Design Patterns for High-Quality Automated Tests: High-Quality Test Attributes and Best Practices [C# ed.]

About This Book Achieving high-quality test automation that brings value- you need to understand core programming concep

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English Pages 316 Year 2020

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Table of contents :
About the Author
About the Reviewers
What this book covers
Chapter 1. Defining High-Quality Test Attributes
Chapter 2. Optimizing and Refactoring Legacy Flaky Tests
Chapter 3. Strategies for Speeding-up the Tests
Chapter 4. Test Readability
Chapter 5. Enhancing the Test Maintainability and Reusability
Chapter 6. API Usability
Chapter 7. Building Extensibility in Your Test Library
Chapter 8. Assessment System for Tests’ Architecture Design
Chapter 9. Benchmarking for Assessing Automated Test Components Performance
Chapter 10. Test Data Preparation and Configuring Test Environments
Appendix 1. Defining the Primary Problems that Test Automation Frameworks Solve
Appendix 2. Most Exhaustive CSS Selectors Cheat Sheet
Appendix 3. Most Exhaustive XPath Selectors Cheat Sheet
Who Is This Book For?
Before You Get Started
Reader feedback
Chapter 1. Defining High-Quality Test Attributes
Different Types of Tests
Unit Tests
Integration Tests
System Tests
What Is a Test Automation Framework?
What Is a Software Library?
What Is a Framework?
Test Automation Framework
Is Selenium WebDriver a Test Framework?
SOLID Principles
SRP – Single Responsibility Principle
OCP – Open/Closed Principle
LSP – Liskov Substitution Principle
ISP – Interface Segregation Principle
DIP – Dependency Inversion Principle
High-Quality Test Attributes
What Is a Design Pattern?
Test Maintainability and Reusability
Test Readability
API Usability
Learning Curve
Further Reading
Chapter 2. Optimizing and Refactoring Legacy Flaky Tests
Writing the First Real-World Automated Test
First Automated Test Case Explanation
Second Automated Test Case Explanation
Third Automated Test Case Explanation
First Automated Test Code
Second Automated Test Code
Third Automated Test Code
Reasons for Failures
Refactoring Tests
Implicit VS Explicit Waits
Implementing Explicit Waits in Tests
DRY- Do Not Repeat Yourself Principle
Decorator Design Pattern for Fixing WebDriver Unstable Actions
Decorator Design Pattern
Decorator Design Pattern Implementation for IWebElement
Decorator Design Pattern Implementation for IWebDriver
Decorator Design Pattern in Tests
Test Independence- Isolation Principle
Refactoring Tests to Follow Test Independence- Isolation Principle
Further Reading
Chapter 3. Strategies for Speeding-up the Tests
Instrumenting the Test Code to Find Possible Points for Optimization
Optimize Login
How to Wait for Asynchronous Requests to Finish in Tests?
Waiting for All AJAX Requests Completion
Optimize Browser Initialization- Observer Design Pattern
Observer Design Pattern
Observer Design Pattern Implementation
Configure Browser Behavior via Attribute
Isolated Browser Initialization for Each Test
Black Hole Proxy Approach
Implementing the Black Hole Proxy
Further Reading
Chapter 4. Test Readability
Page Object Model Design Pattern
Create First Page Object Model
New Way for Creating Page Objects
Page Object Model Usage in Tests
Handling Common Page Elements and Actions
Defining Common Page Elements
Non-DRY Page Objects
First Version of Reusing Common Elements
Creating Common Page Section Page Objects
Page Sections Usage in Page Objects - Version One
Page Sections Usage in Page Objects - Version Two
Page Sections Usage in Tests
High Quality Code - Use Meaningful Names
General Naming Guidelines
Naming Classes
Naming New Versions of Existing API
Naming the Methods - The Right Way
General Naming Guidelines
Using Meaningful Method Names
Best Practices for Method Parameters
Follow Coding Standards - Tools
Enforcing Coding Standards Using EditorConfig
Further Reading
Chapter 5. Enhancing the Test Maintainability and Reusability
Navigatable Page Objects- Template Method Design Pattern
Non-refactored Version Page Objects
Create Separate Base Classes for Navigatable and Non-navigatable Pages
Template Method Design Pattern
Template Method Design Pattern Implementation
Using Composition Principle
Non-refactored Version Page Objects without Composition
Elements and Assertions - Composition Implementation
Using Composition in Tests
Reuse Test Workflows - Facade Design Pattern
Test Workflows Naive Implementation
Facade Design Pattern
Facade Design Pattern Implementation
Combining Facade with Template Method Design Pattern
Purchase Facade with Template Methods
Concrete Facade Implementation
Further Reading
Chapter 6. API Usability
Interface Segregation principle for WebDriver Decorator
WebDriver Decorator Current Implementation
Splitting Driver Interface into Smaller Interfaces
Smaller Interfaces Usage in Page Objects
Use Page Objects Through Singleton Design Pattern
Singleton Design Pattern
Singleton Design Pattern Implementation
Thread-safe Singleton Implementation
Singleton Design Pattern Usage in Tests
App Design Pattern for Creating Page Objects
App Design Pattern Implementation
App Usage in Tests
Fluent API Page Objects
Fluent API Implementation
Using Fluent API in Tests
Page Objects Elements Access Styles
Exposing Elements Through Properties
Accessing Elements Through Elements Public Property
Hiding Elements in Tests
Hiding Element Unnecessary Details
Further Reading
Chapter 7. Building Extensibility in Your Test Library
Building Extensibility for Finding Elements through Strategy Design Pattern
Vanilla WebDriver Finding of Elements
Strategy Design Pattern
Reviewing Current Version for Finding Elements
Creating Elements Find Strategies
Refactoring IElementFindService
Improving Elements Find Strategies API Usability
Building Extensibility for Waiting for Elements through Strategy Design Pattern
Vanilla WebDriver Waiting for Elements
Reviewing Current Version of Elements Waiting
Creating Elements Wait Strategies
Creating IElementWaitService
Adding Waiting for Elements to ElementFinderService
Adding Extensibility Points through EventFiringWebDriver
Vanilla EventFiringWebDriver Example
Integrating EventFiringWebDriver
Further Reading
Chapter 8. Assessment System for Test Architecture Design
Assessment System Introduction
What Problem Are We Trying to Solve?
Criteria Definitions
1. Readability
2. Maintainability
3. Reusability
4. API Usability
5. Extensibility
6. Code Complexity Index
7. Learning Curve
8. KISS*
Steps to Apply
Assessment System Usage Examples
Tests without Page Objects Assessment
Architecture Design Overview
1. Readability
2. Maintainability
3. Reusability
4. API Usability
5. Extensibility
6. Code Complexity Index
7. Learning Curve
Test Design Index
Tests with Page Objects Assessment
Architecture Design Overview
1. Readability
2. Maintainability
3. Reusability
4. API Usability
5. Extensibility
6. Code Complexity Index
7. Learning Curve
Test Design Index
Tests with Facades Assessment
Architecture Design Overview
1. Readability
2. Maintainability
3. Reusability
4. API Usability
5. Extensibility
6. Code Complexity Index
7. Learning Curve
Test Design Index
Final Assessment
1.Can you list the seven criteria of the assessment system?
2.What aspects of the code do you evaluate for the Reusability criterion?
3.Why is the learning curve a critical evaluation point?
4.What is the Test Design Index?
5.How do you calculate code metrics in Visual Studio IDE?
6.What steps do you need to follow to apply the assessment system in your project?
Further Reading
Chapter 9. Benchmarking for Assessing Automated Test Components Performance
What Is Benchmarking?
Benchmarking Your .NET Code with BenchmarkDotNet
Main Features
BenchmarkDotNet Example
Benchmark Button Click Solutions
Button Benchmark Experiment
Benchmark Reports, Profiling, Disassembly Diagnoser
Benchmark HTML and CSV Reports
Benchmark Disassembler
Benchmark Profiling
Optimized Browser Initialization Benchmark Integration
Updates in Observer Classes
Further Reading
Chapter 10. Test Data Preparation and Test Environments
Stop Hard-coding Input Data
Problematic Test Data
Configuration Transformations
Creating URL Settings
Creating WebDriver Timeouts Settings
Creating Default Billing Info Settings
Environmental Variables
Introducing Test Fixtures
Using AutoFixture for Generating Data
Using MSTest Data Driven Tests
Using an API as a Source of Fixture Data
Using Data Stubs
Building Test Data Reset/Creating App Use Case
Creating DB Access Layer
Generic Repository Design Pattern
Generic Repository Design Pattern in C#
Creating Users Factory
Using an API or DB for Verification
Further Reading
Appendix 1. Defining the Primary Problems that Test Automation Frameworks Solve
Sub Problem 1 - Repetition and People Boredom, Less Reliable
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 2 - Engineers Are Not So Good with Numbers, Accuracy
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 3 - Time for Feedback- Release
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 4 - Regression Issues Prevention
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 5 - Skipping Part of the Scope
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 6 - Ping-pong
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 7 - Money, Time, Effort for Maintaining Test Artifacts
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 8 - Various App Configurations
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 9 - Low QA Team Morale
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 10 - Questioned Professionalism
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 11 - Provide Evidence What You Did
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 12 - Holidays and Sickness, 24 Hours
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 13 - Some Things Cannot be Tested Manually
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 14 – Consistency
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Sub-Problem 15 - Faster Scale-up and Scale-down
Automation Solution Hypothesis
Subsequent Problems
Further Reading
Appendix 2. Most Exhaustive CSS Selectors Cheat Sheet
Element Selectors
Contextual Selectors
Attribute Selectors
Useful n Values
Pseudo-class Selectors that Apply to Siblings
Pseudo-class Selectors for Link and User States
Further Reading
Appendix 3. Most Exhaustive XPath Selectors Cheat Sheet
Contextual Selectors
Attribute Selectors
XPath Methods
Axis Navigation
Math Methods
String Methods
Further Reading

Design Patterns for High-Quality Automated Tests: High-Quality Test Attributes and Best Practices [C# ed.]

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