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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Южно-Уральский государственный университет Кафедра английского языка
Ш143.21 Ф954
И. Н. Фурсова
Челябинск Издательский центр ЮУрГУ 2015 1
ББК Ш143.21-923 Ф954
Одобрено учебно-методической комиссией факультета лингвистики
Рецензенты: О. Р. Абдрахманова, А. В. Зырянова
Фурсова, И. Н. Английский язык: English for Masters of Metallurgy: учебное пособие / И. Н. Фурсова. – Челябинск: Издательский центр ЮУрГУ, 2015. – 94 с. Учебное пособие предназначено для магистрантов физико-металлургического факультета направлений подготовки: 22.04.02 «Металлургия», 15.04.02 «Технологические машины и оборудование», 15.04.01 «Машиностроение». Цель пособия – совершенствование навыков чтения и понимания литературы по специальности, развитие коммуникативных умений (монологическое высказывание по профилю научной специальности, участие в дискуссии, научной беседе), развитие навыков письменной речи (составление аннотаций, рефератов, тезисов и презентаций на английском языке). Пособие состоит из 5 учебных блоков, построенных по единой схеме. В структуру каждого блока входят два текста с упражнениями к ним, раздел с текстами для дополнительного чтения, раздел для совершенствования коммуникативных навыков и раздел для совершенствования навыков письменной речи. Текстовый материал каждого блока предназначен для совершенствования навыков просмотрового, ознакомительного и изучающего чтения, а также для развития навыков устной речи и перевода. Система послетекстовых упражнений позволяет контролировать понимание прочитанного материала и совершенствовать навыки монологического высказывания на заданную тему. Для развития перцептивных навыков в области профессиональной речи в пособии разработаны задания на основе аудио и видеоматериалов сети Интернет. Данное пособие может быть использовано как для работы в аудитории под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы.
ББК Ш143.21-923
© Издательский центр ЮУрГУ, 2015 2
CONTENTS Unit 1. METALLURGY AS A SCIENCE ................................................................................ 4 Unit 2. FROM THE HISTORY OF METALLURGY ............................................................ 20 Unit 3. METALWORKING PROCESSES ............................................................................. 37 Unit 4. METALLURGICAL EQUIPMENT ........................................................................... 58 Unit 5. METALLURGICAL PRODUCTS ............................................................................. 75 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 93
UNIT 1. METALLURGY AS A SCIENCE A. BASICS OF METALLURGY LEAD IN Answer the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Can you outline the role of metallurgy in modern society? Can you define metallurgy as a science? What is modern metallurgy concerned with? What branches of metallurgy do you know? What basic metallurgical processes do you know?
Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation.
alloy smelting impurity
извлечение металла из руды касаться, иметь отношение встречающийся в природе, естественный восстановление сплав примесь рентгеновская дифракция обработка / производство минералов развиваться, продвигаться вперед выплавка, плавление, плавка
advance mineral processing native concern with recovery x-ray diffraction extraction of a metal from its ore
TEXT 1 BASICS OF METALLURGY The importance of metallurgy in the creation of modern civilization is extremely great. The material culture of society is unthinkable without metals. Metallurgy is the basis for different industries, for manufacturing of various products, for civil construction and military affairs. The roots of metallurgy derive from Ancient Greek: metallourgós, "worker in metal", from métallon, "metal" + érgon, "work". The word “metallurgy” was originally an alchemist's term for the extraction of metals from minerals, the ending -urgy signifying a process, especially manufacturing. In the late 19th century it was extended to the more general scientific study of metals, alloys, and related processes. Nowadays most dictionaries define metallurgy as “the science that explains methods of refining and extracting metals from their ores and preparing them.” Today, the subject of metallurgy goes deeper then that definition describes. Now metallurgy is the science that explains the properties, behaviors and internal structure of metals and alloys. Metallurgy also teaches us that properties of metals can be changed using various treatments. As a science, metallurgy is concerned with the chemical reactions involved in the processes by which metals are produced and the chemical, physical, and mechanical behavior of metallic materials. Metallurgy is also a branch of engineering which is concerned with the production of metals and alloys, their adaptation to use, and their performance in service. In this case metallurgy usually refers to commercial rather than laboratory methods. The earliest recorded metal employed by humans is gold which can be found free or "native". Small amounts of natural gold have been found in Spanish caves used during the late Paleolithic period (40,000 BC). Silver, copper, tin and meteoric iron can also be found native, allowing a limited amount of metalworking in early cultures. Certain metals can be recovered from their ores by simply heating the rocks in a fire: notably tin, lead and copper. This process is known as smelting. The first evidence of this extractive metallurgy dates from the 5th and 6th millennium BC and was found in the archaeological sites of Serbia. Other signs of early metals are found from the 3rd millennium BC in places like Palmela (Portugal), Los Millares (Spain), and Stonehenge (United Kingdom). About 3500 BC, it was discovered that a superior metal could be made by combining copper and tin. This alloy was called bronze, representing a major technological shift which began the Bronze Age. The extraction of iron from its ore into a workable metal is much more difficult than for copper or tin. The process was invented by the Hittites in about 1200 BC. It marks the beginning the Iron Age. During the Middle Ages alchemists tried to convert various metals to gold. In 1556, as a part of these efforts, Georgius Agricola (Georg Bauer) produced his work, De re metallica, a monumental collection of all available knowledge of mining and metals. This book describes all achievements in metallurgy of the time. Agricola is known as the "father of metallurgy". Metallurgy advanced in the 18th century with the Industrial Revolution and the development of modern chemistry. Benjamin Huntsman’s simple process for making steel and Henry Bessemer’s economic way of producing wrought, or worked, iron were milestones of the Industrial Age.
In modern technology, a historical distinction has been made between ferrous metallurgy (black metallurgy) and nonferrous metallurgy (colored metallurgy). Ferrous metallurgy is the study of metals that use iron as their basic ingredient. It also encompasses the production of iron alloys (pig iron, steel, and ferroalloys). Nonferrous metallurgy involves processes and alloys based on other metals (such as aluminum, titanium and copper). The field of metallurgy also may be divided into process metallurgy (extractive metallurgy) and physical metallurgy. Process metallurgy is the study and practice of separating metals from their ores and refining them to produce a pure metal. The field of extractive metallurgy involves many specialty subdisciplines which are generally grouped into the categories of mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy and electrometallurgy. Physical metallurgy investigates the effects of composition and treatment on the structure of metals and the relations of the structure to the properties of metals. It also studies changes in the structure and properties resulting from mechanical working of metals. Physical metallurgy is concerned with the engineering applications of scientific principles to the fabrication, mechanical treatment, heat treatment, and service behavior of metals. Physical metallurgy includes metallography which is the study of the structure of metals and alloys by various methods, especially by the optical and the electron microscope, and by x-ray diffraction. TEXT COMPREHENSION Choose the correct answer. 1. a) b) c) 2. a) b) c) 3. a) b) c) 4. a) b) c) 5. a) b) c) 6. a) b) c) 7. a) b) c)
What language does the word “metallurgy” derive from? Latin Greek Gothic What is the earliest recorded metal employed by human? gold copper iron What is bronze? it is an alloy of iron and silver it is a kind of meteoric iron it is an alloy of copper and tin When was the extraction of iron from its ore invented? in about 1200 BC from the 5th and 6th millennium BC in about 3500 BC Who invented the process of extraction of iron from its ore? the Greeks the Hittites the Romans What is Georgius Agricola contribution into metallurgy? he invented hydraulic-powered trip hammer he wrote the book where he described achievements in metallurgy of the Middle Ages he was a famous alchemist who converted metals to gold What metals does ferrous metallurgy deal with? precious metals almost all metals existing in nature iron and alloys
TASKS TASK 1. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Сплав железа, гражданское строительство, черная металлургия, промышленная революция, метеоритное железо, достижение, извлечение металлов из минералов / руд, археологические раскопки, охватывать, чугун в чушках, кованое железо, физическая металлургия, механическая обработка, горная порода, соединение меди и олова, цветная металлургия, этап / рубеж, выплавка, внутренняя структура, превращать различные металлы в золото. TASK 2. Match the words from 2 columns to make word combinations. Choose three of them and use them in your own sentences.
1. workable 2. engineering 3. the Industrial 4. mineral 5. heat 6. x-ray 7. extractive 8. pure 9. specialty 10. nonferrous
a) Revolution b) metallurgy c) sub-disciplines d) processing e) metal f) metallurgy g) diffraction h) metal i) application j) treatment
TASK 3. Fill in the gaps using the words given below in the correct form. Translate the sentences. mechanical working crystal lattice
the Iron Age deal with
production convert
metallographic involve in encompass development
1. ………. of metals occupies one of the first places in the national economy of any country. 2. Ferrous metallurgy ………. the production of iron alloys. 3. During the Middle Ages alchemists tried to ………. various metals to gold. 4. Crystal arrangement is determined and described by a definite type of ………. . 5. Physical metallurgy studies changes in the structure and properties of metals resulting from ………. of metals. 6. The extraction of iron ore marks the beginning of ………. . 7. Metallurgy is concerned with the chemical reactions ………. the processes by which metals are produced. 8. Crystal imperfections are investigated by x-ray diffraction and other ………. methods. 9. Powder metallurgy ………. the manufacture of ferrous and nonferrous parts by compacting elemental metal or alloy powder in a die. 10. Metallurgy advanced in the 18th century with the Industrial Revolution and the ……….of modern chemistry.
TASK 4. Look through the text and complete the sentences. 1. The word “metallurgy” was originally .......... . 2. Metallurgy is also a branch of engineering which ………. . 3. ………. during the late Paleolithic period (40,000 BC). 4. ………. was found in the archaeological sites of Serbia. 5. ………. were milestones of the industrial age. 6. ………. a historical distinction has been made between ………. . 7. Metallurgy is the basis for ………. . 8. The field of metallurgy also may be divided into ………. . 9. The field of extractive metallurgy involves ………. . 10. Physical metallurgy is concerned with ….. TASK 5. Find words in the text which match the definitions below. The study of the physical properties and mechanical behaviour of metals. The study of the physical structure and components of metals, typically using microscopy.
The study of metals that use iron as their basic ingredient. A scientist concerned with finding a way to turn all metals into gold. The study which involves processes and alloys based on metals with the exception of iron. (for example aluminum, titanium and copper). A domain of materials science and materials engineering that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their intermetallic compounds, and their mixtures. A mixture or solid solution composed of a metal and another element. The practice of removing valuable metals from an ore and refining the extracted raw metals into a purer form. 8
TASK 6. Find information in the text connected to the following key-words and dates.
the “father of metallurgy” the branches of metallurgy the beginning of the Iron Age the derivation of the word “metallurgy”
the Industrial Revolution
the late Paleolithic period (40,000 BC)
the importance of metallurgy for modern civilization
the 5th and 6th millennium BC the 3rd millennium BC the beginning of the Bronze Age the subject of metallurgy
TASK 7. Summarize information of the text. The following expressions can be useful for you. The title of the text gives an idea of ….. The text deals with ….. The text gives basic information on ….. The text represents rich information on …. ……… is under consideration in the text. First, I would like to dwell on …… The first / second / third part is concerned with …… The next part contains ….. This part of the text gives detailed information on …… It should be noted that ……. In conclusion ……
B. BASIC METHODS OF EXTRACTING METALS LEAD IN Answer the questions. 1. What branch of metallurgy is concerned with extracting metals from their ores? 2. What methods of extracting the metals do you know? 3. What equipment is used to extract metals? 4. Do you have ore-dressing and processing enterprises in your region? What do they produce? 5. Is it popular to use scrap as a raw material nowadays?
Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation. dressing roasting ore bearing rock electrowinning conversion lixiviant gangue precipitation electrorefining sintering
электролитическое рафинирование пустая порода выщелачиватель обогащение выпадение в осадок, осаждение спекание обжиг, обжигание руды порода, содержащая руду получение металла электролизом химическое превращение
TEXT 2 BASIC METHODS OF EXTRACTING METALS Before a metal can be extracted, the ore must be purified, or dressed. This involves removing as much of the gangue (useless material such as sand, dirt and rock ) as possible. Removing is done by crushing the ore bearing rock and then passing it through wire screens to separate large particles. The next step depends on the quality of the ore and on the type of metal being mined. Some iron ore is so pure that it needs little dressing. Lowerquality iron ores undergo magnetic separation, in which ore particles pass by magnets and collect around them, leaving nonmagnetic gangue behind. Other ores are separated by flotation. In this process minerals in water stick to a froth of bubbles at the surface while the gangue sinks. In the gravity separation process heavier particles in water settle faster than lighter, less dense ones. Before the metal can be extracted, the fine ore particles must be combined into larger pellets. This is accomplished by one of two processes. In agglomeration chemicals are added to the ore particles and the particles are dried. In sintering the small particles are spread thinly on a conveyor belt and heated to form larger particles. The next step in processing is to extract the metal from the ore. The oldest and most widely used method is pyrometallurgy. It consists of the thermal treatment of minerals and ores and concentrates to bring about physical and chemical transformations in the materials to enable recovery of valuable metals. Pyrometallurgical treatment may produce saleable products such as pure metals, or intermediate compounds or alloys, suitable as feed for further processing. Elements extracted by pyrometallurgical processes include the oxides of iron, copper, zinc, chromium, tin, manganese, etc. Pyrometallurgical processes are grouped into the following categories: calcining, roasting, smelting and refining. Calcining is thermal decomposition of a material. For example decomposition of hydrates such as ferric hydroxide to ferric oxide and water vapor. Calcination processes are carried out in a variety of furnaces, including shaft furnaces, rotary kilns, and fluidized bed reactors. Roasting consists of thermal gas-solid reactions, which can include oxidation, reduction, chlorination, sulfation, and pyrohydrolysis. The most common example of roasting is the oxidation of metal sulfide ores. This roasting converts the sulfide into metal oxide, while the sulfur is vented away as a gas. The ore is now ready for smelting, the process of separating impurities from the ore by melting it. Smelting involves thermal reactions in which at least one product is in a molten phase. To melt iron, a flux (limestone) and coke (carbon) are added to the ore in a blast furnace. Heat is provided by burning the coke, while the flux lowers the melting point of the gangue. The gangue and flux then combine and float to the top of the furnace, and the molten iron flows out of the base. Smelting takes place at a temperature above the melting point of the metal, but processes vary according to the ore involved. Zinc, lead, copper and other metals are extracted by this method. Refining (also called 'fire refining') is the removal of impurities from materials by a thermal process. This covers a wide range of processes involving different kinds of furnaces or other equipment. To make production more economical, metallurgists have developed other separation methods which require less energy. The use of electricity in the processing of metals is called electrometallurgy. In a process called electrowinning, an electric current is passed through the ore to separate the metal. Another process, electrorefining, is an economical way of producing very pure metals. Both methods involve the recovery and purification of metals using electrodeposition of metals at the cathode, and either metal dissolution or a competing
oxidation reaction at the anode. Electricity plays a major role in the smelting and refining of many metals such as iron, steel, aluminum, copper and nickel. The process of extracting and purifying metals by dissolving them in solutions at ordinary temperatures is called hydrometallurgy. It is often used to separate the metal from a low-grade ore. Gold, copper, zinc, nickel and uranium may be extracted by this method. It is typically divided into three general areas: leaching, solution concentration and purification, and metal recovery. Leaching is the first step in hydrometallurgy. It involves the use of aqueous solutions containing a lixiviant which is brought into contact with a material containing a valuable metal. The lixiviant in solution may be acidic or basic in nature. After the ore has been concentrated, an acid or a strong base dissolves the ore. The three basic leaching techniques are in-situ leaching, heap leaching, and vat leaching. After leaching, the leach liquor must normally undergo concentration of the metal ions that are to be recovered. Additionally, undesirable metal ions require removal. After the reagent addition, the metal is precipitated so that it can be extracted from the solution as a solid. Precipitation in hydrometallurgy involves the chemical precipitation of either metals and their compounds or of the contaminants from aqueous solutions. Precipitation will proceed evaporation, pH change or temperature manipulation. Metal recovery is the final step in a hydrometallurgical process. Metals suitable for sale as raw materials are often directly produced in the metal recovery step. Sometimes further refining is required if ultra-high purity metals are to be produced. TEXT COMPREHENSION Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. Pyrometallurgical processes are grouped into: calcining, roasting, smelting and leaching. 2. Electrorefining is an expensive way of producing very pure metal. 3. In agglomeration chemicals are added to the ore particles and the particles are dried. 4. Magnetic separation is used to separate the metal from a high -grade ore. 5. Gangue removing is done by crushing the ore bearing rock and then passing it through wire screens to separate large particles. 6. Smelting takes place at a temperature below the melting point of the metal. 7. Hydrometallurgy is used to separate the metal from a low-grade ore. 8. Metal recovery will proceed evaporation, pH change or temperature manipulation.
