16 ways to immediately disqualify her for a relationship

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16 ways to immediately disqualify her for a relationship

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Let’s keep it 100... ...most Men these days understand that being in a relationship with a woman of quality is a better life than being a player. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that being a womanizer isn’t a great time. Heaven knows I’ve had more than my share of sexual shenanigans with sluts-a-plenty, most of which occurred for the better part of a decade in Las Vegas, Nevada. But it would be disingenuous of any Man, myself included, to deny the fact that being in a relationship of consequence with a woman who is good to you (meaning she gives you regular sex, is pleasant to be around, is not a selfish bitch, and doesn’t lie to, or cheat on you, among other things) beats a life of chasing ass every night, drinking and drugs, trying to think of the nicest way to kick a girl out of your apartment after 13 minutes of sex, and STD tests every other month. Every Man knows what they want in a woman: Sexual attractiveness, regular sex, kindness, honesty, and fidelity. Sure, there are a few others things depending upon a Man’s individual preferences, needs, and desires. But by and large we all want the same basic traits and characteristics in a woman. But here’s the problem...

In other words, most of us are clueless about how to critically examine females, and use discernment to dismiss them for companionship outside of just sex. So now the question becomes: Why? Why are Men ignorant about how to screen women? Well the answer is simple: Because we miss, dismiss, and rationalize red flags. Desperation, loneliness, and thirst are just three of many reasons Men overlook these red flags. What ends up happening is that we compromise without realizing we have chosen the wrong female. Then when the shit hits the fan we ask questions like: “How could she do this to me?!?” or... “How did I not see this coming??” Fortunately, there’s a silver lining here. While there are many ways to disqualify any given woman for a long term relationship by figuring out what her red flags are, 99.9% of the red flags we talk about lead to one thing and one thing only:

SEX “Wait a minute Donovan. What does sex have to do with anything? And why is that a silver lining? I’m glad you asked. You see, sex corrupts and destroys women. While the act alone with one Man isn’t a bad thing, it turns women into sluts when done in excess with multiple Men over an extended period of time. And the hard truth is that promiscuous females make terrible girlfriends, wives, and mothers and it’s as simple as that.

Men don’t expect perfection. Not by a long shot. We’ll deal with a woman’s idiosyncrasies and overlook any pet peeves if we like her enough provided the pros outweigh the cons. Okay, so she’s a procrastinator. Annoying, but not a reason to blow up a relationship. Maybe she leaves the door open when she tinkles. That’s a little off putting, yes, but not grounds for dismissal (so long as she doesn’t do number 2 with the door open). We’ll deal with just about anything within reason so long as it doesn’t threaten the integrity of our relationship.

A woman can be a lot of things and still be a good partner but as far as Men of value who possess Red Pill awareness are concerned,

a slut is not one of them And at the end of the day that’s the one thing that makes a Man hesitate to commit to a woman whether he admits it out loud or not. Speaking of flags, let’s talk about...

Red, crimson, and black flags Something else to keep in mind is that not all red flags are created equal. Sure, we just established that red flags are essentially slut tells but a woman with a promiscuous past doesn’t necessarily take her completely out of the running for a relationship outside of a booty call or fuck buddy arrangement. Yes, you definitely need to proceed with caution and take the necessary measures to mitigate her red flags if you’ve decided she’s worth dealing with on account of her positive attributes. But sleepwalking through a relationship with a female who has red flags is foolhardy. A Man should keep his wits about him at all times. Now at this point, some guys might be thinking “What the hell do you mean red flags don’t take her out of running? That’s crazy talk!” First off, stop being a disingenuous “meathead red pill guy” who acts like he’s got all the answers because you listen to my podcast and have bookmarked a few Manosphere blogs. We’ve all committed to women we knew we had no business committing to so let’s not pretend we’ve never gone against our better judgment and committed to a hoe or three. However, you are indeed 100% correct. A female with red flags not

being an automatic disqualifier for a long term relationship is crazy talk. You’re getting no argument from me. But the fact that a woman with red flags in 2019 is still viable for a long term relationship speaks to the gross lack of quality in today’s women. A female who is considered to be “wife material” today wouldn’t come close to being worthy of a ring 6 decades ago. It sucks, but that’s the way it is. Now we can bitch and moan about it and check out of the dating market all together, or we can understand that this is the world we live in and that we must adapt to it. If you choose the latter, keep reading. By the same token, not all red flags are created equally. Just because women are much worse than they used to be, doesn’t mean that there aren’t characteristics and traits that should send Men running for the hills regardless of the decade you’re in. These are what I like to call “crimson flags” and “black flags.”

