8 week plan

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8 week plan

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Sumeet Sahni


All the potential in the world means absolutely nothing unless you take the right steps (training AND diet) and work HARD. The very best place to that is in the gym :) I love that you were inspired by the transformations that some of the amazing women I work with have made. They are all incredible women in their own unique ways and all worked super hard, but it's important to know that there is nothing that they (OR I) have done that you can't do too! Of course it's not easy, but I 100% know if you set your mind to it YOU CAN DO IT and make just as amazing of a transformation of your own. I want you to look in the mirror and love the body you see. Let’s make that happen and get you feeling the way you deserve to feel - confident, fit, and sexy! ;) I totally understand the look you want and in order to get there we need to take both aspects of tightening your waistline and building your booty up a notch. Doing both these simultaneously is not going to be the most effective way at this point, so based on your goals I think a two phased approach will be perfect for you. To start I want to diet you down a little bit to focus on the goal of tightening your waist. As it sinches in, this will instantly make you look curvier. A small waist is the #1 key to an hourglass shape. Also hormonally, the LEANER we are, the better our hormone profile is to BUILD muscle. A lot of people try to "bulk" when they aren't lean and they end up putting on too much fat with the muscle which defeats the purpose. So to most effectively enhance your hourglass shape we want to get extra lean, shrink the waist, and set things up for the second part, which is the mass gaining phase! This is where we will focus on building up your legs and booty even more and putting the thick in slim thick ;). So to recap, the first 4 weeks will be a cut to bring out your shape more, then the remaining 4 weeks of your program will be to add muscle (in the right places of course) to make your curves pop. You know already that I'm all in favor of you having a small waist and big booty, so I'll make sure that every step is designed to bring you closer to that goal! :) Down below you are going to find A LOT of information. It is totally normal to feel a bit overwhelmed by everything being new all at once. Don't worry, take your time to go over each section a few times and I promise that everything will get easier after a week or two of doing it. We are all beginners to this level of diet and training at some point! Remember, be patient with yourself, take it 1 day at a time, and give it your all! Let’s crush this!!! P.S. I know this is complex and a lot to prep for at first, so if you need to take up to a week to get fully organized to start that's OK, but please make sure you do not start later than one week from today. Then you have 8 weeks to complete your plan unless we talk ahead of time and decide together to extend it. Lets jump into your plan:

TRAINING Please watch the videos and familiarize yourself with the exercise before going to the gym.

While at the gym, refresh your memory before each exercise by watching the video again. If you're still unclear, take a video of yourself performing the exercise and email it to me. I'll be more than happy to help give very specific tips! You will also find recommended weights. You want the set to be CHALLENGING, but doable! Your #1 priority is doing the exercise correctly, then #2 is lifting the recommended weights or even more. Please increase the weight if you are not almost at failure, and reduce the weight if the recommended is too high and your muscles are failing before the number of reps recommended. Try to only rest for 45-60 seconds in between sets. Keep a timer or watch on. You'll see 5 days of workouts below. Feel free to workout on any day of the week, whatever days fit into your schedule best You’ll see 2 different workout programs. Follow the top one from Week 1-4, then the bottom on from 5-8. Keep track of the weights you use each workout and try to lift more every session. I like to do THIS dynamic warm up before every workout and/or THIS foam rolling. I also do THESE static stretches and/or foam rolling after working out.

