmd 708

HL. 8 June 1920 (R. 27 May)

77a Vol. XLIX, 229 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Revised Conditions for Export Credits. L/C. HC. 7 June 1920 HL. 8 June 1920


Cmd 732

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item77b- 80a

Cmd 734 - 792 Item No.

Doc. No.

77b Vol. XLIX, 229 Currency and Prices Statements of Currency expansion Price movements, and Production in certain Countries. In continuation of Cmd 434 [Item 39].

Cmd 734

L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1920

77c Vol. XXXIII, 623 Nauru Island Financial Memorandum: Memorandum of Agreement as to the working of the Phosphate Deposits on Nauru Island.

Crud 749

L/C. HC. 14 June 1920 HL. 15 June 1920

78 Vol. XLIII, 257 Germany: Report on the Industrial and Commercial conditions of Germany at the close of the Year 1919.

Cmd 752

L/C. HC/L. 15 June 1920

79 Vol. XLIII, 751 Peru: Report on the Finance, Industry, and Trade of Peru at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. F. W. Manners, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Lima.

Cmd 769

L/C. HC. 21 June 1920 HL. 22 June 1920

80 Vol. XXVIII, 317 Army: Statement of Expenditure on the Naval and Military Operations in Russia from the date of the Armistice to 31 March 1920.

Cmd 772

L/C. HC. 16 July 1920 HL. 19 July 1920

80a Vol. XXX, 197 Air Navigation Bill Memorandum of Financial Clauses. L/C. HC. 28 June 1920 HL. no date

Cmd 792

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 81- 85 Cmd 793 - 840 Item No.

Dec. No.


Vol. XLIII, 295 Greece: Report on the Commercial and Industrial Situation of Greece for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. D. C. Rawlins, Commercial secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Athens. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1920

Cmd 793


Vol. XLIII, 833 Siam: Report on the Commercial Situation in Siam at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. J. Crosby, His Majesty's Acting Consul-General, Bangkok. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1920

Cmd 795


Vol. XXVIII, 323 Army: The Evacuation of North Russia, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1920

Cmd 818


Vol. XLIII, 777 Rumania: Report on the Economic Conditions and Prospects of Rumania at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. A. Adams, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Bucharest. L/C. HC. 12 July 1920 HL. 13 July 1920

Cmd 828

84a Vol. XLIII, 623 Norway Report on the Commerce and Industry of Norway to the end of the year 1919, prepared by the Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legadon, Christiania, Mr. C. L. Paus. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1920

Cmd 839

85 Vol. XLIII, 63 Brazil: Report on the General Economic and Financial Conditions of Brazil for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. Hambloch, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy, Rio de Janeiro. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1920

Cmd 840


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 85a - 88 Cmd 842 - 895 Doc. No.

Item No.

85a Vol. XXXIII, 167 Department of Overseas Trade Report on the conditions and prospects of trade in the protectorate of South-West Africa, by Mr. S. L. Wilson Goode. L/C. HC/L 20 July 1920

Cmd 842


Vol. XLIII, 233 Egypt: Report on the Economic and Financial Situation of Egypt for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. H. Muloch, His Majesty's Commercial Agent, Cairo. L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1920

Cmd 843


Vol. XLIII, 131 China: Report for the Year 1919 on the conditions and prospects of British Trade in China, by Mr. H. H. Fox, C.M.G., Commercial Councillor, Shanghai, with the assistance of Mr. A. W. Rose, Commercial Secretary at Peking, and Mr. H. J. Brett, Commercial Secretary at Hong-Kong. L/C. HC/L 23 July 1920

Cmd 853

87a Vol. XLIII, 337 Overseas Trade Reports Holland: Report on the Economic, Financial, and Industrial Conditions of Holland for the year 1919; by Mr. R. V. Laming, O.B.E., Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, The Hague. L/C. HC/L 3 Aug. 1920

Cmd 872

88 Vol. XLIII, 1 Argentine Republic: Report on the Economic and Industrial Situation of the Argentine Republic for the Year 1919, by Mr. H. O. Chalkey, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Buenos Aires. L/C. HC. 16 Aug. 1920 (R.) HL. 12 Aug. 1920

Cmd 895


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 89 - 92 Cmd 896 -955 Item No.

Doc. No.

89 Vol. LI, 345 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty of Peace between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary, and Protocol and Declaration. Signed at Trianon, 4 June 1920.

Cmd 896

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1920

90 Vol. XLIII, 451 Japan: Report on the Commercial, Industrial, and Financial Situation of Japan, 1914-1919, by Mr. Hugh Home, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy in Tokyo.

Cmd 912

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 19 Aug.)

91 Vol. XLIII, 885 Turkey: General Report on the Trade and Economic Conditions of Turkey for the Year 1919, by Captain C. H. Courthope-Munroe, Commercial Secretary to the British High Commission in Constantinople.

Cmd 942

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 10 Sept.)

91a Vol. XXXIV, 705 East India (Progress and Condition) Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1919. 55th Number.

Cmd 950

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 10 Sept.)

92 Vol. XLIII, 195 Denmark: Report on the Post-War Economic and Industrial Situation of Denmark. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 15 Sept.)


Cmd 955

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 93 - 97 Cmd 957 - 965 Doc. No.

Item No.

93 Vol. LI, 751 Egypt No. 1 (1920) Egypt and the Sudan: Reports by His Majesty's High Commissioner on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Sudan for the period 1914-1919.

Cmd 957

L/C. HC/L 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. LI, 329 Treaty Series No. 13 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Greece. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 960

L/C. HC/L 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. LI, 43 Treaty Series No. 12 Tripartite Agreement between the British Empire, France, and Italy respecting Anatolia. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 963

L/C. HC/L 16 Aug. 1920


Vol. LI, 609 Treaty Series No. 11 Treaty of Peace between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Turkey. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 964

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1920


Vol. LI, 1067 Treaty Series No. 14 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands respecting Extradition between certain British Protected States in the Malay Peninsula and the Netherlands. Signed at London, 13 April 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL 9 Nov. 1920


Cmd 965

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 98 -102 Cmd 975 - 1020

Item No.

Doc. No.

98 Vol. XLIII, 527 Morocco: Report on the Trade, Industry, and Finance of Morocco. Part I, French Protectorate of Morocco; Part II, Zone of Tangier; Part III, Spanish Protectorate of Morocco. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920

Cmd 975

(R. 2 Oct.)


Vol. LI, 1157 Treaty Series No. 16 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting the Boundaries in South-East Africa (from Beacon 1 on the left bank of the Malosa River to Beacon 17 on the shore of Lake Nyasa). Signed at London, 6 May 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL. 9 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1000


Vol. LI, 1063 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands renewing for a further period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of 15 February 1905. Signed at London, 1 June 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 July 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL 9 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1001


Vol. LI, 1071 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Persia modifying the Commercial Convention of February 9 1903. Signed at Teheran, 21 March I920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1011

HL. 9 Nov. 1920


Vol. LI, 545 League of Nations Copy of Provisional Agenda for the First Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1920 27

Cmd 1020

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 103 -107 Cmd 1022 -1097

Item No. 103

Vol. LI, 521 Report by the Secretary-General to the First Assembly of the League on the work of the Council. L/C. HC/L. 20 Dec. 1920


Vol. LI, 465 Treaty Series No. 18 Agreement respecting the Preservation and Restoration of the Rights of Industrial Property affected by the World War. L/C. HG 26 Nov. 1920

Doc. No. Cmd 1022

Cmd 1040

HL 29 Nov. 1920


Vol. XXV, 89: Reports; Commissioners. (17) Interim Report of the Committee to Collect information on Russia. L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1041

HL. 17 Dec. 1920

Vol. LI, 911 Mesopotamia Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia. L/C. HC/L. 6 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1061

106a Vol. XXIX, 1 Battle of Jutland Official Dispatches relating to the Battle of Jutland, 30 May-1 June 1916, with Appendices and Charts. [See Item 650a.] L/C. HC/L 8 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1068

Vol. LI, 891 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the British and Esthonian Governments respecting Commercial Relations. Signed at London, 20 July 1920. L/C. HC/L 23 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1097




BILLS 1921 Item 108 -110b Bill No. 42 -147

Item No. 108 Vol. I, 683: Bills; Public German Reparations (Recovery) Act Bill to provide for the application of part of the purchase price of imported German Goods towards discharge of the obligations of Germany under the Treaty of Versailles. [See also Item 109.]

Doc. No. Bill 42

O.H.C.P. 11 March 1921


Vol. I, 689: Bills; Public German Reparations (Recovery) Act. As amended in Committee. [See Item 108 for Text.]

Bill 48

O.H.C.P. 16 March 1921

110 Vol. V, 541: Bills; Public Bill to carry into effect the Treaty of Peace with Hungary.

Bill 56

O.H.C.P. 23 March 1921

110a Vol. IV, 101: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill to extend the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act 1920, to the 'giving of guarantees in connection with export transactions and otherwise to amend sections one and three of that Act. [See also Item 110b.]

Bill 130

O.H.C.P. 2 June 1921

110b Vol. IV, 105: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act Amendment by Standing Committee A of Bill. [See Item 110a.] O.H.C.P. 23 June 1921


Bill 147

BILLS 1921 Item 110c -110d Bill No. 222 - 227 Doc. No.

Item No.

110c Vol. V, 521: Bills; Public Trade Facilities Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee the payment of Loans to be applied towards carrying out capital undertakings or in the purchase of articles manufactured in the United Kingdom required for any such undertakings, and to amend the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act 1920, and the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Act 1921. [See also Item 110d.]

Bill 222

O.H.C.P. 20 Oct. 1921

110d Vol. V, 525: Bills; Public Trade Facilities Amendment by Committee of Bill No. 222. [For text see Item 110c.]

Bill 227

O.H.C.P. 27 Oct. 1921

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 111-112 S.P. No. 7 - 26 Item No.

Doc. No.

111 Vol. XIX, 217 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of the moneys paid out of the consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this country under the authority of the said Acts and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same up to 31 December 1920.

S.P. 7

O.H.GP. 15 Feb. 1921

112 Vols. XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX Sir Robert Horne Accounts relating the Trade and Navigation for each month during the Year 1921. 16 Feb. 1921 Ord. O.H.C.P. 21 Feb. 1921


S.P. 26

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 113 -1164 S.P. No. 27 -150

Item No. 113

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 1 Sir Robert Horne Accounts relating to Trade and Commerce of certain Foreign Countries and British Possessions for each month during the Year 1921. Ord. 16 Feb. 1921

S.P. 27

O.H.C.P. 21 Feb. 1921


Vol. XIX, 195 Mr. H. Young Statement of Revenue and expenditure as laid before the House by the Lord Privy Seal when opening the Budget. Ord. 25 April 1921

S.P. 89

O.H.C.P. 25 April 1921


Vol. XIX, 191 Mr. Wallace Return showing, as on 31 March 1919, 1920, and 1921, respectively, the External Debt of this Country, the due date, and any arrangement which has been made for its repayment. In continuation of S.P. No. 144 of 1920 [Item 48]. Ord. 13 June 1921

S.P. 142

O.H.C.P. 15 June 1921


Vol. XIX, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Financial Year 1920-1921, ended 31 March I921.

S.P. 146

O.H.C.P. 17 June 1921

116a Vol. VII, 61: Reports; Committees (2) Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill. Report from Standing Committee A, with Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 23 June 1921


S.P. 150

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 117 -118a S.P. No. 164 - 202 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXI, 677 Fleets (Great Britain and Foreign Countries) Lieutenant-Colonel Burgoyne Return showing Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1921, omitting obsolete ships of all lasses, and distinguishing, both built and building, Battleships, Battle-Cruisers, Cruisers, Light Cruisers, Armoured Coast Defense Vessels and Monitors, Aircraft Carriers, Flotilla Leaders, Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Torpedo Boats, Submarines, Sloops, Coastal Motor Boats, Gunboats, Dispatch Vessels, and River Gunboats. Return to show Date of Launch, Date of Completion, Displacement, Horse-Power, Type of Machinery, and Fuel and Armaments reduced to a common scale.

S.P. 164

1 July 1921 Ord. O.H.C.P. 4 July 1921

118 Vol. XIV, 71: Reports, Commissioners (7) League of Nations Speech to Imperial Conference of the Lord President of the Council on the League of Nations. (Lord Balfour.)

S.P. 195

19 July 1921 (Lord R. Cecil) Ord. O.H.C.P. 28 July 1921

1I8a Vol. XXVI, 279 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the year 1920. 56th Number. O.H.C.P. 2 August 1921


S.P. 202

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 118b -122 Cmd 1108 -1118

Item No.


118b Vol. XXIX, 429 Documents relative to the Sinn Fein Movement, and its relations with Germany. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb.1921

Cmd 1108

(R. 8 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 1 (1921) Agreement between the British Government and the German Government respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. (Property Rights and Interest.) L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921

Cmd 1111

(R. 18 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 589 Overseas Trade Department General Report on the Industrial and Economic Situation in Germany, December 1920, by J.W.F. Thelwall, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy, Berlin; assisted by C.J. Kavanagh, British Commercial Secretary, Occupied Territories and Cologne. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921

Cmd 1114

(R. 15 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 593 Treaty Series No. 2 International Sanitary Convention. Signed at Paris, 17 January 1912. Ratifications deposited at Paris, 7 October 1921.

Cmd 1117

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 3 Accession of Greece to the International Copyright Convention. Signed at Berlin, 13 November 1908. Ratification deposited 1 December 1920. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Cmd 1118

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 123 -127 Cmd 1123 -1174 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLIII, 251 Misc. No. 1 (1921) Report on the Political Conditions in Montenegro.

Cmd 1123

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Vol. XLIII, 255 Misc. No. 2 Further Report on the Political Conditions in Montenegro.

Cmd 1124

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Vol. XLII, 629 Egypt No. 1 (1921) Report of the Special Mission to Egypt. (Lord Milner.)

Cmd 1131

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 12 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 669 Overseas Trade Department General Report on the Industrial and Economic Conditions in Norway in December 1920, by Mr. C. L. Paus, C.B.E., Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Christiana.

Cmd 1145

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (IL)


Cmd 1174

Vol. XLIII, 523

International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations during its second Meeting. 15 June-10 July 1920. L/C. HC. 15 Feb. 1921 (R.) HL No date


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 128 -133 Cmd 1176 -1204

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XLIII, 721 Misc. No. 3 Draft Mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine as submitted for the approval of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1921

Cmd 1176


Vol. XLII, 669 Misc. No. 4 Franco-British Convention of 23 December 1920, on certain points connected with Mandates for Syria and Lebanon, Palestine and Mesopotamia. [See also Item 297.] L/C. HC/L. 16 March 1921

Cmd 1195


Vol. XLIII, 745 Misc. No. 5 Mandate for the German Possessions in the Pacific Ocean situated South of the Equator other than German Samoa and Nauru. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1201


Vol. XLIII, 749 Misc. No. 6 Mandate for Nauru. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1202


Vol. XLIII, 753 Misc. No. 7 Mandate for German Samoa. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1203


Vol. XLIII, 757 Misc. No. 8 Mandate for German South-West Africa. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1204


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 134 -139 Cmd 1207 -1236 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 457 Russian Trade Agreement Trade Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. Signed, 16 March 1921. L/C. HC/L. 16 March 1921

Cmd 1207


VoL XLII, 25 Misc. No. 9 Correspondence respecting the New Financial Consortium in China. L/C. HC/L. 24 March 1921

Cmd 1214


Vol. XLII, 203 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between the Danish and the British Governments respecting matters of Wreck. 28 September 1918-21 January 1921. L/C. HC/L. 5 April 1921

Cmd 1223


Vol. XLIII, 481 Misc. No. 10 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Ambassador of the United States of America respecting economic rights in Mandated Territories. L/C. HC/L. 4 April 1921

Cmd 1226


Vol. XLIII, 501 United States No. 1 (1921) Correspondence respecting the Alleged delay by British Authorities of Telegrams to and from the United States. L/C. HC. 6 April 1921 HL. 7 April 1921

Cmd 1230


Vol. XLIII, 239 Misc. No. 11 Note on the Treaty of Peace (Hungary) Bill, 1921. L/C. HC/L. 8 April 1921

Cmd 1236


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 140 -144 Cmd 1237 -1251

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XLIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between Great Britain and Greece to the suppression of the Capitulations of Egypt. Athens, 22 August-4 September 1920. L/C. HC/L. 12 April 1921

Cmd 1237


Vol. XLIII, 241 Misc. No. 12 Recognition by His Majesty's Government of the Treaty of Rapallo of 12 November 1920, between the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. L/C. HC. 18 April 1921

Cmd 1238

HL. 19 April 1921

142. Vol. XLII, 673 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention between the United Kingdom and France supplementary to the Declaration of 21 March 1899 and the Convention of 14 June 1898, respecting boundaries East and West of the Niger, (with map). Signed at Paris, 8 September 1919. L/C. HC/L. 22 April 1921

Cmd 1239


Vol. XLIII, 283 Russia No. 1 Report of the Committee to Collect Information on Russia. L/C. HC. 2 May 1921 HL. 3 May 1921

Cmd 1240


Vol. XIX, 205 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 24 March 1921, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1921

Cmd 1251


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 145 -149 Cmd 1276- 1284 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLIII, 507 Misc. No. 13 Protocol establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice.

Cmd 1276

L/C. HC. 9 May 1921 HL 10 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between the United Kingdom and Liberia, supplementary to the Convention of 21 January 1911. Signed at London, 25 June 1917. Ratifications exchanged at London, 31 March 1921. L/C. HC. 9 May 1921

Cmd 1277

HL. 10 May 1921


Vol. XLII, 19 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Brazil providing for the establishment of a Peace Commission. Signed at Rio de Janeiro, 4 April 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, 11 March 1921.

Cmd 1278

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1921


Vol. XLII, 15 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between the United Kingdom and Bolivia for the prevention of False Indications of the Origin of Goods. Signed at La Paz, 5 April 1920.

Cmd 1283

L/C. HC. 13 May 1921 HL 24 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 761 Misc. No. 14 Draft Mandate for East Africa (British), in the form in which the Council of the League of Nations will be invited to approve it. L/C. HC/L 24 May 1921


Cmd 1284

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 150.152 Cmd 1285 -1326 Item No.

Doc. No.

150 Vol. XLIII, 271 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway relating to the suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Christiana, 22 April 1921.

Cmd 1285

L/C. HC. 3 June 1921 HL. 7 June 1921

150a Vol. X, 1019: Reports; Commissioners (3) East India Report by Sir Benjamin Robertson, dated 4 August I920, regarding the proposed settlement of Indian Agriculturists in Tanganyika Territory and Letter from the Government of India to the Secretary of State for India dated 10 February 1921.

Cmd 1312

L/C. HC/L 24 May 1921

150b Vol. XXXI, 539 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 1313

L/C. HC. 26 May 1921 HL. 31 May 1921

151 Vol. XLIII, 17 Misc. No. 15 Protocols and correspondence between the Supreme Council and the Conference of Ambassadors and the German Government and the German Peace Delegation between 10 January 1920 and 17 July 1920 respecting the execution of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919.

Cmd 1325

L/C. HC. 20 June 1921 HL. 21 June 1921

152 Vol. XXIX, 489 Bolshevism and Sinn Fein Papers relating to the Intercourse between Bolshevism and Sinn Fein. L/C. HC 6 June 1921 HL 7 June 1921


Cmd 1326

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 153 -157 and 1327 -1351 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLII, 1 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium with a view to facilitating Belgian Traffic through territories of East Africa. Signed at London, 15 March 1921.

Cmd 1327

L/C. HC. 20 June 1921 HL. 21 June 1921


VoL XIX, 207 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 17 May 1921 relating to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921.

Cmd 1329

L/C. HC. 30 May 1921 HL. 31 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 195 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol modifying Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at London 5 May 1921.

Cmd 1349

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1921


Vol. XLIII, 765 Misc. No. 16 Draft Mandates for Togoland (British) and the Camaroons (British) in the form in which the League of Nations will be invited to approve them.

Cmd 1350

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1921


Vol. XLIII, 495 Misc. No. 17 Despatch to His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington enclosing a Memorandum on the Petroleum Situation. L/C. HC. 4 July 1921 HL. 5 July 1921

Cmd 1351

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 158 -163 Cmd 1390 -1456 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 231 Treaty Series No. 13 Treaty between the Allied Powers and Greece relative to Thrace. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 1390

L/C. HC. 9 Aug. 1921 HL 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 465 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Stockholm, 8 July 1921. L/C. HG 9 Aug. 1921

Cmd 1391

HL. 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXXI, 565 Commercial No. 1 (1921) Suez Canal Return of Shipping and Tonnage.

Cmd 1392

L/C. HC. 9 Aug. 1921 HL 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXIV, 755 Tanganyika Territory Report on the Tanganyika Territory from the Conclusion of the Armistice to the end of 1920.

Cmd 1428

L/C. HG 1 Aug. 1921 HL. 2 Aug. 1921


Vol. XII, 795; Reports, Commissioners (5) German War Trials Report of Proceedings before the Supreme Court in Leipzig, with Appendices.

Cmd 1450

L/C. HC. 8 Aug. 1921 HL. 9 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 689 Russia No. 2 Corerspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement. L/C. HC/L 12 Aug. 1921


Cmd 1456

COMMAND PAPERS 192I Item 164 -169 Cmd 1474 -1499 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XIV, 1; Reports, Commissioners (7) Summary of Proceedings and Documents relating to the Conference of Prime Ministers and Representatives of the United Kingdom, the Dominions, and India, held in June, July, and August, 1921.

Cmd 1474

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 469 Turkey No. 1 (1921) Report on atrocities in the districts of Yalova and Guemlek and the Ismid Peninsula.

Cmd 1478

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXXI, 573 Suez Canal Returns of Shipping and Tonnage for 1920.

Cmd 1479

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 479 Egypt No. 2 Reports by His Majesty's High Commissioner on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Sudan for the Year 1920.

Cmd 1487

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 207 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Copenhagen, 14 July 1921. [Document missing.]

Cmd 1498

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921 (R 1 Sept.)


Vol. XV, 823: Reports, Commissioners (8) Palestine Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine during the Period 1 July 1920 and 30 June 1921. (H. Samuel.) L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921 (R. 27 Aug.)


Cmd 1499

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 170 - 174 Cmd 1500 - 1531 Item No.


Doe. No. Vol. XLIII, 731 Mesopotamia and Palestine Final Drafts of the Mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine as submitted to the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1500

(R. 27 Aug.)


Vol. XLII, 681 Treaty Series No. 16 Trade Agreement between France and Canada. Signed at Paris, 29 January 1921. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1514

(R. 4 Oct.)


Vol. XLIII, 541 Treaty Series No. 17 International Opium Convention 1912 and subsequent relative papers. L/C. HC. 28 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1520

HL. 1 Nov. 1921

172a Vol. XXXI, 581 Trade Facilities Act Memorandum of the expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HG 19 Oct 1921

Cmd 1524

HL. 25 Oct. 1921


Vol. XLII, 211 Egypt No. 3 Proceedings and report of the Military Court into the Alexandria Riots, May 1921. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1527


Vol. XLII, 81 China No. 1 (1921) Correspondence, June 4 1913—June 30 1919, respecting the cultivation of Opium in China. In continuation of China No. 2, 1913, Cd 6876. L/C. HG 7 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1531

HL. 8 Nov. 1921

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 175 -179 Cmd 1537.1543 Item No.

Doc. No.

175 Vol. XLIII, 789 Universal Postal Union Convention of Madrid, 30 November 1920. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1537

176 Vol. XLIII, 821 Agreement for the exchange of Insured Letters and Boxes, 30 November 1920, under the Universal Postal Union. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct 1921

Cmd 1538

177 Vol. XV, 853: Reports; Commissioners (8) Palestine Reports of the Commission of Inquiry into the disturbances in May 1921, with Correspondence related thereto. L/C. HC. 31 OØ. 1921 HL. 1 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1540

178 Vol. XLII, 685 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between the United Kingdom and France relative to Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919, (Enemy Debts). Signed at London, 20 July 1921. Ratifications exchanged at. London, 30 September I921. L/C. HC. 7 Nov. 1921 HL 8 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1542

179 Vol. XLII, 11 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium relative to Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919, (Enemy Debts). Signed at London, 20 July 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 September 1921. L/C. HC. 7 Nov. 1921 HI.. 8 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1543

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 180 -184 Cmd 1546 -1550 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 451 Correspondence with M. Krassin Russia's Foreign Indebtedness.

Cmd 1546 respecting

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 199 Treaty of Versailles Papers relating to the Agreement between the French and the German Governments concerning the application of Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles, regarding deliveries in kind. (Wiesbaden Agreement).

Cmd 1547

L/C. HC/L. 4 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 781 Treaty Series No. 20 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Poland, Roumania, the SerbCroat-Slovene State and the Czechoslovak State, relative to certain frontiers of those states. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920. British Ratification deposited 26 July 1921.

Cmd 1548

L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 275 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals between the Federated Malay States and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic. Signed at Lisbon, 10 January 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921.

Cmd 1549

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 279 Treaty Series No. 22 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals between certain British Possessions and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic. Signed at Lisbon, 10 January 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921


Cmd 1550

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 SESSION II Item 185 -188 Cmd 1553 -1556 Item No.

Doc. No.

185 Vol. I, 117: Session II Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Lisbon, 9 December 1920. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921.

Cmd 1553

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R. 1 Dec.)

186 Vol. I, 109: Session II Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting British War Graves in Greece. Signed at Athens, 27 August-9 September 1921.

Cmd 1554

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R. 1 Dec) 187 Vol. 1, 95: Session II

Cmd 1555

Egypt No. 4 Papers respecting negotiations with the Egyptian Delegation. [See also Item 212.] L/C. HC/L 14 Dec 1921 (R. 2 Dec)

188 Vol. I, 121: Session II Turkey No. 2 Dispatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Paris enclosing the Franco-Turkish Agreement. Signed at Angora, 20 October 1921.

Cmd 1556

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R 6 Dec.)

BILLS 1922 Item 189 Bill No. 36 Item No.

Doc. No.

189 Vol. I, 793: Bills, Public Government of Sudan Loan (Amendment) Bill to amend the Government of Sudan Loan Act 1919. O.H.C.P. 20 Feb. 1922


Bill 36

BILLS 1922 Item 190 -191 Bill No. 50 -176 Doc. No.

Item No.

190 Vol. I, 215: Bills, Public Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Payment of Calls) Bill to provide Money for the payment of calls on share capital in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company Ltd., acquired under the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Amendment Act 1919, and to amend the law with respect to the application of dividends or interest on capital held by the said Company.

Bill 50

O.H.C.P. 14 March 1922


Vol. III, 751: Bills, Public Treaties of Washington Bill intituled an Act for enabling effect to be given to two Treaties signed at Washington on behalf of His Majesty's Government and certain other Powers.

Bill 176

O.H.C.P. 4 July 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 192 -193 S.P. No. 26 - 27 Item No.

Doc. No.

192 Vols. XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI Mr. Baldwin Accounts relating to Trade and Navigation for each month during the Year 1922.

S.P. 26

Ord. 23 Feb. 1922 O.H.C.P. 27 Feb. 1922

193 Vol. XXII, 1 Mr. Baldwin Accounts relating to the Trade and Commerce of Certain Foreign Countries and British Possessions during 1922. Ord. 23 Feb. 1922 O.H.C.P. 27 Feb. 1922


S.P. 27

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 194 -198 S.P. No. 62 -123

Doc. No.

Item No. 194

Vol. XVII, 869 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees given by Treasury to 31 March 1922.

S.P. 62

O.H.C.P. 31 March 1922


Vol. XI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1922.

S.P. 88

O.H.C.P. 18 May 1922


Vol. IV, 929: Reports, Committees (1) Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Payment of Calls) Bill Report of the Standing Committee B, with the Proceedings of the Committee. [For text of Bill, see Item 190.]

S.P. 109

O.H.C.P. 20 June 1922


Vol. XVII, 873 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Guarantees given by the Treasury to 30 June 1922.

S.P. 121

O.H.C.P. 29 June 1922


Vol. XIII, 767 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Colonel Burgoyne Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1922. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] Ord. 17 May 1922 O.H.C.P. 3 July 1922


S.P. 123

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 199 S.P. No. 171

Item No. 199 Vol. XVI, 601 By Act East India (Progress and Conditions) Statement of the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1921; 57th Number. O.H.C.P. 3 Aug. 1922

Doc. No. S.P. 171

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 200 - 202 Cmd 1562 -1566

Item No. 200

Doc. No. Vol. XXIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 25 (1921) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Brazil for the exchange of Money Orders. Signed at Rio de Janeiro, 1 March 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, 22 September 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922

Cmd 1562

(R. 23 Dec. 1921)


Vol. XXIII, 199 Treaty Series No. 26 (1921) Amended Agreement between the British and the German Governments respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919 (Property, Rights and Interest). London, 31 December 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 6 October 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922

Cmd 1563

(R. 28 Dec. 1921)


Vol. XXIII, 215 Treaty Series No. 27 (1921) Agreement between the British and the German Governments, respecting Article 297(e) of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. (Payment of compensation in respect to damage, etc., to Property Rights and Interests.) Signed at London, 23 November 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 26 Jaa)


Cmd 1566

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 203 - 207 Cmd 1570 -1581

Doc. No.

Item No. 203 Vol. XXIII, 61 Turkey No. 1 (1922) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Angora Agreement of 20 October 1921.

Cmd 1570

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 5 Jan.)

204 Vol. XXIII, 283 Treaty Series No. 1 (1922) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Peru respecting the Mineral Property 'La Brea y Parinas'. Signed at Lima, 27 August 1921.

Cmd 1571

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (IL 9 Jan.)

205 Vol. XXIII, 777 Treaty Series No. 28 (1921) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 10, 1919 [Item 31].

Cmd 1576

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 26 Jan.)

206 Vol. XI, 199 Italian and French Treasury Bills Treasury minute dated 5 February 1921 relative to the substitution of Italian Treasury Bills for an equivalent amount of French Treasury Bills held by the British Treasury.

Cmd 1577

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R.) 207 Vol. IX, 1: Reports, Commissioners (3) First Interim Report of the Committee on National Expenditure.

L/C. HC. 9 Feb.1922 HL. 14 Feb. 1922


Cmd 1581

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 208 - 213 Cmd 1585 -1602 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. IV, 743: Session II Treaty Series No. 17 (1922) Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Denmark relative to Sleswig, with map. Signed at Paris, 5 July 1920.

Cmd 1585

L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 23 Sept.)


Vol. XIII, 899 Remarks of the Admiralty on the Interim Report of the Committee of National Expenditure.

Cmd 1587

L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1922 HL 21 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 793 Treaty Series No. 20 (1920) Index to Treaty Series, 1920.

Cmd 1590

L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1922 HL 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 797 Treaty Series No. 29 Index to Treaty Series 1921.

Cmd 1591

L/C. HC. 27 Feb.1922 HL. 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXII, 25 Egypt No. 1 (1922) Correspondence respecting Affairs in Egypt. In continuation of Egypt No. 4, 1921 [Item 187].

Cmd 1592

L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1922 HL 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 293 Russia No. 1 (1922) Correspondence with the Russian Soviet Government respecting the imprisonment of Mrs. Stan Harding in Russia. L/C. HC/L 8 March 1922


Cmd 1602

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 214-218 Cmd 1603 -1615

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XIII, 527 Navy Estimates Statement of the First Lord of Admiralty explanatory of Navy Estimates, 1922-1923. L/C. HC/L 9 March 1922

Cmd 1603


Vol. XXIII, 309 Treaty Series No. 2 (1922) Convention for the regulation of Aerial Navigation, Paris, 19 October 1919, with three maps. [See Item 247.] L/C. HC/L 27 March 1922

Cmd 1609


Vol. XXIII, 593 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Third Session, 25 October-19 November 1921. L/C. HC/L 22 March 1922

Cmd 1612


Vol. XXIII, 643 Peace Conference (Paris) Memorandum circulated by the Prime Minister on the 25 March 1919. [See also Item 387, Doc. No. 19.] L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922

Cmd 1614


Vol. XXIII, 655 Reparations Agreement between the Allies for the Settlement of Certain Questions as to the Applications of the Treaties of Peace and Complementary Agreements with Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Signed at Spa, 16 July 1920. L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922

Cmd 1615


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 219 - 224 Cmd 1616 -1637 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 665 Reparations Financial Agreement between Belgium, France, Great-Britain, Italy, and Japan, together with covering note by the Finance Ministers. Signed at Paris, 11 March 1922.

Cmd 1616

L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922


Vol. XXIII, 57 Egypt No. 2 Despatch 15 March 1922 to His Majesty's Representatives Abroad respecting the Status of Egypt.

Cmd 1617

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1922 (IL)


Vol. XXIII, 441 Genoa Conference Resolutions adopted by the Supreme Council at Cannes, January 1922, as the Basis of the Genoa Conference.

Cmd 1621

L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1922


Vol. XXIII, 689 Misc. No. 1 (1922) Conference on the Limitation of Armaments, Wathington 1921-1922. (Treaties, Resolutions, etc.) 6 February 1921.

Cmd 1627

L/C. HC/L 5 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 677 Reparations Decision of the Reparation Commission on the subject of Payments to be made by Germany in 1922.

Cmd 1634

L/C. HC/L. 6 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 459 Misc. No. 2 Telegram from M. Chicherin, Moscow, to the Governments of Great Britain, France, and Italy respecting the Genoa Conference. L/C. HC/L 10 April 1922 (R.)


Cmd 1637

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 225 - 229 Cmd 1641-1648 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 637 Misc. No. 3 Pronouncement by the Three Allied Ministers for Foreign Affairs respecting the Near Eastern Situation. Signed at Paris, 27 March 1922.

Cmd 1641

29 March 1922 RA/HC. L/C. HC/L. 11 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 303 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at London, 20 December 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 April 1922.

Cmd 1642

L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1922


Vol. XXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between the British and the Hungarian Governments respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts, referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Trianon of 4 June 1920. Signed at London, 20 December 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 April 1922. [See also Items 356, 564.]

Cmd 1643

L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1922


Vol. XVI, 91 West Africa Reports on the British Sphere of the Camaroons.

Cmd 1647

L/C. HC/L. 29 May 1922


Vol. XI, 157 External Dept Return showing, as on 31 March 1919, 31 March 1920, 31 March 1921, and 31 March 1922, respectively, the External Debt of this Country, the due date, and any arrangement which has been made for its repayment. In continuation of No. 142 of 1921 [Item 115]. L/C. HC 26 April 1922


Cmd 1648

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 230 - 233 Cmd 1650 -1664

Item No. 230

Doc. No. Vol. XXIII, 449 Genoa Conference (International Economic Conference) 1. Resolutions of the Financial Commission, recommending certain Resolutions for adoption by the Conference. 2. Reports of the Commission of Experts appointed by the Currency and Exchange subCommission of the Financial Commission. L/C. HC. 27 April 1922 HL.

Cmd 1650

2 May 1922 (R.)


Vol. XXIII, 463 Genoa Conference Memorandum sent to the Russian Delegation at the International Economic Conference at Genoa on Wednesday, 3 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1922

Cmd 1657


Vol. XXIII, 105 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 2 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 2 May 1922. L/C. HC. 19 May 1922

Cmd 1661

HL. 23 May 1922


Vol. XI, 177 German Reparations (Recovery) Act Statement showing the amounts paid during the period 1 April 1921 to 31 March 1922 into the Special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 and the application thereof. L/C. HC. 16 May 1922 HL. 17 May 1922


Cmd 1664

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 234 - 238 Cmd 1667 -1698 Item No.

Doc. No.

234 Vol. XXIII, 475 Genoa Conference Papers relating to the International Economic Conference at Genoa, April-May 1922.

Cmd 1667

L/C. HG 22 May 1922 HL 23 May 1922

235 Vol. XXIII, 425 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention respecting the non-fortification and Neutralization of the Aaland Islands. Signed at Geneva 20 October I921. Ratifications exchanged at Geneva, 6 April 1922.

Cmd 1680

L/C. HC. 12 June 1922 HL. 14 June 1922 (R. 9 June)

236 Vol. XXIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 7 Protocol respecting the New Hebrides. Signed at London, 6 August 1914, by the representatives of the British and the French Governments. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 March 1922. [See also Items 275, 640.]

Cmd 1681

L/C. HC. 12 June 1922 HL 14 June 1922 (R. 10 June)

237 Vol. VII, 127: Reports, Commissioners (1) Ex-Enemy Aliens (Property) Interim report of the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to advise upon Applications for the Release of Property of Ex-Enemy Aliens in Necessitous Circumstances.

Cmd 1687

L/C. HC. 19 June 1922 HL. 20 June 1922

238 Vol. XVI, 239 West Africa Report on the British Mandated Sphere of Togoland for 1920-1921, together with a covering dispatch from the Governor of the Gold Coast. L/C. HC/L 21 June 1922


Cmd 1698

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 239 - 242e Cmd 1700 -1716

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIII, 243 Palestine Correspondence with Palestine-Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organization. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1922

Cmd 1700


Vol. XXIII, 233 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the British and Italian Governments respecting the Graves of British Soldiers in Italy. Signed at Rome, 11 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 3 July 1922

Cmd 1706


Vol. XXIII, 275 Misc. No. 4 Letter from the Secretary to the Cabinet to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations of 1 July 1922, enclosing a Note in reply to Cardinal Gaspari's letter of 15 May 1922, addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations relative to the Mandate for Palestine. L/C. HC/L. 3 July 1922

Cmd 1708


Vol. XXIII, 239 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the British and the Lithuanian Governments respecting Commercial Relations. Signed 6 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1922

Cmd 1711

242a Vol. XVI, 15 Report for 1920 on the importation of Spirituous Beverages in the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC. 11 July 1922

Cmd 1716

HL. 12 July 1922


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 242b - 246 Cmd 1721-1737 Doc. No.

Item No.

242b VoI. XVII, 707 Overseas Trade (Amendment) Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 1721

L/C. HC/L 18 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 575 Hague Conference Papers relating to The Hague Conference JuneJuly 1922.

Cmd 1724

L/C. HC/L. 14 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 307 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America providing for accession of Canada to the Real and Personal Property Convention of 2 March 1899. Signed at Washington, 21 October 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1922.

Cmd 1728

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1922


Vol. XVI, 207 Tanganyika Territory Report on the Tanganyika Territory for the Year 1921.

Cmd 1732

L/C. HG 26 July 1922 HL 27 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 685 Misc. No. 5 Dispatch to the Representatives of France, Italy, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, Roumania, Portugal, and Greece at London, respecting War Debts. (Balfour Note.) L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1922


Cmd 1737

BILLS 1922 SESSION II Item 246a Bill No. 6 Item No.

Doc. No.

246a Vol. I, 225: Session II: Bills, Public Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Bill to amend Section I of the Trade Facilities Act 1921, and the Overseas Trade Act 1920 and 1921, and to authorize the Treasury to guarantee certain Loans to be raised by the Government of the Federal Republic of Austria and the Government of the Sudan Territory.

Bill 6

O.H.C.P. 5 Dec. 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 246b S.P. No. 3 Item No.

Doc. No.

246b Vol. III, 823: Session II Trade Facilities Act 1921 Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1921.

S.P. 3

O.H.C.P. 23 Nov. 1923

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 247 Cmd 1741 Item No.

Doc. No.

247 Vol. IV, 651: Session II Treaty Series No. 11 Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. (Accession of Persia.) In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1922 [Item 215]. L/C. HC/L 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 11 Aug.)


Cmd 1741

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 248 - 252 Cmd 1742 -1747

Item No. 248

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 755: Session II Misc. No. 6 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Genoa Conference. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1742

(R. 11 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 751: Session II Treaty Series No. 12 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing for a further period of Five 'Years the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 1 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1744

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 765: Session II Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland renewing for a further period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 1 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1745

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 791: Session II Treaty Series No. 14 General Index to Treaty Series, 1917-1921. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1746

(R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 775: Session II Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Roumania respecting Bessarabia. Signed at Paris, 28 October 1920. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 26 Aug.)


Cmd 1747

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 253 - 257 Cmd 1754 -1771

Item No. 253

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 711: Session II Treaty Series No. 16 Convention instituting the definitive Statute of the Danube. Signed at Paris, 23 July 1921. British Ratification deposited 30 March 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1754

(R. 19 Sept.)


Vol. IV, 769: Session II Iraq Treaty with King Feisal. Signed at Bagdad, 10 October 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1757

(R. 11 Oct.)


Vol. IV, 661: Session II Austria No. 1 (1922) Agreement Guaranteeing a Loan to Austria. Signed by the representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Czechoslovakia and Austria, 4 October 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1765


Vol. IV, 787: Session II Treaty Series No. 18 Supplementary Extradition Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States. Signed at London, 15 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1770


Vol. III, 747: Session U Misc. No. 7 Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. [See also Items 648 and 677.] L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1771


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 258 Cmd 1779

Item No.

Doc. No.

258 Vol. III, 825: Session II Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Bill Memorandum on Expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HC. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1779

HL. 30 Nov. 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1923 Item 259 - 261 S.P. No. 4 - 67

Item No. 259

Doc. No. Vol. XIII, 621 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1922.

S.P. 4

O.H.C.P. 13 Feb. 1923


Vol. XIII, 623 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1923.

S.P. 49

O.H.GP. 9 April 1923


Vol. XV, 717 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald Hall Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1923. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] Ord. 21 Feb. 1923 O.H.C.P. 7 May 1923


S.P. 67

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1923 Item 262 - 264 S.P. No. 89 -132 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year 1922-1923, ended 31 March 1923.

S.P. 89

O.H.C.P. 18 June 1923


Vol. XIII, 625 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1923.

S.P. 95

O.H.C.P. 4 July 1923


Vol. XIII, 627 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees Which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1923.

S.P. 132

O.H.C.P. 13 Nov. 1923

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 265 Cmd 1785 Item No.

Doc. No.

265 Vol. XXV, 421 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, with Note by the Secretary-General relating to its Application to the Territory known as Trans-Jordan, under Provisions of Article 25. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 16 Dec. 1922)


Cmd 1785

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 266 - 268b Cmd 1786 -1798 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXV, 7 Treaty Series No. 19 (1922) Treaty between the British and Afghan Governments. Signed at Kabul, 22 November 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Kabul, 6 February 1922.

Cmd 1786

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 21 Dec. 1922)


Vol. XXV, 43 Misc. No. 1 (1923) Belgian Law respecting the acquisition and Law of Nationality.

Cmd 1792

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. XXIV, 475 League of Nations British Mandates for the Cameroons, Togoland, and East Africa. [See also Item 313.]

Cmd 1794

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. X, 223: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1921 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 1795

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 16 Jan.)

268b Vol. X, 973: Reports, Commissioners (2) First Report of the Royal Commission appointed to consider cases of moral claims for Compensation for Suffering of Damage arising out of the action of the Enemy during the War. [See also Item 366.] L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 29 Jan.)


Cmd 1798

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 269 - 274 Cmd 1806 -1817

Item No. 269

Vol. XXV, 389 Treaty Series No. 1 (1923) Agreement between the British and Japanese Governments respecting the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Signed at London, 30 November 1922. L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1923

Doc. No. Cmd 1806

HL. 20 Feb. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 413 Misc. No. 2 Report of the British Delegates on the Third Assembly of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1807

HL. 20 Feb. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 801 Treaty Series. No. 20 (1922) Treaties etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign State. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. L/C. HC/L 20 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1808


Vol. XXIV, 563 Misc. No. 3 Reports and Secretaries' Notes of Conversations at Inter-Allied Conferences on Reparations and Inter-Allied Debts, held in London and Paris, December 1922 and January 1923. L/C. HC. 23 Feb. 1923 HL. 27 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1812


Vol. XXVI, 1 Turkey No. (1923) Records of Proceedings at the Lausanne Conference on Near Eastern Affairs, 1922-1923, and Draft Terms of Peace, with map. (861 pp.) L/C. HC. 5 March 1923

Cmd 1814

HL. 6 March 1923


Vol. XXIV, 811 Treaty Series No. 21 (1922) Index to Treaty Series, 1922. L/C. HC/L. 8 March 1923 65

Cmd 1817

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 275 - 279 Cmd 1827 -1840

Item No.

Doc. No. Cmd 1827

275 Vol. XXV, 297 also Items 236, 640.]

New Hebrides Protocol of 6 August 1914. [See ment and the French Government respecting the Notes exchanged between the British GovernTreaty Series No. 2 L/C. HC. 12 March 1923 HL. 13 March 1923


Vol. XXIV,

293 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention instituting the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe. Signed at Dresden, 22 February 1922. British Ratification deposited, 13 December 1922. [See also Item 372.] L/C. HC/L. 20 March 1923

Cmd 1833


Vol. XXIV, 401 International Labour Conference Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fourth Session, 18 October to 3 November 1922. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC. 5 March 1923

Cmd 1836

HL. 6 March 1923

278 Vol. XXV, 111 Sudan No. 1 (1923) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1921. L/C. HC/L. 26 March 1923

Cmd 1837

279 Vol. XXIV, 465 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocols of Amendments of Articles 4, 13, 15, and 26 of the Covenant of the League of Nations adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 3, 4, and 5 October 1921. British Ratification deposited, 3 February 1923. [See also Item 350.] L/C. HC. 9 April 1923

Cmd 1840

HL. 17 April 1923 (R. 5 April)


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 280 - 284 Cmd 1846 -1858

Doc. No.

Item No. 280

Vol. XXV, 485 Russia No. 1 (1923) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting the murder of Mr. C.F. Davison in January 1920.

Cmd 1846

L/C. HC. 16 April 1923 HL. 17 April 1923 (R. 15 April)


Vol. IX, 771: Reports, Commissioners (1) Air Proceedings of the Third Air Conference, held on 6 and 7 February 1923.

Cmd 1848

L/C. HC. 12 April 1923 HL. 17 April 1923 (R.)


Vol. XXV, 405 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between the British and Netherlands Governments regulating the Telephone Service between Great Britain and the Netherlands. Signed at The Hague, 23 January 1923.

Cmd 1853

L/C. HC/L. 24 April 1923


Vol. XXIV, 385 Treaty Series No. 6 International Convention for the Creation at Paris of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Signed at Paris, 21 June 1920. L/C. HC. 30 April 1923 HL. 1 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 1 Abyssinia, No. 1 (1923) Correspondence respecting slavery in Abyssinia. L/C. HC. 30 April 1923 HL. 1 May 1923


Cmd 1858

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 285 - 288 Cmd 1861-1869 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XIII, 191 German Reparations (Recovery) Act Statement showing the Amounts Paid during the Period 1 April 1922 to 31 March 1923, into the special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 and the Application thereof.

Cmd 1861

L/C. HC. 23 April 1923 HL. 24 April 1923


Vol. XXV, 51 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty's Government and the Government of Costa Rica relative to the Submission to Arbitration of certain Claims against the Government of Costa Rica. Signed at San Jose de Costa Rica, 12 January 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 7 March 1923.

Cmd 1863

L/C. HC. 14 May 1923 HL. 15 May 1923 287

Cmd 1866

Vol. XXIV, 407

International Labour Conference Tabular Analysis of Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference under Article 405 of the Treaty of Versailles at its Third and Fourth Sessions, 1921 and 1922. L/C. HC. 4 May 1923 HL. 8 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 497 Russia No. 2 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting the relations between the two Countries. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1923


Cmd 1869

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 289 - 293 Cmd 1874 -1889 Item No.

Doc. No.

289 Vol. XXV, 511 Russia No. 3 Reply of the Soviet Government to His Majesty's Government respecting the relations between the two governments. [See Item 294.]

Cmd 1874

L/C. HC. 14 May 1923 HL. 15 May 1923 290 Vol. XXV, 311

Cmd 1875

Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the British and German Governments relating to German Depts and Property in China. Signed at London, 5 April 1923. [See also Item 739.] L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 27 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between the British and the Austrian Governments respecting the Custom's Clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. Vienna, 8 March 1923.

Cmd 1877

L/C. HC/L. 31 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 477 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Portuguese Government for the renewal of Part I of the Mozambique-Transvaal Convention of 1 April 1909. Signed at Lisbon, 31 March 1923.

Cmd 1888

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1923


Vol. XXV, 433 Palestine Papers relating to the Elections for the Palestine Legislative Council, 1923. 27 March 1923 RA/HL. HC. 8 June 1923 L/C. HL. 12 June 1923


Cmd 1889

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 294 - 296 Cmd 1890 -1905 Item No.

Doc. No.

294 Vol. XXV, 519 Russia No. 4 Further correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting relations between the two Governments. In continuation of Russia No. 3 [Item 289].

Cmd 1890

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1923

295 Vol. XXV, 307 Treaty Series No. 11 Notes exchanged between the British and the French Governments relative to certain Nationality Decrees promulgated in Tunis and Morocco (French Zone) on 8 November 1921. Signed at London, 24 May 1923.

Cmd 1899

L/C. HG 2 July 1923 HL. 3 July 1923

295a Vol. X, 227: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1922 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 1903

L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1923


Vol. XXV, 413 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol and Additional Protocol relative to the Accession of the Netherlands to the Modifications introduced by the Treaty of Versailles into the Mannheim Convention of 1868. Signed at Paris, 21 January 1921 and 29 March 1923. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1923


Cmd 1905

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 297 - 301 Cmd 1910 -1921 Item No.

Doc. No.

Cmd 1910 297 Vol. XXV, 445 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Boundary Line between Syria and Palestine from the Mediterranean to El Hamme, 3 February. 7 March 1923, with three maps. In continuation of Misc. No. 4 1921 [Item 129]. L/C. HC. 27 July 1923 HL. 30 July 1923

298 Vol. XIII, 99 American Dept Arrangements for the Funding of the British Debt to the United States of America. [See also Item 1136.]

Cmd 1912

L/C. HC. 9 July 1923 HL. 10 July 1923 299 Vol. XXV, 821

Cmd 1915

United States No. 1 (1923) Dispatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington enclosing a Memorandum on the subject of the Effects of Prohibition in the United States. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1923

300 Vol. XXIV, 287 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation. Amendment of Annexes (A), (C), (D), and (E). In continuation of Treaty Series Nos. 2 and 11, 1922 [Items 215 and 247].

Cmd 1916

L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1923

301 Vol. XXIV, 453

Cmd 1921

Misc. No. 4 Report on the Twenty-fifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations by Lord Robert Cecil, British Representative. L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1923


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 302 - 305 Cmd 1925 -1943 Item No.

Doc. No.

302 Vol. XXV, 481 Treaty Series No. 15 Notes exchanged between the British and the Roumanian Governments relative to the Commercial Relations between the British Empire and Roumania.

Cmd 1925

L/C. HC. 27 July 1923 HL. 30 July 1923

303 Vol. XXV, 533 Treaty Series No. 16 Treaty of Peace with Turkey and other Instruments. Signed at Lausanne on 24 July 1923, with Agreements between Greece and Turkey signed 30 January 1923, and subsiduary Documents forming part of the Turkish Peace Settlement, with map [See also Items 306, 307, 348.]

Cmd 1929

L/C. HC/L 31 July 1923

304 Vol. XXV, 809 United States No. 2 Despatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington reporting conditions at the Ellis Island Immigration Station.

Cmd 1940

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 15 Aug.)

305 Vol. XXV, 319 Misc. No. 5 Correspondence with Allied Governments respecting Reparations Payments by Germany. June-August 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 11 Aug.)


Cmd 1943

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 306 - 310 Cmd 1946-1960 Item No.

Doc. No.

306 Vol. XXV, 785 Treaty Series No. 17 Notes exchanged between British and French Delegates at Lausanne regarding certain Concessions in Territories detached from Turkey. Signed at Lauzanne, 24 July 1923. [See also Item 303.]

Cmd 1946

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 29 Aug.)


Vol. XXV, 783 Treaty Series No. 18 Agreement between British and French Delegations at Lausanne regarding Article 34 of the Treaty of Lausanne (Egyptian Nationality). Signed at Lausanne, 24 July 1923. In connection with Cmd 1929 [Item No. 303.]

Cmd 1947

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 29 Aug.)


Vol. XXV, 165 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan for 1922.

Cmd 1950

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 31 Aug.)


VoI. XXV, 61 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between Great Britain and Czechoslovakia respecting Commercial Traveller's Samples. Signed at London, 31 January 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Prague, 7 September 1923. [See also Item 368.]

Cmd 1958

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 3 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 233 Treaty Series No. 20 Renewal of existing Arbitration Agreement between Great Britain and France, 29 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 3 Oct.)


Cmd 1960

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 311-315 Cmd 1961-1978 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVII, 503 East India. (Progress and Condition) Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1922-1923. 58th Number.

Cmd 1961

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 28 Sept.)


Vol. XXV, 789 Misc. No. 6 Correspondence regarding the reimbursement of the Costs of the American Army of Occupation in the Rhineland.

Cmd 1973

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 27 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 33 League of Nations Correspondence regarding the modification of the Boundary between British Mandated Territory and Belgian Mandated Territory in East Africa. In continuation of Cmd 1794 [Item 268].

Cmd 1974

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 26 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 17 Treaty Series No. 21 Anglo-Afghan Trade Convention. Signed at Kabul, 5 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1923.

Cmd 1977

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 8 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 385 Treaty Series No. 22 Notes exchanged further renewing the AngloItalian Arbitration Agreement of 1 February 1904. London, 14 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 8 Nov.)


Cmd 1978

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 316.320 Cmd 1981-1987

Item No. 316

Dot. No. Vol. XXIV, 355 Treaty Series No. 23 Protocol establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice. Signed at Geneva, 16 December 1920. Ratifications deposited, 4 August 1921. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1981

(R. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXIV, 503 Treaty Series No. 24 International Convention of 6 October 1921, modifying the International Convention of 20 May 1875 for assuring the International Uniformity and Perfection of the Metric System; with the International Convention of 1875. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1982

(R. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 237 Treaty Series No. 25 Commercial Convention between Canada and France. Signed at Paris, 15 December 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 5 September 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1985


Vol. XXIV, 783 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children. Opened for signature at Geneva from 30 September 1921 to 31 March 1922. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1986

320 Vol. XII, Part I, 1: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Conference Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1987

(R. 12 Nov.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 321- 325 Cmd 1988 -1994 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XII, Part I, 25: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Conference Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1923.

Cmd 1988

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (It. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 465 Palestine Correspondence with the High Commissioner for Palestine relative to the proposed formation of an Arab Agency.

Cmd 1989

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (It. 10 Nov.)


Vol. XXIV, 333 Treaty Series No. 27 Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit. Signed at Barcelona, 20 April 1921.

Cmd 1992

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 527 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern, with Additional Protocol to the Convention. Signed at Barcelona, 28 April 1921.

Cmd 1993

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 327 Treaty Series No. 29 Declaration recognizing the right to a Flag of States having no Sea-Coast. Signed at Barcelona, 20 April 1921. L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Cmd 1994

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 326- 329 Cmd 1995 -1999 Item No.

Doc. No.

326 Vol. XXV, 393 Treaty Series No. 30 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Latvia. Signed at London, 22 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 5 November 1923.

Cmd 1995

L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 303 Treaty Series No. 31 Declaration by the British and French Governments respecting Oyster Fisheries outside Territorial Waters in the Seas lying between the coasts of Great Britain and those of France. Signed at Paris, 29 September 1923.

Cmd 1996

L/C. HC/L 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 65 Treaty Series No. 32 Dispatch from His Majesty's High Commissioner in Egypt enclosing the Decision of the Council of Ministers relative to the Indemnity Act. Text of Indemnity Act and Notes exchanged with Egyptian Government.

Cmd 1998

L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 81 Treaty Series No. 33 Egyptian Law relating to the Conditions of Service, Retirement and Dismissal of Officials, Employees and Agents of Foreign Nationality (Law No. 28 of 1923), with Notes exchanged between British and Egyptian Governments. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Cmd 1999

BILLS 1924 Item 330 - 332 Bill No. 46 -109 Doc. No.

Item No. 330

Vol. IV, 781: Bills, Public (4) Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Act 1921 and 1922, to authorize the Treasury to contribute towards the interest payable on certain loans, the application of which is calculated to promote employment in the United Kingdom, to extend the periods during which Guarantees may be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Act, 1920 to 1922, and to amend Section III of the Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Act 1922 (Session II). O.H.C.P. 20 Feb. 1924

Bill 46


Vol. IV, 797: Bills, Public (4) Treaty of Peace (Turkey) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to carry into effect a Treaty of Peace between His Majesty and certain other Powers, and certain Conventions, Protocols, and Declarations connected therewith. O.H.C.P. 6 March 1924

Bill 63


Vol. I, 157: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a Protocol on Arbitration Clauses, signed on behalf of His Majesty at a Meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations, held on 24 September 1923. [See also Items 778 and 779.] O.H.C.P. 11 April 1924

Bill 109


BILLS 1924 Item 333 - 336 Bill No. 110 - 213 Item No.

Doc. No.

333 Vol. III, 43: Bills, Public (3) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conference) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to certain Draft Conventions adopted by the International Labour Conference relating respectively to an unemployment Indemnity for seamen in case of loss or foundering of their ship, the minimum age for the Admission of Young Persons to employment as Trimmers and Stokers and the compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons employed at Sea. [See also Items 336 and 434.]

Bill 110

O.H.C.P. 11 April 1924


Vol. I, 435: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further Provision for the application of money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 141

O.H.C.P. 26 May 1924


Vol. I, 437: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision for the Application of Money paid on account of the China Indemnity. (As amended in Standing Committee D.) O.H.C.P. 9 July 1924

Bill 197


Vol. III, 55: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conference) (H.L.) See Bill No. 110 as Amended in Standing Committee D.

Bill 213

O.H.C.P. 17 July 1924


SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924 Item 337 - 340 S.P. No. 5 -121

Doc. No.

Item No. 337

Vol. XIII, 429 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 9 November 1923.

S.P. 5

O.H.C.P. 15 Jan.1924


Vol. XV, 735 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Rear-Admiral Sir Guy Grant Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1924. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and other information given.] 11 March 1924 Ord.

S.P. 41

O.H.C.P. 13 March 1924


Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year Ended 31 March 1924.

S.P. 103

O.H.C.P. 19 June 1924

339a Vol. VI, 35: Reports; Committees (2) Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee C.

S.P. 120

O.H.C.P. 8 July 1924


Vol. XIII, 433 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1924. O.H.GP. 9 July 1924


S.P. 121

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924 Item 341- 342 S.P. No. 123 -149 Item No.

Doc. No.

341 Vol. VI, 47: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee D. O.H.C.P. 9 July 1924

S.P. 123

341a Vol. VI, 861: Reports; Committees (2) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Convention) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee D.

S.P. 132

O.H.C.P. 17 July 1924

342 Vol. XIII, 431 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1924.

S.P. 149

O.H.C.P. 8 Oct. 1924

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 343 - 344 Cmd2015-2017 Doc. No.

Item No.

343 Vol. XXVII, 99 League of Nations Misc. No. 1 Report of the British Delegates to the Fourth Assembly.

Cmd 2015

L/C. HC/L. 15 Jan. 1924

344 Vol. XXVII, 187 Misc. No. 2 League of Nations Report by Robert Cecil on the Twenty-sixth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 15 Jan. 1924


Cmd 2017

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 345 - 348 Cmd 2018 - 2028

Doc. No.

Item No. 345

Vol. XXVII, 195 Misc. No. 3 League of Nations Report by Viscount Cecil on the Twenty-seventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 16 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2018


Vol. XXVI, 23 Treaty Series No. 1 (1924) Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium extending to the Belgian Congo and certain British Protectorates existing Extradition Conventions between the United Kingdom and Belgium. Signed at London, 8 August 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 October 1923. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2026

HL 22 Jan. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 969 Treaty Series No. 2 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Sweden for the Marriage of Lady Louise Mountbatten with His Royal Highness Prince Gustaf Adolph, Crown Prince of Sweden. Signed at Stockholm, 27 October 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Stockholm, 12 November 1923. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2027


Vol. XXVI, 977 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention between the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan relative to the Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by Nationals of the Contracting Powers with Protocol providing for signature by Roumania. Signed at Paris, 23 November 1923. In connection with Treaty Series No. 16, 1923 [Item 303]. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2028


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 349 - 352 Cmd 2034 - 2037 Item No.

Doc. No.

349 Vol. XXVII, 1077 Treaty Series No. 34 (1923) Treaties etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2034

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 253 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocols of Amendments to Article 6 and 12 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 4 and 5 October 1921. British Ratification deposited 23 November 1922 and 5 July 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1923 [Item 279].

Cmd 2035

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 293 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and the United States of America, for the Limitation of Armaments. Signed at Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 August 1923.

Cmd 2036

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 313 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Japan, and the United States of America, relating to their Insular Possessions and Insular Dominions in the Pacific Ocean, and Accompanying Declaration, with Treaty Supplementary to the above Treaty and Identic Communications to Netherlands and Portuguese Governments, respecting the above Treaty. Signed at Washington, 13 December 1921 and 6 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Cmd 2037

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 353 - 356 Cmd 2041- 2045

Doc. No.

Item No. 353

Vol. XXVII, 1089 Treaty Series No. 35 (1923) Index to Treaty Series, 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2041


Vol. XXVI, 159 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland in regard to the Disposal of the Estates of Deceased Seamen. Signed at Helsingfors, 14 December 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2042


Vol. XXVI, 989 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for a Renewal of the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 4 April 1908, with Notes exchanged at time of Signature. Signed at Washington, 23 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 29 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1919 [Item 8]. L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2044


Vol. XXVI, 449 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary, modifying the Convention between the British and the Hungarian Governments of 20 December 1921, in so far as it relates to the Periodical Instalments Payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder. Signed at Paris, 11 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1922 (Item 227). L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2045


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 357 - 361 Cmd 2046 - 2054 Item No.

Doc. No.

357 Vol. VII, 623: Reports, Commissioners (1) Ex-Enemy Aliens Special Report of the Committee Appointed to Advise upon Applications for the release of Property of Ex-Enemy Aliens in Necessitous Circumstances.

Cmd 2046

L/C. HC. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 9 Feb.)

358 Vol. XIX, 1049 Trade Facilities Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be Incurred.

Cmd 2049

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1924


Vol. XXVII, 81 League of Nations International Labour Conference Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fifth Session, 22-29 October 1923. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2051

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 6 Feb.)


Vol. XXVI, 493 Treaty Series No. 10 Commercial Convention between Canada and Italy Signed at London, 4 January 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 January 1924.

Cmd 2053

L/C. HC. 29 Feb. 1924 HL. 4 March 1924


Vol. XXVI, 395 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France extending to the French Zone of Morocco the Provisions of the Anglo-French Agreement of October-November, 1899, relative to Consular Visas for Certificates of Origin. London, 17-27 December 1923. L/C. HC. 3 March 1924 HL 4 March 1924


Cmd 2054

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 362 - 366 Item 2055 - 2066

Doc. No.

Item No. 362

Vol. XXVI, 527 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan for the Mutual Recognition of Loadline Certificates. Signed at London, 21 January 1924. L/C. HG 3 March 1924

Cmd 2055

HL. 4 March 1924

363 Vol. XXVI, 987 Turkey No. 1 (1924) Note on the Treaty of Peace (Turkey) Bill 1924. L/C. HC/L. 27 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2058

Vol. XXVI, 997 United States No. 1. (1924) Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the regulation of the Liquor Traffic. Washington, 23 January 1924. L/C. HC. 29 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2063


HL. 4 March 1924

365 Vol. XIII, 195 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 25 February 1924, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921. L/C. HG 3 March 1924

Cmd 2065

HL. 4 March 1924

366 Vol. IX, 249: Reports, Commissioners (3) Final Report of the Royal Commission appointed to consider cases of moral claims for Compensation for Suffering or Damage arising out of the Action of the Enemy during the War. In continuation of Cmd 1798 [Item 268b]. L/C. HG 3 March 1924 HL. 4 March 1924


Cmd 2066

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 367 - 370 Cmd 2069- 2077 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 35 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 21 June 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 February 1924,

Cmd 2069

L/C. HC/L. 5 March 1924


Cmd 2074 Vol. XXVI, 115 Treaty Series No. 14 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia respecting the Accession of certain British Dominions and India to the Agreement between Great Britain and the Czechoslovak Republic of 31 January 1923, relative to Commercial Traveller's Samples. London, 19 December 1923 and 2 January 1924. (In continuation of Treaty Series No. 19, 1923 [Item 309.] L/C. HC. 10 March 1924 HL. 11 March 1924

369 Vol. XXVII, 1 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention respecting the Compilation of International Statistics. Signed at Brussels, 31 December 1913.

Cmd 2075

L/C. HC. 10 March 1924 HL. 11 March 1924

370 Vol. XXVI, 903 Treaty Series No. 16 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Spain further renewing the Arbitration Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain of 27 February 1904. London, 9 February 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1919 [Item 8]. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1924


Cmd 2077

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 3704 - 374 Cmd 2083 - 2094 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XV, 841 Singapore Naval Base Correspondence with the Self-Governing Dominions and India regarding the development of the Singapore Naval Base.

Cmd 2083

L/C. HC. 21 March 1924 HL. 25 March 1924


Vol. XIII, 199 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Negotiations between His Majesty's Government and the German Government as to the rate of Levy under the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921, together with the Decree, dated 3 March 1924, issued in pursuance thereof by the German Government.

Cmd 2089

L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1924


Vol. XXVII, 69 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention Supplementary to the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe. Signed at Prague, 27 January 1923. British Ratification deposited 29 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 3, 1923 [Item 276].

Cmd 2091

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1924


Vol. XXVI, 743 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty regulating the Status of Spitzbergen and Conferring the Sovereignty on Norway, with map. Signed at Paris, 9 February 1920. British Ratification deposited 29 December 1923.

Cmd 2092

L/C. HC. 4 April 1924 HL. 8 April 1924


Vol. XXVII, 213 Misc. No. 4 League of Nations Report by Lord Parmoor on the Twenty-eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 28 March 1924


Cmd 2094

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 375 - 378 Cmd 2096 - 2116 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 595 Morocco No. 1 (1924) Convention regarding the Organization of the Statute of the Tangier Zone. Signed at Paris, 18 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. [Ratifications deposited 14 May 1924. See Item 401.]

Cmd 2096

L/C. HC. 31 March 1924 HL. 1 April 1924


Vol. XXVII, 831 Reparations Reports of the Expert Committee appointed by the Reparation Commission. (Dawes Committee.) L/C. HG 9 April 1924

Cmd 2105

HL. 10 Apri11924


VoI. XXVI, 739 Misc. No. 5 Nepal Treaty between the United Kingdom and Nepal, with Note respecting the importation of Arms and Ammunition into Nepal. Signed at Katmandu, 21 December 1923. [Ratifications exchanged at Katmandu, 8 April 1925. See Item 500.]

Cmd 2112

L/C. HC/L. 15 April 1924


Vol. XIII, 205 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Statement showing the Amounts paid during the period 1 April 1923 to 31 March 1924, into the Special Account under Section 1(3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921 and the Application thereof. L/C. HC/L. 15 April 1924


Cmd 2116

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 379 - 382 Cmd 2120 - 2142 Doc. No.

Item No.

379 Vol. XXVI, 453 Iraq Protocol of 30 April 1923 and the Agreements subsidiary to the Treaty with King Feisal. Signed, 10 October 1922.

Cmd 2120

L/C. HC. 30 April 1924 HL. 6 May 1924 (R.)

380 Vol. XXVI, 957 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Sweden relating to Air Navigation between Sweden and Great Britain and Supplementary Declaration. Signed at Stockholm 16 February 1921 and 5 March 1924.

Cmd 2138

L/C. HC/L. 21 May 1924 381 Vol. XXVII, 279 Misc. No. 6 Maritime Ports Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 (R.)

Cmd 2141

HL. 20 May 1924

382 Vol. XXVII, 321 Misc. No. 7 Railways Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Railways and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected.

L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924


Cmd 2142

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 383 - 386 Cmd 2143 - 2158 Item No.

Doc. No.

383 Vol. XXVII, 49 Misc. No. 8 Customs International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 3 November 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924

Cmd 2143

384 Vol. XXVII, 45 Misc. No. 9 Communications and Transit Final Act of the Second General Conference on Communications and Transit. Geneva, 15 November to 9 December 1923. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924

Cmd 2144


Vol. XVIII, 3 Correspondence with Canadian Government on the subject of the Peace Settlement with Turkey. L/C. HC/L. 22 May 1924

Cmd 2146


Vol. XXVI, 973 Treaty Series No. 20 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Switzerland respecting the application to the Principality of Lichtenstein of Commercial Agreements in force between Great Britain and Switzerland. London, 28 March and 26 April 1924. L/C. HC. 30 May 1924 HL. 3 June 1924

Cmd 2152


Vol. XXVI, 45 Cuba No. 1, (1924) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Cuban Government respecting the IIl-treatment of British West Indian Labourers in Cuba. [See also Item 419.] L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1924

Cmd 2158


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 387 - 391 Cmd 2169 - 2184 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 187 France No. 1 (1924) Papers respecting Negotiations for an AngloFrench Pact. [See also Cmd 1614, Item 217.] L/C. HC/L 30 June 1924

Cmd 2169


Vol. XXVI, 845 Sudan No. 1 (1924) Correspondence respecting the Gezira Irrigation Project. L/C. HC/L 1 July 1924

Cmd 2171


Vol. XXVI, 1 Austria No. 1 (1924) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Austria, with accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 22 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 4 July 1924 HL 7 July 1924

Cmd 2176


Vol. XXVI, 163 Finland No. 1 (1924) Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Finland. Signed at London, 30 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L 10 July 1924

Cmd 2183


Vol. XXVII, 339 Misc. No. 10 London Conference Correspondence concerning the Conference which it is proposed to hold in London on 26 July 1924, to consider the measures necessary to bring the Dawes Plan into Operation. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1924

Cmd 2184


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 392 - 395 Cmd2187-2191

Item No.

Doc. No.

392 VoI. XXVII, 237 Misc. No. 11 League of Nations Report by Lord Parmoor on the Twenty-ninth Session of the Council, 11-17 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1924

Cmd 2187

Vol. XXVI, 907 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Spain. Signed at Madrid, 31 October 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 23 April 1924. [See also Items 609 and 649.] L/C. HG 11 July 1924

Cmd 2188


HL. 14 July 1924

394 Vol. XXVII, 97 International Labour Conference League of Nations Proposed action by the British Government regarding Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fifth Session, 22-29 October 1923. L/C. HG 9 July 1924

Cmd 2190

HL 10 July 1924

395 Vol. XXVII, 351 Cmd 2191 Misc. No. 12 Dawes Scheme Franco-British Memorandum of 9 July 1924, concerning the application of the Dawes Scheme. L/C. HC. 14 July 1924 (R.) HL 14 July 1924


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 396 - 399 Cmd 2194 - 2201

Item No. 396 Vol. XXVI, 499 Italy No. 1 (1924) Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy regulating certain Questions concerning the Boundaries of their respective Territories in East Africa, with map. Signed at London, 15 July 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1924

Doc. No. Cmd 2194


Vol. XXVI, 1001 Treaty Series No. 22 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Regulation of the Liquor Traffic. Washington, 23 January 1924. Ratification exchanged 22 May 1924. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1924

Cmd 2199


Vol. XXVII, 265 Misc. No. 13 League of Nations Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the League of Nations respecting the proposed Treaty of Mutual Assistance. L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1924

Cmd 2200


Vol. XXVII, 1017 Misc. No. 14 Rules of Warfare Dispatch from the First British Delegate to the International Commission for the revision of the Rules of Warfare, with the General Report of the Commission of Jurists to consider and report upon the revision of the Rules of Warfare. The Hague, 10 December 1922-17 February 1923. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1924

Cmd 2201


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 400 - 403 Cmd 2202 - 2212 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 993 United States No. 2 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States of America respecting the Appointment of an Irish Free State Plenipotentiary at Washington.

Cmd 2202

L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1924


Vol. XXVI, 667 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention regarding the organization of the Statute of the Tangier Zone. Signed at Paris, 18 December 1923. Ratifications deposited 14 May 1924. [See also Item 375.]

Cmd 2203

L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 399 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention relative to the cession of German Public Property situated in Danzig and also to the transfer of a part of this Property to the Harbour Board of the Free City, with three maps. Signed at Danzig, 3 May 1923.

Cmd 2204

L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1924

402a Vol. VIII, 221: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1923 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 2206

L/C. HC/L 24 July 1924

403 Vol. XXVI, 947 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain regulating the Treatment of Companies. Signed at Madrid, 27 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924


Cmd 2212

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 404 - 408 Cmd 2215-2221 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 779 Russia No. 1 (1924) Draft of proposed General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. London, August 1924.

Cmd 2215

L/C. HC/L 4 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 821 Russia No. 2 Draft of proposed treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. London, August 1924.

Cmd 2216

L/C. HC/L 4 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 763 Treaty Series No. 26 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Polish Republic. Signed at Warsaw, 26 November 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 16 June 1924.

Cmd 2219

L/C. HC/L 5 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 441 Treaty Series No. 27 Memorandum relative to the Germans in the Mandated Territories of South-West Africa. London, 23 October 1923.

Cmd 2220

L/C. HC/L 5 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 369 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France agreeing to the Ratification of the Protocol defining the Boundary between French Equatorial Africa and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, with Protocol and two maps. London, 21 January 1924. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924


Cmd 2221

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 409 - 413 Cmd 2222 - 2231

Item No. 409 Vol. XXVI, 511 Treaty Series No. 29 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy approving an agreement for the Rectification of a section of the Eritrea-Sudan Frontier, with map. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924

Doc. No. Cmd 2222

410 Vol. XXVI, 555 Mexico No. 1 (1924) Correspondence respecting the withdrawal of Mr. H.A.C. Cummins from Mexico. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924

Cmd 2225

411 Vol. XIX, 667 Ethiopia Treasury minute, dated 6 August 1924, relative to the gift to the Empress of Ethiopia of the Crown of the Emperor Theodore. L/C. HC. 6 Aug. 1924

Cmd 2229

HL. (not laid)

412 Vol. XXVI, 523 Treaty Series No. 31 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting the Abrogation of Article 8 of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan of 3 April 1911 and Schedule Annexed thereto. London, 14 July 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2230

(R. 27 Aug.)

413 Vol. XXVI, 179 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland in regard to the Reciprocal Recognition of Tonnage Measurement Certificates of British and Finnish Ships, and Notes exchanged with regard to the exclusion of Iraq from the scope of the Agreement. Signed at Helsingfors, 21 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Aug.)


Cmd 2231

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 414 - 417 Cmd 2235 - 2242

Doc. No.

Item No. 414

Vol. XXVI, 539 Lithuania No. 1 (1924) Convention between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and Lithuania respecting the Memel Territory, and the Statute for the Memel Territory. Signed at Paris, 8 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. [British ratification deposited at Paris, 25 August 1925. See Item 528.] L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2235

(R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 531 Latvia No. 1 (1924) Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic for the extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Riga, 16 July 1924. Ratifications have not yet been effected. [See also Item 519.] L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2238

(R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 257 Treaty Series No. 32 Protocols of Amendments to Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 4 October 1921. British Ratification deposited I2 August 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2241

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 27 Treaty Series No. 33 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Belgium accepting the. Conditions of the Agreement providing for Direct Telegraphic Communications between the Belgian Congo and the Uganda Protectorate, and the Agreement. Brussels, 29 July 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 16 Aug.)


Cmd 2242

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 418-421 Cmd 2243 - 2254 Item No.

Doc. No.

418 Vol. XXVI, 131 Treaty Series No. 34 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Finland. Signed at Helsingfors, 14 December 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Helsingfors, 4 July 1924.

Cmd 2243

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 16 Aug.)

419 Vol. XXVI, 67 Cuba No. 2 Further Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Cuban Government respecting the Ill-treatment of British East Indian Labourers in Cuba. In continuation of Cmd 2158 [i tem 386].

Cmd 2245

L/C. HC/L. 6 Aug. 1924

420 Vol. XXVI, 793 Russia No. 3 Text of Draft of proposed General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R., as it stood when Negotiations were suspended on 5 August 1924.

Cmd 2253

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)

421 Vol. XXVI, 119 Treaty Series No. 35 Treaty of Commerce between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic and accompanying Declarations. Signed at London, 14 July 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)


Cmd 2254

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 422 - 424 Cmd 2255 - 2259 Doe. No.

Item No.

422 Vol. XXVII, 1009 Misc. No. 15 Rhine Navigation Convention and Additional Protocol drawn up by the Central Commission of the Rhine to replace certain Articles of the Convention of 17 October 1868 and the Convention of 4 June 1898, regarding Rhine Navigation Certificates. Strasbourg, 14 December 1922 and 22 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. [British Ratification deposited 8 June 1925. See Item 521.]

Cmd 2255

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)


Cmd 2258

Vol. XXVII, 357

Misc. No. 16 London Conference Minutes of the London Conference on Reparations, August 1922. L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 26 Sept.)

424 Vol. XXVII, 969 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreements concluded between (1) the Allied Governments, and Germany concerning the Agreement of 9 August 1924 between the German Government and the Reparation Commission; (2) the Allied Governments and the German Government, to carry into effect the Expert's Plan of 9 April 1924; (3) the Allied Governments to carry out the Expert's Plan of 9 April 1924; and (4) the Governments represented on the Reparation Commission, to modify Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles. Signed at London, 30 August 1924. L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 2259

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 425 - 429 Cmd 2260 - 2270

Item No. 425

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 807 Russia No. 4 General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 8 August I924. Ratification has not yet been effected.

Cmd 2260

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 833 Russia No. 5 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 8 August 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected.

Cmd 2261

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XIII, 197 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute dated 29 August 1924, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921.

Cmd 2263

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 24 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 127 Egypt No. 1 (1924) Dispatch to His Majesty's High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan respecting the position of His Majesty's Government in regard to Egypt and the Sudan.

Cmd 2269

L/C. HC. 8 Oct. 1924 HL 7 Oct. 1924


Vol. XXVII, 469 Misc. No. 17 London Conference Proceedings of the London Reparation Conference, July and August 1924. L/C. HC/L 9 Oct. 1924


Cmd 2270

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 430 Cmd 2273

Doc. No.

Item No. 430

Vol. XXVII, 139 Misc. No. 18 League of Nations Protocol and Resolutions adopted by the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations and the Report by the First and Third Committees of the Assembly relative to Arbitration, Security, and the Reduction of Armaments. L/C. HC/L 9 Oct. 1924

Cmd 2273

BILLS 1924-1925 Item 431- 433 Bill No. 7 - 82

Item No. 431

Doc. No. Vol. I, 211: Bills, Public Anglo-Italian Treaty (East African Boundaries) Bill to approve a Treaty between His Majesty and the King of Italy.

Bill 7

O.H.C.P. 10 Dec. 1924


Vol. I, 365: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision for the Application of money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 11

O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1924


Vol. V, 209: Bills, Public Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Acts, 1921 to 1924, by increasing the maximum limit of the Loans in respect of which Guarantees may be given under those Acts and by extending the period within which such Guarantees may be given. O.H.C.P. 25 Feb. 1925


Bill 82

BILLS 1924-1925 Item 434 - 435a Bill No. 104 -188 Item No.

Doc. No.

434 Vol. III, 43: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conventions) (H.L.) Bill iritituled an Act to give effect to certain Draft Conventions adopted by the International Labour Conference. [See Items 333 and 336.] O.H.CP. 12 March 1925

Bill 104

435 Vol. I, 367: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill as amended by Standing Committee B, to make further provision for the application of Money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 152

O.H.CP. 2 April 1925

435a Vol. I, 369: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Lords Amendment.

Bill 188

O.H.CP. 26 May 1925

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 436 - 437 S.P. No. 24 - 80 Doc. No.

Item No.

436 Vol. XVI, 483 Trade Facilities Act: 1921-1924 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1924.

S.P. 24

O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1925

437 Vol. VII, 29: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill. Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee B. O.H.C.P. 2 April 1925


S.P. 80

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 438 - 442 S.P. No. 85 -174

Doc. No.

Item No. 438

Vol. XVI, 485 Trade Facilities Act, 1921-1924 By Act 1) Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 March 1925. 2) Account up to 31 March 1925, of total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 85

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1925

439 Vol. VIII, 17: Reports, Committees (3) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conventions) Bill: (H.L.) Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee A.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 19 May 1925


Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year, ended 31 March 1925. O.H.C.P. 9 June 1925

S.P. 116


Vol. XVI, 489 Trade Facilities Act By Act Statement of Guarantees, which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1925.

S.P. 140

O.H.C.P. 13 July 1925


Vol. XVI, 491 Trade Facilities Acts (1921-1924) By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1925. O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1925


S.P. 174

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 443 S.P. No. 183 Item No.

Doc. No.

443 Vol. XI, 425: Reports, Commissioners (3) East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement showing the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1924-1925. 60th Number.

S.P. 183

O.H.C.P. 1 Dec. 1925

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 444 - 446 Cmd 2281- 2287 Doc. No.

Item No.

444 Vol. XXX, 739 Sudan No. 2 (1924) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Sudan in 1923.

Cmd 2281

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924

445 Vol. XXIII, 239 Misc. No. 19 (1924) Report from His Majesty's Representatives abroad on the methods adopted in Parliaments of Foreign Countries for dealing with International Questions. In continuation of Cd 6102 of 1912 [Temperley and Penson, Document No. 1912].

Cmd 2282

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924

446 Vol. XXXI, 351 Misc. No. 20 (1924) Report by Lord Parmoor (British Representative) on the 30th Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924


Cmd 2287

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 447 - 450 Cmd 2289 - 2303 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 243 Misc. No. 21 (1924) Report of the British Delegates to the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations, relating to the Protocol for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes.

Cmd 2289

L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1924


Vol. XXXI, 117 International-Labour Conference 1) Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixth Session, 16 June-5 July 1924. (Authentic Texts.) 2) Texts adopted by a provisional vote of the Conference at its Sixth Session.

Cmd 2292

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924


Vol. XXXI, 231. Treaty Series No. 37 (1924) The Covenant of the League of Nations, embodying an amendment of Article 6, in force from 13 August 1924, and Amendments of Articles 12, 13, and 15 in force from 26 September 1924.

Cmd 2300

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1924

449a Vol. XXI, 1 Dominions Correspondence with Governments of the SelfGoverning Dominions, relating to consultation on Matters of Foreign Policy and General Imperial Interest.

Cmd 2301

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1924 HL. 10 Feb. 1925 (R.)

450 Vol. XXX, 65 Treaty Series No. 1 (1925) Protocol recording the arrangements for Reparation Payments by Bulgaria. Signed at Sofia, 21 March 1923. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 10 Jan.)


Cmd 2303

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 451- 455 and 2304 - 2313

Item No.

Doc. No.

451 Vol. XXX, 73 Treaty Series No. 2 Protocol recording the arrangements for the recovery of the Cost of the Army of Occupation in Bulgaria. Signed at Sofia, 28 March 1924. [See also Item 481.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2304

(R. 10 Jan.)

452 Vol. XXX, 379 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting Clearing Office and Mixed Tribunal Procedure. Signed at London, 13 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2305

(R. 10 Jan.)

453 Vol. XI, 17: Reports, Commissioners (3) East India Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1923-1924. 59th Number. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2311

(R. 12 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 11 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocol on Arbitration Clauses. Signed at Geneva, 24 September 1923. British Ratification deposited 27 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2312

(R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 697 Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol Amending Paragraph 13 of Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at Paris, 22 November 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R.22 Jan.)


Cmd 2313

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 456 - 460 Cmd 2314 - 2320 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 701 Treaty Series No. 6 Protocol of an Amendment to Article 393 of the Treaty of Versailles and corresponding Articles in the other Treaties of Peace. Signed at Geneva, 14 June 1923. Ratification deposited 20 October 1923.

Cmd 2314

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 22 Jan.)

457 Vol. XXX, 59 Treaty Series No. 7 Commercial Convention between Canada and the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg. Signed at Ottawa, 3 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 22 October 1924.

Cmd 2315

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXI, 99 Iraq Papers relating the application to Iraq of the principles of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2317

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 23 Jan.)

459 Vol. XXX, 345 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for the mutual recognition of Load-Line Certificates. Signed in London, 18 December 1924.

Cmd 2319

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 29 Jan.)

460 Vol. XXX, 347 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 29 Jan.)


Cmd 2320

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 461- 464 Cmd 2321- 2328

Item No.

Doc. No.

461 Vol. XXX, 699 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2321

(R. 29 Jan.)

462 Vol. XXX, 885 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 19 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2322

(R. 29 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 95 International Labour Conference Report of British Government Delegates to the Sixth Session of the Conference. Geneva, JuneJuly 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2325

(R. 28 Jan.)

464 Vol. XXXI, 1 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol amending Article 5 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. Signed at London, 27 October 1922. British Ratification deposited 19 December 1923. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Cmd 2328

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 465 - 469 Cmd 2329 - 2333 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 5 Treaty Series No. 13 Protocol amending Article 34 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. Signed at London, 30 June 1923. British Ratification deposited 20 November 1924.

Cmd 2329

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 317 Misc. No. 1 (1925) Report of the British Delegates to the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Cmd 2289 [Item 447].

Cmd 2330

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 705 Treaty Series No. 38 (1924) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accession, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2331

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 6 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 721 Treaty Series No. 39 (1924) Index to Treaty Series, 1924.

Cmd 2332

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 6 Feb.) 469

Cmd 2333

Vol. XXXI, 371

Misc. No. 2 Report of the British Delegate to the 31st Session of the Council of League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 470 - 473 Cmd 2336 - 2339 Item No.

Doc. No.

470 Vol. XXXI, 383 Misc. No. 3 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P. (British Representative) on the Thirtysecond Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2336

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

471 Vol. XXX, 355 Treaty Series No. 14 Provisional Agreement between the Government of Egypt and Palestine with regard to the Extradition of Fugitive Offenders. Signed at Ramleh, 7 August 1922.

Cmd 2337

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

472 Vol. XXX, 677 Treaty Series No. 15 Provisional Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands relating to Air Navigation. Signed at The Hague, 11 July 1923. Ratifications exchanged at The Hague, 7 January 1925.

Cmd 2338

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

473 Vol. XXXI, 45 Misc. No. 4 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, the United States of America, Brazil, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and Czechoslovakia, regarding the distribution of the Dawes Plan Annuities. Signed at Paris, 14 January 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)


Cmd 2339

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 474 - 477 Cmd 2Ø-2349

Item No. 474 Vol. XXIII, 647 Trade Facilities Bill By Act Memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HG 12 Feb. 1925 HL. 17 Feb. 1925 475 Vol. XXX, 443 Germany No. 1 (1925) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Germany and additional Protocol, with Minutes of a Meeting between British and German Representatives at the Foreign Office on 2 December 1924. Signed at London, 2 December 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HG 16 Feb. 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2344

Cmd 2345

HL 17 Feb. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 21 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities and Protocol of Signature. Signed at Geneva, 3 November 1923. British Ratification deposited 29 August 1924. (Treaty came into operation 27 November 1924.) L/C. HC. 20 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2347

HL 24 Feb. 1925

477 Vol. XVIII, 747 Fleets: (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1925. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1925 HL. 17 Feb. 1925


Cmd 2349

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 478 - 481 Cmd 2368 - 2378

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 275 Misc. No. 5 Statement by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., on behalf of His Majesty's Government to the Council of the League of Nations, respecting the Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. Made at Geneva, 12 March 1925. L/C. HC/L. 11 March 1925

Cmd 2368


Vol. XXX, 587 Treaty Series No. 17 Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq, signed at Bagdad, 10 October 1922; and Protocol to Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq of 10 October 1922, signed at Bagdad, 30 April 1923; with Agreement subsidiary to the Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq of the 10 October 1922, signed at Bagdad, 25 March 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 19 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1925

Cmd 2370


Vol. XXX, 893 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America for securing the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the North Pacific Ocean. Signed at Washington, 22 March 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 21 October 1924. L/C. HC. 27 March 1925

Cmd 2377

HL, 31 March 1925


Vol. XXX, 79 Treaty Series No. 19 Protocol providing for the Division of any Sums recovered from Bulgaria for Reimbursement of the Cost of Military Occupation. Signed at Sofia, 28 March 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1925 [Item 451]. L/C. HC. 27 March 1925 HL. 31 March 1925 113

Cmd 2378

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 482 - 485 Cmd 2384 - 2411 Doc. No.

Item No.

482 Vol. XXX, 389 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany for amending the method of administering the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921. Signed at Berlin, 3 April 1925.

Cmd 2384

L/C. HC/L. 6 Apri11925 (R.)

482a Vol. IX, 855: Reports, Commissioners (1) East Africa Report of the East Africa Commission.

Cmd 2387

L/C. HC. 8 April 1925 HL 9 April 1925


Vol. XXX, 707 Persia Treasury Minute, dated 28 April 1925, relative to the gift of books to the Persian National Assembly.

Cmd 2391

L/C. HC. 28 April 1925


Vol. XXXI, 403 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtythird Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2402

L/C. HC/L. 29 April 1925


Vol. XXX, 33 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Austria, with Accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 22 May 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 February 1925. L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1925


Cmd 2411

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 486 - 489 Cmd 2417 - 2420

Item No. 486

Vol. XXX, 359 Treaty Series No. 22 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Extradition of Criminals. Signed at London, 80 May 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 October 1924. L/C. HC/L. 19 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 667 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention and Statute on the International Regime for Railways, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification deposited by Great Britain, 29 August 1924. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2417

Cmd 2418

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 635 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva 9 December 1923. Ratifications deposited on behalf of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 29 August 1924, and on behalf of New Zealand (including Western Samoa), and India, 1 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2419

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 71 Treaty Series No. 25 Convention relative to the Transmission in Transit of Electric Power, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification on behalf of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and New Zealand deposited 1 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925 HL. 25 May 1925


Cmd 2420

COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 490 - 492 Cmd 2421- 2426

Doc. No.

Item No. 490

Vol. XXXI, 85 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention relative to the Development of Hydrolic Power affecting more than one State, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification on behalf of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and New Zealand, deposited 1 Avril 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2421

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXX, 55 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Austria respecting the Accession of certain British Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, and India to the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Austria of 28 March 1923, relative to Customs Clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. London, 11 February and 27 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2422

HL. 25 May 1925

492 Vol. XXX, 889 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Sweden further renewing the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Sweden of I1 August 1904. London, 9 November 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920. [Item 54]. L/C. HC. 9 June 1925 HL. 16 June 1925 (R. 8 June)


Cmd 2426

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 493 - 497 Cmd 2427 - 2441

Item No. 493

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 631 Treaty Series No. 29 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting certain questions concerning the boundaries of their respective territories in East Africa, with map. Signed at London, 15 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 1 May 1925. L/C. HC. 9 June 1925

Cmd 2427

HL. 16 June 1925 (R. 8 June)


Vol. XXX, 395 Germany No. 2 Note presented to the German Government by the British, French, Italian, Japanese, and Belgian Ambassadors at Berlin, 4 June 1925.

Cmd 2429

L/C. HC. 9 June 1925 HL 16 June 1925 (R 4 June)

Vol. XXX, 511 Misc. No. 7 Papers respecting the Proposals for a Pact of Security made by the German Government on 9 February 1925. [See also Item 505.] L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1925

Cmd 2435

496 Vol. XXI, 107 Iraq Report of the Financial Mission appointed to enquire into the Financial Position and Prospects of the Government of Iraq, 1925.

Cmd 2438


L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1925

497 Vol. XXXI, 143 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixth Session, 16 June-5 July 1924. L/C. HC. 22 June 1925 HL. 23 June 1925


Cmd 2441

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 498 - 501a Cmd 2442 - 2458

Item No. 498

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 87 China No. 1 (1925) Papers respecting Labour Conditions in China.

Cmd 2442

L/C. HC. 26 June 1925 HL. 29 June 1925


Vol. XXX, 703 Treaty Series No. 30 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Norway further renewing the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Norway of 11 August 1904. London, 13 May 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920 [Item 54].

Cmd 2452

L/C. HC. 6 July 1925 HL 7 July 1925


Vol. XXX, 673 Treaty Series No. 31 Ratifications of Cmd 2112 exchanged at Katmandu, 8 April 1925. [See Item 377 for text.]

Cmd 2453

L/C. HC. 6 July 1925 HL. 7 July 1925


Vol. XXX, 713 Treaty Series No. 32 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal regarding the Cancellation of the British Concession at Chinde and the Portuguese Concession at Chipole. Lisbon, 19 May 1925.

Cmd 2457

L/C. HC/L 14 July 1925

501a Vol. XXXI, 287 Settlement of International Disputes Correspondence relating to the position of the Dominions. L/C. HC/L 9 July 1925


Cmd 2458

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 502 - 506 Cmd 2461- 2471 Item No.

Doc. No.

502 Vol. XXXI, 485 Misc. No. 8 Report on the International Conference on Opium and Dangerous Drugs held at Geneva, November 1924—February 1925.

Cmd 2461

L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1925

503 Vol. XXXI, 147 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Seventh Session, Geneva, May-June 1925.

Cmd 2465

L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1925


Vol. XXI, 35 Africa Report for 1924 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain territories under British control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 2467

L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1925

505 Vol. XXX, 563 Misc. No. 9 Reply of the German Government to the Note handed to Herr Stresemann by the French Ambassador at Berlin on 16 June 1925 respecting the proposals for a Pact of Security. In continuation of Misc. No. 7 [Item 495].

Cmd 2468

L/C. HC/L. 21 July 1925

506 Vol. XXXI, 435 Misc. No. 10 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtyfourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1925


Cmd 2471

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 507 - 510 Cmd 2472 - 2503 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 643 Treaty Series No. 33 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the regulation of the Utilization of the Waters of the River Gash. Rome 12 and 15 June 1925.

Cmd 2472

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1925 508

Cmd 2492

Vol. XXXI, 315

East India Views of the Government of India regarding the Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. India Office Letter, dated 5 August 1925 to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 6 Aug. 1925 HL 5 Aug. 1925


Vol. XXX, 231 Treaty Series No. 34 List of Treaties etc. between Great Britain and China (1842-1922), including International Treaties and Treaties between Great Britain and Foreign Powers relating to China.

Cmd 2502

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 351 Treaty Series No. 35 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the Treatment of British Subjects, Companies, and Vessels in Eastern Greenland. Copenhagen, 23 April-4 June 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 1 Sept.)


Cmd 2503

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 511-514 Cmd 2504.2512 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 685 Treaty Series No. 36 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands providing for the prolongation of the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 15 February 1905. London, 12 July 1925.

Cmd 2504

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 897 Treaty Series No. 37 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America, to define more accurately and to complete the International Boundary between the two Countries. Washington, 24 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925.

Cmd 2510

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (IL 17 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 905 Treaty Series No. 38 Convention, Protocol, and Agreement between Canada and the United States of America to regulate the Level of the Lake of the Woods. Washington, 24 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 7 July 1925.

Cmd 2511

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 913 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between Canada and the United States of America to aid in Suppression Smuggling Operations along the Border between the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America and in the arrest and prosecution of Persons violating the Narcotics Laws of either Country. Washington, 6 June 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 17 Sept.)


Cmd 2512

COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 515 - 517 Cmd 2513 - 2517 Item No. 515 Vol. XXX, 917 Treaty Series No. 40 Supplementary Convention between Canada and the United States of America to provide for Extradition on account of Crimes or Offences Committed against the Laws for the suppression of the Traffic in Narcotics. Washington, 8 January 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2513

(R. 17 Sept.)

516 Vol. XXX, 709 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Portugal extending until 16 November 1926, the Operation of the Agreement providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise between the two Governments, 29 August 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920 [Item 54]. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2516

(R. 22 Sept.)

517 Vol. XXX, 217 Treaty Series No. 42 Treaty between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal relating to Principles and Policies to be followed in Matters concerning China. Signed at Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications deposited at Washington, 5 August 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 24 Sept.)


Cmd 2517

COMMAND PAPERS I924-1925 Item 518 - 521 Cmd 2518 - 2521

Item No.

Doc. No.

518 Vol. XXX, 223 Treaty Series No. 43 Treaty between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal relating to the Chinese Customs Tariff. Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications deposited at Washington, 5 August 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2518

(R. 24 Sept.)

519 Vol. XXX, 665 Treaty Series No. 44 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Riga, 16 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Riga, 7 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2519

(R. 16 Oct.)

520 Vol. XXX, 475 Treaty Series No. 45 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Germany, and additional Protocol. Signed at London, 2 December 1924, with other relevant Documents. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 September 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2520

(R. 21 Oct.)

521 Vol. XXXI, 689 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention and Additional Protocol drawn up by the Central Commission of the Rhine to replace certain Articles of the Convention of 17 October 1868 and the Convention of 4 June 1898, regarding Rhine Navigation Certificates. Strasbourg, 14 December 1922 and 22 December 1923. British Ratification deposited 8 June 1925. In continuation of Misc. 15 1924 [Item 422]. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 9 Nov.)


Cmd 2521

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 522 - 525 Cmd 2522 - 2527 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 29 Treaty Series No. 47 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Albania respecting the Commercial Relations between the two Countries, 10 June 1925.

Cmd 2522

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R.9Nov.)

523 Vol. XVI, 199 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Statement showing the amounts paid into the Special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921, and the application thereof during the period 1 April 1924 to closing of the account.

Cmd 2524

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R.9 Nov.)


Vol. XXXI, 573 Misc. No. 11 Final Protocol of the Locarno Conference, 1925, with Treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia. Locarno, 16 October 1925.

Cmd 2525

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 10 Nov.)

525 Vol. XXX, 573 Misc. No. 12 Correspondence between the Ambassadors' Conference and the German Ambassador at Paris respecting German Disarmament, Evacuation of the Cologne Zone, and Modification in the Rhineland Regime. Paris, October-November 1925. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1925 HL 18 Nov. 1925


Cmd 2527

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 526 - 529 Cmd 2528 - 2542

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 451 Misc. No. 13 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtyfifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2528


Vol. XXXI, 187 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Seventh Session, 19 May-10 June 1925. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2536


Vol. XXXI, 651 Treaty Series No. 48 Convention between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and Lithuania respecting the Memel Territory and the Statute of the Memel Territory. Signed at Paris, 8 May 1924. British Ratification deposited at Paris, 25 August 1925. In continuation of Lithuania No. 1, 1924 [Item 414]. L/C. HC/L. 26 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2541


Vol. XXX, 689 Treaty Series No. 49 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands extending the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of 13 April 1920, to the States of Johore and Kedah. The Hague 23 September-3 October 1925. L/C. HC/L. 26 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2542


COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 530 - 535 Cmd 2543 - 2553

Doc. No.

Item No. 530

Vol. XXXI, 475 Misc. No. 14 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtysixth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 30 Nov. 1925 HL.

Cmd 2543

1 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXX, 807 Sudan No. 1 (1925) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1924. L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2544


Vol. XXX, 659 Treaty Series No. 50 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy to regulate the Professional Practice of Medical Practitioners in their respective Territories. Signed at Rome, 21 May 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2551


Vol. XXX, 375 Treaty Series No. 51 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2552


Dropped Number.


Vol. XXX, 1 Abyssinia, No. 1 (1925) Correspondence respecting Abyssinian Raids and Incursions into British Territory. [See also Item 746.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2553

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 536 - 539 Cmd 2555 - 2558 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 693 Treaty Series No. 52 Commercial Convention between Canada and the Netherlands. Signed at Ottawa, 11 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 28 October 1925.

Cmd 2555

L/C. HC. 11 Dec 1925 HL. 14 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXX, 83 Treaty Series No. 53 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria providing for the Provisional Regulation of Commercial Relations between the two Countries. Sofia, 12 November 1925.

Cmd 2556

L/C. HC. 11 Dec. 1925 HL. 14 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 541 Misc. No. 15 Report to the Council of the League of Nations by General F. Laidoner on the Situation in the Locality of the Provisional Line of the Frontier between Turkey and Iraq fixed at Brussels on 29 October 1924. Mosul, 23 November 1925.

Cmd 2557

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 63 Misc. No. 16 Agreement regulating the amounts to be allocated out of the Second Dawes Annuity for the Armies of Occupation in the Rhineland, the Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission, and the Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control in Germany. Paris, 21 September 1925. [See also Item 655.] L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2558

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 540 - 544 Cmd 2559 - 2565 Item No.

Doc. No.

540 Vol. XXX, 921 Treaty Series No. 54 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, respecting the rights of the Governments of the two countries and their respective Nationals in Palestine. Signed at London, 3 December 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 3 December 1925.

Cmd 2559

L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1925

541 Vol. XXXI, 549 Misc. No. 17 Decision relating to the Turko-Iraq Frontier adopted by the Council of the League of Nations, Geneva, 16 December I925. [See also Items 544, 568, 580.]

Cmd 2562

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 555 Misc. No. 18 Memorandum on the enquiry conducted by MM. Ortega-Nunez, Markers, and Charrere into the Deportation of Christians in the Neighbourhood of the Brussels Line, Mosul, 23 November 1925.

Cmd 2563

L/C. HC/L 18 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 81 Misc. No. 19 Dispatch to His Majesty's Representatives abroad notifying the Denunciation by His Majesty's Government of the Convention (No. VI) signed at The Hague on 18 October 1907, relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities. London, 18 December 1925.

Cmd 2564

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

544 Vol. XXXI, 563 Misc. No. 20 Report by M. Unden on the question of the Turko-Iraq Frontier, Geneva, 16 December 1925. In continuation of Misc. No. 17, 1925 [Item 541]. L/C. HC/L 21 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2565

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 545 - 546 Cmd 2566 - 2568 Item No.

Doc. No.

545 Vol. XXI, 169 Arabia Agreements with the Sultan of Nejd regarding certain questions relating to the Nejd-TransJordan and the Nejd-Iraq Frontiers. (The Hadda and Bahra Agreements and the correspondence related thereto : October-November 1925.)

Cmd 2566

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

546 Vol. XXX, 717 Treaty Series No. 55 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal confirming the Protocol, signed at Cape Town on 5 March 1915, defining a section of the Frontier Line between the Portuguese Colony of Angola and Rhodesia. Lisbon, 3 November 1925.

Cmd 2568

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

BILLS PUBLIC 1926 Item 547 Bill No. 43 Item No.

Doc. No.

547 Vol. IV, 425: Bills, Public (4) Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Acts, 19211925, by increasing the maximum Limit of the loans in respect of which Guarantees may be given under those Acts and by extending the period within which such Guarantees may be given, and to extend the periods during which Guarantees may respectively be given and to remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920-1924. O.H.C.P. 23 Feb. 1926


Bill 43

BILLS PUBLIC 1926 Item 548 Bill No. 202

Doc. No.

Item No. 548 Vol. IV, 43: Bills, Public (4) Palestine and East Africa Bill to authorize the Treasury to Guarantee certain loans to be raised respectively by the Government of Palestine and by the Government of certain Territories in East Africa.

Bill 202

O.H.C.P. 2 Dec. 1926

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1926 Item 549 - 551 S.P. No. 5 - 61

Item No. 549

Doc. No. Vol. XVI, 203 Imperial Ottoman Loan of 1855 By Act Mr. Ronald McNeill Account for the period to 31 December 1925.

S.P. 5

O.H.C.P. 3 Feb. 1926


Vol. XVI, 417 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1925. By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1925.

S.P. 14

O.H.C.P. 12 Feb. 1926


Vol. XVI, 421 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 March 1926. Account up to 31 March 1926, of total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts under the Undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, during the Year ended 31 March 1926. O.H.C.P. 15 April 1926


S.P. 61

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1926 Item 552 - 555 S.P. No. 90 -160

Doc. No.

Item No. 552

Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1926.

S.P. 90

O.H.C.P. 7 June 1926


VoI. XVI, 425 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1926.

S.P. 106

O.H.C.P. 16 July 1926


Vol. XVI, 427 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1926.

S.P. 139

O.H.C.P. 25 Oct. 1926


Vol. XVI, 111 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account for the Period ended 31 March 1926.

S.P. 160

O.H.C.P. 13 Dec. 1926

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 556 Cmd 2575

Item No. 556 Vol. XXX, 755 Treaty Series No. 1 (1926) International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of, and traffic in, Obscene Publications. Geneva, 12 September 1926. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1926 (R. 26 Jan.)


Doc. No. Cmd 2575

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 557 - 562 Cmd 2576 - 2587 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 497 Misc. No. 1 (1926) Report of the British Delegates on the Sixth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 26 November 1925. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 1925 [Item 466].

Cmd 2576

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926 (R. 26 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 781 Treaty Series No. 56 (1925) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2577

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 799 Treaty Series No. 57 (1925) Index to Treaty Series, 1925.

Cmd 2578

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 121 Italy Agreement for the Settlement of the War Dept of Italy to Great Britain.

Cmd 2580

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXIII, 1017 Trade Facilities Memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 2584

L/C. HC. 5 Feb. 1926 HL 10 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 95 Iraq Treaty with King Feisal, with Explanatory Note. Signed at Bagdad, 13 January 1926. L/C. HC. 9 Feb. 1926 HL 10 Feb. 1926


Cmd 2587

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 563 - 566 Cmd 2590 - 2616 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XIX, 727 Fleets: (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Japan, Italy, Russia, and Germany on 1 February 1926. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.]

Cmd 2590

L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 87 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary modifying the Agreement between the British and Hungarian Governments of 11 December 1923, relating to the periodical Instalments payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder. Budapest, 17 October 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 9, 1924 [Item 356].

Cmd 2593

L/C. HC. 1 March 1926 HL 2 March 1926


Cmd 2594

Vol. XXX, 613 Misc. No. 2

Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Thirty-Seventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 1 March 1926 HL 2 March 1926


Vol. XXX, i Treaty Series No. 3 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Albania, recording the Renunciation of His Majesty's Government of Extra-territorial Judicial Rights in Albania. Durazzo, 6 February 1926. L/C. HC. 22 March 1926 HL. 23 March 1926


Cmd 2616


Item 567 - 569 Cmd 2617-2625 Item No.

Doc. No.

567 Vol. XXX, 117 Treaty Series No. 4 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the Deportation of British Somali Subjects expelled from Italian Somaliland and of Italian Native Subjects of Italian Somaliland expelled from Adan. London, 14 December 1925 and 29 January 1926.

Cmd 2617

L/C. HC. 22 March 1926 HL 23 March 1926

568 Vol. XXX, 693 Misc. No. 3 Letter from His Majesty's Government to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and the proceedings of the Council of the League reguarding the determination of the Turko-Iraq Frontier and the application to Iraq of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations. London, 2 March 1926 and Geneva, 11 March 1926, In continuation of Cmd 2562 [Item 541].

Cmd 2624

L/C. HC. 13 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R. 9 April)


Vol. XXX, 21 Treaty Series No. 5 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia relative to the reduced rate of Customs Duty to be levied on Printed Matter in English Advertising Products of British Industry imported into Czechoslovakia. Prague, 1 February 1926. L/C. HC. 13 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R. 9 April)


Cmd 2625

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 570 - 573 Cmd 2633 - 2642 Item No.

Doc. No.

570 Vol. XXX, 415 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations at its Seventh Session 19 May-20 June 1925.

Cmd 2633

L/C. HC. 15 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R.)

571 Vol. XXX, 5 China No. 1 (1926) Papers respecting the First Firing in the Shameen Affair of 23 June 1925.

Cmd 2636

L/C. HC/L 21 April 1926

572 Vol. XXX, 25 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic relative to Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 11 November 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 March 1926.

Cmd 2637

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1926

573 Vol. XXX, 181 Treaty Series No. 7 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Siam for the revision of their Mutual Treaty Arrangements and Protocol concerning Jurisdiction applicable in Siam to British Subjects, etc. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Cmd 2642

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 574 - 577 Cmd 2643 - 2647 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 169 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926.

Cmd 2643

L/C. HG 3 May 1926 HL. 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 189 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Siam in connection with the General and Commercial Treaties signed between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. London, 14 July-15 September 1925.

Cmd 2644

L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 637 Misc. No. 4 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Thirty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2646

L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 345 United States No. 1 (1926) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the United States Government regarding Administrative Measures to be taken by the British Authorities in order to assist the United States Government in the prevention of Liquor Smuggling from the Sea. Washington, 27 March-26 April 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Cmd 2647

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 578 - 582 Cmd 2648 - 2664

Item No. 578

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 537 Misc. No. 5 Report of the British Delegates on the Special Assembly of the League of Nations, Geneva, 8-17 March 1926. London, 19 April 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926

Cmd 2648

HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 291 Sudan No. 1 (1926) Papers relating to Slavery in the Sudan. L/C. HC/L. 17 May 1926

Cmd 2650


Vol. XXX, 91 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq regarding the duration of the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq of October 10 1922. Signed at Bagdad, 13 January 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926. In continuation of Cmd 2562 [Item 541]. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2662


Vol. XXX, 395 Treaty Series No. 11 International Agreement for the Creation at Paris of an International Office for dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals. Paris, 25 January 1924. British Ratification deposited, 11 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2663


Vol. XXX, 387 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the United Kingdom, Belgium, and France relative to Customs regulations applicable to Air Traffic. Paris, 5 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2664


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 583 - 587 Cmd 2665 - 2679

Doc. No.

Item No. 583

Vol. XXX, 689 Misc. No. 6 Report to the Council of the Committee on the Composition of the Council of the League of Nations. Geneva, 17 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 8 June 1926

Cmd 2665


Vol. XXX, 83 Treaty Series No. 13 Conventions between the United Kingdom and Greece regarding the Damage caused by British Troops in Greece, with Supplementary Protocol. Athens, 30 November 1925. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1926

Cmd 2668


Vol. XXX, 141 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between the United Knigdom and the Netherlands for the Reciprocal exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. London, 20 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1926

Cmd 2669


Vol. XXX, 157 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal in regard to Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, with Notes Exchanged. London, 20 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1926

Cmd 2670


Vol. XXX, 309 Turkey No. 1 (1926) Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq and Turkey regarding the settlement of the Frontier between Turkey and Iraq, with map. Notes exchanged. Angora, 5 June 1926. Ratifications have not yet been exchanged. [Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 18 July 1926. See Item 664.] L/C. HC. 18 June 1926

Cmd 2679

HL 22 June 1926


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 588 - 591a Cmd 2680 - 2690

Item No.

Doc. No.


NOT PRINTED. No Number Treaty Series No. 16 (Cancelled) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Roumania for funding of the Roumanian War Debt to the British Government. London, 19 October 1925. L/C. HC. 18 June 1926 HL 22 June 1926 Withdrawn: HC. 21 June 1926 HL 23 June 1926

589 Vol. XXX, 101 Treaty Series No. 16 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting Lake Tsana. Rome, I4-20 December 1925.

Cmd 2680

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1926

590 Vol. XXX, 705 Misc. No. 7 Report of the Council of League of Nations on the work of the First Session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference. Geneva, 26 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 23 June 1926

Cmd 2681

Vol. XXIII, 585 Communist Papers Documents selected from those obtained on the Arrest of Communist Leaders on the 14th and 21st of October 1925. L/C. HC/L. 22 June 1926

Cmd 2682

591a Vol. IX, 159: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa Report for 1925 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1926

Cmd 2690



COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 592 - 594c Cmd 2692 2702

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXX, 75 France Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of France to Great Britain with an exchange of letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the French Minister of Finance. London, 12 July 1926. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1926

Cmd 2692


Vol. XXX, 71 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Esthonia regarding the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, with Notes exchanged. London, 24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 15 July 1926

Cmd 2693


Vol. XXX, 653 Misc. No. 8 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Fortieth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 15 July 1926

Cmd 2694

594a Vol. XXIII, 869 Palestine and East Africa Loans Bill Memorandum explaining the financial resolution (1926). L/C. HC. 14 July 1926

Cmd 2696

HL. 15 July 1926

594b Vol. IX, 163: Reports, Commissioners (2) East Africa Report of the East African Guaranteed Loan Committee. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1926

Cmd 2701

594c Vol. XXX, 771 Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters Final Act (and Annex) of the International Conference at Washington, June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1926

Cmd 2702


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 595 - 598 Cmd 2708 - 2728

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXX, 63 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between the United Kingdom and Esthonia for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. Ratificaitons exchanged at London, 11 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1926

Cmd 2708


Vol. XXX, 51 Treaty Series No. 19 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Esthonia. Signed at Reval, 18 January 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Reval, 3 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1926

Cmd 2709


Vol. XXX, 743 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement respecting facilities to be given to Merchant Seamen for the Treatment of Venereal Disease. Signed at Brussels, 1 December 1924. British Ratification deposited 21 August 1925.

Cmd 2727

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 113 Treaty Series No. 21 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy for the reciprocal recognition of Proof Marks. London, 24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 20 Aug.)


Cmd 2728

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 599 - 602 Cmd 2729 - 2732 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 325 Treaty Series No. 22 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in the former German Colony of East Africa. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2729

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

600 Vol. XXX, 333 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in part of the former German Protectorate of the Camaroons. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2730

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

601 Vol. XXX, 339 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in part of the Former German Protectorate of Togoland. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2731

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

602 Vol. XXX, 161 Treaty Series No. 25 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom to regulate the Commercial Relations between the two Countries. Belgrade, 18 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.) 142

Cmd 2732

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 603 - 607 Cmd 2741- 2749 Item No.

Doc. No.

603 Vol. XXX, 125 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Island. Signed at Paris, 19 June 1926.

Cmd 2741

L/C. HC/L 27 Sept. 1926 (R. 13 Sept.)

604 Vol. XXX, 201 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1925.

Cmd 2742

L/C. HC/L. 27 Sept. 1926 (R. 13 Sept.)

605 Vol. XXX, 419 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eighth Session, 26 May-5 June 1926; and Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Ninth Session, 7 June-24 June 1926. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2745

L/C. HC/L 27 Sept. 1926 (R.25 Sept.)

606 Vol. XXX, 351 United States No. 2 Correspondence between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the proposed reduction of Passport Fees.

Cmd 2746

L/C. HC/L 25 Oct. 1926 (R. 13 Oct.)

607 Vol. XXX, 469 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Eighth Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 26 May-5 June 1926. L/C. HC/L 25 Oct. 1926


Cmd 2749

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 608 - 612 Cmd 2750 - 2766

Item No.

Doc. No.

608 Vol. XXX, 483 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Ninth Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 7-24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 25 Oct. 1926

Cmd 2750

609 Vol. XXX, 197 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Spain respecting the duration of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Spain of 31 October 1922. Madrid, 22 October 1926. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2753

610 Vol. XXX, 669 Misc. No. 9 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Forty-first and the Forty-second Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 22 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2761

611 Vol. XXX, 731 Treaty Series No. 28 Treaty of Mutual Guarantee between the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy. Locarno, 16 October 1925. Ratifications deposited at Geneva, 14 September 1926. L/C. HC/L 22 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2764

612 Vol. VIII, 629: Reports, Commissioners (1) China No. 2 Report of the Advisory Committee, with other Documents respecting the China Indemnity. [See Items 555, 686, 729, 785.] L/C. HC. 26 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2766

HL 30 Nov. 1926


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 613 - 616 Cmd 2767 - 2777

Item No. 613 Vol. XXX, 713 Misc. No. 10 Papers respecting the work of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Doc. No. Cmd 2767

613a Vol. XI, 545: Reports, Commissioners (4) Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1926. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2768

613b Vol. XI, 607: Reports, Commissioners (4) Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2769


Vol. VIII, 499: Reports, Commissioners (1) China No. 3 Report of the Commission on Extra-Territoriality in China. [See also Item 632.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2774


Vol. XXX, 359 Misc. No. 11 The Permanent Court of International Justice Question of Accession of the United States of America to the Protocol of 16 December 1920. L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2776


Vol. XXX, 145 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Portugal in relation to the Boundary between the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa and Angola. Signed at Cape Town, 22 June 1926. [See also Item 617.] L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2777


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 617 - 619 Cmd 2778 - 2780 Item No.

Doc. No.

617 Vol. XXX, 149 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Republic of Portugal regulating the use of the water of the Kunene River for the purposes of generating Hydraulic Power and of Inundation and Irrigation of the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa. Signed at Cape Town, 1 July 1926. [See also Item 616.] L/C. HC/L 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2778

618 Vol. XXX, 37 Treaty Series No. 31 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic for the Extradition of Criminals. Signed at London, 11 November 1924, and Protocol signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratification exchanged at London, 5 November 1926.

Cmd 2779

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1926

619 Vol. XXX, 561 Misc. No. 12 Report of the British Delegates on the Seventh Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 19 November 1926. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 of 1926 [Item 557].

Cmd 2780

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1926

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1927 Item 620 S.P. No. 7 Item No.

Doc. No.

620 Vol. XIII, 527 Trade Facilities Acts; 1921-1926 By Act Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1926. O.H.C.P. 8 Feb. 1927


S.P. 7

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1927 Item 621- 624 S.P. No. 18-71

Doc. No.

Item No. 621

Vol. XIII, 229 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 By Act Account for the period to 31 December 1926.

S.P. 18

O.H.C.P. 15 Feb. 1927


Vol. XVIII, 447 By Act East India (Progress and Condition). Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1925-1926. 61st Number.

S.P. 29

O.H.C.P. 25 Feb. 1927


Vol. XIII, 529 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1927 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given, and of sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts payable under the undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, during the Year ended 31 March 1927.

S.P. 61

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1927

624 Vol. XIII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1927. O.H.C.P. 13 June 1927


S.P. 71

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 625 - 629 Cmd 2789 - 2794 Doc. No.

Item No. 625 Vol. XXVI, 153 Treaty Series No. I (1927) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting the Measurement of Tonnage of Merchant Ships. Signed at London, 30 November 1926. Notes exchanged 30 November1 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2789

626 Vol. XXVI, 157 Treaty Series No. 2 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Greece and accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 16 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 10 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2790

627 Vol. XIII, 395 Portuguese War Debt Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of Portugal to Great Britain. Signed at London, 31 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2791

628 Vol. XXVI, 235 Abyssinia No. 1 (1927) Correspondence respecting the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy of 14-20 December 1925 in regard to Lake Tsana. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (IL 14 Jan.)

Cmd 2792

629 Vol. XXVI, 139 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Esthonian Republic relative to the clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. Signed at Tallinin (Reval) 3 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 25 Jan.)

Cmd 2794


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 630 - 634 Cmd 2795 - 2804 Item No.

Doc. No.

630 Vol. XXVI, 437

Cmd 2795

Treaty Series No. 4 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting drawbacks and methods of computing ad valorem Rates under Siamese Customs Law. Bangkok, 30 September 1926. L/C. HC/L 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 25 Jan.)

631 Vol. XXVI, 297

Cmd 2796

Treaty Series No. 5 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal renewing the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 16 November 19I4. London, 4 January 1927. L/C. HC/L 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 3 Feb.)

632 Vol. XXVI, 39

Cmd 2797

China No. 1 (1927) Declaration and Memoranda by the Chinese Commissioner, presented to the Commission on Extra-Territoriality in China. In continuation of Cmd 2774 of 1926 [Item No. 614]. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 3 Feb.)

633 Vol. XXVI, 693

Cmd 2799

Misc. No. 1 (1927) Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Forty-third Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 6-11 December 1926. L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1927 HL 15 Feb. 1927

634 Vol. XXVI, 937

Cmd 2804

Treaty Series No. 32 (1926) Treaties etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States Accessions, Withdrawals etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 56, 1925. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1927 149

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 635 - 639 Cmd 2805 - 2822

Doc. No.

Item No. 635

Vol. XXVI, 953 Treaty Series No. 33 (1926) Index to Treaty Series, 1926.

Cmd 2805

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1927


Cmd 2809 Vol. XV, 705 Fleets: The British Empire and Foreign Countries Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union on 1 February 1927. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 22 Feb. 1927 HL 23 Feb. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 15 Treaty Series No. 6 Protocol respecting the boundary between Tanganyika Territory and the Belgian Mandated Territory of Ruanda-Urundi, with three maps. Signed at Kigoma, 5 August 1924. Notes exchanged between the British and the Belgian Governments, Brussels, 17 May 1926.

Cmd 2812

L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1927

638 Vol. XXVI, 433 Treaty Series No. 7 Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 25 November 1925. Ratification exchanged at London, 2 February 1927.

Cmd 2813

L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1927

639 Vol. XXVI, 301 Russia No. 1 (1927) Note from His Majesty's Government to the Government of the U.S.S.R. respecting the Relations existing between the two Governments, and Note in reply, 23-26 February 1927. L/C. HC/L 15 March 1927


Cmd 2822

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 640 - 643 Cmd 2829 - 2836

Item No.

Doc. No.

640 Vol. XXVI, 143 Treaty Series No. 8 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France regarding certain amendments to be made in the New Hebrides Protocol of 6 August 1914. Paris, 17-21 February 1927. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 7, 1922. [See also Items 236 and 275.] L/C. HC/L 24 March 1927

Cmd 2829

641 Vol. X, 663: Reports, Commissioners (4) Industrial Relations Report of the Delegation appointed to Study Industrial Conditions in Canada and the United States of America. L/C. HC/L. 22 March 1927

Cmd 2833

642 Vol. XXVI, 127 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing the Anglo-Danish Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 March 1927. L/C. HC/L 6 April 1927

Cmd 2835

643 Vol. XXVI, 225 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland renewing, as far as Iceland is concerned, the Anglo-Dutch Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 March 1927. L/C. HC/L 6 April 1927

Cmd 2836


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 644 - 647 Cmd 2845 - 2851 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 581 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between the Sudan Government and the Hejad Government, His Majesty's Government assenting, relating to the Port SudanJeddah Telegraph Cable. Signed 18 December 1926.

Cmd 2845

L/C. HC. 11 April 1927 HL. 12 April 1927


Vol. XXVI, 55 China No. 2 Memorandum on Labour Conditions in China. Foreign Office, 25 February 1927.

Cmd 2846

L/C. HC. 11 April 1927 HL 12 April 1927


Vol. XIII, 215 Greek War Debt Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of Greece to Great Britain, with an Exchange of Letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Greek Minister in London. London, 9 April 1927.

Cmd 2848

L/C. HC. 13 April 1927 HL 28 April 1927 (R.)


Vol. XXVI, 131 Treaty Series No. 12 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting Compensation to Workmen for Accidents arising out of their Employment. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 5 April 1927. L/C. HC. 26 April 1927 HL. 28 April 1927 (R. 25 April)


Cmd 2851

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 648 - 650a Cmd 2852 - 2870

Item No.

Doc. No.

648 Vol. XXVI, 833 Misc. No. 2 Nationality and Naturalization Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. In continuation of C. 7027 of 1893-4 and Cmd 1771 of 1922. [See also Items 257 and 677.] L/C. HC. 26 April 1927

Cmd 2852

HL 28 April 1927 (R.)

648a Vol. XVIII, 45 Tanganyika Treasury Minute dated 6 April 1927, relating to the Interest and Sinking Fund payable on Loans made to Tanganyika Territory out of moneys voted by Parliament. L/C. HC. 26 April 1927

Cmd 2853

HL. 28 April 1927 (R.)

649 Vol. XXVI, 441 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His British Majesty and His Majesty, the King of Spain revising certain Provisions of the Anglo-Spanish Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 31 October 1922, and Notes exchanged. Signed at London, 5 April 1927. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 21, 1924. [See Items 393 and 609.] L/C. HC. 27 April 1927

Cmd 2855

HL 28 April 1927 (R.)

650 Vol. XXVI, 81 China No. 3 Papers respecting the Agreements relative to the British Concessions at Kinkiang and Hankow. L/C. HC/L. 24 May 1927

Cmd 2869

650a Vol. XV, 803 Reproduction of the Record of the Battle of Jutland prepared by Captain J.P. Harper, R.N., in 1919-1920. [See Item 106a.] L/C. HG 20 May 1927

Cmd 2870

HL 24 May 1927


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 651- 654 Cmd 2872 - 2877 Item No.

Doc. No.

651 Vol. XXVI, 577 Sudan No. 1 (1927) Dispatch from the Governor-General of the Sudan to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations relating to Slavery in the Sudan.

Cmd 2872

L/C. HC. 27 May 1927 HL 31 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 327 Russia No. 2 Documents illustrating the Hostile Activities of the Soviet Government and the Third International against Great Britain.

Cmd 2874

L/C. HC/L 25 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 275 Mexico No. I (1927) Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States for the settlement of the British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico arising from Loss or Damage from Revolutionary Acts between 20 November 1910 and 31 May 1920. Signed at Mexico, 19 November 1926.

Cmd 2876

L/C. HC/L 31 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 599 Treaty Series No. 14 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States of America regarding the disposal of certain Pecuniary Claims arising out of the recent War. Washington, 19 May 1927. L/C. HC. 30 May 1927 HL 31 May 1927


Cmd 2877

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 655 - 658a Cmd 2886 - 2893

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVI, 607 Misc. No. 3 Agreement regulating the amounts to be allocated out of the Annuities of the Expert's Plan for the Armies of Occupation, the Rhineland High Commission and the Military Commission of Control for the period 1 April 1926-10 January 1930. In continuation of Cmd 2558 of 1924-5 [Item 539]. Paris, 13 January 1927. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1927

Cmd 2886


Vol. XXVI, 755 Misc. No. 4 Report of the British Representatives on the Preparatory Committee of the League of Nations for the Disarmament Conference. Third Session, Geneva, 21 March-26 April 1927. L/C. HC. 17 June 1927

Cmd 2888

HL 20 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 827 Misc. No. 5 Report of the British Representatives on the Committee of the Council of the League of Nations on Article 11 of the Covenant. L/C. HC. 17 June 1927

Cmd 2889

HL. 20 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 631 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Convention and the Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eighth Session, 26 May-5 June 1926. L/C. HC. 13 June 1927

Cmd 2890

HL. 16 June 1927 (R.)

658a Vol. VII, 559: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1926 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1927 155

Cmd 2893

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 659 - 662 Cmd 2894 - 2910 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 713 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate) on the Forty-fourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 7-12 March 1927.

Cmd 2894

L/C. HC. 24 June 1927 HL. 27 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 359 Russia No. 3 Selection of Papers dealing with relations between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government, 1921-1927.

Cmd 2895

L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1927 661

Vol. XXVI, 267 Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Lithuania for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Kaunos (Kovno), 18 May 1926. Ratification exchanged at Kaunos, 29 March 1927.

Cmd 2897

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1927 661a

Vol. XVIII, 37 Future Policy with regard to Eastern Africa.

Cmd 2904

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1927 662

Vol. XXVI, 925 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention with the object of securing the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade. Signed at Geneva, 25 September 1926. British Ratification deposited 18 June 1927.

L/C. HC. 22 July 1927 HL. 25 July 1927


Cmd 2910

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 663 - 666 Cmd 2911- 2920

Item No. 663 Vol. XXVI, 263 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic relating to Tonnage Measurement Certificates. London, 24 June 1927. L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Doc. No. Cmd 2911

HL 25 July 1927


Vol. XXVI, 583 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq and Turkey regarding the settlement of the Frontier between Iraq and Turkey, with map. Notes exchanged. Angora, 5 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 18 July 1926. [See Item 587.] L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Cmd 2912

HL 25 July 1927

664a Vol. X, 469: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Shipping Committee Report on the Harbour of Dai-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Territory. L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Cmd 2917

HL 25 July 1927

665 Vol. XXVI, 285 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon to facilitate good neighbourly relations in connection with frontier questions. Signed at Jerusalem, 2 February 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1927

Cmd 2919

666 Vol. XXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 20 Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and Albania. Signed at Tirana, 22 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Tirana, 29 January 1927. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1927

Cmd 2920


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 667 - 671 Cmd 2925 - 2935 Doc. No.

Item No.

667 Vol. XXVI, 729 Misc. No. 7 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Forty-fifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 13-17 June 1927.

Cmd 2925

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 12 Aug.)

668 Vol. XXVI, 35 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria relating to the Provisional Dissolution of the Anglo-Bulgarian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 17 June 1927.

Cmd 2928

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 251 Treaty Series No. 22 Supplementary Convention to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan. Signed at London, 30 July 1925, with Minutes of a Meeting between the British and Japanese Representatives at the Foreign Office on 30 July I925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 July 1927.

Cmd 2931

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 209 Treaty Series No. 23 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Hungary. Signed at London, 23 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 July 1927.

Cmd 2933

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 959 Treaty Series No. 24 General Index to Treaty Series, 1922-1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 6 Sept.)


Cmd 2935

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 672 - 676 Cmd 2951- 2964 Item No.

Doc. No.

672 Vol. XXVI, 201 Treaty Series No. 25 Treaty between His Majesty and His Majesty, the King of the Hejaz and of Nejd and its Dependencies, 20 May 1927. Notes exchanged 19-21 May 1927. Ratifications exchanged at Jeddah, 17 September 1927.

Cmd 2951

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (It. 22 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 615 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention regarding the Measurement of Vessels employed in Inland Navigation with Protocol of Signature. Paris, 27 November 1925. British Ratification deposited 14 June 1927.

Cmd 2952

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 29 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 95 China. No 4 Papers relating to the Nanking Incident of 24 and 25 March 1927.

Cmd 2953

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 6 Oct.)


Vol. XXVI, 635 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Tenth Session, 25 May-16 June 1927. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2961

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 19 Oct.)


Vol. XXVI, 805 Geneva Conference (Naval Armaments) Speeches at the Plenary Session by the Rt. Hon. W.C. Bridgeman, M.P., First Lord of the Admiralty. (June-August 1927.) L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 24 Oct.)


Cmd 2964

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 677 - 681 Cmd 2970 - 2990 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 257 Misc. No. 8 Nationality Law of Latvia, 2 June 1927. In continuation of Cmd 2852. [Item 648.]

Cmd 2970

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1927


Vol. XIII, 501 Serb-Croat-Slovene War Debt Agreement for the Settlement of the War Debt of the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom to Great Britain, London, 9 August 1927.

Cmd 2973

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (IL 7 Nov.)


Vol. XXVI, 453 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Spanish Government respecting the reciprocal recognition of Proof Marks on Fire Arms. Madrid, 8 September 1927.

Cmd 2975

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 147 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government confirming the Agreement of 18 August 1927, regarding the Administration of the New Hebrides. Paris, 31 August 1927.

Cmd 2988

L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1927


Vol. XIII, 497 Roumanian War Debt Agreement dated 19 October 1925, for the settlement of the Roumanian War Debt to Great Britain. L/C. HC/L. 28 Nov. 1927


Cmd 2990

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 682 - 685 Cmd 2991- 2998 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 459 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1926.

Cmd 2991

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1927


Vol. XIII, 103 China Treasury Minute dated 7 December 1927 relative to the Leases of His Majesty's Government in the British Concession in China.

Cmd 2994

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1927 HL. No record.


Vol. XXVI, 669 International Labour Conference Report of the British Government Delegates on the Tenth Session. Geneva, 25 May-16 June 1927.

Cmd 2995

L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 229 Iraq Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at London, 14 December 1927. To be published in Treaty Series, when ratified.

Cmd 2998

L/C. HC/L. 19 Dec. 1927

BILLS PUBLIC 1928 Item 685a Bill No. 117 Item No.

Doc. No.

685a Vol. IV, 485 Straits Settlement and Johore Territorial treaties. (Agreement) (H.L.) Agreement between His Majesty and the Sultan of the State and Territory of Johore, 19 October 1927: Schedule of Bill. O.H.C.P. 2 May 1928


Bill 117

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928 Item 686 - 689 S.P. No. 7-66 Doc. No.

Item No. 686

Vol. XIII, 99 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to Section 1(4) of the China Indemnity (Application) Act 1925, showing Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1927; with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 160, 1926. (See Items 555, and 612.)

S.P. 7

O.H.C.P. 7 Feb. 1928


Vol. XIII, 199 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 By Act Account for the Period to 31 December 1927.

S.P. 19

O.H.C.P. 13 Feb. 1928


Vol. XVIII, 597 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1926-1927. 62nd Number.

S.P. 48

O.H.C.P. 23 March 1928


Vol. XIII, 367 Trade Facilities Acts: 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. Also an Account up to 31 March 1928 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts payable under undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, from 31 March 1927 to completion of the scheme on 15 May 1927. O.H.CP. 26 Apri11928


S.P. 66

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928 Item 690 S.P. No. 82

Doc. No.

Item No. 690 Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1928.

S.P. 82

O.H.C.P. 6 June 1928

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 691- 693 Cmd 3008 - 3010

Item No.

Doc. No.

691 Vol. XXVI, 447 Misc. No. 1 (1928) Report of the British Delegates on the Eighth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 25 November 1927. In continuation of Misc. No. 12, 1926 [Item 619]. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3008

(IL 11 Jan.)

692 Vol. XXVI, 363 Misc. No. 2 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-sixth and Fortyseventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 1-28 September 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3009

(R. 11 Jan.)

693 Vol. XXVI, 119 Treaty Series No. 1 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the German Reich relating to Air Navigation, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 29 June 1927. Ratification exchanged at Berlin, 1 December 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (IL 11 Jan.)


Cmd 3010

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 694 - 698 Cmd 3017 - 3023

Item No.

Doc. No.

694 Vol. XXVI, 145. Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the Latvian Republic regarding the Custom's Treatment of Commercial Travellers Samples. Riga, 16 November 1927.

Cmd 3017

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 11 Jan.)

695 Vol. XVIII, 171 Sierra Leone Correspondence relating to Domestic Slavery in the Sierra Leone Protectorate.

Cmd 3020

RA/HL. 23 Nov. 1927 L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 27 Jan.)

696 Vol. XXVI, 389 Misc. No. 3 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-Eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 5-12 December 1927.

Cmd 3021

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 3 Feb.)

697 Vol. XXVI, 505 Treaty Series No. 29 (1927) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States; Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3022

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

698 Vol. XXVI, 519 Treaty Series No. 30 (1927) Index to Treaty Series, 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928


Cmd 3023

COMMAND PAPERS I928 Item 699 - 702 Cmd 3027 - 3039

Item No. 699

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 135 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the German Government for the Exemption of Shipping Profits from Double Taxation, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 17 January 1928. L/C. HC. 9 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3027

HL. 14 Feb. 1928


Vol. XXVI, 213 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Portuguese Government for the Mutual Recognition of Load-Line Certificates, with Notes exchanged. London, 27 January 1928. L/C. HC/L. 22 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3033


Vol. XV, 749 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, the U.S.S.R., and Germany on 1 February 1928. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 22 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3034

HL. 23 Feb. 1928


Vol. XXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III, Part X of the Treaty of Saint Germain of 10 September 1919. Signed at Vienna, (1) 27 August-2 October 1920, (2) I1 August11 September 1924, (3) 19 September 1927. L/C. HC/L. 29 Feb. 1928


Cmd 3039

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 703 - 707 Cmd 3050 - 3069 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 19 Egypt No. 1 (1928) Papers regarding Negotiations for a Treaty of Alliance with Egypt.

Cmd 3050

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1928


Vol. XV, 595 Navy Estimates Statement of the First Lord of the Admiralty explanatory of the Naval Estimates for 1928.

Cmd 3052

L/C. HC/L 6 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 225 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, with Notes exchanged. London, 12 May 1927. Ratifications exchanged at London, 9 February 1928.

Cmd 3065

L/C. HC. 26 March 1928 HL 27 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 183 Treaty Series No. 7 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Portugal for the Settlement of the Boundary Line between Swaziland and the Province of Mozambique, with diagram. Lisbon, 6 October 1927.

Cmd 3066

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 267 Trans-Jordan Agreement between the United Kingdom and Trans-Jordan. Signed at Jerusalem, 20 February 1928. L/C. HC/L 22 March 1928


Cmd 3069

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 708 - 711 Cmd 3070 - 3085 Item No.

Doc. No.

708 Vol. XXVI, 197 Treaty Series No. 8 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of Portugal for the settlement of the boundary between the Union of South Africa and the Province of Mozambique, with two maps. Lisbon, 6 October 1927.

Cmd 3070

L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1928

709 Vol. XXVI, 219 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of San Salvador for the establishment of a Commercial modus vivendi. San Salvador, 4 and 7 January 1928.

Cmd 3071

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1928

710 Vol. XXVI, 263 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Spanish Government regarding the interpretation of the Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of 31 October 1922, as revised by the Convention of 5 April 1927. Madrid, 6 February 1928.

Cmd 3074

L/C. HC. 3 April 1928 HL 19 April 1928 (IL)

711 Vol. XXVI, 149 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States for the settlement of British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico arising from the Loss or Damage from Revolutionary Acts between 20 November 1910 and 31 May 1920. Mexico, 19 November 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Mexico, 8 March 1928. L/C. HC. 30 April 1928 HL 1 May 1928


Cmd 3085

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 712-716 Cmd 3094 - 3099 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 141 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Icelandic Government for the Exemption of Shipping Profits from Double Taxation. London, 27 April 1928.

Cmd 3094

L/C. HC/L. 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 493 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement concerning the Manufacture of, the Internal Trade in, and the Use of, Prepared Opium, with Protocol and Final Act. Signed at Geneva, 11 February 1925. British Ratification deposited 17 February 1926.

Cmd 3095

L/C. HC/L 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 81 Egypt No. 2 Papers respecting the Proposed Egyptian Law regulating Public Meetings and Demonstrations.

Cmd 3097

L/C. HC. 7 May 1928 HL. 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 413 Misc. No. 4 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 5-10 March 1928.

Cmd 3098

L/C. HC. 14 May 1928 HL 15 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 13 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the reciprocal protection of Trade Marks in Austria and Palestine. London, 2 December 1927-13 April 1928. L/C. HC. 14 May 1928 HL 15 May 1928


Cmd 3099

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 717 - 721 Cmd 3109 - 3138 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 275 United States No. 1 (1928) Correspondence with the United States Ambassador respecting the United States proposal for the renunciation of War.

Cmd 3109

L/C. HC. 18 May 1928 HL. 21 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 175 Norway No. 1 (1928) Proposals for Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Norwegian Government regarding Territorial Waters and Fisheries off the Norwegian Coast.

Cmd 3121

L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1928


Vol. XII, 275: Reports, Commissioners (6) Russian Banks and Communist Funds Report of an inquiry into certain Transactions of the Bank for Russian Trade, Ltd. and the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd., and Memorandum of the Directors of the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd.

Cmd 3125

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1928


Vol. XXVI. 17 Bulgaria No. I (1928) Arrangements between Great Britain, France, Italy, and Bulgaria for the Reparation Payments by Bulgaria under Articles 121 and 122 of the Treaty of Neuilly of 27 November 1919. Signed at Sofia, July 1923.

Cmd 3133

L/C. HC/L. 27 June 1928


Vol. XXVI, 105 Student Employees Text of an arrangement between the competent French and British Authorities for facilitating the admission of Student Employees into the two countries and Notes exchanged between the Marquess of Crewe and M. Briand. May June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1928


Cmd 3138

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 722 - 726 Cmd 3153-3171

Item No. 722

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 301 United States No. 2 Further Correspondence with the Government of the United States of America respecting the United States proposal for the renunciation of war. L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1928

Cmd 3153

722a Vol. VII, 543: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1927 on the importation of spirituous beverages into British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1928

Cmd 3164


Vol. XXVI, 159 Morocco No. 1 (1928) Final Protocol of the Conference for the Amendment of the Tangier Statute. 17 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1928

Cmd 3165


Vol. XXVI, 311 Treaty Series No. 15 International Agreement regarding false indications of Origin on goods. Signed at The Hague, 6 November 1925. British Ratification deposited, 1 May 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3166


Vol. XXVI, 321 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Signed at The Hague, 6 November 1925. British Ratification deposited 1 May 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3167


Vol. XXVI, 427 Misc. No. 5 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Fiftieth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 4-9 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3171


BILLS PUBLIC 1928-1929 Item 727 Bill No. 15

Item No.

Doc. No.

727 Vol. III, 315: Bills, Public (3) Overseas Trade Bill to extend the periods during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Act, 1920-1926.

Bill 15

O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1928

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 728 - 731 S.P. No. 14 - 47 Item No.

Doc. No.

728 Vol. IV, 919: Reports, Committees (1) Overseas Trade Bill Report and proceedings of Standing Committee A.

S.P. 14

O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1928

729 Vol. X, 5 China Indemnity Act By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund for the Year ended 31 March 1928, with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 7 of 1928 [Item 686].

S.P. 23

O.H.C.P. 17 Dec. 1928

730 Vol. XV, 151 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1927-1928. 63rd Number.

S.P. 37

O.H.C.P. 28 Jan. 1929

731 Vol. X, 117 Imperial Ottoman Loan of 1855. By Act Account for the period to 31 December 1928. O.H.C.P. 4 Feb. 1929


S.P. 47

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 732 - 733 S.P. No. 84 - 95

Item No.

Doc. No.

732 Vol. X, 79 Financial Statement (1929-1930) Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel Statement of Revenue and Expenditure as laid before the House by the Chancellor of the Exchequer when opening the Budget.

S.P. 84

Ord. 15 April 1929 O.H.C.P. 15 April 1929

733 Vol. X, 309 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Also Account up to 31 March 1929 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the Repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 95

O.H.C.P. 25 April 1929

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 734 - 735 Cmd 3182 - 3188

Item No.

Doc. No.

734 Vol. XXIII, 177 Treaty Series No. 17 (1928) Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Haytian Government for the establishment of a Commercial modus vivendi. Port-aux-Prince, 25 February 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3182

(R. 20 Aug.)

735 Vol. XXIII, 57 China No. 1 (1928) Papers relating to the settlement of the Nanking Incident of 24 March 1927. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 27 Aug.)


Cmd 3188

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 736 - 739 Cmd 3193 - 3204

Doc. No.

Item No. 736

Vol. XXIII, 183 Treaty Series No. 18 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the Republic of Haiti concerning the Direct Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post. Port-aux-Prince, 13 February 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3193

(R. 11 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 121 Treaty Series No. 19 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government for the Exchange of Money Orders between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Syria, the Lebanon, etc. Paris, 12 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3202

(R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 33 Treaty Series No. 20 (1928) Notes exchanged betwen His Majesty's Governments in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa and the Government of Belgium regarding the extension of the Extradition Convention of 8 August 1923 to certain British and Belgian Mandated Territories. London, 28 June-2 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3203

(R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 167 Treaty Series No. 21 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the German Reich relating to the Surplus of German Property in China. London, 26 July 1928. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 8, 1923 [Item 290]. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 27 Sept.)


Cmd 3204

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 740 - 744 Cmd 3207 - 3212

Item No.

Doc. No.

740 Vol. XXIII, 493 Treaty Series No. 22 (1928) International Sanitary Convention. Signed at Paris, 21 June 1926. British Ratification deposited, 10 March 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3207

(R. 5 Oct.)

741 Vol. XXIII, 399 Treaty Series No. 23 (1928) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the United States of America respecting the reciprocal release of property sequestered in both Countries under the Trading with the Enemy Acts. London, 4 January-23 February 1927. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3208

(IL 5 Oct.)

742 Vol. XXIII, 433 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendation adopted by the Conference at its Eleventh Session, 30 May-16 June 1928 (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3209

(R. 3 Oct.)

743 Vol. XXIII, 763 Misc. No. 6 (1928) Papers regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3211

(R. 17 Oct.)

744 Vol. XXIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 24 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Cuban Government regarding Parcel Post with Cuba, with detailed regulations. London, 1 December 1927. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 April 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 18 Oct.)


Cmd 3212

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 745 - 749 Cmd 3216 - 3226 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 815 Treaty Series No. 25 (1928) Final Protocol of the Conference for the Amendment of the Tangier Statute, with Agreements and Special Provisions, and Exchange of Notes. Paris, 25 July 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 14 December 1928.

Cmd 3216

L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1928 HL. 13 Nov. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 1 Abyssinia No. 1 (1928) Correspondence respecting Abyssinian Raids and Incursions into British Territory and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. In continuation of Cmd 2558 of 1924-1925 [Item 5351.

Cmd 3217

L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1928 HL 13 Nov. 1928


Vol. XVI, 645 Misc. No..7 (1928) Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries.

Cmd 3221

L/C. HC. 16 Nov. 1928 HL 20 Nov. 1928


Vol. XVI, 683 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 3223

L/C. HC/L 15 Nov. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 455 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Eleventh Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 30 May-16 June 1928. L/C. HC. 14 Nov. 1928 HL 15 Nov. 1928


Cmd 3226

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 750 - 753 Cmd 3229 - 3243 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XV, 105 The Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Cmd 3229

L/C. HC. 23 Nov. 1928 HL. 27 Nov. 1928

750a Vol. V, 353: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa.

Cmd 3234

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 2 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 105 Treaty Series No. 26 (1928) Exchange of Notes recording a Provisional Commercial Agreement between Egypt and Palestine. Cairo, 6 June 1928. Jerusalem, 21 June 1928.

Cmd 3236

L/C. HC. 7 Dec. 1928 HL. 10 Dec. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 699 Misc. No. 8 (1928) Report of the British Delegates on the Ninth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 21 November 1928. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 (1928) [Item 691]. 3-26 September 1928.

Cmd 3242

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 637 Misc. No. 9 (1928) Report by the Rt. Hon. Lord Cushendun, British Delegate on the Fifty-first and Fifty-second Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. 30 August-8 September 1928; 10 to 26 September 1928. L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1928


Cmd 3243

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 754 - 757 Cmd 3244 - 3254 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 405 Treaty Series No. 27 (1928) International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs with Protocol. Geneva, 19 February 1925. Ratification deposited 17 February 1926.

Cmd 3244

L/C. HC. 20 Dec. 1928 HL. 22 Jan. 1929 (R.)


Vol. XXIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 28 (1928) Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Spain for a modification of the Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of 31 October 1922 as revised by the Convention of 5 April 1927. Madrid, 31 May 1928.

Cmd 3247

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 31 Dec. 1928)


Vol. XXIII, 809 Treaty Series No. 1 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Governments of Germany, Denmark, France, Sweden, and Czechoslovakia and the Government of Poland to submit the question of the Territorial Limits of the Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the Oder to the decision of the Permanent Court of International Justice. London, 30 October 1928.

Cmd 3250

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 3 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the French Government regarding the Limits of French Fisheries in Granville Bay. London, 20 December 1928. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Cmd 3254

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 758-762 Cmd 3259 - 3267 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 743 Misc. No. 1 (1929) Documents received from the President of the Council of the League of Nations relative to certain incidents on the frontier of Bolivia and Paraguay.

Cmd 3259

RA/HL. 19 Dec. 1928 L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 37 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Belgian Government to dispense with the Legislation of certain Official Documents. Brussels, 21 December 1928.

Cmd 3260

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 241 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Siam regarding the Navigation of the River Mekong. Bangkok, 17 July 1927, 7 February 1928, 18 August 1928, 21 August 1928.

Cmd 3262

L/C. HC/L. 24 Jan. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 857 Treaty Series No. 29 (1928) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3266

L/C. HC. 15 Feb. 1929 HL. 19 Feb. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 873 Treaty Series No. 30 (1928) Index to Treaty Series, 1928. L/C. HG 15 Feb. 1929 HL. 19 Feb. 1929


Cmd 3267

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 763 - 767 Cmd 3270 - 3287 Item No.

Doc. No.

763 Vol. XXIII, 667 Misc. No. 2 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, K.G., M.P., British Delegate on the Fifth-third Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 10-15 December 1928.

Cmd 3270

L/C. HC. 18 Feb. 1929 HL 19 Feb. 1929

764 Vol. XII, 743 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the U.S.S.R., and Germany on 1 February 1929. [See Item 117, for detailed list of classes and Information given.]

Cmd 3277

L/C. HC/. 28 Feb. 1929

765 Vol. XXIII, 253 Sudan No. 1 (1929) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1927, with report on the Lee Stack Indemnity Fund.

Cmd 3284

L/C. HC. 11 March 1929 HL. 12 March 1929

766 Vol. XXIII, 151 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between His Majesty's Government and the President of the German Reich regarding legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 20 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 15 February 1929.

Cmd 3286

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1929

767 Vol. XXIII, 209 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Government of Japan for a Commercial modus vivendi. Wellington, 24 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1929


Cmd 3287

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 768 - 772 Cmd 3296 - 3314 Item No.

Doc. No.

768 Vol. XVI, 685 Petroleum Products (Prices) Statement of the Oil Companies concerned.

Cmd 3296

L/C. HC/L. 20 March 1929

769 Vol. XXIII, 109 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Egypt relative to the Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 and other Financial Questions. Cairo, 17 March 1929.

Cmd 3305

L/C. HC. 27 March 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

770 Vol. XXIII, 97 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Ecuador regarding the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Quito, 5 January 1929.

Cmd 3310

L/C. HC. 15 April 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

771 Vol. XXIII, 213 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands for the settlement of Claims of the Dutch Fishing Industry arising out of the War. London, 22 March 1929.

Cmd 3311

L/C. HC. 15 April 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

772 Vol. XXIII, 683 Misc. No. 3 . Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, K.G., M.P., British Delegate on the Fifty-fourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 4-9 March 1929. L/C. HC/L. 1 May 1929


Cmd 3314

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 772a - 775 Cmd 3317 - 3322

Item No.

Doc. No.

772a Vol. XV, 1 Dead Sea Salt Concessions Promoters and Financial Supporters of the proposed Company.

Cmd 3317

L/C. HC. 26 April 1929

HL. 30 Apri11929 773 Vol. XXIII, 45 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between His Majesty and the President of the Chinese Republic, with other Documents relating to Chinese Customs Tariff. Nanking, 20 December 1928. Ratifications exchanged at London, 14 March 1929.

Cmd 3319

L/C. HC/L 1 May 1929


Vol. XXIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Panama regarding the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Panama, 26 September 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Panama, 21 Feb. ruary 1929.

Cmd 3321

L/C. HC. 6 May 1929 HL 7 May 1929

774a Vol. XV, 3 Dead Sea Salt Concessions Documents relating to the Dead Sea Salt Concessions. L/C. HC. 6 May 1929

Cmd 3326

HL 7 May 1929

775 Vol. XXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 12 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Republic of Panama, with Protocols and Exchange of Notes. Panama, 25 September 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Panama, 8 April 1929. L/C. HC. 6 May 1929 HL 7 May 1929


Cmd 3322

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 776 - 777 Cmd 3336 - 3337

Doc. No.

Item No. 776 Vol. XXIII, 487 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Ninth Session, 7-24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1929

Cmd 3336

777 Vol. XXIII, 491 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eleventh Session, 30 May-16 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1929

Cmd 3337

BILLS PUBLIC 1929-1930 Item 778 - 779 Bill No. 17 - 59

Item No. 778

Doc. No. Vol. I, 153: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a certain convention on the execution of Arbitral Awards and to amend subsection (1) of section one of the Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Act 1924 [Item 332].

Bill 17

O.H.C.P. 23 July 1929

779 Vol. I, 167: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a certain convention on the execution of Arbitral Awards and to amend subsection (1) of section one of the Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Act 1924 [Item 332], as amended by Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1929


Bill 59

BILLS PUBLIC 1929-1930 Item 780 - 782 Bill No. 167 - 234 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. III, 603: Bills, Public (3) Overseas Trade Bill to extend the periods during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 to 1929.

Bill 167

O.H.C.P. 10 April 1930


Vol. III, 87: Bills, Public (3) Merchant Shipping Act (1894) Amendment Bill to enable the Board of Trade to suspend or cancel the certificate of any master, mate or engineer engaging in the illicit importation of intoxicating liquor into the territory of the United States of America.

Bill 169

O.H.C.P. 15 April 1930


Vol. II, 739: Bills, Public (2) London Naval Treaty Bill to enable effect to be given to a Treaty signed at London on behalf of His Majesty and certain other Powers and to repeal section four of the Treaties of Washington Act 1922.

Bill 234

O.H.C.P. 14 July 1930

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 783.784 S.P. No. 1 - 25 Item No.

Doc. No.

783 Vol. XVIII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1928-1929, ended 31 March 1929.

S.P. 1

O.H.C.P. 2 July 1929

784 Vol. V, 567: Reports, Committees (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Bill (Lords) Report and proceeding of Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1929


S.P. 25

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 785 - 788 S.P. No. 48 -118

Doc. No.

Item No. 785

Vol. XVIII, 243 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to the China Indemnity (Application) Act, 1925, showing the Receipts and Payments in the year ended 31 March 1929, with the Report of the Comptroller and AuditorGeneral thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 23 of 1928-29 [Item 729].

S.P. 48

O.H.C.P. 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XVIII, 387 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855. By Act Account for the Period to 31 December 1929.

S.P. 60

O.H.C.P. 4 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXIII, 871 By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1928-1929. 64th Number.

S.P. 107

O.H.C.P. 3 April 1930


Vol. XVIII, 565 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and Account up to 31 March 1930, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 29 April 1930


S.P. 118

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 789 S.P. No. 138

Item No.

Doc. No.

789 Vol. XVIII, 97 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1929-1930, ended 31 March 1930.

S.P. 138

O.H.C.P. 4 June 1930

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 790 - 792 Cmd 3340 - 3342

Item No.

Doc. No.

790 Vol. XXXI, 223 Treaty Series No. 13 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France respecting the Delimitations of certain portions of the Boundary between Senegal and Gambia, (four diagrams). London, 6 May 1929. L/C. HC/L 2 July 1929

Cmd 3340

791 Vol. XXXI, 21 Treaty Series No. 14 Treaty and Convention between His Majesty and the President of the Brazilian Republic for the Settlement of the Boundary between British Guiana and Brazil. London, 22 April 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 16 April 1929. [See also Item 862.] L/C. HC/L 2 July 1929

Cmd 3341

792 Vol. XXXI, 347 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government modifying the Agreement of 18 August 1927 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 13 March 1929. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1929

Cmd 3342


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 793 - 797 Cmd 3343 - 3368 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XVII, 507: Reports, Commissioners (10) Reparations Report of the Committee of Experts on Reparations (Young Report). 7 June 1929.

Cmd 3343

L/C. HC. 2 July 1929 (R.) HL. 2 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 437 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government regarding the expropriation of Landed Properties held by British Subjects. Athens, 17 February 1927 and 1 February 1929.

Cmd 3347

L/C. HC/L 3 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 143 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government in regard to the use of the waters of the River Nile for Irrigation Purposes, with seven diagrams. Cairo, 7 May 1929.

Cmd 3348

L/C. HC. 4 July 1929 HL 9 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 1033 Treaty Series No. I8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government for the establishment of a commercial Modus Vivendi. Angora, 2 July 1929.

Cmd 3366

L/C. HC. 25 July 1929 HL 26 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 207 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between Palestine and Egypt concerning the Reciprocal Enforcement of judgments. Cairo, I2 January 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (IL 31 July)


Cmd 3368

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 798 - 801 Cmd 3369 - 3383 Item No. 798

Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 425 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Greek Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin. London, 21 June 1929.

Cmd 3369

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 31 July)


Vol. XXXI, 85 Egypt No. 1 (1929) Exchange of Notes relating to proposals for an Anglo-Egyptian Settlement.

Cmd 3376

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 6 Aug.) 800

Vol. XXXII, 869 Misc. No. 4 (1929) Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir George Grahame, British Delegate, on the 55th Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 3377

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 20 Aug.)

800a Vol. VIII, 589: Reports, Commissioners (I) Report by Sir Samual Wilson, G.C.M.G., on his visit to East Africa.

Cmd 3378

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct 1929 (R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. VIII, 543: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1928 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 21 Aug.)


Cmd 3383

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 802 - 805 Cmd 3384 - 3392

Item No. 802

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 315 France No. 1 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France for the Exchange of Money Orders with France and Algeria, with detailed regulations. Signed at Paris, 15 May 1929. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3384

(R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 661 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of India and the Italian Government, concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships' Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations. Rome, 25 January 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3385

(R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 311 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the Laws of Landlord and Tenant. Paris, 21-25 May 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3390

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. XXXII, 301 Misc. No. 5 Protocol with Annexes approved at the Plenary Session of The Hague Conference, 31 August 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 4 Sept.)


Cmd 3392

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 806 - 809 Cmd 3394 - 3397

Doc. No.

Item No. 806

Vol. XXXI, 447 Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Shipping Profits from Income Tax. Athens, 31 July 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3394

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 429 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Greek Government, establishing a commercial modus vivendi between New Zealand and Greece. Athens, 13-16 November 1926. Athens, 11 October 1927-21 November 1928. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3395

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 673 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Japanese Government in regard to the exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits. London, 10 August 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3396

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 81 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention of Commerce between His Majesty in respect to the Dominion of Canada and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic. Ottawa, 15 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 30 October 1928. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 6 of 1928. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 19 Sept.)


Cmd 3397

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 810 - 814 Cmd 3398 - 3404 Item No.

Doc. No.

810 Vol. XXXII, 285 Misc. No. 6 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous, or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare. Geneva, 17 June 1925. The Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3398

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 19 Sept.)


Cmd 3400

Vol. XXIII, 813

East India Report on the Air Operations in Afghanistan between 12 December 1928 and 25 February 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 21 Sept.)

812 Vol. XXXII, 245 Treaty Series No. 27 International Agreement concerning the Preparation of a Transit Card for Emigrants. Geneva, 14 June 1929.

Cmd 3402

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 1 Oct.)

813 Vol. XXXI, 859 Sudan No. 2 (1929) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan for 1928, with Report on the Lee Stack Indemnity Fund.

Cmd 3403

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 11 Oct.)

814 Vol. XXXI, 351 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in United Kingdom and in the Irish Free State and the French Government for the Compensation of War Damage. Paris, 2 August 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 1 Oct.)


Cmd 3404

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 815-819 Cmd 3409 - 3421 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 823 Spain No. 1 (1929) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Spain, regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 27 June 1929. Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3409

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 1179 Treaty Series No. 29 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy. Paris, 27 August 1928. British Ratification deposited 2 March 1929.

Cmd 3410

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 313 Misc. No. 7 (Hague Conference) International Agreement on the Evacuation of the Rhineland Territory. The Hague, 30 August 1929.

Cmd 3417

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 25 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 769 Russia No. 1 (1929) Correspondence regarding the Resumption of Relations with the Government of the U.S.S.R. (15 July-3 October 1929.)

Cmd 3418

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 25 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 1119 Misc. No. 8 Declaration made on behalf of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom at the Signature- of the Optional Clause relating to the Permanent Court of International Justice. Geneva, 19 September 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R.25Oct.)


Cmd 3421

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 820 - 823 Cmd 3428 - 3438 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1069 Misc. No. 9 Protocol of Accession of the United States of America to the Protocol of Signature of the Court of International Justice. Geneva, 14 September 1929. This Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. [Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. See Item 857.]

Cmd 3428

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXI, 453 Treaty Series No. 30 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Guatamala, with Exchange of Notes. Guatamala, 22 February 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Guatamala, 29 May 1929.

Cmd 3429

L/C. HC. 15 Nov. 1929 HL. 19 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 1135 Misc. No. 10 Protocol for the Revision of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Geneva, 14 September 1929. Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. [Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited I2 February 1930. See Item 858.]

Cmd 3432

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 559 Treaty Series No. 31 International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Bones, with Protocol. Geneva, 11 July 1928. His Britannic Majesty's ratification deposited, 9 April 1929. L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1929 HL. 26 Nov. 1929


Cmd 3438

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 824 - 828 Cmd 3439 - 3450

Item No. 824

Doc. No. Vol. XXXII, 583 Treaty Series No. 32 International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Hides and Skins, with Protocol. Geneva, 11 July 1928. His Britannic Majesty's ratification deposited 9 April 1929. L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1929

Cmd 3439

HL 26 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 199 Iraq Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies on Policy in Iraq. L/C. HC/L. 20 Nov. 1929

Cmd 3440


Vol. XXXII, 727 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Twelfth Session, 30 May-21 June 1929 (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC. 30 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3441

HL. 31 Oct. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 25 Misc. No. 11 International Convention for the Supervision of the International Trade in Arms and Ammunition with Declaration regarding the Territory of Ifni. Geneva, 17 June 1925. The Convention and Declaration have not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3448


Vol. XIII, 453: Reports, Commissioners (6) Export Credits Reports of the Committee appointed to consider generally the Administration of the Export Credits Guarantee Scheme, 1928-1929.

Cmd 3450

L/C. HC. 6 Dec. 1929 HL. 9 Dec. 1929


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 829 - 832 Cmd 3452 - 3462 Item No.

Doc. No.

829 Vol. XXXII, 1121 Misc. No. 12 Memorandum on the Signature by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of the Optional Clause of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3452

830 Vol. XXXII, 961 Misc. No. 13 Report of the British Delegates on the Tenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 15 November 1929. In continuation of Misc. No. 8, 1928 [Item 752]. L/C. HC/L 20 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3458

831 Vol. XXXII, 889 Misc. No. 14 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-sixth and Fifty-seventh Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 28 Dec.)

Cmd 3459

832 Vol. XXXI, 681 Treaty Series No. 1 (1930) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the Lithuanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations as regulated by the Exchange of Notes 6 May 1922. London, 28 November-10 December 1929. L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R 8 Jan.)

Cmd 3462


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1980 Item 833 -837 Cmd 3464 - 3472 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XX, 703 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 December 1929. [See Item 117 for detailed list of information given.]

Cmd 3464

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 2 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 777 Treaty Series No. 2 Notes exchanged on the occasion of the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations with the U.S.S.R. London, 20 December 1929. Moscow, 21 December 1929.

Cmd 3467

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 17 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 35 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Rendition of the British Concession at Chinkiang. Nanking, 31 October 1929.

Cmd 3469

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 39 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Claims for Losses sustained by British Subjects at Chinkiang in 1927. Nanking, 9 November 1929.

Cmd 3470

L/C. HC/L. 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XXXII, i Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol regarding the International Convention of 7 June 1905 for the creation of the International Institute of Agriculture. Rome, 21 April 1926. L/C. HC/L 23 Jan. 1930


Cmd 3472

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 838 - 842 Cmd 3480 - 3486

Item No. 838

Doc. No. Cmd 3480

Vol. XXXI, 43

China No. 1 (1930) Chinese Mandate of 28 December 1929, regarding Extra-Territorial Rights in China; and Correspondence between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government in connection therewith. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1930 HL 3 Feb. 1930

Vol. XXXII, 685 Misc. No. 1 (1930) International Convention relating to International Exhibitions. Paris, 22 November 1928. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3483

840 Vol. XXXII, 331 Misc. No. 4 Agreements concluded at The Hague Conference, January 1930. These Agreements have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3484

841 Vol. XXXII, 1071 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on the Position at the London Naval Conference, 1930 of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC. 7 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3485


HL 11 Feb. 1930

842 Vol. XXXI, 387 Misc. No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the Subject. London, 28 December 1929. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Feb. 1930 196

Cmd 3486

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 843 - 847 Cmd 3487 - 3492 Item No.


Dot. No.

Vol. XXXI, 359 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect of the Union of South Africa and the President of the German Reich, with Protocol. Pretoria, I Sept. 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 11 June 1929.

Cmd 3487

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 20 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1025 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between His Majesty and the Amir of Trans-Jordan. Signed at Jerusalem, 20 February 1928. Ratification exchanged 31 October 1929.

Cmd 3488

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 18 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1021 Treaty Series No. 8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance. London, 19 November 1929.

Cmd 3489

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 18 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1187 Treaty Series No. 33 (1929) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3491.

L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1201 Treaty Series No. 34 (1929) Index to Treaty Series, I929. L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Cmd 3492

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 848 - 850 Cmd 3493 - 3502 Item No.

Doc. No.

848 Vol. XXXII, 159 Misc. No. 5 International Convention relating to Economic Statistics, with Protocol. Geneva, 14 December 1928. The Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3493

L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Vol. VIII, 589: Reports, Commissioners (1) East Africa Report of the East African Loan Committee, 1926-1929.

Cmd 3494

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 729 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Portuguese Republic regarding Native Labour from Mozambique, Railway Matters, and Commercial Intercourse. Pretoria, 11 September 1928. Ratification exchanged at Lisbon, 25 September 1929.

Cmd 3495

L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 605 Treaty Series No. 10 International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, with Protocol and annexed Declaration, and Supplementary Agreement. Geneva, 8 November 1927. Supplementary Agreement, Geneva, ll July 1928. Protocol, Paris, 20 December 1929. His Majesty's ratification deposited 12 April 1929. L/C. HC. 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Cmd 3502

COMMAND PAPERS 19291930 Item 851- 854 and 3503 - 3514 Item No.


Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 1089 United States No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq and the President of the United States of America regarding the Rights of the United States of America and of its Nationals in Iraq, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 9 January 1930. The Convention and Protocol have not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3503

L/C. HG 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1029 Treaty Series No. 11 International Convention relative to Motor Traffic. Paris, 24 April 1926. His Majesty's Ratifi= cation deposited 24 October 1929.

Cmd 3510

L/C. HC. 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 785 Russia No. I (1930) Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of Peoples' Commissars respecting Religious Associations. 8 April 1929. [See also Item 902.]

Crud 3511

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1930


Vol. XXXII, 911 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-Eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 18 March 1930 HL 19 March 1930


Cmd 3514

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 855 - 859 Ød3515-3530 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 721 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Peruvian Government relating to the treatment of Commercial Travellers and their samples. Lima, 81 December 1928.

Cmd 3515

L/C. HC. 18 March 1930 HL 19 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 69 Colombia No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and the President of Colombia supplementary to the Extradition Treaty with Colombia of 27 October 1888. Bogota, 2 December 1929. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3524

L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1079 Treaty Series No. 13 His Britannic Majesty's ratification in respect of the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. [See Cmd 3428, Item 820, for text.] L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930

Cmd 3527


Vol. XXXII, 1157 Treaty Series No. 14 Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. [See Cmd 3432, Item 822, for Text.]

Cmd 3528

L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Vol. XVI, 675: Reports, Commissioners (9) Palestine Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances of August, 1929. L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Cmd 3530

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 860 - 863 Cmd 3533 - 3539

Doc. No.

Item No. 860

Vol. XXV, 413 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining the proposed Financial Resolution relative to Overseas Trade. L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1930

Cmd 3533


Vol. XXXI, 1039 Turkey No. 1 (1930) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Turkey. Angora, 1 March 1930. This Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 8 Apri11930

Cmd 3536


Vol. XXXI, 29 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government for the demarcation of the Boundary between British Guiana and Brazil. London, 18 March 1930. [See Treaty Series No. 14, 1929, Item 791.] L/C. HG 11 April 1930

Cmd 3538

HL. 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXII, 89 Concerted Economic Action (Preliminary Conference) Commercial Convention and Protocol. Protocol regarding Future Negotiations and Final Act of the Preliminary Conference with a view to Concerted Economic Action. L/C. HC/L. 8 April 1930


Cmd 3539

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 864 - 868 Cmd 3541- 3547 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXII, 9 Misc No. 7 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 34, 37, 40, 41 and 42 and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Paris, 15 June 1929-11 December 1929. The Protocols have not been ratified by His Majesty. [See Item 1206 for Article amended and Ratification]. L/C. HC/1- 15 April 1930

Cmd 3541


Vol. XXXII, 1017 Treaty Series No. 16 International Agreement for the establishment of an International Bureau of Intelligence on locusts. Damascus, 20 May 1926.

Cmd 3542

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXI, 677 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Liberian Government regarding the boundary between Sierra Leone and Liberia. Monrovia, 16-17 January 1930.

Cmd 3543

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXI, 841 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, The King of Spain, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 June 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 9 April 1930.

Cmd 3544

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1077 Misc. No. 8 Memorandum on the Results of the London Naval Conference from 21 January to 13 April, 1930. London, 15 April 1930. L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Cmd 3547

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 869.872 Cmd 3552 - 3558 Item No.

Doc. No.

869 Vol. XXXI, 811 Treaty Series No. 19 Temporary Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 April 1930.

Cmd 3552

L/C. HG 29 April 1930 (IL) HL 29 April 1930

870 Vol. XXXI, 3 Austria No. 1 (1930) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and India and the Austrian Government in regard to the liquidation of Austrian Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the subject. Vienna, 15 March 1930. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3555

L/C. HC/L. 1 May 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1083 Misc. No. 9 International Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments. London, 22 April 1930. This Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3556

L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL 29 Apri11930

872 Vol. XXXII, 791 International Labour Conference Report to the Minister of Labour by the British Delegates on the Twelfth Session of the International Labour Conference, 30 May-21 June 1929. L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL 29 April 1930


Cmd 3558

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 873 - 875 Cmd 3559 - 3575 Item No.

Doc. No.

873 Vol. XXXII, 839 International Labour Conference Report to the Minister of Labour by the British Delegates on the Thirteenth Session of the International Labour Conference, 10-26 October 1929.

Cmd 3559

L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL. 29 April 1930

874 Vol. XXXI, 49 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian, Netherlands, Norwegian, and United States of America, Governments, and the Chinese Government relating to the Chinese Courts in the International Settlement at Shanghai, with relative exchange of Notes and Declaration. Nanking, 17 February 1930.

Cmd 3563

L/C. HC/L 8 May 1930

874a Vol. XXIII, 105 East Africa Memorandum on Native Policy in East Africa.

Cmd 3573

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1930

874b Vol. XXIII, 85 East Africa Statement of the Conclusions of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom as regards Closer Union in East Africa.

Cmd 3574

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1930

875 Vol. XXXI, 99 Egypt No. 1 (1930) Papers regarding the Recent Negotiations for an Anglo-Egyptian Settlement. 31 March-8 May 1930. L/C. HC/L 21 May 1930


Cmd 3575

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 876 - 880 Cmd 3577 - 3588

Doc. No.

Item No. 876 Vol. XXXI, 565 Hungary No. 1 (1930) International Agreements regarding the Financial Obligations of Hungary resulting from the Treaty of Trianon, etc., with Letters and Documents attached thereto. Paris, 28 April 1930. These Agreements have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 28 May 1930

Cmd 3577

877 Vol. XXXI, 403 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to Liquidation of German Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the subject. London, 28 December 1929. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 May 1930

Cmd 3580

878 Vol. XVI, 889: Reports, Commissioners (9) Palestine Statement with regard to British Policy. L/C. HC. 26 May 1930

Cmd 3582

HL. 27 May 1930

879 Vol. XXXI, 819 Treaty Series No. 22 Temporary Fisheries Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 22 May 1930. L/C. HC. 26 May 1930

Cmd 3583

HL. 27 May 1930

880 Vol. XXXI, 469 Holy See, No. 1 (1930) Correspondence with the Holy See relative to Maltese Affairs. January 1929—May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 3 June 1930


Cmd 3588

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 881- 884 Cmd 3590 - 3595 Item No.

.Doc. No.

881 Vol. XXXI, 59 China No. 2 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the National Government of the Republic of China for the Rendition of Wei-HaiWei and Agreement regarding certain facilities for His Majesty's Navy after Rendition. Nanking, 18 April 1930. Convention and Agreement have not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3590

L/C. HC. 5 June 1930 HL. 17 June 1930 882 Vol. XXXI, 1

Cmd 3592

Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Afghanistan regarding Treaty Relations with Afghanistan. London, 6 May 1930. L/C. HC. 17 June 1930 (R.) HL 17 June 1930

883 Vol. VIII, 547: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1929 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties Levied thereon.

Cmd 3594

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R.) HL. 17 June 1930

884 Vol. XXXII, 259 Misc. No. 10 Dispatch to His Majesty's Ambassador in Paris enclosing the Memorandum of the French Government on the organization of a system of European Federal Union. London, 28 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1930


Cmd 3595

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 885 - 888 Cmd 3597 - 3604 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1143 Misc. No. I1 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Interpretation of Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty 1930. London, 5 June 1930.

Cmd 3597

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R.) HL 17 June 1930


Vol. XXXII, 503 Hague Agreements Memorandum on the Receipts of the United Kingdom under The Hague Agreements, with the text of the Trust Agreement concluded between the Creditor Governments and the Bank for International Settlements.

Cmd 3598

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R) HL 18 June 1930


Vol. XII, 779. Reports, Commissioners (5) Economic Advisory Council Report of Delegation on the Industrial Conditions in the Iron and Steel Industries in France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Czechoslovakia.

Cmd 3601

L/C. HC. 19 June 1930 HL. 24 June 1930


Vol. XXXII, 293 Treaty Series No. 24 Protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of asphyxiating poisonous, or other gases, and of bacteriological methods of warfare. Geneva, 17 June 1925. His Britannic Majesty's ratifications in respect of the United Kingdom and India deposited on 9 April 1930, and of Canada, 6 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930


Cmd 3604

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 889 - 892 Cmd 3605 - 3611 Item No.

Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 419 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government for a Mutual Amnesty on the termination of the occupation of German Territory. Berlin, 9 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3605

890 Vol. XXXI, 689 Persia No. 1 Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia, in regard to the Tariff Autonomy of Persia, with Notes attached thereto. Teheran, 10 May 1928. The Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1930

Cmd 3606

891 Vol. XXXI, 75 Cuba No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South Africa, and the President of the Cuban Republic for the extension of the Extradition Treaty of 3 October 1904 to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories. Havana, 17 April 1930. This Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3608

892 Vol. XXXI, 251 France No. 1 (1930) Final Report of the Commissioners appointed to delineate the Boundary between the British and French Mandated Territories of Togoland, with Protocol. Lome, 21 October 1929. L/C. HC. 27 June 1930 HL. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3611



COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 893 - 896 Cmd 3612 - 3620

Item No. 893

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 211 France No. 2 Declaration made by the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria and the Governor of the French Cameroons, defining the boundary between British and French Cameroons. This declaration has not yet been approved by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC. 27 June 1930

Cmd 3612

HL 1 July 1930


Vol. XVIII, 373 German Loan Treasury Minute, dated 20 June 1930, relative to the disposal of the share of Great Britain in the proceeds of the German Government International 51/ per cent Loan 1930. L/C. HC. 30 June 1930

Cmd 3617

HL 1 July 1930

895 Vol. XXXI, 685 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government respecting the recognition of Certificates of Airworthiness. The Hague, 7 March-5 May 1930. L/C. HC/L 9 July 1930

Cmd 3618

Vol. XX, 697 Explanatory statement as to Naval Construction programme 1930. L/C. HC. 4 July 1930

Cmd 3620


HL. 8 July 1930


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 897 - 901 Cmd 3622 - 3639 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1147 United States No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America regarding the Boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo, with Exchange of Notes. Washington, 2 January 1930. The Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3622

L/C. HC. 18 July 1930 HL 21 July 1930


Vol. XXXI, 649 Iraq Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at Bagdad, 30 June 1930, with Notes exchanged. The Treaty has not been radfied by His Majesty.

Cmd 3627

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1930


Vol. XXXI, 639 Hungary No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Hungary in regard to Liquidation of Hungarian Property, with exchange of Notes. London, 1 July 1930. The Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3631

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1930 .


Vol. XXXII, 937 Misc. No. 12 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir A. Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 3632

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1207 Treaty Series No. 27 General Index to Treaty Series 1927-1929. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1930


Cmd 3639

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 902 Cmd 3641 Item No.

Doc. No.

902 Vol. XXXI, 799 Russia No. 2 Certain Legislation respecting Religion in force in the U.S.S.R. In continuation of Russia No. 1, I930 [Item 8531

Cmd 3641

RA/HL. 2 April 1930 L/C. HC/L. 31 July 1930

BILLS PUBLIC 1930-1931 Item 903 - 904a Bill No. 69 - 205 Item No.

Doc. No.

903 Vol. I, 315: Bills; Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision with respect to the Application of the China Indemnity Fund and of moneys paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 69

O.H.C.P. 12 Dec. 1930

904 Vol. III, 493: Bills; Public Palestine and East Africa Loans Bill to amend subsection (2) of section One of the Palestine and East Africa Loans Act, 1926.

Bill 130

O.H.C.P. 22 April 1931

904a Vol. II, 559: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea, signed at London, 31 May, 1929; to give effect to an international Load Line Convention, signed at London 5 July, 1930; and to ammend the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts, 18941928, relating to passenger steamers, life saving appliances, wireless • telegraphy, Load-lines, timber cargoes, and other matters affected by the said Conventions. O.H.C.P. 14 July 1931


Bill 205

BILLS PUBLIC 1930-1931 Item 904b Bill No. 212

Item No.

Doc. No.

904b Vol. III, 587: Bills, Public Presentation of Reports of Products of Convict or Forced Labour (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to prohibit the importation of products of convict Labour or Forced Labour, and for purposes connected therewith.

Bill 212

O.H.C.P. 16 July 1931

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 905 - 907 S.P.No.29-73

Doc. No.

Item No. 905 Vol. XVIII, 121 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund, showing the Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1930, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 48 of 1929-1930. [Item 785.]

S.P. 29

O.H.C.P. 20 Jan. 1931


Vol. VI, 797: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee B.

S.P. 41

O.H.C.P. 3 Feb. 1931

907 Vol. XVIII, 483 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1931, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 29 April 1931


S.P. 73

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 908 - 908b S.P. No. 106 -156 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1931.

S.P. 106

O.H.C.P. 2 June 1931

908a Vol. XXIV, 421 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Condition of India during the Year 1929-1930: 65th Number.

S.P. 111

O.H.C.P. 17 June 1931

908b Vol. VII, 1: Reports, Committees (3) East Africa Joint Committee on CIoser Union in East Africa. Vol. 1 Report with proceedings of Committee VoI. II Evidence and Index Vol. III Appendices

S.P. 156

O.H.C.P. 7 October 1931

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 909 Cmd 3653 Item No.

Doc. No.

909 Vol. XXXIV, 309 Roumania No. 1 (1930) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty, the King of Roumania, with Protocol of Signature and exchange of Notes. London, 6 August 1930. Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. [Ratified 12 May 1931. See Item 1033.] L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 3653

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 910-913 Cmd 3655 - 3662

Item No.

Doc. No.

910 Vol. XXXV, 143 Treaty Series No. 28 (1930) International Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards. Geneva, 26 September 1927. His Majesty's ratification in respect of the United Kingdom and New Zealand deposited on 2 July 1930 and 9 April 1929, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3655

(R. 25 Aug.)

911 Vol. XXXIII, 417 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the German Government regarding the release of Property Rights, and Interests of German Nationals with Exchange of Notes. The Hague, 17 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3660

(R. 2 Sept.)

912 Vol. XXXIV, 155 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen. London, 24 July 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3661

(R. 2 Sept.)

913 Vol. XXXIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 31 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial modus vivendi. Cairo, 5-7 June 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Sept.)


Cmd 3662

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 914 - 917 Cmd 3663 - 3671 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 443 Germany No. 1 (1930) Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the German Reich amending the Agreement of 29 June 1927, relating to Air Navigation. Berlin, 5 July 1930. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3663

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 45 Misc. No. 13 (1930) International Convention respecting Load Lines, with Final Protocol and Final Act of the International Load Line Conference. London, 5 July 1930. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3668

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 229 Misc. No. 14 Report of the Delegation of the United Kingdom on the International Load Line Conference 1930. 5 July 1930.

Cmd 3669

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 187 Treaty Series No. 32 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands respecting the Delimitation of the Frontier between the States in Borneo under British Protection and Netherlands Territory in that Island, with map. The Hague, 26 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at The Hague, 6 August 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 18 Sept.)


Cmd 3671

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 918-921 Cmd 3673 - 3676 Item No.

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 37 4' Argentine No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Argentine Republic in regard to Compensation for accidents to workmen. Buenos Aires, 15 November 1929. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Aug.)

Cmd 3673

919 Vol. XXXIII, 233 Treaty Series No. 33 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Government of Costa Rica respecting Commercial Travellers. San Jose, Costa Rica, 27 December 1928. Ratifications exchanged at San Jose, 8 August 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (IL 2 Oct.)

Cmd 3674


Vol. XXXIV, 1 Iraq Notes exchanged with the Iraq Prime Minister embodying the Separate Agreements of Financial Questions referred to in the second exchange of Notes appended to the Anglo-Iraq Treaty of 30 June 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R 26 Sept.)

Cmd 3675


Vol. XXXIV, 249 Treaty Series No. 34 Commercial Agreement between the High Commissioner for South Africa and the Governor General of Mozambique regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland, and Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique. Cape Town, 13 February 1930. Lourenco Marquis, 18 February 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R 2 Oct.)

Cmd 3676



COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 922 - 926 Cmd 3677 - 3687 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXV, 43 Treaty Series No. 35 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Angora, 15 January 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 3 September 1930.

Cmd 3677

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Oct.)

923 Vol. XXXIV, 263 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government for the Arbitration of Major Campbell's Claim for damages suffered in Mozambique. Lisbon, 1 August 1930.

Cmd 3679

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXV, 49 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Turkish Government regarding Commercial Relations between India and Turkey. Angora, 3 September 1930.

Cmd 3685

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 459: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Report on Immigration, Land Settlement, and Development by Sir John Hope Simpson. [See Item 926.]

Cmd 3686

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 6 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 647: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Appendix, containing maps, to Report by Sir John Hope Simpson., [See Item 925.] L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 23 Oct.)


Cmd 3687

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 927 - 930 Cmd 3688 - 3692

Item No. 927

Doc. No. Vol. XXXVI, 549 Misc. No. 15 Universal Postal Union Postal Convention with Detailed Regulations for its execution and Agreement concerning insured Letters and Boxes. London, 28 June 1929. Convention and Agreement have not been ratified by His Majesty in the United Kingdom.

Cmd 3688

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 14 Oct.)


Vol. XXXV, i Sweden No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Sweden regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 28 August 1930. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3689

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 20 Oct.)


Vol. XXXIII, 303 Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the French Government for the amendment of the Protocol of 6 August 1914 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 4 September 1930.

Cmd 3690

L/C. HC/I. 28 Oct 1930 (R. 20 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 661: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Statement of Policy by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 16 Oct.)


Cmd 3692

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 931- 934 Cmd 3693 - 3697

Item No.

Doc. No.

931 Vol. XXXV, 655 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its I4th Session, 10-28 June 1930. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3693

(R. 8 Oct.)

932 Vol. XXXIV, 241 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Paraguayan Government respecting Commercial Travellers. Asuncion, 16 July 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Asuncion, 20 September 1930.

Cmd 3694

L/C. HC/L 28 Oa. 1930 (R. 22 Oct.)

933 Vol. XXXV, 57 Treaty Series No. 40 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Turkey. Angora, 1 March 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 3 September 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3695

(R. 22 Oct.)

933a Vol. XIX, 343 Air Note by the Secretary of State for Air on the principal provisions to be embodied in a contract with Imperial Airways Ltd., for a weekly airservice between Egypt and South Africa, connecting with the existing service between England and Egypt.

Cmd 3696

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 18 Oct.)

934 Vol. XXXIV, 569 Sudan No. 1 (1930) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1929. L/C. HC/L 5 Nov. 1930


Cmd 3697

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 935 - 938 Cmd 3703 - 3710 Item No.

Doc. No.

935 Vol. XXXIII, 431 Treaty Series No. 41 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the German Government regarding the release of property rights and interests of German Nationals with exchange of Notes. The Hague, 17 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 13 June 1930. L/C. HC/L. 5 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3703

936 Vol. XXXIII, 263 Ethiopia No. 1 (1930) Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and His Majesty Emperor of Ethiopia, the President of the French Republic, and His Majesty, King of Italy, regulating the Importation into Ethiopia of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War, with Declarations and Protocol of Signature. Paris, 21 August 1930. Treaty has not been ratified. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3707

937 Vol. XXXIV, 195 Treaty Series No. 42 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Netherlands Government respecting Air Mail Services to the East Indies and Australia. London, 7 April-3 June 1930. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL. 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3709

938 Vol. XXXV, 491 Treaty Series No. 43 International Convention relating to Economic Statistics with Protocol. Geneva, 14 December 1928. Ratification United Kingdom, 9 May 1930; Union of South Africa, 1 May 1930; Irish Free State, 15 September 1930. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL. 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3710


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 939 - 942 Cmd 3711- 3719 Item No.



Vol. XXXIII, 181 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Rendition of the British Concession at Amoy. Nanking, 17 September 1930.

Cmd 3711

L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL 18 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXIII, 311 Treaty Series No. 45 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the French Covernment regarding Boundary between British and French Mandated Territories of Togoland, with Joint Note of 23 September 1930 to the SecretaryGeneral of the League of Nations, with map. London, 30 January-19 August 1930.

Cmd 3713

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 5 Jan.)


Vol. XXXIII, 185 China No. 3 (1930) Papers regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901, 19 September-14 November 1930.

Cmd 3715

L/C. HC/L 18 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 53 Treaty Series No. 47 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in Irish Free State and the Turkish Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Angora, 21 December 1929. L/C. HC/L 27 Nov. 1930


Cmd 3719

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 943 - 947 Cmd 3720 - 3734 Item No.

Doc. No.

943 Vol. XXXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the President of Colombia, supplementary to the Treaty of 27 October 1888 in regard to Extradition. Bogota, 2 December 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Bogota, 5 November 1930.

Cmd 3720

L/C. HC/L. 27 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXIV, 89 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Irish Free State and the Italian Government concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations. Rome, 10 May 1930.

Cmd 3723

L/C. HC/L. 27 Nov. 1930

945 Vol. XXXVI, 225 Maps to accompany the International Load Line Convention. Signed at London, 5 July 1930.

Cmd 3730

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 24 Dec. 1930)

946 Vol. XXXV, 653 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations relating to Sickness Insurance adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 10th Session, 25 May-16 June 1927.

Cmd 3732

L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXIII, 777 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Greek Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Athens, 15 May 1930. L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1930 HL. 15 Dec. 1930


Cmd 3734

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 948 - 951 Cmd 3741- 3750 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 211 Treaty Series No. 50 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the National Government of the Republic of China for the Rendition of Wei Hai Wei and Agreement regarding certain Facilities for His Majesty's Navy after Rendition, with map and two plans. Nanking, 18 April 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Nanking, 1 October 1930.

Cmd 3741

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 207 Misc. No. 17 Memorandum on Chemical Warfare presented to the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference by the Delegation of the United Kingdom. Geneva, 18 November 1930.

Cmd 3747

L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 785 Misc. No. 18 Papers regarding the Proposed Amendment of the Covenant of the League of Nations in order to bring it into harmony with the Pact of Paris of 27 August 1928. September 1929—November 1930.

Cmd 3748

RA/HL. 30 July 1930 (withdrawn) L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 39 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, in respect to the Irish Free State, and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance. Berne, 3 and 4 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1930


Cmd 3750

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 952 - 955 Cmd 3755 - 3758 Item No.

Doc. lo.

952 Vol. XXXVI, 511 Misc. No. 1 (1931) International Convention regarding the Maintenance of certain Lights on the Red Sea. London, 16 December 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3755

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 437 Misc. No. 2 International Agreement revising the Agreement of 1906 respecting the Unification of Pharmacopoeial Formulas for Potent Drugs. Brussels, 20 August 1929. His Majesty's Government proposes shortly to accede to this Agremeent.

Cmd 3756

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 209 Misc. No. 3 Despatch from Visc. Cecil of Chelwood enclosing the Report of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference and the Draft Disarmament Convention. Geneva, 10 December 1930.

Cmd 3757

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 159 Treaty Series No. 1 (1931) International Treaty for Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments. London, 22 April 1930. Ratification by United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India, 27 October 1930; Irish Free State, 31 December 1930. L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Cmd 3758

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 956 - 959 Cmd 3760 - 3763 Item No.

Doc. No.

956 Vol. XXXIV, 99 Italy No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Italy, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 17 December 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3760

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931

(R. 15 Jan.)

957 Vol. XXXIII, 455 Treaty Series No. 7 International Agreement in regard to the German 51/ % Loan 1930. Paris, 10 June 1930.

Cmd 3761

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931

(R. 19 Jan.)

Cmd 3762

958 Vol. XXXIII, 43

Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and India and the Austrian Government in regard to the Liquidation of Austrian Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the Subject. Vienna, 15 March 1930. Ratification: United Kingdom and India, 3 October 1930; New Zealand, 29 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 20 jan. 1931

(IL 19 Jan.)

959 Vol. XXXIII, 479 Treaty Series No. 2 International. Agreements regarding the Financial Obligations of Germany resulting from the Treaty of Versailles, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. [See Item 1056.] L/C. HC/L. 5 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3763

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 960 - 963 Cmd 3764 - 3768

Item No. 960

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 61 Treaty Series No. 3 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Austria resulting from the Treaty of St. Germain, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratification: United Kingdom, 28 June; Canada, 12 July; Australia, 21 July; the Union of South Africa, 26 July; India, 21 July 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931

Cmd 3764

HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 241

Cmd 3765

Treaty Series No. 4 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Czechoslovakia resulting from the Peace Treaties of 1919, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, 11 July; Canada, 11 July; Australia, 21 July; New Zealand, 11 July; the Union of South Africa, 26 July; India, 11 July 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931 HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 313 Treaty Series No. 6 International Convention respecting the Bank for International Settlements. The Hague, 20 January 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931

Cmd 3766

HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 159 Mexico No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States, supplementary to the Convention of 19 November 1926, respecting British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico owing to Revolutionary Acts. Mexico, 5 December 1930. Not Ratified. [Ratified 9 March 1931. See Item 997] L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Cmd 3768

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 964 - 966 Cmd 3770 - 3775 Item No. 964

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 469 Concerted Economic Action Final Act of the Second International Conference with a view to concerted economic action. November 1930.

Cmd 3770

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 17 Jan.) 965

Cmd 3771

Vol. XXXV, 855

Misc. No. 4 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 11 Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 31 December 1930. In continuation of Misc. No. 13, 1929 [Item 830.] L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1931 HL. 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 107 Treaty Series No. 8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America regarding Civil Aircraft. Washington, 29 August-22 October 1929. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 13, 1929.

Cmd 3773

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931 967

Cmd 3774

Vol. XXXV, 721

League of Nations International Labour Conference. Report by the Delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the 14 th Session of the International Labour Conference. 10-28 June 1950. L/C. HC. 2I Jan. 1931 HL 27 Jan. 1931 968

Vol. XXXIV, 369 Russia No. 1 (1931) Selection of Documents relative to the Labour Legislation in force in the U.S.S.R. RA/HL 12 Nov.1930 (Withdrawn) L/C. HC/L. 27 Jan. 1931


Cmd 3775

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 969 - 972 Cmd 3776 - 3780 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXV, 577 Treaty Series No. 9 International Convention relating to International Exhibitions. Paris, 22 November 1928. Ratification by the United Kingdom deposited 17 December 1930.

Cmd 3776

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 17 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Sweden, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 28 August 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 16 January 1931.

Cmd 3777

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 375 France No. 1 (1931) Correspondence respecting Position of British Holders of French Rents issued in the United Kingdom in 1915-1918. July 1930—January 1931.

Cmd 3779

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL. 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 251 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial modus vivcndi. Cairo, 25-28 July 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3780

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 973 - 976 Cmd 3782 - 3791 Item No.

Doc. No.

973 Vol. XXXIV, 175 Monaco No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, and the Prince of Monaco, for the extension to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories of the Treaty of 17 December 1891 in regard to Extradition. Paris, 27 November 1930. Not Ratified by His Majesty. [Ratified 5 June 1931. See Item 1017.]

Cmd 3782

L/C. HC. 2 Feb. 1931 HL. 3 Feb. 193 1


Vol. XXXIII, 167

Cmd 3787

Treaty Series No. 12 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Bulgaria resulting from the Treaty of Neuilly, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, 27 December 1930; Canada, 29 December 1930; Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, 28 January 1931; India, 28 January 1931. L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1931 HL. 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 199 Norway No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Norway regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 30 January 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 7 August 1931. See Item 1026.]

Cmd 3790

L/C. HC/L 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 13 International Agreement concerning Manned Lightships not as their Stations. Lisbon, 23 October 1930. L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3791

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 977 - 981 Cmd 3792 - 3796

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXIV, 231 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government respecting the Recognition of Norwegian sovereignty over Jan Mayen Island. Oslo, 18 and 19 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3792


Vol. XXXVI, 551 Misc. No. 5 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 2 March 1931

Cmd 3793

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 351 Misc. No. 6 International Convention relative to Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. [Ratified 23 June 1931. See Item 1030.] L/C. HC. 2 March 1931

Cmd 3794

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 599 Misc. No. 7 Final Act of the Conference regarding Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field and the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. L/C. HG 2 March 1931

Cmd 3795

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 531 Treaty Series No. 16 International Agreement on the Evacuation of the Rhineland Territory. The Hague, 30 August 1929. L/C. HG 2 March 1931 HL. 3 March 1931


Cmd 3796

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 982 - 985 Cmd 3797 - 3805

Item No.

Doc. No.

982 Vol. XXXIV, 7 Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Iraq with an Exchange of Notes, Bagdad, 30 June 1930; with Notes exchanged embodying a separate Financial Agreement. London, 19 August 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 26 January 1931. L/C. HC/L 25 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3797

983 Vol. XXXVI, 315 Misc. No. 8 Memorandum on the Proposed Accession of His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the General Act of 1928 for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. L/C. HC/L 24 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3803

984 Vol. XXXV, 835 Misc. No. 9 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the 62nd Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 19-24 January 1931. L/C. HC/L 12 March 1931

Cmd 3804

985 Vol. XX, 763 FIeets: The British Empire and Foreign Countries Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 February 1931, distinguishing both built and building, the various classes. [See Item 117 for detailed list.] L/C. HC/L. 26 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3805


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 986-990 Cmd 3806 - 3816 Item No.

Doc. No.

986 Vol. XXXV, 355 Treaty Series No. 17 International Convention for the unification of certain Rules of Law, relating to Bills of Lading. Brussels, 25 August 1924. His Majesty's Ratification deposited 2 June 1980.

Cmd 3806

L/C. HC/L 12 March 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 201 Treaty Series No. 18 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901. Nanking, 19 and 22 September 1930.

Cmd 3808

L/C. HC/L. 12 March 1931


Vol. XXXV, 199 Misc. No. 10 Memorandum on the Results of the Negotiations with France and Italy for the Reduction and Limitation of Naval Armaments. FebruaryMarch 1931.

Cmd 3812

L/C. HC/L 10 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 703 Treaty Series No. 53 (1930) Index to Treaty Series 1930.

Cmd 3813

L/C. HC/L 19 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 677 Treaty Series No. 52 (1930) Treaties etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. L/C. HC/L 19 March 1931


Cmd 3816

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 991- 994 Cmd 3833.3839 Item No.

Doc. No.

991 Vol. XXXIV, 23 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Iraq and the President of the United States of America, regarding the Rights of the United States and its Nationals in Iraq, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 9 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 24 February 1931.

Cmd 3833

L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (R. 9 April)


Vol. XXXIV, 115 Italy No. 2 Agreement concerning Claims of Certain British and Italian Protected Persons and Colonial Subjects arising out of Raids and Incidents on the Anglo-Italian Frontier in Somaliland. Bihen, 2 September 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3834

L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (R)


Vol. XXXIII, 255 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial modus vivendi of June 5-7 1930. Cairo, 14-22 February 1931.

Cmd 3835

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 77 Iraq Judicial Agreement between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at Bagdad, 4 March 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 29 May 1931. See Item 1025.] L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (IL 13 April)


Cmd 3839

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 995 - 998 Cmd 3841- 3847 Item No.

Doc. No.

995 Vol. XXXV, 757 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendations concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 14th Session. 10-28 June 1930.

Cmd 3841

L/C. HC. 16 April 1931 HL 21 April 1931 (R.)

996 Vol. XXXIII, 805 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Hungary in regard to the Liquidation of Hungarian Property, with Exchange of Notes. London, 1 July 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Budapest, 26 March 1931.

Cmd 3845

L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931

997 Vol. XXXIV, 167 Treaty Series No. 22 Cmd 3768. Ratified in Mexico City, 9 March 1931. [See Item 963 for Text.]

Cmd 3846

L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931

998 Vol. XXXIII, 259 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial modus vivendi of 25-28 July 1930. Cairo, 14-22 February 1931. Reprint Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931


Cmd 3847

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 999 -1002 Cmd 3848 - 3864 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIII, 115 Palestine and East Africa Loan (Guarantee). Memorandum on proposed Financial Resolution. L/C. HC. 20 April 1931 HL 21 April 1931

Cmd 3848


Vol. XXXIII, 71 Austria No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 31 March 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL. 28 April 1931

Cmd 3850


Vol. XXXIV, 131 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Government of India and the Italian Government respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. London, 13 April 1931. L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1931

Cmd 3855


Vol. XXXVI, 11 Misc. No. 11 International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Rome, 2 June 1928. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 14 May 1931

Cmd 3864


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1003 -1006 Cmd 3874 - 3885

Item No. 1003

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 761 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendations regarding the Regulation of Hours of Work in Commerce and Offices adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 14th Session, 10-28 June 1930. L/C. HC. 2 June 1931

Cmd 3874

HL. 5 June 1931 (R. 1 June)


Vol. XXXIV, 235 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in Canada and the Norwegian Government respecting sovereignty over the Otto Sverdrup Islands. London, 8 August 1930; Oslo, 5 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 11 June 1931

Cmd 3875


Vol. XXXIII, 449 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the German Reich amending the Agreement of 29 June 1927 relating to Air Navigation. Berlin, 5 July 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 6 May 1931. L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1931

Cmd 3880


Vol. XXXV, 487 Concerted Economic Action Protocol of the Second International Conference with a view to Concerted Economic Action. Second Session Geneva, 16-18 March 1931. L/C. HC/L. 10 June 1931

Cmd 3885


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1007 .1010 Cmd 3886 - 3892 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 765 Treaty Series No. 27 Agreement between His Majesty in Canada and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties. The Hague, 14 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 27 August 1930. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 11, 1930.

Cmd 3886

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1931


Vol. XXXV, 387 Cheques International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques. Geneva, 19 March 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3888

L/C. HC. 8 June 1931 HL 9 June 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 781 Greece No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Hellenic Republic respecting Air Transport Services. Athens, 17 April 1931. This Convention has not been ratified.

Cmd 3889

L/C. HC/L 24 June 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 137 Italy No. 3 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of Italy respecting Air Transport Services. Rome, 16 May 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 29 June 1931 HL. 30 June 1931


Cmd 3892

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1981 Item 1011-1015 Cmd 3893 - 3906 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXIII, 91 Belgium No. 1 (1931) Protocols signed by the Commissioners appointed to delimit and demarcate the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. 1 October 1929 and 24 February 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3893

L/C. HC. 29 June 1931 HL 30 June 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 273 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government respecting the Boundary between the Mandated Territory of South West Africa and Angola. Lisbon, 29 April 1931.

Cmd 3896

L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1931


Vol. XXXV, 845 Misc. No. 12 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the 63rd Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 18-23 May 1931. L/C. HC/L. 9 July 1931

Cmd 3901


Vol. XVII, 343: Reports, Commissioners (8) Russia Report by the Commercial Counsellor to His Majesty's Embassy in Moscow on the Organization of Foreign Trade of the U.S.S.R.

Cmd 3904

L/C. HC. 15 June 1931 HL Not Listed


Vol. XXXV, 621 Misc. No. 13 Memorandum respecting the International Convention on Financial Assistance. Signed at Geneva, 2 October 1930. L/C. HC/L 14 July 1931


Cmd 3906

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1016 -1020 Cmd 3907 - 3924 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXVI, 233 Misc. No. 14 Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries.

Cmd 3907

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 181 Treaty Series No. 29 Cmd 3782 Ratified, Paris 5 June 1931. [See Item 973 for Text.]

Cmd 3908

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 815 Treaty Series No. 30 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Hungary resulting from the Treaty of Trianon, etc., with Letters and Documents attached thereto. Paris, 28 April 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Government of India, 9 April 1931.

Cmd 3910

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXV, 33 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency. London, 6 July 1931.

Cmd 3923

L/C. HC. 30 July 1931 HL 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 299 Misc. No. 15 International Protocol relating to a certain case of Statelessness. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931 HL 31 July 1931


Cmd 3924

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1021-1026 Cmd 3925 - 3934

Doc. No.

Item No. 1021

VoL XXXVI, 291 Misc. No. 16 International Protocol relating to Military Obligations in Certain Cases of Double Nationality. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931

Cmd 3925

HL. 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 307 Misc. No. 17 International Protocol concerning Statelessness. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931

Cmd 3926

HL 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 335 Treaty Series No. 32 General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. Geneva, 26 September 1928. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3930

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXXV, 113 Misc. No. 18 Convention for the Creation of an International Agricultural Mortgage Credit Company. Geneva, 21 June 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3931

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIV, 83 Treaty Series No. 33 Cmd 3839 Ratified Bagdad, 29 May 1931. [See Item 994 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3933

(R 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIV, 215 Treaty Series No. 35 Cmd 3790 Ratified London, 7 August 1931. [See Item 975 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 3934

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1027 -1030 Cmd 3935 - 3941 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIV, 729 Sudan No. 1 (1931) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1930.

Cmd 3935

L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIII, 387 Treaty Series No. 34 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting the Boundary between British and French Cameroons, with map. London, 9 January 1931.

Cmd 3936

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXXVI, 629 Treaty Series No. 36 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in the Field. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Ratification for the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India deposited 23 June 1931.

Cmd 3940

L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 431 Treaty Series No. 37 International Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Ratifications for the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India deposited, 23 June 1931. [See Item 979.] L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R 3 Sept.)


Cmd 3941

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1031-1034 Cmd 3942 - 3946

Item No. 1031

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 793 Guatemala No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Guatemala respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Guatemala, 6 June 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3942

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 291 Portugal No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Portuguese Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 9 July 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3944

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 337 Treaty Series No. 38 Cmd 3653 Ratified, Bucharest, 12 May 1931. [See Item 909 for Text.]

Cmd 3945

L/C. HC. 9 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 801 Treaty Series No. 39 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, the Irish Free State, and Guatemalan Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Guatemala, 8 February-10 April 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State, Treaty Series. L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 4 Sept.)


Cmd 3946

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1035 -1038 Cmd 3947 - 3950

Item No. 1035

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 393 Misc. No. 19 Report of International Committee of Experts respecting suspension of certain Inter-Governmental Debts falling due during the Year ending 30 June 1932, with Protocols and Declarations. Signed at London, 11 and 13 August 1931. Not Ratified. [See also Item 11381 L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3947

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. X, 891: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1930 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into Certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3948

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIII, 1 Albania No. 1 (1931) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Albanians, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Tirana, 31 July 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 9 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3949

HL 17 Sept. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 89 Treaty Series No. 40 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government relating to the Provisional Dissolution of the AngloAustrian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 14 July 1931. L/C. HC. 11 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931


Cmd 3950

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1039 -1040 Cmd 3951- 3960 Item No.

Doc. No.

Cmd 3951

1039 Vol. XXXIV, 365 Treaty Series No. 41

Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Irish Free State, and the Roumanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Bucharest, 1-27 October 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 11 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931

1040 Vol. XXXV, 765 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 15th Session, 28 May-18 June 1931.

Cmd 3960

L/C. HC/L. 6 Oct. 1931

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1041 Bill No. 12 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. II, 47: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea, signed in London on 31 May 1929; to give effect to an International Load Line Convention, signed in London 5 July 1930; and to amend the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894 to 1928, relating to passenger steamers, life-saving appliances, wireless telegraphy, load-lines, timber cargoes, and other matters affected by the said Conventions. Resolution as to Expenses, see: 5 February and 8 February 1932. Resolved to provide sufficient Funds. O.H.C.P. 26 Nov. 1931


Bill 12

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1042 - 1044a Bill No. 24 - 47 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. II, 259: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load-Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill Nb. 12, as amended in Standing Committee B. [See Item 1041 for Text.]

Bill 24

O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1932


Vol. I, 385: Bills, Public Dangerous Drugs (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Dangerous Drugs Acts 1920-1925 so far as necessary to enable effect to be given to a Convention signed at Geneva on behalf of His Majesty on 13 July 1931, and to make provision for an extension of those Acts to drugs capable of being Converted into Dangerous Drugs.

Bill 39

O.H.C.P. 7 March 1932


Vol. I, 543: Bills, Public Goods made by forced labour Bill to prohibit the importation of goods made by Foreign Forced Labour. [See Item 904b.] Not printed.

Bill 44

O.H.C.P. 15 March 1932

1044a Vol. III, 415: Bills, Public Tanganyika and British Honduras Loans Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a loan to be raised by the Government of Tanganyika, to authorize a loan to the Government of British Honduras, and to authorize the making of advances out of moneys provided by Parliament for the payment of the annual or halfyearly charges in respect to the said loans for a limited period. O.H.C.P. 15 March 1932


Bill 47

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1045 - 1045a Bill No. 106 -117

Item No.

Doc. No.

1045 Vol. I, 73: Bills, Public Carriage by Air (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a Convention for the Unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air, to make p4'ovision for applying the rules contained in the said Convention, subject to exceptions, adoptions, and modifications, to carriage by air which is not international carriage within the meaning of the Convention, and for purposes connected with the purposes aforesaid.

Bill 106

O.H.C.P. 16 June 1932

1045a Vol. I, 445: Bills, Public Extradition (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to include offences in relation to dangerous Drugs, and attempts to commit such offences, among extradition crimes.

Bill 117

O.H.C.P. 1 July 1932

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1046 -1047 S.P. No. 8 - 47

Item No. 1046

Doc. No. Vol. XIV, 123 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to the China Indemnity (Application) Act I925, showing the Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1931, with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 29 of 19301931 [Item 905].

S.P. 8

O.H.C.P. 7 Dec. 1931

1047 Vol. V, 111: Reports, Committees (2) Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load-Line Convention Bill) (Lords) Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee B. O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1932


S.P. 47

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1048 -1050 S.P. No. 75 -105

Item No. 1048

Doc. No. Vol. XIV, 495 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the Scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1932 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Act and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 75

O.H.C.P. 11 May 1932


Vol. XIV, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1932.

S.P. 81

O.H.C.P. 30 May 1932

1049a Vol. XVIII, 865 Tanganyika By Act Treasury minute, 3 June 1932, guaranteeing the payment of the principal of, and the interest on, the Tanganyika Government 4 per cent Guaranteed Stock 1952-1972, to the nominal amount of £500,000.

S.P. 88

O.H.C.P. 16 June 1932


Vol. XIV, 127 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund, showing the Receipts and Payments in the year ended 31 March 1932, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 8, 1931-I932 [Item 1046]. O.H.C.P. 5 July 1932


S.P. 105

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1051 S.P. No. 116

Doc. No.

Item No. 1051

Vol. XIX, 319 By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Conditions of India during year 1930-1931. Sixty-sixth number.

S.P. 116

O.H.C.P. 12 July 1932

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1052 -1054 Cmd 3973 - 3986

Doc. No.

Item No. 1052

Vol. XXVII, 105 Treaties Series No. 42 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the President of the Cuban Republic for the Extension of the Extradition Treaty of 3 October 1904 to certain protectorates and mandated Territories. Havana, 17 April 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Havana, 12 November 1931. L/C. HC/L. 3 Dec. 1931

Cmd 3973


Vol. XXVII, 1059 Misc. No. 20 (1931) International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, with Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 13 July 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932

Cmd 3979

(R. 17 Dec. 1931)


Vol. XXVII, 969 Misc. No. 21 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on the Twelfth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 October 1931. [See also Item 1143.] L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 30 Dec. 1931)


Cmd 3986

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1055 -1058

Cmd 3992 - 3999 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 581 Treaty Series No. 1 (1932) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Salvador in regard to Commercial Relations. San Salvador, 8 August 1931.

Cmd 3992

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 265 Germany No. 1 (1932) Report of the Special Advisory Committee convened under the Agreement with Germany concluded at The Hague on 20 January 1930. [See Item 959.] Basle, 23 December 1931.