Crimson flags Crimson flags are a little more alarming than red flags. They don’t completely disqualify a woman from a potential long term relationship but most of the time they probably do. If you meet a woman with crimson flags, which I will point out in this e-mini book, you will need to have extensive knowledge of true female nature (read: Red Pill awareness) and the ability to handle this nature (read: Game). Because if you don’t, a woman will do far more damage than a woman with red flags.

Black flags Then there are traits, habits, characteristics, and circumstances that damage a woman beyond repair. These are black flags. These are the things that make a woman radioactive as far as long term relationships are concerned. If a man doesn’t have a good working knowledge on how to deal with these kinds of females, I would strongly suggest not even pursuing these women for so much as a one night stand. Black flag females are the Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) girls of the world. Same with women who have documented mental illnesses like Bipolar Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and so forth. These are the females who are sociopaths, know how to manipulate on multiple levels, and whose default programming is cranked up to “diabolically evil” in any and every situation with both sexes. These women will take more than their pound of flesh if you so much as interact with them, let alone fuck them even one time. Women with black flags are not to be trifled with, gentlemen, and it would be incumbent upon you to steer clear of them at all costs.



Here’s the good news The good news for Men is that we don’t have to wrestle with what any given red, crimson, or black flag implicates. These “flags” mean slutty behavior in Manspeak and that’s all there is to it. Think about it. Any bad habits, characteristics, addictions, or vices any given female has always leads to sex. If she’s an alcoholic, she’s promiscuous. If she’s a drug addict, she’s a slut. If she has daddy issues, she’s slept with a lot of Men. If she self-harms or self mutilates, she’s doing the horizontal mambo with a shitload of Men. Just about everything we describe as a red (crimson, or black) flags can be traced to a high number of Men she has had sexual intercourse with. Now the few I just pointed out are fairly obvious to most people. Alcohol and drugs impair judgement and daddy issues lead females to seek out the male love and approval that was absent from her childhood through slutty behavior. I will discuss these in this e-mini book to help Men who aren’t in the know. But what about the no-so-obvious signs she’s a slut? What about the slut tells we’re not aware of? How are we supposed to know which females are suitable for potential training for long term relationships and which ones are only good for sex? These are excellent questions. But the reason so many Men ask

these questions is that the world glorifies and even encourages behaviors that are conducive to infidelity and promiscuous behavior. They tell women and Men alike that these slutty characteristics and habits are normal and healthy and that any suggestion to deviate from said behaviors are “oppressive,” “toxic,” and “controlling.” What’s more is that Men are constantly bombarded with threats of “misogyny” and “insecurity” should he attempt to rightfully stamp out slutty conduct.

This confuses and scares Men out of using their masculine instincts to see any given female for who and what she really is. These days, it’s hard to tell the difference between a woman you should only use for sex, and a woman you might consider pursuing a long term relationship with. So what’s a Man to do in this day and age if he’s looking to turn in his player card and pursue a relationship of consequence with a woman without subjecting himself to unnecessary risk? Well you’re in luck my friend because Uncle Donovan’s gonna clear up the confusion and help you to use the judgement, discernment, and critical thinking skills the creator blessed you with in the form of a Y-chromosome and give you 16 signs a woman is a slut which, in turn, likely disqualifies her for a long term relationship. Here’s how I’ll break ‘em down:


The slut tell: The characteristic, habit, circumstance,

etc. that leads to promiscuous behavior.


The flag level: Red, crimson, black flag, variable*

(*I will also point out varying degrees of flag levels of the same slut tell if it applies)

#3 - Why? Why the characteristic, habit, circumstance, etc. leads to unfaithful, slutty behavior.


- What the slut tell could mean: This will be the

outlier situation. Chances are this will not be the case. But exceptions do exist, however rare they may be.

#5 - What the slut tell probably means: This will describe the norm as it applies to the typical female.

Now before I get started, I know there are some Men out there who are grappling with the notion of waiting for the exception to the rule or the outlier female to find you and live happily ever after because she hasn’t slept with Men into the double digits before she hits 20. Let me save the trouble by telling you that it’s much more prudent to be prepared for females you will encounter better than 99% of the time, rather than waiting for the woman you may encounter less than 1% of the time, who will more than likely be spoken for when and if you ever meet her in the first place. The fact of the matter is that short of moving to another country and/or becoming rich (neither of which guarantees that you’ll find your special snowflake or unicorn as feminism has started to errode even the most long standing strongholds of traditional femininity) you’re going to have to deal with these women whether you like or not. And if you want to avoid getting got by a low quality female (read: slut), then it would behoove you to take this seriously, and act accordingly. That said, here are 16 ways (in no particular order) to immediately disqualify a woman for a long term relationship:

Flag level: Variable A lot of girls have tattoos these days but sometimes they’re relatively small and unnoticeable. Maybe a butterfly tramp stamp, or some sort of “profound” statement on their wrists. These tattoos are on the red flag level. Red flag tattoos can be easily covered up by clothing or hair. A small foot tattoo, a small ankle tattoo, a small tattoo at the base of her neck (if she has long hair), and even a small tramp stamp are all examples of red flag tattoos. Nothing to be overly alarmed with just yet. But again, stay on your ps and qs. On the crimson flag level, there are 3 qualifications: #1 - The tattoo is not easily concealed. #2 - That tattoo is visible most of the time, with or without clothing. #3 - The size of the tattoo is small to medium. The crimson flag tattoos are typically located on the inner or outer wrist, her forearm, her upper arm (shoulder), her foot (small to medium size), and so forth. These tattoos can be concealed but not as easily as red flag tattoos. The arm tattoos can only be covered up with long sleeves which means it’s visible during warmer months. The foot tattoo is going to be visible more frequently because females tend to show more of their feet when they wear flip flops, heels, etc.. And of course, you have the tit tattoos that can be seen when she shows cleavage, which in this day and age is the norm for most women in most situations.

But when a woman has a large thigh tattoo, sleeves, neck tattoos, and worst of all facial tattoos, she’s damaged way beyond repair which is definitely a black flag. Why? Tattoos for women are a form of self-harm and self mutilation which means there is self hate. And as we just established, self mutilation and self hate leads to slutty behavior (and a lot of it) very quickly. No amount of counseling is going to reverse the irreparable damage a woman with a mural of a mutant clown riding a flaming motorcycle on her back has sustained through her life. The bigger and more visible the tattoo, the more damaged she is. What it could mean She could be paying homage to a loved one who changed her life or one who has passed away. A good example of this is Mike Tyson who a large tattoo of his mentor, Cus D’Amato, on his chest. D’Amato took young Tyson off the streets and away from a life destined for prison, death, or both, and turned him into the youngest heavyweight champion ever, which altered the course of

his life forever. forever. But ButIron IronMike Mikeisisa aMan. Man. And Butasaswe we allall know, know, Men Men and and women are very different from one another. You can’t fault a woman too much in this day and age for having a small concealable tattoo of a relative+ or a loved one’s name, birthday, etc. to preserve their memory in her skin. Yes, there are other ways to do this without a tatt, but if this is really the case, I wouldn’t mind cutting a woman a little slack in this situation. Like I said before, any tattoo should be an automatic disqualifier but we need to consider today’s environment and be realistic about expectations of women in this day and age. What it probably means She’s psychologically and/or emotionally damaged, did it because other females are, thinks it makes her edgy, independent and attractive, or a combination of the 3. At the end of the day, women with tattoos are rarely long term relationship material and Men should be thankful that these damaged women make it easy for us to spot them.

Flag level: Variable (Keep in mind we’re talking about non traditional piercings outside of one hole in each ear) Red flag piercings are multiple holes in one or both ears, and small nose studs. Crimson flag piercings are industrial piercings, tongue bars, and maybe even a very small eyebrow ring. Black flag piercings are what you see on The History Channel. Gauged out ears are just the start but it’s all downhill from there. Bull rings, nipple and clit rings are never enough once any given female starts the process of this particular brand of body mutilation. Eventually it escalates to extremely large ear gauges, nose, cheek, and labret piercings (and labret gauges….fucking gross) and just about anything else you can think of. There’s really no need to list black flag piercings because you’ll know them when you see them. Why? Like tattoos, this is self mutilation which is self hate which leads to self destructive behavior, namely sex with hoards of Men. What it could mean: Maybe she made a mistake in college and got a tongue bar or a nipple piercing on a dare and decided to take it out soon after.

What it probably means: She is advertising to Men that she is not only promiscuous, but an insatiable slut who will suck your cock like a porn star as she makes sure you know she has a tongue bar by clicking it against her teeth while giving you slut face, hoping against all hope that you’ll suggest that she come back to your place to “check out your underwater basket weaving video collection.”

Flag level: Crimson Yes, hair dye can be removed but once a chick sees how “hawt” she is with pink hair, she rarely lets the look go. Especially if the guys she’s fucking all tell her how great it looks on her and how much they like pulling her pink locks while ass fucking her from behind. It’s possible to turn her around if she wants to be turned around but the amount of time these females spend on the cock carousel pushes their notch counts into the triple digits in no time flat and at that point, she’ll never be long term relationship material. The explanation Dyeing one’s hair blue, pink, purple, fire engine red, or any other color other than the traditional blonde, brown, or ginger is the calling card of a slut. Girls like this are quite literally signaling to the world that they engage in excessive, deviant sexual activity with multiple Men (often at the same time) on a consistent basis and that they’re not ashamed of it. This is a textbook attention grab that requires little effort. Tattoos and piercings are painful, permanent, and expensive. Magenta hair is a $7 investment that can be gone in 20 shampoos or less. For the record, I’ve never met a woman with non-traditionally colored hair who wasn’t a slut and if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll find that you haven’t either.

What it could mean Maybe you met her on November 1st and her hair is still Periwinkle because she went to a Halloween party dressed as a pixie the night before. Maybe she tried a new color and the dye acted funny and turned her hair bright orange. Not likely, but you never know. In any event, always ask about why her hair is green if you meet her during the first two weeks of November.

What it probably means She’s an attention whore who thrives on constant Male attention for the sole purpose of keeping as much backup cock on standby as humanly possible in case her boyfriend starts acting up...again. The bottom line is that any female whose hair is royal blue for more than a few weeks (remember, it may have just been Halloween), then fuck her, chuck her, and move onto the next girl. Even if she only did it as a dare, an experiment, or on a whim and had no intention of keeping the look, the increase in Male eyeballs (and subsequent ding-a-ling) will make a compelling case to make her new look permanent.

Flag level: Red A female’s possible saving grace here is that women change friends like they change cocks. A female’s fickle nature extends to everything in their lives. Outfits, food, jobs, Men, and yes, even their girlfriends. Sure, having slutty friends influences women to be more slutty but women have a natural disdain for one another on account of their inherent knowledge of their own fucked up nature and competition for the same Men. If she meets the right Man who makes it clear through his actions that he’s not going to commit to her so long as she continues to hang out with her cock hopping companions, she’ll ditch the group to increase her chances of keeping him around longer than a few ass to mouth sessions. Why? The old cliche “birds of a feather flock together” applies here. Hot girls generally hang out with other hot girls, fat girls tend to gravitate towards one another, and “emo” girls (who were called “goth” back when I was a teenager) usually roll in packs. Humans spend the most time with people they identify the most with more

often than not. It’s how we’re all wired. Sluts love being friends with each other because they’re all…well...sluts. They bond over their addiction to random dick and the crazy stories those trysts never fail to provide. Another advantage of being friends with other slutty females is that they can avoid the judgment (at least most of the time) that comes from fucking a bunch of guys in a very short period of time. Even if a girl wasn’t a slut when she joined the group, she’ll eventually succumb to the peer pressure and start gobbling cocks by the truckload, regardless of how strong she is in her “virtuous convictions”. What it could mean There are quite a few possibilities here. First, she could be a good Christian, virgin woman who is trying to be a good influence on promiscuous women in an attempt to change their slutty ways and improve their lives (lol). They could also have things in common with her group of friends other than an affinity for an abundance of phalluses. They could be long time friends who’ve gone in different directions as far as relationships go. They may have the same hobbies and connected because of that. Who knows? What it probably means Like most sluts, they know that sleeping with dudes by the dozen is a bad thing for them in the long run and in order to keep from feeling guilty about going against their biological desire to be with one just Man, they make friends who share their slutty tendencies to help them feel better about themselves.

Flag level: Crimson There’s a little known fact that most people in the Western world, Red Pill aware or otherwise, have probably never even thought about:

The average American female has slept with more females than the average American male. That’s right gents. Most women have slept with more women than most Men. And if a woman’s fooled around with even one other female, then you can bet your ass she’s taken cocks into the triple digits. Why? “How do you know this, Donovan?” I don’t. But one thing I do know is that chicks prefer dick. Plain and simple. And when a woman decides to engage in lesbian acts, she’s been there and done that with every size, color, and shape of every dick under the sun. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be

looking for other experiences to spice up her sex life. What it could mean She may have gotten drunk in her dorm room with her roommate and made out with her once. All girls are curious about other girls sexually and given that they’re naturally attracted to each other, it stands to reason that in today’s hyper-sexualized culture combined with the fact that the gay and lesbian lifestyle is in our faces every day that a girl might kiss one of her girlfriends or get drunk and play tonsil hockey once or twice. It happens. What it probably means I eluded to it earlier: She’s had so much sex with so many guys that conventional sex no longer excites her. Girls like this often explore different sexual experiences to varying degrees. Some try the BDSM, some try the Dom/sub thing for a while, some try swingers clubs, and some try orgies. A woman with this level of sexual experience has inevitably been in a full on pussy licking, strap on thumping sex session with another female more than just a few times. Girls who haven’t slept with a lot of guys (say, under 3) very rarely explore the girl on girl fantasy. Any female who admits to have had sex with another woman has had dozens of penises in her orifices which makes her a bona fide ho.

Flag level: Crimson Why? When women travel alone (or with their slutty friends), the slut transponder is cranked up to “will fuck anything with a Y-chromosome and a smile” setting. Foreign Men gorge on these easy marks and pass them around by giving each other intel on which women give it up the quickest, are the easiest, and the freakiest.

Having lived in Las Vegas for nearly a decade before coming back east, I’ve fucked countless women who were in town on business, vacation, or a girl’s weekend getaway and they never make it difficult to get them naked. Any female who’s traveled alone or with other women to party destinations or exotic vacation sites are some of the worst whores out there.

What it could mean: She’s done some traveling with her family as a child and was exposed to many cultures. This gives her an appreciation for different perspectives, ways of life, and how lucky she is to have been born in America. She has very interesting stories to tell about her family trips which makes for great conversation What it probably means: She went to a 4-year college (crimson flag) and visited a bunch of spring break destinations and other party-like countries notorious for exploiting the overt sluttiness of American girls, which made it easy for her to sport fuck her way around the world. After her sophomore year, she decided to go backpacking across Europe where she indulged in, yet, more sexcapades with the ready, willing, and able Portuguese Men and those oh so sexy Spaniards, including one who broke her heart (She will never love you like she loved Rodrigo, fellas. Never forget that). She loved it so much she decided to study abroad the following semester (which she really did to be close to Rodrigo) and added even more notches to her body count. If a female you’re seeing says she’s “well traveled” and regales you with her European adventures, you can bet your bottom dollar she was fellating foreign phalluses most nights.

Flag level: Variable Why? If she was a cheerleader in high school, she was definitely a slut. A red flag kind of slut. Cheerleaders are the most popular girls on campus. They’re also the most slutty...by a long shot. A combination of being able to wear their cheerleading outfits on game days and dating football players (who often pass these girls around), gives them an early ticket to ride the carousel at a young age. If she was a cheerleader in college, the flag level is elevated. It’s one thing to fuck a bunch of high school football players. It’s quite another to fuck college football and basketball players who are physically elite and much older. College athletes (particularly football and basketball players) get pussy thrown at them from every direction on campus. Being seen on TV and discussed as potential professional athletes who will make millions of dollars make them all but irresistible to every female on campus. Especially the girls who are the closest to them while they’re on the playing field...the cheerleaders. Cheerleaders in college are passed around, gang banged, or anything else the athletes want to do to them. These whores happily oblige like the good little sluts they are strutting around campus like porn starlets. If she was a college cheerleader for even 1 year, there’s almost no coming back from that physically or emotionally.

If she gets out after her first year she might recover and stay in the crimson flag level. 2 years or more and it’s black flag city. Getting pounded out by college athletes for nearly a half decade is the point of no return. What it could mean: She’s a good girl who wanted to save herself for marriage. In the fall, she resisted countless advances by the linebacker who went on to be drafted in the first round. The following semester she proceeded to curb power forward who could have gone pro straight out of High School. She was steadfast in her Christian beliefs and was not going to let a few flings with the hottest, most athletic Men she’d ever have the opportunity to have sex with (lol) What it probably means: She fucked every football and basketball player she could get under...including the kicker

Flag Level: Variable Red flag: These will mostly be alcoholics. Just about everyone drinks casually so there’s much less taboo that’s attached to people who indulge in more drinking than the average person. Believe it or not, functioning alcoholics do exist. These are people who drink every day but live otherwise normal lives which include jobs, families, mortgages, etc. A lush or a female who drinks more than most is certainly a red flag, but nothing to be overly concerned with. At least not yet. Crimson flag: This is when illicit drugs rear their ugly heads. A lot of females go through a party phase with drugs. They’ll go through a 6 to 8 month period (give or take) where they’ll do cocaine and/or ecstasy (MDMA or “Molly”) on weekends. These are the drugs that encourage and intensify sexual pleasure and women on these substances rarely fight the urge to fuck.

Any woman who’s done these drugs, and the activities they encourage, will possibly have her receptors burned out meaning she doesn’t enjoy things she would otherwise be able to if not for her half year binge. Sometimes they recover, often times they do not. So quizzing a woman you’re dating on the extent of her drug use (if she brings it up) would be wise on your part. Black flag: If a woman has ever been a heroin, crystal meth, or crack addict, it will be readily apparent when you look at her. Missing teeth and a sagging ass are two of the most obvious signs that she’s danced with the devil for an extended period of time. If you’re approaching and subsequently committing to women who look like this, then you deserve whatever they do to you. Why? As stated earlier, substance abuse issues are vices that lead to sex...and a lot of it. Alcohol impairs judgement, and drugs can increase libidio and intensify sex. Add that to the fact that a lot of women who abuse drugs are often destitute and will do anything, which is almost always performing a sex act or five to get their next fix if they’re broke, racking up an extremely high body count in a very short period of time is commonplace.

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What it could mean: She may have gone on a 2 month alcohol binge because of the death of a loved one or even a bad breakup. Sure she gobbled as many cocks as humanly possible during that time, and yes, alcohol was certainly a factor. But she may have realized she was headed down a dark path and crawled out of the bottle before things went completely sideways. What it probably means: She either continued her alcoholic ways and never recovered, or she’s a damaged female who uses drugs and alcohol to both cope with, and complete the self fulfilling prophecy that almost always plays out when females dabble in mind altering substances. If a woman ever tells you she’s had a substance abuse problem but that she’s over it, always remember that once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. Once a drug addict, always a drug addict. Even if she’s been sober for 6 years. All it takes is one slip up and she’s back to the lifestyle that ruined her in the first place and if you’re anywhere near the blast radius, she’ll take you down with her.

Flag level: Red Why? When you take a woman out on a date (provided she has EARNED that date), you’re not going to think anything of it when she orders a long island iced tea. You won’t give a second thought when she orders a vodka and Coke the next time you take her out either. But if you notice that she never drinks wine or beer and only drinks liquor, you’ve got a woman who’s had her more than her share of ding-a-lings. Sure, wine and beer lubricate social interactions but liquor induced inebriation happens much quicker and it is far more extreme. If a female you’re dating only drinks liquor, her alcohol tolerance is higher than normal which means she’s done more drinking than most women. The need for liquor to give her even a slight buzz is akin to a woman needing larger penises to satisfy her overtaxed, desensitized vagina

that’s been stretched out by countless cocks on the carousel. The more dicks a woman’s taken, the higher the odds of her having taken above average sized phalluses. Subsequently, her vagina needs a larger than average penis for her to feel anything down there. So a woman who can’t get a buzz from a glass of wine or a beer to get buzzed is a woman who has drank in excess for an extended period of time. And as we all know, women, who aren’t good decision makers to begin with, make worse decisions under the influence...especially when comes to Men and sex.

What it could mean: There are no exceptions to the rule here. A female who regularly consumes beverages with a proof assigned to it is a bona fide slut. End of discussion.

Flag level: Variable Red flag: These will be girls whose mothers managed to find and lock down a traditionally masculine Man to lead the household in the absence of the biological father. This scenario isn’t likely because Men of value who also exhibit masculine dominance rarely commit to single mothers. Why? Women with daddy issues exhibit their need for male acceptance through extreme promiscuity at a very young age with much older Men. Growing up with an absentee or weak father or father figure leaves a void in the female psyche that simply cannot be filled by therapy, counseling, or a “good Man.” A common denominator between girls who work in the sex industry (escorts, call girls, strippers, prostitutes, porn stars, etc) is daddy issues. Women like this

have little to no respect for Men (or themselves for that matter) and also have a deep seeded resentment toward them. This resentment is one of the main motivating factors in terms of “getting revenge” on the sex that caused her so much pain from a young age. A lot of Men ask me why certain women seem to take pleasure in inflicting emotional pain on Men. When I ask them about their lives growing up, daddy issues are involved much more often than not. What it could mean: As stated in the red flag explanation, her mother may have avoided single motherhood by finding a strong Man who exhibited traditionally masculine qualities, and led the household the way it needed to be led. Because of this, she doesn’t engage in the sexual deviancy on the level that most women with daddy issues do. What it probably means: Either her mother divorce raped her father, her father was in and out of prison, or her father left of his own accord. In any case, her daddy issues will be front and center and will be especially visible with her choice in Men. Keep in mind she may have lost her biological father because of

circumstances that were not in his or her mother’s control. Maybe he was killed in the line of duty as a police officer, fire fighter, or military deployment. Maybe her father died of cancer or in a car accident. As sad as these circumstances are, they are not your problem. The only chance she has to become a woman of potential quality is her mother’s decision on her next husband or long term boyfriend. If her mother chooses wisely, she’ll dodge a bullet. But as we all know, women do not make good decisions when it comes to Men. So if you find out a girl you’re dating had a weak or absentee father growing up, she’ll turn your life upside down should you decide to commit to her long term

Flag level: Red Why? We’ve all heard the phrase “if she smokes, she pokes.” What this means is that if she’s a smoker, she’s much more likely to sleep with you than if she wasn’t a smoker. Granted, there are plenty of girls who don’t smoke who have higher body counts than porn stars but conventional wisdom states that females who smoke are always promiscuous and I can attest to this based on my personal experience. Why this is true, I’ll never know. I’m sure there have been studies and experiments that either support or refute this statement. Tuthmosis took a stab at explaining this phenomenon in one of his signature articles on Return of Kings entitled 26 More Signs She’s A Slut:

Tuthmosis’ explanation certainly makes sense theoretically (as everything does), but the fact of the matter is that we’ll probably never really know why a woman who smokes is always a ho. When it comes to “studies,” most Men who have extensive experience with women will tell you that this cliche is 100% true. What it could mean: She smoked as a young teenager for a few weeks to fit in and she happened to be a virgin at the time. She promptly dropped the habit when her Dad found a pack of cigarettes in her backpack and made her smoke the entire pack in front of him to teach her a lesson. What it probably means: Either her parents never found out and didn’t care, or knew they couldn’t break her of the habit on account of the rebellion phase every teenage girl goes through. She also may have picked up the habit in college. In any case, if she smokes, she pokes. Period.

Flag level: Red Why? Slut-A-Ween is the holiday that banana gobblers nationwide circle on their calendars as they look forward to the day they can be slutty quasi-cosplayers in public whilst simultaneously getting smashed (by alcohol and cocks). Most Halloween costumes for women these days leave little to the imagination. I remember when the only choices girls had if they wanted to show everything but their kidneys were cats, devils, angels, and nurses. But today, every costume has a slutty version and it’s a rarity to see females not wearing them when they’re out on the 31st of October. Women who go to clubs and bars dress provocatively to increase male attention which increases the number of dicks they could potentially hop on that night. These girls are hoes, which is why Men of value never commit to females who go to bars or clubs.

Halloween is the same way. If she’s a club slut, she’ll be a slutty nurse rocking red heels and showing all but the areolas of her tits (well...maybe a little bit) hoping a “Doctor” will give her a rectal exam while she bobs for apples. What it could mean: She’s dressed as a slutty Lois Lane with her problem glasses, shirt skirt, black stiletto heels, and a see through blouse at the instruction of her boyfriend (who is with her and dressed as Superman) because he objectifies her on the regular and she lives for pleasing him visually in public and private. She knows her goodies are for his eyes and enjoyment only so she stays close to her Man and doesn’t flirt or commingle with other guys at whatever party they’re going to. What it probably means: She’s dressed as a slutty Lois Lane and her boyfriend is playing the role of Jimmy Olson at home so she can find a hot Clark Kent to pound her out. Girls who dress slutty for Halloween are sluts, guys. There are no two ways about it.

Flag level: Red Why? We’ve all heard the girl who has a raspy voice. Her voice always sounds like it’s just getting over being hoarse for a couple of days. This is called “party voice” and it is indicative of a female who’s been ran through. If you’re not sure if you’ve ever heard party voice, banshees like Jennaphur Frederick of Good Day Philadelphia and Sarah Spain of ESPN are both excellent examples. The medical term for party voice is chronic laryngitis which, according to the Mayo Clinic, is caused by excessive alcohol use and smoking. And if you’ve been paying attention: #10 + #8 = #12. Smokers and drinkers are hoes. Party voice is the manifestation of this lifestyle and reveals a woman’s promiscuous proclivities with shocking accuracy.

What it could mean: She could have vocal cord paresis or paralysis like long time friend of O.J. Simpson, Joe Bell (watch O.J.: Made In America to hear his voice). I also knew a kid with this condition when I was younger. What it probably means: She’s smokes or smoked (which means she pokes or poked), and she’s drank in excess over an extended period of time which means she’s been fucked by more Men than she can count. Party voice is a tell tale sign of a female who will make a terrible significant other.


Flag level: Variable Why? With the exception of a few softball players, girls who played sports in high school, college, or at the olympic level are in unbelievable shape. Their hard earned physiques turn heads wherever they go. Combine all that attention (which also comes from male athletes) with their lack of impulse control and you’ve got a recipe for a triple digit notch count in no time flat. The flag levels here are similar to cheerleaders in that the more access these girls have to Men, the more damage that can be inflicted by sleeping around. Red flag female athletes are high school girls who play sports. They’ll get attention and dick from high school age boys which gives them an earlier start on the carousel. Crimson flag female athletes are college athletes and olympians. Soccer girls, softball girls (not the fat ones who play first or third base), etc. are fucking college guys from sun up till sun down.

We’ve also heard about the fuck fests that Olympic villages are when athletes around the world gather to compete in one city every couple of years. What it could mean: Despite the amount of sexual offers her tight, supple physique afforded her, she didn’t indulge in sex because she was raised by a strong Father who showed her the kind of strong, male, masculine love and attention that is necessary to influence daughters to make sound decisions about sex (read: abstinence until marriage). What it probably means: Like most American females who play sports, she sport fucked her way through Her teens and twenties like the rest of her physically fit teammates which pushed her cock count into the high double digits by the time she reached her mid 20s. If she was ever an athlete, she was definitely a slut during her prime.

Flag level: Variable Why? While this may seem obvious to Men in the know, believe it or not there are Men who are utterly baffled when their girlfriend, who was an expert at draining his balls with her mouth, cheats on him. Men who sleep walk through their relationships often fall victim to being blinded by a female’s sexual prowess and know how, not understanding that the reason she can make him blow his load down her throat in under a minute is because she’s had plenty of practice. It can be a little tricky to distinguish a red flag blow job specialist from a crimson or black flagger. A girl who is damaged beyond repair can be less skilled on her knees than a woman who is your everyday ho and vice versa. In any case, if she’s really good at getting you to the point of no return with her mouth with relative ease and quickness, then she’s done this a lot which puts her directly into the slut category. What it could mean: Blowing a hole through the back of her head in a relatively short time when she’s sucking your dick could be a combination of beginner’s luck on her part, and the lack of sexual experience with women on your part.

Every so often an inexperienced girl will give an above average blow job because she’s practiced on a cucumber or some sort of phallic object (yes, girls do this). And if you haven’t had many girls suck your cock, it’s going to feel great. My highschool sweetheart comes to mind here. Whether or not she was great at giving blowjobs I’ll never know. But because she was the first girl to suck my dick it felt like heaven. She was inexperienced but so was I. Because of this, I never hesitated to push her to her knees when I wanted to shoot my kids down her throat.

What it probably means: She’s blown a lot of dudes, and swallowed a lot of loads which has honed and perfected her fellatio technique. Do not make the egregious mistake of thinking she blows you better than any other guy she’s blown. She’s good for a reason. Never forget that.

Flag level: Variable Why? Anal sex is the ultimate form of sexual submission for women. For most girls, it’s uncomfortable at best, painful at worst. A woman who allows you to penetrate her ass either really likes you, or really likes anal. Red flag level anal girls are girls who have done anal once or twice. They did it to please their boyfriends/husbands or to shut them up. Females at the crimson level have done anal a few times. Some have grown to like it (I’m told it’s an acquired taste for women) and some have learned to tolerate it. Crimson girls will sometimes proactively suggest it if they’re feeling particularly debaucherous that night. Black flag back door queens are women who love anal sex. And any female who loves anal sex has been fucked in the ass a shitload of times (pun reluctantly intended). And if she’s taken it in the pooper enough to like and prefer it, you can bet your bottom dollar she is a straight up radioactive super slut.

What it could mean: She’s never done it before and is hesitant but she really likes you and understands that giving you her anus satisfies your urge to go hunting for strange which is always much more sexually liberal (read: let’s you do whatever you want...including pounding her ass into oblivion). She wants to keep you away from the women who will lure you with the promise of having carte blanche with their bodies and their buttholes so she’ll endure that pain to keep you faithful. What it probably means: She does anal with every Man she has sex with. Look dude, you’re not special. None of us are. If a girl you’re dating let’s you boink her in the booty, she’s either doing it for her pleasure, or trying to make you think you’re the only guy she’s ever done it with (she’ll actually tell you this). Sure, she may like you and knows that giving you her anoos will increase the likelihood of you sticking around, which she’s done with her last 12 boyfriends and 24 fuck buddies. But that doesn’t mean you’re somehow unique or “worthy” of giving her ass to. But hey, look on the bright side...most girls don’t let most Men go back door so at least you’ve got that going for you.

females will rob you of your sanity, health, finances, and sometimes your very freedom or even your life. Put simply, single mothers are only good for fucking...if that and nothing else. What it could mean: A single mother may have lost her husband through no fault of her own or under circumstances she had no control over. She may have lost her husband to a disease like cancer, he may have been killed in a car accident, or in the line of duty as a police officer, fire fighter, or a military serviceman deployed in a country hostile toward Americans. What it probably means: She divorce raped her husband, cheated and got caught, or had a kid or 5 out of wedlock. While it’s certainly possible that a female became single mother through no fault of her own, it’s highly unlikely. Better than 9 out of 10 of single mothers make the conscious decision to become single mothers and that’s a fact. Use these broads to bust a nut and nothing more. Commit anything to these women outside of your cock and balls at your peril.

Flag level: Black Why? It’s common knowledge among Men with red pill awareness that single mothers make the worst girlfriends, wives, and mothers. Their selfishness, entitlement, and victim mentality makes it impossible to train bad behaviors out of them. What’s worse is that anything you do good for them is viewed as maintaining status quo. Single mothers make bad decisions with Men, money, children, and everything else they control. They’re always wading through a cesspool of chaotic sludge known as their everyday lives which gives them an excuse not to look in the mirror, take stock, and hold themselves accountable for their shitty lives. Always on the lookout for a beta provider, single mothers fuck anything and everything that pisses standing up, hoping against all hope that one of them is stupid enough to stick around long enough for her to get her hooks in him. But they can’t help their true nature as they also give their bodies to alphas to continue the stream of validation that put them in their predicament in the first place. When it comes to sex, single mothers are burning both ends of the candle which shoots their notch counts into the stratosphere making them absolutely useless, disgusting human beings to even be around, let alone fuck. These women rarely use protection during sex which is why they have a bunch of kids, STDs, and drama. Committing to these