WEEK 1-4 (Cut) Start every single morning, empty stomach, as soon as you wake up, with 5 stomach vacuums and hold them for 10 seconds. THIS EXERCISE IS AMAZING. It's also my little secret, so don't post this on any social media pleaseeee. Day 1 Legs + Booty Warm Up: 5 mins walking on incline on treadmill or medium level on stair mill and then Quadruped Leg Swings w/crossover- 3x30 on each side 1. Sumo Squat- 3x20 (45-65 lbs) 2. High Step Ups- 3x12 on each leg (15-20 lb dumbbells) 3. Hip Thrusts- 3x20 (45-65 lbs) 4. High and Wide Leg Press- 3x15 (45-90 lb plate(s) on each side) 5. Abductor- 3x15 (50 lbs)

Day 2- Abs + Upper Body Superset (perform exercise A then B with zero breaks, take a break after B, then repeat circuit for a total of 3 times) 1a. Cocoons- 3x15 1b. RKC Plank- 3x30-60 sec Superset 2a. Seated Cable Row- 3x12 (40-70 lbs) 2b. Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 3x15 (15-25 lbs) Superset 3a. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down- 3x12 (60-70 lbs) 3b. Lateral Raises- 3x15 (5-7.5 lbs) Superset 4a. Bicep Curls- 3x15 (10-15 lbs) 4b. Tricep Bench Dips- 3xmax reps (bodyweight)

Day 3- Legs & Booty Plyos + Calves Warm Up: 5 mins walking on incline on treadmill or medium level on stair mill and then Quadruped Leg Swings w/crossover- 3x30 on each side Superset 1a. Reverse Lunges- 3x20 total (15 lbs) 1b. Jump Squats- 3x10 Superset 2a. Glute Bridge- 3x15 (90-135 lbs) 2b. Box Jumps***- 3x10 Superset 3a. Dumbbell Sumo Squat- 3x15 (40-50 lbs) 3b. Jump Lunges- 3x10 (total) Superset 4a. Straight Knee Calf Raises- 3x10 (100 lbs) 4b. Bent Knee Calf Raises- 3x25 (25 lbs)

***If you’re intimidated by box jumps or your gym doesnt have a box switch this exercise with: Explosive Step Ups- 3x10 on each leg

Day 4 Abs + Upper Body Superset 1a. Ball Hand off- 3x15 1b. Ab circles- 3x8 in each direction 2. Double Dumbbell Row- 3x12 (25-35 lbs) 3. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down- 3x15 (40-60 lbs) Superset 4b. Curl to Press to Extension- 3x10 (5-10 lbs) 4b. Seated Lateral Raises- 3x10 (5-10 lbs) Superset 5a. Rope Pushdown- 3x10 (40-60 lbs) 5b. Overhead Standing Dumbbell Extension- 3x10 (10-20 lbs)

Day 5- Legs + Booty Warm Up: 5 mins walking on incline on treadmill or medium level on stair mill and then Quadruped Leg Swings w/crossover- 3x30 on each side 1. Hip Thrusts- 3x20 (45-65 lbs) 2. Walking Lunges- 3x20 total (10-15 lb pair dumbbells) 3. Cable Glute Kickback- 3x12 on each side (30 lbs) 4. Kneeling Squats- 3x15 (25 lbs on each side of smith machine) 5. Hyperextensions- 3x20


WEEK 5-8 (Bulk) Start every single morning, empty stomach, as soon as you wake up, with 5 stomach vacuums and hold them for 10 seconds. The following is extremely important Tempo: ​4-0-1-0 Adding variety to the tempo is one of your best tools for achieving greater strength, size, and athletic performance. Tempo is the speed at which you move and control the weight. We will be using the tempo 4-0-1-0 ON ALL EXERCISES (except your booty band warmups and plyos). 4-0-1-0 translates to 4 seconds during the eccentric phase (stretching phase), 0 seconds at the most stretched position of the muscle, 1 second during the concentric phase (explosion phase), 0 seconds at the most shortened position on the muscle. Let's apply this to the squat: You’re standing upright with the bar on your back. As you lower (eccentric phase) you take 4 seconds to get from standing to the bottom of your squat, where you are stretching your muscles. You spend 0 seconds at the very bottom (no pause), take 1 second to stand up (concentric phase) by really exploding. Then spend 0 seconds at the very top (no pause before lowering back down into the squat again). Using this tempo will bring about tons of different metabolic adaptations. Studies have shown that using this tempo produces muscle building AND fat burning hormones, exactly what we want to be doing in the gym! Check out THIS quick video of tempo training in action and THIS squat tempo training video.