TASKS TASK 8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations. Кучное выщелачивание, кислотный, дробление, известняк, расплавленный, термический распад, примесь, обжиговая печь кипящего слоя, щелочной, низкосортная железная руда, чановое выщелачивание, пользующийся спросом, гранула, окисление, испарение, промежуточное соединение, подземное выщелачивание, сырье, всплывать, выпадать в осадок. TASK 9. Insert the prepositions where necessary. Consult the text. 1. to depend _____ the quality 2. to be combined _____ larger pellets 3. to produce _____ saleable products 4. to separate impurities _____ the ore 5. suitable _____ sale 6. to dissolve metals _____ solutions 7. _____ ordinary temperature 8. to vent _____ as a gas 9. to be carried _____ furnaces 10. to be passed _____ wire screens
Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the phrases you get. Make all necessary changes. 1. Before the metal can be extracted, the fine ore particles must __________. 2. Calcination processes __________. 3. Metals __________ as raw materials are produced in the metal recovery step. 4. Pyrometallurgical treatment may __________ such as pure metals, intermediate compounds or alloys. 5. Hydrometallurgy is the process of extracting and purifying metals by __________. 6. Sulfur is __________ during the oxidation of metal sulfide ores. 7. Ore bearing rock __________ to separate large particle of gangue. 8. Hydrometallurgical processes usually take place __________. 9. Smelting is the process of __________ by melting it. 10. Ore separation process __________ of the ore and on the type of metal being mined.
TASK 10. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences. A. in which at least one product is in a molten phase. B. to extract the desired metal from the ore or mineral. C. an ore that doesn’t contain much metal. D. heating small particles of ore to form larger pellets. E. while the gangue sinks. F. may be acidic or basic in nature. G. the smelting and refining of many metals such as iron, steel, aluminum, copper and nickel. H. the removal of impurities from materials by a thermal process. I. that it needs little dressing. J. the metal is precipitated so that it can be extracted from the solution as a solid.
1. Electricity plays a major role in 2. Some iron ore is so pure 3. Sintering consists in 4. The lixiviant in solution 5. Smelting involves thermal reactions 6. Refining is 7. A low-grade ore is 8. Lixiviant is a liquid medium used in hydrometallurgy 9. After the reagent addition, 10. In flotation minerals in water stick to a froth of bubbles at the surface
TASK 11. Explain the following words and word-combinations in English. ELECTROMETALLURGY
TASK 12. Ask different types of the questions to the text and answer your groupmates’ questions.
TASK 13. Analyze the diagram of Stone Production Line and fill in the gaps in the description below using the information in the box (some phrases may be used more then once).
belt conveyor the raw materials the vibrating feeder high crushing ratio the vibrating screen consists of to meet various needs jaw crusher sphere of usage
The whole Stone Production line 1________ vibrating feeder, 2________, impact crusher, vibrating screen and 3________. According to specific requirements, different models can be combined together 4________. Stone Production Line operation: First 5 ________ are regularly conveyed into the elementary-crushing machine by 6________, then the belt conveyor transfers the elementary products to 7 ________ for secondary crush. The secondary products will be separated into stone of different sizes by 8 ________. The parts not satisfying the needs will be returned to the impact crusher for further crush. Advantages and 9 ________: The whole plant is highly automatic and the size of the finished products is even, good-shaped and can be adjustable, with 10 ________, low power consumption and high capacity, which is suitable for big, middle and small projects, such as road and bridge construction. Analyze the diagram of mineral processing of magnetite and describe it.
READING PRACTICE TASK 14. Read the article. HOW TO BE A METALLURGIST? By Tailor Wright Metallurgy is a science that deals with the chemical and physical behavior of metallic elements and alloys. It also deals with the technology of metals and how science is being used to incorporate practical usage for metals. A metallurgist is a person who specializes in studying metals and helps find ways to improve their metal crafting to make metals more useful to ordinary folks like you and me. So how do you become a metallurgist? Take note of the steps below so that you could start your path to becoming a metallurgist. The right person would have to demonstrate an affinity for understanding physics, chemistry and mathematics. If you are one who is having problems with these three sciences above, then being a metallurgist is not a suggested profession. 1. Get into a good college that offers a degree in metallurgy. There are not many educational institutions that offer such so do a bit of research and gain admission to a good school with a good metallurgy program. There is no substitute for learning since this is somewhat a specialized course and not very common at all. 2. Take a keen interest in mining subjects because these are essential for your education. You should be aware of how metals are extracted from ores and how they are made. Understanding the basics is key here. 3. Be very knowledgeable about metals, their history, properties, structures, and learn all you can about them. Your knowledge of metals would lead you to use them as best as they could be used. Learn how to read data and understand data. Also you should understand that metallurgists usually work in groups and not alone, so you should also have the ability to interact well with other people. 4. Find a specialization or a specific area of metallurgy that you would like to participate most in. It could be looking for ways on how you can find and extract metals or how you work with them after you already found them. Experimentation would be very good for a metallurgist. 5. Further your education by attending conferences or seminars about metallurgy or even just having good discussions among your colleagues. You could each learn from one another. Choosing to be a metallurgist does sound complicated but if it is something that you really are interested in it shouldn’t be a problem at all. If you think that this is what you want to be doing 20 years from now and that you’d be good at it then by all means follow the path. Remember though that it isn’t for everybody. Answer the questions. 1. How does the author define metallurgy? 2. What does a metallurgist do? 3. What sciences would a metallurgist have to demonstrate an affinity for? 4. What steps does the author outline a person who wants to become a metallurgist? 5. Do you find the advice given in the text useful? Would you follow them?
TASK 15. Read and translate the text. Express your point of view. WHY STUDY METALLURGY? Modern industry is dependent on the knowledge of metallurgy. Nearly every kind of manufacturing today is affected by the behavior of metals and alloys. Therefore, anyone who plans a future career in modern industry will find a working knowledge of metallurgical processing to be a valuable asset. Engineers, technicians, designers, drafters, tool and die makers need skills in selecting materials and heattreating processes. Production managers need an understanding of terms such as ductility, hardness, normalizing and surface hardening. Troubleshooters, who diagnose cause of equipment failure also need to be trained to recognize the cause of cracks and excessive wear. And thus the study of metallurgy proves to be useful. DISCUSSION TASK 16. Fill in the chart about main branches of metallurgy and give short characteristics to each branch using the information of the unit and your background knowledge.
TASK 17. Simon, postgraduate metallurgy student of science and engineering faculty, Curtin university, Australia, talks about his research. Watch the video and put the information in the right order. □ a – I’ve needed these attributes because I’ve often encountered problems in laboratory which there are no easy solutions to – there is no textbook or a person that you can ask to solve these problems for you. □ b – The thing that excites me a lot about doing a PhD is you are really pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge. □ c – Or in order to solve those problems I’ve really had to think out side of the box to come up with a solution to a problem which may never have been encountered before. □ d – My research is aimed at developing a technology to make this a cheaper and simpler process. □ e – I’m a very determined and strong willed person. □ f – During my time as a postgraduate student I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Europe, to the USA, and Canada and this year I’ll be attending the international solvent extraction conference in Chili. □ g – I’m researching metallurgy and that is essentially all about extracting valuable metals and minerals, such as the blue and the green here, from the waste which is everything else. □ h – Where I’ll be presenting a technical paper to describe some of my significant research findings. □ i – I decided to do a postgrade study because I felt that it would give me more career opportunities when I do eventually leave university. □ j – You are exploring things that have never been done before. TASK 18. Put the following questions in the correct order. Present them in the form of a dialogue with your partner. You / ever / scientific / taken part in / conference / have?
Particular / what / your / is / area of research?
Research / what / you / doing / excites / your / about?
Do / problem / encounter / what / you? Them / do / how / solve / you?
Field of research / is / what / your?
The aim / scientific research / of / is / what / your ?
Decide to do / study / why / a postgraduate / you / did?
Help / to do / what / your research / character traits / you? 18
TASK 19. Introduce yourself to your groupmates. The following plan can be useful for you: • a greeting; • some words about who you are and where you are from (name; place of origin / where you live); • your education; • your occupation; • your scientific research (the field of your scientific interest, the particular area of your research, your scientific adviser, the main research problem, historical background of your research problem, outstanding researchers in your field of science, the purpose of your research, practical application of your research, your participation in scientific conferences) PROJECT WORK TASK 20. Prepare a report or a presentation on one of the topics and share the information with your groupmates.
Metallurgy as a science Metallurgy as a branch of engineering Role of metallurgy in modern society Steps in the history of metallurgy Branches of metallurgy and their basic processes Basic metallurgical processes Basic methods of extracting the metals Our metallurgical faculty
UNIT 2. FROM THE HISTORY OF METALLURGY A. BASIC STEPS IN THE HISTORY OF METALLURGY LEAD IN Answer the questions. 1. What do you know about the history of metallurgy? 2. What steps in the history of metallurgy development can you distinguish? 3. What were the first metals employed by man? Can you enumerate them in their chronological order? 4. Can you enumerate metallurgical equipment used in metals production in its chronological order? 5. What modern ways of metallurgy development can you outline? Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation. impurity basic Bessemer process Catalan forge pig iron blast furnace smelting pit alloy steel steel mill resilience bloomery iron
легированная сталь доменная печь сталелитейный завод примесь упругость сыродутное / кричное железо чугун томасовский процесс плавильная яма сыродутный / кричный горн
TEXT 1 BASIC STEPS IN THE HISTORY OF METALLURGY Archaeological findings show that metallurgy originated in antiquity. Traces of copper smelting dating to the 7th to 6th millennia B.C. were discovered in southwestern Asia Minor. It was approximately at that time that man became acquainted with native ores and meteoric iron. At first, metal objects were made by cold working. Copper and iron do not lend themselves to such treatment and therefore did not become widely used. After the invention of hot forging, copper objects became common (the Neolithic period). The art of smelting copper from oxidized copper ores and of producing the desired shape by casting (5th and 4th millennia B.C.) led to a rapid rise in copper production and a significant expansion of its use. However, the small size of deposits of oxidized copper ores made necessary the more complicated method of processing sulfide ores involving preliminary roasting of the ore and refining of the copper by repeated melting. The appearance of these processes date to about the mid-2nd millennium B.C. in the Middle East and central Europe. Widespread use of objects made of bronze began in the 2nd millennium B.C. The quality of such objects was better than that of copper objects. Bronze tools and weapons had increased corrosion resistance, resilience, hardness, and blade sharpness. In addition, bronze had a lower melting point than copper and better filled casting molds. All types of objects were more easily cast from bronze. The replacement of copper by bronze marked the transition to the Bronze Age. In about the mid-2nd millennium B.C., man mastered the art of obtaining iron from ore. At first wood fires and later special smelting pits (the Catalan forges) were used. At the temperatures attainable at that time iron was produced in the form of a doughy mass with many slag and unburned coal inclusions. The relatively low temperature of the process and the large quantity of iron slag impeded carburization of the metal and permitted the production of iron with a low carbon content. So this process had low productivity and provided extraction of only about half of the iron in the ore. As a result bloomery iron was soft, and tools and weapons made from it rapidly became blunt and bent. They were not tempered and were inferior in quality to bronze implements. Improvement of the primitive bloomery process and mastery of the carburization process and subsequent tempering of iron—that is, the production of steel—were required for expansion of the production and use of iron. In the 1st millennium B.C., these improvements gave iron a predominant position among the materials used by man (the Iron Age). Over a period of 3 millennia, iron metallurgy did not undergo basic changes. The process was gradually improved: the Catalan forges were enlarged and their shape improved and draft capacity increased. So, the Catalan forges were converted into small bloomery furnaces. In the mid-14th century, further increase in the size of bloomery furnaces led to the appearance of small blast furnaces. An increase in the height of the furnaces and a more intense blast provided an increase in temperature and significantly stronger reduction and carburization of the metal. Blast furnaces yielded a high-carbon iron alloy with silicon and manganese impurities, called pig iron. In the 14th century, the growth of pig iron production led to the discovery of bloomery conversion, a means of converting pig iron into malleable
iron. The pig iron was melted in the bloomery, and impurities were removed by oxidizing them with an oxygen draft and a special ferruginous slag. Bloomery conversion gradually replaced the previous inefficient processes for the production of steel based on bloomery iron. The next step in the development of steel metallurgy was the appearance of crucible (1740) and puddling processes (1783–84). The crucible method was a technique for producing cast steel by smelting in crucibles made of refractory clay and installed in special furnaces. Both the puddling process and bloomery conversion produced malleable iron. In spite of their great importance in the development of technology of their time, the crucible and puddling processes could not meet the demand for steel. The metallurgy of pig iron developed rapidly, leading to the introduction of water blast pipes, bellows driven by waterwheels, and steam blast machines (1782). In the late 18th century, the use of coke became widespread. The use of a hot blast and careful priming of the ore for blast furnace smelting date to the 19th century. The low level of development of steelsmelting production was manifested in the fact that, until the early 20th century, the production of pig iron exceeded steel production. Three new processes in the production of cast steel played a major role in the advance of steel production: the Bessemer process (1856), the open-hearth process (1864), and the basic Bessemer process (1878). The further development of steel smelting in the 2nd half of the 20th century was related to the increase in the capacity and efficiency of steel mills, the widespread use of oxygen, the appearance of steel production in oxygen converters, the development of vacuum refining of steel outside the furnace, the treatment of steel with synthetic slags and inert gas, the introduction of continuous steel casting, and production processes automation. Since the early 20th century high-quality steels, including alloy steel, have been produced mainly in electric furnaces. In the second half of the 20th century, remelting of metals in vacuum arc furnaces and in electro slag, electron-beam, and plasma installations has come to be used in the production of certain nonferrous metals and special steels. TEXT COMPREHENSION Find in the text sentences giving information about:
methods of copper ores processing during the Neolithic period properties of bronze tools and weapon during the Bronze Age characteristics of bloomery iron during the Iron Age significance of iron during the Iron Age improvements in metallurgy of the 14th century crucible and puddling processes basic cast steel production processes of the 19th century basic cast steel production processes of the 20th century
TASKS TASK 1. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Производительность, предварительный обжиг руды, мощность дутья, вакуумное рафинирование жидкой стали, повторное плавление, острота лезвия, сыродутный горн, усовершенствование, более сильная подача воздуха, кислородное дутье, специально погружаемый в горн железистый шлак, коррозийная стойкость, осваивать, переход, затупляться, мехи с приводом от водяного колеса, передел в кричном горне, тщательная подготовка руды к доменной плавке, сталелитейный завод, обработка стали синтетическими шлаками. TASK 2. Look through the text and find as many word combinations with the words as you can. Translate the phrases you find. ORE
TASK 3. Insert the prepositions where necessary. Consult the text. Make up three sentences with any of the expressions and translate the sentences you get. 1. to become acquainted _____ native ores 2. a rapid rise _____ copper production 3. to increase _____ corrosion resistance 4. to impede _____ carburization _____ the metal 5. to be inferior _____ quality _____ bronze implements 6. a predominant position _____ the materials used ____ man 7. _____ a period _____ almost three millennia 8. to convert pig iron _____ malleable iron 9. to meet the demand _____ steel 10. the production _____ iron exceeded _____ steel production
TASK 4. Match the words to make three-word expressions. steel water high unburned oxidized low vacuum steam continuous low
melting blast arc blast carbon steel copper coal quality production
inclusion techniques content point steel casting furnace pipe ore machine
Replace the words in Russian with the phrases above. Translate the sentences. 1. The deposits of окисленной медной руды were rare in the Neolithic period. 2. Высококачественная сталь, including alloy steel, have been produced mainly in openhearth furnaces since the early 20th century. 3. During the whole period of steel metallurgy development man mastered different технологии производства стали. 4. Steel containing approximately 0.05–0.320% carbon is called low-carbon steel. Низкое содержание углерода makes it malleable and ductile. 5. Дуговая вакуумная печь is also used in production of titanium and other metals which are reactive or in which high purity is required. 6. The process whereby molten metal is solidified into a semifinished billet, bloom, or slab for subsequent rolling is called непрерывная разливка стали. 7. Non-metals have низкую точку плавления because there are weak intermolecular forces between the molecules of the compound and it needs only a little thermal energy to separate the particles.
TASK 5. The following sentences are all false. Correct them using the text. 1. Traces of copper smelting were discovered in southeastern Asia Minor. 2. Sulfide ores processing was the easiest way of copper production of that time. 3. Bronze objects were as widely used as copper ones in the second millennium B. C. 4. In the second millennium B. C. man mastered the art of carburization of the metal to produce iron with high carbon content. 5. Tools and weapons made from bloomery iron were hard and sharp. 6. Over a period of almost three millennia, iron metallurgy underwent many basic changes. 7. Bloomery conversion is a means of converting meteoric iron into malleable iron. 8. Pig iron was obtained by man in the 18th century. 9. The crucible process was a technique for producing malleable iron. 10. The production of steel exceeded pig iron production until the early 20th century.
