A Bibliography of Thomas Gray, 1917-1951 [Reprint 2016 ed.] 9781512818871

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A Bibliography of Thomas Gray, 1917-1951 [Reprint 2016 ed.]

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ARTHUR MURPHY By John Pike Emery





A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS GRAY, 1917-1951 By Herbert W. Starr


Herbert W. Starr

With material supplementary to C. S. Northup's Bibliography of Thomas Gray


Copyright 1953



Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 53-9728

Published in Great Britain, India, and Pakistan by Geoffrey Cumberlege: Oxford University Press London, Bombay, and Karachi

To M. w. s.

PREFACE In compiling the following list of Gray editions and criticism I have had in mind primarily the needs of the eighteenth-century student rather than those of the collector of rare books. Consequently, few collations of recent publications have seemed necessary, although many entries are included which it is hoped will be of value to the collector as well as to the student. Most of the material represented is that published since 1916, the last year covered in Professor Clark S. Northup's Bibliography of Thomas Gray; but some material from the earlier period is also included. The latter entries consist of publications omitted by Professor Northup or of supplementary information concerning entries which he has included. To simplify the location of these entries in his bibliography, there is printed after the number of each item the number which does, or should, accompany the entry in his compilation. These numbers are set off by a hyphen and prefixed by the letter A¡. There are a few minor changes such as the italicizing of the titles of books, but usually I have attempted to conform to Professor Northup's practice in form and, with the exceptions noted below, in scope. Although some accidental omissions are inevitable in all bibliographies, I hope that I have not overlooked anything of major importance. However, in the 1917-1951 section certain omissions are deliberate. Like Professor Northup, I have made no attempt to include general histories of English literature unless there has seemed to be some particular justification for their i n c l u s i o n — a few histories written by Continental authors, for example , have been noted since they may help to reveal the attitude toward Gray adopted by European critics. Anthologies of English literature have also been excluded unless they were of a specialized nature. Certain works which contained merely one passing reference to Gray have been omitted, and book reviews are included only if they mention Gray. Otherwise, the accumulation of material would have obscured the more important publications. Whenever possible, the books and articles themselves have been consulted to insure greater accuracy, but unfortunately a few have not been available for examination. Since many publications discuss more than one of Gray's literary or scholarly productions, the critical sections for the individual works frequently do not represent all the comment on the particular work in which the reader may be interested. Much additional information may be found in the section entitled 'General Criticism.' To locate this the reader should consult the index entry for the poem or essay with which he is concerned. As a further aid, the index will occasionally refer the reader to critical articles which mention or discuss one of Gray's works that it has not seemed necessary to list in the description of the article given in the text of the bibliography. The more detailed or more important treatments of Gray are in most instances indicated by an asterisk. When the title does not give some inkling of the nature of the material involved, a brief descriptive note has usually been added to the entry. In general, page numbers have been noted only if the book referred to does not have an index. For the longer periodical articles and the essays collected in book form the numbers of only the pages containing Gray material are given. The customary noting of the first and last pages of articles is therefore abandoned unless the article is largely or entirely concerned with Gray. I must also express my gratitude to many friends and colleagues who have aided me in this compilation. I am particularly indebted to my wife, who not only has done much of the exacting clerical work but also has typed the final copy of the manuscript, and to the late Professor Northup, who has very kindly

sent me many notes which he had accumulated over a period of several years and has most generously furnished me with advice and information throughout the entire course of this project. Professors Ames Johnston and Joseph Meredith of Temple University have helped me in the checking of the foreign language entries (Professor Meredith has also proofread the final draft); and I have been assisted by Dr. Hughbert Hamilton, Dr. John P. Emery. Mr. Joseph Whitt, Dr. James D. Powell, Dr. William W. Langebartel. Professor Milton A. Buchanan, Dr. A. T. Hazen, Dr. T. C. Duncan Eaves, Sir Eugen Millington-Drake, Mr. Philip Gaskell, Miss Eleanor Tilton, Professor Miriam R. Small, Mrs. Josephine S. Couper, Dr. Rafael H. Valle, Senor Guillermo R. Hall, Mr. Carl Anderson, Miss Eleanor Campion and staff of the Philadelphia Bibliographical Center and Union Library Catalogue, and by the staffs of the libraries noted in my list of abbreviations, especially Mr. Walter Hausdorfer, Mr. Elkan Buchhalter, and Miss Carolyn Bliss of Temple University Library and Senores EHuardo Ponce de Leon and Tomas Magallon of the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. Finally, much of my work has been made possible by a grant from the Temple University Research Fund. October, 1952