Day 1- Legs + Booty Warm Up: 5 mins walking on incline on treadmill or medium level on stair mill and then this 4 minute band glute warm up - if you don’t have bands, order THESE ***Do 5 additional stomach vacuums before each workout Superset 1a. Standing Cable Abduction- 4x15 (20-30 lbs) 1b. Barbell Squat- 4x15 (90-135 bs) 2. Leg Press- 5 sets, going up in weight each set: 1x25 (90 lbs), 1x20 (110 lbs) , 1x15 (140 lbs), 1x10 (160 lbs), 1x8 (180 lbs)

3. Smith Machine Lunges- 3x12 on each side (15-35 lbs on each side) Superset 4a. Goblet Squat- 3x20 (35-50 lbs) 4b. Duck Walk- 3x15 steps on each leg (30 total) If you can do more, do more! 5. Wall Sit- 2x60 seconds

Day 2- Back + Shoulders ***Do 5 additional stomach vacuums before each workout Superset 1a. Hanging Leg raises- 3x10-12 1b. Rope Crunches- 3x15 2. Pull ups (on the assisted pullup machine)- 3x10 (every machine is different, but I want you to use a weight that barely allows you to get 10 reps with good form) 3. Bent Over Rows- 3x12 (45-75 lbs) Superset 4a. Dumbbell Row- 3x10 (15-20 lbs) 4b. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 3x10 (15-20 lbs) Superset 5a. Reverse Lat Pull Down- 3x15 (50-70 lbs) 5b. Lateral Raises- 3x15 (5-7.5 lbs)

Day 3- Plyos Warm Up: 5 mins walking on incline on treadmill or medium level on stair mill and then this 4 minute band glute warm up - if you don’t have bands, order THESE ***Do 5 additional stomach vacuums before each workout Set up shop at the Smith Machine for this day. If your gym doesnt have a Smith machine, use a

barbell for all the SM exercises. HERE is the entire workout. Don’t die ;) Superset 1a. Jump Squats- 4x12 1b. SM Step Ups- 4x10 on each side (start with about 10-15 lbs on each side, increase if you can) Superset 2a. In-N-Out Jumps- 4x10 2b. Kneeling Squats- 4x12-15 (start with 25-45 lbs on each side, increase if you can) Superset 3a. Lunge Jumps- 4x10 on each side/20 total 3b. Static Lunges- 4x8-10 on each side (start with about 10-15 lbs on each side, increase if you can) NOTE: It’s ALL about being explosive and moving FAST. You should be sweating and heart rate high the entire time. GO HARD!

Day 4- Arms + Shoulders ***Do 5 additional stomach vacuums before each workout Superset 1a. Hanging Leg raises- 3x10-12 1b. Rope Crunches- 3x15 Superset 2a. Standing Barbell Shoulder Press- 3x12 (35-50 lbs) 2b. Front Raise & lateral Raise- 3x10 (5-10 lbs) Superset 3a. Incline Dumbbell Curls- 3x12 (7.5-12.5 lbs) 3b. Seated Overhead extension- 3x15 (15-20 lbs) 4. Rope Pushdowns- 1x20 (20 lbs), 1x15 (30 lbs), 2x10 (35-40 lbs) 5. Tricep Bench Dips- 2x max reps (bodyweight) *Only 2 sets, give it everything you’ve got and burn it out

Day 5 - Glutes Warm Up: 5 mins walking on incline on treadmill or medium level on stair mill and then this 4 minute band glute warm up - if you don’t have bands, order THESE ***Do 5 additional stomach vacuums before each workout 1. Hip Thrusts- 1x15, 1x10, 1x8, 2x6 (start with 65-95 lbs and go up each set. Even if you have to rest longer, focus on GOOD form with heavy weight) 2. Abductor- 3x20 (30-50 lbs, get a good squeeze in your glutes every single rep) 3. Deficit Reverse Lunges- 3x10 on each side (start off with 10-15 lbs, focus on perfect form) 4. American Deadlifts- 1x20, 1x15, 1x10, 1x8, start with 65 lbs and go up every set 5. Cable Pull Through- 3x12 (every cable machine will be different, but start with about 30 lbs and go up if you can) 6. Hyperextensions- 3x20 + a 10 second hold at the flex (butt squeezing hard) on the 20th rep of every set