Cmd 3995

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 39 Treaty Series No. 2 (1932) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 16 October 1931. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 3998

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 21 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 833 United States No. 1 (1932) Extradition Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America. London, 22 December 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 21 Jan.)


Cmd 3999

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1059 - 1062 Cmd 4002 - 4006 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 35 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 11 September 1931.

Cmd 4002

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 28 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 115 Estonia No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Chief of State of the Republic of Estonia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 22 December 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratifications exchanged 18 August 1932. See Item 1113.]

Cmd 4003

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 28 Jan.)


Vol. XVI, 749 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing particulars of the British Commonwealth of Nations, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany, on I February 1932, distinguishing both built and building, the various classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 4005

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 953 Misc. No. 1 (1932) Note on the Constitution of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 1 Feb.)


Cmd 4006

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1063 - 1066a Cmd 4007 - 4016

Item No. 1063

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 17 Treaty Series No. 4 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 March 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Vienna, 12 Jan. 1932.

Cmd 4007

L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1932 HL. 9 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 503 Poland No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Warsaw, 26 August 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 31 May 1932. See Item 1092.]

Cmd 4009

L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1932 HL. 9 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1041 Misc. No. 2 International Convention regarding the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehicles, with Protocol Annex. Geneva, 30 March 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4013

L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1079 Treaty Series No. 43 (1931) Treaties, etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1931.

Cmd 4015

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1932 HL. 23 Feb. 1932

1066a Vol. XXVII, 1101 Treaty Series No. 44 Index to Treaty Series 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1932


Cmd 4016

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1067 -1070 Cmd 4017 - 4022 Item No.

Doc. No.

1067 Vol. XXVII, 305 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the President of the German Reich, with Protocol. Dublin, 12 May 1930. Ratification exchanged at Berlin, 21 December 1931. Reprint Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 4017

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1932 HL. 23 Feb. 1932

1068 Vol. XXVII, 849 Misc. No. 3 Speech by the Rt. Hon. Sir John Simon, M.P., Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, at the opening of the Disarmament Conference, 8 February 1932.

Cmd 4018

L/C. HC/L. 16 Feb. 1932

1069 Vol. XXVII, 73 Misc. No. 4 Reports to the League of Nations by the Committee of Representatives at Shangai of certain States Members of the League Council appointed to report on events in Shanghai and neighbourhood. Shanghai, 6 and 12 February 1932. [See also Item 1076.]

Cmd 4021

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1932

1070 Vol. XXVII, 559 Portugal No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and India and President of the Portuguese Republic supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of 17 October 1892. Lisbon, 20 January 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1932


Cmd 4022

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1071-1074 Cmd 4023 - 4035 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 493 Poland No. 2 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic. Warsaw, 11 January 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4023

L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 551 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the President of the Portuguese Republic. Dublin, 29 October 1929. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 4025

L/C. HC/L. 29 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 765 Switzerland No. 1 (1932) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council for Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. Berne, 17 October 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 28 June 1932. See Item 1107.]

Cmd 4030

L/C. HC. 7 March 1932 HL. 8 March 1932

1073a VoI. XVIII, 861 Tanganyika and British Honduras Memorandum explaining the Financial Resolution relative to the Tanganyika and British Honduras Loans. L/C. HC. 9 March 1932

Cmd 4032

HL 10 March 1932

1074 Vol. XXVII, 63 Treaty Series No. 7 Provisional Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Chile. Santiago, 15 October 1931. L/C. HC. 21 March 1932 HL. 22 March 1932


Cmd 4035

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1075 -1078 Cmd 4037 - 4051 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 403 Treaty Series No. 8 International Convention for the Establishment of Funds A and B under the Agreements of Paris, 28 April 1930, respecting the Financial Obligations of Hungary. Berne, 21 August 1931.

Cmd 4037

L/C. HC. 21 March 1932 HL 22 March 1932


Vol. XXVII, 83 Misc. No. 5 Correspondence and Resolutions respecting Events in Shanghai and neighbourhood. February-March 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 4, [Item 1069].

Cmd 4040

L/C. HC. 18 March 1932 HL. 22 March 1932


Vol. XXVII, 375 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Guatemala respecting the boundary between British Honduras and Guatemala. Guatemala, 25, 26 August 1931.

Cmd 4050

L/C. HC. 11 April 1932 HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 139 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, His Majesty, the Emperor of Ethiopia, the President of the French Republic, and His Majesty, King of Italy regulating the Importation into Ethiopia of Arms and Ammunition and Implements of War. Paris, 21 August 1930. Ratifications deposited at Addis Ababa, 19 February 1932. L/C. HC. 11 April 1932 HL 12 April 1932


Cmd 4051

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1079 -1082 Cmd 4052 - 4058

Item No. 1079

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 417 Hungary No. 1 (1932) Protocol providing for suspension of certain payments due by Hungary under the International Agreement of 28 April 1930. London, 21 January 1932. Not Ratified. [See also Item 1138.] L/C. HC. 11 April 1932

Cmd 4052

HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 451 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government respecting Commercial Relations between Tanganyika Territory and Lithuania Riga, 14 December; Kovno, 28 December 1931. L/C. HC. 11 April 1932

Cmd 4054

HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1005 Treaty Series No. 12 International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Rome, 2 June 1928. Ratification deposited: United Kingdom and Canada, 27 June 1931; India, 30 June 1931. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1932

Cmd 4057


Vol. XXVII, 805 Turkey No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 28 November 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 20 April 1932

Cmd 4058


COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1083 -1086 Cmd 4070 - 4078 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 563 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Portuguese Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 9 July 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 13 April 1932.

Cmd 4070

L/C. HC/L. 5 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 47 Bulgaria No. 1 (1932) Protocol providing for the Suspension of certain Payments due to Bulgaria under the International Agreement of 20 January 1930. London, 21 January 1932. Not Ratified. [See also Item 1138.]

Cmd 4071

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 99 China No. 1 (1932) Cessation of Hostilities in Shanghai and Neighbourhood and Withdrawal of Japanese Forces; Resolution adopted by the Special Assembly of the League of Nations. Geneva, 30 April 1932, and Agreement concluded between the Chinese and Japanese Representatives with the Assistance of Representatives of Friendly Powers. Shanghai, 5 May 1932.

Cmd 4077

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 67 China No. 2 Preliminary report on Conditions in Manchuria from Commission of Enquiry appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. Mukden, 30 April 1932. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1932


Cmd 4078

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1087 - 109Q Cmd 4082 -4092 Item No.



Vol. XXVII, 339 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Union of South Africa, and the German Government respecting the registration of Patents, Models, and Designs. Pretoria, 23 April; Cape Town, 12 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Pretoria, 21 August 1931. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series.

Cmd 4082

L/C. HC. 23 May 1932 HL. 25 May 1932 (R. 14 May)


Vol. XXVII, 343 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Hellenic Republic respecting Air Transport Services. Athens, 17 April 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Athens, 16 April 1932.

Cmd 4085

L/C. HC. 23 May 1932 HL. 25 May 1932 (R. 23 May)


Vol. XXVII, 477 Persia No. 1 (1932) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and India, and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia in regard to the withdrawal of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from Persia. Teheran, 17 February 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4089

L/C. HC. 30 May 1932 HL. 31 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 391 Hayti No. I (1932) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Hayti. Port-auxPrince, 7 April 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 June 1932


Cmd 4092

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1091-1095 Cmd 4097 - 4112 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 455 Netherlands No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 May 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 9 June 1932

Cmd 4097


Vol. XXVII, 527 Treaty Series No. 16 Ratifications of Cmd 4009 exchanged at London, 31 May 1932. [See Item 1064 for Text.]

Cmd 4104

L/C. HC/L 16 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 435 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Italy regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 17 December 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 June 1932.

Cmd 4105

L/C. HC/L 16 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 825 Treaty Series No. 18 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the United States of America, respecting Certificates of Airworthiness for Aircraft. Pretoria, 12 October-1 December 1931. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series.

Cmd 4111

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 585 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement and Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and India and the Government of Siam regarding boundary between Burma (Kengtung) and Siam. Bangkok, 27 August 1931-14 March 1932. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1932


Cmd 4112

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1096 -1100 Cmd 4115 - 4126 ,Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 875 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixteenth Session, 12 April to 30 April 1032. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 4115

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 485 Treaty Series No. 20 Convention between His Majesty of India and the President of the Polish Republic concerning the Commercial Relations between India and Poland. Warsaw, 8 May 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 31 May 1932.

Cmd 4119

L/C. HC/L. 7 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 425 Iraq No. 1 (1932) Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iraq. Bagdad, 2 May 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4120

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 857 Misc. No. 6 Declaration of British Disarmament Policy.

Cmd 4122

L/C. HC/L. 7 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 931 Misc. No. 7 Final Act of the Lausanne Conference. Lausanne, 9 July 1932. [See also Item 1102.] L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1932


Cmd 4126

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1101-1105 Cmd 4128-4135

Doc. No.

Item No. 1101

Vol. XXVII, 383 Treaty Series No. 21 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Guatemala respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Guatemala, 6 June 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Guatemala, 25 May 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4128

(R. 18 July)


Vol. XXVII, 947 Misc. No. 8 Further documents relating to the settlement reached at the Lausanne Conference. Lausanne, 16 June to 9 July 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 7, [Item 1100].

Cmd 4129

L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 873 Misc. No. 9 Declaration issued by His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding future European co-operation, 13 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4131

(R. 14 July)


Vol. XXVII, 959 Misc. No. 10 Report on the 67th Session of the Council of the League of Nations by Mr. Anthony Eden, M.C., M.P., Delegate of the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4134

(R.21 July)


Vol. XXVII, 247 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government amending the Regulations approved by the Exchange of Notes of 29 August 1907 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 15 December 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 21 July)


Cmd 4135

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1106. 1109 Cmd4136-4153 Item No.

Doc. No.

1106 Vol. XXVII, 591 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government in regard to the Reciprocal Recognition of LoadLine Certificates. London, 26 May 1932.

Cmd 4136

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 21 July)

1106a Vol. XVIII, 799 East Africa Correspondence arising from the Report of the Joint Select Committee on Closer Union in East Africa.

Cmd 4141

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R 2 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 785 Treaty Series No. 24 Ratifications of Cmd 4030 exchanged at London, 28 June 1932. [See Item 1073 for Text.]

Cmd 4142

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 11 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 841 Treaty Series No. 25 International Agreement between the Creditor Powers respecting State Properties ceded by Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, the Liberation Debts, and the Distribution of non-German Reparations. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratification: His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Union of South Africa, and India, 11 May 1932.

Cmd 4146

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 22 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 179 Ethiopia No. 1 (1932) Papers concerning Raids from Ethiopian Territory into the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 4153

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1110 -1114 Cmd 4155 - 4166 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. VI, 479: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1931 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4155

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 29 Aug.)


Cmd 4159

Vol. XXVII, 599

Sudan No. 1 (1932) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 15 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 329 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Dissolution of the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, with Notes Exchanged. London, 26 July 1932.

Cmd 4160

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 127 Treaty Series No. 27 Ratifications of Cmd 4003 exchanged at Tallinn, 18 August 1932. [See Item 1060 for Text.]

Cmd 4164

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 15 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 1 Austria No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria respecting Air Navigation. Vienna, 16 July 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 4166

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1115 -1118 Cmd4167- 4179

Item No. 1115

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 111 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Estonia respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen. London, 22 December 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4167

(R. 26 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 43 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 21 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4168

(R. 28 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 335 Treaty Series No. 30 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties. London, 26 July 1932; Berlin, 27 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4172

(R. 10 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 203 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, for the submission to Arbitration of a question connected with a claim in respect to certain Finnish vessels used during the War. London, 30 September 1932. L/C. HC. 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932


Cmd 4179

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1119 -1122 Ød4180-4192 Teem No.

Doc. No.

1119 Vol. XXVII, 215 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of France for the Exchange of Money Orders with France and Algeria, with detailed Regulations. Signed at Paris, 15 May 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 22 August 1932.

Cmd 4180

L/C. HC. 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932

1119a Vol. VII, 443: Reports, Commissioners (2) Tanganyika Report by Sir Sydney Armitage-Smith, K.B.E., C.B., on a Financial Mission to Tanganyika.

Cmd 4182

L/C. HG 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 261 Treaty Series No. 33 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits. London, 1 October 1932.

Cmd 4188

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 865 Misc. No. 11 Declaration of the Policy of His Majesty of the United Kingdom on Disarmament, in connection with Germany's Claim to Equality of Rights. Presented to the Bureau of the Disarmament Conference by the Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs. Geneva, 17 November 1932.

Cmd 4189

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 829 United States No. 2 Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 10 November 1932. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1932


Cmd 4192

BILLS PUBLIC 1932-1933 Item 1123 -1126 Bill No. 51- 85

Item No.

Doc. No.

1123 Vol. I, 181: Bills, Public Austrian Loan Guarantee Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a portion of a loan to be raised by the Government of Austria.

Bill 51

O.H.C.P. 21 Dec. 1932

1124 Vol. I, 593: Bills, Public Evidence (Foreign, Dominion, and Colonial Documents) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to make further and better provision with respect to the admissibility in evidence in the United Kingdom of entries contained in the public registers of other countries and with respect to the proof by means of duly authenticated official certificates of entries in such registers and in consular registers and other matters.

Bill 53

O.H.C.P. 21 Dec. 1932

1125 Vol. I, 801: Bills, Public Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to make provision for the enforcement in the United Kingdom of judgments given in foreign countries which accord reciprocal treatment to judgments given in the United Kingdom, for facilitating the enforcement in foreign countries of judgments given in United Kingdom, and for other purposes in connection with the matters aforesaid.

Bill 70

O.H.C.P. 10 March 1933


Vol. III, 433: Bills, Public Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) , Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of Russian Goods. O.H.C.P. 4 Apri11933


Bill 85

BILLS PUBLIC 1932-1933 Item 1127 -1128 Bill No. 122 -159

Item No.

Doc. No.

1127 Vol. I, 897: Bills, Public International Economic Sanctions Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of foreign goods as part of an international sanction under the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Bill 122

O.H.C.P. 21 June 1933


Vol. I, 211: Bills, Public British Nationality and Status of Aliens (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Law relating to the national status of married women so far as is necessary for giving effect to a Convention on certain questions relating to the conflict of Nationality Laws. Signed on behalf of His Majesty at The Hague on 12 April 1930, and for purposes incidental to the matter aforesaid.

Bill 159

O.H.C.P. 21 July 1933

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1129 -1130 S.P. No. 59 - 101

Doc. No.

Item No. 1129 Vol. V, 493: Reports, Committees (2) Evidence (Foreign, Dominion, and Colonial Documents) Bill; (H.L.) Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee A.

S.P. 59

O.H.C.P. 23 Feb. 1933

1130 Vol. XVI, 373 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1933 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 28 April 1933


S.P. 101

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1131-1133 S.P. No. 102 -163 Doc. No.

Item No.

1131 Vol. XVI, 217 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1933.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1933

1132 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1933. O.H.C.P. 13 June 1933

S.P. 123

1133 Vol. XVI, 91 Austrian Government (Guaranteed Loan 19331953) By Act Treasury Minute, 8 August 1933, guaranteeing the payment of the principal of, and interest on, the portion of the Austrian Loan issued in Great Britain. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1933

S.P. 163

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1134 Cmd 4198 Item No.


Doc. No.

Cmd 4198

Vol. XXVIII, 661

Treaty Series No. 34 (1932) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1929. Signed at London, 31 May 1929. Ratifications deposited at London by His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and Canada, 1 October 1932. L/C. HC/L. 30 Nov. 1932


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 hem 1135 -1138 Cmd 4199 - 4206 Item No.

Doc. No.

1135 VoI. XXVIII, 419 Treaty Series No. 35 International Convention respecting Load Lines with Final Protocol and Maps. London, 5 July 1930. Ratifications deposited at London by His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand, 1 October 1932.

Cmd 4199

L/C. HC/L. 6 Dec. 1932

1136 Vol. XXVII, 915 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America, respecting payments due from the United Kingdom to the United States of America. Washington, 4 June 1932. In continuation of Cmd 1912, [Item 298].

Cmd 4202

L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1932 HL. 29 Nov. 1932

1137 Vol. XXVII, 919 United States No. 3 (1932) Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom in reply to a Note dated 10 November 1932, relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 23 November 1932.

Cmd 4203

L/C. HG 28 Nov. 1932 (R.) HL. 29 Nov. 1932

1138 Vol. XXVIII, 115 Misc. No. 12 (1932) Protocols respecting the Suspension of Certain Inter-Governmental Debts supplementary to Protocols and Declarations of 11 and 13 August 1931 and 21 January 1932. June-July 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 19, 1931, Hungary No. 1, 1932, and Bulgaria No. 1, 1932 [Items 1035, 1079, and 1084]. L/C. HC/L. 30 Nov. 1932


Cmd 4206

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1139 -1143 Cmd 4207 - 4212 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 17 Austria No. 2 (1932) Agreement for guaranteeing a further loan to Austria. Geneva, 15 July, 1932.

Cmd 4207

L/C. HG 28 Nov. 1932 (R.) HL. 29 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 65 Belgium No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of the Belgians, supplementary to Convention of 21 June 1922 to facilitate the conduct of legal proceedings. Brussels, 4 November 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4209

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 923 United States of America No. 4 (1932) Further Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to British War Debt. Washington, 1 December 1932.

Cmd 4210

L/C. HC/L. 1 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 937 United States No. 5 (1932) Further Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 7 December 1932.

Cmd 4211

L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1932


Cmd 4212

Vol. XXVIII, 389 Misc. No. 13

Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 13th Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 1 November 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 21, 1931 [Item 1054]. L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1932


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1143a -1147 Cmd 4213 - 4218 Item No.

Doc. No.

1143a Vol. X, 585: Reports, Commissioners (1) Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Report of Committee on the reciprocal enforcement of Foreign Judgments.

Cmd 4213

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 943 United States No. 6 (1932) Further Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to British War Debt. Washington, 11 December 1932.

Cmd 4215

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1932 HL. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 947 United States No. 7 Further Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty of the United Kingdom relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 11 December 1932.

Cmd 4216

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1932 HL. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 951 United States No. 8 Further Note addressed to His Majesty of the United Kingdom, by the United States Government relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 12 December 1932.

Cmd 4217

L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXI, 481 Austrian Loan Guarantee Bill Memorandum on proposed Financial Resolution. L/C. HC. 14 Dec. 1932 HL. 15 Dec. 1932


Cmd 4218

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1148 -1151 Cmd 4220 - 4231 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 401 Treaty Series No. 37 Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Iraq for the transfer from the United Kingdom to Iraq of certain Rights and Obligations under the San Remo Oil Agreement of 24 April 1920, and the Convention between the United Kingdom and France of the 23 December 1920, relating to Mandates in the Middle East. Geneva, 10 October 1932.

Cmd 4220

L/C. HC/L. 20 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVIII, 655 Misc. No. 1 (1933) Agreement for the Control of Opium Smoking in the Far East. Supplementary to the Geneva Agreement of 11 February 1925. Bangkok, 27 November 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4229

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 5 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 413 Italy No. 1 (1933) Agreement recording the decisions of the Commission appointed under the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy of 15 July 1924, regarding the Boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland. Florence, 17 December 1927. This Agreement has not yet been approved by His Majesty of the United Kingdom.

Cmd 4230

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 457 Italy No. 2 Agreement between the Local Commissioners appointed to settle certain points connected with the demarcation of the boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland, as determined by the Commissions under the Treaty between United Kingdom and Italy of 15 July 1924. Isiolo, Kismayu, 27 August 1930. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)


Cmd 4231

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1152 -1154 Cmd 4232 - 4243 Item No.

Doc. No.

1152 Vol. XXVII, 465 Treaty Series No. 1 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the control of traffic in Game Trophies across the frontier between Kenya and Italian Somaliland. Rome, 26 November 1932.

Cmd 4232

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)

1152a Vol. X, 219: Reports, Commissioners (1) Railways Rates (Africa) Report by Mr. Roger Gibb on Railway Rates and Finance in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika Territory. September 1932.

Cmd 4235

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 11 Jaa.)

1153 Vol. XXVII, 963 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America regarding the boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo, with Exchange of Notes. Washington, 2 January 1930-6 July 1932. Ratifications exchanged, 13 December 1932.

Cmd 4241

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R.)

1154 Vol. XXVIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 3 International Convention and Statute establishing an International Relief Union. Geneva, 22 July 1927. His Majesty of the United Kingdom and New Zealand acceded on 9 January 1929, and on 22 December 1928, respectively. Ratification deposited by the Government of India, 2 April 1929. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R.)


Cmd 4243

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1155 -1159 Cmd 4246 - 4251 Doc. No.

Item No. 1155

Vol. XXVIII, 181 Treaty Series No. 4 International Convention regarding the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehides, with Protocol and Annex. Geneva, 30 March 1931. Ratification of His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 20 April 1932.

Cmd 4246

L/C. HC/L. 9 Feb. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 27

Cmd 4247

Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement for Guaranteeing a Further Loan to Austria. Geneva, 15 July 1932. Ratification of His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 29 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 9 Feb. 1933 1157 Vol. XXVIII, 911 Treaty Series No. 38 (1932) Treaties, etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1932.

Cmd 4249

L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1933

1158 Vol. XXVII, 159 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of Canada and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, 4 December 1931. Reprint from Canada Treaty Series.

Cmd 4250

L/C. HC. 20 Feb. 1933 HL. 21 Feb. 1933

Cmd 4251

1159 Vol. XXVIII, 931

Treaty Series No. 39 (1932) Index to Treaty Series 1932. L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1933


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1160 -1163 Cmd 4253 - 4267 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 613 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union, on 1 February 1933, distinguishing, both built and building, the various classes. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 4253

L/C. HC/L. 22 Fey. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 169. Denmark No. 1 (1933) Convention between His Majesty, in respect of United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Denmark and Iceland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 29 November 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4261

L/C. HC. 6 March 1933 HL 7 March 1933


Vol. XXVII, 37 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria respecting Air Navigation. Vienna, 16 July 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 14 January 1933.

Cmd 4263

L/C. HC. 6 March 1933 HL. 7 March 1933


Vol. XXVII, 471 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of Italy respecting Air Transport Services. Rome, 16 May 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 14 March 1933


Cmd 4267

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1164 -1167 Cmd 4270 - 4284

Doc. No.

Item No. 1164 Vol. XXVII, 981 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America for the preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. Ottawa, 9 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 9 May 1931. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 2, 1931. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1933

Cmd 4270

1165 Vol. XXVII, 569 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia in regard to the withdrawal of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from Persia. Teheran, 17 February 1932. Ratifications deposited at Teheran, 23 January 1933. L/C. HC/L. 23 March 1933

Cmd 4275

1166 Vol. XXVIII, 137 Misc. No. 2 Draft Disarmament Convention submitted to the Disarmament Conference at Geneva on 16 March 1933 by the Rt. Hon. J. Ramsay MacDonald, M.P. L/C. HC. 21 March 1933

Cmd 4279

HL. 22 March 1933

1167 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 11 International Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to International Carriage by Air. Warsaw, 12 October 1929. Ratification by His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Warsaw on 14 February 1933. L/C. HC. 3 April 1933 HL. 4 April 1933


Cmd 4284

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1168 -1172 Cmd 4286-4310 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 589 Russia No. I (1933) Correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow.

Cmd 4286

L/C. HC/L 4 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 613 Russia No. 2 Further correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow.

Cmd 4290

L/C. HC. 10 April 1933 HL 11 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 375 Germany No. 1 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding Commercial Relations. London, 13 April 1933.

Cmd 4297

L/C. HC/L 26 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 205 Denmark No. 2 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce. London, 24 April 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4298

L/C. HC/L. 25 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 1 Argentine No. 1 (1933) Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 1 May 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 1 May 1933 HL. 2 May 1933


Cmd 4310

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1173 -1177 Cmd 4312-4319

Doc. No.

Item No. 1173

Vol. XXVIII, 937 Treaty Series No. 12 General Index to Treaty Series, 1930-1932. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 27, 1930 [Item 901]. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4312


Vol. XX, 669 Treasury Minute dated 20 April 1933 relative to the terms of repayment of the loans-in-aid made to Northern Rhodesia in 1924 and 1925 and the loan of £20,000 made to the Government of Trans-Jordan in 1927 in connection with earthquake damage. L/C. HC. 1 May 1933

Cmd 4313

HL. 2 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 403 Treaty Series No. 13 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iraq. Bagdad, 2 May 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 25 January 1933. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4317


Vol. XXVII, 895 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 28 November 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 12 April 1933. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4318


Vol. XXVII, 381 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding Commercial Relations. London, 13 April-3 May 1933. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1933

Cmd 4319


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1178 -1181 Cmd 4323 - 4331 Item No.

Doc. No.

1178 Vol. XXVII, 533 Norway No. 1 (1933) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government relating to Trade and Commerce with Protocol and exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4323

L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 811 Sweden No. 1 (1933) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes exchanged. London, 15 May 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4324

L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1933

1180 Vol. XXVII, 489 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement concerning claims of certain British and Italian Protected Persons and Colonial Subjects arising out of raids and incidents on the Anglo-Italian Frontier in Somaliland. Bihen, 2 September 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Rome, 26 April 1933.

Cmd 4329

L/C. HC/L. 25 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 267 Treaty Series No. 16 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iceland relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 19 May 1933. L/C. HC. 22 May 1933 HL. 23 May 1933


Cmd 4331

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1182 - 1185 Cmd 4334 - 4347 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 187 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Denmark and Iceland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 29 November 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 12 May 1933.

Cmd 4334

L/C. HC/L. 30 May 1933


Vol. XXVIII, 889 Misc. No. 3 Dispatch dated 7 June 1933 to His Majesty's Ambassador at Rome in regard to the agreement of understanding and cooperation between France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. London, 31 May 1933.

Cmd 4342

L/C. HC. 31 May 1933 HL. 13 June 1933 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 397 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Greece in regard to passports for seamen. London, 13-21 April 1933.

Cmd 4345

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933 (R. 12 June)


Vol. XXVIII, 637 Misc. No. 4 International Convention on certain questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933 (R. 12 June)


Cmd 4347

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-I933 Item 1186 -1190 Cmd 4348 - 4362

Item No.

Doc. No.

1186 Vol. XXVII, 163 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Brazil, France, Netherlands, Norway, and the United States of America, and the Chinese Government renewing the agreement and Exchange of Notes of 17 February 1930 relating to the Chinese Courts in the InternationaI Settlement at Shanghai, with Declaration. Nanking, 8 to 12 February 1933. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4348

1187 Vol. XXVII, 953 United States No. 1 (1933) Papers relating to the Payment due from His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the United States Government on 15 June 1933, in respect of the British War Debt. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4353

1188 Vol. XXVIII, 861 Stamp Laws International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Geneva, 7 June 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933

Cmd 4356

(R. 12 June)

1189 Vol. XXI, 487 Economic Conference Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the Monetary and Economic Conference on 14 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4357

1190 Vol. X, 213: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1932 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa, and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC. 19 June 1933

Cmd 4362

HL 20 June 1933


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1191-1194 Cmd 4363 - 4382

Doc. No.

Item No. 1191

Vol. XXVII, 73 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government relating to the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. Brussels, 7 April 1933. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1933

Cmd 4363


Vol. XXVII, 391 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Regulation of Supplies of Fish to the United Kingdom Market. London, 7 July 1933. L/C. HC. 10 July 1933

Cmd 4378

HL. 11 July 1933


Vol. XXVII, 511 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 May 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1933

Cmd 4381


Vol. XXVII, 141 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government in regard to the Delimitation of the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. London, 4 April-3 May 1927. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1933

Cmd 4382


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1195 -1199 Cmd 4384 - 4392

Item No. 1195

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 505 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government relating to Commercial Relations. London, 6 July 1933.

Cmd 4384

L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1933 1196

Vol. XXVII, 633 Sudan No. 1 (1933) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1932.

Cmd 4587

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. XVI, 555 War Loan Acts Proposals of His Majesty's Government regarding Twenty Year 5~/z% Gold Bonds.

Cmd 4388

L/C. HC. 19 July 1933 HL. 20 July 1933


Vol. XXVIII, 199

Cmd 4389

International Labour Conference (17th Session) Report of the Committee on Reduction of Hours of Work.

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1933 1199

Vol. XXVII, 279 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Estonia regarding Commercial Relations. London, 15 July 1933.

L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1933


Cmd 4392

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1200 -1203 Cmd 4401- 4409 Doc. No.

Item No. 1200

Vol. XXVII, 577 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and India and the President of the Portuguese Republic supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of 17 October 1892, with exchange of Notes. Lisbon, 20 January 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 3 Aug.)

Cmd 4401


Vol. XXI, 499 Economic Conference, (Monetary and Economic Conference) Declarations of the British Commonwealth to the Monetary and Economic Conference. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 10 Aug.)

Cmd 4403


Vol. XXVII, 59 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government respecting the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks on Fire Arms. London, 27 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 7 Sept.)

Cmd 4408


Vol. XXVII, 369 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Government of India and the French Government regarding Deportations from certain British and French Territories. Paris, 29 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 7 Sept.)

Cmd 4409


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1204 -1206 Cmd 4413 - 4423

Item No.

Doc. No.

1204 Vol. XXVIII, 579 Treaty Series No. 31 International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs. Geneva, 13 July 1931. Ratification of United Kingdom, Canada, and India, deposited, 1 April 1933, 17 October 1932, and 14 November 1932, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4413

(R. 18 Sept)


Vol. XXVII, 853 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Stockholm, 4 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4421

(R. 28 Sept)

1206 Vol. XXVIII, 97 Treaty Series No. 33 Protocol relating to Amendment to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 34, 37, 40, 41, and 42, and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Paris, 15 June 1929—I1 December 1929. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, deposited 19 September 1930 and, in respect of the Irish Free State, on 9 April 1930, and of India on 16 October 1930. [See also Item 864.] L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 4 Oct.)


Cmd 4423

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1207 -1210 Cmd 4424 -4430 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 235 Treaty Series No. 34 Agreement and Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce. London, 24 April 1933, with Notes exchanged on 17 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen, 20 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 4 Oct.)

Cmd 4424


Vol. XXVII, 285 Finland No. 1 (1933) Commercial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, with Protocol. Helsingfors, 29 September 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4425

(R. 2 Oct.)


Vol. XXVIII, 219 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations at its Seventeenth Session, 8 to 30 June 1933. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4429

(R. 9 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 341 Finland No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Maters. London, 11 August 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933. (R. 11 Oct.)


Cmd 4430

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1211-1214 Cmd 4435 - 4443 Item No.

Doc. No.

1211 Vol. XXVII, 53 Treaty Series No. 35 Agreement between the Air Ministry of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Commerce and Communications regarding Air Communications. Vienna, 14 December 1932.

Cmd 4435

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 18 Oct.)

1212 Vol. XXVII, 363 Treaty Series No. 36 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding the Suppression of IIlicit Importation of Alcoholic Liquors into Finland, with Declaration. London, 13 October 1933.

Cmd 4436

L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 18 Oct.)

1213 Vol. XXVIII, 169 Misc. No. 5 Proceedings of the Bureau of the Disarmament Conference. Geneva, 14 October 1933.

Cmd 4437

L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 21 Oct.)

1214 Vol. XXVIII, 867 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention on Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques, with Protocol. Geneva, 19 March 1931. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom deposited 13 January 1932. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 6 Nov.)


Cmd 4443

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1215 -1218 Cmd 4444 - 4453

Doc. No.

Item No. 1215

Vol. XXVII, 583 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding Flag Discrimination in Portuguese Ports. Lisbon, 14 October 1933. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4444

(R. 3 Nov.)


Vol. XXVII, 959 United States No. 2 (1933) Papers relating to the British War Debt. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4448



Vol. XXVIII, 899 Treaty Series No. 38 Final Act of the Wheat Conference, with Appendices and Minutes of Final Meetings. London, 25 August 1933. L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4449


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Africa (Flora and Fauna) Agreements concluded at the International Conference for the Protection of the Fauna and Flora of Africa. London, November 1933. L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4453

BILLS PUBLIC 1933-1934 Item 1219 Bill No. 77

Doc. No.

Item No. 1219

Vol. III, 413: Bills, Public Overseas Trade Bill to extend the period during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 to 1930. O.H.C.P. 8 March 1934


Bill 77

BILLS PUBLIC 1933-1934 Item 1220 - 1221b Bill No. 92 -166

Item No. 1220

.Doc. No. Vol. II, 607: Bills, Public International Economic Sanctions (Enabling) Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of foreign goods as part of an international sanction under the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Bill 92

O.H.C.P. 27 March 1934


Vol. III, 415: Bills, Public Palestine Loan Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a loan to be raised by the Government of Palestine.

Bill 115

O.H.C.P. 14 May 1934


Vol. I, 553: Bills, Public Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions Reprisals Bill to authorize the setting up of Clearing Offices for collecting and dealing with certain debts, to authorize the imposition of restrictions on imports from certain foreign countries, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. [See also Item 1713.]

Bill 152

O.H.C.P. 20 June 1934

1221b Vol. IV, 601: Bills, Public Whaling Industry (Regulation) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, signed at Geneva, on behalf of His Majesty on 24 September 1931, to prohibit the taking or killing of whales within the coastal waters of the United Kingdom; and for the purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. O.H.C.P. 4 July 1934


Bill 166

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1222 -1225 S.P. No. 2-74

Item No. 1222

Doc. No. Vol. XX, 1065 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India durnig the Year 1931-1932. 67th Number.

S.P. 2

O.H.C.P. 21 Nov. 1933


Vol. XVI, 233 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of Consolidated Fund, for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1933.

S.P. 35

O.H.C.P. 12 Feb. 1934


Vol. XVI, 235 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1934.

S.P. 64

O.H.C.P. 11 April 1934


Vol. XVI, 473 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1934, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the Sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 26 April 1934


S.P. 74

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1226 S.P. No. 91 Item No.

Doc. No.

1226 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1934. O.H.C.P. 7 June 1934

S.P. 91

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1227 -1229 Cmd 4459 - 4490 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 755 Treaty Series No. 39 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of origin. Bucharest, 25 September 1933. L/C. HC. 4 Dec. 1933 HL 5 Dec. 1933

Cmd 4459


Vol. XXVII, 197 Treaty Series No. 40 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, with Protocol. Helsingfors, 29 September 1933. Ratifications exchanged, 20 November 1933. L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 4472


Vol. XXVII, 1239 Misc. No. 1 (1934) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Fourteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 November 1933. In continuation of Misc. No. 13, 1932 [Item 1143], September-October 1933. L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R 24 Jan.)

Cmd 4490


COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1230 -1233 Cmd 4491- 4498 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 385 Treaty Series No. 1 (1934) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland, with Agreement of the Boundary Commission, Appendices, and Map. London, 22 November 1933.

Cmd 4491

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R 25 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 13 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 1 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 November 1933.

Cmd 4492

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 24 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 29 Treaty Series No. 3 Supplementary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. Buenos Aires, 26 September 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 November 1933.

Cmd 4494

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 24 Jaa.)


Vol. XXVII, 1103 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on Disarmament communicated by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the Governments represented at the Disarmament Conference, January 29 1934. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1934 HL. 6 Feb. 1934


Cmd 4498

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1234 -1237 Cmd 4500 - 4507 Item No.

Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 657 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Oslo, 7 July, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4500

1235 Vol. XXVII, 91 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 14 December 1933. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4504

1236 Vol. XXVII, 807 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations between the Irish Free State and Salvador. San Salvador, 12-30 September 1931. Reprint from Irish Free Stare Treaty Series No. 10, 1931. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4506

1237 Vol. XXVII, 253 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 11 August 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 23 January 1934. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4507



COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1984 Item 1238 -1242 Cmd 4508 - 4513 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 95 Treaty Series No. 8 Trade Arrangements between His Majesty in New Zealand and the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxembourg. Wellington 5 December 1933.

Cmd 4508

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1361 Treaty Series No. 42 (1933) Index to Treaty Series 1933.

Cmd 4509

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1933 HL 20 Feb. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 1341 Treaty Series No. 41 (1933) Treaties with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1933.

Cmd 4510

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1115 Misc. No. 3 Memoranda on Disarmament issued by the Government of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. January 1934.

Cmd 4512

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 759 Russia No. 1 (1934) Temporary Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 February 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Cmd 4513

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1243 -1247 Cmd 4514-4542 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 609 Fleets Particulars of Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 February 1934, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 4514

L/C. HG 16 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXI, 613 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 4529

L/C. HC. 5 March 1934 HL 6March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 697 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, New Zealand, and the Norwegian Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Wellington, 20 October 1933. Sydney, 27 October 1933.

Cmd 4534

L/C. HC/L 14 March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1323 Misc. No. 4 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling. Geneva, 24 September 1931. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty's Government.

Cmd 4541

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 453 Japan No. 1 (1934) Report on the British Gift of Books to the Tokyo Imperial University Library, 1923-1933. L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1934


Cmd 4542

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1248 -1252 Cmd 4552 - 4583 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 713 Treaty Series No. 10 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic. Warsaw, 11 January 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 19 December 1933.

Cmd 4552

L/C. HC/L 17 April 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1147 Misc. No. 5 Further Memoranda on Disarmament, 14 February to 17 April 1934. In continuation of No. 3, 1934 [Item 1241].

Cmd 4559

L/C. HC/L 18 April 1934


Vol. XXVII, 771 Treaty Series No. 11 Temporary Commercial Agremeent between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 February 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Moscow, 21 March 1934.

Cmd 4567

L/C. HC/L 26 April 1934


Vol. XVI, 325 Palestine Loan Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 4576

L/C. HC/L 2 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1267 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the Government of France, United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands, and Siam to regulate Production and Export of Rubber. London, 7 May 1934. L/C. HC/L 17 May 1934


Cmd 4583

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-I934 Item 1253 -1257 Cmd 4584-4604 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 1169 International Labour Conference Reply of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Questionnaire on the subject of the Reduction of Hours of Work.

and 4584

L/C. HC/L. 14 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 275 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting Commercial Relations. London, 8 May 1934.

Cmd 4590

L/C. HC/L. 17 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1295 Treaty Series No. 14 International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, with Protocol. Geneva, 7 June 1930. His Majesty's Accession, 18 April 1934.

Cmd 4594

L/C. HC. 29 May 1934 HL 30 May 1934 (R. 28 May)


Vol. XXVII, 999 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Union of South Africa and the United States of America regarding the issue of licenses to Pilot Civil Aircraft. Pretoria, 17 March-20 September 1933. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 4, 1933.

Cmd 4603

L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1005 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Union of South Africa and the United States of America regarding Air Navigation. Pretoria, 17 March-20 September 1933. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1934


Cmd 4604

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1258 -1262 Cmd 4609 - 4620 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1013 United States No. 1 (1934) Papers relating to the British War Debt.

Cmd 4609

L/C. HC/L 5 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 101 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government for the submission of the claim of Mr. Oscar Chinn for decision by the Permanent Court of International Justice. Brussels, 13 April 1934.

Cmd 4612

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 503 Liberia No. 1 (1934) Papers concerning affairs in Liberia, December 1930 to May 1934.

Cmd 4614

25 April 1934 (Withdrawn) RA/HL L/C. HC/L 27 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 107 Belgium No. 1 (1934) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Belgians providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Brussels, 2 May 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4618

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 335 Germany No. 1 (1934) Papers respecting the German Transfer Moratorium. L/C. HC/L. 22 June 1934


Cmd 4620

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1262a -1266 Cmd 4623 - 4639 Item No.

Doc. No.

1262a Vol. IX, 653: Reports, Commissioners (1) Administration of Justice (Africa) Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in Kenya, Uganda, and the Tanganyika Territory in Criminal Matters, and Correspondence arising out of the Report.

Cmd 4623

L/C. HC. 22 June 1934 HL 26 June 1934

1263 Vol. XXVII, 1021 United States No. 2 Papers relating to the British War Debt. In continuation of United States of America No. 1.

Cmd 4627

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1934

1264 Vol. XXVII, 1025 Yemen No. 1 (1934) Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of the Yemen, with Notes exchanged. Sana, 11 February 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4630

L/C. HC/L. 27 June 1934

1265 Vol. XXVII, 279 France No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 27 June 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4632

L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1934

1266 Vol. XXVII, 131 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Belgians supplementary to the Convention of 21 June 1922, to facilitate the conduct of legal Proceedings. Brussels, 4 November 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 June 1934. L/C. HC. 6 July 1934 HL. 10 July 1934


Cmd 4639

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1267 -1271 Cmd 4640 - 4656

Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 349 Germany No. 2 Anglo-German Transfer Agreement with an Exchange of Letters between the Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the German Reich, 4 July 1934.

Cmd 4640

L/C. HC. 4 July 1934 HL. 5 July 1934


Vol. XXVII, 601 Lithuania No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 6 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 9 July 1934

Cmd 4648

HL. 10 July 1934


Cmd 4650

Vol. XXVII, 1031

Misc. No. 6 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation. The Hague, 12 April 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1934


Vol. XXVII, 149 Estonia No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Estonia supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 18 January 1926, with Protocol. London, 11 July 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4653

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1934


Vol. XXI, 839 Whaling Industry (Regulation) Bill Financial Memorandum. L/C. HC. 16 July 1934 HL. 17 July 1934


Cmd 4656

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1272.1276 Cmd 4659 - 4668 Item No.

Doc. No:


Vol. XXVII, 487 Latvia No. 1 (1934) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government, with Protocol. London, 17 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1934

Cmd 4659


Vol. XXVII, 471 Japan No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of India and the Emperor of Japan regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 20 July 1934 HL. 23 July 1934

Cmd 4660


Vol. XXVII, 985 Trans-Jordan Agreement between His Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan, supplementary to the Agreement signed on 20 February 1928. Signed at Jerusalem, 2 June 1934. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1934

Cmd 4661


Vol. XXVII, 647 Netherlands No. 1 (1934) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands regarding Commercial Relations. London, 20 July 1934. L/C. HC. 20 July 1934 HL. 23 July 1934

Cmd 4662


Vol. XXVII, 817 Sudan No. 1 (1934) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1933. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 16 Aug.)

Cmd 4668


COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1277 -1280 Cmd 4669 - 3673

Item No. 1277

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 783 Russia No. 2 Parcel Post Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, and the U.S.S.R., with detailed Regulations and Exchange of Notes. London, 19 April 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4669

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. IX, 815: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Liquor Traffic Report for Year 1933 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4670

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 8 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 813 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Siam regarding the boundary between Burma (Tenasserim) and Siam. Bangkok, 1 June 1934.

Cmd 4671

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 355 Germany No. 3 Anglo-German Exchange Agreement relating to Commercial Payments. Berlin, 10 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Aug.)


Cmd 4673

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1281-1284 Cmd 4674 - 4691

Doc. No.

Item No. 1281

Vol. XXVII, 709 Paraguay No. 1 (1934) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa and the President of Paraguay, to the Treaty of 12 September 1908, regarding Extradition. Asuncion, 30 September 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934

Cmd 4674

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 613 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 6 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 2 August 1934. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934

Cmd 4680

(R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 733 Poland No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to Commercial Travellers. Warsaw, 26 October 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct 1934

Cmd 4688

(R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 989 Trans-Jordan Treaty of Friendship and Bon Voisinage between Trans-Jordan and Saudi-Arabia with Protocol on Arbitration and Schedule appended to Treaty. Signed at Jerusalem, 27 July 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Cairo on 21 December 1933. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 3 Sept.)


Cmd 4691

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1285 -1288 Cmd 4693 - 4700 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 625 Lithuania No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Lithuania regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Kovno, 24 April 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4693

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct 1934 (R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 437 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government and the Italian Government respecting the boundary between the Sudan and Libya. Rome, 20 July 1934.

Cmd 4694

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 1281 Treaty Series No. 24 Silver Agreement between the Governments of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain, and the United States of America, with supplementary undertakings. Signed, 24 and 26 July 1933. London, 22 July 1933. Ratifications deposited at Washington by His Majesty's Governments in Canada, and the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Government of India, 28 March, 11 February and 21 March 1934, respectively.

Cmd 4699

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)

1288 Vol. XXVII, 143 Ecuador No. 1 (1934) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, and the Acting President of Ecuador to the Treaty of 20 September 1880, regarding Extradition. Quito, 4 June 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)


Cmd 4700

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1289 -1292 Cmd 4701- 4704 Item No.

Doc. No.

1289 Vol. XXVII, 1 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Afghanistan in regard to the Boundary between India and Afghanistan in the neighbourhood of Arnawai and Dokalim, with map. Kabul, 3 February 1934.

Cmd 4701

L/C. HC/L 30 Oa. 1934 (R. 24 Sept.)

Cmd 4702

1290 VoI. XXVII, 361

Treaty Series No. 22 Anglo-German Exchange Agreement relating to Commercial Payments, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 10 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.) 1291 Vol. XXVII, 651

Cmd 4703

Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands regarding Commercial Relations. London, 20 July and 30 July 1934. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)

1292 Vol. XXVII, 747 Poland No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Warsaw, 16 April 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 24 Sept.)


Cmd 4704

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1293 -1297 Cmd 4709 - 4720 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 1317 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes. Paris, 12 June 1934.

Cmd 4709

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 3 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 1181 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its 18th Session, 4-23 June 1934. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 4714

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 8 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 1077 Treaty Series No. 27 International Agreement relating to Statistics of Causes of Death, with Protocol of Signature. London, 19 June 1934.

Cmd 4715

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 15 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 307 France No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Paris, 18 January 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4717

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 23 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 139 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Costa Rican Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Panama, 2 August 1933; San Jose, 2 April 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 4, 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934


Cmd 4720

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1298 -1301 Cmd 4724 - 4729 Item No.

Doc. No.

1298 Vol. XXVII, 1235 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendation concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers employed in loading or unloading ships which were adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 16th Session 12-80 April 1932.

Cmd 4724

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 24 Oct.)


Vol. XIII, 639: Reports, Commissioners (5) Locust Control Proceedings of the Third International Locust Conference. London, 18 September 1934. [See also Cmd 3367 and 3642 (1930); 4124 (1932); 4321 (1933); 4692 (1934); being Reports of the Economic Advisory Committee on Locusts, not included in text.]

Cmd 4725

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 18 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 377 Germany No. 4 Anglo-German Payments Agreement, with an Exchange of Letters between the Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the German Reich. Berlin, 1 November 1934.

Cmd 4726

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 701 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government regarding claims in respect to Fishing Gear. London, 5 November 1934. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1934


Cmd 4729

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1302 -1305 Cmd 4731- 4736 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1237 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendation concerning the Age for Admission of Children to Non-Industrial Employment adopted by the International Labour Conference at its Sixteenth Session, 12-30 April 1932.

Cmd 4731

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 443 Treaty Series No. 30 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government for the Reciprocal Validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Rome, 17 September 1934.

Cmd 4734

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 479 Treaty Series No. 31 Convention between His Majesty of India and the Emperor of Japan regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 October 1934.

Cmd 4735

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 165 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Estonia supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 18 January 1926, with Protocol and Notes. London, 11 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Cmd 4736

BILLS PUBLIC 1934-1935 Item 1305a -1306 Bill No. 71- 73 1305a Vol. I, 293: Bills; Public Counterfeit Currency (Convention) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to an International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency, signed on behalf of His Majesty at Geneva, 20 April 1929, to apply to foreign coin, certain enactments relating to British coin, and to assimilate the penalties for importing and exporting counterfeit coin. [See also 1936, Bill No. 82: Vol. I, 495. Not included in this text.] O.H.C.P. 20 May 1935

Bill 71

Vol. IV, 99: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of International disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties; and for other purposes. O.H.C.P. 23 May 1935

Bill 73


SESSIONAL PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1307 S.P. No. 13 1307 Vol. XVII, 1 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1932-1933. 68th Number. O.H.C.P. 18 Dec. 1934


S.P. 13

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1308 -1311 S.P. No. 23 - 94

Doc. No.

Item No. 1308

Vol. XII, 231 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on the part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1934.

S.P. 23

O.H.C.P. 28 Jan. 1935


Vol. XII, 233 By Act Greek Loan of 1898 Account up to 31 March 1935.

S.P. 68

O.H.C.P. 5 April 1935


Vol. XII, 391 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1935 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 80

O.H.C.P. 2 May 1935


Vol. XII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the year ended 31 March 1935. O.H.C.P. 6 June 1935


S.P. 94

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1312-1315 Cmd 4751- 4755 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 711 Treaty Series No. 33 (1934) International Convention for the regulation of Whaling. Geneva, 24 September 1931. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom and Union of South Africa, deposited 18 October 1934 and 11 January 1933, respectively.

Cmd 4751

L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 547 Treaty Series No. 34 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and the King of the Yemen, with Notes Exchanged. San'a, 11 February 1934. Ratifications exchanged at San'a, 4 September 1934.

Cmd 4752

L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 233 Treaty Series No. 35 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Latvia, with Protocol and Notes. London, 17 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London on 2 October 1934.

Cmd 4753

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXIV, 619 Misc. No. 7 (1934) International Convention for Mutual Protection against Dengue Fever. Athens, 25 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Cmd 4755

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1316 -1320 Cmd 4759 - 4772 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 429 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Dublin, 21 June 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series, No. 7-1934.

Cmd 4759

L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1934


Vol. XII, 95 Austrian Loan Treasury Minute dated 6 December 1934 guaranteeing the principal of and interest on certain Securities issued by the Austrian Government.

Cmd 4762

L/C. HC. 7 Dec.1934 HL. 11 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 513 United States No. 3 (1934) Papers relating to the British War Debt.

Cmd 4763

L/C. HC. 10 Dec. 1934 HL. 11 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 109 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Berlin, 13-18 September 1934.

Cmd 4767

L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 671 Misc. No. 8 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the Fifteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 November 1934. L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 28 Dec. 1934)


Cmd 4772

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1321-1324 Cmd 4773 - 4798 Item No.

Doc. No.

1321 Vol. XXIV, 485 Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Washington, 11-17 September 1934.

Cmd 4773

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 31 Dec. 1934)

1322 Vol. XII, 99 Austrian Loan Treasury Minute dated 20 December 1934 guaranteeing the principal of and interest on certain securities issued by the Austrian Government.

Cmd 4775

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1934

1323 Vol. XXIV, 171 Treaty Series No. 1 (1935) Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to the release of German Property. Dublin, 14 September 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 13, 1934.

Cmd 4783

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 18 Jan.)

1324 Vol. XXIV, 89 Misc. No. 1 (1935) Joint Communique issued on behalf of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic as a result of the Conversations between the French and British Ministers. 1-3 February 1935. L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1935 HL 5 Feb. 1935


Cmd 4798

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1325 -1329 Cmd 4802 -4810 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 415 Roumania No. 1 (1935) Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement. Agreement with Protocol. London, 8 February 1935.

Cmd 4802

L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1935 HL. 12 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 7 Austria No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Federal President of Austria supplementary to the Convention of 3 December 1873, regarding Extradition. Vienna, 29 October I934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4804

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 189 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and His Majesty, King of Italy relating to the Establishment of Air Transport Lines. Rome, 7 December 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 28 December 1934.

Cmd 4808

L/C. HC/L. 20 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 729 Treaty Series No. 39 (1934) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. I934. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 41, 1933 [Item 1240].

Cmd 4809

L/C. HC. 25 Feb. 1935 HL. 26 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 755 Treaty Series No. 40 Index to Treaty Series, 1934. L/C. HC. 25 Feb. 1935 HL 26 Feb. 1935


Cmd 4810

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1330 -1334 Cmd 4812 - 4827 Item No.

Doc. No.

1330 Vol. XXIV, 19 Treaty Series No. 3 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Canberra, 19 November 1934.

Cmd 4812

L/C. HC/L 20 Feb. 1935

1331 Vol. XIV, 621 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 February 1935, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 4817

L/C. HC/L 27 Feb. 1935

1332 Vol. XXIV, 289 Poland No. 1 (1935) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government in regard to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes. London, 27 February 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4820

L/C. HC/L 27 Feb. 1935

1333 Vol. XVII, 979 The Control Scheme Papers relating to the International Tin Control Scheme.

Cmd 4825

L/C. HC. 1 March 1935 HL 5 March 1935

1334 Vol. XIII, 803 Defence Statement relating to Defence in connection with the proposed debate in the House of Commons on 11 March 1935. L/C. HC. 1 March 1935 HL S March 1935


Cmd 4827

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1335 -1338 Cmd 4829 - 4846 Item No.

Doc. No.

1335 Vol. XXIV, 263 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to Commercial Travellers. Warsaw, 26 October 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 January 1935.

Cmd 4829

L/C. HC/L 7 March 1935

1336 Vol. XXIV, 47 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the National Government of the Republic of China relating to Land Tenure and Taxation in the Former British Concessions at Hankow and Kinkiang. Nanking, 27 October 1934.

Cmd 4836

L/C. HC/L 12 March 1935

1337 Vol. XXIV, 121 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Dublin, 28 January 1935. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 1, 1935.

Cmd 4844

L/C. HC/L 20 March 1935

1338 Vol. XXIV, 669 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and recommendation concerning Fee-Charging Employment Agencies which were adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 17th Session, June 1933. L/C. HC. 18 March 1935 HL 19 March 1935


Cmd 4846

COMMAND PAPERS 19344935 Item 1339 -1343 Cmd 4848 - 4856

Item No. 1339

Doc. No. Vol. XXIV, 131 Germany No. 1 (1935) Note delivered by His Majesty's Ambassador in Berlin to the German Government on 18 March 1935.

Cmd 4848

L/C. HG 18 March 1935 HL 19 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 99 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding certain matters affecting the administration of the New Hebrides. London, 31 January 1935.

Cmd 4852

L/C. HC/L. 27 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 75 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency. London, 21 February 1935.

Cmd 4853

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 1 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Argentine Republic in regard to Compensation for Accidents to Workmen. Buenos Aires, 15 November 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Buenos Aires, 24 January 1935.

Cmd 4855

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 451 Switzerland No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council supplementary to the Convention of 26 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Berne, 19 December 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 28 March 1935


Cmd 4856

COMMAND PAPERS 1984-1935 Item 1344 -1348 Cmd 4862 - 4875

Doc. No.

Item No. 1344

Vol. XXIV, 175 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Hungarian Government for the provisional dissolution of the AngloHungarian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 31 January 1935. L/C. HC/L. 3 April 1935

Cmd 4862


Vol. XXIV, 31 Brazil No. 1 (1935) Anglo-Brazilian Payments Agreement. Rio de Janeiro, 27 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 29 March 1935

Cmd 4864


Vol. XXIV, 67 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Czechoslovakia in regard to Passports for Seamen. London, 13 February-4 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 3 Apri11935

Cmd 4865


Vol. XXIV, 607 Treaty Series No. 12 International Agreements for dispensing with Bills of Health and Consular Visas on Bills of Health. Paris, 22 December 1934. L/C. HC/L 4 April 1935

Cmd 4869


Vol. XXIV, 277 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Warsaw, 16 April 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 21 March 1935. L/C. HC/L 10 April 1935

Cmd 4875


COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1985 Item 1349 -1352 Cmd 4876 - 4884 Item No.

Doc. No.

1349 Vol. XXIV, 51 Czechoslovakia No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic supplementary to the Convention of 11 November 1924, to facilitate the conduct of Legal Proceedings. Prague, 15 February 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4876

L/C. HC/L. 10 April 1935

Cmd 4880

1350 Vol. XXIV, 707

Miscellaneous No. 2 Joint Resolution of the Stresa Conference, including the Anglo-Italian Declaration and the Final Declaration. Stresa, 14 April 1935. L/C. HC. 16 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.) 1351 Vol. XXIV, 207

Cmd 4883

Treaty Series No. 14 Provisional Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regulating Imports from the United Kingdom into Italy. Rome, 18 March 1935. L/C. HG 17 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.)

Cmd 4884

1352 Vol. XXIV, 43

Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Chinese Government regarding the Establishment of a Commission to determine the Southern Section of the Boundary between Burma and Yunnan. Nanking, 9 April 1935. L/C. HC. 17 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1353 -1357 Cmd 4888 - 4911 Doe. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIV, 213 Italy No. 1 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Trade and Payments. Rome, 27 April 1935.

Cmd 4888

L/C. HC. 29 April 1935 HL 30 April 1935


Vol. XXIV, 71 Egypt No. 1 (1935) Correspondence with the Egyptian Mission of Economic Enquiry regarding Trade Relations. London, 15 May 1935.

Cmd 4896

L/C. HC/L 15 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 93 France No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax of Air Transport Profits. London, 9 April 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4898

L/C. HC. 20 May 1935 HL. 21 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 25 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Brussels, I5 February 1935. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 2, 1935.

Cmd 4904

L/C. HC/L 23 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 35 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government respecting Commercial Payments. Rio de Janeiro, 27 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 30 May 1935


Cmd 4911

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1358 -1362 Cmd 4923 - 4930 Item No.

Doc. No.

1358 Vol. XXIV, 517 United States No. 1 (1935) Papers relating to the British War Debt, June 1935.

Cmd 4923

L/C. HC. 7 June 1935 HL. 17 June 1935 (R.)

1359 Vol. VII, 293: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1934 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4924

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1935 (R. 12 June)

1360 Vol. XXIV, 469 Turkey No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Protocol of Signature. Angora, 4 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4925

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1935 (R. 12 June)

1361 Vol. XXIV, 521 Treaty Series No. 18 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America. London, 22 December 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1932.

Cmd 4928

L/C. HC/L. 19 June 1935

1362 Vol. XXIV, 141 Germany No. 2 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 18 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1935


Cmd 4930

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1363 -1366 Cmd 4938.4953 Doc. No.

Item No.

1363 Vol. XXIV, 559 Treaty Series No. 19 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation. The Hague, 12 April 1933. Ratifications deposited at The Hague by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, 15 September 1934, and His Majesty in respect to Australia, 18 February 1935.

Cmd 4938

L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1935

1364 Vol. XXIV, 529 Uruguay No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Supplementary Agreement. London, 26 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4940

L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1935

1365 Vol. XXIV, 411 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin in Palestine and Roumania. London, 11-14 June 1935.

Cmd 4949

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1935

1366 Vol. XXIV, 145 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 18 June 1935. L/C. HC. 12 July 1935 HL. 15 July 1935


Cmd 4953

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1367 -1370

Cmd 4954 - 4961 Item No.

Doc. No.

1367 Vol. XXIV, 13 Treaty Series No. 21 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Federal President of Austria Supplementary to the Convention of 3 December 1873 regarding Extradition. Vienna, 29 October 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 April 1935.

Cmd 4954

L/C. HC. 16 July 1935 HL 17 July 1935

1368 Vol. XXIV, 447 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Swedish Government regarding Commerce, Customs, and Navigation. London, 24 May 1935.

Cmd 4955

L/C. HC. 16 July 1935 HL. 17 July 1935

1369 Vol. XXIV, 221 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Trade and Payments. Rome, 27 April 1935.

Cmd 4960

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1935

1370 Vol. XXIV, 127 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the German Government amending the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1 September 1928, Pretoria 13 October 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Capetown on 9 March 1934. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 14, 1932. L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1935


Cmd 4961

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1371-1374

Cmd 4963 - 4975 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 153 Treaty Series No. 26 Anglo-German Payments Agreement, with an Exchange of Letters between the representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the Government of the German Reich, with further Letters exchanged 12 November 1934. Berlin, 1 November 1934.

Cmd 4963

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 437 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government regarding Commercial Relations. Madrid, 1 April 1935. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 4, 1935.

Cmd 4965

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL. 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 285 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Polish Government regarding the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Dublin, 19 October 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Dublin, 6 May 1935. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 5, 1935.

Cmd 4966

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL. 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 457 Treaty Series No. 29 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council supplementary to the Convention of 26 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Berne, 19 December 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London on 6 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 12 Aug.)


Cmd 4975

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1375 -1378 Cmd 4976 - 4982

Doc. No.

Item No. 1375

Vol. XXIV, 421 Roumania No. 2 Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement, with Annex. London, 3 August 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4976

(IL 8 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 59 Treaty Series No. 30 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic supplementary to the Convention of 11 November 1924 to facilitate the conduct of legal proceedings. Prague, 15 February 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 July 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4980

(IL 15 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 83 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load Line Certificates. Helsingfors, 3 May 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4981

(R. 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 135 Treaty Series No. 32 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United 'Kingdom and the German Government for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load Line Certificates. Berlin, 7 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Occ.1935 (IL 20 Aug.)


Cmd 4982

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1379-1382 Cmd 4984 - 4999

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIV, 329 Treaty Series No. 33 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government in regard to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes. London, 27 February 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 24 July 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R.9 Sept.)

Cmd 4984


Vol. XXIV, 179 Iraq No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Bagdad, 25 July 1935. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 3 Sept.)

Cmd 4986


Vol. XXIV, 645 Misc. No. 3 Convention for facilitating the International Circulation of Films of an Educational Character. Geneva, 11 October 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4994

(R. 12 Sept.)


Vol. XXIV, 463 Treaty Series No. 34. Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan supplementary to the Agreement signed on 20 February 1928. Jerusalem, 2 June 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Abeen, 22 June 1935.

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 2 Oct.)


Cmd 4999

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1383 -1385 Cmd 5006 - 5008

Item No.

Doc. No.

1383 Vol. XXIV, 493 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States, respecting Air Navigation. Washington, 28 March-5 April 1935. L/C. HC/L. 23 Oct. 1935

Cmd 5006

1384 Vol. XXIV, 507 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America, respecting Air Pilots' Licenses. Washington, 28 March5 April 1935. L/C. HC/I» 23 Oct. 1935

Cmd 5007


Cmd 5008

Vol. XXIV, 631

Treaty Series No. 37 International Convention for the Mutual Protection against Dengue Fever. Athens, 25 July 1934. His Majesty's Ratification deposited, 3 April 1935. L/C. HC/L. 23 Oct. 1935

BILLS PUBLIC 1935-1936 Item 1386 Bill No. 19

Doc. No.

Item No. 1386 Vol. I, 169: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to Aviation and matters connected therewith. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1935


Bill 19

BILLS PUBLIC 1935-1936 Item 1387 -1390 Bill No. 67 -172 Doc. No.

Item No.

1387 Vol. III, 233: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of Peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of international disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties; and for other purposes.

Bill 67

O.H.C.P. 5 March 1936

1388 Vol. I, 225: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to aviation and matters connected therewith, as amended in Committee.

Bill 134

O.H.C.P. 10 June 1936

1389 Vol. I, 279: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to aviation and matters connected therewith, as amended in Committee on Recommittal and on Report.

Bill 141

O.H.C.P. 25 June 1936

1390 Vol. I, 339: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill Lords Amendments.

Bill 172

O.H.C.P. 28 July 1936

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1391 S.P. No. 16 Item No.

Doc. No.

1391 Vol. XX, i East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1933-1934. Sixty-ninth number. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1935


S.P. 16

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1392 -1395 S.P. No. 19 - 115

Item No. 1392

.Doc. No. Vol. XV, 213 Greek Loan 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1935.

S.P. 19

O.H.C.P. 22 Jan. 1936


Vol. XV, 215 Greek Loan (1898) By Act Account up to 31 March 1936.

S.P. 78

O.H.C.P. 21 April 1936


Vol. XV, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1935-1936, ended 31 March 1936.

S.P. 112

O.H.C.P. 9 June 1936


Vol. XV, 433 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1936 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued ; also Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act of 1934, to provide for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans and an account up to the 31 March 1936 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of such guarantees. O.H.C.P. 11 June 1936


S.P. 115

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1396 -1400 Cmd 5019 - 5028 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 375 Sudan No. 1 (1935) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition, of the Sudan in 1934.

Cmd 5019

L/C. HC/L 11 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 685 Treaty Series No. 38 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government supplementary to the Commercial Agreement of 15 May 1933. Stockholm, 27 May15 June 1935.

Cmd 5022

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 39 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government regarding the Mutual Recognition of Load Line Certificates. London, 7 November 1935.

Cmd 5023

L/C. HC/L 5 Dec.1935


Vol. XXVIII, 121 Hungary No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, with a Note. Budapest, 25 September 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5024

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1935


Vol. XX, 923 Misc. No. 4 (1935) Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. In continuation of Misc. No. 3 (1893), C. 7027; Misc. No. 7 (1922) Cmd 1771; Misc. No. 2 (1927) Cmd 2852; Misc. No. 7 (1928) Cmd 3221; Misc. No. 14 (1931) Cmd 3907. L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1935 HL. 17 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5028

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1401-1404 Cmd 5033 - 5042 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 217 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendation adopted by the Conference at its Nineteenth Session, 4-25 June 1935. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5033

L/C. HC/L. 3 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 739 Treaty Series No. 40 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Protocol of Signature. Angora, 4 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 October 1935.

Cmd 5037

L/C. HC. 13 Dec. 1935 HL 17 Dec. 1935


Vol. XVII, 691 FIeets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 January 1936, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. Japan, corrected to 30 September 1935 and the Soviet Union to 1 February 1935 only. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 5038

L/C. HC/L 11 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 821 United States No. 2 (1935) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November-December 1935. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5042

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1405 -1408 Cmd 5043 - 5047 Doc. No.

Item No.

1405 Vol. XXVIII, 235 Netherlands No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. London, 6 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5043

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1935 HL 19 Dec. 1935

1406 Vol. XXVII, 635 Ethiopia No. 1 (1935) Documents relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.

Cmd 5044

RA/HL. 5 Dec. 1934 (Withdrawn) L/C. HC. 13 Dec. 1935 HL. 17 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVII, 585 Denmark No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland in respect of Denmark supplementary to the Convention of 31 March 1873, regarding Extradition. Copenhagen, 15 October 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5046

L/C. HC. 18 Dec 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935

1408 Vol. XXVIII, 311 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the operation of Air Services over Territories in Africa. Lisbon, 24 October 1935. L/C. HC 18 Dec. 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5047

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1409 -1412 Cmd 5048 - 5056 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 165 Treaty Series No. 42 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and the Government of Iceland for the further renewal of the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. London, 10 October 1935.

Cmd 5048

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVII, 321 Misc. No. 5 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 16th Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Misc. No. 8 (1934), Cmd 4772. London, 9 December 1935.

Cmd 5053

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Vol. XXVIII, 263 Treaty Series No. 43 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia, in regard to the Tariff Autonomy of Persia, with Notes attached thereto. Teheran, 10 May 1928. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5054

L/C. HC/L 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Vol. XXVII, 1 Misc. No. 6 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to Damage caused by Aircraft to Third Parties on the surface. Rome, 29 May 1933. (Not Ratified.) L/C. HC/L 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Cmd 5056

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1413 -1417 Cmd 5058 - 5072 Item No.

Doc. No.

1413 Vol. XXVIII, 355 Spain No. 1 (1936) Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government. Madrid, 6 January 1936.

Cmd 5058

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 8 Jaa.)

1414 Vol. XXVIII, 259 Treaty Series No. 1 (1936) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government regarding Trade between the Netherlands and Newfoundland, British Colonies and Protectorates, and United Kingdom Mandated Territories. London, 18 December 1935.

Cmd 5061

L/C. HC. 22 Jan. 1936 HL. 23 Jan. 1936

1415 Vol. XXVII, 433 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Canada Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India, and the German and French Governments in regard to War Graves. Berlin, 20 December 1935.

Cmd 5068

L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

1416 Vol. XXVII, 657

Cmd 5071

Ethiopia No. 1 (1936)

Documents and Proceedings of the League of Nations relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. October 7 1935 January 22 1936. L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

1417 Vol. XXVII, 725 Ethiopia No. 2 Correspondence in connection with the application of Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations to the dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. January 1936. L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)


Cmd 5072

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1418 -1420 Cmd 5074 - 5076 Item No.

Doc. No.

1418 Vol. XXVIII, 215 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. London, 30 December 1935. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5074

1419 Vol. XXVII, 557 Belgium No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the King of the Belgians regarding the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5075

1420 Vol. XXVII, 565 Belgium No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government regarding Water Rights on the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5076


COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1421-1423 Cmd 5078 - 5086 Item No.

Doc. No.

1421 Vol. XXVII, 295 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the under-mentioned Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted at sessions of the International Labour Conference. 1) Draft Convention ensuring Benefit and Allowances to the Involuntary Unemployment (1934). 2) Recommendation concerning unemployment insurance and various forms of Relief for the unemployed (1934). 3) Draft Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases (Revised 1934). 4) Recommendation concerning the Prevention of Industrial Accidents (1929). 5) Recommendation concerning Responsibility for the Protection of Power-Driven Machinery (1929). L/C. HC/L 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

Cmd 5078

1422 Vol. XXVIII, 317 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government revising the Convention of 11 September 1928 relating to Native Labour from Mozambique, Railway Matters, and Commercial Intercourse. Lourenco Marques, 17 November 1934. Ratifications Exchanged at Pretoria, 12 July 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1934. L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL 18 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5085

1423 Vol. XXVII, 443 Treaty Series No. 44 (1935) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1935. L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL. 18 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5086


COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1424 -1428 and 5087-5113 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 463 Treaty Series No. 45 (1935) Index to Treaty Series 1935.

Cmd 5087

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL. 18 Feb. 1936


Vol. XXVII, 737 Ethiopia No. 3 Report of the Committee of Experts regarding Petroleum and its Derivatives, By-products and Residues, with reference to Co-ordination of Measures under Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. Geneva, 12 February 1936.

Cmd 5094

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL 18 Feb. 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 361 Treaty Series No. 5 Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government. Madrid, 6 January 1936.

Cmd 5097

L/C. HC. 21 Feb. 1936 HL. 25 Feb. 1936


Vol. XVI, 839 Defence Statement relating to Defence.

Cmd 5107

L/C. HC. 2 March 1936 HL. 3 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 303 International Labour Conference Replies of His Majesty Government to the Questionnaires on the subject of the Reduction of Hours of Work in certain Industries, in connection with the 20th Session of the International Labour Conference proposed to be held in June 1936. L/C. HC. 2 March 1936 HL 3 March 1936


Cmd 5113

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1429 -1433 Cmd 5118-5137 Item No.


Doc. No.

Cmd 5118

Vol. XXVIII, 43

Germany No. 1 (1936) Memorandum by the German Government respecting the Franco-Soviet Treaty, the Treaty of Locarno, and the Demilitarized Zone in the Rhineland. Communicated to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by the German Ambassador on 7 March 1936. L/C. HC. 9 March 1936 HL. 10 March 1936


Vol. XIX, 717 Palestine Proposed New Constitution for Palestine.

Cmd 5119

L/C. HC/L. 11 March 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 49 Germany No. 2 Text of proposals drawn up by the Representatives of Belgium, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Italy. London, 19 March 1936. [See also Item 1437.]

Cmd 5134

L/C. HC. 20 March 1936 HL. 24 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 377 Misc. No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, the President of the United States of America, and the President of the French Republic for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 25 March 1936.

Cmd 5136

L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 421 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on the London Naval Conference, 9 December 1935-25 March 1936. L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1936


Cmd 5137

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1434 -1436 Cmd 5141-5146

Item No.

Doc. No.

1434 Vol. XXVII, 299 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding certain Draft Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Conference concerning: Compulsory Old Age, Invalidity, and Widows and Orphans Insurance (1933); Recommendations concerning the General principles of Invalidity, Old Age and Widows and Orphans Insurance (1933); Draft Convention concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old Age, Widows and Orphans Insurance (1935); Draft Convention concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of all kinds (1935). L/C. HC/L. 26 March 1936

Cmd 5141

Vol. XXVII, 59 Misc. No. 3 Correspondence showing the course of certain Diplomatic Discussions directed towards securing a European settlement, June 1934—March 1936. L/C. HC/L. 7 April 1936

Cmd 5143

1436 Vol. XXVIII, 87 Greece No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of the Hellenes regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 7 April 1936

Cmd 5146



COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1437 -1440 Cmd 5149 - 5161

Item No. 1437

Doc. No. Vol. XXVIII, 57 Misc. No. 4 Correspondence with the French and Belgian Ambassadors relating to the Texts of Proposals drawn up by the representatives of Belgium, France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Italy. London, 19 March 1936. [Cmd 5I34, Item 1431.] London, 1 April 1936. L/C. HC. 3 April 1936

Cmd 5149

HL 6 April 1936


Vol. XXVII, 193 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention for facilitating the International Circulation of Films of an educational Character. Geneva, 11 October 1933. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited on 26 February 1936 and 17 October 1934, respectively. L/C. HC. 21 April 1936

Cmd 5155

HL 28 Apri11936 (R. 16 April)


Vol. XXVII, 775 Ethiopia No. 4 Correspondence exchanged with the Italian Government regarding the bombing by Italian Military Aircraft of the British Red Cross Ambulance No. 1 in Ethiopia. March-April 1936. L/C. HC. 21 April 1936

Cmd 5160

HL 28 April 1936 (R. 17 April)


Vol. XXVIII, 837 Yugoslavia No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Yugoslavia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 22 April 1936 HL 28 April 1936 (R.)


Cmd 5161

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1441-1445 Cmd 5166 - 5174 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 21 Misc. No. 5 Documents relating to the Admission of Women to the Diplomatic and Consular Services. 30 July 1934—April 1936.

Cmd 5166

L/C. HC. 27 April 1936 HL. 28 April 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 545 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi-Arabia regarding Transit Dues at Bahrein. Jedda, 16 November 1935.

Cmd 5168

L/C. HC/L. 30 April 1936


Vol. XXVII, 591 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland in respect of Denmark, supplementary to the Treaty of 31 March 1873, regarding Extradition. Copenhagen, 15 October 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1936.

Cmd 5172

L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 169 Iraq No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Iraq regarding the Railway System of Iraq, including the Transfer of the Railways to the Government of Iraq, with Notes Exchanged. Bagdad, 31 March 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5173

L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 333 Roumania No. 1 (1936) Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement. Bucharest, 2 May 1936. L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Cmd 5174

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1446 -1449 Cmd 5175 - 5189

Doc. No.

Item No. 1446 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Misc. No. 6 Correspondence with the German Government regarding the German proposals for an European settlement. 24 March-6 May 1936.

Cmd 5175

L/C. HC. 8 May 1936 HL. 12 May 1936

1446a Vol. XXVIII, 689 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government regarding the mutual recognition of Load Line Certificates. London, 30 April 1936.

Cmd 5180

L/C. HC. 25 May 1936 HL 26 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 1 France No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic supplementary to the Convention of 2 February 1922 to facilitate the Conduct of Legal Proceedings, with Protocol of Signature. Paris, 15 April 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5182

L/C. HC/L 28 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 341 Roumania No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government, supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. With technical Agreement. Bucharest, 28 May 1936.

Cmd 5187

L/C. HG 9 June 1936 (R.) HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 825 United States No. 1 (1936) Papers relating to the British War Debt, MayJune 1936. L/C. HC. 9 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R. 9 June)


Cmd 5189

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1450 -1453 Cmd 5190 - 5196 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 143 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, with a Note. Budapest, 25 September 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 May 1936.

Cmd 5190

L/C. HC. 10 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands for Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on profits or gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. London, 6 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 May 1936.

Cmd 5191

L/C. HC. 10 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 469 Treaty Series No. 12 General Index to Treaty Series 1933-1935. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 12, 1933 [Item 1173].

Cmd 5193

L/C. HG 15 June 1936 HL 16 June 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 185 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and of India and the Government of Iraq regarding British War Cemetaries, etc. in Iraq, with Notes Exchanged. Bagdad, 15 March 1935. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1936


Cmd 5196

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1454 -1458 Cmd 5197 - 5231 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 193 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of Lithuania regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Kovno, 24 April 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 May 1936.

Cmd 5197

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1936


Vol. VII, 875: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1935 on the importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 5205

L/C. HC. 22 June 1936 HL 23 June 1936


Vol. XXVII, 597 Denmark No. 1 (1936) Agremeent between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark supplementary to the Agreement of 24 April 1933 relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes Exchanged. London, 19 June 1936.

Cmd 5206

L/C. HC/L 23 June 1936


Vol. XXVII, 783 Ethiopia No. 5 Reports and Correspondence regarding the Rescue and Relief of British and Foreign Nationals at Addis Ababa, during the disturbances of 2-6 May 1936.

Cmd 5213

L/C. HC/L 30 June 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 79 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the German Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Germany. Ottawa, 20-27 December 1932. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 1, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936


Cmd 5231

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1459 -1462 Cmd 5232 - 5235 Item No.

Doc. No.

1459 VoL XXVIII, 83 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the German Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Germany. Ottawa, 29-30 March 1933. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 7, 1933.

Cmd 5232

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1460 Vol. XXVII, 553 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Austrian Government regarding Commercial Relations between Austria and Canada. London, 6.8 July 1933. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1933.

Cmd 5233

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1461 Vol. XXVIII, 829 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Load Lines. Washington, 9 December 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 26 July 1934. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1934.

Cmd 5234

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1462 Vol. XXVIII, 15 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Paris, 18 January 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 16 May 1936. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936


Cmd 5235

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1463 -1467 Cmd 5236 - 5260 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 429 Treaty Series No. 20 Protocols signed for the Governments of France, the United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands, and Siam amending the Agreement of 7 May 1934 for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber. London, 27 June 1935 and 22 May 1936.

Cmd 5236

L/C. HC/L. 21 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 697 Turkey No. 1 (1936) Convention regarding the Regime of the Straits with Correspondance related thereto. Montreux, 20 July 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5249

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government amending the Payments Agreement of 6 January 1936. Madrid, 6 June 1936.

Cmd 5250

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1936


Vol. XX, 849 Exports Credits Agreement with Soviet Trade Representative relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to the Soviet Union of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom. 28 July 1936.

Cmd 5253

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 117 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes regarding the Payments due to British Subjects in respect of the Expropriation of Landed Properties in Greece. Athens, 18-21 January 1936. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (IL 14 Aug.)


Cmd 5260

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1468 -1470 Cmd 5267.5269

Item No. 1468

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 573 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 10 August 1936.

Cmd 5267

L/C. MC/L. 29 Oct.1936 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 581 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom on behalf of Newfoundland, and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 10 August 1936.

Cmd 5268

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 833 United States No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand and the President of the United States of America, amending the Convention of 2 March 1899, concerning the disposal of Real and Personal Property. Washington, 27 May 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (IL 1 Sept.)


Cmd 5269

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1471-1473 Cmd 5270 - 5279 Item No.

Doc. No.

1471 Vol. XXVII, 605 Egypt No. 1 (1936) Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Egypt, with an agreed Minute thereto, and three Notes. Notes Exchanged in Egypt on 12 August 1936, an Oral Declaration made by the President of the Egyptian Council of Ministers on 10 August 1936, and a Convention concerning Immunities and Privileges to be enjoyed by the British Forces in Egypt. London, 26 August 1936. Not Ratified. [See also Items 1496 and 1499. Ratifications exchanged 22 December 1936. See Item 1514]

Cmd 5270

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 27 Aug.)

1472 Vol. XXVIII, 775 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Clearing, with Protocol. London, 2 September 1936.

Cmd 5274

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 9 Sept.)

1473 Vol. XXVIII, 221 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation of Air Transport Profits. London, 27 August 1936. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 28 Sept.)


Cmd 5279

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1474 -1477 Cmd 5280 - 5288 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 147 Treaty Series No. 27 International Convention for the Protection of Fauna and Flora, with Protocol. London, 8 November 1933. Ratifications by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa, deposited on 9 April and 19 November 1935, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 28 Sept.)

Cmd 5280


Vol. XXVIII, 533 Sudan No. 1 (1936) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1935. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 7 Oct.)

Cmd 5281


Vol. XXVIII, 175 Treaty Series No. 28 Ratifications of Cmd 5173 exchanged at Bagdad, on 9 July 1936. [See Item 1444 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 2 Oct.)

Cmd 5282


Vol. XXVIII, 295 Peru No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Peru, relating to Commerce and Navigation. Lima, 6 October 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 8 Oct.)

Cmd 5288


BILLS PUBLIC 1936-1937 Item 1478 -1481 Bill No. 32 - 54 Item No.

Doc. No.

1478 Vol. V, 1: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of Peace and of machinery for the Peaceful settlement of International Disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties ; and for other purposes.

Bill 32

O.H.C.P. 18 Nov. 1936

1479 Vol. III, 497: Bills, Public London Naval Treaty Bill to enable effect to be given to a Treaty signed in London on behalf of His Majesty and certain other Powers.

Bill 33

O.H.C.P. 18 Nov. 1936

1480 Vol. IV, 9: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Munitions to Spain) Bill to prohibit the discharge in, or transhipment for, Spanish Territory of weapons and munitions of war and other articles from certain ships, and for purposes connected therewith.

Bill 39

O.H.C.P. 26 Nov. 1936

1481 Vol. II, 699: Bills, Public Geneva Convention (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to Article twenty-eight of the International Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armies in the Field and for purposes connected therewith. Done at Geneva, 27 July 1929. O.H.C.P. 16 Dec. 1936


Bill 54

BILLS PUBLIC 1936-I937 Item 1482 -1484 Bill No. 99 -165 Item No.

Doc. No.

1482 Vol. IV, 15: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Spanish Frontiers Observation) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Law relating to merchant shipping for the purpose of enabling effect to be given to an international agreement for establishing a system of observation of the Spanish Frontiers.

Bill 99

O.H.C.P. 11 March 1937

1483 Vol. I, 441: Bills, Public British Nationality and Status of Aliens (Amendment) Bill to give effect to the recommendation of The Hague Conference for the Condition of International Law.

Bill 109

O.H.GP. 24 March 1937

1484 Vol. I, 903: Bills, Public Export Guarantees Bill to amend and consolidate the Overseas Trade Acts 1920-1934.

Bill 165

O.H.C.P. 15 June 1937

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1485 S.P. No. 21 Item No.

Doc. No.

1485 Vol. XVI, 233 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1936. O.H.C.P. 19 Jan. 1937


S.P. 21

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1485e -1488 S.P. No. 25 - 94

Item No.

Doc. No.

1485a Vol. XVI, 185 Debts, CIearing Offices, and Import Restriction Act 1934 By Act Account of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish Clearing Office for the period ended 31 March 1936, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. [See also Items 1584, 1720.]

S.P. 25

O.H.C.P. 26 Jan. 1937


Vol. VIII, 1: Reports, Committees (3) Geneva Convention Bill (H.L.) Proceedings in Standing Committee B.

S.P. 53

O.H.GP. 18 Feb.1937


Vol. XX, 1041 By Act Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1934-1935. Seventieth Number.

S.P. 90

O.H.C.P. 24 May 1937


Vol. XVI, 235 By Act Greek Loan of 1898 Account up to 31 March 1937 O.H.C.P. 7 April 1937


S.P. 94

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1489 -1490 S.P. No. 123 -131

Item No.

Doc. No.

1489 Vol. XVI, 453 Trade Facilities Act and Finance Act 1934 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927; account up to 31 March 1937 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Act and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued ; statement of Conversion Loans guaranteed by the Treasury for the purpose of providing for the Redemption of existing guaranteed loans; and an account up to the 31 March 1937 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934. O.H.C.P. 24 May 1937

S.P. 123

1490 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1936-1937, ended 31 March 1937.

S.P. 131

O.H.C.P. 3 June 1937

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1491 Cmd 5300

Item No.

Doc. No.

1491 Vol. XXVIII, 607 Spain No. 2 (1936) The Legislative and other measures taken by the participating Governments to give effect to the Agreement regarding non intervention in Spain, and by the Swiss Government to prohibit the export, etc., of arms and war material from Switzerland to Spain. Report by the Secretary to the International Committee for the Application of an Agreement Recording Non-Intervention in Spain : Mr. Francis Hemming, C.B.E. L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1936 352

Cmd 5300

COMMAND PAPERS 19364937 Item 1492 -1496 Cmd 5302 - 5308 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 693 Treaty Series No. 29 (1936) Proces-verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare set forth in Part IV of the Treaty of London of 22 April 1930. London, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5302

L/C. HC. 6 Nov. 1936 HL. 10 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 163 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Twentieth Session, 4-24 June 1936. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5305

L/C. HC/L. 3 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 441 Italy No. 1 (1936) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5306

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 483 Italy No. 2 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5307

L/C. HC/L. I0 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 199 Egypt No. 2 (1936) Map to illustrate the Treaty of Alliance with Egypt of 26 August 1936. In continuation of Egypt No. 1 (1936), Cmd 5270 [Item 1471]. Treaty Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1936 HL. 17 Nov. 1936


Cmd 5308

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1497 -1500 Cmd 5311-5321 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 389 Hungary No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness the Regent of Hungary Supplementary to the Treaty of 3 December 1873, regarding Extradition. Budapest, 18 September 1936.

Cmd 5311

L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 359 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Greece for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on certain Profits and Gains arising from an Agency. Athens, 17 September 1936.

Cmd 5318

L/C. HC/L. 25 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 237 Egypt No. 3 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Financial Questions affecting the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Cairo, 5 November 1936. In continuation of Egypt No. 1 and 2, 1936 [Items 1471 and 1496].

Cmd 5319

L/C. HC.. 23 Nov. 1936 HL. 24 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 95 Treaty Series No. 31 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Belgians providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Brussels, 2 May 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 October 1936. L/C. HC. 27 Nov. 1936 HL. 1 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5321

COMMAND PAPERS 19364937 Item 1501-1505 Cmd 5323 - 5336 Doc. No.

Item. No.


Vol. XXIX, 677 Yugoslavia No. 2 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding trade and payments. London, 27 November 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 1 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5323


Vol. XXIX, 9 Argentina No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Argentine Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol, Protocol of Signature, and Letters, London, 1 December 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. I Dec. 1936

Cmd 5324


Vol. XXIX, 625 United State No. 3 (1936) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November, December 1936. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5330


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Misc. No. 7 (1936) Protocols regarding the Amendment of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Brussels, 1 June 1935. Protocols have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5332


Vol. XXIX, 551 Treaty Series No. 32 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government for the reciprocal recognition of Load Line Certificats. London, 18 November 1936. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5336


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1506 -1509 Cmd 5338 - 5345 Item No.


hoc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 549 Treaty Series No. 33 (1936) Provisional arrangement concerning the Status of Refugees from Germany. Geneva, 4 July 1936.

Cmd 5338

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 22 Dec. 1936)


Vol. XXIX, 633 Treaty Series No. 1 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol, Supplementary Agreement, and Notes. London, 26 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Montevideo, 3 February 1936.

Cmd 5343

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 7 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 29 Misc. No. 1 (1937) Protocol regarding the Immunities of the Bank of International Settlement. Brussels, 30 July 1936. Protocol has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 5344

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 7 Jan.) 1509

Cmd 5345

Vol. XXIX, 445

Treaty Series No. 2 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. Rome, 6 November 1936. L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R 14 Jan.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1510 -1513 Cmd 5346 - 5359 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIX, 455 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding commercial exchanges and payments. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5346

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 525 Treaty Series No. 4 Convention relating to the International Status of Refugees. Geneva, 28 October 1933. His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, acceded on 28 October 1936.

Cmd 5347

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXIX, 497 Italy No. 1 (1937) Declaration by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Mediterranean, with an Exchange of Notes regarding the status quo in the Western Mediterranean, dated 31 December 1936. Rome, 2 January 1937.

Cmd 5348

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXIX, 119 Treaty Series No. 5 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Belgian Government modifying the Trade Arrangement of 5 December 1933. Wellington, 10 August 1936; Sydney, 21 August 1936. L/C. HC. 1 Feb. 1937 HL. 2 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5359

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1514-1518 Cmd 5360 - 5369 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIX, 199 Treaty Series No. 6 Ratifications of Cmd 5270 exchanged at Cairo on 22 December 1936. [See Item 1471 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5360


Vol. XXIX, 231 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Commercial Relations between Palestine and Egypt. Cairo, 18 August 1936. L/C. HC. 1 Feb.1937 HL. 2 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5361


Vol. XXVIII, 335 Misc. No. 2 (1937) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the Seventeenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 31 December 1936. L/C. HC. 8 Feb. 1937 HL 9 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5365


Vol. XVII, 1135 Defence Loans Memorandum on the Proposed Resolution.

Cmd 5368

L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1937 HL. 16 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 419 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Bagdad, 25 July 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 November 1936. L/C. HC/L 17 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5369

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1519 -1523 Cmd 5371- 5377 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XVIII, 681 Fleets Particulars of the Vessels of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations and of France, on 1 February 1937, of the United States of America, on 15 December 1936, of Japan and Germany on 1 October 1936, of Italy on 31 December 1936 and of the Soviet Union on 1 February 1935. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 5371

L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 405 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Iraq regarding Commercial Relations between Palestine and Iraq. Bagdad, 14 December 1936.

Cmd 5372

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1937 HL. 23 Feb. 1937


Vol. XVII, 1123 Defence Statement relating to Defence Expenditure.

Cmd 5374

L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1937 HL. 17 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 743 Treaty Series No. 34 (1936) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. 1936. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 44 (1935), [Item 1423].

Cmd 5376

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 763 Treaty Series No. 35 (1936) Index to Treaty Series 1936. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5377

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1524 -1528 Cmd 5380 - 5393 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 1 Treaty Series No. 10 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi Arabia for the modification of the Treaty of Jedda of the 20 May 1927. MeccaJedda, 3 October 1936.

Cmd 5380

L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 177 Cuba No. 1 (1937) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes regarding Navigation. Havana, 19 February 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5383

L/C. HC/L 25 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 603 Treaty Series No. 11 (1937) Protocol between the Governments of France, the United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands and Siam amending the Agreement of 7 May 1934, for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber. London, 5 February 1937. L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1937

Cmd 5384


Vol. XXVIII, 223 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its 21st Session, 6-24 October 1936. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5392

L/C. HC. 1 March 1937 HL. 2 March 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 321 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 22nd Session, 22-24 October 1936. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC. 1 March 1937 HL 2 March 1937


Cmd 5393

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1529-1532 Cmd 5399 - 5416 Doc. No.

Item No. 1529 Vol. XXVIII, 667 Spain No. 1 (1937) Resolution adopted by the International NonIntervention Committee relating to a Scheme of Observation of the Spanish Frontiers by Land and Sea. London, 8 March 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 March 1937

Cmd 5399

1530 Vol. XXIX, 191 Treaty Series No. 12 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark supplementary to the Agreement of 24 April 1933 relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 19 June 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen on 6 January 1937. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1937

Cmd 5400

1531 Vol. XXVIII, 519 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement for the Control of Opium Smoking in the Far East, supplementary to the Geneva Agreement of 11 February 1925. Bangkok, 27 November 1931. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited 3 April 1933 and 4 December 1935 respectively. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1937

Cmd 5401

1532 Vol. XXIX, 527 Luxemburg No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg supplementary to the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 23 January 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 6 Apri11937 (R.) HL 7 April 1937 (R.)

Cmd 5416


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1533 -1537 Grad 5429 - 5443 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 501 Treaty Series No. 14 Declaration by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Mediterranean. Rome, 2 January 1937.

Cmd 5429

L/C. HC/L 14 April 1937


Vol. XXIX, 91 Belgium No. 1 Documents exchanged between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government and the Belgium Government concerning the International position of Belgium. Brussels, 24 April 1937.

Cmd 5437

L/C. HC. 26 April 1937 HL 27 April 1937


Vol. XXIX, 183 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government for the reciprocal recognition of Load-Line Certificates. London, 24 March 1937.

Cmd 5441

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 533 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations. Dublin, 29 July 1936. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 3, 1986.

Cmd 5442

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 607 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes constituting a Trade and Payments Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Turkish Government. Dublin, 1 October 1936. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 6, 1936. L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Cmd 5443

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1538 -1541 Cmd 5444 - 5448 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 619 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Claims arising from the Operation of the Smelter at Trail, B.C. Ottawa, 15 April 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 3 August 1935. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 20, 1935.

Cmd 5444

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 367 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes constituting a Commercial modus vivendi between Canada and Hayti. Portaux-Prince, 12-13 April 1935. Reprint of Canada Treaty Series, No. 5, 1935.

Cmd 5445

L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Vol. XXIX, 563 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin. Ottawa, 27 July 1934; Montreal, 4 January 1935; Ottawa, 11 January 1935. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 4, 1935.

Cmd 5447

L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Vol. XXIX, 401 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of Iceland for the Further Renewal of the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. London, 22 March 1937. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Cmd 5448

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1542 -1545 Cmd 5460 - 5470

Item No. 1542

Doc. No. Vol. XXVIII, 443 Treaty Series No. 22 International Protocol relating to Military Obligations in certain cases of Double Nationality. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited 14 January 1932 and 28 September 1932, respectively. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937

Cmd 5460

HL. 25 May 1937 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 699 Misc. No. 3 International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar, with Protocol of Signature. London, 6 May 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937

Cmd 5461

HL. 25 May 1937


Vol. XXI, 635 Export Guarantees Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution. L/C. HG 26 May 1937

Cmd 5467

HL 27 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 567 Roumania No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. Bucharest, 5 December 1936. L/C. HC. 31 May 1937 HL 1 June 1937


Cmd 5470

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1546 -1550 Cmd 5471- 5480

Doc. No.

Item No. 1546

Vol. XXIX, 571 Roumania No. 2 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936, with Technical Agreement. London, 27 May 1937. L/C. HC. 31 May 1937 HL.

Cmd 5471

1 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 601 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Siam regarding the Nationality of Persons affected by the re-delimitation of the boundary between Burma (Tenasserim) and Siam. Bangkok, 31 March 1937. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937

Cmd 5475


Vol. XXIX, 247 Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government to dispense with the Legislation of certain Official Documents. Paris, 3 April 1937. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937

Cmd 5476


Vol. XIV, 231: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Report of the Royal Commission. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1937

Cmd 5479


Vol. XXIX, 629 United States No. 1 Papers relating to the British War Debt. MayJune 1937. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1937

Cmd 5480


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1551-1555 Cmd 5486 - 5491 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. IX, 503: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1936 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 5486

L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 731 Misc. No. 4 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling, with Final Act of Conference. London, 8 June 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5487

L/C. HC. 21 June 1937 HL 22 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 37 Treaty Series No. 25 Protocol regarding the Immunities of the Bank for International Settlements. Brussels, 30 July 1936. Ratification by His Majesty, in respect to the United Kingdom, deposited at Brussels, 6 April 1937.

Cmd 5489

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 537 Netherlands No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands supplementary to the Convention of 31 May 1932 to facilitate the Conduct of Legal Proceedings. The Hague, 21 May 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5490

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 67 Egypt No. 1 Final Act, Convention and other Documents regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt. Montreux, 8 May 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 23 June 1937


Cmd 5491

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1556-1560 Cmd 5494 - 5515 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 139 Misc. No. 5 International Convention for the Regulation of Meshes of Fishing Nets and the Size Limits of Fish. London, 23 March 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5494

L/C. HC/L 28 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 517 Japan No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Japan regarding Trade and Commerce between Burma and Japan, with Protocol of Signature. London, 7 June 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5504

L/C. HC/L 1 July 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 47 Misc. No. 6 (1937) International Convention concerning the use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace. Geneva, 23 September 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5505

L/C. HC/L 1 July 1937


Vol. XIV, 665: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Statement of Policy by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom.

Cmd 5513

L/C. HC/L 6 July 1937


Vol. XXIX, 239 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland regarding the Importation of Wheaten Flour into Finland. London, 14 April I937. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1937


Cmd 5515

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1561-1564 Cmd 5518 - 5535 Item No.

Doc. No.

1561 Vol. XXIX, 583 Russia No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature. London, 17 July 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5518

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1937

1562 Vol. XXIX, 315 Germany No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Declaration, Protocol of Signature, and Exchange of Notes. London, 17 July 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5519

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1937

1563 Vol. XXVIII, 687 Spain No. 2 International Committee for the Application of the Agreement regarding Non-Intervention in Spain, proposals submitted by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. London, I4 July 1937.

Cmd 5521

L/C. HC/L. 14 July 1937

1564 Vol. XXIX, 371 Hungary No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness, the Regent of Hungary relating to Air Navigation. Budapest, 22 March 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 9 Aug.)


Cmd 5535

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1565 -1568 Cmd 5538 - 5544 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 279 Misc. No. 7 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the Abolition of Capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar, with Protocol of Signature, Minute, and Exchange of Notes. London, 29 July 1937.

Cmd 5538

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 4 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 681 Treaty Series No. 27 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding Trade and Payments. London, 27 November 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Belgrade, 18 June 1937.

Cmd 5540

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 653 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Yugoslavia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Belgrade, 18 June 1937.

Cmd 5542

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 615 United States No. 2 Correspondence with the United States Government regarding United States rights in Palestine. London, 6 July-4 August 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Cmd 5544

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1569 -1572 Cmd 5548 - 5552 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 511 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Japanese Government regarding the Termination of Perpetual Leases in Japan. Tokyo, 25 March 1937.

Cmd 5548

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 19 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 395 Treaty Series No. 32 Ratifications of Cmd 5311 exchanged in London, 13 July 1937. [See Item 1497 for Text.]

Cmd 5550

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 565 Treaty Series No. 30 Convention regarding the Region of the Straits, with Protocol. Montreux, 20 July 1936. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Knigdom and Commonwealth of Australia, deposited at Paris, 9 November 1936.

Cmd 5551

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 459 Treaty Series No. 31 International Protocol relating to a Certain Case of Statelessness, with proces-verbal of Deposit of Ratifications and Accessions. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom Deposited 14 January 1932; Australia, 8 July 1935; the Union of South Africa, 9 April 1936; and the Government of India, 28 September 1932. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Cmd 5552

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1573 -1575 Cmd 5553 - 5561 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 407 Treaty Series No. 33 International Convention on certain questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws with proces-verbal of deposit of Ratifications and Accessions. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty, in respect to the United Kingdom and Canada deposited, 6 April 1934 and of India, 7 October 1935.

Cmd 5553

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXIX, 243 Treaty Series No. 34 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the Importation of Raffia of French Origin, of British East African Coffee, and New Zealand Kauri Gum. Paris, 16-23 July 1937.

Cmd 5558

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 22 Sept)


Vol. XXVIII, 475 Treaty Series No. 36 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, and the President of the United States of America and the President of the French Republic for the Limitation of Naval Armament, with Protocol of Signature and additional Protocol. London, 25 March 1936. Ratification in respect to His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, deposited 29 July 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 4 Oct.)


Cmd 5561

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 hem 1576 -1580 Cmd 5562 - 5570

.Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIX, 85 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Brussels, 28 December 1936; Paris, 6 January 1937. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 1, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5562

(R. 30 Sept.)


Vol. XXIX, 559 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government regarding Identity Documents for Aircraft Personnel. Lisbon, 30 October 1936. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 13, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5565

(R. 18 Oct.)


Vol. XXVIII, 385 Treaty Series No. 38 International Agreement for Collective Measures against Piratical Attacks in the Mediterranean by Submarines, with Map. Nyon, 14 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5568


Vol. XXVIII, 403 Treaty Series No. 39. International Agreement for Collective Measures against Piratical Acts in the Mediterranean by Surface Vessels and Aircraft, supplementary to the Nyon Arrangement. Geneva, 17 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5569


Vol. XXIX, 505 Spain No. 3 Correspondence with the Italian Government regarding the withdrawal of Foreign Volunteers from Spain, 2-9 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5570


BILLS PUBLIC 1937-1938 Item 1581- 1581c Bill No. 35 -141

Item No. 1581

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 69: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the Maintenance of peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of international disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties and for other purposes.

Bill 35

O.H.C.P. 2 Nov. 1937

1581a Vol. IV, 37: Bills, Public Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and to amend the provisions of the Patents and Designs Acts 1907 to 1932, relating to matters affected by the said Convention; and to give effect to an International Agreement regarding false indications of the origin of goods and to amend the provisions of the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887 to 1926, relating to matters affected by the said Agreement. [See also Item 1581c.]

Bill 84

O.H.C.P. 15 Feb. 1938

1581b Vol. III, 131: Bills, Public Jewish Citizenship Bill to extend Palestinian Nationality. [Not Printed.)

Bill 127

O.H.C.P. 12 April 1938

1581c Vol. IV, 53: Bills, Public Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Bill No. 84 as amended by Standing Committee A. [See Item 1581a for Text.] O.H.C.P. 10 May 1938


Bill 141

BILLS PUBLIC 1937-1938 Item 1582 -1583 Bill No. 187 -190 Item No.

Doc. No.

1582 Vol. I, 119: Bills, Public Anglo-Turkish (Armaments Credit) Agreement Bill to confirm and give effect to an Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Government of the Turkish Republic; and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.

Bill 187

O.H.C.P. 21 June 1938

1583 Vol. II, 603: Bills, Public Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia (Property) Bill to safeguard the title of the Emperor to property within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. O.H.C.P. 22 June 1938

Bill 190

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1584 -1585 S.P. No. 20 - 34 Item No.

Doc. No.

1584 Vol. XVI, 175 Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions . Act 1934 By Act Accounts of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Roumanian, Anglo-Italian, and Anglo-Turkish Clearing Offices for the year ended 31 March 1937, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. In continuation of S.P. No. 25, 1936-1937. [Item 1485a].

S.P. 20

O.H.C.P. 20 Dec.1937

1585 Vol. XVI, 225 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1937. O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1938


S.P. 34

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1586 -1588 S.P. No. 100 -140 Item No.

Doc. No.

1586 Vol. XVI, 227 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1938.


O.H.C.P. 11 April 1938

1587 Vol. XVI, 501 Trade Facilities Acts and Finances Acts By Act Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926. (1) Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. (2) Account up to 31 March 1938 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. (3) Finance Act 1934. Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans. (4) Account up to 31 March 1938 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934.

S.P. 104

O.H.C.P. 26 April 1938

1587a Vol. VII, 565: Reports, Committees (3) Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Proceedings from Standing Committee A.

S.P. 115

O.H.C.P. 10 May 1938


Vol. XVI, 1 By Act Finance Accounts Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1937-1938 ended 31 March 1938. O.H.C.P. 14 June 1938


S.P. 140

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1589- 1593 Cmd 5575 - 5581 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 863 Sudan No. 1 (1937) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1936.

Cmd 5575

L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 809 Treaty Series No. 40 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Uruguayan Government regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 12 August 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 14, 1936.

Cmd 5576

L/C. HC/L. 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 405 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Japanese Government respecting the Customs Treatment of Imports. Ottawa, 26 December 1935. Reprint of the Canadian Treaty Series No. 1, 1936.

Cmd 5577

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 209 Treaty Series No. 42 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Government of the German Reich to facilitate Payments for the Exchange of Goods. Ottawa, 22 October 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 19, 1936.

Cmd 5580

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, i Treaty Series No. 43 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the French Republic regarding Commerce and Navigation. Ottawa, 12 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 5 November 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 18, 1936. L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Cmd 5581

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1594 -1597 Cmd 5584 - 5588

Item No.

Doc. No.

1594 Vol. XXX, 59 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations Adopted by the Conference at its 23rd Session, 3 June to 23 June 1937. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 26 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5584

1595 Vol. XXX, 761 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia, and New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Denmark, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Copenhagen, 21 July 1937. L/C. HC. 4 Nov. 1937 HL. 9 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5586

1596 Vol. XXXI, 585 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial Payments, with Supplementary Agreement of 5 December 1936. Bucharest, 2 May 1936. L/C. HC. 5 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5587

HL. 9 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 593 Treaty Series No. 46 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. London, 27 May 1937. L/C. HC. 5 Nov. 1937 HL. 9 Nov. 1937


Cmd 5588

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1598 -1601 Cmd 5590 - 5599 Item No.

Doc. No.

1598 Vol. XXX, 307 Misc. No. 8 International Agreement for a Uniform System of Maritime Buoyage and rules annexed thereto, with diagrams. Geneva, 13 May 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5590

1599 Vol. XXXI, 821 Treaty Series No. 47 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Commercial Relations. Washington, 15 November 1935. Ratifications exchanged in Ottawa, 14 May 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5597

1600 Vol. XXXI, 487 Treaty Series No. 48 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the Republic of Poland regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 3 July 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 31 July 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 15, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5598

1601 Vol. XXXI, 479 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding Amendments of the Commercial Agreement of 27 February 1935. Warsaw, 31 July 1937 and 30 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5599


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1602 - 1604 Cmd 5600 - 5611 Item No.

Doc. No.

1602 Vol. XXXI, 397 Treaty Series No. 50 Protocol regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Exchange of Notes regarding the prolongation of the Convention of 12 July 1934. London, 12 October 1937.

Cmd 5600

L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1937

1602a Vol. XXXI, 693 Siam No. 1 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Siamese Government for the temporary continuance of rights under the Treaties of Siam of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 13 November 1937.

Cmd 5607

L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937

1603 Vol. XXXI, 641. Siam No. 2 (1937) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Siam, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Bangkok, 23 November 1937. Not Ratified. [Ratifications exchanged 19 February 1938. See Item 1653.] L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5608

Vol. XXXI, 689 Siam No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Siam regarding the Right of Evocation from Siamese Courts under the Treaty of 14 July I925. Bangkok, 23 November 1937.

Cmd 5611


L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1605 - 1608 Cmd 5613 - 5618 Item No.

Doc. No.

1605 Vol. XXXI, 601 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government modifying the Anglo-Roumanian Payments (Amendment) Agreement of 27 May 1937. London, 12 November 1937.

Cmd 5613

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

1606 Vol. XXX, 767 Treaty Series No. 52 Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Acting President of Ecuador, to the Treaty of 20 September 1880, regarding Extradition. Quito, 4 June 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Quito, 8 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5614

1607 Vol. XXXI, 871 United States No. 3 (1937) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November-December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5617

1608 Vol. XXX, 773 Treaty Series No. 53 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Government of India and the Egyptian Government regarding British War Memorial Cemeteries and Graves in Egypt. Notes exchanged 2-5 June 1937. Cairo, 2 June 1937.

Cmd 5618

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1937


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1609 - 1612 Cmd 5622 - 5634 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 131 Treaty Series No. 54 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding Commercial Relations with Tunis. Paris, 14 October 1937. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5622


Vol. XXX, 237 Misc. No. 9 (1937) League of Nations Eighteenth Assembly. Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. London, 1 December 1937. In continuation of Misc. No. 2 (1937). [See Item 1516.] L/C. HC/L. 22 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5625


VoI. XXX, 779 Treaty Series No. 55 (1937) Final Act, Convention, and other Documents regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt. Montreux, 8 May 1937. Ratifications in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb.1938 (R. 29 Dec. 1937)

Cmd 5630


Vol. XXXI, 467 Policy in Palestine Despatch dated 23 December 1937, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the High Commissioner for Palestine. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938

Cmd 5634

(R. 4 Jan.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1613-1616 Cmd 5636 - 5640 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 415 Treaty Series No. 1 (1938) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Japan regarding Trade and Commerce between Burma and Japan, with Protocol of Signature. London, 7 June 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 3 December 1937.

Cmd 5636

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 11 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 151 Treaty Series No. 2 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Declaration, Protocol of Signature, and Notes Exchanged. London, 17 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 4 November 1937.

Cmd 5637

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 11 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 851 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding the Taxation, etc., of Pensions of Retired Foreign Officials. Cairo, Alexandria, and London, 12 and 31 August and 9 September 1936.

Cmd 5639

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 855 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Telecommunications. Alexandria and Cairo, 12 August 1936. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 13 Jan.)


Cmd 5640

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1617 -1620 Cmd 5643 - 5646 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 267 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Athens, 16 November 1937.

Cmd 5643

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 543 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding the Customs Classification of certain Pneumatic Tyres. Warsaw, 22 March 1937.

Cmd 5644

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 629 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding the Acceptance of Seamen's Discharge Books in lieu of Passports. London, 6 December 1937.

Cmd 5645

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 95 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the abolition of Capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar, with Protocol of Signature, Minute, and Exchange of Notes. London, 29 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 1 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 24 Jan.)


Cmd 5646

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1621-1624 Cmd 5648 - 5651

Item No.

Doc. No.

1621 Vol. XV, 487: Reports, Commissioners (8) Misc. No. 1 (1938) Report presented by Monsieur Van Zeeland to the Governments of the United Kingdom and France on the possibility of obtaining a General Reduction of the Obstacles to International Trade, 26 January 1938.

Cmd 5648

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (IL 26 Jan.)

1622 Vol. XXX, 705 Treaty Series No. 9 Treaty of Commerce between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic, with Final Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Canberra, 3 August 1936. Prague, 19 August 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Canberra, 11 November 1937.

Cmd 5649

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938

1623 Vol. XXX, 685 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a Temporary Commercial Agreement. Santiago, 26 November 1937.

Cmd 5650

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938

1624 Vol. XXXI, 637 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Royal Siamese Government for the operation of regular Air Services over Siam and over India and Burma. Bangkok, 3 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5651

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1625 -1629 Cmd 5652 - 5661 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 145 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Exemption from Taxation of Certain Profits Arising from Air Transport. Berlin, 10 November 1937.

Cmd 5652

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 447 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India, and the Government of Norway regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Oslo, 11 October 1937.

Cmd 5653

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXX, 559 Treaty Series No. 56 (1937) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc, 1937. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 34, 1936 [Item 1522].

Cmd 5654

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 771 Switzerland No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council in regard to Legal Proceedings. London, 3 December 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5658

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 577 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the boundary between Tanganyika Territory and Mozambique. Lisbon, 11 May 1936 and 28 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5661

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1630.1633 Cmd 5663 - 5670 Doc. No.

Item No.

1630 Vol. XXX, 581 Treaty Series No. 57 (1937) Index to Treaty Series 1937.

Cmd 5663

L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1938

1631 Vol. XVIII, 731 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 February 1938. United States of America correct to 15 December 1937, the Soviet Union to 1 February 1935, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 5666

L/C. HC. 21 Feb. 1938 HL. 22 Feb. 1938

1632 Vol. XXXI, 371 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government modifying the Agreement of 6 November 1936, regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments. Rome, 24 December 1937.

Cmd 5669

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1938

1633 Vol. XXXI, 319 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government supplementary to the Convention of 7 December 1934 regarding the Establishment of Air Transport Lines. Rome, 14 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5670

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1634 -1638 Cmd 5672 - 5694 Item No.

Doc. No.

1634 Vol. XXX, 357 Misc. No. 2 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules concerning the Immunity of Stateowned Ships. Brussels, 10 April 1926. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5672

L/C. HC/L 23 Feb. 1938

1635 Vol. XXX, 377 Misc. No. 3 Protocol supplementary to the International Rules concerning the Immunity of State-owned Ships of 10 April 1926. Brussels, 24 May 1934.

Cmd 5673

L/C. HC/L 23 Feb. 1938

1636 Vol. XXXI, 701 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. providing for the Limitation of Naval Armaments and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature and Notes exchanged of 12-19 November 1937 regarding the Russian Text. London, 17 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 4 November 1937.

Cmd 5679

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1938

1637 Vol. XVII, 1143 Defence Statement relating to Defence, 2 March 1938.

Cmd 5682

L/C. HC/L 1 March 1938

1638 Vol. XXXI, 363 Treaty Series No. 18 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. London, I8 March 1938. L/C. HC. 18 March 1938 HL. 21 March 1938


Cmd 5694

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1639 -1642 Cmd 5695 - 5704 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 375 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government modifying the Agreement of 6 November 1936, regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments, with Exchange of Notes. London, 18 March 1938.

Cmd 5695

L/C. HC. 18 March 1938 HL 21 March 1938


Vol. XXXI, 391 Treaty Series No. 20 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Italian Government, with Supplementary Exchange of Notes of 23 January 1936. Capetown, 21 May 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1935 and No. 1, 1936.

Cmd 5702

L/C. HC/L 30 March 1938


Vol. XXXI, 567 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government modifying the Agreement of 17 November 1934, in regard to Native Labour from Mozambique. Lisbon, 11, 14 and 24 March and 8 June 1936. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1936.

Cmd 5703

L/C. HC/L 30 March 1938


Vol. XXX, 721 Treaty Series No. 22 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic. Capetown, 27 January 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 1, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938


Cmd 5704

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1643 -1646 Cmd 5705 - 5708

Item No.

.Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 139 Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Reciprocal Recognition of Efficiency Certificates for Aircraft and Aircraft Motors. Capetown, 16 March 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 2, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5705


Vol. XXXI, 859 Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the United States Government for the Reduction of Non-Immigrant Passport Visa Fees. Capetown, 24 March 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5706


Vol. XXXI, 547 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government for Air Services between South Africa and Portuguese East Africa. Pretoria, 18 June 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5707


Vol. XXX, 595 Treaty Series No. 26 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Belgian Government. Pretoria, 13 July 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 6, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5708


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1647 -1650 Cmd 5711-5718 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 813 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Irish Free State and the United States Government regarding Air Navigation. Dublin, 29 SeptemberNovember -4 1937. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 3, 1937.

Cmd 5711

L/C. HC/L 6 April 1938


Vol. XXX, 689 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Air Services over China. Hankow, 18 December 1937.

Cmd 5712

L/C. HC/L 6 April 1938 .


Vol. XXX, 1 Treaty Series No. 29 International Convention concerning the Use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace. Geneva, 23 September 1936. Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 18 August 1937; New Zealand, 27 January 1938; India, 11 August 1937.

Cmd 5714

L/C. HC. 11 April 1938 HL 12 April 1938


Vol. XXXI, 605 Treaty Series No. 30 Supplementary Agreement to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments (Amendment) Agreement of 27 May 1937. Bucharest, 25 February 1938. L/C. HC. 11 April 1938 HL 12 April 1938


Cmd 5718

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1651-1654 Cmd 5726 - 5732 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 323 Treaty Series No. 31 1. Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy consisting of Protocol with Annexes and Exchanges of Notes, and 2. Bon Voisinage Agreement and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, Egypt, and Italy. Rome, 16 April 1938.

Cmd 5726

L/C. HC. 26 April 1938 HL. 2 May 1938 (R 22 April)


Vol. XXXI, 697 Treaty Series No. 32 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Siamese Government for the temporary continuance of rights under the Treaties of Siam of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 13 November 1937.

Cmd 5730

L/C. HC. 28 April 1938 HL 2 May 1938 (R.)


Vol. XXXI, 665 Treaty Series No. 33 Siam No. 2 (1937). Ratifications of Cmd 5608 exchanged, 19 February 1938. [See Item 1603 for Text.]

Cmd 5731

L/C. HC. 28 April 1938 HL. 2 May 1938 (R.)


Vol. XXXI, 221 Treaty Series No. 34 Payments Agreement between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Government of the German Reich. Wellington, 30 September 1937. L/C. HC/L 5 May 1938


Cmd 5732

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1655 -1657 Cmd 5733 - 5745 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 225 Treaty Series No. 35 Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Government of the German Reich. Wellington, 30 September 1937.

Cmd 5733

L/C. HC/L 5 May 1938


Vol. XXXI, 511 Poland No. 1 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. London, 27 April 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5739

L/C. HC/L 11 May 1938


Vol. XXX, 231 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty iq respect to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding : Part I Convention concerning the Marking of the Weight on Heavy Packages transported by Vessels Recommendation concerning Unemployment among Young Persons Convention limiting the Hours of Work in Coal Mines (revised 1935) Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work to Forty a Week Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Glass-Bottle Works Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Public Works Convention concerning the Regulation of Certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers Recommendation concerning the Progressive Elimination of Recruiting Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay Recommendation concerning Annual Holidays with Pay 392

Cmd 5745

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1658- 1659 Cmd 5747 - 5754 Doc. No.

Item No.

Part II Recommendation concerning the Promotion of Seamen's Welfare in Ports Convention concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on board Merchant Ships Convention concerning Annual Holidays for Seamen Convention concerning the Liability of the Shipowner in case of Sickness, Injury, or Death of Seamen Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Seamen Convention concerning Hours of Work on board Ship and Manning Recommendation concerning Hours of Work on board Ship and Manning Convention fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Employment at Sea (revised 1936) L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1938

1658 Vol. XXX, 401 Misc. No. 4 International Agreement modifying the International Convention of 21 June 1920, for the Establishment of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Paris, 31 May 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5747

L/C. HC/L. 19 May 1938

1659 Vol. XXXI, 785 Exports Credits Guarantee Agreement with the Government of the Turkish Republic relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to Turkey of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom. 27 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 31 May 1938


Cmd 5754

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1660 -1664 Cmd 5755 - 5763 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 781 Turkey No. 1 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic regarding an Armaments Credit for Turkey. London, 27 May 1938.

Cmd 5755

L/C. HC. 1 June 1938 HL. 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 797 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic supplementary to the Agreement of 2 September 1936, regarding Trade and Clearing, with Agreed Minute. London, 27 May 1938.

Cmd 5756

L/C. HC. 1 June 1938 HL 2 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 537 Treaty Series No. 37 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and of the Government of Eire deposited 25 October 1937, and 7 May 1938, respectively.

Cmd 5757

L/C. HC/L 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 431 Mexico No. 1 (1938) Correspondence with the Mexican Government regarding the Expropriation of Oil Properties in Mexico. Mexico, 8 April to 20 May 1938.

Cmd 5758

L/C. HC/L 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 875 United States No. 1 (1938) Papers relating to the British War Debt, June 1938. L/C. HC/L 14 June 1938 (R. 13 June)


Cmd 5763

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1665 -1669 Cmd 5764 - 5777 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 589

Cmd 5764

Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in

respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Belgium regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Brussels, 29 April 1938. L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 301 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness, the Regent of Hungary, relating to Air Navigation. Budapest, 22 March 1937. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 May 1938.

Cmd 5765

L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 453 Treaty Series No. 40 Additional Protocol to the Convention of 12 June 1934, relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes. Paris, 12 January 1938.

Cmd 5774

L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938


Vol. XX, 953 Somaliland Papers concerning Grazing Rights and Transit Traffic in British Somaliland. 27 January 1937.

Cmd 5775

L/C. HC. 24 June 1938 HL. 27 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 665 Treaty Series No. 41 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of the Belgians regarding the boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi-Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 19 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938


Cmd 5777

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1670.1674 Cmd 5778 - 5788

Item No.

Doc. No.

1670 Vol. XXX, 673 Treaty Series No. 42 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government regarding Water Rights on the boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi-Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 19 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938

Cmd 5778

1671 Vol. XXX, 419 Misc. No. 5 Convention concerning the Status of Refugees coming from Germany, with Final Act. Geneva, 10 February 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1938

Cmd 5780

1672 Vol. XXX, 385 Treaty Series No. 43 Protocol modifying the Treaty of 25 March 1936, for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1938

Cmd 5781

1673 Vol. XXXI, 203 Germany No. 1 Anglo-German Payments (Amendment) Agreement; with Exchange of Letters between Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding negotiations for Mutual Trade Relations with Germany. London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC. 4 July 1938

Cmd 5787

HL 5 July 1938

1674 Vol. XXXI, 231 Germany No. 2 (1938) Anglo-German Transfer Agreement. London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC. 4 July 1938 HL. 5 July 1938


Cmd 5788

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1675 -1678 Cmd 5793 - 5797 Item No.

Doc. No.

1675 Vol. XXX, 457 Spain No. 1 The Text of a proposed Resolution reaffirming and extending the Non-Intervention Agreement, and providing for the withdrawal of foreign volunteers from Spain; for the grant, in certain circumstances, of belligerant rights to the two parties in Spain; and for the observation of the Spanish Frontier by Land and Sea adopted by the International Committee for the Application of the Agreement regarding Non-Intervention in Spain at a Plenary session held on Tuesday, 5 July 1938, for transmission to the two Spanish parties for their approval.

Cmd 5793

L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1938

1676 Vol. XXXI, 741 Russia No. 1 Protocol modifying the Anglo-Soviet Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 6 July 1938.

Cmd 5794

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1938

1677 Vol. XXXI, 195 Germany No. 3 Protocol modifying the Anglo-German Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938.

Cmd 5795

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1938

1678 Vol. XXXI, 609 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government approving the supplementary agreement of 11 June 1938, to the AngloRoumanian Payments Technical (Amendment) Agreements of 30 May 1936 and 27 May 1937. London, 14-20 June 1938. L/C. HC. 18 July 1938 HL. 19 July 1938


Cmd 5797

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1679 -1682 Cmd 5807 - 5814 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 555 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Portuguese Republic regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland, and the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique. Lisbon, 11 May 1938.

Cmd 5807

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1938


Vol. XXXI, 425 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg supplementary to the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 23 January I937. Ratifications exchanged at Brussels, 1 July 1938.

Cmd 5811

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1938


Vol. XXXI, 453 Treaty Series No. 47 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations between New Zealand and the Netherlands. Sydney, 22 December 1937, Wellington, 14 January 1938.

Cmd 5812

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1938


Vol. IX, 185: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1937 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L 26 July 1938


Cmd 5814

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1683 -1686 Cmd 5817 - 5821 Item No.

.Doc. No.

1683 Vol. XXXI, 573 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government extending and modifying the Agreement of 17 November 1934, concerning Native Labour from Mozambique. Lisbon, 19-27 October 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 9, 1937.

Cmd 5817

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)

1684 Vol. XXXI, 457 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Netherlands regarding Commerce and Navigation, with Process-Verbal. Capetown, 20 February 1935. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1935.

Cmd 5818

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)

1685 Vol. XXXI, 297 Treaty Series No. 50 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Guatemalan Government regarding Commercial Relations. Guatemala, 28 September 1937. Canadian Treaty Series No. 17, 1937.

Cmd 5820

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)

1686 Vol. XXX, 681 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 12 June 1937. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)

Cmd 5821

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1687 -1690 Cmd 5823 - 5828 Doc. No.

Item No.

1687 Vol. XXXI, 39 Morocco No. 1 (1938) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic acting on behalf of His Majesty, the Sultan of Morocco regarding Commercial Relations between the United Kingdom and the French and Tangier Zones of the Shereefian Empire, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. Paris, 18 July 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5823

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 633 Treaty Series No. 52 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations. San Salvador, 2 November 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 18, 1937.

Cmd 5824

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 545 Misc. No. 6 (1938) Protocol amending the International Agreement of 8 June 1937, for the Regulation of Whaling, with Final Act of the Conference. London, 24 June 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5827

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 757 Treaty Series No. 53 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Swiss Federal Council regarding Commercial Relations between New Zealand and Switzerland. Wellington, 5 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 16 Aug.)

Cmd 5828

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1691-1695 Cmd 5829 - 5839

Item No. 1691

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 237 Germany No. 4 Supplementary Agreement for the execution of Article 2 of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of 1 July 1938. Berlin, I3 August 1938. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5829

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 389 Treaty Series No. 54 International Agreement regarding False Indications of Origin on Goods. London, 2 June 1934. Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5832

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 21 Treaty Series No. 55 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. London, 2 June 1934. His Majesty's ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5833

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 199 Treaty Series No. 56 Protocol modifying the Anglo-German Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5834

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. VIII, 801: Reports, Commissioners (1) Anglo-Argentine Meat Trade Report of the Joint Committee of Enquiry into the Anglo-Argentine Meat Trade. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Cmd 5839

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1696 -1699 Cmd 5840 - 5844 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 613 Treaty Series No. 57 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial Payments. Bucharest, 2 September 1938.

Cmd 5840

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 9 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 745 Treaty Series No. 58 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Sweden respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Stockholm, 30 May 1938.

Cmd 5842

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R 21 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 21

Cmd 5843

Treaty Series No. 59 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic. Paris, 11 February 1935. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 1, 1935. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 21 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 35 Treaty Series No. 60 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic. Pretoria, 27 August 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 9, 1935. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 5844

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1700 -1703 Cmd 5846 - 5850 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 765 Treaty Series No. 61 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. London, 26 July 1938.

Cmd 5846

L/C. HC/L. 3 Oct.1938


Vol. XXX, 727 Misc. No. 7 Correspondence respecting Czechoslovakia, September 1938. [See also Item 1702.]

Cmd 5847

L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938


Vol. XXX, 751 Miscellaneous No. 8 Further documents respecting Czechoslovakia including the Agreement concluded at Munich on 29 September 1938. In continuation of Misc. No. 7, Cmd 5847 [Item 1701].

Cmd 5848

L/C. HC/L. 3 Oct. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 849 Treaty Series No. 62 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Ottawa, 29 January 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa on 28 July 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1937. L/C. HC/L 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Cmd 5850

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1704 -1707 Cmd 5851- 5857 Dot. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 863 Treaty Series No. 63 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding the Sockeye Salmon Fisheries in the Fraser River System. Washington, 26 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 28 July 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1937.

Cmd 5851

L/C. HC/L 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 855 Treaty Series No. 64 Convention between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the United States Government regarding Income Tax on Non-Resident Individuals and Corporations. Washington, 30 December 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 13 August 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 13, 1937.

Cmd 5852

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Vol. XIV, 115, Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Report of the Palestine Partition Commission.

Cmd 5854

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 19 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 751 Treaty Series No. 65 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Berne, 17 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 26 Oct.)


Cmd 5857

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1708 -1712 Cmd 5858 - 5875

Item No.

Doc. No.

1708 Vol. XXX, 601 Belgium No. I Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of the Belgians, regarding Parcel Post between the United Kingdom and Belgium, with detailed Regulations. London, 29 July 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5858

(R. 26 Oct.)

1709 Vol. XXXI, 409 Treaty Series No. 66 Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Japanese Government. Canberra—Sydney, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5860

(R. 26 Oct.)

1710 Vol. XXX, 859 Egypt No. 1 Protocol for the Amendment of the Annex to Article 8 of the Treaty of Alliance with Egypt of 26 August 1936, with Agreed Minute. Alexandria, 22 September 1938. Protocol not ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5861

(R. 26 Oct.)

1711 Vol. XXX, 693 Treaty Series No. 67 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes regarding Navigation. Havana, 19 February 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Havana, 10 September 1938. L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5867

1712 Vol. XXX, 207 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 24th Session, 2-22 June 1938. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5875


BILLS PUBLIC 1938-1939 Item 1713-1717 Bill No. 32 - 85

Doc: No.

Item No. 1713

Vol. H, 717: Bills, Public Expiring Laws Continuance Bill re Debts Clearing Offices. [See 1933-4 Bill No. 152, Item 1221a.]

Bill 32

O.H.C.P. 16 Nov. 1938


Vol. III, 25: Bills, Public Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia (Property) Bill to safeguard the title of Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, to property within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Not Printed.

Bill 35

O.H.C.P. 22 Nov. 1938


Vol. II, 725: Bills, Public Export Guarantees Bill to extend the powers of the Board of Trade to give guarantees for the purpose of establishing or encouraging overseas trade.

Bill 45

O.H.C.P. 8 Dec. 1938


Vol. II, 521: Bills, Public Czecho-Slovakia: (Financial Assistance) Bill to authorize the Treasury to repay to the Bank of England sums advanced by that Bank to the National Bank of Czecho-Slovakia together with Interest thereon, and to enable effect to be given to an agreement made between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Czecho-Slovak Republic and to an Agreement made between His Majesty's said Government, the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the CzechoSlovak Republic.

Bill 60

O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1939


Vol. I, 791: Bills, Public China (Currency Stabilization) Bill to facilitate the establishment of a fund to check undue fluctuations in the sterling value of the Chinese dollar. O.11.C.P. 15 March 1939


Bill 85

BILLS PUBLIC 1938-1939 Item 1718-1719 Bill No. 94 -189

Item No.

Doc. No.

1718 Vol. II, 533: Bills, Public Czecho-Slovakia (Restrictions on Banking Accounts, etc.) Bill to postpone the making of payments out of certain banking accounts and certain transfers of securities and gold connected with the CzechoSlovak Republic, and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.

Bill 94

O.H.C.P. 21 March 1939

1719 Vol. IV, 771: Bills, Public Overseas Trade Guarantees Bill to extend the powers of the Board of Trade to give guarantees for the purpose of establishing or encouraging overseas trade, to enable the Board to acquire and dispose of securities guaranteed by them under this act or under the Export Guarantees Act, 1939, and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.


O.H.C.P. 6 July 1939

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1720 S.P. No. 22

Doc. No.

Item No. 1720 Vol. XVI, 201 Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions Act 1934 By Act Accounts of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Roumanian, Anglo-Italian, and Anglo-Turkish Clearing Offices for the Year ended 31 March 1938 with report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. In continuation of S.P. No. 20 of 1937-1938 [Item 1584]. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1938


S.P. 22

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938.1939 Item 1721-1723 S.P. No. 39 -108

Doc. No.

Item No. 1721 Vol. XVI, 277 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that Part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the Ammount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1938.

S.P. 39

O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1939

1722 Vol. XVI, 279 Greek Loan, 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1939 of the Greek Loan of 1898.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 18 April 1939


Vol. XVI, 503 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 and Finance Act 1934 By Act Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926. (1) Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. (2) Account up to 31 March 1939 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and the sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Finance Act 1934. (3) Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans. (4) Account up to 31 March 1939 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934. O.H.C.P. 25 April 1939


S.P. 108

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1724 -1725 S.P. No. 131-170

Item No.

Doc. No.

1724 Vol. XVI, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the financial Year ended 31 March 1939.

S.P. 131

O.H.C.P. 12 June 1939

1725 Vol. XVI, 221 Finance Act, 1934 Further statement of Conversion Loans guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the Redemption of existing guaranteed loans.

S.P. 17C

O.H.C.P. 31 July 1939

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1726 -1727 Cmd 5879 - 5880

Item No. 1726 Vol. XXI, 643 Tin Papers relating to the International Tin Control Scheme. (Main Control Scheme; Buffer Stock Scheme; Research Scheme.) L/C. HC. 9 Nov. 1938

Doc. No. Cmd 5879

HL. 10 Nov. 1938

1727 Vol. XXVIII, 137 Treaty Series No. 68 (1938) Anglo-German Transfer Agreement, London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1938


Cmd 5880

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1728 -1731 Cmd 5881- 5885 Doc. No.

Item No.

1728 Vol. XXVIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 69 (1938) Anglo-German Payments (Amendment) Agreement with Exchange of Letters between Representatives of the Governments of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding negotiations for Mutual Trade Relations with Germany, London, I July 1938.

Cmd 5881

L/C. HC/L 17 Nov. 1938


Vol. XXVIII, 637 United States No. 2 (1938) Trade Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, with Schedules and Exchange of Notes. Washington, 17 November 1938. Not Ratified. [See Item 1738.]

Cmd 5882

L/C. HC. 16 Nov. 1938 HL 17 Nov. 1938

1730 Vol. XXVII, 475 Mis. No. 9 (1938) Protocol for the Amendment of the Preamble of Article 1, 4, and 5 and of the Annex to the Covenant of the League of Nations. Geneva, 30 September 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5884

L/C. HC/L 23 Nov. 1938

1731 Vol. XXVIII, 149 Treaty Series No. 70 (1938) Supplementary Agreement for the execution of Article 2 of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of I July 1938. Berlin, 13 August 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 Nov. 1938


Cmd 5885

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1732 -1735 Cmd 5886 - 5892

Item No. 1732

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 465 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention concerning the Regulation of certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers and the Recommendations concerning the Progressive Elimination of Recruiting. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5886

1733 Vol. XXVIII, 131 Treaty Series No. 71 (1938) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Application of Treaties between the United Kingdom, Germany, and Austria. Berlin, 6 May to 10 September 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5888

1734 Vol. XXVII, 613 Treaty Series No. 72 (1938) International Agreement modifying the International Convention of 21 June 1920, for the establishment of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Paris, 31 May 1937. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited on 8 August 1938, and in respect to Australia deposited on 23 August 1938. L/C. HC. 5 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5889

HL 6 Dec. 1938

1735 Vol. XXVIII, 755 Canadian Treaty Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States of America, schedules attached. Signed at Washington, 17 November 1938. Notes exchanged on Article I and Lumber Declaration, 17 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1938


Cmd 5892

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1736 -1739 Cmd 5893 - 5899

Doc. No.

Item No. 1736

Vol. XXVII, 593 Palestine Statement by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5893


Vol. XXVII, 741 Sudan No. 1 (1938) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1937. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939

Cmd 5895


7 Feb. 1939 (R. 4 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 19 Trade Agreement with the United States of America Exchange of Letters between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Canada in connection with the Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America. Signed at Washington, 17 November 1938. [See Cmd 5882, Item 1729.] L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5897


Vol. XXVII, 483 Misc. No. 10 (1938) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on the Nineteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Cmd 5625 [Item 1610]. London, 1 December 1938. L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5899

HL. 20 Dec. 1938


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1740 -1743 Cmd 5900 - 5908 Item No.

Doc. No.

1740 Vol. XXVIII, 73 Treaty Series No. 73 (1938) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the French Government regarding Aerial Navigation in the Antartic. Paris, 25 October 1938.

Cmd 5900

L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938 HL 20 Dec. 1938

1741 Vol. XXVII, 659 Treaty Series No. 74 (1938) Declaration by His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs recording the Acceptance of a Recommendation by the International Rubber Regulation Committee by the State parties to the Agreement of 7 May 1934, regarding the regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber, with Revised Text of the Agreement. London, 6 October 1938.

Cmd 5901

L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938 HL. 20 Dec. 1938


Vol. XXVII, 889 United States No. 3 (1938) Papers relating to the British War Debt, December 1938.

Cmd 5902

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1938

1743 Vol. XXVII, 47 Misc. No. 11 (1938) Protocols determining the Frontier between Germany and Czechoslovakia with sketch map. Berlin, 20-21 November 1938. L/C. HC. 16 Dec. 1938 HL. 20 Dec. 1938


Cmd 5908

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1744 -1747 Cmd 5916 - 5920 Item No.

Doc. No.

1744 Vol. XXVIII, 429 Treaty Series No. 1 (1939)

Cmd 5916

Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the

United Kingdom and the Polish Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction. London, 27 April 1938. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 November 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1745 Vol. XXVIII, 461 Treaty Series No. 2 Protocol Modifying the Anglo-Polish Agreement of 27 April 1938 for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 22 July 1938.

Cmd 5917

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1746 Vol. XXVIII, 275 Iceland No. 1 (1938) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iceland and Denmark for the amendment of the Extradition Treaty of 31 March 1873. London, 25 October 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5919

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1747 Vol. XXVIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 3 (1939) Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Government of French Indo-China for the Reciprocal Abolition of Consular Visas on Bills of Health. New Delhi, 26 February 1938, Calcutta, 1 March 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)


Cmd 5920

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1748 -1750 Cmd 5921- 5923 Item No.

Doc. No.

1748 Vol. XXVIII, 545 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Government of Siam regarding the Right of Evocation from Siamese Courts under the Treaty of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 23 November 1937. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

Cmd 5921

1749 Vol. XXVIII, 85 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the French Government regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Paris, 15 July 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

Cmd 5922

1750 Vol. XXVIII, 307 Treaty Series No. 6 Declaration by the Governments of the United Kingdom and Italy bringing into force the Protocol of 16 April 1938, and annexed Agreements and Declarations, with Exchanges of Notes with the Egyptian Government regarding Lake Tsana and the Suez Canal. Rome, 16 November 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 18 Jan.)

Cmd 5923


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1751 Cmd 5924

Item No.

Doc. No.

1751 Vol. XXVII, 469 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding: Recommendation No. 50 concerning International co-operation in respect to Public Works. Recommendation No. 51 concerning the national planning of public works. Convention No. 59 fixing minimum age for the admission of children to industrial employment (Revised 1937). Convention No. 60 concerning the age for the admission of children to non-industrial employment. Recommendation No. 52 concerning minimum age for the admission of children to family undertakings. Convention No. 61 concerning the reduction of hours of work in the textile industry. Convention No. 62 concerning safety provisions in the building industry. Recommendation No. 53 concerning safety provisions in the building industry. Recommendation No. 54 concerning inspection in the building industry. Recommendation No. 55 concerning co-operation in accident prevention in the building industry. Recommendation No. 56 concerning vocational education for the building industry. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 12 Jan.)


Cmd 5924

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1752 -1755 Cmd 5928 - 5931 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 611 Treaty Series No. 7 Canadian Treaty: Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America recording an Agreement relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Exported Aircraft. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1938.

Cmd 5928

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 633 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention concerning the status of refugees coming from Germany. Geneva, 10 February 1938. Ratification by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 26 September 1938.

Cmd 5929

L/C. HC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 807 Treaty Series No. 75 (1938) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1938.

Cmd 5930

L/C. NC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R)


Vol. XXVIII, 823 Treaty Series No. 76 (1938) Index to Treaty Series 1938. L/C. NC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Cmd 5931

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1756 -1759 Cmd 5933 - 5941 Doc. No.

Item No.

1756 Vol. XXVII, 53 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreements between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the CzechoSlovak Republic regarding Financial Assistance to Czecho-Slovakia, with Exchange of Letters with the Plenipotentiary of Czecho-Slovakia. London, 27 January 1939.

Cmd 5933

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL 7 Feb. 1939 (R)

1757 Vol. XVIII, 739 Fleets Particulars of the Vessels of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Japan, France, Italy, and Germany on 1 February 1939, and of the United States of America on 15 December 1938. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 5936

L/C. HC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL 7 Feb.1939 (R)

1758 Vol. XXVIII, 397 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes recording an arrangement between Canada and the Netherlands East Indies for the prevention of double taxation of income. Ottawa, 2 April 1938. Reprint of the Canadian Treaty Series No. 2, 1938.

Cmd 5940

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 37 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Governments of the Argentine Republic, Brazil, and Uruguay regarding the regulation of Beef Imports into the United Kingdom. London, 28 June 1937, 15 December 1937, and 6 January 1939. L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL. 14 Feb. 1939


Cmd 5941

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1760 -1764 Cmd 5942 - 5954 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 43 Denmark No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 24 April 1933, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5942

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL. 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXI, 225 Defence Statement relating to Defence.

Cmd 5944

L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 69 Misc. No. 1 Agreement and Final Protocol relative to the Exercise of the Powers of the Commission of the Danube, together with an agreement regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Personnel of the Commission. Sinaia, 18 August 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5946

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1939 HL 21 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 545 Misc. No. 2 Letter to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations regarding the General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. London, 13 February 1939. L/C. HC/L. 16 Feb. 1939

Cmd 5947


Vol. XXVIII, 13 Treaty Series No. 12 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Bulgarian Government regarding the Military, Naval, and Air Clauses of the Treaty of Neuilly, etc. Sofia, 12 August-24 November 1938.

Cmd 5954

L/C. HC/L 2 March 1939


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1765 -1769 Cmd 5957 - 5964 Doc. No.

Item No.

1765 Vol. XXVII, 573 Misc. No. 3 Correspondence between Sir Henry McMahon, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., C.S.I., His Majesty's High Commissioner at Cairo and the Sherif Hussein of Mecca, July 1915—March 1916, with Map.

Cmd 5957

L/C. HC. 3 March 1939 HL. 7 March 1939

1766 Vol. XXVIII, 39 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Colombian Government regarding the prolongation of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of 16 February 1866. Bogota, 30 December 1938. L/C. HC/L 9 March 1939

Cmd 5958

1767 Vol. XXVIII, 553 Treaty Series No. 14' Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Swiss Federal Council, with Exchange of Notes. Canberra, 4 November 1938; Berne, 22 November 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Canberra on 16 December 1938.

Cmd 5960

L/C. HC/L 15 March 1939

1768 Vol. XVI, 109 China Arrangements proposed in regard to the Chinese Currency Stabilization Fund.

Cmd 5963

L/C. HC/L 15 March 1939


Cmd 5964

Vol. XXVII, 881 Misc. No. 4

Statements made on behalf of His Majesty's Government during the year 1918 in regard to the Future Status of certain Parts of the Ottoman Empire. L/C. HC/L 20 March 1939


COMMAND PAPERS 19384939 Item 1770 -1774 Cmd 5972 - 5981

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 31 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a temporary Commercial Agreement. Santiago, 9 January 1939. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1939

Cmd 5972


Vol. XXVIII, 567 Treaty Series No. 16 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council in regard to Legal Proceedings. London, 3 December 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Berne, 6 February 1939. L/C. HC/L 30 March 1939

Cmd 5973


Vol. XIV, 83: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Report of a Committee set up to consider certain correspondence between Sir H. McMahon, His Majesty's High Commissioner in Egypt, and the Sherif of Mecca in 1915 and 1916. 16 March 1939. L/C. HC/L. 21 March 1939

Cmd 5974


Vol. XXVII, 681 Misc. No. 5 Sanitary Conference at Paris. Convention modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21 June 1926. Final Act of Conference, with Declaration by the Egyptian Delegates. Paris, October 1938. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1939

Cmd 5979


Vol. XXVIII, 591 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government supplementary to the Trade and Clearing Agreement of 2 September 1936. London, 1 March 1939. L/C. HC/L 5 April 1939

Cmd 5981


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1775 -1778 Cmd 5989 5995 Item No.

Doc. No.

1775 Vol. XXVIII, 621 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Administration of the Islands of Canton and Enderbury. Washington, 6 April 1939.

Cmd 5989

L/C. HC. 6 April 1939 HL 13 April 1939

1776 Vol. XXVII, 897 Treaty Series No. 18 Protocol amending the International Agreement of 8 June 1937 for the Regulation of Whaling. London, 24 June 1938. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom deposited in London, 7 December 1938.

Cmd 5993

L/C. HC/L 18 Apri11939

1777 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Tonnage Measurement, with Exchange of Notes regarding its application to India. London, 20 February 1939.

Cmd 5994

L/C. HC/L 18 April 1939

1778 Vol. XXVIII, 491 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Air Service between London and Lisbon. Lisbon, 25 January 1939. L/C. HC/L 18 April 1939


Cmd 5995

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1779 - 1782

Cmd 5996 - 5999 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 585 Turkey No. 1 Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 10 February 1939. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

Cmd 5996


Vol. XXVIII, 417 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 27 February 1935. Warsaw, 9 February 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 April 1939

Cmd 5997


Vol. XXVIII, 77 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Military Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. Paris, 8 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 18 April 1939

Cmd 5998


Vol. XXVII, 557 Misc. No. 6 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden regarding the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

Cmd 5999


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1783 -1787 Cmd 6001- 6020 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1 Misc. No. 7 International Conference for the Exemption from Taxation for Liquid Fuel and Lubricants used in Air Traffic. Final Act and Convention. London, 1 March 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6001

L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

1784 Vol. XXVIII, 101 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of the French Republic regarding the transfer to the French State of the Property in the Sites of British War Memorials. Paris, 28 December 1938.

Cmd 6003

L/C. HG 20 April 1939 HL 25 April 1939

1785 VoL XXVIII, 497 Treaty Series No. 25 Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial and Economic Relations with Roumania. Bucharest, 11 May 1939.

Cmd 6018

L/C. HC. 12 May 1939 HL. 16 May 1939


Vol. XXVII, 597 Palestine Statement of Policy.

Cmd 6019

L/C. HC. 15 May 1939 HL. 16 May 1939

1787 Vol. XXVIII, 321 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Quotas for Imports into Italy. Rome, 14 March 1939. L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1939


Cmd 6020

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1788 -1792 Cmd 6026 - 6039 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 893 United States No. 1 (1939) Papers relating to the British War Debt, May 1939.

Cmd 6026

L/C. HC/L. 22 May 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 69 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of Estonia regarding Extradition. London, 28-30 March 1938. Reprint of Union of South Africa, Treaty Series No. 10, 1938.

Cmd 6027

L/C. HC/L. 25 May 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 833 Treaty Series No. 28 General Index to Treaty Series 1936-1938. In continuation of Cmd 5193 [Item 1452].

Cmd 6031

L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 355 Treaty Series No. 29 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman. Muscat, 5 February 1939. Ratifications exchanged at Muscat, 7 February 1939.

Cmd 6037

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 405 Norway No. 1 (1939) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government for the Exemption from Taxation of Profits and Gains arising through an Agency, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1939


Cmd 6039

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1793 -1797 Cmd 6047 - 6065 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 213 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement regarding the Extension to the Sudentenland of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of 1 July 1938, and the Supplementary Agreement of 13 August 1938. London, 16 June 1939.

Cmd 6047

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 627 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United States Government for the Exchange of Cotton and Rubber. London, 23 June 1939.

Cmd 6048

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 513 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1939.

Cmd 6063

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 33 Sanitary Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, and Belgium relating to Uganda and the Belgian Congo and RuandiUrundi. London, 19 June 1939.

Cmd 6064

L/C. HC/L. 26 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 125 Treaty Series No. 34 Agreement between Palestine and Syria and Lebanon amending the Agreement of 2 February 1926, regarding Frontier Questions. 3 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 26 July 1939

Cmd 6065

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1798 -1801 Cmd 6066 - 6069 Item No.

.Doc. No.

1798 Vol. XXVIII, 617 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Certificates of Competency or Licenses for Piloting Civil Aircraft. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1938.

Cmd 6066

L/C. HC/L 26 July 1939

1799 Vol. XXVIII, 603 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Air Navigation. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 8, 1938.

Cmd 6067

L/C. HC/L 26 July 1939

1800 Vol. XXVII, 117 Treaty Series No. 37 Agreement relative to the Entry of Germany into the European Commission of the Danube, the Accession of Germany and Italy to the Sinaia Arrangement of 18 August 1938, and the Amendment of Article 4 and 23 of that Arrangement. Bucharest, 1 March 1939. His Majesty's Ratification deposited at Bucharest, 27 April 1939. L/C. HC/L 25 July 1939

Cmd 6068

1801 Vol. XXVII, 93 Treaty Series No. 38 Arrangement and Final Protocol relative to the Exercise of the Powers of the European Commission of the Danube, together with an Agreement regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Personnel of the Commission. Sinaia, 18 August 1938. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom was deposited at Bucharest, 27 April 1939. L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1939

Cmd 6069


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1802 -1806 Cmd 6072 - 6083 Doc. No.

Item No.


VoI. XXVIII, 243 Greece (Trade) Agreement with the Royal Hellenic Government relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to Greece of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom, July 12 1939.

Cmd 6072

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 549 Treaty Series No. 39 Protocol modifying the Anglo-Soviet Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armament, with Exchange of Notes regarding Russian Text. London, 6 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 31 July 1939

Cmd 6074


Vol. XVI, 191 Czech Refugee Fund Czech Refugee Trust Fund and Directions to the Trustees. Directions for the assisting of emigration and settlement of refugees from the Territory which before 1 October 1938 belonged to the Republic of Czechoslovakia.

Cmd 6076

L/C. HC. 21 July 1939 HL 24 July 1939


Vol. X, 1: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1938 on the Import of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 6082

L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 281 Treaty Series No. 40 (1939) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iceland and Denmark for the amendment of the Extradition Treaty of 31 March 1873. London, 25 October 1938. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 24 Aug. 1939 (R. 10 Aug.)


Cmd 6083

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1807 -1810 Cmd 6087 - 6096 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 349 Luxemburg No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg amending the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 29 May 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6087

L/C. HC/L. 24 Aug. 1939 (R. 21 Aug.)


Vol. XXVIII, 465 Poland Agreement with the Polish Government relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export of Goods from the United Kingdom to Poland, 2 August 1939.

Cmd 6093

L/C. HC/L. 3 Aug. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 265 Treaty Series No. 41 Trade Agreement between Canada and Hayti, Port-aux-Prince, 23 April 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Port-aux-Prince on 8 December 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 16, 1938.

Cmd 6095

L/C. HC/L. 1 Sept. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 401 Treaty Series No. 42 (1939) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Netherlands Government amending the Agreement of 19 June 1926, regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Island. London, 13 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 1 Sept. 1939


Cmd 6096

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1811-1815 Cmd 6097 - 6108 Item No.

Doc. No.

1811 Vol. XXVIII, 229 Greece No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes regarding Air Transport Services, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. Athens, 30 May 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6097

L/C. HC/L 1 Sept. 1939

1812 Vol. XXVIII, 425 Poland No. 1 (1939) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding Mutual Assistance. London, 25 August 1939. L/C. HC/L 29 Aug. 1939

Cmd 6101

1813 Vol. XXVII, 157 Misc. No. 8 Correspondence between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government, August 1939.

Cmd 6102

L/C. HC/L 1 Sept. 1939

1814 Vol. XXVII, 177 Misc. No. 9 (1939) Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on 3 September 1939.

Cmd 6106

L/C. HC/L 20 Sept. 1939

1815 Vol. XXVII, 609 Misc. No. 10 Letter to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations regarding the Optional Clause of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. London, 7 September 1939. L/C. HG 5 Oct. 1939 HL 10 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6108

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1816 - 1819 Cmd 6109 - 6112 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 329 Latvia No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of Latvia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Cornmerdal Matters. London, 23 August 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6109

L/C. HG 5 Oct. 1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 421 Treaty Series No. 43 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Poland for Loan to Poland. London, 7 September 1939.

Cmd 6110

L/C. HC. 5 Oct. 1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 505 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and Roumania modifying the Annex to the Agreement of 2 September 1938, regarding Commercial Payments. Bucharest, 23 December 1938 and 4 April 1939.

Cmd 6111

L/C. HC. 5 Oct.1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 51 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 24 April I933, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen on 28 August 1939. L/C. HC. 5 Oct. 1939 HL 10 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6112

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1820 -1823 Cmd 6114 - 6118 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 719 Treaty Series No. 46 (1939) International Sanitary Convention modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21 June 1926, with Proces-Verbal, Ratifications, etc. Paris, 31 October 1938. His Majesty's Ratification, in respect to the United Kingdom, deposited at Paris on 26 May 1939.

Cmd 6114

L/C. HC/L 12 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 401 Germany No. 1 (1939) Final Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Nevile Henderson, G.C.M.G., on the Circumstances leading to the Termination of his Mission to Berlin. 20 September 1939.

Cmd 6115

L/C. HC/L 17 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 125 Treaty Series No. 47 International Agreement revising the Agreement of 1906 respecting the Unification of Pharmacopoeia) Formulas for Potent Drugs. Brussels, 20 August 1929. (His Majesty's Government's accession, 1 August 1939.)

Cmd 6117

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 595 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government for the Amendment of the Agreement of 2 September 1936 regarding Trade and Clearing. Angora, 23 August 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6118

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1989 Item 1824 -1828 Cmd 6119 - 6125 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 577 Treaty Series No. 49 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic regarding an Armament Credit for Turkey. London, 27 May 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 17 May 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct.1939

Cmd 6119


Vol. XXVII, 429 Germany No. 2 Papers concerning the Treatment of German Nationals in Germany, 1938-1939. L/C. HC/L. 31 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6120


Vol. XXVIII, 35 Treaty Series No. 52 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Air Service between SouthWest China and British Ports. Chungking, 24 January 1939. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6122


Vol. XXVII, 549 Turkey No. 2 Treaty of Mutual Assistance between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the President of the French Republic and the President of the Turkish Republic. Angora, 19 October 1939. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 19 Oct. 1939 HL. 24 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6123


Vol. XXVIII, 91 Treaty Series No. 50 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government extending to Burma the Agreement of 15 July I938, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Paris, 8 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 31 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6125


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1829 -1832 Cmd 6126 - 6130 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 95 Treaty Series No. 51 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax of Air Transport Profits. London, 9 April 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 September 1939.

Cmd 6126

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 119 France No. 1 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the French Telegraph Cable between Mauritius and Reunion. Paris, 13 September 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6127

L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 313 Italy No. 1 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government to facilitate Economic Collaboration, with Protocol. Rome, 27 October 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6128

L/C. HC/L. 9 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 391 Treaty Series No. 53 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the Netherlands regarding documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. The Hague, 21 August 1939. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1939


Cmd 6130

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1833 - 1836 Cmd 6131-6134 Item No.

Doc. No.

1833 Vol. XXVIII, 633 Treaty Series No. 54 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States regarding Appendix Certificates of Tonnage. Washington, 28 December 1937, 15-25 February 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 20, 1938. L/C. HC/L. 21 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6131

1834 Vol. XXVIII, 9 Treaty Series No. 55 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Brazilian Government. Rio de Janeiro, 18 April 1939. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 6, 1939. L/C. HC/L. 21 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6132

1835 Vol. XXVIII, 599 Treaty Series No. 56 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government amending the Agreement of 27 May 1938, regarding Trade and Clearing. Angora, 10 October 1939.

Cmd 6133

L/C. HC/L. 22 Nov. 1939

1836 Vol. XXVIII, 59 Treaty Series No. 57 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Egyptian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Cairo, 8-31 May 1939. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 7, 1939. L/C. HC/L. 22 Nov. 1939


Cmd 6134

INDEX The references in this index are all to item numbers. AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE 76, 103, 235 ABYSSINIA ADDIS ABABA,

rescue of foreign nationals

(1936), 1457 treaty re importation of (1930), 936, 1078 EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE, Safeguard of Property Bill, 1582, 1714 EMPRESS, Treasury Minute re gift, 411 ITALY, Abyssinian-Italian dispute see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia; ITALY, Abyssinia LAKE TSANA, Anglo-Italian Agreement re waters of (1925), 589; protest to League of Nations, 628 see also ITALY, AngloItalian Agreement (1938)



1400 into British Territory (Kenya and the Sudan), 535, 746, 1109 see also SUDAN, Annual Reports on Finances, Administration RAILWAYS, treaty re Italian railway, 589 SLAVERY, 167, 284 RAIDS AND INCURSIONS

ADMIRALTY, see NAVY ADRIATIC QUESTION Correspondence relative thereto, 58 AFGHANISTAN AIR OPERATIONS (1928-1929), 811 ANGLO-AFGHAN TREATY (1921), 199, 266 BOLSHEVISM see EAST INDIA, Annual

Reports India and Afghanistan (Arnawai and Dokalim) (1934), 1289 HOSTILITIES IN 1919, 33, See also EAST INDIA, Annual Reports KABUL, evacuation of, 811 MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS for troops on North-West Frontier, 32a, 36a NATIONALITY and Naturalization Laws, 648 PEACE TREATY (Rawalpindi (1919), 33 RUSSIA, draft treaty, 199 ; relations with, 33, 288, 289, 294. See also EAST INDIA, Annual Reports TRADE Convention (1923), 314 TREATY RELATIONS (1930), 882


AFRICA See also under individual countries e.g. KENYA etc. FAUNA AND FLORA, International Agreements (1933), I2I8, 1474 LIQUOR Convention re traffic in (1919), 46 Reports re importation of, (1920), 242a; (1921), 268a; (1922), 295a; (1923), 402a; (1924), 504; (1925), 591a; (1926), 658a; (1927), 722a; (1928), 801; (1929), 883; (1930), 1036; (1931), 1110; (1932), 1190; (1933), 1278; (1934), 1359; (1935), 1455; (1936), 1551; (1937), 1682; (1938), 1805 TRADE, revision of Berlin Act 1885 and Declaration of Brussels (1919), 45 AFRICA, EAST 52, 268, 313, 396, 431, 493, 637, 1419, 1420, 1669, 1670. See also ITALYEast Africa and BELGIUM-East Africa CLOSER UNION; report of commission (1929), 750a; conclusion of government, 874b; report of joint committee, 908b; correspondence, 1106a COMMISSION, report on East Africa (1925), 482a LOANS: Guaranteed Loan Bill, 548; memorandum thereon, 594a; report of East Africa Loan Committee, 594b; report, 848a; bill to amend, 904; financial resolution, 999. See also TANGANYIKA and BRITISH HONDURAS MANDATES, I49, 268 POLICY, future, 661a; native, 874a RUANDA-URUNDI, see BELGIUM-East Africa TRAFFIC, Anglo-Belgian Traffic Convention (1921), 153 WILSON, SIR SAMUEL, report of (1929), 800a BOUNDARIES,

AFRICA, FRENCH BOUNDARY, east and west of the Niger, 142; French Equatorial Africa and the Sudan, 408. See also FRANCE AFRICA, NORTHERN RHODESIA BOUNDARY (1929-1930), 1011; exchange of Notes (1927), 1194; exchange of Notes (1933), 1191 TREASURY MINUTE, 1174


INDEX AFRICA, SOUTH Air Service, Egypt and South Africa, 933a. See also UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA

1666; Irish Free State-U.S., I647; Italy, 1001, 1010, 1163, 1303, 1327, 1633; Netherlands, 472, 895, 937, 1418, 1473, 1832; Norway, 1626; Portugal, 1408, 1577, 1645, 1778; Siam, 1624; Sweden, 380, 1697; Switzerland, 1700, 1707; Union of South Africa-Egypt, 933a;Germany, 1643; Portugal, 1577, 1645; -U.S., 1257; United States of America, 966, 1094, 1256, 1257, 1321, 1383, 1384, 1647, 1752, 1798, 1799

AFRICA, SOUTH-EAST BOUNDARIES, Anglo-Portuguese Agreement (1920), 99. See PORTUGAL, Mozambique AFRICA, SOUTH-WEST BOUNDARIES, Angola and Union of South Africa (1926), 616; (1931), 1012. See also PORTUGAL, Angola GERMANS in mandated territory, 407 KUNENE RIVER, agreement between Portugal and Union of South Africa (1926), 617 MANDATE, for German South-West Africa, 133 TRADE, report on Conditions and prospects, 85a AGRICULTURE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE, (1926), protocol re 837 INTERNATIONAL MORTGAGE CREDIT COMPANY (1931), convention re 1024 AIR FORCES Limitation of, CONFERENCE



AIR PACT See EUROPE, European Settlement


AIR TRAFFIC AND NAVIGATION AERIAL NAVIGATION, convention of 1919 and amendments, 25a, 70a, 215, 247, 281, 300, 464, 465, 864, 1206, 1504; legislation, 46e, 47, 48b, 80a, 1386, 1388, 1389, 1390 CARRIAGE BY AIR, International Convention and legislation (1929), 1045, 1167 CONFERENCE, third air (1923), 281 CUSTOMS REGULATIONS, 582 DAMAGE CAUSED BY AIRCRAFT. (1933), 1412; (1926), 1820 SANITARY CONVENTION (1933), 1269, 1363 TAXATION, re liquid fuels and lubricants (1939), 1783 TREATIES re navigation, communication, licencing, air worthiness certificates, customs regulations, etc. See individual countries for details. Austria, 1114, 1162, 1211; Belgium, 582, 1665; Burma, 1624, 1828; Canada, 966, 1752, 1798, 1799; China, 1648, 1826; Denmark, 1595; East India-Siam, 1624; Egypt-South Africa, 933a; France, 582, 1355, 1740, 1749, 1781, 1828, 1829; Germany, 693, 914, 1005, 1319, 1625, 1643; Greece, 1009, 1088, 1811; Hungary, 1564,

ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL COMPANY, see PERSIA ANIMALS Creation of international office re contagious diseases (1924), 581 ANTARCTIC, see FRANCE, Aerial Navigation ARABIA, see SAUDI ARABIA ARBITRATION Denmark, 1407, 1443, 1746, 1806; France, 8, 310; Iceland, 250, 643, 1409. 1541, 1746, 1806; Italy, 8, 315; Netherlands, 100, 511; Portugal, 56, 516, 631; Siam, 638; Spain, 8, 370; Sweden, 54, 492; United States of America, 8, 355. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Arbitration Treaties ARGENTINE REPUBLIC ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 88 MEAT TRADE, report of Joint Committee (1938), 1695; regulation of beef imports in U.K. (1937-39), 1759. See also Trade and Commerce


INDEX MIXED ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL, provisional dissolution of (1931), 1038 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 747 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445 PROPERTY, liquidation of (1930), 870, 958 REPARATIONS: enemy debts, Sect. III, Part X of treaty, 702; Hague conference, 840, 870, 960, 1108; Paris (1922) financial agreement, 219; Spa (1920) agreements, Allied Powers and Austria, 218. See also above PROPERTY TRADE-MARKS, protection in Austria and Palestine (1927-1928), 716 TREATIES, application of, Germany, U.K., and Austria (1938), 1733 VIENNA, position of, 69

TRADE AND COMMERCE, Convention (1933), 1172, 1231; supplementary agreement 1232; agreement (1936), 1502 WORKMEN, compensation for accidents (1929), 918, 1342 ARMENIA ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 LEAGUE OF NATIONS PROTECTION, 103 LOANS FOR RELIEF, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS ARMISTICE Allied Powers and Germany, AustriaHungary, and Turkey, 11 ARMS CONVENTION (1920), 38 CONVENTION FOR SUPERVISION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE, declaration concerning Ifni (1925), 827 AUSTRALIA BELGIUM, commercial relations, 1235, 1330; extradition convention, 738 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Treaty of Commerce (1936). 1622 GERMANY, agreement re property, rights and interests of German nationals (1930), 911 NAURU ISLAND, 46d, 46f, 47c, 77c, 131 JAPAN, trade agreement (1938), 1709 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 SWITZERLAND, commercial agreement (1938), 1767 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415 AUSTRIA AIR COMMUNICATION AGREEMENT (1932), 1211 AIR NAVIGATION CONVENTION (1932), 1114, 1162 CANADA COMMERCIAL RELATIONS (1933), 1460 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1924), 389, 485 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES, 291, 491 DEBTS, agreement re settlement of enemy debts, 702 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1934), 1326, 1367 FIREARMS, proof-marks recognition (1933), 1202 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS in civil and commercial matters (1931), 1000, 1063 LOANS: Agreement (1922) and Legislation, 246a, 255, 258; Agreement (1932) and Legislation, 1123, 1133, 1139, 1147, 1156, 1317, 1322; unrepaid amounts see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS REPARATIONS

AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN EMPIRE ARMISTICE, 11 FLEET, 117 LIBERATION, cost of, 41, 65, 66 TRADE AFTER THE RAISING OF THE BLOCKADE, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE, ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE (1919), 37, 46b, 68, 702 AZERBAIJAN Economic conditions, 56, 69 BALFOUR, LORD DISPATCH RELATING To WAR DEBTS (1922), 246 SPEECH ON LEAGUE OF NATIONS at Imperial Conference (1921), 118, 164 BARCELONA CONVENTION (1921), see also TRANSIT CONVENTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, 234 FREEDOM OF TRANSIT, 323 REGIME FOR NAVIGABLE RIVERS, 324 RIGHT To FLAG, countries without sea coasts, 325 BASUTOLAND - BECHUANALAND MOZAMBIQUE: boundaries with, 706; commercial relations with, 921, 1679 BEEF Uruguay, Argentine Republic, and Brazil (1937-39), 1759 BELGIUM AIR TRAFFIC, customs regulations, 582 AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, documents of identity (1938), 1665 BELGIAN CONGO: boundary with Northern Rhodesia, 1011, 1191, 1194; extradition treaty, 346; sanitation convention (1939), 1796; telegraphic communications with Uganda (1924), 417


INDEX BELGIUM continued CHINN, OSCAR, agreement for submission of claim to Court of International Justice (1934), 1259 CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL MATTERS, reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1261, 1500. See also below, Legal COMMERCE AND TRADE: Australia, 1235, .1330; Canada, 457; Irish Free State, 1356, 1576; New Zealand and Economic Union of Belgium-Luxemburg (1933), 1238; modification of arrangement (1936), 1513; Union of South Africa, 1646 EAST AFRICA BOUNDARIES: Mount Sabino-Congo Nile watershed (1915), 52; draft mandate, 268; agreement Ruanda-Urundi (1923), 313; agreement Ruanda-Urundi Tanganyika (1926), 637; agreement RuandaUrundi Tanganyika (1934), 1419, 1669 SANITATION CONVENTION, Ruanda-Urundi (1939), 1796 TRAFFIC CONVENTION (1921), 153 WATER RIGHTS AGREEMENT (1934), 1420. 1670 EUPEN AND MALMEDY, correspondence, 151; decision of the League of Nations, 103 EXTRADITION TREATY, Belgian Congo and British Protectorates (1923), 346; extension of treaty (1928), 738 GERMAN MARKS IN BELGIUM, Hague Conference, 840 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS IN IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY, 887 INTERNATIONAL POSITION OF BELGIUM (1937), documents exchanged between France and Britain, 1534 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL MATTERS, Anglo-Belgian Convention (1922), 367; supprementary convention (1932), 1140, 1266; reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1261, 1500 LOANS To BELGIUM AND BELGIAN CONGO, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. and BELGIUM, WAR DEBTS LOCARNO, see LOCARNO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 62, 257, 267, 648, 1400 NINE-POWER TREATY, 222 OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, agreement re legislation (1928), 759 PARCEL POST, agreement with detailed regulations (1938), 1708 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445

PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b TRADE ARRANGEMENTS: New Zealand and Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg (1933), 1238; modification of (1936), 1513 VERSAILLES, treaty of, Anglo-Belgian convention re Art. 296, 179 WAR DEBTs: suspension of (Hoover Moratorium), 1035; supplementary protocol, 1138 WAR GRAVES, Anglo-Belgian Treaty (1919), 30 BILLS OF LADING, International Convention re unification of certain rules of law (1924), 986 BILLS OF HEALTH, International Agreement for dispensing with, (1934), 1347 BOLIVIA ORIGIN OF GOODS: Anglo-Bolivian Convention (1920), 148 PARAGUAY, frontier incident (1928), 758 BOLSHEVISNf AFGHANISTAN, 33, 199 ENGLAND, 591. See also SOVIET UNION, Relations with U.K. EUROPE, 56, 69 GERMANY, 10, 12, 16 SINN FEIN, 152 SOVIET UNION, see SOVIET UNION BONES, International Agreement re exportation of, 823 BORNEO, see NETHERLANDS and U.S.A., Philippine Archipelago BRAZIL BEEF, regulation of imports (1937-39), 1759 BRITISH GUIANA BOUNDARY, treaty and convention (1926), 791; agreement (1930), 862 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS AGREEMENT (1935), 1345, 1357 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1931) 1158, (1937) 1686; India (1932) 1116; Irish Free State (1931) 1057; Newfoundland (1936) 1469; Union of South Africa (1939) 1834; United Kingdom (1931) 1059; (1936) 1468 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 85 MONEY ORDERS AGREEMENT (1921), 200 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 PEACE COMMISSION, 147 BRITISH GUIANA Boundary with Brazil, 791, 862


INDEX BRITISH HONDURAS BOUNDARY, 1077 LOAN, Iegislation, 1044a; memorandum, 1073a BROADCASTING Cause of Peace, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Broadcasting BRUSSELS CONFERENCE Russian Foreign Indebtedness, 180. See also CONFERENCES, Brussels BULGARIA COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, (1925), 537 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EMIGRATION To GREECE, 61 GREECE, convention (1919), 61 MIXED ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL, dissolution of, 668 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 747, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 REPARATIONS: arrangements for payment, 450, 720; cost of Army of Occupation, 451; division of sum recovered, cost of military occupation, 481; Hague Conference, financial obligations under Treaty, 840 974, 1108; Hoover Moratorium and protocols for suspension of payments, 1035, 1084, 1138; Spa Agreements (1920), 218 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE: Neuilly-sur-Seine, 46b, 57, 68; Article 188, dissolution of Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, 668; military clauses, abrogation of (1938), 1764 BUOYAGE, International agreement for a uniform system of maritime buoyage (1936), 1598 BURMA AIR DOCUMENTS OF IDENTITY OF AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, 1828. See Item 1749 CHINA, commission to establish boundary (1935), 1352 INDIA, air service (1937), 1624 JAPAN, trade and commerce convention (1937), 1557, 1613 SIAM: air service (1937), 1624; boundary (1931-1932), 1095; nationality of persons affected by re-delineation of boundary (1937), 1547 CAMEROONS BOUNDARIES, 893, 1028 MANDATE, 156, 268 REPORT ON BRITISH SPHERE, 228 U.S. NATIONALS, Anglo-U.S. convention (1925), 600

CANADA AUSTRIA, commercial relations (1933), 1460 BELGIUM, commercial agreement (1924), 457 BORDEN, statement at Washington Conference, 222 BRAZIL, commercial agreement (1931), 1158, (1937), 1686 COSTA RICA, convention for arbitration, Petroleum Company, Royal Bank of Canada (1922), 286 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Convention of Commerce (1928), 809 FRANCE, trade agreement (1921), 171; commercial convention (1922), 318; Commerce and trade convention (1933), 1593 GERMANY, commercial relations (1932), 1458; (1933), 1459; agreement re liquidation of property (1930), 1007; agreement re payments for exchange of goods (1936), 1592 GUATAMALA, commercial relations (1937), 1685 HAYTI, commercial modus vivendi (1935), 1539; trade agreement (1937), 1809 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, 641 ITALY, commercial convention (1923), 360 JAPAN, customs treatment of imports (1935), 1591 LAUSANNE TREATY, correspondence with Canadian government, 384a LUXEMBURG, commercial agreement (1924), 457 NETHERLANDS, commercial agreement (1924), 536; exchange of notes re double taxation (1938), 1758 NORWAY, sovereignty of Otto Sverdrup Islands (1930), 1004 POLAND, commercial relations (1935), 1600 ROUMANIA, consular fees on certificates of origin (1934-35), 1540 SALVADOR, commercial relations (1937), 1688 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TURKEY, correspondence re Peace Treaty, 384a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AIR TRAFFIC AND NAVIGATION AGREEMENT: air navigation (1938), 1799; certificates of airworthiness (1938), 1752; civil aircraft (1929), 966; licenses for piloting civil aircraft (1938), 1798 BOUNDARY (1925), 512 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS: (1935), 1599; (1937-38), 1833; (1938), 1735, 1738 FISHERIES: halibut in Bering Sea and northern Pacific (1923), 480; (1930), 1164; (1937), 1703; sockeye salmon, Fraser River system (1930), 1704


INDEX CANADA continued INCOME TAX on non-resident individuals and corporation, (1936), 1705 LAKE OF THE WOODS, agreement re level, (1925), 513 LOAD LINE CONVENTION, (1933), 1461 NARCOTICS LAWS and extradition (1925), 514, 515


REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CONVENTION (1921), 244 SMELTER at Trail, B.C., (1935), 1538 SMUGGLING along border, (1925), 514 TONNAGE, exchange of Notes re appen-


report, 1086 papers relating to, 674; papers relating to settlement of, 735


257, 1016 NINE-POWER TREATY (1922), 222 OPIUM, correspondence cultivation

dix certificates, 1833 commercial relations (1936), 1590 WAR GRAVES, (1935), 1415 URUGUAY,

CANNES CONFERENCE (Jan. 1922) Resolution, 221 CENTRAL EUROPE Economic Conditions, 56; 69; CHILE COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS,

(1937), 1074;




CHINA over China: (1937), 1648; over South-West China and British ports (1939), 1826 AMOY, rendition of (1930), 939 ARMAMENTS, limitation of Chinese, 222; limitation of foreign, 222 BURMA, commission to establish boundary (1935), 1352 CHINKIANG, rendition of (1929), 835; claims for losses sustained by British subjects in 1927 (1929), 836 COMMITMENTS of China, 222 Customs, regulations, 222; tariff treaty (1928-29), 773 EXTRA-TERRITORIALITY: 222; report of Commission (1926), 614; Chinese Commission on, 632; mandate and correspondence (1929), 838 FINANCE, stabilization of Chinese dollar (1939), 1717, 1768 FINANCIAL CONSORTIUM (1920), 135 GERMAN DEBTS, 290, 739 HANKOW AND KINKIANG: British concessions (1927), 650; land tenure and taxation (1934), 1336 INDEMNITY, bills, reports, papers and accounts of Chinese indemnity fund, 334, 335, 341, 432, 435, 435a, 437, 555, 612, 686, 729, 785, 903, 905, 906, 941, 987, 1046, 1050


of, 174. See also OPIUM POSTAL AGENCIES, 222 RADIO STATIONS, 222 RAILWAYS, 222 SHAMEEN AFFAIR, papers re first firing (1925), 571 SHANGHAI: Chinese courts in international settlement, 874, 1186, crisis of 1932, papers, reports, and settlement of, 1069, 1076, 1085 SHANTUNG, Sino-Japanese agreement, 222 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TERRITORY, non-alienation of, 222 TRADE, British, report on, 87 TREATIES, list of (1842-1922), 509 TWENTY-ONE DEMANDS, Chinese attitude to, 222 WASHINGTON TREATIES, see WASHINGTON CONFERENCE AND TREATIES WEI-HAI-WEI, notes exchanged, 222; rendition of, and agreement for naval facilities, 881, 948 COLOMBIA EXTRADITION, 856, 943 TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, 1766

COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES Austria, 291, 491; Costa Rica, 919; Czechoslovakia, 309, 368; Ecuador, 770; Estonia, 629; Latvia, 694; Panama, 774; Paraguay, 932; Peru, 855; Turkey, 922 COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSIT, see TRANSIT CONFERENCES (For details see also, TREATIES and individual conferences.) AMBASSADORS', correspondence with German Peace delegation and German government, 151 BARCELONA (1921), 323, 324, 325 BRUSSELS, Russian foreign indebtedness, 180; Drugs (1925 and 1929), 502, 754, 953 CANNES (1922), basis for Genoa conference, 221


INDEX EcoxoMlc, see ECONOMIC, ACTION; Geneva and London (1933) GENEVA, (1923): communications and transit, 381, 382, 383, 384, 487, 488, 489, 490; see also TRANSIT; economic action, 823, 824, 850, 863, 964, 1006; naval disarmament (1927), 676, 704, see also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, disarmament; wounded and sick, 978, 979, 980, 1029, 1030 GENOA (1922), 221, 224, 230, 231, 234, 248 HAGUE, (1922), 243; (1929-30), 793, 805, 817, 840, 842, 870, 876, 877, 886, 894, 899, 911, 935, 957, 958, 959, 962, 974, 981, 996, 1007, 1018, 1038. See REPARATIONS, Hague Conference; codification of international law, 1020, 1021, 1022 IMPERIAL, see IMPERIAL LAUSANNE, (1922-23), 273, 303, 306, 307, 331, 348, 363, 384a; (1932), 1056, 1100, 1102, 1103 LISBON, lightships, 976 LOCARNO (1925), 495, 505, 525, 611, 1387 LONDON: (Aug. 1922), 423; (Dec. 1922) 272; (1924) 391, 395, 424, 429, see REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan; Ioad line conference (1930), 915, 916, 945, 1041, 1042, 1047, 1135; naval conference (1930), 782, 841, 868, 871, 885, 896, 955, 988; (1935-36) 1432, 1433, 1492, 1575, 1672; World Economis Conference (1933), 1189, 1201 PARIS (1919), 217, see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL; (1922), 219, 225; (1923), 272 PRIME MINISTERS, (1921), 164 SPA, 151, 218 STRESA (1935), 1350 TARIFF TRUCE see ECONOMIC, Action WASHINGTON, 164, 191, 207, 209, 214, 222, 351, 352, 509, 517, 518, 782; oil pollution, 594a COPYRIGHT CONVENTION ACCESSIONS: Sweden, 40; Greece, 122 COSTA RICA ARBITRATION, Costa Rica Petroleum Company - Royal Bank of Canada, 286 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, Irish Free State, 1297 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS (1928-30), 919 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 CUBA BRITISH WEST INDIAN LABOURERS, correspondence re ill-treatment, 386, 419 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1937), 1525, 1711 ExTRADITION, 891, 1052

NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1016, 1400 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT, 744 CURRENCY FOREIGN EXCHANGE after the war, 44a LEGISLATION re counterfeit currency convention, 1305a PRODUCTION, price movements, and expansion, 39, 77b CUSTOMS FORMALITIES International Convention (1923), 383, 476. See also TRANSIT CYPRUS Anglo-French Convention (1920), 129 CZECHOSLOVAKIA BOUNDARY, see below Munich Agreement COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS, Canada, 809; Australia, 1622; United Kingdom, 421; Union of South Africa, 1642 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES, 309, 368 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY, 618 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, Agreement (1939), 1756; Legislation, 1716, 1718 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS in iron and steel industry, 887 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS in civil and commercial matters, (1924), 572; (1935), 1349, 1376 LOANS for relief, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS and above Financial Assistance LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MUNICH AGREEMENT, correspondence and documents, 1701, 1702, 1743 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRINTED MATTER AGREEMENT, 569 REFUGEE FUND, trust fund and directions to the trustees, 1804 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RUSSIA, SOVIET-CZECH PACT (1936), see EUROPE, European Settlement SEAMEN, passports for (1935), 1346 SUDETEN-GERMANS, see above, Munich Agreement SUDETENLAND, extension to of Anglo-German transfer agreement, 1793. TREATY OF PEACE: ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE (1919), 46a sevRES (1920), 182 COST OF LIBERATION, Hague settlement, 840, 961; Hoover Moratorium, 1035; supplementary.. protocol, 1138



DANUBE (1921), instituting definitive statute, 253 SINAIA: arrangement and protocol (1939), 1762, 1801; amendment to and accession of Germany and Italy, 1800 CONVENTION



convention re transfer of, 402

DEFENCE on proposed resolution (1937), 1517 STATEMENT, (1935), 1334; (1936), 1427; (1937), 1521; (1938), 1637; (1939), 1761 MEMORANDUM,

DENGUE FEVER International Convention for mutual protection (1934), 1315, 1385 DENMARK AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL,

documents of iden-


1905, re-

newals, 249, 642 (1935), 1171, 1207; (1936), 1456, 1580; (1938), 1760, 1819 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 92 EGYPT, agreement for the suppression of capitulations (1921), 168 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1935), 1407, 1443; supplementary convention of treaty of 1873, (1938), 1746, 1806 GREENLAND: treatment of British subjects, companies and vessels in eastern Greenland, 510




257, 648

DISARMAMENT (in chronological order) Report to Council on First Session of Preparatory Commission, 590 Report of Lord Cecil on Third Session of Preparatory Commission, 656 Dispatch of Viscount Cecil, preparatory Commission and draft convention (1930), 954 Memoranda on chemical warfare, 949 Speech of Sir John Simon, opening Disarmament Conference, 1068 Declaration of British policy (July 1932), 1099 British policy on Germany's claim to equality of right (Nov. 1982), 1121 Draft convention of Ramsay MacDonald (1983), 1166 Proceedings of Bureau of Disarmament Conference, withdrawal of Germany (Oct. 14, 1933), 1213 Memorandum on (1934), 1233 Memoranda issued by U.K., France, Italy, and Germany (1934), 1241 Further Memoranda (Feb.-April 1934), 1249 German disarmament, note of British government (1935), 1339 See also GERMANY, Disarmament; NAVY, Disarmament; WASHINGTON CONFERENCE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 1016 DOMINIONS, see IMPERIAL AFFAIRS DRUGS, see also OPIUM LEGISLATION, 1043, 1045a dangerous drugs (1925), 502, 754; unification of formulas, pharmacopeoial drugs (1929), 953, 1822; distribution of narcotics (1931), 1053, 1204


NAVAL ARMAMENT AGREEMENT (1938), 1782 ODER RIVER see POLAND PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with

international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION,



77b treaty (1920), 208; nationality and naturalization laws, 257 SHIPPING, agreement re income tax on profits, 460 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50



for accidents (1925), 647 WRECKS, agreement (1918.21), 136

Arnawai and Dokalim (1934), 1289 ANNUAL REPORT, statement exhibiting the moral and material progress and condition of India, 54th to 70th number: (1918), 4b; (1919), 91a; (1920), 118a; (1921), 199; (1922-23), 311; (192324), 453; (1924-25), 443; (1925-26), 622; (1926-27), 688; (1927-28), 730; (1928-29), 787; (1929-30), 908a; (1930.31), 1051; AFGHANISTAN BOUNDARY,


INDEX (1931-32), 1222; (1932-33), 1307; (193334), 1391; (1934-35), 1487 BRAZIL, commercial relations (1932), 1116 BURMA, see BURMA FRANCE, India and Indo-China, abolition of consular visas on Bills of Health (1938), 1747 JAPAN, commercial relations (1934), 1273, 1304; (1937), 1602 LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Geneva protocol, views of the Government of India, 508 MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS for troops on North-West frontier, 32a, 36a POLAND, commercial convention (1931), 1097 RUBBER: agreements for regulation of production and export, and protocols of amendment, 1252, 1463, 1526 SIAM, air services (1937), 1624 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TANGANYIKA, proposed Indian settlement, 150a TURKEY, commercial relations (1930), 924 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415 ECONOMIC, see also STATISTICS protocol and final act, 863; export and import restictions, 850; exportation of hides and skins, 824; exportation of bones, 823


ACTION, SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFER. ENCE: (1930-31), final act, 964; protocol,


report of iron and steel

industries, 887 CONDITION OF WORLD, 70 WORLD CONFERENCE (1933), 1189,



1471, 1514; map to illustrate, 1496; financial question re Sudan, 1499; protocol for amendment of annex to art. 8, 1710 CAPITULATIONS AGREEMENTS FOR SUPPRESSION OF

Denmark, 168; Greece, 140; Norway, 150; Portugal, 185; Sweden, 159 Montreux Convention (1937), 1555, 1611 COMMERCIAL modus vivendi, 913, 993. See also IRISH FREE STATE; PALESTINE and UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 86, 93,

167. See also below, Trade Relations EXTRADITION, provisional agreement with Palestine (1922), 471 FINANCES, 167. See also below LOANS FOREIGN NATIONALS, conditions of service, 329 FOREIGN OFFICIALS, taxation, pensions of retired officials (1936), 1615 INDEMNITY ACT, 328 IRISH FREE STATE, commercial modus vivendi, 972, 998 ITALY, Anglo-Italian Agreement (1938), 1651; protocol, 1750 LOANS, guaranteed by British Government, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. I MPERIAL OTTOMAN LOAN OF 1855: account to Dec. 1925, 549; to Dec. 1926, 621; to Dec. 1927, 687; to Dec. 1928, 731; to Dec. 1929, 786 ANGLO-EGYYPTIAN AGREEMENT on Ottoman loan and other financial questions (1929), 769 MACDONALD, RAMSAY, British position in Egypt and the Sudan, 428 MILNER, LORD, report of special mission, 125 MONTREUX CONVENTION (1937), 1555, 1611 NATIONALITY, Anglo-French agreement re Art. 34 of Treaty of Lausanne, 307 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648, 1400 EGYPT ADMIN ISTRATION, 167 AIR SERVICE, weekly with South Africa, 933a ALEXANDRIA RIOTS (1921), report and proceedings of military court, 173 ANGLO EGYPTIAN CORRESPONDENCE AND NEGOTIATIONS (in chronological order): Mil-

ner report, 125; negotiations (1921), 187; correspondence (1921-22), 212; Status of (1922), 220; MacDonald re position in, 428; Treaty of Alliance (1927-28), 703; crisis (April-May 1928), 714; proposals for settlement (1929), 799; negotiations (1930), 875; Treaty of Alliance (1936),

648, 1016 NILE, use of waters for irrigation, (1925), 795 PALESTINE: commercial agreement and relations, 751, 1515; extradition agreement, 471; judgments, convention re reciprocal enforcement (1929), 797 PROTECroRATE, termination of (1922), 220 PUBLIC MEETINGS AND DEMONSTRATIONS LAWS, papers re crisis, April-May 1928, 714 SUDAN, financial questions (1936), 1499 SUEZ CANAL


returns of shipping and tonnage: 1915-1917, 14a; 1918, 16a; 1919, 160; 1920, 166. See also ITALY, Anglo-Ita-

INDEX EGYPT continued lian Agreement (1938), Shares, interest, dividends, market value, etc., see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. TAXATION ON PENSIONS OF FOREIGN OFFICIALS (1936), 1615 TELECOMMUNICATIONS, exchange of notes (1936), 1616 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT (1939), 1777 TRADE RELATIONS, Economic mission of enquiry (1935), 1354 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: air service, 933a; commercial relations (1939), 1836 WAR MEMORIAL CEMETERIES AND GRAVES (1937), 1608 ELBE Statute of Navigation, (1922), 276; (1923). 372 ELECTRIC POWER Convention for the transit of (1923), 489 EMIGRANTS International Agreement re transit cards (Geneva, 1929), 812 ESTONIA COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1920), 107 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, treaty and commercial relations, 596, 1199, 1270, 1305 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES, 629 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EMIGRANTS see EMIGRANTS EXTRADITION TREATY (1925), 595; exchange of notes, Union of South Africa (1938), 1789 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1931), 1060, 1113 LOANS, unrepaid amounts, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 1400 PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, estates of deceased (1931), 1115 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT (1926), 593 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, see EXTRADITION ETHIOPIA, see ABYSSINIA EUROPE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS in Central Europe, 56, 69

EUROPEAN FEDERAL UNION, French government memorandum (1930), 884 EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT (in chronological order) Locarno; Negotiations re pact of Security, etc. (1925), 494, 495, 505, 525, 611; Briand Plan (1930); European Federal Union, 884 Declaration re future of European cooperation, U.K. and France (1932), 1103; dispatch of H.M.'s ambassador in Rome (1933), 1183; communique, AngloFrench conversations (Feb. 1935), 1324; note to German government (18 March 1935), 1339; Stresa Conference, 1350; diplomatic correspondence (1934-1936), 1435; Memorandum of German government re Rhineland (1936), 1429; proposals of France, Belgium, U.K., and Italy (1936), 1431; correspondence re proposals (March-April 1936), 1437; correspondence with German government (March-May 1936), 1446; international position of Belgium (1937), 1534 EVIDENCE Bill to admit foreign evidence (1932), 1125; foreign judgments (1932), 1126 Report of Standing Committee A, 1129 Report of committee, 1143a See also 1938, Bills No. 63 and 213, not included in Text EXHIBITIONS International Convention (1928), 839, 969 EXPORT, see also TRADE CREDITS, report of committee for Guarantee Scheme (1928-29), 828 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS, International Convention (1928-29), 850 EXTERNAL DEBT of the U.K., 4c, 48, 115, 229. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS and U.S.A. War Debt EXTRADITION Albania, 666; Australia-Belgium, 738; Austria, 1326, 1367; Belgium, 346, 738; Columbia, 856, 943; Cuba, 891, 1052; Czechoslavkia, 618; Ecuador, 1288, 1606; Egypt-Palestine, 471; Estonia, 595, 1789; Finland, 390, 486; Hungary, 1497, 1570; Iraq, 1098, 1175; Latvia, 415, 519; Lithuania, 661; Luxemburg, 1532, 1680, 1807; Monaco, 973, 1017; Netherlands, 97, 529; New Zealand-Belgium-Luxemburg, 738; Paraguay, 1281; Poland, 1071, 1248; Portugal, 183, 184, 1070, 1200;


INDEX FISHING Convention for regulation of fishing nets and size limits (1937), 1556

Spain, 43; Switzerland, 1343, 1374; Union of South Africa-Belgium, 738, -Estonia, 1789; USA, 256, 514, 515, 1058, 1361

FIUME, FAR EAST British policy in, 164


FLAG Recognition of flag for countries without sea coast (1921), 325

FILMS International Convention re films of an educational Character (1933), 1381, 1438




FOREIGN OFFICE Report of British communities abroad, 72

FINANCE U.K.: (1919), 4a; (1920), 47b; (1921), 114, I16; (1922), 195; (1923), 262; (1924), 339; (1925), 440; (1926), 552; (1927), 624; (1928), 690; (1929), 732, 783; (1930), 789; (1931), 908; (1932), 1049; (1933), 1132; (1934), 1226; (1935), 1311; (1936), 1394; (1937), 1490; (1938), 1588; (1939), 1724 AMERICAN DOLLAR SECURITIES, report of committee, 4c. See also U.S.A. war debt





FRANCE regulation of importation of arms and ammunition (1930), 936; Italian dispute, Hoare-Laval Pact (1935), 1406. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia ADRIATIC QUESTION, French attitude, 58 AFRICA, BOUNDARIES: east and west of the Niger, 142; French Equatorial Africa and the Sudan, 408 ALBANIA, proposed partition, 58 ALSACE-LORRAINE, 22 AERIAL NAVIGATION, exchange of notes re Antarctic (1938), 1740 AIRCRAFT: exemption from duties of military aircraft's fuel and lubricants (1938), 1781; documents of aircraft personnel (1938), 1749; extension to Burma (1939), 1828; see also, Income Tax AIR TRAFFIC, customs regulations, 582; see also Income Tax ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement (1920), 95 ANCLO-FRENCH COMMUNIQUE (1935), 1324. See also EUROPE, EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT CONVENTION, Art. 296 of Treaty of Versailles (Enemy Debts), 178; see also GERMANY and REPARATIONS PACT, papers re negotiations, 387 TREATY, defence of France Act, 2, 18 ANGLO-RUSSIAN TRADE AGREEMENT, French attitude, 163 ANGORA AGREEMENT (1921), 188; Correspondence, 203 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 310 BELGIUM, international position of, 1534 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT, see UNITED STATES, Kellogg; LEAGUE OF NATIONS, General Act; PARIS PEACE PACT BRIAND PLAN (1930), European Federal Union, 884



FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Memorandum re International Convention (1930), 10I5 FINLAND AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE, 76, 103, 235 ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS, convention re illicit

importation (1933), 12I2 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1933), 1208, 1228 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY

(1923), 418 EXTRADITION TREATY (1924), 390, 486 INCOME TAX AGREEMENTS: shipping pro-

fits (1925), 533; agency profits (1935), 1341 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1933), 1210, 1237 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATE AGREEMENT (1935), 1377 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

1016 limitation and information agreement (1938), 1782 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, estates of deceased (1923), 354



(1924), 413 after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 VESSELS USED DURING WAR, agreement to submit dispute to arbitration (1932), 1118 WHEATEN FLOUR, importation of (1937), 1560 TRADE





(1929), 893;

(1931), 1028 abolition of in Morocco and Zanzibar (1937), 1565 CHINA, financial consortium, 135 CAPITULATIONS,

Boundaries, 893, 1028 IRAQ, transference of rights to government, 1148




tion (1922), 232, 1447; reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1296, 1462 COMMERCE, report of M. Van Zeeland on general reduction of obstacles on trade (1938), 1621; French raffia, East African coffee, and New Zealand kauri gum (1937), 1574 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS: termination of convention of 1826 and 1882 (1934), 1254; trade and commerce agreement (1934), 1265; Canada, 171, 318, 1593; Union of South Africa, 1698, 1699 CUSTOMS IMPORT DUTIES, French presidential decree, 26 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, financial assistance, Munich Agreement, etc., see CZECHOSLOVAKIA DANUBE, see DANUBE DEPORTATION AGREEMENT, U.K., India, and France (1933), 1203 DISARMAMENT, see DISARMAMENT, NAVY, LEAGUE OF NATIONS EGYPTIAN NATIONALITY, Art. 34 of Treaty of Lausanne, 307 EUROPEAN FEDERAL UNION, 884 EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT, see EUROPE FISHERIES: limits in Granville Bay (1928), 757; oyster fishing, 327 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 FOUR-POWER PACT, see ITALY GENOA CONFERENCE, attitude of French government, 248 INCOMIE TAX EXEMPTION, from shipping profits (1932), 1120; from air transport profits (1935), 1355, 1829 INDO-CHINA, abolition of consular visas on Bills of Health (1938), 1747 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, in iron and steel industry (1932), 887 ITALIAN COAL PAYMENTS, treasury minute, 206 LANDLORD AND TENANT LAWS (1929), 804 LAVAL, Hoare-Laval Pact (1935), 1406 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 232, 1296, 1447, 1462 LEGALIZATION OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS (1937), 1548 LOANS, war and relief, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS LOCARNO, see LOCARNO

convention (1920) 129; Boundaries: 297, 667, 1797 MONEY ORDERS, 737; Public services agreement: 306 TOGOLAND, boundaries 892, 940 MONEY ORDERS, agreement re Syria, Lebanon, etc. (1928), 737; France and Algeria, 802, 1119 MOROCCO, see MOROCCO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

747; decrees, Morocco, and Tunisia, 295 Anglo-French agreement, 743; memorandum on results of negotiations with France and Italy (1931), 988. See also NAVY; DISARMAMENT NEW HEBRIDES: Anglo-French protocol, 236; exchange of notes, 275; amendment to protocol, 640; agreements re administration, 680, 792, 929, 1105, 1340 ODER RIVER, see POLAND OYSTERS, see Fisheries PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international question, 445 POLAND, Anglo-French loan (1939), 1817 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39



(Wiesbaden Agreement), 18L See also REPARATIONS RENTS, British holders of French rents (1930-31), 971 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY,

104 see Telegraph Cable production and export agreement, 1252, 1463, 1526 RUSSIA, responsibilities of government for debts and French attitude to Trade Agreement, 163 SOVIET RUSSIAN - French Pact (1935), 1429, 1435. See also EUROPE, European Settlement SAN REMO OIL AGREEMENT, 75; protocol re transfer of certain rights to Iraq, 1148 SENEGAL - GAMBIA BOUNDARY (1929), 790 SHIPPING PROFITS, see Income Tax STRESA CONFERENCE (1935), 1350 STUDENT EMPLOYEES, agreement re admission, 721 TELEGRAPH CABLE, convention re cable between Mauritius and R@union (1939), 1830 TOGOLAND, boundary between British and French territories, 892, 940 REUNION, RUBBER,

448 .


see above,


MERCE TUNIS, see TUNIS WAR DAMAGE, agreement re compensation (1929), 814. See also REPARATIONS WAR DEars: Balfour note, 246; AngloFrench agreement, 592; suspension of (1931), 1035. See LOANS, REPARATIONS WAR GRAVES AGREEMENTS, 6, 1415; transfer of property of sites of war memorials, 1784 WASHINGTON TREATIES, 222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES WIESBADEN AGREEMENT, 181. See also REPARATIONS ZANZIBAR, Anglo-French agreement re abolition of capitulations (1937), 1565, 1620

GAMBIA Gambia -- Senegal boundary (1929), 790 GASPARRI, CARDINAL Correspondence re Palestine mandate, 241 GENEVA CONFERENCE 1923, communications and transit, see TRANSIT: Economic Action see ECONOMIC 1927, naval armaments, speeches at plenary session, 676; statement of First Lord of the Admiralty, 704; see also NAVY and LONDON CONFERENCES 1929, legislation, 1481, 1486; wounded and sick, prisoners of war, 979, 980, 1029, 1030 GENOA CONFERENCE (In Chronological order) BASIS OF CONFERENCE, resolutions adopted at Cannes, 221 PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND REPORTS ON CURRENCY EXCHANGE, CORRESPONDENCE DOCUMENTS









224, 231, 234 RUSSO-GERMAN TREATY,


of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Commission,


28 efficiency certificates, Union of South Africa and Germany, 1643


693, 914, I005 Am TRANSPORT, taxation agreement, 1625 AIR WORTHINESS CERTIFICATES, 1319 ALLENSTEIN, correspondence, 151 ALSACE-LORRAINE, 22 AMNESTY, on termination of occupation (1930), 889 ANGLO-GERMA N RELATIONS: correspondence Aug. 1939, 1813; documents re German-Polish relations and the outbreak of war (1934-39), 1814; final report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Nevile Henderson, 1821; see also EUROPE, EUROAIR NAVIGATION AGREEMENTS,


conditions in 1919, 10, 12, 16; correspondence relative to, 151; see also below, Disarmament AUSTRIA, application of treaties (1938), 1733 BLOCKADE, 10, 12, see also below, Trading BOLSHEVISM IN, 10, 12, 16 BOUNDARY COMMISSION, 151 CHINA AGREEMENTS: re German debts in, 290; re surplus German property, 739 COLOGNE, evacuation of Cologne zone, 494, 525 COLONIES, 22 COMMERCIAL TREATIES AND RELATIONS: Anglo-German treaty and exchange of notes, 475, 520, 1170, 1177, see also REPARATIONS Transfer; Canada, 1458, 1459, 1592; Irish Free State, 1067, 1337; New Zealand, 1655; Union of South Africa, 843, 1370 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN BOUNDARY 151; see also CZECHOSLOVAKIA DANUBE, see DANUBE DEBTS, see below VERSAILLES, Art. 296, and REPARATIONS for Transfer Crisis and Commercial Debts, etc. DISARMAMENT: execution of military clauses (1925), 494; correspondence (Oct.-Nov. 1925), 525, equality of rights, statement by H.M. Gov't, 1121; see also DISARMAMENT, NAVY, EUROPE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, (1919), 10, 12, 16, 28, 39; (1920), 78; (1921), 120 ELBE, statement of navigation, (1922), 276; (1923), 372 EXCHANGE, see REPARATIONS, TRANSFER FISH, supplies to U.K. markets (1933), 1192 FLEETS, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 FooD CONDITIONS, see above ECONOMIC ARMY,



PACT (1933), see ITALY




in iron and steel industry (1930), 887 KEHL BRIDGEHEAD, correspondence, 151 LEAGUE OF NATIONS MEMBERSHIP, 22, 484, 495, 505, 525. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, German membership LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1928), 766 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1935), 1378 LOANS, see REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE, DAWES PLAN, etc. LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MARIENWERDER, correspondence, 151 MILITARY CLAUSES, see above DISARMAINDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS,


1400 papers concerning treatment of German nationals in Germany (193839), 1825 NAVAL AGREEMENTS, (1935), 1362, 1366; (1937), 1562, 1614; (1938), 1677, 1694 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT: methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PATENTS, MODELS, AND DESIGNS, agreement, Union of South Africa and Germany (1930), 1087 PAYMENTS, Anglo-German agreements, see REPARATIONS Transfer PEACE CONFERENCE see below Versailles POLAND see Anglo-German relations PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b PROPERTY, Art. 297, Anglo-German Agreement, 119, 201; agreement re liquidation (1929), 842, 877; (1932), 1117; see below VERSAILLES, ART. 297 REFUGEES, provisional arrangement re status, (1936), 1506; convention (1938), 1671, 1753 REPARATIONS, see REPARATIONS REPORTS, economic conditions (1919), 10, 12, 16 RESPONSIBILITY FOR WAR, 22 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RHINELAND: military occupation, 19; cost of, 21; High Commission, 63; correspondence re, 151; correspondence re cost of U.S. Army, 312; modifications in regime, 525; evacuation of, 817, 981; re-occupation, 1429. See also EUROPE, European Settlement


422, 521 Treaty of Rapallo, 234 SAAR BASIN: appointment of deliniation convention, 103; correspondence, 151 SCHLESWIG: correspondence, 151; agreement with Denmark (1920) 208 SHIPPING PROFITS: Exemption from double taxation (1928): 699 SINN FEIN, documents re Germany, 118b SOUTH-WEST AFRICA: Germans in Mandated Territories: 407 TAXATION: See SHIPPING PROFITS and AIR RHINE NAVIGATION,



after the raising of the Blockage: 27, 34, 50 TRANSFER AGREEMENTS. See REPARATIONS VERSAILLES TREATY, 1, 15, 17 ALLENSTEIN, correspondence, 151 ALLIED POWERS, reply to German observations, 22 ANNEX II, PT VIII, modification, 155; para. 13, amendment, 455; see also REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan, etc. ARTICLE 296: Anglo-French convention, 178; Anglo-Belgian convention, 179; Anglo-Siam convention, 226 ARTICLES 296, 297, report of Board of Trade committee, 237 ARTICLES 296, 297, 304, 305, clearing house and mixed arbitral tribunal, 452; dissolution of, 1112 ARTICLE 297, Anglo-German agreement, 119, 201; liquidation of German properties (1929), 842, 877, 1117; - and Irish Free State (1934), 1323 ARTICLE 297c, 202 ARTICLE 393, amendment, 456 ARTICLE 405, tabular analysis of International Labour Conference, 3rd and 4th Session, 287 BASIS OF NEGOTIATIONS, 22 TRADING


orandum circulated 25 March 1919, 217 EUPEN AND MALMEDY, 103, 151 MANNHEIM CONVENTION, accession of Holland, 296 MARIENWERDER, 151 MILITARY CLAUSES, 494, 525, 1121; see also DISARMAMENT: EUROPE PROTOCOLS AND CORRESPONDENCE between Allied Powers and German delegation (Jan.-July 1920), 151 REPARATIONS, see REPARATIONS RHINELAND, see above, Rhineland SUPPLEMENTARY PROTOCOL, 17 WAR CRIMINALS, correspondence, 151; trials, 162 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415. XYLANDER, LT.-COL., case of, 151


INDEX GEORGIA Economic Conditions, 56, 69 GOODS International Agreement re false origin (1925), 724, 1692 GREECE AIR TRANSPORT, conventions and agreements, 1009, 1088, 1811 BULGARIA, Greek-Bulgarian convention (1919), 61 CAPITULATIONS, agreement re suppression, 140 COMMERCE: Anglo-Greek treaty, 626; guarantee agreement, 1802; Irish Free State, 947; New Zealand (1926-28), 807 CONSULAR FEES ON CERTIFICATES OF ORIGIN (1929), 798 COPYRIGHT, accession to international convention, 122 DAMAGE CAUSED BY BRITISH TROOPS, 584 EGYPT, agreement re capitulations, 140 EMIGRATION To BULGARIA, 61 ECONOMIC SITUATION, 81 EXPROPRIATION OF LANDED PROPERTIES (1936), 1467 INCOME TAX:, agencies, 1498; shipping profits, 806 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and . commercial matters (1936), 1436, 1617 LOANS, (see also Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS) of 1832: to. Dec. 1919, 47a; to Dec. 1920, .111; to Dec. 1933, 1223; to Dec. 1934, 1308; to Dec. 1935, 1392; to Dec. 1936, 1485; to Dec. 1937, 1585; to Dec. 1938, .1721 LOAN of 1898 to March 1933, 1131; to March 1934, 1224; to. March 1935, 1309; to March .1936, 1393; to March 1937, 1488; to March 1938, 1586; to March 1939, 1722 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 747 NEAR EASTERN QUESTION, proposed settlement, 225 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PROPERTY, expropriation of landed properties, 794 SEAMEN, passports for (1933), 1184 SHIPPING, see Income Tax THRACE, Allied Powers and Greece, 158 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT SHIPS, 625 TREATY BETWEEN ALLIED POWERS AND GREECE (1920), 94 TURKEY: fighting in, 69; report of atrocities by Greek troops, 165

WAR DEBTS: Balfour Note, 246; damage by British troops, 584; agreement for settlement of, 646; suspension of, 1035; supplementary protocol, 1138 WAR GRAVES, 186 GUATEMALA BOUNDARY, British Honduras (1931), 1077 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION (1928), 821 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1937), I685; Irish Free State (1930), 1034 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND THEIR SAMPLES (1931), 1031, 1101 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 HAGUE CONVENTION (1907) Denunciation of Art. VI re Enemy Merchant Ships, 543 HAGUE CONFERENCE PAPERS RELATING TO (June-July 1922), 243. See also REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE CODIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (March-April 1930): military obligation in case of double nationality, 1021, 1542; protocol concerning statelessness, 1020, 1022, 1572; conflict of nationality laws, 1185, 1573; legislation, 1128, 1483 HAYTI COMMERCE MODUS VIVENDI (1928), 734 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION (1932), 1090 CANADA, MODUS VIVENDI (1935), 1539; trade agreement (1937), 1809 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT, 736 HENDERSON, SIR NEVILLE Final report re mission (1939), 1821 HIDES AND SKINS International Agreement re exportation (1928), 824 HOLLAND, see NETHERLANDS HONDURAS Nationality and naturalization laws, 648 HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION Financial Consortium, formation of British group, 135 HUNGARY AIR NAVIGATION CONVENTION (1937), 1564, 1666 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, Anglo-Hungarian Treaty, 670 DEBTS, 227, 356, 564. See below TRIANON, treaty of





56, 69 EXTRADITION, 1497, 1570 HAGUE CONFERENCE: claims against Yugoslavia, Czechoslavia, and Roumania; agrarian reform, etc., 840. See below ECONOMIC CONDITIONS,





Civil and Commercial Matters, 1399, 1450 LOANS FOR RELIEF, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions: 445 REPARATIONS, see Trianon, treaty of SPA AGREEMENTS (1920), 218 TRIANON, treaty of, 89, 110 NOTE re EXPENSES, 139 ART. 239, dissolution of mixed arbitral tribunal, 1344 SECT. III, PT. X (ENEMY DEBTS), 227, 356, 564


1st (1919), 64; 2nd (1920), 127; 3rd (1921), 216, 287; 4th (1922), 277, 287; 5th (1923), 359; 6th (1924), 448; 7th (1925), 527; 8th and 9th (1926), 605; 10th (1927), 675; 11th (1928), 742; 12th (1929), 826; 13th (1929), 873 (Appendix VI); 14th (1930), 931; 15th (1931), 1040; 16th (1932), 1096; 17th (1933), 1209; 18th (1934), 1294; 19th (1935), 1401; 20th (1936), 1493; 21st (1936), 1527; 22nd (1936), 1528; 23rd (1937), 1594; 24th (1938), 1712 BRITISH DELEGATES REPORTS

6th, 463; 7th, 503; 8th, 607; 9th, 608; 10th, 684; 11th, 749; 12th, 872; 13th, 873; 14th, 967 BRITISH GOVERNMENT PROPOSED ACTION re conventions and recommendations MEETINGS, 5th, 394; 6th, 497; 7th, 570; 8th, 658; 9th, 776; 10th, 946; 11th, 777; 13th, 1421; 14th, 995, 1003; 16th, 1298, 1302; 17th, 1338, 1434; 18th, 1421; 19th, 1434 VARIOUS MEETINGS: 1657, 1732, 1751 MEETINGS:


of, 899, 996 REPARATIONS: Spa agreements, 218; Hague conference, 840, 876, 899, 996, 1018, 1108; establishment of Funds A and B, 1075; Hoover moratorium, 1035, 1079; supplementary protocols, 1138 WHITE TERROR, report on, 73 dation

HYDRAULIC POWER Convention re development of (1923). 490


393 OF TREATY OF VERSAILLES, 456 REDUCTION OF HOURS OF WORK: 17th and 18th Sessions, report of committee, 1198; reply to questionnaire, 1253, 1428 MERCHANT SHIPPING: legislation re recommendations concerning seamen, 333, 336, 341a, 434, 439, 904a; re safety at Sea and Load Line Convention, see LOAD LINE TABULAR ANALYSIS re draft convention and recommendations under Art. 405, 3rd and 4th Session, 287

ICELAND 1905, renewals, 250, 643, 1409, 1541 EXTRADITION, supplementary to treaty of 1873, 1746, 1806 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1932), 1161, 1182 ARBITRATION CONVENTION


747, 1400 SHIPPING PROFITS, exemption

from double





IMPERIAL AFFAIRS Correspondence re consultation on foreign affairs, 449a IMPERIAL CONFERENCES (1921), 164; (1923), 320, 321; (1926), 613a, 613b; (1930), amendment to Covenant, 950 BALFOUR, speech re League of Nations, 118 IMPERIAL DEFENCE, 164, 320 INDIA, see EAST INDIA

(1925), 725; (1934), 1693

IRAQ see below, Treaties Anglo-French - Convention (1920), 129 CIVIL ADMINISTRATION, 106, 379 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, Palestine and Iraq (1936), 1520 EXTRADITION TREATY (1932), 1098, 1175 FINANCES, position and prospects for, 496 FINANCIAL, questions re treaty of alliance 1930, 920, 982 JUDICIAL AGREEMENT (1931), replacing agreement of 1924, 479, 994, 1025