TASK 6. Answer the questions. 1. When was the man acquainted with native ores and meteoric iron? 2. What inventions favoured a rapid rise in copper production and expansion of copper use? 3. Why had bronze replaced copper? 4. What are the reasons of low quality of bloomery iron? 5. What improvements were necessary to produce steel? 6. What were the Catalan forges converted into? 7. What changes occurred in metallurgy during the 14th century? 8. What inventions were made during the 18th and 19th centuries? 9. Which cast steel production processes played a major role in the advance of steel production? 10. How was the increase in capacity and efficiency of steel smelting achieved in the 20th century? TASK 7. Skim over the text and fill in the chart paying attention on the example. HISTORICAL PERIOD the 7th to 6th millennia B.C.
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PERIOD discovery of traces of copper smelting; acquaintance with native ores and meteoric iron.
Give short characteristics of each historical period you defined using the chart and your background knowledge.
B. STEALING THE SECRET OF SHEFFIELD’S CRUCIBLE STEEL LEAD IN Answer the questions. 1. Do you know any significant inventions which influenced metallurgy development? 2. What metallurgical inventions are still used nowadays? 3. What inventions are considered to be old-fashioned? 4. What famous metallurgists do you know? What are they famous for? Where are they from? 5. What countries had leading position in metallurgy development?
Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation. shear steel ingot wrought steel carburizing material melting shop non-metallic inclusions craftsman edged tool iron bar clay crucible
железный прут, лом острый инструмент сталеплавильный цех ремесленник, искусный мастер глиняный тигель кованая сталь, ковкая сталь ножевая сталь, рафинированная сварочная сталь науглероживающее вещество литейная форма, чушка, слиток, брусок металла неметаллические включения
TEXT 2 STEALING THE SECRET OF SHEFFIELD’S CRUCIBLE STEEL The Sheffield area is best known for its steelmaking history. However, what initiated its long period of predominance in Europe is less well known. In fact, history tells us that the ‘spark’ that set off its reputation for quality steel was due to a search for a better steel for clock springs by a young clock-maker called Benjamin Huntsman. Born in 1704, Huntsman was a craftsman of some note when he began experimenting over a ten year period to find a way of making steel with lower levels of impurities than the so-called ‘shear steel’ commonly used at the time. This was so named because it could keep a sharp edge and was used extensively for the cutting edge of such items as sheep shears and scythes by ‘plating’ (forge welding) to wrought steel. His search culminated in the invention of his crucible steelmaking process. Shear steel was made by a complex series of processes. Due to the high purity ores available in Sweden, and the presence of manganese within them which aids diffusion of carbon, the iron bars produced there were highly regarded and widely used to make the most demanding steels. It was a solid state process which turned Swedish wrought iron into shear steel, starting by packing the bars into stone boxes in layers with a secretive blend of carburizing materials between them. The boxes were heated in a coal fired furnace for about a week, allowing carbon to diffuse into the iron and this process was known as ‘cementation’. The material produced, called ‘blister steel’ due to the appearance of the surface, was far from homogenous in terms of carbon content. This meant that the steel’s properties varied greatly. To overcome this problem, the bars of blister steel were heated and hammer forged in bundles to even out the carbon content. The resulting, more homogeneous material, was shear steel and it was this material which Huntsman wished to improve. Little detail is known about his experiments, largely because they were conducted in secrecy. However, it was in 1740 that he finally reached the stage where his crucible steelmaking process was adequate. Huntsman had developed a furnace which was coke-fired and could achieve temperatures reaching about 1600 C sufficiently high to melt bars of blister steel. Ten or twelve clay crucibles were charged to his furnace, each containing about 15 kg of bar, broken into lumps of around ½ kg. It took around three hours to melt the steel, adding a little flux to form a slag required to absorb impurities from the melt. The crucibles were skimmed of the slag, and poured into ingots. The tremendous advantage his process had over that used to produce shear steel was not understood at the time. The secret lay in the melting. Both the refining action of the slag reacting with metal in the liquid state, and the melting permitting floating out of non-metallic inclusions, produced a far cleaner and far more homogenous ingot. The steels that Huntsman produced were also hard, suitable for making edged tools, especially for scythes, and soon they developed a high reputation. He guarded his process jealously, resorting to only melting during the night-time to minimize the risk that others would discover his secrets, which became the most sought after of the 18th century. His furnace hands were ‘pledged to inviolable secrecy’. In 1751, Huntsman opened a new, larger production facility in Sheffield, his secrets still safe, although numerous attempts from across Europe are known to have been made to discover them. There are numerous ‘folk’ tales about how his secrets were finally stolen, the most common being the story of the ‘shivering beggar’. One night, the furnace hands took pity on
such a fellow and allowed him to sleep in the warmth of the melting shop. In reality, the beggar was Samuel Walker, one of Huntsman’s competitors who observed the whole process. There is some evidence to support the story in that Walker opened a similar furnace shortly afterwards, but it was not until 1760 that there was any serious competition. A less likely account is provided by a London cutler, Henry Horne, who claims the discovery for London. In his book “Essays on Iron and Steel’, published in 1773 no mention is made of Huntsman in connection with crucible steelmaking, but instead attributes its invention to ‘a gentleman residing in the Temple’. Further, it claims that ‘one Waller of London’ was a recipient of the secrets and that the author himself later developed a steel superior to Waller’s. However, the evidence of Huntsman’s success, and the fact that Horne was not a disinterested party, has tended to discredit this account. The success of the process, and its adoption by others, can be realized by the fact that when Huntsman developed his process, Sheffield produced about 200 tonnes of steel per year. Within a hundred years, this had increased to 80000 tonnes representing over one half of the total European production. Huntsman’s invention was the spark which lit Sheffield’s predominance. Whilst crucible steelmaking in bulk was overtaken by the invention of the Bessemer converter and open-heath processes, it is still used for certain special steels. TEXT COMPREHENSION Find proofs in the text to the following: Benjamin Huntsman’s search culminated in crucible steelmaking process invention. The process of shear steel production was complex and lasted for about a week. Benjamin Huntsman conducted his experiments in inviolable secrecy. The story of “shivering beggar” is the most common folk tale about stealing the secret of crucible steel. Huntsman’s invention was the spark which lit Sheffield’s predominance.
TASKS TASK 8. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words and wordcombinations. Примесь, молотовая поковка, кусок, печь отапливаемая каменным углем, поглощать, острый режущий край, коса, сталеплавильный цех, смесь, мартеновский процесс, выравнивать, стригальные ножницы, часовщик, томленая (цементированная) сталь, коксовая печь, опровергнуть, всплывать, загружать, работник (рабочий), превосходство. TASK 9. Fill in the table of derivatives paying attention on word formation. Make up sentences.
invention admissive availability development diffuse carburizing differ include adoptive competitor absorbable connect discovery achieve combinable
TASK 10. Fill in the correct words from the list below to get phrases as a result. Consult the text. carbon, homogenous, sheep, spring, melting, impurity, open-hearth, carburizing, clay, blister, wrought, secrecy, steel, cutting, making, furnace, inclusion, crucible, ingot, converter. 1. _____ crucible 2. diffusion of _____ 3. _____ shop 4. _____ material 5. Bessemer ______ 6. _____ steelmaking process 7. coke-fired _____ 8. clock _____ 9. _____ shear 10. way of _____ steel
11. _____ steel 12. _____ iron 13. shear _____ 14. absorb _____ 15. _____ edge 16. nonmetallic _____ 17. pour into _____ 18. _____ material 19. _____ process 20. pledge to _____
Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the phrases you get. Make changes whenever necessary. Translate the sentences you get. 1. A new _____ was developed in England by Benjamin Huntsman, a clockmaker in search of a better steel for _____ . 2. A crucible _____ of the late nineteenth century was substantially an underground construction. 3. Huntsman's system used a _____ capable of reaching 1600 °C, into which ten or twelve _____ , each holding about 15 kg of iron, were placed. 4. _____ changed the world, marking an evolutionary step in the technical development of mankind. 5. ____ was produced in the cementation furnace by the carburisation of _____ bars, baked in stacks consisting of alternating layers of metal and charcoal. 6. All his workmen were _____ , strangers were carefully excluded from the works, and the whole of the steel made was melted during the night. 7. The resulting material known as “ _____” because it could produce a hard _____ , was used to make _____ , razors, fillers, knives, swords and other steel items for which Sheffield became famous. 8. Inner flaws in the metal often consist of _____ such as oxides or sulfides that are trapped in the metal during refining. 9. The crucibles were skimmed of the slag, and _____ . 10. Whilst crucible steelmaking in bulk was overtaken by the invention of the _____ and _____, it is still used for certain special steels.
TASK 11. Find in the text information connected with the following figures:
80000 tonnes
15 kg
1600 C
200 tonnes
TASK 12. Put these sentences in the right order to describe the process of blister steel production. Consult the text. BLISTER STEEL PRODUCTION
□ a – During this period the iron absorbed carbon, but the bars became more highly carburized near the surface than at the core. □ b – The resulting material known as “shear steel” because it could produce a hard cutting edge, was used to make razors, fillers, knives, swords and other steel items for which Sheffield became famous. □ c – Blister steel was made by the cementation process and was applied to the refined bar iron from charcoal blast furnace to increase its carbon content to a “safe’ level to harden the product. □ d – The heat and the action of the forge hammer, welded the bars together as they were hammered to size. □ e – In this process refined iron bars approximately 75 mm wide and 10 mm thick and several meters in length were packed in stone chests with charcoal and other “promoters’. □ f – However, the quality of these steel items was often unreliable. □ g – These Blister steel bars, so called due to surface pock marks, were then broken to shorter length and clamped into a bundle and reheated for forging. □ h – The chests sealed and the bars heated to red heat using coal as the fuel for periods of up to ten days. TASK 13. Summarize the information about Benjamin Huntsman and his invention given in the text and be ready to present your report to your groupmates. Use the information from the Internet and your background knowledge if necessary. 31
READING PRACTICE TASK 14. Read the text and find the places in the text where the following phrases should go. A B C D F G H
the remaining slag was compressed into a fibrous state to be quite unreliable for any use requiring much tensile strength on the occasion of hundredth anniversary of the French Revolution His partnership ended in financial disaster the puddling process for refining iron ore In 1765 he was employed as an agent for the Royal Navy in London The process was tedious and expensive; PUDDLING PROCESS
Henry Cort was born in Lancaster, UK. His father was a builder and brick-maker. (1) __________, a position that made him aware of the poor quality of British iron compared to the iron that was imported from Russia at high prices. In 1775 he gave up his job as agent for the Navy and set up his own forge and iron works near Portsmouth harbour. Between 1783 – 1784 he took out a patent for the production of bar iron by hammering at a high temperature and rolling out the impurities. This produced iron in which (2) __________ making the iron tough but malleable. His second patent in 1784 involved (3) __________. This process consists in the manufacture of bar iron from cast iron in a reverbatory furnace where the molten pig iron was constantly stirred with iron bars burning off the carbon from the charge which caused the mass to solidify as the melting point increased. In this way, the refined iron was separated from the slag. Large lumps of the resulting ‘mushy’ mass were then hammered to billets and rolled to bar. This process made possible to remove much of the carbon from pig iron. The aim was to retain sufficient carbon in the product to render it hard but not brittle. The correct conditions for this were determined by experience since the role of carbon in steel was not yet known. (4) __________ it took 3 to 4 days at high temperature to produce a few hundred kilograms of the product, but this was the price to pay for high quality steel. It was used for making special tools, knives, springs, etc, but was normally a material for construction. With the advent of the Napoleonic wars, demand for iron increased. In 1820 there were at least 8200 puddling furnaces operating in Britain. Cort never benefited financially from his work. (5) __________ and left his iron works in 1789, a ruined man. Ninety years after this invention, an American newspaper recalled the advantages of his system: "When iron is simply melted and run into any mold, its texture is granular, and it is so brittle as (6) __________. The process of puddling consisted in stirring the molten iron run out in a puddle, and had the effect of so changing its atomic arrangement as to render the process of rolling more efficacious." It’s worth noticing that Gustave Eiffel used it for constructing his tower in Paris in 1889 (7) __________. This is rather surprising that Eiffel preferred to use puddle steel and not Bessemer or Siemens-Martin steel, both were already available at that time, but its use is confirmed by the curator of Musée du Fer in Nancy, France.
TASK 15. How many famous metallurgists do you know? What are they famous for? Match the characteristics of inventions with their authors. Analyze the importance of these inventions for society. Add some more information if you know. Harry Brearley 1871 – 1948
A a mechanical engineer whose most important work and the greatest achievement was the regenerative furnace. The electric pyrometer, which is perhaps the most elegant and original of all his inventions, is also the link which connects his electrical with his metallurgical researches. He pursued two major themes in his inventive efforts, one based upon the science of heat, the other based upon the science of electricity; and the electric thermometer was a cross-coupling which connected both.
PierreÉmile Martin 1824 – 1915
B a German metallurgist who discovered age hardening of aluminium alloys. This discovery was made after hardness measurements on Al-Cu alloy specimens were serendipitously found to increase in hardness at room temperature. By 1906, he had developed an alloy now known as duraluminium, which is used extensively in aircraft.
Carl Wilhelm Siemens 1823 – 1883
C an English metallurgist who researched steels which could better resist the erosion caused by high temperatures. He began to examine the addition of chromium to steel, which was known to raise the material’s melting point, as compared to the standard carbon steels. The research concentrated on quantifying the effects of varying the levels of carbon and chromium. At last "rustless steel" (later called "stainless steel") was invented in 1913.
Alfred Wilm 1869 – 1937
D a French scientist whose most important contribution is the first commercially successful electric arc furnace for steel in 1900. This type of furnace gradually replaced the giant smelters for the production of a variety of steels in the USA. In fact the invention of the electric arc furnace began when Sir Humphry Davy discovered the carbon arc in 1800. Then in 1878 Sir William (Carl Wilhelm) Siemens patented, constructed and operated both direct and indirect electric arc furnaces. Commercial use still needed to wait for larger supplies of electricity and better carbon electrodes. This scientist improved and developed the first commercially successful electric arc furnace. He is also renowned for discovery of the electrolytic aluminium process in 1886.
Paul (Louis Toussaint) Héroult 1863 – 1914
E a French industrial engineer who took out a license from Siemens and first applied his regenerative furnace for making steel in 1865. Their process was known as the Siemens-Martin process, and the furnace as an "openhearth" furnace. Since steel is difficult to manufacture due to its high melting point, normal fuels and furnaces were insufficient and the open hearth furnace was developed to overcome this difficulty. In this furnace excess carbon and other impurities are burnt out of pig iron to produce steel. Compared to Bessemer steel, which it displaced, its main advantages were that it did not expose the steel to excessive nitrogen, was easier to control, and it permitted the melting and refining of large amounts of scrap iron and steel. Because of their slow operation most open hearth furnaces were closed by the early 1990s, being replaced by the basic oxygen furnace or electric arc furnace.
DISCUSSION TASK 16. What are the scientific contributions made by the following Russian metallurgists? Fill in the table using your background knowledge and information from the Internet if necessary. Do you know any more Russian metallurgists? What are they famous for?
Dmitry Konstantinovich Chernov 1839 - 1921
Mihail Konstantinovich Kurako 1872 – 1920
Makar Nikitovich Mazay 1910 – 1941
Mihail Fedorovich Goldobin 1887-1960
Pavel Petrovich Anosov 1796 - 1851
Vladimir Efimovich Grum-Grzhimailo 1864—1928
TASK 17. Watch the video about Bessemer Converter invention. Fill in the gaps in the text. Discuss the importance of Bessemer converter invention for British metallurgy and for the whole process of metallurgy development. In 1800 Britain was producing 3000 tonnes (1) _____ a year. But very soon (2) _____ was outstepping supply. Everybody wanted steel for their (3) _____ needs, expanding railways, ship buildings, the larger tugs. The problem was eventually solved in 1856 when Henry Bessemer (4) _____ the process for producing mass produced steel. This join machine is a (5) _____ _____. It can convert 25 tonnes of molten iron to steel in (6) _____ _____. In 1855 Bessemer experimented with vertical converter, but in 1860 he patented this - the first item tilting (7) _____. This was the breakthrough (8) _____ had been waiting for! The Bessemer process could convert high phosphorous local (9) _____ _____ into steel. No more need for Swedish (10) _____! Sheffield was poised to become (11) _____ of steel. The bowl is tilted down and low grade molten (12) _____ _____ was poured in through the mouth, then swung back to vertical and a (13) _____ of air is blown through the base in the converter, through the liquid metal. The low grade iron is high in (14) _____ and the hot air burns off the excess carbon. A spectacular 10 metre flame and a fountain of gas is shot out of the mouth. When the iron is (15) _____ the bowl is tilted down again and a newly made steel teemed or poured out in the ladles and (16) _____ in ingot molds. Bessemer steel was an engineering (17) _____! A material of everyday use (18) _____ than iron. And in 20 years Sheffield’s load was producing (19) _____ _____ of Bessemer steel in a week. It was a quarter of the UK output. It was used for machinery, for (20) _____, for household goods, everything! TASK 18. Exchange your opinions about advantages and disadvantages of the inventions mentioned in the unit. The following phrases will help you: o o o o o o o o o o
I think that …. I believe that …. I suppose that …… As I see it ….. In my opinion ….. That’s the way I see it. I quite agree with …. I partly agree with …. I can’t agree with …. I disagree with ….