_______ CARDIO -Your cardio changes over the 8 weeks -Cardio is always done AFTER weights - Cardio is done after EVERY strength training session, 5x a week

Week 1 -Upper Body Training Days: 15 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training -Lower Body Training Days: 10 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training Week 2 -Upper Body Training Days: 20 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training

-Lower Body Training Days: 15 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training

Week 3 -Upper Body Training Days: 25 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training -Lower Body Training Days: 20 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training

Week 4 -Upper Body Training Days: 30 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training -Lower Body Training Days: 25 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training

Week 5 & 6 -Upper Body Training Days: 15 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training -Lower Body Training Days: 10 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training

Week 7 & 8 -Upper Body Training Days: 10 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training -Lower Body Training Days: 10 mins HIIT cardio AFTER weight training

HIIT Cardio Directions: HIIT Cardio- Choose any cardio equipment (I love the stairmill or treadmill best). Do 1 min of jog/sprint pace speed (all out, as hard as you can go), followed by 1 min at a moderate walking pace speed to recover. Over the weeks, try to increase your jog/sprint speed as your endurance increases. 0-1:00 sprint

2:00-3:00 walk/recover 4:00-5:00 sprint 6:00-7:00 walk/recover 8:00-9:00 sprint 10:00-11:00 walk/recover 12:00-13:00 sprint And so on. On the treadmill- turn up the speed (and incline if you can) for the "jog/sprint" On the stairmill- turn up the level for the "jog/sprint" On the elliptical- turn up the resistance and incline for the "jog/sprint" On the bike- turn up the resistance and pedal hard and fast for the "jog/sprint"

NOTE: Start off the first week just getting used to this style, before you go 100% on the sprints. So, go at about 80%, a hard run, and then begin to speed it up as you get comfortable. These should be tough.

RULE: NEVER end cardio early. If you have to sprint slower, do that, but NEVER end early. We are winner and winners always complete what they are set to do :)

_____________________ DIET WEEK 1-4: We're going to start you off carb alternating for the first 4 weeks. This method strips off fat. So every other day you will follow the "medium carb day" and alternate with the "low carb day" Alternate between the two like this: Monday- med carb Tuesday- low carb Wednesday- med carb Thursday- low carb Friday- med carb Saturday- low carb Sunday- med carb Monday-low carb WEEK 5-8: -7 days a week, you will follow the "medium carb day" diet

-Increase all protein from 3 oz to 5 oz per meal -Increase all egg whites by 1/4 cup -Add in Bulk phase additions (in your plan) -Add either 1 tablespoon almond/peanut butter, OR 14 almonds, OR 1/4 avocado to each option in snacks #1 and 2 -Add 2 tablespoons peanut/almond butter OR 1/4 cup almonds to snack #3 ADJUSTMENTS: -If after week 2 your waist doesn’t tighten up, follow the “low carb day” 2 days on and "medium carb day" 1 day on. So a 2 to 1 ratio. -If after week 4 you still feel like you need to tighten up more then we need to continue on the fat loss plan for another 2 weeks-- it’s VERY important that your waist is tight before we add more calories into your diet. -At week 5 (assuming we don’t extend your “cut” phase) you will make all “bulk” phase adjustments. -At week 7 (assuming we don’t extend your “cut” phase) IF your weight hasn't gone up you will… *Add in a second cheat meal weekly (directions below) *Increase your carbohydrates in breakfast, lunch, and dinner by 50%. (ex. 1/2 cup → 3/4cup) *Increase you Karbolyn in your Post Workout Shake from 1/2 scoop → 1 full scoop