INDEX LEAGUE OF NATIONS, application of Art. 22; 458, 568. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS TURKEY-IRAQ LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, Civil and Commercial Matters, 1380, 1518 MANDATE, 128, 170 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 741, 1400 NEJD-IRAQ FRONTIER AGREEMENT, 545 POLICY, memorandum by Secretary of State for the Colonies (1929), 825 RAILWAY SYSTEM, agreement re transfer of (1936), 1444, 1476 SAN REMO AGREEMENT: 75; convention re mandated areas, 129; transfer of certain rights to, 1148; U. S. attitude, 137 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES, Anglo-Finnish agreement, 413 TREATIES: with King Feisal (1922), 254; protocol and subsiduary agreements 379, 479; agreement re duration of, 562, 580 OF 1927, 685 OF ALLIANCE (1930), 898; financial questions, ratification and agreement of, 920, 982; judicial agreement (1931), 994, 1025 TURKEY-IRAQ. boundary dispute, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Turkey; agreement (1926), 587, 664 TURKISH PETROLEUM COMPANY, 137 U.S.A., correspondence and convention re rights, 137, 851, 991 WAR CEMETERIES AGREEMENT, 1453

SALVADOR: Commercial Relations, 1236 SPAIN: Commercial Relations, 1316, 1372 SWITZERLAND, unemployment insurance, 951 TURKEY: Commercial Relations, 942; Trade and Payments agreement, 1537 U.S.A., air navigation, 1647; correspondence re appointment of minister plenepotentiary, 400 ITALY ABYSSINIA, regulation of importation of arms and ammunition, 936, 1078; Lake Tsana and the Italian railway, economic concessions in western Abyssinia, 589; correspondence and appeal to League of Nations re agreement, 628 ABYSSINIAN-ITALIAN DISPUTE, correspondence re bombing of ambulance, 1439; rescue of foreign nationals from Addis Ababa, 1457. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia ADRIATIC QUESTION, correspondence, 58 AIR PERSONNEL, documents of identity, 1001 AIR TRANSPORT SERVICE CONVENTIONS, 1010, 1163, 1327, 1633 AIR WORTHINESS VALIDATION CERTIFICATES, 1303 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANGLO-ITALIAN AGREEMENT (1938), 1651, protocol, 1750 ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS, 8, 315

IRELAND BOLSHEVISM AND SINN FEIN, 152 GERMANY AND SINN FEIN MOVEMENT, 118b SovIET UNION, treaty with, 152 IRISH FREE STATE BELGIUM: Commercial Relations, 1356, 1576 BRAZIL: Commercial Relations, 1057 COSTA RICA: Commercial Relations, 1297 EGYPT: Commercial modus vivendi, 972, 998 GERMANY: Commerce, 1067, 1337. Release of property, 1323 GREECE: Commercial Relations, 947 GUATAMALA: Commercial Relations, 1034 ITALY, recognition of passenger and emigrant ship certificates and regulations, 944 NETHERLANDS: Commercial Relations, 1536 POLAND, tonnage measurement agreement, 1373 PORTUGAL: Commerce and Navigation, 1072 ROUMANIA: Commercial Relations, 1039

COMMERCE: agreements, 1494, 1509, 1638, 1639; exchanges and payments, 1495, 1510; modification of exchange and payments agreements, 1632; exchange of notes, trade and payments (1935), 1353, 1369; account and receipts of clearing office (1937), 1584, (1938), 1720; agreement to facilitate economic collaboration (1939), 1831; provisional agreement regulating imports (1935), 1351; exchange of notes regarding import quotas (1939), 1787 CANADA, commercial convention, 360 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, commercial agreement, 1640 DANUBE, see DANUBE see DISARMAMENT, DISARMAMENT, LEAGUE OF NATIONS, NAVY EAST AFRICA BOUNDARIES: Eritrea-Sudan, 409; Jubaland, 396, 431, 493; see also Somaliland EGYPT, Bon Voisinage Agreement (1936), 1651, 1750 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757


INDEX ITALY continued


relief, etc., see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 956, 1093 LIBYA-SUDAN BOUNDARY (1934), 1286 LONDON TREATY (1915), 71 MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AGREEMENT, 532 MEDITERRANEAN STATUS QUO, declaration and exchange of notes (1936-37), 1512, 1533 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

257, 648, 747, 1400 London Naval Conference (1931), 988; see also NAVY PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PASSENGER AND EMIGRANT SHIPS, certificates.and regulations, 803, 944 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 PROOF MARKS, reciprocal recognition of, 598 RAPALLO TREATY, recognition by Great Britain, 141 REPARATIONS, 42, 66, 67 NAVAL ARMAMENTS,


Africa East, 396, 493; legislation, 431; with Kenya, 1150, 1151, 1230 CLAIMS re raids and incidents on frontier (1930), 992, 1180 DEPORTATION ' Of Somali subjects from Aden, 567 GRAZING RIGHTS and transit traffic (1937), 1668 TRAFFIC in game trophies (1932), 1152 SPAIN, correspondence re foreign volunteers (1937), 1580. See also SPAIN, Civil War STRESA CONFERENCE (1935), Anglo-Italian Declaration, 1350 TRADE AND PAYMENTS, see above Com-

merce 246, 560, 1035, 1138. See also REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE, etc. WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT, 240 WAR DEBTS,



(1933), dispatch to H.M.'s ambassador at Rome, 1183. See also EUROPE, EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT FRANCE, payment for coal deliveries, treasury minute, 206 FREE STATE OF FIUME, 58 GASH RIVER, utilization of waters, 507 IMPORTS, see above COMMERCE JUBALAND, see above EAST AFRICA KENYA, see below SOMALILAND LAKE TSANA, see above ABYSSINIA and FOUR-POWER PACT


JAPAN British attitude, 164 BOOKS, report on British gift (1923-33), 1247 CHINESE EASTERN RAILWAY, 222 COMMERCE, abrogation of Art. 8 of Treaty of 1911, 412; supplementary convention to treaty, 669; Australia trade agreement (1938), 1709; Burma, Anglo-Japanese convention (1937), 1557, 1613; Canada, customs treatment of imports (1935), 1591; India, convention and protocol regarding prolongation (1934), 1273, 1304, (1937), 1602; New Zealand commercial modus vivendi (1928), 767 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 39, 90 FINANCIAL CONSORTIUM, negotiations re privileges in Inner Mongolia and Southern Manchuria, 135 FLEET, I17, 198, 207, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 INCOME TAX re shipping profits (1929), 808 LABOUR, report, 49 LEASES, termination of perpetual leases (1937), 1569 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT, 362 MANCHURIAN CRISIS, see CHINA ANGLO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE,


648 method of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RUSSIA, Japanese intervention, 222 SHANGHAI CRISIS (1932), see CHINA SHANTUNG, Sino-Japanese Agreement, 222 SHIPPING PROFITS, see above Income Tax TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT, 269 TWENTY-ONE DEMANDS, 222 PARLIAMENT


222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES JEWS Sir S. Samuel's Report on Mission to Poland, 74. See also PALESTINE JOHORE State and Territory agreement between His Majesty and the Sultan (1927), 685a JUDGMENTS, see EVIDENCE KENYA JUSTICE,


report of commission, 1262a

INDEX RAILWAY RATES AND FINANCE, Ieport of Mr. Roger Gibb, 1152a See also ITALY Somaliland; ABYSSINIA, Raids and Incursions; AFRICA EAST LABOUR CONVICT OR FORCED, legislation, 904b, 1044; proposed action, 995. See also, INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES and SOVIET UNION LATVIA COMMERCE: agreement and exchange of notes, 1195, 1272, 1314; commerce and navigation treaty (1923), 326 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES (1927), 694 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY, 415, 5I9 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1939), 1816 LOANS FOR RELIEF, etc., see FINANCE ACCOUNTS NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 677, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN estates of deceased (1930), 9I2 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT, 663 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 LAUSANNE CONFERENCE (1922-23): records of proceedings and draft treaty, 273; treaties, 303, 306, 307, 348; correspondence with Canadian Government, 384a; legislation, 331, 363 (1932), see REPARATIONS, Lausanne LEAGUE OF NATIONS AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE, 76, 103, 235 ABYSSINIA, protest against U.K:Italian agreement re Lake Tsana, 628 ABYSSINIAN-ITALIAN . WAR (see also 16th Assembly, 1410): correspondence re application of Art. 16 (Jan. 1936), 1417; documents relating to dispute (Sept.Dec. 1935), 1406; documents and proceedings (Oct. 1935-Jan. 1936), 1416; report of Committee of Experts re petroleum (Feb. 1936), 1425; see also ITALY, Abyssinia AGRICULTURE, see TREATIES, Agriculture ANGLO-FINN ISIt DISPUTE, vessels used during the war (1932), 1118 ARBITRATION: protocol signed (1923), 454, legislation, 332, 339a; International Convention re execution of foreign

arbitral awards (1927), 910; Legislation, 778, 779, 784 ASSEMBLIES, reports: 1st, provisional agenda 102; SecretaryGeneral's, 103; British delegation: 3rd (1922), 270; 4th (1923), 343; 5th (1924), 466, see also Geneva protocol; 6th (1925), 557; Special, 8/17 March 1926, including Verbatim record of Third Plenary Meeting, 578; 7th (1926), 619; 8th (1927), 691; 9th (1928), 752; 10th (1929), 830; 11th (1930), 965; 12th (1931), 1054; 13th (1932), 1143; 14th (1933), 1229; 15th (1934), 1320; 16th (1935), 1410; 17th (1936), 1516; 18th (1937), 1610; 19th (1938), 1739 BALFOUR, speech before Imperial Conference (1921), 118, 164 BOLIVIA-PARAGUAY, documents relating to frontier incident (1928), 758 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT, proposed amendments to covenant (1929-30), 950. See also U.S.A. BROADCASTING in the cause of peace, International Convention (1936), 1558, 1649 COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSIT, see TRANSIT; 1st General Conference, see BARCELONA; 2nd General Conference, see GENEVA CONSTITUTION, note on (1932), 1062 COUNCIL OF, report of committee on composition of, 583 COUNCIL, Reports of Sessions, 25th, 301; 26th, 344; 27th, 345; 28th, 374; 29th, 392; 30th, 446; 31st, 469; 32nd, 470; 33rd, 484; 34th, 506; 35th, 526; 36th, 530; 37th, 565; 39th, 576; 40th, 594; 41st & 42nd, 610; 43rd, 633; 44th, 659; 45th, 667; 46th & 47th, 692; 48th, 696; 49th, 715; 50th, 726; 51st Sc 52nd, 753; 53rd, 763; 54th, 772; 55th, 800; 56th 8c 57th, 831; 58th, 854; 59th, 900; 62nd, 984; 63rd, 1013; 67th, 1104 COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE ACCESSION OF USA, 615, 820, 857 ODER RIVER DISPUTE, 756 OPTIONAL CLAUSE, declaration on behalf of H.M.'s Government at signature (1929), 819; memorandum at signature (1929), 829; letter re (1939), 1815 PROTOCOL ESTABLISHING (1920), 145, 316 PROTOCOL FOR REVISION OF STATUTES (1929), 822, 858 COVENANT, 14, in force from 26 Sept. 1924, 449 COMMENTARY ON, 14 LEGISLATION to incorporate into statute law 332, 339a, 1127, 1220, 1306, 1387,


INDEX LEAGUE OF NATIONS continued 1478, 1581 PACT OF PARIS (1929-30), proposed amendment (Arts. 12, 15), 950 PROTOCOL FOR AMENDMENTS: (Arts. 4, 13, 15, 26), 279; (Arts. 6, 12), 350; (Art. 16), 416; (Arts. 1, 4, 5, and annex to covenant), 1730 REPORTS of British representative and committee of council, (Art. 11), 657 DISARMAMENT, see DISARMAMENT DRAFT AGREEMENT, 14 Feb. 1919, 5 DRUGS, see DRUGS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, convention and memorandum (1930), 1015 GENERAL ACT FOR THE PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES

(1928): legislation, 1306, 1387, 1478, 1581; letter to Secretary-General (Feb. 1939), 1763; memorandum re accession of U.K., 983; text and various accessions, 1023. See also PARIS PEACE PACT GENEVA CONFERENCE, see ECONOMIC ACTION GENEVA PROTOCOL:

correspondence re position of dominions, 501a; protocol and resolution adopted by 5th Assembly, 430; reaction to British statement (33rd Session of Council), 484; report of British delegates, 447; statement by Sir A. Chamberlain, 12 March 1925, 478; views of India, 508 GERMAN MEMBERSHIP, 22. See also Reports of British Delegates to 1926. Special, and 7th Assemblies etc., and LOCARNO HAGUE CONFERENCE, codification of international law, see HAGUE CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE, see INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES IRAQ, application of Art. 22 of the Covenant, 458, 568; see also below TurkeyIraq boundary dispute and Mandated areas LIBERIA papers regarding affairs in (193034), 1260 MANCHURIAN CRISIS 1931-33, see CHINA MANDATES for, Cameroons, 156, 268, (see also FRANCE); East Africa, 149, 268, (see also BELGIUM); German possessions in Pacific, 130; German SouthWest Africa, 133; Iraq, 128, 170, (see also IRAQ); Nauru, 131, (see also NAURU ISLANDS); Palestine, 128, 170, 241, 265, (see also PALESTINE); Samoa, 132; Togoland, 156, 268, (see also FRANCE); Trans-Jordan, 265

PERMANENT COMMISSION, extract of report and reply of Foreign Office, 613

U.S.A., attitude to draft mandates, 137. See U.S.A., Mandates for, Anglo-U.S. agreements re Mandated areas MUTUAL ASSISTANCE, correspondence re draft treaty, 398. See also 4th Assembly OPIUM, see OPIUM PACIFIC SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL

DISPIrrEs, see above General Act PRISONERS OF WAR, 979, 980, 1030 REFUGEES, see REFUGEES RELIEF UNION, International Convention

and Statute (1927), 1154 legislation re, economic 1127, 1220 SLAVERY: Abyssinia, 167, 284; Liberia, 1260; Sierra Leone, 695; Sudan, 579, 65I; International Convention (1926), 662 TIN CONTROL SCHEME, 1333, 1726 TURKEY-IRAQ BOUNDARY DISPUTE: application of Art. 22 of Covenant, 458; sessions of the Council, 446, 469, 526, 565, 576; repott of General Laidoner, 538; decision of the Council, 541; deportation of Christians, 542; report of M. Unden, 544; further correspondence and proceedings of the Council, 568; TurkishIraq treaty of settlement, 587, 664 WOUNDED AND SICK in armies of world, 978, 980, 1029 SANCTIONS,


648. See also FRANCE, Mandated Areas LEGAL PROCEDURE, report of Committee re British and foreign legal procedure, 21a LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Austria, 1000, 1063; Belgium, 367, 1140, 1266, 1500; Czechoslavakia, 572, 1349, 1376; Denmark, 1161, 1182; Estonia, 1060, 1113; Finland, 1210, 1237; France, 232, 1296, 1447, 1462; Germany, 766; Greece, 1436, 1617; Hungary, 1399, 1450; Iraq, 1380, 1518; Italy, 956, 1093; Latvia, 1816; Lithuania, 1285, 1454; Netherlands, 1091, 1193, 1554; Norway, 975, 1026; Poland, 1064, 1092; Portugal, 1032, 1083; Spain, 815, 867; Sweden, 928, 970; Switzerland, 1628, 1771; Turkey, 1082, 1176, 1779, Yugoslavia, 1440, 1567






Sierra Leone and, (1930), 866





(1930-34), 1260

LIECHTENSTEIN, see SWITZERLAND LIGHTSHIPS International Agreement (1930), 976

1435 FRANCO-SOVIET PACT (1935) and Locarno 1429, 1435; see also EUROPE, European Settlement FINAL PROTOCOL AND TREATIES (1925), 524, 6I1 LEGISLATION, 1387 NEGOTIATIONS re PROPOSED PACT, 495, 505; see also, 494, 525 EASTERN LOCARNO,



illicit importation, 1212 U.S.A.: prohibition, 299; traffic in, 364, 397, 577 See also, AFRICA


LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS International Convention for the protection of (1928), 1002, 1081

LONDON CONFERENCES Auc. 1922, DEC. 1922 AND 1924, see REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan and London Conferences NAVAL 1930 and 1935-36, see NAVY WORLD ECONOMIC (1933), declaration of the British Commonwealth, 1201; statement by Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1189


LLOYD GEORGE Attitude to Peace Conference, 217 LITHUANIA COMMERCE: Anglo-Lithuanian Agreement (1922), 242; further exchange of notes (1929), 832; Trade and Commerce Agreement (1934), 1268, 1282; Tanganyika, commercial relations (1931), 1080 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION AGREEMENT, 661 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1285, 1454 LOANS, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS MEMEL TERRITORY CONVENTION (1924), 414, 528 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648 methods of dealing with international questions, 445 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50


LOAD LINES report of, 916 Canada-U.S., 1461; DenCERTIFICATES: mark, 459, 1535; Finland, 1377; Germany, 1378; Japan, 362, Netherlands, 1398; Norway, 1505; Portugal, 700; Spain, 1106; Sweden, 1446a; U.S.A., 1461 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1930), 915, 916, 1135; maps, 945 LEGISLATION, 904a, 1041, 1042, 1047. See also SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA


LOANS Guaranteed of British government, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS LOCARNO (See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, German Membership.)

establishment of


(1934), 1299

LUXEMBURG Canada and Luxemburg-Belgium, 457; New Zealand and Luxemburg-Belgium, 1238 EXTRADITION CONVENTION, 1532, 1680, 1807 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, in iron and steel industry, 887 COMMERCE:


1400 MADRID Universal Postal Union (1920), 175, 176 MALTA Correspondence with the Holy See re Maltese affairs (1929-1930), 880 MANDATES, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, U.S.A. Mandates; and individual countries MAPS 215 Arnawei and Dokalim, 1289 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANGOLA AND RHODESIA, boundary, 546 AUSTRIA, Treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye, 41 BORNEO, boundaries, Anglo-Dutch, 917; Philippine, 897, 1153 BULGARIA, Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine, 57 BUOYAGE, diagrams, 1598 CAMEROONS, 268, 313, 1028 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: German memorandum, 1701, 1702; Munich Agreement, 1702; protocols determining frontier, 1743 AERIAL NAVIGATION, AFGHANISTAN,


INDEX MAPS continued DANZIG: Treaty of Versailles, 15; German public property and Harbour Board property, 402 EGYPT, Treaty of Alliance (1936), 1496, 1514 EUROPE, 69 FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA, Sudan boundary, 142, 408 GAMBIA-SENEGAL, boundary, 790 GERMANY, Treaty of Versailles, 15 HUNGARY, Treaty of Trianon, 89 IRAQ-TURKEY, frontier, 587, 664 JUBALAND, boundaries, 396, 493 KENYA-SOMALILAND, 1230 LOAD LINES, 945 MOZAMBIQUE, Swaziland, 706; Union of South Africa, 708 NYON AGREEMENT, 1578 PALESTINE: boundary, 297; Shaw Commission, 859; report of Sir John Hope Simon, 926; pre-war Turkish administrative districts, 1765 PHILIPPINE AND NORTH BORNEO, boundary, 897, 1153 RHODESIA-ANGOLA, 546 SAAR, 15 SENEGAL-GAMBIA, boundary, 790 SLFsvIC, 15, 208 SOMALILAND-KENYA, 1230 SPITZBERGEN, 373 SUDAN, 408, 409, 682 SWAZILAND, 706 SYRIA, 297 TANGANYIKA, 268, 313, 637 TOGOLAND, 238, 268, 940 TURKEY: Treaty of Sevres, 95, 96; demilitarized zone of Straits and Thrace, the Islands Gallipoli peninsula (Lausanne), 273, 303; Iraq, 587, 664 UGANDA, 52, 99 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, 708 WEI-HAI-WEI AND LINKUNGTAO, 948 MARITIME PORTS Convention re (1923), 381, 488

MEXICO: CUMMINS, MR. H .A.C., correspondence re withdrawal, 410 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 OIL PROPERTIES, expropriation, Mexican Eagle Oil Company, 1663 PECUNIARY CLAIMS arising out of revolutionary acts, 653, 711; supplementary convention, 963, 997; payment of 3rd annual instalment, 1663 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 MONACO ExrRAnrrtoN, extension of treaty of 1891, 973, 1017 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648 MONTENEGRO ELECTIONS (Nov.-Dec. 1920), 124 FOOD CONTROLLER, 124 LOANS, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS POLITICAL CONDITIONS AND TRIALS, 123, 124 MONTREUX CONVENTION (1936), regime of the Straits, 1464, 1571 (1937), Egyptian capitulations, 1555, 1611 MOROCCO CAPITULATIONS, Anglo-French agreement re Morocco and Zanzibar (1937), 1565, 1620 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS (1938), 1687 CONSULAR VISAS, 361 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 98 NATIONALITY DECREES, 295 TANGIER: convention and amendments, 375, 401, 728, 745; commercial relations, 1687; economic conditions, 98 MOTOR TRAFFIC International Convention (1926), 852

MAURITIUS, see FRANCE, Telegraph Cable MERCHANT SEAMEN VENEREAL DISEASE, treatment for (1924), 597. See also INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES, Merchant Shipping MERCHANT SHIPS Denunciation of Convention VI, Hague Conference, 543 MESOPOTAMIA, see IRAQ

METRIC SYSTEM International Convention (1921), 317

MOTOR VEHICLES International Convention re Taxation (1931), 1065, 1155 MOZAMBIQUE, see PORTUGAL MUSCAT Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1939), 1791 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 648, 677, 747, 1016, 1400. See also individual countries





46d, 46f, 47c see Annual

NAVY Denmark (1938), 1782; Finland (1938), 1782; Germany (1935), 1362, 1366; (1937), 1562, 1614; (1938), 1677, 1694; Norway (1938), 1782; Poland (1938), 1656, 1744, 1745; Soviet Union (1937), 1561, 1636; (1938), 1676, 1803; Sweden (1938), 1782 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME (1930), 896 DISARMAMENT (in chronological order) AGREEMENTS:


(1922), 164, 19I, 207, 209, 214, 222, 351, 352, 517, 518, 782. See WASHINGTON CONFERENCE for details GENEVA CONFERENCE (1927): speeches at Plenary session, 676; statement of First Lord of Admiralty, 704 ANGLO-FRENCH AGREEMENT (1928), 743 LONDON CONFERENCE (1930): interpretation of Art. 19, 885; legislation, 782; memorandum (Feb. 4 1980), 841; memorandum on results, 868; construction programme (1930), 896; treaty of limitation and reduction of armaments, 871, 955 MEMORANDUM re negotiations with France and Italy (Feb.-March 1931), 988 LONDON CONFERENCE (1935-36): legislation, 1479; memorandum, 1438; procesverbal, rules of submarine warfare, pt. IV of Treaty of London, 1492; protocol modifying treaty, 1672; London Naval treaty (1936), 1432, 1575 ESTIMATES (1922-23): interim report, 207; remarks of Admiralty, 209; Admiralty explanation, 214 FLEETS, returns showing fleets of Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States (also Austro-Hungarian Empire 117 only), 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 JUTLAND, battle of, 106a, 650a SINGAPORE NAVAL BASE, correspondence with Dominions, 370a NEJD-HEJAZ,



NEPAL Anglo-Nepalse Treaty and Notes re arms and ammunition (1923), 377, 500

NETHERLANDS reciprocal exemption from duties on fuel and lubricants (1935), 1418 AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, documents of identity (1939), 1832 AIRMAIL SERVICES, East Indies and Australia (1930), 937 AIR NAVIGATION, provisional agreement (1923), 472 AIR TRANSPORTATION, see Income Tax AIR WORTHINESS CERTIFICATES (1930), 895 ARDmTRATIoN, prolongation of Treaty of 1905, 100, 511 BORNEO boundary with map (1928), 917 Cost MERCE: commercial relations (1934), 1275, 1291; Canadian-Dutch convention, 536; Irish Free State (1936), 1536; Newfoundland, British colonies and mandated territories, 1414; New Zealand (1987-38), 1681; Union of South Africa (1935), 1684 EcoNOMtc, financial and industrial conditions (1919), 87a EXTRADITION TREATY, Malaya Peninsula (1920), 97; Johore and Kedah (1925), 529 FISHING INDUSTRY, claims of Dutch (1929), 771 INCOME TAX: air transport profits exemptions (1936), 1473; any agency profits (1935), 1405, 1451; shipping profits (1926), 585; Canada, double taxation on income (1938), 1758 KAMARAN ISLAND SANITARY CONTROL, Mecca pilgrims, agreement (1926), 603; amendment (1939), 1810 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1932), 1091, 1193; convention to facilitate conduct of (1937), 1554 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1935), 1398 AIRCRAFT,


1016 222. See WASHINGTON TREATIES PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RHINE NAVIGATION, accession of Netherlands to Versailles Treaty and modification of Mannheim convention, 296 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RUDDER, agreements and protocols to regulate production and export, 1252, 1463, 1526 TELEPHONE SERVICE, Anglo-Dutch agreement, 282 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 NINE POWER TREATY,


INDEX PERSIA continued NEWFOUNDLAND Brazil, commercial relations with, 1469 Netherlands, Commercial Relations, 1414

methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b SPITZBERGEN, treaty regulating status (1920), 373


TERRITORIAL WATERS AND FISHERIES PROPOSALS, 718 TRADE after the raising of the brockade,

NEW ZEALAND extradition convention, 738; trade arrangement, 1238, 1513 FRANCE, war graves, 14I5 GERMANY, payments agreement, 1654; property, rights, and interests (The Hague), 935; trade agreement, 1655; war graves, 1415 GREECE, commercial modus vivendi, 807 JAPAN, commercial modus vivendi, 767 NAURU ISLANDS, 46d, 46f, 47c. See also NAURU ISLANDS NETHERLANDS, commercial relations, 1681 NORWAY, commercial relations, 1245 SWEDEN, commerce, customs, and navigation, 1368 SWITZERLAND, commercial relations, 1690


27, 34, 50


OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS Convention for the suppression of circulation (1923). 556 ODER RIVER Agreement to submit dispute to Court of International Justice, 756 OIL (San Remo), 75; affirmation of, 129; U.S.A. attitude to, 137; protocol, 1148 ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL CO., see PERSIA ANGLO-FRENCH AGREEMENT



NIGERIA French boundary, 898


sinian-Italian dispute), 1425


documents of iden-

tity (1937), 1626 ARBITRATION CONVENTION, 54, 499 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for suppression

of, 150 84a; (1920) 126 COMMERCE, Trade and Commerce Agreement (1933). 1178, 1234 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, New Zealand (1933), 1245 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS (1919), 84a; (1920), 126 EGYPT, capitulations, 150 FISHERIES, see below TERRITORIAL WATERS FISHING GEAR, claims re (1934), 1301 INCOME TAX: exemption of any agency, (1938), 1792; profits from shipping (1924), 461 JAN MAYEN ISLAND, recognition of Norwegian sovereignty (1930), 977 LEGAL PROCEEDING, civil and commercial matters, 975, 1026 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, (1919)



648 agreement for limitation and information (1938), 1782 Orro SVERDRUP ISLANDS, Canada and Norway re sovereignty (1930), 1004


OIL POLLUTION International Conference (1926), 594c OMAN, see MUSCAT OPIUM Agreement for control of opium smoking in Far East (1931), 1149, 1531 Agreement concerning manufacture, trade, and use (1925), 713 Correspondence re cultivation in China, 174 International Convention and subsequent papers, 172 Report on International Conference on, 502 PALESTINE ARAB AGENCY, proposed formation, 322 AUSTRIA, trade mark protection (1928), 716 ANGLO-FRENCH CONVENTIONS re Frontier

Questions and Boundaries (1920): boundaries, irrigation, railways, oil, schools, 129; agreement (1922). 297; (1926). 665; amended (1938), 1797 CITIZENSHIP, bill to extend nationality (not printed), 1581b CIVIL ADMINISTRATION, 169 CONSTITUTION, proposed new, 1430 CORRESPONDENCE: Arab delegation and Zionist organization, 239; Sir H. Mc-


INDEX Mahon and Sherif Hussein of Mecca (1915-16), 1765; report to consider, 1772, see also 1769 DEAD SEA SALT CONCESSIONS, 772a, 774a DISTURBANCES: of May 1921 and correspondence, 169, 177; of August 1929, report of Shaw Commission, 859 EGYPT: commercial agreement (1928), 751; commercial relations (1936), 1515; extradition, provisional agreement (1922), 471; reciprocal enforcements of judgments (1929), 797 ELECTIONS 1923, report by the commissioner, 293 GASPARRI, CARDINAL, correspondence re mandate, 241 HOGGARTH MESSAGE, see below Ottoman Empire IMMIGRATION, LAND SETTLEMENT, AND DEVELOPMENT: report by Sir John Hope Simpson, 925; appendix and maps, 926 IRAQ, commercial relations (1936), 1520 LAND SETTLEMENT, see above Immigration LOANS: government guaranteed Loan Bill (1926) amendments and memoranda, 548, 594a, 904, 999; bill guaranteeing loan raised by the government of Palestine (1934), 1221, 1251 MANDATE, 128, 129, 170, 241, 265 MCMAHON-HUSSEIN CORRESPONDENCE (19151916), 1765; report of committee, 1772 OTTOMAN EMPIRE, statements made during year 1918, 1769 PARTITION, report of Partition Commission, 1706 POLICY: British statement of, (1922), 239, (May 1930), 878, (Oct. 1930), 930, (1937), I559; Dispatch from Secretary of State (1937), 1612, (Nov. 1938), 1736, (May 1939), 1786 ROYAL COMMISSION REPORT (1937), 1549 ROUMANIA, certificates of origin (1935), 1365 SHAW COMMISSION, 859 U.S.A.: Anglo-US. convention re rights of governments and nationals, 540; correspondence re U.S. rights (1937), 1568 WAILING WALL INCIDENT, 750


(of Vatican), 1016 PEACE PROPOSALS (1917), 25 PARAGUAY frontier incident (1928), 758 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS (1928), 932 EXTRADITION, supplementary convention (1933), 1281 BOLIVIA,

PARIS CONFERENCE (1919), see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL (1922), financial agreement re German and Austrian reparations, 219; pronouncement re Near Eastern question, 225 (1923), see REPARATIONS PARIS PEACE PACT (1928), see also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, General Act, Correspondence with U.S. ambassador, 717, 722 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War, 816 Legislation, 1387 Proposed amendment to Covenant of League of Nations, 950 PATENTS Legislation re International Convention, 1581a, 1582c, 1587a PARLIAMENTS Methods adopted by various countries for dealing with international questions 445. (See also individual countries.) PEACE Bills to incorporate in statute law the obligations of the covenant of the League, the Paris Pact, and the Locarno Treaties, 332, 339a, 1127, 1220, 1306, 1887, 1478, 1581 PEACE CONFERENCE (1919), see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL PERSIA


29 finance, 4, 190, 196. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS COMMERCIAL CONVENTION (1920), 101






(1929-30), 880



agreement for withdrawal, 1089, 1165 Lonis: Reconstruction Agreement (1919), 29; unrepaid advances, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS 461

INDEX PERSIA continued NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, gift of books, 483 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 10I6, 1400 RECONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT, 29 RUSSIA: appeal to League re Soviet troops, 103; activities in Persia, 294 TARIFF AUTONOMY, Anglo-Persian Agreement (1928), 890, 1411 PERU COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION AGREEMENT (1936), 1477 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND SAMPLES (1928), 855 ECONOMIC SITUATION, 79 MINERAL PROPERTY, agreement re "La Brea y Parinas" (1921), 204 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 1400 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 PETROLEUM, see OIL POISON GAS, see DISARMAMENT, Memoranda on Chemical Warfare POLAND BOUNDARIES, Treaty of Sevres (1920), 182 COMMERCE: Navigation Treaty (1923), 406; trade agreement (1935) and amendments, 1332, 1379, 1601, 1780; AngloPolish Guarantee Agreement (1939), 1808; pneumatic tyres, customs classification (1937), 1618; Canada, commercial convention (1935), 1600; India, commercial convention (1931), 1097 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AGREEMENT (1933), 1283, 1335 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY (1932), 1071, 1248 GERMAN-POLISH RELATIONS (1934-1939), 1814. See also GERMANY, Anglo-German Relations INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, restoration of, 104 JEws, ill-treatment of, 74 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1931), 1064, 1092 . • LITHUANIAN DISPUTE, 103 LOANS: war and relief loans, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS (1939); agreement for a loan to, France and U.K., 1817 LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MUTUAI, ASSISTANCE, Anglo-Polish Agreement (1939), 1812 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 1400 NAVAL AGREEMENTS: limitation and information (1938), 1656, 1744; modification of agreement, 1745

ODER RIVER, agreement to submit question to Court of International Justice, 756 PARLIAMENT method Of dealing with international questions, 445 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT Slurs (1934), 1292, 1348; Irish Free State (1934), 1373 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE (1919), 20 TYPHUS work done by League of Nations, 103 POPE, see PAPACY PORTUGAL AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, Union of South Africa identity documents, 1577 AIR SERVICES: over territories in Africa (1935), 1408; agreement, Union of South Africa (1937), 1645; London-Lisbon (1939), 1778 ANGOLA Boundaries: Rhodesia (1915) confirmed (1925), 546; South-West Africa (1926), 616; (1931), 1012 Kunene River, water (1926), 617 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 54, 516, 631 CAMPBELL, MAJOR, arbitration of claim for damages, 923 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for the suppression of in Egypt, 185 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, see - Mozambique COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1929), with the . Irish Free State, 1072 EXTRADITION TREATIES AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONVENTION, 183, 184, 1070, 1200 FLAG DISCRIMINATION IN PORTUGUESE PORTS (1933), 1215 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, restoration of, 104 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1032, 1083 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1928), 700 LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS MOZAMBIQUE BOUNDARIES: Rhodesia (1920), 99; Swaziland (1927), 706; Tanganyika (1936-37), 1629; Union of South Africa (1927), 708 CHINDE AND CHIPOLO, cancellation of concessions, 501 COMMERCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Basutuland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland (1930) 921; (1938), 1679 CONVENTION WITH TRANSVAAL 1909 (1923), 292 CONVENTION, UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: re native labour, railways matters, and commercial intercourse (1928), 849; re-


INDEX vision (1934) 1422; (1936), 1641; extension and modification (1938), 1683 NINE POWER TREATY, 222 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 QUADRUPLE PACIFIC TREATY, 222 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT SHIPS, 586 WAR DESrs, Balfour note, 246; agreement for settlement, 627; see also REPARATIONS HAGUE CONFERENCE; suspension of (1931), 1035; protocols supplementary to agreements (1932), 1138 POSTAL UNION CONVENTION OF MADRID (1920), 175, 176 POSTAL CONVENTION re insured letters and boxes (1929), 927 POUND-FOR-POUND SCHEME, 69 PRISONERS OF WAR, see GENEVA CONFERENCE 1929 PRODUCTION, price movement and currency expansion in various countries, 39, 77b RAILWAYS Convention re international regime for (1923), 382, 487; see also TRANSIT RED SEA Convention re maintenance of certain lights (1930), 952 REFRIGERATION International convention (1920), 283; modified (1937), 1658, 1734 REFUGEES CZECH TRUST FUND, 1804 GERMAN, provisional arrangement, (1936), 1506; Convention (1938) re status of, 1671, 1753 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION re STATUS, (1933), 1511 RELIEF LOANS, see individual countries, and FINANCE ACCOUNTS RELIEF MISSIONS, 56, 69 RELIEF UNION Convention for the establishment of, 1154 REPARATIONS (Includes documents related to German Reparations and International Confer-

ences and agreements; for Reparations concerning other countries see AUSTRIA, BULGARIA, HUNGARY, RUMANIA, TURKEY, etc.) ALLIED CASE, 22 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS, see below Hague Conference BASLE REPORT (1931), 1056, see below Lausanne Conference BRITISH EMPIRE, apportioning of receipts, 164 CLAIMS: Anglo-French agreement (1929). 814; report re suffering and damage arising out of enemy action, 268a, 366 CORRESPONDENCE (Jan-July 1920), 151 CORRESPONDENCE WITH ALLIED GOVERNMENTS (June-Aug. 1923), 305 DAWES COMMITTEE REPORTS, 376 DAWES PLAN (see also below, Transfer Agreements): agreements signed at London (1924), 424; annuities, distribution of, 473, 539, 655; commerce and navigation treaty, 475, 520; Franco-British memorandum, 9 July 1924, 395; London Conference (1924): correspondence, 391; proceedings, 429 HAGUE CONFERENCE GENERAL: report of Committee of Experts (Young Report), 793; protocol and annexes, 31 Aug. 1929, 805; agreements concluded Jan. 1930, 840; British receipts, 886 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT: Convention, 840, 962; German 51I1A% o Loan, 957; Treasury Minute, 894; report of special advisory Committee (1931), 1056; protocol re immunities (1936), 1508, 1553 AUSTRIA: agreements, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties, liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligations, 960; mixed arbitral tribunal, 1038; properties, 870, 958 BULGARIA: agreements, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties, liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligations, 974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: financial obligation, 840, 961 GERMANY: agreements, 840; financial obligations, 959; property statement, 842, 877; property, rights, and interests; and Australia, 911; and New Zealand, 935; liquidation of property, Canada, 1007; Rhineland evacuation, 30 Aug. 1929, 817, 981 HUNGARY: agreement, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties,


INDEX REPARATIONS continued liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligation, 876, 1018; properties, 899, 996 HOOVER MORATORIUM': report of Committee of Experts, suspension of certain inter-governmental debts, protocols, and declarations (Aug. 1931), 1035; protocol suspension of Bulgarian payments (1932), 1084; suspension of Hungarian payments (1932), 1079; supplementary protocols (1931-32), 1138 LAUSANNE CONFERENCE (1932): report of Basle committee, 1056; final act of conference, 1100; further documents, 1102; declaration of U.K. and France re European unity, July 1932, 1103; supplementary protocols, (Aug. 1931-Jan. 1932), 1138 LONDON CONFERENCE: (Aug. 1922), minutes of meetings, 423; (Dec. 1922), reports and secretaries' notes, 272; (JulyAug. 1924) see above Dawes Plan PARIS CONFERENCE: (1922) financial agreement re German and Austrian reparations, 219; (1923) reports and secretaries' notes, 272 PAYMENTS: (1922), decision of the Reparation Commission, 223; Anglo-German agreements, see below Transfer PROPERTIES, aliens in necessitous circumstances, 237, 357; see above Hague Conference; GERMANY, Versailles, Art. 297 RECOMMENDATIONS OF SUPREME COUNCIL,

Anglo-German Transfer Agreements and Amendments, 1267, 1674, 1691, 1727, 1731; AngloGerman Transfer Agreement, extention to Sudetenland, 1793; Anglo-German Payment Agreements, 1280, 1290, 1300, 1371, 1673, 1728; bill re debts, clearing office and import restrictions, reprisals, 1221a, 1713; Canadian-German Agreement, 1592; New Zealand-German Payments Agreement, 1654. See also RUMANIA, Commercial Payments VERSAILLES, TREATY OF, modification of Annex II of Part VIII, 155; protocol amending para. 13 of Annex II of Part VIII, 455. See also above Dawes Plan, and GERMANY, Versailles WIESBADEN AGREEMENT (1921), decision of Reparation Commission, Franco-German agreement re Part VIII and protocol, report, explanation by Sir John Bradbury, 181 YOUNG REPORT (1929), 793. See above Hague Conference TRANSFER AND PAYMENTS,

RHINE RIVER CONVENTION (1923), 422, 521 MANNHEIM CONVENTION, accession of the Netherlands to modifications introduced at Treaty of Versailles, 296 RHINELAND, see GERMANY RHODESIA, see BELGIUM, Belgian Congo; PORTUGAL, Mozambique, Angola

70 (1921) Anglo-German agreement amending administration, 482 Hague Conference, 840 Legislation, 108, 109 Negotiations with German government and decree (1924), 371 Statements showing amounts paid: April 1921 to March 1922, 233; April 1922 to March 1923, 285; April 1923 to March 1924, 378; April 1924 to closing of account, 10 April 1925, 523 Treasury minutes, 144, 154, 365, 427 Treaty of commerce and navigation, 475, 520 RHINELAND, see GERMANY SPA CONFERENCE (1920), protocol respecting coal, 151; agreements between Allied governments, 218 REPARATIONS (RECOVERY) ACT


see above Hoover Moratorium papers respecting the German transfer moratorium, 1262



RIVERS Regime for navigable rivers, Barcelona Conference, 324. See also BARCELONA CONFERENCE RUANDI-URUNDI, see BELGIUM, East Africa RUBBER, see TREATIES Rubber RUMANIA allied powers and, (1920) 252 Anglo-Runanian agreement (1933), 1227; Palestine (1935), 1365; Canada (1934-35), 1540 COMMERCE, exchange of notes, 302; Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (1930), 909, 1033; treaty with Irish Free State (1930), 1039 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS: accounts and receipts of Clearing Office to 31 March 1937, 1584; to 31 March 1938, 1720; legislation, 1221a, 1713; payments aBESSARABIA,



INDEX greements and modification, supplementary agreements and technical notes (1935-1939), 1325, 1375, 1445, 1448, 1545, 1546, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1650, 1678, 1696, 1795, 1818; protocol for commercial and economic relations (1939), 1785 DANUBE, see DANUBE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69, 84 LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, acceptance of discharge books (1937), 1619 TREATY, Allied Powers (1919), 60 TREATY OF SEVRES (1920), 182 TURKEY, Lausanne treaties, protocol for signature, 348 WAR DEBTs: Balfour Note, 246; agreement for settlement (1925), 681 (see also 588, paper withdrawn); suspension of (1931), 1035, see also REPARATIONS; protocols supplementary to agreement (1932), 1138 RUSSIA, see SOVIET UNION SAAR BASIN, see GERMANY SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1929), 1134 LEGISLATION, 904a SAMOA Mandate for, 132 SAN REMO OIL AGREEMENT, see OIL, and FRANCE SAN SALVADOR COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: modus vivendi (1928), 709; exchange of notes (1931), 1055; Canada and (1937), 1688; Irish Free State and (1931), 1236 SANITATION AERIAL NAVIGATION, sanitary convention (1933), 1269, 1363 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION (1912) 121, (1926) 740; modification of 1926 convention (1938), 1773, 1820 KAMARAN ISLAND, Sanitary Control Agreement (1926), 603; Amendment of (1939), 1810 SAUDI ARABIA BAHREIN, transit dues (1935), 1442

BOUNDARIES, Iraq-Nejd and Trans-JordanNejd frontier agreement, 545 TELEGRAPH CABLE, Port Sudan-Jeddah (1926), 644 TRANS-JORDAN-SAUDI ARABIA, treaty of friendship and bon voisinage (1933). 1284 TREATY OF JEDDAH, Nejd and Hejaz (1927), 672; modification of (1936), 1524 SERB-CROAT-SLOVENE STATE, YUGOSLAVIA


SHIPS International Agreement re immunity of state-owned ships (1926), 1634; supplementary protocol (1934), 1635 SIAM AIR SERVICES, regular operation of, Burma, India, and Siam (1937), 1624 ARBITRATION CONVENTION (1925), 638 BOUNDARY, Burma (Kengtung) and Siam (1931-32), 1095; (1934), 1279 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1925), 574; notes exchanged 575; Anglo-Siamese Treaty (1937), 1603, 1653; temporary continuance of rights under treaty of 1925 (1937), 1602a, 1652 COMMERCIAL SITUATION, 82 CUSTOMS LAW (1926), 630 ENEMY DEBTS, Anglo-Siamese convention (1921), 226 JURISDICTION: revision of mutual treaty arrangements and protocol concerning jurisdiction (1925), 573; notes exchanged in connection with, 575; right of evocation from Siamese Courts (1937), 1604, 1748; temporary continuance of rights, 1602a, 1652 MEKONG RIVER NAVIGATION (1928), 760 NATIONALITY of persons affected by redelineation of boundary, 1547 RUBBER, agreement re production and export (1934), 1252; protocols amending agreement, 1463, 1526 SIERRA LEONE BOUNDARY WITH LIBERIA (1930), 866 DOMESTIC SLAVERY, 695 SINGAPORE BOUNDARY WITH JOHORE (1927), 685a NAVAL BASE, correspondence with Domin ions, 370a SILVER AGREEMENT Canada, Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain, and the U.S.A. (1933), 1287



SINN FEIN, see SOVIET UNION, Ireland; GERMANY, Sinn Fein SLAVERY, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Slavery SOMALILAND, see ITALY, Somaliland SOUDAN, see SUDAN SOUTH AMERICA British Mission (1918), 9 SOVIET UNION ARCOS LTD., see below Relations between U.K. and U.S.S.R. BANKS Russian, Communist funds, 719 BRITISH TRAWLERS, arrest of, 288, 289, 294 BRUSSELS CONFERENCE, Russian foreign indebtedness, 180 CHINESE EASTERN RAILWAY, 222 COMMERCE (in chronological order) Anglo-Russion trade agreement (1921), 134 Anglo-French correspondence re agreement, 163 Conditions for re-establishing economic relations with West: Genoa Conference, 231, 234; Hague Conference, 243 Correspondence re Trade Agreement, 288, 289, 294 Draft Treaty (1924), 405 Anglo-Russian Treaty, trade and commerce (1924), 426 Temporary Commercial Agreement (1930), 869 Report on the Organization of Foreign Trade, 1014 Bill to prohibit goods made by foreign forced labour, 904b, 1044 Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of Russian goods (1933), 1126 Temporary Commercial Agreement (1934), 1242, 1250 Agreements re guarantees in connection with exports (1936), 1466 COMMITTEE TO COLLECT INFORMATION ON RUSSIA, 7, 105, 143 CoSMuNIsr PAPERS, arrest of British lead-

ers, 591 CONDITIONS UNDER BOLSHEVISM, 7, 105, 143 CONGRESS OF SovIETs, Eighth All-Russian.

143 F., correspondence re murder of, 280, 288, 289, 294 DEBTS, responsibilities of Soviet government, 163, 180, 231, 234, 243 DAVIDSON, MR. C.

143; in southern Russia, 56, 69 EKATERINBURG, 7 ENGINEERS, arrest of, see below METROPOLITAN VICKERS CO. Copenhagen EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS, (1920), 59 FISHERIES, temporary agreement (1980), 879 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757. See also below Naval Agreements FRANCO-SOVIET (1935), treaty, documents, and discussions related thereto, 1429, 1435. See also EUROPE, European Settlement GENOA CONFERENCE, 224, 231, 234 GERMANY, Treaty of Rapallo, 234 HAGUE CONFERENCE (1922), 243 HARDING, MRS. STAN, imprisonment of, 213, 288, 289, 294 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS,


IMPRISONMENT OF BRITISH AND ALLIED SUBJECTS, 7, 105, 134, 288, 289, 294 INTERVENTION, 32, 36, 80, 83; murder of

26 commissars in Transcaspian province, 280; reasons for, Mr. Churchill, 83; cost of naval and military operations, 32, 36, 80; Japanese intervention, 222 IRELAND, proposed treaty, and relationship between Sinn Fein and Bolshevism, 152 JAPAN, intervention in Siberia and Sakhaline, 222 KOLCHAK, recognition of Admiral Kolchak's government, 83 LABOUR CONDITIONS, abandonment of League of Nations inquiry, 103 LABOUR LEGISLATION: selected documents (1931), 968; bill to prohibit goods made by foreign forced labour, 904b, 1044 (not printed). See also INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE, 14th Meeting LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS METROPOLITAN-VICKERS COMPANY, correspondence re arrest of employees, March 1933, 1168; March-April 1933, 1169 MILITARY OPERATIONS IN NORTH RUSSIA, 83 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648, 1016, 1400 limitation and information (1937) 1561, 1636; protocol modifying agreement (1938) 1676, 1803 OIL, influence of Soviet exports on U.K. oil prices, 768 PARCEL PosT, Anglo-Russian convention (1934), 1277 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 NAVAL AGREEMENT,


INDEX PEASANTRY UNDER BOLSHEVISM, 143 PERSIA, Soviet troops in, 103 POLITICAL CONDITIONS, 105, 143 PROPAGANDA, India, Persia, Afghanistan,

288, 289, 294 RAPALLO, treaty of, RELATIONS BETWEEN

234 U.K. AND RUSSIA (1923), 288, 289, 294; (1924), 404, 420, 425; (1925), 591; (1927), 639 Documents found in Arcos raid and published by Foreign Office, 652 Papers, including Zinoviev letter, 660 Russian banks and Communist funds, 719 Renewal of diplomatic relations (1929), 818, 834 RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION, 288, 289 RELIGIOUS LEGISLATION, 853, 902 ROMAN OF FAMILY, murder of, 7 TERROR in, 143 TRADE, see Commerce TRADE UNIONS, 143 TRAWLERS, arrest of British, 288, 289, 294 TREATY draft of general treaty (1924), 404, 420; signed (1924), 425 ZINOVIEV LETTER, 660 SPA CONFERENCE PROTOCOL re COAL, 151 AGREEMENT re REPARATIONS, 218

(in chronological order): Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (1922), 393; duration of (1926), 609; convention re certain provisions (1927), 649; interpretation of (1928), 710; modification of (1927-28), 755; commercial relations, Irish Free State and (1934), 1316, (1935), 1372 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS: agreement (1936) 1413, 1426; amendment (1936), 1465; Clearing Office' receipts and payments, (1936), 1485a; (1937), 1584; (1938), 1720; legislation, 1221a, 1713 COMPANIES, agreement re treatment of (1924), 403 EXTRADITION TREATY, Malay States, 43 IFNI, declaration re trade in arms and ammunition (1925), 827 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1929), 815, 867 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1932), 1106 MOROCCO, economic situation, 98



257, 1400 NYON CONFERENCE, see above Civil War PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with in-

ternational questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENT AND PRODUCTION, 39 PROOF MARKS, exchange of notes re proof

marks on fire arms, 679 (1933), 1287



ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 370 CIVIL WAR (in chronological order)

Bill to prohibit transshipment of weapons and ammunition (1936), 1480 Bill for observation of Spanish frontier (1937), 1482 Legislative and other measures taken by governments to give effect to nonintervention, and action of Swiss government (1936), 1491 Declaration and exchange of notes re status quo in the Mediterranean (193637), 1512 Resolution re scheme of observation by land and sea (March 1937), 1529 Declaration of British and Italian governments (Jan. 1937), 1533 Proposals submitted by H.M. of the U.K. (July 1937), 1563 Nyon Agreement : piratical attacks by submarines, with map (1937), 1578; attacks by aircraft and surface vessels (1937), 1579 Correspondence re withdrawal of foreign volunteers (1937), 1580 Text of resolution re-affirming and extending agreement re withdrawal of foreign volunteers, beIligerant rights, observation frontiers (July 1938), 1675

STAMP LAWS re STAMPS: in connection with cheques (1931), 1008, 1214; with bills of exchange and promissory notes (1930), 1188, 1255



tion of (1913), 369; re economic statistics (1928), 848, 938; re causes of death (1934), 1295 STRESA CONFERENCE Stresa Conference (1935), 1350 SUDAN see ABYSSINIA; also below Finances, Administration and Condition BOUNDARY: Eritrea, 409; French-Equatorial Africa, 408; Libya, 1286



dispatch by Ramsay MacDonald, 428 agreement re financial question affecting Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1936), 1499




INDEX SUDAN continued 93; (1920), 167; (1921), 278; (1922), 308; (1923), 444; (1924), 531; (1925), 604; (1026), 682; (1927), 765; (1928), 813; (1929), 934; (1930), 1027; (1931), 1111; (1932), 1196; (1933), 1276; (1934), 1396; (1935), 1475; (1936), 1589; (1937), 1737 GASH RIVER Anglo-Italian agreement re use of waters, 507 GEZIRA IRRIGATION SCHEME, 388. See also above, Finances, Administration, etc. LEE STACK INDEMNITY FUND, 765, 813. See also above, Finances, Administration, etc. LOAN TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SUDAN,

legislation, 3, 189, 246a; notes and memoranda, 23, 25b, 258. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS, TRADE FACILITIES, and above, Finances, Administration, etc. SLAVERY, papers re 579, 651 TELEGRAPH CABLE, Port Sudan-Jeddah (1926), 644 SUEZ CANAL, see EGYPT

SUPREME COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE with German Peace deIegation and Government, 151 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE WORLD, 70 RECOMMENDATOINS re German Reparations, 70 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT CANNES (1922), 221 SWAZILAND (1927), 706 (1930), 921;

(1938), 1679 SWEDEN 76, 103, 235 documents of identity (1938), 1697 AIR NAVIGATION AGREEMENT (1921), 380 ARBITRATION CONVENTION, 54, 492 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for the suppression of in Egypt, 159 COMMERCE: Trade and Commerce Agreement (1933), 1179, 1205; supplementary agreement (1935), 1397; New Zealand, customs and navigation (1935), 1368 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL SITUATION, 77 COPYRIGHT CONVENTION, ratification by, 40 INCOME TAX: on profits from shipping, 462; on profits from any agency, 1019 AALAND ISLANDS,

648, 1400 limitation and information (1938), 1782 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions: 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50


SWITZERLAND AIR TRAFFIC, documents of identity for personnel (1938), 1707; duties on fuel and lubricants (1938), 1700 convention with Switzerland, 840 Australia, commercial agreement (1938), 1767; New Zealand, commercial relations (1938), 1690 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1934), 1343, 1374 INcoME Tax, gains arising from any agency, 1073, 1107 LEAGUE OF NATIONS, special position, 103 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1937), 1628, 1771 LIECHTENSTEIN, commercial relations, 385



257 methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: exchange of notes (1929), 845; Irish Free State (1930), 951 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 PARLIAMENT,





SUGAR International agreement re regulation of production and marketing of (1937), 1543


civil and commercial matters (1930), 928, 970 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1936). 1446a MARRIAGE, Lady Louise Mountbatten to Crown Prince Gustaf Adolph, treaty (1923), 347


SYRIA (1920), boundaries, irrigation, railways, oil, schools, 129 BOUNDARIES: Angora Agreement, AngloFrench correspondence, 203; Palestine Agreements, 129, 297, 665, 1797 MONEY ORDERS, agreement (1928), 737





INDEX TANGANYIKA BOUNDARIES: Mozambique (1936-37), 1629; Ruandi-Urundi, 268, 813, 637, 1419, 1420, 1669, 1670 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS WITH LITHUANIA (1931), 1080 DAR-ES-SALAAM, Imperial Shipping Committee, harbour report, 664a FINANCIAL MISSION Of Sir Sydney Armitage-Smith, 1119a FINANCE AND RAILWAY RATES, report of Roger Gibb, 1152a INDIAN SETTLEMENT, proposals, 150a JUSTICE, report of commission, 1262a LOAN: interest and sinking fund (1927), 648a; bill, 1044a; treasury minute, 1049a; memorandum, 1073a. See FINANCE ACCOUNTS and AFRICA, EAST, Loan MANDATE, 149, 268 REPORTS (1918-1920), 161; (192I), 245 REPORT ON EAST AFRICA, 482a; future policy for, 661a REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON CLOSER UNION of Eastern and Central Africa, 750a U.S.A., convention re rights of governments and nationals, 599 WATER RIGHTS, Anglo-Belgian Agreement (Ruandi-Urundi-Tanganyika), 1420, 1670 TANGIER, see MOROCCO TARIFF TRUCE CONFERENCE, see ECONOMIC, Economic Action TAXATION TREATIES RELATING To: Canada-U.S.A., 1705; Canada-Netherlands, 1758; Denmark, shipping profits, 460; Finland, shipping profits, 533, any agency, 1341; France, shipping profits, 1120, air transport, 1355, 1829; Germany, air transport, 1625, shipping profits, 699; Greece, any agency, 1498, shipping profits, 806; Iceland, shipping profits, 712; Japan, shipping profits, 808; Netherlands, air transport, 1473, any agency, 1405, 1451, Canada, 1758, shipping profits, 585; Norway, any agency, 1792, shipping profits, 461; Sweden, any agency, 1019, shipping profits, 462; Switzerland, any agency, 1073, 1107 TIN CONTROL SCHEME, papers relating to, 1333, 1726 TOGOLAND BOUNDARIES, 892, 940 MANDATE, 156, 268

REPORT ON BRITISH SPHERE and dispatch from governor of the Gold Coast, 238 U.S. NATIONALS, Anglo-U.S. Convention (1925), 601 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENTS Egypt, 1777; Estonia, 593; Finland, 413; Greece, 625; Iraq, 413; Irish Free State Poland, 1373; Japan, 269; Latvia, 663; Poland, 1292, 1348, 1373; Portugal, 586 TORPEDOES INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION re SALVAGE (1984), 1293; additional protocol (1938), 1667 TRADE EXPORT CREDITS GUARANTEE SCHEME (192829), 828 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS, International Convention (1028-9), 850 OVERSEAS TRADE, facilities, legislation, statements of guarantees, and accounts of funds issued from Consolidated Fund, etc., 46c, 46g, 48a, 63b, 77a, 110a, 110b, 110c, 110d, 116a, 150b, 172a, 194, 197, 242b, 246a, 246b, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 330, 337, 340, 342, 358, 433, 436, 438, 441, 442, 474, 547, 550, 551, 553, 554, 561, 620, 623, 689, 727, 728, 733, 748, 780, 788, 860, 907, 1048, 1130, 1219, 1225, 1244, 1310, 1395, 1484, 1489, 1544, 1587, 1715, 1719, 1723, 1725 REPORT OF M. VAN ZEELAND on general reduction of obstacles of international trade (1938), 1621 TRADE AND NAVIGATION AccouNTS (1921), 112, 113; (1922), 192, 193 TRANSIT and COMMUNICATIONS BARCELONA CONFERENCE (1921): convention and recommendations, 234; freedom of transit, 323; navigable waterways, 324; flag of states with no sea coast, 325 GENEVA CONFERENCE (1923): final act of Second Conference, 384; customs formalities, 383, 476; maritimes ports, 381, 488; railways, 382, 487; electric power, 489; hydraulic power, 490 TRANS-JORDAN ANGLO-JORDANIAN AGREEMENT (1928), 707, 844; supplementary agreement (1934), 1274, 1382 BOUNDARY, Saudi-Arabian frontier, the Hadda and Bahra agreements and correspondence related thereto (1925), 545 LOAN, Treasury Minute re repayment of loan in connection with earthquake damage (1933), 1174



CIAL TRAVELLERS 383, 476 253, 1762, 1800, 1801 DANZIG, re property transfer, 402 DENGUE fever, 1315, 1385 DRUGS, 754, 953, 1053, 1204, 1822. See also OPIUM and DRUGS ELBE, navigation, 276, 372 ELECTRIC power, 489 EMIGRANTS, 812 EXHIBITIONS, 839, 969 EXPORT and import restrictions, 850 EXTRADITION, see EXTRADITION FILMS, educational, 1381, 1438 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, 1015 FISHING NETS, size and limits of catch, 1556 GENEVA, communications and transit, 381, 382, 383, 476, 487, 488, 489, 490. See also TRANSIT GOODS, false indication of origin, 724, 1692 HAGUE, denunciation of Convention VI, 543 HIDES AND SKINS, exportation, 824 HYDRAULIC POWER, 490 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, protection of, 725, 1693 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, See LEGAL PROCEEDINGS LIGHTSHIPS, manned, not at their station, 976 LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS, protection, 1002, 1081 LOAD LINES, 915, 945, 1135. See also LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES Locusts: Bureau of Intelligence, 865; Third Conference proceedings, 1299 MARITIME BUOYAGE, 1598 MARITIME PORTS, 381, 488 MEMEL TERRITORY, 414, 528 MERCHANT SEAMEN, venereal disease, 597 METRIC SYSTEM, 317 MONTREUX CONVENTION: (1936), 1464, 1571; (1937), 1555, 1611 MOTOR TRAFFIC, 852 MOTOR VEHICLES, taxation, 1065, 1155 NATIONALITY LAWS, 1185, 1573 NATIONALITY AND STATELESSNESS, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1542, 1572 NAVAL AGREEMENT, see NAVY NYON AGREEMENTS, 1578, 1579. See also SPAIN, Civil War OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS, 556 OIL POLLUTION, 594c OPIUM, 172, 713, 1149, 1531. See also OPIUM PARIS PACT, 816. See also PARIS PACT POSTAL UNION, 175, 176, 927 PRISONERS OF WAR, 979, 980, 1030 CUSTOMS FORMALITIES,


1016 Treaty of Friendship and Bon Voisinage (1933), 1284


TREATIES accessions, withdrawals, ratifications, etc.: (1919), 31; (1919-21), 205; (1922). 271; (1923), 349; (1924), 467; (1925), 558; (1926), 634; (1927), 697; (1928), 761; (1929), 846; (1930), 990; (1931), 1066; (1932), 1157; (1933), 1240; (1934), 1328; (1935), 1423; (1936), 1522; (1937), 1627; (1938), 1754



General Index: (1917-1921), 251; (19221926), 671; (1927-1929), 901; (1930-1932), 1173; (1933-1935), 1452; (1936-1938), 1790 Annual Index: (1919), 55; (1920), 210: (1921), 211; (1922), 274; (1923), 353; (1924), 468; (1925), 559; (1926), 635; (1927), 698; (1928), 762; (1929), 847; (1930), 989; (1931), 1066a; (1932), 1159; (1933), 1239; (1934), 1329; (1935), 1424; (1936), 1523; (1937), 1630; (1938), 1755 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS (for details and correspondence see individual items) AALAND. ISLANDS, non-fortification, 235 AFRICA: liquor traffic, 46; trade, 45; protection of flora and fauna, 1218, 1474 AGRICULTURE, International Institute, 837; Mortgage Credit Company, 1024 AERIAL NAVIGATION, 25a, 215, 247, 281, 300, 464, 465, 864, 1206, 1504; sanitary convention, 1269, 1363 AIR CARRIAGE, 1167 AIRCRAFT, damage caused by, 1412 AIR TRAFFIC, exemption from taxation on fuels and lubricants, 1783. See also AIR ANIMALS, contagious diseases, 581 ARBITRATION, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS and ARBITRATION ARMS AND AMMUNITION trade, 38; declaration re Ifni, 827 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS,

see REPARATIONS, Hague Conference BARCELONA, 323, 324, 325. See also TRANSIT BILLS OF HEALTH and consular visas, 1347 BILLS OF LADING., 986 BONES, exportation, 823 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT see PARIS PEACE PACT BROADCASTING in cause of peace, 1558, 1649 BUOYAGE, see below Maritime Buoyage COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, see COMMER-



INDEX 382, 487 maintenance of lights, 952 REFRIGERATION, 283, 1658, 1734 REFUCEEs: status of, 1511; German, 1506, 1671, 1753 RELIEF UNION, 1154 RHINE CONVENTION, 422 RUBBER, production and export, 1252, 1463, 1526, 1741 SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1134 SANITARY CONVENTION, 121, 740, 1773, 1820; re aerial navigation, 1269, 1363 SHIPS, immunity of state-owned, 1634, 1635 SINAIA, 1762, 1800, 1801. See also DANUBE SILVER AGREEMENT, 1287 SLAVERY, 662. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS STAMP LAWS, 1008, 1188, 1214, 1255 STATFIFSSNESS, se above, Nationality and Statelessness STATISTICS: compilation, 369; economic, 848, 938; causes of death, 1295 SUGAR, 1543 TANGIER ZONE, 375, 401, 723, 745 TAXATION, see TAXATION TONNAGE MEASUREMENT, see TONNAGE MEASUREMENT TORPEDOES, salvage 1293, 1667 TRAFFIC in women and children, 319 VESSELS employed on inland navigation, 673 WAR CRAVES, see WAR GRAVES WAR, renunciation of, see PARIS PEACE PACT WARFARE, poisonous gases and bacteriological, 810, 888, 949. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES WHALING, 1246, 1312, 1552, 1662, 1689, 1776 WHEAT CONFERENCE, 1217 WOMEN AND CHILDREN, Traffic in, 319 WOUNDED AND SICK IN FIELD, 978, 980, 1029 RAILWAYS,


ATRocrrus, Yalova, Guemlak, and the Ismed Peninsula, 165 COMMERCE

Accounts and receipts of Clearing Office (1937), 1584; (1938), 1720 Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1930), 861, 933 Guarantee Agreement (1938), 1659 India, commercial relations (1930), 924 Irish Free State, exchange of Notes, (1929), 942; (1936), 1537 Legislation, 1221a, 1713 Modus vivendi (1929), 796 Trade and Clearing Agreement (1936), 1472; supplementary agreement, 1661; exchange of Notes, 1774, 1823, 1835; Trade and Payments Agreement (1935), 1360, 1402 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND SAMPLES (1929), 922 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69, 91 GREEKS, 69 IRAQ-TURKEY BOUNDARY DISPUTE, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS LAUSANNE CONFERENCE, 273 LAUSANNE TREATIES, 303, 306, 307, 331, 348, 363, 384a. See also LAUSANNE TREATIES LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1082, 1176; supplementary convention, 1779 LOAN, Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855, see EGYPT, and FINANCE ACCOUNTS MINORITIES in, 203 MONTREUx CONVENTION (1936), re regime of the Straits and correspondence relative thereto, 1464; protocol, 1571 MUTUAL ASSISTANCE, Treaty of (1939), 1827 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,


proposed settle-

ment, 225 method of dealing with international questions, 445 PRISONS, conditions in, 24 PARLIAMENT,






TURKEY AGREEMENT, Franco-Turkish agreement, 188; correspondence, 203 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANTI-CHRISTIAN FEELING, 69 ARMAMENTS CREDIT (1938), 1660, 1824; legislation, 1582 ARMISTICE, Allied Powers, and, 11 ANGORA

Anglo-French correspondence, 203 348 STRAITS, see Montreux Convention TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE, signed at Sevres, 96 YALOVA AND GUEMLEK, report of atrocities, 165 REPARATIONS AND CONVENTION,

TURKISH PETROLEUM COMPANY Correspondence re economic rights in mandated areas, 137



admini stration, 1775 CLAIMS: pecuniary, arising out of war, 654; arising from operation of smelter at Trail, B.C. (Canada Convention), 1538


BELGIAN CONGO (1924), munication with, 417



JUSTICE, report of Commission, 1262a RAILWAY RATES AND FINANCE, report of Mr. Roger Gibb, 1152a SANITATION CONVENTION (1939), 1796 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA BELGIUM: commercial agreement, 1646; extradition convention, 738 BRAZIL, commercial agreement, 1834 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, commercial agreement, 1642 EGYPT: air service, 933a; commercial relations, 1836 ESTONIA, extradition, 1789 FRANCE: commercial agreements, 1698, 1699; war graves, 1415 GERMANY: commerce and navigation, 843, 1370; efficiency certificates for aircraft, 1643; patents, models, and designs, 1087; war graves, 1415 ITALY, commercial agreement, 1640 NETHERLANDS, commerce and navigation, 1684


(1938), 1729, 1738 (1939),


1794 commercial relations (1935), 1599; certificates of tonnage (1938), 1833; Trade Agreement (1938), 1735, 1738 COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: question of accession, 615; accession of U.S., 820, 857 ELLIS ISLAND IMMIGRATION STATION, report on, 304 EXTRADITION: supplementary convention (1922), 256; treaty (1931), 1058, 1361 and smuggling, Canada Convention re narcotic laws, 514, 515 CANADA:


Canada: air navigation, 1799; certificates of airworthiness, 1752; civil aircraft, 966; licensing and piloting, 1798 Certificates of air worthiness, 1094, 1321 Irish Free State, navigation, 1647 Issue of licenses to pilot civil aircraft, 1256, 1384 Union of South Africa: air navigation, 1257; air worthiness certificates, 1094; licenses for pilots, 1256 ALBANIA, proposed partition, 58 ANGLO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE, 164 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 355 ARMENIA, offer of mandate, 103

attitude, 135 halibut, Northern Pacific and Bering Sea, 480, 1164, 1703; sockeye salmon, Fraser River system, 1704 FLEET, 117, 198, 207, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 HOOVER MORATORIUM, suspension of intergovernmental debts, 1035. See REPARATIONS for other agreements INCOME TAX, Canada Convention re tax on non-resident individuals and corporations, 1705 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, 641 IRAQ, see MANDATED TERRITORIES IRISH FREE STATE, correspondence re appointment of a minister plenipotentiary, 400 KELLOGG, Paris Peace Pact: correspondence with U.S. ambassador, 717, 722; International Treaty, 816; amendments to covenant, 950; legislation, 1387 LABOUR ADMINISTRATION IN U.S., 63a LAKE OF THE WOODS, CANADA, agreement re level, 513 LIQUOR TRAFFIC: convention, 364, 397; correspondence re administrative measures for the prevention of smuggling, 577; legislation, 781 LOAD LINES, Canada Convention (1933), 1461 LOAN, American, principal and interest, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS and below War Debts




Air service, 1645 Aircraft personnel, identity documents, 1577 Mozambique: boundary, 708; native labour, railway matters, commercial intercourse, 849, 1422, 1641, 1683 South-West Africa, boundary with Angola, (1926), 616, (1931), 1012; Kunene River waters, 617 U.S.A.: air navigation, 1257; air worthiness certificates, 1094; non-immigrant passport visa fees, 1644; pilots, issue of licenses, 1256 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA attitude, 58



of. 312 BOUNDARY,

Correspondence re economic rights in, 137

Canadian-U.S. Treaty, 512


INDEX Conventions re rights of governments and nationals in: Cameroons, 600; German East Africa, 599; Iraq, 851, 991; Palestine, 540, correspondence, 1568; Togoland, 601 MANDATED ISLANDS AND QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE,


URUGUAY (1918), 13 regulation of imports, 1759 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1936), 1590; Trade and Payments Agreement, 1364, 1507



U.S.-Canadian conventions re traffic in (1925), 514, 515




648, 1016, 1400; Philippine Islands, 257 NAVAL ARMAMENTS, see NAVY OIL, dispatch enclosing memorandum on petroleum situation, 157. See also OIL PALESTINE, see above Mandated territories PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PASSPORT FEES correspondence, 606; agreement for reduction of non-immigrant (1937), 1644 PHILIPPINE, North Borneo frontier, convention, 897, 1153. See also above Nationality and Naturalization PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b PROHIBITION, memorandum on, 299 PROPERTY: Real and Personal Property Convention (1899), accession of Canada, 244; amendment to (1936), 1470; sequestered under Trading with Enemy Acts, reciprocal release of such, 741 SILVER ARGEEMENT (1933), 1287 SMUGGLING along Canadian-U.S. border (1925), 514 TELEGRAMS, correspondence re alleged delay of, 138 TONNAGE, U.S.-Canadian exchange of Notes re appendix certificates of, 1833 TRADE AGREEMENT, see above Commerce WAR DEBT:

Report of committee of American dollar Securities, 4c, see also 48 Balfour note, 246 Arrangement for the funding of the British war debt, 298 Hoover moratorium, 1035, see also REPARATIONS Agreement respecting payments (1932), 1136 Correspondence (1932), 1122, 1137, 1141, 1142, 1144, 1145, 1146 Papers re payments (1933), 1187, 1216 Proposals 20 year 5/% Gold Bonds (1933), 1197 Papers re war debt (1934), 1258, 1263, 1318; (1935), 1358, 1404; (1936), 1449, 1503; (1937), 1550, 1607; (1938), 1664, 1742; (1939), 1788 WASHINGTON conference and treaties, 222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES

VATICAN Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 1016. See also PAPACY VENESTA, LTD. vs M. Krassin, 163 VENEZUELA Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 648, 1016 VERSAILLES, Treaty of, see GERMANY VESSELS Vessels employed on inland navigation, International Convention re measurement (1925), 673 WAR, outbreak of Second World War, see GERMANY, Anglo-German Relations WAR CRIMINALS, see GERMANY WAR DEBTS, see U.S.A., REPARATIONS, FINANCE ACCOUNTS, and individual countries WARFARE GASES, asphyxiating, poisonous, or other, and bacteriological methods of, protocol for prohibition of (1925), 810, 888 MEMORANDA on Chemical Warfare, 949 REVISION OF RULES, dispatch from British delegate and general report of Commission (1922-23), 399 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENTS Belgium, 30; Egypt, 1608; France, 6, 1415, 1784; Germany, 1415; Greece, 186; Italy, 240 WASHINGTON CONFERENCES AND TREATIES ADMIRALTY: explanatory notes on naval estimates (1922-23), 214; remarks on report of Committee of National expenditure, 209 CHINA, list of treaties with, and between, Great Britain and foreign powers regarding, 509 CHINESE CUSTOMS REGULATIONS (ratified), 518


INDEX WASHINGTON CONFERENCES AND TREATIES continued LEGISLATION, 191, 782 NAVAL ARMAMENTS, treaty for limitation of (ratified), 351 NAVAL STAFF, comparison of strength of Great Britain, United States, and Japan, 207 NINE POWER TREATY (ratified), 517 PACIFIC OCEAN TREATIES (ratified), 352 PRELIMINARY DISCUSSIONS, 164 WASHINGTON TREATIES, Pacific Ocean and Far Eastern questions, and limitation of armaments, 222 WHALING INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1931), 1246, 1312 FINANCIAL MEMORANDUM, 1271 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT (1937), 1552, 1662 PROTOCOL AMENDING AGREEMENT (1938), 1689, 1776 LEGISLATION, 1221b, 1271 WHEAT CONFERENCE Final Act with appendices and minutes of final meeting (1933), 1217 WIESBADEN AGREEMENTS see REPARATIONS WOMEN AND CHILDREN, International Convention for suppression of traffic in, 319 WOUNDED AND SICK, see GENEVA CONFERENCE 1929

YEMEN Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Cooperation (1934), 1264, 1313 YUGOSLAVIA ADRIATIC QUESTION, attitude toward, 58 AUSTRIAN PEACE TREATY, accession to, 66 BOUNDARY, see Sevres, treaty of COMMERCE: agreement (1926), 602; Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1927), 705; Trade and payments agreement (1936), 1501, 1566 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1440, 1567 LOANS war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS and below War Debt MONTENEGRO, see MONTENEGRO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 RAPALLO, treaty of, recognition of, by Great Britain, 141 SEVRES, treaty of (1920), 182 TREATY of PEACE, St. Germain-en-Laye

(1919), 44 WAR DEBTS: Balfour note, 246; agreement for settlement (1927), 678; Hoover Moratorium (1931), 1035: See also REPARATIONS, Hague Conference ZANZIBAR Capitulations, Anglo-French agreement re abolition of (1937), 1565, 1620



Robert Vogel


Q Copyright Canada 1963 McGILL UNIVERSITY PRESS All rights reserved Printed in Canada

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is dedicated to Professor H. N. Fieldhouse, VicePrincipal of McGill University. It was undertaken at his suggestion, and he was my sole adviser during its preliminary stages. Later on, it was again his constant guidance and encouragement that enabled me to make the revisions and corrections necessary before publication. My debt to him is, therefore, so great that only the lasting value of this breviate could begin to repay it. I must, however, take full responsibility for any errors or omissions which may occur in the text and index of this volume. I should like to take this opportunity to thank my relatives and friends who were pressed into service for the long hours of typing and proof-reading which the work required, and most especially my wife, who undertook most of these duties, and without whose help this work would never have been completed. My thanks are also due to the staff of the McGill University Press, for their encouragement and help in the final stages of revision and production.










1 437

INTRODUCTION The general purpose of this work on the Blue Books published by the British Government between 1919 and 1939 is to continue the task undertaken by Temperley and Penson in their A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914.1 The primary object was to relate each Blue Book to its date of publication, as this can otherwise be accomplished only by the laborious process of consulting the Journals of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. In theory, Blue Books and White Papers are printed by the Government in order to give information to members of Parliament, but in practice, since this process involves publication, the Government may have a variety of motives for the printing of particular papers. Any investigation, either into these motives or into public reaction to a particular paper, must naturally start with the date on which the paper was laid before the House. In accordance with the example of Temperley and Penson, therefore, the bulk of this work consists of a list of Parliamentary papers relevant to the international relations of Great Britain between 1919 and 1939, and of the dates on which they were tabled. A second object was to show on whose initiative each paper was laid, whether as a result of an Order or an Address of the House, or at the Command of His Majesty. This aspect proved to be of less importance for this period than it had been in the nineteenth century. It was found that no important papers were laid in Return to an Address and that only a few Command Papers were tabled after a successful Address for them had been made. The Sessional Papers, moreover, which were either Laid by Act or Ordered by the House, all proved to be of minor importance, so that, from a technical point of view, almost all papers were tabled at the initiative of the Government. This uniformity complicates any attempt to evaluate the publication policies of the various governments of this period, because it becomes necessary to look outside Parliament for the source of pressure which may have persuaded the Foreign Secretary to publish papers. It also raises some interesting constitutional problems concerning the powers, and degree of interest of Parliament in foreign affairs. However, it would be outside the scope of this introduction to offer a detailed analysis of these questions; all that can be attempted here is to give an outline of the problems which the cataloguing of these Blue Books has raised. In the most general evaluation of Blue Book policy between 1919 and 1939, some consideration must be given to the profound change in the atmosphere in which international relations were 1. Harold Temperly, and L. M. Penson, A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938).



conducted in the post-war era. The world had just passed through one of its most devastating crises, and it was not surprising that this disaster changed, at least in appearance, both the practice of diplomacy and the way in which foreign policy was formulated. In their search for the reasons which would explain the outbreak of the war, men fastened on what was termed the 'secret diplomacy' and the 'secret treaties' of the pre-war era. These, it was believed, could be shown to have been the chief culprits in the unhappy world situation of 1914, and, in consequence, an important section of the public learned to fear and to despise the professional diplomat and to demand greater parliamentary and popular control of foreign policy. In Great Britain, the Union of Democratic Control, founded as early as September 1914, was probably the most influential group propagating these ideas. Some of its most important members were also leaders of the Labour Party, and the Union contributed no less than nine ministers to the first Labour Government, the Prime Minister of which had been one of its founders. This naturally increased the importance of the U.D.C., and the effects of its ideas were felt throughout the period 1919-1939. It was in the years immediately after the war, however, at a time when the organ of the U.D.C., Foreign Affairs, enjoyed considerable popularity, that these ideas gained their widest acceptance. The Blue Books published by the Coalition Government reflected, to some extent, the pressures exerted by the U.D.C., especially in the field of Anglo-Russian relations. Here the views of the U.D.C. and of the Labour Party and the general feeling of pacifism which followed the war all coincided; and, consequently, great pressure could be brought to bear on the Government. While there were, of course, considerable differences in the attitudes towards Soviet Russia of Lloyd George, Lord Curzon, and Winston Churchill, the more important Blue Books published on this subject seem generally to have been attempts to counteract Opposition propaganda. Thus the 'Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia' (Item 7), published in April 1919, drew an appalling picture of the terror and misery under the Bolshevik regime and concluded with an appeal by various unnamed Russians that everything possible should be done to further its destruction. In the years 1919-1920, however, a tremendous campaign against British intervention was waged; this included revelations by the Daily Herald of an alleged British attempt to gain German assistance for the blockade of Russia (October 1919), the publication, again by the Daily Herald (May 13, 1919), of a confidential military circular concerning the possibility of mutiny among the British troops to be sent to Russia, the publication of the 'Appeal to the Nation' (July 1920) by the Lansbury Committee on Russia,2 and 2. See Raymond Postgate, The Life of George Lansbury (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1951), chaps. 14 and 15.



the incident of the 'Jolly George' at the London docks. Therefore it seems probable that several Blue Books owed their origin to the need to reply to this campaign. In July 1920, at the height of the Russo-Polish War, a paper on 'The Evacuation of North Russia' (Item No. 83) was tabled, with the intention, as Mr. Churchill pointed out in the first document of the Blue Book, of explaining British policy in Russia. The paper emphasized the fact that the intervention had originally been undertaken only to prevent the large-scale transfer of German troops from the Eastern front, and that it was primarily military, and not political, considerations which had prevented the immediate evacuation of British troops after the armistice. In answer to the views circulated after Lansbury's visit to Russian and the interim report of the Labour Party Delegation (June l2, 1920), the Government, in May 1920, set up a committee to collect information on Russia. The Committee's interim report in December, and its final report in May 1921 (Items 105 & 143), painted a picture of conditions in Russia which was entirely different from that of the Labour Party. Two other papers seem to have been published as direct contradictions to the allegations of the organs of the U.D.C. and the Labour Party. In January 1920, after the fall of the Bela Kuhn Government, Foreign Affairs carried an emergency sheet describing the horrors of a 'White Terror' which, it claimed, was in progress in Hungary. In addition, a continuous stream of questions was directed against the Government from Opposition benches. A White Paper (Item 73, May 1920) was finally issued which, in essence, was a denial of the existence of 'White Terror' in Hungary. Similarly, the continuous accusations made by members of the U.D.C. and by German propaganda that the Allied Governments had been responsible for the prolongation of the war, seem to have evoked the publication in August 1919 of the 1917 Peace Proposals of the Pope and the correspondence relative thereto (Item 25). The Blue Book policy of the Coalition Government was not, however, confined to counteracting the propaganda of the U.D.C. There can be no doubt that Lloyd George himself was to some extent infected by the idea of 'open diplomacy' and, in view of the fact that he kept control of British policy towards Europe largely in his own hands, it may be supposed that he helped to formulate the publication policy of the Foreign Office. The Prime Minister's passion for publicity, however, did not express itself in the publication of large numbers of important Blue Books. His method of diplomacy has been aptly called 'Conference diplomacy'¢—conferences at which the heads of State were usually present. The state of crisis in which the world lived in the years immediately following 3. January—March 1920. He was back speaking in London on March 22, 1920. 4. There were no less than nineteen major conferences between 1920 and October 1922.


the war, and the propaganda for 'open covenants, openly arrived at', ensured that these conferences should be given an extensive and sensational coverage by the press. It was, therefore, to the press that Lloyd George looked when he wished to state his intentions and explain his policies;5 and the wide-spread use of the press as a means of keeping the public informed seems to have discouraged the publication of information relating to these conferences in the form of Blue Books. Certainly the ones published in this period contain relatively few references to these important international gatherings.6 On the other hand there are indications that Lloyd George used Blue Books on a number of occasions in an attempt to influence the course of a conference at which he was present. Thus a number of reports on the 'Economic Conditions of Germany' were tabled. These reports placed great emphasis on the danger of Bolshevism in Germany, and it was surely of some significance that the first two were published in April 1919 (Item Nos. 10 and 12) at the time when Lloyd George, as his famous memorandum of March 25, 1919 proved, was trying to mitigate the severity of the Allied Peace terms. This memorandum itself was published in March 1922 (Item No. 217), and it was claimed that its publication was an attempt to influence the German Delegation at the forthcoming Genoa Conference.7 In general, more papers were published in respect to this conference (Items Nos. 221, 224, 230, 231, 234, and 248) than had been the case for many previous ones, especially with regard to the delicate problem of Anglo-Russian relations, which had been aggravated by the Rapallo Treaty. It may be that the bad press which 5. The intimate relations between Lloyd George and some of the 'Press Lords' are well known; they form an interesting chapter in the relations between publicity and diplomacy. See, for instance, the letter of Curzon to Austin Chamberlain, in which he says "...I read the 'Daily Chronicle' this morning, to which I look every day for the Prime Minister's views". Lord Ronaldshay, The Life of Lord Curzon (London: E. Benn, Ltd., 1928), III, 296. 6. "A great difficulty in considering Mr. Lloyd George's own diplomacy in the Conferences is caused by the non-publication of Blue Books. Conversations have not been recorded in dispatch form; and the 'publicity' of the proceedings hardly compensates for the dearth of a published record which the older diplomatic methods seldom failed to provide." A. L. Kennedy, Old Diplomacy and New (Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1923), p. 341. 7. Le Temps claimed that the timing was such as to apologize to the Germans for winning the war. In fact, the memorandum had already been published in Nitti's Peaceless Europe (London: Cassell and Co., 1922) released at the beginning of the year. In any case, Lloyd George had been subjected to a good deal of revisionist criticism in regard to the Versailles Treaty and the Memorandum tended to shift the blame to the French. Another interesting point was raised by the publication of the Memorandum, which was dated 25 March 1919 and was, therefore, written at approximately the same time as a telegram sent to Lloyd George in Paris, by 370 Members of Parliament, which demanded harsher terms for the Germans. Here was an illustration of the direct conflict between the actions of a Prime Minister and the wishes of the Members of the House. The Times April 3, 1922 drew attention to this aspect of the publication.



Lloyd George received after the failure of this conference forced him to have recourse to the publication of Blue Books. There was a noticeable difference between Lloyd George and Lord Curzon in their attitudes towards the publication of documents relevant to major conferences. It may be assumed that, after the fall of the Coalition Government, Lord Curzon took full control of the Blue Book policy of the Foreign Office. Although he heartily disliked conferences, his policy seems to have been one of publishing fairly comprehensive reports concerning such conferences as met in the last year of his Secretaryship (Items 272 and 273).8 With respect to the publication of routine diplomatic correspondence, the practice followed in the years 1919-1923 did not differ radically from that of the nineteenth century. A number of interesting papers9 were published by both the Coalition Government and the Conservative Government which followed it, but the demand for 'open diplomacy', if that meant that 'all negotiations were to be conducted openly in view of all peoples'10 was certainly not met by the Blue Books of this era. On the other hand, many important dispatches were published in the press almost immediately after they had been delivered." Perhaps because Lord Curzon's relations with the press were usually bad,12 he tended to prefer to keep the public informed by the publication of Blue Books, but even in those areas of foreign affairs which were his specialty there were complaints that the press could obtain more detailed information than was published in the Blue Books.13 There was, however, another aspect of the campaign for greater control over foreign policy. This was the demand that the Government should pledge itself to submit all treaties and agreements to the House before ratification. Although propaganda with this aim often tended to be confused, there were really two issues at stake. The first was an attempt to prevent the Government from making 8. Perhaps the most comprehensive report was that devoted to the Lausanne Conference, often regarded as Lord Curzon's greatest triumph; Item 273 is a record of the proceedings of the conference and has some 861 pages. See also Items 303, 306, 307, and 348. 9. See for instance: Egypt, Items 125, 173, 187, and 212; Angora Agreement and Correspondence relative thereto, Items 188 and 203; Anglo-Russian relations, Items 163, 288, 289, and 294; Anglo-French relations, Item 305; Versailles Treaty, especially Item 151. 10. Trotsky's note of November 21, 1921, to the Allied Representatives reads: "The Russian Government abolished all secret diplomacy, in its turn expressing its firm intention of conducting all negotiations openly in view of all peoples." History of 'The Times' (London Times Office), Vol. IV, Pt. I, p. 341. 11. The famous Curzon Note of August 11, 1923, was published in the press on the 13th, only two days after it had been written. The September issue of Foreign Affairs congratulated the Foreign Secretary for his open diplomacy. 12. Lord Riddell Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference and After. (London: Gollancz, Ltd., 1933), pp. 386-90. 13. See, for instance, the criticism in the House of Lords concerning papers tabled regarding hostilities in Afghanistan (Item 33); House of Lords Debates, 4 November 1919, Vth Ser., Vol. 37, col. 152-3.



any secret commitments, such as the 'secret treaties' of the war, which, it was believed, had unnecessarily prolonged the war and perverted the peace. This claim could have been met by an undertaking by the Government that, in the future, it would publish all treaties; but the Opposition wanted not only to have all treaties published but also to have the opportunity of discussing and approving them before ratification.14 This idea had been successfully resisted in the nineteenth century15, and the Coalition Government, as well as the succeeding Conservative Government, continued this resistance.16 But, while it was true that the post-war Governments refused to allow themselves to be bound to seek approval for their treaties in the House before ratification, they did publish most treaties either shortly after they had been ratified, or, in the case of very important treaties, shortly after they had been signed.17 Thus, the Treaty of Versailles was tabled in the House of Commons just two days after it had been signed and the House approved the Treaty by passing an Act of Parliament.18 The Treaties of 14. The Annual Conference of the Labour Party, 1921, unanimously carried the following resolution introduced by E.D. Morel: "This conference hereby resolves that the British Labour Movement dissociates itself in advance from any obligation towards foreign states which the British Government may have contracted, or may contract in treaties, conventions, arrangements or understandings of whatever nature or for whatever purpose, which have not been submitted to and approved by Parliament. We further recommend that the Parliamentary Labour Party shall at once bring forward and press to a decision a resolution providing that treaties, conventions, arrangements or understandings of whatever nature, and for whatever purpose, with Foreign States shall in future be valid only after they have been approved by Parliament; and that any minister acting in opposition to this principle shall be deemed guilty of treason." Foreign Affairs, July 1921, p. 5. 15. Except when a treaty involved the cession of British territory. Lord Salisbury had insisted that such treaties needed an Act of Parliament (the occasion had been the cession of Heligoland in 1890). This procedure was also followed in the Jubaland cession; see Item 431. For a discussion of the constitutional aspect of this problem see A.B. Keith, The Constitution of England from Victoria to George VI. (London: Macmillan, 1940), I, 147 and 233.7. 16. See the exchange in the House of Commons, November 27, 1922. In answer to a question relating to this procedure the Prime Minister had said: "I am not prepared to commit myself to the grave constitutional change proposed." House of Commons Debates, Vth Series, Vol. 159, col. 272-3. 17. Mr. MacDonald, when he became Prime Minister, assured the Labour Party that no secret treaties existed and that all treaties were available in the Library of the House of Commons and had been deposited in the League of Nations. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 170, col. 956, and Vol. 172, col. 25-6. Only a few minor agreements had not been tabled by the Conservative Government when the Labour Party came to power in 1924. 18. Jones, in his biography of Lloyd George, points to this as indication of the fact that Lloyd George had 'wrought the transition between the old and the new diplomacy'. T. Jones, Lloyd George (Harvard University Press, 1951), pp. 178-9. This prompt action may be compared with that which followed the Treaty of Vienna which was not tabled in the House until February 2, 1816 (Temperley and Penson, Item 66). It was, however, probably necessary to pass an Act of Parliament for the Peace Treaties in any case, because of the complicated financial arrangements which they contained.



Washington were also tabled in the House shortly after their signature (Item 222) and the means for giving effect to them were embodied in an Act of Parliament (Item 191). The Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement was tabled in the House on March 16, 1921 (Item 134), on the same day that it was signed,19 but in this case it must be remembered that the entire negotiations had been carried on in public view and that the press had already published the various drafts of the Agreement. On the whole, therefore, the Governments between 1919 and 1923 responded favourably to the demand that all treaties should be made public as soon as possible; but, like their predecessors, they refused to commit themselves to any constitutional changes. Although the Labour Government of 1924 cannot be accused of deliberately keeping information from the public, since more papers were published in the year 1924 than ever before, surprisingly few changes were made in the policy of publication of Blue Books. The fact that the Labour Government did not command a majority in the House, and that it was in power for only a short time, may, in part, have accounted for this failure to establish some permanent method through which the House and the public could be kept constantly informed of current negotiations. Possibly the men who came to power for the first time in 1924 may have realized that this was probably an impossible, perhaps even an undesirable, ideal. Whatever the reasons, it cannot be said that all the aspirations of the U.D.C. were fulfilled by the Government, despite the fact that so many members of the Cabinet were also members of that organization. It may have been significant that E. D. Morel, the prime mover in the campaign against 'secret treaties and secret diplomacy', did not obtain a seat in the Cabinet. It was, curiously enough, in its relations with Russia that the Labour Government experienced its most dramatic difficulties. It had been maintained by many Labour Party members, while in opposition, that the only reason why agreement could not be reached with Russia was that the Foreign Secretary and his staff had 'capitalist' prejudices. Negotiations with the Soviet Government were set on foot therefore, immediately on assumption of power by the Labour Party, and de jure recognition was granted to that Government on February 8, 1924. Further negotiations for an Anglo-Russian Treaty were carried on in full public view, mainly because of the strong feelings aroused on both sides of the House. As is well known, when the negotiations finally broke down on August 5, it was an unofficial delegation of back-benchers who were able to bring the official representatives of the two Governments together again and thus complete the Agreement. This was indeed a triumph of unofficial diplomacy. The Government decided that, in this instance, the House should have the opportunity of debating 19. The Treaty was discussed in the House on March 22, 1921.



the Treaties even before they were signed. To this end, Mr. Ponsonby explained the Treaties on the evening of August 6, and the debate took place on August 7; the Treaties were signed on the following day (see Item Nos. 404, 405, 420, 425, and 426). The Blue Books presented to the House in connection with these Treaties were all drafts and texts, and once again it may be noted that the press, rather than the Blue Books, was the main avenue through which the public and the members of Parliament were kept informed of the negotiations.20 The Labour Party did attempt to alter the procedure of Blue Book publication in one respect. In order to prevent governments from signing 'secret' treaties or agreements with other powers, Mr. Ponsonby, on the occasion of the debate for the Lausanne Treaty Bill, said: "It is the intention of the Government to lay on the Table of both Houses of Parliament every treaty, when signed, for a period of 21 days, after which the treaty will be ratified and published and circulated in the Treaty Series."21 Mr. Ponsonby understood that future governments could not be bound to this practice either by an 'Act of Parliament' or by a 'Resolution', as these could easily be revoked. He, therefore, introduced it merely as a change in the custom and procedure of the House because he felt that these were really the only immutable parts of the British Constitution. As can be seen, this practice did not require that the House approve all treaties, and it therefore did not satisfy all members of Parliament, but it did ensure that all treaties could be read by members of Parliament before they became effective.22 The return of the Conservative Party to power in November 1924, and the accession of Sir Austen Chamberlain to the Foreign Office, coincided with the beginning of what seemed at the time to be the least troubled of the years between the two world wars. Even 20. The Liberal Party tabled a motion for the rejection of the treaties on October 1, but the Government had already fallen before the motion could be brought to a vote. 21. House of Commons Debates, April 1, 1924, Vth Ser., Vol. 17I, col. 2003. In practice treaties were usually circulated after signature in form of a Blue Book and then repeated in the Treaty Series after ratification. See, for instance, Item Nos. 377 and 500. 22. Morel wished to pass a Resolution in order to try to bind any future government to the practice of publishing all treaties; the order paper of May 22 contained the following motion signed by E. D. Morel and 114 other members: "That in the opinion of this House, no diplomatic arrangement or understanding with a foreign state, involving directly or indirectly national obligations, shall be concluded without the consent of Parliament, and no preparations for cooperation in war between the naval, military or air staffs and the naval, military or air staffs of a foreign state shall be lawful unless consequent upon such arrangement or understanding, this resolution shall be communicated to all states with which we are in diplomatic relations and to the League of Nations." Morel hoped to be given time for a discussion of this motion after the Whitsuntide recess.



in retrospect, the four years between the signing of the Locarno Treaties in December 1925 and the subsequent admission of Germany to the League of Nations, and the outset of the general economic depression in 1929, appears as an interval of normalcy between the aftermath of the first Great War and the overtures to the second. Sir Austen was both a contributor to, and a beneficiary of this 'amelioration in the public field of Europe', as Lord Balfour put it. Mr. Stanley Baldwin's almost legendary indifference to foreign affairs restored the Foreign Secretary's independence of action. It is therefore possible, in discussing the Blue Book policy of this period, to concentrate one's attention almost solely on the attitudes of Sir Austen Chamberlain. It was perhaps this return to normal conditions which gave the Blue Book policy of Sir Austen an almost nineteenth century flavour. No doubt the fact that the Conservative Party had an absolute majority in the House made it easier for the Foreign Secretary to assert his independence. His upright, almost Spartan character did not encourage him to seek favour with the public by continuously releasing information to the press with respect to foreign affairs; nevertheless, Sir Austen usually responded to public interest, and an examination of the Blue Books published in this period shows that, for areas in which tension existed, a good deal of information was made available. Thus a number of documents on the Chinese problem were published, which, while they do not give us anything like a complete picture of the situation, were probably sufficient to mitigate Opposition criticism of British policy towards China. Another area of controversy was the question of German disarmament; in this respect, too, a series of papers was tabled (Items 494 and 525), but the number of dispatches was small and Ieft much to be desired in respect to continuity. In view of what happened in connection with the Anglo-French Naval Compromise of 1928, it seems safe to assume that Sir Austen agreed with the concept, generally accepted in the pre-war era, that no papers should be published concerning negotiations which had not been completed. Nevertheless, in respect to both the Locarno Treaties and the Briand-Kellogg Pact, Sir Austen published dispatches before the Treaties had been signed. In both cases, the press of the foreign countries with which Great Britain was negotiating had been kept fully informed of the substance and course of the discussions, and it is therefore interesting to note that Sir Austen thought it worth while to keep the British public informed by means of Blue Books (Items 495, 505, 717 and 722). Although these Blue Books were not so numerous or so detailed as they might have been, they were probably a more accurate guide to the discussions than the newspapers. On the other hand, Sir Austen published a large number of detailed papers relating to British actions in the League of Na-



tions.23 That he regarded this aspect of British foreign policy as being of the utmost importance was attested by the fact that he personally attended most of the meetings of that organization. It is interesting to note that he used the Blue Books in this respect for the traditional purpose of keeping the public informed and explaining British policy. Thus the papers not only record the rejection by the British Government of the Geneva Protocol (Item 478), but also record the correspondence with the Dominion governments which led to the rejection- (Items 501A and 508). Anglo-Russian relations once again proved to be a troublesome chapter in the history of these five years. It must be remembered that Sir Austen stood between two influential pressure groups in this respect, the Association of British Creditors of Russia, which was urging him to break off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, and the Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee, which demanded closer ties and more trade with that country. In order to defend his policy, Sir Austen published a number of fairly comprehensive papers in connection with Anglo-Russian relations (Items 591, 639, 652, 660, and 719), and, after the Arcos Raid, he followed the well-established practice of giving the House a substantial Blue Book (Item 652) before asking it to approve the controversial action on which he had decided.24 It was only after the debate that he formally broke off Britain's diplomatic relations with Russia and abrogated the Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement. The Opposition was not satisfied that the documents published in the Blue Book gave a true picture of the situation, and complained that only extracts of some of the documents had been given.25 When, however, in answer to criticism, Sir Austen read to the House that part of one of the documents which had not appeared in the Blue Book, it was evident that the extract had in no way misrepresented the full import of the document.26 Despite this relatively liberal policy of Blue Book publication, the Opposition felt that Sir Austen's Secretaryship was a return to what was called the `reactionary' diplomacy of the pre-war era. It was, of course, suspicious from the beginning, because the incident of the Zinoviev letter had strengthened its distrust of the Foreign Office. Moreover, Sir Austen's statement that it was unnecessary to table treaties in the House before ratification had further encouraged it to believe that the Government had returned to the nefarious practices of 'secret diplomacy'27 Lord Cecil's resignation, after 23. No less than eighteen were tabled in 1926: Items 446, 447, 449, 454, 458, 466, 469, 470, 478, 484, 501A, 503, 506, 508, 526, 530, 541, and 544. 24. The debate on the Arcos Raid took place on May 26, 1927. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 206, col. 2195-2326. 25. It should be noted that these omissions were clearly marked. 26. H. of C. Debates, June 1926, Vth Ser., Vol. 207, col. 356-8. 27. "His Majesty's Government do not consider themselves bound to adopt that procedure which apart from other considerations, might involve inconvenience in connection with the resolution on the subject adopted by the



the failure of the Geneva Naval Conference of 1927, seemed another indication of the return to power of a 'reactionary' group; and, at least for the Opposition, the matter was definitely proven by the unfortunate way in which the Government handled the crisis arising from the Anglo-French Naval Compromise of 1928.28 Sir Austen's obstinate refusal, on the grounds of diplomatic propriety, to publish papers until answers to his notes had been received from the Powers concerned, gave the Opposition at home, as well as public opinion in the United States of America and Germany, an opportunity of presenting the Agreement in the blackest possible terms. The Government was accused of once again committing the country to a secret alliance with France, designed to dominate Europe at the expense of Germany. The delay in publication, moreover, allowed the French press29 to obtain, through unofficial channels, summaries of all the notes exchanged between the British and the French Governments, and this detracted from the importance of the Blue Book when it was finally published on October 17 (Item 743). This one incident, more than anything else, won for Sir Austen the reputation of being a diplomat of the old school, a term of terrible import in these years, and very damaging to the Conservative Party in the elections of the following year. On the whole, however, Sir Austen's Blue Book policy was not very different from that of the Labour Government or that of the Coalition Government. In fact, his preference for writing dispatches rather than attending conferences and making speeches enhanced, in some cases, the importance of the Blue Books published in this period. Few important Blue Books were published by the second Labour administration (June 1929 to August 1931). This was not due to any tendency towards secrecy on the part of Mr. Henderson, but rather to the nature of the problems which that Government had to face. These problems were economic and domestic rather than diplomatic. Thus, although many Blue Books were published, they consisted mainly of treaties and agreements. Moreover, Mr. Henderson restored the practice of tabling treaties before ratification,38 Imperial Conference, 1923, by which His Majesty's Government consider themselves bound." H. of C. Debates, December 15, 1924, Vth Ser., Vol. 179, col. 565. Nevertheless the treaties concluded were usually tabled very quickly after ratification. 28. For a full account see Arnold Toynbec, Survey of International Affairs, 1928 (Oxford: University Press, 1929), pp. 61-81. See Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert (eds.), The Diplomats, 1919-1939 (Princeton: University Press, 1953), pp. 44-7, for further discussion of the repercussions on the popularity of the Foreign Office and the Diplomatic Service caused by this crisis. 29. Echo de Paris, October 5, 1928. 30. H. of C. Debates, November 5, 1929, Vol. 230, col. 408. This matter was not referred to again by the National and the Conservative Governments, but throughout the period of 1931-1939 most treaties were in fact presented to the House twice, once before and once after ratification.



a process by which all treaties were in fact tabled twice, so that many of the papers laid were of minor importance. On the other hand, the major issues of the period were well documented by the Government, and the Agreements reached at the Hague Conference and at the London Naval Conference, 1930,31 as well as Britain's relations with the League (Disarmament and the Permanent Court of International Justice), were well represented in the Blue Books. With respect to the negotiations for an AngloEgyptian Treaty, Mr. Henderson published the documents relevant to his own efforts in that direction and illustrated the responsible attitude that he held towards his office by not publishing papers in connection with Lord Lloyd's resignation, in consideration of the fact that such papers would all have dated from the period of the Conservative administration and might unnecessarily have prejudiced the negotiations.32 One other item may perhaps be mentioned and that is the lack of papers concerning the attempted Austro-German Customs Union. It was, of course, true that many of the proceedings could be found in the League of Nations' Documents (e.g. Item 1013), but it is regrettable that Henderson did not publish a fuller account of this matter. It may be that he had intended to do so but that he was no longer Foreign Secretary when the crisis was settled; in any case no papers on this subject were published. The Blue Book policy of the second Labour Government was not given the test of a severe international crisis. The Government did not survive the financial difficulties of 1931, and, consequently, MacDonald's National Governments had to face the international difficulties which followed on the general economic collapse of 1929-1931. The first Foreign Secretary of these Governments, Lord Reading, only held office for two months, and it is, therefore, not possible to discuss here his attitude towards publication. Sir John Simon, however, was in office for nearly four years and had to tackle the complicated issues of the early 1930's. Despite the increased international activity, the Government published comparatively few papers.33 This, by itself, would not have been an indication of Sir John's attitude, but an examination of the papers published tends to encourage the idea that Sir John was not so generous in publishing as his predecessors had been. This was perhaps mainly due to the complexity of some of the problems with which he had to deal, since in a few cases he did make a good deal 31. Although all the Agreements reached at this Conference were tabled in the House, the Government issued, in addition, a Blue Book, London Naval Conference, Documents, released through H.M. Stationery Office, 1930, but not tabled in the House. 32. Henderson was said to have discussed this point with Lord Lloyd. See Arnold Toynbee, Survey of International Affairs, 1930 (Oxford: University Press, 1931), p. 202. 33. 1930, 124 papers; 1931, 137 papers; 1932, 81 papers; 1933, 95 papers; 1934, 86 papers.


of information available. The question of the United States, war debt, for instance, was well-documented in the twelve papers tabled.94 There were also a number of papers on the disarmament negotiations, but many of these were accounts of proceedings at Geneva, which were, in any case, made public through the League of Nations. The general decline in publication was particularly marked in papers relevant to the problem of European security. The mounting crisis in Europe during these years was very poorly represented in the Blue Books,35 and the difficulties which faced the British Government were not explained to the public. The one notable exception, of course, was the 'Statement relating to Defence', tabled on March 1, 1935 (Item I334). In preparation for the debate of March 11, this White Paper stated the reasons for the Government's momentous decision to begin the rearmament of Great Britain and was, in effect, an enlightening commentary on the current international situation. However, in view of the tumultuous campaign for 'peace' and 'disarmament', an official explanation for the change in British policy was probably unavoidable, and Sir John had certainly not prepared the public for this dramatic reversal. There were no significant sequels to this paper, and no publication of documents concerning the vital negotiations for the Stresa Conference of the following month. The Manchurian crisis, which in retrospect has come to be regarded as one of the major problems of this period, was also very poorly documented. Only four papers36 were presented, all of them containing information readily available through League of Nations' publications. It was surely strange that Sir John did not see fit to publish papers relevant to Anglo-American relations which were of such crucial importance in this crisis, particularly as he was accused by the Opposition of having followed a very devious policy. Nevertheless it would be difficult to prove that Sir John attempted to deceive the House or to follow a secret policy of his own; on the contrary, it would seem that he went out of his way to make clear statements in the House with regard to his intentions.37 But the fact that no papers were published meant that discussions were usually based on newspaper extracts, statements, and memoirs, none of which is a good substitute for a timely Blue Book. Thus, although he may not have wanted deliberately to hide anything, Sir John Simon does not seem to have believed in the efficacy of Blue Books. 34. Items 1122, 1136, 1137, 1141, 1142, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1187, 1216, 1258, and 1263. 35. Items 1103, 1183, 1324, 1339, 1350, and, on disarmament, Items 1068, 1099, 1121, 1166, 1213, 1233, 1241, and 1249. 36. Items 1069, 1076, 1085, and 1086. 37. See Reginald Bassett, Democracy and Foreign Policy (London: London School of Economics Publication, 1954), pp. 612-25, on the Manchurian Crisis, and statement in the House of Commons on April 9, 1935, regarding his visit to Hitler 25-26 March 1935.


The many crises which occurred in the last four years before the second World War cannot be understood by any reference to the Blue Books published. Despite the fact that the Ethiopian crisis, the Spanish Civil War, and the Czechoslovakian problem aroused a great deal of public passion, governments did not table many important papers; on the contrary, the last two Conservative administrations provided less information with regard to their diplomatic correspondence than earlier governments. The publication policies of the three Foreign Secretaries of this period were to a large extent similar, although it would not be fair to judge Sir Samuel Hoare in this respect, as he was at the Foreign Office for only six months.38 Mr. Anthony Eden and Lord Halifax, however, were in power long enough to indicate their attitude towards publication. It is necessary to divide Mr. Anthony Eden's stay at the Foreign Office into two parts. During the first, he served under Mr. Stanley Baldwin and exercised a large measure of control over British foreign policy, but in the second, he served under Mr. Neville Chamberlain, who intervened personally in the formation and the conduct of British foreign policy and who must, therefore, have exercised considerable influence over the publication policy of the Foreign Office. During the first period, a small number of very important papers were published. In particular, there were four papers39 concerning negotiations with the German Government on the question of a general settlement of European problems. These four papers were published in April and May 1936 as a result of the entry of German troops into the Rhineland on March 7. One (Item 1435) traced the diplomatic discussions from June 1934 to March 1936 (showing the German reaction to the Franco-Russian Treaty, the failure of the complicated negotiations for an Air Pact and an `Eastern Locarno', and the hardening of the German attitude as the Abyssinian Crisis disturbed Anglo-Italian relations) and included a recapitulation of these discussions (No. 59) by Mr. Anthony Eden after he had been informed of the German move. The other three contained some of the correspondence arising from the German memorandum denouncing the Locarno Agreements and making new proposals for a European settlement. The Abyssinian dispute, however, was less well documented and, although a number of interesting papers were tabled,40 they usually 38. It is interesting to note what Sir Samuel Hoare has written in his autobiography with regard to the Hoare-Laval Pact. This Pact was, of course, prematurely released in the Paris press. "If I had been in closer touch with public opinion, I should have realized the need of a long chapter of preparation before I could expect approval of the Plan." Viscount Templewood, Nine Troubled Years (London: Collins, 1954), p. 192. 39. Items 1429, 1431, 1435, and 1446. 40. Item 1425 for instance.



contained only documents readily available to the public through the League of Nations. Similarly, in the case of the Spanish Civil War, some papers were published,41 but they did not range beyond well-publicized declarations and resolutions. It cannot be said that the Government made any attempt to provide an aroused public with an official opinion on the actual conditions within Spain. This failure, in a sense, marks a definite decline in the importance of Blue Books, for, in the nineteenth century and even in the early inter-war period, governments often published papers in order to describe conditions within a troubled area of the world, particularly when public opinion had obviously become concerned. Nor did Mr. Eden provide any information about the correspondence which the Government must have been conducting with various powers in its attempt to enforce its non-intervention policy. The only correspondence that was published was the important exchange of letters concerning the withdrawal of Italian 'volunteers' from Spain in October 1937 (Item I580). In general, therefore, even this first period in Anthony Eden's Secretaryship illustrates the continuing decline in the use of Blue Books as vehicles for public information. This process was further accelerated under Mr. Neville Chamberlain's Government. Mr. Chamberlain's distrust of the officials of the Foreign Office42 and his belief in personal diplomacy brought about a situation somewhat similar to that which had prevailed under Lloyd George. Neither Mr. Eden nor Lord Halifax retained control over the conduct of British foreign policy. This meant, in effect, that normal channels of diplomacy were often by-passed in Chamberlain's attempts to reach an understanding with Germany and Italy.43 This tendency on the part of Mr. Chamberlain to follow a policy, which, mistaken or not, was very largely his own, was reflected in the general lack of Blue Books containing valuable diplomatic correspondence. He undoubtedly preferred to explain his policy by making statements in the House, and sought public support through those newspapers which agreed with his ideas. In consequence, virtually no trace of the rapidly deteriorating world situation can be found in the Blue Books published in this period. Mr. Chamberlain did not see fit to publish any papers in connection with the Austrian Anschluss of March 1938; nor was he 41. Items 1491, 1512, 1529, 1533, 1563, 1578, and 1579. 42. E.g. The differences between Sir Robert Vansittart and Mr. Neville Chamberlain. See History of 'The Times', Vol. IV, 892-3; Keith Feeling, Chamberlain (London: Macmillan, 1946), p. 319; John Connell, The Office (London: A. Wingate, 1958), passim. 43. Particularly in respect to the negotiations with Italy which led to the resignation of Mr. Eden. "I did not show my letter to the Foreign Secretary for I had the feeling he would object to it." Chamberlain, p. 330. See also Sir Lewis Namicr, Europe in Decay (London: Macmillan and Co., 1950), p. 158, and Malcolm Muggeridge (ed.), Ciano Diplomatic Papers (London: Odhams Press, 1948), pp. 157-85.



any more generous in regard to the continuing Civil War in Spain, nor the Far Eastern crisis.44 The Anglo-Italian Agreement of April 1938 was tabled (Item 1651), but Mr. Chamberlain refused to give the House any papers respecting the negotiations.45 The Czechoslovakian crisis of September 1938, which brought Britain so close to a conflict with Germany, was the subject of two Blue Books. The first was tabled on September 28 (Item 1701), prior to the major foreign policy debate of the same date, but contained only ten documents: Viscount Runciman's report,46 the Anglo-French proposals of September 19, two dispatches from the Czechoslovakian Government, and the letters exchanged between Chamberlain and Hitler (September 23-27, Doc. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10). These documents, though important, cannot be said to have presented an adequate account of these vital negotiations. The second Blue Book (Item 1702), published immediately after the Munich Agreement, was devoted almost entirely to the terms of the Agreement and contained no diplomatic correspondence except Mr. Chamberlain's letter of September 28 to Hitler and his last appeal to Mussolini of the same date. No papers at all were published when Germany occupied the remaining portion of Czechoslovakia in March 1939. The Government did not even publish explanatory Blue Books concerning the guarantees which it gave to Greece, Roumania, and Poland in 1939. It was true that Mr. Chamberlain had not attempted to make a secret of these guarantees, indeed it would have defeated his purpose to do so, but he did not reveal to the public the complexities of the international discussions. Moreover, the papers published after the outbreak of war did not in any way fill this gap. The Blue Book, Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3rd 1939 (Item 1814, September 20, 1939), contains relatively little important information, even in respect to Anglo-German relations and certainly does not form an adequate source for the study of this period.47 Further44. Only one document on the Spanish Civil War was published after the resignation of Mr. Eden (Item 1675), the text of the proposed resolution reaffirming and extending the Non-Intervention Agreement. Some information respecting both the Civil War and the Far Eastern Crisis may also be found in the routine League of Nations reports, e.g. Item 1610. 45. H. of C. Debates, 23 February 1938, Vth Ser., Vol. 332, col. 354-6. 46. The report, as published in this Blue Book (Item 1701, Cmd 5847-Doc. 1), was in the form of a letter to M. Benes. Another version, differing only verbally from this one, was incorporated in a letter to Mr. Chamberlain. The differences are indicated in Woodward and Butler Documents on British Foreign Polity (London, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1949), 3rd Series, Vol. II, 675. See also Toynbee, Survey of International Affairs, 1938, Vol. II, 334, note 1. 47. Namier, Diplomatic Prelude (London: Macmillan, 1948), p. 61-2, complains that only three documents dealing with Anglo-German relations in the vital period September 29, 1938 to August 23, 1939 were published. This, however, is not quite true as a separate Blue Book dealing with Anglo-German relations was published (Item 1813), but it was confined solely to correspondence between the two Governments in August 1939. Only one other document was published in this connection, Item 1821, the final report of Sir Neville Henderson.



more, when the Anglo-Polish Treaty was published in 1940 (Cmd 6144), the interpreting protocol, which extended the Treaty considerably, remained secret and was not tabled in the House until 1945 (Cmd 6616—April 5, 1945).48 A Blue Book on the vital question of a Russian alliance was prepared and printed but not published because of the opposition of the French Government,49 so that the reasons for the failure of the Western Powers to secure this alliance remained largely a matter for speculation.58 The failure of the Government to give the public adequate information with respect to its foreign policy led to several exchanges in the House in which the Prime Minister was accused by the Opposition of deliberately misleading it and of keeping essential information secret. Certainly the dual policy of 'appeasement' and 'building a peace-front' which the British pursued in 1939 did not lend itself to extensive publicity, so that the Opposition was often justified in its claim that the Government was not completely honest in its replies to questions. With respect to negotiations of a private character, such as the Hudson-Wohlthat discussions, or the delicate problem of the Anglo-Russian Alliance,51 a case can readily be made for the Government's reluctance to divulge information. On the other hand, there were certainly instances when secrecy seems to have been unnecessary,52 and the Government was not only accused of withholding information but, on at least one occasion, was held responsible, not altogether unjustly, for the suppression of news items adverse to its policy.53 It must be emphasized, of course, that the circumstances of these years were not favourable to parliamentary publication 54 48. Diplomatic Prelude, p. 319, discusses this protocol. 49. See F. L. Schumann, Night over Europe (New York: A.E. Knopf, 1941), pp. 230-I. Chamberlain announced the publication of such a White Paper in January 1940 but Butler told the Commons on February 21 that its publication would be delayed. In March, Mr. Butler told the House that he would not publish this Blue Book at all, see H. of C. Debates, 20 and 21 March 1940, \%th Ser., col. 1956-7 and col. 2223-5. 50. Toynhee: Survey of International Affairs, 1938, Vol. III: Part III, 'The U.S.S.R.', by F. Ashton-Gwakin maintains that even the publication of Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, does not give a full account of these negotiations: see p. 406, footnote 3. 51. "I am not going any further than I have gone already... I must walk warily ...We are not concerned merely with the Russian Government. We have other Governments to consider ...Refrain from pressing us unduly to disclose the exact point where difficulties arise." Chamberlain, in a debate on AngloRussian relations, 19 May 1939, H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 347, col. 1837-9. Also quoted in Survey of International Affairs, 1939-1946, 'The Eve of War, 1939', p. 59. 52. See for instance the recognition of General Franco's Government in Spain, Debate on 27 February 1939, and also the question of surplus war material left in Spain by the Italians, and the relation of this to the Anglo-Italian Agreement of 1938. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 335, col. 341; 7 June 1939, Vol. 348, col. 391-400; and 14 June 1939, Vol. 348, col. 1272-1279. 53. See H. of C. Debates, 7 December 1938. Vth Ser., Vol. 342, col. 1261-1321. 54. A similar point was made by Temperley and Penson in respect to Lord Grey's policy just prior to the first World War; A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914, p. 503.



British public opinion at large had long held that the 'Versailles system' was morally untenable. The more informed part of that opinion had become increasingly aware, further, that that system could not, in practice, be upheld by Great Britain and France alone, and that the support of neither the United States of America nor the U.S.S.R. would be available merely to uphold the status quo. Any British government, therefore, was virtually in the position of saying that the 'Versailles system' was morally untenable and practically indefensible, but that Great Britain would not permit it to be altered by war; and Chamberlain was thoroughly representative of the confused state of public opinion in saying to Germany and Italy that if they pursued their designs, they would bring on a general war but, if they proceeded peacefully, they could achieve what they wanted.55 When we add that the Government, at least, could not help but be aware that its one ally, France, was, in effect, prepared to abdicate as a great Power, it is clear that the publication of the kind of document which normally makes up a Blue Book (a record of policy, rather than of the motives of policy) would have served little purpose, and would certainly not have contributed to national unity. The Blue Books published in this period, therefore, contained relatively little information about the vital issues, and the conclusion can be reached that, for various reasons, Mr. Chamberlain's policy was one of publishing as few important papers as possible. This brief survey would indicate that the great movement for 'open diplomacy' which marked the inter-war period did not stimulate the publication of large numbers of important Blue Books; on the contrary, a number of factors combined tending to diminish their value. The press, and later the radio, proved to be far better vehicles for publicity than the Blue Book. When the Foreign Secretary wished to disseminate information quickly, he simply called a press conference and could be assured that information would reach the public everywhere within a matter of hours.56 In consequence, many important documents can be found in the files of contemporary newspapers. Such periodicals as Europe Nouvelle published large numbers of communiqués, texts of agreements, and treaties, some of which were also printed in Blue Book form but 55. This policy, after all, depended mainly on the success of Chamberlain's personal attempt to convince Germany and Italy that he was ready to appease their genuine grievances: "I had established a certain confidence, which was my aim and on my side, in spite of the hardness and ruthlessness I thought I saw on his [Hitler's] face, I got the impression that here was a man who could be relied upon when he had given his word." Entry in diary, 19 September 1988, Feiling, Neville Chamberlain, p. 367. 56. During the Chanak crisis The Times accused Lloyd George of following a secret policy. At short notice the Prime Minister called a press conference (September 23) in order to explain his policy. History of 'The Times', Vol. IV, Pt. II, pp. 785.6.


at a much later date.57 Moreover, the prevalent suspicion of the activities of 'secret diplomacy' gave a certain respectability to newspaper 'revelations', which they had not enjoyed in the pre-war era, with the result that many statements of policy and even texts of diplomatic notes often found their way into the columns of newspapers and were never published in Blue Book form. Furthermore, this suspicion was most closely associated with the Foreign Office and sometimes led to the greater participation in foreign affairs of the Prime Minister. This state of affairs, as the policies of Lloyd George and Chamberlain illustrated, tended to discourage the publication of diplomatic correspondence. In a sense, the vastly extended use of the press also diminished the importance of another function of Parliament, for it tended to transfer into the columns of newspapers the vital debates on foreign issues. The sensational coverage of foreign affairs by the press may very easily give a false impression of the general electorate's real interest in these matters. For, while bitter debates raged outside the House in the columns of the press, the Members of Parliament themselves, presumably in closer touch than Fleet Street with the rank and file of voters, displayed a decreasing, rather than an increasing, interest in foreign affairs, especially in the 1920's. Two such divergent papers as The Times and Foreign Affairs drew attention to this phenomenon in 1920,58 and the situation did not alter perceptibly until the final crisis of 1938-39. This may be partly explained by the fact that the vast electorate which the democratic process had created remained largely uninterested in foreign affairs. Moreover, the stringent Party discipline which had come into existence in the latter half of the nineteenth century destroyed, to a large extent, the influence of the small informed group that remained and made it difficult, if not impossible, for members of the Party in power to request papers which the Cabinet was not willing to lay. By 1914 this process had already diminished the number of requests for papers, and, as has been noted, virtually no papers were 57. See for instance the 'Protocol respecting Coal', included in a collection of documents (Item 151) which was tabled in the House on June 20, 1921 but which had been published in L'Europe Nouvelle as early as July 25, 1920. 58. "But if members still lack information on this subject it is their own fault for not forcing a debate. The whole department of foreign policy is still as much beyond the control of the House of Commons as it was before the war. And by control is not meant concurrent conduct of negotiations, but the forcing of publicity on the leading principles of Government policy. At every crisis that arises these principles are in doubt, and such information as is given, is given elsewhere than in Parliament. That the Hunter Report on Amritsar should be promised for the recess is in keeping, not with the fitness, but with the usual ordering of things... In Foreign Affairs the opposition of His Majesty's Opposition is contemptible, and instead of the Commons gaining ground at the expense of the Executive, it is steadily losing it?' The Times, May 18, 1920. See also editorial in Foreign Affairs, August 1920.


laid in the period 1919-1939 as a result of a successful 'Address' 59 Even an 'Address for Papers', used as a formal opening to a debate on foreign affairs and withdrawn afterwards, was infrequent in the House of Commons, although still used to a greater extent in the House of Lords.60 In the House of Commons, the question period had become the accepted means of obtaining information and embarrassing the Government,6' and this accounts to some extent for the small number of major debates on foreign policy. Despite this increased use of the question period, it would seem that the House did not seriously attempt to assert authority over the Cabinet in matters relating to foreign affairs.G2 This subservience gave the ministries virtually complete independence in respect to Blue Book publication, an independence of which they usually took advantage to become more restrained in their publications on foreign policy. Blue Books were indeed published in large numbers between 1919 and 1939, but very often they contained little important information. 59. Only one paper was tabled as a result of a successful 'Address' in the House of Commons—Item 225; several papers were, however, laid as result of successful 'Addresses' in the House of Lords, e.g. Items 695, 758, 902, and 1260. 60. 1939: H. of L. 'Addressed for Papers' (withdrawn after debate) 15 times; H. of C. 'Addressed for Papers' (withdrawn after debate) 0 times. 61. See for instance R. Bassett, Democracy and Foreign Policy, pp. 147-8. 62. See A. B. Keith, The Constitution of England from Victoria to George Vth, (London: MacMillan and Co., 1940) especially Vol. I, pp. 223-37: "The postwar years were noted by the fact that the Commons showed no anxiety to assert any more control over issues of war and peace than in pre-war days.... In the years after 1931 the acceptance by the majority of the Commons of the attitude of the ministry was normally without question, though from Opposition benches criticism was freely raised against the failure of the Government to secure progress in disarmament." Of course in the crucial years 1933-1939, the confusion within the ranks of the Labour Party and its failure to suggest an alternative policy, to some extent accounted for the lack of a sustained and effective opposition.


TECHNICAL NOTE The papers listed in this work may all be found in the bound sets of Parliamentary Papers released annually by the British Government. Such a bound set for any particular year includes all Bills, Sessional Papers, and Command Papers relating to aspects of administration and policy which were tabled by the British Government in that year. The following guide is an attempt to bring together in a single volume the titles of all papers which were published between 1919 and I939 and were directly related to British foreign policy. In the selection of the papers, the aim has been to include only those which are strictly relevant to the relations of Great Britain with other countries. Nevertheless, a number of papers dealing with domestic affairs have been added, the presence of which may need some further explanation. It was thought useful, for example, to include all Bills which were passed in order to incorporate into statute law certain agreements with foreign countries and the obligations of Great Britain with respect to the League of Nations (e.g. Item Nos. 1, 332). The large number of loans which the British Government contracted during the first world war and which led to much diplomatic activity in this period was thought to warrant the inclusion of the annual 'Financial Accounts of the United Kingdom'. These papers will enable the reader to find readily an annual statement showing the amount of money and interest owing to the British Government and the debt of Great Britain to the United States. The 'Finance Accounts' are also a useful guide to the financial status of such Government undertakings as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Suez Canal Company, a status which has some bearing upon British policy towards the countries concerned. Another set of annual reports which is included is that on the 'Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India'. These reports contain useful information on the attitude of the British Government towards India's neighbours, especially Afghanistan and Russia, and they are of particular interest for the period of the hostilities between Great Britain and Afghanistan and that of the establishment of the Soviet regime in Central Asia. Thus, the AngloAfghan treaty of 1921 was first published on August 3, 1922, in the report on the condition of India for 1921, whereas in the Treaty Series, it was not laid before the House until February 3, 1923 (see Item Nos. 199 and 266). Similarly, the annual reports on the 'Administration, Finance and Condition of the Sudan' have been included because they provide material on British relations with Abyssinia, especially during periods when there were Abyssinian raids against British territory.


On the other hand, it was not thought necessary to lengthen the guide unduly by the inclusion of the annual Statements explaining Navy, Air, and Army estimates. These, although they sometimes contain information as to the movements of British forces to troubled areas, are usually of too general a nature to be useful to students of foreign policy. Exceptions to this rule are the 'Statement, explanatory to the Navy Estimates' 1922-3 (Item No. 214), and two other documents on Naval matters in 1922 (Item Nos. 207 and 209), which are included because they were, in part, concerned with the Admiralty views on the Washington Conference and are, therefore, of general diplomatic, as distinct from purely Service, interest. Similarly, while intra-Imperial relations, as such, are outside the scope of this work, papers dealing with them have been included when they shed some light on an important issue in international affairs. For example, the Conference of Prime Ministers, 1921 (Item No. 164), was concerned with the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and with the forthcoming Washington Conference, and the 'Correspondence relative to the Geneva Protocol with the Dominions' (Item No. 501A) and the views of the Government of India relative to the same question (Item No. 508) throw light on the reasons for Sir Austen Chamberlain's rejection of the Geneva Protocol. The guide has had to take account of the important change of Government policy with respect to Parliamentary papers, which was made as a result of the recommendations of the 'Select Committee on Publications and Debates Reports'. This Committee was established in 1922 in order to study the mounting costs of Parliamentary publication. It found that the high cost was partly due to the fact that the papers tabled in the House were distributed to all members without charge. These included such items as the 'Trade and Navigation Papers', often as long as four volumes of some 800 pages each (Item No. 192), as well as the annual reports from some twenty colonies and mandated areas, each of over 100 pages, and the 'Overseas Trade Reports' which were the reports on industrial conditions in foreign countries from British Consuls all over the. world. The Committee thought it unnecessary to distribute many of these papers to all members of the House, and it was, therefore, decided not to table certain of these routine reports but to publish them through His Majesty's Stationery Office, where they could be readily purchased by all those who were interested.' This reduced the annual bound set of Parliamentary papers by approximately twenty-five volumes. Among the papers transferred from the category of Parliamentary papers were the 'Returns on Shipping and Tonnage for the Suez Canal', the 'Trade and Navigation Papers', the 'Overseas Trade Reports', and annual reports on various colonies 1. See 'Report of the Select Committee on Publications and Debates Reports' 1923, Vol. VIII, Sessional Paper No. 140: A full list of the papers transferred may be found in Appendix I.


and mandated areas. Consequently these papers appear in the guide only down to 1922. After that year reference to them can be found only in the annual index of government publications. The first section for each year provides a list of Bills relevant to foreign affairs, in numerical order, and the second section a list of Sessional Papers, also in numerical order. The third section for each year consists of Command Papers, the numerical order of which is maintained throughout the text. It is hoped that this system will enable the reader who already knows the Sessional or Command number of the paper which he wishes to find to go directly to the text without having to consult the index. To simplify this process, the top of each page bears the numbers of the papers contained on that page. Each paper is given its full title and, wherever possible, extra dates or information have been added. Thus, in the Treaty Series, in all cases in which a treaty has been ratified, the date of ratification is added after the date of signature. To each title is added the volume and the page of the bound set on which the paper may be found. The great majority of papers dealing with foreign affairs appear in the 'Accounts and Papers' section of the Parliamentary papers, usually in the last volumes of the yearly bound set under the sub-title of 'State Papers'. In all cases in which a paper appears in the 'Accounts and Papers' section, the title and the sub-title of the volume have been omitted. In that minority of cases, however, in which the papers are to be found either in the section of the bound set classified as 'Bills; Public' or the section classified as 'Reports; Commissioners' or 'Reports; Committees', the title, but not the sub-title, of the volume has been added. All Parliamentary papers become available to the public on the date on which they are tabled in the House of Commons and/or the House of Lords. The dates appended to each item are the dates on which the paper was tabled. In some cases, however, papers become available during a parliamentary recess, and, according to a standing rule of 1896, are delivered to the sales office before they are formally tabled. There is sometimes an interval of as much as six weeks between the time of publication and the re-opening of Parliament. It was thought useful, therefore, to add the date on which a paper was delivered to the parliamentary library while Parliament was in recess. These dates were all taken from the Journals of the House of Lords, as they do not appear in the Journals of the House of Commons. In a few instances the House of Lords remained in recess after the re-opening of the House of Commons session, and consequently a paper may have been delivered to the House of Lords' library after it had, in fact, been officially tabled in the House of Commons. In such cases the date on which the paper was officially tabled in the House of Lords is simply marked with an (R.). This marking also occurs in cases in which a paper was published during a short adjournment, but in which no indication as to the exact date can be found.


In the index, an attempt has been made to bring together papers, which, although they have varying titles, are related to the same subject. Thus, under EUROPE, European Settlement, may be found a number of papers which contain the correspondence between the various great Powers concerning the attempted European settlement, and under REPARATIONS are collected some one hundred papers, concerned with German reparations from the time of the Treaty of Versailles to that of the Anglo-German Payments Agreement of 1938. Bilateral treaties between Great Britain and foreign countries will be found under the heading of the country with which they were concluded, and only general International Conventions, the indices of the Treaty Series, and lists of 'Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.' will be found under the general heading of TREATIES. Thus, the Anglo-German Agreement relating to German debts in China, may be found under GERMANY, China, or under CHINA, German Debts. This method of presentation will enable the reader to find correspondence on negotiations relating to a treaty under the same heading as the treaty itself; thus under U.S.A., Mandated Areas, may be found not only the 'Correspondence respecting Economic Rights in Mandated Territories', but also a list of all Conventions between the U.K. and the U.S.A. relating to the economic rights of their respective nationals in the mandated areas. A number of documents which deal with the relations of the Dominions and certain foreign countries are also to be found in the British Parliamentary papers. Such papers may be found in one of two places: either under the particular Dominion and the subheading of the country concerned with the paper, or under the name of the country itself and the sub-heading of the subject matter of the document. For instance, the Commercial Convention between Canada and Italy of 1923 (Item 360) may be found under CANADA, Italy, or under ITALY, Commerce.



House of Commons


House of Lords


House of Commons and House of Lords


Laid by Command


Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed




In Recess or in Adjournment


Return to an Address of the House of Commons


Return to an Address of the House of Lords


Sessional Paper


BILLS 1919 Item 1- 4 Bill No. 121- 239 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. II, 1023: Bills, Public Treaty of Peace: United Kingdom and various Powers. Treaty of Versailles. Lords amendment, see Bill No. 149. Text, see State Papers, Cmd 153. O.H.C.P. 3 July 1919

Bill 121


Vol. I, 107: Bills, Public Anglo-French Defence Treaty Bill for carrying into effect the Treaty of Peace between His Majesty and certain Powers. O.H.C.P. 3 July 1919

Bill 122


Vol. I, 789: Bills, Public Loan to the Government of the Sudan Bill to authorize the Treasury to Guarantee the payment of interest on a loan to be raised by the Government of the Sudan. O.H.C.P. 23 July 1919

Bill 148

3a Vol. II, 1025: Bills, Public Treaty of Peace Lords Amendment. [See also Item I.] O.H.C.P. 24 July 1919 4

Vol. I, 115: Bills, Public Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Amendment: Bill to amend the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Act, 1914. O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1919


Bill 149

Bill 239

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1919 Item 44 - 4c S.P. No.121- 212 Doc. No.

Item No.

4a Vol. XXXII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom. 19181919.

S.P. 121

O.H.GP. 24 June 1919

4b Vol. XXXVIII, 489 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the year 1918. 54th Number.

S.P. 143

O.H.C.P. 21 July 1919

4c Vol. XIII, Part I, 523: Reports, Commissioners: (6) Report of the American Dollar Securities Committee. (Mr. Baldwin.)

S.P. 212

Ord. 19 Nov. 1919 O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1919

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 5-6 Cmd 2. 7 Item No.

Doc. No.

5 Vol. LIII, 677 Misc. No. 1 (1919) Draft Agreement for a League of Nations; Presented to the Plenary Inter-Allied Conference, 14 February 1919.

Cmd 2

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1919

6 Vol. LIII, 757 Treaty Series No. 1 (1919) Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting British War Graves in France. Signed at Paris, 26 November 1918. L/C. HC/L 20 March 1919


Cmd 7

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item?-12 Cmd 8 - 54 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. LIII, 987 Russia No. I (1919) Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia.

Cmd S

L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1919


Vol. LIII, 671 Treaty Series No. 2 Renewal of existing Arbitration Agreements between the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Spain, and the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America 3 June 1918-1 February 1919. [see also Item 370.]

Cmd 10

L/C. HC/L. 9 April 1919

9 Vol. LIII, 1081 Misc. No. 2 Correspondence respecting the British Mission to South America, 1918.

Cmd 12

L/C. HC/L. 27 May 1919

10 Vol. LIII, 675 Reports by British Officers on the economic conditions prevailing in Germany. December 1918— March 1919. [See also Item 12.]

Cmd 52

L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1919

11 Vol. LIII, 99 Terms of Armistices concluded between the Allied Governments and the Governments of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.

Cmd 53

L/C. HC/L. 3 April 1919

12 Vol. LIII, 859 Further Reports by British Officers on the economic conditions prevailing in Germany, April 1919. In continuation of Cmd 52 [Item 10]. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1919

Cmd 54

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 13 -16a Cmd 150-219 Item No.

Doc. No.

13 Vol. LIII, 1133 Treaty Series No. 3 Arbitration Treaty between the United Kingdom and Uruguay. Signed at Monte-video, 18 April 1918. Ratifications exchanged at Monte-video 11 February 1919.

Cmd 150

L/C. HC/L. 3 June 1919

14 Vol. LIII, 685 Misc. No. 3 Covenant of the League of Nations, with Commentary thereon.

Cmd 151

L/C. HC/L. 24 June 1919 (R. 13 June)

14a Vol. XIV, 833 Suez Canal: Commercial No. 1 (1919) Returns of shipping and tonnage 1915, 1916, and 1917. (In continuation of Cmd 8591 of 1917-1918.)

Cmd 152

L/C. HC. 25 June 1919 HL 26 June 1919

15 Vol. LIII, 127 Treaty Series No. 4 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany. Signed at Versailles 28 June 1919. [See also Item 1.]

Cmd 153

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1919

16 Vol. LIII, 877 Further reports by British Officers on the Economic conditions prevailing in Germany, March and April 1919.

Cmd 208

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1919

16a Vol. XIV, 847 Suez Canal Return of shipping and tonnage, 1918. In continuation of Cmd 152. [Item 14A.] L/C. HC. 4 July 1919 HL. 7 July 1919


Cmd 219

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 17 - 21 Cmd 220 - 240

Item No.

Doc. No.

17 Vol. LIII, 359 Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol Supplementary to the Treaty of Peace (Versailles). Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1919

Cmd 220

18 Vol. LIII, 361 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty respecting Assistance to France in the event of unprovoked aggression by Germany. Similar Treaty between France and the United States Attached. Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1919

Cmd 221

19 Vol. LIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between the United States of America, France, Belgium, the British Empire, and Germany with regard to the Military Occupation of the Territory of the Rhine. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1919

Cmd 222

20 Vol. LIII, 379 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty between the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan and Poland. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC. 11 July 1919

Cmd 223

HL. 14 July 1919

21 Vol. LIII, 369 Declaration by the Governments of the United States of America, Great Britain, and France in regard to the occupation of the Rhine Provinces, 16 June 1919. L/C. HC. 3 July 1919 HL. 7 July 1919


Cmd 240

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 21a- 25 Cmd 251- 261 Doc. No.

Item No.

21a Vol. XXIV, 33, Reports; Commissioners (17) British and Foreign Legal Procedure. Report of the Committee appointed by the Lord Chancellor to consider the conduct of legal proceedings between parties in this Country and parties abroad and the enforcement of judgements and awards.

Cmd 251

L/C. HC/L 7 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 17 Misc. No. 4 Reply of the Allied and Associated Powers to the observations of the German Delegation on the conditions of the Peace. Paris, 16 June 1919.

Cmd 258

L/C. HC/L 15 July 1919


Vol. XXXII, 239 Misc. No. 5 Note on the Guaranteed Sudan Loan.

Cmd 259

L/C. HC/L 28 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 1121 Misc. No. 6 Reports on Conditions in Turkish Prisons.

Cmd 260

L/C. HC/L 29 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 1 Misc. No. 7 Peace Proposals made by His Holiness the Pope to the Belligerent Powers on August 1, 1917 and Correspondence relative thereto. L/C. HC/L 11 Aug. 1919


Cmd 261

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 25a - 28 Cmd 266 - 280

Item No. 25a Vol. LIII, 585 Air Ministry Convention relating to Air Navigation. SubCommission of Peace Conference: Convention not formally approved by Supreme Council of Peace of Conference. It has, however, been agreed that it should be issued for the information of the public of the Allied and Associated States. [See also Item 70a.] L/C. HC. 17 July 1919

Doc. No. Cmd 266

HL. 21 July 1919

25b Vol. XXXII, 237 Government of Sudan Loan Bill Estimate of Probable Expenditure. L/C. HC. 18 July 1919

Cmd 267

HL. No date

26 Vol. XIV, 729 France and Algiers (Customs Duties) Translation of the French Presidential Decree of 8 July 1919 with statement showing classes of goods on which the Customs Import Duties are increased and the coefficient of increase in each case. L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1919

Cmd 273

27 Vol. XLV, 723 Trade Conditions under which Trading is permissible since the raising of the Blockade. [See also Item 34.] L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1919

Cmd 274

28 Vol. LIII, 927 German (Food Conditions) Report on the Food Conditions in Germany with memoranda on the Agricultural conditions in Germany and on Agricultural Statistics and Statistical Tables and Charts. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1919

Cmd 280


COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 29 - 33 and 300 - 324 Doc. No.

Item No.

29 Vol. LITI, 983 Persia No. 1 (1919) Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Persian Government. Signed at Teheran, 9 August 1919.

Cmd 300

L/C. HC/L. 14 Aug. 1919


Vol. LIII, 749 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting British War Graves in Belgium. Signed at Brussels, 18 June 1919.

Cmd 301

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (R. 21 Sept)


Vol. LITI, 741 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States: Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1916.

Cmd 302

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (R. 23 Sept)


Vol. XXXII, 847 Cost of Naval and Military Operations in Russia from date of Armistice to 31 July 1919.

Cmd 307

L/C. HC/L. 13 Aug. 1919

32a Vol. XXXVII, 1155 Correspondence regarding the Medical arrangements and comforts for the troops in the Northwest Frontier.

Cmd 310

L/C. HC. 14 Aug. 1919 HL. 15 Aug. 1919


Vol. XXXVII, 1183 Papers regarding hostilities with Afghanistan, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1919

Cmd 324

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 34 - 37 Cmd 350 - 400 Item No.


Doe. No.

Vol. XLV, 727 Conditions under which trading is permissible with certain countries: To supersede instructions published in Cmd 274 [Item 27].

Cmd 350

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (IL 18 Sept)

35 Vol. X, 125: Reports; Commissioners (3) Report on the Committee appointed to consider the Application for exemption from compulsory repatriation submitted by Internal Enemy Aliens.

Cmd 383

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1919


Vol. XXXII, 849

Cmd 395

Cost of the Naval and Military Operations in Russia from date of Armistice to 31 October 1919. L/C. HC. 31 Oct. 1919 HL 4 Nov. 1919

36a Vol. XXXVII, 1165 Further correspondence concerning the Medical Arrangements and Comforts to the troops in the North-west Frontier.

Cmd 398

L/C. HC. 3 Nov. 1919 HL. 31 Oct. 1919

37 Vol. LITI, 399 Treaty Series No. 11 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria, with Protocol and Declaration Annexed thereto. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. [Bill to carry into effect the above: see 1920, Bill No. 66, Vol. V, 465, Item 46b.] L/C. HG 24 Nov. 1919 HL. 25 Nov. 1919

Cmd 400

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 38 - 42 Cmd 414 - 459 Item No.


Doc. No. Vol. LITI, 705 Treaty Series No. 12 Convention for control of the Trade in Arms and Ammunition, and Protocol. Signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 414

L/C. HC. 28 Nov. 1919 HL 27 Nov. 1919


Vol. XLV, 821 Production, Prices, and Currency Statement on Production, Price Movements and Currency Expansion in various Countries. [See also Item 77b.]

Cmd 434

L/C. HC. 24 Nov. 1919 HL 25 Nov. 1919


Vol. LIII, 1117 Treaty Series No. 13 Ratification by Sweden of the International Copyright Convention. Signed at Berlin, 13 November 1908, and additional Protocol signed at Berne, 20 March 1914. Effective from 1 January 1920.

Cmd 452

L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1919


Vol. LIII, 523 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the contributions to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, I0 September 1919. [See also Item 65.]

Cmd 458

L/C. HC/L 12 Dec. 1919


Vol. LIII, 527 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to Italian Reparation Payments. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. [See also Item 67.] L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec 1919


Cmd 459

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 43-46 Cmd 460 - 478 Doc. No.

Item No.

43 Vol. LIII, 1113 Treaty Series No. 16 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Spain respecting Extradition between certain British Protected States in the Malay Peninsula and Spain. Signed at Madrid, 20 June 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 22 November 1919.

Cmd 460

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

44 Vol. LIII, 543 Treaty Series No. 17 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 461

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

44a Vol. XIII, Part I, 593: Reports, Commissioners (6) Currency and Foreign Exchange Final Report of the Committee on Currency and Foreign Exchanges after the War.

Cmd 464

L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1919

45 Vol. LIII, 553 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention revising the General Act of Berlin, 26 February 1885 and the General Act and Declaration of Brussels, 21 July 1890. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 477

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

46 Vol. LIII, 569 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention relating to the Liquor Traffic in Africa, and Protocol. Signed at Saint Germainen-Laye, 10 September 1919. L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1919


Cmd 478

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 46a Cmd 479

Item No.

Doc. No.

46a Vol. LIII, 531 Treaty Series No. 20 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Czechoslovakia. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. L/C. HC/L 17 Dec.1919

Cmd 479

BILLS 1920 Item 46b - 46d Bill No. 66 -138

Item No.

Doc. No.

46b Vol. V, 465: Bills; Public Treaty of Peace (Austria and Bulgaria) Bill to carry into effect Treaties of Peace between His Majesty and Certain other Powers. [See also Item 37.]

Bill 66

O.H.C.P. 31 March 1920

46c Vol. IV, 539: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill to authorize the granting of Credits and the undertaking of Insurances for the purpose of reestablishing Overseas Trade.

Bill 70

O.H.C.P. 13 April 1920

46d Vol. IV, 511: Bills; Public Nauru Island Bill to confirm the Agreement between His Majesty's Government in London, His Majesty's Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, and His Majesty's Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, in relation to the Island of Nauru. O.H.C.P. 11 June 1920


Bill 138

BILLS 1920 Item 46e - 47 Bill No. 150 - 225

Doc. No.

Item No. 46e Vol. I, 139: Bills; Public Air Navigation (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for regulating Air Navigation and to make further provision for the control and regulation of aviation.

Bill 150

O.H.C.P. 25 June 1920

461 Vol. IV, 517: Bills; Public Nauru Island Bill to confirm the Agreement between His Majesty's Government in London, His Majesty's Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, and His Majesty's Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, in relation to the Island of Nauru, as amended in Standing Committee A.

Bill 160

O.H.C.P. 8 July 1920

46g Vol. IV, 545: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill to authorize the granting of Credits and the undertaking of Insurances for the purpose of reestablishing Overseas Trade, as amended in Standing Committee A.

Bill 187

O.H.C.P. 27 July 1920


Vol. I, 153: Bills; Public Air Navigation (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for regulating Air Navigation and to make further provision for the control and regulation of aviation, as amended in Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 4 Nov. 1920


Bill 225

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1920 Item 47a - 48a S.P. No. 19 -163 Item No.

Doc. No.

47a Vol. XXVII, 247 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund, under Act 2 & 3, Will 4 c 121 and 6 & 7, Will 4 c 94, for Interest and Sinking Fund on that Part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this Country under the Authority of the said Acts and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1919. L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1920 HL 18 Feb. 1920

S.P. 19

47b Vol. XXVII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1920. O.H.C.P. 22 June 1920

S.P. 124

47c Vol. VII, 1045 Nauru Island Agreement Bill Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 8 July 1920

S.P. 142

48 Vol. XXVII, 173 Major Entwhistle: External Debt Return showing, as on March 31, 1919 and March 31, 1920 respectively, the External Debt of this country, the Due Date, and any arrangements which had been made for its repayment. 8 July 1920 Ord.

S.P. 144

O.H.C.P. 9 July 1920

48a Vol. VIII, 1 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 27 July 1920


S.P. 163

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1920 Item 48b S.P. No. 205 Item No.

Doc. No.

48b Vol. VI, 555 Air Navigation Bill (HL.) Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 4 Nov. 1920

S.P. 205

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 49 - 51 Cmd511-516 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXIX, 869 Commercial No. 1 (1920) Report on Japanese Labour by His Majesty's Vice Consul at Osaka. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 6 Jan)

Cmd 511


Vol. XLIX, 99 Trading Conditions Conditions under which Trading is permissible with certain countries. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 2 Jan)

Cmd 512


Vol. LI, 269 Treaty Series No. 1 (1920) Index to the Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 22 Jan)

Cmd 516


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item52-56 Cmd517-521

Item No.

Doc. No.

52 Vol. LI, 721 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Boundaries in East Africa (Mount Sabino to Congo Nile Watershed), with maps. Signed at London, 3 February 1915. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 October 1920. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 517

(R. 29 Jan)

53 Vol. LI, 745 Treaty Series No. 3 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Chile for the Establishment of a Peace Commission. Signed at Santiago, 28 March 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Santiago, 23 October 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 518

(R. 29 Jan)

54 Vol. LI, 51 Treaty Series No. 4 Renewal of Existing Arbitration Conventions between the United Kingdom and Norway and Sweden and the Arbitration Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal, November 1919. [See also Items 492, 499, 516.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 519

(R. 29 Jan)

55 Vol. LI, 715 Treaty Series No. 21 (1919) Index to Treaty Series, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 520

(R. 30 Jan)

56 Vol. LI, 173 Misc. No. 1 (1920) Economic Conditions in Central Europe (1). L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 2 Feb)


Cmd 521

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 57 - 61 Cmd 522.589

Item No.

Doc. No.

57 Vol. LI, 79 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty of Peace signed between the Allied and Associated Powers and Bulgaria, and Protocol, with map. Signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine, 27 November 1919. L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1920

Cmd 522

Vol. LI, 11 Misc. No. 2 Correspondence relating to the Adriatic Question. L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1920

Cmd 586




2 March 1920

Vol. LI, 1187 Russia No. 1 (1920) Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government of Russia for the exchange of Prisoners. Copenhagen, 12 February 1920. L/C. HC. 8 March 1920

Cmd 587

HL. 9 March 1920


Vol. LI, 595 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Rumania. Signed at Paris, 9 December 1919. L/C. HC. 8 March 1920

Cmd 588

HL. 9 March 1920

61 Vol. LI, 339 Misc. No. 3 Convention between Greece and Bulgaria. Signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine, 27 November 1919. L/C. HC. 12 March 1920 HL. 16 March 1920


Cmd 589

COMMAND PAPERS I920 Item 62-64 Cmd590-627 Item No.

Doc. No.

62 Vol. LI, 741 Misc. No. 4 Dispatch from His Majesty's Minister in Brussels enclosing a copy of the Belgian Law of 25 October 1919, respecting Belgian Nationality. In continuation of Cd 7464 of 1914. L/C. HC. 25 March 1920 HL. 26 March 1920

Cmd 590

63 Vol. LI, 547 Germany No. 1 (1920) Ordinances and Instructions issued by the InterAllied Rhineland High Commission, with Annexes. Signed, 10 June 1920. L/C. HC/L. 29 March 1920

Cmd 591

63a Vol. XXXIX, 775 Labour Administration in America Notes of Enquiries made by the Home Office Representatives attending the Washington Labour Conference. L/C. HC. 5 March 1920 HL. 9 March 1920

Cmd 606

63b Vol. XLIX, 227 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be Incurred. L/C. HC. 15 March 1920 HL. 16 March 1920

Cmd 620

64 Vol. LI, 477 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its First Annual Meeting, 29 October to 29 November 1919 (Washington). Both Drafts deposited at the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 17 March 1920

Cmd 627


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 65 - 68 Cmd 637 - 640 Item No.

Doc. No.

65 Vol. LI, 59 Treaty Series No. 7 Declaration Modifying the Agreement of 10 September 1919 [see Item 41], between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the fonner Austro-Hungarian Empire (Articles 4 & 5). Signed at Paris, 8 December 1919.

Cmd 637

L/C. HC. 12 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.)

66 Vol. LI, 605 Treaty Series No. 8 Declaration of accession by the Serb-Croat-Slovene State to the Treaty of Peace with Austria, the Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, and the Agreements with regard to the Italian Reparation Payments and the Contribution to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the Former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Signed at Paris, 5 December 1919.

Cmd 638

L/C. HC. 14 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.)

67 Vol. LI, 517 Treaty Series No. 9 Declaration modifying the agreement of 10 September 1919 [see Item No. 42] between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Italian Reparation Payments. Signed at Paris, 8 December 1919.

Cmd 639

L/C. HC. 14 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.) 68 Vol. LI, 57 Misc. No. 5

Cmd 640

Note on the Treaties of Peace (Austria and Bulgaria) Bill, 1920. L/C. HC. 19 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (IL 17 April)


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 69 - 73 Cmd 641-673 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. LI, 189 Misc. No. 6 Economic Conditions in Central Europe (II), with map.

Cmd 641

L/C. HC/L 23 April 1920


Vol. LI, 253 Declaration by the Supreme Council of the Peace Conference on the Economic Conditions of the World.

Cmd 646

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1920

70a Vol. XXX, 105 Air Ministry Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation, 13 October 1919. [See also Item 25a.]

Cmd 670

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1920


Vol. LI, 261 Misc. No. 7 Agreement between France, Russia, Great Britain, and Italy. Signed at London, 26 April 1915.

Cmd 671

L/C. HC/L. 27 April 1920


Vol. LI, 63 Misc. No. 8 Report of the Foreign Office Committee on British Communities Abroad.

Cmd 672

L/C. HC/L 29 April 1920


Vol. LI, 899 Misc. No. 9 Report on the Alleged Existence of `White Terror' in Hungary. L/C. HC/L 4 May 1920


Cmd 673

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 74 - 77a Cmd 674 - 732

Doc. No.

Item No. 74 Vol. LI, 1121 Misc. No. 10 Report by Sir Stuart Samuel on his Mission to Poland. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1920

Cmd 674

75 Vol. LI, 895 Misc. No. 11 San Remo Agreement Memorandum of Agreement between M. Philippe Berthelot and Professor John Cadman, K.C.M.G., Director in charge of His Majesty's Petroleum Department. L/C. HC. 23 July 1920

Cmd 675

HL. 26 July 1920


Vol. LI, 1 Misc. No. 12 Reference to the League of Nations of the Question of the Aaland Islands. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920

Cmd 676

(R. 25 Aug.)


Vol. XLIII, 853 Sweden: Report on the commercial and industrial situation for the Year 1919, prepared by Mr. S. E. Kay, His Majesty's Consul at Stockholm. L/C. HC. 1 June 1920

Cmd 708

HL. 8 June 1920 (R. 27 May)

77a Vol. XLIX, 229 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Revised Conditions for Export Credits. L/C. HC. 7 June 1920 HL. 8 June 1920


Cmd 732

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item77b- 80a

Cmd 734 - 792 Item No.

Doc. No.

77b Vol. XLIX, 229 Currency and Prices Statements of Currency expansion Price movements, and Production in certain Countries. In continuation of Cmd 434 [Item 39].

Cmd 734

L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1920

77c Vol. XXXIII, 623 Nauru Island Financial Memorandum: Memorandum of Agreement as to the working of the Phosphate Deposits on Nauru Island.

Crud 749

L/C. HC. 14 June 1920 HL. 15 June 1920

78 Vol. XLIII, 257 Germany: Report on the Industrial and Commercial conditions of Germany at the close of the Year 1919.

Cmd 752

L/C. HC/L. 15 June 1920

79 Vol. XLIII, 751 Peru: Report on the Finance, Industry, and Trade of Peru at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. F. W. Manners, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Lima.

Cmd 769

L/C. HC. 21 June 1920 HL. 22 June 1920

80 Vol. XXVIII, 317 Army: Statement of Expenditure on the Naval and Military Operations in Russia from the date of the Armistice to 31 March 1920.

Cmd 772

L/C. HC. 16 July 1920 HL. 19 July 1920

80a Vol. XXX, 197 Air Navigation Bill Memorandum of Financial Clauses. L/C. HC. 28 June 1920 HL. no date

Cmd 792

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 81- 85 Cmd 793 - 840 Item No.

Dec. No.


Vol. XLIII, 295 Greece: Report on the Commercial and Industrial Situation of Greece for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. D. C. Rawlins, Commercial secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Athens. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1920

Cmd 793


Vol. XLIII, 833 Siam: Report on the Commercial Situation in Siam at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. J. Crosby, His Majesty's Acting Consul-General, Bangkok. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1920

Cmd 795


Vol. XXVIII, 323 Army: The Evacuation of North Russia, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1920

Cmd 818


Vol. XLIII, 777 Rumania: Report on the Economic Conditions and Prospects of Rumania at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. A. Adams, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Bucharest. L/C. HC. 12 July 1920 HL. 13 July 1920

Cmd 828

84a Vol. XLIII, 623 Norway Report on the Commerce and Industry of Norway to the end of the year 1919, prepared by the Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legadon, Christiania, Mr. C. L. Paus. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1920

Cmd 839

85 Vol. XLIII, 63 Brazil: Report on the General Economic and Financial Conditions of Brazil for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. Hambloch, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy, Rio de Janeiro. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1920

Cmd 840


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 85a - 88 Cmd 842 - 895 Doc. No.

Item No.

85a Vol. XXXIII, 167 Department of Overseas Trade Report on the conditions and prospects of trade in the protectorate of South-West Africa, by Mr. S. L. Wilson Goode. L/C. HC/L 20 July 1920

Cmd 842


Vol. XLIII, 233 Egypt: Report on the Economic and Financial Situation of Egypt for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. H. Muloch, His Majesty's Commercial Agent, Cairo. L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1920

Cmd 843


Vol. XLIII, 131 China: Report for the Year 1919 on the conditions and prospects of British Trade in China, by Mr. H. H. Fox, C.M.G., Commercial Councillor, Shanghai, with the assistance of Mr. A. W. Rose, Commercial Secretary at Peking, and Mr. H. J. Brett, Commercial Secretary at Hong-Kong. L/C. HC/L 23 July 1920

Cmd 853

87a Vol. XLIII, 337 Overseas Trade Reports Holland: Report on the Economic, Financial, and Industrial Conditions of Holland for the year 1919; by Mr. R. V. Laming, O.B.E., Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, The Hague. L/C. HC/L 3 Aug. 1920

Cmd 872

88 Vol. XLIII, 1 Argentine Republic: Report on the Economic and Industrial Situation of the Argentine Republic for the Year 1919, by Mr. H. O. Chalkey, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Buenos Aires. L/C. HC. 16 Aug. 1920 (R.) HL. 12 Aug. 1920

Cmd 895


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 89 - 92 Cmd 896 -955 Item No.

Doc. No.

89 Vol. LI, 345 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty of Peace between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary, and Protocol and Declaration. Signed at Trianon, 4 June 1920.

Cmd 896

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1920

90 Vol. XLIII, 451 Japan: Report on the Commercial, Industrial, and Financial Situation of Japan, 1914-1919, by Mr. Hugh Home, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy in Tokyo.

Cmd 912

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 19 Aug.)

91 Vol. XLIII, 885 Turkey: General Report on the Trade and Economic Conditions of Turkey for the Year 1919, by Captain C. H. Courthope-Munroe, Commercial Secretary to the British High Commission in Constantinople.

Cmd 942

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 10 Sept.)

91a Vol. XXXIV, 705 East India (Progress and Condition) Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1919. 55th Number.

Cmd 950

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 10 Sept.)

92 Vol. XLIII, 195 Denmark: Report on the Post-War Economic and Industrial Situation of Denmark. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 15 Sept.)


Cmd 955

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 93 - 97 Cmd 957 - 965 Doc. No.

Item No.

93 Vol. LI, 751 Egypt No. 1 (1920) Egypt and the Sudan: Reports by His Majesty's High Commissioner on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Sudan for the period 1914-1919.

Cmd 957

L/C. HC/L 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. LI, 329 Treaty Series No. 13 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Greece. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 960

L/C. HC/L 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. LI, 43 Treaty Series No. 12 Tripartite Agreement between the British Empire, France, and Italy respecting Anatolia. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 963

L/C. HC/L 16 Aug. 1920


Vol. LI, 609 Treaty Series No. 11 Treaty of Peace between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Turkey. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 964

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1920


Vol. LI, 1067 Treaty Series No. 14 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands respecting Extradition between certain British Protected States in the Malay Peninsula and the Netherlands. Signed at London, 13 April 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL 9 Nov. 1920


Cmd 965

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 98 -102 Cmd 975 - 1020

Item No.

Doc. No.

98 Vol. XLIII, 527 Morocco: Report on the Trade, Industry, and Finance of Morocco. Part I, French Protectorate of Morocco; Part II, Zone of Tangier; Part III, Spanish Protectorate of Morocco. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920

Cmd 975

(R. 2 Oct.)


Vol. LI, 1157 Treaty Series No. 16 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting the Boundaries in South-East Africa (from Beacon 1 on the left bank of the Malosa River to Beacon 17 on the shore of Lake Nyasa). Signed at London, 6 May 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL. 9 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1000


Vol. LI, 1063 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands renewing for a further period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of 15 February 1905. Signed at London, 1 June 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 July 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL 9 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1001


Vol. LI, 1071 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Persia modifying the Commercial Convention of February 9 1903. Signed at Teheran, 21 March I920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1011

HL. 9 Nov. 1920


Vol. LI, 545 League of Nations Copy of Provisional Agenda for the First Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1920 27

Cmd 1020

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 103 -107 Cmd 1022 -1097

Item No. 103

Vol. LI, 521 Report by the Secretary-General to the First Assembly of the League on the work of the Council. L/C. HC/L. 20 Dec. 1920


Vol. LI, 465 Treaty Series No. 18 Agreement respecting the Preservation and Restoration of the Rights of Industrial Property affected by the World War. L/C. HG 26 Nov. 1920

Doc. No. Cmd 1022

Cmd 1040

HL 29 Nov. 1920


Vol. XXV, 89: Reports; Commissioners. (17) Interim Report of the Committee to Collect information on Russia. L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1041

HL. 17 Dec. 1920

Vol. LI, 911 Mesopotamia Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia. L/C. HC/L. 6 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1061

106a Vol. XXIX, 1 Battle of Jutland Official Dispatches relating to the Battle of Jutland, 30 May-1 June 1916, with Appendices and Charts. [See Item 650a.] L/C. HC/L 8 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1068

Vol. LI, 891 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the British and Esthonian Governments respecting Commercial Relations. Signed at London, 20 July 1920. L/C. HC/L 23 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1097




BILLS 1921 Item 108 -110b Bill No. 42 -147

Item No. 108 Vol. I, 683: Bills; Public German Reparations (Recovery) Act Bill to provide for the application of part of the purchase price of imported German Goods towards discharge of the obligations of Germany under the Treaty of Versailles. [See also Item 109.]

Doc. No. Bill 42

O.H.C.P. 11 March 1921


Vol. I, 689: Bills; Public German Reparations (Recovery) Act. As amended in Committee. [See Item 108 for Text.]

Bill 48

O.H.C.P. 16 March 1921

110 Vol. V, 541: Bills; Public Bill to carry into effect the Treaty of Peace with Hungary.

Bill 56

O.H.C.P. 23 March 1921

110a Vol. IV, 101: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill to extend the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act 1920, to the 'giving of guarantees in connection with export transactions and otherwise to amend sections one and three of that Act. [See also Item 110b.]

Bill 130

O.H.C.P. 2 June 1921

110b Vol. IV, 105: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act Amendment by Standing Committee A of Bill. [See Item 110a.] O.H.C.P. 23 June 1921


Bill 147

BILLS 1921 Item 110c -110d Bill No. 222 - 227 Doc. No.

Item No.

110c Vol. V, 521: Bills; Public Trade Facilities Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee the payment of Loans to be applied towards carrying out capital undertakings or in the purchase of articles manufactured in the United Kingdom required for any such undertakings, and to amend the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act 1920, and the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Act 1921. [See also Item 110d.]

Bill 222

O.H.C.P. 20 Oct. 1921

110d Vol. V, 525: Bills; Public Trade Facilities Amendment by Committee of Bill No. 222. [For text see Item 110c.]

Bill 227

O.H.C.P. 27 Oct. 1921

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 111-112 S.P. No. 7 - 26 Item No.

Doc. No.

111 Vol. XIX, 217 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of the moneys paid out of the consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this country under the authority of the said Acts and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same up to 31 December 1920.

S.P. 7

O.H.GP. 15 Feb. 1921

112 Vols. XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX Sir Robert Horne Accounts relating the Trade and Navigation for each month during the Year 1921. 16 Feb. 1921 Ord. O.H.C.P. 21 Feb. 1921


S.P. 26

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 113 -1164 S.P. No. 27 -150

Item No. 113

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 1 Sir Robert Horne Accounts relating to Trade and Commerce of certain Foreign Countries and British Possessions for each month during the Year 1921. Ord. 16 Feb. 1921

S.P. 27

O.H.C.P. 21 Feb. 1921


Vol. XIX, 195 Mr. H. Young Statement of Revenue and expenditure as laid before the House by the Lord Privy Seal when opening the Budget. Ord. 25 April 1921

S.P. 89

O.H.C.P. 25 April 1921


Vol. XIX, 191 Mr. Wallace Return showing, as on 31 March 1919, 1920, and 1921, respectively, the External Debt of this Country, the due date, and any arrangement which has been made for its repayment. In continuation of S.P. No. 144 of 1920 [Item 48]. Ord. 13 June 1921

S.P. 142

O.H.C.P. 15 June 1921


Vol. XIX, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Financial Year 1920-1921, ended 31 March I921.

S.P. 146

O.H.C.P. 17 June 1921

116a Vol. VII, 61: Reports; Committees (2) Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill. Report from Standing Committee A, with Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 23 June 1921


S.P. 150

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 117 -118a S.P. No. 164 - 202 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXI, 677 Fleets (Great Britain and Foreign Countries) Lieutenant-Colonel Burgoyne Return showing Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1921, omitting obsolete ships of all lasses, and distinguishing, both built and building, Battleships, Battle-Cruisers, Cruisers, Light Cruisers, Armoured Coast Defense Vessels and Monitors, Aircraft Carriers, Flotilla Leaders, Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Torpedo Boats, Submarines, Sloops, Coastal Motor Boats, Gunboats, Dispatch Vessels, and River Gunboats. Return to show Date of Launch, Date of Completion, Displacement, Horse-Power, Type of Machinery, and Fuel and Armaments reduced to a common scale.

S.P. 164

1 July 1921 Ord. O.H.C.P. 4 July 1921

118 Vol. XIV, 71: Reports, Commissioners (7) League of Nations Speech to Imperial Conference of the Lord President of the Council on the League of Nations. (Lord Balfour.)

S.P. 195

19 July 1921 (Lord R. Cecil) Ord. O.H.C.P. 28 July 1921

1I8a Vol. XXVI, 279 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the year 1920. 56th Number. O.H.C.P. 2 August 1921


S.P. 202

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 118b -122 Cmd 1108 -1118

Item No.


118b Vol. XXIX, 429 Documents relative to the Sinn Fein Movement, and its relations with Germany. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb.1921

Cmd 1108

(R. 8 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 1 (1921) Agreement between the British Government and the German Government respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. (Property Rights and Interest.) L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921

Cmd 1111

(R. 18 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 589 Overseas Trade Department General Report on the Industrial and Economic Situation in Germany, December 1920, by J.W.F. Thelwall, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy, Berlin; assisted by C.J. Kavanagh, British Commercial Secretary, Occupied Territories and Cologne. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921

Cmd 1114

(R. 15 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 593 Treaty Series No. 2 International Sanitary Convention. Signed at Paris, 17 January 1912. Ratifications deposited at Paris, 7 October 1921.

Cmd 1117

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 3 Accession of Greece to the International Copyright Convention. Signed at Berlin, 13 November 1908. Ratification deposited 1 December 1920. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Cmd 1118

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 123 -127 Cmd 1123 -1174 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLIII, 251 Misc. No. 1 (1921) Report on the Political Conditions in Montenegro.

Cmd 1123

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Vol. XLIII, 255 Misc. No. 2 Further Report on the Political Conditions in Montenegro.

Cmd 1124

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Vol. XLII, 629 Egypt No. 1 (1921) Report of the Special Mission to Egypt. (Lord Milner.)

Cmd 1131

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 12 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 669 Overseas Trade Department General Report on the Industrial and Economic Conditions in Norway in December 1920, by Mr. C. L. Paus, C.B.E., Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Christiana.

Cmd 1145

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (IL)


Cmd 1174

Vol. XLIII, 523

International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations during its second Meeting. 15 June-10 July 1920. L/C. HC. 15 Feb. 1921 (R.) HL No date


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 128 -133 Cmd 1176 -1204

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XLIII, 721 Misc. No. 3 Draft Mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine as submitted for the approval of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1921

Cmd 1176


Vol. XLII, 669 Misc. No. 4 Franco-British Convention of 23 December 1920, on certain points connected with Mandates for Syria and Lebanon, Palestine and Mesopotamia. [See also Item 297.] L/C. HC/L. 16 March 1921

Cmd 1195


Vol. XLIII, 745 Misc. No. 5 Mandate for the German Possessions in the Pacific Ocean situated South of the Equator other than German Samoa and Nauru. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1201


Vol. XLIII, 749 Misc. No. 6 Mandate for Nauru. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1202


Vol. XLIII, 753 Misc. No. 7 Mandate for German Samoa. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1203


Vol. XLIII, 757 Misc. No. 8 Mandate for German South-West Africa. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1204


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 134 -139 Cmd 1207 -1236 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 457 Russian Trade Agreement Trade Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. Signed, 16 March 1921. L/C. HC/L. 16 March 1921

Cmd 1207


VoL XLII, 25 Misc. No. 9 Correspondence respecting the New Financial Consortium in China. L/C. HC/L. 24 March 1921

Cmd 1214


Vol. XLII, 203 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between the Danish and the British Governments respecting matters of Wreck. 28 September 1918-21 January 1921. L/C. HC/L. 5 April 1921

Cmd 1223


Vol. XLIII, 481 Misc. No. 10 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Ambassador of the United States of America respecting economic rights in Mandated Territories. L/C. HC/L. 4 April 1921

Cmd 1226


Vol. XLIII, 501 United States No. 1 (1921) Correspondence respecting the Alleged delay by British Authorities of Telegrams to and from the United States. L/C. HC. 6 April 1921 HL. 7 April 1921

Cmd 1230


Vol. XLIII, 239 Misc. No. 11 Note on the Treaty of Peace (Hungary) Bill, 1921. L/C. HC/L. 8 April 1921

Cmd 1236


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 140 -144 Cmd 1237 -1251

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XLIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between Great Britain and Greece to the suppression of the Capitulations of Egypt. Athens, 22 August-4 September 1920. L/C. HC/L. 12 April 1921

Cmd 1237


Vol. XLIII, 241 Misc. No. 12 Recognition by His Majesty's Government of the Treaty of Rapallo of 12 November 1920, between the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. L/C. HC. 18 April 1921

Cmd 1238

HL. 19 April 1921

142. Vol. XLII, 673 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention between the United Kingdom and France supplementary to the Declaration of 21 March 1899 and the Convention of 14 June 1898, respecting boundaries East and West of the Niger, (with map). Signed at Paris, 8 September 1919. L/C. HC/L. 22 April 1921

Cmd 1239


Vol. XLIII, 283 Russia No. 1 Report of the Committee to Collect Information on Russia. L/C. HC. 2 May 1921 HL. 3 May 1921

Cmd 1240


Vol. XIX, 205 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 24 March 1921, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1921

Cmd 1251


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 145 -149 Cmd 1276- 1284 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLIII, 507 Misc. No. 13 Protocol establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice.

Cmd 1276

L/C. HC. 9 May 1921 HL 10 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between the United Kingdom and Liberia, supplementary to the Convention of 21 January 1911. Signed at London, 25 June 1917. Ratifications exchanged at London, 31 March 1921. L/C. HC. 9 May 1921

Cmd 1277

HL. 10 May 1921


Vol. XLII, 19 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Brazil providing for the establishment of a Peace Commission. Signed at Rio de Janeiro, 4 April 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, 11 March 1921.

Cmd 1278

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1921


Vol. XLII, 15 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between the United Kingdom and Bolivia for the prevention of False Indications of the Origin of Goods. Signed at La Paz, 5 April 1920.

Cmd 1283

L/C. HC. 13 May 1921 HL 24 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 761 Misc. No. 14 Draft Mandate for East Africa (British), in the form in which the Council of the League of Nations will be invited to approve it. L/C. HC/L 24 May 1921


Cmd 1284

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 150.152 Cmd 1285 -1326 Item No.

Doc. No.

150 Vol. XLIII, 271 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway relating to the suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Christiana, 22 April 1921.

Cmd 1285

L/C. HC. 3 June 1921 HL. 7 June 1921

150a Vol. X, 1019: Reports; Commissioners (3) East India Report by Sir Benjamin Robertson, dated 4 August I920, regarding the proposed settlement of Indian Agriculturists in Tanganyika Territory and Letter from the Government of India to the Secretary of State for India dated 10 February 1921.

Cmd 1312

L/C. HC/L 24 May 1921

150b Vol. XXXI, 539 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 1313

L/C. HC. 26 May 1921 HL. 31 May 1921

151 Vol. XLIII, 17 Misc. No. 15 Protocols and correspondence between the Supreme Council and the Conference of Ambassadors and the German Government and the German Peace Delegation between 10 January 1920 and 17 July 1920 respecting the execution of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919.

Cmd 1325

L/C. HC. 20 June 1921 HL. 21 June 1921

152 Vol. XXIX, 489 Bolshevism and Sinn Fein Papers relating to the Intercourse between Bolshevism and Sinn Fein. L/C. HC 6 June 1921 HL 7 June 1921


Cmd 1326

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 153 -157 and 1327 -1351 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLII, 1 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium with a view to facilitating Belgian Traffic through territories of East Africa. Signed at London, 15 March 1921.

Cmd 1327

L/C. HC. 20 June 1921 HL. 21 June 1921


VoL XIX, 207 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 17 May 1921 relating to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921.

Cmd 1329

L/C. HC. 30 May 1921 HL. 31 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 195 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol modifying Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at London 5 May 1921.

Cmd 1349

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1921


Vol. XLIII, 765 Misc. No. 16 Draft Mandates for Togoland (British) and the Camaroons (British) in the form in which the League of Nations will be invited to approve them.

Cmd 1350

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1921


Vol. XLIII, 495 Misc. No. 17 Despatch to His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington enclosing a Memorandum on the Petroleum Situation. L/C. HC. 4 July 1921 HL. 5 July 1921

Cmd 1351

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 158 -163 Cmd 1390 -1456 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 231 Treaty Series No. 13 Treaty between the Allied Powers and Greece relative to Thrace. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 1390

L/C. HC. 9 Aug. 1921 HL 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 465 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Stockholm, 8 July 1921. L/C. HG 9 Aug. 1921

Cmd 1391

HL. 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXXI, 565 Commercial No. 1 (1921) Suez Canal Return of Shipping and Tonnage.

Cmd 1392

L/C. HC. 9 Aug. 1921 HL 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXIV, 755 Tanganyika Territory Report on the Tanganyika Territory from the Conclusion of the Armistice to the end of 1920.

Cmd 1428

L/C. HG 1 Aug. 1921 HL. 2 Aug. 1921


Vol. XII, 795; Reports, Commissioners (5) German War Trials Report of Proceedings before the Supreme Court in Leipzig, with Appendices.

Cmd 1450

L/C. HC. 8 Aug. 1921 HL. 9 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 689 Russia No. 2 Corerspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement. L/C. HC/L 12 Aug. 1921


Cmd 1456

COMMAND PAPERS 192I Item 164 -169 Cmd 1474 -1499 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XIV, 1; Reports, Commissioners (7) Summary of Proceedings and Documents relating to the Conference of Prime Ministers and Representatives of the United Kingdom, the Dominions, and India, held in June, July, and August, 1921.

Cmd 1474

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 469 Turkey No. 1 (1921) Report on atrocities in the districts of Yalova and Guemlek and the Ismid Peninsula.

Cmd 1478

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXXI, 573 Suez Canal Returns of Shipping and Tonnage for 1920.

Cmd 1479

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 479 Egypt No. 2 Reports by His Majesty's High Commissioner on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Sudan for the Year 1920.

Cmd 1487

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 207 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Copenhagen, 14 July 1921. [Document missing.]

Cmd 1498

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921 (R 1 Sept.)


Vol. XV, 823: Reports, Commissioners (8) Palestine Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine during the Period 1 July 1920 and 30 June 1921. (H. Samuel.) L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921 (R. 27 Aug.)


Cmd 1499

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 170 - 174 Cmd 1500 - 1531 Item No.


Doe. No. Vol. XLIII, 731 Mesopotamia and Palestine Final Drafts of the Mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine as submitted to the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1500

(R. 27 Aug.)


Vol. XLII, 681 Treaty Series No. 16 Trade Agreement between France and Canada. Signed at Paris, 29 January 1921. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1514

(R. 4 Oct.)


Vol. XLIII, 541 Treaty Series No. 17 International Opium Convention 1912 and subsequent relative papers. L/C. HC. 28 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1520

HL. 1 Nov. 1921

172a Vol. XXXI, 581 Trade Facilities Act Memorandum of the expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HG 19 Oct 1921

Cmd 1524

HL. 25 Oct. 1921


Vol. XLII, 211 Egypt No. 3 Proceedings and report of the Military Court into the Alexandria Riots, May 1921. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1527


Vol. XLII, 81 China No. 1 (1921) Correspondence, June 4 1913—June 30 1919, respecting the cultivation of Opium in China. In continuation of China No. 2, 1913, Cd 6876. L/C. HG 7 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1531

HL. 8 Nov. 1921

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 175 -179 Cmd 1537.1543 Item No.

Doc. No.

175 Vol. XLIII, 789 Universal Postal Union Convention of Madrid, 30 November 1920. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1537

176 Vol. XLIII, 821 Agreement for the exchange of Insured Letters and Boxes, 30 November 1920, under the Universal Postal Union. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct 1921

Cmd 1538

177 Vol. XV, 853: Reports; Commissioners (8) Palestine Reports of the Commission of Inquiry into the disturbances in May 1921, with Correspondence related thereto. L/C. HC. 31 OØ. 1921 HL. 1 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1540

178 Vol. XLII, 685 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between the United Kingdom and France relative to Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919, (Enemy Debts). Signed at London, 20 July 1921. Ratifications exchanged at. London, 30 September I921. L/C. HC. 7 Nov. 1921 HL 8 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1542

179 Vol. XLII, 11 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium relative to Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919, (Enemy Debts). Signed at London, 20 July 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 September 1921. L/C. HC. 7 Nov. 1921 HI.. 8 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1543

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 180 -184 Cmd 1546 -1550 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 451 Correspondence with M. Krassin Russia's Foreign Indebtedness.

Cmd 1546 respecting

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 199 Treaty of Versailles Papers relating to the Agreement between the French and the German Governments concerning the application of Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles, regarding deliveries in kind. (Wiesbaden Agreement).

Cmd 1547

L/C. HC/L. 4 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 781 Treaty Series No. 20 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Poland, Roumania, the SerbCroat-Slovene State and the Czechoslovak State, relative to certain frontiers of those states. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920. British Ratification deposited 26 July 1921.

Cmd 1548

L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 275 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals between the Federated Malay States and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic. Signed at Lisbon, 10 January 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921.

Cmd 1549

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 279 Treaty Series No. 22 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals between certain British Possessions and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic. Signed at Lisbon, 10 January 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921


Cmd 1550

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 SESSION II Item 185 -188 Cmd 1553 -1556 Item No.

Doc. No.

185 Vol. I, 117: Session II Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Lisbon, 9 December 1920. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921.

Cmd 1553

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R. 1 Dec.)

186 Vol. I, 109: Session II Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting British War Graves in Greece. Signed at Athens, 27 August-9 September 1921.

Cmd 1554

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R. 1 Dec) 187 Vol. 1, 95: Session II

Cmd 1555

Egypt No. 4 Papers respecting negotiations with the Egyptian Delegation. [See also Item 212.] L/C. HC/L 14 Dec 1921 (R. 2 Dec)

188 Vol. I, 121: Session II Turkey No. 2 Dispatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Paris enclosing the Franco-Turkish Agreement. Signed at Angora, 20 October 1921.

Cmd 1556

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R 6 Dec.)

BILLS 1922 Item 189 Bill No. 36 Item No.

Doc. No.

189 Vol. I, 793: Bills, Public Government of Sudan Loan (Amendment) Bill to amend the Government of Sudan Loan Act 1919. O.H.C.P. 20 Feb. 1922


Bill 36

BILLS 1922 Item 190 -191 Bill No. 50 -176 Doc. No.

Item No.

190 Vol. I, 215: Bills, Public Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Payment of Calls) Bill to provide Money for the payment of calls on share capital in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company Ltd., acquired under the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Amendment Act 1919, and to amend the law with respect to the application of dividends or interest on capital held by the said Company.

Bill 50

O.H.C.P. 14 March 1922


Vol. III, 751: Bills, Public Treaties of Washington Bill intituled an Act for enabling effect to be given to two Treaties signed at Washington on behalf of His Majesty's Government and certain other Powers.

Bill 176

O.H.C.P. 4 July 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 192 -193 S.P. No. 26 - 27 Item No.

Doc. No.

192 Vols. XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI Mr. Baldwin Accounts relating to Trade and Navigation for each month during the Year 1922.

S.P. 26

Ord. 23 Feb. 1922 O.H.C.P. 27 Feb. 1922

193 Vol. XXII, 1 Mr. Baldwin Accounts relating to the Trade and Commerce of Certain Foreign Countries and British Possessions during 1922. Ord. 23 Feb. 1922 O.H.C.P. 27 Feb. 1922


S.P. 27

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 194 -198 S.P. No. 62 -123

Doc. No.

Item No. 194

Vol. XVII, 869 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees given by Treasury to 31 March 1922.

S.P. 62

O.H.C.P. 31 March 1922


Vol. XI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1922.

S.P. 88

O.H.C.P. 18 May 1922


Vol. IV, 929: Reports, Committees (1) Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Payment of Calls) Bill Report of the Standing Committee B, with the Proceedings of the Committee. [For text of Bill, see Item 190.]

S.P. 109

O.H.C.P. 20 June 1922


Vol. XVII, 873 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Guarantees given by the Treasury to 30 June 1922.

S.P. 121

O.H.C.P. 29 June 1922


Vol. XIII, 767 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Colonel Burgoyne Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1922. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] Ord. 17 May 1922 O.H.C.P. 3 July 1922


S.P. 123

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 199 S.P. No. 171

Item No. 199 Vol. XVI, 601 By Act East India (Progress and Conditions) Statement of the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1921; 57th Number. O.H.C.P. 3 Aug. 1922

Doc. No. S.P. 171

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 200 - 202 Cmd 1562 -1566

Item No. 200

Doc. No. Vol. XXIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 25 (1921) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Brazil for the exchange of Money Orders. Signed at Rio de Janeiro, 1 March 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, 22 September 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922

Cmd 1562

(R. 23 Dec. 1921)


Vol. XXIII, 199 Treaty Series No. 26 (1921) Amended Agreement between the British and the German Governments respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919 (Property, Rights and Interest). London, 31 December 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 6 October 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922

Cmd 1563

(R. 28 Dec. 1921)


Vol. XXIII, 215 Treaty Series No. 27 (1921) Agreement between the British and the German Governments, respecting Article 297(e) of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. (Payment of compensation in respect to damage, etc., to Property Rights and Interests.) Signed at London, 23 November 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 26 Jaa)


Cmd 1566

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 203 - 207 Cmd 1570 -1581

Doc. No.

Item No. 203 Vol. XXIII, 61 Turkey No. 1 (1922) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Angora Agreement of 20 October 1921.

Cmd 1570

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 5 Jan.)

204 Vol. XXIII, 283 Treaty Series No. 1 (1922) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Peru respecting the Mineral Property 'La Brea y Parinas'. Signed at Lima, 27 August 1921.

Cmd 1571

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (IL 9 Jan.)

205 Vol. XXIII, 777 Treaty Series No. 28 (1921) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 10, 1919 [Item 31].

Cmd 1576

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 26 Jan.)

206 Vol. XI, 199 Italian and French Treasury Bills Treasury minute dated 5 February 1921 relative to the substitution of Italian Treasury Bills for an equivalent amount of French Treasury Bills held by the British Treasury.

Cmd 1577

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R.) 207 Vol. IX, 1: Reports, Commissioners (3) First Interim Report of the Committee on National Expenditure.

L/C. HC. 9 Feb.1922 HL. 14 Feb. 1922


Cmd 1581

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 208 - 213 Cmd 1585 -1602 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. IV, 743: Session II Treaty Series No. 17 (1922) Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Denmark relative to Sleswig, with map. Signed at Paris, 5 July 1920.

Cmd 1585

L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 23 Sept.)


Vol. XIII, 899 Remarks of the Admiralty on the Interim Report of the Committee of National Expenditure.

Cmd 1587

L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1922 HL 21 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 793 Treaty Series No. 20 (1920) Index to Treaty Series, 1920.

Cmd 1590

L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1922 HL 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 797 Treaty Series No. 29 Index to Treaty Series 1921.

Cmd 1591

L/C. HC. 27 Feb.1922 HL. 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXII, 25 Egypt No. 1 (1922) Correspondence respecting Affairs in Egypt. In continuation of Egypt No. 4, 1921 [Item 187].

Cmd 1592

L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1922 HL 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 293 Russia No. 1 (1922) Correspondence with the Russian Soviet Government respecting the imprisonment of Mrs. Stan Harding in Russia. L/C. HC/L 8 March 1922


Cmd 1602

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 214-218 Cmd 1603 -1615

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XIII, 527 Navy Estimates Statement of the First Lord of Admiralty explanatory of Navy Estimates, 1922-1923. L/C. HC/L 9 March 1922

Cmd 1603


Vol. XXIII, 309 Treaty Series No. 2 (1922) Convention for the regulation of Aerial Navigation, Paris, 19 October 1919, with three maps. [See Item 247.] L/C. HC/L 27 March 1922

Cmd 1609


Vol. XXIII, 593 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Third Session, 25 October-19 November 1921. L/C. HC/L 22 March 1922

Cmd 1612


Vol. XXIII, 643 Peace Conference (Paris) Memorandum circulated by the Prime Minister on the 25 March 1919. [See also Item 387, Doc. No. 19.] L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922

Cmd 1614


Vol. XXIII, 655 Reparations Agreement between the Allies for the Settlement of Certain Questions as to the Applications of the Treaties of Peace and Complementary Agreements with Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Signed at Spa, 16 July 1920. L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922

Cmd 1615


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 219 - 224 Cmd 1616 -1637 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 665 Reparations Financial Agreement between Belgium, France, Great-Britain, Italy, and Japan, together with covering note by the Finance Ministers. Signed at Paris, 11 March 1922.

Cmd 1616

L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922


Vol. XXIII, 57 Egypt No. 2 Despatch 15 March 1922 to His Majesty's Representatives Abroad respecting the Status of Egypt.

Cmd 1617

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1922 (IL)


Vol. XXIII, 441 Genoa Conference Resolutions adopted by the Supreme Council at Cannes, January 1922, as the Basis of the Genoa Conference.

Cmd 1621

L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1922


Vol. XXIII, 689 Misc. No. 1 (1922) Conference on the Limitation of Armaments, Wathington 1921-1922. (Treaties, Resolutions, etc.) 6 February 1921.

Cmd 1627

L/C. HC/L 5 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 677 Reparations Decision of the Reparation Commission on the subject of Payments to be made by Germany in 1922.

Cmd 1634

L/C. HC/L. 6 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 459 Misc. No. 2 Telegram from M. Chicherin, Moscow, to the Governments of Great Britain, France, and Italy respecting the Genoa Conference. L/C. HC/L 10 April 1922 (R.)


Cmd 1637

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 225 - 229 Cmd 1641-1648 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 637 Misc. No. 3 Pronouncement by the Three Allied Ministers for Foreign Affairs respecting the Near Eastern Situation. Signed at Paris, 27 March 1922.

Cmd 1641

29 March 1922 RA/HC. L/C. HC/L. 11 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 303 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at London, 20 December 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 April 1922.

Cmd 1642

L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1922


Vol. XXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between the British and the Hungarian Governments respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts, referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Trianon of 4 June 1920. Signed at London, 20 December 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 April 1922. [See also Items 356, 564.]

Cmd 1643

L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1922


Vol. XVI, 91 West Africa Reports on the British Sphere of the Camaroons.

Cmd 1647

L/C. HC/L. 29 May 1922


Vol. XI, 157 External Dept Return showing, as on 31 March 1919, 31 March 1920, 31 March 1921, and 31 March 1922, respectively, the External Debt of this Country, the due date, and any arrangement which has been made for its repayment. In continuation of No. 142 of 1921 [Item 115]. L/C. HC 26 April 1922


Cmd 1648

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 230 - 233 Cmd 1650 -1664

Item No. 230

Doc. No. Vol. XXIII, 449 Genoa Conference (International Economic Conference) 1. Resolutions of the Financial Commission, recommending certain Resolutions for adoption by the Conference. 2. Reports of the Commission of Experts appointed by the Currency and Exchange subCommission of the Financial Commission. L/C. HC. 27 April 1922 HL.

Cmd 1650

2 May 1922 (R.)


Vol. XXIII, 463 Genoa Conference Memorandum sent to the Russian Delegation at the International Economic Conference at Genoa on Wednesday, 3 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1922

Cmd 1657


Vol. XXIII, 105 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 2 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 2 May 1922. L/C. HC. 19 May 1922

Cmd 1661

HL. 23 May 1922


Vol. XI, 177 German Reparations (Recovery) Act Statement showing the amounts paid during the period 1 April 1921 to 31 March 1922 into the Special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 and the application thereof. L/C. HC. 16 May 1922 HL. 17 May 1922


Cmd 1664

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 234 - 238 Cmd 1667 -1698 Item No.

Doc. No.

234 Vol. XXIII, 475 Genoa Conference Papers relating to the International Economic Conference at Genoa, April-May 1922.

Cmd 1667

L/C. HG 22 May 1922 HL 23 May 1922

235 Vol. XXIII, 425 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention respecting the non-fortification and Neutralization of the Aaland Islands. Signed at Geneva 20 October I921. Ratifications exchanged at Geneva, 6 April 1922.

Cmd 1680

L/C. HC. 12 June 1922 HL. 14 June 1922 (R. 9 June)

236 Vol. XXIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 7 Protocol respecting the New Hebrides. Signed at London, 6 August 1914, by the representatives of the British and the French Governments. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 March 1922. [See also Items 275, 640.]

Cmd 1681

L/C. HC. 12 June 1922 HL 14 June 1922 (R. 10 June)

237 Vol. VII, 127: Reports, Commissioners (1) Ex-Enemy Aliens (Property) Interim report of the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to advise upon Applications for the Release of Property of Ex-Enemy Aliens in Necessitous Circumstances.

Cmd 1687

L/C. HC. 19 June 1922 HL. 20 June 1922

238 Vol. XVI, 239 West Africa Report on the British Mandated Sphere of Togoland for 1920-1921, together with a covering dispatch from the Governor of the Gold Coast. L/C. HC/L 21 June 1922


Cmd 1698

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 239 - 242e Cmd 1700 -1716

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIII, 243 Palestine Correspondence with Palestine-Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organization. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1922

Cmd 1700


Vol. XXIII, 233 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the British and Italian Governments respecting the Graves of British Soldiers in Italy. Signed at Rome, 11 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 3 July 1922

Cmd 1706


Vol. XXIII, 275 Misc. No. 4 Letter from the Secretary to the Cabinet to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations of 1 July 1922, enclosing a Note in reply to Cardinal Gaspari's letter of 15 May 1922, addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations relative to the Mandate for Palestine. L/C. HC/L. 3 July 1922

Cmd 1708


Vol. XXIII, 239 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the British and the Lithuanian Governments respecting Commercial Relations. Signed 6 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1922

Cmd 1711

242a Vol. XVI, 15 Report for 1920 on the importation of Spirituous Beverages in the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC. 11 July 1922

Cmd 1716

HL. 12 July 1922


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 242b - 246 Cmd 1721-1737 Doc. No.

Item No.

242b VoI. XVII, 707 Overseas Trade (Amendment) Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 1721

L/C. HC/L 18 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 575 Hague Conference Papers relating to The Hague Conference JuneJuly 1922.

Cmd 1724

L/C. HC/L. 14 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 307 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America providing for accession of Canada to the Real and Personal Property Convention of 2 March 1899. Signed at Washington, 21 October 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1922.

Cmd 1728

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1922


Vol. XVI, 207 Tanganyika Territory Report on the Tanganyika Territory for the Year 1921.

Cmd 1732

L/C. HG 26 July 1922 HL 27 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 685 Misc. No. 5 Dispatch to the Representatives of France, Italy, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, Roumania, Portugal, and Greece at London, respecting War Debts. (Balfour Note.) L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1922


Cmd 1737

BILLS 1922 SESSION II Item 246a Bill No. 6 Item No.

Doc. No.

246a Vol. I, 225: Session II: Bills, Public Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Bill to amend Section I of the Trade Facilities Act 1921, and the Overseas Trade Act 1920 and 1921, and to authorize the Treasury to guarantee certain Loans to be raised by the Government of the Federal Republic of Austria and the Government of the Sudan Territory.

Bill 6

O.H.C.P. 5 Dec. 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 246b S.P. No. 3 Item No.

Doc. No.

246b Vol. III, 823: Session II Trade Facilities Act 1921 Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1921.

S.P. 3

O.H.C.P. 23 Nov. 1923

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 247 Cmd 1741 Item No.

Doc. No.

247 Vol. IV, 651: Session II Treaty Series No. 11 Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. (Accession of Persia.) In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1922 [Item 215]. L/C. HC/L 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 11 Aug.)


Cmd 1741

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 248 - 252 Cmd 1742 -1747

Item No. 248

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 755: Session II Misc. No. 6 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Genoa Conference. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1742

(R. 11 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 751: Session II Treaty Series No. 12 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing for a further period of Five 'Years the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 1 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1744

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 765: Session II Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland renewing for a further period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 1 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1745

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 791: Session II Treaty Series No. 14 General Index to Treaty Series, 1917-1921. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1746

(R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 775: Session II Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Roumania respecting Bessarabia. Signed at Paris, 28 October 1920. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 26 Aug.)


Cmd 1747

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 253 - 257 Cmd 1754 -1771

Item No. 253

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 711: Session II Treaty Series No. 16 Convention instituting the definitive Statute of the Danube. Signed at Paris, 23 July 1921. British Ratification deposited 30 March 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1754

(R. 19 Sept.)


Vol. IV, 769: Session II Iraq Treaty with King Feisal. Signed at Bagdad, 10 October 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1757

(R. 11 Oct.)


Vol. IV, 661: Session II Austria No. 1 (1922) Agreement Guaranteeing a Loan to Austria. Signed by the representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Czechoslovakia and Austria, 4 October 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1765


Vol. IV, 787: Session II Treaty Series No. 18 Supplementary Extradition Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States. Signed at London, 15 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1770


Vol. III, 747: Session U Misc. No. 7 Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. [See also Items 648 and 677.] L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1771


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 258 Cmd 1779

Item No.

Doc. No.

258 Vol. III, 825: Session II Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Bill Memorandum on Expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HC. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1779

HL. 30 Nov. 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1923 Item 259 - 261 S.P. No. 4 - 67

Item No. 259

Doc. No. Vol. XIII, 621 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1922.

S.P. 4

O.H.C.P. 13 Feb. 1923


Vol. XIII, 623 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1923.

S.P. 49

O.H.GP. 9 April 1923


Vol. XV, 717 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald Hall Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1923. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] Ord. 21 Feb. 1923 O.H.C.P. 7 May 1923


S.P. 67

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1923 Item 262 - 264 S.P. No. 89 -132 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year 1922-1923, ended 31 March 1923.

S.P. 89

O.H.C.P. 18 June 1923


Vol. XIII, 625 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1923.

S.P. 95

O.H.C.P. 4 July 1923


Vol. XIII, 627 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees Which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1923.

S.P. 132

O.H.C.P. 13 Nov. 1923

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 265 Cmd 1785 Item No.

Doc. No.

265 Vol. XXV, 421 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, with Note by the Secretary-General relating to its Application to the Territory known as Trans-Jordan, under Provisions of Article 25. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 16 Dec. 1922)


Cmd 1785

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 266 - 268b Cmd 1786 -1798 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXV, 7 Treaty Series No. 19 (1922) Treaty between the British and Afghan Governments. Signed at Kabul, 22 November 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Kabul, 6 February 1922.

Cmd 1786

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 21 Dec. 1922)


Vol. XXV, 43 Misc. No. 1 (1923) Belgian Law respecting the acquisition and Law of Nationality.

Cmd 1792

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. XXIV, 475 League of Nations British Mandates for the Cameroons, Togoland, and East Africa. [See also Item 313.]

Cmd 1794

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. X, 223: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1921 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 1795

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 16 Jan.)

268b Vol. X, 973: Reports, Commissioners (2) First Report of the Royal Commission appointed to consider cases of moral claims for Compensation for Suffering of Damage arising out of the action of the Enemy during the War. [See also Item 366.] L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 29 Jan.)


Cmd 1798

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 269 - 274 Cmd 1806 -1817

Item No. 269

Vol. XXV, 389 Treaty Series No. 1 (1923) Agreement between the British and Japanese Governments respecting the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Signed at London, 30 November 1922. L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1923

Doc. No. Cmd 1806

HL. 20 Feb. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 413 Misc. No. 2 Report of the British Delegates on the Third Assembly of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1807

HL. 20 Feb. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 801 Treaty Series. No. 20 (1922) Treaties etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign State. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. L/C. HC/L 20 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1808


Vol. XXIV, 563 Misc. No. 3 Reports and Secretaries' Notes of Conversations at Inter-Allied Conferences on Reparations and Inter-Allied Debts, held in London and Paris, December 1922 and January 1923. L/C. HC. 23 Feb. 1923 HL. 27 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1812


Vol. XXVI, 1 Turkey No. (1923) Records of Proceedings at the Lausanne Conference on Near Eastern Affairs, 1922-1923, and Draft Terms of Peace, with map. (861 pp.) L/C. HC. 5 March 1923

Cmd 1814

HL. 6 March 1923


Vol. XXIV, 811 Treaty Series No. 21 (1922) Index to Treaty Series, 1922. L/C. HC/L. 8 March 1923 65

Cmd 1817

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 275 - 279 Cmd 1827 -1840

Item No.

Doc. No. Cmd 1827

275 Vol. XXV, 297 also Items 236, 640.]

New Hebrides Protocol of 6 August 1914. [See ment and the French Government respecting the Notes exchanged between the British GovernTreaty Series No. 2 L/C. HC. 12 March 1923 HL. 13 March 1923


Vol. XXIV,

293 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention instituting the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe. Signed at Dresden, 22 February 1922. British Ratification deposited, 13 December 1922. [See also Item 372.] L/C. HC/L. 20 March 1923

Cmd 1833


Vol. XXIV, 401 International Labour Conference Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fourth Session, 18 October to 3 November 1922. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC. 5 March 1923

Cmd 1836

HL. 6 March 1923

278 Vol. XXV, 111 Sudan No. 1 (1923) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1921. L/C. HC/L. 26 March 1923

Cmd 1837

279 Vol. XXIV, 465 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocols of Amendments of Articles 4, 13, 15, and 26 of the Covenant of the League of Nations adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 3, 4, and 5 October 1921. British Ratification deposited, 3 February 1923. [See also Item 350.] L/C. HC. 9 April 1923

Cmd 1840

HL. 17 April 1923 (R. 5 April)


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 280 - 284 Cmd 1846 -1858

Doc. No.

Item No. 280

Vol. XXV, 485 Russia No. 1 (1923) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting the murder of Mr. C.F. Davison in January 1920.

Cmd 1846

L/C. HC. 16 April 1923 HL. 17 April 1923 (R. 15 April)


Vol. IX, 771: Reports, Commissioners (1) Air Proceedings of the Third Air Conference, held on 6 and 7 February 1923.

Cmd 1848

L/C. HC. 12 April 1923 HL. 17 April 1923 (R.)


Vol. XXV, 405 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between the British and Netherlands Governments regulating the Telephone Service between Great Britain and the Netherlands. Signed at The Hague, 23 January 1923.

Cmd 1853

L/C. HC/L. 24 April 1923


Vol. XXIV, 385 Treaty Series No. 6 International Convention for the Creation at Paris of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Signed at Paris, 21 June 1920. L/C. HC. 30 April 1923 HL. 1 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 1 Abyssinia, No. 1 (1923) Correspondence respecting slavery in Abyssinia. L/C. HC. 30 April 1923 HL. 1 May 1923


Cmd 1858

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 285 - 288 Cmd 1861-1869 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XIII, 191 German Reparations (Recovery) Act Statement showing the Amounts Paid during the Period 1 April 1922 to 31 March 1923, into the special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 and the Application thereof.

Cmd 1861

L/C. HC. 23 April 1923 HL. 24 April 1923


Vol. XXV, 51 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty's Government and the Government of Costa Rica relative to the Submission to Arbitration of certain Claims against the Government of Costa Rica. Signed at San Jose de Costa Rica, 12 January 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 7 March 1923.

Cmd 1863

L/C. HC. 14 May 1923 HL. 15 May 1923 287

Cmd 1866

Vol. XXIV, 407

International Labour Conference Tabular Analysis of Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference under Article 405 of the Treaty of Versailles at its Third and Fourth Sessions, 1921 and 1922. L/C. HC. 4 May 1923 HL. 8 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 497 Russia No. 2 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting the relations between the two Countries. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1923


Cmd 1869

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 289 - 293 Cmd 1874 -1889 Item No.

Doc. No.

289 Vol. XXV, 511 Russia No. 3 Reply of the Soviet Government to His Majesty's Government respecting the relations between the two governments. [See Item 294.]

Cmd 1874

L/C. HC. 14 May 1923 HL. 15 May 1923 290 Vol. XXV, 311

Cmd 1875

Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the British and German Governments relating to German Depts and Property in China. Signed at London, 5 April 1923. [See also Item 739.] L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 27 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between the British and the Austrian Governments respecting the Custom's Clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. Vienna, 8 March 1923.

Cmd 1877

L/C. HC/L. 31 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 477 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Portuguese Government for the renewal of Part I of the Mozambique-Transvaal Convention of 1 April 1909. Signed at Lisbon, 31 March 1923.

Cmd 1888

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1923


Vol. XXV, 433 Palestine Papers relating to the Elections for the Palestine Legislative Council, 1923. 27 March 1923 RA/HL. HC. 8 June 1923 L/C. HL. 12 June 1923


Cmd 1889

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 294 - 296 Cmd 1890 -1905 Item No.

Doc. No.

294 Vol. XXV, 519 Russia No. 4 Further correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting relations between the two Governments. In continuation of Russia No. 3 [Item 289].

Cmd 1890

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1923

295 Vol. XXV, 307 Treaty Series No. 11 Notes exchanged between the British and the French Governments relative to certain Nationality Decrees promulgated in Tunis and Morocco (French Zone) on 8 November 1921. Signed at London, 24 May 1923.

Cmd 1899

L/C. HG 2 July 1923 HL. 3 July 1923

295a Vol. X, 227: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1922 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 1903

L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1923


Vol. XXV, 413 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol and Additional Protocol relative to the Accession of the Netherlands to the Modifications introduced by the Treaty of Versailles into the Mannheim Convention of 1868. Signed at Paris, 21 January 1921 and 29 March 1923. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1923


Cmd 1905

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 297 - 301 Cmd 1910 -1921 Item No.

Doc. No.

Cmd 1910 297 Vol. XXV, 445 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Boundary Line between Syria and Palestine from the Mediterranean to El Hamme, 3 February. 7 March 1923, with three maps. In continuation of Misc. No. 4 1921 [Item 129]. L/C. HC. 27 July 1923 HL. 30 July 1923

298 Vol. XIII, 99 American Dept Arrangements for the Funding of the British Debt to the United States of America. [See also Item 1136.]

Cmd 1912

L/C. HC. 9 July 1923 HL. 10 July 1923 299 Vol. XXV, 821

Cmd 1915

United States No. 1 (1923) Dispatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington enclosing a Memorandum on the subject of the Effects of Prohibition in the United States. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1923

300 Vol. XXIV, 287 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation. Amendment of Annexes (A), (C), (D), and (E). In continuation of Treaty Series Nos. 2 and 11, 1922 [Items 215 and 247].

Cmd 1916

L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1923

301 Vol. XXIV, 453

Cmd 1921

Misc. No. 4 Report on the Twenty-fifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations by Lord Robert Cecil, British Representative. L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1923


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 302 - 305 Cmd 1925 -1943 Item No.

Doc. No.

302 Vol. XXV, 481 Treaty Series No. 15 Notes exchanged between the British and the Roumanian Governments relative to the Commercial Relations between the British Empire and Roumania.

Cmd 1925

L/C. HC. 27 July 1923 HL. 30 July 1923

303 Vol. XXV, 533 Treaty Series No. 16 Treaty of Peace with Turkey and other Instruments. Signed at Lausanne on 24 July 1923, with Agreements between Greece and Turkey signed 30 January 1923, and subsiduary Documents forming part of the Turkish Peace Settlement, with map [See also Items 306, 307, 348.]

Cmd 1929

L/C. HC/L 31 July 1923

304 Vol. XXV, 809 United States No. 2 Despatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington reporting conditions at the Ellis Island Immigration Station.

Cmd 1940

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 15 Aug.)

305 Vol. XXV, 319 Misc. No. 5 Correspondence with Allied Governments respecting Reparations Payments by Germany. June-August 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 11 Aug.)


Cmd 1943

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 306 - 310 Cmd 1946-1960 Item No.

Doc. No.

306 Vol. XXV, 785 Treaty Series No. 17 Notes exchanged between British and French Delegates at Lausanne regarding certain Concessions in Territories detached from Turkey. Signed at Lauzanne, 24 July 1923. [See also Item 303.]

Cmd 1946

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 29 Aug.)


Vol. XXV, 783 Treaty Series No. 18 Agreement between British and French Delegations at Lausanne regarding Article 34 of the Treaty of Lausanne (Egyptian Nationality). Signed at Lausanne, 24 July 1923. In connection with Cmd 1929 [Item No. 303.]

Cmd 1947

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 29 Aug.)


Vol. XXV, 165 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan for 1922.

Cmd 1950

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 31 Aug.)


VoI. XXV, 61 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between Great Britain and Czechoslovakia respecting Commercial Traveller's Samples. Signed at London, 31 January 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Prague, 7 September 1923. [See also Item 368.]

Cmd 1958

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 3 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 233 Treaty Series No. 20 Renewal of existing Arbitration Agreement between Great Britain and France, 29 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 3 Oct.)


Cmd 1960

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 311-315 Cmd 1961-1978 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVII, 503 East India. (Progress and Condition) Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1922-1923. 58th Number.

Cmd 1961

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 28 Sept.)


Vol. XXV, 789 Misc. No. 6 Correspondence regarding the reimbursement of the Costs of the American Army of Occupation in the Rhineland.

Cmd 1973

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 27 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 33 League of Nations Correspondence regarding the modification of the Boundary between British Mandated Territory and Belgian Mandated Territory in East Africa. In continuation of Cmd 1794 [Item 268].

Cmd 1974

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 26 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 17 Treaty Series No. 21 Anglo-Afghan Trade Convention. Signed at Kabul, 5 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1923.

Cmd 1977

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 8 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 385 Treaty Series No. 22 Notes exchanged further renewing the AngloItalian Arbitration Agreement of 1 February 1904. London, 14 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 8 Nov.)


Cmd 1978

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 316.320 Cmd 1981-1987

Item No. 316

Dot. No. Vol. XXIV, 355 Treaty Series No. 23 Protocol establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice. Signed at Geneva, 16 December 1920. Ratifications deposited, 4 August 1921. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1981

(R. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXIV, 503 Treaty Series No. 24 International Convention of 6 October 1921, modifying the International Convention of 20 May 1875 for assuring the International Uniformity and Perfection of the Metric System; with the International Convention of 1875. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1982

(R. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 237 Treaty Series No. 25 Commercial Convention between Canada and France. Signed at Paris, 15 December 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 5 September 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1985


Vol. XXIV, 783 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children. Opened for signature at Geneva from 30 September 1921 to 31 March 1922. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1986

320 Vol. XII, Part I, 1: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Conference Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1987

(R. 12 Nov.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 321- 325 Cmd 1988 -1994 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XII, Part I, 25: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Conference Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1923.

Cmd 1988

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (It. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 465 Palestine Correspondence with the High Commissioner for Palestine relative to the proposed formation of an Arab Agency.

Cmd 1989

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (It. 10 Nov.)


Vol. XXIV, 333 Treaty Series No. 27 Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit. Signed at Barcelona, 20 April 1921.

Cmd 1992

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 527 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern, with Additional Protocol to the Convention. Signed at Barcelona, 28 April 1921.

Cmd 1993

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 327 Treaty Series No. 29 Declaration recognizing the right to a Flag of States having no Sea-Coast. Signed at Barcelona, 20 April 1921. L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Cmd 1994

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 326- 329 Cmd 1995 -1999 Item No.

Doc. No.

326 Vol. XXV, 393 Treaty Series No. 30 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Latvia. Signed at London, 22 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 5 November 1923.

Cmd 1995

L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 303 Treaty Series No. 31 Declaration by the British and French Governments respecting Oyster Fisheries outside Territorial Waters in the Seas lying between the coasts of Great Britain and those of France. Signed at Paris, 29 September 1923.

Cmd 1996

L/C. HC/L 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 65 Treaty Series No. 32 Dispatch from His Majesty's High Commissioner in Egypt enclosing the Decision of the Council of Ministers relative to the Indemnity Act. Text of Indemnity Act and Notes exchanged with Egyptian Government.

Cmd 1998

L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 81 Treaty Series No. 33 Egyptian Law relating to the Conditions of Service, Retirement and Dismissal of Officials, Employees and Agents of Foreign Nationality (Law No. 28 of 1923), with Notes exchanged between British and Egyptian Governments. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Cmd 1999

BILLS 1924 Item 330 - 332 Bill No. 46 -109 Doc. No.

Item No. 330

Vol. IV, 781: Bills, Public (4) Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Act 1921 and 1922, to authorize the Treasury to contribute towards the interest payable on certain loans, the application of which is calculated to promote employment in the United Kingdom, to extend the periods during which Guarantees may be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Act, 1920 to 1922, and to amend Section III of the Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Act 1922 (Session II). O.H.C.P. 20 Feb. 1924

Bill 46


Vol. IV, 797: Bills, Public (4) Treaty of Peace (Turkey) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to carry into effect a Treaty of Peace between His Majesty and certain other Powers, and certain Conventions, Protocols, and Declarations connected therewith. O.H.C.P. 6 March 1924

Bill 63


Vol. I, 157: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a Protocol on Arbitration Clauses, signed on behalf of His Majesty at a Meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations, held on 24 September 1923. [See also Items 778 and 779.] O.H.C.P. 11 April 1924

Bill 109


BILLS 1924 Item 333 - 336 Bill No. 110 - 213 Item No.

Doc. No.

333 Vol. III, 43: Bills, Public (3) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conference) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to certain Draft Conventions adopted by the International Labour Conference relating respectively to an unemployment Indemnity for seamen in case of loss or foundering of their ship, the minimum age for the Admission of Young Persons to employment as Trimmers and Stokers and the compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons employed at Sea. [See also Items 336 and 434.]

Bill 110

O.H.C.P. 11 April 1924


Vol. I, 435: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further Provision for the application of money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 141

O.H.C.P. 26 May 1924


Vol. I, 437: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision for the Application of Money paid on account of the China Indemnity. (As amended in Standing Committee D.) O.H.C.P. 9 July 1924

Bill 197


Vol. III, 55: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conference) (H.L.) See Bill No. 110 as Amended in Standing Committee D.

Bill 213

O.H.C.P. 17 July 1924


SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924 Item 337 - 340 S.P. No. 5 -121

Doc. No.

Item No. 337

Vol. XIII, 429 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 9 November 1923.

S.P. 5

O.H.C.P. 15 Jan.1924


Vol. XV, 735 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Rear-Admiral Sir Guy Grant Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1924. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and other information given.] 11 March 1924 Ord.

S.P. 41

O.H.C.P. 13 March 1924


Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year Ended 31 March 1924.

S.P. 103

O.H.C.P. 19 June 1924

339a Vol. VI, 35: Reports; Committees (2) Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee C.

S.P. 120

O.H.C.P. 8 July 1924


Vol. XIII, 433 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1924. O.H.GP. 9 July 1924


S.P. 121

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924 Item 341- 342 S.P. No. 123 -149 Item No.

Doc. No.

341 Vol. VI, 47: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee D. O.H.C.P. 9 July 1924

S.P. 123

341a Vol. VI, 861: Reports; Committees (2) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Convention) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee D.

S.P. 132

O.H.C.P. 17 July 1924

342 Vol. XIII, 431 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1924.

S.P. 149

O.H.C.P. 8 Oct. 1924

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 343 - 344 Cmd2015-2017 Doc. No.

Item No.

343 Vol. XXVII, 99 League of Nations Misc. No. 1 Report of the British Delegates to the Fourth Assembly.

Cmd 2015

L/C. HC/L. 15 Jan. 1924

344 Vol. XXVII, 187 Misc. No. 2 League of Nations Report by Robert Cecil on the Twenty-sixth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 15 Jan. 1924


Cmd 2017

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 345 - 348 Cmd 2018 - 2028

Doc. No.

Item No. 345

Vol. XXVII, 195 Misc. No. 3 League of Nations Report by Viscount Cecil on the Twenty-seventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 16 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2018


Vol. XXVI, 23 Treaty Series No. 1 (1924) Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium extending to the Belgian Congo and certain British Protectorates existing Extradition Conventions between the United Kingdom and Belgium. Signed at London, 8 August 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 October 1923. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2026

HL 22 Jan. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 969 Treaty Series No. 2 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Sweden for the Marriage of Lady Louise Mountbatten with His Royal Highness Prince Gustaf Adolph, Crown Prince of Sweden. Signed at Stockholm, 27 October 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Stockholm, 12 November 1923. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2027


Vol. XXVI, 977 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention between the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan relative to the Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by Nationals of the Contracting Powers with Protocol providing for signature by Roumania. Signed at Paris, 23 November 1923. In connection with Treaty Series No. 16, 1923 [Item 303]. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2028


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 349 - 352 Cmd 2034 - 2037 Item No.

Doc. No.

349 Vol. XXVII, 1077 Treaty Series No. 34 (1923) Treaties etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2034

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 253 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocols of Amendments to Article 6 and 12 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 4 and 5 October 1921. British Ratification deposited 23 November 1922 and 5 July 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1923 [Item 279].

Cmd 2035

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 293 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and the United States of America, for the Limitation of Armaments. Signed at Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 August 1923.

Cmd 2036

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 313 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Japan, and the United States of America, relating to their Insular Possessions and Insular Dominions in the Pacific Ocean, and Accompanying Declaration, with Treaty Supplementary to the above Treaty and Identic Communications to Netherlands and Portuguese Governments, respecting the above Treaty. Signed at Washington, 13 December 1921 and 6 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Cmd 2037

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 353 - 356 Cmd 2041- 2045

Doc. No.

Item No. 353

Vol. XXVII, 1089 Treaty Series No. 35 (1923) Index to Treaty Series, 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2041


Vol. XXVI, 159 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland in regard to the Disposal of the Estates of Deceased Seamen. Signed at Helsingfors, 14 December 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2042


Vol. XXVI, 989 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for a Renewal of the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 4 April 1908, with Notes exchanged at time of Signature. Signed at Washington, 23 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 29 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1919 [Item 8]. L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2044


Vol. XXVI, 449 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary, modifying the Convention between the British and the Hungarian Governments of 20 December 1921, in so far as it relates to the Periodical Instalments Payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder. Signed at Paris, 11 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1922 (Item 227). L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2045


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 357 - 361 Cmd 2046 - 2054 Item No.

Doc. No.

357 Vol. VII, 623: Reports, Commissioners (1) Ex-Enemy Aliens Special Report of the Committee Appointed to Advise upon Applications for the release of Property of Ex-Enemy Aliens in Necessitous Circumstances.

Cmd 2046

L/C. HC. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 9 Feb.)

358 Vol. XIX, 1049 Trade Facilities Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be Incurred.

Cmd 2049

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1924


Vol. XXVII, 81 League of Nations International Labour Conference Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fifth Session, 22-29 October 1923. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2051

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 6 Feb.)


Vol. XXVI, 493 Treaty Series No. 10 Commercial Convention between Canada and Italy Signed at London, 4 January 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 January 1924.

Cmd 2053

L/C. HC. 29 Feb. 1924 HL. 4 March 1924


Vol. XXVI, 395 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France extending to the French Zone of Morocco the Provisions of the Anglo-French Agreement of October-November, 1899, relative to Consular Visas for Certificates of Origin. London, 17-27 December 1923. L/C. HC. 3 March 1924 HL 4 March 1924


Cmd 2054

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 362 - 366 Item 2055 - 2066

Doc. No.

Item No. 362

Vol. XXVI, 527 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan for the Mutual Recognition of Loadline Certificates. Signed at London, 21 January 1924. L/C. HG 3 March 1924

Cmd 2055

HL. 4 March 1924

363 Vol. XXVI, 987 Turkey No. 1 (1924) Note on the Treaty of Peace (Turkey) Bill 1924. L/C. HC/L. 27 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2058

Vol. XXVI, 997 United States No. 1. (1924) Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the regulation of the Liquor Traffic. Washington, 23 January 1924. L/C. HC. 29 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2063


HL. 4 March 1924

365 Vol. XIII, 195 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 25 February 1924, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921. L/C. HG 3 March 1924

Cmd 2065

HL. 4 March 1924

366 Vol. IX, 249: Reports, Commissioners (3) Final Report of the Royal Commission appointed to consider cases of moral claims for Compensation for Suffering or Damage arising out of the Action of the Enemy during the War. In continuation of Cmd 1798 [Item 268b]. L/C. HG 3 March 1924 HL. 4 March 1924


Cmd 2066

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 367 - 370 Cmd 2069- 2077 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 35 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 21 June 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 February 1924,

Cmd 2069

L/C. HC/L. 5 March 1924


Cmd 2074 Vol. XXVI, 115 Treaty Series No. 14 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia respecting the Accession of certain British Dominions and India to the Agreement between Great Britain and the Czechoslovak Republic of 31 January 1923, relative to Commercial Traveller's Samples. London, 19 December 1923 and 2 January 1924. (In continuation of Treaty Series No. 19, 1923 [Item 309.] L/C. HC. 10 March 1924 HL. 11 March 1924

369 Vol. XXVII, 1 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention respecting the Compilation of International Statistics. Signed at Brussels, 31 December 1913.

Cmd 2075

L/C. HC. 10 March 1924 HL. 11 March 1924

370 Vol. XXVI, 903 Treaty Series No. 16 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Spain further renewing the Arbitration Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain of 27 February 1904. London, 9 February 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1919 [Item 8]. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1924


Cmd 2077

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 3704 - 374 Cmd 2083 - 2094 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XV, 841 Singapore Naval Base Correspondence with the Self-Governing Dominions and India regarding the development of the Singapore Naval Base.

Cmd 2083

L/C. HC. 21 March 1924 HL. 25 March 1924


Vol. XIII, 199 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Negotiations between His Majesty's Government and the German Government as to the rate of Levy under the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921, together with the Decree, dated 3 March 1924, issued in pursuance thereof by the German Government.

Cmd 2089

L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1924


Vol. XXVII, 69 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention Supplementary to the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe. Signed at Prague, 27 January 1923. British Ratification deposited 29 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 3, 1923 [Item 276].

Cmd 2091

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1924


Vol. XXVI, 743 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty regulating the Status of Spitzbergen and Conferring the Sovereignty on Norway, with map. Signed at Paris, 9 February 1920. British Ratification deposited 29 December 1923.

Cmd 2092

L/C. HC. 4 April 1924 HL. 8 April 1924


Vol. XXVII, 213 Misc. No. 4 League of Nations Report by Lord Parmoor on the Twenty-eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 28 March 1924


Cmd 2094

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 375 - 378 Cmd 2096 - 2116 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 595 Morocco No. 1 (1924) Convention regarding the Organization of the Statute of the Tangier Zone. Signed at Paris, 18 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. [Ratifications deposited 14 May 1924. See Item 401.]

Cmd 2096

L/C. HC. 31 March 1924 HL. 1 April 1924


Vol. XXVII, 831 Reparations Reports of the Expert Committee appointed by the Reparation Commission. (Dawes Committee.) L/C. HG 9 April 1924

Cmd 2105

HL. 10 Apri11924


VoI. XXVI, 739 Misc. No. 5 Nepal Treaty between the United Kingdom and Nepal, with Note respecting the importation of Arms and Ammunition into Nepal. Signed at Katmandu, 21 December 1923. [Ratifications exchanged at Katmandu, 8 April 1925. See Item 500.]

Cmd 2112

L/C. HC/L. 15 April 1924


Vol. XIII, 205 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Statement showing the Amounts paid during the period 1 April 1923 to 31 March 1924, into the Special Account under Section 1(3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921 and the Application thereof. L/C. HC/L. 15 April 1924


Cmd 2116

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 379 - 382 Cmd 2120 - 2142 Doc. No.

Item No.

379 Vol. XXVI, 453 Iraq Protocol of 30 April 1923 and the Agreements subsidiary to the Treaty with King Feisal. Signed, 10 October 1922.

Cmd 2120

L/C. HC. 30 April 1924 HL. 6 May 1924 (R.)

380 Vol. XXVI, 957 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Sweden relating to Air Navigation between Sweden and Great Britain and Supplementary Declaration. Signed at Stockholm 16 February 1921 and 5 March 1924.

Cmd 2138

L/C. HC/L. 21 May 1924 381 Vol. XXVII, 279 Misc. No. 6 Maritime Ports Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 (R.)

Cmd 2141

HL. 20 May 1924

382 Vol. XXVII, 321 Misc. No. 7 Railways Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Railways and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected.

L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924


Cmd 2142

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 383 - 386 Cmd 2143 - 2158 Item No.

Doc. No.

383 Vol. XXVII, 49 Misc. No. 8 Customs International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 3 November 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924

Cmd 2143

384 Vol. XXVII, 45 Misc. No. 9 Communications and Transit Final Act of the Second General Conference on Communications and Transit. Geneva, 15 November to 9 December 1923. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924

Cmd 2144


Vol. XVIII, 3 Correspondence with Canadian Government on the subject of the Peace Settlement with Turkey. L/C. HC/L. 22 May 1924

Cmd 2146


Vol. XXVI, 973 Treaty Series No. 20 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Switzerland respecting the application to the Principality of Lichtenstein of Commercial Agreements in force between Great Britain and Switzerland. London, 28 March and 26 April 1924. L/C. HC. 30 May 1924 HL. 3 June 1924

Cmd 2152


Vol. XXVI, 45 Cuba No. 1, (1924) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Cuban Government respecting the IIl-treatment of British West Indian Labourers in Cuba. [See also Item 419.] L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1924

Cmd 2158


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 387 - 391 Cmd 2169 - 2184 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 187 France No. 1 (1924) Papers respecting Negotiations for an AngloFrench Pact. [See also Cmd 1614, Item 217.] L/C. HC/L 30 June 1924

Cmd 2169


Vol. XXVI, 845 Sudan No. 1 (1924) Correspondence respecting the Gezira Irrigation Project. L/C. HC/L 1 July 1924

Cmd 2171


Vol. XXVI, 1 Austria No. 1 (1924) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Austria, with accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 22 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 4 July 1924 HL 7 July 1924

Cmd 2176


Vol. XXVI, 163 Finland No. 1 (1924) Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Finland. Signed at London, 30 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L 10 July 1924

Cmd 2183


Vol. XXVII, 339 Misc. No. 10 London Conference Correspondence concerning the Conference which it is proposed to hold in London on 26 July 1924, to consider the measures necessary to bring the Dawes Plan into Operation. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1924

Cmd 2184


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 392 - 395 Cmd2187-2191

Item No.

Doc. No.

392 VoI. XXVII, 237 Misc. No. 11 League of Nations Report by Lord Parmoor on the Twenty-ninth Session of the Council, 11-17 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1924

Cmd 2187

Vol. XXVI, 907 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Spain. Signed at Madrid, 31 October 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 23 April 1924. [See also Items 609 and 649.] L/C. HG 11 July 1924

Cmd 2188


HL. 14 July 1924

394 Vol. XXVII, 97 International Labour Conference League of Nations Proposed action by the British Government regarding Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fifth Session, 22-29 October 1923. L/C. HG 9 July 1924

Cmd 2190

HL 10 July 1924

395 Vol. XXVII, 351 Cmd 2191 Misc. No. 12 Dawes Scheme Franco-British Memorandum of 9 July 1924, concerning the application of the Dawes Scheme. L/C. HC. 14 July 1924 (R.) HL 14 July 1924


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 396 - 399 Cmd 2194 - 2201

Item No. 396 Vol. XXVI, 499 Italy No. 1 (1924) Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy regulating certain Questions concerning the Boundaries of their respective Territories in East Africa, with map. Signed at London, 15 July 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1924

Doc. No. Cmd 2194


Vol. XXVI, 1001 Treaty Series No. 22 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Regulation of the Liquor Traffic. Washington, 23 January 1924. Ratification exchanged 22 May 1924. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1924

Cmd 2199


Vol. XXVII, 265 Misc. No. 13 League of Nations Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the League of Nations respecting the proposed Treaty of Mutual Assistance. L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1924

Cmd 2200


Vol. XXVII, 1017 Misc. No. 14 Rules of Warfare Dispatch from the First British Delegate to the International Commission for the revision of the Rules of Warfare, with the General Report of the Commission of Jurists to consider and report upon the revision of the Rules of Warfare. The Hague, 10 December 1922-17 February 1923. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1924

Cmd 2201


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 400 - 403 Cmd 2202 - 2212 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 993 United States No. 2 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States of America respecting the Appointment of an Irish Free State Plenipotentiary at Washington.

Cmd 2202

L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1924


Vol. XXVI, 667 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention regarding the organization of the Statute of the Tangier Zone. Signed at Paris, 18 December 1923. Ratifications deposited 14 May 1924. [See also Item 375.]

Cmd 2203

L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 399 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention relative to the cession of German Public Property situated in Danzig and also to the transfer of a part of this Property to the Harbour Board of the Free City, with three maps. Signed at Danzig, 3 May 1923.

Cmd 2204

L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1924

402a Vol. VIII, 221: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1923 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 2206

L/C. HC/L 24 July 1924

403 Vol. XXVI, 947 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain regulating the Treatment of Companies. Signed at Madrid, 27 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924


Cmd 2212

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 404 - 408 Cmd 2215-2221 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 779 Russia No. 1 (1924) Draft of proposed General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. London, August 1924.

Cmd 2215

L/C. HC/L 4 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 821 Russia No. 2 Draft of proposed treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. London, August 1924.

Cmd 2216

L/C. HC/L 4 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 763 Treaty Series No. 26 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Polish Republic. Signed at Warsaw, 26 November 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 16 June 1924.

Cmd 2219

L/C. HC/L 5 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 441 Treaty Series No. 27 Memorandum relative to the Germans in the Mandated Territories of South-West Africa. London, 23 October 1923.

Cmd 2220

L/C. HC/L 5 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 369 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France agreeing to the Ratification of the Protocol defining the Boundary between French Equatorial Africa and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, with Protocol and two maps. London, 21 January 1924. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924


Cmd 2221

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 409 - 413 Cmd 2222 - 2231

Item No. 409 Vol. XXVI, 511 Treaty Series No. 29 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy approving an agreement for the Rectification of a section of the Eritrea-Sudan Frontier, with map. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924

Doc. No. Cmd 2222

410 Vol. XXVI, 555 Mexico No. 1 (1924) Correspondence respecting the withdrawal of Mr. H.A.C. Cummins from Mexico. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924

Cmd 2225

411 Vol. XIX, 667 Ethiopia Treasury minute, dated 6 August 1924, relative to the gift to the Empress of Ethiopia of the Crown of the Emperor Theodore. L/C. HC. 6 Aug. 1924

Cmd 2229

HL. (not laid)

412 Vol. XXVI, 523 Treaty Series No. 31 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting the Abrogation of Article 8 of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan of 3 April 1911 and Schedule Annexed thereto. London, 14 July 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2230

(R. 27 Aug.)

413 Vol. XXVI, 179 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland in regard to the Reciprocal Recognition of Tonnage Measurement Certificates of British and Finnish Ships, and Notes exchanged with regard to the exclusion of Iraq from the scope of the Agreement. Signed at Helsingfors, 21 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Aug.)


Cmd 2231

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 414 - 417 Cmd 2235 - 2242

Doc. No.

Item No. 414

Vol. XXVI, 539 Lithuania No. 1 (1924) Convention between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and Lithuania respecting the Memel Territory, and the Statute for the Memel Territory. Signed at Paris, 8 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. [British ratification deposited at Paris, 25 August 1925. See Item 528.] L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2235

(R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 531 Latvia No. 1 (1924) Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic for the extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Riga, 16 July 1924. Ratifications have not yet been effected. [See also Item 519.] L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2238

(R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 257 Treaty Series No. 32 Protocols of Amendments to Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 4 October 1921. British Ratification deposited I2 August 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2241

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 27 Treaty Series No. 33 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Belgium accepting the. Conditions of the Agreement providing for Direct Telegraphic Communications between the Belgian Congo and the Uganda Protectorate, and the Agreement. Brussels, 29 July 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 16 Aug.)


Cmd 2242

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 418-421 Cmd 2243 - 2254 Item No.

Doc. No.

418 Vol. XXVI, 131 Treaty Series No. 34 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Finland. Signed at Helsingfors, 14 December 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Helsingfors, 4 July 1924.

Cmd 2243

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 16 Aug.)

419 Vol. XXVI, 67 Cuba No. 2 Further Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Cuban Government respecting the Ill-treatment of British East Indian Labourers in Cuba. In continuation of Cmd 2158 [i tem 386].

Cmd 2245

L/C. HC/L. 6 Aug. 1924

420 Vol. XXVI, 793 Russia No. 3 Text of Draft of proposed General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R., as it stood when Negotiations were suspended on 5 August 1924.

Cmd 2253

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)

421 Vol. XXVI, 119 Treaty Series No. 35 Treaty of Commerce between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic and accompanying Declarations. Signed at London, 14 July 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)


Cmd 2254

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 422 - 424 Cmd 2255 - 2259 Doe. No.

Item No.

422 Vol. XXVII, 1009 Misc. No. 15 Rhine Navigation Convention and Additional Protocol drawn up by the Central Commission of the Rhine to replace certain Articles of the Convention of 17 October 1868 and the Convention of 4 June 1898, regarding Rhine Navigation Certificates. Strasbourg, 14 December 1922 and 22 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. [British Ratification deposited 8 June 1925. See Item 521.]

Cmd 2255

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)


Cmd 2258

Vol. XXVII, 357

Misc. No. 16 London Conference Minutes of the London Conference on Reparations, August 1922. L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 26 Sept.)

424 Vol. XXVII, 969 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreements concluded between (1) the Allied Governments, and Germany concerning the Agreement of 9 August 1924 between the German Government and the Reparation Commission; (2) the Allied Governments and the German Government, to carry into effect the Expert's Plan of 9 April 1924; (3) the Allied Governments to carry out the Expert's Plan of 9 April 1924; and (4) the Governments represented on the Reparation Commission, to modify Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles. Signed at London, 30 August 1924. L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 2259

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 425 - 429 Cmd 2260 - 2270

Item No. 425

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 807 Russia No. 4 General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 8 August I924. Ratification has not yet been effected.

Cmd 2260

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 833 Russia No. 5 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 8 August 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected.

Cmd 2261

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XIII, 197 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute dated 29 August 1924, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921.

Cmd 2263

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 24 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 127 Egypt No. 1 (1924) Dispatch to His Majesty's High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan respecting the position of His Majesty's Government in regard to Egypt and the Sudan.

Cmd 2269

L/C. HC. 8 Oct. 1924 HL 7 Oct. 1924


Vol. XXVII, 469 Misc. No. 17 London Conference Proceedings of the London Reparation Conference, July and August 1924. L/C. HC/L 9 Oct. 1924


Cmd 2270

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 430 Cmd 2273

Doc. No.

Item No. 430

Vol. XXVII, 139 Misc. No. 18 League of Nations Protocol and Resolutions adopted by the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations and the Report by the First and Third Committees of the Assembly relative to Arbitration, Security, and the Reduction of Armaments. L/C. HC/L 9 Oct. 1924

Cmd 2273

BILLS 1924-1925 Item 431- 433 Bill No. 7 - 82

Item No. 431

Doc. No. Vol. I, 211: Bills, Public Anglo-Italian Treaty (East African Boundaries) Bill to approve a Treaty between His Majesty and the King of Italy.

Bill 7

O.H.C.P. 10 Dec. 1924


Vol. I, 365: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision for the Application of money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 11

O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1924


Vol. V, 209: Bills, Public Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Acts, 1921 to 1924, by increasing the maximum limit of the Loans in respect of which Guarantees may be given under those Acts and by extending the period within which such Guarantees may be given. O.H.C.P. 25 Feb. 1925


Bill 82

BILLS 1924-1925 Item 434 - 435a Bill No. 104 -188 Item No.

Doc. No.

434 Vol. III, 43: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conventions) (H.L.) Bill iritituled an Act to give effect to certain Draft Conventions adopted by the International Labour Conference. [See Items 333 and 336.] O.H.CP. 12 March 1925

Bill 104

435 Vol. I, 367: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill as amended by Standing Committee B, to make further provision for the application of Money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 152

O.H.CP. 2 April 1925

435a Vol. I, 369: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Lords Amendment.

Bill 188

O.H.CP. 26 May 1925

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 436 - 437 S.P. No. 24 - 80 Doc. No.

Item No.

436 Vol. XVI, 483 Trade Facilities Act: 1921-1924 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1924.

S.P. 24

O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1925

437 Vol. VII, 29: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill. Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee B. O.H.C.P. 2 April 1925


S.P. 80

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 438 - 442 S.P. No. 85 -174

Doc. No.

Item No. 438

Vol. XVI, 485 Trade Facilities Act, 1921-1924 By Act 1) Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 March 1925. 2) Account up to 31 March 1925, of total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 85

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1925

439 Vol. VIII, 17: Reports, Committees (3) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conventions) Bill: (H.L.) Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee A.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 19 May 1925


Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year, ended 31 March 1925. O.H.C.P. 9 June 1925

S.P. 116


Vol. XVI, 489 Trade Facilities Act By Act Statement of Guarantees, which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1925.

S.P. 140

O.H.C.P. 13 July 1925


Vol. XVI, 491 Trade Facilities Acts (1921-1924) By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1925. O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1925


S.P. 174

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 443 S.P. No. 183 Item No.

Doc. No.

443 Vol. XI, 425: Reports, Commissioners (3) East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement showing the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1924-1925. 60th Number.

S.P. 183

O.H.C.P. 1 Dec. 1925

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 444 - 446 Cmd 2281- 2287 Doc. No.

Item No.

444 Vol. XXX, 739 Sudan No. 2 (1924) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Sudan in 1923.

Cmd 2281

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924

445 Vol. XXIII, 239 Misc. No. 19 (1924) Report from His Majesty's Representatives abroad on the methods adopted in Parliaments of Foreign Countries for dealing with International Questions. In continuation of Cd 6102 of 1912 [Temperley and Penson, Document No. 1912].

Cmd 2282

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924

446 Vol. XXXI, 351 Misc. No. 20 (1924) Report by Lord Parmoor (British Representative) on the 30th Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924


Cmd 2287

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 447 - 450 Cmd 2289 - 2303 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 243 Misc. No. 21 (1924) Report of the British Delegates to the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations, relating to the Protocol for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes.

Cmd 2289

L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1924


Vol. XXXI, 117 International-Labour Conference 1) Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixth Session, 16 June-5 July 1924. (Authentic Texts.) 2) Texts adopted by a provisional vote of the Conference at its Sixth Session.

Cmd 2292

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924


Vol. XXXI, 231. Treaty Series No. 37 (1924) The Covenant of the League of Nations, embodying an amendment of Article 6, in force from 13 August 1924, and Amendments of Articles 12, 13, and 15 in force from 26 September 1924.

Cmd 2300

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1924

449a Vol. XXI, 1 Dominions Correspondence with Governments of the SelfGoverning Dominions, relating to consultation on Matters of Foreign Policy and General Imperial Interest.

Cmd 2301

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1924 HL. 10 Feb. 1925 (R.)

450 Vol. XXX, 65 Treaty Series No. 1 (1925) Protocol recording the arrangements for Reparation Payments by Bulgaria. Signed at Sofia, 21 March 1923. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 10 Jan.)


Cmd 2303

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 451- 455 and 2304 - 2313

Item No.

Doc. No.

451 Vol. XXX, 73 Treaty Series No. 2 Protocol recording the arrangements for the recovery of the Cost of the Army of Occupation in Bulgaria. Signed at Sofia, 28 March 1924. [See also Item 481.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2304

(R. 10 Jan.)

452 Vol. XXX, 379 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting Clearing Office and Mixed Tribunal Procedure. Signed at London, 13 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2305

(R. 10 Jan.)

453 Vol. XI, 17: Reports, Commissioners (3) East India Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1923-1924. 59th Number. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2311

(R. 12 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 11 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocol on Arbitration Clauses. Signed at Geneva, 24 September 1923. British Ratification deposited 27 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2312

(R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 697 Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol Amending Paragraph 13 of Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at Paris, 22 November 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R.22 Jan.)


Cmd 2313

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 456 - 460 Cmd 2314 - 2320 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 701 Treaty Series No. 6 Protocol of an Amendment to Article 393 of the Treaty of Versailles and corresponding Articles in the other Treaties of Peace. Signed at Geneva, 14 June 1923. Ratification deposited 20 October 1923.

Cmd 2314

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 22 Jan.)

457 Vol. XXX, 59 Treaty Series No. 7 Commercial Convention between Canada and the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg. Signed at Ottawa, 3 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 22 October 1924.

Cmd 2315

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXI, 99 Iraq Papers relating the application to Iraq of the principles of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2317

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 23 Jan.)

459 Vol. XXX, 345 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for the mutual recognition of Load-Line Certificates. Signed in London, 18 December 1924.

Cmd 2319

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 29 Jan.)

460 Vol. XXX, 347 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 29 Jan.)


Cmd 2320

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 461- 464 Cmd 2321- 2328

Item No.

Doc. No.

461 Vol. XXX, 699 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2321

(R. 29 Jan.)

462 Vol. XXX, 885 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 19 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2322

(R. 29 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 95 International Labour Conference Report of British Government Delegates to the Sixth Session of the Conference. Geneva, JuneJuly 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2325

(R. 28 Jan.)

464 Vol. XXXI, 1 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol amending Article 5 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. Signed at London, 27 October 1922. British Ratification deposited 19 December 1923. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Cmd 2328

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 465 - 469 Cmd 2329 - 2333 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 5 Treaty Series No. 13 Protocol amending Article 34 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. Signed at London, 30 June 1923. British Ratification deposited 20 November 1924.

Cmd 2329

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 317 Misc. No. 1 (1925) Report of the British Delegates to the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Cmd 2289 [Item 447].

Cmd 2330

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 705 Treaty Series No. 38 (1924) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accession, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2331

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 6 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 721 Treaty Series No. 39 (1924) Index to Treaty Series, 1924.

Cmd 2332

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 6 Feb.) 469

Cmd 2333

Vol. XXXI, 371

Misc. No. 2 Report of the British Delegate to the 31st Session of the Council of League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 470 - 473 Cmd 2336 - 2339 Item No.

Doc. No.

470 Vol. XXXI, 383 Misc. No. 3 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P. (British Representative) on the Thirtysecond Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2336

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

471 Vol. XXX, 355 Treaty Series No. 14 Provisional Agreement between the Government of Egypt and Palestine with regard to the Extradition of Fugitive Offenders. Signed at Ramleh, 7 August 1922.

Cmd 2337

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

472 Vol. XXX, 677 Treaty Series No. 15 Provisional Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands relating to Air Navigation. Signed at The Hague, 11 July 1923. Ratifications exchanged at The Hague, 7 January 1925.

Cmd 2338

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

473 Vol. XXXI, 45 Misc. No. 4 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, the United States of America, Brazil, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and Czechoslovakia, regarding the distribution of the Dawes Plan Annuities. Signed at Paris, 14 January 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)


Cmd 2339

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 474 - 477 Cmd 2Ø-2349

Item No. 474 Vol. XXIII, 647 Trade Facilities Bill By Act Memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HG 12 Feb. 1925 HL. 17 Feb. 1925 475 Vol. XXX, 443 Germany No. 1 (1925) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Germany and additional Protocol, with Minutes of a Meeting between British and German Representatives at the Foreign Office on 2 December 1924. Signed at London, 2 December 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HG 16 Feb. 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2344

Cmd 2345

HL 17 Feb. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 21 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities and Protocol of Signature. Signed at Geneva, 3 November 1923. British Ratification deposited 29 August 1924. (Treaty came into operation 27 November 1924.) L/C. HC. 20 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2347

HL 24 Feb. 1925

477 Vol. XVIII, 747 Fleets: (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1925. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1925 HL. 17 Feb. 1925


Cmd 2349

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 478 - 481 Cmd 2368 - 2378

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 275 Misc. No. 5 Statement by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., on behalf of His Majesty's Government to the Council of the League of Nations, respecting the Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. Made at Geneva, 12 March 1925. L/C. HC/L. 11 March 1925

Cmd 2368


Vol. XXX, 587 Treaty Series No. 17 Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq, signed at Bagdad, 10 October 1922; and Protocol to Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq of 10 October 1922, signed at Bagdad, 30 April 1923; with Agreement subsidiary to the Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq of the 10 October 1922, signed at Bagdad, 25 March 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 19 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1925

Cmd 2370


Vol. XXX, 893 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America for securing the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the North Pacific Ocean. Signed at Washington, 22 March 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 21 October 1924. L/C. HC. 27 March 1925

Cmd 2377

HL, 31 March 1925


Vol. XXX, 79 Treaty Series No. 19 Protocol providing for the Division of any Sums recovered from Bulgaria for Reimbursement of the Cost of Military Occupation. Signed at Sofia, 28 March 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1925 [Item 451]. L/C. HC. 27 March 1925 HL. 31 March 1925 113

Cmd 2378

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 482 - 485 Cmd 2384 - 2411 Doc. No.

Item No.

482 Vol. XXX, 389 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany for amending the method of administering the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921. Signed at Berlin, 3 April 1925.

Cmd 2384

L/C. HC/L. 6 Apri11925 (R.)

482a Vol. IX, 855: Reports, Commissioners (1) East Africa Report of the East Africa Commission.

Cmd 2387

L/C. HC. 8 April 1925 HL 9 April 1925


Vol. XXX, 707 Persia Treasury Minute, dated 28 April 1925, relative to the gift of books to the Persian National Assembly.

Cmd 2391

L/C. HC. 28 April 1925


Vol. XXXI, 403 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtythird Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2402

L/C. HC/L. 29 April 1925


Vol. XXX, 33 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Austria, with Accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 22 May 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 February 1925. L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1925


Cmd 2411

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 486 - 489 Cmd 2417 - 2420

Item No. 486

Vol. XXX, 359 Treaty Series No. 22 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Extradition of Criminals. Signed at London, 80 May 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 October 1924. L/C. HC/L. 19 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 667 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention and Statute on the International Regime for Railways, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification deposited by Great Britain, 29 August 1924. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2417

Cmd 2418

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 635 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva 9 December 1923. Ratifications deposited on behalf of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 29 August 1924, and on behalf of New Zealand (including Western Samoa), and India, 1 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2419

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 71 Treaty Series No. 25 Convention relative to the Transmission in Transit of Electric Power, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification on behalf of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and New Zealand deposited 1 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925 HL. 25 May 1925


Cmd 2420

COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 490 - 492 Cmd 2421- 2426

Doc. No.

Item No. 490

Vol. XXXI, 85 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention relative to the Development of Hydrolic Power affecting more than one State, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification on behalf of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and New Zealand, deposited 1 Avril 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2421

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXX, 55 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Austria respecting the Accession of certain British Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, and India to the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Austria of 28 March 1923, relative to Customs Clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. London, 11 February and 27 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2422

HL. 25 May 1925

492 Vol. XXX, 889 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Sweden further renewing the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Sweden of I1 August 1904. London, 9 November 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920. [Item 54]. L/C. HC. 9 June 1925 HL. 16 June 1925 (R. 8 June)


Cmd 2426

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 493 - 497 Cmd 2427 - 2441

Item No. 493

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 631 Treaty Series No. 29 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting certain questions concerning the boundaries of their respective territories in East Africa, with map. Signed at London, 15 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 1 May 1925. L/C. HC. 9 June 1925

Cmd 2427

HL. 16 June 1925 (R. 8 June)


Vol. XXX, 395 Germany No. 2 Note presented to the German Government by the British, French, Italian, Japanese, and Belgian Ambassadors at Berlin, 4 June 1925.

Cmd 2429

L/C. HC. 9 June 1925 HL 16 June 1925 (R 4 June)

Vol. XXX, 511 Misc. No. 7 Papers respecting the Proposals for a Pact of Security made by the German Government on 9 February 1925. [See also Item 505.] L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1925

Cmd 2435

496 Vol. XXI, 107 Iraq Report of the Financial Mission appointed to enquire into the Financial Position and Prospects of the Government of Iraq, 1925.

Cmd 2438


L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1925

497 Vol. XXXI, 143 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixth Session, 16 June-5 July 1924. L/C. HC. 22 June 1925 HL. 23 June 1925


Cmd 2441

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 498 - 501a Cmd 2442 - 2458

Item No. 498

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 87 China No. 1 (1925) Papers respecting Labour Conditions in China.

Cmd 2442

L/C. HC. 26 June 1925 HL. 29 June 1925


Vol. XXX, 703 Treaty Series No. 30 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Norway further renewing the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Norway of 11 August 1904. London, 13 May 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920 [Item 54].

Cmd 2452

L/C. HC. 6 July 1925 HL 7 July 1925


Vol. XXX, 673 Treaty Series No. 31 Ratifications of Cmd 2112 exchanged at Katmandu, 8 April 1925. [See Item 377 for text.]

Cmd 2453

L/C. HC. 6 July 1925 HL. 7 July 1925


Vol. XXX, 713 Treaty Series No. 32 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal regarding the Cancellation of the British Concession at Chinde and the Portuguese Concession at Chipole. Lisbon, 19 May 1925.

Cmd 2457

L/C. HC/L 14 July 1925

501a Vol. XXXI, 287 Settlement of International Disputes Correspondence relating to the position of the Dominions. L/C. HC/L 9 July 1925


Cmd 2458

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 502 - 506 Cmd 2461- 2471 Item No.

Doc. No.

502 Vol. XXXI, 485 Misc. No. 8 Report on the International Conference on Opium and Dangerous Drugs held at Geneva, November 1924—February 1925.

Cmd 2461

L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1925

503 Vol. XXXI, 147 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Seventh Session, Geneva, May-June 1925.

Cmd 2465

L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1925


Vol. XXI, 35 Africa Report for 1924 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain territories under British control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 2467

L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1925

505 Vol. XXX, 563 Misc. No. 9 Reply of the German Government to the Note handed to Herr Stresemann by the French Ambassador at Berlin on 16 June 1925 respecting the proposals for a Pact of Security. In continuation of Misc. No. 7 [Item 495].

Cmd 2468

L/C. HC/L. 21 July 1925

506 Vol. XXXI, 435 Misc. No. 10 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtyfourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1925


Cmd 2471

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 507 - 510 Cmd 2472 - 2503 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 643 Treaty Series No. 33 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the regulation of the Utilization of the Waters of the River Gash. Rome 12 and 15 June 1925.

Cmd 2472

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1925 508

Cmd 2492

Vol. XXXI, 315

East India Views of the Government of India regarding the Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. India Office Letter, dated 5 August 1925 to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 6 Aug. 1925 HL 5 Aug. 1925


Vol. XXX, 231 Treaty Series No. 34 List of Treaties etc. between Great Britain and China (1842-1922), including International Treaties and Treaties between Great Britain and Foreign Powers relating to China.

Cmd 2502

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 351 Treaty Series No. 35 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the Treatment of British Subjects, Companies, and Vessels in Eastern Greenland. Copenhagen, 23 April-4 June 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 1 Sept.)


Cmd 2503

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 511-514 Cmd 2504.2512 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 685 Treaty Series No. 36 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands providing for the prolongation of the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 15 February 1905. London, 12 July 1925.

Cmd 2504

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 897 Treaty Series No. 37 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America, to define more accurately and to complete the International Boundary between the two Countries. Washington, 24 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925.

Cmd 2510

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (IL 17 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 905 Treaty Series No. 38 Convention, Protocol, and Agreement between Canada and the United States of America to regulate the Level of the Lake of the Woods. Washington, 24 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 7 July 1925.

Cmd 2511

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 913 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between Canada and the United States of America to aid in Suppression Smuggling Operations along the Border between the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America and in the arrest and prosecution of Persons violating the Narcotics Laws of either Country. Washington, 6 June 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 17 Sept.)


Cmd 2512

COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 515 - 517 Cmd 2513 - 2517 Item No. 515 Vol. XXX, 917 Treaty Series No. 40 Supplementary Convention between Canada and the United States of America to provide for Extradition on account of Crimes or Offences Committed against the Laws for the suppression of the Traffic in Narcotics. Washington, 8 January 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2513

(R. 17 Sept.)

516 Vol. XXX, 709 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Portugal extending until 16 November 1926, the Operation of the Agreement providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise between the two Governments, 29 August 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920 [Item 54]. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2516

(R. 22 Sept.)

517 Vol. XXX, 217 Treaty Series No. 42 Treaty between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal relating to Principles and Policies to be followed in Matters concerning China. Signed at Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications deposited at Washington, 5 August 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 24 Sept.)


Cmd 2517

COMMAND PAPERS I924-1925 Item 518 - 521 Cmd 2518 - 2521

Item No.

Doc. No.

518 Vol. XXX, 223 Treaty Series No. 43 Treaty between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal relating to the Chinese Customs Tariff. Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications deposited at Washington, 5 August 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2518

(R. 24 Sept.)

519 Vol. XXX, 665 Treaty Series No. 44 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Riga, 16 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Riga, 7 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2519

(R. 16 Oct.)

520 Vol. XXX, 475 Treaty Series No. 45 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Germany, and additional Protocol. Signed at London, 2 December 1924, with other relevant Documents. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 September 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2520

(R. 21 Oct.)

521 Vol. XXXI, 689 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention and Additional Protocol drawn up by the Central Commission of the Rhine to replace certain Articles of the Convention of 17 October 1868 and the Convention of 4 June 1898, regarding Rhine Navigation Certificates. Strasbourg, 14 December 1922 and 22 December 1923. British Ratification deposited 8 June 1925. In continuation of Misc. 15 1924 [Item 422]. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 9 Nov.)


Cmd 2521

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 522 - 525 Cmd 2522 - 2527 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 29 Treaty Series No. 47 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Albania respecting the Commercial Relations between the two Countries, 10 June 1925.

Cmd 2522

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R.9Nov.)

523 Vol. XVI, 199 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Statement showing the amounts paid into the Special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921, and the application thereof during the period 1 April 1924 to closing of the account.

Cmd 2524

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R.9 Nov.)


Vol. XXXI, 573 Misc. No. 11 Final Protocol of the Locarno Conference, 1925, with Treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia. Locarno, 16 October 1925.

Cmd 2525

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 10 Nov.)

525 Vol. XXX, 573 Misc. No. 12 Correspondence between the Ambassadors' Conference and the German Ambassador at Paris respecting German Disarmament, Evacuation of the Cologne Zone, and Modification in the Rhineland Regime. Paris, October-November 1925. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1925 HL 18 Nov. 1925


Cmd 2527

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 526 - 529 Cmd 2528 - 2542

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 451 Misc. No. 13 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtyfifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2528


Vol. XXXI, 187 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Seventh Session, 19 May-10 June 1925. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2536


Vol. XXXI, 651 Treaty Series No. 48 Convention between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and Lithuania respecting the Memel Territory and the Statute of the Memel Territory. Signed at Paris, 8 May 1924. British Ratification deposited at Paris, 25 August 1925. In continuation of Lithuania No. 1, 1924 [Item 414]. L/C. HC/L. 26 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2541


Vol. XXX, 689 Treaty Series No. 49 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands extending the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of 13 April 1920, to the States of Johore and Kedah. The Hague 23 September-3 October 1925. L/C. HC/L. 26 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2542


COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 530 - 535 Cmd 2543 - 2553

Doc. No.

Item No. 530

Vol. XXXI, 475 Misc. No. 14 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtysixth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 30 Nov. 1925 HL.

Cmd 2543

1 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXX, 807 Sudan No. 1 (1925) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1924. L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2544


Vol. XXX, 659 Treaty Series No. 50 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy to regulate the Professional Practice of Medical Practitioners in their respective Territories. Signed at Rome, 21 May 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2551


Vol. XXX, 375 Treaty Series No. 51 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2552


Dropped Number.


Vol. XXX, 1 Abyssinia, No. 1 (1925) Correspondence respecting Abyssinian Raids and Incursions into British Territory. [See also Item 746.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2553

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 536 - 539 Cmd 2555 - 2558 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 693 Treaty Series No. 52 Commercial Convention between Canada and the Netherlands. Signed at Ottawa, 11 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 28 October 1925.

Cmd 2555

L/C. HC. 11 Dec 1925 HL. 14 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXX, 83 Treaty Series No. 53 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria providing for the Provisional Regulation of Commercial Relations between the two Countries. Sofia, 12 November 1925.

Cmd 2556

L/C. HC. 11 Dec. 1925 HL. 14 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 541 Misc. No. 15 Report to the Council of the League of Nations by General F. Laidoner on the Situation in the Locality of the Provisional Line of the Frontier between Turkey and Iraq fixed at Brussels on 29 October 1924. Mosul, 23 November 1925.

Cmd 2557

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 63 Misc. No. 16 Agreement regulating the amounts to be allocated out of the Second Dawes Annuity for the Armies of Occupation in the Rhineland, the Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission, and the Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control in Germany. Paris, 21 September 1925. [See also Item 655.] L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2558

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 540 - 544 Cmd 2559 - 2565 Item No.

Doc. No.

540 Vol. XXX, 921 Treaty Series No. 54 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, respecting the rights of the Governments of the two countries and their respective Nationals in Palestine. Signed at London, 3 December 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 3 December 1925.

Cmd 2559

L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1925

541 Vol. XXXI, 549 Misc. No. 17 Decision relating to the Turko-Iraq Frontier adopted by the Council of the League of Nations, Geneva, 16 December I925. [See also Items 544, 568, 580.]

Cmd 2562

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 555 Misc. No. 18 Memorandum on the enquiry conducted by MM. Ortega-Nunez, Markers, and Charrere into the Deportation of Christians in the Neighbourhood of the Brussels Line, Mosul, 23 November 1925.

Cmd 2563

L/C. HC/L 18 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 81 Misc. No. 19 Dispatch to His Majesty's Representatives abroad notifying the Denunciation by His Majesty's Government of the Convention (No. VI) signed at The Hague on 18 October 1907, relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities. London, 18 December 1925.

Cmd 2564

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

544 Vol. XXXI, 563 Misc. No. 20 Report by M. Unden on the question of the Turko-Iraq Frontier, Geneva, 16 December 1925. In continuation of Misc. No. 17, 1925 [Item 541]. L/C. HC/L 21 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2565

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 545 - 546 Cmd 2566 - 2568 Item No.

Doc. No.

545 Vol. XXI, 169 Arabia Agreements with the Sultan of Nejd regarding certain questions relating to the Nejd-TransJordan and the Nejd-Iraq Frontiers. (The Hadda and Bahra Agreements and the correspondence related thereto : October-November 1925.)

Cmd 2566

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

546 Vol. XXX, 717 Treaty Series No. 55 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal confirming the Protocol, signed at Cape Town on 5 March 1915, defining a section of the Frontier Line between the Portuguese Colony of Angola and Rhodesia. Lisbon, 3 November 1925.

Cmd 2568

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

BILLS PUBLIC 1926 Item 547 Bill No. 43 Item No.

Doc. No.

547 Vol. IV, 425: Bills, Public (4) Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Acts, 19211925, by increasing the maximum Limit of the loans in respect of which Guarantees may be given under those Acts and by extending the period within which such Guarantees may be given, and to extend the periods during which Guarantees may respectively be given and to remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920-1924. O.H.C.P. 23 Feb. 1926


Bill 43

BILLS PUBLIC 1926 Item 548 Bill No. 202

Doc. No.

Item No. 548 Vol. IV, 43: Bills, Public (4) Palestine and East Africa Bill to authorize the Treasury to Guarantee certain loans to be raised respectively by the Government of Palestine and by the Government of certain Territories in East Africa.

Bill 202

O.H.C.P. 2 Dec. 1926

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1926 Item 549 - 551 S.P. No. 5 - 61

Item No. 549

Doc. No. Vol. XVI, 203 Imperial Ottoman Loan of 1855 By Act Mr. Ronald McNeill Account for the period to 31 December 1925.

S.P. 5

O.H.C.P. 3 Feb. 1926


Vol. XVI, 417 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1925. By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1925.

S.P. 14

O.H.C.P. 12 Feb. 1926


Vol. XVI, 421 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 March 1926. Account up to 31 March 1926, of total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts under the Undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, during the Year ended 31 March 1926. O.H.C.P. 15 April 1926


S.P. 61

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1926 Item 552 - 555 S.P. No. 90 -160

Doc. No.

Item No. 552

Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1926.

S.P. 90

O.H.C.P. 7 June 1926


VoI. XVI, 425 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1926.

S.P. 106

O.H.C.P. 16 July 1926


Vol. XVI, 427 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1926.

S.P. 139

O.H.C.P. 25 Oct. 1926


Vol. XVI, 111 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account for the Period ended 31 March 1926.

S.P. 160

O.H.C.P. 13 Dec. 1926

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 556 Cmd 2575

Item No. 556 Vol. XXX, 755 Treaty Series No. 1 (1926) International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of, and traffic in, Obscene Publications. Geneva, 12 September 1926. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1926 (R. 26 Jan.)


Doc. No. Cmd 2575

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 557 - 562 Cmd 2576 - 2587 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 497 Misc. No. 1 (1926) Report of the British Delegates on the Sixth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 26 November 1925. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 1925 [Item 466].

Cmd 2576

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926 (R. 26 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 781 Treaty Series No. 56 (1925) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2577

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 799 Treaty Series No. 57 (1925) Index to Treaty Series, 1925.

Cmd 2578

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 121 Italy Agreement for the Settlement of the War Dept of Italy to Great Britain.

Cmd 2580

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXIII, 1017 Trade Facilities Memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 2584

L/C. HC. 5 Feb. 1926 HL 10 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 95 Iraq Treaty with King Feisal, with Explanatory Note. Signed at Bagdad, 13 January 1926. L/C. HC. 9 Feb. 1926 HL 10 Feb. 1926


Cmd 2587

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 563 - 566 Cmd 2590 - 2616 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XIX, 727 Fleets: (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Japan, Italy, Russia, and Germany on 1 February 1926. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.]

Cmd 2590

L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 87 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary modifying the Agreement between the British and Hungarian Governments of 11 December 1923, relating to the periodical Instalments payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder. Budapest, 17 October 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 9, 1924 [Item 356].

Cmd 2593

L/C. HC. 1 March 1926 HL 2 March 1926


Cmd 2594

Vol. XXX, 613 Misc. No. 2

Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Thirty-Seventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 1 March 1926 HL 2 March 1926


Vol. XXX, i Treaty Series No. 3 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Albania, recording the Renunciation of His Majesty's Government of Extra-territorial Judicial Rights in Albania. Durazzo, 6 February 1926. L/C. HC. 22 March 1926 HL. 23 March 1926


Cmd 2616


Item 567 - 569 Cmd 2617-2625 Item No.

Doc. No.

567 Vol. XXX, 117 Treaty Series No. 4 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the Deportation of British Somali Subjects expelled from Italian Somaliland and of Italian Native Subjects of Italian Somaliland expelled from Adan. London, 14 December 1925 and 29 January 1926.

Cmd 2617

L/C. HC. 22 March 1926 HL 23 March 1926

568 Vol. XXX, 693 Misc. No. 3 Letter from His Majesty's Government to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and the proceedings of the Council of the League reguarding the determination of the Turko-Iraq Frontier and the application to Iraq of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations. London, 2 March 1926 and Geneva, 11 March 1926, In continuation of Cmd 2562 [Item 541].

Cmd 2624

L/C. HC. 13 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R. 9 April)


Vol. XXX, 21 Treaty Series No. 5 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia relative to the reduced rate of Customs Duty to be levied on Printed Matter in English Advertising Products of British Industry imported into Czechoslovakia. Prague, 1 February 1926. L/C. HC. 13 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R. 9 April)


Cmd 2625

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 570 - 573 Cmd 2633 - 2642 Item No.

Doc. No.

570 Vol. XXX, 415 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations at its Seventh Session 19 May-20 June 1925.

Cmd 2633

L/C. HC. 15 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R.)

571 Vol. XXX, 5 China No. 1 (1926) Papers respecting the First Firing in the Shameen Affair of 23 June 1925.

Cmd 2636

L/C. HC/L 21 April 1926

572 Vol. XXX, 25 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic relative to Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 11 November 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 March 1926.

Cmd 2637

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1926

573 Vol. XXX, 181 Treaty Series No. 7 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Siam for the revision of their Mutual Treaty Arrangements and Protocol concerning Jurisdiction applicable in Siam to British Subjects, etc. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Cmd 2642

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 574 - 577 Cmd 2643 - 2647 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 169 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926.

Cmd 2643

L/C. HG 3 May 1926 HL. 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 189 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Siam in connection with the General and Commercial Treaties signed between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. London, 14 July-15 September 1925.

Cmd 2644

L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 637 Misc. No. 4 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Thirty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2646

L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 345 United States No. 1 (1926) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the United States Government regarding Administrative Measures to be taken by the British Authorities in order to assist the United States Government in the prevention of Liquor Smuggling from the Sea. Washington, 27 March-26 April 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Cmd 2647

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 578 - 582 Cmd 2648 - 2664

Item No. 578

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 537 Misc. No. 5 Report of the British Delegates on the Special Assembly of the League of Nations, Geneva, 8-17 March 1926. London, 19 April 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926

Cmd 2648

HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 291 Sudan No. 1 (1926) Papers relating to Slavery in the Sudan. L/C. HC/L. 17 May 1926

Cmd 2650


Vol. XXX, 91 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq regarding the duration of the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq of October 10 1922. Signed at Bagdad, 13 January 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926. In continuation of Cmd 2562 [Item 541]. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2662


Vol. XXX, 395 Treaty Series No. 11 International Agreement for the Creation at Paris of an International Office for dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals. Paris, 25 January 1924. British Ratification deposited, 11 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2663


Vol. XXX, 387 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the United Kingdom, Belgium, and France relative to Customs regulations applicable to Air Traffic. Paris, 5 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2664


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 583 - 587 Cmd 2665 - 2679

Doc. No.

Item No. 583

Vol. XXX, 689 Misc. No. 6 Report to the Council of the Committee on the Composition of the Council of the League of Nations. Geneva, 17 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 8 June 1926

Cmd 2665


Vol. XXX, 83 Treaty Series No. 13 Conventions between the United Kingdom and Greece regarding the Damage caused by British Troops in Greece, with Supplementary Protocol. Athens, 30 November 1925. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1926

Cmd 2668


Vol. XXX, 141 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between the United Knigdom and the Netherlands for the Reciprocal exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. London, 20 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1926

Cmd 2669


Vol. XXX, 157 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal in regard to Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, with Notes Exchanged. London, 20 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1926

Cmd 2670


Vol. XXX, 309 Turkey No. 1 (1926) Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq and Turkey regarding the settlement of the Frontier between Turkey and Iraq, with map. Notes exchanged. Angora, 5 June 1926. Ratifications have not yet been exchanged. [Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 18 July 1926. See Item 664.] L/C. HC. 18 June 1926

Cmd 2679

HL 22 June 1926


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 588 - 591a Cmd 2680 - 2690

Item No.

Doc. No.


NOT PRINTED. No Number Treaty Series No. 16 (Cancelled) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Roumania for funding of the Roumanian War Debt to the British Government. London, 19 October 1925. L/C. HC. 18 June 1926 HL 22 June 1926 Withdrawn: HC. 21 June 1926 HL 23 June 1926

589 Vol. XXX, 101 Treaty Series No. 16 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting Lake Tsana. Rome, I4-20 December 1925.

Cmd 2680

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1926

590 Vol. XXX, 705 Misc. No. 7 Report of the Council of League of Nations on the work of the First Session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference. Geneva, 26 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 23 June 1926

Cmd 2681

Vol. XXIII, 585 Communist Papers Documents selected from those obtained on the Arrest of Communist Leaders on the 14th and 21st of October 1925. L/C. HC/L. 22 June 1926

Cmd 2682

591a Vol. IX, 159: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa Report for 1925 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1926

Cmd 2690



COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 592 - 594c Cmd 2692 2702

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXX, 75 France Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of France to Great Britain with an exchange of letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the French Minister of Finance. London, 12 July 1926. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1926

Cmd 2692


Vol. XXX, 71 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Esthonia regarding the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, with Notes exchanged. London, 24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 15 July 1926

Cmd 2693


Vol. XXX, 653 Misc. No. 8 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Fortieth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 15 July 1926

Cmd 2694

594a Vol. XXIII, 869 Palestine and East Africa Loans Bill Memorandum explaining the financial resolution (1926). L/C. HC. 14 July 1926

Cmd 2696

HL. 15 July 1926

594b Vol. IX, 163: Reports, Commissioners (2) East Africa Report of the East African Guaranteed Loan Committee. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1926

Cmd 2701

594c Vol. XXX, 771 Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters Final Act (and Annex) of the International Conference at Washington, June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1926

Cmd 2702


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 595 - 598 Cmd 2708 - 2728

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXX, 63 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between the United Kingdom and Esthonia for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. Ratificaitons exchanged at London, 11 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1926

Cmd 2708


Vol. XXX, 51 Treaty Series No. 19 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Esthonia. Signed at Reval, 18 January 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Reval, 3 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1926

Cmd 2709


Vol. XXX, 743 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement respecting facilities to be given to Merchant Seamen for the Treatment of Venereal Disease. Signed at Brussels, 1 December 1924. British Ratification deposited 21 August 1925.

Cmd 2727

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 113 Treaty Series No. 21 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy for the reciprocal recognition of Proof Marks. London, 24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 20 Aug.)


Cmd 2728

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 599 - 602 Cmd 2729 - 2732 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 325 Treaty Series No. 22 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in the former German Colony of East Africa. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2729

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

600 Vol. XXX, 333 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in part of the former German Protectorate of the Camaroons. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2730

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

601 Vol. XXX, 339 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in part of the Former German Protectorate of Togoland. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2731

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

602 Vol. XXX, 161 Treaty Series No. 25 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom to regulate the Commercial Relations between the two Countries. Belgrade, 18 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.) 142

Cmd 2732

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 603 - 607 Cmd 2741- 2749 Item No.

Doc. No.

603 Vol. XXX, 125 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Island. Signed at Paris, 19 June 1926.

Cmd 2741

L/C. HC/L 27 Sept. 1926 (R. 13 Sept.)

604 Vol. XXX, 201 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1925.

Cmd 2742

L/C. HC/L. 27 Sept. 1926 (R. 13 Sept.)

605 Vol. XXX, 419 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eighth Session, 26 May-5 June 1926; and Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Ninth Session, 7 June-24 June 1926. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2745

L/C. HC/L 27 Sept. 1926 (R.25 Sept.)

606 Vol. XXX, 351 United States No. 2 Correspondence between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the proposed reduction of Passport Fees.

Cmd 2746

L/C. HC/L 25 Oct. 1926 (R. 13 Oct.)

607 Vol. XXX, 469 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Eighth Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 26 May-5 June 1926. L/C. HC/L 25 Oct. 1926


Cmd 2749

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 608 - 612 Cmd 2750 - 2766

Item No.

Doc. No.

608 Vol. XXX, 483 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Ninth Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 7-24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 25 Oct. 1926

Cmd 2750

609 Vol. XXX, 197 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Spain respecting the duration of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Spain of 31 October 1922. Madrid, 22 October 1926. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2753

610 Vol. XXX, 669 Misc. No. 9 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Forty-first and the Forty-second Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 22 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2761

611 Vol. XXX, 731 Treaty Series No. 28 Treaty of Mutual Guarantee between the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy. Locarno, 16 October 1925. Ratifications deposited at Geneva, 14 September 1926. L/C. HC/L 22 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2764

612 Vol. VIII, 629: Reports, Commissioners (1) China No. 2 Report of the Advisory Committee, with other Documents respecting the China Indemnity. [See Items 555, 686, 729, 785.] L/C. HC. 26 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2766

HL 30 Nov. 1926


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 613 - 616 Cmd 2767 - 2777

Item No. 613 Vol. XXX, 713 Misc. No. 10 Papers respecting the work of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Doc. No. Cmd 2767

613a Vol. XI, 545: Reports, Commissioners (4) Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1926. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2768

613b Vol. XI, 607: Reports, Commissioners (4) Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2769


Vol. VIII, 499: Reports, Commissioners (1) China No. 3 Report of the Commission on Extra-Territoriality in China. [See also Item 632.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2774


Vol. XXX, 359 Misc. No. 11 The Permanent Court of International Justice Question of Accession of the United States of America to the Protocol of 16 December 1920. L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2776


Vol. XXX, 145 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Portugal in relation to the Boundary between the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa and Angola. Signed at Cape Town, 22 June 1926. [See also Item 617.] L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2777


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 617 - 619 Cmd 2778 - 2780 Item No.

Doc. No.

617 Vol. XXX, 149 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Republic of Portugal regulating the use of the water of the Kunene River for the purposes of generating Hydraulic Power and of Inundation and Irrigation of the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa. Signed at Cape Town, 1 July 1926. [See also Item 616.] L/C. HC/L 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2778

618 Vol. XXX, 37 Treaty Series No. 31 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic for the Extradition of Criminals. Signed at London, 11 November 1924, and Protocol signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratification exchanged at London, 5 November 1926.

Cmd 2779

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1926

619 Vol. XXX, 561 Misc. No. 12 Report of the British Delegates on the Seventh Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 19 November 1926. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 of 1926 [Item 557].

Cmd 2780

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1926

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1927 Item 620 S.P. No. 7 Item No.

Doc. No.

620 Vol. XIII, 527 Trade Facilities Acts; 1921-1926 By Act Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1926. O.H.C.P. 8 Feb. 1927


S.P. 7

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1927 Item 621- 624 S.P. No. 18-71

Doc. No.

Item No. 621

Vol. XIII, 229 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 By Act Account for the period to 31 December 1926.

S.P. 18

O.H.C.P. 15 Feb. 1927


Vol. XVIII, 447 By Act East India (Progress and Condition). Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1925-1926. 61st Number.

S.P. 29

O.H.C.P. 25 Feb. 1927


Vol. XIII, 529 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1927 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given, and of sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts payable under the undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, during the Year ended 31 March 1927.

S.P. 61

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1927

624 Vol. XIII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1927. O.H.C.P. 13 June 1927


S.P. 71

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 625 - 629 Cmd 2789 - 2794 Doc. No.

Item No. 625 Vol. XXVI, 153 Treaty Series No. I (1927) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting the Measurement of Tonnage of Merchant Ships. Signed at London, 30 November 1926. Notes exchanged 30 November1 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2789

626 Vol. XXVI, 157 Treaty Series No. 2 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Greece and accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 16 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 10 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2790

627 Vol. XIII, 395 Portuguese War Debt Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of Portugal to Great Britain. Signed at London, 31 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2791

628 Vol. XXVI, 235 Abyssinia No. 1 (1927) Correspondence respecting the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy of 14-20 December 1925 in regard to Lake Tsana. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (IL 14 Jan.)

Cmd 2792

629 Vol. XXVI, 139 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Esthonian Republic relative to the clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. Signed at Tallinin (Reval) 3 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 25 Jan.)

Cmd 2794


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 630 - 634 Cmd 2795 - 2804 Item No.

Doc. No.

630 Vol. XXVI, 437

Cmd 2795

Treaty Series No. 4 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting drawbacks and methods of computing ad valorem Rates under Siamese Customs Law. Bangkok, 30 September 1926. L/C. HC/L 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 25 Jan.)

631 Vol. XXVI, 297

Cmd 2796

Treaty Series No. 5 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal renewing the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 16 November 19I4. London, 4 January 1927. L/C. HC/L 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 3 Feb.)

632 Vol. XXVI, 39

Cmd 2797

China No. 1 (1927) Declaration and Memoranda by the Chinese Commissioner, presented to the Commission on Extra-Territoriality in China. In continuation of Cmd 2774 of 1926 [Item No. 614]. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 3 Feb.)

633 Vol. XXVI, 693

Cmd 2799

Misc. No. 1 (1927) Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Forty-third Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 6-11 December 1926. L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1927 HL 15 Feb. 1927

634 Vol. XXVI, 937

Cmd 2804

Treaty Series No. 32 (1926) Treaties etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States Accessions, Withdrawals etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 56, 1925. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1927 149

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 635 - 639 Cmd 2805 - 2822

Doc. No.

Item No. 635

Vol. XXVI, 953 Treaty Series No. 33 (1926) Index to Treaty Series, 1926.

Cmd 2805

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1927


Cmd 2809 Vol. XV, 705 Fleets: The British Empire and Foreign Countries Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union on 1 February 1927. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 22 Feb. 1927 HL 23 Feb. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 15 Treaty Series No. 6 Protocol respecting the boundary between Tanganyika Territory and the Belgian Mandated Territory of Ruanda-Urundi, with three maps. Signed at Kigoma, 5 August 1924. Notes exchanged between the British and the Belgian Governments, Brussels, 17 May 1926.

Cmd 2812

L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1927

638 Vol. XXVI, 433 Treaty Series No. 7 Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 25 November 1925. Ratification exchanged at London, 2 February 1927.

Cmd 2813

L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1927

639 Vol. XXVI, 301 Russia No. 1 (1927) Note from His Majesty's Government to the Government of the U.S.S.R. respecting the Relations existing between the two Governments, and Note in reply, 23-26 February 1927. L/C. HC/L 15 March 1927


Cmd 2822

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 640 - 643 Cmd 2829 - 2836

Item No.

Doc. No.

640 Vol. XXVI, 143 Treaty Series No. 8 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France regarding certain amendments to be made in the New Hebrides Protocol of 6 August 1914. Paris, 17-21 February 1927. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 7, 1922. [See also Items 236 and 275.] L/C. HC/L 24 March 1927

Cmd 2829

641 Vol. X, 663: Reports, Commissioners (4) Industrial Relations Report of the Delegation appointed to Study Industrial Conditions in Canada and the United States of America. L/C. HC/L. 22 March 1927

Cmd 2833

642 Vol. XXVI, 127 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing the Anglo-Danish Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 March 1927. L/C. HC/L 6 April 1927

Cmd 2835

643 Vol. XXVI, 225 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland renewing, as far as Iceland is concerned, the Anglo-Dutch Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 March 1927. L/C. HC/L 6 April 1927

Cmd 2836


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 644 - 647 Cmd 2845 - 2851 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 581 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between the Sudan Government and the Hejad Government, His Majesty's Government assenting, relating to the Port SudanJeddah Telegraph Cable. Signed 18 December 1926.

Cmd 2845

L/C. HC. 11 April 1927 HL. 12 April 1927


Vol. XXVI, 55 China No. 2 Memorandum on Labour Conditions in China. Foreign Office, 25 February 1927.

Cmd 2846

L/C. HC. 11 April 1927 HL 12 April 1927


Vol. XIII, 215 Greek War Debt Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of Greece to Great Britain, with an Exchange of Letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Greek Minister in London. London, 9 April 1927.

Cmd 2848

L/C. HC. 13 April 1927 HL 28 April 1927 (R.)


Vol. XXVI, 131 Treaty Series No. 12 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting Compensation to Workmen for Accidents arising out of their Employment. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 5 April 1927. L/C. HC. 26 April 1927 HL. 28 April 1927 (R. 25 April)


Cmd 2851

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 648 - 650a Cmd 2852 - 2870

Item No.

Doc. No.

648 Vol. XXVI, 833 Misc. No. 2 Nationality and Naturalization Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. In continuation of C. 7027 of 1893-4 and Cmd 1771 of 1922. [See also Items 257 and 677.] L/C. HC. 26 April 1927

Cmd 2852

HL 28 April 1927 (R.)

648a Vol. XVIII, 45 Tanganyika Treasury Minute dated 6 April 1927, relating to the Interest and Sinking Fund payable on Loans made to Tanganyika Territory out of moneys voted by Parliament. L/C. HC. 26 April 1927

Cmd 2853

HL. 28 April 1927 (R.)

649 Vol. XXVI, 441 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His British Majesty and His Majesty, the King of Spain revising certain Provisions of the Anglo-Spanish Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 31 October 1922, and Notes exchanged. Signed at London, 5 April 1927. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 21, 1924. [See Items 393 and 609.] L/C. HC. 27 April 1927

Cmd 2855

HL 28 April 1927 (R.)

650 Vol. XXVI, 81 China No. 3 Papers respecting the Agreements relative to the British Concessions at Kinkiang and Hankow. L/C. HC/L. 24 May 1927

Cmd 2869

650a Vol. XV, 803 Reproduction of the Record of the Battle of Jutland prepared by Captain J.P. Harper, R.N., in 1919-1920. [See Item 106a.] L/C. HG 20 May 1927

Cmd 2870

HL 24 May 1927


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 651- 654 Cmd 2872 - 2877 Item No.

Doc. No.

651 Vol. XXVI, 577 Sudan No. 1 (1927) Dispatch from the Governor-General of the Sudan to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations relating to Slavery in the Sudan.

Cmd 2872

L/C. HC. 27 May 1927 HL 31 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 327 Russia No. 2 Documents illustrating the Hostile Activities of the Soviet Government and the Third International against Great Britain.

Cmd 2874

L/C. HC/L 25 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 275 Mexico No. I (1927) Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States for the settlement of the British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico arising from Loss or Damage from Revolutionary Acts between 20 November 1910 and 31 May 1920. Signed at Mexico, 19 November 1926.

Cmd 2876

L/C. HC/L 31 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 599 Treaty Series No. 14 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States of America regarding the disposal of certain Pecuniary Claims arising out of the recent War. Washington, 19 May 1927. L/C. HC. 30 May 1927 HL 31 May 1927


Cmd 2877

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 655 - 658a Cmd 2886 - 2893

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVI, 607 Misc. No. 3 Agreement regulating the amounts to be allocated out of the Annuities of the Expert's Plan for the Armies of Occupation, the Rhineland High Commission and the Military Commission of Control for the period 1 April 1926-10 January 1930. In continuation of Cmd 2558 of 1924-5 [Item 539]. Paris, 13 January 1927. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1927

Cmd 2886


Vol. XXVI, 755 Misc. No. 4 Report of the British Representatives on the Preparatory Committee of the League of Nations for the Disarmament Conference. Third Session, Geneva, 21 March-26 April 1927. L/C. HC. 17 June 1927

Cmd 2888

HL 20 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 827 Misc. No. 5 Report of the British Representatives on the Committee of the Council of the League of Nations on Article 11 of the Covenant. L/C. HC. 17 June 1927

Cmd 2889

HL. 20 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 631 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Convention and the Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eighth Session, 26 May-5 June 1926. L/C. HC. 13 June 1927

Cmd 2890

HL. 16 June 1927 (R.)

658a Vol. VII, 559: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1926 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1927 155

Cmd 2893

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 659 - 662 Cmd 2894 - 2910 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 713 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate) on the Forty-fourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 7-12 March 1927.

Cmd 2894

L/C. HC. 24 June 1927 HL. 27 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 359 Russia No. 3 Selection of Papers dealing with relations between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government, 1921-1927.

Cmd 2895

L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1927 661

Vol. XXVI, 267 Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Lithuania for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Kaunos (Kovno), 18 May 1926. Ratification exchanged at Kaunos, 29 March 1927.

Cmd 2897

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1927 661a

Vol. XVIII, 37 Future Policy with regard to Eastern Africa.

Cmd 2904

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1927 662

Vol. XXVI, 925 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention with the object of securing the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade. Signed at Geneva, 25 September 1926. British Ratification deposited 18 June 1927.

L/C. HC. 22 July 1927 HL. 25 July 1927


Cmd 2910

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 663 - 666 Cmd 2911- 2920

Item No. 663 Vol. XXVI, 263 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic relating to Tonnage Measurement Certificates. London, 24 June 1927. L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Doc. No. Cmd 2911

HL 25 July 1927


Vol. XXVI, 583 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq and Turkey regarding the settlement of the Frontier between Iraq and Turkey, with map. Notes exchanged. Angora, 5 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 18 July 1926. [See Item 587.] L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Cmd 2912

HL 25 July 1927

664a Vol. X, 469: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Shipping Committee Report on the Harbour of Dai-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Territory. L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Cmd 2917

HL 25 July 1927

665 Vol. XXVI, 285 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon to facilitate good neighbourly relations in connection with frontier questions. Signed at Jerusalem, 2 February 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1927

Cmd 2919

666 Vol. XXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 20 Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and Albania. Signed at Tirana, 22 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Tirana, 29 January 1927. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1927

Cmd 2920


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 667 - 671 Cmd 2925 - 2935 Doc. No.

Item No.

667 Vol. XXVI, 729 Misc. No. 7 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Forty-fifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 13-17 June 1927.

Cmd 2925

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 12 Aug.)

668 Vol. XXVI, 35 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria relating to the Provisional Dissolution of the Anglo-Bulgarian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 17 June 1927.

Cmd 2928

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 251 Treaty Series No. 22 Supplementary Convention to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan. Signed at London, 30 July 1925, with Minutes of a Meeting between the British and Japanese Representatives at the Foreign Office on 30 July I925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 July 1927.

Cmd 2931

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 209 Treaty Series No. 23 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Hungary. Signed at London, 23 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 July 1927.

Cmd 2933

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 959 Treaty Series No. 24 General Index to Treaty Series, 1922-1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 6 Sept.)


Cmd 2935

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 672 - 676 Cmd 2951- 2964 Item No.

Doc. No.

672 Vol. XXVI, 201 Treaty Series No. 25 Treaty between His Majesty and His Majesty, the King of the Hejaz and of Nejd and its Dependencies, 20 May 1927. Notes exchanged 19-21 May 1927. Ratifications exchanged at Jeddah, 17 September 1927.

Cmd 2951

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (It. 22 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 615 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention regarding the Measurement of Vessels employed in Inland Navigation with Protocol of Signature. Paris, 27 November 1925. British Ratification deposited 14 June 1927.

Cmd 2952

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 29 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 95 China. No 4 Papers relating to the Nanking Incident of 24 and 25 March 1927.

Cmd 2953

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 6 Oct.)


Vol. XXVI, 635 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Tenth Session, 25 May-16 June 1927. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2961

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 19 Oct.)


Vol. XXVI, 805 Geneva Conference (Naval Armaments) Speeches at the Plenary Session by the Rt. Hon. W.C. Bridgeman, M.P., First Lord of the Admiralty. (June-August 1927.) L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 24 Oct.)


Cmd 2964

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 677 - 681 Cmd 2970 - 2990 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 257 Misc. No. 8 Nationality Law of Latvia, 2 June 1927. In continuation of Cmd 2852. [Item 648.]

Cmd 2970

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1927


Vol. XIII, 501 Serb-Croat-Slovene War Debt Agreement for the Settlement of the War Debt of the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom to Great Britain, London, 9 August 1927.

Cmd 2973

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (IL 7 Nov.)


Vol. XXVI, 453 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Spanish Government respecting the reciprocal recognition of Proof Marks on Fire Arms. Madrid, 8 September 1927.

Cmd 2975

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 147 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government confirming the Agreement of 18 August 1927, regarding the Administration of the New Hebrides. Paris, 31 August 1927.

Cmd 2988

L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1927


Vol. XIII, 497 Roumanian War Debt Agreement dated 19 October 1925, for the settlement of the Roumanian War Debt to Great Britain. L/C. HC/L. 28 Nov. 1927


Cmd 2990

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 682 - 685 Cmd 2991- 2998 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 459 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1926.

Cmd 2991

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1927


Vol. XIII, 103 China Treasury Minute dated 7 December 1927 relative to the Leases of His Majesty's Government in the British Concession in China.

Cmd 2994

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1927 HL. No record.


Vol. XXVI, 669 International Labour Conference Report of the British Government Delegates on the Tenth Session. Geneva, 25 May-16 June 1927.

Cmd 2995

L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 229 Iraq Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at London, 14 December 1927. To be published in Treaty Series, when ratified.

Cmd 2998

L/C. HC/L. 19 Dec. 1927

BILLS PUBLIC 1928 Item 685a Bill No. 117 Item No.

Doc. No.

685a Vol. IV, 485 Straits Settlement and Johore Territorial treaties. (Agreement) (H.L.) Agreement between His Majesty and the Sultan of the State and Territory of Johore, 19 October 1927: Schedule of Bill. O.H.C.P. 2 May 1928


Bill 117

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928 Item 686 - 689 S.P. No. 7-66 Doc. No.

Item No. 686

Vol. XIII, 99 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to Section 1(4) of the China Indemnity (Application) Act 1925, showing Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1927; with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 160, 1926. (See Items 555, and 612.)

S.P. 7

O.H.C.P. 7 Feb. 1928


Vol. XIII, 199 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 By Act Account for the Period to 31 December 1927.

S.P. 19

O.H.C.P. 13 Feb. 1928


Vol. XVIII, 597 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1926-1927. 62nd Number.

S.P. 48

O.H.C.P. 23 March 1928


Vol. XIII, 367 Trade Facilities Acts: 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. Also an Account up to 31 March 1928 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts payable under undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, from 31 March 1927 to completion of the scheme on 15 May 1927. O.H.CP. 26 Apri11928


S.P. 66

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928 Item 690 S.P. No. 82

Doc. No.

Item No. 690 Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1928.

S.P. 82

O.H.C.P. 6 June 1928

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 691- 693 Cmd 3008 - 3010

Item No.

Doc. No.

691 Vol. XXVI, 447 Misc. No. 1 (1928) Report of the British Delegates on the Eighth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 25 November 1927. In continuation of Misc. No. 12, 1926 [Item 619]. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3008

(IL 11 Jan.)

692 Vol. XXVI, 363 Misc. No. 2 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-sixth and Fortyseventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 1-28 September 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3009

(R. 11 Jan.)

693 Vol. XXVI, 119 Treaty Series No. 1 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the German Reich relating to Air Navigation, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 29 June 1927. Ratification exchanged at Berlin, 1 December 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (IL 11 Jan.)


Cmd 3010

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 694 - 698 Cmd 3017 - 3023

Item No.

Doc. No.

694 Vol. XXVI, 145. Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the Latvian Republic regarding the Custom's Treatment of Commercial Travellers Samples. Riga, 16 November 1927.

Cmd 3017

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 11 Jan.)

695 Vol. XVIII, 171 Sierra Leone Correspondence relating to Domestic Slavery in the Sierra Leone Protectorate.

Cmd 3020

RA/HL. 23 Nov. 1927 L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 27 Jan.)

696 Vol. XXVI, 389 Misc. No. 3 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-Eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 5-12 December 1927.

Cmd 3021

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 3 Feb.)

697 Vol. XXVI, 505 Treaty Series No. 29 (1927) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States; Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3022

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

698 Vol. XXVI, 519 Treaty Series No. 30 (1927) Index to Treaty Series, 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928


Cmd 3023

COMMAND PAPERS I928 Item 699 - 702 Cmd 3027 - 3039

Item No. 699

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 135 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the German Government for the Exemption of Shipping Profits from Double Taxation, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 17 January 1928. L/C. HC. 9 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3027

HL. 14 Feb. 1928


Vol. XXVI, 213 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Portuguese Government for the Mutual Recognition of Load-Line Certificates, with Notes exchanged. London, 27 January 1928. L/C. HC/L. 22 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3033


Vol. XV, 749 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, the U.S.S.R., and Germany on 1 February 1928. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 22 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3034

HL. 23 Feb. 1928


Vol. XXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III, Part X of the Treaty of Saint Germain of 10 September 1919. Signed at Vienna, (1) 27 August-2 October 1920, (2) I1 August11 September 1924, (3) 19 September 1927. L/C. HC/L. 29 Feb. 1928


Cmd 3039

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 703 - 707 Cmd 3050 - 3069 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 19 Egypt No. 1 (1928) Papers regarding Negotiations for a Treaty of Alliance with Egypt.

Cmd 3050

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1928


Vol. XV, 595 Navy Estimates Statement of the First Lord of the Admiralty explanatory of the Naval Estimates for 1928.

Cmd 3052

L/C. HC/L 6 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 225 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, with Notes exchanged. London, 12 May 1927. Ratifications exchanged at London, 9 February 1928.

Cmd 3065

L/C. HC. 26 March 1928 HL 27 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 183 Treaty Series No. 7 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Portugal for the Settlement of the Boundary Line between Swaziland and the Province of Mozambique, with diagram. Lisbon, 6 October 1927.

Cmd 3066

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 267 Trans-Jordan Agreement between the United Kingdom and Trans-Jordan. Signed at Jerusalem, 20 February 1928. L/C. HC/L 22 March 1928


Cmd 3069

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 708 - 711 Cmd 3070 - 3085 Item No.

Doc. No.

708 Vol. XXVI, 197 Treaty Series No. 8 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of Portugal for the settlement of the boundary between the Union of South Africa and the Province of Mozambique, with two maps. Lisbon, 6 October 1927.

Cmd 3070

L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1928

709 Vol. XXVI, 219 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of San Salvador for the establishment of a Commercial modus vivendi. San Salvador, 4 and 7 January 1928.

Cmd 3071

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1928

710 Vol. XXVI, 263 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Spanish Government regarding the interpretation of the Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of 31 October 1922, as revised by the Convention of 5 April 1927. Madrid, 6 February 1928.

Cmd 3074

L/C. HC. 3 April 1928 HL 19 April 1928 (IL)

711 Vol. XXVI, 149 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States for the settlement of British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico arising from the Loss or Damage from Revolutionary Acts between 20 November 1910 and 31 May 1920. Mexico, 19 November 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Mexico, 8 March 1928. L/C. HC. 30 April 1928 HL 1 May 1928


Cmd 3085

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 712-716 Cmd 3094 - 3099 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 141 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Icelandic Government for the Exemption of Shipping Profits from Double Taxation. London, 27 April 1928.

Cmd 3094

L/C. HC/L. 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 493 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement concerning the Manufacture of, the Internal Trade in, and the Use of, Prepared Opium, with Protocol and Final Act. Signed at Geneva, 11 February 1925. British Ratification deposited 17 February 1926.

Cmd 3095

L/C. HC/L 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 81 Egypt No. 2 Papers respecting the Proposed Egyptian Law regulating Public Meetings and Demonstrations.

Cmd 3097

L/C. HC. 7 May 1928 HL. 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 413 Misc. No. 4 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 5-10 March 1928.

Cmd 3098

L/C. HC. 14 May 1928 HL 15 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 13 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the reciprocal protection of Trade Marks in Austria and Palestine. London, 2 December 1927-13 April 1928. L/C. HC. 14 May 1928 HL 15 May 1928


Cmd 3099

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 717 - 721 Cmd 3109 - 3138 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 275 United States No. 1 (1928) Correspondence with the United States Ambassador respecting the United States proposal for the renunciation of War.

Cmd 3109

L/C. HC. 18 May 1928 HL. 21 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 175 Norway No. 1 (1928) Proposals for Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Norwegian Government regarding Territorial Waters and Fisheries off the Norwegian Coast.

Cmd 3121

L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1928


Vol. XII, 275: Reports, Commissioners (6) Russian Banks and Communist Funds Report of an inquiry into certain Transactions of the Bank for Russian Trade, Ltd. and the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd., and Memorandum of the Directors of the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd.

Cmd 3125

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1928


Vol. XXVI. 17 Bulgaria No. I (1928) Arrangements between Great Britain, France, Italy, and Bulgaria for the Reparation Payments by Bulgaria under Articles 121 and 122 of the Treaty of Neuilly of 27 November 1919. Signed at Sofia, July 1923.

Cmd 3133

L/C. HC/L. 27 June 1928


Vol. XXVI, 105 Student Employees Text of an arrangement between the competent French and British Authorities for facilitating the admission of Student Employees into the two countries and Notes exchanged between the Marquess of Crewe and M. Briand. May June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1928


Cmd 3138

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 722 - 726 Cmd 3153-3171

Item No. 722

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 301 United States No. 2 Further Correspondence with the Government of the United States of America respecting the United States proposal for the renunciation of war. L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1928

Cmd 3153

722a Vol. VII, 543: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1927 on the importation of spirituous beverages into British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1928

Cmd 3164


Vol. XXVI, 159 Morocco No. 1 (1928) Final Protocol of the Conference for the Amendment of the Tangier Statute. 17 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1928

Cmd 3165


Vol. XXVI, 311 Treaty Series No. 15 International Agreement regarding false indications of Origin on goods. Signed at The Hague, 6 November 1925. British Ratification deposited, 1 May 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3166


Vol. XXVI, 321 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Signed at The Hague, 6 November 1925. British Ratification deposited 1 May 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3167


Vol. XXVI, 427 Misc. No. 5 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Fiftieth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 4-9 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3171


BILLS PUBLIC 1928-1929 Item 727 Bill No. 15

Item No.

Doc. No.

727 Vol. III, 315: Bills, Public (3) Overseas Trade Bill to extend the periods during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Act, 1920-1926.

Bill 15

O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1928

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 728 - 731 S.P. No. 14 - 47 Item No.

Doc. No.

728 Vol. IV, 919: Reports, Committees (1) Overseas Trade Bill Report and proceedings of Standing Committee A.

S.P. 14

O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1928

729 Vol. X, 5 China Indemnity Act By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund for the Year ended 31 March 1928, with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 7 of 1928 [Item 686].

S.P. 23

O.H.C.P. 17 Dec. 1928

730 Vol. XV, 151 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1927-1928. 63rd Number.

S.P. 37

O.H.C.P. 28 Jan. 1929

731 Vol. X, 117 Imperial Ottoman Loan of 1855. By Act Account for the period to 31 December 1928. O.H.C.P. 4 Feb. 1929


S.P. 47

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 732 - 733 S.P. No. 84 - 95

Item No.

Doc. No.

732 Vol. X, 79 Financial Statement (1929-1930) Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel Statement of Revenue and Expenditure as laid before the House by the Chancellor of the Exchequer when opening the Budget.

S.P. 84

Ord. 15 April 1929 O.H.C.P. 15 April 1929

733 Vol. X, 309 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Also Account up to 31 March 1929 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the Repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 95

O.H.C.P. 25 April 1929

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 734 - 735 Cmd 3182 - 3188

Item No.

Doc. No.

734 Vol. XXIII, 177 Treaty Series No. 17 (1928) Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Haytian Government for the establishment of a Commercial modus vivendi. Port-aux-Prince, 25 February 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3182

(R. 20 Aug.)

735 Vol. XXIII, 57 China No. 1 (1928) Papers relating to the settlement of the Nanking Incident of 24 March 1927. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 27 Aug.)


Cmd 3188

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 736 - 739 Cmd 3193 - 3204

Doc. No.

Item No. 736

Vol. XXIII, 183 Treaty Series No. 18 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the Republic of Haiti concerning the Direct Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post. Port-aux-Prince, 13 February 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3193

(R. 11 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 121 Treaty Series No. 19 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government for the Exchange of Money Orders between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Syria, the Lebanon, etc. Paris, 12 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3202

(R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 33 Treaty Series No. 20 (1928) Notes exchanged betwen His Majesty's Governments in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa and the Government of Belgium regarding the extension of the Extradition Convention of 8 August 1923 to certain British and Belgian Mandated Territories. London, 28 June-2 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3203

(R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 167 Treaty Series No. 21 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the German Reich relating to the Surplus of German Property in China. London, 26 July 1928. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 8, 1923 [Item 290]. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 27 Sept.)


Cmd 3204

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 740 - 744 Cmd 3207 - 3212

Item No.

Doc. No.

740 Vol. XXIII, 493 Treaty Series No. 22 (1928) International Sanitary Convention. Signed at Paris, 21 June 1926. British Ratification deposited, 10 March 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3207

(R. 5 Oct.)

741 Vol. XXIII, 399 Treaty Series No. 23 (1928) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the United States of America respecting the reciprocal release of property sequestered in both Countries under the Trading with the Enemy Acts. London, 4 January-23 February 1927. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3208

(IL 5 Oct.)

742 Vol. XXIII, 433 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendation adopted by the Conference at its Eleventh Session, 30 May-16 June 1928 (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3209

(R. 3 Oct.)

743 Vol. XXIII, 763 Misc. No. 6 (1928) Papers regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3211

(R. 17 Oct.)

744 Vol. XXIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 24 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Cuban Government regarding Parcel Post with Cuba, with detailed regulations. London, 1 December 1927. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 April 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 18 Oct.)


Cmd 3212

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 745 - 749 Cmd 3216 - 3226 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 815 Treaty Series No. 25 (1928) Final Protocol of the Conference for the Amendment of the Tangier Statute, with Agreements and Special Provisions, and Exchange of Notes. Paris, 25 July 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 14 December 1928.

Cmd 3216

L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1928 HL. 13 Nov. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 1 Abyssinia No. 1 (1928) Correspondence respecting Abyssinian Raids and Incursions into British Territory and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. In continuation of Cmd 2558 of 1924-1925 [Item 5351.

Cmd 3217

L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1928 HL 13 Nov. 1928


Vol. XVI, 645 Misc. No..7 (1928) Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries.

Cmd 3221

L/C. HC. 16 Nov. 1928 HL 20 Nov. 1928


Vol. XVI, 683 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 3223

L/C. HC/L 15 Nov. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 455 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Eleventh Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 30 May-16 June 1928. L/C. HC. 14 Nov. 1928 HL 15 Nov. 1928


Cmd 3226

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 750 - 753 Cmd 3229 - 3243 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XV, 105 The Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Cmd 3229

L/C. HC. 23 Nov. 1928 HL. 27 Nov. 1928

750a Vol. V, 353: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa.

Cmd 3234

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 2 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 105 Treaty Series No. 26 (1928) Exchange of Notes recording a Provisional Commercial Agreement between Egypt and Palestine. Cairo, 6 June 1928. Jerusalem, 21 June 1928.

Cmd 3236

L/C. HC. 7 Dec. 1928 HL. 10 Dec. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 699 Misc. No. 8 (1928) Report of the British Delegates on the Ninth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 21 November 1928. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 (1928) [Item 691]. 3-26 September 1928.

Cmd 3242

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 637 Misc. No. 9 (1928) Report by the Rt. Hon. Lord Cushendun, British Delegate on the Fifty-first and Fifty-second Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. 30 August-8 September 1928; 10 to 26 September 1928. L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1928


Cmd 3243

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 754 - 757 Cmd 3244 - 3254 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 405 Treaty Series No. 27 (1928) International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs with Protocol. Geneva, 19 February 1925. Ratification deposited 17 February 1926.

Cmd 3244

L/C. HC. 20 Dec. 1928 HL. 22 Jan. 1929 (R.)


Vol. XXIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 28 (1928) Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Spain for a modification of the Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of 31 October 1922 as revised by the Convention of 5 April 1927. Madrid, 31 May 1928.

Cmd 3247

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 31 Dec. 1928)


Vol. XXIII, 809 Treaty Series No. 1 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Governments of Germany, Denmark, France, Sweden, and Czechoslovakia and the Government of Poland to submit the question of the Territorial Limits of the Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the Oder to the decision of the Permanent Court of International Justice. London, 30 October 1928.

Cmd 3250

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 3 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the French Government regarding the Limits of French Fisheries in Granville Bay. London, 20 December 1928. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Cmd 3254

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 758-762 Cmd 3259 - 3267 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 743 Misc. No. 1 (1929) Documents received from the President of the Council of the League of Nations relative to certain incidents on the frontier of Bolivia and Paraguay.

Cmd 3259

RA/HL. 19 Dec. 1928 L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 37 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Belgian Government to dispense with the Legislation of certain Official Documents. Brussels, 21 December 1928.

Cmd 3260

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 241 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Siam regarding the Navigation of the River Mekong. Bangkok, 17 July 1927, 7 February 1928, 18 August 1928, 21 August 1928.

Cmd 3262

L/C. HC/L. 24 Jan. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 857 Treaty Series No. 29 (1928) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3266

L/C. HC. 15 Feb. 1929 HL. 19 Feb. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 873 Treaty Series No. 30 (1928) Index to Treaty Series, 1928. L/C. HG 15 Feb. 1929 HL. 19 Feb. 1929


Cmd 3267

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 763 - 767 Cmd 3270 - 3287 Item No.

Doc. No.

763 Vol. XXIII, 667 Misc. No. 2 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, K.G., M.P., British Delegate on the Fifth-third Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 10-15 December 1928.

Cmd 3270

L/C. HC. 18 Feb. 1929 HL 19 Feb. 1929

764 Vol. XII, 743 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the U.S.S.R., and Germany on 1 February 1929. [See Item 117, for detailed list of classes and Information given.]

Cmd 3277

L/C. HC/. 28 Feb. 1929

765 Vol. XXIII, 253 Sudan No. 1 (1929) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1927, with report on the Lee Stack Indemnity Fund.

Cmd 3284

L/C. HC. 11 March 1929 HL. 12 March 1929

766 Vol. XXIII, 151 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between His Majesty's Government and the President of the German Reich regarding legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 20 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 15 February 1929.

Cmd 3286

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1929

767 Vol. XXIII, 209 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Government of Japan for a Commercial modus vivendi. Wellington, 24 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1929


Cmd 3287

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 768 - 772 Cmd 3296 - 3314 Item No.

Doc. No.

768 Vol. XVI, 685 Petroleum Products (Prices) Statement of the Oil Companies concerned.

Cmd 3296

L/C. HC/L. 20 March 1929

769 Vol. XXIII, 109 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Egypt relative to the Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 and other Financial Questions. Cairo, 17 March 1929.

Cmd 3305

L/C. HC. 27 March 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

770 Vol. XXIII, 97 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Ecuador regarding the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Quito, 5 January 1929.

Cmd 3310

L/C. HC. 15 April 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

771 Vol. XXIII, 213 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands for the settlement of Claims of the Dutch Fishing Industry arising out of the War. London, 22 March 1929.

Cmd 3311

L/C. HC. 15 April 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

772 Vol. XXIII, 683 Misc. No. 3 . Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, K.G., M.P., British Delegate on the Fifty-fourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 4-9 March 1929. L/C. HC/L. 1 May 1929


Cmd 3314

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 772a - 775 Cmd 3317 - 3322

Item No.

Doc. No.

772a Vol. XV, 1 Dead Sea Salt Concessions Promoters and Financial Supporters of the proposed Company.

Cmd 3317

L/C. HC. 26 April 1929

HL. 30 Apri11929 773 Vol. XXIII, 45 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between His Majesty and the President of the Chinese Republic, with other Documents relating to Chinese Customs Tariff. Nanking, 20 December 1928. Ratifications exchanged at London, 14 March 1929.

Cmd 3319

L/C. HC/L 1 May 1929


Vol. XXIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Panama regarding the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Panama, 26 September 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Panama, 21 Feb. ruary 1929.

Cmd 3321

L/C. HC. 6 May 1929 HL 7 May 1929

774a Vol. XV, 3 Dead Sea Salt Concessions Documents relating to the Dead Sea Salt Concessions. L/C. HC. 6 May 1929

Cmd 3326

HL 7 May 1929

775 Vol. XXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 12 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Republic of Panama, with Protocols and Exchange of Notes. Panama, 25 September 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Panama, 8 April 1929. L/C. HC. 6 May 1929 HL 7 May 1929


Cmd 3322

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 776 - 777 Cmd 3336 - 3337

Doc. No.

Item No. 776 Vol. XXIII, 487 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Ninth Session, 7-24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1929

Cmd 3336

777 Vol. XXIII, 491 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eleventh Session, 30 May-16 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1929

Cmd 3337

BILLS PUBLIC 1929-1930 Item 778 - 779 Bill No. 17 - 59

Item No. 778

Doc. No. Vol. I, 153: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a certain convention on the execution of Arbitral Awards and to amend subsection (1) of section one of the Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Act 1924 [Item 332].

Bill 17

O.H.C.P. 23 July 1929

779 Vol. I, 167: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a certain convention on the execution of Arbitral Awards and to amend subsection (1) of section one of the Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Act 1924 [Item 332], as amended by Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1929


Bill 59

BILLS PUBLIC 1929-1930 Item 780 - 782 Bill No. 167 - 234 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. III, 603: Bills, Public (3) Overseas Trade Bill to extend the periods during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 to 1929.

Bill 167

O.H.C.P. 10 April 1930


Vol. III, 87: Bills, Public (3) Merchant Shipping Act (1894) Amendment Bill to enable the Board of Trade to suspend or cancel the certificate of any master, mate or engineer engaging in the illicit importation of intoxicating liquor into the territory of the United States of America.

Bill 169

O.H.C.P. 15 April 1930


Vol. II, 739: Bills, Public (2) London Naval Treaty Bill to enable effect to be given to a Treaty signed at London on behalf of His Majesty and certain other Powers and to repeal section four of the Treaties of Washington Act 1922.

Bill 234

O.H.C.P. 14 July 1930

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 783.784 S.P. No. 1 - 25 Item No.

Doc. No.

783 Vol. XVIII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1928-1929, ended 31 March 1929.

S.P. 1

O.H.C.P. 2 July 1929

784 Vol. V, 567: Reports, Committees (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Bill (Lords) Report and proceeding of Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1929


S.P. 25

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 785 - 788 S.P. No. 48 -118

Doc. No.

Item No. 785

Vol. XVIII, 243 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to the China Indemnity (Application) Act, 1925, showing the Receipts and Payments in the year ended 31 March 1929, with the Report of the Comptroller and AuditorGeneral thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 23 of 1928-29 [Item 729].

S.P. 48

O.H.C.P. 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XVIII, 387 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855. By Act Account for the Period to 31 December 1929.

S.P. 60

O.H.C.P. 4 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXIII, 871 By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1928-1929. 64th Number.

S.P. 107

O.H.C.P. 3 April 1930


Vol. XVIII, 565 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and Account up to 31 March 1930, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 29 April 1930


S.P. 118

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 789 S.P. No. 138

Item No.

Doc. No.

789 Vol. XVIII, 97 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1929-1930, ended 31 March 1930.

S.P. 138

O.H.C.P. 4 June 1930

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 790 - 792 Cmd 3340 - 3342

Item No.

Doc. No.

790 Vol. XXXI, 223 Treaty Series No. 13 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France respecting the Delimitations of certain portions of the Boundary between Senegal and Gambia, (four diagrams). London, 6 May 1929. L/C. HC/L 2 July 1929

Cmd 3340

791 Vol. XXXI, 21 Treaty Series No. 14 Treaty and Convention between His Majesty and the President of the Brazilian Republic for the Settlement of the Boundary between British Guiana and Brazil. London, 22 April 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 16 April 1929. [See also Item 862.] L/C. HC/L 2 July 1929

Cmd 3341

792 Vol. XXXI, 347 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government modifying the Agreement of 18 August 1927 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 13 March 1929. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1929

Cmd 3342


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 793 - 797 Cmd 3343 - 3368 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XVII, 507: Reports, Commissioners (10) Reparations Report of the Committee of Experts on Reparations (Young Report). 7 June 1929.

Cmd 3343

L/C. HC. 2 July 1929 (R.) HL. 2 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 437 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government regarding the expropriation of Landed Properties held by British Subjects. Athens, 17 February 1927 and 1 February 1929.

Cmd 3347

L/C. HC/L 3 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 143 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government in regard to the use of the waters of the River Nile for Irrigation Purposes, with seven diagrams. Cairo, 7 May 1929.

Cmd 3348

L/C. HC. 4 July 1929 HL 9 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 1033 Treaty Series No. I8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government for the establishment of a commercial Modus Vivendi. Angora, 2 July 1929.

Cmd 3366

L/C. HC. 25 July 1929 HL 26 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 207 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between Palestine and Egypt concerning the Reciprocal Enforcement of judgments. Cairo, I2 January 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (IL 31 July)


Cmd 3368

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 798 - 801 Cmd 3369 - 3383 Item No. 798

Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 425 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Greek Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin. London, 21 June 1929.

Cmd 3369

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 31 July)


Vol. XXXI, 85 Egypt No. 1 (1929) Exchange of Notes relating to proposals for an Anglo-Egyptian Settlement.

Cmd 3376

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 6 Aug.) 800

Vol. XXXII, 869 Misc. No. 4 (1929) Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir George Grahame, British Delegate, on the 55th Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 3377

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 20 Aug.)

800a Vol. VIII, 589: Reports, Commissioners (I) Report by Sir Samual Wilson, G.C.M.G., on his visit to East Africa.

Cmd 3378

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct 1929 (R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. VIII, 543: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1928 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 21 Aug.)


Cmd 3383

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 802 - 805 Cmd 3384 - 3392

Item No. 802

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 315 France No. 1 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France for the Exchange of Money Orders with France and Algeria, with detailed regulations. Signed at Paris, 15 May 1929. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3384

(R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 661 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of India and the Italian Government, concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships' Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations. Rome, 25 January 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3385

(R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 311 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the Laws of Landlord and Tenant. Paris, 21-25 May 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3390

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. XXXII, 301 Misc. No. 5 Protocol with Annexes approved at the Plenary Session of The Hague Conference, 31 August 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 4 Sept.)


Cmd 3392

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 806 - 809 Cmd 3394 - 3397

Doc. No.

Item No. 806

Vol. XXXI, 447 Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Shipping Profits from Income Tax. Athens, 31 July 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3394

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 429 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Greek Government, establishing a commercial modus vivendi between New Zealand and Greece. Athens, 13-16 November 1926. Athens, 11 October 1927-21 November 1928. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3395

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 673 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Japanese Government in regard to the exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits. London, 10 August 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3396

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 81 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention of Commerce between His Majesty in respect to the Dominion of Canada and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic. Ottawa, 15 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 30 October 1928. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 6 of 1928. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 19 Sept.)


Cmd 3397

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 810 - 814 Cmd 3398 - 3404 Item No.

Doc. No.

810 Vol. XXXII, 285 Misc. No. 6 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous, or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare. Geneva, 17 June 1925. The Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3398

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 19 Sept.)


Cmd 3400

Vol. XXIII, 813

East India Report on the Air Operations in Afghanistan between 12 December 1928 and 25 February 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 21 Sept.)

812 Vol. XXXII, 245 Treaty Series No. 27 International Agreement concerning the Preparation of a Transit Card for Emigrants. Geneva, 14 June 1929.

Cmd 3402

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 1 Oct.)

813 Vol. XXXI, 859 Sudan No. 2 (1929) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan for 1928, with Report on the Lee Stack Indemnity Fund.

Cmd 3403

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 11 Oct.)

814 Vol. XXXI, 351 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in United Kingdom and in the Irish Free State and the French Government for the Compensation of War Damage. Paris, 2 August 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 1 Oct.)


Cmd 3404

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 815-819 Cmd 3409 - 3421 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 823 Spain No. 1 (1929) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Spain, regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 27 June 1929. Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3409

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 1179 Treaty Series No. 29 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy. Paris, 27 August 1928. British Ratification deposited 2 March 1929.

Cmd 3410

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 313 Misc. No. 7 (Hague Conference) International Agreement on the Evacuation of the Rhineland Territory. The Hague, 30 August 1929.

Cmd 3417

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 25 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 769 Russia No. 1 (1929) Correspondence regarding the Resumption of Relations with the Government of the U.S.S.R. (15 July-3 October 1929.)

Cmd 3418

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 25 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 1119 Misc. No. 8 Declaration made on behalf of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom at the Signature- of the Optional Clause relating to the Permanent Court of International Justice. Geneva, 19 September 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R.25Oct.)


Cmd 3421

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 820 - 823 Cmd 3428 - 3438 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1069 Misc. No. 9 Protocol of Accession of the United States of America to the Protocol of Signature of the Court of International Justice. Geneva, 14 September 1929. This Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. [Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. See Item 857.]

Cmd 3428

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXI, 453 Treaty Series No. 30 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Guatamala, with Exchange of Notes. Guatamala, 22 February 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Guatamala, 29 May 1929.

Cmd 3429

L/C. HC. 15 Nov. 1929 HL. 19 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 1135 Misc. No. 10 Protocol for the Revision of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Geneva, 14 September 1929. Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. [Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited I2 February 1930. See Item 858.]

Cmd 3432

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 559 Treaty Series No. 31 International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Bones, with Protocol. Geneva, 11 July 1928. His Britannic Majesty's ratification deposited, 9 April 1929. L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1929 HL. 26 Nov. 1929


Cmd 3438

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 824 - 828 Cmd 3439 - 3450

Item No. 824

Doc. No. Vol. XXXII, 583 Treaty Series No. 32 International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Hides and Skins, with Protocol. Geneva, 11 July 1928. His Britannic Majesty's ratification deposited 9 April 1929. L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1929

Cmd 3439

HL 26 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 199 Iraq Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies on Policy in Iraq. L/C. HC/L. 20 Nov. 1929

Cmd 3440


Vol. XXXII, 727 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Twelfth Session, 30 May-21 June 1929 (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC. 30 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3441

HL. 31 Oct. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 25 Misc. No. 11 International Convention for the Supervision of the International Trade in Arms and Ammunition with Declaration regarding the Territory of Ifni. Geneva, 17 June 1925. The Convention and Declaration have not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3448


Vol. XIII, 453: Reports, Commissioners (6) Export Credits Reports of the Committee appointed to consider generally the Administration of the Export Credits Guarantee Scheme, 1928-1929.

Cmd 3450

L/C. HC. 6 Dec. 1929 HL. 9 Dec. 1929


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 829 - 832 Cmd 3452 - 3462 Item No.

Doc. No.

829 Vol. XXXII, 1121 Misc. No. 12 Memorandum on the Signature by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of the Optional Clause of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3452

830 Vol. XXXII, 961 Misc. No. 13 Report of the British Delegates on the Tenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 15 November 1929. In continuation of Misc. No. 8, 1928 [Item 752]. L/C. HC/L 20 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3458

831 Vol. XXXII, 889 Misc. No. 14 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-sixth and Fifty-seventh Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 28 Dec.)

Cmd 3459

832 Vol. XXXI, 681 Treaty Series No. 1 (1930) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the Lithuanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations as regulated by the Exchange of Notes 6 May 1922. London, 28 November-10 December 1929. L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R 8 Jan.)

Cmd 3462


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1980 Item 833 -837 Cmd 3464 - 3472 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XX, 703 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 December 1929. [See Item 117 for detailed list of information given.]

Cmd 3464

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 2 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 777 Treaty Series No. 2 Notes exchanged on the occasion of the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations with the U.S.S.R. London, 20 December 1929. Moscow, 21 December 1929.

Cmd 3467

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 17 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 35 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Rendition of the British Concession at Chinkiang. Nanking, 31 October 1929.

Cmd 3469

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 39 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Claims for Losses sustained by British Subjects at Chinkiang in 1927. Nanking, 9 November 1929.

Cmd 3470

L/C. HC/L. 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XXXII, i Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol regarding the International Convention of 7 June 1905 for the creation of the International Institute of Agriculture. Rome, 21 April 1926. L/C. HC/L 23 Jan. 1930


Cmd 3472

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 838 - 842 Cmd 3480 - 3486

Item No. 838

Doc. No. Cmd 3480

Vol. XXXI, 43

China No. 1 (1930) Chinese Mandate of 28 December 1929, regarding Extra-Territorial Rights in China; and Correspondence between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government in connection therewith. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1930 HL 3 Feb. 1930

Vol. XXXII, 685 Misc. No. 1 (1930) International Convention relating to International Exhibitions. Paris, 22 November 1928. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3483

840 Vol. XXXII, 331 Misc. No. 4 Agreements concluded at The Hague Conference, January 1930. These Agreements have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3484

841 Vol. XXXII, 1071 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on the Position at the London Naval Conference, 1930 of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC. 7 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3485


HL 11 Feb. 1930

842 Vol. XXXI, 387 Misc. No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the Subject. London, 28 December 1929. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Feb. 1930 196

Cmd 3486

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 843 - 847 Cmd 3487 - 3492 Item No.


Dot. No.

Vol. XXXI, 359 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect of the Union of South Africa and the President of the German Reich, with Protocol. Pretoria, I Sept. 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 11 June 1929.

Cmd 3487

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 20 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1025 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between His Majesty and the Amir of Trans-Jordan. Signed at Jerusalem, 20 February 1928. Ratification exchanged 31 October 1929.

Cmd 3488

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 18 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1021 Treaty Series No. 8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance. London, 19 November 1929.

Cmd 3489

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 18 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1187 Treaty Series No. 33 (1929) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3491.

L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1201 Treaty Series No. 34 (1929) Index to Treaty Series, I929. L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Cmd 3492

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 848 - 850 Cmd 3493 - 3502 Item No.

Doc. No.

848 Vol. XXXII, 159 Misc. No. 5 International Convention relating to Economic Statistics, with Protocol. Geneva, 14 December 1928. The Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3493

L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Vol. VIII, 589: Reports, Commissioners (1) East Africa Report of the East African Loan Committee, 1926-1929.

Cmd 3494

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 729 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Portuguese Republic regarding Native Labour from Mozambique, Railway Matters, and Commercial Intercourse. Pretoria, 11 September 1928. Ratification exchanged at Lisbon, 25 September 1929.

Cmd 3495

L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 605 Treaty Series No. 10 International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, with Protocol and annexed Declaration, and Supplementary Agreement. Geneva, 8 November 1927. Supplementary Agreement, Geneva, ll July 1928. Protocol, Paris, 20 December 1929. His Majesty's ratification deposited 12 April 1929. L/C. HC. 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Cmd 3502

COMMAND PAPERS 19291930 Item 851- 854 and 3503 - 3514 Item No.


Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 1089 United States No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq and the President of the United States of America regarding the Rights of the United States of America and of its Nationals in Iraq, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 9 January 1930. The Convention and Protocol have not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3503

L/C. HG 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1029 Treaty Series No. 11 International Convention relative to Motor Traffic. Paris, 24 April 1926. His Majesty's Ratifi= cation deposited 24 October 1929.

Cmd 3510

L/C. HC. 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 785 Russia No. I (1930) Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of Peoples' Commissars respecting Religious Associations. 8 April 1929. [See also Item 902.]

Crud 3511

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1930


Vol. XXXII, 911 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-Eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 18 March 1930 HL 19 March 1930


Cmd 3514

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 855 - 859 Ød3515-3530 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 721 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Peruvian Government relating to the treatment of Commercial Travellers and their samples. Lima, 81 December 1928.

Cmd 3515

L/C. HC. 18 March 1930 HL 19 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 69 Colombia No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and the President of Colombia supplementary to the Extradition Treaty with Colombia of 27 October 1888. Bogota, 2 December 1929. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3524

L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1079 Treaty Series No. 13 His Britannic Majesty's ratification in respect of the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. [See Cmd 3428, Item 820, for text.] L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930

Cmd 3527


Vol. XXXII, 1157 Treaty Series No. 14 Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. [See Cmd 3432, Item 822, for Text.]

Cmd 3528

L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Vol. XVI, 675: Reports, Commissioners (9) Palestine Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances of August, 1929. L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Cmd 3530

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 860 - 863 Cmd 3533 - 3539

Doc. No.

Item No. 860

Vol. XXV, 413 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining the proposed Financial Resolution relative to Overseas Trade. L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1930

Cmd 3533


Vol. XXXI, 1039 Turkey No. 1 (1930) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Turkey. Angora, 1 March 1930. This Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 8 Apri11930

Cmd 3536


Vol. XXXI, 29 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government for the demarcation of the Boundary between British Guiana and Brazil. London, 18 March 1930. [See Treaty Series No. 14, 1929, Item 791.] L/C. HG 11 April 1930

Cmd 3538

HL. 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXII, 89 Concerted Economic Action (Preliminary Conference) Commercial Convention and Protocol. Protocol regarding Future Negotiations and Final Act of the Preliminary Conference with a view to Concerted Economic Action. L/C. HC/L. 8 April 1930


Cmd 3539

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 864 - 868 Cmd 3541- 3547 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXII, 9 Misc No. 7 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 34, 37, 40, 41 and 42 and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Paris, 15 June 1929-11 December 1929. The Protocols have not been ratified by His Majesty. [See Item 1206 for Article amended and Ratification]. L/C. HC/1- 15 April 1930

Cmd 3541


Vol. XXXII, 1017 Treaty Series No. 16 International Agreement for the establishment of an International Bureau of Intelligence on locusts. Damascus, 20 May 1926.

Cmd 3542

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXI, 677 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Liberian Government regarding the boundary between Sierra Leone and Liberia. Monrovia, 16-17 January 1930.

Cmd 3543

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXI, 841 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, The King of Spain, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 June 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 9 April 1930.

Cmd 3544

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1077 Misc. No. 8 Memorandum on the Results of the London Naval Conference from 21 January to 13 April, 1930. London, 15 April 1930. L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Cmd 3547

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 869.872 Cmd 3552 - 3558 Item No.

Doc. No.

869 Vol. XXXI, 811 Treaty Series No. 19 Temporary Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 April 1930.

Cmd 3552

L/C. HG 29 April 1930 (IL) HL 29 April 1930

870 Vol. XXXI, 3 Austria No. 1 (1930) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and India and the Austrian Government in regard to the liquidation of Austrian Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the subject. Vienna, 15 March 1930. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3555

L/C. HC/L. 1 May 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1083 Misc. No. 9 International Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments. London, 22 April 1930. This Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3556

L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL 29 Apri11930

872 Vol. XXXII, 791 International Labour Conference Report to the Minister of Labour by the British Delegates on the Twelfth Session of the International Labour Conference, 30 May-21 June 1929. L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL 29 April 1930


Cmd 3558

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 873 - 875 Cmd 3559 - 3575 Item No.

Doc. No.

873 Vol. XXXII, 839 International Labour Conference Report to the Minister of Labour by the British Delegates on the Thirteenth Session of the International Labour Conference, 10-26 October 1929.

Cmd 3559

L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL. 29 April 1930

874 Vol. XXXI, 49 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian, Netherlands, Norwegian, and United States of America, Governments, and the Chinese Government relating to the Chinese Courts in the International Settlement at Shanghai, with relative exchange of Notes and Declaration. Nanking, 17 February 1930.

Cmd 3563

L/C. HC/L 8 May 1930

874a Vol. XXIII, 105 East Africa Memorandum on Native Policy in East Africa.

Cmd 3573

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1930

874b Vol. XXIII, 85 East Africa Statement of the Conclusions of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom as regards Closer Union in East Africa.

Cmd 3574

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1930

875 Vol. XXXI, 99 Egypt No. 1 (1930) Papers regarding the Recent Negotiations for an Anglo-Egyptian Settlement. 31 March-8 May 1930. L/C. HC/L 21 May 1930


Cmd 3575

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 876 - 880 Cmd 3577 - 3588

Doc. No.

Item No. 876 Vol. XXXI, 565 Hungary No. 1 (1930) International Agreements regarding the Financial Obligations of Hungary resulting from the Treaty of Trianon, etc., with Letters and Documents attached thereto. Paris, 28 April 1930. These Agreements have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 28 May 1930

Cmd 3577

877 Vol. XXXI, 403 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to Liquidation of German Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the subject. London, 28 December 1929. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 May 1930

Cmd 3580

878 Vol. XVI, 889: Reports, Commissioners (9) Palestine Statement with regard to British Policy. L/C. HC. 26 May 1930

Cmd 3582

HL. 27 May 1930

879 Vol. XXXI, 819 Treaty Series No. 22 Temporary Fisheries Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 22 May 1930. L/C. HC. 26 May 1930

Cmd 3583

HL. 27 May 1930

880 Vol. XXXI, 469 Holy See, No. 1 (1930) Correspondence with the Holy See relative to Maltese Affairs. January 1929—May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 3 June 1930


Cmd 3588

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 881- 884 Cmd 3590 - 3595 Item No.

.Doc. No.

881 Vol. XXXI, 59 China No. 2 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the National Government of the Republic of China for the Rendition of Wei-HaiWei and Agreement regarding certain facilities for His Majesty's Navy after Rendition. Nanking, 18 April 1930. Convention and Agreement have not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3590

L/C. HC. 5 June 1930 HL. 17 June 1930 882 Vol. XXXI, 1

Cmd 3592

Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Afghanistan regarding Treaty Relations with Afghanistan. London, 6 May 1930. L/C. HC. 17 June 1930 (R.) HL 17 June 1930

883 Vol. VIII, 547: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1929 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties Levied thereon.

Cmd 3594

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R.) HL. 17 June 1930

884 Vol. XXXII, 259 Misc. No. 10 Dispatch to His Majesty's Ambassador in Paris enclosing the Memorandum of the French Government on the organization of a system of European Federal Union. London, 28 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1930


Cmd 3595

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 885 - 888 Cmd 3597 - 3604 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1143 Misc. No. I1 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Interpretation of Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty 1930. London, 5 June 1930.

Cmd 3597

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R.) HL 17 June 1930


Vol. XXXII, 503 Hague Agreements Memorandum on the Receipts of the United Kingdom under The Hague Agreements, with the text of the Trust Agreement concluded between the Creditor Governments and the Bank for International Settlements.

Cmd 3598

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R) HL 18 June 1930


Vol. XII, 779. Reports, Commissioners (5) Economic Advisory Council Report of Delegation on the Industrial Conditions in the Iron and Steel Industries in France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Czechoslovakia.

Cmd 3601

L/C. HC. 19 June 1930 HL. 24 June 1930


Vol. XXXII, 293 Treaty Series No. 24 Protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of asphyxiating poisonous, or other gases, and of bacteriological methods of warfare. Geneva, 17 June 1925. His Britannic Majesty's ratifications in respect of the United Kingdom and India deposited on 9 April 1930, and of Canada, 6 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930


Cmd 3604

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 889 - 892 Cmd 3605 - 3611 Item No.

Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 419 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government for a Mutual Amnesty on the termination of the occupation of German Territory. Berlin, 9 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3605

890 Vol. XXXI, 689 Persia No. 1 Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia, in regard to the Tariff Autonomy of Persia, with Notes attached thereto. Teheran, 10 May 1928. The Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1930

Cmd 3606

891 Vol. XXXI, 75 Cuba No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South Africa, and the President of the Cuban Republic for the extension of the Extradition Treaty of 3 October 1904 to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories. Havana, 17 April 1930. This Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3608

892 Vol. XXXI, 251 France No. 1 (1930) Final Report of the Commissioners appointed to delineate the Boundary between the British and French Mandated Territories of Togoland, with Protocol. Lome, 21 October 1929. L/C. HC. 27 June 1930 HL. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3611



COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 893 - 896 Cmd 3612 - 3620

Item No. 893

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 211 France No. 2 Declaration made by the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria and the Governor of the French Cameroons, defining the boundary between British and French Cameroons. This declaration has not yet been approved by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC. 27 June 1930

Cmd 3612

HL 1 July 1930


Vol. XVIII, 373 German Loan Treasury Minute, dated 20 June 1930, relative to the disposal of the share of Great Britain in the proceeds of the German Government International 51/ per cent Loan 1930. L/C. HC. 30 June 1930

Cmd 3617

HL 1 July 1930

895 Vol. XXXI, 685 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government respecting the recognition of Certificates of Airworthiness. The Hague, 7 March-5 May 1930. L/C. HC/L 9 July 1930

Cmd 3618

Vol. XX, 697 Explanatory statement as to Naval Construction programme 1930. L/C. HC. 4 July 1930

Cmd 3620


HL. 8 July 1930


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 897 - 901 Cmd 3622 - 3639 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1147 United States No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America regarding the Boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo, with Exchange of Notes. Washington, 2 January 1930. The Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3622

L/C. HC. 18 July 1930 HL 21 July 1930


Vol. XXXI, 649 Iraq Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at Bagdad, 30 June 1930, with Notes exchanged. The Treaty has not been radfied by His Majesty.

Cmd 3627

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1930


Vol. XXXI, 639 Hungary No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Hungary in regard to Liquidation of Hungarian Property, with exchange of Notes. London, 1 July 1930. The Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3631

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1930 .


Vol. XXXII, 937 Misc. No. 12 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir A. Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 3632

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1207 Treaty Series No. 27 General Index to Treaty Series 1927-1929. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1930


Cmd 3639

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 902 Cmd 3641 Item No.

Doc. No.

902 Vol. XXXI, 799 Russia No. 2 Certain Legislation respecting Religion in force in the U.S.S.R. In continuation of Russia No. 1, I930 [Item 8531

Cmd 3641

RA/HL. 2 April 1930 L/C. HC/L. 31 July 1930

BILLS PUBLIC 1930-1931 Item 903 - 904a Bill No. 69 - 205 Item No.

Doc. No.

903 Vol. I, 315: Bills; Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision with respect to the Application of the China Indemnity Fund and of moneys paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 69

O.H.C.P. 12 Dec. 1930

904 Vol. III, 493: Bills; Public Palestine and East Africa Loans Bill to amend subsection (2) of section One of the Palestine and East Africa Loans Act, 1926.

Bill 130

O.H.C.P. 22 April 1931

904a Vol. II, 559: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea, signed at London, 31 May, 1929; to give effect to an international Load Line Convention, signed at London 5 July, 1930; and to ammend the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts, 18941928, relating to passenger steamers, life saving appliances, wireless • telegraphy, Load-lines, timber cargoes, and other matters affected by the said Conventions. O.H.C.P. 14 July 1931


Bill 205

BILLS PUBLIC 1930-1931 Item 904b Bill No. 212

Item No.

Doc. No.

904b Vol. III, 587: Bills, Public Presentation of Reports of Products of Convict or Forced Labour (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to prohibit the importation of products of convict Labour or Forced Labour, and for purposes connected therewith.

Bill 212

O.H.C.P. 16 July 1931

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 905 - 907 S.P.No.29-73

Doc. No.

Item No. 905 Vol. XVIII, 121 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund, showing the Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1930, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 48 of 1929-1930. [Item 785.]

S.P. 29

O.H.C.P. 20 Jan. 1931


Vol. VI, 797: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee B.

S.P. 41

O.H.C.P. 3 Feb. 1931

907 Vol. XVIII, 483 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1931, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 29 April 1931


S.P. 73

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 908 - 908b S.P. No. 106 -156 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1931.

S.P. 106

O.H.C.P. 2 June 1931

908a Vol. XXIV, 421 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Condition of India during the Year 1929-1930: 65th Number.

S.P. 111

O.H.C.P. 17 June 1931

908b Vol. VII, 1: Reports, Committees (3) East Africa Joint Committee on CIoser Union in East Africa. Vol. 1 Report with proceedings of Committee VoI. II Evidence and Index Vol. III Appendices

S.P. 156

O.H.C.P. 7 October 1931

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 909 Cmd 3653 Item No.

Doc. No.

909 Vol. XXXIV, 309 Roumania No. 1 (1930) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty, the King of Roumania, with Protocol of Signature and exchange of Notes. London, 6 August 1930. Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. [Ratified 12 May 1931. See Item 1033.] L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 3653

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 910-913 Cmd 3655 - 3662

Item No.

Doc. No.

910 Vol. XXXV, 143 Treaty Series No. 28 (1930) International Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards. Geneva, 26 September 1927. His Majesty's ratification in respect of the United Kingdom and New Zealand deposited on 2 July 1930 and 9 April 1929, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3655

(R. 25 Aug.)

911 Vol. XXXIII, 417 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the German Government regarding the release of Property Rights, and Interests of German Nationals with Exchange of Notes. The Hague, 17 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3660

(R. 2 Sept.)

912 Vol. XXXIV, 155 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen. London, 24 July 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3661

(R. 2 Sept.)

913 Vol. XXXIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 31 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial modus vivendi. Cairo, 5-7 June 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Sept.)


Cmd 3662

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 914 - 917 Cmd 3663 - 3671 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 443 Germany No. 1 (1930) Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the German Reich amending the Agreement of 29 June 1927, relating to Air Navigation. Berlin, 5 July 1930. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3663

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 45 Misc. No. 13 (1930) International Convention respecting Load Lines, with Final Protocol and Final Act of the International Load Line Conference. London, 5 July 1930. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3668

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 229 Misc. No. 14 Report of the Delegation of the United Kingdom on the International Load Line Conference 1930. 5 July 1930.

Cmd 3669

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 187 Treaty Series No. 32 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands respecting the Delimitation of the Frontier between the States in Borneo under British Protection and Netherlands Territory in that Island, with map. The Hague, 26 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at The Hague, 6 August 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 18 Sept.)


Cmd 3671

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 918-921 Cmd 3673 - 3676 Item No.

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 37 4' Argentine No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Argentine Republic in regard to Compensation for accidents to workmen. Buenos Aires, 15 November 1929. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Aug.)

Cmd 3673

919 Vol. XXXIII, 233 Treaty Series No. 33 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Government of Costa Rica respecting Commercial Travellers. San Jose, Costa Rica, 27 December 1928. Ratifications exchanged at San Jose, 8 August 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (IL 2 Oct.)

Cmd 3674


Vol. XXXIV, 1 Iraq Notes exchanged with the Iraq Prime Minister embodying the Separate Agreements of Financial Questions referred to in the second exchange of Notes appended to the Anglo-Iraq Treaty of 30 June 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R 26 Sept.)

Cmd 3675


Vol. XXXIV, 249 Treaty Series No. 34 Commercial Agreement between the High Commissioner for South Africa and the Governor General of Mozambique regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland, and Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique. Cape Town, 13 February 1930. Lourenco Marquis, 18 February 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R 2 Oct.)

Cmd 3676



COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 922 - 926 Cmd 3677 - 3687 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXV, 43 Treaty Series No. 35 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Angora, 15 January 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 3 September 1930.

Cmd 3677

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Oct.)

923 Vol. XXXIV, 263 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government for the Arbitration of Major Campbell's Claim for damages suffered in Mozambique. Lisbon, 1 August 1930.

Cmd 3679

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXV, 49 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Turkish Government regarding Commercial Relations between India and Turkey. Angora, 3 September 1930.

Cmd 3685

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 459: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Report on Immigration, Land Settlement, and Development by Sir John Hope Simpson. [See Item 926.]

Cmd 3686

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 6 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 647: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Appendix, containing maps, to Report by Sir John Hope Simpson., [See Item 925.] L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 23 Oct.)


Cmd 3687

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 927 - 930 Cmd 3688 - 3692

Item No. 927

Doc. No. Vol. XXXVI, 549 Misc. No. 15 Universal Postal Union Postal Convention with Detailed Regulations for its execution and Agreement concerning insured Letters and Boxes. London, 28 June 1929. Convention and Agreement have not been ratified by His Majesty in the United Kingdom.

Cmd 3688

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 14 Oct.)


Vol. XXXV, i Sweden No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Sweden regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 28 August 1930. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3689

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 20 Oct.)


Vol. XXXIII, 303 Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the French Government for the amendment of the Protocol of 6 August 1914 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 4 September 1930.

Cmd 3690

L/C. HC/I. 28 Oct 1930 (R. 20 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 661: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Statement of Policy by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 16 Oct.)


Cmd 3692

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 931- 934 Cmd 3693 - 3697

Item No.

Doc. No.

931 Vol. XXXV, 655 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its I4th Session, 10-28 June 1930. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3693

(R. 8 Oct.)

932 Vol. XXXIV, 241 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Paraguayan Government respecting Commercial Travellers. Asuncion, 16 July 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Asuncion, 20 September 1930.

Cmd 3694

L/C. HC/L 28 Oa. 1930 (R. 22 Oct.)

933 Vol. XXXV, 57 Treaty Series No. 40 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Turkey. Angora, 1 March 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 3 September 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3695

(R. 22 Oct.)

933a Vol. XIX, 343 Air Note by the Secretary of State for Air on the principal provisions to be embodied in a contract with Imperial Airways Ltd., for a weekly airservice between Egypt and South Africa, connecting with the existing service between England and Egypt.

Cmd 3696

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 18 Oct.)

934 Vol. XXXIV, 569 Sudan No. 1 (1930) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1929. L/C. HC/L 5 Nov. 1930


Cmd 3697

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 935 - 938 Cmd 3703 - 3710 Item No.

Doc. No.

935 Vol. XXXIII, 431 Treaty Series No. 41 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the German Government regarding the release of property rights and interests of German Nationals with exchange of Notes. The Hague, 17 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 13 June 1930. L/C. HC/L. 5 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3703

936 Vol. XXXIII, 263 Ethiopia No. 1 (1930) Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and His Majesty Emperor of Ethiopia, the President of the French Republic, and His Majesty, King of Italy, regulating the Importation into Ethiopia of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War, with Declarations and Protocol of Signature. Paris, 21 August 1930. Treaty has not been ratified. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3707

937 Vol. XXXIV, 195 Treaty Series No. 42 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Netherlands Government respecting Air Mail Services to the East Indies and Australia. London, 7 April-3 June 1930. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL. 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3709

938 Vol. XXXV, 491 Treaty Series No. 43 International Convention relating to Economic Statistics with Protocol. Geneva, 14 December 1928. Ratification United Kingdom, 9 May 1930; Union of South Africa, 1 May 1930; Irish Free State, 15 September 1930. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL. 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3710


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 939 - 942 Cmd 3711- 3719 Item No.



Vol. XXXIII, 181 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Rendition of the British Concession at Amoy. Nanking, 17 September 1930.

Cmd 3711

L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL 18 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXIII, 311 Treaty Series No. 45 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the French Covernment regarding Boundary between British and French Mandated Territories of Togoland, with Joint Note of 23 September 1930 to the SecretaryGeneral of the League of Nations, with map. London, 30 January-19 August 1930.

Cmd 3713

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 5 Jan.)


Vol. XXXIII, 185 China No. 3 (1930) Papers regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901, 19 September-14 November 1930.

Cmd 3715

L/C. HC/L 18 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 53 Treaty Series No. 47 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in Irish Free State and the Turkish Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Angora, 21 December 1929. L/C. HC/L 27 Nov. 1930


Cmd 3719

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 943 - 947 Cmd 3720 - 3734 Item No.

Doc. No.

943 Vol. XXXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the President of Colombia, supplementary to the Treaty of 27 October 1888 in regard to Extradition. Bogota, 2 December 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Bogota, 5 November 1930.

Cmd 3720

L/C. HC/L. 27 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXIV, 89 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Irish Free State and the Italian Government concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations. Rome, 10 May 1930.

Cmd 3723

L/C. HC/L. 27 Nov. 1930

945 Vol. XXXVI, 225 Maps to accompany the International Load Line Convention. Signed at London, 5 July 1930.

Cmd 3730

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 24 Dec. 1930)

946 Vol. XXXV, 653 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations relating to Sickness Insurance adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 10th Session, 25 May-16 June 1927.

Cmd 3732

L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXIII, 777 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Greek Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Athens, 15 May 1930. L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1930 HL. 15 Dec. 1930


Cmd 3734

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 948 - 951 Cmd 3741- 3750 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 211 Treaty Series No. 50 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the National Government of the Republic of China for the Rendition of Wei Hai Wei and Agreement regarding certain Facilities for His Majesty's Navy after Rendition, with map and two plans. Nanking, 18 April 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Nanking, 1 October 1930.

Cmd 3741

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 207 Misc. No. 17 Memorandum on Chemical Warfare presented to the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference by the Delegation of the United Kingdom. Geneva, 18 November 1930.

Cmd 3747

L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 785 Misc. No. 18 Papers regarding the Proposed Amendment of the Covenant of the League of Nations in order to bring it into harmony with the Pact of Paris of 27 August 1928. September 1929—November 1930.

Cmd 3748

RA/HL. 30 July 1930 (withdrawn) L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 39 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, in respect to the Irish Free State, and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance. Berne, 3 and 4 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1930


Cmd 3750

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 952 - 955 Cmd 3755 - 3758 Item No.

Doc. lo.

952 Vol. XXXVI, 511 Misc. No. 1 (1931) International Convention regarding the Maintenance of certain Lights on the Red Sea. London, 16 December 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3755

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 437 Misc. No. 2 International Agreement revising the Agreement of 1906 respecting the Unification of Pharmacopoeial Formulas for Potent Drugs. Brussels, 20 August 1929. His Majesty's Government proposes shortly to accede to this Agremeent.

Cmd 3756

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 209 Misc. No. 3 Despatch from Visc. Cecil of Chelwood enclosing the Report of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference and the Draft Disarmament Convention. Geneva, 10 December 1930.

Cmd 3757

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 159 Treaty Series No. 1 (1931) International Treaty for Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments. London, 22 April 1930. Ratification by United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India, 27 October 1930; Irish Free State, 31 December 1930. L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Cmd 3758

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 956 - 959 Cmd 3760 - 3763 Item No.

Doc. No.

956 Vol. XXXIV, 99 Italy No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Italy, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 17 December 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3760

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931

(R. 15 Jan.)

957 Vol. XXXIII, 455 Treaty Series No. 7 International Agreement in regard to the German 51/ % Loan 1930. Paris, 10 June 1930.

Cmd 3761

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931

(R. 19 Jan.)

Cmd 3762

958 Vol. XXXIII, 43

Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and India and the Austrian Government in regard to the Liquidation of Austrian Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the Subject. Vienna, 15 March 1930. Ratification: United Kingdom and India, 3 October 1930; New Zealand, 29 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 20 jan. 1931

(IL 19 Jan.)

959 Vol. XXXIII, 479 Treaty Series No. 2 International. Agreements regarding the Financial Obligations of Germany resulting from the Treaty of Versailles, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. [See Item 1056.] L/C. HC/L. 5 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3763

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 960 - 963 Cmd 3764 - 3768

Item No. 960

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 61 Treaty Series No. 3 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Austria resulting from the Treaty of St. Germain, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratification: United Kingdom, 28 June; Canada, 12 July; Australia, 21 July; the Union of South Africa, 26 July; India, 21 July 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931

Cmd 3764

HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 241

Cmd 3765

Treaty Series No. 4 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Czechoslovakia resulting from the Peace Treaties of 1919, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, 11 July; Canada, 11 July; Australia, 21 July; New Zealand, 11 July; the Union of South Africa, 26 July; India, 11 July 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931 HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 313 Treaty Series No. 6 International Convention respecting the Bank for International Settlements. The Hague, 20 January 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931

Cmd 3766

HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 159 Mexico No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States, supplementary to the Convention of 19 November 1926, respecting British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico owing to Revolutionary Acts. Mexico, 5 December 1930. Not Ratified. [Ratified 9 March 1931. See Item 997] L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Cmd 3768

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 964 - 966 Cmd 3770 - 3775 Item No. 964

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 469 Concerted Economic Action Final Act of the Second International Conference with a view to concerted economic action. November 1930.

Cmd 3770

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 17 Jan.) 965

Cmd 3771

Vol. XXXV, 855

Misc. No. 4 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 11 Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 31 December 1930. In continuation of Misc. No. 13, 1929 [Item 830.] L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1931 HL. 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 107 Treaty Series No. 8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America regarding Civil Aircraft. Washington, 29 August-22 October 1929. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 13, 1929.

Cmd 3773

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931 967

Cmd 3774

Vol. XXXV, 721

League of Nations International Labour Conference. Report by the Delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the 14 th Session of the International Labour Conference. 10-28 June 1950. L/C. HC. 2I Jan. 1931 HL 27 Jan. 1931 968

Vol. XXXIV, 369 Russia No. 1 (1931) Selection of Documents relative to the Labour Legislation in force in the U.S.S.R. RA/HL 12 Nov.1930 (Withdrawn) L/C. HC/L. 27 Jan. 1931


Cmd 3775

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 969 - 972 Cmd 3776 - 3780 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXV, 577 Treaty Series No. 9 International Convention relating to International Exhibitions. Paris, 22 November 1928. Ratification by the United Kingdom deposited 17 December 1930.

Cmd 3776

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 17 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Sweden, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 28 August 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 16 January 1931.

Cmd 3777

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 375 France No. 1 (1931) Correspondence respecting Position of British Holders of French Rents issued in the United Kingdom in 1915-1918. July 1930—January 1931.

Cmd 3779

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL. 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 251 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial modus vivcndi. Cairo, 25-28 July 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3780

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 973 - 976 Cmd 3782 - 3791 Item No.

Doc. No.

973 Vol. XXXIV, 175 Monaco No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, and the Prince of Monaco, for the extension to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories of the Treaty of 17 December 1891 in regard to Extradition. Paris, 27 November 1930. Not Ratified by His Majesty. [Ratified 5 June 1931. See Item 1017.]

Cmd 3782

L/C. HC. 2 Feb. 1931 HL. 3 Feb. 193 1


Vol. XXXIII, 167

Cmd 3787

Treaty Series No. 12 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Bulgaria resulting from the Treaty of Neuilly, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, 27 December 1930; Canada, 29 December 1930; Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, 28 January 1931; India, 28 January 1931. L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1931 HL. 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 199 Norway No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Norway regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 30 January 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 7 August 1931. See Item 1026.]

Cmd 3790

L/C. HC/L 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 13 International Agreement concerning Manned Lightships not as their Stations. Lisbon, 23 October 1930. L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3791

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 977 - 981 Cmd 3792 - 3796

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXIV, 231 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government respecting the Recognition of Norwegian sovereignty over Jan Mayen Island. Oslo, 18 and 19 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3792


Vol. XXXVI, 551 Misc. No. 5 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 2 March 1931

Cmd 3793

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 351 Misc. No. 6 International Convention relative to Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. [Ratified 23 June 1931. See Item 1030.] L/C. HC. 2 March 1931

Cmd 3794

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 599 Misc. No. 7 Final Act of the Conference regarding Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field and the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. L/C. HG 2 March 1931

Cmd 3795

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 531 Treaty Series No. 16 International Agreement on the Evacuation of the Rhineland Territory. The Hague, 30 August 1929. L/C. HG 2 March 1931 HL. 3 March 1931


Cmd 3796

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 982 - 985 Cmd 3797 - 3805

Item No.

Doc. No.

982 Vol. XXXIV, 7 Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Iraq with an Exchange of Notes, Bagdad, 30 June 1930; with Notes exchanged embodying a separate Financial Agreement. London, 19 August 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 26 January 1931. L/C. HC/L 25 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3797

983 Vol. XXXVI, 315 Misc. No. 8 Memorandum on the Proposed Accession of His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the General Act of 1928 for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. L/C. HC/L 24 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3803

984 Vol. XXXV, 835 Misc. No. 9 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the 62nd Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 19-24 January 1931. L/C. HC/L 12 March 1931

Cmd 3804

985 Vol. XX, 763 FIeets: The British Empire and Foreign Countries Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 February 1931, distinguishing both built and building, the various classes. [See Item 117 for detailed list.] L/C. HC/L. 26 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3805


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 986-990 Cmd 3806 - 3816 Item No.

Doc. No.

986 Vol. XXXV, 355 Treaty Series No. 17 International Convention for the unification of certain Rules of Law, relating to Bills of Lading. Brussels, 25 August 1924. His Majesty's Ratification deposited 2 June 1980.

Cmd 3806

L/C. HC/L 12 March 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 201 Treaty Series No. 18 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901. Nanking, 19 and 22 September 1930.

Cmd 3808

L/C. HC/L. 12 March 1931


Vol. XXXV, 199 Misc. No. 10 Memorandum on the Results of the Negotiations with France and Italy for the Reduction and Limitation of Naval Armaments. FebruaryMarch 1931.

Cmd 3812

L/C. HC/L 10 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 703 Treaty Series No. 53 (1930) Index to Treaty Series 1930.

Cmd 3813

L/C. HC/L 19 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 677 Treaty Series No. 52 (1930) Treaties etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. L/C. HC/L 19 March 1931


Cmd 3816

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 991- 994 Cmd 3833.3839 Item No.

Doc. No.

991 Vol. XXXIV, 23 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Iraq and the President of the United States of America, regarding the Rights of the United States and its Nationals in Iraq, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 9 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 24 February 1931.

Cmd 3833

L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (R. 9 April)


Vol. XXXIV, 115 Italy No. 2 Agreement concerning Claims of Certain British and Italian Protected Persons and Colonial Subjects arising out of Raids and Incidents on the Anglo-Italian Frontier in Somaliland. Bihen, 2 September 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3834

L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (R)


Vol. XXXIII, 255 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial modus vivendi of June 5-7 1930. Cairo, 14-22 February 1931.

Cmd 3835

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 77 Iraq Judicial Agreement between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at Bagdad, 4 March 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 29 May 1931. See Item 1025.] L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (IL 13 April)


Cmd 3839

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 995 - 998 Cmd 3841- 3847 Item No.

Doc. No.

995 Vol. XXXV, 757 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendations concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 14th Session. 10-28 June 1930.

Cmd 3841

L/C. HC. 16 April 1931 HL 21 April 1931 (R.)

996 Vol. XXXIII, 805 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Hungary in regard to the Liquidation of Hungarian Property, with Exchange of Notes. London, 1 July 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Budapest, 26 March 1931.

Cmd 3845

L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931

997 Vol. XXXIV, 167 Treaty Series No. 22 Cmd 3768. Ratified in Mexico City, 9 March 1931. [See Item 963 for Text.]

Cmd 3846

L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931

998 Vol. XXXIII, 259 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial modus vivendi of 25-28 July 1930. Cairo, 14-22 February 1931. Reprint Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931


Cmd 3847

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 999 -1002 Cmd 3848 - 3864 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIII, 115 Palestine and East Africa Loan (Guarantee). Memorandum on proposed Financial Resolution. L/C. HC. 20 April 1931 HL 21 April 1931

Cmd 3848


Vol. XXXIII, 71 Austria No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 31 March 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL. 28 April 1931

Cmd 3850


Vol. XXXIV, 131 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Government of India and the Italian Government respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. London, 13 April 1931. L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1931

Cmd 3855


Vol. XXXVI, 11 Misc. No. 11 International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Rome, 2 June 1928. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 14 May 1931

Cmd 3864


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1003 -1006 Cmd 3874 - 3885

Item No. 1003

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 761 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendations regarding the Regulation of Hours of Work in Commerce and Offices adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 14th Session, 10-28 June 1930. L/C. HC. 2 June 1931

Cmd 3874

HL. 5 June 1931 (R. 1 June)


Vol. XXXIV, 235 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in Canada and the Norwegian Government respecting sovereignty over the Otto Sverdrup Islands. London, 8 August 1930; Oslo, 5 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 11 June 1931

Cmd 3875


Vol. XXXIII, 449 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the German Reich amending the Agreement of 29 June 1927 relating to Air Navigation. Berlin, 5 July 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 6 May 1931. L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1931

Cmd 3880


Vol. XXXV, 487 Concerted Economic Action Protocol of the Second International Conference with a view to Concerted Economic Action. Second Session Geneva, 16-18 March 1931. L/C. HC/L. 10 June 1931

Cmd 3885


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1007 .1010 Cmd 3886 - 3892 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 765 Treaty Series No. 27 Agreement between His Majesty in Canada and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties. The Hague, 14 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 27 August 1930. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 11, 1930.

Cmd 3886

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1931


Vol. XXXV, 387 Cheques International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques. Geneva, 19 March 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3888

L/C. HC. 8 June 1931 HL 9 June 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 781 Greece No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Hellenic Republic respecting Air Transport Services. Athens, 17 April 1931. This Convention has not been ratified.

Cmd 3889

L/C. HC/L 24 June 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 137 Italy No. 3 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of Italy respecting Air Transport Services. Rome, 16 May 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 29 June 1931 HL. 30 June 1931


Cmd 3892

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1981 Item 1011-1015 Cmd 3893 - 3906 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXIII, 91 Belgium No. 1 (1931) Protocols signed by the Commissioners appointed to delimit and demarcate the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. 1 October 1929 and 24 February 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3893

L/C. HC. 29 June 1931 HL 30 June 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 273 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government respecting the Boundary between the Mandated Territory of South West Africa and Angola. Lisbon, 29 April 1931.

Cmd 3896

L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1931


Vol. XXXV, 845 Misc. No. 12 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the 63rd Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 18-23 May 1931. L/C. HC/L. 9 July 1931

Cmd 3901


Vol. XVII, 343: Reports, Commissioners (8) Russia Report by the Commercial Counsellor to His Majesty's Embassy in Moscow on the Organization of Foreign Trade of the U.S.S.R.

Cmd 3904

L/C. HC. 15 June 1931 HL Not Listed


Vol. XXXV, 621 Misc. No. 13 Memorandum respecting the International Convention on Financial Assistance. Signed at Geneva, 2 October 1930. L/C. HC/L 14 July 1931


Cmd 3906

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1016 -1020 Cmd 3907 - 3924 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXVI, 233 Misc. No. 14 Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries.

Cmd 3907

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 181 Treaty Series No. 29 Cmd 3782 Ratified, Paris 5 June 1931. [See Item 973 for Text.]

Cmd 3908

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 815 Treaty Series No. 30 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Hungary resulting from the Treaty of Trianon, etc., with Letters and Documents attached thereto. Paris, 28 April 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Government of India, 9 April 1931.

Cmd 3910

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXV, 33 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency. London, 6 July 1931.

Cmd 3923

L/C. HC. 30 July 1931 HL 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 299 Misc. No. 15 International Protocol relating to a certain case of Statelessness. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931 HL 31 July 1931


Cmd 3924

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1021-1026 Cmd 3925 - 3934

Doc. No.

Item No. 1021

VoL XXXVI, 291 Misc. No. 16 International Protocol relating to Military Obligations in Certain Cases of Double Nationality. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931

Cmd 3925

HL. 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 307 Misc. No. 17 International Protocol concerning Statelessness. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931

Cmd 3926

HL 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 335 Treaty Series No. 32 General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. Geneva, 26 September 1928. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3930

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXXV, 113 Misc. No. 18 Convention for the Creation of an International Agricultural Mortgage Credit Company. Geneva, 21 June 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3931

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIV, 83 Treaty Series No. 33 Cmd 3839 Ratified Bagdad, 29 May 1931. [See Item 994 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3933

(R 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIV, 215 Treaty Series No. 35 Cmd 3790 Ratified London, 7 August 1931. [See Item 975 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 3934

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1027 -1030 Cmd 3935 - 3941 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIV, 729 Sudan No. 1 (1931) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1930.

Cmd 3935

L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIII, 387 Treaty Series No. 34 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting the Boundary between British and French Cameroons, with map. London, 9 January 1931.

Cmd 3936

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXXVI, 629 Treaty Series No. 36 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in the Field. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Ratification for the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India deposited 23 June 1931.

Cmd 3940

L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 431 Treaty Series No. 37 International Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Ratifications for the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India deposited, 23 June 1931. [See Item 979.] L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R 3 Sept.)


Cmd 3941

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1031-1034 Cmd 3942 - 3946

Item No. 1031

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 793 Guatemala No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Guatemala respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Guatemala, 6 June 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3942

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 291 Portugal No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Portuguese Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 9 July 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3944

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 337 Treaty Series No. 38 Cmd 3653 Ratified, Bucharest, 12 May 1931. [See Item 909 for Text.]

Cmd 3945

L/C. HC. 9 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 801 Treaty Series No. 39 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, the Irish Free State, and Guatemalan Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Guatemala, 8 February-10 April 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State, Treaty Series. L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 4 Sept.)


Cmd 3946

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1035 -1038 Cmd 3947 - 3950

Item No. 1035

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 393 Misc. No. 19 Report of International Committee of Experts respecting suspension of certain Inter-Governmental Debts falling due during the Year ending 30 June 1932, with Protocols and Declarations. Signed at London, 11 and 13 August 1931. Not Ratified. [See also Item 11381 L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3947

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. X, 891: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1930 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into Certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3948

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIII, 1 Albania No. 1 (1931) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Albanians, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Tirana, 31 July 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 9 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3949

HL 17 Sept. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 89 Treaty Series No. 40 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government relating to the Provisional Dissolution of the AngloAustrian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 14 July 1931. L/C. HC. 11 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931


Cmd 3950

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1039 -1040 Cmd 3951- 3960 Item No.

Doc. No.

Cmd 3951

1039 Vol. XXXIV, 365 Treaty Series No. 41

Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Irish Free State, and the Roumanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Bucharest, 1-27 October 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 11 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931

1040 Vol. XXXV, 765 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 15th Session, 28 May-18 June 1931.

Cmd 3960

L/C. HC/L. 6 Oct. 1931

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1041 Bill No. 12 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. II, 47: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea, signed in London on 31 May 1929; to give effect to an International Load Line Convention, signed in London 5 July 1930; and to amend the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894 to 1928, relating to passenger steamers, life-saving appliances, wireless telegraphy, load-lines, timber cargoes, and other matters affected by the said Conventions. Resolution as to Expenses, see: 5 February and 8 February 1932. Resolved to provide sufficient Funds. O.H.C.P. 26 Nov. 1931


Bill 12

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1042 - 1044a Bill No. 24 - 47 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. II, 259: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load-Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill Nb. 12, as amended in Standing Committee B. [See Item 1041 for Text.]

Bill 24

O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1932


Vol. I, 385: Bills, Public Dangerous Drugs (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Dangerous Drugs Acts 1920-1925 so far as necessary to enable effect to be given to a Convention signed at Geneva on behalf of His Majesty on 13 July 1931, and to make provision for an extension of those Acts to drugs capable of being Converted into Dangerous Drugs.

Bill 39

O.H.C.P. 7 March 1932


Vol. I, 543: Bills, Public Goods made by forced labour Bill to prohibit the importation of goods made by Foreign Forced Labour. [See Item 904b.] Not printed.

Bill 44

O.H.C.P. 15 March 1932

1044a Vol. III, 415: Bills, Public Tanganyika and British Honduras Loans Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a loan to be raised by the Government of Tanganyika, to authorize a loan to the Government of British Honduras, and to authorize the making of advances out of moneys provided by Parliament for the payment of the annual or halfyearly charges in respect to the said loans for a limited period. O.H.C.P. 15 March 1932


Bill 47

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1045 - 1045a Bill No. 106 -117

Item No.

Doc. No.

1045 Vol. I, 73: Bills, Public Carriage by Air (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a Convention for the Unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air, to make p4'ovision for applying the rules contained in the said Convention, subject to exceptions, adoptions, and modifications, to carriage by air which is not international carriage within the meaning of the Convention, and for purposes connected with the purposes aforesaid.

Bill 106

O.H.C.P. 16 June 1932

1045a Vol. I, 445: Bills, Public Extradition (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to include offences in relation to dangerous Drugs, and attempts to commit such offences, among extradition crimes.

Bill 117

O.H.C.P. 1 July 1932

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1046 -1047 S.P. No. 8 - 47

Item No. 1046

Doc. No. Vol. XIV, 123 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to the China Indemnity (Application) Act I925, showing the Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1931, with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 29 of 19301931 [Item 905].

S.P. 8

O.H.C.P. 7 Dec. 1931

1047 Vol. V, 111: Reports, Committees (2) Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load-Line Convention Bill) (Lords) Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee B. O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1932


S.P. 47

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1048 -1050 S.P. No. 75 -105

Item No. 1048

Doc. No. Vol. XIV, 495 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the Scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1932 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Act and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 75

O.H.C.P. 11 May 1932


Vol. XIV, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1932.

S.P. 81

O.H.C.P. 30 May 1932

1049a Vol. XVIII, 865 Tanganyika By Act Treasury minute, 3 June 1932, guaranteeing the payment of the principal of, and the interest on, the Tanganyika Government 4 per cent Guaranteed Stock 1952-1972, to the nominal amount of £500,000.

S.P. 88

O.H.C.P. 16 June 1932


Vol. XIV, 127 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund, showing the Receipts and Payments in the year ended 31 March 1932, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 8, 1931-I932 [Item 1046]. O.H.C.P. 5 July 1932


S.P. 105

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1051 S.P. No. 116

Doc. No.

Item No. 1051

Vol. XIX, 319 By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Conditions of India during year 1930-1931. Sixty-sixth number.

S.P. 116

O.H.C.P. 12 July 1932

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1052 -1054 Cmd 3973 - 3986

Doc. No.

Item No. 1052

Vol. XXVII, 105 Treaties Series No. 42 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the President of the Cuban Republic for the Extension of the Extradition Treaty of 3 October 1904 to certain protectorates and mandated Territories. Havana, 17 April 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Havana, 12 November 1931. L/C. HC/L. 3 Dec. 1931

Cmd 3973


Vol. XXVII, 1059 Misc. No. 20 (1931) International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, with Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 13 July 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932

Cmd 3979

(R. 17 Dec. 1931)


Vol. XXVII, 969 Misc. No. 21 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on the Twelfth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 October 1931. [See also Item 1143.] L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 30 Dec. 1931)


Cmd 3986

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1055 -1058

Cmd 3992 - 3999 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 581 Treaty Series No. 1 (1932) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Salvador in regard to Commercial Relations. San Salvador, 8 August 1931.

Cmd 3992

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 265 Germany No. 1 (1932) Report of the Special Advisory Committee convened under the Agreement with Germany concluded at The Hague on 20 January 1930. [See Item 959.] Basle, 23 December 1931.

Cmd 3995

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 39 Treaty Series No. 2 (1932) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 16 October 1931. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 3998

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 21 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 833 United States No. 1 (1932) Extradition Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America. London, 22 December 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 21 Jan.)


Cmd 3999

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1059 - 1062 Cmd 4002 - 4006 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 35 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 11 September 1931.

Cmd 4002

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 28 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 115 Estonia No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Chief of State of the Republic of Estonia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 22 December 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratifications exchanged 18 August 1932. See Item 1113.]

Cmd 4003

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 28 Jan.)


Vol. XVI, 749 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing particulars of the British Commonwealth of Nations, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany, on I February 1932, distinguishing both built and building, the various classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 4005

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 953 Misc. No. 1 (1932) Note on the Constitution of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 1 Feb.)


Cmd 4006

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1063 - 1066a Cmd 4007 - 4016

Item No. 1063

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 17 Treaty Series No. 4 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 March 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Vienna, 12 Jan. 1932.

Cmd 4007

L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1932 HL. 9 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 503 Poland No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Warsaw, 26 August 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 31 May 1932. See Item 1092.]

Cmd 4009

L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1932 HL. 9 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1041 Misc. No. 2 International Convention regarding the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehicles, with Protocol Annex. Geneva, 30 March 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4013

L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1079 Treaty Series No. 43 (1931) Treaties, etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1931.

Cmd 4015

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1932 HL. 23 Feb. 1932

1066a Vol. XXVII, 1101 Treaty Series No. 44 Index to Treaty Series 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1932


Cmd 4016

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1067 -1070 Cmd 4017 - 4022 Item No.

Doc. No.

1067 Vol. XXVII, 305 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the President of the German Reich, with Protocol. Dublin, 12 May 1930. Ratification exchanged at Berlin, 21 December 1931. Reprint Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 4017

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1932 HL. 23 Feb. 1932

1068 Vol. XXVII, 849 Misc. No. 3 Speech by the Rt. Hon. Sir John Simon, M.P., Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, at the opening of the Disarmament Conference, 8 February 1932.

Cmd 4018

L/C. HC/L. 16 Feb. 1932

1069 Vol. XXVII, 73 Misc. No. 4 Reports to the League of Nations by the Committee of Representatives at Shangai of certain States Members of the League Council appointed to report on events in Shanghai and neighbourhood. Shanghai, 6 and 12 February 1932. [See also Item 1076.]

Cmd 4021

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1932

1070 Vol. XXVII, 559 Portugal No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and India and President of the Portuguese Republic supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of 17 October 1892. Lisbon, 20 January 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1932


Cmd 4022

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1071-1074 Cmd 4023 - 4035 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 493 Poland No. 2 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic. Warsaw, 11 January 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4023

L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 551 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the President of the Portuguese Republic. Dublin, 29 October 1929. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 4025

L/C. HC/L. 29 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 765 Switzerland No. 1 (1932) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council for Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. Berne, 17 October 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 28 June 1932. See Item 1107.]

Cmd 4030

L/C. HC. 7 March 1932 HL. 8 March 1932

1073a VoI. XVIII, 861 Tanganyika and British Honduras Memorandum explaining the Financial Resolution relative to the Tanganyika and British Honduras Loans. L/C. HC. 9 March 1932

Cmd 4032

HL 10 March 1932

1074 Vol. XXVII, 63 Treaty Series No. 7 Provisional Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Chile. Santiago, 15 October 1931. L/C. HC. 21 March 1932 HL. 22 March 1932


Cmd 4035

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1075 -1078 Cmd 4037 - 4051 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 403 Treaty Series No. 8 International Convention for the Establishment of Funds A and B under the Agreements of Paris, 28 April 1930, respecting the Financial Obligations of Hungary. Berne, 21 August 1931.

Cmd 4037

L/C. HC. 21 March 1932 HL 22 March 1932


Vol. XXVII, 83 Misc. No. 5 Correspondence and Resolutions respecting Events in Shanghai and neighbourhood. February-March 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 4, [Item 1069].

Cmd 4040

L/C. HC. 18 March 1932 HL. 22 March 1932


Vol. XXVII, 375 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Guatemala respecting the boundary between British Honduras and Guatemala. Guatemala, 25, 26 August 1931.

Cmd 4050

L/C. HC. 11 April 1932 HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 139 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, His Majesty, the Emperor of Ethiopia, the President of the French Republic, and His Majesty, King of Italy regulating the Importation into Ethiopia of Arms and Ammunition and Implements of War. Paris, 21 August 1930. Ratifications deposited at Addis Ababa, 19 February 1932. L/C. HC. 11 April 1932 HL 12 April 1932


Cmd 4051

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1079 -1082 Cmd 4052 - 4058

Item No. 1079

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 417 Hungary No. 1 (1932) Protocol providing for suspension of certain payments due by Hungary under the International Agreement of 28 April 1930. London, 21 January 1932. Not Ratified. [See also Item 1138.] L/C. HC. 11 April 1932

Cmd 4052

HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 451 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government respecting Commercial Relations between Tanganyika Territory and Lithuania Riga, 14 December; Kovno, 28 December 1931. L/C. HC. 11 April 1932

Cmd 4054

HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1005 Treaty Series No. 12 International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Rome, 2 June 1928. Ratification deposited: United Kingdom and Canada, 27 June 1931; India, 30 June 1931. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1932

Cmd 4057


Vol. XXVII, 805 Turkey No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 28 November 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 20 April 1932

Cmd 4058


COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1083 -1086 Cmd 4070 - 4078 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 563 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Portuguese Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 9 July 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 13 April 1932.

Cmd 4070

L/C. HC/L. 5 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 47 Bulgaria No. 1 (1932) Protocol providing for the Suspension of certain Payments due to Bulgaria under the International Agreement of 20 January 1930. London, 21 January 1932. Not Ratified. [See also Item 1138.]

Cmd 4071

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 99 China No. 1 (1932) Cessation of Hostilities in Shanghai and Neighbourhood and Withdrawal of Japanese Forces; Resolution adopted by the Special Assembly of the League of Nations. Geneva, 30 April 1932, and Agreement concluded between the Chinese and Japanese Representatives with the Assistance of Representatives of Friendly Powers. Shanghai, 5 May 1932.

Cmd 4077

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 67 China No. 2 Preliminary report on Conditions in Manchuria from Commission of Enquiry appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. Mukden, 30 April 1932. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1932


Cmd 4078

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1087 - 109Q Cmd 4082 -4092 Item No.



Vol. XXVII, 339 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Union of South Africa, and the German Government respecting the registration of Patents, Models, and Designs. Pretoria, 23 April; Cape Town, 12 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Pretoria, 21 August 1931. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series.

Cmd 4082

L/C. HC. 23 May 1932 HL. 25 May 1932 (R. 14 May)


Vol. XXVII, 343 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Hellenic Republic respecting Air Transport Services. Athens, 17 April 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Athens, 16 April 1932.

Cmd 4085

L/C. HC. 23 May 1932 HL. 25 May 1932 (R. 23 May)


Vol. XXVII, 477 Persia No. 1 (1932) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and India, and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia in regard to the withdrawal of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from Persia. Teheran, 17 February 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4089

L/C. HC. 30 May 1932 HL. 31 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 391 Hayti No. I (1932) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Hayti. Port-auxPrince, 7 April 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 June 1932


Cmd 4092

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1091-1095 Cmd 4097 - 4112 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 455 Netherlands No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 May 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 9 June 1932

Cmd 4097


Vol. XXVII, 527 Treaty Series No. 16 Ratifications of Cmd 4009 exchanged at London, 31 May 1932. [See Item 1064 for Text.]

Cmd 4104

L/C. HC/L 16 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 435 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Italy regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 17 December 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 June 1932.

Cmd 4105

L/C. HC/L 16 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 825 Treaty Series No. 18 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the United States of America, respecting Certificates of Airworthiness for Aircraft. Pretoria, 12 October-1 December 1931. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series.

Cmd 4111

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 585 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement and Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and India and the Government of Siam regarding boundary between Burma (Kengtung) and Siam. Bangkok, 27 August 1931-14 March 1932. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1932


Cmd 4112

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1096 -1100 Cmd 4115 - 4126 ,Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 875 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixteenth Session, 12 April to 30 April 1032. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 4115

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 485 Treaty Series No. 20 Convention between His Majesty of India and the President of the Polish Republic concerning the Commercial Relations between India and Poland. Warsaw, 8 May 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 31 May 1932.

Cmd 4119

L/C. HC/L. 7 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 425 Iraq No. 1 (1932) Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iraq. Bagdad, 2 May 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4120

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 857 Misc. No. 6 Declaration of British Disarmament Policy.

Cmd 4122

L/C. HC/L. 7 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 931 Misc. No. 7 Final Act of the Lausanne Conference. Lausanne, 9 July 1932. [See also Item 1102.] L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1932


Cmd 4126

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1101-1105 Cmd 4128-4135

Doc. No.

Item No. 1101

Vol. XXVII, 383 Treaty Series No. 21 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Guatemala respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Guatemala, 6 June 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Guatemala, 25 May 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4128

(R. 18 July)


Vol. XXVII, 947 Misc. No. 8 Further documents relating to the settlement reached at the Lausanne Conference. Lausanne, 16 June to 9 July 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 7, [Item 1100].

Cmd 4129

L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 873 Misc. No. 9 Declaration issued by His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding future European co-operation, 13 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4131

(R. 14 July)


Vol. XXVII, 959 Misc. No. 10 Report on the 67th Session of the Council of the League of Nations by Mr. Anthony Eden, M.C., M.P., Delegate of the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4134

(R.21 July)


Vol. XXVII, 247 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government amending the Regulations approved by the Exchange of Notes of 29 August 1907 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 15 December 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 21 July)


Cmd 4135

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1106. 1109 Cmd4136-4153 Item No.

Doc. No.

1106 Vol. XXVII, 591 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government in regard to the Reciprocal Recognition of LoadLine Certificates. London, 26 May 1932.

Cmd 4136

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 21 July)

1106a Vol. XVIII, 799 East Africa Correspondence arising from the Report of the Joint Select Committee on Closer Union in East Africa.

Cmd 4141

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R 2 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 785 Treaty Series No. 24 Ratifications of Cmd 4030 exchanged at London, 28 June 1932. [See Item 1073 for Text.]

Cmd 4142

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 11 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 841 Treaty Series No. 25 International Agreement between the Creditor Powers respecting State Properties ceded by Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, the Liberation Debts, and the Distribution of non-German Reparations. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratification: His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Union of South Africa, and India, 11 May 1932.

Cmd 4146

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 22 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 179 Ethiopia No. 1 (1932) Papers concerning Raids from Ethiopian Territory into the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 4153

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1110 -1114 Cmd 4155 - 4166 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. VI, 479: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1931 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4155

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 29 Aug.)


Cmd 4159

Vol. XXVII, 599

Sudan No. 1 (1932) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 15 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 329 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Dissolution of the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, with Notes Exchanged. London, 26 July 1932.

Cmd 4160

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 127 Treaty Series No. 27 Ratifications of Cmd 4003 exchanged at Tallinn, 18 August 1932. [See Item 1060 for Text.]

Cmd 4164

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 15 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 1 Austria No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria respecting Air Navigation. Vienna, 16 July 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 4166

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1115 -1118 Cmd4167- 4179

Item No. 1115

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 111 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Estonia respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen. London, 22 December 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4167

(R. 26 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 43 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 21 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4168

(R. 28 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 335 Treaty Series No. 30 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties. London, 26 July 1932; Berlin, 27 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4172

(R. 10 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 203 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, for the submission to Arbitration of a question connected with a claim in respect to certain Finnish vessels used during the War. London, 30 September 1932. L/C. HC. 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932


Cmd 4179

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1119 -1122 Ød4180-4192 Teem No.

Doc. No.

1119 Vol. XXVII, 215 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of France for the Exchange of Money Orders with France and Algeria, with detailed Regulations. Signed at Paris, 15 May 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 22 August 1932.

Cmd 4180

L/C. HC. 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932

1119a Vol. VII, 443: Reports, Commissioners (2) Tanganyika Report by Sir Sydney Armitage-Smith, K.B.E., C.B., on a Financial Mission to Tanganyika.

Cmd 4182

L/C. HG 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 261 Treaty Series No. 33 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits. London, 1 October 1932.

Cmd 4188

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 865 Misc. No. 11 Declaration of the Policy of His Majesty of the United Kingdom on Disarmament, in connection with Germany's Claim to Equality of Rights. Presented to the Bureau of the Disarmament Conference by the Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs. Geneva, 17 November 1932.

Cmd 4189

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 829 United States No. 2 Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 10 November 1932. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1932


Cmd 4192

BILLS PUBLIC 1932-1933 Item 1123 -1126 Bill No. 51- 85

Item No.

Doc. No.

1123 Vol. I, 181: Bills, Public Austrian Loan Guarantee Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a portion of a loan to be raised by the Government of Austria.

Bill 51

O.H.C.P. 21 Dec. 1932

1124 Vol. I, 593: Bills, Public Evidence (Foreign, Dominion, and Colonial Documents) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to make further and better provision with respect to the admissibility in evidence in the United Kingdom of entries contained in the public registers of other countries and with respect to the proof by means of duly authenticated official certificates of entries in such registers and in consular registers and other matters.

Bill 53

O.H.C.P. 21 Dec. 1932

1125 Vol. I, 801: Bills, Public Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to make provision for the enforcement in the United Kingdom of judgments given in foreign countries which accord reciprocal treatment to judgments given in the United Kingdom, for facilitating the enforcement in foreign countries of judgments given in United Kingdom, and for other purposes in connection with the matters aforesaid.

Bill 70

O.H.C.P. 10 March 1933


Vol. III, 433: Bills, Public Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) , Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of Russian Goods. O.H.C.P. 4 Apri11933


Bill 85

BILLS PUBLIC 1932-1933 Item 1127 -1128 Bill No. 122 -159

Item No.

Doc. No.

1127 Vol. I, 897: Bills, Public International Economic Sanctions Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of foreign goods as part of an international sanction under the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Bill 122

O.H.C.P. 21 June 1933


Vol. I, 211: Bills, Public British Nationality and Status of Aliens (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Law relating to the national status of married women so far as is necessary for giving effect to a Convention on certain questions relating to the conflict of Nationality Laws. Signed on behalf of His Majesty at The Hague on 12 April 1930, and for purposes incidental to the matter aforesaid.

Bill 159

O.H.C.P. 21 July 1933

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1129 -1130 S.P. No. 59 - 101

Doc. No.

Item No. 1129 Vol. V, 493: Reports, Committees (2) Evidence (Foreign, Dominion, and Colonial Documents) Bill; (H.L.) Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee A.

S.P. 59

O.H.C.P. 23 Feb. 1933

1130 Vol. XVI, 373 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1933 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 28 April 1933


S.P. 101

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1131-1133 S.P. No. 102 -163 Doc. No.

Item No.

1131 Vol. XVI, 217 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1933.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1933

1132 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1933. O.H.C.P. 13 June 1933

S.P. 123

1133 Vol. XVI, 91 Austrian Government (Guaranteed Loan 19331953) By Act Treasury Minute, 8 August 1933, guaranteeing the payment of the principal of, and interest on, the portion of the Austrian Loan issued in Great Britain. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1933

S.P. 163

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1134 Cmd 4198 Item No.


Doc. No.

Cmd 4198

Vol. XXVIII, 661

Treaty Series No. 34 (1932) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1929. Signed at London, 31 May 1929. Ratifications deposited at London by His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and Canada, 1 October 1932. L/C. HC/L. 30 Nov. 1932


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 hem 1135 -1138 Cmd 4199 - 4206 Item No.

Doc. No.

1135 VoI. XXVIII, 419 Treaty Series No. 35 International Convention respecting Load Lines with Final Protocol and Maps. London, 5 July 1930. Ratifications deposited at London by His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand, 1 October 1932.

Cmd 4199

L/C. HC/L. 6 Dec. 1932

1136 Vol. XXVII, 915 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America, respecting payments due from the United Kingdom to the United States of America. Washington, 4 June 1932. In continuation of Cmd 1912, [Item 298].

Cmd 4202

L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1932 HL. 29 Nov. 1932

1137 Vol. XXVII, 919 United States No. 3 (1932) Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom in reply to a Note dated 10 November 1932, relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 23 November 1932.

Cmd 4203

L/C. HG 28 Nov. 1932 (R.) HL. 29 Nov. 1932

1138 Vol. XXVIII, 115 Misc. No. 12 (1932) Protocols respecting the Suspension of Certain Inter-Governmental Debts supplementary to Protocols and Declarations of 11 and 13 August 1931 and 21 January 1932. June-July 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 19, 1931, Hungary No. 1, 1932, and Bulgaria No. 1, 1932 [Items 1035, 1079, and 1084]. L/C. HC/L. 30 Nov. 1932


Cmd 4206

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1139 -1143 Cmd 4207 - 4212 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 17 Austria No. 2 (1932) Agreement for guaranteeing a further loan to Austria. Geneva, 15 July, 1932.

Cmd 4207

L/C. HG 28 Nov. 1932 (R.) HL. 29 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 65 Belgium No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of the Belgians, supplementary to Convention of 21 June 1922 to facilitate the conduct of legal proceedings. Brussels, 4 November 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4209

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 923 United States of America No. 4 (1932) Further Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to British War Debt. Washington, 1 December 1932.

Cmd 4210

L/C. HC/L. 1 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 937 United States No. 5 (1932) Further Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 7 December 1932.

Cmd 4211

L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1932


Cmd 4212

Vol. XXVIII, 389 Misc. No. 13

Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 13th Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 1 November 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 21, 1931 [Item 1054]. L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1932


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1143a -1147 Cmd 4213 - 4218 Item No.

Doc. No.

1143a Vol. X, 585: Reports, Commissioners (1) Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Report of Committee on the reciprocal enforcement of Foreign Judgments.

Cmd 4213

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 943 United States No. 6 (1932) Further Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to British War Debt. Washington, 11 December 1932.

Cmd 4215

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1932 HL. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 947 United States No. 7 Further Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty of the United Kingdom relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 11 December 1932.

Cmd 4216

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1932 HL. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 951 United States No. 8 Further Note addressed to His Majesty of the United Kingdom, by the United States Government relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 12 December 1932.

Cmd 4217

L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXI, 481 Austrian Loan Guarantee Bill Memorandum on proposed Financial Resolution. L/C. HC. 14 Dec. 1932 HL. 15 Dec. 1932


Cmd 4218

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1148 -1151 Cmd 4220 - 4231 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 401 Treaty Series No. 37 Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Iraq for the transfer from the United Kingdom to Iraq of certain Rights and Obligations under the San Remo Oil Agreement of 24 April 1920, and the Convention between the United Kingdom and France of the 23 December 1920, relating to Mandates in the Middle East. Geneva, 10 October 1932.

Cmd 4220

L/C. HC/L. 20 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVIII, 655 Misc. No. 1 (1933) Agreement for the Control of Opium Smoking in the Far East. Supplementary to the Geneva Agreement of 11 February 1925. Bangkok, 27 November 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4229

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 5 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 413 Italy No. 1 (1933) Agreement recording the decisions of the Commission appointed under the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy of 15 July 1924, regarding the Boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland. Florence, 17 December 1927. This Agreement has not yet been approved by His Majesty of the United Kingdom.

Cmd 4230

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 457 Italy No. 2 Agreement between the Local Commissioners appointed to settle certain points connected with the demarcation of the boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland, as determined by the Commissions under the Treaty between United Kingdom and Italy of 15 July 1924. Isiolo, Kismayu, 27 August 1930. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)


Cmd 4231

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1152 -1154 Cmd 4232 - 4243 Item No.

Doc. No.

1152 Vol. XXVII, 465 Treaty Series No. 1 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the control of traffic in Game Trophies across the frontier between Kenya and Italian Somaliland. Rome, 26 November 1932.

Cmd 4232

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)

1152a Vol. X, 219: Reports, Commissioners (1) Railways Rates (Africa) Report by Mr. Roger Gibb on Railway Rates and Finance in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika Territory. September 1932.

Cmd 4235

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 11 Jaa.)

1153 Vol. XXVII, 963 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America regarding the boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo, with Exchange of Notes. Washington, 2 January 1930-6 July 1932. Ratifications exchanged, 13 December 1932.

Cmd 4241

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R.)

1154 Vol. XXVIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 3 International Convention and Statute establishing an International Relief Union. Geneva, 22 July 1927. His Majesty of the United Kingdom and New Zealand acceded on 9 January 1929, and on 22 December 1928, respectively. Ratification deposited by the Government of India, 2 April 1929. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R.)


Cmd 4243

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1155 -1159 Cmd 4246 - 4251 Doc. No.

Item No. 1155

Vol. XXVIII, 181 Treaty Series No. 4 International Convention regarding the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehides, with Protocol and Annex. Geneva, 30 March 1931. Ratification of His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 20 April 1932.

Cmd 4246

L/C. HC/L. 9 Feb. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 27

Cmd 4247

Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement for Guaranteeing a Further Loan to Austria. Geneva, 15 July 1932. Ratification of His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 29 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 9 Feb. 1933 1157 Vol. XXVIII, 911 Treaty Series No. 38 (1932) Treaties, etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1932.

Cmd 4249

L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1933

1158 Vol. XXVII, 159 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of Canada and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, 4 December 1931. Reprint from Canada Treaty Series.

Cmd 4250

L/C. HC. 20 Feb. 1933 HL. 21 Feb. 1933

Cmd 4251

1159 Vol. XXVIII, 931

Treaty Series No. 39 (1932) Index to Treaty Series 1932. L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1933


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1160 -1163 Cmd 4253 - 4267 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 613 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union, on 1 February 1933, distinguishing, both built and building, the various classes. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 4253

L/C. HC/L. 22 Fey. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 169. Denmark No. 1 (1933) Convention between His Majesty, in respect of United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Denmark and Iceland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 29 November 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4261

L/C. HC. 6 March 1933 HL 7 March 1933


Vol. XXVII, 37 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria respecting Air Navigation. Vienna, 16 July 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 14 January 1933.

Cmd 4263

L/C. HC. 6 March 1933 HL. 7 March 1933


Vol. XXVII, 471 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of Italy respecting Air Transport Services. Rome, 16 May 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 14 March 1933


Cmd 4267

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1164 -1167 Cmd 4270 - 4284

Doc. No.

Item No. 1164 Vol. XXVII, 981 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America for the preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. Ottawa, 9 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 9 May 1931. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 2, 1931. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1933

Cmd 4270

1165 Vol. XXVII, 569 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia in regard to the withdrawal of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from Persia. Teheran, 17 February 1932. Ratifications deposited at Teheran, 23 January 1933. L/C. HC/L. 23 March 1933

Cmd 4275

1166 Vol. XXVIII, 137 Misc. No. 2 Draft Disarmament Convention submitted to the Disarmament Conference at Geneva on 16 March 1933 by the Rt. Hon. J. Ramsay MacDonald, M.P. L/C. HC. 21 March 1933

Cmd 4279

HL. 22 March 1933

1167 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 11 International Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to International Carriage by Air. Warsaw, 12 October 1929. Ratification by His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Warsaw on 14 February 1933. L/C. HC. 3 April 1933 HL. 4 April 1933


Cmd 4284

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1168 -1172 Cmd 4286-4310 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 589 Russia No. I (1933) Correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow.

Cmd 4286

L/C. HC/L 4 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 613 Russia No. 2 Further correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow.

Cmd 4290

L/C. HC. 10 April 1933 HL 11 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 375 Germany No. 1 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding Commercial Relations. London, 13 April 1933.

Cmd 4297

L/C. HC/L 26 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 205 Denmark No. 2 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce. London, 24 April 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4298

L/C. HC/L. 25 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 1 Argentine No. 1 (1933) Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 1 May 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 1 May 1933 HL. 2 May 1933


Cmd 4310

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1173 -1177 Cmd 4312-4319

Doc. No.

Item No. 1173

Vol. XXVIII, 937 Treaty Series No. 12 General Index to Treaty Series, 1930-1932. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 27, 1930 [Item 901]. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4312


Vol. XX, 669 Treasury Minute dated 20 April 1933 relative to the terms of repayment of the loans-in-aid made to Northern Rhodesia in 1924 and 1925 and the loan of £20,000 made to the Government of Trans-Jordan in 1927 in connection with earthquake damage. L/C. HC. 1 May 1933

Cmd 4313

HL. 2 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 403 Treaty Series No. 13 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iraq. Bagdad, 2 May 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 25 January 1933. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4317


Vol. XXVII, 895 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 28 November 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 12 April 1933. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4318


Vol. XXVII, 381 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding Commercial Relations. London, 13 April-3 May 1933. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1933

Cmd 4319


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1178 -1181 Cmd 4323 - 4331 Item No.

Doc. No.

1178 Vol. XXVII, 533 Norway No. 1 (1933) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government relating to Trade and Commerce with Protocol and exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4323

L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 811 Sweden No. 1 (1933) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes exchanged. London, 15 May 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4324

L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1933

1180 Vol. XXVII, 489 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement concerning claims of certain British and Italian Protected Persons and Colonial Subjects arising out of raids and incidents on the Anglo-Italian Frontier in Somaliland. Bihen, 2 September 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Rome, 26 April 1933.

Cmd 4329

L/C. HC/L. 25 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 267 Treaty Series No. 16 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iceland relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 19 May 1933. L/C. HC. 22 May 1933 HL. 23 May 1933


Cmd 4331

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1182 - 1185 Cmd 4334 - 4347 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 187 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Denmark and Iceland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 29 November 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 12 May 1933.

Cmd 4334

L/C. HC/L. 30 May 1933


Vol. XXVIII, 889 Misc. No. 3 Dispatch dated 7 June 1933 to His Majesty's Ambassador at Rome in regard to the agreement of understanding and cooperation between France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. London, 31 May 1933.

Cmd 4342

L/C. HC. 31 May 1933 HL. 13 June 1933 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 397 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Greece in regard to passports for seamen. London, 13-21 April 1933.

Cmd 4345

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933 (R. 12 June)


Vol. XXVIII, 637 Misc. No. 4 International Convention on certain questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933 (R. 12 June)


Cmd 4347

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-I933 Item 1186 -1190 Cmd 4348 - 4362

Item No.

Doc. No.

1186 Vol. XXVII, 163 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Brazil, France, Netherlands, Norway, and the United States of America, and the Chinese Government renewing the agreement and Exchange of Notes of 17 February 1930 relating to the Chinese Courts in the InternationaI Settlement at Shanghai, with Declaration. Nanking, 8 to 12 February 1933. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4348

1187 Vol. XXVII, 953 United States No. 1 (1933) Papers relating to the Payment due from His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the United States Government on 15 June 1933, in respect of the British War Debt. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4353

1188 Vol. XXVIII, 861 Stamp Laws International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Geneva, 7 June 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933

Cmd 4356

(R. 12 June)

1189 Vol. XXI, 487 Economic Conference Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the Monetary and Economic Conference on 14 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4357

1190 Vol. X, 213: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1932 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa, and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC. 19 June 1933

Cmd 4362

HL 20 June 1933


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1191-1194 Cmd 4363 - 4382

Doc. No.

Item No. 1191

Vol. XXVII, 73 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government relating to the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. Brussels, 7 April 1933. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1933

Cmd 4363


Vol. XXVII, 391 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Regulation of Supplies of Fish to the United Kingdom Market. London, 7 July 1933. L/C. HC. 10 July 1933

Cmd 4378

HL. 11 July 1933


Vol. XXVII, 511 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 May 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1933

Cmd 4381


Vol. XXVII, 141 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government in regard to the Delimitation of the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. London, 4 April-3 May 1927. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1933

Cmd 4382


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1195 -1199 Cmd 4384 - 4392

Item No. 1195

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 505 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government relating to Commercial Relations. London, 6 July 1933.

Cmd 4384

L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1933 1196

Vol. XXVII, 633 Sudan No. 1 (1933) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1932.

Cmd 4587

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. XVI, 555 War Loan Acts Proposals of His Majesty's Government regarding Twenty Year 5~/z% Gold Bonds.

Cmd 4388

L/C. HC. 19 July 1933 HL. 20 July 1933


Vol. XXVIII, 199

Cmd 4389

International Labour Conference (17th Session) Report of the Committee on Reduction of Hours of Work.

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1933 1199

Vol. XXVII, 279 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Estonia regarding Commercial Relations. London, 15 July 1933.

L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1933


Cmd 4392

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1200 -1203 Cmd 4401- 4409 Doc. No.

Item No. 1200

Vol. XXVII, 577 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and India and the President of the Portuguese Republic supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of 17 October 1892, with exchange of Notes. Lisbon, 20 January 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 3 Aug.)

Cmd 4401


Vol. XXI, 499 Economic Conference, (Monetary and Economic Conference) Declarations of the British Commonwealth to the Monetary and Economic Conference. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 10 Aug.)

Cmd 4403


Vol. XXVII, 59 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government respecting the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks on Fire Arms. London, 27 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 7 Sept.)

Cmd 4408


Vol. XXVII, 369 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Government of India and the French Government regarding Deportations from certain British and French Territories. Paris, 29 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 7 Sept.)

Cmd 4409


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1204 -1206 Cmd 4413 - 4423

Item No.

Doc. No.

1204 Vol. XXVIII, 579 Treaty Series No. 31 International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs. Geneva, 13 July 1931. Ratification of United Kingdom, Canada, and India, deposited, 1 April 1933, 17 October 1932, and 14 November 1932, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4413

(R. 18 Sept)


Vol. XXVII, 853 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Stockholm, 4 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4421

(R. 28 Sept)

1206 Vol. XXVIII, 97 Treaty Series No. 33 Protocol relating to Amendment to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 34, 37, 40, 41, and 42, and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Paris, 15 June 1929—I1 December 1929. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, deposited 19 September 1930 and, in respect of the Irish Free State, on 9 April 1930, and of India on 16 October 1930. [See also Item 864.] L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 4 Oct.)


Cmd 4423

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1207 -1210 Cmd 4424 -4430 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 235 Treaty Series No. 34 Agreement and Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce. London, 24 April 1933, with Notes exchanged on 17 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen, 20 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 4 Oct.)

Cmd 4424


Vol. XXVII, 285 Finland No. 1 (1933) Commercial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, with Protocol. Helsingfors, 29 September 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4425

(R. 2 Oct.)


Vol. XXVIII, 219 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations at its Seventeenth Session, 8 to 30 June 1933. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4429

(R. 9 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 341 Finland No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Maters. London, 11 August 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933. (R. 11 Oct.)


Cmd 4430

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1211-1214 Cmd 4435 - 4443 Item No.

Doc. No.

1211 Vol. XXVII, 53 Treaty Series No. 35 Agreement between the Air Ministry of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Commerce and Communications regarding Air Communications. Vienna, 14 December 1932.

Cmd 4435

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 18 Oct.)

1212 Vol. XXVII, 363 Treaty Series No. 36 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding the Suppression of IIlicit Importation of Alcoholic Liquors into Finland, with Declaration. London, 13 October 1933.

Cmd 4436

L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 18 Oct.)

1213 Vol. XXVIII, 169 Misc. No. 5 Proceedings of the Bureau of the Disarmament Conference. Geneva, 14 October 1933.

Cmd 4437

L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 21 Oct.)

1214 Vol. XXVIII, 867 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention on Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques, with Protocol. Geneva, 19 March 1931. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom deposited 13 January 1932. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 6 Nov.)


Cmd 4443

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1215 -1218 Cmd 4444 - 4453

Doc. No.

Item No. 1215

Vol. XXVII, 583 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding Flag Discrimination in Portuguese Ports. Lisbon, 14 October 1933. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4444

(R. 3 Nov.)


Vol. XXVII, 959 United States No. 2 (1933) Papers relating to the British War Debt. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4448



Vol. XXVIII, 899 Treaty Series No. 38 Final Act of the Wheat Conference, with Appendices and Minutes of Final Meetings. London, 25 August 1933. L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4449


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Africa (Flora and Fauna) Agreements concluded at the International Conference for the Protection of the Fauna and Flora of Africa. London, November 1933. L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4453

BILLS PUBLIC 1933-1934 Item 1219 Bill No. 77

Doc. No.

Item No. 1219

Vol. III, 413: Bills, Public Overseas Trade Bill to extend the period during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 to 1930. O.H.C.P. 8 March 1934


Bill 77

BILLS PUBLIC 1933-1934 Item 1220 - 1221b Bill No. 92 -166

Item No. 1220

.Doc. No. Vol. II, 607: Bills, Public International Economic Sanctions (Enabling) Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of foreign goods as part of an international sanction under the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Bill 92

O.H.C.P. 27 March 1934


Vol. III, 415: Bills, Public Palestine Loan Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a loan to be raised by the Government of Palestine.

Bill 115

O.H.C.P. 14 May 1934


Vol. I, 553: Bills, Public Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions Reprisals Bill to authorize the setting up of Clearing Offices for collecting and dealing with certain debts, to authorize the imposition of restrictions on imports from certain foreign countries, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. [See also Item 1713.]

Bill 152

O.H.C.P. 20 June 1934

1221b Vol. IV, 601: Bills, Public Whaling Industry (Regulation) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, signed at Geneva, on behalf of His Majesty on 24 September 1931, to prohibit the taking or killing of whales within the coastal waters of the United Kingdom; and for the purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. O.H.C.P. 4 July 1934


Bill 166

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1222 -1225 S.P. No. 2-74

Item No. 1222

Doc. No. Vol. XX, 1065 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India durnig the Year 1931-1932. 67th Number.

S.P. 2

O.H.C.P. 21 Nov. 1933


Vol. XVI, 233 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of Consolidated Fund, for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1933.

S.P. 35

O.H.C.P. 12 Feb. 1934


Vol. XVI, 235 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1934.

S.P. 64

O.H.C.P. 11 April 1934


Vol. XVI, 473 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1934, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the Sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 26 April 1934


S.P. 74

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1226 S.P. No. 91 Item No.

Doc. No.

1226 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1934. O.H.C.P. 7 June 1934

S.P. 91

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1227 -1229 Cmd 4459 - 4490 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 755 Treaty Series No. 39 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of origin. Bucharest, 25 September 1933. L/C. HC. 4 Dec. 1933 HL 5 Dec. 1933

Cmd 4459


Vol. XXVII, 197 Treaty Series No. 40 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, with Protocol. Helsingfors, 29 September 1933. Ratifications exchanged, 20 November 1933. L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 4472


Vol. XXVII, 1239 Misc. No. 1 (1934) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Fourteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 November 1933. In continuation of Misc. No. 13, 1932 [Item 1143], September-October 1933. L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R 24 Jan.)

Cmd 4490


COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1230 -1233 Cmd 4491- 4498 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 385 Treaty Series No. 1 (1934) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland, with Agreement of the Boundary Commission, Appendices, and Map. London, 22 November 1933.

Cmd 4491

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R 25 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 13 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 1 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 November 1933.

Cmd 4492

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 24 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 29 Treaty Series No. 3 Supplementary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. Buenos Aires, 26 September 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 November 1933.

Cmd 4494

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 24 Jaa.)


Vol. XXVII, 1103 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on Disarmament communicated by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the Governments represented at the Disarmament Conference, January 29 1934. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1934 HL. 6 Feb. 1934


Cmd 4498

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1234 -1237 Cmd 4500 - 4507 Item No.

Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 657 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Oslo, 7 July, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4500

1235 Vol. XXVII, 91 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 14 December 1933. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4504

1236 Vol. XXVII, 807 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations between the Irish Free State and Salvador. San Salvador, 12-30 September 1931. Reprint from Irish Free Stare Treaty Series No. 10, 1931. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4506

1237 Vol. XXVII, 253 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 11 August 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 23 January 1934. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4507



COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1984 Item 1238 -1242 Cmd 4508 - 4513 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 95 Treaty Series No. 8 Trade Arrangements between His Majesty in New Zealand and the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxembourg. Wellington 5 December 1933.

Cmd 4508

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1361 Treaty Series No. 42 (1933) Index to Treaty Series 1933.

Cmd 4509

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1933 HL 20 Feb. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 1341 Treaty Series No. 41 (1933) Treaties with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1933.

Cmd 4510

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1115 Misc. No. 3 Memoranda on Disarmament issued by the Government of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. January 1934.

Cmd 4512

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 759 Russia No. 1 (1934) Temporary Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 February 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Cmd 4513

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1243 -1247 Cmd 4514-4542 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 609 Fleets Particulars of Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 February 1934, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 4514

L/C. HG 16 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXI, 613 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 4529

L/C. HC. 5 March 1934 HL 6March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 697 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, New Zealand, and the Norwegian Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Wellington, 20 October 1933. Sydney, 27 October 1933.

Cmd 4534

L/C. HC/L 14 March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1323 Misc. No. 4 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling. Geneva, 24 September 1931. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty's Government.

Cmd 4541

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 453 Japan No. 1 (1934) Report on the British Gift of Books to the Tokyo Imperial University Library, 1923-1933. L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1934


Cmd 4542

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1248 -1252 Cmd 4552 - 4583 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 713 Treaty Series No. 10 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic. Warsaw, 11 January 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 19 December 1933.

Cmd 4552

L/C. HC/L 17 April 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1147 Misc. No. 5 Further Memoranda on Disarmament, 14 February to 17 April 1934. In continuation of No. 3, 1934 [Item 1241].

Cmd 4559

L/C. HC/L 18 April 1934


Vol. XXVII, 771 Treaty Series No. 11 Temporary Commercial Agremeent between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 February 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Moscow, 21 March 1934.

Cmd 4567

L/C. HC/L 26 April 1934


Vol. XVI, 325 Palestine Loan Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 4576

L/C. HC/L 2 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1267 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the Government of France, United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands, and Siam to regulate Production and Export of Rubber. London, 7 May 1934. L/C. HC/L 17 May 1934


Cmd 4583

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-I934 Item 1253 -1257 Cmd 4584-4604 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 1169 International Labour Conference Reply of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Questionnaire on the subject of the Reduction of Hours of Work.

and 4584

L/C. HC/L. 14 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 275 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting Commercial Relations. London, 8 May 1934.

Cmd 4590

L/C. HC/L. 17 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1295 Treaty Series No. 14 International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, with Protocol. Geneva, 7 June 1930. His Majesty's Accession, 18 April 1934.

Cmd 4594

L/C. HC. 29 May 1934 HL 30 May 1934 (R. 28 May)


Vol. XXVII, 999 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Union of South Africa and the United States of America regarding the issue of licenses to Pilot Civil Aircraft. Pretoria, 17 March-20 September 1933. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 4, 1933.

Cmd 4603

L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1005 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Union of South Africa and the United States of America regarding Air Navigation. Pretoria, 17 March-20 September 1933. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1934


Cmd 4604

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1258 -1262 Cmd 4609 - 4620 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1013 United States No. 1 (1934) Papers relating to the British War Debt.

Cmd 4609

L/C. HC/L 5 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 101 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government for the submission of the claim of Mr. Oscar Chinn for decision by the Permanent Court of International Justice. Brussels, 13 April 1934.

Cmd 4612

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 503 Liberia No. 1 (1934) Papers concerning affairs in Liberia, December 1930 to May 1934.

Cmd 4614

25 April 1934 (Withdrawn) RA/HL L/C. HC/L 27 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 107 Belgium No. 1 (1934) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Belgians providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Brussels, 2 May 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4618

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 335 Germany No. 1 (1934) Papers respecting the German Transfer Moratorium. L/C. HC/L. 22 June 1934


Cmd 4620

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1262a -1266 Cmd 4623 - 4639 Item No.

Doc. No.

1262a Vol. IX, 653: Reports, Commissioners (1) Administration of Justice (Africa) Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in Kenya, Uganda, and the Tanganyika Territory in Criminal Matters, and Correspondence arising out of the Report.

Cmd 4623

L/C. HC. 22 June 1934 HL 26 June 1934

1263 Vol. XXVII, 1021 United States No. 2 Papers relating to the British War Debt. In continuation of United States of America No. 1.

Cmd 4627

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1934

1264 Vol. XXVII, 1025 Yemen No. 1 (1934) Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of the Yemen, with Notes exchanged. Sana, 11 February 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4630

L/C. HC/L. 27 June 1934

1265 Vol. XXVII, 279 France No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 27 June 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4632

L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1934

1266 Vol. XXVII, 131 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Belgians supplementary to the Convention of 21 June 1922, to facilitate the conduct of legal Proceedings. Brussels, 4 November 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 June 1934. L/C. HC. 6 July 1934 HL. 10 July 1934


Cmd 4639

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1267 -1271 Cmd 4640 - 4656

Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 349 Germany No. 2 Anglo-German Transfer Agreement with an Exchange of Letters between the Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the German Reich, 4 July 1934.

Cmd 4640

L/C. HC. 4 July 1934 HL. 5 July 1934


Vol. XXVII, 601 Lithuania No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 6 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 9 July 1934

Cmd 4648

HL. 10 July 1934


Cmd 4650

Vol. XXVII, 1031

Misc. No. 6 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation. The Hague, 12 April 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1934


Vol. XXVII, 149 Estonia No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Estonia supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 18 January 1926, with Protocol. London, 11 July 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4653

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1934


Vol. XXI, 839 Whaling Industry (Regulation) Bill Financial Memorandum. L/C. HC. 16 July 1934 HL. 17 July 1934


Cmd 4656

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1272.1276 Cmd 4659 - 4668 Item No.

Doc. No:


Vol. XXVII, 487 Latvia No. 1 (1934) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government, with Protocol. London, 17 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1934

Cmd 4659


Vol. XXVII, 471 Japan No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of India and the Emperor of Japan regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 20 July 1934 HL. 23 July 1934

Cmd 4660


Vol. XXVII, 985 Trans-Jordan Agreement between His Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan, supplementary to the Agreement signed on 20 February 1928. Signed at Jerusalem, 2 June 1934. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1934

Cmd 4661


Vol. XXVII, 647 Netherlands No. 1 (1934) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands regarding Commercial Relations. London, 20 July 1934. L/C. HC. 20 July 1934 HL. 23 July 1934

Cmd 4662


Vol. XXVII, 817 Sudan No. 1 (1934) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1933. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 16 Aug.)

Cmd 4668


COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1277 -1280 Cmd 4669 - 3673

Item No. 1277

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 783 Russia No. 2 Parcel Post Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, and the U.S.S.R., with detailed Regulations and Exchange of Notes. London, 19 April 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4669

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. IX, 815: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Liquor Traffic Report for Year 1933 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4670

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 8 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 813 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Siam regarding the boundary between Burma (Tenasserim) and Siam. Bangkok, 1 June 1934.

Cmd 4671

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 355 Germany No. 3 Anglo-German Exchange Agreement relating to Commercial Payments. Berlin, 10 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Aug.)


Cmd 4673

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1281-1284 Cmd 4674 - 4691

Doc. No.

Item No. 1281

Vol. XXVII, 709 Paraguay No. 1 (1934) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa and the President of Paraguay, to the Treaty of 12 September 1908, regarding Extradition. Asuncion, 30 September 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934

Cmd 4674

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 613 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 6 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 2 August 1934. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934

Cmd 4680

(R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 733 Poland No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to Commercial Travellers. Warsaw, 26 October 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct 1934

Cmd 4688

(R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 989 Trans-Jordan Treaty of Friendship and Bon Voisinage between Trans-Jordan and Saudi-Arabia with Protocol on Arbitration and Schedule appended to Treaty. Signed at Jerusalem, 27 July 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Cairo on 21 December 1933. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 3 Sept.)


Cmd 4691

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1285 -1288 Cmd 4693 - 4700 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 625 Lithuania No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Lithuania regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Kovno, 24 April 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4693

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct 1934 (R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 437 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government and the Italian Government respecting the boundary between the Sudan and Libya. Rome, 20 July 1934.

Cmd 4694

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 1281 Treaty Series No. 24 Silver Agreement between the Governments of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain, and the United States of America, with supplementary undertakings. Signed, 24 and 26 July 1933. London, 22 July 1933. Ratifications deposited at Washington by His Majesty's Governments in Canada, and the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Government of India, 28 March, 11 February and 21 March 1934, respectively.

Cmd 4699

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)

1288 Vol. XXVII, 143 Ecuador No. 1 (1934) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, and the Acting President of Ecuador to the Treaty of 20 September 1880, regarding Extradition. Quito, 4 June 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)


Cmd 4700

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1289 -1292 Cmd 4701- 4704 Item No.

Doc. No.

1289 Vol. XXVII, 1 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Afghanistan in regard to the Boundary between India and Afghanistan in the neighbourhood of Arnawai and Dokalim, with map. Kabul, 3 February 1934.

Cmd 4701

L/C. HC/L 30 Oa. 1934 (R. 24 Sept.)

Cmd 4702

1290 VoI. XXVII, 361

Treaty Series No. 22 Anglo-German Exchange Agreement relating to Commercial Payments, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 10 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.) 1291 Vol. XXVII, 651

Cmd 4703

Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands regarding Commercial Relations. London, 20 July and 30 July 1934. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)

1292 Vol. XXVII, 747 Poland No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Warsaw, 16 April 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 24 Sept.)


Cmd 4704

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1293 -1297 Cmd 4709 - 4720 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 1317 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes. Paris, 12 June 1934.

Cmd 4709

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 3 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 1181 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its 18th Session, 4-23 June 1934. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 4714

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 8 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 1077 Treaty Series No. 27 International Agreement relating to Statistics of Causes of Death, with Protocol of Signature. London, 19 June 1934.

Cmd 4715

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 15 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 307 France No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Paris, 18 January 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4717

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 23 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 139 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Costa Rican Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Panama, 2 August 1933; San Jose, 2 April 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 4, 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934


Cmd 4720

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1298 -1301 Cmd 4724 - 4729 Item No.

Doc. No.

1298 Vol. XXVII, 1235 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendation concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers employed in loading or unloading ships which were adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 16th Session 12-80 April 1932.

Cmd 4724

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 24 Oct.)


Vol. XIII, 639: Reports, Commissioners (5) Locust Control Proceedings of the Third International Locust Conference. London, 18 September 1934. [See also Cmd 3367 and 3642 (1930); 4124 (1932); 4321 (1933); 4692 (1934); being Reports of the Economic Advisory Committee on Locusts, not included in text.]

Cmd 4725

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 18 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 377 Germany No. 4 Anglo-German Payments Agreement, with an Exchange of Letters between the Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the German Reich. Berlin, 1 November 1934.

Cmd 4726

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 701 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government regarding claims in respect to Fishing Gear. London, 5 November 1934. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1934


Cmd 4729

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1302 -1305 Cmd 4731- 4736 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1237 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendation concerning the Age for Admission of Children to Non-Industrial Employment adopted by the International Labour Conference at its Sixteenth Session, 12-30 April 1932.

Cmd 4731

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 443 Treaty Series No. 30 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government for the Reciprocal Validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Rome, 17 September 1934.

Cmd 4734

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 479 Treaty Series No. 31 Convention between His Majesty of India and the Emperor of Japan regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 October 1934.

Cmd 4735

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 165 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Estonia supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 18 January 1926, with Protocol and Notes. London, 11 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Cmd 4736

BILLS PUBLIC 1934-1935 Item 1305a -1306 Bill No. 71- 73 1305a Vol. I, 293: Bills; Public Counterfeit Currency (Convention) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to an International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency, signed on behalf of His Majesty at Geneva, 20 April 1929, to apply to foreign coin, certain enactments relating to British coin, and to assimilate the penalties for importing and exporting counterfeit coin. [See also 1936, Bill No. 82: Vol. I, 495. Not included in this text.] O.H.C.P. 20 May 1935

Bill 71

Vol. IV, 99: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of International disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties; and for other purposes. O.H.C.P. 23 May 1935

Bill 73


SESSIONAL PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1307 S.P. No. 13 1307 Vol. XVII, 1 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1932-1933. 68th Number. O.H.C.P. 18 Dec. 1934


S.P. 13

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1308 -1311 S.P. No. 23 - 94

Doc. No.

Item No. 1308

Vol. XII, 231 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on the part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1934.

S.P. 23

O.H.C.P. 28 Jan. 1935


Vol. XII, 233 By Act Greek Loan of 1898 Account up to 31 March 1935.

S.P. 68

O.H.C.P. 5 April 1935


Vol. XII, 391 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1935 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 80

O.H.C.P. 2 May 1935


Vol. XII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the year ended 31 March 1935. O.H.C.P. 6 June 1935


S.P. 94

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1312-1315 Cmd 4751- 4755 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 711 Treaty Series No. 33 (1934) International Convention for the regulation of Whaling. Geneva, 24 September 1931. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom and Union of South Africa, deposited 18 October 1934 and 11 January 1933, respectively.

Cmd 4751

L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 547 Treaty Series No. 34 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and the King of the Yemen, with Notes Exchanged. San'a, 11 February 1934. Ratifications exchanged at San'a, 4 September 1934.

Cmd 4752

L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 233 Treaty Series No. 35 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Latvia, with Protocol and Notes. London, 17 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London on 2 October 1934.

Cmd 4753

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXIV, 619 Misc. No. 7 (1934) International Convention for Mutual Protection against Dengue Fever. Athens, 25 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Cmd 4755

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1316 -1320 Cmd 4759 - 4772 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 429 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Dublin, 21 June 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series, No. 7-1934.

Cmd 4759

L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1934


Vol. XII, 95 Austrian Loan Treasury Minute dated 6 December 1934 guaranteeing the principal of and interest on certain Securities issued by the Austrian Government.

Cmd 4762

L/C. HC. 7 Dec.1934 HL. 11 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 513 United States No. 3 (1934) Papers relating to the British War Debt.

Cmd 4763

L/C. HC. 10 Dec. 1934 HL. 11 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 109 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Berlin, 13-18 September 1934.

Cmd 4767

L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 671 Misc. No. 8 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the Fifteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 November 1934. L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 28 Dec. 1934)


Cmd 4772

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1321-1324 Cmd 4773 - 4798 Item No.

Doc. No.

1321 Vol. XXIV, 485 Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Washington, 11-17 September 1934.

Cmd 4773

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 31 Dec. 1934)

1322 Vol. XII, 99 Austrian Loan Treasury Minute dated 20 December 1934 guaranteeing the principal of and interest on certain securities issued by the Austrian Government.

Cmd 4775

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1934

1323 Vol. XXIV, 171 Treaty Series No. 1 (1935) Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to the release of German Property. Dublin, 14 September 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 13, 1934.

Cmd 4783

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 18 Jan.)

1324 Vol. XXIV, 89 Misc. No. 1 (1935) Joint Communique issued on behalf of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic as a result of the Conversations between the French and British Ministers. 1-3 February 1935. L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1935 HL 5 Feb. 1935


Cmd 4798

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1325 -1329 Cmd 4802 -4810 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 415 Roumania No. 1 (1935) Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement. Agreement with Protocol. London, 8 February 1935.

Cmd 4802

L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1935 HL. 12 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 7 Austria No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Federal President of Austria supplementary to the Convention of 3 December 1873, regarding Extradition. Vienna, 29 October I934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4804

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 189 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and His Majesty, King of Italy relating to the Establishment of Air Transport Lines. Rome, 7 December 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 28 December 1934.

Cmd 4808

L/C. HC/L. 20 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 729 Treaty Series No. 39 (1934) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. I934. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 41, 1933 [Item 1240].

Cmd 4809

L/C. HC. 25 Feb. 1935 HL. 26 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 755 Treaty Series No. 40 Index to Treaty Series, 1934. L/C. HC. 25 Feb. 1935 HL 26 Feb. 1935


Cmd 4810

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1330 -1334 Cmd 4812 - 4827 Item No.

Doc. No.

1330 Vol. XXIV, 19 Treaty Series No. 3 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Canberra, 19 November 1934.

Cmd 4812

L/C. HC/L 20 Feb. 1935

1331 Vol. XIV, 621 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 February 1935, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 4817

L/C. HC/L 27 Feb. 1935

1332 Vol. XXIV, 289 Poland No. 1 (1935) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government in regard to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes. London, 27 February 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4820

L/C. HC/L 27 Feb. 1935

1333 Vol. XVII, 979 The Control Scheme Papers relating to the International Tin Control Scheme.

Cmd 4825

L/C. HC. 1 March 1935 HL 5 March 1935

1334 Vol. XIII, 803 Defence Statement relating to Defence in connection with the proposed debate in the House of Commons on 11 March 1935. L/C. HC. 1 March 1935 HL S March 1935


Cmd 4827

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1335 -1338 Cmd 4829 - 4846 Item No.

Doc. No.

1335 Vol. XXIV, 263 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to Commercial Travellers. Warsaw, 26 October 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 January 1935.

Cmd 4829

L/C. HC/L 7 March 1935

1336 Vol. XXIV, 47 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the National Government of the Republic of China relating to Land Tenure and Taxation in the Former British Concessions at Hankow and Kinkiang. Nanking, 27 October 1934.

Cmd 4836

L/C. HC/L 12 March 1935

1337 Vol. XXIV, 121 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Dublin, 28 January 1935. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 1, 1935.

Cmd 4844

L/C. HC/L 20 March 1935

1338 Vol. XXIV, 669 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and recommendation concerning Fee-Charging Employment Agencies which were adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 17th Session, June 1933. L/C. HC. 18 March 1935 HL 19 March 1935


Cmd 4846

COMMAND PAPERS 19344935 Item 1339 -1343 Cmd 4848 - 4856

Item No. 1339

Doc. No. Vol. XXIV, 131 Germany No. 1 (1935) Note delivered by His Majesty's Ambassador in Berlin to the German Government on 18 March 1935.

Cmd 4848

L/C. HG 18 March 1935 HL 19 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 99 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding certain matters affecting the administration of the New Hebrides. London, 31 January 1935.

Cmd 4852

L/C. HC/L. 27 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 75 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency. London, 21 February 1935.

Cmd 4853

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 1 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Argentine Republic in regard to Compensation for Accidents to Workmen. Buenos Aires, 15 November 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Buenos Aires, 24 January 1935.

Cmd 4855

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 451 Switzerland No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council supplementary to the Convention of 26 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Berne, 19 December 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 28 March 1935


Cmd 4856

COMMAND PAPERS 1984-1935 Item 1344 -1348 Cmd 4862 - 4875

Doc. No.

Item No. 1344

Vol. XXIV, 175 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Hungarian Government for the provisional dissolution of the AngloHungarian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 31 January 1935. L/C. HC/L. 3 April 1935

Cmd 4862


Vol. XXIV, 31 Brazil No. 1 (1935) Anglo-Brazilian Payments Agreement. Rio de Janeiro, 27 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 29 March 1935

Cmd 4864


Vol. XXIV, 67 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Czechoslovakia in regard to Passports for Seamen. London, 13 February-4 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 3 Apri11935

Cmd 4865


Vol. XXIV, 607 Treaty Series No. 12 International Agreements for dispensing with Bills of Health and Consular Visas on Bills of Health. Paris, 22 December 1934. L/C. HC/L 4 April 1935

Cmd 4869


Vol. XXIV, 277 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Warsaw, 16 April 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 21 March 1935. L/C. HC/L 10 April 1935

Cmd 4875


COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1985 Item 1349 -1352 Cmd 4876 - 4884 Item No.

Doc. No.

1349 Vol. XXIV, 51 Czechoslovakia No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic supplementary to the Convention of 11 November 1924, to facilitate the conduct of Legal Proceedings. Prague, 15 February 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4876

L/C. HC/L. 10 April 1935

Cmd 4880

1350 Vol. XXIV, 707

Miscellaneous No. 2 Joint Resolution of the Stresa Conference, including the Anglo-Italian Declaration and the Final Declaration. Stresa, 14 April 1935. L/C. HC. 16 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.) 1351 Vol. XXIV, 207

Cmd 4883

Treaty Series No. 14 Provisional Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regulating Imports from the United Kingdom into Italy. Rome, 18 March 1935. L/C. HG 17 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.)

Cmd 4884

1352 Vol. XXIV, 43

Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Chinese Government regarding the Establishment of a Commission to determine the Southern Section of the Boundary between Burma and Yunnan. Nanking, 9 April 1935. L/C. HC. 17 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1353 -1357 Cmd 4888 - 4911 Doe. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIV, 213 Italy No. 1 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Trade and Payments. Rome, 27 April 1935.

Cmd 4888

L/C. HC. 29 April 1935 HL 30 April 1935


Vol. XXIV, 71 Egypt No. 1 (1935) Correspondence with the Egyptian Mission of Economic Enquiry regarding Trade Relations. London, 15 May 1935.

Cmd 4896

L/C. HC/L 15 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 93 France No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax of Air Transport Profits. London, 9 April 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4898

L/C. HC. 20 May 1935 HL. 21 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 25 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Brussels, I5 February 1935. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 2, 1935.

Cmd 4904

L/C. HC/L 23 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 35 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government respecting Commercial Payments. Rio de Janeiro, 27 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 30 May 1935


Cmd 4911

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1358 -1362 Cmd 4923 - 4930 Item No.

Doc. No.

1358 Vol. XXIV, 517 United States No. 1 (1935) Papers relating to the British War Debt, June 1935.

Cmd 4923

L/C. HC. 7 June 1935 HL. 17 June 1935 (R.)

1359 Vol. VII, 293: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1934 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4924

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1935 (R. 12 June)

1360 Vol. XXIV, 469 Turkey No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Protocol of Signature. Angora, 4 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4925

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1935 (R. 12 June)

1361 Vol. XXIV, 521 Treaty Series No. 18 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America. London, 22 December 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1932.

Cmd 4928

L/C. HC/L. 19 June 1935

1362 Vol. XXIV, 141 Germany No. 2 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 18 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1935


Cmd 4930

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1363 -1366 Cmd 4938.4953 Doc. No.

Item No.

1363 Vol. XXIV, 559 Treaty Series No. 19 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation. The Hague, 12 April 1933. Ratifications deposited at The Hague by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, 15 September 1934, and His Majesty in respect to Australia, 18 February 1935.

Cmd 4938

L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1935

1364 Vol. XXIV, 529 Uruguay No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Supplementary Agreement. London, 26 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4940

L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1935

1365 Vol. XXIV, 411 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin in Palestine and Roumania. London, 11-14 June 1935.

Cmd 4949

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1935

1366 Vol. XXIV, 145 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 18 June 1935. L/C. HC. 12 July 1935 HL. 15 July 1935


Cmd 4953

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1367 -1370

Cmd 4954 - 4961 Item No.

Doc. No.

1367 Vol. XXIV, 13 Treaty Series No. 21 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Federal President of Austria Supplementary to the Convention of 3 December 1873 regarding Extradition. Vienna, 29 October 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 April 1935.

Cmd 4954

L/C. HC. 16 July 1935 HL 17 July 1935

1368 Vol. XXIV, 447 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Swedish Government regarding Commerce, Customs, and Navigation. London, 24 May 1935.

Cmd 4955

L/C. HC. 16 July 1935 HL. 17 July 1935

1369 Vol. XXIV, 221 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Trade and Payments. Rome, 27 April 1935.

Cmd 4960

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1935

1370 Vol. XXIV, 127 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the German Government amending the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1 September 1928, Pretoria 13 October 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Capetown on 9 March 1934. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 14, 1932. L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1935


Cmd 4961

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1371-1374

Cmd 4963 - 4975 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 153 Treaty Series No. 26 Anglo-German Payments Agreement, with an Exchange of Letters between the representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the Government of the German Reich, with further Letters exchanged 12 November 1934. Berlin, 1 November 1934.

Cmd 4963

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 437 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government regarding Commercial Relations. Madrid, 1 April 1935. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 4, 1935.

Cmd 4965

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL. 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 285 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Polish Government regarding the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Dublin, 19 October 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Dublin, 6 May 1935. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 5, 1935.

Cmd 4966

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL. 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 457 Treaty Series No. 29 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council supplementary to the Convention of 26 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Berne, 19 December 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London on 6 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 12 Aug.)


Cmd 4975

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1375 -1378 Cmd 4976 - 4982

Doc. No.

Item No. 1375

Vol. XXIV, 421 Roumania No. 2 Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement, with Annex. London, 3 August 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4976

(IL 8 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 59 Treaty Series No. 30 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic supplementary to the Convention of 11 November 1924 to facilitate the conduct of legal proceedings. Prague, 15 February 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 July 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4980

(IL 15 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 83 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load Line Certificates. Helsingfors, 3 May 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4981

(R. 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 135 Treaty Series No. 32 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United 'Kingdom and the German Government for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load Line Certificates. Berlin, 7 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Occ.1935 (IL 20 Aug.)


Cmd 4982

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1379-1382 Cmd 4984 - 4999

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIV, 329 Treaty Series No. 33 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government in regard to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes. London, 27 February 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 24 July 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R.9 Sept.)

Cmd 4984


Vol. XXIV, 179 Iraq No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Bagdad, 25 July 1935. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 3 Sept.)

Cmd 4986


Vol. XXIV, 645 Misc. No. 3 Convention for facilitating the International Circulation of Films of an Educational Character. Geneva, 11 October 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4994

(R. 12 Sept.)


Vol. XXIV, 463 Treaty Series No. 34. Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan supplementary to the Agreement signed on 20 February 1928. Jerusalem, 2 June 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Abeen, 22 June 1935.

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 2 Oct.)


Cmd 4999

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1383 -1385 Cmd 5006 - 5008

Item No.

Doc. No.

1383 Vol. XXIV, 493 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States, respecting Air Navigation. Washington, 28 March-5 April 1935. L/C. HC/L. 23 Oct. 1935

Cmd 5006

1384 Vol. XXIV, 507 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America, respecting Air Pilots' Licenses. Washington, 28 March5 April 1935. L/C. HC/I» 23 Oct. 1935

Cmd 5007


Cmd 5008

Vol. XXIV, 631

Treaty Series No. 37 International Convention for the Mutual Protection against Dengue Fever. Athens, 25 July 1934. His Majesty's Ratification deposited, 3 April 1935. L/C. HC/L. 23 Oct. 1935

BILLS PUBLIC 1935-1936 Item 1386 Bill No. 19

Doc. No.

Item No. 1386 Vol. I, 169: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to Aviation and matters connected therewith. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1935


Bill 19

BILLS PUBLIC 1935-1936 Item 1387 -1390 Bill No. 67 -172 Doc. No.

Item No.

1387 Vol. III, 233: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of Peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of international disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties; and for other purposes.

Bill 67

O.H.C.P. 5 March 1936

1388 Vol. I, 225: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to aviation and matters connected therewith, as amended in Committee.

Bill 134

O.H.C.P. 10 June 1936

1389 Vol. I, 279: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to aviation and matters connected therewith, as amended in Committee on Recommittal and on Report.

Bill 141

O.H.C.P. 25 June 1936

1390 Vol. I, 339: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill Lords Amendments.

Bill 172

O.H.C.P. 28 July 1936

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1391 S.P. No. 16 Item No.

Doc. No.

1391 Vol. XX, i East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1933-1934. Sixty-ninth number. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1935


S.P. 16

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1392 -1395 S.P. No. 19 - 115

Item No. 1392

.Doc. No. Vol. XV, 213 Greek Loan 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1935.

S.P. 19

O.H.C.P. 22 Jan. 1936


Vol. XV, 215 Greek Loan (1898) By Act Account up to 31 March 1936.

S.P. 78

O.H.C.P. 21 April 1936


Vol. XV, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1935-1936, ended 31 March 1936.

S.P. 112

O.H.C.P. 9 June 1936


Vol. XV, 433 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1936 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued ; also Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act of 1934, to provide for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans and an account up to the 31 March 1936 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of such guarantees. O.H.C.P. 11 June 1936


S.P. 115

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1396 -1400 Cmd 5019 - 5028 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 375 Sudan No. 1 (1935) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition, of the Sudan in 1934.

Cmd 5019

L/C. HC/L 11 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 685 Treaty Series No. 38 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government supplementary to the Commercial Agreement of 15 May 1933. Stockholm, 27 May15 June 1935.

Cmd 5022

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 39 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government regarding the Mutual Recognition of Load Line Certificates. London, 7 November 1935.

Cmd 5023

L/C. HC/L 5 Dec.1935


Vol. XXVIII, 121 Hungary No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, with a Note. Budapest, 25 September 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5024

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1935


Vol. XX, 923 Misc. No. 4 (1935) Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. In continuation of Misc. No. 3 (1893), C. 7027; Misc. No. 7 (1922) Cmd 1771; Misc. No. 2 (1927) Cmd 2852; Misc. No. 7 (1928) Cmd 3221; Misc. No. 14 (1931) Cmd 3907. L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1935 HL. 17 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5028

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1401-1404 Cmd 5033 - 5042 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 217 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendation adopted by the Conference at its Nineteenth Session, 4-25 June 1935. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5033

L/C. HC/L. 3 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 739 Treaty Series No. 40 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Protocol of Signature. Angora, 4 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 October 1935.

Cmd 5037

L/C. HC. 13 Dec. 1935 HL 17 Dec. 1935


Vol. XVII, 691 FIeets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 January 1936, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. Japan, corrected to 30 September 1935 and the Soviet Union to 1 February 1935 only. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 5038

L/C. HC/L 11 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 821 United States No. 2 (1935) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November-December 1935. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5042

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1405 -1408 Cmd 5043 - 5047 Doc. No.

Item No.

1405 Vol. XXVIII, 235 Netherlands No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. London, 6 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5043

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1935 HL 19 Dec. 1935

1406 Vol. XXVII, 635 Ethiopia No. 1 (1935) Documents relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.

Cmd 5044

RA/HL. 5 Dec. 1934 (Withdrawn) L/C. HC. 13 Dec. 1935 HL. 17 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVII, 585 Denmark No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland in respect of Denmark supplementary to the Convention of 31 March 1873, regarding Extradition. Copenhagen, 15 October 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5046

L/C. HC. 18 Dec 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935

1408 Vol. XXVIII, 311 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the operation of Air Services over Territories in Africa. Lisbon, 24 October 1935. L/C. HC 18 Dec. 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5047

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1409 -1412 Cmd 5048 - 5056 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 165 Treaty Series No. 42 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and the Government of Iceland for the further renewal of the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. London, 10 October 1935.

Cmd 5048

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVII, 321 Misc. No. 5 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 16th Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Misc. No. 8 (1934), Cmd 4772. London, 9 December 1935.

Cmd 5053

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Vol. XXVIII, 263 Treaty Series No. 43 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia, in regard to the Tariff Autonomy of Persia, with Notes attached thereto. Teheran, 10 May 1928. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5054

L/C. HC/L 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Vol. XXVII, 1 Misc. No. 6 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to Damage caused by Aircraft to Third Parties on the surface. Rome, 29 May 1933. (Not Ratified.) L/C. HC/L 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Cmd 5056

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1413 -1417 Cmd 5058 - 5072 Item No.

Doc. No.

1413 Vol. XXVIII, 355 Spain No. 1 (1936) Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government. Madrid, 6 January 1936.

Cmd 5058

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 8 Jaa.)

1414 Vol. XXVIII, 259 Treaty Series No. 1 (1936) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government regarding Trade between the Netherlands and Newfoundland, British Colonies and Protectorates, and United Kingdom Mandated Territories. London, 18 December 1935.

Cmd 5061

L/C. HC. 22 Jan. 1936 HL. 23 Jan. 1936

1415 Vol. XXVII, 433 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Canada Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India, and the German and French Governments in regard to War Graves. Berlin, 20 December 1935.

Cmd 5068

L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

1416 Vol. XXVII, 657

Cmd 5071

Ethiopia No. 1 (1936)

Documents and Proceedings of the League of Nations relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. October 7 1935 January 22 1936. L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

1417 Vol. XXVII, 725 Ethiopia No. 2 Correspondence in connection with the application of Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations to the dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. January 1936. L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)


Cmd 5072

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1418 -1420 Cmd 5074 - 5076 Item No.

Doc. No.

1418 Vol. XXVIII, 215 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. London, 30 December 1935. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5074

1419 Vol. XXVII, 557 Belgium No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the King of the Belgians regarding the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5075

1420 Vol. XXVII, 565 Belgium No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government regarding Water Rights on the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5076


COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1421-1423 Cmd 5078 - 5086 Item No.

Doc. No.

1421 Vol. XXVII, 295 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the under-mentioned Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted at sessions of the International Labour Conference. 1) Draft Convention ensuring Benefit and Allowances to the Involuntary Unemployment (1934). 2) Recommendation concerning unemployment insurance and various forms of Relief for the unemployed (1934). 3) Draft Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases (Revised 1934). 4) Recommendation concerning the Prevention of Industrial Accidents (1929). 5) Recommendation concerning Responsibility for the Protection of Power-Driven Machinery (1929). L/C. HC/L 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

Cmd 5078

1422 Vol. XXVIII, 317 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government revising the Convention of 11 September 1928 relating to Native Labour from Mozambique, Railway Matters, and Commercial Intercourse. Lourenco Marques, 17 November 1934. Ratifications Exchanged at Pretoria, 12 July 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1934. L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL 18 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5085

1423 Vol. XXVII, 443 Treaty Series No. 44 (1935) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1935. L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL. 18 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5086


COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1424 -1428 and 5087-5113 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 463 Treaty Series No. 45 (1935) Index to Treaty Series 1935.

Cmd 5087

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL. 18 Feb. 1936


Vol. XXVII, 737 Ethiopia No. 3 Report of the Committee of Experts regarding Petroleum and its Derivatives, By-products and Residues, with reference to Co-ordination of Measures under Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. Geneva, 12 February 1936.

Cmd 5094

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL 18 Feb. 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 361 Treaty Series No. 5 Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government. Madrid, 6 January 1936.

Cmd 5097

L/C. HC. 21 Feb. 1936 HL. 25 Feb. 1936


Vol. XVI, 839 Defence Statement relating to Defence.

Cmd 5107

L/C. HC. 2 March 1936 HL. 3 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 303 International Labour Conference Replies of His Majesty Government to the Questionnaires on the subject of the Reduction of Hours of Work in certain Industries, in connection with the 20th Session of the International Labour Conference proposed to be held in June 1936. L/C. HC. 2 March 1936 HL 3 March 1936


Cmd 5113

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1429 -1433 Cmd 5118-5137 Item No.


Doc. No.

Cmd 5118

Vol. XXVIII, 43

Germany No. 1 (1936) Memorandum by the German Government respecting the Franco-Soviet Treaty, the Treaty of Locarno, and the Demilitarized Zone in the Rhineland. Communicated to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by the German Ambassador on 7 March 1936. L/C. HC. 9 March 1936 HL. 10 March 1936


Vol. XIX, 717 Palestine Proposed New Constitution for Palestine.

Cmd 5119

L/C. HC/L. 11 March 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 49 Germany No. 2 Text of proposals drawn up by the Representatives of Belgium, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Italy. London, 19 March 1936. [See also Item 1437.]

Cmd 5134

L/C. HC. 20 March 1936 HL. 24 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 377 Misc. No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, the President of the United States of America, and the President of the French Republic for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 25 March 1936.

Cmd 5136

L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 421 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on the London Naval Conference, 9 December 1935-25 March 1936. L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1936


Cmd 5137

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1434 -1436 Cmd 5141-5146

Item No.

Doc. No.

1434 Vol. XXVII, 299 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding certain Draft Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Conference concerning: Compulsory Old Age, Invalidity, and Widows and Orphans Insurance (1933); Recommendations concerning the General principles of Invalidity, Old Age and Widows and Orphans Insurance (1933); Draft Convention concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old Age, Widows and Orphans Insurance (1935); Draft Convention concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of all kinds (1935). L/C. HC/L. 26 March 1936

Cmd 5141

Vol. XXVII, 59 Misc. No. 3 Correspondence showing the course of certain Diplomatic Discussions directed towards securing a European settlement, June 1934—March 1936. L/C. HC/L. 7 April 1936

Cmd 5143

1436 Vol. XXVIII, 87 Greece No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of the Hellenes regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 7 April 1936

Cmd 5146



COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1437 -1440 Cmd 5149 - 5161

Item No. 1437

Doc. No. Vol. XXVIII, 57 Misc. No. 4 Correspondence with the French and Belgian Ambassadors relating to the Texts of Proposals drawn up by the representatives of Belgium, France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Italy. London, 19 March 1936. [Cmd 5I34, Item 1431.] London, 1 April 1936. L/C. HC. 3 April 1936

Cmd 5149

HL 6 April 1936


Vol. XXVII, 193 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention for facilitating the International Circulation of Films of an educational Character. Geneva, 11 October 1933. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited on 26 February 1936 and 17 October 1934, respectively. L/C. HC. 21 April 1936

Cmd 5155

HL 28 Apri11936 (R. 16 April)


Vol. XXVII, 775 Ethiopia No. 4 Correspondence exchanged with the Italian Government regarding the bombing by Italian Military Aircraft of the British Red Cross Ambulance No. 1 in Ethiopia. March-April 1936. L/C. HC. 21 April 1936

Cmd 5160

HL 28 April 1936 (R. 17 April)


Vol. XXVIII, 837 Yugoslavia No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Yugoslavia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 22 April 1936 HL 28 April 1936 (R.)


Cmd 5161

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1441-1445 Cmd 5166 - 5174 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 21 Misc. No. 5 Documents relating to the Admission of Women to the Diplomatic and Consular Services. 30 July 1934—April 1936.

Cmd 5166

L/C. HC. 27 April 1936 HL. 28 April 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 545 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi-Arabia regarding Transit Dues at Bahrein. Jedda, 16 November 1935.

Cmd 5168

L/C. HC/L. 30 April 1936


Vol. XXVII, 591 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland in respect of Denmark, supplementary to the Treaty of 31 March 1873, regarding Extradition. Copenhagen, 15 October 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1936.

Cmd 5172

L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 169 Iraq No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Iraq regarding the Railway System of Iraq, including the Transfer of the Railways to the Government of Iraq, with Notes Exchanged. Bagdad, 31 March 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5173

L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 333 Roumania No. 1 (1936) Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement. Bucharest, 2 May 1936. L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Cmd 5174

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1446 -1449 Cmd 5175 - 5189

Doc. No.

Item No. 1446 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Misc. No. 6 Correspondence with the German Government regarding the German proposals for an European settlement. 24 March-6 May 1936.

Cmd 5175

L/C. HC. 8 May 1936 HL. 12 May 1936

1446a Vol. XXVIII, 689 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government regarding the mutual recognition of Load Line Certificates. London, 30 April 1936.

Cmd 5180

L/C. HC. 25 May 1936 HL 26 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 1 France No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic supplementary to the Convention of 2 February 1922 to facilitate the Conduct of Legal Proceedings, with Protocol of Signature. Paris, 15 April 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5182

L/C. HC/L 28 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 341 Roumania No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government, supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. With technical Agreement. Bucharest, 28 May 1936.

Cmd 5187

L/C. HG 9 June 1936 (R.) HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 825 United States No. 1 (1936) Papers relating to the British War Debt, MayJune 1936. L/C. HC. 9 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R. 9 June)


Cmd 5189

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1450 -1453 Cmd 5190 - 5196 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 143 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, with a Note. Budapest, 25 September 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 May 1936.

Cmd 5190

L/C. HC. 10 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands for Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on profits or gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. London, 6 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 May 1936.

Cmd 5191

L/C. HC. 10 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 469 Treaty Series No. 12 General Index to Treaty Series 1933-1935. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 12, 1933 [Item 1173].

Cmd 5193

L/C. HG 15 June 1936 HL 16 June 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 185 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and of India and the Government of Iraq regarding British War Cemetaries, etc. in Iraq, with Notes Exchanged. Bagdad, 15 March 1935. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1936


Cmd 5196

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1454 -1458 Cmd 5197 - 5231 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 193 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of Lithuania regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Kovno, 24 April 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 May 1936.

Cmd 5197

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1936


Vol. VII, 875: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1935 on the importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 5205

L/C. HC. 22 June 1936 HL 23 June 1936


Vol. XXVII, 597 Denmark No. 1 (1936) Agremeent between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark supplementary to the Agreement of 24 April 1933 relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes Exchanged. London, 19 June 1936.

Cmd 5206

L/C. HC/L 23 June 1936


Vol. XXVII, 783 Ethiopia No. 5 Reports and Correspondence regarding the Rescue and Relief of British and Foreign Nationals at Addis Ababa, during the disturbances of 2-6 May 1936.

Cmd 5213

L/C. HC/L 30 June 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 79 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the German Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Germany. Ottawa, 20-27 December 1932. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 1, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936


Cmd 5231

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1459 -1462 Cmd 5232 - 5235 Item No.

Doc. No.

1459 VoL XXVIII, 83 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the German Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Germany. Ottawa, 29-30 March 1933. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 7, 1933.

Cmd 5232

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1460 Vol. XXVII, 553 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Austrian Government regarding Commercial Relations between Austria and Canada. London, 6.8 July 1933. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1933.

Cmd 5233

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1461 Vol. XXVIII, 829 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Load Lines. Washington, 9 December 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 26 July 1934. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1934.

Cmd 5234

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1462 Vol. XXVIII, 15 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Paris, 18 January 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 16 May 1936. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936


Cmd 5235

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1463 -1467 Cmd 5236 - 5260 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 429 Treaty Series No. 20 Protocols signed for the Governments of France, the United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands, and Siam amending the Agreement of 7 May 1934 for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber. London, 27 June 1935 and 22 May 1936.

Cmd 5236

L/C. HC/L. 21 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 697 Turkey No. 1 (1936) Convention regarding the Regime of the Straits with Correspondance related thereto. Montreux, 20 July 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5249

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government amending the Payments Agreement of 6 January 1936. Madrid, 6 June 1936.

Cmd 5250

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1936


Vol. XX, 849 Exports Credits Agreement with Soviet Trade Representative relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to the Soviet Union of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom. 28 July 1936.

Cmd 5253

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 117 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes regarding the Payments due to British Subjects in respect of the Expropriation of Landed Properties in Greece. Athens, 18-21 January 1936. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (IL 14 Aug.)


Cmd 5260

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1468 -1470 Cmd 5267.5269

Item No. 1468

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 573 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 10 August 1936.

Cmd 5267

L/C. MC/L. 29 Oct.1936 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 581 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom on behalf of Newfoundland, and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 10 August 1936.

Cmd 5268

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 833 United States No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand and the President of the United States of America, amending the Convention of 2 March 1899, concerning the disposal of Real and Personal Property. Washington, 27 May 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (IL 1 Sept.)


Cmd 5269

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1471-1473 Cmd 5270 - 5279 Item No.

Doc. No.

1471 Vol. XXVII, 605 Egypt No. 1 (1936) Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Egypt, with an agreed Minute thereto, and three Notes. Notes Exchanged in Egypt on 12 August 1936, an Oral Declaration made by the President of the Egyptian Council of Ministers on 10 August 1936, and a Convention concerning Immunities and Privileges to be enjoyed by the British Forces in Egypt. London, 26 August 1936. Not Ratified. [See also Items 1496 and 1499. Ratifications exchanged 22 December 1936. See Item 1514]

Cmd 5270

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 27 Aug.)

1472 Vol. XXVIII, 775 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Clearing, with Protocol. London, 2 September 1936.

Cmd 5274

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 9 Sept.)

1473 Vol. XXVIII, 221 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation of Air Transport Profits. London, 27 August 1936. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 28 Sept.)


Cmd 5279

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1474 -1477 Cmd 5280 - 5288 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 147 Treaty Series No. 27 International Convention for the Protection of Fauna and Flora, with Protocol. London, 8 November 1933. Ratifications by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa, deposited on 9 April and 19 November 1935, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 28 Sept.)

Cmd 5280


Vol. XXVIII, 533 Sudan No. 1 (1936) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1935. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 7 Oct.)

Cmd 5281


Vol. XXVIII, 175 Treaty Series No. 28 Ratifications of Cmd 5173 exchanged at Bagdad, on 9 July 1936. [See Item 1444 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 2 Oct.)

Cmd 5282


Vol. XXVIII, 295 Peru No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Peru, relating to Commerce and Navigation. Lima, 6 October 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 8 Oct.)

Cmd 5288


BILLS PUBLIC 1936-1937 Item 1478 -1481 Bill No. 32 - 54 Item No.

Doc. No.

1478 Vol. V, 1: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of Peace and of machinery for the Peaceful settlement of International Disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties ; and for other purposes.

Bill 32

O.H.C.P. 18 Nov. 1936

1479 Vol. III, 497: Bills, Public London Naval Treaty Bill to enable effect to be given to a Treaty signed in London on behalf of His Majesty and certain other Powers.

Bill 33

O.H.C.P. 18 Nov. 1936

1480 Vol. IV, 9: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Munitions to Spain) Bill to prohibit the discharge in, or transhipment for, Spanish Territory of weapons and munitions of war and other articles from certain ships, and for purposes connected therewith.

Bill 39

O.H.C.P. 26 Nov. 1936

1481 Vol. II, 699: Bills, Public Geneva Convention (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to Article twenty-eight of the International Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armies in the Field and for purposes connected therewith. Done at Geneva, 27 July 1929. O.H.C.P. 16 Dec. 1936


Bill 54

BILLS PUBLIC 1936-I937 Item 1482 -1484 Bill No. 99 -165 Item No.

Doc. No.

1482 Vol. IV, 15: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Spanish Frontiers Observation) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Law relating to merchant shipping for the purpose of enabling effect to be given to an international agreement for establishing a system of observation of the Spanish Frontiers.

Bill 99

O.H.C.P. 11 March 1937

1483 Vol. I, 441: Bills, Public British Nationality and Status of Aliens (Amendment) Bill to give effect to the recommendation of The Hague Conference for the Condition of International Law.

Bill 109

O.H.GP. 24 March 1937

1484 Vol. I, 903: Bills, Public Export Guarantees Bill to amend and consolidate the Overseas Trade Acts 1920-1934.

Bill 165

O.H.C.P. 15 June 1937

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1485 S.P. No. 21 Item No.

Doc. No.

1485 Vol. XVI, 233 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1936. O.H.C.P. 19 Jan. 1937


S.P. 21

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1485e -1488 S.P. No. 25 - 94

Item No.

Doc. No.

1485a Vol. XVI, 185 Debts, CIearing Offices, and Import Restriction Act 1934 By Act Account of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish Clearing Office for the period ended 31 March 1936, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. [See also Items 1584, 1720.]

S.P. 25

O.H.C.P. 26 Jan. 1937


Vol. VIII, 1: Reports, Committees (3) Geneva Convention Bill (H.L.) Proceedings in Standing Committee B.

S.P. 53

O.H.GP. 18 Feb.1937


Vol. XX, 1041 By Act Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1934-1935. Seventieth Number.

S.P. 90

O.H.C.P. 24 May 1937


Vol. XVI, 235 By Act Greek Loan of 1898 Account up to 31 March 1937 O.H.C.P. 7 April 1937


S.P. 94

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1489 -1490 S.P. No. 123 -131

Item No.

Doc. No.

1489 Vol. XVI, 453 Trade Facilities Act and Finance Act 1934 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927; account up to 31 March 1937 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Act and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued ; statement of Conversion Loans guaranteed by the Treasury for the purpose of providing for the Redemption of existing guaranteed loans; and an account up to the 31 March 1937 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934. O.H.C.P. 24 May 1937

S.P. 123

1490 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1936-1937, ended 31 March 1937.

S.P. 131

O.H.C.P. 3 June 1937

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1491 Cmd 5300

Item No.

Doc. No.

1491 Vol. XXVIII, 607 Spain No. 2 (1936) The Legislative and other measures taken by the participating Governments to give effect to the Agreement regarding non intervention in Spain, and by the Swiss Government to prohibit the export, etc., of arms and war material from Switzerland to Spain. Report by the Secretary to the International Committee for the Application of an Agreement Recording Non-Intervention in Spain : Mr. Francis Hemming, C.B.E. L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1936 352

Cmd 5300

COMMAND PAPERS 19364937 Item 1492 -1496 Cmd 5302 - 5308 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 693 Treaty Series No. 29 (1936) Proces-verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare set forth in Part IV of the Treaty of London of 22 April 1930. London, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5302

L/C. HC. 6 Nov. 1936 HL. 10 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 163 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Twentieth Session, 4-24 June 1936. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5305

L/C. HC/L. 3 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 441 Italy No. 1 (1936) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5306

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 483 Italy No. 2 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5307

L/C. HC/L. I0 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 199 Egypt No. 2 (1936) Map to illustrate the Treaty of Alliance with Egypt of 26 August 1936. In continuation of Egypt No. 1 (1936), Cmd 5270 [Item 1471]. Treaty Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1936 HL. 17 Nov. 1936


Cmd 5308

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1497 -1500 Cmd 5311-5321 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 389 Hungary No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness the Regent of Hungary Supplementary to the Treaty of 3 December 1873, regarding Extradition. Budapest, 18 September 1936.

Cmd 5311

L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 359 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Greece for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on certain Profits and Gains arising from an Agency. Athens, 17 September 1936.

Cmd 5318

L/C. HC/L. 25 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 237 Egypt No. 3 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Financial Questions affecting the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Cairo, 5 November 1936. In continuation of Egypt No. 1 and 2, 1936 [Items 1471 and 1496].

Cmd 5319

L/C. HC.. 23 Nov. 1936 HL. 24 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 95 Treaty Series No. 31 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Belgians providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Brussels, 2 May 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 October 1936. L/C. HC. 27 Nov. 1936 HL. 1 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5321

COMMAND PAPERS 19364937 Item 1501-1505 Cmd 5323 - 5336 Doc. No.

Item. No.


Vol. XXIX, 677 Yugoslavia No. 2 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding trade and payments. London, 27 November 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 1 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5323


Vol. XXIX, 9 Argentina No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Argentine Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol, Protocol of Signature, and Letters, London, 1 December 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. I Dec. 1936

Cmd 5324


Vol. XXIX, 625 United State No. 3 (1936) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November, December 1936. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5330


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Misc. No. 7 (1936) Protocols regarding the Amendment of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Brussels, 1 June 1935. Protocols have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5332


Vol. XXIX, 551 Treaty Series No. 32 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government for the reciprocal recognition of Load Line Certificats. London, 18 November 1936. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5336


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1506 -1509 Cmd 5338 - 5345 Item No.


hoc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 549 Treaty Series No. 33 (1936) Provisional arrangement concerning the Status of Refugees from Germany. Geneva, 4 July 1936.

Cmd 5338

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 22 Dec. 1936)


Vol. XXIX, 633 Treaty Series No. 1 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol, Supplementary Agreement, and Notes. London, 26 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Montevideo, 3 February 1936.

Cmd 5343

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 7 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 29 Misc. No. 1 (1937) Protocol regarding the Immunities of the Bank of International Settlement. Brussels, 30 July 1936. Protocol has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 5344

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 7 Jan.) 1509

Cmd 5345

Vol. XXIX, 445

Treaty Series No. 2 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. Rome, 6 November 1936. L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R 14 Jan.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1510 -1513 Cmd 5346 - 5359 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIX, 455 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding commercial exchanges and payments. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5346

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 525 Treaty Series No. 4 Convention relating to the International Status of Refugees. Geneva, 28 October 1933. His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, acceded on 28 October 1936.

Cmd 5347

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXIX, 497 Italy No. 1 (1937) Declaration by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Mediterranean, with an Exchange of Notes regarding the status quo in the Western Mediterranean, dated 31 December 1936. Rome, 2 January 1937.

Cmd 5348

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXIX, 119 Treaty Series No. 5 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Belgian Government modifying the Trade Arrangement of 5 December 1933. Wellington, 10 August 1936; Sydney, 21 August 1936. L/C. HC. 1 Feb. 1937 HL. 2 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5359

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1514-1518 Cmd 5360 - 5369 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIX, 199 Treaty Series No. 6 Ratifications of Cmd 5270 exchanged at Cairo on 22 December 1936. [See Item 1471 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5360


Vol. XXIX, 231 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Commercial Relations between Palestine and Egypt. Cairo, 18 August 1936. L/C. HC. 1 Feb.1937 HL. 2 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5361


Vol. XXVIII, 335 Misc. No. 2 (1937) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the Seventeenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 31 December 1936. L/C. HC. 8 Feb. 1937 HL 9 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5365


Vol. XVII, 1135 Defence Loans Memorandum on the Proposed Resolution.

Cmd 5368

L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1937 HL. 16 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 419 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Bagdad, 25 July 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 November 1936. L/C. HC/L 17 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5369

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1519 -1523 Cmd 5371- 5377 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XVIII, 681 Fleets Particulars of the Vessels of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations and of France, on 1 February 1937, of the United States of America, on 15 December 1936, of Japan and Germany on 1 October 1936, of Italy on 31 December 1936 and of the Soviet Union on 1 February 1935. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 5371

L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 405 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Iraq regarding Commercial Relations between Palestine and Iraq. Bagdad, 14 December 1936.

Cmd 5372

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1937 HL. 23 Feb. 1937


Vol. XVII, 1123 Defence Statement relating to Defence Expenditure.

Cmd 5374

L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1937 HL. 17 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 743 Treaty Series No. 34 (1936) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. 1936. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 44 (1935), [Item 1423].

Cmd 5376

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 763 Treaty Series No. 35 (1936) Index to Treaty Series 1936. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5377

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1524 -1528 Cmd 5380 - 5393 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 1 Treaty Series No. 10 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi Arabia for the modification of the Treaty of Jedda of the 20 May 1927. MeccaJedda, 3 October 1936.

Cmd 5380

L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 177 Cuba No. 1 (1937) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes regarding Navigation. Havana, 19 February 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5383

L/C. HC/L 25 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 603 Treaty Series No. 11 (1937) Protocol between the Governments of France, the United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands and Siam amending the Agreement of 7 May 1934, for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber. London, 5 February 1937. L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1937

Cmd 5384


Vol. XXVIII, 223 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its 21st Session, 6-24 October 1936. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5392

L/C. HC. 1 March 1937 HL. 2 March 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 321 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 22nd Session, 22-24 October 1936. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC. 1 March 1937 HL 2 March 1937


Cmd 5393

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1529-1532 Cmd 5399 - 5416 Doc. No.

Item No. 1529 Vol. XXVIII, 667 Spain No. 1 (1937) Resolution adopted by the International NonIntervention Committee relating to a Scheme of Observation of the Spanish Frontiers by Land and Sea. London, 8 March 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 March 1937

Cmd 5399

1530 Vol. XXIX, 191 Treaty Series No. 12 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark supplementary to the Agreement of 24 April 1933 relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 19 June 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen on 6 January 1937. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1937

Cmd 5400

1531 Vol. XXVIII, 519 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement for the Control of Opium Smoking in the Far East, supplementary to the Geneva Agreement of 11 February 1925. Bangkok, 27 November 1931. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited 3 April 1933 and 4 December 1935 respectively. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1937

Cmd 5401

1532 Vol. XXIX, 527 Luxemburg No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg supplementary to the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 23 January 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 6 Apri11937 (R.) HL 7 April 1937 (R.)

Cmd 5416


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1533 -1537 Grad 5429 - 5443 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 501 Treaty Series No. 14 Declaration by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Mediterranean. Rome, 2 January 1937.

Cmd 5429

L/C. HC/L 14 April 1937


Vol. XXIX, 91 Belgium No. 1 Documents exchanged between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government and the Belgium Government concerning the International position of Belgium. Brussels, 24 April 1937.

Cmd 5437

L/C. HC. 26 April 1937 HL 27 April 1937


Vol. XXIX, 183 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government for the reciprocal recognition of Load-Line Certificates. London, 24 March 1937.

Cmd 5441

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 533 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations. Dublin, 29 July 1936. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 3, 1986.

Cmd 5442

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 607 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes constituting a Trade and Payments Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Turkish Government. Dublin, 1 October 1936. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 6, 1936. L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Cmd 5443

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1538 -1541 Cmd 5444 - 5448 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 619 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Claims arising from the Operation of the Smelter at Trail, B.C. Ottawa, 15 April 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 3 August 1935. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 20, 1935.

Cmd 5444

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 367 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes constituting a Commercial modus vivendi between Canada and Hayti. Portaux-Prince, 12-13 April 1935. Reprint of Canada Treaty Series, No. 5, 1935.

Cmd 5445

L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Vol. XXIX, 563 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin. Ottawa, 27 July 1934; Montreal, 4 January 1935; Ottawa, 11 January 1935. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 4, 1935.

Cmd 5447

L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Vol. XXIX, 401 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of Iceland for the Further Renewal of the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. London, 22 March 1937. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Cmd 5448

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1542 -1545 Cmd 5460 - 5470

Item No. 1542

Doc. No. Vol. XXVIII, 443 Treaty Series No. 22 International Protocol relating to Military Obligations in certain cases of Double Nationality. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited 14 January 1932 and 28 September 1932, respectively. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937

Cmd 5460

HL. 25 May 1937 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 699 Misc. No. 3 International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar, with Protocol of Signature. London, 6 May 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937

Cmd 5461

HL. 25 May 1937


Vol. XXI, 635 Export Guarantees Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution. L/C. HG 26 May 1937

Cmd 5467

HL 27 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 567 Roumania No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. Bucharest, 5 December 1936. L/C. HC. 31 May 1937 HL 1 June 1937


Cmd 5470

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1546 -1550 Cmd 5471- 5480

Doc. No.

Item No. 1546

Vol. XXIX, 571 Roumania No. 2 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936, with Technical Agreement. London, 27 May 1937. L/C. HC. 31 May 1937 HL.

Cmd 5471

1 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 601 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Siam regarding the Nationality of Persons affected by the re-delimitation of the boundary between Burma (Tenasserim) and Siam. Bangkok, 31 March 1937. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937

Cmd 5475


Vol. XXIX, 247 Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government to dispense with the Legislation of certain Official Documents. Paris, 3 April 1937. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937

Cmd 5476


Vol. XIV, 231: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Report of the Royal Commission. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1937

Cmd 5479


Vol. XXIX, 629 United States No. 1 Papers relating to the British War Debt. MayJune 1937. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1937

Cmd 5480


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1551-1555 Cmd 5486 - 5491 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. IX, 503: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1936 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 5486

L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 731 Misc. No. 4 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling, with Final Act of Conference. London, 8 June 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5487

L/C. HC. 21 June 1937 HL 22 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 37 Treaty Series No. 25 Protocol regarding the Immunities of the Bank for International Settlements. Brussels, 30 July 1936. Ratification by His Majesty, in respect to the United Kingdom, deposited at Brussels, 6 April 1937.

Cmd 5489

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 537 Netherlands No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands supplementary to the Convention of 31 May 1932 to facilitate the Conduct of Legal Proceedings. The Hague, 21 May 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5490

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 67 Egypt No. 1 Final Act, Convention and other Documents regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt. Montreux, 8 May 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 23 June 1937


Cmd 5491

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1556-1560 Cmd 5494 - 5515 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 139 Misc. No. 5 International Convention for the Regulation of Meshes of Fishing Nets and the Size Limits of Fish. London, 23 March 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5494

L/C. HC/L 28 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 517 Japan No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Japan regarding Trade and Commerce between Burma and Japan, with Protocol of Signature. London, 7 June 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5504

L/C. HC/L 1 July 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 47 Misc. No. 6 (1937) International Convention concerning the use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace. Geneva, 23 September 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5505

L/C. HC/L 1 July 1937


Vol. XIV, 665: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Statement of Policy by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom.

Cmd 5513

L/C. HC/L 6 July 1937


Vol. XXIX, 239 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland regarding the Importation of Wheaten Flour into Finland. London, 14 April I937. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1937


Cmd 5515

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1561-1564 Cmd 5518 - 5535 Item No.

Doc. No.

1561 Vol. XXIX, 583 Russia No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature. London, 17 July 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5518

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1937

1562 Vol. XXIX, 315 Germany No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Declaration, Protocol of Signature, and Exchange of Notes. London, 17 July 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5519

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1937

1563 Vol. XXVIII, 687 Spain No. 2 International Committee for the Application of the Agreement regarding Non-Intervention in Spain, proposals submitted by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. London, I4 July 1937.

Cmd 5521

L/C. HC/L. 14 July 1937

1564 Vol. XXIX, 371 Hungary No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness, the Regent of Hungary relating to Air Navigation. Budapest, 22 March 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 9 Aug.)


Cmd 5535

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1565 -1568 Cmd 5538 - 5544 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 279 Misc. No. 7 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the Abolition of Capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar, with Protocol of Signature, Minute, and Exchange of Notes. London, 29 July 1937.

Cmd 5538

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 4 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 681 Treaty Series No. 27 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding Trade and Payments. London, 27 November 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Belgrade, 18 June 1937.

Cmd 5540

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 653 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Yugoslavia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Belgrade, 18 June 1937.

Cmd 5542

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 615 United States No. 2 Correspondence with the United States Government regarding United States rights in Palestine. London, 6 July-4 August 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Cmd 5544

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1569 -1572 Cmd 5548 - 5552 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 511 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Japanese Government regarding the Termination of Perpetual Leases in Japan. Tokyo, 25 March 1937.

Cmd 5548

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 19 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 395 Treaty Series No. 32 Ratifications of Cmd 5311 exchanged in London, 13 July 1937. [See Item 1497 for Text.]

Cmd 5550

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 565 Treaty Series No. 30 Convention regarding the Region of the Straits, with Protocol. Montreux, 20 July 1936. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Knigdom and Commonwealth of Australia, deposited at Paris, 9 November 1936.

Cmd 5551

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 459 Treaty Series No. 31 International Protocol relating to a Certain Case of Statelessness, with proces-verbal of Deposit of Ratifications and Accessions. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom Deposited 14 January 1932; Australia, 8 July 1935; the Union of South Africa, 9 April 1936; and the Government of India, 28 September 1932. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Cmd 5552

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1573 -1575 Cmd 5553 - 5561 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 407 Treaty Series No. 33 International Convention on certain questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws with proces-verbal of deposit of Ratifications and Accessions. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty, in respect to the United Kingdom and Canada deposited, 6 April 1934 and of India, 7 October 1935.

Cmd 5553

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXIX, 243 Treaty Series No. 34 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the Importation of Raffia of French Origin, of British East African Coffee, and New Zealand Kauri Gum. Paris, 16-23 July 1937.

Cmd 5558

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 22 Sept)


Vol. XXVIII, 475 Treaty Series No. 36 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, and the President of the United States of America and the President of the French Republic for the Limitation of Naval Armament, with Protocol of Signature and additional Protocol. London, 25 March 1936. Ratification in respect to His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, deposited 29 July 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 4 Oct.)


Cmd 5561

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 hem 1576 -1580 Cmd 5562 - 5570

.Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIX, 85 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Brussels, 28 December 1936; Paris, 6 January 1937. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 1, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5562

(R. 30 Sept.)


Vol. XXIX, 559 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government regarding Identity Documents for Aircraft Personnel. Lisbon, 30 October 1936. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 13, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5565

(R. 18 Oct.)


Vol. XXVIII, 385 Treaty Series No. 38 International Agreement for Collective Measures against Piratical Attacks in the Mediterranean by Submarines, with Map. Nyon, 14 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5568


Vol. XXVIII, 403 Treaty Series No. 39. International Agreement for Collective Measures against Piratical Acts in the Mediterranean by Surface Vessels and Aircraft, supplementary to the Nyon Arrangement. Geneva, 17 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5569


Vol. XXIX, 505 Spain No. 3 Correspondence with the Italian Government regarding the withdrawal of Foreign Volunteers from Spain, 2-9 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5570


BILLS PUBLIC 1937-1938 Item 1581- 1581c Bill No. 35 -141

Item No. 1581

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 69: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the Maintenance of peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of international disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties and for other purposes.

Bill 35

O.H.C.P. 2 Nov. 1937

1581a Vol. IV, 37: Bills, Public Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and to amend the provisions of the Patents and Designs Acts 1907 to 1932, relating to matters affected by the said Convention; and to give effect to an International Agreement regarding false indications of the origin of goods and to amend the provisions of the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887 to 1926, relating to matters affected by the said Agreement. [See also Item 1581c.]

Bill 84

O.H.C.P. 15 Feb. 1938

1581b Vol. III, 131: Bills, Public Jewish Citizenship Bill to extend Palestinian Nationality. [Not Printed.)

Bill 127

O.H.C.P. 12 April 1938

1581c Vol. IV, 53: Bills, Public Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Bill No. 84 as amended by Standing Committee A. [See Item 1581a for Text.] O.H.C.P. 10 May 1938


Bill 141

BILLS PUBLIC 1937-1938 Item 1582 -1583 Bill No. 187 -190 Item No.

Doc. No.

1582 Vol. I, 119: Bills, Public Anglo-Turkish (Armaments Credit) Agreement Bill to confirm and give effect to an Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Government of the Turkish Republic; and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.

Bill 187

O.H.C.P. 21 June 1938

1583 Vol. II, 603: Bills, Public Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia (Property) Bill to safeguard the title of the Emperor to property within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. O.H.C.P. 22 June 1938

Bill 190

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1584 -1585 S.P. No. 20 - 34 Item No.

Doc. No.

1584 Vol. XVI, 175 Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions . Act 1934 By Act Accounts of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Roumanian, Anglo-Italian, and Anglo-Turkish Clearing Offices for the year ended 31 March 1937, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. In continuation of S.P. No. 25, 1936-1937. [Item 1485a].

S.P. 20

O.H.C.P. 20 Dec.1937

1585 Vol. XVI, 225 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1937. O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1938


S.P. 34

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1586 -1588 S.P. No. 100 -140 Item No.

Doc. No.

1586 Vol. XVI, 227 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1938.


O.H.C.P. 11 April 1938

1587 Vol. XVI, 501 Trade Facilities Acts and Finances Acts By Act Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926. (1) Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. (2) Account up to 31 March 1938 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. (3) Finance Act 1934. Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans. (4) Account up to 31 March 1938 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934.

S.P. 104

O.H.C.P. 26 April 1938

1587a Vol. VII, 565: Reports, Committees (3) Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Proceedings from Standing Committee A.

S.P. 115

O.H.C.P. 10 May 1938


Vol. XVI, 1 By Act Finance Accounts Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1937-1938 ended 31 March 1938. O.H.C.P. 14 June 1938


S.P. 140

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1589- 1593 Cmd 5575 - 5581 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 863 Sudan No. 1 (1937) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1936.

Cmd 5575

L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 809 Treaty Series No. 40 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Uruguayan Government regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 12 August 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 14, 1936.

Cmd 5576

L/C. HC/L. 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 405 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Japanese Government respecting the Customs Treatment of Imports. Ottawa, 26 December 1935. Reprint of the Canadian Treaty Series No. 1, 1936.

Cmd 5577

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 209 Treaty Series No. 42 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Government of the German Reich to facilitate Payments for the Exchange of Goods. Ottawa, 22 October 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 19, 1936.

Cmd 5580

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, i Treaty Series No. 43 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the French Republic regarding Commerce and Navigation. Ottawa, 12 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 5 November 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 18, 1936. L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Cmd 5581

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1594 -1597 Cmd 5584 - 5588

Item No.

Doc. No.

1594 Vol. XXX, 59 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations Adopted by the Conference at its 23rd Session, 3 June to 23 June 1937. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 26 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5584

1595 Vol. XXX, 761 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia, and New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Denmark, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Copenhagen, 21 July 1937. L/C. HC. 4 Nov. 1937 HL. 9 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5586

1596 Vol. XXXI, 585 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial Payments, with Supplementary Agreement of 5 December 1936. Bucharest, 2 May 1936. L/C. HC. 5 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5587

HL. 9 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 593 Treaty Series No. 46 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. London, 27 May 1937. L/C. HC. 5 Nov. 1937 HL. 9 Nov. 1937


Cmd 5588

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1598 -1601 Cmd 5590 - 5599 Item No.

Doc. No.

1598 Vol. XXX, 307 Misc. No. 8 International Agreement for a Uniform System of Maritime Buoyage and rules annexed thereto, with diagrams. Geneva, 13 May 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5590

1599 Vol. XXXI, 821 Treaty Series No. 47 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Commercial Relations. Washington, 15 November 1935. Ratifications exchanged in Ottawa, 14 May 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5597

1600 Vol. XXXI, 487 Treaty Series No. 48 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the Republic of Poland regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 3 July 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 31 July 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 15, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5598

1601 Vol. XXXI, 479 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding Amendments of the Commercial Agreement of 27 February 1935. Warsaw, 31 July 1937 and 30 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5599


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1602 - 1604 Cmd 5600 - 5611 Item No.

Doc. No.

1602 Vol. XXXI, 397 Treaty Series No. 50 Protocol regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Exchange of Notes regarding the prolongation of the Convention of 12 July 1934. London, 12 October 1937.

Cmd 5600

L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1937

1602a Vol. XXXI, 693 Siam No. 1 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Siamese Government for the temporary continuance of rights under the Treaties of Siam of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 13 November 1937.

Cmd 5607

L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937

1603 Vol. XXXI, 641. Siam No. 2 (1937) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Siam, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Bangkok, 23 November 1937. Not Ratified. [Ratifications exchanged 19 February 1938. See Item 1653.] L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5608

Vol. XXXI, 689 Siam No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Siam regarding the Right of Evocation from Siamese Courts under the Treaty of 14 July I925. Bangkok, 23 November 1937.

Cmd 5611


L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1605 - 1608 Cmd 5613 - 5618 Item No.

Doc. No.

1605 Vol. XXXI, 601 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government modifying the Anglo-Roumanian Payments (Amendment) Agreement of 27 May 1937. London, 12 November 1937.

Cmd 5613

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

1606 Vol. XXX, 767 Treaty Series No. 52 Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Acting President of Ecuador, to the Treaty of 20 September 1880, regarding Extradition. Quito, 4 June 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Quito, 8 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5614

1607 Vol. XXXI, 871 United States No. 3 (1937) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November-December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5617

1608 Vol. XXX, 773 Treaty Series No. 53 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Government of India and the Egyptian Government regarding British War Memorial Cemeteries and Graves in Egypt. Notes exchanged 2-5 June 1937. Cairo, 2 June 1937.

Cmd 5618

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1937


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1609 - 1612 Cmd 5622 - 5634 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 131 Treaty Series No. 54 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding Commercial Relations with Tunis. Paris, 14 October 1937. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5622


Vol. XXX, 237 Misc. No. 9 (1937) League of Nations Eighteenth Assembly. Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. London, 1 December 1937. In continuation of Misc. No. 2 (1937). [See Item 1516.] L/C. HC/L. 22 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5625


VoI. XXX, 779 Treaty Series No. 55 (1937) Final Act, Convention, and other Documents regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt. Montreux, 8 May 1937. Ratifications in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb.1938 (R. 29 Dec. 1937)

Cmd 5630


Vol. XXXI, 467 Policy in Palestine Despatch dated 23 December 1937, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the High Commissioner for Palestine. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938

Cmd 5634

(R. 4 Jan.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1613-1616 Cmd 5636 - 5640 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 415 Treaty Series No. 1 (1938) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Japan regarding Trade and Commerce between Burma and Japan, with Protocol of Signature. London, 7 June 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 3 December 1937.

Cmd 5636

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 11 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 151 Treaty Series No. 2 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Declaration, Protocol of Signature, and Notes Exchanged. London, 17 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 4 November 1937.

Cmd 5637

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 11 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 851 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding the Taxation, etc., of Pensions of Retired Foreign Officials. Cairo, Alexandria, and London, 12 and 31 August and 9 September 1936.

Cmd 5639

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 855 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Telecommunications. Alexandria and Cairo, 12 August 1936. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 13 Jan.)


Cmd 5640

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1617 -1620 Cmd 5643 - 5646 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 267 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Athens, 16 November 1937.

Cmd 5643

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 543 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding the Customs Classification of certain Pneumatic Tyres. Warsaw, 22 March 1937.

Cmd 5644

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 629 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding the Acceptance of Seamen's Discharge Books in lieu of Passports. London, 6 December 1937.

Cmd 5645

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 95 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the abolition of Capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar, with Protocol of Signature, Minute, and Exchange of Notes. London, 29 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 1 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 24 Jan.)


Cmd 5646

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1621-1624 Cmd 5648 - 5651

Item No.

Doc. No.

1621 Vol. XV, 487: Reports, Commissioners (8) Misc. No. 1 (1938) Report presented by Monsieur Van Zeeland to the Governments of the United Kingdom and France on the possibility of obtaining a General Reduction of the Obstacles to International Trade, 26 January 1938.

Cmd 5648

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (IL 26 Jan.)

1622 Vol. XXX, 705 Treaty Series No. 9 Treaty of Commerce between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic, with Final Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Canberra, 3 August 1936. Prague, 19 August 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Canberra, 11 November 1937.

Cmd 5649

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938

1623 Vol. XXX, 685 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a Temporary Commercial Agreement. Santiago, 26 November 1937.

Cmd 5650

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938

1624 Vol. XXXI, 637 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Royal Siamese Government for the operation of regular Air Services over Siam and over India and Burma. Bangkok, 3 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5651

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1625 -1629 Cmd 5652 - 5661 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 145 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Exemption from Taxation of Certain Profits Arising from Air Transport. Berlin, 10 November 1937.

Cmd 5652

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 447 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India, and the Government of Norway regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Oslo, 11 October 1937.

Cmd 5653

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXX, 559 Treaty Series No. 56 (1937) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc, 1937. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 34, 1936 [Item 1522].

Cmd 5654

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 771 Switzerland No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council in regard to Legal Proceedings. London, 3 December 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5658

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 577 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the boundary between Tanganyika Territory and Mozambique. Lisbon, 11 May 1936 and 28 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5661

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1630.1633 Cmd 5663 - 5670 Doc. No.

Item No.

1630 Vol. XXX, 581 Treaty Series No. 57 (1937) Index to Treaty Series 1937.

Cmd 5663

L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1938

1631 Vol. XVIII, 731 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 February 1938. United States of America correct to 15 December 1937, the Soviet Union to 1 February 1935, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 5666

L/C. HC. 21 Feb. 1938 HL. 22 Feb. 1938

1632 Vol. XXXI, 371 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government modifying the Agreement of 6 November 1936, regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments. Rome, 24 December 1937.

Cmd 5669

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1938

1633 Vol. XXXI, 319 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government supplementary to the Convention of 7 December 1934 regarding the Establishment of Air Transport Lines. Rome, 14 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5670

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1634 -1638 Cmd 5672 - 5694 Item No.

Doc. No.

1634 Vol. XXX, 357 Misc. No. 2 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules concerning the Immunity of Stateowned Ships. Brussels, 10 April 1926. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5672

L/C. HC/L 23 Feb. 1938

1635 Vol. XXX, 377 Misc. No. 3 Protocol supplementary to the International Rules concerning the Immunity of State-owned Ships of 10 April 1926. Brussels, 24 May 1934.

Cmd 5673

L/C. HC/L 23 Feb. 1938

1636 Vol. XXXI, 701 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. providing for the Limitation of Naval Armaments and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature and Notes exchanged of 12-19 November 1937 regarding the Russian Text. London, 17 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 4 November 1937.

Cmd 5679

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1938

1637 Vol. XVII, 1143 Defence Statement relating to Defence, 2 March 1938.

Cmd 5682

L/C. HC/L 1 March 1938

1638 Vol. XXXI, 363 Treaty Series No. 18 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. London, I8 March 1938. L/C. HC. 18 March 1938 HL. 21 March 1938


Cmd 5694

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1639 -1642 Cmd 5695 - 5704 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 375 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government modifying the Agreement of 6 November 1936, regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments, with Exchange of Notes. London, 18 March 1938.

Cmd 5695

L/C. HC. 18 March 1938 HL 21 March 1938


Vol. XXXI, 391 Treaty Series No. 20 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Italian Government, with Supplementary Exchange of Notes of 23 January 1936. Capetown, 21 May 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1935 and No. 1, 1936.

Cmd 5702

L/C. HC/L 30 March 1938


Vol. XXXI, 567 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government modifying the Agreement of 17 November 1934, in regard to Native Labour from Mozambique. Lisbon, 11, 14 and 24 March and 8 June 1936. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1936.

Cmd 5703

L/C. HC/L 30 March 1938


Vol. XXX, 721 Treaty Series No. 22 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic. Capetown, 27 January 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 1, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938


Cmd 5704

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1643 -1646 Cmd 5705 - 5708

Item No.

.Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 139 Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Reciprocal Recognition of Efficiency Certificates for Aircraft and Aircraft Motors. Capetown, 16 March 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 2, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5705


Vol. XXXI, 859 Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the United States Government for the Reduction of Non-Immigrant Passport Visa Fees. Capetown, 24 March 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5706


Vol. XXXI, 547 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government for Air Services between South Africa and Portuguese East Africa. Pretoria, 18 June 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5707


Vol. XXX, 595 Treaty Series No. 26 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Belgian Government. Pretoria, 13 July 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 6, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5708


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1647 -1650 Cmd 5711-5718 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 813 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Irish Free State and the United States Government regarding Air Navigation. Dublin, 29 SeptemberNovember -4 1937. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 3, 1937.

Cmd 5711

L/C. HC/L 6 April 1938


Vol. XXX, 689 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Air Services over China. Hankow, 18 December 1937.

Cmd 5712

L/C. HC/L 6 April 1938 .


Vol. XXX, 1 Treaty Series No. 29 International Convention concerning the Use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace. Geneva, 23 September 1936. Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 18 August 1937; New Zealand, 27 January 1938; India, 11 August 1937.

Cmd 5714

L/C. HC. 11 April 1938 HL 12 April 1938


Vol. XXXI, 605 Treaty Series No. 30 Supplementary Agreement to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments (Amendment) Agreement of 27 May 1937. Bucharest, 25 February 1938. L/C. HC. 11 April 1938 HL 12 April 1938


Cmd 5718

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1651-1654 Cmd 5726 - 5732 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 323 Treaty Series No. 31 1. Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy consisting of Protocol with Annexes and Exchanges of Notes, and 2. Bon Voisinage Agreement and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, Egypt, and Italy. Rome, 16 April 1938.

Cmd 5726

L/C. HC. 26 April 1938 HL. 2 May 1938 (R 22 April)


Vol. XXXI, 697 Treaty Series No. 32 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Siamese Government for the temporary continuance of rights under the Treaties of Siam of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 13 November 1937.

Cmd 5730

L/C. HC. 28 April 1938 HL 2 May 1938 (R.)


Vol. XXXI, 665 Treaty Series No. 33 Siam No. 2 (1937). Ratifications of Cmd 5608 exchanged, 19 February 1938. [See Item 1603 for Text.]

Cmd 5731

L/C. HC. 28 April 1938 HL. 2 May 1938 (R.)


Vol. XXXI, 221 Treaty Series No. 34 Payments Agreement between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Government of the German Reich. Wellington, 30 September 1937. L/C. HC/L 5 May 1938


Cmd 5732

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1655 -1657 Cmd 5733 - 5745 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 225 Treaty Series No. 35 Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Government of the German Reich. Wellington, 30 September 1937.

Cmd 5733

L/C. HC/L 5 May 1938


Vol. XXXI, 511 Poland No. 1 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. London, 27 April 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5739

L/C. HC/L 11 May 1938


Vol. XXX, 231 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty iq respect to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding : Part I Convention concerning the Marking of the Weight on Heavy Packages transported by Vessels Recommendation concerning Unemployment among Young Persons Convention limiting the Hours of Work in Coal Mines (revised 1935) Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work to Forty a Week Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Glass-Bottle Works Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Public Works Convention concerning the Regulation of Certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers Recommendation concerning the Progressive Elimination of Recruiting Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay Recommendation concerning Annual Holidays with Pay 392

Cmd 5745

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1658- 1659 Cmd 5747 - 5754 Doc. No.

Item No.

Part II Recommendation concerning the Promotion of Seamen's Welfare in Ports Convention concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on board Merchant Ships Convention concerning Annual Holidays for Seamen Convention concerning the Liability of the Shipowner in case of Sickness, Injury, or Death of Seamen Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Seamen Convention concerning Hours of Work on board Ship and Manning Recommendation concerning Hours of Work on board Ship and Manning Convention fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Employment at Sea (revised 1936) L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1938

1658 Vol. XXX, 401 Misc. No. 4 International Agreement modifying the International Convention of 21 June 1920, for the Establishment of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Paris, 31 May 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5747

L/C. HC/L. 19 May 1938

1659 Vol. XXXI, 785 Exports Credits Guarantee Agreement with the Government of the Turkish Republic relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to Turkey of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom. 27 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 31 May 1938


Cmd 5754

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1660 -1664 Cmd 5755 - 5763 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 781 Turkey No. 1 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic regarding an Armaments Credit for Turkey. London, 27 May 1938.

Cmd 5755

L/C. HC. 1 June 1938 HL. 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 797 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic supplementary to the Agreement of 2 September 1936, regarding Trade and Clearing, with Agreed Minute. London, 27 May 1938.

Cmd 5756

L/C. HC. 1 June 1938 HL 2 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 537 Treaty Series No. 37 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and of the Government of Eire deposited 25 October 1937, and 7 May 1938, respectively.

Cmd 5757

L/C. HC/L 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 431 Mexico No. 1 (1938) Correspondence with the Mexican Government regarding the Expropriation of Oil Properties in Mexico. Mexico, 8 April to 20 May 1938.

Cmd 5758

L/C. HC/L 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 875 United States No. 1 (1938) Papers relating to the British War Debt, June 1938. L/C. HC/L 14 June 1938 (R. 13 June)


Cmd 5763

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1665 -1669 Cmd 5764 - 5777 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 589

Cmd 5764

Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in

respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Belgium regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Brussels, 29 April 1938. L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 301 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness, the Regent of Hungary, relating to Air Navigation. Budapest, 22 March 1937. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 May 1938.

Cmd 5765

L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 453 Treaty Series No. 40 Additional Protocol to the Convention of 12 June 1934, relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes. Paris, 12 January 1938.

Cmd 5774

L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938


Vol. XX, 953 Somaliland Papers concerning Grazing Rights and Transit Traffic in British Somaliland. 27 January 1937.

Cmd 5775

L/C. HC. 24 June 1938 HL. 27 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 665 Treaty Series No. 41 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of the Belgians regarding the boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi-Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 19 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938


Cmd 5777

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1670.1674 Cmd 5778 - 5788

Item No.

Doc. No.

1670 Vol. XXX, 673 Treaty Series No. 42 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government regarding Water Rights on the boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi-Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 19 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938

Cmd 5778

1671 Vol. XXX, 419 Misc. No. 5 Convention concerning the Status of Refugees coming from Germany, with Final Act. Geneva, 10 February 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1938

Cmd 5780

1672 Vol. XXX, 385 Treaty Series No. 43 Protocol modifying the Treaty of 25 March 1936, for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1938

Cmd 5781

1673 Vol. XXXI, 203 Germany No. 1 Anglo-German Payments (Amendment) Agreement; with Exchange of Letters between Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding negotiations for Mutual Trade Relations with Germany. London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC. 4 July 1938

Cmd 5787

HL 5 July 1938

1674 Vol. XXXI, 231 Germany No. 2 (1938) Anglo-German Transfer Agreement. London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC. 4 July 1938 HL. 5 July 1938


Cmd 5788

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1675 -1678 Cmd 5793 - 5797 Item No.

Doc. No.

1675 Vol. XXX, 457 Spain No. 1 The Text of a proposed Resolution reaffirming and extending the Non-Intervention Agreement, and providing for the withdrawal of foreign volunteers from Spain; for the grant, in certain circumstances, of belligerant rights to the two parties in Spain; and for the observation of the Spanish Frontier by Land and Sea adopted by the International Committee for the Application of the Agreement regarding Non-Intervention in Spain at a Plenary session held on Tuesday, 5 July 1938, for transmission to the two Spanish parties for their approval.

Cmd 5793

L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1938

1676 Vol. XXXI, 741 Russia No. 1 Protocol modifying the Anglo-Soviet Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 6 July 1938.

Cmd 5794

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1938

1677 Vol. XXXI, 195 Germany No. 3 Protocol modifying the Anglo-German Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938.

Cmd 5795

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1938

1678 Vol. XXXI, 609 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government approving the supplementary agreement of 11 June 1938, to the AngloRoumanian Payments Technical (Amendment) Agreements of 30 May 1936 and 27 May 1937. London, 14-20 June 1938. L/C. HC. 18 July 1938 HL. 19 July 1938


Cmd 5797

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1679 -1682 Cmd 5807 - 5814 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 555 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Portuguese Republic regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland, and the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique. Lisbon, 11 May 1938.

Cmd 5807

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1938


Vol. XXXI, 425 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg supplementary to the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 23 January I937. Ratifications exchanged at Brussels, 1 July 1938.

Cmd 5811

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1938


Vol. XXXI, 453 Treaty Series No. 47 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations between New Zealand and the Netherlands. Sydney, 22 December 1937, Wellington, 14 January 1938.

Cmd 5812

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1938


Vol. IX, 185: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1937 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L 26 July 1938


Cmd 5814

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1683 -1686 Cmd 5817 - 5821 Item No.

.Doc. No.

1683 Vol. XXXI, 573 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government extending and modifying the Agreement of 17 November 1934, concerning Native Labour from Mozambique. Lisbon, 19-27 October 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 9, 1937.

Cmd 5817

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)

1684 Vol. XXXI, 457 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Netherlands regarding Commerce and Navigation, with Process-Verbal. Capetown, 20 February 1935. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1935.

Cmd 5818

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)

1685 Vol. XXXI, 297 Treaty Series No. 50 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Guatemalan Government regarding Commercial Relations. Guatemala, 28 September 1937. Canadian Treaty Series No. 17, 1937.

Cmd 5820

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)

1686 Vol. XXX, 681 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 12 June 1937. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)

Cmd 5821

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1687 -1690 Cmd 5823 - 5828 Doc. No.

Item No.

1687 Vol. XXXI, 39 Morocco No. 1 (1938) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic acting on behalf of His Majesty, the Sultan of Morocco regarding Commercial Relations between the United Kingdom and the French and Tangier Zones of the Shereefian Empire, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. Paris, 18 July 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5823

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 633 Treaty Series No. 52 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations. San Salvador, 2 November 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 18, 1937.

Cmd 5824

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 545 Misc. No. 6 (1938) Protocol amending the International Agreement of 8 June 1937, for the Regulation of Whaling, with Final Act of the Conference. London, 24 June 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5827

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 757 Treaty Series No. 53 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Swiss Federal Council regarding Commercial Relations between New Zealand and Switzerland. Wellington, 5 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 16 Aug.)

Cmd 5828

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1691-1695 Cmd 5829 - 5839

Item No. 1691

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 237 Germany No. 4 Supplementary Agreement for the execution of Article 2 of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of 1 July 1938. Berlin, I3 August 1938. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5829

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 389 Treaty Series No. 54 International Agreement regarding False Indications of Origin on Goods. London, 2 June 1934. Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5832

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 21 Treaty Series No. 55 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. London, 2 June 1934. His Majesty's ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5833

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 199 Treaty Series No. 56 Protocol modifying the Anglo-German Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5834

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. VIII, 801: Reports, Commissioners (1) Anglo-Argentine Meat Trade Report of the Joint Committee of Enquiry into the Anglo-Argentine Meat Trade. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Cmd 5839

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1696 -1699 Cmd 5840 - 5844 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 613 Treaty Series No. 57 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial Payments. Bucharest, 2 September 1938.

Cmd 5840

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 9 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 745 Treaty Series No. 58 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Sweden respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Stockholm, 30 May 1938.

Cmd 5842

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R 21 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 21

Cmd 5843

Treaty Series No. 59 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic. Paris, 11 February 1935. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 1, 1935. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 21 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 35 Treaty Series No. 60 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic. Pretoria, 27 August 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 9, 1935. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 5844

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1700 -1703 Cmd 5846 - 5850 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 765 Treaty Series No. 61 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. London, 26 July 1938.

Cmd 5846

L/C. HC/L. 3 Oct.1938


Vol. XXX, 727 Misc. No. 7 Correspondence respecting Czechoslovakia, September 1938. [See also Item 1702.]

Cmd 5847

L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938


Vol. XXX, 751 Miscellaneous No. 8 Further documents respecting Czechoslovakia including the Agreement concluded at Munich on 29 September 1938. In continuation of Misc. No. 7, Cmd 5847 [Item 1701].

Cmd 5848

L/C. HC/L. 3 Oct. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 849 Treaty Series No. 62 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Ottawa, 29 January 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa on 28 July 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1937. L/C. HC/L 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Cmd 5850

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1704 -1707 Cmd 5851- 5857 Dot. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 863 Treaty Series No. 63 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding the Sockeye Salmon Fisheries in the Fraser River System. Washington, 26 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 28 July 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1937.

Cmd 5851

L/C. HC/L 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 855 Treaty Series No. 64 Convention between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the United States Government regarding Income Tax on Non-Resident Individuals and Corporations. Washington, 30 December 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 13 August 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 13, 1937.

Cmd 5852

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Vol. XIV, 115, Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Report of the Palestine Partition Commission.

Cmd 5854

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 19 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 751 Treaty Series No. 65 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Berne, 17 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 26 Oct.)


Cmd 5857

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1708 -1712 Cmd 5858 - 5875

Item No.

Doc. No.

1708 Vol. XXX, 601 Belgium No. I Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of the Belgians, regarding Parcel Post between the United Kingdom and Belgium, with detailed Regulations. London, 29 July 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5858

(R. 26 Oct.)

1709 Vol. XXXI, 409 Treaty Series No. 66 Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Japanese Government. Canberra—Sydney, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5860

(R. 26 Oct.)

1710 Vol. XXX, 859 Egypt No. 1 Protocol for the Amendment of the Annex to Article 8 of the Treaty of Alliance with Egypt of 26 August 1936, with Agreed Minute. Alexandria, 22 September 1938. Protocol not ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5861

(R. 26 Oct.)

1711 Vol. XXX, 693 Treaty Series No. 67 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes regarding Navigation. Havana, 19 February 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Havana, 10 September 1938. L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5867

1712 Vol. XXX, 207 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 24th Session, 2-22 June 1938. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5875


BILLS PUBLIC 1938-1939 Item 1713-1717 Bill No. 32 - 85

Doc: No.

Item No. 1713

Vol. H, 717: Bills, Public Expiring Laws Continuance Bill re Debts Clearing Offices. [See 1933-4 Bill No. 152, Item 1221a.]

Bill 32

O.H.C.P. 16 Nov. 1938


Vol. III, 25: Bills, Public Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia (Property) Bill to safeguard the title of Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, to property within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Not Printed.

Bill 35

O.H.C.P. 22 Nov. 1938


Vol. II, 725: Bills, Public Export Guarantees Bill to extend the powers of the Board of Trade to give guarantees for the purpose of establishing or encouraging overseas trade.

Bill 45

O.H.C.P. 8 Dec. 1938


Vol. II, 521: Bills, Public Czecho-Slovakia: (Financial Assistance) Bill to authorize the Treasury to repay to the Bank of England sums advanced by that Bank to the National Bank of Czecho-Slovakia together with Interest thereon, and to enable effect to be given to an agreement made between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Czecho-Slovak Republic and to an Agreement made between His Majesty's said Government, the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the CzechoSlovak Republic.

Bill 60

O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1939


Vol. I, 791: Bills, Public China (Currency Stabilization) Bill to facilitate the establishment of a fund to check undue fluctuations in the sterling value of the Chinese dollar. O.11.C.P. 15 March 1939


Bill 85

BILLS PUBLIC 1938-1939 Item 1718-1719 Bill No. 94 -189

Item No.

Doc. No.

1718 Vol. II, 533: Bills, Public Czecho-Slovakia (Restrictions on Banking Accounts, etc.) Bill to postpone the making of payments out of certain banking accounts and certain transfers of securities and gold connected with the CzechoSlovak Republic, and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.

Bill 94

O.H.C.P. 21 March 1939

1719 Vol. IV, 771: Bills, Public Overseas Trade Guarantees Bill to extend the powers of the Board of Trade to give guarantees for the purpose of establishing or encouraging overseas trade, to enable the Board to acquire and dispose of securities guaranteed by them under this act or under the Export Guarantees Act, 1939, and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.


O.H.C.P. 6 July 1939

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1720 S.P. No. 22

Doc. No.

Item No. 1720 Vol. XVI, 201 Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions Act 1934 By Act Accounts of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Roumanian, Anglo-Italian, and Anglo-Turkish Clearing Offices for the Year ended 31 March 1938 with report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. In continuation of S.P. No. 20 of 1937-1938 [Item 1584]. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1938


S.P. 22

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938.1939 Item 1721-1723 S.P. No. 39 -108

Doc. No.

Item No. 1721 Vol. XVI, 277 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that Part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the Ammount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1938.

S.P. 39

O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1939

1722 Vol. XVI, 279 Greek Loan, 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1939 of the Greek Loan of 1898.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 18 April 1939


Vol. XVI, 503 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 and Finance Act 1934 By Act Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926. (1) Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. (2) Account up to 31 March 1939 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and the sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Finance Act 1934. (3) Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans. (4) Account up to 31 March 1939 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934. O.H.C.P. 25 April 1939


S.P. 108

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1724 -1725 S.P. No. 131-170

Item No.

Doc. No.

1724 Vol. XVI, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the financial Year ended 31 March 1939.

S.P. 131

O.H.C.P. 12 June 1939

1725 Vol. XVI, 221 Finance Act, 1934 Further statement of Conversion Loans guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the Redemption of existing guaranteed loans.

S.P. 17C

O.H.C.P. 31 July 1939

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1726 -1727 Cmd 5879 - 5880

Item No. 1726 Vol. XXI, 643 Tin Papers relating to the International Tin Control Scheme. (Main Control Scheme; Buffer Stock Scheme; Research Scheme.) L/C. HC. 9 Nov. 1938

Doc. No. Cmd 5879

HL. 10 Nov. 1938

1727 Vol. XXVIII, 137 Treaty Series No. 68 (1938) Anglo-German Transfer Agreement, London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1938


Cmd 5880

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1728 -1731 Cmd 5881- 5885 Doc. No.

Item No.

1728 Vol. XXVIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 69 (1938) Anglo-German Payments (Amendment) Agreement with Exchange of Letters between Representatives of the Governments of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding negotiations for Mutual Trade Relations with Germany, London, I July 1938.

Cmd 5881

L/C. HC/L 17 Nov. 1938


Vol. XXVIII, 637 United States No. 2 (1938) Trade Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, with Schedules and Exchange of Notes. Washington, 17 November 1938. Not Ratified. [See Item 1738.]

Cmd 5882

L/C. HC. 16 Nov. 1938 HL 17 Nov. 1938

1730 Vol. XXVII, 475 Mis. No. 9 (1938) Protocol for the Amendment of the Preamble of Article 1, 4, and 5 and of the Annex to the Covenant of the League of Nations. Geneva, 30 September 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5884

L/C. HC/L 23 Nov. 1938

1731 Vol. XXVIII, 149 Treaty Series No. 70 (1938) Supplementary Agreement for the execution of Article 2 of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of I July 1938. Berlin, 13 August 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 Nov. 1938


Cmd 5885

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1732 -1735 Cmd 5886 - 5892

Item No. 1732

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 465 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention concerning the Regulation of certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers and the Recommendations concerning the Progressive Elimination of Recruiting. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5886

1733 Vol. XXVIII, 131 Treaty Series No. 71 (1938) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Application of Treaties between the United Kingdom, Germany, and Austria. Berlin, 6 May to 10 September 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5888

1734 Vol. XXVII, 613 Treaty Series No. 72 (1938) International Agreement modifying the International Convention of 21 June 1920, for the establishment of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Paris, 31 May 1937. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited on 8 August 1938, and in respect to Australia deposited on 23 August 1938. L/C. HC. 5 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5889

HL 6 Dec. 1938

1735 Vol. XXVIII, 755 Canadian Treaty Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States of America, schedules attached. Signed at Washington, 17 November 1938. Notes exchanged on Article I and Lumber Declaration, 17 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1938


Cmd 5892

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1736 -1739 Cmd 5893 - 5899

Doc. No.

Item No. 1736

Vol. XXVII, 593 Palestine Statement by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5893


Vol. XXVII, 741 Sudan No. 1 (1938) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1937. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939

Cmd 5895


7 Feb. 1939 (R. 4 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 19 Trade Agreement with the United States of America Exchange of Letters between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Canada in connection with the Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America. Signed at Washington, 17 November 1938. [See Cmd 5882, Item 1729.] L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5897


Vol. XXVII, 483 Misc. No. 10 (1938) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on the Nineteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Cmd 5625 [Item 1610]. London, 1 December 1938. L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5899

HL. 20 Dec. 1938


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1740 -1743 Cmd 5900 - 5908 Item No.

Doc. No.

1740 Vol. XXVIII, 73 Treaty Series No. 73 (1938) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the French Government regarding Aerial Navigation in the Antartic. Paris, 25 October 1938.

Cmd 5900

L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938 HL 20 Dec. 1938

1741 Vol. XXVII, 659 Treaty Series No. 74 (1938) Declaration by His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs recording the Acceptance of a Recommendation by the International Rubber Regulation Committee by the State parties to the Agreement of 7 May 1934, regarding the regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber, with Revised Text of the Agreement. London, 6 October 1938.

Cmd 5901

L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938 HL. 20 Dec. 1938


Vol. XXVII, 889 United States No. 3 (1938) Papers relating to the British War Debt, December 1938.

Cmd 5902

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1938

1743 Vol. XXVII, 47 Misc. No. 11 (1938) Protocols determining the Frontier between Germany and Czechoslovakia with sketch map. Berlin, 20-21 November 1938. L/C. HC. 16 Dec. 1938 HL. 20 Dec. 1938


Cmd 5908

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1744 -1747 Cmd 5916 - 5920 Item No.

Doc. No.

1744 Vol. XXVIII, 429 Treaty Series No. 1 (1939)

Cmd 5916

Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the

United Kingdom and the Polish Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction. London, 27 April 1938. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 November 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1745 Vol. XXVIII, 461 Treaty Series No. 2 Protocol Modifying the Anglo-Polish Agreement of 27 April 1938 for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 22 July 1938.

Cmd 5917

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1746 Vol. XXVIII, 275 Iceland No. 1 (1938) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iceland and Denmark for the amendment of the Extradition Treaty of 31 March 1873. London, 25 October 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5919

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1747 Vol. XXVIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 3 (1939) Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Government of French Indo-China for the Reciprocal Abolition of Consular Visas on Bills of Health. New Delhi, 26 February 1938, Calcutta, 1 March 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)


Cmd 5920

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1748 -1750 Cmd 5921- 5923 Item No.

Doc. No.

1748 Vol. XXVIII, 545 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Government of Siam regarding the Right of Evocation from Siamese Courts under the Treaty of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 23 November 1937. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

Cmd 5921

1749 Vol. XXVIII, 85 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the French Government regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Paris, 15 July 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

Cmd 5922

1750 Vol. XXVIII, 307 Treaty Series No. 6 Declaration by the Governments of the United Kingdom and Italy bringing into force the Protocol of 16 April 1938, and annexed Agreements and Declarations, with Exchanges of Notes with the Egyptian Government regarding Lake Tsana and the Suez Canal. Rome, 16 November 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 18 Jan.)

Cmd 5923


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1751 Cmd 5924

Item No.

Doc. No.

1751 Vol. XXVII, 469 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding: Recommendation No. 50 concerning International co-operation in respect to Public Works. Recommendation No. 51 concerning the national planning of public works. Convention No. 59 fixing minimum age for the admission of children to industrial employment (Revised 1937). Convention No. 60 concerning the age for the admission of children to non-industrial employment. Recommendation No. 52 concerning minimum age for the admission of children to family undertakings. Convention No. 61 concerning the reduction of hours of work in the textile industry. Convention No. 62 concerning safety provisions in the building industry. Recommendation No. 53 concerning safety provisions in the building industry. Recommendation No. 54 concerning inspection in the building industry. Recommendation No. 55 concerning co-operation in accident prevention in the building industry. Recommendation No. 56 concerning vocational education for the building industry. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 12 Jan.)


Cmd 5924

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1752 -1755 Cmd 5928 - 5931 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 611 Treaty Series No. 7 Canadian Treaty: Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America recording an Agreement relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Exported Aircraft. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1938.

Cmd 5928

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 633 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention concerning the status of refugees coming from Germany. Geneva, 10 February 1938. Ratification by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 26 September 1938.

Cmd 5929

L/C. HC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 807 Treaty Series No. 75 (1938) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1938.

Cmd 5930

L/C. NC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R)


Vol. XXVIII, 823 Treaty Series No. 76 (1938) Index to Treaty Series 1938. L/C. NC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Cmd 5931

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1756 -1759 Cmd 5933 - 5941 Doc. No.

Item No.

1756 Vol. XXVII, 53 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreements between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the CzechoSlovak Republic regarding Financial Assistance to Czecho-Slovakia, with Exchange of Letters with the Plenipotentiary of Czecho-Slovakia. London, 27 January 1939.

Cmd 5933

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL 7 Feb. 1939 (R)

1757 Vol. XVIII, 739 Fleets Particulars of the Vessels of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Japan, France, Italy, and Germany on 1 February 1939, and of the United States of America on 15 December 1938. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 5936

L/C. HC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL 7 Feb.1939 (R)

1758 Vol. XXVIII, 397 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes recording an arrangement between Canada and the Netherlands East Indies for the prevention of double taxation of income. Ottawa, 2 April 1938. Reprint of the Canadian Treaty Series No. 2, 1938.

Cmd 5940

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 37 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Governments of the Argentine Republic, Brazil, and Uruguay regarding the regulation of Beef Imports into the United Kingdom. London, 28 June 1937, 15 December 1937, and 6 January 1939. L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL. 14 Feb. 1939


Cmd 5941

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1760 -1764 Cmd 5942 - 5954 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 43 Denmark No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 24 April 1933, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5942

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL. 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXI, 225 Defence Statement relating to Defence.

Cmd 5944

L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 69 Misc. No. 1 Agreement and Final Protocol relative to the Exercise of the Powers of the Commission of the Danube, together with an agreement regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Personnel of the Commission. Sinaia, 18 August 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5946

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1939 HL 21 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 545 Misc. No. 2 Letter to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations regarding the General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. London, 13 February 1939. L/C. HC/L. 16 Feb. 1939

Cmd 5947


Vol. XXVIII, 13 Treaty Series No. 12 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Bulgarian Government regarding the Military, Naval, and Air Clauses of the Treaty of Neuilly, etc. Sofia, 12 August-24 November 1938.

Cmd 5954

L/C. HC/L 2 March 1939


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1765 -1769 Cmd 5957 - 5964 Doc. No.

Item No.

1765 Vol. XXVII, 573 Misc. No. 3 Correspondence between Sir Henry McMahon, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., C.S.I., His Majesty's High Commissioner at Cairo and the Sherif Hussein of Mecca, July 1915—March 1916, with Map.

Cmd 5957

L/C. HC. 3 March 1939 HL. 7 March 1939

1766 Vol. XXVIII, 39 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Colombian Government regarding the prolongation of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of 16 February 1866. Bogota, 30 December 1938. L/C. HC/L 9 March 1939

Cmd 5958

1767 Vol. XXVIII, 553 Treaty Series No. 14' Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Swiss Federal Council, with Exchange of Notes. Canberra, 4 November 1938; Berne, 22 November 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Canberra on 16 December 1938.

Cmd 5960

L/C. HC/L 15 March 1939

1768 Vol. XVI, 109 China Arrangements proposed in regard to the Chinese Currency Stabilization Fund.

Cmd 5963

L/C. HC/L 15 March 1939


Cmd 5964

Vol. XXVII, 881 Misc. No. 4

Statements made on behalf of His Majesty's Government during the year 1918 in regard to the Future Status of certain Parts of the Ottoman Empire. L/C. HC/L 20 March 1939


COMMAND PAPERS 19384939 Item 1770 -1774 Cmd 5972 - 5981

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 31 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a temporary Commercial Agreement. Santiago, 9 January 1939. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1939

Cmd 5972


Vol. XXVIII, 567 Treaty Series No. 16 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council in regard to Legal Proceedings. London, 3 December 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Berne, 6 February 1939. L/C. HC/L 30 March 1939

Cmd 5973


Vol. XIV, 83: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Report of a Committee set up to consider certain correspondence between Sir H. McMahon, His Majesty's High Commissioner in Egypt, and the Sherif of Mecca in 1915 and 1916. 16 March 1939. L/C. HC/L. 21 March 1939

Cmd 5974


Vol. XXVII, 681 Misc. No. 5 Sanitary Conference at Paris. Convention modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21 June 1926. Final Act of Conference, with Declaration by the Egyptian Delegates. Paris, October 1938. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1939

Cmd 5979


Vol. XXVIII, 591 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government supplementary to the Trade and Clearing Agreement of 2 September 1936. London, 1 March 1939. L/C. HC/L 5 April 1939

Cmd 5981


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1775 -1778 Cmd 5989 5995 Item No.

Doc. No.

1775 Vol. XXVIII, 621 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Administration of the Islands of Canton and Enderbury. Washington, 6 April 1939.

Cmd 5989

L/C. HC. 6 April 1939 HL 13 April 1939

1776 Vol. XXVII, 897 Treaty Series No. 18 Protocol amending the International Agreement of 8 June 1937 for the Regulation of Whaling. London, 24 June 1938. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom deposited in London, 7 December 1938.

Cmd 5993

L/C. HC/L 18 Apri11939

1777 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Tonnage Measurement, with Exchange of Notes regarding its application to India. London, 20 February 1939.

Cmd 5994

L/C. HC/L 18 April 1939

1778 Vol. XXVIII, 491 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Air Service between London and Lisbon. Lisbon, 25 January 1939. L/C. HC/L 18 April 1939


Cmd 5995

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1779 - 1782

Cmd 5996 - 5999 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 585 Turkey No. 1 Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 10 February 1939. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

Cmd 5996


Vol. XXVIII, 417 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 27 February 1935. Warsaw, 9 February 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 April 1939

Cmd 5997


Vol. XXVIII, 77 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Military Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. Paris, 8 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 18 April 1939

Cmd 5998


Vol. XXVII, 557 Misc. No. 6 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden regarding the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

Cmd 5999


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1783 -1787 Cmd 6001- 6020 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1 Misc. No. 7 International Conference for the Exemption from Taxation for Liquid Fuel and Lubricants used in Air Traffic. Final Act and Convention. London, 1 March 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6001

L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

1784 Vol. XXVIII, 101 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of the French Republic regarding the transfer to the French State of the Property in the Sites of British War Memorials. Paris, 28 December 1938.

Cmd 6003

L/C. HG 20 April 1939 HL 25 April 1939

1785 VoL XXVIII, 497 Treaty Series No. 25 Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial and Economic Relations with Roumania. Bucharest, 11 May 1939.

Cmd 6018

L/C. HC. 12 May 1939 HL. 16 May 1939


Vol. XXVII, 597 Palestine Statement of Policy.

Cmd 6019

L/C. HC. 15 May 1939 HL. 16 May 1939

1787 Vol. XXVIII, 321 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Quotas for Imports into Italy. Rome, 14 March 1939. L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1939


Cmd 6020

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1788 -1792 Cmd 6026 - 6039 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 893 United States No. 1 (1939) Papers relating to the British War Debt, May 1939.

Cmd 6026

L/C. HC/L. 22 May 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 69 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of Estonia regarding Extradition. London, 28-30 March 1938. Reprint of Union of South Africa, Treaty Series No. 10, 1938.

Cmd 6027

L/C. HC/L. 25 May 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 833 Treaty Series No. 28 General Index to Treaty Series 1936-1938. In continuation of Cmd 5193 [Item 1452].

Cmd 6031

L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 355 Treaty Series No. 29 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman. Muscat, 5 February 1939. Ratifications exchanged at Muscat, 7 February 1939.

Cmd 6037

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 405 Norway No. 1 (1939) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government for the Exemption from Taxation of Profits and Gains arising through an Agency, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1939


Cmd 6039

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1793 -1797 Cmd 6047 - 6065 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 213 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement regarding the Extension to the Sudentenland of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of 1 July 1938, and the Supplementary Agreement of 13 August 1938. London, 16 June 1939.

Cmd 6047

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 627 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United States Government for the Exchange of Cotton and Rubber. London, 23 June 1939.

Cmd 6048

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 513 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1939.

Cmd 6063

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 33 Sanitary Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, and Belgium relating to Uganda and the Belgian Congo and RuandiUrundi. London, 19 June 1939.

Cmd 6064

L/C. HC/L. 26 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 125 Treaty Series No. 34 Agreement between Palestine and Syria and Lebanon amending the Agreement of 2 February 1926, regarding Frontier Questions. 3 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 26 July 1939

Cmd 6065

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1798 -1801 Cmd 6066 - 6069 Item No.

.Doc. No.

1798 Vol. XXVIII, 617 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Certificates of Competency or Licenses for Piloting Civil Aircraft. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1938.

Cmd 6066

L/C. HC/L 26 July 1939

1799 Vol. XXVIII, 603 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Air Navigation. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 8, 1938.

Cmd 6067

L/C. HC/L 26 July 1939

1800 Vol. XXVII, 117 Treaty Series No. 37 Agreement relative to the Entry of Germany into the European Commission of the Danube, the Accession of Germany and Italy to the Sinaia Arrangement of 18 August 1938, and the Amendment of Article 4 and 23 of that Arrangement. Bucharest, 1 March 1939. His Majesty's Ratification deposited at Bucharest, 27 April 1939. L/C. HC/L 25 July 1939

Cmd 6068

1801 Vol. XXVII, 93 Treaty Series No. 38 Arrangement and Final Protocol relative to the Exercise of the Powers of the European Commission of the Danube, together with an Agreement regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Personnel of the Commission. Sinaia, 18 August 1938. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom was deposited at Bucharest, 27 April 1939. L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1939

Cmd 6069


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1802 -1806 Cmd 6072 - 6083 Doc. No.

Item No.


VoI. XXVIII, 243 Greece (Trade) Agreement with the Royal Hellenic Government relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to Greece of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom, July 12 1939.

Cmd 6072

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 549 Treaty Series No. 39 Protocol modifying the Anglo-Soviet Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armament, with Exchange of Notes regarding Russian Text. London, 6 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 31 July 1939

Cmd 6074


Vol. XVI, 191 Czech Refugee Fund Czech Refugee Trust Fund and Directions to the Trustees. Directions for the assisting of emigration and settlement of refugees from the Territory which before 1 October 1938 belonged to the Republic of Czechoslovakia.

Cmd 6076

L/C. HC. 21 July 1939 HL 24 July 1939


Vol. X, 1: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1938 on the Import of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 6082

L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 281 Treaty Series No. 40 (1939) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iceland and Denmark for the amendment of the Extradition Treaty of 31 March 1873. London, 25 October 1938. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 24 Aug. 1939 (R. 10 Aug.)


Cmd 6083

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1807 -1810 Cmd 6087 - 6096 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 349 Luxemburg No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg amending the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 29 May 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6087

L/C. HC/L. 24 Aug. 1939 (R. 21 Aug.)


Vol. XXVIII, 465 Poland Agreement with the Polish Government relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export of Goods from the United Kingdom to Poland, 2 August 1939.

Cmd 6093

L/C. HC/L. 3 Aug. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 265 Treaty Series No. 41 Trade Agreement between Canada and Hayti, Port-aux-Prince, 23 April 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Port-aux-Prince on 8 December 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 16, 1938.

Cmd 6095

L/C. HC/L. 1 Sept. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 401 Treaty Series No. 42 (1939) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Netherlands Government amending the Agreement of 19 June 1926, regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Island. London, 13 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 1 Sept. 1939


Cmd 6096

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1811-1815 Cmd 6097 - 6108 Item No.

Doc. No.

1811 Vol. XXVIII, 229 Greece No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes regarding Air Transport Services, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. Athens, 30 May 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6097

L/C. HC/L 1 Sept. 1939

1812 Vol. XXVIII, 425 Poland No. 1 (1939) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding Mutual Assistance. London, 25 August 1939. L/C. HC/L 29 Aug. 1939

Cmd 6101

1813 Vol. XXVII, 157 Misc. No. 8 Correspondence between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government, August 1939.

Cmd 6102

L/C. HC/L 1 Sept. 1939

1814 Vol. XXVII, 177 Misc. No. 9 (1939) Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on 3 September 1939.

Cmd 6106

L/C. HC/L 20 Sept. 1939

1815 Vol. XXVII, 609 Misc. No. 10 Letter to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations regarding the Optional Clause of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. London, 7 September 1939. L/C. HG 5 Oct. 1939 HL 10 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6108

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1816 - 1819 Cmd 6109 - 6112 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 329 Latvia No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of Latvia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Cornmerdal Matters. London, 23 August 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6109

L/C. HG 5 Oct. 1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 421 Treaty Series No. 43 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Poland for Loan to Poland. London, 7 September 1939.

Cmd 6110

L/C. HC. 5 Oct. 1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 505 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and Roumania modifying the Annex to the Agreement of 2 September 1938, regarding Commercial Payments. Bucharest, 23 December 1938 and 4 April 1939.

Cmd 6111

L/C. HC. 5 Oct.1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 51 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 24 April I933, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen on 28 August 1939. L/C. HC. 5 Oct. 1939 HL 10 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6112

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1820 -1823 Cmd 6114 - 6118 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 719 Treaty Series No. 46 (1939) International Sanitary Convention modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21 June 1926, with Proces-Verbal, Ratifications, etc. Paris, 31 October 1938. His Majesty's Ratification, in respect to the United Kingdom, deposited at Paris on 26 May 1939.

Cmd 6114

L/C. HC/L 12 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 401 Germany No. 1 (1939) Final Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Nevile Henderson, G.C.M.G., on the Circumstances leading to the Termination of his Mission to Berlin. 20 September 1939.

Cmd 6115

L/C. HC/L 17 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 125 Treaty Series No. 47 International Agreement revising the Agreement of 1906 respecting the Unification of Pharmacopoeia) Formulas for Potent Drugs. Brussels, 20 August 1929. (His Majesty's Government's accession, 1 August 1939.)

Cmd 6117

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 595 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government for the Amendment of the Agreement of 2 September 1936 regarding Trade and Clearing. Angora, 23 August 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6118

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1989 Item 1824 -1828 Cmd 6119 - 6125 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 577 Treaty Series No. 49 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic regarding an Armament Credit for Turkey. London, 27 May 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 17 May 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct.1939

Cmd 6119


Vol. XXVII, 429 Germany No. 2 Papers concerning the Treatment of German Nationals in Germany, 1938-1939. L/C. HC/L. 31 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6120


Vol. XXVIII, 35 Treaty Series No. 52 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Air Service between SouthWest China and British Ports. Chungking, 24 January 1939. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6122


Vol. XXVII, 549 Turkey No. 2 Treaty of Mutual Assistance between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the President of the French Republic and the President of the Turkish Republic. Angora, 19 October 1939. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 19 Oct. 1939 HL. 24 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6123


Vol. XXVIII, 91 Treaty Series No. 50 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government extending to Burma the Agreement of 15 July I938, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Paris, 8 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 31 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6125


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1829 -1832 Cmd 6126 - 6130 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 95 Treaty Series No. 51 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax of Air Transport Profits. London, 9 April 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 September 1939.

Cmd 6126

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 119 France No. 1 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the French Telegraph Cable between Mauritius and Reunion. Paris, 13 September 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6127

L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 313 Italy No. 1 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government to facilitate Economic Collaboration, with Protocol. Rome, 27 October 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6128

L/C. HC/L. 9 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 391 Treaty Series No. 53 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the Netherlands regarding documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. The Hague, 21 August 1939. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1939


Cmd 6130

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1833 - 1836 Cmd 6131-6134 Item No.

Doc. No.

1833 Vol. XXVIII, 633 Treaty Series No. 54 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States regarding Appendix Certificates of Tonnage. Washington, 28 December 1937, 15-25 February 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 20, 1938. L/C. HC/L. 21 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6131

1834 Vol. XXVIII, 9 Treaty Series No. 55 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Brazilian Government. Rio de Janeiro, 18 April 1939. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 6, 1939. L/C. HC/L. 21 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6132

1835 Vol. XXVIII, 599 Treaty Series No. 56 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government amending the Agreement of 27 May 1938, regarding Trade and Clearing. Angora, 10 October 1939.

Cmd 6133

L/C. HC/L. 22 Nov. 1939

1836 Vol. XXVIII, 59 Treaty Series No. 57 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Egyptian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Cairo, 8-31 May 1939. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 7, 1939. L/C. HC/L. 22 Nov. 1939


Cmd 6134

INDEX The references in this index are all to item numbers. AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE 76, 103, 235 ABYSSINIA ADDIS ABABA,

rescue of foreign nationals

(1936), 1457 treaty re importation of (1930), 936, 1078 EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE, Safeguard of Property Bill, 1582, 1714 EMPRESS, Treasury Minute re gift, 411 ITALY, Abyssinian-Italian dispute see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia; ITALY, Abyssinia LAKE TSANA, Anglo-Italian Agreement re waters of (1925), 589; protest to League of Nations, 628 see also ITALY, AngloItalian Agreement (1938)



1400 into British Territory (Kenya and the Sudan), 535, 746, 1109 see also SUDAN, Annual Reports on Finances, Administration RAILWAYS, treaty re Italian railway, 589 SLAVERY, 167, 284 RAIDS AND INCURSIONS

ADMIRALTY, see NAVY ADRIATIC QUESTION Correspondence relative thereto, 58 AFGHANISTAN AIR OPERATIONS (1928-1929), 811 ANGLO-AFGHAN TREATY (1921), 199, 266 BOLSHEVISM see EAST INDIA, Annual

Reports India and Afghanistan (Arnawai and Dokalim) (1934), 1289 HOSTILITIES IN 1919, 33, See also EAST INDIA, Annual Reports KABUL, evacuation of, 811 MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS for troops on North-West Frontier, 32a, 36a NATIONALITY and Naturalization Laws, 648 PEACE TREATY (Rawalpindi (1919), 33 RUSSIA, draft treaty, 199 ; relations with, 33, 288, 289, 294. See also EAST INDIA, Annual Reports TRADE Convention (1923), 314 TREATY RELATIONS (1930), 882


AFRICA See also under individual countries e.g. KENYA etc. FAUNA AND FLORA, International Agreements (1933), I2I8, 1474 LIQUOR Convention re traffic in (1919), 46 Reports re importation of, (1920), 242a; (1921), 268a; (1922), 295a; (1923), 402a; (1924), 504; (1925), 591a; (1926), 658a; (1927), 722a; (1928), 801; (1929), 883; (1930), 1036; (1931), 1110; (1932), 1190; (1933), 1278; (1934), 1359; (1935), 1455; (1936), 1551; (1937), 1682; (1938), 1805 TRADE, revision of Berlin Act 1885 and Declaration of Brussels (1919), 45 AFRICA, EAST 52, 268, 313, 396, 431, 493, 637, 1419, 1420, 1669, 1670. See also ITALYEast Africa and BELGIUM-East Africa CLOSER UNION; report of commission (1929), 750a; conclusion of government, 874b; report of joint committee, 908b; correspondence, 1106a COMMISSION, report on East Africa (1925), 482a LOANS: Guaranteed Loan Bill, 548; memorandum thereon, 594a; report of East Africa Loan Committee, 594b; report, 848a; bill to amend, 904; financial resolution, 999. See also TANGANYIKA and BRITISH HONDURAS MANDATES, I49, 268 POLICY, future, 661a; native, 874a RUANDA-URUNDI, see BELGIUM-East Africa TRAFFIC, Anglo-Belgian Traffic Convention (1921), 153 WILSON, SIR SAMUEL, report of (1929), 800a BOUNDARIES,

AFRICA, FRENCH BOUNDARY, east and west of the Niger, 142; French Equatorial Africa and the Sudan, 408. See also FRANCE AFRICA, NORTHERN RHODESIA BOUNDARY (1929-1930), 1011; exchange of Notes (1927), 1194; exchange of Notes (1933), 1191 TREASURY MINUTE, 1174


INDEX AFRICA, SOUTH Air Service, Egypt and South Africa, 933a. See also UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA

1666; Irish Free State-U.S., I647; Italy, 1001, 1010, 1163, 1303, 1327, 1633; Netherlands, 472, 895, 937, 1418, 1473, 1832; Norway, 1626; Portugal, 1408, 1577, 1645, 1778; Siam, 1624; Sweden, 380, 1697; Switzerland, 1700, 1707; Union of South Africa-Egypt, 933a;Germany, 1643; Portugal, 1577, 1645; -U.S., 1257; United States of America, 966, 1094, 1256, 1257, 1321, 1383, 1384, 1647, 1752, 1798, 1799

AFRICA, SOUTH-EAST BOUNDARIES, Anglo-Portuguese Agreement (1920), 99. See PORTUGAL, Mozambique AFRICA, SOUTH-WEST BOUNDARIES, Angola and Union of South Africa (1926), 616; (1931), 1012. See also PORTUGAL, Angola GERMANS in mandated territory, 407 KUNENE RIVER, agreement between Portugal and Union of South Africa (1926), 617 MANDATE, for German South-West Africa, 133 TRADE, report on Conditions and prospects, 85a AGRICULTURE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE, (1926), protocol re 837 INTERNATIONAL MORTGAGE CREDIT COMPANY (1931), convention re 1024 AIR FORCES Limitation of, CONFERENCE



AIR PACT See EUROPE, European Settlement


AIR TRAFFIC AND NAVIGATION AERIAL NAVIGATION, convention of 1919 and amendments, 25a, 70a, 215, 247, 281, 300, 464, 465, 864, 1206, 1504; legislation, 46e, 47, 48b, 80a, 1386, 1388, 1389, 1390 CARRIAGE BY AIR, International Convention and legislation (1929), 1045, 1167 CONFERENCE, third air (1923), 281 CUSTOMS REGULATIONS, 582 DAMAGE CAUSED BY AIRCRAFT. (1933), 1412; (1926), 1820 SANITARY CONVENTION (1933), 1269, 1363 TAXATION, re liquid fuels and lubricants (1939), 1783 TREATIES re navigation, communication, licencing, air worthiness certificates, customs regulations, etc. See individual countries for details. Austria, 1114, 1162, 1211; Belgium, 582, 1665; Burma, 1624, 1828; Canada, 966, 1752, 1798, 1799; China, 1648, 1826; Denmark, 1595; East India-Siam, 1624; Egypt-South Africa, 933a; France, 582, 1355, 1740, 1749, 1781, 1828, 1829; Germany, 693, 914, 1005, 1319, 1625, 1643; Greece, 1009, 1088, 1811; Hungary, 1564,

ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL COMPANY, see PERSIA ANIMALS Creation of international office re contagious diseases (1924), 581 ANTARCTIC, see FRANCE, Aerial Navigation ARABIA, see SAUDI ARABIA ARBITRATION Denmark, 1407, 1443, 1746, 1806; France, 8, 310; Iceland, 250, 643, 1409. 1541, 1746, 1806; Italy, 8, 315; Netherlands, 100, 511; Portugal, 56, 516, 631; Siam, 638; Spain, 8, 370; Sweden, 54, 492; United States of America, 8, 355. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Arbitration Treaties ARGENTINE REPUBLIC ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 88 MEAT TRADE, report of Joint Committee (1938), 1695; regulation of beef imports in U.K. (1937-39), 1759. See also Trade and Commerce


INDEX MIXED ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL, provisional dissolution of (1931), 1038 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 747 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445 PROPERTY, liquidation of (1930), 870, 958 REPARATIONS: enemy debts, Sect. III, Part X of treaty, 702; Hague conference, 840, 870, 960, 1108; Paris (1922) financial agreement, 219; Spa (1920) agreements, Allied Powers and Austria, 218. See also above PROPERTY TRADE-MARKS, protection in Austria and Palestine (1927-1928), 716 TREATIES, application of, Germany, U.K., and Austria (1938), 1733 VIENNA, position of, 69

TRADE AND COMMERCE, Convention (1933), 1172, 1231; supplementary agreement 1232; agreement (1936), 1502 WORKMEN, compensation for accidents (1929), 918, 1342 ARMENIA ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 LEAGUE OF NATIONS PROTECTION, 103 LOANS FOR RELIEF, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS ARMISTICE Allied Powers and Germany, AustriaHungary, and Turkey, 11 ARMS CONVENTION (1920), 38 CONVENTION FOR SUPERVISION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE, declaration concerning Ifni (1925), 827 AUSTRALIA BELGIUM, commercial relations, 1235, 1330; extradition convention, 738 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Treaty of Commerce (1936). 1622 GERMANY, agreement re property, rights and interests of German nationals (1930), 911 NAURU ISLAND, 46d, 46f, 47c, 77c, 131 JAPAN, trade agreement (1938), 1709 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 SWITZERLAND, commercial agreement (1938), 1767 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415 AUSTRIA AIR COMMUNICATION AGREEMENT (1932), 1211 AIR NAVIGATION CONVENTION (1932), 1114, 1162 CANADA COMMERCIAL RELATIONS (1933), 1460 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1924), 389, 485 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES, 291, 491 DEBTS, agreement re settlement of enemy debts, 702 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1934), 1326, 1367 FIREARMS, proof-marks recognition (1933), 1202 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS in civil and commercial matters (1931), 1000, 1063 LOANS: Agreement (1922) and Legislation, 246a, 255, 258; Agreement (1932) and Legislation, 1123, 1133, 1139, 1147, 1156, 1317, 1322; unrepaid amounts see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS REPARATIONS

AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN EMPIRE ARMISTICE, 11 FLEET, 117 LIBERATION, cost of, 41, 65, 66 TRADE AFTER THE RAISING OF THE BLOCKADE, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE, ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE (1919), 37, 46b, 68, 702 AZERBAIJAN Economic conditions, 56, 69 BALFOUR, LORD DISPATCH RELATING To WAR DEBTS (1922), 246 SPEECH ON LEAGUE OF NATIONS at Imperial Conference (1921), 118, 164 BARCELONA CONVENTION (1921), see also TRANSIT CONVENTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, 234 FREEDOM OF TRANSIT, 323 REGIME FOR NAVIGABLE RIVERS, 324 RIGHT To FLAG, countries without sea coasts, 325 BASUTOLAND - BECHUANALAND MOZAMBIQUE: boundaries with, 706; commercial relations with, 921, 1679 BEEF Uruguay, Argentine Republic, and Brazil (1937-39), 1759 BELGIUM AIR TRAFFIC, customs regulations, 582 AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, documents of identity (1938), 1665 BELGIAN CONGO: boundary with Northern Rhodesia, 1011, 1191, 1194; extradition treaty, 346; sanitation convention (1939), 1796; telegraphic communications with Uganda (1924), 417


INDEX BELGIUM continued CHINN, OSCAR, agreement for submission of claim to Court of International Justice (1934), 1259 CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL MATTERS, reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1261, 1500. See also below, Legal COMMERCE AND TRADE: Australia, 1235, .1330; Canada, 457; Irish Free State, 1356, 1576; New Zealand and Economic Union of Belgium-Luxemburg (1933), 1238; modification of arrangement (1936), 1513; Union of South Africa, 1646 EAST AFRICA BOUNDARIES: Mount Sabino-Congo Nile watershed (1915), 52; draft mandate, 268; agreement Ruanda-Urundi (1923), 313; agreement Ruanda-Urundi Tanganyika (1926), 637; agreement RuandaUrundi Tanganyika (1934), 1419, 1669 SANITATION CONVENTION, Ruanda-Urundi (1939), 1796 TRAFFIC CONVENTION (1921), 153 WATER RIGHTS AGREEMENT (1934), 1420. 1670 EUPEN AND MALMEDY, correspondence, 151; decision of the League of Nations, 103 EXTRADITION TREATY, Belgian Congo and British Protectorates (1923), 346; extension of treaty (1928), 738 GERMAN MARKS IN BELGIUM, Hague Conference, 840 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS IN IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY, 887 INTERNATIONAL POSITION OF BELGIUM (1937), documents exchanged between France and Britain, 1534 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL MATTERS, Anglo-Belgian Convention (1922), 367; supprementary convention (1932), 1140, 1266; reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1261, 1500 LOANS To BELGIUM AND BELGIAN CONGO, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. and BELGIUM, WAR DEBTS LOCARNO, see LOCARNO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 62, 257, 267, 648, 1400 NINE-POWER TREATY, 222 OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, agreement re legislation (1928), 759 PARCEL POST, agreement with detailed regulations (1938), 1708 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445

PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b TRADE ARRANGEMENTS: New Zealand and Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg (1933), 1238; modification of (1936), 1513 VERSAILLES, treaty of, Anglo-Belgian convention re Art. 296, 179 WAR DEBTs: suspension of (Hoover Moratorium), 1035; supplementary protocol, 1138 WAR GRAVES, Anglo-Belgian Treaty (1919), 30 BILLS OF LADING, International Convention re unification of certain rules of law (1924), 986 BILLS OF HEALTH, International Agreement for dispensing with, (1934), 1347 BOLIVIA ORIGIN OF GOODS: Anglo-Bolivian Convention (1920), 148 PARAGUAY, frontier incident (1928), 758 BOLSHEVISNf AFGHANISTAN, 33, 199 ENGLAND, 591. See also SOVIET UNION, Relations with U.K. EUROPE, 56, 69 GERMANY, 10, 12, 16 SINN FEIN, 152 SOVIET UNION, see SOVIET UNION BONES, International Agreement re exportation of, 823 BORNEO, see NETHERLANDS and U.S.A., Philippine Archipelago BRAZIL BEEF, regulation of imports (1937-39), 1759 BRITISH GUIANA BOUNDARY, treaty and convention (1926), 791; agreement (1930), 862 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS AGREEMENT (1935), 1345, 1357 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1931) 1158, (1937) 1686; India (1932) 1116; Irish Free State (1931) 1057; Newfoundland (1936) 1469; Union of South Africa (1939) 1834; United Kingdom (1931) 1059; (1936) 1468 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 85 MONEY ORDERS AGREEMENT (1921), 200 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 PEACE COMMISSION, 147 BRITISH GUIANA Boundary with Brazil, 791, 862


INDEX BRITISH HONDURAS BOUNDARY, 1077 LOAN, Iegislation, 1044a; memorandum, 1073a BROADCASTING Cause of Peace, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Broadcasting BRUSSELS CONFERENCE Russian Foreign Indebtedness, 180. See also CONFERENCES, Brussels BULGARIA COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, (1925), 537 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EMIGRATION To GREECE, 61 GREECE, convention (1919), 61 MIXED ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL, dissolution of, 668 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 747, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 REPARATIONS: arrangements for payment, 450, 720; cost of Army of Occupation, 451; division of sum recovered, cost of military occupation, 481; Hague Conference, financial obligations under Treaty, 840 974, 1108; Hoover Moratorium and protocols for suspension of payments, 1035, 1084, 1138; Spa Agreements (1920), 218 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE: Neuilly-sur-Seine, 46b, 57, 68; Article 188, dissolution of Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, 668; military clauses, abrogation of (1938), 1764 BUOYAGE, International agreement for a uniform system of maritime buoyage (1936), 1598 BURMA AIR DOCUMENTS OF IDENTITY OF AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, 1828. See Item 1749 CHINA, commission to establish boundary (1935), 1352 INDIA, air service (1937), 1624 JAPAN, trade and commerce convention (1937), 1557, 1613 SIAM: air service (1937), 1624; boundary (1931-1932), 1095; nationality of persons affected by re-delineation of boundary (1937), 1547 CAMEROONS BOUNDARIES, 893, 1028 MANDATE, 156, 268 REPORT ON BRITISH SPHERE, 228 U.S. NATIONALS, Anglo-U.S. convention (1925), 600

CANADA AUSTRIA, commercial relations (1933), 1460 BELGIUM, commercial agreement (1924), 457 BORDEN, statement at Washington Conference, 222 BRAZIL, commercial agreement (1931), 1158, (1937), 1686 COSTA RICA, convention for arbitration, Petroleum Company, Royal Bank of Canada (1922), 286 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Convention of Commerce (1928), 809 FRANCE, trade agreement (1921), 171; commercial convention (1922), 318; Commerce and trade convention (1933), 1593 GERMANY, commercial relations (1932), 1458; (1933), 1459; agreement re liquidation of property (1930), 1007; agreement re payments for exchange of goods (1936), 1592 GUATAMALA, commercial relations (1937), 1685 HAYTI, commercial modus vivendi (1935), 1539; trade agreement (1937), 1809 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, 641 ITALY, commercial convention (1923), 360 JAPAN, customs treatment of imports (1935), 1591 LAUSANNE TREATY, correspondence with Canadian government, 384a LUXEMBURG, commercial agreement (1924), 457 NETHERLANDS, commercial agreement (1924), 536; exchange of notes re double taxation (1938), 1758 NORWAY, sovereignty of Otto Sverdrup Islands (1930), 1004 POLAND, commercial relations (1935), 1600 ROUMANIA, consular fees on certificates of origin (1934-35), 1540 SALVADOR, commercial relations (1937), 1688 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TURKEY, correspondence re Peace Treaty, 384a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AIR TRAFFIC AND NAVIGATION AGREEMENT: air navigation (1938), 1799; certificates of airworthiness (1938), 1752; civil aircraft (1929), 966; licenses for piloting civil aircraft (1938), 1798 BOUNDARY (1925), 512 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS: (1935), 1599; (1937-38), 1833; (1938), 1735, 1738 FISHERIES: halibut in Bering Sea and northern Pacific (1923), 480; (1930), 1164; (1937), 1703; sockeye salmon, Fraser River system (1930), 1704


INDEX CANADA continued INCOME TAX on non-resident individuals and corporation, (1936), 1705 LAKE OF THE WOODS, agreement re level, (1925), 513 LOAD LINE CONVENTION, (1933), 1461 NARCOTICS LAWS and extradition (1925), 514, 515


REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CONVENTION (1921), 244 SMELTER at Trail, B.C., (1935), 1538 SMUGGLING along border, (1925), 514 TONNAGE, exchange of Notes re appen-


report, 1086 papers relating to, 674; papers relating to settlement of, 735


257, 1016 NINE-POWER TREATY (1922), 222 OPIUM, correspondence cultivation

dix certificates, 1833 commercial relations (1936), 1590 WAR GRAVES, (1935), 1415 URUGUAY,

CANNES CONFERENCE (Jan. 1922) Resolution, 221 CENTRAL EUROPE Economic Conditions, 56; 69; CHILE COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS,

(1937), 1074;




CHINA over China: (1937), 1648; over South-West China and British ports (1939), 1826 AMOY, rendition of (1930), 939 ARMAMENTS, limitation of Chinese, 222; limitation of foreign, 222 BURMA, commission to establish boundary (1935), 1352 CHINKIANG, rendition of (1929), 835; claims for losses sustained by British subjects in 1927 (1929), 836 COMMITMENTS of China, 222 Customs, regulations, 222; tariff treaty (1928-29), 773 EXTRA-TERRITORIALITY: 222; report of Commission (1926), 614; Chinese Commission on, 632; mandate and correspondence (1929), 838 FINANCE, stabilization of Chinese dollar (1939), 1717, 1768 FINANCIAL CONSORTIUM (1920), 135 GERMAN DEBTS, 290, 739 HANKOW AND KINKIANG: British concessions (1927), 650; land tenure and taxation (1934), 1336 INDEMNITY, bills, reports, papers and accounts of Chinese indemnity fund, 334, 335, 341, 432, 435, 435a, 437, 555, 612, 686, 729, 785, 903, 905, 906, 941, 987, 1046, 1050


of, 174. See also OPIUM POSTAL AGENCIES, 222 RADIO STATIONS, 222 RAILWAYS, 222 SHAMEEN AFFAIR, papers re first firing (1925), 571 SHANGHAI: Chinese courts in international settlement, 874, 1186, crisis of 1932, papers, reports, and settlement of, 1069, 1076, 1085 SHANTUNG, Sino-Japanese agreement, 222 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TERRITORY, non-alienation of, 222 TRADE, British, report on, 87 TREATIES, list of (1842-1922), 509 TWENTY-ONE DEMANDS, Chinese attitude to, 222 WASHINGTON TREATIES, see WASHINGTON CONFERENCE AND TREATIES WEI-HAI-WEI, notes exchanged, 222; rendition of, and agreement for naval facilities, 881, 948 COLOMBIA EXTRADITION, 856, 943 TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, 1766

COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES Austria, 291, 491; Costa Rica, 919; Czechoslovakia, 309, 368; Ecuador, 770; Estonia, 629; Latvia, 694; Panama, 774; Paraguay, 932; Peru, 855; Turkey, 922 COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSIT, see TRANSIT CONFERENCES (For details see also, TREATIES and individual conferences.) AMBASSADORS', correspondence with German Peace delegation and German government, 151 BARCELONA (1921), 323, 324, 325 BRUSSELS, Russian foreign indebtedness, 180; Drugs (1925 and 1929), 502, 754, 953 CANNES (1922), basis for Genoa conference, 221


INDEX EcoxoMlc, see ECONOMIC, ACTION; Geneva and London (1933) GENEVA, (1923): communications and transit, 381, 382, 383, 384, 487, 488, 489, 490; see also TRANSIT; economic action, 823, 824, 850, 863, 964, 1006; naval disarmament (1927), 676, 704, see also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, disarmament; wounded and sick, 978, 979, 980, 1029, 1030 GENOA (1922), 221, 224, 230, 231, 234, 248 HAGUE, (1922), 243; (1929-30), 793, 805, 817, 840, 842, 870, 876, 877, 886, 894, 899, 911, 935, 957, 958, 959, 962, 974, 981, 996, 1007, 1018, 1038. See REPARATIONS, Hague Conference; codification of international law, 1020, 1021, 1022 IMPERIAL, see IMPERIAL LAUSANNE, (1922-23), 273, 303, 306, 307, 331, 348, 363, 384a; (1932), 1056, 1100, 1102, 1103 LISBON, lightships, 976 LOCARNO (1925), 495, 505, 525, 611, 1387 LONDON: (Aug. 1922), 423; (Dec. 1922) 272; (1924) 391, 395, 424, 429, see REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan; Ioad line conference (1930), 915, 916, 945, 1041, 1042, 1047, 1135; naval conference (1930), 782, 841, 868, 871, 885, 896, 955, 988; (1935-36) 1432, 1433, 1492, 1575, 1672; World Economis Conference (1933), 1189, 1201 PARIS (1919), 217, see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL; (1922), 219, 225; (1923), 272 PRIME MINISTERS, (1921), 164 SPA, 151, 218 STRESA (1935), 1350 TARIFF TRUCE see ECONOMIC, Action WASHINGTON, 164, 191, 207, 209, 214, 222, 351, 352, 509, 517, 518, 782; oil pollution, 594a COPYRIGHT CONVENTION ACCESSIONS: Sweden, 40; Greece, 122 COSTA RICA ARBITRATION, Costa Rica Petroleum Company - Royal Bank of Canada, 286 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, Irish Free State, 1297 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS (1928-30), 919 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 CUBA BRITISH WEST INDIAN LABOURERS, correspondence re ill-treatment, 386, 419 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1937), 1525, 1711 ExTRADITION, 891, 1052

NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1016, 1400 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT, 744 CURRENCY FOREIGN EXCHANGE after the war, 44a LEGISLATION re counterfeit currency convention, 1305a PRODUCTION, price movements, and expansion, 39, 77b CUSTOMS FORMALITIES International Convention (1923), 383, 476. See also TRANSIT CYPRUS Anglo-French Convention (1920), 129 CZECHOSLOVAKIA BOUNDARY, see below Munich Agreement COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS, Canada, 809; Australia, 1622; United Kingdom, 421; Union of South Africa, 1642 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES, 309, 368 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY, 618 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, Agreement (1939), 1756; Legislation, 1716, 1718 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS in iron and steel industry, 887 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS in civil and commercial matters, (1924), 572; (1935), 1349, 1376 LOANS for relief, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS and above Financial Assistance LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MUNICH AGREEMENT, correspondence and documents, 1701, 1702, 1743 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRINTED MATTER AGREEMENT, 569 REFUGEE FUND, trust fund and directions to the trustees, 1804 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RUSSIA, SOVIET-CZECH PACT (1936), see EUROPE, European Settlement SEAMEN, passports for (1935), 1346 SUDETEN-GERMANS, see above, Munich Agreement SUDETENLAND, extension to of Anglo-German transfer agreement, 1793. TREATY OF PEACE: ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE (1919), 46a sevRES (1920), 182 COST OF LIBERATION, Hague settlement, 840, 961; Hoover Moratorium, 1035; supplementary.. protocol, 1138



DANUBE (1921), instituting definitive statute, 253 SINAIA: arrangement and protocol (1939), 1762, 1801; amendment to and accession of Germany and Italy, 1800 CONVENTION



convention re transfer of, 402

DEFENCE on proposed resolution (1937), 1517 STATEMENT, (1935), 1334; (1936), 1427; (1937), 1521; (1938), 1637; (1939), 1761 MEMORANDUM,

DENGUE FEVER International Convention for mutual protection (1934), 1315, 1385 DENMARK AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL,

documents of iden-


1905, re-

newals, 249, 642 (1935), 1171, 1207; (1936), 1456, 1580; (1938), 1760, 1819 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 92 EGYPT, agreement for the suppression of capitulations (1921), 168 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1935), 1407, 1443; supplementary convention of treaty of 1873, (1938), 1746, 1806 GREENLAND: treatment of British subjects, companies and vessels in eastern Greenland, 510




257, 648

DISARMAMENT (in chronological order) Report to Council on First Session of Preparatory Commission, 590 Report of Lord Cecil on Third Session of Preparatory Commission, 656 Dispatch of Viscount Cecil, preparatory Commission and draft convention (1930), 954 Memoranda on chemical warfare, 949 Speech of Sir John Simon, opening Disarmament Conference, 1068 Declaration of British policy (July 1932), 1099 British policy on Germany's claim to equality of right (Nov. 1982), 1121 Draft convention of Ramsay MacDonald (1983), 1166 Proceedings of Bureau of Disarmament Conference, withdrawal of Germany (Oct. 14, 1933), 1213 Memorandum on (1934), 1233 Memoranda issued by U.K., France, Italy, and Germany (1934), 1241 Further Memoranda (Feb.-April 1934), 1249 German disarmament, note of British government (1935), 1339 See also GERMANY, Disarmament; NAVY, Disarmament; WASHINGTON CONFERENCE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 1016 DOMINIONS, see IMPERIAL AFFAIRS DRUGS, see also OPIUM LEGISLATION, 1043, 1045a dangerous drugs (1925), 502, 754; unification of formulas, pharmacopeoial drugs (1929), 953, 1822; distribution of narcotics (1931), 1053, 1204


NAVAL ARMAMENT AGREEMENT (1938), 1782 ODER RIVER see POLAND PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with

international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION,



77b treaty (1920), 208; nationality and naturalization laws, 257 SHIPPING, agreement re income tax on profits, 460 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50



for accidents (1925), 647 WRECKS, agreement (1918.21), 136

Arnawai and Dokalim (1934), 1289 ANNUAL REPORT, statement exhibiting the moral and material progress and condition of India, 54th to 70th number: (1918), 4b; (1919), 91a; (1920), 118a; (1921), 199; (1922-23), 311; (192324), 453; (1924-25), 443; (1925-26), 622; (1926-27), 688; (1927-28), 730; (1928-29), 787; (1929-30), 908a; (1930.31), 1051; AFGHANISTAN BOUNDARY,


INDEX (1931-32), 1222; (1932-33), 1307; (193334), 1391; (1934-35), 1487 BRAZIL, commercial relations (1932), 1116 BURMA, see BURMA FRANCE, India and Indo-China, abolition of consular visas on Bills of Health (1938), 1747 JAPAN, commercial relations (1934), 1273, 1304; (1937), 1602 LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Geneva protocol, views of the Government of India, 508 MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS for troops on North-West frontier, 32a, 36a POLAND, commercial convention (1931), 1097 RUBBER: agreements for regulation of production and export, and protocols of amendment, 1252, 1463, 1526 SIAM, air services (1937), 1624 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TANGANYIKA, proposed Indian settlement, 150a TURKEY, commercial relations (1930), 924 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415 ECONOMIC, see also STATISTICS protocol and final act, 863; export and import restictions, 850; exportation of hides and skins, 824; exportation of bones, 823


ACTION, SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFER. ENCE: (1930-31), final act, 964; protocol,


report of iron and steel

industries, 887 CONDITION OF WORLD, 70 WORLD CONFERENCE (1933), 1189,



1471, 1514; map to illustrate, 1496; financial question re Sudan, 1499; protocol for amendment of annex to art. 8, 1710 CAPITULATIONS AGREEMENTS FOR SUPPRESSION OF

Denmark, 168; Greece, 140; Norway, 150; Portugal, 185; Sweden, 159 Montreux Convention (1937), 1555, 1611 COMMERCIAL modus vivendi, 913, 993. See also IRISH FREE STATE; PALESTINE and UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 86, 93,

167. See also below, Trade Relations EXTRADITION, provisional agreement with Palestine (1922), 471 FINANCES, 167. See also below LOANS FOREIGN NATIONALS, conditions of service, 329 FOREIGN OFFICIALS, taxation, pensions of retired officials (1936), 1615 INDEMNITY ACT, 328 IRISH FREE STATE, commercial modus vivendi, 972, 998 ITALY, Anglo-Italian Agreement (1938), 1651; protocol, 1750 LOANS, guaranteed by British Government, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. I MPERIAL OTTOMAN LOAN OF 1855: account to Dec. 1925, 549; to Dec. 1926, 621; to Dec. 1927, 687; to Dec. 1928, 731; to Dec. 1929, 786 ANGLO-EGYYPTIAN AGREEMENT on Ottoman loan and other financial questions (1929), 769 MACDONALD, RAMSAY, British position in Egypt and the Sudan, 428 MILNER, LORD, report of special mission, 125 MONTREUX CONVENTION (1937), 1555, 1611 NATIONALITY, Anglo-French agreement re Art. 34 of Treaty of Lausanne, 307 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648, 1400 EGYPT ADMIN ISTRATION, 167 AIR SERVICE, weekly with South Africa, 933a ALEXANDRIA RIOTS (1921), report and proceedings of military court, 173 ANGLO EGYPTIAN CORRESPONDENCE AND NEGOTIATIONS (in chronological order): Mil-

ner report, 125; negotiations (1921), 187; correspondence (1921-22), 212; Status of (1922), 220; MacDonald re position in, 428; Treaty of Alliance (1927-28), 703; crisis (April-May 1928), 714; proposals for settlement (1929), 799; negotiations (1930), 875; Treaty of Alliance (1936),

648, 1016 NILE, use of waters for irrigation, (1925), 795 PALESTINE: commercial agreement and relations, 751, 1515; extradition agreement, 471; judgments, convention re reciprocal enforcement (1929), 797 PROTECroRATE, termination of (1922), 220 PUBLIC MEETINGS AND DEMONSTRATIONS LAWS, papers re crisis, April-May 1928, 714 SUDAN, financial questions (1936), 1499 SUEZ CANAL


returns of shipping and tonnage: 1915-1917, 14a; 1918, 16a; 1919, 160; 1920, 166. See also ITALY, Anglo-Ita-

INDEX EGYPT continued lian Agreement (1938), Shares, interest, dividends, market value, etc., see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. TAXATION ON PENSIONS OF FOREIGN OFFICIALS (1936), 1615 TELECOMMUNICATIONS, exchange of notes (1936), 1616 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT (1939), 1777 TRADE RELATIONS, Economic mission of enquiry (1935), 1354 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: air service, 933a; commercial relations (1939), 1836 WAR MEMORIAL CEMETERIES AND GRAVES (1937), 1608 ELBE Statute of Navigation, (1922), 276; (1923). 372 ELECTRIC POWER Convention for the transit of (1923), 489 EMIGRANTS International Agreement re transit cards (Geneva, 1929), 812 ESTONIA COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1920), 107 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, treaty and commercial relations, 596, 1199, 1270, 1305 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES, 629 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EMIGRANTS see EMIGRANTS EXTRADITION TREATY (1925), 595; exchange of notes, Union of South Africa (1938), 1789 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1931), 1060, 1113 LOANS, unrepaid amounts, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 1400 PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, estates of deceased (1931), 1115 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT (1926), 593 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, see EXTRADITION ETHIOPIA, see ABYSSINIA EUROPE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS in Central Europe, 56, 69

EUROPEAN FEDERAL UNION, French government memorandum (1930), 884 EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT (in chronological order) Locarno; Negotiations re pact of Security, etc. (1925), 494, 495, 505, 525, 611; Briand Plan (1930); European Federal Union, 884 Declaration re future of European cooperation, U.K. and France (1932), 1103; dispatch of H.M.'s ambassador in Rome (1933), 1183; communique, AngloFrench conversations (Feb. 1935), 1324; note to German government (18 March 1935), 1339; Stresa Conference, 1350; diplomatic correspondence (1934-1936), 1435; Memorandum of German government re Rhineland (1936), 1429; proposals of France, Belgium, U.K., and Italy (1936), 1431; correspondence re proposals (March-April 1936), 1437; correspondence with German government (March-May 1936), 1446; international position of Belgium (1937), 1534 EVIDENCE Bill to admit foreign evidence (1932), 1125; foreign judgments (1932), 1126 Report of Standing Committee A, 1129 Report of committee, 1143a See also 1938, Bills No. 63 and 213, not included in Text EXHIBITIONS International Convention (1928), 839, 969 EXPORT, see also TRADE CREDITS, report of committee for Guarantee Scheme (1928-29), 828 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS, International Convention (1928-29), 850 EXTERNAL DEBT of the U.K., 4c, 48, 115, 229. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS and U.S.A. War Debt EXTRADITION Albania, 666; Australia-Belgium, 738; Austria, 1326, 1367; Belgium, 346, 738; Columbia, 856, 943; Cuba, 891, 1052; Czechoslavkia, 618; Ecuador, 1288, 1606; Egypt-Palestine, 471; Estonia, 595, 1789; Finland, 390, 486; Hungary, 1497, 1570; Iraq, 1098, 1175; Latvia, 415, 519; Lithuania, 661; Luxemburg, 1532, 1680, 1807; Monaco, 973, 1017; Netherlands, 97, 529; New Zealand-Belgium-Luxemburg, 738; Paraguay, 1281; Poland, 1071, 1248; Portugal, 183, 184, 1070, 1200;


INDEX FISHING Convention for regulation of fishing nets and size limits (1937), 1556

Spain, 43; Switzerland, 1343, 1374; Union of South Africa-Belgium, 738, -Estonia, 1789; USA, 256, 514, 515, 1058, 1361

FIUME, FAR EAST British policy in, 164


FLAG Recognition of flag for countries without sea coast (1921), 325

FILMS International Convention re films of an educational Character (1933), 1381, 1438




FOREIGN OFFICE Report of British communities abroad, 72

FINANCE U.K.: (1919), 4a; (1920), 47b; (1921), 114, I16; (1922), 195; (1923), 262; (1924), 339; (1925), 440; (1926), 552; (1927), 624; (1928), 690; (1929), 732, 783; (1930), 789; (1931), 908; (1932), 1049; (1933), 1132; (1934), 1226; (1935), 1311; (1936), 1394; (1937), 1490; (1938), 1588; (1939), 1724 AMERICAN DOLLAR SECURITIES, report of committee, 4c. See also U.S.A. war debt





FRANCE regulation of importation of arms and ammunition (1930), 936; Italian dispute, Hoare-Laval Pact (1935), 1406. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia ADRIATIC QUESTION, French attitude, 58 AFRICA, BOUNDARIES: east and west of the Niger, 142; French Equatorial Africa and the Sudan, 408 ALBANIA, proposed partition, 58 ALSACE-LORRAINE, 22 AERIAL NAVIGATION, exchange of notes re Antarctic (1938), 1740 AIRCRAFT: exemption from duties of military aircraft's fuel and lubricants (1938), 1781; documents of aircraft personnel (1938), 1749; extension to Burma (1939), 1828; see also, Income Tax AIR TRAFFIC, customs regulations, 582; see also Income Tax ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement (1920), 95 ANCLO-FRENCH COMMUNIQUE (1935), 1324. See also EUROPE, EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT CONVENTION, Art. 296 of Treaty of Versailles (Enemy Debts), 178; see also GERMANY and REPARATIONS PACT, papers re negotiations, 387 TREATY, defence of France Act, 2, 18 ANGLO-RUSSIAN TRADE AGREEMENT, French attitude, 163 ANGORA AGREEMENT (1921), 188; Correspondence, 203 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 310 BELGIUM, international position of, 1534 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT, see UNITED STATES, Kellogg; LEAGUE OF NATIONS, General Act; PARIS PEACE PACT BRIAND PLAN (1930), European Federal Union, 884



FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Memorandum re International Convention (1930), 10I5 FINLAND AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE, 76, 103, 235 ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS, convention re illicit

importation (1933), 12I2 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1933), 1208, 1228 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY

(1923), 418 EXTRADITION TREATY (1924), 390, 486 INCOME TAX AGREEMENTS: shipping pro-

fits (1925), 533; agency profits (1935), 1341 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1933), 1210, 1237 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATE AGREEMENT (1935), 1377 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

1016 limitation and information agreement (1938), 1782 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, estates of deceased (1923), 354



(1924), 413 after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 VESSELS USED DURING WAR, agreement to submit dispute to arbitration (1932), 1118 WHEATEN FLOUR, importation of (1937), 1560 TRADE





(1929), 893;

(1931), 1028 abolition of in Morocco and Zanzibar (1937), 1565 CHINA, financial consortium, 135 CAPITULATIONS,

Boundaries, 893, 1028 IRAQ, transference of rights to government, 1148




tion (1922), 232, 1447; reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1296, 1462 COMMERCE, report of M. Van Zeeland on general reduction of obstacles on trade (1938), 1621; French raffia, East African coffee, and New Zealand kauri gum (1937), 1574 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS: termination of convention of 1826 and 1882 (1934), 1254; trade and commerce agreement (1934), 1265; Canada, 171, 318, 1593; Union of South Africa, 1698, 1699 CUSTOMS IMPORT DUTIES, French presidential decree, 26 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, financial assistance, Munich Agreement, etc., see CZECHOSLOVAKIA DANUBE, see DANUBE DEPORTATION AGREEMENT, U.K., India, and France (1933), 1203 DISARMAMENT, see DISARMAMENT, NAVY, LEAGUE OF NATIONS EGYPTIAN NATIONALITY, Art. 34 of Treaty of Lausanne, 307 EUROPEAN FEDERAL UNION, 884 EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT, see EUROPE FISHERIES: limits in Granville Bay (1928), 757; oyster fishing, 327 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 FOUR-POWER PACT, see ITALY GENOA CONFERENCE, attitude of French government, 248 INCOMIE TAX EXEMPTION, from shipping profits (1932), 1120; from air transport profits (1935), 1355, 1829 INDO-CHINA, abolition of consular visas on Bills of Health (1938), 1747 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, in iron and steel industry (1932), 887 ITALIAN COAL PAYMENTS, treasury minute, 206 LANDLORD AND TENANT LAWS (1929), 804 LAVAL, Hoare-Laval Pact (1935), 1406 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 232, 1296, 1447, 1462 LEGALIZATION OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS (1937), 1548 LOANS, war and relief, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS LOCARNO, see LOCARNO

convention (1920) 129; Boundaries: 297, 667, 1797 MONEY ORDERS, 737; Public services agreement: 306 TOGOLAND, boundaries 892, 940 MONEY ORDERS, agreement re Syria, Lebanon, etc. (1928), 737; France and Algeria, 802, 1119 MOROCCO, see MOROCCO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

747; decrees, Morocco, and Tunisia, 295 Anglo-French agreement, 743; memorandum on results of negotiations with France and Italy (1931), 988. See also NAVY; DISARMAMENT NEW HEBRIDES: Anglo-French protocol, 236; exchange of notes, 275; amendment to protocol, 640; agreements re administration, 680, 792, 929, 1105, 1340 ODER RIVER, see POLAND OYSTERS, see Fisheries PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international question, 445 POLAND, Anglo-French loan (1939), 1817 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39



(Wiesbaden Agreement), 18L See also REPARATIONS RENTS, British holders of French rents (1930-31), 971 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY,

104 see Telegraph Cable production and export agreement, 1252, 1463, 1526 RUSSIA, responsibilities of government for debts and French attitude to Trade Agreement, 163 SOVIET RUSSIAN - French Pact (1935), 1429, 1435. See also EUROPE, European Settlement SAN REMO OIL AGREEMENT, 75; protocol re transfer of certain rights to Iraq, 1148 SENEGAL - GAMBIA BOUNDARY (1929), 790 SHIPPING PROFITS, see Income Tax STRESA CONFERENCE (1935), 1350 STUDENT EMPLOYEES, agreement re admission, 721 TELEGRAPH CABLE, convention re cable between Mauritius and R@union (1939), 1830 TOGOLAND, boundary between British and French territories, 892, 940 REUNION, RUBBER,

448 .


see above,


MERCE TUNIS, see TUNIS WAR DAMAGE, agreement re compensation (1929), 814. See also REPARATIONS WAR DEars: Balfour note, 246; AngloFrench agreement, 592; suspension of (1931), 1035. See LOANS, REPARATIONS WAR GRAVES AGREEMENTS, 6, 1415; transfer of property of sites of war memorials, 1784 WASHINGTON TREATIES, 222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES WIESBADEN AGREEMENT, 181. See also REPARATIONS ZANZIBAR, Anglo-French agreement re abolition of capitulations (1937), 1565, 1620

GAMBIA Gambia -- Senegal boundary (1929), 790 GASPARRI, CARDINAL Correspondence re Palestine mandate, 241 GENEVA CONFERENCE 1923, communications and transit, see TRANSIT: Economic Action see ECONOMIC 1927, naval armaments, speeches at plenary session, 676; statement of First Lord of the Admiralty, 704; see also NAVY and LONDON CONFERENCES 1929, legislation, 1481, 1486; wounded and sick, prisoners of war, 979, 980, 1029, 1030 GENOA CONFERENCE (In Chronological order) BASIS OF CONFERENCE, resolutions adopted at Cannes, 221 PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND REPORTS ON CURRENCY EXCHANGE, CORRESPONDENCE DOCUMENTS









224, 231, 234 RUSSO-GERMAN TREATY,


of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Commission,


28 efficiency certificates, Union of South Africa and Germany, 1643


693, 914, I005 Am TRANSPORT, taxation agreement, 1625 AIR WORTHINESS CERTIFICATES, 1319 ALLENSTEIN, correspondence, 151 ALSACE-LORRAINE, 22 AMNESTY, on termination of occupation (1930), 889 ANGLO-GERMA N RELATIONS: correspondence Aug. 1939, 1813; documents re German-Polish relations and the outbreak of war (1934-39), 1814; final report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Nevile Henderson, 1821; see also EUROPE, EUROAIR NAVIGATION AGREEMENTS,


conditions in 1919, 10, 12, 16; correspondence relative to, 151; see also below, Disarmament AUSTRIA, application of treaties (1938), 1733 BLOCKADE, 10, 12, see also below, Trading BOLSHEVISM IN, 10, 12, 16 BOUNDARY COMMISSION, 151 CHINA AGREEMENTS: re German debts in, 290; re surplus German property, 739 COLOGNE, evacuation of Cologne zone, 494, 525 COLONIES, 22 COMMERCIAL TREATIES AND RELATIONS: Anglo-German treaty and exchange of notes, 475, 520, 1170, 1177, see also REPARATIONS Transfer; Canada, 1458, 1459, 1592; Irish Free State, 1067, 1337; New Zealand, 1655; Union of South Africa, 843, 1370 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN BOUNDARY 151; see also CZECHOSLOVAKIA DANUBE, see DANUBE DEBTS, see below VERSAILLES, Art. 296, and REPARATIONS for Transfer Crisis and Commercial Debts, etc. DISARMAMENT: execution of military clauses (1925), 494; correspondence (Oct.-Nov. 1925), 525, equality of rights, statement by H.M. Gov't, 1121; see also DISARMAMENT, NAVY, EUROPE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, (1919), 10, 12, 16, 28, 39; (1920), 78; (1921), 120 ELBE, statement of navigation, (1922), 276; (1923), 372 EXCHANGE, see REPARATIONS, TRANSFER FISH, supplies to U.K. markets (1933), 1192 FLEETS, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 FooD CONDITIONS, see above ECONOMIC ARMY,



PACT (1933), see ITALY




in iron and steel industry (1930), 887 KEHL BRIDGEHEAD, correspondence, 151 LEAGUE OF NATIONS MEMBERSHIP, 22, 484, 495, 505, 525. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, German membership LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1928), 766 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1935), 1378 LOANS, see REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE, DAWES PLAN, etc. LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MARIENWERDER, correspondence, 151 MILITARY CLAUSES, see above DISARMAINDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS,


1400 papers concerning treatment of German nationals in Germany (193839), 1825 NAVAL AGREEMENTS, (1935), 1362, 1366; (1937), 1562, 1614; (1938), 1677, 1694 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT: methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PATENTS, MODELS, AND DESIGNS, agreement, Union of South Africa and Germany (1930), 1087 PAYMENTS, Anglo-German agreements, see REPARATIONS Transfer PEACE CONFERENCE see below Versailles POLAND see Anglo-German relations PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b PROPERTY, Art. 297, Anglo-German Agreement, 119, 201; agreement re liquidation (1929), 842, 877; (1932), 1117; see below VERSAILLES, ART. 297 REFUGEES, provisional arrangement re status, (1936), 1506; convention (1938), 1671, 1753 REPARATIONS, see REPARATIONS REPORTS, economic conditions (1919), 10, 12, 16 RESPONSIBILITY FOR WAR, 22 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RHINELAND: military occupation, 19; cost of, 21; High Commission, 63; correspondence re, 151; correspondence re cost of U.S. Army, 312; modifications in regime, 525; evacuation of, 817, 981; re-occupation, 1429. See also EUROPE, European Settlement


422, 521 Treaty of Rapallo, 234 SAAR BASIN: appointment of deliniation convention, 103; correspondence, 151 SCHLESWIG: correspondence, 151; agreement with Denmark (1920) 208 SHIPPING PROFITS: Exemption from double taxation (1928): 699 SINN FEIN, documents re Germany, 118b SOUTH-WEST AFRICA: Germans in Mandated Territories: 407 TAXATION: See SHIPPING PROFITS and AIR RHINE NAVIGATION,



after the raising of the Blockage: 27, 34, 50 TRANSFER AGREEMENTS. See REPARATIONS VERSAILLES TREATY, 1, 15, 17 ALLENSTEIN, correspondence, 151 ALLIED POWERS, reply to German observations, 22 ANNEX II, PT VIII, modification, 155; para. 13, amendment, 455; see also REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan, etc. ARTICLE 296: Anglo-French convention, 178; Anglo-Belgian convention, 179; Anglo-Siam convention, 226 ARTICLES 296, 297, report of Board of Trade committee, 237 ARTICLES 296, 297, 304, 305, clearing house and mixed arbitral tribunal, 452; dissolution of, 1112 ARTICLE 297, Anglo-German agreement, 119, 201; liquidation of German properties (1929), 842, 877, 1117; - and Irish Free State (1934), 1323 ARTICLE 297c, 202 ARTICLE 393, amendment, 456 ARTICLE 405, tabular analysis of International Labour Conference, 3rd and 4th Session, 287 BASIS OF NEGOTIATIONS, 22 TRADING


orandum circulated 25 March 1919, 217 EUPEN AND MALMEDY, 103, 151 MANNHEIM CONVENTION, accession of Holland, 296 MARIENWERDER, 151 MILITARY CLAUSES, 494, 525, 1121; see also DISARMAMENT: EUROPE PROTOCOLS AND CORRESPONDENCE between Allied Powers and German delegation (Jan.-July 1920), 151 REPARATIONS, see REPARATIONS RHINELAND, see above, Rhineland SUPPLEMENTARY PROTOCOL, 17 WAR CRIMINALS, correspondence, 151; trials, 162 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415. XYLANDER, LT.-COL., case of, 151


INDEX GEORGIA Economic Conditions, 56, 69 GOODS International Agreement re false origin (1925), 724, 1692 GREECE AIR TRANSPORT, conventions and agreements, 1009, 1088, 1811 BULGARIA, Greek-Bulgarian convention (1919), 61 CAPITULATIONS, agreement re suppression, 140 COMMERCE: Anglo-Greek treaty, 626; guarantee agreement, 1802; Irish Free State, 947; New Zealand (1926-28), 807 CONSULAR FEES ON CERTIFICATES OF ORIGIN (1929), 798 COPYRIGHT, accession to international convention, 122 DAMAGE CAUSED BY BRITISH TROOPS, 584 EGYPT, agreement re capitulations, 140 EMIGRATION To BULGARIA, 61 ECONOMIC SITUATION, 81 EXPROPRIATION OF LANDED PROPERTIES (1936), 1467 INCOME TAX:, agencies, 1498; shipping profits, 806 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and . commercial matters (1936), 1436, 1617 LOANS, (see also Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS) of 1832: to. Dec. 1919, 47a; to Dec. 1920, .111; to Dec. 1933, 1223; to Dec. 1934, 1308; to Dec. 1935, 1392; to Dec. 1936, 1485; to Dec. 1937, 1585; to Dec. 1938, .1721 LOAN of 1898 to March 1933, 1131; to March 1934, 1224; to. March 1935, 1309; to March .1936, 1393; to March 1937, 1488; to March 1938, 1586; to March 1939, 1722 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 747 NEAR EASTERN QUESTION, proposed settlement, 225 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PROPERTY, expropriation of landed properties, 794 SEAMEN, passports for (1933), 1184 SHIPPING, see Income Tax THRACE, Allied Powers and Greece, 158 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT SHIPS, 625 TREATY BETWEEN ALLIED POWERS AND GREECE (1920), 94 TURKEY: fighting in, 69; report of atrocities by Greek troops, 165

WAR DEBTS: Balfour Note, 246; damage by British troops, 584; agreement for settlement of, 646; suspension of, 1035; supplementary protocol, 1138 WAR GRAVES, 186 GUATEMALA BOUNDARY, British Honduras (1931), 1077 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION (1928), 821 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1937), I685; Irish Free State (1930), 1034 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND THEIR SAMPLES (1931), 1031, 1101 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 HAGUE CONVENTION (1907) Denunciation of Art. VI re Enemy Merchant Ships, 543 HAGUE CONFERENCE PAPERS RELATING TO (June-July 1922), 243. See also REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE CODIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (March-April 1930): military obligation in case of double nationality, 1021, 1542; protocol concerning statelessness, 1020, 1022, 1572; conflict of nationality laws, 1185, 1573; legislation, 1128, 1483 HAYTI COMMERCE MODUS VIVENDI (1928), 734 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION (1932), 1090 CANADA, MODUS VIVENDI (1935), 1539; trade agreement (1937), 1809 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT, 736 HENDERSON, SIR NEVILLE Final report re mission (1939), 1821 HIDES AND SKINS International Agreement re exportation (1928), 824 HOLLAND, see NETHERLANDS HONDURAS Nationality and naturalization laws, 648 HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION Financial Consortium, formation of British group, 135 HUNGARY AIR NAVIGATION CONVENTION (1937), 1564, 1666 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, Anglo-Hungarian Treaty, 670 DEBTS, 227, 356, 564. See below TRIANON, treaty of





56, 69 EXTRADITION, 1497, 1570 HAGUE CONFERENCE: claims against Yugoslavia, Czechoslavia, and Roumania; agrarian reform, etc., 840. See below ECONOMIC CONDITIONS,





Civil and Commercial Matters, 1399, 1450 LOANS FOR RELIEF, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions: 445 REPARATIONS, see Trianon, treaty of SPA AGREEMENTS (1920), 218 TRIANON, treaty of, 89, 110 NOTE re EXPENSES, 139 ART. 239, dissolution of mixed arbitral tribunal, 1344 SECT. III, PT. X (ENEMY DEBTS), 227, 356, 564


1st (1919), 64; 2nd (1920), 127; 3rd (1921), 216, 287; 4th (1922), 277, 287; 5th (1923), 359; 6th (1924), 448; 7th (1925), 527; 8th and 9th (1926), 605; 10th (1927), 675; 11th (1928), 742; 12th (1929), 826; 13th (1929), 873 (Appendix VI); 14th (1930), 931; 15th (1931), 1040; 16th (1932), 1096; 17th (1933), 1209; 18th (1934), 1294; 19th (1935), 1401; 20th (1936), 1493; 21st (1936), 1527; 22nd (1936), 1528; 23rd (1937), 1594; 24th (1938), 1712 BRITISH DELEGATES REPORTS

6th, 463; 7th, 503; 8th, 607; 9th, 608; 10th, 684; 11th, 749; 12th, 872; 13th, 873; 14th, 967 BRITISH GOVERNMENT PROPOSED ACTION re conventions and recommendations MEETINGS, 5th, 394; 6th, 497; 7th, 570; 8th, 658; 9th, 776; 10th, 946; 11th, 777; 13th, 1421; 14th, 995, 1003; 16th, 1298, 1302; 17th, 1338, 1434; 18th, 1421; 19th, 1434 VARIOUS MEETINGS: 1657, 1732, 1751 MEETINGS:


of, 899, 996 REPARATIONS: Spa agreements, 218; Hague conference, 840, 876, 899, 996, 1018, 1108; establishment of Funds A and B, 1075; Hoover moratorium, 1035, 1079; supplementary protocols, 1138 WHITE TERROR, report on, 73 dation

HYDRAULIC POWER Convention re development of (1923). 490


393 OF TREATY OF VERSAILLES, 456 REDUCTION OF HOURS OF WORK: 17th and 18th Sessions, report of committee, 1198; reply to questionnaire, 1253, 1428 MERCHANT SHIPPING: legislation re recommendations concerning seamen, 333, 336, 341a, 434, 439, 904a; re safety at Sea and Load Line Convention, see LOAD LINE TABULAR ANALYSIS re draft convention and recommendations under Art. 405, 3rd and 4th Session, 287

ICELAND 1905, renewals, 250, 643, 1409, 1541 EXTRADITION, supplementary to treaty of 1873, 1746, 1806 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1932), 1161, 1182 ARBITRATION CONVENTION


747, 1400 SHIPPING PROFITS, exemption

from double





IMPERIAL AFFAIRS Correspondence re consultation on foreign affairs, 449a IMPERIAL CONFERENCES (1921), 164; (1923), 320, 321; (1926), 613a, 613b; (1930), amendment to Covenant, 950 BALFOUR, speech re League of Nations, 118 IMPERIAL DEFENCE, 164, 320 INDIA, see EAST INDIA

(1925), 725; (1934), 1693

IRAQ see below, Treaties Anglo-French - Convention (1920), 129 CIVIL ADMINISTRATION, 106, 379 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, Palestine and Iraq (1936), 1520 EXTRADITION TREATY (1932), 1098, 1175 FINANCES, position and prospects for, 496 FINANCIAL, questions re treaty of alliance 1930, 920, 982 JUDICIAL AGREEMENT (1931), replacing agreement of 1924, 479, 994, 1025




INDEX LEAGUE OF NATIONS, application of Art. 22; 458, 568. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS TURKEY-IRAQ LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, Civil and Commercial Matters, 1380, 1518 MANDATE, 128, 170 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 741, 1400 NEJD-IRAQ FRONTIER AGREEMENT, 545 POLICY, memorandum by Secretary of State for the Colonies (1929), 825 RAILWAY SYSTEM, agreement re transfer of (1936), 1444, 1476 SAN REMO AGREEMENT: 75; convention re mandated areas, 129; transfer of certain rights to, 1148; U. S. attitude, 137 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES, Anglo-Finnish agreement, 413 TREATIES: with King Feisal (1922), 254; protocol and subsiduary agreements 379, 479; agreement re duration of, 562, 580 OF 1927, 685 OF ALLIANCE (1930), 898; financial questions, ratification and agreement of, 920, 982; judicial agreement (1931), 994, 1025 TURKEY-IRAQ. boundary dispute, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Turkey; agreement (1926), 587, 664 TURKISH PETROLEUM COMPANY, 137 U.S.A., correspondence and convention re rights, 137, 851, 991 WAR CEMETERIES AGREEMENT, 1453

SALVADOR: Commercial Relations, 1236 SPAIN: Commercial Relations, 1316, 1372 SWITZERLAND, unemployment insurance, 951 TURKEY: Commercial Relations, 942; Trade and Payments agreement, 1537 U.S.A., air navigation, 1647; correspondence re appointment of minister plenepotentiary, 400 ITALY ABYSSINIA, regulation of importation of arms and ammunition, 936, 1078; Lake Tsana and the Italian railway, economic concessions in western Abyssinia, 589; correspondence and appeal to League of Nations re agreement, 628 ABYSSINIAN-ITALIAN DISPUTE, correspondence re bombing of ambulance, 1439; rescue of foreign nationals from Addis Ababa, 1457. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia ADRIATIC QUESTION, correspondence, 58 AIR PERSONNEL, documents of identity, 1001 AIR TRANSPORT SERVICE CONVENTIONS, 1010, 1163, 1327, 1633 AIR WORTHINESS VALIDATION CERTIFICATES, 1303 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANGLO-ITALIAN AGREEMENT (1938), 1651, protocol, 1750 ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS, 8, 315

IRELAND BOLSHEVISM AND SINN FEIN, 152 GERMANY AND SINN FEIN MOVEMENT, 118b SovIET UNION, treaty with, 152 IRISH FREE STATE BELGIUM: Commercial Relations, 1356, 1576 BRAZIL: Commercial Relations, 1057 COSTA RICA: Commercial Relations, 1297 EGYPT: Commercial modus vivendi, 972, 998 GERMANY: Commerce, 1067, 1337. Release of property, 1323 GREECE: Commercial Relations, 947 GUATAMALA: Commercial Relations, 1034 ITALY, recognition of passenger and emigrant ship certificates and regulations, 944 NETHERLANDS: Commercial Relations, 1536 POLAND, tonnage measurement agreement, 1373 PORTUGAL: Commerce and Navigation, 1072 ROUMANIA: Commercial Relations, 1039

COMMERCE: agreements, 1494, 1509, 1638, 1639; exchanges and payments, 1495, 1510; modification of exchange and payments agreements, 1632; exchange of notes, trade and payments (1935), 1353, 1369; account and receipts of clearing office (1937), 1584, (1938), 1720; agreement to facilitate economic collaboration (1939), 1831; provisional agreement regulating imports (1935), 1351; exchange of notes regarding import quotas (1939), 1787 CANADA, commercial convention, 360 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, commercial agreement, 1640 DANUBE, see DANUBE see DISARMAMENT, DISARMAMENT, LEAGUE OF NATIONS, NAVY EAST AFRICA BOUNDARIES: Eritrea-Sudan, 409; Jubaland, 396, 431, 493; see also Somaliland EGYPT, Bon Voisinage Agreement (1936), 1651, 1750 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757


INDEX ITALY continued


relief, etc., see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 956, 1093 LIBYA-SUDAN BOUNDARY (1934), 1286 LONDON TREATY (1915), 71 MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AGREEMENT, 532 MEDITERRANEAN STATUS QUO, declaration and exchange of notes (1936-37), 1512, 1533 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

257, 648, 747, 1400 London Naval Conference (1931), 988; see also NAVY PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PASSENGER AND EMIGRANT SHIPS, certificates.and regulations, 803, 944 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 PROOF MARKS, reciprocal recognition of, 598 RAPALLO TREATY, recognition by Great Britain, 141 REPARATIONS, 42, 66, 67 NAVAL ARMAMENTS,


Africa East, 396, 493; legislation, 431; with Kenya, 1150, 1151, 1230 CLAIMS re raids and incidents on frontier (1930), 992, 1180 DEPORTATION ' Of Somali subjects from Aden, 567 GRAZING RIGHTS and transit traffic (1937), 1668 TRAFFIC in game trophies (1932), 1152 SPAIN, correspondence re foreign volunteers (1937), 1580. See also SPAIN, Civil War STRESA CONFERENCE (1935), Anglo-Italian Declaration, 1350 TRADE AND PAYMENTS, see above Com-

merce 246, 560, 1035, 1138. See also REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE, etc. WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT, 240 WAR DEBTS,



(1933), dispatch to H.M.'s ambassador at Rome, 1183. See also EUROPE, EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT FRANCE, payment for coal deliveries, treasury minute, 206 FREE STATE OF FIUME, 58 GASH RIVER, utilization of waters, 507 IMPORTS, see above COMMERCE JUBALAND, see above EAST AFRICA KENYA, see below SOMALILAND LAKE TSANA, see above ABYSSINIA and FOUR-POWER PACT


JAPAN British attitude, 164 BOOKS, report on British gift (1923-33), 1247 CHINESE EASTERN RAILWAY, 222 COMMERCE, abrogation of Art. 8 of Treaty of 1911, 412; supplementary convention to treaty, 669; Australia trade agreement (1938), 1709; Burma, Anglo-Japanese convention (1937), 1557, 1613; Canada, customs treatment of imports (1935), 1591; India, convention and protocol regarding prolongation (1934), 1273, 1304, (1937), 1602; New Zealand commercial modus vivendi (1928), 767 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 39, 90 FINANCIAL CONSORTIUM, negotiations re privileges in Inner Mongolia and Southern Manchuria, 135 FLEET, I17, 198, 207, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 INCOME TAX re shipping profits (1929), 808 LABOUR, report, 49 LEASES, termination of perpetual leases (1937), 1569 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT, 362 MANCHURIAN CRISIS, see CHINA ANGLO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE,


648 method of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RUSSIA, Japanese intervention, 222 SHANGHAI CRISIS (1932), see CHINA SHANTUNG, Sino-Japanese Agreement, 222 SHIPPING PROFITS, see above Income Tax TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT, 269 TWENTY-ONE DEMANDS, 222 PARLIAMENT


222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES JEWS Sir S. Samuel's Report on Mission to Poland, 74. See also PALESTINE JOHORE State and Territory agreement between His Majesty and the Sultan (1927), 685a JUDGMENTS, see EVIDENCE KENYA JUSTICE,


report of commission, 1262a

INDEX RAILWAY RATES AND FINANCE, Ieport of Mr. Roger Gibb, 1152a See also ITALY Somaliland; ABYSSINIA, Raids and Incursions; AFRICA EAST LABOUR CONVICT OR FORCED, legislation, 904b, 1044; proposed action, 995. See also, INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES and SOVIET UNION LATVIA COMMERCE: agreement and exchange of notes, 1195, 1272, 1314; commerce and navigation treaty (1923), 326 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES (1927), 694 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY, 415, 5I9 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1939), 1816 LOANS FOR RELIEF, etc., see FINANCE ACCOUNTS NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 677, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN estates of deceased (1930), 9I2 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT, 663 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 LAUSANNE CONFERENCE (1922-23): records of proceedings and draft treaty, 273; treaties, 303, 306, 307, 348; correspondence with Canadian Government, 384a; legislation, 331, 363 (1932), see REPARATIONS, Lausanne LEAGUE OF NATIONS AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE, 76, 103, 235 ABYSSINIA, protest against U.K:Italian agreement re Lake Tsana, 628 ABYSSINIAN-ITALIAN . WAR (see also 16th Assembly, 1410): correspondence re application of Art. 16 (Jan. 1936), 1417; documents relating to dispute (Sept.Dec. 1935), 1406; documents and proceedings (Oct. 1935-Jan. 1936), 1416; report of Committee of Experts re petroleum (Feb. 1936), 1425; see also ITALY, Abyssinia AGRICULTURE, see TREATIES, Agriculture ANGLO-FINN ISIt DISPUTE, vessels used during the war (1932), 1118 ARBITRATION: protocol signed (1923), 454, legislation, 332, 339a; International Convention re execution of foreign

arbitral awards (1927), 910; Legislation, 778, 779, 784 ASSEMBLIES, reports: 1st, provisional agenda 102; SecretaryGeneral's, 103; British delegation: 3rd (1922), 270; 4th (1923), 343; 5th (1924), 466, see also Geneva protocol; 6th (1925), 557; Special, 8/17 March 1926, including Verbatim record of Third Plenary Meeting, 578; 7th (1926), 619; 8th (1927), 691; 9th (1928), 752; 10th (1929), 830; 11th (1930), 965; 12th (1931), 1054; 13th (1932), 1143; 14th (1933), 1229; 15th (1934), 1320; 16th (1935), 1410; 17th (1936), 1516; 18th (1937), 1610; 19th (1938), 1739 BALFOUR, speech before Imperial Conference (1921), 118, 164 BOLIVIA-PARAGUAY, documents relating to frontier incident (1928), 758 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT, proposed amendments to covenant (1929-30), 950. See also U.S.A. BROADCASTING in the cause of peace, International Convention (1936), 1558, 1649 COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSIT, see TRANSIT; 1st General Conference, see BARCELONA; 2nd General Conference, see GENEVA CONSTITUTION, note on (1932), 1062 COUNCIL OF, report of committee on composition of, 583 COUNCIL, Reports of Sessions, 25th, 301; 26th, 344; 27th, 345; 28th, 374; 29th, 392; 30th, 446; 31st, 469; 32nd, 470; 33rd, 484; 34th, 506; 35th, 526; 36th, 530; 37th, 565; 39th, 576; 40th, 594; 41st & 42nd, 610; 43rd, 633; 44th, 659; 45th, 667; 46th & 47th, 692; 48th, 696; 49th, 715; 50th, 726; 51st Sc 52nd, 753; 53rd, 763; 54th, 772; 55th, 800; 56th 8c 57th, 831; 58th, 854; 59th, 900; 62nd, 984; 63rd, 1013; 67th, 1104 COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE ACCESSION OF USA, 615, 820, 857 ODER RIVER DISPUTE, 756 OPTIONAL CLAUSE, declaration on behalf of H.M.'s Government at signature (1929), 819; memorandum at signature (1929), 829; letter re (1939), 1815 PROTOCOL ESTABLISHING (1920), 145, 316 PROTOCOL FOR REVISION OF STATUTES (1929), 822, 858 COVENANT, 14, in force from 26 Sept. 1924, 449 COMMENTARY ON, 14 LEGISLATION to incorporate into statute law 332, 339a, 1127, 1220, 1306, 1387,


INDEX LEAGUE OF NATIONS continued 1478, 1581 PACT OF PARIS (1929-30), proposed amendment (Arts. 12, 15), 950 PROTOCOL FOR AMENDMENTS: (Arts. 4, 13, 15, 26), 279; (Arts. 6, 12), 350; (Art. 16), 416; (Arts. 1, 4, 5, and annex to covenant), 1730 REPORTS of British representative and committee of council, (Art. 11), 657 DISARMAMENT, see DISARMAMENT DRAFT AGREEMENT, 14 Feb. 1919, 5 DRUGS, see DRUGS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, convention and memorandum (1930), 1015 GENERAL ACT FOR THE PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES

(1928): legislation, 1306, 1387, 1478, 1581; letter to Secretary-General (Feb. 1939), 1763; memorandum re accession of U.K., 983; text and various accessions, 1023. See also PARIS PEACE PACT GENEVA CONFERENCE, see ECONOMIC ACTION GENEVA PROTOCOL:

correspondence re position of dominions, 501a; protocol and resolution adopted by 5th Assembly, 430; reaction to British statement (33rd Session of Council), 484; report of British delegates, 447; statement by Sir A. Chamberlain, 12 March 1925, 478; views of India, 508 GERMAN MEMBERSHIP, 22. See also Reports of British Delegates to 1926. Special, and 7th Assemblies etc., and LOCARNO HAGUE CONFERENCE, codification of international law, see HAGUE CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE, see INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES IRAQ, application of Art. 22 of the Covenant, 458, 568; see also below TurkeyIraq boundary dispute and Mandated areas LIBERIA papers regarding affairs in (193034), 1260 MANCHURIAN CRISIS 1931-33, see CHINA MANDATES for, Cameroons, 156, 268, (see also FRANCE); East Africa, 149, 268, (see also BELGIUM); German possessions in Pacific, 130; German SouthWest Africa, 133; Iraq, 128, 170, (see also IRAQ); Nauru, 131, (see also NAURU ISLANDS); Palestine, 128, 170, 241, 265, (see also PALESTINE); Samoa, 132; Togoland, 156, 268, (see also FRANCE); Trans-Jordan, 265

PERMANENT COMMISSION, extract of report and reply of Foreign Office, 613

U.S.A., attitude to draft mandates, 137. See U.S.A., Mandates for, Anglo-U.S. agreements re Mandated areas MUTUAL ASSISTANCE, correspondence re draft treaty, 398. See also 4th Assembly OPIUM, see OPIUM PACIFIC SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL

DISPIrrEs, see above General Act PRISONERS OF WAR, 979, 980, 1030 REFUGEES, see REFUGEES RELIEF UNION, International Convention

and Statute (1927), 1154 legislation re, economic 1127, 1220 SLAVERY: Abyssinia, 167, 284; Liberia, 1260; Sierra Leone, 695; Sudan, 579, 65I; International Convention (1926), 662 TIN CONTROL SCHEME, 1333, 1726 TURKEY-IRAQ BOUNDARY DISPUTE: application of Art. 22 of Covenant, 458; sessions of the Council, 446, 469, 526, 565, 576; repott of General Laidoner, 538; decision of the Council, 541; deportation of Christians, 542; report of M. Unden, 544; further correspondence and proceedings of the Council, 568; TurkishIraq treaty of settlement, 587, 664 WOUNDED AND SICK in armies of world, 978, 980, 1029 SANCTIONS,


648. See also FRANCE, Mandated Areas LEGAL PROCEDURE, report of Committee re British and foreign legal procedure, 21a LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Austria, 1000, 1063; Belgium, 367, 1140, 1266, 1500; Czechoslavakia, 572, 1349, 1376; Denmark, 1161, 1182; Estonia, 1060, 1113; Finland, 1210, 1237; France, 232, 1296, 1447, 1462; Germany, 766; Greece, 1436, 1617; Hungary, 1399, 1450; Iraq, 1380, 1518; Italy, 956, 1093; Latvia, 1816; Lithuania, 1285, 1454; Netherlands, 1091, 1193, 1554; Norway, 975, 1026; Poland, 1064, 1092; Portugal, 1032, 1083; Spain, 815, 867; Sweden, 928, 970; Switzerland, 1628, 1771; Turkey, 1082, 1176, 1779, Yugoslavia, 1440, 1567






Sierra Leone and, (1930), 866





(1930-34), 1260

LIECHTENSTEIN, see SWITZERLAND LIGHTSHIPS International Agreement (1930), 976

1435 FRANCO-SOVIET PACT (1935) and Locarno 1429, 1435; see also EUROPE, European Settlement FINAL PROTOCOL AND TREATIES (1925), 524, 6I1 LEGISLATION, 1387 NEGOTIATIONS re PROPOSED PACT, 495, 505; see also, 494, 525 EASTERN LOCARNO,



illicit importation, 1212 U.S.A.: prohibition, 299; traffic in, 364, 397, 577 See also, AFRICA


LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS International Convention for the protection of (1928), 1002, 1081

LONDON CONFERENCES Auc. 1922, DEC. 1922 AND 1924, see REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan and London Conferences NAVAL 1930 and 1935-36, see NAVY WORLD ECONOMIC (1933), declaration of the British Commonwealth, 1201; statement by Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1189


LLOYD GEORGE Attitude to Peace Conference, 217 LITHUANIA COMMERCE: Anglo-Lithuanian Agreement (1922), 242; further exchange of notes (1929), 832; Trade and Commerce Agreement (1934), 1268, 1282; Tanganyika, commercial relations (1931), 1080 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION AGREEMENT, 661 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1285, 1454 LOANS, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS MEMEL TERRITORY CONVENTION (1924), 414, 528 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648 methods of dealing with international questions, 445 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50


LOAD LINES report of, 916 Canada-U.S., 1461; DenCERTIFICATES: mark, 459, 1535; Finland, 1377; Germany, 1378; Japan, 362, Netherlands, 1398; Norway, 1505; Portugal, 700; Spain, 1106; Sweden, 1446a; U.S.A., 1461 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1930), 915, 916, 1135; maps, 945 LEGISLATION, 904a, 1041, 1042, 1047. See also SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA


LOANS Guaranteed of British government, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS LOCARNO (See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, German Membership.)

establishment of


(1934), 1299

LUXEMBURG Canada and Luxemburg-Belgium, 457; New Zealand and Luxemburg-Belgium, 1238 EXTRADITION CONVENTION, 1532, 1680, 1807 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, in iron and steel industry, 887 COMMERCE:


1400 MADRID Universal Postal Union (1920), 175, 176 MALTA Correspondence with the Holy See re Maltese affairs (1929-1930), 880 MANDATES, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, U.S.A. Mandates; and individual countries MAPS 215 Arnawei and Dokalim, 1289 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANGOLA AND RHODESIA, boundary, 546 AUSTRIA, Treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye, 41 BORNEO, boundaries, Anglo-Dutch, 917; Philippine, 897, 1153 BULGARIA, Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine, 57 BUOYAGE, diagrams, 1598 CAMEROONS, 268, 313, 1028 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: German memorandum, 1701, 1702; Munich Agreement, 1702; protocols determining frontier, 1743 AERIAL NAVIGATION, AFGHANISTAN,


INDEX MAPS continued DANZIG: Treaty of Versailles, 15; German public property and Harbour Board property, 402 EGYPT, Treaty of Alliance (1936), 1496, 1514 EUROPE, 69 FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA, Sudan boundary, 142, 408 GAMBIA-SENEGAL, boundary, 790 GERMANY, Treaty of Versailles, 15 HUNGARY, Treaty of Trianon, 89 IRAQ-TURKEY, frontier, 587, 664 JUBALAND, boundaries, 396, 493 KENYA-SOMALILAND, 1230 LOAD LINES, 945 MOZAMBIQUE, Swaziland, 706; Union of South Africa, 708 NYON AGREEMENT, 1578 PALESTINE: boundary, 297; Shaw Commission, 859; report of Sir John Hope Simon, 926; pre-war Turkish administrative districts, 1765 PHILIPPINE AND NORTH BORNEO, boundary, 897, 1153 RHODESIA-ANGOLA, 546 SAAR, 15 SENEGAL-GAMBIA, boundary, 790 SLFsvIC, 15, 208 SOMALILAND-KENYA, 1230 SPITZBERGEN, 373 SUDAN, 408, 409, 682 SWAZILAND, 706 SYRIA, 297 TANGANYIKA, 268, 313, 637 TOGOLAND, 238, 268, 940 TURKEY: Treaty of Sevres, 95, 96; demilitarized zone of Straits and Thrace, the Islands Gallipoli peninsula (Lausanne), 273, 303; Iraq, 587, 664 UGANDA, 52, 99 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, 708 WEI-HAI-WEI AND LINKUNGTAO, 948 MARITIME PORTS Convention re (1923), 381, 488

MEXICO: CUMMINS, MR. H .A.C., correspondence re withdrawal, 410 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 OIL PROPERTIES, expropriation, Mexican Eagle Oil Company, 1663 PECUNIARY CLAIMS arising out of revolutionary acts, 653, 711; supplementary convention, 963, 997; payment of 3rd annual instalment, 1663 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 MONACO ExrRAnrrtoN, extension of treaty of 1891, 973, 1017 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648 MONTENEGRO ELECTIONS (Nov.-Dec. 1920), 124 FOOD CONTROLLER, 124 LOANS, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS POLITICAL CONDITIONS AND TRIALS, 123, 124 MONTREUX CONVENTION (1936), regime of the Straits, 1464, 1571 (1937), Egyptian capitulations, 1555, 1611 MOROCCO CAPITULATIONS, Anglo-French agreement re Morocco and Zanzibar (1937), 1565, 1620 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS (1938), 1687 CONSULAR VISAS, 361 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 98 NATIONALITY DECREES, 295 TANGIER: convention and amendments, 375, 401, 728, 745; commercial relations, 1687; economic conditions, 98 MOTOR TRAFFIC International Convention (1926), 852

MAURITIUS, see FRANCE, Telegraph Cable MERCHANT SEAMEN VENEREAL DISEASE, treatment for (1924), 597. See also INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES, Merchant Shipping MERCHANT SHIPS Denunciation of Convention VI, Hague Conference, 543 MESOPOTAMIA, see IRAQ

METRIC SYSTEM International Convention (1921), 317

MOTOR VEHICLES International Convention re Taxation (1931), 1065, 1155 MOZAMBIQUE, see PORTUGAL MUSCAT Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1939), 1791 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 648, 677, 747, 1016, 1400. See also individual countries





46d, 46f, 47c see Annual

NAVY Denmark (1938), 1782; Finland (1938), 1782; Germany (1935), 1362, 1366; (1937), 1562, 1614; (1938), 1677, 1694; Norway (1938), 1782; Poland (1938), 1656, 1744, 1745; Soviet Union (1937), 1561, 1636; (1938), 1676, 1803; Sweden (1938), 1782 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME (1930), 896 DISARMAMENT (in chronological order) AGREEMENTS:


(1922), 164, 19I, 207, 209, 214, 222, 351, 352, 517, 518, 782. See WASHINGTON CONFERENCE for details GENEVA CONFERENCE (1927): speeches at Plenary session, 676; statement of First Lord of Admiralty, 704 ANGLO-FRENCH AGREEMENT (1928), 743 LONDON CONFERENCE (1930): interpretation of Art. 19, 885; legislation, 782; memorandum (Feb. 4 1980), 841; memorandum on results, 868; construction programme (1930), 896; treaty of limitation and reduction of armaments, 871, 955 MEMORANDUM re negotiations with France and Italy (Feb.-March 1931), 988 LONDON CONFERENCE (1935-36): legislation, 1479; memorandum, 1438; procesverbal, rules of submarine warfare, pt. IV of Treaty of London, 1492; protocol modifying treaty, 1672; London Naval treaty (1936), 1432, 1575 ESTIMATES (1922-23): interim report, 207; remarks of Admiralty, 209; Admiralty explanation, 214 FLEETS, returns showing fleets of Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States (also Austro-Hungarian Empire 117 only), 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 JUTLAND, battle of, 106a, 650a SINGAPORE NAVAL BASE, correspondence with Dominions, 370a NEJD-HEJAZ,



NEPAL Anglo-Nepalse Treaty and Notes re arms and ammunition (1923), 377, 500

NETHERLANDS reciprocal exemption from duties on fuel and lubricants (1935), 1418 AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, documents of identity (1939), 1832 AIRMAIL SERVICES, East Indies and Australia (1930), 937 AIR NAVIGATION, provisional agreement (1923), 472 AIR TRANSPORTATION, see Income Tax AIR WORTHINESS CERTIFICATES (1930), 895 ARDmTRATIoN, prolongation of Treaty of 1905, 100, 511 BORNEO boundary with map (1928), 917 Cost MERCE: commercial relations (1934), 1275, 1291; Canadian-Dutch convention, 536; Irish Free State (1936), 1536; Newfoundland, British colonies and mandated territories, 1414; New Zealand (1987-38), 1681; Union of South Africa (1935), 1684 EcoNOMtc, financial and industrial conditions (1919), 87a EXTRADITION TREATY, Malaya Peninsula (1920), 97; Johore and Kedah (1925), 529 FISHING INDUSTRY, claims of Dutch (1929), 771 INCOME TAX: air transport profits exemptions (1936), 1473; any agency profits (1935), 1405, 1451; shipping profits (1926), 585; Canada, double taxation on income (1938), 1758 KAMARAN ISLAND SANITARY CONTROL, Mecca pilgrims, agreement (1926), 603; amendment (1939), 1810 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1932), 1091, 1193; convention to facilitate conduct of (1937), 1554 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1935), 1398 AIRCRAFT,


1016 222. See WASHINGTON TREATIES PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RHINE NAVIGATION, accession of Netherlands to Versailles Treaty and modification of Mannheim convention, 296 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RUDDER, agreements and protocols to regulate production and export, 1252, 1463, 1526 TELEPHONE SERVICE, Anglo-Dutch agreement, 282 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 NINE POWER TREATY,


INDEX PERSIA continued NEWFOUNDLAND Brazil, commercial relations with, 1469 Netherlands, Commercial Relations, 1414

methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b SPITZBERGEN, treaty regulating status (1920), 373


TERRITORIAL WATERS AND FISHERIES PROPOSALS, 718 TRADE after the raising of the brockade,

NEW ZEALAND extradition convention, 738; trade arrangement, 1238, 1513 FRANCE, war graves, 14I5 GERMANY, payments agreement, 1654; property, rights, and interests (The Hague), 935; trade agreement, 1655; war graves, 1415 GREECE, commercial modus vivendi, 807 JAPAN, commercial modus vivendi, 767 NAURU ISLANDS, 46d, 46f, 47c. See also NAURU ISLANDS NETHERLANDS, commercial relations, 1681 NORWAY, commercial relations, 1245 SWEDEN, commerce, customs, and navigation, 1368 SWITZERLAND, commercial relations, 1690


27, 34, 50


OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS Convention for the suppression of circulation (1923). 556 ODER RIVER Agreement to submit dispute to Court of International Justice, 756 OIL (San Remo), 75; affirmation of, 129; U.S.A. attitude to, 137; protocol, 1148 ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL CO., see PERSIA ANGLO-FRENCH AGREEMENT



NIGERIA French boundary, 898


sinian-Italian dispute), 1425


documents of iden-

tity (1937), 1626 ARBITRATION CONVENTION, 54, 499 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for suppression

of, 150 84a; (1920) 126 COMMERCE, Trade and Commerce Agreement (1933). 1178, 1234 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, New Zealand (1933), 1245 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS (1919), 84a; (1920), 126 EGYPT, capitulations, 150 FISHERIES, see below TERRITORIAL WATERS FISHING GEAR, claims re (1934), 1301 INCOME TAX: exemption of any agency, (1938), 1792; profits from shipping (1924), 461 JAN MAYEN ISLAND, recognition of Norwegian sovereignty (1930), 977 LEGAL PROCEEDING, civil and commercial matters, 975, 1026 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, (1919)



648 agreement for limitation and information (1938), 1782 Orro SVERDRUP ISLANDS, Canada and Norway re sovereignty (1930), 1004


OIL POLLUTION International Conference (1926), 594c OMAN, see MUSCAT OPIUM Agreement for control of opium smoking in Far East (1931), 1149, 1531 Agreement concerning manufacture, trade, and use (1925), 713 Correspondence re cultivation in China, 174 International Convention and subsequent papers, 172 Report on International Conference on, 502 PALESTINE ARAB AGENCY, proposed formation, 322 AUSTRIA, trade mark protection (1928), 716 ANGLO-FRENCH CONVENTIONS re Frontier

Questions and Boundaries (1920): boundaries, irrigation, railways, oil, schools, 129; agreement (1922). 297; (1926). 665; amended (1938), 1797 CITIZENSHIP, bill to extend nationality (not printed), 1581b CIVIL ADMINISTRATION, 169 CONSTITUTION, proposed new, 1430 CORRESPONDENCE: Arab delegation and Zionist organization, 239; Sir H. Mc-


INDEX Mahon and Sherif Hussein of Mecca (1915-16), 1765; report to consider, 1772, see also 1769 DEAD SEA SALT CONCESSIONS, 772a, 774a DISTURBANCES: of May 1921 and correspondence, 169, 177; of August 1929, report of Shaw Commission, 859 EGYPT: commercial agreement (1928), 751; commercial relations (1936), 1515; extradition, provisional agreement (1922), 471; reciprocal enforcements of judgments (1929), 797 ELECTIONS 1923, report by the commissioner, 293 GASPARRI, CARDINAL, correspondence re mandate, 241 HOGGARTH MESSAGE, see below Ottoman Empire IMMIGRATION, LAND SETTLEMENT, AND DEVELOPMENT: report by Sir John Hope Simpson, 925; appendix and maps, 926 IRAQ, commercial relations (1936), 1520 LAND SETTLEMENT, see above Immigration LOANS: government guaranteed Loan Bill (1926) amendments and memoranda, 548, 594a, 904, 999; bill guaranteeing loan raised by the government of Palestine (1934), 1221, 1251 MANDATE, 128, 129, 170, 241, 265 MCMAHON-HUSSEIN CORRESPONDENCE (19151916), 1765; report of committee, 1772 OTTOMAN EMPIRE, statements made during year 1918, 1769 PARTITION, report of Partition Commission, 1706 POLICY: British statement of, (1922), 239, (May 1930), 878, (Oct. 1930), 930, (1937), I559; Dispatch from Secretary of State (1937), 1612, (Nov. 1938), 1736, (May 1939), 1786 ROYAL COMMISSION REPORT (1937), 1549 ROUMANIA, certificates of origin (1935), 1365 SHAW COMMISSION, 859 U.S.A.: Anglo-US. convention re rights of governments and nationals, 540; correspondence re U.S. rights (1937), 1568 WAILING WALL INCIDENT, 750


(of Vatican), 1016 PEACE PROPOSALS (1917), 25 PARAGUAY frontier incident (1928), 758 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS (1928), 932 EXTRADITION, supplementary convention (1933), 1281 BOLIVIA,

PARIS CONFERENCE (1919), see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL (1922), financial agreement re German and Austrian reparations, 219; pronouncement re Near Eastern question, 225 (1923), see REPARATIONS PARIS PEACE PACT (1928), see also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, General Act, Correspondence with U.S. ambassador, 717, 722 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War, 816 Legislation, 1387 Proposed amendment to Covenant of League of Nations, 950 PATENTS Legislation re International Convention, 1581a, 1582c, 1587a PARLIAMENTS Methods adopted by various countries for dealing with international questions 445. (See also individual countries.) PEACE Bills to incorporate in statute law the obligations of the covenant of the League, the Paris Pact, and the Locarno Treaties, 332, 339a, 1127, 1220, 1306, 1887, 1478, 1581 PEACE CONFERENCE (1919), see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL PERSIA


29 finance, 4, 190, 196. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS COMMERCIAL CONVENTION (1920), 101






(1929-30), 880



agreement for withdrawal, 1089, 1165 Lonis: Reconstruction Agreement (1919), 29; unrepaid advances, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS 461

INDEX PERSIA continued NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, gift of books, 483 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 10I6, 1400 RECONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT, 29 RUSSIA: appeal to League re Soviet troops, 103; activities in Persia, 294 TARIFF AUTONOMY, Anglo-Persian Agreement (1928), 890, 1411 PERU COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION AGREEMENT (1936), 1477 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND SAMPLES (1928), 855 ECONOMIC SITUATION, 79 MINERAL PROPERTY, agreement re "La Brea y Parinas" (1921), 204 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 1400 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 PETROLEUM, see OIL POISON GAS, see DISARMAMENT, Memoranda on Chemical Warfare POLAND BOUNDARIES, Treaty of Sevres (1920), 182 COMMERCE: Navigation Treaty (1923), 406; trade agreement (1935) and amendments, 1332, 1379, 1601, 1780; AngloPolish Guarantee Agreement (1939), 1808; pneumatic tyres, customs classification (1937), 1618; Canada, commercial convention (1935), 1600; India, commercial convention (1931), 1097 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AGREEMENT (1933), 1283, 1335 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY (1932), 1071, 1248 GERMAN-POLISH RELATIONS (1934-1939), 1814. See also GERMANY, Anglo-German Relations INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, restoration of, 104 JEws, ill-treatment of, 74 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1931), 1064, 1092 . • LITHUANIAN DISPUTE, 103 LOANS: war and relief loans, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS (1939); agreement for a loan to, France and U.K., 1817 LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MUTUAI, ASSISTANCE, Anglo-Polish Agreement (1939), 1812 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 1400 NAVAL AGREEMENTS: limitation and information (1938), 1656, 1744; modification of agreement, 1745

ODER RIVER, agreement to submit question to Court of International Justice, 756 PARLIAMENT method Of dealing with international questions, 445 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT Slurs (1934), 1292, 1348; Irish Free State (1934), 1373 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE (1919), 20 TYPHUS work done by League of Nations, 103 POPE, see PAPACY PORTUGAL AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, Union of South Africa identity documents, 1577 AIR SERVICES: over territories in Africa (1935), 1408; agreement, Union of South Africa (1937), 1645; London-Lisbon (1939), 1778 ANGOLA Boundaries: Rhodesia (1915) confirmed (1925), 546; South-West Africa (1926), 616; (1931), 1012 Kunene River, water (1926), 617 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 54, 516, 631 CAMPBELL, MAJOR, arbitration of claim for damages, 923 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for the suppression of in Egypt, 185 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, see - Mozambique COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1929), with the . Irish Free State, 1072 EXTRADITION TREATIES AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONVENTION, 183, 184, 1070, 1200 FLAG DISCRIMINATION IN PORTUGUESE PORTS (1933), 1215 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, restoration of, 104 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1032, 1083 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1928), 700 LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS MOZAMBIQUE BOUNDARIES: Rhodesia (1920), 99; Swaziland (1927), 706; Tanganyika (1936-37), 1629; Union of South Africa (1927), 708 CHINDE AND CHIPOLO, cancellation of concessions, 501 COMMERCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Basutuland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland (1930) 921; (1938), 1679 CONVENTION WITH TRANSVAAL 1909 (1923), 292 CONVENTION, UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: re native labour, railways matters, and commercial intercourse (1928), 849; re-


INDEX vision (1934) 1422; (1936), 1641; extension and modification (1938), 1683 NINE POWER TREATY, 222 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 QUADRUPLE PACIFIC TREATY, 222 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT SHIPS, 586 WAR DESrs, Balfour note, 246; agreement for settlement, 627; see also REPARATIONS HAGUE CONFERENCE; suspension of (1931), 1035; protocols supplementary to agreements (1932), 1138 POSTAL UNION CONVENTION OF MADRID (1920), 175, 176 POSTAL CONVENTION re insured letters and boxes (1929), 927 POUND-FOR-POUND SCHEME, 69 PRISONERS OF WAR, see GENEVA CONFERENCE 1929 PRODUCTION, price movement and currency expansion in various countries, 39, 77b RAILWAYS Convention re international regime for (1923), 382, 487; see also TRANSIT RED SEA Convention re maintenance of certain lights (1930), 952 REFRIGERATION International convention (1920), 283; modified (1937), 1658, 1734 REFUGEES CZECH TRUST FUND, 1804 GERMAN, provisional arrangement, (1936), 1506; Convention (1938) re status of, 1671, 1753 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION re STATUS, (1933), 1511 RELIEF LOANS, see individual countries, and FINANCE ACCOUNTS RELIEF MISSIONS, 56, 69 RELIEF UNION Convention for the establishment of, 1154 REPARATIONS (Includes documents related to German Reparations and International Confer-

ences and agreements; for Reparations concerning other countries see AUSTRIA, BULGARIA, HUNGARY, RUMANIA, TURKEY, etc.) ALLIED CASE, 22 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS, see below Hague Conference BASLE REPORT (1931), 1056, see below Lausanne Conference BRITISH EMPIRE, apportioning of receipts, 164 CLAIMS: Anglo-French agreement (1929). 814; report re suffering and damage arising out of enemy action, 268a, 366 CORRESPONDENCE (Jan-July 1920), 151 CORRESPONDENCE WITH ALLIED GOVERNMENTS (June-Aug. 1923), 305 DAWES COMMITTEE REPORTS, 376 DAWES PLAN (see also below, Transfer Agreements): agreements signed at London (1924), 424; annuities, distribution of, 473, 539, 655; commerce and navigation treaty, 475, 520; Franco-British memorandum, 9 July 1924, 395; London Conference (1924): correspondence, 391; proceedings, 429 HAGUE CONFERENCE GENERAL: report of Committee of Experts (Young Report), 793; protocol and annexes, 31 Aug. 1929, 805; agreements concluded Jan. 1930, 840; British receipts, 886 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT: Convention, 840, 962; German 51I1A% o Loan, 957; Treasury Minute, 894; report of special advisory Committee (1931), 1056; protocol re immunities (1936), 1508, 1553 AUSTRIA: agreements, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties, liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligations, 960; mixed arbitral tribunal, 1038; properties, 870, 958 BULGARIA: agreements, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties, liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligations, 974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: financial obligation, 840, 961 GERMANY: agreements, 840; financial obligations, 959; property statement, 842, 877; property, rights, and interests; and Australia, 911; and New Zealand, 935; liquidation of property, Canada, 1007; Rhineland evacuation, 30 Aug. 1929, 817, 981 HUNGARY: agreement, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties,


INDEX REPARATIONS continued liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligation, 876, 1018; properties, 899, 996 HOOVER MORATORIUM': report of Committee of Experts, suspension of certain inter-governmental debts, protocols, and declarations (Aug. 1931), 1035; protocol suspension of Bulgarian payments (1932), 1084; suspension of Hungarian payments (1932), 1079; supplementary protocols (1931-32), 1138 LAUSANNE CONFERENCE (1932): report of Basle committee, 1056; final act of conference, 1100; further documents, 1102; declaration of U.K. and France re European unity, July 1932, 1103; supplementary protocols, (Aug. 1931-Jan. 1932), 1138 LONDON CONFERENCE: (Aug. 1922), minutes of meetings, 423; (Dec. 1922), reports and secretaries' notes, 272; (JulyAug. 1924) see above Dawes Plan PARIS CONFERENCE: (1922) financial agreement re German and Austrian reparations, 219; (1923) reports and secretaries' notes, 272 PAYMENTS: (1922), decision of the Reparation Commission, 223; Anglo-German agreements, see below Transfer PROPERTIES, aliens in necessitous circumstances, 237, 357; see above Hague Conference; GERMANY, Versailles, Art. 297 RECOMMENDATIONS OF SUPREME COUNCIL,

Anglo-German Transfer Agreements and Amendments, 1267, 1674, 1691, 1727, 1731; AngloGerman Transfer Agreement, extention to Sudetenland, 1793; Anglo-German Payment Agreements, 1280, 1290, 1300, 1371, 1673, 1728; bill re debts, clearing office and import restrictions, reprisals, 1221a, 1713; Canadian-German Agreement, 1592; New Zealand-German Payments Agreement, 1654. See also RUMANIA, Commercial Payments VERSAILLES, TREATY OF, modification of Annex II of Part VIII, 155; protocol amending para. 13 of Annex II of Part VIII, 455. See also above Dawes Plan, and GERMANY, Versailles WIESBADEN AGREEMENT (1921), decision of Reparation Commission, Franco-German agreement re Part VIII and protocol, report, explanation by Sir John Bradbury, 181 YOUNG REPORT (1929), 793. See above Hague Conference TRANSFER AND PAYMENTS,

RHINE RIVER CONVENTION (1923), 422, 521 MANNHEIM CONVENTION, accession of the Netherlands to modifications introduced at Treaty of Versailles, 296 RHINELAND, see GERMANY RHODESIA, see BELGIUM, Belgian Congo; PORTUGAL, Mozambique, Angola

70 (1921) Anglo-German agreement amending administration, 482 Hague Conference, 840 Legislation, 108, 109 Negotiations with German government and decree (1924), 371 Statements showing amounts paid: April 1921 to March 1922, 233; April 1922 to March 1923, 285; April 1923 to March 1924, 378; April 1924 to closing of account, 10 April 1925, 523 Treasury minutes, 144, 154, 365, 427 Treaty of commerce and navigation, 475, 520 RHINELAND, see GERMANY SPA CONFERENCE (1920), protocol respecting coal, 151; agreements between Allied governments, 218 REPARATIONS (RECOVERY) ACT


see above Hoover Moratorium papers respecting the German transfer moratorium, 1262



RIVERS Regime for navigable rivers, Barcelona Conference, 324. See also BARCELONA CONFERENCE RUANDI-URUNDI, see BELGIUM, East Africa RUBBER, see TREATIES Rubber RUMANIA allied powers and, (1920) 252 Anglo-Runanian agreement (1933), 1227; Palestine (1935), 1365; Canada (1934-35), 1540 COMMERCE, exchange of notes, 302; Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (1930), 909, 1033; treaty with Irish Free State (1930), 1039 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS: accounts and receipts of Clearing Office to 31 March 1937, 1584; to 31 March 1938, 1720; legislation, 1221a, 1713; payments aBESSARABIA,



INDEX greements and modification, supplementary agreements and technical notes (1935-1939), 1325, 1375, 1445, 1448, 1545, 1546, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1650, 1678, 1696, 1795, 1818; protocol for commercial and economic relations (1939), 1785 DANUBE, see DANUBE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69, 84 LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, acceptance of discharge books (1937), 1619 TREATY, Allied Powers (1919), 60 TREATY OF SEVRES (1920), 182 TURKEY, Lausanne treaties, protocol for signature, 348 WAR DEBTs: Balfour Note, 246; agreement for settlement (1925), 681 (see also 588, paper withdrawn); suspension of (1931), 1035, see also REPARATIONS; protocols supplementary to agreement (1932), 1138 RUSSIA, see SOVIET UNION SAAR BASIN, see GERMANY SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1929), 1134 LEGISLATION, 904a SAMOA Mandate for, 132 SAN REMO OIL AGREEMENT, see OIL, and FRANCE SAN SALVADOR COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: modus vivendi (1928), 709; exchange of notes (1931), 1055; Canada and (1937), 1688; Irish Free State and (1931), 1236 SANITATION AERIAL NAVIGATION, sanitary convention (1933), 1269, 1363 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION (1912) 121, (1926) 740; modification of 1926 convention (1938), 1773, 1820 KAMARAN ISLAND, Sanitary Control Agreement (1926), 603; Amendment of (1939), 1810 SAUDI ARABIA BAHREIN, transit dues (1935), 1442

BOUNDARIES, Iraq-Nejd and Trans-JordanNejd frontier agreement, 545 TELEGRAPH CABLE, Port Sudan-Jeddah (1926), 644 TRANS-JORDAN-SAUDI ARABIA, treaty of friendship and bon voisinage (1933). 1284 TREATY OF JEDDAH, Nejd and Hejaz (1927), 672; modification of (1936), 1524 SERB-CROAT-SLOVENE STATE, YUGOSLAVIA


SHIPS International Agreement re immunity of state-owned ships (1926), 1634; supplementary protocol (1934), 1635 SIAM AIR SERVICES, regular operation of, Burma, India, and Siam (1937), 1624 ARBITRATION CONVENTION (1925), 638 BOUNDARY, Burma (Kengtung) and Siam (1931-32), 1095; (1934), 1279 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1925), 574; notes exchanged 575; Anglo-Siamese Treaty (1937), 1603, 1653; temporary continuance of rights under treaty of 1925 (1937), 1602a, 1652 COMMERCIAL SITUATION, 82 CUSTOMS LAW (1926), 630 ENEMY DEBTS, Anglo-Siamese convention (1921), 226 JURISDICTION: revision of mutual treaty arrangements and protocol concerning jurisdiction (1925), 573; notes exchanged in connection with, 575; right of evocation from Siamese Courts (1937), 1604, 1748; temporary continuance of rights, 1602a, 1652 MEKONG RIVER NAVIGATION (1928), 760 NATIONALITY of persons affected by redelineation of boundary, 1547 RUBBER, agreement re production and export (1934), 1252; protocols amending agreement, 1463, 1526 SIERRA LEONE BOUNDARY WITH LIBERIA (1930), 866 DOMESTIC SLAVERY, 695 SINGAPORE BOUNDARY WITH JOHORE (1927), 685a NAVAL BASE, correspondence with Domin ions, 370a SILVER AGREEMENT Canada, Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain, and the U.S.A. (1933), 1287



SINN FEIN, see SOVIET UNION, Ireland; GERMANY, Sinn Fein SLAVERY, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Slavery SOMALILAND, see ITALY, Somaliland SOUDAN, see SUDAN SOUTH AMERICA British Mission (1918), 9 SOVIET UNION ARCOS LTD., see below Relations between U.K. and U.S.S.R. BANKS Russian, Communist funds, 719 BRITISH TRAWLERS, arrest of, 288, 289, 294 BRUSSELS CONFERENCE, Russian foreign indebtedness, 180 CHINESE EASTERN RAILWAY, 222 COMMERCE (in chronological order) Anglo-Russion trade agreement (1921), 134 Anglo-French correspondence re agreement, 163 Conditions for re-establishing economic relations with West: Genoa Conference, 231, 234; Hague Conference, 243 Correspondence re Trade Agreement, 288, 289, 294 Draft Treaty (1924), 405 Anglo-Russian Treaty, trade and commerce (1924), 426 Temporary Commercial Agreement (1930), 869 Report on the Organization of Foreign Trade, 1014 Bill to prohibit goods made by foreign forced labour, 904b, 1044 Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of Russian goods (1933), 1126 Temporary Commercial Agreement (1934), 1242, 1250 Agreements re guarantees in connection with exports (1936), 1466 COMMITTEE TO COLLECT INFORMATION ON RUSSIA, 7, 105, 143 CoSMuNIsr PAPERS, arrest of British lead-

ers, 591 CONDITIONS UNDER BOLSHEVISM, 7, 105, 143 CONGRESS OF SovIETs, Eighth All-Russian.

143 F., correspondence re murder of, 280, 288, 289, 294 DEBTS, responsibilities of Soviet government, 163, 180, 231, 234, 243 DAVIDSON, MR. C.

143; in southern Russia, 56, 69 EKATERINBURG, 7 ENGINEERS, arrest of, see below METROPOLITAN VICKERS CO. Copenhagen EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS, (1920), 59 FISHERIES, temporary agreement (1980), 879 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757. See also below Naval Agreements FRANCO-SOVIET (1935), treaty, documents, and discussions related thereto, 1429, 1435. See also EUROPE, European Settlement GENOA CONFERENCE, 224, 231, 234 GERMANY, Treaty of Rapallo, 234 HAGUE CONFERENCE (1922), 243 HARDING, MRS. STAN, imprisonment of, 213, 288, 289, 294 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS,


IMPRISONMENT OF BRITISH AND ALLIED SUBJECTS, 7, 105, 134, 288, 289, 294 INTERVENTION, 32, 36, 80, 83; murder of

26 commissars in Transcaspian province, 280; reasons for, Mr. Churchill, 83; cost of naval and military operations, 32, 36, 80; Japanese intervention, 222 IRELAND, proposed treaty, and relationship between Sinn Fein and Bolshevism, 152 JAPAN, intervention in Siberia and Sakhaline, 222 KOLCHAK, recognition of Admiral Kolchak's government, 83 LABOUR CONDITIONS, abandonment of League of Nations inquiry, 103 LABOUR LEGISLATION: selected documents (1931), 968; bill to prohibit goods made by foreign forced labour, 904b, 1044 (not printed). See also INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE, 14th Meeting LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS METROPOLITAN-VICKERS COMPANY, correspondence re arrest of employees, March 1933, 1168; March-April 1933, 1169 MILITARY OPERATIONS IN NORTH RUSSIA, 83 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648, 1016, 1400 limitation and information (1937) 1561, 1636; protocol modifying agreement (1938) 1676, 1803 OIL, influence of Soviet exports on U.K. oil prices, 768 PARCEL PosT, Anglo-Russian convention (1934), 1277 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 NAVAL AGREEMENT,


INDEX PEASANTRY UNDER BOLSHEVISM, 143 PERSIA, Soviet troops in, 103 POLITICAL CONDITIONS, 105, 143 PROPAGANDA, India, Persia, Afghanistan,

288, 289, 294 RAPALLO, treaty of, RELATIONS BETWEEN

234 U.K. AND RUSSIA (1923), 288, 289, 294; (1924), 404, 420, 425; (1925), 591; (1927), 639 Documents found in Arcos raid and published by Foreign Office, 652 Papers, including Zinoviev letter, 660 Russian banks and Communist funds, 719 Renewal of diplomatic relations (1929), 818, 834 RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION, 288, 289 RELIGIOUS LEGISLATION, 853, 902 ROMAN OF FAMILY, murder of, 7 TERROR in, 143 TRADE, see Commerce TRADE UNIONS, 143 TRAWLERS, arrest of British, 288, 289, 294 TREATY draft of general treaty (1924), 404, 420; signed (1924), 425 ZINOVIEV LETTER, 660 SPA CONFERENCE PROTOCOL re COAL, 151 AGREEMENT re REPARATIONS, 218

(in chronological order): Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (1922), 393; duration of (1926), 609; convention re certain provisions (1927), 649; interpretation of (1928), 710; modification of (1927-28), 755; commercial relations, Irish Free State and (1934), 1316, (1935), 1372 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS: agreement (1936) 1413, 1426; amendment (1936), 1465; Clearing Office' receipts and payments, (1936), 1485a; (1937), 1584; (1938), 1720; legislation, 1221a, 1713 COMPANIES, agreement re treatment of (1924), 403 EXTRADITION TREATY, Malay States, 43 IFNI, declaration re trade in arms and ammunition (1925), 827 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1929), 815, 867 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1932), 1106 MOROCCO, economic situation, 98



257, 1400 NYON CONFERENCE, see above Civil War PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with in-

ternational questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENT AND PRODUCTION, 39 PROOF MARKS, exchange of notes re proof

marks on fire arms, 679 (1933), 1287



ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 370 CIVIL WAR (in chronological order)

Bill to prohibit transshipment of weapons and ammunition (1936), 1480 Bill for observation of Spanish frontier (1937), 1482 Legislative and other measures taken by governments to give effect to nonintervention, and action of Swiss government (1936), 1491 Declaration and exchange of notes re status quo in the Mediterranean (193637), 1512 Resolution re scheme of observation by land and sea (March 1937), 1529 Declaration of British and Italian governments (Jan. 1937), 1533 Proposals submitted by H.M. of the U.K. (July 1937), 1563 Nyon Agreement : piratical attacks by submarines, with map (1937), 1578; attacks by aircraft and surface vessels (1937), 1579 Correspondence re withdrawal of foreign volunteers (1937), 1580 Text of resolution re-affirming and extending agreement re withdrawal of foreign volunteers, beIligerant rights, observation frontiers (July 1938), 1675

STAMP LAWS re STAMPS: in connection with cheques (1931), 1008, 1214; with bills of exchange and promissory notes (1930), 1188, 1255



tion of (1913), 369; re economic statistics (1928), 848, 938; re causes of death (1934), 1295 STRESA CONFERENCE Stresa Conference (1935), 1350 SUDAN see ABYSSINIA; also below Finances, Administration and Condition BOUNDARY: Eritrea, 409; French-Equatorial Africa, 408; Libya, 1286



dispatch by Ramsay MacDonald, 428 agreement re financial question affecting Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1936), 1499




INDEX SUDAN continued 93; (1920), 167; (1921), 278; (1922), 308; (1923), 444; (1924), 531; (1925), 604; (1026), 682; (1927), 765; (1928), 813; (1929), 934; (1930), 1027; (1931), 1111; (1932), 1196; (1933), 1276; (1934), 1396; (1935), 1475; (1936), 1589; (1937), 1737 GASH RIVER Anglo-Italian agreement re use of waters, 507 GEZIRA IRRIGATION SCHEME, 388. See also above, Finances, Administration, etc. LEE STACK INDEMNITY FUND, 765, 813. See also above, Finances, Administration, etc. LOAN TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SUDAN,

legislation, 3, 189, 246a; notes and memoranda, 23, 25b, 258. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS, TRADE FACILITIES, and above, Finances, Administration, etc. SLAVERY, papers re 579, 651 TELEGRAPH CABLE, Port Sudan-Jeddah (1926), 644 SUEZ CANAL, see EGYPT

SUPREME COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE with German Peace deIegation and Government, 151 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE WORLD, 70 RECOMMENDATOINS re German Reparations, 70 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT CANNES (1922), 221 SWAZILAND (1927), 706 (1930), 921;

(1938), 1679 SWEDEN 76, 103, 235 documents of identity (1938), 1697 AIR NAVIGATION AGREEMENT (1921), 380 ARBITRATION CONVENTION, 54, 492 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for the suppression of in Egypt, 159 COMMERCE: Trade and Commerce Agreement (1933), 1179, 1205; supplementary agreement (1935), 1397; New Zealand, customs and navigation (1935), 1368 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL SITUATION, 77 COPYRIGHT CONVENTION, ratification by, 40 INCOME TAX: on profits from shipping, 462; on profits from any agency, 1019 AALAND ISLANDS,

648, 1400 limitation and information (1938), 1782 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions: 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50


SWITZERLAND AIR TRAFFIC, documents of identity for personnel (1938), 1707; duties on fuel and lubricants (1938), 1700 convention with Switzerland, 840 Australia, commercial agreement (1938), 1767; New Zealand, commercial relations (1938), 1690 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1934), 1343, 1374 INcoME Tax, gains arising from any agency, 1073, 1107 LEAGUE OF NATIONS, special position, 103 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1937), 1628, 1771 LIECHTENSTEIN, commercial relations, 385



257 methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: exchange of notes (1929), 845; Irish Free State (1930), 951 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 PARLIAMENT,





SUGAR International agreement re regulation of production and marketing of (1937), 1543


civil and commercial matters (1930), 928, 970 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1936). 1446a MARRIAGE, Lady Louise Mountbatten to Crown Prince Gustaf Adolph, treaty (1923), 347


SYRIA (1920), boundaries, irrigation, railways, oil, schools, 129 BOUNDARIES: Angora Agreement, AngloFrench correspondence, 203; Palestine Agreements, 129, 297, 665, 1797 MONEY ORDERS, agreement (1928), 737





INDEX TANGANYIKA BOUNDARIES: Mozambique (1936-37), 1629; Ruandi-Urundi, 268, 813, 637, 1419, 1420, 1669, 1670 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS WITH LITHUANIA (1931), 1080 DAR-ES-SALAAM, Imperial Shipping Committee, harbour report, 664a FINANCIAL MISSION Of Sir Sydney Armitage-Smith, 1119a FINANCE AND RAILWAY RATES, report of Roger Gibb, 1152a INDIAN SETTLEMENT, proposals, 150a JUSTICE, report of commission, 1262a LOAN: interest and sinking fund (1927), 648a; bill, 1044a; treasury minute, 1049a; memorandum, 1073a. See FINANCE ACCOUNTS and AFRICA, EAST, Loan MANDATE, 149, 268 REPORTS (1918-1920), 161; (192I), 245 REPORT ON EAST AFRICA, 482a; future policy for, 661a REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON CLOSER UNION of Eastern and Central Africa, 750a U.S.A., convention re rights of governments and nationals, 599 WATER RIGHTS, Anglo-Belgian Agreement (Ruandi-Urundi-Tanganyika), 1420, 1670 TANGIER, see MOROCCO TARIFF TRUCE CONFERENCE, see ECONOMIC, Economic Action TAXATION TREATIES RELATING To: Canada-U.S.A., 1705; Canada-Netherlands, 1758; Denmark, shipping profits, 460; Finland, shipping profits, 533, any agency, 1341; France, shipping profits, 1120, air transport, 1355, 1829; Germany, air transport, 1625, shipping profits, 699; Greece, any agency, 1498, shipping profits, 806; Iceland, shipping profits, 712; Japan, shipping profits, 808; Netherlands, air transport, 1473, any agency, 1405, 1451, Canada, 1758, shipping profits, 585; Norway, any agency, 1792, shipping profits, 461; Sweden, any agency, 1019, shipping profits, 462; Switzerland, any agency, 1073, 1107 TIN CONTROL SCHEME, papers relating to, 1333, 1726 TOGOLAND BOUNDARIES, 892, 940 MANDATE, 156, 268

REPORT ON BRITISH SPHERE and dispatch from governor of the Gold Coast, 238 U.S. NATIONALS, Anglo-U.S. Convention (1925), 601 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENTS Egypt, 1777; Estonia, 593; Finland, 413; Greece, 625; Iraq, 413; Irish Free State Poland, 1373; Japan, 269; Latvia, 663; Poland, 1292, 1348, 1373; Portugal, 586 TORPEDOES INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION re SALVAGE (1984), 1293; additional protocol (1938), 1667 TRADE EXPORT CREDITS GUARANTEE SCHEME (192829), 828 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS, International Convention (1028-9), 850 OVERSEAS TRADE, facilities, legislation, statements of guarantees, and accounts of funds issued from Consolidated Fund, etc., 46c, 46g, 48a, 63b, 77a, 110a, 110b, 110c, 110d, 116a, 150b, 172a, 194, 197, 242b, 246a, 246b, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 330, 337, 340, 342, 358, 433, 436, 438, 441, 442, 474, 547, 550, 551, 553, 554, 561, 620, 623, 689, 727, 728, 733, 748, 780, 788, 860, 907, 1048, 1130, 1219, 1225, 1244, 1310, 1395, 1484, 1489, 1544, 1587, 1715, 1719, 1723, 1725 REPORT OF M. VAN ZEELAND on general reduction of obstacles of international trade (1938), 1621 TRADE AND NAVIGATION AccouNTS (1921), 112, 113; (1922), 192, 193 TRANSIT and COMMUNICATIONS BARCELONA CONFERENCE (1921): convention and recommendations, 234; freedom of transit, 323; navigable waterways, 324; flag of states with no sea coast, 325 GENEVA CONFERENCE (1923): final act of Second Conference, 384; customs formalities, 383, 476; maritimes ports, 381, 488; railways, 382, 487; electric power, 489; hydraulic power, 490 TRANS-JORDAN ANGLO-JORDANIAN AGREEMENT (1928), 707, 844; supplementary agreement (1934), 1274, 1382 BOUNDARY, Saudi-Arabian frontier, the Hadda and Bahra agreements and correspondence related thereto (1925), 545 LOAN, Treasury Minute re repayment of loan in connection with earthquake damage (1933), 1174



CIAL TRAVELLERS 383, 476 253, 1762, 1800, 1801 DANZIG, re property transfer, 402 DENGUE fever, 1315, 1385 DRUGS, 754, 953, 1053, 1204, 1822. See also OPIUM and DRUGS ELBE, navigation, 276, 372 ELECTRIC power, 489 EMIGRANTS, 812 EXHIBITIONS, 839, 969 EXPORT and import restrictions, 850 EXTRADITION, see EXTRADITION FILMS, educational, 1381, 1438 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, 1015 FISHING NETS, size and limits of catch, 1556 GENEVA, communications and transit, 381, 382, 383, 476, 487, 488, 489, 490. See also TRANSIT GOODS, false indication of origin, 724, 1692 HAGUE, denunciation of Convention VI, 543 HIDES AND SKINS, exportation, 824 HYDRAULIC POWER, 490 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, protection of, 725, 1693 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, See LEGAL PROCEEDINGS LIGHTSHIPS, manned, not at their station, 976 LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS, protection, 1002, 1081 LOAD LINES, 915, 945, 1135. See also LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES Locusts: Bureau of Intelligence, 865; Third Conference proceedings, 1299 MARITIME BUOYAGE, 1598 MARITIME PORTS, 381, 488 MEMEL TERRITORY, 414, 528 MERCHANT SEAMEN, venereal disease, 597 METRIC SYSTEM, 317 MONTREUX CONVENTION: (1936), 1464, 1571; (1937), 1555, 1611 MOTOR TRAFFIC, 852 MOTOR VEHICLES, taxation, 1065, 1155 NATIONALITY LAWS, 1185, 1573 NATIONALITY AND STATELESSNESS, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1542, 1572 NAVAL AGREEMENT, see NAVY NYON AGREEMENTS, 1578, 1579. See also SPAIN, Civil War OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS, 556 OIL POLLUTION, 594c OPIUM, 172, 713, 1149, 1531. See also OPIUM PARIS PACT, 816. See also PARIS PACT POSTAL UNION, 175, 176, 927 PRISONERS OF WAR, 979, 980, 1030 CUSTOMS FORMALITIES,


1016 Treaty of Friendship and Bon Voisinage (1933), 1284


TREATIES accessions, withdrawals, ratifications, etc.: (1919), 31; (1919-21), 205; (1922). 271; (1923), 349; (1924), 467; (1925), 558; (1926), 634; (1927), 697; (1928), 761; (1929), 846; (1930), 990; (1931), 1066; (1932), 1157; (1933), 1240; (1934), 1328; (1935), 1423; (1936), 1522; (1937), 1627; (1938), 1754



General Index: (1917-1921), 251; (19221926), 671; (1927-1929), 901; (1930-1932), 1173; (1933-1935), 1452; (1936-1938), 1790 Annual Index: (1919), 55; (1920), 210: (1921), 211; (1922), 274; (1923), 353; (1924), 468; (1925), 559; (1926), 635; (1927), 698; (1928), 762; (1929), 847; (1930), 989; (1931), 1066a; (1932), 1159; (1933), 1239; (1934), 1329; (1935), 1424; (1936), 1523; (1937), 1630; (1938), 1755 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS (for details and correspondence see individual items) AALAND. ISLANDS, non-fortification, 235 AFRICA: liquor traffic, 46; trade, 45; protection of flora and fauna, 1218, 1474 AGRICULTURE, International Institute, 837; Mortgage Credit Company, 1024 AERIAL NAVIGATION, 25a, 215, 247, 281, 300, 464, 465, 864, 1206, 1504; sanitary convention, 1269, 1363 AIR CARRIAGE, 1167 AIRCRAFT, damage caused by, 1412 AIR TRAFFIC, exemption from taxation on fuels and lubricants, 1783. See also AIR ANIMALS, contagious diseases, 581 ARBITRATION, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS and ARBITRATION ARMS AND AMMUNITION trade, 38; declaration re Ifni, 827 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS,

see REPARATIONS, Hague Conference BARCELONA, 323, 324, 325. See also TRANSIT BILLS OF HEALTH and consular visas, 1347 BILLS OF LADING., 986 BONES, exportation, 823 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT see PARIS PEACE PACT BROADCASTING in cause of peace, 1558, 1649 BUOYAGE, see below Maritime Buoyage COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, see COMMER-



INDEX 382, 487 maintenance of lights, 952 REFRIGERATION, 283, 1658, 1734 REFUCEEs: status of, 1511; German, 1506, 1671, 1753 RELIEF UNION, 1154 RHINE CONVENTION, 422 RUBBER, production and export, 1252, 1463, 1526, 1741 SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1134 SANITARY CONVENTION, 121, 740, 1773, 1820; re aerial navigation, 1269, 1363 SHIPS, immunity of state-owned, 1634, 1635 SINAIA, 1762, 1800, 1801. See also DANUBE SILVER AGREEMENT, 1287 SLAVERY, 662. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS STAMP LAWS, 1008, 1188, 1214, 1255 STATFIFSSNESS, se above, Nationality and Statelessness STATISTICS: compilation, 369; economic, 848, 938; causes of death, 1295 SUGAR, 1543 TANGIER ZONE, 375, 401, 723, 745 TAXATION, see TAXATION TONNAGE MEASUREMENT, see TONNAGE MEASUREMENT TORPEDOES, salvage 1293, 1667 TRAFFIC in women and children, 319 VESSELS employed on inland navigation, 673 WAR CRAVES, see WAR GRAVES WAR, renunciation of, see PARIS PEACE PACT WARFARE, poisonous gases and bacteriological, 810, 888, 949. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES WHALING, 1246, 1312, 1552, 1662, 1689, 1776 WHEAT CONFERENCE, 1217 WOMEN AND CHILDREN, Traffic in, 319 WOUNDED AND SICK IN FIELD, 978, 980, 1029 RAILWAYS,


ATRocrrus, Yalova, Guemlak, and the Ismed Peninsula, 165 COMMERCE

Accounts and receipts of Clearing Office (1937), 1584; (1938), 1720 Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1930), 861, 933 Guarantee Agreement (1938), 1659 India, commercial relations (1930), 924 Irish Free State, exchange of Notes, (1929), 942; (1936), 1537 Legislation, 1221a, 1713 Modus vivendi (1929), 796 Trade and Clearing Agreement (1936), 1472; supplementary agreement, 1661; exchange of Notes, 1774, 1823, 1835; Trade and Payments Agreement (1935), 1360, 1402 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND SAMPLES (1929), 922 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69, 91 GREEKS, 69 IRAQ-TURKEY BOUNDARY DISPUTE, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS LAUSANNE CONFERENCE, 273 LAUSANNE TREATIES, 303, 306, 307, 331, 348, 363, 384a. See also LAUSANNE TREATIES LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1082, 1176; supplementary convention, 1779 LOAN, Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855, see EGYPT, and FINANCE ACCOUNTS MINORITIES in, 203 MONTREUx CONVENTION (1936), re regime of the Straits and correspondence relative thereto, 1464; protocol, 1571 MUTUAL ASSISTANCE, Treaty of (1939), 1827 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,


proposed settle-

ment, 225 method of dealing with international questions, 445 PRISONS, conditions in, 24 PARLIAMENT,






TURKEY AGREEMENT, Franco-Turkish agreement, 188; correspondence, 203 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANTI-CHRISTIAN FEELING, 69 ARMAMENTS CREDIT (1938), 1660, 1824; legislation, 1582 ARMISTICE, Allied Powers, and, 11 ANGORA

Anglo-French correspondence, 203 348 STRAITS, see Montreux Convention TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE, signed at Sevres, 96 YALOVA AND GUEMLEK, report of atrocities, 165 REPARATIONS AND CONVENTION,

TURKISH PETROLEUM COMPANY Correspondence re economic rights in mandated areas, 137



admini stration, 1775 CLAIMS: pecuniary, arising out of war, 654; arising from operation of smelter at Trail, B.C. (Canada Convention), 1538


BELGIAN CONGO (1924), munication with, 417



JUSTICE, report of Commission, 1262a RAILWAY RATES AND FINANCE, report of Mr. Roger Gibb, 1152a SANITATION CONVENTION (1939), 1796 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA BELGIUM: commercial agreement, 1646; extradition convention, 738 BRAZIL, commercial agreement, 1834 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, commercial agreement, 1642 EGYPT: air service, 933a; commercial relations, 1836 ESTONIA, extradition, 1789 FRANCE: commercial agreements, 1698, 1699; war graves, 1415 GERMANY: commerce and navigation, 843, 1370; efficiency certificates for aircraft, 1643; patents, models, and designs, 1087; war graves, 1415 ITALY, commercial agreement, 1640 NETHERLANDS, commerce and navigation, 1684


(1938), 1729, 1738 (1939),


1794 commercial relations (1935), 1599; certificates of tonnage (1938), 1833; Trade Agreement (1938), 1735, 1738 COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: question of accession, 615; accession of U.S., 820, 857 ELLIS ISLAND IMMIGRATION STATION, report on, 304 EXTRADITION: supplementary convention (1922), 256; treaty (1931), 1058, 1361 and smuggling, Canada Convention re narcotic laws, 514, 515 CANADA:


Canada: air navigation, 1799; certificates of airworthiness, 1752; civil aircraft, 966; licensing and piloting, 1798 Certificates of air worthiness, 1094, 1321 Irish Free State, navigation, 1647 Issue of licenses to pilot civil aircraft, 1256, 1384 Union of South Africa: air navigation, 1257; air worthiness certificates, 1094; licenses for pilots, 1256 ALBANIA, proposed partition, 58 ANGLO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE, 164 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 355 ARMENIA, offer of mandate, 103

attitude, 135 halibut, Northern Pacific and Bering Sea, 480, 1164, 1703; sockeye salmon, Fraser River system, 1704 FLEET, 117, 198, 207, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 HOOVER MORATORIUM, suspension of intergovernmental debts, 1035. See REPARATIONS for other agreements INCOME TAX, Canada Convention re tax on non-resident individuals and corporations, 1705 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, 641 IRAQ, see MANDATED TERRITORIES IRISH FREE STATE, correspondence re appointment of a minister plenipotentiary, 400 KELLOGG, Paris Peace Pact: correspondence with U.S. ambassador, 717, 722; International Treaty, 816; amendments to covenant, 950; legislation, 1387 LABOUR ADMINISTRATION IN U.S., 63a LAKE OF THE WOODS, CANADA, agreement re level, 513 LIQUOR TRAFFIC: convention, 364, 397; correspondence re administrative measures for the prevention of smuggling, 577; legislation, 781 LOAD LINES, Canada Convention (1933), 1461 LOAN, American, principal and interest, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS and below War Debts




Air service, 1645 Aircraft personnel, identity documents, 1577 Mozambique: boundary, 708; native labour, railway matters, commercial intercourse, 849, 1422, 1641, 1683 South-West Africa, boundary with Angola, (1926), 616, (1931), 1012; Kunene River waters, 617 U.S.A.: air navigation, 1257; air worthiness certificates, 1094; non-immigrant passport visa fees, 1644; pilots, issue of licenses, 1256 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA attitude, 58



of. 312 BOUNDARY,

Correspondence re economic rights in, 137

Canadian-U.S. Treaty, 512


INDEX Conventions re rights of governments and nationals in: Cameroons, 600; German East Africa, 599; Iraq, 851, 991; Palestine, 540, correspondence, 1568; Togoland, 601 MANDATED ISLANDS AND QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE,


URUGUAY (1918), 13 regulation of imports, 1759 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1936), 1590; Trade and Payments Agreement, 1364, 1507



U.S.-Canadian conventions re traffic in (1925), 514, 515




648, 1016, 1400; Philippine Islands, 257 NAVAL ARMAMENTS, see NAVY OIL, dispatch enclosing memorandum on petroleum situation, 157. See also OIL PALESTINE, see above Mandated territories PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PASSPORT FEES correspondence, 606; agreement for reduction of non-immigrant (1937), 1644 PHILIPPINE, North Borneo frontier, convention, 897, 1153. See also above Nationality and Naturalization PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b PROHIBITION, memorandum on, 299 PROPERTY: Real and Personal Property Convention (1899), accession of Canada, 244; amendment to (1936), 1470; sequestered under Trading with Enemy Acts, reciprocal release of such, 741 SILVER ARGEEMENT (1933), 1287 SMUGGLING along Canadian-U.S. border (1925), 514 TELEGRAMS, correspondence re alleged delay of, 138 TONNAGE, U.S.-Canadian exchange of Notes re appendix certificates of, 1833 TRADE AGREEMENT, see above Commerce WAR DEBT:

Report of committee of American dollar Securities, 4c, see also 48 Balfour note, 246 Arrangement for the funding of the British war debt, 298 Hoover moratorium, 1035, see also REPARATIONS Agreement respecting payments (1932), 1136 Correspondence (1932), 1122, 1137, 1141, 1142, 1144, 1145, 1146 Papers re payments (1933), 1187, 1216 Proposals 20 year 5/% Gold Bonds (1933), 1197 Papers re war debt (1934), 1258, 1263, 1318; (1935), 1358, 1404; (1936), 1449, 1503; (1937), 1550, 1607; (1938), 1664, 1742; (1939), 1788 WASHINGTON conference and treaties, 222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES

VATICAN Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 1016. See also PAPACY VENESTA, LTD. vs M. Krassin, 163 VENEZUELA Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 648, 1016 VERSAILLES, Treaty of, see GERMANY VESSELS Vessels employed on inland navigation, International Convention re measurement (1925), 673 WAR, outbreak of Second World War, see GERMANY, Anglo-German Relations WAR CRIMINALS, see GERMANY WAR DEBTS, see U.S.A., REPARATIONS, FINANCE ACCOUNTS, and individual countries WARFARE GASES, asphyxiating, poisonous, or other, and bacteriological methods of, protocol for prohibition of (1925), 810, 888 MEMORANDA on Chemical Warfare, 949 REVISION OF RULES, dispatch from British delegate and general report of Commission (1922-23), 399 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENTS Belgium, 30; Egypt, 1608; France, 6, 1415, 1784; Germany, 1415; Greece, 186; Italy, 240 WASHINGTON CONFERENCES AND TREATIES ADMIRALTY: explanatory notes on naval estimates (1922-23), 214; remarks on report of Committee of National expenditure, 209 CHINA, list of treaties with, and between, Great Britain and foreign powers regarding, 509 CHINESE CUSTOMS REGULATIONS (ratified), 518


INDEX WASHINGTON CONFERENCES AND TREATIES continued LEGISLATION, 191, 782 NAVAL ARMAMENTS, treaty for limitation of (ratified), 351 NAVAL STAFF, comparison of strength of Great Britain, United States, and Japan, 207 NINE POWER TREATY (ratified), 517 PACIFIC OCEAN TREATIES (ratified), 352 PRELIMINARY DISCUSSIONS, 164 WASHINGTON TREATIES, Pacific Ocean and Far Eastern questions, and limitation of armaments, 222 WHALING INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1931), 1246, 1312 FINANCIAL MEMORANDUM, 1271 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT (1937), 1552, 1662 PROTOCOL AMENDING AGREEMENT (1938), 1689, 1776 LEGISLATION, 1221b, 1271 WHEAT CONFERENCE Final Act with appendices and minutes of final meeting (1933), 1217 WIESBADEN AGREEMENTS see REPARATIONS WOMEN AND CHILDREN, International Convention for suppression of traffic in, 319 WOUNDED AND SICK, see GENEVA CONFERENCE 1929

YEMEN Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Cooperation (1934), 1264, 1313 YUGOSLAVIA ADRIATIC QUESTION, attitude toward, 58 AUSTRIAN PEACE TREATY, accession to, 66 BOUNDARY, see Sevres, treaty of COMMERCE: agreement (1926), 602; Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1927), 705; Trade and payments agreement (1936), 1501, 1566 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1440, 1567 LOANS war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS and below War Debt MONTENEGRO, see MONTENEGRO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 RAPALLO, treaty of, recognition of, by Great Britain, 141 SEVRES, treaty of (1920), 182 TREATY of PEACE, St. Germain-en-Laye

(1919), 44 WAR DEBTS: Balfour note, 246; agreement for settlement (1927), 678; Hoover Moratorium (1931), 1035: See also REPARATIONS, Hague Conference ZANZIBAR Capitulations, Anglo-French agreement re abolition of (1937), 1565, 1620


ABREVI ATEOFBRI TI S H DI PLOMATI CBLUEBOOKS 1 9 1 9 1 9 3 9 BY Ro b e r tVo g e l


Robert Vogel


Q Copyright Canada 1963 McGILL UNIVERSITY PRESS All rights reserved Printed in Canada

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is dedicated to Professor H. N. Fieldhouse, VicePrincipal of McGill University. It was undertaken at his suggestion, and he was my sole adviser during its preliminary stages. Later on, it was again his constant guidance and encouragement that enabled me to make the revisions and corrections necessary before publication. My debt to him is, therefore, so great that only the lasting value of this breviate could begin to repay it. I must, however, take full responsibility for any errors or omissions which may occur in the text and index of this volume. I should like to take this opportunity to thank my relatives and friends who were pressed into service for the long hours of typing and proof-reading which the work required, and most especially my wife, who undertook most of these duties, and without whose help this work would never have been completed. My thanks are also due to the staff of the McGill University Press, for their encouragement and help in the final stages of revision and production.










1 437

INTRODUCTION The general purpose of this work on the Blue Books published by the British Government between 1919 and 1939 is to continue the task undertaken by Temperley and Penson in their A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914.1 The primary object was to relate each Blue Book to its date of publication, as this can otherwise be accomplished only by the laborious process of consulting the Journals of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. In theory, Blue Books and White Papers are printed by the Government in order to give information to members of Parliament, but in practice, since this process involves publication, the Government may have a variety of motives for the printing of particular papers. Any investigation, either into these motives or into public reaction to a particular paper, must naturally start with the date on which the paper was laid before the House. In accordance with the example of Temperley and Penson, therefore, the bulk of this work consists of a list of Parliamentary papers relevant to the international relations of Great Britain between 1919 and 1939, and of the dates on which they were tabled. A second object was to show on whose initiative each paper was laid, whether as a result of an Order or an Address of the House, or at the Command of His Majesty. This aspect proved to be of less importance for this period than it had been in the nineteenth century. It was found that no important papers were laid in Return to an Address and that only a few Command Papers were tabled after a successful Address for them had been made. The Sessional Papers, moreover, which were either Laid by Act or Ordered by the House, all proved to be of minor importance, so that, from a technical point of view, almost all papers were tabled at the initiative of the Government. This uniformity complicates any attempt to evaluate the publication policies of the various governments of this period, because it becomes necessary to look outside Parliament for the source of pressure which may have persuaded the Foreign Secretary to publish papers. It also raises some interesting constitutional problems concerning the powers, and degree of interest of Parliament in foreign affairs. However, it would be outside the scope of this introduction to offer a detailed analysis of these questions; all that can be attempted here is to give an outline of the problems which the cataloguing of these Blue Books has raised. In the most general evaluation of Blue Book policy between 1919 and 1939, some consideration must be given to the profound change in the atmosphere in which international relations were 1. Harold Temperly, and L. M. Penson, A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938).



conducted in the post-war era. The world had just passed through one of its most devastating crises, and it was not surprising that this disaster changed, at least in appearance, both the practice of diplomacy and the way in which foreign policy was formulated. In their search for the reasons which would explain the outbreak of the war, men fastened on what was termed the 'secret diplomacy' and the 'secret treaties' of the pre-war era. These, it was believed, could be shown to have been the chief culprits in the unhappy world situation of 1914, and, in consequence, an important section of the public learned to fear and to despise the professional diplomat and to demand greater parliamentary and popular control of foreign policy. In Great Britain, the Union of Democratic Control, founded as early as September 1914, was probably the most influential group propagating these ideas. Some of its most important members were also leaders of the Labour Party, and the Union contributed no less than nine ministers to the first Labour Government, the Prime Minister of which had been one of its founders. This naturally increased the importance of the U.D.C., and the effects of its ideas were felt throughout the period 1919-1939. It was in the years immediately after the war, however, at a time when the organ of the U.D.C., Foreign Affairs, enjoyed considerable popularity, that these ideas gained their widest acceptance. The Blue Books published by the Coalition Government reflected, to some extent, the pressures exerted by the U.D.C., especially in the field of Anglo-Russian relations. Here the views of the U.D.C. and of the Labour Party and the general feeling of pacifism which followed the war all coincided; and, consequently, great pressure could be brought to bear on the Government. While there were, of course, considerable differences in the attitudes towards Soviet Russia of Lloyd George, Lord Curzon, and Winston Churchill, the more important Blue Books published on this subject seem generally to have been attempts to counteract Opposition propaganda. Thus the 'Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia' (Item 7), published in April 1919, drew an appalling picture of the terror and misery under the Bolshevik regime and concluded with an appeal by various unnamed Russians that everything possible should be done to further its destruction. In the years 1919-1920, however, a tremendous campaign against British intervention was waged; this included revelations by the Daily Herald of an alleged British attempt to gain German assistance for the blockade of Russia (October 1919), the publication, again by the Daily Herald (May 13, 1919), of a confidential military circular concerning the possibility of mutiny among the British troops to be sent to Russia, the publication of the 'Appeal to the Nation' (July 1920) by the Lansbury Committee on Russia,2 and 2. See Raymond Postgate, The Life of George Lansbury (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1951), chaps. 14 and 15.



the incident of the 'Jolly George' at the London docks. Therefore it seems probable that several Blue Books owed their origin to the need to reply to this campaign. In July 1920, at the height of the Russo-Polish War, a paper on 'The Evacuation of North Russia' (Item No. 83) was tabled, with the intention, as Mr. Churchill pointed out in the first document of the Blue Book, of explaining British policy in Russia. The paper emphasized the fact that the intervention had originally been undertaken only to prevent the large-scale transfer of German troops from the Eastern front, and that it was primarily military, and not political, considerations which had prevented the immediate evacuation of British troops after the armistice. In answer to the views circulated after Lansbury's visit to Russian and the interim report of the Labour Party Delegation (June l2, 1920), the Government, in May 1920, set up a committee to collect information on Russia. The Committee's interim report in December, and its final report in May 1921 (Items 105 & 143), painted a picture of conditions in Russia which was entirely different from that of the Labour Party. Two other papers seem to have been published as direct contradictions to the allegations of the organs of the U.D.C. and the Labour Party. In January 1920, after the fall of the Bela Kuhn Government, Foreign Affairs carried an emergency sheet describing the horrors of a 'White Terror' which, it claimed, was in progress in Hungary. In addition, a continuous stream of questions was directed against the Government from Opposition benches. A White Paper (Item 73, May 1920) was finally issued which, in essence, was a denial of the existence of 'White Terror' in Hungary. Similarly, the continuous accusations made by members of the U.D.C. and by German propaganda that the Allied Governments had been responsible for the prolongation of the war, seem to have evoked the publication in August 1919 of the 1917 Peace Proposals of the Pope and the correspondence relative thereto (Item 25). The Blue Book policy of the Coalition Government was not, however, confined to counteracting the propaganda of the U.D.C. There can be no doubt that Lloyd George himself was to some extent infected by the idea of 'open diplomacy' and, in view of the fact that he kept control of British policy towards Europe largely in his own hands, it may be supposed that he helped to formulate the publication policy of the Foreign Office. The Prime Minister's passion for publicity, however, did not express itself in the publication of large numbers of important Blue Books. His method of diplomacy has been aptly called 'Conference diplomacy'¢—conferences at which the heads of State were usually present. The state of crisis in which the world lived in the years immediately following 3. January—March 1920. He was back speaking in London on March 22, 1920. 4. There were no less than nineteen major conferences between 1920 and October 1922.


the war, and the propaganda for 'open covenants, openly arrived at', ensured that these conferences should be given an extensive and sensational coverage by the press. It was, therefore, to the press that Lloyd George looked when he wished to state his intentions and explain his policies;5 and the wide-spread use of the press as a means of keeping the public informed seems to have discouraged the publication of information relating to these conferences in the form of Blue Books. Certainly the ones published in this period contain relatively few references to these important international gatherings.6 On the other hand there are indications that Lloyd George used Blue Books on a number of occasions in an attempt to influence the course of a conference at which he was present. Thus a number of reports on the 'Economic Conditions of Germany' were tabled. These reports placed great emphasis on the danger of Bolshevism in Germany, and it was surely of some significance that the first two were published in April 1919 (Item Nos. 10 and 12) at the time when Lloyd George, as his famous memorandum of March 25, 1919 proved, was trying to mitigate the severity of the Allied Peace terms. This memorandum itself was published in March 1922 (Item No. 217), and it was claimed that its publication was an attempt to influence the German Delegation at the forthcoming Genoa Conference.7 In general, more papers were published in respect to this conference (Items Nos. 221, 224, 230, 231, 234, and 248) than had been the case for many previous ones, especially with regard to the delicate problem of Anglo-Russian relations, which had been aggravated by the Rapallo Treaty. It may be that the bad press which 5. The intimate relations between Lloyd George and some of the 'Press Lords' are well known; they form an interesting chapter in the relations between publicity and diplomacy. See, for instance, the letter of Curzon to Austin Chamberlain, in which he says "...I read the 'Daily Chronicle' this morning, to which I look every day for the Prime Minister's views". Lord Ronaldshay, The Life of Lord Curzon (London: E. Benn, Ltd., 1928), III, 296. 6. "A great difficulty in considering Mr. Lloyd George's own diplomacy in the Conferences is caused by the non-publication of Blue Books. Conversations have not been recorded in dispatch form; and the 'publicity' of the proceedings hardly compensates for the dearth of a published record which the older diplomatic methods seldom failed to provide." A. L. Kennedy, Old Diplomacy and New (Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1923), p. 341. 7. Le Temps claimed that the timing was such as to apologize to the Germans for winning the war. In fact, the memorandum had already been published in Nitti's Peaceless Europe (London: Cassell and Co., 1922) released at the beginning of the year. In any case, Lloyd George had been subjected to a good deal of revisionist criticism in regard to the Versailles Treaty and the Memorandum tended to shift the blame to the French. Another interesting point was raised by the publication of the Memorandum, which was dated 25 March 1919 and was, therefore, written at approximately the same time as a telegram sent to Lloyd George in Paris, by 370 Members of Parliament, which demanded harsher terms for the Germans. Here was an illustration of the direct conflict between the actions of a Prime Minister and the wishes of the Members of the House. The Times April 3, 1922 drew attention to this aspect of the publication.



Lloyd George received after the failure of this conference forced him to have recourse to the publication of Blue Books. There was a noticeable difference between Lloyd George and Lord Curzon in their attitudes towards the publication of documents relevant to major conferences. It may be assumed that, after the fall of the Coalition Government, Lord Curzon took full control of the Blue Book policy of the Foreign Office. Although he heartily disliked conferences, his policy seems to have been one of publishing fairly comprehensive reports concerning such conferences as met in the last year of his Secretaryship (Items 272 and 273).8 With respect to the publication of routine diplomatic correspondence, the practice followed in the years 1919-1923 did not differ radically from that of the nineteenth century. A number of interesting papers9 were published by both the Coalition Government and the Conservative Government which followed it, but the demand for 'open diplomacy', if that meant that 'all negotiations were to be conducted openly in view of all peoples'10 was certainly not met by the Blue Books of this era. On the other hand, many important dispatches were published in the press almost immediately after they had been delivered." Perhaps because Lord Curzon's relations with the press were usually bad,12 he tended to prefer to keep the public informed by the publication of Blue Books, but even in those areas of foreign affairs which were his specialty there were complaints that the press could obtain more detailed information than was published in the Blue Books.13 There was, however, another aspect of the campaign for greater control over foreign policy. This was the demand that the Government should pledge itself to submit all treaties and agreements to the House before ratification. Although propaganda with this aim often tended to be confused, there were really two issues at stake. The first was an attempt to prevent the Government from making 8. Perhaps the most comprehensive report was that devoted to the Lausanne Conference, often regarded as Lord Curzon's greatest triumph; Item 273 is a record of the proceedings of the conference and has some 861 pages. See also Items 303, 306, 307, and 348. 9. See for instance: Egypt, Items 125, 173, 187, and 212; Angora Agreement and Correspondence relative thereto, Items 188 and 203; Anglo-Russian relations, Items 163, 288, 289, and 294; Anglo-French relations, Item 305; Versailles Treaty, especially Item 151. 10. Trotsky's note of November 21, 1921, to the Allied Representatives reads: "The Russian Government abolished all secret diplomacy, in its turn expressing its firm intention of conducting all negotiations openly in view of all peoples." History of 'The Times' (London Times Office), Vol. IV, Pt. I, p. 341. 11. The famous Curzon Note of August 11, 1923, was published in the press on the 13th, only two days after it had been written. The September issue of Foreign Affairs congratulated the Foreign Secretary for his open diplomacy. 12. Lord Riddell Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference and After. (London: Gollancz, Ltd., 1933), pp. 386-90. 13. See, for instance, the criticism in the House of Lords concerning papers tabled regarding hostilities in Afghanistan (Item 33); House of Lords Debates, 4 November 1919, Vth Ser., Vol. 37, col. 152-3.



any secret commitments, such as the 'secret treaties' of the war, which, it was believed, had unnecessarily prolonged the war and perverted the peace. This claim could have been met by an undertaking by the Government that, in the future, it would publish all treaties; but the Opposition wanted not only to have all treaties published but also to have the opportunity of discussing and approving them before ratification.14 This idea had been successfully resisted in the nineteenth century15, and the Coalition Government, as well as the succeeding Conservative Government, continued this resistance.16 But, while it was true that the post-war Governments refused to allow themselves to be bound to seek approval for their treaties in the House before ratification, they did publish most treaties either shortly after they had been ratified, or, in the case of very important treaties, shortly after they had been signed.17 Thus, the Treaty of Versailles was tabled in the House of Commons just two days after it had been signed and the House approved the Treaty by passing an Act of Parliament.18 The Treaties of 14. The Annual Conference of the Labour Party, 1921, unanimously carried the following resolution introduced by E.D. Morel: "This conference hereby resolves that the British Labour Movement dissociates itself in advance from any obligation towards foreign states which the British Government may have contracted, or may contract in treaties, conventions, arrangements or understandings of whatever nature or for whatever purpose, which have not been submitted to and approved by Parliament. We further recommend that the Parliamentary Labour Party shall at once bring forward and press to a decision a resolution providing that treaties, conventions, arrangements or understandings of whatever nature, and for whatever purpose, with Foreign States shall in future be valid only after they have been approved by Parliament; and that any minister acting in opposition to this principle shall be deemed guilty of treason." Foreign Affairs, July 1921, p. 5. 15. Except when a treaty involved the cession of British territory. Lord Salisbury had insisted that such treaties needed an Act of Parliament (the occasion had been the cession of Heligoland in 1890). This procedure was also followed in the Jubaland cession; see Item 431. For a discussion of the constitutional aspect of this problem see A.B. Keith, The Constitution of England from Victoria to George VI. (London: Macmillan, 1940), I, 147 and 233.7. 16. See the exchange in the House of Commons, November 27, 1922. In answer to a question relating to this procedure the Prime Minister had said: "I am not prepared to commit myself to the grave constitutional change proposed." House of Commons Debates, Vth Series, Vol. 159, col. 272-3. 17. Mr. MacDonald, when he became Prime Minister, assured the Labour Party that no secret treaties existed and that all treaties were available in the Library of the House of Commons and had been deposited in the League of Nations. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 170, col. 956, and Vol. 172, col. 25-6. Only a few minor agreements had not been tabled by the Conservative Government when the Labour Party came to power in 1924. 18. Jones, in his biography of Lloyd George, points to this as indication of the fact that Lloyd George had 'wrought the transition between the old and the new diplomacy'. T. Jones, Lloyd George (Harvard University Press, 1951), pp. 178-9. This prompt action may be compared with that which followed the Treaty of Vienna which was not tabled in the House until February 2, 1816 (Temperley and Penson, Item 66). It was, however, probably necessary to pass an Act of Parliament for the Peace Treaties in any case, because of the complicated financial arrangements which they contained.



Washington were also tabled in the House shortly after their signature (Item 222) and the means for giving effect to them were embodied in an Act of Parliament (Item 191). The Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement was tabled in the House on March 16, 1921 (Item 134), on the same day that it was signed,19 but in this case it must be remembered that the entire negotiations had been carried on in public view and that the press had already published the various drafts of the Agreement. On the whole, therefore, the Governments between 1919 and 1923 responded favourably to the demand that all treaties should be made public as soon as possible; but, like their predecessors, they refused to commit themselves to any constitutional changes. Although the Labour Government of 1924 cannot be accused of deliberately keeping information from the public, since more papers were published in the year 1924 than ever before, surprisingly few changes were made in the policy of publication of Blue Books. The fact that the Labour Government did not command a majority in the House, and that it was in power for only a short time, may, in part, have accounted for this failure to establish some permanent method through which the House and the public could be kept constantly informed of current negotiations. Possibly the men who came to power for the first time in 1924 may have realized that this was probably an impossible, perhaps even an undesirable, ideal. Whatever the reasons, it cannot be said that all the aspirations of the U.D.C. were fulfilled by the Government, despite the fact that so many members of the Cabinet were also members of that organization. It may have been significant that E. D. Morel, the prime mover in the campaign against 'secret treaties and secret diplomacy', did not obtain a seat in the Cabinet. It was, curiously enough, in its relations with Russia that the Labour Government experienced its most dramatic difficulties. It had been maintained by many Labour Party members, while in opposition, that the only reason why agreement could not be reached with Russia was that the Foreign Secretary and his staff had 'capitalist' prejudices. Negotiations with the Soviet Government were set on foot therefore, immediately on assumption of power by the Labour Party, and de jure recognition was granted to that Government on February 8, 1924. Further negotiations for an Anglo-Russian Treaty were carried on in full public view, mainly because of the strong feelings aroused on both sides of the House. As is well known, when the negotiations finally broke down on August 5, it was an unofficial delegation of back-benchers who were able to bring the official representatives of the two Governments together again and thus complete the Agreement. This was indeed a triumph of unofficial diplomacy. The Government decided that, in this instance, the House should have the opportunity of debating 19. The Treaty was discussed in the House on March 22, 1921.



the Treaties even before they were signed. To this end, Mr. Ponsonby explained the Treaties on the evening of August 6, and the debate took place on August 7; the Treaties were signed on the following day (see Item Nos. 404, 405, 420, 425, and 426). The Blue Books presented to the House in connection with these Treaties were all drafts and texts, and once again it may be noted that the press, rather than the Blue Books, was the main avenue through which the public and the members of Parliament were kept informed of the negotiations.20 The Labour Party did attempt to alter the procedure of Blue Book publication in one respect. In order to prevent governments from signing 'secret' treaties or agreements with other powers, Mr. Ponsonby, on the occasion of the debate for the Lausanne Treaty Bill, said: "It is the intention of the Government to lay on the Table of both Houses of Parliament every treaty, when signed, for a period of 21 days, after which the treaty will be ratified and published and circulated in the Treaty Series."21 Mr. Ponsonby understood that future governments could not be bound to this practice either by an 'Act of Parliament' or by a 'Resolution', as these could easily be revoked. He, therefore, introduced it merely as a change in the custom and procedure of the House because he felt that these were really the only immutable parts of the British Constitution. As can be seen, this practice did not require that the House approve all treaties, and it therefore did not satisfy all members of Parliament, but it did ensure that all treaties could be read by members of Parliament before they became effective.22 The return of the Conservative Party to power in November 1924, and the accession of Sir Austen Chamberlain to the Foreign Office, coincided with the beginning of what seemed at the time to be the least troubled of the years between the two world wars. Even 20. The Liberal Party tabled a motion for the rejection of the treaties on October 1, but the Government had already fallen before the motion could be brought to a vote. 21. House of Commons Debates, April 1, 1924, Vth Ser., Vol. 17I, col. 2003. In practice treaties were usually circulated after signature in form of a Blue Book and then repeated in the Treaty Series after ratification. See, for instance, Item Nos. 377 and 500. 22. Morel wished to pass a Resolution in order to try to bind any future government to the practice of publishing all treaties; the order paper of May 22 contained the following motion signed by E. D. Morel and 114 other members: "That in the opinion of this House, no diplomatic arrangement or understanding with a foreign state, involving directly or indirectly national obligations, shall be concluded without the consent of Parliament, and no preparations for cooperation in war between the naval, military or air staffs and the naval, military or air staffs of a foreign state shall be lawful unless consequent upon such arrangement or understanding, this resolution shall be communicated to all states with which we are in diplomatic relations and to the League of Nations." Morel hoped to be given time for a discussion of this motion after the Whitsuntide recess.



in retrospect, the four years between the signing of the Locarno Treaties in December 1925 and the subsequent admission of Germany to the League of Nations, and the outset of the general economic depression in 1929, appears as an interval of normalcy between the aftermath of the first Great War and the overtures to the second. Sir Austen was both a contributor to, and a beneficiary of this 'amelioration in the public field of Europe', as Lord Balfour put it. Mr. Stanley Baldwin's almost legendary indifference to foreign affairs restored the Foreign Secretary's independence of action. It is therefore possible, in discussing the Blue Book policy of this period, to concentrate one's attention almost solely on the attitudes of Sir Austen Chamberlain. It was perhaps this return to normal conditions which gave the Blue Book policy of Sir Austen an almost nineteenth century flavour. No doubt the fact that the Conservative Party had an absolute majority in the House made it easier for the Foreign Secretary to assert his independence. His upright, almost Spartan character did not encourage him to seek favour with the public by continuously releasing information to the press with respect to foreign affairs; nevertheless, Sir Austen usually responded to public interest, and an examination of the Blue Books published in this period shows that, for areas in which tension existed, a good deal of information was made available. Thus a number of documents on the Chinese problem were published, which, while they do not give us anything like a complete picture of the situation, were probably sufficient to mitigate Opposition criticism of British policy towards China. Another area of controversy was the question of German disarmament; in this respect, too, a series of papers was tabled (Items 494 and 525), but the number of dispatches was small and Ieft much to be desired in respect to continuity. In view of what happened in connection with the Anglo-French Naval Compromise of 1928, it seems safe to assume that Sir Austen agreed with the concept, generally accepted in the pre-war era, that no papers should be published concerning negotiations which had not been completed. Nevertheless, in respect to both the Locarno Treaties and the Briand-Kellogg Pact, Sir Austen published dispatches before the Treaties had been signed. In both cases, the press of the foreign countries with which Great Britain was negotiating had been kept fully informed of the substance and course of the discussions, and it is therefore interesting to note that Sir Austen thought it worth while to keep the British public informed by means of Blue Books (Items 495, 505, 717 and 722). Although these Blue Books were not so numerous or so detailed as they might have been, they were probably a more accurate guide to the discussions than the newspapers. On the other hand, Sir Austen published a large number of detailed papers relating to British actions in the League of Na-



tions.23 That he regarded this aspect of British foreign policy as being of the utmost importance was attested by the fact that he personally attended most of the meetings of that organization. It is interesting to note that he used the Blue Books in this respect for the traditional purpose of keeping the public informed and explaining British policy. Thus the papers not only record the rejection by the British Government of the Geneva Protocol (Item 478), but also record the correspondence with the Dominion governments which led to the rejection- (Items 501A and 508). Anglo-Russian relations once again proved to be a troublesome chapter in the history of these five years. It must be remembered that Sir Austen stood between two influential pressure groups in this respect, the Association of British Creditors of Russia, which was urging him to break off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, and the Anglo-Russian Parliamentary Committee, which demanded closer ties and more trade with that country. In order to defend his policy, Sir Austen published a number of fairly comprehensive papers in connection with Anglo-Russian relations (Items 591, 639, 652, 660, and 719), and, after the Arcos Raid, he followed the well-established practice of giving the House a substantial Blue Book (Item 652) before asking it to approve the controversial action on which he had decided.24 It was only after the debate that he formally broke off Britain's diplomatic relations with Russia and abrogated the Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement. The Opposition was not satisfied that the documents published in the Blue Book gave a true picture of the situation, and complained that only extracts of some of the documents had been given.25 When, however, in answer to criticism, Sir Austen read to the House that part of one of the documents which had not appeared in the Blue Book, it was evident that the extract had in no way misrepresented the full import of the document.26 Despite this relatively liberal policy of Blue Book publication, the Opposition felt that Sir Austen's Secretaryship was a return to what was called the `reactionary' diplomacy of the pre-war era. It was, of course, suspicious from the beginning, because the incident of the Zinoviev letter had strengthened its distrust of the Foreign Office. Moreover, Sir Austen's statement that it was unnecessary to table treaties in the House before ratification had further encouraged it to believe that the Government had returned to the nefarious practices of 'secret diplomacy'27 Lord Cecil's resignation, after 23. No less than eighteen were tabled in 1926: Items 446, 447, 449, 454, 458, 466, 469, 470, 478, 484, 501A, 503, 506, 508, 526, 530, 541, and 544. 24. The debate on the Arcos Raid took place on May 26, 1927. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 206, col. 2195-2326. 25. It should be noted that these omissions were clearly marked. 26. H. of C. Debates, June 1926, Vth Ser., Vol. 207, col. 356-8. 27. "His Majesty's Government do not consider themselves bound to adopt that procedure which apart from other considerations, might involve inconvenience in connection with the resolution on the subject adopted by the



the failure of the Geneva Naval Conference of 1927, seemed another indication of the return to power of a 'reactionary' group; and, at least for the Opposition, the matter was definitely proven by the unfortunate way in which the Government handled the crisis arising from the Anglo-French Naval Compromise of 1928.28 Sir Austen's obstinate refusal, on the grounds of diplomatic propriety, to publish papers until answers to his notes had been received from the Powers concerned, gave the Opposition at home, as well as public opinion in the United States of America and Germany, an opportunity of presenting the Agreement in the blackest possible terms. The Government was accused of once again committing the country to a secret alliance with France, designed to dominate Europe at the expense of Germany. The delay in publication, moreover, allowed the French press29 to obtain, through unofficial channels, summaries of all the notes exchanged between the British and the French Governments, and this detracted from the importance of the Blue Book when it was finally published on October 17 (Item 743). This one incident, more than anything else, won for Sir Austen the reputation of being a diplomat of the old school, a term of terrible import in these years, and very damaging to the Conservative Party in the elections of the following year. On the whole, however, Sir Austen's Blue Book policy was not very different from that of the Labour Government or that of the Coalition Government. In fact, his preference for writing dispatches rather than attending conferences and making speeches enhanced, in some cases, the importance of the Blue Books published in this period. Few important Blue Books were published by the second Labour administration (June 1929 to August 1931). This was not due to any tendency towards secrecy on the part of Mr. Henderson, but rather to the nature of the problems which that Government had to face. These problems were economic and domestic rather than diplomatic. Thus, although many Blue Books were published, they consisted mainly of treaties and agreements. Moreover, Mr. Henderson restored the practice of tabling treaties before ratification,38 Imperial Conference, 1923, by which His Majesty's Government consider themselves bound." H. of C. Debates, December 15, 1924, Vth Ser., Vol. 179, col. 565. Nevertheless the treaties concluded were usually tabled very quickly after ratification. 28. For a full account see Arnold Toynbec, Survey of International Affairs, 1928 (Oxford: University Press, 1929), pp. 61-81. See Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gilbert (eds.), The Diplomats, 1919-1939 (Princeton: University Press, 1953), pp. 44-7, for further discussion of the repercussions on the popularity of the Foreign Office and the Diplomatic Service caused by this crisis. 29. Echo de Paris, October 5, 1928. 30. H. of C. Debates, November 5, 1929, Vol. 230, col. 408. This matter was not referred to again by the National and the Conservative Governments, but throughout the period of 1931-1939 most treaties were in fact presented to the House twice, once before and once after ratification.



a process by which all treaties were in fact tabled twice, so that many of the papers laid were of minor importance. On the other hand, the major issues of the period were well documented by the Government, and the Agreements reached at the Hague Conference and at the London Naval Conference, 1930,31 as well as Britain's relations with the League (Disarmament and the Permanent Court of International Justice), were well represented in the Blue Books. With respect to the negotiations for an AngloEgyptian Treaty, Mr. Henderson published the documents relevant to his own efforts in that direction and illustrated the responsible attitude that he held towards his office by not publishing papers in connection with Lord Lloyd's resignation, in consideration of the fact that such papers would all have dated from the period of the Conservative administration and might unnecessarily have prejudiced the negotiations.32 One other item may perhaps be mentioned and that is the lack of papers concerning the attempted Austro-German Customs Union. It was, of course, true that many of the proceedings could be found in the League of Nations' Documents (e.g. Item 1013), but it is regrettable that Henderson did not publish a fuller account of this matter. It may be that he had intended to do so but that he was no longer Foreign Secretary when the crisis was settled; in any case no papers on this subject were published. The Blue Book policy of the second Labour Government was not given the test of a severe international crisis. The Government did not survive the financial difficulties of 1931, and, consequently, MacDonald's National Governments had to face the international difficulties which followed on the general economic collapse of 1929-1931. The first Foreign Secretary of these Governments, Lord Reading, only held office for two months, and it is, therefore, not possible to discuss here his attitude towards publication. Sir John Simon, however, was in office for nearly four years and had to tackle the complicated issues of the early 1930's. Despite the increased international activity, the Government published comparatively few papers.33 This, by itself, would not have been an indication of Sir John's attitude, but an examination of the papers published tends to encourage the idea that Sir John was not so generous in publishing as his predecessors had been. This was perhaps mainly due to the complexity of some of the problems with which he had to deal, since in a few cases he did make a good deal 31. Although all the Agreements reached at this Conference were tabled in the House, the Government issued, in addition, a Blue Book, London Naval Conference, Documents, released through H.M. Stationery Office, 1930, but not tabled in the House. 32. Henderson was said to have discussed this point with Lord Lloyd. See Arnold Toynbee, Survey of International Affairs, 1930 (Oxford: University Press, 1931), p. 202. 33. 1930, 124 papers; 1931, 137 papers; 1932, 81 papers; 1933, 95 papers; 1934, 86 papers.


of information available. The question of the United States, war debt, for instance, was well-documented in the twelve papers tabled.94 There were also a number of papers on the disarmament negotiations, but many of these were accounts of proceedings at Geneva, which were, in any case, made public through the League of Nations. The general decline in publication was particularly marked in papers relevant to the problem of European security. The mounting crisis in Europe during these years was very poorly represented in the Blue Books,35 and the difficulties which faced the British Government were not explained to the public. The one notable exception, of course, was the 'Statement relating to Defence', tabled on March 1, 1935 (Item I334). In preparation for the debate of March 11, this White Paper stated the reasons for the Government's momentous decision to begin the rearmament of Great Britain and was, in effect, an enlightening commentary on the current international situation. However, in view of the tumultuous campaign for 'peace' and 'disarmament', an official explanation for the change in British policy was probably unavoidable, and Sir John had certainly not prepared the public for this dramatic reversal. There were no significant sequels to this paper, and no publication of documents concerning the vital negotiations for the Stresa Conference of the following month. The Manchurian crisis, which in retrospect has come to be regarded as one of the major problems of this period, was also very poorly documented. Only four papers36 were presented, all of them containing information readily available through League of Nations' publications. It was surely strange that Sir John did not see fit to publish papers relevant to Anglo-American relations which were of such crucial importance in this crisis, particularly as he was accused by the Opposition of having followed a very devious policy. Nevertheless it would be difficult to prove that Sir John attempted to deceive the House or to follow a secret policy of his own; on the contrary, it would seem that he went out of his way to make clear statements in the House with regard to his intentions.37 But the fact that no papers were published meant that discussions were usually based on newspaper extracts, statements, and memoirs, none of which is a good substitute for a timely Blue Book. Thus, although he may not have wanted deliberately to hide anything, Sir John Simon does not seem to have believed in the efficacy of Blue Books. 34. Items 1122, 1136, 1137, 1141, 1142, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1187, 1216, 1258, and 1263. 35. Items 1103, 1183, 1324, 1339, 1350, and, on disarmament, Items 1068, 1099, 1121, 1166, 1213, 1233, 1241, and 1249. 36. Items 1069, 1076, 1085, and 1086. 37. See Reginald Bassett, Democracy and Foreign Policy (London: London School of Economics Publication, 1954), pp. 612-25, on the Manchurian Crisis, and statement in the House of Commons on April 9, 1935, regarding his visit to Hitler 25-26 March 1935.


The many crises which occurred in the last four years before the second World War cannot be understood by any reference to the Blue Books published. Despite the fact that the Ethiopian crisis, the Spanish Civil War, and the Czechoslovakian problem aroused a great deal of public passion, governments did not table many important papers; on the contrary, the last two Conservative administrations provided less information with regard to their diplomatic correspondence than earlier governments. The publication policies of the three Foreign Secretaries of this period were to a large extent similar, although it would not be fair to judge Sir Samuel Hoare in this respect, as he was at the Foreign Office for only six months.38 Mr. Anthony Eden and Lord Halifax, however, were in power long enough to indicate their attitude towards publication. It is necessary to divide Mr. Anthony Eden's stay at the Foreign Office into two parts. During the first, he served under Mr. Stanley Baldwin and exercised a large measure of control over British foreign policy, but in the second, he served under Mr. Neville Chamberlain, who intervened personally in the formation and the conduct of British foreign policy and who must, therefore, have exercised considerable influence over the publication policy of the Foreign Office. During the first period, a small number of very important papers were published. In particular, there were four papers39 concerning negotiations with the German Government on the question of a general settlement of European problems. These four papers were published in April and May 1936 as a result of the entry of German troops into the Rhineland on March 7. One (Item 1435) traced the diplomatic discussions from June 1934 to March 1936 (showing the German reaction to the Franco-Russian Treaty, the failure of the complicated negotiations for an Air Pact and an `Eastern Locarno', and the hardening of the German attitude as the Abyssinian Crisis disturbed Anglo-Italian relations) and included a recapitulation of these discussions (No. 59) by Mr. Anthony Eden after he had been informed of the German move. The other three contained some of the correspondence arising from the German memorandum denouncing the Locarno Agreements and making new proposals for a European settlement. The Abyssinian dispute, however, was less well documented and, although a number of interesting papers were tabled,40 they usually 38. It is interesting to note what Sir Samuel Hoare has written in his autobiography with regard to the Hoare-Laval Pact. This Pact was, of course, prematurely released in the Paris press. "If I had been in closer touch with public opinion, I should have realized the need of a long chapter of preparation before I could expect approval of the Plan." Viscount Templewood, Nine Troubled Years (London: Collins, 1954), p. 192. 39. Items 1429, 1431, 1435, and 1446. 40. Item 1425 for instance.



contained only documents readily available to the public through the League of Nations. Similarly, in the case of the Spanish Civil War, some papers were published,41 but they did not range beyond well-publicized declarations and resolutions. It cannot be said that the Government made any attempt to provide an aroused public with an official opinion on the actual conditions within Spain. This failure, in a sense, marks a definite decline in the importance of Blue Books, for, in the nineteenth century and even in the early inter-war period, governments often published papers in order to describe conditions within a troubled area of the world, particularly when public opinion had obviously become concerned. Nor did Mr. Eden provide any information about the correspondence which the Government must have been conducting with various powers in its attempt to enforce its non-intervention policy. The only correspondence that was published was the important exchange of letters concerning the withdrawal of Italian 'volunteers' from Spain in October 1937 (Item I580). In general, therefore, even this first period in Anthony Eden's Secretaryship illustrates the continuing decline in the use of Blue Books as vehicles for public information. This process was further accelerated under Mr. Neville Chamberlain's Government. Mr. Chamberlain's distrust of the officials of the Foreign Office42 and his belief in personal diplomacy brought about a situation somewhat similar to that which had prevailed under Lloyd George. Neither Mr. Eden nor Lord Halifax retained control over the conduct of British foreign policy. This meant, in effect, that normal channels of diplomacy were often by-passed in Chamberlain's attempts to reach an understanding with Germany and Italy.43 This tendency on the part of Mr. Chamberlain to follow a policy, which, mistaken or not, was very largely his own, was reflected in the general lack of Blue Books containing valuable diplomatic correspondence. He undoubtedly preferred to explain his policy by making statements in the House, and sought public support through those newspapers which agreed with his ideas. In consequence, virtually no trace of the rapidly deteriorating world situation can be found in the Blue Books published in this period. Mr. Chamberlain did not see fit to publish any papers in connection with the Austrian Anschluss of March 1938; nor was he 41. Items 1491, 1512, 1529, 1533, 1563, 1578, and 1579. 42. E.g. The differences between Sir Robert Vansittart and Mr. Neville Chamberlain. See History of 'The Times', Vol. IV, 892-3; Keith Feeling, Chamberlain (London: Macmillan, 1946), p. 319; John Connell, The Office (London: A. Wingate, 1958), passim. 43. Particularly in respect to the negotiations with Italy which led to the resignation of Mr. Eden. "I did not show my letter to the Foreign Secretary for I had the feeling he would object to it." Chamberlain, p. 330. See also Sir Lewis Namicr, Europe in Decay (London: Macmillan and Co., 1950), p. 158, and Malcolm Muggeridge (ed.), Ciano Diplomatic Papers (London: Odhams Press, 1948), pp. 157-85.



any more generous in regard to the continuing Civil War in Spain, nor the Far Eastern crisis.44 The Anglo-Italian Agreement of April 1938 was tabled (Item 1651), but Mr. Chamberlain refused to give the House any papers respecting the negotiations.45 The Czechoslovakian crisis of September 1938, which brought Britain so close to a conflict with Germany, was the subject of two Blue Books. The first was tabled on September 28 (Item 1701), prior to the major foreign policy debate of the same date, but contained only ten documents: Viscount Runciman's report,46 the Anglo-French proposals of September 19, two dispatches from the Czechoslovakian Government, and the letters exchanged between Chamberlain and Hitler (September 23-27, Doc. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10). These documents, though important, cannot be said to have presented an adequate account of these vital negotiations. The second Blue Book (Item 1702), published immediately after the Munich Agreement, was devoted almost entirely to the terms of the Agreement and contained no diplomatic correspondence except Mr. Chamberlain's letter of September 28 to Hitler and his last appeal to Mussolini of the same date. No papers at all were published when Germany occupied the remaining portion of Czechoslovakia in March 1939. The Government did not even publish explanatory Blue Books concerning the guarantees which it gave to Greece, Roumania, and Poland in 1939. It was true that Mr. Chamberlain had not attempted to make a secret of these guarantees, indeed it would have defeated his purpose to do so, but he did not reveal to the public the complexities of the international discussions. Moreover, the papers published after the outbreak of war did not in any way fill this gap. The Blue Book, Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3rd 1939 (Item 1814, September 20, 1939), contains relatively little important information, even in respect to Anglo-German relations and certainly does not form an adequate source for the study of this period.47 Further44. Only one document on the Spanish Civil War was published after the resignation of Mr. Eden (Item 1675), the text of the proposed resolution reaffirming and extending the Non-Intervention Agreement. Some information respecting both the Civil War and the Far Eastern Crisis may also be found in the routine League of Nations reports, e.g. Item 1610. 45. H. of C. Debates, 23 February 1938, Vth Ser., Vol. 332, col. 354-6. 46. The report, as published in this Blue Book (Item 1701, Cmd 5847-Doc. 1), was in the form of a letter to M. Benes. Another version, differing only verbally from this one, was incorporated in a letter to Mr. Chamberlain. The differences are indicated in Woodward and Butler Documents on British Foreign Polity (London, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1949), 3rd Series, Vol. II, 675. See also Toynbee, Survey of International Affairs, 1938, Vol. II, 334, note 1. 47. Namier, Diplomatic Prelude (London: Macmillan, 1948), p. 61-2, complains that only three documents dealing with Anglo-German relations in the vital period September 29, 1938 to August 23, 1939 were published. This, however, is not quite true as a separate Blue Book dealing with Anglo-German relations was published (Item 1813), but it was confined solely to correspondence between the two Governments in August 1939. Only one other document was published in this connection, Item 1821, the final report of Sir Neville Henderson.



more, when the Anglo-Polish Treaty was published in 1940 (Cmd 6144), the interpreting protocol, which extended the Treaty considerably, remained secret and was not tabled in the House until 1945 (Cmd 6616—April 5, 1945).48 A Blue Book on the vital question of a Russian alliance was prepared and printed but not published because of the opposition of the French Government,49 so that the reasons for the failure of the Western Powers to secure this alliance remained largely a matter for speculation.58 The failure of the Government to give the public adequate information with respect to its foreign policy led to several exchanges in the House in which the Prime Minister was accused by the Opposition of deliberately misleading it and of keeping essential information secret. Certainly the dual policy of 'appeasement' and 'building a peace-front' which the British pursued in 1939 did not lend itself to extensive publicity, so that the Opposition was often justified in its claim that the Government was not completely honest in its replies to questions. With respect to negotiations of a private character, such as the Hudson-Wohlthat discussions, or the delicate problem of the Anglo-Russian Alliance,51 a case can readily be made for the Government's reluctance to divulge information. On the other hand, there were certainly instances when secrecy seems to have been unnecessary,52 and the Government was not only accused of withholding information but, on at least one occasion, was held responsible, not altogether unjustly, for the suppression of news items adverse to its policy.53 It must be emphasized, of course, that the circumstances of these years were not favourable to parliamentary publication 54 48. Diplomatic Prelude, p. 319, discusses this protocol. 49. See F. L. Schumann, Night over Europe (New York: A.E. Knopf, 1941), pp. 230-I. Chamberlain announced the publication of such a White Paper in January 1940 but Butler told the Commons on February 21 that its publication would be delayed. In March, Mr. Butler told the House that he would not publish this Blue Book at all, see H. of C. Debates, 20 and 21 March 1940, \%th Ser., col. 1956-7 and col. 2223-5. 50. Toynhee: Survey of International Affairs, 1938, Vol. III: Part III, 'The U.S.S.R.', by F. Ashton-Gwakin maintains that even the publication of Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, does not give a full account of these negotiations: see p. 406, footnote 3. 51. "I am not going any further than I have gone already... I must walk warily ...We are not concerned merely with the Russian Government. We have other Governments to consider ...Refrain from pressing us unduly to disclose the exact point where difficulties arise." Chamberlain, in a debate on AngloRussian relations, 19 May 1939, H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 347, col. 1837-9. Also quoted in Survey of International Affairs, 1939-1946, 'The Eve of War, 1939', p. 59. 52. See for instance the recognition of General Franco's Government in Spain, Debate on 27 February 1939, and also the question of surplus war material left in Spain by the Italians, and the relation of this to the Anglo-Italian Agreement of 1938. H. of C. Debates, Vth Ser., Vol. 335, col. 341; 7 June 1939, Vol. 348, col. 391-400; and 14 June 1939, Vol. 348, col. 1272-1279. 53. See H. of C. Debates, 7 December 1938. Vth Ser., Vol. 342, col. 1261-1321. 54. A similar point was made by Temperley and Penson in respect to Lord Grey's policy just prior to the first World War; A Century of Diplomatic Blue Books, 1814-1914, p. 503.



British public opinion at large had long held that the 'Versailles system' was morally untenable. The more informed part of that opinion had become increasingly aware, further, that that system could not, in practice, be upheld by Great Britain and France alone, and that the support of neither the United States of America nor the U.S.S.R. would be available merely to uphold the status quo. Any British government, therefore, was virtually in the position of saying that the 'Versailles system' was morally untenable and practically indefensible, but that Great Britain would not permit it to be altered by war; and Chamberlain was thoroughly representative of the confused state of public opinion in saying to Germany and Italy that if they pursued their designs, they would bring on a general war but, if they proceeded peacefully, they could achieve what they wanted.55 When we add that the Government, at least, could not help but be aware that its one ally, France, was, in effect, prepared to abdicate as a great Power, it is clear that the publication of the kind of document which normally makes up a Blue Book (a record of policy, rather than of the motives of policy) would have served little purpose, and would certainly not have contributed to national unity. The Blue Books published in this period, therefore, contained relatively little information about the vital issues, and the conclusion can be reached that, for various reasons, Mr. Chamberlain's policy was one of publishing as few important papers as possible. This brief survey would indicate that the great movement for 'open diplomacy' which marked the inter-war period did not stimulate the publication of large numbers of important Blue Books; on the contrary, a number of factors combined tending to diminish their value. The press, and later the radio, proved to be far better vehicles for publicity than the Blue Book. When the Foreign Secretary wished to disseminate information quickly, he simply called a press conference and could be assured that information would reach the public everywhere within a matter of hours.56 In consequence, many important documents can be found in the files of contemporary newspapers. Such periodicals as Europe Nouvelle published large numbers of communiqués, texts of agreements, and treaties, some of which were also printed in Blue Book form but 55. This policy, after all, depended mainly on the success of Chamberlain's personal attempt to convince Germany and Italy that he was ready to appease their genuine grievances: "I had established a certain confidence, which was my aim and on my side, in spite of the hardness and ruthlessness I thought I saw on his [Hitler's] face, I got the impression that here was a man who could be relied upon when he had given his word." Entry in diary, 19 September 1988, Feiling, Neville Chamberlain, p. 367. 56. During the Chanak crisis The Times accused Lloyd George of following a secret policy. At short notice the Prime Minister called a press conference (September 23) in order to explain his policy. History of 'The Times', Vol. IV, Pt. II, pp. 785.6.


at a much later date.57 Moreover, the prevalent suspicion of the activities of 'secret diplomacy' gave a certain respectability to newspaper 'revelations', which they had not enjoyed in the pre-war era, with the result that many statements of policy and even texts of diplomatic notes often found their way into the columns of newspapers and were never published in Blue Book form. Furthermore, this suspicion was most closely associated with the Foreign Office and sometimes led to the greater participation in foreign affairs of the Prime Minister. This state of affairs, as the policies of Lloyd George and Chamberlain illustrated, tended to discourage the publication of diplomatic correspondence. In a sense, the vastly extended use of the press also diminished the importance of another function of Parliament, for it tended to transfer into the columns of newspapers the vital debates on foreign issues. The sensational coverage of foreign affairs by the press may very easily give a false impression of the general electorate's real interest in these matters. For, while bitter debates raged outside the House in the columns of the press, the Members of Parliament themselves, presumably in closer touch than Fleet Street with the rank and file of voters, displayed a decreasing, rather than an increasing, interest in foreign affairs, especially in the 1920's. Two such divergent papers as The Times and Foreign Affairs drew attention to this phenomenon in 1920,58 and the situation did not alter perceptibly until the final crisis of 1938-39. This may be partly explained by the fact that the vast electorate which the democratic process had created remained largely uninterested in foreign affairs. Moreover, the stringent Party discipline which had come into existence in the latter half of the nineteenth century destroyed, to a large extent, the influence of the small informed group that remained and made it difficult, if not impossible, for members of the Party in power to request papers which the Cabinet was not willing to lay. By 1914 this process had already diminished the number of requests for papers, and, as has been noted, virtually no papers were 57. See for instance the 'Protocol respecting Coal', included in a collection of documents (Item 151) which was tabled in the House on June 20, 1921 but which had been published in L'Europe Nouvelle as early as July 25, 1920. 58. "But if members still lack information on this subject it is their own fault for not forcing a debate. The whole department of foreign policy is still as much beyond the control of the House of Commons as it was before the war. And by control is not meant concurrent conduct of negotiations, but the forcing of publicity on the leading principles of Government policy. At every crisis that arises these principles are in doubt, and such information as is given, is given elsewhere than in Parliament. That the Hunter Report on Amritsar should be promised for the recess is in keeping, not with the fitness, but with the usual ordering of things... In Foreign Affairs the opposition of His Majesty's Opposition is contemptible, and instead of the Commons gaining ground at the expense of the Executive, it is steadily losing it?' The Times, May 18, 1920. See also editorial in Foreign Affairs, August 1920.


laid in the period 1919-1939 as a result of a successful 'Address' 59 Even an 'Address for Papers', used as a formal opening to a debate on foreign affairs and withdrawn afterwards, was infrequent in the House of Commons, although still used to a greater extent in the House of Lords.60 In the House of Commons, the question period had become the accepted means of obtaining information and embarrassing the Government,6' and this accounts to some extent for the small number of major debates on foreign policy. Despite this increased use of the question period, it would seem that the House did not seriously attempt to assert authority over the Cabinet in matters relating to foreign affairs.G2 This subservience gave the ministries virtually complete independence in respect to Blue Book publication, an independence of which they usually took advantage to become more restrained in their publications on foreign policy. Blue Books were indeed published in large numbers between 1919 and 1939, but very often they contained little important information. 59. Only one paper was tabled as a result of a successful 'Address' in the House of Commons—Item 225; several papers were, however, laid as result of successful 'Addresses' in the House of Lords, e.g. Items 695, 758, 902, and 1260. 60. 1939: H. of L. 'Addressed for Papers' (withdrawn after debate) 15 times; H. of C. 'Addressed for Papers' (withdrawn after debate) 0 times. 61. See for instance R. Bassett, Democracy and Foreign Policy, pp. 147-8. 62. See A. B. Keith, The Constitution of England from Victoria to George Vth, (London: MacMillan and Co., 1940) especially Vol. I, pp. 223-37: "The postwar years were noted by the fact that the Commons showed no anxiety to assert any more control over issues of war and peace than in pre-war days.... In the years after 1931 the acceptance by the majority of the Commons of the attitude of the ministry was normally without question, though from Opposition benches criticism was freely raised against the failure of the Government to secure progress in disarmament." Of course in the crucial years 1933-1939, the confusion within the ranks of the Labour Party and its failure to suggest an alternative policy, to some extent accounted for the lack of a sustained and effective opposition.


TECHNICAL NOTE The papers listed in this work may all be found in the bound sets of Parliamentary Papers released annually by the British Government. Such a bound set for any particular year includes all Bills, Sessional Papers, and Command Papers relating to aspects of administration and policy which were tabled by the British Government in that year. The following guide is an attempt to bring together in a single volume the titles of all papers which were published between 1919 and I939 and were directly related to British foreign policy. In the selection of the papers, the aim has been to include only those which are strictly relevant to the relations of Great Britain with other countries. Nevertheless, a number of papers dealing with domestic affairs have been added, the presence of which may need some further explanation. It was thought useful, for example, to include all Bills which were passed in order to incorporate into statute law certain agreements with foreign countries and the obligations of Great Britain with respect to the League of Nations (e.g. Item Nos. 1, 332). The large number of loans which the British Government contracted during the first world war and which led to much diplomatic activity in this period was thought to warrant the inclusion of the annual 'Financial Accounts of the United Kingdom'. These papers will enable the reader to find readily an annual statement showing the amount of money and interest owing to the British Government and the debt of Great Britain to the United States. The 'Finance Accounts' are also a useful guide to the financial status of such Government undertakings as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the Suez Canal Company, a status which has some bearing upon British policy towards the countries concerned. Another set of annual reports which is included is that on the 'Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India'. These reports contain useful information on the attitude of the British Government towards India's neighbours, especially Afghanistan and Russia, and they are of particular interest for the period of the hostilities between Great Britain and Afghanistan and that of the establishment of the Soviet regime in Central Asia. Thus, the AngloAfghan treaty of 1921 was first published on August 3, 1922, in the report on the condition of India for 1921, whereas in the Treaty Series, it was not laid before the House until February 3, 1923 (see Item Nos. 199 and 266). Similarly, the annual reports on the 'Administration, Finance and Condition of the Sudan' have been included because they provide material on British relations with Abyssinia, especially during periods when there were Abyssinian raids against British territory.


On the other hand, it was not thought necessary to lengthen the guide unduly by the inclusion of the annual Statements explaining Navy, Air, and Army estimates. These, although they sometimes contain information as to the movements of British forces to troubled areas, are usually of too general a nature to be useful to students of foreign policy. Exceptions to this rule are the 'Statement, explanatory to the Navy Estimates' 1922-3 (Item No. 214), and two other documents on Naval matters in 1922 (Item Nos. 207 and 209), which are included because they were, in part, concerned with the Admiralty views on the Washington Conference and are, therefore, of general diplomatic, as distinct from purely Service, interest. Similarly, while intra-Imperial relations, as such, are outside the scope of this work, papers dealing with them have been included when they shed some light on an important issue in international affairs. For example, the Conference of Prime Ministers, 1921 (Item No. 164), was concerned with the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and with the forthcoming Washington Conference, and the 'Correspondence relative to the Geneva Protocol with the Dominions' (Item No. 501A) and the views of the Government of India relative to the same question (Item No. 508) throw light on the reasons for Sir Austen Chamberlain's rejection of the Geneva Protocol. The guide has had to take account of the important change of Government policy with respect to Parliamentary papers, which was made as a result of the recommendations of the 'Select Committee on Publications and Debates Reports'. This Committee was established in 1922 in order to study the mounting costs of Parliamentary publication. It found that the high cost was partly due to the fact that the papers tabled in the House were distributed to all members without charge. These included such items as the 'Trade and Navigation Papers', often as long as four volumes of some 800 pages each (Item No. 192), as well as the annual reports from some twenty colonies and mandated areas, each of over 100 pages, and the 'Overseas Trade Reports' which were the reports on industrial conditions in foreign countries from British Consuls all over the. world. The Committee thought it unnecessary to distribute many of these papers to all members of the House, and it was, therefore, decided not to table certain of these routine reports but to publish them through His Majesty's Stationery Office, where they could be readily purchased by all those who were interested.' This reduced the annual bound set of Parliamentary papers by approximately twenty-five volumes. Among the papers transferred from the category of Parliamentary papers were the 'Returns on Shipping and Tonnage for the Suez Canal', the 'Trade and Navigation Papers', the 'Overseas Trade Reports', and annual reports on various colonies 1. See 'Report of the Select Committee on Publications and Debates Reports' 1923, Vol. VIII, Sessional Paper No. 140: A full list of the papers transferred may be found in Appendix I.


and mandated areas. Consequently these papers appear in the guide only down to 1922. After that year reference to them can be found only in the annual index of government publications. The first section for each year provides a list of Bills relevant to foreign affairs, in numerical order, and the second section a list of Sessional Papers, also in numerical order. The third section for each year consists of Command Papers, the numerical order of which is maintained throughout the text. It is hoped that this system will enable the reader who already knows the Sessional or Command number of the paper which he wishes to find to go directly to the text without having to consult the index. To simplify this process, the top of each page bears the numbers of the papers contained on that page. Each paper is given its full title and, wherever possible, extra dates or information have been added. Thus, in the Treaty Series, in all cases in which a treaty has been ratified, the date of ratification is added after the date of signature. To each title is added the volume and the page of the bound set on which the paper may be found. The great majority of papers dealing with foreign affairs appear in the 'Accounts and Papers' section of the Parliamentary papers, usually in the last volumes of the yearly bound set under the sub-title of 'State Papers'. In all cases in which a paper appears in the 'Accounts and Papers' section, the title and the sub-title of the volume have been omitted. In that minority of cases, however, in which the papers are to be found either in the section of the bound set classified as 'Bills; Public' or the section classified as 'Reports; Commissioners' or 'Reports; Committees', the title, but not the sub-title, of the volume has been added. All Parliamentary papers become available to the public on the date on which they are tabled in the House of Commons and/or the House of Lords. The dates appended to each item are the dates on which the paper was tabled. In some cases, however, papers become available during a parliamentary recess, and, according to a standing rule of 1896, are delivered to the sales office before they are formally tabled. There is sometimes an interval of as much as six weeks between the time of publication and the re-opening of Parliament. It was thought useful, therefore, to add the date on which a paper was delivered to the parliamentary library while Parliament was in recess. These dates were all taken from the Journals of the House of Lords, as they do not appear in the Journals of the House of Commons. In a few instances the House of Lords remained in recess after the re-opening of the House of Commons session, and consequently a paper may have been delivered to the House of Lords' library after it had, in fact, been officially tabled in the House of Commons. In such cases the date on which the paper was officially tabled in the House of Lords is simply marked with an (R.). This marking also occurs in cases in which a paper was published during a short adjournment, but in which no indication as to the exact date can be found.


In the index, an attempt has been made to bring together papers, which, although they have varying titles, are related to the same subject. Thus, under EUROPE, European Settlement, may be found a number of papers which contain the correspondence between the various great Powers concerning the attempted European settlement, and under REPARATIONS are collected some one hundred papers, concerned with German reparations from the time of the Treaty of Versailles to that of the Anglo-German Payments Agreement of 1938. Bilateral treaties between Great Britain and foreign countries will be found under the heading of the country with which they were concluded, and only general International Conventions, the indices of the Treaty Series, and lists of 'Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.' will be found under the general heading of TREATIES. Thus, the Anglo-German Agreement relating to German debts in China, may be found under GERMANY, China, or under CHINA, German Debts. This method of presentation will enable the reader to find correspondence on negotiations relating to a treaty under the same heading as the treaty itself; thus under U.S.A., Mandated Areas, may be found not only the 'Correspondence respecting Economic Rights in Mandated Territories', but also a list of all Conventions between the U.K. and the U.S.A. relating to the economic rights of their respective nationals in the mandated areas. A number of documents which deal with the relations of the Dominions and certain foreign countries are also to be found in the British Parliamentary papers. Such papers may be found in one of two places: either under the particular Dominion and the subheading of the country concerned with the paper, or under the name of the country itself and the sub-heading of the subject matter of the document. For instance, the Commercial Convention between Canada and Italy of 1923 (Item 360) may be found under CANADA, Italy, or under ITALY, Commerce.



House of Commons


House of Lords


House of Commons and House of Lords


Laid by Command


Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed




In Recess or in Adjournment


Return to an Address of the House of Commons


Return to an Address of the House of Lords


Sessional Paper


BILLS 1919 Item 1- 4 Bill No. 121- 239 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. II, 1023: Bills, Public Treaty of Peace: United Kingdom and various Powers. Treaty of Versailles. Lords amendment, see Bill No. 149. Text, see State Papers, Cmd 153. O.H.C.P. 3 July 1919

Bill 121


Vol. I, 107: Bills, Public Anglo-French Defence Treaty Bill for carrying into effect the Treaty of Peace between His Majesty and certain Powers. O.H.C.P. 3 July 1919

Bill 122


Vol. I, 789: Bills, Public Loan to the Government of the Sudan Bill to authorize the Treasury to Guarantee the payment of interest on a loan to be raised by the Government of the Sudan. O.H.C.P. 23 July 1919

Bill 148

3a Vol. II, 1025: Bills, Public Treaty of Peace Lords Amendment. [See also Item I.] O.H.C.P. 24 July 1919 4

Vol. I, 115: Bills, Public Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Amendment: Bill to amend the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Act, 1914. O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1919


Bill 149

Bill 239

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1919 Item 44 - 4c S.P. No.121- 212 Doc. No.

Item No.

4a Vol. XXXII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom. 19181919.

S.P. 121

O.H.GP. 24 June 1919

4b Vol. XXXVIII, 489 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the year 1918. 54th Number.

S.P. 143

O.H.C.P. 21 July 1919

4c Vol. XIII, Part I, 523: Reports, Commissioners: (6) Report of the American Dollar Securities Committee. (Mr. Baldwin.)

S.P. 212

Ord. 19 Nov. 1919 O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1919

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 5-6 Cmd 2. 7 Item No.

Doc. No.

5 Vol. LIII, 677 Misc. No. 1 (1919) Draft Agreement for a League of Nations; Presented to the Plenary Inter-Allied Conference, 14 February 1919.

Cmd 2

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1919

6 Vol. LIII, 757 Treaty Series No. 1 (1919) Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting British War Graves in France. Signed at Paris, 26 November 1918. L/C. HC/L 20 March 1919


Cmd 7

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item?-12 Cmd 8 - 54 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. LIII, 987 Russia No. I (1919) Collection of Reports on Bolshevism in Russia.

Cmd S

L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1919


Vol. LIII, 671 Treaty Series No. 2 Renewal of existing Arbitration Agreements between the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Spain, and the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America 3 June 1918-1 February 1919. [see also Item 370.]

Cmd 10

L/C. HC/L. 9 April 1919

9 Vol. LIII, 1081 Misc. No. 2 Correspondence respecting the British Mission to South America, 1918.

Cmd 12

L/C. HC/L. 27 May 1919

10 Vol. LIII, 675 Reports by British Officers on the economic conditions prevailing in Germany. December 1918— March 1919. [See also Item 12.]

Cmd 52

L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1919

11 Vol. LIII, 99 Terms of Armistices concluded between the Allied Governments and the Governments of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.

Cmd 53

L/C. HC/L. 3 April 1919

12 Vol. LIII, 859 Further Reports by British Officers on the economic conditions prevailing in Germany, April 1919. In continuation of Cmd 52 [Item 10]. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1919

Cmd 54

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 13 -16a Cmd 150-219 Item No.

Doc. No.

13 Vol. LIII, 1133 Treaty Series No. 3 Arbitration Treaty between the United Kingdom and Uruguay. Signed at Monte-video, 18 April 1918. Ratifications exchanged at Monte-video 11 February 1919.

Cmd 150

L/C. HC/L. 3 June 1919

14 Vol. LIII, 685 Misc. No. 3 Covenant of the League of Nations, with Commentary thereon.

Cmd 151

L/C. HC/L. 24 June 1919 (R. 13 June)

14a Vol. XIV, 833 Suez Canal: Commercial No. 1 (1919) Returns of shipping and tonnage 1915, 1916, and 1917. (In continuation of Cmd 8591 of 1917-1918.)

Cmd 152

L/C. HC. 25 June 1919 HL 26 June 1919

15 Vol. LIII, 127 Treaty Series No. 4 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany. Signed at Versailles 28 June 1919. [See also Item 1.]

Cmd 153

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1919

16 Vol. LIII, 877 Further reports by British Officers on the Economic conditions prevailing in Germany, March and April 1919.

Cmd 208

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1919

16a Vol. XIV, 847 Suez Canal Return of shipping and tonnage, 1918. In continuation of Cmd 152. [Item 14A.] L/C. HC. 4 July 1919 HL. 7 July 1919


Cmd 219

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 17 - 21 Cmd 220 - 240

Item No.

Doc. No.

17 Vol. LIII, 359 Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol Supplementary to the Treaty of Peace (Versailles). Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1919

Cmd 220

18 Vol. LIII, 361 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty respecting Assistance to France in the event of unprovoked aggression by Germany. Similar Treaty between France and the United States Attached. Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1919

Cmd 221

19 Vol. LIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between the United States of America, France, Belgium, the British Empire, and Germany with regard to the Military Occupation of the Territory of the Rhine. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1919

Cmd 222

20 Vol. LIII, 379 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty between the United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy, and Japan and Poland. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC. 11 July 1919

Cmd 223

HL. 14 July 1919

21 Vol. LIII, 369 Declaration by the Governments of the United States of America, Great Britain, and France in regard to the occupation of the Rhine Provinces, 16 June 1919. L/C. HC. 3 July 1919 HL. 7 July 1919


Cmd 240

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 21a- 25 Cmd 251- 261 Doc. No.

Item No.

21a Vol. XXIV, 33, Reports; Commissioners (17) British and Foreign Legal Procedure. Report of the Committee appointed by the Lord Chancellor to consider the conduct of legal proceedings between parties in this Country and parties abroad and the enforcement of judgements and awards.

Cmd 251

L/C. HC/L 7 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 17 Misc. No. 4 Reply of the Allied and Associated Powers to the observations of the German Delegation on the conditions of the Peace. Paris, 16 June 1919.

Cmd 258

L/C. HC/L 15 July 1919


Vol. XXXII, 239 Misc. No. 5 Note on the Guaranteed Sudan Loan.

Cmd 259

L/C. HC/L 28 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 1121 Misc. No. 6 Reports on Conditions in Turkish Prisons.

Cmd 260

L/C. HC/L 29 July 1919


Vol. LIII, 1 Misc. No. 7 Peace Proposals made by His Holiness the Pope to the Belligerent Powers on August 1, 1917 and Correspondence relative thereto. L/C. HC/L 11 Aug. 1919


Cmd 261

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 25a - 28 Cmd 266 - 280

Item No. 25a Vol. LIII, 585 Air Ministry Convention relating to Air Navigation. SubCommission of Peace Conference: Convention not formally approved by Supreme Council of Peace of Conference. It has, however, been agreed that it should be issued for the information of the public of the Allied and Associated States. [See also Item 70a.] L/C. HC. 17 July 1919

Doc. No. Cmd 266

HL. 21 July 1919

25b Vol. XXXII, 237 Government of Sudan Loan Bill Estimate of Probable Expenditure. L/C. HC. 18 July 1919

Cmd 267

HL. No date

26 Vol. XIV, 729 France and Algiers (Customs Duties) Translation of the French Presidential Decree of 8 July 1919 with statement showing classes of goods on which the Customs Import Duties are increased and the coefficient of increase in each case. L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1919

Cmd 273

27 Vol. XLV, 723 Trade Conditions under which Trading is permissible since the raising of the Blockade. [See also Item 34.] L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1919

Cmd 274

28 Vol. LIII, 927 German (Food Conditions) Report on the Food Conditions in Germany with memoranda on the Agricultural conditions in Germany and on Agricultural Statistics and Statistical Tables and Charts. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1919

Cmd 280


COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 29 - 33 and 300 - 324 Doc. No.

Item No.

29 Vol. LITI, 983 Persia No. 1 (1919) Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Persian Government. Signed at Teheran, 9 August 1919.

Cmd 300

L/C. HC/L. 14 Aug. 1919


Vol. LIII, 749 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting British War Graves in Belgium. Signed at Brussels, 18 June 1919.

Cmd 301

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (R. 21 Sept)


Vol. LITI, 741 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States: Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1916.

Cmd 302

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (R. 23 Sept)


Vol. XXXII, 847 Cost of Naval and Military Operations in Russia from date of Armistice to 31 July 1919.

Cmd 307

L/C. HC/L. 13 Aug. 1919

32a Vol. XXXVII, 1155 Correspondence regarding the Medical arrangements and comforts for the troops in the Northwest Frontier.

Cmd 310

L/C. HC. 14 Aug. 1919 HL. 15 Aug. 1919


Vol. XXXVII, 1183 Papers regarding hostilities with Afghanistan, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1919

Cmd 324

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 34 - 37 Cmd 350 - 400 Item No.


Doe. No.

Vol. XLV, 727 Conditions under which trading is permissible with certain countries: To supersede instructions published in Cmd 274 [Item 27].

Cmd 350

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1919 (IL 18 Sept)

35 Vol. X, 125: Reports; Commissioners (3) Report on the Committee appointed to consider the Application for exemption from compulsory repatriation submitted by Internal Enemy Aliens.

Cmd 383

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1919


Vol. XXXII, 849

Cmd 395

Cost of the Naval and Military Operations in Russia from date of Armistice to 31 October 1919. L/C. HC. 31 Oct. 1919 HL 4 Nov. 1919

36a Vol. XXXVII, 1165 Further correspondence concerning the Medical Arrangements and Comforts to the troops in the North-west Frontier.

Cmd 398

L/C. HC. 3 Nov. 1919 HL. 31 Oct. 1919

37 Vol. LITI, 399 Treaty Series No. 11 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Austria, with Protocol and Declaration Annexed thereto. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. [Bill to carry into effect the above: see 1920, Bill No. 66, Vol. V, 465, Item 46b.] L/C. HG 24 Nov. 1919 HL. 25 Nov. 1919

Cmd 400

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 38 - 42 Cmd 414 - 459 Item No.


Doc. No. Vol. LITI, 705 Treaty Series No. 12 Convention for control of the Trade in Arms and Ammunition, and Protocol. Signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 414

L/C. HC. 28 Nov. 1919 HL 27 Nov. 1919


Vol. XLV, 821 Production, Prices, and Currency Statement on Production, Price Movements and Currency Expansion in various Countries. [See also Item 77b.]

Cmd 434

L/C. HC. 24 Nov. 1919 HL 25 Nov. 1919


Vol. LIII, 1117 Treaty Series No. 13 Ratification by Sweden of the International Copyright Convention. Signed at Berlin, 13 November 1908, and additional Protocol signed at Berne, 20 March 1914. Effective from 1 January 1920.

Cmd 452

L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1919


Vol. LIII, 523 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the contributions to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, I0 September 1919. [See also Item 65.]

Cmd 458

L/C. HC/L 12 Dec. 1919


Vol. LIII, 527 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with regard to Italian Reparation Payments. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. [See also Item 67.] L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec 1919


Cmd 459

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 43-46 Cmd 460 - 478 Doc. No.

Item No.

43 Vol. LIII, 1113 Treaty Series No. 16 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Spain respecting Extradition between certain British Protected States in the Malay Peninsula and Spain. Signed at Madrid, 20 June 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 22 November 1919.

Cmd 460

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

44 Vol. LIII, 543 Treaty Series No. 17 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 461

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

44a Vol. XIII, Part I, 593: Reports, Commissioners (6) Currency and Foreign Exchange Final Report of the Committee on Currency and Foreign Exchanges after the War.

Cmd 464

L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1919

45 Vol. LIII, 553 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention revising the General Act of Berlin, 26 February 1885 and the General Act and Declaration of Brussels, 21 July 1890. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919.

Cmd 477

L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1919

46 Vol. LIII, 569 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention relating to the Liquor Traffic in Africa, and Protocol. Signed at Saint Germainen-Laye, 10 September 1919. L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1919


Cmd 478

COMMAND PAPERS 1919 Item 46a Cmd 479

Item No.

Doc. No.

46a Vol. LIII, 531 Treaty Series No. 20 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Czechoslovakia. Signed at Saint Germain-en-Laye, 10 September 1919. L/C. HC/L 17 Dec.1919

Cmd 479

BILLS 1920 Item 46b - 46d Bill No. 66 -138

Item No.

Doc. No.

46b Vol. V, 465: Bills; Public Treaty of Peace (Austria and Bulgaria) Bill to carry into effect Treaties of Peace between His Majesty and Certain other Powers. [See also Item 37.]

Bill 66

O.H.C.P. 31 March 1920

46c Vol. IV, 539: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill to authorize the granting of Credits and the undertaking of Insurances for the purpose of reestablishing Overseas Trade.

Bill 70

O.H.C.P. 13 April 1920

46d Vol. IV, 511: Bills; Public Nauru Island Bill to confirm the Agreement between His Majesty's Government in London, His Majesty's Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, and His Majesty's Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, in relation to the Island of Nauru. O.H.C.P. 11 June 1920


Bill 138

BILLS 1920 Item 46e - 47 Bill No. 150 - 225

Doc. No.

Item No. 46e Vol. I, 139: Bills; Public Air Navigation (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for regulating Air Navigation and to make further provision for the control and regulation of aviation.

Bill 150

O.H.C.P. 25 June 1920

461 Vol. IV, 517: Bills; Public Nauru Island Bill to confirm the Agreement between His Majesty's Government in London, His Majesty's Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, and His Majesty's Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, in relation to the Island of Nauru, as amended in Standing Committee A.

Bill 160

O.H.C.P. 8 July 1920

46g Vol. IV, 545: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill to authorize the granting of Credits and the undertaking of Insurances for the purpose of reestablishing Overseas Trade, as amended in Standing Committee A.

Bill 187

O.H.C.P. 27 July 1920


Vol. I, 153: Bills; Public Air Navigation (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for regulating Air Navigation and to make further provision for the control and regulation of aviation, as amended in Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 4 Nov. 1920


Bill 225

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1920 Item 47a - 48a S.P. No. 19 -163 Item No.

Doc. No.

47a Vol. XXVII, 247 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund, under Act 2 & 3, Will 4 c 121 and 6 & 7, Will 4 c 94, for Interest and Sinking Fund on that Part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this Country under the Authority of the said Acts and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1919. L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1920 HL 18 Feb. 1920

S.P. 19

47b Vol. XXVII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom and Ireland, for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1920. O.H.C.P. 22 June 1920

S.P. 124

47c Vol. VII, 1045 Nauru Island Agreement Bill Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 8 July 1920

S.P. 142

48 Vol. XXVII, 173 Major Entwhistle: External Debt Return showing, as on March 31, 1919 and March 31, 1920 respectively, the External Debt of this country, the Due Date, and any arrangements which had been made for its repayment. 8 July 1920 Ord.

S.P. 144

O.H.C.P. 9 July 1920

48a Vol. VIII, 1 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Bill Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 27 July 1920


S.P. 163

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1920 Item 48b S.P. No. 205 Item No.

Doc. No.

48b Vol. VI, 555 Air Navigation Bill (HL.) Report from Standing Committee A, with the Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 4 Nov. 1920

S.P. 205

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 49 - 51 Cmd511-516 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXIX, 869 Commercial No. 1 (1920) Report on Japanese Labour by His Majesty's Vice Consul at Osaka. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 6 Jan)

Cmd 511


Vol. XLIX, 99 Trading Conditions Conditions under which Trading is permissible with certain countries. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 2 Jan)

Cmd 512


Vol. LI, 269 Treaty Series No. 1 (1920) Index to the Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany. Signed at Versailles, 28 June 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 22 Jan)

Cmd 516


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item52-56 Cmd517-521

Item No.

Doc. No.

52 Vol. LI, 721 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Boundaries in East Africa (Mount Sabino to Congo Nile Watershed), with maps. Signed at London, 3 February 1915. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 October 1920. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 517

(R. 29 Jan)

53 Vol. LI, 745 Treaty Series No. 3 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Chile for the Establishment of a Peace Commission. Signed at Santiago, 28 March 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Santiago, 23 October 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 518

(R. 29 Jan)

54 Vol. LI, 51 Treaty Series No. 4 Renewal of Existing Arbitration Conventions between the United Kingdom and Norway and Sweden and the Arbitration Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal, November 1919. [See also Items 492, 499, 516.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 519

(R. 29 Jan)

55 Vol. LI, 715 Treaty Series No. 21 (1919) Index to Treaty Series, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920

Cmd 520

(R. 30 Jan)

56 Vol. LI, 173 Misc. No. 1 (1920) Economic Conditions in Central Europe (1). L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1920 (R. 2 Feb)


Cmd 521

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 57 - 61 Cmd 522.589

Item No.

Doc. No.

57 Vol. LI, 79 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty of Peace signed between the Allied and Associated Powers and Bulgaria, and Protocol, with map. Signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine, 27 November 1919. L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1920

Cmd 522

Vol. LI, 11 Misc. No. 2 Correspondence relating to the Adriatic Question. L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1920

Cmd 586




2 March 1920

Vol. LI, 1187 Russia No. 1 (1920) Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government of Russia for the exchange of Prisoners. Copenhagen, 12 February 1920. L/C. HC. 8 March 1920

Cmd 587

HL. 9 March 1920


Vol. LI, 595 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Rumania. Signed at Paris, 9 December 1919. L/C. HC. 8 March 1920

Cmd 588

HL. 9 March 1920

61 Vol. LI, 339 Misc. No. 3 Convention between Greece and Bulgaria. Signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine, 27 November 1919. L/C. HC. 12 March 1920 HL. 16 March 1920


Cmd 589

COMMAND PAPERS I920 Item 62-64 Cmd590-627 Item No.

Doc. No.

62 Vol. LI, 741 Misc. No. 4 Dispatch from His Majesty's Minister in Brussels enclosing a copy of the Belgian Law of 25 October 1919, respecting Belgian Nationality. In continuation of Cd 7464 of 1914. L/C. HC. 25 March 1920 HL. 26 March 1920

Cmd 590

63 Vol. LI, 547 Germany No. 1 (1920) Ordinances and Instructions issued by the InterAllied Rhineland High Commission, with Annexes. Signed, 10 June 1920. L/C. HC/L. 29 March 1920

Cmd 591

63a Vol. XXXIX, 775 Labour Administration in America Notes of Enquiries made by the Home Office Representatives attending the Washington Labour Conference. L/C. HC. 5 March 1920 HL. 9 March 1920

Cmd 606

63b Vol. XLIX, 227 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be Incurred. L/C. HC. 15 March 1920 HL. 16 March 1920

Cmd 620

64 Vol. LI, 477 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its First Annual Meeting, 29 October to 29 November 1919 (Washington). Both Drafts deposited at the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 17 March 1920

Cmd 627


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 65 - 68 Cmd 637 - 640 Item No.

Doc. No.

65 Vol. LI, 59 Treaty Series No. 7 Declaration Modifying the Agreement of 10 September 1919 [see Item 41], between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the fonner Austro-Hungarian Empire (Articles 4 & 5). Signed at Paris, 8 December 1919.

Cmd 637

L/C. HC. 12 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.)

66 Vol. LI, 605 Treaty Series No. 8 Declaration of accession by the Serb-Croat-Slovene State to the Treaty of Peace with Austria, the Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, and the Agreements with regard to the Italian Reparation Payments and the Contribution to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the Former Austro-Hungarian Empire. Signed at Paris, 5 December 1919.

Cmd 638

L/C. HC. 14 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.)

67 Vol. LI, 517 Treaty Series No. 9 Declaration modifying the agreement of 10 September 1919 [see Item No. 42] between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers with regard to the Italian Reparation Payments. Signed at Paris, 8 December 1919.

Cmd 639

L/C. HC. 14 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (R.) 68 Vol. LI, 57 Misc. No. 5

Cmd 640

Note on the Treaties of Peace (Austria and Bulgaria) Bill, 1920. L/C. HC. 19 April 1920 HL 20 April 1920 (IL 17 April)


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 69 - 73 Cmd 641-673 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. LI, 189 Misc. No. 6 Economic Conditions in Central Europe (II), with map.

Cmd 641

L/C. HC/L 23 April 1920


Vol. LI, 253 Declaration by the Supreme Council of the Peace Conference on the Economic Conditions of the World.

Cmd 646

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1920

70a Vol. XXX, 105 Air Ministry Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation, 13 October 1919. [See also Item 25a.]

Cmd 670

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1920


Vol. LI, 261 Misc. No. 7 Agreement between France, Russia, Great Britain, and Italy. Signed at London, 26 April 1915.

Cmd 671

L/C. HC/L. 27 April 1920


Vol. LI, 63 Misc. No. 8 Report of the Foreign Office Committee on British Communities Abroad.

Cmd 672

L/C. HC/L 29 April 1920


Vol. LI, 899 Misc. No. 9 Report on the Alleged Existence of `White Terror' in Hungary. L/C. HC/L 4 May 1920


Cmd 673

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 74 - 77a Cmd 674 - 732

Doc. No.

Item No. 74 Vol. LI, 1121 Misc. No. 10 Report by Sir Stuart Samuel on his Mission to Poland. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1920

Cmd 674

75 Vol. LI, 895 Misc. No. 11 San Remo Agreement Memorandum of Agreement between M. Philippe Berthelot and Professor John Cadman, K.C.M.G., Director in charge of His Majesty's Petroleum Department. L/C. HC. 23 July 1920

Cmd 675

HL. 26 July 1920


Vol. LI, 1 Misc. No. 12 Reference to the League of Nations of the Question of the Aaland Islands. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920

Cmd 676

(R. 25 Aug.)


Vol. XLIII, 853 Sweden: Report on the commercial and industrial situation for the Year 1919, prepared by Mr. S. E. Kay, His Majesty's Consul at Stockholm. L/C. HC. 1 June 1920

Cmd 708

HL. 8 June 1920 (R. 27 May)

77a Vol. XLIX, 229 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Revised Conditions for Export Credits. L/C. HC. 7 June 1920 HL. 8 June 1920


Cmd 732

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item77b- 80a

Cmd 734 - 792 Item No.

Doc. No.

77b Vol. XLIX, 229 Currency and Prices Statements of Currency expansion Price movements, and Production in certain Countries. In continuation of Cmd 434 [Item 39].

Cmd 734

L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1920

77c Vol. XXXIII, 623 Nauru Island Financial Memorandum: Memorandum of Agreement as to the working of the Phosphate Deposits on Nauru Island.

Crud 749

L/C. HC. 14 June 1920 HL. 15 June 1920

78 Vol. XLIII, 257 Germany: Report on the Industrial and Commercial conditions of Germany at the close of the Year 1919.

Cmd 752

L/C. HC/L. 15 June 1920

79 Vol. XLIII, 751 Peru: Report on the Finance, Industry, and Trade of Peru at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. F. W. Manners, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Lima.

Cmd 769

L/C. HC. 21 June 1920 HL. 22 June 1920

80 Vol. XXVIII, 317 Army: Statement of Expenditure on the Naval and Military Operations in Russia from the date of the Armistice to 31 March 1920.

Cmd 772

L/C. HC. 16 July 1920 HL. 19 July 1920

80a Vol. XXX, 197 Air Navigation Bill Memorandum of Financial Clauses. L/C. HC. 28 June 1920 HL. no date

Cmd 792

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 81- 85 Cmd 793 - 840 Item No.

Dec. No.


Vol. XLIII, 295 Greece: Report on the Commercial and Industrial Situation of Greece for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. D. C. Rawlins, Commercial secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Athens. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1920

Cmd 793


Vol. XLIII, 833 Siam: Report on the Commercial Situation in Siam at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. J. Crosby, His Majesty's Acting Consul-General, Bangkok. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1920

Cmd 795


Vol. XXVIII, 323 Army: The Evacuation of North Russia, 1919. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1920

Cmd 818


Vol. XLIII, 777 Rumania: Report on the Economic Conditions and Prospects of Rumania at the close of the Year 1919, by Mr. A. Adams, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Bucharest. L/C. HC. 12 July 1920 HL. 13 July 1920

Cmd 828

84a Vol. XLIII, 623 Norway Report on the Commerce and Industry of Norway to the end of the year 1919, prepared by the Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legadon, Christiania, Mr. C. L. Paus. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1920

Cmd 839

85 Vol. XLIII, 63 Brazil: Report on the General Economic and Financial Conditions of Brazil for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. Hambloch, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy, Rio de Janeiro. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1920

Cmd 840


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 85a - 88 Cmd 842 - 895 Doc. No.

Item No.

85a Vol. XXXIII, 167 Department of Overseas Trade Report on the conditions and prospects of trade in the protectorate of South-West Africa, by Mr. S. L. Wilson Goode. L/C. HC/L 20 July 1920

Cmd 842


Vol. XLIII, 233 Egypt: Report on the Economic and Financial Situation of Egypt for the Year 1919, by Mr. E. H. Muloch, His Majesty's Commercial Agent, Cairo. L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1920

Cmd 843


Vol. XLIII, 131 China: Report for the Year 1919 on the conditions and prospects of British Trade in China, by Mr. H. H. Fox, C.M.G., Commercial Councillor, Shanghai, with the assistance of Mr. A. W. Rose, Commercial Secretary at Peking, and Mr. H. J. Brett, Commercial Secretary at Hong-Kong. L/C. HC/L 23 July 1920

Cmd 853

87a Vol. XLIII, 337 Overseas Trade Reports Holland: Report on the Economic, Financial, and Industrial Conditions of Holland for the year 1919; by Mr. R. V. Laming, O.B.E., Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, The Hague. L/C. HC/L 3 Aug. 1920

Cmd 872

88 Vol. XLIII, 1 Argentine Republic: Report on the Economic and Industrial Situation of the Argentine Republic for the Year 1919, by Mr. H. O. Chalkey, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Buenos Aires. L/C. HC. 16 Aug. 1920 (R.) HL. 12 Aug. 1920

Cmd 895


COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 89 - 92 Cmd 896 -955 Item No.

Doc. No.

89 Vol. LI, 345 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty of Peace between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary, and Protocol and Declaration. Signed at Trianon, 4 June 1920.

Cmd 896

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1920

90 Vol. XLIII, 451 Japan: Report on the Commercial, Industrial, and Financial Situation of Japan, 1914-1919, by Mr. Hugh Home, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy in Tokyo.

Cmd 912

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 19 Aug.)

91 Vol. XLIII, 885 Turkey: General Report on the Trade and Economic Conditions of Turkey for the Year 1919, by Captain C. H. Courthope-Munroe, Commercial Secretary to the British High Commission in Constantinople.

Cmd 942

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 10 Sept.)

91a Vol. XXXIV, 705 East India (Progress and Condition) Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1919. 55th Number.

Cmd 950

L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 10 Sept.)

92 Vol. XLIII, 195 Denmark: Report on the Post-War Economic and Industrial Situation of Denmark. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 15 Sept.)


Cmd 955

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 93 - 97 Cmd 957 - 965 Doc. No.

Item No.

93 Vol. LI, 751 Egypt No. 1 (1920) Egypt and the Sudan: Reports by His Majesty's High Commissioner on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Sudan for the period 1914-1919.

Cmd 957

L/C. HC/L 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. LI, 329 Treaty Series No. 13 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Greece. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 960

L/C. HC/L 19 Oct. 1920 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. LI, 43 Treaty Series No. 12 Tripartite Agreement between the British Empire, France, and Italy respecting Anatolia. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 963

L/C. HC/L 16 Aug. 1920


Vol. LI, 609 Treaty Series No. 11 Treaty of Peace between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Turkey. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 964

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1920


Vol. LI, 1067 Treaty Series No. 14 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands respecting Extradition between certain British Protected States in the Malay Peninsula and the Netherlands. Signed at London, 13 April 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL 9 Nov. 1920


Cmd 965

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 98 -102 Cmd 975 - 1020

Item No.

Doc. No.

98 Vol. XLIII, 527 Morocco: Report on the Trade, Industry, and Finance of Morocco. Part I, French Protectorate of Morocco; Part II, Zone of Tangier; Part III, Spanish Protectorate of Morocco. L/C. HC/L. 19 Oct. 1920

Cmd 975

(R. 2 Oct.)


Vol. LI, 1157 Treaty Series No. 16 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting the Boundaries in South-East Africa (from Beacon 1 on the left bank of the Malosa River to Beacon 17 on the shore of Lake Nyasa). Signed at London, 6 May 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL. 9 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1000


Vol. LI, 1063 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands renewing for a further period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of 15 February 1905. Signed at London, 1 June 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 July 1920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920 HL 9 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1001


Vol. LI, 1071 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Persia modifying the Commercial Convention of February 9 1903. Signed at Teheran, 21 March I920. L/C. HC. 8 Nov. 1920

Cmd 1011

HL. 9 Nov. 1920


Vol. LI, 545 League of Nations Copy of Provisional Agenda for the First Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1920 27

Cmd 1020

COMMAND PAPERS 1920 Item 103 -107 Cmd 1022 -1097

Item No. 103

Vol. LI, 521 Report by the Secretary-General to the First Assembly of the League on the work of the Council. L/C. HC/L. 20 Dec. 1920


Vol. LI, 465 Treaty Series No. 18 Agreement respecting the Preservation and Restoration of the Rights of Industrial Property affected by the World War. L/C. HG 26 Nov. 1920

Doc. No. Cmd 1022

Cmd 1040

HL 29 Nov. 1920


Vol. XXV, 89: Reports; Commissioners. (17) Interim Report of the Committee to Collect information on Russia. L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1041

HL. 17 Dec. 1920

Vol. LI, 911 Mesopotamia Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia. L/C. HC/L. 6 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1061

106a Vol. XXIX, 1 Battle of Jutland Official Dispatches relating to the Battle of Jutland, 30 May-1 June 1916, with Appendices and Charts. [See Item 650a.] L/C. HC/L 8 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1068

Vol. LI, 891 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the British and Esthonian Governments respecting Commercial Relations. Signed at London, 20 July 1920. L/C. HC/L 23 Dec. 1920

Cmd 1097




BILLS 1921 Item 108 -110b Bill No. 42 -147

Item No. 108 Vol. I, 683: Bills; Public German Reparations (Recovery) Act Bill to provide for the application of part of the purchase price of imported German Goods towards discharge of the obligations of Germany under the Treaty of Versailles. [See also Item 109.]

Doc. No. Bill 42

O.H.C.P. 11 March 1921


Vol. I, 689: Bills; Public German Reparations (Recovery) Act. As amended in Committee. [See Item 108 for Text.]

Bill 48

O.H.C.P. 16 March 1921

110 Vol. V, 541: Bills; Public Bill to carry into effect the Treaty of Peace with Hungary.

Bill 56

O.H.C.P. 23 March 1921

110a Vol. IV, 101: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill to extend the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act 1920, to the 'giving of guarantees in connection with export transactions and otherwise to amend sections one and three of that Act. [See also Item 110b.]

Bill 130

O.H.C.P. 2 June 1921

110b Vol. IV, 105: Bills; Public Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act Amendment by Standing Committee A of Bill. [See Item 110a.] O.H.C.P. 23 June 1921


Bill 147

BILLS 1921 Item 110c -110d Bill No. 222 - 227 Doc. No.

Item No.

110c Vol. V, 521: Bills; Public Trade Facilities Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee the payment of Loans to be applied towards carrying out capital undertakings or in the purchase of articles manufactured in the United Kingdom required for any such undertakings, and to amend the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Act 1920, and the Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Act 1921. [See also Item 110d.]

Bill 222

O.H.C.P. 20 Oct. 1921

110d Vol. V, 525: Bills; Public Trade Facilities Amendment by Committee of Bill No. 222. [For text see Item 110c.]

Bill 227

O.H.C.P. 27 Oct. 1921

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 111-112 S.P. No. 7 - 26 Item No.

Doc. No.

111 Vol. XIX, 217 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of the moneys paid out of the consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this country under the authority of the said Acts and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same up to 31 December 1920.

S.P. 7

O.H.GP. 15 Feb. 1921

112 Vols. XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX Sir Robert Horne Accounts relating the Trade and Navigation for each month during the Year 1921. 16 Feb. 1921 Ord. O.H.C.P. 21 Feb. 1921


S.P. 26

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 113 -1164 S.P. No. 27 -150

Item No. 113

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 1 Sir Robert Horne Accounts relating to Trade and Commerce of certain Foreign Countries and British Possessions for each month during the Year 1921. Ord. 16 Feb. 1921

S.P. 27

O.H.C.P. 21 Feb. 1921


Vol. XIX, 195 Mr. H. Young Statement of Revenue and expenditure as laid before the House by the Lord Privy Seal when opening the Budget. Ord. 25 April 1921

S.P. 89

O.H.C.P. 25 April 1921


Vol. XIX, 191 Mr. Wallace Return showing, as on 31 March 1919, 1920, and 1921, respectively, the External Debt of this Country, the due date, and any arrangement which has been made for its repayment. In continuation of S.P. No. 144 of 1920 [Item 48]. Ord. 13 June 1921

S.P. 142

O.H.C.P. 15 June 1921


Vol. XIX, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Financial Year 1920-1921, ended 31 March I921.

S.P. 146

O.H.C.P. 17 June 1921

116a Vol. VII, 61: Reports; Committees (2) Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill. Report from Standing Committee A, with Proceedings of the Committee. O.H.C.P. 23 June 1921


S.P. 150

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1921 Item 117 -118a S.P. No. 164 - 202 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXI, 677 Fleets (Great Britain and Foreign Countries) Lieutenant-Colonel Burgoyne Return showing Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1921, omitting obsolete ships of all lasses, and distinguishing, both built and building, Battleships, Battle-Cruisers, Cruisers, Light Cruisers, Armoured Coast Defense Vessels and Monitors, Aircraft Carriers, Flotilla Leaders, Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Torpedo Boats, Submarines, Sloops, Coastal Motor Boats, Gunboats, Dispatch Vessels, and River Gunboats. Return to show Date of Launch, Date of Completion, Displacement, Horse-Power, Type of Machinery, and Fuel and Armaments reduced to a common scale.

S.P. 164

1 July 1921 Ord. O.H.C.P. 4 July 1921

118 Vol. XIV, 71: Reports, Commissioners (7) League of Nations Speech to Imperial Conference of the Lord President of the Council on the League of Nations. (Lord Balfour.)

S.P. 195

19 July 1921 (Lord R. Cecil) Ord. O.H.C.P. 28 July 1921

1I8a Vol. XXVI, 279 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the year 1920. 56th Number. O.H.C.P. 2 August 1921


S.P. 202

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 118b -122 Cmd 1108 -1118

Item No.


118b Vol. XXIX, 429 Documents relative to the Sinn Fein Movement, and its relations with Germany. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb.1921

Cmd 1108

(R. 8 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 1 (1921) Agreement between the British Government and the German Government respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. (Property Rights and Interest.) L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921

Cmd 1111

(R. 18 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 589 Overseas Trade Department General Report on the Industrial and Economic Situation in Germany, December 1920, by J.W.F. Thelwall, Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy, Berlin; assisted by C.J. Kavanagh, British Commercial Secretary, Occupied Territories and Cologne. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921

Cmd 1114

(R. 15 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 593 Treaty Series No. 2 International Sanitary Convention. Signed at Paris, 17 January 1912. Ratifications deposited at Paris, 7 October 1921.

Cmd 1117

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Jan.)


Vol. XLIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 3 Accession of Greece to the International Copyright Convention. Signed at Berlin, 13 November 1908. Ratification deposited 1 December 1920. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Cmd 1118

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 123 -127 Cmd 1123 -1174 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLIII, 251 Misc. No. 1 (1921) Report on the Political Conditions in Montenegro.

Cmd 1123

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Vol. XLIII, 255 Misc. No. 2 Further Report on the Political Conditions in Montenegro.

Cmd 1124

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 10 Feb.)


Vol. XLII, 629 Egypt No. 1 (1921) Report of the Special Mission to Egypt. (Lord Milner.)

Cmd 1131

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (R. 12 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 669 Overseas Trade Department General Report on the Industrial and Economic Conditions in Norway in December 1920, by Mr. C. L. Paus, C.B.E., Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Legation, Christiana.

Cmd 1145

L/C. HC/L 15 Feb. 1921 (IL)


Cmd 1174

Vol. XLIII, 523

International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations during its second Meeting. 15 June-10 July 1920. L/C. HC. 15 Feb. 1921 (R.) HL No date


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 128 -133 Cmd 1176 -1204

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XLIII, 721 Misc. No. 3 Draft Mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine as submitted for the approval of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1921

Cmd 1176


Vol. XLII, 669 Misc. No. 4 Franco-British Convention of 23 December 1920, on certain points connected with Mandates for Syria and Lebanon, Palestine and Mesopotamia. [See also Item 297.] L/C. HC/L. 16 March 1921

Cmd 1195


Vol. XLIII, 745 Misc. No. 5 Mandate for the German Possessions in the Pacific Ocean situated South of the Equator other than German Samoa and Nauru. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1201


Vol. XLIII, 749 Misc. No. 6 Mandate for Nauru. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1202


Vol. XLIII, 753 Misc. No. 7 Mandate for German Samoa. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1203


Vol. XLIII, 757 Misc. No. 8 Mandate for German South-West Africa. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1921

Cmd 1204


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 134 -139 Cmd 1207 -1236 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 457 Russian Trade Agreement Trade Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic. Signed, 16 March 1921. L/C. HC/L. 16 March 1921

Cmd 1207


VoL XLII, 25 Misc. No. 9 Correspondence respecting the New Financial Consortium in China. L/C. HC/L. 24 March 1921

Cmd 1214


Vol. XLII, 203 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between the Danish and the British Governments respecting matters of Wreck. 28 September 1918-21 January 1921. L/C. HC/L. 5 April 1921

Cmd 1223


Vol. XLIII, 481 Misc. No. 10 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Ambassador of the United States of America respecting economic rights in Mandated Territories. L/C. HC/L. 4 April 1921

Cmd 1226


Vol. XLIII, 501 United States No. 1 (1921) Correspondence respecting the Alleged delay by British Authorities of Telegrams to and from the United States. L/C. HC. 6 April 1921 HL. 7 April 1921

Cmd 1230


Vol. XLIII, 239 Misc. No. 11 Note on the Treaty of Peace (Hungary) Bill, 1921. L/C. HC/L. 8 April 1921

Cmd 1236


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 140 -144 Cmd 1237 -1251

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XLIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between Great Britain and Greece to the suppression of the Capitulations of Egypt. Athens, 22 August-4 September 1920. L/C. HC/L. 12 April 1921

Cmd 1237


Vol. XLIII, 241 Misc. No. 12 Recognition by His Majesty's Government of the Treaty of Rapallo of 12 November 1920, between the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. L/C. HC. 18 April 1921

Cmd 1238

HL. 19 April 1921

142. Vol. XLII, 673 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention between the United Kingdom and France supplementary to the Declaration of 21 March 1899 and the Convention of 14 June 1898, respecting boundaries East and West of the Niger, (with map). Signed at Paris, 8 September 1919. L/C. HC/L. 22 April 1921

Cmd 1239


Vol. XLIII, 283 Russia No. 1 Report of the Committee to Collect Information on Russia. L/C. HC. 2 May 1921 HL. 3 May 1921

Cmd 1240


Vol. XIX, 205 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 24 March 1921, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1921

Cmd 1251


COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 145 -149 Cmd 1276- 1284 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLIII, 507 Misc. No. 13 Protocol establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice.

Cmd 1276

L/C. HC. 9 May 1921 HL 10 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between the United Kingdom and Liberia, supplementary to the Convention of 21 January 1911. Signed at London, 25 June 1917. Ratifications exchanged at London, 31 March 1921. L/C. HC. 9 May 1921

Cmd 1277

HL. 10 May 1921


Vol. XLII, 19 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Brazil providing for the establishment of a Peace Commission. Signed at Rio de Janeiro, 4 April 1919. Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, 11 March 1921.

Cmd 1278

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1921


Vol. XLII, 15 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between the United Kingdom and Bolivia for the prevention of False Indications of the Origin of Goods. Signed at La Paz, 5 April 1920.

Cmd 1283

L/C. HC. 13 May 1921 HL 24 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 761 Misc. No. 14 Draft Mandate for East Africa (British), in the form in which the Council of the League of Nations will be invited to approve it. L/C. HC/L 24 May 1921


Cmd 1284

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 150.152 Cmd 1285 -1326 Item No.

Doc. No.

150 Vol. XLIII, 271 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway relating to the suppression of the Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Christiana, 22 April 1921.

Cmd 1285

L/C. HC. 3 June 1921 HL. 7 June 1921

150a Vol. X, 1019: Reports; Commissioners (3) East India Report by Sir Benjamin Robertson, dated 4 August I920, regarding the proposed settlement of Indian Agriculturists in Tanganyika Territory and Letter from the Government of India to the Secretary of State for India dated 10 February 1921.

Cmd 1312

L/C. HC/L 24 May 1921

150b Vol. XXXI, 539 Overseas Trade (Credits and Insurance) Amendment Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 1313

L/C. HC. 26 May 1921 HL. 31 May 1921

151 Vol. XLIII, 17 Misc. No. 15 Protocols and correspondence between the Supreme Council and the Conference of Ambassadors and the German Government and the German Peace Delegation between 10 January 1920 and 17 July 1920 respecting the execution of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919.

Cmd 1325

L/C. HC. 20 June 1921 HL. 21 June 1921

152 Vol. XXIX, 489 Bolshevism and Sinn Fein Papers relating to the Intercourse between Bolshevism and Sinn Fein. L/C. HC 6 June 1921 HL 7 June 1921


Cmd 1326

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 153 -157 and 1327 -1351 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XLII, 1 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between Great Britain and Belgium with a view to facilitating Belgian Traffic through territories of East Africa. Signed at London, 15 March 1921.

Cmd 1327

L/C. HC. 20 June 1921 HL. 21 June 1921


VoL XIX, 207 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 17 May 1921 relating to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921.

Cmd 1329

L/C. HC. 30 May 1921 HL. 31 May 1921


Vol. XLIII, 195 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol modifying Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at London 5 May 1921.

Cmd 1349

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1921


Vol. XLIII, 765 Misc. No. 16 Draft Mandates for Togoland (British) and the Camaroons (British) in the form in which the League of Nations will be invited to approve them.

Cmd 1350

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1921


Vol. XLIII, 495 Misc. No. 17 Despatch to His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington enclosing a Memorandum on the Petroleum Situation. L/C. HC. 4 July 1921 HL. 5 July 1921

Cmd 1351

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 158 -163 Cmd 1390 -1456 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 231 Treaty Series No. 13 Treaty between the Allied Powers and Greece relative to Thrace. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920.

Cmd 1390

L/C. HC. 9 Aug. 1921 HL 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 465 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Stockholm, 8 July 1921. L/C. HG 9 Aug. 1921

Cmd 1391

HL. 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXXI, 565 Commercial No. 1 (1921) Suez Canal Return of Shipping and Tonnage.

Cmd 1392

L/C. HC. 9 Aug. 1921 HL 10 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXIV, 755 Tanganyika Territory Report on the Tanganyika Territory from the Conclusion of the Armistice to the end of 1920.

Cmd 1428

L/C. HG 1 Aug. 1921 HL. 2 Aug. 1921


Vol. XII, 795; Reports, Commissioners (5) German War Trials Report of Proceedings before the Supreme Court in Leipzig, with Appendices.

Cmd 1450

L/C. HC. 8 Aug. 1921 HL. 9 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 689 Russia No. 2 Corerspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Anglo-Russian Trade Agreement. L/C. HC/L 12 Aug. 1921


Cmd 1456

COMMAND PAPERS 192I Item 164 -169 Cmd 1474 -1499 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XIV, 1; Reports, Commissioners (7) Summary of Proceedings and Documents relating to the Conference of Prime Ministers and Representatives of the United Kingdom, the Dominions, and India, held in June, July, and August, 1921.

Cmd 1474

L/C. HC/L. 16 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 469 Turkey No. 1 (1921) Report on atrocities in the districts of Yalova and Guemlek and the Ismid Peninsula.

Cmd 1478

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XXXI, 573 Suez Canal Returns of Shipping and Tonnage for 1920.

Cmd 1479

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 479 Egypt No. 2 Reports by His Majesty's High Commissioner on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Sudan for the Year 1920.

Cmd 1487

L/C. HC/L. 18 Aug. 1921


Vol. XLII, 207 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Copenhagen, 14 July 1921. [Document missing.]

Cmd 1498

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921 (R 1 Sept.)


Vol. XV, 823: Reports, Commissioners (8) Palestine Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine during the Period 1 July 1920 and 30 June 1921. (H. Samuel.) L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921 (R. 27 Aug.)


Cmd 1499

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 170 - 174 Cmd 1500 - 1531 Item No.


Doe. No. Vol. XLIII, 731 Mesopotamia and Palestine Final Drafts of the Mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine as submitted to the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1500

(R. 27 Aug.)


Vol. XLII, 681 Treaty Series No. 16 Trade Agreement between France and Canada. Signed at Paris, 29 January 1921. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1514

(R. 4 Oct.)


Vol. XLIII, 541 Treaty Series No. 17 International Opium Convention 1912 and subsequent relative papers. L/C. HC. 28 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1520

HL. 1 Nov. 1921

172a Vol. XXXI, 581 Trade Facilities Act Memorandum of the expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HG 19 Oct 1921

Cmd 1524

HL. 25 Oct. 1921


Vol. XLII, 211 Egypt No. 3 Proceedings and report of the Military Court into the Alexandria Riots, May 1921. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1527


Vol. XLII, 81 China No. 1 (1921) Correspondence, June 4 1913—June 30 1919, respecting the cultivation of Opium in China. In continuation of China No. 2, 1913, Cd 6876. L/C. HG 7 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1531

HL. 8 Nov. 1921

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 175 -179 Cmd 1537.1543 Item No.

Doc. No.

175 Vol. XLIII, 789 Universal Postal Union Convention of Madrid, 30 November 1920. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct. 1921

Cmd 1537

176 Vol. XLIII, 821 Agreement for the exchange of Insured Letters and Boxes, 30 November 1920, under the Universal Postal Union. L/C. HC/L 18 Oct 1921

Cmd 1538

177 Vol. XV, 853: Reports; Commissioners (8) Palestine Reports of the Commission of Inquiry into the disturbances in May 1921, with Correspondence related thereto. L/C. HC. 31 OØ. 1921 HL. 1 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1540

178 Vol. XLII, 685 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between the United Kingdom and France relative to Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919, (Enemy Debts). Signed at London, 20 July 1921. Ratifications exchanged at. London, 30 September I921. L/C. HC. 7 Nov. 1921 HL 8 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1542

179 Vol. XLII, 11 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium relative to Article 296 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919, (Enemy Debts). Signed at London, 20 July 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 September 1921. L/C. HC. 7 Nov. 1921 HI.. 8 Nov. 1921

Cmd 1543

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 Item 180 -184 Cmd 1546 -1550 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XLIII, 451 Correspondence with M. Krassin Russia's Foreign Indebtedness.

Cmd 1546 respecting

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 199 Treaty of Versailles Papers relating to the Agreement between the French and the German Governments concerning the application of Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles, regarding deliveries in kind. (Wiesbaden Agreement).

Cmd 1547

L/C. HC/L. 4 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 781 Treaty Series No. 20 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Poland, Roumania, the SerbCroat-Slovene State and the Czechoslovak State, relative to certain frontiers of those states. Signed at Sevres, 10 August 1920. British Ratification deposited 26 July 1921.

Cmd 1548

L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 275 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals between the Federated Malay States and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic. Signed at Lisbon, 10 January 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921.

Cmd 1549

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1921


Vol. XLIII, 279 Treaty Series No. 22 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Portugal relating to the extradition of fugitive criminals between certain British Possessions and the Territories of the Portuguese Republic. Signed at Lisbon, 10 January 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1921


Cmd 1550

COMMAND PAPERS 1921 SESSION II Item 185 -188 Cmd 1553 -1556 Item No.

Doc. No.

185 Vol. I, 117: Session II Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between Great Britain and Portugal relating to the suppression of Capitulations in Egypt. Signed at Lisbon, 9 December 1920. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 September 1921.

Cmd 1553

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R. 1 Dec.)

186 Vol. I, 109: Session II Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting British War Graves in Greece. Signed at Athens, 27 August-9 September 1921.

Cmd 1554

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R. 1 Dec) 187 Vol. 1, 95: Session II

Cmd 1555

Egypt No. 4 Papers respecting negotiations with the Egyptian Delegation. [See also Item 212.] L/C. HC/L 14 Dec 1921 (R. 2 Dec)

188 Vol. I, 121: Session II Turkey No. 2 Dispatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Paris enclosing the Franco-Turkish Agreement. Signed at Angora, 20 October 1921.

Cmd 1556

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1921 (R 6 Dec.)

BILLS 1922 Item 189 Bill No. 36 Item No.

Doc. No.

189 Vol. I, 793: Bills, Public Government of Sudan Loan (Amendment) Bill to amend the Government of Sudan Loan Act 1919. O.H.C.P. 20 Feb. 1922


Bill 36

BILLS 1922 Item 190 -191 Bill No. 50 -176 Doc. No.

Item No.

190 Vol. I, 215: Bills, Public Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Payment of Calls) Bill to provide Money for the payment of calls on share capital in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company Ltd., acquired under the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Acquisition of Capital) Amendment Act 1919, and to amend the law with respect to the application of dividends or interest on capital held by the said Company.

Bill 50

O.H.C.P. 14 March 1922


Vol. III, 751: Bills, Public Treaties of Washington Bill intituled an Act for enabling effect to be given to two Treaties signed at Washington on behalf of His Majesty's Government and certain other Powers.

Bill 176

O.H.C.P. 4 July 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 192 -193 S.P. No. 26 - 27 Item No.

Doc. No.

192 Vols. XVIII, XIX, XX, XXI Mr. Baldwin Accounts relating to Trade and Navigation for each month during the Year 1922.

S.P. 26

Ord. 23 Feb. 1922 O.H.C.P. 27 Feb. 1922

193 Vol. XXII, 1 Mr. Baldwin Accounts relating to the Trade and Commerce of Certain Foreign Countries and British Possessions during 1922. Ord. 23 Feb. 1922 O.H.C.P. 27 Feb. 1922


S.P. 27

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 194 -198 S.P. No. 62 -123

Doc. No.

Item No. 194

Vol. XVII, 869 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees given by Treasury to 31 March 1922.

S.P. 62

O.H.C.P. 31 March 1922


Vol. XI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1922.

S.P. 88

O.H.C.P. 18 May 1922


Vol. IV, 929: Reports, Committees (1) Anglo-Persian Oil Company (Payment of Calls) Bill Report of the Standing Committee B, with the Proceedings of the Committee. [For text of Bill, see Item 190.]

S.P. 109

O.H.C.P. 20 June 1922


Vol. XVII, 873 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Guarantees given by the Treasury to 30 June 1922.

S.P. 121

O.H.C.P. 29 June 1922


Vol. XIII, 767 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Colonel Burgoyne Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1922. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] Ord. 17 May 1922 O.H.C.P. 3 July 1922


S.P. 123

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 Item 199 S.P. No. 171

Item No. 199 Vol. XVI, 601 By Act East India (Progress and Conditions) Statement of the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1921; 57th Number. O.H.C.P. 3 Aug. 1922

Doc. No. S.P. 171

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 200 - 202 Cmd 1562 -1566

Item No. 200

Doc. No. Vol. XXIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 25 (1921) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Brazil for the exchange of Money Orders. Signed at Rio de Janeiro, 1 March 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, 22 September 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922

Cmd 1562

(R. 23 Dec. 1921)


Vol. XXIII, 199 Treaty Series No. 26 (1921) Amended Agreement between the British and the German Governments respecting Article 297 of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919 (Property, Rights and Interest). London, 31 December 1920. Ratifications exchanged at London, 6 October 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922

Cmd 1563

(R. 28 Dec. 1921)


Vol. XXIII, 215 Treaty Series No. 27 (1921) Agreement between the British and the German Governments, respecting Article 297(e) of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. (Payment of compensation in respect to damage, etc., to Property Rights and Interests.) Signed at London, 23 November 1921. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 26 Jaa)


Cmd 1566

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 203 - 207 Cmd 1570 -1581

Doc. No.

Item No. 203 Vol. XXIII, 61 Turkey No. 1 (1922) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Angora Agreement of 20 October 1921.

Cmd 1570

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 5 Jan.)

204 Vol. XXIII, 283 Treaty Series No. 1 (1922) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Peru respecting the Mineral Property 'La Brea y Parinas'. Signed at Lima, 27 August 1921.

Cmd 1571

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (IL 9 Jan.)

205 Vol. XXIII, 777 Treaty Series No. 28 (1921) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 10, 1919 [Item 31].

Cmd 1576

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R. 26 Jan.)

206 Vol. XI, 199 Italian and French Treasury Bills Treasury minute dated 5 February 1921 relative to the substitution of Italian Treasury Bills for an equivalent amount of French Treasury Bills held by the British Treasury.

Cmd 1577

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1922 (R.) 207 Vol. IX, 1: Reports, Commissioners (3) First Interim Report of the Committee on National Expenditure.

L/C. HC. 9 Feb.1922 HL. 14 Feb. 1922


Cmd 1581

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 208 - 213 Cmd 1585 -1602 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. IV, 743: Session II Treaty Series No. 17 (1922) Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Denmark relative to Sleswig, with map. Signed at Paris, 5 July 1920.

Cmd 1585

L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 23 Sept.)


Vol. XIII, 899 Remarks of the Admiralty on the Interim Report of the Committee of National Expenditure.

Cmd 1587

L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1922 HL 21 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 793 Treaty Series No. 20 (1920) Index to Treaty Series, 1920.

Cmd 1590

L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1922 HL 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 797 Treaty Series No. 29 Index to Treaty Series 1921.

Cmd 1591

L/C. HC. 27 Feb.1922 HL. 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXII, 25 Egypt No. 1 (1922) Correspondence respecting Affairs in Egypt. In continuation of Egypt No. 4, 1921 [Item 187].

Cmd 1592

L/C. HC. 27 Feb. 1922 HL 28 Feb. 1922


Vol. XXIII, 293 Russia No. 1 (1922) Correspondence with the Russian Soviet Government respecting the imprisonment of Mrs. Stan Harding in Russia. L/C. HC/L 8 March 1922


Cmd 1602

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 214-218 Cmd 1603 -1615

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XIII, 527 Navy Estimates Statement of the First Lord of Admiralty explanatory of Navy Estimates, 1922-1923. L/C. HC/L 9 March 1922

Cmd 1603


Vol. XXIII, 309 Treaty Series No. 2 (1922) Convention for the regulation of Aerial Navigation, Paris, 19 October 1919, with three maps. [See Item 247.] L/C. HC/L 27 March 1922

Cmd 1609


Vol. XXIII, 593 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Third Session, 25 October-19 November 1921. L/C. HC/L 22 March 1922

Cmd 1612


Vol. XXIII, 643 Peace Conference (Paris) Memorandum circulated by the Prime Minister on the 25 March 1919. [See also Item 387, Doc. No. 19.] L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922

Cmd 1614


Vol. XXIII, 655 Reparations Agreement between the Allies for the Settlement of Certain Questions as to the Applications of the Treaties of Peace and Complementary Agreements with Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Signed at Spa, 16 July 1920. L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922

Cmd 1615


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 219 - 224 Cmd 1616 -1637 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 665 Reparations Financial Agreement between Belgium, France, Great-Britain, Italy, and Japan, together with covering note by the Finance Ministers. Signed at Paris, 11 March 1922.

Cmd 1616

L/C. HC/L 23 March 1922


Vol. XXIII, 57 Egypt No. 2 Despatch 15 March 1922 to His Majesty's Representatives Abroad respecting the Status of Egypt.

Cmd 1617

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1922 (IL)


Vol. XXIII, 441 Genoa Conference Resolutions adopted by the Supreme Council at Cannes, January 1922, as the Basis of the Genoa Conference.

Cmd 1621

L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1922


Vol. XXIII, 689 Misc. No. 1 (1922) Conference on the Limitation of Armaments, Wathington 1921-1922. (Treaties, Resolutions, etc.) 6 February 1921.

Cmd 1627

L/C. HC/L 5 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 677 Reparations Decision of the Reparation Commission on the subject of Payments to be made by Germany in 1922.

Cmd 1634

L/C. HC/L. 6 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 459 Misc. No. 2 Telegram from M. Chicherin, Moscow, to the Governments of Great Britain, France, and Italy respecting the Genoa Conference. L/C. HC/L 10 April 1922 (R.)


Cmd 1637

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 225 - 229 Cmd 1641-1648 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 637 Misc. No. 3 Pronouncement by the Three Allied Ministers for Foreign Affairs respecting the Near Eastern Situation. Signed at Paris, 27 March 1922.

Cmd 1641

29 March 1922 RA/HC. L/C. HC/L. 11 April 1922


Vol. XXIII, 303 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at London, 20 December 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 April 1922.

Cmd 1642

L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1922


Vol. XXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between the British and the Hungarian Governments respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts, referred to in Section III of Part X of the Treaty of Trianon of 4 June 1920. Signed at London, 20 December 1921. Ratifications exchanged at London, 20 April 1922. [See also Items 356, 564.]

Cmd 1643

L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1922


Vol. XVI, 91 West Africa Reports on the British Sphere of the Camaroons.

Cmd 1647

L/C. HC/L. 29 May 1922


Vol. XI, 157 External Dept Return showing, as on 31 March 1919, 31 March 1920, 31 March 1921, and 31 March 1922, respectively, the External Debt of this Country, the due date, and any arrangement which has been made for its repayment. In continuation of No. 142 of 1921 [Item 115]. L/C. HC 26 April 1922


Cmd 1648

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 230 - 233 Cmd 1650 -1664

Item No. 230

Doc. No. Vol. XXIII, 449 Genoa Conference (International Economic Conference) 1. Resolutions of the Financial Commission, recommending certain Resolutions for adoption by the Conference. 2. Reports of the Commission of Experts appointed by the Currency and Exchange subCommission of the Financial Commission. L/C. HC. 27 April 1922 HL.

Cmd 1650

2 May 1922 (R.)


Vol. XXIII, 463 Genoa Conference Memorandum sent to the Russian Delegation at the International Economic Conference at Genoa on Wednesday, 3 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1922

Cmd 1657


Vol. XXIII, 105 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 2 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 2 May 1922. L/C. HC. 19 May 1922

Cmd 1661

HL. 23 May 1922


Vol. XI, 177 German Reparations (Recovery) Act Statement showing the amounts paid during the period 1 April 1921 to 31 March 1922 into the Special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 and the application thereof. L/C. HC. 16 May 1922 HL. 17 May 1922


Cmd 1664

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 234 - 238 Cmd 1667 -1698 Item No.

Doc. No.

234 Vol. XXIII, 475 Genoa Conference Papers relating to the International Economic Conference at Genoa, April-May 1922.

Cmd 1667

L/C. HG 22 May 1922 HL 23 May 1922

235 Vol. XXIII, 425 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention respecting the non-fortification and Neutralization of the Aaland Islands. Signed at Geneva 20 October I921. Ratifications exchanged at Geneva, 6 April 1922.

Cmd 1680

L/C. HC. 12 June 1922 HL. 14 June 1922 (R. 9 June)

236 Vol. XXIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 7 Protocol respecting the New Hebrides. Signed at London, 6 August 1914, by the representatives of the British and the French Governments. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 March 1922. [See also Items 275, 640.]

Cmd 1681

L/C. HC. 12 June 1922 HL 14 June 1922 (R. 10 June)

237 Vol. VII, 127: Reports, Commissioners (1) Ex-Enemy Aliens (Property) Interim report of the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to advise upon Applications for the Release of Property of Ex-Enemy Aliens in Necessitous Circumstances.

Cmd 1687

L/C. HC. 19 June 1922 HL. 20 June 1922

238 Vol. XVI, 239 West Africa Report on the British Mandated Sphere of Togoland for 1920-1921, together with a covering dispatch from the Governor of the Gold Coast. L/C. HC/L 21 June 1922


Cmd 1698

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 239 - 242e Cmd 1700 -1716

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIII, 243 Palestine Correspondence with Palestine-Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organization. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1922

Cmd 1700


Vol. XXIII, 233 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the British and Italian Governments respecting the Graves of British Soldiers in Italy. Signed at Rome, 11 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 3 July 1922

Cmd 1706


Vol. XXIII, 275 Misc. No. 4 Letter from the Secretary to the Cabinet to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations of 1 July 1922, enclosing a Note in reply to Cardinal Gaspari's letter of 15 May 1922, addressed to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations relative to the Mandate for Palestine. L/C. HC/L. 3 July 1922

Cmd 1708


Vol. XXIII, 239 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the British and the Lithuanian Governments respecting Commercial Relations. Signed 6 May 1922. L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1922

Cmd 1711

242a Vol. XVI, 15 Report for 1920 on the importation of Spirituous Beverages in the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC. 11 July 1922

Cmd 1716

HL. 12 July 1922


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 Item 242b - 246 Cmd 1721-1737 Doc. No.

Item No.

242b VoI. XVII, 707 Overseas Trade (Amendment) Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 1721

L/C. HC/L 18 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 575 Hague Conference Papers relating to The Hague Conference JuneJuly 1922.

Cmd 1724

L/C. HC/L. 14 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 307 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America providing for accession of Canada to the Real and Personal Property Convention of 2 March 1899. Signed at Washington, 21 October 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1922.

Cmd 1728

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1922


Vol. XVI, 207 Tanganyika Territory Report on the Tanganyika Territory for the Year 1921.

Cmd 1732

L/C. HG 26 July 1922 HL 27 July 1922


Vol. XXIII, 685 Misc. No. 5 Dispatch to the Representatives of France, Italy, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, Roumania, Portugal, and Greece at London, respecting War Debts. (Balfour Note.) L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1922


Cmd 1737

BILLS 1922 SESSION II Item 246a Bill No. 6 Item No.

Doc. No.

246a Vol. I, 225: Session II: Bills, Public Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Bill to amend Section I of the Trade Facilities Act 1921, and the Overseas Trade Act 1920 and 1921, and to authorize the Treasury to guarantee certain Loans to be raised by the Government of the Federal Republic of Austria and the Government of the Sudan Territory.

Bill 6

O.H.C.P. 5 Dec. 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 246b S.P. No. 3 Item No.

Doc. No.

246b Vol. III, 823: Session II Trade Facilities Act 1921 Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1921.

S.P. 3

O.H.C.P. 23 Nov. 1923

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 247 Cmd 1741 Item No.

Doc. No.

247 Vol. IV, 651: Session II Treaty Series No. 11 Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. (Accession of Persia.) In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1922 [Item 215]. L/C. HC/L 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 11 Aug.)


Cmd 1741

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 248 - 252 Cmd 1742 -1747

Item No. 248

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 755: Session II Misc. No. 6 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Genoa Conference. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1742

(R. 11 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 751: Session II Treaty Series No. 12 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing for a further period of Five 'Years the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 1 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1744

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 765: Session II Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland renewing for a further period of Five Years the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 1 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1745

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 791: Session II Treaty Series No. 14 General Index to Treaty Series, 1917-1921. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1746

(R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. IV, 775: Session II Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty between the Principal Allied Powers and Roumania respecting Bessarabia. Signed at Paris, 28 October 1920. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922 (R. 26 Aug.)


Cmd 1747

COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 253 - 257 Cmd 1754 -1771

Item No. 253

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 711: Session II Treaty Series No. 16 Convention instituting the definitive Statute of the Danube. Signed at Paris, 23 July 1921. British Ratification deposited 30 March 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1754

(R. 19 Sept.)


Vol. IV, 769: Session II Iraq Treaty with King Feisal. Signed at Bagdad, 10 October 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1757

(R. 11 Oct.)


Vol. IV, 661: Session II Austria No. 1 (1922) Agreement Guaranteeing a Loan to Austria. Signed by the representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, and Czechoslovakia and Austria, 4 October 1922. L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1765


Vol. IV, 787: Session II Treaty Series No. 18 Supplementary Extradition Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States. Signed at London, 15 May 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 28 July 1922. L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1770


Vol. III, 747: Session U Misc. No. 7 Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. [See also Items 648 and 677.] L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1771


COMMAND PAPERS 1922 SESSION II Item 258 Cmd 1779

Item No.

Doc. No.

258 Vol. III, 825: Session II Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Bill Memorandum on Expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HC. 29 Nov. 1922

Cmd 1779

HL. 30 Nov. 1922

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1923 Item 259 - 261 S.P. No. 4 - 67

Item No. 259

Doc. No. Vol. XIII, 621 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1922.

S.P. 4

O.H.C.P. 13 Feb. 1923


Vol. XIII, 623 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1923.

S.P. 49

O.H.GP. 9 April 1923


Vol. XV, 717 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald Hall Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1923. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] Ord. 21 Feb. 1923 O.H.C.P. 7 May 1923


S.P. 67

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1923 Item 262 - 264 S.P. No. 89 -132 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year 1922-1923, ended 31 March 1923.

S.P. 89

O.H.C.P. 18 June 1923


Vol. XIII, 625 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1923.

S.P. 95

O.H.C.P. 4 July 1923


Vol. XIII, 627 Trade Facilities Act, 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees Which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1923.

S.P. 132

O.H.C.P. 13 Nov. 1923

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 265 Cmd 1785 Item No.

Doc. No.

265 Vol. XXV, 421 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, with Note by the Secretary-General relating to its Application to the Territory known as Trans-Jordan, under Provisions of Article 25. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 16 Dec. 1922)


Cmd 1785

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 266 - 268b Cmd 1786 -1798 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXV, 7 Treaty Series No. 19 (1922) Treaty between the British and Afghan Governments. Signed at Kabul, 22 November 1921. Ratifications exchanged at Kabul, 6 February 1922.

Cmd 1786

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 21 Dec. 1922)


Vol. XXV, 43 Misc. No. 1 (1923) Belgian Law respecting the acquisition and Law of Nationality.

Cmd 1792

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. XXIV, 475 League of Nations British Mandates for the Cameroons, Togoland, and East Africa. [See also Item 313.]

Cmd 1794

L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. X, 223: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1921 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 1795

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 16 Jan.)

268b Vol. X, 973: Reports, Commissioners (2) First Report of the Royal Commission appointed to consider cases of moral claims for Compensation for Suffering of Damage arising out of the action of the Enemy during the War. [See also Item 366.] L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1923 (R. 29 Jan.)


Cmd 1798

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 269 - 274 Cmd 1806 -1817

Item No. 269

Vol. XXV, 389 Treaty Series No. 1 (1923) Agreement between the British and Japanese Governments respecting the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Signed at London, 30 November 1922. L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1923

Doc. No. Cmd 1806

HL. 20 Feb. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 413 Misc. No. 2 Report of the British Delegates on the Third Assembly of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1807

HL. 20 Feb. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 801 Treaty Series. No. 20 (1922) Treaties etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign State. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. L/C. HC/L 20 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1808


Vol. XXIV, 563 Misc. No. 3 Reports and Secretaries' Notes of Conversations at Inter-Allied Conferences on Reparations and Inter-Allied Debts, held in London and Paris, December 1922 and January 1923. L/C. HC. 23 Feb. 1923 HL. 27 Feb. 1923

Cmd 1812


Vol. XXVI, 1 Turkey No. (1923) Records of Proceedings at the Lausanne Conference on Near Eastern Affairs, 1922-1923, and Draft Terms of Peace, with map. (861 pp.) L/C. HC. 5 March 1923

Cmd 1814

HL. 6 March 1923


Vol. XXIV, 811 Treaty Series No. 21 (1922) Index to Treaty Series, 1922. L/C. HC/L. 8 March 1923 65

Cmd 1817

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 275 - 279 Cmd 1827 -1840

Item No.

Doc. No. Cmd 1827

275 Vol. XXV, 297 also Items 236, 640.]

New Hebrides Protocol of 6 August 1914. [See ment and the French Government respecting the Notes exchanged between the British GovernTreaty Series No. 2 L/C. HC. 12 March 1923 HL. 13 March 1923


Vol. XXIV,

293 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention instituting the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe. Signed at Dresden, 22 February 1922. British Ratification deposited, 13 December 1922. [See also Item 372.] L/C. HC/L. 20 March 1923

Cmd 1833


Vol. XXIV, 401 International Labour Conference Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fourth Session, 18 October to 3 November 1922. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC. 5 March 1923

Cmd 1836

HL. 6 March 1923

278 Vol. XXV, 111 Sudan No. 1 (1923) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1921. L/C. HC/L. 26 March 1923

Cmd 1837

279 Vol. XXIV, 465 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocols of Amendments of Articles 4, 13, 15, and 26 of the Covenant of the League of Nations adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 3, 4, and 5 October 1921. British Ratification deposited, 3 February 1923. [See also Item 350.] L/C. HC. 9 April 1923

Cmd 1840

HL. 17 April 1923 (R. 5 April)


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 280 - 284 Cmd 1846 -1858

Doc. No.

Item No. 280

Vol. XXV, 485 Russia No. 1 (1923) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting the murder of Mr. C.F. Davison in January 1920.

Cmd 1846

L/C. HC. 16 April 1923 HL. 17 April 1923 (R. 15 April)


Vol. IX, 771: Reports, Commissioners (1) Air Proceedings of the Third Air Conference, held on 6 and 7 February 1923.

Cmd 1848

L/C. HC. 12 April 1923 HL. 17 April 1923 (R.)


Vol. XXV, 405 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between the British and Netherlands Governments regulating the Telephone Service between Great Britain and the Netherlands. Signed at The Hague, 23 January 1923.

Cmd 1853

L/C. HC/L. 24 April 1923


Vol. XXIV, 385 Treaty Series No. 6 International Convention for the Creation at Paris of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Signed at Paris, 21 June 1920. L/C. HC. 30 April 1923 HL. 1 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 1 Abyssinia, No. 1 (1923) Correspondence respecting slavery in Abyssinia. L/C. HC. 30 April 1923 HL. 1 May 1923


Cmd 1858

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 285 - 288 Cmd 1861-1869 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XIII, 191 German Reparations (Recovery) Act Statement showing the Amounts Paid during the Period 1 April 1922 to 31 March 1923, into the special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921 and the Application thereof.

Cmd 1861

L/C. HC. 23 April 1923 HL. 24 April 1923


Vol. XXV, 51 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty's Government and the Government of Costa Rica relative to the Submission to Arbitration of certain Claims against the Government of Costa Rica. Signed at San Jose de Costa Rica, 12 January 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 7 March 1923.

Cmd 1863

L/C. HC. 14 May 1923 HL. 15 May 1923 287

Cmd 1866

Vol. XXIV, 407

International Labour Conference Tabular Analysis of Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference under Article 405 of the Treaty of Versailles at its Third and Fourth Sessions, 1921 and 1922. L/C. HC. 4 May 1923 HL. 8 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 497 Russia No. 2 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting the relations between the two Countries. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1923


Cmd 1869

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 289 - 293 Cmd 1874 -1889 Item No.

Doc. No.

289 Vol. XXV, 511 Russia No. 3 Reply of the Soviet Government to His Majesty's Government respecting the relations between the two governments. [See Item 294.]

Cmd 1874

L/C. HC. 14 May 1923 HL. 15 May 1923 290 Vol. XXV, 311

Cmd 1875

Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the British and German Governments relating to German Depts and Property in China. Signed at London, 5 April 1923. [See also Item 739.] L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 27 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between the British and the Austrian Governments respecting the Custom's Clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. Vienna, 8 March 1923.

Cmd 1877

L/C. HC/L. 31 May 1923


Vol. XXV, 477 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the Portuguese Government for the renewal of Part I of the Mozambique-Transvaal Convention of 1 April 1909. Signed at Lisbon, 31 March 1923.

Cmd 1888

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1923


Vol. XXV, 433 Palestine Papers relating to the Elections for the Palestine Legislative Council, 1923. 27 March 1923 RA/HL. HC. 8 June 1923 L/C. HL. 12 June 1923


Cmd 1889

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 294 - 296 Cmd 1890 -1905 Item No.

Doc. No.

294 Vol. XXV, 519 Russia No. 4 Further correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government respecting relations between the two Governments. In continuation of Russia No. 3 [Item 289].

Cmd 1890

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1923

295 Vol. XXV, 307 Treaty Series No. 11 Notes exchanged between the British and the French Governments relative to certain Nationality Decrees promulgated in Tunis and Morocco (French Zone) on 8 November 1921. Signed at London, 24 May 1923.

Cmd 1899

L/C. HG 2 July 1923 HL. 3 July 1923

295a Vol. X, 227: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1922 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 1903

L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1923


Vol. XXV, 413 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol and Additional Protocol relative to the Accession of the Netherlands to the Modifications introduced by the Treaty of Versailles into the Mannheim Convention of 1868. Signed at Paris, 21 January 1921 and 29 March 1923. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1923


Cmd 1905

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 297 - 301 Cmd 1910 -1921 Item No.

Doc. No.

Cmd 1910 297 Vol. XXV, 445 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement between His Majesty's Government and the French Government respecting the Boundary Line between Syria and Palestine from the Mediterranean to El Hamme, 3 February. 7 March 1923, with three maps. In continuation of Misc. No. 4 1921 [Item 129]. L/C. HC. 27 July 1923 HL. 30 July 1923

298 Vol. XIII, 99 American Dept Arrangements for the Funding of the British Debt to the United States of America. [See also Item 1136.]

Cmd 1912

L/C. HC. 9 July 1923 HL. 10 July 1923 299 Vol. XXV, 821

Cmd 1915

United States No. 1 (1923) Dispatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington enclosing a Memorandum on the subject of the Effects of Prohibition in the United States. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1923

300 Vol. XXIV, 287 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation. Amendment of Annexes (A), (C), (D), and (E). In continuation of Treaty Series Nos. 2 and 11, 1922 [Items 215 and 247].

Cmd 1916

L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1923

301 Vol. XXIV, 453

Cmd 1921

Misc. No. 4 Report on the Twenty-fifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations by Lord Robert Cecil, British Representative. L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1923


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 302 - 305 Cmd 1925 -1943 Item No.

Doc. No.

302 Vol. XXV, 481 Treaty Series No. 15 Notes exchanged between the British and the Roumanian Governments relative to the Commercial Relations between the British Empire and Roumania.

Cmd 1925

L/C. HC. 27 July 1923 HL. 30 July 1923

303 Vol. XXV, 533 Treaty Series No. 16 Treaty of Peace with Turkey and other Instruments. Signed at Lausanne on 24 July 1923, with Agreements between Greece and Turkey signed 30 January 1923, and subsiduary Documents forming part of the Turkish Peace Settlement, with map [See also Items 306, 307, 348.]

Cmd 1929

L/C. HC/L 31 July 1923

304 Vol. XXV, 809 United States No. 2 Despatch from His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington reporting conditions at the Ellis Island Immigration Station.

Cmd 1940

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 15 Aug.)

305 Vol. XXV, 319 Misc. No. 5 Correspondence with Allied Governments respecting Reparations Payments by Germany. June-August 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 11 Aug.)


Cmd 1943

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 306 - 310 Cmd 1946-1960 Item No.

Doc. No.

306 Vol. XXV, 785 Treaty Series No. 17 Notes exchanged between British and French Delegates at Lausanne regarding certain Concessions in Territories detached from Turkey. Signed at Lauzanne, 24 July 1923. [See also Item 303.]

Cmd 1946

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 29 Aug.)


Vol. XXV, 783 Treaty Series No. 18 Agreement between British and French Delegations at Lausanne regarding Article 34 of the Treaty of Lausanne (Egyptian Nationality). Signed at Lausanne, 24 July 1923. In connection with Cmd 1929 [Item No. 303.]

Cmd 1947

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 29 Aug.)


Vol. XXV, 165 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan for 1922.

Cmd 1950

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 31 Aug.)


VoI. XXV, 61 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between Great Britain and Czechoslovakia respecting Commercial Traveller's Samples. Signed at London, 31 January 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Prague, 7 September 1923. [See also Item 368.]

Cmd 1958

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 3 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 233 Treaty Series No. 20 Renewal of existing Arbitration Agreement between Great Britain and France, 29 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 3 Oct.)


Cmd 1960

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 311-315 Cmd 1961-1978 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVII, 503 East India. (Progress and Condition) Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1922-1923. 58th Number.

Cmd 1961

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 28 Sept.)


Vol. XXV, 789 Misc. No. 6 Correspondence regarding the reimbursement of the Costs of the American Army of Occupation in the Rhineland.

Cmd 1973

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 27 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 33 League of Nations Correspondence regarding the modification of the Boundary between British Mandated Territory and Belgian Mandated Territory in East Africa. In continuation of Cmd 1794 [Item 268].

Cmd 1974

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 26 Oct.)


Vol. XXV, 17 Treaty Series No. 21 Anglo-Afghan Trade Convention. Signed at Kabul, 5 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1923.

Cmd 1977

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 8 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 385 Treaty Series No. 22 Notes exchanged further renewing the AngloItalian Arbitration Agreement of 1 February 1904. London, 14 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (R. 8 Nov.)


Cmd 1978

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 316.320 Cmd 1981-1987

Item No. 316

Dot. No. Vol. XXIV, 355 Treaty Series No. 23 Protocol establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice. Signed at Geneva, 16 December 1920. Ratifications deposited, 4 August 1921. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1981

(R. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXIV, 503 Treaty Series No. 24 International Convention of 6 October 1921, modifying the International Convention of 20 May 1875 for assuring the International Uniformity and Perfection of the Metric System; with the International Convention of 1875. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1982

(R. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 237 Treaty Series No. 25 Commercial Convention between Canada and France. Signed at Paris, 15 December 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 5 September 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1985


Vol. XXIV, 783 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children. Opened for signature at Geneva from 30 September 1921 to 31 March 1922. L/C. HC/L 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1986

320 Vol. XII, Part I, 1: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Conference Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1923. L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923

Cmd 1987

(R. 12 Nov.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 321- 325 Cmd 1988 -1994 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XII, Part I, 25: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Conference Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1923.

Cmd 1988

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (It. 12 Nov.)


Vol. XXV, 465 Palestine Correspondence with the High Commissioner for Palestine relative to the proposed formation of an Arab Agency.

Cmd 1989

L/C. HC/L. 13 Nov. 1923 (It. 10 Nov.)


Vol. XXIV, 333 Treaty Series No. 27 Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit. Signed at Barcelona, 20 April 1921.

Cmd 1992

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 527 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern, with Additional Protocol to the Convention. Signed at Barcelona, 28 April 1921.

Cmd 1993

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXIV, 327 Treaty Series No. 29 Declaration recognizing the right to a Flag of States having no Sea-Coast. Signed at Barcelona, 20 April 1921. L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1923


Cmd 1994

COMMAND PAPERS 1923 Item 326- 329 Cmd 1995 -1999 Item No.

Doc. No.

326 Vol. XXV, 393 Treaty Series No. 30 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Latvia. Signed at London, 22 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 5 November 1923.

Cmd 1995

L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 303 Treaty Series No. 31 Declaration by the British and French Governments respecting Oyster Fisheries outside Territorial Waters in the Seas lying between the coasts of Great Britain and those of France. Signed at Paris, 29 September 1923.

Cmd 1996

L/C. HC/L 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 65 Treaty Series No. 32 Dispatch from His Majesty's High Commissioner in Egypt enclosing the Decision of the Council of Ministers relative to the Indemnity Act. Text of Indemnity Act and Notes exchanged with Egyptian Government.

Cmd 1998

L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Vol. XXV, 81 Treaty Series No. 33 Egyptian Law relating to the Conditions of Service, Retirement and Dismissal of Officials, Employees and Agents of Foreign Nationality (Law No. 28 of 1923), with Notes exchanged between British and Egyptian Governments. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1923


Cmd 1999

BILLS 1924 Item 330 - 332 Bill No. 46 -109 Doc. No.

Item No. 330

Vol. IV, 781: Bills, Public (4) Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Act 1921 and 1922, to authorize the Treasury to contribute towards the interest payable on certain loans, the application of which is calculated to promote employment in the United Kingdom, to extend the periods during which Guarantees may be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Act, 1920 to 1922, and to amend Section III of the Trade Facilities and Loans Guarantee Act 1922 (Session II). O.H.C.P. 20 Feb. 1924

Bill 46


Vol. IV, 797: Bills, Public (4) Treaty of Peace (Turkey) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to carry into effect a Treaty of Peace between His Majesty and certain other Powers, and certain Conventions, Protocols, and Declarations connected therewith. O.H.C.P. 6 March 1924

Bill 63


Vol. I, 157: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a Protocol on Arbitration Clauses, signed on behalf of His Majesty at a Meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations, held on 24 September 1923. [See also Items 778 and 779.] O.H.C.P. 11 April 1924

Bill 109


BILLS 1924 Item 333 - 336 Bill No. 110 - 213 Item No.

Doc. No.

333 Vol. III, 43: Bills, Public (3) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conference) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to certain Draft Conventions adopted by the International Labour Conference relating respectively to an unemployment Indemnity for seamen in case of loss or foundering of their ship, the minimum age for the Admission of Young Persons to employment as Trimmers and Stokers and the compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons employed at Sea. [See also Items 336 and 434.]

Bill 110

O.H.C.P. 11 April 1924


Vol. I, 435: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further Provision for the application of money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 141

O.H.C.P. 26 May 1924


Vol. I, 437: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision for the Application of Money paid on account of the China Indemnity. (As amended in Standing Committee D.) O.H.C.P. 9 July 1924

Bill 197


Vol. III, 55: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conference) (H.L.) See Bill No. 110 as Amended in Standing Committee D.

Bill 213

O.H.C.P. 17 July 1924


SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924 Item 337 - 340 S.P. No. 5 -121

Doc. No.

Item No. 337

Vol. XIII, 429 Trade Facilities Act 1921 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 9 November 1923.

S.P. 5

O.H.C.P. 15 Jan.1924


Vol. XV, 735 Fleets (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Rear-Admiral Sir Guy Grant Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1924. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and other information given.] 11 March 1924 Ord.

S.P. 41

O.H.C.P. 13 March 1924


Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year Ended 31 March 1924.

S.P. 103

O.H.C.P. 19 June 1924

339a Vol. VI, 35: Reports; Committees (2) Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee C.

S.P. 120

O.H.C.P. 8 July 1924


Vol. XIII, 433 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1924. O.H.GP. 9 July 1924


S.P. 121

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924 Item 341- 342 S.P. No. 123 -149 Item No.

Doc. No.

341 Vol. VI, 47: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee D. O.H.C.P. 9 July 1924

S.P. 123

341a Vol. VI, 861: Reports; Committees (2) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Convention) Bill Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee D.

S.P. 132

O.H.C.P. 17 July 1924

342 Vol. XIII, 431 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1924.

S.P. 149

O.H.C.P. 8 Oct. 1924

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 343 - 344 Cmd2015-2017 Doc. No.

Item No.

343 Vol. XXVII, 99 League of Nations Misc. No. 1 Report of the British Delegates to the Fourth Assembly.

Cmd 2015

L/C. HC/L. 15 Jan. 1924

344 Vol. XXVII, 187 Misc. No. 2 League of Nations Report by Robert Cecil on the Twenty-sixth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 15 Jan. 1924


Cmd 2017

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 345 - 348 Cmd 2018 - 2028

Doc. No.

Item No. 345

Vol. XXVII, 195 Misc. No. 3 League of Nations Report by Viscount Cecil on the Twenty-seventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 16 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2018


Vol. XXVI, 23 Treaty Series No. 1 (1924) Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium extending to the Belgian Congo and certain British Protectorates existing Extradition Conventions between the United Kingdom and Belgium. Signed at London, 8 August 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 October 1923. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2026

HL 22 Jan. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 969 Treaty Series No. 2 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Sweden for the Marriage of Lady Louise Mountbatten with His Royal Highness Prince Gustaf Adolph, Crown Prince of Sweden. Signed at Stockholm, 27 October 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Stockholm, 12 November 1923. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2027


Vol. XXVI, 977 Treaty Series No. 3 Convention between the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Japan relative to the Assessment and Reparation of Damage suffered in Turkey by Nationals of the Contracting Powers with Protocol providing for signature by Roumania. Signed at Paris, 23 November 1923. In connection with Treaty Series No. 16, 1923 [Item 303]. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1924

Cmd 2028


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 349 - 352 Cmd 2034 - 2037 Item No.

Doc. No.

349 Vol. XXVII, 1077 Treaty Series No. 34 (1923) Treaties etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2034

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 253 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocols of Amendments to Article 6 and 12 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 4 and 5 October 1921. British Ratification deposited 23 November 1922 and 5 July 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1923 [Item 279].

Cmd 2035

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 293 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and the United States of America, for the Limitation of Armaments. Signed at Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 August 1923.

Cmd 2036

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Vol. XXVII, 313 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty between the British Empire, France, Japan, and the United States of America, relating to their Insular Possessions and Insular Dominions in the Pacific Ocean, and Accompanying Declaration, with Treaty Supplementary to the above Treaty and Identic Communications to Netherlands and Portuguese Governments, respecting the above Treaty. Signed at Washington, 13 December 1921 and 6 February 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 August 1923. L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 4 Feb.)


Cmd 2037

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 353 - 356 Cmd 2041- 2045

Doc. No.

Item No. 353

Vol. XXVII, 1089 Treaty Series No. 35 (1923) Index to Treaty Series, 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2041


Vol. XXVI, 159 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland in regard to the Disposal of the Estates of Deceased Seamen. Signed at Helsingfors, 14 December 1923. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2042


Vol. XXVI, 989 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America for a Renewal of the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 4 April 1908, with Notes exchanged at time of Signature. Signed at Washington, 23 June 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 29 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1919 [Item 8]. L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2044


Vol. XXVI, 449 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary, modifying the Convention between the British and the Hungarian Governments of 20 December 1921, in so far as it relates to the Periodical Instalments Payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder. Signed at Paris, 11 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1922 (Item 227). L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2045


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 357 - 361 Cmd 2046 - 2054 Item No.

Doc. No.

357 Vol. VII, 623: Reports, Commissioners (1) Ex-Enemy Aliens Special Report of the Committee Appointed to Advise upon Applications for the release of Property of Ex-Enemy Aliens in Necessitous Circumstances.

Cmd 2046

L/C. HC. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 9 Feb.)

358 Vol. XIX, 1049 Trade Facilities Bill Memorandum of Expenditure likely to be Incurred.

Cmd 2049

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1924


Vol. XXVII, 81 League of Nations International Labour Conference Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fifth Session, 22-29 October 1923. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2051

L/C. HC/L. 12 Feb. 1924 (R. 6 Feb.)


Vol. XXVI, 493 Treaty Series No. 10 Commercial Convention between Canada and Italy Signed at London, 4 January 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 January 1924.

Cmd 2053

L/C. HC. 29 Feb. 1924 HL. 4 March 1924


Vol. XXVI, 395 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France extending to the French Zone of Morocco the Provisions of the Anglo-French Agreement of October-November, 1899, relative to Consular Visas for Certificates of Origin. London, 17-27 December 1923. L/C. HC. 3 March 1924 HL 4 March 1924


Cmd 2054

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 362 - 366 Item 2055 - 2066

Doc. No.

Item No. 362

Vol. XXVI, 527 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan for the Mutual Recognition of Loadline Certificates. Signed at London, 21 January 1924. L/C. HG 3 March 1924

Cmd 2055

HL. 4 March 1924

363 Vol. XXVI, 987 Turkey No. 1 (1924) Note on the Treaty of Peace (Turkey) Bill 1924. L/C. HC/L. 27 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2058

Vol. XXVI, 997 United States No. 1. (1924) Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the regulation of the Liquor Traffic. Washington, 23 January 1924. L/C. HC. 29 Feb. 1924

Cmd 2063


HL. 4 March 1924

365 Vol. XIII, 195 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute, dated 25 February 1924, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921. L/C. HG 3 March 1924

Cmd 2065

HL. 4 March 1924

366 Vol. IX, 249: Reports, Commissioners (3) Final Report of the Royal Commission appointed to consider cases of moral claims for Compensation for Suffering or Damage arising out of the Action of the Enemy during the War. In continuation of Cmd 1798 [Item 268b]. L/C. HG 3 March 1924 HL. 4 March 1924


Cmd 2066

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 367 - 370 Cmd 2069- 2077 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 35 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium respecting Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 21 June 1922. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 February 1924,

Cmd 2069

L/C. HC/L. 5 March 1924


Cmd 2074 Vol. XXVI, 115 Treaty Series No. 14 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia respecting the Accession of certain British Dominions and India to the Agreement between Great Britain and the Czechoslovak Republic of 31 January 1923, relative to Commercial Traveller's Samples. London, 19 December 1923 and 2 January 1924. (In continuation of Treaty Series No. 19, 1923 [Item 309.] L/C. HC. 10 March 1924 HL. 11 March 1924

369 Vol. XXVII, 1 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention respecting the Compilation of International Statistics. Signed at Brussels, 31 December 1913.

Cmd 2075

L/C. HC. 10 March 1924 HL. 11 March 1924

370 Vol. XXVI, 903 Treaty Series No. 16 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Spain further renewing the Arbitration Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain of 27 February 1904. London, 9 February 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1919 [Item 8]. L/C. HC/L. 18 March 1924


Cmd 2077

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 3704 - 374 Cmd 2083 - 2094 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XV, 841 Singapore Naval Base Correspondence with the Self-Governing Dominions and India regarding the development of the Singapore Naval Base.

Cmd 2083

L/C. HC. 21 March 1924 HL. 25 March 1924


Vol. XIII, 199 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Negotiations between His Majesty's Government and the German Government as to the rate of Levy under the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921, together with the Decree, dated 3 March 1924, issued in pursuance thereof by the German Government.

Cmd 2089

L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1924


Vol. XXVII, 69 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention Supplementary to the Statute of Navigation of the Elbe. Signed at Prague, 27 January 1923. British Ratification deposited 29 December 1923. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 3, 1923 [Item 276].

Cmd 2091

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1924


Vol. XXVI, 743 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty regulating the Status of Spitzbergen and Conferring the Sovereignty on Norway, with map. Signed at Paris, 9 February 1920. British Ratification deposited 29 December 1923.

Cmd 2092

L/C. HC. 4 April 1924 HL. 8 April 1924


Vol. XXVII, 213 Misc. No. 4 League of Nations Report by Lord Parmoor on the Twenty-eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 28 March 1924


Cmd 2094

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 375 - 378 Cmd 2096 - 2116 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 595 Morocco No. 1 (1924) Convention regarding the Organization of the Statute of the Tangier Zone. Signed at Paris, 18 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. [Ratifications deposited 14 May 1924. See Item 401.]

Cmd 2096

L/C. HC. 31 March 1924 HL. 1 April 1924


Vol. XXVII, 831 Reparations Reports of the Expert Committee appointed by the Reparation Commission. (Dawes Committee.) L/C. HG 9 April 1924

Cmd 2105

HL. 10 Apri11924


VoI. XXVI, 739 Misc. No. 5 Nepal Treaty between the United Kingdom and Nepal, with Note respecting the importation of Arms and Ammunition into Nepal. Signed at Katmandu, 21 December 1923. [Ratifications exchanged at Katmandu, 8 April 1925. See Item 500.]

Cmd 2112

L/C. HC/L. 15 April 1924


Vol. XIII, 205 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Statement showing the Amounts paid during the period 1 April 1923 to 31 March 1924, into the Special Account under Section 1(3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921 and the Application thereof. L/C. HC/L. 15 April 1924


Cmd 2116

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 379 - 382 Cmd 2120 - 2142 Doc. No.

Item No.

379 Vol. XXVI, 453 Iraq Protocol of 30 April 1923 and the Agreements subsidiary to the Treaty with King Feisal. Signed, 10 October 1922.

Cmd 2120

L/C. HC. 30 April 1924 HL. 6 May 1924 (R.)

380 Vol. XXVI, 957 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Sweden relating to Air Navigation between Sweden and Great Britain and Supplementary Declaration. Signed at Stockholm 16 February 1921 and 5 March 1924.

Cmd 2138

L/C. HC/L. 21 May 1924 381 Vol. XXVII, 279 Misc. No. 6 Maritime Ports Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 (R.)

Cmd 2141

HL. 20 May 1924

382 Vol. XXVII, 321 Misc. No. 7 Railways Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Railways and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected.

L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924


Cmd 2142

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 383 - 386 Cmd 2143 - 2158 Item No.

Doc. No.

383 Vol. XXVII, 49 Misc. No. 8 Customs International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 3 November 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924

Cmd 2143

384 Vol. XXVII, 45 Misc. No. 9 Communications and Transit Final Act of the Second General Conference on Communications and Transit. Geneva, 15 November to 9 December 1923. L/C. HC. 19 May 1924 HL. 20 May 1924

Cmd 2144


Vol. XVIII, 3 Correspondence with Canadian Government on the subject of the Peace Settlement with Turkey. L/C. HC/L. 22 May 1924

Cmd 2146


Vol. XXVI, 973 Treaty Series No. 20 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Switzerland respecting the application to the Principality of Lichtenstein of Commercial Agreements in force between Great Britain and Switzerland. London, 28 March and 26 April 1924. L/C. HC. 30 May 1924 HL. 3 June 1924

Cmd 2152


Vol. XXVI, 45 Cuba No. 1, (1924) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Cuban Government respecting the IIl-treatment of British West Indian Labourers in Cuba. [See also Item 419.] L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1924

Cmd 2158


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 387 - 391 Cmd 2169 - 2184 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 187 France No. 1 (1924) Papers respecting Negotiations for an AngloFrench Pact. [See also Cmd 1614, Item 217.] L/C. HC/L 30 June 1924

Cmd 2169


Vol. XXVI, 845 Sudan No. 1 (1924) Correspondence respecting the Gezira Irrigation Project. L/C. HC/L 1 July 1924

Cmd 2171


Vol. XXVI, 1 Austria No. 1 (1924) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Austria, with accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 22 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC. 4 July 1924 HL 7 July 1924

Cmd 2176


Vol. XXVI, 163 Finland No. 1 (1924) Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Finland. Signed at London, 30 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L 10 July 1924

Cmd 2183


Vol. XXVII, 339 Misc. No. 10 London Conference Correspondence concerning the Conference which it is proposed to hold in London on 26 July 1924, to consider the measures necessary to bring the Dawes Plan into Operation. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1924

Cmd 2184


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 392 - 395 Cmd2187-2191

Item No.

Doc. No.

392 VoI. XXVII, 237 Misc. No. 11 League of Nations Report by Lord Parmoor on the Twenty-ninth Session of the Council, 11-17 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 July 1924

Cmd 2187

Vol. XXVI, 907 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Spain. Signed at Madrid, 31 October 1922. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 23 April 1924. [See also Items 609 and 649.] L/C. HG 11 July 1924

Cmd 2188


HL. 14 July 1924

394 Vol. XXVII, 97 International Labour Conference League of Nations Proposed action by the British Government regarding Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Fifth Session, 22-29 October 1923. L/C. HG 9 July 1924

Cmd 2190

HL 10 July 1924

395 Vol. XXVII, 351 Cmd 2191 Misc. No. 12 Dawes Scheme Franco-British Memorandum of 9 July 1924, concerning the application of the Dawes Scheme. L/C. HC. 14 July 1924 (R.) HL 14 July 1924


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 396 - 399 Cmd 2194 - 2201

Item No. 396 Vol. XXVI, 499 Italy No. 1 (1924) Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy regulating certain Questions concerning the Boundaries of their respective Territories in East Africa, with map. Signed at London, 15 July 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1924

Doc. No. Cmd 2194


Vol. XXVI, 1001 Treaty Series No. 22 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the Regulation of the Liquor Traffic. Washington, 23 January 1924. Ratification exchanged 22 May 1924. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1924

Cmd 2199


Vol. XXVII, 265 Misc. No. 13 League of Nations Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the League of Nations respecting the proposed Treaty of Mutual Assistance. L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1924

Cmd 2200


Vol. XXVII, 1017 Misc. No. 14 Rules of Warfare Dispatch from the First British Delegate to the International Commission for the revision of the Rules of Warfare, with the General Report of the Commission of Jurists to consider and report upon the revision of the Rules of Warfare. The Hague, 10 December 1922-17 February 1923. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1924

Cmd 2201


COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 400 - 403 Cmd 2202 - 2212 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 993 United States No. 2 Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States of America respecting the Appointment of an Irish Free State Plenipotentiary at Washington.

Cmd 2202

L/C. HC/L. 23 July 1924


Vol. XXVI, 667 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention regarding the organization of the Statute of the Tangier Zone. Signed at Paris, 18 December 1923. Ratifications deposited 14 May 1924. [See also Item 375.]

Cmd 2203

L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 399 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention relative to the cession of German Public Property situated in Danzig and also to the transfer of a part of this Property to the Harbour Board of the Free City, with three maps. Signed at Danzig, 3 May 1923.

Cmd 2204

L/C. HC/L 1 Aug. 1924

402a Vol. VIII, 221: Reports, Commissioners (2) Report for 1923 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into the British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 2206

L/C. HC/L 24 July 1924

403 Vol. XXVI, 947 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain regulating the Treatment of Companies. Signed at Madrid, 27 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924


Cmd 2212

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 404 - 408 Cmd 2215-2221 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 779 Russia No. 1 (1924) Draft of proposed General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. London, August 1924.

Cmd 2215

L/C. HC/L 4 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 821 Russia No. 2 Draft of proposed treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. London, August 1924.

Cmd 2216

L/C. HC/L 4 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 763 Treaty Series No. 26 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Polish Republic. Signed at Warsaw, 26 November 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 16 June 1924.

Cmd 2219

L/C. HC/L 5 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 441 Treaty Series No. 27 Memorandum relative to the Germans in the Mandated Territories of South-West Africa. London, 23 October 1923.

Cmd 2220

L/C. HC/L 5 Aug. 1924


Vol. XXVI, 369 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France agreeing to the Ratification of the Protocol defining the Boundary between French Equatorial Africa and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, with Protocol and two maps. London, 21 January 1924. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924


Cmd 2221

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 409 - 413 Cmd 2222 - 2231

Item No. 409 Vol. XXVI, 511 Treaty Series No. 29 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy approving an agreement for the Rectification of a section of the Eritrea-Sudan Frontier, with map. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924

Doc. No. Cmd 2222

410 Vol. XXVI, 555 Mexico No. 1 (1924) Correspondence respecting the withdrawal of Mr. H.A.C. Cummins from Mexico. L/C. HC/L. 5 Aug. 1924

Cmd 2225

411 Vol. XIX, 667 Ethiopia Treasury minute, dated 6 August 1924, relative to the gift to the Empress of Ethiopia of the Crown of the Emperor Theodore. L/C. HC. 6 Aug. 1924

Cmd 2229

HL. (not laid)

412 Vol. XXVI, 523 Treaty Series No. 31 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Japan respecting the Abrogation of Article 8 of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan of 3 April 1911 and Schedule Annexed thereto. London, 14 July 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2230

(R. 27 Aug.)

413 Vol. XXVI, 179 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland in regard to the Reciprocal Recognition of Tonnage Measurement Certificates of British and Finnish Ships, and Notes exchanged with regard to the exclusion of Iraq from the scope of the Agreement. Signed at Helsingfors, 21 June 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Aug.)


Cmd 2231

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 414 - 417 Cmd 2235 - 2242

Doc. No.

Item No. 414

Vol. XXVI, 539 Lithuania No. 1 (1924) Convention between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and Lithuania respecting the Memel Territory, and the Statute for the Memel Territory. Signed at Paris, 8 May 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. [British ratification deposited at Paris, 25 August 1925. See Item 528.] L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2235

(R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 531 Latvia No. 1 (1924) Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic for the extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Riga, 16 July 1924. Ratifications have not yet been effected. [See also Item 519.] L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2238

(R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 257 Treaty Series No. 32 Protocols of Amendments to Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, adopted by the Second Assembly of the League of Nations, 4 October 1921. British Ratification deposited I2 August 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924

Cmd 2241

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 27 Treaty Series No. 33 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Belgium accepting the. Conditions of the Agreement providing for Direct Telegraphic Communications between the Belgian Congo and the Uganda Protectorate, and the Agreement. Brussels, 29 July 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 16 Aug.)


Cmd 2242

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 418-421 Cmd 2243 - 2254 Item No.

Doc. No.

418 Vol. XXVI, 131 Treaty Series No. 34 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Finland. Signed at Helsingfors, 14 December 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Helsingfors, 4 July 1924.

Cmd 2243

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 16 Aug.)

419 Vol. XXVI, 67 Cuba No. 2 Further Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the Cuban Government respecting the Ill-treatment of British East Indian Labourers in Cuba. In continuation of Cmd 2158 [i tem 386].

Cmd 2245

L/C. HC/L. 6 Aug. 1924

420 Vol. XXVI, 793 Russia No. 3 Text of Draft of proposed General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R., as it stood when Negotiations were suspended on 5 August 1924.

Cmd 2253

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)

421 Vol. XXVI, 119 Treaty Series No. 35 Treaty of Commerce between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic and accompanying Declarations. Signed at London, 14 July 1923. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)


Cmd 2254

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 422 - 424 Cmd 2255 - 2259 Doe. No.

Item No.

422 Vol. XXVII, 1009 Misc. No. 15 Rhine Navigation Convention and Additional Protocol drawn up by the Central Commission of the Rhine to replace certain Articles of the Convention of 17 October 1868 and the Convention of 4 June 1898, regarding Rhine Navigation Certificates. Strasbourg, 14 December 1922 and 22 December 1923. Ratification has not yet been effected. [British Ratification deposited 8 June 1925. See Item 521.]

Cmd 2255

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 23 Sept.)


Cmd 2258

Vol. XXVII, 357

Misc. No. 16 London Conference Minutes of the London Conference on Reparations, August 1922. L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 26 Sept.)

424 Vol. XXVII, 969 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreements concluded between (1) the Allied Governments, and Germany concerning the Agreement of 9 August 1924 between the German Government and the Reparation Commission; (2) the Allied Governments and the German Government, to carry into effect the Expert's Plan of 9 April 1924; (3) the Allied Governments to carry out the Expert's Plan of 9 April 1924; and (4) the Governments represented on the Reparation Commission, to modify Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles. Signed at London, 30 August 1924. L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 2259

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 425 - 429 Cmd 2260 - 2270

Item No. 425

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 807 Russia No. 4 General Treaty between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 8 August I924. Ratification has not yet been effected.

Cmd 2260

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 833 Russia No. 5 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 8 August 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected.

Cmd 2261

L/C. HC/L. 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XIII, 197 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Treasury Minute dated 29 August 1924, relative to the German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921.

Cmd 2263

L/C. HC/L 30 Sept. 1924 (R. 24 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 127 Egypt No. 1 (1924) Dispatch to His Majesty's High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan respecting the position of His Majesty's Government in regard to Egypt and the Sudan.

Cmd 2269

L/C. HC. 8 Oct. 1924 HL 7 Oct. 1924


Vol. XXVII, 469 Misc. No. 17 London Conference Proceedings of the London Reparation Conference, July and August 1924. L/C. HC/L 9 Oct. 1924


Cmd 2270

COMMAND PAPERS 1924 Item 430 Cmd 2273

Doc. No.

Item No. 430

Vol. XXVII, 139 Misc. No. 18 League of Nations Protocol and Resolutions adopted by the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations and the Report by the First and Third Committees of the Assembly relative to Arbitration, Security, and the Reduction of Armaments. L/C. HC/L 9 Oct. 1924

Cmd 2273

BILLS 1924-1925 Item 431- 433 Bill No. 7 - 82

Item No. 431

Doc. No. Vol. I, 211: Bills, Public Anglo-Italian Treaty (East African Boundaries) Bill to approve a Treaty between His Majesty and the King of Italy.

Bill 7

O.H.C.P. 10 Dec. 1924


Vol. I, 365: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision for the Application of money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 11

O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1924


Vol. V, 209: Bills, Public Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Acts, 1921 to 1924, by increasing the maximum limit of the Loans in respect of which Guarantees may be given under those Acts and by extending the period within which such Guarantees may be given. O.H.C.P. 25 Feb. 1925


Bill 82

BILLS 1924-1925 Item 434 - 435a Bill No. 104 -188 Item No.

Doc. No.

434 Vol. III, 43: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conventions) (H.L.) Bill iritituled an Act to give effect to certain Draft Conventions adopted by the International Labour Conference. [See Items 333 and 336.] O.H.CP. 12 March 1925

Bill 104

435 Vol. I, 367: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill as amended by Standing Committee B, to make further provision for the application of Money paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 152

O.H.CP. 2 April 1925

435a Vol. I, 369: Bills, Public China Indemnity (Application) Lords Amendment.

Bill 188

O.H.CP. 26 May 1925

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 436 - 437 S.P. No. 24 - 80 Doc. No.

Item No.

436 Vol. XVI, 483 Trade Facilities Act: 1921-1924 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1924.

S.P. 24

O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1925

437 Vol. VII, 29: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill. Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee B. O.H.C.P. 2 April 1925


S.P. 80

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 438 - 442 S.P. No. 85 -174

Doc. No.

Item No. 438

Vol. XVI, 485 Trade Facilities Act, 1921-1924 By Act 1) Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 March 1925. 2) Account up to 31 March 1925, of total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 85

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1925

439 Vol. VIII, 17: Reports, Committees (3) Merchant Shipping (International Labour Conventions) Bill: (H.L.) Report and Proceedings of Standing Committee A.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 19 May 1925


Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year, ended 31 March 1925. O.H.C.P. 9 June 1925

S.P. 116


Vol. XVI, 489 Trade Facilities Act By Act Statement of Guarantees, which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1925.

S.P. 140

O.H.C.P. 13 July 1925


Vol. XVI, 491 Trade Facilities Acts (1921-1924) By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1925. O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1925


S.P. 174

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 443 S.P. No. 183 Item No.

Doc. No.

443 Vol. XI, 425: Reports, Commissioners (3) East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement showing the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1924-1925. 60th Number.

S.P. 183

O.H.C.P. 1 Dec. 1925

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 444 - 446 Cmd 2281- 2287 Doc. No.

Item No.

444 Vol. XXX, 739 Sudan No. 2 (1924) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Sudan in 1923.

Cmd 2281

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924

445 Vol. XXIII, 239 Misc. No. 19 (1924) Report from His Majesty's Representatives abroad on the methods adopted in Parliaments of Foreign Countries for dealing with International Questions. In continuation of Cd 6102 of 1912 [Temperley and Penson, Document No. 1912].

Cmd 2282

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924

446 Vol. XXXI, 351 Misc. No. 20 (1924) Report by Lord Parmoor (British Representative) on the 30th Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924


Cmd 2287

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 447 - 450 Cmd 2289 - 2303 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 243 Misc. No. 21 (1924) Report of the British Delegates to the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations, relating to the Protocol for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes.

Cmd 2289

L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1924


Vol. XXXI, 117 International-Labour Conference 1) Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixth Session, 16 June-5 July 1924. (Authentic Texts.) 2) Texts adopted by a provisional vote of the Conference at its Sixth Session.

Cmd 2292

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1924


Vol. XXXI, 231. Treaty Series No. 37 (1924) The Covenant of the League of Nations, embodying an amendment of Article 6, in force from 13 August 1924, and Amendments of Articles 12, 13, and 15 in force from 26 September 1924.

Cmd 2300

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1924

449a Vol. XXI, 1 Dominions Correspondence with Governments of the SelfGoverning Dominions, relating to consultation on Matters of Foreign Policy and General Imperial Interest.

Cmd 2301

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1924 HL. 10 Feb. 1925 (R.)

450 Vol. XXX, 65 Treaty Series No. 1 (1925) Protocol recording the arrangements for Reparation Payments by Bulgaria. Signed at Sofia, 21 March 1923. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 10 Jan.)


Cmd 2303

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 451- 455 and 2304 - 2313

Item No.

Doc. No.

451 Vol. XXX, 73 Treaty Series No. 2 Protocol recording the arrangements for the recovery of the Cost of the Army of Occupation in Bulgaria. Signed at Sofia, 28 March 1924. [See also Item 481.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2304

(R. 10 Jan.)

452 Vol. XXX, 379 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting Clearing Office and Mixed Tribunal Procedure. Signed at London, 13 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2305

(R. 10 Jan.)

453 Vol. XI, 17: Reports, Commissioners (3) East India Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1923-1924. 59th Number. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2311

(R. 12 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 11 Treaty Series No. 4 Protocol on Arbitration Clauses. Signed at Geneva, 24 September 1923. British Ratification deposited 27 September 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2312

(R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 697 Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol Amending Paragraph 13 of Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of 28 June 1919. Signed at Paris, 22 November 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R.22 Jan.)


Cmd 2313

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 456 - 460 Cmd 2314 - 2320 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 701 Treaty Series No. 6 Protocol of an Amendment to Article 393 of the Treaty of Versailles and corresponding Articles in the other Treaties of Peace. Signed at Geneva, 14 June 1923. Ratification deposited 20 October 1923.

Cmd 2314

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 22 Jan.)

457 Vol. XXX, 59 Treaty Series No. 7 Commercial Convention between Canada and the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg. Signed at Ottawa, 3 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 22 October 1924.

Cmd 2315

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXI, 99 Iraq Papers relating the application to Iraq of the principles of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2317

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 23 Jan.)

459 Vol. XXX, 345 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for the mutual recognition of Load-Line Certificates. Signed in London, 18 December 1924.

Cmd 2319

L/C. HC/L 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 29 Jan.)

460 Vol. XXX, 347 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between Great Britain and Denmark for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 29 Jan.)


Cmd 2320

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 461- 464 Cmd 2321- 2328

Item No.

Doc. No.

461 Vol. XXX, 699 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between Great Britain and Norway for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2321

(R. 29 Jan.)

462 Vol. XXX, 885 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between Great Britain and Sweden for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 19 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2322

(R. 29 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 95 International Labour Conference Report of British Government Delegates to the Sixth Session of the Conference. Geneva, JuneJuly 1924. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2325

(R. 28 Jan.)

464 Vol. XXXI, 1 Treaty Series No. 12 Protocol amending Article 5 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. Signed at London, 27 October 1922. British Ratification deposited 19 December 1923. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Cmd 2328

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 465 - 469 Cmd 2329 - 2333 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 5 Treaty Series No. 13 Protocol amending Article 34 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of 13 October 1919. Signed at London, 30 June 1923. British Ratification deposited 20 November 1924.

Cmd 2329

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 317 Misc. No. 1 (1925) Report of the British Delegates to the Fifth Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Cmd 2289 [Item 447].

Cmd 2330

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 705 Treaty Series No. 38 (1924) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accession, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2331

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 6 Feb.)


Vol. XXXI, 721 Treaty Series No. 39 (1924) Index to Treaty Series, 1924.

Cmd 2332

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 6 Feb.) 469

Cmd 2333

Vol. XXXI, 371

Misc. No. 2 Report of the British Delegate to the 31st Session of the Council of League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 5 Feb.)


COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 470 - 473 Cmd 2336 - 2339 Item No.

Doc. No.

470 Vol. XXXI, 383 Misc. No. 3 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P. (British Representative) on the Thirtysecond Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2336

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

471 Vol. XXX, 355 Treaty Series No. 14 Provisional Agreement between the Government of Egypt and Palestine with regard to the Extradition of Fugitive Offenders. Signed at Ramleh, 7 August 1922.

Cmd 2337

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

472 Vol. XXX, 677 Treaty Series No. 15 Provisional Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands relating to Air Navigation. Signed at The Hague, 11 July 1923. Ratifications exchanged at The Hague, 7 January 1925.

Cmd 2338

L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)

473 Vol. XXXI, 45 Misc. No. 4 Agreement between the Governments of Great Britain, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, the United States of America, Brazil, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and Czechoslovakia, regarding the distribution of the Dawes Plan Annuities. Signed at Paris, 14 January 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Feb. 1925 (R. 9 Feb.)


Cmd 2339

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 474 - 477 Cmd 2Ø-2349

Item No. 474 Vol. XXIII, 647 Trade Facilities Bill By Act Memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred. L/C. HG 12 Feb. 1925 HL. 17 Feb. 1925 475 Vol. XXX, 443 Germany No. 1 (1925) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Germany and additional Protocol, with Minutes of a Meeting between British and German Representatives at the Foreign Office on 2 December 1924. Signed at London, 2 December 1924. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HG 16 Feb. 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2344

Cmd 2345

HL 17 Feb. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 21 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities and Protocol of Signature. Signed at Geneva, 3 November 1923. British Ratification deposited 29 August 1924. (Treaty came into operation 27 November 1924.) L/C. HC. 20 Feb. 1925

Cmd 2347

HL 24 Feb. 1925

477 Vol. XVIII, 747 Fleets: (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, and Germany, on 1 February 1925. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1925 HL. 17 Feb. 1925


Cmd 2349

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 478 - 481 Cmd 2368 - 2378

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 275 Misc. No. 5 Statement by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., on behalf of His Majesty's Government to the Council of the League of Nations, respecting the Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. Made at Geneva, 12 March 1925. L/C. HC/L. 11 March 1925

Cmd 2368


Vol. XXX, 587 Treaty Series No. 17 Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq, signed at Bagdad, 10 October 1922; and Protocol to Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq of 10 October 1922, signed at Bagdad, 30 April 1923; with Agreement subsidiary to the Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain and Iraq of the 10 October 1922, signed at Bagdad, 25 March 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 19 December 1924. L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1925

Cmd 2370


Vol. XXX, 893 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America for securing the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the North Pacific Ocean. Signed at Washington, 22 March 1923. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 21 October 1924. L/C. HC. 27 March 1925

Cmd 2377

HL, 31 March 1925


Vol. XXX, 79 Treaty Series No. 19 Protocol providing for the Division of any Sums recovered from Bulgaria for Reimbursement of the Cost of Military Occupation. Signed at Sofia, 28 March 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 2, 1925 [Item 451]. L/C. HC. 27 March 1925 HL. 31 March 1925 113

Cmd 2378

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 482 - 485 Cmd 2384 - 2411 Doc. No.

Item No.

482 Vol. XXX, 389 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between Great Britain and Germany for amending the method of administering the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921. Signed at Berlin, 3 April 1925.

Cmd 2384

L/C. HC/L. 6 Apri11925 (R.)

482a Vol. IX, 855: Reports, Commissioners (1) East Africa Report of the East Africa Commission.

Cmd 2387

L/C. HC. 8 April 1925 HL 9 April 1925


Vol. XXX, 707 Persia Treasury Minute, dated 28 April 1925, relative to the gift of books to the Persian National Assembly.

Cmd 2391

L/C. HC. 28 April 1925


Vol. XXXI, 403 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtythird Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2402

L/C. HC/L. 29 April 1925


Vol. XXX, 33 Treaty Series No. 21 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Austria, with Accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 22 May 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 February 1925. L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1925


Cmd 2411

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 486 - 489 Cmd 2417 - 2420

Item No. 486

Vol. XXX, 359 Treaty Series No. 22 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Extradition of Criminals. Signed at London, 80 May 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 October 1924. L/C. HC/L. 19 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 667 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention and Statute on the International Regime for Railways, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification deposited by Great Britain, 29 August 1924. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2417

Cmd 2418

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 635 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva 9 December 1923. Ratifications deposited on behalf of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 29 August 1924, and on behalf of New Zealand (including Western Samoa), and India, 1 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2419

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXXI, 71 Treaty Series No. 25 Convention relative to the Transmission in Transit of Electric Power, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification on behalf of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and New Zealand deposited 1 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925 HL. 25 May 1925


Cmd 2420

COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 490 - 492 Cmd 2421- 2426

Doc. No.

Item No. 490

Vol. XXXI, 85 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention relative to the Development of Hydrolic Power affecting more than one State, and Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 9 December 1923. Ratification on behalf of Great Britain, Northern Ireland, and New Zealand, deposited 1 Avril 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2421

HL. 25 May 1925


Vol. XXX, 55 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Austria respecting the Accession of certain British Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, and India to the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Austria of 28 March 1923, relative to Customs Clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. London, 11 February and 27 April 1925. L/C. HC. 22 May 1925

Cmd 2422

HL. 25 May 1925

492 Vol. XXX, 889 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Sweden further renewing the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Sweden of I1 August 1904. London, 9 November 1924. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920. [Item 54]. L/C. HC. 9 June 1925 HL. 16 June 1925 (R. 8 June)


Cmd 2426

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 493 - 497 Cmd 2427 - 2441

Item No. 493

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 631 Treaty Series No. 29 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting certain questions concerning the boundaries of their respective territories in East Africa, with map. Signed at London, 15 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 1 May 1925. L/C. HC. 9 June 1925

Cmd 2427

HL. 16 June 1925 (R. 8 June)


Vol. XXX, 395 Germany No. 2 Note presented to the German Government by the British, French, Italian, Japanese, and Belgian Ambassadors at Berlin, 4 June 1925.

Cmd 2429

L/C. HC. 9 June 1925 HL 16 June 1925 (R 4 June)

Vol. XXX, 511 Misc. No. 7 Papers respecting the Proposals for a Pact of Security made by the German Government on 9 February 1925. [See also Item 505.] L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1925

Cmd 2435

496 Vol. XXI, 107 Iraq Report of the Financial Mission appointed to enquire into the Financial Position and Prospects of the Government of Iraq, 1925.

Cmd 2438


L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1925

497 Vol. XXXI, 143 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixth Session, 16 June-5 July 1924. L/C. HC. 22 June 1925 HL. 23 June 1925


Cmd 2441

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 498 - 501a Cmd 2442 - 2458

Item No. 498

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 87 China No. 1 (1925) Papers respecting Labour Conditions in China.

Cmd 2442

L/C. HC. 26 June 1925 HL. 29 June 1925


Vol. XXX, 703 Treaty Series No. 30 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Norway further renewing the Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Norway of 11 August 1904. London, 13 May 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920 [Item 54].

Cmd 2452

L/C. HC. 6 July 1925 HL 7 July 1925


Vol. XXX, 673 Treaty Series No. 31 Ratifications of Cmd 2112 exchanged at Katmandu, 8 April 1925. [See Item 377 for text.]

Cmd 2453

L/C. HC. 6 July 1925 HL. 7 July 1925


Vol. XXX, 713 Treaty Series No. 32 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal regarding the Cancellation of the British Concession at Chinde and the Portuguese Concession at Chipole. Lisbon, 19 May 1925.

Cmd 2457

L/C. HC/L 14 July 1925

501a Vol. XXXI, 287 Settlement of International Disputes Correspondence relating to the position of the Dominions. L/C. HC/L 9 July 1925


Cmd 2458

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 502 - 506 Cmd 2461- 2471 Item No.

Doc. No.

502 Vol. XXXI, 485 Misc. No. 8 Report on the International Conference on Opium and Dangerous Drugs held at Geneva, November 1924—February 1925.

Cmd 2461

L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1925

503 Vol. XXXI, 147 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Seventh Session, Geneva, May-June 1925.

Cmd 2465

L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1925


Vol. XXI, 35 Africa Report for 1924 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain territories under British control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 2467

L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1925

505 Vol. XXX, 563 Misc. No. 9 Reply of the German Government to the Note handed to Herr Stresemann by the French Ambassador at Berlin on 16 June 1925 respecting the proposals for a Pact of Security. In continuation of Misc. No. 7 [Item 495].

Cmd 2468

L/C. HC/L. 21 July 1925

506 Vol. XXXI, 435 Misc. No. 10 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtyfourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1925


Cmd 2471

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 507 - 510 Cmd 2472 - 2503 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 643 Treaty Series No. 33 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the regulation of the Utilization of the Waters of the River Gash. Rome 12 and 15 June 1925.

Cmd 2472

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1925 508

Cmd 2492

Vol. XXXI, 315

East India Views of the Government of India regarding the Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. India Office Letter, dated 5 August 1925 to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 6 Aug. 1925 HL 5 Aug. 1925


Vol. XXX, 231 Treaty Series No. 34 List of Treaties etc. between Great Britain and China (1842-1922), including International Treaties and Treaties between Great Britain and Foreign Powers relating to China.

Cmd 2502

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 351 Treaty Series No. 35 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting the Treatment of British Subjects, Companies, and Vessels in Eastern Greenland. Copenhagen, 23 April-4 June 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 1 Sept.)


Cmd 2503

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 511-514 Cmd 2504.2512 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 685 Treaty Series No. 36 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands providing for the prolongation of the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 15 February 1905. London, 12 July 1925.

Cmd 2504

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 897 Treaty Series No. 37 Treaty between Canada and the United States of America, to define more accurately and to complete the International Boundary between the two Countries. Washington, 24 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925.

Cmd 2510

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (IL 17 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 905 Treaty Series No. 38 Convention, Protocol, and Agreement between Canada and the United States of America to regulate the Level of the Lake of the Woods. Washington, 24 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 7 July 1925.

Cmd 2511

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 17 Sept.)


Vol. XXX, 913 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between Canada and the United States of America to aid in Suppression Smuggling Operations along the Border between the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America and in the arrest and prosecution of Persons violating the Narcotics Laws of either Country. Washington, 6 June 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 17 Sept.)


Cmd 2512

COMMAND PAPERS 19244925 Item 515 - 517 Cmd 2513 - 2517 Item No. 515 Vol. XXX, 917 Treaty Series No. 40 Supplementary Convention between Canada and the United States of America to provide for Extradition on account of Crimes or Offences Committed against the Laws for the suppression of the Traffic in Narcotics. Washington, 8 January 1925. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 17 July 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925

Doc. No. Cmd 2513

(R. 17 Sept.)

516 Vol. XXX, 709 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and Portugal extending until 16 November 1926, the Operation of the Agreement providing for the Settlement by Arbitration of Certain Classes of Questions which may arise between the two Governments, 29 August 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 4, 1920 [Item 54]. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2516

(R. 22 Sept.)

517 Vol. XXX, 217 Treaty Series No. 42 Treaty between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal relating to Principles and Policies to be followed in Matters concerning China. Signed at Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications deposited at Washington, 5 August 1925. L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 24 Sept.)


Cmd 2517

COMMAND PAPERS I924-1925 Item 518 - 521 Cmd 2518 - 2521

Item No.

Doc. No.

518 Vol. XXX, 223 Treaty Series No. 43 Treaty between the United States of America, Belgium, the British Empire, China, France, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Portugal relating to the Chinese Customs Tariff. Washington, 6 February 1922. Ratifications deposited at Washington, 5 August 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2518

(R. 24 Sept.)

519 Vol. XXX, 665 Treaty Series No. 44 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Riga, 16 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Riga, 7 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2519

(R. 16 Oct.)

520 Vol. XXX, 475 Treaty Series No. 45 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Germany, and additional Protocol. Signed at London, 2 December 1924, with other relevant Documents. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 September 1925. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2520

(R. 21 Oct.)

521 Vol. XXXI, 689 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention and Additional Protocol drawn up by the Central Commission of the Rhine to replace certain Articles of the Convention of 17 October 1868 and the Convention of 4 June 1898, regarding Rhine Navigation Certificates. Strasbourg, 14 December 1922 and 22 December 1923. British Ratification deposited 8 June 1925. In continuation of Misc. 15 1924 [Item 422]. L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 9 Nov.)


Cmd 2521

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 522 - 525 Cmd 2522 - 2527 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 29 Treaty Series No. 47 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Albania respecting the Commercial Relations between the two Countries, 10 June 1925.

Cmd 2522

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R.9Nov.)

523 Vol. XVI, 199 German Reparation (Recovery) Act Statement showing the amounts paid into the Special Account under Section 1 (3) of the German Reparation (Recovery) Act 1921, and the application thereof during the period 1 April 1924 to closing of the account.

Cmd 2524

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R.9 Nov.)


Vol. XXXI, 573 Misc. No. 11 Final Protocol of the Locarno Conference, 1925, with Treaties between France and Poland and France and Czechoslovakia. Locarno, 16 October 1925.

Cmd 2525

L/C. HC/L 16 Nov. 1925 (R. 10 Nov.)

525 Vol. XXX, 573 Misc. No. 12 Correspondence between the Ambassadors' Conference and the German Ambassador at Paris respecting German Disarmament, Evacuation of the Cologne Zone, and Modification in the Rhineland Regime. Paris, October-November 1925. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1925 HL 18 Nov. 1925


Cmd 2527

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 526 - 529 Cmd 2528 - 2542

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 451 Misc. No. 13 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtyfifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2528


Vol. XXXI, 187 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Seventh Session, 19 May-10 June 1925. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 23 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2536


Vol. XXXI, 651 Treaty Series No. 48 Convention between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, and Lithuania respecting the Memel Territory and the Statute of the Memel Territory. Signed at Paris, 8 May 1924. British Ratification deposited at Paris, 25 August 1925. In continuation of Lithuania No. 1, 1924 [Item 414]. L/C. HC/L. 26 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2541


Vol. XXX, 689 Treaty Series No. 49 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands extending the Provisions of the Extradition Treaty between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of 13 April 1920, to the States of Johore and Kedah. The Hague 23 September-3 October 1925. L/C. HC/L. 26 Nov. 1925

Cmd 2542


COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 530 - 535 Cmd 2543 - 2553

Doc. No.

Item No. 530

Vol. XXXI, 475 Misc. No. 14 Report by the Rt. Hon. Austen Chamberlain, M.P., (British Representative) on the Thirtysixth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 30 Nov. 1925 HL.

Cmd 2543

1 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXX, 807 Sudan No. 1 (1925) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1924. L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2544


Vol. XXX, 659 Treaty Series No. 50 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy to regulate the Professional Practice of Medical Practitioners in their respective Territories. Signed at Rome, 21 May 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2551


Vol. XXX, 375 Treaty Series No. 51 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925

Cmd 2552


Dropped Number.


Vol. XXX, 1 Abyssinia, No. 1 (1925) Correspondence respecting Abyssinian Raids and Incursions into British Territory. [See also Item 746.] L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2553

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 536 - 539 Cmd 2555 - 2558 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 693 Treaty Series No. 52 Commercial Convention between Canada and the Netherlands. Signed at Ottawa, 11 July 1924. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 28 October 1925.

Cmd 2555

L/C. HC. 11 Dec 1925 HL. 14 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXX, 83 Treaty Series No. 53 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria providing for the Provisional Regulation of Commercial Relations between the two Countries. Sofia, 12 November 1925.

Cmd 2556

L/C. HC. 11 Dec. 1925 HL. 14 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 541 Misc. No. 15 Report to the Council of the League of Nations by General F. Laidoner on the Situation in the Locality of the Provisional Line of the Frontier between Turkey and Iraq fixed at Brussels on 29 October 1924. Mosul, 23 November 1925.

Cmd 2557

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 63 Misc. No. 16 Agreement regulating the amounts to be allocated out of the Second Dawes Annuity for the Armies of Occupation in the Rhineland, the Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission, and the Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control in Germany. Paris, 21 September 1925. [See also Item 655.] L/C. HC/L. 16 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2558

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 540 - 544 Cmd 2559 - 2565 Item No.

Doc. No.

540 Vol. XXX, 921 Treaty Series No. 54 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, respecting the rights of the Governments of the two countries and their respective Nationals in Palestine. Signed at London, 3 December 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 3 December 1925.

Cmd 2559

L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1925

541 Vol. XXXI, 549 Misc. No. 17 Decision relating to the Turko-Iraq Frontier adopted by the Council of the League of Nations, Geneva, 16 December I925. [See also Items 544, 568, 580.]

Cmd 2562

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 555 Misc. No. 18 Memorandum on the enquiry conducted by MM. Ortega-Nunez, Markers, and Charrere into the Deportation of Christians in the Neighbourhood of the Brussels Line, Mosul, 23 November 1925.

Cmd 2563

L/C. HC/L 18 Dec. 1925


Vol. XXXI, 81 Misc. No. 19 Dispatch to His Majesty's Representatives abroad notifying the Denunciation by His Majesty's Government of the Convention (No. VI) signed at The Hague on 18 October 1907, relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities. London, 18 December 1925.

Cmd 2564

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

544 Vol. XXXI, 563 Misc. No. 20 Report by M. Unden on the question of the Turko-Iraq Frontier, Geneva, 16 December 1925. In continuation of Misc. No. 17, 1925 [Item 541]. L/C. HC/L 21 Dec. 1925


Cmd 2565

COMMAND PAPERS 1924-1925 Item 545 - 546 Cmd 2566 - 2568 Item No.

Doc. No.

545 Vol. XXI, 169 Arabia Agreements with the Sultan of Nejd regarding certain questions relating to the Nejd-TransJordan and the Nejd-Iraq Frontiers. (The Hadda and Bahra Agreements and the correspondence related thereto : October-November 1925.)

Cmd 2566

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

546 Vol. XXX, 717 Treaty Series No. 55 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal confirming the Protocol, signed at Cape Town on 5 March 1915, defining a section of the Frontier Line between the Portuguese Colony of Angola and Rhodesia. Lisbon, 3 November 1925.

Cmd 2568

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1925

BILLS PUBLIC 1926 Item 547 Bill No. 43 Item No.

Doc. No.

547 Vol. IV, 425: Bills, Public (4) Trade Facilities Bill to amend the Trade Facilities Acts, 19211925, by increasing the maximum Limit of the loans in respect of which Guarantees may be given under those Acts and by extending the period within which such Guarantees may be given, and to extend the periods during which Guarantees may respectively be given and to remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920-1924. O.H.C.P. 23 Feb. 1926


Bill 43

BILLS PUBLIC 1926 Item 548 Bill No. 202

Doc. No.

Item No. 548 Vol. IV, 43: Bills, Public (4) Palestine and East Africa Bill to authorize the Treasury to Guarantee certain loans to be raised respectively by the Government of Palestine and by the Government of certain Territories in East Africa.

Bill 202

O.H.C.P. 2 Dec. 1926

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1926 Item 549 - 551 S.P. No. 5 - 61

Item No. 549

Doc. No. Vol. XVI, 203 Imperial Ottoman Loan of 1855 By Act Mr. Ronald McNeill Account for the period to 31 December 1925.

S.P. 5

O.H.C.P. 3 Feb. 1926


Vol. XVI, 417 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1925. By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1925.

S.P. 14

O.H.C.P. 12 Feb. 1926


Vol. XVI, 421 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 March 1926. Account up to 31 March 1926, of total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts under the Undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, during the Year ended 31 March 1926. O.H.C.P. 15 April 1926


S.P. 61

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1926 Item 552 - 555 S.P. No. 90 -160

Doc. No.

Item No. 552

Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1926.

S.P. 90

O.H.C.P. 7 June 1926


VoI. XVI, 425 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 June 1926.

S.P. 106

O.H.C.P. 16 July 1926


Vol. XVI, 427 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 30 September 1926.

S.P. 139

O.H.C.P. 25 Oct. 1926


Vol. XVI, 111 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account for the Period ended 31 March 1926.

S.P. 160

O.H.C.P. 13 Dec. 1926

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 556 Cmd 2575

Item No. 556 Vol. XXX, 755 Treaty Series No. 1 (1926) International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of, and traffic in, Obscene Publications. Geneva, 12 September 1926. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1926 (R. 26 Jan.)


Doc. No. Cmd 2575

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 557 - 562 Cmd 2576 - 2587 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 497 Misc. No. 1 (1926) Report of the British Delegates on the Sixth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 26 November 1925. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 1925 [Item 466].

Cmd 2576

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926 (R. 26 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 781 Treaty Series No. 56 (1925) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 2577

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 799 Treaty Series No. 57 (1925) Index to Treaty Series, 1925.

Cmd 2578

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 121 Italy Agreement for the Settlement of the War Dept of Italy to Great Britain.

Cmd 2580

L/C. HC/L 2 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXIII, 1017 Trade Facilities Memorandum on expenditure likely to be incurred.

Cmd 2584

L/C. HC. 5 Feb. 1926 HL 10 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 95 Iraq Treaty with King Feisal, with Explanatory Note. Signed at Bagdad, 13 January 1926. L/C. HC. 9 Feb. 1926 HL 10 Feb. 1926


Cmd 2587

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 563 - 566 Cmd 2590 - 2616 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XIX, 727 Fleets: (British Empire and Foreign Countries) Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Japan, Italy, Russia, and Germany on 1 February 1926. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.]

Cmd 2590

L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1926


Vol. XXX, 87 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Hungary modifying the Agreement between the British and Hungarian Governments of 11 December 1923, relating to the periodical Instalments payable by the Hungarian Government thereunder. Budapest, 17 October 1925. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 9, 1924 [Item 356].

Cmd 2593

L/C. HC. 1 March 1926 HL 2 March 1926


Cmd 2594

Vol. XXX, 613 Misc. No. 2

Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Thirty-Seventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 1 March 1926 HL 2 March 1926


Vol. XXX, i Treaty Series No. 3 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Albania, recording the Renunciation of His Majesty's Government of Extra-territorial Judicial Rights in Albania. Durazzo, 6 February 1926. L/C. HC. 22 March 1926 HL. 23 March 1926


Cmd 2616


Item 567 - 569 Cmd 2617-2625 Item No.

Doc. No.

567 Vol. XXX, 117 Treaty Series No. 4 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the Deportation of British Somali Subjects expelled from Italian Somaliland and of Italian Native Subjects of Italian Somaliland expelled from Adan. London, 14 December 1925 and 29 January 1926.

Cmd 2617

L/C. HC. 22 March 1926 HL 23 March 1926

568 Vol. XXX, 693 Misc. No. 3 Letter from His Majesty's Government to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and the proceedings of the Council of the League reguarding the determination of the Turko-Iraq Frontier and the application to Iraq of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations. London, 2 March 1926 and Geneva, 11 March 1926, In continuation of Cmd 2562 [Item 541].

Cmd 2624

L/C. HC. 13 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R. 9 April)


Vol. XXX, 21 Treaty Series No. 5 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia relative to the reduced rate of Customs Duty to be levied on Printed Matter in English Advertising Products of British Industry imported into Czechoslovakia. Prague, 1 February 1926. L/C. HC. 13 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R. 9 April)


Cmd 2625

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 570 - 573 Cmd 2633 - 2642 Item No.

Doc. No.

570 Vol. XXX, 415 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations at its Seventh Session 19 May-20 June 1925.

Cmd 2633

L/C. HC. 15 April 1926 HL 19 April 1926 (R.)

571 Vol. XXX, 5 China No. 1 (1926) Papers respecting the First Firing in the Shameen Affair of 23 June 1925.

Cmd 2636

L/C. HC/L 21 April 1926

572 Vol. XXX, 25 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic relative to Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Signed at London, 11 November 1924. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 March 1926.

Cmd 2637

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1926

573 Vol. XXX, 181 Treaty Series No. 7 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Siam for the revision of their Mutual Treaty Arrangements and Protocol concerning Jurisdiction applicable in Siam to British Subjects, etc. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Cmd 2642

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 574 - 577 Cmd 2643 - 2647 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 169 Treaty Series No. 8 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926.

Cmd 2643

L/C. HG 3 May 1926 HL. 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 189 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Siam in connection with the General and Commercial Treaties signed between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 14 July 1925. London, 14 July-15 September 1925.

Cmd 2644

L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 637 Misc. No. 4 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Thirty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 2646

L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 345 United States No. 1 (1926) Correspondence between His Majesty's Government and the United States Government regarding Administrative Measures to be taken by the British Authorities in order to assist the United States Government in the prevention of Liquor Smuggling from the Sea. Washington, 27 March-26 April 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926 HL 4 May 1926


Cmd 2647

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 578 - 582 Cmd 2648 - 2664

Item No. 578

Doc. No. Vol. XXX, 537 Misc. No. 5 Report of the British Delegates on the Special Assembly of the League of Nations, Geneva, 8-17 March 1926. London, 19 April 1926. L/C. HC. 3 May 1926

Cmd 2648

HL 4 May 1926


Vol. XXX, 291 Sudan No. 1 (1926) Papers relating to Slavery in the Sudan. L/C. HC/L. 17 May 1926

Cmd 2650


Vol. XXX, 91 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq regarding the duration of the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq of October 10 1922. Signed at Bagdad, 13 January 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1926. In continuation of Cmd 2562 [Item 541]. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2662


Vol. XXX, 395 Treaty Series No. 11 International Agreement for the Creation at Paris of an International Office for dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals. Paris, 25 January 1924. British Ratification deposited, 11 July 1925. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2663


Vol. XXX, 387 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the United Kingdom, Belgium, and France relative to Customs regulations applicable to Air Traffic. Paris, 5 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1926

Cmd 2664


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 583 - 587 Cmd 2665 - 2679

Doc. No.

Item No. 583

Vol. XXX, 689 Misc. No. 6 Report to the Council of the Committee on the Composition of the Council of the League of Nations. Geneva, 17 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 8 June 1926

Cmd 2665


Vol. XXX, 83 Treaty Series No. 13 Conventions between the United Kingdom and Greece regarding the Damage caused by British Troops in Greece, with Supplementary Protocol. Athens, 30 November 1925. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1926

Cmd 2668


Vol. XXX, 141 Treaty Series No. 14 Agreement between the United Knigdom and the Netherlands for the Reciprocal exemption from Income Tax in certain cases of Profits accruing from the Business of Shipping. London, 20 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1926

Cmd 2669


Vol. XXX, 157 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal in regard to Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, with Notes Exchanged. London, 20 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1926

Cmd 2670


Vol. XXX, 309 Turkey No. 1 (1926) Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq and Turkey regarding the settlement of the Frontier between Turkey and Iraq, with map. Notes exchanged. Angora, 5 June 1926. Ratifications have not yet been exchanged. [Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 18 July 1926. See Item 664.] L/C. HC. 18 June 1926

Cmd 2679

HL 22 June 1926


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 588 - 591a Cmd 2680 - 2690

Item No.

Doc. No.


NOT PRINTED. No Number Treaty Series No. 16 (Cancelled) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Roumania for funding of the Roumanian War Debt to the British Government. London, 19 October 1925. L/C. HC. 18 June 1926 HL 22 June 1926 Withdrawn: HC. 21 June 1926 HL 23 June 1926

589 Vol. XXX, 101 Treaty Series No. 16 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting Lake Tsana. Rome, I4-20 December 1925.

Cmd 2680

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1926

590 Vol. XXX, 705 Misc. No. 7 Report of the Council of League of Nations on the work of the First Session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference. Geneva, 26 May 1926. L/C. HC/L 23 June 1926

Cmd 2681

Vol. XXIII, 585 Communist Papers Documents selected from those obtained on the Arrest of Communist Leaders on the 14th and 21st of October 1925. L/C. HC/L. 22 June 1926

Cmd 2682

591a Vol. IX, 159: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa Report for 1925 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1926

Cmd 2690



COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 592 - 594c Cmd 2692 2702

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXX, 75 France Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of France to Great Britain with an exchange of letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the French Minister of Finance. London, 12 July 1926. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1926

Cmd 2692


Vol. XXX, 71 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Esthonia regarding the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships, with Notes exchanged. London, 24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 15 July 1926

Cmd 2693


Vol. XXX, 653 Misc. No. 8 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Fortieth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 15 July 1926

Cmd 2694

594a Vol. XXIII, 869 Palestine and East Africa Loans Bill Memorandum explaining the financial resolution (1926). L/C. HC. 14 July 1926

Cmd 2696

HL. 15 July 1926

594b Vol. IX, 163: Reports, Commissioners (2) East Africa Report of the East African Guaranteed Loan Committee. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1926

Cmd 2701

594c Vol. XXX, 771 Oil Pollution of Navigable Waters Final Act (and Annex) of the International Conference at Washington, June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 20 July 1926

Cmd 2702


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 595 - 598 Cmd 2708 - 2728

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXX, 63 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between the United Kingdom and Esthonia for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. Ratificaitons exchanged at London, 11 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1926

Cmd 2708


Vol. XXX, 51 Treaty Series No. 19 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Esthonia. Signed at Reval, 18 January 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Reval, 3 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1926

Cmd 2709


Vol. XXX, 743 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement respecting facilities to be given to Merchant Seamen for the Treatment of Venereal Disease. Signed at Brussels, 1 December 1924. British Ratification deposited 21 August 1925.

Cmd 2727

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 113 Treaty Series No. 21 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Italy for the reciprocal recognition of Proof Marks. London, 24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 20 Aug.)


Cmd 2728

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 599 - 602 Cmd 2729 - 2732 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 325 Treaty Series No. 22 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in the former German Colony of East Africa. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2729

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

600 Vol. XXX, 333 Treaty Series No. 23 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in part of the former German Protectorate of the Camaroons. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2730

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

601 Vol. XXX, 339 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the rights of the Governments of the two Countries and their respective Nationals in part of the Former German Protectorate of Togoland. Signed at London, 10 February 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 July 1926.

Cmd 2731

L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.)

602 Vol. XXX, 161 Treaty Series No. 25 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom to regulate the Commercial Relations between the two Countries. Belgrade, 18 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 30 Aug. 1926 (R. 27 Aug.) 142

Cmd 2732

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 603 - 607 Cmd 2741- 2749 Item No.

Doc. No.

603 Vol. XXX, 125 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Island. Signed at Paris, 19 June 1926.

Cmd 2741

L/C. HC/L 27 Sept. 1926 (R. 13 Sept.)

604 Vol. XXX, 201 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1925.

Cmd 2742

L/C. HC/L. 27 Sept. 1926 (R. 13 Sept.)

605 Vol. XXX, 419 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eighth Session, 26 May-5 June 1926; and Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Ninth Session, 7 June-24 June 1926. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2745

L/C. HC/L 27 Sept. 1926 (R.25 Sept.)

606 Vol. XXX, 351 United States No. 2 Correspondence between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting the proposed reduction of Passport Fees.

Cmd 2746

L/C. HC/L 25 Oct. 1926 (R. 13 Oct.)

607 Vol. XXX, 469 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Eighth Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 26 May-5 June 1926. L/C. HC/L 25 Oct. 1926


Cmd 2749

COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 608 - 612 Cmd 2750 - 2766

Item No.

Doc. No.

608 Vol. XXX, 483 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Ninth Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 7-24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 25 Oct. 1926

Cmd 2750

609 Vol. XXX, 197 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Spain respecting the duration of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Spain of 31 October 1922. Madrid, 22 October 1926. L/C. HC/L 10 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2753

610 Vol. XXX, 669 Misc. No. 9 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Forty-first and the Forty-second Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 22 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2761

611 Vol. XXX, 731 Treaty Series No. 28 Treaty of Mutual Guarantee between the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy. Locarno, 16 October 1925. Ratifications deposited at Geneva, 14 September 1926. L/C. HC/L 22 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2764

612 Vol. VIII, 629: Reports, Commissioners (1) China No. 2 Report of the Advisory Committee, with other Documents respecting the China Indemnity. [See Items 555, 686, 729, 785.] L/C. HC. 26 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2766

HL 30 Nov. 1926


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 613 - 616 Cmd 2767 - 2777

Item No. 613 Vol. XXX, 713 Misc. No. 10 Papers respecting the work of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Doc. No. Cmd 2767

613a Vol. XI, 545: Reports, Commissioners (4) Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference, 1926. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2768

613b Vol. XI, 607: Reports, Commissioners (4) Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings of the Imperial Conference. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1926

Cmd 2769


Vol. VIII, 499: Reports, Commissioners (1) China No. 3 Report of the Commission on Extra-Territoriality in China. [See also Item 632.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2774


Vol. XXX, 359 Misc. No. 11 The Permanent Court of International Justice Question of Accession of the United States of America to the Protocol of 16 December 1920. L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2776


Vol. XXX, 145 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Republic of Portugal in relation to the Boundary between the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa and Angola. Signed at Cape Town, 22 June 1926. [See also Item 617.] L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2777


COMMAND PAPERS 1926 Item 617 - 619 Cmd 2778 - 2780 Item No.

Doc. No.

617 Vol. XXX, 149 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Republic of Portugal regulating the use of the water of the Kunene River for the purposes of generating Hydraulic Power and of Inundation and Irrigation of the Mandated Territory of South-West Africa. Signed at Cape Town, 1 July 1926. [See also Item 616.] L/C. HC/L 13 Dec. 1926

Cmd 2778

618 Vol. XXX, 37 Treaty Series No. 31 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic for the Extradition of Criminals. Signed at London, 11 November 1924, and Protocol signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratification exchanged at London, 5 November 1926.

Cmd 2779

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1926

619 Vol. XXX, 561 Misc. No. 12 Report of the British Delegates on the Seventh Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 19 November 1926. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 of 1926 [Item 557].

Cmd 2780

L/C. HC/L 14 Dec. 1926

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1927 Item 620 S.P. No. 7 Item No.

Doc. No.

620 Vol. XIII, 527 Trade Facilities Acts; 1921-1926 By Act Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have stated their willingness to give up to 31 December 1926. O.H.C.P. 8 Feb. 1927


S.P. 7

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1927 Item 621- 624 S.P. No. 18-71

Doc. No.

Item No. 621

Vol. XIII, 229 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 By Act Account for the period to 31 December 1926.

S.P. 18

O.H.C.P. 15 Feb. 1927


Vol. XVIII, 447 By Act East India (Progress and Condition). Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1925-1926. 61st Number.

S.P. 29

O.H.C.P. 25 Feb. 1927


Vol. XIII, 529 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1927 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given, and of sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts payable under the undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, during the Year ended 31 March 1927.

S.P. 61

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1927

624 Vol. XIII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1927. O.H.C.P. 13 June 1927


S.P. 71

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 625 - 629 Cmd 2789 - 2794 Doc. No.

Item No. 625 Vol. XXVI, 153 Treaty Series No. I (1927) Agreement between the United Kingdom and Greece respecting the Measurement of Tonnage of Merchant Ships. Signed at London, 30 November 1926. Notes exchanged 30 November1 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2789

626 Vol. XXVI, 157 Treaty Series No. 2 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Greece and accompanying Declaration. Signed at London, 16 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 10 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2790

627 Vol. XIII, 395 Portuguese War Debt Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of Portugal to Great Britain. Signed at London, 31 December 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 2791

628 Vol. XXVI, 235 Abyssinia No. 1 (1927) Correspondence respecting the Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy of 14-20 December 1925 in regard to Lake Tsana. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (IL 14 Jan.)

Cmd 2792

629 Vol. XXVI, 139 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Esthonian Republic relative to the clearance of Commercial Traveller's Samples. Signed at Tallinin (Reval) 3 May 1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 25 Jan.)

Cmd 2794


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 630 - 634 Cmd 2795 - 2804 Item No.

Doc. No.

630 Vol. XXVI, 437

Cmd 2795

Treaty Series No. 4 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting drawbacks and methods of computing ad valorem Rates under Siamese Customs Law. Bangkok, 30 September 1926. L/C. HC/L 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 25 Jan.)

631 Vol. XXVI, 297

Cmd 2796

Treaty Series No. 5 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and Portugal renewing the Arbitration Convention between the two Countries of 16 November 19I4. London, 4 January 1927. L/C. HC/L 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 3 Feb.)

632 Vol. XXVI, 39

Cmd 2797

China No. 1 (1927) Declaration and Memoranda by the Chinese Commissioner, presented to the Commission on Extra-Territoriality in China. In continuation of Cmd 2774 of 1926 [Item No. 614]. L/C. HC/L. 8 Feb. 1927 (R. 3 Feb.)

633 Vol. XXVI, 693

Cmd 2799

Misc. No. 1 (1927) Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Representative) on the Forty-third Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 6-11 December 1926. L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1927 HL 15 Feb. 1927

634 Vol. XXVI, 937

Cmd 2804

Treaty Series No. 32 (1926) Treaties etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States Accessions, Withdrawals etc. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 56, 1925. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1927 149

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 635 - 639 Cmd 2805 - 2822

Doc. No.

Item No. 635

Vol. XXVI, 953 Treaty Series No. 33 (1926) Index to Treaty Series, 1926.

Cmd 2805

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1927


Cmd 2809 Vol. XV, 705 Fleets: The British Empire and Foreign Countries Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union on 1 February 1927. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 22 Feb. 1927 HL 23 Feb. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 15 Treaty Series No. 6 Protocol respecting the boundary between Tanganyika Territory and the Belgian Mandated Territory of Ruanda-Urundi, with three maps. Signed at Kigoma, 5 August 1924. Notes exchanged between the British and the Belgian Governments, Brussels, 17 May 1926.

Cmd 2812

L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1927

638 Vol. XXVI, 433 Treaty Series No. 7 Arbitration Convention between the United Kingdom and Siam. Signed at London, 25 November 1925. Ratification exchanged at London, 2 February 1927.

Cmd 2813

L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1927

639 Vol. XXVI, 301 Russia No. 1 (1927) Note from His Majesty's Government to the Government of the U.S.S.R. respecting the Relations existing between the two Governments, and Note in reply, 23-26 February 1927. L/C. HC/L 15 March 1927


Cmd 2822

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 640 - 643 Cmd 2829 - 2836

Item No.

Doc. No.

640 Vol. XXVI, 143 Treaty Series No. 8 Notes exchanged between the United Kingdom and France regarding certain amendments to be made in the New Hebrides Protocol of 6 August 1914. Paris, 17-21 February 1927. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 7, 1922. [See also Items 236 and 275.] L/C. HC/L 24 March 1927

Cmd 2829

641 Vol. X, 663: Reports, Commissioners (4) Industrial Relations Report of the Delegation appointed to Study Industrial Conditions in Canada and the United States of America. L/C. HC/L. 22 March 1927

Cmd 2833

642 Vol. XXVI, 127 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark renewing the Anglo-Danish Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 March 1927. L/C. HC/L 6 April 1927

Cmd 2835

643 Vol. XXVI, 225 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between the United Kingdom and Iceland renewing, as far as Iceland is concerned, the Anglo-Dutch Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. Signed at London, 4 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 March 1927. L/C. HC/L 6 April 1927

Cmd 2836


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 644 - 647 Cmd 2845 - 2851 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 581 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between the Sudan Government and the Hejad Government, His Majesty's Government assenting, relating to the Port SudanJeddah Telegraph Cable. Signed 18 December 1926.

Cmd 2845

L/C. HC. 11 April 1927 HL. 12 April 1927


Vol. XXVI, 55 China No. 2 Memorandum on Labour Conditions in China. Foreign Office, 25 February 1927.

Cmd 2846

L/C. HC. 11 April 1927 HL 12 April 1927


Vol. XIII, 215 Greek War Debt Agreement for the settlement of the War Debt of Greece to Great Britain, with an Exchange of Letters between the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Greek Minister in London. London, 9 April 1927.

Cmd 2848

L/C. HC. 13 April 1927 HL 28 April 1927 (R.)


Vol. XXVI, 131 Treaty Series No. 12 Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark respecting Compensation to Workmen for Accidents arising out of their Employment. Signed at London, 18 November 1925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 5 April 1927. L/C. HC. 26 April 1927 HL. 28 April 1927 (R. 25 April)


Cmd 2851

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 648 - 650a Cmd 2852 - 2870

Item No.

Doc. No.

648 Vol. XXVI, 833 Misc. No. 2 Nationality and Naturalization Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. In continuation of C. 7027 of 1893-4 and Cmd 1771 of 1922. [See also Items 257 and 677.] L/C. HC. 26 April 1927

Cmd 2852

HL 28 April 1927 (R.)

648a Vol. XVIII, 45 Tanganyika Treasury Minute dated 6 April 1927, relating to the Interest and Sinking Fund payable on Loans made to Tanganyika Territory out of moneys voted by Parliament. L/C. HC. 26 April 1927

Cmd 2853

HL. 28 April 1927 (R.)

649 Vol. XXVI, 441 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His British Majesty and His Majesty, the King of Spain revising certain Provisions of the Anglo-Spanish Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 31 October 1922, and Notes exchanged. Signed at London, 5 April 1927. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 21, 1924. [See Items 393 and 609.] L/C. HC. 27 April 1927

Cmd 2855

HL 28 April 1927 (R.)

650 Vol. XXVI, 81 China No. 3 Papers respecting the Agreements relative to the British Concessions at Kinkiang and Hankow. L/C. HC/L. 24 May 1927

Cmd 2869

650a Vol. XV, 803 Reproduction of the Record of the Battle of Jutland prepared by Captain J.P. Harper, R.N., in 1919-1920. [See Item 106a.] L/C. HG 20 May 1927

Cmd 2870

HL 24 May 1927


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 651- 654 Cmd 2872 - 2877 Item No.

Doc. No.

651 Vol. XXVI, 577 Sudan No. 1 (1927) Dispatch from the Governor-General of the Sudan to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations relating to Slavery in the Sudan.

Cmd 2872

L/C. HC. 27 May 1927 HL 31 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 327 Russia No. 2 Documents illustrating the Hostile Activities of the Soviet Government and the Third International against Great Britain.

Cmd 2874

L/C. HC/L 25 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 275 Mexico No. I (1927) Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States for the settlement of the British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico arising from Loss or Damage from Revolutionary Acts between 20 November 1910 and 31 May 1920. Signed at Mexico, 19 November 1926.

Cmd 2876

L/C. HC/L 31 May 1927


Vol. XXVI, 599 Treaty Series No. 14 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government and the Government of the United States of America regarding the disposal of certain Pecuniary Claims arising out of the recent War. Washington, 19 May 1927. L/C. HC. 30 May 1927 HL 31 May 1927


Cmd 2877

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 655 - 658a Cmd 2886 - 2893

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVI, 607 Misc. No. 3 Agreement regulating the amounts to be allocated out of the Annuities of the Expert's Plan for the Armies of Occupation, the Rhineland High Commission and the Military Commission of Control for the period 1 April 1926-10 January 1930. In continuation of Cmd 2558 of 1924-5 [Item 539]. Paris, 13 January 1927. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1927

Cmd 2886


Vol. XXVI, 755 Misc. No. 4 Report of the British Representatives on the Preparatory Committee of the League of Nations for the Disarmament Conference. Third Session, Geneva, 21 March-26 April 1927. L/C. HC. 17 June 1927

Cmd 2888

HL 20 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 827 Misc. No. 5 Report of the British Representatives on the Committee of the Council of the League of Nations on Article 11 of the Covenant. L/C. HC. 17 June 1927

Cmd 2889

HL. 20 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 631 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Convention and the Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eighth Session, 26 May-5 June 1926. L/C. HC. 13 June 1927

Cmd 2890

HL. 16 June 1927 (R.)

658a Vol. VII, 559: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1926 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1927 155

Cmd 2893

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 659 - 662 Cmd 2894 - 2910 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 713 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate) on the Forty-fourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 7-12 March 1927.

Cmd 2894

L/C. HC. 24 June 1927 HL. 27 June 1927


Vol. XXVI, 359 Russia No. 3 Selection of Papers dealing with relations between His Majesty's Government and the Soviet Government, 1921-1927.

Cmd 2895

L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1927 661

Vol. XXVI, 267 Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Lithuania for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals. Signed at Kaunos (Kovno), 18 May 1926. Ratification exchanged at Kaunos, 29 March 1927.

Cmd 2897

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1927 661a

Vol. XVIII, 37 Future Policy with regard to Eastern Africa.

Cmd 2904

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1927 662

Vol. XXVI, 925 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention with the object of securing the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade. Signed at Geneva, 25 September 1926. British Ratification deposited 18 June 1927.

L/C. HC. 22 July 1927 HL. 25 July 1927


Cmd 2910

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 663 - 666 Cmd 2911- 2920

Item No. 663 Vol. XXVI, 263 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic relating to Tonnage Measurement Certificates. London, 24 June 1927. L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Doc. No. Cmd 2911

HL 25 July 1927


Vol. XXVI, 583 Treaty Series No. 18 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq and Turkey regarding the settlement of the Frontier between Iraq and Turkey, with map. Notes exchanged. Angora, 5 June 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 18 July 1926. [See Item 587.] L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Cmd 2912

HL 25 July 1927

664a Vol. X, 469: Reports, Commissioners (4) Imperial Shipping Committee Report on the Harbour of Dai-es-Salaam, Tanganyika Territory. L/C. HC. 22 July 1927

Cmd 2917

HL 25 July 1927

665 Vol. XXVI, 285 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon to facilitate good neighbourly relations in connection with frontier questions. Signed at Jerusalem, 2 February 1926. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1927

Cmd 2919

666 Vol. XXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 20 Extradition Treaty between the United Kingdom and Albania. Signed at Tirana, 22 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Tirana, 29 January 1927. L/C. HC/L. 28 July 1927

Cmd 2920


COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 667 - 671 Cmd 2925 - 2935 Doc. No.

Item No.

667 Vol. XXVI, 729 Misc. No. 7 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, (British Representative) on the Forty-fifth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 13-17 June 1927.

Cmd 2925

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 12 Aug.)

668 Vol. XXVI, 35 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria relating to the Provisional Dissolution of the Anglo-Bulgarian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 17 June 1927.

Cmd 2928

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 251 Treaty Series No. 22 Supplementary Convention to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan. Signed at London, 30 July 1925, with Minutes of a Meeting between the British and Japanese Representatives at the Foreign Office on 30 July I925. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 July 1927.

Cmd 2931

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 209 Treaty Series No. 23 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Hungary. Signed at London, 23 July 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 July 1927.

Cmd 2933

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVI, 959 Treaty Series No. 24 General Index to Treaty Series, 1922-1926. L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 6 Sept.)


Cmd 2935

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 672 - 676 Cmd 2951- 2964 Item No.

Doc. No.

672 Vol. XXVI, 201 Treaty Series No. 25 Treaty between His Majesty and His Majesty, the King of the Hejaz and of Nejd and its Dependencies, 20 May 1927. Notes exchanged 19-21 May 1927. Ratifications exchanged at Jeddah, 17 September 1927.

Cmd 2951

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (It. 22 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 615 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention regarding the Measurement of Vessels employed in Inland Navigation with Protocol of Signature. Paris, 27 November 1925. British Ratification deposited 14 June 1927.

Cmd 2952

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 29 Sept.)


Vol. XXVI, 95 China. No 4 Papers relating to the Nanking Incident of 24 and 25 March 1927.

Cmd 2953

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 6 Oct.)


Vol. XXVI, 635 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Tenth Session, 25 May-16 June 1927. (Authentic Text.)

Cmd 2961

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 19 Oct.)


Vol. XXVI, 805 Geneva Conference (Naval Armaments) Speeches at the Plenary Session by the Rt. Hon. W.C. Bridgeman, M.P., First Lord of the Admiralty. (June-August 1927.) L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (R. 24 Oct.)


Cmd 2964

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 677 - 681 Cmd 2970 - 2990 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 257 Misc. No. 8 Nationality Law of Latvia, 2 June 1927. In continuation of Cmd 2852. [Item 648.]

Cmd 2970

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1927


Vol. XIII, 501 Serb-Croat-Slovene War Debt Agreement for the Settlement of the War Debt of the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom to Great Britain, London, 9 August 1927.

Cmd 2973

L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1927 (IL 7 Nov.)


Vol. XXVI, 453 Treaty Series No. 27 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Spanish Government respecting the reciprocal recognition of Proof Marks on Fire Arms. Madrid, 8 September 1927.

Cmd 2975

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 147 Treaty Series No. 28 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government confirming the Agreement of 18 August 1927, regarding the Administration of the New Hebrides. Paris, 31 August 1927.

Cmd 2988

L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1927


Vol. XIII, 497 Roumanian War Debt Agreement dated 19 October 1925, for the settlement of the Roumanian War Debt to Great Britain. L/C. HC/L. 28 Nov. 1927


Cmd 2990

COMMAND PAPERS 1927 Item 682 - 685 Cmd 2991- 2998 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 459 Sudan No. 2 Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1926.

Cmd 2991

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1927


Vol. XIII, 103 China Treasury Minute dated 7 December 1927 relative to the Leases of His Majesty's Government in the British Concession in China.

Cmd 2994

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1927 HL. No record.


Vol. XXVI, 669 International Labour Conference Report of the British Government Delegates on the Tenth Session. Geneva, 25 May-16 June 1927.

Cmd 2995

L/C. HC/L. 29 Nov. 1927


Vol. XXVI, 229 Iraq Treaty between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at London, 14 December 1927. To be published in Treaty Series, when ratified.

Cmd 2998

L/C. HC/L. 19 Dec. 1927

BILLS PUBLIC 1928 Item 685a Bill No. 117 Item No.

Doc. No.

685a Vol. IV, 485 Straits Settlement and Johore Territorial treaties. (Agreement) (H.L.) Agreement between His Majesty and the Sultan of the State and Territory of Johore, 19 October 1927: Schedule of Bill. O.H.C.P. 2 May 1928


Bill 117

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928 Item 686 - 689 S.P. No. 7-66 Doc. No.

Item No. 686

Vol. XIII, 99 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to Section 1(4) of the China Indemnity (Application) Act 1925, showing Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1927; with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 160, 1926. (See Items 555, and 612.)

S.P. 7

O.H.C.P. 7 Feb. 1928


Vol. XIII, 199 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 By Act Account for the Period to 31 December 1927.

S.P. 19

O.H.C.P. 13 Feb. 1928


Vol. XVIII, 597 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1926-1927. 62nd Number.

S.P. 48

O.H.C.P. 23 March 1928


Vol. XIII, 367 Trade Facilities Acts: 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. Also an Account up to 31 March 1928 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Statement of amounts payable under undertakings given under Section 2 of the Trade Facilities Act, 1924, from 31 March 1927 to completion of the scheme on 15 May 1927. O.H.CP. 26 Apri11928


S.P. 66

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928 Item 690 S.P. No. 82

Doc. No.

Item No. 690 Vol. XIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1928.

S.P. 82

O.H.C.P. 6 June 1928

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 691- 693 Cmd 3008 - 3010

Item No.

Doc. No.

691 Vol. XXVI, 447 Misc. No. 1 (1928) Report of the British Delegates on the Eighth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 25 November 1927. In continuation of Misc. No. 12, 1926 [Item 619]. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3008

(IL 11 Jan.)

692 Vol. XXVI, 363 Misc. No. 2 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-sixth and Fortyseventh Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 1-28 September 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3009

(R. 11 Jan.)

693 Vol. XXVI, 119 Treaty Series No. 1 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the German Reich relating to Air Navigation, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 29 June 1927. Ratification exchanged at Berlin, 1 December 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (IL 11 Jan.)


Cmd 3010

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 694 - 698 Cmd 3017 - 3023

Item No.

Doc. No.

694 Vol. XXVI, 145. Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the Latvian Republic regarding the Custom's Treatment of Commercial Travellers Samples. Riga, 16 November 1927.

Cmd 3017

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 11 Jan.)

695 Vol. XVIII, 171 Sierra Leone Correspondence relating to Domestic Slavery in the Sierra Leone Protectorate.

Cmd 3020

RA/HL. 23 Nov. 1927 L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 27 Jan.)

696 Vol. XXVI, 389 Misc. No. 3 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-Eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 5-12 December 1927.

Cmd 3021

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928 (R. 3 Feb.)

697 Vol. XXVI, 505 Treaty Series No. 29 (1927) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States; Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3022

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928

698 Vol. XXVI, 519 Treaty Series No. 30 (1927) Index to Treaty Series, 1927. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1928


Cmd 3023

COMMAND PAPERS I928 Item 699 - 702 Cmd 3027 - 3039

Item No. 699

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 135 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the German Government for the Exemption of Shipping Profits from Double Taxation, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 17 January 1928. L/C. HC. 9 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3027

HL. 14 Feb. 1928


Vol. XXVI, 213 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Portuguese Government for the Mutual Recognition of Load-Line Certificates, with Notes exchanged. London, 27 January 1928. L/C. HC/L. 22 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3033


Vol. XV, 749 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, France, Italy, Japan, the U.S.S.R., and Germany on 1 February 1928. [See Item 117 for detailed list of classes and information given.] L/C. HC. 22 Feb. 1928

Cmd 3034

HL. 23 Feb. 1928


Vol. XXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 5 Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the settlement of Enemy Debts referred to in Section III, Part X of the Treaty of Saint Germain of 10 September 1919. Signed at Vienna, (1) 27 August-2 October 1920, (2) I1 August11 September 1924, (3) 19 September 1927. L/C. HC/L. 29 Feb. 1928


Cmd 3039

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 703 - 707 Cmd 3050 - 3069 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 19 Egypt No. 1 (1928) Papers regarding Negotiations for a Treaty of Alliance with Egypt.

Cmd 3050

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1928


Vol. XV, 595 Navy Estimates Statement of the First Lord of the Admiralty explanatory of the Naval Estimates for 1928.

Cmd 3052

L/C. HC/L 6 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 225 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, with Notes exchanged. London, 12 May 1927. Ratifications exchanged at London, 9 February 1928.

Cmd 3065

L/C. HC. 26 March 1928 HL 27 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 183 Treaty Series No. 7 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Portugal for the Settlement of the Boundary Line between Swaziland and the Province of Mozambique, with diagram. Lisbon, 6 October 1927.

Cmd 3066

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1928


Vol. XXVI, 267 Trans-Jordan Agreement between the United Kingdom and Trans-Jordan. Signed at Jerusalem, 20 February 1928. L/C. HC/L 22 March 1928


Cmd 3069

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 708 - 711 Cmd 3070 - 3085 Item No.

Doc. No.

708 Vol. XXVI, 197 Treaty Series No. 8 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of Portugal for the settlement of the boundary between the Union of South Africa and the Province of Mozambique, with two maps. Lisbon, 6 October 1927.

Cmd 3070

L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1928

709 Vol. XXVI, 219 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of San Salvador for the establishment of a Commercial modus vivendi. San Salvador, 4 and 7 January 1928.

Cmd 3071

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1928

710 Vol. XXVI, 263 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Spanish Government regarding the interpretation of the Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of 31 October 1922, as revised by the Convention of 5 April 1927. Madrid, 6 February 1928.

Cmd 3074

L/C. HC. 3 April 1928 HL 19 April 1928 (IL)

711 Vol. XXVI, 149 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States for the settlement of British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico arising from the Loss or Damage from Revolutionary Acts between 20 November 1910 and 31 May 1920. Mexico, 19 November 1926. Ratifications exchanged at Mexico, 8 March 1928. L/C. HC. 30 April 1928 HL 1 May 1928


Cmd 3085

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 712-716 Cmd 3094 - 3099 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVI, 141 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Icelandic Government for the Exemption of Shipping Profits from Double Taxation. London, 27 April 1928.

Cmd 3094

L/C. HC/L. 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 493 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement concerning the Manufacture of, the Internal Trade in, and the Use of, Prepared Opium, with Protocol and Final Act. Signed at Geneva, 11 February 1925. British Ratification deposited 17 February 1926.

Cmd 3095

L/C. HC/L 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 81 Egypt No. 2 Papers respecting the Proposed Egyptian Law regulating Public Meetings and Demonstrations.

Cmd 3097

L/C. HC. 7 May 1928 HL. 8 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 413 Misc. No. 4 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Forty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 5-10 March 1928.

Cmd 3098

L/C. HC. 14 May 1928 HL 15 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 13 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Austrian Government respecting the reciprocal protection of Trade Marks in Austria and Palestine. London, 2 December 1927-13 April 1928. L/C. HC. 14 May 1928 HL 15 May 1928


Cmd 3099

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 717 - 721 Cmd 3109 - 3138 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVI, 275 United States No. 1 (1928) Correspondence with the United States Ambassador respecting the United States proposal for the renunciation of War.

Cmd 3109

L/C. HC. 18 May 1928 HL. 21 May 1928


Vol. XXVI, 175 Norway No. 1 (1928) Proposals for Agreements between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Norwegian Government regarding Territorial Waters and Fisheries off the Norwegian Coast.

Cmd 3121

L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1928


Vol. XII, 275: Reports, Commissioners (6) Russian Banks and Communist Funds Report of an inquiry into certain Transactions of the Bank for Russian Trade, Ltd. and the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd., and Memorandum of the Directors of the Moscow Narodny Bank, Ltd.

Cmd 3125

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1928


Vol. XXVI. 17 Bulgaria No. I (1928) Arrangements between Great Britain, France, Italy, and Bulgaria for the Reparation Payments by Bulgaria under Articles 121 and 122 of the Treaty of Neuilly of 27 November 1919. Signed at Sofia, July 1923.

Cmd 3133

L/C. HC/L. 27 June 1928


Vol. XXVI, 105 Student Employees Text of an arrangement between the competent French and British Authorities for facilitating the admission of Student Employees into the two countries and Notes exchanged between the Marquess of Crewe and M. Briand. May June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1928


Cmd 3138

COMMAND PAPERS 1928 Item 722 - 726 Cmd 3153-3171

Item No. 722

Doc. No. Vol. XXVI, 301 United States No. 2 Further Correspondence with the Government of the United States of America respecting the United States proposal for the renunciation of war. L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1928

Cmd 3153

722a Vol. VII, 543: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1927 on the importation of spirituous beverages into British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1928

Cmd 3164


Vol. XXVI, 159 Morocco No. 1 (1928) Final Protocol of the Conference for the Amendment of the Tangier Statute. 17 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1928

Cmd 3165


Vol. XXVI, 311 Treaty Series No. 15 International Agreement regarding false indications of Origin on goods. Signed at The Hague, 6 November 1925. British Ratification deposited, 1 May 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3166


Vol. XXVI, 321 Treaty Series No. 16 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Signed at The Hague, 6 November 1925. British Ratification deposited 1 May 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3167


Vol. XXVI, 427 Misc. No. 5 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain (British Delegate), on the Fiftieth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 4-9 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1928

Cmd 3171


BILLS PUBLIC 1928-1929 Item 727 Bill No. 15

Item No.

Doc. No.

727 Vol. III, 315: Bills, Public (3) Overseas Trade Bill to extend the periods during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Act, 1920-1926.

Bill 15

O.H.C.P. 20 Nov. 1928

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 728 - 731 S.P. No. 14 - 47 Item No.

Doc. No.

728 Vol. IV, 919: Reports, Committees (1) Overseas Trade Bill Report and proceedings of Standing Committee A.

S.P. 14

O.H.C.P. 11 Dec. 1928

729 Vol. X, 5 China Indemnity Act By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund for the Year ended 31 March 1928, with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 7 of 1928 [Item 686].

S.P. 23

O.H.C.P. 17 Dec. 1928

730 Vol. XV, 151 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1927-1928. 63rd Number.

S.P. 37

O.H.C.P. 28 Jan. 1929

731 Vol. X, 117 Imperial Ottoman Loan of 1855. By Act Account for the period to 31 December 1928. O.H.C.P. 4 Feb. 1929


S.P. 47

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 732 - 733 S.P. No. 84 - 95

Item No.

Doc. No.

732 Vol. X, 79 Financial Statement (1929-1930) Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel Statement of Revenue and Expenditure as laid before the House by the Chancellor of the Exchequer when opening the Budget.

S.P. 84

Ord. 15 April 1929 O.H.C.P. 15 April 1929

733 Vol. X, 309 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Also Account up to 31 March 1929 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of Guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the Repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 95

O.H.C.P. 25 April 1929

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 734 - 735 Cmd 3182 - 3188

Item No.

Doc. No.

734 Vol. XXIII, 177 Treaty Series No. 17 (1928) Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Haytian Government for the establishment of a Commercial modus vivendi. Port-aux-Prince, 25 February 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3182

(R. 20 Aug.)

735 Vol. XXIII, 57 China No. 1 (1928) Papers relating to the settlement of the Nanking Incident of 24 March 1927. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 27 Aug.)


Cmd 3188

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 736 - 739 Cmd 3193 - 3204

Doc. No.

Item No. 736

Vol. XXIII, 183 Treaty Series No. 18 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the Republic of Haiti concerning the Direct Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post. Port-aux-Prince, 13 February 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3193

(R. 11 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 121 Treaty Series No. 19 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government for the Exchange of Money Orders between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Syria, the Lebanon, etc. Paris, 12 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3202

(R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 33 Treaty Series No. 20 (1928) Notes exchanged betwen His Majesty's Governments in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa and the Government of Belgium regarding the extension of the Extradition Convention of 8 August 1923 to certain British and Belgian Mandated Territories. London, 28 June-2 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3203

(R. 27 Sept.)


Vol. XXIII, 167 Treaty Series No. 21 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the German Reich relating to the Surplus of German Property in China. London, 26 July 1928. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 8, 1923 [Item 290]. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 27 Sept.)


Cmd 3204

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 740 - 744 Cmd 3207 - 3212

Item No.

Doc. No.

740 Vol. XXIII, 493 Treaty Series No. 22 (1928) International Sanitary Convention. Signed at Paris, 21 June 1926. British Ratification deposited, 10 March 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3207

(R. 5 Oct.)

741 Vol. XXIII, 399 Treaty Series No. 23 (1928) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of the United States of America respecting the reciprocal release of property sequestered in both Countries under the Trading with the Enemy Acts. London, 4 January-23 February 1927. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3208

(IL 5 Oct.)

742 Vol. XXIII, 433 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendation adopted by the Conference at its Eleventh Session, 30 May-16 June 1928 (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3209

(R. 3 Oct.)

743 Vol. XXIII, 763 Misc. No. 6 (1928) Papers regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928

Cmd 3211

(R. 17 Oct.)

744 Vol. XXIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 24 (1928) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Cuban Government regarding Parcel Post with Cuba, with detailed regulations. London, 1 December 1927. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 April 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1928 (R. 18 Oct.)


Cmd 3212

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 745 - 749 Cmd 3216 - 3226 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 815 Treaty Series No. 25 (1928) Final Protocol of the Conference for the Amendment of the Tangier Statute, with Agreements and Special Provisions, and Exchange of Notes. Paris, 25 July 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 14 December 1928.

Cmd 3216

L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1928 HL. 13 Nov. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 1 Abyssinia No. 1 (1928) Correspondence respecting Abyssinian Raids and Incursions into British Territory and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. In continuation of Cmd 2558 of 1924-1925 [Item 5351.

Cmd 3217

L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1928 HL 13 Nov. 1928


Vol. XVI, 645 Misc. No..7 (1928) Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries.

Cmd 3221

L/C. HC. 16 Nov. 1928 HL 20 Nov. 1928


Vol. XVI, 683 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 3223

L/C. HC/L 15 Nov. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 455 International Labour Conference Report by the British Government Delegates on the Eleventh Session of the International Labour Conference. Geneva, 30 May-16 June 1928. L/C. HC. 14 Nov. 1928 HL 15 Nov. 1928


Cmd 3226

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 750 - 753 Cmd 3229 - 3243 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XV, 105 The Western or Wailing Wall in Jerusalem Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Cmd 3229

L/C. HC. 23 Nov. 1928 HL. 27 Nov. 1928

750a Vol. V, 353: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa.

Cmd 3234

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 2 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 105 Treaty Series No. 26 (1928) Exchange of Notes recording a Provisional Commercial Agreement between Egypt and Palestine. Cairo, 6 June 1928. Jerusalem, 21 June 1928.

Cmd 3236

L/C. HC. 7 Dec. 1928 HL. 10 Dec. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 699 Misc. No. 8 (1928) Report of the British Delegates on the Ninth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 21 November 1928. In continuation of Misc. No. 1 (1928) [Item 691]. 3-26 September 1928.

Cmd 3242

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1928


Vol. XXIII, 637 Misc. No. 9 (1928) Report by the Rt. Hon. Lord Cushendun, British Delegate on the Fifty-first and Fifty-second Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. 30 August-8 September 1928; 10 to 26 September 1928. L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1928


Cmd 3243

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 754 - 757 Cmd 3244 - 3254 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 405 Treaty Series No. 27 (1928) International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs with Protocol. Geneva, 19 February 1925. Ratification deposited 17 February 1926.

Cmd 3244

L/C. HC. 20 Dec. 1928 HL. 22 Jan. 1929 (R.)


Vol. XXIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 28 (1928) Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Spain for a modification of the Anglo-Spanish Commercial Treaty of 31 October 1922 as revised by the Convention of 5 April 1927. Madrid, 31 May 1928.

Cmd 3247

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 31 Dec. 1928)


Vol. XXIII, 809 Treaty Series No. 1 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Governments of Germany, Denmark, France, Sweden, and Czechoslovakia and the Government of Poland to submit the question of the Territorial Limits of the Jurisdiction of the International Commission of the Oder to the decision of the Permanent Court of International Justice. London, 30 October 1928.

Cmd 3250

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 3 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the French Government regarding the Limits of French Fisheries in Granville Bay. London, 20 December 1928. L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Cmd 3254

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 758-762 Cmd 3259 - 3267 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIII, 743 Misc. No. 1 (1929) Documents received from the President of the Council of the League of Nations relative to certain incidents on the frontier of Bolivia and Paraguay.

Cmd 3259

RA/HL. 19 Dec. 1928 L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 37 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Belgian Government to dispense with the Legislation of certain Official Documents. Brussels, 21 December 1928.

Cmd 3260

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1929 (R. 16 Jan.)


Vol. XXIII, 241 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Siam regarding the Navigation of the River Mekong. Bangkok, 17 July 1927, 7 February 1928, 18 August 1928, 21 August 1928.

Cmd 3262

L/C. HC/L. 24 Jan. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 857 Treaty Series No. 29 (1928) Treaties, etc., between the United Kingdom and Foreign States, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3266

L/C. HC. 15 Feb. 1929 HL. 19 Feb. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 873 Treaty Series No. 30 (1928) Index to Treaty Series, 1928. L/C. HG 15 Feb. 1929 HL. 19 Feb. 1929


Cmd 3267

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 763 - 767 Cmd 3270 - 3287 Item No.

Doc. No.

763 Vol. XXIII, 667 Misc. No. 2 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, K.G., M.P., British Delegate on the Fifth-third Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 10-15 December 1928.

Cmd 3270

L/C. HC. 18 Feb. 1929 HL 19 Feb. 1929

764 Vol. XII, 743 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the U.S.S.R., and Germany on 1 February 1929. [See Item 117, for detailed list of classes and Information given.]

Cmd 3277

L/C. HC/. 28 Feb. 1929

765 Vol. XXIII, 253 Sudan No. 1 (1929) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1927, with report on the Lee Stack Indemnity Fund.

Cmd 3284

L/C. HC. 11 March 1929 HL. 12 March 1929

766 Vol. XXIII, 151 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between His Majesty's Government and the President of the German Reich regarding legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 20 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 15 February 1929.

Cmd 3286

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1929

767 Vol. XXIII, 209 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Government of Japan for a Commercial modus vivendi. Wellington, 24 July 1928. L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1929


Cmd 3287

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 768 - 772 Cmd 3296 - 3314 Item No.

Doc. No.

768 Vol. XVI, 685 Petroleum Products (Prices) Statement of the Oil Companies concerned.

Cmd 3296

L/C. HC/L. 20 March 1929

769 Vol. XXIII, 109 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Egypt relative to the Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 and other Financial Questions. Cairo, 17 March 1929.

Cmd 3305

L/C. HC. 27 March 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

770 Vol. XXIII, 97 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Ecuador regarding the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Quito, 5 January 1929.

Cmd 3310

L/C. HC. 15 April 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

771 Vol. XXIII, 213 Treaty Series No. 9 Notes exchanged between His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands for the settlement of Claims of the Dutch Fishing Industry arising out of the War. London, 22 March 1929.

Cmd 3311

L/C. HC. 15 April 1929 HL. 16 April 1929 (R.)

772 Vol. XXIII, 683 Misc. No. 3 . Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain, K.G., M.P., British Delegate on the Fifty-fourth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. 4-9 March 1929. L/C. HC/L. 1 May 1929


Cmd 3314

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 772a - 775 Cmd 3317 - 3322

Item No.

Doc. No.

772a Vol. XV, 1 Dead Sea Salt Concessions Promoters and Financial Supporters of the proposed Company.

Cmd 3317

L/C. HC. 26 April 1929

HL. 30 Apri11929 773 Vol. XXIII, 45 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between His Majesty and the President of the Chinese Republic, with other Documents relating to Chinese Customs Tariff. Nanking, 20 December 1928. Ratifications exchanged at London, 14 March 1929.

Cmd 3319

L/C. HC/L 1 May 1929


Vol. XXIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 11 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Government of Panama regarding the Treatment of Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Panama, 26 September 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Panama, 21 Feb. ruary 1929.

Cmd 3321

L/C. HC. 6 May 1929 HL 7 May 1929

774a Vol. XV, 3 Dead Sea Salt Concessions Documents relating to the Dead Sea Salt Concessions. L/C. HC. 6 May 1929

Cmd 3326

HL 7 May 1929

775 Vol. XXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 12 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Republic of Panama, with Protocols and Exchange of Notes. Panama, 25 September 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Panama, 8 April 1929. L/C. HC. 6 May 1929 HL 7 May 1929


Cmd 3322

COMMAND PAPERS 1928-1929 Item 776 - 777 Cmd 3336 - 3337

Doc. No.

Item No. 776 Vol. XXIII, 487 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Ninth Session, 7-24 June 1926. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1929

Cmd 3336

777 Vol. XXIII, 491 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the British Government regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Eleventh Session, 30 May-16 June 1928. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1929

Cmd 3337

BILLS PUBLIC 1929-1930 Item 778 - 779 Bill No. 17 - 59

Item No. 778

Doc. No. Vol. I, 153: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a certain convention on the execution of Arbitral Awards and to amend subsection (1) of section one of the Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Act 1924 [Item 332].

Bill 17

O.H.C.P. 23 July 1929

779 Vol. I, 167: Bills, Public (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a certain convention on the execution of Arbitral Awards and to amend subsection (1) of section one of the Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) Act 1924 [Item 332], as amended by Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1929


Bill 59

BILLS PUBLIC 1929-1930 Item 780 - 782 Bill No. 167 - 234 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. III, 603: Bills, Public (3) Overseas Trade Bill to extend the periods during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 to 1929.

Bill 167

O.H.C.P. 10 April 1930


Vol. III, 87: Bills, Public (3) Merchant Shipping Act (1894) Amendment Bill to enable the Board of Trade to suspend or cancel the certificate of any master, mate or engineer engaging in the illicit importation of intoxicating liquor into the territory of the United States of America.

Bill 169

O.H.C.P. 15 April 1930


Vol. II, 739: Bills, Public (2) London Naval Treaty Bill to enable effect to be given to a Treaty signed at London on behalf of His Majesty and certain other Powers and to repeal section four of the Treaties of Washington Act 1922.

Bill 234

O.H.C.P. 14 July 1930

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 783.784 S.P. No. 1 - 25 Item No.

Doc. No.

783 Vol. XVIII, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1928-1929, ended 31 March 1929.

S.P. 1

O.H.C.P. 2 July 1929

784 Vol. V, 567: Reports, Committees (1) Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Bill (Lords) Report and proceeding of Standing Committee A. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1929


S.P. 25

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 785 - 788 S.P. No. 48 -118

Doc. No.

Item No. 785

Vol. XVIII, 243 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to the China Indemnity (Application) Act, 1925, showing the Receipts and Payments in the year ended 31 March 1929, with the Report of the Comptroller and AuditorGeneral thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 23 of 1928-29 [Item 729].

S.P. 48

O.H.C.P. 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XVIII, 387 Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855. By Act Account for the Period to 31 December 1929.

S.P. 60

O.H.C.P. 4 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXIII, 871 By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1928-1929. 64th Number.

S.P. 107

O.H.C.P. 3 April 1930


Vol. XVIII, 565 Trade Facilities Acts By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and Account up to 31 March 1930, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 29 April 1930


S.P. 118

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 789 S.P. No. 138

Item No.

Doc. No.

789 Vol. XVIII, 97 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1929-1930, ended 31 March 1930.

S.P. 138

O.H.C.P. 4 June 1930

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 790 - 792 Cmd 3340 - 3342

Item No.

Doc. No.

790 Vol. XXXI, 223 Treaty Series No. 13 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France respecting the Delimitations of certain portions of the Boundary between Senegal and Gambia, (four diagrams). London, 6 May 1929. L/C. HC/L 2 July 1929

Cmd 3340

791 Vol. XXXI, 21 Treaty Series No. 14 Treaty and Convention between His Majesty and the President of the Brazilian Republic for the Settlement of the Boundary between British Guiana and Brazil. London, 22 April 1926. Ratifications exchanged at London, 16 April 1929. [See also Item 862.] L/C. HC/L 2 July 1929

Cmd 3341

792 Vol. XXXI, 347 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the French Government modifying the Agreement of 18 August 1927 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 13 March 1929. L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1929

Cmd 3342


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 793 - 797 Cmd 3343 - 3368 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XVII, 507: Reports, Commissioners (10) Reparations Report of the Committee of Experts on Reparations (Young Report). 7 June 1929.

Cmd 3343

L/C. HC. 2 July 1929 (R.) HL. 2 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 437 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government regarding the expropriation of Landed Properties held by British Subjects. Athens, 17 February 1927 and 1 February 1929.

Cmd 3347

L/C. HC/L 3 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 143 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government in regard to the use of the waters of the River Nile for Irrigation Purposes, with seven diagrams. Cairo, 7 May 1929.

Cmd 3348

L/C. HC. 4 July 1929 HL 9 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 1033 Treaty Series No. I8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government for the establishment of a commercial Modus Vivendi. Angora, 2 July 1929.

Cmd 3366

L/C. HC. 25 July 1929 HL 26 July 1929


Vol. XXXI, 207 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between Palestine and Egypt concerning the Reciprocal Enforcement of judgments. Cairo, I2 January 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (IL 31 July)


Cmd 3368

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 798 - 801 Cmd 3369 - 3383 Item No. 798

Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 425 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Greek Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin. London, 21 June 1929.

Cmd 3369

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 31 July)


Vol. XXXI, 85 Egypt No. 1 (1929) Exchange of Notes relating to proposals for an Anglo-Egyptian Settlement.

Cmd 3376

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 6 Aug.) 800

Vol. XXXII, 869 Misc. No. 4 (1929) Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir George Grahame, British Delegate, on the 55th Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 3377

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 20 Aug.)

800a Vol. VIII, 589: Reports, Commissioners (I) Report by Sir Samual Wilson, G.C.M.G., on his visit to East Africa.

Cmd 3378

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct 1929 (R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. VIII, 543: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1928 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 21 Aug.)


Cmd 3383

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 802 - 805 Cmd 3384 - 3392

Item No. 802

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 315 France No. 1 (1929) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of France for the Exchange of Money Orders with France and Algeria, with detailed regulations. Signed at Paris, 15 May 1929. Ratification has not yet been effected. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3384

(R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 661 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of India and the Italian Government, concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships' Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations. Rome, 25 January 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3385

(R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 311 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the Laws of Landlord and Tenant. Paris, 21-25 May 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3390

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. XXXII, 301 Misc. No. 5 Protocol with Annexes approved at the Plenary Session of The Hague Conference, 31 August 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 4 Sept.)


Cmd 3392

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 806 - 809 Cmd 3394 - 3397

Doc. No.

Item No. 806

Vol. XXXI, 447 Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Greek Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Shipping Profits from Income Tax. Athens, 31 July 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3394

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 429 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Greek Government, establishing a commercial modus vivendi between New Zealand and Greece. Athens, 13-16 November 1926. Athens, 11 October 1927-21 November 1928. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3395

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 673 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Japanese Government in regard to the exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits. London, 10 August 1929. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3396

(R. 18 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 81 Treaty Series No. 26 Convention of Commerce between His Majesty in respect to the Dominion of Canada and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic. Ottawa, 15 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 30 October 1928. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 6 of 1928. L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 19 Sept.)


Cmd 3397

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 810 - 814 Cmd 3398 - 3404 Item No.

Doc. No.

810 Vol. XXXII, 285 Misc. No. 6 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous, or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare. Geneva, 17 June 1925. The Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3398

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 19 Sept.)


Cmd 3400

Vol. XXIII, 813

East India Report on the Air Operations in Afghanistan between 12 December 1928 and 25 February 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 21 Sept.)

812 Vol. XXXII, 245 Treaty Series No. 27 International Agreement concerning the Preparation of a Transit Card for Emigrants. Geneva, 14 June 1929.

Cmd 3402

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 1 Oct.)

813 Vol. XXXI, 859 Sudan No. 2 (1929) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan for 1928, with Report on the Lee Stack Indemnity Fund.

Cmd 3403

L/C. HC/L 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 11 Oct.)

814 Vol. XXXI, 351 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in United Kingdom and in the Irish Free State and the French Government for the Compensation of War Damage. Paris, 2 August 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 1 Oct.)


Cmd 3404

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 815-819 Cmd 3409 - 3421 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 823 Spain No. 1 (1929) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Spain, regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 27 June 1929. Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3409

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 1179 Treaty Series No. 29 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy. Paris, 27 August 1928. British Ratification deposited 2 March 1929.

Cmd 3410

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 313 Misc. No. 7 (Hague Conference) International Agreement on the Evacuation of the Rhineland Territory. The Hague, 30 August 1929.

Cmd 3417

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 25 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 769 Russia No. 1 (1929) Correspondence regarding the Resumption of Relations with the Government of the U.S.S.R. (15 July-3 October 1929.)

Cmd 3418

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R. 25 Oct.)


Vol. XXXII, 1119 Misc. No. 8 Declaration made on behalf of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom at the Signature- of the Optional Clause relating to the Permanent Court of International Justice. Geneva, 19 September 1929. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1929 (R.25Oct.)


Cmd 3421

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 820 - 823 Cmd 3428 - 3438 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1069 Misc. No. 9 Protocol of Accession of the United States of America to the Protocol of Signature of the Court of International Justice. Geneva, 14 September 1929. This Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. [Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. See Item 857.]

Cmd 3428

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXI, 453 Treaty Series No. 30 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Guatamala, with Exchange of Notes. Guatamala, 22 February 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Guatamala, 29 May 1929.

Cmd 3429

L/C. HC. 15 Nov. 1929 HL. 19 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 1135 Misc. No. 10 Protocol for the Revision of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. Geneva, 14 September 1929. Protocol has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. [Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited I2 February 1930. See Item 858.]

Cmd 3432

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 559 Treaty Series No. 31 International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Bones, with Protocol. Geneva, 11 July 1928. His Britannic Majesty's ratification deposited, 9 April 1929. L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1929 HL. 26 Nov. 1929


Cmd 3438

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 824 - 828 Cmd 3439 - 3450

Item No. 824

Doc. No. Vol. XXXII, 583 Treaty Series No. 32 International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Hides and Skins, with Protocol. Geneva, 11 July 1928. His Britannic Majesty's ratification deposited 9 April 1929. L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1929

Cmd 3439

HL 26 Nov. 1929


Vol. XXIII, 199 Iraq Memorandum by the Secretary of State for the Colonies on Policy in Iraq. L/C. HC/L. 20 Nov. 1929

Cmd 3440


Vol. XXXII, 727 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Twelfth Session, 30 May-21 June 1929 (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC. 30 Oct. 1929

Cmd 3441

HL. 31 Oct. 1929


Vol. XXXII, 25 Misc. No. 11 International Convention for the Supervision of the International Trade in Arms and Ammunition with Declaration regarding the Territory of Ifni. Geneva, 17 June 1925. The Convention and Declaration have not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3448


Vol. XIII, 453: Reports, Commissioners (6) Export Credits Reports of the Committee appointed to consider generally the Administration of the Export Credits Guarantee Scheme, 1928-1929.

Cmd 3450

L/C. HC. 6 Dec. 1929 HL. 9 Dec. 1929


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 829 - 832 Cmd 3452 - 3462 Item No.

Doc. No.

829 Vol. XXXII, 1121 Misc. No. 12 Memorandum on the Signature by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of the Optional Clause of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. L/C. HC/L. 11 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3452

830 Vol. XXXII, 961 Misc. No. 13 Report of the British Delegates on the Tenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 15 November 1929. In continuation of Misc. No. 8, 1928 [Item 752]. L/C. HC/L 20 Dec. 1929

Cmd 3458

831 Vol. XXXII, 889 Misc. No. 14 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-sixth and Fifty-seventh Sessions of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 28 Dec.)

Cmd 3459

832 Vol. XXXI, 681 Treaty Series No. 1 (1930) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the Lithuanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations as regulated by the Exchange of Notes 6 May 1922. London, 28 November-10 December 1929. L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R 8 Jan.)

Cmd 3462


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1980 Item 833 -837 Cmd 3464 - 3472 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XX, 703 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 December 1929. [See Item 117 for detailed list of information given.]

Cmd 3464

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 2 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 777 Treaty Series No. 2 Notes exchanged on the occasion of the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations with the U.S.S.R. London, 20 December 1929. Moscow, 21 December 1929.

Cmd 3467

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930 (R. 17 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 35 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Rendition of the British Concession at Chinkiang. Nanking, 31 October 1929.

Cmd 3469

L/C. HC/L 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 39 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Claims for Losses sustained by British Subjects at Chinkiang in 1927. Nanking, 9 November 1929.

Cmd 3470

L/C. HC/L. 21 Jan. 1930


Vol. XXXII, i Treaty Series No. 5 Protocol regarding the International Convention of 7 June 1905 for the creation of the International Institute of Agriculture. Rome, 21 April 1926. L/C. HC/L 23 Jan. 1930


Cmd 3472

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 838 - 842 Cmd 3480 - 3486

Item No. 838

Doc. No. Cmd 3480

Vol. XXXI, 43

China No. 1 (1930) Chinese Mandate of 28 December 1929, regarding Extra-Territorial Rights in China; and Correspondence between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government in connection therewith. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1930 HL 3 Feb. 1930

Vol. XXXII, 685 Misc. No. 1 (1930) International Convention relating to International Exhibitions. Paris, 22 November 1928. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 13 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3483

840 Vol. XXXII, 331 Misc. No. 4 Agreements concluded at The Hague Conference, January 1930. These Agreements have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3484

841 Vol. XXXII, 1071 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on the Position at the London Naval Conference, 1930 of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC. 7 Feb. 1930

Cmd 3485


HL 11 Feb. 1930

842 Vol. XXXI, 387 Misc. No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the Subject. London, 28 December 1929. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 11 Feb. 1930 196

Cmd 3486

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 843 - 847 Cmd 3487 - 3492 Item No.


Dot. No.

Vol. XXXI, 359 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect of the Union of South Africa and the President of the German Reich, with Protocol. Pretoria, I Sept. 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 11 June 1929.

Cmd 3487

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 20 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1025 Treaty Series No. 7 Agreement between His Majesty and the Amir of Trans-Jordan. Signed at Jerusalem, 20 February 1928. Ratification exchanged 31 October 1929.

Cmd 3488

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 18 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1021 Treaty Series No. 8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance. London, 19 November 1929.

Cmd 3489

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1930 HL. 18 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1187 Treaty Series No. 33 (1929) Treaties, etc. between the United Kingdom and Foreign States. Accessions, Withdrawals, etc.

Cmd 3491.

L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1201 Treaty Series No. 34 (1929) Index to Treaty Series, I929. L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Cmd 3492

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 848 - 850 Cmd 3493 - 3502 Item No.

Doc. No.

848 Vol. XXXII, 159 Misc. No. 5 International Convention relating to Economic Statistics, with Protocol. Geneva, 14 December 1928. The Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3493

L/C. HC/L. 19 Feb. 1930


Vol. VIII, 589: Reports, Commissioners (1) East Africa Report of the East African Loan Committee, 1926-1929.

Cmd 3494

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXI, 729 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Portuguese Republic regarding Native Labour from Mozambique, Railway Matters, and Commercial Intercourse. Pretoria, 11 September 1928. Ratification exchanged at Lisbon, 25 September 1929.

Cmd 3495

L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1930


Vol. XXXII, 605 Treaty Series No. 10 International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, with Protocol and annexed Declaration, and Supplementary Agreement. Geneva, 8 November 1927. Supplementary Agreement, Geneva, ll July 1928. Protocol, Paris, 20 December 1929. His Majesty's ratification deposited 12 April 1929. L/C. HC. 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Cmd 3502

COMMAND PAPERS 19291930 Item 851- 854 and 3503 - 3514 Item No.


Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 1089 United States No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Iraq and the President of the United States of America regarding the Rights of the United States of America and of its Nationals in Iraq, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 9 January 1930. The Convention and Protocol have not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3503

L/C. HG 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1029 Treaty Series No. 11 International Convention relative to Motor Traffic. Paris, 24 April 1926. His Majesty's Ratifi= cation deposited 24 October 1929.

Cmd 3510

L/C. HC. 10 March 1930 HL. 11 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 785 Russia No. I (1930) Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of Peoples' Commissars respecting Religious Associations. 8 April 1929. [See also Item 902.]

Crud 3511

L/C. HC/L. 6 March 1930


Vol. XXXII, 911 Misc. No. 6 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-Eighth Session of the Council of the League of Nations. L/C. HC. 18 March 1930 HL 19 March 1930


Cmd 3514

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 855 - 859 Ød3515-3530 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 721 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Peruvian Government relating to the treatment of Commercial Travellers and their samples. Lima, 81 December 1928.

Cmd 3515

L/C. HC. 18 March 1930 HL 19 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 69 Colombia No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and the President of Colombia supplementary to the Extradition Treaty with Colombia of 27 October 1888. Bogota, 2 December 1929. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3524

L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Vol. XXXI, 1079 Treaty Series No. 13 His Britannic Majesty's ratification in respect of the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. [See Cmd 3428, Item 820, for text.] L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930

Cmd 3527


Vol. XXXII, 1157 Treaty Series No. 14 Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 February 1930. [See Cmd 3432, Item 822, for Text.]

Cmd 3528

L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Vol. XVI, 675: Reports, Commissioners (9) Palestine Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances of August, 1929. L/C. HC/L 26 March 1930


Cmd 3530

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 860 - 863 Cmd 3533 - 3539

Doc. No.

Item No. 860

Vol. XXV, 413 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining the proposed Financial Resolution relative to Overseas Trade. L/C. HC/L. 2 April 1930

Cmd 3533


Vol. XXXI, 1039 Turkey No. 1 (1930) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Turkey. Angora, 1 March 1930. This Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 8 Apri11930

Cmd 3536


Vol. XXXI, 29 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government for the demarcation of the Boundary between British Guiana and Brazil. London, 18 March 1930. [See Treaty Series No. 14, 1929, Item 791.] L/C. HG 11 April 1930

Cmd 3538

HL. 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXII, 89 Concerted Economic Action (Preliminary Conference) Commercial Convention and Protocol. Protocol regarding Future Negotiations and Final Act of the Preliminary Conference with a view to Concerted Economic Action. L/C. HC/L. 8 April 1930


Cmd 3539

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 864 - 868 Cmd 3541- 3547 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXII, 9 Misc No. 7 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 34, 37, 40, 41 and 42 and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Paris, 15 June 1929-11 December 1929. The Protocols have not been ratified by His Majesty. [See Item 1206 for Article amended and Ratification]. L/C. HC/1- 15 April 1930

Cmd 3541


Vol. XXXII, 1017 Treaty Series No. 16 International Agreement for the establishment of an International Bureau of Intelligence on locusts. Damascus, 20 May 1926.

Cmd 3542

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXI, 677 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Liberian Government regarding the boundary between Sierra Leone and Liberia. Monrovia, 16-17 January 1930.

Cmd 3543

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXI, 841 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, The King of Spain, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 June 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Madrid, 9 April 1930.

Cmd 3544

L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1077 Misc. No. 8 Memorandum on the Results of the London Naval Conference from 21 January to 13 April, 1930. London, 15 April 1930. L/C. HC/L 15 April 1930


Cmd 3547

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 869.872 Cmd 3552 - 3558 Item No.

Doc. No.

869 Vol. XXXI, 811 Treaty Series No. 19 Temporary Commercial Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 April 1930.

Cmd 3552

L/C. HG 29 April 1930 (IL) HL 29 April 1930

870 Vol. XXXI, 3 Austria No. 1 (1930) Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and India and the Austrian Government in regard to the liquidation of Austrian Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the subject. Vienna, 15 March 1930. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3555

L/C. HC/L. 1 May 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1083 Misc. No. 9 International Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments. London, 22 April 1930. This Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3556

L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL 29 Apri11930

872 Vol. XXXII, 791 International Labour Conference Report to the Minister of Labour by the British Delegates on the Twelfth Session of the International Labour Conference, 30 May-21 June 1929. L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL 29 April 1930


Cmd 3558

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 873 - 875 Cmd 3559 - 3575 Item No.

Doc. No.

873 Vol. XXXII, 839 International Labour Conference Report to the Minister of Labour by the British Delegates on the Thirteenth Session of the International Labour Conference, 10-26 October 1929.

Cmd 3559

L/C. HC. 29 April 1930 (R.) HL. 29 April 1930

874 Vol. XXXI, 49 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Brazilian, Netherlands, Norwegian, and United States of America, Governments, and the Chinese Government relating to the Chinese Courts in the International Settlement at Shanghai, with relative exchange of Notes and Declaration. Nanking, 17 February 1930.

Cmd 3563

L/C. HC/L 8 May 1930

874a Vol. XXIII, 105 East Africa Memorandum on Native Policy in East Africa.

Cmd 3573

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1930

874b Vol. XXIII, 85 East Africa Statement of the Conclusions of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom as regards Closer Union in East Africa.

Cmd 3574

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1930

875 Vol. XXXI, 99 Egypt No. 1 (1930) Papers regarding the Recent Negotiations for an Anglo-Egyptian Settlement. 31 March-8 May 1930. L/C. HC/L 21 May 1930


Cmd 3575

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 876 - 880 Cmd 3577 - 3588

Doc. No.

Item No. 876 Vol. XXXI, 565 Hungary No. 1 (1930) International Agreements regarding the Financial Obligations of Hungary resulting from the Treaty of Trianon, etc., with Letters and Documents attached thereto. Paris, 28 April 1930. These Agreements have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 28 May 1930

Cmd 3577

877 Vol. XXXI, 403 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to Liquidation of German Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the subject. London, 28 December 1929. Ratifications exchanged at London, 8 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 May 1930

Cmd 3580

878 Vol. XVI, 889: Reports, Commissioners (9) Palestine Statement with regard to British Policy. L/C. HC. 26 May 1930

Cmd 3582

HL. 27 May 1930

879 Vol. XXXI, 819 Treaty Series No. 22 Temporary Fisheries Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom and the U.S.S.R. Signed at London, 22 May 1930. L/C. HC. 26 May 1930

Cmd 3583

HL. 27 May 1930

880 Vol. XXXI, 469 Holy See, No. 1 (1930) Correspondence with the Holy See relative to Maltese Affairs. January 1929—May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 3 June 1930


Cmd 3588

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 881- 884 Cmd 3590 - 3595 Item No.

.Doc. No.

881 Vol. XXXI, 59 China No. 2 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the National Government of the Republic of China for the Rendition of Wei-HaiWei and Agreement regarding certain facilities for His Majesty's Navy after Rendition. Nanking, 18 April 1930. Convention and Agreement have not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3590

L/C. HC. 5 June 1930 HL. 17 June 1930 882 Vol. XXXI, 1

Cmd 3592

Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Afghanistan regarding Treaty Relations with Afghanistan. London, 6 May 1930. L/C. HC. 17 June 1930 (R.) HL 17 June 1930

883 Vol. VIII, 547: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1929 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties Levied thereon.

Cmd 3594

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R.) HL. 17 June 1930

884 Vol. XXXII, 259 Misc. No. 10 Dispatch to His Majesty's Ambassador in Paris enclosing the Memorandum of the French Government on the organization of a system of European Federal Union. London, 28 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1930


Cmd 3595

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 885 - 888 Cmd 3597 - 3604 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1143 Misc. No. I1 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Interpretation of Article 19 of the London Naval Treaty 1930. London, 5 June 1930.

Cmd 3597

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R.) HL 17 June 1930


Vol. XXXII, 503 Hague Agreements Memorandum on the Receipts of the United Kingdom under The Hague Agreements, with the text of the Trust Agreement concluded between the Creditor Governments and the Bank for International Settlements.

Cmd 3598

L/C. HG 17 June 1930 (R) HL 18 June 1930


Vol. XII, 779. Reports, Commissioners (5) Economic Advisory Council Report of Delegation on the Industrial Conditions in the Iron and Steel Industries in France, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Czechoslovakia.

Cmd 3601

L/C. HC. 19 June 1930 HL. 24 June 1930


Vol. XXXII, 293 Treaty Series No. 24 Protocol for the prohibition of the use in war of asphyxiating poisonous, or other gases, and of bacteriological methods of warfare. Geneva, 17 June 1925. His Britannic Majesty's ratifications in respect of the United Kingdom and India deposited on 9 April 1930, and of Canada, 6 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930


Cmd 3604

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 889 - 892 Cmd 3605 - 3611 Item No.

Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 419 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government for a Mutual Amnesty on the termination of the occupation of German Territory. Berlin, 9 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3605

890 Vol. XXXI, 689 Persia No. 1 Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia, in regard to the Tariff Autonomy of Persia, with Notes attached thereto. Teheran, 10 May 1928. The Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1930

Cmd 3606

891 Vol. XXXI, 75 Cuba No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Union of South Africa, and the President of the Cuban Republic for the extension of the Extradition Treaty of 3 October 1904 to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories. Havana, 17 April 1930. This Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3608

892 Vol. XXXI, 251 France No. 1 (1930) Final Report of the Commissioners appointed to delineate the Boundary between the British and French Mandated Territories of Togoland, with Protocol. Lome, 21 October 1929. L/C. HC. 27 June 1930 HL. 1 July 1930

Cmd 3611



COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 893 - 896 Cmd 3612 - 3620

Item No. 893

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 211 France No. 2 Declaration made by the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria and the Governor of the French Cameroons, defining the boundary between British and French Cameroons. This declaration has not yet been approved by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC. 27 June 1930

Cmd 3612

HL 1 July 1930


Vol. XVIII, 373 German Loan Treasury Minute, dated 20 June 1930, relative to the disposal of the share of Great Britain in the proceeds of the German Government International 51/ per cent Loan 1930. L/C. HC. 30 June 1930

Cmd 3617

HL 1 July 1930

895 Vol. XXXI, 685 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government respecting the recognition of Certificates of Airworthiness. The Hague, 7 March-5 May 1930. L/C. HC/L 9 July 1930

Cmd 3618

Vol. XX, 697 Explanatory statement as to Naval Construction programme 1930. L/C. HC. 4 July 1930

Cmd 3620


HL. 8 July 1930


COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 897 - 901 Cmd 3622 - 3639 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 1147 United States No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America regarding the Boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo, with Exchange of Notes. Washington, 2 January 1930. The Convention has not been ratified by His Britannic Majesty.

Cmd 3622

L/C. HC. 18 July 1930 HL 21 July 1930


Vol. XXXI, 649 Iraq Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at Bagdad, 30 June 1930, with Notes exchanged. The Treaty has not been radfied by His Majesty.

Cmd 3627

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1930


Vol. XXXI, 639 Hungary No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Hungary in regard to Liquidation of Hungarian Property, with exchange of Notes. London, 1 July 1930. The Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3631

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1930 .


Vol. XXXII, 937 Misc. No. 12 Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir A. Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the Fifty-ninth Session of the Council of the League of Nations.

Cmd 3632

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1930


Vol. XXXII, 1207 Treaty Series No. 27 General Index to Treaty Series 1927-1929. L/C. HC/L. 30 July 1930


Cmd 3639

COMMAND PAPERS 1929-1930 Item 902 Cmd 3641 Item No.

Doc. No.

902 Vol. XXXI, 799 Russia No. 2 Certain Legislation respecting Religion in force in the U.S.S.R. In continuation of Russia No. 1, I930 [Item 8531

Cmd 3641

RA/HL. 2 April 1930 L/C. HC/L. 31 July 1930

BILLS PUBLIC 1930-1931 Item 903 - 904a Bill No. 69 - 205 Item No.

Doc. No.

903 Vol. I, 315: Bills; Public China Indemnity (Application) Bill to make further provision with respect to the Application of the China Indemnity Fund and of moneys paid on account of the China Indemnity.

Bill 69

O.H.C.P. 12 Dec. 1930

904 Vol. III, 493: Bills; Public Palestine and East Africa Loans Bill to amend subsection (2) of section One of the Palestine and East Africa Loans Act, 1926.

Bill 130

O.H.C.P. 22 April 1931

904a Vol. II, 559: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea, signed at London, 31 May, 1929; to give effect to an international Load Line Convention, signed at London 5 July, 1930; and to ammend the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts, 18941928, relating to passenger steamers, life saving appliances, wireless • telegraphy, Load-lines, timber cargoes, and other matters affected by the said Conventions. O.H.C.P. 14 July 1931


Bill 205

BILLS PUBLIC 1930-1931 Item 904b Bill No. 212

Item No.

Doc. No.

904b Vol. III, 587: Bills, Public Presentation of Reports of Products of Convict or Forced Labour (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to prohibit the importation of products of convict Labour or Forced Labour, and for purposes connected therewith.

Bill 212

O.H.C.P. 16 July 1931

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 905 - 907 S.P.No.29-73

Doc. No.

Item No. 905 Vol. XVIII, 121 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund, showing the Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1930, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 48 of 1929-1930. [Item 785.]

S.P. 29

O.H.C.P. 20 Jan. 1931


Vol. VI, 797: Reports, Committees (2) China Indemnity (Application) Bill Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee B.

S.P. 41

O.H.C.P. 3 Feb. 1931

907 Vol. XVIII, 483 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1931, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 29 April 1931


S.P. 73

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 908 - 908b S.P. No. 106 -156 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1931.

S.P. 106

O.H.C.P. 2 June 1931

908a Vol. XXIV, 421 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Condition of India during the Year 1929-1930: 65th Number.

S.P. 111

O.H.C.P. 17 June 1931

908b Vol. VII, 1: Reports, Committees (3) East Africa Joint Committee on CIoser Union in East Africa. Vol. 1 Report with proceedings of Committee VoI. II Evidence and Index Vol. III Appendices

S.P. 156

O.H.C.P. 7 October 1931

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 909 Cmd 3653 Item No.

Doc. No.

909 Vol. XXXIV, 309 Roumania No. 1 (1930) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and His Majesty, the King of Roumania, with Protocol of Signature and exchange of Notes. London, 6 August 1930. Treaty has not been ratified by His Majesty. [Ratified 12 May 1931. See Item 1033.] L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 3653

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 910-913 Cmd 3655 - 3662

Item No.

Doc. No.

910 Vol. XXXV, 143 Treaty Series No. 28 (1930) International Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards. Geneva, 26 September 1927. His Majesty's ratification in respect of the United Kingdom and New Zealand deposited on 2 July 1930 and 9 April 1929, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3655

(R. 25 Aug.)

911 Vol. XXXIII, 417 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the German Government regarding the release of Property Rights, and Interests of German Nationals with Exchange of Notes. The Hague, 17 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 May 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3660

(R. 2 Sept.)

912 Vol. XXXIV, 155 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen. London, 24 July 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3661

(R. 2 Sept.)

913 Vol. XXXIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 31 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial modus vivendi. Cairo, 5-7 June 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Sept.)


Cmd 3662

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 914 - 917 Cmd 3663 - 3671 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 443 Germany No. 1 (1930) Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the German Reich amending the Agreement of 29 June 1927, relating to Air Navigation. Berlin, 5 July 1930. This Agreement has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3663

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 45 Misc. No. 13 (1930) International Convention respecting Load Lines, with Final Protocol and Final Act of the International Load Line Conference. London, 5 July 1930. This Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3668

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 229 Misc. No. 14 Report of the Delegation of the United Kingdom on the International Load Line Conference 1930. 5 July 1930.

Cmd 3669

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 187 Treaty Series No. 32 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands respecting the Delimitation of the Frontier between the States in Borneo under British Protection and Netherlands Territory in that Island, with map. The Hague, 26 March 1928. Ratifications exchanged at The Hague, 6 August 1930. L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 18 Sept.)


Cmd 3671

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 918-921 Cmd 3673 - 3676 Item No.

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 37 4' Argentine No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Argentine Republic in regard to Compensation for accidents to workmen. Buenos Aires, 15 November 1929. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 8 Aug.)

Cmd 3673

919 Vol. XXXIII, 233 Treaty Series No. 33 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Government of Costa Rica respecting Commercial Travellers. San Jose, Costa Rica, 27 December 1928. Ratifications exchanged at San Jose, 8 August 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (IL 2 Oct.)

Cmd 3674


Vol. XXXIV, 1 Iraq Notes exchanged with the Iraq Prime Minister embodying the Separate Agreements of Financial Questions referred to in the second exchange of Notes appended to the Anglo-Iraq Treaty of 30 June 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R 26 Sept.)

Cmd 3675


Vol. XXXIV, 249 Treaty Series No. 34 Commercial Agreement between the High Commissioner for South Africa and the Governor General of Mozambique regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland, and Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique. Cape Town, 13 February 1930. Lourenco Marquis, 18 February 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R 2 Oct.)

Cmd 3676



COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 922 - 926 Cmd 3677 - 3687 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXV, 43 Treaty Series No. 35 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Angora, 15 January 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 3 September 1930.

Cmd 3677

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 2 Oct.)

923 Vol. XXXIV, 263 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government for the Arbitration of Major Campbell's Claim for damages suffered in Mozambique. Lisbon, 1 August 1930.

Cmd 3679

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XXXV, 49 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Turkish Government regarding Commercial Relations between India and Turkey. Angora, 3 September 1930.

Cmd 3685

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 7 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 459: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Report on Immigration, Land Settlement, and Development by Sir John Hope Simpson. [See Item 926.]

Cmd 3686

L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 6 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 647: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Appendix, containing maps, to Report by Sir John Hope Simpson., [See Item 925.] L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 23 Oct.)


Cmd 3687

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 927 - 930 Cmd 3688 - 3692

Item No. 927

Doc. No. Vol. XXXVI, 549 Misc. No. 15 Universal Postal Union Postal Convention with Detailed Regulations for its execution and Agreement concerning insured Letters and Boxes. London, 28 June 1929. Convention and Agreement have not been ratified by His Majesty in the United Kingdom.

Cmd 3688

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 14 Oct.)


Vol. XXXV, i Sweden No. 1 (1930) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Sweden regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 28 August 1930. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 3689

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 20 Oct.)


Vol. XXXIII, 303 Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the French Government for the amendment of the Protocol of 6 August 1914 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 4 September 1930.

Cmd 3690

L/C. HC/I. 28 Oct 1930 (R. 20 Oct.)


Vol. XVI, 661: Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Statement of Policy by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 16 Oct.)


Cmd 3692

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 931- 934 Cmd 3693 - 3697

Item No.

Doc. No.

931 Vol. XXXV, 655 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its I4th Session, 10-28 June 1930. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3693

(R. 8 Oct.)

932 Vol. XXXIV, 241 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Paraguayan Government respecting Commercial Travellers. Asuncion, 16 July 1928. Ratifications exchanged at Asuncion, 20 September 1930.

Cmd 3694

L/C. HC/L 28 Oa. 1930 (R. 22 Oct.)

933 Vol. XXXV, 57 Treaty Series No. 40 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Turkey. Angora, 1 March 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 3 September 1930. L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930

Cmd 3695

(R. 22 Oct.)

933a Vol. XIX, 343 Air Note by the Secretary of State for Air on the principal provisions to be embodied in a contract with Imperial Airways Ltd., for a weekly airservice between Egypt and South Africa, connecting with the existing service between England and Egypt.

Cmd 3696

L/C. HC/L 28 Oct. 1930 (R. 18 Oct.)

934 Vol. XXXIV, 569 Sudan No. 1 (1930) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1929. L/C. HC/L 5 Nov. 1930


Cmd 3697

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 935 - 938 Cmd 3703 - 3710 Item No.

Doc. No.

935 Vol. XXXIII, 431 Treaty Series No. 41 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the German Government regarding the release of property rights and interests of German Nationals with exchange of Notes. The Hague, 17 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 13 June 1930. L/C. HC/L. 5 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3703

936 Vol. XXXIII, 263 Ethiopia No. 1 (1930) Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and His Majesty Emperor of Ethiopia, the President of the French Republic, and His Majesty, King of Italy, regulating the Importation into Ethiopia of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War, with Declarations and Protocol of Signature. Paris, 21 August 1930. Treaty has not been ratified. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3707

937 Vol. XXXIV, 195 Treaty Series No. 42 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Netherlands Government respecting Air Mail Services to the East Indies and Australia. London, 7 April-3 June 1930. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL. 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3709

938 Vol. XXXV, 491 Treaty Series No. 43 International Convention relating to Economic Statistics with Protocol. Geneva, 14 December 1928. Ratification United Kingdom, 9 May 1930; Union of South Africa, 1 May 1930; Irish Free State, 15 September 1930. L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL. 18 Nov. 1930

Cmd 3710


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 939 - 942 Cmd 3711- 3719 Item No.



Vol. XXXIII, 181 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Rendition of the British Concession at Amoy. Nanking, 17 September 1930.

Cmd 3711

L/C. HC. 17 Nov. 1930 HL 18 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXIII, 311 Treaty Series No. 45 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the French Covernment regarding Boundary between British and French Mandated Territories of Togoland, with Joint Note of 23 September 1930 to the SecretaryGeneral of the League of Nations, with map. London, 30 January-19 August 1930.

Cmd 3713

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 5 Jan.)


Vol. XXXIII, 185 China No. 3 (1930) Papers regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901, 19 September-14 November 1930.

Cmd 3715

L/C. HC/L 18 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 53 Treaty Series No. 47 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in Irish Free State and the Turkish Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Angora, 21 December 1929. L/C. HC/L 27 Nov. 1930


Cmd 3719

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 943 - 947 Cmd 3720 - 3734 Item No.

Doc. No.

943 Vol. XXXIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the President of Colombia, supplementary to the Treaty of 27 October 1888 in regard to Extradition. Bogota, 2 December 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Bogota, 5 November 1930.

Cmd 3720

L/C. HC/L. 27 Nov. 1930


Vol. XXXIV, 89 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Irish Free State and the Italian Government concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations. Rome, 10 May 1930.

Cmd 3723

L/C. HC/L. 27 Nov. 1930

945 Vol. XXXVI, 225 Maps to accompany the International Load Line Convention. Signed at London, 5 July 1930.

Cmd 3730

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 24 Dec. 1930)

946 Vol. XXXV, 653 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Conventions and Recommendations relating to Sickness Insurance adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 10th Session, 25 May-16 June 1927.

Cmd 3732

L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXIII, 777 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Greek Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Athens, 15 May 1930. L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1930 HL. 15 Dec. 1930


Cmd 3734

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 948 - 951 Cmd 3741- 3750 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 211 Treaty Series No. 50 Convention between His Majesty and the President of the National Government of the Republic of China for the Rendition of Wei Hai Wei and Agreement regarding certain Facilities for His Majesty's Navy after Rendition, with map and two plans. Nanking, 18 April 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Nanking, 1 October 1930.

Cmd 3741

L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 207 Misc. No. 17 Memorandum on Chemical Warfare presented to the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference by the Delegation of the United Kingdom. Geneva, 18 November 1930.

Cmd 3747

L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 785 Misc. No. 18 Papers regarding the Proposed Amendment of the Covenant of the League of Nations in order to bring it into harmony with the Pact of Paris of 27 August 1928. September 1929—November 1930.

Cmd 3748

RA/HL. 30 July 1930 (withdrawn) L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1930


Vol. XXXV, 39 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, in respect to the Irish Free State, and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance. Berne, 3 and 4 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 18 Dec. 1930


Cmd 3750

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 952 - 955 Cmd 3755 - 3758 Item No.

Doc. lo.

952 Vol. XXXVI, 511 Misc. No. 1 (1931) International Convention regarding the Maintenance of certain Lights on the Red Sea. London, 16 December 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3755

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 9 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 437 Misc. No. 2 International Agreement revising the Agreement of 1906 respecting the Unification of Pharmacopoeial Formulas for Potent Drugs. Brussels, 20 August 1929. His Majesty's Government proposes shortly to accede to this Agremeent.

Cmd 3756

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 209 Misc. No. 3 Despatch from Visc. Cecil of Chelwood enclosing the Report of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference and the Draft Disarmament Convention. Geneva, 10 December 1930.

Cmd 3757

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXXV, 159 Treaty Series No. 1 (1931) International Treaty for Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments. London, 22 April 1930. Ratification by United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India, 27 October 1930; Irish Free State, 31 December 1930. L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Cmd 3758

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 956 - 959 Cmd 3760 - 3763 Item No.

Doc. No.

956 Vol. XXXIV, 99 Italy No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Italy, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 17 December 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3760

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931

(R. 15 Jan.)

957 Vol. XXXIII, 455 Treaty Series No. 7 International Agreement in regard to the German 51/ % Loan 1930. Paris, 10 June 1930.

Cmd 3761

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931

(R. 19 Jan.)

Cmd 3762

958 Vol. XXXIII, 43

Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and India and the Austrian Government in regard to the Liquidation of Austrian Properties, with an Exchange of Notes on the Subject. Vienna, 15 March 1930. Ratification: United Kingdom and India, 3 October 1930; New Zealand, 29 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 20 jan. 1931

(IL 19 Jan.)

959 Vol. XXXIII, 479 Treaty Series No. 2 International. Agreements regarding the Financial Obligations of Germany resulting from the Treaty of Versailles, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. [See Item 1056.] L/C. HC/L. 5 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3763

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 960 - 963 Cmd 3764 - 3768

Item No. 960

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 61 Treaty Series No. 3 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Austria resulting from the Treaty of St. Germain, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratification: United Kingdom, 28 June; Canada, 12 July; Australia, 21 July; the Union of South Africa, 26 July; India, 21 July 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931

Cmd 3764

HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 241

Cmd 3765

Treaty Series No. 4 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Czechoslovakia resulting from the Peace Treaties of 1919, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, 11 July; Canada, 11 July; Australia, 21 July; New Zealand, 11 July; the Union of South Africa, 26 July; India, 11 July 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931 HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 313 Treaty Series No. 6 International Convention respecting the Bank for International Settlements. The Hague, 20 January 1930. L/C. HC. 21 Jan. 1931

Cmd 3766

HL 27 Jan. 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 159 Mexico No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty and the President of the United Mexican States, supplementary to the Convention of 19 November 1926, respecting British Pecuniary Claims in Mexico owing to Revolutionary Acts. Mexico, 5 December 1930. Not Ratified. [Ratified 9 March 1931. See Item 997] L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 19 Jan.)


Cmd 3768

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 964 - 966 Cmd 3770 - 3775 Item No. 964

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 469 Concerted Economic Action Final Act of the Second International Conference with a view to concerted economic action. November 1930.

Cmd 3770

L/C. HC/L. 20 Jan. 1931 (R. 17 Jan.) 965

Cmd 3771

Vol. XXXV, 855

Misc. No. 4 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 11 Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 31 December 1930. In continuation of Misc. No. 13, 1929 [Item 830.] L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1931 HL. 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 107 Treaty Series No. 8 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America regarding Civil Aircraft. Washington, 29 August-22 October 1929. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 13, 1929.

Cmd 3773

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931 967

Cmd 3774

Vol. XXXV, 721

League of Nations International Labour Conference. Report by the Delegates of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the 14 th Session of the International Labour Conference. 10-28 June 1950. L/C. HC. 2I Jan. 1931 HL 27 Jan. 1931 968

Vol. XXXIV, 369 Russia No. 1 (1931) Selection of Documents relative to the Labour Legislation in force in the U.S.S.R. RA/HL 12 Nov.1930 (Withdrawn) L/C. HC/L. 27 Jan. 1931


Cmd 3775

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 969 - 972 Cmd 3776 - 3780 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXV, 577 Treaty Series No. 9 International Convention relating to International Exhibitions. Paris, 22 November 1928. Ratification by the United Kingdom deposited 17 December 1930.

Cmd 3776

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXV, 17 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Sweden, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 28 August 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 16 January 1931.

Cmd 3777

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 375 France No. 1 (1931) Correspondence respecting Position of British Holders of French Rents issued in the United Kingdom in 1915-1918. July 1930—January 1931.

Cmd 3779

L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL. 3 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 251 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial modus vivcndi. Cairo, 25-28 July 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 30 Jan. 1931 HL 3 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3780

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 973 - 976 Cmd 3782 - 3791 Item No.

Doc. No.

973 Vol. XXXIV, 175 Monaco No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, and the Prince of Monaco, for the extension to certain Protectorates and Mandated Territories of the Treaty of 17 December 1891 in regard to Extradition. Paris, 27 November 1930. Not Ratified by His Majesty. [Ratified 5 June 1931. See Item 1017.]

Cmd 3782

L/C. HC. 2 Feb. 1931 HL. 3 Feb. 193 1


Vol. XXXIII, 167

Cmd 3787

Treaty Series No. 12 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Bulgaria resulting from the Treaty of Neuilly, etc. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, 27 December 1930; Canada, 29 December 1930; Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, 28 January 1931; India, 28 January 1931. L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1931 HL. 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 199 Norway No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Norway regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 30 January 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 7 August 1931. See Item 1026.]

Cmd 3790

L/C. HC/L 17 Feb. 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 1 Treaty Series No. 13 International Agreement concerning Manned Lightships not as their Stations. Lisbon, 23 October 1930. L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1931


Cmd 3791

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 977 - 981 Cmd 3792 - 3796

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXIV, 231 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government respecting the Recognition of Norwegian sovereignty over Jan Mayen Island. Oslo, 18 and 19 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3792


Vol. XXXVI, 551 Misc. No. 5 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 2 March 1931

Cmd 3793

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 351 Misc. No. 6 International Convention relative to Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. [Ratified 23 June 1931. See Item 1030.] L/C. HC. 2 March 1931

Cmd 3794

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 599 Misc. No. 7 Final Act of the Conference regarding Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field and the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Not Ratified. L/C. HG 2 March 1931

Cmd 3795

HL. 3 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 531 Treaty Series No. 16 International Agreement on the Evacuation of the Rhineland Territory. The Hague, 30 August 1929. L/C. HG 2 March 1931 HL. 3 March 1931


Cmd 3796

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 982 - 985 Cmd 3797 - 3805

Item No.

Doc. No.

982 Vol. XXXIV, 7 Treaty Series No. 15 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Iraq with an Exchange of Notes, Bagdad, 30 June 1930; with Notes exchanged embodying a separate Financial Agreement. London, 19 August 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 26 January 1931. L/C. HC/L 25 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3797

983 Vol. XXXVI, 315 Misc. No. 8 Memorandum on the Proposed Accession of His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the General Act of 1928 for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. L/C. HC/L 24 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3803

984 Vol. XXXV, 835 Misc. No. 9 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the 62nd Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 19-24 January 1931. L/C. HC/L 12 March 1931

Cmd 3804

985 Vol. XX, 763 FIeets: The British Empire and Foreign Countries Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 February 1931, distinguishing both built and building, the various classes. [See Item 117 for detailed list.] L/C. HC/L. 26 Feb. 1931

Cmd 3805


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 986-990 Cmd 3806 - 3816 Item No.

Doc. No.

986 Vol. XXXV, 355 Treaty Series No. 17 International Convention for the unification of certain Rules of Law, relating to Bills of Lading. Brussels, 25 August 1924. His Majesty's Ratification deposited 2 June 1980.

Cmd 3806

L/C. HC/L 12 March 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 201 Treaty Series No. 18 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the disposal of the British Share of the China Indemnity of 1901. Nanking, 19 and 22 September 1930.

Cmd 3808

L/C. HC/L. 12 March 1931


Vol. XXXV, 199 Misc. No. 10 Memorandum on the Results of the Negotiations with France and Italy for the Reduction and Limitation of Naval Armaments. FebruaryMarch 1931.

Cmd 3812

L/C. HC/L 10 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 703 Treaty Series No. 53 (1930) Index to Treaty Series 1930.

Cmd 3813

L/C. HC/L 19 March 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 677 Treaty Series No. 52 (1930) Treaties etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. L/C. HC/L 19 March 1931


Cmd 3816

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 991- 994 Cmd 3833.3839 Item No.

Doc. No.

991 Vol. XXXIV, 23 Treaty Series No. 19 Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of Iraq and the President of the United States of America, regarding the Rights of the United States and its Nationals in Iraq, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 9 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 24 February 1931.

Cmd 3833

L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (R. 9 April)


Vol. XXXIV, 115 Italy No. 2 Agreement concerning Claims of Certain British and Italian Protected Persons and Colonial Subjects arising out of Raids and Incidents on the Anglo-Italian Frontier in Somaliland. Bihen, 2 September 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3834

L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (R)


Vol. XXXIII, 255 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial modus vivendi of June 5-7 1930. Cairo, 14-22 February 1931.

Cmd 3835

L/C. HC/L. 21 April 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 77 Iraq Judicial Agreement between the United Kingdom and Iraq. Signed at Bagdad, 4 March 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 29 May 1931. See Item 1025.] L/C. HC. 14 April 1931 HL. 21 April 1931 (IL 13 April)


Cmd 3839

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 995 - 998 Cmd 3841- 3847 Item No.

Doc. No.

995 Vol. XXXV, 757 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendations concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 14th Session. 10-28 June 1930.

Cmd 3841

L/C. HC. 16 April 1931 HL 21 April 1931 (R.)

996 Vol. XXXIII, 805 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and New Zealand and the Government of India and the Government of Hungary in regard to the Liquidation of Hungarian Property, with Exchange of Notes. London, 1 July 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Budapest, 26 March 1931.

Cmd 3845

L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931

997 Vol. XXXIV, 167 Treaty Series No. 22 Cmd 3768. Ratified in Mexico City, 9 March 1931. [See Item 963 for Text.]

Cmd 3846

L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931

998 Vol. XXXIII, 259 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial modus vivendi of 25-28 July 1930. Cairo, 14-22 February 1931. Reprint Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL 28 April 1931


Cmd 3847

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 999 -1002 Cmd 3848 - 3864 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIII, 115 Palestine and East Africa Loan (Guarantee). Memorandum on proposed Financial Resolution. L/C. HC. 20 April 1931 HL 21 April 1931

Cmd 3848


Vol. XXXIII, 71 Austria No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 31 March 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 27 April 1931 HL. 28 April 1931

Cmd 3850


Vol. XXXIV, 131 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Government of India and the Italian Government respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. London, 13 April 1931. L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1931

Cmd 3855


Vol. XXXVI, 11 Misc. No. 11 International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Rome, 2 June 1928. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 14 May 1931

Cmd 3864


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1003 -1006 Cmd 3874 - 3885

Item No. 1003

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 761 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendations regarding the Regulation of Hours of Work in Commerce and Offices adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 14th Session, 10-28 June 1930. L/C. HC. 2 June 1931

Cmd 3874

HL. 5 June 1931 (R. 1 June)


Vol. XXXIV, 235 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in Canada and the Norwegian Government respecting sovereignty over the Otto Sverdrup Islands. London, 8 August 1930; Oslo, 5 November 1930. L/C. HC/L. 11 June 1931

Cmd 3875


Vol. XXXIII, 449 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the German Reich amending the Agreement of 29 June 1927 relating to Air Navigation. Berlin, 5 July 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 6 May 1931. L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1931

Cmd 3880


Vol. XXXV, 487 Concerted Economic Action Protocol of the Second International Conference with a view to Concerted Economic Action. Second Session Geneva, 16-18 March 1931. L/C. HC/L. 10 June 1931

Cmd 3885


COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1007 .1010 Cmd 3886 - 3892 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIII, 765 Treaty Series No. 27 Agreement between His Majesty in Canada and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties. The Hague, 14 January 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 27 August 1930. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 11, 1930.

Cmd 3886

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1931


Vol. XXXV, 387 Cheques International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques. Geneva, 19 March 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3888

L/C. HC. 8 June 1931 HL 9 June 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 781 Greece No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Hellenic Republic respecting Air Transport Services. Athens, 17 April 1931. This Convention has not been ratified.

Cmd 3889

L/C. HC/L 24 June 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 137 Italy No. 3 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of Italy respecting Air Transport Services. Rome, 16 May 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 29 June 1931 HL. 30 June 1931


Cmd 3892

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1981 Item 1011-1015 Cmd 3893 - 3906 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXIII, 91 Belgium No. 1 (1931) Protocols signed by the Commissioners appointed to delimit and demarcate the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. 1 October 1929 and 24 February 1930. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3893

L/C. HC. 29 June 1931 HL 30 June 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 273 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government respecting the Boundary between the Mandated Territory of South West Africa and Angola. Lisbon, 29 April 1931.

Cmd 3896

L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1931


Vol. XXXV, 845 Misc. No. 12 Report by the Rt. Hon. Arthur Henderson, M.P., British Delegate, on the 63rd Session of the Council of the League of Nations, 18-23 May 1931. L/C. HC/L. 9 July 1931

Cmd 3901


Vol. XVII, 343: Reports, Commissioners (8) Russia Report by the Commercial Counsellor to His Majesty's Embassy in Moscow on the Organization of Foreign Trade of the U.S.S.R.

Cmd 3904

L/C. HC. 15 June 1931 HL Not Listed


Vol. XXXV, 621 Misc. No. 13 Memorandum respecting the International Convention on Financial Assistance. Signed at Geneva, 2 October 1930. L/C. HC/L 14 July 1931


Cmd 3906

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1016 -1020 Cmd 3907 - 3924 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXVI, 233 Misc. No. 14 Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries.

Cmd 3907

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXIV, 181 Treaty Series No. 29 Cmd 3782 Ratified, Paris 5 June 1931. [See Item 973 for Text.]

Cmd 3908

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 815 Treaty Series No. 30 International Agreement regarding the Financial Obligations of Hungary resulting from the Treaty of Trianon, etc., with Letters and Documents attached thereto. Paris, 28 April 1930. Ratifications: United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Government of India, 9 April 1931.

Cmd 3910

L/C. HC/L. 22 July 1931


Vol. XXXV, 33 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency. London, 6 July 1931.

Cmd 3923

L/C. HC. 30 July 1931 HL 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 299 Misc. No. 15 International Protocol relating to a certain case of Statelessness. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931 HL 31 July 1931


Cmd 3924

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1021-1026 Cmd 3925 - 3934

Doc. No.

Item No. 1021

VoL XXXVI, 291 Misc. No. 16 International Protocol relating to Military Obligations in Certain Cases of Double Nationality. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931

Cmd 3925

HL. 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 307 Misc. No. 17 International Protocol concerning Statelessness. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 30 July 1931

Cmd 3926

HL 31 July 1931


Vol. XXXVI, 335 Treaty Series No. 32 General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. Geneva, 26 September 1928. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3930

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXXV, 113 Misc. No. 18 Convention for the Creation of an International Agricultural Mortgage Credit Company. Geneva, 21 June 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3931

(R. 17 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIV, 83 Treaty Series No. 33 Cmd 3839 Ratified Bagdad, 29 May 1931. [See Item 994 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3933

(R 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIV, 215 Treaty Series No. 35 Cmd 3790 Ratified London, 7 August 1931. [See Item 975 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 3934

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1027 -1030 Cmd 3935 - 3941 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXIV, 729 Sudan No. 1 (1931) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1930.

Cmd 3935

L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXXIII, 387 Treaty Series No. 34 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting the Boundary between British and French Cameroons, with map. London, 9 January 1931.

Cmd 3936

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 26 Aug.)


Vol. XXXVI, 629 Treaty Series No. 36 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in the Field. Geneva, 27 July 1929. Ratification for the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India deposited 23 June 1931.

Cmd 3940

L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXVI, 431 Treaty Series No. 37 International Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Ratifications for the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India deposited, 23 June 1931. [See Item 979.] L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R 3 Sept.)


Cmd 3941

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1031-1034 Cmd 3942 - 3946

Item No. 1031

Doc. No. Vol. XXXIII, 793 Guatemala No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Guatemala respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Guatemala, 6 June 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3942

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 291 Portugal No. 1 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Portuguese Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 9 July 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 3944

L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIV, 337 Treaty Series No. 38 Cmd 3653 Ratified, Bucharest, 12 May 1931. [See Item 909 for Text.]

Cmd 3945

L/C. HC. 9 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 801 Treaty Series No. 39 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, the Irish Free State, and Guatemalan Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Guatemala, 8 February-10 April 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State, Treaty Series. L/C. HC/L 8 Sept. 1931 (R. 4 Sept.)


Cmd 3946

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1035 -1038 Cmd 3947 - 3950

Item No. 1035

Doc. No. Vol. XXXV, 393 Misc. No. 19 Report of International Committee of Experts respecting suspension of certain Inter-Governmental Debts falling due during the Year ending 30 June 1932, with Protocols and Declarations. Signed at London, 11 and 13 August 1931. Not Ratified. [See also Item 11381 L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3947

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. X, 891: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Report for 1930 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into Certain Territories under British Control in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L. 8 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3948

(R. 4 Sept.)


Vol. XXXIII, 1 Albania No. 1 (1931) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Albanians, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Tirana, 31 July 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 9 Sept. 1931

Cmd 3949

HL 17 Sept. 1931


Vol. XXXIII, 89 Treaty Series No. 40 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government relating to the Provisional Dissolution of the AngloAustrian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 14 July 1931. L/C. HC. 11 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931


Cmd 3950

COMMAND PAPERS 1930-1931 Item 1039 -1040 Cmd 3951- 3960 Item No.

Doc. No.

Cmd 3951

1039 Vol. XXXIV, 365 Treaty Series No. 41

Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Irish Free State, and the Roumanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Bucharest, 1-27 October 1930. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series. L/C. HC. 11 Sept. 1931 HL 17 Sept. 1931

1040 Vol. XXXV, 765 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 15th Session, 28 May-18 June 1931.

Cmd 3960

L/C. HC/L. 6 Oct. 1931

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1041 Bill No. 12 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. II, 47: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea, signed in London on 31 May 1929; to give effect to an International Load Line Convention, signed in London 5 July 1930; and to amend the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Acts, 1894 to 1928, relating to passenger steamers, life-saving appliances, wireless telegraphy, load-lines, timber cargoes, and other matters affected by the said Conventions. Resolution as to Expenses, see: 5 February and 8 February 1932. Resolved to provide sufficient Funds. O.H.C.P. 26 Nov. 1931


Bill 12

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1042 - 1044a Bill No. 24 - 47 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. II, 259: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load-Line Conventions) (H.L.) Bill Nb. 12, as amended in Standing Committee B. [See Item 1041 for Text.]

Bill 24

O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1932


Vol. I, 385: Bills, Public Dangerous Drugs (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Dangerous Drugs Acts 1920-1925 so far as necessary to enable effect to be given to a Convention signed at Geneva on behalf of His Majesty on 13 July 1931, and to make provision for an extension of those Acts to drugs capable of being Converted into Dangerous Drugs.

Bill 39

O.H.C.P. 7 March 1932


Vol. I, 543: Bills, Public Goods made by forced labour Bill to prohibit the importation of goods made by Foreign Forced Labour. [See Item 904b.] Not printed.

Bill 44

O.H.C.P. 15 March 1932

1044a Vol. III, 415: Bills, Public Tanganyika and British Honduras Loans Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a loan to be raised by the Government of Tanganyika, to authorize a loan to the Government of British Honduras, and to authorize the making of advances out of moneys provided by Parliament for the payment of the annual or halfyearly charges in respect to the said loans for a limited period. O.H.C.P. 15 March 1932


Bill 47

BILLS PUBLIC 1931-1932 Item 1045 - 1045a Bill No. 106 -117

Item No.

Doc. No.

1045 Vol. I, 73: Bills, Public Carriage by Air (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to a Convention for the Unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air, to make p4'ovision for applying the rules contained in the said Convention, subject to exceptions, adoptions, and modifications, to carriage by air which is not international carriage within the meaning of the Convention, and for purposes connected with the purposes aforesaid.

Bill 106

O.H.C.P. 16 June 1932

1045a Vol. I, 445: Bills, Public Extradition (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to include offences in relation to dangerous Drugs, and attempts to commit such offences, among extradition crimes.

Bill 117

O.H.C.P. 1 July 1932

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1046 -1047 S.P. No. 8 - 47

Item No. 1046

Doc. No. Vol. XIV, 123 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund established pursuant to the China Indemnity (Application) Act I925, showing the Receipts and Payments in the Year ended 31 March 1931, with Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 29 of 19301931 [Item 905].

S.P. 8

O.H.C.P. 7 Dec. 1931

1047 Vol. V, 111: Reports, Committees (2) Merchant Shipping (Safety and Load-Line Convention Bill) (Lords) Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee B. O.H.C.P. 16 Feb. 1932


S.P. 47

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1048 -1050 S.P. No. 75 -105

Item No. 1048

Doc. No. Vol. XIV, 495 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the Scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1932 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in Fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Act and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 75

O.H.C.P. 11 May 1932


Vol. XIV, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1932.

S.P. 81

O.H.C.P. 30 May 1932

1049a Vol. XVIII, 865 Tanganyika By Act Treasury minute, 3 June 1932, guaranteeing the payment of the principal of, and the interest on, the Tanganyika Government 4 per cent Guaranteed Stock 1952-1972, to the nominal amount of £500,000.

S.P. 88

O.H.C.P. 16 June 1932


Vol. XIV, 127 China Indemnity Fund By Act Account of the China Indemnity Fund, showing the Receipts and Payments in the year ended 31 March 1932, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General thereon. In continuation of S.P. No. 8, 1931-I932 [Item 1046]. O.H.C.P. 5 July 1932


S.P. 105

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1051 S.P. No. 116

Doc. No.

Item No. 1051

Vol. XIX, 319 By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Conditions of India during year 1930-1931. Sixty-sixth number.

S.P. 116

O.H.C.P. 12 July 1932

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1052 -1054 Cmd 3973 - 3986

Doc. No.

Item No. 1052

Vol. XXVII, 105 Treaties Series No. 42 (1931) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the President of the Cuban Republic for the Extension of the Extradition Treaty of 3 October 1904 to certain protectorates and mandated Territories. Havana, 17 April 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Havana, 12 November 1931. L/C. HC/L. 3 Dec. 1931

Cmd 3973


Vol. XXVII, 1059 Misc. No. 20 (1931) International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs, with Protocol of Signature. Geneva, 13 July 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932

Cmd 3979

(R. 17 Dec. 1931)


Vol. XXVII, 969 Misc. No. 21 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on the Twelfth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 October 1931. [See also Item 1143.] L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 30 Dec. 1931)


Cmd 3986

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1055 -1058

Cmd 3992 - 3999 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 581 Treaty Series No. 1 (1932) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Salvador in regard to Commercial Relations. San Salvador, 8 August 1931.

Cmd 3992

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 265 Germany No. 1 (1932) Report of the Special Advisory Committee convened under the Agreement with Germany concluded at The Hague on 20 January 1930. [See Item 959.] Basle, 23 December 1931.

Cmd 3995

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 39 Treaty Series No. 2 (1932) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 16 October 1931. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 3998

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 21 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 833 United States No. 1 (1932) Extradition Treaty between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America. London, 22 December 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 21 Jan.)


Cmd 3999

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1059 - 1062 Cmd 4002 - 4006 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 35 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 11 September 1931.

Cmd 4002

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 28 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 115 Estonia No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Chief of State of the Republic of Estonia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 22 December 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratifications exchanged 18 August 1932. See Item 1113.]

Cmd 4003

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 28 Jan.)


Vol. XVI, 749 Fleets: British Empire and Foreign Countries Return showing particulars of the British Commonwealth of Nations, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany, on I February 1932, distinguishing both built and building, the various classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 4005

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 953 Misc. No. 1 (1932) Note on the Constitution of the League of Nations. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1932 (R. 1 Feb.)


Cmd 4006

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1063 - 1066a Cmd 4007 - 4016

Item No. 1063

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 17 Treaty Series No. 4 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 March 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Vienna, 12 Jan. 1932.

Cmd 4007

L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1932 HL. 9 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 503 Poland No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Warsaw, 26 August 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 31 May 1932. See Item 1092.]

Cmd 4009

L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1932 HL. 9 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1041 Misc. No. 2 International Convention regarding the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehicles, with Protocol Annex. Geneva, 30 March 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4013

L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1079 Treaty Series No. 43 (1931) Treaties, etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1931.

Cmd 4015

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1932 HL. 23 Feb. 1932

1066a Vol. XXVII, 1101 Treaty Series No. 44 Index to Treaty Series 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1932


Cmd 4016

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1067 -1070 Cmd 4017 - 4022 Item No.

Doc. No.

1067 Vol. XXVII, 305 Treaty Series No. 5 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the President of the German Reich, with Protocol. Dublin, 12 May 1930. Ratification exchanged at Berlin, 21 December 1931. Reprint Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 4017

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1932 HL. 23 Feb. 1932

1068 Vol. XXVII, 849 Misc. No. 3 Speech by the Rt. Hon. Sir John Simon, M.P., Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, at the opening of the Disarmament Conference, 8 February 1932.

Cmd 4018

L/C. HC/L. 16 Feb. 1932

1069 Vol. XXVII, 73 Misc. No. 4 Reports to the League of Nations by the Committee of Representatives at Shangai of certain States Members of the League Council appointed to report on events in Shanghai and neighbourhood. Shanghai, 6 and 12 February 1932. [See also Item 1076.]

Cmd 4021

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1932

1070 Vol. XXVII, 559 Portugal No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and India and President of the Portuguese Republic supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of 17 October 1892. Lisbon, 20 January 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1932


Cmd 4022

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1071-1074 Cmd 4023 - 4035 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 493 Poland No. 2 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic. Warsaw, 11 January 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4023

L/C. HC/L. 25 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 551 Treaty Series No. 6 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in the Irish Free State and the President of the Portuguese Republic. Dublin, 29 October 1929. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series.

Cmd 4025

L/C. HC/L. 29 Feb. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 765 Switzerland No. 1 (1932) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council for Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. Berne, 17 October 1931. Not Ratified. [Ratified 28 June 1932. See Item 1107.]

Cmd 4030

L/C. HC. 7 March 1932 HL. 8 March 1932

1073a VoI. XVIII, 861 Tanganyika and British Honduras Memorandum explaining the Financial Resolution relative to the Tanganyika and British Honduras Loans. L/C. HC. 9 March 1932

Cmd 4032

HL 10 March 1932

1074 Vol. XXVII, 63 Treaty Series No. 7 Provisional Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Chile. Santiago, 15 October 1931. L/C. HC. 21 March 1932 HL. 22 March 1932


Cmd 4035

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1075 -1078 Cmd 4037 - 4051 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 403 Treaty Series No. 8 International Convention for the Establishment of Funds A and B under the Agreements of Paris, 28 April 1930, respecting the Financial Obligations of Hungary. Berne, 21 August 1931.

Cmd 4037

L/C. HC. 21 March 1932 HL 22 March 1932


Vol. XXVII, 83 Misc. No. 5 Correspondence and Resolutions respecting Events in Shanghai and neighbourhood. February-March 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 4, [Item 1069].

Cmd 4040

L/C. HC. 18 March 1932 HL. 22 March 1932


Vol. XXVII, 375 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Guatemala respecting the boundary between British Honduras and Guatemala. Guatemala, 25, 26 August 1931.

Cmd 4050

L/C. HC. 11 April 1932 HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 139 Treaty Series No. 10 Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, His Majesty, the Emperor of Ethiopia, the President of the French Republic, and His Majesty, King of Italy regulating the Importation into Ethiopia of Arms and Ammunition and Implements of War. Paris, 21 August 1930. Ratifications deposited at Addis Ababa, 19 February 1932. L/C. HC. 11 April 1932 HL 12 April 1932


Cmd 4051

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1079 -1082 Cmd 4052 - 4058

Item No. 1079

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 417 Hungary No. 1 (1932) Protocol providing for suspension of certain payments due by Hungary under the International Agreement of 28 April 1930. London, 21 January 1932. Not Ratified. [See also Item 1138.] L/C. HC. 11 April 1932

Cmd 4052

HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 451 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government respecting Commercial Relations between Tanganyika Territory and Lithuania Riga, 14 December; Kovno, 28 December 1931. L/C. HC. 11 April 1932

Cmd 4054

HL. 12 April 1932


Vol. XXVII, 1005 Treaty Series No. 12 International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Rome, 2 June 1928. Ratification deposited: United Kingdom and Canada, 27 June 1931; India, 30 June 1931. L/C. HC/L. 14 April 1932

Cmd 4057


Vol. XXVII, 805 Turkey No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty in the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 28 November 1931. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 20 April 1932

Cmd 4058


COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1083 -1086 Cmd 4070 - 4078 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 563 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Portuguese Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 9 July 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 13 April 1932.

Cmd 4070

L/C. HC/L. 5 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 47 Bulgaria No. 1 (1932) Protocol providing for the Suspension of certain Payments due to Bulgaria under the International Agreement of 20 January 1930. London, 21 January 1932. Not Ratified. [See also Item 1138.]

Cmd 4071

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 99 China No. 1 (1932) Cessation of Hostilities in Shanghai and Neighbourhood and Withdrawal of Japanese Forces; Resolution adopted by the Special Assembly of the League of Nations. Geneva, 30 April 1932, and Agreement concluded between the Chinese and Japanese Representatives with the Assistance of Representatives of Friendly Powers. Shanghai, 5 May 1932.

Cmd 4077

L/C. HC/L 10 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 67 China No. 2 Preliminary report on Conditions in Manchuria from Commission of Enquiry appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. Mukden, 30 April 1932. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1932


Cmd 4078

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1087 - 109Q Cmd 4082 -4092 Item No.



Vol. XXVII, 339 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Union of South Africa, and the German Government respecting the registration of Patents, Models, and Designs. Pretoria, 23 April; Cape Town, 12 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Pretoria, 21 August 1931. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series.

Cmd 4082

L/C. HC. 23 May 1932 HL. 25 May 1932 (R. 14 May)


Vol. XXVII, 343 Treaty Series No. 15 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Hellenic Republic respecting Air Transport Services. Athens, 17 April 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Athens, 16 April 1932.

Cmd 4085

L/C. HC. 23 May 1932 HL. 25 May 1932 (R. 23 May)


Vol. XXVII, 477 Persia No. 1 (1932) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and India, and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia in regard to the withdrawal of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from Persia. Teheran, 17 February 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4089

L/C. HC. 30 May 1932 HL. 31 May 1932


Vol. XXVII, 391 Hayti No. I (1932) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Hayti. Port-auxPrince, 7 April 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 2 June 1932


Cmd 4092

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1091-1095 Cmd 4097 - 4112 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 455 Netherlands No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 May 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 9 June 1932

Cmd 4097


Vol. XXVII, 527 Treaty Series No. 16 Ratifications of Cmd 4009 exchanged at London, 31 May 1932. [See Item 1064 for Text.]

Cmd 4104

L/C. HC/L 16 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 435 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Italy regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 17 December 1930. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 June 1932.

Cmd 4105

L/C. HC/L 16 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 825 Treaty Series No. 18 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the United States of America, respecting Certificates of Airworthiness for Aircraft. Pretoria, 12 October-1 December 1931. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series.

Cmd 4111

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 585 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement and Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and India and the Government of Siam regarding boundary between Burma (Kengtung) and Siam. Bangkok, 27 August 1931-14 March 1932. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1932


Cmd 4112

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1096 -1100 Cmd 4115 - 4126 ,Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 875 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Sixteenth Session, 12 April to 30 April 1032. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 4115

L/C. HC/L. 30 June 1932


Vol. XXVII, 485 Treaty Series No. 20 Convention between His Majesty of India and the President of the Polish Republic concerning the Commercial Relations between India and Poland. Warsaw, 8 May 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 31 May 1932.

Cmd 4119

L/C. HC/L. 7 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 425 Iraq No. 1 (1932) Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iraq. Bagdad, 2 May 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4120

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 857 Misc. No. 6 Declaration of British Disarmament Policy.

Cmd 4122

L/C. HC/L. 7 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 931 Misc. No. 7 Final Act of the Lausanne Conference. Lausanne, 9 July 1932. [See also Item 1102.] L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1932


Cmd 4126

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1101-1105 Cmd 4128-4135

Doc. No.

Item No. 1101

Vol. XXVII, 383 Treaty Series No. 21 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Guatemala respecting Commercial Travellers and their Samples. Guatemala, 6 June 1931. Ratifications exchanged at Guatemala, 25 May 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4128

(R. 18 July)


Vol. XXVII, 947 Misc. No. 8 Further documents relating to the settlement reached at the Lausanne Conference. Lausanne, 16 June to 9 July 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 7, [Item 1100].

Cmd 4129

L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1932


Vol. XXVII, 873 Misc. No. 9 Declaration issued by His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding future European co-operation, 13 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4131

(R. 14 July)


Vol. XXVII, 959 Misc. No. 10 Report on the 67th Session of the Council of the League of Nations by Mr. Anthony Eden, M.C., M.P., Delegate of the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4134

(R.21 July)


Vol. XXVII, 247 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government amending the Regulations approved by the Exchange of Notes of 29 August 1907 in regard to the New Hebrides. Paris, 15 December 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 21 July)


Cmd 4135

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1106. 1109 Cmd4136-4153 Item No.

Doc. No.

1106 Vol. XXVII, 591 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government in regard to the Reciprocal Recognition of LoadLine Certificates. London, 26 May 1932.

Cmd 4136

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 21 July)

1106a Vol. XVIII, 799 East Africa Correspondence arising from the Report of the Joint Select Committee on Closer Union in East Africa.

Cmd 4141

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R 2 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 785 Treaty Series No. 24 Ratifications of Cmd 4030 exchanged at London, 28 June 1932. [See Item 1073 for Text.]

Cmd 4142

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 11 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 841 Treaty Series No. 25 International Agreement between the Creditor Powers respecting State Properties ceded by Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, the Liberation Debts, and the Distribution of non-German Reparations. The Hague, 20 January 1930. Ratification: His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Union of South Africa, and India, 11 May 1932.

Cmd 4146

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 22 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 179 Ethiopia No. 1 (1932) Papers concerning Raids from Ethiopian Territory into the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 19 Aug.)


Cmd 4153

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1110 -1114 Cmd 4155 - 4166 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. VI, 479: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1931 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4155

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 29 Aug.)


Cmd 4159

Vol. XXVII, 599

Sudan No. 1 (1932) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 15 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 329 Treaty Series No. 26 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Dissolution of the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, with Notes Exchanged. London, 26 July 1932.

Cmd 4160

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 127 Treaty Series No. 27 Ratifications of Cmd 4003 exchanged at Tallinn, 18 August 1932. [See Item 1060 for Text.]

Cmd 4164

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 15 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 1 Austria No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria respecting Air Navigation. Vienna, 16 July 1932. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 4166

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1115 -1118 Cmd4167- 4179

Item No. 1115

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 111 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Estonia respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen. London, 22 December 1931. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4167

(R. 26 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 43 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Rio de Janeiro, 21 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4168

(R. 28 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 335 Treaty Series No. 30 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties. London, 26 July 1932; Berlin, 27 July 1932. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1932

Cmd 4172

(R. 10 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 203 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, for the submission to Arbitration of a question connected with a claim in respect to certain Finnish vessels used during the War. London, 30 September 1932. L/C. HC. 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932


Cmd 4179

COMMAND PAPERS 1931-1932 Item 1119 -1122 Ød4180-4192 Teem No.

Doc. No.

1119 Vol. XXVII, 215 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of France for the Exchange of Money Orders with France and Algeria, with detailed Regulations. Signed at Paris, 15 May 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 22 August 1932.

Cmd 4180

L/C. HC. 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932

1119a Vol. VII, 443: Reports, Commissioners (2) Tanganyika Report by Sir Sydney Armitage-Smith, K.B.E., C.B., on a Financial Mission to Tanganyika.

Cmd 4182

L/C. HG 24 Oct. 1932 HL. 25 Oct. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 261 Treaty Series No. 33 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the exemption from Income Tax of Shipping Profits. London, 1 October 1932.

Cmd 4188

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 865 Misc. No. 11 Declaration of the Policy of His Majesty of the United Kingdom on Disarmament, in connection with Germany's Claim to Equality of Rights. Presented to the Bureau of the Disarmament Conference by the Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs. Geneva, 17 November 1932.

Cmd 4189

L/C. HC/L. 16 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 829 United States No. 2 Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 10 November 1932. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1932


Cmd 4192

BILLS PUBLIC 1932-1933 Item 1123 -1126 Bill No. 51- 85

Item No.

Doc. No.

1123 Vol. I, 181: Bills, Public Austrian Loan Guarantee Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a portion of a loan to be raised by the Government of Austria.

Bill 51

O.H.C.P. 21 Dec. 1932

1124 Vol. I, 593: Bills, Public Evidence (Foreign, Dominion, and Colonial Documents) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to make further and better provision with respect to the admissibility in evidence in the United Kingdom of entries contained in the public registers of other countries and with respect to the proof by means of duly authenticated official certificates of entries in such registers and in consular registers and other matters.

Bill 53

O.H.C.P. 21 Dec. 1932

1125 Vol. I, 801: Bills, Public Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to make provision for the enforcement in the United Kingdom of judgments given in foreign countries which accord reciprocal treatment to judgments given in the United Kingdom, for facilitating the enforcement in foreign countries of judgments given in United Kingdom, and for other purposes in connection with the matters aforesaid.

Bill 70

O.H.C.P. 10 March 1933


Vol. III, 433: Bills, Public Russian Goods (Import Prohibition) , Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of Russian Goods. O.H.C.P. 4 Apri11933


Bill 85

BILLS PUBLIC 1932-1933 Item 1127 -1128 Bill No. 122 -159

Item No.

Doc. No.

1127 Vol. I, 897: Bills, Public International Economic Sanctions Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of foreign goods as part of an international sanction under the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Bill 122

O.H.C.P. 21 June 1933


Vol. I, 211: Bills, Public British Nationality and Status of Aliens (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Law relating to the national status of married women so far as is necessary for giving effect to a Convention on certain questions relating to the conflict of Nationality Laws. Signed on behalf of His Majesty at The Hague on 12 April 1930, and for purposes incidental to the matter aforesaid.

Bill 159

O.H.C.P. 21 July 1933

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1129 -1130 S.P. No. 59 - 101

Doc. No.

Item No. 1129 Vol. V, 493: Reports, Committees (2) Evidence (Foreign, Dominion, and Colonial Documents) Bill; (H.L.) Report and Proceedings from Standing Committee A.

S.P. 59

O.H.C.P. 23 Feb. 1933

1130 Vol. XVI, 373 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1933 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 28 April 1933


S.P. 101

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1131-1133 S.P. No. 102 -163 Doc. No.

Item No.

1131 Vol. XVI, 217 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1933.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 28 April 1933

1132 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year ended 31 March 1933. O.H.C.P. 13 June 1933

S.P. 123

1133 Vol. XVI, 91 Austrian Government (Guaranteed Loan 19331953) By Act Treasury Minute, 8 August 1933, guaranteeing the payment of the principal of, and interest on, the portion of the Austrian Loan issued in Great Britain. O.H.C.P. 7 Nov. 1933

S.P. 163

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1134 Cmd 4198 Item No.


Doc. No.

Cmd 4198

Vol. XXVIII, 661

Treaty Series No. 34 (1932) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1929. Signed at London, 31 May 1929. Ratifications deposited at London by His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and Canada, 1 October 1932. L/C. HC/L. 30 Nov. 1932


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 hem 1135 -1138 Cmd 4199 - 4206 Item No.

Doc. No.

1135 VoI. XXVIII, 419 Treaty Series No. 35 International Convention respecting Load Lines with Final Protocol and Maps. London, 5 July 1930. Ratifications deposited at London by His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand, 1 October 1932.

Cmd 4199

L/C. HC/L. 6 Dec. 1932

1136 Vol. XXVII, 915 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America, respecting payments due from the United Kingdom to the United States of America. Washington, 4 June 1932. In continuation of Cmd 1912, [Item 298].

Cmd 4202

L/C. HC. 25 Nov. 1932 HL. 29 Nov. 1932

1137 Vol. XXVII, 919 United States No. 3 (1932) Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom in reply to a Note dated 10 November 1932, relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 23 November 1932.

Cmd 4203

L/C. HG 28 Nov. 1932 (R.) HL. 29 Nov. 1932

1138 Vol. XXVIII, 115 Misc. No. 12 (1932) Protocols respecting the Suspension of Certain Inter-Governmental Debts supplementary to Protocols and Declarations of 11 and 13 August 1931 and 21 January 1932. June-July 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 19, 1931, Hungary No. 1, 1932, and Bulgaria No. 1, 1932 [Items 1035, 1079, and 1084]. L/C. HC/L. 30 Nov. 1932


Cmd 4206

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1139 -1143 Cmd 4207 - 4212 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 17 Austria No. 2 (1932) Agreement for guaranteeing a further loan to Austria. Geneva, 15 July, 1932.

Cmd 4207

L/C. HG 28 Nov. 1932 (R.) HL. 29 Nov. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 65 Belgium No. 1 (1932) Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty, King of the Belgians, supplementary to Convention of 21 June 1922 to facilitate the conduct of legal proceedings. Brussels, 4 November 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4209

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 923 United States of America No. 4 (1932) Further Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to British War Debt. Washington, 1 December 1932.

Cmd 4210

L/C. HC/L. 1 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 937 United States No. 5 (1932) Further Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 7 December 1932.

Cmd 4211

L/C. HC/L. 8 Dec. 1932


Cmd 4212

Vol. XXVIII, 389 Misc. No. 13

Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 13th Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 1 November 1932. In continuation of Misc. No. 21, 1931 [Item 1054]. L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1932


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1143a -1147 Cmd 4213 - 4218 Item No.

Doc. No.

1143a Vol. X, 585: Reports, Commissioners (1) Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Report of Committee on the reciprocal enforcement of Foreign Judgments.

Cmd 4213

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 943 United States No. 6 (1932) Further Note addressed by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the United States Government relating to British War Debt. Washington, 11 December 1932.

Cmd 4215

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1932 HL. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 947 United States No. 7 Further Note addressed by the United States Government to His Majesty of the United Kingdom relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 11 December 1932.

Cmd 4216

L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1932 HL. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVII, 951 United States No. 8 Further Note addressed to His Majesty of the United Kingdom, by the United States Government relating to the British War Debt. Washington, 12 December 1932.

Cmd 4217

L/C. HC/L. 13 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXI, 481 Austrian Loan Guarantee Bill Memorandum on proposed Financial Resolution. L/C. HC. 14 Dec. 1932 HL. 15 Dec. 1932


Cmd 4218

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1148 -1151 Cmd 4220 - 4231 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 401 Treaty Series No. 37 Protocol between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Iraq for the transfer from the United Kingdom to Iraq of certain Rights and Obligations under the San Remo Oil Agreement of 24 April 1920, and the Convention between the United Kingdom and France of the 23 December 1920, relating to Mandates in the Middle East. Geneva, 10 October 1932.

Cmd 4220

L/C. HC/L. 20 Dec. 1932


Vol. XXVIII, 655 Misc. No. 1 (1933) Agreement for the Control of Opium Smoking in the Far East. Supplementary to the Geneva Agreement of 11 February 1925. Bangkok, 27 November 1931. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4229

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 5 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 413 Italy No. 1 (1933) Agreement recording the decisions of the Commission appointed under the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Italy of 15 July 1924, regarding the Boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland. Florence, 17 December 1927. This Agreement has not yet been approved by His Majesty of the United Kingdom.

Cmd 4230

L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 457 Italy No. 2 Agreement between the Local Commissioners appointed to settle certain points connected with the demarcation of the boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland, as determined by the Commissions under the Treaty between United Kingdom and Italy of 15 July 1924. Isiolo, Kismayu, 27 August 1930. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)


Cmd 4231

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1152 -1154 Cmd 4232 - 4243 Item No.

Doc. No.

1152 Vol. XXVII, 465 Treaty Series No. 1 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the control of traffic in Game Trophies across the frontier between Kenya and Italian Somaliland. Rome, 26 November 1932.

Cmd 4232

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 10 Jan.)

1152a Vol. X, 219: Reports, Commissioners (1) Railways Rates (Africa) Report by Mr. Roger Gibb on Railway Rates and Finance in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika Territory. September 1932.

Cmd 4235

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R. 11 Jaa.)

1153 Vol. XXVII, 963 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America regarding the boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo, with Exchange of Notes. Washington, 2 January 1930-6 July 1932. Ratifications exchanged, 13 December 1932.

Cmd 4241

L/C. HC/L 7 Feb. 1933 (R.)

1154 Vol. XXVIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 3 International Convention and Statute establishing an International Relief Union. Geneva, 22 July 1927. His Majesty of the United Kingdom and New Zealand acceded on 9 January 1929, and on 22 December 1928, respectively. Ratification deposited by the Government of India, 2 April 1929. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1933 (R.)


Cmd 4243

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1155 -1159 Cmd 4246 - 4251 Doc. No.

Item No. 1155

Vol. XXVIII, 181 Treaty Series No. 4 International Convention regarding the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehides, with Protocol and Annex. Geneva, 30 March 1931. Ratification of His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 20 April 1932.

Cmd 4246

L/C. HC/L. 9 Feb. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 27

Cmd 4247

Treaty Series No. 5 Agreement for Guaranteeing a Further Loan to Austria. Geneva, 15 July 1932. Ratification of His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 29 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 9 Feb. 1933 1157 Vol. XXVIII, 911 Treaty Series No. 38 (1932) Treaties, etc., with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1932.

Cmd 4249

L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1933

1158 Vol. XXVII, 159 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of Canada and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, 4 December 1931. Reprint from Canada Treaty Series.

Cmd 4250

L/C. HC. 20 Feb. 1933 HL. 21 Feb. 1933

Cmd 4251

1159 Vol. XXVIII, 931

Treaty Series No. 39 (1932) Index to Treaty Series 1932. L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1933


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1160 -1163 Cmd 4253 - 4267 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 613 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union, on 1 February 1933, distinguishing, both built and building, the various classes. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 4253

L/C. HC/L. 22 Fey. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 169. Denmark No. 1 (1933) Convention between His Majesty, in respect of United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Denmark and Iceland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters. London, 29 November 1932. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4261

L/C. HC. 6 March 1933 HL 7 March 1933


Vol. XXVII, 37 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Federal President of the Republic of Austria respecting Air Navigation. Vienna, 16 July 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 14 January 1933.

Cmd 4263

L/C. HC. 6 March 1933 HL. 7 March 1933


Vol. XXVII, 471 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of Italy respecting Air Transport Services. Rome, 16 May 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 14 March 1933


Cmd 4267

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1164 -1167 Cmd 4270 - 4284

Doc. No.

Item No. 1164 Vol. XXVII, 981 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America for the preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. Ottawa, 9 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 9 May 1931. Reprint from Canadian Treaty Series No. 2, 1931. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1933

Cmd 4270

1165 Vol. XXVII, 569 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia in regard to the withdrawal of the Indo-European Telegraph Department from Persia. Teheran, 17 February 1932. Ratifications deposited at Teheran, 23 January 1933. L/C. HC/L. 23 March 1933

Cmd 4275

1166 Vol. XXVIII, 137 Misc. No. 2 Draft Disarmament Convention submitted to the Disarmament Conference at Geneva on 16 March 1933 by the Rt. Hon. J. Ramsay MacDonald, M.P. L/C. HC. 21 March 1933

Cmd 4279

HL. 22 March 1933

1167 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 11 International Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to International Carriage by Air. Warsaw, 12 October 1929. Ratification by His Majesty of the United Kingdom deposited at Warsaw on 14 February 1933. L/C. HC. 3 April 1933 HL. 4 April 1933


Cmd 4284

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1168 -1172 Cmd 4286-4310 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 589 Russia No. I (1933) Correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow.

Cmd 4286

L/C. HC/L 4 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 613 Russia No. 2 Further correspondence relating to the Arrest of Employees of the Metropolitan-Vickers Company at Moscow.

Cmd 4290

L/C. HC. 10 April 1933 HL 11 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 375 Germany No. 1 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding Commercial Relations. London, 13 April 1933.

Cmd 4297

L/C. HC/L 26 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 205 Denmark No. 2 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce. London, 24 April 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4298

L/C. HC/L. 25 April 1933


Vol. XXVII, 1 Argentine No. 1 (1933) Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 1 May 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 1 May 1933 HL. 2 May 1933


Cmd 4310

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1173 -1177 Cmd 4312-4319

Doc. No.

Item No. 1173

Vol. XXVIII, 937 Treaty Series No. 12 General Index to Treaty Series, 1930-1932. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 27, 1930 [Item 901]. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4312


Vol. XX, 669 Treasury Minute dated 20 April 1933 relative to the terms of repayment of the loans-in-aid made to Northern Rhodesia in 1924 and 1925 and the loan of £20,000 made to the Government of Trans-Jordan in 1927 in connection with earthquake damage. L/C. HC. 1 May 1933

Cmd 4313

HL. 2 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 403 Treaty Series No. 13 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iraq. Bagdad, 2 May 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Bagdad, 25 January 1933. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4317


Vol. XXVII, 895 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 28 November 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 12 April 1933. L/C. HC/L. 10 May 1933

Cmd 4318


Vol. XXVII, 381 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding Commercial Relations. London, 13 April-3 May 1933. L/C. HC/L. 9 May 1933

Cmd 4319


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1178 -1181 Cmd 4323 - 4331 Item No.

Doc. No.

1178 Vol. XXVII, 533 Norway No. 1 (1933) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government relating to Trade and Commerce with Protocol and exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4323

L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 811 Sweden No. 1 (1933) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes exchanged. London, 15 May 1933. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4324

L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1933

1180 Vol. XXVII, 489 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement concerning claims of certain British and Italian Protected Persons and Colonial Subjects arising out of raids and incidents on the Anglo-Italian Frontier in Somaliland. Bihen, 2 September 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Rome, 26 April 1933.

Cmd 4329

L/C. HC/L. 25 May 1933


Vol. XXVII, 267 Treaty Series No. 16 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iceland relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 19 May 1933. L/C. HC. 22 May 1933 HL. 23 May 1933


Cmd 4331

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1182 - 1185 Cmd 4334 - 4347 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 187 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of Denmark and Iceland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 29 November 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 12 May 1933.

Cmd 4334

L/C. HC/L. 30 May 1933


Vol. XXVIII, 889 Misc. No. 3 Dispatch dated 7 June 1933 to His Majesty's Ambassador at Rome in regard to the agreement of understanding and cooperation between France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. London, 31 May 1933.

Cmd 4342

L/C. HC. 31 May 1933 HL. 13 June 1933 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 397 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Greece in regard to passports for seamen. London, 13-21 April 1933.

Cmd 4345

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933 (R. 12 June)


Vol. XXVIII, 637 Misc. No. 4 International Convention on certain questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933 (R. 12 June)


Cmd 4347

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-I933 Item 1186 -1190 Cmd 4348 - 4362

Item No.

Doc. No.

1186 Vol. XXVII, 163 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Brazil, France, Netherlands, Norway, and the United States of America, and the Chinese Government renewing the agreement and Exchange of Notes of 17 February 1930 relating to the Chinese Courts in the InternationaI Settlement at Shanghai, with Declaration. Nanking, 8 to 12 February 1933. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4348

1187 Vol. XXVII, 953 United States No. 1 (1933) Papers relating to the Payment due from His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the United States Government on 15 June 1933, in respect of the British War Debt. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4353

1188 Vol. XXVIII, 861 Stamp Laws International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. Geneva, 7 June 1930. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1933

Cmd 4356

(R. 12 June)

1189 Vol. XXI, 487 Economic Conference Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the Monetary and Economic Conference on 14 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1933

Cmd 4357

1190 Vol. X, 213: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1932 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa, and Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC. 19 June 1933

Cmd 4362

HL 20 June 1933


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1191-1194 Cmd 4363 - 4382

Doc. No.

Item No. 1191

Vol. XXVII, 73 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government relating to the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. Brussels, 7 April 1933. L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1933

Cmd 4363


Vol. XXVII, 391 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Regulation of Supplies of Fish to the United Kingdom Market. London, 7 July 1933. L/C. HC. 10 July 1933

Cmd 4378

HL. 11 July 1933


Vol. XXVII, 511 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 31 May 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1933

Cmd 4381


Vol. XXVII, 141 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government in regard to the Delimitation of the Boundary between Northern Rhodesia and the Belgian Congo. London, 4 April-3 May 1927. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1933

Cmd 4382


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1195 -1199 Cmd 4384 - 4392

Item No. 1195

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 505 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government relating to Commercial Relations. London, 6 July 1933.

Cmd 4384

L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1933 1196

Vol. XXVII, 633 Sudan No. 1 (1933) Report on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of the Sudan in 1932.

Cmd 4587

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. XVI, 555 War Loan Acts Proposals of His Majesty's Government regarding Twenty Year 5~/z% Gold Bonds.

Cmd 4388

L/C. HC. 19 July 1933 HL. 20 July 1933


Vol. XXVIII, 199

Cmd 4389

International Labour Conference (17th Session) Report of the Committee on Reduction of Hours of Work.

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1933 1199

Vol. XXVII, 279 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Estonia regarding Commercial Relations. London, 15 July 1933.

L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1933


Cmd 4392

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1200 -1203 Cmd 4401- 4409 Doc. No.

Item No. 1200

Vol. XXVII, 577 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and India and the President of the Portuguese Republic supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of 17 October 1892, with exchange of Notes. Lisbon, 20 January 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, 29 December 1932. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 3 Aug.)

Cmd 4401


Vol. XXI, 499 Economic Conference, (Monetary and Economic Conference) Declarations of the British Commonwealth to the Monetary and Economic Conference. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 10 Aug.)

Cmd 4403


Vol. XXVII, 59 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Government respecting the Reciprocal Recognition of Proof Marks on Fire Arms. London, 27 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 7 Sept.)

Cmd 4408


Vol. XXVII, 369 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Government of India and the French Government regarding Deportations from certain British and French Territories. Paris, 29 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 7 Sept.)

Cmd 4409


COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1204 -1206 Cmd 4413 - 4423

Item No.

Doc. No.

1204 Vol. XXVIII, 579 Treaty Series No. 31 International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs. Geneva, 13 July 1931. Ratification of United Kingdom, Canada, and India, deposited, 1 April 1933, 17 October 1932, and 14 November 1932, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4413

(R. 18 Sept)


Vol. XXVII, 853 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Sweden relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Stockholm, 4 July 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4421

(R. 28 Sept)

1206 Vol. XXVIII, 97 Treaty Series No. 33 Protocol relating to Amendment to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 34, 37, 40, 41, and 42, and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Paris, 15 June 1929—I1 December 1929. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, deposited 19 September 1930 and, in respect of the Irish Free State, on 9 April 1930, and of India on 16 October 1930. [See also Item 864.] L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 4 Oct.)


Cmd 4423

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1207 -1210 Cmd 4424 -4430 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 235 Treaty Series No. 34 Agreement and Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark relating to Trade and Commerce. London, 24 April 1933, with Notes exchanged on 17 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen, 20 June 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 4 Oct.)

Cmd 4424


Vol. XXVII, 285 Finland No. 1 (1933) Commercial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, with Protocol. Helsingfors, 29 September 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4425

(R. 2 Oct.)


Vol. XXVIII, 219 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the International Labour Conference of the League of Nations at its Seventeenth Session, 8 to 30 June 1933. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4429

(R. 9 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 341 Finland No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Maters. London, 11 August 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933. (R. 11 Oct.)


Cmd 4430

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1211-1214 Cmd 4435 - 4443 Item No.

Doc. No.

1211 Vol. XXVII, 53 Treaty Series No. 35 Agreement between the Air Ministry of the United Kingdom and the Austrian Federal Ministry for Commerce and Communications regarding Air Communications. Vienna, 14 December 1932.

Cmd 4435

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 18 Oct.)

1212 Vol. XXVII, 363 Treaty Series No. 36 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding the Suppression of IIlicit Importation of Alcoholic Liquors into Finland, with Declaration. London, 13 October 1933.

Cmd 4436

L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 18 Oct.)

1213 Vol. XXVIII, 169 Misc. No. 5 Proceedings of the Bureau of the Disarmament Conference. Geneva, 14 October 1933.

Cmd 4437

L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 21 Oct.)

1214 Vol. XXVIII, 867 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention on Stamp Laws in connection with Cheques, with Protocol. Geneva, 19 March 1931. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom deposited 13 January 1932. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933 (R. 6 Nov.)


Cmd 4443

COMMAND PAPERS 1932-1933 Item 1215 -1218 Cmd 4444 - 4453

Doc. No.

Item No. 1215

Vol. XXVII, 583 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding Flag Discrimination in Portuguese Ports. Lisbon, 14 October 1933. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4444

(R. 3 Nov.)


Vol. XXVII, 959 United States No. 2 (1933) Papers relating to the British War Debt. L/C. HC/L 7 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4448



Vol. XXVIII, 899 Treaty Series No. 38 Final Act of the Wheat Conference, with Appendices and Minutes of Final Meetings. London, 25 August 1933. L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4449


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Africa (Flora and Fauna) Agreements concluded at the International Conference for the Protection of the Fauna and Flora of Africa. London, November 1933. L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1933

Cmd 4453

BILLS PUBLIC 1933-1934 Item 1219 Bill No. 77

Doc. No.

Item No. 1219

Vol. III, 413: Bills, Public Overseas Trade Bill to extend the period during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 to 1930. O.H.C.P. 8 March 1934


Bill 77

BILLS PUBLIC 1933-1934 Item 1220 - 1221b Bill No. 92 -166

Item No. 1220

.Doc. No. Vol. II, 607: Bills, Public International Economic Sanctions (Enabling) Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of foreign goods as part of an international sanction under the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Bill 92

O.H.C.P. 27 March 1934


Vol. III, 415: Bills, Public Palestine Loan Bill to authorize the Treasury to guarantee a loan to be raised by the Government of Palestine.

Bill 115

O.H.C.P. 14 May 1934


Vol. I, 553: Bills, Public Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions Reprisals Bill to authorize the setting up of Clearing Offices for collecting and dealing with certain debts, to authorize the imposition of restrictions on imports from certain foreign countries, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. [See also Item 1713.]

Bill 152

O.H.C.P. 20 June 1934

1221b Vol. IV, 601: Bills, Public Whaling Industry (Regulation) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, signed at Geneva, on behalf of His Majesty on 24 September 1931, to prohibit the taking or killing of whales within the coastal waters of the United Kingdom; and for the purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. O.H.C.P. 4 July 1934


Bill 166

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1222 -1225 S.P. No. 2-74

Item No. 1222

Doc. No. Vol. XX, 1065 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India durnig the Year 1931-1932. 67th Number.

S.P. 2

O.H.C.P. 21 Nov. 1933


Vol. XVI, 233 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of Consolidated Fund, for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the Amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1933.

S.P. 35

O.H.C.P. 12 Feb. 1934


Vol. XVI, 235 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1934.

S.P. 64

O.H.C.P. 11 April 1934


Vol. XVI, 473 Trade Facilities Acts, 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. Account up to 31 March 1934, of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the Sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued. O.H.C.P. 26 April 1934


S.P. 74

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1226 S.P. No. 91 Item No.

Doc. No.

1226 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Year ended 31 March 1934. O.H.C.P. 7 June 1934

S.P. 91

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1227 -1229 Cmd 4459 - 4490 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 755 Treaty Series No. 39 (1933) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of origin. Bucharest, 25 September 1933. L/C. HC. 4 Dec. 1933 HL 5 Dec. 1933

Cmd 4459


Vol. XXVII, 197 Treaty Series No. 40 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland, with Protocol. Helsingfors, 29 September 1933. Ratifications exchanged, 20 November 1933. L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 10 Jan.)

Cmd 4472


Vol. XXVII, 1239 Misc. No. 1 (1934) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Fourteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 November 1933. In continuation of Misc. No. 13, 1932 [Item 1143], September-October 1933. L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R 24 Jan.)

Cmd 4490


COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1230 -1233 Cmd 4491- 4498 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 385 Treaty Series No. 1 (1934) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the boundary between Kenya and Italian Somaliland, with Agreement of the Boundary Commission, Appendices, and Map. London, 22 November 1933.

Cmd 4491

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R 25 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 13 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 1 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 November 1933.

Cmd 4492

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 24 Jan.)


Vol. XXVII, 29 Treaty Series No. 3 Supplementary Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Argentine Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. Buenos Aires, 26 September 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 November 1933.

Cmd 4494

L/C. HC/L. 29 Jan. 1934 (R. 24 Jaa.)


Vol. XXVII, 1103 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on Disarmament communicated by His Majesty of the United Kingdom to the Governments represented at the Disarmament Conference, January 29 1934. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1934 HL. 6 Feb. 1934


Cmd 4498

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1234 -1237 Cmd 4500 - 4507 Item No.

Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 657 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and exchange of Notes. London, 15 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Oslo, 7 July, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 7 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4500

1235 Vol. XXVII, 91 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 14 December 1933. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4504

1236 Vol. XXVII, 807 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations between the Irish Free State and Salvador. San Salvador, 12-30 September 1931. Reprint from Irish Free Stare Treaty Series No. 10, 1931. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4506

1237 Vol. XXVII, 253 Treaty Series No. 7 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Finland regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 11 August 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 23 January 1934. L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934

Cmd 4507



COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1984 Item 1238 -1242 Cmd 4508 - 4513 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 95 Treaty Series No. 8 Trade Arrangements between His Majesty in New Zealand and the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxembourg. Wellington 5 December 1933.

Cmd 4508

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1361 Treaty Series No. 42 (1933) Index to Treaty Series 1933.

Cmd 4509

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1933 HL 20 Feb. 1933


Vol. XXVII, 1341 Treaty Series No. 41 (1933) Treaties with Foreign States, Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1933.

Cmd 4510

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1115 Misc. No. 3 Memoranda on Disarmament issued by the Government of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy. January 1934.

Cmd 4512

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 759 Russia No. 1 (1934) Temporary Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 February 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Cmd 4513

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1243 -1247 Cmd 4514-4542 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XVIII, 609 Fleets Particulars of Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany on 1 February 1934, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 4514

L/C. HG 16 Feb. 1934 HL. 20 Feb. 1934


Vol. XXI, 613 Overseas Trade Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 4529

L/C. HC. 5 March 1934 HL 6March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 697 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty, New Zealand, and the Norwegian Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Wellington, 20 October 1933. Sydney, 27 October 1933.

Cmd 4534

L/C. HC/L 14 March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1323 Misc. No. 4 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling. Geneva, 24 September 1931. The Convention has not been ratified by His Majesty's Government.

Cmd 4541

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1934


Vol. XXVII, 453 Japan No. 1 (1934) Report on the British Gift of Books to the Tokyo Imperial University Library, 1923-1933. L/C. HC/L. 28 March 1934


Cmd 4542

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1248 -1252 Cmd 4552 - 4583 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 713 Treaty Series No. 10 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Polish Republic. Warsaw, 11 January 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 19 December 1933.

Cmd 4552

L/C. HC/L 17 April 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1147 Misc. No. 5 Further Memoranda on Disarmament, 14 February to 17 April 1934. In continuation of No. 3, 1934 [Item 1241].

Cmd 4559

L/C. HC/L 18 April 1934


Vol. XXVII, 771 Treaty Series No. 11 Temporary Commercial Agremeent between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. London, 16 February 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Moscow, 21 March 1934.

Cmd 4567

L/C. HC/L 26 April 1934


Vol. XVI, 325 Palestine Loan Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution.

Cmd 4576

L/C. HC/L 2 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1267 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between the Government of France, United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands, and Siam to regulate Production and Export of Rubber. London, 7 May 1934. L/C. HC/L 17 May 1934


Cmd 4583

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-I934 Item 1253 -1257 Cmd 4584-4604 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 1169 International Labour Conference Reply of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Questionnaire on the subject of the Reduction of Hours of Work.

and 4584

L/C. HC/L. 14 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 275 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the French Government respecting Commercial Relations. London, 8 May 1934.

Cmd 4590

L/C. HC/L. 17 May 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1295 Treaty Series No. 14 International Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, with Protocol. Geneva, 7 June 1930. His Majesty's Accession, 18 April 1934.

Cmd 4594

L/C. HC. 29 May 1934 HL 30 May 1934 (R. 28 May)


Vol. XXVII, 999 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Union of South Africa and the United States of America regarding the issue of licenses to Pilot Civil Aircraft. Pretoria, 17 March-20 September 1933. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 4, 1933.

Cmd 4603

L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 1005 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Union of South Africa and the United States of America regarding Air Navigation. Pretoria, 17 March-20 September 1933. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1934


Cmd 4604

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1258 -1262 Cmd 4609 - 4620 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1013 United States No. 1 (1934) Papers relating to the British War Debt.

Cmd 4609

L/C. HC/L 5 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 101 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government for the submission of the claim of Mr. Oscar Chinn for decision by the Permanent Court of International Justice. Brussels, 13 April 1934.

Cmd 4612

L/C. HC/L. 12 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 503 Liberia No. 1 (1934) Papers concerning affairs in Liberia, December 1930 to May 1934.

Cmd 4614

25 April 1934 (Withdrawn) RA/HL L/C. HC/L 27 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 107 Belgium No. 1 (1934) Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Belgians providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Brussels, 2 May 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4618

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1934


Vol. XXVII, 335 Germany No. 1 (1934) Papers respecting the German Transfer Moratorium. L/C. HC/L. 22 June 1934


Cmd 4620

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1262a -1266 Cmd 4623 - 4639 Item No.

Doc. No.

1262a Vol. IX, 653: Reports, Commissioners (1) Administration of Justice (Africa) Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Administration of Justice in Kenya, Uganda, and the Tanganyika Territory in Criminal Matters, and Correspondence arising out of the Report.

Cmd 4623

L/C. HC. 22 June 1934 HL 26 June 1934

1263 Vol. XXVII, 1021 United States No. 2 Papers relating to the British War Debt. In continuation of United States of America No. 1.

Cmd 4627

L/C. HC/L. 26 June 1934

1264 Vol. XXVII, 1025 Yemen No. 1 (1934) Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and of India, and the King of the Yemen, with Notes exchanged. Sana, 11 February 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4630

L/C. HC/L. 27 June 1934

1265 Vol. XXVII, 279 France No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 27 June 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4632

L/C. HC/L. 28 June 1934

1266 Vol. XXVII, 131 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of the Belgians supplementary to the Convention of 21 June 1922, to facilitate the conduct of legal Proceedings. Brussels, 4 November 1932. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 June 1934. L/C. HC. 6 July 1934 HL. 10 July 1934


Cmd 4639

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1267 -1271 Cmd 4640 - 4656

Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 349 Germany No. 2 Anglo-German Transfer Agreement with an Exchange of Letters between the Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the German Reich, 4 July 1934.

Cmd 4640

L/C. HC. 4 July 1934 HL. 5 July 1934


Vol. XXVII, 601 Lithuania No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 6 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 9 July 1934

Cmd 4648

HL. 10 July 1934


Cmd 4650

Vol. XXVII, 1031

Misc. No. 6 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation. The Hague, 12 April 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1934


Vol. XXVII, 149 Estonia No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Estonia supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 18 January 1926, with Protocol. London, 11 July 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4653

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1934


Vol. XXI, 839 Whaling Industry (Regulation) Bill Financial Memorandum. L/C. HC. 16 July 1934 HL. 17 July 1934


Cmd 4656

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1272.1276 Cmd 4659 - 4668 Item No.

Doc. No:


Vol. XXVII, 487 Latvia No. 1 (1934) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government, with Protocol. London, 17 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 18 July 1934

Cmd 4659


Vol. XXVII, 471 Japan No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of India and the Emperor of Japan regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 20 July 1934 HL. 23 July 1934

Cmd 4660


Vol. XXVII, 985 Trans-Jordan Agreement between His Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan, supplementary to the Agreement signed on 20 February 1928. Signed at Jerusalem, 2 June 1934. L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1934

Cmd 4661


Vol. XXVII, 647 Netherlands No. 1 (1934) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands regarding Commercial Relations. London, 20 July 1934. L/C. HC. 20 July 1934 HL. 23 July 1934

Cmd 4662


Vol. XXVII, 817 Sudan No. 1 (1934) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1933. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 16 Aug.)

Cmd 4668


COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1277 -1280 Cmd 4669 - 3673

Item No. 1277

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 783 Russia No. 2 Parcel Post Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, and the U.S.S.R., with detailed Regulations and Exchange of Notes. London, 19 April 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4669

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. IX, 815: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa Liquor Traffic Report for Year 1933 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages into certain Territories under British Administration in Africa and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4670

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 8 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 813 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Siam regarding the boundary between Burma (Tenasserim) and Siam. Bangkok, 1 June 1934.

Cmd 4671

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 355 Germany No. 3 Anglo-German Exchange Agreement relating to Commercial Payments. Berlin, 10 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Aug.)


Cmd 4673

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1281-1284 Cmd 4674 - 4691

Doc. No.

Item No. 1281

Vol. XXVII, 709 Paraguay No. 1 (1934) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa and the President of Paraguay, to the Treaty of 12 September 1908, regarding Extradition. Asuncion, 30 September 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934

Cmd 4674

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 613 Treaty Series No. 20 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Lithuanian Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol. London, 6 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 2 August 1934. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934

Cmd 4680

(R. 23 Aug.)


Vol. XXVII, 733 Poland No. 1 (1934) Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to Commercial Travellers. Warsaw, 26 October 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct 1934

Cmd 4688

(R. 3 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 989 Trans-Jordan Treaty of Friendship and Bon Voisinage between Trans-Jordan and Saudi-Arabia with Protocol on Arbitration and Schedule appended to Treaty. Signed at Jerusalem, 27 July 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Cairo on 21 December 1933. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 3 Sept.)


Cmd 4691

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1285 -1288 Cmd 4693 - 4700 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 625 Lithuania No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of Lithuania regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Kovno, 24 April 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4693

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct 1934 (R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 437 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government and the Italian Government respecting the boundary between the Sudan and Libya. Rome, 20 July 1934.

Cmd 4694

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 10 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 1281 Treaty Series No. 24 Silver Agreement between the Governments of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain, and the United States of America, with supplementary undertakings. Signed, 24 and 26 July 1933. London, 22 July 1933. Ratifications deposited at Washington by His Majesty's Governments in Canada, and the Commonwealth of Australia, and the Government of India, 28 March, 11 February and 21 March 1934, respectively.

Cmd 4699

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)

1288 Vol. XXVII, 143 Ecuador No. 1 (1934) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, and the Acting President of Ecuador to the Treaty of 20 September 1880, regarding Extradition. Quito, 4 June 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)


Cmd 4700

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1289 -1292 Cmd 4701- 4704 Item No.

Doc. No.

1289 Vol. XXVII, 1 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Afghanistan in regard to the Boundary between India and Afghanistan in the neighbourhood of Arnawai and Dokalim, with map. Kabul, 3 February 1934.

Cmd 4701

L/C. HC/L 30 Oa. 1934 (R. 24 Sept.)

Cmd 4702

1290 VoI. XXVII, 361

Treaty Series No. 22 Anglo-German Exchange Agreement relating to Commercial Payments, with Notes exchanged. Berlin, 10 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.) 1291 Vol. XXVII, 651

Cmd 4703

Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Netherlands regarding Commercial Relations. London, 20 July and 30 July 1934. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 20 Sept.)

1292 Vol. XXVII, 747 Poland No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Warsaw, 16 April 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 24 Sept.)


Cmd 4704

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1293 -1297 Cmd 4709 - 4720 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 1317 Treaty Series No. 26 International Convention relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes. Paris, 12 June 1934.

Cmd 4709

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 3 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 1181 International Labour Conference Draft Convention and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its 18th Session, 4-23 June 1934. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 4714

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 8 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 1077 Treaty Series No. 27 International Agreement relating to Statistics of Causes of Death, with Protocol of Signature. London, 19 June 1934.

Cmd 4715

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 15 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 307 France No. 2 Convention between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Paris, 18 January 1934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4717

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 23 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 139 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Costa Rican Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Panama, 2 August 1933; San Jose, 2 April 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 4, 1934. L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934


Cmd 4720

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1298 -1301 Cmd 4724 - 4729 Item No.

Doc. No.

1298 Vol. XXVII, 1235 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendation concerning the Protection against Accidents of Workers employed in loading or unloading ships which were adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 16th Session 12-80 April 1932.

Cmd 4724

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 24 Oct.)


Vol. XIII, 639: Reports, Commissioners (5) Locust Control Proceedings of the Third International Locust Conference. London, 18 September 1934. [See also Cmd 3367 and 3642 (1930); 4124 (1932); 4321 (1933); 4692 (1934); being Reports of the Economic Advisory Committee on Locusts, not included in text.]

Cmd 4725

L/C. HC/L. 30 Oct. 1934 (R. 18 Oct.)


Vol. XXVII, 377 Germany No. 4 Anglo-German Payments Agreement, with an Exchange of Letters between the Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the German Reich. Berlin, 1 November 1934.

Cmd 4726

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 701 Treaty Series No. 29 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government regarding claims in respect to Fishing Gear. London, 5 November 1934. L/C. HC/L. 6 Nov. 1934


Cmd 4729

COMMAND PAPERS 1933-1934 Item 1302 -1305 Cmd 4731- 4736 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1237 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and Recommendation concerning the Age for Admission of Children to Non-Industrial Employment adopted by the International Labour Conference at its Sixteenth Session, 12-30 April 1932.

Cmd 4731

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 443 Treaty Series No. 30 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government for the Reciprocal Validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Rome, 17 September 1934.

Cmd 4734

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 479 Treaty Series No. 31 Convention between His Majesty of India and the Emperor of Japan regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 October 1934.

Cmd 4735

L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Vol. XXVII, 165 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between His Majesty of the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Estonia supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 18 January 1926, with Protocol and Notes. London, 11 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 29 August 1934. L/C. HC/L. 14 Nov. 1934


Cmd 4736

BILLS PUBLIC 1934-1935 Item 1305a -1306 Bill No. 71- 73 1305a Vol. I, 293: Bills; Public Counterfeit Currency (Convention) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to an International Convention for the Suppression of Counterfeiting Currency, signed on behalf of His Majesty at Geneva, 20 April 1929, to apply to foreign coin, certain enactments relating to British coin, and to assimilate the penalties for importing and exporting counterfeit coin. [See also 1936, Bill No. 82: Vol. I, 495. Not included in this text.] O.H.C.P. 20 May 1935

Bill 71

Vol. IV, 99: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of International disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties; and for other purposes. O.H.C.P. 23 May 1935

Bill 73


SESSIONAL PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1307 S.P. No. 13 1307 Vol. XVII, 1 East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1932-1933. 68th Number. O.H.C.P. 18 Dec. 1934


S.P. 13

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1308 -1311 S.P. No. 23 - 94

Doc. No.

Item No. 1308

Vol. XII, 231 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on the part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1934.

S.P. 23

O.H.C.P. 28 Jan. 1935


Vol. XII, 233 By Act Greek Loan of 1898 Account up to 31 March 1935.

S.P. 68

O.H.C.P. 5 April 1935


Vol. XII, 391 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1935 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued.

S.P. 80

O.H.C.P. 2 May 1935


Vol. XII, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the year ended 31 March 1935. O.H.C.P. 6 June 1935


S.P. 94

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1312-1315 Cmd 4751- 4755 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 711 Treaty Series No. 33 (1934) International Convention for the regulation of Whaling. Geneva, 24 September 1931. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to United Kingdom and Union of South Africa, deposited 18 October 1934 and 11 January 1933, respectively.

Cmd 4751

L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 547 Treaty Series No. 34 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and the King of the Yemen, with Notes Exchanged. San'a, 11 February 1934. Ratifications exchanged at San'a, 4 September 1934.

Cmd 4752

L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 233 Treaty Series No. 35 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Latvia, with Protocol and Notes. London, 17 July 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London on 2 October 1934.

Cmd 4753

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 22 Jan.)


Vol. XXIV, 619 Misc. No. 7 (1934) International Convention for Mutual Protection against Dengue Fever. Athens, 25 July 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 3 Dec. 1934 HL. 5 Dec. 1934


Cmd 4755

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1316 -1320 Cmd 4759 - 4772 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 429 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Dublin, 21 June 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series, No. 7-1934.

Cmd 4759

L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1934


Vol. XII, 95 Austrian Loan Treasury Minute dated 6 December 1934 guaranteeing the principal of and interest on certain Securities issued by the Austrian Government.

Cmd 4762

L/C. HC. 7 Dec.1934 HL. 11 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 513 United States No. 3 (1934) Papers relating to the British War Debt.

Cmd 4763

L/C. HC. 10 Dec. 1934 HL. 11 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 109 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Berlin, 13-18 September 1934.

Cmd 4767

L/C. HC/L. 17 Dec. 1934


Vol. XXIV, 671 Misc. No. 8 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the Fifteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 30 November 1934. L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 28 Dec. 1934)


Cmd 4772

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1321-1324 Cmd 4773 - 4798 Item No.

Doc. No.

1321 Vol. XXIV, 485 Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America for the reciprocal validation of Certificates of Airworthiness. Washington, 11-17 September 1934.

Cmd 4773

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL. 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 31 Dec. 1934)

1322 Vol. XII, 99 Austrian Loan Treasury Minute dated 20 December 1934 guaranteeing the principal of and interest on certain securities issued by the Austrian Government.

Cmd 4775

L/C. HC/L. 21 Dec. 1934

1323 Vol. XXIV, 171 Treaty Series No. 1 (1935) Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to the release of German Property. Dublin, 14 September 1934. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 13, 1934.

Cmd 4783

L/C. HC. 28 Jan. 1935 HL 29 Jan. 1935 (R. 18 Jan.)

1324 Vol. XXIV, 89 Misc. No. 1 (1935) Joint Communique issued on behalf of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the French Republic as a result of the Conversations between the French and British Ministers. 1-3 February 1935. L/C. HC. 4 Feb. 1935 HL 5 Feb. 1935


Cmd 4798

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1325 -1329 Cmd 4802 -4810 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 415 Roumania No. 1 (1935) Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement. Agreement with Protocol. London, 8 February 1935.

Cmd 4802

L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1935 HL. 12 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 7 Austria No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Federal President of Austria supplementary to the Convention of 3 December 1873, regarding Extradition. Vienna, 29 October I934. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4804

L/C. HC/L. 13 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 189 Treaty Series No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and His Majesty, King of Italy relating to the Establishment of Air Transport Lines. Rome, 7 December 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 28 December 1934.

Cmd 4808

L/C. HC/L. 20 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 729 Treaty Series No. 39 (1934) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. I934. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 41, 1933 [Item 1240].

Cmd 4809

L/C. HC. 25 Feb. 1935 HL. 26 Feb. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 755 Treaty Series No. 40 Index to Treaty Series, 1934. L/C. HC. 25 Feb. 1935 HL 26 Feb. 1935


Cmd 4810

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1330 -1334 Cmd 4812 - 4827 Item No.

Doc. No.

1330 Vol. XXIV, 19 Treaty Series No. 3 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Canberra, 19 November 1934.

Cmd 4812

L/C. HC/L 20 Feb. 1935

1331 Vol. XIV, 621 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 February 1935, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 4817

L/C. HC/L 27 Feb. 1935

1332 Vol. XXIV, 289 Poland No. 1 (1935) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government in regard to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes. London, 27 February 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4820

L/C. HC/L 27 Feb. 1935

1333 Vol. XVII, 979 The Control Scheme Papers relating to the International Tin Control Scheme.

Cmd 4825

L/C. HC. 1 March 1935 HL 5 March 1935

1334 Vol. XIII, 803 Defence Statement relating to Defence in connection with the proposed debate in the House of Commons on 11 March 1935. L/C. HC. 1 March 1935 HL S March 1935


Cmd 4827

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1335 -1338 Cmd 4829 - 4846 Item No.

Doc. No.

1335 Vol. XXIV, 263 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to Commercial Travellers. Warsaw, 26 October 1933. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 January 1935.

Cmd 4829

L/C. HC/L 7 March 1935

1336 Vol. XXIV, 47 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the National Government of the Republic of China relating to Land Tenure and Taxation in the Former British Concessions at Hankow and Kinkiang. Nanking, 27 October 1934.

Cmd 4836

L/C. HC/L 12 March 1935

1337 Vol. XXIV, 121 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to Commercial Relations. Dublin, 28 January 1935. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 1, 1935.

Cmd 4844

L/C. HC/L 20 March 1935

1338 Vol. XXIV, 669 International Labour Conference Proposed action by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention and recommendation concerning Fee-Charging Employment Agencies which were adopted by the International Labour Conference at its 17th Session, June 1933. L/C. HC. 18 March 1935 HL 19 March 1935


Cmd 4846

COMMAND PAPERS 19344935 Item 1339 -1343 Cmd 4848 - 4856

Item No. 1339

Doc. No. Vol. XXIV, 131 Germany No. 1 (1935) Note delivered by His Majesty's Ambassador in Berlin to the German Government on 18 March 1935.

Cmd 4848

L/C. HG 18 March 1935 HL 19 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 99 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding certain matters affecting the administration of the New Hebrides. London, 31 January 1935.

Cmd 4852

L/C. HC/L. 27 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 75 Treaty Series No. 8 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency. London, 21 February 1935.

Cmd 4853

L/C. HC/L 27 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 1 Treaty Series No. 9 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Argentine Republic in regard to Compensation for Accidents to Workmen. Buenos Aires, 15 November 1929. Ratifications exchanged at Buenos Aires, 24 January 1935.

Cmd 4855

L/C. HC/L 28 March 1935


Vol. XXIV, 451 Switzerland No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council supplementary to the Convention of 26 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Berne, 19 December 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 28 March 1935


Cmd 4856

COMMAND PAPERS 1984-1935 Item 1344 -1348 Cmd 4862 - 4875

Doc. No.

Item No. 1344

Vol. XXIV, 175 Treaty Series No. 10 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Hungarian Government for the provisional dissolution of the AngloHungarian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal. London, 31 January 1935. L/C. HC/L. 3 April 1935

Cmd 4862


Vol. XXIV, 31 Brazil No. 1 (1935) Anglo-Brazilian Payments Agreement. Rio de Janeiro, 27 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 29 March 1935

Cmd 4864


Vol. XXIV, 67 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Czechoslovakia in regard to Passports for Seamen. London, 13 February-4 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 3 Apri11935

Cmd 4865


Vol. XXIV, 607 Treaty Series No. 12 International Agreements for dispensing with Bills of Health and Consular Visas on Bills of Health. Paris, 22 December 1934. L/C. HC/L 4 April 1935

Cmd 4869


Vol. XXIV, 277 Treaty Series No. 13 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the President of the Republic of Poland relating to the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Warsaw, 16 April 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 21 March 1935. L/C. HC/L 10 April 1935

Cmd 4875


COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1985 Item 1349 -1352 Cmd 4876 - 4884 Item No.

Doc. No.

1349 Vol. XXIV, 51 Czechoslovakia No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic supplementary to the Convention of 11 November 1924, to facilitate the conduct of Legal Proceedings. Prague, 15 February 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4876

L/C. HC/L. 10 April 1935

Cmd 4880

1350 Vol. XXIV, 707

Miscellaneous No. 2 Joint Resolution of the Stresa Conference, including the Anglo-Italian Declaration and the Final Declaration. Stresa, 14 April 1935. L/C. HC. 16 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.) 1351 Vol. XXIV, 207

Cmd 4883

Treaty Series No. 14 Provisional Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regulating Imports from the United Kingdom into Italy. Rome, 18 March 1935. L/C. HG 17 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.)

Cmd 4884

1352 Vol. XXIV, 43

Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Chinese Government regarding the Establishment of a Commission to determine the Southern Section of the Boundary between Burma and Yunnan. Nanking, 9 April 1935. L/C. HC. 17 April 1935 HL. 30 April 1935 (R.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1353 -1357 Cmd 4888 - 4911 Doe. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIV, 213 Italy No. 1 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Trade and Payments. Rome, 27 April 1935.

Cmd 4888

L/C. HC. 29 April 1935 HL 30 April 1935


Vol. XXIV, 71 Egypt No. 1 (1935) Correspondence with the Egyptian Mission of Economic Enquiry regarding Trade Relations. London, 15 May 1935.

Cmd 4896

L/C. HC/L 15 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 93 France No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax of Air Transport Profits. London, 9 April 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4898

L/C. HC. 20 May 1935 HL. 21 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 25 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Brussels, I5 February 1935. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 2, 1935.

Cmd 4904

L/C. HC/L 23 May 1935


Vol. XXIV, 35 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government respecting Commercial Payments. Rio de Janeiro, 27 March 1935. L/C. HC/L. 30 May 1935


Cmd 4911

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1358 -1362 Cmd 4923 - 4930 Item No.

Doc. No.

1358 Vol. XXIV, 517 United States No. 1 (1935) Papers relating to the British War Debt, June 1935.

Cmd 4923

L/C. HC. 7 June 1935 HL. 17 June 1935 (R.)

1359 Vol. VII, 293: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor Traffic) Report for 1934 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 4924

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1935 (R. 12 June)

1360 Vol. XXIV, 469 Turkey No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Protocol of Signature. Angora, 4 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4925

L/C. HC/L. 17 June 1935 (R. 12 June)

1361 Vol. XXIV, 521 Treaty Series No. 18 Extradition Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America. London, 22 December 1931. Ratifications exchanged at London, 4 August 1932.

Cmd 4928

L/C. HC/L. 19 June 1935

1362 Vol. XXIV, 141 Germany No. 2 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 18 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 18 June 1935


Cmd 4930

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1363 -1366 Cmd 4938.4953 Doc. No.

Item No.

1363 Vol. XXIV, 559 Treaty Series No. 19 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation. The Hague, 12 April 1933. Ratifications deposited at The Hague by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, 15 September 1934, and His Majesty in respect to Australia, 18 February 1935.

Cmd 4938

L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1935

1364 Vol. XXIV, 529 Uruguay No. 1 (1935) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Supplementary Agreement. London, 26 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 4940

L/C. HC/L. 2 July 1935

1365 Vol. XXIV, 411 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin in Palestine and Roumania. London, 11-14 June 1935.

Cmd 4949

L/C. HC/L. 11 July 1935

1366 Vol. XXIV, 145 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government regarding the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 18 June 1935. L/C. HC. 12 July 1935 HL. 15 July 1935


Cmd 4953

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1367 -1370

Cmd 4954 - 4961 Item No.

Doc. No.

1367 Vol. XXIV, 13 Treaty Series No. 21 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Federal President of Austria Supplementary to the Convention of 3 December 1873 regarding Extradition. Vienna, 29 October 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 April 1935.

Cmd 4954

L/C. HC. 16 July 1935 HL 17 July 1935

1368 Vol. XXIV, 447 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Swedish Government regarding Commerce, Customs, and Navigation. London, 24 May 1935.

Cmd 4955

L/C. HC. 16 July 1935 HL. 17 July 1935

1369 Vol. XXIV, 221 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Trade and Payments. Rome, 27 April 1935.

Cmd 4960

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1935

1370 Vol. XXIV, 127 Treaty Series No. 25 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the German Government amending the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of 1 September 1928, Pretoria 13 October 1932. Ratifications exchanged at Capetown on 9 March 1934. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 14, 1932. L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1935


Cmd 4961

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1371-1374

Cmd 4963 - 4975 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIV, 153 Treaty Series No. 26 Anglo-German Payments Agreement, with an Exchange of Letters between the representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the Government of the German Reich, with further Letters exchanged 12 November 1934. Berlin, 1 November 1934.

Cmd 4963

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 437 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government regarding Commercial Relations. Madrid, 1 April 1935. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 4, 1935.

Cmd 4965

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL. 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 285 Treaty Series No. 28 Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Polish Government regarding the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships. Dublin, 19 October 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Dublin, 6 May 1935. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 5, 1935.

Cmd 4966

L/C. HC. 1 Aug. 1935 HL. 2 Aug. 1935


Vol. XXIV, 457 Treaty Series No. 29 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council supplementary to the Convention of 26 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Berne, 19 December 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London on 6 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 12 Aug.)


Cmd 4975

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1375 -1378 Cmd 4976 - 4982

Doc. No.

Item No. 1375

Vol. XXIV, 421 Roumania No. 2 Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement, with Annex. London, 3 August 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4976

(IL 8 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 59 Treaty Series No. 30 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic supplementary to the Convention of 11 November 1924 to facilitate the conduct of legal proceedings. Prague, 15 February 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 July 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4980

(IL 15 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 83 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load Line Certificates. Helsingfors, 3 May 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4981

(R. 20 Aug.)


Vol. XXIV, 135 Treaty Series No. 32 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United 'Kingdom and the German Government for the Reciprocal Recognition of Load Line Certificates. Berlin, 7 June 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Occ.1935 (IL 20 Aug.)


Cmd 4982

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1379-1382 Cmd 4984 - 4999

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIV, 329 Treaty Series No. 33 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government in regard to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes. London, 27 February 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 24 July 1935. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R.9 Sept.)

Cmd 4984


Vol. XXIV, 179 Iraq No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Bagdad, 25 July 1935. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 3 Sept.)

Cmd 4986


Vol. XXIV, 645 Misc. No. 3 Convention for facilitating the International Circulation of Films of an Educational Character. Geneva, 11 October 1933. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935

Cmd 4994

(R. 12 Sept.)


Vol. XXIV, 463 Treaty Series No. 34. Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan supplementary to the Agreement signed on 20 February 1928. Jerusalem, 2 June 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Abeen, 22 June 1935.

L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1935 (R. 2 Oct.)


Cmd 4999

COMMAND PAPERS 1934-1935 Item 1383 -1385 Cmd 5006 - 5008

Item No.

Doc. No.

1383 Vol. XXIV, 493 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States, respecting Air Navigation. Washington, 28 March-5 April 1935. L/C. HC/L. 23 Oct. 1935

Cmd 5006

1384 Vol. XXIV, 507 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America, respecting Air Pilots' Licenses. Washington, 28 March5 April 1935. L/C. HC/I» 23 Oct. 1935

Cmd 5007


Cmd 5008

Vol. XXIV, 631

Treaty Series No. 37 International Convention for the Mutual Protection against Dengue Fever. Athens, 25 July 1934. His Majesty's Ratification deposited, 3 April 1935. L/C. HC/L. 23 Oct. 1935

BILLS PUBLIC 1935-1936 Item 1386 Bill No. 19

Doc. No.

Item No. 1386 Vol. I, 169: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to Aviation and matters connected therewith. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1935


Bill 19

BILLS PUBLIC 1935-1936 Item 1387 -1390 Bill No. 67 -172 Doc. No.

Item No.

1387 Vol. III, 233: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of Peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of international disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties; and for other purposes.

Bill 67

O.H.C.P. 5 March 1936

1388 Vol. I, 225: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to aviation and matters connected therewith, as amended in Committee.

Bill 134

O.H.C.P. 10 June 1936

1389 Vol. I, 279: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill to amend the law with respect to aviation and matters connected therewith, as amended in Committee on Recommittal and on Report.

Bill 141

O.H.C.P. 25 June 1936

1390 Vol. I, 339: Bills, Public Air Navigation Bill Lords Amendments.

Bill 172

O.H.C.P. 28 July 1936

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1391 S.P. No. 16 Item No.

Doc. No.

1391 Vol. XX, i East India (Progress and Condition) By Act Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1933-1934. Sixty-ninth number. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1935


S.P. 16

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1392 -1395 S.P. No. 19 - 115

Item No. 1392

.Doc. No. Vol. XV, 213 Greek Loan 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was Guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1935.

S.P. 19

O.H.C.P. 22 Jan. 1936


Vol. XV, 215 Greek Loan (1898) By Act Account up to 31 March 1936.

S.P. 78

O.H.C.P. 21 April 1936


Vol. XV, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1935-1936, ended 31 March 1936.

S.P. 112

O.H.C.P. 9 June 1936


Vol. XV, 433 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927 and an account up to 31 March 1936 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued ; also Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act of 1934, to provide for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans and an account up to the 31 March 1936 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of such guarantees. O.H.C.P. 11 June 1936


S.P. 115

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1396 -1400 Cmd 5019 - 5028 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 375 Sudan No. 1 (1935) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition, of the Sudan in 1934.

Cmd 5019

L/C. HC/L 11 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 685 Treaty Series No. 38 (1935) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government supplementary to the Commercial Agreement of 15 May 1933. Stockholm, 27 May15 June 1935.

Cmd 5022

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 227 Treaty Series No. 39 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government regarding the Mutual Recognition of Load Line Certificates. London, 7 November 1935.

Cmd 5023

L/C. HC/L 5 Dec.1935


Vol. XXVIII, 121 Hungary No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, with a Note. Budapest, 25 September 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5024

L/C. HC/L. 5 Dec. 1935


Vol. XX, 923 Misc. No. 4 (1935) Nationality and Naturalization Laws of certain Foreign Countries. In continuation of Misc. No. 3 (1893), C. 7027; Misc. No. 7 (1922) Cmd 1771; Misc. No. 2 (1927) Cmd 2852; Misc. No. 7 (1928) Cmd 3221; Misc. No. 14 (1931) Cmd 3907. L/C. HC. 12 Dec. 1935 HL. 17 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5028

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1401-1404 Cmd 5033 - 5042 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 217 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendation adopted by the Conference at its Nineteenth Session, 4-25 June 1935. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5033

L/C. HC/L. 3 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 739 Treaty Series No. 40 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Payments, with Protocol and Protocol of Signature. Angora, 4 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 11 October 1935.

Cmd 5037

L/C. HC. 13 Dec. 1935 HL 17 Dec. 1935


Vol. XVII, 691 FIeets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, the United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 January 1936, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. Japan, corrected to 30 September 1935 and the Soviet Union to 1 February 1935 only. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 5038

L/C. HC/L 11 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVIII, 821 United States No. 2 (1935) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November-December 1935. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5042

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1405 -1408 Cmd 5043 - 5047 Doc. No.

Item No.

1405 Vol. XXVIII, 235 Netherlands No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on Profits or Gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. London, 6 June 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5043

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1935 HL 19 Dec. 1935

1406 Vol. XXVII, 635 Ethiopia No. 1 (1935) Documents relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy.

Cmd 5044

RA/HL. 5 Dec. 1934 (Withdrawn) L/C. HC. 13 Dec. 1935 HL. 17 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVII, 585 Denmark No. 1 (1935) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland in respect of Denmark supplementary to the Convention of 31 March 1873, regarding Extradition. Copenhagen, 15 October 1935. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5046

L/C. HC. 18 Dec 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935

1408 Vol. XXVIII, 311 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the operation of Air Services over Territories in Africa. Lisbon, 24 October 1935. L/C. HC 18 Dec. 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935


Cmd 5047

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1409 -1412 Cmd 5048 - 5056 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 165 Treaty Series No. 42 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and the Government of Iceland for the further renewal of the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. London, 10 October 1935.

Cmd 5048

L/C. HC. 18 Dec. 1935 HL. 19 Dec. 1935


Vol. XXVII, 321 Misc. No. 5 Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the 16th Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Misc. No. 8 (1934), Cmd 4772. London, 9 December 1935.

Cmd 5053

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Vol. XXVIII, 263 Treaty Series No. 43 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India and His Imperial Majesty, the Shah of Persia, in regard to the Tariff Autonomy of Persia, with Notes attached thereto. Teheran, 10 May 1928. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5054

L/C. HC/L 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Vol. XXVII, 1 Misc. No. 6 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to Damage caused by Aircraft to Third Parties on the surface. Rome, 29 May 1933. (Not Ratified.) L/C. HC/L 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 30 Dec. 1935)


Cmd 5056

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1413 -1417 Cmd 5058 - 5072 Item No.

Doc. No.

1413 Vol. XXVIII, 355 Spain No. 1 (1936) Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government. Madrid, 6 January 1936.

Cmd 5058

L/C. HC/L. 22 Jan. 1936 (R. 8 Jaa.)

1414 Vol. XXVIII, 259 Treaty Series No. 1 (1936) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government regarding Trade between the Netherlands and Newfoundland, British Colonies and Protectorates, and United Kingdom Mandated Territories. London, 18 December 1935.

Cmd 5061

L/C. HC. 22 Jan. 1936 HL. 23 Jan. 1936

1415 Vol. XXVII, 433 Treaty Series No. 2 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Canada Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and India, and the German and French Governments in regard to War Graves. Berlin, 20 December 1935.

Cmd 5068

L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

1416 Vol. XXVII, 657

Cmd 5071

Ethiopia No. 1 (1936)

Documents and Proceedings of the League of Nations relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. October 7 1935 January 22 1936. L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

1417 Vol. XXVII, 725 Ethiopia No. 2 Correspondence in connection with the application of Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations to the dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. January 1936. L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)


Cmd 5072

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1418 -1420 Cmd 5074 - 5076 Item No.

Doc. No.

1418 Vol. XXVIII, 215 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. London, 30 December 1935. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5074

1419 Vol. XXVII, 557 Belgium No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the King of the Belgians regarding the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5075

1420 Vol. XXVII, 565 Belgium No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government regarding Water Rights on the Boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 6 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5076


COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1421-1423 Cmd 5078 - 5086 Item No.

Doc. No.

1421 Vol. XXVII, 295 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the under-mentioned Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted at sessions of the International Labour Conference. 1) Draft Convention ensuring Benefit and Allowances to the Involuntary Unemployment (1934). 2) Recommendation concerning unemployment insurance and various forms of Relief for the unemployed (1934). 3) Draft Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases (Revised 1934). 4) Recommendation concerning the Prevention of Industrial Accidents (1929). 5) Recommendation concerning Responsibility for the Protection of Power-Driven Machinery (1929). L/C. HC/L 4 Feb. 1936 (R.)

Cmd 5078

1422 Vol. XXVIII, 317 Treaty Series No. 4 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government revising the Convention of 11 September 1928 relating to Native Labour from Mozambique, Railway Matters, and Commercial Intercourse. Lourenco Marques, 17 November 1934. Ratifications Exchanged at Pretoria, 12 July 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1934. L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL 18 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5085

1423 Vol. XXVII, 443 Treaty Series No. 44 (1935) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1935. L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL. 18 Feb. 1936

Cmd 5086


COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1424 -1428 and 5087-5113 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 463 Treaty Series No. 45 (1935) Index to Treaty Series 1935.

Cmd 5087

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL. 18 Feb. 1936


Vol. XXVII, 737 Ethiopia No. 3 Report of the Committee of Experts regarding Petroleum and its Derivatives, By-products and Residues, with reference to Co-ordination of Measures under Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations relating to the Dispute between Ethiopia and Italy. Geneva, 12 February 1936.

Cmd 5094

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1936 HL 18 Feb. 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 361 Treaty Series No. 5 Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government. Madrid, 6 January 1936.

Cmd 5097

L/C. HC. 21 Feb. 1936 HL. 25 Feb. 1936


Vol. XVI, 839 Defence Statement relating to Defence.

Cmd 5107

L/C. HC. 2 March 1936 HL. 3 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 303 International Labour Conference Replies of His Majesty Government to the Questionnaires on the subject of the Reduction of Hours of Work in certain Industries, in connection with the 20th Session of the International Labour Conference proposed to be held in June 1936. L/C. HC. 2 March 1936 HL 3 March 1936


Cmd 5113

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1429 -1433 Cmd 5118-5137 Item No.


Doc. No.

Cmd 5118

Vol. XXVIII, 43

Germany No. 1 (1936) Memorandum by the German Government respecting the Franco-Soviet Treaty, the Treaty of Locarno, and the Demilitarized Zone in the Rhineland. Communicated to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by the German Ambassador on 7 March 1936. L/C. HC. 9 March 1936 HL. 10 March 1936


Vol. XIX, 717 Palestine Proposed New Constitution for Palestine.

Cmd 5119

L/C. HC/L. 11 March 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 49 Germany No. 2 Text of proposals drawn up by the Representatives of Belgium, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Italy. London, 19 March 1936. [See also Item 1437.]

Cmd 5134

L/C. HC. 20 March 1936 HL. 24 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 377 Misc. No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, the President of the United States of America, and the President of the French Republic for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 25 March 1936.

Cmd 5136

L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1936


Vol. XXVII, 421 Misc. No. 2 Memorandum on the London Naval Conference, 9 December 1935-25 March 1936. L/C. HC/L. 25 March 1936


Cmd 5137

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1434 -1436 Cmd 5141-5146

Item No.

Doc. No.

1434 Vol. XXVII, 299 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding certain Draft Conventions and Recommendations of the International Labour Conference concerning: Compulsory Old Age, Invalidity, and Widows and Orphans Insurance (1933); Recommendations concerning the General principles of Invalidity, Old Age and Widows and Orphans Insurance (1933); Draft Convention concerning the Establishment of an International Scheme for the Maintenance of Rights under Invalidity, Old Age, Widows and Orphans Insurance (1935); Draft Convention concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of all kinds (1935). L/C. HC/L. 26 March 1936

Cmd 5141

Vol. XXVII, 59 Misc. No. 3 Correspondence showing the course of certain Diplomatic Discussions directed towards securing a European settlement, June 1934—March 1936. L/C. HC/L. 7 April 1936

Cmd 5143

1436 Vol. XXVIII, 87 Greece No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of the Hellenes regarding legal proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 7 April 1936

Cmd 5146



COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1437 -1440 Cmd 5149 - 5161

Item No. 1437

Doc. No. Vol. XXVIII, 57 Misc. No. 4 Correspondence with the French and Belgian Ambassadors relating to the Texts of Proposals drawn up by the representatives of Belgium, France, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Italy. London, 19 March 1936. [Cmd 5I34, Item 1431.] London, 1 April 1936. L/C. HC. 3 April 1936

Cmd 5149

HL 6 April 1936


Vol. XXVII, 193 Treaty Series No. 6 Convention for facilitating the International Circulation of Films of an educational Character. Geneva, 11 October 1933. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited on 26 February 1936 and 17 October 1934, respectively. L/C. HC. 21 April 1936

Cmd 5155

HL 28 Apri11936 (R. 16 April)


Vol. XXVII, 775 Ethiopia No. 4 Correspondence exchanged with the Italian Government regarding the bombing by Italian Military Aircraft of the British Red Cross Ambulance No. 1 in Ethiopia. March-April 1936. L/C. HC. 21 April 1936

Cmd 5160

HL 28 April 1936 (R. 17 April)


Vol. XXVIII, 837 Yugoslavia No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Yugoslavia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 22 April 1936 HL 28 April 1936 (R.)


Cmd 5161

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1441-1445 Cmd 5166 - 5174 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 21 Misc. No. 5 Documents relating to the Admission of Women to the Diplomatic and Consular Services. 30 July 1934—April 1936.

Cmd 5166

L/C. HC. 27 April 1936 HL. 28 April 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 545 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi-Arabia regarding Transit Dues at Bahrein. Jedda, 16 November 1935.

Cmd 5168

L/C. HC/L. 30 April 1936


Vol. XXVII, 591 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland in respect of Denmark, supplementary to the Treaty of 31 March 1873, regarding Extradition. Copenhagen, 15 October 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 30 March 1936.

Cmd 5172

L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 169 Iraq No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Iraq regarding the Railway System of Iraq, including the Transfer of the Railways to the Government of Iraq, with Notes Exchanged. Bagdad, 31 March 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5173

L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 333 Roumania No. 1 (1936) Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement. Bucharest, 2 May 1936. L/C. HC/L. 6 May 1936


Cmd 5174

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1446 -1449 Cmd 5175 - 5189

Doc. No.

Item No. 1446 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Misc. No. 6 Correspondence with the German Government regarding the German proposals for an European settlement. 24 March-6 May 1936.

Cmd 5175

L/C. HC. 8 May 1936 HL. 12 May 1936

1446a Vol. XXVIII, 689 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swedish Government regarding the mutual recognition of Load Line Certificates. London, 30 April 1936.

Cmd 5180

L/C. HC. 25 May 1936 HL 26 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 1 France No. 1 (1936) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic supplementary to the Convention of 2 February 1922 to facilitate the Conduct of Legal Proceedings, with Protocol of Signature. Paris, 15 April 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5182

L/C. HC/L 28 May 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 341 Roumania No. 2 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government, supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. With technical Agreement. Bucharest, 28 May 1936.

Cmd 5187

L/C. HG 9 June 1936 (R.) HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 825 United States No. 1 (1936) Papers relating to the British War Debt, MayJune 1936. L/C. HC. 9 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R. 9 June)


Cmd 5189

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1450 -1453 Cmd 5190 - 5196 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 143 Treaty Series No. 11 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, with a Note. Budapest, 25 September 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 May 1936.

Cmd 5190

L/C. HC. 10 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 247 Treaty Series No. 10 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands for Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation on profits or gains arising through an Agency, with Notes Exchanged. London, 6 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 May 1936.

Cmd 5191

L/C. HC. 10 June 1936 HL. 11 June 1936 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 469 Treaty Series No. 12 General Index to Treaty Series 1933-1935. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 12, 1933 [Item 1173].

Cmd 5193

L/C. HG 15 June 1936 HL 16 June 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 185 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and of India and the Government of Iraq regarding British War Cemetaries, etc. in Iraq, with Notes Exchanged. Bagdad, 15 March 1935. L/C. HC/L 17 June 1936


Cmd 5196

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1454 -1458 Cmd 5197 - 5231 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 193 Treaty Series No. 14 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of Lithuania regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Kovno, 24 April 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 7 May 1936.

Cmd 5197

L/C. HC/L 17 June 1936


Vol. VII, 875: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1935 on the importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates and Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 5205

L/C. HC. 22 June 1936 HL 23 June 1936


Vol. XXVII, 597 Denmark No. 1 (1936) Agremeent between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark supplementary to the Agreement of 24 April 1933 relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Notes Exchanged. London, 19 June 1936.

Cmd 5206

L/C. HC/L 23 June 1936


Vol. XXVII, 783 Ethiopia No. 5 Reports and Correspondence regarding the Rescue and Relief of British and Foreign Nationals at Addis Ababa, during the disturbances of 2-6 May 1936.

Cmd 5213

L/C. HC/L 30 June 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 79 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the German Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Germany. Ottawa, 20-27 December 1932. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 1, 1933. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936


Cmd 5231

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1459 -1462 Cmd 5232 - 5235 Item No.

Doc. No.

1459 VoL XXVIII, 83 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the German Government regarding Commercial Relations between Canada and Germany. Ottawa, 29-30 March 1933. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 7, 1933.

Cmd 5232

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1460 Vol. XXVII, 553 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Austrian Government regarding Commercial Relations between Austria and Canada. London, 6.8 July 1933. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1933.

Cmd 5233

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1461 Vol. XXVIII, 829 Treaty Series No. 17 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Load Lines. Washington, 9 December 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 26 July 1934. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1934.

Cmd 5234

L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936

1462 Vol. XXVIII, 15 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Paris, 18 January 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 16 May 1936. L/C. HC/L. 16 July 1936


Cmd 5235

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1463 -1467 Cmd 5236 - 5260 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 429 Treaty Series No. 20 Protocols signed for the Governments of France, the United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands, and Siam amending the Agreement of 7 May 1934 for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber. London, 27 June 1935 and 22 May 1936.

Cmd 5236

L/C. HC/L. 21 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 697 Turkey No. 1 (1936) Convention regarding the Regime of the Straits with Correspondance related thereto. Montreux, 20 July 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5249

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 371 Treaty Series No. 21 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government amending the Payments Agreement of 6 January 1936. Madrid, 6 June 1936.

Cmd 5250

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1936


Vol. XX, 849 Exports Credits Agreement with Soviet Trade Representative relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to the Soviet Union of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom. 28 July 1936.

Cmd 5253

L/C. HC/L. 29 July 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 117 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes regarding the Payments due to British Subjects in respect of the Expropriation of Landed Properties in Greece. Athens, 18-21 January 1936. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (IL 14 Aug.)


Cmd 5260

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1468 -1470 Cmd 5267.5269

Item No. 1468

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 573 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 10 August 1936.

Cmd 5267

L/C. MC/L. 29 Oct.1936 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXVII, 581 Treaty Series No. 24 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom on behalf of Newfoundland, and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. London, 10 August 1936.

Cmd 5268

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 1 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 833 United States No. 2 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand and the President of the United States of America, amending the Convention of 2 March 1899, concerning the disposal of Real and Personal Property. Washington, 27 May 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (IL 1 Sept.)


Cmd 5269

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1471-1473 Cmd 5270 - 5279 Item No.

Doc. No.

1471 Vol. XXVII, 605 Egypt No. 1 (1936) Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Egypt, with an agreed Minute thereto, and three Notes. Notes Exchanged in Egypt on 12 August 1936, an Oral Declaration made by the President of the Egyptian Council of Ministers on 10 August 1936, and a Convention concerning Immunities and Privileges to be enjoyed by the British Forces in Egypt. London, 26 August 1936. Not Ratified. [See also Items 1496 and 1499. Ratifications exchanged 22 December 1936. See Item 1514]

Cmd 5270

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 27 Aug.)

1472 Vol. XXVIII, 775 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government respecting Trade and Clearing, with Protocol. London, 2 September 1936.

Cmd 5274

L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 9 Sept.)

1473 Vol. XXVIII, 221 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation of Air Transport Profits. London, 27 August 1936. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 28 Sept.)


Cmd 5279

COMMAND PAPERS 1935-1936 Item 1474 -1477 Cmd 5280 - 5288 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVII, 147 Treaty Series No. 27 International Convention for the Protection of Fauna and Flora, with Protocol. London, 8 November 1933. Ratifications by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa, deposited on 9 April and 19 November 1935, respectively. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 28 Sept.)

Cmd 5280


Vol. XXVIII, 533 Sudan No. 1 (1936) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1935. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 7 Oct.)

Cmd 5281


Vol. XXVIII, 175 Treaty Series No. 28 Ratifications of Cmd 5173 exchanged at Bagdad, on 9 July 1936. [See Item 1444 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 2 Oct.)

Cmd 5282


Vol. XXVIII, 295 Peru No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Peru, relating to Commerce and Navigation. Lima, 6 October 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 29 Oct. 1936 (R. 8 Oct.)

Cmd 5288


BILLS PUBLIC 1936-1937 Item 1478 -1481 Bill No. 32 - 54 Item No.

Doc. No.

1478 Vol. V, 1: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the maintenance of Peace and of machinery for the Peaceful settlement of International Disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties ; and for other purposes.

Bill 32

O.H.C.P. 18 Nov. 1936

1479 Vol. III, 497: Bills, Public London Naval Treaty Bill to enable effect to be given to a Treaty signed in London on behalf of His Majesty and certain other Powers.

Bill 33

O.H.C.P. 18 Nov. 1936

1480 Vol. IV, 9: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Munitions to Spain) Bill to prohibit the discharge in, or transhipment for, Spanish Territory of weapons and munitions of war and other articles from certain ships, and for purposes connected therewith.

Bill 39

O.H.C.P. 26 Nov. 1936

1481 Vol. II, 699: Bills, Public Geneva Convention (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to enable effect to be given to Article twenty-eight of the International Convention for the amelioration of the condition of the wounded and sick in armies in the Field and for purposes connected therewith. Done at Geneva, 27 July 1929. O.H.C.P. 16 Dec. 1936


Bill 54

BILLS PUBLIC 1936-I937 Item 1482 -1484 Bill No. 99 -165 Item No.

Doc. No.

1482 Vol. IV, 15: Bills, Public Merchant Shipping (Spanish Frontiers Observation) (H.L.) Bill intituled an Act to amend the Law relating to merchant shipping for the purpose of enabling effect to be given to an international agreement for establishing a system of observation of the Spanish Frontiers.

Bill 99

O.H.C.P. 11 March 1937

1483 Vol. I, 441: Bills, Public British Nationality and Status of Aliens (Amendment) Bill to give effect to the recommendation of The Hague Conference for the Condition of International Law.

Bill 109

O.H.GP. 24 March 1937

1484 Vol. I, 903: Bills, Public Export Guarantees Bill to amend and consolidate the Overseas Trade Acts 1920-1934.

Bill 165

O.H.C.P. 15 June 1937

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1485 S.P. No. 21 Item No.

Doc. No.

1485 Vol. XVI, 233 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1936. O.H.C.P. 19 Jan. 1937


S.P. 21

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1485e -1488 S.P. No. 25 - 94

Item No.

Doc. No.

1485a Vol. XVI, 185 Debts, CIearing Offices, and Import Restriction Act 1934 By Act Account of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish Clearing Office for the period ended 31 March 1936, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. [See also Items 1584, 1720.]

S.P. 25

O.H.C.P. 26 Jan. 1937


Vol. VIII, 1: Reports, Committees (3) Geneva Convention Bill (H.L.) Proceedings in Standing Committee B.

S.P. 53

O.H.GP. 18 Feb.1937


Vol. XX, 1041 By Act Statement Exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress and Condition of India during the Year 1934-1935. Seventieth Number.

S.P. 90

O.H.C.P. 24 May 1937


Vol. XVI, 235 By Act Greek Loan of 1898 Account up to 31 March 1937 O.H.C.P. 7 April 1937


S.P. 94

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1489 -1490 S.P. No. 123 -131

Item No.

Doc. No.

1489 Vol. XVI, 453 Trade Facilities Act and Finance Act 1934 By Act Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to the completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927; account up to 31 March 1937 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Act and of the sums paid in or towards the repayment of any sums so issued ; statement of Conversion Loans guaranteed by the Treasury for the purpose of providing for the Redemption of existing guaranteed loans; and an account up to the 31 March 1937 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934. O.H.C.P. 24 May 1937

S.P. 123

1490 Vol. XVI, 1 Finance Accounts By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1936-1937, ended 31 March 1937.

S.P. 131

O.H.C.P. 3 June 1937

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1491 Cmd 5300

Item No.

Doc. No.

1491 Vol. XXVIII, 607 Spain No. 2 (1936) The Legislative and other measures taken by the participating Governments to give effect to the Agreement regarding non intervention in Spain, and by the Swiss Government to prohibit the export, etc., of arms and war material from Switzerland to Spain. Report by the Secretary to the International Committee for the Application of an Agreement Recording Non-Intervention in Spain : Mr. Francis Hemming, C.B.E. L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1936 352

Cmd 5300

COMMAND PAPERS 19364937 Item 1492 -1496 Cmd 5302 - 5308 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 693 Treaty Series No. 29 (1936) Proces-verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare set forth in Part IV of the Treaty of London of 22 April 1930. London, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5302

L/C. HC. 6 Nov. 1936 HL. 10 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXVIII, 163 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its Twentieth Session, 4-24 June 1936. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5305

L/C. HC/L. 3 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 441 Italy No. 1 (1936) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5306

L/C. HC/L. 10 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 483 Italy No. 2 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5307

L/C. HC/L. I0 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 199 Egypt No. 2 (1936) Map to illustrate the Treaty of Alliance with Egypt of 26 August 1936. In continuation of Egypt No. 1 (1936), Cmd 5270 [Item 1471]. Treaty Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 12 Nov. 1936 HL. 17 Nov. 1936


Cmd 5308

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1497 -1500 Cmd 5311-5321 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 389 Hungary No. 1 (1936) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness the Regent of Hungary Supplementary to the Treaty of 3 December 1873, regarding Extradition. Budapest, 18 September 1936.

Cmd 5311

L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 359 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Greece for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax on certain Profits and Gains arising from an Agency. Athens, 17 September 1936.

Cmd 5318

L/C. HC/L. 25 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 237 Egypt No. 3 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Financial Questions affecting the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Cairo, 5 November 1936. In continuation of Egypt No. 1 and 2, 1936 [Items 1471 and 1496].

Cmd 5319

L/C. HC.. 23 Nov. 1936 HL. 24 Nov. 1936


Vol. XXIX, 95 Treaty Series No. 31 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Belgians providing for the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, with Protocol. Brussels, 2 May 1934. Ratifications exchanged at London, 26 October 1936. L/C. HC. 27 Nov. 1936 HL. 1 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5321

COMMAND PAPERS 19364937 Item 1501-1505 Cmd 5323 - 5336 Doc. No.

Item. No.


Vol. XXIX, 677 Yugoslavia No. 2 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding trade and payments. London, 27 November 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 1 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5323


Vol. XXIX, 9 Argentina No. 1 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Argentine Government relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol, Protocol of Signature, and Letters, London, 1 December 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. I Dec. 1936

Cmd 5324


Vol. XXIX, 625 United State No. 3 (1936) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November, December 1936. L/C. HC/L. 10 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5330


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Misc. No. 7 (1936) Protocols regarding the Amendment of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of 13 October 1919. Brussels, 1 June 1935. Protocols have not been ratified by His Majesty. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5332


Vol. XXIX, 551 Treaty Series No. 32 (1936) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government for the reciprocal recognition of Load Line Certificats. London, 18 November 1936. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1936

Cmd 5336


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1506 -1509 Cmd 5338 - 5345 Item No.


hoc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 549 Treaty Series No. 33 (1936) Provisional arrangement concerning the Status of Refugees from Germany. Geneva, 4 July 1936.

Cmd 5338

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 22 Dec. 1936)


Vol. XXIX, 633 Treaty Series No. 1 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Uruguayan Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol, Supplementary Agreement, and Notes. London, 26 June 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Montevideo, 3 February 1936.

Cmd 5343

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 7 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 29 Misc. No. 1 (1937) Protocol regarding the Immunities of the Bank of International Settlement. Brussels, 30 July 1936. Protocol has not been ratified by His Majesty.

Cmd 5344

L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 7 Jan.) 1509

Cmd 5345

Vol. XXIX, 445

Treaty Series No. 2 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. Rome, 6 November 1936. L/C. HG 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R 14 Jan.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1510 -1513 Cmd 5346 - 5359 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIX, 455 Treaty Series No. 3 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding commercial exchanges and payments. Rome, 6 November 1936.

Cmd 5346

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 525 Treaty Series No. 4 Convention relating to the International Status of Refugees. Geneva, 28 October 1933. His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, acceded on 28 October 1936.

Cmd 5347

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 14 Jan.)


Vol. XXIX, 497 Italy No. 1 (1937) Declaration by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Mediterranean, with an Exchange of Notes regarding the status quo in the Western Mediterranean, dated 31 December 1936. Rome, 2 January 1937.

Cmd 5348

L/C. HC. 19 Jan. 1937 HL. 26 Jan. 1937 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXIX, 119 Treaty Series No. 5 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Belgian Government modifying the Trade Arrangement of 5 December 1933. Wellington, 10 August 1936; Sydney, 21 August 1936. L/C. HC. 1 Feb. 1937 HL. 2 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5359

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1514-1518 Cmd 5360 - 5369 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXIX, 199 Treaty Series No. 6 Ratifications of Cmd 5270 exchanged at Cairo on 22 December 1936. [See Item 1471 for Text.] L/C. HC/L. 4 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5360


Vol. XXIX, 231 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Commercial Relations between Palestine and Egypt. Cairo, 18 August 1936. L/C. HC. 1 Feb.1937 HL. 2 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5361


Vol. XXVIII, 335 Misc. No. 2 (1937) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom on the Seventeenth Assembly of the League of Nations. London, 31 December 1936. L/C. HC. 8 Feb. 1937 HL 9 Feb. 1937

Cmd 5365


Vol. XVII, 1135 Defence Loans Memorandum on the Proposed Resolution.

Cmd 5368

L/C. HC. 11 Feb. 1937 HL. 16 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 419 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iraq, regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Bagdad, 25 July 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 18 November 1936. L/C. HC/L 17 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5369

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1519 -1523 Cmd 5371- 5377 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XVIII, 681 Fleets Particulars of the Vessels of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations and of France, on 1 February 1937, of the United States of America, on 15 December 1936, of Japan and Germany on 1 October 1936, of Italy on 31 December 1936 and of the Soviet Union on 1 February 1935. [See Item 117 for details.]

Cmd 5371

L/C. HC/L. 18 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 405 Treaty Series No. 9 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Iraq regarding Commercial Relations between Palestine and Iraq. Bagdad, 14 December 1936.

Cmd 5372

L/C. HC. 19 Feb. 1937 HL. 23 Feb. 1937


Vol. XVII, 1123 Defence Statement relating to Defence Expenditure.

Cmd 5374

L/C. HC. 16 Feb. 1937 HL. 17 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 743 Treaty Series No. 34 (1936) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc. 1936. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 44 (1935), [Item 1423].

Cmd 5376

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 763 Treaty Series No. 35 (1936) Index to Treaty Series 1936. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1937


Cmd 5377

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1524 -1528 Cmd 5380 - 5393 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 1 Treaty Series No. 10 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Saudi Arabia for the modification of the Treaty of Jedda of the 20 May 1927. MeccaJedda, 3 October 1936.

Cmd 5380

L/C. HC/L. 23 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXIX, 177 Cuba No. 1 (1937) Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes regarding Navigation. Havana, 19 February 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5383

L/C. HC/L 25 Feb. 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 603 Treaty Series No. 11 (1937) Protocol between the Governments of France, the United Kingdom, India, the Netherlands and Siam amending the Agreement of 7 May 1934, for the Regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber. London, 5 February 1937. L/C. HC/L. 3 March 1937

Cmd 5384


Vol. XXVIII, 223 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations adopted by the Conference at its 21st Session, 6-24 October 1936. (Authentic Texts.)

Cmd 5392

L/C. HC. 1 March 1937 HL. 2 March 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 321 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 22nd Session, 22-24 October 1936. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC. 1 March 1937 HL 2 March 1937


Cmd 5393

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1529-1532 Cmd 5399 - 5416 Doc. No.

Item No. 1529 Vol. XXVIII, 667 Spain No. 1 (1937) Resolution adopted by the International NonIntervention Committee relating to a Scheme of Observation of the Spanish Frontiers by Land and Sea. London, 8 March 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 March 1937

Cmd 5399

1530 Vol. XXIX, 191 Treaty Series No. 12 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Denmark supplementary to the Agreement of 24 April 1933 relating to Trade and Commerce, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. London, 19 June 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen on 6 January 1937. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1937

Cmd 5400

1531 Vol. XXVIII, 519 Treaty Series No. 13 Agreement for the Control of Opium Smoking in the Far East, supplementary to the Geneva Agreement of 11 February 1925. Bangkok, 27 November 1931. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited 3 April 1933 and 4 December 1935 respectively. L/C. HC/L. 15 March 1937

Cmd 5401

1532 Vol. XXIX, 527 Luxemburg No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg supplementary to the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 23 January 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 6 Apri11937 (R.) HL 7 April 1937 (R.)

Cmd 5416


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1533 -1537 Grad 5429 - 5443 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 501 Treaty Series No. 14 Declaration by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Mediterranean. Rome, 2 January 1937.

Cmd 5429

L/C. HC/L 14 April 1937


Vol. XXIX, 91 Belgium No. 1 Documents exchanged between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government and the Belgium Government concerning the International position of Belgium. Brussels, 24 April 1937.

Cmd 5437

L/C. HC. 26 April 1937 HL 27 April 1937


Vol. XXIX, 183 Treaty Series No. 15 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government for the reciprocal recognition of Load-Line Certificates. London, 24 March 1937.

Cmd 5441

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 533 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations. Dublin, 29 July 1936. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 3, 1986.

Cmd 5442

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 607 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes constituting a Trade and Payments Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Turkish Government. Dublin, 1 October 1936. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 6, 1936. L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Cmd 5443

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1538 -1541 Cmd 5444 - 5448 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 619 Treaty Series No. 18 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Claims arising from the Operation of the Smelter at Trail, B.C. Ottawa, 15 April 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 3 August 1935. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 20, 1935.

Cmd 5444

L/C. HC/L 4 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 367 Treaty Series No. 19 Exchange of Notes constituting a Commercial modus vivendi between Canada and Hayti. Portaux-Prince, 12-13 April 1935. Reprint of Canada Treaty Series, No. 5, 1935.

Cmd 5445

L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Vol. XXIX, 563 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Roumanian Government respecting Consular Fees on Certificates of Origin. Ottawa, 27 July 1934; Montreal, 4 January 1935; Ottawa, 11 January 1935. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 4, 1935.

Cmd 5447

L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Vol. XXIX, 401 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of Iceland for the Further Renewal of the Arbitration Convention of 25 October 1905. London, 22 March 1937. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937 HL 25 May 1937 (R. 21 May)


Cmd 5448

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1542 -1545 Cmd 5460 - 5470

Item No. 1542

Doc. No. Vol. XXVIII, 443 Treaty Series No. 22 International Protocol relating to Military Obligations in certain cases of Double Nationality. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and India were deposited 14 January 1932 and 28 September 1932, respectively. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937

Cmd 5460

HL. 25 May 1937 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 699 Misc. No. 3 International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar, with Protocol of Signature. London, 6 May 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 24 May 1937

Cmd 5461

HL. 25 May 1937


Vol. XXI, 635 Export Guarantees Memorandum explaining Financial Resolution. L/C. HG 26 May 1937

Cmd 5467

HL 27 May 1937


Vol. XXIX, 567 Roumania No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. Bucharest, 5 December 1936. L/C. HC. 31 May 1937 HL 1 June 1937


Cmd 5470

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1546 -1550 Cmd 5471- 5480

Doc. No.

Item No. 1546

Vol. XXIX, 571 Roumania No. 2 (1937) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936, with Technical Agreement. London, 27 May 1937. L/C. HC. 31 May 1937 HL.

Cmd 5471

1 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 601 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Government of Siam regarding the Nationality of Persons affected by the re-delimitation of the boundary between Burma (Tenasserim) and Siam. Bangkok, 31 March 1937. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937

Cmd 5475


Vol. XXIX, 247 Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government to dispense with the Legislation of certain Official Documents. Paris, 3 April 1937. L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937

Cmd 5476


Vol. XIV, 231: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Report of the Royal Commission. L/C. HC/L. 1 July 1937

Cmd 5479


Vol. XXIX, 629 United States No. 1 Papers relating to the British War Debt. MayJune 1937. L/C. HC/L. 14 June 1937

Cmd 5480


COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1551-1555 Cmd 5486 - 5491 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. IX, 503: Reports, Commissioners (1) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1936 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 5486

L/C. HC/L. 16 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 731 Misc. No. 4 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling, with Final Act of Conference. London, 8 June 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5487

L/C. HC. 21 June 1937 HL 22 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 37 Treaty Series No. 25 Protocol regarding the Immunities of the Bank for International Settlements. Brussels, 30 July 1936. Ratification by His Majesty, in respect to the United Kingdom, deposited at Brussels, 6 April 1937.

Cmd 5489

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 537 Netherlands No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands supplementary to the Convention of 31 May 1932 to facilitate the Conduct of Legal Proceedings. The Hague, 21 May 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5490

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 67 Egypt No. 1 Final Act, Convention and other Documents regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt. Montreux, 8 May 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 23 June 1937


Cmd 5491

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1556-1560 Cmd 5494 - 5515 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 139 Misc. No. 5 International Convention for the Regulation of Meshes of Fishing Nets and the Size Limits of Fish. London, 23 March 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5494

L/C. HC/L 28 June 1937


Vol. XXIX, 517 Japan No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Japan regarding Trade and Commerce between Burma and Japan, with Protocol of Signature. London, 7 June 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5504

L/C. HC/L 1 July 1937


Vol. XXVIII, 47 Misc. No. 6 (1937) International Convention concerning the use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace. Geneva, 23 September 1936. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5505

L/C. HC/L 1 July 1937


Vol. XIV, 665: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Statement of Policy by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom.

Cmd 5513

L/C. HC/L 6 July 1937


Vol. XXIX, 239 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Finland regarding the Importation of Wheaten Flour into Finland. London, 14 April I937. L/C. HC/L. 13 July 1937


Cmd 5515

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1561-1564 Cmd 5518 - 5535 Item No.

Doc. No.

1561 Vol. XXIX, 583 Russia No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature. London, 17 July 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5518

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1937

1562 Vol. XXIX, 315 Germany No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Declaration, Protocol of Signature, and Exchange of Notes. London, 17 July 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5519

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1937

1563 Vol. XXVIII, 687 Spain No. 2 International Committee for the Application of the Agreement regarding Non-Intervention in Spain, proposals submitted by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. London, I4 July 1937.

Cmd 5521

L/C. HC/L. 14 July 1937

1564 Vol. XXIX, 371 Hungary No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness, the Regent of Hungary relating to Air Navigation. Budapest, 22 March 1937. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 9 Aug.)


Cmd 5535

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1565 -1568 Cmd 5538 - 5544 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 279 Misc. No. 7 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the Abolition of Capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar, with Protocol of Signature, Minute, and Exchange of Notes. London, 29 July 1937.

Cmd 5538

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 4 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 681 Treaty Series No. 27 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding Trade and Payments. London, 27 November 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Belgrade, 18 June 1937.

Cmd 5540

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 653 Treaty Series No. 28 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty King of Yugoslavia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Belgrade, 18 June 1937.

Cmd 5542

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 615 United States No. 2 Correspondence with the United States Government regarding United States rights in Palestine. London, 6 July-4 August 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 12 Aug.)


Cmd 5544

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1569 -1572 Cmd 5548 - 5552 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXIX, 511 Treaty Series No. 29 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Japanese Government regarding the Termination of Perpetual Leases in Japan. Tokyo, 25 March 1937.

Cmd 5548

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 19 Aug.)


Vol. XXIX, 395 Treaty Series No. 32 Ratifications of Cmd 5311 exchanged in London, 13 July 1937. [See Item 1497 for Text.]

Cmd 5550

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 565 Treaty Series No. 30 Convention regarding the Region of the Straits, with Protocol. Montreux, 20 July 1936. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Knigdom and Commonwealth of Australia, deposited at Paris, 9 November 1936.

Cmd 5551

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXVIII, 459 Treaty Series No. 31 International Protocol relating to a Certain Case of Statelessness, with proces-verbal of Deposit of Ratifications and Accessions. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom Deposited 14 January 1932; Australia, 8 July 1935; the Union of South Africa, 9 April 1936; and the Government of India, 28 September 1932. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Cmd 5552

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 Item 1573 -1575 Cmd 5553 - 5561 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 407 Treaty Series No. 33 International Convention on certain questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws with proces-verbal of deposit of Ratifications and Accessions. The Hague, 12 April 1930. Ratifications of His Majesty, in respect to the United Kingdom and Canada deposited, 6 April 1934 and of India, 7 October 1935.

Cmd 5553

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 7 Sept.)


Vol. XXIX, 243 Treaty Series No. 34 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the Importation of Raffia of French Origin, of British East African Coffee, and New Zealand Kauri Gum. Paris, 16-23 July 1937.

Cmd 5558

L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 22 Sept)


Vol. XXVIII, 475 Treaty Series No. 36 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, and the President of the United States of America and the President of the French Republic for the Limitation of Naval Armament, with Protocol of Signature and additional Protocol. London, 25 March 1936. Ratification in respect to His Majesty of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and India, deposited 29 July 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937 (R. 4 Oct.)


Cmd 5561

COMMAND PAPERS 1936-1937 hem 1576 -1580 Cmd 5562 - 5570

.Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXIX, 85 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Brussels, 28 December 1936; Paris, 6 January 1937. Reprint from Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 1, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5562

(R. 30 Sept.)


Vol. XXIX, 559 Treaty Series No. 37 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government regarding Identity Documents for Aircraft Personnel. Lisbon, 30 October 1936. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 13, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5565

(R. 18 Oct.)


Vol. XXVIII, 385 Treaty Series No. 38 International Agreement for Collective Measures against Piratical Attacks in the Mediterranean by Submarines, with Map. Nyon, 14 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5568


Vol. XXVIII, 403 Treaty Series No. 39. International Agreement for Collective Measures against Piratical Acts in the Mediterranean by Surface Vessels and Aircraft, supplementary to the Nyon Arrangement. Geneva, 17 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 21 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5569


Vol. XXIX, 505 Spain No. 3 Correspondence with the Italian Government regarding the withdrawal of Foreign Volunteers from Spain, 2-9 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 22 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5570


BILLS PUBLIC 1937-1938 Item 1581- 1581c Bill No. 35 -141

Item No. 1581

Doc. No. Vol. IV, 69: Bills, Public Peace Bill to incorporate in the statute law of the United Kingdom those obligations in regard to the Maintenance of peace and of machinery for the peaceful settlement of international disputes which are embodied in the Covenant of the League of Nations and in other Treaties and for other purposes.

Bill 35

O.H.C.P. 2 Nov. 1937

1581a Vol. IV, 37: Bills, Public Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Bill intituled an Act to give effect to an International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and to amend the provisions of the Patents and Designs Acts 1907 to 1932, relating to matters affected by the said Convention; and to give effect to an International Agreement regarding false indications of the origin of goods and to amend the provisions of the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887 to 1926, relating to matters affected by the said Agreement. [See also Item 1581c.]

Bill 84

O.H.C.P. 15 Feb. 1938

1581b Vol. III, 131: Bills, Public Jewish Citizenship Bill to extend Palestinian Nationality. [Not Printed.)

Bill 127

O.H.C.P. 12 April 1938

1581c Vol. IV, 53: Bills, Public Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Bill No. 84 as amended by Standing Committee A. [See Item 1581a for Text.] O.H.C.P. 10 May 1938


Bill 141

BILLS PUBLIC 1937-1938 Item 1582 -1583 Bill No. 187 -190 Item No.

Doc. No.

1582 Vol. I, 119: Bills, Public Anglo-Turkish (Armaments Credit) Agreement Bill to confirm and give effect to an Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Government of the Turkish Republic; and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.

Bill 187

O.H.C.P. 21 June 1938

1583 Vol. II, 603: Bills, Public Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia (Property) Bill to safeguard the title of the Emperor to property within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. O.H.C.P. 22 June 1938

Bill 190

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1584 -1585 S.P. No. 20 - 34 Item No.

Doc. No.

1584 Vol. XVI, 175 Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions . Act 1934 By Act Accounts of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Roumanian, Anglo-Italian, and Anglo-Turkish Clearing Offices for the year ended 31 March 1937, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. In continuation of S.P. No. 25, 1936-1937. [Item 1485a].

S.P. 20

O.H.C.P. 20 Dec.1937

1585 Vol. XVI, 225 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this country and of the amount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1937. O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1938


S.P. 34

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1586 -1588 S.P. No. 100 -140 Item No.

Doc. No.

1586 Vol. XVI, 227 Greek Loan of 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1938.


O.H.C.P. 11 April 1938

1587 Vol. XVI, 501 Trade Facilities Acts and Finances Acts By Act Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926. (1) Statement of Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. (2) Account up to 31 March 1938 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and of the sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. (3) Finance Act 1934. Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans. (4) Account up to 31 March 1938 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934.

S.P. 104

O.H.C.P. 26 April 1938

1587a Vol. VII, 565: Reports, Committees (3) Patents, etc. (International Conventions) (HL.) Proceedings from Standing Committee A.

S.P. 115

O.H.C.P. 10 May 1938


Vol. XVI, 1 By Act Finance Accounts Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the Financial Year 1937-1938 ended 31 March 1938. O.H.C.P. 14 June 1938


S.P. 140

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1589- 1593 Cmd 5575 - 5581 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXX, 863 Sudan No. 1 (1937) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1936.

Cmd 5575

L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 809 Treaty Series No. 40 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the Uruguayan Government regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 12 August 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 14, 1936.

Cmd 5576

L/C. HC/L. 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 405 Treaty Series No. 41 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Japanese Government respecting the Customs Treatment of Imports. Ottawa, 26 December 1935. Reprint of the Canadian Treaty Series No. 1, 1936.

Cmd 5577

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 209 Treaty Series No. 42 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Government of the German Reich to facilitate Payments for the Exchange of Goods. Ottawa, 22 October 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 19, 1936.

Cmd 5580

L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, i Treaty Series No. 43 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the French Republic regarding Commerce and Navigation. Ottawa, 12 May 1933. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa, 5 November 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 18, 1936. L/C. HC/L 3 Nov. 1937


Cmd 5581

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1594 -1597 Cmd 5584 - 5588

Item No.

Doc. No.

1594 Vol. XXX, 59 International Labour Conference Draft Conventions and Recommendations Adopted by the Conference at its 23rd Session, 3 June to 23 June 1937. (Authentic Texts.) L/C. HC/L. 26 Oct. 1937

Cmd 5584

1595 Vol. XXX, 761 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Australia, and New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Denmark, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Copenhagen, 21 July 1937. L/C. HC. 4 Nov. 1937 HL. 9 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5586

1596 Vol. XXXI, 585 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial Payments, with Supplementary Agreement of 5 December 1936. Bucharest, 2 May 1936. L/C. HC. 5 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5587

HL. 9 Nov. 1937


Vol. XXXI, 593 Treaty Series No. 46 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government supplementary to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments Agreement of 2 May 1936. London, 27 May 1937. L/C. HC. 5 Nov. 1937 HL. 9 Nov. 1937


Cmd 5588

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1598 -1601 Cmd 5590 - 5599 Item No.

Doc. No.

1598 Vol. XXX, 307 Misc. No. 8 International Agreement for a Uniform System of Maritime Buoyage and rules annexed thereto, with diagrams. Geneva, 13 May 1936. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5590

1599 Vol. XXXI, 821 Treaty Series No. 47 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding Commercial Relations. Washington, 15 November 1935. Ratifications exchanged in Ottawa, 14 May 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5597

1600 Vol. XXXI, 487 Treaty Series No. 48 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the Republic of Poland regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 3 July 1935. Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, 31 July 1936. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 15, 1936. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5598

1601 Vol. XXXI, 479 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding Amendments of the Commercial Agreement of 27 February 1935. Warsaw, 31 July 1937 and 30 September 1937. L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1937

Cmd 5599


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1602 - 1604 Cmd 5600 - 5611 Item No.

Doc. No.

1602 Vol. XXXI, 397 Treaty Series No. 50 Protocol regarding Commercial Relations between India and Japan, with Exchange of Notes regarding the prolongation of the Convention of 12 July 1934. London, 12 October 1937.

Cmd 5600

L/C. HC/L. 18 Nov. 1937

1602a Vol. XXXI, 693 Siam No. 1 (1937) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Siamese Government for the temporary continuance of rights under the Treaties of Siam of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 13 November 1937.

Cmd 5607

L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937

1603 Vol. XXXI, 641. Siam No. 2 (1937) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Siam, with Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Bangkok, 23 November 1937. Not Ratified. [Ratifications exchanged 19 February 1938. See Item 1653.] L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5608

Vol. XXXI, 689 Siam No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Siam regarding the Right of Evocation from Siamese Courts under the Treaty of 14 July I925. Bangkok, 23 November 1937.

Cmd 5611


L/C. HC/L. 2 Dec. 1937


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1605 - 1608 Cmd 5613 - 5618 Item No.

Doc. No.

1605 Vol. XXXI, 601 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government modifying the Anglo-Roumanian Payments (Amendment) Agreement of 27 May 1937. London, 12 November 1937.

Cmd 5613

L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

1606 Vol. XXX, 767 Treaty Series No. 52 Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Acting President of Ecuador, to the Treaty of 20 September 1880, regarding Extradition. Quito, 4 June 1934. Ratifications exchanged at Quito, 8 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5614

1607 Vol. XXXI, 871 United States No. 3 (1937) Papers relating to the British War Debt, November-December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 9 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5617

1608 Vol. XXX, 773 Treaty Series No. 53 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Government of India and the Egyptian Government regarding British War Memorial Cemeteries and Graves in Egypt. Notes exchanged 2-5 June 1937. Cairo, 2 June 1937.

Cmd 5618

L/C. HC/L. 14 Dec. 1937


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1609 - 1612 Cmd 5622 - 5634 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 131 Treaty Series No. 54 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding Commercial Relations with Tunis. Paris, 14 October 1937. L/C. HC/L 16 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5622


Vol. XXX, 237 Misc. No. 9 (1937) League of Nations Eighteenth Assembly. Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. London, 1 December 1937. In continuation of Misc. No. 2 (1937). [See Item 1516.] L/C. HC/L. 22 Dec. 1937

Cmd 5625


VoI. XXX, 779 Treaty Series No. 55 (1937) Final Act, Convention, and other Documents regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt. Montreux, 8 May 1937. Ratifications in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 12 October 1937. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb.1938 (R. 29 Dec. 1937)

Cmd 5630


Vol. XXXI, 467 Policy in Palestine Despatch dated 23 December 1937, from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the High Commissioner for Palestine. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938

Cmd 5634

(R. 4 Jan.)


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1613-1616 Cmd 5636 - 5640 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 415 Treaty Series No. 1 (1938) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Emperor of Japan regarding Trade and Commerce between Burma and Japan, with Protocol of Signature. London, 7 June 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 3 December 1937.

Cmd 5636

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 11 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 151 Treaty Series No. 2 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Declaration, Protocol of Signature, and Notes Exchanged. London, 17 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 4 November 1937.

Cmd 5637

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 11 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 851 Treaty Series No. 3 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding the Taxation, etc., of Pensions of Retired Foreign Officials. Cairo, Alexandria, and London, 12 and 31 August and 9 September 1936.

Cmd 5639

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 13 Jan.)


Vol. XXX, 855 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Telecommunications. Alexandria and Cairo, 12 August 1936. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 13 Jan.)


Cmd 5640

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1617 -1620 Cmd 5643 - 5646 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 267 Treaty Series No. 5 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. London, 27 February 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Athens, 16 November 1937.

Cmd 5643

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 543 Treaty Series No. 6 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding the Customs Classification of certain Pneumatic Tyres. Warsaw, 22 March 1937.

Cmd 5644

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 629 Treaty Series No. 7 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding the Acceptance of Seamen's Discharge Books in lieu of Passports. London, 6 December 1937.

Cmd 5645

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 20 Jan.)


Vol. XXXI, 95 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic for the abolition of Capitulations in Morocco and Zanzibar, with Protocol of Signature, Minute, and Exchange of Notes. London, 29 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 1 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (R. 24 Jan.)


Cmd 5646

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1621-1624 Cmd 5648 - 5651

Item No.

Doc. No.

1621 Vol. XV, 487: Reports, Commissioners (8) Misc. No. 1 (1938) Report presented by Monsieur Van Zeeland to the Governments of the United Kingdom and France on the possibility of obtaining a General Reduction of the Obstacles to International Trade, 26 January 1938.

Cmd 5648

L/C. HC/L. 1 Feb. 1938 (IL 26 Jan.)

1622 Vol. XXX, 705 Treaty Series No. 9 Treaty of Commerce between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the President of the Czechoslovak Republic, with Final Protocol and Exchange of Notes. Canberra, 3 August 1936. Prague, 19 August 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Canberra, 11 November 1937.

Cmd 5649

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938

1623 Vol. XXX, 685 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a Temporary Commercial Agreement. Santiago, 26 November 1937.

Cmd 5650

L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938

1624 Vol. XXXI, 637 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Royal Siamese Government for the operation of regular Air Services over Siam and over India and Burma. Bangkok, 3 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 2 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5651

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1625 -1629 Cmd 5652 - 5661 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 145 Treaty Series No. 12 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Exemption from Taxation of Certain Profits Arising from Air Transport. Berlin, 10 November 1937.

Cmd 5652

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 447 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India, and the Government of Norway regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Oslo, 11 October 1937.

Cmd 5653

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXX, 559 Treaty Series No. 56 (1937) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc, 1937. In continuation of Treaty Series No. 34, 1936 [Item 1522].

Cmd 5654

L/C. HC/L. 3 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 771 Switzerland No. 1 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council in regard to Legal Proceedings. London, 3 December 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5658

L/C. HC/L. 15 Feb. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 577 Treaty Series No. 14 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the boundary between Tanganyika Territory and Mozambique. Lisbon, 11 May 1936 and 28 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5661

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1630.1633 Cmd 5663 - 5670 Doc. No.

Item No.

1630 Vol. XXX, 581 Treaty Series No. 57 (1937) Index to Treaty Series 1937.

Cmd 5663

L/C. HC/L. 17 Feb. 1938

1631 Vol. XVIII, 731 Fleets Particulars of the Fleets of the British Empire, United States of America, Japan, France, Italy, the Soviet Union, and Germany, on 1 February 1938. United States of America correct to 15 December 1937, the Soviet Union to 1 February 1935, distinguishing both built and building, the several classes of vessels. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 5666

L/C. HC. 21 Feb. 1938 HL. 22 Feb. 1938

1632 Vol. XXXI, 371 Treaty Series No. 16 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government modifying the Agreement of 6 November 1936, regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments. Rome, 24 December 1937.

Cmd 5669

L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1938

1633 Vol. XXXI, 319 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government supplementary to the Convention of 7 December 1934 regarding the Establishment of Air Transport Lines. Rome, 14 December 1937. L/C. HC/L. 24 Feb. 1938


Cmd 5670

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1634 -1638 Cmd 5672 - 5694 Item No.

Doc. No.

1634 Vol. XXX, 357 Misc. No. 2 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules concerning the Immunity of Stateowned Ships. Brussels, 10 April 1926. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5672

L/C. HC/L 23 Feb. 1938

1635 Vol. XXX, 377 Misc. No. 3 Protocol supplementary to the International Rules concerning the Immunity of State-owned Ships of 10 April 1926. Brussels, 24 May 1934.

Cmd 5673

L/C. HC/L 23 Feb. 1938

1636 Vol. XXXI, 701 Treaty Series No. 17 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the U.S.S.R. providing for the Limitation of Naval Armaments and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature and Notes exchanged of 12-19 November 1937 regarding the Russian Text. London, 17 July 1937. Ratifications exchanged in London, 4 November 1937.

Cmd 5679

L/C. HC/L 24 March 1938

1637 Vol. XVII, 1143 Defence Statement relating to Defence, 2 March 1938.

Cmd 5682

L/C. HC/L 1 March 1938

1638 Vol. XXXI, 363 Treaty Series No. 18 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government. London, I8 March 1938. L/C. HC. 18 March 1938 HL. 21 March 1938


Cmd 5694

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1639 -1642 Cmd 5695 - 5704 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 375 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government modifying the Agreement of 6 November 1936, regarding Commercial Exchanges and Payments, with Exchange of Notes. London, 18 March 1938.

Cmd 5695

L/C. HC. 18 March 1938 HL 21 March 1938


Vol. XXXI, 391 Treaty Series No. 20 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Italian Government, with Supplementary Exchange of Notes of 23 January 1936. Capetown, 21 May 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1935 and No. 1, 1936.

Cmd 5702

L/C. HC/L 30 March 1938


Vol. XXXI, 567 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government modifying the Agreement of 17 November 1934, in regard to Native Labour from Mozambique. Lisbon, 11, 14 and 24 March and 8 June 1936. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1936.

Cmd 5703

L/C. HC/L 30 March 1938


Vol. XXX, 721 Treaty Series No. 22 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic. Capetown, 27 January 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 1, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938


Cmd 5704

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1643 -1646 Cmd 5705 - 5708

Item No.

.Doc. No.


Vol. XXXI, 139 Treaty Series No. 23 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Reciprocal Recognition of Efficiency Certificates for Aircraft and Aircraft Motors. Capetown, 16 March 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 2, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5705


Vol. XXXI, 859 Treaty Series No. 24 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the United States Government for the Reduction of Non-Immigrant Passport Visa Fees. Capetown, 24 March 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5706


Vol. XXXI, 547 Treaty Series No. 25 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government for Air Services between South Africa and Portuguese East Africa. Pretoria, 18 June 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 5, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5707


Vol. XXX, 595 Treaty Series No. 26 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Belgian Government. Pretoria, 13 July 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 6, 1937. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1938

Cmd 5708


COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1647 -1650 Cmd 5711-5718 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 813 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Irish Free State and the United States Government regarding Air Navigation. Dublin, 29 SeptemberNovember -4 1937. Reprint of Irish Free State Treaty Series No. 3, 1937.

Cmd 5711

L/C. HC/L 6 April 1938


Vol. XXX, 689 Treaty Series No. 28 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding Air Services over China. Hankow, 18 December 1937.

Cmd 5712

L/C. HC/L 6 April 1938 .


Vol. XXX, 1 Treaty Series No. 29 International Convention concerning the Use of Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace. Geneva, 23 September 1936. Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited 18 August 1937; New Zealand, 27 January 1938; India, 11 August 1937.

Cmd 5714

L/C. HC. 11 April 1938 HL 12 April 1938


Vol. XXXI, 605 Treaty Series No. 30 Supplementary Agreement to the Anglo-Roumanian Payments (Amendment) Agreement of 27 May 1937. Bucharest, 25 February 1938. L/C. HC. 11 April 1938 HL 12 April 1938


Cmd 5718

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1651-1654 Cmd 5726 - 5732 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 323 Treaty Series No. 31 1. Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy consisting of Protocol with Annexes and Exchanges of Notes, and 2. Bon Voisinage Agreement and Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom, Egypt, and Italy. Rome, 16 April 1938.

Cmd 5726

L/C. HC. 26 April 1938 HL. 2 May 1938 (R 22 April)


Vol. XXXI, 697 Treaty Series No. 32 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Siamese Government for the temporary continuance of rights under the Treaties of Siam of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 13 November 1937.

Cmd 5730

L/C. HC. 28 April 1938 HL 2 May 1938 (R.)


Vol. XXXI, 665 Treaty Series No. 33 Siam No. 2 (1937). Ratifications of Cmd 5608 exchanged, 19 February 1938. [See Item 1603 for Text.]

Cmd 5731

L/C. HC. 28 April 1938 HL. 2 May 1938 (R.)


Vol. XXXI, 221 Treaty Series No. 34 Payments Agreement between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Government of the German Reich. Wellington, 30 September 1937. L/C. HC/L 5 May 1938


Cmd 5732

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1655 -1657 Cmd 5733 - 5745 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 225 Treaty Series No. 35 Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Government of the German Reich. Wellington, 30 September 1937.

Cmd 5733

L/C. HC/L 5 May 1938


Vol. XXXI, 511 Poland No. 1 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. London, 27 April 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5739

L/C. HC/L 11 May 1938


Vol. XXX, 231 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty iq respect to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland regarding : Part I Convention concerning the Marking of the Weight on Heavy Packages transported by Vessels Recommendation concerning Unemployment among Young Persons Convention limiting the Hours of Work in Coal Mines (revised 1935) Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work to Forty a Week Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Glass-Bottle Works Convention concerning the Reduction of Hours of Work in Public Works Convention concerning the Regulation of Certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers Recommendation concerning the Progressive Elimination of Recruiting Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay Recommendation concerning Annual Holidays with Pay 392

Cmd 5745

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1658- 1659 Cmd 5747 - 5754 Doc. No.

Item No.

Part II Recommendation concerning the Promotion of Seamen's Welfare in Ports Convention concerning the Minimum Requirement of Professional Capacity for Masters and Officers on board Merchant Ships Convention concerning Annual Holidays for Seamen Convention concerning the Liability of the Shipowner in case of Sickness, Injury, or Death of Seamen Convention concerning Sickness Insurance for Seamen Convention concerning Hours of Work on board Ship and Manning Recommendation concerning Hours of Work on board Ship and Manning Convention fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children to Employment at Sea (revised 1936) L/C. HC/L. 12 May 1938

1658 Vol. XXX, 401 Misc. No. 4 International Agreement modifying the International Convention of 21 June 1920, for the Establishment of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Paris, 31 May 1937. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5747

L/C. HC/L. 19 May 1938

1659 Vol. XXXI, 785 Exports Credits Guarantee Agreement with the Government of the Turkish Republic relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to Turkey of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom. 27 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 31 May 1938


Cmd 5754

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1660 -1664 Cmd 5755 - 5763 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 781 Turkey No. 1 (1938) Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic regarding an Armaments Credit for Turkey. London, 27 May 1938.

Cmd 5755

L/C. HC. 1 June 1938 HL. 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 797 Treaty Series No. 36 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic supplementary to the Agreement of 2 September 1936, regarding Trade and Clearing, with Agreed Minute. London, 27 May 1938.

Cmd 5756

L/C. HC. 1 June 1938 HL 2 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 537 Treaty Series No. 37 International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and of the Government of Eire deposited 25 October 1937, and 7 May 1938, respectively.

Cmd 5757

L/C. HC/L 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 431 Mexico No. 1 (1938) Correspondence with the Mexican Government regarding the Expropriation of Oil Properties in Mexico. Mexico, 8 April to 20 May 1938.

Cmd 5758

L/C. HC/L 2 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 875 United States No. 1 (1938) Papers relating to the British War Debt, June 1938. L/C. HC/L 14 June 1938 (R. 13 June)


Cmd 5763

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1665 -1669 Cmd 5764 - 5777 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXX, 589

Cmd 5764

Treaty Series No. 38 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in

respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Belgium regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Brussels, 29 April 1938. L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1938


Vol. XXXI, 301 Treaty Series No. 39 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Serene Highness, the Regent of Hungary, relating to Air Navigation. Budapest, 22 March 1937. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 May 1938.

Cmd 5765

L/C. HC/L. 20 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 453 Treaty Series No. 40 Additional Protocol to the Convention of 12 June 1934, relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes. Paris, 12 January 1938.

Cmd 5774

L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938


Vol. XX, 953 Somaliland Papers concerning Grazing Rights and Transit Traffic in British Somaliland. 27 January 1937.

Cmd 5775

L/C. HC. 24 June 1938 HL. 27 June 1938


Vol. XXX, 665 Treaty Series No. 41 Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of the Belgians regarding the boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi-Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 19 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938


Cmd 5777

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1670.1674 Cmd 5778 - 5788

Item No.

Doc. No.

1670 Vol. XXX, 673 Treaty Series No. 42 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Belgian Government regarding Water Rights on the boundary between Tanganyika and Ruandi-Urundi. London, 22 November 1934. Ratifications exchanged in London, 19 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 29 June 1938

Cmd 5778

1671 Vol. XXX, 419 Misc. No. 5 Convention concerning the Status of Refugees coming from Germany, with Final Act. Geneva, 10 February 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1938

Cmd 5780

1672 Vol. XXX, 385 Treaty Series No. 43 Protocol modifying the Treaty of 25 March 1936, for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 June 1938

Cmd 5781

1673 Vol. XXXI, 203 Germany No. 1 Anglo-German Payments (Amendment) Agreement; with Exchange of Letters between Representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding negotiations for Mutual Trade Relations with Germany. London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC. 4 July 1938

Cmd 5787

HL 5 July 1938

1674 Vol. XXXI, 231 Germany No. 2 (1938) Anglo-German Transfer Agreement. London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC. 4 July 1938 HL. 5 July 1938


Cmd 5788

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1675 -1678 Cmd 5793 - 5797 Item No.

Doc. No.

1675 Vol. XXX, 457 Spain No. 1 The Text of a proposed Resolution reaffirming and extending the Non-Intervention Agreement, and providing for the withdrawal of foreign volunteers from Spain; for the grant, in certain circumstances, of belligerant rights to the two parties in Spain; and for the observation of the Spanish Frontier by Land and Sea adopted by the International Committee for the Application of the Agreement regarding Non-Intervention in Spain at a Plenary session held on Tuesday, 5 July 1938, for transmission to the two Spanish parties for their approval.

Cmd 5793

L/C. HC/L. 8 July 1938

1676 Vol. XXXI, 741 Russia No. 1 Protocol modifying the Anglo-Soviet Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armaments. London, 6 July 1938.

Cmd 5794

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1938

1677 Vol. XXXI, 195 Germany No. 3 Protocol modifying the Anglo-German Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938.

Cmd 5795

L/C. HC/L. 12 July 1938

1678 Vol. XXXI, 609 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government approving the supplementary agreement of 11 June 1938, to the AngloRoumanian Payments Technical (Amendment) Agreements of 30 May 1936 and 27 May 1937. London, 14-20 June 1938. L/C. HC. 18 July 1938 HL. 19 July 1938


Cmd 5797

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1679 -1682 Cmd 5807 - 5814 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 555 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Portuguese Republic regulating the Commercial Relations between Swaziland, Basutoland, and the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Portuguese Colony of Mozambique. Lisbon, 11 May 1938.

Cmd 5807

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1938


Vol. XXXI, 425 Treaty Series No. 46 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg supplementary to the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 23 January I937. Ratifications exchanged at Brussels, 1 July 1938.

Cmd 5811

L/C. HC/L. 27 July 1938


Vol. XXXI, 453 Treaty Series No. 47 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations between New Zealand and the Netherlands. Sydney, 22 December 1937, Wellington, 14 January 1938.

Cmd 5812

L/C. HC/L 27 July 1938


Vol. IX, 185: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1937 on the Importation of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon. L/C. HC/L 26 July 1938


Cmd 5814

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1683 -1686 Cmd 5817 - 5821 Item No.

.Doc. No.

1683 Vol. XXXI, 573 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the Union of South Africa and the Portuguese Government extending and modifying the Agreement of 17 November 1934, concerning Native Labour from Mozambique. Lisbon, 19-27 October 1937. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 9, 1937.

Cmd 5817

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)

1684 Vol. XXXI, 457 Treaty Series No. 49 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Netherlands regarding Commerce and Navigation, with Process-Verbal. Capetown, 20 February 1935. Reprint from Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 3, 1935.

Cmd 5818

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)

1685 Vol. XXXI, 297 Treaty Series No. 50 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Guatemalan Government regarding Commercial Relations. Guatemala, 28 September 1937. Canadian Treaty Series No. 17, 1937.

Cmd 5820

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)

1686 Vol. XXX, 681 Treaty Series No. 51 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Brazilian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Ottawa, 12 June 1937. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)

Cmd 5821

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1687 -1690 Cmd 5823 - 5828 Doc. No.

Item No.

1687 Vol. XXXI, 39 Morocco No. 1 (1938) Treaty between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the French Republic acting on behalf of His Majesty, the Sultan of Morocco regarding Commercial Relations between the United Kingdom and the French and Tangier Zones of the Shereefian Empire, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. Paris, 18 July 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5823

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 4 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 633 Treaty Series No. 52 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations. San Salvador, 2 November 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 18, 1937.

Cmd 5824

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 10 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 545 Misc. No. 6 (1938) Protocol amending the International Agreement of 8 June 1937, for the Regulation of Whaling, with Final Act of the Conference. London, 24 June 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5827

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 12 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 757 Treaty Series No. 53 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to New Zealand and the Swiss Federal Council regarding Commercial Relations between New Zealand and Switzerland. Wellington, 5 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 16 Aug.)

Cmd 5828

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1691-1695 Cmd 5829 - 5839

Item No. 1691

Doc. No. Vol. XXXI, 237 Germany No. 4 Supplementary Agreement for the execution of Article 2 of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of 1 July 1938. Berlin, I3 August 1938. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5829

(R. 16 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 389 Treaty Series No. 54 International Agreement regarding False Indications of Origin on Goods. London, 2 June 1934. Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5832

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. XXX, 21 Treaty Series No. 55 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. London, 2 June 1934. His Majesty's ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5833

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. XXXI, 199 Treaty Series No. 56 Protocol modifying the Anglo-German Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the limitation of Naval Armament. London, 30 June 1938. L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938

Cmd 5834

(R. 30 Aug.)


Vol. VIII, 801: Reports, Commissioners (1) Anglo-Argentine Meat Trade Report of the Joint Committee of Enquiry into the Anglo-Argentine Meat Trade. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Cmd 5839

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1988 Item 1696 -1699 Cmd 5840 - 5844 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 613 Treaty Series No. 57 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial Payments. Bucharest, 2 September 1938.

Cmd 5840

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 9 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 745 Treaty Series No. 58 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of India and the Government of Sweden respecting Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Stockholm, 30 May 1938.

Cmd 5842

L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R 21 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 21

Cmd 5843

Treaty Series No. 59 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic. Paris, 11 February 1935. Reprint of the Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 1, 1935. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 21 Sept.)


Vol. XXXI, 35 Treaty Series No. 60 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of the French Republic. Pretoria, 27 August 1935. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 9, 1935. L/C. HC/L. 28 Sept. 1938 (R. 26 Sept.)


Cmd 5844

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1700 -1703 Cmd 5846 - 5850 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXXI, 765 Treaty Series No. 61 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. London, 26 July 1938.

Cmd 5846

L/C. HC/L. 3 Oct.1938


Vol. XXX, 727 Misc. No. 7 Correspondence respecting Czechoslovakia, September 1938. [See also Item 1702.]

Cmd 5847

L/C. HC/L 28 Sept. 1938


Vol. XXX, 751 Miscellaneous No. 8 Further documents respecting Czechoslovakia including the Agreement concluded at Munich on 29 September 1938. In continuation of Misc. No. 7, Cmd 5847 [Item 1701].

Cmd 5848

L/C. HC/L. 3 Oct. 1938


Vol. XXXI, 849 Treaty Series No. 62 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the Dominion of Canada and the President of the United States of America for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Ottawa, 29 January 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Ottawa on 28 July 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1937. L/C. HC/L 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Cmd 5850

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1704 -1707 Cmd 5851- 5857 Dot. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXXI, 863 Treaty Series No. 63 Convention between His Majesty in respect to Canada and the President of the United States of America regarding the Sockeye Salmon Fisheries in the Fraser River System. Washington, 26 May 1930. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 28 July 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1937.

Cmd 5851

L/C. HC/L 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 855 Treaty Series No. 64 Convention between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the United States Government regarding Income Tax on Non-Resident Individuals and Corporations. Washington, 30 December 1936. Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 13 August 1937. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 13, 1937.

Cmd 5852

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 12 Oct.)


Vol. XIV, 115, Reports, Commissioners (7) Palestine Report of the Palestine Partition Commission.

Cmd 5854

L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 19 Oct.)


Vol. XXXI, 751 Treaty Series No. 65 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Berne, 17 May 1938. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938 (R. 26 Oct.)


Cmd 5857

COMMAND PAPERS 1937-1938 Item 1708 -1712 Cmd 5858 - 5875

Item No.

Doc. No.

1708 Vol. XXX, 601 Belgium No. I Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, King of the Belgians, regarding Parcel Post between the United Kingdom and Belgium, with detailed Regulations. London, 29 July 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5858

(R. 26 Oct.)

1709 Vol. XXXI, 409 Treaty Series No. 66 Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Japanese Government. Canberra—Sydney, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5860

(R. 26 Oct.)

1710 Vol. XXX, 859 Egypt No. 1 Protocol for the Amendment of the Annex to Article 8 of the Treaty of Alliance with Egypt of 26 August 1936, with Agreed Minute. Alexandria, 22 September 1938. Protocol not ratified. L/C. HC/L. 1 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5861

(R. 26 Oct.)

1711 Vol. XXX, 693 Treaty Series No. 67 Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of Cuba, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes regarding Navigation. Havana, 19 February 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Havana, 10 September 1938. L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5867

1712 Vol. XXX, 207 International Labour Conference Draft Convention adopted by the Conference at its 24th Session, 2-22 June 1938. (Authentic Text.) L/C. HC/L. 2 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5875


BILLS PUBLIC 1938-1939 Item 1713-1717 Bill No. 32 - 85

Doc: No.

Item No. 1713

Vol. H, 717: Bills, Public Expiring Laws Continuance Bill re Debts Clearing Offices. [See 1933-4 Bill No. 152, Item 1221a.]

Bill 32

O.H.C.P. 16 Nov. 1938


Vol. III, 25: Bills, Public Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia (Property) Bill to safeguard the title of Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, to property within the jurisdiction of the Courts of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. Not Printed.

Bill 35

O.H.C.P. 22 Nov. 1938


Vol. II, 725: Bills, Public Export Guarantees Bill to extend the powers of the Board of Trade to give guarantees for the purpose of establishing or encouraging overseas trade.

Bill 45

O.H.C.P. 8 Dec. 1938


Vol. II, 521: Bills, Public Czecho-Slovakia: (Financial Assistance) Bill to authorize the Treasury to repay to the Bank of England sums advanced by that Bank to the National Bank of Czecho-Slovakia together with Interest thereon, and to enable effect to be given to an agreement made between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Czecho-Slovak Republic and to an Agreement made between His Majesty's said Government, the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the CzechoSlovak Republic.

Bill 60

O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1939


Vol. I, 791: Bills, Public China (Currency Stabilization) Bill to facilitate the establishment of a fund to check undue fluctuations in the sterling value of the Chinese dollar. O.11.C.P. 15 March 1939


Bill 85

BILLS PUBLIC 1938-1939 Item 1718-1719 Bill No. 94 -189

Item No.

Doc. No.

1718 Vol. II, 533: Bills, Public Czecho-Slovakia (Restrictions on Banking Accounts, etc.) Bill to postpone the making of payments out of certain banking accounts and certain transfers of securities and gold connected with the CzechoSlovak Republic, and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.

Bill 94

O.H.C.P. 21 March 1939

1719 Vol. IV, 771: Bills, Public Overseas Trade Guarantees Bill to extend the powers of the Board of Trade to give guarantees for the purpose of establishing or encouraging overseas trade, to enable the Board to acquire and dispose of securities guaranteed by them under this act or under the Export Guarantees Act, 1939, and for purposes connected with matters aforesaid.


O.H.C.P. 6 July 1939

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1720 S.P. No. 22

Doc. No.

Item No. 1720 Vol. XVI, 201 Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions Act 1934 By Act Accounts of the Receipts and Payments of the Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Roumanian, Anglo-Italian, and Anglo-Turkish Clearing Offices for the Year ended 31 March 1938 with report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General. In continuation of S.P. No. 20 of 1937-1938 [Item 1584]. O.H.C.P. 19 Dec. 1938


S.P. 22

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938.1939 Item 1721-1723 S.P. No. 39 -108

Doc. No.

Item No. 1721 Vol. XVI, 277 Greek Loan of 1832 By Act Account of Moneys paid out of the Consolidated Fund for Interest and Sinking Fund on that Part of the Greek Loan which was guaranteed by this Country, and of the Ammount repaid by the Greek Government on account of the same, up to 31 December 1938.

S.P. 39

O.H.C.P. 1 Feb. 1939

1722 Vol. XVI, 279 Greek Loan, 1898 By Act Account up to 31 March 1939 of the Greek Loan of 1898.

S.P. 102

O.H.C.P. 18 April 1939


Vol. XVI, 503 Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926 and Finance Act 1934 By Act Trade Facilities Acts 1921-1926. (1) Statement of the Guarantees which the Treasury have given to completion of the scheme on 31 March 1927. (2) Account up to 31 March 1939 of the total sums issued from the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under the Trade Facilities Acts and the sums paid towards the repayment of any sums so issued. Finance Act 1934. (3) Statement of Conversion Loans Guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the redemption of existing guaranteed Loans. (4) Account up to 31 March 1939 of any sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund in fulfilment of guarantees given under Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934. O.H.C.P. 25 April 1939


S.P. 108

SESSIONAL PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1724 -1725 S.P. No. 131-170

Item No.

Doc. No.

1724 Vol. XVI, 1 By Act Finance Accounts of the United Kingdom for the financial Year ended 31 March 1939.

S.P. 131

O.H.C.P. 12 June 1939

1725 Vol. XVI, 221 Finance Act, 1934 Further statement of Conversion Loans guaranteed by the Treasury in pursuance of Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1934, for the purpose of providing for the Redemption of existing guaranteed loans.

S.P. 17C

O.H.C.P. 31 July 1939

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1726 -1727 Cmd 5879 - 5880

Item No. 1726 Vol. XXI, 643 Tin Papers relating to the International Tin Control Scheme. (Main Control Scheme; Buffer Stock Scheme; Research Scheme.) L/C. HC. 9 Nov. 1938

Doc. No. Cmd 5879

HL. 10 Nov. 1938

1727 Vol. XXVIII, 137 Treaty Series No. 68 (1938) Anglo-German Transfer Agreement, London, 1 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 17 Nov. 1938


Cmd 5880

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1728 -1731 Cmd 5881- 5885 Doc. No.

Item No.

1728 Vol. XXVIII, 219 Treaty Series No. 69 (1938) Anglo-German Payments (Amendment) Agreement with Exchange of Letters between Representatives of the Governments of the United Kingdom and the German Reich regarding negotiations for Mutual Trade Relations with Germany, London, I July 1938.

Cmd 5881

L/C. HC/L 17 Nov. 1938


Vol. XXVIII, 637 United States No. 2 (1938) Trade Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, with Schedules and Exchange of Notes. Washington, 17 November 1938. Not Ratified. [See Item 1738.]

Cmd 5882

L/C. HC. 16 Nov. 1938 HL 17 Nov. 1938

1730 Vol. XXVII, 475 Mis. No. 9 (1938) Protocol for the Amendment of the Preamble of Article 1, 4, and 5 and of the Annex to the Covenant of the League of Nations. Geneva, 30 September 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5884

L/C. HC/L 23 Nov. 1938

1731 Vol. XXVIII, 149 Treaty Series No. 70 (1938) Supplementary Agreement for the execution of Article 2 of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of I July 1938. Berlin, 13 August 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 Nov. 1938


Cmd 5885

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1732 -1735 Cmd 5886 - 5892

Item No. 1732

Doc. No. Vol. XXVII, 465 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding the Draft Convention concerning the Regulation of certain Special Systems of Recruiting Workers and the Recommendations concerning the Progressive Elimination of Recruiting. L/C. HC/L. 24 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5886

1733 Vol. XXVIII, 131 Treaty Series No. 71 (1938) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the German Reich regarding the Application of Treaties between the United Kingdom, Germany, and Austria. Berlin, 6 May to 10 September 1938. L/C. HC/L 30 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5888

1734 Vol. XXVII, 613 Treaty Series No. 72 (1938) International Agreement modifying the International Convention of 21 June 1920, for the establishment of an International Institute of Refrigeration. Paris, 31 May 1937. His Majesty's Ratification in respect to the United Kingdom deposited on 8 August 1938, and in respect to Australia deposited on 23 August 1938. L/C. HC. 5 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5889

HL 6 Dec. 1938

1735 Vol. XXVIII, 755 Canadian Treaty Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States of America, schedules attached. Signed at Washington, 17 November 1938. Notes exchanged on Article I and Lumber Declaration, 17 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1938


Cmd 5892

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1736 -1739 Cmd 5893 - 5899

Doc. No.

Item No. 1736

Vol. XXVII, 593 Palestine Statement by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. L/C. HC/L. 8 Nov. 1938

Cmd 5893


Vol. XXVII, 741 Sudan No. 1 (1938) Report on the Administration, Finances, and Condition of the Sudan in 1937. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939

Cmd 5895


7 Feb. 1939 (R. 4 Jan.)


Vol. XXVIII, 19 Trade Agreement with the United States of America Exchange of Letters between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and Canada in connection with the Trade Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the United States of America. Signed at Washington, 17 November 1938. [See Cmd 5882, Item 1729.] L/C. HC/L. 12 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5897


Vol. XXVII, 483 Misc. No. 10 (1938) Report of the Delegates of the United Kingdom to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on the Nineteenth Assembly of the League of Nations. In continuation of Cmd 5625 [Item 1610]. London, 1 December 1938. L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938

Cmd 5899

HL. 20 Dec. 1938


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1740 -1743 Cmd 5900 - 5908 Item No.

Doc. No.

1740 Vol. XXVIII, 73 Treaty Series No. 73 (1938) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and the French Government regarding Aerial Navigation in the Antartic. Paris, 25 October 1938.

Cmd 5900

L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938 HL 20 Dec. 1938

1741 Vol. XXVII, 659 Treaty Series No. 74 (1938) Declaration by His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs recording the Acceptance of a Recommendation by the International Rubber Regulation Committee by the State parties to the Agreement of 7 May 1934, regarding the regulation of the Production and Export of Rubber, with Revised Text of the Agreement. London, 6 October 1938.

Cmd 5901

L/C. HC. 19 Dec. 1938 HL. 20 Dec. 1938


Vol. XXVII, 889 United States No. 3 (1938) Papers relating to the British War Debt, December 1938.

Cmd 5902

L/C. HC/L. 15 Dec. 1938

1743 Vol. XXVII, 47 Misc. No. 11 (1938) Protocols determining the Frontier between Germany and Czechoslovakia with sketch map. Berlin, 20-21 November 1938. L/C. HC. 16 Dec. 1938 HL. 20 Dec. 1938


Cmd 5908

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1744 -1747 Cmd 5916 - 5920 Item No.

Doc. No.

1744 Vol. XXVIII, 429 Treaty Series No. 1 (1939)

Cmd 5916

Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the

United Kingdom and the Polish Government providing for the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction. London, 27 April 1938. Ratifications exchanged at London, 22 November 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1745 Vol. XXVIII, 461 Treaty Series No. 2 Protocol Modifying the Anglo-Polish Agreement of 27 April 1938 for the Limitation of Naval Armament. London, 22 July 1938.

Cmd 5917

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1746 Vol. XXVIII, 275 Iceland No. 1 (1938) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Iceland and Denmark for the amendment of the Extradition Treaty of 31 March 1873. London, 25 October 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5919

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

1747 Vol. XXVIII, 115 Treaty Series No. 3 (1939) Exchange of Notes between the Government of India and the Government of French Indo-China for the Reciprocal Abolition of Consular Visas on Bills of Health. New Delhi, 26 February 1938, Calcutta, 1 March 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)


Cmd 5920

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1748 -1750 Cmd 5921- 5923 Item No.

Doc. No.

1748 Vol. XXVIII, 545 Treaty Series No. 4 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Government of Siam regarding the Right of Evocation from Siamese Courts under the Treaty of 14 July 1925. Bangkok, 23 November 1937. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

Cmd 5921

1749 Vol. XXVIII, 85 Treaty Series No. 5 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the French Government regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Paris, 15 July 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 7 Jan.)

Cmd 5922

1750 Vol. XXVIII, 307 Treaty Series No. 6 Declaration by the Governments of the United Kingdom and Italy bringing into force the Protocol of 16 April 1938, and annexed Agreements and Declarations, with Exchanges of Notes with the Egyptian Government regarding Lake Tsana and the Suez Canal. Rome, 16 November 1938. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 18 Jan.)

Cmd 5923


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1751 Cmd 5924

Item No.

Doc. No.

1751 Vol. XXVII, 469 International Labour Conference Proposed Action by His Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding: Recommendation No. 50 concerning International co-operation in respect to Public Works. Recommendation No. 51 concerning the national planning of public works. Convention No. 59 fixing minimum age for the admission of children to industrial employment (Revised 1937). Convention No. 60 concerning the age for the admission of children to non-industrial employment. Recommendation No. 52 concerning minimum age for the admission of children to family undertakings. Convention No. 61 concerning the reduction of hours of work in the textile industry. Convention No. 62 concerning safety provisions in the building industry. Recommendation No. 53 concerning safety provisions in the building industry. Recommendation No. 54 concerning inspection in the building industry. Recommendation No. 55 concerning co-operation in accident prevention in the building industry. Recommendation No. 56 concerning vocational education for the building industry. L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R. 12 Jan.)


Cmd 5924

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1752 -1755 Cmd 5928 - 5931 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 611 Treaty Series No. 7 Canadian Treaty: Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America recording an Agreement relating to Certificates of Airworthiness for Exported Aircraft. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 10, 1938.

Cmd 5928

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Vol. XXVII, 633 Treaty Series No. 8 Convention concerning the status of refugees coming from Germany. Geneva, 10 February 1938. Ratification by His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom deposited at Geneva, 26 September 1938.

Cmd 5929

L/C. HC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Vol. XXVIII, 807 Treaty Series No. 75 (1938) Supplementary List of Ratifications, Accessions, Withdrawals, etc., 1938.

Cmd 5930

L/C. NC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R)


Vol. XXVIII, 823 Treaty Series No. 76 (1938) Index to Treaty Series 1938. L/C. NC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL. 7 Feb. 1939 (R.)


Cmd 5931

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1756 -1759 Cmd 5933 - 5941 Doc. No.

Item No.

1756 Vol. XXVII, 53 Treaty Series No. 9 Agreements between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the CzechoSlovak Republic regarding Financial Assistance to Czecho-Slovakia, with Exchange of Letters with the Plenipotentiary of Czecho-Slovakia. London, 27 January 1939.

Cmd 5933

L/C. HC. 31 Jan. 1939 HL 7 Feb. 1939 (R)

1757 Vol. XVIII, 739 Fleets Particulars of the Vessels of the Fleets of the British Commonwealth of Nations, Japan, France, Italy, and Germany on 1 February 1939, and of the United States of America on 15 December 1938. [See Item 117 for detailed list.]

Cmd 5936

L/C. HC. 6 Feb. 1939 HL 7 Feb.1939 (R)

1758 Vol. XXVIII, 397 Treaty Series No. 10 Exchange of Notes recording an arrangement between Canada and the Netherlands East Indies for the prevention of double taxation of income. Ottawa, 2 April 1938. Reprint of the Canadian Treaty Series No. 2, 1938.

Cmd 5940

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 37 Treaty Series No. 11 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Governments of the Argentine Republic, Brazil, and Uruguay regarding the regulation of Beef Imports into the United Kingdom. London, 28 June 1937, 15 December 1937, and 6 January 1939. L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL. 14 Feb. 1939


Cmd 5941

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1760 -1764 Cmd 5942 - 5954 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 43 Denmark No. 1 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 24 April 1933, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5942

L/C. HC. 13 Feb. 1939 HL. 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXI, 225 Defence Statement relating to Defence.

Cmd 5944

L/C. HC/L. 14 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 69 Misc. No. 1 Agreement and Final Protocol relative to the Exercise of the Powers of the Commission of the Danube, together with an agreement regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Personnel of the Commission. Sinaia, 18 August 1938. Not Ratified.

Cmd 5946

L/C. HC. 17 Feb. 1939 HL 21 Feb. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 545 Misc. No. 2 Letter to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations regarding the General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. London, 13 February 1939. L/C. HC/L. 16 Feb. 1939

Cmd 5947


Vol. XXVIII, 13 Treaty Series No. 12 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Bulgarian Government regarding the Military, Naval, and Air Clauses of the Treaty of Neuilly, etc. Sofia, 12 August-24 November 1938.

Cmd 5954

L/C. HC/L 2 March 1939


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1765 -1769 Cmd 5957 - 5964 Doc. No.

Item No.

1765 Vol. XXVII, 573 Misc. No. 3 Correspondence between Sir Henry McMahon, G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., C.S.I., His Majesty's High Commissioner at Cairo and the Sherif Hussein of Mecca, July 1915—March 1916, with Map.

Cmd 5957

L/C. HC. 3 March 1939 HL. 7 March 1939

1766 Vol. XXVIII, 39 Treaty Series No. 13 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, and the Colombian Government regarding the prolongation of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of 16 February 1866. Bogota, 30 December 1938. L/C. HC/L 9 March 1939

Cmd 5958

1767 Vol. XXVIII, 553 Treaty Series No. 14' Commercial Agreement between His Majesty in respect to Australia and the Swiss Federal Council, with Exchange of Notes. Canberra, 4 November 1938; Berne, 22 November 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Canberra on 16 December 1938.

Cmd 5960

L/C. HC/L 15 March 1939

1768 Vol. XVI, 109 China Arrangements proposed in regard to the Chinese Currency Stabilization Fund.

Cmd 5963

L/C. HC/L 15 March 1939


Cmd 5964

Vol. XXVII, 881 Misc. No. 4

Statements made on behalf of His Majesty's Government during the year 1918 in regard to the Future Status of certain Parts of the Ottoman Empire. L/C. HC/L 20 March 1939


COMMAND PAPERS 19384939 Item 1770 -1774 Cmd 5972 - 5981

Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 31 Treaty Series No. 15 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chilean Government constituting a temporary Commercial Agreement. Santiago, 9 January 1939. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1939

Cmd 5972


Vol. XXVIII, 567 Treaty Series No. 16 Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Swiss Federal Council in regard to Legal Proceedings. London, 3 December 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Berne, 6 February 1939. L/C. HC/L 30 March 1939

Cmd 5973


Vol. XIV, 83: Reports, Commissioners (6) Palestine Report of a Committee set up to consider certain correspondence between Sir H. McMahon, His Majesty's High Commissioner in Egypt, and the Sherif of Mecca in 1915 and 1916. 16 March 1939. L/C. HC/L. 21 March 1939

Cmd 5974


Vol. XXVII, 681 Misc. No. 5 Sanitary Conference at Paris. Convention modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21 June 1926. Final Act of Conference, with Declaration by the Egyptian Delegates. Paris, October 1938. L/C. HC/L. 30 March 1939

Cmd 5979


Vol. XXVIII, 591 Treaty Series No. 17 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government supplementary to the Trade and Clearing Agreement of 2 September 1936. London, 1 March 1939. L/C. HC/L 5 April 1939

Cmd 5981


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1775 -1778 Cmd 5989 5995 Item No.

Doc. No.

1775 Vol. XXVIII, 621 Treaty Series No. 21 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the United States Government regarding the Administration of the Islands of Canton and Enderbury. Washington, 6 April 1939.

Cmd 5989

L/C. HC. 6 April 1939 HL 13 April 1939

1776 Vol. XXVII, 897 Treaty Series No. 18 Protocol amending the International Agreement of 8 June 1937 for the Regulation of Whaling. London, 24 June 1938. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom deposited in London, 7 December 1938.

Cmd 5993

L/C. HC/L 18 Apri11939

1777 Vol. XXVIII, 63 Treaty Series No. 19 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Egyptian Government regarding Tonnage Measurement, with Exchange of Notes regarding its application to India. London, 20 February 1939.

Cmd 5994

L/C. HC/L 18 April 1939

1778 Vol. XXVIII, 491 Treaty Series No. 20 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Portuguese Government regarding the Air Service between London and Lisbon. Lisbon, 25 January 1939. L/C. HC/L 18 April 1939


Cmd 5995

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1779 - 1782

Cmd 5996 - 5999 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 585 Turkey No. 1 Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters. Angora, 10 February 1939. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

Cmd 5996


Vol. XXVIII, 417 Treaty Series No. 22 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Polish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 27 February 1935. Warsaw, 9 February 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 April 1939

Cmd 5997


Vol. XXVIII, 77 Treaty Series No. 23 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption of Military Aircraft from Duties on Fuel and Lubricants. Paris, 8 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 18 April 1939

Cmd 5998


Vol. XXVII, 557 Misc. No. 6 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden regarding the Limitation of Naval Armament and the Exchange of Information concerning Naval Construction, with Protocol of Signature. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

Cmd 5999


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1783 -1787 Cmd 6001- 6020 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVII, 1 Misc. No. 7 International Conference for the Exemption from Taxation for Liquid Fuel and Lubricants used in Air Traffic. Final Act and Convention. London, 1 March 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6001

L/C. HC/L. 13 April 1939

1784 Vol. XXVIII, 101 Treaty Series No. 24 Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Government of the French Republic regarding the transfer to the French State of the Property in the Sites of British War Memorials. Paris, 28 December 1938.

Cmd 6003

L/C. HG 20 April 1939 HL 25 April 1939

1785 VoL XXVIII, 497 Treaty Series No. 25 Protocol between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Commercial and Economic Relations with Roumania. Bucharest, 11 May 1939.

Cmd 6018

L/C. HC. 12 May 1939 HL. 16 May 1939


Vol. XXVII, 597 Palestine Statement of Policy.

Cmd 6019

L/C. HC. 15 May 1939 HL. 16 May 1939

1787 Vol. XXVIII, 321 Treaty Series No. 26 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding Quotas for Imports into Italy. Rome, 14 March 1939. L/C. HC/L. 16 May 1939


Cmd 6020

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1788 -1792 Cmd 6026 - 6039 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 893 United States No. 1 (1939) Papers relating to the British War Debt, May 1939.

Cmd 6026

L/C. HC/L. 22 May 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 69 Treaty Series No. 27 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Government of Estonia regarding Extradition. London, 28-30 March 1938. Reprint of Union of South Africa, Treaty Series No. 10, 1938.

Cmd 6027

L/C. HC/L. 25 May 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 833 Treaty Series No. 28 General Index to Treaty Series 1936-1938. In continuation of Cmd 5193 [Item 1452].

Cmd 6031

L/C. HC/L. 8 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 355 Treaty Series No. 29 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman. Muscat, 5 February 1939. Ratifications exchanged at Muscat, 7 February 1939.

Cmd 6037

L/C. HC/L. 13 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 405 Norway No. 1 (1939) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Norwegian Government for the Exemption from Taxation of Profits and Gains arising through an Agency, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Not Ratified. L/C. HC/L. 6 June 1939


Cmd 6039

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1793 -1797 Cmd 6047 - 6065 Doc. No.

Item No.


Vol. XXVIII, 213 Treaty Series No. 30 Agreement regarding the Extension to the Sudentenland of the Anglo-German Transfer Agreement of 1 July 1938, and the Supplementary Agreement of 13 August 1938. London, 16 June 1939.

Cmd 6047

L/C. HC/L. 21 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 627 Treaty Series No. 31 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the United States Government for the Exchange of Cotton and Rubber. London, 23 June 1939.

Cmd 6048

L/C. HC/L. 23 June 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 513 Treaty Series No. 32 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Roumanian Government regarding Trade and Payments, with Protocol. London, 12 July 1939.

Cmd 6063

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 1 Treaty Series No. 33 Sanitary Convention between the Governments of the United Kingdom, and Belgium relating to Uganda and the Belgian Congo and RuandiUrundi. London, 19 June 1939.

Cmd 6064

L/C. HC/L. 26 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 125 Treaty Series No. 34 Agreement between Palestine and Syria and Lebanon amending the Agreement of 2 February 1926, regarding Frontier Questions. 3 November 1938. L/C. HC/L. 26 July 1939

Cmd 6065

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1798 -1801 Cmd 6066 - 6069 Item No.

.Doc. No.

1798 Vol. XXVIII, 617 Treaty Series No. 35 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Certificates of Competency or Licenses for Piloting Civil Aircraft. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 9, 1938.

Cmd 6066

L/C. HC/L 26 July 1939

1799 Vol. XXVIII, 603 Treaty Series No. 36 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States of America relating to Air Navigation. Washington, 28 July 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 8, 1938.

Cmd 6067

L/C. HC/L 26 July 1939

1800 Vol. XXVII, 117 Treaty Series No. 37 Agreement relative to the Entry of Germany into the European Commission of the Danube, the Accession of Germany and Italy to the Sinaia Arrangement of 18 August 1938, and the Amendment of Article 4 and 23 of that Arrangement. Bucharest, 1 March 1939. His Majesty's Ratification deposited at Bucharest, 27 April 1939. L/C. HC/L 25 July 1939

Cmd 6068

1801 Vol. XXVII, 93 Treaty Series No. 38 Arrangement and Final Protocol relative to the Exercise of the Powers of the European Commission of the Danube, together with an Agreement regarding the Privileges and Immunities of the Personnel of the Commission. Sinaia, 18 August 1938. Ratification of His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom was deposited at Bucharest, 27 April 1939. L/C. HC/L. 25 July 1939

Cmd 6069


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1802 -1806 Cmd 6072 - 6083 Doc. No.

Item No.


VoI. XXVIII, 243 Greece (Trade) Agreement with the Royal Hellenic Government relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export to Greece of Goods Manufactured in the United Kingdom, July 12 1939.

Cmd 6072

L/C. HC/L. 19 July 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 549 Treaty Series No. 39 Protocol modifying the Anglo-Soviet Agreement of 17 July 1937, for the Limitation of Naval Armament, with Exchange of Notes regarding Russian Text. London, 6 July 1938. L/C. HC/L. 31 July 1939

Cmd 6074


Vol. XVI, 191 Czech Refugee Fund Czech Refugee Trust Fund and Directions to the Trustees. Directions for the assisting of emigration and settlement of refugees from the Territory which before 1 October 1938 belonged to the Republic of Czechoslovakia.

Cmd 6076

L/C. HC. 21 July 1939 HL 24 July 1939


Vol. X, 1: Reports, Commissioners (2) Africa (Liquor) Report for 1938 on the Import of Spirituous Beverages in British Colonies and Protectorates in Africa and the Import Duties levied thereon.

Cmd 6082

L/C. HC/L. 2 Aug. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 281 Treaty Series No. 40 (1939) Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty, the King of Iceland and Denmark for the amendment of the Extradition Treaty of 31 March 1873. London, 25 October 1938. Ratifications exchanged at London, 15 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 24 Aug. 1939 (R. 10 Aug.)


Cmd 6083

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1807 -1810 Cmd 6087 - 6096 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 349 Luxemburg No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg amending the Treaty of 24 November 1880, regarding Extradition. Luxemburg, 29 May 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6087

L/C. HC/L. 24 Aug. 1939 (R. 21 Aug.)


Vol. XXVIII, 465 Poland Agreement with the Polish Government relating to Guarantees in connection with the Export of Goods from the United Kingdom to Poland, 2 August 1939.

Cmd 6093

L/C. HC/L. 3 Aug. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 265 Treaty Series No. 41 Trade Agreement between Canada and Hayti, Port-aux-Prince, 23 April 1937. Ratifications exchanged at Port-aux-Prince on 8 December 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 16, 1938.

Cmd 6095

L/C. HC/L. 1 Sept. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 401 Treaty Series No. 42 (1939) Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of India and the Netherlands Government amending the Agreement of 19 June 1926, regarding the Sanitary Control over Mecca Pilgrims at Kamaran Island. London, 13 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 1 Sept. 1939


Cmd 6096

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1811-1815 Cmd 6097 - 6108 Item No.

Doc. No.

1811 Vol. XXVIII, 229 Greece No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of the Hellenes regarding Air Transport Services, with Protocol of Signature and Exchange of Notes. Athens, 30 May 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6097

L/C. HC/L 1 Sept. 1939

1812 Vol. XXVIII, 425 Poland No. 1 (1939) Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Polish Government regarding Mutual Assistance. London, 25 August 1939. L/C. HC/L 29 Aug. 1939

Cmd 6101

1813 Vol. XXVII, 157 Misc. No. 8 Correspondence between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the German Government, August 1939.

Cmd 6102

L/C. HC/L 1 Sept. 1939

1814 Vol. XXVII, 177 Misc. No. 9 (1939) Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on 3 September 1939.

Cmd 6106

L/C. HC/L 20 Sept. 1939

1815 Vol. XXVII, 609 Misc. No. 10 Letter to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations regarding the Optional Clause of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. London, 7 September 1939. L/C. HG 5 Oct. 1939 HL 10 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6108

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1816 - 1819 Cmd 6109 - 6112 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 329 Latvia No. 1 (1939) Convention between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the President of Latvia regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Cornmerdal Matters. London, 23 August 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6109

L/C. HG 5 Oct. 1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 421 Treaty Series No. 43 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France, and Poland for Loan to Poland. London, 7 September 1939.

Cmd 6110

L/C. HC. 5 Oct. 1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 505 Treaty Series No. 44 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and Roumania modifying the Annex to the Agreement of 2 September 1938, regarding Commercial Payments. Bucharest, 23 December 1938 and 4 April 1939.

Cmd 6111

L/C. HC. 5 Oct.1939 HL. 10 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 51 Treaty Series No. 45 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Danish Government modifying the Commercial Agreement of 24 April I933, with Exchange of Notes. London, 21 December 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen on 28 August 1939. L/C. HC. 5 Oct. 1939 HL 10 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6112

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1820 -1823 Cmd 6114 - 6118 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVII, 719 Treaty Series No. 46 (1939) International Sanitary Convention modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21 June 1926, with Proces-Verbal, Ratifications, etc. Paris, 31 October 1938. His Majesty's Ratification, in respect to the United Kingdom, deposited at Paris on 26 May 1939.

Cmd 6114

L/C. HC/L 12 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 401 Germany No. 1 (1939) Final Report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Nevile Henderson, G.C.M.G., on the Circumstances leading to the Termination of his Mission to Berlin. 20 September 1939.

Cmd 6115

L/C. HC/L 17 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVII, 125 Treaty Series No. 47 International Agreement revising the Agreement of 1906 respecting the Unification of Pharmacopoeia) Formulas for Potent Drugs. Brussels, 20 August 1929. (His Majesty's Government's accession, 1 August 1939.)

Cmd 6117

L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 595 Treaty Series No. 48 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government for the Amendment of the Agreement of 2 September 1936 regarding Trade and Clearing. Angora, 23 August 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct. 1939


Cmd 6118

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1989 Item 1824 -1828 Cmd 6119 - 6125 Item No.

Doc. No.


Vol. XXVIII, 577 Treaty Series No. 49 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic regarding an Armament Credit for Turkey. London, 27 May 1938. Ratifications exchanged at Angora, 17 May 1939. L/C. HC/L. 18 Oct.1939

Cmd 6119


Vol. XXVII, 429 Germany No. 2 Papers concerning the Treatment of German Nationals in Germany, 1938-1939. L/C. HC/L. 31 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6120


Vol. XXVIII, 35 Treaty Series No. 52 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Chinese Government regarding the Air Service between SouthWest China and British Ports. Chungking, 24 January 1939. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6122


Vol. XXVII, 549 Turkey No. 2 Treaty of Mutual Assistance between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom, the President of the French Republic and the President of the Turkish Republic. Angora, 19 October 1939. Not Ratified. L/C. HC. 19 Oct. 1939 HL. 24 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6123


Vol. XXVIII, 91 Treaty Series No. 50 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government extending to Burma the Agreement of 15 July I938, regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. Paris, 8 June 1939. L/C. HC/L. 31 Oct. 1939

Cmd 6125


COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1829 -1832 Cmd 6126 - 6130 Item No.


Doc. No.

Vol. XXVIII, 95 Treaty Series No. 51 Agreement between His Majesty in respect to the United Kingdom and the French Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Income Tax of Air Transport Profits. London, 9 April 1935. Ratifications exchanged at London, 19 September 1939.

Cmd 6126

L/C. HC/L. 7 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 119 France No. 1 Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom and the French Government regarding the French Telegraph Cable between Mauritius and Reunion. Paris, 13 September 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6127

L/C. HC/L 9 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 313 Italy No. 1 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government to facilitate Economic Collaboration, with Protocol. Rome, 27 October 1939. Not Ratified.

Cmd 6128

L/C. HC/L. 9 Nov. 1939


Vol. XXVIII, 391 Treaty Series No. 53 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and India and the Netherlands regarding documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel. The Hague, 21 August 1939. L/C. HC/L. 15 Nov. 1939


Cmd 6130

COMMAND PAPERS 1938-1939 Item 1833 - 1836 Cmd 6131-6134 Item No.

Doc. No.

1833 Vol. XXVIII, 633 Treaty Series No. 54 Exchange of Notes between the Governments of Canada and the United States regarding Appendix Certificates of Tonnage. Washington, 28 December 1937, 15-25 February 1938. Reprint of Canadian Treaty Series No. 20, 1938. L/C. HC/L. 21 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6131

1834 Vol. XXVIII, 9 Treaty Series No. 55 Commercial Agreement between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Brazilian Government. Rio de Janeiro, 18 April 1939. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 6, 1939. L/C. HC/L. 21 Nov. 1939

Cmd 6132

1835 Vol. XXVIII, 599 Treaty Series No. 56 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Turkish Government amending the Agreement of 27 May 1938, regarding Trade and Clearing. Angora, 10 October 1939.

Cmd 6133

L/C. HC/L. 22 Nov. 1939

1836 Vol. XXVIII, 59 Treaty Series No. 57 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Union of South Africa and the Egyptian Government regarding Commercial Relations. Cairo, 8-31 May 1939. Reprint of Union of South Africa Treaty Series No. 7, 1939. L/C. HC/L. 22 Nov. 1939


Cmd 6134

INDEX The references in this index are all to item numbers. AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE 76, 103, 235 ABYSSINIA ADDIS ABABA,

rescue of foreign nationals

(1936), 1457 treaty re importation of (1930), 936, 1078 EMPEROR HAILE SELASSIE, Safeguard of Property Bill, 1582, 1714 EMPRESS, Treasury Minute re gift, 411 ITALY, Abyssinian-Italian dispute see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia; ITALY, Abyssinia LAKE TSANA, Anglo-Italian Agreement re waters of (1925), 589; protest to League of Nations, 628 see also ITALY, AngloItalian Agreement (1938)



1400 into British Territory (Kenya and the Sudan), 535, 746, 1109 see also SUDAN, Annual Reports on Finances, Administration RAILWAYS, treaty re Italian railway, 589 SLAVERY, 167, 284 RAIDS AND INCURSIONS

ADMIRALTY, see NAVY ADRIATIC QUESTION Correspondence relative thereto, 58 AFGHANISTAN AIR OPERATIONS (1928-1929), 811 ANGLO-AFGHAN TREATY (1921), 199, 266 BOLSHEVISM see EAST INDIA, Annual

Reports India and Afghanistan (Arnawai and Dokalim) (1934), 1289 HOSTILITIES IN 1919, 33, See also EAST INDIA, Annual Reports KABUL, evacuation of, 811 MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS for troops on North-West Frontier, 32a, 36a NATIONALITY and Naturalization Laws, 648 PEACE TREATY (Rawalpindi (1919), 33 RUSSIA, draft treaty, 199 ; relations with, 33, 288, 289, 294. See also EAST INDIA, Annual Reports TRADE Convention (1923), 314 TREATY RELATIONS (1930), 882


AFRICA See also under individual countries e.g. KENYA etc. FAUNA AND FLORA, International Agreements (1933), I2I8, 1474 LIQUOR Convention re traffic in (1919), 46 Reports re importation of, (1920), 242a; (1921), 268a; (1922), 295a; (1923), 402a; (1924), 504; (1925), 591a; (1926), 658a; (1927), 722a; (1928), 801; (1929), 883; (1930), 1036; (1931), 1110; (1932), 1190; (1933), 1278; (1934), 1359; (1935), 1455; (1936), 1551; (1937), 1682; (1938), 1805 TRADE, revision of Berlin Act 1885 and Declaration of Brussels (1919), 45 AFRICA, EAST 52, 268, 313, 396, 431, 493, 637, 1419, 1420, 1669, 1670. See also ITALYEast Africa and BELGIUM-East Africa CLOSER UNION; report of commission (1929), 750a; conclusion of government, 874b; report of joint committee, 908b; correspondence, 1106a COMMISSION, report on East Africa (1925), 482a LOANS: Guaranteed Loan Bill, 548; memorandum thereon, 594a; report of East Africa Loan Committee, 594b; report, 848a; bill to amend, 904; financial resolution, 999. See also TANGANYIKA and BRITISH HONDURAS MANDATES, I49, 268 POLICY, future, 661a; native, 874a RUANDA-URUNDI, see BELGIUM-East Africa TRAFFIC, Anglo-Belgian Traffic Convention (1921), 153 WILSON, SIR SAMUEL, report of (1929), 800a BOUNDARIES,

AFRICA, FRENCH BOUNDARY, east and west of the Niger, 142; French Equatorial Africa and the Sudan, 408. See also FRANCE AFRICA, NORTHERN RHODESIA BOUNDARY (1929-1930), 1011; exchange of Notes (1927), 1194; exchange of Notes (1933), 1191 TREASURY MINUTE, 1174


INDEX AFRICA, SOUTH Air Service, Egypt and South Africa, 933a. See also UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA

1666; Irish Free State-U.S., I647; Italy, 1001, 1010, 1163, 1303, 1327, 1633; Netherlands, 472, 895, 937, 1418, 1473, 1832; Norway, 1626; Portugal, 1408, 1577, 1645, 1778; Siam, 1624; Sweden, 380, 1697; Switzerland, 1700, 1707; Union of South Africa-Egypt, 933a;Germany, 1643; Portugal, 1577, 1645; -U.S., 1257; United States of America, 966, 1094, 1256, 1257, 1321, 1383, 1384, 1647, 1752, 1798, 1799

AFRICA, SOUTH-EAST BOUNDARIES, Anglo-Portuguese Agreement (1920), 99. See PORTUGAL, Mozambique AFRICA, SOUTH-WEST BOUNDARIES, Angola and Union of South Africa (1926), 616; (1931), 1012. See also PORTUGAL, Angola GERMANS in mandated territory, 407 KUNENE RIVER, agreement between Portugal and Union of South Africa (1926), 617 MANDATE, for German South-West Africa, 133 TRADE, report on Conditions and prospects, 85a AGRICULTURE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE, (1926), protocol re 837 INTERNATIONAL MORTGAGE CREDIT COMPANY (1931), convention re 1024 AIR FORCES Limitation of, CONFERENCE



AIR PACT See EUROPE, European Settlement


AIR TRAFFIC AND NAVIGATION AERIAL NAVIGATION, convention of 1919 and amendments, 25a, 70a, 215, 247, 281, 300, 464, 465, 864, 1206, 1504; legislation, 46e, 47, 48b, 80a, 1386, 1388, 1389, 1390 CARRIAGE BY AIR, International Convention and legislation (1929), 1045, 1167 CONFERENCE, third air (1923), 281 CUSTOMS REGULATIONS, 582 DAMAGE CAUSED BY AIRCRAFT. (1933), 1412; (1926), 1820 SANITARY CONVENTION (1933), 1269, 1363 TAXATION, re liquid fuels and lubricants (1939), 1783 TREATIES re navigation, communication, licencing, air worthiness certificates, customs regulations, etc. See individual countries for details. Austria, 1114, 1162, 1211; Belgium, 582, 1665; Burma, 1624, 1828; Canada, 966, 1752, 1798, 1799; China, 1648, 1826; Denmark, 1595; East India-Siam, 1624; Egypt-South Africa, 933a; France, 582, 1355, 1740, 1749, 1781, 1828, 1829; Germany, 693, 914, 1005, 1319, 1625, 1643; Greece, 1009, 1088, 1811; Hungary, 1564,

ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL COMPANY, see PERSIA ANIMALS Creation of international office re contagious diseases (1924), 581 ANTARCTIC, see FRANCE, Aerial Navigation ARABIA, see SAUDI ARABIA ARBITRATION Denmark, 1407, 1443, 1746, 1806; France, 8, 310; Iceland, 250, 643, 1409. 1541, 1746, 1806; Italy, 8, 315; Netherlands, 100, 511; Portugal, 56, 516, 631; Siam, 638; Spain, 8, 370; Sweden, 54, 492; United States of America, 8, 355. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Arbitration Treaties ARGENTINE REPUBLIC ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 88 MEAT TRADE, report of Joint Committee (1938), 1695; regulation of beef imports in U.K. (1937-39), 1759. See also Trade and Commerce


INDEX MIXED ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL, provisional dissolution of (1931), 1038 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 747 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445 PROPERTY, liquidation of (1930), 870, 958 REPARATIONS: enemy debts, Sect. III, Part X of treaty, 702; Hague conference, 840, 870, 960, 1108; Paris (1922) financial agreement, 219; Spa (1920) agreements, Allied Powers and Austria, 218. See also above PROPERTY TRADE-MARKS, protection in Austria and Palestine (1927-1928), 716 TREATIES, application of, Germany, U.K., and Austria (1938), 1733 VIENNA, position of, 69

TRADE AND COMMERCE, Convention (1933), 1172, 1231; supplementary agreement 1232; agreement (1936), 1502 WORKMEN, compensation for accidents (1929), 918, 1342 ARMENIA ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 LEAGUE OF NATIONS PROTECTION, 103 LOANS FOR RELIEF, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS ARMISTICE Allied Powers and Germany, AustriaHungary, and Turkey, 11 ARMS CONVENTION (1920), 38 CONVENTION FOR SUPERVISION OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE, declaration concerning Ifni (1925), 827 AUSTRALIA BELGIUM, commercial relations, 1235, 1330; extradition convention, 738 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Treaty of Commerce (1936). 1622 GERMANY, agreement re property, rights and interests of German nationals (1930), 911 NAURU ISLAND, 46d, 46f, 47c, 77c, 131 JAPAN, trade agreement (1938), 1709 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 SWITZERLAND, commercial agreement (1938), 1767 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415 AUSTRIA AIR COMMUNICATION AGREEMENT (1932), 1211 AIR NAVIGATION CONVENTION (1932), 1114, 1162 CANADA COMMERCIAL RELATIONS (1933), 1460 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1924), 389, 485 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES, 291, 491 DEBTS, agreement re settlement of enemy debts, 702 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1934), 1326, 1367 FIREARMS, proof-marks recognition (1933), 1202 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS in civil and commercial matters (1931), 1000, 1063 LOANS: Agreement (1922) and Legislation, 246a, 255, 258; Agreement (1932) and Legislation, 1123, 1133, 1139, 1147, 1156, 1317, 1322; unrepaid amounts see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS REPARATIONS

AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN EMPIRE ARMISTICE, 11 FLEET, 117 LIBERATION, cost of, 41, 65, 66 TRADE AFTER THE RAISING OF THE BLOCKADE, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE, ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE (1919), 37, 46b, 68, 702 AZERBAIJAN Economic conditions, 56, 69 BALFOUR, LORD DISPATCH RELATING To WAR DEBTS (1922), 246 SPEECH ON LEAGUE OF NATIONS at Imperial Conference (1921), 118, 164 BARCELONA CONVENTION (1921), see also TRANSIT CONVENTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS, 234 FREEDOM OF TRANSIT, 323 REGIME FOR NAVIGABLE RIVERS, 324 RIGHT To FLAG, countries without sea coasts, 325 BASUTOLAND - BECHUANALAND MOZAMBIQUE: boundaries with, 706; commercial relations with, 921, 1679 BEEF Uruguay, Argentine Republic, and Brazil (1937-39), 1759 BELGIUM AIR TRAFFIC, customs regulations, 582 AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, documents of identity (1938), 1665 BELGIAN CONGO: boundary with Northern Rhodesia, 1011, 1191, 1194; extradition treaty, 346; sanitation convention (1939), 1796; telegraphic communications with Uganda (1924), 417


INDEX BELGIUM continued CHINN, OSCAR, agreement for submission of claim to Court of International Justice (1934), 1259 CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL MATTERS, reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1261, 1500. See also below, Legal COMMERCE AND TRADE: Australia, 1235, .1330; Canada, 457; Irish Free State, 1356, 1576; New Zealand and Economic Union of Belgium-Luxemburg (1933), 1238; modification of arrangement (1936), 1513; Union of South Africa, 1646 EAST AFRICA BOUNDARIES: Mount Sabino-Congo Nile watershed (1915), 52; draft mandate, 268; agreement Ruanda-Urundi (1923), 313; agreement Ruanda-Urundi Tanganyika (1926), 637; agreement RuandaUrundi Tanganyika (1934), 1419, 1669 SANITATION CONVENTION, Ruanda-Urundi (1939), 1796 TRAFFIC CONVENTION (1921), 153 WATER RIGHTS AGREEMENT (1934), 1420. 1670 EUPEN AND MALMEDY, correspondence, 151; decision of the League of Nations, 103 EXTRADITION TREATY, Belgian Congo and British Protectorates (1923), 346; extension of treaty (1928), 738 GERMAN MARKS IN BELGIUM, Hague Conference, 840 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS IN IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY, 887 INTERNATIONAL POSITION OF BELGIUM (1937), documents exchanged between France and Britain, 1534 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, CIVIL AND COMMERCIAL MATTERS, Anglo-Belgian Convention (1922), 367; supprementary convention (1932), 1140, 1266; reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1261, 1500 LOANS To BELGIUM AND BELGIAN CONGO, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. and BELGIUM, WAR DEBTS LOCARNO, see LOCARNO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 62, 257, 267, 648, 1400 NINE-POWER TREATY, 222 OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS, agreement re legislation (1928), 759 PARCEL POST, agreement with detailed regulations (1938), 1708 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445

PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b TRADE ARRANGEMENTS: New Zealand and Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg (1933), 1238; modification of (1936), 1513 VERSAILLES, treaty of, Anglo-Belgian convention re Art. 296, 179 WAR DEBTs: suspension of (Hoover Moratorium), 1035; supplementary protocol, 1138 WAR GRAVES, Anglo-Belgian Treaty (1919), 30 BILLS OF LADING, International Convention re unification of certain rules of law (1924), 986 BILLS OF HEALTH, International Agreement for dispensing with, (1934), 1347 BOLIVIA ORIGIN OF GOODS: Anglo-Bolivian Convention (1920), 148 PARAGUAY, frontier incident (1928), 758 BOLSHEVISNf AFGHANISTAN, 33, 199 ENGLAND, 591. See also SOVIET UNION, Relations with U.K. EUROPE, 56, 69 GERMANY, 10, 12, 16 SINN FEIN, 152 SOVIET UNION, see SOVIET UNION BONES, International Agreement re exportation of, 823 BORNEO, see NETHERLANDS and U.S.A., Philippine Archipelago BRAZIL BEEF, regulation of imports (1937-39), 1759 BRITISH GUIANA BOUNDARY, treaty and convention (1926), 791; agreement (1930), 862 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS AGREEMENT (1935), 1345, 1357 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1931) 1158, (1937) 1686; India (1932) 1116; Irish Free State (1931) 1057; Newfoundland (1936) 1469; Union of South Africa (1939) 1834; United Kingdom (1931) 1059; (1936) 1468 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 85 MONEY ORDERS AGREEMENT (1921), 200 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 PEACE COMMISSION, 147 BRITISH GUIANA Boundary with Brazil, 791, 862


INDEX BRITISH HONDURAS BOUNDARY, 1077 LOAN, Iegislation, 1044a; memorandum, 1073a BROADCASTING Cause of Peace, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Broadcasting BRUSSELS CONFERENCE Russian Foreign Indebtedness, 180. See also CONFERENCES, Brussels BULGARIA COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, (1925), 537 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EMIGRATION To GREECE, 61 GREECE, convention (1919), 61 MIXED ARBITRAL TRIBUNAL, dissolution of, 668 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 747, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 REPARATIONS: arrangements for payment, 450, 720; cost of Army of Occupation, 451; division of sum recovered, cost of military occupation, 481; Hague Conference, financial obligations under Treaty, 840 974, 1108; Hoover Moratorium and protocols for suspension of payments, 1035, 1084, 1138; Spa Agreements (1920), 218 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE: Neuilly-sur-Seine, 46b, 57, 68; Article 188, dissolution of Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, 668; military clauses, abrogation of (1938), 1764 BUOYAGE, International agreement for a uniform system of maritime buoyage (1936), 1598 BURMA AIR DOCUMENTS OF IDENTITY OF AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, 1828. See Item 1749 CHINA, commission to establish boundary (1935), 1352 INDIA, air service (1937), 1624 JAPAN, trade and commerce convention (1937), 1557, 1613 SIAM: air service (1937), 1624; boundary (1931-1932), 1095; nationality of persons affected by re-delineation of boundary (1937), 1547 CAMEROONS BOUNDARIES, 893, 1028 MANDATE, 156, 268 REPORT ON BRITISH SPHERE, 228 U.S. NATIONALS, Anglo-U.S. convention (1925), 600

CANADA AUSTRIA, commercial relations (1933), 1460 BELGIUM, commercial agreement (1924), 457 BORDEN, statement at Washington Conference, 222 BRAZIL, commercial agreement (1931), 1158, (1937), 1686 COSTA RICA, convention for arbitration, Petroleum Company, Royal Bank of Canada (1922), 286 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, Convention of Commerce (1928), 809 FRANCE, trade agreement (1921), 171; commercial convention (1922), 318; Commerce and trade convention (1933), 1593 GERMANY, commercial relations (1932), 1458; (1933), 1459; agreement re liquidation of property (1930), 1007; agreement re payments for exchange of goods (1936), 1592 GUATAMALA, commercial relations (1937), 1685 HAYTI, commercial modus vivendi (1935), 1539; trade agreement (1937), 1809 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, 641 ITALY, commercial convention (1923), 360 JAPAN, customs treatment of imports (1935), 1591 LAUSANNE TREATY, correspondence with Canadian government, 384a LUXEMBURG, commercial agreement (1924), 457 NETHERLANDS, commercial agreement (1924), 536; exchange of notes re double taxation (1938), 1758 NORWAY, sovereignty of Otto Sverdrup Islands (1930), 1004 POLAND, commercial relations (1935), 1600 ROUMANIA, consular fees on certificates of origin (1934-35), 1540 SALVADOR, commercial relations (1937), 1688 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TURKEY, correspondence re Peace Treaty, 384a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AIR TRAFFIC AND NAVIGATION AGREEMENT: air navigation (1938), 1799; certificates of airworthiness (1938), 1752; civil aircraft (1929), 966; licenses for piloting civil aircraft (1938), 1798 BOUNDARY (1925), 512 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS: (1935), 1599; (1937-38), 1833; (1938), 1735, 1738 FISHERIES: halibut in Bering Sea and northern Pacific (1923), 480; (1930), 1164; (1937), 1703; sockeye salmon, Fraser River system (1930), 1704


INDEX CANADA continued INCOME TAX on non-resident individuals and corporation, (1936), 1705 LAKE OF THE WOODS, agreement re level, (1925), 513 LOAD LINE CONVENTION, (1933), 1461 NARCOTICS LAWS and extradition (1925), 514, 515


REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY CONVENTION (1921), 244 SMELTER at Trail, B.C., (1935), 1538 SMUGGLING along border, (1925), 514 TONNAGE, exchange of Notes re appen-


report, 1086 papers relating to, 674; papers relating to settlement of, 735


257, 1016 NINE-POWER TREATY (1922), 222 OPIUM, correspondence cultivation

dix certificates, 1833 commercial relations (1936), 1590 WAR GRAVES, (1935), 1415 URUGUAY,

CANNES CONFERENCE (Jan. 1922) Resolution, 221 CENTRAL EUROPE Economic Conditions, 56; 69; CHILE COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS,

(1937), 1074;




CHINA over China: (1937), 1648; over South-West China and British ports (1939), 1826 AMOY, rendition of (1930), 939 ARMAMENTS, limitation of Chinese, 222; limitation of foreign, 222 BURMA, commission to establish boundary (1935), 1352 CHINKIANG, rendition of (1929), 835; claims for losses sustained by British subjects in 1927 (1929), 836 COMMITMENTS of China, 222 Customs, regulations, 222; tariff treaty (1928-29), 773 EXTRA-TERRITORIALITY: 222; report of Commission (1926), 614; Chinese Commission on, 632; mandate and correspondence (1929), 838 FINANCE, stabilization of Chinese dollar (1939), 1717, 1768 FINANCIAL CONSORTIUM (1920), 135 GERMAN DEBTS, 290, 739 HANKOW AND KINKIANG: British concessions (1927), 650; land tenure and taxation (1934), 1336 INDEMNITY, bills, reports, papers and accounts of Chinese indemnity fund, 334, 335, 341, 432, 435, 435a, 437, 555, 612, 686, 729, 785, 903, 905, 906, 941, 987, 1046, 1050


of, 174. See also OPIUM POSTAL AGENCIES, 222 RADIO STATIONS, 222 RAILWAYS, 222 SHAMEEN AFFAIR, papers re first firing (1925), 571 SHANGHAI: Chinese courts in international settlement, 874, 1186, crisis of 1932, papers, reports, and settlement of, 1069, 1076, 1085 SHANTUNG, Sino-Japanese agreement, 222 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TERRITORY, non-alienation of, 222 TRADE, British, report on, 87 TREATIES, list of (1842-1922), 509 TWENTY-ONE DEMANDS, Chinese attitude to, 222 WASHINGTON TREATIES, see WASHINGTON CONFERENCE AND TREATIES WEI-HAI-WEI, notes exchanged, 222; rendition of, and agreement for naval facilities, 881, 948 COLOMBIA EXTRADITION, 856, 943 TREATY OF FRIENDSHIP, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, 1766

COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES Austria, 291, 491; Costa Rica, 919; Czechoslovakia, 309, 368; Ecuador, 770; Estonia, 629; Latvia, 694; Panama, 774; Paraguay, 932; Peru, 855; Turkey, 922 COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSIT, see TRANSIT CONFERENCES (For details see also, TREATIES and individual conferences.) AMBASSADORS', correspondence with German Peace delegation and German government, 151 BARCELONA (1921), 323, 324, 325 BRUSSELS, Russian foreign indebtedness, 180; Drugs (1925 and 1929), 502, 754, 953 CANNES (1922), basis for Genoa conference, 221


INDEX EcoxoMlc, see ECONOMIC, ACTION; Geneva and London (1933) GENEVA, (1923): communications and transit, 381, 382, 383, 384, 487, 488, 489, 490; see also TRANSIT; economic action, 823, 824, 850, 863, 964, 1006; naval disarmament (1927), 676, 704, see also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, disarmament; wounded and sick, 978, 979, 980, 1029, 1030 GENOA (1922), 221, 224, 230, 231, 234, 248 HAGUE, (1922), 243; (1929-30), 793, 805, 817, 840, 842, 870, 876, 877, 886, 894, 899, 911, 935, 957, 958, 959, 962, 974, 981, 996, 1007, 1018, 1038. See REPARATIONS, Hague Conference; codification of international law, 1020, 1021, 1022 IMPERIAL, see IMPERIAL LAUSANNE, (1922-23), 273, 303, 306, 307, 331, 348, 363, 384a; (1932), 1056, 1100, 1102, 1103 LISBON, lightships, 976 LOCARNO (1925), 495, 505, 525, 611, 1387 LONDON: (Aug. 1922), 423; (Dec. 1922) 272; (1924) 391, 395, 424, 429, see REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan; Ioad line conference (1930), 915, 916, 945, 1041, 1042, 1047, 1135; naval conference (1930), 782, 841, 868, 871, 885, 896, 955, 988; (1935-36) 1432, 1433, 1492, 1575, 1672; World Economis Conference (1933), 1189, 1201 PARIS (1919), 217, see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL; (1922), 219, 225; (1923), 272 PRIME MINISTERS, (1921), 164 SPA, 151, 218 STRESA (1935), 1350 TARIFF TRUCE see ECONOMIC, Action WASHINGTON, 164, 191, 207, 209, 214, 222, 351, 352, 509, 517, 518, 782; oil pollution, 594a COPYRIGHT CONVENTION ACCESSIONS: Sweden, 40; Greece, 122 COSTA RICA ARBITRATION, Costa Rica Petroleum Company - Royal Bank of Canada, 286 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, Irish Free State, 1297 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS (1928-30), 919 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 CUBA BRITISH WEST INDIAN LABOURERS, correspondence re ill-treatment, 386, 419 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1937), 1525, 1711 ExTRADITION, 891, 1052

NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1016, 1400 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT, 744 CURRENCY FOREIGN EXCHANGE after the war, 44a LEGISLATION re counterfeit currency convention, 1305a PRODUCTION, price movements, and expansion, 39, 77b CUSTOMS FORMALITIES International Convention (1923), 383, 476. See also TRANSIT CYPRUS Anglo-French Convention (1920), 129 CZECHOSLOVAKIA BOUNDARY, see below Munich Agreement COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS, Canada, 809; Australia, 1622; United Kingdom, 421; Union of South Africa, 1642 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES, 309, 368 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY, 618 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, Agreement (1939), 1756; Legislation, 1716, 1718 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS in iron and steel industry, 887 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS in civil and commercial matters, (1924), 572; (1935), 1349, 1376 LOANS for relief, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS and above Financial Assistance LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MUNICH AGREEMENT, correspondence and documents, 1701, 1702, 1743 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRINTED MATTER AGREEMENT, 569 REFUGEE FUND, trust fund and directions to the trustees, 1804 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RUSSIA, SOVIET-CZECH PACT (1936), see EUROPE, European Settlement SEAMEN, passports for (1935), 1346 SUDETEN-GERMANS, see above, Munich Agreement SUDETENLAND, extension to of Anglo-German transfer agreement, 1793. TREATY OF PEACE: ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE (1919), 46a sevRES (1920), 182 COST OF LIBERATION, Hague settlement, 840, 961; Hoover Moratorium, 1035; supplementary.. protocol, 1138



DANUBE (1921), instituting definitive statute, 253 SINAIA: arrangement and protocol (1939), 1762, 1801; amendment to and accession of Germany and Italy, 1800 CONVENTION



convention re transfer of, 402

DEFENCE on proposed resolution (1937), 1517 STATEMENT, (1935), 1334; (1936), 1427; (1937), 1521; (1938), 1637; (1939), 1761 MEMORANDUM,

DENGUE FEVER International Convention for mutual protection (1934), 1315, 1385 DENMARK AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL,

documents of iden-


1905, re-

newals, 249, 642 (1935), 1171, 1207; (1936), 1456, 1580; (1938), 1760, 1819 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 92 EGYPT, agreement for the suppression of capitulations (1921), 168 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1935), 1407, 1443; supplementary convention of treaty of 1873, (1938), 1746, 1806 GREENLAND: treatment of British subjects, companies and vessels in eastern Greenland, 510




257, 648

DISARMAMENT (in chronological order) Report to Council on First Session of Preparatory Commission, 590 Report of Lord Cecil on Third Session of Preparatory Commission, 656 Dispatch of Viscount Cecil, preparatory Commission and draft convention (1930), 954 Memoranda on chemical warfare, 949 Speech of Sir John Simon, opening Disarmament Conference, 1068 Declaration of British policy (July 1932), 1099 British policy on Germany's claim to equality of right (Nov. 1982), 1121 Draft convention of Ramsay MacDonald (1983), 1166 Proceedings of Bureau of Disarmament Conference, withdrawal of Germany (Oct. 14, 1933), 1213 Memorandum on (1934), 1233 Memoranda issued by U.K., France, Italy, and Germany (1934), 1241 Further Memoranda (Feb.-April 1934), 1249 German disarmament, note of British government (1935), 1339 See also GERMANY, Disarmament; NAVY, Disarmament; WASHINGTON CONFERENCE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 1016 DOMINIONS, see IMPERIAL AFFAIRS DRUGS, see also OPIUM LEGISLATION, 1043, 1045a dangerous drugs (1925), 502, 754; unification of formulas, pharmacopeoial drugs (1929), 953, 1822; distribution of narcotics (1931), 1053, 1204


NAVAL ARMAMENT AGREEMENT (1938), 1782 ODER RIVER see POLAND PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with

international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION,



77b treaty (1920), 208; nationality and naturalization laws, 257 SHIPPING, agreement re income tax on profits, 460 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50



for accidents (1925), 647 WRECKS, agreement (1918.21), 136

Arnawai and Dokalim (1934), 1289 ANNUAL REPORT, statement exhibiting the moral and material progress and condition of India, 54th to 70th number: (1918), 4b; (1919), 91a; (1920), 118a; (1921), 199; (1922-23), 311; (192324), 453; (1924-25), 443; (1925-26), 622; (1926-27), 688; (1927-28), 730; (1928-29), 787; (1929-30), 908a; (1930.31), 1051; AFGHANISTAN BOUNDARY,


INDEX (1931-32), 1222; (1932-33), 1307; (193334), 1391; (1934-35), 1487 BRAZIL, commercial relations (1932), 1116 BURMA, see BURMA FRANCE, India and Indo-China, abolition of consular visas on Bills of Health (1938), 1747 JAPAN, commercial relations (1934), 1273, 1304; (1937), 1602 LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Geneva protocol, views of the Government of India, 508 MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS for troops on North-West frontier, 32a, 36a POLAND, commercial convention (1931), 1097 RUBBER: agreements for regulation of production and export, and protocols of amendment, 1252, 1463, 1526 SIAM, air services (1937), 1624 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 TANGANYIKA, proposed Indian settlement, 150a TURKEY, commercial relations (1930), 924 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415 ECONOMIC, see also STATISTICS protocol and final act, 863; export and import restictions, 850; exportation of hides and skins, 824; exportation of bones, 823


ACTION, SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFER. ENCE: (1930-31), final act, 964; protocol,


report of iron and steel

industries, 887 CONDITION OF WORLD, 70 WORLD CONFERENCE (1933), 1189,



1471, 1514; map to illustrate, 1496; financial question re Sudan, 1499; protocol for amendment of annex to art. 8, 1710 CAPITULATIONS AGREEMENTS FOR SUPPRESSION OF

Denmark, 168; Greece, 140; Norway, 150; Portugal, 185; Sweden, 159 Montreux Convention (1937), 1555, 1611 COMMERCIAL modus vivendi, 913, 993. See also IRISH FREE STATE; PALESTINE and UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 86, 93,

167. See also below, Trade Relations EXTRADITION, provisional agreement with Palestine (1922), 471 FINANCES, 167. See also below LOANS FOREIGN NATIONALS, conditions of service, 329 FOREIGN OFFICIALS, taxation, pensions of retired officials (1936), 1615 INDEMNITY ACT, 328 IRISH FREE STATE, commercial modus vivendi, 972, 998 ITALY, Anglo-Italian Agreement (1938), 1651; protocol, 1750 LOANS, guaranteed by British Government, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. I MPERIAL OTTOMAN LOAN OF 1855: account to Dec. 1925, 549; to Dec. 1926, 621; to Dec. 1927, 687; to Dec. 1928, 731; to Dec. 1929, 786 ANGLO-EGYYPTIAN AGREEMENT on Ottoman loan and other financial questions (1929), 769 MACDONALD, RAMSAY, British position in Egypt and the Sudan, 428 MILNER, LORD, report of special mission, 125 MONTREUX CONVENTION (1937), 1555, 1611 NATIONALITY, Anglo-French agreement re Art. 34 of Treaty of Lausanne, 307 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648, 1400 EGYPT ADMIN ISTRATION, 167 AIR SERVICE, weekly with South Africa, 933a ALEXANDRIA RIOTS (1921), report and proceedings of military court, 173 ANGLO EGYPTIAN CORRESPONDENCE AND NEGOTIATIONS (in chronological order): Mil-

ner report, 125; negotiations (1921), 187; correspondence (1921-22), 212; Status of (1922), 220; MacDonald re position in, 428; Treaty of Alliance (1927-28), 703; crisis (April-May 1928), 714; proposals for settlement (1929), 799; negotiations (1930), 875; Treaty of Alliance (1936),

648, 1016 NILE, use of waters for irrigation, (1925), 795 PALESTINE: commercial agreement and relations, 751, 1515; extradition agreement, 471; judgments, convention re reciprocal enforcement (1929), 797 PROTECroRATE, termination of (1922), 220 PUBLIC MEETINGS AND DEMONSTRATIONS LAWS, papers re crisis, April-May 1928, 714 SUDAN, financial questions (1936), 1499 SUEZ CANAL


returns of shipping and tonnage: 1915-1917, 14a; 1918, 16a; 1919, 160; 1920, 166. See also ITALY, Anglo-Ita-

INDEX EGYPT continued lian Agreement (1938), Shares, interest, dividends, market value, etc., see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. TAXATION ON PENSIONS OF FOREIGN OFFICIALS (1936), 1615 TELECOMMUNICATIONS, exchange of notes (1936), 1616 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT (1939), 1777 TRADE RELATIONS, Economic mission of enquiry (1935), 1354 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: air service, 933a; commercial relations (1939), 1836 WAR MEMORIAL CEMETERIES AND GRAVES (1937), 1608 ELBE Statute of Navigation, (1922), 276; (1923). 372 ELECTRIC POWER Convention for the transit of (1923), 489 EMIGRANTS International Agreement re transit cards (Geneva, 1929), 812 ESTONIA COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1920), 107 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, treaty and commercial relations, 596, 1199, 1270, 1305 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES, 629 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EMIGRANTS see EMIGRANTS EXTRADITION TREATY (1925), 595; exchange of notes, Union of South Africa (1938), 1789 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1931), 1060, 1113 LOANS, unrepaid amounts, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS of the U.K. NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 1400 PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, estates of deceased (1931), 1115 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT (1926), 593 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, see EXTRADITION ETHIOPIA, see ABYSSINIA EUROPE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS in Central Europe, 56, 69

EUROPEAN FEDERAL UNION, French government memorandum (1930), 884 EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT (in chronological order) Locarno; Negotiations re pact of Security, etc. (1925), 494, 495, 505, 525, 611; Briand Plan (1930); European Federal Union, 884 Declaration re future of European cooperation, U.K. and France (1932), 1103; dispatch of H.M.'s ambassador in Rome (1933), 1183; communique, AngloFrench conversations (Feb. 1935), 1324; note to German government (18 March 1935), 1339; Stresa Conference, 1350; diplomatic correspondence (1934-1936), 1435; Memorandum of German government re Rhineland (1936), 1429; proposals of France, Belgium, U.K., and Italy (1936), 1431; correspondence re proposals (March-April 1936), 1437; correspondence with German government (March-May 1936), 1446; international position of Belgium (1937), 1534 EVIDENCE Bill to admit foreign evidence (1932), 1125; foreign judgments (1932), 1126 Report of Standing Committee A, 1129 Report of committee, 1143a See also 1938, Bills No. 63 and 213, not included in Text EXHIBITIONS International Convention (1928), 839, 969 EXPORT, see also TRADE CREDITS, report of committee for Guarantee Scheme (1928-29), 828 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS, International Convention (1928-29), 850 EXTERNAL DEBT of the U.K., 4c, 48, 115, 229. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS and U.S.A. War Debt EXTRADITION Albania, 666; Australia-Belgium, 738; Austria, 1326, 1367; Belgium, 346, 738; Columbia, 856, 943; Cuba, 891, 1052; Czechoslavkia, 618; Ecuador, 1288, 1606; Egypt-Palestine, 471; Estonia, 595, 1789; Finland, 390, 486; Hungary, 1497, 1570; Iraq, 1098, 1175; Latvia, 415, 519; Lithuania, 661; Luxemburg, 1532, 1680, 1807; Monaco, 973, 1017; Netherlands, 97, 529; New Zealand-Belgium-Luxemburg, 738; Paraguay, 1281; Poland, 1071, 1248; Portugal, 183, 184, 1070, 1200;


INDEX FISHING Convention for regulation of fishing nets and size limits (1937), 1556

Spain, 43; Switzerland, 1343, 1374; Union of South Africa-Belgium, 738, -Estonia, 1789; USA, 256, 514, 515, 1058, 1361

FIUME, FAR EAST British policy in, 164


FLAG Recognition of flag for countries without sea coast (1921), 325

FILMS International Convention re films of an educational Character (1933), 1381, 1438




FOREIGN OFFICE Report of British communities abroad, 72

FINANCE U.K.: (1919), 4a; (1920), 47b; (1921), 114, I16; (1922), 195; (1923), 262; (1924), 339; (1925), 440; (1926), 552; (1927), 624; (1928), 690; (1929), 732, 783; (1930), 789; (1931), 908; (1932), 1049; (1933), 1132; (1934), 1226; (1935), 1311; (1936), 1394; (1937), 1490; (1938), 1588; (1939), 1724 AMERICAN DOLLAR SECURITIES, report of committee, 4c. See also U.S.A. war debt





FRANCE regulation of importation of arms and ammunition (1930), 936; Italian dispute, Hoare-Laval Pact (1935), 1406. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia ADRIATIC QUESTION, French attitude, 58 AFRICA, BOUNDARIES: east and west of the Niger, 142; French Equatorial Africa and the Sudan, 408 ALBANIA, proposed partition, 58 ALSACE-LORRAINE, 22 AERIAL NAVIGATION, exchange of notes re Antarctic (1938), 1740 AIRCRAFT: exemption from duties of military aircraft's fuel and lubricants (1938), 1781; documents of aircraft personnel (1938), 1749; extension to Burma (1939), 1828; see also, Income Tax AIR TRAFFIC, customs regulations, 582; see also Income Tax ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement (1920), 95 ANCLO-FRENCH COMMUNIQUE (1935), 1324. See also EUROPE, EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT CONVENTION, Art. 296 of Treaty of Versailles (Enemy Debts), 178; see also GERMANY and REPARATIONS PACT, papers re negotiations, 387 TREATY, defence of France Act, 2, 18 ANGLO-RUSSIAN TRADE AGREEMENT, French attitude, 163 ANGORA AGREEMENT (1921), 188; Correspondence, 203 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 310 BELGIUM, international position of, 1534 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT, see UNITED STATES, Kellogg; LEAGUE OF NATIONS, General Act; PARIS PEACE PACT BRIAND PLAN (1930), European Federal Union, 884



FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Memorandum re International Convention (1930), 10I5 FINLAND AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE, 76, 103, 235 ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS, convention re illicit

importation (1933), 12I2 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT (1933), 1208, 1228 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY

(1923), 418 EXTRADITION TREATY (1924), 390, 486 INCOME TAX AGREEMENTS: shipping pro-

fits (1925), 533; agency profits (1935), 1341 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1933), 1210, 1237 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATE AGREEMENT (1935), 1377 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

1016 limitation and information agreement (1938), 1782 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, estates of deceased (1923), 354



(1924), 413 after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 VESSELS USED DURING WAR, agreement to submit dispute to arbitration (1932), 1118 WHEATEN FLOUR, importation of (1937), 1560 TRADE





(1929), 893;

(1931), 1028 abolition of in Morocco and Zanzibar (1937), 1565 CHINA, financial consortium, 135 CAPITULATIONS,

Boundaries, 893, 1028 IRAQ, transference of rights to government, 1148




tion (1922), 232, 1447; reciprocal enforcement of judgments (1934), 1296, 1462 COMMERCE, report of M. Van Zeeland on general reduction of obstacles on trade (1938), 1621; French raffia, East African coffee, and New Zealand kauri gum (1937), 1574 COMMERCIAL AGREEMENTS: termination of convention of 1826 and 1882 (1934), 1254; trade and commerce agreement (1934), 1265; Canada, 171, 318, 1593; Union of South Africa, 1698, 1699 CUSTOMS IMPORT DUTIES, French presidential decree, 26 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, financial assistance, Munich Agreement, etc., see CZECHOSLOVAKIA DANUBE, see DANUBE DEPORTATION AGREEMENT, U.K., India, and France (1933), 1203 DISARMAMENT, see DISARMAMENT, NAVY, LEAGUE OF NATIONS EGYPTIAN NATIONALITY, Art. 34 of Treaty of Lausanne, 307 EUROPEAN FEDERAL UNION, 884 EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT, see EUROPE FISHERIES: limits in Granville Bay (1928), 757; oyster fishing, 327 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 FOUR-POWER PACT, see ITALY GENOA CONFERENCE, attitude of French government, 248 INCOMIE TAX EXEMPTION, from shipping profits (1932), 1120; from air transport profits (1935), 1355, 1829 INDO-CHINA, abolition of consular visas on Bills of Health (1938), 1747 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, in iron and steel industry (1932), 887 ITALIAN COAL PAYMENTS, treasury minute, 206 LANDLORD AND TENANT LAWS (1929), 804 LAVAL, Hoare-Laval Pact (1935), 1406 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 232, 1296, 1447, 1462 LEGALIZATION OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS (1937), 1548 LOANS, war and relief, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS LOCARNO, see LOCARNO

convention (1920) 129; Boundaries: 297, 667, 1797 MONEY ORDERS, 737; Public services agreement: 306 TOGOLAND, boundaries 892, 940 MONEY ORDERS, agreement re Syria, Lebanon, etc. (1928), 737; France and Algeria, 802, 1119 MOROCCO, see MOROCCO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

747; decrees, Morocco, and Tunisia, 295 Anglo-French agreement, 743; memorandum on results of negotiations with France and Italy (1931), 988. See also NAVY; DISARMAMENT NEW HEBRIDES: Anglo-French protocol, 236; exchange of notes, 275; amendment to protocol, 640; agreements re administration, 680, 792, 929, 1105, 1340 ODER RIVER, see POLAND OYSTERS, see Fisheries PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international question, 445 POLAND, Anglo-French loan (1939), 1817 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39



(Wiesbaden Agreement), 18L See also REPARATIONS RENTS, British holders of French rents (1930-31), 971 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY,

104 see Telegraph Cable production and export agreement, 1252, 1463, 1526 RUSSIA, responsibilities of government for debts and French attitude to Trade Agreement, 163 SOVIET RUSSIAN - French Pact (1935), 1429, 1435. See also EUROPE, European Settlement SAN REMO OIL AGREEMENT, 75; protocol re transfer of certain rights to Iraq, 1148 SENEGAL - GAMBIA BOUNDARY (1929), 790 SHIPPING PROFITS, see Income Tax STRESA CONFERENCE (1935), 1350 STUDENT EMPLOYEES, agreement re admission, 721 TELEGRAPH CABLE, convention re cable between Mauritius and R@union (1939), 1830 TOGOLAND, boundary between British and French territories, 892, 940 REUNION, RUBBER,

448 .


see above,


MERCE TUNIS, see TUNIS WAR DAMAGE, agreement re compensation (1929), 814. See also REPARATIONS WAR DEars: Balfour note, 246; AngloFrench agreement, 592; suspension of (1931), 1035. See LOANS, REPARATIONS WAR GRAVES AGREEMENTS, 6, 1415; transfer of property of sites of war memorials, 1784 WASHINGTON TREATIES, 222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES WIESBADEN AGREEMENT, 181. See also REPARATIONS ZANZIBAR, Anglo-French agreement re abolition of capitulations (1937), 1565, 1620

GAMBIA Gambia -- Senegal boundary (1929), 790 GASPARRI, CARDINAL Correspondence re Palestine mandate, 241 GENEVA CONFERENCE 1923, communications and transit, see TRANSIT: Economic Action see ECONOMIC 1927, naval armaments, speeches at plenary session, 676; statement of First Lord of the Admiralty, 704; see also NAVY and LONDON CONFERENCES 1929, legislation, 1481, 1486; wounded and sick, prisoners of war, 979, 980, 1029, 1030 GENOA CONFERENCE (In Chronological order) BASIS OF CONFERENCE, resolutions adopted at Cannes, 221 PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS AND REPORTS ON CURRENCY EXCHANGE, CORRESPONDENCE DOCUMENTS









224, 231, 234 RUSSO-GERMAN TREATY,


of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Commission,


28 efficiency certificates, Union of South Africa and Germany, 1643


693, 914, I005 Am TRANSPORT, taxation agreement, 1625 AIR WORTHINESS CERTIFICATES, 1319 ALLENSTEIN, correspondence, 151 ALSACE-LORRAINE, 22 AMNESTY, on termination of occupation (1930), 889 ANGLO-GERMA N RELATIONS: correspondence Aug. 1939, 1813; documents re German-Polish relations and the outbreak of war (1934-39), 1814; final report by the Rt. Hon. Sir Nevile Henderson, 1821; see also EUROPE, EUROAIR NAVIGATION AGREEMENTS,


conditions in 1919, 10, 12, 16; correspondence relative to, 151; see also below, Disarmament AUSTRIA, application of treaties (1938), 1733 BLOCKADE, 10, 12, see also below, Trading BOLSHEVISM IN, 10, 12, 16 BOUNDARY COMMISSION, 151 CHINA AGREEMENTS: re German debts in, 290; re surplus German property, 739 COLOGNE, evacuation of Cologne zone, 494, 525 COLONIES, 22 COMMERCIAL TREATIES AND RELATIONS: Anglo-German treaty and exchange of notes, 475, 520, 1170, 1177, see also REPARATIONS Transfer; Canada, 1458, 1459, 1592; Irish Free State, 1067, 1337; New Zealand, 1655; Union of South Africa, 843, 1370 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN BOUNDARY 151; see also CZECHOSLOVAKIA DANUBE, see DANUBE DEBTS, see below VERSAILLES, Art. 296, and REPARATIONS for Transfer Crisis and Commercial Debts, etc. DISARMAMENT: execution of military clauses (1925), 494; correspondence (Oct.-Nov. 1925), 525, equality of rights, statement by H.M. Gov't, 1121; see also DISARMAMENT, NAVY, EUROPE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, (1919), 10, 12, 16, 28, 39; (1920), 78; (1921), 120 ELBE, statement of navigation, (1922), 276; (1923), 372 EXCHANGE, see REPARATIONS, TRANSFER FISH, supplies to U.K. markets (1933), 1192 FLEETS, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 FooD CONDITIONS, see above ECONOMIC ARMY,



PACT (1933), see ITALY




in iron and steel industry (1930), 887 KEHL BRIDGEHEAD, correspondence, 151 LEAGUE OF NATIONS MEMBERSHIP, 22, 484, 495, 505, 525. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, German membership LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1928), 766 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1935), 1378 LOANS, see REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE, DAWES PLAN, etc. LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MARIENWERDER, correspondence, 151 MILITARY CLAUSES, see above DISARMAINDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS,


1400 papers concerning treatment of German nationals in Germany (193839), 1825 NAVAL AGREEMENTS, (1935), 1362, 1366; (1937), 1562, 1614; (1938), 1677, 1694 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT: methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PATENTS, MODELS, AND DESIGNS, agreement, Union of South Africa and Germany (1930), 1087 PAYMENTS, Anglo-German agreements, see REPARATIONS Transfer PEACE CONFERENCE see below Versailles POLAND see Anglo-German relations PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b PROPERTY, Art. 297, Anglo-German Agreement, 119, 201; agreement re liquidation (1929), 842, 877; (1932), 1117; see below VERSAILLES, ART. 297 REFUGEES, provisional arrangement re status, (1936), 1506; convention (1938), 1671, 1753 REPARATIONS, see REPARATIONS REPORTS, economic conditions (1919), 10, 12, 16 RESPONSIBILITY FOR WAR, 22 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RHINELAND: military occupation, 19; cost of, 21; High Commission, 63; correspondence re, 151; correspondence re cost of U.S. Army, 312; modifications in regime, 525; evacuation of, 817, 981; re-occupation, 1429. See also EUROPE, European Settlement


422, 521 Treaty of Rapallo, 234 SAAR BASIN: appointment of deliniation convention, 103; correspondence, 151 SCHLESWIG: correspondence, 151; agreement with Denmark (1920) 208 SHIPPING PROFITS: Exemption from double taxation (1928): 699 SINN FEIN, documents re Germany, 118b SOUTH-WEST AFRICA: Germans in Mandated Territories: 407 TAXATION: See SHIPPING PROFITS and AIR RHINE NAVIGATION,



after the raising of the Blockage: 27, 34, 50 TRANSFER AGREEMENTS. See REPARATIONS VERSAILLES TREATY, 1, 15, 17 ALLENSTEIN, correspondence, 151 ALLIED POWERS, reply to German observations, 22 ANNEX II, PT VIII, modification, 155; para. 13, amendment, 455; see also REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan, etc. ARTICLE 296: Anglo-French convention, 178; Anglo-Belgian convention, 179; Anglo-Siam convention, 226 ARTICLES 296, 297, report of Board of Trade committee, 237 ARTICLES 296, 297, 304, 305, clearing house and mixed arbitral tribunal, 452; dissolution of, 1112 ARTICLE 297, Anglo-German agreement, 119, 201; liquidation of German properties (1929), 842, 877, 1117; - and Irish Free State (1934), 1323 ARTICLE 297c, 202 ARTICLE 393, amendment, 456 ARTICLE 405, tabular analysis of International Labour Conference, 3rd and 4th Session, 287 BASIS OF NEGOTIATIONS, 22 TRADING


orandum circulated 25 March 1919, 217 EUPEN AND MALMEDY, 103, 151 MANNHEIM CONVENTION, accession of Holland, 296 MARIENWERDER, 151 MILITARY CLAUSES, 494, 525, 1121; see also DISARMAMENT: EUROPE PROTOCOLS AND CORRESPONDENCE between Allied Powers and German delegation (Jan.-July 1920), 151 REPARATIONS, see REPARATIONS RHINELAND, see above, Rhineland SUPPLEMENTARY PROTOCOL, 17 WAR CRIMINALS, correspondence, 151; trials, 162 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT (1935), 1415. XYLANDER, LT.-COL., case of, 151


INDEX GEORGIA Economic Conditions, 56, 69 GOODS International Agreement re false origin (1925), 724, 1692 GREECE AIR TRANSPORT, conventions and agreements, 1009, 1088, 1811 BULGARIA, Greek-Bulgarian convention (1919), 61 CAPITULATIONS, agreement re suppression, 140 COMMERCE: Anglo-Greek treaty, 626; guarantee agreement, 1802; Irish Free State, 947; New Zealand (1926-28), 807 CONSULAR FEES ON CERTIFICATES OF ORIGIN (1929), 798 COPYRIGHT, accession to international convention, 122 DAMAGE CAUSED BY BRITISH TROOPS, 584 EGYPT, agreement re capitulations, 140 EMIGRATION To BULGARIA, 61 ECONOMIC SITUATION, 81 EXPROPRIATION OF LANDED PROPERTIES (1936), 1467 INCOME TAX:, agencies, 1498; shipping profits, 806 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and . commercial matters (1936), 1436, 1617 LOANS, (see also Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS) of 1832: to. Dec. 1919, 47a; to Dec. 1920, .111; to Dec. 1933, 1223; to Dec. 1934, 1308; to Dec. 1935, 1392; to Dec. 1936, 1485; to Dec. 1937, 1585; to Dec. 1938, .1721 LOAN of 1898 to March 1933, 1131; to March 1934, 1224; to. March 1935, 1309; to March .1936, 1393; to March 1937, 1488; to March 1938, 1586; to March 1939, 1722 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648, 747 NEAR EASTERN QUESTION, proposed settlement, 225 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PROPERTY, expropriation of landed properties, 794 SEAMEN, passports for (1933), 1184 SHIPPING, see Income Tax THRACE, Allied Powers and Greece, 158 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT SHIPS, 625 TREATY BETWEEN ALLIED POWERS AND GREECE (1920), 94 TURKEY: fighting in, 69; report of atrocities by Greek troops, 165

WAR DEBTS: Balfour Note, 246; damage by British troops, 584; agreement for settlement of, 646; suspension of, 1035; supplementary protocol, 1138 WAR GRAVES, 186 GUATEMALA BOUNDARY, British Honduras (1931), 1077 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION (1928), 821 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1937), I685; Irish Free State (1930), 1034 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND THEIR SAMPLES (1931), 1031, 1101 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 HAGUE CONVENTION (1907) Denunciation of Art. VI re Enemy Merchant Ships, 543 HAGUE CONFERENCE PAPERS RELATING TO (June-July 1922), 243. See also REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE CODIFICATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (March-April 1930): military obligation in case of double nationality, 1021, 1542; protocol concerning statelessness, 1020, 1022, 1572; conflict of nationality laws, 1185, 1573; legislation, 1128, 1483 HAYTI COMMERCE MODUS VIVENDI (1928), 734 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION (1932), 1090 CANADA, MODUS VIVENDI (1935), 1539; trade agreement (1937), 1809 PARCEL POST AGREEMENT, 736 HENDERSON, SIR NEVILLE Final report re mission (1939), 1821 HIDES AND SKINS International Agreement re exportation (1928), 824 HOLLAND, see NETHERLANDS HONDURAS Nationality and naturalization laws, 648 HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION Financial Consortium, formation of British group, 135 HUNGARY AIR NAVIGATION CONVENTION (1937), 1564, 1666 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION, Anglo-Hungarian Treaty, 670 DEBTS, 227, 356, 564. See below TRIANON, treaty of





56, 69 EXTRADITION, 1497, 1570 HAGUE CONFERENCE: claims against Yugoslavia, Czechoslavia, and Roumania; agrarian reform, etc., 840. See below ECONOMIC CONDITIONS,





Civil and Commercial Matters, 1399, 1450 LOANS FOR RELIEF, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions: 445 REPARATIONS, see Trianon, treaty of SPA AGREEMENTS (1920), 218 TRIANON, treaty of, 89, 110 NOTE re EXPENSES, 139 ART. 239, dissolution of mixed arbitral tribunal, 1344 SECT. III, PT. X (ENEMY DEBTS), 227, 356, 564


1st (1919), 64; 2nd (1920), 127; 3rd (1921), 216, 287; 4th (1922), 277, 287; 5th (1923), 359; 6th (1924), 448; 7th (1925), 527; 8th and 9th (1926), 605; 10th (1927), 675; 11th (1928), 742; 12th (1929), 826; 13th (1929), 873 (Appendix VI); 14th (1930), 931; 15th (1931), 1040; 16th (1932), 1096; 17th (1933), 1209; 18th (1934), 1294; 19th (1935), 1401; 20th (1936), 1493; 21st (1936), 1527; 22nd (1936), 1528; 23rd (1937), 1594; 24th (1938), 1712 BRITISH DELEGATES REPORTS

6th, 463; 7th, 503; 8th, 607; 9th, 608; 10th, 684; 11th, 749; 12th, 872; 13th, 873; 14th, 967 BRITISH GOVERNMENT PROPOSED ACTION re conventions and recommendations MEETINGS, 5th, 394; 6th, 497; 7th, 570; 8th, 658; 9th, 776; 10th, 946; 11th, 777; 13th, 1421; 14th, 995, 1003; 16th, 1298, 1302; 17th, 1338, 1434; 18th, 1421; 19th, 1434 VARIOUS MEETINGS: 1657, 1732, 1751 MEETINGS:


of, 899, 996 REPARATIONS: Spa agreements, 218; Hague conference, 840, 876, 899, 996, 1018, 1108; establishment of Funds A and B, 1075; Hoover moratorium, 1035, 1079; supplementary protocols, 1138 WHITE TERROR, report on, 73 dation

HYDRAULIC POWER Convention re development of (1923). 490


393 OF TREATY OF VERSAILLES, 456 REDUCTION OF HOURS OF WORK: 17th and 18th Sessions, report of committee, 1198; reply to questionnaire, 1253, 1428 MERCHANT SHIPPING: legislation re recommendations concerning seamen, 333, 336, 341a, 434, 439, 904a; re safety at Sea and Load Line Convention, see LOAD LINE TABULAR ANALYSIS re draft convention and recommendations under Art. 405, 3rd and 4th Session, 287

ICELAND 1905, renewals, 250, 643, 1409, 1541 EXTRADITION, supplementary to treaty of 1873, 1746, 1806 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1932), 1161, 1182 ARBITRATION CONVENTION


747, 1400 SHIPPING PROFITS, exemption

from double





IMPERIAL AFFAIRS Correspondence re consultation on foreign affairs, 449a IMPERIAL CONFERENCES (1921), 164; (1923), 320, 321; (1926), 613a, 613b; (1930), amendment to Covenant, 950 BALFOUR, speech re League of Nations, 118 IMPERIAL DEFENCE, 164, 320 INDIA, see EAST INDIA

(1925), 725; (1934), 1693

IRAQ see below, Treaties Anglo-French - Convention (1920), 129 CIVIL ADMINISTRATION, 106, 379 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, Palestine and Iraq (1936), 1520 EXTRADITION TREATY (1932), 1098, 1175 FINANCES, position and prospects for, 496 FINANCIAL, questions re treaty of alliance 1930, 920, 982 JUDICIAL AGREEMENT (1931), replacing agreement of 1924, 479, 994, 1025




INDEX LEAGUE OF NATIONS, application of Art. 22; 458, 568. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS TURKEY-IRAQ LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, Civil and Commercial Matters, 1380, 1518 MANDATE, 128, 170 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 741, 1400 NEJD-IRAQ FRONTIER AGREEMENT, 545 POLICY, memorandum by Secretary of State for the Colonies (1929), 825 RAILWAY SYSTEM, agreement re transfer of (1936), 1444, 1476 SAN REMO AGREEMENT: 75; convention re mandated areas, 129; transfer of certain rights to, 1148; U. S. attitude, 137 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES, Anglo-Finnish agreement, 413 TREATIES: with King Feisal (1922), 254; protocol and subsiduary agreements 379, 479; agreement re duration of, 562, 580 OF 1927, 685 OF ALLIANCE (1930), 898; financial questions, ratification and agreement of, 920, 982; judicial agreement (1931), 994, 1025 TURKEY-IRAQ. boundary dispute, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Turkey; agreement (1926), 587, 664 TURKISH PETROLEUM COMPANY, 137 U.S.A., correspondence and convention re rights, 137, 851, 991 WAR CEMETERIES AGREEMENT, 1453

SALVADOR: Commercial Relations, 1236 SPAIN: Commercial Relations, 1316, 1372 SWITZERLAND, unemployment insurance, 951 TURKEY: Commercial Relations, 942; Trade and Payments agreement, 1537 U.S.A., air navigation, 1647; correspondence re appointment of minister plenepotentiary, 400 ITALY ABYSSINIA, regulation of importation of arms and ammunition, 936, 1078; Lake Tsana and the Italian railway, economic concessions in western Abyssinia, 589; correspondence and appeal to League of Nations re agreement, 628 ABYSSINIAN-ITALIAN DISPUTE, correspondence re bombing of ambulance, 1439; rescue of foreign nationals from Addis Ababa, 1457. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Abyssinia ADRIATIC QUESTION, correspondence, 58 AIR PERSONNEL, documents of identity, 1001 AIR TRANSPORT SERVICE CONVENTIONS, 1010, 1163, 1327, 1633 AIR WORTHINESS VALIDATION CERTIFICATES, 1303 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANGLO-ITALIAN AGREEMENT (1938), 1651, protocol, 1750 ARBITRATION AGREEMENTS, 8, 315

IRELAND BOLSHEVISM AND SINN FEIN, 152 GERMANY AND SINN FEIN MOVEMENT, 118b SovIET UNION, treaty with, 152 IRISH FREE STATE BELGIUM: Commercial Relations, 1356, 1576 BRAZIL: Commercial Relations, 1057 COSTA RICA: Commercial Relations, 1297 EGYPT: Commercial modus vivendi, 972, 998 GERMANY: Commerce, 1067, 1337. Release of property, 1323 GREECE: Commercial Relations, 947 GUATAMALA: Commercial Relations, 1034 ITALY, recognition of passenger and emigrant ship certificates and regulations, 944 NETHERLANDS: Commercial Relations, 1536 POLAND, tonnage measurement agreement, 1373 PORTUGAL: Commerce and Navigation, 1072 ROUMANIA: Commercial Relations, 1039

COMMERCE: agreements, 1494, 1509, 1638, 1639; exchanges and payments, 1495, 1510; modification of exchange and payments agreements, 1632; exchange of notes, trade and payments (1935), 1353, 1369; account and receipts of clearing office (1937), 1584, (1938), 1720; agreement to facilitate economic collaboration (1939), 1831; provisional agreement regulating imports (1935), 1351; exchange of notes regarding import quotas (1939), 1787 CANADA, commercial convention, 360 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, commercial agreement, 1640 DANUBE, see DANUBE see DISARMAMENT, DISARMAMENT, LEAGUE OF NATIONS, NAVY EAST AFRICA BOUNDARIES: Eritrea-Sudan, 409; Jubaland, 396, 431, 493; see also Somaliland EGYPT, Bon Voisinage Agreement (1936), 1651, 1750 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757


INDEX ITALY continued


relief, etc., see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 956, 1093 LIBYA-SUDAN BOUNDARY (1934), 1286 LONDON TREATY (1915), 71 MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AGREEMENT, 532 MEDITERRANEAN STATUS QUO, declaration and exchange of notes (1936-37), 1512, 1533 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

257, 648, 747, 1400 London Naval Conference (1931), 988; see also NAVY PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PASSENGER AND EMIGRANT SHIPS, certificates.and regulations, 803, 944 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 PROOF MARKS, reciprocal recognition of, 598 RAPALLO TREATY, recognition by Great Britain, 141 REPARATIONS, 42, 66, 67 NAVAL ARMAMENTS,


Africa East, 396, 493; legislation, 431; with Kenya, 1150, 1151, 1230 CLAIMS re raids and incidents on frontier (1930), 992, 1180 DEPORTATION ' Of Somali subjects from Aden, 567 GRAZING RIGHTS and transit traffic (1937), 1668 TRAFFIC in game trophies (1932), 1152 SPAIN, correspondence re foreign volunteers (1937), 1580. See also SPAIN, Civil War STRESA CONFERENCE (1935), Anglo-Italian Declaration, 1350 TRADE AND PAYMENTS, see above Com-

merce 246, 560, 1035, 1138. See also REPARATIONS, HAGUE CONFERENCE, etc. WAR GRAVES AGREEMENT, 240 WAR DEBTS,



(1933), dispatch to H.M.'s ambassador at Rome, 1183. See also EUROPE, EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT FRANCE, payment for coal deliveries, treasury minute, 206 FREE STATE OF FIUME, 58 GASH RIVER, utilization of waters, 507 IMPORTS, see above COMMERCE JUBALAND, see above EAST AFRICA KENYA, see below SOMALILAND LAKE TSANA, see above ABYSSINIA and FOUR-POWER PACT


JAPAN British attitude, 164 BOOKS, report on British gift (1923-33), 1247 CHINESE EASTERN RAILWAY, 222 COMMERCE, abrogation of Art. 8 of Treaty of 1911, 412; supplementary convention to treaty, 669; Australia trade agreement (1938), 1709; Burma, Anglo-Japanese convention (1937), 1557, 1613; Canada, customs treatment of imports (1935), 1591; India, convention and protocol regarding prolongation (1934), 1273, 1304, (1937), 1602; New Zealand commercial modus vivendi (1928), 767 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 39, 90 FINANCIAL CONSORTIUM, negotiations re privileges in Inner Mongolia and Southern Manchuria, 135 FLEET, I17, 198, 207, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 INCOME TAX re shipping profits (1929), 808 LABOUR, report, 49 LEASES, termination of perpetual leases (1937), 1569 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT, 362 MANCHURIAN CRISIS, see CHINA ANGLO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE,


648 method of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RUSSIA, Japanese intervention, 222 SHANGHAI CRISIS (1932), see CHINA SHANTUNG, Sino-Japanese Agreement, 222 SHIPPING PROFITS, see above Income Tax TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENT, 269 TWENTY-ONE DEMANDS, 222 PARLIAMENT


222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES JEWS Sir S. Samuel's Report on Mission to Poland, 74. See also PALESTINE JOHORE State and Territory agreement between His Majesty and the Sultan (1927), 685a JUDGMENTS, see EVIDENCE KENYA JUSTICE,


report of commission, 1262a

INDEX RAILWAY RATES AND FINANCE, Ieport of Mr. Roger Gibb, 1152a See also ITALY Somaliland; ABYSSINIA, Raids and Incursions; AFRICA EAST LABOUR CONVICT OR FORCED, legislation, 904b, 1044; proposed action, 995. See also, INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES and SOVIET UNION LATVIA COMMERCE: agreement and exchange of notes, 1195, 1272, 1314; commerce and navigation treaty (1923), 326 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER'S SAMPLES (1927), 694 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY, 415, 5I9 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1939), 1816 LOANS FOR RELIEF, etc., see FINANCE ACCOUNTS NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 677, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN estates of deceased (1930), 9I2 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT, 663 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 LAUSANNE CONFERENCE (1922-23): records of proceedings and draft treaty, 273; treaties, 303, 306, 307, 348; correspondence with Canadian Government, 384a; legislation, 331, 363 (1932), see REPARATIONS, Lausanne LEAGUE OF NATIONS AALAND ISLANDS DISPUTE, 76, 103, 235 ABYSSINIA, protest against U.K:Italian agreement re Lake Tsana, 628 ABYSSINIAN-ITALIAN . WAR (see also 16th Assembly, 1410): correspondence re application of Art. 16 (Jan. 1936), 1417; documents relating to dispute (Sept.Dec. 1935), 1406; documents and proceedings (Oct. 1935-Jan. 1936), 1416; report of Committee of Experts re petroleum (Feb. 1936), 1425; see also ITALY, Abyssinia AGRICULTURE, see TREATIES, Agriculture ANGLO-FINN ISIt DISPUTE, vessels used during the war (1932), 1118 ARBITRATION: protocol signed (1923), 454, legislation, 332, 339a; International Convention re execution of foreign

arbitral awards (1927), 910; Legislation, 778, 779, 784 ASSEMBLIES, reports: 1st, provisional agenda 102; SecretaryGeneral's, 103; British delegation: 3rd (1922), 270; 4th (1923), 343; 5th (1924), 466, see also Geneva protocol; 6th (1925), 557; Special, 8/17 March 1926, including Verbatim record of Third Plenary Meeting, 578; 7th (1926), 619; 8th (1927), 691; 9th (1928), 752; 10th (1929), 830; 11th (1930), 965; 12th (1931), 1054; 13th (1932), 1143; 14th (1933), 1229; 15th (1934), 1320; 16th (1935), 1410; 17th (1936), 1516; 18th (1937), 1610; 19th (1938), 1739 BALFOUR, speech before Imperial Conference (1921), 118, 164 BOLIVIA-PARAGUAY, documents relating to frontier incident (1928), 758 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT, proposed amendments to covenant (1929-30), 950. See also U.S.A. BROADCASTING in the cause of peace, International Convention (1936), 1558, 1649 COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSIT, see TRANSIT; 1st General Conference, see BARCELONA; 2nd General Conference, see GENEVA CONSTITUTION, note on (1932), 1062 COUNCIL OF, report of committee on composition of, 583 COUNCIL, Reports of Sessions, 25th, 301; 26th, 344; 27th, 345; 28th, 374; 29th, 392; 30th, 446; 31st, 469; 32nd, 470; 33rd, 484; 34th, 506; 35th, 526; 36th, 530; 37th, 565; 39th, 576; 40th, 594; 41st & 42nd, 610; 43rd, 633; 44th, 659; 45th, 667; 46th & 47th, 692; 48th, 696; 49th, 715; 50th, 726; 51st Sc 52nd, 753; 53rd, 763; 54th, 772; 55th, 800; 56th 8c 57th, 831; 58th, 854; 59th, 900; 62nd, 984; 63rd, 1013; 67th, 1104 COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE ACCESSION OF USA, 615, 820, 857 ODER RIVER DISPUTE, 756 OPTIONAL CLAUSE, declaration on behalf of H.M.'s Government at signature (1929), 819; memorandum at signature (1929), 829; letter re (1939), 1815 PROTOCOL ESTABLISHING (1920), 145, 316 PROTOCOL FOR REVISION OF STATUTES (1929), 822, 858 COVENANT, 14, in force from 26 Sept. 1924, 449 COMMENTARY ON, 14 LEGISLATION to incorporate into statute law 332, 339a, 1127, 1220, 1306, 1387,


INDEX LEAGUE OF NATIONS continued 1478, 1581 PACT OF PARIS (1929-30), proposed amendment (Arts. 12, 15), 950 PROTOCOL FOR AMENDMENTS: (Arts. 4, 13, 15, 26), 279; (Arts. 6, 12), 350; (Art. 16), 416; (Arts. 1, 4, 5, and annex to covenant), 1730 REPORTS of British representative and committee of council, (Art. 11), 657 DISARMAMENT, see DISARMAMENT DRAFT AGREEMENT, 14 Feb. 1919, 5 DRUGS, see DRUGS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, convention and memorandum (1930), 1015 GENERAL ACT FOR THE PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL DISPUTES

(1928): legislation, 1306, 1387, 1478, 1581; letter to Secretary-General (Feb. 1939), 1763; memorandum re accession of U.K., 983; text and various accessions, 1023. See also PARIS PEACE PACT GENEVA CONFERENCE, see ECONOMIC ACTION GENEVA PROTOCOL:

correspondence re position of dominions, 501a; protocol and resolution adopted by 5th Assembly, 430; reaction to British statement (33rd Session of Council), 484; report of British delegates, 447; statement by Sir A. Chamberlain, 12 March 1925, 478; views of India, 508 GERMAN MEMBERSHIP, 22. See also Reports of British Delegates to 1926. Special, and 7th Assemblies etc., and LOCARNO HAGUE CONFERENCE, codification of international law, see HAGUE CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE, see INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES IRAQ, application of Art. 22 of the Covenant, 458, 568; see also below TurkeyIraq boundary dispute and Mandated areas LIBERIA papers regarding affairs in (193034), 1260 MANCHURIAN CRISIS 1931-33, see CHINA MANDATES for, Cameroons, 156, 268, (see also FRANCE); East Africa, 149, 268, (see also BELGIUM); German possessions in Pacific, 130; German SouthWest Africa, 133; Iraq, 128, 170, (see also IRAQ); Nauru, 131, (see also NAURU ISLANDS); Palestine, 128, 170, 241, 265, (see also PALESTINE); Samoa, 132; Togoland, 156, 268, (see also FRANCE); Trans-Jordan, 265

PERMANENT COMMISSION, extract of report and reply of Foreign Office, 613

U.S.A., attitude to draft mandates, 137. See U.S.A., Mandates for, Anglo-U.S. agreements re Mandated areas MUTUAL ASSISTANCE, correspondence re draft treaty, 398. See also 4th Assembly OPIUM, see OPIUM PACIFIC SETTLEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL

DISPIrrEs, see above General Act PRISONERS OF WAR, 979, 980, 1030 REFUGEES, see REFUGEES RELIEF UNION, International Convention

and Statute (1927), 1154 legislation re, economic 1127, 1220 SLAVERY: Abyssinia, 167, 284; Liberia, 1260; Sierra Leone, 695; Sudan, 579, 65I; International Convention (1926), 662 TIN CONTROL SCHEME, 1333, 1726 TURKEY-IRAQ BOUNDARY DISPUTE: application of Art. 22 of Covenant, 458; sessions of the Council, 446, 469, 526, 565, 576; repott of General Laidoner, 538; decision of the Council, 541; deportation of Christians, 542; report of M. Unden, 544; further correspondence and proceedings of the Council, 568; TurkishIraq treaty of settlement, 587, 664 WOUNDED AND SICK in armies of world, 978, 980, 1029 SANCTIONS,


648. See also FRANCE, Mandated Areas LEGAL PROCEDURE, report of Committee re British and foreign legal procedure, 21a LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Austria, 1000, 1063; Belgium, 367, 1140, 1266, 1500; Czechoslavakia, 572, 1349, 1376; Denmark, 1161, 1182; Estonia, 1060, 1113; Finland, 1210, 1237; France, 232, 1296, 1447, 1462; Germany, 766; Greece, 1436, 1617; Hungary, 1399, 1450; Iraq, 1380, 1518; Italy, 956, 1093; Latvia, 1816; Lithuania, 1285, 1454; Netherlands, 1091, 1193, 1554; Norway, 975, 1026; Poland, 1064, 1092; Portugal, 1032, 1083; Spain, 815, 867; Sweden, 928, 970; Switzerland, 1628, 1771; Turkey, 1082, 1176, 1779, Yugoslavia, 1440, 1567






Sierra Leone and, (1930), 866





(1930-34), 1260

LIECHTENSTEIN, see SWITZERLAND LIGHTSHIPS International Agreement (1930), 976

1435 FRANCO-SOVIET PACT (1935) and Locarno 1429, 1435; see also EUROPE, European Settlement FINAL PROTOCOL AND TREATIES (1925), 524, 6I1 LEGISLATION, 1387 NEGOTIATIONS re PROPOSED PACT, 495, 505; see also, 494, 525 EASTERN LOCARNO,



illicit importation, 1212 U.S.A.: prohibition, 299; traffic in, 364, 397, 577 See also, AFRICA


LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS International Convention for the protection of (1928), 1002, 1081

LONDON CONFERENCES Auc. 1922, DEC. 1922 AND 1924, see REPARATIONS, Dawes Plan and London Conferences NAVAL 1930 and 1935-36, see NAVY WORLD ECONOMIC (1933), declaration of the British Commonwealth, 1201; statement by Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1189


LLOYD GEORGE Attitude to Peace Conference, 217 LITHUANIA COMMERCE: Anglo-Lithuanian Agreement (1922), 242; further exchange of notes (1929), 832; Trade and Commerce Agreement (1934), 1268, 1282; Tanganyika, commercial relations (1931), 1080 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION AGREEMENT, 661 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1285, 1454 LOANS, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS MEMEL TERRITORY CONVENTION (1924), 414, 528 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648 methods of dealing with international questions, 445 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50


LOAD LINES report of, 916 Canada-U.S., 1461; DenCERTIFICATES: mark, 459, 1535; Finland, 1377; Germany, 1378; Japan, 362, Netherlands, 1398; Norway, 1505; Portugal, 700; Spain, 1106; Sweden, 1446a; U.S.A., 1461 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1930), 915, 916, 1135; maps, 945 LEGISLATION, 904a, 1041, 1042, 1047. See also SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA


LOANS Guaranteed of British government, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS LOCARNO (See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, German Membership.)

establishment of


(1934), 1299

LUXEMBURG Canada and Luxemburg-Belgium, 457; New Zealand and Luxemburg-Belgium, 1238 EXTRADITION CONVENTION, 1532, 1680, 1807 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, in iron and steel industry, 887 COMMERCE:


1400 MADRID Universal Postal Union (1920), 175, 176 MALTA Correspondence with the Holy See re Maltese affairs (1929-1930), 880 MANDATES, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, U.S.A. Mandates; and individual countries MAPS 215 Arnawei and Dokalim, 1289 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANGOLA AND RHODESIA, boundary, 546 AUSTRIA, Treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye, 41 BORNEO, boundaries, Anglo-Dutch, 917; Philippine, 897, 1153 BULGARIA, Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine, 57 BUOYAGE, diagrams, 1598 CAMEROONS, 268, 313, 1028 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: German memorandum, 1701, 1702; Munich Agreement, 1702; protocols determining frontier, 1743 AERIAL NAVIGATION, AFGHANISTAN,


INDEX MAPS continued DANZIG: Treaty of Versailles, 15; German public property and Harbour Board property, 402 EGYPT, Treaty of Alliance (1936), 1496, 1514 EUROPE, 69 FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA, Sudan boundary, 142, 408 GAMBIA-SENEGAL, boundary, 790 GERMANY, Treaty of Versailles, 15 HUNGARY, Treaty of Trianon, 89 IRAQ-TURKEY, frontier, 587, 664 JUBALAND, boundaries, 396, 493 KENYA-SOMALILAND, 1230 LOAD LINES, 945 MOZAMBIQUE, Swaziland, 706; Union of South Africa, 708 NYON AGREEMENT, 1578 PALESTINE: boundary, 297; Shaw Commission, 859; report of Sir John Hope Simon, 926; pre-war Turkish administrative districts, 1765 PHILIPPINE AND NORTH BORNEO, boundary, 897, 1153 RHODESIA-ANGOLA, 546 SAAR, 15 SENEGAL-GAMBIA, boundary, 790 SLFsvIC, 15, 208 SOMALILAND-KENYA, 1230 SPITZBERGEN, 373 SUDAN, 408, 409, 682 SWAZILAND, 706 SYRIA, 297 TANGANYIKA, 268, 313, 637 TOGOLAND, 238, 268, 940 TURKEY: Treaty of Sevres, 95, 96; demilitarized zone of Straits and Thrace, the Islands Gallipoli peninsula (Lausanne), 273, 303; Iraq, 587, 664 UGANDA, 52, 99 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, 708 WEI-HAI-WEI AND LINKUNGTAO, 948 MARITIME PORTS Convention re (1923), 381, 488

MEXICO: CUMMINS, MR. H .A.C., correspondence re withdrawal, 410 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 OIL PROPERTIES, expropriation, Mexican Eagle Oil Company, 1663 PECUNIARY CLAIMS arising out of revolutionary acts, 653, 711; supplementary convention, 963, 997; payment of 3rd annual instalment, 1663 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 MONACO ExrRAnrrtoN, extension of treaty of 1891, 973, 1017 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 648 MONTENEGRO ELECTIONS (Nov.-Dec. 1920), 124 FOOD CONTROLLER, 124 LOANS, see Annual FINANCE ACCOUNTS POLITICAL CONDITIONS AND TRIALS, 123, 124 MONTREUX CONVENTION (1936), regime of the Straits, 1464, 1571 (1937), Egyptian capitulations, 1555, 1611 MOROCCO CAPITULATIONS, Anglo-French agreement re Morocco and Zanzibar (1937), 1565, 1620 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS (1938), 1687 CONSULAR VISAS, 361 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 98 NATIONALITY DECREES, 295 TANGIER: convention and amendments, 375, 401, 728, 745; commercial relations, 1687; economic conditions, 98 MOTOR TRAFFIC International Convention (1926), 852

MAURITIUS, see FRANCE, Telegraph Cable MERCHANT SEAMEN VENEREAL DISEASE, treatment for (1924), 597. See also INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCES, Merchant Shipping MERCHANT SHIPS Denunciation of Convention VI, Hague Conference, 543 MESOPOTAMIA, see IRAQ

METRIC SYSTEM International Convention (1921), 317

MOTOR VEHICLES International Convention re Taxation (1931), 1065, 1155 MOZAMBIQUE, see PORTUGAL MUSCAT Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1939), 1791 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 648, 677, 747, 1016, 1400. See also individual countries





46d, 46f, 47c see Annual

NAVY Denmark (1938), 1782; Finland (1938), 1782; Germany (1935), 1362, 1366; (1937), 1562, 1614; (1938), 1677, 1694; Norway (1938), 1782; Poland (1938), 1656, 1744, 1745; Soviet Union (1937), 1561, 1636; (1938), 1676, 1803; Sweden (1938), 1782 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME (1930), 896 DISARMAMENT (in chronological order) AGREEMENTS:


(1922), 164, 19I, 207, 209, 214, 222, 351, 352, 517, 518, 782. See WASHINGTON CONFERENCE for details GENEVA CONFERENCE (1927): speeches at Plenary session, 676; statement of First Lord of Admiralty, 704 ANGLO-FRENCH AGREEMENT (1928), 743 LONDON CONFERENCE (1930): interpretation of Art. 19, 885; legislation, 782; memorandum (Feb. 4 1980), 841; memorandum on results, 868; construction programme (1930), 896; treaty of limitation and reduction of armaments, 871, 955 MEMORANDUM re negotiations with France and Italy (Feb.-March 1931), 988 LONDON CONFERENCE (1935-36): legislation, 1479; memorandum, 1438; procesverbal, rules of submarine warfare, pt. IV of Treaty of London, 1492; protocol modifying treaty, 1672; London Naval treaty (1936), 1432, 1575 ESTIMATES (1922-23): interim report, 207; remarks of Admiralty, 209; Admiralty explanation, 214 FLEETS, returns showing fleets of Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States (also Austro-Hungarian Empire 117 only), 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 JUTLAND, battle of, 106a, 650a SINGAPORE NAVAL BASE, correspondence with Dominions, 370a NEJD-HEJAZ,



NEPAL Anglo-Nepalse Treaty and Notes re arms and ammunition (1923), 377, 500

NETHERLANDS reciprocal exemption from duties on fuel and lubricants (1935), 1418 AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, documents of identity (1939), 1832 AIRMAIL SERVICES, East Indies and Australia (1930), 937 AIR NAVIGATION, provisional agreement (1923), 472 AIR TRANSPORTATION, see Income Tax AIR WORTHINESS CERTIFICATES (1930), 895 ARDmTRATIoN, prolongation of Treaty of 1905, 100, 511 BORNEO boundary with map (1928), 917 Cost MERCE: commercial relations (1934), 1275, 1291; Canadian-Dutch convention, 536; Irish Free State (1936), 1536; Newfoundland, British colonies and mandated territories, 1414; New Zealand (1987-38), 1681; Union of South Africa (1935), 1684 EcoNOMtc, financial and industrial conditions (1919), 87a EXTRADITION TREATY, Malaya Peninsula (1920), 97; Johore and Kedah (1925), 529 FISHING INDUSTRY, claims of Dutch (1929), 771 INCOME TAX: air transport profits exemptions (1936), 1473; any agency profits (1935), 1405, 1451; shipping profits (1926), 585; Canada, double taxation on income (1938), 1758 KAMARAN ISLAND SANITARY CONTROL, Mecca pilgrims, agreement (1926), 603; amendment (1939), 1810 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1932), 1091, 1193; convention to facilitate conduct of (1937), 1554 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1935), 1398 AIRCRAFT,


1016 222. See WASHINGTON TREATIES PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RHINE NAVIGATION, accession of Netherlands to Versailles Treaty and modification of Mannheim convention, 296 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 RUDDER, agreements and protocols to regulate production and export, 1252, 1463, 1526 TELEPHONE SERVICE, Anglo-Dutch agreement, 282 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 NINE POWER TREATY,


INDEX PERSIA continued NEWFOUNDLAND Brazil, commercial relations with, 1469 Netherlands, Commercial Relations, 1414

methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b SPITZBERGEN, treaty regulating status (1920), 373


TERRITORIAL WATERS AND FISHERIES PROPOSALS, 718 TRADE after the raising of the brockade,

NEW ZEALAND extradition convention, 738; trade arrangement, 1238, 1513 FRANCE, war graves, 14I5 GERMANY, payments agreement, 1654; property, rights, and interests (The Hague), 935; trade agreement, 1655; war graves, 1415 GREECE, commercial modus vivendi, 807 JAPAN, commercial modus vivendi, 767 NAURU ISLANDS, 46d, 46f, 47c. See also NAURU ISLANDS NETHERLANDS, commercial relations, 1681 NORWAY, commercial relations, 1245 SWEDEN, commerce, customs, and navigation, 1368 SWITZERLAND, commercial relations, 1690


27, 34, 50


OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS Convention for the suppression of circulation (1923). 556 ODER RIVER Agreement to submit dispute to Court of International Justice, 756 OIL (San Remo), 75; affirmation of, 129; U.S.A. attitude to, 137; protocol, 1148 ANGLO-PERSIAN OIL CO., see PERSIA ANGLO-FRENCH AGREEMENT



NIGERIA French boundary, 898


sinian-Italian dispute), 1425


documents of iden-

tity (1937), 1626 ARBITRATION CONVENTION, 54, 499 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for suppression

of, 150 84a; (1920) 126 COMMERCE, Trade and Commerce Agreement (1933). 1178, 1234 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, New Zealand (1933), 1245 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS (1919), 84a; (1920), 126 EGYPT, capitulations, 150 FISHERIES, see below TERRITORIAL WATERS FISHING GEAR, claims re (1934), 1301 INCOME TAX: exemption of any agency, (1938), 1792; profits from shipping (1924), 461 JAN MAYEN ISLAND, recognition of Norwegian sovereignty (1930), 977 LEGAL PROCEEDING, civil and commercial matters, 975, 1026 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, (1919)



648 agreement for limitation and information (1938), 1782 Orro SVERDRUP ISLANDS, Canada and Norway re sovereignty (1930), 1004


OIL POLLUTION International Conference (1926), 594c OMAN, see MUSCAT OPIUM Agreement for control of opium smoking in Far East (1931), 1149, 1531 Agreement concerning manufacture, trade, and use (1925), 713 Correspondence re cultivation in China, 174 International Convention and subsequent papers, 172 Report on International Conference on, 502 PALESTINE ARAB AGENCY, proposed formation, 322 AUSTRIA, trade mark protection (1928), 716 ANGLO-FRENCH CONVENTIONS re Frontier

Questions and Boundaries (1920): boundaries, irrigation, railways, oil, schools, 129; agreement (1922). 297; (1926). 665; amended (1938), 1797 CITIZENSHIP, bill to extend nationality (not printed), 1581b CIVIL ADMINISTRATION, 169 CONSTITUTION, proposed new, 1430 CORRESPONDENCE: Arab delegation and Zionist organization, 239; Sir H. Mc-


INDEX Mahon and Sherif Hussein of Mecca (1915-16), 1765; report to consider, 1772, see also 1769 DEAD SEA SALT CONCESSIONS, 772a, 774a DISTURBANCES: of May 1921 and correspondence, 169, 177; of August 1929, report of Shaw Commission, 859 EGYPT: commercial agreement (1928), 751; commercial relations (1936), 1515; extradition, provisional agreement (1922), 471; reciprocal enforcements of judgments (1929), 797 ELECTIONS 1923, report by the commissioner, 293 GASPARRI, CARDINAL, correspondence re mandate, 241 HOGGARTH MESSAGE, see below Ottoman Empire IMMIGRATION, LAND SETTLEMENT, AND DEVELOPMENT: report by Sir John Hope Simpson, 925; appendix and maps, 926 IRAQ, commercial relations (1936), 1520 LAND SETTLEMENT, see above Immigration LOANS: government guaranteed Loan Bill (1926) amendments and memoranda, 548, 594a, 904, 999; bill guaranteeing loan raised by the government of Palestine (1934), 1221, 1251 MANDATE, 128, 129, 170, 241, 265 MCMAHON-HUSSEIN CORRESPONDENCE (19151916), 1765; report of committee, 1772 OTTOMAN EMPIRE, statements made during year 1918, 1769 PARTITION, report of Partition Commission, 1706 POLICY: British statement of, (1922), 239, (May 1930), 878, (Oct. 1930), 930, (1937), I559; Dispatch from Secretary of State (1937), 1612, (Nov. 1938), 1736, (May 1939), 1786 ROYAL COMMISSION REPORT (1937), 1549 ROUMANIA, certificates of origin (1935), 1365 SHAW COMMISSION, 859 U.S.A.: Anglo-US. convention re rights of governments and nationals, 540; correspondence re U.S. rights (1937), 1568 WAILING WALL INCIDENT, 750


(of Vatican), 1016 PEACE PROPOSALS (1917), 25 PARAGUAY frontier incident (1928), 758 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS (1928), 932 EXTRADITION, supplementary convention (1933), 1281 BOLIVIA,

PARIS CONFERENCE (1919), see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL (1922), financial agreement re German and Austrian reparations, 219; pronouncement re Near Eastern question, 225 (1923), see REPARATIONS PARIS PEACE PACT (1928), see also LEAGUE OF NATIONS, General Act, Correspondence with U.S. ambassador, 717, 722 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War, 816 Legislation, 1387 Proposed amendment to Covenant of League of Nations, 950 PATENTS Legislation re International Convention, 1581a, 1582c, 1587a PARLIAMENTS Methods adopted by various countries for dealing with international questions 445. (See also individual countries.) PEACE Bills to incorporate in statute law the obligations of the covenant of the League, the Paris Pact, and the Locarno Treaties, 332, 339a, 1127, 1220, 1306, 1887, 1478, 1581 PEACE CONFERENCE (1919), see GERMANY, Versailles, and SUPREME COUNCIL PERSIA


29 finance, 4, 190, 196. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS COMMERCIAL CONVENTION (1920), 101






(1929-30), 880



agreement for withdrawal, 1089, 1165 Lonis: Reconstruction Agreement (1919), 29; unrepaid advances, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS 461

INDEX PERSIA continued NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, gift of books, 483 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 10I6, 1400 RECONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT, 29 RUSSIA: appeal to League re Soviet troops, 103; activities in Persia, 294 TARIFF AUTONOMY, Anglo-Persian Agreement (1928), 890, 1411 PERU COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION AGREEMENT (1936), 1477 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND SAMPLES (1928), 855 ECONOMIC SITUATION, 79 MINERAL PROPERTY, agreement re "La Brea y Parinas" (1921), 204 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 1400 SILVER AGREEMENT (1933), 1287 PETROLEUM, see OIL POISON GAS, see DISARMAMENT, Memoranda on Chemical Warfare POLAND BOUNDARIES, Treaty of Sevres (1920), 182 COMMERCE: Navigation Treaty (1923), 406; trade agreement (1935) and amendments, 1332, 1379, 1601, 1780; AngloPolish Guarantee Agreement (1939), 1808; pneumatic tyres, customs classification (1937), 1618; Canada, commercial convention (1935), 1600; India, commercial convention (1931), 1097 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AGREEMENT (1933), 1283, 1335 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 EXTRADITION TREATY (1932), 1071, 1248 GERMAN-POLISH RELATIONS (1934-1939), 1814. See also GERMANY, Anglo-German Relations INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, restoration of, 104 JEws, ill-treatment of, 74 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1931), 1064, 1092 . • LITHUANIAN DISPUTE, 103 LOANS: war and relief loans, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS (1939); agreement for a loan to, France and U.K., 1817 LOCARNO, see LOCARNO MUTUAI, ASSISTANCE, Anglo-Polish Agreement (1939), 1812 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 257, 1400 NAVAL AGREEMENTS: limitation and information (1938), 1656, 1744; modification of agreement, 1745

ODER RIVER, agreement to submit question to Court of International Justice, 756 PARLIAMENT method Of dealing with international questions, 445 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT Slurs (1934), 1292, 1348; Irish Free State (1934), 1373 TRADE after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE (1919), 20 TYPHUS work done by League of Nations, 103 POPE, see PAPACY PORTUGAL AIRCRAFT PERSONNEL, Union of South Africa identity documents, 1577 AIR SERVICES: over territories in Africa (1935), 1408; agreement, Union of South Africa (1937), 1645; London-Lisbon (1939), 1778 ANGOLA Boundaries: Rhodesia (1915) confirmed (1925), 546; South-West Africa (1926), 616; (1931), 1012 Kunene River, water (1926), 617 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 54, 516, 631 CAMPBELL, MAJOR, arbitration of claim for damages, 923 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for the suppression of in Egypt, 185 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS, see - Mozambique COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1929), with the . Irish Free State, 1072 EXTRADITION TREATIES AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONVENTION, 183, 184, 1070, 1200 FLAG DISCRIMINATION IN PORTUGUESE PORTS (1933), 1215 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, restoration of, 104 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1032, 1083 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1928), 700 LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS MOZAMBIQUE BOUNDARIES: Rhodesia (1920), 99; Swaziland (1927), 706; Tanganyika (1936-37), 1629; Union of South Africa (1927), 708 CHINDE AND CHIPOLO, cancellation of concessions, 501 COMMERCIAL ARRANGEMENTS: Basutuland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland (1930) 921; (1938), 1679 CONVENTION WITH TRANSVAAL 1909 (1923), 292 CONVENTION, UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: re native labour, railways matters, and commercial intercourse (1928), 849; re-


INDEX vision (1934) 1422; (1936), 1641; extension and modification (1938), 1683 NINE POWER TREATY, 222 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 QUADRUPLE PACIFIC TREATY, 222 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT OF MERCHANT SHIPS, 586 WAR DESrs, Balfour note, 246; agreement for settlement, 627; see also REPARATIONS HAGUE CONFERENCE; suspension of (1931), 1035; protocols supplementary to agreements (1932), 1138 POSTAL UNION CONVENTION OF MADRID (1920), 175, 176 POSTAL CONVENTION re insured letters and boxes (1929), 927 POUND-FOR-POUND SCHEME, 69 PRISONERS OF WAR, see GENEVA CONFERENCE 1929 PRODUCTION, price movement and currency expansion in various countries, 39, 77b RAILWAYS Convention re international regime for (1923), 382, 487; see also TRANSIT RED SEA Convention re maintenance of certain lights (1930), 952 REFRIGERATION International convention (1920), 283; modified (1937), 1658, 1734 REFUGEES CZECH TRUST FUND, 1804 GERMAN, provisional arrangement, (1936), 1506; Convention (1938) re status of, 1671, 1753 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION re STATUS, (1933), 1511 RELIEF LOANS, see individual countries, and FINANCE ACCOUNTS RELIEF MISSIONS, 56, 69 RELIEF UNION Convention for the establishment of, 1154 REPARATIONS (Includes documents related to German Reparations and International Confer-

ences and agreements; for Reparations concerning other countries see AUSTRIA, BULGARIA, HUNGARY, RUMANIA, TURKEY, etc.) ALLIED CASE, 22 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS, see below Hague Conference BASLE REPORT (1931), 1056, see below Lausanne Conference BRITISH EMPIRE, apportioning of receipts, 164 CLAIMS: Anglo-French agreement (1929). 814; report re suffering and damage arising out of enemy action, 268a, 366 CORRESPONDENCE (Jan-July 1920), 151 CORRESPONDENCE WITH ALLIED GOVERNMENTS (June-Aug. 1923), 305 DAWES COMMITTEE REPORTS, 376 DAWES PLAN (see also below, Transfer Agreements): agreements signed at London (1924), 424; annuities, distribution of, 473, 539, 655; commerce and navigation treaty, 475, 520; Franco-British memorandum, 9 July 1924, 395; London Conference (1924): correspondence, 391; proceedings, 429 HAGUE CONFERENCE GENERAL: report of Committee of Experts (Young Report), 793; protocol and annexes, 31 Aug. 1929, 805; agreements concluded Jan. 1930, 840; British receipts, 886 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT: Convention, 840, 962; German 51I1A% o Loan, 957; Treasury Minute, 894; report of special advisory Committee (1931), 1056; protocol re immunities (1936), 1508, 1553 AUSTRIA: agreements, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties, liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligations, 960; mixed arbitral tribunal, 1038; properties, 870, 958 BULGARIA: agreements, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties, liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligations, 974 CZECHOSLOVAKIA: financial obligation, 840, 961 GERMANY: agreements, 840; financial obligations, 959; property statement, 842, 877; property, rights, and interests; and Australia, 911; and New Zealand, 935; liquidation of property, Canada, 1007; Rhineland evacuation, 30 Aug. 1929, 817, 981 HUNGARY: agreement, 840; creditor powers agreement re state properties,


INDEX REPARATIONS continued liberation debts, and distribution of non-German reparations, 1108; financial obligation, 876, 1018; properties, 899, 996 HOOVER MORATORIUM': report of Committee of Experts, suspension of certain inter-governmental debts, protocols, and declarations (Aug. 1931), 1035; protocol suspension of Bulgarian payments (1932), 1084; suspension of Hungarian payments (1932), 1079; supplementary protocols (1931-32), 1138 LAUSANNE CONFERENCE (1932): report of Basle committee, 1056; final act of conference, 1100; further documents, 1102; declaration of U.K. and France re European unity, July 1932, 1103; supplementary protocols, (Aug. 1931-Jan. 1932), 1138 LONDON CONFERENCE: (Aug. 1922), minutes of meetings, 423; (Dec. 1922), reports and secretaries' notes, 272; (JulyAug. 1924) see above Dawes Plan PARIS CONFERENCE: (1922) financial agreement re German and Austrian reparations, 219; (1923) reports and secretaries' notes, 272 PAYMENTS: (1922), decision of the Reparation Commission, 223; Anglo-German agreements, see below Transfer PROPERTIES, aliens in necessitous circumstances, 237, 357; see above Hague Conference; GERMANY, Versailles, Art. 297 RECOMMENDATIONS OF SUPREME COUNCIL,

Anglo-German Transfer Agreements and Amendments, 1267, 1674, 1691, 1727, 1731; AngloGerman Transfer Agreement, extention to Sudetenland, 1793; Anglo-German Payment Agreements, 1280, 1290, 1300, 1371, 1673, 1728; bill re debts, clearing office and import restrictions, reprisals, 1221a, 1713; Canadian-German Agreement, 1592; New Zealand-German Payments Agreement, 1654. See also RUMANIA, Commercial Payments VERSAILLES, TREATY OF, modification of Annex II of Part VIII, 155; protocol amending para. 13 of Annex II of Part VIII, 455. See also above Dawes Plan, and GERMANY, Versailles WIESBADEN AGREEMENT (1921), decision of Reparation Commission, Franco-German agreement re Part VIII and protocol, report, explanation by Sir John Bradbury, 181 YOUNG REPORT (1929), 793. See above Hague Conference TRANSFER AND PAYMENTS,

RHINE RIVER CONVENTION (1923), 422, 521 MANNHEIM CONVENTION, accession of the Netherlands to modifications introduced at Treaty of Versailles, 296 RHINELAND, see GERMANY RHODESIA, see BELGIUM, Belgian Congo; PORTUGAL, Mozambique, Angola

70 (1921) Anglo-German agreement amending administration, 482 Hague Conference, 840 Legislation, 108, 109 Negotiations with German government and decree (1924), 371 Statements showing amounts paid: April 1921 to March 1922, 233; April 1922 to March 1923, 285; April 1923 to March 1924, 378; April 1924 to closing of account, 10 April 1925, 523 Treasury minutes, 144, 154, 365, 427 Treaty of commerce and navigation, 475, 520 RHINELAND, see GERMANY SPA CONFERENCE (1920), protocol respecting coal, 151; agreements between Allied governments, 218 REPARATIONS (RECOVERY) ACT


see above Hoover Moratorium papers respecting the German transfer moratorium, 1262



RIVERS Regime for navigable rivers, Barcelona Conference, 324. See also BARCELONA CONFERENCE RUANDI-URUNDI, see BELGIUM, East Africa RUBBER, see TREATIES Rubber RUMANIA allied powers and, (1920) 252 Anglo-Runanian agreement (1933), 1227; Palestine (1935), 1365; Canada (1934-35), 1540 COMMERCE, exchange of notes, 302; Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (1930), 909, 1033; treaty with Irish Free State (1930), 1039 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS: accounts and receipts of Clearing Office to 31 March 1937, 1584; to 31 March 1938, 1720; legislation, 1221a, 1713; payments aBESSARABIA,



INDEX greements and modification, supplementary agreements and technical notes (1935-1939), 1325, 1375, 1445, 1448, 1545, 1546, 1596, 1597, 1605, 1650, 1678, 1696, 1795, 1818; protocol for commercial and economic relations (1939), 1785 DANUBE, see DANUBE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69, 84 LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1400 PARLIAMENT, methods for dealing with international questions, 445 SEAMEN, acceptance of discharge books (1937), 1619 TREATY, Allied Powers (1919), 60 TREATY OF SEVRES (1920), 182 TURKEY, Lausanne treaties, protocol for signature, 348 WAR DEBTs: Balfour Note, 246; agreement for settlement (1925), 681 (see also 588, paper withdrawn); suspension of (1931), 1035, see also REPARATIONS; protocols supplementary to agreement (1932), 1138 RUSSIA, see SOVIET UNION SAAR BASIN, see GERMANY SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1929), 1134 LEGISLATION, 904a SAMOA Mandate for, 132 SAN REMO OIL AGREEMENT, see OIL, and FRANCE SAN SALVADOR COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: modus vivendi (1928), 709; exchange of notes (1931), 1055; Canada and (1937), 1688; Irish Free State and (1931), 1236 SANITATION AERIAL NAVIGATION, sanitary convention (1933), 1269, 1363 INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION (1912) 121, (1926) 740; modification of 1926 convention (1938), 1773, 1820 KAMARAN ISLAND, Sanitary Control Agreement (1926), 603; Amendment of (1939), 1810 SAUDI ARABIA BAHREIN, transit dues (1935), 1442

BOUNDARIES, Iraq-Nejd and Trans-JordanNejd frontier agreement, 545 TELEGRAPH CABLE, Port Sudan-Jeddah (1926), 644 TRANS-JORDAN-SAUDI ARABIA, treaty of friendship and bon voisinage (1933). 1284 TREATY OF JEDDAH, Nejd and Hejaz (1927), 672; modification of (1936), 1524 SERB-CROAT-SLOVENE STATE, YUGOSLAVIA


SHIPS International Agreement re immunity of state-owned ships (1926), 1634; supplementary protocol (1934), 1635 SIAM AIR SERVICES, regular operation of, Burma, India, and Siam (1937), 1624 ARBITRATION CONVENTION (1925), 638 BOUNDARY, Burma (Kengtung) and Siam (1931-32), 1095; (1934), 1279 COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION TREATY (1925), 574; notes exchanged 575; Anglo-Siamese Treaty (1937), 1603, 1653; temporary continuance of rights under treaty of 1925 (1937), 1602a, 1652 COMMERCIAL SITUATION, 82 CUSTOMS LAW (1926), 630 ENEMY DEBTS, Anglo-Siamese convention (1921), 226 JURISDICTION: revision of mutual treaty arrangements and protocol concerning jurisdiction (1925), 573; notes exchanged in connection with, 575; right of evocation from Siamese Courts (1937), 1604, 1748; temporary continuance of rights, 1602a, 1652 MEKONG RIVER NAVIGATION (1928), 760 NATIONALITY of persons affected by redelineation of boundary, 1547 RUBBER, agreement re production and export (1934), 1252; protocols amending agreement, 1463, 1526 SIERRA LEONE BOUNDARY WITH LIBERIA (1930), 866 DOMESTIC SLAVERY, 695 SINGAPORE BOUNDARY WITH JOHORE (1927), 685a NAVAL BASE, correspondence with Domin ions, 370a SILVER AGREEMENT Canada, Australia, India, China, Mexico, Peru, Spain, and the U.S.A. (1933), 1287



SINN FEIN, see SOVIET UNION, Ireland; GERMANY, Sinn Fein SLAVERY, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS, Slavery SOMALILAND, see ITALY, Somaliland SOUDAN, see SUDAN SOUTH AMERICA British Mission (1918), 9 SOVIET UNION ARCOS LTD., see below Relations between U.K. and U.S.S.R. BANKS Russian, Communist funds, 719 BRITISH TRAWLERS, arrest of, 288, 289, 294 BRUSSELS CONFERENCE, Russian foreign indebtedness, 180 CHINESE EASTERN RAILWAY, 222 COMMERCE (in chronological order) Anglo-Russion trade agreement (1921), 134 Anglo-French correspondence re agreement, 163 Conditions for re-establishing economic relations with West: Genoa Conference, 231, 234; Hague Conference, 243 Correspondence re Trade Agreement, 288, 289, 294 Draft Treaty (1924), 405 Anglo-Russian Treaty, trade and commerce (1924), 426 Temporary Commercial Agreement (1930), 869 Report on the Organization of Foreign Trade, 1014 Bill to prohibit goods made by foreign forced labour, 904b, 1044 Bill to authorize the prohibition of the importation of Russian goods (1933), 1126 Temporary Commercial Agreement (1934), 1242, 1250 Agreements re guarantees in connection with exports (1936), 1466 COMMITTEE TO COLLECT INFORMATION ON RUSSIA, 7, 105, 143 CoSMuNIsr PAPERS, arrest of British lead-

ers, 591 CONDITIONS UNDER BOLSHEVISM, 7, 105, 143 CONGRESS OF SovIETs, Eighth All-Russian.

143 F., correspondence re murder of, 280, 288, 289, 294 DEBTS, responsibilities of Soviet government, 163, 180, 231, 234, 243 DAVIDSON, MR. C.

143; in southern Russia, 56, 69 EKATERINBURG, 7 ENGINEERS, arrest of, see below METROPOLITAN VICKERS CO. Copenhagen EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS, (1920), 59 FISHERIES, temporary agreement (1980), 879 FLEET, 117, 198, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757. See also below Naval Agreements FRANCO-SOVIET (1935), treaty, documents, and discussions related thereto, 1429, 1435. See also EUROPE, European Settlement GENOA CONFERENCE, 224, 231, 234 GERMANY, Treaty of Rapallo, 234 HAGUE CONFERENCE (1922), 243 HARDING, MRS. STAN, imprisonment of, 213, 288, 289, 294 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS,


IMPRISONMENT OF BRITISH AND ALLIED SUBJECTS, 7, 105, 134, 288, 289, 294 INTERVENTION, 32, 36, 80, 83; murder of

26 commissars in Transcaspian province, 280; reasons for, Mr. Churchill, 83; cost of naval and military operations, 32, 36, 80; Japanese intervention, 222 IRELAND, proposed treaty, and relationship between Sinn Fein and Bolshevism, 152 JAPAN, intervention in Siberia and Sakhaline, 222 KOLCHAK, recognition of Admiral Kolchak's government, 83 LABOUR CONDITIONS, abandonment of League of Nations inquiry, 103 LABOUR LEGISLATION: selected documents (1931), 968; bill to prohibit goods made by foreign forced labour, 904b, 1044 (not printed). See also INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE, 14th Meeting LOANS, war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS METROPOLITAN-VICKERS COMPANY, correspondence re arrest of employees, March 1933, 1168; March-April 1933, 1169 MILITARY OPERATIONS IN NORTH RUSSIA, 83 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,

648, 1016, 1400 limitation and information (1937) 1561, 1636; protocol modifying agreement (1938) 1676, 1803 OIL, influence of Soviet exports on U.K. oil prices, 768 PARCEL PosT, Anglo-Russian convention (1934), 1277 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 NAVAL AGREEMENT,


INDEX PEASANTRY UNDER BOLSHEVISM, 143 PERSIA, Soviet troops in, 103 POLITICAL CONDITIONS, 105, 143 PROPAGANDA, India, Persia, Afghanistan,

288, 289, 294 RAPALLO, treaty of, RELATIONS BETWEEN

234 U.K. AND RUSSIA (1923), 288, 289, 294; (1924), 404, 420, 425; (1925), 591; (1927), 639 Documents found in Arcos raid and published by Foreign Office, 652 Papers, including Zinoviev letter, 660 Russian banks and Communist funds, 719 Renewal of diplomatic relations (1929), 818, 834 RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION, 288, 289 RELIGIOUS LEGISLATION, 853, 902 ROMAN OF FAMILY, murder of, 7 TERROR in, 143 TRADE, see Commerce TRADE UNIONS, 143 TRAWLERS, arrest of British, 288, 289, 294 TREATY draft of general treaty (1924), 404, 420; signed (1924), 425 ZINOVIEV LETTER, 660 SPA CONFERENCE PROTOCOL re COAL, 151 AGREEMENT re REPARATIONS, 218

(in chronological order): Treaty of Commerce and Navigation (1922), 393; duration of (1926), 609; convention re certain provisions (1927), 649; interpretation of (1928), 710; modification of (1927-28), 755; commercial relations, Irish Free State and (1934), 1316, (1935), 1372 COMMERCIAL PAYMENTS: agreement (1936) 1413, 1426; amendment (1936), 1465; Clearing Office' receipts and payments, (1936), 1485a; (1937), 1584; (1938), 1720; legislation, 1221a, 1713 COMPANIES, agreement re treatment of (1924), 403 EXTRADITION TREATY, Malay States, 43 IFNI, declaration re trade in arms and ammunition (1925), 827 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1929), 815, 867 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1932), 1106 MOROCCO, economic situation, 98



257, 1400 NYON CONFERENCE, see above Civil War PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with in-

ternational questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENT AND PRODUCTION, 39 PROOF MARKS, exchange of notes re proof

marks on fire arms, 679 (1933), 1287



ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 370 CIVIL WAR (in chronological order)

Bill to prohibit transshipment of weapons and ammunition (1936), 1480 Bill for observation of Spanish frontier (1937), 1482 Legislative and other measures taken by governments to give effect to nonintervention, and action of Swiss government (1936), 1491 Declaration and exchange of notes re status quo in the Mediterranean (193637), 1512 Resolution re scheme of observation by land and sea (March 1937), 1529 Declaration of British and Italian governments (Jan. 1937), 1533 Proposals submitted by H.M. of the U.K. (July 1937), 1563 Nyon Agreement : piratical attacks by submarines, with map (1937), 1578; attacks by aircraft and surface vessels (1937), 1579 Correspondence re withdrawal of foreign volunteers (1937), 1580 Text of resolution re-affirming and extending agreement re withdrawal of foreign volunteers, beIligerant rights, observation frontiers (July 1938), 1675

STAMP LAWS re STAMPS: in connection with cheques (1931), 1008, 1214; with bills of exchange and promissory notes (1930), 1188, 1255



tion of (1913), 369; re economic statistics (1928), 848, 938; re causes of death (1934), 1295 STRESA CONFERENCE Stresa Conference (1935), 1350 SUDAN see ABYSSINIA; also below Finances, Administration and Condition BOUNDARY: Eritrea, 409; French-Equatorial Africa, 408; Libya, 1286



dispatch by Ramsay MacDonald, 428 agreement re financial question affecting Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1936), 1499




INDEX SUDAN continued 93; (1920), 167; (1921), 278; (1922), 308; (1923), 444; (1924), 531; (1925), 604; (1026), 682; (1927), 765; (1928), 813; (1929), 934; (1930), 1027; (1931), 1111; (1932), 1196; (1933), 1276; (1934), 1396; (1935), 1475; (1936), 1589; (1937), 1737 GASH RIVER Anglo-Italian agreement re use of waters, 507 GEZIRA IRRIGATION SCHEME, 388. See also above, Finances, Administration, etc. LEE STACK INDEMNITY FUND, 765, 813. See also above, Finances, Administration, etc. LOAN TO THE GOVERNMENT OF SUDAN,

legislation, 3, 189, 246a; notes and memoranda, 23, 25b, 258. See also FINANCE ACCOUNTS, TRADE FACILITIES, and above, Finances, Administration, etc. SLAVERY, papers re 579, 651 TELEGRAPH CABLE, Port Sudan-Jeddah (1926), 644 SUEZ CANAL, see EGYPT

SUPREME COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE with German Peace deIegation and Government, 151 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF THE WORLD, 70 RECOMMENDATOINS re German Reparations, 70 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT CANNES (1922), 221 SWAZILAND (1927), 706 (1930), 921;

(1938), 1679 SWEDEN 76, 103, 235 documents of identity (1938), 1697 AIR NAVIGATION AGREEMENT (1921), 380 ARBITRATION CONVENTION, 54, 492 CAPITULATIONS, agreement for the suppression of in Egypt, 159 COMMERCE: Trade and Commerce Agreement (1933), 1179, 1205; supplementary agreement (1935), 1397; New Zealand, customs and navigation (1935), 1368 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL SITUATION, 77 COPYRIGHT CONVENTION, ratification by, 40 INCOME TAX: on profits from shipping, 462; on profits from any agency, 1019 AALAND ISLANDS,

648, 1400 limitation and information (1938), 1782 ODER RIVER, see POLAND PARLIAMENT, method of dealing with international questions: 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39 RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50


SWITZERLAND AIR TRAFFIC, documents of identity for personnel (1938), 1707; duties on fuel and lubricants (1938), 1700 convention with Switzerland, 840 Australia, commercial agreement (1938), 1767; New Zealand, commercial relations (1938), 1690 EXTRADITION CONVENTION (1934), 1343, 1374 INcoME Tax, gains arising from any agency, 1073, 1107 LEAGUE OF NATIONS, special position, 103 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters (1937), 1628, 1771 LIECHTENSTEIN, commercial relations, 385



257 methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b RESTORATION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, 104 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: exchange of notes (1929), 845; Irish Free State (1930), 951 TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 PARLIAMENT,





SUGAR International agreement re regulation of production and marketing of (1937), 1543


civil and commercial matters (1930), 928, 970 LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES AGREEMENT (1936). 1446a MARRIAGE, Lady Louise Mountbatten to Crown Prince Gustaf Adolph, treaty (1923), 347


SYRIA (1920), boundaries, irrigation, railways, oil, schools, 129 BOUNDARIES: Angora Agreement, AngloFrench correspondence, 203; Palestine Agreements, 129, 297, 665, 1797 MONEY ORDERS, agreement (1928), 737





INDEX TANGANYIKA BOUNDARIES: Mozambique (1936-37), 1629; Ruandi-Urundi, 268, 813, 637, 1419, 1420, 1669, 1670 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS WITH LITHUANIA (1931), 1080 DAR-ES-SALAAM, Imperial Shipping Committee, harbour report, 664a FINANCIAL MISSION Of Sir Sydney Armitage-Smith, 1119a FINANCE AND RAILWAY RATES, report of Roger Gibb, 1152a INDIAN SETTLEMENT, proposals, 150a JUSTICE, report of commission, 1262a LOAN: interest and sinking fund (1927), 648a; bill, 1044a; treasury minute, 1049a; memorandum, 1073a. See FINANCE ACCOUNTS and AFRICA, EAST, Loan MANDATE, 149, 268 REPORTS (1918-1920), 161; (192I), 245 REPORT ON EAST AFRICA, 482a; future policy for, 661a REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON CLOSER UNION of Eastern and Central Africa, 750a U.S.A., convention re rights of governments and nationals, 599 WATER RIGHTS, Anglo-Belgian Agreement (Ruandi-Urundi-Tanganyika), 1420, 1670 TANGIER, see MOROCCO TARIFF TRUCE CONFERENCE, see ECONOMIC, Economic Action TAXATION TREATIES RELATING To: Canada-U.S.A., 1705; Canada-Netherlands, 1758; Denmark, shipping profits, 460; Finland, shipping profits, 533, any agency, 1341; France, shipping profits, 1120, air transport, 1355, 1829; Germany, air transport, 1625, shipping profits, 699; Greece, any agency, 1498, shipping profits, 806; Iceland, shipping profits, 712; Japan, shipping profits, 808; Netherlands, air transport, 1473, any agency, 1405, 1451, Canada, 1758, shipping profits, 585; Norway, any agency, 1792, shipping profits, 461; Sweden, any agency, 1019, shipping profits, 462; Switzerland, any agency, 1073, 1107 TIN CONTROL SCHEME, papers relating to, 1333, 1726 TOGOLAND BOUNDARIES, 892, 940 MANDATE, 156, 268

REPORT ON BRITISH SPHERE and dispatch from governor of the Gold Coast, 238 U.S. NATIONALS, Anglo-U.S. Convention (1925), 601 TONNAGE MEASUREMENT AGREEMENTS Egypt, 1777; Estonia, 593; Finland, 413; Greece, 625; Iraq, 413; Irish Free State Poland, 1373; Japan, 269; Latvia, 663; Poland, 1292, 1348, 1373; Portugal, 586 TORPEDOES INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION re SALVAGE (1984), 1293; additional protocol (1938), 1667 TRADE EXPORT CREDITS GUARANTEE SCHEME (192829), 828 IMPORT RESTRICTIONS, International Convention (1028-9), 850 OVERSEAS TRADE, facilities, legislation, statements of guarantees, and accounts of funds issued from Consolidated Fund, etc., 46c, 46g, 48a, 63b, 77a, 110a, 110b, 110c, 110d, 116a, 150b, 172a, 194, 197, 242b, 246a, 246b, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 330, 337, 340, 342, 358, 433, 436, 438, 441, 442, 474, 547, 550, 551, 553, 554, 561, 620, 623, 689, 727, 728, 733, 748, 780, 788, 860, 907, 1048, 1130, 1219, 1225, 1244, 1310, 1395, 1484, 1489, 1544, 1587, 1715, 1719, 1723, 1725 REPORT OF M. VAN ZEELAND on general reduction of obstacles of international trade (1938), 1621 TRADE AND NAVIGATION AccouNTS (1921), 112, 113; (1922), 192, 193 TRANSIT and COMMUNICATIONS BARCELONA CONFERENCE (1921): convention and recommendations, 234; freedom of transit, 323; navigable waterways, 324; flag of states with no sea coast, 325 GENEVA CONFERENCE (1923): final act of Second Conference, 384; customs formalities, 383, 476; maritimes ports, 381, 488; railways, 382, 487; electric power, 489; hydraulic power, 490 TRANS-JORDAN ANGLO-JORDANIAN AGREEMENT (1928), 707, 844; supplementary agreement (1934), 1274, 1382 BOUNDARY, Saudi-Arabian frontier, the Hadda and Bahra agreements and correspondence related thereto (1925), 545 LOAN, Treasury Minute re repayment of loan in connection with earthquake damage (1933), 1174



CIAL TRAVELLERS 383, 476 253, 1762, 1800, 1801 DANZIG, re property transfer, 402 DENGUE fever, 1315, 1385 DRUGS, 754, 953, 1053, 1204, 1822. See also OPIUM and DRUGS ELBE, navigation, 276, 372 ELECTRIC power, 489 EMIGRANTS, 812 EXHIBITIONS, 839, 969 EXPORT and import restrictions, 850 EXTRADITION, see EXTRADITION FILMS, educational, 1381, 1438 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, 1015 FISHING NETS, size and limits of catch, 1556 GENEVA, communications and transit, 381, 382, 383, 476, 487, 488, 489, 490. See also TRANSIT GOODS, false indication of origin, 724, 1692 HAGUE, denunciation of Convention VI, 543 HIDES AND SKINS, exportation, 824 HYDRAULIC POWER, 490 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, protection of, 725, 1693 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, See LEGAL PROCEEDINGS LIGHTSHIPS, manned, not at their station, 976 LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS, protection, 1002, 1081 LOAD LINES, 915, 945, 1135. See also LOAD LINE CERTIFICATES Locusts: Bureau of Intelligence, 865; Third Conference proceedings, 1299 MARITIME BUOYAGE, 1598 MARITIME PORTS, 381, 488 MEMEL TERRITORY, 414, 528 MERCHANT SEAMEN, venereal disease, 597 METRIC SYSTEM, 317 MONTREUX CONVENTION: (1936), 1464, 1571; (1937), 1555, 1611 MOTOR TRAFFIC, 852 MOTOR VEHICLES, taxation, 1065, 1155 NATIONALITY LAWS, 1185, 1573 NATIONALITY AND STATELESSNESS, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1542, 1572 NAVAL AGREEMENT, see NAVY NYON AGREEMENTS, 1578, 1579. See also SPAIN, Civil War OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS, 556 OIL POLLUTION, 594c OPIUM, 172, 713, 1149, 1531. See also OPIUM PARIS PACT, 816. See also PARIS PACT POSTAL UNION, 175, 176, 927 PRISONERS OF WAR, 979, 980, 1030 CUSTOMS FORMALITIES,


1016 Treaty of Friendship and Bon Voisinage (1933), 1284


TREATIES accessions, withdrawals, ratifications, etc.: (1919), 31; (1919-21), 205; (1922). 271; (1923), 349; (1924), 467; (1925), 558; (1926), 634; (1927), 697; (1928), 761; (1929), 846; (1930), 990; (1931), 1066; (1932), 1157; (1933), 1240; (1934), 1328; (1935), 1423; (1936), 1522; (1937), 1627; (1938), 1754



General Index: (1917-1921), 251; (19221926), 671; (1927-1929), 901; (1930-1932), 1173; (1933-1935), 1452; (1936-1938), 1790 Annual Index: (1919), 55; (1920), 210: (1921), 211; (1922), 274; (1923), 353; (1924), 468; (1925), 559; (1926), 635; (1927), 698; (1928), 762; (1929), 847; (1930), 989; (1931), 1066a; (1932), 1159; (1933), 1239; (1934), 1329; (1935), 1424; (1936), 1523; (1937), 1630; (1938), 1755 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS (for details and correspondence see individual items) AALAND. ISLANDS, non-fortification, 235 AFRICA: liquor traffic, 46; trade, 45; protection of flora and fauna, 1218, 1474 AGRICULTURE, International Institute, 837; Mortgage Credit Company, 1024 AERIAL NAVIGATION, 25a, 215, 247, 281, 300, 464, 465, 864, 1206, 1504; sanitary convention, 1269, 1363 AIR CARRIAGE, 1167 AIRCRAFT, damage caused by, 1412 AIR TRAFFIC, exemption from taxation on fuels and lubricants, 1783. See also AIR ANIMALS, contagious diseases, 581 ARBITRATION, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS and ARBITRATION ARMS AND AMMUNITION trade, 38; declaration re Ifni, 827 BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS,

see REPARATIONS, Hague Conference BARCELONA, 323, 324, 325. See also TRANSIT BILLS OF HEALTH and consular visas, 1347 BILLS OF LADING., 986 BONES, exportation, 823 BRIAND-KELLOGG PACT see PARIS PEACE PACT BROADCASTING in cause of peace, 1558, 1649 BUOYAGE, see below Maritime Buoyage COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, see COMMER-



INDEX 382, 487 maintenance of lights, 952 REFRIGERATION, 283, 1658, 1734 REFUCEEs: status of, 1511; German, 1506, 1671, 1753 RELIEF UNION, 1154 RHINE CONVENTION, 422 RUBBER, production and export, 1252, 1463, 1526, 1741 SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1134 SANITARY CONVENTION, 121, 740, 1773, 1820; re aerial navigation, 1269, 1363 SHIPS, immunity of state-owned, 1634, 1635 SINAIA, 1762, 1800, 1801. See also DANUBE SILVER AGREEMENT, 1287 SLAVERY, 662. See also LEAGUE OF NATIONS STAMP LAWS, 1008, 1188, 1214, 1255 STATFIFSSNESS, se above, Nationality and Statelessness STATISTICS: compilation, 369; economic, 848, 938; causes of death, 1295 SUGAR, 1543 TANGIER ZONE, 375, 401, 723, 745 TAXATION, see TAXATION TONNAGE MEASUREMENT, see TONNAGE MEASUREMENT TORPEDOES, salvage 1293, 1667 TRAFFIC in women and children, 319 VESSELS employed on inland navigation, 673 WAR CRAVES, see WAR GRAVES WAR, renunciation of, see PARIS PEACE PACT WARFARE, poisonous gases and bacteriological, 810, 888, 949. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES WHALING, 1246, 1312, 1552, 1662, 1689, 1776 WHEAT CONFERENCE, 1217 WOMEN AND CHILDREN, Traffic in, 319 WOUNDED AND SICK IN FIELD, 978, 980, 1029 RAILWAYS,


ATRocrrus, Yalova, Guemlak, and the Ismed Peninsula, 165 COMMERCE

Accounts and receipts of Clearing Office (1937), 1584; (1938), 1720 Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1930), 861, 933 Guarantee Agreement (1938), 1659 India, commercial relations (1930), 924 Irish Free State, exchange of Notes, (1929), 942; (1936), 1537 Legislation, 1221a, 1713 Modus vivendi (1929), 796 Trade and Clearing Agreement (1936), 1472; supplementary agreement, 1661; exchange of Notes, 1774, 1823, 1835; Trade and Payments Agreement (1935), 1360, 1402 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND SAMPLES (1929), 922 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69, 91 GREEKS, 69 IRAQ-TURKEY BOUNDARY DISPUTE, see LEAGUE OF NATIONS LAUSANNE CONFERENCE, 273 LAUSANNE TREATIES, 303, 306, 307, 331, 348, 363, 384a. See also LAUSANNE TREATIES LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1082, 1176; supplementary convention, 1779 LOAN, Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855, see EGYPT, and FINANCE ACCOUNTS MINORITIES in, 203 MONTREUx CONVENTION (1936), re regime of the Straits and correspondence relative thereto, 1464; protocol, 1571 MUTUAL ASSISTANCE, Treaty of (1939), 1827 NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS,


proposed settle-

ment, 225 method of dealing with international questions, 445 PRISONS, conditions in, 24 PARLIAMENT,






TURKEY AGREEMENT, Franco-Turkish agreement, 188; correspondence, 203 ANATOLIA, Tripartite Agreement, 95 ANTI-CHRISTIAN FEELING, 69 ARMAMENTS CREDIT (1938), 1660, 1824; legislation, 1582 ARMISTICE, Allied Powers, and, 11 ANGORA

Anglo-French correspondence, 203 348 STRAITS, see Montreux Convention TRADE, after the raising of the blockade, 27, 34, 50 TREATY OF PEACE, signed at Sevres, 96 YALOVA AND GUEMLEK, report of atrocities, 165 REPARATIONS AND CONVENTION,

TURKISH PETROLEUM COMPANY Correspondence re economic rights in mandated areas, 137



admini stration, 1775 CLAIMS: pecuniary, arising out of war, 654; arising from operation of smelter at Trail, B.C. (Canada Convention), 1538


BELGIAN CONGO (1924), munication with, 417



JUSTICE, report of Commission, 1262a RAILWAY RATES AND FINANCE, report of Mr. Roger Gibb, 1152a SANITATION CONVENTION (1939), 1796 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA BELGIUM: commercial agreement, 1646; extradition convention, 738 BRAZIL, commercial agreement, 1834 CZECHOSLOVAKIA, commercial agreement, 1642 EGYPT: air service, 933a; commercial relations, 1836 ESTONIA, extradition, 1789 FRANCE: commercial agreements, 1698, 1699; war graves, 1415 GERMANY: commerce and navigation, 843, 1370; efficiency certificates for aircraft, 1643; patents, models, and designs, 1087; war graves, 1415 ITALY, commercial agreement, 1640 NETHERLANDS, commerce and navigation, 1684


(1938), 1729, 1738 (1939),


1794 commercial relations (1935), 1599; certificates of tonnage (1938), 1833; Trade Agreement (1938), 1735, 1738 COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: question of accession, 615; accession of U.S., 820, 857 ELLIS ISLAND IMMIGRATION STATION, report on, 304 EXTRADITION: supplementary convention (1922), 256; treaty (1931), 1058, 1361 and smuggling, Canada Convention re narcotic laws, 514, 515 CANADA:


Canada: air navigation, 1799; certificates of airworthiness, 1752; civil aircraft, 966; licensing and piloting, 1798 Certificates of air worthiness, 1094, 1321 Irish Free State, navigation, 1647 Issue of licenses to pilot civil aircraft, 1256, 1384 Union of South Africa: air navigation, 1257; air worthiness certificates, 1094; licenses for pilots, 1256 ALBANIA, proposed partition, 58 ANGLO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE, 164 ARBITRATION TREATIES, 8, 355 ARMENIA, offer of mandate, 103

attitude, 135 halibut, Northern Pacific and Bering Sea, 480, 1164, 1703; sockeye salmon, Fraser River system, 1704 FLEET, 117, 198, 207, 261, 338, 477, 563, 636, 701, 764, 833, 985, 1061, 1160, 1243, 1331, 1403, 1519, 1631, 1757 HOOVER MORATORIUM, suspension of intergovernmental debts, 1035. See REPARATIONS for other agreements INCOME TAX, Canada Convention re tax on non-resident individuals and corporations, 1705 INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS, 641 IRAQ, see MANDATED TERRITORIES IRISH FREE STATE, correspondence re appointment of a minister plenipotentiary, 400 KELLOGG, Paris Peace Pact: correspondence with U.S. ambassador, 717, 722; International Treaty, 816; amendments to covenant, 950; legislation, 1387 LABOUR ADMINISTRATION IN U.S., 63a LAKE OF THE WOODS, CANADA, agreement re level, 513 LIQUOR TRAFFIC: convention, 364, 397; correspondence re administrative measures for the prevention of smuggling, 577; legislation, 781 LOAD LINES, Canada Convention (1933), 1461 LOAN, American, principal and interest, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS and below War Debts




Air service, 1645 Aircraft personnel, identity documents, 1577 Mozambique: boundary, 708; native labour, railway matters, commercial intercourse, 849, 1422, 1641, 1683 South-West Africa, boundary with Angola, (1926), 616, (1931), 1012; Kunene River waters, 617 U.S.A.: air navigation, 1257; air worthiness certificates, 1094; non-immigrant passport visa fees, 1644; pilots, issue of licenses, 1256 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA attitude, 58



of. 312 BOUNDARY,

Correspondence re economic rights in, 137

Canadian-U.S. Treaty, 512


INDEX Conventions re rights of governments and nationals in: Cameroons, 600; German East Africa, 599; Iraq, 851, 991; Palestine, 540, correspondence, 1568; Togoland, 601 MANDATED ISLANDS AND QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE,


URUGUAY (1918), 13 regulation of imports, 1759 COMMERCIAL RELATIONS: Canada (1936), 1590; Trade and Payments Agreement, 1364, 1507



U.S.-Canadian conventions re traffic in (1925), 514, 515




648, 1016, 1400; Philippine Islands, 257 NAVAL ARMAMENTS, see NAVY OIL, dispatch enclosing memorandum on petroleum situation, 157. See also OIL PALESTINE, see above Mandated territories PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 PASSPORT FEES correspondence, 606; agreement for reduction of non-immigrant (1937), 1644 PHILIPPINE, North Borneo frontier, convention, 897, 1153. See also above Nationality and Naturalization PRICE MOVEMENTS AND PRODUCTION, 39, 77b PROHIBITION, memorandum on, 299 PROPERTY: Real and Personal Property Convention (1899), accession of Canada, 244; amendment to (1936), 1470; sequestered under Trading with Enemy Acts, reciprocal release of such, 741 SILVER ARGEEMENT (1933), 1287 SMUGGLING along Canadian-U.S. border (1925), 514 TELEGRAMS, correspondence re alleged delay of, 138 TONNAGE, U.S.-Canadian exchange of Notes re appendix certificates of, 1833 TRADE AGREEMENT, see above Commerce WAR DEBT:

Report of committee of American dollar Securities, 4c, see also 48 Balfour note, 246 Arrangement for the funding of the British war debt, 298 Hoover moratorium, 1035, see also REPARATIONS Agreement respecting payments (1932), 1136 Correspondence (1932), 1122, 1137, 1141, 1142, 1144, 1145, 1146 Papers re payments (1933), 1187, 1216 Proposals 20 year 5/% Gold Bonds (1933), 1197 Papers re war debt (1934), 1258, 1263, 1318; (1935), 1358, 1404; (1936), 1449, 1503; (1937), 1550, 1607; (1938), 1664, 1742; (1939), 1788 WASHINGTON conference and treaties, 222. See also WASHINGTON TREATIES

VATICAN Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 1016. See also PAPACY VENESTA, LTD. vs M. Krassin, 163 VENEZUELA Nationality and Naturalization Laws, 648, 1016 VERSAILLES, Treaty of, see GERMANY VESSELS Vessels employed on inland navigation, International Convention re measurement (1925), 673 WAR, outbreak of Second World War, see GERMANY, Anglo-German Relations WAR CRIMINALS, see GERMANY WAR DEBTS, see U.S.A., REPARATIONS, FINANCE ACCOUNTS, and individual countries WARFARE GASES, asphyxiating, poisonous, or other, and bacteriological methods of, protocol for prohibition of (1925), 810, 888 MEMORANDA on Chemical Warfare, 949 REVISION OF RULES, dispatch from British delegate and general report of Commission (1922-23), 399 WAR GRAVES AGREEMENTS Belgium, 30; Egypt, 1608; France, 6, 1415, 1784; Germany, 1415; Greece, 186; Italy, 240 WASHINGTON CONFERENCES AND TREATIES ADMIRALTY: explanatory notes on naval estimates (1922-23), 214; remarks on report of Committee of National expenditure, 209 CHINA, list of treaties with, and between, Great Britain and foreign powers regarding, 509 CHINESE CUSTOMS REGULATIONS (ratified), 518


INDEX WASHINGTON CONFERENCES AND TREATIES continued LEGISLATION, 191, 782 NAVAL ARMAMENTS, treaty for limitation of (ratified), 351 NAVAL STAFF, comparison of strength of Great Britain, United States, and Japan, 207 NINE POWER TREATY (ratified), 517 PACIFIC OCEAN TREATIES (ratified), 352 PRELIMINARY DISCUSSIONS, 164 WASHINGTON TREATIES, Pacific Ocean and Far Eastern questions, and limitation of armaments, 222 WHALING INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION (1931), 1246, 1312 FINANCIAL MEMORANDUM, 1271 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT (1937), 1552, 1662 PROTOCOL AMENDING AGREEMENT (1938), 1689, 1776 LEGISLATION, 1221b, 1271 WHEAT CONFERENCE Final Act with appendices and minutes of final meeting (1933), 1217 WIESBADEN AGREEMENTS see REPARATIONS WOMEN AND CHILDREN, International Convention for suppression of traffic in, 319 WOUNDED AND SICK, see GENEVA CONFERENCE 1929

YEMEN Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Cooperation (1934), 1264, 1313 YUGOSLAVIA ADRIATIC QUESTION, attitude toward, 58 AUSTRIAN PEACE TREATY, accession to, 66 BOUNDARY, see Sevres, treaty of COMMERCE: agreement (1926), 602; Commerce and Navigation Treaty (1927), 705; Trade and payments agreement (1936), 1501, 1566 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, 56, 69 LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, civil and commercial matters, 1440, 1567 LOANS war and relief, see FINANCE ACCOUNTS and below War Debt MONTENEGRO, see MONTENEGRO NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION LAWS, 1016 PARLIAMENT, methods of dealing with international questions, 445 RAPALLO, treaty of, recognition of, by Great Britain, 141 SEVRES, treaty of (1920), 182 TREATY of PEACE, St. Germain-en-Laye

(1919), 44 WAR DEBTS: Balfour note, 246; agreement for settlement (1927), 678; Hoover Moratorium (1931), 1035: See also REPARATIONS, Hague Conference ZANZIBAR Capitulations, Anglo-French agreement re abolition of (1937), 1565, 1620