TASK 19. Choose one of the inventions mentioned in the unit and give its detailed characteristics according to the following plan:
Name of the inventor Reasons for making the invention Invention (its structure, operation, capacity, output, etc) Advantages and disadvantages of the invention Benefits for society, industry Prospects for improvement
PROJECT WORK TASK 20. Imagine that you are a famous inventor. Give characteristics to your invention to the group. Your groupmates can ask questions to find out the details.
Name of the invention Invention (its structure, operation, capacity, output, etc) Reasons for making such invention Benefits for society, industry Prospects for improvement
UNIT 3. METALWORKING PROCESSES A. BASIC METALWORKING PROCESSES LEAD IN How many metalworking processes do you know. Using your background knowledge about metallurgy, make a list of as many ways of working a metal as you can. Compare your list with your groupmates’.
Match the following words and word combinations equivalents. Practice their pronunciation. laser cladding threading dip brazing riverting wheeling thermal spraying die casting soldering electroplating turning
with their Russian
литье под давлением термическое напыление токарная обработка низкотемпературная пайка гальванопокрытие нарезка резьбы обработка на шлифовальном круге лазерное плакирование пайка погружением клепка
TEXT 1 BASIC METALWORKING PROCESSES In modern technology metals are shaped being hot or cold. Hot working is done to plastically deform metal into a desired shape with a minimum of energy and to get the best possible mechanical properties of the metal. During hot working, various defects such as blowholes, internal porosity, and segregation can be eliminated, consolidating the metal and increasing its density. During hot working annealing occurs, and recrystallization takes place following plastic deformation. Cold working changes the mechanical properties of metals, the most important being increase in strength and hardness with a simultaneous reduction of ductility. Cold deformation requires more force than hot deformation, and it has greater effect on the mechanical and metallurgical properties of the metal. In general, cold-working processes are used to provide finished products and are used in preference to hot working because of the improved surface finish, increased mechanical properties, and better control of finished size and shape. Metalworking processes are generally divided into the following categories: forming, cutting, joining and associated processes. Each of these categories contain various processes. Forming processes modify metal or workpiece by deforming the object without removing any material. Forming is done with a system of mechanical forces. The only process with no mechanical force is casting. It achieves a specific form by pouring molten metal into a mold and allowing it to cool. Forms of casting include: expendable mold casting (sand casting, plaster mold casting, lost wax casting, etc) and non-expendable mold casting (die casting, centrifugal casting, continuous casting, etc). Forming processes are divided into bulk forming processes and sheet (tube) forming processes. In bulk metal forming plastic deformation involves using heat or pressure to make a workpiece more conductive to mechanical force. These processes include extrusion, drawing, forging, rolling, etc. Sheet (tube) forming processes involve the application of mechanical force at room temperature. They include: bending, coining, roll forming, rubber pad forming, wheeling, drilling and others. Cutting is a collection of processes wherein material is brought to a specified geometry by removing excess material using various kinds of tooling to leave a finished part that meets specifications. The net result of cutting is two products: the waste or excess material (chips or swarf) and the finished part. Cutting processes fall into one of three major categories: a chip producing process called machining (e.g.: drilling a hole in a metal part), processes wherein the metal is cut by oxidizing a kerf to separate pieces of metal called burning, (e.g.: cutting using an oxy-fuel cutting torch) and miscellaneous specialty process, not falling easily into either of the above categories. There are many technologies available to cut metals, including: manual technologies (chiseling, shearing etc.), machine technologies (turning, milling, threading, grinding, electron beam machining, etc.), welding/burning technologies (burning by laser and plasma, etc.), erosion technologies (electric discharge, abrasive flow machining, etc.). Basic joining processes are welding, soldering, brazing, laser cladding and riveting. Welding is a fabrication process that joins materials by causing coalescence. This is often done by melting the workpieces and adding a filler material to form a pool of molten material that cools to become a strong joint, but sometimes pressure is used in conjunction with heat to produce the weld. There is a great variety of ways to weld, such as: shielded metal arc 38
welding, gas tungsten arc welding, submerged arc welding, electric resistance welding, laser beam welding, etc. Soldering is a joining process that occurs at temperatures below 450 °C (842 °F). There are three forms of soldering, each requiring progressively higher temperatures and producing an increasingly stronger joint strength: soft soldering (uses a tin-lead alloy as the filler metal), silver soldering (uses an alloy containing silver), brazing (uses a brass alloy for the filler). Soldering processes also include: induction soldering, infrared soldering, resistance soldering, stained glass soldering, etc. Brazing is similar to soldering, but occurs at temperatures in excess of 450 °C (842 °F). Brazing has the advantage of producing less thermal stresses than welding, and brazed assemblies tend to be more ductile than weldments because alloying elements can not segregate and precipitate. Brazing techniques include: torch brazing, resistance brazing, furnace brazing, dip brazing and others. Associated processes are not primary metalworking processes, they are often performed before or after metalworking processes. These processes are heat treatment and thermomechanical treatment. Common heat treatment processes include annealing, precipitation strengthening, quenching, and tempering. The annealing process softens the metal by heating it and then allowing it to cool very slowly, which gets rid of stresses in the metal and makes the grain structure large and soft-edged so that when the metal is hit or stressed it dents or bends rather than breaks. Quenching is the process of cooling a high-carbon steel very quickly after you have heated it, thus "freezing" the steel's molecules in the very hard martensite form, which makes the metal harder. Tempering relieves stresses in the metal that were caused by the hardening process and makes the metal less hard while making it better able to sustain impacts without breaking. Mechanical and thermal treatments are combined in what is known as thermo-mechanical treatments for better properties and more efficient processing of materials. These processes are common to high alloy special steels, super alloys and titanium alloys. Electroplating is a common surface-treatment technique. It involves bonding a thin layer of another metal such as gold, silver, chromium or zinc to the surface of the product. It is used to reduce corrosion as well as to improve the product's aesthetic appearance. Thermal spraying techniques are another popular finishing option, and often have better high temperature properties than electroplated coatings. TEXT COMPREHENSION Answer the questions. 1. How many forms of soldering are marked out in the text? 2. What influence does annealing have on the metal being worked? 3. What processes occur during hot working? 4. What surface treatment techniques are marked out in the text? 5. How many categories do cutting processes fall into? 6. What advantages does brazing have? 7. What influence does cold working have on the metal being worked? 8. What types of forming processes are marked out in the text? 9. How does tempering influence mechanical properties of the metal? 10. What advantages does cold working have over hot working?
TASKS TASK 1. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Обжиг, литье в разовые формы, сборная деталь, пайка с применением нагрева пламенем, газовый пузырь, нормализация, внутренняя пористость, профилирование листового металла, пропил, шлифовка, дисперсионное упрочнение, закалка, газовая горелка, дуговая сварка плавящимся покрытым электродом, увеличение прочности и твердости, чеканка, обработка поверхности, литье в песчаную форму, присадочный материал, фрезеровка. TASK 2. Insert the prepositions in the gaps. Consult the text if necessary. 1. to deform metal ___ a desired shape 2. to have effect ___ properties 3. to be divided ___ 4. to pour molten metal ___ a mold 5. conductive ___ mechanical force 6. to join materials ___ causing coalescence 7. pressure is used ___ conjunction ___ heat 8. to improve ___ metal’s aesthetic appearance 9. to reduce ___ corrosion 10. common ___ high alloy special steels 11. to sustain impacts ____ breaking 12. to get rid ___ stresses 13. to soften the metal ___ heating 14. to meet ___ specifications 15. to require ___ higher temperatures Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the phrases you get. Make all necessary changes. 1. A metal becomes more _______ during plastic deformation. 2.Welding process is based on _______. 3. Casting achieves a specific form by _______ and allowing it to cool. 4.Brazing ______ than soldering. 5.The amount of carbon in a steel _______. 6.Cutting processes may _______ machining, burning and miscellaneous specialty processes. 7. Electroplating is done _______ as well as _______. 8. Metalworking processes are used _______. 9. A material that fails _______ may be referred to as being out of technical standards. 10. Tempering makes the metal to be able _______.
TASK 3. Match the words to make three-word expressions. lost electron abrasive rubber submerged bulk stained non-expendable
mold metal pad wax beam flow arc glass
machining casting forming casting machining welding forming soldering
Match each expression with its definition.
1._________________ _________________
The metalworking process by which a duplicate metal sculpture is cast from an original sculpture.
2._________________ _________________
The metalworking process by which a liquid metal is poured into a mold. The mold needs to be reformed after each production cycle.
3._________________ _________________
The metalworking process where sheet metal is pressed between a die and a rubber block made of polyurethane.
4._________________ _________________
An interior surface finish process characterized by flowing an abrasive-laden fluid through a workpiece.
5._________________ _________________
A process of joining foil-wrapped pieces of glass together by running a bead of solder along each seam.
6._________________ _________________
The process where high-velocity electrons concentrated into a narrow beam are directed towards the workpiece creating heat and cutting.
7._________________ _________________
A common welding process when an electric arc is beneath a bed of granulated flux. This “blanket’ of granular fusible material protects the molten weld and the arc zone from atmospheric contamination.
8._________________ _________________
The metalworking process aimed to modify a metal by deforming it without removing any material. In this case plastic deformation involves using heat or pressure to make a workpiece more conductive to mechanical force. 41
TASK 4. Put the words given below into the right order to make up a sentence. 1. size and shape / processes / better control of / cold working / have / finished. 2. defects / internal porosity / and / such as / can be eliminated / segregation / during / hot working / various / blowholes. 3. removing /deforming / without / forming processes / a metal / it / any material / by / modify. 4. include / erosion technologies / to cut metal / manual technologies / technologies / burning technologies / available / machine technologies / and. 5. welding / and / laser cladding / basic / riveting / joining processes / soldering / are / brazing. 6. uses / the filler metal / is / soft soldering / which / a tin lead alloy / as / a joining process. 7. less / welding / produces / thermal stresses / brazing / than. 8. heating / the process of / a high-carbon steel / quenching /after / is / quick cooling. 9. disadvantage / sphere of / metalworking process / its advantage / has / each / application / and. 10. soldering /used / of / depend on / for / types / the filler metal / the alloy. TASK 5. Complete this table and then the text below with the correct word. noun
differ prediction vary behavioral excitation useful exploring composing occur addition The study of metallurgy actually 1 _______ what makes metals 2 _______ the way they do. This 3 _______ is done by metallurgists, scientists who probe deeply inside the internal structure of metals. They seek to understand why the metals change its structure as it is heated and cooled under 4 _______ conditions. Predicting the internal 5 _______ of iron and steel during heating, quenching, annealing, tempering and other heattreating processes is an 6 _______ challenge. The steel undergoes interesting changes and a metallurgist can 7 _______ the changes that will 8 _______ based on the 9 _______ of the steel and heat-treatments to which it is subjected. The examination and knowledge of this 10 _______ behavior of iron and steel reflects the job of a metallurgist.
TASK 6. Divide words and word combinations in the box into two groups. Speak briefly about these technologies.
better control of finished size and shape, to get the best possible mechanical properties, to change the mechanical properties of metals, to consolidate the metal, recrystallization, plastic deformation, to require force, annealing, to improve surface finish, increased mechanical properties, to eliminate various defects.
Cold deformation
Hot deformation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________
TASK 7. Which metalworking processes these key-word combinations describe?
1. No mechanical force, to pour molten metal, to allow metal to cool.
2. To allow to cool very slowly, thermomechanical treatment, to perform before or after metalworking processes
3. To cause coalescence, to melt a workpiece, to add filler, to occur at high temperatures. 5. To deform an object, 4. To use various kinds of system of mechanical tooling, waste, a finished forces, to use heat or part, to cut by oxidizing, to pressure, to involve, a drill a hole. force at room temperature.
TASK 8. Fill in the chart about metalworking processes using the text. Choose one of the processes and give its short characteristics.
Riveting Soldering
Expendable mold casting
Heat treatment
B. HISTORY OF WELDING LEAD IN Answer the questions. 1. What is welding and how is it performed? 2. What kind of welding do you know? 3. Where is welding used? 4. What famous people in the sphere of welding do you know? What are they famous for? 5. Do you know any historical information about welding?
Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation. bonding coated metal electrode flux cored arc welding friction welding gas tungsten welding weldment torch stud welding shielding gas feed
дуговая сварка вольфрамовым электродом в среде инертного газа горелка экранирующий газ направлять, подавать приварка шпилек покрытый электрод соединении, скрепление сварка трением сварная деталь дуговая сварка трубчатым электродом (порошковой проволокой)
TEXT 2 HISTORY OF WELDING The history of joining metals goes back several millennia. Called forge welding, the earliest examples come from the Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe and the Middle East. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus states in The Histories of the 5th century BC that Glaucus of Chios "was the man who single-handedly invented iron welding". Welding was used in the construction of the Iron pillar of Delhi, erected in Delhi, India about 310 AD and weighing 5.4 metric tons. The Middle Ages brought advances in forge welding, in which blacksmiths pounded heated metal repeatedly until bonding occurred. In 1540, Vannoccio Biringuccio published De la pirotechnia, which includes descriptions of the forging operation. Renaissance craftsmen were skilled in the process, and the industry continued to grow during the following centuries. In 1801, Sir Humphrey Davy discovered the electrical arc. In 1802, Russian scientist Vasily Petrov also discovered the electric arc, and subsequently published “News of Galvanic-Voltaic Experiments" in 1803, in which he described experiments carried out in 1802. Of great importance in this work was the description of a stable arc discharge and the indication of its possible use for many applications, one being melting metals. In 1881–82, a Russian inventor Nikolai Benardos and Polish Stanisław Olszewski created the first electric arc welding method known as carbon arc welding; they used carbon electrodes. The advances in arc welding continued with the invention of metal electrodes in the late 1800s by a Russian, Nikolai Slavyanov (1888), and an American, C. L. Coffin (1890). Around 1900, A. P. Strohmenger released a coated metal electrode in Britain, which gave a more stable arc. In 1905, Russian scientist Vladimir Mitkevich proposed using a three-phase electric arc for welding. In 1919, alternating current welding was invented by C. J. Holslag but did not become popular for another decade. Resistance welding was also developed during the final decades of the 19th century, with the first patents going to Elihu Thomson in 1885, who produced further advances over the next 15 years. Thermite welding was invented in 1893, and around that time another process, oxyfuel welding, became well established. At first, oxyfuel welding was one of the more popular welding methods due to its portability and relatively low cost. As the 20th century progressed, however, it fell out of favour for industrial applications. It was largely replaced with arc welding, as metal coverings (flux) for the electrode that stabilize the arc and shield the base material from impurities continued to be developed. World War I caused a major surge in the use of welding processes, with the various military powers attempting to determine which of the several new welding processes would be best. The British primarily used arc welding, even constructing a ship, the "Fullagar" with an entirely welded hull. Arc welding was first applied to aircraft during the war as well, as some German airplane fuselages were constructed using the process. Also noteworthy is the first welded road bridge in the world, the Maurzyce Bridge designed by Stefan Bryła in 1927, and built across the river Słudwia near Łowicz, Poland in 1928. During the 1920s, major advances were made in welding technology, including the introduction of automatic welding in 1920, in which electrode wire was fed continuously. Shielding gas became a subject receiving much attention, as scientists attempted to protect welds from the effects of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in the atmosphere. Porosity and 46
brittleness were the primary problems, and the solutions that developed included the use of argon and helium as welding atmospheres. During the following decade, further advances allowed for the welding of reactive metals like aluminum and magnesium. This in conjunction with developments in automatic welding, alternating current, and fluxes fed a major expansion of arc welding during the 1930s and then during World War II. During the middle of the century, many new welding methods were invented. 1930 saw the release of stud welding, which soon became popular in shipbuilding and construction. Submerged arc welding was invented the same year and continues to be popular today. In 1932 a Russian, Konstantin Khrenov successfully implemented the first underwater electric arc welding. Gas tungsten arc welding, after decades of development, was finally perfected in 1941, and gas metal arc welding followed in 1948, allowing for fast welding of non-ferrous materials but requiring expensive shielding gases. Shielded metal arc welding was developed during the 1950s, using a flux-coated consumable electrode, and it quickly became the most popular metal arc welding process. In 1957, the flux-cored arc welding process debuted, in which the selfshielded wire electrode could be used with automatic equipment, resulting in greatly increased welding speeds, and that same year, plasma arc welding was invented. Electroslag welding was introduced in 1958, and it was followed by its cousin, electrogas welding, in 1961. In 1953 the Soviet scientist N. F. Kazakov proposed the diffusion bonding method. Other recent developments in welding include the 1958 breakthrough of electron beam welding, making deep and narrow welding possible through the concentrated heat source. Following the invention of the laser in 1960, laser beam welding debuted several decades later, and has proved to be especially useful in high-speed, automated welding. Magnetic pulse welding is industrially used since 1967. Friction stir welding was invented in 1991 by Wayne Thomas at The Welding Institute and found high-quality applications all over the world. All of these four new processes continue to be quite expensive due the high cost of the necessary equipment, and this has limited their applications. TEXT COMPREHENSION Scan the text and put the events in chronological order.
Resistance welding invention Welding of reactive metals Friction stir welding became widely used method Forging operation was described in the book De la pirotechnia First usage of stable arc discharge for melting metals Electroslag and electrogas welding introduction Carbon arc welding invention Usage of shielding gases as welding atmospheres Flux-cored arc welding process debuted Invention of coated metal electrode Submerged arc welding invention First application of arc welding to aircraft Shielded metal arc welding was invented Herodotus called Glaucus of Chios “the man who single-handedly invented iron welding” Successful implementation of the first underwater electric arc welding 47
TASKS TASK 9. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Дуговая сварка под флюсом, пористость, электронно-лучевая сварка, толочь, высокоскоростная автоматическая сварка, постоянный дуговой разряд, магнитноимпульсная сварка, портативность, электрогазосварка, кораблестроение, кислородногазовая сварка, непрерывно, плазменная сварка, терять привлекательность, дуговая сварка угольным электродом, покрытие, сварка переменным электрическим током, защищать, термитная сварка, азот. TASK 10. Fill in the chart choosing 16 words pertaining to the topic “Welding” among those suggested in the box. Electric arc, riveting, flux, cold deformation, surface finish, melting metal, blowhole, carbon electrodes, forming, metal covering, to shield the base metal from impurities, mechanical force, shielding gas, annealing, electron beam, drilling a hole, to protect weld, geometry, excess material, Edmund Davy, resistance welding, waste, acetylene, rolling, stable arc discharge, blacksmith, burning, galvanic-voltaic experiments, cast iron, torch, laser cladding, joining metals, shipbuilding, portable equipment, electroplating.
1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________
5. _________________ 6. _________________ 7._________________ 8._________________
9. _________________ 10.________________ 11. ________________ 12. ________________
13. _________________ 14. ________________ 15. _________________ 16. ________________
TASK 11. Match the words to make phrases. electroslag industrial weld relatively diffusion bonding joining shielding automatic resistance laser beam flux-coated stable forge welding reactive
gas speed metals welding equipment arc seam welding consumable electrode welding low cost metals method application welding
Replace the words in Russian with the phrases above. Translate the sentences. 1. Лазерная сварка is currently used in order to weld steels, aluminum alloys and dissimilar materials. 2. Until the end of the 19th century, the only welding process was кузнечная сварка, which blacksmiths had used for centuries to join iron and steel by heating and hammering. 3. In gas metal arc welding, a bare electrode is shielded from the air by surrounding it with экранирующим газом. 4. Электрошлаковая сварка is very efficient but it can be used only with steels. 5. In сварке сопротивлением heat is obtained from the resistance of metal to the flow of an electric current. 6. Using of автоматического оборудования results in great increase of скорости сварки. 7. The сварной шов and the arc are protected from atmospheric contamination by being submerged under the flux “blanket”. 8. Shielded metal arc welding uses плавящий электрод покрытый флюсом. 9. Especially useful for welding thin materials, gas tungsten arc welding is characterized by a постоянной дугой and high quality weld. 10. In 1953 N. F. Kazakov proposed метод диффузионного склеивания.
TASK 12. What are the scientific contributions made by the Russian researchers mentioned in the text?
Petrov Vasily Vladimirovich (1761-1834)
Benardos Nicholas Nikolaevich (1842-1905)
Mitkevich Vladimir Fedorovich (1872 - 1951)
Slavyanov Nicholas Gavrilovich (1854 – 1897)
Khrenov Konstantin Konstantinovic h (1894-1984)
Kazakov (Miklay) Nikolai Ivanovich (1918—1989)
TASK 13. Look through the text and find as many types of welding as you can. Complete the chart. Choose one of the types and give its brief characteristics using the information of the text and your background knowledge.
READING PRACTICE TASK 14. Read the passage and choose the correct word among suggested to fill in the gaps. WELDING IN UNUSUAL CONDITIONS While many welding applications are done in controlled 1 _____ such as factories and repair shops, some welding processes are commonly used in a wide variety of conditions, such as open air, underwater, and vacuums (such as 2 _____ ). In open-air applications, such as construction and outdoors repair, shielded metal arc welding is the most common 3 _____. Processes that employ 4 _____ gases to protect the weld cannot be readily used in such situations, because unpredictable atmospheric movements can result in a faulty 5 _____. Shielded metal 6 _____ welding is also often used in 7 _____ welding in the construction and repair of ships, offshore platforms, and pipelines, but others, such as 8 _____ cored arc welding and gas tungsten arc welding, are also common. Welding in space is also possible — it was first attempted in 1969 by Russian 9 _____, when they performed experiments to test shielded metal arc welding, plasma arc welding, and electron 10 _____ welding in a depressurized environment. Further testing of these methods was done in the following decades, and today 11 _____ continue to develop methods for using other welding processes in space, such as laser beam welding, 12 _____ welding, and friction welding. Advances in these 13 _____ may be useful for future endeavours similar to the construction of the International Space 14 _____, which could rely on welding for 15 _____ in space the parts that were manufactured on Earth. 1. A environment 2. A area 3. A situation 4. A inert 5. A arc 6. A weld 7. A open air 8. A flux 9. A cosmonauts 10. A flux 11. A welders 12. A resistance 13. A squares 14 A station 15. A connecting
B atmosphere B gap B process B natural B bending B beam B underwater B plasma B seamen B arc B researchers B compression B areas B manufacture B linking
C situation C space C condition C compressed C weld C arc C space C powder C welders C beam C blacksmiths C stretch C regions C factory C joining
TASK 15. Skim over the text to find the passage that speaks about different types of carburization and translate it. CABURIZATION Carburization is a heat treatment process in which iron or steel absorbs carbon liberated when the metal is heated in the presence of a carbon bearing material with the intent of making the metal harder. Longer carburizing times and higher temperatures typically increase the depth of carbon diffusion. When the iron or steel is cooled rapidly by quenching, the higher carbon content on the outer surface becomes hard via the transformation from austenite to martensite, while the core remains soft and tough as a ferritic and/or pearlite microstructure. Carburization can be characterized by the following: It is applied to low-carbon workpieces; the parts are in contact with a high-carbon gas, liquid or solid; it produces a hard workpiece surface; workpiece cores largely retain their toughness and ductility; and it produces case hardness depths of up to 6.4 mm. In some cases it serves as a remedy for undesired decarburization that happened earlier in a manufacturing process. The process of carburization works via the implantation of carbon atoms into the surface layers of a metal. As metals are made up of atoms bound tightly into a metallic crystalline lattice, the implanted carbon atoms force their way into the crystal structure of the metal and either remain in solution or react with the host metal to form ceramic carbides. Both of these mechanisms strengthen the surface of the metal, the former by causing lattice strains by virtue of the atoms being forced between those of the host metal and the latter via the formation of very hard particles that resist abrasion. However, each different hardening mechanism leads to different solutions to the initial problem: the former mechanism — known as solid solution strengthening — improves the host metal's resistance to corrosion whilst impairing its increase in hardness; the latter — known as precipitation strengthening — greatly improves the hardness but normally to the detriment of the host metal's corrosion resistance. Early carburization used a direct application of charcoal packed onto the metal (case hardening), but modern techniques apply carbon-bearing gases or plasmas (such as carbon dioxide or methane). The process depends upon ambient gas composition and furnace temperature. For applications where great control over gas composition is desired, carburization may take place under very low pressures in a vacuum chamber. Plasma carburization is used in major industrial regimes to improve the surface characteristics of various metals, notably stainless steels. The process is environmentally friendly and it also provides an even treatment of components with complex geometry. In gas and liquid carburizing, the workpieces are often supported in mesh baskets or suspended by wire. In pack carburizing, the workpiece and carbon are enclosed in a container to ensure that contact is maintained over as much surface area as possible. Pack carburizing containers are usually made of carbon steel coated with aluminum or heat-resisting nickel-chromium alloy and sealed at all openings with fire clay. A few typical hardening agents include carbon monoxide gas (CO), sodium cyanide and barium carbonate, or hardwood charcoal. In gas carburizing, the CO is given off by propane or natural gas. In liquid carburizing, the CO is derived from a molten salt composed mainly of sodium cyanide (NaCN) and barium chloride (BaCl2). In pack carburizing, carbon monoxide is given off by coke or hardwood charcoal. Liquid carburizing is used for small and medium parts and pack carburizing can be used for large parts and individual processing of small parts in bulk. Vacuum carburizing can be applied across a large spectrum of parts when used in conjunction with either oil or high pressure gas quenching, depending on the alloying elements within the base material. 53
DISCUSSION TASK 16. Look at the pictures and name the processes. rolling soldering drilling
drawing brazing milling
grinding forging threading
TASK 17. Look at the pictures. Which metal product is processed by riveting? Give the English equivalents of other metalworking processes of the products presented.
b. _______________
c. ______________
d. _______________
f. _______________
Work in pairs. Put these sentences in the right order to describe the process of riveting.
□ a – When it is necessary to remove rivets, one of the rivet's heads is sheared off with a cold chisel. □ b – A rivet is essentially a two-headed and unthreaded bolt which holds two other pieces of metal together. □ c – The rivet is then driven out with a hammer and punch. □ d – Holes are drilled or punched through the two pieces of metal to be joined. □ e – Riveting is one of the most ancient metalworking joining processes. □ f – The holes being aligned, a rivet is passed through the holes and permanent heads are formed onto the ends of the rivet utilizing hammers and forming dies. □ g – Its use has declined markedly during the second half of the 20th century, but it still retains important in industry and construction. □ h – Rivets are commonly purchased with one head already formed.
TASK 18.Watch the video advertisement of CAMPPI company. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.
1. The welding quality of such objects as ______, oil platforms, ______, trains, nuclear power station construction should be under strict _______. 2. Many welded objects have little qualitative _____. 3. Approved parameters, filler materials and _____ are very important for welding quality. 4. KEMPPI provides accurate and formal ______for quality problem. 5. Arc Q measures and records welding ______ and consumables used in the welding process. TASK 19. Compare the following pairs of metalworking processes using your background information and information from the unit.
hot working
cold working
bulk metal forming
sheet metal forming
thermal spraying
oxy-fuel burning
PROJECT WORK TASK 20. Choose one of the metalworking processes mentioned in the unit and prepare a report or a presentation giving its detailed characteristics according to the following plan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
historical information sphere of application the essence of the process advantages / disadvantages prospects of its working
WRITING TASK 21. These headlines are taken from metallurgy journals. What do you think these articles about? Write the first paragraph of the article you have chosen. Then compare and discuss it with other members of the group. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Mill roll lubrication to cut costs. Air humidification to improve sintering. Early defect detection saves costs. Electroless nickel plating for corrosion and wear resistance. High integrity welding of rail bogies.
UNIT 4. METALLURGICAL EQUIPMENT A. ELECTRIC ARC FURNACES LEAD IN Using your background knowledge about metallurgy, make a list of as many metallurgical equipment as you can. Compare your list with your groupmates’.
Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation.
integrated mill refractory eddy currents primary steelmaking foundry off peak electricity pricing mini-mill line forge tapping
льготные тарифы на электроэнергию выпуск плавки литейный цех облицовывать металлургический мини завод кузнечный цех вихревые потоки огнеупорный комплексный комбинат первоначальное производство стали из руды
TEXT 1 ELECTRIC ARC FURNACES A modern metallurgical plant is a very big complex with up-to-date technological equipment for producing iron and steel goods of high quality. Several specialized furnaces are used in metallurgy. They are: 1) furnaces used in smelters: a) blast furnace, b) steelmaking furnaces (puddling furnace, reverberatory furnace, Bessemer converter, open hearth furnace, basic oxygen furnace, electric arc furnace, electric induction furnace, reheating furnace, etc); 2) furnaces used to remelt metal in foundries; 3) furnaces used to reheat and heat treat metal for use in forges and in rolling mills. Electric arc furnaces are the most widely used metallurgical furnaces nowadays. They are used by specialty steelmakers to produce almost all the stainless steels, electrical steels, tool steels, and special alloys required by the chemical, automotive, aircraft, machine-tool, transportation, and food-processing industries. Electric furnaces also are employed by minimills, small plants using scrap charges to produce reinforcing bars, merchant bars (angles and channels), and structural sections. For the first time the possibility of using an electric arc to melt metals was shown by V. V. Petrov in 1803. Sir Humphry Davy conducted an experimental demonstration in 1810; Pinchon attempted to create an electrothermic furnace in 1853; and, in 1878–79, Sir William Siemens took out patents for electric furnaces of the arc type. He first demonstrated the arc furnace in 1879 at the Paris Exposition by melting iron in crucibles. In this furnace, horizontally placed carbon electrodes produced an electric arc above the container of metal. The first commercial arc furnace in the United States was installed in 1906; it had a capacity of four tons and was equipped with two electrodes. An electric arc furnace is a heating chamber with electricity as the heat source for achieving very high temperatures to melt and alloy metals. The electricity has no electrochemical effect on the metal but simply heats it. An electric arc furnace is primarily split into three sections: the shell, which consists of the sidewalls and lower steel "bowl"; the hearth, which consists of the refractory that lines the lower bowl; the roof, which may be refractory-lined or water-cooled, and can be shaped as a section of a sphere, or a conical section. The roof also supports the refractory delta in its A schematic crosscentre, through which one or more graphite electrodes enter. The section of an electric arc hearth may be hemispherical in shape, or the shape of a halved egg. furnace. Separate from the furnace structure is the electrode support and electrical system, and the tilting platform on which the furnace rests. The operation of tilting the furnace to pour molten steel is called "tapping". A typical alternating current furnace is powered by a three-phase electrical supply and therefore has three electrodes. The arc is formed between the charged material and the electrode, the charge is heated both by current passing through the charge and by the radiant energy evolved by the arc. The electrodes are automatically raised and lowered by a positioning system, which may use either electric winch hoists or hydraulic cylinders. Since the electrodes move up and down automatically for regulation of the arc, and are raised to allow removal of the furnace roof, large water-cooled cables connect the bus tubes with the transformer located adjacent to the furnace. Modern furnaces mount oxygen-fuel burners in
the sidewall and use them to provide chemical energy to the coldspots (located around the hearth perimeter between the electrodes), making the heating of the steel more uniform. This type of furnaces range in size from small units of approximately 1 ton capacity up to about 400 ton units. A mid-sized modern steelmaking furnace would have a transformer rated about 60,000,000 volt-amperes (60 MVA), with a secondary voltage between 400 and 900 volts and a secondary current in excess of 44,000 amperes. In a modern shop such a furnace would be expected to produce a quantity of 80 metric tonnes of liquid steel in approximately 50 minutes from charging with cold scrap to tapping the furnace. The largest scrap-only furnace is a direct current furnace operated by Tokyo Steel in Japan, with a tap weight of 420 metric tonnes and fed by eight 32MVA transformers for 256MVA total power. Nowadays modern electric furnaces are arc furnaces, induction furnaces or resistance furnaces. In the induction furnace, a coil carrying alternating electric current surrounds the container or chamber of metal. Eddy currents are induced in the charge, the circulation of these currents produces extremely high temperatures for melting the metals and for making alloys of exact composition. In the resistance the furnace charge serves as the resistance element. Heat also may be produced by resistance elements lining the interior of the furnace. Modern electric arc furnaces can be subdivided into alternating current furnaces, direct current arc furnaces, ladle furnaces, submerged arc furnaces, plasma arc furnaces, vacuum arc remelting furnaces and many others. The use of electric arc furnaces has many advantages. It allows steel to be made from a 100% scrap metal feedstock (hot metal from a blast furnace or direct-reduced iron can also be used as furnace feed). This greatly reduces the energy required to make steel when compared with primary steelmaking from ores. Expensive alloying elements such as Chromium, Nickel, and Tungsten etc. can be easily added without any loss by oxidation. There is complete absence of fumes and gases. This ensures excellent control on the quality of the melt and leads to production of very high quality castings. Another benefit is flexibility: it can be rapidly started and stopped, allowing the steel mill to vary production according to demand. A typical steelmaking arc furnace is the source of steel for a mini-mill, which can be sited relatively near to the markets for steel products, so the transport requirements are less than for an integrated mill. As electric arc furnaces require large quantities of electrical power, many companies schedule their operations to take advantage of off peak electricity pricing. Another disadvantage is high cost of equipment. TEXT COMPREHENSION Find in the text sentences giving information about:
specialized furnaces used in metallurgy electric arc furnaces application field the first electric arc furnace demonstration and its construction basic parts of modern electric arc furnace electric arc furnace operation electric arc furnaces capacity the largest electric arc furnace basic types of electric furnaces and their operation advantages of electric arc furnaces disadvantages of electric arc furnaces 60
TASKS TASK 1. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Мартеновская печь, свод, сталелитейный завод, прокатный стан, сырье, профильный прокат, станкостроение, нагревательная печь, получать патент, корпус, отражательная печь, ток вторичной обмотки, подина, сортовой прокат, пищевая промышленность, печь с погруженной дугой, цех, арматурный прокат, печь-ковш, специализированная сталелитейная компания. Task 2. Look through the text and find as many word combinations with the word “furnace” as you can. Fill in the diagram below (you can add more elements if you need). Translate the phrases you find.
TASK 3. Match two columns to get as many word combinations as you can. Choose three of them and use them in your own sentences. stainless integrated electrical carbon reinforcing rolling tool alternating electric positioning remelt graphite molten secondary mini heat treat merchant alloy liquid steel eddy
metal electrode system mill current bar steel 61
TASK 4. Insert the necessary wh-question word into each gap. Take turns asking and answering questions with your partner. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
….. ….. electrodes does a typical alternating current furnace have? ….. advantages does an electric arc furnace have? ….. did Pinchon attempt to create an electrothermic furnace? ….. does electricity influence the metal in an electric arc furnace? ….. does the largest scrap-only furnace operate? ….. are electric arc furnaces used for? ….. do modern furnaces mount oxygen-fuel burners? ….. took out patents for electric furnaces of the arc type? ….. characteristics does a mid-sized modern steelmaking furnace have? ….. may heat be produced in resistance furnace? TASK 5. Use two columns to get the names of an electric arc furnace parts. electrode heating electric refractory oxyfuel tilting graphite refractory lined lower bus
roof electrode platform tubes chamber support bowl winch hoists delta burner
Match the parts with their definitions. 1. ________ a device on the roof of an electric arc furnace through which one or more electrodes enter the furnace. 2. ________ a device which produces heat or a flame using oxygen. 3. ________ the upper covering of an electric arc furnace which may be refractory-lined or water-cooled, and can be shaped as a section of a sphere, or a conical section. It supports the refractory delta in its centre, through which one or more graphite electrodes enter. 4. ________ a strip or bar of copper, brass or aluminium that conducts a substantial current of electricity within a switchboard, distribution board or other electrical apparatus. 5. ________ a round refractory-lined container open at the top, used for holding molten metal. 6. ________ a special platform on which an electric arc furnace rests. It can move the furnace into a sloping position to perform tapping. 7. ________ an enclosed space or cavity where high temperatures are achieved to melt and alloy metals. 8. ________ a lifting device consisting of a rope, cable, or chain winding around a horizontal rotating drum, turned by a crank or by motor or other power source; a windlass. 9. ________ a special device used to hold electrodes. 10. ________ a conductor through which an electric current enters an electric arc furnace.
TASK 6. Label the diagram of an alternating current furnace using the information from the text. 1. – 2. – 3. – 4. – 5. – 6. – 7. – Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences. Put the sentences you get in the right order to describe the process of an alternating current furnace operation. 1. Oxygen is blown into the scrap and extra chemical heat 2. Scrap metal is delivered, the roof is swung off the furnace, and the furnace 3. Once the temperature and chemistry are correct, 4. Slag floats on the surface
A. and meltdown commences.
B. helping to reduce erosion of the refractory lining. C. to pour out of the slag door into the slag pit. D. are lowered onto the scrap, an arc is struck. 5. After the charge is completely melted, E. or blown into the furnace during refining operations take place to check and meltdown. correct the steel chemistry 6. For a furnace with basic refractories, the F. as they have a greater affinity for oxygen. usual slag formers 7. A foaming slag is maintained throughout, G. and calcium, and removing their oxides to and often overflows the furnace the slag. 8. For a 90-tonne, medium-power furnace, H. the steel is tapped out into a preheated the whole process ladle through tilting the furnace. 9. Removal of carbon takes place after these I. of the molten steel. elements have burnt out first, 10. After charging, the roof is swung back J. is provided by wall-mounted oxygen-fuel over the furnace burners. 11. These slag formers are either charged K. and superheat the melt above its freezing with the scrap, temperature in preparation for tapping. 12. The electrodes L. is charged with scrap from the basket. 13. More slag formers are introduced and M. are calcium oxide (burnt lime) and more oxygen is blown into the bath, burning magnesium oxide (dolomite and magnesite). out impurities such as silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, aluminium, manganese, 14. Slag usually consists of metal oxides, and N. will usually take about 60–70 minutes the acts as a thermal blanket tap-to-tap time. TASK 7. Summarize the main ideas of the text and use them as a plan to retell the text. 63
B. CONTINUOUS CASTING MACHINE LEAD IN Answer the questions. 1. What is done with a metal after it has been smelted in a furnace? 2. What is the purpose of continuous casting machine? 3. What types of continuous casting machine do you know? 4. What are the advantages of its usage in the production process? 5. What are the disadvantages of its usage in the production process?
Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation. yield ladle scale lubricate cost efficiency semifinished billet feed stockpile capacity operating cost
смазка эффективность затрат полуобработанная заготовка склад мощность размер выработки, выход продукции стоимость эксплуатации окалина загрузка ковш
TEXT 2 CONTINUOUS CASTING MACHINE Continuous casting is the process whereby molten steel is solidified into a semifinished billet, bloom, or slab for subsequent rolling in the finishing mills. Prior to the introduction of continuous casting in the 1950s, steel was poured into stationary molds to form "ingots". Since then, continuous casting has evolved to achieve improved yield, quality, productivity and cost efficiency. Metals such as steel, copper, aluminum and lead are continuously cast, with steel being the metal with the greatest tonnages cast using this method. Molten metal is tapped into the ladle from furnaces. After undergoing any ladle treatments, such as alloying and degassing, and arriving at the correct temperature, the ladle is transported to the top of the casting machine. Usually the ladle sits in a slot on a rotating turret at the casting machine. One ladle is in the 'on-cast' position (feeding the casting machine) while the other is made ready in the 'off-cast' position, and is switched to the casting position when the first ladle is empty. From the ladle, the hot metal is transferred via a refractory shroud (pipe) to a holding bath called a tundish. The tundish allows a reservoir of metal to feed the casting machine while ladles are switched, thus acting as a buffer of hot metal, as well as smoothing out flow, regulating metal feed to the molds and cleaning the metal. Metal is drained from the tundish through another shroud into the top of a copper mold. The depth of the mold can range from 0.5 to 2 metres, depending on the casting speed and section size. The mold is water-cooled to solidify the hot metal directly in contact with it; this is the primary cooling process. It also oscillates vertically (or in a near vertical curved path) to prevent the metal sticking to the mold walls. A lubricant can also be added to the metal in the mold to prevent sticking, and to trap any slag particles—including oxide particles or scale—that may be present in the metal and bring them to the top of the pool to form a floating layer of slag. Often, the shroud is set so the hot metal exits it below the surface of the slag layer in the mold and is thus called a submerged entry nozzle. In some cases, shrouds may not be used between tundish and mold; in this case, interchangeable metering nozzles in the base of the tundish direct the metal into the moulds. Some continuous casting layouts feed several molds from the same tundish. In the mold, a thin shell of metal next to the mold walls solidifies before the middle section, now called a strand, exits the base of the mold into a spray chamber. The bulk of metal within the walls of the strand is still molten. The strand is immediately supported by closely spaced, water-cooled rollers which support the walls of the strand against the ferrostatic pressure of the still-solidifying liquid within the strand. To increase the rate of solidification, the strand is sprayed with large amounts of water as it passes through the spray-chamber; this is the secondary cooling process. Final solidification of the strand may take place after the strand has exited the spray-chamber. It is here that the design of continuous casting machines may vary. This describes a curved mold casting machine; vertical configurations are also used. In a curved mold casting machine, the strand exits the mold vertically (or on a near vertical curved path) and as it travels through the spray-chamber, the rollers gradually curve the strand towards the horizontal. In a vertical casting machine, the strand stays vertical as it passes through the spray-chamber. Molds in a curved mold casting machine can be straight or curved, depending on the basic design of the machine. In a horizontal casting machine, the mold axis is horizontal and the flow of steel is horizontal from liquid to thin shell to solid. In this type of machine, either strand or mold oscillation is used to prevent sticking in the mold. Continuous 65
casting machines can also vary according to the number of strands: they can be from one to seven strand continuous casting machines; and according to the cast products: billet-, bloom-, or slab- casting machines. After exiting the spray-chamber, the strand passes through straightening rolls (if cast on other than a vertical machine) and withdrawal rolls. Finally, the strand is cut into predetermined lengths by mechanical shears or by travelling oxyacetylene torches, is marked for identification, and is taken either to a stockpile or to the next forming process. Cast sizes can range from strip (a few mms thick by about 5 meters wide) to billets (90 to 160 mm square) to slabs (1.25 m wide by 230 mm thick). In many cases the strand may continue through additional rollers and other mechanisms which may flatten, roll or extrude the metal into its final shape.The quality of continuous cast material appears to be slightly superior to that produced by normal methods. The surface is markedly better than that of a conventional ingot of the same size, and surface conditioning is not normally required, even on highly alloyed steels. The most important respect in which continuous casting simplifies conventional steelworks practice is in the elimination of the blooming or slabbing mill and its attendant processes. In addition to simplifying manufacture continuous casting avoids many of the losses which are incurred in the various stages of conventional production and delivers to the finishing mills a very high proportion of the metal cast. In conventional practice, every ingot must be cropped top and bottom, and some 12 to 25 per cent, according to the quality of the steel, is discarded for re-melting. In continuous casting, yields of 95 per cent, and more are attainable on plants of quite small capacity. The relative usefulness of continuous casting to each steelworks is determined by local conditions, but, in most cases, the reduction of operating costs is about 10 per cent of the present cost of semi-finished billets or slabs. So the capital cost of installing a continuous casting plant depends on individual requirements, but it is usually no more than a small fraction of the cost of the equipment which it replaces. TEXT COMPREHENSION Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 1. In continuous casting surface conditioning is requred. 2. In a vertical casting machine, the strand stays vertical as it passes through the spraychamber. 3. Spray chamber oscillates to prevent the metal sticking to the walls. 4. Continuous casting machines can also vary according to the number of strands. 5. Cast sizes can range from strip to billets and slabs. 6. There is only one ladle on a rotating turret at the casting machine. 7. The most important respect in which continuous casting simplifies conventional steelworks practice is in the elimination of the blooming or slabbing mill. 8. In a curved mold casting machine, the strand exits the mold horizontally. 9. The relative usefulness of continuous casting to each steelworks is determined by local conditions. 10. After exiting the spray-chamber, the strand passes through water-cooled rollers.
TASKS TASK 8. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Чистовая клеть, огнеупорная заслонка, кристаллизоваться, неподвижная форма для литья, ручей / заготовка, выпускать, поворотный стенд, прилипать к стенкам, тянущие ролики, обработка поверхности, кристаллизатор, промежуточный ковш, оборудование / конструкция, правильные ролики, просачиваться через промежуточное разливочное устройство, вытекать / следовать, поверхностный слой шлака, криволинейная траектория, распылитель, отбрасывать на переплавку. TASK 9. Distribute the words given below into 3 columns paying attention on the parts of speech. Reservoir, through, subsequent, trap, attainable, ingot, here, drain, pour, closely spaced, slot, according to, predetermined, bloom, into, oscillate, either, water-cooled, slab, evolve.
TASK 10. Match the words from 3 columns to make word combinations. Choose three of them and use them in your own sentences. primary
curved mold
nozzle 67
TASK 11. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with prepositions where necessary. Consult the text. 1. The depth ____ the mold can range ____ 0.5 ____ 2 metres, depending ____ the casting speed and section size. 2. ____ conventional practice, every ingot must be cropped ____ top and ____ bottom according ____ the quality ____ the steel. 3. ____ first molten metal is tapped ____ the ladle ____ furnaces. 4. ____ increase the rate _____ solidification, the strand is sprayed ____ large amounts ____ water as it passes ____ the spray-chamber. 5. The ladle sits ____ a slot on a rotating turret ____ the casting machine. 6. Finally, the strand is cut ____ predetermined lengths ____ mechanical shears, is marked ____ identification, and is taken _____ a stockpile or ____ the next forming process. 7. Metal is drained ____ the tundish ____ another shroud ____ the top ____ a copper mold. 8. ____ addition ____ simplifying manufacture continuous casting avoids ____ many ____ the losses which are incurred ____ the various stages ____ conventional production. 9. ____ the ladle, the hot metal is transferred ____ a refractory shroud ____ a holding bath. 10. The mold oscillates ____ vertically ____ prevent the metal sticking ____ the mold walls. TASK 12. Using information given in the text label the scheme of a curved mold continuous casting machine and outline the purpose and functions of its parts. 1. – 2. – 3. – 4. – 5. – 6. – 7. – 8. – 9. – 10. – 11. – 12. –
TASK 13. Describe the process of a continuous casting machine operation in 12 sentences.
READING PRACTICE TASK 14. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words and words combinations from the table. There are some extra words in the table. productivity, burners, melting, continuous supply, tapping, rolling, energy consumption, submerged arc, be retrofitted, taphole, furnace, charging, crucible process, reduced, meteoric iron, enhanced yield, tiltable, refractory, tundish, benefits.
SIEMENS DEVELOPS NEW ELECTRIC ARC FURNACE FOR DRI MELTING An electric arc furnace specially developed for 1 _____ direct reduced iron in a continuous operation has been designed by Siemens VAI Metals Technology. The Simetal electric arc furnace slag-free tapping system for direct reduced iron production will provide continuous melting as electrical energy and direct reduced iron can be supplied even during 2 _____. This shortens tapto-tap times and reduces specific 3 _____ _____. An overall 4 _____ increase of around 15% can be achieved in a 150 t furnace. The 5 _____ has a modular structure, which also makes it possible to retrofit the technology to existing conventional furnaces. The furnace has a 6 _____ lower vessel and operates with an extensive liquid heel. The resulting continuous flat-bath operation allows electrical energy input and direct reduced iron feeding during tapping. Thanks a patented furnace advanced slag-free tapping system, 7 _____, tapping and 8 _____ refilling are possible under power-on conditions. Compared with conventional arc furnaces, tap-to-tap times can be 9 _____ by up to 15%. Energy consumption is cut by 20 kWh/t and electrode consumption falls by 10%. The 10 _____ _____ of electrical energy during flat-bath operation not only improves productivity, but also avoids harmonic distortions such as flicker on the supply grid. The continuous operation of the furnace offers a number of other 11 _____. Coal and oxygen injection as well as foaming slag control can be implemented more precisely and slagfree tapping results in 12 _____ _____ of alloys and better desulphurization of the melt. Installation of additional 13 _____ also becomes superfluous. Thermal stress on the 14 _____ and structure materials also remains constant, prolonging campaign life. Operated in combination with the Hot Transport System from Siemens, furnace can be fed with hot direct reduced iron at temperatures of around 600 °C. Thanks to the modular design of the new electric arc furnace, existing furnace installations can also 15 _____ _____ with slag-free tapping system direct reduced iron technology.
TASK 15. Read the text. TYPES OF MILLS Roll stands holding pairs of rolls are grouped together into rolling mills that can quickly process metal into products such as structural steel, bar stock and rails. Most steel mills have rolling mill divisions that convert the semi-finished casting products into finished products. The three principal types of rolling mills used for the rolling of steel are referred to as "two-high", "three-high", and "four-high mills". As the names indicate, the classification is based on the manner of arranging the rolls in the housings, a two-high stand consisting of two rolls, one above the other; a three-high mill has three rolls, and a four-high mill has four rolls, arranged similarly. When rolling is in one direction only on two-high mills, and the piece is returned over the top of the rolls to be rerolled in the next pass, the mill is known as "a pull-over" or "drag-over mill". This type of mill formerly was used mainly for production of light sheets and tin plate; it still is used for rolling of tool and high-alloy steels. On two-high reversing mills, the direction of rotation of the rolls can be reversed, and rolling is alternately in opposite directions, with work done on the piece while travelling in each direction. The reversing two-high type of mill occupies an important position in the industry. It is possible to produce on it slabs, blooms, plates, billets, rounds, and partially-formed sections suitable for later rolling into finished shapes on other mills. In all three-high mills, each roll revolves continuously in one direction; the top and bottom rolls in the same direction and the middle roll in the opposite direction. The piece is lifted from the bottom pass to the return top pass by mechanically-operated lift tables. Usually the large top and bottom rolls are driven, while the smaller middle roll is friction driven. This latter roll is about two-thirds the size of the other two rolls in order to permit removal through the housing windows. Four-high mills are used for rolling flat material, like sheets and plates, and represent a special type of two-high mill for both hot and cold rolling, in which large backing-up rolls are employed to reinforce the smaller working rolls. The use of four-high mills resists the tendency of long working rolls to deflect and permits the use of smalldiameter working rolls for producing wide plates, and hot- or cold-rolled strip and sheets of uniform gage. These mills often consist of a number of stands spaced closely together in one continuous line and are known as "tandem mills": the product passes in a straight line from one stand to the next. A continuous mill consists of several stands of rolls arranged in a straight line (in tandem). Each succeeding stand operates with roll surface speed greater than its predecessor. Reduction takes place at the same time until the piece emerges as a finished shape from the last roll stand. In cluster mills, each of the two working rolls is supported by two (or more) backing-up rolls. This latter type of mill is used for rolling of thin sheets. Many of the accessories of rolling mills are common to all types of mills. In addition to the rolls, essential parts include the mill drive, lead spindle, pinions and their housings, spindles and coupling boxes, chock bearings, screws, edges, front and back mill tables, manipulators etc. The newer mills may be equipped also with various control devices, such as pressure meters and automatic roll-setting devices. Choose the sentences which correspond the text. 1. A drag-over mill was used mainly for production of light sheets and tin plate. 2. The quality of continuous cast material is superior to that produced by normal methods. 3. The newer mills may be equipped also with various control devices. 4. Electrodes may be either graphite or amorphous carbon. 5. A continuous mill consists of several stands of rolls arranged in a straight line (in tandem). 70
DISCUSSION TASK 16. Analyse the blast furnace diagram and make conclusion on its operation. Watch the video and find ten mistakes in the following passage. Correct these mistakes.
These raw materials - sinter, iron ore and copper - meet each other at the blast furnace where they are fed into the top of the furnace along with the further ingredient – limestone. A hot air blast, from which furnace gets its name, is injected through nozzles called tuyeres situated in the top of the furnace. This blast raises the temperature in the furnace to white hot intensity around 2000°C. This extremely high temperature is needed for the chemical reduction and melting of the sinter and the iron ore to form a mould of molten iron in the lower part of the furnace just above the hearth. The limestone that has been added combines with silicon and forms the liquid that floats on the surface of the molten iron. This is known as sintering. As the molten iron is tapped from the furnace the slag is skimmed off and taken away for use in other industries such as railway and cement manufacture. The molten iron or hot metal as it is known in the industry is still impure and contain unwanted elements such as carbon, phosphorus, manganese and silicon. To make steel these elements must be melted or reduced and other elements added depending on the type of steel being made. The carbon content at about 4 percent makes iron very hard and unsuitable for rolling or forging and although iron can be used for castings most of the iron produced is processed into steel.
TASK 17. Analyse the cupola furnace diagram and make conclusion on its operation. Watch the video and choose the most appropriate variant in the cupola furnace characteristics.
For many years, the cupola was the primary method of melting used in iron foundries. The cupola furnace has several common / unique characteristics which are responsible for its widespread use as a melting unit for cast iron. These are follows: 1. The cupola is the only method of melting which is continuous in its operation. 2. It also has low / high melt rates. 3. At the same time it also has relatively low / high operating costs.4. It enables ease of melting / operation. Now we will see how this cupola furnace is constructed. The top of the stack is capped with a charging floor / spark or fume arrester hood which prevents the explosion of the cupola furnace due to the creation of high pressure / temperature inside. The charge is introduced into the furnace body by means of an opening approximately half way up the vertical charging floor / shaft. The charge consists of alternate layers of the metal to be melted, coke fuel and limestone slag / flux which rests on the charging floor. The purpose of adding the flux is to eliminate the impurities and protect the metal from carbonization / oxidation. The construction of a conventional cupola consists of a vertical / horizontal steel shell which is lined with a refractory brick. An air blast is introduced through the wind box and tuyeres located near the bottom / top of the cupola. The air reacts chemically with the fuel thus producing heat of oxidation / combustion. The fuel is burnt in air which is introduced through tuyeres positioned above the hearth. The hot gases generated in the lower part of the shaft ascend / descend and preheat the descending charge. Cupolas have a drop bottom type water cooled grade with hinged doors under the hearth / slag hole, which filter the molten metal and the metal is dropped to the bottom chamber. There is tap hole at the bottom of the cupola furnace to pour out the molten slag / metal.
TASK 18. Match these types of furnaces to their diagrams. Blast furnace Cupola furnace
Electric arc furnace Reverberatory furnace
Open hearth furnace Induction furnace
Choose one of the diagrams. Outline the purpose and the function of the furnace parts you have chosen. Using the diagram and your notes describe the furnace operation in your own words.
TASK 19. Using your background knowledge and the information from the Internet rate these different types of furnaces on a scale from 5 (excellent) to 1 (very poor). Fill in the table, compare your results with other students and give reasons for your rating. Can you add any other points for rating? Rating Furnace type
Effects on environment
High-cost production
Electric arc furnace Blast furnace Cupola furnace Open-hearth furnace Induction furnace Bessemer converter Vacuum furnace Reverberatory furnace Puddling furnace Basic oxygen furnace PROJECT WORK TASK 20. You are working for a company producing metallurgical equipment. Advertise your products. The following plan can be useful for you: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
name of your product sphere of its application specifications operation process advantages / disadvantages
UNIT 5. METALLURGICAL PRODUCTS A. STEEL LEAD IN Answer the questions. 6. Can you name the primary metals produced in metallurgy? 7. Can you name the basic types of metallurgical products? 8. What metalworking processes are used to produce these types of products? 9. What new products are produced at modern plants? 10. Where are the products of metallurgy used?
Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation.
alloying element tool steel assembly line carbon content oxide film ingot low alloy steel tensile strength metal fatigue modify the characteristics of steel
заготовка, брусок, литейная форма изменять характеристики стали предел прочности на разрыв низколегированная сталь усталость металла сборочная линия инструментальная сталь легирующий элемент оксидная пленка содержание углерода
TEXT 1 STEEL Steel is defined as an alloy of iron with carbon. The carbon content of steel depends on alloying elements and varies between 0.002% and 2.14%. Too little carbon content leaves pure iron quite soft, ductile, and weak. Carbon contents higher than those of steel make an alloy commonly called pig iron that is brittle and not malleable. Alloy steel is steel to which alloying elements have been intentionally added to modify the characteristics of steel. Common alloying elements include: manganese, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, boron, titanium, vanadium, niobium and others. Alloying elements are added to the iron/carbon mixture to produce steel with desired properties. Nickel and manganese increase its tensile strength, chromium increases hardness and melting temperature, and vanadium also increases hardness and makes steel less prone to metal fatigue. To inhibit corrosion, at least 11% chromium is added to steel so that a hard oxide film appears on the metal surface; this is known as stainless steel. Tungsten addition results in high speed steel. Additional elements may be present in steel: manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, and traces of oxygen, nitrogen, and copper. Sulfur, nitrogen, and phosphorus make steel more brittle, so these commonly found elements must be removed from the steel melt during processing. Varying the amount of alloying elements, their formation in the steel either as solute elements, or as precipitated phases, retards the movement of those dislocations that make iron so ductile and weak, and thus controls qualities such as the hardness, ductility, and tensile strength of the resulting steel. The density of steel varies based on the alloying constituents but usually ranges between 7,750 and 8,050 kg/m3, or 7.75 and 8.05 g/cm3. There are many ways to classify steels: according to their purpose (tool steels, structural steels), according to their structure (austenitic steels, pearlitic steels, ferritic steels, eutectoid steels, hypoeutectoid steels, etc), according to their chemical composition (low carbon content, high carbon content and medium carbon content steels, low alloy steels, middle alloy steels, high alloy steels, etc), according to the way of their production (electric steels, vacuum steels, converter steels, etc). There are many types of heat treating processes available to steel. The most common are annealing, quenching, and tempering. Annealing is the process of heating the steel to a sufficiently high temperature to soften it. This process goes through three phases: recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth. The temperature required to anneal steel depends on the type of annealing to be achieved and the constituents of the alloy. Quenching and tempering first involves heating the steel to the austenite phase then quenching it in water or oil. This rapid cooling results in a hard but brittle martensitic structure. The steel is then tempered, which is just a specialized type of annealing, to reduce brittleness. In this application the tempering process transforms some of the martensite into cementite, or spheroidite and hence reduces the internal stresses and defects. The result is a more ductile and fracture-resistant steel. When iron is smelted from its ore, it contains more carbon than is desirable. To become steel, it must be reprocessed to reduce the carbon to the correct amount, at which point other elements can be added. In modern facilities, this liquid is then continuously cast into long 76
slabs or cast into ingots. Approximately 96% of steel is continuously cast, while only 4% is produced as ingots. The ingots are then heated in a soaking pit and hot rolled into slabs, blooms, or billets. Slabs are hot or cold rolled into sheet metal or plates. Billets are hot or cold rolled into bars, rods, and wire. Blooms are hot or cold rolled into structural steel, such as Ibeams and rails. In modern steel mills these processes often occur in one assembly line, with ore coming in and finished steel coming out. Sometimes after a steel's final rolling it is heat treated for strength, however this is relatively rare. Although steel had been produced in bloomery furnaces for thousands of years, steel's use expanded extensively after more efficient production methods were devised. Today, steel is one of the most common materials in the world, with more than 1.7 billion tons being produced annually. Steel is the basic metal of present-day engineering. The high level of culture and science would have been impossible if man had not mastered the production of steel. Steel is used in all branches of national economy. Rails, bridges, electric locomotives, cars, airplanes, machines, tools, etc. are made of steel. Most large modern structures, such as stadiums and skyscrapers, bridges, and airports, are supported by a steel skeleton. Even those with a concrete structure employ steel for reinforcing. In addition, it sees widespread use in major appliances and cars. Despite growth in usage of aluminium, it is still the main material for car bodies. It serves not only for peaceful labor, but it is also the main material for creating means of defense. Rockets, bombs, missiles, shells, etc. are made of steel too. In spite of a widely spread and successful use of plastics in many branches of industry, steel continues to be the main material of modern industry. An acute demand for steel may be met by the construction of new modern metallurgical plants, by the reconstruction of the existing ones and by the introduction of more perfect technologies of steel production. TEXT COMPREHENSION Answer the questions. 1. What criteria are mentioned in the text to classify steel? 2. How much steel is being produced annually in the world? 3. What branches of industry is steel used? 4. How does carbon content vary the properties of steel? 5. What heat treatment processes are available to steel? 6. What kind of ingots is steel rolled into? 7. How do alloying elements influence steel’s properties? 8. What changes occur during heat treatment processes? 9. How much carbon can steel contain? 10. What alloying elements are mentioned in the text?
TASKS TASK 1. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Передельный чугун, электротехническая сталь, быстрорежущая сталь, рельсы, температура плавления, высоколегированная сталь, замедлять, ежегодно, сдерживать ржавление, нагревательный колодец, ковкий, конструкционная сталь, предел прочности на разрыв, сборочная линия, изменение в кристаллической решетке металлов, стальной каркас, разрабатывать, склонный, азот, закалка. TASK 2. Look through the text and find as many word combinations with the word “steel” as you can. Fill in the diagram below (you can add more elements if you need). Translate the phrases you find.
TASK 3. Insert the prepositions where necessary. Consult the text. Make up three sentences with any of the expressions and translate the sentences you get. 1. to be prone _____ metal fatigue 2. elements must be removed _____ the steel 3. to vary based _____ the alloying constituents 4. to modify _____ characteristics _____ steel 5. to classify steels according _____ their purpose 6. heat treating processes available _____ steel 7. to produce steel _____ desired properties 8. blooms are cold rolled _____ structural steel 9. growth _____ usage _____ steel 10. an acute demand _____ steel
TASK 4. Put the words given below into the right order to make up a sentence. 1. added, mixture, to, desired, alloying, steel, the, properties, produce, are, to, elements, with, iron. 2. hardness, it, fatigue, to, makes, vanadium, prone, increases, metal, steel, less, and. 3. slabs, and, hot, in, billets, into, heated, soaking, rolled, a, ingots, pit, are, blooms, and. 4. steel’s, be, strength, can, for, rolling, after, heated, it, final. 5. alloying elements, and, such as, ductility, the, controls, of, hardness, steel, of, varying, resulting, qualities, tensile strength, the amount. 6. present day, the, steel, of, basic, is, engineering, metal. 7. available, tempering, are, the most, heat treating processes, annealing, to, common, and, steel, quenching. 8. rods, and, cold, wire, hot, are, billets, or, bars, into, rolled. 9. steel, and, tempering process, of, ductile, is, result, the, fracture resistant, more. 10. to, corrosion, chromium, is, inhibit, to, added, steel. TASK 5. The following sentences are all false. Correct them using the text. 1. Annealing process goes through four phases: recovery, recrystallization, grain structure and quenching. 2. Only one process occurs in one assembly line in modern steel mills. 3. Quenching and tempering are done cold. 4. The carbon content of steel depends on melting temperature of iron. 5. Steel can be classified only according to the way of their production. 6. Aluminium is the only material used for car bodies. 7. More than 1.2 billion tons of steel is being produced annually. 8. Too little carbon content makes iron hard and brittle. 9. When iron is smelted from its ore, it becomes steel. 10. Blooms are hot or cold rolled into sheet metal or plates. 11. Steel serves only for peaceful purposes. 12. Manganese addition results in high speed steel. 13. The density of steel varies based on carbon content. 14. Too little carbon content makes pig iron. 15. The temperature required to anneal steel is constant.
TASK 6. Can you translate the sentences from Russian into English without dictionary? 1. Сера, азот и фосфор должны быть удалены из стали в процессе производства. 2. Несмотря на широкое использование пластмассы и алюминия, сталь остается основным материалом современной промышленности. 3. Нормализация уменьшает внутреннее напряжение и дефекты в металле. 4. Сталь – это сплав железа и углерода. 5. Большинство крупных конструкций, таких как небоскребы, мосты, стадионы, поддерживаются стальным каркасом. 6. В бетонных конструкциях сталь используется для армирования. 7. Легирующие элементы изменяют характеристики стали. 8. Примерно 96% жидкой стали подвергается непрерывной разливке, около 4% производится в виде слитков. 9. Использование стали значительно расширилось после того как были разработаны более эффективные методы производства. 10. Легирующие элементы включают в себя марганец, никель, хром, молибден, бор, титан, ванадий, ниобий и другие. Task 7. Give a short monologue about steel. Use the following plan.
1. definition and content of steel 2. steel alloying elements 3. basic properties of steel 4. types of steel 5. heat treating processes of steel 6. basic steel products 7. role of steel for modern society 8. prospects of steel usage
B. ALUMINIUM FOIL USAGE LEAD IN Answer the questions. 1. Can you enumerate the basic aluminium properties? 2. What allows aluminium to be the most abundant non-ferrous industrial metal? 3. What spheres of aluminium application do you know? 4. What aluminium products do you know? 5. Where is aluminium foil used?
Match the following words with their Russian equivalents. Practice their pronunciation. absorption loss aluminium foil slit impermeable foil rolling mill incident field pliable recycle finish process laminate
непроницаемый фольгопрокатный стан гибкий чистовая обработка разрезать в длину наносить тонким слоем алюминиевая фольга поле падающего излучения потери на поглощение перерабатывать
TEXT 2 ALUMINIUM FOIL USAGE Aluminium is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon), and the most widespread metal in the Earth's crust. Aluminium is a primary nonferrous metal produced in metallurgy. Global production of aluminium in 2005 was 31.9 million tonnes. It exceeded that of any other metal except iron (837.5 million tonnes). It is present almost everywhere around us in a vast number of applications. The wide use of aluminium is closely related to its properties. Aluminium is a strong, light, non-combustible, ductile metal with low melting point. It can be easily processed in cold and hot conditions. Moreover, the re-melting of aluminium requires little energy and metal loss in the re-melting process is less than 3 per cent. Aluminium is an impermeable, non-toxic and odorless metal. It has high corrosion resistance, good heat and electrical conductivity and good reflective qualities (it can reflect both heat and light). The spheres of aluminium application is quite wide. It is used in transportation, in construction, in packaging, in household items production, in electronics, in aircraft industry, musical and sport instruments production and others. One of the most widespread aluminium product is aluminium foil. It is aluminium prepared in thin metal leaves with a thickness less than 0.2 mm. The foil is pliable, and can be readily bent or wrapped around objects. Thin foils are fragile and are sometimes laminated to other materials such as plastics or paper to make them more useful. Approximately 75% of aluminium foil is used for packaging of foods, cosmetics, and chemical products, and 25% used for industrial applications (e.g. thermal insulation, cables and electronics). Aluminium foil is produced by rolling sheet ingots cast from molten billet aluminium, then re-rolling on sheet and foil rolling mills to the desired thickness, or by continuously casting and cold rolling. To maintain a constant thickness in aluminium foil production, beta radiation is passed through the foil to a sensor on the other side. If the intensity becomes too high, then the rollers adjust, increasing the thickness. If the intensities become too low and the foil has become too thick, the rollers apply more pressure, causing the foil to be made thinner. Some lubrication is needed during the rolling stages. These lubricants are sprayed on the foil surface before passing through the mill rolls. Aluminium becomes work hardened during the cold rolling process and is annealed for most purposes. The rolls of foil are heated until the degree of softness is reached, which may be up to 340 °C (644 °F) for 12 hours. During this heating, the lubricating oils are burned off, leaving a dry surface. The rolls of aluminium foil are then slit on slitter rewinding machines into smaller rolls. Roll slitting and rewinding is an essential part of the finishing process. Aluminium foils thicker than 25 µm (1 mil) are impermeable to oxygen and water. Foils thinner than this become slightly permeable due to minute pinholes caused by the production process. Aluminium foil acts as a total barrier to light and oxygen, odours and flavours, moistness, and germs, and so it is used broadly in food and pharmaceutical packaging. The purpose of aluminium is to make long-life packs for drinks and dairy goods, which allows storing without refrigeration. Aluminium foil containers and trays are used to bake pies and to pack 82
takeaway meals, ready snacks and long life pet foods. It is widely sold into the consumer market, often in rolls of 500 mm (20 in) width and several metres in length. Aluminium foil is used for wrapping food in order to preserve it. It is also used for barbecuing more delicate foods, such as mushrooms and vegetables. Using this method food is wrapped in foil, then placed on the grill, preventing loss of moisture that may result in a less appealing texture. Aluminium foil is widely used for thermal insulation, heat exchangers and cable liners. Aluminium foil's heat conductive qualities make it a common accessory in hookah smoking: a sheet of perforated aluminium foil is frequently placed between the coal and the tobacco, allowing the tobacco to be heated without coming into direct contact with the burning coal. The shielding effectiveness of aluminium foil depends upon the type of incident field (electric, magnetic, or plane wave), the thickness of the foil, and the frequency (which determines the skin depth). Shielding effectiveness is usually broken down into a reflection loss (the energy bounces off the shield rather than penetrates it) and an absorption loss (the energy is dissipated within the shield). Although aluminium is non-magnetic, it is a good conductor, so even a thin sheet reflects almost all of an incident electric wave. Heavier foils made of aluminium are used for art, decoration, and crafts, especially in bright metallic colours. Metallic aluminium, normally silvery in colour, can be made to take on other colours through anodization. In this way, aluminium is used to create an inexpensive gold foil that actually contains no gold, and many other bright metallic colours. Foil is used by organic/petroleum geochemists for protecting rock samples taken from the fields and in the labs where the sample is subject to biomarker analysis. Aluminium foil provides a seal to the ingress of organic solvents and does not taint the sample. Some aluminium foil products can be recycled at around 5% of the original energy cost, although many aluminium laminates are not recycled due to difficulties in separating the components and low yield of aluminium metal. TEXT COMPREHENSION
Find in the text sentences giving information about: Aluminium occurrence in nature Aluminium foil recycling Laboratory application of aluminium foil Aluminium properties Aluminium foil usage for art and craft Production process of aluminium foil Aluminium foil properties Aluminium usage Aluminium foil usage in food packaging Industrial application of aluminium foil
TASKS Task 8. Give the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Предотвращать потерю влаги, негорючий, образец горной породы, распылять, глубина проникновения, микроотверстие, распространенный, перфорированная алюминиевая фольга, рассеиваться, хранение без заморозки, термоизоляция, смазочное масло, потери на излучение, микроб, промышленное применение, отражаться (отскакивать), упаковка с длительным сроком хранения, основной металл, поверхность фольги, переплавка. Task 9. What parts of speech is formed with the suffixes? Translate the derived words. 1. pack (v) – package, packaging, packaged 2. roll (v) – roller, rolling, re-rolling, rolled 3. slit (v) – slitter, slitting, slitted 4. shield (v) – shielding, shielded 5. produce (v) – product, production, producer, productive 6. lubricate (v) – lubricant, lubrication, lubricating, lubricated 7. conduct (v) – conductor, conduction, conductive, conductivity 8. apply (v) – applied, application, applicative 9. reflect (v) – reflection, reflectiveness, reflective, reflecting 10. reinforce (v) – reinforcer, reinforcement, reinforced, reinforcing Task 10. Match the words from 3 columns to make word combinations. incident long life slitter pack aluminium perforated foil thin heat household
conductive aluminum foil rolling metal electric items rewinding pet takeaway
food machine production quality leaves meals mill foil production wave
Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the phrases you get. Make all necessary changes. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Aluminium foil is used in transportation, electronics, __________, aircrafts and others. Aluminium foil is produced on __________ . Aluminium foil is extensively used to __________, ready snacks and __________. Aluminium has a good heat conductive qualities, it is non-magnetic and it can reflect almost all of __________ . 5. A sheet of __________ has minute pinholes caused by the production process. 84
Task 11. Read the 10 facts about aluminium and match the two parts of each statement. 1. The re-melting of aluminium requires little energy 2. 1 kg of aluminium is enough for 650 oneliter beverage carton, 3. Most of the aluminum ingested through food, water, beverages and medicine, 4. Aluminium foils thinner than 1 mil. become slightly permeable to oxygen and water 5. Around 75 per cent of the aluminium ever produced is still in use, 6. Up to 40 per cent reduction of the cars body weight 7. The foil is pliable, 8. Today around 13 million metric tons of aluminium a year are used in construction, 9. The shielding effectiveness of aluminium foil depends upon the type of incident field 10. Approximately 7 per cent of the earth’s crust is aluminium,
A. and can be readily bent or wrapped around objects. B. and constitutes a resource bank for use in the future. C. while it is estimated that globally some 220 million metric tons of aluminium are currently in use in buildings. D. the thickness of the foil, and the frequency which determines the skin depth. E. where it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon. F. and it preserves milk or juice without cooling. G. due to minute pinholes caused by the production process. H. and metal loss in the re-melting process is less than 3 per cent. I. can be achieved by extensive use of aluminium without compromising the strength. J. passes through the digestive system without being absorbed into the body fluids.
Task 12. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of aluminium foil usage.
8. _____________________ 9. _____________________ 10. _____________________ 11. _____________________ 12. _____________________ 13. _____________________ 14. _____________________
8. _____________________ 9. _____________________ 10. _____________________ 11. _____________________ 12. _____________________ 13. _____________________ 14. _____________________
Task 13. Put the following questions in the correct order. Present them in the form of a dialogue with your partner. Recycled / foil / aluminium / is?
Food / with / kind / foil / of / packed / what / aluminium / is?
Aluminium / properties / possess / does / what?
The advantages / are / usage / the disadvantages / and / foil / what / of / aluminium?
Factors / usage / the main / are / aluminium / wide / what / of ? Foil / where / used / aluminium / is?
Possess / does / properties / foil / what / aluminium? Foil / is / how / aluminium / produced?
Used / food / why / aluminium / packaging / is / foil / in?
Anodization / what / is?
READING PRACTICE TASK 14. Read the text and present the classification of rolled steel products in a form of a chart. ROLLED STEEL PRODUCTS The steel produced and cast in the steel mill may not exhibit the properties needed for its final application. In order to obtain the shape, size and performance characteristics required by consumer, steel undergoes further shaping and treatment. More than 90 % of the metallurgical products is rolled in the course of production. The term rolled steel products is used to characterize the products that are manufactured by hot or cold rolling. Socalled solid primary products such as ingots, billets, blooms or slabs are manufactured as semis, flats or long products. Semi-finished products (semis) are blanks produced by continuous casting, by pressure die casting or by rolling, forging or slitting. Semis are classified according to their crosssectional shape, cross-sectional dimensions and application as follows: a) square semis, b) rectangular semis, c) flat semis, d) round semis, e) section blanks (manufactured by the preliminary shaping of semis as the starting material for heavy sections and for products with a profiled shape). Flat products are defined as products with an approximately rectangular cross section, the width of which is significantly greater than the thickness. These are classified as follows: a) hot-rolled flat products without surface treatment (include wide flats, plate, sheet and strip); b) cold-rolled flat products without surface treatment (include sheet and strip); c) electrical sheet and strip (manufactured by cold-rolling and characterized by their magnetic properties with and without grain orientation); d) packaging sheet and strip (manufactured from mild unalloyed steel by single or double cold-rolling, and supplied in the form of piled sheets or coils of blackplate, tinplate, or electro chromium-coated steel, and tinned sheet and strip); e) hot or cold-rolled flat products with surface treatment (manufactured by hot or cold-rolling with permanent metallic coatings deposited by hot-dip galvanizing or hot-dip aluminizing, electrolytic coating with zinc or zinc/nickel or provided with organic or inorganic coatings such as vitreous enamelling, supplied as sheet and strip); f) composite products (clad sheet and strip, sandwich sheet and panels). Long products feature a uniform cross section over their entire length and are manufactured by rolling, forging and drawing. These are classified as follows: a) rod (manufactured by hot rolling and coiled being hot); b) drawn wire (manufactured by the colddrawing of rolled rod through dies, with subsequent coiling); c) hot-finished bar (supplied as hot-rolled solid bar, forged bar or hollow mining drill bar); d) bright product (drawn or turned to produce special features of shape, dimensional accuracy and surface finish); e) reinforcing or prestressing products (with ribbed and contoured round cross section, supplied as rod, bar and drawn wire); f) hot-rolled sections (supplied as railway track products (rails, sleepers), sheet piling products, mining frame sections, heavy I / H / U channel sections and other profiles (e. g. angle sections)); g) open cold-formed sections (manufactured from hot or coldrolled flat products e. g. by roll forming, drawing, etc.); h) tubes, pipes, hollow sections, hollow bar (mechanical tubing), wheel rims, rings, tyres, discs.
TASK 15. Read the text and enumerate all spheres of copper usage. COPPER PRODUCTS APPLICATIONS Pure copper is soft and malleable; a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color. Its compounds are encountered as copper salts, which often impart blue or green colors to minerals such as azurite and turquoise and have been widely used historically as pigments. Copper is mostly used as a pure metal, but when a higher hardness is required it is combined with other elements to make an alloy such as brass and bronze. Copper and its alloys have been used for thousands of years. The major applications of copper are in electrical wires (60%), roofing and plumbing (20%), industrial machinery (15%) and others (5%). Copper remains the preferred electrical conductor in nearly all categories of electrical wiring. Roughly half of all copper mined is used to manufacture electrical wire and cable conductors. Many electrical devices rely on copper wiring because of its multitude of inherent beneficial properties, such as its high electrical conductivity, tensile strength, ductility, creep resistance, corrosion resistance, low thermal expansion, high thermal conductivity, solderability, and ease of installation. Integrated circuits and printed circuit boards increasingly feature copper because of its superior electrical conductivity; heat sinks and heat exchangers use copper as a result of its superior heat dissipation capacity to aluminium. Copper has been used since ancient times as a durable, corrosion resistant, and weatherproof architectural material. Roofs, flashings, rain gutters, downspouts, domes, spires, vaults, and doors have been made from copper for hundreds or thousands of years. Copper’s architectural use has been expanded in modern times to include interior and exterior wall cladding, building expansion joints, radio frequency shielding, and antimicrobial indoor products. Some of copper’s other important benefits as an architectural material include its low thermal movement, light weight, lightning protection, and its recyclability. Copper is biostatic, meaning bacteria will not grow on it. For this reason it has long been used to line parts of ships to protect against barnacles and mussels. Copper alloys have become important netting materials in the aquaculture industry because they are antimicrobial and prevent biofouling, even in extreme conditions and have strong structural and corrosionresistant properties in marine environments. Copper compounds in liquid form are used as a wood preservative, particularly in treating original portion of structures during restoration of damage due to dry rot. Copper is used in a museum materials testing procedure called the Oddy test. In this procedure, copper is used to detect chlorides, oxides, and sulfur compounds. Copper is the principal alloying metal in some sterling silver and gold alloys. It may also be used on its own, or as a constituent of brass, bronze, gilding metal and many other base metal alloys. Electroplating commonly uses copper as a base for other metals such as nickel. Copper is used as the printing plate in etching, engraving and other forms of intaglio printmaking. Copper oxide and carbonate is used in glassmaking and in ceramic glazes to impart green and brown colors. A small part of copper supply is used in production of compounds for nutritional supplements and fungicides in agriculture.
DISCUSSION TASK 16. Analyze the diagram of copper consumption trends and fill in the gaps in the description below using the information in the box.
the United States, 2012, China, applications, the consumption rate, the booming economy, 16 percent, India, consumption, refined copper
The qualities of copper that have made it the material of choice for a variety of domestic, industrial, and high technology 1 _____ have resulted in a steady rise in global copper 2 _____ . USGS studies of copper consumption show some interesting trends for the 1990 to 3 _____ time period. Copper consumption in emerging economies, such as China and 4 _____, rose considerably, whereas 5 _____ in the United States, fell slightly. Until 2002, 6 _____ was the leading copper consumer and annually used about 7 _____ of total world refined copper (about 2.4 million tons). In 2002, the United States was overtaken by 8 _____ as the world's leading user of refined copper. 9 _____ in China contributed to a quadrupling of its annual 10 _____ consumption during the 12 years from 2000 to 2012. Graph by USGS.
TASK 17. Analyze the diagram of raw steel production in the world and describe it taking into account the information in the diagram and in the table.
1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
World Total
2011 China
2012 Japan
2013 U.S.A.
2014 Russia
World Total
TASK 18. Watch the video about Steel Tubes India Company and choose the correct variant. Welcome to “Steel Tubes India”, the government recognized (1) import / export house with a state of the art manufacturing unit. We deal in exporting premium (2) quality / quantity ferrous and non-ferrous metal products. We manufacture all types of (3) ingots / pipes, tubes, butt weld and forged pipe-fittings in all available forms as stainless steel, (4) nickel / manganese carbon and alloy custom designed as per client’s (5) standards / specifications. While, our (6) manufacture / fabrication unit is based on latest German technology we also have an advanced R&D as well as (7) quality / quantity control lab. And we conduct rigorous (8) tests / standards for dimensional accuracy material specification and tolerance level. Today, we are not just an ISO 9001 certified company we also have an ISO 14001 (9) specification / certification along with the occupational health and safety certification which is simply known as OHSAS 18001. This is not enough, we also have been honoured as winner of All India Award for Export Excellence. Over the years, we have made a strong presence in the (10) overland / overseas market of US, Europe, Africa, Far East, Australia today by few. TASK 19. Watch the video about Liaoning Zhongwang Group Co., Ltd and define if the sentences are true or false. 1. Liaoning Zhongwang Group Co., Ltd. is the largest manufacturer of aluminium profiles in Asia and the second largest in the world. 2. The company is principally engaged in the research development and manufacture of high end steel profiles for engineering needs. 3. The Company imported advanced smelting and casting technologies from the U. S. A., Australia and The Republic of Korea. 4. The 12500 metric tons horizontal oil-driven dual-action extrusion press is currently the largest and most advanced of its type in the world. 5. The Company has also installed 20 m vertical solution heat treat furnaces and other advanced auxiliary equipment. 6. With this modern high-tech equipment the Company is able to meet all high quality precision extrusion demands. 7. The Company also has a province certified Research ad Development Center which specializes in the research and development of ferrous metals. 8. In 2001 the Company was recognized as one of the “Five Hundred Strongest China Enterprises”. 9. In 2009 the company was responsible for crucial research in advanced steel manufacturing technology. 10. In Chinese “Zhong” means “prosperity”.
Exercise 20. Prepare a presentation of a company. The following plan can be useful for you: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
the name of the company and its location historical information products and services the latest news and events contact information
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Учебное издание
Техн. редактор А.В. Миних Дизайн обложки А.С. Шахрай Издательский центр Южно-Уральского государственного университета Подписано в печать 31.12.2015. Формат 60×84 1/8. Печать цифровая. Усл. печ. л. 11,16. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ 902/369. Отпечатано в типографии Издательского центра ЮУрГУ. 454080, г. Челябинск, пр. им. В.И. Ленина, 76.