NOTES: -NO CHANGES OR SUBSTITUTIONS TO YOUR MEALS OF ANY KIND. Each meal option is specifically designed with a purpose and to work with the other foods in that option. Do not make any changes or additions of any kind. No exceptions. -NO CHEATING (other than scheduled cheats)! If you cheat this diet will not work. -No skipping meals YOU NEED ALL THIS FOOD TO PROGRESS -All foods are measured and weighed COOKED, except for egg whites which are measured as liquid and oats measured dry. -DO NOT use the "in a rush" breakfast options more than 2 x per week total combined. -All tuna is canned packed in water (never oil) -All peanut/almond butter needs to be made of peanuts/almonds and salt only. NO Skippy, Jif etc…. -1-2 tablespoons sugar free syrup like THIS is OK to use on the "pancake" breakfast option. -Try lots of spices, hot sauces, garlic, onion, lemon, etc… The more you flavor your food the more you will enjoy it which is important. Experiment and have fun with it. -Spread meals 3 + hours apart so they last the full day

MEDIUM CARB DAYS *Right before you begin putting your breakfast together, take this detox shot: 1/2 lemon + 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Make sure the ACV is unfiltered, raw, with the 'mother' THIS is the kind I get. You can find it at Safeway and Whole Foods, or order it off Amazon. Breakfast Option 1: 3/4 cup egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 cup greens, (on the side) 1/2 cup oatmeal measured dry before cooking (sweetened with splenda), 1/2 cup any kind of berries Option 2: 3/4 cup egg whites, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1 cup greens, 4 oz potato (there are lots of zero fat frozen hash browns like THIS that you can heat up in a pan with olive oil spray and taste great) - you can use a little low sugar ketchup with this, (on the side) 1 tablespoon almond butter Option 3: 2 oz chicken or turkey cold cuts scrambled with onions, peppers, spinach, 1 whole egg +1/4 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup black beans, fresh salsa (if you like it), 1/2 cup any kind of berries Option 4: Banana pancakes (for your recipe use 1 whole egg and 3/4 cup egg white, and you can use splenda to make them sweeter), 1/3 cup oatmeal measured dry before cooking (sweetened with splenda) Option 5: (When your in a rush) 1 scoop Oxywhey, 1/3 cup oatmeal, 1/2 banana, 1 tablespoon almond butter, unsweetened almond milk (add splenda and ice to make it sweeter and thicker) blend this all up *DO NOT use the “in a rush” options more than 2 x per week combined. **if you choose this make sure to use either the meatballs or turkey wraps as your next snack

Snack #1 *DO NOT CHOOSE THE SAME SNACK OPTION TWICE Option 1: 1 cup low fat cottage cheese Option 2: 1 scoop Oxywhey Protein Option 3: 3 oz chicken OR turkey cold cuts (mustard, salt, pepper - if you like it), all wrapped up in lettuce leaves Option 4: (turkey meatballs) lean ground turkey/salt/pepper/finely chopped onion & garlic - cook these up and measure out 3 oz for snack and cover them with the lowest carb marinara sauce you can find

Lunch Option 1: 3 oz white fish (measure cooked: tilapia, cod, halibut, tuna, etc), 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup greens Option 2: 3 oz chicken breast, 4 oz red skin potato, 1 cup greens - you can use a little low sugar

ketchup with this Option 3: 3 oz canned tuna in water w/ (or instead of tuna use 3 oz chopped chicken breast) mustard/1 tablespoon low fat mayo/salt/pepper/chopped celery (to your liking), dark greens lettuce, 3 rice cakes Option 4: 3 oz lean ground turkey scrambled with onion/mushroom/spinach (i like taco seasoning) 1/2 cup pinto beans, fresh salsa