ABBREVIATIONS I. L I B R A R I E S (It should not be assumed that the library designated in an entry is the only library which owns a copy of the publication.) AAS, the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester. Mass. BA, the Library of the Boston Athenaeum. BM, the British Museum. BN, la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. BNc, la Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. BNF, la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence. BPL, the Boston Public Library. BrM. the Bryn Mawr College Library, Pa. CaU, the Cambridge University Library. CbC, the Colby College Library, Waterville, Me. CHS, the Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. C1PL. the Cleveland Public Library. Ohio. ColU, the Columbia University Library, New York. CSB, the California State Library, Sutro Branch. EPFL, the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Md. F, the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington. D. C. FLP, the Free Library of Philadelphia. fC, the Haverford College Library, Pa. HL, the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, Calif. HS, the Hispanic Society, New York. HU, the Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass. ISCAM, the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts Library, Ames. LC, the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. LCp, the Library Company, Philadelphia. LfC, the Lafayette College Library, Easton, Pa. M, the Mercantile Library, Philadelphia, (merged with FLP) NJSL, the New Jersey State Library, Trenton. NL, the Newberry Library, Chicago. NYP, the New York Public Library. OU, the Ohio State University Library, Columbus.

vi i i

PAU, the Pan-American Union Library, Washington, D. C. PU, the Princeton Ihiiversity Library, N. J. RUL, the Rutgers University Library, New Brunswick, N. J. SC, the Swarthmore College Library, Pa. TU, the Temple University Library, Philadelphia. UC, Universitetsbiblioteket, University of Copenhagen. UC1. the University of California Library, Berkeley. UG, the University of Granada Library, Spain. UI, the University of Illinois Library. Urbana. UM, the University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor. UNC, the University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. UP, the University of Pennsylvania Library, Philadelphia. UT, the University of Toronto Library, Ont. V, the Vassar College Library, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. YU, the Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn.

II. TITLES OF PERIODICALS AI.'R, American Historical Review AJP, American Journal of Philology ff.YPL, Bulletin of the New York Public Library CE, College English CJ, Classical Journal CL, Comparative Literature CP, Classical Philology CS', Classical Weekly Bifl, English Historical Review EJ, English Journal ES, English Studies £St,Englische Studien Expl, Explicator HLQ, Huntington Library Quarterly JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology JRUL, Journal of the Rutgers University Library Ui, London Mercury MLh, Modern Language Notes MLQ, Modern Language Quarterly MLR, Modern Language Review MP, Modern Philology A'iQ, Notes and Queries


f/HQR, New Mexico Quarterly Review PESA, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America PMLA, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America PQ, Philological Quarterly BAA, Revue anglo-americaine RELV, Revue de l'enseignement des langues vivantes RES, Review of îkiglish Studies RG, Revue germanique M.C, Revue de littérature comparée RR, Romanic Review RSfi, Revue de synthèse historique SAQ, South Atlantic Quarterly SP, Studies in Philology Sfl, Sewanee Review SRL, Saturday Review of Literature TIS, QLondon 1 Times Literary Supplement UTQ, University of Toronto Quarterly VQR, Virginia Quarterly Review YJ?, Yale Review Yftts, Year's Work in English Studies

CONTENTS (EpCl«Epitaph on Mrs. Jane Clarke, EpWms=Epitaph oil Sir William Williams, Stanza»Epitaph on Mrs. Mason, Owen=The Triumphs of Owen, Lines on Robt Smiths What's the Reason Old Fobus LFocus J Has Cut Down Yon Tree? T. & W. no.-the number of a letter in the Toynbee and Whibley edition, #431. The other abbreviations employed are added in parentheses.) PAGE PREFACE SECTION

. Bibliographies and Bibliographical Articles . Complete Works, and Selections from both the Prose and the Poetry . . . . . Poetical Works . . . . . Selections from the Poetical Works . Selections from the Prose Works . Translations of Select Works . . Individual Works and Translations Ad C. Favonium Aristium (Arist) Ad C. Favonium Zephyrinum (Zeph) Agrippina . . . . Alcaic Fragment Alcaic Ode (A10) The Alliance of Education and Government (Ed Amatory Lines . . . . Barbaras aedes aditure mecum, see Ad C. Fav. Aristium. The Bard (Bard) Cambri . . . . . The Candidate (Cand) Carmen ad C. Favonium Zephyrinum, see Ad C. Fav. Zephyrinum. Commonplace Books Cookery Notes Couplet about Birds Dante, Canto 33, dell'Inferno De Principiis Cogitandi (Cog) The Death of Hoel (Hoel) The Descent of Odin (Cdin) Dum Nox rorantes..., see Luna Hab. Elegiac Verses Occasioned by the Sight of the Plains Where the Battle of Trebia Was Fought, see Elegiacs. Elegiacs . . . . . L-An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (El) The Inquiry, see Amatory Lines. Epitaphs on Robert Antrobus and Jonathan Rogers Epitaph on His Mother . . . . Egregium accipio..., see Sophonisba to Masinissa. A Farewell to Florence (FF) The Fatal Sisters (FS) Fragment of a Latin Poem on the Gaurus Generic Characters of the Orders of Insects Horridos tractus..., see Sapphics. Hymn to Adversity (Adv) Hymn to Ignorance (Ign) Impromptu, Suggested by a View, in 1766, of the Seat and Ruins 56 of a Deceased Nobleman, at Kingsgate, Kent (Impr) . Jemmy Twitcher, or The Cambridge Courtship, see The Candidate.

J o u r n a l in the Lakes . . . . . 5 6 J o u r n a l for 1754 . . . . . . 57 L a t i n Lines to Mr. West from Genoa, s e e S a p p h i c s . Letters . . . . . . . 57 Lines Spoken by the Ghost of John Dennis a t the Devil Tavern 62 A Long Story (LSt) . . . . . . 62 Luna H a b i t a b i l i s (Luna) . . . . . 62 Marginalia . . . . . . . 63 Mster rosarum, s e e Ad C. Fav. Zephyrinum. Nec procul i n f e l i x . . . , s e e Frag, of L a t . Poem on the Gaurus. Noon-tide: an Ode, see Ode on the S p r i n g . Notes on Anadis de Gaul . . . . . 63 Notes on Sophocles A j a x and E l e c t r a . . . . 64 Notes on Churchill . . . . . . 64 Notebooks . . . . . . . 64 0 lacrymarum f o n s . . . , s e e A l c a i c F r a g . Ode Attributed to Gray . . . . . 64 Ode for Music, see Ode Performed in the Senate-House, e t c . Ode on a D i s t a n t Prospect of Eton College (Eton) . . 64 Cde on Adversity, see Hymn to Adversity. Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold F i s h e s (Cat) . . . . . . 6 6 Ode on the P l e a s u r e Arising from V i c i s s i t u d e (Vic) . 68 Cde on the Spring (Spr) . . . . . 6 9 Ode Performed in the Senate-House a t Cambridge, J u l y 1, 1769 (Music) . . . . . . 70 Oh F a e s u l a e a m o e n a . . . , see A Farewell to Florence. Oh Tu s e v e r i R e l i g i o l o c i . . . , see Alcaic Ode. Play E x e r c i s e a t Eton . . . . . 7 0 The Progress of Poesy (PP) . . . . . 70 P r o p e r t i u s , L i b . I I I . 5. v . E l e g . 19 (Prop I I I ) . . 72 P r o p e r t i u s . L i b . I I . E l e g . 1 (Prop I I ) . . 72 Proposal a s to the P r o f e s s o r s h i p of Modern History . 72 Qua Trebie g l a u c a s . . . , see E l e g i a c s . Sapphic Ode, see Ad C. Fav. Aristium. Sapphics . . . . . . . 72 Shakespeare Verses (Shak) . . . . . 72 — Sketch of His Own Character (Sketch) . . . 73 Song . . . . . . . . 73 Sonnet on the Death of Mr. Richard West (Sonnet) . . 73 Sophonisba to M a s i n i s s a (Soph) . . . . 74 Stanzas to Mr. Richard Bentley . . . . 7 4 T a s s o , Gerus. L i b . Cant. XIV. S t . 32 . . . 74 T h y r s i s , see Song. r Tophet . . . . . . . . 74 The Vegtam's K i v i t h a , see The Descent of Odin. Unde Animus s c i r e i n c i p i a t . . . , see De P r i n c i p i i s Cogitandi. When beauty, with p l e a s u r e s u r r o u n d e d . . . , s e e Amatory L i n e s . William Shakespeare to Mrs. A n n e . . . , s e e Shakespeare Verses. S E C T I O N 8 . General C r i t i c i s m . . . . . . 74 APPENDIX. Undated Editions . . . . . . 134 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . 135




to poetry




Chicago: McClurg, 1 9 0 4 , 1 9 1 8 , 1 9 2 9 , 1 9 4 0 . {i-Nja 1910. Clark S. Northup. "On some'editions of Gray's poems." In ESt, XLIII ( 1 9 1 0 ) , 1 4 9 - 5 8 . (s-Nn Comment by Stokes (#158, p. 56) oil reading of E l , 1 . 36.

1 9 1 7 . Clark S. Northup. In h i s A bibliography

of Thomas

Gray. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1917. (Cornell Studies in English, I) (3 For d e s c r i p t i o n s and occasional c o r r e c t i o n of h i s e n t r i e s N51-58, 178, 179, 182, 492-516 see Stokes (#158. pp. 2 7 - 6 1 ) . See a l s o Buchanan. #272, and N. Y. Post. #268. Rev. N. Y. Times Bk. Rev., May 27, 1917, p. 208; Athenaeum. F e b . . 1918, p. 103; *R. Crane, PBSA.XII (1918), 58-62; 'Nation, CVI (Feb. 21, 1918), 214-15; *P. Toynbee. MLR. X I I I (1918), 3 4 3 - 4 5 .

1 9 1 9 - 2 0 . Lawrence M. P r i c e .

ary influences: 1919-20.


In his English>German

and survey.




(Univ. of C a l i f . Publications in Modern P h i l . , IX)

1 9 2 2 . Tho. J . Wise. In h i s The Ashley Library: logue of printed books collected by Thomas James

a catarVise.


London: Printed f o r private circulation only, 1922, I I , x-xi, Odes.



Also contains f a c . of Cand and of t - p of Eton, 1747; E l , 1757.

1 9 2 7 . Arturo F a r i n e l l i . In h i s II latino. Torino: Bocca, 1927, I I I .

1751; and

romanticismo nel mondo (6

Chas J . Sawyer and F. J . Harvey Darton. In their


books, 1475-igoo.

Westminster, Eng.: Chas J .

New York: Button, 1927, 2V.

Also c o n t a i n s f a c . of t - p of Eton.

1747; E l , 1751; Odes,




1 9 3 1 . Minnie Earl Sears and Marian Shaw, eds. In their

Essay and general literature index, Part I, January, 1931; and index to 6350 essays and articles in 384 volumes of collections of essays and miscellaneous works. New York: H,

W. Wilson, 1931.


. . A m e r . H i s t . A s s o c . a n d R o y a l H i s t . S o c . of G r e a t B r i t a i n . O x f o r d : C l a r e n d o n , 1951. (19a H e r b e r t W . S t a r r . " S p a n i s h t r a n s l a t i o n s of G r a y ' s 'Elegy ...'" In N&Q, M a y 12, 1 9 5 1 , p p . 2 0 6 - 0 9 . (19b (For further bibliographical information see also #126, 127, 158, 158a, 161, 259, 283, 303, 313, 329b, 333, 362, 367, 368, 372, 412 1, 487, 492, 511, 511a, 512, 704, 728, 736, 854, 859, 908, 924, 940, 980, 983, 1017, 1020, 1032, 1075, 1083, 1113, 1161, 1186, 1196, 1203,)

2. COMPLETE WORKS, AND SELECTIONS FROM BOTH THE PROSE AND THE POETRY 1775. The poems of Mr. Gray. To which are prefixed Memof his l i f e and writings by If. Mason... (so—Nig The half-title (or, more correctly, the fly-title) follows the t-p in many copies: those of E. G. B. and Paget Toynbee (See #854), Bryn Mawr College, HU (2 copies). It precedes the t-p in the copies owned by YU (2) and UP. For "Frontispiece portrait and one plate* in N read "Frontispiece portrait.' There does not seem to have been any plate other than the portrait in the original edition. In none of the copies mentioned above and also in neither of those owned by BPL and EM was there originally another plate. See also Gaskell. #1203. Rev. with account of Gray and his work in Qritical Rev., XXXIX (May. 1775). 378-88; (June). 460-68.



1 8 1 6 . The works of Thomas the Rev. John Mitford...


Publication noted in Monthly Magazine, 1905. Morceaux classes

Al[exandre]. choisis





l i f e



XLI (May 1. 1816). 347.

and E m i l e L e g o u i s ,


author... (21—Nig


Paris: Hachette,

à 1905-


eds. des (aia-tf^Sa

Second ed. 1907. El, pp. 195-99. Selec. from T. & W. nos. 62. 332, pp. 200-01. Selec. from Journal in the Lakes, pp. 201-02. See also p. xxx. 1926. Goldsmith

Gray, poetry and others.

& prose. W i t h an

With essays introduction

by Johnson, a n d n o t e s by

J [ o h n Ernest]. C r o f t s . O x f o r d : C l a r e n d o n , 1 9 2 6 . (22 Frontispiece portr. by Eckhardt, _ Intro, pp. CvJ-x. Chronology, pp. LxiZl-xii. Johnson's Life of Gray, pp. CU11-13. Goldsmith's rev. of Pindaric odes (Monthly Rev., Sept. 1757), pp. 14-15. Beattie on Bard, (From Essay on poetry and music, 1776). pp. 16-17. Cowper (Letter to Joseph Hill, Apr., 1777), p. 17. Wordsworth (From Preface to Lyr. bal.), pp. 18-19. Wordsworth (From 3d essay Upon epitaphs, written for The Friend, 1810, publ. 1876), pp. 19-21. Coleridge (fiiog. lit. ch. 18). pp. 22-24. Hazlitt (From Lectures'on the Eng. poets, 1818), pp. 24-25. Campbell (From Specimens of the Brit, poets, 1819), pp. 26-29. Spr. pp. 32-33. Cat. pp. 34-35. Eton. pp. 35-38. Adv, 39-40. PP. pp. 41-46. Bard, pp. 47-53. FS, pp. 54-56. Odin, pp. 57-60. Owen, pp. 60-61. El, pp. 62-66. Vic, pp. 66-68. Sketch, p. 68. 46 letters, pp. 69-152. Journal (to Wharton ). 1769, pp. 152-56. Notes on Johnson, Beattie, Cowper, pp. 157-58. Notes on poems, pp. 159-67. Notes on letters, pp. 168-76. Noted TLS, June 3. 1926, p. 379. Rev. A'SQ, July 24. 192S. p. 72; H. Schoff1er, Beibl., XXXVIII (Mar. 1927), 68-71; F. Wood, ESt.LXVI (1931), 277.


1929« Ernest Bernbaum, ed. Anthology selections

1929, I I .


the pre-romantic



romanticism,: New York: Nelson,


Adv. pp. 151-52. El. pp. 152-57. PP, pp. 157-61. Bard. pp. 162-67. Odin, pp. 213-16. Owen. pp. 216-17. Caradoc, p. 217. Conan, p. 218. Death of Hoel. pp. 218-19. FS, pp. 219-21. Selections from letters (T. & ff. nos. 310, 313, 315, 317-319*, 415. Reprinted 1930, 1933, 1948. 1948 ed. (Ronald press) reprints only Adv (p. 42), El (pp. 42-45). PP. (pp. 45-46). Bard (pp. 47-48), Odin (pp. 50-51). FS (pp. 51-52) and omits T. & W. no. 415.

Geo. Benj. Woods, ed. English


and prose

romantic movement. New York: Scott, Foresman, 1929.




Spr, p. 57. Eton, pp. 57-58. Adv, pp. 58-59. El, pp. 59-61. PP, pp. 61-63. Bard, pp. 63-65. Vic, pp. 65-66. Sonq (Thyrsis). p. 66. FS, pp. 66-67. Odin, pp. 67-68. Owen, p. 68. Death of Hoel, p. 68. Caradoc, p. 68. Conan, p. 68. Journal in France p. 69. Letters (T. & W. nos. 71. 74. 310. 313, 315, 317, 415), pp. 69-73. Selec. from Journal in the Ldkes, pp. 73-75.

1 9 3 4 . Odell Shepard and Paul S. Wood, eds. English prose and poetry, 1660-1800. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1934. (25 Sonnet, p. 516. Eton. pp. 517-18. El., pp. 518-20. Adv, pp. 520-21. PP. pp. 521-23. Bard, pp. 523-25. FS, pp. 525-26. Vic, pp. 526. Letters (T. & W. nos. 33. 58*. 103. 157, 247, 276), pp. 527-530.

1935. Paget Toynbee and Leonard Whibley, eds. The correspondence

of Thomas Gray.


See #431. See the following numbered letters: 125. 142. 144 (Spr); 135 (Cat); 161 (Adv); 156 (El); 154* (LSt); 194 (PP); 204, 205. 205A, 222, 238, 239 (Bard); 4 (Lines By Dennis); 26 (Lines written at Burnham); 102, 103, 105, 131 (Agrippina); 144 (Tophet L E t o u g O ; 146 (Ed); 271 (frdtaph on child); 276 (Sketch); 407 (Shakespeare verses); 461 (Invitation to Mason); 453 (Parody on Epitaph ); 131 (Cog); 110 (Sophonisba to Masinissa); 75 (Sapphics); 53 (Alcaic Frag); 78 (Elegiacs); 87. 94 (Zeph); 94 (Frag Lat Poem on Gaurus); 97 (Farewell to Florence); 110 (Inscrip. for a wood); Translations: 22, 22* 23 (Statius); 105, 106, 107 (Propertius), 97 (Buondelmonti); Notebooks on travels (See T. & W., III. 1318); Pocket-diaries (Ibid.).

1937. W[m]. T[om]. Williams and G[eo]. H[en]. Vallins, eds. Gray,


and their


London: Methuen, Q1937]•



Spr, pp. 19-20. Eton, pp. 20-23. Adv. pp. 23-25. Sonnet, p. 25. Cat. pp. 25-27. LSt. pp. 27-31. El, pp. 32-36. PP. pp. 36-40. Bard. pp. 40-44. Vic. pp. 44-46. Odin, pp. 46-49. Letters (T. & W. nos. 73. 79. 103, 134. 151. 153. 157. 158, 183, 259. 296. 308. 323. 422, 436. 481). pp. 78-100. Journal in the Lakes, pp. 101-13. Intro, to Gray, pp. 1-6. Extracts from Johnson's Lives, pp. 131-40. Notes on the poems, pp. 141-62. Notes on the Letters, pp. 171-75. Notes on the Journal, pp. 175-76.

1939. Louis I. Bredvold, Alan D. McKillop, Lois Whitney, eds. Eighteenth



& prose.

New York: Ronald


Press, 1939.

Sonnet, p. 590. Eton, pp. 591-92. Adv, p. 592. El, pp. 592-95. Stanzas to Bentley, pp. 595-96. FP, pp. 596-99. Bard, pp. 599-602. FS, pp. 602-03. Odin, pp. 603-04. Letters (T. & W. nos. 26. 33, 59, 71, 74. 86. 88. 103, 157. 247. 276, 303, 313), pp. 604-17.

1940. John C. Mendenhall, ed. English


Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1940.




Eton, pp. 788-89. El, pp. 789-91. PP, pp. 791-92. Utters (T. & W. nos. 26. 64. 204, 482, 422. 506, 508*). pp. 793-97.


1947. Wylie Sypher, ed. Enlightened England: an anthol°£y °f eighteenth century literature. New York: Norton, 1947. US Eton, pp. 599-602. Sonnet, p. 602. Spr. pp. 603-04. Cat, pp. 604-05. El. pp. 605-09. Adv, pp. 609-10. Vic, pp. 611-12. PP. pp. 613-16. Bard, pp. 616-21. FS, pp. 621-23. Letters (T. & W. nos. 1, 33, 40, 62, 64, 73, 74, 86, 103, 110, 173, 303. 313, 415, 471), pp. 624-45. Journal (Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 1769), pp. 645-49.

1948. Huntington Cairns, ed. Limits of art: poetry prose chosen by ancient and modern critics. New York: Pantheon Books, 1948. (Bollingen Series, XII)

and U9

El, pp. 925-29, with comment by F. T. Palgrave (Children's Treas. Eng. Song. 1875). PP, praised p. 833; 11. 113-17 quoted with comment by Tennyson (Hallam Tennyson, A., L. T.. a memoir, 1897). p. 929. Letter (T. & W. no. 103) with comment by Arnold (Essays in crit.: 2d ser., 1888), pp. 930-31.

3. POETICAL WORKS 1768. Poems / by / M r Gray. / [Vignette on copper.] / Dublin: Printed by William Sleator / in Castle-Street./ 1768. (30-N54 For 'Sleator' in N read 'Sleater.' See Stokes, #158, p. 57.

1797- The selector; being the whole of the poetical works of Goldsmith and Gray, Somerville Chase, and Falconer's Shipwreck. 24 mo. 2 s . sewed, or separately, 6d. each. Wills, Symonds, &c. (goa-N8oa Noted as above in 'A correct list of new publications Cin August!]' in 31;e Monthly Magazine, IV (Sept., 1797). 222. X have not been able to find 7he selector, 1797, but it appears to be an earlier ed. of N92 and N104.

1799« The poetical Scatcherd, 1799.


of Thomas Gray...

Publication noted in Monthly Mirror,

London: J. (31-N84

VIII (Sept., 1799), 156-57. See #96a.

1800. The poems of Gray...London: Roveray...Wright...Hurst...1800.

...T. Bensley...Du (32-N86

The plates are by Hamilton and Fuseli. Publication noted in Monthly Magazine, IX, Pt. I (May 1, 1800), 381.

1891-1902? The poetical works / of / Thomas Gray/ English and Latin / edited with an introduction / life and notes / by John Bradshaw, M. A., LL.D./ editor of Milton's poetical works / A. L. Burt Company, Publishers. ISCAM (33-Niyo, i^s-3 Frontis. port. pp. L v O , 454, No place of publ., no date. "The Home Library' on spine. Apparently a reprint of N170, 172-3, but without H. W. Mabie's introduction.

1905. For N's No. 175 read: The poems / of / Johnson, Goldsmith, Gray, and Collins / edited / with an introduction and notes / by / Colonel T. Methuen Ward / [Publisher's emblem.] / London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co {34-N175 I_1905.I1 Sm. 8vo, pp. x. Introduction pp. LO-xlix, 358. The rest as in N.


1912. For N's No. 176a read: The poems / of / Johnson, Goldsmith, / Gray, and Collins / edited / with an introduction and notes / by / Colonel T. Methuen Ward / [Publisher's emblem.] / London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited / New York: E. P. Dutton & Co (35-^1760. [I1912.n 16mo, pp. x. Introduction CiU-xlix, 358. The rest as in N.

1931. John 0[wen] . Beaty and John ¥. Bowyer, eds. Famous editions of English poets. New York: Rich. R. Smith, Inc., 1931. Reprints Gray's poems from Dodsley ed. of 1768 Cat, pp. 261-62. Eton, pp. 265-67. Adv, pp. 271-72. 283-88. FS. pp. 293-94. Odin. pp. 297-99. Owen, pp. pp. i_250H L253D fac. of El, 11. 1-12, photo, of T. Wilson portr., fac. of t-p of N52.

(56 (N52): Spr. pp. 257-58. PP, pp. 275-79. Bard. pp. 303-04. El, pp. 307-10. Or & W. letter #246, Benj.


by Mr. Gray...

Strawberry-Hill,...Dodsley... ( 3 ^-Ni8q

Rev. in Literary Magazine, or Universal Review, II, No. xviii (Sept. 15Oct. 15, Oct. 15-Nov. 15.1757), 422-26, 466-68. (Attributed by Jones, #877, to Mason; and to Arthur Murphy by Emery #1125, p. 35, who tells me that 'Murphy's style is apparent throughout' in the use of terms of painting and in the reference to 'the mere English reader.' See pp. 466-67.)

Odes by Mr. Gray. Rudd, 1757. 16pp.

Dublin: Printed for G. Faulkner and J. (38-Ni8oa

I have not seen this. The copy formerly at Harvard has disappeared.

1759. Love^Elegies. By Mr. Hammond. Written in the year 1753. Ifith a -preface by the Earl of Chesterfield. Virginibus puerisque canto. Edinburgh: Printed by W. Ruddiman junior and Company. M. DCC. LIX. (3g~Ni8ia El, pp. 31-35. Adv. pp. 35-36. Part of a composite vol. entitled A select collection of modern poems from the best authors... Edinburgh... A. Donaldson... MDCCLVIIII CsicI]. See Stokes, #158, fp. 47-48.

1859. Odes and sonnets. Illustrated By Birket Foster; the ornamental designs by J. Sliegh. London: Routledge, 1859. BM \40-Nss6a I have not seen this edition. Odes and sonnets. Illustrated by Birket Foster; the ornamental designs by John Sliegh. Engraved and printed by the brothers Dalziel. Boston: Roberts, 1866. LC Vic, 11. 1-4. p. 54. Spr. p. 76.


1864. John V. S. Hows, ed. Golden leaves poets. New York: Hurst & Co., n. d.


the Brit(^i-H^zSa

C1864I] Preface dated June 22, 1864. El, pp. 100-05 (rejected stanzas, pp. 103n, 104n). Adv, pp. 105-106.

1876. Hen. W. Longfellow, ed. Poems of places. & New York: Houghton, Mifflin, 1 8 7 6 - 1 8 7 9 . 3 1 V .

Boston (43-^351(1

Eton, I. 237-40. El. Ill, 172-77. LSt, III, 177-83. PP. 11. 83-94, III, 191. Owen, IV, 157-59. Bard. IV, 197-202.


1 8 8 2 . [K. A. S. ] Home pictures of English poets for fireside and school-room. New York: D. Appleton, 1882, pp. [178]-91. (43-Ns58b Preface dated Sept. 10, 1868. Short biog. with portr., p. L 1 7 G picture of his house at Stoke, p. 191. Eton, pp. 182-84. Cat. pp. 185-86. El, 11. 1-36. pp. 186-87. Epitaph on his mother, p. 188.


1 8 8 5 . J. T. Ashby, ed. Choice poems and lyrics and delight. London: Relfe, n. d. 2d ed.

for {44—H263a

C1885D Vic, 11. 1-16, p. 57. Spr, pp. 59-61.

1 8 9 5 . [Horace Elisha Scudder, ed.] Masterpieces of British literature... with biographical sketches, notes, and portraits. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin (Riverside Press), 1895. (45-^2770 Portr. facing p. C34 8I1 Biog. sketch pp. C348D-353. Note to El pp. L354D355. El. pp. C356J-363 (rejected stanzas, pp. 359n-61n. 362n). Eton, pp. C363D-366.

1897. Geo. Parsons Lathrop (N1877). Reprinted in John W. Cunliffe and others, eds. Columbia University course in literature, based on the world's best literature. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1928, XII. (46-^18^^ Biog. with selections. El, pp. 333-37. Spr, pp. 337-38. Eton, pp. 338-41. Bard, pp. 341-44.

1898. Gray's English poems... edited. Cambridge: University Press. 1898.


D. C.

Tovey. (47-N284

Reprinted 1922.

John Clark Ridpath, ed. The Ridpath library of universal literature... New York: Globe, 1898, XI, [no page nos.] (45-^257' Portr., biog., El (1 illus.), Eton, FP, 11. 83-106., Adv.

1909. Elegy...

Edited ... by J. H. Castleman. .. [480^11315

Revised ed. by Harold Moffett, illus. by Jas Scott. New York: Macmillan, Cc. 193011.


1 9 1 0 . R[obt]. M[aynard]. Leonard, ed. A book of light London: Henry Frowde, Oxford, 1910. (49-^3260

LSt, pp. 124-27. Cat. pp. 244-45.

1 9 1 1 . Gray and his Harrap, 1911.


By S. E. Wimbolt. London: (490-^329

In most bibliographies and catalogues attributed to Wm Hen. Hudson, general editor of the Poetry and Life Series. Hudson's name is signed to the pref., p. 7. The source of the attribution to Wimbolt I have not been able to discover.

1 9 1 7 . Thomas Gray. Selected poems, edited by Edmund Gosse with supplementary notes for the use of schools by Foster Watson, M. A. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1 9 1 7 . (50 Text based on Gosse's ed. (N41) and biog. on Gosse's biog. (N1799). Spr, pp. 29-30. Cat, pp. 31-32. Eton, pp. 32-38. Adv, pp. 36-37. PP, pp. 38-42. Bard, pp. 42-47. FS, pp. 48-51. Cdin, pp. 51-54. Owen. pp. 54-55. El. pp. 56-60. LSt, pp. 61-66. Music, pp. 66-70. Sonnet, p. 70. Ign, pp. 71-72. Stanzas to Bentlev, pp. 72-73. Vic, pp. 73-75. EpCl, p. 76. Ep on child, p. 76. Sketch, p. 77. EpWms, p. 77. Death of Hoel, p. 78. Caradoc, p. 79. Conan, p. 79. Impr,


p. 80. Amatory lines, p. 81. Song, p. 81. From Propertius,pp. 82-85. From Dante, pp. 85-88. Notes, pp. 92-132. Supplementary notes, pp. 133-56. 1 9 1 7 . The poetical works of Gray and Collins. E d i t e d by Austin Lane Poole. London: O x f o r d , H u m p h r e y M i l f o r d (Oxford e d . ) , 1917. (51-3 See #67. Frontispiece portr. from monument in Westminster Abbey. Contents, pp. [16Z17. 'Chief editions (a bibliog.), pp. 8-10. 'The chief manuscripts,' p. 11. Chronolog. table of Gray's life, pp. L12D-14. Fac. t-p of Dodsley Poems (N52), p. CISD. Spr, pp. 17-21. Cat, pp. 23-27. Eton, pp. 29-35. Adv, pp. 37-41. PP. pp. 43-52. Bard, pp. 53-64. FS, pp. 65-72. Odin. pp. 73-79. Owen, pp. 81-85. El, pp. 87-97 (Photo, of Pembroke MS. of El, 11. 73-116 between pp. 90-91). Fac. t-p of Bentley's Designs (N178), p. 99. LSt, pp. 101-08. Cond, pp. 109-10. Music, pp. 111-16. Agrippina, pp. 119-29. Sonnet, p. 130. Ign, pp. 131-32. Ed, pp. 133-39. Stanzas to Bentley, pp. 140-41. Vic. pp. 142-45. EpCl, p. 146. Ep on Child, p. 147. Sketch, p. 148. EpWms, p. 149. Death of Hoel, pp. 150-51. Caradoc, p. 152, Conan, p. 152. Shakespeare verses, pp. 153-54. Amatory lines, p. 155. Song (Thyrsis), p. 156. Stanza (Ep on Mrs. Mason), p. 157. Satire upon Heads, pp. 158-59. Tophet, p. 160 (Photo, of Tophet MS. with Mason's sketch of Etough between pp. 160-61). Comic lines, p. 161. Couplet about birds, p. 161. Impr, pp. 162-63. Parody on ep, p. 163. Extempore, p. 164. Impromptus on Keene, Vane, etc., p. 164. Lines on Robt Smith, p. 165. Transl. of Statius, pp. 165-66. Lines by ghost of Dennis, pp. 166-68. Notes, pp. 169-80. Appendix I, Eton MS. of El, pp. L181D-87. Appendix II, 'Gray's removal from Peterhouse to Pembroke Hall,' pp. L188H-92. Rev. TLS, May 17, 1918, p. 231; jithenaeum, June. 1918, p. 284; Contemporary Rev., CXIII (1918), 709-11; P. Toynbee, MLR, XIV (1919), 117-18.


1918. Ernest century...

Bernbaum, New York:

ed. English Scribner's,

-poets of 1918.



Comment in intro., pp. xxviii, xxix-xxx. Eton, pp. 178-81. Adv, pp. 18182. El, pp. 183-86. PP, pp. 187-90. Bard, pp. 190-94. FS, pp. 194-96. Vic, pp. 196-98. 1 9 1 9 . R i c h . F o s t e r J o n e s , e d . Eighteenth century literature. New York: Nelson, 1919. (Nelson's English Readings, IV) (54 Reprinted 1929. Contains comment, pp. 210-11. Eton. pp. 211-14. El, pp. 214-18. PP, pp. 218-23. Odin, pp. 223-26. FS, pp. 227-29. Notes, pp. 405-08.


1 9 2 2 . J o s e p h A. S l a t t e r y , e d . Selected lyrics from Gray his contemporaries. C h i c a g o : L o y o l a U n i v . Press, 1922.