Snack #2 *DO NOT CHOOSE THE SAME SNACK OPTION TWICE Option 1: 1 cup low fat cottage cheese Option 2: 1 scoop Oxywhey Protein Option 3: 3 oz chicken OR turkey cold cuts (mustard, salt, pepper - if you like it), all wrapped up in lettuce leaves Option 4: (turkey meatballs) lean ground turkey/salt/pepper/finely chopped onion & garlic - cook these up and measure out 3 oz for snack and cover them with the lowest carb marinara sauce you can find

Dinner Option 1: 3 oz lean steak or 93% or leaner ground beef, 4 oz red skin potato, 1 cup greens - you can use a little low sugar ketchup with this Option 2: 3 oz salmon, 1/2 cup black beans, 1 cup greens Option 3: 3 oz white fish, 1/2 cup quinoa, 1 cup greens Option 4: 3 oz chicken breast, 4 oz yams, 1 cup greens Option 5: Balsamic green bean salad, 3 oz chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice

Snack #3 (Optional if you have a sweet tooth) Option 1: 1 cup of 0% Fage Greek Yogurt, 1/2 cup berries (choose from: strawberries, raspberries, black berries, blueberries) This is awesome to kill a sweet tooth. I put 1-2 packets of splenda into the yogurt and make it super sweet.

LOW CARB DAYS *Right before you begin putting your breakfast together, take this detox shot: 1/2 lemon + 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Make sure the ACV is unfiltered, raw, with the 'mother' THIS is the kind I get. You can find it at Safeway and Whole Foods, or order it off Amazon.

Breakfast Option 1: 1/2 cup egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1 cup greens Option 2: 1/2 cup egg whites, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1/3 avocado, 1 cup greens Option 3: 2 oz lean steak, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1 cup green veggies, 1 tbablespoon almond butter Option 4: 2 oz chicken or turkey cold cuts scrambled with onions, peppers, spinach, 1/2 cup egg whites, (on the side) 1/3 avocado Option 5: (When your in a rush) 1 scoop Oxywhey, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, unsweetened almond milk (add splenda and ice to make it sweeter and thicker) - blend this all up *DO NOT use the “in a rush” options more than 2 x per week combined. **if you choose this make sure to use either the egg muffin or tuna wraps as your next snack

Snack #1 *DO NOT CHOOSE THE SAME SNACK OPTION TWICE Option 1: 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon almond butter Option 2: 1 scoop Oxywhey Protein, 14 almonds Option 3: Egg and Veggie Muffin - (recipe makes 3 servings, use 1 for snack) Option 4: Tuna Lettuce Wraps (only use 2 tablespoons low fat mayo total for this recipe - makes 3 servings, use 1 per snack or make with 1/3 ingredients)

Lunch Option 1: 3 oz white fish, 1-2 cups green veggies, 1 tablespoon olive oil on veggies Option 2: 3 oz chicken breast, 1/3 avocado, 1-2 cups green veggies Option 3: 2 whole hard boiled eggs + 2 hard boiled egg whites (chopped and mixed with) mustard/1 tablespoon low fat mayo/salt/pepper/chopped celery (to your liking), dark greens lettuce Option 4: 3 oz lean ground turkey scrambled with onion/mushroom/spinach (i like taco seasoning), 1/3 avocado, fresh salsa

Snack #2 *DO NOT CHOOSE THE SAME SNACK OPTION TWICE Option 1: 1 cup low fat cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon almond butter Option 2: 1 scoop Oxywhey Protein, 14 almonds Option 3: Egg and Veggie Muffin - (recipe makes 3 servings, use 1 for snack) Option 4: Tuna Lettuce Wraps (only use 2 tablespoons low fat mayo total for this recipe - makes 3 servings, use 1 per snack or make with 1/3 ingredients)

Dinner Option 1: 3 oz lean steak or 93% or leaner ground beef, 1-2 cups broccoli Option 2: 3 oz salmon, 5-8 stalks asparagus Option 3: 3 oz tuna, 1-2 cups kale how to prepare kale, 1 tablespoon olive oil Option 4: 3 oz chicken breast, large green salad with tomato, cucumber, carrots, olive oil vinaigrette (1 tbsp olive oil max in dressing) OR 1-2 cups any green veggies from the list with 1 tbsp olive oil drizzled on top Option 5: Cauliflower Mash (use 1/4 or 1/3 for a serving), 3 oz chicken breast

Snack #3 (Optional if you have a sweet tooth) 1 cup of 0% Fage Greek Yogurt, NO BERRIES (sweeten with splenda)

Bulk Phase Additions

WITH BREAKFAST (every morning) Every morning with breakfast have 1 serving Crea-8 + 1 serving Beyond BCAA’s together in water

Pre Workout Shake On training days, mix 1/2 scoop Karbolyn, and 2 scoops Beyond BCAA’s together in water in a shaker. Begin sipping this so that you finish it 20-30 min before starting your training.

Post Workout Shake After your workout mix ½ scoop Karbolyn, 1 scoop OxyWhey, and 1 serving Crea-8 in water. Begin drinking this 15-20 min after your workout

Feel free to switch up your VEGGIE sources when you need a change, opt for the following Kale Chard

Brussel Sprouts Lettuce Cauliflower Broccoli Asparagus Anything green NO ADDITIONAL FRUIT Ok Condiments (Anything low in calories) Hot sauce Soy Sauce Chopped garlic Mrs Dash seasoning Salt, pepper, anything with 0 calories Splenda or Stevia Lemon Apple cider vinegar, Balsamic Vinegar Broth (chicken, beef, vegetable) tzatziki sauce _______ -Cheat Meal Directions Take 1 cheat meal a week. This is ONE meal, this is not a binge - do not let this turn into a “cheat day”. Please make sure you plan it ahead of time, no spur of the moment “ok, sure, I’ll make this my cheat meal!” Make it special, choose exactly what you want, and enjoy it. Have whatever you want, as long as the meal includes a good amount of protein. I personally like to take a cheat meal right after a hard leg workout, bc I think all that food gets used to build muscle and gain a lil fat in the right areas :) This is my bro science, hahaha. You can also take a cheat meal the night before a heavy leg workout, so you're really carbed up and have lots of energy in the gym. Don’t take it the meal right before a workout though-trust me you will feel like death :( Make sure the day of the cheat meal and day after you get in plenty of water, we tend to hold water with large, salty, carb heavy meals. The goal is to build muscle, no hold water from eating salt. Examples of cheat meals I like: - Burger, fries, milkshake - pizza, side salad with chicken in it for extra protein, diet soda, ice cream - Sushi and wine

Don't freak out if your weight goes up a few pounds, this is normal. Also, keep your cheat meal at night, as the last meal of the day, so you do not continue cheating. This is 1 meal and 1 meal only. Enjoy it, but don't go crazy!

RULES - plan it out - workout day of cheat meal - workout day after cheat meal - cheat meal must be high in protein - no binge eating - 1 meal only - drink extra water day of and day after - Enjoy it :) _______ Supplements *Order these supplements now so that you have them available and ready to go as soon as you begin the bulking phase of your plan *NEVER use "mass gainers" - they are complete crap and combine a cheap protein source (never 100% whey) with TONS of cheap, shitty carbs (usually from waxy maze - corn). They sell it as weight gaining, but basically it just makes you gain fat. Building muscle requires high quality nutrients, not junk. *Do not use any other supplements besides what I put in your plan. If you can't afford these right now that's totally OK and I completely understand - email me right away and I will reduce them to the bare minimum -WEEKS 1-8 - EVERY DAY (with breakfast): -Probiotics (at least 50 billion organisms) THIS is the one I'm using -5,000 IUs Vit D. THIS is the one I'm using -Fish Oil. THIS is what I’m using -WEEKS 5-8 (BULK): MUSCLE & CURVES STACK: